English 12227
Arbeitslosigkeit sank in Deutschland auf Rekordtief

Im November hatten 2,18 Millionen Deutsche keinen Job - das ist die niedrigste Zahl seit der Wiedervereinigung.

29 Nov 13:56 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440932170996.html
Brez zgodbe

Za portoroške košarkarje je bila sreda znova delovna, saj morajo nadoknaditi zaostale tekme. Iz Celja so se domov vrnili s pričakovanim porazom.

29 Nov 13:38 Primorske novice 8884558924904526865.html
Tumbuhkan Keswadayaan Masyarakat, Kunci Pencegahan Radikalisme

Urusan keamanan dan mempertahankan NKRI dari rongrongan radikalisme dan terorisme, menjadi tanggung jawab bersama.

29 Nov 13:36 liputan6.com 3414318496130531352.html
K-Pop-Stars wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung verurteilt

Im Zuge eines Sexskandals in der südkoreanischen Popszene hat ein Gericht in Seoul zwei Stars wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Der Sänger Jung Joon Young wurde am Freitag zu sechs Jahre Haft verurteilt, der Musiker Choi Jong Hoon für fünf Jahre, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Yonhap berichtete. Die beiden Stars sollen 2016 zwei Frauen vergewaltigt […]

29 Nov 13:16 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171190906022.html
Canberra region tourism winners revealed

Outgoing Australian War Memorial director Brendan Nelson has been recognised for his individual contribution

29 Nov 13:00 The Canberra Times 8662394329629808733.html
Twaalfde verdachte overval Hrieps aangehouden

KRUININGEN - In Kruiningen is dinsdagmorgen een twaalfde verdachte aangehouden in het lopende onderzoek naar de woningoverval in Grijpskerke in mei van dit jaar.

29 Nov 13:22 HVZeeland.nl 6787007638844518259.html
The Lenzerheide Conference

2020 Swiss Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation.

29 Nov 13:39 Allnews 678771718340797934.html
Afbrokkeling van de rooms-katholieke wolkenkrabber

Zowel de opgang van de rooms-katholieke zuil als de neergang ervan heeft Katja Kreukels treffend verwoord in een levensverhaal van haar vader, ”Mijn vader was priester”.

29 Nov 13:47 RD.nl 6406779841944342750.html
Jazzsaxofonist Andy Scherrer gestorben

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 13:53 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774999519858.html
Nach Bundesgerichtsurteil: Sperisen wieder inhaftiert

Nach der Bestätigung der 15-jährigen Freiheitsstrafe wegen Gehilfenschaft zu Mord durch das Bundesgericht am Donnerstag befindet sich Erwin Sperisen wieder hinter Gittern. Dies bestätigte sein Anwalt am Freitag.

29 Nov 13:50 bz BASEL 5287163741674311565.html
OSRAM Verkaufen

Die Experten der DZ BANK bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von OSRAM mit Verkaufen

29 Nov 13:45 finanzen.at 7258357744031883057.html
Fabian Lustenberger muss pausieren

Das Verletzungspech bleibt den Young Boys hold: Captain Fabian Lustenberger fällt vorläufig aus.

29 Nov 13:26 4-4-2.com 812646141268173006.html

Il papa con una giacchetta giapponese, Giuseppe Conte con un avvitatore e il principe Carlo con un sedere, tra le persone che valeva la pena fotografare questa settimana

29 Nov 13:20 Il Post 6291746505079285155.html
K-Pop-Stars wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung verurteilt

In letzter Zeit wurde Südkoreas Popszene immer wieder von Skandalen erschüttert. Jetzt müssen zwei Stars der K-Pop-Szene wegen Vergewaltigung und anderer Vergehen ins Gefängnis.

29 Nov 13:26 T-Online 5460876211475140963.html
Weltkriegsbombe legt Berliner Flughafen lahm

Am Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld ist der Flugbetrieb eingeschränkt. Der Grund ist der Fund einer Weltkriegsbombe. Entschärfer sind vor Ort.

29 Nov 13:09 20 Minuten 5741369453059136040.html
Zu viele Pinkelpausen: Mountainbiker verklagen Reiseveranstalter

Drei Mountainbiker sind wegen zu viele Pinkelpausen gegen einen Reiseveranstalter vor Gericht gezogen. Das Amtsgericht München sprach ein Urteil.

29 Nov 13:00 TAG24 4583887875222182021.html
Teamsprinters oppermachtig tijdens wereldbeker baanwielrennen

De Nederlandse sprinters hebben bij de 3de wereldbekerwedstrijden baanwielrennen opnieuw goud gepakt op de teamsprint. Roy van den Berg, Harrie Lavreysen en Jeffrey Hoogland, de regerend wereldkampioenen op dit onderdeel, waren oppermachtig in Hongkong. Het was de derde wereldbekerzege voor de teamsprinters dit seizoen. Oppermachtig Het Nederlandse trio was al duidelijk de snelste in de…

29 Nov 13:49 Sportnieuws 3602982463488921586.html
Horrorfund im Ferienhaus

Im Ferienhaus eines Arztes fand die Polizei eine bizarre Ansammlung von scharfen Waffen, Leichenteilen aus Plastik und Horrormasken.

29 Nov 13:35 Bild 8433249907351450543.html
Einblick als Teilnehmerin in den mehrsprachigen Redewettbewerb

Elfte Runde von „SAG’S MULTI!“ startete in Wien mit zwei Vorrunden-Tagen. Insgesamt nehmen mehr als 500 Jugendliche teil.

29 Nov 13:56 Kurier 208072239229911964.html
Roger Hennig

Roger Hennig dirige les activités d’investissement dans l’immobilier pour la Suisse et l’Allemagne chez Schroders. Au bénéfice d’un diplôme fédéral d’administrateur de biens immobiliers (SVIT) et

29 Nov 13:27 Allnews 678771719318858054.html
Bedot door denkfouten

Aristoteles beschreef ze al: denkfouten. Sommige worden meer dan 23 eeuwen later nog steeds gebruikt. En met succes, omdat een ander niet doorheeft dat hij bedot wordt. Voor de filosofen Maarten Boudry en Jeroen Hopster was dat een aanleiding tot het schrijven van een boek met de veelbelovende titel ”Alles wat in dit boek staat is waar”.

29 Nov 13:54 RD.nl 6406779842395910034.html
Innenminister Stahlknecht gewinnt Vertrauensfrage nur knapp

Sachsen-Anhalts Innenminister Holger Stahlknecht (CDU) hat nach der gescheiterten Berufung von Rainer Wendt zum Staatssekretär eine Vertrauensabstimmung nur knapp für sich entschieden. Nach MZ-Informationen stimmten 16 Mitglieder der CDU-Fraktion für den Verbleib des Ministers, 13 gegen ihn, bei einer Enthaltung. Zuvor hatte die Fraktion mehr als zwei Stunden lang über die Krise ...

29 Nov 13:27 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110747961176.html
Twee K-popsterren veroordeeld voor groepsverkrachting

De Zuid-Koreaanse K-popsterren Jung Joon-young en Choi Jong-hoon zijn vrijdag veroordeeld voor groepsverkrachting. Dat meldt de rechtbank van Seoel.

29 Nov 13:21 De Standaard 2288913869312606169.html
Amerikaanse bedrijven worstelen met schulden

De Amerikaanse economie groeit harder dan gedacht, maar er zijn zorgen. Over het bedrijfsleven. Het aantal Amerikaanse bedrijven dat, ondanks de groeiende economie, zijn schulden niet kan betalen neemt toe. Moeten we ons dus toch zorgen maken?

29 Nov 13:17 RTLZ 8052859356806307236.html
Kulturelle Leckerbissen auf Schloss Thalheim

Neujahrskonzert leitet die vierte Saison auf Schloss Thalheim ein. Mit Otto Schenk ist dann am 15. Februar ein Humorist und Komödiant der Extraklasse im Perschlingtal zu Gast.

29 Nov 13:57 NÖN.at 2486998932177871580.html
International Consolidated Airlines buy

Die Experten der Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG (Berenberg Bank) bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von International Consolidated Airlines mit buy

29 Nov 13:33 finanzen.at 7258357743485451060.html
Climate Adaptation Now

As world leaders gather in Madrid for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25), they must address more than future targets for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. They must also address the harm to people and livelihoods that climate change is already causing. Strengthening our ability to adapt to climate change has never been more urgent. Many regions are experiencing major difficulties as a result of higher global temperatures and changing weather patterns. We must do more to help citizens and governments tackle issues such as rising sea levels, wildfires, hurricanes and other natural disasters, and increased coastal erosion. Even if we meet the Paris agreement’s goal of limiting the average global temperature increase to well below 2°C, at least 570 cities and some 800 million people will be at risk from rising sea levels and more frequent and destructive storms.

29 Nov 13:20 EABW Digital 2826305999716511737.html
Argos sale

29 Nov 12:19 Irish Mirror 2875825628975277302.html
Auftakt zum weltweiten Klimaprotest

Erneut protestieren Millionen Menschen weltweit für mehr Anstrengungen beim Klimaschutz. Allein in Deutschland finden die "Fridays for Future" Aktionen in 500 Städten statt. Am Montag beginnt in Madrid die UN-Klimakonferenz.

29 Nov 12:36 tagesschau.de 5441171425633775884.html

Sabemos hoy más de las costumbres estadounidenses que de las nuestras propias y, lo que es peor, las creemos superiores

29 Nov 12:38 EL PAÍS 2207347710667752550.html
Bundesregierung sagt Nachbesserungen am Klimapaket zu

Es gab viel Kritik am Klimapaket der Bundesregierung - auch aus den Bundesländern. Für wichtige Teile hat die Länderkammer den Weg zwar freigemacht. Aber Pendlerpauschale, Förderung für Haus-Sanierungen und andere Steuerfragen müssen nachverhandelt werden.

29 Nov 12:15 ka-news.de 5595931856541314888.html
Gardner Aerospace acquires 3D printing company for new tech centre

Gardner Aerospace has announced the acquisition of FDM Digital Solutions (FDM).  Formed in 2012 by Graeme Bond, Burnley-based FDM is at the forefront of 3D printing and has grown to become one of the UK’s leading polymer additive layer manufacturers.

29 Nov 12:20 Aerospace Manufacturing Magazine 3920112958641380770.html
Jazzsaxofonist Andy Scherrer gestorben

Mit Saxofonist Andy Scherrer ist einer der eindrücklichsten Musiker der Schweizer Jazzszene gestorben. Er wurde 73 Jahre alt.

29 Nov 12:55 bz BASEL 5287163743046878499.html
#IraqiSodaChallenge highlights horrific protester injuries

A new hashtag is encouraging Twitter users to share pictures of themselves holding a can of soda to their head, highlighting the horrific injuries sustained by Iraqi protesters.

29 Nov 12:32 euronews 7318238122114639091.html
Elma Aveiro

Elma Aveiro faz pedido ao Pai Natal e exige uma «conta bancária gorda e um corpo magro»

29 Nov 12:42 Revista VIP 3507812778816046421.html
Rechnungshof kritisiert Krankenhaus-Neubau in Oberwart

Prüfer krisieren unter anderem Unklarheiten in der Zuständigkeit und 10 Millionen Euro "verlorenen Aufwand".

29 Nov 12:37 Kurier 208072238184872904.html
Cottbuser Polizisten posieren vor Graffito gegen Klimaaktivisten

Neun Polizisten posieren in Cottbus vor einer Wand, auf der groß "Stoppt Ende Gelände" steht. Vom Einsatz rund um die Klimaproteste am Wochenende sind sie nun abgezogen. Derweil ermittelt die Polizei einen möglichen rechtsextremen Hintergrund.

29 Nov 12:46 rbb24.de 3092672153137772818.html
BayWa Halten

Die Experten der DZ BANK bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von BayWa mit Halten

29 Nov 12:10 finanzen.at 7258357743524591350.html
Untersee-Glasfaserkabel zur Erdbebenmessung eingesetzt

Kalifornische Wissenschaftler haben erstmals Glasfaserkabel unter dem Meer als Seismographen benutzt. Internetkabel könnten so für Messungen benutzt werden.

29 Nov 12:51 heise online 1766193384343448837.html
Peugeot Underperform

Die Experten der RBC Capital Markets bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Peugeot mit Underperform

29 Nov 12:15 finanzen.at 7258357742551393920.html
Nationwide Christmas tree shortage looming

It may be Thanksgiving, but savvy shoppers are already planning their Christmas tree shopping with a nationwide shortage looming.

29 Nov 12:44 WFXT 6395891954136165414.html
Leeuwinnen uitgenodigd voor vriendschappelijk toernooi in Frankrijk

De Nederlandse voetbalsters hebben een uitnodiging gekregen van de Franse bond voor een vriendschappelijk toernooi in het voorjaar. Brazilië en Canada zijn ook uitgenodigd door Frankrijk, dat als gastland sowieso meedoet.  Bondscoach Sarina Wiegman moet nu beslissen of ze met Oranje wil meedoen aan dit 4-landentoernooi of dat de voetbalsters in actie komen op het…

29 Nov 12:20 Sportnieuws 3602982464425073253.html
Welcome to Brunswick

Here you’ll find 4 Pines beer brewed specially for the space, an ever-rotating selection of burgers, tacos, Philly cheesesteaks, and woodfired pizza. And it’s dog friendly, too.

29 Nov 12:49 Broadsheet 1032174912175502814.html
Weltmeisterin Herrmann bleibt ehrgeizig

Denise Herrmann steht beim Saison-Auftakt der Biathleten besonders im Fokus. Die Weltmeisterin aus Sachsen soll die große Lücke füllen, die Laura Dahlmeier hinterlassen hat. Selbst hat sie andere Interessen und muss sich vor allem in einem Bereich stark verbessern.

29 Nov 12:08 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323471994619.html
Twee K-popsterren veroordeeld voor groepsverkrachting

De Zuid-Koreaanse K-popsterren Jung Joon-young en Choi Jong-hoon werden vrijdag veroordeeld voor groepsverkrachting. Dat meldt de centrale rechtbank van Seoel. Jung Joon-young werd bovendien ook ve...

29 Nov 12:31 HLN 8967494997066755970.html
Ongevallenverzekering brandweer: nieuwe regels moeten duidelijkheid scheppen

De problemen met de ongevallenverzekering van brandweermannen zijn volgens de Veiligheidsregio Groningen opgelost.

29 Nov 12:20 RTV Noord 3728677367081839739.html
Aston Martin Announces Whiskey Partnership

The luxury car manufacturer and whiskey maker Bowmore are joining forces to create exclusive products and experiences.

29 Nov 12:00 Motor1.com 1648269241310906868.html
Stoltenberg, superare differenze Alleati

"Tra gli alleati non mancano le differenze ma la nostra forza è che siamo capaci di superare le differenze". (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:39 ANSA.it 1300837447424049714.html
Entlassener Soldat zieht vors Verfassungsgericht

Darf ein Soldat der Bundeswehr aus religiösen Gründen Frauen den Handschlag verweigern? Diese Frage muss nun das Bundesverfassungsgericht klären.

29 Nov 12:53 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271483970147.html
Daimler plant massiven Personalabbau

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:15 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774784802189.html
Iraq Protests

Iraqi officials say four protesters were killed amid ongoing violence in Baghdad and southern Iraq, hours after Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi announced his intention to resign. Security and hospital officials say one protester was killed and 18 wounded Friday by security forces who fired live rounds

29 Nov 12:44 Yahoo 7097669638789686499.html
adidas buy

Die Experten der Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG (Berenberg Bank) bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von adidas mit buy

29 Nov 12:25 finanzen.at 7258357742807111731.html
Crop insurance

IF many of the country’s small farmers, particularly in far-flung communities, remain uninsured, blame it on inadequate resource base and outreach of the Philippine Crop Insurance Corp. (PCIC).

29 Nov 12:38 Journal Online 6375127392886890483.html
NZHOA appoint Executive Director

The newly formed New Zealand Hotel Owners Association (NZHOA) has appointed experienced PR strategist Amy Robens to be its Executive Director.

29 Nov 12:41 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926315651977398.html
Polizei findetWaffenarsenal

München – Nach einem Überfall auf eine Arztpraxis in der Leopoldstraße hat die Polizei beim Täter mehrere Waffen sichergestellt!

29 Nov 12:07 Bild 8433249908637490574.html
Omstreden UM-onderzoek naar biggenkadavers stopgezet

Het wetenschappelijk onderzoek van Universiteit Maastricht naar dode biggen op de bodem van een meer in Oostzaan (Noord-Holland) wordt stopgezet.

29 Nov 10:47 1limburg 5437278402223306300.html
Mislukte plofkraak Buikslotermeerplein

Drie onbekend gebleven personen hebben vannacht een plofkraak gepleegd in Amsterdam, kennelijk met de bedoeling om bij de kluis te komen. Ze zijn zonder buit in onbekende richting gevlucht.

29 Nov 10:17 Blik op nieuws 5468169449345764299.html
Wie Niedrigzinsen die Bankenkrise befeuern

Minuszinsen ab dem ersten Euro, steigende Gebühren – immer mehr Bankkunden in Deutschland bekommen die Schattenseiten des Zinstiefs zu spüren. Bei den Instituten stehen tausende Stellen auf der Streichliste. Wie lange hält die Branche noch durch?

29 Nov 10:47 T-Online 5460876211510843675.html
Puschlaverin Evelina Raselli wechselt nach Schweden

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 10:43 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776369855870.html
Rivierdijken mogelijk sterker dan gedacht

WESTERVOORT (ANP) - Een aantal rivierdijken in Nederland lijkt sterker te zijn dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen. Nader onderzoek moet uitwijzen of de grootste dijkversterkingsoperatie ooit in Nederland daardoor een stuk goedkoper kan uitpakken. Voor het versterken van 1100 kilometer dijk in de komende jaren is 7,4 miljard euro uitgetrokken.

29 Nov 10:47 Nieuws.nl 2419030129444106365.html
Witwasonderzoek bij grootste bank Noorwegen

De Noorse politie is een onderzoek gestart naar mogelijke witwaspraktijken bij de grootste bank van het land, DNB ASA. Via die bank zou mogelijk geld, grotendeels afkomstig uit Namibië, via een IJslandse visserijonderneming worden witgewassen.

29 Nov 10:00 RD.nl 6406779840584324677.html
Trump Needs Conspiracy Theories

The president uses them for political and personal ends. The damage he’s wrought along the way won’t be easily repaired.

29 Nov 10:00 The Atlantic 100708437882845270.html
Blackface Apologises To Tuface

Hours after an out-of-court settlement on their legal battles, singer, Blackface has apologised to his colleague Tuface for calling him a thief. 

29 Nov 10:21 Concise 5544636823607901393.html
Drijvende kracht achter Rotterdams oorlogsmuseum krijgt Erasmusspeld bij afscheid

Met bevlogenheid en vasthoudendheid zette hij zich jarenlang in voor het oorlogs- en verzetsmuseum in Rotterdam: Johan van der Hoeven. Donderdag nam hij afscheid, hij gaat met pensioen. De gemeente Rotterdam eerde hem met de Erasmusspeld. Wethouder Kasmi speldde hem de onderscheiding op.

29 Nov 10:23 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227392329375.html
WFL unveils latest MILLTURN CNC machining centre

Large turning-drilling-milling centres for the complete processing of complex and high-precision workpieces has been a speciality of WFL for three decades now. With the models M100, M120, M150 and M175, WFL Millturn Technologies presents the premium class of multifunctional turning-boring-milling centres.

29 Nov 10:24 Aerospace Manufacturing Magazine 3920112958154125740.html
Commentaire hebdomadaire de Raiffeisen

Il n’y a pas que les consommateurs qui font du shopping avant Noël. Les entreprises dépensent aussi beaucoup d’argent pour les prises de contrôle.

29 Nov 10:48 Allnews 678771719903962643.html
Fraport buy

Die Experten der UBS AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Fraport mit buy

29 Nov 10:04 finanzen.at 7258357743069184119.html
Cala la disoccupazione

Dati provvisori Istat: a ottobre 2019 scende al 9,7%. Lavoratori indipendenti trainano crescita occupazione

29 Nov 10:47 Adnkronos 2840063644690756864.html
Turbina zanetila tovornjak

Primorska avtocesta proti Postojni je bila včeraj na razcepu Gabrk slabo uro zaprta zaradi goreče kabine bolgarskega tovornjaka. Voznik je poskušal požar sam pogasiti in se je pri tem opekel. Gasilci so pred plameni rešili prikolico in iztočili približno tisoč litrov goriva.

29 Nov 10:25 Primorske novice 8884558925368239932.html
Twee taxichauffeurs verdacht van oplichting

Het Team Bestrijding Ondermijning van de Dienst Infrastructuur Amsterdam heeft twee taxichauffeurs aangehouden op verdenking van grootschalige oplichting van passagiers.

29 Nov 10:40 Blik op nieuws 5468169448992851164.html
Community fights back

A group of north end Kelowna residents are mobilizing after a tent city was moved from Leon Ave. in downtown Kelowna to two locations in their neighbourhood.

29 Nov 10:50 Castanet 616068603255258212.html
Castration psychologique

Selon une récente enquête, 25% des hommes seraient en détresse psychologique.

29 Nov 10:00 Le Journal de Québec 6825713739809751146.html
Twee taxichauffeurs opgepakt voor oplichting

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - In Amsterdam zijn twee taxichauffeurs aangehouden op verdenking van grootschalige oplichting. Ze lieten hun passagiers contactloos betalen voor hun rit. Later bleken die een veel te hoge ritprijs te hebben betaald, met bedragen die opliepen tot soms vele honderden euro's per rit. De gedupeerden zijn vooral toeristen. De verdachten hebben zo minimaal 35.000 euro binnengehaald.

29 Nov 10:58 Nieuws.nl 2419030131327858626.html
Kamer krijgt oud-griffier als integriteitsadviseur

Oud-griffier Jacqueline Biesheuvel-Vermeijden krijgt opnieuw een functie in de Tweede Kamer.

29 Nov 10:12 RD.nl 6406779840619807867.html
Nienoord wil grootste miniatuurspoorbaan van Europa

Familiepark Nienoord in Leek staat aan de vooravond van een aantal grote vernieuwingen. Zo wordt het bekende modelspoor uitgebreid en komt er een extra station bij de parkeerplaats.

29 Nov 10:32 RTV Noord 3728677366146505400.html
CrossCutter Disc

Ультра-мілка обробка нового покоління. Новий диск CrossCutter Väderstad відкриває нові можливості для ефективної обробки і отримання кращих результатів на

29 Nov 10:54 Инфоиндустрия 2602792320844251611.html
Quatro baixas confirmadas

Privado de Lionn e Konaté, laterais-direitos, e ainda de Patrick William - o defesa-central não recuperou a tempo do jogo em Portimão - João Pedro Sousa abordou a utilização de Diogo Gonçalves na linha defensiva.

29 Nov 10:27 A BOLA 2278827559053412762.html
XXXLutz weiter auf Einkaufstour

Die Möbelkette übernimmt sechs Schweizer Interio-Standorte.

29 Nov 10:21 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440649985861.html
Kersfeeskos vir behoeftige gemeenskapslede

'n Merkwaardige inisiatief deur oudliefdadigheidswerkers word op die been gebring om te verseker daar is nie 'n leë maag gedurende die feesseisoen nie.

29 Nov 10:00 Lowvelder 3143322321136400402.html
So schmeckt der Insektenburger

Die Systemgastronomie von Hans im Glück hat erneut den Übermorgen-Burger im Angebot, der einen Bratling mit Buffalowürmern enthält.

3 Dec 21:24 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146350381959429.html
Arsenal otpustio Emerija

LONDON - Španski fudbalski trener Unai Emeri više nije menadžer Arsenala, saopštio je londnski klub. Emeri je dobio otkaz posle 18 meseci na "Emiratima",

29 Nov 10:33 Krstarica 4176903989253840187.html
Barclays buy

Die Experten der Deutsche Bank AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Barclays mit buy

29 Nov 10:14 finanzen.at 7258357743263519868.html
Ratten met besmettelijk seoulvirus gevonden

Het RIVM heeft ratten aangetroffen met het zogeheten seoulvirus dat kan worden overgedragen op mensen. Het gezondheidsinstituut onderzocht 175 ratten van 29 particuliere eigenaren, 7 hobbyfokkers en 9 commerciële fokkers van voederratten in Nederland.

29 Nov 10:59 RD.nl 6406779841927358823.html

OKLAHOMA CITY Barry, J.W.: 87, retired GMC truck and bus deputy director, died Nov. 26. Services 11 a.m. Monday (Vondel L. Smith & Son North, Oklahoma City).

29 Nov 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762431260642.html
En diciembre concursan maestros reprobados

La Federación de Organizaciones Magisteriales de Honduras (FOMH) determinó en reunión que el concurso para docentes que no aprobaron el

29 Nov 10:10 La Tribuna 4531185220781363909.html
Garser Christkindlmarkt bleibt am Hauptplatz

Nach einigen Jahren Pause tauchte heuer wieder das Gerücht auf, der Garser Christkindlmarkt, der am kommenden Wochenende 7./8. Dezember zum 43. Mal ausgerichtet wird, würde schon bald vom Hauptplatz auf die Burg übersiedeln.

29 Nov 10:40 NÖN.at 2486998933123238058.html
Telekom-Kunden bekommen mehr Datenvolumen

Die Telekom stattet ihre mobilen Surf-Tarife mit mehr Datenvolumen aus, ohne die Preise zu erhöhen. Das Angebot richtet sich vor allem an Tablet- und Notebook-Nutzer. 

29 Nov 10:44 T-Online 5460876210524609438.html
Castration psychologique

Selon une récente enquête, 25% des hommes seraient en détresse psychologique.

29 Nov 10:00 Le Journal de Montréal 7948189831867990122.html
Winsborough extends leadership footprint

Elaine McCaw, a leadership luminary, joins Winsborough Limited this month as an Independent Director of the Board.

29 Nov 14:51 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314869271103.html
Inditex buy

Die Experten der UBS AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Inditex mit buy

29 Nov 14:14 finanzen.at 7258357744089272967.html
Celstraf voor fatale dronkenmansrit door Dordrecht

Een man uit Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht is veroordeeld tot drie jaar cel en een rijontzegging van 5 jaar voor het veroorzaken van een verkeersongeluk op de brug tussen Zwijndrecht en Dordrecht. Bij het ongeluk overleed een van zijn passagiers en raakte een tweede zwaar gewond.

29 Nov 14:16 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227438726330.html
Conference on Digital Humanities

Issues, challenges and opportunities discussed

29 Nov 14:09 The Hindu 6679535025771630153.html

Нужна помощь! Я купил квартиру и стал жить отдельно от родителей. Так вот уже через месяц пришел счет за ЖКХ. Я его оплатил, а мне теперь шлют новые каждый месяц. Что я не так сделал? Может не стоило первый оплачивать, а теперь они поняли что я лох?

29 Nov 14:15 anekdot.d3.ru 5937299157129750563.html
Pemprov Jateng Usul Peninjauan Regulasi Pengelolaan Borobudur

Pemprov Jateng usulkan peninjauan kembali regulasi pengelolaan Candi Borobudur dan terbentunya badan pengelola Candi. Usulan ditujukan kepada pemerintah pusat.

29 Nov 14:21 detikTravel 7712517351425629560.html
Canalizar los anhelos

Estamos en una época de convulsión social no sólo en Colombia y Latinoamérica, sino en otras regiones del mundo. Los resultados del ‘estallido social’ en países cercanos como Chile, sin desconocer la importancia de las reformas que ha propiciado para beneficiar a las personas de menores recursos, han sido desastrosos por la persistencia del vandalismo y la incertidumbre:Caída del crecimiento económico, disparada del costo de bienes de primera necesidad, 100 mil pequeñas y medianas empresas en riesgo de cierre y 300 mil personas a punto de quedar sin empleo debido a que las tiendas en donde laboraban fueron dañadas por ejércitos de vándalos en el país austral.En Colombia, quienes protestan y quienes no, tenemos la obligación de encauzar los inconformismos hacia construcciones positivas, rechazando a quienes solo buscan que el país retroceda. Sin duda, nuestra nación necesita transformarse, pero de la mano de una ciudadanía consciente de la responsabilidad que tiene de forjar un mejor país. Destruir la confianza…

29 Nov 14:35 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346758685234.html
Brand en explosie op Transcontinentaalweg

In Ekeren is een lichte bestelwagen uitgebrand en er deed zich een explosie voor. Dat gebeurde aan de Transcontentaal weg.

29 Nov 14:30 atv 2365892512332409460.html
Decembermoorden: vrijspraak Boerenveen

De rechter in Suriname heeft de eerste vonnissen uitgesproken in het proces van de Decembermoorden. Etienne Boerenveen en Jimmy Stolk zijn vrijgesproken. Tegen Boerenveen had het Openbaar Ministerie twintig jaar cel geëist. Hij werd na hoofdverdachte Desi Bouterse gezien als belangrijkste verdachte. Voor Stolk was vrijspraak geëist.

29 Nov 14:29 RD.nl 6406779842254977940.html
Kreistag stimmt Verhandlungen zu

Eine zugründende Kommission soll mit Hanau über die Auskreisung beraten. Enger Zeitrahmen wegen der Kommunalwahl.

29 Nov 14:40 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322675331829.html
Government restricts cyanide sales after suspicious suicides

The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization on Friday banned the retail and online sale of cyanide to the public after a series of questionable...

29 Nov 14:54 DAILY SABAH 8383944808878552647.html
Tablo gibi

Tuba Ünsal, aids hastalarının sorunlarına dikkat çekmek amacıyla 'Birlikte Mümkün' adlı projeye destek verdi.

29 Nov 14:02 OLAY 7935247625263869947.html
INFIDELIDAD aumenta en FIESTAS decembrinas

7 de cada 10 usuarios de dating sites aseguran que esperan las fiestas de fin de año de su empresa para concretar una aventura amorosa

29 Nov 14:40 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622850719889.html
Nach Bundesgerichtsurteil: Sperisen wieder inhaftiert

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 14:46 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774915215854.html
Provisionsdeckel bei Lebensversicherungen steht auf der Kippe

Das Bundesfinanzministerium will die Vertriebsvergütung begrenzen. Die Union lehnt den Entwurf in der Form ab. Steht das Vorhaben jetzt vor dem Aus?

29 Nov 14:29 Handelsblatt 4721373939414086364.html
Adventswochenende bringt ersten Schnee

Wer am Wochenende auf den Weihnachtsmarkt geht, muss sich warm anziehen - pünktlich zum Winterbeginn sinken die Temperaturen. Der Frühwinter zeigt sich aber von seiner schönsten Seite, wie n-tv Meteorologe Björn Alexander verrät.

29 Nov 14:48 n-tv 6802689755067856896.html
ASOS Neutral

Die Experten der UBS AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von ASOS mit Neutral

29 Nov 14:16 finanzen.at 7258357743810068145.html
K-Pop-Stars wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung verurteilt

Im Zuge eines Sexskandals in der südkoreanischen Popszene hat ein Gericht in Seoul zwei Stars wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Der Sänger Jung Joon Young wurde am Freitag zu sechs Jahre Haft verurteilt, der Musiker Choi Jong Hoon für fünf Jahre, wie die Nachrichtenagentur Yonhap berichtete. Die beiden Stars sollen 2016 zwei Frauen vergewaltigt haben.

29 Nov 14:16 NÖN.at 2486998932705229137.html
Bewaffneter attackiert auf London Bridge Passanten

Auf der London Bridge stach ein Bewaffneter auf Passanten ein. Die Polizei schoss ihn nieder.

29 Nov 14:33 Kurier 208072239404028185.html
Solar-powered equipment for blacksmith inaugurated

SivagangaA solar-powered blower, hammer and an angle grinder for blacksmiths were inaugurated by R. Sundararajan, Assistant General Manager, Canara Bank, along with Mohan Bhaskar Hedge, Chief Executiv

29 Nov 14:47 The Hindu 6679535026055787423.html
Liverpool planning Anfield expansion

Liverpool are planning to expand the Anfield Road stand by 7 000 seats, which would raise the grounds' capacity to 61 000.

29 Nov 14:51 Sport 682566034581294616.html
SMS-Nachfolger wird zum Sicherheitsrisiko

RCS ist eine Alternative zu Messenger-Diensten wie iMessage und WhatsApp - und wird von Google gefördert. Forscher weisen jetzt auf gravierende Sicherheitsprobleme bei der Anwendung hin.

29 Nov 14:31 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270784266216.html
AWO-Bundesverband fordert Konsequenzen in Frankfurt

Der Druck auf die Verantwortlichen der Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) in Frankfurt wächst. Jetzt geht auch der Bundesverband auf Distanz und fordert Konsequenzen. Doch der Frankfurter Vorstand stellt sich quer.

29 Nov 14:41 hessenschau.de 6403292204106165873.html
Mimos folhado

Docinhos para oferecer a quem mais gosta.

29 Nov 14:20 Revista VIP 3507812780202864249.html
Evolutieleer niet verenigbaar met christelijk geloof

Wetenschappelijke modellen mogen door christenen gehanteerd en aanvaard worden, maar zij moeten altijd onder de koepel worden gezet van het Bijbelse getuigenis over schepping, zondeval, verlossing en voleinding. Waar zij botsen, moet niet het Bijbelse getuigenis worden aangepast, maar de reikwijdte van wetenschappelijke modellen.

29 Nov 14:36 RD.nl 6406779841383318171.html
Rijksrecherche onderzoekt lekken Ruinerwold

RUINERWOLD (ANP) - De Rijksrecherche gaat onderzoeken hoe stukken uit het strafdossier over de zaak-Ruinerwold naar de pers zijn gelekt. Dat heeft het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) vrijdag gezegd. Het onderzoek richt zich op "alle betrokkenen, zowel intern als extern", aldus een woordvoerder.

29 Nov 14:46 Nieuws.nl 2419030131300411984.html
Ondernemers verwelkomen ruimere PFAS-norm

Ondernemers vinden de ruimere PFAS-norm en financiële hulp aan bedrijven in de problemen goede stappen van de regering. Dat is de reactie van ondernemersorganisaties VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland op nieuw beleid rond PFAS-stoffen. Er leven nog wel zorgen of de nieuwe normen voldoende ruimte bieden voor bedrijven die zich bezighouden met het natte grondverzet.

29 Nov 14:41 RD.nl 6406779842527208505.html
Separatisten bepalen grens Donbass-regio

Pro-Russische separatisten hebben vrijdag een „staatsgrens” vastgesteld in de regio Donbass, in het oosten van Oekraïne. In het gebied vechten Oekraïense regeringstroepen al jaren met pro-Russische rebellen. De huidige frontlinie is de grens, zo besloot het niet erkende parlement in de regio.

29 Nov 14:07 RD.nl 6406779841671921322.html
NatWest online glitch resolved

One man tells of difficulty paying for a prescription, while Black Friday shoppers are also hit.

29 Nov 18:21 BBC News 3883826127258216523.html
Odpirajo vrata ustvarjalnosti

Kulturno društvo Norma7 je pripravilo že dvanajsti literarni maraton Rdeča jabolka. Prireditev odpira vrata literarni govorici ljubiteljskih literarnih ustvarjalcev, ne glede na njihovo starost, bolezenske težave, primanjkljaje ali družbeni status, in jih spodbuja, da se predstavijo v javnosti kot pisci ali kot bralci ter recitatorji.

29 Nov 14:13 Primorske novice 8884558925230463999.html
Kadis Dukcapil Buleleng Raih Penghargaan

KBRN, Singaraja : Untuk pertama kalinya Kepala Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Disdukcapil) Kabupaten Buleleng meraih penghargaan bergengsi dengan kategori “Dukcapil Bisa” tahun 2019.

29 Nov 14:55 RRI News Portal 6700853645791009464.html
Achtergelaten kat aangetroffen met hartbrekende boodschap aan halsband

Onlangs werd een achtergelaten kat op straat gevonden in de Amerikaanse staat Illinois. Aan de halsband van de Siamese kat hing een briefje met een aangrijpende boodschap van een kind. De Siamese kat, Violet, werd maandag op straat gevonden. De vinder bracht haar naar een dierenasiel in Effingham County. Daar zagen ze dat er een

29 Nov 14:00 Zita 7484176338620011325.html
Bambu tabaklardaki kimyasal tehlike

Alman Federal Tüketici Koruma ve Gıda Güvenliği Dairesi de (BVL), bambu gereçlerde bulunan kimyasallardan kaynaklanan sağlık riskleri konusunda uyardı.

29 Nov 14:25 euronews 9035311895675181107.html
Christmas celebrations have started in Swadlincote

Fairground rides filled the town centre ahead of the big switch-on

29 Nov 14:58 Derbyshire Live 9061707931577555057.html
Los extremos complementarios

Las leyes científicas son predicciones de que, bajo ciertas condiciones, algo ocurre. Por ejemplo, cuando el agua se calienta por encima de 100 °C, se evapora. En la sociedad también es posible predecir cosas, aunque de manera menos certera que en la física. Lo social está en un espacio intermedio entre el azar que no se puede anticipar y la necesidad que no se puede evitar.

29 Nov 14:01 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543600855870.html
SuperReturn International

The 2020 agenda boasts brand new formats, illicit candid discussions, brilliant incidental networking, engaging conversations - and insights that are well worth your time. Do not miss it!

29 Nov 14:03 Allnews 678771718842415374.html
La escuela amenazada

Nunca había sentido la escuela tan amenazada como ahora, señala Luisa Pernalete en su más reciente columna. “Por el camino que vamos, habrá que cerrar escuelas en zonas populares”, alerta.

29 Nov 14:54 Correo del Caroní 4452451017750363603.html
Toedracht dodelijk ongeval Margraten bekend

Een voorrangsfout is de oorzaak van het ongeluk zaterdag in Margraten, waar een lijnbus en een personenauto bij waren betrokken.

29 Nov 14:00 1limburg 5437278403613201647.html
Telefonica Hold

Die Experten der HSBC bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Telefonica mit Hold

29 Nov 14:32 finanzen.at 7258357744321382781.html
Langkah Strategis BNSP Berkolaborasi Dengan Stakeholder

Berdasarkan PP10 tahun 2019, BNSP merupakan badan independen yang bertanggung jawab kepada Presiden, memiliki kewenangan sebagai otoritas sertifikasi.

29 Nov 14:39 liputan6.com 3414318496933596229.html
Katholisches Dilemma

An diesem Sonntag startet der „synodale Weg“, mit dem die katholische Kirche Reformen einleiten will. Aber dass er zu echten Reformen führt, ist sehr unwahrscheinlich.

29 Nov 14:05 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323909172380.html
Mobilitys verpasste Chance

Wer an Mobility denkt, denkt an die Farbe rot. Nun will der Carsharing-Anbieter grüner werden.

29 Nov 14:55 SRF 8424707179370057009.html
Zum Beispiel Cadonau

Claudio Cadonau steht nicht für Spektakel – aber für solide Arbeit und kernige Checks. Typen wie der Verteidiger der SCL Tigers sind plötzlich gefragt.

29 Nov 11:00 Berner Zeitung 1248949325901887223.html
Twee taxichauffeurs opgepakt voor oplichting

In Amsterdam zijn twee taxichauffeurs aangehouden op verdenking van grootschalige oplichting. Ze lieten hun passagiers contactloos betalen voor hun rit. Later bleken die een veel te hoge ritprijs te hebben betaald, met bedragen die opliepen tot soms vele honderden euro’s per rit. De gedupeerden zijn vooral toeristen. De verdachten hebben zo minimaal 35.000 euro binnengehaald.

29 Nov 11:55 RD.nl 6406779840487491437.html
Klimaatjongeren voeren vanmiddag opnieuw actie

De klimaatjongeren laten vanmiddag nog eens van zich horen. Vanaf één uur voeren ze actie in Antwerpen.

29 Nov 11:31 atv 2365892511192830146.html
Elote ancestral

Estas sencillas recetas están hechas con uno de los ingredientes milenarios más representativos y ricos de México

29 Nov 11:00 El Heraldo de México 438112696579282700.html
ChristenUnie beloont vrijwilligers Overweeghuis met prijs

Mede-initiatiefnemer Evert Sulman mocht afgelopen donderdag de vrijwilligersprijs ‘Barmhartige Samaritaan van ChristenUnie-fractie in Groningen in ontvangst nemen namens het Overweeghuis. Deze kreeg

29 Nov 11:56 OOG 303718094177630541.html
Daimler streicht Tausende Stellen

Der Autobauer Daimler will in den kommenden drei Jahren weltweit Tausende Jobs streichen.

29 Nov 11:04 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568704496461.html
Wer Hitlers Klamotten meistbietend ersteigert

Wer kauft gerne Nazi-Sachen? Und warum anonym? Wenn schon versteigern, dann wäre zumindest Transparenz gefragt. Die Kolumne.

29 Nov 11:16 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323560920472.html
Intriguing moves in Pakistan establishment

Some pretty obvious behind the scenes friction is playing itself out between the pro-India and anti-India camps within the Pak army

29 Nov 11:35 BusinessLine 5283601777657754.html
Arsenal appoint Ljunberg interim manager

Arsenal have confirmed a temporary successor to Unai Emery for Sunday’s Premier League clash at Norwich City.The Gunners have pulled

29 Nov 11:55 The Eagle Online 1463511648251724303.html
Kemenpora Bahas Kerjasama Peningkatan Pemuda dengan Australia

Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pemuda Kemenpora Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh bertemu dengan Direktur Komunikasi Divisi Asia Tenggara Kementerian Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan Australia Phillip Adams guna membahas kerja sama bilateral dalam bidang kepemudaan pada 28 November 2019 di Brisbane, Australia.

29 Nov 11:13 merdeka.com 1998180354859166864.html
Pembangunan Embung Masih Diperlukan untuk Pertanian

Alih fungsi lahan pertanian selama ini memang sulit dihindari. Berbagai regulasi seperti Undang-undang, Keputusan Menteri dan aturan lain telah diterbitkan, namun konversi lahan tetap saja terjadi.

29 Nov 11:09 liputan6.com 3414318495841846862.html
Motorola priprema predstavljanje One Hyper smartfona

Nakon što smo vidjeli novi Moto Razr, Motorola se priprema za predstavljanje smartphonea One Hyper.

29 Nov 11:09 Nezavisne novine 4209150643038176785.html
Daimler plant massiven Personalabbau

Nach Audi und BMW hat sich auch Daimler mit dem Betriebsrat auf ein Sparpaket geeinigt. Dazu seien Massnahmen zur Kostensenkung und zum sozialverträglichen Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen vereinbart worden, teilte der Stuttgarter Konzern am Freitag mit.

29 Nov 11:20 bz BASEL 5287163743293513224.html
Chiles blutende Augen

Offenbar Augenlicht durch Polizeigewalt verloren

29 Nov 11:13 euronews 4540914626970823977.html
UniCredit buy

Die Experten der Jefferies & Company Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von UniCredit mit buy

29 Nov 11:36 finanzen.at 7258357742982925890.html
Theresienfeld: Hunderte protestieren erneut gegen Abfallanlage

Der Widerstand gegen das Projekt wird immer größer. Die Gegner fürchten um ihr Trinkwasser.

29 Nov 11:23 Kurier 208072238093747710.html
Onderzoek woning Groningen afgerond

De politie heeft vrijdagochtend rond 11.45 uur in een woning aan de Oosterhamriklaan in Groningen een hoeveelheid grondstoffen gevonden voor de vervaardiging van vuurwerk. 'De Explosieven Opruimingsdienst van Defensie (EODD) is ingeschakeld om de stoffen te onderzoeken', zo laat de politie vrijdag weten.

29 Nov 11:08 Blik op nieuws 5468169447252824024.html
Avviser hemmelig Haaland-avtale

RB Salzburg-sportsdirektør Christoph Freund nekter for at RB Leipzig får spesialpris på Erling Braut Haaland (19).

29 Nov 11:28 Dagbladet.no 3042595686870521650.html
Der Richtkranz wurde aufgesetzt

Wichtige Etappen beim Bau einer Bildungsstätte mit Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung sind gemeistert. Wie es in den kommenden Monaten weitergeht.

29 Nov 11:55 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109666447850.html
Oficializada chega de dois treinadores portugueses

O Lille oficializou ontem os dois treinadores contratados para substituir João Sacramento e Nuno Santos, que José Mourinho levou para o Tottenham.

29 Nov 11:22 A BOLA 2278827558375919538.html
Arsenal otpustio Emerija

Arsenal je saopštio da je donijeta odluka da se raskine saradnja sa dosadašnjim menadžerom Unaijem Emerijem.

29 Nov 11:44 Nezavisne novine 4209150642618114153.html
Neue Fluggesellschaft Flybair kann abheben

In weniger als einem Monat kam mehr als eine Million zusammen. Längerfristig braucht die Airline aber noch mehr Geld.

29 Nov 11:05 SRF 8424707179994082081.html
Arbeitslosigkeit sinkt auf niedrigsten Stand seit Wiedervereinigung

Im November sind in Deutschland 2,1 Millionen Menschen als arbeitslos registriert, 20.000 weniger als im Oktober. Der Arbeitsmarkt zeige sich robust, so BA-Chef Scheele.

29 Nov 11:41 DIE WELT 6197693429915867028.html
Bafra Belediyesinden vergi mesaisi

emlak ve çevre temizlik vergilerinde 2019 yılı ikinci taksit ödemeleri nedeniyle Cumartesi günü veznelerini açık tutacak

29 Nov 11:11 HABER 61 8391886869774864904.html
Bundesrat stoppt Klimapaket teilweise

Der Bundesrat in Berlin hat das Klimapaket teilweise gestoppt.

29 Nov 11:49 euronews 4540914625470349502.html
Poklon glasbenemu ustvarjalcu Tinetu Lesjaku

Ansambel Jarica iz Sevnice je nedavno snemal videospot za pesem Hvala ti, s katero so se poklonili veliko prezgodaj preminulemu muzikantu, ljudskemu godcu, avtorju številnih polk in valčkov Tinetu L...

29 Nov 11:48 Slovenske novice 5901956563344839289.html
Betonwand kippt auf Bauarbeiter

Schrecklicher Unfall Freitag früh beim Hausbau in Nettersheim bei Euskirchen. Eine Betonwand begrub einen Arbeiter (30) unter sich

29 Nov 11:00 Bild 8433249908931645939.html
Governatore regione Nassiriya si dimette

Il governatore iracheno della regione meridionale di Dhi Qar, con capoluogo Nassiriya, teatro nelle ultime 24 ore di sanguinosi scontri tra forze di sicurezza e manifestanti antigovernativi, ha annunciato le sue dimissioni in dissenso col governo centrale ... (ANSA)

29 Nov 11:15 ANSA.it 1300837448704728121.html
Anrufer nach Bombendrohungen gegen Polizei gefasst

Er wolle alle Beamten töten - mit diesen Worten hat ein unbekannter Anrufer im Oktober im Zuge von vier Anrufen bei der Polizeiinspektion Amstetten ...

29 Nov 11:14 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093085481561.html
Dierenorganisaties gaan aangifte tegen Ferd Grapperhaus doen

Minister: Dit is de wereld op z'n kop

29 Nov 11:42 ThePostOnline 3048418757718107576.html
Vacature Docent Nederlands

Vacature Docent Nederlands Forma is op zoek naar een Docent Nederlands. Solliciteer via Bonaire.nu. Hier vind je een actueel vacatureaanbod.

29 Nov 11:54 Bonaire.Nu 6841721121797118862.html
Attempted child abduction

Two days after an attempted child abduction in West Kelowna, police are now warning the public.

29 Nov 11:13 Castanet 616068602871048376.html
Rivierdijken mogelijk sterker dan gedacht

Een aantal rivierdijken in Nederland lijkt sterker te zijn dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen. Nader onderzoek moet uitwijzen of de grootste dijkversterkingsoperatie ooit in Nederland daardoor een stuk goedkoper kan uitpakken. Voor het versterken van 1100 kilometer dijk in de komende jaren is 7,4 miljard euro uitgetrokken.

29 Nov 11:36 RD.nl 6406779840624325102.html
Inditex Outperform

Die Experten der RBC Capital Markets bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Inditex mit Outperform

29 Nov 11:42 finanzen.at 7258357743475204879.html
Arbeitslosigkeit sinkt auf Rekordtief

Trotz Konjunkturflaute ist die Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland im November auf 2,18 Millionen gesunken. Damit ist laut Bundesagentur für Arbeit der niedrigste Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung erreicht.

29 Nov 11:27 tagesschau.de 5441171424965064190.html
Fabian Lustenberger am Oberschenkel operiert

Die ohnehin von Verletzungssorgen geplagten Young Boys verlieren für die nächste Zeit einen weiteren Schlüsselspieler. Fabian Lustenberger musste sich am Oberschenkel operieren lassen.

29 Nov 15:40 bz BASEL 5287163743086484630.html
Mehrkosten durch Biomasse

Wie es mit der Förderung der Biomasse-Kraftwerke weitergehen soll, sorgt erneut für politische Diskussionen. Nachdem eine Einigung auf Bundesebene ...

29 Nov 15:25 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094113424664.html
Albania Earthquake Diplomacy

In the initial hours after a deadly pre-dawn earthquake struck Albania, pancaking buildings and trapping dozens of sleeping people beneath the rubble, the country’s neighbors sprang into action. Soon, specialized rescue crews were arriving by the planeload. One of the most striking was a 13-person

29 Nov 15:52 Yahoo 7097669637275900701.html
Forscher verpassen Genschere Feinschliff

Neue Technologie für mehr Präzision.

29 Nov 15:52 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442223341973.html
Boerenveen eerder veroordeeld voor drugshandel

Oud-militair Etienne Boerenveen is vrijdag in Suriname vrijgesproken in het proces rond de Decembermoorden. Hij is momenteel president-commissaris van Staatsolie in het kabinet van president Desi Bouterse. Boerenveen wordt gezien als een vertrouweling van Bouterse.

29 Nov 15:15 RD.nl 6406779841404432663.html
Odpoklic konopljinega olja Rafael

Proizvajalec Rafael iz Domžal je na podlagi rezultatov letnega monitoringa uprave za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin iz prodaje umaknil konopljino olje. V olju so zaznali presežene mejne vrednosti za benzo(a)piren in za vsoto policikličnih aromatskih ogljikovodikov.

29 Nov 15:27 STA.si 4977224363547416173.html
Extinction Rebellion targets Black Friday

Protest draws a crowd outside the JSE

29 Nov 15:01 The Citizen 410802302366385336.html
Kaufrausch mit Kopfschmerz

Vorsicht ist am heutigen „Black-Friday“ vor falschen Schnäppchen geboten. Weil hektische Klicks teuer enden können, rät die Arbeiterkammer zum ...

29 Nov 15:23 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094367867992.html
Plantebasert julefest

De holder seg unna kjøtt, men ingen kan beskylde dem for å ikke lage mat med tilstrekkelig smell.

29 Nov 15:46 adressa.no 8417332407264753060.html
Meisje vergiftigt docente met schoonmaakmiddel


29 Nov 15:54 FunX 667513811975354220.html
Laurent Walthert reviendra contre Lugano

Le portier xamaxien, toujours pas remis de sa commotion, ne foulera pas la pelouse samedi à La Maladière contre Zurich en Super league de football. Le capitaine sera de retour la semaine prochaine contre Lugano

29 Nov 15:50 RTN 7627697628372962632.html
Middendorp Loves Chiefs Bouncebackability

Ernst Middendorp was delighted with Kaizer Chiefs’ reaction this week as they bounced back from their disappointing Telkom Knockout defeat with an emphatic 4-0 victory.

29 Nov 15:13 Soccer Laduma 3901337371298428648.html
Tele Columbus overweight

Die Experten der Barclays Capital bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Tele Columbus mit overweight

29 Nov 15:00 finanzen.at 7258357744154303809.html
Piccole discariche crescono

Via Serena a Provinciale stamattina. Via Serena si trova dopo la chiesa di Provinciale. Una stradina salendo sulla destra.

29 Nov 15:25 Tempostretto 3143171744750409346.html
Cristina Ferreira

Cristina Ferreira revela mais do que queria e deixa visível mensagem que recebeu do filho Tiago, de 11 anos

29 Nov 15:19 Revista VIP 3507812780181139536.html
Waddenfonds stekt jild yn flinterdoarpen

It jild moat bydrage oan it oantrekliker meitsjen fan de doarpen foar flinters.

29 Nov 15:03 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694618011010.html
Notruf der Kinderkliniken

Es fehlt an Geld und an Ärzten: Immer wieder müssen Einrichtungen für die kleinsten Patienten schließen. Die flächendeckende kindermedizinische Versorgung in Deutschland ist gefährdet.

29 Nov 15:57 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322648826761.html
Rijksrecherche onderzoekt lekken Ruinerwold

De Rijksrecherche gaat onderzoeken hoe stukken uit het strafdossier over de zaak-Ruinerwold naar de pers zijn gelekt. Dat heeft het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) vrijdag gezegd. Het onderzoek richt zich op „alle betrokkenen, zowel intern als extern”, aldus een woordvoerder.

29 Nov 15:44 RD.nl 6406779840857541875.html
Ambulance service launches investigation following sudden staff deaths

The chief of the region's troubled ambulance service has launched an investigation into concerns raised by staff following the sudden death of three colleagues.

29 Nov 15:08 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152045547956.html
Pentingnya Pemimpin Memiliki Kompetensi Etis Selama Memimpin Organisasi

Semua nilai kepemimpinan etis didambakan oleh seluruh pengikut di organisasi manapun termasuk dalam institusi atau lembaga pendidikan

29 Nov 15:33 Tribunnews.com 3323534445379720088.html
Minder klimaatbetogers maar bezorgdheid blijft groot

850 klimaatbetogers trokken vanmiddag door Brussel. In Antwerpen kwamen 500 betogers op straat. Het Europees Parlement meldt intussen dat de strijd tegen k...

29 Nov 15:06 De Standaard 2288913869154242346.html
Dodelijk ongeval Margraten door voorrangsfout

Het verkeersongeval afgelopen zaterdag in Margraten (Limburg) waardoor tien mensen gewond raakten, werd veroorzaakt door een voorrangsfout. Dat liet de politie vrijdag na onderzoek weten.

29 Nov 15:30 RD.nl 6406779840930105094.html
Voormalig topscheidsrechter Merk moet Kaiserslautern redden

Voormalig topscheidsrechter Markus Merk moet 1. FC Kaiserslautern uit de sportieve en financiële malaise leiden. De voormalig arbiter onderbreekt deze week zelfs zijn huwelijksreis in Zuid-oost Azië om zondag bij de algemene ledenvergadering van de club de leiding over te nemen.

29 Nov 15:15 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048032336992.html
Tiefe Einblicke ins Paracelsusbad

"Honi soit qui mal y pense." - "Ein Schelm, der Schlechtes dabei denkt." Jemand, der abends durch den Kurgarten geht und dabei hinter den beleuchteten Fenstern des Paracelsusbads - oh Schreck - einen Nackten sichtet, hat jedenfalls sehr gute Augen. Abgesehen von der Tatsache, dass es gegenüber den anderen

29 Nov 15:39 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084179197588.html
Deutscher Handelsverband fordert digitalen Euro

Die Dominanz der großen Kreditkartenanbieter und Facebooks Pläne für eine Kryptowährung: Der Handel sorgt sich, von diesen Firmen abhängig zu werden.

29 Nov 15:42 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270486957807.html
Andreia Rodrigues

Andreia Rodrigues vai comandar um novo programa na SIC.

29 Nov 15:50 Revista VIP 3507812779397466155.html
Klimaatverandering voor het eerst topprioriteit van Europeanen

De strijd tegen klimaatverandering is voor het eerst helemaal bovenaan de prioriteitenlijst van de Europese burgers beland. Dat blijkt uit de resultaten van een opiniepeiling die het Europees Parle...

29 Nov 15:10 HLN 8967494998344769871.html
Jorge Jesus

Jorge Jesus esteve esta quinta-feira a visitar a ala pediátrica de uma instituição que apoia doentes oncológicos e vai doar as receitas autorais da sua biografia à mesma.

29 Nov 15:05 Revista VIP 3507812779736676057.html
Las Verdirrojas son inalcanzables

Las Verdirrojas ganaron con goles de la máxima artillera de la categoría Ivana González que marcó en tres oportunidades y Pabla Rusnok. Las actuales campeonas fecha tras fecha vienen sumando, mientras que sus escoltas...

29 Nov 15:48 Primera Edición 6803897642405508645.html
Politie zoekt voortvluchtige met handboeien

De politie is op zoek naar een man die er donderdagavond vandoor is gegaan met handboeien om. Hij wist te ontsnappen nadat agenten naar zijn huis in Alkmaar waren gekomen om hem op te pakken - de man moest nog 30 dagen celstraf uitzitten.

29 Nov 15:10 RD.nl 6406779840640692226.html
Norwegische Kombinierer-Festspiele

Jarl Magnus Riiber führte beim Weltcup-Auftakt in Ruka einen Vierfach-Triumph an. Martin Fritz war als bester Österreicher Siebenter.

29 Nov 15:49 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442241392042.html
FIFA schorst voormalig Braziliaans bondsvoorzitter Ricardo Teixeira levenslang

De gewezen Braziliaanse bondsvoorzitter Ricardo Teixeira is vrijdag door de wereldvoetbalbond FIFA levenslang geschorst vanwege corruptie. Hij moet ook een...

29 Nov 15:02 De Standaard 2288913869439481444.html
Uzun kuyruklarda saatlerce beklediler

Black Friday alışveriş çılgınlığı furyasına kapılan yüzlerce kişi mağaza ve alışveriş merkezlerinde uzun kuyruklar oluşturdu. Sabahın erken saatlerinden itibaren mağaza önlerinde beklemeye başlayan kalabalıklar alışveriş için birbirleriyle yarıştı.

29 Nov 15:51 Yeni Şafak 1729259404346951725.html
Ontrafelen ziektemechanisme Noordzeeziekte stukje dichter bij

Voor het eerst is aangetoond welk type hersencellen betrokken is bij het ziekteproces van de zogeheten Noordzeeziekte. Uit onderzoek met fruitvliegjes werd duidelijk welke cellen in de hersenen verantwoordelijk zijn voor het ontstaan van de epileptische aanvallen behorend bij deze ziekte. De onderzoeksgroep Noordzeeziekte van het UMCG publiceert hierover in het wetenschappelijke magazine Neuroscience. Dit meldt UMCG. 

29 Nov 15:24 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743048238068.html
Airbus celebrates the 100th A220 aircraft produced

Airbus has celebrated the 100th A220 aircraft produced for a customer during a ceremony at the aircraft programme’s headquarters in Mirabel, Canada.

29 Nov 14:32 Aerospace Manufacturing Magazine 3920112957404006497.html
Pahami Deretan Penyebab dan Gejala Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis adalah penyakit penurunan kepadatan tulang, atau tulang menjadi berpori. Kondisi tersebut membuat tulang mudah rapuh

29 Nov 12:15 Bola.net 5489959028009596568.html
Northern voters express mixed feelings over delayed results announcement

-Voters in the northern regions expressed mixed feelings over the delayed final announcement of election results.

29 Nov 14:32 nbc - Namibian Broadcasting Corporation 4504921726460188757.html
Bicol prepares for Typhoon Kammuri

Governor Francis Bichara suspends classes in all levels in private and public schools in Albay on December 2 and 3

29 Nov 11:02 Rappler 1882105642539740712.html
Proef ter verhoging van de aangiftebereidheid seksuele uitbuiting minderjarigen

Seksuele uitbuiting is in Nederland de meest voorkomende vorm van binnenlandse mensenhandel. Om daders van mensenhandel strafrechtelijk te kunnen aanpakken, is het belangrijk dat slachtoffers aangifte doen. Echter, de stap om aangifte te doen is voor slachtoffers vaak (te) groot, zeker voor minderjarige slachtoffers. Daarom starten het Centrum Kinderhandel Mensenhandel (CKM) en de politie een pilot om de ervaren drempels in het doen van aangifte weg te nemen.

29 Nov 11:13 Blik op nieuws 5468169447725401961.html
Dukungan Indonesia bagi Perdamaian Afghanistan Berkelanjutan Hingga ke Level PBB

KBRN, Jakarta : Perang di Afghanistan sejak beberapa dekade terakhir yang memakan banyak korban, menjadi perhatian dunia internasional. Tidak terkecuali Indonesia, yang hingga kini terus

29 Nov 13:30 RRI News Portal 6700853645352439467.html
Kemenpora Klarifikasi Pencoretan Atlet SEA Games karena Tak Perawan

Salah satu atlet Indonesia sempat dikabarkan telah dipulangkan secara paksa karena dianggap tak perawan. Kemenpora pun memberikan klarifikasi.

29 Nov 11:01 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550472067469.html
Einkaufsnacht lockt viele an

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus dem Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall.

29 Nov 11:45 swp.de 6929179440490460076.html
Watch: This child’s choreographed routine with her dog is just perfect

A Twitter user called it the ‘best one minute of the day’.

29 Nov 10:14 Scroll.in 8669301694188151038.html
ACM: aanbieders glasvezeldiensten moeten consument beter informeren

De Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) roept aanbieders van nieuwe glasvezeldiensten op consumenten beter vooraf te informeren over hun aanbod.

29 Nov 12:51 Emerce 1354596986204352447.html
Kärntner Pensionistenehepaar als Staatsverweigerer vor Gericht

Die beiden gehören laut Anklage zum "harten Kern der staatsfeindlichen Szene" - ganze Reihe von Anklagepunkten.

29 Nov 12:30 Kurier 208072239473086425.html
Lichaam gevonden nabij Groenendaallaan in Merksem

In het Antwerpse district Merksem is vrijdagochtend een lichaam gevonden. Dat bevestigt de Antwerpse lokale politie, die een onderzoek gestart is naar de o...

29 Nov 15:13 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191455014273.html
Wapres Sebut Pemerintah akan Kembangkan Potensi Ekonomi Syariah

Ma'ruf menerangkan, peran ekonomi dan keuangan syariah di Indonesia masih jauh dibandingkan dengan keuangan konvensional. Karena, dalam market share perbankan syariah baru mencapai 5,95 persen, dan keuangan syariah baru mencapai 8,29 persen.

29 Nov 14:55 merdeka.com 1998180355189625757.html
Cara Menghilangkan Rasa Cemas dan Gelisah Berlebihan

Untuk menghilangkan rasa cemas berlebihan, Anda dapat melatih otak untuk tetap tenang dan memandang kehidupan dari perspektif yang seimbang.

29 Nov 14:59 gaya hidup 6599523174239049318.html
Standar Pelayanan Publik Banyuwangi Raih Predikat Kepatuhan Tinggi Ombudsman RI

Pemkab Banyuwangi memperoleh Predikat Kepatuhan Tinggi terhadap Standar Pelayanan Publik dari Ombudsman Republik Indonesia.

29 Nov 11:28 liputan6.com 3414318497419954156.html
Menjadikan Borobudur sebagai Destinasi Super Prioritas, Kementerian Pariwisata Mengembangkan Tur Interpretatif Berbasis Storynomic Tourism

'Salah satu upaya untuk membuat Borobudur tetap menarik adalah dengan menyajikan cerita yang berbeda, tidak itu-itu saja.'

29 Nov 14:32 grid.id 6246371058748396233.html
Ini Bukti Kecintaan Penunggang Scorpio Terhadap Lingkungan

Merayakan ulang tahun ke-11, pemilik Yamaha Scorpio yang tergabung dalam komunitas SC225 melakukan penanaman pohon di bantaran sungai Ciliwung

29 Nov 15:08 liputan6.com 3414318497258252271.html
Apkasi Dorong Daerah Perkuat Kolaborasi Dengan Arsitek

Asosiasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Seluruh Indonesia (Apkasi) mendorong daerah untuk memperkuat kolaborasi dengan para arsitek dalam mengembangkan daerahnya

29 Nov 11:31 liputan6.com 3414318497079000979.html
Flexoskeleton printing: Fabricating flexible exoskeletons for insect-inspired robots

Insects typically have a variety of complex exoskeleton structures, which support them in their movements and everyday activities. Fabricating artificial exoskeletons for insect-inspired robots that match ...

29 Nov 14:50 Tech Xplore 4945708898763065555.html
Survei: GrabWheels Datangkan Penghasilan Tambahan

Adapun hasil survei yang berdampak pada ekonomi ini melibatkan 68 mitra UMKM penyedia parkir GrabWheels.

29 Nov 15:56 detikfinance 4442190000371024813.html
Keuangan Syariah, Strategi Indonesia Hadapi Resesi Perekonomian Global

KBRN, Nusa Dua : Seluruh pimpinan negara kini tengah putar otak untuk mencegah dampak negatif dari resesi perekonomian global. Di Indonesia, langkah antisipatif yang dilakukan adalah dengan

29 Nov 15:41 RRI News Portal 6700853645254280787.html
OM vervolgt Gosschalk niet voor zedendelict

Voormalig castingdirecteur Job Gosschalk wordt niet vervolgd voor een mogelijk zedendelict. Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft de zaak tegen hem geseponeerd, nadat de persoon die hem hiervan beschuldigde na een bemiddelingstraject met Gosschalk de zaak heeft gesloten.

29 Nov 10:38 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048307341523.html
Tiongkok Protes Dukungan AS Terhadap Demonstran Hong Kong Namun Sinyalkan Harapan Kesepakatan Dagang

Berdasarkan laporan The Wall Street Journal pada hari Jumat (29/11), yang mengutip dari pernyataan pejabat AS dan Tiongkok, mengatakan bahwa Tiongkok mengutuk campur tangan AS dalam urusan internal Hong Kong dengan mengancam akan lakukan pembalasan namun masih menahan diri untuk itu, dengan latar belakang mereka sedang bernegosiasi dagang dengan AS.

29 Nov 11:12 monexnews 4506814618269254996.html
Tuntut Pemulangan Rizieq, Perwakilan Massa Diterima Kemenko Polhukam

Massa pendemo diterima perwakilan Kemenko Polhuka. Massa menyampaikan tuntuntannya agar pemerintah memulangkan Habib Rizieq.

29 Nov 15:59 detiknews 8793960225133428191.html
Katadata Kerja Sama Riset dengan Tiga Kabupaten

Tujuan dari kerjasama antara Katadata dengan ketiga Pemda untuk mendukung akselerasi dan inovasi daerah di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan dan perekonomian.

29 Nov 15:07 Katadata News 179777406879678529.html
Grafschaft Bentheim: Kokain in Bananenkisten

In Niedersachsen und Nordrhein-Westfalen sind 100 Kilogramm Kokain gefunden worden. Die Drogen waren in Bananenkisten versteckt und sind am Freitag in Supermärkten aufgetaucht.

29 Nov 11:42 NDR.de 5356044082887102626.html
Alfamart Dorong Usaha Ritel Tradisional

WE Online, Bandung - Maraknya usaha mikro kecil dan menengah yang tidak berkembang, bahkan merugi karena pengelolaan yang tidak baik.

29 Nov 10:07 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834823157674.html
BNPB Ingatkan Dampak Penambangan Emas bagi Lingkungan

KBRN, Mandailing Natal : Kepala BNPB Doni Monardo mengingatkan warga Huta Bargot Nauli dan Huta Bargot Julu, Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara dampak negatif penambangan emas, baik terhadap 

29 Nov 10:32 RRI News Portal 6700853645035949920.html
Hidayat Nur Wahid Dorong Pemerintah Bela Palestina Secara Serius

Wakil Ketua MPR RI Hidayat Nur Wahid mendorong pemerintah untuk membela Palestina sebagai bagian dari masyarakat dunia.

29 Nov 10:52 detiknews 8793960224007824506.html
Interner Bericht zu Sidlo-Bestellung angeblich entlastend

Die Casinos Austria lassen die Bestellung ihres Finanzvorstands Peter Sidlo intern überprüfen. Laut "Trend" und "Kurier" wird der Bericht entlastend ausfallen und keine Basis für eine Abberufung Sidlos bieten. Casinos-Sprecher Patrick Minar sagte am Freitag zur APA, der Bericht liege noch nicht vor, aber er gehe davon aus, dass er am Montag dem geplanten Sonder-Aufsichtsrat vorgelegt wird.

29 Nov 10:53 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084988142213.html
Kamer kijkt naar vervolging om toeslagenaffaire

DEN HAAG (ANP) - De Tweede Kamer wil weten welke mogelijkheden er zijn om de verantwoordelijken voor de toeslagenaffaire bij de Belastingdienst strafrechtelijk te vervolgen. Op verzoek van de vaste commissie voor Financiën is een vertrouwelijke notitie opgesteld waarin beschreven staat wat de gronden van aangifte en vervolging kunnen zijn en wie dat kan doen. Dat bevestigen Haagse bronnen na een bericht van RTL Nieuws en Trouw.

29 Nov 15:42 Nieuws.nl 2419030130385741119.html
Melihat Aceh Lewat Film Dokumenter

KBRN, Meulaboh : Puluhan pasang mata terlihat begitu terkesima dan menyimak setiap adegan film yang ditonton di hadapannya. Sesekali mereka tertawa lalu hening kembali. Demikian suasana nonton

29 Nov 15:22 RRI News Portal 6700853645952980757.html
4 Manfaat Program Karyawan Magang Bagi Perusahaan

Di masing-masing perusahaan, selalu ada perbedaan pendapat dalam merekrut karyawan magang.

29 Nov 11:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182698049484239.html
Bupati Dharmasraya Studi Tiru Mal Pelayanan Publik Banyuwangi

Tertarik dengan beragam inovasi pelayanan publik yang digulirkan Banyuwangi, Bupati Dharmasraya Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan, bertandang ke daerah di ujung timur Pulau Jawa ini. Secara khusus, mereka berniat melakukan studi tiru tentang mal pelayanan publik yang didirikan Banyuwangi tahun 2017

29 Nov 10:58 merdeka.com 1998180354390821701.html
Kamer onderzoekt strafvervolging Menno Snel en ambtenaren om toeslagenaffaire

De Tweede Kamer onderzoekt of staatssecretaris Menno Snel (Financiën) en zijn ambtenaren strafrechtelijk kunnen worden vervolgd in de toeslagenaffaire, waarin door de Belastingdienst jarenlang onrechtmatig is gehandeld. Het is zeer uitzonderlijk dat de Kamer zoiets onderzoekt.

29 Nov 15:15 RTLZ 8052859356228518184.html
Illegale Munition: Polizist in Rostock festgenommen

In Rostock haben Polizisten einen Kollegen festgenommen. Sie hatten seine Wohnung wegen eines Disziplinarverfahrens durchsucht und dabei Waffen und Munition entdeckt.

29 Nov 11:39 NDR.de 5356044082106173077.html
Decks cleared for municipal elections

Officials told to allow objections to division of wards, voters’ lists for a week

29 Nov 14:56 The Hindu 6679535026326788982.html
BlockFriday: Demonstranten blockieren Amazon-Lager in Frankreich

BlockFriday: Demonstranten blockieren Amazon-Lager in Frankreich

29 Nov 15:14 finanzen.net 2053223362742049362.html
Keine Anklage gegen Julius Meinl wegen Personenschutzkosten

Der Banker Julius Meinl, der ehemalige Meinl Bank-Vorstand Peter Weinzierl und eine dritte Person werden nicht wegen Untreue in Zusammenhang mit der Übernahme von Personenschutzkosten für Julius Meinl durch die Bank angeklagt. Das Oberlandesgericht Wien (OLG Wien) hat den Anklageeinsprüchen der ehemaligen Vorstände Folge gegeben und das Verfahren eingestellt, teilte das Gericht am Freitag mit.

29 Nov 10:43 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083911163083.html
Zimbabwe army generals sweat over rampant indiscipline

ZIMBABWE National Army (ZNA) commander Lieutenant-General Edzai Chimonyo last week convened an emergency staff meeting where he read the riot act over rampant i...

29 Nov 10:21 Bulawayo24 News 5565663538415796555.html
Hexaware Technologies Limited : Inversement de tendance en vue

La valeur Hexaware Technologies Limited présente une configuration technique intéressante pour miser sur un retournement de tendance de moyen terme. | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 10:23 Zonebourse 7946574377337330462.html
Ini Model Pariwisata yang Diinginkan Sulawesi Utara

Sulawesi Utara tak diragukan lagi keindahan alamnya, baik lanskap daratan maupun lautannya. Namun provinsi itu menginginkan ecotourism atau ekowisata.

29 Nov 15:16 Tempo 2240716325907902838.html
NAIA Consortium proposal gets go signal from NEDA Board

The proposal of top Philippine conglomerates to rehabilitate the Ninoy Aquino International Airport gets the green light from the powerful NEDA Board

29 Nov 14:00 Rappler 1882105642645968660.html
Mendagri Diminta Temui FPI Minta Penjelasan Konsep Khilafah Islamiyah

Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Achmad Baidowi meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian menemui Front Pembela Islam (FPI) terkait persoalan Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT).

29 Nov 13:35 merdeka.com 1998180355790836778.html
Koalition-Chefverhandler sichten übers Wochenende Ergebnisse

Bei den türkis-grünen Koalitionsverhandlungen wollen die Chefverhandler am Wochenende die bisherigen inhaltlichen Ergebnisse sichten. Geliefert werden diese von den 33 "Fachgruppen", die in den vergangenen zwei Wochen getagt haben. Am Montag tritt wieder die zentrale "Steuerungsgruppe" zusammen, um die Ergebnisse zu bewerten und neue Arbeitsaufträge zu verteilen, wie es bei ÖVP und Grünen hieß.

29 Nov 11:19 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085257682085.html
Airlangga Hartarto Cerita Pernah Berguru ke Ciputra

Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto mengenang mendiang taipan properti Ciputra. Airlangga mengaku pernah berguru menjadi pengusaha ke Ciputra.

29 Nov 15:45 detikfinance 4442190000993737257.html
Bupati Dharmasraya Bakal Tiru Mal Pelayanan Publik Banyuwangi

Bupati Dharmasraya Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan iru Mal Pelayanan Publik Banyuwangi.

29 Nov 11:19 liputan6.com 3414318496001013223.html
Nella Kharisma akan Berikan Keterangan ke Polisi Terkait Isu Perselingkuhan

Dia berencana memberikan keterangan terkait dengan isu selingkuh dengan mantan Bupati Kediri Sutrisno, sebagaimana yang di-posting oleh akun tersebut.

29 Nov 15:45 merdeka.com 1998180355700810547.html
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi to appoint General Secretary for alliance

Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi said on Friday that in coming days it planned to appoint a General Secretary for the alliance in a bid to boost ...

29 Nov 15:40 CNA 5644198863536569595.html
Army revolts against General Sibanda

Junior Commanders of the Zimbabwe National Army have reportedly openly defied the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defense Forces Philip Valerio Sibanda and called for...

29 Nov 11:19 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540211344720.html
Bupati Anas Ajak Milenial Sokong Pembangunan Banyuwangi ke Depan

Pemerintah Kabupaten Banyuwangi menyerap aspirasi berbagai kalangan untuk menyusun pembangunan ke depan.

29 Nov 11:24 liputan6.com 3414318497747110540.html
AWS verdubbelt rekenkernen in eigen Graviton-datacenterchip

Amazon heeft een nieuwe versie van zijn eigen op Arm-gebaseerde datacenterchip klaarstaan. De opvolger van de vorig jaar geïntroduceerde Graviton-chip moet minstens 20 procent krachtiger zijn. AWS heeft het afgelopen jaar druk verder gesleuteld aan de Graviton-chip die het vorig jaar introduceerde tijdens Re:Invent. Graviton is een op Arm-gebaseerde datacenterchip die gebruikt wordt in de […]

29 Nov 10:25 Techzine 1792892595834562806.html
Dairy farmer found murdered

A dairy farmer was found murdered in his sleep at a farm near T. Saveriarpuram near here in the early hours of Friday.Police said K. Antonymuthu, 62, of T. Saveriarpuram under Thaalamuthunagar police

29 Nov 13:36 The Hindu 6679535025354538516.html
Operazione lavoro: altre offerte disponibili

Operazione lavoro: altre offerte disponibili. Aggiornamento dei profili richiesti dalle aziende del territorio.

29 Nov 12:12 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734034170454577.html
Instagram Error, Pengguna Mengeluh Tak Bisa Berbagi Gambar

Media sosial berbasis gambar Instagram kembali dikabarkan padam.

29 Nov 11:31 Tempo 8962756051940645108.html
Kemenpora Sebut Atlet SEA Games Dicoret Bukan karena Keperawanan namun Indisipliner

Sesmenpora Gatot S. Dewa Broto menuturkan, persoalan pemulangan atlet tersebut bukan terkait masalah keperawanan, melainkan tindakan indisipliner dari sang atlet.

29 Nov 15:53 merdeka.com 1998180355820627494.html
Twee aanhoudingen bij poging plofkraak

Twee mensen zijn opgepakt omdat ze vermoedelijk betrokken waren bij een plofkraak in Amsterdam-Noord. Het duo reed in een bestelbus in de omgeving van de plek, waar drie anderen in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag een geldautomaat opbliezen. De drie gingen ervandoor zonder buit, meldt de politie.

29 Nov 11:23 RD.nl 6406779842196710919.html
National Emergency Management Agency to replace MCDEM

National Emergency Management Agency to replace Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management

29 Nov 13:25 SCOOP 5315658999940344283.html
Arab Parliament Rejects EU Parliament Resolution on Human Rights Situation in Algeria

President of the Arab Parliament Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salami rejected the European Parliament's resolution on the situation of human rights and freedoms in Algeria, issued on Thursday, considering the European Parliament has no legal jurisdiction

29 Nov 14:30 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933433380131.html
Video: Keine Anklage gegen Julius Meinl wegen Personenschutzkosten

Der Banker Julius Meinl, der ehemalige Meinl Bank-Vorstand Peter Weinzierl und eine dritte Person werden nicht wegen Untreue in Zusammenhang mit der Übernahme von Personenschutzkosten für Julius Meinl durch die Bank angeklagt. Das Oberlandesgericht Wien (OLG Wien) hat den Anklageeinsprüchen der ehemaligen Vorstände Folge gegeben und das Verfahren eingestellt, teilte das Gericht am Freitag mit.

29 Nov 13:49 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084441136772.html
Russia presents long-awaited domestic violence bill

MOSCOW (AP) - A group of lawmakers in the country's upper house of parliament, mainly from President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party, have presented a long-anticipated bill on preventing domestic abuse.

29 Nov 13:39 WFXT 6395891953982475830.html
The Secret World newsletter

The excellent first edition of Matthew Braga’s new Secret World newsletter looks at exactly who you’re calling when you use a satellite phone or Garmin emergency beacon to call for help…

29 Nov 13:20 Boing Boing 4601305168435597008.html
Eerste getroffen reizigers Thomas Cook uitbetaald

Het Garantiefonds Reizen heeft vrijdag een eerste reeks reizigers terugbetaald die werden getroffen door het faillissement van touroperator Thomas Cook eind september. "De eerste betalingen, voor e...

29 Nov 14:02 HLN 8967494996704560014.html
Puluhan Desa Di Bondowoso Teridentifikasi Rawan Pangan

KBRN, Bondowoso: Sebanyak 36 desa yang tersebar di 18 Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bondowoso teridentifikasi rawan pangan. Tetapi dari data stunting yang berasal dari Bappenas dan Depdagri, tidak ada

29 Nov 10:38 RRI News Portal 6700853645141039402.html
Keluarga Jelaskan Kronologi Atlet Dicoret karena Tak Perawan

Pihak keluarga melalui kuasa hukum menjelaskan kronologi atlet senam lantai, Shalfa Avrila Siani, dicoret dari pelatnas SEA Games karena tuduhan tak perawan.

29 Nov 14:47 olahraga 6599523173622829278.html
Arrayjet secures new contract to provide SciLifeLab with microarray technology for proteomics research

Arrayjet, the Scottish-based microarray instrumentation company, has secured a GBP250,000 contract to provide the Swedish SciLifeLab - the national hub for molecular bioscience in Sweden - with microarray technology to provide further analytical information for mapping the human protein atlas.

29 Nov 12:55 News-Medical.net 4522523031165979934.html
Pesta Inklusif, Rayakan Keberagaman Bersama Sobat Disabilitas

Menyambut Hari Disabilitas Internasional (HDI), Koneksi Indonesia Inklusif (Konekin) bekerja sama dengan Kementerian PPN/ Bappenas dan M Bloc akan menggelar Pesta Inklusif pada 30 November 2019.

29 Nov 12:00 liputan6.com 3414318497706613789.html
Dipecat Tottenham Hotspur, Pochettino Akhirnya Luapkan Isi Hatinya

Mauricio Pochettino akhirnya mengeluarkan pernyataan pertamanya setelah resmi dipecat klub Liga Inggris, Tottenham Hotspur.

29 Nov 10:57 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550047756844.html
Koningin Máxima bij jubileumcongres CNV Vakmensen

Koningin Máxima heeft vrijdagmiddag het 125-jarig bestaan van CNV Vakmensen meegevierd. Ze bezocht daarvoor het jubileumcongres in Nieuwegein.

29 Nov 14:37 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049712799530.html
Qatar rejects false accusations by Eritrean Information Ministry

The State of Qatar has totally rejected false accusations contained in a statement by the Eritrean Ministry of Information, stressing that Qatar has nothing to do with any factions or groups in Eritrea, a matter which the Eritrean government knows very well.

29 Nov 11:09 The Peninsula 1202843881645701479.html
Manfaat Kacang Kenari untuk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan, Wajib Dicoba

Berikut adalah manfaat kacang kenari bagi kesehatan dan kecantikan yang jarang diketahui banyak orang.

29 Nov 15:10 Bola.com 1695722604153498593.html
Limbad Diminta Menceraikan Istri Kedua

Kabar rumah tangga pesulap Limbad tengah menjadi sorotan.

29 Nov 13:10 liputan6.com 3414318496003892863.html
Rahmad Darmawan Dipecat Sebagai Pelatih PS Tira Persikabo

Pelatih Rahmad Darmawan terakhir melatih PS Tira Persikabo hari ini.

29 Nov 12:23 Tempo 6731898378566184965.html
Pulau Banyak Aceh Singkil Jadi Target Pengawasan Orang Asing oleh Imigrasi Meulaboh

KBRN, Meulaboh : Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II Non TPI Meulaboh melaksanakan Kegiatan Pengawasan Mandiri Keberadaan dan Kegiatan Orang Asing di Pulau Banyak Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, yang mengikutsertakan

29 Nov 14:46 RRI News Portal 6700853644386287031.html
Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD Sebut Izin Perpanjangan FPI Masih Bermasalah

KBRN, Jakarta : Menteri Kordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD mengatakan, hingga kini Pemerintah masih belum bisa mengeluarkan surat perpanjangan izin  terhadap

29 Nov 15:45 RRI News Portal 6700853646060370792.html
Bombendrohung gegen Inspektion: Mann ausgeforscht

Ein 26 Jahre alter Einheimischer soll im Rahmen von vier Telefonanrufen einen Bombenangriff auf die Polizeiinspektion Amstetten angekündigt haben.

29 Nov 10:41 NÖN.at 2486998933455828030.html
Government ministers, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari endorse demands of student protesters

The Pakistan People's Party chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari voiced his support of the Student Solidarity March on Friday on the social networking app, Twitter. READ

29 Nov 15:03 The Nation 8831095137834085202.html
Top cricket official barred from leaving Bangladesh

Bangladesh's anti-corruption commission has barred a top cricket official from leaving the country as it steps up an investigation into the sport's national body.

29 Nov 11:15 Sport 682566034279576596.html
SECA Workshop Venture Capital

Zur Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis gestalten namhafte Referenten aus der Industrie sowie aus der Forschung und Entwicklung den Workshop mit.

29 Nov 14:09 Allnews 678771719560180233.html
Infosys inks pact with Services Australia to digitise welfare entitlements

IT services major Infosys on Friday said it has inked an agreement with Australian federal government’s Services Australia to transform the entitlement calculation engine for the nation’s welfare syst

29 Nov 15:10 BusinessLine 5283601473328330.html
Rahmad Darmawan Ungkap Perjalanannya di Tira-Persikabo

Rahmad Darmawan telah resmi berpisah jalan dengan Tira-Persikabo di Liga 1 2019.

29 Nov 12:10 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550167807035.html
Basisbezetting politie Amstelveen op orde, wel structureel capaciteitsprobleem

AMSTELVEEN – De politie Amstelveen heeft op korte termijn maatregelen genomen om de basisteams op niveau van reguliere politiezorg te blijven inzetten. Dit laat burgemeester Tjapko Poppens weten in een collegebrief aan de raad. Hij zegt er wel bij dat deze korte termijnregeling niet de structurele capaciteitsproblemen oplossen. Vanwege de permanente druk op de capaciteit …

29 Nov 10:58 RTVA 4011379849516312127.html
East Asia's political vulnerability

To avoid Latin America-style political crises, East Asian governments must ensure that their economic policies support equitable growth.

29 Nov 10:12 The Japan Times 6673764368163472218.html
Jokowi Ajak Dua Stafsus Milenial Tinjau Proyek Dermaga Patimban

Selepas itu, Presiden akan menuju helipad Kantor PP Wika untuk kemudian lepas landas kembali ke Bogor.

29 Nov 10:45 merdeka.com 1998180355019879876.html
Kavango West residents say their votes should result in development

-Some Kavango West residents say their votes should result in bringing the much-needed development to the region.

29 Nov 14:44 nbc - Namibian Broadcasting Corporation 4504921725971690312.html
Cabos submarinos v


29 Nov 15:22 Olhar Digital 416591714506463499.html
Jumlah Daerah Terdampak Kekeringan di Jember Diperkirakan Terus Bertambah

KBRN, Jember : Kurun waktu 2019 adalah musim kemarau terpanjang yang dialami Kabupaten Jember jika dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Berdasarkan pemetaan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD)

29 Nov 14:43 RRI News Portal 6700853644327358560.html
Arrestaties na grote operatie tegen hacksoftware

Gevaarlijke software van hackers is uit de lucht gehaald bij een grote politieactie in meerdere landen, waaronder Nederland.

29 Nov 12:39 Bright.nl 6602863321657324210.html
FNV pleit voor verplicht vrouwenquotum

UTRECHT (ANP) - Raden van commissarissen van beursgenoteerde bedrijven moeten voor ten minste 30 procent uit vrouwen bestaan. Om dat te realiseren moet een vrouwenquotum vanaf 2020 voor vier jaar verplicht worden, aldus vakbond FNV in een brief aan de Leden van de Tweede Kamer. Zij debatteren op 2 december over het te voeren emancipatiebeleid.

29 Nov 12:39 Nieuws.nl 2419030129485763792.html
Patients sue Indiana hospital over possible disease exposure

GOSHEN, Ind. (AP) — More than 1,000 surgical patients are suing a northern Indiana hospital after being notified that a sterilization failure could have exposed them to deadly infections. The...

29 Nov 10:54 The Seattle Times 9121942837788472192.html
Proposal to have Tenkasi Collectorate at Aayiraperi triggers heated argument

Opposers say it will be difficult to access for people from northern parts of the district

29 Nov 13:32 The Hindu 6679535025707964863.html
Minister Simataa calls for patience as ECN verifies results

-Information and Communication Technology Minister Stanley Simataa says messages doing the rounds on social media about a demonstration over the delayed results is likely to threaten peace.

29 Nov 14:48 nbc - Namibian Broadcasting Corporation 4504921727426073271.html
Honderden hennepplanten gevonden, Scherpenzeel sluit woning en bedrijf

Een woning met aangrenzende bedrijfsruimte aan de Pluimenweg in Scherpenzeel is vrijdag gesloten, nadat er een hennepplantage is aangetroffen. Op last van burgemeester Harry de Vries zijn het huis en pand op voor drie maanden op slot gegaan.

29 Nov 15:10 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615157642741.html
Hidayat Nur Wahid: Indonesia Harus Semakin Serius Membela Palestina

Waketum MPR-RI Dr. H. M. Hidayat Nur Wahid, MA menegaskan bahwa Indonesia seharusnya meningkatkan pembelaannya terhadap bangsa Palestina selaku bagian dari masyarakat dunia yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, keagamaan, dan tegaknya hukum internasional.

29 Nov 11:01 liputan6.com 3414318497085923859.html
Virtual reality becomes more real

Scientists from the Skoltech ADASE (Advanced Data Analytics in Science and Engineering) lab have found a way to enhance depth map resolution, which should make virtual reality and computer graphics more ...

29 Nov 15:51 Tech Xplore 4945708898740253133.html
New equipment brings improved imaging to radiology

Patients will benefit from faster, clearer imaging with the arrival of new equipment in the radiology department at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.

29 Nov 14:07 SCOOP 5315659000076452186.html
DRK-Führung verordnete Mitgliedern Dauerpropaganda

Das Deutsche Rote Kreuz (DRK) wurde in der DDR laut einer Studie staatlich instrumentalisiert und kontrolliert.

29 Nov 12:10 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108824862997.html
Cebu mayor Labella allows vendors to sell again on city sidewalks

The times they can sell and the size of their tables will be restricted

29 Nov 10:19 Rappler 1882105643753424131.html
BCC struggles to rehabilitate recreational facilities due to funds shortage

Shortage of funds is reportedly crippling the Bulawayo City Council from rehabilitating recreational facilities needed for various activities that may keep the ...

29 Nov 14:11 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540313307015.html
Kubanischer Oppositioneller Ferrer: Folter oder Selbstmisshandlung?

Das Europäische Parlament fordert die Freilassung des kubanischen Oppositionellen Jose Daniel Ferrer.

29 Nov 11:35 euronews 4540914626515117670.html
Sri Mulyani ke Pejabat BKF: Pemangkasan Jangan Dijadikan Hukuman

Sri Mulyani memangkas pejabat eselon III dan IV di BKF.

29 Nov 12:43 Tempo 6909074029306835445.html
What PSC Said About Controversial Appointment Of Police Commissioners

The Police Service Commission (PSC) has explained that it is not in conflict with the Nigerian Police over policy formulated in line with constitutional provision guiding its appointments.

29 Nov 12:31 Concise 5544636823462703286.html
Rencana Menkes Terawan Ambil Alih Izin Edar Obat Ditolak Farmasis

Dokter Terawan berencana mengambil alih izin edar obat dari BPOM ke Kemenkes.

29 Nov 12:23 Tempo 6909074028143462808.html
Indian special forces abducting Kashmiri children: Fakhar Imam

Indian special forces abducting Kashmiri children: Fakhar Imam

29 Nov 12:07 Dunya News 5863268919433146782.html
Patients sue Indiana hospital over possible disease exposure

GOSHEN, Ind. (AP) — More than 1,000 surgical patients are suing a northern Indiana hospital after being notified that a sterilization failure could have

29 Nov 13:55 12 NEWS WBNG 949510562180079491.html
Proteste gegen Ponykarussell auf Weihnachtsmarkt in Herne

Für viele Familien ist das Ponyreiten der Höhepunkt des Weihnachtsmarktbesuchs. Doch den Ponys und Eseln gehe es schlecht, wenn sie stundenlang im engen Kreis laufen, kritisieren Tierschützer. In Herne gehen Tierfreunde nun dagegen vor.

29 Nov 12:59 DIE WELT 6197693430076046680.html
Kementerian ESDM Ingin Dengarkan Masukan Investor soal Kontrak Migas

Kementerian ESDM membuka peluang bagi investor untuk memilih skema kontrak migas.

29 Nov 12:58 Katadata News 179777406385891403.html
Jokowi Terinspirasi Film Tom Hanks Hadapi Tekanan Ekonomi

Jokowi terinspirasi film Cast Away yang dibintangi Tom Hanks dalam menghadapi tekanan perlambatan ekonomi global.

29 Nov 10:38 ekonomi 6599523174109342841.html
Polda Metro Jaya Ungkap Penipuan Perumahan Syariah

<span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt">Polda

29 Nov 13:27 Tribunnews.com 3323534446951942220.html
Schon wieder Geldautomat in Frechen gesprengt

Erneut wurde in Frechen ein Geldautomat gesprengt. In der vergangenen Nacht sind Anwohner am Immergrünweg gegen 3.40 Uhr durch eine Explosion aufgeschreckt worden. In einem Pavillon, in dem mehrere Automaten stehen, wurde ein Auszahlungsautomat ...

29 Nov 12:05 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568860628651.html
Concert van Billie Eilish verhuist noodgedwongen naar Antwerpen

Poprevelatie Billie Eilish zal op 19 juli niet optreden op de heilige weide van Werchter maar in het Antwerpse Sportpaleis. Organisator Live Nation moest deze beslissing nemen na een negatief advies van de federale politie. Die is diezelfde dag ook actief op Tomorrowland en het Dour Festival. Om die reden kan ze de veiligheid in

29 Nov 14:03 Zita 7484176339273831946.html
Julius Meinl: Keine Anklage wegen Personenschutzkosten

Laut Oberlandesgericht Wien war es angemessen, die Kosten für den Schutz des Vorstandsvorsitzenden dem Unternehmen weiterzuverrechnen.

29 Nov 12:00 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441167520915.html
Telegraaf: versterkt Suriname hoopt op oefenwedstrijd tegen Nederlands elftal

Dean Gorré, bondscoach van het Surinaams voetbalelftal, hoopt binnenkort een oefeninterland te kunnen spelen tegen het Nederlands elftal. Er resteren nog twee interlandperiodes dit seizoen en daarin wil Gorré graag tegen Oranje spelen. Suriname heeft op voetbalgebied een enorme impuls gekregen nu Nederlands-Surinaamse voetballers voor de 'Natio' mogen uitkomen. Dat betekent onder meer dat Nigel Hasselbaink, Tjaronn Chery, Kelvin Leerdam, Ryan Donk, Miquel Nelom, Mitchell Donald, Florian Jozefzoon en Diego Biseswar snel international van Suriname kunnen gaan worden. Spelers maken massaal keuze voor Suriname: zeven (!) versterkingen voor Gorré

29 Nov 12:53 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883986973491.html
Eerste getroffen reizigers Thomas Cook uitbetaald

Het Garantiefonds Reizen heeft vrijdag een eerste reeks reizigers terugbetaald die werden getroffen door het faillissement van touroperator Thomas Cook ein...

29 Nov 14:21 De Standaard 2288913868808608010.html
Disinfection upgrades at Mayo water plants

WORKING in partnership with Mayo County Council, Irish Water has completed a detailed assessment of the water treatment plants in Mayo as part of the National Disinfection Programme.

29 Nov 14:35 Connaught Telegraph 8840491534623731704.html
Indonesia Jadi Kandidat Auditor Eksternal Organisasi Maritim Dunia

Indonesia bersama dengan Italia dan Inggris menjadi kandidat external auditor International Maritime Organization (IMO) periode 2020-2023.

29 Nov 10:57 detiknews 8793960224791028246.html
Ketua KONI Pusat Marciano Norman Lantik Pengurus KONI Sultra

KBRN, Kendari : Ketua KONI Sultra terpilih Agista Ariyani Bombay bersama 71 orang pengurus Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Sulawesi tenggara (Sultra) periode 2019 – 2023 resmi di

29 Nov 15:01 RRI News Portal 6700853644485303545.html
Plasmonic nanocubes make an ultrafast thermal camera

New multispectral photodetector could find applications in medicine, food safety and precision agriculture

29 Nov 11:30 Physics World 8721234136470899287.html
Energy reduction for town planning

Hot Property: Black or dark roofs may be a fashion statement but draw and retain a huge heat load from the sun.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730561962286196.html
Iraqi prime minister announces his resignation

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- After weeks of violent protests in Iraq, Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi announced Friday that he will submit his resignation to the Iraqi Parliament.

29 Nov 15:01 UPI 8257973865994269819.html
Als rechts eingestufter Verein bleibt vorerst auf Facebook gesperrt

Das Landgericht Görlitz weist die Klage des "Ein Prozent e.V." ab, der auf Facebook und Instagram weiter gesperrt bleibt. Der Verein kann Berufung einlegen.

29 Nov 11:36 heise online 1766193384359018295.html
Syrian regime hampers political process, blocking constitutional talks

The Syrian regime's uncompromising attitude on constitutional committee talks has left the process at a dead end again on the fourth day of the second...

29 Nov 15:28 DAILY SABAH 8383944809186417664.html
Kemenpora Jelaskan, Dugaan Atlet Senam Dicoret Karena Keperawanan

KBRN, Manila : Atlet olahraga senam Indonesia Shalfa Avrila Siani asal Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, harus dipulangkan oleh tim kepelatihan, jelang penampilannya di Sea Games 2019. Mendengar kabar

29 Nov 14:00 RRI News Portal 6700853644729490662.html
Launch of the National Emergency Management Agency

Hon Peeni Henare

29 Nov 10:07 SCOOP 5315658999121700908.html
Diskusi Kementan dan Alumni IPB Dorong ABGC Konsolidasi Gerakan Pertanian

WE Online, Jakarta - Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) mendorong academy, business, government, and community (ABGC) untuk bersama-sama mengawal pembangunan pertanian Indonesia.

29 Nov 15:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835566282007.html
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi to name alliance General Secretary in days

Mubasher: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi on Friday said that it will name a general secretary in the upcoming days as a first step towards boosting the operational efficiency.

29 Nov 11:02 english.mubasher.info 8917853137464298869.html
Kementan Minta Produsen Siapkan Pupuk Non Subsidi

Oleh karena itu kementan meminta pemerintah daerah untuk memvalidasi data luas baku lahan pertanian.

29 Nov 14:07 liputan6.com 3414318495846318779.html
Tepatkan Jokowi Pakai Cash Away Gambarkan Perekonomian, Begini Cerita Filmya

Presiden Joko Widodo memberikan perumpamaan film "Cast Away" tahun 2001. Film yang menceritakan tentang satu-satunya orang yang selamat dalam kecelakaan pesawat kargo ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan menghadapi perekonomian global.

29 Nov 11:47 merdeka.com 1998180355591799016.html
Former Wolves managing director Laurie Dalrymple drops tribunal case against club

Former Wolves managing director Laurie Dalrymple has dropped plans to take the club to a tribunal over his departure.

29 Nov 13:37 Express & Star 7324224460074193207.html
Festival Durian Lokal Digelar Di Alun-alun Purwokerto

KBRN, Purwokerto : Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Banyumas menggelar Festival Durian Lokal Sabtu (30/11/20190 di Alun-alun Purwokerto. Selain festival durian juga ada pameran

29 Nov 15:57 RRI News Portal 6700853644438692732.html
French lawmakers look to ban Black Friday over environmental concerns

Protesters in France have blocked an Amazon warehouse south of Paris citing concerns that the Black Friday shopping holiday negatively affects the environment.

29 Nov 15:53 Washington Examiner 4625792333410042479.html
Massive Attack commision climate change research

The Tyndall Centre will investigate strategies for reducing the live music industry's climate footprint.

29 Nov 12:30 Resident Advisor 731447405937377398.html
Pernyataan Gubernur NTT Soal TKI Ilegal Meninggal Dinilai Tidak Manusiawi

Baru-baru ini Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Timur Viktor B Laiskodat mengeluarkan pernyataan kalau ada pekerja imigran ilegal yang sukses harus disyukuri, dan meninggal dunia harus dikubur. Pernyataan Viktor tersebut menuai kecaman dan dianggap tidak berperikemanusiaan oleh Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesia.

29 Nov 14:49 merdeka.com 1998180356280170860.html
Clochard denunciato: girava con tirapugni

Clochard denunciato: girava con tirapugni. Fermato dai carabinieri dopo la segnalazione di movimenti sospetti da parte di un cittadino.

29 Nov 11:07 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734034008775902.html
Watch: Union minister Babul Supriyo sings ‘Ae Zindagi Gale Laga Le’ at the closing ceremony of IFFI

The controversy-prone minister of state was on familiar territory: music.

29 Nov 13:38 Scroll.in 8669301692992180678.html
Supreme Court Justice apologizes to bereaved families

Supreme Court Justice Neil Hendel apologizes for sending condolences to the family of a terrorist who died in Israeli prison.

29 Nov 15:43 Israel National News 5374683670054994174.html
Porbandar: Indian Navy commissions sixth Dornier aircraft squadron

This will give a fillip to coastal security near the sea border with Pakistan

29 Nov 10:00 Business-Standard 1502508926635962590.html
DHFL: RBI initiates corporate insolvency resolution process

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday filed an application for initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process against the financially stressed Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL) u

29 Nov 11:52 BusinessLine 5283600829563406.html
New automated method helps identify cancer cell metabolism inhibitors

UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers have developed a new automated method for testing hundreds of molecules at a time to find out which ones block cancer cells from consuming glucose - the sugars they need to spread and grow.

29 Nov 13:40 News-Medical.net 4522523031563665291.html
Aksi Charity MIND ID untuk Masyarakat Indonesia

MIND ID Holding Industri Pertambangan menggandeng NGO Habitat For Humanity melakukan aksi charity di sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia. Begini aksi-aksinya.

29 Nov 10:39 detikfinance 4442190001772679443.html
Hidayat Nur Wahid: Indonesia Harus Semakin Serius Membela Palestina

Wakil Ketua MPR-RI Dr. H. M. Hidayat Nur Wahid, MA menegaskan bahwa Indonesia seharusnya meningkatkan pembelaannya terhadap bangsa Palestina

29 Nov 10:18 Tribunnews.com 3323534445215121657.html
Duizenden banen weg bij automaker Daimler

De Duitse automaker Daimler schrapt tot eind 2022 duizenden banen. Het concern wil daarmee 1,4 miljard euro aan personeelskosten besparen. Het moederbedrijf van Mercedes-Benz poogt zo geld vrij te maken voor de overgang naar elektrisch rijden.

29 Nov 12:19 RD.nl 6406779841722541690.html
Israel denounces Myanmar atrocities against Muslim minority

Foreign Ministry condemns atrocities against Myanmar's Rohingya minority, after diplomat tweets 'good luck' to officials accused of genocide

29 Nov 10:55 Israel National News 5374683669392189755.html
Docent Leidse universiteit nam bloed af bij proefpersonen zonder toestemming

Vroeg ook subsidie aan met gemanipuleerd onderzoek

29 Nov 10:39 ThePostOnline 3048418756428971616.html
Pesquisadores descobrem como usar cabos submarinos como sism


29 Nov 15:22 Olhar Digital 416591716330032300.html
Automotive research centre opened in Madurai

The centre is aimed at enhancing research, testing and product development in automotive engineering

29 Nov 10:26 The Hindu 6679535026045093887.html
Erraustegiaren aurkako manifestazioa deitu du Usurbilgo Udalak abenduaren 13rako

Usurbilgo Udalak manifestazioa deitu du abenduaren 13rako, Zubietako erraustegiaren aurka. Probaldi fasean hasi zen atzo eta horrek usurbildarrei eragiten di...

29 Nov 10:20 naiz: 7509038602933234064.html
Singapore eist dat Facebook bericht aanpast

Singapore wil dat Facebook een kritisch bericht van een gebruiker aanpast. Alex Tan Zhi Xiang had geschreven dat Singapore sjoemelt met stemmen bij verkiezingen en dat een klokkenluider is opgepakt. Dat bericht is nepnieuws, vinden de autoriteiten.

29 Nov 10:22 RD.nl 6406779842293942958.html
NMU student missing

Detectives from Bethelsdorp in Port Elizabeth are looking for a 23-year-old Nelson Mandela University student who went missing on Wednesday.Spokesperson Colonel Priscilla Naidu says Keanan Bouwer left his house in Heath Park on the 27th at about 11 am to go to University and later in the afternoon m

29 Nov 12:09 Algoa FM 633679975183792433.html
Rail services suspended between Sandymount and Lansdowne after vehicle damages barriers

The incident happened on Serpentine Avenue.

29 Nov 10:05 TheJournal.ie 6446904417696833034.html
Black Friday shooting shutters Syracuse shopping mall

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Police in Syracuse are looking for a gunman who shot a man in the leg Friday inside a shopping mall. The shooting happened about 7 p.m. and caused a lockdown at the Destiny USA mall. Police said the shooting appeared to stem from an assault or altercation and was not a random …

29 Nov 14:19 City NEWS 1130 5858657120169742807.html
Lustenberger fehlt YB gegen Basel

YB-Captain Fabian Lustenberger musste nach seiner Auswechslung gegen Porto am Oberschenkel operiert werden. Wie lange er ausfällt, ist noch ungewiss.

29 Nov 15:20 Berner Zeitung 1248949324765936073.html
Geen strafvervolging in zaak tegen Job Gosschalk

Job Gosschalk (52) wordt niet vervolgd door het Openbaar Ministerie, laat een woordvoerder weten. De castingdirector werd gehoord voor een mogelijk zedendelict, maar al eerder bleek dat hij en de aanklager door middel van mediation tot een overeenkomst waren gekomen.

29 Nov 10:31 RTL Boulevard 1500115272117997354.html
Petualangan Cinta Berakhir Bahagia Sang Buddha dan Seorang Putri Terekam di Candi Borobudur

Di galeri 1 Candi Borobudur, kita bisa membaca relief-relief kisah Pangeran Sudana dan Putri Manohara dengan mata kepala sendiri.

29 Nov 14:53 grid.id 6246371059529900289.html
Ternyata Ganti PNS Dengan Robot Bagian Mimpi Jokowi

Jokowi berencana menghapus jumlah eselon III & IV kementerian yang dianggap menghambat birokrasi.

29 Nov 11:02 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214063647105.html
Arrestaties na grote operatie tegen hacksoftware

Gevaarlijke software van hackers is uit de lucht gehaald bij een grote politieactie in meerdere landen, waaronder Nederland.

29 Nov 13:39 RTLZ 8052859356132797931.html
Hidayat Nur Wahid Minta Mendagri Beri Persetujuan Perpanjangan Izin FPI

Hidayat Nur Wahid mengatakan sebaiknya Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tito Karnavian untuk memberikan perpanjangan izin bagi FPI.

29 Nov 15:25 Tribunnews.com 3323534445348341005.html
Company apologizes after uproar over headscarf ban

A recruitment firm apologized and fired a staff member after it was revealed on social media that it turned down the employment application of a...

29 Nov 13:51 DAILY SABAH 8383944809888377233.html
Cegah Alih Fungsi Lahan Butuh Keseriusan Bersama

Alih fungsi lahan pertanian selama ini memang sulit dihindari. Berbagai regulasi seperti Undang-undang, Keputusan Menteri dan aturan lain telah diterbitkan, namun konversi lahan tetap saja terjadi.

29 Nov 11:13 liputan6.com 3414318495833949030.html
One Nucleus reveals finalists of annual BioNewsRound Award

One Nucleus reveals the finalists of its annual BioNewsRound Award, recognizing life science companies that have announced exciting developments for patients and the sector. The finalists will present at Genesis 2019 where the winner will be announced.

29 Nov 12:51 News-Medical.net 4522523030175400997.html
Ballboy Penyelamat Tottenham Bicara Soal Kerendahan Hati Mourinho

Kemenangan Tottenham atas Olympiakos beberapa hari yang lalu adalah sesuatu yang spesial. Dan torehan apik tersebut tak bisa lepas dari jasa sang ballboy, Callum Haynes

29 Nov 11:30 Bola.net 5489959027483398119.html
Tsani Annafari Mundur Sebagai Penasihat KPK

KBRN, Jakarta : Mohammad Tsani Annafari sudah memutuskan mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Penasihat KPK. Tsani tidak akan aktif lagi sebagai penasihat KPK per 2 Desember 2019. Tsani memang pernah

29 Nov 14:52 RRI News Portal 6700853645649452721.html
Airbnb scofflaws face fines

The rubber is about to meet the road when it comes to short-term housing rentals in Kelowna.

29 Nov 10:21 Castanet 616068601605482941.html
Einstein Telescoop weer stap dichterbij

De komst van de Einstein Telescoop naar Zuid-Limburg is weer een stap dichterbij gekomen. De EU heeft deze week een subsidie toegekend van 7,5 miljoen euro voor verder bodemonderzoek.

29 Nov 12:16 1limburg 5437278402159050821.html
Omstreden uitbreiding Veldzicht in Balkbrug moet naast Villa Erica komen

De nieuwbouw van Veldzicht in Balkbrug voor de opvang van maximaal twintig ongedocumenteerde vreemdelingen met psychische problemen moet naast Villa Erica komen. Als de nieuwbouw doorgaat, komt de opvang op het grasveld achter de villa, direct naast de bestaande kliniek. Op die manier hoopt de directie van Veldzicht tegemoet te komen aan omwonenden.

29 Nov 15:00 RTV Oost 6509131172040839795.html
Van dood journaliste verdachte zakenman vrij

De Maltese zakenman Yorgen Fenech, die wordt verdacht van betrokkenheid bij de dood van journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia, is op borgtocht vrijgelaten. Hij blijft voorlopig onder politietoezicht. Het is de vijfde keer dat hij op borgtocht is vrijgelaten, maar hij werd steeds weer opgepakt voor verhoor.

29 Nov 13:31 RD.nl 6406779840765768966.html
Muntinlupa students win climate and disaster resilience contest

Have you ever thought of having a device that automatically shuts off power when it detects a strong tremor, thereby mitigating the secondary damage from fires brought by a strong earthquake?

29 Nov 10:00 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351514060586107.html
Dario Cologna verpasst die Bonussekunden klar

Das Schweizer Team bleibt beim Weltcup-Auftakt in Kuusamo eher blass.

29 Nov 13:15 bz BASEL 5287163741444468177.html
ICSB Indonesia Perkuat SDM Ratusan Pelaku UMKM di Banyuwangi

International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Indonesia didukung Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah membantu memperkuat Sumberdaya Manusia (SDM) ratusan pelaku UKM di Kabupaten Banyuwangi.

29 Nov 12:59 merdeka.com 1998180355951314689.html
KPK Sita Dokumen Sejumlah Proyek dari Penggeledahan di Pekanbaru

Penggeledahan dilakukan sebagai bagian dari proses penyidikan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi terkait dengan pembangunan jalan di Bengkalis. Dalam kasus ini, KPK menetapkan dua tersangka.

29 Nov 15:45 merdeka.com 1998180354886607339.html
Oxfam vraagt eindelijk actie voor leefbaar inkomen voor cacaoboeren

De retail- en de chocoladesector in België moeten de cacaoboeren in Ivoorkust en Ghana tegen 2030 een leefbaar inkomen garanderen. Een delegatie van Oxfam-Wereldwinkels overhandigde vrijdag bijna 2...

29 Nov 12:00 HLN 8967494998568511663.html
Celestial archway of stars creates Christmas sparkle at Knightshayes

The decorations, which are also being hung on the giant Christmas trees in the house, are filling Knightshayes with the lovely scent of Christmas

29 Nov 13:12 DevonLive 2469244512332797591.html
Decembermoorden: de schaduw over Suriname

De dood van veertien Surinamers en een Nederlander op 8 en 9 december 1982 in Suriname is het dieptepunt in de geschiedenis van Suriname. De marteling van en de moord op verklaarde critici van het toenmalige militaire regime van Dési Bouterse, kortweg de Decembermoorden, verstomden de Surinaamse samenleving en verlamden het land.

29 Nov 15:55 RD.nl 6406779840872275195.html
Divonis Bebas Pengadilan, Alvin Lim Minta Nama Baiknya Dipulihkan Media

KBRN, Jakarta: Pengacara Alvin Lim minta nama baiknya dipulihkan oleh media, setelah mendapat vonis bebas dari Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan. Akibat pemberitaan negatif, Alvin

29 Nov 12:25 RRI News Portal 6700853645598760157.html
ZGT wil topklinisch ziekenhuis worden door samen te werken met Universiteit Twente

De ZGT hoopt dankzij de samenwerking met Universiteit Twente een 'topklinisch ziekenhuis' te worden. Het ziekenhuis en de universiteit ondertekenden gisteren de samenwerking waarmee beide partijen de medische en wetenschappelijke wereld beter willen verbinden.

29 Nov 11:53 RTV Oost 6509131170888324562.html
Belajar dari BUMN Malaysia, Bulog Bisa Rugi Kalau Monopoli Pasar

Pemerintah bisa belajar dari Malaysia dalam mengelola beras nasional melalui Perum Bulog. Di Malaysia ada BUMN serupa, yaitu Bernas (Padiberas Nasional Berhad).

29 Nov 14:45 detikfinance 4442190000870401869.html
Menparekraf: Komodo Masih Jadi Daya Tarik Wisatawan

Menparekraf Wishnutama berencana mengembangkan Pulau Komodo sebagai destinasi berkualitas. Tidak mengandalkan kuantitas semata.

29 Nov 11:34 Tempo 2240716325168008456.html
YouTube Supports Fast-Rising Nigerian Artistes

Video sharing platform, YouTube has selected artistes, Simi, Kizz Daniel, Teni and Reekado Banks to gets its backing on their individual music journey.

29 Nov 14:16 Concise 5544636823300198655.html
Tips Sukses Kembali Menyusui Setelah Sempat Berhenti

Mulai menyusui anak lagi setelah berhenti tetap bisa Bunda lakukan kok. Simak langkah-langkahnya ya.

29 Nov 10:41 menyusui 8028540701952382827.html
Global startups further expand Turkish software exports

Many global startups based in Turkey and operating in sectors as varied as cybersecurity, gaming, entertainment, health and financial technology, are making a marked contribution to the country's exports and the nurturing of well-trained human resources

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944808180338964.html
Theologische School GG opent nieuwbouw aan Boezemsingel

Aan de Rotterdamse Boezemsingel verrees een splinternieuw gebouw – vol met herinneringen aan de oude Boezemsingelkerk. Vrijdag nam de Theologische School van de Gereformeerde Gemeenten de nieuwbouw in gebruik.

29 Nov 13:02 RD.nl 6406779841573896555.html
Pemkot Palangka Raya Resmi Tutup Praktik Prostisusi Bukit Sungkai

"Hal itu dilakukan sebagai wujud dukungan Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya terhadap keputusan pusat bahwa Indonesia Bebas lokalisasi prostitusi pada tahun 2019"

29 Nov 14:04 Hidayatullah.com 5252784001710539570.html
Top Bangladesh cricket officials barred from leaving country over corruption probe

Mahbubul Anam is one of at least two senior Bangladesh Cricket Board directors under suspicion.

29 Nov 10:29 The Hindu 6679535026124877982.html
Dituduh Selingkuh, Nella Kharisma Polisikan Akun Medsos

Dituduh selingkuh, penyanyi dangdut Nella Kharisma melaporkan pemilik akun media sosial ke Subdit Siber Ditreskrimsus Polda Jatim.

29 Nov 10:57 nasional 6599523173889200360.html
Abaikan Liga Champions, Kai Havertz Tertarik Gabung Manchester United

Pemain muda Jerman, Kai Havertz, disebut tertarik dengan kemungkinan pindah ke Manchester United di masa depan.

29 Nov 11:02 Bola.net 5489959027594516797.html
Some Uber Drivers Use Bogus Identities and Shared Accounts

An anonymous reader shares a report: Uber faced a blow on Monday when London regulators refused to renew the ride-hailing company's operating permit because of safety concerns. The biggest issue lawmakers cited was drivers using false identities as they ferried unsuspecting passengers. At least 14,0...

29 Nov 12:00 tech.slashdot.org 8720761276781095219.html
Rekenkamer: geen negatieve gevolgen bij uitstroom uit bijstand naar minimumloon

Rekenkamercommissie onderzocht effecten minimabeleid  Uit onderzoek van de Rekenkamercommissie van de raad van Wijchen blijkt dat inwoners uit Wijchen geen negatieve effecten ervaren op hun besteedbaar inkomen als zij uit de bijstand stromen naar een voltijdsbaan. Het onderzoek laat ook zien dat er wel armoedevallen kunnen ontstaan bij bijv. paren (zowel met als zonder kinderen) [&hellip

29 Nov 15:56 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807536375181337.html
Five Common Misconceptions About the Electoral College

Defenders of the Electoral College argue that it was created to combat majority tyranny and support federalism, and that it continues to serve those purposes. This stance depends on a profound misunderstanding of the history of the institution.

29 Nov 11:00 The Atlantic 100708438205341521.html
Kuschelpullis haben jetzt wieder Saison

Endlich wieder Sweater-Weather! Wenn die Temperaturen im Herbst fallen, halten sich auch die Promis mit Kuschel-Pullis warm - und zeigen dabei nicht ...

29 Nov 11:10 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093163811560.html
7 Tipe Kepribadian Cewek Sesuai Gaya Rambutnya

Gaya rambut seseorang, terutama perempuan dapat memperlihatkan kepribadiannya.

29 Nov 14:40 liputan6.com 5422146881619942854.html
Vrouwen met endometriose kiezen vaker voor academisch ziekenhuis

Uit data van Vektis blijkt dat het aantal vrouwen met endometriose dat bij een gynaecoloog terechtkomt sinds een aantal jaar toeneemt. Waar het aantal patiënten in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen in de jaren 2013 en 2014 op ongeveer 9.000 per jaar lag, is dat sinds 2016 van 11.000 opgelopen tot bijna 13.000 in 2018. Dit meldt Vektis.

29 Nov 10:38 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743251044423.html
West K apartment evacuated

A catastrophe was narrowly avoided at a West Kelowna apartment building Friday morning.

29 Nov 12:22 Castanet 616068602957240998.html
Sistani urges Cabinet change as protesters regroup after crackdown

For weeks, Sistani has called for restraint in dealing with demonstrators and has urged political parties get

29 Nov 15:03 Saudi Gazette 6913978434108119787.html
Ribuan Tanaman Produktif dan Pohon Pelindung Ditanam di Pekanbaru

PT PLN menanam 21.000 bibit pohon di seluruh Indonesia sebagai bentuk kepedulian kepada lingkungan. Acara penanaman tersebut untuk memperingati Hari Menanam Pohon Nasional (HMPN), Kamis (28/11).

29 Nov 14:29 merdeka.com 1998180355785413721.html
Sebi advances margins determination period for commodity derivatives

Effective April 1, 2020, cut off time shall be kept at 5 pm for the purpose of determining minimum threshold of margins to be collected by members from their clients

29 Nov 14:29 Business-Standard 1502508926294969890.html
Women activists face disproportionate violence for work

On International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, a report examines activist stories across 21 countries and finds a failure to protect women activists

29 Nov 15:47 Open Access Government 7441385493135179211.html
Ghost Recon Breakpoint und der Kampf gegen Quantencomputer

Actionspieler erwartet auf Golem Island eine extreme Herausforderung: Das Eiland ist Schauplatz des ersten Raids für Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Spieler müssen unter anderem gegen

29 Nov 11:58 Golem.de 3063982244365864163.html
Dilepas Tira Persikabo, Begini Pesan Terakhir Dari Rahmad Darmawan

Berita sport: Pelatih Rahmad Darmawan memberikan pesan terakhir untuk para pemain Tira Persikabo usai dilepas manajemen, Jumat (29/11/19) sore WIB.

29 Nov 11:11 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550831201197.html
Construction worker dies after Sydney pipe bursts

A Sydney construction worker has died in hospital after being struck in the head by a burst pressurised water pipe.

29 Nov 13:31 The New Daily 5848147785786610736.html
Ditinjau Jokowi, Penyelesaian Pembangunan Pelabuhan Patimban Dikebut

Pelabuhan Patimban merupakan proyek strategis nasional bekerjasama dengan Jepang, yang tengah dikebut penyelesaiannya oleh Kementerian Perhubungan. Pembangunan pelabuhan ini, dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kinerja logistik dan investasi guna mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.

29 Nov 14:28 merdeka.com 1998180354675162498.html
Orang Indonesia Makin Cerdas Saat Belanja Online

Pengguna menjadi lebih cerdas sebelum membeli suatu produk, dan mereka membutuhkan informasi yang dapat meyakinkan mereka sebelum melakukan pembelian.

29 Nov 14:00 liputan6.com 3414318496561516588.html
Singapore tells Facebook to correct post under disinformation law

Singapore authorities Friday ordered Facebook to correct an article on a fringe news site containing "scurrilous accusations" of election rigging, ramping up their use of a controversial law against misinformation.

29 Nov 11:23 Tech Xplore 4945708898526643044.html
Alibaba plaatst broncode voor eigen machine learning-algoritme op Github

Chinese cloudreus Alibaba deelt de broncode voor zijn Alink-platform op Github. Het bedrijf zet de machine learning-code zelf in voor onder andere productaanbevelingen online. Chinese cloudprovider Alibaba wil laten zien dat het de opensource-gemeenschap serieus neemt. Alibaba is naar eigen zeggen één van de tien grootste bijdragers aan de gemeenschap en dat wil het bedrijf […]

29 Nov 12:45 Techzine 1792892597115068596.html
Two Guruve villagers die in separate incidents

TWO female Guruve villagers died in separate incidents yesterday, one was trapped to death while prospecting for gold and the other drowned while swimming at Da...

29 Nov 13:29 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540412696831.html
Ketika Pujian dan Peringatan pada Osvaldo Haay Datang Bersamaan

Timnas Indonesia U-22 kembali meraih kemenangan di laga kedua Grup B SEA Games 2019 ketika menghadapi Singapura. Osvaldo Haay menjadi pemain yang bersinar terang pada pertandingan di Stadion Rizal Memorial, Kamis (28/11/2019) kemarin

29 Nov 10:46 Bola.net 5489959027888248480.html
Turkey slams France's nonconstructive attitude toward NATO solidarity

Turkey harshly criticizes French President Emmanuel Macron's statements undermining NATO's main principle, which is based on the solidarity of its allies

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944809912482948.html
Russia presents long-awaited domestic violence bill

MOSCOW (AP) - A group of lawmakers in the country's upper house of parliament, mainly from President Vladimir Putin's United Russia party, have presented a long-anticipated bill on preventing domestic abuse.

29 Nov 13:39 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636598932763.html
ICPC, NOA launch community campaign to monitor constituency projects

The ICPC in collaboration with the NOA has launched a National Awareness Campaign on Community Monitoring of Constituency Projects.

29 Nov 11:19 The ICIR 2244788521726965942.html
Solskjaer Tidak Menyesal Mainkan Tim Muda Melawan Astana

Manajer Manchester United, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tidak menyesali keputusannya memainkan pemain muda melawan Astana.

29 Nov 15:45 Bola.net 5489959028184003883.html
HC dismisses plea against coop. bank amalgamation

‘Court has no scope for interference with the process’

29 Nov 14:13 The Hindu 6679535024965058240.html
NRW will Nachbesserungen am Klimapaket

• Bundesrat lehnt Teile des Klimapakets ab • Auch NRW fordert Nachbesserungen • Nachteile für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen befürchtet

29 Nov 10:47 www1.wdr.de 5204960547367594569.html
Canalside apartment proposal given green light

Work to build more than 70 new canal-side apartments on derelict Walsall land could start as soon as January after plans were given the green light.

29 Nov 15:15 Express & Star 7324224459625562862.html
Military engineers use waste plastics to construct road

The army engineers have used 1.24 metric tons of waste plastics to construct a road inside Narengi military station in Guwahati as a pilot project, the success of which will be emulated by Military Engineers Services (MES) in other cantonments and military stations.

29 Nov 10:44 Deccan Herald 2027555797934983364.html
Jaring Wisman, Rute Penerbangan Kupang-Darwin Dibuka Desember

Gubernur NTT Viktor Bungtilu Laiskodat memastikan, rute penerbangan langsung Kupang- Darwin akan mulai dibuka pada 3 Desember 2019.

29 Nov 14:21 Tempo 6909074028278400475.html
Rail operator vows extra compensation for disrupted passengers

West Midlands Trains said timetable changes in May led to disruption on its London Northwestern Railway and West Midlands Railway services.

29 Nov 10:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774571051388.html
Mayo firm a winner in InterTradeIreland Seedcorn competition

A MAYO firm was one of the main winners at the prestigious InterTradeIreland Seedcorn Investor Readiness Competition final, held at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.

29 Nov 15:29 Connaught Telegraph 8840491533834470705.html
Rotterdamse tieners uit gezin met laag inkomen krijgen extraatje

Rotterdamse jongeren tussen de 12 en 17 jaar, die opgroeien in een gezin met een laag inkomen, krijgen een verhoging van het bedrag op hun Rotterdampas. Het bedrag stijgt van vierhonderd naar vijfhonderd euro per jaar.

29 Nov 12:36 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227090114107.html
Koalition-Chefverhandler sichten übers Wochenende

Bei den türkis-grünen Koalitionsverhandlungen wollen die Chefverhandler am Wochenende die bisherigen inhaltlichen Ergebnisse sichten.

29 Nov 12:15 NÖN.at 2486998932101456585.html
Indrukwekkende verhuizing bedlederige patiënten Amphia Ziekenhuis

Het Amphia Ziekenhuis in Breda is bezig met een grootschalige verhuizing van de patiënten. Vanaf vandaag is de nieuwbouwlocatie open en daarom worden zij er met vrachtwagens of ander vervoer naartoe vervoerd. Van de 340 patiënten die vandaag verhuizen, zijn er 44 bedlederig. Dit meldt NOS. 

29 Nov 14:55 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743154317395.html
Die selbstbewussteste AfD aller Zeiten

Die AfD hat große Wahlsiege hinter sich, ist angekommen in allen Landesparlamenten, die Streitereien sind leiser geworden. Könnte es also ausnahmsweise ein ruhiger Parteitag werden? Vermutlich nicht.

29 Nov 11:08 n-tv 6802689755059817966.html
Startup Halofina Galang Dana dari Mandiri Capital dan Finch Capital

Halofina akan menggunakan dana untuk pengembangan produk, peningkatan organisasi dan tim, serta kemitraan strategis perusahaan.

29 Nov 15:03 Katadata News 179777406768007486.html
Awards for Lancashire BAE Systems engineers

Engineers from BAE Systems involved in developing engineering solutions behind some of the world's leading aerospace programmes have been recognised for their achievements.

29 Nov 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275855662450457.html
CrowdOwnership: LandWey launches online investment platform for real estate co-ownership

In a bid to create a profitable, vibrant and viable entry into real estate investment by pooling intending real estate investors together to collectively...

29 Nov 15:03 Vanguard News 4125100340592365473.html
Indonesia akan Bangun SDM Masyarakat Rohingya di Rakhine State

KBRN, Jakarta : Anggota Presidium MER-C, dr. Yogi Prabowo menyatakan Indonesia akan melakukan program pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) masyarakat Rohingya di Rakhine State, Myanmar. MER-C

29 Nov 14:11 RRI News Portal 6700853645811537445.html
Lawyers protest, petition Kazembe, Matanga over police brutality

ZIMBABWEAN lawyers have marched during a demonstration to protest against harassment and assault of legal practitioners and ordinary citizens.Dozens of placard ...

29 Nov 15:13 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540223192531.html
Natuur in Berkel hersteld na leidingbreuk

De natuur in de Berkel in de Achterhoek heeft zich hersteld, nadat een jaar geleden eiwitrijk water van zuivelproducent FrieslandCampina in het riviertje was gestroomd door een leidingbreuk. Dat meldt waterschap Rijn en IJssel, dat de ecologie in de Berkel bij Lochem in het afgelopen jaar continu in de gaten heeft gehouden. Zowel vissen als waterinsecten doen het weer goed.

29 Nov 15:13 RD.nl 6406779842122184743.html
Aantal aangegeven gevallen van agressie tegen leerkrachten blijft stijgen

Het aantal aangegeven gevallen van agressie tegen leerkrachten blijft toenemen. In de eerste helft van 2019 ging het om 56 gevallen. Dat zijn er al bijna even veel als in heel 2017. Vooral de agres...

29 Nov 15:31 HLN 8967494997749792800.html
Intel Blames Qualcomm Bullying And Anticompetitive Practices For Modem Exit

Today, we're learning that Intel is placing direct blame on Qualcomm for its modem development problems which resulted in its unplanned sale. In

29 Nov 11:53 HotHardware 6258404626223198909.html
Sapi di Rusia Ini Pakai Kacamata VR untuk Menurunkan Tingkat Stres

Kacamata VR pada sapi bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kondisi emosi sapi.

29 Nov 11:15 liputan6.com 5422146880577797439.html
Chairul Tanjung Lakukan Topping Off Tower Pertama Transpark Juanda

Transpark Juanda tengah dalam proses pembangunan. Akan ada 5 tower yang segera selesai dalam waktu dekat yaitu Tower Jade, Saphire, Ruby, Emerald, dan Diamond.

29 Nov 15:38 detikfinance 4442190002210696401.html
Jokowi Dijadwalkan Buka Munas Golkar

Melchias Marcus Mekeng mengatakan Musyawarah Nasional Partai Golkar bakal dibuka oleh Presiden Jokowi.

29 Nov 14:55 Tempo 4466195686505732171.html
Asociatii de magistrati cer presedintelui sa repare problemele din justitie

Asociatia Forumul Judecatorilor din Romania si Asociatia Initiativa pentru Justitiei au dat publicitatii un apel adresat presedintelui Klaus Iohannis, premierului Ludovic Orban si ministrului justitiei, Catalin Predoiu, in care solicita sa gaseasca ”solutii imediate pentru modificari legislative, in acord cu standardele statului de drept”.

29 Nov 11:06 Wall-Street 2473040520020210228.html
Video: Pangkas Birokrasi, Jokowi Ingin Kecerdasan Buatan Gantikan ASN

Jokowi ingin memanfaatkan kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk meningkatkan pelayanan di birokrasi.

29 Nov 14:05 Katadata News 179777406813486981.html
Druck auf Maltas Regierung steigt

Für Maltas Premier Muscat wird es eng: Steckt sein Ex-Stabschef hinter dem Mord an der Journalistin Galizia? Ein Verdächtiger will auspacken - unter Bedingungen. Und das EU-Parlament schickt Beobachter.

29 Nov 10:29 tagesschau.de 5441171424950486019.html
6 Rahasia yang Ingin Dibeberkan Kru Kapal Pesiar, Termasuk Berbohong Kepada Penumpang

Menurut Showbiz CheatSheet , bekerja di kapal pesiar tidak semewah yang dibayangkan.

29 Nov 10:07 Tribunnews.com 3323534446530492377.html
Berbagai Manfaat Melon untuk Kesehatan, Bisa Kurangi Rambut Rontok

Buah melon cukup populer karena lezat dan menyegarkan, sayangnya masih banyak yang belum menyadari manfaatnya.

29 Nov 12:30 Bola.net 5489959029175466422.html
NSA Doval meets Sri Lankan President

Indian national security adviser Ajit Doval meets newly-elected Sri Lankan president in New Delhi on three-day visit to India.

29 Nov 14:06 Deccan Herald 2027555796837209965.html
Dickson attributes eight years in office to divine intervention

Bayelsa State governor, Hon Seriake Dickson has attributed the landmark achievement of being the first governor to successfully complete a second term

29 Nov 11:02 Vanguard News 4125100340734090150.html
Odisha hotel staff arrested for installing CCTV in washrooms, blackmailing customers

There were CCTV cameras hidden in the hotel's washrooms and the establishment recorded objectionable videos of its guests.

29 Nov 12:30 India Today 4286117814055679875.html
Rail operator vows extra compensation for disrupted passengers

West Midlands Trains said timetable changes in May led to disruption on its London Northwestern Railway and West Midlands Railway services.

29 Nov 10:19 Express & Star 7324224460035647868.html
Iraq's prime minister submits resignation as deadly protests sweep country

The PM announced his intention to step down live on television the day after more than 40 protesters were killed in clashes with security forces.

29 Nov 15:07 euronews 7318238122260383513.html
Ahmad Mansour spricht Klartext zur Integration

Eine schreckliche Serie an Frauenmorden sorgte in diesem Jahr in Niederösterreich für Entsetzen, aber auch für Verunsicherung. Denn etliche der Täter hatten Migrationshintergrund oder waren Asylwerber.

29 Nov 10:17 NÖN.at 2486998932923155241.html
PSD decries PNL's social experiments with establishing minimum wage

The Social Democratic Party ( PSD ) argues that the calculation model proposed by National Liberal Party (PNL) for establishing the minimum...

29 Nov 12:52 Stiri pe surse 4858045013775939276.html
Shura Council Speaker: Qatar views Africa a promising continent

Speaker of the Shura Council, H E Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid Al Mahmoud, has underlined the interest of the State of Qatar under the leadership of Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, to deepen partnerships and open new horizons for relations with  brotherly and friendly countries and regional and international groupings, particularly  African countries and organisations to build solid strategic relations based on the principle of constructive cooperation to serve common interests.

29 Nov 12:24 The Peninsula 1202843882064261267.html
TymeBank already eyeing next million customers

After announcing the bank’s first million customers, CEO Tauriq Keraan reveals partnerships will unlock further growth.

29 Nov 11:57 ITWeb 642894138679327727.html
Sweaters distributed to schoolchildren in Telangana’s Jodeghat

Former Advisor to Union Finance Ministry and well known columnist, Secunderabad-based Mohan Guruswamy, on Friday distributed sweaters to some 400 students of the Satellite Learning Centres of Babejhar

29 Nov 13:06 The Hindu 6679535024640985593.html
Desperate Zimbabweans pitch tents at passport office

The government has assured the nation that issuance of passports will improve as authorities are working to resolve the problems being experienced

29 Nov 15:38 ZWNEWS 6090563867189690083.html
Piani per un mondo distopico

I pianificatori delle politiche globali intendono sostituire sia l'egemonia del dollaro che i combustibili fossili.

29 Nov 12:00 Trend Online 3268043278947517727.html
Kopi Kintamani Bisa Bikin Turis Rindu Bali

Gunung Batur merupakan kawasan penghasil kopi Kintamani. Kopi arabika ini sudah terkenal sejak era kolonial.

29 Nov 11:05 Tempo 2240716325768688145.html
Tamil Nadu State Election Commissioner holds meeting for officials of five districts

R. Palanisamy has directed officials deputed for election duty to strictly adhere to guidelines, ahead of the local body polls

29 Nov 10:11 The Hindu 6679535025831232783.html
Whitesands decision delay blasted by campaigners

A decision by Scottish ministers into the fate of the flood defence scheme is now expected in the New Year - despite reporters submitting their findings in September.

29 Nov 13:29 dailyrecord 552235480783688179.html
Pollution watchdog to review existing guidelines on idol immersion: Govt

Some of the states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala have issued directions in accordance with the CPCB guidelines banning non-eco friendly material in making idols

29 Nov 15:40 Business-Standard 1502508926340242956.html
Sebelum Natal, Inter Milan akan Dapat Kado Terindah

Raksasa Serie A Liga Italia, Inter Milan, nampak akan mendapat kado terindah usai dikabarkan salah satu strikernya bakal kembali merumput.

29 Nov 13:49 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550310850048.html
Prof Danquah calls for a Presidential Initiative transformation of Agriculture

news, story, article

29 Nov 14:52 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610901750250.html
Student Solidarity March: Thousands take to streets nationwide

Across the country on Friday, students, activists, and civil society members, as well as academics and politicians protested to mark what organizers have called the

29 Nov 15:29 The Nation 8831095138010754360.html
Huawei plans legal challenge over exclusion from federal subsidies in US

The Federal Communications Commission last week branded Huawei and its Chinese rival ZTE as threats to US national security and blocked them from the fund

29 Nov 12:05 Business-Standard 1502508925531718705.html
China's financial warning signs flashing nearly everywhere as policymakers scramble

From rural bank runs to surging consumer indebtedness and an unprecedented bond restructuring, mounting signs of financial stress in China are putting the

29 Nov 14:10 The Japan Times 6673764366596314739.html
Belgian officials boycott trade delegation to Israel

BDS movement scores victory in Belgium, with officials dropping out of delegation to Israel, accusing Israel of violating international law.

29 Nov 14:28 Israel National News 5374683668739270623.html
Sweden charges EU parliament member with sexual molestation

Prosecutors on Friday charged a Swedish member of the European Parliament with sexual molestation, a move challenged by the politician, Peter Lundgren of the anti-immigrant nationalist party the Sweden Democrats. The Prosecution Authority said in a statement the alleged incident took place in a hotel

29 Nov 11:39 Yahoo 7097669638280882030.html
China Mobile International launched first ever global shared service center in Cyberjaya

KUALA LUMPUR: China’s telecommunication giant China Mobile, through its overseas subsidiary China Mobile International (CMI), has officially launched the group’s first ever global shared service senter (SSC) in Cyberjaya marking a new chapter in CMI’s ambitious plan for expansion in to the region.

29 Nov 11:12 NST Online 3702929171874387754.html
Gymnastics Federation of India Gets Recognition From Global Governing Body

The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has granted recognition to the governing body of the sports in the country after accepting the results of its recent elections.

29 Nov 15:22 India.com 7150386084303081076.html
Memilih Hidup Sederhana sebagai Biarawati, Wanita Ini Bukanlah Sosok Sembarangan, Kakeknya Adalah Salah Satu Orang Terkaya di Indonesia

Yang paling membuat kagum adalah Lucy merupakan pengikut Ibu Teresa yang dikenal hanya memiliki dua set pakaian.

29 Nov 14:00 grid.id 6246371059914315215.html
Gasteizko EH Bilduk ez du euskarari buruzko adierazpena sinatuko, PP ez zuritzeko

EH Bildu Gasteizen duen udal taldeak euskara erabili eta sustatzeko konpromisoa berretsi du, eta &laquo;horregatik ez gara PPren ondoan agertuko adierazpenar...

29 Nov 10:13 naiz: 7509038603147619439.html
Warner, Labuschagne frustrate Pakistan in Adelaide

David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne pushed Australia to 70 for one after Pakistan made an early breakthrough before rain brought an early tea on ...

29 Nov 14:10 CNA 5644198862858804943.html
Jalani Poligami, Benazir Menyesal Jadi Istri Kedua Limbad

Diamnya Limbad membuat Benazir menyesal karena telah mau dipoligami.

29 Nov 14:20 moms-life 8028540702727535395.html
Infosys wins massive Centrelink payments engine deal

Beats IBM, Accenture for crucial WPIT project.

29 Nov 13:30 iTnews 4425008560879874206.html
Rencana UN Dihapus, Anggota DPR Sebut Banyak Persoalan yang Perlu Dipikirkan

Kalau hanya ingin menghapus UN, kata Ali Zamroni memang hal yang mudah. Namun mendikbud juga harus memberikan beberapa kajian alternatif.

29 Nov 12:12 liputan6.com 3414318497304934656.html
Mesen zal tijdelijk honderd asielzoekers opvangen

Het Rode Kruis Vlaanderen zal een tijdelijk noodopvangcentrum openen in Mesen, een stad in de Westhoek. In vakantiecentrum Peace Village worden een honderd...

29 Nov 10:16 De Standaard 2288913869447582865.html
Daimler und Betriebsrat einigen sich bei Stellenabbau

Autobauer Daimler und der Gesamtbetriebsrat des Konzerns haben sich auf die Eckpunkte beim Stellenabbau geeinigt. Bis 2022 sollen 10.000 Stellen gestrichen werden, ohne dass es betriebsbedingte Kündigungen gibt.

29 Nov 12:03 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146350248715267.html
Flags of competing nations raised

THE presence of all 11 competing nations in the 30th Philippine SEA Games was formally recognized on Friday morning during simple flag-raising ceremonies held at the plaza of the Athletes Village at the New Clark City in Capas, Tarlac.

29 Nov 10:59 Journal Online 6375127392150597837.html
Streiks bei Amazon

Am Schnäppchentag "Black Friday" hat die Gewerkschaft ver.di die Amazon-Beschäftigten an mehreren Standorten in Deutschland zu Streiks aufgerufen. Verzögerungen bei den Paketlieferungen soll es laut Amazon nicht geben.

29 Nov 15:26 tagesschau.de 5441171426414398700.html
Reis mee met Chris Natuurlijk

Over een vogelreis rond de Noordzee, een voettocht door Nederland, een reis om de wereld in tachtig bomen en een uitstapje naar de jeugd van een dichter in Tuindorp-Vreewijk gaat het zaterdag vanaf 08.00 uur in Chris Natuurlijk.

29 Nov 13:44 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227346374563.html
London Attack treated as Terror-Related

Shooting and stabbing reported near London Bridge.

29 Nov 14:19 WVLT 4089046911064301204.html
Smartphones über Schwachstellen im SMS-Nachfolgesystem RCS angreifbar

Sicherheitsforscher haben Schwachstellen im SMS-Nachfolger "Rich Communication Services" entdeckt, die etwa das Mitlesen von Nachrichten ermöglichen könnten.

29 Nov 10:47 heise online 1766193383840972487.html
Bereuen Sie Ihren Alkoholkonsum?

Die grösste Drogenumfrage der Welt geht in die nächste Runde. Die Macher wollen wissen: Konsumieren sie CBD oder MDMA? Wie halten Sie es mit dem Alkohol?

29 Nov 10:39 20 Minuten 5741369453636492478.html
Morrissey Siap Keluarkan Album Baru

WE Online, Jakarta - Penyanyi Morrissey dikabarkan akan merilis album baru bertajuk I Am Not A Dog On A Chain pada bulan Maret 2020 mendatang.

29 Nov 15:50 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835773582682.html
Potensi Harga Emas Di Libur Thanksgiving

Negosiasi dagang Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok masih menjadi market mover besar untuk pergerakan harga emas. Para pejabat AS dan Tiongkok yang terkait dengan negosiasi termasuk Presiden Trump dan Xi Jinping belakangan masih memberikan komentar yang positif bahwa kesepakatan dagang sudah dekat. Tapi pasar kelihatannya mengharapkan kejelasan. AS dan Tiongkok masih tarik ulur untuk mencapai kata sepakat.

29 Nov 13:29 monexnews 4506814617855364762.html
Vanaf december rijden weer vier intercitytreinen tussen Dordrecht en Eindhoven

De intercityverbinding tussen Dordrecht en Brabant keert weer terug. Vanaf 16 december vertrekt vier keer per dag een trein naar Eindhoven, via Breda en Tilburg.

29 Nov 10:26 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228891941578.html
Kakamega Hombeoyz stun Mathare United

The win takes Homeboyz to second on the log with 20 points from 11 matches.

29 Nov 12:33 Daily Nation 7421817125430955211.html
Kakamega Homeboyz stun Mathare United

The win takes Homeboyz to second on the log with 20 points from 11 matches.

29 Nov 12:33 Daily Nation 7421817124837288266.html
Multiple fires reportedly set inside luxury downtown LA apartment building

Multiple fires were allegedly set inside a luxury downtown Los Angeles high-rise building late Thursday night, prompting the evacuation of several floors, officials said.

29 Nov 15:08 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441368828114.html
Trump Mendadak Kunjungi Tentara AS di Afghanistan

Dalam kunjungan singkatnya ini, Trump juga mengungkapkan bahwa AS melanjutkan kembali perundingan dengan Taliban yang sempat dihentikan.

29 Nov 15:28 detiknews 8793960224530855888.html
Notts County defender Christian Oxlade-Chamberlain seals move to Ilkeston Town

Brother of Liverpool star Alex has struggled for games this season

29 Nov 15:39 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702444126467.html
Baumann will unter deutscher Flagge nochmals durchstarten

Mit schon 33 Jahren wird Romed Baumann in Ski-Ergebnislisten künftig die deutsche statt der österreichischen Flagge neben seinem Namen finden. Der Tiroler vollzog einen Nationenwechsel und tritt am Samstag in Lake Louise erstmals im Weltcup für den DSV an. Mit Rang neun im ersten Training (0,77) gelang ihm der Start in den Winter am Donnerstag gut. Und Baumann fühlt sich im neuen Umfeld wohl.

29 Nov 13:26 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084027562241.html
Tate Britain unveils post-apocalyptic Christmas decorations

Anne Hardy transforms front of London gallery with ice, mud, tangled lights and torn banners

29 Nov 11:56 the Guardian 1491978795389361867.html
Lawrence Kenwright tells of regret over Signature Living investor complaints

Hotel boss apologises for delays and poor communications

29 Nov 14:01 Liverpool Echo 7727211173287300025.html
Jacksen Tiago Tak Pusingkan Kekalahan Persipura

Persipura Jayapura kembali gagal mendulang poin penuh di kompetisi Shopee Liga 1 2019 yang disiarkan Indosiar.

29 Nov 14:08 Bola.net 5489959029292463546.html
Cut Meyriska dan Roger Danuarta Kunjungi Dokter Kandungan, Periksa Janin atau Mulai Promil?

Meskipun Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina sudah berikan selamat atas kehamilan pertama. Namun Cut Meyriska dan Roger Danuarta belum umumkan kabar bahagia tengah berbadan dua.

29 Nov 15:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087989719726530.html
Student Solidarity March held countrywide to demand restoration of unions, better education facilities

"Students are part of a country's political struggle. Students were depoliticised and our society has since regressed."

29 Nov 14:12 DAWN.COM 4500271767937793572.html
Crossing the stream: streaming services gain traction

For many middle-class households across the country, cable television has been the prime source of entertainment when looking beyond local content.

29 Nov 13:10 The Jakarta Post 7678601103996422437.html
Daimler baut tausende Stellen ab

Daimler wird wie AUDI tausende Stellen in Deutschland abbauen.

29 Nov 10:50 finanzen.net 2053223362767896485.html
4 Alasan Mengapa Christian Eriksen Ingin Pergi dari Tottenham Hotspur

Gelandang Tottenham Hotspur, Christian Eriksen disebut-sebut jadi incaran Real Madrid, Bayern Muenchen, Juventus dan Inter Milan.

29 Nov 10:30 Bola.com 1695722603358716801.html
Briefly on farming and agribusiness

From around the country, a collection of brief news on developments in farming and agribusiness

29 Nov 12:25 Daily Nation 7421817123967547868.html
Plans to increase market for agri produce from Telangana

State to explore new methods for marketing its farm produce

29 Nov 15:03 The Hindu 6679535025537217557.html
Obat Alami untuk Batuk Kering, Redakan Gatal di Tenggorokan

Batuk kering salah satu jenis penyakit batuk yang dapat menyerang siapa saja. Jenis batuk ini kerap mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari, sehingga harus segera diobati

29 Nov 12:05 Bola.net 5489959028130305365.html
Inflation im Euroraum steigt

Die Verbraucherpreise zogen im November an. Angetrieben wurde der Preisauftrieb von Lebensmitteln, Alkohol und Tabak.

29 Nov 10:46 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203937842209080.html
Gewalt im Irak eskaliert

Im Irak ist die Gewalt bei Protesten weiter eskaliert. In mehreren Städten wurden Demonstranten von Sicherheitskräften erschossen. Der oberste Justizrat des Landes ordnete nun "dringende Untersuchungen" an.

29 Nov 14:02 tagesschau.de 5441171426460778847.html
So sieht die Schweiz die Digitalisierung

Die Schweizer Bevölkerung möchte in die digitale Transformation einbezogen werden. Menschen, die selber digitale Produkte nutzen, sehen eher Chancen, während sich jene, die Gefahren sehen, der Diskussion entziehen.

29 Nov 10:04 www.cetoday.ch 4667961263056525935.html
Vlaamse en Nederlandse provincies willen Scheldevallei laten erkennen als Unesco Geopark

Het Vlaams-Nederlandse gebied Schelde Delta moet erkend worden als Unesco Global Geopark. Dat vinden verschillende partners uit Vlaanderen en Nederland, di...

29 Nov 11:52 De Standaard 2288913868126567277.html
Rail operator vows extra compensation for disrupted passengers

West Midlands Trains said timetable changes in May led to disruption on its London Northwestern Railway and West Midlands Railway services.

29 Nov 10:28 Shropshire Star 3480199992489470332.html
Dutch Police Arrest Alleged Jihadists Plotting Holiday Season Terror attack

Dutch police have arrested two men on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack during the December holiday season.

29 Nov 10:23 Breitbart 3148363492585606849.html
Academic Conference: World Symposium on Investment Research

It is an annual event taking place on the first Sunday and Monday of May in some financial centers around the globe.

29 Nov 13:55 Allnews 678771718831051434.html
Dhaka University fails to attract foreign students

Dhaka University, which was once called the Oxford of the East for its quality of education, is not having foreign students as expected, as the centennial of its founding approaches.

29 Nov 13:36 Bdnews24 8119004130096428150.html
Bill would ban shackling pregnant Ohio prisoners delivering babies

Columbus — Shackling or handcuffing pregnant or postpartum women would be prohibited, if a bill sponsored by Kettering Republican state Sen. Peggy Lehner becomes law.

29 Nov 14:44 Whio 8204027954182547747.html
Minister urges Japanese investors to leverage Malaysia’s digital transformation push

KOBE (Japan), Nov 29 — International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Darell Leiking is calling for Japanese investors to leverage on Malaysia’s push for digital transformation. He said Malaysia was committed to undertaking the digital transformation efforts, among others, through the National...

29 Nov 13:09 Malaymail 302165935660338746.html
Bitcoin ransomware forces Spanish security firm Prosegur offline

Prosegur has been hit by Ryuk ransomware, the notorious Trojan that encrypts files on a compromised device and typically demands payment in Bitcoin.

29 Nov 13:24 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801509705340183.html
Mengenal Balkondes, Kolaborasi Desa di Sekitar Borobudur dan BUMN untuk Mengembangkan Potensi Ekonomi

Balkondes sesungguhnya adalah sebuah program buatan BUMN yang memberikan ruang bagi Pemerintah Desa untuk mengembangkan potensi ekonomi di desa.

29 Nov 13:59 grid.id 6246371059843740290.html
BPK Jadi Kandidat Eksternal Auditor Organisasi Maritim Internasional

Indonesia bersama dengan Italia dan Inggris menjadi kandidat external auditor International Maritime Organization (IMO) atau Organisasi Maritim Internasional untuk periode 2020-2023 pada sidang IMO Assembly ke 31 di Markas Besar IMO, London Inggris.

29 Nov 11:39 merdeka.com 1998180355058129275.html
Holiday road checks back

CounterAttack road checks return this weekend to encourage drivers to make smart and safe decisions during the holiday season.

29 Nov 13:03 Castanet 616068602917287966.html
Giraffen und Pinselohrschweine verenden bei Feuer in Safari-Park

Der African Wildlife Park in Port Clinton bleibt vorübergebend geschlossen.

29 Nov 14:21 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110533575375.html
Mandiri Syariah Bank Pendukung Pengendalian Moneter Terbaik Versi BI

KBRN, Jakarta : PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (Mandiri Syariah) memperoleh penghargaan sebagai Bank Pendukung Pengendalian Moneter Terbaik dari Bank Indonesia (BI). Penghargaan diterima oleh Direktur

29 Nov 10:55 RRI News Portal 6700853646157012299.html
Ketika Menlu Retno Marsudi Joget Tiktok Entah Apa yang Merasukimu

Sering terlihat serius, Menteri Luar negeri Retno Marsudi sesekali tampil santai. Kali ini ia berjoget TikTok dengan puluhan anak muda.

29 Nov 10:45 Tempo 6965386208293718315.html
Geld verdienen met gamen

Voor veel gamers is het een droom die waarschijnlijk nooit zal uitkomen: geld verdienen met gamen. Fulltime gamers worden vaak nog gezien als nerds en er wordt wel eens lacherig over gedaan. Toch bewijzen steeds meer gamers dat het best mogelijk is om met gamen veel geld te verdienen en hiervan je werk te maken.

29 Nov 11:28 Zita 7484176339202783224.html
Bad RCS implementations are creating big vulnerabilities, security researchers claim

More problems for the SMS successor

29 Nov 12:44 The Verge 1337119303210819636.html
Invasion von aggressiven Schlangen auf Mallorca

Die spanische Urlaubsinsel kämpft zurzeit mit einer wahren Schlangenplage. Die Behörden bekommen die Tiere nicht in den Griff.

29 Nov 12:44 20 Minuten 5741369452942041459.html
Brasile: Bolsonaro denunciato alla Corte Penale Internazionale

Un gruppo di giuristi, politici, intellettuali punta il dito contro il presidente brasiliano: l'accusa è di incitamento al genocidio e crimini contro l'umanità

29 Nov 15:22 euronews 7379718589468185731.html
Marc Marquez Fokus Pemulihan Setelah Jalani Operasi Bahu

Marc Marquez fokus pemulihan setelah menjalani operasi bahu.

29 Nov 15:45 Bola.com 1695722603519859574.html
Vot coplesitor al procurorilor DNA pentru desfiintarea Sectiei Speciale

Un numar de 116 procurori DNA, din 123 de procurori care au votat, sunt de parere ca prevederile privind functionarea Sectiei de investigare a infractiunilor din justitie, cunoscuta ca Sectia Speciala, ar trebui abrogate.

29 Nov 12:48 Ziare.com 1922730287628653398.html
CCTV footage shows truck bash through Dublin level crossing barriers

Irish Rail services between Sandymount to Lansdowne had to be suspended during peak hours

29 Nov 12:14 Irish Mirror 2875825629056151539.html
Siedlungsflächen ausserhalb der Bauzonen wachsen weiter

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 14:16 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776060763206.html
German auto industry group appoints former Merkel aide

BERLIN (AP) - An influential group representing the German auto industry has chosen Hildegard Mueller, who was once a senior aide to Chancellor Angela Merkel, as its new leader.

29 Nov 14:24 WFXT 6395891953898007693.html
Lawsuit describes harassment, retaliation at nursing school

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A woman who says she was kicked out of a North Carolina nursing school a month before graduation in retaliation for accusing a supervisor of sexual harassment has sued in a case supported by the Time’s Up movement legal fund.Autumn Davis has sued two supervisors at the University of North Carolina Greensboro nursing school in state court. Davis also is suing the school, the UNC Board of Governors and the Raleigh School of Nurse Anesthesia in federal court.The state attorney general’s office says in a response in federal court Davis can’t prove a connection between her filing a harassment claim while enrolled in school and her dismissal.The Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund is supporting Davi

29 Nov 15:41 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760448872660.html
Unfall Uhingen: Auffahrunfall am Stauende

In Uhingen wurde ein 22-jähriger Mann leicht verletzt. Es entstand 3000 Euro Sachschaden.

29 Nov 13:49 swp.de 6929179440003276736.html
Jeugdige straatrovers uit Haren veroordeeld tot cel- en werkstraffen

Een 17-jarige jongen uit Haren is voor een straatroof in zijn woonplaats veroordeeld tot een werkstraf van 120 uur. Daarnaast kreeg de jongen een half jaar voorwaardelijke jeugddetentie opgelegd.

29 Nov 13:33 RTV Noord 3728677365692653943.html
Unerwartet massereiches stellares Schwarzes Loch in der Milchstraße gefunden

Die Milchstraße ist voll von kleineren Schwarzen Löchern. Die zu finden ist aber schwer. Nun haben Forscher eins entdeckt, das viel zu massereich scheint.

29 Nov 10:22 heise online 1766193383794838451.html
7 Tanda yang Bakal Kamu Rasakan Ketika Terlalu Berlebihan dalam Berolahraga

Walau berolahraga memiliki manfaat kesehatan, namun melakukannya secara berlebihan bisa berdampak buruk bagi tubuh. Dampak yang muncul bisa jauh lebih berbahaya dibanding jika kamu tidak berolahraga.

29 Nov 11:00 merdeka.com 1998180355227445319.html
Nigeria’s First Digital Economy Diagnostic Reveals a Vibrant Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

The World Bank Group today launched its first Nigeria Digital Economy Diagnostic Report during an eSummit hosted by the government. The report reveals that although Nigeria is the largest mobile market in Sub Saharan Africa with a strong mobile broadband infrastructure and a vibrant digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, the lack of infrastructure and connectivity in the […]

29 Nov 14:00 Modern Diplomacy 4563921197770737584.html
Bundesrat stoppt vorerst Teile des Klimapakets

Pendlerpauschale, E-Dienstwagen und Bahntickets: Der Bundesrat hat mehrere Steuergesetze des Klimapakets der Bundesregierung gestoppt. Nun muss der Vermittlungsausschuss Kompromisse finden.

29 Nov 11:35 T-Online 5460876212017242525.html
Belgische vrouwen pakken met record zilver in achtervolging op wereldbeker baanwielrennen

De Belgische vrouwenachtervolgingsploeg heeft vrijdag zilver veroverd tijdens de tweede dag van de wereldbekermanche baanwielrennen in Hongkong. Tijdens de...

29 Nov 14:08 De Standaard 2288913869210252454.html
Mengapa Harus Punya Emas Untuk Simpanan Jangka Panjang?

Emas adalah salah satu instrumen keuangan yang selalu menjadi primadona. Menyimpan dalam bentuk Emas terbukti efektif karena nilai Emas terlindung dari inflasi.

29 Nov 12:30 liputan6.com 3414318496117489711.html
Lowongan CPNS Teknisi Elektromedis Sulsel Tak Ada Pelamar

Formasi teknisi elektromedis yang diperuntukan untuk pelamar disabiltas sepi peminat hingga masa penutupan pendaftaran CPNS.

29 Nov 13:19 nasional 6599523173354912276.html
Pelanggan Apple TV+ Tidak Bisa Ganti Regional Apple ID Hingga Setahun

Makemac - Pelanggan Apple TV+ atau Apple Music kini tidak dapat mengganti regional Apple ID sepanjang layanan aktif. Simak info lengkapnya.

29 Nov 11:21 grid.id 2219816954440199332.html
Bareng WE Academy, Mendalami Capital Market dan Mengenali Risikonya

WE Online, Jakarta - Warta Ekonomi Academy atau WE Academy kembali mengudara dengan menghadirkan workshop bertema Capital Market: Pemahaman, Fungsi serta Best Practice untuk Berinvestasi. Acara tersebut berlangsung di Hotel Grand Sahid Jakarta, Jumat (29/11/2019).

29 Nov 12:35 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834808600464.html
Stormzy komt naar Amsterdam

Stormzy reist volgend jaar naar Nederland voor een concert. De Britse rapper staat op 22 februari in AFAS Live in Amsterdam, maakte concertorganisator MOJO vrijdag bekend. De kaartverkoop start vrijdagochtend.

29 Nov 15:29 RTL Boulevard 1500115271390742484.html
Malta finance minister faces money-laundering probe

Malta's finance minister, Edward Scicluna, is to face a criminal inquiry on his role in the sale of three Maltese hospitals, a local magistrate has ruled. The affair comes after other senior government figures recently resigned over alleged links to the m...

29 Nov 12:10 EUobserver 625925298981213050.html
Costco extends its Thanksgiving Day promotions after its website crashed for several hours, preventing furious customers from shopping the deals

"I just want to spend my money on your site... why is it so hard?" one person wrote to Costco on Twitter on Thursday.

29 Nov 11:52 Business Insider 6060062401287260108.html
Caught on Camera: Parade Balloon Knocks Down Marcher

Marcher in NYC Thanksgiving Parade knocked down while trying to wrangle the 'Nutcracker' balloon.

29 Nov 11:13 WVLT 4089046911509323043.html
Metabolic Syndrome Mulai Serang Anak Muda, Jaga Asupan Makanan dan Olahraga Teratur

KBRN, Surabaya : Di era milenial saat ini, banyak hal dapat menjadi kekinian salah satunya adalah makanan dan gaya hidup. Tidak banyak orang tahu bahwa pola makan dan gaya hidup dapat mempengaruhi

29 Nov 11:35 RRI News Portal 6700853644487971252.html
'Effect lichamelijke beperking op eenzaamheid bij ouderen onderschat'

Bewegen en dan het liefst samen met een ander, bestrijdt gevoelens van eenzaamheid. Ook bij ouderen. Maar als ouderen kampen met een lichamelijke beperking, is dat effect een stuk minder. Beweeginterventies voor gezond ouder worden, moeten in hun adviezen dan ook veel meer rekening houden met die beperkingen, concludeert gezondheidspyscholoog Janet Boekhout die onlangs promoveerde aan de Open Universiteit (OU). Dit meldt OU. 

29 Nov 14:12 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743888907555.html
Giraffen und Pinselohrschweine verenden bei Feuer in Safari-Park

Der African Wildlife Park in Port Clinton bleibt vorübergebend geschlossen.

29 Nov 14:21 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569321521871.html
Krieg zwischen Deloitte und Partner explodiert

Schweizer Spitzenmann sollte durch fragwürdige Untersuchung entmachtet werden. Nun verklagt er Deloitte in London.

29 Nov 14:18 Inside Paradeplatz 5177246960536279849.html
Farogh Naseem takes oath as federal minister

He will hold the portfolio of federal law and justice minister upon return to the cabinet.

29 Nov 11:29 DAWN.COM 4500271768330105147.html
Madrid kan nu zonder rechter websites sluiten

De Spaanse regering kan voortaan naar believen websites, sociale media en e-mailverkeer sluiten, zonder dat daar een gerechtelijk bevel voor nodig is.

29 Nov 10:27 RD.nl 6406779840606877414.html
Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina Bertemu Siwon di Korea Selatan

Raffi Ahmad dan Nagita Slavina sedang jalan-jalan ke Korea Selatan.

29 Nov 10:30 liputan6.com 3414318497361720636.html
KLM introduceert street view voor vliegtuigen

KLM introduceert een 'street view' voor de eigen vloot. Je kunt nu alle toestellen van binnen bekijken. Handig als je alvast een plek uit wil zoeken!

29 Nov 10:30 DutchCowboys 8617317426785149120.html
NYPD monitoring information on stabbing near London Bridge

NEW YORK (AP) — The New York Police Department says it’s keeping a sharp eye on the still-developing information about a stabbing of multiple people in

29 Nov 10:54 12 NEWS WBNG 949510561486091716.html
Renault-Nissan to reboot alliance with new overseer

PARIS (Reuters) - Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi plan to appoint a general secretary at the helm of their partnership to boost cooperation and reboot joint operations after the departure of former alliance supremo Carlos Ghosn.

29 Nov 10:29 Reuters 8334514180225797989.html
Dubai Financial Services Authority and Luxembourg’s Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier to Work on Developing Fintech Platforms

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) and the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) Luxembourg have made an agreement to work cooperati

29 Nov 13:52 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072988760843.html
Sekularisme: Konsep Dualis yang Banyak Tak Disadari

“Sebelum melakukan Islamisasi, kita harus melakukan dewesternisasi terlebih dahulu"

29 Nov 13:40 Hidayatullah.com 5252784003218536563.html
Shrewsbury restaurant wins top award

A Shrewsbury restaurant has won a top award in a national competition.

29 Nov 11:06 Shropshire Star 3480199992222902129.html
Autorickshaw driver sets man ablaze

RamanathapuramAn autorickshaw driver has allegedly set ablaze a man by dousing him with petrol at Kenikarai junction here on Thursday night.Police said R. Jaisankar, 38, the deceased who was employed

29 Nov 14:53 The Hindu 6679535026221769174.html
Fotografin macht Fotos von Kindern mit Down-Syndrom

Die Fotografin Nicole Louise Perkins macht Disney-Fotos von Kindern mit Down-Syndrom.

29 Nov 12:15 Kurier 208072237772494714.html
Glanzvolles Konzert im Blick

Der Förderkreis Hildebrandt-Orgel Naumburg hat einen neuen Vorsitzenden gewählt. Nach dem Wegzug von Winfried Schubert aus Naumburg übernimmt Bernward Küper das Amt des Vereinschefs. Ebenso wie Stellvertreterin Siglind König und Ingetraut Becker, die außerdem dem geschäftsführenden Vorstand angehören, wurde er in der jüngsten Vereinsversammlung einstimmig gewählt. Gleiches gilt für Sieglinde Roloff, Ursula Hübler und Hans-Jürgen Neufang, die als Beisitzer ...

29 Nov 11:56 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108747290636.html
Big Brother-style facial recognition installed at Bejing tube station

Identifies passengers as they enter the station

29 Nov 13:10 Metro 970161748724084089.html
Warner, Labuschagne thwart Pakistan after early wicket

David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne pushed Australia to 70 for one after Pakistan made an early breakthrough before rain brought an early tea on ...

29 Nov 14:10 CNA 5644198863060541420.html
Opvarenden gezonken boot nog niet gevonden

De twee opvarenden van de bij Texel gezonken Urker vissersboot UK165 Lummetje zijn nog niet gevonden. Duiken naar het wrak om te kijken of de lichamen zich aan boord bevinden, gaat vrijdag niet lukken vanwege het slechte weer op zee, meldt de Kustwacht.

29 Nov 11:07 RD.nl 6406779842565481233.html
Public comments sought on revised Tennessee block grant plan

Federal officials are seeking the public’s input on Tennessee’s revised plan requesting to become the first state to receive funding in a lump sum for its Medicaid program, TennCare.

29 Nov 10:55 WVLT 4089046911016867100.html
Abiodun visits rainstorms victims, promises succour

Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun has visited the people of Ibefun in Odogbolu Local Government Area, who were affected by a rainstorm

29 Nov 12:00 Vanguard News 4125100340380057168.html
Flugbetrieb in Berlin-Schönefeld kurzzeitig unterbrochen

Im Berliner Raum werden immer wieder Blindgänger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg entdeckt. Nun gab es erneut Alarm, mit weitreichenden Folgen: Der Flugbetrieb in Schönefeld wurde kurzzeitig eingestellt.

29 Nov 13:36 DIE WELT 6197693428198927832.html
Court strikes out injunctions over beef price protests

Injunctions preventing two protesters from blockading and intimidating people working or visiting a pet food manufacturing plant in Edgeworthstown, Co Longford have been formally struck out by the High Court.

29 Nov 13:32 RTE.ie 7595237278610964001.html
3 Pemain yang Bisa Solskjaer Datangkan pada Bursa Transfer Mendatang

Manchester United bersiap menggelontorkan dana besar pada bursa transfer mendatang setelah performanya di Liga Inggris sejauh ini bisa dibilang mengecewakan.

29 Nov 12:05 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549343250023.html
Massale sterfte onder vissen, meerdere partijen verantwoordelijk voor leidingbreuk

De leidingbreuk in de Berkel bij Lochem in november vorig jaar, heeft meerdere oorzaken. Dat is de conclusie van TNO dat onderzoek deed naar de breuk. Door de breuk stroomden liters afvalwater van FrieslandCampina de Berkel in waardoor duizenden vissen doodgingen. Inmiddels is de kwaliteit van het water hersteld en zijn alle vissoorten weer terug.

29 Nov 13:00 Omroep Gelderland 9177932616055801063.html
Fabinho misses out for leaders Liverpool

Midfielder could miss as much as two months.

29 Nov 15:22 Express & Star 7324224460307169711.html
Fabinho misses out for leaders Liverpool

Midfielder could miss as much as two months.

29 Nov 15:25 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773970715781.html
Ultra-linkse vakbond FNV eist verplicht vrouwenquotum

'Raden van commissarissen beursgenoteerde bedrijven moeten voor ten minste 30 procent uit vrouwen bestaan'

29 Nov 12:34 ThePostOnline 3048418755757539014.html
Three suspected transformer vandals beaten to death in Imo state

An angry mob has beaten to death, three suspected transformer vandals in Umuohiagu community of Ngor Okpala Local Government Area and Egbelu Obube community in Owerri North Local government area of Imo State, midnight Thursday. The

29 Nov 14:33 LailasNews.com 2090029849352367439.html
Minister: Malaysian film industry in for better times following co-production agreement with Australia

PUTRAJAYA, Nov 29 — The Malaysian film industry is in for better times following the signing of a co-production agreement between Malaysia and Australia in Sydney today. Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo said that with the signing of the agreement, Malaysian productions will...

29 Nov 13:07 Malaymail 302165936158527131.html
Pakistani man killed journalist wife for not quitting job

An international trade association says a Pakistani female journalist was shot and killed by her husband earlier this week in the eastern city of Lahore after he demanded she quit her job.

29 Nov 10:41 CTVNews 2422791597433743169.html
Families of Mexico massacre victims suffer backlash over cartel row

Members of a U.S.-Mexican religious community who lost relatives in a gangland massacre this month have come under fire from supporters of ...

29 Nov 10:22 CNA 5644198863160649204.html
Titik Terendah Morgan Oey saat Hengkang dari SMASH

Morgan Oey Ungkap Titik Terendah Dalam Hidupnya.

29 Nov 15:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182696930894390.html
Kenang Ciputra, Miranda Goeltom Cerita Masa-masa Krisis Ekonomi

Sejak ekonomi mengalami krisis di Indonesia di akhir 90-an kedekatan keduanya makin kental.

29 Nov 15:00 detikfinance 4442190001715170800.html
Gotti prepara una rivoluzione a centrocampo

Dopo la sconfitta rimediata nel match contro la Sampdoria, l'Udinese è attesa dalla prima gara di un ciclo terribile che porterà alla chiusura del 2019. Sulla strada dei bianconeri c'è la Lazio di Simone Inzaghi, una squadra che sta vivendo un periodo di forma importante e che attualmente, classifica alla mano, è la terza forza del campionato.

29 Nov 11:20 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193177094609.html
Jokowi Dorong Ekspor Mobil Via Pelabuhan Patimban

Jokowi menjelaskan, Patimban yang jadi pelabuhan terbesar kedua setelah Tanjung Priok ini dibangun untuk memperbaiki daya saing Indonesia.

29 Nov 14:26 Tribunnews.com 3323534445147636916.html
Arsenal trennte sich von Trainer Emery

Arsenal hat sich nach sieben Pflichtspielen ohne Sieg von Trainer Unai Emery getrennt. Das gab der Premier-League-Club am Freitag bekannt. Die Londoner reagierten damit auf die sportliche Krise der vergangenen Wochen. "Die Entscheidung wurde getroffen, weil die Ergebnisse und die Leistungen nicht dem erforderlichen Niveau entsprachen", hieß es in der Mitteilung.

29 Nov 10:59 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084626962137.html
Turkish, Qatari financial authorities sign deal to expand economic, financial ties

The Presidential Finance Office and the Qatar Financial Center signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand cooperation during President Recep...

29 Nov 14:36 DAILY SABAH 8383944808358981197.html
Nadiem Jawab Curhat Kepsek Swasta: Saya Bukan Menteri Pendidikan Sekolah Negeri

"Saya bukan menteri pendidikan sekolah negeri. Saya adalah menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan Republik Indonesia," kata Nadiem.

29 Nov 13:44 detiknews 8793960224191999860.html
Check your property design with drones

Real estate is going hi-tech and with a single click, accurate mapping, survey and measurement can be done. By M.A. Siraj

29 Nov 10:45 The Hindu 6679535024515143707.html
Joshua Allen enters addiction treatment until sentencing hearing

Son of celebrity chef Rachel Allen will spend three months in residential treatment centre

29 Nov 15:26 The Irish Times 8204772967535543506.html
Contro la crisi climatica Patagonia raddoppia impatto positivo

Roma, 29 nov. (askanews) – Il Black Friday è conosciuto in tutto il mondo come la fiera del consumismo sregolato; la frenesia da shopping lo rende uno dei giorni dell’anno più dannosi per l’ambiente. In occasione del Black Friday 2019 e durante il periodo delle feste natalizie, Patagonia aiuta i cittadini a raddoppiare il loro […]

29 Nov 11:33 Askanews 298649739960049104.html
Verrassing! Driekwart shishalounges in Eindhoven heeft criminele banden

Bij vijftien van de pakweg twintig shishalounges in Eindhoven is een relatie met criminaliteit geconstateerd. Verkennend onderzoek wees dit uit. Kun je nagaan wat er boven komt drijven als ze verder zoeken… Onderzoeksjargon is meestal wat voorzichtig, ‘een relatie’ kan dan ook van alles betekenen. Van ‘er loopt een crimineel naar binnen’ tot ‘er wordt actief geld witgewassen’. Politie, gemeenten en de Belastingdienst werken aan een onderzoek waarbij dit soort relaties direct boven kwamen drijven. In de meeste gevallen gaat het echter niet om hele lichte ‘relaties’ maar om vrij duidelijke aanwijzingen voor iets groters! Dat het onderzoek zich juist op shishalounges in Eindhoven richt is niet voor niets. Steekincidenten, bedreiging met een vuurwapen (AK-47) en zelfs een ontplofte granaat voor zo’n waterpijpcafé, zijn allemaal aanleiding geweest voor dit project. Eindhoven is vanwege het vliegveld natuurlijk een logische locatie voor criminelen. Dat shishalounges net als coffeeshops soms agressieve mafketels aantrekken…

29 Nov 15:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057051700382.html
Cinta Terlarang Perebut Bini Orang

Jarak usia mereka berbeda satu dekade. MF, perempuan anak satu ini setahun lagi masuk usia kepala empat. Sedangkan selingkuhannya, AW, masih begitu energik.

29 Nov 10:51 merdeka.com 1998180355747635756.html
MIND ID Lakukan Charity Bekerja Sama Dengan NGO

Salah satunya menyumbangkan buku-buku untuk digunakan oleh anak-anak di Sekolah Master.

29 Nov 11:28 liputan6.com 3414318496447190062.html
Maltese govt refuses immunity request in murder probe

The Maltese government has turned down a request from one of the island's richest men on for immunity in return for his cooperation in the investigation into a journalist's murder, after freeing a top official he was said to implicate.

29 Nov 11:03 RTE.ie 7595237278583496380.html
NutriScore opvolger van Vinkje op voedsel

Nederland voert medio 2021 weer een voedselkeuzelogo in, als opvolger van het vroegere Vinkje. Het betreft een verbeterde variant van het Franse NutriScore, aldus staatssecretaris Paul Blokhuis (Volksgezondheid) donderdag.

29 Nov 10:02 RD.nl 6406779841766433389.html
Indonesia Akan Hentikan Pasokan Gas Bumi ke Singapura

Kementerian ESDM menegaskan akan menghentikan pasokan gas bumi ke Singapura yang selama ini disuplai dari Blok Corridor.

29 Nov 12:50 Tempo 6909074029893034226.html
FIFA greift durch und sperrt Teixeira lebenslang

Die Ethikkommission des Fußball-Weltverbands FIFA hat den hochrangigen Ex-Funktionär Ricardo Teixeira wegen undurchsichtiger Geschäfte und daraus resultierender Schmiergeldzahlungen lebenslang gesperrt.

29 Nov 15:59 weltfussball.at 3521376372994801247.html
Meyer Werft wil vier cruiseschepen per jaar bouwen

De Meyer Werft in Papenburg overweegt om per jaar vier grote cruiseschepen te bouwen.

29 Nov 11:28 RTV Noord 3728677367472899098.html
Fabio Quartararo Akui Terbantu Karakter Motor Yamaha yang Ramah

Pebalap Petronas Yamaha SRT, Fabio Quartararo, mengaku telah memetik banyak pelajaran berharga dalam musim debutnya di MotoGP.

29 Nov 14:05 Bola.net 5489959028359316925.html
VfB Sangerhausen muss sich gegen Westerhausen behaupten

Nicht nur in der Tabelle der Fußball-Verbandsliga Sachsen-Anhalt ist der SV Kelbra gegenwärtig dem VfB Sangerhausen ein Stückchen voraus. Auch in der Anzahl der absolvierten Partien liegen die Kelbraer vorn. Für sie ist das Duell mit Rot-Weiß Thalheim am Sonnabend schon die letzte Begegnung der Hinrunde. Die Sangerhäuser dagegen treffen schon am Freitagabend auf den SV Westerhausen und kicken dann eine Woche darauf noch einmal um Punkte in ...

29 Nov 11:37 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108754149256.html
Ma'ruf Amin Harap Hasil Rapimnas Kadin Bisa Tingkatkan Kesejahteraan Rakyat

Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin berharap, Rapat Pimpinan Nasional (Rapimnas) Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia 2019 bisa menghasilkan rekomendasi yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak dan dapat dijalankan bersama -sama sehingga dapat bisa berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian Indonesia.

29 Nov 13:11 merdeka.com 1998180355150550405.html
Charles Michel neemt voorzitterschap Europese Raad in handen

Op een ceremonie in Brussel heeft de Pool Donald Tusk vanochtend het voorzitterschap van de Europese Raad overgedragen aan Charles Michel. Daarmee kan het Europese avontuur van de Belgische oud-pre...

29 Nov 11:00 HLN 8967494998457074310.html
5 Cerita Pertengkaran Panas Istri Pertama dan Istri Kedua Master Limbad

Benarkah karena begitu marah suaminya direbut, Susi istri pertama sampai merusak kediaman Benizar istri kedua? Tak hanya keduanya yang bertengkar, anak-anak mereka juga ikut terlibat? Berikut cumicumi.com merangkum pertengkaran sengit dua wanita di hidup Limbad itu.

29 Nov 10:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087989273881718.html
Donald Trump feiert Thanksgiving in Afghanistan

US-Präsident Donald Trump flog überraschend zu Thanksgiving nach Afghanistan, um mit den dort stationierten Soldaten zu feiern.

29 Nov 10:33 RTL.DE 7054729452975098285.html
Decreto sisma da modificare: la Regione portavoce delle richieste dei professionisti

TERREMOTO - Approvata la mozione con cui si chiede di portare avanti le istanze della Rete delle professioni tecniche: una serie di provvedimenti utili ad accelerare la ricostruzione

29 Nov 14:56 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194836069287.html
Bundesgericht entlastet ehemalige Führungskräfte

Das Bundesgericht hat entschieden: Die ehemaligen Swissair-Führungskräfte haben nicht pflichtwidrig gehandelt.

29 Nov 11:02 SRF 8424707180645538453.html
New school site approved

West Kelowna is closer to getting a new secondary school after Agricultural Land Commission approval of a site on Webber Road.

29 Nov 11:06 Castanet 616068602123562315.html
Pengamat: Putusan MK Pertegas Wadah Tunggal Organisasi Advokat

Pakar Hukum Tata Negara, Fahri Bachmid, menilai putusan MK itu sudah tepat, sesuai argumentasi yuridis dan konstitusional.

29 Nov 10:18 Tribunnews.com 3323534445823682739.html
Vertrekkend wethouder Eerenberg zal altijd verbonden blijven aan reddingsplan FC Twente

Toen burgemeester Onno van Veldhuizen bij de huldiging van FC Twente op het podium op klom om de supporters van de kersverse kampioen van de eerste divisie toe te spreken, werd hij weggefloten. Grote kans dat het anders was gegaan als scheidend wethouder Eelco Eerenberg daar had gestaan, wethouder van financi&euml;n bij de gemeente en in Enschede verantwoordelijk voor het dossier FC Twente. Eerenberg kreeg de handen van de supporters wel op elkaar.

29 Nov 15:16 RTV Oost 6509131170961306896.html
Mayo garda resources lagging behind neighbouring counties

THE Mayo Garda Division lacks the required vehicle equipment compared with neighbouring counties, says Fianna Fáil TD Lisa Chambers.

29 Nov 13:21 Connaught Telegraph 8840491534926312463.html
Shellrent firma accordo integrativo, formazione e benefit per i dipendenti

“I nostri collaboratori sono da sempre al primo posto, perché il futuro della nostra azienda passa attraverso il loro impegno e la loro passione”. Sandro Sciessere, titolare di Shellrent, azienda vicentina leader nella fornitura di servizi informatic

29 Nov 15:03 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985370035333505.html
Charles Michel neemt voorzitterschap Europese Raad in handen

Op een ceremonie in Brussel heeft de Pool Donald Tusk vrijdagochtend het voorzitterschap van de Europese Raad overgedragen aan Charles Michel. Daarmee kan ...

29 Nov 11:15 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192170725031.html
Prof Danquah calls for a Presidential Initiative to transform Agriculture

news, story, article

29 Nov 14:52 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610783461305.html
Disturbed by Turkey's achievements in Mediterranean, Greece summons Turkish envoy

Greece summoned Turkey's ambassador to Athens on Thursday, following the country's agreement with Libya over the Mediterranean Sea to protect its rights in...

29 Nov 14:09 DAILY SABAH 8383944809007590651.html
Cybersecurity: rischi e benefici della tecnologia

L'abbagliante gamma di nuove tecnologie continua a stupirci. Tuttavia, i progressi tecnologici comportano spesso conseguenze, come i cyberattacchi.

29 Nov 13:00 Trend Online 3268043278625101462.html
Weltkriegsbombe stört Berliner Flugverkehr

Bei Bauarbeiten wird am Berliner Flughafen Schönefeld eine Weltkriegsbombe entdeckt. Vorübergehend können deshalb keine Flugzeuge starten und landen. Inzwischen läuft der Flugbetrieb wieder.

29 Nov 12:06 n-tv 6802689754790910047.html
Financial boost for minority media

Newspapers run by members of the Armenian, Greek and Jewish communities are to receive extra state funds thanks to an affirmative action scheme. The...

29 Nov 14:39 DAILY SABAH 8383944809981012871.html
Peneliti LIPI Minta Ma'ruf Amin Koreksi Kebijakan Polisi Masjid

Ma'ruf Amin diminta tidak berdiam diri dan aktif mengoreksi kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah yang dinilai sudah terlalu jauh mengurus privasi agama.

29 Nov 11:30 Tempo 4466195685638289038.html
Cara Mengatasi Komedo di Dagu, Kenali Penyebabnya

Komedo di dagu bisa diatasi dengan cara alami.

29 Nov 11:45 liputan6.com 5422146880029490249.html
Sering Rasakan Panas Luar Biasa Saat Siang Hari? Ilmuwan Ungkapkan Penyebabnya Titik Krisis yang Mengancam Keberadaan Manusia Ini

Sebagai akibatnya, mempercepat dan menciptakan efek kaskade, atau pemanasan global yang mengancam keberadaan umat manusia.

29 Nov 10:00 grid.id 6246371059351553032.html
Ontwikkelaar TikTok weekt zich los van China

ByteDance, het bedrijf achter de social app TikTok, probeert zich volgens Reuters los te weken van zijn Chinese roots.

29 Nov 12:00 Emerce 1354596987305758313.html
Bank DKI Dukung Jakarta Lokasi Wisata Halal, Ini yang Ditawarkan

Bank DKI melalui Unit Usaha syariah (UUS) siap mendukung tujuan tersebut dalam bentuk produk dan layanan keuangan berskim syariah.

29 Nov 13:38 detikfinance 4442190000311732616.html
India plans security audit of WhatsApp after hacking attempt

Troubles in WhatsApp's largest market.

29 Nov 13:00 iTnews 4425008559890899357.html
NSE commodities segment gets CBDT recognition, traders to get tax benefit

The approval will benefit traders in relation to trading in commodity derivatives segment of the NSE as the derivative income will be treated as business income

29 Nov 10:35 Business-Standard 1502508926607428711.html
Hans Peter Doskozil fordert Ende von Personaldebatten

Der burgenländische Landeshauptmann und SPÖ-Chef Hans Peter Doskozil plädiert für ein Ende der SPÖ-internen Personaldebatten.

29 Nov 11:06 GMX 2011843076450815651.html
Schockierende Details im Fall von isolierter Familie

Rund eineinhalb Monate nach der Entdeckung einer isoliert auf einem Bauernhof in den Niederlanden lebenden Familie kommen weitere erschreckende Details ans Licht. Medienberichten zufolge, die sich auf Zeugenaussagen aus den Behördenakten berufen, soll ein zweiter involvierter Mann aus Österreich (69) nicht nur monatelang festgehalten, sondern auch gequält worden sein.

29 Nov 11:35 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083740423423.html
ForMin Aurescu welcomes Ambassador Klemm on his farewell visit, reiterates interest in Visa Waiver

Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu has welcomed at the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) headquarters, on Friday, Ambassador of the U.S....

29 Nov 12:48 Stiri pe surse 4858045013253461382.html
Kommentar zur Autobranche: Hochkonjunktur haben leider nur die Untergangspropheten

Wann und wie schwappt die gegenwärtige Branchentristesse der Autoindustrie aus Deutschland endgültig auf Österreich über? Lesen Sie dazu den Kommentar aus unserem Primus-Newsletter.

29 Nov 15:53 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700992211828.html
Angela Merkel naar Auschwitz

In Polen

29 Nov 12:37 ThePostOnline 3048418756041348851.html
Menag RI Apresiasi Silaturahim Pemuda Masjid Se-ASEAN

KBRN, Jakarta : Menteri Agama Republik Indonesia (Menag RI), Fachrul Razi mengapresiasi suksesnya kegiatan Silaturahim Pemuda Masjid SE-ASEAN dan Konvensyen Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (DMDI) ke-20.

29 Nov 11:29 RRI News Portal 6700853645729600845.html
Rektor Unnes Tanggapi Dugaan Plagiat: Tuduhan Basi

Rektor Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes) Fathur Rokhman menyatakan kedatangan menemui Rektor UGM beberapa hari lalu, untuk meluruskan isu plagiat disertasi yang dituduhkan kepadanya.

29 Nov 14:40 merdeka.com 1998180355919076800.html
Twee doden bij steekpartij in Londen

Vrijdagmiddag zijn even voor 14.00 uur lokale tijd, meerdere mensen neergestoken in de buurt van de London Bridge. Dit meldt de politie in Engeland vrijdagmiddag.

29 Nov 15:24 Blik op nieuws 5468169448056864658.html
South African Airways dropped by leading travel insurers

JOHANNESBURG, Nov 29 — Three travel insurance companies in South Africa have stopped covering tickets issued by South African Airways against insolvency, further clouding the outlook for the struggling state-run airline. The decision by Santam’s Travel Insurance Consultants (TIC) to drop South...

29 Nov 14:03 Malaymail 302165936014955284.html
PCSO welcomes PACC probe of corrupt employees

PHILIPPINE Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) General Manager Royina Marzan-Garma welcomed the result of the probe conducted by the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) into the alleged corruption involving some of the agency’s officials.

29 Nov 11:22 Journal Online 6375127393023174895.html
Tenants want better in Auckland metropolitan office market

Colliers International Research’s latest annual review of the Auckland metropolitan office market shows a busy year of activity with ongoing occupier demand for higher quality spaces leading to the construction of new buildings and refurbishment of existing premises.

29 Nov 11:47 SCOOP 5315658998926310516.html
Se cere inlocuirea directorului interimar al ANPC abia numit: Ar fi folosit banii institutiei in scop personal

Trei asociatii ale consumatorilor au transmis, vineri, o scrisoare deschisa premierului Ludovic Orban in care cer inlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea interimara a ANPC, apreciind ca ''o persoana care a folosit banii publici ai institutiei in scop personal nu ar mai trebui sa ocupe nicio zi respectiva functie publica''.

29 Nov 14:15 Ziare.com 1922730287598207270.html
Garda graduation to take place in Templemore

The latest cohort of probationer gardai will graduate from the Garda College Templemore this afternoon following eight months of training.  The passing out ceremony of Intake 191 will begin short...

29 Nov 10:06 TipperaryLive 1097599577918863507.html
Mit Putzen zur Erleuchtung

Man mag es kaum glauben, doch Putzen ist ein heißes Thema. So heiß, dass es nicht nur zahlreiche Internetseiten dazu gibt, sondern auch jede Menge Bücher. Und manche erlangen durch das Putzen sogar Erleuchtung.

29 Nov 14:18 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440625815305.html
Fahnder aus NRW jagen Steuerhinterzieher mit Daten aus Belize

NRW kauft nun auch wieder unter CDU-Führung Datensätze zur Enttarnung von Steuersündern. Diesmal geht es um Interna aus Mittelamerika.

29 Nov 14:38 Handelsblatt 4721373940065037843.html
Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland und der Eurozone gesunken

Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist in Deutschland auf den tiefsten Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung gesunken. Und auch in der Eurozone haben immer mehr Menschen einen Job.

29 Nov 11:58 euronews 4540914626841979295.html
Arsenal sack Unai Emery

According to the official arsenal website, Unai Emery has been sacked from his role as the manager of Arsenal Football Club. Read club’s full statement below: We announce today that the decision has been taken to part

29 Nov 11:16 LailasNews.com 2090029849519334348.html
Notoire wegpiraat leert niets van taakstraf

Een 21-jarige wegpiraat uit Rotterdam bleek vrijdagochtend bijzonder hardleers. Onderweg naar zijn taakstraf hield hij zich niet aan de verkeersregels. Terwijl hij de taakstraf juist had gekregen, omdat hij in de fout was gegaan in het verkeer.

29 Nov 13:36 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228636409095.html
Colombia protest leaders push Duque on dialogue

Protest leaders in Colombia on Thursday urged President Ivan Duque to include them in negotiations aimed at ending demonstrations that have rocked his right-wing government.

29 Nov 11:29 The Guardian 7580308505762608036.html
Why are Iraqi protesters targeting Iranian buildings?

Baghdad, Iraq - As anti-government protests demanding a complete overhaul of the political system continue from the capital to the mainly Shia south, some protesters have focused their anger on official Iranian facilities.

29 Nov 10:51 Aljazeera 6642629763439623645.html
Waste partnership wins Partnering for Good Award

Council’s innovative construction waste partnership wins Partnering for Good Award

29 Nov 15:03 SCOOP 5315658998433848925.html
Edinburgh International Film Festival artistic director to stand down

Mark Adams has overseen five festivals since being appointed in 2015.

29 Nov 10:40 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773830389268.html
Edinburgh International Film Festival artistic director to stand down

Mark Adams has overseen five festivals since being appointed in 2015.

29 Nov 10:36 The Irish News 993065298256010.html
Lonely and hungry

We’re reminded every year how many Canadians are left behind in our society, without enough food. Hunger Count 2019 has just been released.

29 Nov 11:57 Castanet 616068601500856833.html
Kabinet zet streep door voorstel burgemeesters: leger gaat niet nog meer politietaken uitvoeren

Het kabinet gaat niet in op de wens van de burgemeesters van Veenendaal, De Bilt en Utrechtse Heuvelrug om militairen in te gaan zetten voor politietaken. Dit zou volgens hen namelijk een passende mogelijkheid zijn om de druk bij de politie te verlichten. Gaat mooi niet door dus. De politie heeft de mankracht niet meer om alle taken naar behoren uit te kunnen voeren. Het leger heeft te kampen met dezelfde situatie maar aangezien het relatief rustig is in de wereld, dachten een paar burgemeesters zo makkelijk de boel op te kunnen lossen: gewoon soldaten als agent laten fungeren. Nu is het natuurlijk wel zo dat militairen wel eens assistentie verlenen aan de politie bij invallen of het ontmantelen van explosieven. Dus helemaal uit de lucht gegrepen is dit idee ook weer niet. Misschien dat het zelfs prima zou zijn als het gaat om een noodsituatie maar dat is nu niet het geval. De burgemeesters zitten waarschijnlijk gewoon met de handen in het haar omdat ze bij de politie bij bosjes uitvallen, teveel bureaucratie…

29 Nov 14:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610058668286024.html
Dilepas Tira Persikabo, Rahmad Darmawan Rasakan Hal yang Janggal

Rahmad Darmawan resmi lengser dari jabatannya sebagai pelatih Tira Persikabo.

29 Nov 13:11 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550603899179.html
Roland Duchatalet agrees deal to sell Charlton Athletic

Duchatalet's five-year reign at The Valley has proved hugely unpopular with fans.

29 Nov 11:18 Sports Mole 7750663362083550739.html
Premier League consider the future of incoming chief executive David Pemsel following allegations made about his private life

The Premier League is considering the future of incoming chief executive David Pemsel following allegations made about the organisation&rsquo;s new leader&rsquo;s private life this week, Telegraph Sport understands.

29 Nov 12:53 The Telegraph 140598091947023277.html
Singapore tells Facebook to correct post under disinformation law

Singapore authorities Friday ordered Facebook to correct an article on a fringe news site containing "scurrilous accusations" of election rigging, ramping up their use of a controversial law against misinformation.

29 Nov 10:53 The Guardian 7580308505430365599.html
Fears about worker shootings prompt new business tactics

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Security is not subtle at the sprawling campus of human resources technology giant Paycom in Oklahoma City.Off-duty police officers roam the grounds, bolstering the company’s own force of armed guards. A basement command center that looks like something out of a spy movie is filled with video screens showing feeds from hundreds of security cameras at company offices across the country.While heavy security has become common at airports and stadiums to deter terrorism, extreme measures have been out of the ordinary at most companies eager to maintain a comfortable work environment and a welcoming atmosphere.

29 Nov 14:01 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760957488866.html
Address problems of workers, demands JAC

Employees’ associations stage protest in Vijayawada

29 Nov 15:52 The Hindu 6679535024415088601.html
Council and airport win award for age-friendly initiative

MAYO County Council, in conjunction with Ireland West Airport, took home first prize in the Best Age-Friendly Initiative category at the 16th annual Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government Awards in Dublin.

29 Nov 13:51 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535763422099.html
Multiple injuries reported in London stabbing incident

The London Ambulance Service declared a "major incident" on Friday at London Bridge, where multiple people were stabbed by a suspect wearing a "hoax explosive device" who was subsequently shot and killed by police, CNN reports. On Twitter, London's Metropolitan Police Service said that "as a precaution, we are currently responding to this incident as though it is terror-related." The chaotic scene unfolded around 1:58 PM, with one nearby worker telling CNN of hearing "more than five" gunshots in the area of the iconic bridge, and another saying, "A colleague out for lunch messaged to say there'd been an incident ... I went straight to the window and saw hundreds of people running off the bridge." On Twitter, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, "I'm being kept updated on the incident at London Bridge and want to thank the police and all emergency services for their immediate response." Jacob Lambert

29 Nov 15:40 The Week 149215354669131068.html
Nach Umbau: ORF und Parlament fixierten Stadtstudio

Der ORF wird auch im umgebauten Parlamentsgebäude ein Stadtstudio haben.

29 Nov 15:32 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083172651182.html
Local knowledge and international expertise for trial

A significant milestone has been achieved as Timaru approaches its 2020 on-demand public transport trial, with the completion of contracts for both the technology provider and the vehicle operator.

29 Nov 11:00 SCOOP 5315658998386096154.html
Trump slams Newsweek article predicting he will spend Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting

President Trump responded to a Newsweek article prediction that he would spend Thanksgiving tweeting by responding to them on Twitter.

29 Nov 15:16 Washington Examiner 4625792332431341330.html
Arsenal appoints Ljungberg as interim manager

Arsenal Football Club on Friday announced the appointment of former Arsene Wenger 'Invincible' team Freddie Ljungberg as interim manager after sacking coach Unai Emery.

29 Nov 13:06 The Guardian 7580308505321506000.html
Climate change protests staged across the globe

The protests come just days before officials gather in Madrid for talks on tackling climate change.

29 Nov 11:16 Express & Star 7324224459729826588.html
Minderjarige Amsterdamse VMBO-leerlinge vergiftigt docente met schoonmaakmiddel in kop thee

Straf: wordt overgeplaatst naar een andere school

29 Nov 12:54 ThePostOnline 3048418756864599147.html
Singapore tells Facebook to correct post under disinformation law

Singapore authorities Friday ordered Facebook to correct an article on a fringe news site containing "scurrilous accusations" of election rigging, ramping up their use of a controversial law agains...

29 Nov 10:51 Punch Newspapers 3524240995490224016.html
Pelukis Jeihan Sukmantoro Meninggal Dunia di Studionya

Pada Juli lalu Jeihan Sukmantoro sempat dirawat di rumah sakit karena sakit kanker getah bening dan mengalami infeksi saluran pencernaan.

29 Nov 13:30 Tempo 6299881073062679840.html
Freiwilligenagentur hat neue Plattform eröffnet

Seit Donnerstagabend ist die neue Engagement-Plattform der Freiwilligenagentur online. Per Mausklick können nun neben rund 300 Angeboten für Ehrenamtliche auch Videos mit Inspirationen für das Engagement angeschaut werden. Viele Tipps rund ums Ehrenamt ergänzen das ...

29 Nov 12:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110756385910.html
Jadi Justice Collaborator, Advokat Penyuap Jaksa Divonis Lebih Ringan

Majelis sependapat dengan penuntut umum mengenai permohonan JC sang advokat.

29 Nov 11:42 hukumonline.com 2042817837804902906.html
Omicidio Daphne Caruana Galizia: Muscat pronto a dimettersi da premier

Lo riporta il Times of Malta. È atteso un suo discorso televisivo

29 Nov 13:58 L'HuffPost 5315551423696622559.html
Iraqi Prime Minister Announces He'll Resign Amid Continuing Violence

Adel Abdul-Mahdi's statement comes a day after security forces killed more than 40 anti-government protesters in 24 hours.

29 Nov 13:30 HuffPost 5982769915626195457.html
Andmesh Kamaleng Persembahkan Piala AMI Awards Pertamanya untuk Judika

Andmesh Kamaleng menyabet penghargaan Artis Solo Pria Pop Terbaik di ajang Anugerah Musik Indonesia (AMI) Awards 2019.

29 Nov 13:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697188003359.html
China limits number of rides drivers can offer through car-pooling services

China's Ministry of Transport said car-pooling services have to limit the daily number of rides drivers can offer through apps such as Didi ...

29 Nov 13:05 CNA 5644198863739724871.html
Siedlungsflächen ausserhalb der Bauzonen wachsen weiter

Die Zunahme von Siedlungsflächen ausserhalb der Bauzonen hat sich etwas abgeschwächt. Allerdings wird weiterhin viel Land neu bebaut. Es braucht laut dem Bund deshalb griffige Massnahmen gegen das Bauen ausserhalb der Bauzonen.

29 Nov 13:20 bz BASEL 5287163742521179711.html
Consumer confidence perks up

Consumer confidence has continued to rise, as house price growth continues and wages increase. The ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer confidence index rose 3 points in November to 121, above its historical average. More households reported feeling positive about the future of the local economy, saying now was a good time to buy a big-ticket item. However, they were feeling worse about their own current financial situation, likely because of their debt levels. "Things are pretty good for New Zealand households right now," ANZ chief economist Sharon Zollner said.

29 Nov 14:23 Newsroom 8356495123695095432.html
OM vervolgt Gosschalk niet voor zedendelict

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - Voormalig castingdirecteur Job Gosschalk wordt niet vervolgd voor een mogelijk zedendelict. Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft de zaak tegen hem geseponeerd, nadat de persoon die hem hiervan beschuldigde na een bemiddelingstraject met Gosschalk de zaak heeft gesloten.

29 Nov 10:52 Nieuws.nl 2419030129566264141.html
Official cancels gift settlement given by parents

Sivakasi Sivakasi Sub-Collector C. Dinesh Kumar on Thursday cancelled a gift settlement given by parents to four of their children for not taking care of them. The Sub-Collector who also heads the Rev

29 Nov 15:53 The Hindu 6679535024914876052.html
Vodacom dismisses CEO departure talk

Vodacom Group denied reports CEO Shameel Joosub (pictured) was heading for the door, but revealed ...

29 Nov 11:38 Mobile World Live 2109488010015611003.html
Costly holiday tree scandalises Russian coal town

An expensive holiday tree installed in the centre of an industrial Siberian city has been ridiculed online and on national media as a symbol of corruption, though authorities defended the high-tech purchase.

29 Nov 14:30 Digital Journal 4566489172280993529.html
Feuerwehr Reutlingen: Delegation aus Taiwan zu Gast bei der Reutlinger Feuerwehr

Eine fünfköpfige Feuerwehrdelegation aus Taiwan besuchte die Feuerwache Reutlingen.

29 Nov 13:00 swp.de 6929179441491940076.html
Electric Vehicle business ideas and opportunities?

EVs will help clean up the air and also use lesser resources reducing our dependency on the planet.

29 Nov 13:43 OVERDRIVE 7781473803112706532.html
Rusland arresteert vrouw om spionage

Op het schiereiland de Krim hebben de Russische autoriteiten een vrouw gearresteerd vanwege spionage. Volgens de Russische veiligheidsdienst FSB werkte de Russin voor de Oekraïense regering. Ze zou „militaire geheimen” hebben gestolen, aldus een vrijdag gepubliceerde verklaring van de FSB.

29 Nov 11:13 RD.nl 6406779841831730937.html
Somiglianza tra Veronica Fedolfi e Valentina Ferragni

Quello delle somiglianze è un post che noi di IsaeChia dedichiamo quotidianamente alle tante segnalazioni inviateci dai lettori del nostro sito (via mail a isa.e.chia@gmail.com o via social network, tramite le nostre pagine Facebook, Twitter o Instagram) che propongono una similitudine fisica che loro riscontrano, nei tratti o nei colori, tra due personaggi della televisione, della musica, del cinema, del gossip o dello sport. Si tratta pertanto di un post leggero, senza alcun fine se non quello di constatare o meno l’esistenza di qualche analogia tra due persone note.

29 Nov 11:00 Isa e Chia 8427750813268038770.html
Onderdelen vliegende Duitse bom WOII gevonden

Bij werkzaamheden voor de verbreding van de A1 zijn onderdelen gevonden van een vliegende bom, die veel werd gebruikt tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Dat meldt de gemeente Deventer. Het werk is na de vondst stilgelegd en de Explosieven Opruimingsdienst Defensie (EOD) is ingeschakeld.

29 Nov 11:40 RD.nl 6406779841348405049.html
Thousands stage global climate protests before UN summit

Tens of thousands of protesters have rallied in cities across the world, demanding more action on climate change and aiming to force political leaders to come up with urgent solutions at a United Nations conference next week.

29 Nov 15:53 Aljazeera 6642629763593782994.html
Urologia di Biella leader nel Piemonte nord-orientale

A stabilirlo le valutazioni del Ministero della Salute

29 Nov 15:46 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318409752732.html
Persino Bloomberg critica il Black Friday

La testata – notoriamente pro-business – spiega che le ragioni per farne a meno non sono soltanto ambientali ma anche economiche

29 Nov 14:20 Il Post 6291746504681698353.html
Singapore tells Facebook to correct post under disinformation law

Singapore authorities Friday ordered Facebook to correct an article on a fringe news site containing “scurrilous accusations” of election rigging, ramping up their use of a controversial law against misinformation. The social media giant, which has previously expressed concerns about the legislation, did not respond to requests for comment and the article was still on …

29 Nov 10:24 The Online Citizen 1644049754113371901.html
Prophet Cosmos Walker makes shocking prophecy about Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

Popular Ghanaian prophet His Grace Cosmos Walker Affran has made a yet shocking prophecy about the Asantehene Otumfuo Nana Osei Tutu II

29 Nov 10:30 GHANA PAGE 8986860743860738096.html
Students take part in live dissection at Wolverhampton college

Students from Wolverhampton College have taken part in a live organ dissection show.

29 Nov 12:51 Express & Star 7324224460789518567.html
Resident ruckus leaves redevelopment of IBM Cumberland Forest campus in limbo

Game of pass the parcel continues.

29 Nov 13:00 iTnews 4425008560332632604.html
Sri Mulyani Sebut Bangun Infrastruktur Tak Seperti Kisah Roro Jonggrang

Pembangunan butuh ketekunan dan komitmen Pemerintah Pusat maupun pemerintah daerah untuk merencanakan, mengkalkulasi, dan mengeksekusi sebuah proyek infrastruktur.

29 Nov 13:30 merdeka.com 1998180355796304284.html
Stichting Alerimus heeft na inspecties zaken nog steeds niet op orde

De Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (IGJ) heeft Stichting Alerimus onder verscherpt toezicht gesteld. Het verscherpt toezicht heeft betrekking op locaties De Open Waard in Oud-Beijerland en De Buitensluis in Numansdorp. Op deze locaties biedt Alerimus ouderenzorg. Het verscherpt toezicht is ingegaan op 4 november 2019 en duurt zes maanden. Dit meldt de inspectie.

29 Nov 11:11 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743188539582.html
Tesla Expands Its Australian Megabattery Empire

The world's biggest battery is about to get 50% bigger (and could double again).

29 Nov 13:16 The Motley Fool 2231313658507713205.html
Tangan Istana di Perebutan Caketum Golkar

Singkat cerita, 34 Pimpinan DPD I akhirnya bulat memberikan suara ke Airlangga.

29 Nov 15:18 merdeka.com 1998180354347695822.html
So einfach lassen sich SMS mitlesen

Mit dem SMS-Nachfolger RCS werden SMS und Telefonanrufe über das Internet abgewickelt - mit einem vorgegebenen Passwort. Mit diesem können auch klassische SMS unbemerkt

29 Nov 13:06 Golem.de 3063982245321600404.html
Alison Hammond accidentally misgenders Caitlyn Jenner twice before being corrected

The popular TV presenter accidentally used the wrong pronouns while discussing Caitlyn Jenner's Geordie-isms on This Morning - and was quickly corrected by Ruth Langsford

29 Nov 12:48 Irish Mirror 2875825628610737748.html
Terbuat Dari Cokelat, Case iPhone ini Bisa Dimakan Jika Sedang Lapar

Makemac - Jika mencari case iPhone 11 yang mampu melindungi, jangan cari case ini, sebab case buatan Matt Adlard ini justru dapat dimakan

29 Nov 12:56 grid.id 2219816954621942102.html
Scientists discover tectonic fault zone through undersea fiber-optic cables

The idea of using underwater fiber-optic cables to observe earthquakes has been explored in the past by researchers from the UK, Italy, and Malta.

29 Nov 12:47 TechSpot 7732733959865648516.html
Britain's Ocado signs technology partnership with Japan's Aeon

British online grocer Ocado has signed a technology partnership with Japan's Aeon to help the retailer establish an online business, its first ...

29 Nov 15:35 CNA 5644198863910839436.html
Mexico bristles at US terror designation plan

MEXICO CITY, Nov 29 — President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said today Mexico had not been invaded for more than a century and he would not permit another foreign intervention, reflecting tensions over a Trump administration plan to designate drug cartels based in Mexico as terrorist groups....

29 Nov 15:47 Malaymail 302165935020971421.html
David Pemsel resigns as Premier League chief executive before starting role

Pemsel had been due to take up the position in February.

29 Nov 15:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774216331609.html
Nationalspielerin verlässt Juve vorzeitig

Die englische Fußball-Nationalspielerin Eniola Aluko verlässt Juventus Turin vorzeitig - und gibt als Mitgrund dafür Rassismus an. In einer Kolumne für eine englische Tageszeitung stellt sie der Stadt und dem italienischen Fußball ein verheerendes Zeugnis aus.

29 Nov 13:35 n-tv 6802689754155340071.html
Onderzoek: dood Sarah Papenheim valt hulpverleners niet te verwijten

Het Rotterdamse Meldpunt Verwarde Personen en het Wijkteam hebben zorgvuldig gehandeld bij de meldingen over Joël S., die vorig jaar zijn huisgenote Sarah Papenheim om het leven bracht in Rotterdam-Kralingen. Dat is de conclusie van een onderzoeksrapport van het gemeentelijk zorgconsulaat dat donderdag is verschenen.

29 Nov 15:10 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228024032549.html
Mainz will perfekte Heimserie gegen Frankfurt ausbauen

Trainer Achim Beierlorzer vom Fußball-Bundesligisten FSV Mainz 05 erwartet für die Fortsetzung der Serie gegen Eintracht Frankfurt ein hartes Stück Arbeit.

29 Nov 14:56 weltfussball.at 3521376371305129394.html
AI can increase people's wellbeing but potential dangers remain

A delegation of members of the European Economic and Social Committee visited three Finnish technological hubs to assess the potential benefits and dangers of artificial intelligence for our society.

29 Nov 12:50 News-Medical.net 4522523030449323692.html
Delapan Bulan Keluar Penjara, Augie Fantinus Umumkan Istri Hamil Anak Kedua

Delapan bulan lalu keluar penjara dan menghirup udara bebas, Augie Fantinus mengumumkan kabar bahagia kehamilan istrinya. Lima tahun lalu sang istri hamil anak pertama, kini Augie Fantinus bahagia calon anak kedua berada di rahim istrinya.

29 Nov 13:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087989004047522.html
Varsity magt denies expelling student for impregnating lecturer

Ibrahim said the news flying around was from the imagination of its writer which is tailored towards destroying the image of the school.

29 Nov 14:20 The ICIR 2244788521859618179.html
Hadapi Era Digital, Biro Humas Kemenakertrans Gelar Workshop Bersama Digi-X

Biro humas Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi bekerjasama dengan Digi-X menggelar workshop 'Digital Experience'

29 Nov 15:17 liputan6.com 3414318497681777299.html
Threat triggers security measures at three Nanaimo schools

An unspecified threat led to security measures being put in place at three Nanaimo schools Friday morning. Dover Bay Secondary was placed in lockdown while nearby Nanaimo and District Secondary . . .

29 Nov 13:16 Times Colonist 7617512061674595799.html
Istana: Jokowi Lahir dari Pemilihan Presiden Secara Langsung!

Demikian disampaikan Juru Bicara Presiden M. Fadrjoel Rachman merespons wacana pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden dikembalikan ke MPR RI.

29 Nov 13:06 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212902021507.html
UN agency suspends activities in troubled eastern Congo

U.N. agencies on Friday expressed concern about security around the city of Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) following the deaths of four...

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944807993806751.html
Politie naar London Bridge om steekpartij

De politie in Londen ging naar London Bridge vanwege een melding van een steekpartij. Een verdachte van de steekpartij is aangehouden, meldt de politie. Een bron binnen de politie heeft tegen Reuters gezegd dat de verdachte is neergeschoten, maar dat wordt niet bevestigd. Volgens de politie zijn meerdere mensen gewond geraakt.

29 Nov 15:59 RD.nl 6406779841462125154.html
Australian students kick off global climate change protests

SYDNEY - Thousands of Australian students walked out of class on Friday to join rallies demanding stronger action to rein in climate change, which they said is contributing to the country’s bushfire crisis.

29 Nov 13:28 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199774652885.html
Margarida Conceiro, Kekasih Cantik Joao Felix yang Jarang Disorot Publik

Penggawa baru Atletico Madrid, Joao Felix, sukses menyabet penghargaan Golden Boy Award 2019. Pemain asal Portugal itu mengungguli Jadon Sancho dan Kai Havertz

29 Nov 12:50 Bola.net 5489959028599267956.html
Saturn Cloud Inc. Launches Breakthrough Parallel Computing Technology to Accelerate Big Data Analytics

Saturn Cloud's Python-native parallel computing product is released one month after closing $4 million seed round

29 Nov 11:36 PR Newswire 5429323934003280968.html
Silvia Halim, Perempuan yang Membuat Jakarta Terasa Kian Dekat

Berada di lingkungan kerja dengan gap gender yang cukup tinggi, Silvia Halim menjadi salah satu orang di balik suksesnya MRT Jakarta.

29 Nov 12:00 Tempo 6965386209273650688.html
Debate over whether teachers should toilet-train toddlers

Schools are 'pushing back' on their involvement in toilet training and hope kids no longer need nappies by the time they're in Reception

29 Nov 10:28 Wales Online 7686550517249026292.html
RS Indonesia di Rakhine State Jadi Alat Diplomasi Konflik di Myammar

KBRN, Jakarta : Relawan MER-C Nur Ikhwan Abadi mengatakan, Rumah Sakit (RS) Indonesia di Rakhine State, Myanmar akan menjadi alat diplomasi untuk meredam konflik berkepanjangan di Rakhine State.

29 Nov 15:49 RRI News Portal 6700853646172464168.html
Vertenze in Irpinia: sindacati pronti al braccio di ferro con la Regione Campania

La nota

29 Nov 10:37 AvellinoToday 5452883947930949721.html
Maharashtra CM Thackeray stays Metro carshed work

Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Friday announced a stay to construction of metro carshed in the city’s green lung Aarey Colony, where strong protests had erupted last month against cutt

29 Nov 13:58 BusinessLine 5283600115662765.html
Richtfest am Neubau der Kulturstiftung

Das Richtfest für den neu gebauten Veranstaltungssaal der Bernburger Kulturstiftung ist nicht so fröhlich ausgefallen, wie es eigentlich hätte sein sollen. Mit Georg Rosenthal ist vor einigen Tagen einer der Gründungsväter der Kulturstiftung ...

29 Nov 11:37 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110571523180.html
Donohoe responds to corporation tax warnings

Ireland will have to prepare for a fall in lucrative corporation taxes in the coming years, the Finance Minister admits.

29 Nov 12:41 Breaking News 4415806920221461929.html
Koningin Máxima bij jubileumcongres CNV Vakmensen

Koningin Máxima heeft vrijdagmiddag het 125-jarig bestaan van CNV Vakmensen meegevierd. Ze bezocht daarvoor het jubileumcongres in Nieuwegein.

29 Nov 15:51 RD.nl 6406779842392437028.html
Bezahlen mit der Smartwatch wird beliebter

Die Transaktionen mit Wearables sind in Europa gegenüber 2018 um das Achtfache gestiegen. Die Schweiz steht an dritter Stelle der Länder in Europa mit den meisten Bezahlvorgängen mit Wearables.

29 Nov 13:14 www.cetoday.ch 4667961263235598112.html
Former Nepal PM calls for trilateral partnership with India and China

Prachanda said Nepal being a sovereign and independent country should have equal status and say in the trilateral partnership

29 Nov 14:50 Business-Standard 1502508924720043768.html
Black Friday sparks worldwide backlash from politicians, activists

PARIS — People don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in France, or Russia, or South Africa – but they do shop on Black Friday. The U.S. sales phenomenon has spread to retailers across the world in

29 Nov 12:33 New York Post 7654946768774339324.html
Editorial: Saskatchewan needs to tackle obesity

The high rate of obesity in the province should be the topic of conversation and of action.

29 Nov 12:14 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104419286880102.html
Gymnastics: International federation recognises India’s new national governing body

Sudhir Mital and Shantikumar Singh were elected as president and general secretary respectively of the Gymnastics Federation of India.

29 Nov 15:33 Scroll.in 8669301692917884576.html
Police officer charged with obtaining sexual gratification from female suspects in car parks

SINGAPORE: A staff sergeant with the Singapore Police Force (SPF) has been charged with multiple offences, including reportedly abusing his ...

29 Nov 10:33 CNA 5644198863249587290.html
Mahasiswa IAIN Purwokerto Menimba Ilmu Tata Negara di MPR

Sebanyak 70 mahasiswa Fakultas Syariah Prodi Hukum Keluarga, IAIN Purwokerto, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah, dengan didampingi oleh dua pembimbing selama beberapa hari melakukan study tour ke Jakarta.

29 Nov 10:46 liputan6.com 3414318496323091840.html
Bolivia's interim govt redraws foreign policy after Morales

Bolivia's interim government on Thursday announced that it would renew diplomatic relations with Israel after they were cut off around ten years ago, as...

29 Nov 11:56 DAILY SABAH 8383944809039253852.html
Scientists Turn Undersea Fiber Optic Cables Into Seismographs

Monitoring seismic activity all over the world is an important task, but one that requires equipment to be at the site it's measuring -- difficult in the middle of the ocean. But new research from Berkeley could turn existing undersea fiber optic cables into a network of seismographs, creating an un...

29 Nov 10:01 science.slashdot.org 3975130317760773212.html
UCF sorority suspended amid hazing accusations

The University of Central Florida has suspended a sorority amid complaints that members forced others to drink and take drugs until they blacked out during hazing.

29 Nov 10:25 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202731836058.html
Producent More Theater: Geen plannen met Gosschalk

Productiehuis More Theater "heeft geen concrete plannen" om voorstellingen met Job Gosschalk te gaan ontwikkelen. Dat laat een woordvoerder van het bedrijf vrijdag weten in een reactie op het nieuws dat het Openbaar Ministerie afziet van vervolging van Gosschalk voor mogelijk seksueel wangedrag. Zijn advocaat Gerard Spong meldde daarna dat Gosschalk overweegt zijn oude werk weer op te pakken.

29 Nov 14:36 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048298350445.html
Three activists in Erode taken into custody and later released

The activists had planned to stage protests condemning the death of IIT Madras student Fathima Latheef

29 Nov 12:07 The Hindu 6679535025514261436.html
Sinkgraven terug bij Leverkusen na peesblessure

Daley Sinkgraven keert terug bij Bayer Leverkusen. De Nederlandse vleugelverdediger traint weer mee met de selectie van trainer Peter Bosz. Sinkgraven zou zaterdag in de uitwedstrijd tegen Bayern München minuten kunnen maken. Peesblessure De 24-jarige voetballer uit Assen, die eerder bij sc Heerenveen en Ajax speelde, stond de afgelopen jaren door blessures vaak aan de…

29 Nov 11:04 Sportnieuws 3602982464589958705.html
Alasan Ponsel Lokal Sulit Kalahkan Ponsel China di RI

Banjirnya produk-produk smartphone baru asal China menjadi alasan mengapa lokal vendor smartphone sulit berkompetisi.

29 Nov 10:30 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212442304042.html
Awasi Distribusi BBM, BPH Migas Gandeng Pusdiklat Polri

BPH Migas terus meningkatkan sinergitas dengan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) dalam kegiatan pengawasan penyediaan dan pendistribusian BBM.

29 Nov 13:10 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213129414804.html
Realizaron un procedimiento preventivo para luchar contra el consumo excesivo de drogas

En la tarde de ayer, a las 19:30, luego de un trabajo coordinado entre las Autoridades de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (UNCA), Dirección Drogas Peligrosas de la Policía de la Provincia y de la ENET N' 1, Prof. Vicente García Aguilera, personal de la División Canes de dicha Dirección realizó un trabajo de campo preventivo en la Escuela mencionada.

29 Nov 10:48 El Ancasti 5864462411985801016.html
Binoculars for Christmas - Skywatching

The range of things available to backyard astronomers is now, er, astronomical.

29 Nov 11:00 Castanet 616068601789509809.html
Wawali Kota Malang Presentasikan Sambat Online di Kompetisi Pengaduan Layanan Publik

Menurut pria yang akrab disapa Bung Edi ini, Sambat Online semakin hari semakin ditingkatkan performanya untuk melayani masyarakat Kota Malang. Sambat Online ini sudah terintegrasi dengan seluruh Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD).

29 Nov 13:18 merdeka.com 1998180354270826746.html
Government fails to calm Iraqis, becomes ruthless

The Iraqi government, which has failed to meet protesters' demands and establish balanced relations with Iran, has become more ruthless after demonstrators burned down the Iranian Consulate in Najaf

29 Nov 15:10 DAILY SABAH 8383944809908145185.html
Ljungberg Speaks After Appointment As Arsenal Interim Manager

Arsenal interim head coach Freddie Ljungberg has promised to give his best to put smiles on the faces of the club's fans.

29 Nov 14:04 Concise 5544636823718284808.html
Divonis Bersalah BK DPRD, William PSI Dulang Dukungan Netizen

Anggota Fraksi PSI, William Aditya Sarana, mendulang banyak dukungan dari netizen terkait hasil pemeriksaan di Badan Kehormatan DPRD DKI.

29 Nov 10:27 Tempo 8197554464389225115.html
PwC probe finds executives at Tongaat overstated profits, assets

Executives used 'undesirable accounting practices'.

29 Nov 10:39 Moneyweb 1092550947282994672.html
Bauern aus Bezirk Horn diskutierten Klima-Thema

Zahlreiche Funktionäre des Bauernbundes Horn kamen in Weitersfeld zur Bezirkskonferenz zusammen. Bezirksobmann Erich Prand-Stritzko gab dabei einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten im vergangenen Jahr.

29 Nov 11:46 NÖN.at 2486998933262158138.html
Samsung Might Drop Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanning Tech, Says Analyst

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use.

29 Nov 14:26 Extremetech 653399568410713128.html
Woning beschoten en nieuwe granaataanval: parket onderzoekt reeks incidenten in Antwerpen

Donderdagnacht is er opnieuw een granaat gegooid in het Antwerpse. Ditmaal aan Leiebos in Merksem. Een buurtbewoonster belde de politie nadat ze schade vas...

29 Nov 15:11 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192229908013.html
Bruce Golding re-conferred with Honorary Distinguished Fellow at UWI

The University of the West Indies has announced that it has re-conferred the title of Honorary Distinguished Fellow on Bruce Golding, former Prime Minister of Jamaica and Mona Campus alumnus, for another five years. The appointment took effect on...

29 Nov 15:45 The Gleaner 1215260529904863010.html
Concerned group wants Forestry Commission to help stem illegal logging

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:24 ghananewsagency.org 5074937611051686009.html
HUT Korpri, Begini Komitmen Taspen

WE Online, Jakarta - Hari ulang tahun Korpri ke-48 tahun ini mengangkat tema 'Berkarya, Melayani dan Menyatukan Bangsa'. Tema itu mengandung makna Korpri sebagai satu-satunya wadah bagi pegawai negeri Republik Indonesia yang selalu berupaya dan terus meneguhkan fungsinya sebagai perekat dan pemersatu bangsa, menjaga netralitas dan berkomitmen tegak lurus terhadap kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

29 Nov 11:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834027765740.html
Moscow turns to vampires to boost vaccination rates

Struggling with growing scepticism of vaccinations, health authorities in Moscow have turned to a surprising ally for help: blood-thirsty vampires.

29 Nov 14:29 News24 3752801377799524985.html
Turkey treats migrants beaten by Greek troops

Turkey takes care of the refugees mistreated by Greece by going against the international law, beating and pushing back the migrants

29 Nov 11:29 DAILY SABAH 8383944808968457263.html
ESCWA Committee on Women

Qatar participated in the 9th session of the Committee on Women of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), which was held in Amman, Jordan with a delegation representing the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs.

29 Nov 12:22 The Peninsula 1202843881615848705.html
Kerala woman judge heckled by lawyers for cancelling bail of accused

The Thiruvananthapuram Bar Association has dismissed the allegations.

29 Nov 11:20 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363372101774.html
Wild animals at Tirupati gates

As the city expands, man-animal conflicts have become frequent in a territorial battle

29 Nov 13:15 The Hindu 6679535026148113083.html
Police detain BNP leader ABM Mosharraf

Police have detained BNP leader ABM Mosharraf Hossain without giving any reason for the arrest.

29 Nov 11:07 Bdnews24 8119004129354783995.html
Vettel crasht zum Auftakt

Der Kurztrip zum Saisonfinale hat für Sebastian Vettel am Freitag einige Enttäuschungen gebracht.

29 Nov 12:21 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323123337668.html
VIDEO | Fietsende klimaatactivisten blokkeren rotonde in Wageningen

Klimaatactivisten van Extinction Rebellion fietsten vrijdagochtend in een totaal zo'n kwartier rondjes op een rotonde bij de campus van de Wageningen Universiteit. Met deze hinderactie voor het verkeer vragen ze aandacht voor klimaatverandering.

29 Nov 10:12 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615598493684.html
Ancelotti moet opvolger van Emery worden bij Arsenal

De Britse krant The Telegraph noemt Carlo Ancelotti als mogelijke opvolger van Unai Emery. De Spaanse trainer werd vrijdagochtend ontslagen bij Arsenal na een tegenvallende reeks resultaten. Arsenal heeft Freddie Ljungberg als interim-coach aangesteld. Op deze manier heeft Arsenal meer tijd om op zoek te gaan naar een geschikte coach voor de lange termijn. In…

29 Nov 11:23 Sportnieuws 3602982463324226997.html
Labyad niet inzetbaar tegen Twente, Ziyech twijfelgeval

Woensdag vielen Zakaria Labyad en Hakim Ziyech geblesseerd uit tijdens het duel met Lille. Labyad moest zich laten vervangen met een knieblessure, Ziyech ging met pijn aan zijn arm van het veld af

29 Nov 12:11 Ajax1.nl 8900331527553265194.html
Flitterwochen unterbrochen: Merk will den FCK retten

Für seinen Herzensverein 1. FC Kaiserslautern unterbricht Markus Merk sogar die Flitterwochen. Der ehemalige Welt-Schiedsrichter fliegt am Wochenende extra aus Südostasien in die Heimat, um das Zepter beim FCK zu übernehmen.

29 Nov 13:13 weltfussball.at 3521376372628657422.html
Expert wildlife tracker featured in documentary seeks aid

The Irula tribesman, Bomman, is struggling to make a living and has appealed to the government for a pension

29 Nov 10:49 The Hindu 6679535024501626183.html
RBI sends DHFL to bankruptcy tribunal

The Reserve Bank of India has filed a bankruptcy petition against troubled mortgage lender Dewan Housing Finance Corporation Ltd (DHFL), the regulator said in a statement today.This is the first insta

29 Nov 11:47 The Hindu 6679535026295011161.html
Thousands Protest in Kabul Against Alleged Election Fraud

The result of the September 28 vote was to be declared on October 19 but had to be postponed until November 14 due to technical problems.

29 Nov 13:03 India.com 7150386084319622454.html
Pecat Unai Emery, Performa Arsenal Dianggap Mirip Tim Degradasi

Legenda Arsenal, Martin Keown, memberi peringatan keras kepada pihak klub.

29 Nov 11:05 Bola.net 5489959027506668409.html
Wakil Ketua MPR Minta PTIQ Kaji Empat Pilar dari Perspektif Alquran

Dia menyebut kajian Empat Pilar dari perspektif Alquran cukup penting untuk mengisi kekosongan wacana tentang kebangsaan.

29 Nov 12:04 liputan6.com 3414318497858333124.html
Nederland investeert veel meer geld in ruimtevaart

Nederland investeert de komende jaren meer geld in de Europese ruimtevaart. De bijdrage wordt verhoogd naar in totaal 283,5 miljoen euro. Dat is 30 procent meer dan in de afgelopen jaren.

29 Nov 10:59 Bright.nl 6602863321292696259.html
Menanti Gebrakan Undang-Undang Sapu Jagat Omnibus Law

<span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span

29 Nov 15:28 Tribunnews.com 3323534445747634927.html
Terrorangriff auf London Bridge: Polizei erschießt Mann nach Messerstecherei

Auf der London Bridge in der britischen Hauptstadt sind Schüsse gefallen. Die Polizei hat einen Mann nach einer Messerstecherei erschossen.

29 Nov 14:47 RTL.DE 7054729453319918573.html
Magu to religious leaders: Preach integrity, hardwork

The acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu, on Friday urged religious leaders to preach integrity

29 Nov 13:45 Vanguard News 4125100339890747552.html
Malta government rejects immunity bid by businessman in journalist murder

Malta govt turned down a request from one of the island’s richest men for a pardon in return for cooperation in the investigation into a journalist’s murder

29 Nov 10:10 Vanguard News 4125100339158197017.html
Mendagri Tinjau Kesiapan PON

KBRN, Mimika: Menteri Dalam Negeri Prof. H. M. Tito Karnavian, Ph. D akan meninjau langsung kesiapan Papua sebagai tuan rumah dalam perhelatan Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) Tahun 2020. 'Ini kan

29 Nov 10:21 RRI News Portal 6700853645354668873.html
CHR recognizes role of women human rights defenders in nation-building

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) on Friday has urgently called for the imposition of more stringent measures to further promote women’s rights and recognize their invaluable contribution in nation-building in yesterday’s celebration of the International Women’s Human Rights Defenders Day.

29 Nov 12:02 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200029875714.html
Deutsche-Bank-Tochter Oppenheim Family Office bekommt neuen Chef

Bei der Deutschen Oppenheim Family Office wird Stefan Freytag neuer Vorsitzender des Führungsgremiums. Der bisherige Amtsinhaber geht in den Beirat.

29 Nov 10:59 Handelsblatt 4721373940192078699.html
Video: Aus vertrautem Hundeführer wurde ein Feind

In der Flugfeldkaserne in Wiener Neustadt rekonstruierten die Kameraden des getöteten Hundeführers die dramatischen Augenblicke.

29 Nov 14:18 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084162314686.html
Suspect and victim in Leslieville stabbing were friends, police say

One person was rushed to hospital in life-threatening condition after being stabbed inside a Leslieville residence late Thursday night.

29 Nov 11:50 CP24 1887544294626512979.html
Guru Jadi Sosok Berdedikasi Dalam Wujudkan SDM Unggul

Wali kota juga berharap PGRI mampu menjadi wadah guru-guru dalam merumuskan program kerja yang lebih baik demi kemajuan pendidikan di Kota Tangerang.

29 Nov 11:06 merdeka.com 1998180356231973649.html
Dangerous Warner frustrates Pakistan in second Test

Dangerous David Warner frustrates Pakistan in second Test.

29 Nov 11:18 Dunya News 5863268917843470728.html
Terrorangriff auf London Bridge: Polizei erschießt Mann nach Messerstecherei

Auf der London Bridge in der britischen Hauptstadt sind Schüsse gefallen. Die Polizei hat einen Mann nach einer Messerstecherei erschossen.

29 Nov 14:47 RTL.DE 7054729453158006640.html
Politie pakt verdachte van inbraken op in appartementsgebouw

De politie heeft gisteren een man gearresteerd die verdacht wordt van inbraak in een appartementsgebouw vlakbij het stadspark.

29 Nov 12:14 atv 2365892512450716992.html
Antieke kanonnen gevonden bij aanleg windpark

Ongeveer 25 kilometer uit de Zeeuwse kust zijn twee zeer goed bewaard gebleven gietijzeren kanonnen uit de 17e eeuw gevonden. De stukken geschut kwamen deze zomer naar boven tijdens onderzoek naar niet-ontplofte explosieven, in een gebied waar windmolenpark Borssele III/IV wordt aangelegd.

29 Nov 14:34 RD.nl 6406779840812801946.html
MG Motor India partners Umicore to recycle upcoming EV's batteries

The partnership will allow end-of-life ZS EV batteries to be recycled, thus ensuring greater peace of mind to MG customers about their ecological footprint

29 Nov 12:25 Business-Standard 1502508926408418466.html
Costco extends its Thanksgiving day promotions after its website crashes for several hours, preventing furious customers from shopping the deals

"I just want to spend my money on your site... why is it so hard?" one Costco shopper wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

29 Nov 13:31 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748623894476.html
OSCE could be delivering pensions to elderly in occupied Donbas, governor suggests

To receive pensions, those living in the occupied areas now have to cross to the government-controlled territory and undergo an IDing procedure, which is an issue for those physically unable to do this.

29 Nov 11:20 UNIAN 6863008972072127486.html
Omicidio Caruana, media Malta: dimissioni premier Muscat imminenti

Il premier maltese Joseph Muscat ha informato i propri collaboratori dell'intenzione di annunciare le proprie dimissioni in modo imminente. Lo ha riferito Times of Malta, citando come causa della decisione la crisi politica legata all'assassinio della giornalista Daphne Caruana Galizia. Famiglia Daphne Caruana: "Premier deve dimettersi subito" Mentre si susseguono le voci delle imminenti dimissioni di Joseph Muscat, sulla scia degli sviluppi dell'inchiesta sull'omicidio della giornalista Daphne Caruana Galizia, anche la famiglia della reporter uccisa nel 2017 è tornata a chiedere un passo indietro al primo ministro.In un comunicato stampa, la famiglia di Daphne critica duramente la decisione di scarcerare l'ex braccio destro di Muscat, Keith Schembri, arrestato nei giorni scorsi col sospetto di essere coinvolto nell'omicidio. "Siamo sgomenti dal rilascio di Schembri sotto gli occhi del primo ministro, che continua a recitare il ruolo di giudice, giuria e boia in un'inchiesta che vede coinvolti tre dei suoi piu'…

29 Nov 15:16 rainews 442831848317353921.html
Botswana Drought Makes Wasteland of Harvests, Livestock

In semi-arid Botswana, the farmers are reeling after the worst drought in a decade wiped out entire harvests and left the land littered with dead livestock.

29 Nov 12:29 VOA Zimbabwe 262570846940315941.html
Funghi velenosi a Sassari e Alghero, tre intossicati

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 12:50 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206339303257.html
I cavi sottomarini di internet potrebbero trasformarsi in accurati sismografi

Grazie alla tecnica Disturbed Acoustic Sensing, i sismologi potrebbero sfruttare i cavi a fibra ottica posati sui fondali marini per monitorare i movimenti delle placche tettoniche della Terra

29 Nov 11:14 Wired 7504010958371345707.html
Bank DKI Siapkan Pembayaran Nontunai di LRT Jakarta

Bank ini siap mendukung sistem pembayaran nontunai JakCard dan Jak Lingko untuk LRT Jakarta.

29 Nov 11:48 detikfinance 4442190002257625529.html
Martien negeert Caroline op belangrijke dag

op tv lijkt Martien een gezellige en warme man, maar nu blijkt dat hij ook een kille kant heeft. Hij zou Caroline niet hebben gefeliciteerd met haar winkel. 

29 Nov 14:17 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048795615017.html
Aplikasi Ini Bikin Kamu Lebih Aman Saat Traveling di Luar Negeri

Pihak Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemenlu) punya cara untuk menjaga traveler Indonesia di luar negeri. Salah satunya melalui aplikasi khusus ini.

29 Nov 15:10 detikTravel 7712517352890169607.html
Tribunal rechaza sobreseimiento del suspendido fiscal Emiliano Arias

El Juzgado de Garantía de Rancagua no accedió a la solicitud presentada por la defensa del persecutor, mediante la cual argumentaba vulneración al derecho de defensa.

29 Nov 11:34 24Horas.cl 793283384993292559.html
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Defends Free College for Rich Kids

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spent Thanksgiving evening defending the idea of free college for all children in the United States.

29 Nov 13:40 Breitbart 3148363490790406150.html
In ontploft drugslab werd amfetamine gemaakt

Het donderdag ontplofte drugslab aan de Heihuisweg in Weert was een productiefabriek voor amfetamine. Dat heeft de politie vrijdag laten weten. Door de explosie raakten twee mensen gewond en ontstond instortingsgevaar. De politie moest de dakconstructie laten stutten om er veilig te kunnen werken. Vier mensen werden gearresteerd. Tijdens een doorzoeking van het lab en de naastgelegen woning vond de politie twee vuurwapens.

29 Nov 15:00 RD.nl 6406779842437576662.html
Charity pantomime raises smiles and cash for hospice

The curtain rose on Mary Stevens Hospice's annual charity pantomime which will see hundreds raised for the charity.

29 Nov 10:35 Express & Star 7324224460338197492.html
Costco extends its Thanksgiving day promotions after its website crashes for several hours, preventing furious customers from shopping the deals

Costco is extending its Thanksgiving day online promotions to customers in the US after its website crashed for several hours and shoppers were unable to shop the sales.

29 Nov 11:52 Business Insider Australia 5575934301862463436.html
Watch chimps enjoy a Thanksgiving feast

Project Chimps creates special meals for rescued chimps on Thanksgiving, and you can see how much they enjoyed it in this video.

29 Nov 13:25 mnn 1276819565229142100.html
Video: Job-Messe: Coding Club bereitet IT-Neulinge auf die Lehre vor

Dieses Video liegt auf YouTube

29 Nov 15:14 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084399154090.html
Dorseys Verpflichtung weckt Erinnerung beim MBC

Wer am Ende der vergangenen Saison nach Gründen für den Klassenerhalt des Mitteldeutschen Basketball Clubs (MBC) suchte, landete zwangsläufig bei Tremmell Darden. Der 37 Jahre alte Routinier aus den USA wechselte vor ziemlich genau einem Jahr nach Weißenfels. Nach schwachem Saisonstart war er es, der die nötige Einstellung ins Team trug, mit Leistung voranging und so maßgeblich für den Bundesliga-Verbleib verantwortlich war. Jetzt ist der Syntainics MBC wieder schlecht in die Spielzeit gestartet, steht nach neun Partien auf dem letzten Tabellenplatz – und hat gewissermaßen den nächsten Tremmell Darden ...

29 Nov 15:15 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110322073233.html
Palestinian Teen Killed by Israeli Fire at Gaza-Israel Frontier

A Palestinian teenager has been killed as Israeli troops opened fire at people near the Gaza-Israel frontier, the Gaza’s health authorities said on Friday. According to the health ministry the 16-year-old Fahed al-Astal was shot in the stomach, addin

29 Nov 14:45 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932736520775.html
Govt to make hallmarking mandatory for gold jewellery

The government will make hallmarking for gold jewellery and artifacts mandatory from January 15, 2021, to ensure quality, Union Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said on Friday. The departmen

29 Nov 11:36 The Hindu 6679535024735870243.html
Horten Upper Secondary School / LINK arkitektur

Completed in 2019 in Horten, Norway. Images by Hundven-Clements Photography. Norway’s highest environmentally classified education building Horten upper secondary school won the international sustainable BREEAM Awards 2019 for...

29 Nov 10:00 ArchDaily 6219750955939806321.html
Horten Upper Secondary School / LINK arkitektur

Completed in 2019 in Horten, Norway. Images by Hundven-Clements Photography. Norway’s highest environmentally classified education building Horten upper secondary school won the international sustainable BREEAM Awards 2019 for...

29 Nov 10:00 ArchDaily 6219750955974254110.html
Ayu Dewi Jaga Rahasia Identitas Calon Suami Luna Maya

Ayu Dewi dan Luna Maya diketahui bersahabat baik.

29 Nov 12:00 liputan6.com 3414318496841358962.html
Switzerland Acts to Improve DLT/Blockchain Ecosystem with Improved Legal Certainty, Crypto Valley Association Welcomes the Move

The Swiss Federal Council has moved to improved the legal certainty regarding the framework for the utilization of blockchain or distributed ledger technology (

29 Nov 14:38 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072676687694.html
HyunA Ungkap Dirinya Alami Depresi, Gangguan Panik, dan Vasovagal Syncope

HyunA sempat tak percaya ia menderita depresi.

29 Nov 10:20 liputan6.com 3414318497305758087.html
Clemson University students mentor elementary school kids through nonprofit work

Clemson Hope is a nonprofit and student-run organization that provides mentoring, tutoring and annual Christmas gifts to in-need students in Oconee County.

29 Nov 15:32 Yahoo 7097669638165807428.html
Bomberos australianos se ponen felices cuando comienza a llover

Estos hombres no pudieron evitar la felicidad que les produjo la lluvia en una zona afectada por los incendios.

29 Nov 13:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418441955700.html
Security stepped up ahead of PLGA Week

Cordon and search operations being undertaken along inter-State border with Chhattisgarh

29 Nov 14:58 The Hindu 6679535025812978059.html
Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi submits resignation amid protests

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Friday he would offer his resignation to parliament to allow lawmakers to choose a new government, in a move that follows weeks of violent anti-government

29 Nov 15:22 New York Post 7654946767700651842.html
Exhibition of Andrei Stenin Photo Contest Winners Opens in India on Friday

NEW DELHI (Sputnik) - An exhibition of works by winners of the Andrei Stenin International Photo Contest opens on Friday in the Indian capital of New Delhi.

29 Nov 12:46 Sputniknews 967333868926331991.html
Saving Miss Kerala

After collecting a startling amount of plastic from the Chaliyar, kayakers plan to open a marine cemetery on World Conservation Day to draw attention to our choked rivers, and save our fish

29 Nov 11:41 The Hindu 6679535025146667969.html
Sebelum Meninggal, Ini Pesan Ayah Lukman Sardi soal Pindah Agama

Ternyata, ayah Lukman Sardi pernah berpesan terkait keputusannya berpindah agama.

29 Nov 13:22 parenting 8028540701277174485.html
GAIL Gas launches payment options for PNG connections in Mangaluru

GAIL Gas Ltd, which has been authorised to implement City Gas Distribution (CGD) project in Dakshina Kannada district, has introduced three payment options for getting domestic PNG (piped natural gas)

29 Nov 15:50 BusinessLine 5283601643177656.html
Freak waves flood homes in Marshall Islands

More than 200 people have been forced to flee their homes, after they were inundated by freak waves in the Marshall Islands capital Majuro.

29 Nov 11:44 CNA 5644198863216608298.html
Report: Germany to Completely Outlaw Hezbollah Next Week

The German government intends to completely ban all Hezbollah activities in the country, including the flying of its flag.

29 Nov 10:14 Breaking Israel News 540123160386836911.html
Scottish Natural Heritage apologises for killing hundreds of trees

More than 300 beech trees were deliberately poisoned by the organisation on an island in Loch Lomond.

29 Nov 11:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775271493339.html
Mansory Takes Surprising Approach With Lamborghini Urus

Some things, they say, are better left unsaid. And some cars, by the same token, are better left understate...

29 Nov 14:45 CarBuzz 4034462235993402599.html
Freddie Ljungberg breaks his silence on replacing Unai Emery after Arsenal sacking

The legendary Swede has been appointed on a temporary basis after the club sacked Emery earlier on Friday

29 Nov 13:22 football.london 6804128267991840430.html
Gynaecologist Questioned By Police After Woman Finds Her Examination On Porn Site

Police in Ukraine have questioned a gynaecologist after a female patient discovered her examination had been uploaded to a porn site.

29 Nov 13:11 UNILAD 6373328987110503833.html
Diserang Spyware Israel, India Ingin Periksa WhatsApp

Pemerintah India berencana untuk melakukan audit keamanan WhatsApp, setelah adanya serangan spyware Pegasus di layanan pesan instan tersebut.

29 Nov 13:27 detikinet 7802439222874916051.html
Equestrian: Horse Sport Ireland launch rebrand

Success of championship medal winner was celebrated in Naas

29 Nov 12:31 The Irish Times 8204772968867396400.html
Schockierende Details im Fall von isolierter Familie

Rund eineinhalb Monate nach der Entdeckung einer isoliert auf einem Bauernhof in den Niederlanden lebenden Familie kommen weitere erschreckende Details ans Licht.

29 Nov 12:28 NÖN.at 2486998932978465276.html
Freddie Ljungberg could only be Arsenal boss until February after replacing Unai Emery

The Swede - a former player for the Gunners - currently holds the UEFA A Licence and would need to get his Pro Licence in order to become permanent boss

29 Nov 10:16 mirror 675785261789867209.html
Skihelten sviktet sitt land

Etter Estlands frigjøring var langrennsidolet Andrus Veerpalu hele nasjonens stolthet. Resultatene var en løgn.

29 Nov 11:11 Dagbladet.no 3042595687538882716.html
Zodiak: Cancer Katakan Cinta pada Suami, Sagitarius Lakukan Side Job

Bunda, simak ramalan zodiak hari ini mengenai keuangan, asmara, karier, hingga peruntungan lainnya yuk!

29 Nov 10:01 moms-life 8028540701593650875.html
Man pleads guilty to fentanyl trafficking charge

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A Massachusetts man has pleaded guilty in federal court in New Hampshire to a fentanyl trafficking charge.

29 Nov 13:09 WFXT 6395891952998347021.html
Arsenal interim boss Freddie Ljungberg breaks silence after replacing Unai Emery

Emery was sacked from his post as manager by the Arsenal board on Friday after a dismal run of results, with Ljungberg now tasked with handling first team affairs

29 Nov 13:21 mirror 675785261697652168.html
SAA dropped by leading travel insurer

The decision prompts Australian travel agency Flight Centre Travel Group to stop selling tickets for the airline.

29 Nov 13:37 Moneyweb 1092550946268123786.html
Man shot, critically wounded at Philadelphia transit station

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Authorities say a man was shot and critically wounded at a Philadelphia transit station.

29 Nov 12:11 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637835493357.html
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer salutes Manchester United debutants after Astana defeat

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer saluted his Manchester United debutants after their positive promotion to the first team in the defeat at Astana.

29 Nov 10:31 Sky Sports 7729859609651090560.html
Amazon workers stage strike on Black Friday

BERLIN (AP) - Workers at Amazon distribution centers in Germany have gone on strike for better pay on Black Friday, one of the busiest days of the year for the online retailer.

29 Nov 10:15 WFXT 6395891954281120859.html
Sepak Bola Putri Indonesia Siap Hadapi Tantangan Berat

KBRN, Manila : Tim Nasional (Timnas) Indonesia siap menghadapi Vietnam dalam pertandingan penyisihan Grup B sepak bola putri SEA Games 2019 pukul 19. 00 WIB,  di Stadion Sepak Bola Binan, Jumat

29 Nov 11:56 RRI News Portal 6700853645912161230.html
Unconventional holiday gifts your employees will love

From a helicopter flight and vegan cooking class to wine blending and whale watching, Airbnb Experiences offer a host of exciting gift options for employees.

29 Nov 13:17 The Citizen 410802301095814999.html
Submit proposal for more barracks in jail, prison officials told

Considering the demand for opening new barracks for reducing the pressure and crowding in the existing ones, Deputy Commissioner B. Sharat has directed the prison authorities to submit a proposal in t

29 Nov 14:18 The Hindu 6679535025589280915.html
Telkomsel Ajak Inovator untuk Kolaborasi Menyongsong Industri 4.0

Telkomsel Innovation Center 2019 mengajak inovator asli Indonesia untuk menyongsong Digital Nation dan Industri 4.0

29 Nov 15:00 liputan6.com 3414318497570535234.html
Dilip Walse Patil of NCP appointed pro tem Speaker of Maharashtra assembly

Senior NCP leader Dilip Walse Patil was appointed pro tem Speaker of Maharashtra Assembly on Friday ahead of the floor test of the Uddhav Thackeray-led Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi government.NCP sources

29 Nov 13:11 The Hindu 6679535026148102187.html
Baragur stresses on need for uniform education policy

Writer says this will help ensure equality among children

29 Nov 15:26 The Hindu 6679535024739694928.html
Russian Woman Suspected of Spying for Ukraine Was Arrested In Sevastopol

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSF) has arrested a Russian citizen in the Crimean city of Sevastopol on suspicion of espionage in favour of the Ukrainian military intelligence, TASS news agency reported. According to the FSF, the arrested, recruited by the Ukrainian secret services, "purposefully collected classified military information under the instruction of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s defense ministry.

29 Nov 13:30 novinite.com 4235039570226517930.html
Courteney Cox shares rare snap with teenage daughter Coco to celebrate Thanksgiving

The iconic actress took to social media to share a heartwarming mother-daughter snap as they celebrated Thanksgiving Day - it's ultimate family goals

29 Nov 14:20 Irish Mirror 2875825629546376262.html
Opa krijgt werkstraf voor slaan vader van kleinzoontje met kettingslot

De rechtbank in Almelo heeft een opa uit Almelo veroordeeld tot 240 uur werkstraf en drie maanden voorwaardelijke celstraf omdat hij de vader van zijn kleinkind mishandelde.

29 Nov 15:49 RTV Oost 6509131170769280717.html
Fabinho misses out for leaders Liverpool

Midfielder could miss as much as two months.

29 Nov 15:22 Shropshire Star 3480199992760992175.html
Sudan PM elected chairperson of regional body IGAD

IGAD members comprise countries from the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia and Eritrea), the Nile Valley (Sudan and South Sudan) and the African Great Lakes region (Kenya and Uganda).

29 Nov 13:37 Africanews 6630243978273784582.html
MP asks Migration Service to strip Ukroboronprom CEO Abromavičius of Ukrainian citizenship

In 2014, Abromavičius obtained Ukrainian citizenship, but as of November 26, 2019, he did not terminate his foreign citizenship.

29 Nov 13:00 UNIAN 6863008971828491720.html
Albanians hold mass funeral for earthquake victims

Albanian families buried their loved ones on Friday and the country mourned the 49 people known to have died in this week's earthquake, as officials grapple with the destruction left in its wake. Entire families were crushed by their homes when the 6.

29 Nov 10:50 Digital Journal 4566489173291026642.html
Watch: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s colleagues napped in Parliament during her speech

Sitharaman was speaking on the economy, on which, in the space of three months, she has changed her stance from ‘all is well’ to ‘there’s a slowdown’.

29 Nov 10:11 Scroll.in 8669301693121832929.html
Irakischer Ministerpräsident Mahdi will Rücktritt einreichen

Nach wochenlangen Protesten mit Dutzenden Toten hat der irakische Regierungschef und Oberbefehlshaber Adel Abdel Mahdi am Freitag bekanntgegeben, dass er dem Parlament seinen Rücktritt vorschlagen werde. Zuvor hatte das geistliche Oberhaupt der Schiiten im Land, Großayatollah Ali al-Sistani, den Umgang der Regierung mit den Protesten scharf kritisiert. Sistani forderte das Parlament auf, seine Unterstützung für […]

29 Nov 13:00 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170397331721.html
Bintang Juventus Sebut Satu Tim yang Harus Dihindari di Liga Champions

Bintang Juventus, Leonardo Bonucci, mengungkap satu tim yang wajib ditakuti di babak 16 besar Liga Champions 2019-2020.

29 Nov 12:16 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549277445146.html
Kembali Bermain, Granit Xhaka Langsung Bikin Fans Arsenal Kesal

Granit Xhaka kembali masuk skuat Unai Emery saat Arsenal kalah dari Eintracht Frankfurt di Liga Europa, Jumat (29/11/2019) dini hari WIB.

29 Nov 11:00 Bola.com 1695722603362207585.html
Jonathan Woodgate delivers shattering Middlesbrough injury update ahead of Leeds clash

Jonathan Woodgate has told Teesside Live that Middlesbrough could be without seven key players for their trip to Elland Road to take on Leeds United on Saturday afternoon. Leeds come into the match full of confidence and will be expected to secure three points against former Leeds star Woodgate, who has struggled since taking over […]Jonathan Woodgate claims seven Middlesbrough players could miss Saturday's clash against Leeds United, including Britt Assombalonga.

29 Nov 12:45 The Boot Room 5717202226273886113.html
Kelelahan, Barito Diprediksi Turunkan Pemain Lapis Kedua Lawan Tira-Persikabo

Mepetnya jadwal kompetisi Shopee Liga 1 2019 diakui cukup menyiksa skuat Barito Putera, yang hanya memiliki waktu singkat sebelum menantang TIRA-Persikabo.

29 Nov 12:59 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550471152485.html
Russia gifts guns to Gabon to fight elephant poaching

Russia's defence ministry has donated weapons to Gabon to help the central African nation battle poachers and protect elephants.

29 Nov 14:00 News24 3752801377074358131.html
Unconscious driver cut free from flipped car by firefighters after crash on Redheugh Bridge

Emergency services responded to a man who was trapped inside an overturned car on the bridge on Friday morning

29 Nov 13:02 ChronicleLive 1984146902524761518.html
Brazil’s president criticizes DiCaprio over Amazon fires

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday said actor Leonardo DiCaprio had funded non-profit groups that he claimed are partly responsible for widespread fires in the Amazon . . .

29 Nov 10:49 Times Colonist 7617512060370551521.html
Stormzy komt volgend jaar naar Nederland

Stormzy reist volgend jaar naar Nederland voor een concert. De Britse rapper staat op 22 februari in AFAS Live in Amsterdam, maakte concertorganisator MOJO vrijdag bekend. De kaartverkoop start vrijdagochtend.

29 Nov 15:29 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049502282485.html
Bonifacio Monument Circle to be closed to traffic Saturday morning

The Caloocan City government announced road closures for vehicles in line with the observance of the 156th birth anniversary of Andres Bonifacio.

29 Nov 15:07 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199776398691.html
Alleanza Cooperative Italiane Bologna: Rita Ghedini nuova presidente

Roma, 29 nov. (askanews) – Rita Ghedini è la nuova presidente pro tempore dell’Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane di Bologna; prende il posto di Massimo Mota che, con Daniele Passini, assumerà il ruolo di copresidente dell’associazione che rappresenta le cooperative aderenti a Legacoop Bologna, Confcooperative Bologna e Agci Bologna. Lo rende noto un comunicato. Il passaggio […]

29 Nov 12:28 Askanews 298649740562268493.html
High Court lifts Longford beef plant injunctions

Orders had been granted last September following protests outside C&D Pet Foods

29 Nov 13:41 The Irish Times 8204772969373891992.html
Snel vindt fouten fiscus na brief klokkenluider

DEN HAAG (ANP) - De Belastingdienst heeft enkele jaren geleden flinke steken laten vallen bij het behandelen van bezwaren. Deze "onvolkomenheden" heeft staatssecretaris Menno Snel (Financiën) gevonden na een alarmerende brief aan de Tweede Kamer van een voormalig ambtenaar.

29 Nov 15:49 Nieuws.nl 2419030130964551111.html
Liverpool moet Fabinho missen in krankzinnig drukke decembermaand

Heel veel pech voor Liverpool en Jürgen Klopp. Zij moeten namelijk Fabinho voor lange tijd missen. De Braziliaanse middenvelder is pas in 2020 weer inzetbaar. Hij liep in de Champions League-wedstrijd tegen Napoli (1-1) beschadiging op aan zijn enkelbanden. Fabinho is onmisbaar in het elftal van Klopp. Hij begon dit seizoen in de Champions League in…

29 Nov 14:53 Sportnieuws 3602982465336258299.html
Plegers van miljoenenfraude met pgb krijgen celstraf

Twee broers uit Utrecht krijgen 3,5 en 4 jaar celstraf voor de miljoenenfraude die zij pleegden met het persoonsgebonden budget (pgb). In vier jaar tijd maakten ze zo’n 4,5 miljoen euro buit, dat zij in eigen zak staken en deels ook deelden met cliënten. Naast de celstraf hebben ze ook een beroepsverbod voor zes jaar gekregen voor de zorgsector. Dit meldt NOS.

29 Nov 10:16 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743054087535.html
Sesiona segunda jornada de la II Conferencia Nacional del Sindicato de Industrias

Comenzó segunda jornada de la Segunda Conferencia Nacional del Sindicato de Industrias donde intercambiarán sobre las potencialidades para mejorar el rendimiento de la actividad agropecuaria, azucarera y el turismo, así como los encadenamientos productivos y reservas de exportación presentes en el sector

29 Nov 10:39 Trabajadores 1167277446488804060.html
Nur Hardianto Berambisi Akhiri Tren Buruk Arema pada Pekan Ini

Striker Arema ingin mengakhiri tren buruk klub pada Shopee Liga 1 2019 pekan ini.

29 Nov 15:15 Bola.com 1695722602646855708.html
David Pemsel resigns as Premier League chief executive before starting role

Pemsel had been due to take up the position in February.

29 Nov 15:42 Express & Star 7324224459028082376.html
Huawei will appeal exclusion from US network rollout

US operators will be required to strip out Huawei kit as part of $8.5 programme.

29 Nov 10:01 TechRadar 2111116915196638240.html
Sri Mulyani Akan Bahas Dana Buang Beras Bulog Dengan Airlangga

Bulog meminta dana untuk menyingkirkan 20 ribu ton beras yang mutunya berkurang karena disimpan lebih dari setahun.

29 Nov 13:53 Katadata News 179777405378273661.html
Urtarrilaren 11n fase berri bati ekingo diote bakearen artisauek Baionan

Macronen Gobernua bake prozesuari ezartzen ari den oztopoekin &laquo;haserre&raquo; agertu dira urtarrilaren 11n Baionan egingo den manifestaziorako deia luz...

29 Nov 15:20 naiz: 7509038602432887559.html
Vanessa Mai heiratet nochmal

Dieses Duett allein ist schon recht ungewöhnlich: Zusammen mit Schmusebarde Xavier Naidoo nimmt Vanessa Mai ihren neuen Song "Hast du jemals" auf. Doch damit nicht genug: Im zugehörigen Video tritt die Schlagersängerin nun sogar vor den Traualtar. Aber keine Sorge, nicht mit Naidoo.

29 Nov 12:39 n-tv 6802689754382874440.html
Raid incendiario a Quartu, colpite due auto

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 10:26 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206921485024.html
Families of Mexico massacre victims suffer backlash over cartel row

MEXICO CITY - Members of a US-Mexican religious community who lost relatives in a gangland massacre this month have come under fire from supporters of Mexico’s government for pressing the United States to declare drugs cartels terrorist groups.

29 Nov 13:30 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199227919686.html
Malattie infiammatorie intestinali croniche, come affrontare gravidanza e menopausa

Come incidono sulla vita di una donna la colite ulcerosa e la malattia di Crohn, specialmente durante la gravidanza e in menopausa.

29 Nov 11:59 DiLei 6707305201668565588.html
In Video: Windsor Castle set for traditional Christmas

The castle is also marking a royal anniversary.

29 Nov 15:44 Express & Star 7324224459914294652.html
Duchatalet agrees to sell Charlton to East Street Investments

Duchatalet’s five-year reign at The Valley has proved hugely unpopular with fans.

29 Nov 10:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773516883268.html
Georgian mansion transformed into luxury homes for bargain price

Your chance to own a piece of history

29 Nov 15:43 Liverpool Echo 7727211173034604537.html
London Bridge: Polizei erschoss Mann nach Messerstecherei

Auf der London Bridge in der britischen Hauptstadt kam es zu einer Messerattacke. Der Angreifer wurde von der Polizei erschossen, diese geht von einer Terrorattacke aus.

29 Nov 15:29 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700543955305.html
Hong Kong Airlines delays salaries as protests hit tourism

HONG KONG: Low-cost carrier Hong Kong Airlines said Friday (Nov 29) it will delay salary payments to some staff, warning its business has been ...

29 Nov 13:02 CNA 5644198863895844965.html
Jokowi Pastikan Tak Akan Keluarkan Perppu KPK

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tidak akan mengeluarkan peraturan pemerintah pengganti undang-undang (Perppu) UU 19/2019 tentang KPK.

29 Nov 10:01 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212476277511.html
Huawei plans legal challenge to latest US pressure: report

Chinese telecoms giant Huawei is preparing a legal counterpunch against new moves by American regulators to bar the company from accessing $8.5 billion in US federal funds for services and equipment, ...

29 Nov 12:25 Tech Xplore 4945708897881823342.html
Kerala Judicial Officers Seeks High Court Interference Against Protesting Lawyers In Court

Judicial officers sought Kerala High Court's interference, requesting appropriate action against some of the office-bearers protesting against the magistrate

29 Nov 13:03 Republic World 1282918857231406818.html
The Outlanders Update: General Changes Analysis

The new patch is wild, with all the positive and maybe some negative connotations this word implies. As such, we are trying to be extremely cautious when discussing it so that we don’t unnecessarily invoke some misguided disenchantment from the community.

29 Nov 11:58 Dotabuff 1274923611989728994.html
8 Ciri Hewan Reptil, Ketahui Keistimewaannya

Reptil memiliki karakteristik yang membedakannya dengan hewan lain.

29 Nov 10:15 liputan6.com 5422146880195524872.html
Skihelten sviktet sine egne

Etter Estlands frigjøring var langrennsidolet Andrus Veerpalu hele nasjonens stolthet. Resultatene var en løgn.

29 Nov 11:11 Dagbladet.no 3042595686481870742.html
Dennis Adhiswara: Gamer Pemalu Coba Pakai Topeng

Bagi kalian gamer yang pemalu di depan kamera, aktor dan CEO Rombak Media Dennis Adhiswara punya solusinya.

29 Nov 10:18 detikinet 7802439222519149774.html
Sudan overturns moral policing law, disbands ex-ruling party

CAIRO (AP) - Sudan's transitional government announced Friday it overturned a moral policing law that criminalized revealing clothing for women and drinking alcohol and moved to dissolve the country's former ruling party, fulfilling two major demands from the country's pro-democracy protesters.

29 Nov 13:31 WFXT 6395891952893342076.html
Schluss mit der Abzocke

Der Gesetzentwurf zur Regulierung der Geldeintreiber fällt viel zu schwach aus. Die Bundesregierung muss nachbessern.

29 Nov 14:17 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322811255222.html
Sylvie weigert te verhuizen voor Niclas

Hoewel Sylvie Meis en kunstenaar Niclas Castello verloofd zijn, wonen ze niet samen. Als het aan de kleine diva ligt, blijft dat voorlopig ook zo. Dat blijkt uit een interview op de Duitse website Bunde. 

29 Nov 11:51 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048718112813.html
Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis: Kenianer geehrt

Der kenianische Autor Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o hat den Erich-Maria-Remarque-Friedenspreis der Stadt Osnabrück erhalten. Die Jury würdigt dessen Essays für ein selbstbestimmtes Afrika.

29 Nov 10:44 NDR.de 5356044083410584400.html
David Pemsel resigns as Premier League chief executive before starting role

Pemsel had been due to take up the position in February.

29 Nov 15:54 Breaking News 4415806918627453750.html
Trabajadores del Ayuntamiento y subcontratas se movilizan contra los nuevos presupuestos

Trabajadoras y trabajadores del Ayuntamiento de Bilbo y subcontratas han denunciado este viernes que el nuevo presupuesto municipal &laquo;no da respuesta a ...

29 Nov 13:51 naiz: 117472235012465980.html
Stirling Castle Esplanade car parking subject to review following complaints

Stirling Castle’s operators Historic Environment Scotland this week confirmed they are reviewing visitor parking provision at the site.

29 Nov 10:32 dailyrecord 552235480622360764.html
Lode Vereeck trekt naar Raad van State na bevestiging ontslag door UHasselt

Lode Vereeck trekt naar de Raad van State, nadat de beroepscommissie van de UHasselt vrijdag de beslissing van de tuchtcommissie bevestigde om Vereeck te o...

29 Nov 13:17 De Standaard 2288913868506495330.html
This AI system may help doctors treat patients with traumatic brain injury

The study noted that the new AI system can predict the probability of the patient dying within 30-days with accuracy of 80-85 per cent

29 Nov 10:25 Business-Standard 1502508925293937492.html
Dicey Situation: European Parliament Declares Global Emergency Over Climate Change

The Parliament’s vote came during a debate about an upcoming United Nations conference on climate change that is scheduled for 2 Dec and the same day scientists warned that our planet has crossed several tipping points.

29 Nov 13:12 Sputniknews 967333867950006790.html
NECO : Ogun cancels November sanitation exercise

Ogun Govt has cancelled the monthly sanitation exercise ,to enable secondary school students across the state to take part in the NECO examinations.

29 Nov 11:21 Vanguard News 4125100340773881134.html
Riaprono le prenotazioni al San Giuseppe di Isili

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 13:40 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206884247319.html
Bank BRI Dinobatkan Sebagai Bank UMKM dan Bank Pendukung Pendalaman Pasar Uang Terbaik

Bank Indonesia (BI) menobatkan PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk sebagai Bank Pendukung UMKM Terbaik –Kelompok Bank BUKU 3 dan 4 dan Bank Pendukung Pendalaman Pasar Uang Terbaik

29 Nov 13:48 liputan6.com 3414318496366679598.html
Police: Mother shoots adult daughter on Thanksgiving

Police say violence erupted on Thanksgiving Day in a North Carolina apartment when a mother shot and killed her daughter.

29 Nov 12:29 WVLT 4089046910818753159.html
Jika Kulit Leher Belakang Menebal dan Terlihat Hitam, Hati-hati Bisa Jadi Tanda Adanya Penyakit Ini

Kulit bagian belakang leher yang menghitam sering dikira sebagai kulit yang kotor karena jarang mandi. Padahal sebetulnya tanda beberapa penyakit.

29 Nov 13:30 grid.id 6246371059869177229.html
Meski Kontraknya Belum Jelas, Kesetiaan Willian Pada Chelsea Tak Memudar

Penyerang asal Brasil, Willian, belum menemukan kejelasan seputar kontrak barunya di Chelsea. Meski begitu, ia tetap tak membuka pintu bagi klub lain yang berniat mendekatinya

29 Nov 12:46 Bola.net 5489959027499804156.html
Diese Schweizerin will die britische Politik aufmischen

Erstmals versucht mit Beatrice Bass eine britisch-schweizerische Doppelbürgerin einen Sitz im Unterhaus zu erobern.

29 Nov 15:29 SRF 8424707179943880238.html
Transenne abbandonate a Selva Candida

Ennesimo episodio di abbandono di transenne in Via Scandeluzza, situata nel quartiere di Selva Candida.  La natura del transennamento è di facile intuizione: un cedimento del manto stradale provocato da un guasto all’impianto fognario sottostante. Il cedimento del collettore fognario era ben visibile anche ad occhio nudo. I transennamenti in questione erano due a poche […]

29 Nov 14:23 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338118875875.html
State Courts relocate to new premises in December

SINGAPORE: The State Courts will relocate to new premises at the State Court Towers in December. Some services will be available at the new ...

29 Nov 12:54 CNA 5644198862954187427.html
UN Envoy: Syria Constitutional Talks End Without Reaching Consensus on Agenda

A second week-long round of Syrian talks has ended without a meeting of the group of 45 delegates meant to be negotiating on the constitution, United Nations Special Envoy Geir Pedersen said on Friday. The Syrian government and opposition co-chairs w

29 Nov 13:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659934351282984.html
Pennsylvania man who requested friends for Thanksgiving gets overwhelming response

All Carl Braun wanted was some friends for Thanksgiving. Members of a Pennsylvania community stepped up to make sure he was not alone.

29 Nov 14:44 WFXT 6395891953252235221.html
Groups inspired by Greta Thunberg plan Black Friday climate strikes

People in cities across the US are expected to take part in strikes on Black Friday to call attention to the global climate crisis.

29 Nov 10:16 CHANNEL3000 830332542311350977.html
K-Pop-Star wegen Vergewaltigung verurteilt

Jung Joon Young war einer der größten Stars der K-Pop-Szene. Doch er war Teil eines Chats, in dem heimlich gefilmte Sexvideos geteilt wurden. Und auf einer Party vergewaltigte er eine Frau.

29 Nov 10:04 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271419051617.html
Tammy Abraham Berikan Informasi Terbaru Mengenai Cederanya

Striker Chelsea, Tammy Abraham memberikan kabar terkini mengenai cedera yang didapatnya kala bertanding melawan Valencia di ajang Liga Champions.

29 Nov 15:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436863250902.html
Ex-Rapidler Joelinton floppt bei Newcastle

Newcastles Rekordeinkauf Joelinton leidet seit über drei Monaten an einer veritablen Ladehemmung. Der ehemalige Stürmer von Rapid Wien verspricht, hart daran zu arbeiten, der hohen Erwartungshaltung von Klub und Fans gerecht zu werden: "Und bin überzeugt davon, das noch zu schaffen."

29 Nov 14:05 weltfussball.at 3521376373064456591.html
Arsenal interim boss Freddie Ljungberg breaks silence after replacing Unai Emery

Emery was sacked from his post as manager by the Arsenal board on Friday after a dismal run of results, with Ljungberg now tasked with handling first-team affairs

29 Nov 13:21 Irish Mirror 2875825629993867024.html
Medical Drone Service helpt met het vervoeren van bloed en medicijnen

Bij het Erasmus MC werd vorige week het startsein gegeven voor een pilot met medische drones. Het Erasmus MC en Sanquin onderzoeken samen met de ANWB, PostNL en technologiepartners hoe drones ingezet kunnen worden voor bijvoorbeeld het vervoer van donorbloed, medicijnen en diagnostische monsters naar patiënten en zorglocaties. Hiermee willen de samenwerkingspartners onder de naam Medical Drone Service onderzoeken welke bijdrage drones kunnen leveren in het brengen van zorg op het juiste moment en op de juiste plaats. Dit meldt Erasmus MC.

29 Nov 11:27 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744007755913.html
Klimapaket im Bundesrat: Ja zum Klimaschutzgesetz, Nein zu steuerlichen Regelungen

Die Länder haben den Vermittlungsausschuss u.a. zur Erhöhung der Pendlerpauschale im Rahmen des Klimapakets angerufen. Das eigentliche Klimaschutzgesetz kommt.

29 Nov 11:22 heise online 1766193383440462278.html
Uganda asks more Asians to grab available investment opportunities

Uganda’s Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Sekandi has called upon Arab Countries mostly people from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to rush and grab the plenty of investment opportunities that the country beholds. This was during the 5th Edition of the UAE – Uganda Trade and Investment Forum that was held at Sheraton Hotel and organized by the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce. It attracted over 22 companies from UAE who came to look for trade and investment opportunities in Uganda. Alex Onzima, a Minister of State in the Vice President’s office highlighted the need for trade performance between the two sister countries while representing the Vice President Sekandi. “We believe that what Ugandans and Africans need to develop is Trade, foreign Investments and access to markets but not Aid.

29 Nov 12:28 EABW Digital 2826306000992995099.html
Ghana-Burkina Faso railway progresses steadily - Deputy Minister

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:26 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610455631554.html
Slow, steady hope for near-extinct Bangladesh tortoises

"It is a huge achievement because without this intervention they would have gone extinct from the country," Rahman said.

29 Nov 14:47 Deccan Herald 2027555796355162505.html
Helikopter Arab Saudi Ditembak, Militer Houthi Klaim Ada di Belakang

WE Online, SANAA - Anggota kelompok Houthi di Yaman mengklaim telah menembak jatuh sebuah helikopter Saudi di dekat perbatasan dengan Arab Saudi. Hal itu diungkapkan Juru Bicara Militer Houthi, Yahya Sarea pada Jumat.

29 Nov 15:04 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835189794305.html
Nachts im Museum

Eintracht Frankfurt feiert in der Europa League eine kleine Auferstehung, weil Daichi Kamada unglaubliche Dinge macht. Und beim FC Arsenal findet ein Aufbäumen nur noch statt, wenn es gegen den Trainer geht. Eine Analyse in fünf Punkten.

29 Nov 10:16 hessenschau.de 6403292204060277525.html
Sepanjang Pantura, Ada Soto Brebes Sampai Soto Bangkong yang Mantap

Jalur Pantai Utara atau Pantura, membentang panjang menghubungkan berbagai kota di Pulau Jawa. Di sana banyak aneka soto enak yang bisa dicoba.

29 Nov 12:15 detikfood 4586606519916964991.html
Invasive species set to exploit climate change in Antarctica

In the tiny part of Antarctica where the snow melts in springtime, moss, lichen and grass grow alongside flies, mites and colonies of microorganisms that...

29 Nov 14:39 DAILY SABAH 8383944809507891599.html
Bilim insanlar enerji iin karbondioksit tketen bakteri tr gelitirdi

Bilim insanlar, 'Escherichia coli' bakterisinin karbondioksit tketen bir trn laboratuvar ortamnda retmeyi baard

29 Nov 14:44 Star 3455060032848133681.html
Activistas LGBT chinos reclaman cambios sobre matrimonio igualitario

No fue hasta después de la muerte de su pareja cuando He Meili se dio cuenta del significado completo del matrimonio. Como pareja de lesbianas en China, He y Li Qin mantuvieron su relación casi

29 Nov 11:13 El Universo 8365175797460507426.html
Pakistan keen to further enhance its brotherly ties with Oman: President

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: President Dr Arif Alvi has said that Pakistan attaches great importance to its fraternal relations with Oman, and is keen to further enhance these brotherly relations in all spheres. Talking to the Ambassador-designate of Pakistan to Oman K.K. Ahsan Wagan at the Aiwan-e-Sadr in Islamabad on Friday, Dr Arif Alvi however said that the current volume of bilateral trade between Pakistan and Oman does not commensurate to the true potential. The president said that Pakistan has the potential of exporting food items, construction materials, leather and surgical goods to Oman. In this regard, he said that the ambassador-designate should endeavor to promote our economic and commercial interests in Oman and utilize existing institutional mechanisms. President Arif Alvi highlighted that the presence of Pakistani community in Oman is a living bridge between the two Countries. He said that we take pride that the Pakistani community has been making valuable contribution to the development of Oman.

29 Nov 11:00 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131262517740.html
Norovirus outbreaks confirmed in South Devon

Cases have been confirmed at hospitals and care homes in the area

29 Nov 12:36 DevonLive 2469244513554500901.html
Kerja Sama dengan Kemenkes, UNS Dicanangkan Sebagai Kampus Sehat

Acara diawali senam bersama serta launching Senam Semar.

29 Nov 13:31 merdeka.com 1998180354629125392.html
Malta frees businessman held in journalist murder case

(Reuters) - Malta freed the businessman at the centre of the investigation into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia on police bail on Friday, and police sources said he would continue to be closely monitored to ensure he does not flee.

29 Nov 12:37 Reuters 8334514180203924475.html
Meri Tewas Gantung Diri, Polisi Autopsi Korban dan Periksa Sejumlah Saksi Termasuk Sang Suami

Tim DVI Bidang kedokteran dan Kesehatan (Biddokkes) Polda Kepri turun tangan menyelidiki penyebab meninggalnya Meri Afrita Sari.

29 Nov 12:11 Tribunnews.com 3323534445386050073.html
Dr Macharia Irungu appointed new Kenya Pipeline Corporation MD

Former Gulf Africa Petroleum Corporation CEO Dr. Macharia Irungu has been appointed the new Kenya Pipeline Managing Director.

29 Nov 15:01 The Standard 5587226194272272883.html
Odisha: Human skeleton, skull found in dustbin behind Bhubaneswar school building

The Nayapalli Police along with a scientific team rushed to the spot and sent the skeleton and the skull to the state forensic laboratory for a DNA test.

29 Nov 12:03 India Today 4286117814299675199.html
Persib Sudah Jalani Permainan Terbaik Saat Kalah dari Bali United

Persib Bandung kalah 2-3 dari Bali United dalam laga pekan ke-29 Shopee Liga 1 2019.

29 Nov 11:15 Bola.com 1695722602784186557.html
Superstar: Daichi Kamada, Pemain Muda Penakluk Arsenal

Dua gol Daichi Kamada membuat Arsenal takluk di Emirates Stadium, Jumat (29/11/2019) dini hari WIB.

29 Nov 10:45 Bola.com 1695722604487571617.html
Vegetable vendors in Vijayapura to resume trade

They have been protesting against eviction of hawkers from the Nehru Market Lane

29 Nov 13:40 The Hindu 6679535024447937604.html
Bangga! Berkat Mobile Legends, Indonesia Jadi Trendsetter eSports Dunia

Kehadiran game Mobile Legends nampaknya berimbas pada Indonesia sebagai trendsetter eSports dunia.

29 Nov 11:12 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550849569417.html
Rylo Rodriguez Arrested in Florida for Alleged Firearm & Drug Possession

According to reports, Alabama rapper Rylo Rodriguez was arrested in Florida last night for an alleged drug and firearm possession.

29 Nov 14:56 VLADTV 1404406305359019839.html
Ontario court dismisses Subway's lawsuit against CBC over chicken report

An Ontario court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Subway against the CBC over a report on the content of its chicken sandwiches, but says legal action again

29 Nov 15:56 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244093575779.html
Classic Sugarless Coca-Cola comes to Ethiopia

The Coca-Cola Company brings the refreshing taste of classic Coca-Cola without sugar to consumers in Ethiopia. It officially launches the ew product this week.

29 Nov 14:45 New Business Ethiopia 4287479609734731759.html
The best portable Bluetooth speaker

The best portable Bluetooth speaker for most people is the UE Wonderboom 2.

29 Nov 12:00 Engadget 96641515385541093.html
Die Börsenwoche im Schnelldurchlauf

Egal ob groteske Züge bei der Jagd nach Klicks, alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen bei Clariant oder die Stunde der Wahrheit für AMS: Der cash Insider kommentiert die wichtigsten Börsenereignisse der Woche.

29 Nov 12:30 cash 8314500324508772882.html
The Premier League's incoming chief executive David Pemsel has withdrawn from the role

The incoming chief executive of the Premier League David Pemsel has withdrawn from the role following tabloid reports about his [...]

29 Nov 15:53 City A.M. 6389894490149134566.html
Insassen kommen mit dem Schreck davon

Am Donnerstag überschlug sich in einer engen Kurve ein Auto. Wie durch ein Wunder blieben alle Insassen unverletzt.

29 Nov 11:37 20 Minuten 5741369453360677049.html
Arsenal sacks manager Unai Emery

Freddie Ljungberg will take over as interim coach, the Premier League club announced on Friday.

29 Nov 10:39 The Hindu 6679535025982773005.html
Twee Oranje-internationals verdienen plek in UEFA-elftal van de EK-kwalificatie

Georginio Wijnaldum en Memphis Depay hebben een plaats gekregen in het UEFA-elftal van de EK-kwalificatie. Depay nam tijdens de kwalificatiecyclus voor het EK van 2020 zes doelpunten en acht assists voor zijn rekening bij Oranje, terwijl Wijnaldum acht doelpunten en twee assists verzorgde. Verder hebben ook onder meer Harry Kane, Raheem Sterling, Sergio Ramos en Bernardo Silva een plaats gekregen in het team.

29 Nov 12:45 Voetbalzone 9096760911757353847.html
Menkop-UKM Ingin Pelaku Usaha Mikro Naik Kelas dengan Mekaar

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Koperasi dan UKM Teten Masduki menyatakan ingin agar para pelaku usaha mikro dapat memanfaatkan modal kerja program PNM Mekaar sehingga skala usahanya bisa naik kelas.

29 Nov 14:18 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835576852667.html
Curhat Pengemudi Ojol Soal Maraknya Order Fiktif dan Aksi Prank

Pengemudi ojol terpaksa membatalkan pesanan yang tak jadi diambil konsumen sehingga performanya turun.

29 Nov 13:45 Katadata News 179777405370904690.html
Algeria: Protesters Keep Up Pressure on Authorities As Election Nears

Tens of thousands of Algerian protesters marched on Friday to demand that a presidential election next month be cancelled until the old ruling guard step aside and the army quit politics. The marches, held in cities and towns across the country, mark

29 Nov 15:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659934581267052.html
Bengaluru road rage: Inebriated journalist stabs biker

The police have booked a case against Charles on charges of attempt to murder as well as drunken driving. The accused has been remanded in judicial custody.

29 Nov 11:41 The Indian Express 2885715105839871483.html
Klinsmann-Comeback gegen schwächelnde Dortmunder

Nach über zehn Jahren Pausen kehrt Klinsmann gegen Dortmund zurück auf die Bank.

29 Nov 15:24 www.laola1.at 837519018895073984.html
Goku Dibekuk Polisi Saat Ambil Sabu di Pinggir Jalan

Satuan Reserse Kriminal (Satreskrim) Polres Serang berhasil menangkap Goku (30), pelaku tindak pidana narkoba. Dia ditangkap saat mengambil sabu di pinggir jalan Cikande-Rangkasbitung, Kabupaten Serang.

29 Nov 15:29 merdeka.com 1998180355515026112.html
Gospel artist Solly Moholo performs for stranded taxi passengers

This is a rare sight and the passengers were pleasantly surprised.

29 Nov 11:13 Channel24 2038030839927699672.html
Industria IT a incurajat si in acest an activitatea didactica din Universitati, prin proiectul Bursele ANIS. Reactiile cadrelor didactice

In contextul unei cereri constante de tinere talente in industria tech, ANIS - Asociatia Patronala a Industriei de Software si Servicii - a luat, inca de anul trecut, decizia de a se implica in educarea noii generatii de profesionisti inca din primele stadii de specializare in domeniu, de pe bancile facultatii. Iar cum in prima linie de formare se regasesc cadrele didactice, sustinerea acestora a devenit unul dintre obiectivele Asociatiei pe termen lung, care se reflecta concret prin demersuri precum programul Bursele ANIS.

29 Nov 12:43 Wall-Street 2473040521301474042.html
No Stone Unturned journalists 'to sue police for wrongful imprisonment'

TWO Belfast journalists whose homes were raided are to sue police for wrongful imprisonment, the High Court has heard.

29 Nov 15:36 The Irish News 993066091125118.html
Harga Mazda2 Facelift Turun, Intip Spesifikasinya

Mazda resmi meluncurkan Mazda2 facelift pekan lalu. Pembaruan meliputi eksterior dan juga beragam fitur. Mazda2 memiliki 2 varian, yaitu R dan GT dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau dibanding model terdahulu. Lantas, seperti apa spesifikasinya?

29 Nov 13:01 liputan6.com 3414318495915625849.html
TV-Sender ersetzt Boris Johnson durch Eisskulptur

Die Aktion anlässlich einer Debatte über Klimaschutz empört die britischen Konservativen.

29 Nov 14:16 20 Minuten 5741369452269893374.html
Pompeii stelt nieuwe sites open voor bezoekers

Voor het eerst kunnen toeristen die de historische stad Pompeii bezoeken, de grootste thermen op de site bezichtigen. Ook een huis met een recent ontdekt e...

29 Nov 10:48 De Standaard 2288913868342787790.html
Astronomers discover black hole three times larger than researchers thought possible

Scientists have found a black hole that's so large it theoretically isn't supposed to exist, according to findings published in 

29 Nov 14:03 TheHill 355432919664969927.html
Business Cycle Data And Investor Sentiment Supportive Of Higher Equity Prices

One factor impacting investor sentiment at the moment may be the fact the equity market has generated strong returns to date in 2019.With the strong equity market returns in 2019, investors seem to be

29 Nov 10:42 Seeking Alpha 5725634556651053030.html
Cainii salvatori Challapa si Billy din Romania participa la misiunea de salvare din Albania

Challapa si Billy, caini utilitari special instruiti, participa in aceste zile, alaturi de stapanii lor, Vlad Popescu si Romica Chintoi, ambii voluntari la Clubul Cainilor Utilitari (CCU) din Bucuresti, la misiunea de cautare si salvare a victimelor cutre

29 Nov 11:10 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414640845850369.html
Maltese PM refuses to pardon businessman in journalist murder probe

Businessman Yorgen Fenech, who is himself a suspect in the murder investigation, had been seeking immunity from prosecution

29 Nov 10:13 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729301211081698.html
Ukraine protests visit of Russian propagandists to UN forum

The mission told that persons claiming to be representing Crimea must not be accredited at UN events as part of Russian or any other delegation but that of Ukraine.

29 Nov 10:40 UNIAN 6863008971434257060.html
Ibrahimovic si definisce un eroe come Garibaldi

All'interno delle dichiarazioni di Ibrahimovic alla Gazzetta dello Sport troviamo anche un riferimento all'esperienza con i LA Galaxy appena conclusa. Questo il pensiero di Ibra: "Ho appena concluso l'esperienza a Los Angeles. E' stata fantastica, rimarrà indelebile nei miei ricordi. Avevo voglia di questa avventura. E ora siamo in due a essere eroi dei due mondi: io e Giuseppe Garibaldi".

29 Nov 14:24 MilanNews.it 6507305921838962445.html
Yamaha Beber Alasan Depak Jonas Folger dari Jabatan Test Rider

Managing Director Yamaha Motor Racing, Lin Jarvis, mengungkap alasan pihaknya batal memperpanjang kontrak Jonas Folger sebagai test rider mereka di MotoGP 2020.

29 Nov 14:58 Bola.net 5489959028095975309.html
Jadavpur University considering to set up gender-neutral toilets in campus

The administration has received a proposal for setting up two gender-neutral toilets in the campus that could be used by men, women and persons of the third gender and is considering it, a senior JU official said.

29 Nov 13:13 The Indian Express 2885715104308455265.html
Viele deutsche Lkw noch nicht registriert

Vor dem Start eines neuen Lkw-Mautsystems am Sonntag in Tschechien laufen die Vorbereitungen auf Hochtouren.

29 Nov 13:37 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322493909293.html
Tweede zeldzame Okapi geboren in Blijdorp

Voor de tweede keer in een drie maanden tijd is er een zeldzame okapi geboren in Diergaarde Blijdorp. Een heuse verassing voor de verzorgers, want moeder M’buti was pas in december uitgerekend.

29 Nov 15:08 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228773573687.html
Minister introduces legislation to extend minimum expiry period of gift vouchers

Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys is to bring in new rules around the sale and use of gift vouchers to improve consumer rights in the area.

29 Nov 15:36 Breaking News 4415806919437431275.html
Huawei plans legal challenge to latest US pressure: Report

The Federal Communications Commission last week branded Huawei and its Chinese rival ZTE as threats to US national security and blocked them from the fund. It also proposed that other service providers be required to cancel or replace existing services and equipment from the companies. Huawei plans to file a lawsuit in the United States next week.

29 Nov 12:08 The Economic Times 7653256037665843311.html
Ajax-sterspeler Ziyech vraagteken voor duel bij FC Twente

FC Twente neemt het aankomende zondag op tegen Ajax, maar ontloopt wellicht oud-speler Hakim Ziyech. De Marokkaanse spelmaker liep afgelopen woensdag - in de Champions League-wedstrijd tegen Lille - een blessure aan zijn arm op.

29 Nov 11:47 RTV Oost 6509131171526473900.html
Christian Pulisic inching closer to making American history

At just 21, Christian Pulisic is quickly moving up the record books. Playing for Chelsea on Wednesday, the American scored his third career goal in the UEFA Champions League. That already makes him

29 Nov 15:07 New York Post 7654946767976285714.html
Maurer besucht Kroatien im Hinblick auf EU-Ratspräsidentschaft

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 15:40 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776366818588.html
Kerala Bank comes into being

Administrator rule of district cooperative banks ends

29 Nov 14:35 The Hindu 6679535025661193195.html
Climate change protests staged across the globe

The protests come just days before officials gather in Madrid for talks on tackling climate change.

29 Nov 11:16 Shropshire Star 3480199992183649052.html
Arsenal sack manager Unai Emery

The Gunners have confirmed Freddie Ljungberg will take charge on an interim basis.

29 Nov 10:22 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773789943623.html
Kalah dari Bali United, Robert Rene Alberts Sayangkan Pemainnya Dihujat

Robert Rene Alberts menyayangkan sikap sebagian kecil Bobotoh yang menghujat pemainnya usai laga melawan Bali United.

29 Nov 14:46 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550213824299.html
Kadin: Sinergi dengan BUMN Kurang Mesra

KBRN, Nusa Dua : Rendahnya sinergitas  antara dunia usaha dengan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) menjadi salah satu keluhan yang muncul dalam rapat pimpinan nasional (Rapimnas) kamar dagang dan

29 Nov 15:41 RRI News Portal 6700853645616647239.html
Blackpool affected by national shortage of tall Christmas trees

Residents might think Scrooge has got his hands on Blackpool's Christmas trees this festive season.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400563386986486.html
Ohanaeze youths disown kinsman seeking third term for Buhari

Mudiaga Affe The Ohanaeze Ndigbo Youth Council has disowned the move by a member of the All Progressives Congress in Ebonyi State, Charles Enya, who is seeking an amendment of the Constitution t...

29 Nov 15:00 Punch Newspapers 3524240995926668081.html
Cele mai bune solutii de ambalare din plastice sunt pe Schoellerallibert.com!

Daca va numarati printre aceia care sunt in cautarea celor mai bune solutii pentru depozitat si pentru transport marfa, atunci trebuie sa apelati la

29 Nov 12:14 Cancan.ro 636482384490681161.html
Länder erzwingen Nachverhandlung im Klimapaket

Kommt die Preissenkung bei der Bahn zum Jahreswechsel? Kippt die Erhöhung der Pendlerpauschale doch noch? Ab wann gibt es einen Steuernachlass für neue Fenster im Eigenheim? Der Bundesrat bremst Klima-Pläne der Bundesregierung aus - jetzt wird wieder verhandelt.

29 Nov 14:48 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220115334506.html
Uni Basel ernennt den Musiker Heinz Holliger zum Ehrendoktor

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 11:00 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775611803803.html
Justizrat ordnet nach Protesten mit Toten im Irak Untersuchung an

Nach einem der blutigsten Tage seit Ausbruch der Proteste gegen die Regierung im Irak haben die Justizbehörden des Landes eine Untersuchung angekündigt. Die Regierung verschärfte am Freitag die Sicherheitsmassnahmen.

29 Nov 11:05 bz BASEL 5287163742416539527.html
Penasihat KPK Tsani Minta Pegawai KPK Tidak Ikut Mundur

Penasihat KPK M Tsani Annafari meminta pegawai KPK lainnya tidak ikut mengundurkan diri. Tujuannya agar pemberantasan korupsi tidak padam.

29 Nov 14:36 detiknews 8793960224010932685.html
Excellent year for icewine

Unseasonably cold temperatures in the Central Okanagan this week have been great news for local wineries looking to produce icewine.

29 Nov 12:39 Castanet 616068602243530479.html
Trump to decide if he wants lawyers at impeachment hearings

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee asked President Donald Trump on Friday to say whether he’ll send his attorneys to participate in impeachment proceedings before the panel.

29 Nov 15:49 KNOE 8 News 9048639192491128031.html
Pertama Kali Digelar, IIMS Motobike Expo Resmi Dibuka Menteri Perindustrian

IIMS Motobike Expo 2019 resmi dibuka hari ini Jumat (29/10/19) di Istora Senayan. Menteri Perindustrian, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita hadir memberi sambutan.

29 Nov 14:39 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550420893361.html
Arsenal Consider Napoli’s Ancelotti After Sacking Emery

Arsenal are considering opening talks with Napoli coach Carlo Ancelotti regarding taking over as Unai Emery's long-term successor, the Telegraph reports.

29 Nov 10:59 Concise 5544636823213010603.html
Namibia president takes lead in partial election results

Namibia's President Hage Geingob on Friday looked set to secure a second term with partial results from this week's general election showing him leading with 55 percent of the vote.

29 Nov 13:18 The Guardian 7580308504055353599.html
How smartphones can verify your identity

Anyone who wants to open a bank account or buy a mobile phone plan has to identify themselves to the respective service provider. The ETH spin-off PXL Vision has a simpler solution: just use an ID scan ...

29 Nov 15:21 Tech Xplore 4945708898312333503.html
AstraZeneca's Imfinzi gets FDA priority review for small cell lung cancer

British drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc said on Friday its cancer drug Imfinzi has been granted a speedy review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...

29 Nov 15:27 CNA 5644198864035713149.html
Christmas Music Live returns to Oswestry

Oswestry Town Council created Christmas Music Live on the first Friday in December to help boost the night time economy of the town at the important period.

29 Nov 11:23 Shropshire Star 3480199991937065868.html
One in four young people have smartphone addiction

In an analysis of multiple studies, researchers found that smartphone use is correlated with increased depression, anxiety and stress.

29 Nov 11:23 euronews 7318238121235757472.html
Marak Prank Ojol, Grab Ambil Langkah Tegas ke Pembuat Order Fiktif

"Kami juga akan melakukan peninjauan aktivitas pelanggan, dan mengambil langkah tegas berupa penangguhan hingga penonaktifan akun pengguna Grab," kata Grab.

29 Nov 14:41 detiknews 8793960224020248629.html
Giappone, morto ex premier Nakasone

L'ex premier giapponese Yasuhiro Nakasone è morto all'età di 101 anni. (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:10 ANSA.it 1300837446699537381.html
Dottikon ES-Aktien erleben nach Zahlen einen Kurssprung

Das Aargauer Chemieunternehmen Dottikon ES hat im ersten Semester des Geschäftsjahres 2019/20 den Umsatz und vor allem den Gewinn deutlich erhöht.

29 Nov 12:59 cash 8314500324275292519.html
Wool, mohair trade rules: Why Lesotho parliament witnessed bloody clash

The MPs had expressly demanded him to appear to give clarity on wool and mohair regulations that had seen farmers protest over the local broker appointed by government for their wool and mohair.

29 Nov 10:09 Africanews 6630243979764547970.html
TCIF raises awareness for trauma victims - The Nation Newspaper

Stakeholders in Nigeria's health, accident and emergency response industries have demanded increased government and private sector...

29 Nov 14:37 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900644138074.html
Video: Juncker und Tusk verabschieden sich aus ihren EU-Posten

EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker und Ratspräsident Donald Tusk verabschieden sich am Freitag aus ihren Ämtern. Tusk übergibt in einer Zeremonie die Amtsgeschäfte an seinen Nachfolger Charles Michel. Juncker gibt mittags eine letzte Pressekonferenz in jetziger Funktion, bevor seine Nachfolgerin Ursula von der Leyen übernimmt.

29 Nov 10:46 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083537045632.html
Freddie Ljungberg's first Arsenal address to players after replacing Unai Emery

The new interim boss took charge of training immediately after Unai Emery's sacking on Friday, but wasted no time in trying to galvanise his troops to turn their season around

29 Nov 13:04 Irish Mirror 2875825628231639890.html
Freddie Ljungberg's first Arsenal address to players after replacing Unai Emery

The new interim boss took charge of training immediately after Unai Emery's sacking on Friday, but wasted no time in trying to galvanise his troops to turn their season around

29 Nov 13:04 mirror 675785260326787969.html
Warum sich Karnevalsvereine des Landes in der Saalestadt treffen

Mehr als 250 Vertreter aus Karnevalsvereinen aus ganz Sachsen-Anhalt kommen in die Saalestadt. Spaß steht auch auf der Tagesordnung.

29 Nov 15:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110717319080.html
Manchester United manager Solskjaer claims Brandon Williams has benefited two teammates

Brandon Williams was the only senior teenager who did not travel with the Man United squad to Astana and he could return to the XI vs Aston Villa.

29 Nov 11:00 men 6694993429276125961.html
USD/CAD Bakal Menurun Jika Data GDP Kanada Diterbitkan Lemah

Pergerakan harga pada carta pasangan matawang USD/CAD perlahan sehingga sesi Eropah hari ini menyambung pergerakan mendatar harga sejak semalam. Pelabur berwaspada untuk dagangan dolar USD untuk penghujung minggu ini berikutan ancaman tindak balas China terhadap rang undang-undang Amerika Syarikat yang menyokong penunjuk perasaan di Hong Kong. Dolar Kanada pula bergerak lemah sementara pelabur menantikan bacaan […]

29 Nov 10:03 INTRADAY 6806088667964711801.html
Slow and steady hope for near-extinct Bangladesh tortoises

Newly-hatched tortoises take their first steps at a Bangladesh conservation park, their feet barely visible under hard shells that carry the weight of the species on their backs.

29 Nov 12:15 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200166442465.html
Samantha Akkineni officially joins cast of The Family Man

The show, directed by Raj and DK and starring Manoj Bajpayee as an Indian spy, debuted to positive responses in September this year. 

29 Nov 10:29 The New Indian Express 4718288654630523450.html
Rescued tigers get Spanish safe haven

Five of nine tigers that narrowly survived a grueling journey across Europe will be moved to a new home at an animal refuge in Spain after spending weeks recovering at zoos in Poland.

29 Nov 15:29 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199341132322.html
Heboh Video Lama Nikita Mirzani yang Pernah Bilang Tidak Bangga Jadi Orang Indonesia

Nikita Mirzani sempat menjadi perhatian di dunia maya usai mengomentari ucapan Agnes Monica atau Agnez Mo soal 'Tak Berdarah Indonesia'. Kali ini justru Nikita Mirzani menjadi perbincangan warganet karena video wawancara lamanya soal ucapannya yang mengaku tidak bangga jadi orang Indonesia tersebar luas.

29 Nov 13:10 merdeka.com 1998180354631419014.html
Marine Conservation Zones: Protecting our seas

Here, Joan Edwards, Director of Living Seas at The Wildlife Trusts shares her thoughts on the UK announcement of 41 new Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs)

29 Nov 13:27 Open Access Government 7441385494025530252.html
German auto industry group appoints former Merkel aide

BERLIN (AP) - An influential group representing the German auto industry has chosen Hildegard Mueller, who was once a senior aide to Chancellor Angela Merkel, as its new leader.

29 Nov 14:24 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637314287145.html
Reportan incidente de seguridad en el London Bridge

Esta mañana se registró un incidente de seguridad en el London Bridge, en Inglaterra, De acuerdo con los primeros reportes, un hombre […]

29 Nov 10:50 Notisistema 1929539244406596153.html
Ladra seriale negli ospedali finisce in carcere

Almeno quattro colpi in due anni

29 Nov 13:33 L'Arena 5479295677953835056.html
Experts seek clarity on data protection bill amid WhatsApp spyware row

The PDP bill creates a need for the data fiduciary to repeatedly obtain consent from the data principal for every step of the processing activity.

29 Nov 11:00 The New Indian Express 4718288653813989419.html
Cainii salvatori Challapa si Billy din Romania participa la misiunea de salvare din Albania

Challapa si Billy, caini utilitari special instruiti, participa in aceste zile, alaturi de stapanii lor, Vlad Popescu si Romica Chintoi, ambii voluntari la Clubul Cainilor Utilitari (CCU) din Bucuresti, la misiunea de cautare si salvare a victimelor cutremurului din Albania.

29 Nov 10:31 Ziare.com 1922730287774584585.html
Ini Alasan Pengadilan Jatuhkan Hukuman Berat Bagi Jung Joon Young dan Choi Jong Hoon

Pengadilan menjelaskan alasan mereka menjatuhkan hukuman yang terbilang berat untuk Jung Joon Young dan mantan personel CN BLUE, Choi Jong Hoon.

29 Nov 13:30 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697307293652.html
Elezioni Uruguay risultati: Lacalle Pou presidente. Anche Montevideo a destra

Prosegue il trend di disrupture in America Latina. Anche l'Uruguay cambia direzione. Il conservatore Louis Lacalle Pou vince le presidenziali

29 Nov 13:08 Affari Italiani 6123405403642926828.html
Hollard excludes SAA from insolvency coverage  

This comes after a crippling strike at the airline.

29 Nov 13:28 Moneyweb 1092550946367266412.html
Climate change protests staged across the globe

The protests come just days before officials gather in Madrid for talks on tackling climate change.

29 Nov 11:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774265230108.html
Review Sayonara Wild Hearts: Musik, Motor dan Dunia Fantasi

Makemac - Games Sayonara Wild Hearts mengajak kamu berpetualang di dunia fantasi bersama sepeda motor dan mimpi penuh warna. Yuk cobain!

29 Nov 14:47 grid.id 2219816953652542045.html
Klimaaktivisten "fluten" Theaterplatz in Dresden

In ganz Sachsen wollen am Freitag Menschen auf die Straße gehen, um für einen besseren Klimaschutz zu demonstrieren. Tausende vor allem junge Menschen haben sich in Dresden auf dem Theaterplatz getroffen.

29 Nov 13:48 MDR 5336324390129766929.html
Amazon Fires Increase Glacial Melting Hundreds Of Kilometers Away

The fires in the Amazon rainforest this year – the highest prevalence of fires here since 2010 – gripped the attention of the planet and brought much-neede

29 Nov 12:55 IFLScience 242791749764973821.html
Slovakia may force women to get pre-abortion ultrasound

LONDON (AP) - Lawmakers in Slovakia are scheduled to debate a proposed law Friday that would compel women seeking an abortion to first have an ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat of the embryo or fetus, a move many groups have decried as a backward step for women's rights.

29 Nov 12:38 WFXT 6395891953471646705.html
LEGO flagship store opens in Amsterdam

A LEGO flagship store opened on Kalverstraat in Amsterdam on Friday - the second LEGO store and first flagship store in the Netherlands. In addition to a complete range of new products that can only

29 Nov 12:40 NL Times 9001346993827508692.html
Terrorist Incident On London Bridge, Five Injured

A person is believed to have started stabbing people with a knife on the London Bridge on Friday.

29 Nov 15:30 Townhall 6083908946949061904.html
ABN stopt met afgifte doorlopend krediet

ABN AMRO stopt per 9 december met het verstrekken van nieuwe doorlopende kredieten. Volgens een woordvoerster van de bank is er minder vraag naar nieuwe doorlopende kredieten en willen mensen meer aflossen om grip te houden op hun schulden.

29 Nov 11:47 RD.nl 6406779842341039905.html
Kapan Pangkas Jabatan Eselon III-IV? Ini Jawaban Tjahjo Kumolo

Menurut Menteri PAN-RB Tjahjo Kumolo proses perampingan di kementerian yang dipimpinnya sudah rampung dan tinggal menunggu waktu pelantikan.

29 Nov 15:15 detikfinance 4442190000358070678.html
Huawei plans legal challenge to latest US pressure: report

Chinese telecoms giant Huawei is preparing a legal counterpunch against new moves by American regulators to bar the company from accessing $8.5 billion in US federal funds for services and equipment, a report said Friday.

29 Nov 13:59 The Guardian 7580308505545050377.html
Birmingham gang bosses jailed for smuggling drugs in frozen chicken

Two members of a Birmingham organised crime group who used frozen chickens to smuggle drugs into the UK have been jailed.

29 Nov 12:02 LBC 8547475187011190156.html
For Streaming Services, Navigating Generational Differences Is Key

The winners will find a profitable niche.

29 Nov 13:05 Harvard Business Review 4845392231446271380.html
Former WVZ security guards seek ED's audience over contract termination

Former World Vision Zimbabwe security guards retrenched in 2011 without terminal benefits are planning to engage President Emmerson Mnangagwa for him to r...

29 Nov 13:02 Bulawayo24 News 5565663539223948466.html
.org-domeinen mogelijk duurder na verkoop

De kosten voor een .org-domeinnaam gaan vermoedelijk omhoog nu het domein niet langer wordt beheerd door het Public Internet Registry (PIR), een dochter van een nonprofitorganisatie Internet Society (ISOC), maar in handen is gekomen van investeerder Ethos Capital.

29 Nov 11:00 Emerce 1354596985658448762.html
New education policy can address crisis in technical education: AICTE chief

The chairman of the All India Council of Technical Education was addressing a national conference on 'Crisis in Technical Education in Bhubaneshwar

29 Nov 15:50 Business-Standard 1502508925014815161.html
Anak Itu Menjerit Mengaku Melihat Monster di Kamarnya, Orang Tuanya Tak Percaya Kemudian Memastikannya Sendiri dan Melihat Inilah yang Muncul

Karena hal itulah kemudian anak 6 tahun itu tidur di kamar kakaknya yang berusia 9 tahun sampai orang tuanya memastikannya sendiri.

29 Nov 14:30 grid.id 6246371058318166030.html
Terungkap Nominal Mas Kawin Bambang Trihatmodjo saat Nikahi Mayangsari, Sederhana Sekali?

Intip nominal mas kawin yang diberikan Bambang Trihatmodjo untuk Mayangsari, berapa?

29 Nov 11:40 grid.id 586386474404743023.html
El extractivismo salvaje de Maduro

El extractivismo salvaje de Maduro

29 Nov 10:29 LaPatilla.com 9104603012006975513.html
Eight arrested in Gabon corruption purge

The revived anti-graft drive has seen a string of top-level arrests.

29 Nov 15:44 Daily Nation 7421817124020746920.html
Sudan overturns moral policing law, disbands ex-ruling party

CAIRO (AP) - Sudan's transitional government announced Friday it overturned a moral policing law that criminalized revealing clothing for women and drinking alcohol and moved to dissolve the country's former ruling party, fulfilling two major demands from the country's pro-democracy protesters.

29 Nov 13:31 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636823998783.html
Wie Skigebiete Preis-Aufschläge kaschieren

Am Wochenende oder bei schönem Wetter können die Preise in den Schweizer Skigebieten steigen. Der Konsumentenschützer warnt vor «dynamischen Preisen».

29 Nov 13:52 20 Minuten 5741369452462484913.html
AIFF Technical Committee disappointed at India's results against Bangladesh and Afghanistan: Thapa

Football News: The Technical Committee of the All India Football Federation (AIFF) on Friday expressed disappointment at the national team's performance against Bang

29 Nov 14:23 The Times of India 6060938664295352726.html
The Dark History Behind Black Friday Revealed

History Behind Black Friday -The retail bonanza known as Black Friday is now an integral part of many Thanksgiving celebrations.

29 Nov 12:27 iHarare News 2755902707343299628.html
Toward Mobile Health-Care with Medical-IoT Devices

Prof D. Chen-Yi Lee, National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, provides details about the project Toward Mobile Health-Care with Medical-IoT Devices

29 Nov 12:03 Open Access Government 7441385492959668691.html
Meteorologists express concern over 5G bandwidth allocation

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has warned the decisions of a major radiocommunication conference may be too lenient to avoid an adverse impact on Earth observation satellite systems.

29 Nov 11:25 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672079974100688.html
High-level visits, new projects to promote Turkish-Hungarian relations further

Enhancing their relations to a strategic level in 2013, Ankara and Budapest have greatly developed bilateral ties and initiated many projects, the Hungarian ambassador to Ankara said

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944808592753464.html
Melaye seeks injunction to stop supplementary poll

Senator Dino Melaye has approached the court to stop the supplementary election of Kogi West Senatorial District scheduled to hold

29 Nov 15:34 The Eagle Online 1463511648597712576.html
Arsenal sack Unai Emery after Eintracht Frankfurt Europa League defeat

Defeat against Eintracht Frankfurt was the final straw.

29 Nov 10:11 Metro 970161747387009890.html
Video: Juncker und Tusk verabschieden sich von ihren EU-Posten

EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker und Ratspräsident Donald Tusk verabschieden sich am Freitag aus ihren Ämtern. Tusk übergab in einer Zeremonie die Amtsgeschäfte an seinen Nachfolger Charles Michel. Juncker gab mittags eine letzte Pressekonferenz in jetziger Funktion, bevor seine Nachfolgerin Ursula von der Leyen übernimmt.

29 Nov 12:17 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084555089588.html
Getting the measure of fermented foods

Research Lives: John Leech, PhD researcher at APC Microbiome Ireland

29 Nov 13:05 The Irish Times 8204772968722802260.html
Duindorp cancels New Year's bonfires

The organization behind the New Year's bonfire on the Duindorp beach in The Hague decided to pull the plug on the event. They no longer have any faith in the municipality of The Hague, the organizers

29 Nov 14:35 NL Times 9001346993375545111.html
David Pemsel resigns as Premier League chief executive before starting role

Pemsel had been due to take up the position in February.

29 Nov 15:42 Shropshire Star 3480199991481904840.html
Breast milk may help prevent heart disease in premature babies: Study

Identifying the key components within breast milk that result in improved heart health could pave the way for a more targeted approach to long-term cardiovascular wellbeing for those born prematurely, according to the researchers.

29 Nov 11:10 The Indian Express 2885715103973498666.html
Several stabbed near London Bridge, attacker identified

British police have shot dead a man on London Bridge, in the centre of the British capital, following a stabbing rampage that killed two people and wounded three others.

29 Nov 14:36 The Age 7967730561401880133.html
Premier League CEO Pemsel resigns before starting job

The Premier League says David Pemsel has resigned before starting his job as chief executive following reports about his private life.

29 Nov 15:36 TSN 865919180800528270.html
Angela Merkel und Donald Trump vereinbaren Treffen

Anfang Dezember feiert die Nato in London ihr 70-jähriges Bestehen. Nun gibt die Bundesregierung bekannt, dass sich Kanzlerin Merkel am Rand des Gipfels mit US-Präsident Trump treffen will.

29 Nov 10:26 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270474313233.html
East Africa struggles with heavy rains as thousands displaced

Flood-hit Djibouti, Kenya struggle to cope after major downpours affect hundreds of thousands across the Horn of Africa.

29 Nov 14:13 News24 3752801377137400148.html
Syntainics MBC verpflichtet NBA-erfahrenen Center

Er spielte in der NBA für Houston, Sacramento sowie Toronto und wurde nach seinem Wechsel über den großen Teich Euro-League-Champion. Nun soll 2,06-Meter-Mann Joey Dorsey dem MBC in der BBL zum Klassenerhalt verhelfen.

29 Nov 10:40 MDR 5336324389269084198.html
Bukan MU, Paulo Dybala Menanti Pinangan Real Madrid dan Barcelona

Paulo Dybala menolak kesempatan pindah ke Manchester United pada awal musim 2019/2020 lalu. Rupanya, pada momen itu, Paulo Dybala menanti tawaran untuk pindah ke Real Madrid dan Barcelona

29 Nov 14:48 Bola.net 5489959028662710257.html
Check out the interesting ways your favorite black stars celebrated Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a big deal for families living in the U.S. It is a day set aside to give thanks and sacrifice for the blessing of a successful year. The day brings families together to reflect on life and it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Just like every traditional holiday that is...

29 Nov 11:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198130663636457.html
Jelang Indonesia vs Vietnam, Osvaldo Bikin Lawan Waswas

Osvaldo Haay yang sudah mencetak dua gol untuk Timnas Indonesia selama fase grup SEA Games 2019 bikin bek timnas Vietnam U-23, Nguyen Thanh Chung, waswas. 

29 Nov 13:35 olahraga 6599523174118099151.html
Indian retailer Future's shares surge as regulator approves Amazon investment

Shares in Future Retail Ltd surged 13per cent on Friday, after India's antitrust body approved a deal that would give Amazon.com Inc a minority ...

29 Nov 13:20 CNA 5644198862682331886.html
Greater balance in Christchurch industrial sector - Colliers

Christchurch’s industrial sector is recalibrating to a more balanced demand and supply profile, as construction activity dips slightly and local businesses expand and absorb existing space.

29 Nov 13:31 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314501028059.html
US redwood sequoia company wins approval

A US company wanting to grow giant redwood trees here to sell the lumber back home has won the right to buy another 4000ha in New Zealand. Tough restrictions on cutting down Redwood, or Sequoia, in the US means people cannot get enough of it to use as a building material. The wood is especially popular for things like decking and outdoor furniture, as it is admired as both attractive and robust. To meet the need, the Soper Wheeler Company of California set up the New Zealand Redwood Company in Taupō in 2001. New Zealand's moist climate allows higher growth rates for Sequoia than in California.

29 Nov 14:34 Newsroom 8356495122667992314.html
French Company Renault introduces Safety+ Edition Trucks in Uganda

French Multinational Automobile Manufacturer Renault, through their authorized distributor in Uganda Victoria Motors Ltd, has introduced Renault Trucks codenamed Safety+ Edition Trucks on to the Ugandan Market. The French Company, that started production in 1899, has introduced the Safety +Edition Trucks that come with additional and enhanced features like High Power Retardation, Neutral Inhibition while at slopes, Hill-start Anti-runaway parking brake, all aimed at enhancing the truck driver experience while improving on safety. The features ensure a high level of safety for the driver, other road users and at the same time improving productivity and revenues for business owners. According to Dickson Mwesigwa the Victoria Motors Uganda Sales Manager, the introduction of the Safety+ Edition Trucks is to purely respond to safety issues on the road. “Its introduction is basically to improve safety on the roads as well as being fuel economic. Most accidents are always as a result of human errors.

29 Nov 11:09 EABW Digital 2826305999949258240.html
4 Pemain Terbaik Manchester United Saat Dikalahkan Astana

Manchester United menurunkan banyak pemain muda ketika mereka dikalahkan Astana. Bermain di lanjutan Grup L Liga Europa, Kamis (28/11/2019) malam, The Red Devils harus mengakui keunggulan tuan rumah dengan skor 2-1

29 Nov 10:21 Bola.net 5489959029040128274.html
Brahmachari Movie Review: Ninasam Sathish, Aditi Prabhudeva starrer is not short of entertainment quotient

​Brahmachari​​ Movie Review: In a film where the protagonist is the butt of most jokes, credit should go to Sathish for accepting to do it. He does his job of a soft-natured, mild-mannered good boy role quite well. Aditi Prabhudeva has the knack of getting into the skin of any character. The detailing given to the supporting characters is what makes them believable and gives the story a touch of reality. They are probably inspired from real characters and their mannerisms.

29 Nov 13:17 Bangalore Mirror 4632149709674692866.html
Tifosi della Roma derubati a Istanbul durante le perquisizioni ai tornelli

La polizia ha sottratto ai supporters giallorossi monete, powerbank e addirittura rossetti e lucidalabbra

29 Nov 12:10 Forzaroma.info 1065617485465242970.html
Japan Loses Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone has died at the age of 101, Concise News understands, according to NHK television.

29 Nov 10:51 Concise 5544636822399249658.html
Albanians hold mass funeral for earthquake victims

Albanian families buried their loved ones on Friday and the country mourned the 49 people known to have died in this week's earthquake, as officials grapple with the destruction left in its wake.

29 Nov 15:54 The Guardian 7580308505490455448.html
Ombudsman allows Rajat Sharma to quit as DDCA president

Cricket News: The Delhi and District Cricket Association ombudsman Justice (Retd) Badar Durrez Ahmed on Friday accepted senior journalist Rajat Sharma's resignation

29 Nov 11:51 The Times of India 6060938663690590330.html
Qatar Airways launches star-studded on-board safety video

Qatar Airways has turned the pre-match team-talk into an entertaining safety video that will be shown on board flights before the end of the year. Featuring football legends past and present, the humorous video delivers important safety information with the help of personalities from the airline’s ongoing partnerships with AS Roma, FC Bayern Munich and FIFA.

29 Nov 11:56 The Peninsula 1202843882839610092.html
Costco extends its Thanksgiving day promotions after its website crashes for several hours, preventing furious customers from shopping the deals, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "I just want to spend my money on your site... why is it so hard?" one Costco shopper wrote on Twitter on Thursday.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:52 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757518501836.html
NZ training for Saudi Arabian air traffic control graduates

New Zealand training for Saudi Arabian air traffic control graduates

29 Nov 11:03 SCOOP 5315658999599840809.html
Mau Investasi yang Aman dan Menguntungkan? Yuk Coba Tabungan Emas

WE Online, Jakarta - Saat ini tawaran investasi begitu banyak bermunculan seiring pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan digital. Bukan cuma itu, kini masyarakat juga dihadapkan oleh banyaknya ragam dan jenis investasi.

29 Nov 15:17 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835857933570.html
Diese Drogen sind im Burgenlandkreis auf dem Vormarsch

11.719 Strafdelikte hat die Polizei 2018 im Burgenlandkreis registriert, davon entfielen 884 auf Drogenkriminalität. „Und die Tendenz geht straff nach oben. Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Zahl in diesem Jahr vierstellig wird“, sagte Silvio Klawonn. Der Polizeioberkommissar gab am Dienstag beim Sozial- und Gesundheitsausschuss des Landkreises einen Lagebericht zur ...

29 Nov 15:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109724843865.html
Former Syrian astronaut set for Turkish citizenship

After fleeing a civil war in his country of birth, the world's first Syrian astronaut is close to becoming a Turkish citizen, Muhammed Ahmed Faris told...

29 Nov 15:28 DAILY SABAH 8383944809529799486.html
Maldives ex-President Yameen Sentenced to 5 Years Prison Over Money Laundering Charges

Yameen has been accused of receiving US $1 million of government money through a private company as part of a deal to lease a number of tropical islands for hotel development.

29 Nov 12:24 India.com 7150386083936853601.html
Mixed Reactions to Abdullah-Led Protest

The protest march initiated by Abdullah Abdullah's campaign team on Friday in Kabul was met with diverse reactions from both prominent leaders and the general public.

29 Nov 15:54 TOLO news 5578851438389779143.html
Tarik Ulur Izin Perpanjangan FPI, Menteri Agama Setuju Tapi Mendagri Masih Kaji

<span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12.0pt"><span

29 Nov 15:28 Tribunnews.com 3323534446872337506.html
Arsenal trennte sich von Trainer Emery

Arsenal hat sich nach sieben Pflichtspielen ohne Sieg von Trainer Unai Emery getrennt. Das gab der Premier-League-Club am Freitag bekannt. Die Londoner reagierten damit auf die sportliche Krise der vergangenen Wochen.

29 Nov 11:52 NÖN.at 2486998931832654980.html
In pictures: Trump's unannounced maiden visit to Afghanistan as US president

Before taking the secret flight to Afghanistan, Trump had been expected to spend Thanksgiving in Florida.

29 Nov 12:43 DAWN.COM 4500271767775527845.html
Samsung: QD-OLEDs kommen auf eine Million Stunden Lebensdauer

Samsung und LG gehören zu den weltweit führenden Herstellern von OLED-Panels, beim Einsatzgebietgibt gibt es aber durchaus Unterschiede. Denn Samsung setzt vor allem mobil auf organische Leuchtdioden, LG hingegen nutzt OLEDs vorzugsweise bei Fernsehern.

29 Nov 11:19 winfuture.de 1179223336505162130.html
Jennifer Aniston viert Thanksgiving met ex Justin Theroux

Het koppel ging twee jaar geleden uit elkaar

29 Nov 15:06 Glamour 7276994001540181505.html
Boston-bound jet reports seeing green laser

BOSTON (AP) - The crew of a commercial airliner headed to Boston has reported being targeted by a green laser light.

29 Nov 13:22 WFXT 6395891952720131191.html
La vera storia della battaglia delle Midway

È uscito al cinema un film che racconta lo scontro che diede una svolta alla guerra nel Pacifico tra Stati Uniti e Giappone

29 Nov 10:46 Il Post 6291746504010166211.html
Journalisten bei Assange-Besuch überwacht? NDR erstattet Anzeige

NDR-Journalisten sollen bei Treffen mit Julian Assange in London überwacht worden sein. In der Affäre wird bereits gegen eine spanische Firma ermittelt.

29 Nov 11:09 heise online 1766193383027095719.html
Scientists develop robot personal trainer to coach at gym

Robot Pepper can tell jokes, show sympathy, lean in towards the runner and change eye colour to express emotion.

29 Nov 12:55 Breaking News 4415806918530859847.html
Scientists develop robot personal trainer to coach at gym

Robot Pepper can tell jokes, show sympathy, lean in towards the runner and change eye colour to express emotion.

29 Nov 12:50 Express & Star 7324224460318476921.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support as campus blockade ends

Activists handed a petition to a British Consulate official before leaving.

29 Nov 15:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775187545879.html
HUT PGRI, Begini Komitmen Taspen

WE Online, Jakarta - Hari ulang tahun Korpri ke-48 tahun ini mengangkat tema 'Berkarya, Melayani dan Menyatukan Bangsa'. Tema itu mengandung makna Korpri sebagai satu-satunya wadah bagi pegawai negeri Republik Indonesia yang selalu berupaya dan terus meneguhkan fungsinya sebagai perekat dan pemersatu bangsa, menjaga netralitas dan berkomitmen tegak lurus terhadap kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

29 Nov 11:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835728371886.html
Bappenas: Hanya 7 Persen Masyarakat yang Punya Sanitasi Aman

Bappenas mencatat hanya 7,42 persen masyarakat Indonesia yang memiliki sanitasi aman.

29 Nov 12:35 Tempo 6909074029093419645.html
Leverkusen angelt sich im Januar Exequiel Palacios

Bayer Leverkusen nutzt wieder einmal sein gutes Netzwerk in Südamerika und nimmt in Kürze Exequiel Palacios unter Vertrag.

29 Nov 11:41 4-4-2.com 812646141774527550.html
OJK Sebut Pembobolan Bank DKI Jadi Tanggung Jawab Vendor

Pembobolan Bank DKI terjadi akibat masalah switching di mesin ATM sehingga menjadi tanggung jawab vendor.

29 Nov 11:54 Katadata News 179777405966199401.html
YPG releases Daesh terrorists, continue to terrorize region

The PKK's Syrian affiliate, the People's Protection Units (YPG), the U.S.' partner in the region to clear the Daesh threat, once again betrayed regional...

29 Nov 15:25 DAILY SABAH 8383944808518854961.html
De slachtoffers van de Decembermoorden

De rechter in Paramaribo doet vrijdag uitspraken in het proces van de Decembermoorden van 1982. De slachtoffers om wie alles in deze zaak draait, waren:

29 Nov 15:55 RD.nl 6406779841166230026.html
3 Pelajaran dari Kekalahan Manchester United dari Astana di Liga Europa

Manchester United meraih hasil buruk saat berkunjung ke markas Astana pada matchday kelima kompetisi Liga Europa, Kamis (28/11/2019).

29 Nov 15:57 Bola.net 5489959029035240888.html
Italiaanse clubs publiceren open brief tegen racisme

De twintig ploegen uit de Italiaanse hoogste voetbalklasse bundelen de krachten in de strijd tegen racisme. In een gezamenlijke open brief roepen de teams ...

29 Nov 14:53 De Standaard 2288913868958428519.html
Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen at Gaza protest, Palestinians say

Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian teenager near the border fence with the Gaza Strip on Friday, Palestinian officials said. Israel's military said soldiers had been fending off Palestinians who had approached and tried to sabotage its security fence. The military also said the demonstrators

29 Nov 15:12 Yahoo 7097669637105364569.html
Hungarian police find tunnels used by migrants to cross border

Police said they discovered both tunnels not long after their construction was completed and filled both of them up again.

29 Nov 15:02 Breaking News 4415806919292849206.html
Temukan Lubang Berair dalam Rumput, Pria Ini Memberinya Telur Ayam Kemudian Secara Mengejutkan Hewan Tak Terduga Ini Muncul

Dalam rekaman itu hanya da seorang anak laki-laki yang membawa segenggam wadah permen dan cola, dan beberapa butir telur.

29 Nov 12:30 grid.id 6246371059690834969.html
Mitsubishi Buntuti Jumlah Ekspor Toyota Indonesia

Toyota grup mendominasi pasar ekspor dengan jumlah pengapalan kendaraan 178.367 unit (102.399 unit Daihatsu dan 75.968 unit Toyota).

29 Nov 12:08 teknologi 6599523173329621612.html
Claim: Germany Preparing to Ban Terrorist Hezbollah Entirely

German media has claimed that the German government is looking to completely ban the Islamist terror group Hezbollah as early as next week.

29 Nov 12:41 Breitbart 3148363492329290934.html
Ernai ere batu da greba orokorrera, Euskal Herrian bizitzearen alde egin nahi duelako borroka

Gaur, Black Friday egunean, gazteen egoera ere &laquo;black&raquo; dela ohartarazi du Ernaik. &laquo;Ezin dugu bizi-proiektu duinik eraiki: aitortzarik gabek...

29 Nov 14:04 naiz: 7509038602968281790.html
Do Activist Investors Create Value?

The exchange-traded fund industry is expanding its product range to all investment strategies and grabbing more and more market share from the mutual fund sector.Activist investing isn't a new phenome

29 Nov 10:28 Seeking Alpha 5725634558006142446.html
Marineschip De Ruyter naar de Perzische Golf

Het marinefregat Zr. Ms. De Ruyter gaat meedoen aan de Europese missie in de Perzische Golf om daar de vaarroutes veilig te houden. Het kabinet gaf vrijdag het groene licht voor de bijdrage aan de missie, die wordt geleid door Frankrijk.

29 Nov 15:33 RD.nl 6406779841360931740.html
Black Friday: Amazon-Mitarbeiter streiken

Deutsche Mitarbeiter des Onlinehändlers Amazon befinden sich seit gestern in einem Streik. Die Arbeiter fordern die Einführung eines Tarifvertrags.

29 Nov 10:35 miss 1375730021663126979.html
Kembaran Honda ADV dari Tiongkok Jejaki Thailand

Lifan LF150-T yang merupakan skutik adventure asal Cina yang disebut-sebut sebagai kembaran Honda ADV150. Setelah dirilis di Cina, skutik 150cc ini masuk pasar Thailand.

29 Nov 14:08 liputan6.com 3414318497611942811.html
Il premier maltese Muscat verso le dimissioni

L'inchiesta sull'omicidio della giornalista d'inchiesta Daphne Caruana Galizia ha sconvolto il governo dell'isola. L'ex braccio destro del premier, Keith Schembri, è accusato di essere il mandante dell'assassinio

29 Nov 14:58 Agi 2115274224822891382.html
Pueblos originarios denuncian detenciones arbitrarias en Antofagasta de la Sierra

La Unión de los Pueblos de la Nación Diaguita de Catamarca emitió anoche un documento mediante el cual denunció las detenciones, que consideran arbitrarias, de Ramón Calpanchay y Hugo Calpanchay, integrantes de la Comunidad Indígena Atacameños del Altiplano, “con una orden de detención sin justificación”.

29 Nov 13:08 El Ancasti 5864462412450983620.html
TTD to utilise services of retired employees for welfare of pilgrims

No emoluments will be paid to them, says Additional EO

29 Nov 14:14 The Hindu 6679535024263227504.html
Polizei stellt kiloweise Drogen in Freiburg sicher

Spezialkräfte der Polizei haben in Freiburg mehrere Kilogramm Drogen sichergestellt und die mutmaßlichen Händler festgenommen.

29 Nov 15:06 swp.de 6929179440101536105.html
Kembali Digelar, Halal Expo Indonesia Usung Tema Halal is Everything

Dengan mengusung tema "Halal is Everything," acara ini berisi pameran produk-produk halal, mulai dari makanan, fashion, kosmetik, farmasi, properti dan pendidikan.

29 Nov 14:00 liputan6.com 3414318497528065552.html
Droogte nog niet overal voorbij ondanks regen

Het regenachtige najaar heeft de grondwaterstand in de droogste gebieden van Nederland nog niet overal voldoende verbeterd. Op de Sallandse Heuvelrug en het Drents Plateau gaat het beter, maar in de Achterhoek, in Twente en in delen van Brabant is het nog steeds erg droog.

29 Nov 12:19 RD.nl 6406779840474873770.html
Palermo, ragazzino disabile picchiato e filmato: denunciati tre bulli quindicenni

La vittima ha 14 anni. Il video pubblicato sulle chat. I genitori e il figlio hanno collaborato con la polizia per l'individuazione dei suoi aggressori

29 Nov 13:35 Repubblica.it 4077453214477857886.html
Court Finds South African Police Officer Guilty Of Killing Nigerian

A South African police constable, Austin Luciano Reynold, was on Friday found guilty for the 2018 murder of a Nigerian Ebuka Okoli in Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal.

29 Nov 12:45 Concise 5544636822728081724.html
XXXLutz übernimmt sechs Schweizer Interio-Standorte

Die Einkaufstour der Möbelkette XXXLutz geht weiter: Nachdem kürzlich mit Möbel Pfister bereits der größte Möbelhändler in der Schweiz übernommen wurde, kauft der österreichische Konzern dem Schweizer Handelsunternehmen Migros nun auch noch sechs der elf Interio-Standorte ab.

29 Nov 10:22 NÖN.at 2486998931665960649.html
Kanker Serviks Menular lewat Seks Bebas dan Toilet? Ini Faktanya

Benarkah hanya perempuan dengan gaya hidup seks bebas yang terkena kanker serviks? Dokter mengungkap faktanya.

29 Nov 14:10 Tempo 6965386208401065921.html
Arsenal sack manager Unai Emery

The Gunners have confirmed Freddie Ljungberg will take charge on an interim basis.

29 Nov 11:21 Sports Mole 7750663362455743897.html
Drivers want government to fix a collapsed bridge at Breman Kuntanse

news, story, article

29 Nov 14:39 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610321005398.html
Emi Martinez blames Arsenal players in heartfelt Instagram post to Unai Emery

Emi Martinez has blamed Arsenal’s players for underperforming during Unai Emery’s reign in a heartfelt Instagram post, following the Spaniard’s sacking on Friday morning. Emery was relieved of his duties after going seven league and cup matches without a win. Arsenal surrendered a one-goal lead to lose 2-1 to Eintracht Frankfurt on Thursday night, as […]Emi Martinez has slammed Arsenal's players as the reason for Unai Emery being sacked, in a heartfelt Instagram post to the Spaniard.

29 Nov 11:15 The Boot Room 5717202225653745723.html
Voetganger gewond na aanrijding met auto Goes

GOES - Een voetganger is vrijdagmorgen gewond geraakt toen deze werd aangereden door de bestuurster van een personenauto.

29 Nov 11:48 HVZeeland.nl 6787007639658357879.html
Il capitalismo come religione

Nel suo ultimo saggio, "Il capitalismo e il sacro", edito da Vita e Pensiero, l'economista Luigino Bruni affronta con radicalità una questione a lungo sottovalutata: il capitalismo finanziario andrebbe letto come un fenomeno religioso rovesciato. Il capitalismo finanziario è una religione del debito, dell'iperconsumo, del sacrificio inutile e della dissipazione di valore

29 Nov 14:36 VITA 7700876771591821146.html
Hadapi Era Digital, Biro Humas Kemenaker Gelar Workshop Bersama Digi-X

Biro humas Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi bekerjasama dengan Digi-X menggelar workshop 'Digital Experience'

29 Nov 15:17 liputan6.com 3414318496910684701.html
Vancouver teen climate group protests Black Friday shopping

Metro Vancouver teens skipped school to hit the mall this Black Friday but they weren't bargain hunting.

29 Nov 12:57 City NEWS 1130 5858657121276000115.html
Panguru wins new colour coded recycling bins

Te Kura Taumata o Panguru School has today been awarded a set of colour coded recycling and rubbish bins as winners of a national competition to help communities around Aotearoea combat litter and increase recycling.

29 Nov 12:10 SCOOP 5315658998324998611.html
Ini Frekuensi Ideal 5G untuk Smartphone

Meski belum ada regulasi yang mengatur frekuensi yang ingin digunakan, pemerintah sudah mulai menyiapkan opsi jaringan 5G untuk smartphone.

29 Nov 11:00 liputan6.com 3414318496697313295.html
County denies responsibility for deputy's assault on bloodied Bills fan

Faced with a jury verdict that found a sheriff's deputy guilty of reckless assault, Erie County continues to distance itself from responsib

29 Nov 11:00 The Buffalo News 2088823985923102782.html
Geberit-CEO sieht weder Einbruch noch grosses Wachstum

Die Sanitärtechnikerin ist zuversichtlich, dass die Nachfrage in Deutschland weiterhin auf einem soliden Niveau bestehen bleibt.

29 Nov 11:21 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936955686692.html
Arsenal sacks coach Emery after losing run

Unai Emery was fired by Arsenal on Friday, 18 months after succeeding Arsene Wenger as manager of the Premier League club. The north London team lost to...

29 Nov 13:40 DAILY SABAH 8383944809323773559.html
Kang Daniel Tidak Keberatan Jika Ada Penggemar Pria Yang Menyukainya

Kang Daniel mengaku sempat merasa khawatir dengan reaksi penggemar yang terkesan sepi di hari pertama.

29 Nov 12:30 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697200690416.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support as campus blockade ends

Activists handed a petition to a British Consulate official before leaving.

29 Nov 15:55 Breaking News 4415806919808768287.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support as campus blockade ends

Activists handed a petition to a British Consulate official before leaving.

29 Nov 15:12 Express & Star 7324224460652142359.html
Terrorist group claims role in deadly French helicopter crash in Mali

France intervened in Mali in 2013 after extremists seized control of major towns in the north and implemented a harsh version of Islamic law. They were forced back into the desert, where they have reg

29 Nov 10:15 Africanews 6630243979176500451.html
Pemerintah Masih Tunggu DPR Loloskan UU Ibu Kota Baru

UU IKN menjadi hal utama untuk mensukseskan pembangunan IKN.

29 Nov 14:23 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213662600517.html
Report: West Ham monitoring Arsenal interim manager Freddie Ljungberg

The Guardian have claimed that West Ham United are monitoring Arsenal interim manager Freddie Ljungberg despite the Swede taking over from Unai Emery, after the Spaniard was sacked by The Gunners on Friday morning. Emery was relieved of his duties after suffering a 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankurt. Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang had given his side […]West Ham are reportedly monitoring Arsenal interim manager Freddie Ljungberg despite the sacking of Unai Emery as Gunners boss.

29 Nov 13:15 The Boot Room 5717202227366443466.html
AnonAddy: Anonyme E-Mail-Weiterleitungen mit Browser-Plugin

Der noch relativ junge Alias-Service AnonAddy verdient einen genaueren Blick. In der Basisversion, die dem durchschnittlichen Anwender mehr als ausreichen sollte, kostenlos nutzbar, bietet AnonAddy anonyme E-Mail-Weiterleitungen an eure richtige E-Mail-Adresse an. Ein Service, der nicht nur Prophylaxe gegen Spam leistet, sondern auch das schnelle Abschalten nicht mehr benötigter Adressen zulässt. Statt sich von uninteressanten […]

29 Nov 11:25 ifun.de 6678736054946498732.html
Yawning trans-Tasman salary gap for medical specialists

29 November 2019

29 Nov 11:06 SCOOP 5315658999368085307.html
Slovakia may force women to get pre-abortion ultrasound

LONDON (AP) - Lawmakers in Slovakia are scheduled to debate a proposed law Friday that would compel women seeking an abortion to first have an ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat of the embryo or fetus, a move many groups have decried as a backward step for women's rights.

29 Nov 12:38 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637801941447.html
Maltrattamenti e minacce a minori, arrestato un giovane nell'Olbiese

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:57 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205701723142.html
Bottas fastest in opening two practice sessions despite crashing with Grosjean

Both drivers will appear before the stewards on Friday evening.

29 Nov 15:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775377645222.html
Bottas fastest in opening two practice sessions despite crashing with Grosjean

Both drivers will appear before the stewards on Friday evening.

29 Nov 15:03 Express & Star 7324224459098060870.html
Daimler could face further recalls in Germany due to diesel cheating: magazine

BERLIN (Reuters) - German luxury carmaker Daimler (DAIGn.DE) could face further recalls related to manipulated diesel engines in some of its compact car models, weekly magazine Der Spiegel said on Friday, without citing sources.

29 Nov 13:10 Reuters 8334514181475867603.html
Met Office issue cold weather alert warning for this weekend as temperatures plunge

The Met Office say there's an 80 per cent chance of cold weather affecting much of England until Monday

29 Nov 14:37 men 6694993428233030108.html
Senior Scotland Yard officer facing misconduct probe for contact with officer convicted over child abuse photo

A senior officer at Scotland Yard is said to have been placed on restricted duties as he faces an inquiry over contact he had with a colleague who was found guilty of possessing a video of child sexual abuse.

29 Nov 11:58 The Telegraph 140598092766856881.html
Ljunberg speaks after being named Arsenal interim coach

Arsenal Football Club interim coach Freddie Ljungberg on Friday promised to give everything to put smiles on faces of the fans after a disappointing season so far.

29 Nov 14:51 The Guardian 7580308505051075561.html
Congreso internacional del deporte se instala hoy

Con el desarrollo de importantes temas referidos al deporte nacional e internacional, y con participaci …

29 Nov 13:30 Últimas Noticias 6811287210116084207.html
Premier Irak zegt binnenkort op te stappen

De Iraakse premier Adel Abdul Mahdi zegt vrijdag dat hij binnenkort zijn ontslag indient. Het parlement kan daarna een nieuwe regering kiezen en een nieuwe minister-president aanstellen.

29 Nov 13:51 RD.nl 6406779841067752938.html
Atta Halilintar Raih 20 Juta Subscriber, Terbanyak se-Asia Pasifik

Raih 20 juta subscriber Atta Halilintar Atta Halilintar cetak sejarah se Asia Pasifik

29 Nov 14:30 liputan6.com 3414318497282771296.html
Cameras reveal how animals change behaviour when people move in

The images revealed shifts in the daily hunting habits of carnivores, such as wolves, cougars and coyotes, when humans disturbed their habitat.

29 Nov 12:37 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497029396522.html
Siddaramaiah, Kumaraswamy booked for sedition over protest against I-T raids

A city court recently directed the commercial street police registered cases under various sections of IPC.

29 Nov 11:51 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364483964081.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Supporters' Trust wants boardroom changes

Arsenal supporters hope the removal of Unai Emery as head coach is the first of numerous high-profile changes at the club.

29 Nov 12:10 sportskeeda 1601194027739258814.html
Iraq's top cleric warns against chaos and worsening crisis

Iraq's top Shiite cleric is warning of civil war after a deadly day of violence in which security forces shot dead 40 people in the capital and the southern provinces, calling on lawmakers who to "reconsider" their support for the current government.

29 Nov 10:49 CTVNews 2422791597528201516.html
Vereine wollen Bornheimer Bunker wieder nutzen

Musiker und Karnevalisten ärgern sich. Wegen Brandschutzauflagen liegen wichtige Räume im Bauwerk an der Petterweilstraße brach.

29 Nov 13:21 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322581928603.html
AstraZeneca's Imfinzi gets speedy FDA review for small cell lung cancer

British drugmaker AstraZeneca Plc said on Friday its cancer drug Imfinzi has been granted a speedy review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...

29 Nov 15:27 CNA 5644198863604013906.html
Government should nationalize Kenya Airways quickly -CEO

NAIROBI — The government must move quickly to nationalize Kenya Airways as regional competitors seeking to carve out market share pour cash into their national carriers, the airline’s chief executive said.

29 Nov 10:00 Financial Post 2379081491691288100.html
Tourists' presence might accelerate Antarctica's demise

A 40% increase in the number of tourists to Antarctica this year could lead to accelerated environmental degradation of the vulnerable region say scientists.

29 Nov 10:36 Deccan Herald 2027555796775322872.html
Jokowi Minta Genjot Teknologi Digital, BUMN Siap?

"Sekarang tidak ada sektor yang dapat bersembunyi dari perkembangan pemanfaatan digital. Termasuk dan apalagi BUMN"

29 Nov 12:02 detikfinance 4442190001735481588.html
Trials on to convert diesel engines into electric: Piyush Goyal

Railways Minister Piyush Goyal addressed Rajya Sabha, saying India will be the first country to have an entirely electrified rail network. The government aims at converting diesel engines into electric ones, in its commitment towards environment protection. However, he said it is too early to ascertain the exact cost of the project at this stage.

29 Nov 10:35 The Economic Times 7653256037866364489.html
In Hamburg unterrichten bald auch muslimische und jüdische Lehrer Religion

"Wunderbare Idee für unsere vielfältige Stadt": Bisher waren in Hamburg in der Regel evangelische Lehrer für das Fach Religion zuständig - das soll sich nun ändern.

29 Nov 12:43 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270580682705.html
Suspected bandits kill two Anambra vigilantes, collect their guns

Tony Okafor, Awka Suspected bandits on Friday killed two vigilantes in Anambra State and made away with their guns. The incident occurred on the Obosi-Nkpor road in the Idemili North Local Ar...

29 Nov 15:32 Punch Newspapers 3524240994338779118.html
China will mit Auslagerung der Produktion Strafzölle umgehen

Für China sind die USA weiterhin ein wichtiger Markt. Daher versucht das Land wohl vieles, um die derzeitigen Strafzölle möglichst zu umgehen - etwa durch die Auslagerung eines

29 Nov 13:37 Golem.de 3063982246057792684.html
La rivoluzione dolce delle sportcity

Fabio Pagliara parla con il Foglio sportivo a margine del convegno &ldquo;Lo sport oltre lo sport. Giocare in casa. I luoghi dello sport in una citt&agrave; che cambia&rdquo;

29 Nov 15:25 IL FOGLIO 7601335406102579423.html
Ancelotti among the contenders for Arsenal following Emery sacking

Carlo Ancelotti is believed to be one of the names Arsenal are considering as their new head coac...

29 Nov 10:48 Newstalk 7635722258660395365.html
Govt accounts show strong debt position

Hon Grant Robertson

29 Nov 10:02 SCOOP 5315658999097789428.html
Wanita Ini Tertidur di Bioskop, Saat Bangun Ada Pria Asing Menggenggam Erat Tangannya Lalu Berpisah Tanpa Sepatah Kata, Begini Kabar Keduanya Sekarang

Dia menceritakan bahwa dirinya sebenarnya berniat menonton film 'Aladdin' bersama teman-temannya. Simak selengkapnya!

29 Nov 11:00 grid.id 6246371059066700452.html
Amazon workers in Germany stage strike on Black Friday

Workers at Amazon distribution centres in Germany have gone on strike for better pay on Black Friday, one of the busiest days of the year for the online retailer.

29 Nov 11:25 CTVNews 2422791598204489460.html
Prüfung nach ausfälligem Notruf von hochrangigem Polizisten

Das Innenministerium hat nach dem veröffentlichten Polizei-Notruf eines hochrangigen Beamten in der Steiermark eine Expertenkommission in Graz eingesetzt. Sie soll die teils ausfälligen Worte des Polizisten gegenüber seinem jungen Kollegen prüfen, der ihn trotz namentlicher Nennung nicht erkannt hatte. Am Freitag lagen noch keine Ergebnisse vor. Bei der Staatsanwaltschaft wurde Anzeige erstattet.

29 Nov 12:49 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084394501684.html
ISAL celebra protocolo com Universidade espanhola

O ISAL - Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas celebrou recentemente um protocolo com a Universidade Internacional Hospitality and Management ...

29 Nov 11:12 dnoticias 6968432066392861375.html
Mengulik Popularitas Tas Super Mini yang Kini Makin Populer, Padahal Nggak Bisa Muat Apa-apa

Tas super mini Tren micro bag atau tas super mini yang sering dibawa artisartis. Kenapa ya bisa populer micro bag channel, micro bag birkin, micro bag hermes, micro bag kendall jenner, micro bag rihanna, tas mini, tas super mini branded, tas micro, tas micro beli online, jual micro bag, jual tas super mini

29 Nov 13:00 Hipwee 8847968230171685395.html
Tim Tenis Indonesia Latihan Perdana di Filipina

KBRN, Manila :Tim  Tenis Indonesia melakukan latihan pertama jelang berlaqa di ajang Sea Games 2019, Filipina, latihan  tim tenis Indoinesia berlangsung di Rizal Memorial Tennis Center, Jumat

29 Nov 11:29 RRI News Portal 6700853644396175399.html
Gravestones to be inspected by Perth and Kinross Council

The programme will begin in Perth and Blair Atholl

29 Nov 13:08 dailyrecord 552235480966152667.html
Abdulla Yameen Eks Pemimpin Maladewa Divonis Penjara 5 Tahun

Mantan pemimpin Maladewa, Abdulla Yameen dihukum terkait skandal pencucian uang.

29 Nov 11:22 liputan6.com 3414318497741732199.html
SC notice to IPS officer Kumar challenging his bail

Supreme court issued a notice to IPS officer Rajeev Kumar on CBI's appeal challenging the anticipatory bail.

29 Nov 12:33 Deccan Herald 2027555797945807740.html
Investasi Emas Tak Harus Mahal, Pegadaian Punya Deretan Fitur Ini

Pegadaian bertransformasi bukan hanya jadi tempat gadai saja, tetapi juga investasi emas.

29 Nov 13:43 detikfinance 4442190001099018668.html
Thanksgiving en Hong Kong

El Día de Acción de Gracias también fue celebrado ayer en Hong Kong, donde los manifestantes, algunos de ellos envueltos en banderas estadounidenses, lo conmemoraron con una marcha por el centro. El gesto fue para agradecer al Congreso de EE.UU. y al pres

29 Nov 10:49 Diariocrítico 5375131906104784793.html
National Centre for Biosensors to be set up at Alagappa University

Office of Principal Scientific Advisor to fund it

29 Nov 14:39 The Hindu 6679535024428662348.html
Industri Pengolahan Sumbang Andil Besar Kenaikan Kredit Bermasalah

Deputi Komisioner Pengawas Perbankan III Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Slamet Edy Purnomo mengatakan, kenaikan NPL paling banyak disumbang oleh sektor industri pengolahan. Sektor industri tersebut memiliki total utang kepada perbankan hingga Rp 900 triliun.

29 Nov 13:54 merdeka.com 1998180355448519206.html
Kingship Tussle: Supreme Court Removes Prominent Oyo Monarch

A first-class monarch in Oyo State, the Eleruwa of Eruwa, Oba Samuel Adegbola, has been removed by the Supreme Court on Friday.

29 Nov 12:43 Concise 5544636821987802894.html
Residents of Bolga express frustration over Ghana Card Registration

news, story, article

29 Nov 14:36 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609121226720.html
Liverpool want to host GAA matches after Anfield expansion

Liverpool have announced proposals for extending the capacity of Anfield to over 61,000, while the club is also aiming to host GAA and NFL matches at the

29 Nov 14:18 Buzz.ie 7092425148906567829.html
Selain Incaran Manchester United, Ini 5 Pelatih Bisa Gantikan Unai Emery di Arsenal

Arsenal akhirnya melakukan keputusan yang mengejutkan dengan memecat Unai Emery, lantas siapakah calon pelatih penggantinya?

29 Nov 14:24 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549162588126.html
Bremst der Bundesrat das Klimapaket?

Teile des Klimapakets sollen schon im Januar in Kraft treten - etwa günstigere Bahntickets. Doch aus den Ländern hagelt es Kritik. Einiges landet wohl im Vermittlungsausschuss. Umweltministerin Schulze warnt vor einer Verzögerung.

29 Nov 10:37 tagesschau.de 5441171425154696577.html
Iraq's Prime Minister Abdul-Mahdi to resign amid anti-government protests

The sudden turnaround came after one of the bloodiest days of protests yet, with 44 demonstrators killed and nearly 1,000 wounded on Thursday in Baghdad and across the south.

29 Nov 14:55 Business-Standard 1502508925659594597.html
Irak-Proteste: Premier will Parlament Rücktritt anbieten

Nach wochenlangen schweren Unruhen Dutzenden Toten steht die Regierung von Premier Adel Abdel Mahdi vor dem Fall.

29 Nov 13:03 Kurier 208072239005872092.html
Detenzione illegale di munizionamento: 60enne denunciato

Scoperto dai carabinieri di Baiano

29 Nov 11:55 AvellinoToday 5452883948237713943.html
Dumfries university strikers hail support on the picket line

Lecturers and academic staff walked out for eight days of action this week in protest over pay and conditions - it affects the Dumfries base of the University of Glasgow.

29 Nov 13:39 dailyrecord 552235480617182894.html
Luis Lacalle Pou gewinnt Präsidentschaftswahl

Das Ergebnis der Präsidentschaftswahl in Urugay war so knapp, dass es zwei mal ausgezählt werden musste. Jetzt steht mit Luis Lacalle Pou der Sieger fest.

29 Nov 13:49 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324176560034.html
Hibernian winger Joe Newell looking forward to hectic festive schedule

The Easter Road men are on a roll following the appointment of new manager Jack Ross.

29 Nov 12:18 Sports Mole 7750663361367298492.html
Arsenal fires coach Unai Emery over poor results..Freddie Ljungberg takes over

Popular English Premiership side Arsenal have sacked their  coach Unai Emery and his technical team. In a statement, the London based club

29 Nov 11:20 ZWNEWS 6090563866600349437.html
Winkel vraagt vrouwelijke medewerkers om kenbaar te maken dat ze hun maandstonden hebben

Een Japanse winkel biedt vrouwelijke medewerkers de mogelijkheid om een badge te dragen als ze hun regels hebben. Daarmee kunnen ze klanten duidelijk maken dat het ‘de tijd van de maand is’. Het opvallende idee werd voorgesteld in Michi Kake, een winkel in Osake waar gezondheidsproducten voor vrouwen verkocht worden. Met de maandstonden-badge willen ze

29 Nov 12:00 Zita 7484176339299064042.html
Warner and Labuschagne score centuries again as Australia dominate Pakistan

As they did in the first Test, David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne scored centuries to leave Australia in charge against Pakistan.

29 Nov 12:42 sportskeeda 1601194029387745270.html
Strijd om winkelpanden Hudson's Bay is losgebarsten

Winkelketen Hudson's Bay heeft uitstel van betaling aangevraagd. Dat maakt de eigenaren van de winkelpanden nerveus, want er staan jaren aan huurinkomsten op het spel. "Dit is een politieke zet van Hudson's Bay."

29 Nov 14:09 RTLZ 8052859357223478125.html
Noticieros Televisa TROLLEADOS por falla global de Facebook

El medio de comunicaci&oacute;n Noticieros Televisa result&oacute; trolleado tras la falla global de Facebook.

29 Nov 11:42 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623133486483.html
Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Emery

Arsenal-Legende Freddie Ljungberg übernimmt die Gunners nun interimistisch.

29 Nov 11:47 sport.oe24.at 8086682661579153650.html
Cavi tranciati a Villacidro, l'intervento dei Vigili del fuoco

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 10:03 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205704422854.html
Samsons Masih Andalkan Tema Cinta di Electrify My Soul

Samsons merilis lagu terbaru berjudul Electrify My Soul.

29 Nov 11:20 liputan6.com 3414318496818216178.html
Shell shock: Giant invasive mussels eradicated from US ponds

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) - Most Americans know mussels as thumb-sized shellfish that occasionally adorn restaurant dinner plates.

29 Nov 14:59 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636619558379.html
How Supergirl's Leviathan Differs From the Comics

Both The CW's Supergirl and DC's Event Leviathan are utilizing the same villain, but the two versions are radically different.

29 Nov 13:11 CBR.com 1295516963569315977.html
Opposition Leaders in North-Eastern Indian State to Skip Meet on Controversial Citizenship Bill

Sputnik (New Delhi): India is planning to introduce the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill (CAB) during the ongoing winter session of parliament. The legislation, if passed, would allow Hindu immigrants from certain neighbouring countries with Muslim majority populations to immigrate and settle in India.

29 Nov 14:11 Sputniknews 967333869175424272.html
South Africa Court Rejects Zuma Appeal To Prevent Corruption Trial

A South African court on Friday rejected an appeal by former President Jacob Zuma that sought to prevent his prosecution on corruption charges over a 2 billion dollars arms deal.

29 Nov 11:59 Concise 5544636822302397965.html
Unauthorised colony residents need registry papers, not a law: Kejriwal

Talking to reporters, the chief minister asked people not to trust anyone until they get registry papers in their hands as previous governments had promised the same, but failed to meet it

29 Nov 11:40 Business-Standard 1502508925414298503.html
KPK Panggil Lilik Kelana Putri, Saksi Tersangka I Nyoman Dhamantra Dugaan Suap Kuota Impor Bawang

KBRN, Jakarta : Penyidik Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) hari ini dijadwalkan memanggil sekaligus melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap saksi bernama Lilik Kelana Putri. Lilik diketahui merupakan

29 Nov 15:29 RRI News Portal 6700853645367125296.html
Constable pulls proposal for town council funding

PLANS to form a town council have not been shelved, the St Helier Constable has said, despite withdrawing an amendment to the Government Plan for £15,000 of funding.

29 Nov 15:18 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773583935534.html
Ireland Fast Bowler Tim Murtagh Announces International Retirement

Ireland pacer Tim Murtagh has called time on his international career though he'll continue playing county cricket for Middlesex till 2021.

29 Nov 12:05 India.com 7150386083472241366.html
Inside Career of Uhuru's New Millionaire Nominee

President Uhuru Kenyatta's nominee is also a holder of a PhD from the University of...

29 Nov 14:35 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153242085362.html
Japan: Nintendo issues apology for Ring Fit Adventure shortages

Japanese consumers have been lapping up Ring Fit Adventure on the Nintendo Switch and subsequently there have been severe stock shortages of the fitness title. Nintendo told its followers on Twitte…

29 Nov 12:31 My Nintendo News 1055834752784171628.html
Bottas-Bestzeiten in den Freitag-Trainings von Abu Dhabi

Mercedes hat am Freitag im Training für den Formel-1-WM-Lauf in Abu Dhabi das Tempo vorgegeben. Die Silberpfeile haben dort seit 2014 alle Rennen gewonnen, diesmal war Valtteri Bottas der Schnellste. Trotz eines heftigen Zusammenstoßes mit Haas-Pilot Romain Grosjean verwies er seinen Teamkollegen und Weltmeister Lewis Hamilton auf den zweiten Platz. Auch Sebastian Vettel verzeichnete einen Crash.

29 Nov 15:49 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084815819630.html
Wie sinnvoll ist eine Dienstpflicht?

Es war Kramp-Karrenbauers erster wichtiger Akzent als Generalsekretärin: Die Idee einer allgemeinen Dienstpflicht für gemeinnützige Arbeit. Wie sinnvoll das ist und wo Probleme lauern, erklärt tagesschau.de.

29 Nov 10:42 tagesschau.de 5441171425122222653.html
Max Verstappen tweede in eerste training Abu Dhabi

Max Verstappen heeft de eerste training voor de Grand Prix van Abu Dhabi afgesloten als tweede.

29 Nov 11:04 1limburg 5437278402976663636.html
Cantiknya Pulau Messah, Pulau Berselimut Panel Surya di Timur

Di Labuan Bajo, jangan lupa mampir dan lewat ke Pulau Messah yang berada di Nusa Tenggara Timur.

29 Nov 12:41 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214293806372.html
Why PDP Asked INEC Chairman Yakubu To Resign

The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Mahmood Yakubu has been asked to vacate office over incompetence, Concise News reports.

29 Nov 11:29 Concise 5544636822507842504.html
Tesla Cybertruck Prototype Spotted Driving Through Hawthorne, California

Unlike other Tesla reveals, the debut of the Cybertruck was actually fun because Elon Musk didn’t expect the driver’s window to shatter from throwing a steel ball. The quirky electric pickup is nothing more than a prototype for the time being, and as mentioned in a previous story, there’s a lot to redesign until Tesla kicks off series production.

29 Nov 14:37 autoevolution 6471576453046364837.html
Luchtverkeer op Berlijnse luchthaven stilgelegd na vondst oorlogsbom

Op de Berlijnse luchthaven Schönefeld is het luchtverkeer deze middag stilgelegd omdat er tijdens bouwwerken een bom uit een wereldoorlog werd gevonden. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van de luchthaven...

29 Nov 12:43 HLN 8967494998071527871.html
Luchtverkeer op Berlijnse luchthaven stilgelegd na vondst oorlogsbom

Op de Berlijnse luchthaven Schönefeld is het luchtverkeer vrijdagmiddag stilgelegd omdat er tijdens bouwwerken een oorlogsbom werd gevonden. Dat heeft een ...

29 Nov 12:37 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192281020677.html
Utah child hospitalized after getting crushed by elevator

A child was transported to a hospital after being crushed by a residential elevator in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, on Thursday evening, according to authorities.

29 Nov 11:17 Fox 4 8372747777163561425.html
Feckless UK voters? Johnson rejects criticism over old article

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday dismissed criticism of an old article he wrote condemning single mothers and

29 Nov 11:20 Digital Journal 4566489172594576988.html
Horrific injuries suffered by mother at centre of love triangle murder attempt revealed

WARNING: Graphic image shows horrific injuries suffered by the woman at the centre of a love triangle between Alnwick Garden staff

29 Nov 13:11 ChronicleLive 1984146902111879559.html
Duitse V1 gevonden tijdens wegwerkzaamheden bij Deventer

Blijft voorlopig onder de grond liggen

29 Nov 11:08 ThePostOnline 3048418756124705685.html
Il primo ministro iracheno Adel Abdul Mahdi ha annunciato le sue dimissioni

Il primo ministro iracheno Adel Abdul Mahdi ha annunciato le sue dimissioni, in seguito alle violente repressioni da parte dell'esercito delle manifestazioni che ci sono state negli scorsi giorni in diverse città del paese. Solo giovedì almeno 44 persone sono state uccise dalle forze di sicurezza irachene a Nassiriya

29 Nov 13:37 Il Post 6291746504273404185.html
Chandrababu Naidu walks for Amaravati, gets bouquets and brickbats

Cautioning people to be on their guard against the policies of the government, Naidu declared that he would take up the capital issue with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and leaders of national part.

29 Nov 11:34 The New Indian Express 4718288654497228000.html
Court dismisses Jacob Zuma appeal

Zuma is facing fraud and corruption charges from when he was Thabo Mbeki's deputy.

29 Nov 11:19 Daily Nation 7421817124883791979.html
Ancient Armenian Female Warrior Suffered Hatchet Wounds And Arrow Blow Before Death

More than 2,000 years ago, a young Armenian woman found herself at the forefront of a battle. Now, her newly unearthed remains are allowing archaeologists

29 Nov 15:51 IFLScience 242791750088388773.html
Old Port Henderson Road in St Catherine to be closed permanently

Effective, Monday, December 2, the section of the Old Port Henderson Road, which runs parallel to the Spanish Town Bypass in St Catherine, will be permanently closed. The road will be closed where it intersects Salt Pond Road. Manager,...

29 Nov 14:56 The Gleaner 1215260529392652267.html
Targeting consumers in a fake world

As brands embrace hyper-personalisation, are they actually improving customer experience or losing the human touch?

29 Nov 12:12 ITWeb 642894138814834975.html
Trading Forex in the Philippines

Time for Forex trading in the Philippines? Keep a wary eye on the local market and find a trading platform to make you a key player.

29 Nov 13:50 Journal Online 6375127393242588878.html
Sicherheitsbedenken: FIS macht in Lake Louise keine Kompromisse

Der Internationale Skiverband (FIS) geht in Lake Louise in punkto Sicherheit keine Kompromisse ein. Das erste Abfahrtstraining der alpinen Ski-Herren wurde am Mittwoch abgesagt, weil die medizinischen Notfallpläne A und B nicht durchführbar waren. Es ist ein Lernen aus Fehlern der Vergangenheit, wie FIS-Chef-Renndirektor Markus Waldner erklärte. Die weitere Wetterprognose ist gut.

29 Nov 12:07 SPOX 8395423526452350976.html
Bewoners Oosterhoogebrug en Ulgersmaborg willen van schimmel af

Het Huurderscomité van Oosterhoogebrug/Ulgersmaborg wil af van de schimmel, vocht, tocht en hoge energierekeningen in de woningen van woningcorporatie Wierden en Borgen.Afgelopen maandagavond kw

29 Nov 15:57 OOG 303718093609017422.html
Wheelchair-bound woman dies in Thanksgiving Day fire

A 62-year-old wheelchair-bound woman has died in a Thanksgiving Day fire in Louisiana.

29 Nov 15:50 KNOE 8 News 9048639191062327446.html
Roscommon respite centre to close despite campaign

The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) is shutting the Cuisle centre in Donamon in Co Roscommon because of funding issues.

29 Nov 11:24 Breaking News 4415806919932832268.html
Mauricio Pochettino's first season as Arsenal boss predicted by Football Manager

What would happen if Mauricio Pochettino became Arsenal manager, following Unai Emery's departure?

29 Nov 11:30 football.london 6804128268430199694.html
Why Serving Plant-Based Burgers Could Get Restaurants Sued

This Impossible Whopper fight could be a lawsuit of unintended consequences for vegans and vegetarians.

29 Nov 13:26 The Motley Fool 2231313657406281165.html
Open Arms, fascicolo Salvini al Tribunale dei ministri a Palermo

L'ex ministro dell'interno è indagato per sequestro di persona e omissioni di atti di ufficio per aver impedito ad agosto lo sbarco e trattenuto a bordo della nave della ong spagnola 164 migranti soccorsi in zona SAR libica

29 Nov 15:16 rainews 442831849094211701.html
Russia removes restrictions on two Brazilian beef plants - regulator

MOSCOW — Russia’s agriculture safety watchdog said on Friday it removed temporary restrictions on beef supplies to Russia from two plants in Brazil starting from Nov.

29 Nov 15:59 Financial Post 2379081492977092517.html
Hong Kong police end blockade of university campus

Hong Kong police have ended their blockade of a university campus after surrounding it for 12 days to try to arrest anti-government protesters holed up inside. Police removed a stash of nearly 4,000 petrol bombs left behind by protesters, who fought pitched battles about two weeks ago with riot officers on surrounding streets. The stand-off at Hong Kong Polytechnic University was one of the most dramatic episodes in nearly six months of unrest that began in June with a huge march against an extradition Bill seen as an erosion of freedoms promised when the former British colony returned to Chinese control in 1997. Protesters have since expanded their demands to include fully democratic elections and an investigation into police use of tear gas, rubber bullets and other force to suppress the demonstrations. Police have arrested 5,890 people since June, ranging in age from 11 to 83.

29 Nov 10:05 ITV News 2184971256792303307.html
Geldautomaten ABN Amro dicht om plofkraken

ABN Amro sluit in Gelderland geldautomaten na een reeks plofkraken in het land. De maatregel is genomen om de veiligheid van omwonenden te garanderen, zegt een woordvoerder van de bank.

29 Nov 11:07 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615567607267.html
Legislator PSI Kena Sanksi BK Gegara Bongkar Anggaran Aibon, Aneh Nggak Sih?

WE Online, Jakarta - Fraksi Partai Solidaritas Indonesia DKI Jakarta menilai aneh dan berlebihan terkait sanksi yang diberikan Badan Kehormatan (BK) DPRD DKI Jakarta kepada salah satu anggotanya, William Aditya Sarana.

29 Nov 15:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834212387365.html
Health crisis moves from tragedy to farce

GOVERNMENT has failed to solve its impasse with medical doctors, who have withdrawn services from the country's major hospitals for 89 days today. While the cou...

29 Nov 10:18 Bulawayo24 News 5565663538522973312.html
New Zealand Crusaders to keep name, change logo after Christchurch massacre

New Zealand's Canterbury Crusaders announced Friday that the team will retain its name but change its logo after a review sparked by the deadly mosque...

29 Nov 14:19 DAILY SABAH 8383944809095968930.html
Massimiliano Allegri wants to replace Unai Emery as Arsenal make contact

Should the Gunners make their move?

29 Nov 11:42 Metro 970161749119509191.html
Anrufer geben sich als MDK-Mitarbeiter aus

Der Medizinische Dienst der Krankenversicherung (MDK) Sachsen-Anhalt warnt vor fälschlichen Anrufen. Betrüger geben sich als Mitarbeiter des MDK aus. Am Telefon möchten diese einen Termin für einen Hausbesuch ...

29 Nov 14:50 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110580938034.html
Trenchcoats and rockets: Kim supervises North Korea weapons test

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un supervised Thursday's test of what it called a "super-large multiple launch rocket system", Pyongyang's state ...

29 Nov 11:02 CNA 5644198862937134409.html
Stammgast installiert Kamera in Klobürste

Der skurrile Fall wird vor dem Kölner Amtsgericht an mehreren Tagen verhandelt.

29 Nov 15:19 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568689280388.html
BREAKING Taeha and Yeonwoo officially leave Momoland

Taeha and Yeonwoo have officially withdrawn from Momoland. On November 30, MLD Entertainment announced Taeha and Yeonwoo are leavin…

29 Nov 15:42 allkpop 3249686060829814968.html
BIR padlocks two stores in Ifugao

BAGUIO CITY – The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has closed two business establishments in Lagawe, Ifugao for alleged massive under-declaration of sales.

29 Nov 11:58 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199246669390.html
Preston Grasshoppers already in a relegation battle

November’s four bruising defeats pile extra pressure on Preston Grasshoppers’ next two games – against their closest rivals in the battle to claw their way out of the relegation zone.

29 Nov 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275855716974584.html
Mehrere Verletzte durch Stichwaffe an London Bridge

Gegen 14 Uhr Ortszeit wurde die Polizei zu dem Einsatz in London gerufen.

29 Nov 14:54 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569265401826.html
Diese Autos verdienen einen Song

Eine Erscheinung auf vier Rädern: Bruce Springsteen liebte seine Corvette und Elvis Presley seinen rosaroten Cadillac.

29 Nov 12:22 SRF 8424707178724754883.html
Ali Zamroni: Menpora Harus Menjaga Harkat dan Martabat Atlet Sea Games

Anggota DPR Komisi X, Ali Zamroni dari Fraksi Gerindra menyayangkan informasi dan berita soal atlet di saat semestinya mereka berkonsentrasi meraih medali di Sea Games 2019 Filipina yang akan dibuka secara resmi tanggal 30 november 2019 besok.

29 Nov 13:39 liputan6.com 3414318497447337835.html
Sambil Nangis Laudya Cynthia Bella Ngaku Cemburu dengan Zaskia dan Shireen Sungkar: Gue Kok Miskin Banget!

Meski tak sering bertemu, namun keduanya tetap menjalin hubungan dengan baik. Seperti diketahui, Zaskia tinggal bersama Irwansyah di Jakarta.

29 Nov 11:10 grid.id 586386474250999919.html
Werder gibt Mitarbeitern für Klimastreik frei

Fußball-Bundesligist Werder Bremen hat seinen Mitarbeitern für den weltweiten Klimastreik am Freitag freigegeben. Wie der Klub mitteilte, konnten die Angestellten mittags an der zentralen Veranstaltung (12 Uhr) in der Bremer Innenstadt teilnehmen. Das Training für die Profis war für 14.30 Uhr angesetzt.

29 Nov 11:04 weltfussball.at 3521376373073698307.html
Protests and bank borks meddle with Black Friday retail nirvana

Friday I'm in debt

29 Nov 12:51 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887308145692329.html
Governor to convene meet of VCs

Irregularities in conduct of examinations and allocation of marks

29 Nov 14:25 The Hindu 6679535025811452912.html
Stellt endlich Lehrer mit Migrationshintergrund ein!

Frau Bachmayer schreibt jede Woche in BILD. Heute: Warum Schulen dringend mehr Vielfalt im Lehrerzimmer brauchen.

29 Nov 10:23 Bild 8433249908104667528.html
Nine Britons arrested as website selling hacking tool taken offline

A website selling the tool for just under £20 was pulled from the internet.

29 Nov 13:25 The Irish News 993065632011889.html
Nine Britons arrested as website selling hacking tool taken offline

A website selling the tool for just under £20 was pulled from the internet.

29 Nov 13:26 Express & Star 7324224460604116958.html
Komentari Jabatan Baru Ahok, Kaka Slank: Mudah-mudahan Benar Kerjanya

Basuki Tjahja Purnama alias Ahok atau BTP didapuk menjadi Komisaris Utama (Komut) Pertamina. Kaka, vomalis Slank pun komentar.

29 Nov 10:14 Tribunnews.com 3323534445619727842.html
Menteri ESDM Gak Pakai Cara Lama Lagi

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif mengatakan cara lama yang tidak kompetitif tidak perlu diteruskan dalam inovasi migas.

29 Nov 14:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834929092836.html
«Emakumeak medikuntzatik kanporatu izana ez da kasualitatea»

'Sorginak, emaginak eta erizainak. Emakumezko sendalarien historia bat' liburua kaleratu du Katakrakek. Maria Colera itzultzaileak ekarri ditu euskarara Barb...

29 Nov 15:31 naiz: 5899264291268197347.html
Pelatih Kiper Borneo FC Berikan Kredit untuk Penampilan Ciamik Nadeo Argawinata

Luizinho Passos memberikan apresiasi kepada Nadeo Argawinata yang sukses membawa timnas U-22 Indonesia berprestasi di SEA Games 2019

29 Nov 10:30 BolaSport.com 4603768435456562223.html
Flagship Harga Miring Recoki Pasar Smartphone?

WE Online, Jakarta - Belakangan ini beberapa vendor merilis ponsel flagship, yakni ponsel dengan kriteria spesifikasi yang mumpuni, namun dijual dengan harga yang relatif miring. Ponsel flagship biasanya dijual dengan harga sekitar Rp10 juta ke atas karena spesifikasinya yang termasuk kelas high-end.

29 Nov 11:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833941527332.html
Hong Kong police officially end siege at university

Police restored school administrators' control of Hong Kong Polytechnic University on Friday, declaring that there were no pro-democracy protesters left on the wrecked campus after a two-week siege, The New York Times reports. Police arrested hundreds of protesters during the showdown, the latest episode amid months of civic unrest. On Thursday, a team of about 400 officers conducted a sweep of the university, and found nearly 4,000 firebombs, 921 gas canisters, and 588 containers of chemicals, including acid and other corrosive liquids, the South China Morning Post reports. The transfer of control back to school officials marked the end of one of the most intense clashes between protesters and police in a month of escalating unrest following the death of a student who fell from a parking structure during a police operation. Harold Maass

29 Nov 13:37 The Week 149215356088949803.html
Garissa DCIO Among Ten People Injured In Ukasi Accident Along Nairobi-Garissa Road

Garissa DCIO among ten people injured in Ukasi accident that occurred along Mwingi-Garissa road early today.The accident involved City Link Bus at Ukasi stretch along Mwingi - Garissa road with un

29 Nov 13:26 KahawaTungu 3304128543451998971.html
Sunseekers spring into action as migrants arrive at Spanish beach

Sunbathers soaking up the rays in the Canary Islands joined forces with emergency workers on November 29 after a rickety boat carrying two dozen migrants landed unexpectedly on a beach in the Spanish archipelago.

29 Nov 15:31 euronews 7318238120473914154.html
Uddhav Thackeray-led govt in Maharashtra to face floor test tomorrow

Governor B K Koshyari has asked Thackeray to prove majority by December 3

29 Nov 14:45 Business-Standard 1502508926032108702.html
Zorgen in Winterswijk over vertrek afdelingen SKB ziekenhuis

Wethouder Elvira Schepers van Winterswijk moest donderdagavond aan de gemeenteraad vertellen dat er drie afdelingen verdwijnen in het Streekziekenhuis Koningin Beatrix. 'Dit is niet goed voor het ziekenhuis. Ik maak me ernstige zorgen', zegt ze daarover op Radio Gelderland.

29 Nov 10:10 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615087262746.html
Gobierno buscar reunirse con Royal Caribbean y Carnival

Ante propuesta para privatizar los muelles de San Juan

29 Nov 14:02 Primera Hora 5092966655028744898.html
Dituduh Tidak Perawan, Atlet Senam Asal Kediri Dicoret dan Gagal Ikut SEA Games

Seorang atlet Sea Games dari cabang Senam Artistik asal Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur, Shalfa Avrila Siani dipulangkan paksa oleh tim pelatihan karena dituduh sudah tidak perawan. Atas tuduhan tersebut pihak keluarga memeriksa atlet tersebut ke RS Bhayangkara dan tidak terbukti.

29 Nov 15:11 merdeka.com 1998180355923253317.html
Tidligere Netflife-sjef tilbake til Schibsted

- Å kunne ta betalt for kvalitetsjournalistikk er ikke bare viktig for Schibsted, men for samfunnet, sier Fredrik Schjold, ny produktdirektør for brukermarkedet.

29 Nov 10:15 Kampanje 8714678314894901077.html
Terungkap! Pemicu Ledakan Pipa di Kereta Cepat Gegara Bahasa

Pipa Pertamina di lokasi proyek kereta cepat sempat meledak.

29 Nov 11:53 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213845622082.html
Plofkraak in Amsterdam-Noord mislukt (UPDATE)

In Amsterdam-Noord heeft een aantal personen in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag een plofkraak proberen te plegen. Volgens de politie zijn er drie onbekenden zonder buit op de vlucht geslagen. Na de golf van plofkraken dit najaar sluit de ABN AMRO tientallen pinautomaten. Buikslotermeerplein De plofkrakers die een automaat op het Buikslotermeerplein als doelwit […]

29 Nov 10:07 Crimesite 9119866470623845659.html
Harvey Weinstein loses bid to dismiss sexual assault charges

In refusing to dismiss the predatory sexual assault charges, Justice James Burke of the State Supreme Court rejected Harvey Weinstein’s claim that an alleged rape from the winter of 1993-94 occurred too long ago to serve as an “aggravating” and “underlying” crime, as required by state law.

29 Nov 10:44 The Indian Express 2885715104184055846.html
K-Pop-Stars in Südkorea wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung verurteilt

Die Musiker Jung Joon Young und Choi Jong Hoon müssen für sechs bzw. fünf Jahre in Haft.

29 Nov 12:39 Kurier 208072239534311853.html
Amazon: Alexa wird schlanker und emotionaler

Alexa soll künftig auch auf schwächeren Geräten laufen können. In den USA testet Amazon außerdem eine Alexa-Stimme, die Emotionen vermittelt.

29 Nov 14:43 heise online 1766193382452030498.html
Mengintip Kemeriahan Topping Off Transpark Juanda Bekasi

Demi komitmen kepada konsumen, Transpark Juanda Bekasi menggelar topping off ceremony, Jumat (29/11/2019), untuk selesainya pembangunan Tower I.

29 Nov 12:31 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213911724805.html
OM gaat Job Gosschalk niet vervolgen voor zedendelict

Zaak gesloten na bemiddelingstraject

29 Nov 11:23 ThePostOnline 3048418757105534773.html
Teaching unions criticise Tory plan for snap Ofsted visits

Party has proposed longer inspections carried out at no notice for schools in England

29 Nov 13:14 the Guardian 1491978795005658986.html
Uddhav Thackeray announces stay on Aarey metro car shed construction

Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray announced stay on construction of metro car shed project in Mumbai's green lung Aarey Colony. He, however, clarified that he had not stayed the work of the Mumbai metro rail project itself.

29 Nov 12:08 The Economic Times 7653256037038557311.html
Shah to hold meetings on Citizenship Bill

He will have discussions with Chief Ministers of northeastern States and student groups

29 Nov 15:58 The Hindu 6679535026243208388.html
MenPAN-RB Kenang Karya Ciputra di Vietnam dan Kamboja

Menurutnya, Ciputra bukan cuma membangun di dalam negeri saja. Namun sudah membawa hasil kerjanya ke ranah internasional, setidaknya di lingkup Asia Tenggara.

29 Nov 15:30 detikfinance 4442190000661629369.html
Several people stabbed in London Bridge incident

A man has been detained, according to Metropolitan Police

29 Nov 15:40 Bashaw Star 2864261460024350234.html
Spoorwegen krijgen komende tien jaar 35 miljard euro investeringen, subsidies fossiele brandstoffen verdwijnen

De federale overheid gaat op tien jaar tijd ongeveer 35 miljard euro investeren in het spoorverkeer. Dat is een van de maatregelen uit het federale luik van het nationaal energie- en klimaatplan vo...

29 Nov 13:37 HLN 8967494998472511135.html
Hong Kong police exit wrecked campus, weekend protests planned

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong police on Friday withdrew from a university campus trashed by weeks of clashes as pro-democracy activists canvassed social media to promote more protests at the weekend.

29 Nov 13:00 Reuters 8334514181423641269.html
Hong Kong police exit wrecked campus, weekend protests planned

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong police on Friday withdrew from a university campus trashed by weeks of clashes as pro-democracy activists canvassed social media to promote more protests at the weekend.

29 Nov 13:00 Reuters 8334514180730515264.html
Imran Khan showing anger after getting embarrassed: Marriyum Aurangzeb

Imran Khan showing anger after getting embarrassed: Marriyum Aurangzeb.

29 Nov 12:02 Dunya News 5863268919538552673.html
First home tours available at Shoreline townhomes

Each of the six identical, individually parceled homes boasts three bedrooms and 2.25 bathrooms within 1,930 square feet of living space.

29 Nov 11:49 The Seattle Times 9121942838014231836.html
Canadian Investment Firm 3iQ Files Prospectus for Bitcoin Fund

Canadian investment fund manager 3iQ filed a preliminary prospectus for its close-end, regulated, publicly-traded Bitcoin fund.

29 Nov 13:30 Cointelegraph 3050247239800044447.html
Taco Bell accelerates rollout despite Mexican stand-off

Fast-food giant Collins Foods will open its first Victorian Taco Bell restaurants in Hawthorn and South Yarra.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562071549282.html
Osinbajo to state govts: prioritise basic education by making funds available

Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo has called on state governments to give priority to basic education by making funds available....

29 Nov 15:08 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901976827184.html
Russia arrests woman suspected of spying for Ukraine in Crimea

MOSCOW, Nov 29 — Russia has arrested a Russian woman in the Crimean city of Sevastopol on suspicion of treason for allegedly stealing military secrets on behalf of Ukraine, the Federal Security Service said today. Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 but Kiev and the West consider it...

29 Nov 10:54 Malaymail 302165934949966940.html
La FAO lancia l'Anno Internazionale della Salute delle Piante

Patricia Oduor, contadina del distretto di Siaya in Kenya, mostra un avocado nell'ambito di una lezione ad altri contadini sulle nuove tecnologie di raccolta e di conservazione dell'acqua piovana per migliorare la resa e l salute della colture.  Foto per gentile concessione FAO Sarà la

29 Nov 10:47 National Geographic 8909623153132348610.html
Imo: Angry mob beat three suspected transformer vandals to death

Three armed robbery suspects, midnight Thursday, met their waterloo as an angry mob pounced on them in Umuohiagu community of Ngor Okpala...

29 Nov 11:14 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901449860661.html
Gator makes surprise visit, crashes Florida family's Thanksgiving

A Florida family's Thanksgiving was interrupted by an uninvited guest at the front door: a 9-foot long alligator!

29 Nov 15:44 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010439916620755.html
Phishing emails are still managing to catch everyone out

While the move to cloud computing is boosting security for some parts of the business, basic mistakes are still giving hackers a foot in the door.

29 Nov 13:15 ZDNet 591556593224043189.html
Hungarian police find tunnels used by migrants to cross border

Police said they discovered both tunnels not long after their construction was completed and filled both of them up again.

29 Nov 12:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773909787171.html
Juncker: The Blocking of Negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania Is Shameful

Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Commission, wrote a daily editorial on Politico on his last business day, according to BGNES. In it, Juncker takes a backward glance at the weaknesses and successes of his five-year term as head of the European executive branch.

29 Nov 11:34 novinite.com 4235039570101387947.html
Banks working with gov’t to track down criminal underworld financial advisors

Four banks teamed up with the Dutch government and authorities to fight against financial service providers who launder money for criminals, Financieele Dagblad reported on Friday based on

29 Nov 10:10 NL Times 9001346993922923770.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support as campus blockade ends

Activists handed a petition to a British Consulate official before leaving.

29 Nov 15:12 Shropshire Star 3480199993105964823.html
Cyberabad Police detain four men in Hyderabad vet gangrape-murder case

The charred body of the 26-year-old veterinary doctor was found at Shadnagar on the outskirts of Hyderabad on Thursday morning.

29 Nov 15:19 The New Indian Express 4718288654115073599.html
Gezockt und vertuscht: Händler sollen Verluste versteckt haben

Die Wall-Street-Bank Morgan Stanley verdächtigt Händler, Verluste von 100 bis 140 Millionen Dollar verschleiert zu haben.

29 Nov 10:02 cash 8314500324082225458.html
Fridays for Future Aktionstag: Teilnehmerzahl in Frankfurt übertrifft Erwartungen

#NeustartKlima: Die globale Fridays for Future-Bewegung ruft am 29. November zum Streik auf. In Frankfurt beteiligen sich Tausende.

29 Nov 12:32 https://www.tz.de 6573686401905884135.html
Denmark finds three guilty for buying drones for Islamic State

Three men were convicted on Thursday in Denmark on charges of buying drones and other equipment for the extremist Islamic State group to use...

29 Nov 12:24 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729301355124677.html
Foundation launched in name of slain UCT student

A Foundation was launched in Makhanda on Friday in the name of slain 19-year-old University of Cape Town student, Uyinene Mrwetyana.The launch at the Kingswood College High-Performance Centre was preceded by a two-kilometre march, under the banner "Together Restoring Humanity".The march wa

29 Nov 15:47 Algoa FM 633679974432002805.html
Premier League chief executive David Pemsel resigns - before starting job

David Pemsel was due to start as Premier League chief executive in February, taking over from Richard Scudamore after his resignation

29 Nov 15:27 mirror 675785261049594589.html
Doug Ford to meet with Quebec Premier Francois Legault in Montreal

Ontario Premier Doug Ford will be meeting with his Quebec counterpart tonight, days before all provincial leaders get together in Toronto.

29 Nov 10:19 CP24 1887544294487477344.html
Diesen Modetrends kann Victoria Beckham nichts abgewinnen

Victoria Beckham, ein Modepüppchen? Diese beiden Modetrends umschifft die britische Designerin ganz bewusst, wie sie verraten hat.

29 Nov 15:22 VIP.de 2239798194199727958.html
Nine Britons arrested as website selling hacking tool taken offline

A website selling the tool for just under £20 was pulled from the internet.

29 Nov 13:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775139520478.html
Kenyan Professor Who Skipped High School

He defied odds and engraved his name among the notable people, going on to be appointed...

29 Nov 13:50 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153265846880.html
Scontri Liverpool-Napoli, rilasciati tutti i tifosi arrestati nel pre-partita

Sono stati tutti scarcerati i cinque tifosi del Napoli arrestati a Liverpool in quanto ritenuti coinvolti negli scontri che hanno preceduto l'incontro

29 Nov 12:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079772921529.html
Taiwan police officers injured in car crash during visit by vice-presidential candidate

Five officers only lightly injured, Lai not directly involved.Five police officers were injured Friday (November 29) as a truck crashed into their vehicles in the margin of a campaign visit to Tainan by DPP vice-presidential candidate William Lai.

29 Nov 12:28 Taiwan News 4737573345655787370.html
David Pemsel resigns as chief executive of Premier League

Pemsel was set to join the Premier League from the Guardian Media Group

29 Nov 15:54 ChronicleLive 1984146901948936501.html
Iraqi PM To Resign After Deadly Protests

Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has condemned the use of lethal force against anti-government protesters and also urged demonstrators to reject acts of violence and vandalism.

29 Nov 12:02 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163533567615.html
BREAKING: Court orders reinstatement of sacked FUOYE lecturer

Abiodun Nejo, Ado Ekiti The National Industrial Court sitting in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, has ordered the immediate reinstatement of a lecturer of Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Pro...

29 Nov 12:33 Punch Newspapers 3524240995838038315.html
Malta prime minister expected to quit in crisis over journalist murder

VALLETTA, Nov 29 — Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has told associates he plans to resign imminently, the Times of Malta reported today. His decision was brought on by the political and legal crisis brought about by the investigation into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia,...

29 Nov 14:08 Malaymail 302165936527262507.html
Ladrones golpean a velador de huerta nogalera

Aldama.-Tres hombres que portaban armas de fuego ingresaron ayer en la noche a una huerta nogalera presuntamente para cometer un robo, pero al final se dieron a la fuga tras golpear al velador. Los...

29 Nov 15:16 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558415650651.html
Terbukti Bersalah, Jung Joon Young dan Choi Jong Hoon Dihukum Penjara

Pengadilan memutuskan Jung Joon Young mendapatkam hukuman enam tahun penjara sedangkan Choi Jong Hoon lima tahun penjara.

29 Nov 11:30 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697712101601.html
Liverpool midfielder Fabinho out until January with injury

Liverpool says defensive midfielder Fabinho will be out until January with a knee injury, putting more strain on the Premier League leaders with a packed schedule coming up.

29 Nov 14:00 TSN 865919181778919589.html
Deretan Manfaat Daun Ubi Jalar, Bisa Bantu Redakan Nyeri Haid

Ubi jalar bisa dijadikan makanan pengganti nasi. Namun selain ubinya, ubi jalar juga memiliki daun yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan

29 Nov 11:46 Bola.net 5489959027716657837.html
Supreme Fukuoka New Location Announced

Remaining in the trendy Daimyo shopping area.

29 Nov 14:57 HYPEBEAST 3806037270510624349.html
Lode Vereeck trekt naar Raad van State na ontslag aan UHasselt

Lode Vereeck trekt naar de Raad van State, nadat de beroepscommissie van de UHasselt de beslissing van de tuchtcommissie bevestigde om Vereeck te ontslaan wegens ongepast gedrag. “Wij zullen het do...

29 Nov 13:16 HLN 8967494997510052352.html
Vezzano sul Crostolo, cittadinanza onoraria alla senatrice Liliana Segre

VEZZANO SUL CROSTOLO (Reggio Emilia) – Il Comune di Vezzano conferirà la cittadinanza italiana alla senatrice Liliana Segre. Ieri sera il consiglio comunale ha approvato la mozione presentata dal gruppo di maggioranza SiAmo Vezzano. “Il voto di ieri sera – ha dichiarato il sindaco Stefano Vescovi – riteniamo sia il segno di quello che la […]

29 Nov 14:06 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333676348994.html
Bendera Malaysia Salah Dipajang dalam Kejuaraan Nasional Bola Basket

Asosiasi Bola Basket Malaysia Senin lalu salah memajang foto bendera nasional Malaysia dalam pembukaan Kejuaraan MABA Milo Lum Mun Chak (2019).

29 Nov 11:27 merdeka.com 1998180354784580411.html
Manchester United great Gary Neville hammers Arsenal squad after Unai Emery sacking

Man Utd favourite Gary Neville has blamed the Arsenal squad for their role in Unai Emery's sacking as first-team manager.

29 Nov 15:30 men 6694993428534984364.html
Banners spring up against disqualified MLAs in Telsang village of Athani

Banners saying “no entry” to disqualified MLAs were put up in Telsang village in Athani. Telsang is the native village of disqualified MLA Mahesh Kumthalli who is now fighting the bypolls as a BJP can

29 Nov 14:14 The Hindu 6679535026245760614.html
Emery nach Pleite gegen Frankfurt bei Arsenal entlassen

Eintracht Frankfurt hat dem FC Arsenal am Donnerstag in der Europa League einen weiteren Tiefpunkt beschert. Am Tag darauf haben die Gunners die Reißleine gezogen und die Trennung von Teammanager Unai Emery bekannt gegeben.

29 Nov 11:23 weltfussball.at 3521376371075608684.html
4 Keuntungan Punya Kulit Sawo Matang seperti Orang Indonesia

Ada banyak keuntungan jika Anda punya kulit sawo matang, salah satunya risiko lebih rendah mengalami kanker kulit.

29 Nov 13:05 Tempo 6965386209236040283.html
Law Enforcement Shuts Down Imminent Monitor Malware, Makes Arrests

Law enforcement agencies from numerous countries have shut down the Imminent Monitor Remote Access Trojan (RAT) and have arrested thirteen of its most prolific users.

29 Nov 14:56 BleepingComputer 1217146045479553341.html
An efficient cold chain can make farm sector remunerative: expert

‘A weather data book is being prepared for 170 cities’

29 Nov 15:24 The Hindu 6679535025549750229.html
Bewoners huis uit om vuurwerkproductie buren

Bewoners van vier woningen in Groningen moeten tijdelijk hun huis uit, omdat in een naastgelegen woning spullen zijn gevonden voor het maken van vuurwerk. Een persoon is aangehouden, meldt de politie.

29 Nov 13:10 RD.nl 6406779840471444640.html
Bewoners huis uit om vuurwerkproductie buren

GRONINGEN (ANP) - Bewoners van vier woningen in Groningen moeten tijdelijk hun huis uit, omdat in een naastgelegen woning spullen zijn gevonden voor het maken van vuurwerk. Een persoon is aangehouden, meldt de politie.

29 Nov 12:14 Nieuws.nl 2419030129909258702.html
CM to meet workers from all depots tomorrow

Each depot to send five workers including two women

29 Nov 15:10 The Hindu 6679535026214981681.html
Pengusaha Keberatan UMKM Diberi Ruang Usaha Gratis di Mal

Ketentuan menyediakan ruang usaha sebesar 20 persen bagi UMKM sebagaimana dimaksud pasal 42 ayat 4 tersebut dinilai kurang spesifik.

29 Nov 10:45 liputan6.com 3414318497242323132.html
Hong Kong Police Lift Cordon Surrounding Polytechnic University After 2-Week Standoff

BEIJING (Sputnik) - The Hong Kong police said on Friday that they had retreated from the Polytechnic University (PolyU) following the completion of a two-day search operation and the removal of dangerous items that were left on the campus during the violent clashes that lasted for two weeks.

29 Nov 12:32 Sputniknews 967333867818974282.html
Incendio in un'abitazione, evacuata una palazzina a Cagliari

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:54 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207451012370.html
Seorang Pria Kejang-kejang, Ternyata Ada Cacing Pita Tumbuh di Otaknya, Memasak Daging dengan Cara Seperti Inilah yang Jadi Penyebabnya

Seorang pria di China mengalami kejang-kejang dan kemudian ada fakta mengejutkan yang terungkap. Simak selengkapnya.

29 Nov 12:00 grid.id 6246371059093530483.html
Russia Reportedly Considers Ban on Using Crypto as Means of Payment

Russia is allegedly preparing a ban on the use of cryptocurrencies to pay for goods and services.

29 Nov 11:54 Cointelegraph 3050247240827880974.html
7 Cara Mengobati Pilek dengan Ramuan Alami

Pilek merupakan kondisi dimana hidung mengeluarkan lendir yang diproduksi oleh saluran udara dalam hidung yang disebut dengan sinus. Meski kebanyakan akan sembuh dengan sendirinya, tapi kondisi pilek cukup mengganggu aktivitas. Berikut cara mengobati pilek yang bisa dilakukan di rumah

29 Nov 11:58 merdeka.com 1998180355063104991.html
LASK will auch gegen Rapid Momentum behalten

Vor dem Heimspiel am Sonntag gegen Rapid befindet sich der LASK auf der Erfolgswelle. In der Fußball-Bundesliga wurden die vergangenen sieben Partien allesamt gewonnen, die jüngsten vier davon ohne Gegentor. Zum Drüberstreuen fixierten die Linzer am Donnerstag mit dem 2:1 bei Rosenborg Trondheim vorzeitig den Einzug ins Sechzehntelfinale der Europa League.

29 Nov 12:55 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083188000722.html
Study reveals exposure of new-born babies in NICU environment to harmful chemicals

A multidisciplinary team of scientists from Granada has warned for the first time of the presence of bisphenol A (BPA) and parabens (PBs) in a wide range of plastic medical devices, fabrics, personal care products (including topical creams), and nutritional supplements in hospital neonatal intensive care units, coming into direct contact with new-born babies.

29 Nov 12:49 News-Medical.net 4522523030855573902.html
Eat At Trivandrum launches website and loyalty programme

The group, launched in 2015, invites members to write in or record food reviews

29 Nov 12:05 The Hindu 6679535025847844445.html
SECA Evening Event: Venture capital for family offices, insurance firms and pension funds

This event is aimed at managers and decision-makers from the investment sector of Swiss family offices, insurance firms and pension funds.

29 Nov 14:07 Allnews 678771718898700871.html
London Bridge incident: People injured and shots fired after stabbing

A major incident has been declared

29 Nov 15:12 PlymouthLive 6373569608011157114.html
Michel il mediatore prende le redini del Consiglio europeo

Passaggio di testimone tra il polacco Donald Tusk e l'ex primo ministro belga, Charles MIchel

29 Nov 15:08 euronews 7379718589608428909.html
Cita Citata dan 6 Potret Rumahnya yang Punya Ruang Makan Mewah

Kemegahan rumah Cita Citata menarik minat beberapa selebriti untuk mengunjunginya.

29 Nov 10:00 liputan6.com 3414318497502951987.html
Verrell Bramasta Siapkan Rumah 4 Lantai Untuk Ditempati Istri dan Anaknya Kelak

Verrell Pramasta sudah mulai siapkan rencana masa depan dengan membangun rumah 4 lantai

29 Nov 15:00 liputan6.com 3414318496431059363.html
Sudan repeals Omar al-Bashir-era law regulating women's behaviour and dissolves former ruling party

Sudan's new authorities on Thursday ordered that the party of ousted autocrat Omar al-Bashir be dissolved and his regime "dismantled", heeding the call of protesters whose campaign led to the leader's overthrow.

29 Nov 10:03 The Telegraph 140598092125050557.html
Vechta: Weltkriegs-Bomber wird ein teurer Fund

Der Fund von Wrackteilen eines britischen Weltkriegs-Bombers in Vechta könnte teuer werden. Die Bergung soll bis zu 400.00 Euro kosten. Muss der Grundstücksbesitzer zahlen?

29 Nov 11:17 NDR.de 5356044083106228362.html
Internetnutzung in Deutschland produziert so viel CO2 wie der Flugverkehr

Der Versand von E-Mails, die Google-Suche oder das Streamen von Videos: Die Nutzung des Internet verbraucht gewaltige Mengen an Strom und lässt CO2 entstehen..

29 Nov 15:26 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535188933760160.html
Harimau Kudung eyes Amputee Football World Cup

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — The national amputee football squad in its quest to qualify for the 2022 Amputee Football World Cup, is actively engaged in competitive matches. The Malaysia Amputee Football Association (MAFA) assistant coach, Fakri Raimi, 30, said although the team was only established in...

29 Nov 10:06 Malaymail 302165935437235082.html
Jubilant scenes at depots as RTC workers resume duty

Crew faced staring trouble as most buses had flat tyres, drained batteries

29 Nov 15:42 The Hindu 6679535024395020539.html
Angad Bajwa, Saniya Sheikh crowned national skeet champions

More sports News: Angad Vir Singh Bajwa unofficially hit a world record score in the men's skeet final to lead Punjab's domination of the category at the 63rd National

29 Nov 12:41 The Times of India 6060938663855595580.html
Freddie Ljungberg sends message to Arsenal fans after Unai Emery sacking

Freddie Ljungberg has posted on Twitter after being placed in interim charge of Arsenal following the sacking of Unai Emery, who saw his side go seven games without a win on Thursday night at the hands of Eintracht Frankfurt. Emery was sacked on Friday morning after watching his side surrender a 1-0 lead to Frankfurt […]Freddie Ljungberg has sent a message to Arsenal fans on Twitter after taking interim charge of the team, following the sacking of Unai Emery.

29 Nov 13:23 The Boot Room 5717202226148841323.html
China Seeks To Root Out Fake News and Deepfakes With New Online Content Rules

Chinese regulators have announced new rules governing video and audio content online, including a ban on the publishing and distribution of "fake news" created with technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. From a report: Any use of AI or virtual reality also needs to be clea...

29 Nov 11:01 slashdot.org 7963433142690882061.html
Incontro Merkel-Trump a margine summit

Angela Merkel avrà un incontro bilaterale con il presidente Usa Donald Trump la prossima settimana, a margine del summit Nato di Londra. Lo ha comunicato la portavoce della cancelliera Ulrike Demmer. (ANSA)

29 Nov 13:29 ANSA.it 1300837448181354281.html
Tipperary County Council defends handling of housing crisis

County now has two officers dealing with homeless prevention

29 Nov 10:30 TipperaryLive 1097599579046319489.html
RCS angreifbar: Deutsche Forscher sehen schwere Lücke in Handynetzen

Im SMS-Nachfolger Rich Communication Services (RCS) klafft eine Lücke, die Smartphones über das Handynetz angreifbar macht. Die Schwachstelle, die von deutschen Sicherheitsforschern entdeckt wurde, eröffnet Angreifern weitreichende Möglichkeiten.

29 Nov 15:20 winfuture.de 1179223336444297817.html
Arsenal sack manager Unai Emery

‘The decision has been taken due to results and performances not being at the level required.’

29 Nov 10:22 The42 5369852630283855432.html
Kyrgyz ex-president Atambayev stands trial over release of mob boss

BISHKEK (Reuters) - Former Kyrgyz president Almazbek Atambayev went on trial behind closed doors on Friday charged with illegally setting free a jailed organized crime boss, which led to his arrest in August after a dramatic stand-off with security forces.

29 Nov 12:12 Reuters 8334514179806739572.html
Fears for Oldbury site as Npower restructuring could cost thousands of jobs

Energy giant Npower has announced plans to restructure its UK business, leading to the loss of up to 4,500 jobs and the closure of a number of call centres.

29 Nov 12:02 Express & Star 7324224459924907789.html
Luxury holiday homes look set to be built near Derbyshire village

The plan is to construct them around a big fishing lake

29 Nov 15:55 Derbyshire Live 9061707930682937701.html
O ravnateljici oziroma ravnatelju znova v ponedeljek

Šentjernejski svetniki so se včeraj sestali na drugi izredni seji v tem mandatu, ki je imela le eno točko dnevnega reda, in sicer izdaja mnenja o...

29 Nov 14:00 Dolenjski list 119924280652949681.html
Sicherheitslücke im SMS-Nachfolger RCS entdeckt

Der Standard Rich Communication Service (RCS) soll die klassische SMS ablösen. Doch Berliner Sicherheitsforscher haben nun RCS-Schwachstellen gefunden.

29 Nov 11:38 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535188831488868.html
In Antarctica, tourists swim among penguins

HALF MOON ISLAND, Antarctica: "It's like getting stabbed," a tourist exclaims as he plunges into the three degree Celsius water, all under the ...

29 Nov 12:17 CNA 5644198863732134713.html
Our Legacy Launches Sustainable WORK SHOP Scheme Online

Shop the limited-edition upcycled pieces while stocks last.

29 Nov 10:49 HYPEBEAST 3806037268773987878.html
Video: Katadata Beri Penghargaan 64 Pemda Pengelola APBD Terbaik

Sebanyak 64 pemerintah daerah dinilai berhasil dalam mengelola keuangannya.

29 Nov 13:17 Katadata News 179777406327949309.html
Gauhati University, Recruitment for Guest Faculty Commerce

Applications in plain paper accompanied by a CV are invited from the candidates having M.Com Degree with the specializations as mentioned Gauhati University

29 Nov 12:46 The Sentinel 448185206230632642.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support; campus siege ends

HONG KONG (AP) - Hundreds of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists rallied Friday outside the British Consulate, urging the city's former colonial ruler to emulate the U.S. and take concrete actions to support their cause, as police ended a blockade of a university campus after 12 days.

29 Nov 13:57 WFXT 6395891953806354312.html
Eerste van honderd bomen geplant voor honderdjarig bestaan Nijestee

Nijestee-directeur Pieter Bregman en wethouder Roeland van der Schaaf plantten vrijdagmiddag de eerste van de honderd bomen die Nijestee het komende jaar gaat planten. Dat deden ze op de hoek van de G

29 Nov 14:18 OOG 303718093383973805.html
Ibrahim Abdul Majid appointed as new CEO of Boustead Plantations

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Boustead Plantations Bhd today announced the appointment of Ibrahim Abdul Majid as its new chief executive officer (CEO), effective Dec 1.Ibrahim, 60, will take over from Mohamad Azlan Jaafar, who is standing in as acting CEO and will resume his responsibilities as deputy CEO.In a statement today, the group said Ibrahim has an extensive career in the palm oil industry, bringing with him 40 years of experience.He started his career with Sime Darby in 1979

29 Nov 11:34 The Edge Markets 6322622074784054025.html
Scheer heads to Conservative heartland after a bruising week of challenges

OTTAWA — Andrew Scheer heads into the Conservative heartland of Alberta today where he'll make a pitch to some of the party's most fervent supporters about why he ought to keep his job as federal leader and how he intends to do it.

29 Nov 15:17 KitchenerToday.com 52741009005363249.html
Police say Kitchener murder victim likely targeted

Irshad Sabriye was found with gunshot wounds on Highway 7/8 early Tuesday morning

29 Nov 15:57 KitchenerToday.com 52741008876515496.html
Bonhill mountaineer picks up West Highland Way record

Ian Simpson finished the iconic route, which is the equivalent of three-and-a-half marathons, in just over two days - in bitter tempertures.

29 Nov 10:38 dailyrecord 552235479807779451.html
Report claims TikTok parent company ByteDance is working with China's Communist Party to spread propaganda on Xinjiang

China has been accused of committing human rights abuses at detention centers in the autonomous western region of Xinjiang.

29 Nov 10:50 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748032879838.html
Zeugensuche: Überholen trotz Gegenverkehr

Am Donnerstag, 28. November, überholte ein Unbekannter auf der L1125 trotz Gegenverkehr.

29 Nov 13:25 swp.de 6929179440770822560.html
Dugaan Teror Ngeri Istri Pertama Limbad, Benazir Selaku Istri Muda Tak Bisa Berkata-kata

Setelah istri pertama Limbad, Susi sempat mengobrak-abrik kediaman istri kedua Limbad, Benazir beberapa waktu lalu. Kini kabarnya teror menyeramkan dikirimkan Susi dan anak-anak kepada Benazir istri muda Limbad.

29 Nov 10:30 Cumicumi.com 7480087989236329290.html
3 Catatan Positif Manchester United Meski Kalah dari Astana di Liga Europa

Meski kalah dari Astana, Manchester United tetap torehkan catatan positif.

29 Nov 11:20 Bola.com 1695722603687994909.html
Ma'ruf Amin: Jangan Jadi UMKM Stunting

KBRN, Nusa Dua : Seribuan peserta ambil bagian dalam rapat pimpinan nasional (Rapimnas) kamar dagang dan industri (Kadin) di Bali International Convention Centre (BICC), Nusa Dua. Turut hadir

29 Nov 15:36 RRI News Portal 6700853644760058762.html
DDCA Ombudsman Accepts Rajat Sharma's Resignation

After almost two weeks, the Delhi and Districts Cricket Association (DDCA) ombudsman has accepted Rajat Sharma's resignation as DDCA president.

29 Nov 12:31 India.com 7150386083129531567.html
Jagan govt. lacks direction: Purandeswari

‘Polavaram and Capital city projects have come to a standstill’

29 Nov 15:40 The Hindu 6679535024248520164.html
Händler von Morgan Stanley sollen Verluste versteckt haben

Morgan Stanley wirft nach einem Bericht eigenen Händlern vor, Verluste von bis zu 140 Millionen Dollar versteckt zu haben. Die Bank äußert sich dazu nicht.

29 Nov 10:16 Handelsblatt 4721373939024660427.html
Controversial new Littleborough housing estate given go-ahead despite flooding fears

Rochdale Council's planning committee approved the 96 home scheme

29 Nov 13:30 men 6694993429484519836.html
Germany urges unified approach to 5G security in Europe

Both Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron suggest no specific vendor should be targeted.

29 Nov 11:57 TechRadar 2111116915104129873.html
L'Oscar mondiale del turismo ecosostenibile al resort di Arbatax

Economia - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 12:07 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206593636172.html
Maduro reafirma solidaridad de Venezuela con Palestina

La ONU aprobó el 29 de noviembre de 1977 el Día de Solidaridad con el pueblo palestino

29 Nov 15:20 Últimas Noticias 6811287209402318331.html
Feckless UK voters? Johnson rejects criticism over old article

The quotes were splashed across the front page of the left-wing Daily Mirror tabloid, under the tagline

29 Nov 15:18 Saudi Gazette 6913978434169022783.html
Eimer geht noch

Lauenbrück (sl). Dass es in die Aula der Fintauschule Lauenbrück bei starkem Regen oder hoher Schneelast regnet, daran haben sich alle Beteiligten irgendwie in den letzten Jahren gewöhnt. „Dann tropft es halt während der Abschlussfeier. Doof, aber geht schon“, erklärte Frank Lehmann lapidar. Der Schulleiter der Fintauschule schlug während der jüngsten Fachausschusssitzung Alarm.

29 Nov 14:45 ROTENBURGER RUNDSCHAU 5652157007956784530.html
Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler plans thousands of job cuts worldwide

The job cuts will be carried out by the end of 2022 as part of efforts to reduce spending by 1.4 billion euros (US$1.5 billion), the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars said Friday in a statement.

29 Nov 11:02 BNN 3833521689127341782.html
Change in fire season statuses for Auckland

Fire and Emergency New Zealand is updating the fire seasons for Auckland.

29 Nov 10:38 SCOOP 5315658999418146205.html
7 Potret Natalie Zenn Pemain Sinetron Anak Langit yang Curi Perhatian

Perempuan bernama asli Beby Natalie ini berhasil mencuri perhatian publik saat memerankan Tasya di sinetron Anak Langit.

29 Nov 11:35 liputan6.com 5422146880625798221.html
Rajya Sabha MPs demand greater autonomy for States

Congress MP Jairam Ramesh said though he had sympathy with the spirit of the resolution.

29 Nov 15:54 The Hindu 6679535025634004353.html
Sudan Overturns Moral Policing Law That Targeted Women, Dismantles Ousted Leader's Party

Move comes as part of a power-sharing agreement between the country’s ruling generals and protesters demanding sweeping political change

29 Nov 14:01 Haaretz 1431421787910337961.html
Tammy Abraham injury update provided by Chelsea boss Frank Lampard

Striker Abraham suffered a hip injury during the Chelsea's Champions League draw with Valencia - and is now set to miss out vs West Ham on Saturday

29 Nov 14:58 mirror 675785260838158032.html
Tammy Abraham injury update provided by Chelsea boss Frank Lampard

Striker Abraham suffered a hip injury during the Chelsea's Champions League draw with Valencia - and is now set to miss out vs West Ham on Saturday

29 Nov 14:58 Irish Mirror 2875825628851956405.html
Vatikan vratio Svetoj zemlji relikviju sa Isusovih jasli

Hrišćani su danas slavili jer je mala drvena relikvija za koju se veruje da je bila deo Isusovih jasli vraćena u Svetu zemlju nakon što je pre skoro 1.400 godina poslata u Rim papi na poklon.Relikvija veličine palca pokazana je danas vernicima u Crkvi Notr Dam u Jerusalimu na dan slavlja i molitve.Sutra će biti poslata u Crkvu Svete Katarine kraj Crkve rodjenja u Vitlejemu na Zapadnoj obali, gde se po hrišćanskoj tradiciji rodio Isus.Deo drvenih jasli za koje se veruje da je bile Isusove poslao je Sveti Sofronije, jerusalimski patrijarh, papi Teodoru Prvom 640-tih godina u vreme muslimanskog osvajanja Svetog grada.Jiska Harani, izraelski stručnjak za hrišćanstvo, rekla je da su mnoge relikvije odnete iz Svete zemlje u Srednjem veku kada su Rim i drugi gradovi postajali centar hrišćanskog života i hodočasništva.Ona je ocenila da je vraćanje tako važnog predmeta "definitivno izraz zajedništva Vatikana i Svete zemlje".Drvene jasle su date papi Teodoru Prvom na poklon jer je on bio iz Svete zemlje i da se ojačaju…

29 Nov 15:45 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081077303918.html
Centre to bring new job-oriented education policy, says HRD Minister

HRD minister urged students to work with dedication to make India a $5 trillion economy in the next few years

29 Nov 12:55 Business-Standard 1502508925562139713.html
Procura externa explica abrandamento do terceiro trimestre

Num cenário de deterioração da conjuntura internacional, as importações cresceram mais que as exportações no terceiro trimestre, conduzindo a um abrandamento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB).

29 Nov 11:41 PÚBLICO 2228264897371944319.html
Ananya Panday makes some interesting revelations about BFF Suhana Khan

Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan and Chunky Panday’s daughter Ananya Panday have been pretty close friends since they were children. After making her debut with Student Of The Year 2 earlier this year, Ananya has been occupied with the promotions of her second release Pati Patni Aur Woh.

29 Nov 12:10 Filmfare.com 6668806038565043620.html
Rabattschlacht wird mit Fäusten ausgefochten

Mit dem heutigen „Black Friday“ startet der Handel ins Weihnachtsgeschäft. Schnäppchen locken massenhaft Kunden in die Geschäfte und sorgen für eine ...

29 Nov 10:10 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094521764739.html
Alle unter einem Dach

Rotenburg. „Wir meinen es durchaus ernst“, betonen Vorsitzender Ole Asmussen, Thomas Riemer und Kassenwart Bernd Braumüller vom neu gegründeten Verein „Soziokulturelles Zentrum e. V.“ in der Presserunde, wohl wissend, dass ihre Idee noch viele Fragezeichen und eine finanzielle Hürde im siebenstelligen Bereich hat. „So teuer wird es bestimmt, das Werner-Haus zu kaufen und für unsere Zwecke umzubauen“, rechnet Braumüller vor. Jedoch: „Es ist zu reizvoll, um es nicht zu probieren“, stellt Asmussen klar. Braumüller warnt vor zu großer Euphorie: „Es kann sein, dass wir am Ende zu dem Schluss kommen, dass sich das Projekt nicht trägt.“

29 Nov 14:15 ROTENBURGER RUNDSCHAU 5652157008256328557.html
Iraqi prime minister says he will resign

Iraq's embattled premier announced Friday he will resign in keeping with the wishes of the country's top Shiite cleric, after nearly two months of...

29 Nov 12:49 DAILY SABAH 8383944807991529775.html
Ashley Graham marks Thanksgiving with naked pregnant selfie


29 Nov 12:14 Metro 970161748515052250.html
Sabar, Solskjaer Diklaim akan Buat Manchester United Kembali Berjaya

Mantan pemain Manchester United, Joshua King, meminta publik untuk bersabar dengan Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Sebab ia yakin pria asal Norwegia tersebut akan membuat Si Setan Merah kembali berjaya

29 Nov 13:36 Bola.net 5489959027799183081.html
7 Cara Mengatasi Ejakulasi Dini pada Pria, Ampuh Banget

Cara mengatasi ejakulasi dini ini sangat penting untuk diketahui bagi para pria. Jika Anda mengalami ejakulasi dini, maka Anda akan merasa tidak berhasil untuk membuat pasangan puas dalam melakukan hubungan seks.

29 Nov 12:56 merdeka.com 1998180355630442583.html
Ditanya Soal Masa Depannya di Arsenal, Emery Memilih Mengelak

Hasil buruk yang diterima Arsenal membuat sang pelatih, Unai Emery, semakin terpojok. Ia didesak untuk mundur sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban atas hasil-hasil buruk yang diterima the Gunners

29 Nov 10:19 Bola.net 5489959027717447534.html
Anche a Bra il Consiglio comunale vicino alle vittime di Quargnento

Così come ad Alba, l’assemblea ha devoluto i gettoni di presenza alle famiglie dei tre vigili del fuoco scomparsi nella tragica esplosione dell’Alessandrino. Tra le misure approvate diverse modifiche ai conti 2019 e l'ampliamento...

29 Nov 10:25 Targatocn.it 7367208849919833422.html
Waldbesitzer fordern Krisenstab und Hilfe bei Waldschäden

Sachsen-Anhalts Privatwaldbesitzer haben wiederholt auf die massiven Schäden in den Wäldern hingewiesen und einen zentralen Krisenstab für das Land gefordert.

29 Nov 12:20 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109959886645.html
Vice-president Iliana Iotova Discussed the Fight against the Trampling on Human Rights with the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

The talks between Vice-president Iliana Iotova and the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic, held at 2 Dondukov street, focused on the loss of human rights people have stood up for decades on end.  “I am observing a paradox – the more structures defending human rights are established, the more problems they face.

29 Nov 12:14 novinite.com 4235039570164071697.html
Piala Dunia Antarklub Bisa Angkat Moral Liverpool Juarai Liga Inggris

Penyerang Liverpool, Sadio Mane mengungkapkan jika memenangi Piala Dunia Antarklub bisa mendorong semangat untuk juarai Liga Inggris.

29 Nov 14:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435624982873.html
Limet meteo: cielo poco nuvoloso durante Genoa-Torino

Tempo nel complesso buono domani durante l'orario di Genoa-Torino, prima di un deciso peggioramento previsto per domenica

29 Nov 10:16 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982772703272402.html
The Power of Green Public Finance

Policymakers and pundits have been wringing their hands over the crises afflicting the European Union, arguing that it is falling behind in confronting major threats to its long-term survival. Yet on the issue of climate change, nothing could be further from the truth. In mid-November, EU member states demonstrated that they can unite behind a shared vision of a low-carbon future. And European institutions are already leading the fight against climate change at the global level. Among these, the European Investment Bank will now be playing an even greater role as an instrument for decarbonizing the economy and limiting global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. Climate change is the top political issue of our time. Scientists estimate that if we remain on our current path, we will experience global warming of 3-4°C by the end of the century, at which point large portions of the planet will be uninhabitable.

29 Nov 13:09 EABW Digital 2826306000153088585.html
Unai Emery es destituido como entrenador del Arsenal

El conjunto londinense ha decidido prescindir del técnico de vasco debido a la mala racha de resultados que venía acarreando el club

29 Nov 10:29 Cadena SER 8390941984333231213.html
Cobraron los estatales y desbordan los cajeros en Posadas

A través de un comunicado, el Gobierno de la Provincia difundió la semana pasada que este viernes 29 de noviembre se depositaban los salarios tanto del sector activo de la Administración Pública provincial como...

29 Nov 10:40 El Territorio Misiones 4290701723501543851.html
Children's home youth worker used excessive force to restrain vulnerable teenagers, hearing told

Sian Moses is also accused of making inappropriate sexual advances to a colleague

29 Nov 14:19 Wales Online 7686550517070894864.html
Brighton's teen forward Connolly back from injury for Liverpool clash

Brighton & Hove Albion forward Aaron Connolly has recovered from a groin injury and will be available for Saturday's Premier League match at ...

29 Nov 14:55 CNA 5644198862948588383.html
Tax benefits for traders as CBDT approves NSE's commodity derivatives

Exchange gets 'Recognised Association' status, due to which participants can set off losses in commodity derivatives against business gains

29 Nov 13:27 Business-Standard 1502508925494838442.html
Panasonic verkauft weitere Sparte seines Chip-Geschäfts

Panasonic hat seine Halbleiter-Sparte für 250 Millionen Dollar an ein Unternehmen in Taiwan verkauft. Der Elektronikkonzern hätte schon den Grossteil seines Chip-Geschäfts aufgegeben.

29 Nov 14:55 www.cetoday.ch 4667961262125882091.html
Perkuat PPNS, BPH Migas Bakal Berantas Mafia BBM Subsidi

"Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PPNS) BPH Migas, Siap Tindak Penyalahgunaan BBM bersubsidi"

29 Nov 12:56 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214063014316.html
Bottas fastest in opening two practice sessions despite crashing with Grosjean

Both drivers will appear before the stewards on Friday evening.

29 Nov 15:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991551883334.html
Eishockey-Stars drehen mit Kasalla neues Musikvideo

„Pommes um Champagner“ heißt das neue Sessionslied. Im Video mit dabei sind Moritz Müller von den Kölner Haien und Alexander Barta von der Düsseldorfer EG.

29 Nov 15:55 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568524473546.html
Wiens (fast) vergessener allererster Nachkriegsbürgermeister

Ein ehemaliger Kleinkrimineller regierte 1945 in den Amtsräumen des Rathauses.

29 Nov 15:49 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441186022022.html
Wolves fans react online to Nuno Arsenal links after Emery exit

With the news that Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal's head coach, social media has been awash with speculation about who will replace him at The Emirates.

29 Nov 14:51 Express & Star 7324224460115929404.html
Hong Kong set for fresh weekend protests as police end university siege

But the calm spell looks set to end as public anger grows once more over the lack of response to the election results by Beijing and Hong Kong's leaders.

29 Nov 14:13 Saudi Gazette 6913978434711339051.html
Wisconsin man's sentencing for Iowa slaying delayed

The sentencing of a Wisconsin man found guilty of manslaughter in Iowa has been delayed a week.

29 Nov 13:51 CHANNEL3000 830332542800695507.html
Irakischer Premierminister kündigt Rücktritt an

Abel Abdul Mahdi will einer neuen Regierung Platz machen. Er war vom höchsten Kleriker kritisiert worden.

29 Nov 13:06 SRF 8424707180216226420.html
12 Kebiasaan Buruk Penyebab Jerawat yang Jarang Disadari

Kebiasaan buruk penyebab jerawat yang jarang disadari harus segera dihindari.

29 Nov 14:30 liputan6.com 5422146881853313608.html
John Hartson questions Freddie Ljungberg appointment after Unai Emery axe

Former Gunners midfielder Ljungberg only made the step up to join Arsenal's first-team coaching set-up this season having worked previously in the club's academy

29 Nov 12:44 mirror 675785260053615212.html
Spullen voor maken vuurwerk gevonden in woning; buren geëvacueerd

In een woning aan de Oosterhamriklaan in Groningen zijn spullen gevonden voor het maken van vuurwerk. Eén persoon is aangehouden.

29 Nov 11:50 RTV Noord 3728677366085676287.html
Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer vindt geen aannemer om liften voetgangerstunnel te renoveren

Geen enkele aannemer heeft zich aangemeld om de liften van de Voetgangerstunnel te renoveren. Dat meldt Gazet van Antwerpen.

29 Nov 11:13 atv 2365892511399605080.html
Grote verkeersdrukte richting Batavia Stad door Black Friday

Er is sprake van grote verkeersdrukte richting outletcentrum Batavia Stad in Lelystad. De meeste parkeerplaatsen zijn bezet en er zijn verkeersregelaars ingezet. Vrijdagmorgen stonden er ook lange files.

29 Nov 10:30 omroep flevoland 658614617023847988.html
Porto Torres, occupano case popolari: denunciati due uomini

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 12:01 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206203958762.html
Timnas Indonesia U-23 Punya Asnawi Mangkualam, Jelmaan Alexander-Arnold di Liverpool

Salah satu alasan pertahanan Timnas Indonesia U-23 tidak pernah kebobolan di SEA Games 2019 berkat kehadiran Asnawi Mangkualam, jelmaan Trent Alexander-Arnold.

29 Nov 12:48 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550920085530.html
Jadi Pengganti Unai Emery, Masa Kerja Pelatih Anyar Arsenal Hanya Seumur Jagung

Unai Emery resmi dipecat dari Arsenal dan digantikan oleh Freddie Ljunberg. Meski demikian pelatih anyar Arsenal nampak hanya memiliki waktu seumur jagung.

29 Nov 12:45 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549118132359.html
Michel neemt fakkel over van Donald Tusk

Op een ceremonie in Brussel heeft de Pool Donald Tusk vrijdagochtend het voorzitterschap van de Europese Raad overgedragen aan Charles Michel. Daarmee kan het Europese avontuur van de Belgische oud-premier echt van start gaan.

29 Nov 13:21 Site-Knack-NL 6755692569293938050.html
Incar Kemenangan, Liverpool Tak Mau Remehkan Striker Salzburg Erling Haaland

WE Online, Liverpool - Trent Alexander-Arnold menegaskan Liverpool membidik kemenangan saat berjumpa RB Salzburg di matchday terakhir Grup E Liga Champions 2019/2020. Pertandingan itu akan berlangsung di Red Bull Arena pada Rabu (11/12/2019) dini hari WIB mendatang.

29 Nov 10:43 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835709286793.html
Der Arbeitsmarkt im Norden zeigt sich gespalten

Die Zahl der Erwerbslosen in Hamburg und Niedersachsen ist im November im Vergleich zum Vormonat gesunken. In Schleswig-Holstein und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern stieg sie hingegen.

29 Nov 10:04 NDR.de 5356044081812707116.html
Report: Arsenal considering Napoli manager Carlo Ancelotti after Unai Emery sacked

The Telegraph have claimed that Arsenal are considering a move for Napoli manager Carlo Ancelotti after the Gunners confirmed they had sacked Unai Emery, following Thursday night’s 2-1 defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt. Arsenal have now gone seven league and cup outings without a win, piling the pressure on Emery. Gunners fans wanted the Spaniard gone […]Arsenal are reportedly considering a move to lure Napoli manager Carlo Ancelotti to north London, after sacking Unai Emery.

29 Nov 10:45 The Boot Room 5717202226750907804.html
How to Actually Promote Diversity in STEM

The future depends on a robust scientific workforce, but millions of minority students are massively underrepresented in these fields.

29 Nov 11:00 The Atlantic 100708437387231970.html
Dimples trabaho lang ang gusto

HANGGANG ngayon ay hindi pa rin makapaniwala ang actress-host na si Dimples Romana sa tuluy-tuloy na blessings na dumarating sa kanya hindi lamang sa TV projects kundi maging sa pelikula at product endorsements.

29 Nov 10:42 Journal Online 6375127393070718917.html
Obaseki applauds Cambridge's Jesus College for return of Benin cockerel statue

With the confirmation by Jesus College of Cambridge University of the return of 'Okukor' statue, one of the artifacts looted from Benin in 1897,...

29 Nov 15:22 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901796483297.html
Minacce e violenze durante il match della Scandone, daspo per un tifoso

La decisione

29 Nov 14:42 AvellinoToday 5452883946937094838.html
Clear-Up Continues In Albanian Quake Village

The clear-up following a devastating earthquake in Albania, which killed at least 49 people, is continuing. In the village of Thumane, 23 fatalities have been confirmed so far. Unsafe houses are being demolished, while displaced residents continue to live in tents. Fran Dodaj, one of the village residents, spoke to RFE/RL.

29 Nov 12:06 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163569475925.html
Gotabaya Rajapaksa's visit has potential to boost bilateral trade, investments with Sri Lanka: Assocham

"We can significantly increase our bilateral trade from the present level of about USD 7 billion. Besides, mutual investment can also flourish in a number of areas, including ports, airports, highways, metro rails, telecommunication, petroleum products and hydel power," Assocham President B K Goenka said.

29 Nov 10:32 The Economic Times 7653256036547817744.html
Giovani Lo Celso facing uncertain Tottenham Hotspur future under Jose Mourinho?

Giovani Lo Celso's future at Tottenham Hotspur is reportedly in doubt following the arrival of Jose Mourinho as head coach, according to a report.

29 Nov 15:01 Sports Mole 7750663362081288643.html
Petinggi Arsenal Akan Beremu Guna Membahas Masa Depan Unai Emery

Petinggi Arsenal kabarnya akan melakukan pertemuan untuk membahas masa depan Unai Emery setelah kembali gagal menang kala jumpa Eintracht Frankfurt.

29 Nov 14:15 BolaSport.com 4603768435569081188.html
Ajorpeme escolhe e anuncia novo presidente

O empresário Adael dos Santos foi eleito presidente da Ajorpeme. Ele é um dos sócios da ProJuris e participa da Ajorpeme desde 2011. Já atuou na entidade como diretor financeiro, vice-presidente de núcleos e negócios e vice-presidente administrativo e financeiro. Em seu mandato o objetivo é utilizar os diferentes instrumentos que a tecnologia permite para auxiliar no desenvolvimento crescimento dos negócios. A capacitação de quem empreende ou sonha em empreender, por meio da Universidade Corporativa Ajorpeme (Uniajo), também consta das prioridades.

29 Nov 14:47 NSC Total 4216767907749983258.html
RESMI! Arsenal Pecat Unai Emery

Pihak manajemen klub Liga Inggris Arsenal resmi mengumumkan pemecatan pelatih mereka, Unai Emery, Jumat (29/11/19).

29 Nov 10:36 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550156118809.html
Niall McGarry steps down as Irish chief of Maximum Media

Founder of Maximum Media, Niall McGarry has stepped down from his executive role within the Irish branch of the company over controversies

29 Nov 15:50 Buzz.ie 7092425147525368160.html
Report: Senior Arsenal figures wanted Jose Mourinho to replace Unai Emery

Senior figures at Arsenal apparently wanted Jose Mourinho to replace Unai Emery before he took the Tottenham Hotspur job. Sky Sports News have been informed by sources that Gunners chiefs were contemplating wielding the axe on the Spaniard, and considered replacing him with the Special One ‘a couple of weeks ago’. Arsenal seemingly persisted in […]Senior figures at Arsenal had reportedly wanted to replace Unai Emery with Jose Mourinho before he agreed to take over at Totttenham Hotspur.

29 Nov 12:45 The Boot Room 5717202227071899176.html
Se MFF-kompisarnas hyllningsvideo till Rosenberg

Johan Dahlin och Behrang Safari hyllade kompisen med en musikvideo.

29 Nov 11:21 Sydsvenskan 2976531145586623255.html
W Resources begins tungsten and tin production at La Parrilla mine

Mining firm W Resources has commenced tungsten and tin concentrate production for sale at its La Parrilla mine located in Spain.

29 Nov 11:35 Mining Technology 639193375514072989.html
HSBC and Santander customers set for refund

The competition watchdog says the banks failed to send text alerts to customers about to go into the red.

29 Nov 10:51 BBC News 3883826128842784502.html
Creche operators given more time to submit fire safety assessments

A decision to defer a deadline for creches to submit a fire safety assessment has been welcomed, ...

29 Nov 12:07 Newstalk 7635722258012913760.html
3 Pesepak Bola yang Diageni Mino Raiola dan Bersiap Merapat ke Juventus

Mino Raiola dan Juventus memiliki hubungan yang harmonis. Terutama karena sosok Nedved.

29 Nov 11:00 Bola.com 1695722602640408017.html
Coinbase Denies Reports on Takeover of Prime Broker Tagomi

Coinbase has acquired Tagomi, a US-based prime broker that specializes in trade execution and digital asset markets for $150 million

29 Nov 15:35 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138265244911654.html
Minister: Creche operators were aware of fire safety regulations before now

Childcare operators have said they are not prepared for new fire safety regulations and inspections at creches, but the Minister for Children Katherine Zappone has said they were aware of them before now.

29 Nov 15:27 Breaking News 4415806918338258349.html
Hyderabad veterinarian rape, murder: police detain four suspects

Two lorry drivers and cleaners allegedly committed the crime; NCW to set up inquiry committee and seek detailed action report from police

29 Nov 10:46 The Hindu 6679535024831476273.html
AfD: Gauland-Nachfolge auch eine Ost-West-Frage

Die Alternative für Deutschland besetzt beim Parteitag am Wochenende in Braunschweig ihren Bundesvorstand neu.

29 Nov 14:54 euronews 4540914625897778281.html
EON SE Outperform

Die Experten der Bernstein Research bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von EON mit Outperform

29 Nov 13:50 finanzen.at 7258357743031204203.html
Potret 2 Staf Khusus Milenial Jokowi Panas-panasan Ikut Kunjungan Kerja

Presiden Jokowi berkunjung ke Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat, Jumat (29/11/2019). Namun, ada wajah baru yang mendampinginya dalam kunjungan kali ini.

29 Nov 13:56 liputan6.com 3414318496842308167.html
Want to take Sri Lanka-India relationship to higher level: President Rajapaksa

The newly elected president said that Colombo and New Delhi need to 'work together' for economic development and security of their people.

29 Nov 10:50 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362682959515.html
Great SEA Games

CLARK, Philippines (AFP) -  President Duterte has called for a probe into the preparations for the Southeast Asian Games, which start tonight after a messy build-up marked by last-minute construct

29 Nov 11:06 Journal Online 6375127392515546371.html
Nine Britons arrested as website selling hacking tool taken offline

A website selling the tool for just under £20 was pulled from the internet.

29 Nov 13:26 Shropshire Star 3480199993057939422.html
Pembangunan Sirkuit MotoGP Mandalika Sudah 30 Persen

Saat ini pembangunan Sirkuit Mandalika sudah memasuki tahap penggalian pondasi dan pemadatan struktur lintasan.

29 Nov 15:15 liputan6.com 3414318496080381767.html
After suicide of serviceman, SCDF enhances support for recruits struggling to adjust

SINGAPORE: The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has recently enhanced its support programme for National Service recruits who struggle to ...

29 Nov 11:08 CNA 5644198862572158330.html
Huawei tipped for fresh US legal fight

Huawei began preparations for a legal challenge against a US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision ...

29 Nov 10:13 Mobile World Live 2109488010406549500.html
Informateurschap Magnette dood en begraven? De Crem schiet nota af

Zondag leken de sterren voor paars-groen nog gunstig te staan: Vlaams minister Bart Somers (Open Vld) lanceerde een aanval op de 'onverantwoordelijke' N-VA en leek een opening te maken voor paars-groen. Het probleem? Er lekten een aantal (sociale) voorstellen die onder meer de Open Vld-Kamerfractie zwaar op de maag liggen. Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Pieter De Crem sluit zich aan bij die kritiek. Sterker nog: de opdracht van informateur en PS-voorzitter Paul Magnette is, volgens de christendemocraat, "aan het eind van de bobijn".

29 Nov 12:00 SCEPTR 7604357481693815686.html
Starry nights and Russian opera

After originating in Italy and slowly spreading to the Austro-German region, opera arrived in Russia in the early 1730s, becoming popular in the 19th century Romantic era. Though renowned Russian comp

29 Nov 15:42 The Hindu 6679535025520782279.html
Maurer besucht Kroatien im Hinblick auf EU-Ratspräsidentschaft

Bundespräsident Ueli Maurer ist am Freitag nach Kroatien gereist. Er traf dort im Vorfeld der erstmaligen Übernahme der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft durch das Land mit Präsidentin Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović und weiteren kroatischen Entscheidungsträgern zusammen.

29 Nov 14:45 bz BASEL 5287163742882231426.html
French lawmakers seek to ban Black Friday sales

PARIS — Dozens of French activists blocked an Amazon warehouse south of Paris in a Black Friday-inspired protest, amid increased opposition to the post-Thanksgiving sales phenomenon that has seen a

29 Nov 12:43 New York Post 7654946768753225417.html
Forecast: Breezy trade winds with more showers over the weekend

High pressure will build north of the state during the next couple days, increasing the trade winds to breezy and locally windy levels over the weekend.

29 Nov 15:16 Hawaii News Now 8225790205156804118.html
History behind Anwar-Hadi feud

SERIES of events between 1999 and 2013 had led to the deterioration of trust between PKR and Pas, with the desertion of DAP, in a loose tripartite alliance (Barisan Alternatif) to improve its chances in the Sarawak election in 2001, being the straw that broke the camel’s back.

29 Nov 12:47 NST Online 3702929170879010090.html
Las curiosas combinaciones de Sway Cocina Creativa Criolla

Descubre esta propuesta de "fine dining" pero al alcance de todos

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311077885043.html
Damning Tongaat Hulett forensic report fingers ex-executives, including Peter Staude

Group plans to pursue claims against executives implicated in PwC probe

29 Nov 15:26 Moneyweb 1092550948187835021.html
Ambientalistas convocan a cacerolazo por el clima

En el noveno día del paro, organizaciones harán un plantón frente al Ministerio de Ambiente.

29 Nov 11:51 El Tiempo 1091719939973836089.html
China seeks greater LNG cooperation with Qatar: Ambassador

China, the world’s largest LNG consumer, is seeking to expand its LNG cooperation with Qatar, the world’s largest LNG producer, which has just recently announced its plans to further increase its LNG production capacity by 64 percent to 126 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) from the current 77mtpa by 2027.

29 Nov 11:26 The Peninsula 1202843881292021833.html
Creative things to do with Thanksgiving leftovers

You may have had to unbuckle your belt and loosen up your pants after that third plate of food from Thanksgiving dinner last night. You also probably promised yourself that you would start your New Year's resolution to start dieting and get in shape early.

29 Nov 15:57 CHANNEL3000 830332542965804629.html
Nottingham Forest to show support for campaign against Cardiff City

Nottingham Forest news| The Reds are backing the LGBT+ community at the City Ground on Saturday

29 Nov 11:54 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703140940018.html
Wary of China, Germany plans rapid state intervention to protect key industries

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany set out plans on Friday to create a government committee to step in quickly to protect companies against foreign takeovers, a sign of concern about China and others acquiring its technology.

29 Nov 12:26 Reuters 8334514179707041211.html
CHR honors Initao cop who lost his life shielding civilians from grenade attack

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has paid its deepest and sincerest respect to the heroism of Police Major Sergeant Jason Magno who gave up his own life to save innocent civilians during a grenade blast at Initao College in Misamis Oriental on Thursday.

29 Nov 14:42 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199321290026.html
Karem Shivaji joins YSRCP

TDP leader and former chairman of the Andhra Pradesh SC, ST Commission, Karem Shivaji, joined the YSRCP on Friday in the presence of Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy. Mr. Shivaji resigned to the

29 Nov 13:11 The Hindu 6679535024910628554.html
Hong Kong set for fresh weekend protests as police end university siege

Hong Kong police on Friday ended their two-week siege of a university campus that became a battleground with pro-democracy protesters, as activists vowed to hold fresh rallies and strikes in the coming days.

29 Nov 14:25 News24 3752801377508484870.html
Amazon workers stage strike on Black Friday

BERLIN (AP) - Workers at Amazon distribution centers in Germany have gone on strike for better pay on Black Friday, one of the busiest days of the year for the online retailer.

29 Nov 10:15 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637590921305.html
Month of rail strikes starts on Monday and will disrupt Christmas trains

Dispute is over guards on South Western Railway trains

29 Nov 12:37 DevonLive 2469244512466204782.html
India-ASEAN FTA review: Further liberalisation of trade on agenda

ASEAN-India trade in goods agreement was signed on August 13, 2009, and entered into force on January 1, 2010

29 Nov 12:50 Business-Standard 1502508926408851872.html
Three men jailed for Australia Christmas terror plot

SYDNEY: Three men were jailed Friday for an IS-inspired terror plot to cause mass casualties in Australia's second largest city Melbourne during the 2016 Christmas period.

29 Nov 15:48 NST Online 3702929170193295486.html
Messina, picchia moglie incinta e si scaglia contro agenti, arrestato marocchino

Ubriaco e fuori di sé ha picchiato la moglie incinta e si è scagliato contro gli agenti. In manette è finito un marocchino residente a Messina

29 Nov 12:01 ilGiornale.it 5019541225009689508.html
Attack on magistrate: bar assn. office-bearers booked

Police named 10 ‘identifiable’ lawyers as co-accused in the case

29 Nov 15:01 The Hindu 6679535024507978793.html
HSV: Verzichtet Bayer auf die Papadopoulos-Klausel?

Der Hamburger SV hofft bei einem Verkauf von Kyriakos Papadopoulos auf ein Entgegenkommen von dessen Ex-Klub Bayer Leverkusen. Wie die ‚Bild‘ berichtet, haben die Rothosen angefragt, ob (...)

29 Nov 14:44 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784787953186.html
Giftige Dämpfe ausgetreten - Mehrere Mitarbeiter verletzt

Ein Notfall bei Sachsenmilch im ostsächsischen Leppersdorf hat am Freitag Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienste auf den Plan gerufen.

29 Nov 15:11 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110385951363.html
Museveni in Ethiopia for IGAD summit

The summit is being held at the request and invitation of the Ethiopian Prime Minister and current IGAD Chairman Dr. Ahmed Ali Abey.

29 Nov 11:13 New Vision 9103146373582732151.html
Using classrooms to defeat the rising levels of poor mental health in young people

Lloyd Coldrick, Managing Director of Cobus, discusses how classrooms are being designed to improve poor mental health and physical wellbeing in young people

29 Nov 15:08 Open Access Government 7441385493354557736.html
PNP officials want death penalty for drug traffickers

TOP officials of the Philippine National Police, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and the Dangerous Drugs Board have aired anew their strong support for the re-imposition of death penalty for big-time drug traffickers and manufacturers in the aftermath of the arrest of a Chinese national who yielded some 370 kilograms of high-grade shabu in Makati City on Tuesday evening.

29 Nov 11:23 Journal Online 6375127392624527771.html
Quando la decisione finale sul futuro allenatore?

Quando arriverà la decisione finale sul prossimo allenatore dell'Udinese? Potrebbe arrivare nella settimana prima di Natale, con il nuovo tecnico che si insedierebbe così durante la sosta. Scelta per consentire a chi si assumerà l'incarico di avere a disposizione un po' di tempo per conoscere la squadra e preparare la seconda e decisiva parte di stagione.

29 Nov 13:30 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194043593108.html
Taliban confirm informal talks with the US

The Taliban has confirmed a claim by US President Donald Trump that Washington has resumed informal talks with the Afghan armed group nearly two months after peace negotiations were abruptly suspended.

29 Nov 11:52 Aljazeera 6642629763237561391.html
Kungiyar Turai na fatan shiga tattaunawar nukiliya Rasha da Amurka

Kungiyar tarrayar Turai na fatan shiga sahun yankuna da ya dace a dama da su dangane da lamuran tsaro, kalaman Shugaban Faransa Emmanuel Macron.Shugaban na Faransa na fadar haka ne a wani taron hadin gwiwa da kungiyar tsaro ta Nato da ya gudana...

29 Nov 13:04 RFI 6057628067839434226.html
Nigerians argue over video of President Buhari not shaking hands with Senator Remi Tinubu at a function

A video of President Buhari not shaking hands with Senator Remi Tinubu at an event in Abuja yesterday November 28th, has got people talking on Twitter. Some query why the President  did not shake the female

29 Nov 10:14 LailasNews.com 2090029849985961742.html
Bridge attacker shot dead

UPDATE: 11:20 a.m. A man wearing a fake explosive vest stabbed several people in what police are treating as a terrorist attack Friday before being tackled by members of the public and then fatally shot by officers on London Bridge, police and the city’s mayor said.

29 Nov 11:22 Castanet 616068602915561195.html
Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Emery

Arsenal reagiert auf die sportliche Misere und beurlaubt den schon länger umstrittenen Trainer Unai Emery. Auf der Suche nach einem Nachfolger könnten die Londoner bei einem Konkurrenten fündig werden. Vorerst übernimmt ein Arsenal-Urgestein als Interimstrainer.

29 Nov 12:10 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323201457831.html
Neues Krankenhaus für Bezirk Neusiedl/See

Auf Basis eines EPIG-Gutachtens im Masterplan-Projekt Gesundheit für das Burgenland wurde heute von Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil die Planung eines zentral gelegenen Krankenhauses im Bezirk Neusiedl am See bekannt gegeben. Der Raum zwischen Neusiedl/Weiden/Gols wird als möglicher Standort ins Auge gefasst.

29 Nov 11:07 NÖN.at 2486998933141713375.html
Thieves have a field day near Rashtrapati Bhavan

The CCTV footage revealed that the miscreants, who reached the spot in a car, put the pipes in a container and left the spot.

29 Nov 11:50 The New Indian Express 4718288653086113700.html
Valtteri Bottas fastest in first Abu Dhabi practice

The Mercedes driver is set to start Sunday's race from the back of the field following an engine change.

29 Nov 11:36 Sports Mole 7750663362033139584.html
Slovakia Rejected the Istanbul Convention for a Second Time

Slovak lawmakers rejected the convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence for the second time and called on the government of the country to block the adoption of the convention by the EU. The Istanbul Convention, adopted by the Council of Europe in 2011, entered into force in 2014 and was signed by the EU in June 2017.

29 Nov 11:03 novinite.com 4235039570557820746.html
Killer pilot loses appeal

The High Court has barred the Airforce of Zimbabwe pilot, who fatally assaulted his Gweru-based girlfriend last year for allegedly cheating on him with his colleague, from approaching the Supreme Court to challenge his conviction and sentence.

29 Nov 15:58 Nehanda Radio 3802011523702670671.html
Demos and deals as Black Friday sweeps Europe

Climate activists staged protests across Europe on Friday to denounce the environmental toll of mass consumption, while shoppers hit the streets and the internet as retailers of all stripes touted pre-holiday bargains.

29 Nov 13:50 Digital Journal 4566489171392939606.html
5 Amalan Hari Jumat yang Banyak Mendatangkan Pahala

Bagi umat muslim, hari Jumat merupakan hari yang mempunyai banyak keistimewaan. Meski pada dasarnya semua hari adalah baik, tetapi hari Jumat memiliki kemuliaan tersendiri karena di hari tersebut memiliki nilai sejarah Islam.

29 Nov 11:12 merdeka.com 1998180354458543322.html
CAN kicks against social media, hate speech bills

Adelani Adepegba, Abuja The Christian Association of Nigeria has kicked against the proposed social media and hate speech bills, describing them as ploys to gag Nigerians. The CAN President, ...

29 Nov 12:29 Punch Newspapers 3524240994102870735.html
Meet the Ghanaian burying people in unconventional coffins like Nike sneakers

Coffin makers in Ghana are adding a touch of fun to burial processes. They are creating fascinating coffins that will leave you with a dropped jaw. They make coffins that are shaped like Mercedes, lions, fowl and even food ingredients among others. Just name it and they’ll get you a customised coffin. A Ghanaian woodcarver...

29 Nov 12:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198130468424394.html
Unterwegs mit Hütern eines einzigartigen Lebensraums

Die Fotos von York Hovest im Bildband "Helden der Meere" zeigen die Pracht der Flora und Fauna der Meere, aber auch, wie gefährdet der Lebensraum im Atlantischen Ozean und in der Karibik ist.

29 Nov 11:32 NDR.de 5356044081797329676.html
Dua Stafsus Milenial Diharapkan Mampu Beri Sentuhan Fintech ke Masyarakat

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengajak dua staf khusus milenial yakni Staf Khusus Presiden Putri Indahsari Tanjung dan Andi Taufan Garuda Putra saat kunjungan kerja ke Subang, Jawa Barat, salah satunya untuk meninjau proyek Dermaga Patimban.

29 Nov 13:44 merdeka.com 1998180356311830197.html
Japanese department store under fire over 'period badges' for female employees

A Japanese department store is under fire over a controversial policy enabling female staff to wear special red badges when they are menstruating.

29 Nov 13:36 The Telegraph 140598091038564425.html
Thousands of youths in latest climate protest

Thousands of activists, mostly young people, are protesting on the streets of Lisbon on Friday to demand government measures to protect the planet, stressing that it is already known what the solutions are, but actions are missing.

29 Nov 12:37 The Portugal News Online 5173906807473586312.html
Doua asociatii de magistrati fac un apel public la Iohannis, Orban si Predoiu sa vina cu o solutie imediata in cazul Sectiei Speciale

Doua asociatii de magistrati le cer lui Klaus Iohannis, Ludovic Orban si lui Catalin Predoiu sa gaseasca solutii imediate pentru modificari legislative in cazul Legilor Justitiei, prin care sa fie aplicate toate recomandarile institutiilor internationale relevante: Comisia de la Venetia, Comisia Europeana, Parlamentul European, GRECO, Consiliul Consultativ al Judecatorilor Europeni si Consiliul Consultativ al Procurorilor Europeni.

29 Nov 12:24 Ziare.com 1922730286051554659.html
Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas celebrate Thanksgiving ahead of first marriage anniversary

Priyanka shared a picture of the romantic couple who extended their best wishes on the ocassion.

29 Nov 14:16 The New Indian Express 4718288654534183121.html
Nigerians React As Arsenal Sack Emery, Appoint Ljungberg Interim Manager

Several reactions have trailed the sack of Unai Emery by Arsenal on Thursday and the immediate appointment of Freddie Ljungberg as the interim head coach.

29 Nov 10:50 Concise 5544636823141365494.html
How Whitesnake Ended for Bernie Marsden

Former Whitesnake guitarist Bernie Marsden recalled being the author of my own demise from the band in November 2019.

29 Nov 14:51 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989688261133538.html
RBI files insolvency application against debt-laden DHFL

DHFL is one of the biggest defaulters in the country that owes over Rs 1 lakh crore (over $14 billion) to its debtors

29 Nov 12:30 Business Today 1145527430828302296.html
Streich hofft in Gladbach auf ein Freiburger Novum

Trainer Christian Streich vom SC Freiburg sieht in der derzeitigen Konstellation der Fußball-Bundesliga einen besonderen Reiz.

29 Nov 15:17 weltfussball.at 3521376373013276572.html
Tergiur Miliki Gadget Keluaran Terbaru, Wanita Ini Jual Keponakannya yang Berusia 2 Tahun dan Terbongkar karena Laporannya Sendiri

Dapat iming-iming gadget terbaru, wanita ini jual keponakan sendiri dan tertangkap usai buat laporan di polisi

29 Nov 11:49 grid.id 586386473577782137.html
Ikea assume, aperte le selezioni per diplomati e laureati: ecco come candidarsi

La nota catena svedese ricerca personale in tutta Italia

29 Nov 11:13 AvellinoToday 5452883946879024208.html
NASA intends to purchase seats on commercial space flights

NASA has confirmed its intention to buy seats on possible private space missions, to support its “low-Earth orbit commercialisation goals”.

29 Nov 14:11 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672081624283872.html
Comics: Neue Abenteuer in der Tundra!

Die Comicstrips von US-Zeichner Chad Carpenter zeigen die Wildnis von ihrer komischen Seite.

3 Dec 10:45 GMX News 4492287763540805925.html
OJK Duga Ada Kesalahan Switching di Kasus Pembobolan ATM Bank DKI

OJK menduga adanya kesalahan switching saat Bank DKI melakukan perbaikan sistem inti perbankannya.

29 Nov 15:35 liputan6.com 3414318497403005716.html
My record on environmental issues

Letter: Conservative parliamentary candidate Jesse Norman responds to the Guardian’s climate score article

29 Nov 15:00 the Guardian 1491978795045378260.html
Wenn das Zittern gestoppt wird, geht die Schwimmfähigkeit vergessen

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 14:39 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775717309230.html
Via Veneto, finto poliziotto rapina due turisti israeliani

I due turisti vittime della rapina si fermano nella nota strada romana per chiedere delle informazioni. Peccato che ad “aiutarli” sia un rapinatore romeno di 37 anni.

29 Nov 11:53 ilGiornale.it 5019541225024779609.html
Apa Kabar Roti Mama Nia Milik Nia Ramadhani? Dikabarkan Bangkrut, Ini Penjelasannya

Roti Mama Nia milik Nia Ramadhani istri Ardi Bakrie bangkrut? Begini penjelasan bisnis roti sahabat Jessica Iskandar yang tutup untuk sementara waktu.

29 Nov 10:02 Tribunnews.com 3323534445786815745.html
"Dynamische Preise" von Skigebieten sind intransparent

Einige Skigebiete kaschieren mit sogenannten dynamischen Preisen generelle Preiserhöhungen, um Gewinne zu maximieren. Hinzu kommt, dass Skitouristen mit deutlich höheren Preisen gestraft werden, wenn sie bei schönem Wetter oder am Wochenende auf die Piste wollen.

29 Nov 10:55 bz BASEL 5287163742935914889.html
Dyche backs fit-again Drinkwater but Burnley future unclear

Burnley manager Sean Dyche said he has not decided about signing Danny Drinkwater permanently with the midfielder's injury-hit loan spell set to ...

29 Nov 14:15 CNA 5644198862567242241.html
Pinoy-made ocean waste collector and dengue mapper to join the NASA global hackathon

MANILA, Philippines - A deployable, autonomous ocean waste collection system utilizing space data to locate nearby garbage patches built by students from De La Salle University and an automated information portal which correlates dengue cases with real-time data from satellite, climate, and search engines won the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's International Space Apps Challenge last October 18-20, 2019 in Manila

29 Nov 10:49 Journal Online 6375127393183346088.html
Audit Service asked two assemblies to refund money

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:14 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610543872452.html
Govt not taking appropriate measures to tackle onion crisis: Congress

In a press conference here, the party's Rajya Sabha member Amee Yajnik said the government has "failed utterly" in handling the matter

29 Nov 15:35 Business-Standard 1502508925326295521.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support; campus siege ends

HONG KONG (AP) - Hundreds of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists rallied Friday outside the British Consulate, urging the city's former colonial ruler to emulate the U.S. and take concrete actions to support their cause, as police ended a blockade of a university campus after 12 days.

29 Nov 13:57 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637312591440.html
Trinkwasser Laupheim: Stadt warnt vor Keimen: Wasser im Süden Laupheims abkochen

Die Stadt Laupheim hat bei Wasser-Proben Keime im Trinkwasser gefunden. Wo das Abkochgebot gilt.

29 Nov 14:48 swp.de 6929179440598711560.html
Eintracht-Sieg beschert RTL gute Quote

Der wichtige 2:1 (0:1)-Erfolg des Bundesligisten Eintracht Frankfurt in der Europa League beim FC Arsenal hat RTL eine erfreuliche Quote beschert.

29 Nov 10:48 sport.de 3321967092850616198.html
Harga Sahamnya Anjlok, Perusahaan Transportasi Ini Buka Suara

WE Online, Jakarta - Harga saham perusahaan jasa transportasi, PT Dewata Freightinternational Tbk (DEAL) mengalami tren penurunan sejak 12 November 2019. Pihak Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pun memutuskan untuk mensuspensi saham DEAL di pasar reguler dan pasar tunai pada 22 November 2019, akibat mengalami penurunan kumulatif secara signifikan. Pada 18 November 2019.

29 Nov 11:56 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835603375434.html
Fondazione Open, Renzi bombardato porta tutti in tribunale

L'ex premier Renzi denuncia giornalisti e magistrati per la fuga di notizie sul caso della Fondazione Open

29 Nov 11:04 Il Tempo 2494990960731774769.html
UEFA maakt beste elf van EK-kwalificatie bekend: twee Nederlanders uitverkozen

De UEFA heeft 'het beste team van de EK-kwalificatie' samengesteld en daarin plek ingeruimd voor twee Nederlanders. Georginio Wijnaldum staat als aanvallende middenvelder geposteerd, terwijl Memphis Depay één van de drie aanvallers is. Wijnaldum wordt geprezen om zijn doeltreffendheid als middenvelder. De Liverpool-speler scoorde acht keer tijdens de kwalificatie en verzorgde ook tweemaal een assist voor één van zijn ploeggenoten. Daarmee trof Wijnaldum vaker doel dan aanvaller Memphis, die zes keer raak schoot. De aanvoerder van Lyon heeft daarentegen het voordeel dat hij acht keer een doelpunt van een ander voorbereidde en daarmee als spits bij veel goals betrokken is. Eindrapport Oranje: dit zijn de cijfers na de EK-kwalificatiereeks

29 Nov 12:35 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883227762786.html
AI Takes on Popular Minecraft Game in Machine-Learning Contest

The MineRL competition encourages coders to devise programs that learn by example

29 Nov 13:00 Scientific American 532798823497125779.html
Climate protests kick off in smoke-covered Sydney

Protesters in smoke-covered Sydney kicked off a fresh round of global protests against climate change on Friday, with activists and schoolchildren ...

29 Nov 10:30 CNA 5644198863370424697.html
Unai Emery bei Arsenal entlassen

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:00 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774972897089.html
61% Pengguna GrabWheels Akui Menghemat Biaya Transportasi

Grab Indonesia melakukan riset langsung kepada 3.107 pengguna dan juga bukan pengguna GrabWheels pada 28 November 2019.

29 Nov 10:56 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213708243445.html
Urbiztondo mayor seeks Duterte help in solving killings, harassments in his town

URBIZTONDO, Pangasinan – Mayor Raul Martin Sison II was emotional on Friday as he asked the help of President Duterte, and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to help his town due to the recent spate of killings of municipal employees and harassment of barangay officials.

29 Nov 14:57 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199629521599.html
Mengapa Emery Tidak Menurunkan Lacazette dan Pepe? Ternyata Ini Alasannya

Ada yang berbeda dari skuat Arsenal saat bertemu Eintracht Frankfurt di ajang Liga Europa, Jumat (29/11/2019) dini hari tadi. Dua penyerang andalannya, Alexandre Lacazette dan Nicolas Pepe, tidak dimainkan

29 Nov 14:17 Bola.net 5489959027729211607.html
Elisa Wow Condos / Live Desarrollos

Apartment building built in industrial and local materials. Located in Quintana Roo, Mexico. By Live Desarrollos.

29 Nov 14:00 ArchDaily 6219750955371046469.html
Elisa Wow Condos / Live Desarrollos

Apartment building built in industrial and local materials. Located in Quintana Roo, Mexico. By Live Desarrollos.

29 Nov 14:00 ArchDaily 6219750954585977716.html
London Bridge on lockdown after reports of multiple gunshots

People were evacuated from the scene

29 Nov 14:40 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703106364410.html
Jung Joon Young Divonis 6 Tahun Penjara atas Kejahatan Seksual

Selain Jung Joon Young, Choi Jong Hoon eks FT Island juga mendapat vonis penjara.

29 Nov 11:36 liputan6.com 3414318497301020039.html
Plateau Guber Tussle: What Lalong Said After Appeal Court Verdict

Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has hailed the judgement of the Court of Appeal sitting in Jos which affirmed his victory in the state governorship election.

29 Nov 13:23 Concise 5544636822432518496.html
'Prominent' Wolverhampton gang member locked up

A "prominent gang member" from Wolverhampton has been locked up after ignoring a court order banning him from part of the city.

29 Nov 12:32 Express & Star 7324224460848097114.html
Latina, arrestato nigeriano: insegue commessa e tenta di violentarla

Latina, arrestato nigeriano: aggredisce commessa di centro commerciale "Le Torri", tenta di violentarla e la minaccia di morte. Arrestato, in carcere

29 Nov 15:31 ilGiornale.it 5019541225640274567.html
Complot pentru formarea unui nou partid nazist, dejucat in Italia

Politia italiana a anuntat joi ca a descoperit un complot pentru formarea unui nou partid nazist si a confiscat un numar mare de arme, in timpul perchezitiilor care au avut loc la nivel national.

29 Nov 10:24 Ziare.com 1922730287072661654.html
Suspect in London Bridge attack had been jailed for previous terror incidents

Two people were killed and a number of others injured in a terrorist attack in central London, the London Metropolitan Police said.

29 Nov 14:32 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203590401292.html
Suspect in London Bridge attack had been jailed for previous terror incidents

Two people were killed and a number of others injured in a terrorist attack in central London, the London Metropolitan Police said.

29 Nov 14:32 ABC15 Arizona 911680911407586572.html
Mumbaju prete poplave zbog globalnog otopljavanja

MUMBAJ 29 - Ugroženi monsunskim kišama, bez kanalizacije i sa otpadnim vodama koje teku otvorenim kanalima kroz sirotinjske četvrti Mumbaja, finansijske

29 Nov 14:14 Krstarica 4176903989669492991.html
Trump Makes Surprise Thanksgiving Visit to Troops in Afghanistan

“There’s nowhere I’d rather celebrate this Thanksgiving than right here with the toughest, strongest, best and bravest warriors on the face of the earth,” Trump said.

29 Nov 10:00 Breaking Israel News 540123161310602099.html
Arsenal's two prime managerial targets to replace Unai Emery identified

Our two scouting writers Josh Williams and David Hughes profile the two managers Arsenal should target to replace Emery

29 Nov 15:30 football.london 6804128268770087855.html
Robben Island Museum board member resigns citing outside interference | Cape Argus

A member of the Robben Island Museum (RIM) board resigned from his position citing outside interference in the board’s affairs.

29 Nov 11:45 www.iol.co.za 17825112074586839.html
3 Alasan Liverpool Harus Memboyong Sander Berge

Sander Berge adalah salah satu talenta muda terbaik dari tanah Eropa saat ini. Gelandang asal Norwegia ini bisa menjadi opsi Klopp bagi lini tengah Liverpool.

29 Nov 14:52 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548890144433.html
Russia removes restrictions on two Brazilian beef plants - regulator

MOSCOW, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Russia's agriculture safety watchdog said on Friday it removed temporary restrictions on beef supplies to Russia from two plants in Brazil starting from Nov. 29.One of the plants authorized to resume sales to Russia is operated by Minerva SA and the other one by JBS , the Russian regulator, Rosselkhoznadzor said in a statement.

29 Nov 15:58 Successful Farming 8502642054113372309.html
Sudan disbands ex-ruling party, abolishes Public Order Act

Women played an important role in the mass protests that led to al-Bashir’s overthrow in April. The transitional government includes Sudan’s first female foreign minister, Asmaa Abdallah.

29 Nov 10:00 Africanews 6630243979523738038.html
Jose Mourinho sends message to Unai Emery following Arsenal sacking

The former Gunners boss was axed on Friday following the club's worst run of form since 1992, but Mourinho has sent a message of support to the Spaniard after hearing the news

29 Nov 14:13 Irish Mirror 2875825629667439622.html
Jose Mourinho sends message to Unai Emery following Arsenal sacking

The former Gunners boss was axed on Friday following the club's worst run of form since 1992, but Mourinho has sent a message of support to the Spaniard after hearing the news

29 Nov 14:13 mirror 675785260013994383.html
ECB Board nominee Panetta calls for an accommodative monetary policy

Inflation outlook seems to fall short of the European Central Bank's (ECB) Governing Council’s inflation aim of below but close to 2%, noted Fabio Pan

29 Nov 12:29 FXStreet 4480975640024380495.html
Arsenal Supporters' Trust issue statement after Unai Emery is sacked by Gunners

Arsenal sacked Unai Emery on Friday morning following a run of seven matches without a win after immense pressure from Gunners fans to get rid of the failing manager

29 Nov 10:53 mirror 675785261072977805.html
Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline

President Donald Trump mocked Newsweek on Thursday after they reported Thursday that he spent Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting.

29 Nov 13:02 Breitbart 3148363492795336772.html
Rutte: helemaal achter wachtgeld Dijkhoff

DEN HAAG (ANP) - VVD-fractievoorzitter Klaas Dijkhoff heeft het volste recht dat hij wachtgeld ontvangt naast zijn salaris als Tweede Kamerlid, vindt premier Mark Rutte. Maar toen Rutte daar zelf aanspraak op kon maken heeft hij dat niet gedaan, als hij zich goed herinnert.

29 Nov 15:19 Nieuws.nl 2419030130468915443.html
Arsenal Supporters' Trust issue statement after Unai Emery is sacked by Gunners

Arsenal sacked Unai Emery on Friday morning following a run of seven matches without a win after immense pressure from Gunners fans to get rid of the failing manager

29 Nov 10:53 Irish Mirror 2875825629064636466.html
Veranstaltungstipps für das erste Adventswochenende

Die Vorfreude aufs Weihnachtsfest bestimmt die Veranstaltungen dieser Tage. Schließlich beginnt die Adventszeit.

29 Nov 14:21 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109356174100.html
Latest Kogi State News Today Ahead Dino Melaye Vs Smart Adeyemi Decisive Battle

Good day, and welcome to the Concise News compilation of the latest Kogi State news online headlines for today, November 29th 2019.

29 Nov 12:26 Concise 5544636823343538699.html
Kabinet bekijkt bijdrage missies EU en VN

Het kabinet is bereid een marineschip te leveren aan de Europese militaire missie Sophia tegen mensensmokkel vanuit Libië als daartoe weer besloten wordt. Verder wil de regering in 2021 of 2022 transporthelikopters aanbieden aan de VN.

29 Nov 14:38 RD.nl 6406779840871367239.html
Michel neemt voorzitterschap Europese Raad over van Tusk

Op een ceremonie in Brussel heeft de Pool Donald Tusk vrijdagochtend het voorzitterschap van de Europese Raad overgedragen aan Charles Michel. Daarmee kan ...

29 Nov 12:49 De Standaard 2288913868832656635.html
Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen at Gaza protest, Palestinians say

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian teenager near the border fence with the Gaza Strip on Friday, Palestinian officials said.

29 Nov 15:54 Reuters 8334514181239690064.html
Euskararen hausnarketa argi-iluna, Kike Amonarrizen ‘Euskararen bidegurutzetik’ liburuan

Azken urteetan idatzitakoa, irakurritakoa eta hausnartutakoa berrinterpretatu, bateratu eta osatzetik, euskararen egoerari buruzko hausnarketa berritu bat es...

29 Nov 12:10 naiz: 7509038603148748620.html
Everton finalising new deal for Richarlison

The 22-year-old joined the Toffees from Watford.

29 Nov 14:06 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775300157092.html
Deretan Motor Seharga Rumah Mejeng di IIMS Motobike

Pameran motor dalam IIMS Motobike Expo 2019 di JCC, Senayan, Jakarta menghadirkan sejumlah program, mulai dari indoor-outdoor, sampai program sosial.  - Foto 1

29 Nov 10:53 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214290660161.html
Licht verrät Erdbeben: Unterseekabel werden zum globalen Warnsystem

Unterseekabel bilden das Rückgrat des globalen Internets, Forscher haben eine Methode entwickelt, das globale Netzwerk aber auch ander­weitig zu nutzen: Sie beschreiben, wie die Glasfaserverbindungen als Detektornetz für Erdbeben genutzt werden könnten.

29 Nov 13:54 winfuture.de 1179223335461703584.html
Arsenal sack manager Unai Emery

Arsenal have sacked boss Unai Emery following a run of seven games without a win.

29 Nov 10:22 Breaking News 4415806918606116602.html
GHS prepares to fight CSM

news, story, article

29 Nov 15:29 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609379508176.html
I misteri dell'Universo, un seminario per approfondire

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:23 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207784959279.html
Eskom suspends planned power cuts in Mangaung Metro

The power cuts would have impacted Bloemfontein, Botshabelo, Thaba Nchu, Dewetsdorp, Wepener, and Van Stadensrus. 

29 Nov 12:56 The Citizen 410802301862744761.html
A Manocalzati il concerto del soprano Annalisa Pellegrini

Sabato 30 novembre alle ore 18,00 nella Sala delle Arti a Manocalzati l’Associazione Stravinsky nell’ambito della stagione Innamorati della Musica 2019 presenta il concerto “Ideale …aspettando il Natale 2019”: ad esibirsi ci sarà il soprano Annalisa Pellegrini accompagnata dal pianoforte di Roberto Murra in un programma di liriche per canto e per pianoforte solo.

29 Nov 11:09 AvellinoToday 5452883946574357820.html
Khloe Kardashian playfully kisses daughter True in cute snap to celebrate Thanksgiving

KUWTK star Khloe Kardashian marked the American celebrations by dedicating a heartwarming social media post to her one-year-old daughter True

29 Nov 15:05 Irish Mirror 2875825628982453582.html
Ein Sicherheitsvideo, wie Sie es im Flieger noch nie gesehen haben

Robert Lewandowski, Neymar Jr. und Cafu führen Passagiere in einem Video durch die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen von Qatar Airways.

29 Nov 12:36 Kurier 208072237673747410.html
Publisher says he's hearing interest in nonprofit turn

NEW YORK (AP) - The publisher of the nation's first daily newspaper to be granted nonprofit status says he's since heard from a few dozen lawyers and news executives curious about whether the Salt Lake Tribune's approach could work elsewhere.

29 Nov 12:13 WFXT 6395891954430570062.html
PMP supports early elections with some conditions also stipulated in Protocol with PNL

The People's Movement Party (PMP) supports early elections, but with a number of conditions, stipulated as a matter of fact in the Protocol...

29 Nov 15:15 Stiri pe surse 4858045012497552137.html
Mengenal Presley Martono, Pembalap Masa Depan Indonesia di Formula 1

Presley Martono, merupakan anak muda Indonesia yang disebut-sebut sebagai pembalap masa depan Tanah Air di kejuaraan balap mobil Formula 1 (F1).

29 Nov 12:36 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548860751457.html
Beaumont Hospital apologises to family of woman who died after litany of errors

Kathleen Conroy died in 2014 from a cardiac arrest after she attended for surgery.

29 Nov 15:41 TheJournal.ie 6446904417139786970.html
Duterte searches for honest PNP chief

Duterte said he is still having trouble choosing who he will put at the helm of the agency. Its top position was left open after PDGen Oscar Albayalde relinquished his post. Albayalde was accused during a Senate investigation of blocking the dismissal of 13 policemen involved in an irregular drug raid in Pampanga during his stint as provincial police chief in 2013. Albayalde has professed innocence.

29 Nov 12:16 Journal Online 6375127393021518736.html
Hampir Dipastikan Tinggalkan UE, PM Johnson: Saya Ingin Bawa Keluar Inggris

WE Online, London - Perdana Menteri (PM) Inggris Boris Johnson menyatakan Inggris akan meninggalkan Uni Eropa (UE) pada 31 Januari paling lambat jika Partai Konservatif yang dipimpinnya menang dalam pemilu.

29 Nov 14:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834598679212.html
Rom pagati per sversare pneumatici sulla Cirumvallazione da gommista di Marano, 4 denunciati

Hanno abbandonato sulla circumvallazione esterna un cumulo di pneumatici esausti e si sono poi allontanati a bordo di un furgone bianco. A individuarli grazie alle telecamere di sorveglianza presenti in zona carabinieri della stazione di Qualiano. Il veicolo, intestato ad un prestanome, era utilizzato da due soggetti di etnia rom, uno dei quali minorenne. Secondo quanto ricostruito, i responsabili dello sversamento erano stati “assoldati” da un gommista di Marano – denunciato all’A.G. così come i due rom e il prestanome –  che per pochi euro aveva affidato loro i rifiuti da scaricare illecitamente. Grazie al supporto dei carabinieri forestali, i militari hanno esteso i controlli anche all’attività di Marano, rinvenendo ben 500 copertoni pronti per essere smaltiti senza autorizzazione. Totalmente abusiva la rimessa è stata sequestrata, stessa sorte per il furgone utilizzato per lo sversamento.

29 Nov 12:16 InterNapoli.it 7089789176489807887.html
Overseas experts criticize US signing of Hong Kong-related act into law

Political experts worldwide and overseas Chinese communities have criticized the signing of a Hong Kong-related act into law by the United States, saying the move interferes in China's internal affairs.

29 Nov 10:03 Global Times 7829414520321456969.html
Malta PM says no immunity for top suspect in journalist killing

Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has said the main suspect in the 2017 killing of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia would not be granted immunity to disclose what he knows about the case.

29 Nov 14:14 News24 3752801377219129052.html
Big challenges for small business debated at APEC Forum next week

The big challenges for New Zealand small businesses, including mental health risks, cashflow and support for women-led businesses will be under the spotlight next week at the APEC SME Productivity and Performance Forum in Wellington.

29 Nov 10:29 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926315051811964.html
Lilien empfangen Arminia mit "reichlich Selbstvertrauen"

Der SV Darmstadt 98 will den Schwung aus dem Auswärtssieg bei Hannover 96 mitnehmen. Doch mit Arminia Bielefeld kommt ein Spitzenteam ans Böllenfalltor.

29 Nov 14:22 hessenschau.de 6403292202959567753.html
Manchester United send Tahith Chong a message over contract offer

Tahith Chong made his first appearance for Man United in nearly two months at Astana and has just seven months left on his contract.

29 Nov 10:00 men 6694993428879787285.html
Statistics Canada reports pace of economic growth slowed in third quarter

Statistics Canada says the pace of economic growth in Canada slowed in the third quarter.

29 Nov 13:49 CP24 1887544295138665703.html
Operarios fueron retenidos por manifestantes en Padilla, Cauca

Seis contratistas de la Compañía Energética de Occidente fueron abordados por ciudadanos que protestaban por fallas en el servicio de alumbrado público.

29 Nov 12:37 W Radio 7724358830307501735.html
Quader warns BNP of stern action against anarchy

Awami League leader Obaidul Quader has warned the BNP that the government will take strong measures if their movement for the release of jailed party chief Khaleda Zia devolves into chaos and anarchy.

29 Nov 14:57 Bdnews24 8119004129146385393.html
IOB elevates Bhuwan Chandra as CFO

Public sector Indian Overseas Bank has announced the elevation of Bhuwan Chandra as its Chief Financial Officer with effect from December 1. Chandra succeeds Radha Venkatakrishnan who is superannuatin

29 Nov 10:44 BusinessLine 5283602070961239.html
Kate Middleton Completed Top Secret Work Experience at a London Hospital

Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton recently underwent two days of work experience at a busy London hospital, and the whole thing was kept a secret.

29 Nov 10:58 Marie Claire 7105575299223609234.html
Summary review of cervical test results due next week

The summary report of the review of over 1,000 CervicalCheck smear test results, by an expert panel from the UK's Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, is expected to be published next week.

29 Nov 14:56 RTE.ie 7595237277993488481.html
My Brilliant Friend at the National Theatre review

Taking place over two sittings, each more than two and a half hours long, My Brilliant Friend promises to be [...]

29 Nov 13:06 City A.M. 6389894490591538472.html
Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal manager

Former player Freddie Ljunberg set take over fist team responsibility.

29 Nov 10:13 Daily Nation 7421817125016767624.html
Ayrshire pervert spared jail- despite background report

The 22-year-old admitted sexually assaulting a women at a property in Dalmellington.

29 Nov 10:24 dailyrecord 552235480084176330.html
Sgomberate 6 famiglie a Marano, vivevano in una palazzina abusiva

Stamattina sono state condotte operazioni di sgombero in una palazzina abusiva in via Platone a Marano. Sul posto erano presenti il dirigente del commissariato della polizia di stato di Giugliano, il comandante della locale compagnia Gabriele Lo Conte, il dirigente dell'ufficio tecnico del Giudice d

29 Nov 14:18 InterNapoli.it 7089789176113946596.html
Solskjaer afasta rumores sobre Pogba

Afastado dos relvados desde 30 de setembro, Paul Pogba foi acusado de estar a fingir uma lesão para forçar a transferência para o Real Madrid, alegadamente recusando-se a jogar pelo Manchester United até à reabertura do mercado de transferências, em janeiro.No entanto, o treinador dos red devils, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, afastou por completo esse cenário: «Qualquer jogador pode lesionar-se e o Paul [Pogba] está a trabalhar para voltar. Ninguém pode duvidar do seu profissionalismo e do desejo de voltar a jogar.»Solskjaer foi ainda mais longe: «É um dos melhores médios do mundo, por isso, quando voltar, para nós será como termos contratado um novo jogador. Sentimos muito a sua ausência, apesar de jogadores como McTominay e Fred estarem bem no meio-campo, mas o regresso dele será muito bom para a equipa.»O treinador explicou também que ainda não será este fim de semana Pogba estará de regresso, mas deixou em aberto a possibilidade de estar disponível para ter alguns minutos no jogo de quarta-feira, com o Tottenham…

29 Nov 12:27 A BOLA 2278827558225835171.html
Duterte seeks probe, clears Cayetano

PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte believes his former election running mate, Speaker Alan Cayetano, is innocent of corruption in the hosting of the 2019 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games.

29 Nov 11:33 Journal Online 6375127393380056255.html
Rescuer charges kittens died of distemper after surgery at Niagara SPCA

A cat rescuer claims four kittens she brought to the SPCA of Niagara to be spayed or neutered caught a highly contagious virus at the she...

29 Nov 11:00 The Buffalo News 2088823987032243879.html
Onion crisis eases in Tirupati, Chittoor

No cap on quantity at Rythu Bazaars

29 Nov 13:20 The Hindu 6679535024546840810.html
satellite: SMS-Alpha und Datenoption

Über satellite hatten wir bereits mehrfach berichtet. Es handelt sich dabei um eine App, welche die Handynummer unabhängig vom Netzbetreiber macht. Nun gibt es Neuigkeiten zu dem Service.

29 Nov 15:04 mobiFlip.de 5208441548185784954.html
Offa Poly graduates killed in accident while en route to NYSC orientation camp (Photos)

Tragedy struck yesterday, November 28 along Kano road as some graduates of the Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State died in a horrific car accident. According to reports, the fresh graduates were reportedly on their way to

29 Nov 11:57 LailasNews.com 2090029849802227992.html
JavaMifi Menuju 2 Juta Pengguna di Tahun Depan, Ini Rencana Bisnisnya

Penyedia jasa sewa modem wifi, JavaMifi, mengincar kenaikan penggguna sebesar 100 persen menjadi dua juta pengguna pada tahun depan (2020). Pada tahun depan, JavaMifi optimistis industri pariwisata semakin bersinar dengan destinasi favorit baru dan masyarakat teredukasi terhadap pentingnya koneksi internet stabil.

29 Nov 13:00 merdeka.com 1998180354947396326.html
Sage Group acquires London-based CakeHR to strengthen its SaaS offering

CakeHR, the London-based provider of cloud HR solutions, has been acquired by Sage Group, a legacy business software company in the UK that is transitioning to SaaS. Founded in 2012, CakeHR allows companies, particularly small businesses, move key areas of HR management to the cloud. For the 27,000 users around the world, the SaaS suite […]

29 Nov 10:51 Tech.eu 1356465907568586692.html
Amazon hit by Black Friday strikes and protests across Europe

UK protestors are demanding an end to 'appalling' working conditions while German staff are striking for better pay.

29 Nov 11:09 Metro 970161747669845892.html
Klinsmann-Comeback gegen schwächelnde Dortmunder

Nach zehneinhalb Jahren Pause kehrt Jürgen Klinsmann in der deutschen […]

29 Nov 14:36 Sky Sport 6321692527230646385.html
Dituding Tak Perawan, Atlet Senam Asal Kediri Batal Ikut SEA Games

Atlet senam asal Jawa Timur batal ikut SEA Games 2019 lantaran diduga tak lagi perawan.

29 Nov 15:00 moms-life 8028540702093877691.html
Migranti, barcone affondato vicino Lampedusa: robot individua relitto e salme

AGRIGENTO – Il barcone è affondato sabato 23 novembre al largo dell’isola dei Conigli di Lampedusa e ora un robot della Guardia Costiera ha individuato il relitto e ha confermato la presenza di cadaveri.  I sub della Guardia costiera sono arrivati a Lampedusa la mattina di venerdì 29 novembre e hanno iniziato le immersioni in mare, dove sabato pomeriggio si è verificato il naufragio di un barcone partito dalla Libia con circa 170 persone a bordo.Anastasia Kylemnyk oggi accusata per la droga. Ieri disse: “La droga non c’entra”Eniola Aluko nell’Italia razzista. La calciatrice spiega la “regola del negozio” La Guardia costiera, con l’aiuto dei pescatori di Lampedusa, ha rinvenuto una traccia sonar che potrebbe coincidere con l’imbarcazione affondata che dovrebbe trovarsi a circa 40 metri di profondità. Il Rov del nucleo sommozzatori della Guardia costiera ha dato conferma del rinvenimento del barcone, ma non è stato possibile stabilire quante fossero le salme affondate, date le cattive condizioni di visibilità in…

29 Nov 13:29 Blitz quotidiano 5529491353873186268.html
Vanguard International Dividend Appreciation ETF: Exposure To High-Quality Foreign Stocks

VIGI screens for non-U.S. stocks with at least a seven-year consecutive history of increasing the dividend amount.Fund has outperformed some other widely traded foreign stock ETFs in recent years.VIGI

29 Nov 10:01 Seeking Alpha 5725634557671241070.html
Swissair-Führung kommt ungeschoren davon

18 Jahre nach dem Grounding entscheidet das Bundesgericht zu Gunsten der Führung der einstigen Airline.

29 Nov 12:00 20 Minuten 5741369452798907321.html
Related stories about miscarriage and pregnancy:

Business Insider - A chemical pregnancy happens when an egg and a sperm combine, but no embryo forms. You can still get a positive pregnancy test result.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:53 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755616918847.html
Moscova lanseaza o campanie impotriva miscarii antivaccin cu ajutorul...vampirilor (Video)

Confruntata cu o intensificare a miscarii antivaccin, capitala Rusiei a recurs la o campanie online in care figurile principale sunt vampiri insetati de sange in incercarea de a sublinia importanta imunizarii.

29 Nov 14:39 Ziare.com 1922730285779395925.html
Why every vote matters

Nidhi Sinha of #WeStandTogether explains why it is important everyone exercises their right to vote on December 12

29 Nov 11:15 men 6694993427798230954.html
North Korea's Thanksgiving Day test shows improving speed for missile crews

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un expressed “great satisfaction” over the latest test of a large multiple-rocket launcher, state media said on Friday, a launch that experts said showcased improving performance by the system and its crews.

29 Nov 10:04 Reuters 8334514181122338087.html
Piacenza, tre maestre arrestate per maltrattamenti sui bambini: fra di loro una suora

Telecamere nascoste per documentare cosa accadeva nella scuola privata

29 Nov 15:26 Repubblica.it 3386398726332446838.html
Greta Thunberg: Dieses Foto zeigt eine dramatische Entwicklung

In den sozialen Medien macht ein Bild von Greta Thunberg, das eine überaus extreme Entwicklung zeigt.

29 Nov 10:00 Thüringen24 7206317296351072844.html
Turkije stuurt twee Belgische IS-strijders terug naar ons land

De IS-strijdsters Fatima Benmezian (24) uit Borgerhout en haar zus Rahma (31) zijn vanuit Turkije teruggestuurd naar België. Turkije heeft de twee het land...

29 Nov 15:13 De Standaard 2288913868275925680.html
4 Core Beliefs That Drive Motivation

Personal motivators significantly influence how you experience the world around you.

29 Nov 13:11 Inc.com 8604986417467556064.html
Pochettino Dihubung-hubungkan dengan Arsenal, Kalau Gabung Bakal Jilat Ludah Sendiri?

WE Online, London - Nama Mauricio Pochettino kencang dihubung-hubungkan dengan Arsenal setelah manajemen Meriam London memecat Unai Emery pada Jumat (29/11/2019) sore WIB. Juru taktik berpaspor Argentina itu dilaporkan dalam waktu dekat akan diresmikan sebagai pelatih Arsenal, menggantikan posisi Emery.

29 Nov 13:10 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834992705560.html
Londra: aggredisce i passanti con un coltello, ucciso dalla polizia

L'aggressore era stato disarmato da alcuni passanti prima dell'intervento delle forze di sicurezza

29 Nov 15:47 euronews 7379718589119585405.html
Werder gibt Mitarbeitern für Klimastreik frei

Fußball-Bundesligist Werder Bremen hat seinen Mitarbeitern für den weltweiten Klimastreik am Freitag freigegeben. Wie der Klub mitteilte, konnten die Angestellten mittags an der zentralen Veranstaltung (12 Uhr) in der Bremer Innenstadt teilnehmen. Das Training für die Profis war für 14.30 Uhr angesetzt.

29 Nov 11:04 sport.de 3321967091921144369.html
Selina Gasparins neuer Fokus auf das Schiessen

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 15:02 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776007994904.html
Pendidikan Politik Partai Golkar 2019, Usung Tema Pembangunan dan Pancasila

KBRN, Jakarta: Partai Golkar gelar Pendidikan Politik 2019 dengan mengangkat tema besar pembangunan nasional sebagai pengejawantahan ideologi Pancasila. Bagi Partai Golkar, Pancasila sudah

29 Nov 10:47 RRI News Portal 6700853645372788107.html
Javnim preduzećima u Srbiji potrebno korporativno upravljanje

BEOGRAD - Javnim preduzećima u Srbiji nephodno je korporativno upravljanje i da nadzor nad njihovim finansijama bude digitalizovan kako bi građani i

29 Nov 14:50 Krstarica 4176903988424491493.html
Romain Saiss suspended as Wolves welcome Sheffield United

Saiss is banned for Wolves' clash with the Blades on Sunday.

29 Nov 12:26 Sports Mole 7750663361380237729.html
Eight minutes added to Subuh prayer times in Federal Territories

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — There will be an addition of eight minutes to Subuh (dawn) prayer times for the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan beginning tomorrow. Federal Territories Mufti Datuk Seri Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri said the matter was approved at the 116th National...

29 Nov 14:45 Malaymail 302165935318738901.html
'Een op de vier kinderen heeft zorgelijk telefoongebruik'

Een op de vier kinderen en jongeren zou problematisch smartphonegebruik hebben dat wijst op verslechterde geestelijke gezondheid.

29 Nov 10:53 RTLZ 8052859355984862550.html
Bengaluru: Six people injured after detonator explodes in forensic lab

According to the police, the explosion happened at the FSL lab of Karnataka Police while handling a sample sent by the Raichur police.

29 Nov 14:45 The Indian Express 2885715103864803922.html
6 Cara Mengatasi Depresi Secara Alami, Mudah Dilakukan

Berikut adalah cara mengatasi depresi secara alami yang mudah dilakukan tanpa mengonsumsi obat anti-depresan.

29 Nov 14:20 Bola.com 1695722604283306723.html
Alzheimer, un farmaco sperimentale frena il declino cognitivo

ROMA  –  Un farmaco sperimentale testato in Scozia risulta efficace contro la atrofia del cervello, il declino cognitivo e il morbo di Alzheimer già a basse dosi. Nell’arco di un anno e tre mesi circa la riduzione del declino per chi lo assume è dell’85%. Il trial clinico è stato condotto tra Scozia e Singapore su 1.162 pazienti con Alzheimer e dimostra l’efficacia già a basse dosi della molecola idrometil-tionina. Prodotto dalla TauRx il farmaco, una semplice pasticca, rallenta il deficit cognitivo di pazienti con Alzheimer da lieve a moderato, in modo tanto più efficace quanto più è concentrato nel sangue dei pazienti.Google sotto accusa: “Raccoglie i dati sanitari degli utenti”Influenza in anticipo: già 642mila italiani a letto. E si prevedono 7 milioni di malati Condotto da Claude Wischik, della Aberdeen University, il trial segue a una sperimentazione di fase 3 su migliaia di pazienti ma con dosi più alte della molecola. In questo nuovo studio se ne dimostra l’efficacia anche a basse dosi. Intanto, sempre…

29 Nov 10:27 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354280838156.html
BMW und Great Wall beginnen Bau von gemeinsamener Fabrik

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 11:28 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775751429877.html
Terminal illness and the predictability of pie

It was June 2010 when I first encountered the pie recipe that would change my life. If you are wondering how I can possibly remember the moment in which I found the baked good that I did not even know I had been searching for, it is because of the exterior of my life, which was rattling around like old pennies in a pocket. My father was dying. The year before, he had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's Disease, otherwise known as ALS.

29 Nov 10:31 Aljazeera 6642629762796181872.html
Older veterans show how fitness intensity boosts health

Bill Myka enjoys polka dancing, chopping wood and tinkering around the house, but at 85, he wishes his balance was a bit better. He fears...

29 Nov 11:00 The Buffalo News 2088823986138627983.html
Bouwsector: verdere stappen om PFAS nodig

NIEUWEGEIN (ANP) - De verruiming van de wettelijke PFAS-norm door het kabinet vormt een eerste, betekenisvolle stap voor de bouwsector. Het is nu zaak dat minister Stientje van Veldhoven van Milieu en Wonen vervolgstappen zet, schrijft branchevereniging Bouwend Nederland.

29 Nov 14:52 Nieuws.nl 2419030131145966507.html
Bouwsector: verdere stappen om PFAS nodig

De verruiming van de wettelijke PFAS-norm door het kabinet vormt een eerste, betekenisvolle stap voor de bouwsector. Het is nu zaak dat minister Stientje van Veldhoven van Milieu en Wonen vervolgstappen zet, schrijft branchevereniging Bouwend Nederland.

29 Nov 15:50 RD.nl 6406779841730514975.html
Ultimate sufferer is common Mumbaikar: Fadnavis after CM Thackeray stays Aarey car shed work

Devendra Fadnavis said the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) had given Rs 15,000 crore for the metro project on "nominal" interest rates.

29 Nov 15:43 India Today 4286117812847479907.html
OFFICIEEL: Arsenal-trainer Emery ontslagen na nieuwe dreun

Unai Emery is ontslagen als manager van Arsenal. De Londense club wist al zeven duels op rij niet te winnen, de slechtste reeks in 27 jaar. De 2-1 nederlaag bij Eintracht Frankfurt in de Europa League bezegelde het lot van de Spaanse manager.

29 Nov 11:17 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216512125058.html
Sneller hulp voor bouwers en ruimere PFAS-norm

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het kabinet wil bedrijven die in de problemen zijn gekomen door de PFAS-normen makkelijker financieel kunnen helpen. Daarnaast komt er een ruimere norm voor deze schadelijke chemische stoffen in de grond en wordt gewerkt aan een verbod op sommige van deze stoffen, meldt milieuminister Stientje van Veldhoven vrijdag.

29 Nov 12:21 Nieuws.nl 2419030129987121542.html
Iraq PM says to submit resignation to parliament

Iraq's embattled premier announced Friday he will resign in keeping with the wishes of the country's top Shiite cleric, after nearly two months of anti-government protests that have cost more than 400 lives.

29 Nov 13:39 The Guardian 7580308505376304298.html
Caritas supports Samoa in the face of measles outbreak

29 NOVEMBER 2019

29 Nov 15:25 SCOOP 5315658999251706561.html
RSS acting like extra-constitutional authority, says Ashok Gehlot

He dared the RSS to convert itself into a political party and come out in the open.

29 Nov 11:28 The Hindu 6679535024701213487.html
Wohlstand per Parteitagsbeschluss? Warum die Höhe des Mindestlohns begrenzt werden muss

Höhere Löhne sorgen für mehr Kaufkraft – oder? In Extremfällen sorgt ein Mindestlohn sogar für das Gegenteil. Es braucht dynamische, intelligente Ansätze.

29 Nov 12:08 Handelsblatt 4721373939059329119.html
Einbruch in Donzdorf: Langfinger schlagen zu

Die Polizei warnt vor Einbrüchen in der Region Ulm und Göppingen. Selbst Dörfer wie Winzingen sind nicht sicher vor Dieben.

29 Nov 13:11 swp.de 6929179441260022800.html
Firenze, visita guidata tattile al museo archeologico

Per la Giornata internazionale dei diritti delle persone con disabilità

29 Nov 12:01 rainews 442831849227251539.html
Armed police called to Newcastle's West End after officer is assaulted

A large-scale response was spotted on Grainger Park Road following the assault of an officer on Thursday evening

29 Nov 12:42 ChronicleLive 1984146901037313651.html
The contenders to replace Unai Emery as Arsenal manager

Massimiliano Allegri, Mikel Arteta and Patrick Vieira are among the names in contention.

29 Nov 11:17 Sports Mole 7750663362590021106.html
College and council join forces to launch courses in the community

New scheme will see West Lothian College offer courses in the community in partnership with West Lothian Council

29 Nov 10:31 dailyrecord 552235480413586453.html
Extraordinary rescue from ends of the earth

29 November 2019

29 Nov 15:35 SCOOP 5315658998292688321.html
Mann von Auto erfasst und unter Bus geschleudert

Ein Mann hat sich bei einem Unfall in Baden schwere Verletzungen zugezogen. Er ist von einem Auto erfasst und unter einen Bus geschleudert worden.

29 Nov 13:45 20 Minuten 5741369453396358002.html
Brendan Rodgers responds to Arsenal manager links after Unai Emery sacking

Leicester City boss Brendan Rodgers is one of the names in the frame to replace Unai emery at the Emirates after he was axed on Thursday morning

29 Nov 13:52 Irish Mirror 2875825629550207368.html
Brendan Rodgers responds to Arsenal manager links after Unai Emery sacking

Leicester City boss Brendan Rodgers is one of the names in the frame to replace Unai emery at the Emirates after he was axed on Thursday morning

29 Nov 13:52 mirror 675785261712900259.html
Nasi Rice Cooker Sering Basi? Jangan Kaget! Salah Satu Penyebabnya Kebiasaan Anda Ini Saat Memasak Nasi

Namun pasti kita pernah mengalami masalah di mana nasi basi, padahal disimpan di dalam rice cooker, ternyata ini penyebabnya.

29 Nov 15:00 grid.id 6246371059709730838.html
Iraqi PM to resign as top cleric warns of chaos amid escalating violence

Forty protesters were shot dead by security forces in Baghdad and the southern cities of Najaf and Nasiriya on Thursday.

29 Nov 13:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774052681873.html
Robots are optimized for tedious, repetitive tasks. Can they be automated for more complex workspaces?

Researchers at the USC Viterbi Center for Advanced Manufacturing identify an algorithm to optimize robots to provide short, collision-free solutions in complex manufacturing spaces.

29 Nov 12:55 Tech Xplore 4945708899660741435.html
Kouder in het weekend met sneeuwkansen in de Ardennen

Afgelopen dagen zorgde een lagedrukgebied nabij het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor wisselvallig en eerder zacht herfstweer. Komend weekend krijgen we lucht uit het noordwesten tot noorden wat voor een ge...

29 Nov 11:11 HLN 8967494997790938696.html
London Bridge knife rampage declared a terror attack

The suspect appears to have been disarmed by brave bystanders before being shot by police.

29 Nov 14:52 Express & Star 7324224459562391775.html
Gemengd beeld op Europese beurzen

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De Europese aandelenbeurzen lieten vrijdag een gemengd beeld zien. De stemming bleef terughoudend door de vrees dat de handelsrelatie tussen de Verenigde Staten en China zal verslechteren vanwege de steun van Washington aan de demonstranten in Hongkong. Ook ging de aandacht op deze zogenoemde Black Friday uit naar de start van het belangrijke feestdagenseizoen voor detailhandelsbedrijven.

29 Nov 10:56 Nieuws.nl 2419030130383523260.html
Turkish, UN officials discuss repatriation of Syrian refugees in Ankara

A Turkish government delegation met with representatives of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the capital Ankara to discuss the voluntary...

29 Nov 12:45 DAILY SABAH 8383944808936493215.html
Ramai Prank Ojol di YouTube, Dengerin Nih Curhat Para Driver

"Itu akan menimbulkan oknum yang akan menirukan hal-hal tersebut, tapi nanti dia akan tidak bertanggung jawab untuk prank tersebut," kata Cecep, driver ojol.

29 Nov 13:31 detiknews 8793960223456015718.html
Tim Murtagh announces Ireland retirement, signs new Middlesex deal

Seamer to play on into his 40s with Middlesex after calling time on international career | ESPNcricinfo.com

29 Nov 12:18 ESPNcricinfo 4926159651691247705.html
Students stage global climate protests to pressure UN summit

LISBON, Nov 29 — Thousands of people in Australia and Europe joined rallies demanding more action on climate change today, aiming to force political leaders to come up with urgent solutions at a United Nations conference next week. Swedish activist Greta Thunberg had been due to join a student...

29 Nov 13:41 Malaymail 302165936135305457.html
Deloitte feuert Partner mit einstigem Millionen-Mandat bei der CS

Deloitte Schweiz hat einen Top-Partner gefeuert. Der soll für die Beratungsfirma Millionen bei der Grossbank Credit Suisse verdient haben – und lässt sich das Verdikt nicht gefallen. ...

29 Nov 13:43 finews.ch 7270223617584896579.html
Funeral details announced for Tipperary road crash victim

The funeral of Tipperary road crash victim Wayne Moylan will take place this weekend. Mr Moylan, of 27 College Green, Thurles, died following a collision near Thurles in the early hours of T...

29 Nov 10:31 TipperaryLive 1097599578405239584.html
Moscow Accuses NATO of Luring Extra-Regional Nations Into Military Activities in Arctic

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - NATO increases military and political tensions in the Arctic region through encouraging extra-regional nations to engage in military activities there, the Russian Foreign Ministry's ambassador-at-large for international Arctic cooperation, Nikolai Korchunov, said.

29 Nov 10:31 Sputniknews 967333867925395943.html
Ironbridge cooling towers to come down next week

The cooling towers at Ironbridge power station will be demolished on Friday next week in a controlled explosion at 11am.

29 Nov 12:53 Shropshire Star 3480199992444908398.html
Newlywed Toronto couple among seven people killed in Kingston plane crash

A newlywed Toronto couple are among the seven people who were killed when a small plane crashed in Kingston earlier this week.

29 Nov 15:25 Toronto 5211060989655850162.html
Veith-Comeback bei Heimrennen von Shiffrin

Dreimal hat Mikaela Shiffrin den Weltcup-Slalom in Killington schon gewonnen, am Samstag (15.45/19.00 Uhr MESZ/live ORF 1) geht sie auf ihren ersten Riesentorlauf-Erfolg in ihrer näheren Heimat los.

29 Nov 12:38 NÖN.at 2486998933674320460.html
Kaizer Chiefs coach blasts Zim Warriors technical team over Khama Billiat injury

Outspoken Kaizer Chiefs coach Ernst Middendorp has once again openly attacked the Warriors technical team over talismanic winger Khama Billiat. Billiat took

29 Nov 15:52 ZWNEWS 6090563867169075957.html
Peringati Hari Dongeng Nasional, Franka Nadiem Makarim Mendongeng untuk Anak Sekolah Dasar

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan mengadakan kegiatan dengan tema 'Mendongeng' untuk memperingatinya pada 26 November lalu.

29 Nov 11:53 grid.id 586386473794614772.html
NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg Holds Press Conference in Brussels - Video

The summit comes as NATO member countries are mired in a spending row. US President Donald Trump has repeatedly urged other states to raise their expenditures on security issues, stressing that numerous allies must meet the current target of 2 percent of GDP.

29 Nov 14:11 Sputniknews 967333868332335153.html
Die zehn bestbewerteten Steam-Spiele

Es gibt viele gute Spiele. Aber welche sind die Besten? In unserer Liste der zehn von Usern am höchsten bewerteten Steam-Spiele erfahrt ihr es.

29 Nov 14:17 www.gamestar.de 809832117687786803.html
DOC scraps plan to expand Lake Ianthe campsite

The Department of Conservation has scrapped plans to expand its campsite at Lake Ianthe/Matahi, in Westland after strong objections from conservation groups and locals.

29 Nov 15:37 SCOOP 5315658999530919903.html
Pesepak Bola Terkaya di Dunia Masuk Rumah Sakit karena Makanan di SEA Games

Bintang sepak bola Brunei Darussalam, Pangeran Faiq Jefri Bolkiah, mendatangi rumah sakit guna mendapat obat, setelah menyantap makanan SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 12:52 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549392511516.html
De soledades y grandeza

Durante mucho tiempo anhelé para nuestra nación un Presidente que tuviera la decisión de iniciar el cambio en las costumbres del país político. Que no se dejara extorsionar frente a cada propósito noble que debiera llevar al Congreso. Para eso, debía ser descontaminado de ese ambiente fragoso, para lo cual se requeriría juventud, preparación, visión global, sensibilidad social y condiciones de estadista. Este ser tan extraño, para llegar a la presidencia, debería provenir de algún partido o de una alianza de movimientos. Solo con votos de opinión no llegaría. Para bien o para mal, en este caso, la llegada de Iván Duque tuvo como trampolín el Centro Democrático. En mi caso creí y voté por el joven y esperanzador candidato, no por su partido.Los logros e indicadores de gestión han favorecido a Duque, incluso con ayudas no previstas como las utilidades del Banco de la República y las de Ecopetrol, pero ante todo, ha sido de resaltar la firmeza frente a sus convicciones como las relaciones con los parlamentarios…

29 Nov 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346410390424.html
DGAP-Gesamtstimmrechtsmitteilung: Evotec SE (deutsch)

Evotec SE: Veröffentlichung der Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte nach § 41 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung DGAP Gesamtstimmrechtsmitteilung: Evotec SE / Veröffentlichung der Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte Evotec SE: Veröffentlichung der Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte nach § 41 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung 29.11.2019 / 14:18 Verö...

29 Nov 14:20 Börse Express 3714356348595889884.html

O fim de semana do Flamengo foi tão épico que fica difícil traduzir as conquistas em palavras. Logo, não me arrisco. A compreensão da real grandiosidade do feito só poderá ser aferida com maior precisão com o distanciamento do tempo. Assim gosto de fazer com os grandes fenômenos, afinal, de perto, vemos a árvore sem conseguir enxergar a dimensão da floresta. Por ora, reservo-me a chancelar publicamente as palavras do atacante rubro-negro Bruno Henrique e reforçar que, de fato, neste momento, o Flamengo se encontra um patamar acima de seus concorrentes no futebol brasileiro.

29 Nov 10:00 Tribuna de Minas 7521696933172077368.html
Arsenal: Ranking top three rumoured Unai Emery replacements

Arsenal have fired Unai Emery. They have been linked heavily with three potential replacements: Mikel Arteta, Massimiliano Allegri and Nuno Espirito Santo....

29 Nov 12:00 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845313167354149.html
The best strategy for betting college rivalry games

It’s very easy for recreational bettors to get overenthusiastic about rivalry weekend in college football. They’ll imagine some sort of edge (take all the home teams, take all the revenge teams,

29 Nov 15:01 New York Post 7654946768593923343.html
Bundee Aki signs three-year IRFU contract extension

New Zealand-born centre has been with Connacht since joining in 2014

29 Nov 13:37 The Irish Times 8204772967521732022.html
Governor Ngilu Pays Dearly After Clashing With Senators

Appearing before the senate PAIC committee, Governor Ngilu failed to provide necessary documents as requested by the committee leading to....

29 Nov 11:26 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154499797191.html
Promenaden-Wellen im Pflaster werden geglättet

Für Autofahrer hatte die Passage der Bärteichpromenade in Köthen in den zurückliegenden Jahren etwas Abenteuerliches - das Pflaster hatte sich in Wellen gelegt.

29 Nov 15:29 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109440626818.html
Facebook potencia el arma de la Inteligencia Artificial para eliminar contenidos nocivos

La red bloquea 1.700 millones de cuentas en un trimestre y el 90% de estas no llega a activarse

29 Nov 10:27 EL PAÍS 2207347711685953869.html
Euro zone inflation rises quicker than expected in November

BRUSSELS/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Euro zone inflation accelerated faster than expected in November on a rise in food and services prices, likely comforting European Central Bank policymakers even if some factors pushing up prices may be only temporary.

29 Nov 10:41 Reuters 8334514180957847296.html
Nathuram Godse remark: Sadhvi Pragya tenders second apology agreed upon by all parties

A mid opposition ruckus, BJP member Pragya Thakur on Friday made a fresh statement in Lok Sabha, apologising for her remarks on Nathuram Godse, even as she asserted that she never described Mahatma Gandhi's assassin as a patriot.

29 Nov 11:04 India Today 4286117813668684274.html
5 Examples of VR Education That Helps Students Focus and Retain Information

VR education has beneficial properties which make it extremely useful for education. VR Education could be the key to student engagement.

29 Nov 14:14 Computer Business Review 8072376453084245768.html
Pumarejo designa secretarios de Desarrollo Económico y de Comunicaciones

Se trata de Ricardo Plata y Miguel Lozano. El anuncio lo hizo el mandatario distrital a través de su cuenta de Twitter....

29 Nov 12:06 El Heraldo 8273144985478308368.html
Live – Rechter begint met voorlezen vonnissen in decembermoordproces, Desi Bouterse is op staatsbezoek in China

Aanklager eiste 20 jaar tegen Surinaamse president

29 Nov 13:15 ThePostOnline 3048418756877701380.html
Mazatlán: Emergencia hace surgir la solidaridad entre ciudadanos

No solo fueron los elementos de los cuerpos de emergencia, sino también cientos de personas que salieron a las calles o arribaron a las zonas afectadas para ayudar a sus vecinos

29 Nov 10:30 EL DEBATE 4396150894874415935.html
‘Euskara ibiltaria’, euskararen aldakortasuna agerian jartzen duen erakusketa San Telmo Museoan

&lsquo;Euskara ibiltaria&rsquo; erakusketaren abiapuntua Euskaltzaindiaren Euskararen &lsquo;Herri Hizkeren Atlasa&rsquo; da, eta argitalpenak bezala, euskar...

29 Nov 13:50 naiz: 7509038603242429797.html
Halifax police apologize to black community for pain caused by street checks

Halifax’s police chief has issued a formal apology to Nova Scotia’s black community today over the practice of street checks.

29 Nov 15:57 680News 8014034334815370707.html
Last Christmas: Isu Aktual Bersanding Dengan Pesan Klasik Natal, Hasilnya?

Berkali-kali di-cover musisi lain, Last Christmas tahun ini diusung ke layar lebar.

29 Nov 15:30 liputan6.com 3414318497564768141.html
Adunarile generale ale magistratilor continua votarea vineri: 120 de instante si parchete cer desfiintarea SS

120 de parchete si instante din tara, in care in ultimele zile s-au intrunit Adunarile Generale ale magistratilor, s-au pronuntat pentru desfiintarea Sectiei de investigare a infractiunilor din Justitie (SIIJ), cunoscuta ca Sectia Speciala, au precizat surse judiciare pentru Ziare.com.

29 Nov 12:00 Ziare.com 1922730286429448882.html
Israel steps up settlement projects in occupied Jerusalem after US move

Israel announced on Thursday that it would approve 11,000 illegal housing units in the north of Jerusalem, following a surge of illegal settlements in...

29 Nov 14:40 DAILY SABAH 8383944808210174833.html
Theo Hernandez, il trattore rossonero diventato imprescindibile. Da lui parte il rilancio

Corsa, progressione, accelerazione e potenza fisica sono solo alcune delle tante qualità che sino a questo momento ha sfoderato Theo Bernard François Hernández meglio conosciuto come Theo Hernandez. Il terzino del Milan ha praticamente conquistato tutti già dalla sua prima uscita stagionale contro il Bayern Monaco, dove però a causa di un infortunio si è dovuto fermare per circa due mesi saltando le prime in campionato. 

29 Nov 14:30 MilanNews.it 6507305922264330681.html
Daimler kapar personalstyrkan rejält globalt

Daimler, som bland annat äger bilmärket Mercedes-Benz, kommer att på tre år dra ned personalstyrkan med 10 000 anställda globalt.

29 Nov 12:58 Ny Teknik 4280928732631205393.html
Lebanon Crisis Wreaks Havoc on Syria's War-Torn Economy

A financial crisis in Lebanon has hit the economy of neighbouring Syria hard, choking off a vital source of dollars and dragging the Syrian pound to record lows. Shut out of the global financial system by Western sanctions, Syria's economy has depend

29 Nov 13:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932444651708.html
Sporting beats PSV Eindhoven

Portuguese football club Sporting has qualified for the Europa League round of 32 by scoring 4-0 against the Netherland’s PSV Eindhoven's team in Group D matchday 5.

29 Nov 12:28 The Portugal News Online 5173906807232047657.html
FinMin's claim of slowdown having bottomed out has analysts divided

Some analysts point to raw data available for the festive season and say any meaningful recovery is still to come

29 Nov 15:46 Business-Standard 1502508925699081926.html
Zur Milderaunalm im mittleren Stubaital

Für das Wochenende ist ein wenig Neuschnee vorhergesagt, also könnte sich die erste Rodelpartie der Saison ausgehen. Die Milderaunalm im Stubai hat ...

29 Nov 15:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092605691331.html
8 Manfaat Melon untuk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan, Bantu Atasi Rambut Rontok

Melon merupakan satu di antara jenis buah-buahan yang mengandung banyak nutrisi penting untuk kesehatand dan kecantikan.

29 Nov 12:00 Bola.com 1695722603031771050.html
Rasizem nikoli ne ponikne

Ameriški ponudnik videovsebin na zahtevo HBO, ki je milijone gledalcev prikoval pred zaslone s svetovno uspešnico Igro prestolov, je že pred njenim zaključkom iskal možnosti za novo serijo, ki bi vsaj približno dosegla epske razsežnosti omenjene fantazijske sage.

29 Nov 13:19 Primorske novice 8884558924950319623.html
UK police clear London Bridge after reports of gunshots

LONDON — British police said Friday they were dealing with an incident on London Bridge, and witnesses have reported hearing gunshots.

29 Nov 14:36 KitchenerToday.com 52741010531796409.html
Senado mexicano rechaza injerencia de EEUU

El presidente estadounidense Donald Trump reveló que su país lleva tres meses trabajando en una iniciativa de ley para designar a narcotraficantes mexicanos como terroristas. Estas declaraciones fueron rechazadas por la Junta de Coordinación de Política del Senado mediante un pronunciamiento que lo cataloga como un intento de intervención

29 Nov 11:17 Globovisión 5928221751493886019.html
Chris Jericho believes WWE's booking of The Fiend is cartoonish

Jericho did like Survivor Series, though! #AEW #AEWonTNT #AEWDynamite

29 Nov 13:07 sportskeeda 1601194028140620166.html
Entscheid des Bundesgerichts: Frühere Swissair-Führung kommt juristisch ungeschoren davon

14 ehemalige Führungskräfte der Swissair und SAirGroup haben nicht pflichtwidrig gehandelt, obwohl interne Darlehen nach dem Zusammenbruch der …

29 Nov 11:00 watson.ch 2253754995358860171.html
Hazel Chu elected cathaoirleach of The Green Party

Dublin city Councillor Hazel Chu has been elected as the new cathaoirleach of The Green Party.Co...

29 Nov 15:35 Newstalk 7635722257674890161.html
This election gives us the impossible choice, writes Robert Peston

How do you weigh a once-in-a-generation transfer of power from private sector to public sector and from capital to labour, against an irreversible rupture with the European Union? That is the choice being offered to voters, by Labour and the Tories respectively. Talk about chalk and cheese, or bicycles versus fish. How on earth do you decide, if you haven't made up your mind already, which you like best? You could argue that the desire among some voters to squeeze the private sector's pips till they squeak and those that want to take a chainsaw to the UK's ties with the EU - with only a relatively small group apparently wanting both - stem from similar social and economic causes. Namely that the way we've run this place has eroded the living standards, security and a sense of being heard for millions of people, especially those outside the big metropolises, as well as among the young.

29 Nov 13:15 ITV News 2184971258444867275.html
Piers Morgan names his top three choices for next Arsenal manager

Piers Morgan says that he wants Mauricio Pochettino, Carlo Ancelotti or Massimiliano Allegri to succeed Unai Emery at Arsenal. The north London side

29 Nov 10:50 The Sport Review 4306357847506362478.html
Sudan moves to eradicate traces of Bashir regime

Sudan's new authorities on Thursday ordered that the party of ousted President Omar al-Bashir be dissolved and his regime 'dismantled,' heeding the call of...

29 Nov 14:06 DAILY SABAH 8383944810069197908.html
Masked gang kidnapped recovery driver to re-steal car found by police

Four men kidnapped a recovery driver to re-steal a car that was being taken to safety after being recovered by police.

29 Nov 11:41 Express & Star 7324224459005739548.html
8 Manfaat Labu Kuning untuk Bayi Sebagai Makanan Pendamping ASI

Manfaat labu kuning untuk bayi didapatkan dari kandungan nutrisinya yang banyak.

29 Nov 15:35 liputan6.com 5422146881670746596.html
Telenor predstavio bogatu ponudu satova i pametnih narukvica

Najveća ponuda pametnih satova i narukvica u Srbiji stiže u Telenor prodavnice, čineći ih savršenim novogodišnjim poklonima. Deo Telenorove stalne ponude kao i deo praznične promocije koja očekuje …

29 Nov 13:04 PC Press 681412283088289717.html
Shafie leverages on Sabah’s geographic location to lure Japanese investors

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 29 — Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal began the first leg of his trade mission in Japan today addressing 200 investors and businessmen from 140 companies in Kobe, Japan by spelling out investment opportunities available in Sabah. He delivered the keynote...

29 Nov 12:44 Malaymail 302165935761012415.html
Melissa Benoist supported by stars after sharing domestic abuse story

She said she was a survivor of domestic violence.

29 Nov 10:11 Breaking News 4415806919504743056.html
Okan Buruk and identity crisis

Since his arrival in August, Medipol Başakşehir manager Okan Buruk could not establish the system he was aiming for. The team has recently climbed to the...

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944809395815097.html
Nowa dyrektor generalna Towarzystwa Biblijnego w Polsce

Komitet Krajowy Towarzystwa Biblijnego w Polsce 27 listopada jednogłośnie podjął uchwałę o powołaniu Jadwigi Zalisz na stanowisko dyrektora generalnego Towarzystwa z dniem 1 stycznia 2020 r. Ma to zwi

29 Nov 10:42 eKAI 4704869672666415329.html
Premalo podpore za nujno obravnavo zakonodaje za omejitev delovanja vard

Kolegij predsednika DZ ni potrdil vladnega predloga, da bi DZ po nujnem postopku obravnaval predloga zakonodaje za omejitev vard in vaških straž. Tako bo DZ predloga dveh novel obravnaval po rednem postopku. V opoziciji so bili kritični tako do vsebine predlogov kot do tega, da bi se sprejemala po nujnem postopku.

29 Nov 14:27 Dnevnik 7671546649929177523.html
E-tailers jump bandwagon to boost sales with Black Friday offers

From Amazon to H&M, the Black Friday offers flooded people's emails and message boxes on smartphones in the country

29 Nov 10:30 Business-Standard 1502508924955762801.html
Jagan Government Yet to Ask for Special Status

We all know how Jagan Mohan Reddy used to criticize Chandrababu Naidu for not bringing the Special Status. He was given 22 MPs to ensure that it happens but he successfully pushed the issue into Cold Storage. In fact, Jagan immediately coming to Power, categorically stated that he can only request the Central Government for the Special Status.Jagan Mohan Reddy may be fearing Chandrababu Naidu like repercussions if he dared to defy Modi and Shah by raising the issue. Jagan is trying to erase the issue from the memory of the people with Freebies. With the Ruling Party becoming totally silent, we can safely assume that the Special Status is buried forever.

29 Nov 10:25 MIRCHI9 6041804860363205828.html
Unai Emery fired as Arsenal manager after losing run

Unai Emery was fired by Arsenal on Friday, 18 months after succeeding Arsene Wenger as manager of the Premier League club.

29 Nov 11:54 CTVNews 2422791599269759838.html
Huawei to challenge FCC decision on government subsidy program - WSJ

Huawei Technologies has decided to challenge a U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision barring U.S. rural carrier customers from ...

29 Nov 15:27 CNA 5644198863254660342.html
Extraditan a Pedro Montenegro a Brasil

Autoridades policiales trasladaron hoy al narcotraficante Pedro Montenegro Paz al aeropuerto del Trompillo, en la ciudad de Santa Cruz, para extraditarlo a Brasil. Montenegro salió aproximadamente a

29 Nov 15:12 Los Tiempos 5350756299598596793.html
Nuevo taller de compostaje

En el marco de la 6ta. Regata de Embarcaciones realizadas con materiales recuperados, la asociación civil Punto Verde Tandil realizará este sábado, desde las 16, un nuevo encuentro “ComposTodos, taller de compostaje y reciclaje” en el Centro Náutico del Fuerte. La actividad es gratuita y abierta a la comunidad y tiene por objeto transmitir a […]

29 Nov 13:30 El Eco 4177735524836062780.html
La vista inizia nell'utero

Le cellule della retina dei feti sono interconnesse e più sensibili alla luce di quanto si sapeva finora. E iniziano a sviluppare alcune funzioni

29 Nov 14:26 Repubblica.it 8208867269400820026.html
Il retroscena di Tuttosport: decisiva la mediazione di Giuntoli nei rapporti ADL-squadra

L'edizione odierna di Tuttosport scrive così sul delicato momento in cassa Napoli

29 Nov 11:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080310438306.html
Sonko Appoints Ex-Convict Ally to Government

The appointee at one time spent close to nine years in a foreign jail after being accused of...

29 Nov 12:25 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154030327206.html
Injury Update For Georgia WR Lawrence Cager

Per a new update, top wide receiver Lawrence Cager will be out for the stretch run for Georgia football, after a practice ankle injury.

29 Nov 15:05 The Spun 9122471848374678720.html
Borneo FC Ingin Bangkit di Makassar

Borneo FC baru saja mengalami kekalahan 1-2 dari Persela Lamongan di Stadion Segiri, Samarinda, Rabu (27/11/2019).

29 Nov 14:30 Bola.com 1695722602832890795.html
Iraqi prime minister to resign in wake of deadly protests

A day after more than 40 protesters were killed by security forces, Iraq's prime minister announced Friday that he would submit his resignation to parliament, a step that carried uncertainty for the entire government and stirred fears of a possible political crisis.

29 Nov 10:49 CTVNews 2422791598084298712.html
Hari AIDS Sedunia, Ini Harapan Kemenkes

Menjelang Hari AIDS Sedunia pada 1 Desember, Kemenkes akan menggelar peringatan di Bandung. Ini yang diharapkan di masa datang.

29 Nov 11:47 Tempo 1441053763649141271.html
The Looming Calendar Anomaly In Junk Bonds

A seasonal supply/demand imbalance in high-yield bond markets has traditionally led to strong performance in December and January. This has led to a historically bankable strategy to capture alpha fro

29 Nov 14:22 Seeking Alpha 5725634557187851502.html
Northeimer HC muss harte Nuss knacken

Der zur Zeit arg gebeutelte Drittligist Northeimer HC empfängt am Sonntag um 17 Uhr die SG Nußloch. Die seit Saisonbeginn vom bundesligaerfahrenen und 31-fachen Nationalspieler Marc Nagel gecoachten Gäste gelten als Meisterschaftsmitfavorit.

29 Nov 12:50 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775248326714.html
ANC stalwarts not happy with party's stance on corruption-accused Bongani Bongo

Several former leaders of the ANC have come out to slam the party over its position on corruption-accused MP Bongani Bongo.

29 Nov 13:31 News24 3752801378277846755.html
Kerala: 12 lawyers booked for intimidating woman judicial officer

Vanchiyoor police filed a case against 12 lawyers in Kerala for threatening a magistrate after she refused bail to an accused. They allegedly closed the door of her chamber and intimidated her, sources said.

29 Nov 11:23 Bangalore Mirror 4632149708234760566.html
Bongo Assembly awards tertiary scholarships to 64 students

news, story, article

29 Nov 13:53 ghananewsagency.org 5074937611023783861.html
Hitlers Speisewaggon im Museum zu sehen

Der ehemalige Speisewagen von Adolf Hitler wird vom Deutschen Dampflokomotiv Museum nun dauerhaft ausgestellt. Mit dem Waggon waren auch spätere Kanzler der BRD unterwegs.

29 Nov 10:27 T-Online 5460876211131285535.html
Eon sortiert bei Innogy-Tochter radikal aus

Eon ertauscht sich im September die RWE-Tochter Innogy. An den Mitarbeitern von deren britischer Tochter Npower scheinen die Essener aber weniger interessiert zu sein. Die Mehrheit der Belegschaft wird wohl gehen müssen.

29 Nov 12:16 n-tv 6802689754667318492.html
Autofahren in Herbst und Winter: Welche Gefahren lauern?

Damit es unter diesen erschwerten Bedingungen nicht zu Unfällen kommt, zeigen wir auf, mit welchen Gefahren Autofahrer im Herbst rechnen müssen und wie sie ihr Fahrzeug sicher durch die dunkle Jahres

29 Nov 10:44 GMX News 4492287761747621309.html
Massale sterfte onder vissen, drie partijen verantwoordelijk voor breuk in leiding

De leidingbreuk in de Berkel bij Lochem in november vorig jaar, heeft meerdere oorzaken. Dat is de conclusie van TNO dat onderzoek deed naar de breuk. Door de breuk stroomden liters afvalwater van FrieslandCampina de Berkel in waardoor duizenden vissen doodgingen. Inmiddels is de kwaliteit van het water hersteld en zijn alle vissoorten weer terug.

29 Nov 13:00 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614595685491.html
Scarlett Johansson Says She 'Mishandled' Transgender Role Reactions

Scarlett Johansson has admitted she 'mishandled' her reaction to the online backlash revolving around her being cast as a transgender in Rub and Tug.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516962801998528.html
Boxer Evelyn makes history for Dundalk


29 Nov 15:03 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709792291591.html
Early shoppers beat Black Friday rush

Hardy and deal-hungry shoppers lined up Thursday outside JCPenney at Penn Square Mall, waiting in the cold and occasional rain for the doors to open at 2 p.m. so they could snap up an air fryer or two, various electronics and big-discount clothes. “Honestly, with the Black Friday deals you get on clothes, it makes it worth it, getting a little elbow room,” said Ryan Johnson, who shopped with his wife, Jazzlyn. “Black Friday before too long is gonna start in October.” Black Friday has long been a favorite shopping day for gift-shopping Americans, or in some instances when shoppers sought just to treat themselves to something nice.

29 Nov 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762339737615.html
La trasformazione digitale secondo AWS

All'AWS Tranformation Day 2019, Phil Le-Brun ha insistito sul concetto di trasformazione digitale, spiegando come troppo spesso non viene applicato correttamente, portando l'effetto opposto di quello desiderato

29 Nov 13:01 Hardware Upgrade 8028272602353766545.html
Hong Kong protesters seek British support; campus siege ends

HONG KONG (AP) — Hundreds of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists rallied Friday outside the British Consulate, urging the city’s former colonial ruler to emulate the U.S. and take concrete actions to support their cause, as police ended a blockade of a university campus after 12 days.Waving British flags, the activists urged Britain to ensure that Hong Kong political dissidents do not suffer the same fate as Simon Cheng, a former British Consulate employee in the city who says he was detained and tortured by Chinese secret police.The rally came a day after U.S. President Donald Trump signed into law two bills to support democracy and human rights in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.“The U.K.

29 Nov 12:57 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760692868778.html
Iraks Ministerpräsident will Rücktritt einreichen

Zuvor wurde Mahdi von Großayatollah Sistani für den Umgang mit den Protesten kritisiert.

29 Nov 14:03 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440426791673.html
Twitter Mulai Kirim Pesan 'Ancaman' ke Pengguna Tak Aktif

Pada beberapa hari lalu Twitter memberikan sebuah pengumuman peringatan akan menghapus akun tidak aktif dan mulai mengirimi pesan kepada pengguna.

29 Nov 10:00 detikinet 7802439223472899959.html
Gli allevatori contro la carne vegetale

Minacciati dal crescente successo di aziende come Beyond Meat e Impossible Foods, chiedono che non venga chiamata "carne"

29 Nov 14:09 Il Post 6291746503416250937.html
Chubarov: Silence about Crimea at Normandy Four summit could look as consent to annexation

Chubarov believes it is necessary to turn to partners, namely French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

29 Nov 13:40 UNIAN 6863008971055907379.html
Man sues Airbnb after being shot at party house booked through platform

A Toronto man is suing Airbnb after being shot while attending a large party at a house rented through the online platform.

29 Nov 15:44 CP24 1887544294586902058.html
HSG Plesse-Hardenberg muss jetzt liefern

Richtungsweisende Spiele stehen jetzt für das Handball-Oberliga-Schlusslicht HSG Plesse-Hardenberg an. Am Sonntag (17 Uhr) reist das Burgenteam zum Kellerduell beim Vorletzten TV 1887 Stadtoldendorf, der im Gegensatz zur HSG schon ein Spiel gewonnen hat.

29 Nov 13:41 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775322959531.html
Keeping hackers out and costs low: Cyber security in the public sector

Kieran O’Driscoll at CyberArk discusses the challenges faced by public sector firms when it comes to balancing cost-effective cyber security

29 Nov 12:57 Open Access Government 7441385494055604654.html
Prüfung nach ausfälligem Notruf von hochrangigem Polizisten

Das Innenministerium hat nach dem veröffentlichten Polizei-Notruf eines hochrangigen Beamten in der Steiermark eine Expertenkommission eingesetzt. Sie soll die teils ausfälligen Worte des Polizisten gegenüber seinem jungen Kollegen prüfen, der ihn trotz namentlicher Nennung nicht erkannt hatte. Am Freitag lagen noch keine Ergebnisse vor. Bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Graz wurde Anzeige erstattet. Ministeriums-Sprecher Alexander Marakovits sagte […]

29 Nov 12:44 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171901778019.html
National Treasury issues warning on scams as festive season looms | IOL News

National Treasury has issued a warning to companies doing business with it, saying there could be a potential escalation ...

29 Nov 15:05 www.iol.co.za 17825112380603230.html
Verso Parma-Milan: la probabile formazione secondo la Gazzetta

L'edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport riporta oggi la probabile formazione del Milan che potrebbe scendere in campo domenica pomeriggio contro il Parma: (4-3-3) Donnarumma; Conti, Musacchio, Romagnoli, Hernandez; Krunic, Bennacer, Bonaventura; Suso, Piatek, Calhanoglu. 

29 Nov 13:50 MilanNews.it 6507305921548265737.html
La tensione Usa-Cina indebolisce Wall Street

Gli indici della borsa americana, oggi a orario ridotto per il Black Friday, stanno registrando flessioni per le continue tensioni tra le due super...

29 Nov 15:50 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743256381872.html
OZ Minerals to begin construction of Pedra Branca mine in Brazil

OZ Minerals has started construction of its Pedra Branca underground copper-gold mine in the southern part of the Carajás in the Pará state of Brazil.

29 Nov 10:19 Mining Technology 639193375851440776.html
EXCLUSIVE: Top Mexican Border State Cop Spiked Probes into Prison Corruption

An exclusive Breitbart Texas investigation revealed that most of those incidents were little more than media stunts.

29 Nov 15:45 Breitbart 3148363492758643528.html
Pechino Express spoiler: ritiro per infortunio per una concorrente

Pechino Express è un game show registrato e come prevedibile online sono spuntati numerosi rumors.. Ecco chi..

29 Nov 15:06 BitchyF 921248401188653516.html
Liga Inggris: Arsenal Pecat Unai Emery

Arsenal memecat Unai Emery dan menunjuk Freddie Ljungberg sebagai pelatih sementara.

29 Nov 10:34 Tempo 6731898378186993731.html
Prevenzione e servizi. Generali al fianco delle Pmi

In tema assicurativo le aziende devono lavorare sulla prevenzione dei rischi. Ne parliamo con Massimo Monacelli, responsabile Danni e Sinistri di Generali Italia. Dott. Monacelli, che tipo di consulenza  può fornire Generali agli imprenditori? “Generali è leader di mercato nel settore delle Pmi e la nostra value proposition è differente da quella tradizionale del settore assicurativo. Vogliamo essere partner di vita nei momenti rilevanti delle aziende e delle persone grazie a nuovi, più semplici e completi servizi di prevenzione e tecnologia su misura rispetto ai diversi settori di attività. Pertanto occorre sempre più abbinare alla tradizionale copertura assicurativa un servizio che dia valore aggiunto al cliente. In questo senso forniamo un servizio di consulenza di valore per rendere consapevole l’imprenditore dei rischi ai quali è esposto. Successivamente operiamo con interventi di prevenzione dei rischi per limitare al massimo i potenziali sinistri. Nel caso si verificassero ugualmente Generali è in grado…

29 Nov 10:15 Wall Street Italia 1518582936191541428.html
Mestre. Preso lo scippatore seriale delle donne in bicicletta

MESTRE - Erano ormai mesi che M.M., italiano di 34 anni, si aggirava per Mestre in bicicletta, commettendo furti ai danni di ignare donne in bicicletta. Sempre lo stesso il modo d’agire: in...

29 Nov 14:43 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447608811749.html
SCHOTT Glass to double capacity at Jambusar plant in Gujarat

Commits to infuse Euro 26 million by next year

29 Nov 10:21 BusinessLine 5283600723650181.html
Docentes de Taganga se especializan en docencia universitaria: fueron becadas por la Sergio

El incentivo fue otorgado mediante un proyecto de investigación que adelanta la Alma Mater.

29 Nov 15:15 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898585863219553.html
Breakaway former Turkish PM to form new party within weeks

BAGHDAD: Iraq's embattled premier announced Friday he would resign in keeping with the wishes of the country's top cleric, as renewed violence added to a soaring death toll in two months of anti-government protests. Adel Abdel Mahdi's written statement was greeted with cheers and blaring music across Baghdad's iconic Tahrir Square, where demonstrators have massed since early

29 Nov 12:59 Arab News 8912634264227312361.html
The nasty side of Boris Johnson as he makes throat slitting gesture during interview

The Prime Minister was trying to kill a line of questioning but didn't realise he was being filmed during radio interview

29 Nov 12:16 Wales Online 7686550515625916957.html
WhatsApp presenta nuevo Modo Nocturno

Actualmente la actualización no está disponible para la versión pública y se espera que para 2020 sea utilizable desde casi cualquier celular con sistema operativo Android

29 Nov 11:42 Globovisión 5928221753093867591.html
Lufthansa: German airline not open to Qatar investment

DUBAI: Saudi Arabian and international investors have subscribed to the initial public offering of Saudi Aramco in huge numbers, with demand for shares in the world’s most profitable company exceeding the number of shares on offer. Financial advisers to the biggest IPO in history announced that bids to the value of $44.3bn (166.275bn riyals) have been received in total from

29 Nov 13:31 Arab News 8912634264381976873.html
Bergisch Gladbacherin landete mit Auto an der Hauswand

Zeugensuche: Bergisch Gladbacherin landete mit Auto an der Hauswand. Der geschätzte Gesamtschaden lag dabei bei knapp 10 000 Euro.

29 Nov 11:28 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568388039715.html
Trondheim bobler av ung musikal-glede

Musikalen «Annie» er en kraftprestasjon av 200 energiske, godt drillete barn og ungdom, og en opplevelse for publikum.

29 Nov 11:22 adressa.no 8417332407929534967.html
Kades Terpilih di Banjarnegara yang Hilang Akhirnya Ditemukan

Kepala Desa Batur terpilih, di Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, Ahmad Fauzi yang dilaporkan hilang sejak tanggal 12 November 2019 telah ditemukan.

29 Nov 13:19 merdeka.com 1998180354185345199.html
La banque islamique WIFAK Bank recrute plusieurs profils

Dans le cadre de la concrétisation de sa stratégie du développement de son activité et d'extension de son réseau commercial tout en renforçant

29 Nov 15:57 ilBoursa.com 4192852320293558030.html
Drie giraffen overleven brand in Amerikaans safaripark niet

Tenminste tien dieren hebben een brand in een Amerikaans safaripark niet overleefd. De brand woedde gisteravond plaatselijke tijd in het African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton (Ohio). 

29 Nov 11:26 HLN 8967494997753679913.html
4 Ciri Hamil setelah Berhubungan Seks di Masa Ovulasi

Bunda, kenali tanda kehamilan setelah berhubungan seks di masa ovulasi berikut ini ya.

29 Nov 11:24 kehamilan 8028540701341711957.html
The feminist history of the cardigan

Once upon a time, this autumn wardrobe staple was a symbol of female empowerment

29 Nov 10:50 The Week 149215355280403119.html
So bringt Prinz William Sohn George Gleichberechtigung bei

Prinz William möchte seinen Kindern gleiche Chancen einräumen. Wie der britische Royal diese Sache bei George und Charlotte angeht, hat er nun verraten.

29 Nov 12:52 VIP.de 2239798194957805302.html
NAF jet destroys insurgents gun trucks at Borgozo in Borno

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) says its Air Task Force (ATF) of Operation LAFIYA DOLE has destroyed two Boko Haram Terrorists’ (BHTs) gun trucks and killed some fighters at Borgozo in Borno.

29 Nov 11:42 The Guardian 7580308503842831448.html
Ukraine-Konflikt: Donezker Separatisten legen "Staatsgrenze" fest

Gut eine Woche vor dem Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris haben die prorussischen Separatisten in der Konfliktregion im Osten des Landes eine "Staatsgrenze" festgelegt. Die bisherige Frontlinie sei ab sofort die "Staatsgrenze".

29 Nov 15:00 bz BASEL 5287163743403983732.html
Pupuk di Sumut Langka, Kementan Minta BUMN Ini Siapkan Pupuk Non-Subsidi

WE Online, Jakarta - Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) meminta produsen pupuk bersubsidi, PT Pupuk Indonesia menyediakan pupuk nonsubsidi di daerah yang kekurangan pupuk. Hal ini menyusul kabar kurangnya pupuk di Sumatera Utara (Sumut).

29 Nov 14:30 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835389472568.html
Verdachten geëxplodeerd drugslab komen uit Nijmegen en Groesbeek

De drie mannen die donderdag in Nijmegen zijn opgepakt na de explosie in een drugslab in het Limburgse Weert, komen uit Groesbeek en Nijmegen. Twee van de verdachten meldden zich gewond bij de Spoedeisende Hulp van het Radboudumc.

29 Nov 14:25 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614909484607.html
Donar haalt Smith terug naar Groningen, Freeman vertrekt

Basketbalclub Donar heeft zich versterkt met Andrew Smith. De 26-jarige Amerikaan kan spelen als power forward en als center.

29 Nov 14:36 RTV Noord 3728677366379105877.html
Speaker indicates Pragya Thakur to be called to LS

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday indicated that he would call BJP member Pragya Thakur, who is facing opposition fire for her remarks on Nathuram Godse, to the House after the Question Hour.

29 Nov 11:57 Deccan Herald 2027555797316327301.html
Air Serbia to launch flights from Istanbul Airport in December

Air Serbia has decided to resume flights from Istanbul on Dec. 11 after nearly a two-year break since March 14, 2017. According to a statement released...

29 Nov 11:38 DAILY SABAH 8383944808316405611.html
Dash cam shows car flipping over during high-speed chase in Memphis

Dramatic video of a high-speed chase last year was released by Memphis Police.

29 Nov 13:12 WVLT 4089046911465750932.html
IRS Not Infringing Privacy Requesting Crypto Exchange Data: US Judge

A California federal court has affirmed the legitimacy of the U.S. tax authorities’ summons for data from crypto exchange Bitstamp in connection with an individual tax reporting case.

29 Nov 10:57 Cointelegraph 3050247239275031882.html
Malta PM rejects immunity bid by top suspect in murder probe

Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has said his government rejected a request by a prominent businessman for immunity from prosecution in connection with the 2017 killing of investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia.

29 Nov 11:51 Aljazeera 6642629762689098302.html
Highly-rated music and light spectacular Wonder Nights returns to Mount Edgcumbe

Escape from the everyday this festive season at this magical event

29 Nov 10:10 PlymouthLive 6373569608522519163.html
El incansable Anthony Hopkins

El actor de “El Silencio de los Inocentes” Anthony Hopkins, revelo en una entrevista que está lejos de separarse de la actuación, pues el mismo no se ve lejos de las cámaras. Con 81 años, el reconocido actor de cine Sir Anthony Hopkins, nunca descansa ya que siempre, como él mismo confiesa, encuentra algún pasatiempo […]

29 Nov 10:00 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490036636304838.html
Publisher says he's hearing interest in nonprofit turn

NEW YORK (AP) - The publisher of the nation's first daily newspaper to be granted nonprofit status says he's since heard from a "few dozen" lawyers and news executives curious about whether the Salt Lake Tribune's approach could work elsewhere.

29 Nov 12:13 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638226777682.html
BREAKING Jeremy McConnell becomes dad again as Katie McCreath gives birth

Jeremy McConnell and his new girlfriend have welcomed a little girl

29 Nov 10:50 mirror 675785260811377008.html
Transportistas no descartan solicitar un aumento extraordinario de boleto

En medio del pedido realizado por el Ejecutivo al Concejo Deliberante para prorrogar hasta por un año la concesión del transporte urbano de pasajeros que vence en febrero de 2020, los transportistas acusan un fin de año muy complicado debido a las constantes subas de combustible y a la imposibilidad de hacer frente a los […]

29 Nov 10:09 El Eco 4177735525456089911.html
Liverpool FC confirm Fabinho injury blow amid Man City title race

Manchester City are battling Liverpool for the Premier League title and Jurgen Klopp's side have suffered an unfortunate injury setback.

29 Nov 13:26 men 6694993428028736882.html
Verstappen vijfde in tweede training Abu Dhabi

ABU DHABI (ANP) - Max Verstappen is bij de tweede training van de Grote Prijs van Abu Dhabi niet verder gekomen dan de vijfde tijd. De 22-jarige Limburger kwam tot een tijd van 1.36,807 en was daarmee 0,551 seconde langzamer dan de Finse Mercedes-coureur Valtteri Bottas.

29 Nov 14:43 Nieuws.nl 2419030129912722314.html
Grapperhaus: aangifte is wereld op zijn kop

Justitieminister Ferd Grapperhaus vindt het "de wereld op zijn kop" als dierenrechtenorganisaties aangifte tegen hem doen omdat hij boeren zou hebben aangemoedigd tot geweld tegen activisten. Zijn woorden eerder deze week op een bijeenkomst van de Producenten Organisatie Varkenshouderij zijn bovendien "nogal verwrongen weergegeven", aldus de bewindsman.

29 Nov 13:02 RD.nl 6406779841323168350.html
Dezeen named Editorial Brand of the Year

Dezeen has been named Editorial Brand of the Year at the International Building Press Awards 2019 for its "well-planned and original content".

29 Nov 12:24 Dezeen 1175672638107686402.html
Instagram fa la guerra alle pornostar: cancellati numerosi account

Instagram sembra aver detto di no agli account delle pornostar anche se all'interno di essi non ci sono contenuti di una certa natura

29 Nov 15:00 tecnoandroid 2573257126841222979.html
Slavia Praag eist excuses van Lukaku na beschuldigingen van racisme

Slavia Praag slaat terug. De Tsjechische club neemt het niet dat Romelu Lukaku de fans van Slavia beschuldigt van racistische uitingen tijdens het CL-duel van vorige dinsdag in Praag (1-3). “Dit ka...

29 Nov 15:52 HLN 8967494997380061917.html
Silenti Enasarco, un appello ai parlamentari

Federcontribuenti: 'Torniamo a sollecitare ancora una volta, la vostra adesione, alla risoluzione del caso dei 625.000 Silenti".

29 Nov 11:10 bluerating 6922469336783324883.html
Slovakia may force women to get pre-abortion ultrasound

LONDON (AP) — Lawmakers in Slovakia are scheduled to debate a proposed law Friday that would compel women seeking an abortion to first have an ultrasound and listen to the heartbeat of the embryo or fetus, a move many groups have decried as a backward step for women’s rights.The bill was submitted by three members of the conservative Slovak National Party, who wrote that it is intended “to ensure that women are informed about the current stage of their pregnancy” before having an abortion.It would oblige doctors to show a woman ultrasound images “about the development stage of the embryo or fetus whose development is to be terminated.

29 Nov 11:38 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761071230523.html
Woningen ontruimd op Oosterhamriklaan; politie en EOD doen onderzoek naar vuurwerk

De hulpdiensten zijn op dit moment (vrijdagmiddag) bezig met een inzet bij de Oosterhamriklaan. In een woning in de straat zijn materialen aangetroffen voor het maken van vuurwerk. Vier omliggende won

29 Nov 12:51 OOG 303718092707740421.html
Dusty towns battle drought as federal and state Nationals squabble over Murray-Darling plan

The land is so parched in drought-ravaged parts of NSW that dust storms leave towns blanketed in thick red dirt and residents battling all sorts of health complaints.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562082766580.html
KKP Tangkap Kapal Malaysia, Awak Kapal Ikut Dicokok

Selama 2019 ini, total sudah 56 kapal ikan asing yang ditangkap, masing-masing berbendera Malaysia, Vietnam, Filipina, dan Panama.

29 Nov 13:29 Tempo 6909074028726225778.html
Metropolitan Police issue London Bridge statement after 'number of people' left injured

The Metropolitan Police said: "Police were called at 1.58pm to a stabbing at premises near to London Bridge. Emergency services attended, including officers from the Met and @colp A man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured. Further info to follow."

29 Nov 14:51 birminghammail 8288260685783781888.html
Fact: Both Presidential Front-Runners Have Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security

Cutting Social Security benefits isn't too popular with the public, but some level of outlay reductions may be necessary to strengthen the program.

29 Nov 12:42 The Motley Fool 2231313658318591718.html
Pratola Serra, ecco la nuova Giunta comunale

La nota

29 Nov 13:24 AvellinoToday 5452883948290035978.html
Recolectores de Jujuy: importante conquista mediante ordenanza a propuesta de la Izquierda

Luego de meses con asamblea y movilización, los trabajadores municipales de recolección de San Salvador de Jujuy finalmente conquistaron la aprobación de un proyecto que beneficia a quienes que se acercan a la edad de jubilación. El proyecto lo presentó el Frente de Izquierda y fue aprobado por el Concejo Deliberante en la última sesión. Un paso importante.

29 Nov 14:43 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731207886383.html
Iraq PM says to submit resignation to parliament

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi said Friday he would submit his resignation to parliament, hours after the country’s top Shiite cleric called for a cabinet change amid deadly protests. “I will submit to the esteemed parliament a formal letter requesting my resignation from the premiership,” Abdel Mahdi said in a statement. The sudden turnaround […]

29 Nov 13:39 The Guardian 7580308504005175961.html
Vatikan vratio Svetoj zemlji relikviju sa Isusovih jasli

Hrišćani su danas slavili jer je mala drvena relikvija za koju se veruje da je bila deo Isusovih jasli vraćena u Svetu zemlju nakon što je pre skoro 1.400

29 Nov 15:45 Krstarica 4176903989218065640.html
Arsenal sack Unai Emery

Arsenal Football Club on Friday announced the sacking of its manager Unai Emery due to results and performances.

29 Nov 10:26 The Guardian 7580308505341113528.html
Looking through the lens with an attitude

The voice of German filmmaker Maria Lang can be heard as she reads some entries from her journals spanning the 14 years she took care of her widowed mother.

29 Nov 13:17 The Jakarta Post 7678601103835505200.html
iPhone aplikacija za korisnike kojima nedostaje iPod Classic

Jedan iOS developer smislio je iPhone aplikaciju koja ovaj uređaj pretvara u iPod Classic, u paketu sa kružnim upravljačem koji najviše utiče na buđenje nostalgičnih osećanja. Radi se o developeru …

29 Nov 13:38 PC Press 681412281263563586.html
Iraqi forces kill 45 protesters after Iranian consulate torched

 Iraqi security forces shot dead at least 45 protesters on Thursday after demonstrators stormed and torched an Iranian consulate overnight, in what could mark a turning point in the uprising against the Tehran-backed authorities.

29 Nov 13:08 WION 1570469241006853984.html
KOERS KORT. Belgische vrouwenachtervolgingsploeg pakken met record zilver in Hongkong - Vos maakt rentree in het veld

De Belgische vrouwenachtervolgingsploeg heeft zilver veroverd tijdens de tweede dag van de Wereldbekermanche baanwielrennen in Hongkong. Tijdens de finale verbeterden ze ook hun eigen nationale rec...

29 Nov 13:42 HLN 8967494998169972801.html
Press Information Bureau sets up unit to combat fake news related to government

In a bid to combat fake news, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) has set up a fact-checking unit to verify news related to the government’s ministries, departments and schemes.The Information and Broa

29 Nov 11:32 The Hindu 6679535025433729723.html
Festive fayre in aid of Stafford charity

A fun-filled, festive fayre is being held to raise money for a children and young people's charity.

29 Nov 10:35 Express & Star 7324224460821562120.html
Nanny admits taking indecent photo of child in Devon

Maria Alfonzo pleaded guilty to taking and distributing an indecent image of a child at Paignton on June 12

29 Nov 13:43 DevonLive 2469244512207663082.html
Chinese TV journalist guilty of slapping Tory delegate

Judge says Linlin Kong hit Enoch Lieu in heat of moment at party conference event

29 Nov 14:15 the Guardian 1491978796029458670.html
Former Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif undergoes medical tests in London: Reports

Sharif, 69, left for London on November 19 in an air ambulance for medical treatment after the Lahore High Court allowed him to travel abroad for four weeks.

29 Nov 13:06 The New Indian Express 4718288654537066349.html
Pemkab Aceh Tengah Berikan Sejumlah Penghargaan di HUT Korpri ke-48

KBRN, Takengon : Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Tengah memberikan penghargaan kepada Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dan Instansi pemerintah setempat pada peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Korpri ke-48 di

29 Nov 15:17 RRI News Portal 6700853644733477583.html
Backups, Babcock and SEGABABAs

Is Sheldon Keefe finally changing the backup usage?

29 Nov 13:00 Pension Plan Puppets 2082242129225146528.html
Fabinho: Liverpool midfielder out injured for up to eight weeks with ankle ligament damage

Liverpool’s Premier League and European ambitions have been dealt a considerable blow with Fabinho facing six to eight weeks on the sidelines after sustaining ankle ligament damage.  The holding

29 Nov 12:59 The Independent 2511519171523933340.html
Donald Trump, Meet Your Precursor

Andrew Johnson pioneered the recalcitrant racism and impeachment-worthy subterfuge the president is fond of.

29 Nov 11:00 NY Times 1961078287813533688.html
Donald Trump, Meet Your Precursor

Andrew Johnson pioneered the recalcitrant racism and impeachment-worthy subterfuge the president is fond of.

29 Nov 11:00 NY Times 1961078289320675939.html
Titi Kamal Punya Villa di Bali, Terlihat Elegan dan Mewah

Titi Kamal dikenal sebagai salah satu artis ternama di Indonesia. Sebagai seorang artis, Titi telah sukses membintangi beberapa judul film dan sinetron. Namanya tak pernah meredup di industrI hiburan tanah air.

29 Nov 13:30 merdeka.com 1998180355743788594.html
Aeroporto Berlino fermo per bomba guerra

Il traffico aereo sull'aeroporto berlinese di Schoenefeld è stato fermato a causa del ritrovamento di una bomba della guerra mondiale. L'ordigno è stato ritrovato da alcuni operai in un cantiere. "Gli artificieri sono sul posto". (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:52 ANSA.it 1300837448699817045.html
Soyinka reacts to misleading information over his battle with cancer

NIGERIA'S first Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has come forward to address misleading news circulating in media platforms across the country

29 Nov 12:07 The ICIR 2244788520726543151.html
Arsenal grijpt in na Europees echec en ontslaat Unai Emery

Arsenal heeft per direct een einde gemaakt aan de samenwerking met manager Unai Emery, zo meldt de Londense club vrijdag via de officiële kanalen. De beslissing om de Spaanse coach te ontslaan komt een dag na de 1-2 nederlaag tegen Eintracht Frankfurt in de groepsfase van de Europa League. Assistent-manager Fredrik Ljungberg neemt voorlopig de honneurs waar in de dug-out van Arsenal, dat zondag op bezoek gaat bij Norwich City.

29 Nov 11:10 Voetbalzone 9096760911787835995.html
7 Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh Tikus, Bisa Mengancam Nyawa

Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh tikus perlu diketahui untuk mencegahnya.

29 Nov 13:50 liputan6.com 5422146881349266496.html
Film met Hadewych Minis geroemd door New York Times

De film Toni Erdmann, waarin Hadewych Minis een bijrol speelt, wordt gezien als een van de dertig belangrijkste films van dit decennium.

29 Nov 12:52 1limburg 5437278403755661697.html
Ferd Grapperhaus wil voorlopig geen leger inzetten om politie te ondersteunen

'We moeten politietaken wel politietaken laten'

29 Nov 11:17 ThePostOnline 3048418755843314527.html
Duo fight for survival after Arsenal sack Emery

But who is next in line for the chop?

29 Nov 12:55 Daily Nation 7421817125073815902.html
President Centrale Bank Curaçao neemt ontslag

WILLEMSTAD (ANP) De interim-directeur van de Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten, de Nederlandse econoom Bob Traa (61), heeft zijn ontslag ingediend. Dat maakte de bank vrijdag bekend. Traa was dit jaar binnengehaald om orde op zaken te stellen, maar vertrekt ‘vanwege persoonlijke omstandigheden’.

29 Nov 15:36 RD.nl 6406779841015468942.html
Biografie van de geestelijke vader van Dik Trom

Pedagogen konden niet lachen om Dik Trom. Ze vonden dat schrijver Johan Kieviet de jeugd maar een slecht voorbeeld gaf met zijn verhalen over die ondeugende jongen. Maar de kinderen smulden van Diks doldwaze avonturen.

29 Nov 13:58 RD.nl 6406779842269652873.html
Sandiganbayan affirms dismissal of P1-billion civil case vs. Tantocos, Marcoses

The Sandiganbayan Second Division has affirmed its decision dismissing the P1.052-billion civil case filed against Rustan's Group of Company (RGC) owners Bienvenido Tantoco Sr. and Gliceria Tantoco, which also involved the late President Ferdinand Marcos and his wife, Imelda.

29 Nov 12:53 Manila Bulletin News 7849457201027087086.html
Former JSPCA chief executive pleads guilty to fraud

THE former chief executive of the JSPCA has pleaded guilty to defrauding the charity and has been remanded in custody.

29 Nov 10:20 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775113547978.html
These female African scientists have changed the world in various ways

Women have been responsible for some of the most important scientific revolutions that shaped the modern world. From Marie Curie’s discoveries about radiation to Grace Hopper’s groundbreaking work on computer programming, and Barbara McClintock’s pioneering approach to genetics. But too often their stories aren’t just about the difficulties they faced in cracking some of the toughest problems in science, but also...

29 Nov 14:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198131153109631.html
Trump spends Thanksgiving in Afghanistan, visits with troops

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks and said he believes the Taliban want a cease-fire.

29 Nov 10:31 Whio 8204027954852866194.html
Hartson questions Ljungberg’s contribution against Eintracht Frankfurt

Arsenal are on a seven-game winless run and have appointed Freddie Ljungberg as interim head coach.

29 Nov 11:52 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774096630972.html
Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi says he will resign

Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi will resign after nearly two months of anti-government protests, according to a statement from his office.

29 Nov 15:12 CHANNEL3000 830332543059414924.html
JNU Student Protests: Security Increased Outside HRD Ministry 

Taking in view the protests by agitating students of the capital's Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), a massive deployment of security forces has been made outside the Union Human Resource Development Ministry (MHRD) in New Delhi.

29 Nov 14:58 Swarajya 4977622829691658611.html
National high school body orders pitch limits for first time

High school games played at the spiritual home of Japanese baseball will get a new look in 2020 after the organizer of the prestigious national championshi

29 Nov 10:19 The Japan Times 6673764366667064344.html
New regulations for gift vouchers to come into effect ahead of Christmas

New laws will give all vouchers a five-year expiry time while also meaning people won't have to spend the entirity of the balance in one transaction.

29 Nov 10:51 Breaking News 4415806919219017183.html
'Ontslagen Emery verloor na pesterijen controle over Arsenal-selectie'

De vrijdag ontslagen Unai Emery lag niet goed in de spelersgroep van Arsenal. Dat meldt The Evening Standard. De Spaanse manager werd achter zijn rug om belachelijk gemaakt. Emery werd vrijdag ontslagen door Arsenal, maar een verrassing is dat niet. De laatste weken groeide in het Emirates Stadium de onvrede over het functioneren van de Spaanse manager, die pas één seizoen in dienst was van The Gunners. In die periode slaagde hij erin de halve spelersgroep tegen zich in het harnas te jagen. Arsenal hakt de knoop door: Emery ontslagen na nieuwe dreun 'Ancelotti in beeld bij Arsenal na ontslag Emery: concurrentie van tweetal'

29 Nov 15:27 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884762996587.html
Primer ministro de Irak presenta su renuncia tras protestas

El primer ministro de Irak, Adil Abdul Mahdi, presentó su renuncia al Parlamento para que los legisladores puedan elegir un nuevo gobierno, […]

29 Nov 11:44 Notisistema 1929539245394064737.html
Wild snow leopard's vision restored after world-first cataract surgery

A wild snow leopard found injured and unable to see has had its vision restored after Chinese veterinarians removed a cataract in what they say is a world-first surgical procedure.

29 Nov 14:15 CTVNews 2422791598553645873.html
London Bridge knife rampage declared a terror attack

The suspect appears to have been disarmed by brave bystanders before being shot by police.

29 Nov 14:52 Shropshire Star 3480199992016214239.html
A network of cables at the bottom of the ocean is helping scientists detect earthquakes

Internet submarine cables will be used to detect earthquakes, A team of researchers has revealed how to easily set up an underwater earthquake detectors

29 Nov 14:13 Gizchina 5392375275491369753.html
Romantisnya Raffi dan Nagita, dari Pelukan Sampai Cium Kening

Intip momen romantis Raffi dan Nagita selama liburan di Korea Selatan.

29 Nov 12:55 merdeka.com 1998180354395161779.html
Block Friday: French activists try to disrupt discount shopping day

PARIS (Reuters) - Activists staged protests against online retailer Amazon around France on Friday and tried to blockade a shopping mall in Paris, denouncing as rampant consumerism the U.S. Black Friday shopping frenzy that has spread to European shores.

29 Nov 15:14 Reuters 8334514181272714702.html
Block Friday: French activists try to disrupt discount shopping day

PARIS (Reuters) - Activists staged protests against online retailer Amazon around France on Friday and tried to blockade a shopping mall in Paris, denouncing as rampant consumerism the U.S. Black Friday shopping frenzy that has spread to European shores.

29 Nov 15:14 Reuters 8334514179895310585.html
Slovakia may force women to listen to fetal heartbeat in pre-abortion ultrasounds

The bill was submitted by three members of the conservative Slovak National Party, who wrote that it is intended “to ensure that women are informed about the current stage of their pregnancy”

29 Nov 14:52 New York Post 7654946768494304779.html
FRSC criticises lane indiscipline by drivers - The Nation Newspaper

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Ebonyi has criticised the practice of lane indiscipline which it described as common among drivers in Ebonyi...

29 Nov 15:40 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901024108387.html
Liverpool fret over Fabinho injury as fixture pile-up looms

Jurgen Klopp is preparing to embark on a frantic run of fixtures with fears over the fitness of Fabinho after the midfielder limped out of Liverpool's Champions League draw against Napoli.

29 Nov 12:11 The Guardian 7580308505641507736.html
Liverpool fret over Fabinho injury as fixture pile-up looms

The 26-year-old Brazilian has emerged as one of the unsung heroes of Jurgen Klopp’s team.

29 Nov 10:38 The42 5369852629883140726.html
Telkom walks away after Cell C rejects offer

Telkom has withdrawn a cautionary notice to shareholders about its proposed acquisition of Cell C after the board of the mobile operator spurned its approaches.

29 Nov 15:00 TechCentral 724913818732019607.html
Block Friday: French activists try to disrupt discount shopping day

PARIS, Nov 29 — Activists staged protests against online retailer Amazon around France today and tried to blockade a shopping mall in Paris, denouncing as rampant consumerism the US Black Friday shopping frenzy that has spread to European shores. French companies have embraced the discount...

29 Nov 12:53 Malaymail 302165936482494291.html
Wild snow leopard's vision restored after world-first cataract surgery

A wild snow leopard found injured and unable to see has had its vision restored after Chinese veterinarians removed a cataract in what they say is a world-first surgical procedure.

29 Nov 12:00 CHANNEL3000 830332541992102000.html
Aussage am Landgericht Frankfurt: Falk soll mehrere Morde in Auftrag gegeben haben

Der Hauptbelastungszeuge gegen den Hamburger Unternehmer sagt vorm Frankfurter Landgericht aus.

29 Nov 15:12 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323280031369.html
Lerares pakt telefoon af, leerlinge kapt schoonmaakmiddel in haar thee

Een leerlinge van een school in Amsterdam heeft  afgelopen dinsdag een lerares vergiftigd met schoonmaakmiddel. Een woordvoerster van de middelbare school Wellantcollege in het stadsdeel Nieuw-West...

29 Nov 13:11 HLN 8967494997633164458.html
Man doodgeschoten door Britse politie op London Bridge

Deze middag vond aan de London Bridge een incident plaats. Een man werd doodgeschoten.

29 Nov 15:44 SCEPTR 7604357483000772638.html
Weston-super-Mare toilets used by prostitutes and drug dealers to close

The loos will be demolished as part of a major town centre regeneration programme

29 Nov 10:58 BristolLive 4740742016105063930.html
Adina Florea pune sub acuzare doi fosti procurori de la DNA Oradea si o judecatoare din Tribunalul Bihor

Procuroarea Adina Florea de la Sectia de investigare a infractiunilor din justitie (SIIJ), cunsocuta ca Sectia Speciala (SS), a inceput urmarirea penala impotriva a trei magistrati de la Oradea: fosta sefa a Sectiei Penale si fost vicepresedinte al Tribunalului Bihor, Crina Muntean, fostul sef al DNA Oradea, Ciprian Man si fostul procuror DNA Cristian Ardelean, potrivit unor surse judiciare.

29 Nov 13:20 Ziare.com 1922730285859985375.html
Yann Sommer signs new Borussia Monchengladbach contract

Borussia Monchengladbach have confirmed goalkeeper Yann Sommer has signed a contract extension to keep him at the club until 2023.

29 Nov 14:03 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906915248647.html
Honda Fit overturns, kills two

TWO people died while three others were injured on Monday when a Honda fit they were travelling in veered off the road before overturning two times after a rear...

29 Nov 11:00 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540172825954.html
London Bridge stabbings declared 'terrorist incident'

Police say the stabbings and shooting at London Bridge has been declared a 'terrorist incident' and that a man was shot dead.

29 Nov 14:31 CTVNews 2422791597350750449.html
Cameroonian invents boat made from plastic bottles to offer poor fisher folks chance to earn a living

The menace of plastic waste littering confronts many African cities. From clogging city drains to being an eyesore, they serve as a nuisance, but Ismaël Essome Ebone from the Cameroonian city of Douala proffers a solution. Ebone aware that fisher folks were unable to purchase wooden canoes to undertake fishing because of high prices and...

29 Nov 12:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198131245255097.html
Schonfrist abgelaufen: Arsenal entlässt Trainer Emery nach Niederlage gegen Eintracht Frankfurt

Trainer Emery stand bei Arsenal schon lange in der Kritik – nach dem 1:2 gegen Eintracht Frankfurt wird er entlassen. 

29 Nov 11:00 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322243115070.html
Duterte gives POGOs 3 days to pay taxes

Errant POGOs will be shot like 'pugo' or quail, says President Rodrigo Duterte, in his typical threat-making style

29 Nov 14:14 Rappler 1882105643564006342.html
China mixing military and science in Arctic push: Denmark

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - China’s military is increasingly using scientific research in the Arctic as a way into the region, a Danish intelligence service said on Friday, as it warned of intensifying geopolitical rivalry in the Earth’s freezing North.

29 Nov 14:31 Reuters 8334514181707916321.html
Veith-Comeback bei Heimrennen von Shiffrin in Killington

Dreimal hat Mikaela Shiffrin den Weltcup-Slalom in Killington schon gewonnen, am Samstag (15.45/19.00 Uhr MESZ/live ORF 1) geht sie auf ihren ersten Riesentorlauf-Erfolg in ihrer näheren Heimat los. Die neuseeländische Sölden-Überraschungssiegerin Alice Robinson plant nach einer Knochenprellung im Knie ein Antreten, im ÖSV-Team gibt Anna Veith ihr Comeback nach dem Kreuzbandriss von Mitte Jänner.

29 Nov 11:46 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084538563247.html
Tele Columbus steigert Zahl der Internetkunden

Tele Columbus gewinnt mehr Internetkunden. Doch der Umsatz sinkt, die Verluste verdoppeln sich fast, aber Firmenchef Timm Degenhardt bleibt optimistisch.

29 Nov 11:44 Golem.de 3063982245306126284.html
World Aids Day reflects importance of community effort

Sunday 1 December is World Aids Day and the theme of this year’s observance is that communities can make a difference by fighting to end the epidemic.

29 Nov 10:11 SCOOP 5315658999812581240.html
Editorial: Food requires more than thanks

In keeping with the spirit of the holiday we reflect on what’s behind the feast so many of us enjoyed and too many of us take for granted. The availability and sustainability of good food is not guaranteed.

29 Nov 14:39 CHANNEL3000 830332543145325557.html
Verhandlung vor dem Amtsgericht Bersenbrück: Schwer kranke Hundewelpen verkauft?

Vor dem Amtsgericht Bersenbrück läuft ein Prozess gegen ein inzwischen geschiedenes Paar: Es soll schwer kranke und teils zu junge Hundewelpen verkauft haben.

29 Nov 10:01 www.noz.de 1790140122801946996.html
Hong Kong: rimosso assedio a Politecnico

La polizia di Hong Kong ha rimosso l'assedio al Politecnico durato 13 giorni: la svolta è maturata dopo un'ulteriore tornata di ispezioni al campus che non ha portato al ritrovamento dei manifestanti 'irriducibili' (intorno alla ventina) che si riteneva fo... (ANSA)

29 Nov 11:55 ANSA.it 1300837447095218062.html
Ngobrol Seru Bersama Cast Sang Prawira Hanya di Vidio Talk

29 NOV 2019 | 14:00WIB - Vidio Talk bareng cast Sang Prawira

29 Nov 14:05 liputan6.com 3414318496010463449.html
Pengamat Nilai Startup Sulit Terhindar dari Bakar Duit Seperti OVO

Aksi bakar duit seperti yang dilakukan Lippo Group untuk OVO merupakan suatu yang tak bisa terhindarkan pada bisnis perusahaan rintisan atau startup.

29 Nov 11:15 detikfinance 4442190001453913872.html
President Akufo-Addo expected to cut sod for commencement of Pwalugu Dam

news, story, article

29 Nov 15:51 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609669174070.html
Coleen Rooney puts Wagatha Christie behind her as she gets glammed up for Christmas

Wayne Rooney's wife put on a super glam display as she headed to a showbiz Christmas bash following her spat with Rebekah Vardy

29 Nov 14:49 Irish Mirror 2875825630116611945.html
Mother blames Glasgow hospital bosses for girl's death after infection

Milly Main, 10, would be alive if water supply warning had been acted on, says her mother

29 Nov 15:57 the Guardian 1491978796379419918.html
Bobcampagne: politie controleert ook zwalpende bestuurders op gsm-gebruik

De nieuwe bobcampagne gaat vandaag van start in ons land: ‘Bob. Altijd nul op.’ Maar de politie zal ook gsm-gebruikers viseren. ‘De statische bobcontroles ...

29 Nov 11:06 De Standaard 2288913867504769629.html
BVB: Jadon Sancho hegt laut Michael Zorc keine Wechselabsichten im Winter

Jadon Sancho wird wohl mindestens bis zum Saisonende bei Borussia Dortmund bleiben. Wie BVB-Sportdirektor Michael Zorc am Freitag auf einer Pressekonferenz erklärte, hege der aktuell umstrittene Youngster keine Wechselabsichten für den Januar.

29 Nov 12:45 SPOX 8395423526733335000.html
Danceperados präsentieren ihr neues Programm in der Holzlandhalle

Eine sehr gelungene Premiere feierten die Showtanzgruppen des FSV Steinkirchen in der randvollen Holzlandhalle.

29 Nov 10:12 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238389058228.html
Manchester United 'end interest in Juventus forward Mario Mandzukic'

Manchester United will reportedly not pursue a deal for Juventus forward Mario Mandzukic during the January transfer window.

29 Nov 13:19 Sports Mole 7750663361073568878.html
Ciamik di Timnas Indonesia U-22, Asnawi Mangkualam Disamakan dengan Alexander Arnold hingga Dani Car

Timnas Indonesia U-22 berhasil mengalahkan Singapura dengan skor 2-0 pada laga kedua Grup B SEA Games 2019 di Stadion Rizal Memorial, Kamis (28/11/2019) malam.

29 Nov 10:52 Bola.net 5489959028779635847.html
Manfaat Kunir Putih dan Temulawak, Obat Herbal Alami

Ada beberapa manfaat kunir putih dan temulawak yang perlu diketahui.

29 Nov 11:25 liputan6.com 5422146880641143383.html
Tuttosport - Milan, Ibra potrebbe sbarcare a Milano nelle prossime ore per incontrare la dirigenza rossonera

Il Milan e i suoi tifosi continuano a sognare il ritorno in rossonero di Zlatan Ibrahimovic e chissà che presto tutto questo non possa diventare realtà. L'edizione odierna di Tuttosport riferisce questa mattina che ci sono delle voci secondo cui lo svedese potrebbe sbarcare a Milanello nelle prossime ore per incontrare, insieme al suo agente Raiola, la dirigenza del club di via Aldo Rossi.   

29 Nov 10:34 MilanNews.it 6507305921418914592.html
Kutuny leads section of Rift Valley leaders in backing BBI

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 29-A section of Rift Valley leaders have declared support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report launched by President Uhuru - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

29 Nov 14:24 Capital News 7605153804086352000.html
Build office buildings for all GPs, says Minister

Dayakar Rao reviews work taken up under Centrally-aided schemes

29 Nov 14:37 The Hindu 6679535024371024871.html
VP Mike Pence makes surprise Thanksgiving visit to Marines at Air Station Beaufort

He and Second Lady Karen Pence served Marines, Sailors, and civilians a Thanksgiving meal.

29 Nov 12:31 WBTV 6439870257838605853.html
Alasan Bonucci Tak Mau Juventus Jumpa Totenham di Liga Champions

Bek Juventus, Leonardo Bonucci mengatakan jika ia tidak ingin Juventus bertemu Tottenham di babak 16 besar Liga Champions.

29 Nov 11:15 BolaSport.com 4603768436495451361.html
Jongen stak school in brand om ouderavond

Een 15-jarige Duitse jongen is veroordeeld tot 4,5 jaar jeugddetentie omdat hij vorig jaar tot drie keer toe de school in Schleiden (Noord-Rijnland-Westfalen) waarop hij zat in brand stak in. Dat zou hij hebben gedaan om een ouderavond te voorkomen. Ook wordt hij verantwoordelijk gehouden voor zes andere branden in dezelfde regio.

29 Nov 12:13 RD.nl 6406779840753006318.html
Topplistorna: Miss Li kvar i topp

Leonard Cohen, Coldplay och Bo Kaspers Orkester är nya på albumlistan – men förstplatsen knep rapparen Ant Wan men splitternya albumet "Kapitel 21". På singellistan märker man att det börjar lacka mot jul. Kvar i topp är dock Miss Li med sin "Så mycket

29 Nov 15:32 HD 3336945413457460383.html
BARMM to benefit from intensified trade in BIMP-EAGA

COTABATO CITY – The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) will benefit mainly from intensified trade between the Philippines and its counterparts in Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia under the 25-year old Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Malaysia Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) corridor.

29 Nov 10:52 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200248594279.html
Berliner Flughafen soll Ende Oktober eröffnet werden

Mit einer Verspätung von acht Jahren soll der Hauptstadtflughafen in Berlin am letzten Oktobertag eröffnet werden.

29 Nov 14:39 SRF 8424707179300781786.html
FM's remarks on economy disappointing in extreme: Yashwant Sinha

Yashwant Sinha said the root cause of the current economic crisis is "death of demand" in the country. He alleged that the government ignored the agriculture distress in the country. Sinha also raised questions over the data for calculating GDP numbers. He added that companies after companies are facing bankruptcy and the govt has stated that it would have to close Air India.

29 Nov 11:43 The Economic Times 7653256037013531835.html
Former Playboy Model Pamela Anderson Writes to PM Modi With a Special Request

New Delhi (Sputnik): Pamela, who is also an American animal rights activist, has urged Prime Minister Modi to promote veganism through his speeches as a way to encourage India’s fight against climate change, media reported on Friday.

29 Nov 15:47 Sputniknews 967333867677943138.html
Paura per Francesco Chiofalo: nuova corsa in ospedale

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:49 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207298738887.html
Windows 10-bug bevriest Thunderbolt-randapparatuur

Wie z’n pc al eens opstartte om vervolgens te ontdekkend dat randapparatuur aangesloten via Thunderbolt niet meer werkt, is niet alleen. Microsoft laat weten dat het om een gekende bug gaat die de meeste versies van Windows 10 treft. Wie z’n pc Windows pc opstart vanuit een bepaalde ‘powerstate’, kan van tijd tot tijd ontdekkend […]

29 Nov 11:35 Techzine 1792892595528961163.html
Thousands of people across Europe are protesting and striking against Amazon on Black Friday

Amazon workers and activists across the UK, Germany, France, and Spain are protesting working conditions at the retail giant’s warehouses with demonstrations and strikes on Black Friday, one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

29 Nov 15:04 Business Insider Australia 5575934299926942052.html
7 Pesona Richard Kevin, Calon Suami Cut Tari

Richard Kevin dan Cut Tari telah mendaftarkan pernikahan mereka ke KUA Pasar Minggu. - Foto 1

29 Nov 11:59 moms-life 8028540702501247833.html
Qatar signs MoU with APU to promote peace

The State of Qatar, represented by the Shura Council has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) yesterday with the African Parliamentary Union (APU).

29 Nov 11:11 The Peninsula 1202843881020895406.html
Verkehrsrevolution: Sabbat-Busse in Tel Aviv

Verkehrsrevolution in Tel Aviv: In der Mittelmeer-Metropole fahren jetzt auch am Samstag Busse durch die Stadt.

29 Nov 15:31 euronews 4540914626835027289.html
El Cluster Quesero regresa a Colombia para afianzar sus relaciones internacionales

Integrantes de la comisión directiva del Cluster Quesero de Tandil viajarán a principios de diciembre a “Expo Lácteos 2019”, un evento de gran importancia que tendrá lugar en la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia. La invitación llega de la mano de la Cámara de Comercio de Valledupar, una institución socia estratégica para el Cluster en el […]

29 Nov 10:01 El Eco 4177735525325223261.html
Onderdelen vliegende Duitse bom WOII gevonden bij verbreding A1

Bij werkzaamheden voor de verbreding van de A1 zijn onderdelen gevonden van een vliegende bom, die veel werd gebruikt tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. De onderdelen liggen in de gemeente Deventer, en ook dicht bij de gemeente Voorst en het dorp Wilp.

29 Nov 11:21 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615964299065.html
Unai Emery bei Arsenal entlassen

Am Vormittag nach dem 1:2 in der Europa League in einem halbleeren Stadion gegen Eintracht Frankfurt entlässt Arsenal Trainer Unai Emery (48). Freddie Ljungberg (42) übernimmt interimistisch.

29 Nov 11:05 bz BASEL 5287163742786975116.html
Dumfries friends launch coat campaign to help needy over Christmas

The idea came out about after Gillian saw similar projects being set up to help people struggling with the freezing temperatures elsewhere - and thought it could be brought to the region.

29 Nov 13:49 dailyrecord 552235479291687336.html
Buhari proposes pool fund for africa trans-regional gas infrastructure 

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari yesterday said there was a need for African nations to pool resources to put up trans-border and trans-regional....

29 Nov 14:17 Vanguard News 4125100338851261373.html
Rajat Sharma resigns yet again

Rajat Sharma once again chose to relinquish his post as president of the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) following “differences” with a majority of the Apex Council members.In his resign

29 Nov 13:27 The Hindu 6679535025758938000.html
Another blow for Georgiou

SCA dismisses an appeal against a high court decision ordering him to honour an HS buyback agreement.

29 Nov 15:10 Moneyweb 1092550946858135290.html
Verdi: Erneut Streiks bei Amazon

Amazon ist der weltgrößte Online-Händler - und hat weltweit Auseinandersetzungen mit Gewerkschaften. Ein maßgeblicher Grund: Das Unternehmen lehnt Tarifverträge ab.

29 Nov 13:49 inFranken.de 1813202629830881064.html
Main Bareng Mount dan Tammy, Willian Jadi Merasa Awet Muda

Bermain dengan sosok yang lebih muda di Chelsea, seperti Mason Mount dan Tammy Abraham, rupanya memberikan sedikit keuntungan bagi pemain senior seperti Willian. Pria berdarah Brasil itu merasa jadi lebih muda

29 Nov 14:32 Bola.net 5489959029314386880.html
Resmi! Arsenal Pecat Unai Emery sebagai Pelatih

WE Online, London - Perjalanan Unai Emery bersama Arsenal berakhir pada Jumat (29/11/2019), sore WIB. Arsenal telah memutuskan untuk memecat juru taktik berpaspor Spanyol itu beserta staf kepelatihannya.

29 Nov 11:18 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835790251876.html
The Curious Case Of Demolition And Restoration Of Guru Ravidas Temple

In its initial years, the judiciary undertook a very principled interference with the decisions taken by the legislature or the executive. Due to failures of successive governments, and more...

29 Nov 12:35 Live Law 8801531620435046421.html
Apostle Suleman Reacts As Arsenal Sack Unai Emery

Senior Pastor of the Omega Fire Ministry Apostle Johnson Suleiman has wondered why Arsenal fans are happy that the club sacked manager Unai Emery.

29 Nov 13:09 Concise 5544636823597653348.html
Black Friday sees fewer shoppers in stores as spending moves online

Shoppers also worried that tariffs imposed by President Donald Trump on Chinese imports would make their holiday shopping more expensive

29 Nov 14:45 Business-Standard 1502508924575234860.html
Kundura Cinema's screenings and events in December

Kundura Cinema in Istanbul's Beykoz district salutes December with different events from films accompanied by live music to public screenings

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944808396816521.html
Arsenal, Emery esonerato: squadra affidata a Ljungberg

La sconfitta in Europa League contro l'Eintracht Francoforte costa il posto al tecnico. Domenica in campionato contro il Norwich in panchina il

29 Nov 10:53 Repubblica.it 8208867270334034295.html
Kleine Jesslynn van der Vaart blijkt grootste fan van Estavana

Estavana Polman (27) is momenteel in Japan voor het wereldkampioenschap handbal. Haar dochtertje Jesslynn van der Vaart (2) is haar grootste fan en vliegt natuurlijk met mama mee.

29 Nov 10:34 RTL Boulevard 1500115271784944670.html
Bills fans greet team at airport following Thanksgiving victory

Nearly 200 Bills fans ended their Thanksgiving at the airport to greet the team upon its arrival from Texas following a 26-15 victory aga...

29 Nov 11:13 The Buffalo News 2088823986579919321.html
Update: Intel Reportedly Taps Samsung To Produce Supply Constrained Desktop CPUs

A new well-timed report coming out of South Korea is claiming that Samsung will produce desktop processors for Intel.

29 Nov 12:44 HotHardware 6258404626664770151.html
Kameras am Wiener Platz gehen am Montag in Betrieb

Nach dem Ebertplatz, dem Breslauer Platz und dem Neumarkt folgen die Kameras in Mülheim.

29 Nov 15:02 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568132425787.html
Terawan Anggap Tindakan Dokter Bikin Tekor BPJS, Ini Kata IDI

IDI menanggapi soal tudingan bahwa dokter berperan dalan kondisi defisit BPJS Kesehatan.

29 Nov 10:35 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213529379828.html
Leserfragen: Bürgermeister-Kandidaten Gantz und Staub antworten

Die beiden Kandidaten Kathrin Gantz (Die Linke) und der von der CDU nominierte Carsten Staub (parteilos) antworten auf Fragen von MZ-Lesern.

29 Nov 10:36 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110071556553.html
Plea in SC seeks stay on implementation of Electoral Bond Scheme

Plea filed by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) said that certain amendments made in Finance Act, 2017 and earlier Finance Act, 2016, both passed as money bills, have opened doors to unlimited political donations, even from foreign companies and thereby legitimising electoral corruption at a huge scale.

29 Nov 15:02 The Economic Times 7653256036864304068.html
Costco extends its Thanksgiving day promotions after its website crashes for more than 24-hours, preventing furious customers from shopping the deals

Costco is extending its Thanksgiving day online promotions to customers in the US after its website crashed for more than 24 hours and shoppers were unable to shop the sales.

29 Nov 11:52 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882161986528.html
Lacalle pasa al Frente

El nuevo presidente de Uruguay cierra un ciclo progresista de 15 años. Gobernará con una coalición conservadora donde pesa la voz de una formación ultraderechista. Su triunfo resta socios políticos regionales a Alberto Fernández

29 Nov 10:18 Diagonales 4932342256348433247.html
Iraqi PM offers resignation after security forces carry out 'bloodbath' killing of protesters

Iraq&rsquo;s embattled prime minister offered his resignation on Friday, following the bloodiest day in weeks of unrest.

29 Nov 13:12 The Telegraph 140598091993957179.html
Iraqi PM offers resignation after security forces carry out 'bloodbath' killing of protesters

Iraq’s embattled prime minister offered his resignation on Friday, following the bloodiest day in weeks of unrest. Adel Abdel Mahdi, who took up the post of premier last year, said he would submit to the parliament a formal letter requesting my resignation to "preserve the blood" of Iraqis.

29 Nov 13:12 Yahoo 7097669637018157118.html
Wenn das Zittern gestoppt wird, geht die Schwimmfähigkeit vergessen

Zitternde Hände und ein unsicherer Gang sind typische Begleiterscheinungen der Parkinson-Krankheit. Tiefe Hirnstimulation kann das Zittern zwar stoppen, aber bei einigen Patienten geht dann die Fähigkeit zu schwimmen vergessen.

29 Nov 13:40 bz BASEL 5287163742975070357.html
Carne vegana: mangiare e investire

Mangiare carne vegana e investire in Borsa. Luglio è stato il periodo più favorevole per Beyond Meat (NASDAQ:BYND) quotata su listino Nasdaq. Poi il

29 Nov 15:54 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856259992856314.html
Democrats are running into Trump's economic buzzsaw

If you're a president who promised to make America great again, and the unemployment rate falls to its lowest level since the early 1950s, it looks like you're making American great again

29 Nov 12:30 The Week 149215356011932798.html
Hungarian police find tunnels used by migrants to cross border

Police said they discovered both tunnels not long after their construction was completed and filled both of them up again.

29 Nov 12:42 Shropshire Star 3480199991828206115.html
Business licences loom for short-term online rentals in Saskatoon

The options city politicians will consider include an outright ban on renting properties not occupied by host

29 Nov 13:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104419532856644.html
Will Smith: Launch seiner zweiten Bel Air Athletics-Kollektion

Der Darsteller hat seine zweite Bel Air Athletics-Kollektion veröffentlicht. Der Frauenschwarm brachte ein brandneues Set der Sportbekleidung heraus.

29 Nov 13:00 VIP.de 2239798195135245001.html
Meteo, il fine settimana inizia con il sole, peggioramento domenica

Allerta gialla in Toscana per mareggiate. Lunedì migliora a Nord Ovest, ma la pioggia colpirà il Centro

29 Nov 14:32 Repubblica.it 8208867270651347333.html
Facebook, Instagram restored after it goes down for thousands globally on Thanksgiving Day

— Thanksgiving Day is noted for sharing photographs and exchanging warm greetings on social media. 

29 Nov 10:26 Whio 8204027954361365734.html
Kremlin says Zelensky, Putin may talk gas at Normandy Four summit

Peskov said intensive contacts on gas are underway and it is premature to give estimates.

29 Nov 15:40 UNIAN 6863008971178031432.html
Mainz will perfekte Heimserie gegen Frankfurt ausbauen

Trainer Achim Beierlorzer vom Fußball-Bundesligisten FSV Mainz 05 erwartet für die Fortsetzung der Serie gegen Eintracht Frankfurt ein hartes Stück Arbeit.

29 Nov 14:56 sport.de 3321967091688177213.html
Secret Revealed: Germany Has Unveiled a Stealth Aircraft

The Low Observable UAV Testbed, or LOUT, isn’t a fighter or a bomber. It is a 4-ton, diamond-shaped drone intended for research into stealth technologies.

29 Nov 14:48 The National Interest 7207864704059750852.html
Post terremoto: le falle dell'edilizia albanese

Terremoto in Albania: abusi edilizi, case costruite senza norme antisismiche e la criminalità

29 Nov 10:41 euronews 7379718590444478566.html
FR pozvala turskog ambasadora zbog izjave o Makronu

PARIZ - Francuska vlada pozvaće turskog ambasadora u Francuskoj na razgovor kako bi objasnio izjavu turskog predsednika Redžepa Tajipa Erdogana koji je

29 Nov 15:53 Krstarica 4176903989315512689.html
Pandora’s Box: Potentially Hazardous Seismic Faults Spotted Off California Coast

Such blindspots don't appear to be a rare occurrence even in over-researched areas, with concerns mounting about how to come up with an early tsunami or earthquake warning system to safeguard densely-populated places.

29 Nov 13:28 Sputniknews 967333868584509799.html
Trump back in Florida after whirlwind Afghanistan trip

President Trump arrived in Florida early Friday morning following his surprise trip to Afghanistan to see U.S. troops on Thanksgiving, his second visit to a combat zone as president and his first to

29 Nov 13:52 TheHill 355432918905060369.html
Streamer Game Rentan Alami Kelelahan, Apa Solusinya?

Beberapa tahun belakangan banyak ditemukan YouTuber dan streamer yang memutuskan untuk 'pamit' sejenak.

29 Nov 14:16 detikinet 7802439222564732575.html
Government initiates dialogue with ASEAN members for review of FTA: Piyush Goyal

"We have already initiated dialogue with ASEAN countries and I am happy to share with the House that ASEAN has agreed for a review of the FTA. We will take up various issues in the review and then we will report to the House," he told the House. He also said the Coffee Board is trying to develop an Indian brand of coffee .

29 Nov 11:22 The Economic Times 7653256038525388062.html
Werder Bremen gibt Mitarbeitern frei für den Klimastreik

Werder Bremen hat seinen Mitarbeitern für den weltweiten Klimastreik am Freitag freigegeben. Wie der Klub mitteilte, konnten die Angestellten mittags an der zentralen Veranstaltung (12 Uhr) in der Bremer Innenstadt teilnehmen. Das Training für die Profis war für 14.30 Uhr angesetzt.

29 Nov 10:29 SPOX 8395423526050125928.html
Suspect shot dead after terrorist incident on London Bridge

Police say suspect in stabbing incident was wearing hoax bomb device

29 Nov 14:32 The Irish Times 8204772967808044969.html
Telefónica konzentriert sich auf Deutschland und Europa

Die Expansion in Lateinamerika kostete die spanische Telefónica über 100 Milliarden US-Dollar. Doch das soll fast alles weg. Neue Schwerpunkte sind Spanien, Großbritannien,

29 Nov 14:43 Golem.de 3063982244316566165.html
Eduardo Jesus elogia contributos do Grupo Dorisol

O secretário regional de Turismo e Cultura realçou hoje o forte contributo que tem sido dado pelo Grupo Dorisol ao longo dos anos. Eduardo Jesus falav...

29 Nov 12:55 dnoticias 6968432066754218807.html
Woman found guilty of manslaughter in Edmonton toddler death

Mack pleaded not guilty to the second-degree murder charge. She was found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter.

29 Nov 11:46 Edmonton 2483052956216222552.html
Usai Cek Pos Satgas, Panglima TNI-Kapolri Salat Jumat di Tembagapura

Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto-Kapolri Jenderal Idham Azis melaksanakan salat jumat bersama usai mengecek pos Satgas TNI-Polri di wilayah Mil 39

29 Nov 10:56 detiknews 8793960223770509595.html
Italia penultima per gradimento euro

L'euro non convince gli italiani. (ANSA)

29 Nov 14:55 ANSA.it 1300837447544230014.html
3 arrested in downtown Vancouver climate protests

Three protesters taking part in a mock funeral procession through downtown Vancouver have been arrested.

29 Nov 13:19 City NEWS 1130 5858657119167121456.html
Update - Missing NMU student found unharmed

Port Elizabeth police have confirmed that a Nelson Mandela University student who was reported missing, has been found unharmed.Spokesperson, Colonel Priscilla Naidu, said 23-year-old Keenan Bouwer, was found at a flat on the beachfront on Friday.Earlier, police issued a missing person&apos;s report

29 Nov 12:09 Algoa FM 633679974829925968.html
Bagaimana Buku Komik Bang Lambe Melihat Peluang di Era Digital?

Komik Bang Lambe yang awalnya akan dirilis pada Senin, 2 Desember 2019 dimajukan menjadi 18 November 2019 karena banyak permintaan penggemar.

29 Nov 13:43 Tempo 6299881072672665077.html
Iraq's prime minister to step down amid protests

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on Monday said he would step down as anti-government protests continue to roil the country.

29 Nov 13:04 TheHill 355432919291881411.html
Zwei Passanten bei Messerattacke auf London Bridge getötet

Bei der Messerattacke auf der London Bridge sind am Freitag nach Angaben des Senders BBC zwei Passanten getötet worden. Mehrere Menschen wurden verletzt, als ein Angreifer am Nachmittag nahe der Brücke im Herzen der britischen Hauptstadt zustach. Der mutmaßliche Angreifer wurde nach einer Rangelei mit Passanten von der Polizei erschossen. Er habe eine Bombenattrappe am […]

29 Nov 14:36 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171175707999.html
Prima categoria - Diana, esonerato il tecnico Barnaba. Squadra affidata a Foschiani

Il Diana, formazione che attualmente occupa il dodicesimo posto nel girone B di Prima categoria, all'indomani del pareggio contro l'Aurora Remanzacco, ha deciso di esonerare il tecnico Paolo Barnaba. La squadra è stata affidata a Loris Foschiani, ex tecnico della Pro Fagagna, che esordirà domenica nell'impegnativo match casalingo contro il Rivignano quarto in classifica.

29 Nov 11:43 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193943169517.html
BT retter: Var ikke feilfakturert

BT skrev at transportfirmaet Tidsnok ble feilfakturert på fergen, men bilen deres skulle betale høy takst.

29 Nov 14:02 Bergens Tidende 6643873500314532852.html
Boris Johnson's dad just called the entire British public illiterate

Prime Minister's dad Stanley Johnson was on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire show

29 Nov 14:18 Wales Online 7686550516503507661.html
Vacature Coördinator Cursussen

Vacature Coördinator Cursussen Forma is op zoek naar een Coördinator Cursussen. Solliciteer via Bonaire.nu. Hier vind je een actueel vacatureaanbod.

29 Nov 11:29 Bonaire.Nu 6841721120271912522.html
WATCH: Retailers increase security around Black Friday shopping | Cape Argus

As people jostle each other to get their hands on Black Friday specials, customers are warned to keep their valuables safe from pickpockets.

29 Nov 11:36 www.iol.co.za 17825110883081478.html
Goed nieuws voor Delphine Boël: advocaat-generaal pleit voor verwerpen cassatieberoep Albert II

De advocaat-generaal bij het Hof van Cassatie heeft vrijdagochtend gepleit om de cassatieberoepen van Albert II in de zaak Delphine Boël te verwerpen. Op een beslissing van het Hof moet Boël, die de zitting zelf bijwoonde, nog wachten tot 13 december.

29 Nov 10:47 Site-Knack-NL 6755692569262966320.html
Bundesrat stoppt Teile des Klimapakets – Regierung sagt Nachbesserungen zu

Für wichtige Teile des Pakets hat die Länderkammer den Weg zwar freigemacht. Aber Pendlerpauschale, Förderung für Haus-Sanierungen und andere Steuerfragen müssen nachverhandelt werden.

29 Nov 12:12 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426723015279.html
Striscia la Notizia attacca Caterina Balivo, che risponde

Caterina Balivo è rifatta? Attaccata da Striscia la Notizia nella sua rubrica Fatti e Rifatti, la conduttrice di Vieni da Me..

29 Nov 13:42 BitchyF 921248401834072436.html
KOERS KORT. Belgische vrouwenachtervolgingsploeg pakt met record zilver in Hongkong - Vos maakt rentree in het veld

De Belgische vrouwenachtervolgingsploeg heeft zilver veroverd tijdens de tweede dag van de Wereldbekermanche baanwielrennen in Hongkong. Tijdens de finale verbeterden ze ook hun eigen nationale rec...

29 Nov 13:42 HLN 8967494997500213220.html
Experience a wide-range of pan-Asian flavours at Sriracha Robata

Hop aboard the Orient Express

29 Nov 10:25 The Hindu 6679535025822535117.html
VIDEO: Delays to Irish Rail services after truck crashes into barriers

Irish Rail services between Sandymount and Lansdowne n Dublin were suspended earlier this morning after a truck crashed into the barriers.

29 Nov 11:50 Buzz.ie 7092425147708570991.html
Dutch police: Multiple people injured in Hague stabbing

Multiple people were injured in a stabbing incident in The Hague’s main shopping street Friday night, police said.

29 Nov 13:54 KNOE 8 News 9048639192941616990.html
French Montana Finally Released From Hospital After Health Scare

Rap star French Montana is getting back to work after landing in the hospital for a few days.

29 Nov 15:33 AllHipHop 727666872945851126.html
Microsoft Remote Desktop app for iOS updated with several new features

Microsoft Remote Desktop is a service that allows users to access and use their computer through another device, such as an iPhone or iPad. The iOS app, which had been abandoned for over a year, was updated this week with several new features, including support for recently released Apple devices and also Dark Mode compatibility on […]

29 Nov 15:06 9to5Mac 8219339160836538842.html
Call for steps to increase forest cover in Andhra Pradesh

Experts express concern over global climate change

29 Nov 14:18 The Hindu 6679535026156985898.html
RBI begins bankruptcy proceedings against DHFL, sends stressed NBFC to NCLT

DHFL, once one of India's top shadow lenders, owes its creditors - which include mutual funds, banks, pension funds, insurance firms and retail investors - close to Rs 1 trillion

29 Nov 11:02 Business-Standard 1502508924724913286.html
The Frugal REIT Investor

Wealth is not the same as income. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend. Thomas Stanley.The foundation stone of wealth accumulation is defense. Thomas Stanley.Investors must select stocks

29 Nov 12:00 Seeking Alpha 5725634556998886102.html
Weltkriegsbombe entdeckt: Nach Bombenfund auf Runway: Berliner Flughafen Schönefeld nimmt Betrieb wieder auf

Der Betrieb am Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld wurde nach dem Fund einer Weltkriegsbombe eingestellt. Das bestätigte ein Sprecher des Flughafens gegenüber FOCUS Online.

29 Nov 13:49 FOCUS Online 4448121230559562819.html
Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Emery

Der englische Fußball-Erstligist FC Arsenal hat die Konsequenzen aus seiner […]

29 Nov 10:35 Sky Sport 6321692528624536038.html
SPÖ-Revolte vorerst abgewehrt

Pamela Rendi-Wagner stemmt sich gegen ihre Ablöse, am Freitagnachmittag findet ein Krisentreffen im Wiener Rathaus statt.

29 Nov 14:37 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442273645515.html
Il vergognoso silenzio intorno a Eniola Aluko

Una calciatrice della Juventus, con più di 100 presenze nella nazionale inglese, decide di andarsene dall'Italia un anno prima della scadenza del suo contratto perché non riesce più a sopportare il razzismo per strada e la cultura razzista di certo mondo del calcio. Ovviamente nessuno dice niente. E il suo allarme cade nel silenzio.

29 Nov 15:38 fanpage.it 1517332167431925987.html
Rapper Aron Molnar: Klimawandel musikalisch

Der ungarische Musiker widmet sich Klimawandel und Umweltschutz auf seine Art: Künstlerisch nämlich.

29 Nov 14:10 euronews 4540914625411069657.html
Dekleti iz sosednje ulice

Judy, biografska drama o eni največjih ikon ameriške zabavne industrije Judy Garland, vzame v precep zadnje leto njenega življenja, ko je ta želela svojo kariero ponovno zagnati v Angliji. V vlogi popolnega dekleta iz sosednje ulice, ki jo je hollywoodski studijski sistem popolnoma izžel in uničil, blesti Renée Zellweger, ki je ustvarila svojo najboljšo vlogo doslej.

29 Nov 13:19 Primorske novice 8884558924969238382.html
Emotionale Reise durchs Liebesdreieck: Martin Angelo ist die schwule Bridget Jones

Vergesst den Froschkönig und das Märchen von Prince Charming, denn Martin lebt in seinem eigenen Liebesfilm!

29 Nov 15:45 RTL.DE 7054729451957047804.html
Trabajadores de los polideportivos de Barakaldo inician una nueva semana de huelga

Trabajadores de la empresa Emtesport que prestan sus servicios en los polideportivos de Barakaldo han reanudado este viernes sus movilizaciones para denuncia...

29 Nov 15:57 naiz: 117472235708805223.html
Posadite semena za razcvet

Povsem mogoče je, da veliko vaših odnosov ni uspevalo tako, kot si resnično želite. Bolj ko se odpirate novemu znanju, dognanjem in duhovni rasti, bolj lahko vsa ta spoznanja uporabite za drugačn...

29 Nov 14:53 Slovenske novice 5901956562718547418.html
Unai Emery muss gehen

FC Arsenal feuert nach der 1:2-Niederlage in der Europa League gegen Eintracht Frankfurt Trainer Unai Emery. Fredrik Ljungberg übernimmt interimsweise. Die Nachfolger werden schon gehandelt.

29 Nov 13:02 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324151916518.html
What Companies That Are Good at Innovation Get Right

They have patience and leaders who take the long view.

29 Nov 13:15 Harvard Business Review 4845392233003077098.html
FIOD doet invallen bij webwinkel om fraude bij import uit China

De Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst (FIOD) heeft deze week meerdere invallen gedaan bij bedrijfspanden en woningen in Arnhem en Hengelo. Het is onderdeel van een onderzoek naar btw-fraude bij een webwinkel die spullen uit China importeerde.

29 Nov 12:02 RTLZ 8052859357332081201.html
A million illegal cigarettes seized by police along with drugs and air rifle in Winlaton raids

Two men in their 60s were arrested following the discovery and have since been released under investigation

29 Nov 14:27 ChronicleLive 1984146902551847430.html
LASK will auch gegen Rapid Momentum behalten

Vor dem Heimspiel am Sonntag gegen Rapid (17.00) befindet sich der LASK auf der Erfolgswelle. In der Fußball-Bundesliga wurden die jüngsten sieben Partien allesamt gewonnen. Zum Drüberstreuen stehen die Linzer fix im Sechzehntelfinale der Europa League. In dieser Tonart soll es gegen Rapid weitergehen. Bereits ab 14.30 Uhr treffen Admira – Salzburg und Altach – […]

29 Nov 15:14 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171456263563.html
TuFace And Blackface To Settle Feuds Out-Of-Court Settlement

Plantashun Boyz members and later day estranged fellows, Innocent Ujah Idibia well known as 2Face Idibia or 2Baba and Ahmedu Augustine Obiabo popularly known by the stage name Blackface have opted for an out-of-court settlement for their ongoing feud.

29 Nov 10:13 The Guardian 7580308504809887854.html
Ashley Graham nackt: HIER zeigt das Model wirklich ALLES

In den Vereinigten Staaten wurde am Donnerstag Thanksgiving gefeiert. Während sich die Mehrheit des Landes über ein ausgiebiges Festmahl freute, bestritten die Promis den staatlichen Feiertag auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise. Während US-Sängerin Rihanna die Thanksgiving-Festlichkeiten offenbar vorzüglich in Reizwäsche beging, verzichtete Plus-Size-Model Ashley Graham gleich komplett auf Kleidung.

29 Nov 14:53 news.de 5126378978073688523.html
Welpe auf Zugtoilette ausgesetzt!

Mini-Yorkshire-Terrier-Hündin wurde einfach auf Bahnfahrt zwischen Wien und Tulln „entsorgt.“ Jetzt erholt sie sich beim St. Pöltner Tierschutzverein.

29 Nov 11:06 NÖN.at 2486998933095161815.html
Rajapaksa's visit can boost trade, investments with Sri Lanka: Assocham

Rajapaksa arrived here on Thursday on a three-day visit, his first overseas tour after taking over the reins of Sri Lanka 10 days back, a reflection of importance he attaches to ties with India

29 Nov 10:25 Business-Standard 1502508925758974356.html
London police shoot suspect dead after 'terrorist' stabbings

Police shot dead a man suspected of stabbing several people near London Bridge on Friday in what detectives declared a terrorist incident. The...

29 Nov 14:28 DAILY SABAH 8383944809522593840.html
Hong Kong police consider use of wooden bullets to tackle unrest

The Hong Kong police have said they will not rule out using wooden bullets to disperse protesters. Police Commissioner Chris Tang told reporters during a tea gathering on Thursday that the force may consider using wooden baton rounds – or wooden bullets – which would cause damage to the human body than rubber bullets, […]

29 Nov 10:10 Hong Kong Free Press HKFP 3845645664171928684.html
Perusahaan Merugi, Dirut Argo Pantes Mengundurkan Diri

Presiden Direktur PT Argo Pantes Tbk (ARGO) Deepak Anand mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya per 30 November 2019.

29 Nov 11:46 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212333956139.html
Gelenke und Sehnen: Wintersport: So vermeiden Sie schlimme Verletzungen

Neben den klassischen Wintersportarten wie Skifahren, Rodeln oder Eislaufen, locken jedes Jahr neue Trendsportarten neugierige Sportler in die Skigebiete. Was viele dabei nicht beachten: Nicht jede Sportart ist für jeden geeignet.

29 Nov 10:41 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699920113316.html
Former Maguindanao town mayor acquitted of perjury charges

Former Datu Odin Sinsuat (DOS) Mayor Lester Seismundo Sinsuat of Maguindanao has been cleared by the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division of perjury charges due to the reportedly false declarations made in his Statement of Assets Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) for the years 2011 and 2012.

29 Nov 12:05 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200851331530.html
Jacob Zuma's leave to appeal application dismissed with costs

Former president Jacob Zuma launched an appeal after the KwaZulu-Natal High Court in Pietermaritzburg earlier dismissed his stay of prosecution bid.

29 Nov 10:10 News24 3752801378129704852.html
Predsednik Mirović primio ambasadorku Velike Britanije Šan Kristinu Maklaud

Predsednik Pokrajinske vlade Igor Mirović primio je danas novoimenovanu ambasadorku Velike Britanije Šan Kristinu Maklaud.Na sastanku je bilo reči o saradnji u oblastima privrede i kulture.Sagovornici su se složili da treba podstaći programe Britanskog saveta ...

29 Nov 15:42 kurir.rs 6515665027446577230.html
Sprachenvielfalt im Stadion: Fussballverband überprüft seine Durchsagen-Politik

Italienisch bleibt bei Spielen der Schweizer Fussballnati aussen vor. Auf Druck aus dem Kanton Tessin hinterfragt jetzt der Schweizerische Fussballverband seine Sprachenpolitik.

29 Nov 10:33 bz BASEL 5287163741567643540.html
What the Moomins can tell us about fighting climate despair

These books were written in the 1940s, but they can be read as parables of today's climate catastrophe

29 Nov 10:55 The Week 149215356136462675.html
Man held with bullet at Delhi Metro station

Saurabh Kumar, hailing from Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh, was apprehended by Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel at the Badarpur metro station on Thursday evening

29 Nov 12:30 The Indian Express 2885715104929175199.html
Pedestre atinge motocicleta e fica ferido em Arapiraca

Um acidente chamou a atenção de diversas pessoas na cidade de Arapiraca, na manhã desta sexta-feira (29). Um pedestre atingiu um motociclista, que ficou ferido, no bairro Alto do Cruzeiro. O nome da vítima não foi divulgado. Testemunhas informaram que o pedestre atravessou a rua Marcelino Magalhães correndo e atingiu a motocicleta. O condutor do...

29 Nov 11:07 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089009900948948.html
Freddie Ljungberg made coaching promise to Arsene Wenger when Swede left Arsenal

The legendary Gunners boss always had an eye on Ljungberg as an impressive coach, and his former player has now stepped up to take an interim role as Gunners boss

29 Nov 12:24 Irish Mirror 2875825629308624903.html
Batman Swapped With Catwoman in Arkham Knight Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

The Internet continues to impress, this time with a new Arkham Knight mod that depicts sexy Batman and stoic Catwoman.

29 Nov 11:11 CBR.com 1295516961579450952.html
Voges will Theater in den Bezirken behalten

Der designierte Volkstheater-Direktor möchte das Ensemble aufstocken, aber nur "circa ein Fünftel" behalten".

29 Nov 11:04 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441457496119.html
PvdA Amstelveen uit zorgen over stijgende OV-kosten

AMSTELVEEN – De Amstelveense fractie van de PvdA uit zorgen over de stijgende OV-kosten van komend jaar. De partij stelde vragen aan het college tijdens de raadsvergadering, van afgelopen donderdag, en gaat het onderwerp ook voorleggen in de regioraad van de Vervoerregio Amsterdam (VRA). Na een verhoging van 5,75% dit jaar, stijgen de prijzen volgend …

29 Nov 14:34 RTVA 4011379848979683337.html
Freddie Ljungberg made coaching promise to Arsene Wenger when Swede left Arsenal

The legendary Gunners boss always had an eye on Ljungberg as an impressive coach, and his former player has now stepped up to take an interim role as Gunners boss

29 Nov 12:24 mirror 675785260373631650.html
Elisabeth Moss gets driven crazy in The Invisible Man

Universal’s attempts to make their shared Dark Universe full of updated iterations of classic movie monsters, has so far, been kind of a failure. Sure The Mummy was flashy and filled with big…

29 Nov 15:30 Boing Boing 4601305168584447511.html
Serial winner WANTS Arsenal job but key issue could scupper appointment

Gunners search underway for Emery successor...

29 Nov 11:23 CaughtOffside 8169236756229000653.html
Opnieuw problemen binnen De Toppers?

 Jaren geleden was er al onenigheid binnen De Toppers en veranderde de samenstelling. Nu lijkt er opnieuw stront aan de knikker.

29 Nov 14:41 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048475385264.html
'Tenenkrommend dat pinautomaten dicht moeten'

Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Financiën) vindt het "tenenkrommend" dat ABN AMRO uit veiligheidsoverwegingen enkele tientallen geldautomaten heeft moeten sluiten.

29 Nov 15:19 1limburg 5437278402184860324.html
Anklage gegen mutmaßliche Speed-Kocher

Sieben Monate nach dem Fund einer großen Menge an Chemikalien in einer Lagerhalle in Preußisch Oldendorf hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Bielefeld Anklage gegen zwei Männer erhoben. Nach Angaben des Landgerichts Bielefeld werfen die Ermittler einem 37-Jähriger aus Preußisch Oldendorf im Kreis Minden-Lübbecke und einem 30-Jährigen aus Rödinghausen (Kreis Herford) die Herstellung von Amphetaminöl im industriellen Ausmaß vor, wie es in der Anklage ...

29 Nov 12:36 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569598829546.html
Silva and Pellegrini fight for Premier League survival after Arsenal sack Emery

Arsenal's decision to sack Unai Emery turns a harsh spotlight on Everton boss Marco Silva and West Ham's Manuel Pellegrini, who are running out of time to save their Premier League jobs.

29 Nov 13:06 The Guardian 7580308505356711987.html
Nigerians React To Sacking Of Emery As Arsenal Manager

Several reactions have trailed the sack of Unai Emery by Arsenal on Thursday and the immediate appointment of Freddie Ljungberg as the interim head coach.

29 Nov 10:50 Concise 5544636822355567735.html
3 Bintang Top dengan Gaji Mingguan Tertinggi di Pentas Premier League

Premier League telah berubah menjadi liga sepak bola terkaya di dunia. Ada beberapa psepakbola papan atas Inggris yang berpenghasilan lebih dari 10 kali gaji tahunan

29 Nov 13:01 Bola.com 1695722603045592774.html
Swiss Firm Zurich Airport Outbids DIAL, Adani To Develop Jewar Airport

The first phase of the airport would be spread over 1,334 hectare and cost Rs 4,588 crore.

29 Nov 11:06 Bloomberg | Quint 7403450741206421876.html
Fury in Malta over latest twist in slain reporter case

An intensifying probe into the murder of Caruana Galizia, who was blown up by a car bomb in October 2017, has destabilized Joseph Muscat's government, though the prime minister has rebutted repeated calls for his resignation.

29 Nov 15:21 Saudi Gazette 6913978435256642943.html
Thrissur woman adjudged Mrs. United Nations World

Saritha Ram Menon, who represented Australia, is the first South Asian woman to win the title

29 Nov 13:53 The Hindu 6679535025769371546.html
Hetze gegen Presse: Jimdo löscht Denunzianten-Plattform der AfD

Der Webhoster Jimdo hat klargemacht, dass seine Infrastruktur nicht für die Hetze von Rechtsextremisten gegen die Pressefreiheit zur Verfügung steht. Ein extra dafür eingerichtetes Portal der so genannten AfD hat das Unternehmen gelöscht.

29 Nov 10:25 winfuture.de 1179223336280536351.html
Man, armed with knife, barricades himself in residence

The incident happened Thursday night on Cedarbrae Avenue in Waterloo

29 Nov 14:07 KitchenerToday.com 52741009093710376.html
Iraqi prime minister says he will resign

BAGHDAD, Nov 29 — Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said today he would offer his resignation to parliament to allow lawmakers to choose a new government, in a move that follows weeks of violent anti-government protests. Abdul Mahdi’s decision came in response to a call for a change of...

29 Nov 13:25 Malaymail 302165935812590601.html
Manchester United Officials Visit Kolkata; Possibility of a Friendly Next Year

If things fall in place, football fans in India could be in for a treat next year as plans are underway to bring English Premier League giants Manchester United to Kolkata.

29 Nov 14:30 India.com 7150386084644250967.html
Sneller hulp voor bouwers en ruimere PFAS-norm

Het kabinet wil bedrijven die in de problemen zijn gekomen door de PFAS-normen makkelijker financieel kunnen helpen. Daarnaast komt er een ruimere norm voor deze schadelijke chemische stoffen in de grond en wordt gewerkt aan een verbod op sommige van deze stoffen, meldt milieuminister Stientje van Veldhoven vrijdag.

29 Nov 13:18 RD.nl 6406779842098467494.html
Harry und Meghan: Hochzeitsfotograf verrät bislang unveröffentlichte Details

Alexi Lubomirski war verantwortlich für Harrys und Meghans Verlobungsbilder und hat auch auf deren Hochzeit fotografiert.

29 Nov 15:34 Kurier 208072239205631786.html
Bauchi Guber: Appeal Court Upholds Bala Mohammed’s Election

The pronouncement of Bala Mohammed as the duly elected governor of Bauchi State by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), in the last general election was on Friday upheld by the Appeal Court sitting in Jos, Plateau State.

29 Nov 13:31 Concise 5544636821817743223.html
Windows Server 2012: Update-Installationsschleife nach November-Patchday

Einige Administratoren kämpfen derzeit mit dem Problem, dass ihre Windows Server 2012 in einer Update-Installationsschleife festhängen. Es gibt aber Abhilfe.

29 Nov 12:28 heise online 1766193383392616499.html
Mahfud MD Tegaskan Izin Perpanjangan FPI Belum Dikeluarkan karena Ada Masalah

SKT FPI habis 20 Juni 2019 lalu. Namun hingga kini, surat perpanjangan izin ormas pimpinan Muhammad Rizieq Shihab itu tak kunjung diterbitkan.

29 Nov 13:46 merdeka.com 1998180354838814859.html
Man who killed Keke Napep rider and buried his body finally arrested

One 29 year old Chizoba Nwoye, has been apprehended by the police for killing a tricycle operator, Dumebi Oforkansi and burying his remains in a shallow grave and stealing his tricycle. A statement released by the

29 Nov 12:15 LailasNews.com 2090029850717703067.html
Fears Kerry bus and cark park will ruin picturesque village

The project has already received approval for significant Government grant aid – but without proper consultation with businesses and locals, a council area meeting heard in Killorglin.

29 Nov 15:48 Irishexaminer 8196011179231765443.html
Site C taking shape

BC Hydro has released a new video of construction progress at Site C on the Peace River outside Fort St. John.

29 Nov 13:15 Castanet 616068601760782388.html
Die Eröffnung von MGI Latvia bildet die Grundlage für eine Life-Science-Kooperation zwischen China und Europa

Riga, Lettland (ots/PRNewswire) - MGI hat offiziell eine neue F&E-und Fertigungsanlage in Riga, Lettland, eröffnet. Sie ist als Brücke zwischen China und Europa für Innovationen in der Gesundheitswissenschaft gedacht.Die neue Anlage von MGI Latvia umfasst ein Produktfertigungszentrum, ein Sequenzierungszentrum mit Hochdurchsatz, ein Schulungsze...

29 Nov 14:01 Börse Express 3714356346906310353.html
Smurfit boxes clever on recycling and sustainability

In Paris to receive a business award, Tony Smurfit talks about sustainable packaging, Brexit and France

29 Nov 15:50 The Irish Times 8204772968874224443.html
Pep Guardiola reveals how relationship with Man City chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak affects his future plans

Manchester City manager has said he could stay beyond the end of his contract in 2023.

29 Nov 14:51 men 6694993427962612631.html
Nuno Espirito Santo's first season as Arsenal boss predicted by Football Manager

The Wolves manager has been linked with the vacant manager's position at the Emirates following Unai Emery's sacking, so how would he get on?

29 Nov 13:30 football.london 6804128268518871171.html
S. Korean firm sues BAT over alleged trademark infringement

Vitabon, a South Korean venture firm, said Friday it has launched a trademark infringement suit against tobacco giant British American Tobacco.Vitabon claims that its nicotine-free aromatherapy device, named Sense, and BAT's hybrid e-cigarette product, glo sens, confuse consumers due to their similar names.  Vitabon said it has filed the lawsuit with the Seoul Central District Court, demanding 110 million won ($...

29 Nov 11:11 Koreaherald 8029273604636403834.html
Belated bill to help solve indigenous cold cases gains steam

FARGO, N.D. — A bill originally meant to help law enforcement investigate cold cases of murdered and missing indigenous women that has floundered in Congress for two years may have the missing ingredients to become law — money and muscle. The money comes from an appropriations subcommittee chaired by Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who …

29 Nov 10:30 City NEWS 1130 5858657119774822064.html
Polizei ermittelt Tatverdächtigen nach Angriff auf Kippaträger in Freiburg

Die Kriminalpolizei hat einen 23-jährigen Mann ermittelt, der vor drei Wochen einen Kippaträger angegriffen haben soll. Der 19-Jährige jüdischen Glaubens war in einem Fitnessstudio attackiert...

29 Nov 11:05 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427623027560.html
Morgan Oey dan Sheila Dara Bicara Adegan Ciuman di Film Eggnoid

Morgan Oey dan Sheila Dara disatukan dalam proyek film garapan Naya Anindita berjudul Eggnoid.

29 Nov 11:00 liputan6.com 3414318497427014711.html
Report: Knesset Speaker Edelstein Preparing to Run for Likud Leadership

Edelstein has recently also launched an initiative aimed at preventing third elections.

29 Nov 12:53 The Jewish Press 7246030800034041645.html
Wasekjen PPP: Masih Ada Peluang FPI Dapatkan SKT

Achmad Baidowi menilai masih ada peluang bagi FPI mendapatkan perpanjangan surat keterangan terdaftar (SKT).

29 Nov 15:32 Tribunnews.com 3323534446015194463.html
DNB-aksjen stuper etter Økokrim-etterforskning

Aksjekursen i landets største finanskonsern faller kraftig fredag formiddag. Verdien av banken faller med 15 milliarder kroner.

29 Nov 10:03 NRK 3631390764384056475.html
Nooit meer klagen: Nederland heeft de beste pensioenvoorziening van alle rijke landen

Nederlanders klagen graag over hun pensioen, met name de verhoging van de pensioensgerechtigde leeftijd is onderwerp van discussie. Toch moeten we niet vergeten dat...

29 Nov 14:39 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629652557087.html
Promosi Black Friday dari Apple, Belanja dan Dapat Gift Card Hingga 3 Jutaan

Makemac - Apple mulai memberikan program diskon Black Friday atau tepatnya bagi-bagi Gift Card setiap belanja di Apple Store. Simak info lengkapnya.

29 Nov 10:17 grid.id 2219816953583270562.html
El Celta quiere conectar dos victorias

Óscar García debuta en Balaídos con el objetivo de refrendar el buen nivel ofrecido en La Cerámica

29 Nov 14:48 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578062339121.html
Brendan Rodgers responds to Arsenal link after Unai Emery sacking

Is Rodgers the man to replace Emery?

29 Nov 14:55 Metro 970161747037496203.html
Joselyn Dumas goes hard on Ghana Jesus

Actress Joselyn Dumas has become the lastest person to bare teeth at Kumawood actor Justice Hymns aka Mmebusem but now known popularly as Gha

29 Nov 10:02 GHANA PAGE 8986860743169876661.html
Pantelis Hatzidiakos voor de rest van het seizoen uitgeschakeld met knieblessure

Pantelis Hatzidiakos van AZ is voor de rest van het seizoen uitgeschakeld met een zware knieblessure. Die liep hij donderdagavond op tijdens het Europa League-duel met Partizan Belgrado. Dat zorgt ook voor kopzorgen bij trainer Arne Slot die,  door het wegvallen van Hatzidiakos, nóg minder opties heeft voor de plekken van centrale verdediger. Eerder viel…

29 Nov 14:14 Sportnieuws 3602982464113565251.html
Droga la compagna del padre e la violenta: arrestato magrebino

Giovane straniero residente in provincia di Ravenna droga e violenta la matrigna, denuncia del padre: ora dietro le sbarre del carcere di Bologna

29 Nov 14:21 ilGiornale.it 5019541225160914835.html
Hong Kong police withdraw from wrecked campus, activists call for more rallies

HONG KONG, Nov 29 — Hong Kong police today withdrew from the wreckage of a university campus damaged in weeks of clashes, as pro-democracy activists canvassed social media for support for more rallies at the weekend. Senior faculty members of Hong Kong Polytechnic University toured the campus...

29 Nov 10:59 Malaymail 302165934813438801.html
Iraqi prime minister says he will resign: statement

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Friday he would offer his resignation to parliament to allow lawmakers to choose a new government, in a move that follows weeks of violent anti-government protests.

29 Nov 14:42 Reuters 8334514181631392103.html
Pickpockets are lurking in these city centre streets, police say

Two men have been stealing phones from pockets

29 Nov 13:34 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701446799716.html
Woman wrongly detained in Montreal handrail dispute, Supreme Court rules

OTTAWA — A police officer stepped over the line when he detained a Quebec woman for refusing to hold onto an escalator handrail, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday while also slamming Montreal's transit authority.

29 Nov 15:27 KitchenerToday.com 52741010032274665.html
Noble queen of the universe candidates suportado ng mga asawa

KUNG very supportive ang American chiropractor doctor-husband ni Patricia Javier na si Doc Walcher sa kanyang singing and acting career at pagiging kandidata sa first Noble Queen of the Universe na gaganapin ngayong Linggo, December 1, 2019 sa grand ballroom ng Manila Hotel, ganoon din ang ipinakitang suporta ng German-American husband ng isa sa mga candidates na si Thelma Lassig na si Shawn Lassig maging ang mga anak (sa unang asawa) ni Thelma at ibang kaanak from Bohol.

29 Nov 10:47 Journal Online 6375127393447991869.html
Uya Kuya Marah, Billy Syahputra Digerebek Polisi dan Langsung Diborgol Saat Syuting

Billy Syahputra digerebek polisi saat syuting pagi pagi happy, presenter kondang Uya Kuya sangat panik.

29 Nov 13:54 merdeka.com 1998180354887690183.html
Report: TikTok Continues Trying to Distance Itself from Chinese Ownership | Breitbart

A new report alleges that Chinese firm ByteDance Studios is making efforts to distance its TikTok app from its other Chinese operations amid a probe by U.S. authorities.

29 Nov 15:00 Breitbart 3148363490950117701.html
La Nazione - Milan, la Fiorentina tenta Bonaventura

Giacomo Bonaventura nel mirino della Fiorentina. Secondo quanto riportato da La Nazione, il club viola è sulle tracce del centrocampista che potrebbe svincolarsi a giugno qualora non dovesse rinnovare con il Milan. Lo stesso numero 5 rossonero si sta per questo guardando intorno e una piazza come quella di Firenze potrebbe essere abbastanza ambiziosa per il suo rilancio dopo mesi e mesi trascorsi in infermeria.

29 Nov 12:49 MilanNews.it 6507305922865336196.html
Astana stun Man United youngsters in Europa League

LONDON: Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager on Friday after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, their worst run since 1992. The 48-year-old Spaniard was fired following the 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in Thursday’s Europa League match. His assistant Freddie Ljungberg takes over as interim manager during the search for a

29 Nov 13:34 Arab News 8912634262782618365.html
Daimler taglierà migliaia di posti per gli investimenti sull'elettrico

Dopo Audi anche Stoccarda punta a ridurre i costi operativi, previsti risparmi per 1,4 mld

29 Nov 15:59 Adnkronos 2840063644449417054.html
Nouriel Roubini Joins the Anti-Ethereum Brigade

Nouriel Roubini, “Dr. Doom”, once again lashed out against the perceived lack of value of crypto assets. This time, he selected Ethereum (ETH)

29 Nov 15:50 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937492541114.html
Amber Rose Sedot Lemak 6 Minggu Setelah Melahirkan, Amankah?

Amber Rose melakukan sedot lemak untuk mengembalikan bentuk tubuhnya hanya enam minggu setelah melahirkan.

29 Nov 12:30 Tempo 6965386208859804154.html
Diterima Presiden Erdogan, Menhan Prabowo Bahas Industri Pertahanan sampai...

WE Online, Ankara - Menteri Pertahanan Indonesia Prabowo Subianto diterima Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan di kompleks Istana Kepresidenan di Ankara.

29 Nov 12:05 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835845214872.html
Liquidity pressures faced by NBFCs, HFCs, to continue: Fitch Ratings

Increasing competition to offset lower growth may weigh on profitability and test risk appetite

29 Nov 10:40 Business-Standard 1502508925143111440.html
Police bust fascist neo-Nazi group in Italy

A Sicily-based countrywide raid by the Italian police led to the arrest of 19 suspects on Thursday, which are believed to be part of the National Italian...

29 Nov 12:17 DAILY SABAH 8383944808962310661.html
8 Cara Meniruskan Pipi Secara Alami, Bikin Nggak Tembem Lagi

Cara meniruskan pipi merupakan cara yang dicari oleh sebagian kaum wanita. Karena pipi merupakan bagian wajah yang berkaitan dengan kecantikan, maka cara meniruskan pipi tembem secara alami ini akan cocok untuk Anda.

29 Nov 13:35 merdeka.com 1998180354676251415.html
Huawei prepares lawsuit to fight against FCC restrictions

The company has also drastically increased its spending on Washington lobbyists and has engaged in a public-relations makeover.

29 Nov 11:10 MarketWatch 8975941549913220545.html
Hallan maleta con una cabeza humana adentro en Tijuana

Es la segunda cabeza humana que abandonan en la vía pública en lo que va de la semana

29 Nov 14:16 EL DEBATE 4396150894957452019.html
Travelling Wolves forced to miss much of Europa League clash as security criticised

A number of Wolves fans in Braga were forced to miss much of the side's Europa League game as they had flags and bags confiscated and waited in long queues outside.

29 Nov 10:47 Shropshire Star 3480199992195775433.html
MTU Aero Engines Hold

Die Experten der Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG (Berenberg Bank) bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von MTU Aero Engines mit Hold

29 Nov 12:22 finanzen.at 7258357744299762964.html
Arsenal fans heap praise on Frankfurt star Daichi Kamada despite him scoring twice

Daichi Kamada put Arsenal to the sword as he scored two stunning goals for Eintracht Frankfurt and earn all three points at the Emirates Stadium – and Arsenal fans have thanked the Japanese ace. Kamada, 23, joined Frankfurt in the summer of 2017 and struggled in his first season – managing just four appearances. It […]Arsenal fans have thanked Daichi Kamada on Twitter as they believe the Frankfurt star's brace has seen the Gunners finally sack Unai Emery.

29 Nov 11:45 The Boot Room 5717202227187199548.html
Mehrere Hundert Bauern setzen sich in Bonn zur Wehr

Mehrere hundert Landwirte haben in Bonn gegen die Agrarpolitik der Regierung protestiert. „Es muss endlich Schluss sein mit der maßlosen Auflagenflut“, forderte der Präsident des Rheinischen Landwirtschafts-Verbands, Bernhard Conzen, am Montag in Bonn. Eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft solle „in gegenseitigem Verständnis für das Notwendige und Machbare“ gestaltet werden. „Alles andere bedroht die Existenz der bäuerlichen ...

29 Nov 14:52 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569587474248.html
Crusaders to change logo but retain name after review sparked by mosque shootings

The club will begin using the new logo immediately but it will not make an on-field debut until 2021.

29 Nov 11:29 The42 5369852630225330390.html
Punya Struk Tiket Liburan? Kami Ganti Tiketmu

Bagi kamu yang sudah merencanakan untuk berlibur akhir tahun ini jangan ragu lagi, karena ada program yang bakal ganti tiket liburan kamu 100 persen.

29 Nov 14:16 detikTravel 7712517352881794327.html
Alaska governor marks 1st year in office amid turmoil

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy says he hopes to move past the rancor of his first year in office, amid an unsettled dispute with lawmakers over state spending and threat of a recall effort.

29 Nov 15:11 WFXT 6395891952674168877.html
Descubren un peculiar dinosaurio que renovaba sus dientes casa dos meses

Este proceso se producía porque el animal trituraba los huesos de sus presas al momento de alimentarse, por lo que su dentadura se veía altamente afectada con sus hábitos.

29 Nov 15:18 Primera Hora 5092966653538088149.html
Southampton im Nachzügler-Duell gefordert

Der FC Southampton kämpft im Heimspiel gegen Watford gegen den Absturz ans Tabellenende und die Unserie vor eigenem Publikum. Wir müssen uns bewusst sein, dass wir die Heimspiele gewinnen müssen", mahnt Trainer Ralph Hasenhüttl

29 Nov 13:15 weltfussball.at 3521376371397104365.html
Goddess Padmavathi rides the Sun and the Moon in Tiruchanur

The Bejewelled deity becomes the cynosure of all eyes

29 Nov 12:47 The Hindu 6679535024894261035.html
Iraqi PM to resign as top cleric warns of chaos amid escalating violence

Forty protesters were shot dead by security forces in Baghdad and the southern cities of Najaf and Nasiriya on Thursday.

29 Nov 13:04 Express & Star 7324224459517278353.html
Entregan vales a familias necesitadas de Arecibo y Hatillo

El representante por el Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP), José ‘Memo’ González Mercado, hizo entrega esta pasada semana de sobre 65 vales para la compra de materiales de construcción y reparación

29 Nov 11:52 elVocero.com 6318248038019579027.html
Arsenal fires manager Emery amid losing run

Unai Emery was fired by Arsenal on Friday, 18 months after succeeding Arsene Wenger as manager of the Premier League club. The north London team lost to Eintracht Frankfurt 2-1 in the Europa League on Thursday to extend its winless run to seven matches

29 Nov 10:24 TSN 865919180292694190.html
Court rejects Jacob Zuma appeal to prevent corruption trial

The ruling paves the way for Zuma's long-awaited trial to start in February 2020.

29 Nov 11:02 Moneyweb 1092550946453700566.html
2 ASIs, 3 constables suspended for allegedly killing former councillor Waheed Anjum in Rawalpindi

Amjad's friend says an ASI shot the former councillor "with the intent to murder".

29 Nov 14:07 DAWN.COM 4500271768132822387.html
Hong Kong Protesters Gather On Thanksgiving After Trump Signs Pro-Democracy Legislation

Pro-democracy protesters gathered in Hong Kong on Thanksgiving to show their gratitude to President Donald Trump after he signed legislation in their favor

29 Nov 12:07 Infowars 1950426315503766123.html
Villager killed by leopard while tending to his sheep in Tumakuru

This is the second fatal attack since October; villagers stage protest

29 Nov 13:49 The Hindu 6679535024916921878.html
M2mobi bouwt nieuwe app Hong Kong International Airport

De Amsterdamse app-ontwikkelaar M2Mobi haalt weer een grote luchthaven binnen als klant. Het gaat de mobiele app van Hong Kong International Airport vernieuwen.

29 Nov 12:37 Emerce 1354596986410962252.html
Teacher charged with murder in Embu

Kiamuringa Secondary School principal and three others are accused of killing a muguka farmer.

29 Nov 11:52 Daily Nation 7421817125486558758.html
We commit to uninterrupted power supply - GRIDCo Chairman

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:19 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609043829841.html
Satpol PP Bakal Tutup Usaha dan Toko yang Cemari Sungai Badung Bali

Hingga saat ini Satpol PP dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (DLHK) Kota Denpasar masih melakukan pendataan.

29 Nov 13:43 detiknews 8793960224624913275.html
Arsenal players "openly mocked" Unai Emery in training before Gunners sacking

The Spaniard's 18 months in the Gunners hotseat came to an end on Friday, when he was sacked amidst the club's worst run of form in 27 years

29 Nov 14:22 mirror 675785260447369998.html
Awal Mula Black Friday, Pesta Belanja Tiap Jumat Akhir November

Jika Single’s Day pada 11.11 bermula di Tiongkok, Black Friday merupakan festival belanja terbesar di Amerika Serikat (AS).

29 Nov 13:38 Katadata News 179777405457463647.html
Manchester United preparing three formations for the return of Paul Pogba

Paul Pogba is set to be fit again for Man United soon and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer says he has three teamsheets in mind when the Frenchman is back from injury.

29 Nov 12:00 men 6694993428965602895.html
72 prosecutors get training from US experts

SOME 72 prosecutors and investigators from Angeles City were given training by US experts in practical skills to prosecute online sexual exploitation, the United States Embassy in Manila said yesterday.

29 Nov 11:21 Journal Online 6375127392195820136.html
Coppia gay vessata e perseguitata dai vicini di casa: denunciati

Una coppia gay residente a Formia da tempo subiva offese, aggressioni fisiche, verbali e intimidazioni di ogni tipo. Dopo le tante segnalazioni alle forze dell’ordine, i responsabili sono stati individuati e denunciati a piede libero dai carabinieri: si tratta di un uomo e di una donna, entrambi di 65 anni e residenti a Formia. I […]

29 Nov 15:42 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338301594595.html
Chairul Tanjung Gelar Topping Off Perdana Trans Park Juanda

Trans Property meresmikan penyelesaian konstruksi apartemen Trans Park Juanda di Bekasi Timur

29 Nov 13:39 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214019791450.html
Boris Johnson forced to clarify his defence of monarchy in Prince Andrew scandal

The Tory leader said 10 days ago the monarchy was 'beyond reproach' - but now he's made clear he was only talking about the Queen, not the entire royal family

29 Nov 13:33 mirror 675785261393528781.html
Per Alitalia e Ilva non serve far risorgere l'Iri. Servono progetti industriali efficaci e sostenibili

Caro Direttore ma allora Gianbattista Vico aveva ragione quando formulava la teoria dei corsi e ricorsi storici? Così sembra osservando l'irrefrenabile voglia di intervento pubblico che...

29 Nov 14:29 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143445932226744.html
Is virtue signalling a perversion of morality?

Virtue signalling has been called out for its alleged hypocrisy. But is it, in fact, a true sign of morality?

29 Nov 11:00 Aeon 6690650597801738901.html
Demos and deals as Black Friday sweeps Europe

PARIS, Nov 29 — Climate activists staged protests across Europe today to denounce the environmental toll of mass consumption, while shoppers hit the streets and the internet as retailers of all stripes touted pre-holiday bargains. The American “Black Friday” tradition of a post-Thanksgiving...

29 Nov 14:16 Malaymail 302165935439871902.html
Koalitionsverhandlungen in Sachsen verzögern sich

Die Koalitionsverhandlungen zur neuen Regierung in Sachsen dauern länger. Ein Ergebnis wird nun am Sonnabend erwartet. Ursprünglich wollten CDU, SPD und Grüne am Freitag ihre Pläne vorstellen.

29 Nov 11:28 MDR 5336324388676988839.html
Demand in LS to shift private members' business to Wednesday from Friday

BJD member Bhartruhari Mahtab suggested that the day for private members' business be changed from Friday to Wednesday. He said it was the practice in the British parliament

29 Nov 13:48 Business-Standard 1502508925008993023.html
Nederlandse Rijksrecherche onderzoekt lekken uit dossier Ruinerwold: “Geschokt”

De Nederlandse Rijksrecherche is een onderzoek gestart naar de lekken uit het dossier in de zaak Ruinerwold. Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) laat weten geschokt te zijn nadat De Telegraaf delen uit he...

29 Nov 15:23 HLN 8967494996634159086.html
Clement krijgt twee stevige concurrenten voor Trofee Raymond Goethals

De drie genomineerden voor de Raymond Goethals Trofee 2019 zijn bekendgemaakt. Philippe Clement, die kampioen werd met KRC Genk, is de topfavoriet. Michel Preud'homme en Wouter Vrancken maken ook kans, zo meldt het persagentschap

29 Nov 12:45 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215391710883.html
Invitados confirmados en PH, podemos hablar

Ya dieron a conocer los nombres de los famosos y famosas que acompañarán a Andy Kusnetzoff.

29 Nov 10:46 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450494414611.html
A long forgotten Canadian discovery used to treat superbugs

A cystic fibrosis patient infected with a dangerous superbug has become one of the first Canadians to try phage therapy -- inhaling viruses found in sewage to kill the bacteria in her lungs. The experimental treatment, discovered in Canada over a century ago, may become a new weapon in the war against drug resistant bacteria.

29 Nov 15:20 W5 2422791598221451503.html
Krise bei Daimler: Drastische Sparmaßnahmen beim Personal

Vorstandschef Ola Källenius hat es schon angekündigt: Daimler muss einen Milliardenbetrag beim Personal einsparen. Welche Änderungen kommen auf bestehende Mitarbeiter zu?

29 Nov 13:31 T-Online 5460876211655180728.html
Restrictii de trafic in Capitala in acest weekend

Brigada Rutiera a Capitalei a informat vineri ca, in acest weekend, vor fi impuse mai multe restrictii de trafic, avand in vedere desfasurarea la Bucuresti a tragerii la sorti a grupelor pentru Campionatul de Fotbal UEFA EURO 2020, noteaza Agerpres.

29 Nov 10:54 Wall-Street 2473040520774048051.html
UK online supermarket Ocado strikes AI deal in Japan

UK online supermarket Ocado is venturing further outside its main market, announcing Friday a deal to provide artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to Japanese retail giant Aeon.

29 Nov 11:23 Tech Xplore 4945708898768339594.html
Start am Sonntag - viele deutsche Lkw nicht registriert

Vor dem Start eines neuen Lkw-Mautsystems am Sonntag in Tschechien laufen die Vorbereitungen auf Hochtouren.

29 Nov 12:48 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110785104083.html
French Montana released from intensive care after being rushed to hospital

French Montana reveals he is finally out of intensive care in a post on Instagram after he was hospitalised with cardiac issues.

29 Nov 11:43 Metro 970161748622065862.html
Bodem in grote delen van Nederland nog steeds veel te droog

Het lijkt haast niet te geloven maar ondanks dat de herfst op dit moment erg regenachtig verloopt is de bodem in grote delen van Nederland nog veel te droog. Dit meldt de Unie van waterschappen vrijdag.

29 Nov 12:06 Blik op nieuws 5468169448694253371.html
The Pussycat Dolls announce Birmingham show amidst reunion

Chart-topping girl group The Pussycat Dolls are reuniting nine years after their acrimonious break-up with a full UK and Ireland tour - and they're coming to Birmingham.

29 Nov 12:37 Express & Star 7324224458947872750.html
Black Friday Brawling Goes Digital | Breitbart

Instead of shoving each other on the sales floors of stores, customers rush onto online stores, causing sites to slow or shut down. | Economy

29 Nov 15:54 Breitbart 3148363491139249478.html
Perjalanan Annas Maamun: Kena OTT KPK hingga Dapat Grasi dari Jokowi

Nama Annas mencuat setelah mendapatkan grasi dari Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) berupa pengurangan masa hukuman.

29 Nov 14:32 detiknews 8793960224907695830.html
Govt accounts show strong debt position, impact of tax timing changes

Govt accounts show strong debt position, impact of tax timing changes

29 Nov 10:02 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314428839829.html
Video Call Deddy Corbuizer, Ini 5 Pengakuan Panas Agnez Mo Soal Heboh Tak Berdarah Indonesia

Setelah curhat di kotak pesan Anji, kini Agnez Mo buka-bukaan dengan Deddy Corbuizer terkait sesi wawancaranya di Build Series Yahoo! yang menuai bola panas di Tanah Air. Agnez Mo bikin geger publik pasca berujar tak memiliki darah Indonesia.

29 Nov 11:30 Cumicumi.com 7480087990748995203.html
Cuando quieres defender los derechos de Junqueras y debes exponer lo contrario

El magistrado del Tribunal Constitucional que avala los derechos políticos de Junqueras tendrá que redactar una nueva ponencia de acuerdo con el pleno, sosteniendo lo contrario

29 Nov 12:28 Cadena SER 8390941985435491554.html
Empleados de Amazon paran sus labores durante Black Friday en Alemania

Los trabajadores exigen mejores condiciones salariales

29 Nov 10:58 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310478479413.html
Pressure rises on Malta PM to resign over slain reporter case

Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat came under increasing pressure to resign on Friday as protesters cried foul over the latest twist in the case of slain investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

29 Nov 10:50 Digital Journal 4566489172605882991.html
Official: Arsenal sack Unai Emery

Arsenal have officially issued a statement confirming that they have relieved Unai Emery of his managerial duties at the club with immediate effect. #ArsenalFC #Emery

29 Nov 12:34 The Hard Tackle 3266374749406948918.html
Arsenal players "openly mocked" Unai Emery in training before Gunners sacking

The Spaniard's 18 months in the Gunners hotseat came to an end on Friday, when he was sacked amidst the club's worst run of form in 27 years

29 Nov 14:22 Irish Mirror 2875825629696061204.html
Revello: Museo Naturalistico del Po aperto anche nella Festa dell'Immacolata Concezione

Pensato in particolare per le scuole, ma aperto a tutti, il museo è anche dotato di uno spazio per la proiezione di diapositive e filmati, oltre che di un piccolo laboratorio didattico

29 Nov 14:37 Targatocn.it 7367208848872897171.html
10 Jersey Terbaik Manchester United Sejak Era Premier League

Deretan jersey terbaik Manchester United sejak era Premier League digulirkan.

29 Nov 15:40 Bola.com 1695722603415978542.html
Happy Days for Tiverton Junior Operatic Society after cash donation

The Tiverton Junior Operatic Club (TJOC) have been donated £1,733

29 Nov 13:12 DevonLive 2469244512041326184.html
Jangan Minum Kopi Saat Menstruasi, Bikin Dehidrasi dan Kram Makin Parah, Ini Penjelasannya

Hati-hati! perempuan hindari minum kopi saat menstruasi bisa bahayakan tubuh, simak alasannya

29 Nov 14:46 grid.id 586386475025428612.html
Aspal Landasan Pacu Mengelupas, Bandara Adisutjipto Ditutup Sementara

"Jadi kita ini baru malam pertama melaksanakan overlay, perawatanlah. Nah tadi pagi terjadi pengelupasan (aspal) sehingga harus kita close karena harus segera kita perbaiki," ujar Pandu

29 Nov 11:05 merdeka.com 1998180355192952214.html
Next Arsenal manager: Pep Guardiola reacts to Mikel Arteta speculation following Unai Emery dismissal

Pep Guardiola remained coy when asked about the future of his assistant Mikel Arteta, who has been linked with the vacancy at Arsenal. Arsenal sacked manager Unai Emery on Friday morning following a

29 Nov 14:14 The Independent 2511519172404380531.html
Revered relic of the Nativity heads back to Bethlehem

A wooden fragment said to be from the crib of the infant Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on Friday on its way back to Bethlehem after a millenium-long absence.

29 Nov 13:00 Digital Journal 4566489172862386739.html
Jay-Z's sports management company have recruited World Cup-winning skipper Kolisi

US-based representation company Roc Nation Sports has reportedly landed RWC-winning captain Siya Kolisi in what would be their first foray into rugby union.

29 Nov 10:40 Rugbypass 8668874338568778241.html
Buhari: Construction of Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline to start soon

President Muhammadu Buhari says the federal government would soon commence the construction of the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AAK) gas pipeline.

29 Nov 14:53 TheCable 7513571675946558373.html
Sony AI: la nuova divisione che guarda all'Intelligenza Artificiale

Sony AI è la neonata divisione del colosso nipponico che, come intuibile dal nome, punterà a sviluppare l'Intelligenza Artificiale per integrarla in sempre più servizi, esperienze e prodotti. Ma non è tutto: si guarderà anche all'etica dell'AI.

29 Nov 12:21 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332048624289.html
Fabinho injury a serious concern for Klopp as Liverpool embark on frantic run of fixtures

The 26-year-old Brazilian has emerged as one of the unsung heroes of Klopp’s team, who have a comfortable eight-point lead at the top of the Premier League.

29 Nov 12:15 Scroll.in 8669301694215518767.html
ORF 3 macht leicht verständliche Nachrichten

Die Inklusive Lehrredaktion unterstützt den ORF dabei, leicht verständliche Nachrichten zu machen. Von 2. bis 6. Dezember werden die Nachrichten auf dem Fernsehsender ORF 3 gezeigt.

29 Nov 10:21 Kurier 208072238193092683.html
Wirral hands Borough of Culture crown to Sefton

Fantastic year for Wirral

29 Nov 14:28 Liverpool Echo 7727211174814723347.html
Trump announces new peace talks in surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan

President Trump made a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Thursday to spend part of Thanksgiving with U.S. troops, AP reports. During the visit, Trump's first to Afghanistan, he announced that the U.S. and the Taliban have reopened peace talks. He said he believes the Taliban want a truce in America's longest war. "We're meeting with them," Trump said. "And we're saying it has to be a ceasefire." Trump had cut off talks with the Taliban in September and canceled a secret meeting between Taliban and Afghan leaders after a flurry of violence. During Trump's 3 1/2 hours at Bagram Air Field, Trump also served turkey to U.S. soldiers, who cheered him when he entered the dining hall. About 12,000 American troops remain in Afghanistan. Harold Maass

29 Nov 13:15 The Week 149215355952262812.html
Ayrshire teacher is crowned world natural bodybuilding champion

Ross Taylor, 30, is now able to compete for money alongside the biggest names in the sport after earning a pro-card.

29 Nov 10:23 dailyrecord 552235479959673237.html
Gara-gara Ini, Granit Xhaka Kembali Pancing Amarah Fans Arsenal

Kekalahan atas Eintracht Frankfurt sudah membuat fans setia Arsenal marah. Dan mereka dibuat semakin mencak-mencak di media sosial oleh perilaku sang gelandang, Granit Xhaka

29 Nov 10:35 Bola.net 5489959029331493839.html
ILP regime states, Sixth Schedule areas may be kept out of Citizenship Amendment Bill

​​The information comes amidst an initiative taken by Union Home Minister Amit Shah to hold discussions with chief ministers of the Northeastern states and different indigenous groups, civil society members and political parties of the region to assuage their concerns over the issue.

29 Nov 14:40 The Economic Times 7653256038394335355.html
Activistas argentinos llegan a La Paz con advertencia del Gobierno

El Gobierno interino adviritó a la Delegación Argentina de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Boliviano de que "se anden con cuidado"

29 Nov 15:50 EL DEBATE 4396150893635183756.html
Prostate cancer screening: Scientists develop an at-home urine test

LONDON, Nov 29 — English doctors have developed a urine test to screen for prostate cancer, which can be done at home. With the new test, the scientists are hoping to make it easier for men to avoid more invasive and time-consuming diagnostic methods such as digital rectal examination. At a time...

29 Nov 15:43 Malaymail 302165936180565744.html
Zorc confident Sancho will not push for January Dortmund exit

Borussia Dortmund intend to move on from Jadon Sancho's recent problems, says Michael Zorc.

29 Nov 12:34 sportskeeda 1601194029344496768.html
Pakistani Minister Supports Revocation of Ban on Students’ Union Amid Countrywide Protests

New Delhi (Sputnik): Students and members of civil society in 40 cities across Pakistan are taking part in a Students Solidarity March on Friday demanding the revocation of a 35-year-old ban on students’ unions. Students are fighting to reclaim their right to practice diplomacy, debate, politics, and leadership.

29 Nov 12:49 Sputniknews 967333868957394883.html
Agbami parties invest N5.8bn on scholarships, education infrastructure

Agbami parties had invested a total of N5.8bn on the Medical and Engineering Scholarships, AMEPs on merit for Medical students .

29 Nov 12:15 Vanguard News 4125100339816282227.html
Fired Zimbabwe state doctors reject offer to return to work

Zimbabwe state doctors who were fired for going on strike have rejected a government offer to return to work, their union said on Friday. President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government, which responded to the job boycott by firing 448 doctors and pursuing disciplinary action against more than 1,000 others

29 Nov 11:38 Yahoo 7097669637133017128.html
Venezia, Bottega Veneta lancia iniziativa per il restauro di San Marco

Bottega Veneta ha deciso di dare un contributo per il restauro del patrimonio artistico di Venezia, colpito dalle alluvioni dei giorni scorsi. Il marchio del lusso italiano ha annunciato che destinerà al restauro della Basilica di San Marco il 30% dei ricavi che gli store italiani realizzeranno dalla vendita di tutte le borse appartenenti agli stili BV Classic, Marie, BV Angle ed Arco, nell’arco del mese compreso fra il 29 novembre il 29 dicembre. Il progetto, avviato insieme all’organizzazione internazionale non profit Venetian Heritage, prevede un contributo all’intervento di restauro sui mosaici pavimentali e sui marmi policromi parietali della Basilica fortemente danneggiati dall’acqua. Venetian Heritage è un’organizzazione internazionale non profit con sedi a Venezia e New York e agisce nel quadro del Programma congiunto UNESCO-Comitati Privati Internazionali per la Salvaguardia di Venezia. Lusso in difesa dell’arte “L’identità di Bottega Veneta è fortemente legata alla storia della regione Veneto. Venezia…

29 Nov 15:42 Wall Street Italia 1518582936276781390.html
Korut Klaim Telah Uji Coba Peluncur Roket Super-Besar yang Diawasi Kim Jong-Un

Korut mengklaim baru saja menguji coba sebuah 'sistem peluncur roket multipel super-besar'. Disebutkan Korut bahwa uji coba itu diawasi langsung Kim Jong-Un.

29 Nov 12:54 detiknews 8793960223494347185.html
Scarlett Johansson Knew About Black Widow's Death Before Infinity War

Black Widow star Scarlett Johansson revealed she knew about her character's Endgame fate before she was given a script for Avengers: Infinity War.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516962513356206.html
Kemenpora: Persani Pulangkan Atlet Senam SEA Games 2019 Bukan Karena Keperawanan

Kemenpora sudah mengkonfirmasi langsung soal polemik pemulangan atlet senam SEA Games 2019 asal Kediri.

29 Nov 11:42 liputan6.com 3414318497570299395.html
Stadt Wien macht Jagd auf Zigarettenstummel

Jährlich verschmutzen die Wiener ihre Parks, Straßen und Flüsse mit 850 Millionen Zigarettenstummeln. Weltweit werden 4,5 Billionen Filter falsch ...

29 Nov 14:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092520000489.html
Parliament to monitor Ghana’s implementation of SDGs

news, story, article

29 Nov 15:37 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609623759067.html
UK medics fight deadly measles outbreak in Samoa

UK medics will help save lives in Samoa where a fatal outbreak of measles is affecting thousands of people.

29 Nov 13:16 SCOOP 5315658998627043761.html
Knives Out Takes Several Jabs At Donald Trump

Knives Out includes some subtle slams against Donald Trump, his political policies and America's divided political landscape.

29 Nov 12:11 CBR.com 1295516961510881087.html
Waduh, Logo Mewah Rolls-Royce Diganti Patung Ayam

Setiap mobil Rolls-Royce memiliki simbol The Spirit of Ecstasy yang tersemat di bagian wajah. Harga ornamen tersebut dikabarkan bisa mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Padahal ukurannya terbilang kecil.

29 Nov 11:04 liputan6.com 3414318497230746664.html
5 Hal Unik Masjid Jogokariyan di Jogja

Masjid Jogokariyan merupakan masjid di Yogyakarta yang mempunyai keunikan. Selain juga sebagai tempat ibadah, masih ada keistimewaan lainnya.

29 Nov 12:40 detikTravel 7712517351448401015.html
Cricket: DDCA ombudsman approves Rajat Sharma’s resignation as president

Sharma’s resignation was stayed by DDCA ombudsman Ahmed but has finally been accepted on Friday after a fresh request.

29 Nov 12:56 Scroll.in 8669301693816262930.html
Liverpool midfielder Fabinho to miss four to six weeks?

Liverpool reportedly fear that midfielder Fabinho could miss the rest of 2019 with an ankle injury.

29 Nov 10:07 Sports Mole 7750663362764971955.html
Pria di Makassar Ngaku Jadi Korban Salah Tangkap dan Dianiaya Polisi

Salman juga mengaku dianiaya polisi hingga mengalami pendarahan di bagian vitalnya.

29 Nov 14:58 detiknews 8793960224908952061.html
Cerai Saat Berjuang Lawan Kanker, Aldi Taher Sempat Ngemis Ingin Rujuk, Akui akan Menikah Lagi

Sempat ngemis ingin rujuk ke mantan istri, Aldi Taher mengaku akan segera menikah untuk ketiga kalinya. Siapa sosok calon istrinya?

29 Nov 10:11 Tribunnews.com 3323534445182192615.html
Prosecuting Sowore will strengthen Nigeria's democracy - Nigerian professionals

The Association of Nigerian Professionals in Europe (ANPE) on Thursday, November 28, said that the prosecution of the publisher of Sahara Reporters, Omoyele Sowore, will strengthen Nigeria's democracy.

29 Nov 12:59 Legit 3764253649720710898.html
Ex-Brazilian football chief Teixeira banned for life

LAUSANNE, Nov 29 — Ex-Brazilian football chief Ricardo Teixeira was banned for life from football today for bribery, Fifa announced. World football’s governing body said the Brazilian was banned and fined one million Swiss francs (RM4.1 million) for taking bribes for marketing and media rights...

29 Nov 15:47 Malaymail 302165935791033457.html
Australia vs Pakistan: Wasim Akram Bashes Shaheen Afridi For Fielding Howlers Against Australia

Shaheen Afridi had a horror in the field as Australia sent Pakistan on a leather hunt on the first day of the 2nd Test in Adelaide.

29 Nov 13:45 NDTVSports.com 2127367044081585707.html
'Een op de vier kinderen heeft zorgelijk telefoongebruik'

Een op de vier kinderen en jongeren zou problematisch smartphonegebruik hebben dat wijst op verslechterde geestelijke gezondheid.

29 Nov 10:53 Bright.nl 6602863323032647821.html
Thousands Rally In Kabul To Condemn Electoral 'Fraud'

Thousands of supporters of Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah have marched in Kabul in a rally the organizers said was aimed at condemning and preventing electoral fraud.

29 Nov 12:12 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162461025606.html
Crafting In Times Of Crisis Helps Critters And Creators

The bushfires burning across Australia are having a devastating impact on our unique native wildlife....

29 Nov 10:30 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168741127464.html
Charles Michel ziet optimisme over toekomst EU

De nieuwe EU-president Charles Michel ziet „energie en optimisme over de toekomst van Europa”. De Belgische oud-premier zei dat in Brussel tijdens een ceremonie waar hij het voorzitterschap van de Europese Raad (de EU-toppen van regeringsleiders en staatshoofden) van de Pool Donald Tusk overnam.

29 Nov 14:28 RD.nl 6406779841781896128.html
South Africa court rejects Zuma appeal to prevent corruption trial

A South African court on Friday rejected an appeal by former President Jacob Zuma that sought to prevent his prosecution on corruption charges over a 2 billion dollars arms deal.

29 Nov 12:24 The Guardian 7580308503793117542.html
Vaticano restituisce a Betlemme un frammento della Mangiatoia di Gesù

Un Natale sicuramente diverso in Terra Santa. Il Vaticano restituisce a Betlemme una delle reliquie piu' sacre di tutta la cristianità: un frammento ligneo della mangiatoia di Gesù che era stato portato a Roma nel VII secolo, dopo la conquista della Terra Santa da parte dei musulmani.

29 Nov 15:37 euronews 7379718589535575147.html
Callejon e Mertens via da Napoli? Giuntoli ripensa a Lasagna

Il Napoli rischia di perdere a gennaio sia Callejon che Mertens, entrambi in scadenza il prossimo giugno e non intenzionati a rinnovare il contratto con il club partenopeo. Il primo è cercato insistentemente dal Milan, il secondo potrebbe prendere la direzione della Premier League dove ad aspettarlo sembra esserci il Tottenham.

29 Nov 11:01 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194363822287.html
New commission and Malta in focus This Week

Ursula von der Leyen and her new team of commissioners will have their first meeting on Wednesday. In the meantime, Malta descends into political turmoil over the death of an investigative journalist.

29 Nov 15:20 EUobserver 625925299302336662.html
EU-Austritt Großbritanniens bis Ende Januar: Boris Johnson will keine Einmischung Trumps im Wahlkampf

Der Britische Premierminister Boris Johnson will keine weiteren Verzögerungen beim Austritt Großbritanniens aus der EU. Den Brexit wolle er bis Ende Januar „liefern“. 

29 Nov 14:17 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322975668822.html
Quei proiettili nel campo dove venne trovata Yara

La scoperta in diretta tv durante Mattino Cinque: 9 proiettili inesplosi nel prato di Chignolo d'Isola dove venne ritrovato il corpo senza vita di Yara Gambirasio

29 Nov 15:08 ilGiornale.it 5019541225261590468.html
Pendiri Huawei Pede Bisa Jadi Nomor 1 di Dunia Tanpa Google

Pendiri Huawei Ren Zhengfei mengatakan, Huawei bisa menjadi pembesut smartphone nomor satu di dunia, tanpa Google.

29 Nov 11:30 liputan6.com 3414318497790476230.html
3 Penyebab Benjolan di Kepala Bayi Baru Lahir, Bunda Mesti Tahu

Apa sih penyebab benjolan di kepala bayi baru lahir? Simak penjelasannya ya, Bunda.

29 Nov 11:44 parenting 8028540701171859855.html
Sandwell General Election preview: All change in West Bromwich as stalwarts stand down

We preview the three Sandwell-only seats up for grabs at the 2019 General Election: West Bromwich East, West Bromwich West and Warley.

29 Nov 14:21 Express & Star 7324224459864338478.html
Penghujung Bulan, Pasar SUN Genapkan Koreksi

Harga obligasi rupiah pemerintah ditutup terkoreksi hari ini, sekaligus penutupan pasar terakhir di November.

29 Nov 13:27 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214062568733.html
O'Shea replaces Melville as RFU director of performance

Conor O'Shea, who stepped down as Italy head coach earlier this month, is to become the English Rugby Football Union's director of performance.

29 Nov 12:55 Sport 682566035192770273.html
The Notts carpenter making recycled wooden Christmas decorations to raise money for children's toys

“It’s a win-win situation because I’m helping the environment and children in hospital when it’s a difficult time of the year to be in the hospital."

29 Nov 15:40 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703220726234.html
Mark Rutte heeft geen actieve herinnering aan het gebruikmaken van wachtgeld

Staat wel achter Klaas Dijkhoff

29 Nov 15:34 ThePostOnline 3048418756116733406.html
Man charged with murdering baby boy

Eleven-month-old Hunter McGleenon, from Keady, Co Armagh, died on Tuesday.

29 Nov 12:49 Express & Star 7324224458966830561.html
Emakumeen Etxea «diruz ito» nahi izatea leporatu diote erabiltzaileek Gasteizko Udalari

Sorginenea, Gasteizko Emakumeen Etxea, martxan jarri bezain laster &laquo;ito nahi izatea&raquo; leporatu diote Udalari erabiltzaileek. Elena Cercadillo Emak...

29 Nov 15:56 naiz: 5899264291575767322.html
Misschien heb je binnenkort wel een langer weekend


29 Nov 15:48 FunX 667513811235110573.html
Studie zum Datenschutz ist "ermutigend und ernüchternd" zugleich

Vor rund eineinhalb Jahren hat die Europäische Union die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung verabschiedet, diese ist wohl noch besser unter ihrer Abkürzung DSGVO bekannt. Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt nun, dass die Verordnung von kaum einem Anbieter vollständig umgesetzt wurde.

29 Nov 14:59 winfuture.de 1179223334704010915.html
Pinjamkan Uang pada Orang Tak Dikenal Rp3 Juta, Seminggu Kemudian Uangnya Diganti Rp9 Miliar, Ternyata yang Pinjam Bukan Orang Sembarangan

Lalu, dia mengatakan ingin meminjam uang 300.000 Won (Rp3 juta) kepada Han Nan, dan berjanji akan menggantinya kemudian hari.

29 Nov 11:30 grid.id 6246371059019190872.html
Santa continues his tour of Tipperary with Clonmel visit

The man with the white beard is on his rounds in Tipperary, and the annual visit from Santa and the switching on of the Christmas tree lights at the Old Bridge, Clonmel takes place this Sunday, Decemb...

29 Nov 10:20 TipperaryLive 1097599578623644795.html
Ironie: Hervorming De Lijn loopt vertraging op

Hervorming De Lijn loopt vertraging op

29 Nov 10:36 SCEPTR 7604357482063150304.html
Serie de The Witcher recibe primeros comentarios y son bastante positivos

Los primeros espectadores de The Witcher tienen comentarios positivos sobre su acción, su velocidad y la actuación de Henry Cavill The Witcher está

29 Nov 14:35 MÁSGAMERS 2563978792110268921.html
Dukungan Audio ASUS ROG Phone 2 Diuji DxOMark, ini Hasilnya

DxOMark baru saja kelar menguji smartphone gaming besutan ASUS, yakni ROG Phone 2. Bukan dukungan kameranya yang diuji, melainkan dukungan audionya. Lalu, hasilnya seperti apa?

29 Nov 14:30 DroidLime 2345565948086625965.html
Miralem Pjanic: Maurizio Sarri Membuat Saya Lelah!

Gelandang Juventus, Miralem Pjanic, merasa jadi pemain penting dalam skuat asuhan Maurizio Sarri. Tapi permintaan mantan pelatih Chelsea tersebut membuatnya merasa lelah

29 Nov 15:00 Bola.net 5489959027731781627.html
Komik Bang Lambe, Sisi Lain Kehidupan Ojol

Komik Bang Lambe ini menjadi unik karena cerita di dalamnya tidak bisa ditemukan oleh pembaca di Instagram maupun Webtoon mereka.

29 Nov 10:59 Tempo 6299881074316189750.html
Dortmund: Sancho was dropped against Barcelona for disciplinary reasons

DORTMUND, Nov 29 — Jadon Sancho was dropped from Borussia Dortmund’s starting lineup at Barcelona this week following another disciplinary problem, club officials said today, but the English starlet is not being sold. Sancho did not start Wednesday’s Champions League game. He came on at...

29 Nov 15:36 Malaymail 302165935284372311.html
FBI Investigating Newark Beth Israel’s Transplant Program for Possible Fraud

The bureau is looking at whether the hospital may have defrauded Medicare and Medicaid as it kept a vegetative patient on life support for the sake of its metrics.

29 Nov 10:00 ProPublica 7866676281629353682.html
Deniegan licenciamiento a universidad vinculada con movimiento evangélico

Para la superintendencia, la Universidad Seminario Bíblico Andino, de la asociación cristiana Las Asambleas de Dios del Perú, no cumplió con las condiciones básicas de calidad

29 Nov 13:48 Publimetro Perú 5349571042623924576.html
Roland Duchâtelet verkoopt Charlton Athletic

Exit Roland Duchâtelet (73) bij Charlton Athletic. East Street Investments, een groep uit Abu Dhabi, is de nieuwe eigenaar van Charlton, nadat Duchâtelet zijn aandelenpakket bij de club uit de Cham...

29 Nov 10:55 HLN 8967494996883667919.html
Ekonomi Melambat, Saatnya Beralih ke Emas

WE Online, Jakarta - Emas dipercaya mampu menjaga ketahanan perekonomian suatu negara dan masyarakatnya. Di berbagai negara ekonomi maju, mereka menempatkan emas sebagai cadangan devisanya.

29 Nov 10:15 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835588048137.html
7 simpele tips om je iPhone batterijduur te verlengen

Je iPhone moet een hele dag mee kunnen gaan. Met deze tips plak je daar misschien nog wel een dag aan vast.

29 Nov 14:32 Apparata 308905380194787473.html
Toronto man sues Airbnb after being shot at party house booked through platform

TORONTO — A Toronto man is suing Airbnb after being shot while attending a large party at a house rented through the online platform.

29 Nov 15:24 KitchenerToday.com 52741010650465505.html
Auch Forscher in Arktis und Antarktis streiken für den Klimaschutz

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 11:02 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776546092087.html
Diesmal weniger Andrang bei Friday-for-future-Demo in Hagen

Während bei den letzten Demos bis zu 2000 Demonstranten in die City strömten, sind am Freitagmittag knapp 150 Demonstranten auf dem Bahnhofsplatz.

29 Nov 11:07 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221220601266.html
Goa students to get lessons in harmony, road safety

Under the scheme, schools and colleges will have to establish civic clubs to promote harmony and spirit of brotherhood, especially among students, transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities, Rao said.

29 Nov 15:21 The Indian Express 2885715104180617728.html
Statue in Santa Monica aims at bringing awareness to homeless crisis

The artist behind the statue of the bearded homeless man hopes his art will inspire conversations and action.

29 Nov 10:20 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010440757523270.html
Dundee schools to give pupils who skip classes for climate change protest a black mark

Dundee pupils who skip school to take part in another global day of climate strike action will have their absence treated as unauthorised.

29 Nov 11:42 The Courier 4275302767731977788.html
Alexandru Burghiu, Termoenergetica: Toate avariile inregistrate in mai multe zone ale Capitalei au fost remediate

Directorul general al Companiei municipale Termoenergetica, Alexandru Burghiu, a declarat vineri ca au fost remediate toate avariile constatate in mai multe sectoare al Capitalei.

29 Nov 12:45 Wall-Street 2473040520163192296.html
Supreme Court releases new roster, four most senior judges to hear PILs

Election matters will stay with Chief Justice of India SA Bobde.

29 Nov 15:07 Scroll.in 8669301693475310901.html
Landelijke kranten: 'Forum geeft Groningen allure terug'

'Het is een prachtig gebouw dat Groningen zijn allure teruggeeft', schrijft de Volkskrant over Forum Groningen. Landelijke kranten zijn enthousiast over het bouwwerk dat vrijdag wordt geopend. Journalisten kregen eerder deze week een rondleiding.

29 Nov 13:40 RTV Noord 3728677366514461330.html
Ideas para incluir la navidad en tu estrategia digital

Ya se acerca una de las mejores temporadas de ventas para empresas, vienen las compras emocionales que generan la época de Navidad así que tu negocio debe ponerse las pilas y aprovechar esta racha de buenas intenciones.

29 Nov 14:15 Merca2.0 990348494845138063.html
Norsk storeslem da kombinertgutta herjet i verdenscupåpningen

Jarl Magnus Riiber gikk i front fra start til mål da de norske kombinertgutta tapetserte pallen i verdenscupåpningen i Ruka.

29 Nov 14:24 Aftenbladet 8753034802557282959.html
The European Parliament Declares a Climate Emergency

EU should commit to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the UN Conference, says Parliament. Ahead of the UN COP25 Climate Change Conference in Madrid 2-13 December, the Parliament on Thursday approved a resolution declaring a climate and environmental emergency in Europe and globally.

29 Nov 13:57 novinite.com 4235039570081461160.html
South Africa court rejects Zuma appeal to prevent corruption trial

A South African court on Friday rejected an appeal by former President Jacob Zuma that sought to prevent his prosecution on corruption charge

29 Nov 10:10 Vanguard News 4125100338768792134.html
Mandateci i vostri selfie per augurare buon Natale alle persone che amate

Basta un WhatsApp al numero 331.8610314

29 Nov 10:44 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271320133306645.html
Jokowi Minta BUMN Beri Kesempatan Swasta Kerek Ekonomi RI

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) kembali mengingatkan agar perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) tidak rakus mengambil semua proyek. Sebab, pengaruh Anggaran dan Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN) porsinya tidak terlalu besar terhadap perekonomian Indonesia.

29 Nov 10:10 merdeka.com 1998180355608503914.html
How Tottenham Hotspur could line up against Bournemouth

Sports Mole looks at how Tottenham Hotspur could line up for Saturday's Premier League clash with Bournemouth.

29 Nov 13:25 Sports Mole 7750663360987513246.html
Atari VCS enters final stages of pre-production following series of delays

"Atari will always prioritise delivering a high-quality product over a self-imposed deadline," says Atari VCS COO

29 Nov 11:30 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590114170062516.html
Diese Stars kommen zum Spendenfest nach Villach

Wanda, Pizzera & Jaus, Volkshilfe, Julian le Play, Lemo, Matakustix und viele mehr werden sich beim diesjährigen Ö3-Weihnachtswunder mit ...

29 Nov 12:22 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093179369370.html
Greta Thunberg får brittiskt litteraturpris

Storbritanniens största bokhandelskedja Waterstones tilldelar det egeninstiftade priset Author of the year till Greta Thunberg, skriver bokförlaget Polaris i ett pressmeddelande. Den svenska klimataktivisten får priset för boken "No one is too small to

29 Nov 13:03 HD 3336945412242166782.html
MHP leader: No turning back from presidential system

There is no turning back from the presidential system as it is the only path to true democracy and stability in the country, said the head of the...

29 Nov 15:04 DAILY SABAH 8383944809303262579.html
South Africa court rejects Zuma appeal to prevent corruption trial

A South African court on Friday rejected an appeal by former President Jacob Zuma that sought to prevent his prosecution on corruption charges...

29 Nov 11:24 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901121565922.html
Mädchen unter Drogen gesetzt und vergewaltigt

Ein 33-jähriger Deutscher soll in seiner Wohnung zahlreiche, teils minderjährige Frauen mit Drogen gefügig gemacht und vergewaltigt haben. Nun steht er vor dem Oltner Amtsgericht.

29 Nov 15:23 20 Minuten 5741369452797095593.html
7 Pesona Citra Kirana saat Prosesi Jelang Nikah, dari Lamaran hingga Siraman

Pesona Citra Kirana menjelang pernikahannya dengan Rezky Aditya ini mendapat perhatian luas publik.

29 Nov 11:05 liputan6.com 5422146881367118482.html
Centum Group half-year profit quadruples

The income was realised mainly as a result of net gains on disposal of three companies.

29 Nov 11:34 Daily Nation 7421817124826581394.html
Google RCS Text Messaging Is Full Of Telco Security Flaws And Customers Are Suffering

A security firm has found issues with how telecoms are rolling out Google's RCS messaging standard.

29 Nov 12:30 HotHardware 6258404626486342727.html
Festival Kuliner Indomaret 2019 Digelar di Bintaro, Gelaran Ketiga setelah Bekasi dan Bandung

Festival kuliner Indomaret akan digelar di Bintaro pada Sabtu, 30 November 2019 hingga Minggu, 1 Desember 2019.

29 Nov 15:34 Tribunnews.com 3323534445377739023.html
Kerala: Class 11 student accuses sub-inspector of sexually assaulting her

In a shocking incident, a Class 11th girl has alleged that a sub-inspector touched her inappropriately in Thiruvananthapuram. 

29 Nov 11:48 India Today 4286117814063737148.html
headaches - know some surprising causes | TheHealthSite.com

Do you often suffer from debilitating headaches? Read on to now some surprising causes that is also backed by scientific research.

29 Nov 15:22 Thehealthsite 4766622849325008778.html
Acquistare sul web continua a piacere agli italiani

Acquistare sul web continua a piacere agli italiani. La crescita sarà continua e si prospetta che, includendo l’ indotto, il mercato nel giro di due anni

29 Nov 13:10 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260302648243.html
Unai Emery fired as Arsenal manager after losing run

LONDON (AP) - Arsenal fired Unai Emery on Friday following its worst run of form in 27 years, and 18 months after the Spaniard succeeded Arsene Wenger as manager of the Premier League club.

29 Nov 14:14 WFXT 6395891952466754172.html
Pro Romania: Victor Ponta, elected Deputy Chair of the European Democratic Party

Pro Romania leader Victor Ponta on Friday got elected Deputy Chair of the European Democratic Party (EDP)....

29 Nov 14:06 Stiri pe surse 4858045012048660084.html
Trump Suddenly Announces Renewed Peace Talks With The Taliban

President Donald Trump declared on Thanksgiving Day that U.S. peace negotiations with the Taliban have resumed after the talks collapsed...

29 Nov 15:27 Talking Points Memo 4598529366578188571.html
DJ Mark Radcliffe gets commemorative bench after cancer recovery

Bench in Manchester celebrates BBC DJ’s cancer treatment and is part of Re-Write Cancer campaign

29 Nov 15:31 the Guardian 1491978795376032396.html
Ukraine-Konflikt: Donezker Separatisten legen «Staatsgrenze» fest

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 15:58 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774772429471.html
Police Trash Basic Rule of Law Principle


29 Nov 11:53 SCOOP 5315658998305981393.html
4 Big Mistakes Technical Founders Make

No one is perfect. If you're a technical founder, you should pay attention to this list.

29 Nov 11:13 Inc.com 8604986417563068426.html
6 passengers medically evaluated after falling ill aboard docked cruise ship at Port of Los Angeles

Six people were medically evaluated after they reported falling ill while on board a docked cruise ship at the Port of Los Angeles Sunday morning.

29 Nov 15:23 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010440424520585.html
Benedizione del concerto di campane nella parrocchia di San Paolo Apostolo di Vasto

La comunità parrocchiale di San Paolo Apostolo in Vasto annuncia che domenica 8 dicembre, Solennità dell'Immacolata Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria, dalle ore 10.30, prima della Santa Messa delle ore 11, ci sarà la benedizione del concerto delle nove campane che andranno ad impreziosire il nuovo campanile, già visibile e apprezzato dallo scorso Natale.

29 Nov 12:10 ChietiToday 1729130451730936011.html
Meer en betere camera's in Rotterdam

De gemeente Rotterdam trekt 600 duizend euro uit voor de uitbreiding en verbetering van het cameratoezicht in de stad.

29 Nov 13:30 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228293381978.html
Legacy systems, digital skills shortages a big thumbs down in APS report

State of the Service census lays bare the struggle to transform.

29 Nov 13:06 iTnews 4425008559286884355.html
Raser hatte gar keinen Führerschein

Mit 114 km/h wurde ein Autolenker in der Stadt Bern geblitzt: Die Polizei konnte den 25-Jährigen identifizieren.

29 Nov 11:47 Berner Zeitung 1248949324591307254.html
Ray Parlour identifies Freddie Ljungberg's first priority to sort as Arsenal manager

Freddie Ljungberg has taken interim charge of Arsenal after Unai Emery was sacked as Gunners manager following a horror run of seven matches without a win

29 Nov 11:44 mirror 675785260912585586.html
Airlangga Hartarto Mendadak Amnesia, Ada Apa?

WE Online, Jakarta - Fungsionaris Partai Golkar Sirajuddin Abdul Wahab mengatakan perrnyataan Airlangga Hartarto di beberapa media yang mensyaratkan dukungan 30 persen untuk menjadi syarat sah sebagai Calon Ketua Umum Partai Golkar merupakan pernyataan ahistoris.

29 Nov 13:34 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834684283254.html
Red Dead Redemption 2: Rockstar rilascia dei contenuti gratuiti | Game Division

Rockstar Games ha rilasciato un pacchetto di contenuti gratuito per Red Dead Redemption 2, riscattabile da tutti i giocatori PC.

29 Nov 10:43 Tom's Hardware 6640147069874825938.html
Trigger warnings don’t help people cope with distressing material

Imagine you're a lecturer teaching a celebrated novel that features violent scenes – say, F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1925).

29 Nov 15:59 Big Think 4029779668844707680.html
Next Arsenal manager: Nuno Espirito Santo and the other contenders to replace Unai Emery

Unai Emery has been shown the door at the Emirates Stadium after a 2-1 defeat at home against Eintracht Frankfurt in the Europa League

29 Nov 10:27 football.london 6804128269407070978.html
Wiener FPÖ will "Spaltungsversuchen" entgegenwirken

Die Wiener FPÖ will angesichts einer etwaigen Rückkehr von Ex-Bundesparteichef Heinz-Christian Strache in den Landtag bzw. einer möglichen eigenen Strache-Liste bei der Wien-Wahl 2020 "jeglichen Spaltungsversuchen mit aller Kraft entgegenwirken". Dazu bekannten sich am Freitag in einer schriftlichen Mitteilung gegenüber der APA alle blauen Mandatare und Bezirkschefs - mit einer Ausnahme.

29 Nov 14:56 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084128152669.html
Nach wochenlangen Protesten: Iraks Regierungschef kündigt Rücktritt an

Zuletzt hatte es bei den Protesten in mehreren Städten des Landes hunderte Tote gegeben.

29 Nov 13:47 euronews 4540914627025777099.html
Wethouder blij met motie over brug

Wethouder Philip Broeksma is blij met de motie die de Tweede Kamer heeft opgesteld. De Kamer wil de minister dwingen om voor 1 maart 2020 te komen met een plan voor een noodbrug ter vervanging van de

29 Nov 14:10 OOG 303718093057426765.html
20-tal Extinction Rebellion-activisten opgepakt die actie wilden voeren tegen Black Friday

De politie van de zone Brussel Hoofdstad-Elsene heeft in de afgelopen nacht van donderdag 28 op vrijdag 29 november 22 actievoerders van Extinction Rebellion opgepakt, toen ze een affiche-actie wil...

29 Nov 12:47 HLN 8967494998478780944.html
South Africa court rejects Zuma appeal to prevent corruption trial

A South African court on Friday rejected an appeal by former President Jacob Zuma that sought to prevent his prosecution on corruption charges over...

29 Nov 13:04 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299623157335.html
FIOD doet invallen bij webwinkel om fraude bij import uit China

De Fiscale inlichtingen- en opsporingsdienst (FIOD) heeft deze week meerdere invallen gedaan bij bedrijfspanden en woningen in Arnhem en Hengelo. Het is onderdeel van een onderzoek naar btw-fraude bij een webwinkel die spullen uit China importeerde.

29 Nov 11:02 Bright.nl 6602863322298211903.html
Anger as Labour confirms it has thrown out gigafactory plans

Labour has prompted fury from business leaders in the West Midlands after Jeremy Corbyn confirmed that the region had been overlooked for a new gigafactory.

29 Nov 11:58 Express & Star 7324224460138926668.html
Interurbanos: por asambleas estuvo interrumpido el servicio

Se concretaron de 5 a 8 en todas las empresas cuyos choferes están agremiados a Aoita.

29 Nov 12:03 La Voz 6237180762320412804.html
Feridos na London Bridge

A BBC informa que houve relatos de tiros na London Bridge, em Londres, agora há pouco...

29 Nov 11:59 O Antagonista 1037429654122484199.html
OGRA recommends slight reduction in petrol price

Sugges­ts cut of Rs2.4 per litre in price of diesel­

29 Nov 15:03 The Express Tribune 1105816786145858343.html
SEAT Mii electric, l'elettrificazione alla portata di tutti

Mii electric, ideale per la città con motore elettrico da 61 kW e batteria agli ioni di litio da 36,8 kWh (32,3 kWh energia netta), autonomia fino a 260 km e accelerazione 0-50 km/h in soli 3,9 s

29 Nov 15:12 Today 178378750060855687.html
Mamangam Special Promo: Achuthan Set To Stun Everyone As Chandroth Chanthunni!

Mamangams special promo has come out in online circuits and it features a series of practice sessions of Achuthan, who plays the character named Chanthunni in the film

29 Nov 12:50 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243847979096.html
Police shoot man on London Bridge after stabbings

LONDON (AP) — British police shot a man on London Bridge in the heart of Britain’s capital on Friday after a stabbing that left several people wounded.The Metropolitan Police force said the circumstances were still unclear, but “as a precaution, we are currently responding to this incident as though it is terror-related.”Scores of police, some armed with submachine guns, rushed to the scene, ushering bemused office workers and tourists out of an area packed with office buildings, banks, restaurants and bars. Workers in office blocks in the area were told to stay inside.The police force said officers were called just before 2 p.m.

29 Nov 14:55 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761974087719.html
Schwachstellen bei RCS: Nachrichten lesen und Telefonate abhören: Riesige Sicherheitslücke bei SMS-Nachfolger

Berliner Sicherheitsforscher haben Schwachstellen im SMS-Nachfolgesystem RCS entdeckt, durch die unter bestimmten Umständen Smartphones attackiert werden können. Die Sicherheitslücken ermöglichten es Angreifern, Nachrichten mitzulesen, Telefonate abzuhören, den Aufenthaltsort von Zielpersonen zu überwachen oder im Namen eines Opfers Daten zu verschicken.

29 Nov 11:48 FOCUS Online 4448121231768614656.html
Sewage break shuts down Wellburn's Market grocery store, barbershop

Wellburn’s Market, a grocery store at Cook and Pandora downtown for more than a century, was forced to close its doors Friday morning after a sewage main problem in the building. Customers were . . .

29 Nov 11:32 Times Colonist 7617512060414299049.html
Pak Tito Coba Temui FPI, Tanya Konsep Khilafah Islamiyah

WE Online, Jakarta - Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal PPP Achmad Baidowi mendorong Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian untuk melakukan dialog dengan FPI terkait AD/ART yang menuliskan visi dan misi FPI adalah penerapan Islam secara kaffah.

29 Nov 10:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834843634022.html
Sir Dandy dan Gitar Pinjaman yang Awali Karier

Penampilan Sir Dandy untuk Music at Newsroom bisa disaksikan melalui CNNIndonesia.com berikut ini pada Jumat (29/11) pukul 14.00 WIB.

29 Nov 10:58 hiburan 6599523172332826261.html
Police say London Bridge incident involved stabbing; several wounded and man detained

LONDON (AP) - Police say London Bridge incident involved stabbing; several wounded and man detained.

29 Nov 14:46 WFXT 6395891952727856585.html
Durham teen who sent series of hoaxes to US emergency services handed suspended jail term

Connor Ash, 18, of Hawthorn Terrace, Stanley, claimed to be armed with an assault rifle and holding hostage in a series of emails

29 Nov 15:11 ChronicleLive 1984146902054158800.html
Herbs and hotels: The small businesses helping revive rural Portugal

PORTO, Nov 29 — After Bruno Vargas and his wife had their first baby, they wanted a quieter life. So, they left their home in Angola and returned to his native region in Portugal’s rural interior to set up an organic herbs company. The remote Santarem district of central Portugal is known for...

29 Nov 15:58 Malaymail 302165936316819789.html
Pamela Prati scrive un'autobiografia: Dagospia anticipa un estratto

Dopo un periodo difficile Pamela Prati scrive la sua autobiografia: i dettagli. Un estratto dell'autobiografia rivelato da Dagospia

29 Nov 10:28 Novella 2000 6951116780629653254.html
Sinterklaas komt op de trekker naar basisschool in Dalfsen om boeren te steunen

Tientallen kinderen stonden vanochtend vol verwachting te wachten op het plein van CBS Sjaloom in Dalfsen: Sinterklaas had in zijn drukke agenda tijd vrijgemaakt om ook hun school te bezoeken. Voor de gelegenheid was Ozosnel, het nieuwe paard van de Sint, op stal gelaten en kwam de goedheiligman op de trekker.

29 Nov 10:43 RTV Oost 6509131171671651017.html
MTU Aero Engines Neutral

Die Experten der Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von MTU Aero Engines mit Neutral

29 Nov 15:16 finanzen.at 7258357743900208893.html
YouTube Celebrates Afrobeats With Teni, Simi, Reekado Banks And Kizz Daniel

Popular online video community, YouTube on Tuesday celebrated Afrobeats with the announcement of four fast-rising Nigerian artists selected to receive

29 Nov 11:22 The Guardian 7580308503917746539.html
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi accelera sull’alleanza, sarà nominato un segretario generale

Renault, Nissan e Mitsubishi hanno annunciato la nomina nei prossimi giorni di un segretario generale che sarà a capo della loro alleanza, la più grande al mondo nel comparto auto, …

29 Nov 11:45 FinanzaOnline 6528634127507826939.html
Fadnavis Makes Conspiracy Allegation On CM Uddhav's First Cabinet Meet

Maharashtra's Ex-Chief Minister and BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis on Friday levelled allegations at the newly formed 'Maha Vikas Aghadi' government in the State

29 Nov 13:02 Republic World 1282918857130866390.html
Rod Stewart: Rocker turned model railroad builder

LONDON (AP) - Rod Stewart, known for decades as a consummate crooner, rocker, fashion plate and tongue-in-cheek sex symbol, is adding a new element to his image: serious model railroad builder.

29 Nov 13:18 WFXT 6395891952696593346.html
N Korea's Thanksgiving Day test shows improving speed for missile crews

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un expressed “great satisfaction” over the latest test of a large multiple-rocket launcher, state media said on Friday, a launch that experts said showcased improving performance by the system and its crews.

29 Nov 14:43 Bdnews24 8119004129585573793.html
Auf Geisterbeschwörung mit Meg Stuart

Die US-amerikanische Choreografin zeigt im Tanzquartier himmlische Trauer.

29 Nov 13:39 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440470655194.html
Danai Mobil Listrik, Audi Bakal Kurangi Ribuan Karyawan

WE Online, Jakarta - Unit mobil mewah Volkswagen, Audi, akan merampingkan jumlah karyawannya secara bertahap demi peralihan ke produksi kendaraan listrik. Sekitar 9.500 karyawan atau 10,6 persen dari total staf akan diberhentikan hingga 2025.

29 Nov 14:08 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835637804397.html
Europe to consider law on climate neutrality by March

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union executive will propose by March 2020 a new climate law to turn the bloc neutral in terms of carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 and help lead the struggle against global warming, a draft showed on Friday.

29 Nov 15:10 Reuters 8334514180195479960.html
BREAKING: Appeal Court affirms Lalong’s victory

James Abraham, Jos The Court of Appeal, Jos Division on Friday affirmed the victory of Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State after dismissing the appeal filed by the Peoples Democratic Party go...

29 Nov 12:10 Punch Newspapers 3524240995817382849.html
New rule adopted in awarding of medals

The SEA GAMES Federation Council Friday announced a new rule for the Philippine hosting of the 30th South East Asian Games which unfolds today at the Philippine Arena in Bocaue, Bulacan.

29 Nov 10:57 Journal Online 6375127393668873741.html
Scots guide dog puppies celebrate first birthday party before starting school

Taking a morning break from their specialist training seven of the group of nine pups enjoyed a birthday cake made specially for dogs.

29 Nov 15:20 dailyrecord 552235479956438208.html
Zo kan de stad van de toekomst eruitzien

Technologie zorgt ervoor dat steden veranderen, we gaan steeds meer richting 'smart cities' in de nabije toekomst. Oracle laat zien hoe dat eruitziet!

29 Nov 11:15 DutchCowboys 8617317428497820395.html
London Bridge Attack: Several Injured After Stabbing Incident, One Suspect Detained

"We are in the early stages of dealing with an incident at London Bridge," a leading daily reported police as saying in a statement.

29 Nov 15:17 India.com 7150386083111394443.html
Pursuing their dreams in digital arts

He came to Singapore in 2013 to pursue his education and career in the culinary industry. Little did he know, he would end up in digital arts instead. Now a creative designer at ATOM Marketing Consultancy, Mr Clement Chee, 25, said: “Ironically, it was my kitchen staff at...

29 Nov 14:21 thenewpaper 2217039561447990653.html
Ein Fotomuseum als Gegengewicht zum "Wasserkopf" Wien

Machbarkeitsstudie gibt Salzburg Rückenwind für ein Fotomuseum des Bundes am Mönchsberg

29 Nov 11:05 Kurier 208072238865315466.html
Hong Kong to allow airlines to keep airport slots despite cutting capacity

HONG KONG: Airlines that fly to and from Hong Kong will be able to keep their prized airport slots even if they temporarily cut capacity due to ...

29 Nov 10:08 CNA 5644198862322853744.html
London Bridge attacker identified, had been jailed for terror crimes

A man wearing a fake explosive vest stabbed several people Friday in London, U.K., killing two in what police are treating as a terrorist attack before being tackled by members of the public and then fatally shot by officers on London Bridge.

29 Nov 14:31 CTVNews 2422791597935366659.html
TfL resets passwords for every Oyster account in London

No Disney+ shenanigans for the tube

29 Nov 12:17 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887306840905571.html
Sheriff: Florida deputy kills suicidal armed man

LAKELAND, Fla. — Authorities say a Florida man is dead after calling 911 to report an armed man outside his home and then pointing a gun at the responding deputy. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said during a news conference that 60-year-old Kenneth Layton’s Friday morning death was the result of a “suicide by cop” …

29 Nov 12:10 City NEWS 1130 5858657119427476768.html
Propylgallaat niet toegestaan in vitamine D-druppels, maar zit er wel in

Van propylgallaat (E310) is niet bekend of de stof schadelijk is voor zeer jonge kinderen, terwijl het wel in sommige druppels vitamine D zit. Kinderartsen raden het ouders af om druppels met deze stof te gebruiken, ook omdat het niet is toegestaan om de toevoeging E310 in supplementen voor kinderen van jonger dan 1 jaar te gebruiken. Het gaat om de druppels Vitamine D Aquosum en Vitamine D suikervrij van Davitamon. Dit meldt RTL Nieuws. 

29 Nov 13:05 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743780088600.html
India quarterly growth falls to worst level in six years

India's economy grew at its slowest pace in more than six years in the July-September period, down to 4.5 percent from 7.0 percent a year ago, according to government figures released Friday that piled more pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

29 Nov 13:40 Digital Journal 4566489172369585791.html
Three men jailed for Australia Christmas terror plot

Three men were jailed Friday for an IS-inspired terror plot to cause mass casualties in Australia's second-largest city Melbourne during the 2016 Christmas period.

29 Nov 11:36 The Guardian 7580308504132014376.html
La vivienda VIS tiene sello de sostenibilidad

En Valparaíso, Antioquia está el único proyecto habitacional de interés social con precertificación Casa Colombia en ese departamento.

29 Nov 11:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542410249075.html
Silva, Pellegrini fight for Premier League survival after Arsenal sack Emery


29 Nov 14:20 Punch Newspapers 3524240994673363611.html
Calabria, il candidato m5s alla presidenza della regione ha una villetta parzialmente abusiva


29 Nov 13:03 DAGOSPIA 6533336738563527043.html
Sonic the Hedgehog protagoniza el nuevo Humble Bundle

Si quieres tener los mejores juegos de Sonic the Hedgehog a un precio accesibles, podrás tener media docena de sus juegos pagando $1 o una cantidad un...

29 Nov 13:50 MÁSGAMERS 2563978790778128658.html
Normalizing Cannabis Retail With Nicole Fox (Podcast Transcript)

Nicole Fox is founder and CEO of Aeon Botanika, a wellness cannabis company in LA, and has been a cannabis activist since 2003. She co-founded two of the first dispensaries in LA, serves on the board

29 Nov 12:00 Seeking Alpha 5725634556546014703.html
The Case Of The Pirated Blueberries: Courts Flex New Muscle To Protect Plant Breeders’ Intellectual Property

A few weeks ago, the Federal Court of Australia ordered a farmer in New South Wales to pay $290,000 to a blueberry-producing company because he had grown and sold a proprietary variety of the fruit without permission....

29 Nov 13:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561246699035056.html
Minister Crevits kent steun toe aan 3 bedrijven in de Antwerpse regio

Viceminister-president van de Vlaamse Regering en Vlaams minister van Economie Hilde Crevits geeft 3 bedrijven uit het Antwerpse een financiële injectie.

29 Nov 14:10 atv 2365892511506053351.html
Neue Stiftung fördert digitale Bildung

Jürgen Biffar, Gründungs-Geschäftsführer des Software-Unternehmens Docuware, und seine Ehefrau Michaela Wienke haben die „Stiftung Digitale Bildung – Digital Education Foundation“ errichtet. Ziel ist unter anderem, dem ebenfalls von Biffar initiierten Digiclub Vereins- und Veranstaltungsräume im Stadtzentrum zu kaufen.

29 Nov 10:11 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239326686209.html
British police shoot man at London Bridge after stabbing

LONDON, Nov 29 — British police shot a man today after a stabbing in the London Bridge area in the centre of the city. A 14-second video clip on Twitter filmed from a high vantage point showed what appeared to be three police officers backing away from a man lying on the pavement. Two officers...

29 Nov 14:26 Malaymail 302165934695666578.html
Jurgen Klopp and Kenny Dalglish pledge support to Hillsborough families

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has assured the families of the 96 Hillsborough victims the club will always support them. On Thursday the 1989 FA Cup semi-final’s match commander David Duckenfield was cleared of the gross negligence manslaughter of Reds fans who died at Sheffield Wednesday’s ground. Margaret Aspinall, whose 18-year-old son James died in the disaster, labelled the decision “a disgrace.” “The most important thing is our thoughts and love is with the families and we are there for them,” said Klopp. “It is a big disappointment, a big frustration and sadness, of course, that this looks like the final verdict.

29 Nov 15:55 This Is Anfield 7550115575745734229.html
6 Potret Rosa Meldianti Tanpa Makeup, Tampil Natural

Rosa Meldianti kerap tampil menggunakan full makeup. Tak ayal, penampilannya tanpa makeup sukses mencuri perhatian.

29 Nov 14:20 liputan6.com 2150670184543179162.html
Hartson questions Ljungberg’s contribution against Eintracht Frankfurt

Arsenal are on a seven-game winless run and have appointed Freddie Ljungberg as interim head coach.

29 Nov 14:18 Express & Star 7324224460236979164.html
Highway Patrol to conduct DUI detail in Lee County Friday night

The Florida Highway Patrol say they will be conducting a roaming DUI enforcement detail on Friday night, from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am in Lee County.

29 Nov 14:32 Fox 4 8372747776768613060.html
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, sarà nominato un segretario generale

Le tre case costruttrici hanno deciso di dare una spinta alla loro alleanza decidendo di dotarsi di un segretario generale, che vigilerà sull'efficienza delle operazioni comuni

29 Nov 13:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654275551875.html
'Vrouwen zijn geen slechte onderhandelaars, loonkloof zit dieper'

Vrouwen verdienen soms wel duizenden euro's minder dan mannen, voor hetzelfde werk. Maar wat kan je daartegen doen? In Kijkers aan Z krijg je het antwoord op jouw vragen. Te gast: Jaap van Muijen (Nyenrode Business Universiteit), Sander Heithuis (Women Inc.)

29 Nov 15:11 RTLZ 8052859355764586266.html
FNV: aanpassing PFAS geen duurzame oplossing

De ruimere norm voor PFAS in de grond is geen duurzame oplossing. Dat is de reactie van FNV op het besluit van het kabinet.

29 Nov 14:17 RD.nl 6406779841296493031.html
Wird Merseburgs Grundsteuer absolute Spitze im Land werden?

Um den Haushalt der Stadt Merseburgwieder auf stabilere Füße zu stellen, ist in den vergangenen Monaten an vielen Stellschrauben gedreht worden. Nun droht zudem eine nicht ganz unerhebliche Steuererhöhung. So könnte die Grundsteuer für bebaute und bebaubare Grundstücke in den nächsten Jahren auf einen zumindest nach aktuellen Maßstäben landesweiten Rekord steigen: Bis zu 590 Prozent sieht eine Beschlussvorlage demnach ...

29 Nov 11:14 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110184914001.html
Throwback: That Time Obama's Press Secretary Was Asked About Hunter Biden and Burisma

For weeks, Democrats and their friends in the media have done everything possible to cover for former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden's work with Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Despite multiple government officials who served under President Obama and Trump citing Burisma as a concern and notoriously corrupt, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff refused to allow Republicans to call Hunter Biden as a witness during impeachment inquiry hearings last week. Questions about Hunter Biden's dealings, which included an $83,000 per month paycheck, have been brushed aside by the media as a political attack on Joe Biden, who is running for the White House.

29 Nov 14:30 Townhall 6083908947714215223.html
Convegno Aidr: digitale crea occupazione, puntare su formazione

Roma, 29 nov. (askanews) – L’Italia è sempre più digitale, ma deve ancora investire nella formazione, per colmare il gap tra domanda e offerta di competenze digitali per il futuro occupazionale e lo sviluppo del nostro Paese. Chiaro il messaggio lanciato ieri dai relatori al convegno “Competenze digitali”, organizzato da Unitelma Sapienza e dall’Aidr, Associazione […]

29 Nov 11:21 Askanews 298649739303736957.html
Vorweihnachtszeit mal anders: Der alternative Design-Weihnachtsmarkt Lametta an zwei Tagen im Tollhaus

Jeden Freitag gibt's eine kräftige Dosis Kultur, verabreicht von ka-news.de-Kulturredakteur Toby Frei, und zwar in der Kolumne "Kultur-Tipp". Heute: Manchmal ist der reguläre Christkindlesmarkt einfach allzu bekannt, man will mal was anderes in der Vorweihnachtszeit erleben. Da kommt der alternative Design-Lieblings-Weihnachtsmarkt Lametta Anfang Dezember im Tollhaus gerade recht.

29 Nov 12:00 ka-news.de 5595931856998174853.html
The Year of Return of Military Parades and its Six Dimensions on International Affairs

The year 2019 witnessed impressive military parades of the US and other regional powers. US President Donald Trump had floated the idea of having a parade in the USA in 2018 (10 November) to honour the veterans. He had been impressed by the July 2017 Bastille Day Military Parade in Paris which he witnessed during […]

29 Nov 12:00 Modern Diplomacy 4563921198956020705.html
Quadri gets Swedish, Australian opponents - The Nation Newspaper

Nigeria’s Aruna Quadri has been drawn in Group C alongside Sweden’s Kristian Karlsson and Australia’s Heming Hu in the first round of ITTF World Cup holding

29 Nov 10:25 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901082046700.html
Alasan Telkomsel Uji Coba 5G untuk Industri di Batam

Dipilihnya Batam sebagai lokasi uji coba 5G Telkomsel, ternyata bukannya tanpa alasan.

29 Nov 10:00 liputan6.com 3414318496519726562.html
Caterina Balivo accusata da Striscia la Notizia di essersi rifatta: arriva la sua risposta

Caterina Balivo accusata da Striscia La Notizia di essersi rifatta naso e seno. Sarà vero? Arriva la risposta dell'interessata

29 Nov 10:58 UrbanPost 2450570492416835340.html
Eurozone inflation firms but still below central bank goal

Official figures show that inflation across the 19-country eurozone rose in November but remains way below the level that the European Central Bank and its new president, Christine Lagarde, would like it to be.

29 Nov 10:47 CTVNews 2422791598919872640.html
Das sind die Gewinner des Georg-von-Holtzbrinck-Preises

In vier Kategorien zeichnet der Georg-von-Holtzbrinck-Preis herausragenden Journalismus aus. Das sind die diesjährigen Gewinner.

29 Nov 10:00 Handelsblatt 4721373938970791035.html
Godt og farstsfylt om legendarisk bilrace

Amerikansk outsider mot italienske mestere i legendarisk kamp i 1966. Årets største og beste film om bilkjøring og sta mannfolk.

29 Nov 15:15 adressa.no 8417332406593458140.html
Steuern und Arbeitsplätze

Auch multinationale Unternehmen sind auf gute Rahmenbedingungen angewiesen. Ein Kommentar von FuW-Redaktor Peter Morf.

29 Nov 14:16 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203938066233884.html
Virgin Media accused of signing up pensioner for TV contract without permission

'I've heard of a hard sell, but that takes the biscuit'

29 Nov 11:14 Derbyshire Live 9061707931061304299.html
130 de instante si parchete cer desfiintarea SS: Judecatorii din fieful Liei Savonea au votat pentru reformarea Sectiei

130 de parchete si instante din tara, in care in ultimele zile s-au intrunit Adunarile Generale ale magistratilor, s-au pronuntat pentru desfiintarea Sectiei de investigare a infractiunilor din Justitie (SIIJ), cunoscuta ca Sectia Speciala, au precizat surse judiciare pentru Ziare.com.

29 Nov 15:23 Ziare.com 1922730287575476676.html
Judge Upholds Charges that Could Put Harvey Weinstein Away for Life

A New York judge has rejected Harvey Weinstein’s bid to throw out the most serious charges in his sexual assault case, dealing a big blow to the disgraced movie mogul as he sought to limit the scope of his looming trial and any potential punishment.

29 Nov 14:47 Breitbart 3148363491120331927.html
Castel Volturno, il report dell'allenamento: Milik solo parzialmente in gruppo, Ghoulam a parte

Ghoulam e Tonelli continuano ad allenarsi a parte mentre Milik ha svolto parte del lavoro in gruppo e parte personalizzato.

29 Nov 12:53 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080539933970.html
Fired Zimbabwe state doctors reject offer to return to work

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe state doctors who were fired for going on strike have rejected a government offer to return to work, their union said on Friday.

29 Nov 11:41 Reuters 8334514179975250784.html
Autofahren in Herbst und Winter: Welche Gefahren lauern?

Herbst und Winter stellen Autofahrer vor witterungsbedingte Herausforderungen. Nebel, Regen, Dunkelheit oder Frost sind Risikofaktoren, die das Autofahren schnell zu einem gefährlichen Unterfangen werden lassen. Damit es unter diesen erschwerten Bedingungen nicht zu Unfällen kommt, erklären wir Ihnen, mit welchen Gefahren Sie als Autofahrer im Herbst rechnen müssen und wie Sie Ihr Fahrzeug sicher durch die dunkle Jahreszeit manövrieren.

29 Nov 10:44 GMX 2011843074842244541.html
Flailing Cowboys heard it from Michael Bennett after Thanksgiving loss

There didn’t appear to be a whole lot of giving thanks in the Dallas Cowboys’ locker room. Instead, the team got a heaping earful from one of its own. Following their Thanksgiving loss to

29 Nov 14:32 New York Post 7654946769579008024.html
The values we hold dear manifested in DC election results

The liberal and democratic political faction swept to a landslide victory in the District Council elections on Sunday, thereby reshaping the landscape of the district councils in the city. Over the years, the DC elections were focused on livelihood issues. Members of the academic and professional sectors, as well as university students, have always shown…

29 Nov 10:26 EJ Insight 7853952859245702658.html
Woman suspected of spying for Ukraine detained in occupied Sevastopol – Russian media

The woman had been "purposefully collecting" military secrets, according to the FSB.

29 Nov 12:20 UNIAN 6863008971025683171.html
Bottas fastest in first practice for Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

The Mercedes driver is set to start Sunday’s race from the back of the field following an engine change.

29 Nov 10:58 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775056621382.html
Fabinho ruled out until New Year with ankle ligament damage

The Brazilian was injured in the Champions League match against Napoli.

29 Nov 13:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773921785504.html
Trump makes surprise visit to Afghanistan, meets Afghan president

U.S. President Donald Trump paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Thursday evening, meeting with his Afghan counterpart Mohammad Ash

29 Nov 10:03 Vanguard News 4125100340393350469.html
Florida man arrested twice this month for bringing loaded gun to airport

A Florida man has been arrested for the second time this month for trying to bring a loaded gun through a TSA checkpoint.

29 Nov 12:25 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203343999707.html
Trump blasts Newsweek over story on his Thanksgiving plans

President Trump slammed Newsweek over its story on his Thanksgiving plans, which the mag said would include “tweeting, golfing and more” — before he ended up making a surprise visit to US troops

29 Nov 13:19 New York Post 7654946768007913831.html
Liverpool's Mane not worried about December fixture pile-up

Liverpool forward Sadio Mane has backed his team to come through a busy December without running out of steam.

29 Nov 12:55 CNA 5644198864301856387.html
Vatican Gives Christmas Present to Palestinian Authority in Bethlehem: A Piece of the Manger

In his last meeting with the Pope, Abbas asked for the relic that has sat in the Vatican for 1,000 years. Are there other relics from the Holy Land hidden away in the Vatican that should be returned?

29 Nov 11:25 Breaking Israel News 540123161893408631.html
Lebanon crisis wreaks havoc on Syria's war-torn economy

AMMAN (Reuters) - A financial crisis in Lebanon has hit the economy of neighboring Syria hard, choking off a vital source of dollars and dragging the Syrian pound to record lows.

29 Nov 13:16 Reuters 8334514181258920719.html
Baaghi 3: Tiger Shroff Undergoes Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy To Pack Some Extraordinary Action

Tiger Shroff is currently packing some punches as he is shooting for Baaghi 3 in Serbia, the star has kept his fans up to date about the progress of his film via social media.The actor recently shar

29 Nov 11:24 Koimoi 5184275669670395935.html
MPs brother brutally murdered by Nephew

MP's brother killed in cold blood

29 Nov 13:17 Pulse Live 3606876835873232444.html
Present Equity Valuations Suggest Negative Returns For Next Decade

In terms of Buffett's self-proclaimed favourite value indicator, as shown below, the S&P 500 is now priced at 144% of US GDP, far above the 2007 top, and near the short-lived highest-ever valuations i

29 Nov 12:46 Seeking Alpha 5725634557906407692.html
Nascar Champion Creates World's Longest Hot Wheels Track

If you grew up playing with Hot Wheels, you probably built some crazy tracks that took over the living room...

29 Nov 13:55 CarBuzz 4034462235807325378.html
Ketimbang Luis Leeds, Pembalap Indonesia Ini Merasa Lebih Pantas Disponsori ke F1

Pembalap muda Indonesia, Presley Martono mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya merasa lebih pantas disponsori oleh pemerintah untuk balapan di kejuaraan Formula 1 (F1).

29 Nov 13:55 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548835118920.html
David Warner, Marnus Labuschagne punish Pakistan with twin tons

Opening batsman David Warner was 166 not out and number three Marnus Labuschagne on 126, the duo having pushed Australia to an imperious 302 for one at stumps, only days after blasting big hundreds in the first test in Brisbane.

29 Nov 14:25 The Indian Express 2885715105008230356.html
Burgers wekken vaker samen stroom op

Op steeds meer plaatsen in Nederland nemen burgers zelf het initiatief om duurzame energie op te wekken. Ze laten vooral zonneparken aanleggen, maar ook het aantal burgerprojecten voor windenergie en warmtenetten stijgt.

29 Nov 10:00 RD.nl 6406779842196470027.html
Gary Neville lays into Arsenal players after Unai Emery is sacked

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager after 18 months in charge following a run of seven matches without a win - which saw 15 goals conceded and five leads slip

29 Nov 12:40 Irish Mirror 2875825628281264717.html
'New home test can detect aggressive prostate cancer'

A new test can detect signs of prostate cancer using urine samples collected at home, according to a study which could predict whether patients will require treatment for the disease up to five years earlier than current methods.

29 Nov 14:09 Deccan Herald 2027555797726440278.html
Supermassive Black Hole Appears To Have Created New Stars In Several Far-Off Galaxies

Supermassive black holes are often portrayed as gigantic and ravenous beasts, ready to destroy anything that gets too close. And while that it is certainly

29 Nov 12:59 IFLScience 242791748740236494.html
Migranti, naufragio di Lampedusa: la Guardia costiera individua relitto e alcune salme

Un barcone si è ribaltato di fronte all'isola dei Conigli, a Lampedusa, lo scorso 23 novembre. La Guardia costiera ha individuato oggi il relitto attorno al quale ci sarebbero dei cadaveri. Al momento non si conosce ancora il numero dei corpi rinvenuti a causa delle cattive condizioni metereologiche che limitano la visibilità. Sabato scorso erano state tratte in salvo 149 persone e rinvenuti i cadaveri di 5 donne; 20 persone erano invece disperse.

29 Nov 14:34 fanpage.it 1517332168492163265.html
Shopee's Desaauto@KPLB to sell automotive products, aid rural economic growth

KUALA LUMPUR: Following the success of Desamall@KPLB, Shopee, in collaboration with the Rural Development Ministry and ELokal, launches Desaauto@KPLB, an automotive e-store.

29 Nov 10:14 NST Online 3702929170399040313.html
Bulgarians Have Received an European Award for Development in the Film Industry

Yanaki and Hristo Dermendzhievi received a recognition from the European Cinema Awards, organized by Europa Cinemas in the Entrepreneur of the Year category, at a ceremony held recently at UCI Cinemas, Lisbon. The European organization, which distinguishes the merits of various actors in the film industry every two years, has been supported by the European Commission since its inception.

29 Nov 13:14 novinite.com 4235039570556470475.html
Okowa to Revenue Board: Carry out reforms to enhance revenue generation

Delta Governor, Senator (Dr.) Ifeanyi Okowa, has charged the state’s Board of Internal Revenue to carry out reforms that would enhance revenuet.

29 Nov 12:57 Vanguard News 4125100339309454354.html
Problem with sewer shuts down Wellburn's Market grocery store, barbershop

Wellburn’s Market, a grocery store at Cook and Pandora that's been downtown for more than a century, was forced to close its doors Friday morning after a sewage line problem in the building. . . .

29 Nov 11:32 Times Colonist 7617512061183305099.html
New device enables battery-free computer input at the tip of your finger

Computer scientists at the University of Waterloo have created a device for wearable computer input suitable for many situations, just by touching your fingertips together in different ways.

29 Nov 14:31 Tech Xplore 4945708899444088370.html
Comment bien recadrer un collaborateur

Lorsqu'un collaborateur pose problème, il faut se décider à agir. Un exercice d'équilibriste, qui exige de la rigueur et de plus en plus de bienveillance. , «Recadrer quelqu'un, ce n'est jamais agréable»,

29 Nov 15:14 Capital.fr 2641485281471721707.html
Gary Neville lays into Arsenal players after Unai Emery is sacked

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager after 18 months in charge following a run of seven matches without a win - which saw 15 goals conceded and five leads slip

29 Nov 12:40 mirror 675785261190661687.html
Dynamo empfängt Angstgegner Kiel

Der Tabellen-Vorletzte Dynamo Dresden empfängt am Samstag Holstein Kiel. Die "Störche" gelten als Angstgegner, denn die Schwarz-Gelben gingen in den bisherigen vier Zweitliga-Duellen immer als Verlierer vom Platz.

29 Nov 15:11 MDR 5336324388764867849.html
La integración sectorial en el ordenamiento territorial

Tiene presencia en 473 municipios del país, a través de unos 372 contratos suscritos para exploración o producción.

29 Nov 11:08 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543267012291.html
South Korea cuts growth forecast to lowest in decade

SEOUL: South Korea's central bank on Friday (Nov 29) cut its growth forecast for this year to 2 per cent, which would be the weakest rate in a ...

29 Nov 12:16 CNA 5644198863771411816.html
Dolittle: Kemasan Baru Robert Downey Jr yang Bakal Tampil Lebih Segar

WE Online, Los Angeles - Setelah sukses memerankan Iron Man, aktor Robert Downey Jr dipercaya berperan sebagai dokter hewan dalam film Universal Pictures terbaru berjudul Dolittle. Film dengan tema fantasi yang diangkat dari novel The Voyags of Doctor Dolittle karya Hugh Lofting itu dijadwalkan akan tayang pada 17 Januari 2020.

29 Nov 10:07 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835190851922.html
Robbie Savage's Premier League predictions as Arsenal set to struggle again

The BT Sport pundit also tips Jose Mourinho's winning start to continue while there are difficult tests for Man City and Man Utd, and a bottom of the table clash

29 Nov 12:22 mirror 675785261550714532.html
NDDC Budget: Niger Delta group commends Senate

NDAN on Friday, commended the decision of the Senate to demand the inauguration of the board of NDDC, before the consideration of the commission’s budget...

29 Nov 15:50 Vanguard News 4125100339054927171.html
Manchester United 'remain the favourites for Erling Haaland'

Manchester United are still the favourites to sign Red Bull Salzburg forward Erling Haaland, according to a report.

29 Nov 15:05 Sports Mole 7750663360877902159.html
The Purpose Of A Business

Is the purpose of a business just to make money?

29 Nov 14:27 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672081619934631.html
Daddies Vs Minions di Kejurnas, Awalnya Tanding Serius Lalu Adu Lawak

Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan dan Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo sukses memeriahkan Kejuaraan Nasional PBSI 2019.

29 Nov 12:31 BolaSport.com 4603768435724128113.html
CDU plant Mahnwache gegen Punkband "Feine Sahne Fischfilet"

Die Punkbank "Feine Sahne Fischfilet" tritt am Freitagabend in Wetzlar auf. Der dortige Ortsverband der CDU und eine Bürgerinitiative wollen deshalb Mahnwachen gegen "Linksanarchisten" abhalten. Die Musiker kontern auf Facebook.

29 Nov 13:54 hessenschau.de 6403292203271666038.html
Trainingsauftakt in Abu Dhabi: Vettel knallt in Streckenmauer

Sebastian Vettel hat Abu Dhabi nach der Geburt seines dritten Kindes rechtzeitig erreicht und stellte seinen Ferrari im ersten Freien Training gleich in der...

29 Nov 10:42 RTL.DE 7054729452334088475.html
Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal as club confirm interim appointment and explain decision

Gunners search for long-term successor already underway...

29 Nov 10:19 CaughtOffside 8169236756760278461.html
Arsenal pokazal vrata Unaiu Emeryju

Po domačem porazu v evropski ligi proti Eintrachtu iz Frankfurta z 1:2 je službo izgubil trener Arsenala Unai Emery.

29 Nov 11:47 Dnevnik 7671546649492393569.html
Schweden: LGBTQ-freundlichstes Land für Touristen

Der LGBTQ+ Danger Index hat untersucht, welche der 150 meist besuchten Länder die sind, die Touristen der LGBTQ-Community am meisten wohlfühlen lassen.

29 Nov 11:46 miss 1375730019977361880.html
Dokter Perkirakan Marc Marquez Fit untuk Uji Coba Sepang

Akibat cedera yang tak parah-parah amat, pebalap Repsol Honda, Marc Marquez, cukup sulit mengambil keputusan untuk menjalani operasi pada bahu kanannya.

29 Nov 10:35 Bola.net 5489959027884280733.html
Germany Denies Complete Ban on Hezbollah, Only the Bad Parts

US ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell demanded the German government ban Hezbollah completely.

29 Nov 11:50 The Jewish Press 7246030801342504809.html
Cats: Backlash From First Trailer Led to Character Redesigns

Cats director Tom Hooper explained how the reaction to the film's first trailer helped with redesigning the characters.

29 Nov 15:11 CBR.com 1295516961508133754.html
South Africa court rejects Zuma appeal to prevent corruption trial

JOHNANNESBURG (Reuters) - A South African court on Friday rejected an appeal by former president Jacob Zuma that sought to prevent his prosecution on corruption charges over a $2 billion arms deal.

29 Nov 10:00 Reuters 8334514180768326754.html
Avevano un vero e proprio laboratorio per la marijuana a Vidor, blitz dei carabinieri

VIDOR - Una ragazza italiana di 24 anni ed un albanese di 28 anni residente in provincia di Belluno sono stati arrestati martedì mattina dai carabinieri di Valdobbiadene, al termine di una mirata attività d’indagine finalizzata alla repressione del fenomeno di produzione e traffico di sostanze stupefacenti.

29 Nov 11:24 Oggi Treviso 2529403854227060562.html
Chinese investments in Malaysia halve, US inflow soars

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Chinese investments into Malaysia halved to US$1.7 billion in the first nine months of the year from a year ago, though US investments soared seven times to US$5.9 billion — reflecting a diversion of funds due to the Beijing-Washington trade clashes.Data provided by the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) to Reuters on Friday showed that China, traditionally the Southeast Asian country's biggest investor, has now slipped to third position behind the United States and Japan.Foreign

29 Nov 10:16 The Edge Markets 6322622074252019719.html
Pete Mihalik murder: Accused struggle to find lawyers for high court trial

It has been a struggle to secure lawyers willing to represent two of the men accused of a suspected hit on Cape Town advocate Pete Mihalik, the Western Cape High Court has heard.

29 Nov 12:18 News24 3752801378397040691.html
Anche in Irpinia musei aperti gratuitamente: ecco la lista completa

Domenica 1 dicembre torna la domenica gratis al museo. Anche in Irpinia, quindi, i musei e i parchi archeologici statali saranno aperti al pubblico gratuitamente. Sul sito del Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali e per il Turismo l’elenco completo e gli orari di apertura di tutti gli istituti, i musei e i siti archeologici gestiti dalla Soprintendenza di Salerno e Avellino. Per questa edizione di dicembre il MiBACT ha lanciato una nuova campagna digitale legata al gioco: dopo le esperienze di gamification, che negli ultimi anni molti musei hanno esplorato alla ricerca di innovazione e di sperimentazione di nuovi linguaggi, dal 3D ai videogiochi, il MiBACT invita gli utenti social a riconoscere i personaggi di alcune opere dei musei italiani. Il gioco è sul profilo Facebook, basta identificare le silhouette nell’immagine e scrivere in un commento i titoli delle opere: www.facebook.com/MiBACT.

29 Nov 11:24 AvellinoToday 5452883948300651616.html
Verrell Bramasta Bangun Rumah Mewah 4 Lantai di Sentul Tuk Calon Istri Kelak

Verrell Bramasta di dunia hiburan semakin gemilang di usia 23 tahun namanya terkenal hingga pundi-pundi simpanannya terus bertambah.

29 Nov 10:55 merdeka.com 1998180354363809979.html
Ambra Angiolini con i capelli bianchi durante una diretta su Instagram

ROMA – Ambra Angiolini sconvolge i suoi follower su Instagram. Durante una diretta sul suo profilo ufficiale, l’attrice sorprende i suoi fan indossando una parrucca bianca indossata all’inizio del collegamento dal camerino del set del nuovo film. Ambra saluta quelli che hanno partecipato alla diretta “dal set del Signore degli Anelli”. “T’appartengo” scambiata per una preghiera: la gaffe In questi giorni il nome di Ambra era tornato alla ribalta per via della sua celebre canzone del 1994 “T’appartengo”. Non tutti però sembrano conoscere o ricordare il singolo di Ambra Angiolini. I protagonisti di questa simpatica gaffe che vi raccontiamo, di certo, non ne avranno mai sentito parlare. Su una pagina di un gruppo religioso su Facebook, infatti, un utente ha pubblicato il testo della canzone scambiandolo per una preghiera. Sotto il testo molti altri utenti, entusiasti per aver scoperto il nuovo passaggio religioso, hanno commentato: “Amen, un pensiero verissimo”; “Preghiera semplice e dolcissima”; “Bellissima preghiera”.…

29 Nov 11:32 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355957017263.html
L'ultimo saluto a Luciana Sari, la cantante che commosse la Catalogna

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:59 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206624852225.html
'Lastenverhoging lijkt op horeca-pesten in het kwadraat'

De aankomende verhoging van de precariobelasting in de gemeente Groningen schiet Koninklijke Horeca Nederland volledig in het verkeerde keelgat.

29 Nov 14:53 RTV Noord 3728677366830630426.html
What Manchester United players discussed in the dressing room after Astana defeat

Man United were left frustrated in their Europa League group defeat to Astana after Tahith Chong wasted an easy chance and Dishon Bernard scored an own goal.

29 Nov 15:00 men 6694993429643810711.html
Sopravvivere tra virus e ribelli nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo - Pierre Haski

Nelle zone colpite dal virus i ribelli accusano il governo di aver inventato la malattia per fiaccare l’opposizione. I centri sanitari subiscono attacchi violenti proprio ora che sono state scoperte nuove cure. Leggi

29 Nov 10:40 Internazionale 3249842261321420900.html
Weinzierls Nachtreten gegen Heidel und Schalke ist feige

Markus Weinzierl hat die Schalker Transferpolitik zu seiner Zeit bei den Königsblauen kritisiert. Das ist unangemessen. Ein Kommentar.

29 Nov 10:44 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221677366693.html
Folle inseguimento a Treviso: prima l'incidente, poi imboccano la strada contromano

TREVISO – Controlli straordinari della polizia a Treviso, Silea e Villorba. Durante l’attività, un equipaggio si è imbattuto in un’auto con a bordo due giovani di carnagione chiara, che, solo dopo ripetuti inviti ad accostare a destra, anche azionando i lampeggianti e sirene e acustici, si è fermata sul ciglio stradale nei pressi di viale della Repubblica.

29 Nov 15:50 Oggi Treviso 2529403852660859169.html
Shop small at Seminole Heights Holiday Shop Hop Saturday

With all the madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, don't forget to support local businesses for Small Business Saturday.

29 Nov 10:07 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203955091956.html
China updates drug reimbursement list, agrees price cuts

Chinese regulators have added 70 new medicines to the country’s National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL), and has agreed an average of 61% in price cuts with pharma companies. 

29 Nov 11:06 PMLive 7773534727942991827.html
Villagers gherao BJP's C P Yogeshwara in Hunsur

The villagers did not allow the leader to enter the village and sent him back.

29 Nov 15:57 Deccan Herald 2027555796600330682.html
MH17-proces integraal via livestream

De volledige strafzaak over de ramp met vlucht MH17 wordt integraal uitgezonden via een livestream. Het proces is daarmee dus overal ter wereld, zonder vertraging te volgen. Dat is vrijdag gemeld tijdens een bijeenkomst over de zaak die 9 maart volgend jaar begint.

29 Nov 13:42 RD.nl 6406779840590580307.html
Lepas Rahmad Darmawan, 3 Pelatih Berlisensi UEFA Pro Bisa Ditunjuk Tira Persikabo

Sedikitnya ada 3 pelatih berlisensi UEFA Pro yang bisa ditunjuk Tira Persikabo pasca melepas juru taktik Rahmad Darmawan, Jumat (29/11/19).

29 Nov 13:43 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548978676619.html
Mati Secara Misterius, Petugas Konservasi Curiga Lalu Bongkar Perut Rusa Ini, Mereka Malah Temukan 7 Kg Benda yang Sering Digunakan Manusia Ini

Setelah melakukan pembedahan, mereka menemukan benda-benda yang ternyata sering digunakan manusia ini.

29 Nov 13:00 grid.id 6246371059256283172.html
Ufone Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Football Tournament: 21 City Champions decided in Qualifiers

PESHAWAR, Pakistan: Ufone Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Football Tournament’s City Qualifiers have concluded in all the 21 Cities. The City Champions from Swabi, Chitral and Bannu have been decided in addition to Swat, Buner, Kohat, Hangu, Karak, Upper and Lower Dir, Nowshera, Charssadda, Lakki Marwat, Dera Ismail Khan, Tank, Mansehra, Haripur, Abbottabad, Peshawar, Mardan and Malakand. The 21 City Champions will face each other within their four regions of Hazara, Malakand, Peshawar and Kohat in the eliminators and eight teams (two from each region) will qualify for the Super8 stage. The Super8 stage, semifinals and the final will be start from December 13 at Tehmas Khan Football Stadium in Peshawar. At the City level, DFA Veteran FC was defeated by DFA Chitral FC in a one sided match which DFA Chitral won by 4-0. The match was played at Government School Parade Ground. Rasool scored two goals in the first half of the match to solidify the lead for his team. Later on, his team mates Zia and Izhar scored two more goals…

29 Nov 13:35 Dispatch News Desk 1078940130378869527.html
Plywood cabinetry makes the most of space in Brooklyn Loft for couple with two dogs

Dean Works has reorganised a former studio apartment in Brooklyn around a multi-functional plywood volume that forms arches, walls and storage cabinets.

29 Nov 15:00 Dezeen 1175672639894608017.html
Plywood cabinetry makes the most of space in Brooklyn Loft for couple with two dogs

Dean Works has reorganised a former studio apartment in Brooklyn around a multi-functional plywood volume that forms arches, walls and storage cabinets.

29 Nov 15:00 Dezeen 1175672639763253199.html
Casalincontrada diventa il paese del Natale

Da venerdì 6 dicembre a domenica 8 dicembre, il borgo di Casalincontrada si trasforma nel Paese di Natale, con luci, mercatatini, giochi, musica, sorrisi e tanto altro per un’atmosfera magica aspettando Babbo Natale Programma:

29 Nov 12:29 ChietiToday 1729130452569560384.html
Supreme Court sacks Eleruwa of Eruwa, says appeal lacks merit

The Supreme Court, on Friday, sacked the Eleruwa of Eruwa, Oba Samuel Adegbola and six others, dismissing an appeal they lodged before it...

29 Nov 13:41 Vanguard News 4125100340586309488.html
Weber gibt auf

Rotenburg. Mit 18 Nein- bei 15-Ja-Stimmen und einer Enthaltung hat sich der Rotenburger Stadtrat am Donnerstagabend gegen einen Antrag auf Errichtung einer Oberstufe an der IGS zum kommenden Schuljahr ausgesprochen. Bürgermeister Andreas Weber (SPD) zieht daraus persönliche Konsequenzen: Er wird im Januar den Stadtrat bitten, ihn frühzeitig in den Ruhestand zu versetzen. „Ich werde noch den Haushalt durchbringen, danach ist aber Schluss für mich“, stellte der 62-Jährige klar.

29 Nov 14:30 ROTENBURGER RUNDSCHAU 5652157009125571409.html
Degryse wil nieuwe aanvoerder bij Genk en ziet twee kandidaten

Sébastien Dewaest is niet aan zijn beste seizoen bezig bij KRC Genk. Meer nog: Marc Degryse wil zelfs dat hij zijn aanvoerdersband afstaat. Sander Berge en Aly Samatta zijn volgens hem betere kandidaten.

29 Nov 12:15 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216564853609.html
"Die Hermannsschlacht" am Burgtheater: Blut lecken

Intendant Martin Kusej inszeniert Kleists Kriegspropagandastück. Die Brisanz bleibt zwischen den Zeilen.

29 Nov 15:30 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440879801079.html
Everton boss Silva ignoring speculation over his future

The Toffees take on second-placed Leicester on Sunday.

29 Nov 15:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773644146713.html
Everton boss Silva ignoring speculation over his future

The Toffees take on second-placed Leicester on Sunday.

29 Nov 15:42 Express & Star 7324224460152930749.html
Everton boss Silva ignoring speculation over his future

The Toffees take on second-placed Leicester on Sunday.

29 Nov 15:56 Breaking News 4415806920233153569.html
Chiusura locali al Centro: i legali di Galluccio e Ciccone fanno ricorso al Tar

La chiusura è stata ordinata dalla Prefettura

29 Nov 11:03 AvellinoToday 5452883947142524521.html
Lex Apple Pay: Bundesrat stimmt für offene Schnittstelle für Bezahldienste

Die Länder haben einen Gesetzentwurf mit schärferen Geldwäschevorschriften gebilligt, wonach auch IT-Firmen wie Apple ihre Zahlungsservices öffnen müssen.

29 Nov 12:16 heise online 1766193382376576244.html
NZ Taxpayers' Union congratulates NZ First for stance on tobacco tax

Responding to New Zealand First’s decision to oppose January’s hike in tobacco excise, New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Jordan Williams says:

29 Nov 15:02 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926315060495009.html
RhB bleibt trotz Turbulenzen in der Spur

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 10:45 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776649095031.html
London Bridge attack: Victims named by police

Jack Merritt, 25, of Cottenham, Cambridgeshire and Saskia Jones, 23, of Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, died in the attack, police said, as well as the suspect.

29 Nov 15:30 euronews 7318238122585686723.html
Why Bailouts Are The Solution For Companies That Are Too Big To Fail

Ideal regulators may reduce the necessity of a bailout; but they may still be required in times of extreme duress.

29 Nov 11:14 Swarajya 4977622828901064375.html
- Betalte for journalistdrap

Drapet på journalisten Daphne Caruana Galizia ble bestilt og betalt med 150 000 euro, har en av de tiltalte forklart i avhør på Malta.

29 Nov 11:22 Dagbladet.no 3042595687737560790.html
De Ziua Nationala, cumpara Fabricat in Romania

Poate ca nu ai privit niciodata lucrurile in felul asta, dar a cumpara ceva fabricat in Romania este un gest patriotic, care denota incredere, responsabilitate si respect.

29 Nov 12:54 Ziare.com 1922730287033271432.html
Begraafplaats Midwolde vol: 'Pijnlijk dat we nee moeten verkopen'

De gemeentelijke begraafplaats in Midwolde bij Leek is bijna vol. Binnenkort kunnen daar geen mensen meer worden begraven.

29 Nov 15:01 RTV Noord 3728677367240092270.html
As Juncker bids farewell, new EU executive begins with scrutiny over Luxembourg tax

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Officials from the new European Commission will discuss an International Monetary Fund study that lists Luxembourg as a world-leading tax haven just days after the former leader of the Grand Duchy departs the EU executive’s helm.

29 Nov 15:55 Reuters 8334514179723701408.html
Liverpool Berpotensi Kelelahan? Sadio Mane: Ah, Itu Cuma Sugesti

Sadio Mane menampik anggapan bahwa Liverpool bakalan mengalami kelelahan di tengah padatnya jadwal bermain. Pria asal Senegal itu berkata bahwa kelelahan hanyalah sugesti semata

29 Nov 13:18 Bola.net 5489959027805296861.html
Authorities take down 'Imminent Monitor' RAT malware operation

Europol reports 14 arrests across eight countries, including the RAT's creator, in Australia.

29 Nov 13:20 ZDNet 591556592958429383.html
Valtteri Bottas fastest in opening practice for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Valtteri Bottas finished fastest in opening practice for the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix as Sebastian Vettel crashed out.

29 Nov 10:59 Sporting Life 7709795077894811086.html
Darksiders: Genesis is bringing Strife into your life

THQ Nordi has released a new trailer looking at the second Horseman that will star in upcoming dungeon crawler Darksiders: Genesis. And it ain't Tully Blanchard, it's the rider of the White Horse himself, Strife.Strife is the only member of...

29 Nov 11:00 Destructoid 5545714966186842562.html
Black Friday evolves but still marks start of holiday shopping season

The holiday shopping season kicks off on Friday with traditional Black Friday sales, though many retailers got a jump on the competition by getting started with deep discounts on Thanksgiving Day, and analysts forecast data to show that online shoppers spent a record $4 billion on Thanksgiving, MarketWatch reports. The total had already reached $2.1 billion as of 5 p.m. Thursday, a 20.2 percent increase compared to the same point last year. Demand was so high on Thursday that Costco's website and app were briefly hampered by heavy traffic, USA Today reports. Black Friday is continuing to evolve, as many stores try to snag a bigger share of holiday sales by cutting prices days or even weeks before what used to be a one-day shopping frenzy. Shoppers are expected to spend up to $731 billion in November and December, roughly 4 percent more than in the same period last year. Harold Maass

29 Nov 13:57 The Week 149215356042399061.html
Social Innovation Ireland Fund boosts its board

Ailbhe Keane, founder and creative director of Izzy Wheels, has also joined the the fund board.

29 Nov 14:03 Irishexaminer 8196011179678285967.html
Konon Sangat Diinginkan Orang Yahudi, Inilah Harta Karun Raja Sulaiman, Satu Hal yang Paling Diincar bukan Emas Tapi Hal 'Sakral' Ini

Tak hanya manusia bahkan binatang, tumbuhan, dan angin pun tunduk kepadanya. Semua ini, tercantum dalam kitab suci.

29 Nov 15:30 grid.id 6246371060183113124.html
Inauguran el primer banco de esperma con donantes VIH positivo

La iniciativa ha sido puesta en marcha por tres ONG de Nueva Zelanda con objetivo de mostrar al público que el virus no puede transmitirse mediante la reproducción cuando el portador está recibiendo el adecuado tratamiento con retrovirales.

29 Nov 14:25 euronews 2767628995236508539.html
Father jailed for murdering six-week-old son

Lee Vernon inflicted fatal head injuries on baby McKenzie Ellis in Broadstairs.

29 Nov 12:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774419071961.html
No harness on fallen roofer

A Penticton roofer that fell to his death last year was not wearing a harness and was not properly supervised, according to a WorkSafeBC investigation.

29 Nov 10:51 Castanet 616068602687185567.html
Is Ramaphosa recognising Khoisan communities, or robbing the rural poor?

While a new law sees the president formally recognising Khoi and San communities, its critics say it also opens up vulnerable communities to exploitation by mining companies.

29 Nov 13:48 The Citizen 410802302045869887.html
Knives Out Movie Review: This Daniel Craig-Chris Evans Starrer Makes For A Decent Watch

Knives Out, starring Daniel Craig and Chris Evans, is out in theatres. Read the Knives Out movie review to know if the film is as good as expected.

29 Nov 11:20 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244036639020.html
Quirino Ordaz Coppel recorre zonas afectadas en San Ignacio

El gobernador recorrió en compañía del alcalde las zonas más afectadas por las lluvias que azotaron ayer a Sinaloa

29 Nov 15:47 EL DEBATE 4396150893858988847.html
Baby Yoda: Everything to know about the insanely popular Mandalorian character

Baby Yoda is not actually a baby version of the Jedi Master Yoda seen in Star Wars movies, but it belongs to the same species. Since The Child (that is what the show calls him) and his species do not have a name, Baby Yoda is the name that has stuck.

29 Nov 14:04 The Indian Express 2885715105042470961.html
K-pop stars get prison terms for sexual crimes

A South Korean court found two stars, Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon, guilty of illicit sexual relations with a woman.

29 Nov 14:42 euronews 7318238121460067621.html
Larry Ellison Picks Storied Lake Tahoe Property for Next Nobu Getaway

Robert  De  Niro and his hospitality team are joining with the Oracle billionaire to remake Cal  Neva, owned in its Rat Pack heyday by Frank  Sinatra.

29 Nov 14:00 The Hollywood Reporter 121801344172968731.html
Omicidio Luca Sacchi, il sospetto sul coinvolgimento della vittima

Omicidio Luca Sacchi, il sospetto sul coinvolgimento della vittima: riconosciuta da uno dei mediatori, ma la Procura non si sbilancia. Ci sono novità importanti in queste ore sull’omicidio di Luca Sacchi, ucciso il 23 ottobre a Roma. In particolare, si fa chiarezza su alcune delle persone coinvolte nella vicenda, nello specifico su Anastasiya Kylemnyk, la …

29 Nov 14:33 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928066138862.html
Schlange sorgt für Aufregung

Eine Schlange hat im niederrheinischen Goch für Aufregung gesorgt. Ein Anwohner hatte das etwa 80 Zentimeter lange Tier am Donnerstagabend an einer Straße entdeckt, wie die Feuerwehr am Freitag mitteilte.

29 Nov 13:10 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568763578670.html
Vanessa Mai heiratet noch mal

Dieses Duett allein ist schon recht ungewöhnlich: Zusammen mit Schmusebarde Xavier Naidoo nimmt Vanessa Mai ihren neuen Song "Hast du jemals" auf. Doch damit nicht genug: Im zugehörigen Video tritt die Schlagersängerin nun sogar vor den Traualtar. Aber keine Sorge, nicht mit Naidoo.

29 Nov 12:39 n-tv 6802689754677535236.html
DP Ruto Breaks Silence on BBI Referendum Debate

The deputy president, who had chosen to remain silent on the matter, stated that it would be wise to...

29 Nov 12:34 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153413487325.html
Fliegerärzte erhalten höchste militärische Auszeichnung des Freistaats

Große Ehre für das Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin. In einer feierlichen Zeremonie nahm Generalarzt Rafael Schick das Fahnenband des Freistaates Bayern in Empfang – die höchste Ehrung, die ein militärischer Verband erhalten kann. Doch nicht jeder freute sich über die Auszeichnung. Am Rande des Appells gab es Demonstrationen.

29 Nov 15:25 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238057529286.html
Mazda Selling SkyActiv-X Engines Like Hotcakes in Europe

About 45 percent of European orders for the CX-30 compact crossover are specified with the SkyActiv-X, a four-cylinder engine with spark-controlled compression ignition, a supercharger, the Miller cycle, and a 24-volt electrical system. The mild-hybrid powerplant develops 180 PS and 224 Nm, which works out at 178 horsepower and 165 pound-feet of torque.

29 Nov 14:23 autoevolution 6471576454395557578.html
Tories slammed by free market groups over state aid pledges

Business and free market groups slammed pledges today by Boris Johnson to expand state aid for businesses if the Conservative [...]

29 Nov 13:58 City A.M. 6389894490341033791.html
Man wins Supreme Court appeal for more detail in mortgage debt judgment demand

Joseph O’Malley, from Westport, said he was confused and uncertain over his liability

29 Nov 14:28 The Irish Times 8204772968691118674.html
Sri Lanka name full-strength Test squad for Pakistan tour

Pakistan will host Tests for the first time in a decade next month, and their opponents Sri Lanka will be at full strength.

29 Nov 11:24 sportskeeda 1601194028630050386.html
Anbieter Bird zieht seine Roller aus dem Verkehr

Die Verleih-Firma bringt ihre E-Scooter im Frühjahr wieder zurück.

29 Nov 10:11 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569141152391.html
FM's remarks on economy disappointing, crisis entirely home grown: Sinha

Sinha said that even now, the government is largely in denial

29 Nov 11:30 Business-Standard 1502508926335192257.html
Passa a Wind con due promozioni assolutamente da non perdere

La passa a Wind migliore del momento è sicuramente la soluzione che prevede la possibilità di accedere a 100 giga di traffico dati al mese.

29 Nov 10:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127595535315.html
Cuba y UE contra efectos del bloqueo estadounidense

Katja Afheldt, jefa de la División de México, América Central y el Caribe del Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior, afirmó en La Habana que el bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba es ilegal y sus efectos violan las leyes del comercio internacional

29 Nov 13:00 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418299357648.html
Arsenal sparker manageren: Svensk klubbhelt tar over midlertidig

Unai Emery er ferdig som manager i Arsenal. Freddie Ljungberg tar over det midlertidige treneransvaret.

29 Nov 10:14 Aftenbladet 8753034802713456960.html
Raih 20 Juta Subscriber, Ibu Atta Halilintar Sebut Anaknya Bikin Bangga Tanah Air Hingga Negara Arab

Atta Halilintar menjadi YouTuber pertama se-Asia Pasifik yang berhasil meraih 20 juta subscriber. Geni Faruk girang hingga sebut putranya telah membuat bangga Indonesia hingga negara Arab.

29 Nov 10:44 Kanal 247 6444101939207326968.html
Actress Abduction Case: Supreme Court Rejects Dileep's Plea!

The Supreme Court has rejected Dileeps plea to access a copy of the memory card containing the visuals of the actress, who was assaulted in a running car in 2017.

29 Nov 13:05 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243288332373.html
Ajay Devgn and Kajol flaunt their impeccable chemistry on the cover of Filmfare

One of Bollywood's most adorable power couple Ajay Devgn and Kajol have been giving their fans major couple goals since the time they have come togeth

29 Nov 13:12 The Times of India 6060938663192731254.html
KPMG’s New Blockchain Network Grants Producers a New Degree of Legitimacy

Consulting and auditing giant KPMG has announced the launch of KPMG Origins: a multi-purpose supply chain network for a wide variety of industries, ranging from food production to financial services for the Asia-Pacific region. Producers today are being held accountable for the sustainability practices they inculcate during the production lifecycle, yet they have no means for proving it. As per Ledger Insight, KPMG Origins seeks to bridge that gap between capability and necessity, November 28, 2019.

29 Nov 11:00 BTC Manager 8549607151613635259.html
Number of displaced by floods almost doubles in Terengganu

KUALA TERENGGANU, Nov 29 — The flood situation in Terengganu worsened tonight with the number of victims increased from 875 from 258 families compared to 445 from 142 families this afternoon. The increase in the number of flood victims is after two more districts were hit by floods — Hulu...

29 Nov 14:39 Malaymail 302165935691044787.html
KPK Panggil Istri Nyoman Jadi Saksi Kasus Suap Impor Bawang Putih

KPK memanggil Komisaris PT Indocev Lilik Kelana Putri menjadi saksi kasus dugaan suap impor bawang putih.

29 Nov 10:51 detiknews 8793960224317360515.html
Ataque terrorista en Londres deja al menos tres muertos

Fuentes del Gobierno británico informaron que fueron dos los muertos en el ataque cerca del puente de Londres, además del presunto terrorista

29 Nov 13:56 Diario de Yucatán 261200016992588054.html
Maltas Premier Muscat offenbar zum Rücktritt bereit

Im Fall der ermordeten Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia sind maltesische Politiker in den Fokus der Ermittler geraten. Nun steht Regierungschef Joseph Muscat Berichten zufolge kurz davor, sein Amt niederzulegen.

29 Nov 15:53 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270438012681.html
7 Myths About Smartphone Batteries

We've been made to believe some smartphone battery myths - some of which are partially true. Here are 7 smartphone battery myths that are totally untrue.

29 Nov 10:49 Dignited 2175003788465374969.html
London Bridge attack suspect shot and killed by British police after stabbing: report

British police shot and killed a suspected terror attacker Friday on the London Bridge -- a harrowing incident that left at least two people dead and several others injured around the key thoroughfare that had been the site of a deadly Islamist attack just over two years ago.

29 Nov 14:35 Fox News 7362823821437530300.html
Fears Cross Tay Link Road will not reduce congestion

Bridgend, Gannochy and Kinnoull Community Council (BGKCC) question impact

29 Nov 13:14 dailyrecord 552235479746346113.html
Cuma Modal Magic Com Bisa Bikin Roti Tawar hingga Steak

Magic com umumnya digunakan untuk memasak nasi. Tapi di tangan pria ini, magic com bisa jadi alat memasak berbagai makanan. Ada roti, popcorn hingga steak.

29 Nov 11:00 detikfood 4586606518980820781.html
Co-operative housing the future in the Eastern Bay

Co-operative housing the future in the Eastern Bay

29 Nov 14:22 SCOOP 5315659000000944747.html
Acknowledge who built Ilara-Mokin Road, Twitter users tell Fashola

Twitter users have urged Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola to acknowledge the individual who built the Ilara-Mokin road in Akure, Ondo State. This advice came after Fashola shared...

29 Nov 15:32 Punch Newspapers 3524240995167536147.html
Viernes negro de promociones y descuentos

Los comercios apuestan al Black Friday a fin de mes. Hay expectativas por las operaciones con Ahora 6, 12 y 18

29 Nov 12:24 BAE Negocios 6030502150698226931.html
Milaka espetxeratze politikoren «itsasoa» liburu batean bildu du Euskal Memoriak

Euskal preso politiko izan den dozenaka lagun hurbildu da Euskal Memoria Fundazioaren azken lanaren aurkezpenera. Beraiek baitira, azken finean, liburu honen...

29 Nov 13:35 naiz: 7509038603080069232.html
Google Messages fight against spam with verified SMS - Gizchina.com

Google Messages fight against spam with verified SMS, the new feature is available on the 5.3.075 version of the app at the beta channel

29 Nov 10:43 Gizchina 5392375275709084945.html
The Best Black Friday Xbox One Wireless Controller Deals

Need a new Xbox One Controller, or perhaps a spare? Check out our list of the best Black Friday deals on controllers we've found so far across the US and UK.

29 Nov 14:25 TrueAchievements 4775707719609773980.html
Boris Johnson promises to give state aid to UK companies to stop them collapsing after Brexit

The prime minister announced that he would remove EU rules preventing the government from awarding contracts to UK-based businesses.

29 Nov 11:58 Business Insider 6060062399543122590.html
Arsenal next manager: Mikel Arteta leads four-man shortlist to replace sacked Unai Emery

Arsenal will again make a pitch to former player Mikel Arteta as they seek to replace the sacked Unai Emery. The Independent has been told the Manchester City assistant head coach is once more one of

29 Nov 12:29 The Independent 2511519171208423299.html
DAY6 Mendarat di Jakarta, Disambut Heboh Penggemar

Sesekali para personel DAY6 tampak mengulas senyum membalas sapaan My Day Indonesia.

29 Nov 12:45 liputan6.com 3414318496595464599.html
South Africa's Zuma loses bid to appeal against corruption trial

A court in South Africa on Friday dismissed former President Jacob Zuma's attempts to appeal against his corruption trial related to a 1990s arms deal.

29 Nov 10:10 Aljazeera 6642629761933953209.html
Ulinzi keeper crowned KPL player of the month

A mean streak in goal has seen Ulinzi concede just five league goals.

29 Nov 11:22 Daily Nation 7421817125490403849.html
128 Pemberontak Houthi Dibebaskan Arab Saudi dan Diterbangkan ke Yaman

Pembebasan tahanan Houthi oleh Saudi ini merupakan bagian dari upaya mengakhiri konflik yang berlangsung selama 5 tahun terakhir.

29 Nov 10:53 detiknews 8793960225093694572.html
Fondo Salva-Stati (degli altri), Conte avvocato del popolo tedesco

Dopo la rissa alla Camera scintille nel governo per il Mes

29 Nov 10:30 Il Tempo 2494990961443229225.html
Tuttosport - Milan, Piatek verso la conferma anche a Parma

Secondo quanto riferisce questa mattina Tuttosport, domenica pomeriggio contro il Parma, Kris Piatek, nonostante le ultime deludenti prestazioni, dovrebbe essere confermato dal primo minuto al centro del tridente milanista. Nelle prove di ieri a Milanello, Pioli ha provato ancora il polacco tra i titolari. 

29 Nov 11:00 MilanNews.it 6507305921067530651.html
Garantizan seguridad en centros comerciales por compras del Black Friday en Florida

Una vez que terminaron sus comidas de Acción de Gracias, los floridanos del sur se dirigieron a los centros comerciales locales en grandes

29 Nov 10:07 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536065196076.html
Le azioni di Warren Buffett da comprare a dicembre

Alzi la mano chi non conosce  l'oracolo di omaha. Ecco  le azioni di Warren Buffett da comprare a dicembre. Comprare azioni sul lungo termine Per chi

29 Nov 12:23 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260968065389.html
Herausforderung für EZB-Chefin Lagarde: Inflation bleibt niedrig

Die Preise in der Euro-Zone steigen im November um 1,0 Prozent und sind damit weit von der EZB-Zielmarke entfernt. Für Christine Lagarde ein Problem.

29 Nov 10:06 Handelsblatt 4721373939416599426.html
Frank Lampard defends under-fire West Ham boss Manuel Pellegrini ahead of Chelsea trip

The Hammers manager signed the former West Ham midfielder as a player in 2014

29 Nov 14:45 football.london 6804128268818572993.html
Pirates Coach Talks Lorch And Discipline

Orlando Pirates coach Rulani Mokwena has urged football fans to not forget that Thembinkosi Lorch is still the reigning Footballer of the Year.

29 Nov 11:35 Soccer Laduma 3901337371709461784.html
Prosecutor asks French court to clear cardinal over sex abuse cover-up

A French prosecutor asked an appeals court on Friday to quash Cardinal Philippe Barbarin's conviction for failing to report sex abuse by a priest, eight months after a verdict that rocked the French Catholic Church.

29 Nov 12:30 Digital Journal 4566489172067879768.html
Maharashtra: Uddhav Thackeray takes over as CM, ruling alliance to face floor test tomorrow

Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari has appointed NCP MLA Dilip Walse Patil the interim Speaker for the trust vote.

29 Nov 11:44 Scroll.in 8669301693669387092.html
Man slashed across neck in Dudley knife attack

A man was slashed across the neck with a knife after an argument in Dudley.

29 Nov 12:02 Express & Star 7324224460493848684.html
Bakal Caketum Golkar: Airlangga Memulai Bibit Perpecahan

Politikus Golkar, Indra Bambang Utoyo (IBU) menilai tidak lazim bakal calon ketua umum harus memiliki syarat dukungan untuk mendaftar bakal calon. Indra mengatakan, sedianya proses penggalangan dukungan dilakukan secara tertutup di Musyawarah Nasional (Munas).

29 Nov 13:18 merdeka.com 1998180354780844561.html
Embassy ridicules paper’s language

The Chinese Embassy in Spain recently made a stern though humorous announcement, criticizing the European country's largest newspaper for following certain Western media in hyping the so-called

29 Nov 12:02 Global Times 7829414519696417472.html
The only Thanksgiving leftovers guide you need

Like an inbox filled with emails about Black Friday sales, the one thing you can count on the day after Thanksgiving is a fridge packed with leftovers.

29 Nov 11:50 CHANNEL3000 830332543109055008.html
Green is the new black! Kilkenny launches shop local Green Friday Campaign

Say goodbye to Black Friday and hello to Green Friday by buying Irish brands and products on November 29, urges a leading Irish retailer. Green Friday is an initiative led by Marian O’Gorman of ...

29 Nov 15:14 TipperaryLive 1097599577371858695.html
Taoiseach calls for more ethnic diversity among gardaí

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has called for greater ethnic diversity in An Garda Síochána.

29 Nov 12:07 RTE.ie 7595237279363512601.html
Top cleric warns of chaos amid worsening crisis in Iraq

Forty protesters were shot dead by security forces in Baghdad and the southern cities of Najaf and Nasiriya on Thursday.

29 Nov 11:52 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774154101135.html
Stormzy and Crowded House announce Irish gigs

Stormzy and Crowded House have announced Irish gigs for 2020.

29 Nov 10:15 Breaking News 4415806920026056464.html
Buntut Vlog Pamer Saldo ATM, Ditjen Pajak Bakal Buru Artis yang Punya Tabungan di Atas 1 Miliar

Ditjen Pajak buru artis pamer saldo Namun konten yang seringkali viral tersebut kini berujung pada pemantauan oleh Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Pajak Kementerian Keuangan. Ditjen Pajak berencana akan "mengejar" artis yang memiliki saldo di atas 1 miliar rupiah. saldo atm, artis, pamer, ditjen pajak, 1 miliar

29 Nov 12:30 Hipwee 8847968231371172813.html
Gobernadora asiste a la Venta del Madrugador

Wanda Vázquez dio una breve vuelta por Walmart de Toa Baja junto con la secretaria del DACO.

29 Nov 11:23 Primera Hora 5092966653793567189.html
WATCH | #BlackFriday crowd chaos outside Nike Factory Store

Black Friday was nothing short of crazy at the Nike factory store at Woodmead Value Mart in Johannesburg.

29 Nov 10:42 TimesLIVE 7950036620427454601.html
Dropping fizzy drinks from your diet could help you lose weight ahead of Christmas

If you're struggling to lose weight there could be a simple fix

29 Nov 10:54 RSVP Live 2434255978190251856.html
Il cambiamento climatico spinge il pianeta verso un punto di non ritorno

Gli scienziati avvertono che molte persone non hanno ancora preso coscienza di quanto poco tempo rimane per fermare i cambiamenti irreversibili e disastrosi nel sistema climatico della Terra. Ma c’è speranza

29 Nov 13:04 National Geographic 8909623152121538742.html
Sudan repeals public order law restricting women’s behaviour

Transitional authorities approve law to dissolve former ruling party of Omar al-Bashir

29 Nov 10:44 The Irish Times 8204772968828895133.html
Arsenal chiefs 'call crisis meeting over Unai Emery future'

Senior figures behind the scenes at Arsenal allegedly call a meeting to discuss the future of under-pressure manager Unai Emery.

29 Nov 10:07 Sports Mole 7750663362005422430.html
Perth director who callously kicked dog fined

The damning act was captured by a passing motorist on his dash cam

29 Nov 12:20 dailyrecord 552235480537768170.html
FG set to award contract for Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline

John Ameh, Abuja The Federal Government is to construct a 600-kilometre gas pipeline from Ajaokuta through Kaduna to Kano, President Muhammadu Buhari has revealed. The line will transport gas...

29 Nov 15:57 Punch Newspapers 3524240993904459279.html
PICS:GTEL Phone shop robbers CAPTURED after displaying sudden lavish lifestyles public

GTEL Phone shop robbers CAPTURED after displaying sudden lavish lifestyles.Notorious armed robbers landed behind bars after detectives closed in on them.

29 Nov 10:43 iHarare News 2755902706593117347.html
Johnny Depp producing Michael Jackson musical told from perspective of his glove

Yes, really.

29 Nov 12:52 Metro 970161747231252329.html
Varadkar asks Garda Commissioner to recruit more gardaí from ethnic minorities

New members from England, Poland, the US and Slovenia graduate from Templemore training

29 Nov 15:07 The Irish Times 8204772968992860869.html
Duterte says he'll 'quarrel' with China if it shuts down PH power

But the Philippine leader thinks China won't do such a thing because it would damage the Asian giant's reputation and because it sees its stake in the NGCP as a business

29 Nov 13:43 Rappler 1882105642463675131.html
Meet the young developer turning her severe anxiety into a games career

We speak to BAFTA Young Game Designer winner Emily Mitchell about her debut title Fractured Minds

29 Nov 11:18 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590114318523317.html
Gandeng Telkomsel, OPPO Sukses Uji Panggilan 5G di Batam

OPPO belum lama ini telah sukses melakukan ujicoba panggilan 5G di Batam. Pengujian ini dilakukan oleh OPPO bersama dengan Telkomsel menggunakan perangkat OPPO Reno 10x Zoom yang telah dibekali modem X50.

29 Nov 11:30 DroidLime 2345565947318410606.html
Robbie Kruse scores winner as Victory beat Perth

Robbie Kruse proved the hero as Melbourne Victory kickstarted their ailing A-League season with a crucial 1-0 win over Perth Glory at AAMI Park. In his first start since returning to the club that launched his career, Kruse set the tone with a clattering challenge on Ivan Franjic.

29 Nov 10:59 Fox Sports 7784787272194036364.html
Gregoritsch-Thema für Werder gegessen?

Beim SV Werder Bremen befasst man sich nach eigenen Angaben nicht mit der Personalie Michael Gregoritsch. „Wir haben uns im Sommer grundsätzlich anders aufgestellt und sind mit dem Kader zufrieden. (...)

29 Nov 12:09 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783698647269.html
Thousands of people across Europe are protesting and striking against Amazon on Black Friday, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - In Germany employees went on strike, and in some warehouses do not plan to return to work until after Cyber Monday.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:04 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755582980452.html
Umuh Muchtar Soroti Wasit Laga Bali United Vs Persib Bandung

Manajer Persib Bandung, Umuh Muchtar, kecewa dengan wasit yang memimpin laga timnya melawan Bali United.pada pekan ke-29 Liga 1 2019

29 Nov 13:47 BolaSport.com 4603768436651348648.html
Boris Johnson Skips Climate Change Debate, Replaced By Melting Ice Sculpture

Boris Johnson declined to attend the debate on climate change on Channel, the broadcasting regulator decided to replace the spot with a melting ice sculpture.

29 Nov 13:08 Republic World 1282918857345676656.html
Zum Einkaufen und Selberbauen: Das sind die besten Black Friday Gaming-PC-Angebote

Black Friday Gaming-PC-Angebote gibt es von Stunde zu Stunde mehr. Wir halten dich auf dem Laufenden, wie die allerbesten Deals für dein Vorhaben aussehen.

29 Nov 10:55 futurezone.de 2257170159992186478.html
Caitlyn Jenner Revealed Kylie Spends A HUGE Amount Of Money On Security

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times — Caitlyn Jenner is really providing value for money on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. And speaking of money, Caitlyn Jenner revealed that Kylie spends $400K a month on security. Wow. Anyone…

29 Nov 11:45 Bustle 7391390688206696009.html
Arsenal Legend Tips Ex-Midfielder To Succeed Unai Emery

Arsenal legend Ray Parlour believes the club should appoint former teammate and captain Patrick Vieira to replace Unai Emery.

29 Nov 11:26 Concise 5544636823595196657.html
The misunderstood Ms Isabelle Huppert

The veteran French actor speaks her mind and people often confuse her with the ‘scary women’ she plays on screen. But there’s another side to her, as we find out at the International Film Festival of India in Goa

29 Nov 12:11 The Hindu 6679535024330423926.html
BREAKING: Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal manager

Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal manager: club Details Later... (AFP)

29 Nov 11:18 Punch Newspapers 3524240995806821273.html
Bulgaria Is among the Countries Which Export the most Grain

Bulgaria is one of the leading exporters of grain. Over the past year, it exported grain worth more than $ 1 billion, or a quarter of the country's total exports.

29 Nov 13:48 novinite.com 4235039570215878819.html
Urge to curb climate change spreads like 'Wildfire' across the Globe

Climate-crisis is finally getting the traction that it needed. People across the world are organizing sit-ins in different parts, calling upon those in power to act right now. Teen activist, Greta Thunberg took to twitter urging everyone to join the climate-crisis protests.

29 Nov 14:40 WION 1570469241803632974.html
Republikeinse politica permanent van Twitter verbannen omdat ze Democratische concurrente wil “laten ophangen”

Het Twitter-account van Danielle Stella, een Republikeinse politica die het bij de verkiezingen van volgend jaar wil opnemen tegen zittend Democratisch parlementslid Ilhan Omar, is permanent gescho...

29 Nov 14:40 HLN 8967494997520879557.html
Frühere Swissair-Führung kommt juristisch ungeschoren davon

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:00 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776622745847.html
Biasa Natural, 6 Potret Dian Sastro dengan Makeup Tebal Ini Bikin Pangling

Penampilan pemain film Ada Apa dengan Cinta saat bermakeup tebal sukses mencuri perhatian.

29 Nov 10:05 liputan6.com 5422146881059133974.html
'#DontAbuseOurStaff' - Homeowner leaves rude note on parked ambulance during emergency

Life-saving paramedics returned to their vehicle to find the note

29 Nov 13:35 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702235125187.html
Gobyerno tablado sa P1B tagong yaman vs Marcos, Tantoco

IBINASURA ng Sandiganbayan ang apela ng gobyerno na baliktarin ng anti-graft court ang desisyon nito na nagbabasura sa P1 billion ill-gotten wealth case na isinampa laban kay dating Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos at maybahay nitong si Imelda Marcos gayundin kina Bienvenido Tantoco Sr. at Gliceria Tantoco.

29 Nov 14:08 Abante News Online 7257070570945518944.html
Ex-Werder-Spieler Markus Rosenberg feiert unglaublichen Märchen-Abschied

Solche Geschichten schreibt nur der Fußball. Der Schwede Markus Rosenberg, Stürmer von Ibrahimovics Jugendclub Malmö FF, absolvierte in der Europa League...

29 Nov 14:47 RTL.DE 7054729452180897952.html
China holds out carrot ahead of Taiwan election, but few convinced

China is stepping up efforts to be nice to Taiwan ahead of key elections on January 11, offering better treatment to Taiwanese in China and urging the democratic island to "come home", but many there only see Beijing wielding a threatening stick. China denies interfering in elections in Taiwan, which Beijing claims as sacred territory, but it traditionally tries various means to influence their result, hoping politicians with a more positive view on China ties get into office.

29 Nov 10:50 WION 1570469240415216005.html
Schalke-Reservist trifft auf zweiten "Herzensverein"

Steven Skrzybski verließ Union Berlin und wechselte zu seinem Traumverein. Bei Schalke 04 ist der Stürmer aber nur Reservist, eine Rückkehr ist nicht ausgeschlossen.

29 Nov 12:38 weltfussball.at 3521376372814463858.html
Menikah Sejak Setahun Lalu, Baim-Paula Pernah Bertengkar dan Tak Saling Berbicara Hingga 2 Hari

Merayakan ulang tahun pernikahannya, Baim Wong memberi kejutan untuk Paula Verhoeven.

29 Nov 14:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697710426555.html
Robert Alberts Tetap Apresiasi Perjuangan Pemain Persib Meski Tumbang dari Bali United

Pelatih Persib Bandung, Robert Rene Alberts, menilai para pemainnya sudah berjuang saat menghadapi Bali United meski hasil akhir yang tak memuaskan.

29 Nov 13:15 BolaSport.com 4603768435268389530.html
Hasta departamento del Tolima extienden búsqueda de ganadero secuestrado en Palmira

La Fiscalía continúa investigando el paradero del ganadero Juan Manuel Domínguez, secuestrado en el municipio de Palmira.

29 Nov 11:57 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969828130647120.html
Laga Timnas Indonesia U-22 vs Singapura Sempat Ricuh, Ini Komentar Indra Sjafri

Kericuhan yang sempat terjadi di laga Timnas Indonesia U-22 vs Singapura di laga kedua penyisihan grup B SEA Games 2019 mendapat perhatian dari pelatih Indra Sjafri.

29 Nov 11:01 Bola.net 5489959029249066886.html
Arsenal star apologises to Unai Emery after Spaniard is sacked as Gunners manager

Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager after the Gunners' 2-1 defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in the Europa League on Thursday night

29 Nov 11:12 mirror 675785260355324162.html
Hartson questions Ljungberg’s contribution against Eintracht Frankfurt

Arsenal are on a seven-game winless run and have appointed Freddie Ljungberg as interim head coach.

29 Nov 14:18 Shropshire Star 3480199992690801628.html
Venezuela y Guinea Ecuatorial suscriben tres acuerdos de cooperación energética

Pdvsa y Gepetrol consolidarán las relaciones de intercambio en áreas estratégicas

29 Nov 14:10 Últimas Noticias 6811287209219270033.html
Hati-hati Berkendara! Jalan di Cibinong Bogor Ini Rusak dan Berlubang

Jalan Raya Tapos, Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor rusak parah dan berlubang. Lubang-lubang besar menghantui pengendara di kawasan tersebut.

29 Nov 14:06 detiknews 8793960224866035158.html
Lorraine Kelly portrait by Dundee graduate unveiled live on TV

The oil painting was presented to the Scottish host live on air for her 60th birthday.

29 Nov 13:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774300078784.html
DDCA Chief Rajat Sharma's Resignation Accepted, Decision Soon On BCCI AGM

DDCA President Rajat Sharma has once again resigned from his position and Ombudsman Justice (retd) Badar Durrez Ahmed has accepted the same.

29 Nov 12:58 NDTVSports.com 2127367043932392152.html
Jimin BTS Asyik Main Walkie Talkie, Puji Suara Suga Seksi Bikin Salah Tingkah

Dalam Episode 2 Bon Voyage 4, BTS dibagi menjadi dua kelompok untuk pergi ke penginapan mereka di pedesaan Selandia Baru yang indah. Mereka menggunakan walkie talkie untuk tetap berhubungan satu sama lain hingga saling goda.

29 Nov 15:59 Kanal 247 6444101938861348316.html
Margarete van Ackerens Berliner Woche: Droht nach SPD-Wahl wirklich das Groko-Aus? Selbst linkes Duo bekommt Muffensausen

Morgen um 18 Uhr sind die Stimmen ausgezählt. Dann steht fest, ob Olaf Scholz mit Klara Geywitz oder Norbert Walter-Borjans mit Saskia Esken das Rennen um die SPD-Spitze gemacht hat. Es geht um den Kurs der SPD, die Zukunft der GroKo und Angela Merkels Kanzlerschaft. Doch vor Naivität wird gewarnt. So schnell wird sich keiner trauen, die GroKo zu beenden. Keiner. Versprechen hin oder her.

29 Nov 13:23 FOCUS Online 4448121229874988729.html
Offiziell: Arsenal trennt sich von Emery

Unai Emery und der FC Arsenal wollten nie so richtig zusammenpassen. Nach weniger als eineinhalb Jahren ist die Liaison nun beendet. Der FC Arsenal und Unai Emery gehen getrennte Wege. Wie die (...)

29 Nov 10:12 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784116105683.html
Scrapped lockout laws pave way for Sydney Olympic renaissance: Hemmes

Sydney nightclub mogul Justin Hemmes believes scrapping the lockout laws have paved the way for a cultural rejuvenation not seen since the Sydney Olympics.

29 Nov 13:00 Brisbane Times 2314609339752664108.html
Scrapped lockout laws pave way for Sydney Olympic renaissance: Hemmes

Sydney nightclub mogul Justin Hemmes believes scrapping the lockout laws have paved the way for a cultural rejuvenation not seen since the Sydney Olympics.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562733591596.html
Foggia, stanco per l'attesa in caserma. Tunisino pesta due poliziotti

Foggia, stanco di aspettare che agenti effettuassero il riconoscimento, pregiudicato tunisino 19enne li pesta: fermato da militari finisce in carcere

29 Nov 15:45 ilGiornale.it 5019541225140336922.html
Kumpulan Kata Motivasi Islami, Bikin Hati Adem & Belajar Ikhlas

Kata motivasi Islami berikut bisa membantu hati jadi adem. Simak yuk, Bun.

29 Nov 12:27 moms-life 8028540702470263485.html
Neil Lennon insists league is Celtic priority as manager issues Ross County warning

The Hoops are coming off a European high but can't let their focus drop on Sunday.

29 Nov 14:59 dailyrecord 552235480535262204.html
SPÖ-Chefin Rendi-Wagner will weitermachen

SP-Chefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner trotzt der massiven internen Kritik an ihrer Performance und will weiter machen.

29 Nov 12:14 NÖN.at 2486998933033022350.html
Govt initiates dialogue with ASEAN members for review of FTA: Goyal

He also said the Coffee Board is trying to develop an Indian brand of coffee for export and the work in this regard is underway

29 Nov 11:15 Business-Standard 1502508926429345275.html
BIZAR. Vrouw rijdt rond in brommobiel met pony als passagier

In Frankrijk werd de bestuurder van een brommobiel afgelopen weekend tegengehouden voor een controle toen de politieagenten een erg bijzondere passagier naast haar zagen zitten. De vrouw vervoert regelmatig een pony als therapiedier voor gehandicapte kinderen. Omdat ze nog geen autorijbewijs heeft, gebruikt ze een brommobiel, die ze helemaal ombouwde om het dier goed te

29 Nov 15:00 Zita 7484176338314098382.html
Omicidio Sacchi, emergono le intercettazioni che spiegano il delitto

Il sito d'informazione 'Open' ha pubblicato parte delle intercettazioni in mano agli inquirenti che spiegano come si è svolto l'omicidio di Luca Sacchi.

29 Nov 11:08 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927798832126.html
Auch Forscher in Arktis und Antarktis streiken für den Klimaschutz

Selbst in den abgeschiedenen Weltregionen der Arktis und Antarktis haben sich Forscher den internationalen Klimaprotesten angeschlossen.

29 Nov 10:05 bz BASEL 5287163742327547851.html
De leukste Black Friday iPhone-deals!

Nieuwe iPhone kopen? Black Friday is in volle gang: het moment dus om toe te slaan. Dit zijn de leukste Black Friday iPhone-deals 2019.

29 Nov 10:31 iCreate 5140431717515320126.html
Tak Seperti IHSG, Bursa Saham Asia Kompak Bermuram Durja

Indeks Hang Seng anjlok 2,03%, Indeks Kospi anjlok 1,45%, indeks Shanghai turun 0,61%, indeks Nikkei turun 0,49%.

29 Nov 10:17 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212449262826.html
The Death of FX Volatility

Volatility in the Euro-Dollar exchange rate reached an all-time low this week, and dying volatility is being recorded in most other major currency pairs as we enter the final month of the year

29 Nov 10:29 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579507869989416.html
Orlando: "Dicembre complicato per l'Udinese? Bisogna prendere una partita alla volta"

Udinese attesa in questo dicembre da una serie di partite difficilissime, riusciranno i bianconeri a raccogliere punti? Secondo l'ex Alessandro Orlando bisogna cercare in tutti i modi di muovere la classifica se si vogliono evitare situazioni di classifica delicate: "I cicli di ferro vanno smontati, quindi bisogna prendere una partita alla volta, cercando di prendere il massimo da ognuna senza fare calcoli" - spiega al Messaggero Veneto - "Questo implica avere anche la forza di rialzarsi subito anche a fronte di due ko consecutivi, altrimenti subentrano ansie e patemi. Se poi punti a pareggiare a Roma e aspetti il Cagliari per vincere, piuttosto che col Napoli, è ancora più rischioso, anche perché il Cagliari è una signora squadra che gioca bene da mesi ed è da 7.5 di voto in tutti i reparti".

29 Nov 12:30 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194299329353.html
Leicester boss Brendan Rodgers comments on replacing Unai Emery at "fantastic" Arsenal

The Foxes boss has seen his name thrown into the ring to replace Emery, who was sacked on Friday morning

29 Nov 14:15 football.london 6804128268658451081.html
LASK will auch gegen Rapid Momentum behalten

Vor dem Heimspiel am Sonntag (ab 16:00 Uhr live und […]

29 Nov 13:13 Sky Sport 6321692526978102052.html
Juncker und Tusk verabschieden sich von ihren EU-Posten

EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker und Ratspräsident Donald Tusk verabschieden sich am Freitag aus ihren Ämtern. Tusk übergab in einer Zeremonie die Amtsgeschäfte an seinen Nachfolger Charles Michel. Juncker gab mittags eine letzte Pressekonferenz in jetziger Funktion, bevor seine Nachfolgerin Ursula von der Leyen übernimmt.

29 Nov 13:08 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700954284593.html
DTI gives equipment to 5 Bataan coops

BALANGA City, Bataan -- The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) awarded on Thursday food processing equipment to five cooperatives in Bataan.

29 Nov 11:18 Journal Online 6375127393617041007.html
Gerindra Akui Salah Tulis Soal LGBT di Twitter

Akun Twitter @gerindra memicu polemik karena menuliskan protes atas kebijakan Kejaksaan Agung yang menolak LGBT ikut CPNS. Waketum Gerindra Sufmi Dasco Ahmad pun menjelaskan maksud cuitan tersebut.

29 Nov 11:51 merdeka.com 1998180354538671836.html
Vittoria hub: nasce il primo Incubatore Insurtech basato sull’Open Innovation

Si chiama Vittoria hub ed è il primo il primo Incubatore Insurtech in Italia basato sull’Open Innovation presentato da Vittoria Assicurazione. Situato nel cuore del moderno quartiere del Portello, nel Parco Vittoria Business Center, Vittoria hub sarà il luogo d’incontro tra innovazione tecnologica e nuovi modelli di business a favore dell’evoluzione del settore assicurativo con il compito di attrarre in un unico polo investitori, partner e startup. Vittoria Hub: il primo Incubatore Insurtech Obiettivo promuovere un avanzato scambio di idee, risorse e competenze e accelerare il percorso di crescita delle startup, dall’idea alla maturità industriale, per una nuova proposta di ecosistema nel mercato assicurativo. Quattro le aree su cui si focalizzerà Vittoria Hub –  Persona (Health &Whealth), Casa, Mobilità e Azienda Connessa – che si configurerà come un ecosistema costituito da un insieme integrato e ben orchestrato di servizi e tecnologie per offrire ai consumatori prevenzione, assistenza e pronto intervento,…

29 Nov 12:14 Wall Street Italia 1518582935471984815.html
Police called to London Bridge following reports of shots being fired

The Metropolitan Police said they are dealing with an incident at London Bridge amid reports of shots being fired.

29 Nov 14:26 Lancashire Post 6469275855764710093.html
South African police officer found guilty of killing Nigerian

Austin Luciano Reynold, a South African police constable, has been found guilty of the murder of Ebuka Okoli, a Nigerian. Okoli was killed in Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal, in 2018.

29 Nov 13:40 TheCable 7513571674409967286.html
Anak Wabup Banyuasin yang Ditangkap Saat Pesta Sabu Jadi Tersangka

Polres Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan menetapkan Sigit Tri Harmoko di kasus penyalahgunan narkotika sebagai tersangka. Selain Sigit, 2 pemasok yang ditangkap.

29 Nov 13:59 detiknews 8793960224881453465.html
The Pussycat Dolls announce Birmingham show amidst reunion

Chart-topping girl group The Pussycat Dolls are reuniting nine years after their acrimonious break-up with a full UK and Ireland tour - and they're coming to Birmingham.

29 Nov 12:37 Shropshire Star 3480199991401695214.html
Isuzu updates MetroExpress Connect fleet with 25 modern PUVs

Isuzu turns over the third batch of 25 modern PUVs to MetroExpress Connect to service Las Pinas, Cavite, and other surrounding areas

29 Nov 14:59 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465448312896886.html
Bonucci prefiere evitar al Tottenham de Mourinho

Juventus se aseguró el primer puesto en el Grupo D de la UCL y Leonardo Bonucci tiene la esperanza de que su equipo no se encuentre a los Spurs en octavos de final.

29 Nov 12:34 DIRECTV Sports 8893643039966962740.html
Donald Trump's Very Real Health Care Victory: Price Competition is Coming

In short, the policy promises to increase the power of individuals and families by giving them greater control over their health care dollars and decisions.

29 Nov 14:45 The National Interest 7207864702304800688.html
EON SE overweight

Die Experten der Barclays Capital bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von EON mit overweight

29 Nov 15:06 finanzen.at 7258357743537754622.html
Hundreds gathered in Bucharest on Friday for the opening stage of former president Ion Iliescu's crimes against humanity trial

On the morning of December 22, 1989, Bogdan Stan drank his usual cup of coffee and went to join the wave of protests against Romania's communist regime. Almost 30 years later, his mother Elena Bancila was one of around 600 victims and relatives who gathered Friday in Bucharest for the opening stage

29 Nov 15:21 Yahoo 7097669637276494266.html
Eurozone inflation firms but still below central bank goal

BRUSSELS — Official figures show that inflation across the 19-country eurozone rose in November but remains way below the level that the European Central Bank and its new president, Christine Lagarde, would like it to be.

29 Nov 10:03 680News 8014034334019562779.html
Blast in Bengaluru Forensic Science Laboratory injures 6

The injured have been admitted to St. John’s Hospital.

29 Nov 11:51 The Hindu 6679535026085137404.html
UFFICIALE: Arsenal, esonerato Emery. Già comunicato il traghettatore

Negli ultimi giorni sulla stampa inglese s'è parlato tanto anche di Carlo Ancelotti che però ha smentito interessamenti

29 Nov 11:12 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081456780991.html
Hedgefonds könnten Osram-Kauf verhindern

Der Halbleiterhersteller AMS hat einen Übernahmeversuch für den angeschlagenen Lichttechnikkonzern Osram gestartet. Doch nun haben offenbar Hedgefonds viele Anteile gekauft - und könnten den Deal scheitern lassen.

29 Nov 11:31 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270898526396.html
Truck driver Mohammed Pasha, Naveen, Kesavulu, and Shiva arrested for raping and brutally killing Hyderabad doctor

Police in Telangana have arrested four accused in connection with the gruesome murder of a 27-year-old veterinary doctor on Wednesday night.

29 Nov 14:09 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720207461983902.html
Manchester United Ternyata Tempati Peringkat 1 di Premier League, Dalam Hal Apa Ya?

Penampilan Manchester United pada musim ini menjadi bahan pembicaraan seluruh pencinta sepak bola dunia.

29 Nov 10:16 Bola.net 5489959029283104137.html
Ex-Bank Executive Linked to Trump Loans Commits Suicide

Thomas Bowers, who is said to have approved some of the financial services company's loans to President Donald Trump, has committed suicide.

29 Nov 13:23 Breitbart 3148363492579261979.html
Advice For Staying Safe Online

The Services Family have compiled seven tips to help protect you online

29 Nov 13:30 Forces Network 3883413828531752803.html
Lewis Long becomes first Welsh fighter to gain victory on Bellator roster with classy return win

Pontypridd's Lew Long won via first round submission at Bellator London in Wembley Arena at the weekend

29 Nov 12:59 Wales Online 7686550516564479009.html
Situación peligrosa

En la democracia los políticos deben ser oportunistas. Es importante que lo sean porque de ese modo identifican las demandas de decisiones políticas entre la población que no son atendidas y los errores o abusos de sus competidores que llevan a un mal manejo de los asuntos públicos. En el oportunismo está una enorme dosis del sistema de pesos y contrapesos de la democracia.Pero, al mismo tiempo, la democracia exige que los políticos tengan sentido de responsabilidad. El oportunismo tiene su límite cuando sacar provecho de él implica un costo evidente para la sociedad. En otras palabras, cuando por la competencia por el poder los políticos no tienen escrúpulos en tomar decisiones que se sabe afectarían a muchos.En la práctica no es nada sencillo establecer los límites entre oportunismo y responsabilidad. No es claro hasta que punto una decisión oportunista conlleva a efectos puramente negativos. Hay políticas públicas que pueden tener un amplio consenso popular, a la vez que los políticos que las implementan estar…

29 Nov 14:55 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346596032403.html
Natural burial ground set to host one service a day as plans approved

Controversial plans to allow a natural burial ground in Walsall to increases services to one a day have been approved.

29 Nov 12:07 Express & Star 7324224460570192771.html
Bolsonaro boicota anunciantes da Folha

Depois de cancelar todas as assinaturas da Folha de S.Paulo feitas pelo governo federal, Jair Bolsonaro disse hoje que também não comprará mais os produtos dos anunciantes do jornal...

29 Nov 11:07 O Antagonista 1037429653669212975.html
Duterte calls for probe after chaotic SEA Games build-up

Red-faced organizers apologized and promised to do better, but after criticism grew under a mocking hashtag, #SEAGamesfail, Duterte waded into the furor late Thursday.

29 Nov 13:50 Saudi Gazette 6913978435620449775.html
Father jailed for murdering six-week-old son

Lee Vernon inflicted fatal head injuries on baby McKenzie Ellis in Broadstairs.

29 Nov 12:46 Express & Star 7324224459883668441.html
Video: Ole Miss Kicker Has Heartbreaking Reaction To Missed Kick

Ole Miss kicker Luke Logan missed a game-tying extra point following a penalty from wide receiver Elijah Moore.

29 Nov 14:36 The Spun 9122471848275352463.html
No provision for financial aid to family of farmers who commit suicide

Agriculture credit targets have also been enhanced from Rs 9 trillion in 2016-17 to Rs 13.5 trillion in 2019-20

29 Nov 12:35 Business-Standard 1502508926637151809.html
This Hacked Bowling Ball Assures You'll Always Get Strikes

An ex-NASA engineer and a former toy designer got together and created a bowling ball that never misses a strike, it's designed to follow the player's movements as it rolls down the bowling lane.

29 Nov 13:04 Interesting Engineering 7328942542282442045.html
Nottingham bar will go goes Christmas crazy with more cheesy OTT decorations than Santa's grotto

It will be Christmas every day during December

29 Nov 12:24 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702346175467.html
Rod Stewart: Rocker turned model railroad builder

LONDON (AP) - Rod Stewart, known for decades as a consummate crooner, rocker, fashion plate and tongue-in-cheek sex symbol, is adding a new element to his image: serious model railroad builder.

29 Nov 13:18 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637324832033.html
Michelle Bachelet: Los disturbios del mes pasado en Ecuador tuvieron un alto costo humano

La Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet, declaró este viernes que los disturbios de octubre pasado en Ecuador "tuvieron un alto costo humano", según un

29 Nov 13:35 El Universo 8365175796980142702.html
Young Turkish director wins best film award in US

Nepal Arslan, an 18-year-old Turkish director, has won the best film award in the drama category with his short film 'Strings' at the All-American High...

29 Nov 14:03 DAILY SABAH 8383944809468767778.html
Sciopero clima, al via protesta globale

Sono partite dall'Australia, devastata nelle ultime settimane da centinaia di violenti incendi, le manifestazioni di sciopero globale volute da Fridays For Future, il movimento di Greta Thunberg, per sollecitare misure contro l'emergenza climatica. (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:47 ANSA.it 1300837447472788138.html
Archeologen verdeeld over Jozua 6

Archeologen zijn verdeeld over Jozua 6. Was de stad Jericho al een ruïne vóór de belegering door Jozua?

29 Nov 14:08 RD.nl 6406779841659152375.html
Report: Israel renews talks with Hamas for long-term deal

Lebanese newspaper reports Hamas and Israel have renewed talks, with UN envoy slated to meet Hamas officials in push to reach deal.

29 Nov 11:42 Israel National News 5374683669463855009.html
Bottas tops practice times for Abu Dhabi GP

Valtteri Bottas topped the times for Mercedes in Friday's opening free practice for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

29 Nov 15:56 Sport 682566033960287131.html
AHEAD MEA winners create "specific experience without feeling like an amusement park"

The best new hotels in the Middle East and Africa take ownership of their unique contexts, say the judges, in this video produced by Dezeen.

29 Nov 10:30 Dezeen 1175672638725453055.html
Demand for Certified Energy Advisors powers success for OC alumnus - Campus Life

Okanagan College Media Release

29 Nov 10:10 Castanet 616068602985967229.html
Everton boss Silva ignoring speculation over his future

The Toffees take on second-placed Leicester on Sunday.

29 Nov 15:42 Shropshire Star 3480199992606753213.html
EM stocks fall on trade deal doubts; Lira firms on central bank comments

BENGALURU (Nov 29): Emerging markets stocks fell on Friday on worries that a new US law backing Hong Kong protesters could hinder progress in resolving the Sino-US trade war, while comments from the Turkish central bank breathed new life into the lira.MSCI's stock index for emerging markets fell nearly 1%, extending losses to the second straight session after US President Donald Trump signed into law on Wednesday legislation that supported the protesters, a move that China said it would

29 Nov 10:39 The Edge Markets 6322622074938812952.html
The Unusual Journey of Theodore Roosevelt's Maltese Cross Cabin

The Maltese Cross Cabin traveled to expositions across the country before settling at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, making it one of the most well-traveled former homes of any U.S. president.

29 Nov 11:00 Mentalfloss 5757864790270076939.html
Dekan FH PTN Se-Indonesia Rombak Profil Lulusan Hukum, Seperti Apa?

Tarik ulur antara tantangan revolusi industri 4.0, masyarakat 5.0 dan filosofi pendidikan.

29 Nov 14:27 hukumonline.com 2042817837914395946.html
City to clear out Esplanade

The City of Penticton says it will be moving to clear out Esplanade Park, a popular camping spot for the homeless, on Monday morning.

29 Nov 14:12 Castanet 616068602305546531.html
Milanello, il programma di domani alla vigilia di Parma-Milan

La prima delle due trasferte consecutive vedrà il Milan impegnato domenica pomeriggio allo stadio Tardini contro il Parma. Il programma dei rossoneri della giornata della vigilia prevederà la seduta di rifinitura al mattino, seguita dalla conferenza stampa di Stefano Pioli a partire dalle 13.45. Poi ci sarà la partenza alla volta della città emiliana.

29 Nov 15:59 MilanNews.it 6507305921085134863.html
Fiscal deficit exceeds budget estimates during April-October on lower tax receipts

Constrained by lower tax collection, the Centre’s fiscal deficit exceeded the budget estimate during first seven months (April-October) itself. Fiscal deficit is the difference between income and the

29 Nov 12:30 BusinessLine 5283601325947359.html
Teure Luxusautos bei der AWO-Frankfurt: Bundesvorstand fordert Rücktritte

Riesenbeben bei der AWO: Nach der Affäre um OB Peter Feldmann schaltet sich nun der Bundesvorstand der Arbeiterwohlfahrt ein.

29 Nov 13:56 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324068193290.html
The Clean Green Pakistan Index: A futile exercise?

The initial phase of the index also calls for cities to compete to beautify the city as well as on sanitation

29 Nov 10:30 The Express Tribune Blog 736159586615754504.html
Drogenhandel im Kreis Hall: Polizei findet Cannabis und Amphetamine bei zwei Männern

Die Polizei hat Räumlichkeiten zweier Männer aus dem Kreis Hall durchsucht. Die beiden sollen mit Drogen gehandelt haben - auch über einen Onlineshop.

29 Nov 13:29 swp.de 6929179441892116352.html
Boost For Connacht As Bundee Aki Signs Contract Extension

Ireland international Bundee Aki has signed a contract extension with Connacht that will see him remain at the province until 2023.

29 Nov 13:24 PUNDIT ARENA 505417273477053583.html
Boost For Connacht As Bundee Aki Signs Contract Extension

Ireland international Bundee Aki has signed a contract extension with Connacht that will see him remain at the province until 2023.

29 Nov 13:24 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274687399771.html
A date with treasures from Keeladi

People from across the country are lining up to catch a glimpse of the life of ancient Tamils in the State Government’s exhibition of precious findings from the excavation site

29 Nov 14:35 The Hindu 6679535024614442832.html
Mobile boutique can zip from waterfront to Lower Lonsdale

Lower Lonsdale clothing boutique Double the Love now has twice the locations after the City of North Vancouver council voted unanimously for it.

29 Nov 12:51 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497124454600.html
Champion Continues to Celebrate its 100 Year Anniversary with Cyber Monday Drop

An exclusive capsule of hoodies with signature branding.

29 Nov 15:00 HYPEBEAST 3806037269136916319.html
SPÖ-Chefin Rendi-Wagner will weitermachen

SP-Chefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner trotzt der massiven internen Kritik an ihrer Performance und will weiter machen. "Ich bin fest entschlossen, die Probleme zu lösen, vor denen die Sozialdemokratie steht. Ich werde die Verantwortung in dieser schwierigen Zeit nicht an den Nagel hängen", so Rendi-Wagner am Freitag in einem der APA übermittelten schriftlichen Statement.

29 Nov 12:44 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700758483562.html
Silva, Pellegrini fight for EPL survival after Arsenal sack Emery

Arsenal's decision to sack Unai Emery turns a harsh spotlight on Everton boss Marco Silva and West Ham's Manuel Pellegrini.

29 Nov 14:57 Sport 682566034878115840.html
Daimler will bis Ende 2022 weltweit Tausende Stellen streichen

Daimler will bis Ende 2022 weltweit Tausende Stellen streichen

29 Nov 10:52 finanzen.net 2053223363790231203.html
Vettel crasht mit dem Heck in die Leitplanke

Sebastian Vettel hat im Auftakttraining zum Formel-1-Finale in Abu Dhabi einen Unfall. Zwei Minuten vor dem Ende der eineinhalbstündigen Einheit verliert er bei Kurve 19 die Kontrolle über seinen Ferrari und schlug mit dem Heck in die Leitplanke ein.

29 Nov 12:39 n-tv 6802689754618382317.html
BBC bars Johnson from Marr Show unless he agrees Neil interview

PM will not be allowed to pick the shows he wants appear on, says broadcaster

29 Nov 14:49 the Guardian 1491978795916130670.html
Clemson eyes second straight perfect season, College Football Playoff

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- The Clemson Tigers football team can complete its second consecutive undefeated regular season with a win against South Carolina Saturday in Columbia, S.C.

29 Nov 14:53 UPI 8257973863885405316.html
Baywatch Icon Pamela Anderson Urges PM Narendra Modi To Match Levels With China, Germany In Promoting Veganism

New Delhi – As the severe air pollution in Delhi rages on, Baywatch icon and former Bigg Boss guest star Pamela Anderson sent a letter today on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

29 Nov 13:26 Koimoi 5184275671074338664.html
Influencer e digital, classifica: Velvet terza agenzia di marketing italiana

Classifica de Il Sole 24 ore, l’agenzia veneta Velvet è la terza nel segmento del marketing e della comunicazione, il fatturato vola a +112%

29 Nov 10:36 Affari Italiani 6123405403163804496.html
Venezolanos intentan ingresar a Colombia por Black Friday

Este viernes miles de venezolanos intentan ingresar a Colombia con la esperanza de adquirir artículos con llamativos descuentos por el Black Friday. A

29 Nov 10:54 El Siglo 7954754735420535222.html
Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal manager

Freddie Ljungberg will take charge of Arsenal on an interim basis as the club continues to search for Unai Emery's successor.

29 Nov 10:47 The Indian Express 2885715105330163857.html
Samuel Umtiti recupera el somriure

El central francès es torna a sentir protagonista després d'estar gairebé un any inactiu

29 Nov 15:20 Ara.cat 6070605021020520686.html
Widerstandsfähiger Tourismus

Die Schweiz ist ein Tourismusland von internationaler Bedeutung. Entsprechend spielt der Fremdenverkehr auch für die hiesige Wirtschaft eine wichtige Rolle. Er gehört nach der Chemie und der Maschinenindustrie zu den wichtigsten Branchen. Gemäss provisorischen Zahlen beliefen sich die Einnahmen aus dem Tourismus 2018 auf 47,2 Mrd. Fr. (4,1% mehr als im Vorjahr), das entspricht 7,1% des Bruttoinlandprodukts (BIP). Die Bruttowertschöpfung erreichte 19,3 Mrd. Fr. (+3,1%). Gemessen an 2001 ergibt sich eine Zunahme von 45,1%. Der Anteil am BIP ist erstaunlich konstant geblieben, er betrug stets knapp unter 3%. Mit Ausnahme von 2002 sowie des Krisenjahres 2009 konnte immer ein Wachstum verzeichnet werden. Dasselbe gilt für die Beschäftigung. 2018 zählte die Branche 181‘700 Beschäftigte (Vollzeitäquivalente). Der Anteil an der Gesamtbeschäftigung beträgt nahezu konstant 4,4%. Der wichtige Indikator der Logiernächte allerdings zeigt abwärts. Mit 55,4 Mio. wurden 2018 deutlich weniger Übernachtungen gezählt als 2001 mit…

29 Nov 13:52 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936933491892.html
Insolvenz von Filmproduktionsfirma "DoRo"

Die Filmproduktionsfirma "DoRo GmbH" mit Sitzen in Purkersdorf (Bezirk St. Pölten-Land) und Wien ist insolvent.

29 Nov 12:31 NÖN.at 2486998933325052130.html
Il pacchetto di stimoli fiscali indebolisce lo JPY

Gli ultimi dati pubblicati mostrano chiaramente che in Giappone è indubbiamente necessario un ulteriore allentamento fiscale.

29 Nov 13:30 Trend Online 3268043279362104841.html
Alaska governor marks 1st year in office amid turmoil

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - Last December, poor weather scrambled Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy's inaugural plans, a bumpy start to a turbulent year marked by budget disputes and a recall threat.

29 Nov 15:15 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638245057228.html
Greystones plan proposes new town square, a boardwalk and less car dominance

Co Wicklow town commissions study to improve the ‘public realm’

29 Nov 14:07 The Irish Times 8204772967435584225.html
Beim Jagdgesetz hat das Volk das letzte Wort

50'000 Unterschriften wären nötig gewesen, 70'000 sind es laut Komitee bereits. Damit wird über das Gesetz abgestimmt.

29 Nov 13:17 SRF 8424707180182408148.html
Ditengah Bobroknya SEA Games 2019, Cabang eSports Dijamin Berjalan Lancar

SEA Games 2019 di Filipina terbilang cukup kacau bahkan sebelum dimulainya upacara pembukaan. Meski demikian untuk cabang olahraga eSports dijamin akan lancar.

29 Nov 13:08 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550846692101.html
Bakal Jadi Ayah Baru, Rizky Alatas Berguru Dengan Orang Tua

Rizky Alatas bakal menjadi ayah baru dari janin yang dikandung Adzana Adi Bing Slamet. Ini tentu pengalaman baru bagi mereka dalam mengurus anak. Sebab itu sebelum sang buah hati lahir, Rizky dan Adzana berguru dengan orang tua cara mengurus dan merawat anak.

29 Nov 12:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087989016813513.html
Pupils explore the great outdoors in Cullompton thanks to Forest School scheme

Youngsters at Willowbank School are leaving the classrooms to learn and explore the great outdoors

29 Nov 13:11 DevonLive 2469244512199315753.html
Cristian Imparato contro Guendalina Tavassi: le chat private con Gaia

A seguito dello scontro tra Guendalina Tavassi e sua figlia Gaia, che pubblica le chat private con la madre, interviene Cristian Imparato.

29 Nov 12:10 Novella 2000 6951116780517056469.html
James Hetfield to Publish Book About His Classic Cars

Metallica frontman James Hetfield confirmed the publication of 'Reclaimed Rust,' a book about his classic cars, in November 2019.

29 Nov 14:13 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989686614977844.html
Verdi: Erneut Streiks bei Amazon

Amazon ist der weltgrößte Online-Händler – und hat weltweit Auseinandersetzungen mit Gewerkschaften. Ein maßgeblicher Grund: Das Unternehmen lehnt Tarifverträge ab.

29 Nov 12:41 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323844487337.html
Infighting in Telangana’s Singareni Collieries union out in the open

TGBKS regional committee attacked at a recent programme

29 Nov 14:00 The Hindu 6679535026217056915.html
Bargain hunters flock to charity store on Black Friday

More than 100 bargain hunters flocked to a discount charity store on Black Friday.

29 Nov 13:17 Express & Star 7324224459056473687.html
Boris Johnson refuses to apologise for racist 'burka' comments

As Conservatives face allegations of Islamophobia, prime minister says remark from 2018 should be read in context.

29 Nov 14:26 News24 3752801377092996897.html
Arsenal star apologises to Unai Emery after his sacking

'I’m sorry we let you down.'

29 Nov 11:01 Metro 970161747293903664.html
Amici, anticipazioni puntata: tutte le sfide

Domani, sabato 30 novembre, alle 14.10 su Canale 5, la terza puntata del talent show condotto da Maria De Filippi

29 Nov 13:45 Today 178378750252203670.html
SC notice to Rajeev Kumar on CBI plea challenging bail

Supreme court issued a notice to IPS officer Rajeev Kumar on CBI's appeal challenging the anticipatory bail.

29 Nov 12:33 Deccan Herald 2027555796264722322.html
Gazzetta - Milan-Ibra: serviranno nuovi contatti per arrivare ad un eventuale accordo

Il Milan ha presentato già da diversi giorni la sua offerta a Zlatan Ibrahimovic, il quale però non ha ancora dato una risposta: come riferisce l'edizione della Gazzetta dello Sport in edicola questa mattina, per arrivare ad un eventuale accordo, serviranno nuovi contatti tra le parti, che per il momento restano prudenti sull'esito della trattativa.   

29 Nov 11:12 MilanNews.it 6507305921540954717.html
Swiss firm Zurich Airport beats Adani, DIAL bids to build Jewar airport

Jewar Airport or the Noida International Greenfield Airport will come up in 5,000 hectare area when fully constructed

29 Nov 10:30 Business-Standard 1502508925439501270.html
Aktivis Hong Kong Kembali Umumkan Unjuk Rasa di Akhir Pekan, Rupanya Mau Jaga Momentum...

WE Online, Hong Kong - Demonstran Hong Kong menyerukan kembali unjuk rasa pada akhir pekan ini saat kepolisian telah keluar dari kampus Universitas Politeknik yang menjadi lokasi bentrok dan pengepungan.

29 Nov 12:19 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835141968500.html
Frühere Swissair-Führung kommt juristisch ungeschoren davon

18 Jahre nach dem Grounding hat das Bundesgericht entschieden, dass die Führungskräfte der Fluggesellschaft nicht pflichtwidrig gehandelt hatten.

29 Nov 12:27 Berner Zeitung 1248949324580128960.html
Navarro anuncia auditoría externa

“Hemos solicitado la contratación de una consultora para que realice una auditoría externa y cumplir con el mandato que nos pidió la población de transparentar las instituciones públicas”, dijo el ministro de Deportes, Milton Navarro, en su visita al Centro de Formación y Entrenamiento Deportivo (Cefed) de Cochabamba. Navarro explicó que la misión de este

29 Nov 12:44 eju.tv 4688901771525349471.html
Hong Kong Police Secure Thousands of Petrol Bombs as Campus Standoff Ends

Protesters stockpiling gas canisters, chemicals, explosives

29 Nov 15:49 Infowars 1950426315273309553.html
Sudan, sciolto il partito di Bashir

Le autorità di transizione del Sudan hanno approvato una legge che sancisce lo scioglimento del partito dell'ex presidente espulso Omar al-Bashir, aprendo la strada al sequestro dei beni del partito stesso. (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:27 ANSA.it 1300837447201053199.html
The subliminal sadness of ordinary love

'Ordinary Love' starring Liam Neeson is an affecting portrayal of impending isolation and loneliness

29 Nov 15:42 The Hindu 6679535025028391226.html
Pandora just dropped a Harry Potter collection

(CNN) — Pandora has been charming customers for almost 40 years, most notably with its ubiquitous bracelets. Now the company is adding a little magic — of the...

29 Nov 12:12 WSVN 7News 4504855331866633436.html
Continental Reinsurance Plc suspended from trading shares on NSE 

Trading in the shares of Continental Reinsurance Plc has been suspended effective Thursday, 28 November 2019. 

29 Nov 10:22 Nairametrics.com 4741528845661559380.html
Famoso actor renueva exclusividad con TELEVISA

El cubano ha destacado como actor en M&eacute;xico y es uno de los pocos afortunados que Televisa les ofreci&oacute; renovar su exclusividad con la empresa.

29 Nov 12:51 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622587393647.html
Man charged with murdering baby boy

Eleven-month-old Hunter McGleenon, from Keady, Co Armagh, died on Tuesday.

29 Nov 12:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773502234081.html
Tory minister rules out immigration powers being devolved to Scotland

A senior Conservative Cabinet minister has dismissed the latest call from the SNP for immigration powers to be devolved to Holyrood once the UK leaves the EU.

29 Nov 15:34 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489027736697.html
Sturm Graz will an Spitze andocken

"Ich bin guter Dinge, dass wir diese Saison besser als auf dem aktuellen Tabellenplatz beenden", sagt Sturm-Graz-Trainer Nestor El Maestro vor dem Auswärtsspiel in Innsbruck zuversichtlich

29 Nov 13:23 weltfussball.at 3521376371926065860.html
Giorgia Caldarulo infiamma le cronache rosa, scottanti novità

Giorgia Caldarulo, dopo Taylor Mega è arrivata una nuova fiamma Giorgia Caldarulo proprio in queste settimane è stata al centro dell’attenzione a causa della questione Taylor Mega. Soprattutto Barbara D’Urso ha dato loro tanto spazio nei suoi programmi per parlare della probabile e tanto discussa relazione. Sono state tanto criticate, anche perchè c’era in ballo […]

29 Nov 11:00 KontroKultura 2573504973080896598.html
Spektakulär langsame Fahrt mit Windradflügeln im Hintertaunus

Ein Spezialfahrzeug bugsiert in den kommenden Wochen 60 Meter lange Rotorblätter für einen Windpark durch enge Taunusdörfer. An den Transporten in Schrittgeschwindigkeit kommt so leicht niemand vorbei.

29 Nov 10:07 hessenschau.de 6403292202921278914.html
Spektakulär langsame Fahrt mit Windradflügeln im Hintertaunus

Ein Spezialfahrzeug bugsiert in den kommenden Wochen 60 Meter lange Rotorblätter für einen Windpark durch enge Taunusdörfer. An den Transporten in Schrittgeschwindigkeit kommt so leicht niemand vorbei.

29 Nov 10:07 hessenschau.de 6403292203231466893.html
Sancho was dropped against Barcelona for disciplinary reasons: Dortmund

Jadon Sancho was dropped from Borussia Dortmund's starting lineup at Barcelona this week following another disciplinary problem, club officials said on Friday, but the English starlet is not being sold.

29 Nov 14:43 Pulse Live 3606876835591866471.html
Man shot, detained after several stabbed near London Bridge

British police say a man has been shot and detained after several people were stabbed near to London Bridge. They are treating the incident as terror-related while they continue to investigate.

29 Nov 15:05 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648837146882533.html
Warner, Labuschagne smack centuries in Day/Night Pakistan Test

Cricket News: David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne both plundered back-to-back centuries as Australia stamped their authority on the opening day of the Day/Night sec

29 Nov 13:07 The Times of India 6060938664780240285.html
How Atletico Madrid could line up against Barcelona

Sports Mole looks at how Atletico Madrid could line up in Sunday's La Liga clash with Barcelona.

29 Nov 13:49 Sports Mole 7750663362421898401.html
Riverdale: Where Is Archie's Hometown Actually Located?

Archie, Jughead and the rest of the Archie Comics gang have always lived in Riverdale, but the precise location of their town has remained a mystery.

29 Nov 15:11 CBR.com 1295516963031786197.html
Intel Has Tapped Samsung Foundries To Manufacture CPUs [Debunked]

Update 12:49 AM GMT+5 11/30/2019. Intel has commented on the story and debunked the rumor from the Korean publication completely. Here is their statement in full: "The letter from last week says we will increase our use of foundry so we can build more CPUs at Intel. The news reports about our use of third …

29 Nov 12:51 Wccftech 3677959678934130431.html
Ein Mann stiehlt, der zweite verdeckt Sicht

Vier Männer im Alter von 32 bis 47 Jahren sind am Donnerstag in Wernigerode beim Diebstahl von Zigaretten erwischt worden. Der Mitarbeiter einer Wachschutzfirma hatte die vier Männer gegen 18.30 Uhr im Kaufland-Supermarkt Am Schreiberteich dabei beobachtet, wie sie in Zweier-Gruppen Zigarettenschachteln ...

29 Nov 13:04 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108756930775.html
Four Irish women honoured as leaders in global recruitment

The Irish nominees are Geraldine King, Anne Heraty, Shona McManus and Rosaleen Blair

29 Nov 13:54 Irishexaminer 8196011180032604490.html
Four Irish women honoured as leaders in global recruitment

The Irish nominees are Geraldine King, Anne Heraty, Shona McManus and Rosaleen Blair

29 Nov 13:54 Breaking News 4415806918311500545.html
Photo showcase of Shirley Park to encourage more families to visit

Local group of volunteers have launched a 2020 calendar as part of their drive to promote the "oasis of wildlife" and tackle negative perceptions about the Green Flag site.

29 Nov 11:13 birminghammail 8288260685671980271.html
4th Annual Private Wealth Switzerland Forum

The 4th Annual Private Wealth Switzerland Forum–Zurich brings together more than 250 attendees including 150 leading high-net-worth capital allocators from Switzerland and beyond.

29 Nov 13:14 Allnews 678771718570836146.html
Wooden Atelier / Berzero Jaros

Extension of a house built with wood and sinusoidal sheets. Located in Córdoba, Argentina. By Berzero Jaros.

29 Nov 12:00 ArchDaily 6219750955918096351.html
Wooden Atelier / Berzero Jaros

Extension of a house built with wood and sinusoidal sheets. Located in Córdoba, Argentina. By Berzero Jaros.

29 Nov 12:00 ArchDaily 6219750955921391123.html
What Japan's next stimulus package should aim for

The government's challenge will be to put together a spending package that shores up consumer spending and increases the economy's growth potential.

29 Nov 10:13 The Japan Times 6673764366460159958.html
Huge weekend of horseracing on both sides of the Irish Sea

Fairyhouse, Newbury and Newcastle command the attention of horseracing fans this weekend.Four Gr...

29 Nov 13:35 Newstalk 7635722259456338405.html
NEET case: HC grants advance bail to student

MADURAIThe Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on Friday dismissed the anticipatory bail plea of a parent in the NEET impersonation case. However, his son was granted anticipatory bail with certai

29 Nov 15:57 The Hindu 6679535024728282418.html
Ryanair, nuova rotta Milano-Alghero: quattro voli a settimana

Economia - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:28 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207326617112.html
Jokowi Minta DPR Tak Menghambat Proses Omnibus Law

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menyebutkan, omnibus law perlu dilakukan sebab jika perubahan dilakukan satu per satu akan memakan waktu lebih dari 50 tahun. Menurutnya, akan ada 74 UU yang dinilai menghambat investasi yang akan direvisi dalam omnibus law tersebut.

29 Nov 10:17 merdeka.com 1998180354198834901.html
Who's winning the lithium-ion battery race? EV battery megafactories compete

Demand for Li-ion batteries is growing faster than supply and industry forecasters can keep up

29 Nov 13:39 OVERDRIVE 7781473804273211271.html
Piacenza, maltrattamenti all'asilo. Tre arresti, anche una suora

Le insegnanti, fra cui la religiosa, ai domiciliari. L'indagine, coordinata dalla Procura piacentina, si è avvalsa anche di telecamere nascoste

29 Nov 14:26 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187957382284.html
Gladbach verlängert vorzeitig mit Yann Sommer

Borussia Mönchengladbach stellt sich für die Zukunft auf: Am Freitagmittag gab Gladbach-Manager Max Eberl die vorzeitige Vertragsverlängerung mit Stammtorwart Yann Sommer bekannt.

29 Nov 13:19 weltfussball.at 3521376371669262535.html
Manchester United hint at Paul Pogba return date from injury

Paul Pogba has not played for Man United since September 30 but is nearing a return from an ankle injury with fixtures against Tottenham and Man City coming up.

29 Nov 10:00 men 6694993429512106609.html
Manila bishop asks public to rally behind Filipino athletes seeing action in SEAG

A Catholic prelate has asked the public to support the Filipino athletes competing in the 30th Southeast Asian Games.

29 Nov 12:57 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200839544207.html
In Video: Windsor Castle set for traditional Christmas

The castle is also marking a royal anniversary.

29 Nov 15:44 Shropshire Star 3480199992368117116.html
Confronta el INE al Congreso

El instituto Nacional Electoral reclamó a la Cámara de Diputados Federal y a las legislaturas locales la intromisión y el retroceso que, dice, viene de iniciativas impulsadas por Morena

29 Nov 10:30 El Heraldo de México 438112696162140960.html
Kingpins Presents Psychedelic Selection of Tie-Dye, Hemp Denims

Kingpins New York showed a selection of tie-dye denims and stretch blends.

29 Nov 14:01 WWD 5490910668858042656.html
RTL doet horrorfilm Sint in de ban vanwege Zwarte Piet

RTL Nederland wil de horrorfilm Sint van regisseur Dick Maas (68) niet meer uitzenden. De zender heeft hiertoe besloten omdat in de komische thriller uit 2010 traditionele zwarte pieten voorkomen. Ook een aflevering uit de reeks Flodder van regisseur Dick Maas waarin zulke pieten te zien zijn, zendt RTL niet meer uit.

29 Nov 15:10 RTL Boulevard 1500115270683711762.html
Aperto a Milano uno showroom Aston Martin

Aperto nel capoluogo lombardo un nuovo showroom della casa di Gaydon: fra le vetture presenti, i riflettori erano tutti per la nuova DBX

29 Nov 12:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655652569910.html
Detectives hunting serious sex attacker are looking for someone with this distinctive tattoo

A woman in her 30s was seriously sexually assaulted in Tredegar

29 Nov 12:31 Wales Online 7686550515801918571.html
Nutcracker balloon knocks over Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade marcher

This marcher proved too tough to crack.

29 Nov 10:16 Fox News 7362823819626647866.html
David Warner, Marnus Labuschagne continue to dominate Pakistan

Yasir Shah and Muhammad Musa have a rough time, conceding runs at 6.21 and 5.46 respectively | ESPNcricinfo.com

29 Nov 12:57 ESPNcricinfo 4926159649898999232.html
Tanggapi Kabar Jonan dan Susi Masuk BUMN, Erick Thohir Sebut Keduanya Bagus

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir menanggapi gosip beberapa menteri di Kabinet Kerja yang akan masuk ke BUMN. Kabarnya, para mantan menteri ini akan diplot menjadi direksi atau komisaris, mulai dari mantan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dan mantan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti.

29 Nov 14:06 merdeka.com 1998180354842468642.html
This Made Hitler Mad: Why Allied Commandos Stormed Nazi-Occupied Norway to Destroy Fish Oil Factories

The raid at Vågsøy was planned with an unusual target in mind: fish oil factories. The Nazis were interested less in the dietary benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids, so much as the oil’s ability to

29 Nov 12:30 The National Interest 7207864703547334471.html
Sweden's 'Man-Free' Festival Poised for Comeback Despite Being Ruled Discriminatory

The Statement festival is being touted as the world's first major music festival for women, non-binary individuals, and transgender people.

29 Nov 10:59 Sputniknews 967333868750610265.html
The Trump campaign trolled The Washington Post by claiming there was no evidence a picture of the president as Rocky Balboa was doctored

Critics saw in President Donald Trump's campaign message a totalitarian disregard for the truth, but others saw the message as humorous trolling.

29 Nov 13:31 Business Insider 6060062400747385312.html
Golkar: Rakyat Ingin Presiden Dipilih Langsung

Ketua DPP Partai Golkar Ace Hasan Syadzily menegaskan, partainya tetap menginginkan presiden dan wakil presiden dipilih langsung oleh rakyat. Hal itu, ia katakan terkait ucapan Ketua PBNU Said Aqil Siradj yang ingin pemilihan presiden dikembalikan ke MPR.

29 Nov 11:13 merdeka.com 1998180355919094635.html
Parlamento Europeo dice que hubo fraude en elecciones de Bolivia

La embajada de la Unión Europea en Bolivia difundió la resolución del Parlamento en la que se denuncia la "falta de transparencia" en las elecciones de las que Evo Morales se proclamó ganador

29 Nov 13:00 EL DEBATE 4396150893457636140.html
Omicidio luca sacchi: arrestato giovanni princi,l'amico d'infanzia del ragazzo ucciso a roma


29 Nov 11:59 DAGOSPIA 6533336739739991836.html
Omicidio luca sacchi: arrestato giovanni princi,l'amico d'infanzia del ragazzo ucciso a roma


29 Nov 15:28 DAGOSPIA 6533336740238982178.html
Celasa tiene muchas ofertas especiales por el Light Friday

Más de 500 productos ofertados son parte del Light Friday que ofrece Celasa este viernes 29 de noviembre a todos sus clientes. Las tiendas extenderán sus horarios de atención hasta la media noche si es necesario o hasta agotar existencias.

29 Nov 15:04 Prensa Libre 5433015257296925904.html
The Bitcoin Man Acquires FortuneZ, Appoints Sydney Ifergan as COO

Herbert Rafael Sim, popularly known as The Bitcoin Man, has acquired crypto-focused business publication company FortuneZ for a sum of $2,500,000.

29 Nov 10:01 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138265495533682.html
Viadotto a rischio sulla statale in Umbria, Anas chiude tratto della Flaminia per le verifiche

L'allarme è scattato nel tardo pomeriggio di giovedì quando, a seguito di una ispezione programmata su un viadotto, i tecnici hanno deciso di approfondire le verifiche facendoscatatre l'immediata chiusura al traffico del tratto interessato. L'ispezione riguardava il viadotto fra Strettura e il valico della Somma, nel comune di Spoleto.

29 Nov 10:07 fanpage.it 1517332167152475336.html
Video: How the BMW Intelligent Emergency Call system works

The BMW Intelligent Emergency Call system has been implemented on BMWs over the last 10 years on various versions. See a demo of the system

29 Nov 14:02 BMW BLOG 8947460770277780241.html
JBC neemt afscheid van Samson met nostalgische kledinglijn

De Belgische modeketen JBC wil het einde van het Samson-tijdperk niet onopgemerkt laten voorbijgaan. Naar aanleiding van de allerlaatste aflevering, ligt e...

29 Nov 13:47 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192705492548.html
Zodiak Hari Ini: 4 Zodiak Butuh Waktu Lama untuk Jalani Hubungan Asmara, Virgo Terlalu Pilih-pilih

Ada pribadi yang ingin cepat-cepat menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang dia dekati. Namun ada pula pribadi yang butuh waktu lama.

29 Nov 10:01 Tribunnews.com 3323534446247099932.html
Want to take ties with India to high levels: Rajapaksa

New Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa wants to take his country's relationship with India to a very high level.

29 Nov 12:10 Deccan Herald 2027555796340305330.html
Seit zwei Monaten keine Gehaltszahlungen – Nordhausen mit finanziellen Problemen

FSV Wacker Nordhausen aus der Regionalliga Nordost hat augenscheinlich massive finanzielle Probleme. Wie die „Bild“ am Freitag vermeldete, stehen die Thüringer mit zwei Monatsgehältern plus Prämien im Rückstand.

29 Nov 15:29 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556792874519899.html
Begini Reaksi Kesedihan Mourinho usai Dengar Kabar Emery Didepak dari Arsenal

WE Online, London - Pelatih Tottenham Hotpsur Jose Mourinho mengungkapkan kesedihannya mendengar kabar pemecatan Pelatih Arsenal Unai Emery. Namun, Mourinho percaya Emery akan segara mendapatkan klub baru.

29 Nov 15:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833766872444.html
Team makes materials that water, heat, or mechanical forces can alter into new shapes

Consider the range of possibilities from 4-D printed materials that transform underwater, or fibers that snap into a particular shape when they are cut out of a flat panel, or coaxing shifting sands in ...

29 Nov 12:40 Tech Xplore 4945708898659707523.html
Renowned free solo rock climber Brad Gobright falls to death in Mexico

A world-renowned rock climber, US national Brad Gobright, has fallen to his death while climbing a sheer rock face in northern Mexico, according to authorities.

29 Nov 14:14 News24 3752801377281976995.html
Fabulous new Dunnes Stores Jetland in Limerick celebrates opening next weekend

There’ll be fashion, food, homewares, giveaways and fun for all the family!

29 Nov 14:45 RSVP Live 2434255977909561244.html
Dundalk man charged with assault causing harm at Ridley’s nightclub


29 Nov 10:47 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709156588822.html
Srpska liga: Intenziviranje saradnje sa Rusijom pozitivno za Srbiju

Da se saradnja između Srbije i Rusije sve više proširuje, jača i unapređuje potvrđuje i novi najavljeni sastanak predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića i predsednika Ruske Federacije Vladimira Vladimiroviča Putina koji će se održati 4. decembra u Sočiju – izjavio je Aleksandar Đurđev, predsednik Srpske lige (SL), dodajući da je pozitivno za našu zemlju što se inteziviraju bilateralni odnosi sa bratskom Rusijom, u trenutku kada se borimo za očuvanje teritorijalnog integriteta i suvereniteta i opstanak srpskog naroda na Kosovu i Metohiji.

29 Nov 15:54 REPUBLIKA 2543998405328681203.html
Philippines' Duterte calls for probe after chaotic SEA Games build-up

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has called for a probe into the preparations for the Southeast Asian Games, which start on Saturday after a ...

29 Nov 14:01 CNA 5644198863611574208.html
Veith-Comeback bei Heimrennen von Shiffrin in Killington

Dreimal hat Mikaela Shiffrin den Weltcup-Slalom in Killington schon gewonnen, […]

29 Nov 12:58 Sky Sport 6321692528113152135.html
‘Informatie over dementiezorg beneden peil bij zes verzekeraars’

Zes van de tien grootste zorgverzekeraars laten mensen met dementie in de kou staan als het gaat om duidelijke informatie over vergoedingen voor dementiezorg, zegt Alzheimer Nederland. De organisatie vergeleek de informatie op de websites van Zilveren Kruis, CZ, Menzis, VGZ, DSW, ONVZ, Zorg en Zekerheid, Salland, De Friesland en de Amersfoortse. Dit meldt Alzheimer Nederland. 

29 Nov 10:21 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743107344149.html
Maxi sequestro di legumi e pesce: mancava la tracciabilità

Per il titolare dell'attività anche una multa

29 Nov 11:54 AvellinoToday 5452883948467073834.html
Police put out house fire

Members of the North Okanagan Vernon RCMP took on a firefighting role Friday morning and are credited with saving a Lavington home.

29 Nov 15:13 Castanet 616068601522502965.html
WAC nach Europa-League-Out in Altach gefordert

Nach dem Out in der Fußball-Europa-League rückt für den WAC wieder die heimische Bundesliga in den Mittelpunkt. Im Auswärtsspiel am Sonntag in der 16. Runde gegen den SCR Altach soll das Heim-0:1 gegen Mönchengladbach verdaut und Tabellenplatz drei abgesichert werden.

29 Nov 14:14 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084842339971.html
Mihajlovic hopes to convince Ibrahimovic to join Bologna

The Swedish striker left LA Galaxy earlier this month.

29 Nov 12:26 Express & Star 7324224460767146835.html
Viral Honor Akan Dipangkas, Ratusan Guru Non PNS di Bekasi Demo

Ratusan guru non pegawai negeri sipil berunjuk rasa di Gedung DPRD Kota Bekasi, Jalan Chairil Anwar, Bekasi Timur, Jumat 29 November 2019.

29 Nov 15:19 Tempo 8197554464900515245.html
Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal after miserable start to season

Arsenal have sacked Unai Emery after a 2-1 defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in the Europa League left the team without a win in seven games in all competitions.

29 Nov 10:54 Buzz.ie 7092425147075667666.html
Fisher Funds takes gong for Fund Manager of the Year

Fisher Funds was crowned overall Good Returns Fund Manager of the Year at the inaugural Good Returns Research IP awards ceremony, held last night in Auckland.

29 Nov 15:59 SCOOP 5315658998936849501.html
American rock climber Brad Gobright dies after fall in Mexico

American rock climber Brad Gobright has died after a fall in northern Mexico.

29 Nov 14:43 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203520770830.html
American rock climber Brad Gobright dies after fall in Mexico

American rock climber Brad Gobright has died after a fall in northern Mexico.

29 Nov 14:43 ABC15 Arizona 911680911337956110.html
Telkom Says Cell C Has Rejected Takeover Offer

JOHANNESBURG – Telkom SA said on Friday the board of its larger but troubled rival Cell C had rejected its takeover bid. “The Telkom Board continues to believe the offer is a compelling proposition that would have created significant value for all stakeholders including Telkom’s shareholders,” the statement said. Cell C is majority-owned by Blue […]

29 Nov 11:04 iAfrica 8834711024233392850.html
Bolsonaro culpa a Leonardo DiCaprio de incendios en la Amazonía

La organización ambiental de DiCaprio ha prometido donar 5 millones de dólares para ayudar a proteger la Amazonia después de los incendios

29 Nov 15:32 EL DEBATE 4396150893042401973.html
Megan Barton Hanson slays underwear as outerwear in black lace bodysuit

Megan is an ambassador for Ann Summers.

29 Nov 13:42 Metro 970161749026702272.html
32-Jähriger aus Bezirk Baden unter Missbrauchsverdacht

Ein 32-Jähriger aus dem Bezirk Baden steht unter Missbrauchsverdacht. Der Mann soll sich an einem 16-Jährigen vergangen haben.

29 Nov 12:05 NÖN.at 2486998933504942839.html
Apple Watch Series 5 Masuk Indonesia, Ini Harganya

Kabar baik bagi kalian yang sudah menunggu Apple Watch Series 5. Sebab, Erajaya bakal membawa perangkat tersebut ke Indonesia. Kapan dan berapa harganya?

29 Nov 11:14 detikinet 7802439223536261885.html
Groei in economie daalt: "Overheden moeten investeren"

De groei in de grootste economieën zal in 2020 waarschijnlijk verder vertragen. De rol van de centrale banken, die de voorbije jaren massaal de rente hebben verlaagd als stimulus, is uitgespeeld en...

29 Nov 15:51 HLN 8967494997699149793.html
Große Koalition beschließt Rekordhaushalt

Nie zuvor hat Deutschland so viel Geld ausgegeben: Die Große Koalition beschließt einen Rekordhaushalt und feiert sich für die siebte Schwarze Null in Folge. Der Opposition reicht das nicht: Zu wenig Investitionen. Und die Enthaltsamkeit bei neuen Schulden sei wegen der niedrigen Zinsen gar nicht gut.

29 Nov 15:05 n-tv 6802689755283915587.html
Failing private school in Exeter is visited for third time this year by Ofsted

Some windows leading onto the roof were not secured consistently and a hazardous cleaning agent was found unlocked and accessible to pupils

29 Nov 10:33 DevonLive 2469244513786317792.html
More than half of EU consumers have environmental impact in mind when shopping

Today the European Commission released its 2019 edition of the Consumer Conditions Scoreboard. It shows that the overall gap in consumer conditions is narrowing between the different regions of the EU; that consumers are more aware about their environmental footprint; and that consumer rules enable trust in the marketplace. Věra Jourová, EU Commissioner for Justice, […]

29 Nov 10:40 Modern Diplomacy 4563921198058647397.html
6 Potret Desain Rumah Terinspirasi dari Gambar Anak-anak, Bikin Takjub

Potret desain rumah yang menakjubkan ini terinspirasi dari gambar sederhana dari anak-anak.

29 Nov 10:35 liputan6.com 5422146880656246776.html
India Fires Salvo Against Israeli Manufacturer for 'Snubbing' Its Domestic Anti-Tank Guided Missile

New Delhi (Sputnik): Israeli manufacturer Rafael faced a major setback in 2018 after the Indian Defence Ministry cancelled a $500 million Spike deal in favour of a domestically manufactured anti-tank guided missile. New Delhi previously bailed on a Spike purchase in 2011, and again in 2017 – both times under the DRDO’s pressure.

29 Nov 15:02 Sputniknews 967333867692406615.html
Russia and China deepen ties with River Amur bridge

Russia and China have finished building the first road bridge linking their two countries, Russian officials said on Friday, in the latest sign of warming relations. The bridge across the River Amur will connect the cities of Blagoveshchensk in Russia's Far East and Heihe in northeastern China and

29 Nov 14:06 Yahoo 7097669638913376153.html
Brands calls for Everton unity and reveals Richarlison extension is close

Brazil striker Richarlison is close to agreeing a new deal at Everton, according to board member Marcel Brands.

29 Nov 14:14 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906612797731.html
Maharashtra: Uddhav Thackeray govt to face floor test on Saturday, Speaker post remains contentious

Uddhav Thackeray government will face a floor test in Maharashtra assembly on Saturday. On Sunday, the speaker will be appointed and from Monday, the assembly will resume formal work.

29 Nov 15:43 India Today 4286117813837024709.html
Nur noch 2,18 Millionen Menschen: Arbeitslosigkeit sinkt auf niedrigsten Stand seit Wiedervereinigung

Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland ist im November auf 2,180 Millionen gesunken und hat damit den niedrigsten Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung erreicht. In November waren 24.000 Menschen weniger arbeitslos als im Oktober und 6000 weniger als vor einem Jahr.

29 Nov 10:12 FOCUS Online 4448121231046871595.html
Woman found dead in Kilmarnock flat close to town centre

Police attended a home on Bailliehill Place in the Bonnyton area of the town after receiving reports of a death.

29 Nov 12:07 dailyrecord 552235479657215560.html
Der Chart des Tages

Heute alles perfekt – und morgen der Kater.

29 Nov 10:11 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936986885199.html
Fabio Quartararo Beri Nilai 8 untuk Debutnya di MotoGP

Fabio Quartararo sukses menggemparkan MotoGP dengan debutnya yang gemilang pada 2019. Uniknya, ia 'hanya' memberikan nilai delapan untuk prestasinya musim ini

29 Nov 11:00 Bola.net 5489959027726125674.html
Las ofertas que ya baraja Robert Moreno

Robert Moreno acababa su etapa al frente de la Selección Española hace unos días, y esta semana vuelve a estar de actualidad tras la rueda de prensa de Luis Enrique y su comparecencia de ayer, ha (...)

29 Nov 14:57 Fichajes 157935406541853990.html
Berner Gericht verschiebt Urteil im Fall von "Zigeuner"-Plakat

Vor dem bernischen Obergericht standen am Freitag die beiden Co-Präsidenten der Jungen SVP Kanton Bern. Sie waren im Januar wegen Rassendiskriminierung verurteilt worden und zogen das Urteil weiter. Das Gericht wird das Urteil erst am 6. Dezember bekanntgeben.

29 Nov 13:35 bz BASEL 5287163741858413923.html
Wooden relic of Jesus manger on pre-Christmas display in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A fragment of wood reputed to be from the manger where Jesus was laid after his humble birth went on display in Jerusalem on Friday, ahead of its transfer to Bethlehem for the official launch of the Christmas season.

29 Nov 10:46 Reuters 8334514181248758884.html
Jewellery industry welcomes mandatory hallmarking from Jan 2021

Gold hallmarking is a purity certification of the precious metal and is voluntary in nature at present

29 Nov 14:10 Business-Standard 1502508925628301602.html
Indian Army Set to Deploy 200 Armoured Fighting Vehicles With Guided Missiles Along Pakistani Border

New Delhi (Sputnik): India and Pakistan have been engaged in a serious border escalation since a cross border aerial strike by the Indian Air Force in February. The two arch-rivals have deployed their troops and military equipment at forward bases to retaliate in case of a misadventure by either side.

29 Nov 14:06 Sputniknews 967333867812628968.html
Plateau Guber Tussle: Appeal Court Affirms Lalong’s Election

The Court of Appeal, Jos Division on Friday affirmed the victory of Governor Simon Lalong in the Plateau State governorship election.

29 Nov 11:43 Concise 5544636822032758928.html
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez share adorable snaps from low key Thanksgiving

The couple got engaged in March.

29 Nov 11:07 Metro 970161746990625778.html
UK PM calls in referendum team for Brexit election pitch

Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a pitch to Brexit-backing opposition voters Friday alongside a former Labour member of his 2016 referendum team, insisting only a vote for him in next month's election would get Britain out of the EU.

29 Nov 15:20 Digital Journal 4566489172913192231.html
Eddie Howe responds to West Ham links as pressure continues to surround Manuel Pellegrini

Howe is the bookies favourite to take the reigns in east London should the Hammers boss get the heave

29 Nov 12:00 football.london 6804128268984475169.html
Trump visits troops in Afghanistan, says Taliban talks back on

Trump visits troops in Afghanistan, says Taliban talks back on

29 Nov 15:35 Saudi Gazette 6913978435009588625.html
Quique Sanchez Flores insists Watford still have time to turn season around

The Hornets head to Southampton on eight points - but are just one behind their hosts.

29 Nov 13:06 Sports Mole 7750663361936641440.html
Spullen voor maken vuurwerk gevonden in woning; buren geëvacueerd (update)

In een woning aan de Oosterhamriklaan in Groningen zijn spullen gevonden voor het maken van vuurwerk. Eén persoon is aangehouden.

29 Nov 11:50 RTV Noord 3728677366028900309.html
Beim Sonnen von Migranten überrascht: Touristen helfen

Gut zwei Dutzend Migranten landen am Strand von Gran Canaria.

29 Nov 15:04 euronews 4540914626402471767.html
Everton confirm club working on new deal for Richarlison

The 22-year-old joined the Toffees from Watford.

29 Nov 15:00 Sports Mole 7750663361871758990.html
Best of luck to pinoy athletes

HOUSE Majority Leader and Leyte Rep. Martin Romualdez wished the Filipino athletes and coaches competing in the 30th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) the best of luck.

29 Nov 12:03 Journal Online 6375127393389803350.html
Frog & Scorpion: Gaza Envelope Communities Plan Industrial Zones to Employ Thousands of Gaza Arabs

While the talks between Israel and Hamas are currently being conducted at a rapid pace, at least the Israeli side is optimistic (see: Al Akhbar: Israel Renews Talks with Hamas about Truce, Returning Soldiers’ Bodies), another initiative is being formed, which aims not only to stop the shooting war, but to also establish a true […]

29 Nov 10:56 The Jewish Press 7246030799751037979.html
Bundespräsident ehrt Bündner Nachwuchsforscherin

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 14:40 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776357443661.html
Rigging tip - Hanging piece of equipment

p2design writes: Hanging pieces on a character are pretty common. It can be long clothes, hairs, chains.... Whatever fit your design. Whenever you are using hand keyed animation, it can be pretty handy to properly set the pivot point mechanism of these parts to avoid counter animation. Here is a short tip video where IRead More

29 Nov 13:50 BlenderNation 3769153474221191168.html
Sod turned on two Kerry greenways

Funding of €6.5 million for the cycleways is being supplemented by an increase in the local property tax.

29 Nov 12:13 Irishexaminer 8196011179500812304.html
Silva and Pellegrini fight for Premier League survival after Arsenal sack Emery

Arsenal's decision to sack Unai Emery turns a harsh spotlight on Everton boss Marco Silva and West Ham's Manuel Pellegrini, who are running out of time to save their Premier League jobs.

29 Nov 13:37 The Citizen 410802301233408730.html
Klimabündnis droht mit Straßenbesetzungen

Die Fridays radikalisieren sich: Es werden eine Ausweitung der Streiks auf Fabriken gefordert und Straßenbesetzungen angedroht.

29 Nov 14:13 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427458484371.html
Arsenal sack Emery - Premium Times Nigeria

Touted to be the messiah the Gunners wanted, Emery, 48, was appointed in the summer of 2018 following the departure of Arsene Wenger.

29 Nov 10:51 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299319880687.html
Merkel to pay first visit to Auschwitz

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will pay her first visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau next Friday, her spokeswoman said, ahead of the 75th anniversary commemorations for the liberation of the Nazi death camp.

29 Nov 14:27 News24 3752801378612917839.html
Solskjaer looks on the bright side after Astana defeat

Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reckons there are many positives to take from his young team's defeat at Astana.

29 Nov 10:08 Sport 682566035806299008.html
Klimaatmars Enschede: "Black Friday symboliseert precies wat er mis is met de maatschappij"

Ruim honderd demonstranten lopen vandaag een klimaatmars door Enschede. Daarmee willen organisatoren Green People, Extinction Rebellion en DWARS Overijssel de politiek laten zien dat de klimaatcrisis serieus genomen moet worden en dat het tijd is voor actie.

29 Nov 12:52 RTV Oost 6509131172078562831.html
Trabajadores de Amazon en Alemania se declaran en huelga

BERLÍN — Trabajadores de los centros de distribución de Amazon en Alemania secundaron una huelga el viernes para demandar mejores salarios coincidiendo con el Black Friday, uno de los días

29 Nov 10:32 elVocero.com 6318248036678571176.html
Experts say best holiday shopping deals no longer on Black Friday

For a lot of people, waking up early to go shopping on Black Friday is still part of a family tradition.

29 Nov 14:35 CHANNEL3000 830332542722628620.html
Bandara Adisutjipto Ditutup 2 Jam karena Aspal Terkelupas

Akibat penutupan landasan selama dua jam tersebut, sebanyak 18 penerbangan di Bandara Adisutjipto terdampak

29 Nov 15:01 Tempo 6909074028136917867.html
Mercedes-Benz Parent Company Daimler To Cut Thousands of Jobs

Daimler says it plans to cut thousands of jobs by the end of 2022, not filling some vacant posts and offering severance packages in Germany.

29 Nov 12:09 Breitbart 3148363492172558719.html
Nefertiti's bust joins the digital age

A stunningly detailed 3D model of the Nesfertiti bust is now available to download.

29 Nov 14:30 Engadget 96641515660227635.html
Hit and run driver kills two vigilante operatives in Anambra, guns removed

Two members of Obosi Central Vigilante Group in Idemili North local government area of Anambra State yesterday lost their lives

29 Nov 11:07 Vanguard News 4125100340562437251.html
Trovano portafogli con 4mila euro e lo restituiscono al proprietario

Due dipendenti di un negozio della provincia di Lecce hanno trovato un portafogli gonfio di denaro nel reparto di abbigliamento e non hanno esitato un istante a chiamare la polizia per restituirlo al legittimo proprietario, che ha lasciato loro 200 euro come ricompensa.

29 Nov 13:54 fanpage.it 1517332168277872337.html
Turkey works on strategy to expand high-tech product exports

The government aims to increase Turkey's exports of high-technology products around the world as innovation and research and development, coupled with qualified human resources, are the new criteria for economic growth

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944809861887918.html
AOC accuses Buttigieg of pushing 'GOP talking point' regarding education

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg of espousing Republican philosophy in regards to free education.

29 Nov 14:07 Washington Examiner 4625792333109577082.html
Mihajlovic hopes to convince Ibrahimovic to join Bologna

The Swedish striker left LA Galaxy earlier this month.

29 Nov 12:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774375576248.html
Arsenal fires manager Unai Emery after club goes winless in seven games

Unai Emery was fired as Arsenal manager Friday after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, its worst run since 1992

29 Nov 11:58 The Japan Times 6673764368050881698.html
Football-Team verpasst Verlängerung wegen obszönen Jubels

Durch eine obszöne Jubelgeste im College Football hat das Team Ole Miss ein greifbares Unentschieden und somit die Verlängerung in einem Ligaspiel gegen den Rivalen der Mississippi State University verpasst. Nach seinem Touchdown krabbelte Ole Miss-Receiver Elijah Moore auf allen Vieren und imitierte anschließend einen pinkelnden Hund. Der Schiedsrichter wertete dies als unsportliches ...

29 Nov 11:35 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110765877558.html
US stocks retreat from records on greater trade tension

WEST NEW YORK, Nov 29 — Wall Street stocks retreated from records early today on revived worries about US-China trade talks as retailer shares were mixed on the official start of the holiday shopping season. Analysts pointed to increased US-China trade friction as Beijing threatened unspecified...

29 Nov 15:29 Malaymail 302165935147792589.html
Why Arsenal axed Unai Emery

Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades London, United Kingdom | AFP |  Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager on Friday after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, their worst run since 1992. The 48-year-old Spaniard was fired following the 2-1 …

29 Nov 12:45 The Independent Uganda: 5099025988950465285.html
Iraq PM Adel Abdul Mahdi says he will resign

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said on Friday he would present his resignation to parliament so lawmakers could choose a new government, according to a statement from his office.Abdul Mahdi&#39

29 Nov 12:45 The Hindu 6679535024535713357.html
Rihanna: Halbnackt und verrucht! Mit DIESEM Auftritt macht sie uns wild

Am vierten Donnerstag im November wird in den USA jedes Jahr traditionell Thanksgiving gefeiert. Der Feiertag gilt in Amerika als wichtigstes Familienfest. Es wird mit Angehörigen oder Freunden verbracht und groß aufgetischt. Auf den Social-Media-Kanälen der Stars häufen sich demnach die Bilderchen im trauten Familienglück. Der eine oder andere Truthahn war da auch schon zu erkennen.

29 Nov 14:50 news.de 5126378979268670203.html
Feyenoord houdt minuut stilte en draagt rouwbanden om overleden Verbeek te eren

De spelers van Feyenoord dragen zondag in De Kuip een rouwband. Dat doen de Rotterdammers om Pim Verbeek, de oud-trainer van de Stadionclub die deze week op 63-jarige leeftijd overleed, te herdenken. Ook zal er voor de wedstrijd een minuut stilte zijn. Om 16.45 uur wordt er in Rotterdam-Zuid afgetrapt voor de wedstrijd tegen PEC Zwolle, maar pas na dat er een minuut stilte is gehouden voor Verbeek. Ook zullen de spelers tijdens de wedstrijd allemaal een rouwband dragen. Dat melden de Rotterdammers op hun site. Verbeek overleed deze week op 63-jarige leeftijd aan de gevolgen van een slopende ziekte.

29 Nov 13:44 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884238080123.html
Two killed, suspect shot dead after terrorist incident on London Bridge

British police say suspect in stabbing attack was wearing fake suicide vest

29 Nov 14:32 The Irish Times 8204772967810356840.html
Pencurian Mata Uang Digital Melonjak Tajam, Kerugian Tembus Rp 62 Triliun

Nilai kerugian dari pencurian mata uang digital diperkirakan melonjak menjadi USD 4,4 miliar atau sekitar Rp 62 triliun dalam sembilan bulan pertama tahun ini

29 Nov 12:00 liputan6.com 3414318497038317416.html
Linkem Senza Limiti Mega Promo dedicata al Black Friday

L'operatore Linkem, in occasione del Black Friday sta proponendo l'offerta Senza Limiti Mega Promo ad un prezzo davvero stracciato, ecco i dettagli

29 Nov 12:40 tecnoandroid 2573257127319570804.html
Brute who stabbed patient and worker at Royal Alexandra Hospital is caged

Kenneth Wrethman, 43, armed himself with cutlery at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and repeatedly attacked staff member Carol Crawford as well as attempting to stab a dementia patient she was helping.

29 Nov 14:55 dailyrecord 552235480073396286.html
Hong Kong Airlines delays salary payments as protests take their toll

Hong Kong Airlines has delayed the payment of salaries for almost half of its staff members as widespread protests in the city have hit the carrier.

29 Nov 13:55 City A.M. 6389894491342823436.html
How The Crown keeps Queen Elizabeth at a distance

The Netflix series doesn't make you feel any closer to royalty. That's why it works.

29 Nov 10:55 The Week 149215356116182821.html
With limited water supply, public urged to conserve water

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), National Water Resources Board (NWRB), and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) on Friday urged the public to conserve water as there is currently a limited supply of it.

29 Nov 15:47 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200920870399.html
No congregational prayers at Srinagar’s Jamia Masjid for 17th consecutive Friday

The mosque in Nowhatta area has been closed for prayers for nearly four months.

29 Nov 11:09 The Hindu 6679535025385232732.html
Zapaljena tri automobila u centru Prokuplja, jedan pripadao policijskom inspektoru

Iako je vatra pretila da se proširi na okolne objekte vatrogasne ekipe su srećom uspele brzo da lokalizuju požar

29 Nov 10:18 Вечерње новости 4219870592724324002.html
Men born from older mothers at risk of heart problems

Researchers have found that placenta changes could suggest that male offspring are more at risk of heart problems later on in life

29 Nov 12:09 Open Access Government 7441385494920811163.html
Wilayah Penyaluran Diperluas, Kuota Premium Penugasan Diprediksi Jebol

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati memprediksi konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) penugasan jenis Premium akan melebihi dari kuota yang ditetapkan, sama seperti solar subsidi. Realisasi konsumsi Premium penugasan 2019 diperkirakan lebih tinggi dibanding 2018.

29 Nov 11:10 merdeka.com 1998180354195699365.html
Warner, Labuschagne smack centuries in day-night Pakistan Test

At the close on a rain-interrupted day, the home team were a dominant 302 for one.

29 Nov 10:10 DAWN.COM 4500271767861994324.html
Wolves plea to Nuno over Arsenal and the Patrick Cutrone conundrum

Wolves reaction | WWFC threw away a two goal lead in their six goal thriller, having to settle for a point away at Braga

29 Nov 10:00 birminghammail 8288260685679834349.html
Ärzte, Presse bei Assange-Kontakt bespitzelt - NDR erstattet Anzeige

Den öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern NDR und WDR liegen Belege vor, dass unter anderem auch deutsche Journalisten bei ihren Besuchen und sonstigen Kontakten mit dem Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange überwacht wurden. Der NDR hat daher nun Strafanzeige erstattet.

29 Nov 14:15 winfuture.de 1179223336175205800.html
Cholera outbreak: Ogun death toll now five

Daud Olatunji, Abeokuta The death toll as a result of a cholera outbreak in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, has risen to five and it includes a four-month-old baby and 33-year-old pregnant woman. ...

29 Nov 13:53 Punch Newspapers 3524240994502326117.html
Saluzzo, Ana Monviso: medaglia e ringraziamenti a Gianni Bertino che lascia l’incarico di Coordinatore Sezionale della Protezione civile

Encomi e ringraziamenti per il lavoro svolto sul territorio. Bertino che ha compiuto 80 anni, è stato nominato coordinatore onorario

29 Nov 14:03 Targatocn.it 7367208849658166981.html
Open Arms, gli atti su Salvini al tribunale dei ministri

Per lo stop alla nave con i migranti l'ex vicepremier è stato indagato dai pm di Agrigento. La procura di Palermo chiede di proseguire

29 Nov 14:40 Repubblica.it 4077453214903500181.html
Delegación argentina encabezada por Grabois fue demorada

La comitiva denunció que los "interrogaron ilegalmente y hostigaron", al arribar al aeropuerto de Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Evo Morales advirtió que los "dejen llegar a La Paz para realizar el trabajo de investigación sobre derechos humanos"

29 Nov 12:45 El Patagónico 8565457045792302244.html
Police detain 42 people around Feyenoord-Rangers match

The police arrested or detained a total of 42 people around the football match between Rotterdam's Feyenoord the Glasgow Rangers on Thursday. In addition to the fans who went to watch the match in De

29 Nov 10:54 NL Times 9001346994455783113.html
Sonos-producten nu nog goedkoper op Black Friday

We hadden al eerder een aanbieding van Sonos. Maar de producten zijn nu op Black Friday nog goedkoper geworden dan voorheen.

29 Nov 13:55 One More Thing 8814996068754409888.html
Bahau's unique Rahmania Mosque still stands tall

JEMPOL: The town of Bahau may have bade farewell to its former reputation as a ‘cowboy town’, having enjoyed an industrial and property boom in recent years.

29 Nov 13:30 NST Online 3702929171848161545.html
Liverpool players lay 96 red roses at Hillsborough Memorial outside Anfield

Jordan Henderson and Trent Alexander-Arnold in touching gesture of support on behalf of whole Liverpool squad

29 Nov 15:40 Liverpool Echo 7727211173369131186.html
Low-pressure area watch in South as fog and cold descend on North

Heavy rain forecast for South including Tamil Nadu, Puducherry

29 Nov 11:40 BusinessLine 5283600352776531.html
'Job Gosschalk mag geen nieuw seizoen van Jeuk maken'

"Een zesde seizoen van Jeuk is niet aan de orde". Dat is de reactie van BNNVARA op het nieuws dat het Openbaar Ministerie de omstreden regisseur Job Gosschalk niet gaat vervolgen voor mogelijk seksueel wangedrag. Zijn advocaat Gerard Spong liet vervolgens weten dat Gosschalk overweegt zijn oude werk weer op te pakken.

29 Nov 15:15 RTL Boulevard 1500115270833362643.html
Duterte apologizes to foreign teams for SEA Games 2019 woes

The President says the Malacañang probe into the SEA Games would not spare his allies even if the controversy could cause their political downfall

29 Nov 15:08 Rappler 1882105643793391656.html
Mann kuschelt mit Hund und stirbt

Ein Erreger, der in Hundespeichel vorzufinden ist, tötete einen Mann. Ein Fall wie dieser sei zwar extrem selten, aber nicht vollkommen unwahrscheinlich.

29 Nov 10:20 miss 1375730020605804854.html
Giustizia: Anm a congresso, riforme e rilancio dopo bufera su toghe

Ripartire dopo il 'terremoto' della scorsa primavera e rilanciare i valori dell'associazionismo giudiziario. Al via il congresso dell'Anm

29 Nov 13:23 Affari Italiani 6123405401973401803.html
Talks ongoing: Chelsea star nearing EXIT as Euro giants prepare contract offer

Lampard could be prepared to green light exit...

29 Nov 10:02 CaughtOffside 8169236756961179280.html
What Freddie Ljungberg told Arsenal's players after Unai Emery's sacking

Emery was sacked at the club's training ground.

29 Nov 12:49 Metro 970161747877791059.html
Indiana high school football players abused boy with Down syndrome, mother says

Four Indiana high school football players are under investigation for allegedly assaulting and bullying their 15-year-old team manager, who has Down syndrome, before the squad's homecoming game Sept. 27.

29 Nov 13:36 Fox News 7362823820800575627.html
Zware klap voor AZ: Hatzidiakos mist rest van het seizoen door zware knieblessure

Pantelis Hatzidiakos komt dit seizoen niet meer in actie voor AZ. De Griekse centrale verdediger is tijdens het Europa League-treffen met Partizan Belgrado zwaar geblesseerd geraakt aan zijn knie. Enkele minuten na het begin van de tweede helft kwam de stopper ongelukkig neer en schreeuwde hij het uit van de pijn. De jonge Griek werd gewisseld voor Ferdy Druijf, die laat in de wedstrijd alsnog het verschil maakte voor de Alkmaarders. De knie van Hatzidiakos is dusdanig erg beschadigd dat hij niet meer in actie kan komen, zo valt te lezen op de socials van AZ.

29 Nov 14:33 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884208120411.html
Codemasters ha adquirido el estudio responsable de Project Cars

Se ha anunciado que Codemaster ha adquirido Slightly Mad Studios, estudio responsable de crear Project Cars

29 Nov 14:45 Atomix 6373322943133327685.html
Reprieve For Customers As Co-op Bank Scraps Balance Enquiry Charges

The Co-operative Bank has announced that it is scrapping all balance inquiry charges to its customers.In a statement posted on it social media pages, Co-op Bank said the move was as a result of cu

29 Nov 11:08 KahawaTungu 3304128542540335266.html
Sparatoria nel bar di Napoli, identificato il ragazzo colpito alle gambe

Sparatoria questa mattina nella Caffetteria Sommella alla Pignasecca in via Pasquale Scura, quartiere del centro storico. Un ragazzo di 23 anni, Antonio Guarnieri, è stato ferito alle gambe e ad un gluteo mentre si trovava all'interno della Caffetteria di cui è dipendente. Ad agire, stando alle p

29 Nov 10:23 InterNapoli.it 7089789176916297270.html
Infermiere picchiano l’anziana, la famiglia le incastra con una telecamera nascosta

Tre infermiere sono state condannate per maltrattamento di anziane, ad incastrarle una telecamera nascosta dai familiari della vittima.

29 Nov 10:32 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927950954059.html
Von Nachwuchsförderung bis Urgestein: Alle Geehrten im Überblick

Daniela Kirschmann vom Freyburger Karnevalklub, die drei Tanzgruppen trainiert und vor allem den Nachwuchs fördert

29 Nov 11:59 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110129147812.html
Sri Lanka names Chandimal in squad for key Pakistan Test series

New skipper Karunaratne was one of the eight players who stayed away from the tour.

29 Nov 13:51 Saudi Gazette 6913978435365336974.html
Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE review: Apple Watch substitute for Android users

The Samsung Galaxy Watch LTE seems to be for Android users everything that Apple Watch is for iPhone users. But does it perform equally well? Let's find out

29 Nov 12:11 Business-Standard 1502508925012712847.html
Two FIRs against Karnataka CM for asking people to vote on caste lines

The FIRs have been registered against Yediyurappa at the Gokak and Kagwad Town Police Stations after a complaint was filed by the JD(S).

29 Nov 13:02 The Indian Express 2885715104209835018.html
Black Widow: Scarlett Johansson Explains Why She Returned for the Film

Black Widow star Scarlett Johansson detailed her personal vision for her upcoming Marvel movie and revealed what brought her back for the role.

29 Nov 11:11 CBR.com 1295516963314764764.html
Louth gardai seize cocaine and cannabis as part of five raids


29 Nov 11:38 Dundalk Democrat 5738461708935120839.html
FOTO TN - Edo De Laurentiis arrivato a Castel Volturno: si attende anche ADL

In attesa dell'arrivo di Aurelio De Laurentiis a Castel Volturno, si presenta il vice presidente Edo De Laurentiis

29 Nov 11:26 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080793185659.html
Questions Raised After Jowie Deletes Maribe's Photos While in Jail

Joseph Irungu alias Jowie surprised his fans after photos of former Citizen TV news anchor Jacque Maribe were...

29 Nov 12:47 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154698631886.html
Paisley Park returns with victory at Newbury

Paisley Park picked up where he left off last season with a battling success in the Ladbrokes Long Distance Hurdle at Newbury.

29 Nov 15:55 Sporting Life 7709795076787985979.html
Zelda BotW: Absurder als dieser Fan kann man einen Leunen nicht besiegen

Während einige Spieler schon mit den Joy-Con oder Pro Controller an Leunen verzweifeln, besiegt dieser Fan einen mit einer Tanzmatte.

29 Nov 14:02 www.gamepro.de 3610569833668392831.html
Arranca Black Friday en una abreviada temporada de compras

La temporada de compras es la más corta desde 2013 debido a que el día de Acción de Gracias cayó en el último jueves de noviembre, la última fecha posible.

29 Nov 12:14 EL DEBATE 4396150893814795647.html
Attimi di paura a Villacidro, fiamme da un cavo elettrico tranciato

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:27 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207773573415.html
Boris Johnson refuses to apologise for racist 'burka' comments

London, United Kingdom - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson refused to offer an outright apology for Islamophobic comments he made in 2018, which led to a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes.

29 Nov 11:45 Aljazeera 6642629761842070403.html
Derbyzeit in Hannover: Schwächelnde Scorpions empfangen stärker werdende Indians

Wenn die Scorpions am Sonntag die Indians empfangen, treffen zwei Mannschaften aufeinander, deren Trend in eine unterschiedliche Richtung zeigt. Zusätzliche Brisanz erfährt das Derby durch die Personalie Robert Peleikis. Der SPORTBUZZER tickert live ab 18 Uhr aus der Hus-de-Groot-Arena!

29 Nov 10:26 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776700900506.html
Podio para Fontinalis y Pescazaike

Los santacruceños nos dejaron bien parados en la competencia organizada por el Club Pesca y Caza de Punta Arenas.

29 Nov 14:57 TiempoSur 8512931318020085774.html
Ljungberg appointed as interim head coach as Arsenal sack Unai Emery

Arsenal has sacked manager Unai Emery following the disastrous sequence of results that culminated in Thursday’s 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in the Europa League, in front of a largely empty Emirates Stadium. The club’s board had publicly backed their manager during the recent international break saying he was “the right man for the job” but that “things need to improve”. However, Saturday’s toxic 2-2 draw with struggling Southampton and Thursday’s Europa League defeat seem to have forced their hand and Freddie Ljungberg will take temporary charge of the team. Arsenal board member Josh Kroenke said: “Our most sincere thanks go to Unai and his colleagues who were unrelenting in their efforts to get the club back to competing at the level we all expect and demand. We wish Unai and his team nothing but future success. “The decision has been taken due to results and performances not being at the level required,” said the son of the majority shareholder, Stan Kroenke, speaking on behalf of the board.

29 Nov 11:19 EABW Digital 2826305999419385186.html
Football-Team verpasst Verlängerung wegen obszönen Jubels

Durch eine obszöne Jubelgeste im College Football hat das Team Ole Miss ein greifbares Unentschieden und somit die Verlängerung in einem Ligaspiel gegen den Rivalen der Mississippi State University verpasst. Nach seinem Touchdown krabbelte Ole Miss-Receiver Elijah Moore auf allen Vieren und imitierte anschließend einen pinkelnden Hund. Der Schiedsrichter wertete dies als unsportliches ...

29 Nov 11:35 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569475581899.html
America's Kids Need to Understand Why the President Is Being Impeached

Students should learn about impeachment in school—here’s how to make it work.

29 Nov 15:29 The National Interest 7207864703021645304.html
FC Arsenal entlässt Unai Emery - Freddie Ljungberg neuer Interimstrainer

Die Niederlage gegen Eintracht Frankfurt hat beim FC Arsenal tiefgreifende Konsequenzen. Trainer Unai Emery wurde am Freitag mit sofortiger Wirkung beurlaubt.

29 Nov 11:53 SPOX 8395423525956188998.html
Kisah Iqra, Pejuang Listrik Tenaga Surya di Pulau Messah

Dua jam jarak tempuh dari lokasi wisata Pulau Komodo, akan tampak satu pulau yang berselimuti Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) bernama Pulau Messah.

29 Nov 14:42 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212594116464.html
Kevin Greenard: Ten reasons to be cautious with Canadian equity ETFs

An ETF is a commonly used abbreviation for Exchange Traded Fund. Canada was the first country to launch an ETF in 1990 with one provider. Known as the S&P/TSX 60 Index, it essentially held the . . .

29 Nov 12:00 Times Colonist 7617512061433559246.html
Birthday celebration turns deadly as two students die in road mishap at Hyderabad's PVNR expressway

The tragedy took place when a group of nine boys sneaked out of campus at Madhapur for a birthday celebration and were on their way back to college in an SUV.

29 Nov 12:23 The New Indian Express 4718288653510947153.html
Motshekga says NSC examinations went 'fairly smooth' despite loadshedding | IOL News

Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga said on Friday she was pleased that this year's National Senior Certificate examinations ...

29 Nov 13:56 www.iol.co.za 17825112843196171.html
Schoeller Bleckmann: Oddo confirme son opinion

Oddo confirme son opinion Achat sur la valeur avec un objectif de cours inchangé de 100 E. ' La situation financière est solide, avec des capacités d' - 29/11/2019 11:25

29 Nov 10:25 ABC Bourse 2538693400480754809.html
Marc Marquez Diizinkan Pulang dari Rumah Sakit Lebih Cepat

Marc Marquez diperbolehkan pulang dari Rumah Sakit Universitari Dexeus-Quiron, Barcelona, Kamis (28/11/2019), usai menjalani operasi bahu kanan sehari sebelumnya.

29 Nov 10:18 Bola.net 5489959029566390735.html
Detectives return to scene of deadly hit-and-run to canvass for more info

Detectives will return to a west-end neighbourhood today as they canvass for information about a deadly-hit-and-run that claimed the life of a 77-year-old woman out for a morning walk on Thursday.

29 Nov 13:22 CP24 1887544295215576864.html
Il Black Friday delle polemiche: come non farsi fregare dalle offerte ingannevoli

Nonostante il Black Friday abbia tanti sostenitori, quest'anno le polemiche sembrano essere maggiori degli elogi: dalle associazioni di consumatori fino al giornale di finanza Bloomberg, in molti considerano il venerdì nero 'poco sostenibile' per diversi motivi. Per sopravvivere al pomeriggio del Black Friday e non farsi fregare da sconti ingannevoli, ecco alcune regole e una guida alle offerte verificate, su siti sicuri.

29 Nov 15:08 fanpage.it 1517332166874996252.html
Jung Joon Young - Choi Jong Hoon Nangis Usai Dengar Vonis Hakim

Hakim menilai ada perbedaan sikap antara Choi Jong Hoon dan Jung Joon Young sepanjang proses pengadilan.

29 Nov 13:30 liputan6.com 3414318496105443840.html
Diwarnai Gol Eks PSIS Semarang, Persebi dan Persekat Berbagi Angka di Liga 3

Persebi Boyolali harus puas bermain imbang saat melawan Persekat Kabupaten Tegal dalam laga leg pertama Liga 3 Regional Jawa.

29 Nov 13:25 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549835011127.html
Rechazaron el pedido de Cristina Kirchner de transmitir en vivo su indagatoria

El Tribunal Oral Federal N° 2 rechazó hoy el pedido de la expresidenta Cristina Kirchner para que su indagatoria del lunes próximo fuera transmitida en vivo por radio y televisión. Votaron por el rechazo los jueces Andrés Basso y Jorge Gorini. Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu se manifestó en disidencia.

29 Nov 15:45 El Esquiú 5729181307143360743.html
UK Election: Why Jeremy Corbyn Is Surging Against Boris Johnson

It's possible that Jeremy Corbyn could soon be prime minister. In no small measure, Boris Johnson has Donald Trump to thank for that.

29 Nov 11:30 The National Interest 7207864704404043482.html
Montefusco: "Finalmente Ancelotti ha fatto delle scelte chiare e tutti hanno lottato col cuore"

Nel corso di Fuorigioco su Televomero, l'ex allenatore Enzo Montefusco ha parlato della prova del Napoli a Liverpool

29 Nov 14:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080155922595.html
Hampir Balikan, Muncul Detail Baru Kontrak Ibrahimovic dengan AC Milan

BOLASPORT.COM - Zlatan Ibrahimovic kini semakin dekat kembali memperkuat AC Milan di Liga Italia pada Januari nanti.

29 Nov 11:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435979854574.html
Festivities come to Tiverton Hospital thanks to Christmas craft fair

The League of Friends at the Tiverton and District Hospital hosted their festive craft fair on Saturday, November 23

29 Nov 13:12 DevonLive 2469244511774296550.html
BREAKING Marco Silva given vote of confidence by Everton amid sack claims

Marco Silva had been placed on immense pressure as Everton manager after watching the Toffees slip to 16th in the Premier League with just four wins this season

29 Nov 13:03 mirror 675785259766704628.html
Who are we writing for? Investigative storytelling for grannies and lawmakers

"Broadcast journalism forces you to think very differently," reporter Harry Karanikas tells us in our monthly Meet The Investigators series.

29 Nov 13:00 ICIJ 6264027069680007470.html
Donald Tusk Handed Over the Leadership of the European Council to Charles Michel

Today, the European Council President Donald Tusk handed over the leadership of the institution to Charles Michel. The term of office of the President of the European Council is two and a half years, with the possibility of being extended only once.

29 Nov 13:36 novinite.com 4235039570960716607.html
Russia Should Fear What France Will Do to Protect Its Satellites

Space lasers are not off the table.

29 Nov 12:30 Yahoo 7097669637565450744.html
Compagnia Sanpaolo, pax armata a Torino. Profumo verso la riconferma

Dopo le polemiche del 2016 con il sindaco grillino dovute al fatto che Francesco Profumo, presidente della Compagnia Sanpaolo, fosse espressione...

29 Nov 12:24 Affari Italiani 6123405403433312461.html
14 Penyebab Ibu Harus Melahirkan Secara Caesar

Operasi caesar jadi pilihan aman untuk kondisi tertentu.

29 Nov 13:35 liputan6.com 5422146881835666153.html
Makin Mesra, Morgan Oey dan Sheila Dara Salah Tingkah Ditanya soal Hubungan

Saat ditanya soal sejauh mana hubungan mereka di kehidupan nyata, Morgan Oey tampak salah tingkah.

29 Nov 10:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182698091729742.html
5 of the Most Popular Questions on Emotional Intelligence, Answered

Emotions are beautiful--they make us human. But they can also lead to major regrets if we allow them to control us.

29 Nov 13:13 Inc.com 8604986417862667618.html
Person believed to have been stabbed in London Bridge area, suspect shot: source

LONDON (Reuters) - It is believed somebody was stabbed in the London Bridge area of central London on Friday and police have shot a suspect, a security source told Reuters on Friday.

29 Nov 15:02 Reuters 8334514181426530472.html
ONU: hubo uso desproporcionado de fuerza en Ecuador

Víctimas y testigos denunciaron el uso reiterado por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad.

29 Nov 13:19 Ecuavisa 4017571649279995354.html
Plaid beat Labour in by-election to secure Neath Port Talbot Council seat with overwhelming majority

Marcia Spooner won the Rhos by-election

29 Nov 14:05 Wales Online 7686550516619874780.html
Baby boom happening among staff members at Medical Center

'Everyone was afraid to drink the water,' said Keshia Wooten, a nurse at the hospital. 'They're like 'bottled water from now on.'

29 Nov 12:46 WVLT 4089046911823146516.html
Das sind die neusten Superreichen

13 Personen haben es dieses Jahr neu auf die Liste der 300 Reichsten in der Schweiz geschafft. Sie besitzen mindestens 100 Millionen Franken.

29 Nov 10:50 20 Minuten 5741369453402321579.html
Bitmain Lawsuit Heats Up, Plaintiffs Fight Motion to Dismiss

United Corp, a Florida-based cryptocurrency company that sued Bitmain in December 2018, contested the mining giant's motion to dismiss the case in a US

29 Nov 12:33 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937303998990.html
European Space Agency with a Record Budget

European Space Agency (ESA) members agreed Thursday a record 14.4 billion euros budget, promising to maintain Europe's place at the top table as the United States and China press ahead and industry disruptors such as Elon Musk's Space X present new challenges, AFP reported.

29 Nov 11:59 novinite.com 4235039570450560656.html
Carnaval: Stadhoudersverkiezing Maospruvers Niftrik op 24 november

O Op zaterdag 24 november treedt Prins Rick en zijn gevolg van de Niftrikse Maospruvers af en wordt in de Waayershof aan de Lagestraat 18 in Niftrik de nieuwe stadhoud(st)er van de Maospruvers bekend, het gaat weer een gezellige avond worden met diverse optredens! Zaal open 20.00 uur, aanvang 20.30 uur

29 Nov 11:29 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807535912532347.html
Government reviews stamp duty charge

Federal Government has reviewed the N50 stamp duty charge on electronic payments in the country following public outcry.

29 Nov 12:12 Nairametrics.com 4741528846484052147.html
Chinese astronomers discovered a black hole so big it shouldn't exist according to current science

Chinese scientists have discovered a black hole that’s so big it throws into question previous beliefs about how black holes are formed.

29 Nov 12:13 Business Insider Australia 5575934301960992915.html
Susul Asisten Raffi Ahmad Pulang Kampung ke Indonesia, Tim Kreatif Rans Entertainment: Buat yang Terus Berjalan, Semoga Baik-baik Saja!

Pamit Pulang ke Indonesia Susul Asisten Raffi Ahmad, Tim Kreatif Rans Entertainment bikin sang artis kelimpungan

29 Nov 15:52 grid.id 586386473745425507.html
17 Completely Nonsense Yet Real Packaging Examples

We all make mistakes and so do manufacturers. Here are 13 packaging ideas that make no sense!

29 Nov 12:48 Interesting Engineering 7328942541658204149.html
Hospital Padre Hurtado es afectado nuevamente por disparos tras enfrentamiento de bandas rivales

“Las balas pasaron al lado de la red de oxígeno”, señaló una de las doctoras del centro asistencial.

29 Nov 11:56 Publimetro Chile 2498685483631438408.html
How North Korea Soured on Donald Trump

Kim Jong Un only wanted to engage with the president. Now he’s turning on him.

29 Nov 11:00 The Atlantic 100708436503653222.html
Liberado bajo fianza el sospechoso de ordenar el asesinato de la periodista maltesa Daphne Caruana Galizia

El país espera la dimisión del primer ministro, Joseph Muscat, después de que dos ministros y su jefe de Gabinete se hayan visto salpicados en la investigación

29 Nov 15:13 EL PAÍS 2207347710930666670.html
Ford e Renault in difficoltà: tantissime autovetture segnalano problemi

Ford e Renault, tantissimi utenti hanno segnalato dei problemi con le autovetture, in alcuni casi anche con rischi per la salute.

29 Nov 12:35 tecnoandroid 2573257127521345804.html
RTL doet horrorfilm Sint in de ban vanwege Zwarte Piet

RTL Nederland wil de horrorfilm Sint van regisseur Dick Maas niet meer uitzenden. De zender heeft hiertoe besloten omdat in de komische thriller uit 2010 traditionele zwarte pieten voorkomen. Ook een aflevering uit de reeks Flodder van regisseur Dick Maas waarin zulke pieten te zien zijn, zendt RTL niet meer uit.

29 Nov 15:10 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047961126716.html
Silva and Pellegrini fight for Premier League survival after Arsenal sack Emery

LONDON, Nov 29 — Arsenal’s decision to sack Unai Emery turns a harsh spotlight on Everton boss Marco Silva and West Ham’s Manuel Pellegrini, who are running out of time to save their Premier League jobs. Emery was dismissed after a winless run of seven games, with a 2-1 Europa League defeat...

29 Nov 13:34 Malaymail 302165934985443316.html
How People Are Using Our Chicago Parking Ticket Data in Their Research

Close to 1,300 people have downloaded data from our app, The Ticket Trap. We talked with some of them.

29 Nov 10:00 ProPublica 7866676283043906587.html
Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades

Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, their worst run since 1992.

29 Nov 12:22 Sport 682566035193631755.html
Netflix's Dragon Prince Is Still Wasting Its Best Character

Netflix's The Dragon Prince is still wasting its best character -- a mistake that fans thought Season 3 would rectify.

29 Nov 13:11 CBR.com 1295516963128023827.html
Five Nights at Freddy's quadrilogy scaring up a storm on consoles today

If you fancy making Black Friday darker than ever, then publisher Clickteam has got the release for you. Today sees the infamous Five Nights at Freddy's franchise finally creep its way onto console platforms.The Five Nights series, created ...

29 Nov 13:00 Destructoid 5545714967588411202.html
Peters resigns as coach

UPDATE 10:21 a.m. The Calgary Flames have promoted Flames associate coach Geoff Ward as the team's interim coach for the time being.

29 Nov 10:21 Castanet 616068601490840213.html
Dua Bulan Jelang Persalinan Anak, Rizky Alatas dan Adzana Masih Debat Soal Nama

Persalinan anak kedua Adzana Adi Bing Slamet tinggal dua bulan lagi. Tetapi, ia dan sang suami, Rizky Alatas masih memperdebatkan soal nama calon anak mereka. Diakui Rizky, sebetulnya ia sudah ada nama yang cocok untuk anaknya itu, tetapi belum dapat izin dari sang istri tercinta.

29 Nov 14:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087988806985675.html
Hours at Arsenal before Emery was sacked

A number of senior figures behind the scenes at Arsenal are reportedly due to hold a “crisis meeting” over the

29 Nov 10:40 The Eagle Online 1463511648810440748.html
Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline construction to commence soon – Buhari

Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday Friday said the government will soon begin the construction of the 600-kilometre Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline to move gas from the Southern part of the country to the North. The Nigerian president made the disclosure while addressing the 5th Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Summit at the Sipopo International Conference […]

29 Nov 15:32 The Guardian 7580308503986994401.html
Consumidor, atenção: Procon divulga 307 sites de compra fraudulentos

O Procon Campo Grande informou lista com 307 sites fraudulentos para evitar que consumidores sejam vítimas de golpes nas compras pela Internet. Segundo o Procon, antes das compras, é preciso procurar referências sobre a empresa, investigar se há reclamações nos órgãos de defesa do consumidor (na plataforma consumidor.gov) ou pesquisa no Google. Também é necessário atenção para a política de troca ...

29 Nov 12:47 Campo Grande News 7902463001934573755.html
Una dieta saludable te ayuda a dormir mejor

El descanso nocturno merece mucha atención si queremos cuidar la salud del organismo, pues su duración y sobre todo su calidad, pueden afectar el funcionamiento del mismo y así, reducir o incrementar las posibilidades de enfermar. Dado que lo que comemos...

29 Nov 11:00 Punto Biz 7504645525514293593.html
Marrubiu, il sindaco diventa Babbo Natale: "Realizzeremo i sogni dei nostri alunni"

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:54 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207013734631.html
Appeal Court validates Lalong’s election

The Court of Appeal sitting in Jos, Plateau State, on Friday affirmed the victory of Governor Simon Lalong in the state governorship election

29 Nov 11:16 Vanguard News 4125100340682859913.html
Abandoned cat found with child's heartbreaking note attached to collar

Staff at the Effingham County Animal Shelter posted a photo of Violet on Facebook along with a little girl's note found tied round her collar, leaving people in tears with the sad story

29 Nov 12:52 mirror 675785259884739042.html
Nggak Cuma Tteokbokki, Ini Kuliner Nikmat yang Harus Dicicip Kalau ke Korea. Ada Favoritnya Lee Seung-gi!

Kuliner Khas Korea Ini deretan makanan khas Korea yang sering dimakan oppa dan eonnie kesayanganmu di KDrama~ content partner, Korea, liburan ke Korea, kuliner Korea, Korea, Busan, Korea Tourism

29 Nov 11:15 Hipwee 8847968231821457405.html
Bundesländer im Norden bitten Merkel wegen Windenergie um Hilfe

Die Windkraftbranche in Deutschland steckt in einer tiefen Krise. Das trifft vor allem die norddeutschen Bundesländer hart. Jetzt haben die Regierungschefs konkrete Forderungen an die Bundesregierung gestellt.

29 Nov 13:14 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271646866040.html
Outletcity Metzingen : Besuchermassen und Verkehrschaos - Tausende strömen zu den Coca-Cola Weihnachtstrucks

Die Coca-Cola Weihnachtstrucks und die Power Shopping Week zogen am Donnerstag die Massen an. Rund um die Outletcity Metzingen kam es im Verkehr zu zahlreichen Beeinträchtigungen und Staus.

29 Nov 10:52 swp.de 6929179441811142359.html
Iraq's PM says he will quit as deadly protests escalate

Iraq's PM says he will quit as deadly protests escalate

29 Nov 13:53 euronews 7318238121761974388.html
Bis zu sechs Mann fehlen: Trotzdem will Egestorf die Gifhorner Sieglosserie fortsetzen

"Wir werden den MTV nicht auf die leichte Schulter nehmen", sagt Paul Nieber vor der Partie des 1. FC Germania Egestorf/Langreder am Samstag (14 Uhr) in Gifhorn. Das Hinspiel, als sein Team ein 3:0 noch aus der Hand gab, dürfte Warnung genug sein. Allerdings haben die Egestorfer Personalsorgen.

29 Nov 11:03 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775609907371.html
OUTA: Endless SOE Bailouts Now Exceed Departments Budgets

The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (Outa) on Friday told Parliament that current interventions at state-owned entities (SOEs), like Eskom and South African Airways (SAA), were not working. Outa was making its submission during the public hearings on the 2019 Adjustments Appropriation Bill and the 2019 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement. The objective of the Bill was to effect adjustments to the appropriation […]

29 Nov 15:16 iAfrica 8834711023374960249.html
Jelang Lawan Vietnam, Timnas Indonesia U-23 Manfaatkan Waktu Istirahat

INDOSPORT.COM - Timnas Indonesia U-23 memanfaatkan waktu istirahat dua hari jelang melawan Vietnam dalam laga ketiga Grup B sepak bola SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 13:41 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550641637235.html
More than 55k third country nationals being hosted in temporary shelters managed by Greek armed forces

More 55,000 third country nationals - would-be asylum seekers and irregular migrants from dozens of countries - are now being hosted in shelters operated by Greece armed forces, according to an announcement on Friday by the general staff.

29 Nov 10:12 naftemporiki.gr 8711711715639004918.html
Premier League says David Pemsel has resigned before starting his job as chief executive

LONDON (AP) - Premier League says David Pemsel has resigned before starting his job as chief executive.

29 Nov 15:31 WFXT 6395891953690807590.html
Unai Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades

Football News: Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery following a run of seven games without a victory and Freddie Ljungberg will take over as interim coach, the Pre

29 Nov 10:33 The Times of India 6060938663015952167.html
Man crushed by agricultural vehicle could walk again a year on from accident

Liam Earle's catastrophic injuries were compared to a bomb victim's

29 Nov 11:55 BristolLive 4740742017807290730.html
Bizongo emerges as the fastest-growing tech company in India

Data science firm TheMathCompany was ranked second and Vadodara-based communication automation solutions firm Phonon was ranked third for the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India programme

29 Nov 15:42 Business-Standard 1502508926609683732.html
Arsenal sack Emery: A timeline of mediocrity

Unai Emery was on Friday sacked by Arsenal after 18 months in a job he looked ill-suited to for most of his tenure.

29 Nov 12:20 sportskeeda 1601194028570000019.html
Jeremy McConnell becomes dad again as Katie McCreath gives birth

Jeremy McConnell and his solicitor girlfriend have welcomed a little girl

29 Nov 10:50 Irish Mirror 2875825628689363299.html
PM Narendra Modi Graces Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Actress Mohena Singh-Suyesh's Wedding Reception

Mohena Singh and Suyesh Rawat got married on October 14, 2019 in Haridwar. Almost a month after their wedding, Suyesh threw a grand wedding reception in Delhi yesterday (November 28). Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced their wedding reception.

29 Nov 11:45 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244394767559.html
PIB sets up fact-checking unit to tackle spread of fake news related to government

The government urged the public to send across any information that they wanted verified.

29 Nov 12:14 Scroll.in 8669301694054489387.html
NHS Tayside starts review of at-risk GP surgeries

Follows abrupt closure of Bridge of Earn practice

29 Nov 12:29 dailyrecord 552235480654894705.html
Curhat Nadila Ernesta yang Sempat Alami Baby Blues Usai Lahirkan Anak Pertamanya

Nadila Ernesta ternyata pernah alami baby blues syndrome di kehamilan pertama dulu. Seperti apa ceritanya?

29 Nov 12:57 grid.id 586386474547700956.html
Report: Arsenal make contact with Wolves boss Nuno Espirito Santo, he is first choice

Sky Italy journalist Gianluca Di Marzio has claimed on his official website that Arsenal have made contact with Wolverhampton Wanderers manager Nuno Espirito Santo, and that the Portuguese gaffer is first choice. Unai Emery was sacked by Arsenal on Friday morning after suffering a 2-1 defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in the Europa League, despite Pierre-Emerick […]Arsenal have reportedly opened talks to lure Wolverhampton Wanderers manager Nuno Espirito Santo to The Emirates, he is first choice.

29 Nov 12:15 The Boot Room 5717202225664065829.html
Fleetwood Town boss Joey Barton would like an Everton return following EFL Trophy victory

Joey Barton would love to take his Fleetwood Town side back to Everton in the FA Cup this season, having finally drawn a line under any ill-feeling between himself and the Blues&#8217; Under-21 coach, David Unsworth.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400564576628291.html
#BoycottDabangg3: NGO Writes To CBFC, Demands Censor Certificate Cancellation Of Salman Khan Starrer

Even as #BoycottDabangg3 has been trending on Twitter since Friday morning over netizens' claim that Salman Khan's Dabangg 3 has upset Hindu sentiments, a Bengaluru-based NGO, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti

29 Nov 11:26 Koimoi 5184275669784339995.html
Afghanistan, talebani confermano: "Pronti a riprendere i negoziati con Trump"

I talebani hanno confermato quanto detto ieri dal presidente Usa, Donald Trump, nella sua visita a sorpresa in Afghanistan

29 Nov 11:51 Affari Italiani 6123405401591675142.html
Wapen van hackers uit de lucht gehaald

HAARLEM (ANP) - Een gevaarlijk wapen van hackers is uit de lucht gehaald. Dat gebeurde bij een internationale politieactie in meerdere landen, waaronder Nederland.

29 Nov 12:38 Nieuws.nl 2419030129736819459.html
In diesen Berufen geben die meisten Lernenden auf

Jeder fünfte Lernende löst seinen Lehrvertrag vorzeitig auf. Besonders betroffen sind Coiffeusen, Köche und Elektroinstallateure.

29 Nov 11:11 20 Minuten 5741369453482586090.html
Bundesrat beschließt Senkung der Steuer auf Tampons

Hygiene-Produkte wie Tampons und Damenbinden könnten bald billiger werden. Ab Januar wird für diese Produkte ein ermäßigter Mehrwertsteuersatz verlangt, wie der Bundesrat nun beschlossen hat.

29 Nov 15:02 T-Online 5460876210737782801.html
New prostate cancer test could only require urine sample at home

A new test for prostate cancer that only requires a urine sample, to be collected at home, is being developed by scientists.

29 Nov 10:39 The Independent 2511519172329364479.html
Wolfsburg-Coach Glasner über "erledigte Hausaufgabe" erfreut

Der VfL Wolfsburg kann als einziger der drei deutschen Clubs in der Fußball-Europa-League dem letzten Gruppenspieltag am 12. Dezember entspannt entgegensehen. Die Mannschaft von Trainer Oliver Glasner fixierte am Donnerstag mit einem 1:0-Sieg bei Oleksandria vorzeitig den Aufstieg. "Wir haben unsere Hausaufgaben erledigt", freute sich der Oberösterreicher.

29 Nov 10:48 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084563756104.html
Why India needs deep-tech start-ups

Deep technologies hold the key to social development as well as data security. But India’s progress in this area has been slow

29 Nov 15:56 BusinessLine 5283600118856933.html
Chris Wood Shows His Support For Wife Melissa Benoist Following Her Domestic Violence Reveal

Chris Wood is opening up and sharing all his support for wife Melissa Benoist, following her eye-opening video describing the domestic violence she went through in a previous relationship.

29 Nov 12:15 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173381346878.html
Fugitive arrested in death of man stabbed in northeast Las Vegas

A man who is a fugitive from another state has been arrested in the case of a man found stabbed to death a week ago in the far northeast Las Vegas Valley.

29 Nov 13:58 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648836244913785.html
Loan fraud case: two former bank officials, seven borrowers jailed

Convicted duped the bank to the tune of ₹43.21 lakh: CBI

29 Nov 12:58 The Hindu 6679535024967509488.html
Informe de la ONU concluye que hubo uso desproporcionado de la fuerza durante protestas en Ecuador

La Alta Comisionada del organismo para los DD.HH., Michelle Bachelet, lamentó el "alto costo humano" que provocaron los disturbios en el país sudamericano.

29 Nov 13:06 Emol 3328490600887950366.html
Leerlinge giet gif in koffie van leerkracht omdat ze haar gsm had afgenomen

Een discussie over een afgenomen gsm is zwaar uit de hand gelopen in een Nederlandse school. Een leerlinge was zo boos op haar leerkracht dat ze een bijten...

29 Nov 13:33 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191547704196.html
Tesla Cybertruck to Join Dubai Police Luxury Vehicle Fleet

Last week, Tesla introduced its long-awaited Cybertruck at an event in Los Angeles, followed by the launch of preorders though the start of production is not scheduled to begin until 2021 or late 2022.

29 Nov 12:13 Sputniknews 967333868595098235.html
Nord-Länder schlagen Alarm

Die norddeutschen Bundesländer fürchten um die Zukunft der Windkraftbranche. In einem gemeinsamen Brandbrief an Kanzlerin Merkel warnen sie vor einer "existenziellen Krise".

29 Nov 13:06 tagesschau.de 5441171426557445011.html
Witness to Laquan McDonald’s fatal shooting settles lawsuit

CHICAGO — A woman who witnessed the fatal 2014 shooting of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer has settled her lawsuit against the city. Alma Benitez alleges in the federal lawsuit filed in 2016 that investigators tried to pressure her into changing her account of the shooting. Benitez was in a fast-food drive thru …

29 Nov 11:08 City NEWS 1130 5858657119197157644.html
Johnson lovar brexit i januari vid valvinst

Storbritannien Storbritannien kommer att lämna EU senast den 31 januari om Konservativa partiet vinner det stundande nyvalet. Det lovar Storbritanniens premiärminister Boris Johnson – som samtidigt få

29 Nov 11:11 www.unt.se 8922556089257950313.html
Jacob Zuma loses appeal in corruption trial

Zuma and Thales still have the possibility to appeal to the Supreme Court and the Constitutional court, according to a legal expert who spoke to AFP.

29 Nov 13:46 Africanews 6630243978956809181.html
Vote Women and Persons with Disability into District Assemblies - AG

news, story, article

29 Nov 14:44 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609245817726.html
India quarterly growth falls to worst level in six years

India's economy grew at its slowest pace in more than six years in the July-September period, down to 4.5 percent from 7.0 percent a year ago, according to government figures released Friday that piled more pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

29 Nov 13:43 Pulse Live 3606876836800492388.html
Malaysians can now use MyDebit ATM cards at some shops in Singapore

Cross-border payments between Singapore and Malaysia just got a huge boost, after the Republic’s NETS and Malaysia’s PayNet announced that their payment terminals can now accept each other’s cards.

29 Nov 12:28 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883711652707.html
Baby Hunter McGleenon's death treated as murder following postmorten, police confirm

Police have launched a murder investigation following a postmortem examination of a baby boy who died in Keady earlier ths week.

29 Nov 11:11 The Irish News 993067012823608.html
Petugas Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Biak Periksa 4 WNA Berkebangsaan Tiongkok

KBRN, Biak : Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Biak akhir bulan November ini telah menerima empat WNA asing berkebangsaan Tiongkok atas nama Zhang Xiaoxuan (25), Wang Xiuxing (49) dan Xu Xuecheng (42

29 Nov 14:38 RRI News Portal 6700853644193523632.html
Russian Jokes Tell the Brutal Truth

In a repressive society, dark political jokes allow regular people to describe what they see with their own eyes.

29 Nov 11:00 The Atlantic 100708436342325783.html
Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades

The 48-year-old Spaniard was fired following the 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in Thursday's Europa League match.

29 Nov 14:09 New Vision 9103146371926136253.html
Swiss firm Zurich airport to develop Jewar airport, outbids DIAL, Adani

Jewar Airport or the Noida International Greenfield Airport will come up in the 5,000-hectare area when fully constructed and is estimated to cost Rs 29,560 crores, Nodal Officer for the Project.

29 Nov 12:18 The Indian Express 2885715105471574278.html
Fabinho set to be out till January with ankle injury

Fabinho was injured in a collision with Napoli's Hirving Lozano and the midfielder limped down the tunnel in the 19th minute on Wednesday.

29 Nov 14:07 The Indian Express 2885715103878391261.html
Jokowi Sidak Pelayanan BPJS di RSUD Subang

Selama peninjauan, Jokowi didampingi oleh Menteri Kesehatan Terawan Agus Putranto, Wakil Gubernur Jawa Barat Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, Direktur RSUD drg. Ahmad Sopyan dan Wadir Pelayanan dr. Ahmad Nasuhi.

29 Nov 13:38 merdeka.com 1998180356197489551.html
Parcheggi creativi, non c’è che dire

Senza parole

29 Nov 12:32 Tempostretto 3143171744028057223.html
Experiment in strijd tegen eikenprocessierups: 'we helpen de natuur een handje'

Bloembollen zijn het nieuwste wapen in de strijd tegen de eikenprocessierups. In Rotterdam-Zuid start vrijdag een proef met deze planten, die de jeuk veroorzakende rupsen moet aanpakken.

29 Nov 11:41 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227051914934.html
Four Ebola responders killed by rebels in eastern DRC, WHO alarmed

It was by far the deadliest such attack in the second-worst Ebola outbreak in history, the United Nations health agency said.

29 Nov 10:20 Africanews 6630243978426377032.html
Muore dopo essere stato leccato dal suo cane

L'uomo si è preoccupato quando, dopo giorni di quella che gli sembrava una normale influenza, con malessere e fiato corto, ha notato macchie di colore porpora in faccia e sulle gambe: poi la situazione è precipitata. Il caso è riportato da giornali scientifici e Cnn

29 Nov 10:44 Today 178378749441672270.html
Court Says Royal Mail Staff's Christmas Strikes Can't Go Ahead

Some complicated legal action has been underway in the case of the Royal Mail Group versus its workers' union, and the latest ruling from the wigs of justice says that strikes may not go ahead as the ballot of members was not carried out in the technically correct manner.

29 Nov 13:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002605597574.html
Manchester United legend Sir Alex Ferguson gives his verdict on Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Klopp

The Man City boss and his Liverpool FC rival have both been inducted into the League Managers Association Hall of Fame.

29 Nov 11:20 men 6694993428674031775.html
Guarantee a Family Fight This Christmas by Grabbing One or More Kinds of Monopoly in the Black Friday Sales

Is there a game moe routinely despised, but still so widely accepted as Monopoly? Some older people claim video games bring out the worst in people, but they routinely forget all the strife and physical violence that's been caused because Dad was pilfering notes out of the bank when nobody was looking.

29 Nov 13:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001844748245.html
Plataforma HC3 Edge da Scale Computing vai ser implementada nos Micro Data Centers EcoStruxure da Schneider Electric

A Schneider Electric anunciou uma parceria com a Scale Computing para oferecer o HC3 Edge, uma solução para retalhistas, nos Micro Data Centers Eco Struxure.

29 Nov 15:31 PCGuia 8345134072024265958.html
Steeds meer steun voor Mahdi: ook ex-minister Vanackere spreekt zich uit

In een gesloten Facebookpost bekent ex-minister Steven Vanackere kleur over de kandidaat-voorzitters bij CD&V. ‘De vraag vandaag is: wie is de grootste lef...

29 Nov 12:47 De Standaard 2288913869394992581.html
Teen who went viral with TikTok hair tutorial tells ITV News people need to know about China threat to Uighur Muslims

A 16-year-old whose hairstyling TikTok tutorial talking about the threat to Uighur Muslims in China has gone viral has told ITV News he and others are using the platform so people understand what's going on in our world. Pavan Shandil Narayan, who lives in Sacramento, California, posted the video on his TikTok channel five days ago. But it went viral on Friday after it was shared by US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

29 Nov 11:30 ITV News 2184971258321638641.html
Never referred to Nathuram Godse as patriot: Pragya Thakur

"I want to say only what I do for the country. On November 27, during discussion on SPG (Amendment) Bill, I did not call Nathuram Godse a patriot (desh bhakt), I did not even take his name. Still if someone is hurt, I express my regret and apologise," Bhopal MP Pragya Thakur she said in Lok Sabha around 3.00 pm.

29 Nov 10:01 The Economic Times 7653256037155417555.html
Labour to cut jobs at Newcastle office amid talk of tight finances

Staff say they feel let down after being told their contracts will end after Christmas

29 Nov 15:46 the Guardian 1491978795690816319.html
Wenn Markt und Mobilität kollidieren

Wir führen keine Auktionen für Transplantationsorgane durch, und auch für das Transportmanagement sind marktfremde Prinzipien erforderlich. Ein Kommentar von Ricardo Hausmann.

29 Nov 11:15 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936560219055.html
10 Years In, WhatsApp Still Needs True Multi-Device Support

Paul Sawers, writing for VentureBeat: WhatsApp launched out of beta 10 years ago this month, and the messaging behemoth is now a completely different beast from the one that quietly arrived for iPhone users way back in November 2009. After Facebook shelled out around $20 billion to acquire the app i...

29 Nov 12:02 tech.slashdot.org 8720761276658323403.html
Passenger bust with Tik at EL airport

East London police have arrested a suspect for being in possession of Tik at East London Airport.Police spokesperson, Captain Hazel Mqala, said the 42-year-old man was arrested on Friday morning while waiting for a flight to Cape Town.[MobileAd]She said the drugs were found hidden in his luggage.Mqa

29 Nov 14:24 Algoa FM 633679973337794781.html
Smartphone maker Xiaomi could invest in bike taxi app Rapido

Rapido was founded in in 2015 by Aravind Sanka, Rishikesh S R and Pavan Guntupalli and has investment from industry bigwigs such as Pawan Munjal, CEO

29 Nov 13:43 OVERDRIVE 7781473802921775550.html
Renault and Nissan Try a New Way After Years When Carlos Ghosn Ruled

The automakers want to strengthen their alliance with more decisions built on consensus.

29 Nov 15:06 NY Times 1961078288740486282.html
Nagita Slavina Dirangkul Choi Siwon, Netizen: Gila, Kukira Patung

Netizen awalnya mengira bahwa Nagita Slavina sedang berfoto dengan patung lilin yang menyerupai Choi Siwon.

29 Nov 12:36 Tempo 6299881072684182222.html
How to drive in winter in British Columbia

This week&rsquo;s temperature plunge into a deep freeze is an abrupt reminder that winter is on our doorstep, even if there isn&rsquo;t any white stuff on t

29 Nov 15:36 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244554585703.html
Andy Murray Opened Up About The Dunblane Massacre In Amazon Prime's Newest Doc

The life of the biggest name to emerge from British tennis is at the centre of Amazon Prime's latest documentary. Throughout his massively successful sporting career, Wimbledon champ Andy Murray has primarily become known for his impressive…

29 Nov 10:11 Bustle 7391390686965186651.html
Mordfall Daphne Galizia: Keine Immunität für Unternehmer Fenech

Ex-Stabschef Keith Schembri wieder frei

29 Nov 13:31 euronews 4540914625429042093.html
Siete tipos de clientes que puede tener tu marca

Entrepreneur presentó una lista con los siete tipos de clientes, clasificados según su nivel de lealtad con la marca: 1. Los Apóstoles. Son los incondicionales de la empresa. Manifiestan muy elevados niveles de encanto y...

29 Nov 10:00 Punto Biz 7504645526287849008.html
realme To Expand Beyond Phones; Plans To Make Wearables And True Wireless Headsets

Since its first batch, realme has churned out phone after phone is a very short period of time. But there's no sign of the company slowing down. New reports indicate that, if anything, it will

29 Nov 11:00 Lowyat.NET 6894342419901098637.html
Deepika Padukone Has The Cutest Request For Pati Patni Aur Woh Star Kartik Aaryan

Kartik Aaryan is all over the news for his next release Pati Patni Aur Woh and along with the trailer, the songs of the film are also getting a lot of love from the audience and the latest addition to

29 Nov 14:06 Koimoi 5184275671145186690.html
Anoche las provincias tiraron la casa por la ventana

Con recitales, degustación de comidas típicas, sorteos de viajes y escenarios de chamamé, carnavalitos y chacareras en las calles porteñas, se realizó ayer una nueva edición de la Noche de las Casas de Provincias. Bajo...

29 Nov 10:42 El Territorio Misiones 4290701725534324776.html
Arlo Wireless Security Camera Systems Are Heavily Discounted

If you’re in the market for a new security camera, Black Friday is the perfect way to get one… or a couple of them. Arlo is one of the most popular

29 Nov 14:49 Android Headlines 8385692878400187528.html
Taapsee Pannu and Vikrant Massey to work together in a romantic -thriller

Taapsee Pannu had an eventful 2019 with four movie releases Badla, Game Over, Mission Mangal and the latest being Saand Ki Aankh. She also has several films in her kitty and has been shooting back to back for them. Taapsee will soon be seen in Tadka, Thappad and also Rashmi Rocket. Now as per reports, Taapsee has signed one more film which will be a romantic-thriller.

29 Nov 12:13 Filmfare.com 6668806038449097213.html
Most SE Asian stocks slip as Sino-US tensions over Hong Kong continue to weigh

(Nov 29): Most Southeast Asian markets dropped on Friday, hurt by worries that a US law backing protesters in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong could disrupt ongoing trade negotiations, as the two countries try to strike a deal to diffuse a 16-month long trade war.All eyes were trained on China, which on Thursday warned of retaliation after US President Donald Trump signed legislation that, among other things, threatened sanctions for human rights violations in Hong Kong."Market will continue to wait for

29 Nov 11:26 The Edge Markets 6322622075076207822.html
IIT researchers and NCSM join to create 'Gandhipedia'

The first phase is expected to be completed by March next year followed by four more phases till March, 2024, it said.

29 Nov 10:23 Deccan Herald 2027555797271283311.html
Telangana: Cops said she has eloped, murdered doctor's family alleges police apathy

If the testimony of the victim's family is to be believed, the police could have saved her only if they acted on time.

29 Nov 14:13 India Today 4286117812508522208.html
Nederlanders willen wel snel 5G-internet, maar niet zelf investeren

De meerderheid is tevreden over de snelheid van het 4G, maar wil graag dat het netwerk nóg sneller is. Toch zien ze het niet zitten om in 5G te investeren.

29 Nov 11:00 DutchCowboys 8617317428588551251.html
The best Fender Black Friday deals: the place to find money off Stratocasters and Telecasters

The electric and acoustic Fender guitars you should be looking for this Black Friday

29 Nov 12:23 MusicRadar 4787726361136708474.html
Grow up New Zealand

It’s time for us to grow up and move on as a country. That is why I support changing our flag and becoming a republic.

29 Nov 10:52 SCOOP 5315658999233984731.html
Sudan overturns moral policing law, disbands former ruling party | IOL News

Rights groups say the Public Order Act targets women and is a holdover from the three-decade rule of toppled autocrat Omar al-Bashir.

29 Nov 10:48 www.iol.co.za 17825112840665813.html
Centre to come out with permanent solution to stubble burning: MoS Agriculture

"A meeting was chaired by the ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) secretary. A committee has been formed to formulate a new scheme" for a long-term permanent solution to stubble buring by farmers, he said. The MoS said that the new committee will come out with a new scheme within one or two months.

29 Nov 11:31 The Economic Times 7653256037181317990.html
Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades

"The search for a new head coach is underway and we will make a further announcement when that process is complete."

29 Nov 15:04 Saudi Gazette 6913978434497935934.html
Aumenta el impuesto a los combustibles

Impacto en los surtidores Con esta decisión del gobierno, los precios volverán a subir este fin de semana.

29 Nov 13:47 El Litoral 2624573358688709806.html
Il pacchetto di stimoli fiscali indebolisce lo JPY

Gli ultimi dati pubblicati mostrano chiaramente che in Giappone è indubbiamente necessario un ulteriore allentamento fiscale per tentare di attenuare...

29 Nov 14:00 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336744565505219.html
Austria kämpft um die Meistergruppe

Die Veilchen sind gegen Hartberg zum Siegen verdammt:

29 Nov 15:41 www.laola1.at 837519019558491283.html
Mediacorp remains best radio network in Singapore: Nielsen survey

SINGAPORE: Mediacorp remains the number one radio network in Singapore, according to the results of the latest Nielsen Radio Diary Survey released ...

29 Nov 15:50 CNA 5644198862874428974.html
Prime Minister Of Iraq To Resign After Protests Leave Hundreds Dead

At least 400 demonstrators have been killed since the beginning of October

29 Nov 15:45 Infowars 1950426313873061461.html
Melegatti assume 150 persone per stagione natalizia

L'azienda rischiava di scomparire definitivamente, oggi il piano di sviluppo accelera la sua marcia

29 Nov 13:32 L'HuffPost 5315551423879158753.html
Raubkunst? Forscher prüfen Objekte aus Kolonien

Ehrlich erworben oder habgierig erbeutet? Wie viele andere Museen beherbergt auch das Landesmuseum Hannover Objekte aus ehemaligen Kolonien. Die Aufarbeitung läuft.

29 Nov 15:27 NDR.de 5356044083808531882.html
Kasus First Travel, Apa Ide dari Menag Baru?

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Agama Fachrul Razi mengatakan tidak akan lari dari tanggung jawab membantu memecahkan persoalan First Travel yang terlibat penipuan dalam memberangkatkan calon jamaah umrah.

29 Nov 14:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834634398838.html
Charleston, Providence meet in Wooden Legacy

Providence (4-3) vs. College of Charleston (3-3)

29 Nov 11:30 WFXT 6395891953116021202.html
Germany's Angela Merkel to pay first visit to Auschwitz Friday

German chancellor set to make first visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp on Friday, making her the third chancellor to do so.

29 Nov 14:50 Israel National News 5374683670555513310.html
Portugal's students march for climate as Greta visit delayed

LISBON (Reuters) - Students took to the streets in eight cities across Portugal on Friday to call for action on climate change, but Swedish activist Greta Thunberg was unable to join them because she was held up by bad weather in mid-Atlantic.

29 Nov 11:36 Reuters 8334514180019388318.html
Was beschlossen wurde und was nicht: Bundesrat bremst GroKo aus - Teile des Klimapakets fallen durch

Es gab viel Kritik am Klimapaket der Bundesregierung - auch aus den Bundesländern. Für wichtige Teile hat die Länderkammer den Weg zwar freigemacht. Aber Pendlerpauschale, Förderung für Haus-Sanierungen und andere Steuerfragen müssen nachverhandelt werden.

29 Nov 10:24 FOCUS Online 4448121230359865924.html
Ashleigh Barty revisits her old cricket days with Brisbane Heat

Ashleigh Barty had won the junior Wimbledon singles event back in 2011. But after an indefinite hiatus from tennis in 2014, she signed up for Women's Big Bash League's Brisbane Heat without a formal cricket training.

29 Nov 11:28 The Indian Express 2885715104786047459.html
US Military Presence at Syria's Oil Fields Escalates Situation in Country - Russian Deputy FM

The day before, Syrian state television reported that US forces mustered dozens of military vehicles near oil fields in the Rumeilan region of Al-Hasakah province in Syria's northeast.

29 Nov 12:22 Sputniknews 967333868245863171.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Five things next Gunners boss must address

The next Arsenal boss has a host of pressing issues to address when he steps into the role vacated by Unai Emery.

29 Nov 13:02 sportskeeda 1601194028318161277.html
Will take ties to new level, says Gotabaya Rajapaksa

In a dialogue with newly elected Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa on his three-day tour to India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a line of credit of USD 400 million for development projects in Sri Lanka besides granting a separate fund of USD 50 million to help the country deal with challenges of terrorism.

29 Nov 10:50 The Economic Times 7653256036635184295.html
Exclusive: Mexico's Pemex fights in court to suspend clean diesel rule - documents

Mexico's state-run oil company Pemex has been fighting for almost a year in court to suspend a rule issued by the previous government, requiring ...

29 Nov 15:15 CNA 5644198863059378586.html
Twitter non distingue i profili zombie e sospende la pulizia

È stato bloccato il processo di eliminazione perché la società non distingue i profili inattivi da quelli di utenti ormai deceduti

29 Nov 10:36 Wired 7504010957629393897.html
Hyderabad vet was educated, why call sister not police? Telangana minister blames murder victim

Speaking to India Today TV, Telangana Home Minister Mohammad Mahmood Ali said the "doctor was educated" and it was "unfortunate" that the deceased veterinary doctor dialled her family and not the police.

29 Nov 11:08 India Today 4286117813463690565.html
Arema FC Vs Kalteng Putra: Makan Konate Kembali Jadi Andalan

Makan Konate kembali akan memperkuat Arema FC di laga Kalteng Putra. Sempat absen karena akumulasi kartu kuning.

29 Nov 13:29 Tempo 6731898377882878335.html
Malta, Muscat prende tempo. Attenderà chiusura caso Caruana

E' quanto scritto in una nota del governo, in cui sono anche state smentite le spaccature nel gabinetto dei ministri di cui avevano ampiamente parlato i

29 Nov 14:45 Repubblica.it 8208867269612799227.html
Unggah Anggaran Lem Aibon, William Dinyatakan Langgar Kode Etik DPRD DKI

BK DPRD DKI memutuskan William Aditya Sarana bersalah melanggar kode etik karena mengunggah anggaran lem Aibon Rp 8,2 miliar milik Pemprov DKI.

29 Nov 14:05 detiknews 8793960224786244759.html
Eselon III dan IV Kemenkeu Dipangkas, Sri Mulyani: Gaji Tidak Berubah

Sebanyak 112 dari 179 pejabat eselon III dan IV Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF) kena perampingan dari jabatan struktural ke fungsional.

29 Nov 13:30 detikfinance 4442190001527243024.html
Clima: incendi devastano il Borneo

Vasti incendi stanno devastando il Borneo, mettendo in pericolo la salute di molte persone e la vita di molti animali, alcuni dei quali, come l'orango, a rischio di estinzione. (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:27 ANSA.it 1300837447749873405.html
Aannemer wil vaker afsluiting Ring Zuid inplannen 'voor het geval dat'

Aannemerscombinatie Herepoort overweegt op voorhand tijd in te plannen voor onderhoud aan de zuidelijke ringweg. Daarnaast wil de uitvoerder de problemen met onder andere de voegen ondervangen.

29 Nov 14:38 RTV Noord 3728677367531052418.html
NASA Special Missions to Find Out What Makes Gadgets Work Strangely at Earth's Poles

For years, researchers have been puzzled by a mysterious phenomenon occurring above the North and South Poles, as something interferes with devices using radio or satellite connections. Scientists suggest that the answer to this has to do with the polar cusps – funnel-like entrances for solar winds.

29 Nov 14:59 Sputniknews 967333869566597935.html
Two friends killed in early morning crash near Lipis

KUANTAN: A road trip to Kuala Lumpur ended in tragedy for three friends when two of them were killed in an accident at KM86 of the Central Spine Road (CSR) near Lipis early this morning.

29 Nov 12:29 NST Online 3702929170013941270.html
Multiple Russia UFO sightings were actually a military ICBM test launch

Strange lights in the sky

29 Nov 10:05 Metro 970161747303556069.html
Miquelarena continuará como Vicepresidente 1° del Consejo Federal de Procuradores

Se decidió en la Asamblea Ordinaria del Consejo de Procuradores, Fiscales, Defensores y Asesores Generales de la República Argentina. Alejandro Gullé, Procurador de Mendoza, fue electo presidente del Consejo en el que el Procurador de Chubut seguirá desempeñándose como Visepresidente 1°. A propuesta de Miquelarena, el Consejo aprobó la creación de una Red Nacional de Fiscales que lleven causas de corrupción.

29 Nov 13:46 El Patagónico 8565457046616931352.html
5 things you might not know about interim Arsenal boss Freddie Ljungberg

The 42-year-old made 325 appearances for the Gunners.

29 Nov 15:05 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774358092408.html
Meet three female philosophers you have probably never heard of in the field of big consciousness

We have to ask ourselves why the philosophical ideas of Mary Calkins, May Sinclair, and Hilda Oakeley have been largely forgotten.

29 Nov 12:00 Scroll.in 8669301694240663320.html
Hear the flutter of wings

What started as a four member group sharing a common passion has grown into the 500-strong Bengaluru Butterfly Club

29 Nov 11:23 The Hindu 6679535024284080681.html
Supreme Court rules in favour of Montreal woman fined for not holding escalator handrail

The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled Bela Kosoian should not have been fined for refusing to hold onto an escalator handrail 10 years ago.

29 Nov 14:59 Montreal 8735609772669679333.html
Kim Kardashian and her kids trek across mountains in Kanye West's Closed On Sunday video

The Kardashian-West family have starring roles in the imaginative music video, with North screaming the 'Chick-fil-A' sign off and Kris Jenner riding a tank

29 Nov 10:47 Irish Mirror 2875825629956722138.html
Who could replace Unai Emery as Arsenal manager?

Massimiliano Allegri, Mikel Arteta and Patrick Vieira are among the names in contention.

29 Nov 10:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774093185972.html
The truth behind myths

It’s a blustery autumn Sunday and there isn’t much going on so you decide to turn on the television. You are all caught up on “The Game of Thrones” so why not tune into HGTV? There are a lot of great shows on there and besides, you were thinking of doing a few Real Estate investments anyways. Although HGTV is very entertaining, sometimes educational, sometimes inspiring, there are a lot of things you need to be careful of when making sound choices in Real Estate. Below are 5 big Myths of HGTV when it comes to Real Estate.

29 Nov 10:25 Castanet 616068602464259522.html
Joburg mayoral malaise: ANC decides against going to court to challenge DA speaker

The ANC says it has received legal advice cautioning it against going to court to challenge a decision to postpone a City of Johannesburg council meeting meant to elect a new executive mayor.

29 Nov 11:15 News24 3752801377140312954.html
Man charged with murdering baby boy

Eleven-month-old Hunter McGleenon, from Keady, Co Armagh, died on Tuesday.

29 Nov 12:48 Shropshire Star 3480199991420653025.html
BI on the lookout at airports for OFWs bound for Iraq

Bureau of Immigration (BI) Commissioner Jaime Morente ordered yesterday immigration officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) and other ports to rigidly screen Filipinos traveling to Dubai to stop them from going and working in Iraq which is already the subject of a deployment ban due to the peace and order problem there.

29 Nov 12:11 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200244592189.html
Conor O'Shea to succeed Nigel Melville as RFU director of performance rugby

Nigel Melville earlier announced he will step down as the RFU's director of professional rugby in December.

29 Nov 10:20 Sports Mole 7750663361066462816.html
Singer Chinmayi Sripaada Lashes Out At Misogynist Mentality; Suggests Of Imposing A Curfew On Guys

Singer Chinmayi Sripaada is one of those celebrities, who are vocal about their opinions when it comes to taking a stand for women empowerment. She is quite active through her social media accounts an

29 Nov 14:16 Koimoi 5184275669484065621.html
Crescimento da economia portuguesa abrandou no terceiro trimestre

O Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) confirmou, esta sexta-feira, que a economia portuguesa cresceu 0,3% no terceiro trimestre em cadeia, metade do registado no trimestre anterior, e manteve a expansão de 1,9% em termos homólogos.

29 Nov 11:40 JN 6956494303193724237.html
Erneut Mann in China an Pest erkrankt

Das Bakterium kann unter anderem von Ratten über Flöhe an Menschen übertragen werden.

29 Nov 11:12 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108826887038.html
Sektor Jasa Keuangan RI Tetap Stabil di Tengah Gejolak Ekonomi Global

Rapat Dewan Komisioner (RDK) Otoritas Jasa Keuangan menilai stabilitas sektor jasa keuangan akhir November dalam kondisi terjaga dengan intermediasi sektor jasa keuangan tetap tumbuh positif. Profil risiko industri jasa keuangan juga terpantau terkendali di tengah perlambatan ekonomi global.

29 Nov 12:56 merdeka.com 1998180354966343153.html
'Arjun Suravaram' movie review: A reasonably engaging thriller

This Nikhil Siddhartha and Lavanya Tripathi film turns its gaze on the racket of fake certificates

29 Nov 11:07 The Hindu 6679535024364692295.html
Wereldvermaarde rotsklimmer sterft na val van 300 meter bij beklimming loodrechte rotswand in Mexico

De wereldvermaarde Amerikaanse rotsklimmer Brad Gobright is woensdag om het leven gekomen tijdens het afdalen van de rotsformatie El Potrero Chico, in het ...

29 Nov 13:24 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192252413206.html
Arsenal 'make contact with Nuno Espirito Santo over replacing Unai Emery'

Arsenal make contact with Wolverhampton Wanderers boss Nuno Espirito Santo to discuss potential move to the Emirates Stadium, according to a report.

29 Nov 14:41 Sports Mole 7750663361295607945.html
Changes to festive bin collections announced - here's who is affected

Thousands of households will see changes

29 Nov 10:28 Derbyshire Live 9061707932063920456.html
Conto Corrente Illimity: caratteristiche e recensione a cura di SosTariffe.it

Nel panorama delle banche online, senza filiali e con conti gestibili tramite app o sito, da settembre è attiva in Italia anche Illimity Bank. Il Ceo del gruppo è Corrado Passera, ex ministro dello Sviluppo economico e delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti.

29 Nov 15:04 www.sostariffe.it 4211055172509040915.html
CM Uddhav Thackeray puts construction of car shed in Aarey forest on hold

CM Uddhav Thackeray said that while the work on Mumbai metro will continue, car shed construction will be reviewed by the concerned department.

29 Nov 12:08 India Today 4286117812723783565.html
Royal Navy sailors' frontline heroics to be recognised by the Queen

Queen’s Gallantry Medal, Queen’s Commendation for Bravery, OBE and Queen’s Commendation for Valuable Service among awards be handed out

29 Nov 14:15 PlymouthLive 6373569607208967968.html
US merger rush stirs debate over equities bull market

Some see signs of rally’s impending end in rash of multibillion dollar tie-ups

29 Nov 14:16 Financial Times 707176889639850402.html
Desmiente ministro de Salud de Cuba a golpistas bolivianos

La Habana, 29 nov (ACN) El ministro de Salud de Cuba, José Ángel Portal Miranda, declaró en la red social Twitter que las autoridades bolivianas mienten al calificar de “daño” la cooperación de Cuba en ese país. Es una grave ofensa e irrespeto a los millones de bolivianos atendidos por médicos cubanos.

29 Nov 14:23 www.acn.cu 4590417277607896922.html
Patrick Vieira makes decision on future amid Arsenal link following Unai Emery's sacking

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager with Freddie Ljungberg named as interim head coach. Patrick Vieira and Nuno Espirito Santo have been linked with the job

29 Nov 12:06 mirror 675785260022587963.html
Ulinzi man named October player of the month

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 2 9 - Impressive Ulinzi Stars goalkeeper Timothy Odhiambo became just the third player from the team to win the the LG Player of the Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

29 Nov 14:57 Capital Sports 7605153803385616223.html
Watch the kabuki version of The Last Jedi

Rennosuke and the Three Light Sabers adapts to kabuki the story of Kylo Ren from the end of The Force Awakens through the end of The Last Jedi. It opens with the destruction of Starkiller Base: The…

29 Nov 12:33 Boing Boing 4601305169530595110.html
Use Up Your Leftover Mashed Potatoes With One of These Unique Recipes

Let's be honest, we've all eaten a spoonful (or two) of cold leftover mashed potatoes right out of the fridge — it's an inevitable occurrence around the

1 Dec 21:30 POPSUGAR Food 1694745614210834951.html
Why We Strike Again

For more than a year, children and young people from around the world have been striking for the climate. We launched a movement that defied all expectations, with millions of people lending their voices – and their bodies – to the cause. We did this not because it was our dream, but because we didn’t see anyone else taking action to secure our future. And despite the vocal support we have received from many adults – including some of the world’s most powerful leaders – we still don’t. Striking is not a choice we relish; we do it because we see no other options. We have watched a string of United Nations climate conferences unfold. Countless negotiations have produced much-hyped but ultimately empty commitments from the world’s governments – the same governments that allow fossil-fuel companies to drill for ever-more oil and gas, and burn away our futures for their profit.

29 Nov 13:34 EABW Digital 2826306000312615718.html
SKN-Coach Schmidt setzt gegen Mattersburg auf Stabilität

Auf dem Papier sind die Rollen vor dem Fußball-Bundesliga-Spiel am Samstag zwischen dem SKN St. Pölten und dem SV Mattersburg relativ klar verteilt. Die Gastgeber holten aus ihren jüngsten vier Partien drei Siege und ein Remis, zuletzt gab es ein 2:2 bei Red Bull Salzburg. Die Mattersburger hingegen haben ihre jüngsten sechs Liga-Matches verloren.

29 Nov 11:46 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083200959983.html
Arsenal, esonerato Emery. Allegri tra i candidati alla panchina

L'allenatore spagnolo paga la falsa partenza dei gunners in campionato e in Europa League

29 Nov 11:38 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188741847835.html
The true story behind The Irishman

As Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman arrives on Netflix, it’s a good time to explain who the real-life gangsters were

29 Nov 10:03 The Irish Times 8204772968297948316.html
Global funds raise stock allocations at the expense of cash: Reuters poll

BENGALURU (Reuters) - Global funds recommended switching cash back into equities in November as stocks worldwide rose to near record highs despite a lack of clarity over how, when, or if a truce will be called on the damaging U.S.-China trade war, a Reuters poll showed.

29 Nov 13:12 Reuters 8334514180858909201.html
Greta Thunberg: Dieses Foto zeigt eine dramatische Entwicklung

Der Name Greta Thunberg gehört aktuell zu den bekanntesten der Welt.

29 Nov 10:00 www.derwesten.de 5765995665781438407.html
L'Uruguay passa a destra

Come da previsioni, il lungo riconteggio del voto ha sancito l’elezione a presidente dell’Uruguay di Luis Lacalle Pou del Partido Nacional, che ha vinto di stretta misura sul candidato del...

29 Nov 15:17 L'HuffPost 5315551423622997064.html
Cremate my corpse after death, says MASSOB leader

Leader of the Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Chief Ralph Uwazuruike says he would wish his body to be...

29 Nov 14:26 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901186024721.html
Student sit-ins and Black Friday crowds: Friday's best photos

The Guardian’s picture editors select photo highlights from around the world

29 Nov 12:26 the Guardian 1491978795105647174.html
Forskarnas framsteg kan ge batterier med fast elektrolyt

I Australien uppger forskare att de har tagit ett viktigt steg på vägen mot batterier med fast elektrolyt. ”Vår upptäckt pekar mot att nästa generation batterier blir mycket säkrare och får...

29 Nov 11:00 Ny Teknik 4280928732555942203.html
Rescue Beacons Save Lives of Five Migrants in Arizona Desert

Rescue beacons placed in the Arizona desert by Tucson Sector Border Patrol officials led to the rescue of five migrants on Monday.

29 Nov 15:51 Breitbart 3148363491246466402.html
British police shoot dead man at London Bridge, area cordoned off

The BBC said two shots had been fired. A photograph on Twitter showed a truck parked on London Bridge.

29 Nov 14:33 India Today 4286117813683816090.html
Ingham returns in McKenzie's debut behind Blueshirts bench

The Kitchener Rangers has their highest offensive output since October 14

29 Nov 12:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741010274596855.html
Messa in sicurezza e manutenzione delle strade provinciali: approvati progetti per 3,9 milioni

Le parole del Presidente della Provincia

29 Nov 12:07 AvellinoToday 5452883946357330761.html
Christkindlmärkte am Tegernsee mit Pendelschiff: Alle Infos

Gleich drei Christkindlmärkte gibt's 2019 gleichzeitig am Tegernsee. Dazwischen verkehren an allen vier Wochenenden Pendelschiffe. Hier gibt's die große Übersicht mit Karte.

30 Nov 10:21 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239900384571.html
What if a Progressive President Cut U.S. Defense Spending Dramatically?

What would the United States need to do to significantly cut its defense budget?  The question is complicated, and the answers are difficult.

29 Nov 12:56 The National Interest 7207864703284399565.html
Carphone Warehouse is giving away FREE Nintendo Switch Lites for Black Friday

Shoppers who take out a Samsung or iPhone contract can get a free gaming console

29 Nov 10:18 Wales Online 7686550516772931197.html
Lifts and staircase to be built inside Statue of Unity as authorities struggle to clean world's tallest statue

A new lift and staircase will be used as emergency exits in future for the people at the viewing gallery inside the Statue of Unity.

29 Nov 13:54 India Today 4286117814170353048.html
Lo atraparon robando bebidas del boliche Veer

A las 02:45 de la madrugada de hoy, por requerimiento del Comando Radioeléctrico, efectivos de la Comisaría Séptima se hicieron presentes en el interior del local bailable “Veer”, ubicado en la Avenida Gob. Arnoldo Aníbal Castillo del Alto Fariñango, y aprehendieron a un joven de apellido Morales (20), quien habría sido sorprendido sustrayendo varias botellas de bebidas alcohólicas, y al percatarse de la presencia policial intentó darse a la fuga arrojando las mismas, que quedaron en calidad de secuestro.

29 Nov 10:26 El Esquiú 5729181306484520859.html
Finländsk minister petad efter poststrejk

Finlands minister för ägarstyrning Sirpa Paatero (SDP) har petats efter landets nu avblåsta poststrejk. Paatero har lämnat in en avskedsansökan, som beviljats av Finlands statsminister Antti Rinne från samma socialdemokratiska parti. Paatero har inte fö

29 Nov 12:44 HD 3336945412358345506.html
5 things we spotted from Freddie Ljungberg's first training session as Arsenal boss

The Swede took charge of his first session since replacing Unai Emery in the hotseat, with the Spaniard having been sacked on Friday morning

29 Nov 15:32 Irish Mirror 2875825630015149970.html
'Discussed majority first, then farmers': Fadnavis attacks Maha Vikas Aghadi

Fadnavis sought to know why the three-party alliance tried to change the protem speaker defying rules.

29 Nov 10:54 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362772113339.html
Saints clinch NFC South title, Bills dominate Cowboys on US Thanksgiving

Hill, who also plays backup quarterback, deflected a punt to set up his touchdown reception from starter Brees, and he replaced him on a third-down play that resulted in his running score.

29 Nov 14:41 Saudi Gazette 6913978434900297613.html
Seto Nurdiantoro Sebut PSS Tak Bergairah saat Tumbang di Banjarmasin

PSS Sleman harus menelan kekalahan saat dijamu Barito Putera dalam laga pekan ke-29 Liga 1 2019, sang pelatih beberkan penyebabnya.

29 Nov 12:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436989790627.html
Erneut Mann in China an Pest erkrankt

Das Bakterium kann unter anderem von Ratten über Flöhe an Menschen übertragen werden.

29 Nov 11:12 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567614833534.html
Sema ancora non al meglio, Gotti pensa a Samir esterno

Dopo tre partite passate in panchina, potrebbe ritrovare posto nell'undici titolare Samir. Con Sema ancora non al meglio il brasiliano potrebbe essere schierato sulla linea dei centrocampisti, come esterno di sinistra. Un ruolo inusuale per lui, un opzione sulla quale mister Gotti sta riflettendo. Sulla fascia Samir aveva già giocato a Udine ma da quarto di difesa, terzino quindi e non ala nella sua prima esperienza con Delneri.

29 Nov 10:00 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194320259930.html
Un operario sanjuanino murió electrocutado mientras trabajaba en Rawson

El hombre había sido trasladado de urgencia al Centro René Favaloro, luego de recibir una descarga eléctrica y de sufrir graves quemaduras.

29 Nov 13:58 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157986565560.html
America Cannot Afford to Lose the Technology Race to China

What can be done?

29 Nov 12:22 The National Interest 7207864704245643765.html
Breaking: Arsenal Sack Emery

Premier League giants Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery following the club's 2-1 UEFA Europa League defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt.

29 Nov 12:12 Soccer Laduma 3901337370698379162.html
RFU director Nigel Melville to step down in December

The director of professional rugby has been in position since July 2016.

29 Nov 11:15 Sports Mole 7750663362536857261.html
Makin Populer di MotoGP, Fabio Quartararo Tak Mau Berubah

Fabio Quartararo mengakui hidupnya berubah drastis sejak turun di MotoGP. Berkat prestasinya yang gemilang, ia pun makin populer di kalangan fans balap

29 Nov 13:15 Bola.net 5489959029058225516.html
China: 5 Crypto Exchanges Halt or Shut Services Amid Perceived Crackdown

At least five Chinese crypto exchanges have halted or chosen to terminate operations this month in response to a perceived hardening of Beijing’s anti-crypto stance.

29 Nov 14:41 Cointelegraph 3050247239938772811.html
Netizen Minta Elsa Bikin Startup Saja, Kenapa?

'ELSA? DO U WANNA BUILD A STARTUP?' hanya tweet sederhana dari @lustfairy. Namun, ini berhasil menarik 7,3 ribu retweet dan 5,6 ribu like dari netters.

29 Nov 12:42 detikinet 7802439221821877740.html
La guerra delle etichette nutrizionali: batteria contro semaforo. L’Italia in controtendenza rispetto all’Europa

Il governo italiano presenterà all’Ue un modello di etichette nutrizionali a batteria come contropro

29 Nov 14:48 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737332640102656.html
Respek Kepada The Jakmania, Bruno Matos Janji Tak Selebersi Jika Cetak Gol

Bruno Matos tak sabar menunggu laga saat Bhayangkara FC menjamu Persija Jakarta pada pekan ke-30 di Stadion PTIK, Jakarta, Rabu (4/12/2019).

29 Nov 10:05 Tribunnews.com 3323534446867037459.html
Attentato Londra, spari sul London Bridge: la polizia uccide uomo con coltello

Una sparatoria è avvenuta sul London Bridge

29 Nov 14:31 Affari Italiani 6123405401660539629.html
Realme Mau Pisah Dengan Oppo, Benarkah?

Rumor berhembus mengatakan kalau Realme akan bersiap untuk keluar dari bayang-bayang Oppo.

29 Nov 11:27 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214011967717.html
Reports: Arsenal make Premier League manager top target; talks already underway

Unai Emery was relieved of his duties by Arsenal early morning on Friday, November 29. The Spanish football coach had come under immense scrutiny after a poor run, during which the Gunners failed to win seven straight games. The club has now identified a Premier League manager as his replacement. 

29 Nov 13:38 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906271430751.html
Journalisten bei Assange-Besuch überwacht? NDR erstattet Anzeige

NDR-Journalisten sollen laut Sender bei Besuchen von Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange in der ecuadorianischen Botschaft in London ausgespäht worden sein. Dies gehe aus Dokumenten und Videoaufnahmen hervor, die dem NDR vorliegen. Die Anzeige richtet sich gegen ein spanisches Unternehmen.

29 Nov 10:16 MEEDIA 2574484877888906241.html
Goldman Sachs is going through a huge transformation under CEO David Solomon. Here's everything you need to know.

Here's the latest news about Goldman Sachs.

4 Dec 11:39 Business Insider 6060062399647538556.html
Desmiente ministro de Salud de Cuba a golpistas bolivianos

Tamaño letra:

29 Nov 11:14 VICTORIA 8502773549993046545.html
IIT Guwahati Job for Junior Research Fellow

IIT Guwahati Job for Junior Research FellowApplications are invited for a Walk-in-interview for the following post(s) in the project entitled, "Structural

29 Nov 11:25 The Sentinel 448185206304625537.html
Georgian president postpones visit to Ukraine until 2020

The president of Georgia has decided to postpone her visit to Ukraine at the request of the Ukrainian side.

29 Nov 11:40 UNIAN 6863008971344900353.html
Uddhav Thackeray orders stoppage of work for Aarey car shed

Former CM Devendra Fadnavis slams the decision.

29 Nov 11:55 The Hindu 6679535025055680805.html
Fake news on Games in social media bared

SPEAKER Alan Peter Cayetano alleged that a group is trying to sabotage the committee handling the 30th Southeast Asian Games and intends to destroy the reputation of the Duterte administration.

29 Nov 12:21 Journal Online 6375127391947867358.html
Dipinto in sciopero per il clima

RECANATI - Villa Colloredo Mels aderisce a "Museums for future": per un'intera giornata l'opera "Leopardi sul letto di morte" non potrà essere ammirata dal pubblico

29 Nov 12:36 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194795083013.html
Tenta di gettarsi dal ponte della tangenziale ad Asti, 33enne salvato dai carabinieri

Dai primi accertamenti sembra che il tentativo di gesto estremo dell'uomo sia riconducibile una delusione d'amore. Ad allertare i militari dell'arma sono stati alcuni passanti che hanno notato la scena, i militari sono intervenuti giusto in tempo prima che l'uomo si lasciasse cadere nel vuoto da oltre venti metri.

29 Nov 10:49 fanpage.it 1517332168338006006.html
Freddie Ljungberg's reign as Arsenal's interim manager could end in February

Freddie Ljungberg's reign as Arsenal's interim manager could come to an end in the next 12 weeks due to him not currently having Pro Licence certificate.

29 Nov 12:36 Legit 3764253649681225914.html
Sri Lanka name Chandimal in squad for Pakistan Tests

Sri Lanka on Friday selected former skipper Dinesh Chandimal in the squad to play a landmark two-match Test series in Pakistan.

29 Nov 12:52 Sport 682566034926468807.html
Buhari’s third term: APC to expel member calling for Constitutional amendment

APC has promised to expel a ‘self-proclaimed’ party member, Charles Enya who called for a constitutional amendment to enable Nigeria Buhari

29 Nov 13:02 The ICIR 2244788520756373501.html
Lewis Morgan delighted to take his chance with Celtic

The Hoops will finish on top of a group for the first time after 3-1 win over Rennes.

29 Nov 10:22 Sports Mole 7750663361168016921.html
Future of big name Burton store in the balance

It could be saved by another high street name

29 Nov 11:16 Derbyshire Live 9061707931893347249.html
Soll der Kanton die Primarschulen von den Gemeinden übernehmen?

Bildungsdirektorin Monica Gschwind (FDP) prüft, ob die Trägerschaft von den Gemeinden an den Kanton gehen soll.

29 Nov 11:18 SRF 8424707180051651632.html
Panel of experts to pick first WBBL Team of the Tournament

Seven experts have been chosen to select 12 players to make up the first official WBBL Team of the Tournament

29 Nov 12:00 cricket.com.au 1627380551933160228.html
Canadian women's team takes bronze at world championships

TOKYO - Canada has captured bronze in the women's team event at the trampoline gymnastics world championships.Samantha Smith of Vancouver, Sarah Milette of

29 Nov 15:56 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244578695625.html
Airport Berlin Schönefeld stellt Flugverkehr zeitweise komplett ein

Am Flughafen Schönefeld waren Starts und Landungen am Freitag zeitweise unmöglich, wie die Flughafengesellschaft mitteilte, kann der Betrieb nun wieder sicher stattfinden.

29 Nov 12:48 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239603281074.html
Contract Groener met 1 jaar verlengd bij Duitse handbalsters

Henk Groener blijft tot eind 2021 bondscoach van de Duitse handbalsters. Vlak voor de start van het WK in Japan heeft de Duitse bond het contract van de Nederlandse trainer met 1 jaar verlengd. Groener (59) heeft de Duitse vrouwen sinds begin 2018 onder zijn hoede. De oud-international van Oranje werkte daarvoor jarenlang als bondscoach…

29 Nov 10:23 Sportnieuws 3602982464990120329.html
El Arsenal destituye a Unai Emery

El club londinense prescinde del técnico español tras la derrota contra el Eintracht en la Europa League

29 Nov 11:33 La Vanguardia 8061072700002644425.html
Facebook instructed by POFMA Office to publish correction notice on States Times Review's post

SINGAPORE: The office overseeing the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) on Friday (Nov 29) instructed Facebook to ...

29 Nov 11:29 CNA 5644198862929921577.html
Uccide la compagna e si impicca al parco: tragedia nel Bresciano

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:23 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207486808006.html
Cradle Fund CEO murder trial: First responders accused of not following SOP, crime scene compromised

SHAH ALAM, Nov 29 — Lead defence counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah during the murder trial of Cradle Fund chief operating officer Nazrin Hassan today suggested that the first responders had failed to follow protocol which led to the crime scene being compromised. Shafee accused 13th...

29 Nov 10:03 Malaymail 302165935620182956.html
Water master plan to guard against drought in South Africa

SA's water master plan outlines a series of urgent steps to be taken and implemented in order to address systematic and infrastructural challenges.

29 Nov 10:00 ESI-Africa.com 2679729877157522172.html
Martin Keown identifies the 'weak' Arsenal player who contributed to Unai Emery's downfall

Arsenal great Martin Keown has been analysing Unai Emery's departure from the Emirates

29 Nov 15:00 football.london 6804128269077791439.html
Pep Guardiola asked about Mikel Arteta and Arsenal manager's job

The Manchester City manager praised sacked Arsenal boss Unai Emery in his press conference on Friday.

29 Nov 13:54 men 6694993429165212904.html
USR PLUS Alliance leaders meet PM Orban; Barna: We expect Gov't to fulfill political agreement

Leaders of the Save Romania Union ( USR ) and the Liberty, Unity, Solidarity Party ( PLUS ) Alliance Dan Barna and Dacian Ciolos,...

29 Nov 14:09 Stiri pe surse 4858045013044094748.html
Hungarian police find 2 tunnels used by migrants on border

BUDAPEST, Hungary — Hungarian police say they have discovered two tunnels used by migrants to enter the country from Serbia. The Hungarian National Police Headquarters said Friday that one tunnel was discovered in the southern village of Asotthalom, where they also detained 44 migrants caught using the precarious passageway. The other tunnel, in the village …

29 Nov 11:46 City NEWS 1130 5858657120690621569.html
Tory caught staging doorstep chat is odious sexist, says Anna Soubry

Lee Anderson was subject of complaint from MP over Facebook post last summer

29 Nov 15:17 the Guardian 1491978795827624469.html
GDP data: All three engines driving economic growth are stalling

While the concerted decline in economic drivers calls for multi-pronged efforts to arrest it, stimulus measures so far have focussed mainly on an investment revival

29 Nov 15:56 BusinessLine 5283601466222860.html
Detenido en Vigo el tercer tripulante del 'narcosubmarino'

Se trata de un varón y es gallego

29 Nov 10:16 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069477628807622.html
U.K. police clear London Bridge after reports of gunshots

British police say they're dealing with an incident on London Bridge, and witnesses have reported hearing gunshots.

29 Nov 14:31 CTVNews 2422791597302067342.html
Andrea Escalona es humillada por candente perreo de famosas chicas fitness

Andrea Escalona estuvo participando en la secci&oacute;n "Ponte Fit", aunque la sensual invitada Issa Vegas y la "Chica del clima" Yanet Garc&iacute;a, humillaron a la conductora con sus sensuales bailes.

29 Nov 13:25 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624221306594.html
Authorities: ATV driver killed in western Pennsylvania crash

DONEGAL, Pa. (AP) - Authorities say an ATV driver was killed when he was struck by another vehicle in western Pennsylvania.

29 Nov 15:28 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637175207187.html
Equities Slip While Investors Mark Time

The eurozone reported its preliminary estimate for November CPI rose more than expected.Germany surprised by a decline in November unemployment queues, which slimmed by 16k.The euro is stuck near its

29 Nov 12:18 Seeking Alpha 5725634556052619516.html
Gloria y Emilio Estefan sirvieron comida tradicional de Thanksgiving en Miami

Como cada año, Gloria, Emilio y Emily Estefan sirvieron comida típica de Acción de Gracias a los mas necesitados en la ciudad de Miami.

29 Nov 10:06 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535661587127.html
What Unai Emery told Arsenal's players in dressing room after Frankfurt defeat

The Gunners are preparing to sack Emery.

29 Nov 10:00 Metro 970161747291281950.html
Madalena Nunes encerrou semana dedicada às Cidades Educadoras

A vereadora com o pelouro da Educação na Câmara Municipal do Funchal, Madalena Nunes, marcou presença, esta tarde, na conferência intitulada ‘A Cidade...

29 Nov 10:22 dnoticias 6968432067215234740.html
Irak Babakan Abdulmehdi'nin istifa karar Kerkk'te sevinle karland

Irak Babakan Adil Abdulmehdi'nin istifa karar sonras Kerkk'te sevin gsterileri dzenlendi.

29 Nov 15:52 Star 3455060032861083863.html
El Constitucional acepta la personación de Puigdemont y Torra en los recursos contra los acuerdos sobre la independencia en el Parlament

El Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional (TC) ha admitido la personación de dos miembros de JxCat en la Mesa del Parlament de Cataluña y de 32 diputados del mismo partido en dicha cámara, entre ellos el expresidente de la Generalitat Carles Puigdemont y su sucesor Quim Torra, en los incidentes de ejecución presentados por el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez contra los acuerdos en los que insisten en la independencia, en la autodeterminación y en la reprobación al Rey Felipe VI.

29 Nov 15:05 elEconomista.es 9051559959427742945.html
L'economista Federico Della Puppa al Vallauri di Fossano per parlare di sostenibilità e innovazione

Appuntamento giovedì 5 dicembre alle ore 21

29 Nov 10:45 Targatocn.it 7367208848507540381.html
Government extends deadline for mandatory FASTags to December 15

FASTag-enabled payment is currently available at over 450 toll plazas across national and state highways.

29 Nov 14:17 The Economic Times 7653256038394406003.html
Meski Arsenal Kalah, Emery Tetap Beri Pujian ke Granit Xhaka

Arsenal menelan kekalahan saat bertemu Eintrach Frankfurt dalam laga fase grup Liga Europa, Jumat (29/11/2019). Namun itu tak menghalangi sang pelatih, Unai Emery, untuk memberi pujian kepada pemainnya

29 Nov 10:56 Bola.net 5489959028949748327.html
Three-year-old Kayden McGuinness 'killed in complete breach of trust'

A three-year-old boy with suspected autism suffered fatal head injuries in a complete breach of trust by his killer, a lawyer told a court.

29 Nov 14:21 The Irish News 993066239629626.html
Gladbach genießt den Platz an den Tabellenspitzen

Erster in Deutschland, jetzt auch Erster in Europa: Als Marco Rose nach der Rückkehr aus Graz die nackten Zahlen betrachtete, gönnte sich der Trainer von Borussia Mönchengladbach ein kleines Lächeln.

29 Nov 14:39 weltfussball.at 3521376372737466467.html
5 Kebiasaan di Kamar Mandi Ini Bisa Bikin Sakit

Secara tidak sadar tanpa disengaja beberapa kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan di kamar mandi rupanya dapat menyebarkan kuman yang punya dampak buruk untuk kesehatan.

29 Nov 11:00 liputan6.com 3414318497617949368.html
Suspect broke into 11 Mississauga homes while residents slept: police

A 28-year-old man has been arrested after allegedly breaking into nearly a dozen Mississauga homes while residents slept earlier this week.

29 Nov 11:00 CP24 1887544296347868290.html
Book about experiences of people in direct provision centres to be launched in Co. Tipperary town this weekend

The Carrick-on-Suir launch of Correspondences an anthology of writing about the experiences of people who have lived in direct provision centres for asylum seekers and refugees in Ireland, takes ...

29 Nov 12:00 TipperaryLive 1097599579031205758.html
Aflat intr-o vizita surpriza in Afganistan, Trump a anuntat reluarea negocierilor cu talibanii

Presedintele american Donald Trump a anuntat joi, in cadrul unei vizite surpriza in Afganistan, ca negocierile cu talibanii, intrerupte in septembrie, au fost reluate.

29 Nov 11:43 Ziare.com 1922730286259247676.html
Rajat Sharma's resignation as DDCA head accepted, CEO also makes exit

Sharma was appointed as DDCA President in July 2018, beating World Cup winning former India cricketer Madal Lal to the post

29 Nov 11:40 Business-Standard 1502508925530643415.html
Godse remarks: Congress MLA from MP threatens to burn alive Pragya Thakur, apologises later

Govardhan Dangi later claimed that he meant the people of Rajgarh district will boycott her.

29 Nov 12:21 Scroll.in 8669301692320955260.html
Woman walks again after surgery to stop weak neck being crushed by skull

Erin Meegan, 34, was bedridden for more than 20 hours a day in constant pain - now she's recovering from rare surgery funded by £70,000 fundraiser

29 Nov 10:59 mirror 675785260138074108.html
Climate change protesters bring Upper Parliament Street to a standstill in 'march for justice'

Demands were being made to end the use of and investment in burning fossil fuels

29 Nov 13:48 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701939907637.html
Ponte di Piave, vietato bere alcool nelle zone sensibili del paese

PONTE DI PIAVE - Il Sindaco Paola Roma ha firmato l’ordinanza contingibile ed urgente che vieta il temporaneo consumo di bevande alcoliche e di bivacco nelle aree sensibili del capoluogo come, il piazzale della Stazione Ferroviaria, l’area degli impianti sportivi e nei pressi dell’Istituto Comprensivo.

29 Nov 15:10 Oggi Treviso 2529403853748929867.html
Northampton boss Keith Curle ready for Notts County's 'formidable duo'

Two clubs go head to head in the FA Cup this weekend

29 Nov 15:00 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701308151445.html
'Dysfunctional' Zimbabwe on brink of man-made starvation

About 5.5 million people in rural areas face food insecurity. In urban areas, about 2.2 million people lack access to basic public services, including health and safe water, according to figures by U.

29 Nov 10:30 Africanews 6630243978956475714.html
Should You Drink Full-Cream Milk?

The Heart Foundation now recommends full-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt or reduced-fat options as part of its updated dietary advice for 2020. This moves away from earlier advice that recommended only reduced-fat dairy when it comes to heart health. So, what’s behind the latest change? And what does this mean for...

29 Nov 12:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168854300375.html
Sad pictures show seal pup found entangled in fishing net at Portally Cove, Co Waterford

The sea animal was rushed to Seal Rescue Ireland to receive medical attention

29 Nov 12:31 Irish Mirror 2875825629337873045.html
Bengal sees big crowds for Aadhaar updations

To manage the crowds, UIDAI has decided to introduce online appointments in about 45 post offices across State

29 Nov 10:36 The Hindu 6679535024949719051.html
UK police: Bridge attacker had been jailed for terror crimes

A man imprisoned six years for terrorism offenses before his release last year stabbed several people in London on Friday, two fatally, before being tackled by members of the public and then fatally shot by officers on London Bridge.

29 Nov 13:34 WVLT 4089046911937597891.html
Probabili formazioni, quattordicesima giornata di Serie A: come scenderanno in campo le squadre?

Quattordicesima giornata di Serie A. Si comincia sabato con tre anticipi: l’Atalanta di scena a Brescia alle 15; a seguire Genoa-Torino e Fiorentina-Lecce.

29 Nov 14:00 NewNotizie 1312053897005706276.html
Empresarios asiáticos buscan triplicar las exportaciones para crecer

El Grupo Bloque Asiático presentó a su nuevo coordinador y planteó que hay que "dejar trabajar cuatro años" al Gobierno de Alberto Fernández

29 Nov 11:38 BAE Negocios 6030502149841403076.html
Low subscriber numbers and debt kill Cell C Black

Disappointing subscriber numbers and a poorly executed strategy led to the closure of Cell C’s streaming service, Black.

29 Nov 11:03 ITWeb 642894140304043645.html
Trump thanks troops in Afghanistan, says Taliban want a deal

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan (AP) - President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and the Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks and said he believes the Taliban want a cease-fire.

29 Nov 15:19 WFXT 6395891954153903458.html
Los tiempos se acortan para Cruces

Las noticias más relevantes de Jalisco, México, Deportes, Entretenimiento & Tecnología

29 Nov 12:57 El Informador 103545928412115246.html
Eshwarappa calls Siddaramaiah 'mad' for eyeing CM post

He also challenged Siddaramaiah to step down as leader of the opposition in Assembly if BJP wins at least eight seats in the byelections.

29 Nov 12:24 Deccan Herald 2027555796070001160.html
Die Kino-Tipps im Dezember

Das große Finale der Sternenkriege, singende Katzen, räuberische Diktatoren, ein Wrestler mit Downsyndrom und das gefährlichste Spiel der Welt - das alles bi...

29 Nov 13:22 VIP.de 2239798193991075584.html
Cuba y UE rechazan extraterritorialidad de leyes coercitivas de EE.UU

Cuba y UE rechazan extraterritorialidad de leyes coercitivas de EE.UU

29 Nov 12:00 cubasi.cu 5416914686176960706.html
U.K. prime minister skips climate debate so TV station replaces him with block ice

The broadcaster's head of news and current affairs, Dorothy Byrne, described the prime minister as "a known liar" in a major industry speech in August.

29 Nov 13:11 euronews 7318238121336998952.html
Why there'll be no morning-after regrets when Sydney eases lockout laws

Sydney in 2019 is a very different place from Sydney in 2014.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730561395412268.html
APC Crisis: Edo APC dissociates self from South South caucus meeting

Edo APC has dissociated itself from the proposed meeting of the South-South caucus of the party in Abuja, saying that it was called without due consultation

29 Nov 14:56 Vanguard News 4125100340528892471.html
PFANDBRIEFBANK IM FOKUS: Börsen-Höhenflug trotz vorsichtigem Ausblick

Bei der Deutschen Pfandbriefbank (PBB) lief es zuletzt rund - wegen der vielen wirtschaftlichen Risiken rechnet der Finanzierer von gewerblichen Immobilien aber mit schwereren Zeiten. Die Sorge vor einer Konjunkturflaute und daraus folgenden steigenden Kreditausfällen treibt den Vorstand um. An der Börse ist von der Vorsicht bisher noch nichts zu ...

29 Nov 10:39 Börse Express 3714356347490698479.html
Vliegveld Berlijn weer open na vondst bom WOII

Het vluchtverkeer van en naar Berlijn-Schönefeld is hervat nadat het een tijd stil had gelegen vanwege de vondst van een bom uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het explosief werd gevonden bij bouwwerkzaamheden voor een nieuwe taxibaan.

29 Nov 13:17 RD.nl 6406779841682008677.html
President Cyril Ramaphosa signs Khoi-San act into law | IOL News

President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act into law, his office confirmed.

29 Nov 13:23 www.iol.co.za 17825111414381198.html
Iran Arrests Eight as it Blames CIA Conspiracy for Recent Riots

Iran security forces made eight arrests Thursday of people it accuses of having direct links to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

29 Nov 10:33 Breitbart 3148363492100056530.html
Eurozona, un piano coordinato per la crescita

  L’Eurozona vuole gettare basi più solide per la crescita futura, e intende farlo grazie a un nuovo pacchetto coordinato di stimoli monetari e...

29 Nov 15:30 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336744305929125.html
Bekende tekenkunstenaar van die Laeveld sterf

Die bekende Laeveldse tekenkunstenaar en vader van Louis die Laeveld leeu, Wim Bosman is gister dood.

29 Nov 11:26 Lowvelder 3143322320511996037.html
Black Friday. Estadounidenses madrugan para las ofertas

Muchos consumidores madrugaron en EU y viajaron a otros estados para lograr ser los primeros en los centros comerciales

29 Nov 13:13 viveUSA 1300580453411744129.html
MLAs of Opposition Congress in Assam staged protest at Assembly wearing garlands of onions

the MLAs of the Opposition Congress in Assam turned up at the Assembly wearing garlands of onions on the second day of Winter Assembly Session

29 Nov 12:59 The Sentinel 448185206177213053.html
Austin MacPhee expects Ann Budge to take time over new manager

The caretaker boss expects to take the team for a fourth game.

29 Nov 15:08 Sports Mole 7750663362650355443.html
Oskar Svensson till sprintfinal i Ruka

Oskar Svensson är som ende svensk vidare till sprintfinal i världscuppremiären i Ruka. Den 24-årige skidåkaren avancerade från semifinalen på tid. Lika bra gick det inte för öriga tre svenskar som hade tagit sig till semifinal. Calle Halfvarsson, Johan

29 Nov 13:56 Sydsvenskan 2976531143693109134.html
Wohnungsbauprämien für Bausparer steigen, Einkommensgrenzen werden hoch gesetzt

Mit einem neuen Gesetz werden die staatlichen Zuschüsse für Bausparer erhöht. Sie dürfen künftig auch für Käufe in der EU eingesetzt werden.

29 Nov 15:31 Handelsblatt 4721373938593890576.html
Bigg Boss 13: Shehnaaz Gill Accuses Hindustani Bhau Of Touching Her Inappropriately; Rashami Desai Comes To Rescue

Bigg Boss 13 might have started on a low note with the makers continuously reminding contestants that they haven’t come on a vacation, but the graph is now topic charts with massive TRPs. Housemates

29 Nov 11:34 Koimoi 5184275669561203811.html
Next Arsenal manager odds: Freddie Ljungberg favourite after Unai Emery sacking

The Spaniard was relieved of his duties on Friday following a dismal run of seven games without a win, with a number of high-profile candidates now linked with the role

29 Nov 10:31 mirror 675785260523635471.html
Seit einem Monat ohne Sieg: FC Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Emery

Der FC Arsenal hat sich von seinem Trainer Unai Emery getrennt. Das gab der Club der deutschen Ex-Nationalspieler Mesut Özil und Skhodran Mustafi am Freitag bekannt. Die Londoner reagierten damit auf

29 Nov 10:21 GMX News 4492287762641593776.html
Prime minister makes cut-throat gesture in middle of LBC interview

Viewers wondered if he'd forgotten he was on camera.

29 Nov 11:32 Metro 970161747421226975.html
Chris Wilder hails work Nuno Espirito Santo has done at Wolves

Wolves host the Blades on Sunday.

29 Nov 13:34 Sports Mole 7750663361248471870.html
Father jailed for murdering six-week-old son

A father who murdered his six-week-old son has been jailed for life. Lee Vernon inflicted fatal head injuries on baby McKenzie Ellis in Broadstairs, Kent, and was sentenced to life in prison on Friday, Kent Police said. Vernon, 21 and of no fixed address, was found guilty of murder and two counts of grievous bodily harm following a trial at Maidstone Crown Court in October 2019. He was sentenced at the same court on Friday and will serve a minimum term of 16 years. Baby McKenzie died at a London hospital in July last year.

29 Nov 12:52 ITV News 2184971256901544397.html
Sollte man nach einer Trennung noch Kontakt haben?

Eine Trennung ist nie einfach. Nachdem die Partnerschaft beendet wurde, ist es schwierig seinen Verflossenen komplett zu vergessen.

29 Nov 15:38 miss 1375730020425608146.html
Woman guilty of manslaughter in death of toddler found outside Edmonton church

A woman accused in the death of a toddler found outside an Edmonton church has been convicted of manslaughter.

29 Nov 11:46 Edmonton 2483052956530562702.html
PHOTOS: Storms pound the Valley, state

Storms moved through the state on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, bringing snow, rain, winds and damage.

29 Nov 14:40 ABC15 Arizona 911680909652628416.html
Daily Mail owner buys i as UK regional market consolidates

DMGT to pay £50m for national daily that belongs to indebted JPI Media

29 Nov 12:08 Financial Times 707176889404036443.html
Epic Games Store: Rayman Legends aktuell kostenlos zu bekommen

Eine Woche ist schon wieder vorbei und Epic macht sich auf, das nächste kostenlosen Spiel im Epic Games Store an alle Nutzer mit ...

29 Nov 14:00 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574766349156.html
Our fear of China is not loathing

Australia's leaders are right to keep their cool on China, but they must respond to the regime's intrusions into our democratic and other institutions.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730563179659028.html
Advocaat: 'Job Gosschalk overweegt oude werk op te pakken'

Job Gosschalk (52) overweegt "zijn oude werk weer op te pakken". Zijn advocaat Gerard Spong heeft een verklaring daarover in het AD bevestigd. Het Openbaar Ministerie besloot vrijdag de voormalige castingdirector, producent en regisseur niet te vervolgen voor mogelijke zedendelicten. De zaak is geseponeerd nadat de enige beschuldiging werd ingetrokken na een bemiddelingstraject.

29 Nov 12:32 RTL Boulevard 1500115272224123652.html
Railways saw least number of accidents in last two and half years: Goyal

"The last 2.5 years have been the safest in the history of Indian Railways. There have been least number of accidents in the last 2.5 years", the minister said

29 Nov 10:05 Business-Standard 1502508924911977213.html
Zazzaroni: "L'Udinese deve girare a venti punti. La squadra ha notevoli margini di miglioramento"

Ivan Zazzaroni, giornalista sportivo e direttore del Corriere dello Sport, ha commentato il momento dell'Udinese: "I bianconeri devono girare a venti punti. Dove farli? Direi che il Friuli può diventare il fortino raccogli-punti, anche per richiamare il pubblico allo stadio" spiega ai microfoni dei colleghi del Messaggero Veneto - "La squadra ha notevoli margini di miglioramento e la sua forza è il centrocampo. Davanti e dietro ha soluzioni ma non rende ancora per quanto vale".

29 Nov 12:10 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668192785241039.html
Dl Fisco, cambia l'otto per mille: sostegno all'edilizia scolastica

Intesa sulla stretta per gli appalti, la soglia oltre la quale scatta l'obbligo di versare le ritenute da parte del committente scatta oltre 200 mila euro. Bonus bici in Manovra

29 Nov 12:10 Repubblica.it 8208867271128174626.html
Indagati estremisti di destra, pronti a partito nazista. Ai vertici una donna: 'Sergente di Hitler'

Ai vertici del gruppo una donna, una 50enne incensurata che si faceva chiamare 'Sergente di Hitler'. L'attività di reclutamento, sui social. Perquisizioni in tutta Italia. 'Abbiamo armi ed esplosivi' (ANSA)

29 Nov 14:01 ANSA.it 1300837447626934865.html
Cinco mitos sobre clareamento odontológico

Procedimento necessita da orientação e supervisão de um cirurgião-dentista

29 Nov 15:24 Folha Vitória 4941883428289496219.html
Who could replace Unai Emery as Arsenal manager?

Massimiliano Allegri, Mikel Arteta and Patrick Vieira are among the names in contention.

29 Nov 10:36 Shropshire Star 3480199993016080335.html
Liverpool announce plans to increase Anfield capacity - and will look into hosting GAA matches there

The Reds have outlined their intent to increase the ground’s capacity to over 61,000 with the expansion of the Anfield Road Stand.

29 Nov 11:26 The42 5369852631147742416.html
Number of children requiring treatment for cannabis misuse failed to improve in the last 3 years

Public Health England has today revealed that a staggering 12,702 young people entered treatment last year because of problems with cannabis.

29 Nov 12:50 News-Medical.net 4522523031059381532.html
Manifesti anti-immigrati con il volto di Laura Boldrini a Vittorio Veneto

VITTORIO VENETO - "Gli immigrati ci offrono uno stile di vita che presto sarà molto diffuso tra tutti noi", è scritto ancora sui manifesti, che riportano un simbolo con la scritta 'Ministero della verità'.

29 Nov 15:29 Oggi Treviso 2529403852781970880.html
La Audiencia rechaza paralizar los plazos a las acusaciones para recurrir la sentencia del caso Sala

La magistrada asegura que la petición de la Fiscalía no ha lugar porque los tiempos son improrrogables

29 Nov 13:58 Diarioinformacion 8979296175173894490.html
Bongkar Kasus Eksploitasi Anak, 21 Penyidik Siber Polri Raih Penghargaan Menteri PPPA

Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Indonesia, I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawanti memberikan penghargaan terhadap Kapolri Jenderal Idham Azis. Penghargaan juga diberikan kepada 21 penyidik Siber.

29 Nov 12:28 merdeka.com 1998180355013219341.html
Municipales y Vicefiscalía investigan 13 asaltos a empleados de farmacias en Los Mochis

Han logrado obtener indicios firmes para esclarecer los hechos reportados y presentarlos como expediente en el sistema de justicia oral

29 Nov 15:51 EL DEBATE 4396150894489374243.html
Raskrinkano hrvatsko špijunsko leglo u Srbiji

Bezbjednosno-informativna agencija podnijela je krivičnu prijavu Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Sremskoj Mitrovici protiv N. K. i D. L. zbog postojanja osnovane sumnje da su izvršili krivično djelo špijunaže.

29 Nov 14:54 Nezavisne novine 4209150641113537469.html
What happens when the centre can no longer hold?

WHEN Somalia was a lawless gangland with no central government, many Africans often wondered how it must have felt to live in a failed state controlled by marau...

29 Nov 10:09 Bulawayo24 News 5565663538849149089.html
Jamie Carragher calls for Everton to get to grips with their position

Jamie Carrahger believes that Everton need a major wake-up call about the position they find themselves in and feels it’s impossible for them to attract the elite managers in the business. Current Toffees boss Marco Silva is under-fire right now, as his team sit 16th in the Premier League table after 13 games. The Merseyside […]Jamie Carragher has made a dig at Everton supporters and feels they need a wake-up call.

29 Nov 12:45 The Boot Room 5717202226378716476.html
Dortmund is het zat en wil sterspeler verkopen

Jadon Sancho heeft zich met zijn gedrag niet populair gemaakt bij Borussia Dortmund, en staat daarom op de nominatie om verkocht te worden. De technische buitenspeler stond afgelopen woensdag niet in de basis in het Champions League duel tegen FC Barcelona, omdat hij lak had aan de regels bij Dortmund. Volgens Duitse media zoals Bild…

29 Nov 10:11 Sportnieuws 3602982463398605538.html
6 Gaya Nyeleneh Kuciran Rambut Anak-Anak Ini Bikin Ngelus Dada

Bukan kepang ataupun kuncir kuda, gaya kucir rambut anak-anak ini justru nyeleneh banget.

29 Nov 10:45 liputan6.com 5422146881666862155.html
EON SE Outperform

Die Experten der RBC Capital Markets bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von EON mit Outperform

29 Nov 12:45 finanzen.at 7258357742709451210.html
Real Madrid Pertimbangkan Beli N'Golo Kante Seharga Rp1,4 Triliun

Real Madrid belum kehilangan minat untuk bisa mendapatkan jasa NGolo Kante dari Chelsea. Bahkan, dikutip dari sejumlah media, Madrid disebut mempertimbangkan transfer senilai Rp1,4 triliun untuk mendapatkannya

29 Nov 15:00 Bola.net 5489959028184332193.html
Carta Bancomat schedata, prelievi cash ATM e pagamenti tracciati

Pagare con carta Bancomat, la tracciabilità vale 1 bonus. Detrazioni fiscali solo con moneta elettronica, la stretta antievasione del Governo Conte 2.

29 Nov 10:30 Trend Online 3268043279529274541.html
Gli abitanti di Gaza in fila per ritirare gli aiuti dal Qatar

Le immagini degli abitanti della striscia di Gaza in fila per ritirare la nuova rata degli aiuti economici stanziati dal Qatar per la popolazione palestinese. Doha aveva promesso finanziamenti per 480 milioni di dollari lo scorso maggio, dopo i raid israeliani che avevano ucciso venticinque persone nella Striscia. La maggior parte degli aiuti non è composta da versamenti diretti ma da fondi per sostenere la sanità, l'educazione e la fornitura di elettricità nell'area. 

29 Nov 12:47 Agi 2115274223965747485.html
Nanghalay na, nagnakaw pa

GINAHASA muna ng nag-iisang kawatan ang dalagang estudyante sa loob ng pinasok na bahay bago tumakas, tangay ang mahigit P2 milyong halaga ng alahas, salapi at gadgets ng pamilya kamakalawa ng madaling araw sa Parañaque City.

29 Nov 12:37 Journal Online 6375127392420024886.html
Reggio Emilia, nuovo allarme bomba in tribunale

Alle 11 il palazzo di giustizia è stato fatto evacuare, dopo un'ora l'emergenza è rientrata. Il precedente lo scorso 20 novembre

29 Nov 10:46 il Resto del Carlino 7209657603579047289.html
Black Friday sees fewer shoppers in US stores as spending moves online

TRIPOLI: Libya’s National Oil Company said Thursday production had resumed at a key field in the southwest a day after it was interrupted by fighting there. “Following the cessation of military activity at the (Al-Feel) oilfield, production has resumed,” the NOC said in a statement on its website. Forces backing eastern-based strongman Khalifa Haftar, who seized Al-Feel

29 Nov 10:38 Arab News 8912634263123154343.html
No question of closing down Integral Coach Factory, says Piyush Goyal

Minister hails the organisation for the Vande Bharat Express, India's first indigenously made semi-high-speed train

29 Nov 14:37 Business-Standard 1502508926014675471.html
Yvonne Nelson sends an interesting birthday message to John Mahama as he clocks 61

Ghanaian actress and movie producer, Yvonne Nelson has sent an interesting birthday message to Ghana’s ex-president, John Dramani Mahama as he celebrates his 61st birthday today. It seems her message has come as a shock to Ghanaians as she has for long been a critic of the former head of state. According to Yvonne who […]

29 Nov 14:45 GhBase.com 8689748846404459220.html
Estos fueron los estudiantes vallecaucanos que más se destacaron en el ICFES

El ICFES dio a conocer a la Secretaría de Educación Departamental el reporte de resultados en el que se destacan los mejores estudiantes vallecaucanos.

29 Nov 10:18 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826583197358.html
Erbacher Blutrache Prozess: Lebenslange Haft gegen Mörder ist rechtskräftig

Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt die lebenslange Haft gegen den Mörder von Xhoi M.. Er wurde bei Erbach erschlagen.

29 Nov 13:56 swp.de 6929179440717340547.html
Florida diver loses arm after collision with boat, authorities say

A diver lost an arm Thursday when a boat severed the limb near Palm Beach, Florida. The arm was retrieved by a U.S. Coast Guard crew, authorities said.

29 Nov 13:10 WFXT 6395891953765111893.html
Unai Emery sacked: Arsenal legend Charlie Nicholas backs Brendan Rodgers for Gunners job

Arsenal legend Charlie Nicholas has revealed that Brendan Rodgers is his top pick to replace Unai Emery as manager of the Gunners.

29 Nov 11:55 Sporting Life 7709795077175992792.html
Sebi imposes Rs 2 lakh fine on Unitech for violating Listing Agreement

It was alleged that Unitech made incorrect disclosure about shareholding of some promoters in the quarter ended September 2008 and December 2008.

29 Nov 11:54 The Indian Express 2885715103934200678.html
En jueces federales hay cero tolerancia a violencia contra mujeres

El juez que liberó al hombre acusado de intento de feminicidio contra su ex esposa Abril no pertenece al Poder Judicial de la Federación (PJF)

29 Nov 15:45 EL DEBATE 4396150894401544576.html
Unai Emery sacked - LIVE updates as Arsenal dismiss manager following Eintracht Frankfurt loss

Arsenal have sacked Unai Emery after the home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in the Europa League. The Gunners decided that the change had to be made "due to results and performances not being at the

29 Nov 10:25 The Independent 2511519170518615121.html
Bestätigt: Everton verlängert mit Richarlison

Der FC Everton bindet einen wichtigen Spieler. Wie Sportdirektor Marcel Brands in einem Interview mit den vereinseigenen Medien verkündet, verlängert Richarlison seinen Vertrag bei den Toffees bis (...)

29 Nov 13:24 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783971226903.html
Conoce las razones por las que las mujeres fingimos orgasmos

Estudios han demostrado que las mujeres alguna vez en nuestra vida hemos fingido un orgasmo, pero ahora te contamos cuáles son las razones más comunes de por qué lo hacemos.

29 Nov 12:19 Wapa.pe 6757287088745092232.html
Iraqi families mourn their dead after protests' 'bloodiest day'

Baghdad, Iraq - Hundreds of people in southern Iraqi cities of Nasiriya and Najaf have taken to the streets to bury their dead and demand justice a day after at least 52 protesters were shot dead by security forces in the country's south in what was described as the "bloodiest day" in the weeks-long anti-government demonstrations.

29 Nov 12:56 Aljazeera 6642629762874830785.html
Madonna: Tourabsage wegen Krankheit

Madonna ist mit ihrer „Madame X“-Tour unterwegs und liefert Top-Shows. Die Popsängerin hat jetzt schlechte Nachrichten: Sie ist krank und muss Konzerte absagen.

29 Nov 15:01 Promipool 1765956130112816106.html
Japans warenhuis onder vuur om ‘menstruatie-buttons’ op vrouwenafdeling

Om de schaamte rondom menstruatie te verminderen kwam het Japanse warenhuis Daimaru Umeda in Osaka met het idee om medewerksters van een speciale vrouwenafdeling een button te laten dragen als ze o...

29 Nov 11:41 HLN 8967494997147318533.html
Drivers facing nine-mile diversion for days due to road closure

Delays on the way for users of this route

29 Nov 13:05 Derbyshire Live 9061707932307252120.html
Adriana Cotel, controversata apropiata a lui Darius Valcov, a fost demisa de la conducerea Spitalului Fundeni

Adriana Cotel, controversata apropiata a lui Darius Valcov numita de Sorina Pintea manager interimar la Institutul Clinic Fundeni in ultima sa zi de mandat ca ministru al Sanatatii, a fost demisa de la conducerea celui mai mare spital oncologic din Romania de noul ministru al Sanatatii, Victor Costache, scrie Hotnews.ro.

29 Nov 13:57 Wall-Street 2473040520520487319.html
Manhunt under way for driver who fled scene after smashing into a lamppost in Walker

Police are investigating a crash on Friday morning in Walker Road where the occupants abandoned the car

29 Nov 13:50 ChronicleLive 1984146900950659318.html
London Bridge Terror: Police Shoot Knifeman, Two Killed

Dozens of police response vehicles swarmed onto London Bridge Friday afternoon, amid reports of shots having been fired in the vicinity. 

29 Nov 14:46 Breitbart 3148363492688975540.html
Yuk Tonton Live Streaming Dear Netizen: Bisakah Indonesia Ulang Kejayaan di SEA Games Filipina?

Genderang SEA Games 2019 sudah ditabuh. Sejak terakhir menjadi juara umum pada 2011 silam, prestasi Indonesia di SEA Games berakhir mengecewakan

29 Nov 12:37 Bola.net 5489959027498577442.html
Das hat sich in den letzten Monaten in Zeitz alles verändert

Wird in der Stadt oder den Ortsteilen eine Straße wegen Baumaßnahmen gesperrt, dann fällt es vielen Zeitzern auf. Doch so manche Baumaßnahme lief in der letzten Zeit - oder läuft - weniger sichtbar für die Öffentlichkeit. In seinen Berichten an den Stadtrat informiert Oberbürgermeister Christian Thieme (CDU) immer wieder über die aktuellen Vorhaben, laufende Maßnahmen oder abgeschlossene Arbeiten in der gesamten Stadt. Eine Auswahl von dem, was in der Kernstadt und den Ortschaften getan wurde und wird, hat die MZ hier ...

29 Nov 15:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110573622822.html
V Evropi procesorji AMD bolj priljubljeni od Intelovih!

Podjetje AMD je nedavno ponudil v prodajo nove procesorje Ryzen družine 3000, ki temeljijo na osnovi zgradbe Zen 2 in so izdelani s pomočjo 7-nanometrske tehnologije.

29 Nov 12:23 Računalniške novice 5784844855778255443.html
Russell, weekend a rischio

Il pilota britannico di scuola Mercedes potrebbe decidere di non completare l'ultimo Gran Premio dell'anno per via di alcuni problemi fisici. La Williams cerca un sostituto last minute

29 Nov 11:15 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655517432966.html
Rihanna Lifts Up Her Leg While Wearing Sexy Lingerie For Savage x Fenty Thanksgiving Pic

Rihanna looked sexy when she lifted her leg in lingerie in a sexy new Savage x Fenty pic!

29 Nov 14:53 Hollywood Life 1852895045949286232.html
Anzio, affidata la nuova gestione della piscina comunale: previsti interventi straordinari per circa 2 milioni e mezzo di euro

Nei prossimi due anni, con il nuovo affidamento in concessione della piscina comunale di Anzio, perfezionato nella giornata di ieri dall’Ufficio Patrimonio del Comune, sul prestigioso impianto natatorio neroniano saranno investiti circa 2 milioni e mezzo di euro. Ad aggiudicarsi l’affidamento in concessione venticinquennale della piscina comunale, che prevede un canone annuo pari a 18.013,35 […]

29 Nov 11:57 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337729163629.html
Tusk entrega las riendas del Consejo Europeo a Charles Michel

El polaco Donald Tusk finaliza su mandato como presidente del Consejo Europeo y el belga Charles Michel ocupará su puesto.

29 Nov 15:32 euronews 2767628995490718294.html
Dipendenza dai tassi Btp mette nei guai le banche italiane, rapporto shock di Oliver Wyman: modelli business vanno stravolti

Le banche italiane rischiano di pagare a caro prezzo il forte recupero dei Btp nel corso dell’ultimo anno. I tassi ai minimi hanno compresso i ritorni sui titoli di debito …

29 Nov 10:34 FinanzaOnline 6528634128551108036.html
SSS withdraws access tags from Osinbajo's 'sacked' aides

The State Security Service (SSS) has withdrawn access tags from about 35 aides of Vice President Yemi Osinbajo who were affected by the controversial dismissal earlier this month, PREMIUM TIMES has learnt.

29 Nov 14:45 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299677947566.html
Dajmler ukida hiljade radnih mesta u naredne tri godine

Nemački proizvođač automobila "Dajmler" saopštio je da planira da ukine hiljade radnih mesta do kraja 2022. godine....

29 Nov 14:35 N1 Srbija 7797130867186026774.html
7 Ide Dekor Rumah Minimalis, Efisien Tapi Mewah

Ide dekorasi rumah minimalis yang bikin rumah terlihat luas dan nyaman.

29 Nov 13:04 moms-life 8028540701125980730.html
Atrasa: una escuela religiosa de San Juan puso un cartel con prohibiciones sexistas

En las redes, se viralizó una imagen que asegura que en el Colegio Don Bosco impiden el ingreso de personas vestidas con escote y minifalda con el fin de "evitar la atracción indebida".

29 Nov 13:42 Diario Registrado 7686014737137626317.html
Natwest, RBS Facing Black Friday IT Wobbles as Services Go Down

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Natwest are both facing IT issues this morning with thousands of customers unable to access accounts. With RBS down...

29 Nov 10:25 Computer Business Review 8072376451705136368.html
Begini Tips dari Dokter Hewan untuk Bedakan Daging Ayam Segar dan Tiren

Produk hewani seperti daging ayam bisa jadi media penularan penyakit terutama ketika dalam kondisi tak baik. Hal ini rentan terjadi ketika mengonsumsi daging ayam tiren.

29 Nov 14:00 merdeka.com 1998180354671375652.html
Empleados de Amazon decretan paro en medio del Black Friday

Trabajadores alemanes quieren enviar el mensaje de que su labor no se puede comprar con el tipo de descuentos extremos que ofrece el minorista.

29 Nov 10:51 Primera Hora 5092966653598812438.html
Healthy coral sounds lure fish back to abandoned reefs, study finds

With global heating damaging corals worldwide, experts find potential tool in ‘acoustic enrichment’ to recolonise reefs

29 Nov 10:00 the Guardian 1491978795993960817.html
Sondland Won’t Resign After Three Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland will not resign after three women came forward with detailed accounts of his sexual...

29 Nov 15:50 Talking Points Memo 4598529366193389238.html
Travel: The many charms of Rincon de Guayabitos

Toss a handful of sand in Rincon de Guayabitos, Mexico at any time between November and March and it may well hit someone from Saskatchewan.

29 Nov 12:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104418528453379.html
Drone project aims to put floating Lagos slum on map

Code for Africa, a South Africa based NGO wants to put Makoko, a floating slum in Lagos, Nigeria on the map using drones.

29 Nov 11:59 Deccan Herald 2027555796539767138.html
Österreicher kaufen Migros Interio ab

Die XXXLutz-Gruppe schlägt wieder zu: Nach Möbel Pfister übernimmt der Möbelgigant sechs Filialen von Interio – und wandelt sie um.

29 Nov 14:30 Berner Zeitung 1248949325143054315.html
Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades

Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager Friday after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, their worst run since 1992.

29 Nov 10:58 Pulse Live 3606876836208889451.html
Father charged with child abuse, domestic assault after infant thrown on floor, mother punched

A Memphis father has been charged after a mother said he threw their 1-year-old child on the ground after an argument.

29 Nov 12:34 WFXT 6395891953220042475.html
7 Editan Foto Mimi Peri Bareng Seleb Ternama Ini Bikin Ketawa Geli

Tidak hanya gaun dan gayanya doang yang nyeleneh, namun mimi peri juga kerap kali mengunggah editan foto dengan selebritis dunia.

29 Nov 10:25 liputan6.com 5422146881775739420.html
Police continue to search River Trent for man missing for more than three weeks

'Michal's family is distraught and really worried about him'

29 Nov 15:01 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702157112778.html
Pioggia di euro sulle ferrovie Roma-Lido e Roma-Civita Castellana-Viterbo

Dalla Regione Lazio quasi 800 milioni di euro per le due disastrate linee ferroviarie, Roma-Lido di Ostia e Roma-Civita Castellana-Viterbo

29 Nov 12:08 Il Tempo 2494990960856282062.html
Janhvi Kapoor Chills With Sister Khushi Kapoor In New York

Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are one of the most stylish sister-duos of Bollywood. Their fashion game is always on point. But along with their fashion, another thing that is always on point when it comes to them is their unwavering love for each other. Janhvi is juggling between big projects currently, and despite that, the actress has taken out time to go see her sister in New York and take a break from her schedule. Janhvi put up a few pictures from her time there on social media and it looks nothing short of fun. While in one picture Janhvi clicked a picture of Khushi, the other one has Janhvi binging on fries. Well if you haven’t seen the pictures yet, take a look…

29 Nov 11:09 Filmfare.com 6668806038237644100.html
Oud-leider Zuid-Afrika moet voor rechter komen

De oud-president van Zuid-Afrika Jacob Zuma moet voor de rechter verschijnen vanwege vermeende corruptie. Dat oordeelde een rechter in Pietermaritzburg vrijdag. Zuma probeerde het proces tegen hem te voorkomen door naar de hoogste rechter te stappen, maar dat verzoek werd afgewezen. De 77-jarige Zuma wordt verdacht van fraude en witwassen.

29 Nov 10:19 RD.nl 6406779841687780169.html
Police officer receives Starbucks coffee cup with 'PIG' printed on label

A quick trip to get coffee has left a police officer with a bad taste in his mouth.

29 Nov 14:36 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010440368059726.html
Aufgewärmt schmeckt in diesem Fall besser

Die Berliner Band spielte in der Essigfabrik Rock im Stil der sechsziger und siebziger Jahre.

29 Nov 13:45 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568801091817.html
Leave Mmebusem alone -Mzbel hits hard at critics

Popular Ghanaian musician, Belinda Mama Ekua Amoah known in the showbiz circles as Mzbel has reacted to a recent post by the founder

29 Nov 15:52 GHANA PAGE 8986860743691173508.html
Yorkshire Radicals Suggest we "Buy Nowt" to Teach Them Multinationals a Thing or Two

Residents of the city of Bradford are being asked to purposefully avoid the Black Friday madness today, with a campaign asking them to "Buy Nowt" and enjoy a cup of tea with like-minded individuals not currently scouring the internet and going mad from trying to find a graphics card that's genuinely cheaper than it was last month.

29 Nov 10:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001920572127.html
Wolves' Nuno among bookies' favourites to replace sacked Arsenal boss Unai Emery

Arsenal have sacked boss Unai Emery following a run of seven games without a win - with Wolves' boss Nuno among the favourites linked with taking over at The Emirates.

29 Nov 11:05 Shropshire Star 3480199993080884156.html
Asambleas sorpresivas de Recolectores de Urbafé

Restricción en el servicio de limpieza de la ciudad os trabajadores representados por el Sindicato de Camioneros que conduce Moyano reclaman un bono extra de fin de año. Sus pares de Cliba también lo piden, pero sin asambleas.

29 Nov 10:46 El Litoral 2624573356899299807.html
Dorong Making Indonesia 4.0, Pameran Manufacturing Indonesia Ke-30 Segera Digelar

WE Online, Jakarta - Riset McKinsey mengungkapkan bahwa industri 4.0 memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap sektor manufaktur di Indonesia. Penerapan digitalisasi pada industri akan mendorong pertambahan hingga US$150 miliar atau sekitar Rp2.100 triliun lebih atas hasil ekonomi di 2025.

29 Nov 13:54 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833773118704.html
Possible disruption of water supply on Castletown Road next week - Talk of the Town

Homeowners and businesses on the Castletown Road and surrounding areas may suffer disruption to their water supply next week. This is due to mains repair works due to be carried out between 8am and 6pm daily from Monday December 2nd to Friday December 6th. A traffic management plan will be in place for the duration...Read More→

29 Nov 15:27 Talk of the Town 6988606399732483999.html
Lacson kumasa sa lie detector challenge ni Alan

ANUMANG oras ay nakahanda si Senador Panfilo 'Ping' Lacson sa hamon ni Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano na magpa-lie detector test para malaman kung sino sa kanila ang korap.

29 Nov 13:56 Abante News Online 7257070570821802610.html
PF encontra bilhete para governador petista na casa de desembargadora presa

Na busca e apreensão realizada na casa de Maria do Socorro Barreto Santiago, desembargadora presa hoje na Operação Faroeste, a Polícia Federal encontrou um bilhete para o governador da Bahia, Rui Costa (PT), informa O Globo...

29 Nov 14:07 O Antagonista 1037429653891686886.html
Huawei will reportedly sue the FCC over new restrictions

Last week saw the FCC approve a measure that would deny subsidies to carriers who use equipment from Huawei, ZTE, or any other “bad actors.” The FCC’s Universal Service Fund has $8.5 billion ready to subsidize carriers in making improvements&hellip;

29 Nov 13:22 TechSpot 7732733960838764961.html
Trump thanks troops in Afghanistan, says Taliban want a deal

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan (AP) - President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and the Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks and said he believes the Taliban want a cease-fire.

29 Nov 15:19 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637189584998.html
Bundesliga-Spieler unterstützen Korneuburger Kids

Am Montag ist es wieder soweit, zwischen 16.30 und 17.30 Uhr kommen Bundesligaspieler und Bundesligaspielerinnen aus Klosterneuburg in die AHS Korneuburg um den Nachwuchs der UBK Korneuburg Sharks im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Trainings zu unterstützen.

29 Nov 11:28 NÖN.at 2486998932187821463.html
En Primera Fila: El documental venezolano nominado a cuatro Premios Emmy

La pieza audiovisual sobre la experiencia de los fotoperiodistas que han cubierto las protestas de 2014 y 2017 en Caracas compite como Mejor Documental

29 Nov 14:14 LaPatilla.com 9104603009987920293.html
Warner, Labuschagne smack tons in day-night Pakistan Test

David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne both plundered back-to-back centuries as Australia stamped their authority on Day 1 of the day-night second Test in Adelaide.

29 Nov 15:05 Sport 682566034676980132.html
Misioneros rumbo al CeNARD

Una delegación que representará a Misiones estará presente el fin de semana en el Campeonato Nacional de la Federación Argentina de Wushu Kung Fu

29 Nov 12:52 Primera Edición 6803897641139774273.html
Huawei suing US FCC over National Security Risk Allegations - Gizmochina

Amidst the US-China trade disputes, Huawei is still facing issues with the US Government. The Chinese firm is now aiming to challenge a decision made by the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) that has banned Huawei from using government funds to buy its telecommunications networking equipment. Earlier this year, Huawei was placed on the ‘Entity …

29 Nov 11:54 Gizmochina 1751854815457829586.html
Manuel Pellegrini outlines why he won't change despite West Ham's horrendous form

The Hammers manager hasn't won a game of football since September 22 and is under pressure to right those wrongs

29 Nov 11:00 football.london 6804128268446941431.html
Protein Powder can boost your weight loss and overall health

The link between protein intake and wellness - busting some mythsHow do you know you are getting enough protein?Is the protein you consume enough to keep you fit?The fight to stay fit consumes us all,

29 Nov 11:58 The Hindu 6679535025664402603.html
Coetzee On His Relationship With Pitso

In an exclusive interview with Soccer Laduma, Mamelodi Sundowns defender, Rivaldo Coetzee opened up about his relationship with Pitso Mosimane.

29 Nov 13:45 Soccer Laduma 3901337372192668074.html
Ex-student Antwerpse modeacademie wint H&M Design Award

Sabine Skarule werd gisteren in Berlijn uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de H&M Design Award 2020. De Letse studeerde af aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen en maakte indruk op ...

29 Nov 10:44 HLN 8967494998227892677.html
Al-Rajhi holds off Peterhansel to extend lead in Riyadh Rally

ABU DHABI: Valtteri Bottas topped the times for Mercedes ahead of Red Bull’s Max Verstappen and his Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton in Friday’s opening free practice for the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The Finn, who is assured already of finishing second behind six-time champion Hamilton in this year’s title race, clocked a best time of one minute and 36.957 seconds to outpace

29 Nov 14:17 Arab News 8912634262990092710.html
France Says to Summon Turkish Envoy After Erdogan's 'Insults'

France's Foreign Ministry will summon Turkey's ambassador following insulting comments made by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a French presidency official said on Friday. Erdogan commented on Emmanuel Macron's warning that NATO was suffering from "b

29 Nov 15:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933509466120.html
Redmi wants to be universal and prepares new Router and Smart Speaker - Gizchina.com

Rate this post The expansion of the Redmi brand is being as powerful as what Xiaomi once offered. For this reason, it has prepared new ...

29 Nov 11:08 Gizchina 5392375276650730695.html
I Kirsten Flagstads fotspor

Bare de beste sangerne i verden slipper til på The Met-operaen i New York. Fredag kveld var det Lise Davidsens tur.

29 Nov 14:56 NRK 3631390764890229563.html
Police and ambulance called to London Bridge over claims of shots being fired

Ambulance crews are at the scene

29 Nov 14:26 Express & Star 7324224458887266048.html
Police and ambulance called to London Bridge over claims of shots being fired

Ambulance crews are at the scene

29 Nov 14:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773422669568.html
3 Dividend Stocks Ideal for Retirees

Utility stocks don't often make the business-news headlines, but that doesn't mean they're can't be great fits for income-focused retirees' portfolios.

29 Nov 11:49 The Motley Fool 2231313657902721825.html
Trains delayed going to and from Kerry after car damages barrier at level crossing

This is the second incident of its kind today.

29 Nov 15:51 TheJournal.ie 6446904418428640897.html
Fired Santa books new gigs

A Santa Claus fired from Penticton's Cherry Lane Shopping Centre earlier this week for naughty photos taken on his own time offsite has received overwhelming support from the community, with new requests for his services pouring in.

29 Nov 11:16 Castanet 616068601593703817.html
NATO spending tweak lets Berlin push back on Trump

US will pay less for budget that covers alliance HQ while Germany pays a little more.

29 Nov 14:28 POLITICO 2584151347051978873.html
Il Mattino - Sbloccare lo stipendio di ottobre: squadra avanzerà questa richiesta ad ADL

Questa sarà la richiesta dei calciatori nell’incontro di oggi con Aurelio De Lauentiis secondo quanto riportato dall’edizione odierna de Il Mattino

29 Nov 12:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079645107473.html
Second place in focus as hockey season ends

Wazalendo coach Fidhelis Kimanzi said the end result will count for nothing.

29 Nov 12:12 Daily Nation 7421817124968813266.html
Antwerpen stelt urgentieplan op om meer jongeren aan diploma te helpen

De stad Antwerpen zet een nieuwe stap in het urgentieplan om te zorgen dat meer jongeren een diploma behalen. Het college besliste vandaag over de invulling van de drie taskforces.

29 Nov 15:08 atv 2365892510674817696.html
Ernie loses key Australian for Presidents Cup

Byeong Hun An will make his Presidents Cup debut for the International team at Royal Melbourne after Jason Day was forced to withdraw with a back injury.

29 Nov 15:41 Sport 682566034894437070.html
Takealot takes flak over Black Friday deals

Consumers take to social media to slam local online retailer over its “insignificant” discounts.

29 Nov 12:03 ITWeb 642894139826265471.html
Telecom Italia aids 5G surgery in Italy

Telecom Italia enabled remote surgery over a 5G connection in Italy, allowing the medical procedure ...

29 Nov 11:09 Mobile World Live 2109488009578534250.html
Bauchi: Appeal Court dismisses ex-governor Abubakar’s bid to quash election

The Court of Appeal sitting in Jos, Plateau State, on Friday dismissed the appeal filed by former Bauchi State governor, Mohammed Abubakar,

29 Nov 12:20 Vanguard News 4125100339293558436.html
London Bridge closed amid reports of gunfire, police at scene

Police are dealing with an ongoing incident

29 Nov 14:25 Wales Online 7686550516348631916.html
Twitter no eliminará cuentas inactivas hasta poder preservar las de los muertos

Entre los planes de Twitter, la compañía propietaria de la red social de microblogging dirigida por Jack Dorsey quiere eliminar las cuentas inactivas de la... #redessocialesdeinternet #socialmedia

29 Nov 13:21 TICbeat 5328802414807396501.html
British police say they're dealing with incident at London Bridge; witnesses report gunshots

LONDON (AP) - British police say they're dealing with incident at London Bridge; witnesses report gunshots.

29 Nov 14:19 WFXT 6395891952886429097.html
Desmiente ministro de Salud de Cuba a golpistas bolivianos

El ministro de Salud de Cuba, José Ángel Portal Miranda, declaró en la red social Twitter que las autoridades bolivianas mienten al calificar de “daño” la cooperación de Cuba en ese país

29 Nov 15:39 Trabajadores 1167277447388500640.html
Arsenal Sack Unai Emery Following Poor Run Of Form

Arsenal have announced the departure of Unai Emery as manager following their poor run of form in the Premier League and in Europe this season. 

29 Nov 10:32 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274853404823.html
Wayne Rooney Pictured Posing In Derby County Kit As He Makes Return To England

Former Manchester United, Everton and DC United striker Wayne Rooney was pictured posing in a Derby County Kit as he prepares for player-coach role at the club.

29 Nov 13:03 Republic World 1282918857810815301.html
HelloFresh: Jetzt erste Kochbox bestellen und nur die Hälfte bezahlen!

Sie möchten sich im Alltag gesünder ernähren? Dann testen Sie mal die HelloFresh Kochboxen. Die Rezepte mit frischen Zutaten kommen direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause. Für die erste Box gibt es jetzt 50 Prozent Rabatt.

29 Nov 10:40 Computer Bild 4944248632217213211.html
Arsenal great lists the problems which Unai Emery's successor has to solve at the Gunners

Alan Smith has been speaking about Arsenal, Unai Emery and the future of the club

29 Nov 12:45 football.london 6804128269108235680.html
Former Coronation Street actor Kevin Kennedy looks unrecognisable in new role

He played fan favourite Curly Watts for 20 years...

29 Nov 15:12 Entertainment Daily 8392972517389377982.html
GAA say there are no plans to bring gaelic games to Anfield despite Liverpool announcement

THE GAA say there are no plans to bring gaelic games to Anfield or any other English football stadium despite an announcement from Liverpool that they intend to host GAA events after th

29 Nov 11:55 Independent.ie 5894610845206291281.html
Man sentenced to 10 years for attempted murder of businessman

A man who attempted to murder a top Serbian businessman with close ties to President Aleksandar Vucic was jailed by a Belgrade court on Friday for 10 years. Milan Beko, a former minister, was se...

29 Nov 13:08 Punch Newspapers 3524240995405466984.html
Bioplastica dalle scaglie e dalla pelle del pesce: premiata l’invenzione di una giovane designer inglese che valorizza gli scarti

Una giovane designer inglese di nome Lucy Hughes, laureata dell’Università del Sussex, si è aggiudic

29 Nov 14:47 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737331515047138.html
Charles Leclerc says he and Sebastian Vettel share responsibility for Brazil crash

Following the two Ferraris of Charles Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel crashing into one another at the Brazilian Grand Prix a couple of weeks ago, the former has admitted both drivers share responsibility for the collision.

29 Nov 11:02 GPblog.com 9117728199680583327.html
Watch: Justice Clarence Thomas Slams Biden-led Confirmation Hearing

In a forthcoming documentary "Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words" Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas joined the chorus of criticism of Joe Biden's handling of his 1991 Supreme Court confirmation process.

29 Nov 14:42 Breitbart 3148363491482194368.html
Verkehrsminister Scheuer: "Natürlich brauchen wir Glasfaser!"

In Deutschland soll es weg vom Kupfer und hin zu Glasfaser gehen. Der BREKO sieht den Glasfaserausbau auf einem guten Weg: Die Weichen seien gestellt.

29 Nov 13:25 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535189951866094.html
Inbromsning i indisk ekonomi

Ekonomi Indiens tillväxt bromsade in till 4,5 procent under tredje kvartalet, ned från 5 procent kvartalet före. Tillväxten i landet är därmed den lägsta på nästan sju år.

29 Nov 14:27 www.unt.se 8922556088015852542.html
Preview: Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Sheffield United - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole provides team news, predicted lineups and a full preview of Sunday's Premier League fixture between Wolverhampton Wanderers and Sheffield United.

29 Nov 15:48 Sports Mole 7750663362233060659.html
Teen celebrating the end of school plunges to death from high-rise hotel

Charlie Scott, 18, from Australia, died after falling from the Hilton Hotel in Surfers Paradise on Queensland's Gold Coast while celebrating his school graduation with friends

29 Nov 11:47 mirror 675785260148651050.html
Plans for 150-bed homeless hostel on Dublin's Aungier Street shelved following local opposition

Peter McVerry Trust planned to open the hostel in Dublin 2 in January.

29 Nov 12:09 TheJournal.ie 6446904417969594508.html
KOYO return with brand new single Ostracised

Young UK prog rockers will release second album in 2020...

29 Nov 13:31 Prog 2174237038850729636.html
We Aid the Growth of Chinese Tyranny to Our Eternal Shame

We can’t say we didn’t know.Reports of the repression of Muslims living in northwestern China have been leaking out for years in drips and drabs. Satellite photos picked up the construction of massive prison facilities in the Xinjiang province. The BBC was even invited into one of the “thought transformation

29 Nov 11:30 Yahoo 7097669637119032008.html
FC Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Unai Emery

Aus! Das Engagement des Spaniers ist zu Ende:

29 Nov 11:32 www.laola1.at 837519019969690243.html
Estudiantado en Cuba más fortalecido y revolucionario

La Habana, Cuba. – Alejandro Bosmenier León, miembro del secretariado nacional de la Federación Estudiantil de la Enseñanza Media (FEEM), afirmó a Radio Reloj que la organización llega a su aniversario 49, el venidero 6 de diciembre, más fortalecida en el ámbito estudiantil y revolucionario, con la convicción de cumplir las misiones de la Patria.

29 Nov 11:34 VICTORIA 8502773548186500683.html
Trump returns from surprise Afghan visit, says Taliban want deal

President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and the Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks.

29 Nov 13:37 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648837086397152.html
Telangana doctor murder: They raped, smothered, burnt her after hatching crime over drinks

The accused saw the woman parking her scooter near a toll plaza, one of them then punctured her scooter's tire when she was not around while another offered to help her fix it when she came back, telling her all repair shops were closed. They then raped the doctor, killed her and set her on fire.

29 Nov 14:55 India Today 4286117813663761777.html
Neues BER-Eröffnungsdatum steht

Diesmal soll es endgültig klappen: Am 31. Oktober 2020 soll der Hauptstadtflughafen BER eröffnet werden. Dieses Datum hat am Freitag der Flughafenchef genannt. Ursprünglich sollte der Airport schon 2012 öffnen.

29 Nov 14:57 MDR 5336324388341337681.html
Il cloud computing secondo Ikoula | Tom's Hardware

Sempre più utilizzato da aziende di ogni dimensione, il cloud computing, sia esso pubblico o privato, sta diventando la forma di archiviazione dei dati più popolare del secolo. Ikoula spiega il tutto nel dettaglio.

29 Nov 15:00 Tom's Hardware 6640147070741070521.html
Good, bad and ugly of industrial relations code

Rituparna Chakraborty, Co-Founder & Senior Vice-President of TeamLease, cautions that this change in notification mechanism does not necessarily mean lesser administrative hassle or follow through for employers

29 Nov 14:07 Business Today 1145527431647298890.html
Youth charity hosts huge pamper party to promote self-esteem in teenage girls

The huge pamper party took place at Newcastle College, where teenage girls enjoyed makeovers, hair styling and nail treatments.

29 Nov 11:13 ChronicleLive 1984146901173662003.html
Critica ONU uso desproporcionado de la represión en Ecuador

En las protestas populares que se registraron en Ecuador por diez días hubo al menos nueve muertos y 1507 heridos, precisó la Oficina de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos

29 Nov 14:58 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418985972285.html
Election rigging or poor leadership: Bickering in Bengal BJP after TMC sweeps bypolls

The senior leadership in West Bengal BJP seems to be divided over the reasons for the party's loss in the bypolls.

29 Nov 11:48 India Today 4286117812898329600.html
Eslovaquia debate obligar a las mujeres a escuchar los latidos del feto antes del aborto

Esta propuesta, que se debatirá en la cámara hoy viernes, ya ha tenido respuesta en la calle, en forma de diversas movilizaciones convocadas por colectivos feministas

29 Nov 13:12 El Confidencial 6129807549662569914.html
Svetska organizacija za prirodu: Brnabić je neinformisana

Svetska organizacija za prirodu (WWF) Adrija ocenila je danas da je stav premijerke Srbije Ane Brnabić da je zabrana izgradnje malih hidroelektrana potpuno besmislena u najmanju ruku rezultat neinformisanosti, a u svakom slučaju je potpuno pogrešan.

29 Nov 14:39 Dnevni list Danas 649654640162802832.html
Alfredo Ramírez y ciudadanos fortalecerán vocaciones productivas de Tierra Caliente

En conjunto con ciudadanos, el diputado Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla buscará fortalecer las vocaciones productivas del Valle de Apatzingán dándole valor

29 Nov 15:17 MiMorelia 5599511489420302214.html
Malta PM Muscat to resign: Times of Malta

VALETTA (Reuters) - Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has told associates he plans to resign imminently, the Times of Malta reported on Friday.

29 Nov 13:35 Reuters 8334514180344880163.html
Three held on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder in dawn raids after Cheetham Hill gun war puts public in danger

"This kind of behaviour will not be tolerated on our streets," Supt Rebecca Boyce

29 Nov 14:31 men 6694993427666830739.html
Blackpool boss Simon Grayson considered using teenager Tony Weston against Scunthorpe United

Simon Grayson says Blackpool&#8217;s young starlet Tony Weston would have shown up &#8220;one or two&#8221; of the senior professionals had he played in the EFL Trophy defeat to Scunthorpe United.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400563735468558.html
#BorisJohnsonIsAMelt: Tories Threaten Channel 4 After it Replaced the PM With Melting Ice Sculptures

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is now campaigning in the general election, has recently found himself in hot water after he refused to take part in an interview with BBC presenter Andrew Neil.

29 Nov 11:03 Sputniknews 967333868674130817.html
Unidade de combate ao terrorismo investiga incidente na Ponte de Londres

A Ponte de Londres foi fechada ao trânsito e o Serviço de Ambulâncias de Londres considerou o incidente como "um caso prioritário".

29 Nov 15:56 O Jogo 3218673678630200722.html
Bottas tops practice times for Abu Dhabi grand prix

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Nov 29 - Valtteri Bottas topped the times for Mercedes ahead of Red Bull's Max Verstappen and his Mercedes teammate Lewis Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

29 Nov 14:36 Capital Sports 7605153803848984605.html
Chinese investments in Malaysia halve, US inflow soars, new govt data reveals

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — Chinese investments into Malaysia halved to US$1.7 billion in the first nine months of the year from a year ago, though US investments soared seven times to US$5.9 billion — reflecting a diversion of funds due to the Beijing-Washington trade clashes. Data provided by the...

29 Nov 10:31 Malaymail 302165934446076488.html
Sex-Studie: Mecklenburg Vorpommern ist Deutschlands Zentrum der Lust!

Eine beauftragte Studie des Datingportals « secret.de » zeigt, dass vor allem Menschen aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommer mit ihrem Liebesleben zufrieden sind.

29 Nov 15:59 RTL.DE 7054729451972833315.html
Dog-pee celebration costs Ole Miss game against archrival Mississippi State

The Egg Bowl ended in dramatic, highly unusual fashion Thursday with Ole Miss missing a tying extra-point attempt against Mississippi State.

29 Nov 14:26 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882685280108.html
Brasil: arrestan a ecologistas acusados de provocar incendios en forma intencional en la Amazonia

También los acusan de vender fotos a una ONG internacional de los incendios que ellos mismos habrían iniciado. Buscaban recibir donaciones.

29 Nov 11:55 La Voz 6237180762079165286.html
Bologna, Mihajlovic alla squadra: "Sono incazzato nero per il comportamento, io lotto tutti i giorni!"

Dopo essersi soffermato a lungo sulla sua malattia, Sinisa Mihajlovic ha parlato anche del momento del suo Bologna e ha fatto sapere di essere arrabbiato

29 Nov 13:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080454991058.html
Einde verhaal voor Mbaye Diagne? Club Brugge zet spits op non-actief

Het gaat van kwaad naar erger voor Mbaye Diagne. De Senegalese spits mag nu ook al niet langer meetrainen met Club Brugge, dat intussen samen met Galatasaray op zoek is naar een oplossing. Diagne w...

29 Nov 12:52 HLN 8967494997864059905.html
BNNVARA: nieuw seizoen Jeuk is niet aan de orde

"Een zesde seizoen van Jeuk is niet aan de orde". Dat is de reactie van BNNVARA op het nieuws dat het Openbaar Ministerie de omstreden regisseur Job Gosschalk niet gaat vervolgen voor mogelijk seksueel wangedrag. Zijn advocaat Gerard Spong liet vervolgens weten dat Gosschalk overweegt zijn oude werk weer op te pakken.

29 Nov 15:15 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047844848479.html
Tweede Kamer maakt wachtgeldregeling nóg exorbitanter: gratis cursussen en opleidingen horen er straks ook bij

Klaas Dijkhoff slaat alvast een kreetje van opwinding: de regeling van wachtgeld voor politici wordt de komende jaren nog verder uitgebreid. Behalve het innen van bakken met geld zonder er iets voor te hoeven doen, kunnen ex-politici straks ook cursussen en opleidingen volgen op kosten van de samenleving. Bij de VVD kunnen ze weer tevreden zijn: als ze straks uit de Tweede Kamer vertrekken (en dat doen VVD’ers immers gráág, want het parlement is ook maar een springplank naar het grote geld) dan is het kussen waar ze op “vallen” weer een stukje zachter geworden. Behalve dat je gewoon schaamteloos kan claimen dat wachtgeld eigenlijk “uitgesteld loon” is en dat zonder gewetenswroeging toucheren, mag je straks ook nog cursussen en opleidingen volgen. Wat maakt het ook uit hè? De belastingbetaler betaalt toch wel: “Tweede Kamerleden moeten de kosten voor activiteiten, die hen voorbereiden op “een volgende stap in de carrière” vergoed krijgen. Hieronder vallen cursussen, opleidingen en dergelijke. Dit staat in een…

29 Nov 13:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610058997843153.html
Eks Liverpool Ini Tetap Dukung Van Dijk Raih Ballon d'Or Meski Nge-fans dengan Messi

Mantan pemain Liverpool, Steven Gerrard, mengaku bahwa dirinya mengidolakan Lionel Messi. Namun ia takkan rela jika bintang Barcelona itu mengalahkan bek the Reds, Virgil van Dijk, dalam perebutan gelar Ballon d'Or 2019

29 Nov 14:00 Bola.net 5489959028765662115.html
Judge will decide on Vivendi request to suspend Mediaset's European plan: source

MILAN (Reuters) - An Italian judge will decide on Vivendi’s (VIV.PA) request to suspend Mediaset’s (MS.MI) pan-European project, as she took note that the two groups failed to settle their long-running dispute, a legal source said on Friday.

29 Nov 15:44 Reuters 8334514180536768796.html
Glasner: Wolfsburg hat "Hausaufgabe erledigt"

Erleichterung beim Wolfsburg-Trainer nach dem Aufstieg in der Europa League:

29 Nov 12:42 www.laola1.at 837519019707332865.html
Caciques del Pueblo Pemón rechazan falsas informaciones sobre hechos de Ikabarú

28 de noviembre de 2019.- El Consejo de Caciques Generales del Pueblo Pemón en el estado Bolívar exhorta a la población a no fijar pociones políticas partidistas que vulneran la objetividad de ...

29 Nov 11:06 Aporrea 8480488501972901467.html
Talibanerna avvaktar om nya samtal med USA

Afghanistan/USA Det är alldeles för tidigt att tala om att återuppta direkta samtal med Washington. Så lyder budskapet från talibanerna i Afghanistan – dagen efter att USA:s president Donald Trump påstått att förhandlingarna inletts på nytt.

29 Nov 10:05 www.unt.se 8922556088444825921.html
Overstock Shareholders Compete to Lead Class Against tZERO’s Parent

E-commerce giant Overstock faces a difficult period as several former and current shareholders fight for the status of lead plaintiff in a class action

29 Nov 14:52 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936331746250.html
How Bitcoin Miners Are Not Causing The Price Plunge

When bitcoin starts to turn south and the selloff intensifies, fingers start pointing. The crypto community wants to blame something ...

29 Nov 10:30 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937747235646.html
Surge of activity in Auckland investment market - Colliers

A strong surge in activity over the last two months has contributed to a record year across all four offices that make up Colliers International’s Auckland Investment Sales team.

29 Nov 13:50 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314286470226.html
John McAreavey speaks out about Michaela's death as he fears they will never get justice

"It's important that the truth is told"

29 Nov 12:06 RSVP Live 2434255978139558933.html
After taking over as CM, Thackeray stays Metro carshed work in Aarey Colony

Thackeray clarified that he had not stayed the work of the Mumbai metro rail project itself

29 Nov 12:50 Business-Standard 1502508925113985596.html
Syria constitutional talks end without consensus on agenda: U.N. envoy

GENEVA (Reuters) - A second week-long round of Syrian talks has ended without a meeting of the group of 45 delegates meant to be negotiating on the constitution, United Nations Special Envoy Geir Pedersen said on Friday.

29 Nov 13:10 Reuters 8334514180712753666.html
FOTO: Ada Hogwarts di Jakarta Barat

Pameran instalasi film 'Harry Potter' sedang digelar di salah satu mall di Jakarta Barat.

29 Nov 15:22 gaya hidup 6599523173874407646.html
Electronic waste pileup sparks warnings

The pileup of electronic waste will only accelerate with consumers buying more and more devices.

29 Nov 14:40 Fox News 7362823820704980328.html
Pembangunan Sirkuit Mandalika Capai 30 Persen

Direktur Konstruksi PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) atau Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Ngurah Wirawan mengatakan, pembangunan Sirkuit Mandalika Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) sudah mencapai 30 persen. Pembangunan memasuki tahap penggalian fondasi dan pemadatan struktur lintasan.

29 Nov 15:45 merdeka.com 1998180355697373665.html
Bedreigde orang-oetan overleeft als bij wonder 24 kogels in lichaam

Een orang-oetan is zwaargewond aangetroffen op het Indonesische eiland Sumatra. De 25 jaar oude aap had maar liefst 24 kogels van een luchtgeweer in zijn lichaam, waarvan 16 in zijn kop. Er zijn sl...

29 Nov 14:51 HLN 8967494998620522446.html
French army helicopters that crashed in Mali were not under IS fire: general

PARIS (Reuters) - The French army said on Friday that two of its helicopters that crashed in Mali this week had not been under fire from Islamic State jihadists, contradicting a statement from the militants.

29 Nov 10:06 Reuters 8334514181777073620.html
Darauf sollten Online-Käufer an Schnäppchentagen achten

Spektakuläre Rabatte, begrenzt auf wenige Stunden: Am "Black Friday" und "Cyber Monday" müssen Käufer schnell sein. Von dieser Hektik profitieren Hacker. Ein Experte gibt Tipps, wie Schnäppchenjäger dennoch gefahrenlos online einkaufen können.

29 Nov 15:49 hessenschau.de 6403292203702546607.html
Dos muertos en el atentado terrorista en el puente de Londres

Dos personas han muerto en el atentado perpetrado en las inmediaciones del puente de Londres, además del presunto terrorista

29 Nov 12:45 EL DEBATE 4396150893086245575.html
Herfst iets zachter, zonniger en natter dan normaal

De meteorologische herfst bezorgde Limburg iets meer zonneschijn en ook iets meer regen dan normaal.

29 Nov 11:42 1limburg 5437278402602378116.html
Premijer Iraka podnosi ostavku u jeku antivladinih protesta širom zemlje

Irački premijer Abdel Abdul-Mahdi rekao je da će podneti ostavku Parlamentu u trenutku kada zemlju potresaju veliki...

29 Nov 14:59 N1 Srbija 7797130867182422306.html
Dupa tragedia din Midia, Orban vrea, pe termen mediu, interzicerea exportului pe animale vii

Premierul Ludovic Orban afirma ca exista un proiect de lege in Parlament pentru interzicerea exportului de animale vii daca nu sunt asigurate conditii de transport decente pentru acestea, precizand ca obiectivul pe termen lung este interzicerea acestui tip de export, iar Romania sa investeasca in procesarea materiilor prime provenite din agricultura.

29 Nov 11:34 Ziare.com 1922730287165499191.html
13 Jahre nach Beschluss: Symbolischer Baustart für Feuerwache in Nordhausen

Feuchte Keller, verschlissene Technik, zu geringe Durchgangshöhen und unzureichende sanitäre Anlagen - das soll für Feuerwehrleute in Nordhausen bald Geschichte sein: In der Zorgestraße entsteht eine neue Wache.

29 Nov 13:50 MDR 5336324388096562520.html
Football: Stimac defends himself after AIFF expresses dismay at India’s World Cup qualifier results

India drew with Bangladesh and Afghanistan with identical 1-1 scoreline in the World Cup second round qualifiers to remain fourth in their group.

29 Nov 15:00 Scroll.in 8669301692587815581.html
New Turkish restaurant in Metro Vancouver promises to transport you to Istanbul

A soon-to-open Turkish restaurant is set to be a welcome addition to North Burnaby.

29 Nov 14:20 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496373326067.html
Watch Jim Kelly's emotional opening to CBS's Bills-Cowboys telecast

The Hall of Fame quarterback laid out the toughest moments of his life in a two-minute piece that left even a seasoned broadcast pro feeling a bit choked up.

29 Nov 13:10 Sporting News 5110653853131456958.html
Posle pokera golova na "Marakani" Levandovskom veliko priznanje

Crvena zvezda je doživela najubedljiviji poraz u istoriji na svom stadionu pošto je u petom kolu Lige šampiona izgubila od Bajerna sa 6:0.

29 Nov 12:51 REPUBLIKA 2543998406349241128.html
La cacio e pepe di chef Solimeo, un piatto must della Potea Hosteria Irpina

Il cuoco Mario Carmine Solimeo presenta una ricetta della tradizione romana rivisitata in chiave irpina

29 Nov 12:19 AvellinoToday 5452883946405353057.html
That Recruitment Letter From Harvard Probably Doesn’t Mean Much

Especially if you’re African-American, according to a new study.

29 Nov 13:43 NY Times 1961078288014364001.html
Make your own NFC data cufflinks

What do you get the person who has everything this Christmas? How about a pair of NFC data cuffflinks? Build your own with this tutorial from Sophy Wong

29 Nov 12:49 Raspberry Pi 2514347656989363976.html
Apple accessories that are on sale for Black Friday

Maybe you aren't looking for a new iPhone or MacBook Pro this holiday season. Nonetheless, you're in the market for great Apple accessories such as keyboards and mice. Here are some you can score at deep discounts on Black Friday.

29 Nov 11:53 iMore 3803412790156927597.html
Iron Maiden y West Ham de Manuel Pellegrini lanzan camiseta especial

El cuadro inglés se asoció con la Doncella de Hierro para una edición limitada de su kit del Primer Equipo.

29 Nov 11:52 T13 7836926439972878370.html
Liberalii protesteaza cu ligheane, in fata Primariei Capitalei: Firea minte de ingheata caloriferele! (Video)

Cateva zeci de membri ai PNL protesteaza in fata sediului Primariei Generale a Capitalei, cerandu-i Gabrielei Firea se rezolve problema termoficarii sau sa plece acasa alaturi de cei care administreaza sistemul.

29 Nov 12:40 Ziare.com 1922730287874617547.html
Una Vita, anticipazioni puntata di domenica 1 dicembre: Felipe smaschera Alicia

Appuntamento domenicale della soap opera spagnola di Canale 5 Ben ritrovati con nuovo appuntamento dedicato alla soap opera spagnola di Canale 5, Una Vita. La seguitissima soap opera ambientata ad Acacias, sembra proprio che per il momento non andrà in onda in prime time. Cosa  vedremo nel prossimo episodio che andrà in onda dopodomani pomeriggio, […]

29 Nov 14:00 KontroKultura 2573504972180916562.html
BMW Sector Perform

Die Experten der RBC Capital Markets bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von BMW mit Sector Perform

29 Nov 12:16 finanzen.at 7258357743403222016.html
Jung Joon-young und Choi Jong-hoon: Gruppenvergewaltigung! K-Pop-Stars landen im Knast

Unfassbare Nachrichten aus dem K-Pop-Universum! Wie die britische "Daily Mail" berichtet, wurden jetzt gleich zwei Stars der Szene von einem Gericht in Seoul zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Die Anklage wiegt schwer: Die 30-jährigen Jung Joon-young, bekannt aus der Reality-TV-Talentshow Superstar K4, und Choi Jong-hoon, ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Boyband FT Island, seien nach Ansicht des Gerichts schuldig, bei einer Gruppenvergewaltigung zwei Frauen missbraucht zu haben. Zudem habe Jung sich und mehrere Frauen beim Sex ohne deren Wissen gefilmt und das Material anschließend elfmal online verbreitet.

29 Nov 14:54 news.de 5126378979365930633.html
Jung Joon-young und Choi Jong-hoon: Gruppenvergewaltigung! K-Pop-Stars landen im Knast

Unfassbare Nachrichten aus dem K-Pop-Universum! Wie die britische "Daily Mail" berichtet, wurden jetzt gleich zwei Stars der Szene von einem Gericht in Seoul zu mehrjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt. Die Anklage wiegt schwer: Die 30-jährigen Jung Joon-young, bekannt aus der Reality-TV-Talentshow Superstar K4, und Choi Jong-hoon, ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Boyband FT Island, seien nach Ansicht des Gerichts schuldig, bei einer Gruppenvergewaltigung zwei Frauen missbraucht zu haben. Zudem habe Jung sich und mehrere Frauen beim Sex ohne deren Wissen gefilmt und das Material anschließend elfmal online verbreitet.

29 Nov 11:01 news.de 5126378979326035740.html
Lampedusa, robot individua relitto e salme dei migranti morti nel naufragio di sabato

Per le cattive condizioni del tempo e per la poca visibilità non è stato possibile intervenire per capire quanti corpi sarebbero rimasti nel relitto

29 Nov 13:38 rainews 442831847927832363.html
Ricky Ponting Turns Photographer, Clicks Fan's Picture With Mel McLaughlin

A fan handed over his phone to Ricky Ponting, asking the former Australia captain to click picture with Australian sports presenter Melanie McLaughlin.

29 Nov 13:13 NDTVSports.com 2127367043587059860.html
Usai Pulang dari Indonesia, Baekhyun EXO Teriakan Nasi Goreng Saat Promosi Album Baru, Tingkahnya Bikin Gemas!

Grup asal Korea Selatan, EXO baru saja mengunjungi Indonesia pada 23 November silam.

29 Nov 15:50 grid.id 586386474025633230.html
Lionel Messi dan Luis Suarez Tak Saling Mengerti Satu Sama Lain

Megabintang Barcelona, Lionel Messi, sempat tak saling mengerti ketika bermain dengan rekan setimnya, Luis Suarez.

29 Nov 13:51 BolaSport.com 4603768435945178422.html
CAA website besieged by angry drone pilots ahead of registration deadline

Thousands of UK drone pilots could face a fine of £1,000 if they fail to register their details with the [...]

29 Nov 11:00 City A.M. 6389894491684321910.html
International offers, packages to go up as IITs begin placements on Sunday

Microsoft, which had emerged the top recruiter last year offering a $215,100 (Rs 1.5 crore roughly) package, is expected to make a similar or a slightly higher package to IIT students on Sunday

29 Nov 13:20 Business-Standard 1502508924770417816.html
Italian MP proposes during earthquake aid debate in parliament

Flavio Di Muro gets applause for marriage proposal – and reprimand from Speaker

29 Nov 14:03 the Guardian 1491978794857347960.html
Il lavoro per gli amanti del Natale: pagati per visitare i mercatini natalizi europei

Un'azienda che si occupa di tour guidati ha deciso di lanciare una proposta di lavoro che interesserà proprio gli amanti dei mercatini di Natale: girare per vari mercatini natalizi in Europa e fare un resoconto di quanto visto, completamente spesato e con un rimborso di 200 euro per il tempo messo a disposizione.

29 Nov 11:53 fanpage.it 1517332166797713414.html
Boy with suspected autism killed in complete breach of trust, says lawyer

Liam Whoriskey, 25, from Londonderry, was convicted of manslaughter and cruelty to a child.

29 Nov 13:14 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773631228257.html
Boy with suspected autism killed in complete breach of trust, says lawyer

Liam Whoriskey, 25, from Londonderry, was convicted of manslaughter and cruelty to a child.

29 Nov 13:10 Express & Star 7324224459095824737.html
Brothers Osborne Thanksgiving halftime show slammed after power goes out amid technical issues

Country duo The Brothers Osborne had to win back the crowd after technical difficulties caused the power to go out in the middle of their halftime show at a Thanksgiving Day football game.

29 Nov 13:20 Fox News 7362823820422777751.html
Piacenza, 3 maestre di una scuola materna arrestate per maltrattamenti: tra loro una suora

Tre insegnanti di una scuola materna nella provincia di Piacenza sono state arrestate per maltrattamenti sui bambini. Le tre, tra loro c’è anche una suora, sono ai domiciliari su ordinanza di custodia emessa dal gip al termine delle indagini svolte dai carabinieri della stazione di San Giorgio Piacentino.

29 Nov 14:27 fanpage.it 1517332168174925787.html
Google Shopping: 41 concorrenti europei lo accusano di abuso di posizione dominante

41 concorrenti diretti di Google Shopping hanno inviato una lettera a Margrethe Vestager, onnipotente commissario europeo responsabile per il digitale e la concorrenza. In questo post, queste

29 Nov 15:07 CybeOut 7123967242464216719.html
Ram temple will bring peace, foster brotherhood: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Asked how he envisages the proposed Ram temple to be, Ravi Shankar said, "Which will bring peace in the country and establish brotherhood between both the communities. Work has started towards the realisation of the dream the country harboured for a long time of having a grand Ram temple."

29 Nov 11:31 The Economic Times 7653256038035075972.html
Justin Tipuric sets sights on World Cup glory under Wayne Pivac

Tipuric will skipper Wales in the absence of regular captain Alun Wyn Jones.

29 Nov 15:43 Sports Mole 7750663361718734058.html
Canada's GDP growth slows in third quarter

The pace of economic growth in Canada slowed in the third quarter, boosted by higher business investment and increased household spending, but weighed down by a drop in exports, Statistics Canada said Friday.

29 Nov 13:43 CTVNews 2422791599102527411.html
Elizabeth I revealed as the translator of Tacitus into English

LONDON, Nov 29 — Elizabeth I, one of England’s best-loved monarchs, has been revealed to be the translator behind an English version of an ancient text by Tacitus who described the high politics, treachery and debauchery of the Roman elite. A 16th Century translation of the first book of...

29 Nov 11:15 Malaymail 302165936243262384.html
Elizabeth Hurley Busts Out Of Low-Cut Black Swimsuit While Carving A Papaya

Elizabeth Hurley left very little to the imagination with her latest Instagram offering. The actress wore a daring, low-cut black swimsuit while cutting a papaya, and her fans ate it all up. Although ...

29 Nov 13:05 The Inquisitr 1745625231762990776.html
Lorraine Kelly portrait by Dundee graduate unveiled live on TV

The oil painting was presented to the Scottish host live on air for her 60th birthday.

29 Nov 13:17 Shropshire Star 3480199992218497728.html
Sicarios dispararon en seis oportunidades contra camioneta de alta gama en Cali

Según testigos, los sicarios llegaron a bordo de una motocicleta y le dispararon en seis ocasiones a la camioneta tipo BMW.

29 Nov 10:33 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827324659556.html
No online access to accounts at NatWest, RBS and FirstDirect

It is one of the busiest shopping days of the year - and pay day for many

29 Nov 10:49 Wales Online 7686550517120459313.html
Wayne Rooney pictured training with Derby for first time since MLS switch

Rooney, 34, joins the Rams on an 18-month deal as player-coach after a successful stint in America but cannot make his first appearance for the club until the new year

29 Nov 12:16 mirror 675785259763953738.html
Sandi Toksvig and Naomi Wolf join star-studded line-up for feminist festival

The event will take place in March next year to coincide with International Women’s Day.

29 Nov 10:19 Express & Star 7324224460176694546.html
If You're a Solo Entrepreneur in a Blue State, Get Politically Aware Right Now to Save Your Business

The problem isn't unions and employee status so much as it is a rush that might not make distinctions.

29 Nov 15:55 Inc.com 8604986416677745227.html
Fisherman’s body washed ashore

He fell into the sea while anchoring a vessel on Thursday

29 Nov 14:53 The Hindu 6679535025979837437.html
The TikTok debacle: what does it tell about content moderation?

The TikTok debacle: what does it tell about content moderation? | #TheCube

29 Nov 13:28 euronews 7318238121416943275.html
TECT sole sponsor of region’s Rescue Helicopter

TECT, a longtime supporter of the Bay of Plenty Coastal rescue helicopter service, have recently become sole naming right sponsor.

29 Nov 10:40 SCOOP 5315658998526800593.html
ECB Board nominee Schnabel: September stimulus can be justified by current inflation data

The European Central Bank's (ECB) September stimulus could be justified by current inflation data as well as the outlook for inflation over the medium

29 Nov 12:22 FXStreet 4480975639690533638.html
Electoral bonds cleaned political donation system; ain't a scam: SC Garg

In case a political party receives a political donation in cash primarily, then that might actually indicate a scam, he stated

29 Nov 10:27 Business-Standard 1502508926372030690.html
Indian police find burned body of woman in suspected rape

HYDERABAD, India — Police said they detained four suspects for questioning Friday after finding the burned body of a 27-year-old veterinarian who was raped and killed in southern India, in yet another instance of violent crime against women in India. The woman went missing on Wednesday night and her body was found by a passer-by …

29 Nov 10:01 City NEWS 1130 5858657120305370353.html
Indian police find burned body of woman in suspected rape

HYDERABAD, India — Police said they detained four suspects for questioning Friday after finding the burned body of a 27-year-old veterinarian who was raped and killed in southern India, in yet another instance of violent crime against women in India.

29 Nov 10:01 680News 8014034334079866097.html
Black Friday 'ruined' by NatWest banking outage, customers complain, after it leaves them unable to access accounts

Black Friday was "ruined" by a Natwest banking outage, customers have complained after being unable to access their bank accounts.

29 Nov 15:20 The Telegraph 140598092874162378.html
Oklahoma police say officer got Starbucks with 'PIG' on cups

An Oklahoma police chief says an officer bought Starbucks for 911 dispatchers working on Thanksgiving only to find that ‘PIG’ was printed on the cups’ labels

29 Nov 14:40 WVLT 4089046910873118017.html
College Football Playoff scenarios: How each contender makes the top four

Which teams have the best route to the CFP? The Allstate Playoff Predictor breaks down all the possibilities.

29 Nov 13:30 ESPN.com 7331508221440507904.html
Mining industry is the bulwark of Ghana's development - Koney

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:21 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609903694074.html
The big news: GDP growth touches six-year low, industrial output contracts, and 9 other top stories

Other headlines: A Telangana minister asked why a vet did not call the police in her last moments, and Uddhav Thackeray halted a metro car shed project.

29 Nov 15:27 Scroll.in 8669301693393740124.html
Emery Out: Arsenal sack Spaniard after dreadful run of results, appoint Ljungberg as interim coach

In a statement put out on Friday, the London club said that ‘the decision has been taken due to results and performances not being at the level required’.

29 Nov 10:36 Scroll.in 8669301693289733012.html
Star Wars: Boyega Confesses Affection for Isaac in Hilarious New Video

John Boyega, who plays Finn in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, penned a letter expressing his feelings for Poe Dameron actor Oscar Isaac.

29 Nov 15:11 CBR.com 1295516961775848872.html
At last! Proper police officers are back on Metrolink and people love it

GMP officers posted this picture on Facebook - brilliant

29 Nov 11:06 men 6694993429648078373.html
Top U.S. retailers absorb tariff pressure ahead of holiday shopping season

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Prices for electronics sold online at top U.S. retailers were up slightly heading into the critical U.S. shopping season, but sites including Walmart Inc (WMT.N) and Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) have held prices steady for many other popular holiday products despite the pressure from tariffs on Chinese imports.

29 Nov 14:10 Reuters 8334514180859476942.html
Coach Hendry Saputra Optimis Atlet Tunggal Putra Bulu Tangkis Indonesia Raih Emas di SEA Games 2019

Coach Hendry Saputra Optimis Atlet Tunggal Putra Bulu Tangkis Indonesia Raih Emas di SEA Games 2019

29 Nov 14:26 Tribunnews.com 3323534446952698660.html
Sherri Hrycay finds timelessness in designing women's hats

Hrycay was invited for a third year to make a hat for the London Hat Week, an exhibit with 200 milliners chosen from around the world.

29 Nov 13:39 Regina Leader-Post 1297111426407320302.html
Woman films horrifying moment abusive dad attacks her and mum with hammer

WARNING - DISTRESSING CONTENT: Millions have seen the 23-year-old's footage after recording the bedroom attack when a family argument turned violent in Cangzhou, north China

29 Nov 15:39 mirror 675785261872511638.html
US-China trade war news: Clash around law supporting Hong Kong

While harsh statements from Chinese and Hong Kong diplomats to the US should have potentially dragged the Asian shares to south, losses are limited ah

29 Nov 14:23 FXStreet 4480975638453186010.html
Via Lattea: scoperto buco nero che non dovrebbe esistere

Il buco nero supermassiccio scoperto ha dimensioni 5 volte superiori al limite stabilito per oggetti del genere, e saremo costretti a riscrivere le teorie finora valide.

29 Nov 10:50 tecnoandroid 2573257126607466231.html
Good Vibrations!

Sitzsäcke im Boho-Style, Upcycling-Accessoires & mehr: Thomas Giese bringt African Spirit nach Krems

29 Nov 14:01 Niederösterreicherin 6432552603472503296.html
Worden Park toilets closed to public as Travellers refuse to leave car park

A group of travellers are refusing to leave Worden Park after setting up camp earlier this week.

29 Nov 13:32 Lancashire Post 6469275855424416486.html
5 things you might not know about interim Arsenal boss Freddie Ljungberg

The 42-year-old made 325 appearances for the Gunners.

29 Nov 15:04 Express & Star 7324224460499623302.html
Police rush to London Bridge amid reports of shots fired

Police have rushed to London Bridge amid fears of a shooting. Sky News are reporting that armed police officers have shot a suspect dead.

29 Nov 14:26 Buzz.ie 7092425148776504307.html
Dėl mokytojo vardo pasisavinimo pradedamas ikiteisminis tyrimas


29 Nov 10:29 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586916478924.html
Does Black Friday Actually Matter Anymore?

They say it's the biggest shopping day of the year, but biggest doesn't mean best. Should people still care about this supposed one-day bonanza?

29 Nov 11:41 Inc.com 8604986417016328778.html
Black Friday stellt IT-Systeme auf den Prüfstand

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 15:58 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776815131065.html
Johnson lovar brexit i januari vid valvinst

Storbritannien kommer att lämna EU senast den 31 januari om Konservativa partiet vinner det stundande nyvalet. Det lovar Storbritanniens premiärminister Boris Johnson – som samtidigt får parera frågor om sitt privatliv. – Om vi uppnår en regeringsduglig

29 Nov 12:11 HD 3336945411813528669.html
NATO Genel Sekreteri Stoltenberg: Rusya stratejik bir snama

NATO Genel Sekreteri Stoltenberg, Rusya'nn herhangi bir NATO mttefikine saldrmamasna ramen neden hala temel tehdit olarak grldnn sorulmas zerine, Moskova'nn 'stratejik bir snama' tekil ettiini syledi.

29 Nov 14:31 Star 3455060031803115696.html
Earliest sunsets of the year this week in Southwest Florida

Southwest Florida is seeing its earliest sunsets of the year this week, as we approach the winter solstice.

29 Nov 14:14 Fox 4 8372747776865343624.html
El Constitucional acepta la personación de Puigdemont y Torra en los recursos contra los acuerdos sobre la independencia

El Pleno del Tribunal Constitucional (TC) ha admitido la personación de dos miembros de la Mesa del Parlament de Cataluña y de 32 diputados en dicha...

29 Nov 12:53 Europa Press 4702666147599164257.html
Open Arms, la Procura manda gli atti su Salvini al Tribunale dei ministri

L'accusa nei confronti dell'ex ministro dell'Interno è sequestro di persona

29 Nov 14:05 Il Tempo 2494990959932978717.html
Heidebahn fährt nicht im Advent

Die Heidebahn, die eigentlich am ersten und zweiten Adventswochenende samstags und sonntags zwischen Wittenberg und Leipzig verkehren sollte, fährt nicht. Das teilte am Donnerstag Michael Jungfer vom Förderverein Berlin-Anhaltische Eisenbahn mit. Grund sei eine behördliche Anordnung, die es dem Infrastrukturbetreiber untersagt, den Zug an diesen Tagen rollen zu ...

29 Nov 11:55 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110381006958.html
3,5 miljoen euro voor verduurzaming bezorgdienst Trunkrs

Bezorgdienst Trunkrs start met de verduurzaming van de pakketbezorging aan huis. Het bedrijf heeft hiervoor een investering van 3,5 miljoen euro ontvangen van AKEF en bestaande aandeelhouders, waaronder Ponooc.

29 Nov 10:05 Emerce 1354596986304858728.html
Mustahil Kejar Bali United, Persipura Ogah Bergantung Demi Runner Up Liga 1

Persipura Jayapura kini hanya memiliki peluang memperebutkan posisi runner up setelah dipastikan sulit mengejar posisi Bali United di klasemen Liga 1 2019.

29 Nov 11:26 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548891332158.html
La donna si toglie la vita: il pakistano filma tutto invece di prestare aiuto

Pakistano 23enne residente a Siena ha filmato una donna che si era gettata dalla Torre del Mangia anzichè soccorrerla, poi ha divulgato su whatsapp il macabro filmino. Dopo 6 giorni ha finalmente deciso di costituirsi mentre i carabinieri indagavano.

29 Nov 11:09 ilGiornale.it 5019541224951362145.html
Guardiola inducted into LMA Hall of Fame

Pep Guardiola has been inducted into the League Managers Association Hall of Fame.The Manchester City boss was recognised at an

29 Nov 11:13 The Eagle Online 1463511648483060136.html
L'altro Black Friday, che fece quasi implodere l'economia americana

Il primo “venerdì nero” della storia non riguardava lo shopping a prezzi scontati ma aveva a che fare con l'oro

29 Nov 11:18 IL FOGLIO 7601335405813517801.html
Best Black Friday Automotive Deals

How best to work off your large meal? How about clicking around for Black Friday gifts for your loved ones? Here are the best automotive deals.

29 Nov 10:00 The Truth About Cars 8594295342060766458.html
Rethink needed over Culm Garden Village name to build links with Cullompton

The Culm Garden Village will provide up to 5,000 new homes in the west of Cullompton across M5 Motorway

29 Nov 12:51 DevonLive 2469244513796381282.html
Police treating London Bridge stabbing as 'terror-related' as man shot by officers

Metropolitan Police have confirmed they are at the scene following the incident and a number of people have been stabbed

29 Nov 14:36 ChronicleLive 1984146901457362756.html
Newcastle boss provides line up and injury news ahead of Man City fixture

The Magpies stunned Manchester City last season at St James' Park and will be looking for more of the same on Saturday.

29 Nov 12:42 men 6694993429704593900.html
Heartless thieves ransack home and steal Christmas presents after young mum worked overtime to surprise kids

Thankfully kind strangers stepped in to save the day

29 Nov 10:35 Liverpool Echo 7727211173610618705.html
Maharashtra: Uddhav Thackeray-led govt may face floor test tomorrow

Governor B S Koshyari has asked Thackeray to prove the majority by December 3.

29 Nov 13:08 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363806018234.html
Banned driver caught in uninsured car in Telford

A banned driver who was caught in an uninsured car in Telford was stopped and arrested.

29 Nov 13:03 Shropshire Star 3480199993116663305.html
'Ancelotti in beeld bij Arsenal na ontslag Emery: concurrentie van tweetal'

Carlo Ancelotti is een verrassende kandidaat om de ontslagen Unai Emery op te volgen als manager van Arsenal. Dat meldt The Telegraph. De Italiaanse trainer staat zelf onder druk bij Napoli.

29 Nov 12:10 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215544964496.html
'Ancelotti in beeld bij Arsenal na ontslag Emery: concurrentie van tweetal'

Carlo Ancelotti is een verrassende kandidaat om de ontslagen Unai Emery op te volgen als manager van Arsenal. Dat meldt The Telegraph. De Italiaanse trainer staat zelf onder druk bij Napoli. De zestigjarige Ancelotti werkte eerder in de Premier League bij stadgenoot Chelsea en staat op het lijstje met kandidaten van The Gunners, weet de Britse krant. Hij heeft nog een contract tot het einde van het seizoen bij Napoli, waar hij overhoop ligt met voorzitter Aurelio De Laurentiis door de slechte resultaten. Een vertrek naar Londen kan uitkomst bieden. Arsenal hakt de knoop door: Emery ontslagen na nieuwe dreun Extreme spanning bij Napoli: muitende spelers, Ancelotti onder grote druk 'Situatie Napoli escaleert: spelers moeten 2,5 miljoen euro aan loon inleveren'

29 Nov 11:42 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884314875393.html
Brooke Vincent returns to visit Coronation Street for first time since giving birth

She reportedly received a hero's welcome

29 Nov 11:56 Entertainment Daily 8392972517654715471.html
Prominent Democrat Publicly Harasses Ken Cuccinelli in 'Shocking' Confrontation at DC Pub

Acting Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli was publicly harassed Wednesday by Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley when the two ran into each other at a bar in Washington, D.C.

29 Nov 13:45 Townhall 6083908948854370348.html
Verdachte van dood vrouw in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht nog 2 weken langer vast

De man die verdacht wordt van betrokkenheid bij de dood van een vrouw uit Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht moet twee weken langer vastzitten. Het is een 28-jarige man die getrouwd was met het 23-jarige slachtoffer.

29 Nov 15:54 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228816293884.html
Iron Maiden and West Ham United announce kit collaboration

Iron Maiden team up with West Ham for the Die With Your Boots On collaboration which sees the band represented on the front of the Premier League side’s kit

29 Nov 12:19 Classic Rock 2174237038966679888.html
Doe dinsdag iets extra voor een ander

Na het commerciële geweld van Black Friday en Cyber Monday volgt GivingTuesday. Een verademing. „Mooi dat een rare beweging als GivingTuesday mensen kan aansporen iets extra’s voor een ander te doen.” Geven én doen.

29 Nov 11:59 RD.nl 6406779840587099425.html
Gun sales expected to increase for Black Friday

Guns are expected to be a hot item during the holiday shopping season.

29 Nov 12:58 WVLT 4089046911739097168.html
Man drags estranged wife to court for changing children’s school without consent

A man, Yusuf Buhari, on Friday, dragged his estranged wife, Hadiza Muhammad, to a Sharia Court, sitting in Magajin Gari, Kaduna State, for...

29 Nov 14:54 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900258698351.html
MP court issues summons against Ameesha Patel in cheque bounce case

A court has issued summons against Ameesha Patel in a Rs 10 lakh cheque bounce case.

29 Nov 12:44 The Indian Express 2885715104841880700.html
Cerita Pasien Buta Gugat RS Mata Solo dan Diberi Santunan Rp75 Juta

Pasien buta pascaoperasi yang merasa jadi korban malpraktik dilaporkan balik oleh RS Mata Solo, yang semula ia gugat Rp10 miliar.

29 Nov 10:19 moms-life 8028540702199515529.html
KPK Panggil Komisaris PT IAE Jadi Saksi Kasus Bowo Sidik

KPK memanggil Komisaris PT Inersia Ampak Engineering Sudiarmanto menjadi saksi terkait kasus suap mantan anggota DPR Bowo Sidik Pangarso.

29 Nov 10:55 detiknews 8793960225097768344.html
Sanyeri Lauds Baba Suwe’s Contribution Towards Growth Of Comic Actors

Yoruba actor, Sanyeri has commended his senior colleague, Baba Suwe for his immense contribution in paving ways for comic acts in the industry.

29 Nov 12:55 Concise 5544636823108107698.html
4 arrested for death of Hyderabad veterinarian, cops suspect rape

The police suspect the vehicle was deliberately punctured by the culprits to trap the woman.

29 Nov 12:10 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362486585681.html
U.S. to Negotiate Carbon Trades Under Climate Pact Shunned by Trump

(Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump may be withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, but the U.

29 Nov 10:01 Financial Post 2379081493673982910.html
Justicia Penal Militar pide investigar a agente por caso de Dilan Cruz

Consejo Superior de Judicatura tendría que resolver colisión de competencia y decidir quién juzga.

29 Nov 14:04 El Tiempo 1091719940254106416.html
Liverpool Could Be Set To Host Gaelic Games At Anfield

Discussions are underway to expand Liverpool's Anfield Road Stand with the club also teasing the possibility of hosting a GAA match at the iconic stadium.

29 Nov 11:50 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274882208608.html
AMD dominates the charts of best-selling desktop processors

AMD dominates the charts of best-selling desktop processors, it confirms the excellent period it is experiencing due to its offer of processors.

29 Nov 13:51 Gizchina 5392375275049647966.html
Sinisa Mihajlovic umano, non trattiene le lacrime alla prima conferenza post intervento

ROMA – Il ritorno di Sinisa Mihajlovic in conferenza stampa, la prima conferenza pubblica dopo l’intervento (riuscito). Aldilà della retorica sul Guerriero che affronta la Malattia, il tecnico serbo ha mostrato al Dall’Ara di Bologna la fragilità e l’umanità di un uomo che ha lottato e continua a lottare contro la leucemia. Non siamo abituati a vedere Mihajlovic che si ferma per tirare su col naso e asciugare le lacrime. Le battaglie temprano, è vero, ma logorano anche i più duri o perlomeno coloro che sulla propria fama da duro hanno costruito un personaggio. “In questi quattro mesi difficili ho conosciuto medici straordinari, infermieri che mi hanno curato, sopportato e supportato. So che ho un carattere forte, anche difficile. Chi meglio di loro – ha aggiunto facendo i nomi – può capire quanto sia difficile fisicamente e psicologicamente affrontare una cosa del genere. Voglio ringraziare tutti di cuore. Ho capito subito che ero nelle mani giuste”.Europa League, Roma e Lazio si qualificano ai sedicesimi se…Allegri…

29 Nov 11:40 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354086860109.html
Hier ist was los im Landkreis Wittenberg

Die nächsten Tage stimmen von Annaburg bis Zahna, von Möllensdorf bis Eisenhammer auf die Weihnachtszeit ein.

29 Nov 11:55 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110263069124.html
Eselon III-IV Musnah, Sri Mulyani: Gaji Tetap, Nir Fasilitas

Sri Mulyani menegaskan jabatan eselon III dan IV yang akan dihilangkan tetap menerima gaji utamanya, hanya fasilitas yang hilang.

29 Nov 11:12 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214088234495.html
El tribunal devuelve al jurado el veredicto del crimen de Diana Quer por errores formales y posibles contradicciones

El presidente Ángel Pantín ve "errores formales" y todas las partes se han mostrado de acuerdo, después de que el jurado llegagra a un veredicto tras dos días y medio de deliberación sobre el grado de culpabilidad de El Chicle.

29 Nov 15:19 RTVE.es 8332346889160644610.html
Arlene Dickinson's new book tackles the difficult art of reinvention

Of the many conclusions Arlene Dickinson shares in her book, Reinvention: Changing Your Life, Your Career, Your Future, the most surprising may be the one she came to after taking a hard look at he…

29 Nov 13:10 Calgary Herald 1003909011137712192.html
'Sebelumnya Dia Baik-baik Saja dan Bahagia', Bayi Ini Ditemukan Meninggal Keesokan Harinya, Dokter pun Tidak Bisa Menemukan Penyebabnya

Bayi berusia 10 bulan itu tampaknya sehat sampai kemudian tidur dan tidak pernah bangun lagi. Orang tuanya pun sangat terkejut dengan kematiannya.

29 Nov 10:30 grid.id 6246371059115736965.html
Singer sentenced to six years in jail for rape, sharing videos

A South Korean court sentenced a K-pop musician to six years in prison on Friday for raping a woman and distributing a video capturing the act in a case that drew attention to the darker side of th...

29 Nov 12:14 Punch Newspapers 3524240994010609048.html
Black Friday: Holiday Shopping Gets a Trump Economy Boost | Breitbart

Despite a holiday season shortened by a late Thanksgiving, retail spending is expected to rise by around 4 percent this year.| Economy

29 Nov 14:33 Breitbart 3148363492550176633.html
The best drum clinicians in the world today

Your pick of the top tutors and demon demonstrators

29 Nov 12:43 MusicRadar 4787726360807891328.html
Travel review: Luxury living at Roseate Hotel in Reading

Think of the best room you've ever stayed in, times it by five and it's still highly unlikely to match the room we were treated to at Roseate Hotel in Reading.

29 Nov 10:49 Express & Star 7324224460817467349.html
Enter an illuminated wonderland with over a million twinkling lights at VanDusen Garden

Step into a dazzling winter wonderland this holiday season at VanDusen Garden's annual Festival of Lights with over a million twinkling lights. 

29 Nov 10:00 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958498366268065.html
Swedish brand H&M tests clothing rental service

Hennes &amp; Mauritz AB is testing out a clothing rental service as the fashion industry faces mounting criticism for waste and pollution. Consumers can rent garments for 350 kronor ($37) a week i

29 Nov 15:56 BusinessLine 5283601219164516.html
Top! Bursa Terus Kebanjiran Investor Sehari Tambah Seribu

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mengumumkan, pertumbuhan jumlah investor saham di Bursa mencatatkan rekor baru mencapai 237.747 single investor identification (SID) per 28 November 2019.

29 Nov 12:09 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835308109330.html
Ransomware: Big paydays and little chance of getting caught means boom time for crooks

File-encrypting malware is proving to be extremely lucrative for cyber attackers, who can continue large-scale ransomware campaigns – making hundreds of thousands of dollars – almost risk-free.

29 Nov 12:59 ZDNet 591556592162782561.html
BJP MP seeks inclusion of Gorkhas left out of NRC

Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Raju Bista (BJP) said that the exclusion of names of many Gorkhasy from the NRC is a question mark on the sacrifices made by those freedom fighters who were from this community.

29 Nov 14:34 The Indian Express 2885715104916336925.html
Jadi Ibu Sambung, Ini 6 Momen Kartika Putri Bareng Ketiga Anak Habib Usman

Meski menjadi ibu sambung, presenter sekaligus aktirs sangat dekat dengan ketiga anak tirinya.

29 Nov 11:55 liputan6.com 5422146880147602827.html
Kippa vom Kopf gerissen: Polizei ermittelt Verdächtigen

Nach einem mutmaßlich antisemitischen Vorfall in einem Fitnessstudio in Freiburg hat die Polizei einen Verdächtigen ermittelt.

29 Nov 11:20 swp.de 6929179440108548056.html
Ukradenim autom probili izlog i za minutu opljačkali radnju

BUGOJNO – Nepoznate osobe prošle ukrali su veliku količinu stvari, uglavnom sportske opreme iz radnje Extra sporta u Tržnom centru Bingo u Bugojnu.

29 Nov 14:32 Nezavisne novine 4209150642819049624.html
Minimal 50 Persen, Guru Pahami Perkembangan Anak

KBRN, Jakarta : Psikolog Anak, Abu Bakar Baraja menyebut para guru wajib menguasai proses perkembangan para murid ajarnya.  'Setidaknya 50 persen, ' kata Abu Bakar Baraja, kepada RRI, Jumat

29 Nov 13:52 RRI News Portal 6700853646154034184.html
Akshay Kumar And Badshah Express Their Anguish on Priyanka Reddy's Brutal Rape And Killing

After news of 26-year-old Hyderabad based veterinarian Dr. Priyanka Reddy being brutally murdered and charred to death made headlines, many actors have been expressing their anguish over the same. Akshay Kumar and rapper Badshah too showed their anger and disappointment on the social media handle

29 Nov 15:05 SPOTBOYE 1547816856987682010.html
Conmemora Universidad Central su aniversario 67

La Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV) conmemoró en claustro solemne el aniversario 67 de la fundación de esa casa de altos estudios

29 Nov 14:59 Trabajadores 1167277447475675521.html
6 Tempat Wisata Alam di Jambi yang Jadi Favorit Turis

Baru-baru ini Jambi mendapat juara umum di Anugerah Pesona Indonesia. Jambi memang punya sejumlah tempat wisata alam yang elok. Berikut beberapa di antaranya.

29 Nov 10:17 detikTravel 7712517353021595110.html
Jadi Incaran Kaum Urban, Trans Park Juanda Laris Manis

Trans Park Juanda, Laris Manis Dibeli Kaum Urban di Bekasi

29 Nov 14:11 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212224279838.html
The London Transport Museum's Black Friday Deals Include Used Tube Buttons

Black Friday is pretty much the best time to buy Christmas presents (apart from January, if you can get away with not seeing the recipient 'til after the sales). If you've got a transport fan in your life, the London Transport Museum's deals today will be right up your bus lane.

29 Nov 13:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059000540156410.html
WAC verabschiedet sich "mit erhobenem Haupt"

Wolfsberg-Präsident Dietmar Riegler ist "megastolz" auf die Mannschaft, Kapitän Michael Liendl beklagt die mangelnde Effizienz vor dem gegnerischen Tor. Das nicht gepfiffene Foul an Romano Schmid im Strafraum sorgt für Unverständnis beim WAC

29 Nov 12:02 weltfussball.at 3521376372533711083.html
Bolivia: evocaciones a partir del golpe

Ahora se teoriza intensamente acerca de lo ocurrido en Bolivia y la derecha nativa y una parte de la izquierda tradicional intentan justificar el golpe de estado contra el presidente Evo Morales bajo falsos o contradictorios argumentos, con el fin evidente de tergiversar lo ocurrido y restarle culpas a la oligarquía, apéndice execrable de Estados Unidos y sus estructuras de dominación imperiales. 

29 Nov 11:08 Escambray 1851904803372106571.html
Y brillaban las estrellas: un encuentro tradicional

Miguel Issa estuvo a cargo de las coreografías de danza contemporánea

29 Nov 12:45 Últimas Noticias 6811287209687502419.html
Netflix explore America's most haunted locations and we're already creeped out

Sounds spooky.

29 Nov 14:58 Metro 970161747549163215.html
Jenna Dewan spends Thanksgiving with daughter amid Channing Tatum 'custody row'

The exes share six-year-old daughter Everly.

29 Nov 11:16 Metro 970161747716195339.html
NZ Bus advised of industrial action by FIRST Union and Tramways Union

NZ Bus has been advised by FIRST Union and the Tramways Union that drivers will be taking strike action from next week that will affect a number of routes.

29 Nov 15:44 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314906784970.html
Shocked to hear about rape, murder of Telangana doctor, says Rahul Gandhi

Evidence gathered from the crime scene suggests rape, but that has not been confirmed yet as the body is completely charred, sources in the police told India Today.

29 Nov 12:11 India Today 4286117813022532030.html
PKS soal FPI: Khilafahnya Berbeda dengan yang Dipahami Oleh HTI

"Kalau FPI kemudian menerima Pancasila, menerima NKRI, maka khilafah maknanya berbeda dengan HTI. Kalau HTI kan khilafahnya menolak NKRI, menolak Pancasila," kata Hidayat Nur Wahid.

29 Nov 15:22 merdeka.com 1998180356093798279.html
Enfermeiros do estado entram em greve por tempo indeterminado

De acordo com a classe, não foi feito nenhum reajuste salarial desde o ano de 2016, falta de pagamento de progressões, de retroativo (passivo de anos anteriores) e o plano de carreira, cargos e remuneração da categoria

29 Nov 15:06 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548517453987.html
El Gobierno local adjudica las obras de Gasteiz Antzokia

El Gabinete de Gorka Urtaran ha adjudicado a la empresa Zikotz la redacci&oacute;n del proyecto y la ejecuci&oacute;n de las obras de Gasteiz Antzokia, que e...

29 Nov 11:34 naiz: 7509038603672773577.html
West Indies trying to adapt to Indian pitches: Rutherford

Cricket News: Gearing up for next month's T20 series, West Indies all-rounder Sherfane Rutherford on Friday said his team has been trying to adapt to the Indian pit

29 Nov 12:53 The Times of India 6060938663921563787.html
Maple Leafs send Martin Marincin to the Marlies

With the Leafs in Buffalo today, Martin Marincin is sent deeper into New York State.

29 Nov 15:10 Pension Plan Puppets 2082242128687586394.html
BMW Is Killing Its Range-Extending Hybrid But Maybe It Shouldn't

BMW introduced the i3 REx range-extending hybrid hatchback back in 2014 to offer a longer-range alternative to the fully-electric i3's measly 128 kilometre range at the time. A few short years later, the company confirmed it’s done with range-extending hybrids for good....

29 Nov 11:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247394592225.html
Middendorp annoyed by Khune's medical update

Kaizer Chiefs coach Ernst Middendorp says he is frustrated that the medical team gave the all clear for Itumeleng Khune to return to action.

29 Nov 10:21 Sport 682566035378745750.html
Danca: Vom lua masuri severe de reducere a unor cheltuieli, pentru a aplica legea pensiilor

Executivul Orban a identificat mai multe zone unde va aplica masuri severe de reducere a cheltuielilor bugetare, in asa fel incat sa poata implementa Legea pensiilor, a declarat Ionel Danca, seful Cancelariei premierului.

29 Nov 13:04 Ziare.com 1922730286082389234.html
JUST IN: Supreme Court dethrones first-class Oyo monarch, Eleruwa

Ademola Babalola, Ibadan The Supreme court on Friday dethroned a first-class monarch in Oyo State, the Eleruwa of Eruwa, Oba Samuel Adegbola. The PUNCH recalls that Adegbola had in 2013 lost ...

29 Nov 13:10 Punch Newspapers 3524240994150164530.html
Tanah Merah second district under water in Kelantan tonight

KOTA BARU, Nov 29 — Tanah Merah is the second district which is inundated by floods in Kelantan tonight after 61 victims were moved to four temporary relief centres (PPS) as of 8pm tonight. According to the InfoBencanaJKM application, 18 victims were housed at the Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Kelewek,...

29 Nov 13:39 Malaymail 302165935996019386.html
Trump visits troops in Afghanistan, says Taliban talks back on

On a brief visit to Bagram Airfield outside the capital Kabul, Trump served turkey dinner to soldiers, posed for photographs and delivered a speech after meeting...

29 Nov 10:43 New Vision 9103146371814187064.html
Fysioterapeut Stefan Bodde sil Sander Arends bystean op Australian Open

De fysioterapeut út Dokkum giet fiif wiken mei Arends mei nei Australië.

29 Nov 15:10 Omrop Fryslân 8239175696090985543.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Gunners must make 'adventurous' appointment after missing out on Mourinho

Alan Smith thinks Arsenal should be bold in their pursuit of a replacement for Unai Emery and ignore a "safe pair of hands".

29 Nov 12:16 sportskeeda 1601194027552318256.html
André Hazes staat stil bij overleden familie Monique Westenberg

Monique Westenberg (41) moest deze week afscheid nemen van haar oma Corrie. Zij overleed dinsdagavond op 88-jarige leeftijd. André Hazes (25) staat op Instagram stil bij het verlies van oma Corrie en bij het verlies van Moniques stiefmoeder die vorig jaar overleed.

29 Nov 10:15 RTL Boulevard 1500115270587990606.html
SPC ajuda a combater fraudes contra o consumidor

Em tempos de Black Friday e de pagamento da primeira parcela do 13 salário, com as ruas e lojas mais cheias do que normalmente, o Serviço de Proteção ao Crédito disponibiliza, gratuitamente, por 30 dias, o serviço ‘SPC avisa’. O objetivo é auxiliar a população contra possíveis fraudes, especialmente neste período de maior demanda por compras.

29 Nov 11:25 NSC Total 4216767908587328698.html
Police kill man who killed two in terrorist knife attack on London Bridge

Gunshots have been fired on the London Bridge while London’s Metropolitan Police Service announced that officers were “in the early stages of dealing with an incident at London Bridge.”

29 Nov 14:44 Washington Examiner 4625792331770832317.html
India quarterly growth falls to worst level in six years

MUMBAI, Nov 29 — India’s economy grew at its slowest pace in more than six years in the July-September period, down to 4.5 per cent from 7.0 per cent a year ago, according to government figures released today that piled more pressure on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The expansion in Asia’s...

29 Nov 15:40 Malaymail 302165936284384132.html
Kisah Lippo Lepas Saham OVO karena Tak Kuat Bakar Duit

Pelepasan sebagian saham ini diutarakan langsung oleh sang pendiri sekaligus Chairman Grup Lippo Mochtar Riady.

29 Nov 11:45 detikfinance 4442190001482602231.html
Violence rises in Iraq’s south amid crackdowns on protests and press

Iraqi security officers opened fire on protesters in southern Iraq on Thursday, killing at least 35, as the government sought to quell violence that started with an attack on the Iranian Consulate in the city of Najaf, but then spread to other areas in the country’s south.

29 Nov 13:46 Bdnews24 8119004129517067984.html
Stocks slip on trade worries as record high stays elusive

LONDON (Nov 29): World shares slipped on Friday as a leading index strained for a record high, with nerves gnawing away from Asia to Europe over how, or when, the US and China can agree a truce in their damaging trade war.The MSCI All Country world index, which tracks shares in 49 countries, fell 0.2% to 548.48 points, short of a record 550.63 scaled in January 2018 before the tensions over trade between Washington and Beijing broke out.European shares

29 Nov 10:25 The Edge Markets 6322622074808271474.html
JUST IN: Freddie Ljungberg named as Arsenal interim boss

Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery after the Premier League club’s worst run in more than a quarter of a century.Following Emery’s sack, ...

29 Nov 12:30 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900042692448.html
Il caso della tampon tax, ridotta solo sugli assorbenti biodegradabili

Nel decreto fiscale è prevista una tassazione ridotta dal 22 al 5 per cento per tamponi e assorbenti che rispettano determinate caratteristiche, ma sono anche i meno utilizzati. Primo passo o “greenwashing”?

29 Nov 11:58 Wired 7504010958092437027.html
Jacqueline Jossa's mum and Dan Osborne ignore each other despite sharing hotel

Dan Osborne and his daughters are staying in Australia with Jacqueline Jossa's family as they support her I'm A Celebrity stint

29 Nov 15:25 mirror 675785260051102073.html
Jacqueline Jossa's mum and Dan Osborne ignore each other despite sharing hotel

Dan Osborne and his daughters are staying in Australia with Jacqueline Jossa's family as they support her I'm A Celebrity stint

29 Nov 15:25 Irish Mirror 2875825629981217209.html
Duplice agguato, sempre più concreta la pista del botta e risposta: indagini negli ambienti familiari di Nicola e Antonio

Duplice agguato, sempre più concreta la pista del botta e risposta: indagini negli ambienti familiari di Nicola e Antonio

29 Nov 15:14 InterNapoli.it 7089789175845518735.html
Cargo ship aground, Philippines

Cargo ship POSEIDON 34 ran aground on northern coast of Capul island, Northern Samar, S of Legazpi, Philippines, at around 0315 UTC Nov 29, while en route from Legazpi to Tagbilaran, Philippines. T…

29 Nov 12:36 Maritime Bulletin 5669213275912584864.html
DC drops Batman image after claims it supports Hong Kong unrest

Picture trailing new Frank Miller comic showed Batwoman throwing a molotov cocktail against the legend: ‘The future is young’

29 Nov 14:12 the Guardian 1491978795799725839.html
Vezza d’Alba cerca forze fresche per il gruppo comunale di protezione civile

L’età media dei volontari avanza. Dall’Amministrazione un appello ai giovani del paese perché aiutino a garantire una presenza preziosa per tutti

29 Nov 15:03 Targatocn.it 7367208849278274025.html
Concerns that thousands spent on Jobseekers forced to do JobPath programme for a fourth time

The two private companies operating JobPath have been paid €207m.

29 Nov 12:55 TheJournal.ie 6446904418040479382.html
Bengaluru police bust international drug racket, seize contraband worth over Rs 1 crore

A total of 2. 665 kg of drugs, 14 packets of Marijuana hidden in milk powder boxes, weed-flavoured cigarettes, and 12 chocolate packets were also recovered during the raid apart from Rs 1 lakh in cash, the police added.

29 Nov 13:07 The Indian Express 2885715105526595337.html
Wall Street starts holiday-shortened day in red

Wall Street's main indexes started the day in the negative territory on Friday as investors returned from the Thanksgiving Day holiday break. As of wr

29 Nov 14:52 FXStreet 4480975638181500571.html
Music is the language we all share

Harvard's Music Lab has spent five years compiling a large database of thousands of songs from all over the world — with some striking similarities.

29 Nov 13:00 mnn 1276819565109346658.html
Erfurt: Ein Unfall nach dem anderen! Jetzt wird Tacheles geredet!

Drei Unfälle in nur 24 Stunden! In Erfurt hat es bei der B7 gleich mehrfach heftig gekracht. Die Polizei findet klare Worte! Denn alle drei Unfälle hatten eines gemein. Weiterlesen...

29 Nov 14:44 Thüringen24 7206317294453263971.html
Caitlyn Jenner's dark feud with Khloe Kardashian explained after five years of silence

The I'm A Celebrity star said last night that it had been five or six years since she'd spoken to former stepdaughter Khloe and that she doesn't know why

29 Nov 11:08 Irish Mirror 2875825629360355161.html
Beyoncé lanceert een kerstcollectie - precies op tijd voor de feestdagen

Zo vier je kerst in de stijl van Queen B

29 Nov 13:15 Glamour 7276994000911041899.html
First pictures of London Bridge 'shooting' after panic fills streets as police swarm on area

BBC correspondent John McManus told BBC News that he had heard several gunshots on London Bridge

29 Nov 14:39 birminghammail 8288260685604171845.html
Trovati i cadaveri di un uomo e una donna nel Bresciano, ipotesi omicidio-suicidio

L'uomo, trovato impiccato in un parco pubblico, aveva annunciato su Facebook a un'amica l'intenzione di uccidere la donna con cui aveva una relazione, il cui corpo è stato rinvenuto in campagna

29 Nov 11:32 rainews 442831848219321533.html
Unai Emery, destituido como entrenador del Arsenal

La decisi&oacute;n llega tras la derrota en Europa League en casa contra el Eintracht de Frankfurt por 1-2. El t&eacute;cnico de Hondarribia estaba siendo mu...

29 Nov 11:50 naiz: 7509038603540385247.html
PM Modi clicks uber-cool selfie at Mohena Kumari Singh and Suyesh Rawat’s wedding reception

Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended Mohena Kumari Singh’s wedding reception in Delhi.

29 Nov 10:11 India Today 4286117812512942955.html
CityLife Seven Days

Events from November 29 to December 5

29 Nov 12:00 men 6694993427706050291.html
Aise Hee: When liberation comes from a personal loss

Kislay's Aise Hee premiered at the Busan International Film Festival’s New Currents competition section this year.

29 Nov 10:18 The Indian Express 2885715105528008136.html
Sulle etichette alimentari l’Italia svela il bluff dei francesi

Sì alla soda dietetica, no al latte fresco intero. Luce verde all’olio di semi di colza, ma alt all’olio extravergine di oliva. Non è la scena di un film di fantascienza dist...

29 Nov 12:01 L'HuffPost 5315551423035017724.html
Dell Cuts Full Year Forecast Due to Intel Supply Challenges

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use.

29 Nov 12:30 Extremetech 653399569333050701.html
'Eén op de drie Groningse jongeren kampt met psychische klachten'

Een derde van de Groningse jongeren heeft te maken met persoonlijke en psychische klachten. Zij geven bovendien aan hulp nodig te hebben bij het omgaan met hun klachten.

29 Nov 14:52 RTV Noord 3728677366680941105.html
Niatan Astra untuk Lenyapkan 'DNA' Malaysia di Tol Cipali

PT Astra Tol Nusantara (ASTRA Infra) akhirnya mewujudkan niatnya untuk memiliki seutuhnya tol Cikopo-Palimanan (Cipali).

29 Nov 10:03 detikfinance 4442190000365239144.html
Man wins appeal over lack of detail in mortgage debt demand

A man has won a Supreme Court appeal which centred on a claim he was entitled to more detail about how a €221,000 mortgage debt was calculated before a bank obtained judgment for the money against him.

29 Nov 13:59 Breaking News 4415806919642918337.html
Wormuth voert twee wijzigingen door tegen ADO, Osman maakt rentree in de basis

Heracles Almelo-trainer Frank Wormuth voert twee wijzigingen door in zijn basiselftal ten opzichte van het duel met Ajax. Mohammed Osman keert na lang blessureleed terug in de basisopstelling, nadat hij vorige week al een half uur voor tijd inviel. De middenvelder speelt in plaats van Sebastian Jakubiak, die vorige week vanwege zijn verdedigende kwaliteiten nog de voorkeur kreeg boven Mauro Junior. Laatstgenoemde zal morgen op de plek van Dabney Dos Santos spelen.

29 Nov 14:07 RTV Oost 6509131171345247543.html
Das Internet vergisst doch (FOTO)

Ob die Menschheit in zweihundert Jahren überhaupt noch etwas von der heutigen Welt weiß, darum sorgt sich der HPI-Fellow und Internet-Erfinder Vinton G. Cerf, wie er bei einem Future Talk am …

29 Nov 15:14 OTS.at 4182160710928155492.html
Kerap Tampil Mewah, Penampilan 'Emak-emak' Ala Nia Ramadhani Sederhana Saat Temani Anaknya Belajar

Ardi Bakrie beberkan penampilan istrinya saat berada di rumah dan sibuk urus ketiga anaknya, Nia Ramadhani versi 'emak-emak' terlihat beda jauh!

29 Nov 10:06 Tribunnews.com 3323534445623321456.html
Chinese investments in Malaysia halve, U.S inflow soars

Chinese investments into Malaysia halved to $1.7 billion in the first nine months of the year from a year ago, though U.S. investments soared seven times to $5.9 billion - reflecting a diversion of funds due to the Beijing-Washington trade clashes. Data provided by the Malaysian Investment Development

29 Nov 10:07 Yahoo 7097669637625766311.html
Shareholders of Singapore-listed POSH told to accept takeover offer by Kuok Group

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Minority shareholders of loss-making Singapore-listed PACC Offshore Services Holdings Ltd (POSH) have been advised to accept the voluntary conditional cash offer of S$0.215 by the Kuok Group, through its investment vehicle Quetzal Capital Pte Ltd.In a letter to the recommending directors in respect to the offer, independent financial adviser Provenance Capital Pte Ltd said the offer presents shareholders with a cash exit opportunity to realise their entire investment in the shares at a fixed price

29 Nov 13:27 The Edge Markets 6322622075128424525.html
Cinc marques que destinen els beneficis del Black Friday a organitzacions socials o ambientals

Enmig dels anuncis generalitzats de descomptes, algunes firmes llancen missatges contra el consum desmesurat

29 Nov 14:32 EL PAÍS 940505150150604049.html
Aniston feiert "Friendsgiving" mit Ex-Mann

Zwei Jahre nach ihrer Trennung stehen sich Jennifer Aniston und ihr Ex-Mann Justin Theroux offenbar immer noch nahe. So nahe sogar, dass sie und ihre Freunde gemeinsam Thanksgiving verbringen. Dabei serviert die Schauspielerin auf Wunsch eher ausgefallene Gerichte.

29 Nov 15:52 n-tv 6802689755326469801.html
Cómo configurar respuestas automáticas de Whatsapp

WhatsApp nos permite mantenernos en contacto con amigos o familiares pero a veces no podemos contestar los mensajes que nos envían nuestros contactos, es por eso que el servicio de mensajería ha creado las respuestas automáticas.

29 Nov 10:30 Punto Biz 7504645526033808579.html
Brigitta Gadient wird Präsidentin von Schweiz Tourismus

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:38 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775566349195.html
Millions of Kenyans to get access to digital post boxes | IOL News

Mobile network operator Safaricom and the Postal Corporation of Kenya on Friday announced a partnership to roll out digital ...

29 Nov 12:21 www.iol.co.za 17825112814812323.html
Arsenal fire Emery after worst run in decades

LONDON, United Kingdom, Nov 29 – Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager on Friday after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

29 Nov 10:24 Capital Sports 7605153803782571037.html
Deriso e aggredito dai bulli (che filmano tutto con lo smartphone): tre denunce

A Cefalù preso di mira un 14enne con una lieve disabilità. La polizia è riuscita a individuare in poche ore i presunti responsabili

29 Nov 14:18 Today 178378749576339648.html
Philosophin Lisa Maria Herzog über die Zukunft der Arbeit

Die Wissenschaftlerin betont den positiven Aspekt der Arbeit.

29 Nov 15:44 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568708910621.html
Rod Stewart: Rocker turned model railroad builder

LONDON — Rod Stewart, known for decades as a consummate crooner, rocker, fashion plate and tongue-in-cheek sex symbol, is adding a new element to his image: serious model railroad builder.

29 Nov 13:18 KitchenerToday.com 52741009753194427.html
Mayors want military patrols to fill gaps in national police shortage; Cabinet says "no"

The mayors of the municipalities of Veenendaal, De Bilt and Utrechtse Heuvelrug want the Ministry of Defense to take over some police duties to fill the gaps caused by the national shortage of police

29 Nov 13:45 NL Times 9001346993372901123.html
Color Blind? This free Chrome plugin may help

A free color blind chrome plugin can dramatically improve the ability to discriminate different colors in your browser, making it easier to see charts.

29 Nov 15:05 MSPoweruser 1651641550150589522.html
Internal security big challenge before $5 trn economy target: Amit Shah

Shah exhorted the police forces to take proactive steps towards improving their image among the public through behavioural and professional changes

29 Nov 13:23 Business-Standard 1502508924579162814.html
Missing Irish dad feared murdered by Colombian drug cartel

It is feared that James Hillis, from Forth Mountain, in County Wexford has been murdered by a drug cartel in South America. Hillis, the father of young children, traveled to Columbia, from his own in Tenerife, Spain, on his Irish passport in October 2019. He has not been heard of in a month...

29 Nov 15:15 IrishCentral 7319968743426843875.html
Afghan President: Defeating al-Baghdadi More Significant than Bin-Laden

Ashraf Ghani told Americans on Thursday that Donald Trump defeating the Islamic State Founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was very significant.

29 Nov 12:45 Breitbart 3148363491875874493.html
Blutrache am Erbacher Anglersee: Tat am Anglersee war Mord – Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt Urteil

Die rechtliche Aufarbeitung der Blutrachetat im April 2017 am Anglersee bei Erbach (Alb-Donau-Kreis) ist endgültig abgeschlossen.

29 Nov 10:39 swp.de 6929179440874391769.html
Tyga ställer in Sverigespelning

Kommer inte till Partille arena den 4 december.

29 Nov 10:52 HD 3336945411748447634.html
UK PM Johnson being kept updated on London Bridge incident

LONDON, Nov 29 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he was being kept updated on the incident at London Bridge.

29 Nov 15:21 Reuters 8334514180433712804.html
Andre Russell excluded from West Indies squad for series against India

India and West Indies are slated to play three T20Is and as many ODIs. The first T20I will be played on December 6 at Hyderabad.

29 Nov 10:00 The New Indian Express 4718288653626086189.html
Graham Potter urges Brighton to "embrace the challenge" of facing Liverpool

The Seagulls boss accepts Liverpool will need to have an 'off day' if they are to enjoy success at Anfield on Saturday.

29 Nov 13:19 Sports Mole 7750663361643653699.html
Aria di Natale a Vercelli con lo zampognaro

Aria di Natale a Vercelli con lo zampognaro. Un breve video per condividere con i nostri lettori il fascino di un’antica tradizione.

29 Nov 12:41 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734032493625224.html
Christmas bonus for Carrick-on-Suir Credit Union members

Carrick-on-Suir Credit Union Ltd is reporting a strong 2019.  The credit union has provided €5.8 million in loans to the local community over the past year. Membership has grown and it now h...

29 Nov 11:40 TipperaryLive 1097599578971605695.html
Analyse unseres Partner-Portals "Economist": Bürgermeister will mit der "Baguette-Strategie" Rechtsextreme schlagen

Ein Bürgermeister, der die siebzig schon überschritten hat, lehnt sich gegen den Niedergang des ländlichen Frankreichs auf. Sein Mittel: Das Rathaus verkauft Baguettes und fördert so den sozialen Zusammenhalt.

29 Nov 14:31 FOCUS Online 4448121231769323101.html
Usuarios denuncian alza indebida en cuota de diciembre del CAE

BancoEstado, una de las instituciones que ha sido cuestionada, se refirió al tema en su cuenta de Twitter.

29 Nov 12:51 T13 7836926440719630002.html
The best Black Friday deals at John Lewis

Get some fancy new bits before Christmas.

29 Nov 10:39 Metro 970161747832762169.html
MP's Brother Stabbed to Death

The MP's brother and nephew were embroiled in a confrontation that turned violent leaving...

29 Nov 13:44 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154167402873.html
Johnson dodges LBC radio host's questions about his children

PM refuses to comment when asked how involved he is in his children’s lives

29 Nov 11:33 the Guardian 1491978796166261339.html
Malaysia beats Thailand in video streaming experience, says Opensignal report

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — Opensignal has just posted its latest “State of Mobile Video Experience” report and it appears that telcos in Malaysia have shown some improvement when it comes to the mobile video experience. The overall mobile video experience score for Malaysia has increased from...

29 Nov 12:09 Malaymail 302165935876443709.html
Bäume als Lebensraum

Podiumsdiskussionen und Referate beleuchteten Donau-Auen.

29 Nov 12:42 NÖN.at 2486998932596315253.html
UK PM Johnson: Queen is beyond reproach and distinct from royal family

LONDON, Nov 29 — Queen Elizabeth is beyond reproach but there is a distinction between the monarchy and the rest of the royal family, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said today when asked if the monarchy was beyond reproach after the scandal involving Prince Andrew. “The monarchy is the queen and...

29 Nov 13:28 Malaymail 302165935050209936.html
Arranca el Black Friday en abreviada temporada de compras

Este año, la temporada compras que inaugura el Black Friday es la más corta desde el año 2013.

29 Nov 15:24 SIPSE.com 4008460418065463984.html
Opositores cubanos descartan video difamatorio de José Daniel Ferrer

“El teatro que montaron no es creíble, no aceptamos acusaciones sin pruebas. Esos testimonios son de chivatos comprometidos con ellos" (Cuba)

29 Nov 13:58 Cubanet 2710294110651396179.html
Need to change people's perception about police: Amit Shah

"When we are sitting here and talking about narcotics control, smuggling, terrorism, Naxalism, fake currency and routine law and order, perhaps we do not know that the success that we are looking at has been at the cost of sacrifice of more than 35,000 jawans," he said.

29 Nov 12:20 The Economic Times 7653256037600954452.html
Pep Guardiola thinking about beating Newcastle, not Premier League title

Manchester City have work to do in the Premier League title race, but Pep Guardiola is not looking too far ahead.

29 Nov 15:36 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907146345537.html
3 Alasan Kenapa Virgil van Dijk Pantas Memenangi Ballon d'Or 2019 dibanding Lionel Messi atau Cristiano Ronaldo

Virgil van Dijk berpeluang meruntuhkan dominasi Lionel Messi dan Cristiano Ronaldo dalam perebutan penghargaan Ballon d'Or 2019.

29 Nov 10:00 Bola.com 1695722603241067909.html
FOTO: Nadeo Argawinata, Si Ganteng Andalan Timnas Indonesia U-22

Tidak hanya ganteng namun juga piawai menjaga gawang menjadi kelebihan dari kiper Timnas Indonesia U-22, Nadeo Argawinata. Pada dua laga perdana dirinya mampu menjaga cleen sheet untuk gawang Garuda Muda.

29 Nov 14:00 Bola.com 1695722603833139986.html
Xhaka-Trainer Emery ist seinen Job los

Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Unai Emery. Die Niederlage in der Europa League gegen Eintracht Frankfurt war zu viel.

29 Nov 11:13 20 Minuten 5741369452666423000.html
NASA to Buy Two Seats for its Astronauts Aboard Russian Soyuz Spacecraft

The US space agency intends to buy two seats for its astronauts aboard Russian Soyuz spacecraft for a flight to the International Space Station (ISS), TASS reported. “NASA’s purchase of a seat on a future private astronaut mission of no more than four total crew members helps both foster the low Earth orbit economy as well as provides NASA an additional way to meet its needs for research aboard the International Space Station,” the agency said in a Nov.

29 Nov 11:26 novinite.com 4235039572108764075.html
Lo sciopero generale e nazionale di oggi

Potrebbero esserci disagi per i treni regionali, ma nelle città maggiori non sono previsti scioperi dei trasporti: le cose da sapere

29 Nov 11:37 Il Post 6291746504649917478.html
ICC-Klage: Anwälte werfen Bolsonaro Anstachelung zum Völkermord vor

Eine Gruppe brasilianischer Anwälte und Ex-Minister will vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof gegen den brasilianischen Präsidenten Bolsonaro vorgehen. Sie werfen ihm Anstachelung zum Völkermord an Indigenen vor.

29 Nov 15:13 euronews 4540914625512020183.html
Lekker janken: in deze kerstreclame komt E.T. terug naar volwassen Elliott

Oomph, right in the feels

29 Nov 10:55 Glamour 7276994001557331335.html
UPDATE: Several people stabbed in London Bridge incident, declared act of terrorism

A man has been detained, according to Metropolitan Police

29 Nov 15:40 The Stettler Independent 1209901973853689370.html
Comedian Joanne McNally and author Jo Wood joining Ray D'Arcy this Saturday

Ireland's only female steeplejack Angela Collins O'Mahony, showband star Roy Taylor and the Kaiser Chiefs also among the guests.

29 Nov 12:28 Breaking News 4415806919718482675.html
Eine Lobby für schwerkranke Kinder

Professionelle Pflege im eigenen Zuhause - „wir für pänz“ leistete Pionierarbeit

29 Nov 15:13 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567750000593.html
Tajemnicza paczka wysłana do Ministerstwa Zdrowia

Do Ministerstwa Zdrowia trafiła w piątek tajemnicza paczka. Trzy osoby, które miały kontakt z przesyłką, zostały odizolowane. Zawartość paczki sprawdzają teraz służby ratownictwa chemicznego Państwowej Straży Pożarnej.

29 Nov 14:31 fakty.interia.pl 3878966317556412010.html
Cellulari che valgono una fortuna: se li avete nel cassetto avete un tesoro

Il mondo del telefoni cellulari è esploso anni fa ma alcuni esemplari ormai obsoleti da anni si portano dietro ancora un gran valore, ecco quali sono

29 Nov 10:15 tecnoandroid 2573257128322733489.html
'This isn't a choice between animal protection and consumer safety'

In 2020, Australia will ban animal testing in cosmetics. Michelle Thew, CEO of Cruelty Free International, has spent the past 20 years campaigning for these laws across the world.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730561880222367.html
Kleinflugzeug abgestürzt: Sieben Menschen tot

Beim Absturz eines Kleinflugzeugs im Osten Kanadas sind sieben Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Wie die kanadische Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde TSB am ...

29 Nov 11:25 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094474948875.html
Volkswagen vergleicht Frauen in Südafrika mit wilden Tieren

Der Wolfsburger Konzern hat in einem Radiospot Frauen mit wilden Tieren verglichen.

29 Nov 12:08 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568464657355.html
Pragya Thakur says sorry twice in Parl after uproar over Godse remark

Referring to Rahul's remark, she said member of House referred to her as 'terrorist' and called it an attack on her dignity.

29 Nov 10:31 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363289081567.html
Radiazioni degli smartphone: i telefoni più pericolosi

Avere lo smartphone sempre a portata di mano è un'esigenza imprescindibile, ma quante radiazioni sono effettivamente emesse dal dispositivo?

29 Nov 10:55 tecnoandroid 2573257126531132380.html
IDAX Crypto Exchange CEO Disappears Amidst Exit Scam Rumors 

IDAX, an Asian crypto exchange whose users have been unable to make withdrawals since November 24, has announced that it’s CEO, who allegedly absconded with the exchange’s cold wallet  is still nowhere to be found and as such, it is suspending all deposits and withdrawals indefinitely, according to a blog post on November 29, 2019.

29 Nov 15:00 BTC Manager 8549607153261027625.html
Rod Stewart: Rocker turned model railroad builder

LONDON - Rod Stewart, known for decades as a consummate crooner, rocker, fashion plate and tongue-in-cheek sex symbol, is adding a new element to his image:

29 Nov 15:50 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244984076782.html
Metro Vancouver bus stop stabbing victim on his incredible survival story

It was a cold night in December 2011 and the then-19-year-old, an avid transit user, was about to board the 701 bus, his last transfer to Maple Ridge.

29 Nov 13:34 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958498241469506.html
India offers funds to Sri Lanka in bid to outdo China

India, anxious to counter China's influence in the region, on Friday offered hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Sri Lanka as the island's new president made his maiden overseas trip in New Delhi.

29 Nov 12:20 Digital Journal 4566489173168209697.html
Frontalzusammenstoß mit einem Lkw auf Bedburger Landstraße

Bei einem Frontalzusammenstoß zwischen einem Auto und einem Lkw ist am Freitagnachmittag ein 68-jähriger Mann leicht verletzt worden. Der Unfall ereignete sich um 13.30 Uhr, als der Autofahrer aus bislang ungeklärter Ursache auf die Gegenspur der Landesstraße 361n geriet. Dabei stieß er frontal mit dem entgegenkommenden Lkw eines 44-jährigen Mannes zusammen, der in Richtung Bergheim ...

29 Nov 15:12 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569107353945.html
K-pop stars sentenced for rape, sharing secret sex videos

A South Korean court sentenced a K-pop musician to six years in prison on Friday for raping a woman and distributing a video capturing the act in ...

29 Nov 14:30 CNA 5644198863134267639.html
Jennifer Aniston celebrates ‘Friendsgiving’ with ex-husband Justin Theroux

The pair were joined by a host of their famous pals

29 Nov 12:38 GOSS.ie 8755536026016186995.html
Jennifer Aniston celebrates ‘Friendsgiving’ with ex-husband Justin Theroux

The pair were joined by a host of their famous pals

29 Nov 12:38 GOSS.ie 8755536024488829190.html
Los beneficios para la salud de masticar chicle

La goma de mascar, siempre que no contenga azúcar, ayuda a limpiar los dientes

29 Nov 10:38 Diarioinformacion 8979296175928881960.html
Several people stabbed in London Bridge incident - Barriere Star Journal

A man has been detained, according to Metropolitan Police

29 Nov 15:40 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367644587546.html
Vectornator Pro: Kostenlose Mac-App jetzt verfügbar

Noch Anfang des Monats mussten die Projekt-Verantwortlichen der Grafik-Anwendung Vectornator den Start ihrer Mac-App verschieben – jetzt ist der kostenlose Download im Mac App Store gelandet und lässt sich ohne Abo, In-App-Kauf und Vorkasse laden. macOS Catalina wird zur Installation allerdings vorausgesetzt. Zur Erinnerung: Bis März 2018 musste die bislang ausschließlich als iPad-App verfügbare Anwendung […]

29 Nov 12:53 ifun.de 6678736052985870064.html
Meghalaya plans to shut schools with enrolments below 10

A total of 221 lower and upper primary schools in the state have a single-digit enrolment of students. The minister said the state government incurs Rs 20 crore annual expenditure on these schools, which could be used for the development of other educational institutes.

29 Nov 14:43 The Indian Express 2885715105471589189.html
Voleibol es la carta de Bolivia para conquistar las preseas doradas

El Equipo Bolivia viaja a Asunción, Paraguay, a los XXV Juegos Sudamericanos Escolares con la ilusión de mejorar la última participación de la tricolor en este evento internacional. La gran esperanza de la delegación boliviana de lograr los títulos nacionales se centra en la disciplina del voleibol no sólo en varones, donde el equipo es

29 Nov 12:45 eju.tv 4688901769838761046.html
Warner, Labuschagne tons put Australia in command against Pakistan on first day of second Test

Australia scored 302/1 with the duo building an ominous 294-run partnership, leaving Pakistan with a huge battle to stay in touch.

29 Nov 14:09 Scroll.in 8669301693556646067.html
ONU: Hubo uso desproporcionado de fuerza en Ecuador

La misión de expertos de Naciones Unidas que investigó sobre el terreno las protestas acaecidas en Ecuador del 3 al 13 de octubre concluyó ...

29 Nov 12:54 LaPatilla.com 9104603010635945058.html
US shoppers stay away from stores, spend online as Black Friday begins

NEW YORK, Nov 29 — US consumers splurged more than US$2 billion online in the first hours of Thanksgiving shopping today, while crowds were largely thin at retailers on the eve of Black Friday, reflecting the broader trend away from shopping at brick-and-mortar stores. Early discounts offered...

29 Nov 11:09 Malaymail 302165934679434102.html
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer confident Paul Pogba's imminent return will boost Manchester United's pursuit of top four finish

Paul Pogba will return to training at Manchester United this weekend with Ole Gunnar Solskjaer predicting his star midfielder will inject fresh momentum into their pursuit of a top four finish.

29 Nov 10:00 The Telegraph 140598092681034536.html
Jony Ive officially leaves Apple

Sir Jonathan Ive, better known as Jony Ive, announced back in June that he would be leaving the company to start LoveFrom, a design firm he started in collaboration with fellow Apple Watch designer Marc Newson. The Englishman joined Apple&hellip;

29 Nov 10:20 TechSpot 7732733961028934391.html
Tottenham’s Wanyama Set To Build Football Academy In Kenya

Captain of Kenya's Harambee Stars Victor Wanyama is set to fulfil a long-term vision of building an ultra-modern sports complex in Kenya.

29 Nov 10:50 Concise 5544636822369398174.html
Miles de rosarinos en el regreso de los picnic nocturnos

Fue anoche en el Parque de las Colectividades con una gran convocatoria familiar.

29 Nov 10:30 La Capital 7472053046771836001.html
La batalla por el silencio

Al caer medida que autorizaba a policías controlar a vecinos ruidosos, descanso se volvió quimera.

29 Nov 15:40 El Tiempo 1091719938814048772.html
Richter am Bundesfinanzhof hält Rentenbesteuerung für verfassungswidrig

In einem Fachdienst schreibt ein Richter des Bundesfinanzhof, was er von der Rentenbesteuerung hält: Nichts. Er findet sie sogar verfassungswidrig.

29 Nov 10:26 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324047212598.html
Vancouver police release photo of suspect in attempted robbery

Vancouver police are looking for help identifying a suspect in an attempted robbery.

29 Nov 10:35 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496719312805.html
Malas implementaciones del estándar RCS están abriendo la puerta a grandes vulnerabilidades, aseguran investigadores

RCS, el estándar de mensajería llamado a sustituir a los tradicionales mensajes de texto del estándar GSM, está siendo mal implementado y la situación está...

29 Nov 15:08 Genbeta 6187700362775186142.html
Investigadores do Rio recebem informação sobre Carlos Bolsonaro

Zero dois segue no imaginário policial fluminense

29 Nov 10:01 VEJA.com 4116702197099331224.html
Polizei fängt Clanchef Miri in Istanbul ab

Offenbar gefällt es Clanchef Miri nicht im Libanon. Einem Medienbericht zufolge soll er am Mittwoch in Istanbul aufgetaucht sein. Doch die türkischen Behörden fangen ihn ab und schicken ihn zurück. Nach zwei Abschiebungen gilt für den Bremer Kriminellen eine Wiedereinreisesperre.

29 Nov 14:42 n-tv 6802689755872783699.html
Auchan Retail Romania deschide supermarketul Auchan Obor din Bucuresti

Auchan Retail Romania a inaugurat vineri, 29 noiembrie 2019, cel de-al treilea magazin pe format supermarket, in incinta centrului comercial Bucur Obor, anunta compania printr-un comunicat de presa.

29 Nov 11:46 Wall-Street 2473040520752743618.html
London Bridge 'shooting': Moment knifeman is shot after hero bystanders wrestle with him

WARNING - DISTRESSING CONTENT: Footage appears to show the moment armed police fired shots at the suspect after hero members of the public seemed to disarm him

29 Nov 15:31 Irish Mirror 2875825628283319626.html
Grande attesa per il ritorno della kermesse natalizia "Illumina la Notte"

Countdown per il taglio del nastro della nuova edizione di Illumina la Notte.

29 Nov 11:34 AvellinoToday 5452883948209833198.html
Samsung Note 10 sales surpass predecessor

The Galaxy Note 10 proves popular in SA, and Samsung continues to empower youth through its multimillion-rand bursary.

29 Nov 10:10 ITWeb 642894139419553087.html
Handlował podrobionymi zabawkami, odwiedzili go policjanci

W jednym ze sklepów w Łukowie w ofercie znajdowały się podrobione zabawki. Placówkę handlową skontrolowali policjanci oraz funkcjonariusze celno-skarbowi.

29 Nov 11:19 lublin112.pl 6583157891396800029.html
Norsk storeslem da kombinertgutta herjet i verdenscupåpningen

Jarl Magnus Riiber gikk i front fra start til mål da de norske kombinertgutta tapetserte pallen i verdenscupåpningen i Ruka.

29 Nov 14:24 adressa.no 8417332406829343716.html
Argentina, ristrutturazione del debito e colloqui con FMI i primi passi di Fernandez

I creditori dell'Argentina iniziano ad aggregarsi in almeno 4 gruppi, in previsione della ristrutturazione del debito, ormai considerata una certezza con l'avvio della presidenza di Alberto Fernandez.

29 Nov 10:09 InvestireOggi 7231367742902394264.html
The King of Fighters ALLSTAR Recruits Tekken 7 Characters

Netmarble announced The King of Fighters ALLSTAR is collaborating with Bandai Namco to bring Tekken 7 characters to the game.

29 Nov 12:11 CBR.com 1295516962842517645.html
Funciones que puede aprovechar en su celular usando el ayudante de voz

Descubra funciones para buscar información, obtener recomedaciones y organizar el día. | Economía | Portafolio.co

29 Nov 12:30 Portafolio 9142034660248801740.html
Vuoi avere successo nella vita? Ecco il consiglio di Warren Buffett

Fonte di ispirazione per numerosi aspiranti imprenditori e miliardari in tutto il mondo, Warren Buffett, il proprietario della Berkshire Hathaway, in molte occasioni ha elargito ottimi consigli. Ben 15 anni fa mentre rispondeva alle domande degli azionisti e dei fan durante la Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting, un adolescente gli chiese quale consiglio avrebbe dato a un giovane per avere successo. Ebbene l’oracolo di Ohama ha dato una risposta valevole qualunque sia la tua età o fase della vita. Frequenta persone migliori di te. Scegli i soci con comportamento  migliore del tuo e vai in quella direzione. Quando si sceglie di circondarsi di individui migliori e più intelligenti, imparando dalle loro abitudini di successo, disse Buffett, si assorbono le loro conoscenze e si diventa migliori e più intelligenti. Al contrario, chi trascorre del tempo con i pessimisti, finisce per diventare come loro, limitando gravemente la possibilità di successo. Di quali persone circondarsi oggi per avere successo

2 Dec 12:00 Wall Street Italia 1518582934618111512.html
Antisipasi AS, Iran Persenjatai Kapal Perangnya pakai Drone Canggih Jangkauan 1000 Km

WE Online, Teheran - Iran akan melengkapi kapal-kapal perangnya dengan pesawat nirawak atau drone mutakhir. Langkah militer ini sebagai bagian dari upgrade persenjataan di tengah ketegangan dengan Amerika Serikat (AS), yang telah membentuk koalisi maritim untuk patroli di dekat wilayah Iran.

29 Nov 13:21 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834395522564.html
Malayalam poet Akkitham wins 55th Jnanpith Award

Some of his celebrated creations include Veeravadam, Balidarsanam, Nimisha Kshethram, Amrita Khatika, Akkitham Kavithaka, Epic of Twentieth Century and Antimahakalam

29 Nov 13:29 The Hindu 6679535026145154168.html
That amazing new commercial starring E.T. was filmed in Metro Vancouver

Everyone’s favourite 1980s extra-terrestrial has returned to Earth, making a stop in North Vancouver.

29 Nov 13:17 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497201615226.html
Devastating fire rips through Safari park killing 10 animals and forcing others to flee

Three giraffes were among the creatures to perish at the African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton, Ohio, as the State Fire Marshall attempts to determine how the fire started

29 Nov 15:05 mirror 675785261045014171.html
Renault Zoe erreichte neuen Meilenstein

Renault hat wegen dem Elektroauto Zoe erneut Grund zum Feiern.

29 Nov 10:57 auto.oe24.at 242456961649066093.html
Jony Ive Tinggalkan Apple, Hampir 30 Tahun Mengabdi

Apple secara resmi menghapus profile Jony Ive dari halaman web Apple Leadership.

29 Nov 15:08 liputan6.com 3414318497580290460.html
La periodista saharaui Nazha El-Khalidi denuncia la represión y el bloqueo informativo

La periodista y activista saharaui Nazha El-Khalidi fue detenida el 4 de diciembre de 2018 en El Aai&uacute;n ocupado cuando cubr&iacute;a una manifestaci&oa...

29 Nov 14:29 naiz: 7509038602866488386.html
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer defends Paul Pogba as Man Utd star set for Jose Mourinho reunion

Pogba returned to the UK on Thursday when he touched down at Heathrow and is now set to return to first-team training, in a boost to United boss Solskjaer

29 Nov 10:05 mirror 675785261638285435.html
Afia Schwarzenegger joins crowd to welcome BBNaija star, Tacha at the ariport

Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate, Anita Natacha Akide aka Tacha has arrived in Ghana for a holiday visit and her arrival was met by Titan fans in Ghana. Among the crowd who met Tacha at the airport were controversial media personality, Afia Schwarzenegger and Roger Quartey. The two who seemed to know each other already […]

29 Nov 11:18 GhBase.com 8689748846972507540.html
Welke regen? Achterhoek kampt nog steeds met droogte

Ondanks het regenachtige najaar is de grondwaterstand nog niet overal op peil. Dat geldt met name voor de Achterhoek, maar ook voor Twente en delen van Brabant. Daar is het nog steeds erg droog, melden de waterschappen.

29 Nov 11:34 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615672668951.html
PIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity Active ETF: A 'Better Than Cash' Alternative

MINT is a low-risk bond-based exchange-traded fund with a focus on capital preservation and liquidity while offering yields above Treasuries through a monthly dividend.Actively managed strategy is uni

29 Nov 12:42 Seeking Alpha 5725634557798169943.html
Mozilla: Smart Home Devices Still Bad for Privacy and Security | Breitbart

The editor of the Mozilla Foundation’s Internet Health Report recently published a blog post on the website of the UK consumer association Which? that questions how privacy-focused the smart devices being pushed by the Masters of the Universe are.

29 Nov 13:00 Breitbart 3148363492156780497.html
I talebani sono pronti a riprendere i negoziati con gli Usa

Il gruppo radicale islamico ha confermato le parole di Donald Trump, in visita a sorpresa, giovedì, in Afghanistan

29 Nov 11:44 Agi 2115274223777592360.html
The Mandalorian Turns Star Wars' AT-ST Into a Terrifying Killing Machine

The Mandalorian's fourth episode makes depicts an Imperial AT-ST walker as a force to be reckoned with, and an effective weapon of oppression.

29 Nov 14:11 CBR.com 1295516962354098991.html
Maharashtra episode will have bearing on Jharkhand polls, Cong will form govt: Gourav Vallabh

Denouncing BJP's claim of winning "65 seats" in Jharkhand, Vallabh reminded people of BJP's similar claims in Haryana and Maharashtra.

29 Nov 12:04 The Indian Express 2885715105387606550.html
iPhone-Tipps: Audioausgabe mit anderen Nutzern teilen und Video-Filter einfügen

Apples Support-Abteilung hat zwei Videos via YouTube veröffentlicht, die zwei interessante iPhone-Features erklären. Es geht darum, wie Nutzer ihre iPhone-Audioausgabe mit anderen Anwendern teilen können. Auch das Einfügen von Videofiltern wird erläutert.

29 Nov 15:45 MacTechNews.de 1297039197103805387.html
Eerste twee IS-vrouwen onderweg naar België

Turkije heeft vandaag de eerste twee IS-vrouwen naar ons land teruggestuurd. De Antwerpse zussen Fatima (24) en Rahma Benmezian (31) zitten op dit moment op een vliegtuig naar Zaventem. Bij hun aan...

29 Nov 14:42 HLN 8967494997351953383.html
Cinquemila euro di multa a un camionista

Cinquemila euro di multa a un camionista. Fermato a Doccio dalla Polstrada di Vercelli. Trasportava irregolarmente un escavatore e ha perso la patente per un’altra irregolarità.

29 Nov 13:06 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734033504101760.html
Empty streets on Black Friday as customers choose to shop online instead

Black Friday got off to a very, very quiet start this morning.

29 Nov 10:47 Metro 970161748194426126.html
Pautas de una dieta saludable para tus hijos

Para que niños y adolescentes sigan una dieta saludable, es importante desayunar, merendar y tomar tres lácteos y piezas de fruta.

29 Nov 10:39 ecoticias.com 9144483866107394915.html
China meldt vierde pestgeval in korte tijd

Opnieuw heeft iemand in China de pest opgelopen. Het is al het vierde slachtoffer in november, meldt staatspersbureau Xinhua. Het gaat om een herder in de autonome regio Binnen-Mongolië. Onduidelijk is hoe de man, die in het ziekenhuis is opgenomen, de besmettelijke infectieziekte heeft opgelopen. De andere drie slachtoffers komen uit hetzelfde gebied.In totaal zijn in China tussen 2009 en 2019 27 meldingen gemaakt van mensen met de pest. Zeker twaalf van hen zijn overleden aan de ziekte.

29 Nov 12:46 RD.nl 6406779842098924448.html
Joselyn Dumas descends on Mmebusem; says his actions are blasphemy at the highest level

Ghanaian entertainer Mmebusem, regularly known as “Ghana Jesus” has come under intense criticism by religious folks taking into consideration his comical philosophy – mimicking the works of Jesus Christ. Following his viral video, Veteran Ghanaian gospel musician Cindy Thompson advised the actor to stop using Jesus’ name in vain but Mmebusem clapped back accordingly saying […]

29 Nov 10:11 GhBase.com 8689748847471136872.html
En mann skutt og flere personer skadet etter terrorhendelse på London Bridge

Metropolitan police sier knivangrep i London var terror – gjerningsmann skutt og drept av politiet.

29 Nov 14:28 Bergens Tidende 6643873498463528643.html
Travel review: Luxury living at Roseate Hotel in Reading

Think of the best room you've ever stayed in, times it by five and it's still highly unlikely to match the room we were treated to at Roseate Hotel in Reading.

29 Nov 10:50 Shropshire Star 3480199993271289813.html
Arsenal official expected at another club on Saturday – Gunners looking for information on players

Managerial issues are the biggest topic around Arsenal right now, but that doesn’t mean everything else around the club has come to a standstill. There are still transfer windows to prepare for, players to be identified and presented as possibilities to any new manager, and the Gunners are getting on with it. Italian newspaper Il

29 Nov 15:35 Sport Witness 200001551943968900.html
Catalunha agradece solidariedade de Lisboa, PSOE envia queixa ao PS

Enquanto o presidente da Generalitat agradece a solidariedade que vem da Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa, os socialistas espanhóis pretendem apresentar uma "queixa formal" ao partido liderado por António Costa.

29 Nov 15:21 DN 8445869956287683151.html
Boris Johnson promises to give state aid to UK companies to stop them collapsing after Brexit

Boris Johnson has promised to scrap EU state aid rules after Brexit in order to stop UK businesses from collapsing.

29 Nov 11:58 Business Insider Australia 5575934300118325918.html
Boris Johnson promises to give state aid to UK companies to stop them collapsing after Brexit

Boris Johnson has promised to scrap EU state aid rules after Brexit in order to stop UK businesses from collapsing.

29 Nov 11:58 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882358794910.html
Queen is beyond reproach and distinct from royal family, UK PM Johnson says

LONDON (Reuters) - Queen Elizabeth is beyond reproach but there is a distinction between the monarchy and the rest of the royal family, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday when asked if the monarchy was beyond reproach after the scandal involving Prince Andrew.

29 Nov 12:28 Reuters 8334514181340279361.html
Roger Federer Joins On as an Investor

The Swiss tennis legend joins the Swiss running shoe company as an investor, contributing product designer, and representative.

29 Nov 12:00 Runner's World 1237141768812170338.html
Millones de personas ya descargaron Minecraft Earth

Se ha revelado que en una semana, Minecraft Earth ha sido descargado 1.4 millones de veces.

29 Nov 15:12 Atomix 6373322943393924151.html
West Indies trying to adapt to Indian pitches: Sherfane Rutherford

The West Indies team has been based in India for the last one month, playing their bilateral series against Afghanistan. Sherfane Rutherford said he has been taking batting tips from skipper Kieron Pollard and Andre Russell.

29 Nov 15:32 The Indian Express 2885715105418962313.html
Yuk! Makan Iga Bakar, Sate Domba, hingga Soto Betawi Kuah Susu Bareng Ncess Nabati

Baru gajian paling enak kulineran seru di hari Jumat, dengan beragam pilihan makanan enak, ditemani para jagoan makan yang selalu bikin laper.

29 Nov 10:15 detikfood 4586606520190985983.html
Manchester United fans make Paul Pogba demand ahead of injury return

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hinted that the Man Utd midfielder could be back soon, possibly in time for the Premier League fixture vs Tottenham.

29 Nov 12:30 men 6694993429711334968.html
Hak Jawab Diskominfo DKI Jakarta atas Berita Oknum Satpol PP Diduga Bobol ATM

Dinas Komunikasi dan Informasi Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta melayangkan Hak Jawabnya terkait pemberitaan Liputan6.com berjudul Anggota Satpol PP Bobol Rp 50 Miliar di ATM Bersama

29 Nov 10:02 liputan6.com 3414318495993174439.html
Vergewaltigung Sulzbach-Laufen: 36-Jähriger soll Ex-Partnerin vergewaltigt haben

Ein 36-jähriger Mann steht im Verdacht seine 47-jährige Ex-Partnerin in der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch vergewaltigt zu haben.

29 Nov 10:14 swp.de 6929179440296754847.html
In Herne: Ponykarussell am Weihnachtsmarkt empört Tierschützer – Tausende unterschreiben Petition

Tierschützer empören sich über ein Ponykarussell, das auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt im nordrhein-westfälischen Herne steht. Eine Petition soll die Attraktion nun abschaffen.

29 Nov 13:19 FOCUS Online 4448121230974033196.html
River-Trainer schimpft über Palacios-Verkauf

River Plate-Trainer Marcelo Gallardo stößt der vermeintlich sichere Wechsel von Exequiel Palacios zu Bayer Leverkusen sauer auf. „Wir haben das Jahr noch nicht mal beendet und schon ist ein Spieler (...)

29 Nov 11:51 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783528934217.html
Jedi: Fallen Order: Respawn möchte eine Fortsetzung entwickeln

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order glänzt mit sehr guten Verkaufszahlen und positiven Kritiken. Kein Wunder, dass Entwickler Respawn schon ein Sequel im...

29 Nov 14:47 www.gamestar.de 809832118674357394.html
Arsenal sack Emery: A timeline of mediocrity

Unai Emery was on Friday sacked by Arsenal after 18 months in a job he looked ill-suited to for most of his tenure.

29 Nov 14:51 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906583341155.html
Brandweer rukt uit voor gaslek op woonboot aan Noorderhaven

De brandweer is vrijdagmiddag uitgerukt naar een mogelijk gaslek op een woonboot aan de Noorderhaven. Vermoedelijk was er niet veel aan de hand, want na twintig minuten vertrokken het gezelschap terug

29 Nov 14:44 OOG 303718094630379768.html
Animadores de matinales bajo la lupa

Desde el 18 de octubre, los matinales han tenido que navegar por la contingencia social. Una situación que ha visto expuestos a sus rostros

29 Nov 13:38 Publimetro Chile 2498685482733363851.html
Por lluvias cancelan festejo en la Feria Ganadera de Sinaloa

Los juegos mecánicos de la Feria Ganadera de Sinaloa también serán suspendidos para evitar cualquier incidente en la ciudadanía

29 Nov 10:30 EL DEBATE 4396150893097498224.html
Mueren tres personas en un incendio de su vivienda en la localidad granadina de Dehesas Viejas

El matrimonio octogenario y su hijo, de unos 51 años, podrían haber fallecido a causa de la inhalación de humo provocado por el fuego que originó un brasero eléctrico.

29 Nov 10:14 www.publico.es 99190978433393569.html
Data dan Fakta Premier League: Newcastle vs Manchester City

Juara bertahan dan peringkat 3 Manchester City akan bertandang ke markas tim peringkat 14 Newcastle pada pekan ke-14 Premier League 2019/20, Sabtu (30/11/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di St James' Park ini

29 Nov 13:17 Bola.net 5489959028067946546.html
Drone project aims to put floating Lagos slum on map

John Eromosele records the coordinates of a bustling canal on his smartphone from aboard a dug-out canoe navigating the floating slum of Makoko in Nigerian megacity Lagos.

29 Nov 14:09 News24 3752801377641827967.html
One Piece Plots the Assassination of Kaido and His Court

The nature of the raid against Kaido is revealed in this epic episode of planning and conspiring in One Piece.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516962569284054.html
10 possible candidates for Arsenal job after Gunners sack Unai Emery

Gunners have crucial decision to make...

29 Nov 11:58 CaughtOffside 8169236756772931952.html
Police on high alert ahead of PLGA Week

They are leaving nothing to chance with information about the presence of RK in the AOB region

29 Nov 15:34 The Hindu 6679535024333781594.html
Gladbach verlängert vorzeitig mit Yann Sommer

Borussia Mönchengladbach stellt sich für die Zukunft auf: Am Freitagmittag gab Gladbach-Manager Max Eberl die vorzeitige Vertragsverlängerung mit Stammtorwart Yann Sommer bekannt.

29 Nov 13:19 sport.de 3321967092529526681.html
BREAKING Man who shot dead heavily pregnant ex wife with crossbow jailed for life

Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo, 51, will serve at least 33 years behind bars for the "brutal and evil" attack

29 Nov 11:33 mirror 675785260760998075.html
Armed police point weapons at suspect during London Bridge incident – video report

Footage from social media shows officers pointing weapons at a person on London Bridge in the capital. It's been confirmed a suspect has been shot by police after five people were injured in a stabbing incident near London Bridge.

29 Nov 15:48 the Guardian 1491978794712241961.html
Houthi Forces Claim They've Shot Down a Saudi Helicopter

DOHA (Sputnik) - The members of the Houthi movement, operating in Yemen, have shot down a Saudi helicopter near the border with Saudi Arabia, Yahya Sarea, the group's military spokesman, said on Friday.

29 Nov 13:07 Sputniknews 967333867597851183.html
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer rubbishes claims Paul Pogba is 'faking' injury

Pogba has not played since United's clash with Arsenal in September.

29 Nov 10:22 Sports Mole 7750663362438254597.html
Liverpool want to host GAA matches as club unveils plan to increase Anfield capacity

Liverpool have unveiled plans to expand their Anfield Road stand by adding 7,000 seats in a new scheme which will take the ground's capacity up to 61,000 - and the club has plans to hos

29 Nov 11:55 Independent.ie 5894610845028836145.html
Hurtos a locales comerciales bajan, pero cifras siguen encendiendo alertas

Un total de 2508 hurtos a establecimientos se han presentado en Cali entre el 1 de enero y el 23 de octubre. Así lo indica un reciente informe del Observatorio de Seguridad de Cali, que señaló que pese a que hubo una reducción de 666 casos en relación con el mismo periodo del año pasado, cuando se presentaron 3274, es el tercer tipo de hurto que más se comete después del de personas (9175 casos) y celulares (5958). Uno de los hechos más recientes ocurrió este jueves, cuando un hombre rompió el vidrio de la tienda de elementos deportivos de Rigoberto Urán, Go Rigo Go, para llevarse una bicicleta profesional avaluada en $5.000.000. El hecho se registró hacia las 6:15 de la mañana en el barrio Santa Mónica, en el noreste de Cali. Pero este no es precisamente uno de los sectores más afectados por este fenómeno, sino los barrios El Morichal y Nueva Floresta, en el nororiente de la ciudad, así como el sector de San Fernando Viejo, en el suroeste. Esto, según revela el informe del Observatorio. Además, estos delitos…

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347309722220.html
Banyak Peluang Hanya Hasilkan 1 Gol, Edson Tavares Tegaskan Persija Bukan Barcelona atau Real Madrid

Edson Tavares tak mempermasalahkan banyaknya peluang terbuang saat Persija Jakarta menang 1-0 atas Persipura Jayapura.

29 Nov 13:45 Bola.com 1695722602629823824.html
Ayesha Curry Shares Sizzling Snap With Husband Stephen Curry By Her Side

Celebrity foodie Ayesha Curry celebrated Thanksgiving with her family, and after sharing a photo with all her children, opted to treat her 6.8 million Instagram followers to a double update featuring ...

29 Nov 12:57 The Inquisitr 1745625231277500847.html
Das deutsch-französische Verhältnis ist ein Scherbenhaufen

Nato, Europa, Russland: Die beiden Regierungen in Paris und Berlin liegen in wichtigen Fragen so weit auseinander wie selten zuvor.

29 Nov 10:34 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941219866647735.html
Missing child found

UPDATE 12:12 p.m. Surrey RCMP said the three-year-old boy who went missing earlier this morning has been located and is safe.

29 Nov 11:55 Castanet 616068602091705994.html
EON SE Underweight

Die Experten der JP Morgan Chase & Co. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von EON mit Underweight

29 Nov 10:09 finanzen.at 7258357744206801106.html
Meet BOB, world's first modular blockchain-powered smartphone

BOB (Blok on Blok) is the world's first modular smartphone powered by blockchain and developed by Pundi X.

29 Nov 13:19 TechRadar India 2111116915070144029.html
Aktien New York Ausblick: Nach Thanksgiving jüngste Rekorde verdauen

Am Feiertag Thanksgiving dürften Anleger am Freitag erst einmal die Kursrekorde vom Mittwoch sacken lassen. Am Vortag blieben die Börsen in den USA geschlossen und an diesem Freitag wird nur vier Stunden lang gehandelt. Auch der Handel am Anleihemarkt schließt früher als gewöhnlich. Der Broker IG Markets taxierte den Dow Jones Industrial rund ein...

29 Nov 14:21 Börse Express 3714356347467257116.html
How to give your kids a personal message from Santa by chatting to Alexa

If you have an Alexa at home here's how to get your message

29 Nov 12:53 RSVP Live 2434255978560368333.html
Pinoy seaman inatake sa dagat, sinagip ng US Coast Guard

AGAD tumugon ang isang U.S. Coast Guard helicopter crew para madala patungong ospital ang isang 29-anyos na Filipino crew member ng Marella Explorer 2 cruise ship noong Martes na inatake sa puso.

29 Nov 13:00 Abante News Online 7257070572175571465.html
"Black Friday": Tausende bei FridaysForFuture-Streik

Die internationalen Klimademonstrationen der FridaysForFuture-Bewegung am "Black Friday" haben auch in Österreich zu Protesten geführt. Bei der größten Demo in Wien trafen die Aktivisten einander um 12.00 Uhr bei der U2-Station Krieau, gegenüber der OMV-Zentrale. Erneut erschienen tausende vor allem junge Menschen.

29 Nov 12:56 NÖN.at 2486998933349922216.html
How terminal illness can get you into debt

Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is terrifying anyway, let alone went you have to think about money.

29 Nov 13:38 Metro 970161748721405720.html
Niat Hati Beli Tamiya, Suami Kartika Putri Berakhir Gelontorkan Uang Beli Tas Mahal Seharga Satu Toko untuk Sang Istri

Ngambek gara-gara Tamiya, Kartika Putri malah dapat hadiah tas mahal seharga satu toko dari sang suami

29 Nov 15:15 grid.id 586386474155331076.html
Airbus: Emissionsarme Flugzeuggeneration 2035 am Himmel

Airbus will Vorreiter beim nahezu emissionsfreien Antrieb für Passagierflugzeuge werden. In 15 Jahren sollen die ersten Maschinen abheben.

29 Nov 15:20 heise online 1766193382624651462.html
Star Wars Episode 9: Der Aufstieg Skywalkers - Neuer Trailer birgt bedrohliche Botschaft von Imperator Palpatine

Kurz vor Weihnachten kommt „Star Wars Episode 9: Der Aufstieg Skywalkers“ in die Kinos und vollendet die Skywalker-Saga. Neue Trailer bringen den Imperator zurück, zeigen Reys Macht und werfen einen nostalgischen Blick zurück.

29 Nov 12:46 PlayNation 4622181943545339258.html
Arsenal Sack Unai Emery, Name Ex-Winger As Interim Manager

Arsenal have sacked head coach Unai Emery after the club's worst run of results since 1992, Concise News reports.

29 Nov 10:26 Concise 5544636823290793189.html
Foto Terbaru Keluarga Barack Obama, 2 Putrinya Makin Cantik & Dewasa

Jarang bisa lengkap karena kesibukan masing-masing, foto keluarga Barack Obama di acara Thanksgiving terbilang langka.

29 Nov 15:26 moms-life 8028540701477815242.html
Rod Stewart: Rocker turned model railroad builder

LONDON (AP) — Rod Stewart, known for decades as a consummate crooner, rocker, fashion plate and tongue-in-cheek sex symbol, is adding a new element to his image: serious model railroad builder.The former front man of the Faces who has hits dating back to the 1960s has put the finishing touch on a 23-year project that has landed him on the cover of Britain’s Railway Modeller magazine. It’s a far cry from Rolling Stone, whose cover he has graced many times.The model is an ambitious portrayal of a gritty American city in 1945, representing a combination of New York and Chicago. It’s an artistic success, one that Stewart didn’t outsource but designed and constructed from start to finish, with some help with the electr

29 Nov 12:18 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760543807252.html
Como si fuera un simulacro

Esquerra alentó la estrategia de ruptura unilateral y no se arrepiente de haber quebrado las leyes; al mismo tiempo es una formación con la que se puede negociar el Gobierno del país

29 Nov 13:14 EL PAÍS 2207347709881639598.html
Romy Monteiro en Tim Douwsma vervangen Jan Smit in Ziggo Dome

Romy Monteiro (27) en Tim Douwsma (32) presenteren over twee weken het Muziekfeest van het Jaar in de Ziggo Dome. Het duo vervangt op 14 december Jan Smit (33), die vanwege gezondheidsklachten zijn agenda heeft leeggemaakt.

29 Nov 15:41 RTL Boulevard 1500115271078502330.html
Weihnachtsmänner werden immer knapper! Was tun?

Wer einen Weihnachtsmann für den Heiligabend sucht, muss sich beeilen. Nur wenige Arbeitsagenturen haben überhaupt noch Darsteller in ihren Karteien. Die Lücke füllen private Anbieter - und verlangen teils satte Preise.

29 Nov 15:02 MDR 5336324388723910109.html
WAC nach Europa-League-Aus in Altach gefordert

Nach dem Out in der Fußball-Europa-League rückt für den WAC […]

29 Nov 14:19 Sky Sport 6321692528069231427.html
Orang Jadi Aneh Ketika Jatuh Cinta, Ini 5 Penjelasannya

Anda pasti pernah jatuh cinta. Namun pernahkah Anda merasa bahwa cinta yang Anda rasakan membuat Anda menjadi orang yang berbeda?

29 Nov 15:00 Tabloidbintang.com 6942840719378625057.html
Farewell to the unkempt koala who took on the cultural establishment and won

Clive James was not a modest man though in truth he had a lot to be immodest about.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730561394371378.html
Auktion: Legendäre runde Sonnenbrille von Lennon wird in London versteigert

Chauffeur der Band bewahrte diverse Gegenstände des 1980 ermordeten Musikers und von anderen Mitgliedern der Beatles ein halbes Jahrhundert lang auf.

29 Nov 12:43 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699449888732.html
Sef komt met nieuw album en liveshow

Rapper Sef komt binnenkort met zijn vijfde album met de titel El Salvador. Dat maakte hij vrijdag bekend bij de release van twee nieuwe tracks. Op 14 februari geeft Sef een liveshow in de Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam.

29 Nov 11:41 RTL Boulevard 1500115271640453800.html
Arsenal sack Emery and name 'invincible' Ljungberg as interim boss

Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery after the Premier League club's worst run in more than a quarter of a century and appointed former player and fans' favourite Freddie Ljungberg as interim coach, the Premier League club announced on Friday.

29 Nov 15:42 Bdnews24 8119004128901589236.html
Ponude investitora za akcije Aramka dostigle 44 milijarde dolara

RIJAD - Kompanija Saudi Aramko do sada je dobila od investitora ponude za kupovinu njenih akcija u ukupnom iznosu od 44,3 milijarde dolara, saopštila je

29 Nov 15:28 Krstarica 4176903988047480887.html
Suu Kyi fans join VIP tours for Rohingya genocide trial

YANGON, Nov 29 — Ardent fans of Aung San Suu Kyi are snapping up spots on US$2,000 (RM8,350) tours to The Hague, in a display of moral support as Myanmar faces charges of genocide over the Rohingya crisis at the UN’s top court in December. Supporter rallies, billboards and outpourings of praise...

29 Nov 10:06 Malaymail 302165934609465835.html
32-jähriger Fußballtrainer unter Missbrauchsverdacht

Ein 32-Jähriger aus dem Bezirk Baden steht unter Missbrauchsverdacht. Der Mann soll sich an einem 16-Jährigen vergangen haben. Der Beschuldigte wurde am Donnerstag festgenommen, bestätigte Erich Habitzl von der Staatsanwaltschaft Wiener Neustadt am Freitag einen Onlinebericht des “Kurier”. Bei einer Hausdurchsuchung am Wohnort des 32-Jährigen wurde kinderpornografisches Material sichergestellt. Ermittelt werde daher neben sexuellen Missbrauchs […]

29 Nov 12:58 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171565352706.html
U TV debati ledena skulptura umesto Borisa Džonsona

LONDON - Nakon što je britanski premijer Boris Džonson odbio da učestvuje u televizijskoj debati o klimatskim promenama, producenti su na njegovo mesto

29 Nov 11:01 Krstarica 4176903989965252322.html
Jordania realiza ejercicio militar que simula la guerra contra Israel

El ejército de Jordania llevó a cabo un ejercicio militar que simulaba una guerra contra el Estado de Israel, según el MEMRI.

29 Nov 10:41 Noticias de Israel 5887715890748605956.html
UK: Several people stabbed near London Bridge, suspect shot dead by police

The Metropolitan Police declared it a ‘terrorist incident’.

29 Nov 14:44 Scroll.in 8669301692980663105.html
Taliban Ready to Resume Peace Talks Following Trump's Visit to Kabul

The Taliban said today they are ready to resume peace talks with theUS - a day after President Donald Trump's surprise visit to US troops in Afghanistan, Reuters reported. Trump has announced that peace talks with hardline Islamist insurgents in Afghanistan will resume.

29 Nov 11:16 novinite.com 4235039571004329739.html
Tusla defers deadline for crèches to submit fire risk assessments

Some childcare providers were finding it “particularly challenging” to carry out fire risk assessments.

29 Nov 10:02 TheJournal.ie 6446904418110877259.html
Pemkab Bogor Siapkan Stadion Pakansari Jadi Lokasi Tes CPNS

Ade pun meminta Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (BKPP) Kabupaten Bogor untuk berkoordinasi dengan Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) untuk pelaksanaan tesnya nanti.

29 Nov 15:25 merdeka.com 1998180355656178023.html
Peter McVerry Trust must show 'due diligence' regarding planning of state's largest homeless hostel - junior housing minister

JUNIOR housing minister John Paul Phelan has said that the Peter McVerry Trust must show due diligence regarding the planning of the State’s largest homeless hostel in Dublin.

29 Nov 10:27 Independent.ie 5894610845640128999.html
VIDEO - Arrivato ADL a Castel Volturno: iniziato l'incontro risolutivo con la squadra

Continueremo a raccontarvi tutto in tempo reale nel nostro live

29 Nov 13:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079566533655.html
Di Jerman, Menko Luhut Undang BMW Buka Pabrik Mobil Listrik di Indonesia

Luhut menuturkan pemerintah Indonesia juga menyiapkan beberapa insentif untuk pabrikan-pabrikan mobil listrik seperti adanya keringanan pajak.

29 Nov 15:52 merdeka.com 1998180355889165770.html
Indonesian gymnast dropped after told 'she's no longer a virgin'

An Indonesian female gymnast training for a major sport event has been sent home on grounds she was no longer a virgin, her family said on Friday, a claim rejected by officials who insisted it was over disciplinary issues. "The coach said my daughter always goes out late with her male friends and

29 Nov 11:13 Yahoo 7097669638142636602.html
Shaq Evans, Naaman Roosevelt, Cameron Judge among Saskatchewan Roughriders' pending free agents

It’s official: The Saskatchewan Roughriders have 32 pending free agents.

29 Nov 13:00 Regina Leader-Post 1297111426888679438.html
DC Comics pulled a new Batman comic book poster after Chinese fans claimed it supported Hong Kong protests

DC Comics pulled its ad campaign for an upcoming Batman comic book after Chinese fans claimed Batwoman looked like a Hong Kong protester and accused the company of supporting the city’s anti-China demonstrations.

29 Nov 11:43 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882780183240.html
Disha Patani Looks Hot as She Goes Backless in Floral Bright Yellow Dress During Her Thailand Vacay

Disha Patani Looks Gorgeous in Floral Yellow Dress as She Shares Pictures From Her Mini Vacation in Thailand.

29 Nov 12:41 India.com 7150386084784411978.html
Arsenal hakt de knoop door: Emery ontslagen na nieuwe dreun

Unai Emery is ontslagen als manager van Arsenal. De Londense club wist al zeven duels op rij niet te winnen, de slechtste reeks sinds 1992. De 2-1 nederlaag tegen Eintracht Frankfurt in de Europa League bezegelde het lot van de Spanjaard. Britse media meldden eerder op de dag al dat er spoedberaad was bij Arsenal over de positie van Emery. The Gunners staan slechts achtste in de Premier League, met negentien punten achterstand op koploper Liverpool. Ook een vervolg in de Europa League is nog geen zekerheid na de thuisnederlaag tegen Frankfurt, al gaan de Londenaren nog wel aan kop in de poule. Arsenal beleeft slechtste reeks in 27 jaar: Britse media voorspellen ontslag Emery

29 Nov 11:12 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884087055768.html
Veteran actor charged with striking man with metal scraper at Singapore Islamic Hub

SINGAPORE: Veteran actor Ng Aik Leong, better known as Huang Yiliang, was charged on Friday (Nov 29) over attacking a man with a metal scraper and ...

29 Nov 11:40 CNA 5644198862656262025.html
Tribunal electoral desecha juicios del PAN contra Rosario Piedra en CNDH

Tribunal electoral rechazó por notoriamente improcedentes las impugnaciones del PAN a Piedra Ibarra. No es materia electoral sino parlamentaria sentenció

29 Nov 15:50 Regeneración 4314126174935363055.html
Londra, attacco sul London Bridge: tre morti

Ucciso attentatore. L'uomo era armato di coltello e con un falso giubbotto esplosivo (VIDEO). Passanti eroi disarmano l'assalitore (GUARDA) Polizia: trattiamo l'incidente come fatto legato a terrorismo. Nello stesso luogo, nel 2017, un attentato di matrice jihadista fece 8 morti

29 Nov 15:38 Adnkronos 2840063643273232545.html
Defekte Duschen: HSG Göttingen muss nach Dransfeld ausweichen

Die drei Frauen-Oberligisten aus dem Kreis Göttingen genießen an diesem Wochenende Heimrecht. Der Tabellenzweite HG Rosdorf-Grone will gegen die Drittliga-Reserve des TV Hannover-Badenstedt II seinen guten Lauf von zuletzt 6:0 fortsetzen.

29 Nov 14:49 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775703215876.html
A third of British women have suffered unwanted choking in the bedroom

The research is released following the Grace Millane trial.

29 Nov 10:37 Metro 970161747239524516.html
Shopping in these 4 popular Malaysian cities just got a lot easier for Singaporeans with NETS ATM cards, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - NETS ATM cards can now be used in Malaysia across 7,400 PayNet acceptance points - but only in these 4 cities.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 12:13 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755655372118.html
Jokowi Ingin Pelabuhan Patimban Layani Ekspor Mobil ke Australia dan ASEAN

Nantinya, pelabuhan yang akan beroperasi penuh mulai 2027 itu, kata Jokowi, sebagian besar akan menjadi pelabuhan untuk ekspor mobil ke berbagai negara tujuan.

29 Nov 14:34 merdeka.com 1998180354688359773.html
Mum shares heart-wrenching photos to show the 'reality of childhood cancer'

Sophia Soto was just 14 months old when she was diagnosed with cancer, beginning six months of gruelling treatment during which the little girl endured 60 rounds of chemotherapy

29 Nov 11:06 mirror 675785261756204581.html
Romotow Trailer-Camper Has In-Built Patio for the Ultimate Chill Experience

If you’re going to ditch the comforts of your own home for a life on the road, why not try and take the same comforts with you? It’s a win-win scenario. That’s the idea behind the Romotow trailer-camper, a mobile home like no other.

29 Nov 14:02 autoevolution 6471576454305719767.html
Assogestioni, la raccolta rallenta. Intesa ancora prima

La raccolta netta a ottobre frena, ma rimane poco sopra il miliardo di euro (1,04). Lo si apprende dai dati diffusi da Assogestioni.

29 Nov 10:18 bluerating 6922469337195825873.html
HSBC and Santander brought to book over text alert failure

HSBC and Santander are to refund millions of pounds to customer who incurred overdraft fees after the banks broke rules on sending text alerts to customers to warn them they were about to go into the red.

29 Nov 10:12 Finextra 6000504750233936496.html
Codemasters acquires Project CARS developer Slightly Mad Studios for $30m

Before getting into the official announcements from Codemasters and Slightly Mad Studios, let's take a brief drive through the latter's history.

29 Nov 11:40 TechSpot 7732733960965808212.html
Hallmarking of gold jewellery mandatory across nation from January 2020

Jewellers to be given a year's time to clear stocks that aren't hallmarked and get themselves registered

29 Nov 14:14 Business-Standard 1502508924921312316.html
NATO seeks to head off budget row saying spending is rising

BRUSSELS (AP) - NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday that European allies and Canada are spending even more than previously thought on defense, just days before U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to demand once more that other leaders boost their military budgets.

29 Nov 13:02 WFXT 6395891952916419512.html
London Bridge incident: Suspect shot by police after five injured in stabbing

Five people were injured in a stabbing incident on London Bridge today before a suspect was shot by police. Video footage has emerged online which showed

29 Nov 15:39 Buzz.ie 7092425148956038077.html
FG to support campaign against child abuse, kidnapping, others

The Federal Government has pledged its resolve to support the campaign against child abuse, kidnapping, poverty and child molestation, as parts of...

29 Nov 15:53 Vanguard News 4125100338789245072.html
Emery axed as Arsenal boss after worst run in decades

LONDON, Nov 29 — Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager today after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, their worst run since 1992. The 48-year-old Spaniard was fired following the 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in yesterday’s Europa League...

29 Nov 10:27 Malaymail 302165935046675124.html
Suspenden las clases en el instituto de Calp al fallecer un profesor en el centro

El docente se ha desplomado por un posible paro cardiaco y los servicios sanitarios no han podido reanimarlo

29 Nov 11:02 Levante-EMV 7042984478300701651.html
Cuatro consejos que debe seguir para evitar fraudes en el Black Friday

Delincuentes aprovechan esta jornada de comercio electrónico para robar a los usuarios que no conocen las reglas, según la Agencia de Protección de datos. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 13:25 pulzo.com 8971816786298122990.html
Macron's NATO comments reflect 'shallow' understanding, Erdoğan says

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lashed out on Friday at French counterpart Emmanuel Macron for saying Turkey should not expect NATO support for its...

29 Nov 13:22 DAILY SABAH 8383944809900467401.html
Ariana Grande muestra su cabellera al natural y luce irreconocible

La cantante estadounidense Ariana Grande sorprendió a sus seguidores en Instagram al mostrar su verdadera cabellera sin extensiones. Ariana Grande mostró

29 Nov 15:13 El Siglo 7954754736018811693.html
Zorc confident Jadon Sancho will not push for January Borussia Dortmund exit

Borussia Dortmund intend to move on from Jadon Sancho’s recent problems, says Michael Zorc.

29 Nov 13:51 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906162910091.html
Zack Snyder chiede ai fan di non perdere le speranze sulla Snyder Cut

Il regista ha incoraggiato un fan tramite l'app Vero. La possibilità che la Warner Bros. s'interessi alla Snyder Cut di Justice League è ancora fondata.

29 Nov 10:48 Lega Nerd 8527030506299133985.html
Home of Nottingham Forest star Matty Cash burgled while he was away with the Reds

'The criminals knew I was away with Forest which is very concerning and they took the opportunity to invade my privacy'

29 Nov 15:58 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701245850987.html
Colombia: Sindicato convoca a una tercera huelga en medio de protestas

29 Nov. 2019 - Uno de los sindicatos promotores de las protestas en Colombia contra las políticas económicas y sociales del Gobierno convocó a una tercera huelga nacional a inicios de diciembre,...

29 Nov 11:55 Aporrea 8480488502320414187.html
KPK Cegah Pihak Swasta ke Luar Negeri Terkait Kasus Wali Kota Medan

Pencegahan ke luar negeri berkaitan dengan kasus dugaan suap terkait proyek dan jabatan yang menjerat Wali Kota nonaktif Medan Tengku Dzulmi Eldin.

29 Nov 10:03 merdeka.com 1998180354261559224.html
Bouquets and brickbats for govt.as it completes 6 months in office

Several decisions guided by poll manifesto; sand policy, review of PPAs draw flak from various quarters

29 Nov 15:52 The Hindu 6679535025885219537.html
Govt. orders land acquisition for last leg of river linking project

TIRUNELVELIThe Tamil Nadu Government, which is keen on commissioning the Tamirabharani – Karumaeniyar – Nambiyar linking project by December 2020, has released the government order for acquiring lands

29 Nov 15:49 The Hindu 6679535026063746913.html
Las Vegas shoppers hitting stores early on Black Friday

The Retail Association of Nevada estimates roughly 1.65 million adults in the state will be shopping over the five-day Thanksgiving weekend and Cyber Monday.

29 Nov 14:00 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648837705342374.html
Rescuers searching for 2 after shrimp boat capsizes

MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — Two crew members are missing after a shrimp boat overturned. The U.S. Coast Guard Sector Mobile says the vessel overturned Friday

29 Nov 15:38 12 NEWS WBNG 949510561855508833.html
MU Kalah dari Astana, Solskjaer: Ini Pelajaran Bagus!

Manajer Manchester United, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer menegaskan tidak terlalu ambil pusing dengan kekalahan timnya melawan Astana kemarin malam.

29 Nov 15:30 Bola.net 5489959027628392799.html
35 miljard euro op tien jaar voor het spoor: regering presenteert klimaatplan

De federale overheid gaat op tien jaar tijd ongeveer 35 miljard euro investeren in het spoorverkeer. Dat is één van de maatregelen uit het federale luik van het nationaal energie- en klimaatplan voor de periode 2021-2030, dat de ministerraad vrijdag goedkeurde. Ons land moet tegen eind dit jaar zo'n plan indienen bij de Europese Commmissie. Ook de gewesten moeten een luik van dat plan uitwerken.

29 Nov 13:47 Site-Knack-NL 6755692569661395438.html
Los ideales irrenunciables de Andrés Carevic con Alajuelense

A pocas horas del juego decisivo en la semifinal entre la Liga y San Carlos, el técnico de los rojinegros explica a profundidad su filosofía futbolística

29 Nov 15:11 La Nación 504134874101889937.html
Nalco banks on long-term raw material security for alumina, aluminium ops

Coal mining to take off in 2020, Pottangi bauxite mine to go on stream in 2023

29 Nov 13:14 Business-Standard 1502508925481688145.html
Rödelheim: Neues Sportzentrum am Brentanobad

Sportjugend und Bäderbetriebe wollen das Versehrten-Heim am Parkweg reaktivieren. Geplant sind Sportkurse und Angebote für junge Familien, Senioren und Initiativen. Die Eröffnung ist für Mitte Januar vorgesehen.

29 Nov 13:22 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323061499016.html
Podcasts are making a mark on showbiz

Podcasts gaining more popularity

29 Nov 15:18 Daily Nation 7421817125456673679.html
Anti-Abortion Bill Requires Doctors to Perform Procedure That They Say Does Not Exist

Lawmakers in the Ohio State Legislature recently introduced an anti-abortion bill which forces doctors to “re-implant an ectopic pregnancy” into a woman’s uterus or face a  felony “abortion murder” charge. However, according to doctors, there is a substantial problem with the bill – no such procedure exists in medical science.

29 Nov 15:56 Law & Crime 7990899037603292076.html
Barcelona exige protagonismo en el control de las habitaciones turísticas

BComú, el PSC, ERC y JxCat instan a la Generalitat a regular la cuestión y a tener en cuenta al consistorio

29 Nov 10:23 elPeriodico 7291954033147313026.html
David Duckenfield, responsabile della sicurezza il giorno della strage di Hillsborough, è stato assolto dall’accusa di omicidio colposo

David Duckenfield, responsabile della sicurezza il giorno della strage di Hillsborough, è stato assolto dall'accusa di omicidio colposo per le negligenze che contribuirono alla strage. Duckenfield, ex agente della polizia del South Yorkshire, ha 75 anni ed era il responsabile della sicurezza quando il 15 aprile 1989

29 Nov 10:10 Il Post 6291746505083960061.html
Buffett outbid by private equity in Berkshire's big deal hunt

Warren Buffett has frequently touted his Berkshire Hathaway Inc. as a home for businesses away from what he said was the debt-fueled, quick-turnover appetite of private equity firms. But the Berkshire name wasn’t enough for Tech Data Corp.

29 Nov 15:02 BNN 3833521689243105659.html
MG Motor India ties up with Umicore for recycling end-of-life ZS EV batteries

The electric SUV will be unveiled on December 5 with a launch sometime in January

29 Nov 12:57 OVERDRIVE 7781473802482497958.html
Sudan adopts law to dissolve Bashir party, 'dismantle' regime

Bashir and his Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) had ruled the northeast African country since 1989 before a nationwide protest movement resulted in him being...

29 Nov 10:49 New Vision 9103146372825159374.html
Hungarian police find 2 tunnels used by migrants on border

LONDON: British police shot a man on London Bridge in the heart of Britain’s capital on Friday after a stabbing that left two people dead and several people wounded, according to government sources. Scotland Yard on Friday said armed officers on London Bridge had shot dead a man wearing a "hoax explosive device" after several people were stabbed in the city. "I'm now in a

29 Nov 14:24 Arab News 8912634263072561850.html
Cardiff City boss Neil Harris hints at January transfer strategy after squad size admission and makes big academy pledge

The Bluebirds boss wants to create a stronger pathway from the academy to the first team, and has already suggested that there could be outgoings come January

29 Nov 10:57 Wales Online 7686550516305297635.html
Ciputra di Mata Eks Kepala Bekraf: Pengusaha yang Nggak Bossy

Menurut mantan Kepala Badan Ekonomi Kreatif Triawan Munaf Ciputra adalah seorang pengusaha yang nggak bossy.

29 Nov 12:30 detikfinance 4442190000584606525.html
Meinl Bank: Anklage wegen Personenschutzes löst sich in Luft auf

Die Anklageeinsprüche der Privatbank beim OLG Wien waren erfolgreich, der Tatbestand der Untreue ist nicht erfüllt.

29 Nov 10:14 Kurier 208072239099644966.html
GCA, la apuesta por vuelos directos entre ciudades intermedias

Esta aerolínea colombiana estrena este viernes la ruta Cali-Cartagena.

29 Nov 14:54 El Tiempo 1091719940128874367.html
Der Polizei fehlt Personal für Streifendienst

Die Besetzung der Streifenbereiche der Polizei im Harz liegt gerade einmal bei etwas mehr als 80 Prozent. Was Polizeiinspektion und Bürgermeister dazu sagen.

29 Nov 14:13 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110572485169.html
Why Lilith is the best Borderlands hero

The heart and soul of Borderlands.

29 Nov 15:54 PC Gamer 9149753394032266361.html
Tutti i sintomi e i test necessari per scoprire se soffri di celiachia

La celiachia è una malattia autoimmune causata dal consumo di alcuni cereali: scopri quali sono i sintomi e gli esami medici da eseguire per capire se soffri di celiachia

29 Nov 14:59 Today 178378749664981515.html
Google fa la conta di chi finisce nel mirino delle cyberspie di Stato

Aumentano gli attacchi di gruppi informatici sponsorizzati dai governi ai danni di attivisti e politici: 12mila nel mirino nell'ultimo trimestre

29 Nov 15:42 Wired 7504010957346672139.html
Io infermiere, la canzone di Manrico Mologni ispirata a Roberto Amerio

ROMA – Il ruolo dell’infermiere e il suo patto col cittadino entrano addirittura in una canzone. L’amore per la professione, la dedizione e attenzione ai pazienti ma anche l’umanità e la professionalità nelle corsie d’ospedale. Per la prima volta, un artista come Manrico Mologni, che vanta collaborazioni importanti, da Mina a Lucio Dalla, scrive e musica un testo per la categoria. La canzone “Io infermiere“, che fa parte del suo nuovo disco presentato venerdì in un concerto di beneficenza al teatro Antonio Belloni Barlassina di Milano, infatti, è stata ispirata dalla figura di Roberto Amerio, infermiere del Nursind, ed è dedicata a tutto il sindacato proprio per il suo impegno costante nel rivendicare migliori condizioni di lavoro per la categoria e migliori condizioni di cura per i pazienti.Articolo 31, è morto Luciano Roberti. Il ricordo di J-Ax e DJ JadEmma Marrone, l’annuncio misterioso su Instagram: “Stanno per arrivare cose bellissime” Lo stesso Amerio, membro della direzione nazionale del Nursind, sottolinea…

29 Nov 10:47 Blitz quotidiano 5529491353904547762.html
Charles Michel, novo construtor de consensos no Conselho Europeu

Charles Michel, novo construtor de consensos no Conselho Europeu

29 Nov 12:19 euronews 5294993273929600807.html
Festa di Natale per bambini con Myla: saranno anche regalati giocattoli

Il 3 dicembre alle ore 17 a Palazzo Macchiarelli di Montoro (AV) c'è "Myla con i giocattoli e con... bambini, bambine, mamma e papà, nonne e nonni, addetti ai lavori e istituzioni". La comunità diventa educante con la partecipazione e il confronto. Una festa, promossa nell'ambito del progetto Myla selezionato da Con i Bambini nell’ambito del Fondo per il contrasto della povertà educativa minorile. Nel corso dell'incontro saranno regalati giocattoli ai piccoli della comunità.

29 Nov 10:45 AvellinoToday 5452883947896470090.html
Shrinking lake in Mali spells end of line for family of fishermen

LAC WEGNIA, Mali (Reuters) - Modeste Traore has lived his whole life by Lake Wegnia, in Mali’s Sahel region, and its fish have provided him with a livelihood that supports his extended family of 14 children.

2 Dec 15:13 Reuters 8334514180347044203.html
Saat Jokowi Minta Maaf Mau Ganti Eselon III dan IV dengan Robot

"Maaf kalau di sini ada eselon III dan IV kita akan pangkas mulai tahun depan agar terjadi kecepatan dalam setiap memutuskan perubahan dunia yang begitu cepat"

29 Nov 13:00 detikfinance 4442190000707929305.html
Retiring duo's 'unstinting commitment to Limerick hurling' hailed by management

John Kiely and his management team have paid tribute to Richie McCarthy and Paul Browne.

29 Nov 10:10 The42 5369852629918998629.html
Unai Emery's Black Friday was decided by Arsenal chiefs in the USA on Monday

Arsenal chiefs announced the Unai Emery's sacking on Friday morning, with the decision to end his tenure and make Freddie Ljungberg interim boss taken on Monday

29 Nov 13:55 Irish Mirror 2875825629126092988.html
Unai Emery's Black Friday was decided by Arsenal chiefs in the USA on Monday

Arsenal chiefs announced the Unai Emery's sacking on Friday morning, with the decision to end his tenure and make Freddie Ljungberg interim boss taken on Monday

29 Nov 13:55 mirror 675785261440561297.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Five things next Gunners boss must address

The next Arsenal boss has a host of pressing issues to address when he steps into the role vacated by Unai Emery.

29 Nov 14:33 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906023723762.html
Jennifer Aniston Spent Thanksgiving With Her Ex, Justin Theroux

Jennifer Aniston spent Thanksgiving 2019 with her ex-husband, Justin Theroux, amongst a whole host of other celebrities including Courteney Cox.

29 Nov 12:48 Marie Claire 7105575298938385810.html
Eliminar l'acrònim MENA als mitjans per no estigmatitzar els infants i adolescents tutelats

El CAC, el Col·legi de Periodistes i la Generalitat han presentat 24 recomanacions informatives per garantir l'interès superior dels infants i els adolescents

29 Nov 12:58 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480418856400.html
Fabinho ruled out until New Year with ankle injury

Liverpool midfielder Fabinho will be out for more than a month after suffering ankle ligament damage during this week's Champions League clash.

29 Nov 15:40 Sport 682566035575142786.html
Contrastare Hiv e Aids puntando sulle comunità locali

Secondo i dati dell’Oms 37,9 milioni di persone nel mondo vivono con l’Hiv e 1,7 milioni hanno contratto il virus solo nel 2018. In occasione del 1 dicembre Medici senza frontiere pubblica un nuovo rapporto. In Africa Cuamm e Comunità di Sant’Egidio portano avanti programmi rivolti ai giovani e ai territori. Anche in Italia non si deve abbassare la guarda: le campagne di sensibilizzazione di Cri e Lila

29 Nov 13:54 VITA 7700876771023911929.html
Hong Kong police end 12-day siege of university campus to arrest protesters

Police removed a stash of nearly 4,000 gasoline bombs left behind by protesters, who fought pitched battles about two weeks ago with riot officers on surrounding streets

29 Nov 10:10 Business-Standard 1502508925976376115.html
Dzemaili a Mihajlovic in conferenza: "Non sei contento di noi, ma ti renderemo felice"

Mihajlovic in questi minuti sta tenendo una conferenza stampa accompagnato dai medici dell'ospedale Sant'Orsola che l'hanno avuta in cura in questi mesi

29 Nov 15:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080520612134.html
Mookuthi Amman: Nayanthara’s Spiritual Film Goes On Floors

Star actress Nayanthara who was last seen on the big screen opposite Thalapathy Vijay in director Atlee Kumar's blockbuster hit Bigil, has her hands full with multiple film projects. The versatile act

29 Nov 14:44 Koimoi 5184275671371143681.html
Kiss Kiss - Incontro sereno, multe restano ma apprezzato discorso ADL sull'unità: fissati tre obiettivi

Le multe restano, naturalmente, ed i giocatori hanno capito che spetterà pagarle per il loro comportamento e probabilmente ne erano già consapevoli

29 Nov 15:34 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080405483435.html
Menyanyi Bukan Karena Honor, Reza Artamevia: Kalau Mikirin Itu Pusing, Yang Penting Penonton Senang

Reza Artamevia mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya selalu antusias setiap mendapatkan pekerjaan di malam tahun baru.

29 Nov 11:29 grid.id 586386474767936678.html
Politie-inval in Italië legt plannen neo-nazipartij bloot, 19 verdachten opgepakt

De politie heeft verspreid over heel Italië verschillende invallen gehouden in een onderzoek naar neonazi’s. Daarbij werden 19 extreemrechtse verdachten opgepakt die plannen hadden om een naziparti...

29 Nov 10:54 HLN 8967494998468144618.html
Nice! Depay en Wijnaldum terug te vinden in beste elftal van EK-kwalificatie

Memphis Depay en Georginio Wijnaldum zijn 2 van de 11 beste spelers tijdens de EK-kwalificatie. Dat heeft de UEFA vrijdagmorgen op Twitter bekend gemaakt. Depay staat linksbuiten in het elftal en Wijnaldum op ’10’. De UEFA prijst Depay om zijn indrukwekkende statistieken. Tijdens de kwalificatiereeks kwam hij tot 6 doelpunten en 8 assists. Ook Wijnaldum…

29 Nov 13:36 Sportnieuws 3602982464579978423.html
Rangers could face full Ibrox stadium closure over fans’ sectarian chants at Feyenoord clash

RANGERS could face having Ibrox closed for their next Europa League match against Young Boys if Uefa take action following reports of sectarian singing against Feyenoord. Gers have already been ord…

29 Nov 11:55 The Scottish Sun 6609127672863582525.html
5 things you might not know about interim Arsenal boss Freddie Ljungberg

The 42-year-old made 325 appearances for the Gunners.

29 Nov 15:04 Shropshire Star 3480199992953445766.html
Eutanasia. Papa: In Italia certe sentenze inventano diritto di morire

Il Santo Padre ne ha parlato nell'udienza ai membri del Centro Studi "Rosario Livatino", in occasione del convegno nazionale sul tema "Magistratura in crisi. Percorsi per ritrovare la giustizia"

29 Nov 12:31 rainews 442831848308374110.html
Game of Thrones star reveals contents from banned secret George RR Martin letter

Peter Dinklage was flabbergasted.

29 Nov 11:42 Metro 970161748307995752.html
Kids up to 4 are main victims of antibiotics over-prescription

636 per 1,000 patients in this age group given these drugs, which are routinely ordered even for ailments not requiring them

29 Nov 15:43 BusinessLine 5283601947594831.html
Green energy: ecco dove investire

Sempre più spesso si sente parlare di energia pulita o green energy. Questo perché nel futuro questa tipologia di energia sarà l’unica prodotta sulla

29 Nov 12:12 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261128636064.html
New rules on gift voucher expiry dates come into effect from Monday

Businesses will be banned from putting an expiry date of less than five years on gift vouchers fr...

29 Nov 12:50 Newstalk 7635722259730622408.html
BHU's Firoz Khan to appear for interview to teach at varsity's Ayurveda dept

The teachers of University had penned down a letter to President Ram Nath Kovind in this regard.

29 Nov 10:05 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364510007389.html
SportMediaset - Milan, la risposta di Ibra dovrebbe arrivare a metà dicembre

Secondo quanto riferisce SportMediaset su Italia Uno, Zlatan Ibrahimovic ha aperto di fatto al ritorno al Milan con alcune dichiarazioni rilasciate nelle ultime ore. Il Milan resta in attesa di una risposta, che, dalle indiscrezioni che arrivano dalla Svezia, dovrebbe arrivare per metà dicembre.   

29 Nov 13:38 MilanNews.it 6507305921995663103.html
German Amazon workers strike on 'Black Friday'

More than 2,000 Amazon workers in Germany walked off the job as the US online retailer kicked off its

29 Nov 15:50 Digital Journal 4566489172995238816.html
El Gobierno aprueba las subvenciones para el transporte público en Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia y Canarias

El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado este viernes la concesión directa de subvenciones para la financiación del transporte público metropolitano regular de...

29 Nov 15:07 Europa Press 4702666148494973822.html
Japan, South Korea to hold high-level trade talks

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- In the shadow of the United States trade war with China, South Korea's trade ministry said Friday it will hold high-level trade negotiations with Japan to end its long-running standoff.

29 Nov 14:14 UPI 8257973864620340489.html
Troops neutralise 13 Boko Haram, ISWAP terrorists in Borno

The combined troops of Sector 3 Operation LAFIYA DOLE and Sector 2 Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) of Chadian forces have killed 13 terrorists...

29 Nov 10:29 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900296827484.html
Tre ragazze spiate e filmate sotto la doccia: nei guai due minorenni

VICENZA - La Procura per i minorenni di Venezia ha avviato indagini a carico di due minorenni vicentini che, secondo quanto riporta oggi il Giornale di Vicenza, nei mesi scorsi avrebbero filmato tre...

29 Nov 11:35 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447118175217.html
NEOS zu Asylverfahren: Es braucht endlich mehr Qualität und Tempo

Stephanie Krisper: „Ohne spürbare Aufstockung des Personals werden die Verfahren weiterhin oft jahrelang in der Warteschleife hängen.“

29 Nov 14:46 OTS.at 4182160710708349726.html
Il consiglio comunale di Busca vota all'unanimità il sostegno alla Provincia di Cuneo e alla sua protesta

Le votazioni del consiglio del 27 novembre

29 Nov 13:23 Targatocn.it 7367208849465695747.html
NatWest and RBS down, infuriating Black Friday online shoppers

With Black Friday sales underway, bargain-hunting customers of RBS and NatWest have been frustrated by a spate of online and mobile crashes disabling access to accounts.

29 Nov 10:43 Finextra 6000504750635134695.html
Pose as cops robbers nabbed

Five men from Bulawayo who masqueraded as police officers before robbing several residents of more US$30 000 and R43 000 as well as an assortment of goods worth more than $200 000 have been arrested.

29 Nov 15:52 Nehanda Radio 3802011524072638321.html
Sudan approves new law 'dismantling' Omar al-Bashir's regime

Sudan's transitional authorities approved a law late on Thursday to "dismantle" the regime of former President Omar al-Bashir, including the dissolution of his political party and confiscation of all its properties - in response to a key demand of protesters that helped overthrow his government in April.

29 Nov 11:29 Aljazeera 6642629763329678455.html
Bucchioni: "ADL potrebbe ridimensionare le multe ed evitare il ricorso dei giocatori"

Enzo Bucchioni, nel corso del suo editoriale per Tuttomercatoweb, ha parlato anche della situazione in casa Napoli.

29 Nov 10:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080402842383.html
What to know: New pedestrian plan in place near Rockefeller Center for holiday season

A new holiday pedestrian plan takes effect around Rockefeller Center and concrete barricades are now in place to stop vehicular traffic on 49th and 50th streets between 5th and 6th avenues.

29 Nov 15:11 ABC7 New York 7327811149259036436.html
Some Nursing Homes Illegally Evict Residents Who Can't Afford to Pay

When Jamie Moore arrived home on a Thursday evening in March, she was surprised to find her mother-in-law in her living room. Glenda Moore, 67, had been sitting in her wheelchair for hours.

29 Nov 11:52 NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth 8877113076350207981.html
Leurs diamants brillent sur Internet

La start-up de joaillerie Baunat impose sa marque de bijoux sur Internet auprès de consommateurs de luxe avertis.

29 Nov 12:26 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636495023783575.html
Daimler skär ned personalstyrkan globalt

Ekonomi Daimler, som bland annat äger bilmärket Mercedes-Benz, kommer att på tre år dra ned personalstyrkan med 10 000 anställda globalt. Det är det tredje åtstramningsbeskedet från en ledande tysk biltillverkare denna vecka.

29 Nov 11:50 www.unt.se 8922556089889201179.html
Dos accidentes y una mujer herida al quedar atrapada en su camioneta

Pasadas las 8 de esta mañana, persona policial y de Transito acudió a dos accidentes que se registraron en la zona sur de Comodoro Rivadavia. En uno de ellos, la conductora quedó atrapada en su vehículo y tras ser rescatada fue traslado al Hospital Regional.

29 Nov 12:55 El Patagónico 8565457045558952988.html
Johnson seeks to focus UK election on Brexit, not his flaws

LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson struggled Friday to move Britain's election debate away from questions about his character and onto Brexit, promising to bolster protection for British businesses and farmers once the country has left the European Union.

29 Nov 13:25 WFXT 6395891953089325174.html
Ourense: Quince minutos por una carretera del siglo pasado

FIN A 20 DÍAS DE CALVARIO. El cierre de la N-120 por un desprendimiento durante veinte días hizo que conductores y camioneros sufrieran las consecuencias de unas rutas alternativas en mal estado o con un gran rodeo. Desde hoy se reabrirá un carril de paso alternativo en el punto kilométrico 563,100.

29 Nov 11:28 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611837444717.html
Berner Gericht verschiebt Urteil im Fall von «Zigeuner»-Plakat

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 14:33 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776380461895.html
EON SE Neutral

Die Experten der UBS AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von EON mit Neutral

29 Nov 10:31 finanzen.at 7258357743077316328.html
Boer Gerard en Marijke vormen onverwacht toch een koppel: bestaat liefde op het tweede gezicht?

Het was gisterenavond een erg uitzonderlijke aflevering van ‘Boer zkt Vrouw: De Wereld Rond’. Het programma werd niet alleen eenmalig op donderdag uitgezonden, maar de aflevering kende ook een verr...

29 Nov 14:59 HLN 8967494996534151719.html
Waiguru Takes Matiang'i Shopping [PHOTOS]

Interior CS Fred Matiang'i and Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru spent the day at...

29 Nov 15:30 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154161329049.html
Behind the Scenes: Tomato in Trouble

Who am I? My name is Victor Ascenção. I’m 53 and I was born in Caracas, Venezuela but currently, I live in Castelo Branco, Portugal. My formal studies were in Advertising and Marketing in the “Instituto Universitario de Nuevas Profesiones” in Caracas, Venezuela. I have always been interested in drawing and design and particularly passionateRead More

29 Nov 15:55 BlenderNation 3769153473182450139.html
Aarey Colony: Uddhav Thackeray stops work on car shed after taking charge as Maharashtra CM

The Bombay High Court had last month dismissed petitions asking it to give Aarey the status of a forest, and stop cutting the trees.

29 Nov 13:11 Scroll.in 8669301693591754511.html
Marrakech-Ouarzazate: Interruption de la circulation sur certaines sections

  Le ministère de l'Equipement, du Transport, de la Logistique et de l’Eau a annoncé l’interruption momentanée de la circulation sur certaines sections de la route nationale reliant Marrakech à Ouarzazate, en raison des travaux d'élargissement de ces tronçon. Cette mesure a été dictée par les travaux d’élargissement des tronçons reliant Aït Aourir et Aït Zineb sur 135 km pour améliorer le service offert aux usagers et dans le cadre des efforts déployés pour la mise à niveau de cette route nationale, dont le taux d’avancement global des travaux a atteint environ 45%, indique vendredi le ministère dans un communiqué. Le département évoque, notamment, le relief difficile que traverse cet axe routier, ce qui nécessite parfois d’utiliser les explosifs dans certaines sections et d’interrompre la circulation sur ces sections pour une durée d’une heure jusqu’à une heure et demie pour permettre le dégagement des blocs rocheux résultant de cette opération. Par conséquent, le ministère appelle l’ensemble des usagers de…

29 Nov 12:15 LesEco.ma 3084334526908696872.html
Piden cadena perpetua a imputados por crimen de Aylin Fuentes en Talca

El cuerpo de la joven fue hallado flotando en el Río Claro, semidesnuda y atada de pies y manos. La Fiscalía pide la máxima pena para los ocho imputados en el comienzo del juicio.

29 Nov 15:09 24Horas.cl 793283384449825194.html
RUS i Kina premostile Amur prekograničnim magistralnim mosto

MOSKVA - Na Dalekom istoku je završena izgradnja mosta koji povezuje Rusiju i susednu Kinu preko reke Amur. Ova istorijska saobraćajnica je, kako ocenjuje

29 Nov 15:47 Krstarica 4176903988482432614.html
Penxe makes long-awaited return for Kings

Southern Kings winger Yaw Penxe will make a long-awaited return in Saturday's PRO14 clash against Connacht.

29 Nov 14:18 Sport 682566035588703748.html
Child's body recovered from sewage pit in Oman

PACDA said in a statement

29 Nov 11:18 Times of Oman 5168079154725857119.html
Radionice i kvizovi na temu kako postupati sa psom

SARAJEVO - Fondacija "Dogs Trust" organizovala je u Sarajevu tradicionalno druženje radi promocije odgovornog vlasništva pasa, udomljavanja, obuke pasa i pozitivnog odnosa prema ljubimcima.

29 Nov 10:19 Nezavisne novine 4209150641330655066.html
Jose Mourinho responds to Arsenal rumours after Unai Emery sacking

Would Mourinho have taken the Arsenal job first?

29 Nov 14:11 Metro 970161747256838566.html
Elmas, lavori in corso nella zona dell'aeroporto: viabilità modificata

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:06 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207272272333.html
Carina betrogen? Bauer Michael hat sich auch mit Sonja getroffen

In einem Brief erhebt Bauer Michaels verschmähte Nummer 3 Sonja schwere Vorwürfe. Hat er seine Carina betrogen?

29 Nov 11:12 RTL.DE 7054729451915328387.html
Aroundtown SA buy

Die Experten der Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers KGaA bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Aroundtown SA mit buy

29 Nov 12:19 finanzen.at 7258357742468025133.html
Is Bury St Edmunds getting a new Italian restaurant?

An empty bank in Bury St Edmunds town centre may become an Italian restaurant.

29 Nov 10:04 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151548524965.html
Perspectives de marché d'Aberdeen Standard Investments

James McCann, d'Aberdeen Standard Investments, identifie les principaux thèmes d’investissement qui devraient conditionner l’économie en 2020.

29 Nov 14:50 Allnews 678771720013026820.html
Vietnam receives last of 39 remains of trafficking victims

DO THANH, Vietnam — The last remains of the 39 Vietnamese who died while being smuggled in a truck to England last month have been repatriated to their home country. Photos by the Vietnam News Agency show the arrival at the Hanoi airport of 16 bodies and seven urns, which were flown from London. They …

29 Nov 15:11 City NEWS 1130 5858657121254173649.html
Ley de alquiler temporario: profundiza la crisis habitacional de la Ciudad

Con 41 votos a favor del PRO y sus aliados, la legislatura porteña votó un nuevo régimen de alquiler temporario. Regulan así los alquileres turísticos, empujando así la dolarización y el negocio turístico en detrimento de los alquileres para vivienda. Sigue una ciudad para los negocios y expulsora de habitantes.

29 Nov 13:42 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731548952318.html
Consulenti, la previdenza per fare ripartire l’Italia

Comitato Agenti e Consulenti: “Gli enti di previdenza possono e devono contribuire al rilancio dell’economia del nostro Paese”

29 Nov 10:19 bluerating 6922469337389419339.html
'Magic crystals' to enable the future of electric cars

CSIRO and Monash University's Matthew Hill will receive the Solomon Award tonight for developing "magic crystals" with dozens of applications from cleaning gases and liquids to mining and drug production.

29 Nov 15:13 Tech Xplore 4945708898467579514.html
Twitter CEO does not use Google search engine for privacy reasons

Twitter CEO does not use Google search engine for privacy reasons. He uses DuckDuckGo's, a search engine that gives priority to the privacy of the user.

29 Nov 13:18 Gizchina 5392375274784450535.html
La miserable y cruel muerte de los corderos y ovejas en Reino Unido

Nuestra nueva investigación grabada con cámara oculta en un matadero del Reino Unido muestra cómo la maquinaria falla...

29 Nov 11:18 ecoticias.com 9144483865080253411.html
LeBron James helped Anthony Davis handle New Orleans boos

LeBron James has become a standard setter in the NBA  — for boos and harsh receptions, too. So nine years after James made his hostile first return to Cleveland as the city’s most hated man,

29 Nov 15:00 New York Post 7654946769290916043.html
Borna Barisic admits Rangers were not good enough in first half

The full-back admitted his side got off lightly after a poor first half against Feyenoord.

29 Nov 10:17 Sports Mole 7750663361553078447.html
Power Stone-Style Brawler LastFight Is Launching This Week On The eShop

Hits the eShop tomorrow

29 Nov 12:15 Nintendo Life 5246707019739492448.html
Police say officers shot man at London Bridge, Sky says another person killed

LONDON (Reuters) - British police said officers had shot a man in an incident at London Bridge on Friday which they were treating as a terrorism as a precaution and Sky News reported that another person had been killed.

29 Nov 15:32 Reuters 8334514181147945407.html
Boris would have been as useful as a melting ice sculpture at the climate debate

CAROLINE LUCAS: Boris Johnson accuses MPs of dither and delay over Brexit - that is precisely his approach to the climate crisis.

29 Nov 11:16 Metro 970161748535483439.html
Ditipu Kiwil yang Ternyata Udah Beristri dan Rela Diajak Tinggal di Kos-kosan, Segini Uang Bulanan Meggy Wulandari

Merasa ditipu saat awal menikah dengan Kiwil, Meggy Wulandari ungkap alasan mau dinikahi sang suami.

29 Nov 11:15 grid.id 586386474495819699.html
Schoenefeld Airport in Berlin on Lockdown Due to WWII Bomb

At the moment, there is no official information about how dangerous the bomb is. According to an airport spokesman, the bomb was discovered during construction work in the facility, and the emergency services are already at the scene and trying to secure it.

29 Nov 15:17 Sputniknews 967333868939599099.html
Hudson’s Bay blijft open tot einde van het jaar

Warenhuis Hudson’s Bay in Rotterdam blijft tot het einde van het jaar geopend. Dit geldt ook voor dertien andere vestigingen.

29 Nov 14:07 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228670636324.html
Second World War photos to be preserved in Express & Star online archive

Hundreds of historic photographs dating back to the Second World War will be the next to be preserved for future generations as part of the Express & Star photo archive project.

29 Nov 13:51 Express & Star 7324224459849930557.html
Bez imuniteta za biznismena uhapšenog zbog ubistva novinarke

VALETA - Malta je danas odbila da da imunitet biznismenu Jorgenu Feneču u slučaju ubistva novinarke Dafne Karuane Galicije, koja je istraživala slučajeve

29 Nov 14:45 Krstarica 4176903989336856948.html
India offers funds to Sri Lanka in bid to outdo China

Gotabaya Rajapaksa's visit to India just 12 days after he became president is being intensely watched as New Delhi and Beijing compete to control the Indian Ocean and its strategic sea routes.

29 Nov 15:13 Saudi Gazette 6913978434098260427.html
DHL, Hermes, DPD, GLS und UPS: Versandfristen: So kommen Ihre Weihnachtspakete noch rechtzeitig an

Pakte noch vor Weihnachten geliefert bekommen: Noch ist es ein Weilchen bis Heiligabend – aber der Countdown läuft. Wer seine Liebsten an Weihnachten nicht um sich hat, verschickt die Geschenke. Doch bis wann müssen die Präsente spätestens versandt werden, damit sie beim Empfänger an Heiligabend rechtzeitig unterm Baum landen?

29 Nov 11:22 FOCUS Online 4448121230459286720.html
Fondazione Open, spuntano i nomi dei finanziatori

Sequestrato il libro mastro della Fondazione Open. Tra i nomi anche quello del deputato Librandi che ha versato 800mila euro

29 Nov 11:37 Il Tempo 2494990960100112239.html
Australia a 'treasure island' for medical device giants: ex-hospital boss

The former boss of Australia's second largest private hospital operator has backed health insurers' claims they are being gouged by medical device manufacturers.

29 Nov 14:00 The Age 7967730561941420373.html
Warren Gatland reveals Wayne Pivac wasn't initially meant to be in charge of Wales on Saturday

Gatland says he intervened as he thought it was really important for Pivac

29 Nov 11:49 Wales Online 7686550515863533666.html
Die SPD auf der Suche nach Charisma

Es ist der letzte Tag der Stichwahl - am Samstag soll das neue Führungsduo der SPD stehen. Es soll der Partei neues Leben einhauchen. Eine große Aufgabe - zumal in der SPD einer noch immer alles überstrahlt. Von Barbara Kostolnik.

29 Nov 11:24 tagesschau.de 5441171425050882367.html
The Nightingale review – gut-churning colonial rape-revenge drama

In Jennifer Kent’s follow-up to The Babadook, set in 19th-century Tasmania, an Irishwoman seeks payback after being brutally gang-raped by British troops

29 Nov 11:00 the Guardian 1491978794907174848.html
Wird Causa Wendt Holger Stahlknecht zum Verhängnis?

Am Abend des 5. September 2018 weiß Holger Stahlknecht, dass er jetzt ganz oben mitspielt. Alles, was wichtig ist in Sachsen-Anhalt, hat sich in der Berliner Landesvertretung versammelt. Bei der alljährlichen Kultursommernacht gibt es Häppchen und Musik, auch Angela Merkel ist gekommen. Irgendwann ziehen sich die Kanzlerin und der Landesinnenminister zu einem Gespräch ...

29 Nov 11:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109792756185.html
UBS: Der talentierte Herr Zhao und seine Millionen-Trades

Mit chinesischen Ramschanleihen hat ein Händler der UBS in Hongkong eine Rekordsumme für die Grossbank verdient. Doch die Trades hätten auch in die andere Richtung gehen können. ...

29 Nov 14:29 finews.ch 7270223616672015226.html
Hände weg vom Arenbergpark

Zum Beitrag "Wiener Stararchitekten planen in Welterbezone": Die nächste Bausünde der Extraklasse mitten in der Altstadtschutzzone droht und somit die Zerstörung eines einzigartigen Naturjuwels und Naherholungsgebiets in der Stadt Salzburg. Wer denkt, mit dem höchst umstrittenen Projekt Rehrlplatz

29 Nov 15:40 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084766031811.html
Nurses hurled gravel at dementia patients then tried to pin the blame on other 'confused' sufferers, court hears

Two nurses who hurled gravel at dementia patients then tried to pin the blame on other "confused" sufferers are facing jail.

29 Nov 14:01 The Telegraph 140598092578480164.html
Paskutiniai rudens akordai Žeimiuose

Lapkričio 27 dieną Žeimių mokykloje-daugiafunkciame centre vyko Europos Komisijos finansuojamos programos ,,ERASMUS+” projekto ,,Fit 4 life” sklaida-pristatymas miestelio bendruomenei. Projekto kuratorė anglų kalbos mokytoja Inga Dūdienė ir 7 klas

29 Nov 14:13 JONAVOS ŽINIOS 3861072125321964844.html
'Announce promotion' - Nottingham Forest fans are loving transfer claim about Leeds target

Nottingham Forest transfer news | A number of clubs, including West Brom and Leeds United have been linked with the Newcastle United

29 Nov 12:54 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703077906737.html
Passation de pouvoirs symbolique entre Donald Tusk et Charles Michel

Le président sortant du Conseil européen Donald Tusk a symboliquement remis ses pouvoirs vendredi à Charles Michel, qui prendra dimanche sa nouvelle ...

29 Nov 11:08 RTL Info 5478130073447710432.html
El Departamento de Igualdad de Donostia recomienda no entregar el Tambor de Oro a Woody Allen

El Departamento de Igualdad del Ayuntamiento de Donostia ha recomendado excluir a Woody Allen de la terna de personas candidatas a recibir el Tambor de Oro.

29 Nov 14:16 naiz: 7509038604012954253.html
Friday for Future Sdraiati in Bra per protesta - VIDEO


29 Nov 10:37 L'Arena 5479295677299512344.html
Madrugones, trasnochones y otras estrategias para reactivar el comercio caleño

El comercio caleño recargó baterías para contrarrestar el impacto en las ventas generado por las protestas que empezaron el pasado 21 de noviembre.Las estrategias van desde madrugones, trasnochones, rifas, hasta descuentos especiales permanentes, desfiles de modas y presentaciones artísticas para atraer más compradores y visitantes.Albeiro Aristizábal, presidente de Grecocentro, gremio que integra a los comerciantes del centro de Cali, mencionó que aunque la situación que les ha tocado enfrentar ha sido compleja, no se quedaron de brazos cruzados y decidieron unirse para lanzar una campaña de amor por la ciudad, especialmente por el centro, que es el epicentro de los precios competitivos en productos y servicios.Yo amo a Cali es el nombre de la campaña. “En el centro se respira paz y aquí lo que hay son promociones, descuentos, rifas, madrugones, trasnochones. Estamos estudiando más estrategias de mediano plazo”, mencionó Aristizabal.Para tal fin evaluarán los resultados obtenidos durante las ventas de diciembre…

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963348094396959.html
UNIQLO's Dragon Ball UT Line Hits Australia

UNIQLO's always got a bunch of cool special edition threads on offer. This time, it's Dragon Ball's turn.

29 Nov 14:15 Kotaku Australia 2018810246645194611.html
Revista Bohemia circula impresa en colores como homenaje a La Habana

La revista ofrece a sus lectores una edición en colores que aborda historia, tradiciones y curiosidades de la capital en su medio siglo de existencia

29 Nov 15:11 Granma.cu 7847343384043474235.html
China's true economic growth could be half of what everyone thinks, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - GDP growth could be as low as half the official number and that markets are likely overestimating China&rsquo;s importance for the global economy.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:31 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757580355769.html
Coronation Street star Jennie McAlpine shares heartwarming birthday tribute to 'brilliant' son Albert

She has two young children with husband Chris

29 Nov 15:14 Entertainment Daily 8392972517720190164.html
Central African Republic seeks a salve for the scars of war

Conflict-ravaged country hopes trials at new court in Bangui will at last punish those responsible for massacres and rape

29 Nov 11:06 the Guardian 1491978796444800959.html
Panes, Tab Reordering Added to Windows Terminal App

Windows Terminal panes and tab reordering are two new features the open source command line tool picks up in its latest release, Windows Terminal 0.7.

29 Nov 13:19 OMG! Ubuntu! 2539630668569261951.html
Chelsea still unsure about extent of Tammy Abraham injury

Abraham sat out training at Chelsea's Cobham base on Friday.

29 Nov 15:08 Sports Mole 7750663361185061557.html
Estudiantes participan en la cuarta huelga mundial contra el cambio climático

Estudiantes de varios países del mundo respondieron este 29 de noviembre del 2019 al llamado de la activista sueca Greta Thunberg a realizar una nueva huelga mundial en contra del cambio climático a pocos días de que se inicie la decisiva COP25 de Madrod.

29 Nov 11:56 El Comercio 2865024641546783568.html
Ranking the Cowboys’ Jason Garrett replacement candidates if Jerry Jones fires head coach

If Jason Garrett is fired, the Cowboys' list of replacement candidates is long and filled with the sort of splashy names you'd expect from a Jerry Jones-led coaching search, covering all corners of the NFL and college football.

2 Dec 12:11 Sporting News 5110653854590330769.html
On The Road with Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors

We went to Holcomb's show at Gramercy Theater and it did not disappoint.

29 Nov 11:16 Mother Jones 3045746899538620906.html
Boris Johnson promises to give state aid to UK companies to stop them collapsing after Brexit, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The prime minister announced that he would remove EU rules preventing the government from awarding contracts to UK-based businesses.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:58 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755774364318.html
Marc Spiegler neu Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung der MCH Group

Die MCH Group verändert ihre Geschäftsleitung im Hinblick auf die neu definierte Unternehmensstrategie per Anfang 2020. Neu ist Marc Spiegler, Global Director der Kunstmesse Art Basel, Mitglied des «Executive Board».

29 Nov 13:01 bz BASEL 5287163743348235973.html
Trump's visit to Afghanistan was so secret the White House sent generic Thanksgiving tweets from his account to avoid questions about why he didn't post for 13 hours, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The White House took a series of measures to ensure total secrecy when President Donald Trump visited troops in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:25 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755904099371.html
Sputnik Editor-in-Chief on Outlet Losing Office in Estonia: We Will Work From Home

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Sputnik Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan has stated that Sputnik Estonia journalists would not be deterred by losing their office, they would work from home.

29 Nov 13:43 Sputniknews 967333868622003472.html
The Hidden Trucking Industry Subsidy

This US based article shows we ‘public’ give an exorbitant unfair amount of subsidy to the trucking industry.

29 Nov 14:56 SCOOP 5315659000214476323.html
El juez devuelve el veredicto al jurado del caso Diana Quer al constatar "posibles contradicciones" y errores formales

El magistrado Ángel Pantín ha decidido devolver el veredicto del caso Diana Quer, al entender que existen errores formales, cuestiones que requieren una mayor...

29 Nov 11:09 Europa Press 4702666148561181288.html
Kyiv's court extends ex-MP Pashynsky's arrest for two months

Pashynsky and his lawyers said they would appeal.

29 Nov 15:00 UNIAN 6863008970936254770.html
Wall Street opent lager op Black Friday

NEW YORK (ANP) - De aandelenbeurzen in New York zijn op Black Friday met kleine verliezen aan de handel begonnen. Bij beleggers op Wall Street leven zorgen dat de handelsrelatie tussen de Verenigde Staten en China zal verslechteren vanwege de steun van Washington aan de demonstranten in Hongkong.

29 Nov 14:47 Nieuws.nl 2419030130959719254.html
Wall Street opent lager op Black Friday

De aandelenbeurzen in New York zijn op Black Friday met kleine verliezen aan de handel begonnen. Bij beleggers op Wall Street leven zorgen dat de handelsrelatie tussen de Verenigde Staten en China zal verslechteren vanwege de steun van Washington aan de demonstranten in Hongkong.

29 Nov 15:46 RD.nl 6406779841023142752.html
Visita a sorpresa di Trump a Kabul, ripresi negoziati

Il tycoon incontra Ghani e serve il tacchino alle truppe Usa (ANSA)

29 Nov 11:23 ANSA.it 1300837447879958467.html
Dahoud oder Zagadou vor Abschied? BVB plant Tauschgeschäft

Borussia Dortmund sondiert dieser Tage den Markt, um möglichst in der Winter-Transferphase einen neuen Mittelstürmer zu verpflichten und die wichtige Lücke im Kader zu schließen. Möglich, dass der BVB bereit ist, einen seinen Spieler im Tausch abzugeben.

29 Nov 11:49 weltfussball.at 3521376372815965774.html
Karvy case: SAT asks Sebi to review limited use of power of attorney issue

Sebi's directive had come after the National Stock Exchange forwarded a preliminary report to it on the non-compliances observed with respect to pledging/misuse of client securities by Karvy

29 Nov 14:00 Business-Standard 1502508925147962679.html
Photos of the week

A week in photos from award-winning Sydney Morning Herald photographers.

29 Nov 13:01 The Age 7967730561853169202.html
La exposición a ruidos fuertes modifica el cerebro

Los ruidos son un básico en nuestra sociedad, por eso queremos hacer una reflexión acerca de la exposición a ruidos fuerte y su efecto en nuestro cerebro. En este sentido, escuchar de forma continuada algún sonido o ruido con una intensidad muy alta, prov

29 Nov 13:33 Diariocrítico 5375131905277311170.html
UPDATE Incident armat pe Podul Londrei, anuntat de Politia Britanica

Podul Londrei, din inima capitalei britanice, a fost inchis vineri de politie in urma unui incident de securitate soldat, se pare, cu decesul unui barbat, noteaza Agerpres.

29 Nov 14:57 Wall-Street 2473040520296227389.html
Batch of Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce urgently recalled due to 'exploding bottle'

Customers have been warned that the exploding chili sauce could irritate the skin or eyes

29 Nov 13:17 Irish Mirror 2875825629698861446.html
Las Doras campeonas de la Liga Santafesina

Voleibol Villa Dora se consagro campeón llevándose el título ante Echague de Paraná, en un encuentro que se desarrolló en la ciudad de Santa Fe, por el torneo de la Liga Santafesina de Vóley. La final se llevó a cabo el jueves por la noche en el Club Atlético de Villa Dora, donde el equipo de las doras obtuvo la victoria por un 3-1.

29 Nov 12:04 El Litoral 2624573357725285181.html
Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden Join INSTEX Mechanism for Trade With Iran - Finnish Foreign Ministry

Iran considers the European Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), a tool set up to help trade with Tehran under the US sanctions, to be weak, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araghchi stated earlier in November, adding that the system has not been fully implemented so far.

29 Nov 14:21 Sputniknews 967333868212880929.html
Black Friday stellt IT-Systeme auf den Prüfstand

Der Shoppingtag Black Friday lockt zahlreiche Schnäppchenjäger an - und bringt dadurch Onlineplattformen bisweilen an ihre Grenzen. Dieses Jahr erwischte es etwa Twint und Apple.

29 Nov 15:00 bz BASEL 5287163743194255162.html
U.K. Police Shoot Man After Potential Terrorist Attack in London

(Bloomberg) -- Armed police shot a man after a possible terrorist attack sent hundreds of people running for their lives in the heart of London.Several civilians were believed to have been injured in a stabbing just before 2 p.m. in the London Bridge area on the edge of the capital’s financial center

29 Nov 15:52 Yahoo 7097669637093677266.html
Frente Amplio de Mujeres protesta por una vida libre de violencia

En el marco de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la mujer, el Frente Amplio de Mujeres de Carabobo

29 Nov 11:14 LaPatilla.com 9104603011538042465.html
Block.One Joins EOS Elections as One Entity Allegedly Controls 6 Block Producers

Block.One’s announced participation in EOS’s block producer elections has reignited concerns regarding the network’s centralization.

29 Nov 15:16 Cointelegraph 3050247240395811148.html
"Drogava e violentava la matrigna, poi la ricattava": arrestato un giovane

Il giovane è stato fermato all'aeroporto di Bologna mentre stava per tornare a casa a Lugo, nel ravennate. I presunti abusi sarebbero andati avanti dal novembre 2018 fino allo scorso luglio

29 Nov 10:24 Today 178378750282899923.html
Kleine pestplaag zet zich door in China: nu al vier mensen besmet

Chinese gezondheidsautoriteiten hebben melding gemaakt van een nieuw geval van builenpest. De besmetting vond plaats in de noordelijke regio van Binnen-Mongolië. Het totale aantal pestgevallen sinds het begin van de maand komt zo op vier. Een landelijke herder in de provincie Siziwang werd gediagnosticeerd met de ziekte in een lokaal ziekenhuis, aldus China. Voorafgaand aan

29 Nov 13:30 Zita 7484176339766080896.html
Rangers in Rotterdam: 42 football fans arrested following Feyenoord clash

DUTCH police have confirmed 42 football fans have been arrested following Rangers’ clash with Feyenoord in Rotterdam. Cops nicked several supporters near to the De Kuip stadium after the alleged di…

29 Nov 10:20 The Scottish Sun 6609127672643870878.html
Tarik Jaringnya yang Jatuh, Siapa Sangka Nelayan Ini Tangkap 'Monster Laut' Mengerikan yang Muncul dari Dasar Lautan

Seorang nelayan yang telah melaut menjadi terkenal karena hasil tangkapannya yang aneh. Simak selengkapnya!

29 Nov 12:33 grid.id 586386474667316576.html
Batterie per smartphone: spunta il grafene per un’autonomia infinita

Grafene. Ricordatevi questo nom eperchè sarà il materiale del futuro per le batterie dei nostri smartphone e altri device, così da mandare a casa definitivamente il litio.

29 Nov 11:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127499536677.html
Philippines’ Duterte apologises after chaotic SEA Games build-up

MANILA, Nov 29 — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte apologised and pledged a probe into the troubled run-up to tomorrow’s opening of the South-east Asian Games after a rush of logistical problems and last-minute construction. Complaints over transport, accommodation and food stacked up as...

29 Nov 15:43 Malaymail 302165935144751928.html
Rottamazione-ter e saldo e stralcio, ultimi giorni per far pace col Fisco

Economia - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:45 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207573076155.html
The Flash's Iris Reveals BTS Footage of That Disgusting Dinner Scene

The Flash star Candice Patton shared some behind-the-scenes footage of what she once described as 'one of the most disgusting scenes' in the series.

29 Nov 13:11 CBR.com 1295516963285806943.html
The Report movie review: Dedicated to its cause right from the beginning

The Report movie review: With The Report, director Scott Z Burns isn't shy of throwing information at you, but he makes sure that you never drown in that sea of details.

29 Nov 14:09 The Indian Express 2885715104404633510.html
Surajo prays for Pillars - The Nation Newspaper

Chairman of Kano Pillars Football Club Yahaya Surajo has expressed worries over the poor position of the club in the Nigeria Professional Football League...

29 Nov 10:15 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901473082256.html
K-Pop Fans Shocked After Jung Joon-young Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison Amid Sexual Assault Charges

Several South Korean singers are currently facing public scrutiny following charges about their alleged participation in an aggravated rape back in 2016. They retired from the entertainment industry following the scandal and have now received prison sentences in relation to sexual assault charges.

29 Nov 13:23 Sputniknews 967333868824758985.html
Timeline: Twists and turns in Mediaset vs Vivendi TV drama

(Reuters) - Italian broadcaster Mediaset (MS.MI) and shareholder Vivendi (VIV.PA) were negotiating on Friday to find a way to end a three-year legal battle after all-night talks failed to produce a breakthrough, sources said.

29 Nov 15:12 Reuters 8334514181465964031.html
Battle to save Exmouth home amid spate of car arson attacks

Owen Howlett, who witnessed the entire incident, battled to stop the fire spreading to a nearby home

29 Nov 13:35 DevonLive 2469244512546526839.html
7 Meme Lucu saat Disuruh Emak Belanja Ini Bikin Ketawa Geli

Bagi sebagian orang, momen saat disuruh emak belanja jadi kenangan indah.

29 Nov 10:55 liputan6.com 5422146880335537502.html
Bling it on with a visit to the Scottish jewellery shop that Rita Ora loves

Gold is at it's most popular in years, says John Stewart Jewellers.

29 Nov 15:55 dailyrecord 552235479857601815.html
"Problematic Smartphone Usage" is the New Scourge of the Kids

Psychiatric experts have got together to declare that smartphone addiction appears to be a very real thing, with research backing this up by identifying symptoms of "problematic smartphone usage" and behaviours mirroring those of addicts in nearly a quarter of young people. But will they still turn out OK and like normal adults?

29 Nov 13:10 Gizmodo UK 8363059000766864772.html
Prevoznici iz RS traže da ministar komunikacija bude iz Banjaluke

SARAJEVO - Svi relevantni predstavnici vezani za djelatnost prevoza u ponedjeljak će potpisati zajednički memorandum i poslati ga u Savjet ministara BiH sa inicijativom da ministar komunikacija i transporta BiH u ovom mandatu bude neko sa teritorije Banjaluke.

29 Nov 14:49 Nezavisne novine 4209150642914999791.html
'Lucas Biglia hakt knoop door over Anderlecht-transfer'

Lucas Biglia wordt nadrukkelijk gelinkt aan Anderlecht. Paars-wit is immers op zoek naar een nieuwe middenvelder.

29 Nov 15:00 Voetbal24 8097814617059777255.html
La delegación argentina encabezada por Grabois fue demorada en Bolivia

Repudio La comitiva denunció que los “interrogaron ilegalmente y hostigaron”, al arribar al aeropuerto de Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Evo Morales advirtió que los “dejen llegar a La Paz para realizar el trabajo de investigación sobre derechos humanos”.

29 Nov 12:54 El Litoral 2624573358511423849.html
Royals im News-TickerVorwürfe gegen Prinz Andrew erneuert - Virginia Giuffre spricht in BBC-Interview

Von Queen Elizabeth über William, Kate, Harry und Meghan bis hin zu Schwedens Kronprinzessin Victoria und König Felipe von Spanien. Hier auf FOCUS Online erfahren Sie die aktuellen Nachrichten und exklusive Storys aus den europäischen Königshäusern.

29 Nov 13:56 FOCUS Online 4448121230628277680.html
Malta, omicidio Caruana Galizia. Il premier Muscat resta, attenderà chiusura del caso

Il primo ministro ha inoltre dichiarato di essere stato ricattato da Yorgen Fenech, arrestato nei giorni scorsi nell'ambito delle indagini sulla morte della reporter

29 Nov 15:42 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189388866747.html
Cybertruck Besutan Tesla Capai 250 Ribu Pesanan

Cybertruck Besutan Tesla Capai 250 Ribu Pesanan

29 Nov 15:17 merdeka.com 1998180355448181077.html
Coinbase Denies Report of $150M Acquisition of Tagomi Brokerage Firm

Coinbase has denied reports that it acquired digital currency brokerage firm Tagomi for $150 million.

29 Nov 15:56 Cointelegraph 3050247241172824619.html
Kilwinning Rangers boss Chris Strain reveals plan to bolster squad as Largs clash looms

Several players have voluntarily played through the pain barrier in recent weeks to help maintain the Buffs' strong start to the season.

29 Nov 15:37 dailyrecord 552235478942378573.html
Iliad: Morgan Stanley remonte son objectif de cours

Morgan Stanley réitère son conseil 'surpondérer' et remonte son objectif de cours de 140 à 145 euros sur Iliad, attendant pour le groupe de télécommun - 29/11/2019 13:06

29 Nov 12:06 ABC Bourse 2538693398715355647.html
Video: Chris Harris Drives the Rolls-Royce Cullinan

The Rolls-Royce Cullinan has been around for almost a year now and what a year it has been. Top Gear host Chris Harris has reviewed the car

29 Nov 13:57 BMW BLOG 8947460769765644787.html
96-Meinung: Schlaudraff muss beim Ausgeben so kreativ werden wie Kind beim Sparen

Hannover 96 wird nicht umhinkommen, für die Mission Klassenerhalt das Festgeldkonto zu strapazieren. Allerdings ist der Klub klamm, Sportdirektor Jan Schlaudraff wird also beim Geldausgaben so kreativ sein müssen wie Martin Kind beim Sparen. Ein Kommentar von Hannover-Sportchef Carsten Bergmann.

29 Nov 11:52 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775321978687.html
London Bridge: Man shot dead by police following 'terror incident'

Police have declared a knife rampage in central London as a terror incident and confirmed that the suspect was shot dead by armed officers on London Bridge.

29 Nov 14:54 The Irish News 993067035044196.html
Modellpflege bei NanoPi: Überarbeitete Bastelrechner und ein Mini-Router

NanoPi Neo 2 Black, R1S und M4V2 – FriendlyElec erweitert seine Einplatinenrechner um einige überarbeitete Modelle und einen Mini-Router.

29 Nov 11:24 Make 1766193383260880165.html
Father charged with child abuse, domestic assault after infant thrown on floor, mother punched

A Memphis father has been charged after a mother said he threw their 1-year-old child on the ground after an argument.

29 Nov 12:34 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637066503149.html
Golpe en Bolivia: manifestantes y el Gobierno amenazaron a una comitiva argentina

Se trata de un grupo de abogados y referentes sociales y políticos que busca documentar los abusos a los derechos humanos desde que derrocaron al presidente Evo Morales.

29 Nov 13:07 INFOnews 187467004677346592.html
Torre di Mosto. Schianto fra due auto: conducenti incastrati negli abitacoli Foto

TORRE DI MOSTO (VENEZIA) - Alle 20:30 del 28 novembre, i vigili del fuoco sono intervenuti in via Staffolo a Torre di Mosto per un incidente tra due auto. Due le persone rimaste ferite nello scontro....

29 Nov 10:29 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446651921224.html
Erdogan pöbelt gegen Macron

Mit seiner "Hirntod"-Diagnose schockiert Frankreichs Präsident Macron die Nato-Partner. Die Reaktionen liegen in einem großen Spektrum von "nachdenklich" bis "besorgt". Nun fügt der türkische Präsident Erdogan eine neue Facette hinzu und wird plump ausfallend. Paris bestellt darauf den türkischen Botschafter ein.

29 Nov 15:50 n-tv 6802689754058025764.html
The best boutique hotels in Oxford, from cosy pubs with rooms to city-centre townhouses

An expert guide to the best boutique hotels in Oxford, including the top places to stay for stylish interiors, swish bars, delicious dining, rooms with city views and excellent service, near the Oxford colleges, the Bodleian Library, the High Street, the Oxford Union buildings and the Ashmolean Museum.

29 Nov 15:40 The Telegraph 140598091081666128.html
Malaysians are an extremely worried lot, says a survey

Malaysians are an extremely worried lot, says a survey

29 Nov 12:10 The Independent 5308065342862709954.html
Star Wars: Another Original Trilogy Staple May Return in Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars posted a BTS Rise of Skywalker video featuring Warwick Davis seemingly reprising his role as the Ewok Wicket.

29 Nov 11:11 CBR.com 1295516961479489264.html
Gilde-Kneipenturnier: Le Royal will Eichenshooter herausfordern - und Spaß haben

Ein Team ist für die zweite Auflage des Gilde-Kneipenturniers gesetzt: die SG Eichenshooter. Doch welche elf Mannschaften fordern beim launigen Hobbykick den Titelverteidiger heraus? Die ersten Bewerbungen sind bei uns eingegangen - unter anderem von den Jungs, die für das Le Royal auf Kunstrasen boken wollen.

29 Nov 13:29 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775750677368.html
Man jailed for crossbow murder of pregnant ex-wife

Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo shot Sana Muhammad at her home in east London last year

29 Nov 12:34 the Guardian 1491978794467763043.html
Giménez casi descartado para recibir al Barcelona

Además, el conjunto rojiblanco tiene otras tres bajas, la del central montenegrino Stefan Savic, el delantero hispanobrasileño Diego Costa y el croata Sime Vrsaljko.

29 Nov 11:33 ESPN.com.mx 3914278072397568034.html
Giménez casi descartado para recibir al Barcelona

Además, el conjunto rojiblanco tiene otras tres bajas, la del central montenegrino Stefan Savic, el delantero hispanobrasileño Diego Costa y el croata Sime Vrsaljko.

29 Nov 11:33 ESPN 7718891765416826914.html
Un detenido tras un incidente con un cuchillo cerca del Puente de Londres

Varios testigos han informado de que se han escuchado disparos en la zona, mientras que las fuerzas de seguridad han señalado que hay un detenido y cree que puede haber "diversos heridos".

29 Nov 14:40 www.publico.es 99190977988294468.html
DC Comics pulled a new Batman comic book poster after Chinese fans claimed it supported Hong Kong protests, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - DC Comics yanked an ad campaign for "Dark Knight Returns: The Golden Child," which shows a black-clad Batwoman preparing to throw a Molotov cocktail.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:43 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756195752648.html
Why Shouldn't the 'Whistleblower' Testify?

The American people need to know as much as possible about what the president is accused of.

29 Nov 13:30 The National Interest 7207864703947086850.html
K-pop singer sentenced to jail for rape, sharing secret sex videos

30-year-old Choi Jong-hoon is a former member of South Korean boy band FT Island­

29 Nov 10:14 The Express Tribune 1105816786341506050.html
Revelan la millonaria cantidad que gasta Kylie Jenner en su seguridad

Caitlyn Jenner, progenitor de la empresaria, reveló detalles de la seguridad de su hija.

29 Nov 15:13 Diario La Prensa 7797091976151026853.html
London Bridge terror attack: Two members of the public dead after knife rampage - reports

Two members of the public have been killed after a man went on a rampage with a knife in a terror incident on London Bridge.

29 Nov 14:23 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489308972509.html
Die Hausärzte im Landkreis fürchten den Kollaps des Systems

Ende des Jahres schließen weitere Praxen im Landkreis Lörrach. In einer Mitteilung schlagen die Hausärzte Alarm: Sie sehen sich nicht mehr in der Lage, die ambulante medizinische Versorgung...

29 Nov 12:17 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427380673921.html
Swanky cocktail bar The Alchemist eyes up new site in Bristol city centre

It's known for its flamboyant cocktails

29 Nov 12:32 BristolLive 4740742016492829361.html
Preston North End retro game: Victory for Bobby Charlton's men against Huddersfield Town

During November 1974 Bobby Charlton’s Preston North End were struggling to find any sort of decent form.

29 Nov 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275854546263272.html
Neil Lennon expecting "difficult game" at Ross County

The Hoops are through to the last 32 of the European competition as group winners.

29 Nov 15:59 Sports Mole 7750663361866200564.html
Património Mundial oferece entradas gratuitas nos museus municipais

SINTRA | A partir de dezembro vão ser gratuitas as entradas nos museus municipais, enquanto decorrerem as comemorações dos 25 anos de Sintra Património Mundial, na categoria de Paisagem Cultural.

29 Nov 11:19 Sintra Notícias 7807008822179037754.html
Lisa Clements, Head of Acquisitions at Sky TV to step down

Lisa Clements, Head of Acquisitions: Entertainment and Movies at Sky New Zealand will be stepping down from her role after 12 years at the company. She will be moving into a position as Strategic Deal and International Content Advisor for Sky until the end of March 2020.

29 Nov 15:55 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314226021754.html
Police seek answers after selfies of a 'murdered' man appear on Facebook

Selfies of a man who police believed had been murdered have appeared on a Facebook account in his name. Ricardas Puisys has been the centre of a murder investigation since he went missing in 2015. Despite no body being found, Cambridgeshire Police escalated the original investigation from a missing persons inquiry after they were given information that he had come to harm. One person was arrested on suspicion of murder but there was insufficient evidence to charge them and they were released. Ricardas Puisys, originally from Lithuania, was 35 when he went missing. He was last seen at his place of work at Nightlayer Leek Company in Chatteris in Cambridgeshire on the 26th of September 2015.

29 Nov 10:41 ITV News 2184971256929393949.html
Reggio Calabria, arrestato un uomo per violenza contro Pietro Lo Monaco [nome e dettagli]

Reggio Calabria, aveva aggredito Pietro Lo Monaco giorni fa, arrestato un uomo pregiudicato

29 Nov 12:57 Tempostretto 3143171744441431278.html
US, India have made exploratory requests for greater market access: Piyush Goyal

“Regular consultations with the concerned line ministries / departments and other stakeholders bodies is a part of the ongoing discussions,” he said in a written reply to a question on bilateral trade negotiations with the US in Rajya Sabha. The minister said that trade related issues are discussed as a part of any ongoing economic relationship.

29 Nov 11:54 The Economic Times 7653256037603440567.html
Take cues from Ananya Panday on how to style cutesy prints

It is almost like Ananya Panday and cute prints go hand in hand. Take a look at how the actor aced them with confidence and ease.

29 Nov 12:50 The Indian Express 2885715105575116231.html
El Arsenal destituye a Unai Emery

El técnico español Unai Emery ha sido destituido como entrenador del Arsenal, ha confirmado este viernes el club inglés, que ha justificado la decisión por...

29 Nov 10:33 Europa Press 4702666148142196915.html
Twitter Web App testet eine Reddit-ähnliche Chat-Struktur

Bislang nutzt Twitter die eigene Twttr App zum Testen von neuen Funktionen, die man dann vielleicht auch in der normalen App dann integriert. Eine Art Insider-Version. Nun wird Twitter im nächsten …

29 Nov 14:30 Deskmodder.de 1317701988315860213.html
Irački premijer podnio ostavku

​BAGDAD - Irački premijer Adel Abdul-Mahdi izjavio je danas da će predati svoju ostavku parlamentu, nakon čega su anti-vladini demonstranti počeli da slave na trgu Tahir na kojem su se okupljali skoro dva meseca.

29 Nov 14:16 Nezavisne novine 4209150641277695512.html
Managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni a fost demis

Managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni, Adriana Cotel, a fost demis vineri, au declarat, pentru MEDIAFAX, surse medicale.

29 Nov 12:25 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917638216933.html
Coach of the year Ross Goodwin from St Annes judo club set for biggest challenge in wrestling ring

Ross Goodwin is looking to crown an outstanding sporting year with his biggest challenge yet.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400565175834855.html
Police treating London Bridge incident 'as though it's terror-related'

London's Metropolitan Police say that though the circumstances of an incident on London Bridge remain unclear, authorities are treating it as if it is terror-related.

29 Nov 14:31 CTVNews 2422791597370654849.html
Multitud da brutal golpiza y desnuda a supuesto asaltante de transporte público, en CDMX

Un presunto delincuente fue golpeado y despojado de sus prendas

29 Nov 13:08 EL GRÁFICO 2926497600788090032.html
Three Black Friday pitching deals Blue Jays could really use

This piece first appeared in Sportsnet’s weekly Blue Jays newsletter. Submit your email address below to get exclusive content about the team in your inbox every Friday.

29 Nov 12:16 Sportsnet.ca 4293652946156108928.html
Zurich Airport Wins Multi-Billion Contract to Build Delhi's Third Airport - Official

New Delhi (Sputnik): This is the first major success for the Switzerland-based company Zurich Airport International, as it has received setbacks five times in this year. Adani enterprises won bids to operate five major international airports in all those cases.

29 Nov 14:30 Sputniknews 967333869114050532.html
Come reagire a violazioni informatiche o truffe online? La guida di Panda Security | Tom's Hardware

Come procedere in caso di truffa o violazioni informatiche? Panda Security ha realizzato un vademecum.

29 Nov 12:34 Tom's Hardware 6640147069962617544.html
Payback Time: The myth that keeps Canadians on a financial treadmill

In a new weekly retirement column, personal finance columnist Dale Jackson will cut through the noise and deal with the issues that forge a stable retirement.

29 Nov 14:53 BNN 3833521688686829862.html
Man City's acquisition of Mumbai ISL team good for India: Amrinder Singh

English Premier League champions Manchester City's parent company City Football Group on Thursday bought a majority 65 percent stake in Indian Super League (ISL) franchise Mumbai City FC

29 Nov 14:05 Business-Standard 1502508924804970070.html
Hundreds to descend on OMV in New Plymouth

Hundreds to descend on OMV in New Plymouth for climate protest

29 Nov 15:47 SCOOP 5315658999051712349.html
Bengaluru flat case: Enforcement Directorate attaches land worth ₹7-crore in Tamil Nadu

Agricultural land worth about ₹7 crore in Tamil Nadu’s Nilgiris district was attached by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with a money-laundering probe linked to an alleged flat buyer’s cheat

29 Nov 10:33 The Hindu 6679535024672911130.html
El Platanal: combinaciones boricuas con el plátano como protagonista

Ambiente y gastronomía que rinde honor a la tradición boricua

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311180769498.html
Taliban ready to restart peace talks after Trump visit, official says

Taliban leaders signaled Friday they are ready to resume peace talks with the U.S.

29 Nov 12:38 TheHill 355432918648705791.html
Arsenal sack manager Unai Emery after less than 18 months in charge

Arsenal have announced they have sacked manager Unai Emery after a disappointing run of results. The club are on their worst run since 1992 and comes the morning after a disappointing 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt. Speaking on behalf of the Arsenal board and owners Kroenke Sports & Entertainment, Josh Kroenke said: "Our most sincere thanks go to Unai and his colleagues who were unrelenting in their efforts to get the club back to competing at the level we all expect and demand. "We wish Unai and his team nothing but future success."

29 Nov 10:13 ITV News 2184971257173380312.html
So lief die Vernehmungdes Todespflegers

Grzegorz W. (38) soll als Todespfleger sechs Menschen in Deutschland getötet haben! Freitag sagte der zuständige Mordermittler aus.

30 Nov 10:48 Bild 8433249909182976245.html
Coast-to-coast storm to dump more rain, snow amid weekend travel rush

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone -- but the holiday weather nightmare is not over just yet.

29 Nov 11:40 CHANNEL3000 830332543283275729.html
Ermittlungen um Ex-FPÖ-Politikerin als Geldbotin

Rund um die FPÖ gibt es einen neuen Verdacht um mysteriöse Geldflüsse. Wie der "Kurier" am Freitag berichtete, soll Ex-EU-Mandatarin Barbara Kappel Ende 2018 in drei Tranchen insgesamt 55.000 Euro von einem bulgarischen Unternehmer übernommen und in den FPÖ-Parlamentsklub gebracht haben.

29 Nov 12:38 NÖN.at 2486998932017466070.html
Reuni 212 untuk Merekatkan Persatuan Bangsa dan Ukhuwah Islamiyah

"Kami sangat menyesalkan masih ada sekelompok kecil yang secara sengaja dan sistematis, melakukan aksi-aksi ingin membatalkan kegiatan Maulid Agung dan Reuni Mujahid 212"

29 Nov 14:45 Hidayatullah.com 5252784002000994591.html
Terremoto Albania, il campo base dei Vigili del Fuoco italiani a Durazzo VIDEO

ROMA – In Albania proseguono le attività dei Vigili del Fuoco inviati dall’Italia dopo il sisma che ha colpito il paese balcanico uccidendo quasi 50 persone.  Nelle immagini che seguono, l’alllestimento del campo base nel porto di Durazzo. ll team di Vigili del Fuoco italiani è composto da 65 unità specializzate Usar (Urban Search and Rescue), 44 dalla Toscana e 21 dal Lazio, per la ricerca e il soccorso tra le macerie, sezioni operative da Puglia e Campania, integrate con personale medico dell’Areu della Regione Lombardia. In Albania anche ingegneri e tecnici del Corpo nazionale esperti nella valutazione speditiva di strutture lesionate e analisi del danno a seguito di terremoto.Terremoto Albania, le macerie viste dall’alto: il VIDEO dei Vigili del Fuoco italianiMes, Salvini all’attacco di Conte: “Ho i messaggi, sempre detto non firmiamo un ca**o” Sarà compito delle squadre italiane garantire il soccorso alla popolazione e il supporto alle autorità locali nelle attività di valutazione dell’agibilità di strutture…

29 Nov 10:00 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354740971336.html
Dl Fisco, 8 per mille all'edilizia scolastica. Stretta sugli appalti

Sostenere con una quota delle risorse dell'8 per mille destinato allo Stato, la ristrutturazione, il miglioramento, la messa in sicurezza,...

29 Nov 13:33 Affari Italiani 6123405402960934740.html
Panipat: After Ashutosh Gowariker, Arjun Kapoor Reacts On Dialogue Controversy Surrounding The Film

Actor Arjun Kapoor, who is gearing up for the release of his upcoming period movie "Panipat", says the makers have "pretty much" followed the timeline of history in the film.The actor Arjun was reac

29 Nov 13:31 Koimoi 5184275670777316449.html
Plymouth Argyle teammates reveal what it was like to play alongside Bristol Rovers manager Graham Coughlan

The Gas take on the Pilgrims in the FA Cup on Sunday

29 Nov 12:33 BristolLive 4740742017864072973.html
Zimbabwe facing 'man-made' starvation, UN expert warns

Zimbabwe is facing "man-made" starvation with 60 percent of the people failing to meet basic food needs, a UN special envoy said Thursday after ...

29 Nov 10:44 CNA 5644198863132110507.html
Pakistani man aims to bring shade to Iraq's Arbaeen pilgrims

A retired Pakistani industrialist sent thousands of saplings to Iraq on Friday to bring shade to pilgrims, an idea formed when his relatives returned from a holy site with sunburn. Mohammedi Durbar, 85, wants to plant nearly 50,000 trees along the entire 80-km (50-mile) pilgrimage route between Iraq

29 Nov 11:16 Yahoo 7097669637746084980.html
Chiuse cento buche al giorno dopo la pioggia


29 Nov 11:07 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985371219478754.html
Bristol photographer says Rachel Riley's Jeremy Corbyn T-shirt is 'morally wrong'

Bristol-based photographer Rob Scott photographed Jeremy Corbyn being arrested in 1984

29 Nov 14:20 BristolLive 4740742017919709663.html
Berkas Dilimpahkan KPK, Annas Maamun Segera di Sidang Kasus Suap DPRD Riau

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menyatakan masih menangani satu perkara kasus suap RAPBD perubahan tahun 2014 dan RAPBD tambahan tahun 2015 menjerat mantan Gubernur Riau Annas Maamun. Annas Maamun berstatus tersangka dalam perkara tersebut.

29 Nov 14:31 merdeka.com 1998180356230714585.html
West Belfast man with 99 convictions jailed for having gun and cocaine

A WEST Belfast man with almost 100 convictions has been handed a five-year sentence for having a gun and cocaine.

29 Nov 15:45 The Irish News 993065220458928.html
Biodiesel untuk Swasembada Energi, Why Not?

WE Online, Jakarta - Industri biodiesel Indonesia tumbuh pesat sejak 2018 sebagai respons positif atas mandatori B20 yang telah diimplementasikan dan akan meluncurkan B30 pada awal tahun depan.

29 Nov 13:02 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835550272037.html
Why this hurry to discuss my reincarnation, I am quite well: Dalai Lama

The 14th Dalai Lama himself has said in the past that it is not necessary that the tradition should continue

29 Nov 10:00 Business-Standard 1502508924789470265.html
Black Friday-gekte slaat wereldwijd toe: trekken, duwen en vechtpartijen voor de beste koopjes

Tenzij je afgelopen week op een bergtop of in een grot doorbracht, had je het waarschijnlijk al door: vandaag is het Black Friday. De “hoogdag van het kapi...

29 Nov 15:20 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190944847287.html
Trolley numbers for this year are the highest since records began, INMO says

The INMO said today that over 108,300 people have gone without beds so far this year.

29 Nov 13:12 TheJournal.ie 6446904417239716235.html
A Gerusalemme una particella Culla Gesù

La particella della Reliquia della Culla di Gesù donata da papa Francesco alla Custodia francescana di Terra Santa è arrivata da Roma a Gerusalemme dove è ora esposta nel complesso di Notre Dame. (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:09 ANSA.it 1300837447170710823.html
Europa League: Frankfurt gewinnt bei Arsenal - Gunners reagieren und feuern Trainer

Alle deutschen Vereine gewannen ihre Europa-League-Spiele. Frankfurt drehte die Partie beim FC Arsenal. Die Londoner haben nun die Reißleine gezogen und ihren Trainer gefeuert.

29 Nov 10:49 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238202703749.html
High stakes as KCCA entertain SC Villa

ugandan football

29 Nov 12:45 The Observer 7850745373047798362.html
FP ortet SP-Missbrauch bei Wählerregister

Schwere Vorwürfe erhebt die FPÖ gegen die SPÖ Marbach und Bürgermeister Anton Gruber. Die Freiheitlichen haben insgesamt 56 Personen im Wählerverzeichnis der Gemeinde beeinsprucht, darunter 33 teils ausländische Pflegekräfte. „Fünf Pflegekräfte sind allein am Wohnsitz der Schwester der SP-Vizebürgermeisterin gemeldet. Das stinkt zum Himmel“, ärgert sich FP-Landesparteisekretär Michael Schnedlitz.

29 Nov 10:58 NÖN.at 2486998932068360212.html
Arbeitsmarkt: Pro Arbeitslosen gibt es eine Stelle - und ein Problem

Rein rechnerisch steht für jeden gemeldeten Arbeitslosen im Landkreis Freising ein Job zur Verfügung. Doch bei der Jobvermittlung gibt es ein gravierendes Problem.

29 Nov 10:24 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239190403839.html
Langlauf: Johannes Hösflot Kläbo und Maiken Caspersen Falla siegen in Kuusamo

Norwegen feiert beim Weltcup-Auftakt in Kuusamo einen Doppelsieg im Skilanglauf. Johannes Hösflot Kläbo und Maiken Caspersen Falla sind eine Klasse für sich.

29 Nov 13:33 Sport1.de 3783641330004814275.html
Russia's Novak: Would rather take decision on output extension close to April

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that he favoured OPEC and its non-OPEC allies to make a decision on whether to extend the crude oil produ

29 Nov 14:57 FXStreet 4480975639282285220.html
Arsenal demite Emery e indica ex-jogador Ljungberg como interino

(Reuters) - O Arsenal demitiu o técnico Unai Emery após a pior sequência de resultados do time inglês em mais de 25 anos e indicou o ex-jogador Freddie Ljungberg, querido...

29 Nov 15:20 Extra Online 8149543648491454548.html
Hammer-Gerücht um Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Wohin wechselt Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Nach seinem Abschied aus den USA lässt der inzwischen 38-Jährige seine Fans im Unklaren

29 Nov 11:22 sport.oe24.at 8086682662542488947.html
Osvaldo Haay Sebut Seluruh Pemain Berkontribusi Dalam Kemenangan Timnas U-22 Indonesia Atas Singapura

Pemain timnas U-22 Indonesia, Osvaldo Haay, mengatakan bahwa kemenangan 2-0 timnya atas Singapura merupakan hasil kerja keras semua pemain

29 Nov 13:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435546529301.html
So wurde Peter Lynch an der Wall Street zur Legende

In den Achtzigerjahren war Peter Lynch der erfolgreichste Investment-Fondsmanager der Welt. Ein neuer Band erklärt sein Erfolgsrezept.

29 Nov 10:26 Handelsblatt 4721373939325302688.html
China bestätigt vierten Pest-Fall

In China sind inzwischen vier Menschen in unterschiedlichen Gebieten mit der Pest infiziert worden. Im Visier als Überträger sind Ratten und Flöhe. Nun wird Gift aus Flugzeugen gegen die Tiere gesprüht.

29 Nov 11:47 DIE WELT 6197693428735133061.html
Natwest and RBS customers miss out on Black Friday deals after apps go down

It happened at the worst possible time for bargain hunters.

29 Nov 11:59 Metro 970161748656263465.html
Arsenal: Unai Emery decision only half the job

On Friday morning, Arsenal fired Unai Emery. But that is only half the job. To successfully handle this process, they must now also hire the right replacem...

29 Nov 15:15 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845313780754186.html
Fahrzeugindustrie: Daimler streicht weltweit mindestens 10.000 Jobs

Nach Audi plant auch Konkurrent Daimler einen massiven Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen. Rund 10.000 der weltweit knapp 300.000 Jobs sollen bis 2022 gestrichen werden.

29 Nov 13:33 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699157596828.html
Should you be worried about your carbon footprint every time you take a flight?

Even if biofuels and electric planes become more common, flying may never be climate neutral.

29 Nov 15:00 Scroll.in 8669301692749699577.html
Terganjal Aturan, Pemerintah Utang Rp 39 M Penyaluran Beras ke Bulog

Pengadaan Cadangan Beras Pemerintah (CBP) oleh Bulog juga kerap didanai dari kredit perbankan.

29 Nov 14:47 Katadata News 179777407175707091.html
After Being Slammed For Anti-Semitism Under Corbyn’s Leadership, Labour Now Denounced For Anti-Hindu Prejudice 

The Chief Rabbi of the UK and the Archbishop of Canterbury had earlier criticised anti-semitism in Labour

29 Nov 15:24 Swarajya 4977622829159839662.html
Canadian Valeura reports positively on Devepınar-1 well in Thrace

The first gas production test from the Devepınar-1 well in the Thrace region has successfully flowed gas from the depths of between 4,640 and 4,775 meters...

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944809552113497.html
A festive ghost walk, Victorian banquet and Santa's grotto - why you should visit Rochdale this Christmas

Enjoy all the essential festive fun without travelling into the city centre

29 Nov 12:31 men 6694993427944390566.html
Jesus doa dinheiro a hospital oncológico

Dias depois de ter sido homenageado no Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Jesus visitou na tarde de quinta-feira, a ala pediátrica do Instituto Nacional do Cancro. O técnico português vai doar o valor arrecadado pelo direitos de autor do livro «Mister Jesus, Quebrando Paradigmas no Futebol», ao hospital.

29 Nov 12:09 A BOLA 2278827559104135358.html
Mineduc dispone que clases no realizadas después del estallido social no deben recuperarse

Esto se permitirá en la medida que "los objetivos pedagógicos se hayan cumplido", aunque de todas formas los aprendizajes deberán reforzarse al inicio del próximo año escolar.

29 Nov 14:25 Emol 3328490601418829301.html
Aprovado voto de louvor a Jorge Jesus e Fernando Santos

O Parlamento aprovou, esta sexta-feira, por unanimidade, um voto de louvor pelas conquistas e distinção internacional de Jorge Jesus e Fernando Santos.«A Assembleia da República, reunida em sessão plenária, vem louvar as conquistas e distinções destes profissionais de futebol, destacando o efeito positivo que estas apresentam sobre a imagem do desporto nacional e do país em todo o mundo», lia -se no texto, apresentado pelo grupo parlamentar do PS.Sobre Jorge Jesus destaca-se a conquista da Taça dos Libertadores, à qual juntou a conquista do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol no dia seguinte. Já Fernando Santos foi eleito pela Federação Internacional de História e Estatísticas do Futebol como o melhor selecionador nacional do mundo, tendo em particular conta a conquista da Liga das Nações da UEFA..

29 Nov 13:10 A BOLA 2278827559684348366.html
Eni and Government inaugurates “Okuafo Pa” Agric training Centre

news, story, article

29 Nov 15:51 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609414201028.html
Trump thanks troops in Afghanistan, says Taliban want a deal

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan (AP) — President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and the Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks and said he believes the Taliban want a cease-fire.Trump arrived at Bagram Air Field shortly after 8:30 p.m. local time Thursday and spent 3½ hours on the ground during his first trip to the site of America’s longest war. He served turkey and thanked the troops, delivered a speech and sat down with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani before leaving just after midnight. He arrived back in Florida, where he is spending the holiday weekend, early Friday morning local time.

29 Nov 14:19 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762055199741.html
Fractured Minds review – A concentrated, clever exploration of life with mental illness

Living with anxiety, depression and other world-warping mental health issues. Cross-platform interactive short Fractured Minds is a powerful and perceptive experience that conveys what it’s like. O…

29 Nov 13:30 Critical Hit 8797780291889064730.html
CDD: Kogi supplementary poll is an opportunity for INEC to address many flaws

The Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD) says Saturday’s supplementary election in Kogi west senatorial district is an opportunity for the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to address many flaws.

29 Nov 14:33 TheCable 7513571675485350303.html
Johnson seeks to focus UK election on Brexit, not his flaws

LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson struggled Friday to move Britain's election debate away from questions about his character and onto Brexit, promising to bolster protection for British businesses and farmers once the country has left the European Union.

29 Nov 13:25 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637156203248.html
UK's Johnson says will keep no-deal Brexit preparations in place

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he wanted to keep in place preparations the government has made for the possibility of a no-deal Brexit.

29 Nov 12:41 Reuters 8334514179782585659.html
Maioria no Supremo vota para liberar compartilhamento de dados sigilosos da Receita

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

29 Nov 10:53 GGN 1188436355066831393.html
Arsene Wenger's lesson to Freddie Ljungberg on how to treat Arsenal players

The Swede has taken over from Unai Emery on an interim basis after the sacking of the Spaniard on Friday morning amid Arsenal's worst run in 27 years

29 Nov 13:05 Irish Mirror 2875825629381416445.html
Arsene Wenger's lesson to Freddie Ljungberg on how to treat Arsenal players

The Swede has taken over from Unai Emery on an interim basis after the sacking of the Spaniard on Friday morning amid Arsenal's worst run in 27 years

29 Nov 13:05 mirror 675785260599940680.html
Brazil looks like Goa, both have similar 'natural beauties': Babul Supriyo

He was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the Canacona Bypass, built at a cost of Rs 227 crore, and named after former chief minister late Manohar Parrikar

29 Nov 11:30 Business-Standard 1502508924619403835.html
Rocket Report: Cornwall locals protest spaceport, China’s toxic rocket problem

"Labour against the rocket in Branson's pocket."

29 Nov 12:00 Ars Technica 5028555106547341621.html
MSV-Trainer schwärmt minutenlang vom HFC

Der MSV Duisburg kommt als souveräner Spitzenreiter nach Halle. Doch geht es nach MSV-Trainer Torsten Lieberknecht, dann müsste eigentlich der Hallesche FC ganz oben in der Tabelle der 3. Liga stehen.

29 Nov 14:45 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109742947335.html
How one valley's residents are taking fire plans into their own hands

Residents of beautiful Kangaroo Valley know the RFS won't always be able to protect them from bushfires and they aren't waiting for last-minute warnings to act.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562470539263.html
Social Media Erupts As Gunners Sack Emery

After just 18 months at Arsenal, Unai Emery was sacked as the Gunners manager on Friday afternoon. He has since become a trending topic online as fans took to social media to react to the news. Check it out!

29 Nov 14:58 Soccer Laduma 3901337371746473124.html
Norsk storeslem da kombinertgutta herjet i verdenscupåpningen

Jarl Magnus Riiber gikk i front fra start til mål da de norske kombinertgutta tapetserte pallen i verdenscupåpningen i Ruka.

29 Nov 14:24 Bergens Tidende 6643873499804651842.html
Knee injury casts doubt over Ben Stokes bowling again in second Test

Stokes reported pain in his left knee as he completed his second over in Hamilton, will be assessed | ESPN.co.uk

29 Nov 14:36 ESPN 8538773402607411186.html
Knee injury casts doubt over Ben Stokes bowling again in second Test

Stokes reported pain in his left knee as he completed his second over in Hamilton, will be assessed | ESPNcricinfo.com

29 Nov 14:36 ESPNcricinfo 4926159650370880875.html
Mirandinos votarán para darle competencias a las comunas

Este domingo la gobernación de Miranda realizarán consulta popular en el estado

29 Nov 12:30 Últimas Noticias 6811287210883782813.html
Does Kerala CM Fear Accountability? War With Centre Over Allowing CAG To Audit Kannur Airport Company’s Finances

CAG has been seeking the right to audit KIAL’s finances. 

29 Nov 13:43 Swarajya 4977622829899273803.html
"Ein paar Sorgenfalten" - Wacker Nordhausen hat Zahlungsschwierigkeiten

Wacker Nordhausen hat finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. Spieler des Regionalligisten warten auf ihre Gehälter und Prämien. Womöglich droht den Thüringern sogar die Insolvenz. Cheftrainer Heiko Scholz zeigt sich besorgt.

29 Nov 11:47 MDR 5336324389374283834.html
Opec November oil output slips before Aramco IPO, policy meeting

LONDON, Nov 29 — Opec oil output has fallen in November as Angolan production has slipped due to maintenance and Saudi Arabia has kept a lid on supply to support the market before the initial public offering (IPO) of state-owned Saudi Aramco, a Reuters survey found. On average, the 14-member...

29 Nov 14:36 Malaymail 302165934743609759.html
IFJ: Pakistansku novinarku ubio muž jer nije napustila posao

Pakistansku novinarku iz istočnog grada Lahora ubio je muž pošto nije ispunila njegove zahteve da napusti posao,...

29 Nov 14:31 N1 Srbija 7797130867038234021.html
Climate change 'tipping points' too close for comfort

Locked inside the tundra of Russia, Alaska and Canada, for example, is twice as much CO2 and methane as there is already in the atmosphere. If humanity cannot manage...

29 Nov 10:59 New Vision 9103146373408112630.html
Le imprese di Confartigianato all’Artigiano in fiera di Milano

EVENTO - Da domani all'8 dicembre la 24esima edizione della manifestazione. Paolo Capponi: «Le nostre aziende potranno far ammirare le proprie produzioni all’insegna dell’innovazione e dell’eco-sostenibilità»

29 Nov 14:20 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194838005202.html
Un nuevo estudio vincula la desaparición de los neandertales con la endogamia

La población de esta especie era tan reducida que aumentaban las dificultades para encontrar pareja y la dejaba más expuesta a fluctuaciones...

29 Nov 13:30 La Vanguardia 8061072700407468517.html
SNP candidate axed over anti-Jewish remarks vows to keep fighting for election as backers blast his suspension

AN SNP candidate axed over anti-Jewish web posts has vowed to keep fighting for election as Nats backers blasted his suspension. Neale Hanvey ‘liked’ a series of social media comments branding his …

29 Nov 12:48 The Scottish Sun 6609127673444982509.html
Bokio, the Swedish startup simplifying accountancy with AI, raises €4 million round led by Creandum

Bokio, the Swedish based startup which utilises artificial intelligence to simplify bookkeeping for small businesses, sole traders, and freelancers, has raised €4 million. 

29 Nov 10:00 EU-Startups 1488873442795779892.html
WAC-Abschied aus Europa League "mit erhobenem Haupt"

Nach der 0:1-Heimniederlage am Donnerstag gegen Borussia Mönchengladbach geht für den WAC das Abenteuer Fußball-Europa-League demnächst zu Ende. Schon vor dem letzten Gruppenmatch am 12. Dezember bei AS Roma ist die letzte Chance auf den Einzug ins Achtelfinale dahin, dennoch überwog bei den Kärntnern der Stolz. "Wir verabschieden uns mit erhobenem Haupt", erklärte Clubchef Dietmar Riegler.

29 Nov 10:38 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084575342244.html
Maria Elena Boschi strombazza la verità sul fidanzato segreto

Maria Elena Boschi si confessa al settimanale Chi e racconta: "Sì, una grande storia d'amore"

29 Nov 12:24 Il Tempo 2494990960602500537.html
Weather Man Gets Contradicted By Siri During Broadcast

It doesn't get more awkward than your digital voice assistant being triggered on live TV. RELATED: Global News Meteorologist In Calgary Dresses As A Unicorn For Halloween Weather Report On Thursday, BBC meteorologist Tomasz Schafernaker was in the middle of a report predicting snow in the forecast for parts of the U.S. Midwest when he…

29 Nov 13:29 ET Canada 6735490620348288965.html
Scheletul din dulapul prezidențial (FDGR- Grupul etnic german)

Scheletul din dulapul prezidențial (FDGR- Grupul etnic german)

29 Nov 10:26 Cotidianul 8452212682689233305.html
LIVE - Incontro ADL-squadra: si attende l'arrivo del patron

Giornata importantissima per i destini del Napoli oggi a Castel Volturno, dove dovrebbe esserci l'incontro tra Aurelio De Laurentiis e la squadra. Seguiremo l'evento per darvi tutti gli aggiornamenti.

29 Nov 11:04 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079926332456.html
13 Olok-olokan Setelah Manchester United dan Arsenal Kompak Kalah di Liga Europa

Manchester United dan Arsenal sama-sama kalah atas lawan-lawannya pada lanjutan matchday kelima Liga Europa 2019-2020.

29 Nov 12:20 Bola.com 1695722603350796235.html
B.C. Transit advisories for Greater Victoria on Friday afternoon

B.C. Transit says there are potential issues with the following bus trips Friday morning: 8 Oak Bay - from Camosun College Interurban at 2:51 p.m. 11 UVIC - from Tillicum Centre at 3:31 . . .

29 Nov 13:23 Times Colonist 7617512061164168317.html
Papa Francesco, eutanasia: "Il diritto di morire non ha basi giuridiche"

Il pontefice richiama la lezione di Rosario Livatino, giudice vittima della mafia, e critica certe sentenze che in Italia e in tanti ordinamenti democratici,

29 Nov 11:19 Repubblica.it 8208867269521009230.html
5G-Broadcast: Fernsehsender setzen sich für schnelle Etablierung ein

Mit 5G-Broadcast könnten mobile Endgeräte Fernsehen und Radio direkt empfangen. Mobilfunkanbieter sind aber noch skeptisch.

29 Nov 15:52 Kurier 208072239659604833.html
The battle for the Brexit-backing north

Will Britain’s election be decided in the Labour heartlands? Matthew Engel reports

29 Nov 12:44 Financial Times 707176888781072458.html
Tammy Abraham ruled out of Chelsea's clash with West Ham

Striker will miss West Ham clash.

29 Nov 14:57 Sports Mole 7750663361469302040.html
Huawei: il fondatore pensa che la società possa arrivare in vetta alle classifiche anche senza Google | MobileLabs

Il fondatore di Huawei è molto fiducioso: la società potrebbe arrivare in vetta alla classifica dei produttori di smartphone anche senza Google.

29 Nov 13:38 Tom's Hardware 6640147069924829184.html
Dos viandantes muertos y el atacante abatido en un atentado en Londres

Al menos dos transeúntes muertos, varios heridos de diversa consideración y el atacante abatido por la policía en un 'ataque' terrorista que tuvo lugar este viernes en Londres. El individuo iba armado con un cuchillo.

29 Nov 15:32 euronews 2767628994245617680.html
Investors Eyeing Tech and (Astro)Turf Too

Private equity and tech titans are shelling out big bucks to grab ownership stakes in sports franchises to make even bigger bucks on the global playing field.

29 Nov 14:01 PYMNTS.com 7357138825744414710.html
Anambra acquires land for honey production, export — ADP Manager

Anambra Government has procured over five hectares of farmland at Igbariam in Anambra East LGA for Bee Plantation and Mass Production of honey for export

29 Nov 10:41 Vanguard News 4125100340717794052.html
Need Something to Ease Your Digestion After Eating? This Gentle Yoga Flow Does Just That

Adriene Mishler brings us a 13-minute yoga flow for digestion perfect for that post-Thanksgiving lull or after any meal where you've overeaten.

29 Nov 12:05 POPSUGAR Fitness 1694745614125498590.html
Mammootty & Filmmaker Sathyan Anthikad To Team Up For A Malayalam Venture After Two Decades

Ace Malayalam filmmaker Sathyan Anthikad who is well known for helming superhit films like Nadodikattu, Manassinakkare, Achuvinthe Amma, Rasathanthram, Oru Indian Pranayakatha among many other films w

29 Nov 14:33 Koimoi 5184275671344709978.html
Mediaset-Vivendi, vicina intesa su Mfe/ Trattativa al rush finale: udienza slitta

Mediaset-Vivendi trattano: vicina intesa su Mfe. L'udienza al Tribunale di Milano è slittata a questo pomeriggio: si va verso conciliazione.

29 Nov 13:45 IlSussidiario 495412294718625323.html
Gazzetta - Fascia di capitano a Koulibaly segnale importante: nessuno è indispensabile

"La promozione di Koulibaly capitano è anche un segnale importante: significa che in questo Napoli c’è spazio per tutti, ma nessuno è indispensabile". Scrive così l'edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport sulla scelta di affidare al senegalese la fascia da capitano contro il liverpool: "Per cui se Insigne si incupisce nei propri tormenti, la squadra ha comunque i suoi leader (c’è pure Allan recuperato alla causa). E se Callejon, il sempre presente José, accusa un periodo di calo - e ci può stare - resta in panca senza problemi. Comunque si guarda avanti, sperando che questo sacro furore, ora si riaccenda in campionato".

29 Nov 11:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080653372202.html
Voka haalt Marokkaanse IT'ers naar België om openstaande vacatures in te vullen

Werkgeversorganisatie Voka West-Vlaanderen haalt hoogopgeleide Marokkaanse IT'ers naar ons land om openstaande vacatures in de sector in te vullen. Er zijn plannen voor een gelijkaardige samenwerki...

29 Nov 15:03 HLN 8967494997342411391.html
Deutscher Tesla Model S-Fahrer enthüllt: Mit diesen Tricks bricht er Reichweiten-Rekorde

Ein Deutscher hält mit seinem Tesla Model S den Reichweiten-Rekord. Und der ist echt extrem. Das macht der Tesla-Fahrer anders und das sind seine Tipps.

29 Nov 12:31 futurezone.de 2257170161068795228.html
Mulher acorda do coma para amamentar filha

Uma mulher de 42 anos acordou do coma de um mês para amamentar uma filha em quarto de hospital de San Francisco (Córdoba, Argentina).Maria Laura Ferreyra ficou...

29 Nov 15:51 Extra Online 8149543648632025208.html
Ostia, presentata proposta di legge per l’istituzione di Comune autonomo

“Insieme al collega Cavallari, che è primo firmatario, ho presentato una proposta di legge al Consiglio regionale del Lazio per l’istituzione del Comune di Ostia: un territorio che per le sue caratteristiche e i suoi numeri ha tutte le carte in regola per un cambio di passo necessario, utile a migliorare la programmazione amministrativa e […]

29 Nov 12:43 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338134744956.html
PNP mourns brave fallen cop, lauds another

THE Philippine National Police leadership yesterday mourned the death of a brave policeman who was killed while trying to subdue a grenade-wielding man in Initao, Misamis Oriental and at the same time praised another who helped deliver a baby inside a tricycle in Sorsogon City. “The Philippine National Police mourns the death of another hero cop. We give our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family of Police Senior Master Sergeant Jason Magno of Initao Police Station in Misamis Oriental. PSMS Magno made a supreme sacrifice by covering the grenade with his own body to save innocent civilian lives. He truly lives up to his sworn duty, to serve and protect even if it costs his life,” said PNP spokesman Brigadier General Bernard M. Banac.

29 Nov 11:20 Journal Online 6375127391967006345.html
Alan Pulido desmiente que haya pedido un aumento para quedarse en Chivas

Tras su declaración de que podría salir del equipo, se ha manejado que Alan Pulido pidió un aumento de sueldo superior al de Oribe Peralta para poder quedarse pero esto ha sido desmentido por el mismo futbolista en su red social. 

29 Nov 12:18 EL DEBATE 4396150893550769836.html
Mike Birbiglia Keeps It Candid in His Netflix Special The New One

Mike Birbiglia is back with another personal new show.

29 Nov 13:00 Paste Magazine 2077921859969523912.html
Rested, clear-headed Markram hungry and ready to pounce

Aiden Markram's time sidelined with a freak hand injury has given him an opportunity to reflect. Lloyd Burnard reports.

29 Nov 13:01 Sport 682566033878427872.html
Francesco Chiofalo corre in ospedale: ha il volto tutto gonfio

ROMA – Volto gonfissimo e corsa all’ospedale per Francesco Chiofalo che nella serata tra il 28 e il 29 novembre ha lasciato i fan in apprensione con una serie di Storie su Instagram.  L’ex fidanzato di Selvaggia Roma e poi tentatore nell’edizione Vip di Temptation Island, ha condiviso diverse immagini che immortalavano il suo viso tumefatto, in particolare intorno agli occhi e alle labbra.Guendalina Tavassi, la figlia Gaia: “Assente e cattiva con me”. La replica: “Ah l’adolescenza”Conto alla Rovescia, Gerry Scotti risponde a chi lo accusa di parlare troppo: “Anche per me…” “Guardate cosa mi è successo alle labbra – dice in un video – Guardate le mie labbra. Ca**o, ca**o. Sto andando al pronto soccorso. Non so cosa mi sia successo. Mi sono gonfiato tutto. Sono pieno di macchie. Le labbra mi si sono gonfiate all’improvviso. Sto correndo al pronto soccorso. Sono molto preoccupato”. Successivamente Chiofalo ha fatto sapere ai fan di essere stato ricoverato. “Sembrava fosse una allergia – ha scritto – Gli antistaminici…

29 Nov 12:48 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355740731102.html
La incineradora de Zubieta quema nueve toneladas de residuos en su primera prueba

En las &uacute;ltimas horas se han quemado nueve toneladas de basura en la incineradora de Zubieta, que cuando est&eacute; plenamente operativa quemar&aacute...

29 Nov 14:00 naiz: 7509038603858956727.html
Los interurbanos de Córdoba, resentidos por asambleas informativas

El servicio de transporte interurbano de Córdoba se encuentra resentido este viernes por la mañana por asambleas informativas dispuestas por la Asociación Obrera de la Industria del Transporte...

29 Nov 10:27 La Voz 6237180761201331271.html
Piso 21 sigue representando a Colombia con grandes reconocimientos

La banda ha sido acreedora de importantes premios nacionales e internacionales.

29 Nov 15:33 Colombia.com 1213910711521610620.html
Bund veröffentlicht 5G-Bericht und ruft damit Gegner auf den Plan

Die Arbeitsgruppe für Mobilfunk und Strahlung des Bundes hat einen Bericht zum Thema 5G veröffentlicht. Sie kommt zum Schluss, dass der Einführung von 5G aus gesundheitlicher Sicht nichts entgegensteht. Im Bericht wird ausserdem diskutiert, ob die geltenden Grenzwerte für Mobilfunkantennen angepasst werden sollen.

29 Nov 11:04 www.cetoday.ch 4667961262927564925.html
Terremoto Albania, mamma e tre figli trovati morti sotto le macerie: erano abbracciati nel letto

Ancora una drammatica scoperta sotto le macerie provocate dal terremoto in Albania del 26 novembre scorso: i vigili del fuoco italiani hanno rivenuto i corpi di una donna e dei suoi figli, due gemelli di un anno e mezzo e un ragazzino di 7, tutti morti e abbracciati su un letto. Sono stati schiacciati dal tetto della loro villetta a Durazzo crollato a causa del sisma di magnitudo 6.2.

29 Nov 10:17 fanpage.it 1517332168282314382.html
Francesco Aiello, candidato M5s in Calabria ha la villetta parzialmente abusiva? La vicenda

ROMA – La villetta del professor Francesco Aiello, il candidato M5S per le regionali in Calabria che proprio nella giornata di ieri, giovedì 28 novembre, aveva sciolto la riserva, è parzialmente abusiva e in parte da abbattere?. La vicenda è stata anticipata da Repubblica e ripresa dall’Ansa. La villetta si trova a Carlopoli, in provincia di Catanzaro. Secondo quanto scrive l’Ansa (riprendendo Repubblica) prima il Tar e poi il Consiglio di Stato avrebbero condannato Aiello e il fratello disponendo la demolizione di un piano. L’accusa è che la villetta, edificata negli anni ’80’, sia stata costruita violando la quota delle cubature previste. Secondo quanto riporta il quotidiano la casa risulterebbe “per lo più abusiva“. Nel corso della vicenda, durata un decennio, dopo vari esposti e sanatorie la casa è rimasta integra nonostante la decisione dei giudici sull’abbattimento del secondo piano, demolizione mai effettuata. Sondaggio Index. Lega arretra al 32,8%, il Pd al 19,3. M5S stabile sotto il 17Anav: convegno…

29 Nov 13:35 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354219711448.html
Borse deboli, Economia ferma

Seduta poco mossa ma orientata al ribasso a meta' giornata per le borse europee, condizionate da diversi indicatori dell'economia. L'Istat ha diffuso i dati sulla disoccupazione, in calo, sull'inflazione, in rialzo, e sul pil del terzo trimestre salito secondo le stime, +0,1% sul trimestre precedente. Lo spread si allarga a 162 punti base, il rendimento decennale si porta all'1,25%. A Piazza Affari soffre Atlantia, -2,30% peggio fa Buzzi che cede il 3,4%. Aggiornamento ore 12.05

29 Nov 12:06 rainews 442831847458681246.html
Abatido un terrorista tras asesinar a dos personas en el puente de Londres

El agresor, que ha apuñalado a las víctimas, llevaba un falso cinturón de explosivos - Hay otros 3 heridos

29 Nov 15:37 Diarioinformacion 8979296176210527534.html
Trump Makes Surprise Visit To Afghanistan, Meets Country’s President

U.S. President Donald Trump paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Thursday evening, meeting with his Afghan counterpart Mohammad Ashraf Ghani and spending Thanksgiving with U.S. troops stationed in the country, Concise News reports.

29 Nov 12:08 Concise 5544636821883021706.html
Master the essentials of CentOS and Red Hat Linux and get certified

Linux powers most of the web and every full stack developer should be familiar with the operating system and its various tools. Even if you have zero Linux experience, you can count on this course to get you started with&hellip;

29 Nov 14:56 TechSpot 7732733961271946119.html
Der Regen- und Wolkenfilm für zwei Tage: Meist trockenes Weihnachtsmarktwetter

Der Regen- und Wolkenfilm für die nächsten 48 Stunden.

29 Nov 14:21 wetter.de 1060100768347325387.html
Congreso proyecta aprobar reglamento de estatuto de FBF

Aprobar el reglamento del estatuto es la principal labor que se han propuesto materializar los dirigentes del fútbol nacional en el Congreso Ordinario de la Federación Boliviana de Fútbol (FBF), que se celebrará hoy y mañana en el hotel Los Parrales, en Tarija. El informe de los estados financieros auditados de la gestión 2017-2018, el

29 Nov 12:41 eju.tv 4688901769655349781.html
Mandatory course on ‘social responsibility and community engagement’ for UG, PG students soon

Students will be awarded credits for participating in such activities ranging from research projects to teaching, under this new curriculum. Under this, students will learn local wisdom from the community, understand their problems and can collectively devise solutions for the same.

29 Nov 12:36 The Indian Express 2885715105455823226.html
The ultimate festive feast to serve up this Christmas

Spice up the traditional Christmas meal with a three-course feast that riffs on Asian and Italian flavours.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730563158567049.html
London Bridge, accoltella i passanti: due morti. Ucciso l'attentatore

A Londra torna il terrore. Poco dopo le 14 locali la polizia britannica è intervenuta su London Bridge dove, in una sparatoria, ha ucciso un uomo armato di coltello che aveva colpito numerosi passanti. Due sono morti, numerosi i feriti. Alcuni video diffusi sui social network mostrano i &nbsp...

29 Nov 14:31 Il Tempo 2494990960792804141.html
Christmas is on the way at Thurles library

It’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas in Thurles library as the events newsletter has just been printed! See our listing and information on bookings below! Saturday December 7 Christmas sto...

29 Nov 11:16 TipperaryLive 1097599577489203888.html
Costco's website crashed for several hours over Thanksgiving, and experts estimate it could have cost the retailer nearly $11 million in sales

Costco's website was down for at least 16 hours, according to data from the outage-tracking website, Downdetector.

29 Nov 13:49 Business Insider 6060062401111270140.html
Miri will Libanon erneut verlassen – und wird abgewiesen

Der Ex-Boss einer Rockergruppe scheiterte bei der Einreise in die Türkei.

29 Nov 15:50 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109839019298.html
Wagners secures contract for Adani’s Carmichael mine

Wagners has secured a contract from Adani Mining to deliver a quarry operations package for the Carmichael project in the Galilee Basin.

29 Nov 10:13 Mining Technology 639193376117201675.html
Exclusive Interview: Nithya Menen On Favourite Role And Her Bollywood Dreams (Watch Video)

FilmiBeats Managing Editor Shweta Parande caught up with Nithya Menen for an exclusive chat, in which she spoke about IFFI 2019, her favourite film at the festival, her stint in Bollywood, her acting process, and more.

30 Nov 12:49 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244726743442.html
IIMS Motobike 2019 Resmi Dibuka Menteri Perindustrian

Pameran otomotif garapan Dyandra Promosindo, IIMS Motobike 2019 resmi digelar 29 November - 1 Desember 2019 di Gedung Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta.

29 Nov 11:06 liputan6.com 3414318497481868851.html
Grant believes United’s youngsters will be stronger for Astana disappointment

The line-up against Astana was the youngest the club have ever put out for a European match.

29 Nov 15:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774710339633.html
Assembleia Municipal de Santa Cruz aprovou voto de louvor a Arlindo Gouveia

Foi hoje aprovado, na Assembleia Municipal de Santa Cruz, um voto de louvor ao vereador Arlindo Gouveia pela “verticalidade assumida na defesa dos int...

29 Nov 11:40 dnoticias 6968432065611109483.html
Party time! The photographer who captured the other swinging sixties

James Barnor shot Ghana’s independence on a cheap camera, then moved to London to document its emergent black counterculture. Now, at the age of 90, he is finally being recognised

29 Nov 15:20 the Guardian 1491978794390328828.html
Massive multi-million-pound CarShop store to open in Little Stoke

A total of 65 jobs will be created

29 Nov 12:59 BristolLive 4740742017159386675.html
Campania, torna Domenica al Museo: ecco i siti aperti gratuitamente l’1 dicembre

Domenica 1 novembre torna la “Domenica al Museo” l’iniziativa introdotta nel luglio del 2014 dal Ministro per i beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo, Dario Franceschini che prevede l’ingresso gratuito nei luoghi della cultura dello Stato, ogni prima domenica del mese. Dall’estate del 2014 grazie alla domenica al museo sono state circa 15 […]

29 Nov 14:34 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460966396789.html
Desalojan el puente de Londres ante posibles disparos

Un testigo alegó haber visto a alguien en el suelo luego de los disparos

29 Nov 14:32 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311005358676.html
NATO seeks to head off budget row saying spending is rising

BRUSSELS (AP) - NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday that European allies and Canada are spending even more than previously thought on defense, just days before U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to demand once more that other leaders boost their military budgets.

29 Nov 13:02 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638207170655.html
Madre superiora innamorata costringe il monastero alla chiusura? Le cose potrebbero non stare esattamente così

La notizia ha fatto il giro del web, al pari di quella delle due suore rimaste incinta di cui scrivemmo circa un mese fa. A Sansepolcro, in provincia di Arezzo, un monastero è stato costretto a chiudere a causa dell’innamoramento della madre superiora – una donna pugliese di 42 anni, allontanata dalla Chiesa a causa …

29 Nov 11:33 NewNotizie 1312053897046342369.html
UK PM Johnson implores Trump: Please keep out of election

LONDON (Nov 29): Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was best if US President Donald Trump did not get involved in Britain's upcoming election when he visits London for a NATO summit next week."What we don't do traditionally as loving allies and friends, what we don't do traditionally, is get involved in each other's election campaigns," said Johnson, whose Conservative Party has a commanding lead in the polls ahead of the Dec 12 election."The best (thing) when you have

29 Nov 11:38 The Edge Markets 6322622074599937341.html
Could real Christmas trees and mistletoe could be losing popularity in the UK?

The National Trust has found that Christmas markets are growing in favour among Britons.

29 Nov 14:19 The Irish News 993065806059715.html
Dog rescued from remote island after it got spooked by a sealion and ran off

Flint, a Jack Russell-fox terrier cross, found himself lost and alone when bad weather forced crews to abandon their search efforts.

29 Nov 12:57 Metro 970161747566764137.html
Super bumper deluxe Christmas gift guide!

From Trump giftwrap to a conservative sledge, the ideal festive presents for your loved (or hated) ones.

29 Nov 11:00 POLITICO 2584151345270730863.html
Konferencija u Banjaluci: Kvalitetnijim obrazovanjem do više mira i manje podjela

BANJALUKA - Obrazovanje je autoput razvoja Bosne i Hercegovine i njegovim unapređenjem moguće je ukinuti podjele u društvu, a samim tim i postići mir.

29 Nov 13:38 Nezavisne novine 4209150641196499974.html
New EU leadership eyes more 'assertive' role for bloc

The European Union plans a bigger global role for itself, one of its new chiefs emphasised Friday as the bloc's leadership started changing the guard to a team with firm geopolitical ambitions.

29 Nov 15:30 Digital Journal 4566489171492149148.html
LG hat einen neuen Chef

LG Electronics hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass Brian Kwon ab 1. Dezember die Rolle als Chief Executive Officer (CEO) übernehmen wird.

29 Nov 11:20 mobiFlip.de 5208441548931786024.html
Bottas klokt snelste tijd in eerste oefenritten Abu Dhabi, Verstappen tweede

De Fin Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) heeft de snelste tijd neergezet tijdens de eerste oefensessie voor de Grote Prijs van Abu Dhabi, de slotmanche van het WK Formule 1. Op het Yas Marina Circuit klok...

29 Nov 11:01 HLN 8967494998000612743.html
Pochettino among five favourites for Arsenal job after Emery sacking

Following Unai Emery’s departure from Arsenal, former Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino is one of the early favourites.

29 Nov 13:58 Buzz.ie 7092425147323432770.html
Vincenzo Nibali incontra gli studenti di Correggio

CORREGGIO (Reggio Emilia) – Il campione di ciclismo Vincenzo Nibali sarà a Correggio lunedì 2 dicembre per incontrare i ragazzi delle scuole. L’appuntamento, organizzato dal Circolo Frassati, è alle 10 al palasport comunale. Nibali, che in carriera ha vinto tutti i Grandi Giri (Vuelta, Giro d’Italia, Tour de France), parlerà della sua straordinaria esperienza e […]

29 Nov 15:48 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333327737150.html
La Fiscalía sueca imputa por presunto acoso a un eurodiputado ultraderechista

La Fiscalía de Suecia ha imputado al eurodiputado Peter Lundgren, del partido ultraderechista Demócratas Suecos, por un presunto delito de acoso sexual que...

29 Nov 12:25 Europa Press 4702666149593778124.html
Bottas fastest in second practice for Abu Dhabi GP

Mercedes driver Valtteri Bottas was fastest in the second practice for the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and was also involved in a crash on Friday.

29 Nov 11:20 TSN 865919180180959324.html
Minister: zet militair niet in voor politiewerk

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Voor politiewerk moeten voorlopig geen militairen worden ingezet, vindt justitieminister Ferd Grapperhaus. Een drietal gemeenten dringt daarop aan, maar de minister wil de personeelstekorten eerst op andere manieren het hoofd bieden.

29 Nov 11:00 Nieuws.nl 2419030131202127131.html
Lauren Conrad shares first photo of her baby son Charlie on Thanksgiving

So cute!

29 Nov 10:24 GOSS.ie 8755536025331320399.html
Oltre 2 milioni di debiti: ex miss Italia Cristina Chiabotto ammessa alla procedura salva suicidi

Oltre 2,5 milioni di euro di debiti per l’ex Miss Italia Cristina Chiabotto che sarà costretta a vendere i suoi negozi. La soubrette ha fatto richiesta per essere ammessa alla procedura denominata “salva-suicidi”, la procedura di liquidazione prevista dalla legge 3 del 2012, pensata per piccoli imprenditori e liberi professionisti. “Purtroppo, in totale buona fede, mi sono affidata ai professionisti sbagliati. Sono stata mal consigliata sotto il profilo fiscale quando, ancora giovanissima, a 19 anni ho iniziato la mia attività (…) Non mi resta che attendere l’esito della procedura con la serenità di chi ha la coscienza a posto (…) Non voglio sottrarmi al mio dovere, anzi. Vorrei solo fosse rispettato un principio valido per chiunque, cioè che l’ammontare dovuto di tasse si basi su quanto effettivamente guadagnato”. “Ci tengo inoltre a precisare che, a differenza di quanto riportato da alcuni organi di stampa, nel decreto (peraltro pubblico) non si parla mai di evasione, ma piuttosto di ‘comportamento elusivo…

29 Nov 10:28 Wall Street Italia 1518582934926713830.html
Utsetter åpning av nye veier nord for Steinkjer

Statens vegvesen melder at åpningen av ny fylkesvei 17 og fylkesvei 720 nord for Steinkjer blir utsatt.

29 Nov 12:14 adressa.no 8417332406998475577.html
Two K-pop stars get prison terms for rape, spycam crimes

A South Korean court has found two K-pop stars guilty of illicit sexual relations with a woman and sentenced them to up to six years in prison.

29 Nov 14:17 Aljazeera 6642629763121753111.html
Comics: Neues von Wumo

Comics des dänischen Künstler-Duos Mikael Wulff und Anders Morgenthaler, kurz Wumo.

3 Dec 10:48 GMX News 4492287762530715204.html
Odds on next permanent Arsenal manager as Unai Emery sacked

The Spaniard was relieved of his duties on Friday following a dismal run of seven games without a win, with a number of high-profile candidates now linked with the role

29 Nov 10:31 Irish Mirror 2875825628760922026.html
Tottenham: Jan Vertonghen aurait pris une décision importante concernant son avenir

Tout comme son coéquipier Toby Alderweireld, Jan Vertonghen (32 ans) sera en fin de contrat en juin prochain à Tottenham. Son avenir dans le club ...

29 Nov 11:39 RTL sport 5478130074632558423.html
Deputados apresentam queixa-crime e novo pedido de impeachment contra o ministro Ricardo Salles

Publicado originalmente na Rede Brasil Atual (RBA) Os deputados Célio Studart (PV-CE) e Rodrigo Agostinho (PSB-SP) ingressaram na tarde de ontem (28) na Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR) com queixa-crime contra o ministro do Meio Ambiente Ricardo Salles. Na denúncia, os parlamentares alegam que Salles cometeu crime de responsabilidade ao não cumprir os prazos dos requerimentos de informação sobre o derramamento […]

29 Nov 12:28 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917268792885739.html
Election of Telangana’s Utnoor ZPTC member declared null and void

Panchayat Raj Election Tribunal finds she had three children after cut off date

29 Nov 12:44 The Hindu 6679535025946668752.html
iTip: Foto rechttrekken met de iPhone

Soms gaat er iets mis met het perspectief van een foto: een hoog gebouw lijkt dan om te vallen, bijvoorbeeld. Zo kun je foto's rechttrekken op de iPhone.

29 Nov 12:07 iCreate 5140431717710806247.html
Why Call of Duty: WWII developer Sledgehammer is expanding to Australia

Sledgehammer Games plans on expanding its Melbourne team to 30 people by the end of the year.

29 Nov 15:35 VentureBeat 6273363635092471505.html
GMB fans furious as guest insists chocolate advent calendars should be banned

Amy Childs argued against banning the calendars

29 Nov 11:45 Entertainment Daily 8392972517446138138.html
UEFA verrast: 'Loting Europese kwalificatiereeks voor WK niet in gastland Qatar'

Voor het eerst sinds 1990 wordt de loting voor de Europese kwalificatiereeks voor het WK niet in het gastland van het wereldkampioenschap gehouden. De ceremonie wordt in 2020 naar alle waarschijnlijkheid in Zürich georganiseerd. De lotingen werden altijd gehouden in het land dat later het WK zou organiseren, maar ditmaal zal de Europese kwalificatiereeks niet worden geloot in Qatar. Bronnen binnen de wereldvoetbalbond FIFA en de UEFA laten weten dat de loting in november of december 2020 in Zürich zal worden gehouden, weet De Telegraaf te melden. In april 2022 wordt er dan, wel in Qatar, bekend welke landen in welke groepen tegen elkaar strijden op het WK.

29 Nov 13:56 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885148795248.html
UEFA verrast: 'Loting Europese kwalificatiereeks voor WK niet in gastland Qatar'

Voor het eerst sinds 1990 wordt de loting voor de Europese kwalificatiereeks voor het WK niet in het gastland van het wereldkampioenschap gehouden. De ceremonie wordt in 2020 naar alle waarschijnlijkheid in Zürich georganiseerd.

29 Nov 15:15 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216690955177.html
Dip in rail accidents in last two years: Piyush Goyal

Assuring members that Railways have taken steps to ensure safety and improve infrastructure, he said, "The last 2.5 years have been the safest in the history of Indian Railways. There have been least number of accidents in the last 2.5 years."

29 Nov 10:30 The Indian Express 2885715105422682932.html
Gli scienziati scoprono un buco nero gigantesco. In teoria non dovrebbe esistere

Un team di scienziati cinesi è riuscito ad individuare un buco nero dalle dimensioni 70 volte superiori a quelle del nostro Sole.

29 Nov 13:26 NewNotizie 1312053897604907216.html
BPCL Privatisation: DIPAM Appoints Deloitte As Adviser For Strategic Sale Of India’s Second Largest Oil Refiner

Some global petrochemical giants, including Saudi Aramco have expressed interest in the assets of BPCL

29 Nov 12:02 Swarajya 4977622828443939412.html
Miri will Libanon erneut verlassen – und wird abgewiesen

Der Ex-Boss einer Rockergruppe scheiterte bei der Einreise in die Türkei.

29 Nov 15:50 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568626965794.html
The woke undead: how zombie movies are taking on racial politics

A new wave of horror films are reviving the zombie’s African roots to offer modern-day reflections on slavery and migration

29 Nov 12:16 the Guardian 1491978795326629391.html
SPÖ um Beruhigung bemüht, Schnabl gegen Personaldebatte

Die SPÖ-Führung ist nach den massiven Rücktrittsgerüchten um Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner um Beruhigung bemüht. "Sie bleibt, das ist gar keine Frage", versicherte Bundesgeschäftsführer Christian Deutsch am Freitag vor Journalisten.

29 Nov 11:15 NÖN.at 2486998932427449322.html
Cryptocurrency exchange IDAX’s CEO reportedly missing with the company’s cold wallet

A relatively small cryptocurrency exchange has halted deposit and withdrawal services after its CEO has reportedly gone missing.

29 Nov 11:18 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801510036052988.html
The Haunting Betrayal At the Heart of A Walk Through Hell

In their latest look at exciting things in current comics, CSBG spotlights the awful betrayal at the center of Ennis and Sudzuka's A Walk Through Hell

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516961679419791.html
The Haunting Betrayal At the Heart of A Walk Through Hell

In their latest look at exciting things in current comics, CSBG spotlights the awful betrayal at the center of Ennis and Sudzuka's A Walk Through Hell

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516962216811103.html
Modern Warfare details 'biggest free content drop in Call of Duty history'

Activision and Infinity Ward have started laying out plans for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Season One content. Beginning on December 3, the publisher notes that the DLC drop will be

29 Nov 15:00 Destructoid 5545714966307906577.html
Drive the Jaguar Vision concept and more in new GT Sport update

Gran Turismo Sport Patch 1.50 Update gives sporty offerings for players

29 Nov 11:38 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447069079840.html
Chiqui Aguayo celebra su aniversario con tierna foto familiar

Con su hija en brazos celebra 5 años de matrimonio.

29 Nov 15:21 AR13 5510785230070424026.html
Guardas-civis municipais são capacitados pelo TJRR

A Patrulha Maria da Penha é formada por uma guarnição especializada de guardas-civis municipais que realiza visitas rotineiras e faz um acompanhamento de perto às vítimas da violência doméstica

29 Nov 14:10 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548650618410.html
Endless Memories consigue la financiación necesaria para llegar a Nintendo Switch

Endless Memories ha quedado confirmado para Nintendo Switch hoy mismo, después de que el título haya recaudado todo el dinero necesario para esta versión en Kickstarter. La cifra necesaria eran 12.000$ y parece que ya los tienen en su poder. No obstante, aún podéis contribuir al proyecto a través de este enlace. En cuanto al […]

29 Nov 14:08 Nintenderos 2555436002171409540.html
Van hits pedestrian on busy Exeter road

Paramedics and police called to Topsham road

29 Nov 11:28 DevonLive 2469244513208322250.html
Quale futuro per la Romania?

Dopo la conferma dell'europeista Klaus Iohannis come Presidente, la Romania va verso elezioni anticipate, eventualmente in programma in primavera. Obiettivo: disporre di una netta maggioranza in Parlamento. L'incognita del Partito Socialdemocratico; reggerà l'urto o darà via liberà ai liberali?

29 Nov 11:02 euronews 7379718590203151212.html
Bigg Boss13: Sheetal Khandal Opens Up On The Backlash After Breaking Silence On Harassment By Sidharth Shukla

Salman Khan hosted Bigg Boss 13 has been making a lot of noise for the last few weeks. While there are only celebrity contestants this seasons, Sidharth Shukla of Balika Vadhu fame is one name that is

29 Nov 14:08 Koimoi 5184275670881359799.html
Ex Embraco, il presidio alla Whirlpool di Milano

Ex-Embraco, si sta svolgendo questa mattina, venerdì 29 novembre il presidio alla Whirlpool a Pero (Milano).

29 Nov 10:41 La Nuova Periferia 1387373626097489803.html
Skiverband Oberland (SVO): Führungsmannschaft ist komplett

Die Führungsmannschaft des Skiverbands Oberland (SVO) ist komplett: In der Herbstversammlung  wurde der Lenggrieser Mik Broschart einstimmig zum Dritten Vorsitzenden gewählt.

29 Nov 10:45 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238227136778.html
Kata Gerindra Soal SKT FPI, Wajib Baca!

WE Online, Jakarta - Wakil Ketua DPR Ahmad Sufmi Dasco menyebut Menteri Dalam Negeri Tito Karnavian tentu sudah memiliki parameter tertentu berkenaan dengan perpanjangan Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT) Front Pembela Islam (FPI). Hal tersebut disampaikan menyusul keluarnya rekomendasi Menteri Agama (Menag) Fachrul Razi memberikan dukungan agar skt itu dapat terbit.

29 Nov 11:10 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833842254039.html
Black Friday frenzy goes global—and not everyone's happy

People don't celebrate Thanksgiving in France, or Russia, or South Africa - but they do shop on Black Friday.

29 Nov 11:24 Tech Xplore 4945708898611224178.html
Manchester United very much in the picture for signing – Winter transfer increasingly possible

As the German character assassination of Jadon Sancho continues, it’s not too hard to believe there’s more going on in the background than is known about. Borussia Dortmund made it very clear they wouldn’t be selling the England international last summer, with the big insinuation being they wouldn’t mind cashing in during the 2020 summer

29 Nov 10:38 Sport Witness 200001552230077873.html
BMW to build electric Mini in China

Luxury German carmaker BMW on Friday said it would build fully electric models of its Mini cars at a new plant in China, as it kicked off a joint venture with Chinese partner Great Wall Motor.

29 Nov 15:36 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351514943676994.html
Time Is Running Out for Trump's North Korean Diplomacy, Analysts Say

SEOUL, South Korea -- The clock is ticking.Kim Jong Un, North Korea's leader, has said that the United States has until the end of the year to make a new proposal to create a breakthrough in stalled negotiations on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.The looming deadline -- which North Korea has

29 Nov 14:12 Yahoo 7097669638403382140.html
Grand Sempler i dva zlata za UM Beograd na SEMPL festivalu

Kampanja "Ne odričem se" medijske agencije UM Beograd osvojila je Grand Sempler za najbolju medijsku kampanju godine na 21. ceremoniji dodele nagrada "Sempler", sa najvećim brojem poena u konkurenciji 80 prijavljenih radova, saopšteno je danas.Pored te, najznačajnije nagrade, stručni žiri nagradio je Zlatnim Semplerom kampanje "Ne odričem se" (NVO Da se zna), u kategoriji Inovativna upotreba kanala komunikacije, i "Beba bira gde" (ROSA), u kategoriji Najbolja PR ili strategija promocije. Obe kampanje realizovane su u saradnji sa agencijom McCann Beograd."Festival Sempl jedini je isključivo medijski festival u regionu, pa su u tom smislu i nagrade dobijene na ovom festivalu definitivno najprestižnije za medijske agencije. Ovo je već drugi put da UM Beograd osvaja najviše priznanje na ovom festivalu. Naše kampanje su uvek upečatljive", rekla je regionalna direktorka UM agencija Jugoistočne Evrope Branislava Cagronov.Ona je istakla da je kampanja "Ne odričem se" putem samo jednog komunikacionog kanala, štampanih…

29 Nov 11:00 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501080509022970.html
Angela Merkel Says Freedom of Speech Must be Curtailed to Keep Society Free

Wait, what?

29 Nov 15:01 Infowars 1950426314333191574.html
Goff refuses to answer questions on Ihumātao

Goff refuses to answer questions on possible Auckland Council Ihumātao buyout

29 Nov 14:27 SCOOP 5315658999051348789.html
Picchiato e rapinato da cinque balordi mentre è fermo nella sua auto

Vittima del pestaggio, avvenuta la notte scorsa nel Torinese, un automobilista di 28 anni. I dettagli

29 Nov 12:25 Today 178378751313992977.html
Sign in with Apple a headache for developers?

One of the most interesting from WWDC 2019 is Sign in with Apple and gives the 1.4 billion Apple product users a login and signup experience with greater control of their data.

29 Nov 10:35 TechRadar 2111116915771587166.html
Orange nie les rumeurs de fusion avec Deutsche Telekom

Orange dément vigoureusement toutes discussions autour d’un rapprochement avec Deutsche Telekom, suite à des bruits ...

29 Nov 12:36 Mobile World Live 2109488009802991274.html
Sainsbury's releases its new Christmas charity campaign, but it's not gone down well with shoppers

Shoppers have expressed their cynicism towards the scheme

29 Nov 10:41 BristolLive 4740742018013154553.html
Reparar electrodomésticos cuesta tanto como comprar uno nuevo

Reparar electrodomésticos cuesta tanto como comprar uno nuevo

29 Nov 10:10 LaPatilla.com 9104603010781871110.html
Jefferson Caicedo es nuevo jugador de Emelec

El autor del crimen es venezolano y está siendo buscado por autoridades de la provincia.

29 Nov 13:15 Ecuavisa 4017571650674177813.html
Jan Roos: Ik heb Thierry Baudet mijn excuses gemaakt, we focussen ons nu op ons gezamenlijke einddoel

Jan Roos roept in zijn column deze week op om de strijdbijl op rechts te begraven. We moeten met z’n allen bezig gaan om met z’n allen Nederland flink naar rechts te trekken. Dat lukt nu nog niet, “omdat we een stel egocentrische ruziezoekers zijn. Continu bezig elkaar vliegen af te vangen.” Tijd om te stoppen met elkaar te maat te nemen, vindt Jan, en een voorbeeld te nemen aan links: onderlinge samenwerking! Wij van rechts vinden onszelf fantastisch en dat zijn we ook. Weldenkend, rationeel en patriottistisch. En toch bakken we er helemaal niks van. Waarom? Omdat we een stel egocentrische ruziezoekers zijn. Continu bezig elkaar vliegen af te vangen. Kijk mij eens slimmer zijn, en kijk mij eens beter zijn. Als we iets van het linkse spul kunnen leren is dat zij, ondanks hun verschillen, het einddoel wél in zicht houden. Voor hen is dat de socialistische heilstaat, waar iedereen hetzelfde denkt en doet. Deze liberaal-progressieve beweging heeft allang niet meer de meerderheid van Nederland achter zich. En toch…

29 Nov 11:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057683852136.html
Newborn suffocated the first time he was on bed with a sleeping parent: Coroner

SINGAPORE: A 19-day-old baby died from suffocation the first time he was placed on a bed beside a sleeping parent, a coroner found in documents ...

29 Nov 13:40 CNA 5644198862570418769.html
Siete trapitos fueron detenidos en el Parque Independencia

Fueron denunciados en el marco de una fiesta electrónica que se realizó en el Hipódromo.

29 Nov 12:13 La Capital 7472053046833231248.html
Lichaam gevonden aan de Groenendaallaan in Merksem

Vanochtend is een lichaam gevonden in de buurt van de Groenendaallaan in Merksem

29 Nov 11:59 atv 2365892511931231642.html
Debatte über Mitsprache und Medien im Stadtrat

Die neue Geschäftsordnung der Stadt Seeland stand auf der jüngsten Hauptausschuss-Sitzung zur Diskussion. Fast Zeile für Zeile. Hier hatte die Fraktion BIG Seeland von dem Angebot einer Zuarbeit Gebrauch ...

29 Nov 11:28 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110439985532.html
Deze clubs kunnen Club Brugge en KAA Gent (voorlopig) loten in Europa

KAA Gent heeft zich donderdag verzekerd van Europese overwintering. Ook voor Club Brugge ziet het er lang niet slecht uit na het late puntje tegen Galatasaray, terwijl Standard nog maar een waterkansje heeft. Met nog één speeldag te gaan zijn dit de voorlopige tabellen voor de 1/16e finales in de Europa League.

29 Nov 10:45 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216470556736.html
November Portfolio Update - Prefs And Finance

This month saw a smaller amount of overall investments, mostly going into finance, some oil/energy, preferred stock, and other debt instruments.FX is somewhat improved, but still at prohibitive levels

29 Nov 13:37 Seeking Alpha 5725634556887752524.html
Milan, serve un difensore ma non in prestito

Non solo l'attacco e Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Il Milan in vista di gennaio pensa anche a rafforzare la propria difesa, soprattutto dopo il ko di Leo Duarte. E come vi abbiamo anticipato su queste pagine, la prima opzione per i dirigenti rossoneri è ancora Merih Demiral della Juventus.La Gazzetta dello Sport rilancia il nome dell'ex Sassuolo e prova a fare chiarezza sulle eventuali formule: la dirigenza rossonera vuol fare leva sulla volontà di giocare del difensore, ma ad oggi la formula del prestito sembra scontentare tutti. Così si ragiona su basi più articolate: prestito con diritto di riscatto (che potrebbe diventare obbligo), per un investimento che sarebbe diviso in due momenti distinti in modo da spezzare la valutazione di 18 milioni di euro fatta dalla rosea.

29 Nov 14:36 MilanNews.it 6507305921978230734.html
Sprint-Spektakel in Ruka! Norge dominiert, DSV enttäuscht

Die norwegischen Olympiasieger Johannes Hösflot Kläbo und Maiken Caspersen Falla haben Norwegens Skilangläufern beim Weltcup-Auftakt im finnischen Kuusamo einen Doppelsieg beschert.

29 Nov 14:26 sport.de 3321967092720316425.html
Unai Emery: Shkodran Mustafi blames Arsenal players for former boss dismissal

Arsenal defender Shkodran Mustafi has stated clearly that himself and the rest of his teammates are to be blamed for the sacking of manager Unai Emery.

29 Nov 14:06 Legit 3764253651250591539.html
Kurz vor Bundesparteitag: Neue Parteispendenaffäre bei der AfD

Die AfD soll nach „Spiegel“-Berichten in Bezug auf unzulässige Spenden gegen das Parteigesetz verstoßen haben – auch in ihrer Gründungszeit.

29 Nov 13:00 Handelsblatt 4721373938424950441.html
Hombre acuchilla a tres personas en concurrida calle de La Haya

Horas antes, un sujeto cometió un acto similar en el Puente de Londres.

29 Nov 15:03 SIPSE.com 4008460419314943953.html
La conferenza stampa di Sinisa Mihajlović con i medici che lo hanno curato

«Mi sono rotto le palle di piangere», ha detto tra le altre cose l'allenatore serbo nella prima conferenza dopo le cure per la leucemia: sta bene ma occorre ancora cautela

29 Nov 11:09 Il Post 6291746503706369558.html
Blackpool weekend weather forecast: This is when temperatures will plummet

The weather in Blackpool this weekend is set to be bright but cold.

29 Nov 14:56 The Gazette 1828400564126702893.html
Asociaţiile pentru drepturile consumatorilor cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea ANPC

Asociaţiile pentru drepturile consumatorilor cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea interimară a Autorității Naționale pentru...

29 Nov 14:55 Stiri pe surse 4858045012376224372.html
How Trump’s Thanksgiving Afghanistan trip was kept under wraps amid extreme security

President Trump surprised troops and news outlets on Thanksgiving morning when he appeared in Afghanistan to thank troops for their service to the country and help serve a turkey dinner -- but doing so required extreme security measures to ensure both safety and to prevent the word from getting out.

29 Nov 13:20 Fox News 7362823820242686733.html
Ingaggia criminali della 'ndrangheta per intimidire i parenti, nei guai due padovani

Ha assoldato dei criminali legati alla 'ndrangheta per intimidire il nipote e la cognata per risolvere una controversia economica legata ad una eredità. Il suo proposito però...

29 Nov 13:15 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446886182927.html
Alfredo Morelos Rangers heroics rewarded as he's given big UEFA shout-out

El Bufalo grabbed a double in Rotterdam last night to send Steven Gerrard's side top of the group.

29 Nov 13:19 dailyrecord 552235480432193881.html
Singapur: Fejsbuk da objavi ispravku vesti o izborima

SINGAPUR - Singapur je Fejsbuku naredio da objavi obaveštenje o ispravci posta na toj društevnoj mreži, prema svom novom zakonu o lažnim vestima, nakon

29 Nov 10:40 Krstarica 4176903989067502488.html
MN - Stamattina Boban, Maldini e Massara a Milanello

Tutta la dirigenza al completo stamattina a Milanello per l’allenamento della squadra. Zvonimir Boban, Paolo Maldini e Frederic Massara hanno assistito alla seduta della squadra di Stefano Pioli che domenica alle 15.00 affronterà il Parma allo stadio Tardini, in una trasferta in cui tutta la società si augura di cominciare a invertire la rotta in classifica dopo il pareggio contro il Napoli. Dirgenza al completo per manifestare vicinanza al gruppo e all'allenatore, ma soprattutto per alzare ancora di più la concentrazione in un momento delicato della stagione. 

29 Nov 15:04 MilanNews.it 6507305922718314138.html
Publisher says he’s hearing interest in non-profit turn

NEW YORK - Utah’s Salt Lake Tribune is taking an intriguing approach toward survival by successfully petitioning the IRS to let it become a non-profit. That

29 Nov 12:04 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244561736978.html
Strejk kan påverka svenska Amazonkunder

Anställda vid Amazons 13 tyska lager går ut i strejk.

29 Nov 11:05 HD 3336945413594097057.html
ISP informa sobre la resistencia a los antimicrobianos y los antibióticos más vendidos en Chile

Ante la situación, el organismo hizo un llamado a la ciudadanía a utilizar en forma prudente los antibióticos, a no automedicarse y la importancia de utilizarlos correctamente para proteger su eficacia y con ello, la salud de todos.

29 Nov 12:09 Emol 3328490600953735880.html
Shooting: Angad Bajwa pips Mairaj to win gold in skeet nationals, Saniya Sheikh bags third title

Angad held off his senior and fellow Tokyo 2020 quota winner Mairaj Ahmad Khan of Uttar Pradesh, shooting a clean 60 to equal a record.

29 Nov 13:03 Scroll.in 8669301694054343541.html
FOTO: MU dan Arsenal Kalah di Liga Europa

Dua klub besar Liga Inggris, Manchester United dan Arsenal, mengalami kekalahan pada laga Liga Europa.

29 Nov 11:34 olahraga 6599523173551694910.html
How South Africans really feel about Black Friday, according to Twitter

It's finally Black Friday, and while some are maxing out their credit cards at both real and virtual shopping centres, others are trolling social media.

29 Nov 10:11 Memeburn 7217585437888160565.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a los cuatro ex altos cargos condenados

La Audiencia no aprecia riesgo de fuga pero mantiene las medidas cautelares para comparecer periódicamente y no abandonar el país

29 Nov 14:34 Las Provincias 5471838390727851742.html
Konsumen Tak Perlu Buru-Buru Pindah ke 5G, Ini Alasannya

Ada beberapa hal yang dapat dimanfaatkan konsumen biasa dengan 5G, seperti hiburan video atau pengalaman bermain gim lebih mumpuni.

29 Nov 12:30 liputan6.com 3414318496422951156.html
Owan West receives LG dev awards - The Nation Newspaper

Owan West Local Government Area, Edo state will Friday evening in Abuja join other local governments in the country to receive the 2019 Nigerian Local...

29 Nov 11:34 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900840129027.html
Bahnübergang wird ab Dienstag gesperrt

Für zwei Wochen voll gesperrt wird ab kommendem Montag der Bahnübergang in der Dessauer Brauereistraße. Das teilte die von der Bahn AG mit Gleisbauarbeiten beauftragte Firma TuG Brandenburg mit.

29 Nov 14:07 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110715704843.html
Pria Ini Memberi Telur Ayam pada Lubang Berair dalam Rumput, Kemudian Secara Mengejutkan Hewan Tak Terduga Ini Muncul

Dalam rekaman itu hanya da seorang anak laki-laki yang membawa segenggam wadah permen dan cola, dan beberapa butir telur.

29 Nov 14:39 grid.id 586386474488045531.html
Victor Ponta a fost ales vicepreşedinte al Partidului Democrat European

Victor Ponta, preşedintele Pro Rom&acirc;nia, a fost ales vineri &icirc;n funcţia de vicepreşedinte al Partidului Democrat European (EDP).

29 Nov 11:09 romaniatv.net 4505369227743635662.html
Multa da 5mila euro per un autotrasportatore di Pray

Fermato dalla polizia stradale

29 Nov 13:32 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318437257953.html
Dall'Inghilterra: contatto Allegri-Arsenal, la verità sul futuro di Max

Da quando ha lasciato la Juventus nello scorso mese di maggio, Massimiliano Allegri viene periodicamente accostato alle panchine di tutte le big d'Europa che decidano di separarsi dal proprio allenatore.

29 Nov 14:30 il BiancoNero 8980755941014141330.html
Weather Forecast: Rainy before Noon, Sunny in the Afternoon

Today, there will be rain before noon which will stop in the afternoon when clouds will disperse and most of the country will be sunny. There will be more clouds over Northern Bulgaria.

29 Nov 10:03 novinite.com 4235039572008996504.html
Iraniano ucciso a Istanbul, 5 arresti

Le unità d'intelligence della polizia turca hanno arrestato 5 sospetti per l'omicidio di Massoud Molavi, il dissidente iraniano che gestiva un account social di opposizione alle autorità della Repubblica islamica, ucciso a colpi di pistola a metà novembre ... (ANSA)

29 Nov 11:59 ANSA.it 1300837447623956093.html
Grosser Polizeieinsatz auf der London Bridge ++ Mehrere Verletzte ++ Ein Mann festgenommen

Am Freitagnachmittag kam es zu einem Grosseinsatz der Polizei in London. Auf der London Bridge waren zahlreiche Beamte zu sehen. Britische Medien berichteten …

29 Nov 14:36 watson.ch 2253754996522292452.html
Michael Gove is the political horror show that chills my soul

There are worse politicians. But no one else inspires such existential dread, says the writer Mark O’Connell

29 Nov 15:23 the Guardian 1491978796286889285.html
Farmer Paints Tiger Stripes On Dog To Stop Monkeys From Eating His Crops

A farmer in India has dyed his dog to look like a tiger, in order to scare away monkeys who keep eating and destroying his crops

29 Nov 14:01 UNILAD 6373328986399371416.html
Mulhall misses out on Dubai Sevens squad with injury

Ireland head coach Stan McDowell has named his 13-player squad for the tournament.

29 Nov 15:36 The42 5369852629542455274.html
Supreme Court releases new roster, PILs to be heard by CJI and 3 senior most judges

The new roster is slightly different from the last time when the outgoing CJI Ranjan Gogoi had kept PIL matters for top five judges of the apex court, including the CJI. Besides PIL matters, CJI Bobde has kept with him matters of contempt, election, habeas corpus, social justice, direct and indirect tax cases, among others.

29 Nov 14:15 The Economic Times 7653256036776261869.html
EXCLUSIVE: Tray Deee Defines a Culture Vulture, Doesn't Think Jerry Heller was One

In this clip, DJ Vlad asked Tray Deee to define a culture vulture, and the West Coast entertainer explained that it's someone who exploits a cultur...

29 Nov 10:48 VLADTV 1404406306809409314.html
Tienduizenden euro’s schade na inbraak leer-werkbedrijf

VLISSINGEN - Leer-werkbedrijf Zeeuws Werk in Vlissingen is in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag de dupe geworden van een inbraak. De schade wordt geschat op tienduizenden euro’s.

29 Nov 12:10 HVZeeland.nl 6787007640473042886.html
Caen dos por arrojar cuerpo desmembrado en Azcapotzalco

El pasado viernes los ahora imputados arrojaron los restos humanos en la colonia San Sebastián como parte de una supuesta venganza por venta de droga

29 Nov 11:22 Excélsior 859179359971387381.html
Grant believes United’s youngsters will be stronger for Astana disappointment

The line-up against Astana was the youngest the club have ever put out for a European match.

29 Nov 15:03 Express & Star 7324224460572807174.html
Tronsmart arranca el Black Friday con grandes ofertas en auriculares y altavoces

La firma especializada en sonido y accesorios Tronsmart ha anunciado todasa sus ofertas para el Black Friday en altavoces y auriculares.

29 Nov 12:00 MovilZona 3711352298268800949.html
Extremamente discreto, Tiago Iorc surpreende ao postar foto sem camisa

Tiago Iorc tomou uma atitude na última quinta-feira (28), digamos, um tanto quanto inesperada. Extremamente discreto na vida pessoal, o cantor compartilhou no Instagram uma foto no qual surge sem camisa, exibindo o corpo sarado.

29 Nov 14:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125210942900942.html
The First Time Congress Tried to Impeach a President Was a Disaster

It didn't go as planned...

29 Nov 10:30 The National Interest 7207864703168360505.html
Buhari Administration Committed to Growth of MSMEs — Adebayo

Minister for Industry, Trade and Investment, Otunba Niyi Adebayo, has declared that “Nigeria is open for business!” Vanguard News

29 Nov 14:07 Vanguard News 4125100339648691601.html
Luis Lacalle Pou gana la presidencia de Uruguay

El anuncio llega después de que las cifras arrojadas por el segundo escrutinio llevado a cabo por la Corte Electoral confirmaran este día su triunfo en la segunda vuelta del pasado domingo.

29 Nov 13:06 Crónica 1134283327123913971.html
Real Madrid wagt offenbar neuen Versuch bei Paul Pogba von Manchester United

Mittelfeldspieler Paul Pogba von Manchester United ist offenbar weiterhin Transferziel Nummer eins für den spanischen Rekordmeister Real Madrid. Angeblich bereiten die Blancos derzeit ein neues Angebot für den Franzosen vor.

29 Nov 14:40 SPOX 8395423525432967071.html
Data dan Fakta Premier League: Liverpool vs Brighton

Pemimpin klasemen Liverpool akan menjamu peringkat 12 Brighton pada pekan ke-14 Premier League 2019/20, Sabtu (30/11/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Anfield ini

29 Nov 13:47 Bola.net 5489959027666663963.html
FOTO: Mumi Hewan Langka Ditemukan di Mesir

Tim peneliti menemukan mumi hewan-hewan yang tak biasa. Temuan baru tim arkeologi Mesir ini dipamerkan di Saqqara necropolis Giza, Kairo, November 2019.

29 Nov 11:24 teknologi 6599523173367703955.html
Gabriel Garko e Gabriele Rossi, solo amici? Paparazzati insieme dal settimanale Voi

ROMA – Gabriele Rossi e Gabriel Garko sono solo amici? O c’è qualcosa di più, come ipotizzato negli ultimi tempi dai soliti “mastini del gossip”? Difficile da capire. L’attore torinese continua a ripetere di essere soltanto legato a Rossi da un rapporto di amicizia. Loro però vengono avvistati sempre più spesso insieme, come dimostrano queste immagini pubblicate in esclusiva dal settimanale Voi diretto da Lorella Ridenti. I due attori sono in giro per le vie di Milano. È un anno circa che si rumoreggia su una relazione fra i due. Senza però che ci siano riscontri effettivi anche perché i diretti interessati sono stati sempre abbastanza rapidi nel negare un coinvolgimento sentimentale. Amicizia, quella vera, soltanto questo li legherebbe.Yara Gambirasio, trovati proiettili sul campo di Chignolo d’Isola durante la diretta di Mattino 5Albano Carrisi: “Con Romina un’altra forma di amore. Con Loredana invece…” “Non sono sposato – aveva detto in una recente intervista fatta da Mara Venier a Domenica In lo stesso Garko–…

29 Nov 10:31 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355375002426.html
Passation de pouvoirs symbolique entre Donald Tusk et Charles Michel

Le président sortant du Conseil européen Donald Tusk a symboliquement remis ses pouvoirs vendredi à Charles Michel, qui prendra dimanche sa nouvelle...

29 Nov 11:46 La Libre 2304109934412030840.html
Man files for divorce so wife can marry her lover

An Indian man, Mahesh (not real name) has approached the court, seeking to divorce his wife, Sangeeta, so she can marry the man she loves. According to India Today, the divorce is taking place i...

29 Nov 15:22 Punch Newspapers 3524240995584606254.html
Arsenal Kalah, Sorakan 'Emery Out' Bergema di Emirates Stadium

Arsenal gagal menuai poin penuh saat bertemu Eintracht Frankfurt dalam laga lanjutan fase grup Liga Europa, Jumat (29/11/2019). Bermain di markasnya, Emirates Stadium, the Gunners justru kalah dengan skor 1-2

29 Nov 10:05 Bola.net 5489959029203334339.html
Dying fan will watch new Star Wars film early after Luke Skywalker responds to appeal

An avid Star Wars fan will get his dying wish to watch the latest Star Wars film with his young son before it is released in cinemas. The Rowans Hospice near Portsmouth, Hampshire, reached out on Twitter for help for their patient. The final installment of the nine-part saga – The Rise Of Skywalker – is due for release in UK cinemas on December 19, but time is of the essence for the patient. The hospice tweeted: “Can you help? We have a patient who’s a HUGE #StarWars fan. Sadly, time is not on his side for the 20th Dec.

29 Nov 10:55 ITV News 2184971258303288626.html
Fan group urges Arsenal to take "decisive action" over Unai Emery future

Head coach Unai Emery has come under fire with the Gunners now winless in seven matches.

29 Nov 10:18 Sports Mole 7750663362588929813.html
Sexsomnia is to Blame: Canadian Mogul Accused of Sexual Assault Claims He Had No Such Intentions

In January, a Canadian court will hear testimony by experts on sexsomnia after an executive from a mining company in the country denied having any recollection of sexual intercourse with a blind date, insisting that he suffers from a peculiar sleeping disorder.

29 Nov 15:46 Sputniknews 967333868107965658.html
Bharti Airtel to seek board nod on December 4 for raising funds

The board will also evaluate raising of funds through debentures, non-convertible debt instruments along with warrants, convertible debentures , securities or any other equity based instruments including through qualified institutions placement or rights issue, or through any other permissible mode

29 Nov 12:45 The Indian Express 2885715104769684039.html
Gmünd erstrahlt im Lichterglanz

Nach einem Countdown der vielen anwesenden Kinder wurde am 28. November mit einem Knopfdruck die eindrucksvolle Weihnachtbeleuchtung in der Bezirksstadt in Betrieb genommen. Gefeiert wurde diese Illuminierung am Schubertplatz.

29 Nov 10:14 NÖN.at 2486998933164947915.html
Oakland takes on Toledo

Oakland (4-3) vs. Toledo (4-2)

29 Nov 11:30 WFXT 6395891952368320739.html
FGR con avances significativos en caso LeBarón

La Fiscalía General de la República ya tiene avances significativos en la investigación del caso LeBarón, mismos que dará a conocer cuando […]

29 Nov 10:45 Notisistema 1929539245407124359.html
Fabinho: Injured Liverpool midfielder out until next year

Liverpool say midfielder Fabinho will be out "until the New Year" with the ankle injury he picked up against Napoli on Wednesday.

29 Nov 13:52 BBC Sport 3883826127394962677.html
Trump thanks troops on Afghan visit, says Taliban want deal

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan — President Donald Trump paid a surprise Thanksgiving visit to Afghanistan, where he announced the U.S. and the Taliban have been engaged in ongoing peace talks and said he believes the Taliban want a cease-fire.

29 Nov 12:15 KitchenerToday.com 52741010287235054.html
Akhir Pekan November, Wall Street Dibuka Memerah

Bursa AS dibuka melemah pada Jumat (29/11/2019), di tengah kekhawatiran seputar perkembangan negosiasi dagang antara AS dan China.

29 Nov 14:47 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213877593547.html
Finis les managers cogneurs, place aux facilitateurs

Le chef autoritaire, c'est de l'histoire ancienne. Le manager idéal doit désormais conjuguer écoute, bienveillance et… exigence. Reste à savoir comment., Son style de management était réputé cassant du

29 Nov 10:15 Capital.fr 2641485281836937187.html
Nordische Kombination: Mauer Saisonauftakt für DSV-Starter

Die deutschen Kombinierer haben beim Saisonauftakt im finnischen Kuusamo das Podest verpasst. Team-Olympiasieger Fabian Rießle war beim überlegenen Sieg des norwegischen Weltcup-Titelverteidigers Jarl Magnus Riiber als Fünfter der beste DSV-Starter.

29 Nov 14:28 SPOX 8395423526440861167.html
Jony Ive has disappeared from Apple's leadership page 5 months after announcing he was leaving, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The London-born Ive played a major role in the design of several iconic Apple products, including the iPhone, the iPod, and the iPad.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 10:33 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757551995701.html
How Exactly Is Kombucha Made?

Kombucha is purported to have various health benefits but what proof is there for these claims?

29 Nov 12:22 Interesting Engineering 7328942542163596088.html
Iraq, il premier getta la spugna: "Dimissioni in parlamento"

Il primo ministro iracheno Adel Abdel Mahdi ha annunciato che si appresta a presentare le sue dimissioni in Parlamento. L'annuncio arriva poche ore dopo che la massima autorità sciita in Iraq, l'ayatollah Ali Sistani, aveva esortato il Parlamento iracheno a ritirare la fiducia al governo. L'annuncio di dimissioni del primo ministro iracheno, Adel Abdel Mahdi, è stato accolto da grida di giubilo e manifestazioni di gioia dei manifestanti raccolti da stamane a piazza Tahrir in pieno centro a Baghdad. L'iconica piazza nel cuore della capitale irachena è stato l'epicentro delle proteste che, per due mesi, hanno chiesto una profonda riforma del sistema e una nuova classe politica in Iraq.

29 Nov 14:19 rainews 442831848935558634.html
Reinier: Jetzt mischt auch Ajax mit

Die Liste der Klubs, die an Brasilien-Juwel Reinier interessiert sind, wird immer länger. Nun berichtet der ‚Telegraaf‘, dass auch Ajax Amsterdam die Fühler nach dem frischgebackenen Copa (...)

29 Nov 10:31 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784787747098.html
Formel 1: Bottas-Bestzeit im Auftakttraining von Abu Dhabi

Der Finne Valtteri Bottas hat im Auftakttraining zum Formel-1-Finale in […]

29 Nov 11:09 Sky Sport 6321692528128506698.html
Genoa-Torino: attesi 20mila spettatori al Ferraris

Prosegue la prevendita per i due match casalinghi del Genoa: quello di serie A con i granata e quello di Coppa Italia contro l'Ascoli

29 Nov 10:54 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982773759921179.html
Asociaţiile pentru drepturile consumatorilor cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea ANPC

Asociaţiile pentru drepturile consumatorilor cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea interimară a Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor (ANPC), întrucât ar fi folosit banii publici pentru scopuri personale. Aceasta îl înlocuieşte pe fostul preşedinte Horia Constantinescu. 

29 Nov 12:53 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917433684664.html
Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook und Co. tun sich schwer mit der DSGVO

Die Universität Göttingen hat 35 Online-Dienstleister überprüft und befand viele für mangelhaft, was den Umgang mit sensiblen Daten betrifft.

29 Nov 14:47 www.cetoday.ch 4667961263136987478.html
The Alfredo Morelos fear beneath Rangers' rivals transfer jibes - Ibrox blogger

The striker continued his incredible form against Feyenoord and our blogger Jamie Currie credits Dave King for splashing out in 2017.

29 Nov 15:31 dailyrecord 552235479293037613.html
GrabWheels Dilarang, 72% Pengguna Balik ke Kendaraan Berasap

Sebanyak 72% pengguna GrabWheels akan kembali menggunakan transportasi beremisi karbon bila tak tersedia alat transportasi pribadi ini.

29 Nov 12:19 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213986650045.html
Klopp en Guardiola in Hall of Fame

Jürgen Klopp en Pep Guardiola hebben een plek gekregen in de Hall of Fame van de Engelse trainersvakbond LMA. Tijdens een ceremonie ontvingen de managers van respectievelijk Liverpool en Manchester City de bijbehorende zilveren schaal. "Sinds hun komst naar Engeland hebben ze twee van de beste teams uit de Premier League-geschiedenis gebouwd", zei voorzitter Howard Wilkinson. "Ze hebben beiden een ongelofelijke drive, toewijding en zin voor vernieuwing laten zien."

29 Nov 10:02 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049443957450.html
Liverpool will always support families of Hillsborough victims – Jurgen Klopp

On Thursday the 1989 FA Cup semi-final’s match commander David Duckenfield was cleared of the gross negligence manslaughter of Reds fans who died.

29 Nov 15:34 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774365064353.html
Liverpool will always support families of Hillsborough victims – Jurgen Klopp

On Thursday the 1989 FA Cup semi-final’s match commander David Duckenfield was cleared of the gross negligence manslaughter of Reds fans who died.

29 Nov 15:34 Express & Star 7324224460088757610.html
Liverpool will always support families of Hillsborough victims – Jurgen Klopp

On Thursday the 1989 FA Cup semi-final’s match commander David Duckenfield was cleared of the gross negligence manslaughter of Reds fans who died.

29 Nov 15:55 Breaking News 4415806919322934204.html
77 Percent of Indians Concerned About Looming Danger of War, Survey Reveals

New Delhi (Sputnik): A series of steps taken by the Indian government, such as the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir's special status, and the Balakot airstrike in February, among other things, have brought things to a head in the region, according to a Paris-based global market research and consulting firm.

29 Nov 15:16 Sputniknews 967333868119605082.html
KCB, Kabras clash in blockbuster tie

The two sides met last during the Kenya Cup final on May 18.

29 Nov 11:50 Daily Nation 7421817123977990886.html
Abatido un terrorista tras asesinar a dos personas en el puente de Londres

El agresor, que ha apuñalado a las víctimas, llevaba un falso cinturón de explosivos - Hay otros 3 heridos

29 Nov 15:37 Levante-EMV 7042984477886466968.html
I-League: Former Champions Aizawl and Mohun Bagan to Square Off in Season Opener

Two former champions, Aizawl Football Club and Mohun Bagan will square off in the opening match of the 13th edition of the I-League.

29 Nov 11:42 India.com 7150386084274606102.html
This Morning's Alison Hammond's gaffe while speaking about I'm A Celebrity's Caitlyn Jenner

The entertainment reporter had to be corrected by ITV show host Ruth Langsford

29 Nov 14:19 men 6694993427635980181.html
SEK-Einsatz: Sichergestellte Gegenstände haben riesigen Wert 

Bei den SEK-Einsätzen in Seligenstadt, Hanau, Gießen und Kassel sind laut Polizei nicht nur Drogen sichergestellt worden. Der Vermögenswert ist riesig. 

29 Nov 11:03 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323446371020.html
SEK-Einsatz: Sichergestellte Gegenstände haben riesigen Wert 

Bei den SEK-Einsätzen in Seligenstadt, Hanau, Gießen und Kassel sind laut Polizei nicht nur Drogen sichergestellt worden. Der Vermögenswert ist riesig. 

29 Nov 11:03 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323673231124.html
2 killed in London stabbings; police fatally shoot suspect

A man wearing a fake explosive vest stabbed several people Friday in London, killing two, in what police are treating as a terrorist attack before he was tackled by members of the public and then fatally shot by officers on London Bridge, police and the city’s mayor said.

29 Nov 14:31 CTVNews 2422791598458400822.html
Tuttosport - Nuovo stadio: martedì mattina incontro tra Milan, Inter e Comune di Milano

In merito al nuovo stadio che Milan e Inter vogliono costruire insieme, è stato fissato il tanto atteso incontro tra i due club e il Comune di Milano: come riferisce Tuttosport, le parti si vedranno martedì mattina della prossima settimana per discutere concretamente dei vincoli contenuti nella delibera sul pubblico interesse concesso dal Consiglio comunale e formalizzato dalla giunta, in particolare il riutilizzo di San Siro.   

29 Nov 11:48 MilanNews.it 6507305922122855131.html
Malta, il caso Caruana fa cadere il governo. Muscat si dimette, imbarazzo Pse

Il premier di Malta Muscat si dimette per le conseguenze del caso dell'omicidio di Daphne Caruana Galizia

29 Nov 13:35 Affari Italiani 6123405403100430612.html
French mariners fear watery grave for 17th century pension perks

LA ROCHELLE, France (Reuters) - Tugboat captain Jean-Yves Lagarde should be only 10 years from retiring thanks to special benefits for mariners that date back to the 17th century. But President Emmanuel Macron’s ambition to simplify France’s Byzantine pension system may scuttle his plan.

29 Nov 15:47 Reuters 8334514181437062022.html
Auffällige Abschalteinrichtungen – Daimler droht neuer Diesel-Ärger

1,3 Millionen Dieselautos musste Daimler im Dieselskandal bereits überarbeiten. Doch das KBA soll nun einen weiteren Rückruf prüfen.

29 Nov 13:00 Handelsblatt 4721373939752462642.html
'I was just blown away by them': New photography exhibition showcases school leaders

A new exhibition of photographic portraits captures the spirit of youth leaders from Sydney's high schools.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730561286626136.html
Russian Black Sea Fleet Staffer Spying for Ukraine Detained in Sevastopol - Lawmaker

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A Russian woman who tried to obtain national secret military information at the request of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry has been detained in Russia's southern city of Sevastopol, the country's Federal Security Service (FSB) said on Friday.

29 Nov 14:09 Sputniknews 967333867995815069.html
Više osoba izbodeno na Londonskom mostu

LONDON - Više osoba izbodeno je danas u blizini Londonskog mosta, saopštila je britanska policija dodajući da je osumnjičeni zadržan u pritvoru.

29 Nov 15:13 Nezavisne novine 4209150642844674056.html
Sesenta alicantinos desafían al Gobierno y viajan hoy a los campamentos saharauis

La expedición, que no se cree la amenaza terrorista, colaborará en programas de ayuda humanitaria durante una semana en Tinduf y visitará a los niños que pasan el verano en España

29 Nov 12:11 Diarioinformacion 8979296176345697590.html
Vernon Kay denies split from Strictly's Tess Daly

The TV host has kept under the radar for quite some time as Tess spends her weekends fronting Strictly Come Dancing on BBC

29 Nov 12:10 men 6694993428221039369.html
Barca, Griezmann at the door as crunch time arrives for Atletico

While Diego Simeone's side will have to play its best for a shot at the top, the match will also feature the return of Antoine Griezmann, who will revisit his former club for the first time since leaving for Barcelona last summer

29 Nov 11:19 DAILY SABAH 8383944809365105622.html
Mane insists Liverpool's front three can keep going

Sadio Mane is adamant Liverpool's front three are not feeling any physical fatigue, saying "the tiredness is in the head".

29 Nov 11:58 Sport 682566033918204774.html
Giovanni Ciacci, nuove frecciatine a Caterina Balivo e Bianca Guaccero

Giovanni Ciacci torna a parlare di Detto Fatto e lancia una frecciatina a Bianca Guaccero (senza risparmiare Caterina Balivo).

29 Nov 14:42 DiLei 6707305201128502746.html
Thiago Neves assume responsabilidade por derrota do Cruzeiro

"A culpa foi minha. Peço desculpas", afirmou o jogador

29 Nov 11:15 Correio 5185786713865865641.html
Energia fotovoltaica: è ora di cambiare tralasciando i falsi miti

Per iniziare realmente a risparmiare con l'energia fotovoltaica si deve installare l'impianto, ma è ovvio che serve adottare un cambio di approccio mentale coerente.

29 Nov 14:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127966253733.html
Iran Tangkap 8 Orang Diduga Terkait CIA karena Dianggap Picu Demo Rusuh

Pemimpin spiritual tertinggi Iran Ayatullah Ali Khamenei menyebut kerusuhan selama dua pekan terakhir sebagai aksi "konspirasi yang sangat berbahaya".

29 Nov 13:13 merdeka.com 1998180354336983482.html
Glasgow man brutally stabbed in Cranhill flats as cops seal off streets

A MAN has been brutally stabbed in the Cranhill area of Glasgow. Emergency services raced to the scene at the high rise flats on Soutra Place at 4:15pm yesterday. A 27-year-old was found at the sce…

29 Nov 10:09 The Scottish Sun 6609127672717519608.html
‘Elected representatives should lead Afghanistan peace settlement’: India

India has issued a note of caution for the United States peace efforts in Afghanistan with the Taliban saying that the elected representatives should be the

29 Nov 12:40 The Sentinel 448185206051519855.html
Elektronikhändler Comtech schließt

Der Insolvenzantrag wurde Anfang September 2019 gestellt. Nun kommt das Aus für den traditionsreichen Elektronikhändler Comtech. Der Onlineshop ist geschlossen.

29 Nov 15:50 Golem.de 3063982244044019158.html
London Bridge shooting LIVE: Updates as police close off part of the city and scene is on lockdown

POLICE have placed London Bridge on lockdown this afternoon after a shooting. Terrifying footage from the scene shows armed officers pointing their weapons at a man lying prone on the floor. Witnes…

29 Nov 14:54 The Sun 7379604591863949066.html
ZRP shake-up looms, Matanga to go

A SHAKE-UP is imminent in the Zimbabwe Republic Police, with Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga set to be replaced, as President Emmerson Mnangagwa continues t...

29 Nov 07:56 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540393598838.html
Wolves to rival Liverpool, Manchester United for Leeds United loanee Ben White?

Wolverhampton Wanderers are reportedly ready to join the race to sign Brighton & Hove Albion defender Ben White, who is currently on loan at Leeds United.

29 Nov 10:19 Sports Mole 7750663361810564596.html
Los hijos de Gernika se desvanecen

Lo dijo el general Mc Arthur. ”Los viejos soldados nunca mueren, solo se desvanecen en la niebla”, frase que me vino al recuerdo tras ver, una vez más, el documental “Los Hijos de Gernika” estrenada en la Delegación del Gobierno Vasco en Paris el 26 de ab

29 Nov 10:54 Diariocrítico 5375131904369899528.html
Taapsee Pannu's Romantic Thriller Gets A Hero In Vikrant Massey

Actor Vikrant Massey acting prowess, is bagging him lucrative projects. According to reports the actor has been considered to play a male lead opposite Taapsee Pannu in Vinil Mathew’s next. Said to be a romantic thriller, the film will be going on floors in January 2020

29 Nov 10:09 SPOTBOYE 1547816857414631720.html
Justin Bieber Strips Down To Swim Shorts; Shows Off His Chiseled Body And Tattoos For Hailey Baldwin In Miami

Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey Baldwin Bieber were snapped by the poolside in Miami on Thanksgiving, and what a sight it was! A shirtless Justin Bieber showed off all his tattoos and his body as he lounged in the sun with his wife and their dog

29 Nov 10:04 SPOTBOYE 1547816856909452714.html
Due morti nell'attacco sul London Bridge

Secondo Scotland Yard potrebbe essere un episodio di matrice terroristica. Ci sono diversi feriti

29 Nov 15:35 IL FOGLIO 7601335405883180605.html
Mini, i futuri modelli elettrici saranno prodotti in Cina

Bmw ha deciso di appoggiarsi al costruttore cinese Great Wall per la produzione, in una città dal nome quasi impronunciabile, dei futuri modelli elettrici di Mini

29 Nov 14:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655501643361.html
Kemenkeu Ungkap Uang Kas Pemda Rp 261 T yang Belum Dibelanjakan

Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) mencatat uang yang masih berada di Rekening Kas Umum pemda masih di angka Rp261 triliun per Oktober 2019.

29 Nov 10:16 Tempo 6909074028461977933.html
Deze week in de politierechtbank: dronken babysitter vervoert kind in laadruimte van z’n bestelwagen

In dronken toestand een kind vervoeren in de laadruimte van een bestelwagen, is klaarblijkelijk geen probleem voor een babysittende Roeselarenaar. In Halle was een 30-1 nederlaag de reden waarom ee...

29 Nov 13:02 HLN 8967494998353615562.html
Rode Apple-logo’s vragen wederom aandacht voor Wereld Aids Dag

Verschillende Apple Stores dragen momenteel een rood logo, soms in de vorm van stickers, om aandacht te vragen voor Wereld Aids Dag.

29 Nov 10:36 One More Thing 8814996067817123693.html
Jony Ive has disappeared from Apple's leadership page 5 months after announcing he was leaving

Legendary hardware designer Jony Ive no longer features on the leadership page of Apple’s website.

29 Nov 10:33 Business Insider Australia 5575934301895957301.html
AWO-Affäre: Bundesvorstand fordert Frankfurter Mandatsträger auf, Ämter niederzulegen

Riesenbeben bei der AWO: Nach der Affäre um OB Peter Feldmann schaltet sich nun der Bundesvorstand der Arbeiterwohlfahrt ein.

29 Nov 13:03 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239852947587.html
Jens komt straks na 33 jaar vrij: de dubbele brutale moord op een Amerikaans echtpaar blijft hij ontkennen

De Duitser Jens Söring die tweemaal levenslang kreeg voor dubbele moord op een Amerikaans echtpaar in 1985, komt na 33 jaar cel binnenkort vrij. De staat Virginia heeft hem maandag gratie verleend....

29 Nov 15:58 HLN 8967494998575528196.html
Endelig, Skoda

Endelig ladbar, med stor plass, oppgraderte sikkerhetssystemer, valgfrie utstyrsgrader, grei rekkevidde og bra pris. Gunstig for nordmenn.

29 Nov 11:18 Dinside 727432625018593628.html
Breve historia de los que miran

El poeta Miguel Hernández había logrado mirar el alma de la vida, de una manera tan libre, que al morir no pudieron cerrarle los ojos. Y eso que falleció en prisión.

29 Nov 13:41 Diario Registrado 7686014736352940535.html
Salzburg-Goalie Stanković gibt sein Comeback

Bei Meister Red Bull Salzburg sind vor dem Auswärtsspiel bei der Admira Einsergoalie Cican Stanković und Stürmerstar Erling Håland wieder fit

29 Nov 14:45 weltfussball.at 3521376371616559039.html
VfL Wolfsburg - Werder Bremen oder Auf- gegen Abschwung

Am Sonntag steht das einzig verbliebene Nordduell in der Fußball-Bundesliga an. Während der VfL Wolfsburg auf Wolke sieben schwebt, herrscht bei Werder Bremen Krisenstimmung.

29 Nov 15:09 NDR.de 5356044082764618345.html
Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm

Zwei Männer auf einer verlassenen Insel, wochenlang isoliert, ohne Kontakt zur Außenwelt. Das kann nicht gut gehen, denkt der Zuschauer - und er soll recht behalten.

29 Nov 10:42 n-tv 6802689755036539757.html
Upcoming Skoda Kamiq SUV spotted testing in India for the first time

The Indian-built Skoda Kamiq will most likely go up against the Kia Seltos, the MG Hector, Tata Harrier and the new Hyundai Creta that is also being readied for an Auto Expo 2020 debut.

29 Nov 13:45 OVERDRIVE 7781473802831261716.html
#RIPPriyankaReddy: Akshay Kumar, Sona Mohapatra Condemns Doctor Priyanka Reddy’s Tragic Death

The world has become a horrible place to live in and day after day we get to hear some or the other sad news. India was shaken when the news about a south Doctor Priyanka Reddy came out. Priyanka Redd

29 Nov 14:39 Koimoi 5184275669794055454.html
Ex-Juve-Coach Top-Kandidat auf Emery-Nachfolge?

Der FC Arsenal sucht nach der Trennung von Unai Emery nach einem […]

29 Nov 15:46 Sky Sport 6321692527317073244.html
One killed, five injured in wall collapse in Sivakasi

A portion of the wall of a marriage hall that was being renovated fell over

29 Nov 11:16 The Hindu 6679535025891427319.html
Just In: Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal over his disappointing results

Arsenal have sacked head coach Unai Emery after the club’s worst run of results since 1992. Arsenal are without a win in their last seven matches following yesterday’s 2-1 defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in the ongoing Europa League. The Gunners have won only four of their 13 Premier League games this season and are now […]

29 Nov 11:33 GhBase.com 8689748846244277717.html
Time to move e-scooters off footpaths

The decision to ban certain brands of e-scooter doesn’t mean the remaining e-scooters are safe, says the car review website dogandlemon.com.

29 Nov 12:48 SCOOP 5315658998904758691.html
Markus Merk kandidiert für Kaiserslautern-Aufsichtsrat - Ex-FIFA-Schiedsrichter will Klub retten

Sportlicher Absturz, finanzielle Sorgen und Grabenkämpfe in den Gremien: Der 1. FC Kaiserslautern befindet sich in der größten Krise der Vereinsgeschichte. FIFA-Schiedsrichter Markus Merk will seinen Herzensklub retten - und kandidiert deshalb für den Aufsichtsrat des Drittligisten.

29 Nov 14:24 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775612235078.html
Guardia di Finanza: nuovo concorso per decine di allievi

Tutte le informazioni utili

29 Nov 10:03 AvellinoToday 5452883946826587234.html
Non ci facciamo mancare nulla- non bastava il black friday, oggi in piazza sardine e gretini


29 Nov 10:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336740043193684.html
WhatsApp: un nuovo iPhone in regalo agli utenti TIM, Vodafone e Iliad

Il mondo WhatsApp avrebbe ospitato indirettamente un nuovo messaggio che starebbe mettendo in difficoltà gli utenti: si parla di un iPhone gratis

29 Nov 10:10 tecnoandroid 2573257126584088159.html
Pelemahan 6 Hari Beruntun Terputus, IHSG Bersiap Melesat

Setelah tertekan enam hari beruntun, IHSG akhirnya ditutup pada zona hijau dengan kenaikan 58 poin atau 0,99% ke level 6.011.

29 Nov 11:54 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213159494376.html
Marisol González exhibe diminuta cintura con un atuendo muy sensual

La conductora de Televisa Marisol Gonz&aacute;lez, dej&oacute; fascinados a sus fieles admiradores al lucir su diminuta cintura con una nueva fotograf&iacute;a que comparti&oacute; en Instagram.

29 Nov 14:15 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623272408787.html
Silva, Pellegrini fight for survival after Arsenal sack Emery

LONDON, United Kingdom, Nov 28 - Arsenal's decision to sack Unai Emery turns a harsh spotlight on Everton boss Marco Silva and West Ham's Manuel Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

29 Nov 13:35 Capital Sports 7605153804066971016.html
Florida woman loses nipples, nearly dies after botched plastic surgery abroad

She said she thought the procedures would be liberating, but now all she feels is ashamed.

29 Nov 15:50 Fox News 7362823820784918080.html
NCW sets up panel to probe Hyderabad vet's killing

NCW Chairperson Rekha Sharma said in a tweet that the women's panel would not "leave any stone unturned" till the perpetrators get the punishment they deserve.

29 Nov 15:57 Deccan Herald 2027555797344697066.html
Verhungertes Baby: Bewährungsstrafen für Eltern

Nach dem Tod des unterernährten Säuglings Mohamed sind die Eltern in Hamburg wegen Totschlags durch Unterlassen verurteilt worden. Sie bekamen zweijährige Bewährungsstrafen.

29 Nov 11:27 NDR.de 5356044082119351044.html
Cani robot: i test sono terrificanti, sorgono alcuni dubbi

Spot, il robot ideato da Boston Dynamics, simula le sembianze di un cane dall'aspetto terrificante, ma sarà d'aiuto in svariati scenari.

29 Nov 14:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126887123532.html
PCM dispone que entidades garanticen transparencia y neutralidad

Gobierno también dictó medida a fin de evitar que los recursos públicos se utilicen a favor o en contra de algún candidato.

29 Nov 13:38 Publimetro Perú 5349571043311376303.html
FETÖ under more scrutiny with new arrests

Turkish authorities issued arrest warrants for 23 suspects in an investigation into the Gülenist Terror Group's (FETÖ) civilian network, while seven former...

29 Nov 14:38 DAILY SABAH 8383944808281064911.html
Travis Scott Proudly Shows Pictures Of Himself Before And After Eating His Thanksgiving Dinner — He Is Having Fun Teasing Kylie Jenner With His Impressive Physique

Rapper Travis Scott delighted fans with Thanksgiving photos and this caption: “Before and after the plate New photog in the family.” The

29 Nov 10:35 Celebrity Insider 265863475340461904.html
Lorraine Kelly bursts into tears four times from 60th birthday special surprises

The Scottish TV presenter was made an national Honorary Colonel of the Army Cadets, watched Chris Kamara jump out of a cake and received birthday messages from some very famous faces

29 Nov 12:06 Irish Mirror 2875825629059324637.html
Ganda Campuran Muda Indonesia Optimistis Bisa Raih Medali di SEA Games 2019

Pasangan ganda campuran muda Indonesia, Rinov Rivaldy/Pitha Haningtyas Mentari, optimistis bisa tampil apik di nomor perorangan bulutangkis SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 10:59 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549201195844.html
Irački premijer podneo ostavku

BAGDAD - Irački premijer Adel Abdul-Mahdi izjavio je danas da će predati svoju ostavku parlamentu, nakon čega su anti-vladini demonstranti počeli da slave

29 Nov 13:53 Krstarica 4176903988011447744.html
4 children killed in Thanksgiving Day crash in Kansas

BELLEVILLE, Kan. (AP) — Authorities say four children have been killed in a Thanksgiving Day crash. Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper Ben Gardner said in a

29 Nov 12:57 12 NEWS WBNG 949510561891556829.html
Grave: ministro golpista de Bolivia amenaza a delegación argentina

Luego de haber sido hostigados en el Aeropuerto de Santa Cruz, los integrantes de la delegación que viajó en solidaridad con el pueblo boliviano fueron amenazados por Arturo Murillo, ministro del gobierno de facto.

29 Nov 13:30 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572730323265045.html
Statusnya Pemain Senior, Nguyen Tien Linh Jadi Tumpuan Vietnam Hadapi Indonesia U22

WE Online, Manila - Pelatih Timnas Vietnam U22, Park Hang-seo, optimistis Nguyen Tien Linh akan menggila saat timnya bertemu Indonesia, Minggu (1/12/2019) malam WIB. Juru taktik berpaspor Korea Selatan itu mengaku tak pernah hilang rasa percaya kepada penyerang 22 tahun tersebut.

29 Nov 14:31 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835641128383.html
Ferrol: Unos ladrones logran desvalijar en tres minutos la tragaperras de un bar de Esteiro

Las cámaras de vigilancia del local están siendo analizadas para tratar de indetificar a los autores

29 Nov 15:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612809459406.html
Venezuela y Guinea Ecuatorial firmaron tres acuerdos de cooperación en distintas áreas

En el contexto de la V Cumbre del Foro de Países Exportadores del Gas, que se desarrolla desde el pasado 26 de noviembre en Malabo, Venezuela y Guinea

29 Nov 10:42 El Siglo 7954754735453984987.html
Missing person found in Panmure

The 60-year-old man reported missing in Panmure has since been found safe and well.

29 Nov 11:34 SCOOP 5315658998391181306.html
Mattarella non intende incontrare salvini per discutere le ''insidie mortali'' del mes


29 Nov 12:55 DAGOSPIA 6533336738831582736.html
Kawasaki Indonesia Cari Waktu Peluncuran Ninja 250 4-Silinder

Kawasaki memastikan penjualan ZX-25R di Indonesia dan mengatakan tidak membuka inden biar tidak simpang siur.

29 Nov 10:10 teknologi 6599523174351387551.html
Piacenza, maltrattamenti in scuola materna: 3 maestre arrestate, tra cui una suora

PIACENZA –  Tre insegnanti di una scuola materna in provincia di Piacenza sono state arrestate dai carabinieri per maltrattamenti sui bambini. Le tre, tra cui anche una suora, sono ai domiciliari su ordinanza di custodia emessa dal gip al termine delle indagini svolte dai carabinieri. Come riferito dall’ANSA, l’istituto privato è stato chiuso. L’indagine, coordinata dalla Procura piacentina, si è avvalsa anche di telecamere nascoste per documentare i presunti maltrattamenti. Il sindaco della cittadina ha commentato: “Sono esterrefatto e incredulo, mai più immaginavo una cosa del genere sul nostro territorio”.Cefalù (Palermo), ragazzo disabile di 14 anni bullizzato dai coetanei: tre denunciatiNapoli, entano nella banca scavando un tunnel dalle fogne e scappano con 110mila euro Il sindaco ha aggiunto: “Qualora siano stati commessi dei reati, questi vanno perseguiti, a maggior ragione visto che sarebbero a carico di minori. Anche se si tratta di un istituto privato, sono vicende che un sindaco e un’Amministrazione…

29 Nov 14:40 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355700639247.html
flippo Baskets Göttingen sinnen im Pokalspiel auf Revanche

Im Achtelfinale des DBBL-Pokals treten die flippo Baskets BG 74 Göttingen am Sonnabend um 19.30 Uhr bei den GiroLive-Panthers Osnabrück an. Für das Team um Jennifer Crowder ist das eine ideale Gelegenheit, um Revanche für die 63:66-Heimniederlage im Punktspiel vor fünf Wochen zu nehmen.

29 Nov 12:37 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775632719343.html
Arsenal Fan TV hit back at Ray Parlour after Gunners legend's criticism

Unai Emery was sacked on Friday morning after Arsenal had struggled to seven matches without a win. Subsequently Ray Parlour and AFTV are locked in a war of words

29 Nov 14:13 Irish Mirror 2875825629575136782.html
Arsenal Fan TV hit back at Ray Parlour after Gunners legend's criticism

Unai Emery was sacked on Friday morning after Arsenal had struggled to seven matches without a win. Subsequently Ray Parlour and AFTV are locked in a war of words

29 Nov 14:13 mirror 675785261284753165.html
Video: Parlamentario italiano interrumpe discusión en el Congreso para pedirle matrimonio a su novia

A pesar de que para el presidente de la Cámara no fue un momento apropiado para la demostración, la mujer le dio el sí al diputado.

29 Nov 11:07 Emol 3328490602534344137.html
Estas son las dos nuevas funciones de WhatsApp para iPhone

Llamadas en espera y la privacidad en grupos están incorporadas en la última actualización de la aplicación de mensajería

29 Nov 15:36 La Nación 504134874799680256.html
"Auf Veränderungen einstellen": Havelse empfängt Jeddeloher mit ihrem neuem Trainer

Ohne die gesperrten Jonas Sonnenberg und Noah Plume hat der TSV Havelse am Sonntag (14 Uhr) den SSV Jeddeloh zu Gast. Trotzdem sind die Garbsener gegen den Viertletzten der Regionalliga Nord der klare Favorit. "Wir gehen mit dem gleichen Ansatz in jedes Spiel", lässt das Coach Jan Zimmermann aber relativ kalt.

29 Nov 10:52 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776746658389.html
Daimler to cut thousands more jobs in bid to reduce costs

Car manufacturer struggling with cost of electic vehicles

29 Nov 14:04 The Irish Times 8204772967314489960.html
Audi kürzt auch die Investitionen

Erst kündigt Audi an fast zehntausend Stellen zu streichen, nun soll offenbar auch bei den Investitionen gespart werden. Drei Milliarden weniger als im Vorjahr sind für Forschung, Entwicklung und Sachinvestitionen vorgesehen. Gleichzeitig verschiebt der Autobauer dabei seinen Schwerpunkt.

29 Nov 12:38 n-tv 6802689754798823172.html
5 signs you should immediately toss your leftover food

Nobody likes wasting perfectly good food, but since leftovers don’t come with convenient “best by” and “sell by” dates, it can be hard to determine whether your homemade dishes are OK to eat or not.

29 Nov 14:45 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883230969869.html
LaudaMotion-Flug ab Wien: Seltsamer Geruch: Passagierin fiel in Ohnmacht

Zu einem dramatischen Zwischenfall ist es auf einem LaudaMotion-Flug von Wien nach Dublin gekommen.

29 Nov 13:42 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150701107568619.html
Wellness vom Feinsten: 7 schicke Thermen, in denen Sie den Winterblues ganz schnell vergessen

Sie wollen die Leichtigkeit des Seins auch an kalten Wintertagen spüren? Dann müssen Sie in eine Therme und im wohlig-warmen Heilwasser schweben. Wir zeigen die sieben außergewöhnlichsten Wellness-Spots in Deutschland.

29 Nov 15:38 FOCUS Online 4448121231523775035.html
Stardew Valley large upcoming update detailed

The fantastic Stardew Valley is set to receive the hefty 1.4 content update on the Nintendo Switch in the near future and its contents have been detailed on the game’s official blog. Not only…

29 Nov 12:37 My Nintendo News 1055834752567240875.html
Real Madrid lässt Vinicius nicht gehen

Der brasilianische Angreifer Vinicius Junior ist bei Real Madrid derzeit aussen vor. Einen Freipass für einen Transfer erhält der 19-Jährige allerdings nicht.

29 Nov 14:22 4-4-2.com 812646140830890130.html
Attentato a Londra, un morto e cinque feriti

La polizia ha ucciso un uomo che indossava un dispositivo esplosivo finto nel centro di Londra in seguito a un attacco terroristico in cui diverse...

29 Nov 15:43 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336742495612490.html
Letizia Diana è scomparsa: la telefonata misteriosa alla mamma

Letizia Diana David, 17 anni, è scomparsa dalla sua casa di Conegliano, in provincia di Treviso. Ora sul caso indaga la Procura: il reato ipotizzato è sottrazione di minore

29 Nov 12:01 Today 178378750844259137.html
Kalah dari Bali United, Kim Jeffrey Ingin Persib Bangkit di 5 Laga Tersisa

Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan mencetak gol saat Persib Bandung kalah 2-3 dari Bali United.

29 Nov 12:45 Bola.com 1695722603990482899.html
Ferrari Wants To Tap Into New Customer Base With Roma

Ferrari hopes that its new Roma grand tourer will attract new customers previously intimidated by high-performance supercars.

29 Nov 13:00 Motor1.com 1648269241454940884.html
Police and ambulance called to London Bridge over claims of shots being fired

Ambulance crews are at the scene

29 Nov 14:26 Shropshire Star 3480199991341088512.html
Iraq’s top cleric warns against chaos and worsening crisis

Forty protesters were shot dead by security forces in Baghdad and the southern cities of Najaf and Nasiriya on Thursday, one day after the burning of an Iranian consulate.

29 Nov 11:16 An-Nahar 2220466262065236456.html
Bce, chi sono i due prossimi membri italo-tedeschi del board

Si uniranno entrambi al board della Banca centrale europea il prossimo gennaio. Un italiano e una tedesca, Fabio Panetta (in foto) e Isabel Schnabel, uniti dalla convinzione che il Quantitative easing, il piano di acquisti di titoli che aumenta la liquidità disponibile nell’economia, resterà necessario. Un pensiero allineato a quello di Mario Draghi e della neo eletta presidente Christine Lagarde, ma sempre più contestato in Germania. Nelle settimane precedenti alla fine del mandato di Draghi si sono susseguiti numerosi appelli alla prudenza rispetto agli effetti collaterali del Qe e dei tassi negativi, messaggi culminati in una dura lettera firmata da sei ex banchieri. Secondo due fonti riservate raggiunte dall’agenzia Reuters,“sia Schnabel sia Panetta vogliono lasciare il segno sulla politica monetaria presso la Bce” in particolare “le due new entry del board hanno puntato l’attenzione sulla divisione che si occupa delle operazioni di mercato della Bce, da dove si possono orientare i suoi acquisti di attività…

29 Nov 15:41 Wall Street Italia 1518582935079873507.html
Report: Manuel Pellegrini has two games to save West Ham job

West Ham boss Manuel Pellegrini reportedly has just two games to try save his job at the London Stadium. According to the Daily Mail, the Hammers manager is under real pressure right now and the club are on the search for potential replacements. It is understood that dropping into the bottom three of the Premier […]West ham boss Manuel Pellegrini reportedly has two games to save his manager's position at the club.

29 Nov 10:15 The Boot Room 5717202226545581940.html
Thousands of Aussies ditch big energy companies for cheaper, local alternatives

Thousands saving up to $430 on energy costs – compare today! Affordable energy continues to be a top concern for many seniors and cost-wary Aussie

29 Nov 14:25 The New Daily 5848147785394749941.html
Deventer amateurhistoricus over vondst V1: "De Duitsers lieten ze gewoon liggen, met of zonder springkop"

"Ik denk dat het al wel twintig jaar geleden is dat er in dit gebied een V1 is gevonden", zegt Deventer amateurhistoricus Huub van Sabben. Vandaag maakte de gemeente Deventer bekend dat er onlangs bij werkzaamheden aan de A1 restanten van een V1 zijn gevonden.

29 Nov 12:02 RTV Oost 6509131170555776802.html
Costco's website crashed for several hours over Thanksgiving, and experts estimate it could have cost the retailer nearly $11 million in sales

Costco's website was down for at least 16 hours, according to data from the outage-tracking website, Down Detector.

29 Nov 15:37 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748447904508.html
PF suspeita que Asfor Rocha destruiu provas

Pela segunda fase da Operação Appius, deflagrada hoje, a Polícia Federal cumpriu mandados de busca e apreensão em dois escritórios de advocacia de Cesar Asfor Rocha e seu filho, em São Paulo e Brasília...

29 Nov 12:55 O Antagonista 1037429653723091478.html
Evasione multinazionali: l’Unione Europea rinvia (ancora) la direttiva per una maggiore trasparenza dei loro conti

Unione Europea sempre più divisa su una norma che obbligherebbe le multinazionali a rendere pubblici i propri conti.

29 Nov 11:26 InvestireOggi 7231367742957487444.html
Governo divulga datas para pagamento de dezembro

Maior parte dos servidores receberá o salário parcelado a partir do dia 10

29 Nov 15:53 Tribuna de Minas 7521696932776003625.html
Inglaterra: ataque con cuchillo deja heridos graves y el asaltante muerto en Londres

Varias personas resultaron heridas y el agresor muerto a tiros por la policía británica en un ataque con cuchillo este viernes en el London Bridge, un puente en el corazón de Londres, donde un atentado en 2017 ya causó ocho muertos.

29 Nov 11:07 andina.pe 9054036849040382721.html
Managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni a fost demis (surse)

Adriana Cotel, managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni, a fost demisa, potrivit unor surse medicale.

29 Nov 15:14 Ziare.com 1922730287692076553.html
Ice Chips: Marincin loaned to Marlies

Keep updated on all the injury news and roster updates from around the NHL with daily Ice Chips.

29 Nov 14:23 TSN 865919181390581061.html
The Immersive Wolf Of Wall Street review: A trading tragedy

The Immersive Wolf Of Wall Street, a theatrical event that promises to transport you into the hedonistic world of crooked [...]

29 Nov 13:13 City A.M. 6389894491787936672.html
Time to pucker up: The mistletoe trail returns

Explore Waterloo Region is encouraging residents to get outdoors and explore the area

29 Nov 12:30 KitchenerToday.com 52741009357805200.html
Egipat: Uhapšen kelner zbog seksualnog uznemiravanja putnice

KAIRO - Radnik kafeterije na aerodromu u Kairu uhapšen je pošto ga je jedna putnica, državljanka SAD, optužila za seksualno uznemiravanje. Aerodromski

29 Nov 11:18 Krstarica 4176903988968504240.html
Iraks statsminister går av

Iraks statsminister Adel Abdul-Mahdi går av etter flere måneder med opptøyer som har krevd minst 350 liv.

29 Nov 12:48 TV 2 8210067770018035596.html
MK: Peradi Wadah Tunggal Melekat 8 Kewenangan

“Sehubungan dengan kewenangan penyumpahan menjadi Advokat, di masa mendatang organisasi-organisasi advokat selain Peradi harus segera menyesuaikan dengan organisasi Peradi. Sebab, Peradi sebagai satu-satunya wadah profesi advokat yang di dalamnya melekat delapan kewenangannya termasuk kewenangan pengangkatan advokat.”

29 Nov 12:57 hukumonline.com 2042817838421578987.html
Someone has finally broken the Guinness World Record for long-distance throwing of a hot dog sausage in a bun

It’s kind of remarkable that the Guinness Book of Records has managed to secure such a prominent place in our culture, considering it was literally invented to encourage people to argue over …

29 Nov 14:20 Boing Boing 4601305170303133026.html
Gamers: Dispositivos compatibles con Fortnite móvil

&iquest;Puedes jugar en tu tel&eacute;fono? Conoce la lista de los dispositivos m&oacute;viles compatibles con Fortnite

29 Nov 11:39 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622862364146.html
Climate change: Ayrshire ministers launch 'rap house' Eco song ahead of festive film release

Reverend Neil Urquhart and Father Wullie Boyd - aka the Shoes Brothers - are back with a hard hitting message.

29 Nov 15:13 dailyrecord 552235479938947045.html
Arsenal fans make Nuno demand as Unai Emery sacked as manager

Latest Wolves news includes Arsenal fans pushing for Nuno appointment after Emery is sacked as manager

29 Nov 10:13 birminghammail 8288260685083067729.html
Why Fawad Alam has been frozen out of Pakistan squads

Fawad is too unconventional a player for Misbah and his band of purists to take a risk on.

29 Nov 13:42 DAWN.COM 4500271768120444816.html
Vivendi/Mediaset: La justice italienne prend acte de l'absence d'accord

MILAN (Reuters) - La justice italienne a pris acte vendredi de l'absence d'accord entre Mediaset et Vivendi et se prononcera sur la demande du groupe français de suspendre le projet paneuropéen de son partenaire italien, a-t-on appris de source judiciaire.

29 Nov 15:46 Challenges 1086714998193744015.html
Europa League, Pellegrini nella top 11 della settimana

Il centrocampista giallorosso schierato nella formazione ideale della Uefa dopo i due assist

29 Nov 11:28 Forzaroma.info 1065617485757628346.html
Maskierter Mann raubt Post-Filiale in St. Augustin aus

Mit Beute geflüchtet: Maskierter Mann raubte Post-Filiale in St. Augustin aus. Der Täter bedrohte die beiden Mitarbeiterinnen wortlos mit der Waffe.

29 Nov 13:44 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569353560103.html
Boustead posts loss in 3Q on impairments in heavy industries and property divisions

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Diversified group Boustead Holdings Bhd recorded a net loss of RM155 million for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2019, versus a net profit of RM7.3 million a year ago.The loss, the group said in a bourse filing, was due to impairments in the heavy industries and property divisions, totalling RM161.3 million, as well as weaker results in other divisions.The group reported a loss per share of 7.65 sen against earnings per share of 0.36

29 Nov 10:37 The Edge Markets 6322622073999393022.html
Daniele Scardina e la Leotta. Ma spunta uno scatto con Adriana Lima

Gossip - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:05 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206556692830.html
Unlock! Timeless adventures: la recensione | Cultura Pop

Unlock! Timeless adventures è un nuovo titolo della serie Unlock! che offre avventure in stile escape room da tavolo coinvolgenti e molto ben strutturate

29 Nov 10:15 Tom's Hardware 6640147068950021046.html
Sie sieht der Kompromiss zur Leipziger Straße aus

Im Streit um die Sanierung der Leipziger Straße in Weißenfels zeichnet sich ein Kompromiss ab. Nachdem der Stadtrat auf seiner jüngsten Sitzung nach kontroverser Debatte eine Entscheidung über das Ausbauprogramm der Straße zwischen der Ecke Große Burgstraße /Klosterstraße und der Promenade vertagt hatte, legte die Verwaltung nun im Ausschuss für Stadtentwicklung einen veränderten Plan ...

29 Nov 12:28 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109284394250.html
Davis Cup: Ramkumar Ramanathan, Sumit Nagal trample Pakistan to give India lead

As Ramkumar Ramanathan double-bageled 17-year-old Muhammed Shoaib in just 42 minutes in the opening singles, Sumit Nagal earned his first-ever Davis Cup win beating Hufaiza Mohammed Rehman 6-0 6-2.

29 Nov 12:12 The Indian Express 2885715104300391478.html
Real Madrid | Vinicius Junior regresa a la convocatoria

Tras dejar entrever su regreso en rueda de prensa y a causa de la lesión de Eden Hazard, Zinedine Zidane ha decidido convocar a Vinicius Junior con el Real Madrid. El brasileño retorna a una (...)

29 Nov 15:39 Fichajes 157935406835388909.html
Die USA gewinnen im Handelskrieg gegen China

Zumindest was die Finanzmärkte anbelangt, geht es den USA um einiges besser als China, dem Gegner im seit Monaten andauernden Handelskrieg.

29 Nov 13:04 cash 8314500323981944781.html
Why This Top Aerospace Stock Is Poised to Fly Higher

One of the best-performing industrial stocks of the last decade shows no signs of slowing down.

29 Nov 12:35 The Motley Fool 2231313658507959003.html
Uomo uccide la moglie a colpi di pietra nel Chietino

La vittima aveva 65 anni: ha cercato di fuggire dall'auto in cui si trovava con il marito, ma lui l'ha inseguita. Pezzopane, Pd: "Ennesimo

29 Nov 12:44 Repubblica.it 8208867270194909939.html
'Outcome of UK Election Will Be Substantially Closer Than Many People Realise' - Brexit Expert

David Collins, a professor of international economic law at City, University of London and author of Negotiating Brexit: The Legal Basis for EU and Global Trade, has commented on the results of a YouGov poll predicting a big win for the Tories in the upcoming UK vote on 12 December.

29 Nov 14:40 Sputniknews 967333868145925007.html
Torquay United snap up QPR 'pocket rocket' Amrit Bansal-McNulty

'He is a proper rocket - only small in stature, but he has a big heart, a good brain and he can run all day. QPR have high hopes for him'

29 Nov 13:16 DevonLive 2469244512323796772.html
Climate justice activist Aliénor Rougeot juggles strikes and school studies

The U of T student and lead coordinator of #FridaysForFuture in Toronto explains why climate and social justice can't be separated

29 Nov 13:03 NOW 7434691886392806455.html
Nintendo se disculpa ante usuarios y distribuidores tras agotarse Ring Fit Adventure en Japón

La compañía espera aumentar las remesas de esta nueva apuesta por el ejercicio físico para Nintendo Switch. Parece que desde Nintendo no se imaginaban ni de lejos el éxito que iba a tener Ring Fit Adventure en...

29 Nov 13:00 3DJuegos 3383023119883832602.html
Dos muertos y varios heridos tras un ataque terrorista con cuchillo en el Puente de Londres

El sospechoso de haber cometido el ataque ha sido abatido a tiros en la escena del suceso y portaba un artefacto adosado al cuerpo que resultó ser un falso explosivo, según informaron las autoridades policiales.

29 Nov 14:40 www.publico.es 99190979029012116.html
Friday FTB: Getting ready for the weekend

Fingers crossed for a Black Friday deal on Leafs’ goals.

29 Nov 11:00 Pension Plan Puppets 2082242129122303709.html
Horror-Verbrechen in Indien: Junge Ärztin vergewaltigt, getötet und verbrannt

Ein abscheuliches Verbrechen sorgt aktuell in Indien für Aufsehen. Dort wurde eine junge Ärztin vor wenigen Tagen vergewaltigt und ermordet. Die Leiche der Frau wurde wenig später völlig verbrannt aufgefunden. Die britische "Daily Mail" hatte über den grausamen Mordfall berichtet.

29 Nov 14:18 news.de 5126378977745697047.html
Boris Johnson refuses to say how many children he has

He refused to answer questions about his own children when challenged on his comments about the children of single mothers.

29 Nov 10:40 Metro 970161747150073936.html
Moskauer Agentur für Innovationen - "Supply Tech" im Digital Business Space in Moskau: Wie Marktplätze russischen Unternehmern helfen, ihre Produkte ins Ausland zu exportieren

Am 7. November organisierte die Moskauer Innovationsagentur ein Business Breakfast für Vertreter des Mittelstandes: "Supply Tech".

29 Nov 15:21 OTS.at 4182160711175057483.html
SKN-Coach Schmidt setzt gegen Mattersburg auf Stabilität

Auf dem Papier sind die Rollen vor dem Fußball-Bundesliga-Spiel am […]

29 Nov 11:56 Sky Sport 6321692527726705522.html
What is your favourite kanji?

The ethnic porridge’s revival seems to be driven as much by nostalgia as by the need to cook wholesome food at home

29 Nov 11:25 The Hindu 6679535024450613589.html
5 libri da comprare in offerta oggi a prezzo scontato

Gli eventi di shopping valgono anche per gli amanti dei libri: mentre su Amazon non ci sono sconti particolarmente interessanti per gli appassionati della lettura, su Ibs c'è una vasta selezione di titoli con sconti dal 25 al 70 per cento. Noi ne abbiamo selezionati 5, da comprare per sè o da regalare a Natale, con i motivi per acquistarli e leggerli.

29 Nov 15:33 fanpage.it 1517332166753522242.html
Hasil Shopee Liga 1: Rayakan Ulang Tahun, Persija Petik Kemenangan dari Persipura

Persija Jakarta berhasil memetik kemenangan pada laga pekan ke-29 Shopee Liga 1 2019. Menjamu Persipura Jayapura di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Jakarta, Kamis (28/11), Persija berhasil meraih kemenangan 1-0.

29 Nov 10:22 merdeka.com 1998180356251402119.html
Terhalang Sutet dan Pipa Gas, Progres Kereta Cepat Bandung Baru 38%

Sempat terjadi kebakaran akibat proses konstruksi elevated kereta cepat yang mengenai pipa minyak milik Pertamina.

29 Nov 13:27 Katadata News 179777406428187221.html
'Typical' - Norwich fans react to Unai Emery's Arsenal departure ahead of Premier League clash

The Arsenal boss has been shown the door at the Emirates Stadium following the 2-1 defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt

29 Nov 11:35 football.london 6804128267701057047.html
Bänderverletzung: Liverpool muss bis Ende des Jahres auf Fabinho verzichten

Der FC Liverpool muss mindestens bis Ende des Jahres ohne seinen brasilianischen Mittelfeldspieler Fabinho (Foto) auskommen. Wie der Verein am Freitag bekannt gab, erlitt der 26-Jährige bei Liverpools [...]

29 Nov 15:58 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793280557238.html
Virgin Media is Giving Away a Lot of Stuff this Christmas

Cheryl Hole, the fabulous Essex-based drag queen from RuPaul's Drag Race UK, takes on the role of a fairy 'Giftmother' in Virgin Media's new campaign to give away a fucktonne of stuff before Christmas.

29 Nov 15:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002273158269.html
Bea at Angelica, loveless pero hit ang pelikula

NAKA-ALMOST P10-M sa opening day ng pelikulang “Unbreakable” sa mga sinehan nationwide last Wednesday, November 27 at patuloy pa ring pinipilahan hanggang ngayon. Ito’y pinagbibidahan nina Bea Alonzo, Angelica Panganiban at Richard Gutierrez at balik directorial job ni Mae Cruz -Alviar under Star Cinema.

29 Nov 10:39 Journal Online 6375127393337810859.html
Harga Minyak Turun ke $57.92 di Tengah Sepinya Perdagangan Sebelum Pertemuan OPEC+

Harga minyak bergerak turun ke level $57.92 per barel pada hari Jumat di tengah sesi perdagangan yang sepi dengan terbatasnya aktivitas karena libur Thanksgiving di AS, di saat investor juga menunggu hasil pertemuan OPEC dan sekutunya yang mungkin akan menghasilkan perpanjangan waktu pengurangan produksi untuk mendukung harga minyak

29 Nov 14:49 monexnews 4506814617050602831.html
UPS workers snagged in decade-long drug smuggling scheme

A handful of United Parcel Service employees were among 11 men arrested in the past two weeks for their alleged roles in a decade-long drug smuggling scheme, multiple news outlets reported.

29 Nov 11:27 WFXT 6395891952914651751.html
Strejk kan påverka svenska Amazonkunder

Anställda vid Amazons 13 tyska lager går ut i strejk.

29 Nov 11:05 Sydsvenskan 2976531145596151201.html
Firea il ameninta pe Citu cu instanta: Il somez pe ministrul Finantelor sa nu abuzeze de functia pe care o detine

Primarul general al Capitalei, Gabriela Firea, l-a somat, vineri, pe ministrul Finantelor, Florin Citu, sa nu ''abuzeze'' de functia pe care o detine, impartind banii romanilor ''in mod discretionar'', si a avertizat ca, daca va fi necesar, va apela la calea instantei.

29 Nov 14:54 Ziare.com 1922730286036941365.html
Victoria Beckham: Diese Modetrends versteht sie nicht

Victoria Beckham, ein Modepüppchen? Diese beiden Modetrends umschifft die britische Designerin ganz bewusst, wie sie verraten hat.

29 Nov 15:17 stern.de 4680145938322105025.html
Giovanna Abate furiosa con Giulio Raselli e commenta Giulia D'Urso

Giovanna Abate è negativa riguardo la scelta di Giulio Raselli, convinta che ricadrà su Giulia D'Urso. E ha parlato anche della rivale.

29 Nov 15:57 Novella 2000 6951116781521342697.html
Acchiappa la Cacca, il nuovo gioco di Natale per bambini lanciato da Mattel

ROMA – Si chiama Acchiappa la Cacca ed è il nuovo gioco da tavolo lanciato da Mattel per Natale. Le regole sono semplici e si evincono dal nome stesso: bisogna sturare un finto water, dal quale saltano fuori simpatiche cacche sorridenti. Nella confezione, oltre alla tazza del water e lo scarico è compreso anche uno sturalavandini. Quello che devi cercare di fare è esattamente ciò che non faresti mai nella vita reale: prendere la cacca con le mani. Chi la afferra per primo prende un gettone, chi la acchiappa al volo prima che cada ne prende due. Vince chi riesce ad accaparrarsi il maggior numero di gettoni, quindi il meno schizzinoso.Majella, due escursionisti precipitano in un dirupo: 6 morti, nel weekend, sulle montagne italianeComo, a 12 anni salva la nonna che sta soffocando grazie alla manovra di disostruzione Il gioco, pubblicizzato anche in tv a partire dalla metà di novembre, è rivolto ai bambini dai 5 anni in su. Sono assicurate risate e tanto divertimento, dice la pubblicità sulla scatola. Sarà forse…

29 Nov 13:43 Blitz quotidiano 5529491353940034715.html
Tesla Cybertruck’s Edgy Design Is A Risk To Pedestrians

The Tesla Cybertruck is quickly turning into the villain of the truck world. If its appearance isn't offens...

29 Nov 13:00 CarBuzz 4034462235141140648.html
Deepika Padukone wants to learn the 'Dheeme Dheeme' hook step from Kartik Aaryan

Deepika Padukone is the epitome of beauty, who enjoys a huge fan following across the globe. She is not only the top A-listed actress in Bollywood but

29 Nov 12:38 The Times of India 6060938664016974176.html
Övervakning av internet hotar rysk yttrandefrihet

Den ryska regeringen har de senaste åren systematiskt begränsat press- och yttrandefrihet i Ryssland, slår Reportrar utan gränser fast i en ny rapport.

29 Nov 10:44 DN.SE 398730693475317660.html
Os melhores aplicativos e jogos da semana para Android

Veja quais foram as melhores opções de jogos e programas que entraram na Google Play nesta semana

29 Nov 14:37 Olhar Digital 416591716190280148.html
Millionenbetrug bei Ärzten in Sachsen: "Nur die Spitze des Eisberges"

Ärzte sollen Abrechnungen in Millionenhöhe gefälscht haben, erklärte jetzt die Kassenärztliche Vereinigung. Einen Generalverdacht gegen sächsische Ärzte weist sie strikt zurück.

29 Nov 12:58 MDR 5336324389598248517.html
SEGA y Microsoft: una amistad duradera

El 27 de noviembre de 1998 salía a la venta la consola Sega Dreamcast en Japón, Sega contó con la colaboración de Hitachi para su procesador, Microsoft coo

29 Nov 13:27 Generación Xbox 4040846039794025138.html
Isis, tre condanne in Australia

Sono stati condannati in via definitiva a pene severe, in due a 38 anni di carcere, un terzo a 22 anni, tre fondamentalisti islamici che avevano progettato nel 2016 un attacco terroristico a Melbourne, in Australia. (ANSA)

1 Dec 10:17 ANSA.it 1300837447872440179.html
Children across the UK go on strike to demand action on climate

Pupils to declare December vote a ‘climate election’ as data highlights urgency of crisis

29 Nov 11:15 the Guardian 1491978795331073415.html
Chinese astronomers discovered a black hole so big it shouldn’t exist according to current science

Chinese scientists discovered a black hole so that’s so big that it throws into question previous beliefs about how black holes are formed.

29 Nov 12:13 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884201461907.html
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot New System Trailer Shows Combat, Auxiliary Systems And More

A new Dragon Ball Z Kakarot trailer has been released online, showcasing combat as well as several auxiliary systems like skill tree and more

29 Nov 11:35 Wccftech 3677959678247952487.html
Bos Lippo Lepas Saham OVO, Bulog Minta Ganti Rugi ke Sri Mulyani

Berita terpopuler detikFinance Jumat (29/11/2019) tentang Lippo melepas saham OVO, Bulog yang meminta ganti rugi ke Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani.

29 Nov 14:00 detikfinance 4442190002275056039.html
Retraites: derniers calages avant blocages

Le gouvernement poursuit les discussions sur sa réforme très contestée des retraites et se prépare à un mouvement massif voire durable à partir du 5 décembre, jeudi noir qu'il ne veut pas voir transformé en "match mortifère" avec les syndicats. La mobilisation contre la fusion des 42 régimes de retraite existants en un système "universel" par points "s'annonce forte et durable", a prévenu vendredi la CGT, qui a appelé à une grève interprofessionnelle avec FO, la FSU et Solidaires.

29 Nov 13:03 FranceSoir 2214281690638874030.html
Lo golpearon en pleno Centro para robarle

Tres sujetos golpearon esta mañana a un joven de 22 años luego de salir de un boliche, para robarle su billetera y su celular. La víctima tuvo que ser trasladada al Hospital Regional.

29 Nov 13:53 El Patagónico 8565457045986173355.html
NATO moves towards spending goal sought by Trump, Spain lags

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - More European allies in NATO are set to meet a defense spending target sought by the United States in 2019, with sharp rises in Romania and Bulgaria, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday, but Belgium and Spain will continue to lag.

29 Nov 15:25 Reuters 8334514180425464643.html
Bonus tv, online il motore di ricerca per i prodotti compatibili

Il governo mette sul web il portale che permetterà di individuare i prodotti premiati dal contributo pubblico fino a 50 euro.

29 Nov 15:20 ilGiornale.it 5019541224322077883.html
Gary Neville slams three 'uncoachable' Arsenal players after Emery's sacking

'They are uncoachable.'

29 Nov 13:22 Metro 970161747715964279.html

Identität ist eine testosterongetriebene Vokabel, von der viel gesprochen wird, seit dem Kunstdiebstahl in Sachsen.

29 Nov 14:43 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322985115737.html
Mayor Election Delay Won’t Affect JHB Service Delivery

JOHANNESBURG – The Democratic Alliance (DA) has on Thursday dismissed the African National Congress’ (ANC) accusations that service delivery would collapse in Johannesburg, as the city awaits the election of a new mayor next week. Speaker Vasco da Gama postponed the election, saying he would seek legal advice on the actual number of votes that […]

29 Nov 10:57 iAfrica 8834711024588311947.html
Echad un vistazo a estas bonitas ilustraciones de estilo realista de Scorbunny y Yamper

Pokémon cuenta con múltiples criaturas que han servido de inspiración para crear hermosos artes conceptuales por parte de artistas de todo el mundo. Hoy os traemos una muestra más de ello y es que el usuario de Twitter @silverfox5213 ha compartido a través de la popular red social dos preciosas ilustraciones de estilo «realista» de […]

29 Nov 13:11 Nintenderos 2555436001849697762.html
NPCI enhances UPI 2.0, allows customers to make recurring payments

NPCI is also working on proximity payment option for the platform where one can make payments from a mobile phone that uses near-field communication technology

29 Nov 12:20 Business-Standard 1502508926160307901.html
"Maltrattamenti sui bimbi dell'asilo": arrestate tre maestre, tra cui una suora

Il caso in una scuola materna privata nel piacentino

29 Nov 15:59 Today 178378750609025011.html
Chelsea 'plan fresh contract talks with Willian'

Chelsea plan to hold fresh contract talks with experienced attacker Willian, according to a report.

29 Nov 15:42 Sports Mole 7750663361444025838.html
Bashir's NCP condemns Sudan 'illegal govt' move to scrap party

Ousted president Omar al-Bashir's party on Friday condemned Sudan's new

29 Nov 14:40 Digital Journal 4566489172069981675.html
Skoda Octavia RS zum günstigen Kurs

Der Skoda Octavia RS bietet viel, vor allem Leistung, Platz und Zuverlässigkeit. Ein Exemplar steht für unter 16.000 Euro zum Verkauf!

29 Nov 11:45 autobild.de 4230137025815751978.html
Sajid Javid warns Nicola Sturgeon over pact with Labour party 'riddled' with antisemitism

The Chancellor of the Exchequer has criticised Nicola Sturgeon for &#8220;getting into bed&#8221; with Labour despite antisemitism being "riddled" throughout the party.

29 Nov 14:48 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490464338954.html
Žene rade bolje u toplijim kancelarijama

Poslodavci bi mogli da poboljšaju efikasnost povećanjem temperature na radnim mestima, pokazalo je nedavno...

29 Nov 13:00 N1 Srbija 7797130867265341317.html
Romy en Tim vervangen Jan Smit in Ziggo Dome

Romy Monteiro en Tim Douwsma presenteren over twee weken het Muziekfeest van het Jaar in de Ziggo Dome. Het duo vervangt op 14 december Jan Smit, die vanwege gezondheidsklachten zijn agenda heeft leeggemaakt.

29 Nov 15:41 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047755156354.html
Arsenal stars open up on working with Freddie Ljungberg and his coaching style

Ljungberg returned to Arsenal's youth set up in 2018, and after being promoted to assistant manager in the summer now finds himself as interim boss after Unai Emery's departure

29 Nov 13:03 mirror 675785259938398198.html
BVB: Dietmar Hamann rechnet mit Jadon Sancho ab

Dietmar Hamann hat das Verhalten von Jadon Sancho bei Borussia Dortmund kritisiert. Die Personalie Sancho steht für mangelnden Respekt gegenüber den Mitspielern, dem Trainer und dem Klub, schrieb der frühere deutsche Nationalspieler in seiner Kolumne bei Sky .

29 Nov 11:00 SPOX 8395423525907089470.html
Consumer Commission Fines Ford R35 Million For Kuga Fires

The National Consumer Commission has fined the Ford Motor Company R35 million for the Kuga SUV fires, which have seen a number of vehicles bursting into flames. The company has also agreed to compensate consumers affected by the fires. Compensation will amount to R50,000 each. The commission made the announcement at a briefing in Pretoria […]

29 Nov 15:34 iAfrica 8834711024254661277.html
Pamela Anderson linked with late appearance on I'm A Celebrity after being seen in Australia

She arrived on the Gold Coast in Oz this week

29 Nov 14:26 Entertainment Daily 8392972516676081181.html
Sudan's ex-ruling party condemns law dissolving it, to continue 'reforms'

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan’s former ruling National Congress Party of deposed president Omar al-Bashir condemned a law passed by transitional authorities to dissolve the NCP and seize its assets, saying it would pursue internal reforms.

29 Nov 14:41 Reuters 8334514181616586115.html
UK PM Johnson implores Trump: please avoid the election

LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was best if U.S. President Donald Trump did not get involved in Britain’s upcoming election when he visits London for a NATO summit next week.

29 Nov 10:44 Reuters 8334514180114126594.html
Dwayne Johnson Picks His Own Pro-Wrestling Mount Rushmore

Dwayne Johnson just revealed his top wrestlers of all time. RELATED: Dwayne Johnson, Danny DeVito Crash Mexico Wedding During 'Jumanji' Press Tour The actor and former WWE star responded to a meme image this week featuring a Photoshopped version of Mount Rushmore with the faces of famous wrestlers, including The Rock himself. Johnson shared his…

29 Nov 14:17 ET Canada 6735490619452900634.html
Djibouti's biggest mosque, a gift from Turkey, opens

Abdülhamid II Mosque, Djibouti's largest mosque, opened on Friday at a ceremony four years after a Turkish foundation launched its construction. Turkish...

29 Nov 15:26 DAILY SABAH 8383944808824907158.html
Latham ton puts New Zealand in solid position against England

Woakes was added to the England line up to give them five seamers on a wicket renowned to assist the side bowling first.

29 Nov 14:44 Saudi Gazette 6913978436156408900.html
DA demands Mbalula apologises to Judge John Hlophe over 'Mickey Mouse' remark | IOL News

DA has called on Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula to apologise to Western Cape Judge President John Hlophe for criticism ...

29 Nov 11:02 www.iol.co.za 17825112507670831.html
Former Suffolk Coastal chairman dies at 90 after short illness

Former Suffolk Coastal Council chairman John Geater has died after a short illness in Ipswich Hospital a few months after celebrating his 90th birthday.

29 Nov 10:23 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151204183160.html
Royals zittern vor diesem Interview

Immer noch behauptet Prinz Andrew, Virginia Roberts weder gekannt, noch Sex mit ihr gehabt zu haben. Im TV erzählt sie ihre Version.

2 Dec 13:27 Bild 8433249908179745294.html
Francesco Chiofalo ha il viso gonfio e va al pronto soccorso

Temptation island: Francesco Chiofalo fa sapere ai fan di avere il viso tumefatto. Le Instagram story di sfogo dell'ex tentatore

29 Nov 10:27 ilGiornale.it 5019541224219632707.html
Prüfung nach ausfälligem Notruf von Polizisten

Das Innenministerium hat nach dem veröffentlichten Polizei-Notruf eines hochrangigen Beamten in der Steiermark eine Expertenkommission eingesetzt. Sie soll die teils ausfälligen Worte des Polizisten gegenüber seinem jungen Kollegen prüfen, der ihn trotz namentlicher Nennung nicht erkannt hatte. Am Freitag lagen noch keine Ergebnisse vor. Bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Graz wurde Anzeige erstattet.

29 Nov 13:44 NÖN.at 2486998932028386220.html
Almenys cinc ferits en un atac terrorista al pont de Londres

Segons informen els mitjans britànics, la Policia Metropolitana ha abatut a l'atacant i mantenen acordonada la zona

29 Nov 15:50 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480032390961.html
Are supporter liaison officers giving fans a say in their football clubs?

All 91 league clubs employ someone to address fans’ concerns, but not all of them have enough power to change things

29 Nov 11:20 the Guardian 1491978796446512317.html
Camera maintenance: how to clean your camera and equipment

Camera maintenance can save you heartache, missed shots and pricey repairs. Angela Nicholson explains how to keep your kit in top condition

29 Nov 11:55 Amateur Photographer 6530456251103354965.html
Johnny Ward: Gordon Elliott remains one of Irish racing's most glaring enigmas

‘He is the messer at the bar who wants the night to continue, yet there is no chance whatsoever of him being late for work at the morning.’

29 Nov 11:28 The42 5369852630327543082.html
Construction of Ajaokuta gas pipeline to begin soon – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari said on Friday work would soon commence on the construction of the 600-kilometre Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline

29 Nov 15:44 Vanguard News 4125100339456139873.html
General Election seats to watch: North-east England

A political sea-change might be about to happen in this corner of the country.

29 Nov 15:26 Express & Star 7324224460275096422.html
7 Cara Manfaatkan Lipstik dan Lip Cream yang Warnanya Tak Kamu Sukai

Cara memanfaatkan lipstik dengan warna yang tak kamu sukai, antara lain untuk gradient lips, blush-on, dan contour stick.

29 Nov 10:05 merdeka.com 1998180355081308405.html
Iraq PM announces resignation after call from top Shiite cleric, Friday's death toll rises

ANKARA: Former Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who was once President Tayyip Erdogan’s closest ally but who broke away from the ruling AK Party in September, will form a new party within weeks, a source close to the matter said on Friday. Davutoglu, 60, served as prime minister between 2014 and 2016 before falling out with Erdogan. This year, he slammed the president

29 Nov 11:20 Arab News 8912634263268020296.html
Bagni rotti nella stazione spaziale, il comandante Parmitano: «Indossiamo i pannoloni» Video

Il comandante Luca Parmitano della stazione spaziale internazionale è un tipo pronto a tutto, anche a ordinare a se stesso e al suo equipaggio di indossare subito i pannoloni, ma certo...

29 Nov 12:05 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446745666526.html
Bottles of hot sauce recalled over 'risk of explosion'

Customers are advised to immediately return the sauce.

29 Nov 13:29 TheJournal.ie 6446904418417716682.html
Persona 5 Scramble: nuovo trailer dedicato a Anne Takamaki | Game Division

Atlus ha pubblicato un nuovo trailer di Persona 5 Scramble per annunciare il personaggio di Anne takamaki nel nuovo gioco della saga JRPG.

29 Nov 12:39 Tom's Hardware 6640147070808446424.html
Android 10: ufficiali gli smartphone che verranno aggiornati

Android 10 è un cambiamento radicale per tutti i device. La lista è lunga. Evoluti saranno aggiornati nel 2020. Nell’articolo i principali modelli.

29 Nov 11:55 tecnoandroid 2573257127805353456.html
Alitalia, ieri il ceo di lufthansa carsten spohr ha incontrato stefano patuanelli e...


29 Nov 11:40 DAGOSPIA 6533336739061821642.html
Attentato a Londra sul London Bridge. Due morti, tre accoltellati. Ucciso l'aggressore

Il killer era in libertà vigilata, legato a gruppi di matrice islamica. Video immortala la colluttazione dell'aggressore coi passanti

29 Nov 14:29 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189230359798.html
No industry for women: Bollywood #MeToo accused back at work

It was a rare victory for #MeToo in Bollywood, where many high-flyers accused of harassment and even rape have revived their careers after lying low for a few months.

29 Nov 13:49 Saudi Gazette 6913978434960755398.html
Fire nye pågripelser i kongekrabbeliga

Politiet har gått til nye aksjoner mot nettverket som har drevet ulovlig fangst og salg av kongekrabbe. De kan ha omsatt for flere titalls millioner kroner.

29 Nov 14:41 NRK 3631390764739307666.html
Fire nye pågripelser i kongekrabbeliga

Politiet har gått til nye aksjoner mot nettverket som har drevet ulovlig fangst og salg av kongekrabbe. De kan ha omsatt for flere titalls millioner kroner.

29 Nov 14:41 NRK 3631390764512624822.html
Moodwork, Parisian startup improving employee wellbeing, raises €2 million to conquer Europe

Moodwork, the French startup improving employee wellbeing, has completed a round of €2 million, led by Newfund, an investment fund specializing in seed. The funding will allow Moodwork to reach companies across the whole of Europe and tackle new sectors.

29 Nov 12:51 EU-Startups 1488873443149441974.html
Sin intervención por maltrato infantil en las Ventas del Madrugador

Departamento de la Familia, en colaboración con DACO, realiza campaña de orientación a padres

29 Nov 15:48 Primera Hora 5092966654492657892.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a los condenados con mayores penas

No aprecia riesgo de fuga en los dos exconsejeros de Empleo y los dos exdirectores de Trabajo condenados a más de siete años de prisión

29 Nov 13:42 elPeriodico 7291954034998176778.html
Full extent of Shropshire maternity scandal 'may never be known'

The full extent of the maternity scandal at Shropshire's major hospitals may never be known, according to the senior midwife leading the independent inquiry.

29 Nov 12:43 Shropshire Star 3480199991429374379.html
Aston Villa manager Dean Smith signs new four-year contract

Smith guided Villa back to the Premier League last season.

29 Nov 13:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775056144191.html
Aston Villa manager Dean Smith signs new four-year contract

Smith guided Villa back to the Premier League last season.

29 Nov 13:12 Express & Star 7324224460630565782.html
FG Embarks On Moves To Retrieve Nigeria’s Stolen Artefacts

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has launched the campaign for the return of Nigeria’s stolen Artifacts from around the world.

29 Nov 15:34 Concise 5544636822959036933.html
Jugendliche springen fürs Klima in die Spree

Weltweit protestieren Tausende Demonstranten für mehr Klimaschutz. Auch in zahlreichen deutschen Städten wurde dem Aufruf von Fridays for Future Folge geleistet. Sogar in der Arktis und Antarktis wird protestiert.

29 Nov 15:21 T-Online 5460876211875223125.html
Polícia Civil prende acusado de realizar assaltos em Boa Hora e Barras

Ele foi o autor de roubos ocorridos na cidade de Boa Hora-PI e é suspeito de assaltos em Barras-PI.

29 Nov 12:00 R10 3167340814449358875.html
Judicatura Federal se deslinda de juez del caso Abril

El Consejo de la Judicatura Federal aclaró que el juez que llevó el caso de Abril Pérez no pertenece al Poder Judicial de la Federación, sino al Tribunal Superi

29 Nov 10:04 Excélsior 859179358886684868.html
La tragedia del pueblo Yukpa que huye de Venezuela

La tragedia del pueblo Yukpa que huye de Venezuela

29 Nov 15:08 LaPatilla.com 9104603010466612703.html
Viva Vittoria: a Cuneo piazza Galimberti domani sarà un mosaico di coperte colorate

E' finalmente arrivato il momento conclusivo del progetto che ha visto migliaia di donne collaborare in nome della solidarietà e per dire No alla violenza. Le coperte realizzate, più di 3000, potranno essere portate a casa in...

29 Nov 11:16 Targatocn.it 7367208848138031007.html
La larga lista de jugadores que quedan sin contrato al final del Campeonato Nacional

El fútbol chileno define si se juega o no hasta fin de año, y qué pasará con el formato del torneo de 2020.

29 Nov 13:20 T13 7836926440241817153.html
Europa va con todo hacia la conquista espacial

Varios países europeos invirtieron 14,400 millones de euros para financiar nuevos programas espaciales.

29 Nov 12:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418530074217.html
5 Seconds Of Summer announce Birmingham show

Pop superstars 5 Seconds Of Summer will bring their No Shame headline tour to Birmingham next year.

29 Nov 12:46 Express & Star 7324224460215594660.html
Colpo da 100mila euro alla filiale della banca Credit Agricole

Hanno scavato una galleria nelle fogne e sono arrivati fino alla filiale della banca dove hanno portato via oltre 100mila euro Indagano i poliziotti.

29 Nov 11:01 ilGiornale.it 5019541226005191183.html
RB vermeldet zwei Ausfälle

Aus der Krankenstation von RB Leipzig gibt es keine guten Nachrichten. Wie der Verein vermeldet, fällt Torhüter Péter Gulácsi aufgrund einer Schädelprellung für das Spiel gegen den SC Paderborn am (...)

29 Nov 11:10 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783336464699.html
Portugal conquista bronze no duplo minitrampolim dos Mundiais

O apuramento para a final da modalidade olímpica de trampolim individual, no masculino e no feminino, está marcado para sábado, com as finais no dia seguinte. Diogo Abreu e Diogo Ganchinho são os representantes portugueses.

29 Nov 15:31 DN 8445869957826653277.html
"Die Taliban wollen eine Einigung"

Bei seinem Thanksgiving-Besuch in Afghanistan hat US-Präsident Trump neue Friedensgespräche angekündigt. "Die Taliban wollen eine Einigung mit uns." Auch über Deutschland sprach Trump vor Soldaten. Von Bernd Musch-Borowska.

29 Nov 12:42 tagesschau.de 5441171425745449393.html
Ftse Mib: ecco quando ripartiranno i long. Eur/Usd spacciato?

Il Ftse Mib nel breve potrebbe mostrare ancora un po' di debolezza e andare a testare una soglia da cui riprendere il trend rialzista.

29 Nov 10:00 Trend Online 3268043280361518596.html
Japan's defence, foreign ministers to visit India tomorrow for 2+2 dialogue

The two ministers will be leading a Japanese delegation to the inaugural meeting of the 2+2 dialogue

29 Nov 14:52 Business-Standard 1502508925689897702.html
Power statt Pudelmütze

Wie Tobias Kempe bei Darmstadt 98 vom Held zum Auslaufmodell zum Hoffnungsträger wurde.

29 Nov 14:40 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323042317003.html
No matter your age, it's the quality of friendships that matters, not quantity

New research about relationships backs up this age-old adage.

29 Nov 12:45 mnn 1276819566191412868.html
Uddhav's first Cabinet meet discussed house majority not farm relief: Fadnavis

BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis on Friday attacked the newly formed Uddhav Thackeray government in Maharashtra, alleging it preferred discussing proving majority in its first cabinet meet rather than giving relief to farmers, and asked why it then claims to have numbers.

29 Nov 10:32 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829372206126205.html
Inheritance should be a windfall, not part of retirement plan, experts say

'The difficulty with inheritance is: you don't know at that point in time what's going to happen,' said Tony Maiorino, head at RBC Wealth Management Services

29 Nov 15:15 KitchenerToday.com 52741010709019372.html
Simpel dan Kecil, 7 Tas Mewah Luna Maya Ini Harganya Bikin Melongo

Luna Maya adalah salah satu artis sukses di Tanah Air.

29 Nov 13:00 liputan6.com 5422146880630117919.html
Qaim Ali Shah moves IHC for pre-arrest bail

Qaim Ali Shah moves IHC for pre-arrest bail.

29 Nov 12:27 Dunya News 5863268918464663415.html
Iron Man: Scarlett Johansson Thought First MCU Film Was 'Groundbreaking'

Scarlett Johansson, who plays Black Widow, revealed Iron Man is what led to her interest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516961471589738.html
Feyenoord staat zondag stil bij overlijden van oud-trainer Pim Verbeek

Feyenoord staat zondag voorafgaand aan het duel met PEC Zwolle een minuut stil bij het overleden van oud-trainer Pim Verbeek. Hij overleed donderdag op 63-jarige leeftijd na een lang ziektebed. Pim Verbeek werd in 1989 op 33-jarige leeftijd trainer van Feyenoord, maar dat werd geen succes. Hij won slechts 4 wedstrijden in zijn eerste halfjaar…

29 Nov 12:49 Sportnieuws 3602982464136360112.html
King of Con

Un gioco da nerd per nerd, dove un gruppo di geek assetati di sangue dovranno combattersi per accaparrarsi i gadget migliori. Di cosa parliamo? ma di King

29 Nov 11:29 Lega Nerd 8527030506645904968.html
Ex-Kigumo MP Dies Leaving Hefty Hospital Bill, Legislators Asked To Help Offset Sh5 Million Bill

Former Kigumo Member of Parliament Onesmus Kihara Mwangi has passed on at the Nairobi West Hospital after a long term battle with diabetes.The former legislator served as MP between 1997 to 2007 a

29 Nov 10:52 KahawaTungu 3304128541599996588.html
Could real Christmas trees and mistletoe could be losing popularity in the UK?

The National Trust has found that Christmas markets are growing in favour among Britons.

29 Nov 14:30 Shropshire Star 3480199992981870442.html
Giulio Raselli ad un passo dalla scelta: il commento su Giulia e Giovanna

Giulio Raselli si avvicina alla scelta e oggi commenta le sue corteggiatrici, Giulia e Giovanna, dopo le polemiche sulle esterne.

29 Nov 12:40 Novella 2000 6951116780955300815.html
Yeh Hai Mohabbatein: Karan Patel Talks About His Relationship With Divyanka Tripathi And It’s Pretty Reasonable

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein actor Karan Patel spoke about his relationship with co-star and friend Divyanka Tripathi and it is pretty understandable. Karan made a comeback on the show after a gap and Divyanka was quick to share a picture with him on her social media.

29 Nov 10:04 SPOTBOYE 1547816858074989381.html
The key principles of dry cow nutrition

There is a specific period for the dry cow called the transition period; three weeks pre-calving and three weeks post-calving.

29 Nov 12:00 AgriLand 974043784178362226.html
Verso Juve-Sassuolo: Alex Sandro torna in gruppo! Le ultime su Rabiot

La Juventus si allenata questa mattina al Training Center della Continassa, a due giorni dall'importante sfida di campionato di domenica alle 12.30 contro il Sassuolo. Il club bianconero ha dato gli

29 Nov 15:30 il BiancoNero 8980755940249552850.html
Oddest book title prize: Dirt Hole Variations beats War on Artisan Cheese

Guide by the late Charles L Dobbins, known as the father of modern trapping, sees off polemical defence of traditional dairies

29 Nov 11:35 the Guardian 1491978795407622475.html
Ospreys chief claims Allen Clarke situation 'became a matter of personal conduct'

Chairman Rob Davies said he'd 'never experienced anything like it'

29 Nov 15:48 Wales Online 7686550515509792059.html
Got an Oyster card? TfL just locked your account, wants you to reset your password

TfL is asking all Oyster and contactless account holders to reset their passwords to reduce the risk of credential stuffing attacks.

29 Nov 10:49 ZDNet 591556593692245432.html
Christmas train rides in and around Newcastle you can still get tickets for

From the former Polar Express in Weardale to Santa Specials at Tanfield Railway - here's where the kids can meet Santa on board a train

29 Nov 13:32 ChronicleLive 1984146902477449323.html
El derecho a la libertad

La necesidad constante de reconquistar derechos es el mayor desafío para las mujeres.

29 Nov 11:57 LARED21 5602862990037695533.html
Top Iraq cleric urges lawmakers to reassess government after 400 killed

Iraq’s top Shia Muslim cleric on Friday condemned attacks on protesters and urged lawmakers to reconsider their support for the government, an apparent suggestion that they seek a change of leadership as violence spirals in the war-weary country.

29 Nov 15:40 Bdnews24 8119004129728273368.html
Brutta notizia per Fedez e Chiara Ferragni, ecco tutti i dettagli

Brutta notizia per Fedez e Chara Ferragni: il figlio Leone ha perso sangue, ma ora sta bene. I genitori hanno spiegato l'accaduto ai fan.

29 Nov 11:20 KontroKultura 2573504973446887933.html
“Niente contro il sindaco, in futuro vedremo” parla il consigliere Guarino di MugnanoFutura

Ieri sera in aula 3 consiglieri della maggioranza del sindaco Luigi Sarnataro hanno votato contro la pregiudiziale proposta dal sindaco che voleva rinviare la modifica del regolamento idrico. Il consigliere Biagio Guarino ha voluto precisare le motivazioni del suo voto: "Voglio precisare che non ho

29 Nov 15:07 InterNapoli.it 7089789175684673492.html
Manifestantes desafían el toque de queda en Irak para enterrar muertos

Centenares de manifestantes desafiaron el toque de queda impuesto por las autoridades para enterrar a los muertos en la ciudad de Nasiriya en Irak ...

29 Nov 12:48 LaPatilla.com 9104603011227510297.html
Bennett: Force Iran to give up on Syria

Defense Minister says Israel has unique opportunity to force Iran out of Syria while Tehran is under pressure at home with economic woes.

29 Nov 10:01 Israel National News 5374683669409570051.html
Ludovic Orban propune interzicerea exportului de animale vii

Premierul Ludovic Orban a declarat vineri, la Digi24, că este nevoie, pe termen mediu, să se interzică în România exportul animalelor vii....

29 Nov 10:26 Stiri pe surse 4858045013560698782.html
CCTV footage shows teens attack lesbian couple who 'refused to kiss' on London bus

Horrifying CCTV shows a group of teenage boys threatening and attacking a lesbian couple on a London bus.

29 Nov 12:03 Buzz.ie 7092425146866626249.html
L'estinzione dei Neanderthal è stata solo sfiga

Lo afferma uno studio pubblicato su Plos One: le popolazioni dei Neanderthal erano relativamente piccole e più vulnerabili a processi che hanno portato alla loro estinzione

29 Nov 11:10 Wired 7504010958695469193.html
Mengidap Kelainan Seksual, Kakek di Tulungagung Cabuli 6 Anak Laki-laki

Tersangka juga terancam hukuman minimal 15 tahun penjara karena melanggar Pasal 82 UU RI Nomor 17 tahun 2016 junto UU RI no 23 tahun 2003.

29 Nov 13:33 merdeka.com 1998180354537233479.html
Liverpool für lange Zeit ohne Fabinho

Der FC Liverpool muss für längere Zeit auf Defensivstratege Fabinho verzichten.

29 Nov 14:05 4-4-2.com 812646140800801059.html
Soap SPOILERS: Here's what's happening in tonight's Emmerdale, Corrie and EastEnders

Fiz gets rid of Jade tonight

29 Nov 10:53 Entertainment Daily 8392972517432942485.html
Kibra Man Arrested for Disrupting Inua Mama Rally in Wajir With Teargas [VIDEO]

Residents of Wajir County were forced to scamper for safety after a man hurled...

29 Nov 15:25 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154216188356.html
Bonus per tv e decoder, ecco tutti i prodotti compatibili

Il ministero dello Sviluppo mette in linea il portale che permette di individuare i dispositivi premiati dal contributo pubblico fino a 50 euro. E' online anche il fac simile che bisogna compilare per autocertificare un reddito Isee fino a 20 mila euro annui

29 Nov 13:37 Repubblica.it 8208867270838022080.html
Passalacqua anunció prórroga del Boleto Estudiantil Misionero

La medida dispuesta por el Gobierno provincial es para todos los niveles educativos. Para los estudiantes universitarios continuará hasta el 21 de diciembre.

29 Nov 12:38 Primera Edición 6803897640783770256.html
Erasmus plus, dalla Lituania e dalla Spagna per scoprire l'Irpinia

Alla Casina del Principe si presenta "Irpinia goes green"

29 Nov 11:04 AvellinoToday 5452883948048961742.html
Polaroid Originals' Black Friday deals with have you snapping all season

Given that Polaroid products (especially the film) are often expensive, now is a great time to stock up and start snapping on new instant cameras and film.

29 Nov 12:19 Android Central 29040143880392181.html
Polaroid Originals' Black Friday deals with have you snapping all season

Given that Polaroid products (especially the film) are often expensive, now is a great time to stock up and start snapping on new instant cameras and film.

29 Nov 12:19 iMore 3803412791779888629.html
Swedish startup Bokio books €4 million to expand its SMB accountancy software across UK

Bokio, the Swedish startup applying AI to small business bookkeeping, has raised a €4 million round, led by Stockholm-based VC firm, creandum, with support from Svea and Chris Adelsbach. For small businesses, sole traders, and freelancers, Bokio supports a wide range of administrative tasks including invoicing, employee expenses, reporting and VAT returns. The interface is […]

29 Nov 11:12 Tech.eu 1356465906207074797.html
#video Patti Smith na koncertu v Trstu recitirala Kosovela

Ameriška kantavtorica Patti Smith je enega od dveh koncertov, ki ju je v začetku tedna v okviru turneje izvedla v Trstu, začela z poezijo Srečka Kosovela. Kot uvodno pesem v razprodanem gledališču Rossetti je recitirala Kosovelov Majhen plašč, poročajo mediji.

29 Nov 11:16 Dnevnik 7671546649595553154.html
Macron says Russia is no longer NATO's enemy

French President Emmanuel Macron declared Russia to no longer be NATO's enemy and called for closer ties with the Kremlin days before a NATO meeting.

29 Nov 13:19 Washington Examiner 4625792333553668104.html
Rangoli Chandel Defends Kangana Ranaut Yet Again Over Her 'Mild Estrogen' Statement!

Recently, Kangana Ranaut was quoted as saying, I had to take mild doses of hormone pills to look different. This statement of Kangana has outraged many netizens. Rangoli was quick to defend her sister Kangana Ranaut and said shes a good actor.

29 Nov 12:28 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245424529831.html
PSV verkloot Europese overwintering nu al voor het 4e seizoen op rij

Het is eind november en PSV is klaar in Europa. Niets nieuws voor de Eindhovenaren, de laatste 4 seizoenen werd Europese overwintering niet gehaald. Het AD maakte een overzicht. Een penaltyserie houdt PSV in maart 2016 nog van een enorme stunt. In de 8e finales van de Champions League schiet Luciano Narsingh tijdens de penaltyserie…

29 Nov 12:42 Sportnieuws 3602982463289061590.html
ORF-„Pressestunde“ mit Beate Meinl-Reisinger, Bundesparteivorsitzende NEOS

Am 1. Dezember um 11.05 Uhr in ORF 2

29 Nov 14:49 OTS.at 4182160710269308195.html
Grant believes United’s youngsters will be stronger for Astana disappointment

The line-up against Astana was the youngest the club have ever put out for a European match.

29 Nov 15:02 Shropshire Star 3480199993026629638.html
Mexico City traffic chaos a matter of life or death

It's a peculiar scene: in the middle of a busy Mexico City intersection, police officers earnestly blow their whistles, instructing oncoming ...

29 Nov 10:53 CNA 5644198862344453951.html
Jennifer Lopez Enjoys A Quiet Evening With Fiancé Alex Rodriguez And Their Kids As They Celebrate Thanksgiving

Hustlers star Jennifer Lopez chose to have a quiet Thanksgiving this year and she celebrated it with her kids Emme and Max, her fiancé Alex Rodriguez and his kids Natasha and Ella. She took to Instagram and shared lovely snaps of the family with her fans

29 Nov 12:50 SPOTBOYE 1547816856832544364.html
Eamon Dunphy, Liam Brady and John Giles to reunite for Premier Sports TV coverage

The trio will be fronting Premier Sport's coverage throughout December

29 Nov 15:00 Irish Mirror 2875825628433208315.html
Reporteros Sin Fronteras condena el acoso del régimen cubano hacia la periodista independiente Luz Escobar

“Los gobiernos tienen la obligación de garantizar la libertad de prensa, no de coartar este derecho”, declaró la organización.

29 Nov 15:36 CiberCuba 8213836170624478084.html
Euro-Area Inflation Quickens, But Remains Far Below ECB's Goal

(Bloomberg) — Explore what’s moving the global economy in the new season of the Stephanomics podcast.

29 Nov 10:15 Financial Post 2379081492903311742.html
Warm winter likely this year: IMD

The December-January-February season will be hotter, except over “northern-most parts”.

29 Nov 13:30 The Hindu 6679535025915825692.html
German Catholic Church Debates Sexuality, Celibacy and Women’s Roles

With the German church’s global influence, a meeting of bishops and laypeople to take up hot-button topics has led to warnings of a new schism, originating in the home of the Protestant Reformation.

29 Nov 10:00 NY Times 1961078288996451543.html
Trump's visit to Afghanistan was so secret the White House sent generic Thanksgiving tweets from his account to avoid questions about why he didn't post for 13 hours

White House staffers sent generic Thanksgiving tweets from President Donald Trump’s Twitter account to avoid suspicion had his account been silent as he made a secret trip to visit US troops in Afghanistan.

29 Nov 11:25 Business Insider Australia 5575934300248060971.html
Fabinho ruled out until the New Year

Liverpool have confirmed that Fabinho will be out of action until the New Year after suffering an...

29 Nov 13:43 Newstalk 7635722259699192580.html
Bayer critica a México por bloqueo a importaciones de herbicida

Bayer AG criticó a México por detener las importaciones del ingrediente principal de su herbicida Roundup, advirtiendo que los agricultores del país enfrentarán una ''interrupción importante'' al momento de combatir la maleza.

29 Nov 14:05 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725558777774898.html
China Folds: Beijing Does Nothing After Trump Signs HK Bill

President calls China's bluff

29 Nov 15:48 Infowars 1950426315457151317.html
WHOA! Post Ranbir Kapoor, Now Kangana Ranaut Confesses To Have A Secret Social Media Account!

Kangana Ranaut is well known for her audacious statements and never shies away from expressing her views. Be it supporting the policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government or bashing Bollyw

29 Nov 13:52 Koimoi 5184275670283728439.html
Stubble to become a source of income, says Union Minister Kailash Chaudhary

Kailash Chaudhary said that the government is considering such measures, so that farmers do not need to burn stubble, instead they can increase their income.

29 Nov 13:28 The New Indian Express 4718288653392002715.html
Anna Tatangelo topless per mostrare i tatuaggi. FOTO DELLE VIP

Emily Ratajkowski nuda, le foto in vacanza alle Maldive. DYBALA MAGIA IN CHAMPIONS E CHE TOPLESS LA FIDANZATA ORIANA SABATINI! Le foto delle Vip

29 Nov 13:30 Affari Italiani 6123405401855813032.html
Opvallend: UEFA zet geen Rode Duivel in beste elf van de EK-kwalificatie

De UEFA heeft het beste team van de EK-kwalificatieronde samengesteld. België behaalde een vlekkeloze 30 op 30, maar toch was er geen plaats voor een Rode Duivel in het team.

29 Nov 13:44 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215556691383.html
Someone got their own '.gov' website by pretending to be a small-town mayor and filling out an online form, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The person reportedly used a fake Google Voice number and fake Gmail address in their application, which the government approved.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:59 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756850969733.html
Deventenaar (38) kwam in Limburg om door eigen voorrangsfout

De Deventenaar (38) die overleed na een ongeluk afgelopen zaterdag in Margraten, maakte een voorrangsfout. Dat meldt de Limburgse politie. De auto van de Deventenaar kwam in botsing met een lijnbus.

29 Nov 15:08 RTV Oost 6509131171648968645.html
Young age no barrier for heart disease

A heart attack can occur at any age, even among seemingly young and healthy adults, writes Meera Murugesan.

29 Nov 15:36 NST Online 3702929170201386508.html
Governador do Pará substitui delegado que investiga brigadistas

Helder Barbalho alega estar preocupado com o episódio que resultou na prisão preventiva de quatro brigadistas

29 Nov 14:40 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700709874678.html
NUM demands probe into Eskom over failure to make profit | IOL News

The National Union of Mineworkers has called for an independent audit on power utility Eskom to probe why it repeatedly fails to post profits.

29 Nov 15:21 www.iol.co.za 17825112426441494.html
Gerardo Ortiz quiere demandar a organizadores por cancelación de concierto en Guadalajara

El show supuestamente fue cancelado porque la música de este intérprete hace normal la violencia en contra de la mujer. Gerardo Ortiz dijo estar muy [...]

29 Nov 15:54 LaBotana 7949038499938548582.html
La Serie A si schiera contro il razzismo: "Lettera aperta al calcio italiano"

Il Milan e le altre 19 squadre di Serie A hanno pubblicato una lettera congiunta indirizzata al calcio italiano con l'intento di prendere delle misure adeguate in futuro per combattere il razzismo negli stadi. Eccola integralmente:

29 Nov 15:07 MilanNews.it 6507305922245200264.html
België eert Suske en Wiske met postzegelreeks

De populaire stripfiguren Suske en Wiske krijgen volgend jaar een eigen postzegelreeks in België. De door Willy Vandersteen bedachte en jarenlang getekende strip bestaat in 2020 75 jaar. Op de zegels zal de ontwikkeling van de striphelden vanaf 1945 te zien zijn, maakte bpost bekend.

29 Nov 12:35 RD.nl 6406779842030184254.html
België eert Suske en Wiske met postzegelreeks

BRUSSEL (ANP) - De populaire stripfiguren Suske en Wiske krijgen volgend jaar een eigen postzegelreeks in België. De door Willy Vandersteen bedachte en jarenlang getekende strip bestaat in 2020 75 jaar. Op de zegels zal de ontwikkeling van de striphelden vanaf 1945 te zien zijn, maakte bpost bekend.

29 Nov 11:48 Nieuws.nl 2419030129818559950.html
Tödliche Hundebisse: Schutzreaktion möglicher Auslöser

Eine Schutzreaktion könnte die tödlichen Attacken der belgischen Malinois auf einen 31-jährigen Militärhundeführer am 13. November in der Wiener Neustädter Flugfeld-Kaserne ausgelöst haben.

29 Nov 15:15 NÖN.at 2486998932554120927.html
Bewoners Springendal in Hezingen starten petitie uit onvrede over Natura 2000-onrust

De bewoners van het Springendal in de gemeente Tubbergen zijn boos. Ze vinden dat ze inspraak moeten krijgen over wat er met het gebied waarin ze wonen moet gebeuren, nu er veel onduidelijk is over het stikstofbeleid en Natura 2000. En dus zijn ze een petitie gestart.

29 Nov 15:45 RTV Oost 6509131170329295661.html
Ukraine successfully completes development of Neptun anti-ship missile complex (Video)

The complex was developed by Ukraine's Luch Design Bureau.

29 Nov 10:00 UNIAN 6863008972107400713.html
Perth fans run true to form on latest Jailer Tour

Tartan Army crew soak up the success in Cyprus

29 Nov 12:13 dailyrecord 552235479353942557.html
Jose Mourinho's tactical blueprint at Tottenham: What we've learned and what's to come

ANALYSIS: Jose Mourinho has led Tottenham to back-to-back wins, which have hinted at the side's quality but showed there is work to do

29 Nov 15:31 mirror 675785261288539530.html
Chrissy Teigen turns John Legend's Sexiest Man Alive cover into pyjamas

John definitely saw the funny side.

29 Nov 14:52 Metro 970161747126372293.html
Robber 'choked student after she ignored cat calls, then molested her body'

Ruth George was strangled to death and sexually assaulted in a deserted parking garage near her university. Donald Thurman reportedly carried out the horrific crime after she ignored him

29 Nov 14:43 Metro 970161748109761806.html
Here's all the new film and TV shows landing on Netflix this weekend

Netflix has a bundle of new content hitting the streaming site this weekend.

29 Nov 14:05 Buzz.ie 7092425147819489388.html
Club chief contacts Stoke City forward’s agent over possible transfer, offer being lined up

According to Izmir-based regional newspaper Yeni Asir, Goztepe are interested in signing Stoke City forward Mame Biram Diouf. The Aegean side currently have Cameron Jerome on their books, but are looking to sign one more attacker in the new year to take some of the burden from the 33 year old. Yeni Asir report Diouf is

29 Nov 10:45 Sport Witness 200001552370736029.html
Brasil-Torjäger Richarlison verlängert bei Everton

Evertons brasilianischer Torjäger Richarlison hat einer Vertragsverlängerung bis 2024 zugestimmt.

29 Nov 15:26 4-4-2.com 812646140837810453.html
Watch: Pig steals the show during Greek reporter’s live broadcast on floods

Journalist Lazos Mantikos from Greek television channel Antenna TV just couldn't get through his report on the storms and flooding in the town of Kineta, thanks to a pig.

29 Nov 10:18 The Indian Express 2885715104029628684.html
Abuelita en scooter 'se roba' las miradas en las calles de Tamaulipas

Hasta el momento no se conoce la identidad de la abuelita futurista.

29 Nov 10:04 SIPSE.com 4008460417766914068.html
They have 'rights to get decent job': Gerindra defends LGBT jobseekers through Twitter

“We do not support their [LGBT] behavior. But their right to get a decent job and living," the Prabowo-led party said.  

29 Nov 13:21 The Jakarta Post 7678601102526888033.html
Warren Buffett gets outbid by private equity amid Berkshire's 'elephant-sized' deal hunt

While Buffett is still on the prowl, he may not be willing to outbid private equity firms flush with money

29 Nov 15:25 Financial Post 2379081491761309552.html
Bisa Hentikan Lionel Messi Selama 63 Menit, Pelatih Dortmund Ungkap Caranya

Pelatih Borussia Dortmund, Lucien Favre, mengungkapkan cara untuk menghentikan megabintang Barcelona, Lionel Messi.

29 Nov 10:27 BolaSport.com 4603768435520867017.html
To personer drept i knivangrepet på London Bridge

To personer ble drept i knivangrepet på London Bridge, ifølge politiet. I tillegg er tre personer skadd. Gjerningsmannen ble skutt og drept av politiet.

29 Nov 14:47 adressa.no 8417332407420839088.html
Homem agredido com uma podoa em Santana

Um homem com cerca de 60 anos foi esta tarde agredido com uma podoa no sítio do Lombo do Espigão, em Santana. A vítima sofreu ferimentos na cabeça e t...

29 Nov 10:50 dnoticias 6968432065939335732.html
Former Bigg Boss Contestant Nehha Pendse Confirms Tying The Knot With Shardul Singh Byas

Wedding bells are ringing for actress Nehha Pendse, the actress after her hush-hush engagement confirmed taking the plunge with her fiancé Shardul Singh Byas on January 5, 2020. The nuptials will take place in Pune in the presence of her near and dear ones

29 Nov 13:34 SPOTBOYE 1547816856921677484.html
Escolha o representante do Vasco no prêmio Craque da Galera

Escolha entre Rossi, Talles Magno e Leandro para ser o grande representante do Vasco da Gama no prêmio Craque da Galera.

29 Nov 13:49 Vasco Notícias 1167013065334787105.html
Couple stunned as they accidentally propose to each other at the exact same time

Well, this is adorable.

29 Nov 14:11 Metro 970161748382063888.html
Newcastle boss Bruce to persevere with front three despite lack of goals

Joelinton, Miguel Almiron and Allan Saint-Maximin have managed just one goal between them in their time on Tyneside.

29 Nov 11:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774534258653.html
5 signs you should immediately toss your leftover food, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - You should get rid of most cooked dishes after a few days &mdash; here are some red flags that your leftovers belong in the trash instead of your stomach.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:45 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756646539277.html
Epstein-Skandal : Opfer erneuerte Vorwürfe gegen Prinz Andrew

Die US-Amerikanerin Virginia Giuffre sagt, sie sei als 17-Jährige in den Jahren 2001 und 2002 drei Mal zum Sex mit Prinz Andrew gezwungen worden.

29 Nov 11:08 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700754557691.html
Frank Lampard confident back-up strikers can fill Tammy Abraham void

Tammy Abraham has been ruled out of Chelsea’s league game against West Ham, with Frank Lampard calling on others to step up this weekend.

29 Nov 14:54 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907195331889.html
Das Tuning trotzt der Auto-Krise

In diesem Jahr gehen die Trends in Richtung Youngtimer und viele PS.

29 Nov 15:41 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568134722083.html
Caio Castro posta foto com saudades de personagem e Grazi Massafera reage com emoji

Vez ou outra, os pombinhos trocam declarações discretas por meio das redes sociais

29 Nov 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883427885774995.html
How To Fix Disney+ Streaming Issues

By now, you've probably heard Disney+ has arrived in Australia. While the streaming service's launch was a bit technically shaky in the US, Australia seems to have been spared from the brunt of it. With that said, some users are still experiencing occasional hiccups, including out-of-sync audio and video freeze ups....

29 Nov 15:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169511300174.html
Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek With A Tweet On Thanksgiving For Predicting He’d Spend The Holiday On Twitter

Donald Trump took issue with a Newsweek post that suggested that he would spend the holiday on Twitter, so he pointed out to his followers how wrong the news was by doing just what the news outlet ...

29 Nov 14:53 The Inquisitr 1745625231811098127.html
3 wounded in knife attack

Three people were wounded in a stabbing in The Hague’s main shopping district Friday night, and police were searching for at least one suspect, authorities said.

29 Nov 13:21 Castanet 616068603550362160.html
Die nächste Saison wirft ihre Schatten voraus

Lewis Hamilton will sich in Abu Dhabi standesgemäß in die Winterpause verabschieden und im kommenden Jahr die Herausforderung der jungen Wilden annehmen. Bottas erzielte Bestzeit am Freitag.

29 Nov 12:33 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441959514152.html
Erradican cerca de 5 mil plantas de marihuana en Guachaca

El hallazgo se dio en la vereda Colinas de Calabazo, en zona rural del corregimiento de Guachaca.

29 Nov 15:10 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898584380950931.html
Support the Guardian – and help us highlight the rise of digital inequality

Automating Poverty, our year-long project about the takeover of welfare systems by algorithms and AI, was funded with reader donations raised last year

29 Nov 15:00 the Guardian 1491978795246194385.html
Police appeal after thieves steal a number of Apple products from Currys PC World

A number of Apple electrical products were stolen.

29 Nov 12:16 dailyrecord 552235479170483536.html
Gazzetta - Milan-Ibra: Boban e Maldini stanno insistendo sui sentimenti più che sul portafoglio

Il Milan vuole Zlatan Ibrahimovic e ha già fatto la sua proposta all'attaccante svedese: per convincerlo a tornare in rossonero, Paolo Maldini e Zvonimir Boban stanno insistendo sui sentimenti più che sul portafoglio. A riferirlo è l'edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport.   

29 Nov 10:22 MilanNews.it 6507305921963385238.html
Innovaciones educativas: ¿camino o destino?

La humanidad ha fallado en visualizar los efectos negativos que ciertos avances tecnológicos

29 Nov 15:51 E-Consulta 8900392811632199447.html
Customers are slamming Macy's, Best Buy, and Target for opening stores on Thanksgiving

"Thanksgiving is a day of giving thanks, not a day for corporate capitalism," one person wrote on Twitter this week.

29 Nov 11:15 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747166384148.html
Rahim Yar Khan: Policemen among 15 people injured in clash between two groups

Rahim Yar Khan: Policemen among 15 people injured in clash between two groups

29 Nov 11:13 Dunya News 5863268917640709829.html
Winter to be warmer, probability of above-normal temp in cold zones: IMD

The IMD has been issuing seasonal forecast for winter since 2016, and every forecast has predicted a warmer winter

29 Nov 15:20 Business-Standard 1502508925490051808.html
Incidente padre figlio | gara sulle loro supercar finisce col doppio botto | VIDEO


29 Nov 15:58 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927804685719.html
End of Border Violence? Hamas Cancels Gaza Riots for Third Week in a Row

After 20 months of violence, Hamas seems to reconsider this aspect of its violent agenda.

29 Nov 12:57 Breaking Israel News 540123160561040657.html
SC Riessersee: Trotz Mini-Kader aus der Krise

Zu beschönigen gibt es nichts: Pana Christakakis, Geschäftsführer des SC Riessersee, spricht vor dem Heimspiel gegen Sonthofen von einer „Scheißsituation“. Nur elf Spieler stehen zur Verfügung. Die müssen‘s beim gebeuteltem Eishockey-Oberligisten richten. 

29 Nov 12:25 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238133889635.html
Horia Constantinescu, fostul presedinte al ANPC: 30% din inspectorii ANPC sunt nepregatiti; avem tampi in institutie

Aproape o treime dintre inspectorii de la Autoritatea Nationala pentru Protectia Consumatorului (ANPC) sunt nepregatiti, iar la nivelul zonei Bucuresti doar 20 de comisari din totalul de 51 sunt bine pregatiti, a declarat vineri fostul presedinte al ANPC, Horia Constantinescu, noteaza Agerpres.

29 Nov 14:21 Wall-Street 2473040519877835762.html
Lorraine Kelly weeps as she receives special honour to mark her 60th birthday

The TV presenter was shocked by the many surprises during the live broadcast.

29 Nov 13:15 Express & Star 7324224459942867270.html
Huawei Brasil investiga pots ofensivos em sua conta no Twitter

Empresa pediu desculpas e diz ter identificado um uso indevido em seu perfil

29 Nov 10:47 Mundo Conectado 6456876366536388845.html
Jedi Fallen Order: New Game Plus brauch ich nicht, gebt mir lieber DLCs

Ein New Game Plus-Modus gilt als einer der größten Fan-Wünsche in der Fallen Order-Community. Max sieht darin nur verschwendete Zeit, die Respawn lieber in einen DLC stecken könnte.

29 Nov 15:00 www.gamepro.de 3610569833344825592.html
Bushiri’s fraud case transferred to High Court for trial

The fraud case against Enlightened Christian Gathering Church leader Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary has been transferred to the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria for trial.

29 Nov 12:06 News24 3752801377212370143.html
EXCLUSIVE: Quando Rondo Doesn't Believe He's Risking His Life Being in His Old Hood

In this clip, Quando Rondo spoke on some of the recent controversies that he's been involved in, specifically the spitting incident that was caught...

29 Nov 13:45 VLADTV 1404406307355423802.html
Llama Carlos Herrera a que mujeres denuncien desde los primeros indicios de violencia

El secretario de Gobierno en el estado, Carlos Herrera Tello, entregó esta mañana el Cuarto Informe de acciones para prevenir, atender, sancionar y 

29 Nov 11:54 MiMorelia 5599511489019189435.html
El Arsenal destituye a Unai Emery

El club de Londres, que sufre la peor racha de resultados desde 1992, finiquita al español, que será sustituido provisionalmente por el exjugador Freddie Ljungberg

29 Nov 10:33 EL PAÍS 2207347711061293057.html
Line for PC, Cara Log In dan Download dengan Mudah

Line tak hanya bisa digunakan di HP, tetapi juga laptop atau komputer dengan nama Line for PC. Nah, bagaimana cara log in serta downloadnya?

29 Nov 10:30 detikinet 7802439222399795411.html
Augusto Aras pede ao STF para rejeitar queixa do Greenpeace contra Ricardo Salles

Augusto Aras opinou no STF pela rejeição de uma queixa-crime na qual o Greenpeace acusa Ricardo Salles de calúnia e difamação por ter chamado a ONG de "ecoterrorista"...

29 Nov 14:40 O Antagonista 1037429655013986121.html
Eerste landelijke rolstoelpiet uit Almelo genoot van de 'kick' op Zapp Sinterklaasfeest

Jeroen Korte uit Almelo is de eerste rolstoelpiet op de landelijke televisie. Afgelopen weekend maakte hij zijn debuut tijdens het grote Zapp Sinterklaasfeest dat werd opgenomen in de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht.

29 Nov 11:01 RTV Oost 6509131171536374604.html
Sea lion rescued in Powell River likely suffered for weeks after being hit by crossbow: vet

An emaciated California sea lion shot with a crossbow was likely suffering for weeks before being rescued near Powell River, says the head veterinarian at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue . . .

29 Nov 10:31 Times Colonist 7617512060332626616.html
Stormzy announces Dublin gig

The rapper will embark on a world tour next year - including a stop in Ireland

29 Nov 10:07 GOSS.ie 8755536024692204361.html
Stormzy announces Dublin gig

The rapper will embark on a world tour next year - including a stop in Ireland

29 Nov 10:07 GOSS.ie 8755536025370695448.html
Vestlige demokratier må bestemme om de skal la borgerne bruke ny teknologi fritt

Det råder en slags teknologinaivitet i Norge. Alle fremskritt er av det gode. Men vestlige demokratier bruker den til å overvåke og sensurere egne borgere. Dermed havner de på samme side som Kina.

29 Nov 10:24 Document 5102836953001653261.html
Thunderocket Wireless Charging Case, funda con carga inalámbrica y puerto dual

Accesorio Thunderocket Wireless Charging Case, una funda compatible con los Apple iPhone y que incluye carga inalámbrica.

29 Nov 10:45 Topes de Gama 4747649603871521025.html
FOTO: Obrtniki praznovali 50-letnico povezanega delovanja

S sinočnjo slavnostno akademijo v KC Janeza Trdine je Območna Obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Novo mesto sklenila letošnji niz dogodkov ob 50-letnici...

29 Nov 11:30 Dolenjski list 119924279692110892.html
Menores de edad que viajan al extranjero sin padres deben tener formato SAM

El Formato de Salida a Menores (SAM) es un requisito para que niños viajen al exterior sin sus padres

29 Nov 10:08 EL DEBATE 4396150894527096139.html
Jazz xlr8 Launches Xperience Hub – A Cutting Edge Usability Testing Facility

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Jazz, Pakistan’s leading digital communications company, has set up a state-of-the-art usability testing lab called ‘Jazz xlr8 Xperience Hub’ (Xperience Hub) at the National Incubation Center (NIC) in Islamabad. The first of its kind facility is a testament to the fact that Jazz always has its 60 million+ customers as its focus. The lab allows for in-depth usability studies and marketing communications testing to enhance the customer experience of products & services. “As digital leaders, we do more than just run a viable business. This lab is proof of Jazz’s customer-first agenda and fulfills our promise of providing ease to our 60 million+ customers,” said Aamir Ibrahim, Chief Executive Officer at Jazz, after inaugurating the Xperience Hub at the NIC. The Xperience Hub will serve as a center of excellence for testing customer-facing digital platforms using global techniques and will also act as a key facility provided to Jazz xlr8 startups under the company’s group-wide “Make Your Mark”…

29 Nov 10:50 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131352700965.html
Steven Gerrard backs Alfredo Morelos to "break many more records"

Striker has taken the league by storm this season.

29 Nov 14:58 Sports Mole 7750663362577266229.html
Estrenamos la Tienda Xataka con dos camisetas y oferta especial por Black Friday

Algunos nos lo habéis pedido y hoy por fin tenemos el placer de poder anunciarlo: ya está disponible nuestra Tienda Xataka. En ella podréis encontrar...

29 Nov 13:39 Xataka 4719855497751134025.html
Drone project aims to put floating Lagos slum on map

Lagos, Nigeria | AFP |  John Eromosele records the coordinates of a bustling canal on his smartphone from aboard a dug-out canoe navigating the floating slum of Makoko in Nigerian megacity Lagos. The waterway is “like a boulevard, there’s always traffic here,” the computer coding specialist laughed as other boats jostled for space between rows of …

29 Nov 10:00 The Independent Uganda: 5099025990401434556.html
«Fortnite»-Spieler werden an Schule diskriminiert

An Schulen in Brasilien werden offenbar Spieler gemobbt, die sich keine Skins im Spiel leisten können. Nun will ein Smartphone-Hersteller helfen.

29 Nov 13:56 20 Minuten 5741369454273733091.html
Life remains affected due to continued lockdown in IOK on 117th day

Life remains affected due to continued lockdown in IOK ON 117th day

29 Nov 11:27 Dunya News 5863268918711871993.html
Femminicidio a Chieti, uomo uccide la moglie al culmine di una lite

L'ennesimo caso di femminicidio si è consumato nelle scorse ore a Torino di Sangro, in provincia di Chieti, dove l'uomo è stato fermato poco dopo il delitto dai carabinieri della Compagnia di Ortona intervenuti sul posto. L'uccisione sarebbe avvenuta alla periferia del paese nella tarda mattinata di oggi 29 novembre.

29 Nov 12:04 fanpage.it 1517332167147736919.html
Arsenal entlässt Trainer Unai Emery – Ljungberg kommt als Ersatz

Der FC Arsenal trennt sich von Cheftrainer Unai Emery. Ad interim übernimmt Freddie Ljungberg.

29 Nov 10:20 watson.ch 2253754995502414546.html
El euribor sube en noviembre por tercer mes consecutivo

En tasa diaria, el euribor se ha situado este viernes, último día del mes con actividad bancaria, en el -0,273%, de forma que arroja esta media del...

29 Nov 13:43 Expansión 4197779424170808004.html
Omicidio Orlando, chiesto aggravamento misura cautelare per Mazzega. Lui:«Non merito perdono»

UDINE - Il Procuratore generale ha chiesto l'aggravamento della misura cautelare per Francesco Mazzega, l'uomo di 38 anni nei cui confronti si sta celebrando il processo d'appello per...

29 Nov 13:30 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447003065308.html
Party lines: five writers' verdicts on the election manifestos

Time for ‘real change’? ‘Unleash’ Britain’s potential? And what does ‘Wales, it’s us’ mean? Five writers tear apart the party manifestos to show what they’re actually saying

29 Nov 11:00 the Guardian 1491978795780180965.html
Wegen Feldmann: AWO-Bundesvorstand fordert Frankfurter Mandatsträger auf, Ämter niederzulegen

Riesenbeben bei der AWO: Nach der Affäre um OB Peter Feldmann schaltet sich nun der Bundesvorstand der Arbeiterwohlfahrt ein.

29 Nov 12:53 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323121443397.html
Listen: Weekend Best Bets podcast covering racing, football, snooker, cricket and formula one

David Ord is in the host's chair this week as our team pick out their best bets for the sporting weekend.

29 Nov 13:49 Sporting Life 7709795077614503893.html
Per Sala Craxi va ricordato. Ma non intitolandogli una via

Secondo il primo cittadino di Milano, bisogna evitare di riproporre vecchie contrapposizioni: "Capiamo se c'è spazio per riconciliarci"

29 Nov 14:36 Agi 2115274225124490025.html
K-pop singer sentenced to six years in jail for rape, sharing secret sex videos

SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean court sentenced a K-pop musician to six years in prison on Friday for raping a woman and distributing a video capturing the act in a case that drew attention to the darker side of the country’s lucrative entertainment industry.

29 Nov 10:24 Reuters 8334514179946215701.html
Sudah Lamar Karen Vendela Anak Konglomerat Secara Pribadi di Gunung Fuji Jepang, Boy William Kini Gelar Pesta Tunangan Privat nan Super Mewah

Sudah lamar Karen Vendela anak konglomerat secara pribadi di Gunung Fuji Jepang, Boy William kini gelar pesta tunangan privat nan super Mewah

29 Nov 12:58 grid.id 586386473546039761.html
Preview: Tottenham Hotspur vs. Bournemouth - predictions, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews the Premier League clash between Tottenham Hotspur and Bournemouth, including predictions, team news and possible lineups.

29 Nov 14:47 Sports Mole 7750663362264350986.html
What was Sabres' Rasmus Ristolainen doing on overtime goal against Calgary?

What happened on Elias Lindholm's overtime goal for Calgary that beat the Sabres, 3-2, on Wednesday night at KeyBank Center? Rasmus Risto...

29 Nov 11:00 The Buffalo News 2088823987530993471.html
'Engelse en Spaanse top wil Sancho, Borussia Dortmund werkt mee'

Jadon Sancho kan al in januari vertrekken bij Borussia Dortmund. Beide partijen stevenen af op een breuk, nadat de negentienjarige Engelsman opnieuw de regels aan zijn laars lapte in aanloop naar het Champions League-duel met FC Barcelona.

29 Nov 10:55 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217099579193.html
Will Smith is cashing in on Fresh Prince with Bel Air Athletics collection

Will Smith has launched his latest Bel-Air Athletics collection which features limited edition pieces.

29 Nov 12:53 Metro 970161749092560468.html
Exploding Kittens' Bonkers Card Games Are On Offer for Black Friday

As you might expect from a company called Exploding Kittens LLC, there are some quite unusual card game ideas in this particular Black Friday sale.

29 Nov 14:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001120880192.html
Quiénes son los principales presos K

Quiénes son los principales presos K - LA NACION

29 Nov 13:29 La Nacion 5563451507656261535.html
KGH phone lines back up

UPDATE 12:05 p.m. Interior Health now says their communications breakdown has been repaired.

29 Nov 12:05 Castanet 616068602788734568.html
Ex-MP Harvey Proctor wins Met payout for false child abuse claims

Former politician had been implicated in disastrous Operation Midland inquiry

29 Nov 14:02 the Guardian 1491978795535265177.html
CME Group Bitcoin Futures Contract Expire Today, BTC Price Pushes Ahead

The monthly Bitcoin Futures Contracts of CME Group are set to expire today, as it’s the last trading Friday of the month. With the recent volatility, the

29 Nov 15:04 CryptoPotato 7087008391356351934.html
Aldro firma un acuerdo con Conaif para la comercialización de su marca

La comercializadora energética cántabra Aldro firmó el pasado mes de octubre un acuerdo con Conaif para que sus instaladores de luz y gas comercialicen la marca Aldro entre sus clientes.

29 Nov 12:34 elEconomista.es 9051559957845179300.html
Il capitale sociale che manca all’ex-Ilva

All’inizio degli anni Sessanta lo stato insedia un’acciaieria nel territorio comunale di Taranto.

29 Nov 15:00 Trend Online 3268043279372224171.html
General Election seats to watch: North-east England

A political sea-change might be about to happen in this corner of the country.

29 Nov 15:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774810499942.html
Facundo Roncaglia: "El Espanyol siempre me trae buenos recuerdos"

El jugador argentino de Osasuna vovlerá a pisar su ex club donde solo necesita centrarse en traer los tres puntos.

29 Nov 13:23 ESPN 7718891767053170454.html
Suspenden a jueces que liberaron a presunto feminicida de Abril

El Poder Judicial de la CDMX anunció que se dio de baja a dos funcionarios involucrados en el hecho.

29 Nov 11:29 SIPSE.com 4008460418303298153.html
Someone got their own '.gov' website by pretending to be a small-town mayor and filling out an online form

The person reportedly used a fake Google Voice number and fake Gmail address in their application, which the government approved.

29 Nov 15:59 Business Insider 6060062400619728005.html
CEA Subramanian sees GDP picking up in Q3, says fundamentals remain strong

India's economic growth slowed to 4.5 per cent in the September quarter from 7.1 per cent in the corresponding period of last year

29 Nov 13:22 Business-Standard 1502508924971316827.html
Gunakan Konsep Lebih Gelap, Ini 10 Potret Comeback Terbaru EXO 'Obsession'

Inilah potret album terbaru EXO Obsession yang lebih gelap dan mencekam dari biasanya.

29 Nov 11:07 merdeka.com 1998180355917314426.html
West Country legends The Wurzels are playing a massive gig near Bristol next year

The event includes a hog roast and specialist guest ciders, of course

29 Nov 10:53 BristolLive 4740742016909800083.html
20 Ribu Ton Beras Bulog Mau Dimusnahkan, Tunggu Sri Mulyani

Sebanyak 20 ribu ton beras Bulog akan dimusnahkan, tapi masih harus tunggu Sri Mulyani.

29 Nov 11:36 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212715832346.html
ETECSA informa cambios en contratos de telefonía fija

La Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (ETECSA) anunció modificaciones en las condiciones del contrato de telefonía fija que presta a personas naturales, según lo establecido en la Resolución 176/2019 del Ministro de Comunicaciones

29 Nov 12:17 Trabajadores 1167277446981101155.html
The Trump campaign trolled The Washington Post by claiming there was no evidence a picture of the president as Rocky Balboa was doctored

The Trump campaign trolled The Washington Post this week for reporting that a picture President Donald Trump shared of his head pasted onto the body of the fictional boxing champion Rocky Balboa had been doctored.

29 Nov 13:31 Business Insider Australia 5575934301322588640.html
7 Jenis Motor Custom yang Populer di Indonesia, dari Cafe Racer hingga Bobber

Terdapat banyak jenis motor kustom membuat penggemar otomotif bingung, model seperti apa yang akan dipilih. berikut ini beberapa jenis motor kustom.

29 Nov 15:28 Tribunnews.com 3323534445907317975.html
Uttarakhand: Government To Set Up Char Dham Shrine Board To Manage Over 50 Temples In The State

In a state cabinet meeting on Wednesday (27 November), the Uttarakhand government has decided to set up a Charm Dham shrine board to manage over 50 temples located in the state, reports Asian News International.

29 Nov 14:09 Swarajya 4977622829008247241.html
Alison Hammond misgenders I'm A Celebrity's Caitlyn Jenner and fans are livid

Fans are demanding an apology.

29 Nov 12:50 Metro 970161747859315867.html
One dies, many injured as car ploughs into Harare flea market

One person died, four are feared dead among them minors while 10 others were seriously injured after they were hit by a

29 Nov 15:56 ZWNEWS 6090563866548069000.html
Pakistani man aims to bring shade to Iraq's Arbaeen pilgrims

KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - A retired Pakistani industrialist sent thousands of saplings to Iraq on Friday to bring shade to pilgrims, an idea formed when his relatives returned from a holy site with sunburn.

29 Nov 11:20 Reuters 8334514180494430752.html
Black Friday: o perfil do comprador online brasileiro

Levantamento da Ipsos revelou que brasileiro médio gasta mais de R$ 500 por mês em compras via smartphone

29 Nov 14:49 VEJA.com 4116702197884422557.html
Toronto lights up first weekend of December

The first weekend of December and the city is marking it with the annual Cavalcade of Lights, including the highly-anticipated lighting of the Nathan Phillips Square Tree. The holiday season barrels ahead with a multitude of events across Toronto.

29 Nov 10:50 680News 8014034334496188066.html
Nach Bombenfund an Flughafen - Betrieb läuft wieder

Der Blindgänger wurde bei Bauarbeiten entdeckt: Am Berliner Flughafen Schönefeld wurde der Flugbetrieb wegen einer Weltkriegsbombe am Mittag unterbrochen. Inzwischen läuft der Betrieb wieder - Entschärfer sind vor Ort.

29 Nov 11:38 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270576522300.html
Der Mord an Alfred Herrhausen: Als der RAF-Terror nach Bad Homburg kam

Er war der mächtigste Bankier der Republik, gefragter Berater der Politik,enger Freund von Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl: Alfred Herrhausen, Chef der Deutschen Bank, wohnhaft in Bad Homburg. Vor 30 Jahren wurde er unweit seines Wohnhauses Opfer eines feigen Verbrechens: Terroristen sprengten seinen gepanzerten Mercedes in die Luft. 

29 Nov 11:03 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239881609939.html
Mediaset et Vivendi ne trouvent pas d'accord avant une audience en justice

MILAN (Reuters) - Mediaset et Vivendi ne sont pas parvenus à un accord à même de mettre fin à leur vieille bataille juridique avant une audience-clef programmée ce vendredi devant un tribunal de Milan, a-t-on appris auprès de sources proches du dossier.

29 Nov 14:45 Challenges 1086714997873743626.html
Mediaset et Vivendi ne trouvent pas d'accord avant une audience en justice

MILAN (Reuters) - Mediaset et Vivendi ne sont pas parvenus à un accord à même de mettre fin à leur vieille bataille juridique avant une audience-clef programmée ce vendredi devant un tribunal de Milan, a-t-on appris auprès de sources proches du dossier.

29 Nov 15:45 Boursier.com 7351227820705314741.html
Omega Club in Geislingen: Feiern und Tanzen im Talgraben: Der Omega Club will Geislingen vereinen

Der Club Omega hat seit März geöffnet und ist mit langen Öffnungszeiten am Wochenende Ziel für Nachtschwärmer. Die Gäste – Eintritt ist ab 18 – kommen nicht nur aus Geislingen.

29 Nov 15:34 swp.de 6929179440993476895.html
Hof steekt stokje voor sluitingen Hudson’s Bay

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - Hudson's Bay is volgens het gerechtshof in Amsterdam verplicht twee filialen, in Amsterdam en Breda, ook na 1 januari open te houden. Volgens vrijdag gepubliceerde uitspraken had de warenhuisketen, die uit Nederland weg wil, eerder langjarige huurovereenkomsten afgesloten en kan het bedrijf daar niet zomaar onderuit.

29 Nov 15:40 Nieuws.nl 2419030130972561626.html
Steve Bruce says he is braced for a 'difficult' January transfer window at Newcastle United

The Toon head coach knows Newcastle in a position to spend but feels that there will complications ahead

29 Nov 10:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901339746814.html
HSBC and Santander customers to get £8m in refunds over overdraft breaches

'We are very sorry that some customers in certain circumstances were not sent the required overdraft alerts'

29 Nov 11:33 men 6694993428291983970.html
Talibanerna avvaktar om nya samtal med USA

I utspel i torsdags hävdade Trump att talibanerna eftersträvar en uppgörelse.

29 Nov 11:05 HD 3336945412654465251.html
Taliban Confirms Meetings With US Have Begun: Reuters

US President Trump on Thursday made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan where he celebrated the US holiday Thanksgiving with troops and met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. 

29 Nov 10:14 TOLO news 5578851438459128503.html
This Ludovic de Saint Sernin Dress Will Help Channel Your Inner Supermodel

The designer’s barely-there halter dress – twinkling with Swarovski crystals – appeared in his sensual, hyper-glam Autumn/Winter 2019 collection

29 Nov 13:47 AnOther 7947254201577071511.html
Jugadores de Emelec y sus críticas tras quedar eliminados

La prensa italiana cree que los directivos del FC Barcelona van por el '9' argentino.

29 Nov 14:33 Ecuavisa 4017571651108382591.html
El huachicol mata ventas en Amozoc

“No todos somos rateros” en Amozoc, dice una productora. Puebla deja los primeros lugares con más ordeña de ductos

29 Nov 10:10 El Heraldo de México 438112696297273875.html
Gasunfall in Wien: Drei Opfer nach Graz gebracht

In einem Wohnhaus in der Justgasse im 21. Bezirk in Wien ist es am Mittwochabend zu einem folgenschweren Unfall mit einer Gastherme gekommen. Das ...

29 Nov 15:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094357599155.html
Karnataka corruption survey: 63% citizens admit bribing state officials to get work done

India Corruption Survey 2019 indicates 40 per cent of respondents in Karnataka gave bribes to get work linked to property registration and land issues done in the state while 23 per cent admitted paying a bribe to the police.

29 Nov 14:12 The Indian Express 2885715103836205415.html
MP Court Issues A Summons Against Ameesha Patel In A Cheating Case

In the last month, we came across the shocking news as the case for cheating was registered against Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel. As per the complaint, Ameesha Patel issued a cheque to film produce

29 Nov 14:27 Koimoi 5184275671531533549.html
Talibanerna avvaktar om nya samtal med USA

I utspel i torsdags hävdade Trump att talibanerna eftersträvar en uppgörelse.

29 Nov 11:05 Sydsvenskan 2976531144656519395.html
Aceras y brocales | Tierras para el desarrollo

Lea aquí el artículo de Aceras y Brocales de Elisenda Vila Planes

29 Nov 12:22 Últimas Noticias 6811287211025165810.html
Kanye West Puts The Kardashians In New Video "Closed On Sunday"

Kanye West just dropped his brand new video for "Closed On Sunday" with all of the members of his famous family.

29 Nov 11:33 AllHipHop 727666871623341056.html
El juez devuelve el veredicto del jurado popular sobre el crimen de Diana Quer

Falta de fundamentación y posibles contradicciones, razones para una nueva deliberación del jurado

29 Nov 12:11 Levante-EMV 7042984477706342072.html
El juez devuelve el veredicto del jurado popular sobre el crimen de Diana Quer

Falta de fundamentación y posibles contradicciones, razones para una nueva deliberación del jurado

29 Nov 12:11 Diarioinformacion 8979296176128898785.html
Jennifer Aniston made enchiladas just for Jimmy Kimmel after he criticized her annual Friendsgiving meal

Jennifer Aniston has kept a promise she made with Jimmy Kimmel on his show over a year ago – to whip up a Mexican option for her annual Friendsgiving meal.

29 Nov 12:11 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882496685428.html
Anyone for Goulash? Why We Need to Talk About Hungarian Communism

The 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall has been marked by some very simplistic analysis and lots of sweeping generalisations about the ‘evils’ of communism. A new book, on everyday life in Hungary in the 1970s and 80s, provides some counter-balance to the dominant narrative.

29 Nov 13:48 Sputniknews 967333869544348920.html
Scientists discover 'monster' black hole that 'should not even exist'

Scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered a monster black hole larger than thought possible.

29 Nov 12:25 mnn 1276819565249003537.html
Man Convicted of Having Sex on Mattress Which Concealed Roommate’s Dead Body

An Oregon man was found guilty Tuesday for hiding his roommate’s body under a mattress instead of reporting her dead. He was acquitted on a charge of identity theft. Clayton Lamont Howard, 56, is scheduled to be sentenced on December 3 for two counts of abusing a corpse, according to The Oregonian. He had sex on that mattress with another woman a number of times, authorities said.

29 Nov 10:57 Law & Crime 7990899036498589240.html
Feroarsaker deadlik ûngelok op It Hearrenfean kriget maksimale wurkstraf

De man feroarsake ferline jier maart in ferkearsûngelok op It Hearrenfean, wêrby't in 13-jierrige jonge om it libben kaam.

29 Nov 14:10 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694258171093.html
Lionel Messi Raih Penghargaan Playmaker Terbaik 2019, Kalahkan De Bruyne dan Hazard

Lionel Messi baru saja dinobatkan sebagai playmaker terbaik 2019.

29 Nov 15:50 Bola.net 5489959028485297046.html
terrorangrepet i London:Flere skadd og to drept

To personer er drept og flere er skadet etter et terrorangrep på London Bridge fredag ettermiddag. Gjerningsmannen er skutt og drept av politiet.

29 Nov 14:22 TV 2 8210067770385448728.html
Learn life skills and become a firefighter with new cadet scheme in Tiverton

Tiverton Fire Station is encouraging budding young firefighters aged 12-17 to join their new term of sessions

29 Nov 12:35 DevonLive 2469244513141377894.html
Irakischer Premier Mahdi kündigt Rücktritt an

Der irakische Premier Adel Abdul Mahdi hat angekündigt, beim Parlament des Landes seinen Rücktritt einzureichen. Damit reagiere er auf die Aufforderung von Großayatollah Ali al-Sistani.

29 Nov 11:52 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199269867686712.html
Caso D'Alessio: el fiscal Stornelli declara ante el juez Ramos Padilla

"Estoy a completa disposición del juez", dijo ahora, luego de ser declararo en rebedía. Llegó antes del mediodía a los tribunales de Dolores. Es en la causa que se sigue por presunta...

29 Nov 14:20 La Voz 6237180760771111266.html
Che cosa è successo al London Bridge

Venerdì 29 novembre c'è stata una sparatoria al London Brigde, il monumentale ponte di Londra e tra i simboli della capitale britannica

29 Nov 15:45 Today 178378750571010041.html
India’s EV charging infrastructure starts to take shape

In the last few months, several private and state-owned enterprises have laid the groundwork for setting up charging stations.

29 Nov 11:35 The New Indian Express 4718288653149584465.html
Arrimadas se queda al margen de la gestora de Ciudadanos para postularse como presidenta

Tiene cuatro meses para definir su plan para relanzar el partido

29 Nov 11:51 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613608778120.html
Alba dice sì ai monopattini elettrici: sperimentazione mette d’accordo maggioranza e opposizione

Voto unanime in Consiglio sulla proposta avanzata dal consigliere di "Uniti per Alba" Alberto Gatto. Ora si dovrà attendere il regolamento con cui il Comune individuerà gli spazi nei quali il transito dei mezzi ecologici sarà...

29 Nov 12:29 Targatocn.it 7367208848118007735.html
Laat je haar gratis stylen voor de feestdagen bij de BaByliss Pop-Up Salon

Zo kom jij stralend voor de dag op iedere holiday party.

29 Nov 13:00 Glamour 7276994000807303934.html
Mo Farah says targeting track return at Tokyo Olympics

More sports News: Mo Farah announced on Friday he was targeting a return to the track to compete in the 10,000 metres at next year's Olympic Games.

29 Nov 11:53 The Times of India 6060938664088559264.html
Oil mixed amid slow holiday trade before Opec+ meeting

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures were up 4 cents, or 0.1 per cent, at $58.15 a barrel.

29 Nov 10:06 The Economic Times 7653256037499314242.html
Zwakste groei economie India in ruim 6 jaar

De groei van de economie van India is in het derde kwartaal afgezwakt naar het traagste tempo in meer dan zes jaar. De economie van India is al langere tijd aan het afzwakken, mede door de wereldwijde economische afkoeling.

29 Nov 15:11 RD.nl 6406779840520724916.html
Verdächtiger nach Säureanschlag auf Innogy-Manager wieder frei

Rückschlag für die Ermittlung im Fall des Anschlags auf Bernhard Günther: Das Landgericht Wuppertal hat den Haftbefehl gegen den 32-jährigen Tatverdächtigen aufgehoben.

29 Nov 13:38 Handelsblatt 4721373940288022697.html
PM Orban: Let's not export live animals - medium-term objective; more human and profitable

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Friday that banning export of live animals should be a medium-term objective, mentioning that the...

29 Nov 13:51 Stiri pe surse 4858045012196136848.html
BREAKING! Sanjay Leela Bhansali To Cast Taapsee Pannu For Sia Jia?

Taapsee Pannu was last seen in Saand Ki Aankh opposite Bhumi Pednekar and the film managed to gain some good numbers at the box office. Taapsee’s performance wasn’t just applauded by her fans in t

29 Nov 14:22 Koimoi 5184275669817201360.html
Every Day She Rose is an important piece of political theatre

Black Lives Matters’ action at Pride shatters a friendship in this of-the-moment play that asks all the right questions

29 Nov 12:40 NOW 7434691885685259585.html
A través del programa Construyamos PAE busca acompañar y financiar emprendimientos de estudiantes de escuelas técnicas

Hace 3 años que la iniciativa se lleva adelante en escuelas de Comodoro y durante 2019 se implementó por primera vez en Caleta Olivia.

29 Nov 14:36 Crónica 1134283327201531548.html
SAT asks Sebi to look into Karvy's plea on power of attorney issue

Sebi on November 22 had barred Karvy from taking new clients in respect of its stock broking activities.

29 Nov 14:12 The Economic Times 7653256037974409786.html
Ordinary Zimbabweans say 'THE' Government rather than 'OUR'

Zimbabwe is buffeted by lack of cohesion, it is buffeted by incapacitation, and it is buffeted by intra-party politics, indecisiveness and inconsistencies.Polit...

29 Nov 13:01 Bulawayo24 News 5565663538443967872.html
LASK will "Euro-Schwung" gegen Rapid mitnehmen

Trotz Euro-Party in Trondheim wollen die Linzer ihr Momentum behalten.

29 Nov 14:12 www.laola1.at 837519018425125670.html
Horror-Verbrechen in Indien: Ärztin entführt, vergewaltigt und ermordet

Ein abscheuliches Verbrechen sorgt aktuell in Indien für Aufsehen. Dort wurde eine junge Ärztin entführt, vergewaltigt und ermordet. Die Leiche der Frau wurde wenig später völlig verbrannt aufgefunden. Die britische "Daily Mail" hatte über den grausamen Mordfall berichtet.

29 Nov 14:18 news.de 5126378977857910206.html
Malattia di Parkinson, così gli ultrasuoni spengono i tremori

Una ricerca italiana apre nuove possibilità nel trattamento dei tremori legati alla malattia di Parkinson, utilizzando ultrasuoni ad alta intensità.

29 Nov 11:37 DiLei 6707305202307305271.html
Harvard, Maryland meet in Kissimmee

Maryland (6-0) vs. Harvard (5-2)

29 Nov 11:30 WFXT 6395891954404626291.html
The Good Liar movie review: Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen shine in Bill Condon film

With Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen playing the parts, could the plot of this film based on a novel by the same name get more delicious?

29 Nov 12:49 The Indian Express 2885715105623710348.html
Vatican returns relic from Jesus' manger to Holy Land

Christians are celebrating the return to the Holy Land of a tiny wooden relic they believe was part of Jesus' manger nearly 1,400 years after it was sent to Rome as a gift to the pope.

29 Nov 10:00 Fox News 7362823819520284695.html
Bullismo a Palermo, 14enne disabile picchiato da coetanei: il video pubblicato in rete

Tre quindicenni della provincia di Palermo sono stati denunciati dalla polizia per stalking, percosse, violenze, minacce e diffamazione, con l'aggravante della disabilità e della minore età della vittima. Hanno deriso e picchiato un quattordicenne disabile di Cefalù e condiviso il video dei soprusi sui social.

29 Nov 15:30 fanpage.it 1517332167498076738.html
Williams regresa al terreno de juego

El delantero del Athletic arrastra toda la semana un síndrome catarral por el que ayer los servicios médicos le mandaron de vuelta a casa

29 Nov 13:16 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959285808638.html
Taylor Mega in passamontagna su Instagram. Massimo Boldi: "Questa foto ti dona"

Gossip - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 13:48 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207692307775.html
Borrell no considera progresista a ERC pero recuerda que la investidura depende de que algún partido se abstenga

Admite que es "anómalo" que ERC sea clave para la investidura, pero apunta a la responsabilidad del PP: "Cuando hay alternativas, baja el precio"

29 Nov 10:40 Vozpópuli 2420406190020371539.html
Blackpool striker Armand Gnanduillet fights to be fit for FA Cup tie with Maidstone United

Simon Grayson has revealed that Armand Gnanduillet faces a race against the clock to be fit in time for Blackpool&#8217;s FA Cup tie against Maidstone United.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400565007463550.html
Tim Berners-Lee: web inventor's plan to save the internet is admirable, but doomed to fail

Tim Berners-Lee is credited with inventing the world wide web and now he's calling on us to save it. The British engineer and computer scientist recently released a Contract for the Web – a list of ...

29 Nov 15:30 Tech Xplore 4945708899920466002.html
'Vikings' spin-off series ordered by Netflix

'Vikings: Valhalla' will be a sequel drama series that will be set 100 years after the original 'Vikings' series.

29 Nov 13:07 Channel24 2038030839961781857.html
AfD in Baden-Württemberg: AfD-Fraktion im Landtag zerlegt sich: Zwei weitere Abgeordnete treten aus

Da waren’s nur noch 18: Stefan Herre und Harald Pfeiffer verlassen die AfD-Fraktion im baden-württembergischen Landtag. Das hat Folgen.

29 Nov 14:24 swp.de 6929179440308793166.html
Plenković ce ipak pozvati sindikalce prosvete na razgovor

ZAGREB - Premijer Andrej Plenković najavio je danas da će pozvati predstavnike sindikata obrazovanja na razgovor i ponovio da bi bilo jako dobro da štajk

29 Nov 12:08 Krstarica 4176903988625018599.html
Is Jo Swinson's election campaign punching below its weight?

Lib Dem leader’s ratings have slipped just three weeks after she aimed straight for No 10

29 Nov 12:54 the Guardian 1491978795685377923.html
Indian Rupee Billed as "Overvalued" and Set for Declines after GDP Disappointment

British Pound vs Indian Rupee - Latest Exchange Rate News and Forecasts for Converting Pounds to Euros Today

29 Nov 14:02 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579507918520495.html
BJP Staring At Tough Challenge In Jharkhand, May Need Support Of Angry Allies To Form Government

Why BJP is facing a tough challenge in Jharkhand assembly polls.

29 Nov 14:38 Swarajya 4977622829425987931.html
Cavolo nero: il super food di minerali e vitamine

Tutte le proprietà benefiche del cavolo nero e gli utilizzi.

29 Nov 10:38 InvestireOggi 7231367743563374311.html
Aerolíneas no podrán castigar a viajeros que se equivoquen al comprar tiquetes en Internet

El Consejo de Estado suspendió la resolución 01375 de la Aerocivil que facultaba a las empresas a penalizar yerros como poner mal los datos, informa Semana. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 10:08 pulzo.com 8971816787028255504.html
El fiscal general de Bolivia asegura que no hay ninguna notificación de Interpol contra Morales

El fiscal general de Bolivia, Juan Lanchipa, ha negado que Interpol haya activado un aviso azul contra el expresidente Evo Morales, en contra de lo que...

29 Nov 10:13 Europa Press 4702666149271505451.html
Malaysia beats Thailand in video streaming experience according to Opensignal’s report

Opensignal has just posted its latest “State of Mobile Video Experience” report and it appears that telcos in Malaysia have shown some improvement when it comes to the mobile video experience. The overall mobile video experience score for Malaysia has increased from 47.1 points in 2018 to 54.4 points in 2019.

29 Nov 10:24 SoyaCincau.com 3698931831362298399.html
Seguridad y salud del trabajo: no son solo en noviembre

El Grupo Agrícola clausuró la Jornada de Seguridad y Salud del Trabajo en la Empresa Agroindustrial de Granos (EAIG) Los Palacios, donde es evidente el resultado favorable en la educación y protección de los recursos humanos, así como la labor preventiva en la detección y disminución de los riesgos

29 Nov 11:58 Trabajadores 1167277447471200387.html
Humor is er nog bij Dio Bedum ondanks valse start

Het eerste mannenteam van volleybalclub Dio Bedum kent een beroerde seizoenstart. Na acht wedstrijden staat de ploeg op de laatste plaats in de Topdivisie.

29 Nov 11:43 RTV Noord 3728677366072631155.html
Cops hunt thug masked with Celtic scarf after armed robbery raid at Paisley BP garage

COPS are hunting two armed thugs who robbed a BP garage in Paisley. The pair struck this morning at the garage on Greenock Road and threatened a female staff worker with a weapon before stealing ci…

29 Nov 11:28 The Scottish Sun 6609127674358293999.html
Posting Foto Ini, Tantowi Yahya Kenang Momen Kebersamaan dengan Almarhum Olga

Tantowi Yahya mengenang momen saat dirinya membawakan acara kuis. Salah satu yang dikenang yakni saat yang menjadi pesertanya adalah mendiang Olga Syahputra.

29 Nov 15:45 merdeka.com 1998180356276527849.html
Iraks Ministerpräsident Abdel Mahdi kündigt wegen Protesten Rücktritt an

Iraks Ministerpräsident Adel Abdel Mahdi hat angesichts der massiven Gewalt bei den Proteste in dem Land seinen Rücktritt angekündigt. Er werde ...

29 Nov 13:25 stern.de 4680145937708761813.html
Breaking: South African police officer found guilty of killing a Nigerian

A South African court has found a police officer guilty of killing a  Nigerian, Mr. Emmanuel Okoli in 2018. A civilian  accomplice of the police officer

29 Nov 15:17 Vanguard News 4125100340710016217.html
Airbus will 2035 einen Hybridflieger im Einsatz haben

Bei seinem Antritt als Airbus-Chef hatte Guillaume Faury angekündigt, dass er sich für den Klimaschutz einsetzen werde. Der Konzern entwickelt ein Flugzeug mit Hybridantrieb.

29 Nov 10:52 Golem.de 3063982245551489640.html
Un student la Drept a fost injunghiat la Balul bobocilor

Un student al Facultatii de Drept din Iasi a fost injunghiat si batut in noaptea de joi spre vineri, in timp ce participa la Balul bobocilor. Politistii au dus la audieri doi tineri, care ar fi declarat ca scandalul a fost pornit chiar de victima.

29 Nov 12:46 Ziare.com 1922730285808501926.html
El Municipio aclaró que valida las construcciones naturales y que el proyecto de ordenanza avanza

En abril del año pasado, el responsable de Obras Públicas, Roberto Guadagna junto a Miguel Oberman de Obras Privadas y María Victoria Deguer de Desarrollo Urbano recibieron en la Municipalidad a quienes vienen trabajando en pos de que la ciudad cuente con su propia normativa que regule las edificaciones de viviendas sustentables. Prometieron volver a […]

29 Nov 10:01 El Eco 4177735524968115439.html
Ataque con cuchillo deja varios heridos en La Haya

Varias personas resultaron heridas este viernes en un ataque con arma blanca en la principal calle comercial de la ciudad de La Haya

29 Nov 14:24 Diario de Yucatán 261200017709384564.html
Stasera a Cuneo il giornalista saluzzese Gian Maria Aliberti Gerbotto presenta il suo nuovo romanzo "Io sono + forte"

Appuntamento alle 18 al circolo L'Caprissi. Introduce Giliana Cirio

29 Nov 11:04 Targatocn.it 7367208849821555551.html
'Incursioni', nuova collana di narrativa di Italo Svevo

Arriva in libreria 'Incursioni', una nuova collana di narrativa della Italo Svevo Edizioni, diretta da Dario De Cristofaro, con pagine intonse, come tradizione della casa editrice, e progetto grafico di Maurizio Ceccato. (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:42 ANSA.it 1300837448689522679.html
Death of Thornton man in Highland loch was a tragic accident

The death of a Thornton man in a Highland loch was a tragic accident, a court has ruled.

29 Nov 10:10 The Gazette 1828400565327378462.html
Wien und Luxemburg blockieren Euroatom-Programm ab 2021

Österreich und Luxemburg haben am Donnerstag die Einigung auf das milliardenschwere, nächste Euratomprogramm blockiert, das ab 2021 gelten soll. Die zuständigen Minister beider Staaten haben beim EU-Rat in Brüssel dagegen votiert. Grund für das Nein war, dass im Programm die Rede davon ist, dass Atomkraft nachhaltig sei und der Erreichung der Klimaziele dienen könne.

29 Nov 14:56 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084922212721.html
"Das Ziel ist kein sichtbarer Schmutz"

Eine Wohnung ist kein Krankenzimmer, eine gewisse Hygiene muss aber sein. Wer beim Putzen daheim auf Chemiekeulen verzichtet, tut auch den Kläranlagen einen Gefallen. Und spart dabei vielleicht Geld.

29 Nov 14:01 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441627142831.html
SPÖ, FPÖ und NEOS wollen "parlamentarischen Quellenschutz"

SPÖ, FPÖ und NEOS wollen einen "parlamentarischen Quellenschutz" für Abgeordnete einführen, wie er auch für Journalisten gilt. Damit sollen Abgeordnete das Recht haben, bei Ermittlungen der Justiz die Aussage zu verweigern, um Informanten zu schützen. Anlass ist der Versuch des Bundesamts zur Korruptionsbekämpfung (BAK), das Handy der NEOS-Abgeordneten Stephanie Krisper beschlagnahmen zu lassen.

29 Nov 13:14 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699010548943.html
Los imprescindibles de la jornada en MPG

La 15ª jornada arranca este viernes con el Celta-Valladolid. Haz ya tus cambios en MPG. Aquí te ofrecemos opciones interesantes de cara a esta jornada de LaLiga

29 Nov 12:01 sport 1349897969159798072.html
Os cinco principais fatores que atrapalham a vida sexual do homem

Para manter o equilíbrio físico e emocional é necessário ter atenção alguns hábitos

29 Nov 11:46 R10 3167340812790547067.html
Bochum: Klimademo geht ohne Zwischenfälle zu Ende

Eine weitere Großdemo gegen den Klimawandel ist in Bochum um 14.30 Uhr zu Ende gegangen. Alles blieb friedlich, es gab keinerlei Zwischenfälle.

29 Nov 13:55 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221548967689.html
IRR for Magna Carta of the Poor beats House deadline

The proposed implementing rules and regulations (IRR) for the Magna Carta of the Poor Act just beat the buzzer at the House of Representatives.

29 Nov 13:26 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199408397926.html
FC Liverpool: Klopp muss auf Brasilianer Fabinho verzichten

Teammanager Jürgen Klopp von Champions-League-Sieger FC Liverpool muss für den Rest des Jahres auf den brasilianischen Nationalspieler Fabinho verzichten.

29 Nov 14:33 SPOX 8395423525980303293.html
Farmers’ grievance meet turns stormy

Stir against ‘denial’ of Vaigai water for irrigation

29 Nov 14:32 The Hindu 6679535025125833098.html
Adrian Edmondson hints he is returning to EastEnders

Daniel isn't dead after all...

29 Nov 13:17 Entertainment Daily 8392972517755266749.html
Inauguran puente que conecta a Rusia y China

Los primeros turistas podrán cruzar el río a través del puente un año y medio más tarde.

29 Nov 12:22 SIPSE.com 4008460418688664938.html
Pandora: Harry Potter Kollektion kommt auf den Markt

Ab 29. November verkauft Pandora eine neue Kollektion, die magisch ist. Es handelt sich nämlich um eine Kollaboration zwischen Pandora und Harry Potter.

29 Nov 15:03 miss 1375730020539379943.html
Owner of car used in kidnapping turns himself in to Pasay City police

The owner of the car whose license plate was reportedly stolen and implicated in the suspicious disappearances of some of the nine missing teenagers in Pasay City showed up to the police on Thursday.

29 Nov 14:26 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199962305876.html
Jurgen Klopp, Pep Guardiola inducted into LMA Hall of Fame

The Liverpool and Manchester City bosses have shown 'drive, innovation and dedication' in their roles.

29 Nov 10:17 Sports Mole 7750663362032125428.html
Flere i fylket blir oppringt fra politiets nødnummer

– Politiet ringer aldri fra 112, skriver politiet i Møre og Romsdal på Twitter.

29 Nov 12:18 rbnett.no 7665098090834817938.html
The Trump campaign trolled The Washington Post by claiming there was no evidence a picture of the president as Rocky Balboa was doctored

The Trump campaign trolled The Washington Post this week for reporting that a picture President Donald Trump shared of his head pasted onto the body of the fictional boxing champion Rocky Balboa had been doctored.

29 Nov 13:31 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883563057632.html
London stabbing | Two people killed, police shoot suspect dead

Metropolitan Police Chief Cressida Dick said two stabbing victims had died and three injured people were being treated in a hospital

29 Nov 14:37 The Hindu 6679535026153709730.html
Kriptovalute i kriminal: Raj za sticanje nezakonitih dobiti

Kriptovalute kao što su Bitkoin, Ethereum, te Monero, sve su češće valute koje biraju trgovci narkoticima, te oni koji se bave drugim vrstama kriminala. Kako je popularnost digitalnih valuta rasla,…

29 Nov 14:13 PC Press 681412283231271015.html
Catania, minacciano e rubano sciarpa a tifosi Bari: arrestati 2 ultras etnei

CATANIA – Due ultras del Catania, che nel 2016 erano stati sottoposti a Daspo, per sei e cinque anni, sono stati arrestati e posti ai domiciliari dalla Digos della Questura etnea per avere minacciato e derubato la sciarpa a due tifosi del Bari, prima della gara tra siciliani e pugliesi, valida per 12esima giornata del Girone C di Serie C del 27 ottobre scorso, allo stadio Angelo Massimino. Nonostante il divieto di assistere a gare sportive, i due, armati di coltello, fuori dall’impianto sportivo avrebbero minacciato un giovane pugliese che vive e lavora in Sicilia e suo padre, giunto da Bari per assistere alla partita. Il Questore Mario Della Cioppa sta avviando l’iter per l’estensione della durata del Daspo per entrambi. I due tifosi baresi, come racconta il sito News Sicilia, sono stati avvicinati da due ultras del Catania a bordo di uno scooter che li hanno affiancati, intimando loro, con la minaccia di un coltello, di consegnare le due sciarpe del Bari che le vittime indossavano e ripetendo la frase: “Ti…

29 Nov 12:54 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354421472506.html
Jorge Jesus visita hospital oncológico e doa receita da sua biografia

O treinador do Flamengo esteve com crianças internadas no Instituto Nacional do Cancro do Rio de Janeiro e anunciou a doação dos direitos de autor do seu livro àquela unidade hospitalar.

29 Nov 12:12 DN 8445869956079624691.html
Rachel Vennya Akhirnya Wisuda Bareng Suami, Tas Mungil yang Ditentengnya Saat Pakai Kebaya Capai Harga Rp219 Juta!

Rachel Vennya Akhirnya Wisuda Bareng Suami, Tas Mungil yang Ditentengnya Saat Pakai Kebaya Capai Harga Rp219 Juta!

29 Nov 12:35 grid.id 586386474717719238.html
Las damas preludian la gran cita nacional

Este fin de semana El certamen Femenino se desarrollará en el Paraná Rowing Club, con la participación de una docena de seleccionados de Primera división y otros tantos de Juveniles. 

29 Nov 12:32 El Litoral 2624573358731349665.html
EVE MUIRHEAD: Plenty of scope to improve after Euro silver

We were obviously gutted to lose out on gold at the European Championships on the last stone in the final.

29 Nov 10:00 The Courier 4275302768145798812.html
The Three Amigos

Zak Foreman is an artist at Epic.

29 Nov 13:30 Kotaku Australia 2018810246983173006.html
In Eggersdorf: Feuerwehr rettet Jugendlichen von Schuldach

Der Bursche konnte weder vor noch zurück. Er war selbst hinaufgeklettert.

29 Nov 10:39 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700193204211.html
Glockenläuten in Wehr soll digital werden

Eine Generalüberholung des Glockenspiels in Wehr sieht der Finanzausschuss für 16 000 Euro vor. Mechanik ist schon des Öfteren gestockt.

29 Nov 10:31 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428017082069.html
70 Menschen bei CDU-Mahnwache gegen Punkband "Feine Sahne Fischfilet"

Die Punkbank "Feine Sahne Fischfilet" ist am Freitagabend in Wetzlar aufgetreten. Der dortige Ortsverband der CDU und eine Bürgerinitiative hielten deshalb Mahnwachen gegen "Linksanarchisten" ab.

29 Nov 13:54 hessenschau.de 6403292204269838860.html
Llega el nuevo profesional que sustituirá a los teleoperadores

La próxima vez que reciba la llamada intempestiva de un teleoperador a la hora de la siesta tratando de convencerle de que cambie de compañía de...

29 Nov 10:01 Expansión 4197779424886105733.html
Bayer cierra la venta de su participación en Currenta a Macquarie

El grupo químico y farmacéutico Bayer ha cerrado la venta de su participación del 60% en Currenta, el operador de parques químicos, empresa valorada en 3.500 millones de euros, incluidas deudas y pagos de pensiones, al fondo de infraestructura MIRA del banco australiano Macquarie.

29 Nov 15:42 elEconomista.es 9051559959301561128.html
Deal: Black Friday Brings Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Doritos Together in One Package

Call of Doritos

29 Nov 12:00 Push Square 8538862517502614455.html
OFFICIEEL: Duchâtelet doet Charlton Athletic dan toch van de hand

De fans van Charlton Athletic krijgen hun zin. Roland Duchâtelet heeft de club namelijk verkocht. De ex-eigenaar van STVV en Standard was bijzonder onpopulair bij de Charlton-aanhang.

29 Nov 11:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215517132926.html
Liverpool will always support families of Hillsborough victims – Jurgen Klopp

On Thursday the 1989 FA Cup semi-final’s match commander David Duckenfield was cleared of the gross negligence manslaughter of Reds fans who died.

29 Nov 15:34 Shropshire Star 3480199992542580074.html
6 forgers of senior IDs nabbed in Recto

Six persons allegedly involved in producing fake senior citizens’ cards in the university belt area in Manila were arrested by police on Thursday.

29 Nov 10:37 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199898656449.html
Khloe Kardashian Stuns In New Good American Bodysuit — Kris Jenner Calls Her A Goddess

Khloe Kardashian modeled a new Good American bodysuit and the Internet is going crazy over how gorgeous the Kardashian sister looks. Even Khloe's own

29 Nov 15:48 Celebrity Insider 265863476200713578.html
EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Tusk übergibt an Charles Michel

Der scheidende EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk hat sich in Brüssel verabschiedet. Charles Michel wird ihm ab Sonntag nachfolgen.

29 Nov 12:50 euronews 4540914625377470918.html
NGO wants 'Dabangg 3' censor certificate cancelled, writes to CBFC

Controversy rose after a section of social media objected to scenes in the film's title song that shows saffron-clad sadhus dancing with guitars.

29 Nov 15:02 The New Indian Express 4718288654297195155.html
Sex ska bli fem i Riksbankens ledning

Riksbankens ledning ska bantas från sex till fem ledamöter. Det föreslås av Riksbankskommitténs utredare Mats Dillén i en utredning som nu överlämnas till finansmarknadsminister Per Bolund (MP). – Det innebär att riksbankschefens utslagsröst sällan blir

29 Nov 11:45 HD 3336945413161418231.html
Leonardo Bonucci eager to avoid Jose Mourinho’s Tottenham in Champions League

Juventus have secured top spot in Champions League Group D and Leonardo Bonucci is hopeful his side will not draw Tottenham in the last 16.

29 Nov 11:49 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906667097899.html
Analyse unseres Partner-Portals "Economist": Trump wird nervös: China schlägt in der Atompolitik einen gefährlichen Weg ein

´Vor einem Nuklearkrieg habe ich keine Angst´, polterte der chinesische Revolutionsführer Mao Zedong einst auf einem Moskaubesuch im Jahre 1957. Mao wies seine Gesprächspartner darauf hin, dass selbst wenn die Hälfte seiner Bevölkerung einem radioaktiven Inferno zum Opfer fallen würde, noch immer 300 Millionen weitere Chinesen am Leben bleiben würden.

29 Nov 15:08 FOCUS Online 4448121230449128396.html
Beauty products - know the risks of using it | TheHealthSite.com

Beauty products - All of us use a liberal amount of beauty products. But have you ever paused to ask yourself the health ramifications of using these?

29 Nov 13:41 Thehealthsite 4766622849424199210.html
Artist Anne Hardy on Her Pagan-Inspired Tate Britain Winter Commission

As Anne Hardy’s transformation of Tate Britain’s façade is unveiled, the artist reveals how she created the installation for the storied institution

29 Nov 13:40 AnOther 7947254203387073692.html
Diduga Terima Rp22 M, KPK Tetapkan Pejabat BPN Jadi Tersangka

KPK menetapkan 2 orang pejabat Badan Pertanahan Negara (BPN) sebagai tersangka terkait dugaan penerimaan gratifikasi senilai Rp 22 miliar.

29 Nov 12:45 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213911098292.html
Jerry Jones Became a Perfect SpongeBob Meme During Cowboys Thanksgiving Day Loss vs. Bills (TWEETS)

Jerry Jones has lived through a grand total of 78 Thanksgivings, but I can almost guarantee that none of them…

29 Nov 15:43 Total Pro Sports 5536572204546512584.html
El Gobierno de Bolivia anula el decreto que permitía a los militares reprimir las protestas

Las negociaciones con los manifestantes logran la suspensión de la orden, bajo la cual se cometieron al menos dos hechos graves de represión que dejaron 19 muertos

29 Nov 14:58 EL PAÍS 2207347709833623236.html
Bpost viert de verjaardag van Suske en Wiske met een eigen postzegelreeks

De populaire stripfiguren Suske en Wiske blazen volgend jaar 75 kaarsjes uit. Om dat te vieren krijgen ze in 2020 hun eigen postzegelreeks. Op de zegels zal de ontwikkeling van de striphelden vanaf...

29 Nov 14:33 HLN 8967494997213240744.html
London Bridge: Two dead in terror attack; suspect with hoax bomb vest shot dead by police

British police have said they're dealing with an incident on London Bridge, and witnesses have reported hearing gunshots.The Metropolitan Police force tweeted that officers were 'in the early stages of dealing with an incident at London Bridge.'

29 Nov 14:38 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829371405567590.html
Clark Handicap in Kentucky and Matriarch in California top weekend horse racing

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Nasty weather played havoc on horse racing on both coasts Thanksgiving Day, but the remainder of the holiday weekend promises some top-shelf contests, including the Clark Handicap at Churchill Downs and the Matriarch at Del Mar.

29 Nov 11:58 UPI 8257973865248093731.html
En Chone atropellan a mujer mientras cruzaba la calle

Amelia Zambrano Mendoza, de 44 años, falleció luego de haber sido embestida por un vehículo mientras se dirigía a su lugar de trabajo, informó la Policía.  El hecho se suscitó en la avenida Eloy

29 Nov 14:42 El Universo 8365175797973084890.html
John Barnes: 'Brendan Rodgers would have succeeded at Liverpool if given time'

Rodgers was sacked by Liverpool in October 2015.

29 Nov 10:17 Sports Mole 7750663361827587039.html
You Can Now Purchase Some Of The Most Famous Original Images Of Alleged UFO Sightings

One of the most notorious groupings of alleged UFO images can be yours for the cool price tag of just a few thousand dollars. The images were captured by s

29 Nov 10:20 IFLScience 242791748591871031.html
Johnson emplaza a Trump a no entrometerse en las elecciones de Reino Unido cuando vaya a la cumbre de la OTAN

El primer ministro británico y candidato del Partido Conservador a la reelección, Boris Johnson, ha emplazado al presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald...

29 Nov 11:42 Europa Press 4702666148733321748.html
Dax-Konzerne tun zu wenig für den Klimaschutz

Die Bemühungen der Großunternehmen im Deutschen Aktienindex reichen nicht aus, um die Pariser Klimaziele zu erreichen. Das geht aus einer Studie hervor.

29 Nov 15:41 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322427201077.html
L'addio di Eniola Aluko alla Juve apre gli occhi sul nostro razzismo quotidiano

Con una lettera al Guardian, la calciatrice annuncia l'addio al nostro paese: “Stanca di entrare nei negozi e avere la sensazione che il titolare si aspetti che rubi qualcosa”

29 Nov 10:20 Wired 7504010956608203769.html
Flashback Friday: Karisma Kapoor's latest post featuring Salman Khan is sure to make you nostalgic

Karisma Kapoor needs no introduction as the diva has given some stellar blockbusters back in time and is currently enjoying a gala time with her famil

29 Nov 14:12 The Times of India 6060938664151504555.html
Londra, un uomo col coltello ucciso dalla polizia a London Bridge. Attentato?

ROMA – Spari a London Bridge, a Londra, dove un uomo è stato ucciso dalla Polizia a colpi d’arma da fuoco. Non si capisce se si tratti di un attentato o meno, ma le prime testimonianze parlano di un uomo col coltello. Lo riferiscono fonti della polizia citate da Sky News. Londra: spari a London Bridge. Le prime notizie arrivate sono state confuse: colpi d’arma da fuoco e polizia in azione a London Bridge, nel cuore di Londra, scrivevano i media inglesi citando testimoni e fonti investigative. Non ancora chiaro il contesto. Secondo le prime informazioni, la polizia ha cordonato l’area bloccando l’accesso al ponte dove staziona un camion al centro della carreggiata. Scotland Yard al momento fa riferimento sul suo account Twitter a “un incidente”, invitando a evitare la zona. Il servizio di ambulanze di Londra twitta a sua volta di aver inviato alcune ambulanze sul posto. La zona è stata teatro negli anni scorsi di un attacco terroristico di matrice jihadista.Naomi Campbell, ex compagno Vladislav Doronin vende per…

29 Nov 14:45 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355321259081.html
BMW Builds a Plant for Electric Cars in China

Luxury German carmaker BMW on Friday said it would build fully electric models of its Mini cars at a new plant in China, as it kicked off a joint venture with Chinese partner Great Wall Motor. About 160,000 vehicles are are set to roll off the assembly line at the planned factory in the city of Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu province, Tech Xplore reported.

29 Nov 10:11 novinite.com 4235039571547364749.html
Neu-Ulm investiert in Sicherheit: Stadträte geben Geld für einen Kommunalen Ordnungsdienst frei

Stadträte geben Geld für den Kommunalen Ordnungsdienst frei. Doch vorher wird erneut darüber debattiert.

29 Nov 14:40 swp.de 6929179441798214477.html
The dark side of Black Friday: Counting the real cost of deals and bargains

It's great for consumers, but Planet Earth and High Street businesses could pay a heavy toll for our greed.

29 Nov 11:08 Metro 970161747131025824.html
Azioni che possono continuare a fare bene nei prossimi giorni

Il Ftse Mib continua  a muoversi in una fase laterale ribassista di breve che allo stato attuale non si è ancora conclusa.  Il minimo che si formerà in

29 Nov 11:50 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261629554134.html
Drone project aims to put floating Lagos slum on map

LAGOS (Nigeria), Nov 29 — John Eromosele records the coordinates of a bustling canal on his smartphone from aboard a dug-out canoe navigating the floating slum of Makoko in Nigerian megacity Lagos. The waterway is “like a boulevard, there’s always traffic here,” the computer coding...

29 Nov 15:00 Malaymail 302165934601299170.html
Manövrierunfähig: Sattelschlepper folgte Navi in die Berge

Weil er seinem Navi folgte, ist ein Lkw-Fahrer in Tirol mit seinem Fahrzeug auf einer 25 Grad steilen Straße stecken geblieben.

29 Nov 14:13 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699871864705.html
Entire families were crushed by their homes when the 6.4 magnitude earthquake

Thumanë (Albania) (AFP) - Albanian families buried their loved ones on Friday and the country mourned the 49 people known to have died in this week's earthquake, as officials grapple with the destruction left in its wake. Entire families were crushed by their homes when the 6.4 magnitude earthquake

29 Nov 15:28 Yahoo 7097669637980674270.html
Soargen Wetterskip Fryslân oer oankundige boere-aksjes foar moandei

In ynterview fan dykgraaf Paul van Erkelens yn It Polytburo moandei is fanwegen de ferwachte rebûlje ôfsein.

29 Nov 15:16 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694975937319.html
Ditangkap Saat Pesta Sabu, Anak Wabup Banyuasin: Ayah-Ibu Saya Minta Maaf

Sigit mengaku memakais sabu karena frustasi setelah sang ibu meninggal dunia.

29 Nov 14:40 detiknews 8793960224796627195.html
Tuban Petro Rights Issue, Pertamina Bakal Kuasai 51%?

PT Pertamina (Persero) berencana menjadi pemilik saham mayoritas PT Tuban Petrochemical Industries (TPI) sebesar 51%.

29 Nov 11:17 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213921132606.html
U.K. police say a number of people injured in London Bridge stabbing incident

'A man has been detained by police. We believe a number of people have been injured'

29 Nov 15:19 National Post 4816958591669871577.html
FOCUS-Leserdebatte: Mutet die Politik den Landwirten zu viel zu?

Erst legten Klimaaktivisten die Hauptstadt lahm; jetzt waren es die Bauern. Am Dienstag fuhren mehr als 5000 Landwirte mit ihren Traktoren durch Berlin, um gegen die Agrarpläne der Bundesregierung zu demonstrieren. Zwischen der Politik und den Bauern tobt ein erbitterter Streit um die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft.

29 Nov 13:58 FOCUS Online 4448121231810542089.html
3 Reasons To Add Low Impact Cardio Into Your Workout Routine

Anyone want to go for a stroll?

29 Nov 15:43 mindbodygreen 5822886644202583479.html
SSC JHT, SHT Hindi Pradhyapak answer key released: Check how to download, raise objections

SSC JHT, SHT Hindi Pradhyapak answer key: The last date to raise objections is December 2, 2019. Candidates will have to pay Rs 100 per objection.

29 Nov 13:38 The Indian Express 2885715104637739557.html
Oud-monteurs Defensie moe van chroom-6-strijd

De rechtszaak van vroegere medewerkers van Defensie die jarenlang zijn blootgesteld aan het kankerverwekkende chroom-6 sleept zich voort.

29 Nov 11:22 RD.nl 6406779842098795058.html
“Non si affitta agli stranieri”, polemiche per annuncio discriminatorio di un’agenzia di Grosseto

L'annuncio è apparso alcuni giorni fa su uno dei canali web specializzati nella compravendita e locazione di immobili e ha fatto molto discutere tanto da richiamare anche la federazione italiana degli agenti immobiliari che si è voluta dissociare da quanto accaduto. Proteste che hanno indotto il portale a rimuovere la parte discriminatoria.

29 Nov 13:08 fanpage.it 1517332167381042299.html
El Arsenal fulmina a Unai Emery

Siete partidos consecutivos sin ganar han acabado con la paciencia de la propiedad del club gunner

29 Nov 12:58 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612315913644.html
No industry for women: Bollywood #MeToo accused back at work

A year after Bollywood followed Hollywood by naming male predators accused of sexual harassment, many women say they have suffered while alleged ...

29 Nov 11:33 CNA 5644198862504605632.html
Eröffnungstermin Berliner Flughafen BER steht: Ob es diesmal klappt?

Die Zeit der Pannen und Umbauten soll vorbei sein: Die Betreibergesellschaft legt sich auf den 31. Oktober 2020 als Startdatum fest.

29 Nov 15:28 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322557368869.html
Apple Watch Series 5 Segera Dijual Bersama iPhone 11 di Indonesia

Makemac - Apple Watch Series 5 akan segera dijual di Indonesia! Tepatnya bersamaan dengan rilis iPhone 11 series yaitu 6 Desember mendatang.

29 Nov 15:35 grid.id 2219816954188692481.html
Goldman Sachs is going through a huge transformation under CEO David Solomon. Here's everything you need to know., Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Here's the latest news about Goldman Sachs.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

4 Dec 11:39 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755878780284.html
Rabillard terug in basis bij Go Ahead Eagles, Van der Venne vraagteken

Antoine Rabillard keert zondag waarschijnlijk terug in de basis bij Go Ahead Eagles in de uitwedstrijd tegen De Graafschap. De spits krijgt de voorkeur boven Maecky Ngombo.

29 Nov 15:00 RTV Oost 6509131171826938346.html
What is a hung parliament? What happens when no party wins an election majority?

The UK is heading to the polls on Dec 12, 2019 but, there is a chance that the results could end up with a hung parliament.

29 Nov 12:21 The Telegraph 140598091077361655.html
KKP Bongkar 12 Rumpon Nelayan Filipina

KBRN, Jakarta: Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) melalui Kapal Pengawas Perikanan kembali berhasil menertibkan 12 (dua belas) alat bantu penangkapan ikan rumpon ilegal di perairan Zona

29 Nov 10:09 RRI News Portal 6700853644175497436.html
Thanksgiving is Here – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Thanksgiving is a secular holiday with Jewish religious roots.

29 Nov 13:26 The Jewish Press 7246030799933409074.html
8 alimentos que no deben meterse al microondas

Así como se conoce que hay determinados productos que no es recomendable meter en el microondas, como el plástico o papel aluminio, también existen algunos alimentos que al cocinarlos en este electrodoméstico pueden causar ciertos riesgos para su salud.

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257778768638.html
Reabertura dos cassinos pode ajudar artistas e cantores

Os cantores e artistas de todo país estão atentos esperando que o Governo reabra os cassinos, pedido que foi feito por um grupo de parlamentares que é a maioria na Câmara dos Deputados.

29 Nov 10:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125212240183961.html
Rise of the machines: Why Australia's miners are racing for automation

An aerial picture from Jimblebar, one of BHP's biggest mines in the Pilbara, sums up its push to cut costs and increase productivity as iron ore demand falls.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562246511419.html
GRAINS-Chicago soybean prices slip as U.S.-China tensions grow

* U.S.-China talks shift to Shanghai this week* Wheat underpinned by declining outlook for Russia's crop* No deliveries against CBOT December wheat or corn contracts (Recasts with U.S. trading, adds quotes, updates prices, changes dateline from LONDON)By P.J. HuffstutterCHICAGO, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Chicago soybean futures slipped on Friday with the market closely watching for updates on U.S.-China trade talks, and traders less than impressed with a jump in recent soybean export sales between the two countries.

29 Nov 15:55 Successful Farming 8502642053361951332.html
Tres muertos en el incendio de una vivienda en Dehesas Viejas, Granada

Al parecer, los fallecidos serían un matrimonio octogenario y su hijo, de unos 40 años

29 Nov 10:22 RTVE.es 8332346888959653040.html
Thanksgiving fantasy recap: Taysom Hill, Cole Beasley, David Montgomery

There was a heaping helping of Thanksgiving football on Thursday featuring Bears-Lions, Saints-Falcons and Bills-Cowboys. Here are fifteen things you need to know for fantasy football: Bears best

29 Nov 14:47 New York Post 7654946769256141098.html
Offese a Papa Francesco, Troiani chiede la messa alla prova

CIVITANOVA - Il vice sindaco è imputato per una frase con cui si rivolgeva al Pontefice. Il processo è stato rinviato in attesa del programma di lavori socialmente utili che svolgerà, dopo l'approvazione del giudice, alla Croce verde

29 Nov 15:14 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194500087237.html
Un detenido, tras un incidente con un cuchillo cerca del Puente de Londres

Varios testigos informan de que se han escuchado disparos en la zona, mientras que la Policía metropolitana señala que hay un detenido

29 Nov 15:21 El Informador 103545928377650523.html
9 Games Worth Smashing Out Over Christmas

The holidays are the best time for knocking out some video games, and this year has been quietly one of the best. There's been some solid AAA games, cracking indies and just a good variety of experiences throughout. So if you're looking for something fresh over the period, or just want to grab something for a weekend...

29 Nov 14:00 Kotaku Australia 2018810246244531513.html
Eurozone inflation jumps more than expected in November – ING

The increase in both headline and core inflation was driven by strong growth in services prices. Still, don't assume this has implications for the Eur

29 Nov 11:55 FXStreet 4480975638984784697.html
Pilar Rubio descubre el principal motivo de discusión con Sergio Ramos

Pilar Rubio, esposa de Sergio Ramos, fue la protagonista de la portada de la revista ‘Hola’ esta semana tras conceder una extensa...

29 Nov 14:09 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957683179792.html
Disruption ahead for motorists as work begins on A90 near Perth

Drivers are being warned they could face delays this weekend as carriageway resurfacing improvements get under way on a busy stretch of dual carriageway between Perth and Dundee.

29 Nov 12:16 The Courier 4275302766771274833.html
8 alimentos que no deben meterse al microondas

Así como se conoce que hay determinados productos que no es recomendable meter en el microondas, como el plástico o papel aluminio, también existen algunos alimentos que al cocinarlos en este electrodoméstico pueden causar ciertos riesgos para su salud.

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257599751849.html
Boris Johnson struggles with questions on trade deals and trust

UK in talks with ‘about a dozen’ countries on future trade deals, prime minister says.

29 Nov 10:56 POLITICO 2584151345749496102.html
Dos muertos y tres heridos en un ataque terrorista en Londres

Según The Times, el agresor fue condenado por terrorismo islámico, se hallaba en libertad provisional y participaba en un acto sobre justicia penal

29 Nov 15:47 elPeriodico 7291954033546621301.html
Slovenija proti predlogu, zaradi katerega bi se velike korporacije težje izogibale davkom

12 držav članic EU, med njimi tudi Slovenija, je blokiralo direktivo, ki bi velikim korporacijam omejila izogibanje plačilu davkov. Če bi bil predlog sprejet, bi bila podjetja prisiljena razkriti svoje dobičke in višino davkov, ki so jih plačala v državah članicah EU.

29 Nov 12:17 Dnevnik 7671546649294764029.html
Japanese restaurants rocket to top of best in world list

TOKYO, Nov 29 — Two Japanese restaurants have shot to the top of the La Liste ranking of best places to eat in the world, with a third one getting the second highest mark from the authoritative “guide of guides”. Yosuke Suga’s tiny Tokyo restaurant Sugalabo, which has only 20 tables, does...

29 Nov 11:26 Malaymail 302165934841167095.html
3 Persamaan Cut Tari dan Mantan Istri Richard Kevin, Ida Helena Juga Pernah Terjerat Video Skandal

3 Persamaan Cut Tari dan Ida Helena, Mantan Istri Richard Kevin, Salah Satunya Skandal Video Panas dengan Artis Ternama!

29 Nov 10:02 Tribunnews.com 3323534445743101693.html
Libertad para los cuatro condenados en los ERE amenazados con prisión

La Audiencia de Sevilla niega que exista riesgo de fuga de Fernández, Viera, Guerrero y Márquez, aunque les retira el pasaporte y la...

29 Nov 14:40 La Vanguardia 8061072699707540946.html
Top 3 Tekno Berita Hari Ini: Lubang Hitam Besar di Bima Sakti

Top 3 Tekno berita hari ini : lubang hitam raksasa di Galaksi Bima Sakti, Ujian Nasional, dan masalah kependudukan jelang pindah ibu kota baru.

29 Nov 10:18 Tempo 8962756050494811537.html
Sugar companies' profit set to rise on firmer prices

 The profit of sugar companies is expected to improve with prices firming up on the back of lower sugar production. Domestic sugar production for sugar season started in October was revised downwards

29 Nov 13:13 BusinessLine 5283600140749376.html
Realizan la autopsia para determinar las causas de la muerte de Alexis

Este viernes comenzaron los peritajes que buscan determinar cómo y cuándo fue asesinado Alexis Cuevas. El cuerpo del joven de 23 años fue encontrado en un zanjón de la desembocadura del arroyo "La Mata" ayer por la tarde. Estaba desnudo, presentaba dos puñaladas en el cuello y tenía una bolsa en la cabeza.

29 Nov 14:24 El Patagónico 8565457046225808976.html
Jadwal Liga Inggris Akhir Pekan Ini - Liverpool Vs Brighton Live TVRI

Persaingan papan atas Liga Inggris semakin memanas dan pada pekan ini tim-tim papan atas bakal diuji konsistensinya pada pertandingan pekan ke-14.

29 Nov 13:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435469194527.html
Exclusive Dzsenifer Marozsan interview: How the contraceptive pill left me almost unable to walk

Dzsenifer Marozs&aacute;n has always been reticent to speak in depth about the pulmonary embolism that left her collapsed on the floor of her parents&rsquo; house - in Germany in the summer of 2018 - and gasping for breath.

29 Nov 15:14 The Telegraph 140598092674376701.html
Rifiuta l'alcooltest: scattano le manette per un 40enne

Continua l'attività di controllo dei Carabinieri

29 Nov 11:59 AvellinoToday 5452883947742699374.html
AWO-Affäre: Frankfurter Vorstand verweigert Rücktritt

Riesenbeben bei der AWO: Der Bundesvorstand fordert den Rücktritt aller Mandatsträger. Die Frankfurter weigern sich.

29 Nov 14:45 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239605287985.html
Die kaputte BVB-Achse: Reus, Hummels und Witsel als Sinnbilder der Krise

Lucien Favre muss als Sündenbock für die Krise von Borussia Dortmund herhalten. Die 1:3-Niederlage gegen den FC Barcelona untermauert jedoch den Eindruck, dass sich einige Führungsspieler des BVB hinter ihrem angezählten Trainer verstecken.

29 Nov 14:14 SPOX 8395423524734757959.html
Previa del partido: el Torredonjimeno recibe al Melilla CD en la decimosexta jornada

Previa del partido: el Torredonjimeno recibe al Melilla CD en la decimosexta jornada

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897969414597465.html
Epidemia de opioides afecta a la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí

El mes pasado, Miriam Peretz, una joven de 17 años de origen ultraortodoxo de Jerusalén, murió de una sobredosis de drogas. opioides

29 Nov 12:37 Noticias de Israel 5887715890750207979.html
Menag akan Bantu Korban First Travel Berangkat Umroh

"Mudah-mudahan bisa kami titip ke beberapa tempat, dan mudah-mudahan butuh beberapa kali, lima tahun bisa teratasi. Selama periode kedua kepemimpinan Pak Jokowi kita bisa selesai, mudah-mudahan," kata Fachrul dalam Rapat Komisi VIII DPR di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis (28/11).

29 Nov 13:23 merdeka.com 1998180356227139003.html
Sinterklaasdisco in zwembad De Meerval op zaterdag 30 november

Op zaterdag 30 november van 17.30 tot 20.30 uur is er weer een Sinterklaasdisco in de Meerval! De knotsgekke badmeesters en het dansende Meervalteam hebben er weer zin in. En natuurlijk komen Sint en de Pieten in het zwembad langs! Doe jij ook mee met het Pietenpacours

29 Nov 11:21 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807534980005100.html
Salzburg buhlt um Foto-Museum auf dem Mönchsberg

Stadt und Land Salzburg bekräftigen ihr Interesse als Standort für ein Fotomuseum des Bundes. Am Freitag untermauerten Landeshauptmann Wilfried ...

29 Nov 14:41 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093309123532.html
Police shoot man in London Bridge 'terror related' attack

One man has been shot by police near London Bridge in an incident which is being responded to "as though it is terror-related", the Metropolitan Police said.

29 Nov 15:53 Lancashire Post 6469275855121159805.html
Learn How to Design Audio for Games in FMOD w/ Point Blank: Adaptive Character Sound

During the video, Rory uses Unity, a game design engine, and FMOD, an integrated game engine DAW, to demonstrate exactly how adding sound to games works

29 Nov 14:36 Magnetic Magazine 5123414665633531871.html
Michaela Kleisinger is living a dream with University of Regina Cougars

Michaela Kleisinger grew up cheering for the University of Regina Cougars women’s basketball team, for which she is now a fifth-year player.

29 Nov 14:09 Regina Leader-Post 1297111426053382075.html
SC rejigs roster; CJI, 3 senior-most judges to hear PILs, letter petitions

The new roster is slightly different from the last time when the outgoing CJI Ranjan Gogoi had kept PIL matters for top five judges of the apex court, including the CJI.

29 Nov 14:05 Business-Standard 1502508925575896345.html
Großer Fund bei Kontrolle - Eine Tonne Knaller entdeckt

Gut 1,1 Tonnen Pyrotechnik hat der Zoll bei der Kontrolle eines Kleintransporters auf der Autobahn 12 in Frankfurt (Oder) sichergestellt. Der Fahrer habe die verschiedenen Feuerwerkskörper mit einem Gewicht von 1.133 Kilogramm ohne die nötige Erlaubnis aus Polen in Richtung Berlin transportiert, wie eine Sprecherin des Zolls am Freitag ...

29 Nov 14:26 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109639236675.html
Better Buy: Square vs. American Express

A case of the turtle and the hare?

29 Nov 13:02 The Motley Fool 2231313657441157985.html
Truffa da otto milioni: coinvolti due ex cf

Truffa milionaria a Ragusa, 4 patteggiamenti e 14 rinvii a giudizio e un proscioglimento. Tra gli imputati anche due consulenti finanziari.

29 Nov 11:51 bluerating 6922469337107898074.html
Gazzetta - Milan, emergenza in difesa: Demiral prima opzione per gennaio

Del possibile arrivo a gennaio di un altro difensore se ne parlava già da qualche settimana, ma ora che Leo Duarte si è infortunato e dovrà restare fuori per 3-4 mesi l'arrivo di nuovo centrale sembra essere certo. Il Milan è costretto quindi a guardarsi intorno, anche se da tempo il primo nome sulla lista è sempre lo stesso, cioè quello di Merih Demiral, giocatore della Juventus che i rossoneri hanno già cercato a lungo anche in estate.

29 Nov 10:00 MilanNews.it 6507305921275337757.html
Letizia Diana: le ultime novità sulla ragazza scomparsa a Conegliano

Che fine ha fatto Letizia Diana: le ultime novità sulla ragazza scomparsa a Conegliano, che potrebbe essere finita in un giro di prostituzione.

29 Nov 15:45 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926326159590.html
Boris Johnson pide a Donald Trump que se mantenga alejado de las elecciones británicas

El primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson, dijo este viernes que es mejor que el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, no se implique en las elecciones de Reino Unido cuando visite Londres

29 Nov 11:35 El Universo 8365175796956646074.html
Convoca el Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional al Cuarto Periodo Ordinario de Sesiones de la IX Legislatura

La Habana, 29 nov  (ACN) Las Comisiones Permanentes de Trabajo de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular efectuarán reuniones ordinarias de trabajo los días 17 y 18 y el día 20 de diciembre a las 9:00 a.m. comenzará el Cuarto Periodo Ordinario de Sesiones.

29 Nov 13:28 www.acn.cu 4590417276689506423.html
Syed Modi International: Sourabh, Rituparna enter semifinals; Srikanth crashes out

Badminton News: Indian shuttlers Sourabh Verma and Rituparna Das advanced to the semifinals but Kidambi Srikanth made an exit after losing in the quarterfinals of the

29 Nov 13:44 The Times of India 6060938664861793527.html
Troops neutralise 13 Boko Haram, ISWAP terrorists in Borno -Army

 The combined troops of Sector 3 Operation LAFIYA DOLE and Sector 2 Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) of Chadian forces have killed 13 t

29 Nov 10:25 Vanguard News 4125100340810577028.html
Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal: A look at the issues which led to Spaniard's exit

The Spaniard was dismissed on Friday, with Freddie Ljungberg appointed as interim head coach.

29 Nov 13:19 Sports Mole 7750663361299879749.html
Black Friday Deal alert: HP has great deals on all kinds of laptops and desktops

If you're someone who has been looking to pick up a shining new device then this might be the best time to do so. HP is currently running great deals

29 Nov 14:20 MSPoweruser 1651641550309534497.html
FIFA sperrt Ex-Funktionär Teixeira lebenslang

Die Ethikkommission des Fußball-Weltverbands FIFA hat den hochrangigen Ex-Funktionär Ricardo […]

29 Nov 15:08 Sky Sport 6321692527442096275.html
Inilah Perbandingan Prestasi Messi Vs Ronaldo saat Mencapai Laga ke-700 di Klub

Lionel Messi berhasil mengantarkan Barcelona meraih kemenangan atas Borussia Dortmund pada matchday kelima Liga Champions pada Kamis (28/11/2019) dini hari WIB.

29 Nov 10:00 Bola.net 5489959027980708128.html
Reggio Calabria, sgominata la cosca Bellocco, innumerevoli arresti [tutti i nomi]

Reggio Calabria, ndrangheta durissimo colpa alla malavita, sgominata l'organizzazione criminale della cosca Bellocco

29 Nov 14:05 Tempostretto 3143171743629790369.html
'Shocked, Such Violence is Beyond Imagination,' Says Rahul Gandhi on Murder of Telangana Doctor

A charred body, later identified as Dr Priyanka Reddy, was found under a culvert near Shadnagar in Telangana’s Ranga Reddy district on Thursday morning, a day after the veterinarian went missing.

29 Nov 13:12 India.com 7150386082955547998.html
Black Friday Deal Alert: These gaming laptops and desktops will give you the best bang for the buck

If you're want to get your game face on then there are some gaming laptops and desktops that could provide you with the best bang for the buck.

29 Nov 15:30 MSPoweruser 1651641549524014216.html
L'Assl non avvia la nutrizione, a Quartu arriva la polizia

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 13:48 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207331572622.html
Le secteur socioculturel flamand de Bruxelles raboté maintient la pression

Les coupes budgétaires dans le secteur socioculturel flamand de Bruxelles inquiètent les associations.

29 Nov 11:30 Vivreici.be 7768530902479305406.html
Hudson’s Bay vraagt uitstel van betaling aan

Hudson’s Bay Nederland heeft uitstel van betaling aangevraagd. Dat maakte de winkelketen donderdagavond bekend.

29 Nov 11:41 RD.nl 6406779841745541571.html
Taoiseach confirms plans have been made to take care of Lisa Smith's child

The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said he is satisfied with plans put in place to care for Lisa Smith's child when she and her daughter return to Ireland.

29 Nov 15:45 Breaking News 4415806919965340131.html
Extra AOV voor ouderen met een laag inkomen

Extra AOV voor ouderen met een laag inkomen

29 Nov 11:00 Bonaire.Nu 6841721121815437248.html
Tenso momento de Juan Grabois en un aeropuerto de Bolivia

Fue cuando el dirigente de la CTEP y una delegación de la organización llegaban a Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

29 Nov 12:36 Crónica 1134283328035627717.html
14 Fabulous Gifts for the Wellness Obsessed

Here are some ideas to help bring you and your loved one's through this trying time looking and feeling better than ever before.

29 Nov 15:00 Daily Front Row 879615088066842886.html
Doa Gibran & Selvi Ananda untuk La Lembah Manah di Acara Akikah

Gibran Rakabuming Raka dan Selvi Ananda baru saja menggelar tasyakuran akikah anak kedua mereka, La Lembah Manah.

29 Nov 13:41 parenting 8028540702959350646.html
You can now decorate your Christmas tree with glitter gravy baubles

A Christmas staple reinvented and hung on the tree!

29 Nov 15:26 Entertainment Daily 8392972515762033857.html
Now United Search For New Member in Middle East/North Africa Region

Now United are on the lookout for a brand new member for their international group and are looking in the Middle East/North Africa region.

29 Nov 12:56 Just Jared Jr. 3416194174393144386.html
Iraq PM says he will quit after cleric's call but violence rages on

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi announced his resignation on Friday after the country’s top Shi’ite Muslim cleric urged lawmakers to reconsider their support for a government rocked by weeks of deadly anti-establishment unrest.

29 Nov 15:23 Reuters 8334514180399890601.html
Phil Trainer thankful for backing of board

Assistant boss Phil Trainer has praised Andy Pryce and the AFC Telford board for backing the squad with the ‘luxury’ option of overnight travel.

29 Nov 10:02 Shropshire Star 3480199992312828326.html
Kalahkan De Bruyne dan Hazard, Lionel Messi Sabet Penghargaan Playmaker Terbaik 2019

Lionel Messi mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai playmaker terbaik 2019.

29 Nov 13:20 Bola.com 1695722602831553781.html
Capturaron a otro joven con pedido de captura en Standart Norte

La noche del jueves efectivos policiales identificaron a un joven de 21 años y procedió a su aprehensión dado que contaba con pedido de captura por rebeldía.

29 Nov 14:45 Crónica 1134283327732934253.html
"Egal wie": Klinsmann fordert Punkte gegen Dortmund

Bei seinem Bundesliga-Trainercomeback zählt für Herthas prominenten Neuzugang Jürgen Klinsmann nur der Erfolg.

29 Nov 14:11 weltfussball.at 3521376372743338202.html
Ximena Sariñana lanza nuevo sencillo

La cantante mexicana lanzó su nuevo tema musical llamado "TBT4 EVER".

29 Nov 15:30 SIPSE.com 4008460417806249537.html
El Tribunal Superior de Madrid dicta que los trabajadores de Glovo son falsos autónomos

La sentencia da la razón a un 'rider' que denunció a la empresa por despido improcedente. La decisión del Tribunal sentará un precedente para los próximos casos.

29 Nov 12:53 www.publico.es 99190977002165416.html
Red tide miabot na sa Surigao del Sur

Matud sa Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) niadtong Huwebes, positibo na sa red tide toxin ang Lianga Bay busa fili angayang kan-on ang mga shellfish sama sa talaba ug tahong sa maong dapit lakip na ang mga alamang.

29 Nov 10:15 Abante News Online 7257070572688079058.html
Comando armado entra a hospital y se lleva a un paciente. Video

A través de redes sociales circula el video de un comando armado que entra al hospital Salvatierra y se llevan a un paciente, en Guanajuato

29 Nov 14:30 EL DEBATE 4396150892933743910.html
So wird das Einschlafen nicht jeden Abend zum neuen Kampf

Kindern fällt das Einschlafen oft schwer. Mit diesen Tipps gehen sie lieber ins Bett.

29 Nov 12:09 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568507955836.html
The New Popemobile Is A Dacia Duster Cheap SUV

Dacia has donated a purpose-built Duster to the Pope equipped with a removable glass superstructure and with a ground clearance 30mm lower than normal.

29 Nov 10:00 Motor1.com 1648269241518960740.html
Tinte trocken: Aston Villa verlängert mit Trainer Smith

Aston Villa erweitert die Zusammenarbeit mit Erfolgstrainer Dean Smith. Wie der Klub aus Birmingham bekanntgibt, unterschreibt der 48-Jährige ein bis 2023 datiertes Arbeitspapier. Smith hatte (...)

29 Nov 12:59 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783822839514.html
12 police officers called to crash involving multiple vehicles on busy Dundee road

Police have been called to a three-vehicle crash on a busy Dundee road.

29 Nov 15:45 The Courier 4275302767122132448.html
UK's Corbyn says his thoughts are with those at London Bridge

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said his thoughts were with those caught up in the “shocking” incident at London Bridge on Friday, and thanked the emergency services for their response.

29 Nov 15:58 Reuters 8334514179907929359.html
Atacante abatido em incidente terrorista na Ponte de Londres

Um homem foi abatido, esta sexta-feira, pela polícia e há registo de várias pessoas esfaqueadas na Ponte de Londres. As autoridades já classificaram o incidente como "ato terrorista".

29 Nov 14:33 JN 6956494303294582784.html
Tusshar Kapoor talks about Laxxmi Bomb, his first project as producer

Tusshar Kapoor is setting off on a new venture in his life as the actor is currently producing his first film. Titled Laxmmi Bomb, the film is a remake of the hit Tamil film Kanchana and stars Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani. The actor turned producer spoke about his upcoming project in an interview with a leading daily. He said, “It is like a labour of love for sure. I have been involved with this film since many years now. I bought the rights in 2013, so you can call it a passion project. ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ is my first film as a producer and I have got an amazing team. Akshay sir is the main protagonist and it is like a dream come true for any producer to start his production career with an actor of his stature. I don’t have words to talk about ‘Laxmmi Bomb’, ‘Kanchana’ has always been my favourite subject. I am expressionless, cannot really contain my excitement in words.”

29 Nov 12:17 Filmfare.com 6668806038170990212.html
Nordländer warnen vor Rückbau der Windkraft

Die norddeutschen Länder fürchten um die Windkraftbranche. Die Ministerpräsidenten fordern den Bund auf, die Windenergie konsequent auszubauen. Dazu legten sie einen Elf-Punkte-Plan vor.

29 Nov 11:20 NDR.de 5356044082587973983.html
Milan, tra le alternative a Ibrahimovic c'è anche Jovic

Tra le alternative a Ibrahimovic, qualora non si trovasse un accordo per il ritorno al Milan, ci sarebbe anche la pista che porta a Jovic del Real Madrid. L'attaccante prelevato in dall'Eintracht Francoforte sta facendo fatica a ritagliarsi un posto nella squadra spagnola e potrebbe decidere di essere ceduto in prestito a gennaio.

29 Nov 15:00 MilanNews.it 6507305922915696867.html
Britain's oldest twins go on dream trip

Britain’s oldest twins Lil and Doris re-lived their cherished childhood memory of riding a steam train through the British countryside.

29 Nov 10:38 Express & Star 7324224460185908779.html
Ivanka Trump: So sorgte die Präsidententochter mit einem Bild für Angst und Schrecken

Ivanka Trump zeigte ein Bild von einem Besuch in London - und die Menschen dachten an Horrofilme.

29 Nov 12:02 Thüringen24 7206317295957368690.html
Fedez in Tribunale: accusato per lesioni dopo la rissa con il vicino, Rovazzi testimonia

Periodo estremamente movimentato per Fedez, il rapper è finito in Tribunale a seguito della rissa con il vicino, avvenuta lo scorso 2016. In questi giorni, infatti, si è tenuta una nuova udienza nella quale è stato chiamato a testimoniare anche Fabio Rovazzi, ex amico del cantante, attualmente in forte attrito nei suoi confronti. Stando a […]

29 Nov 12:40 KontroKultura 2573504972509197588.html
Hallaron ahorcada a una joven y detuvieron a un sospechoso

Se trata de Milagros Robledo (17), quien estaba desaparecida desde la tarde del 13 de noviembre, cuando se retiró de su casa en bicicleta. La madre de la víctima recién formuló la denuncia por el paradero 12 días después, el lunes pasado, ya que, según confiaron fuentes policiales, pensó que Milagros podía estar con su […]

29 Nov 15:10 El Eco 4177735524879977223.html
Dos muertos y tres heridos en el apuñalamiento del Puente de Londres que la policía considera atentado terrorista

La policía ha confirmado que hay varios heridos por apuñalamiento y que el sospechoso ha muerto tras los disparos de los agentesFuentes del Gobierno citadas por la BBC señalan que dos personas han fallecido tras ser apuñaladas por el atacanteLas autoridades están investigando el incidente como un atentado terrorista y han confirmado que el atacante llevaba un cinturón explosivo "falso"

29 Nov 15:30 eldiario.es 4752673445612497908.html
The Trump campaign trolled The Washington Post by claiming there was no evidence a picture of the president as Rocky Balboa was doctored, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Critics saw in President Donald Trump's campaign message a totalitarian disregard for the truth, but others saw the message as humorous trolling.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 13:31 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756978627040.html
The wealth gap is one of the defining issues in the US right now, but proposals that punish the wealthy could be focusing on the wrong part of the problem

A wealth tax could have cut Jeff Bezos' fortune in half and made Bill Gates $61 billion less rich, but it might not do anything to make the economy feel more fair to the middle class, Bloomberg columnist Noah Smith argued in a recent column.

29 Nov 15:07 Business Insider 6060062400733889141.html
Why Sharing Your Disney+ or Netflix Password Is a Bad Idea

It can be tempting to share your various service logins with a pal, especially because they ain’t getting any cheaper. But you might think twice before handing those Netflix or Disney+ credentials over to a friend—particularly if your password and account protection protocols are lax.

29 Nov 15:00 Gizmodo 461714589645300546.html
Alte Diskette von Steve Jobs wird versteigert

Es ist nur eine alte Diskette, doch für Apple-Fans wäre sie das schönste Weihnachtsgeschenk: Eine Floppy-Disc von Steve Jobs.

29 Nov 13:31 Bild 8433249908143488210.html
Kufenflitzer haben auf Weihnachtsmarkt eine „Eisbahn“

Beim Winterzauber können Besucher auf einer Kunststoffbahn Schlittschuh laufen.

29 Nov 13:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110250603568.html
Eagles Superfan Sammy Draper Celebrated the Cowboys Loss by Shaking It On Instagram (VIDEO + PICS)

What a wonderful Thanksgiving day for everybody who isn't a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. On Thursday afternoon, the two…

29 Nov 14:46 Total Pro Sports 5536572204876285849.html
Reggiana, buone notizie dall’infermeria: Scappini in gruppo

REGGIO EMILIA – La Reggiana sta preparando la sfida con il Piacenza, valida per la 17ª giornata del girone B di Serie C e in programma domenica alle 17.30 al Città del Tricolore. In casa granata tiene banco la vicenda legata alle condizioni dei campi di allenamento del Circolo Tennis di Albinea, provati dalle diverse […]

29 Nov 13:40 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334062638777.html
Als die Kanzler noch den Zug nahmen

Ob Adenauers 'Sonderzug nach Moskau' oder Brandts Besuch in Erfurt: Früher fuhren die Mächtigen mit der Bahn durch die Welt. Und auch heute nehmen manche Staatsoberhäupter noch den Zug. 

29 Nov 13:40 T-Online 5460876211708122522.html
Amid 'air apocalypse', mask-clad Lahore looks for answers

When black smoke from burning rice stubble in nearby India swept into Lahore - one of Pakistan's largest and wealthiest cities - earlier this month, outraged residents declared an ‘air apocalypse’ and the provincial government shut down schools.

29 Nov 14:05 Bdnews24 8119004129455787576.html
Galeria de rio desaba e sete pessoas ficam feridas em Joinville

Clientes de um bar estavam em cima do espaço, que era usado como deck

29 Nov 11:32 NSC Total 4216767908196740110.html
Jasa Raharja Raih Dua Penghargaan di Ajang Top Digital Award 2019

Pada acara tersebut PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero) menerima Penghargaan di Kategori “TOP Digital Implementation 2019 on Insurance Sector # Level Star 4” dan“TOP Digital Transformation Readiness 2019” di bawah kepemimpinan Budi Raharjdo S.

29 Nov 11:12 liputan6.com 3414318496449521097.html
Uddhav Thackeray government to face floor test on November 30

The Shiv Sena-NCP-Congress alliance claims to have the support of over 170 MLAs.

29 Nov 11:11 The Hindu 6679535025491833779.html
Kontroversiell altartavla invigs i Malmö

S:t Pauli kyrka får Sveriges första hbtq-altartavla.

29 Nov 12:28 HD 3336945413651910343.html
Here’s What Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas Did This Thanksgiving

Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas decided to get married last year in December and left millions of their fans awestruck. The duo has ever since been going all out to spend time with each other despite their packed schedules. Either Nick flies down to India or PeeCee heads to Los Angeles to spend time with her hubby. Today too, on Thanksgiving, the couple was seen spending time with their family in Los Angeles. Nick took to Instagram to share videos of Priyanka and him having a relaxed time as they played around with different filters. 

29 Nov 10:06 Filmfare.com 6668806037204517121.html
Oposición advierte que negociaciones para mejorar acuerdo constitucional "están en punto muerto"

Según el presidente del PS, Álvaro Elizalde, y su par de la DC, Fuad Chahín, el bloque oficialista se negó a incluir cuotas para los pueblos originarios, equidad de género y al voto de los chilenos en el exterior en el proceso.

29 Nov 14:36 Emol 3328490601425744402.html
Solskjaer hopes 'world-class' Pogba could be ready for Spurs clash

Paul Pogba is nearly back to fitness and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hopes to see him back in early December.

29 Nov 10:52 sportskeeda 1601194027867188370.html
What's new on Netflix this weekend?

Can these new releases tempt you from the Late Late Toy Show?

29 Nov 11:50 Irishexaminer 8196011179927011193.html
What's new on Netflix this weekend?

Can these new releases tempt you from the Late Late Toy Show?

29 Nov 11:50 Breaking News 4415806919133371649.html
UK PM Johnson implores Trump: please keep out of election

"What we don't do traditionally as loving allies and friends, what we don't do traditionally, is get involved in each other's election campaigns," said Johnson, whose Conservative Party has a commanding lead in the polls ahead of the December 12.

29 Nov 11:07 The Indian Express 2885715104055766551.html
Un detenido y varios heridos en un grave incidente en el Puente de Londres

Francia Varios testigos aseguran haber escuchado un tiroteo, así lo informó la Policía Metropolitana de Londres.  

29 Nov 15:18 El Litoral 2624573358045138667.html
Julian Assange: NDR stellt Strafanzeige in Affäre um Überwachung

Julian Assange und seine Besucher sind in der ecuadorianischen Botschaft ausgespäht worden. Betroffen sind auch deutsche Journalisten.

29 Nov 10:45 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323669666400.html
Parlamento unânime no louvor aos treinadores de futebol Jesus e Fernando Santos

O parlamento aprovou esta sexta-feira, por unanimidade, um voto de louvor pelas conquistas e distinção internacional dos treinadores de futebol Jorge Jesus e Fernando Santos, respetivamente técnico do clube brasileiro Flamengo e selecionador português. “A Assembleia da República, reunida em sessão plenária, vem louvar as conquistas e distinções destes profissionais de futebol, destacando o efeito positivo que estas apresentam sobre a imagem do desporto nacional e do país em todo o mundo”, lia -se no texto, apresentado pelo grupo parlamentar do PS. Jorge Jesus, “no passado dia 23 de novembro, conquistou a mais importante competição sul-americana de clubes da Confederação Sul-Americana de Futebol, a Copa Libertadores da América” e “tornou-se assim no segundo treinador europeu a vencer a competição em 60 edições, a que lhe juntou a conquista do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol no dia seguinte”. “No dia 26 de novembro, Fernando Manuel Fernandes da Costa Santos, selecionador principal da seleção portuguesa de futebol…

29 Nov 13:49 O Minho 154418197394109624.html
Hasenpest Schorndorf: Krankes Tier gefunden - Auch Menschen können sich infizieren

Tot aufgefundene Tiere sollen beim Kreisjagdamt oder beim Polizeirevier gemeldet werden.

29 Nov 11:00 swp.de 6929179441369850597.html
Wolves Fans' Verdict v Braga: Shocking stewarding but satisfying result

Our Wolves supporters share their thoughts on the 3-3 draw at Braga – and the problems getting into the ground.

29 Nov 14:35 Express & Star 7324224459882318978.html
Hong Kong police end 2-week campus siege

The police returned control of Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s campus to school officials Friday, bringing to an end one of the most intense periods of conflict since protests began to engulf the city in June.

29 Nov 13:06 Bdnews24 8119004129690065772.html
Joshua Allen is released from jail to enter drug rehab

Joshua Allen was released from custody this afternoon to do a residential drug rehabilitation programme – three weeks after the prison door closed behind him.

29 Nov 14:44 Irishexaminer 8196011178375322120.html
Hospital en EE.UU. admite haber practicado delicado trasplante al paciente equivocado

En su comunicado, el centro médico afirmó que el error enmarcado en la desafortunada existencia de pacientes homónimos.

29 Nov 14:03 W Radio 7724358830392149009.html
Thanksgiving mit dem Ex

Wenn Jennifer Aniston zu Thanksgiving lädt, dann kommt halb Hollywood. Auch ihr Ex-Mann Justin Theroux ließ sich nicht lumpen.

29 Nov 11:28 Bild 8433249909204310822.html
Un arsenal impressionnant d’armes blanches saisi dans les chambres du COUD

La Direction du Centre des œuvres universitaires (COUD) a saisi un arsenal impressionnant d’armes blanches dans les chambres des étudiants durant les vacances. Selon un représentant du Coud qui donne la nouvelle, de la drogue a été aussi saisie au COUD. Désormais, la surveillance est de mise au sein du campus social. Même pour entrer […]

29 Nov 15:18 Senegal Direct 7490802907369834284.html
Lululemon Black Friday Deals -- Wunder Under Leggings, Take Shape Bras and More

The popular athleisure brand has revealed major savings to kick off the holiday season.

29 Nov 15:12 Entertainment Tonight 7101181083238333306.html
Boris Johnson urges Brexit backers to vote Tory or risk staying in EU

He vowed to bring his EU Withdrawal Agreement back before Parliament before Christmas if he wins a majority on December 12.

29 Nov 12:18 Express & Star 7324224460206423756.html
Polícia prende cinco pessoas e apreende armas em Corrente

A ação policial ocorreu na manhã desta sexta-feira (29).

29 Nov 15:11 R10 3167340813024998867.html
Masi Agricola vince il premio Save the Brand 2019 nella categoria marketing e distribuzione

Masi Agricola, tra i leader italiani nella produzione di vini premium, ha vinto il Save the Brand 2019, premio ai top Italian brand nel fashion, food, furniture, per la categoria …

29 Nov 12:15 FinanzaOnline 6528634128086891914.html
Driver's lucky escape after van flips onto its side on black ice

A yellow warning was in place for the county

29 Nov 13:18 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701763182592.html
L'Ajuntament de Barcelona reclama al Govern les competències per regular les habitacions turístiques

ERC presenta una proposició amb el suport de Barcelona en Comú, PSC i JxCat que s'aprovarà al ple d'aquest divendres

29 Nov 12:00 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479348554220.html
Indonesia plans sweeping tax reforms for 'expatriate' income, dividends, penalties

The sweeping tax reforms are aimed to increase investments and spur the Indonesian economy.

29 Nov 14:24 The Jakarta Post 7678601103080587039.html
Montpellier : deux anciennes attachées parlementaires attaquent Muriel Ressiguier aux Prud'Hommes

La députée montpelliéraine Muriel Ressiguier (France Insoumise) vient d'être attaquée aux Prud'Hommes par deux de ces anciennes attachées parlementaires pour motif de licenciement abusif et de harcèlement moral.  

29 Nov 15:33 Midi Libre 3150507209546931599.html
Königinnen der Nacht

Die Königin der Nacht hat die Wahl zwischen Powerfarbe und Edelton. Mit kräftigem Rot entscheiden Sie sich für einen energievollen und selbstbewussten Abendauftritt und zeigen gleichzeitig, dass Sie auf eine der Trendfarben dieser Saison setzen. Orangetöne, aber auch Fuchsia, Himbeere und Pink ergänzen das knallige Rot und liegen ebenso im Trend. Wer gerne auf Sanfteres […]

29 Nov 12:39 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171487344504.html
Persija Buang Banyak Peluang Terbuang saat Jamu Persipura, Ini Kata Pelatihnya

Persija Jakarta banyak membuang-buang peluang saat menjamu Persipura pada lanjutan Liga 1 2019 pekan ke-29.

29 Nov 10:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436869620789.html
Johnson 'did not keep word' to free Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

Other dual nationals also in jail because of UK failure to repay debt to Iran, says husband

29 Nov 11:59 the Guardian 1491978795855687794.html
Bruselas y Berlín intentan zanjar el debate migratorio con un nuevo sistema de control y reparto

La nueva Comisión quiere presentar su propuesta de reforma dentro de 100 días

29 Nov 10:24 EL PAÍS 2207347710225757992.html
Severe thunderstorm watch issued for Gisborne Friday 29 Nov

The MetService have issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for Gisborne today. Please note that these types of events can be localised and unpredictable.

29 Nov 10:56 SCOOP 5315658999369909822.html
Retiran harina de trigo del mercado por posible contaminación por E.Coli

Dos compañías que fabrican harina de trigo retiran su producto del mercado por una posible contaminación por bacteria E. coli.

29 Nov 14:01 Mundo Hispanico 2601846019881602110.html
100 Kilogramm Kokain landeten in Supermärkten

Insgesamt 100 Kilogramm Kokain im Straßenverkaufswert von rund sieben Millionen Euro haben Zollfahnder in Bananenkisten im Emsland und Westfalen sichergestellt.

29 Nov 13:45 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567839632854.html
Be unshaken in your Christian faith – Parish Priest

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:28 ghananewsagency.org 5074937608983992478.html
Julian Assanges Vater soll in Köln über seinen Sohn sprechen

John Shipton wird zu einer Diskussion an der Uni erwartet. Sein Sohn, der Gründer von Wikileaks, sitzt derzeit in einem Londoner Hochsicherheitsgefängnis.

29 Nov 10:31 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567862283259.html
La Cina ha definito «un grave errore e un comportamento irresponsabile» la videoconferenza dell’attivista di Hong Kong Joshua Wong al Senato italiano

Il governo della Cina, attraverso l'ambasciata cinese in Italia, ha definito «un grave errore e un comportamento irresponsabile» la decisione di alcuni parlamentari italiani di ospitare l'attivista di Hong Kong Joshua Wong, fra i leader delle proteste a favore della democrazia delle ultime settimane, in una

29 Nov 15:43 Il Post 6291746504802589637.html
Why did KCR drag Telangana’s Chief Justice into RTC staff strike issue: Congress

Is it permissible for the CJ to discuss an issue pending in his court with the CM, asks AICC spokesperson

29 Nov 14:31 The Hindu 6679535025225183106.html
'Medische staf wil één sterkhouder klaarstomen bij Anderlecht'

Frank Vercauteren verwelkomde deze week drie spelers terug op de groepstraining. Adrien Trebel, Vincent Kompany en Philippe Sandler deden weer mee. Volgens

29 Nov 11:30 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215845762287.html
General Election seats to watch: North-east England

A political sea-change might be about to happen in this corner of the country.

29 Nov 15:26 Shropshire Star 3480199992728918886.html
ESPN Releases Final Prediction For Today’s Iowa-Nebraska Game

ESPN released its final prediction for today's showdown between the Iowa Hawkeyes and Nebraska Cornhuskers.

29 Nov 14:29 The Spun 9122471849583396714.html
Veganer Wolf und sieben Geißlein

Es ist jedes Jahr das Gleiche: Steht die Premiere des Hoftheaters auf der Kulturinsel an, sind fast alle Vorstellungen längst so gut wie ausverkauft. Das ist auch in diesem Jahr so, wenn die jungen Akteure des Schauspielstudios der Leipziger Hochschule für Musik und Theater ihr Weihnachtsmärchen ...

29 Nov 11:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110705341761.html
Neulengbacher Advent ist eröffnet

Gleichzeitig mit der Eröffnung des Neulengbacher Advent wurde die Ausstellung von Josef Frank eröffnet.

29 Nov 11:07 NÖN.at 2486998932114632010.html
Boy with suspected autism killed in complete breach of trust, says lawyer

Liam Whoriskey, 25, from Londonderry, was convicted of manslaughter and cruelty to a child.

29 Nov 13:10 Shropshire Star 3480199991549647201.html
El Gobierno aprueba más de un millón de euros de subvenciones para programas con personas con discapacidad

El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado este viernes, a propuesta del Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social, la concesión directa de subvenciones cuyo...

29 Nov 15:10 Europa Press 4702666147549164733.html
How Woman Made History During Uhuru's Swearing-in Ceremony [VIDEO]

As President Uhuru Kenyatta was being sworn in as the fourth president, history was being written by...

29 Nov 10:59 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154904603347.html
Honkonge policijai nutraukus universiteto apsiaustį planuojami nauji protestai

Honkongo policija penktadienį nutraukė dvi savaites vykdytą universiteto miestelio, kuris buvo tapęs mūšių su demokratijos reikalaujančiais protestuotojais lauku, apsiaustį, o aktyvistai pažadėjo artimiausiomis dienomis surengti naujų mitingų ir streikų.

29 Nov 10:37 Kauno diena 6825691409215936282.html
HMD to live-stream the Nokia launch event from Cairo. Watch here

HMD has shared more details about the Nokia smartphone launch event  scheduled on December 5 at 10:30 PM. The event is happening in Cairo, Egypt and will be live-streamed on the official Nokia Mobile YouTube channel.

5 Dec 13:54 NPU 717572088395208127.html
Newcastle boss Bruce to persevere with front three despite lack of goals

Joelinton, Miguel Almiron and Allan Saint-Maximin have managed just one goal between them in their time on Tyneside.

29 Nov 11:12 Shropshire Star 3480199993130813933.html
Uma Barra para todos

As obras de requalifica&ccedil;&atilde;o da Barra foram as primeiras do Projeto Orla. Realizadas logo no in&iacute;cio da gest&atilde;o transformadora de ACM Neto, elas passaram a se constituir em refer&ecirc;ncia do novo padr&atilde;o urban&iacute;stico que vem sendo adotado em toda a borda da j&aa...

29 Nov 12:27 Correio 5185786713977685126.html
All-City boys cross country: Santa Fe South's Christian Arenivar caps high school career with dominant season

Christian Arenivar hears a voice in his head when he pushes his body. “You want to give up,” the voice tells him. “Just sit down so you can be able to breathe.” Arenivar, a senior cross country runner at Santa Fe South, won’t give in to the temptation. He refuses because there are too many things he is running for. His girlfriend is pregnant and due Jan. 19. He wants to compete in college and was on a mission this season to improve as a runner. He fulfilled his goals and ended his high school career in dominant fashion, winning his second consecutive Class 5A state championship. Arenivar is The Oklahoman's 2019 Boys Cross Country Runner of the Year.

29 Nov 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761301623735.html
Opposition protest in Assam Assembly as onion prices reach Rs 100 per kg

They asserted that they will continue to protest in the same manner till the state government takes measures to control the price of onions, which is selling at Rs 100 and more per kg in the state

29 Nov 10:30 Business-Standard 1502508925713407455.html
My Godse remark distorted, Rahul Gandhi should apologise for calling me terrorist: Pragya in House

"No charges have been proven against me in the court. This is against the law to call me a terrorist without any proof and insult me, Thakur said in Lok Sabha.

29 Nov 10:45 The Indian Express 2885715104763571976.html
Iraq's prime minister says he will submit his official resignation to Parliament following day of...

BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraq's prime minister says he will submit his official resignation to Parliament following day of bloodshed .

29 Nov 12:39 WFXT 6395891952740710065.html
De Oase: 'We willen mensen inspireren om groenere keuzes te maken'

De spullen die je tegenwoordig in de supermarkt ziet liggen, zijn niet altijd gemaakt op de meest milieuvriendelijke wijze. Als je echt een duurzame mindset hebt, kan je ook naar De Oase in het centrum van Rotterdam. Daar zijn tal van planten en milieuvriendelijke maaltijden te vinden, die op een 'groenere manier' in de winkel zijn gekomen. "Wij willen mensen inspireren om groenere keuzes te maken."

29 Nov 10:07 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228213725284.html
Bandidos tentam furtar cofre de posto de combustíveis em Campina Grande

Bandidos tentam furtar cofre de posto de combustíveis em Campina Grande

29 Nov 12:10 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543904667974757.html
Premijer Malte Džozef Muskat podnosi ostavku, novi do januara

VALETA - Premijer Malte Džozef Muskat obavestio je svoje saradnike danas da namerava da podnese ostavku. Tu njegovu odluku uzrokovala je politička i

29 Nov 13:48 Krstarica 4176903989918705577.html
Liverpool midfielder Fabinho ruled out until 2020 with ankle injury

The Brazilian was injured in the Champions League match against Napoli.

29 Nov 13:42 Sports Mole 7750663361247056707.html
(P) Leonidas Romania prezinta "rasfatul fin al sarbatorilor" cu noua colectie de cadouri dulci

Leonidas Romania lanseaza noua colectie de Craciun, sub headline-ul „rasfatul fin al sarbatorilor”. Ion Codreanu, importator Leonidas Romania, da startul cadourilor de sarbatori cu noua colectie de cadouri dulci si rafinate, pentru bugete diverse.

29 Nov 13:26 Wall-Street 2473040519921478934.html
SBI FXTRADE Expands Offering, Adds 8 New JPY Currency Pairs

SBI FXTRADE Co., Ltd. announced this Friday that it is expanding its FX product offering to include eight new currency pairs based on the Japanese yen.

29 Nov 13:02 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138266621982607.html
Hai Eropa, Ancaman RI Soal Airbus Tak Main-Main Lho!

Produk sawit tanah air kena diskriminasi di Uni Eropa. Pemerintah tak tinggal diam dan akan ambil langkah.

29 Nov 10:07 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213925804049.html
Skyworth group to invest $100 mn on white goods factory in Telangana

The company proposes to make latest generation Lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines in the second phase expansion, according to the Shenzen

29 Nov 12:13 Business-Standard 1502508925712488095.html
Intel calls for aid manufacturing CPUs… and Samsung answers

Any excuse for a Lord of the Rings reference...

29 Nov 11:10 PCGamesN 7890463383265707943.html
Winterstimmung am Bauernhof – der etwas andere Urlaub in Tirol

Der Winter bei Urlaub am Bauernhof Tirol zaubert ein Lächeln auf die Lippen

29 Nov 15:28 OTS.at 4182160712071435787.html
Toyota muscle la Yaris


29 Nov 15:20 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230249193284961.html
Winter to be Warmer This Year? Know Here Why

The possibility of any severe cold wave spells over regions falling under the Core Cold Wave Zone (CWZ) in the next three months has been eliminated. 

29 Nov 13:49 India.com 7150386084010085694.html
“High unemployment, cause of drug abuse in Ghana"- Psychologist

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:23 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610319935572.html
Ring Fit Adventure: in Giappone stanno per esaurire le scorte | Game Division

In Giappone Ring Fit Adventure sta facendo segnare delle vendite inaspettate che hanno fatto segnare il sold out in alcuni dei maggiori negozi giapponesi.

29 Nov 14:15 Tom's Hardware 6640147070798631793.html
Slowakei: Zwei Bergsteiger in der Hohen Tatra verunglückt

Wie der Bergrettungsdienst HZS am Freitag mitteilte, gehörten der 67-jährige Mann und die 30-jährige Frau zu einer elfköpfigen Touristengruppe aus der Ukraine.

29 Nov 11:53 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699503413551.html
El Nino, La Nina not expected in Pacific but extreme weather still possible: WMO

GENEVA (Reuters) - Neutral conditions are expected to prevail in the Pacific through February, but that will not prevent extreme weather, the U.N.’s World Meteorological Organisation said on Friday

29 Nov 11:32 Reuters 8334514180877510501.html
Fridays for Future Aktionstag: Frieren für das Klima in Berlin

#NeustartKlima: Die globale Fridays for Future-Bewegung ruft am 29. November zum Streik auf. In Berlin schwimmen Aktivisten aus Protest in der Spree. Der Ticker.

29 Nov 11:50 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238416157671.html
Continúan transportistas en Santa Lucía

Por segundo día consecutivo, transportistas de carga protestan en inmediaciones de Santa Lucía, para exigir sean tomados en cuenta durante la construcción […]

29 Nov 15:08 Notisistema 1929539245413785864.html
Guardiola habla sobre una posible salida de Arteta

Mikel Arteta es uno de los nombres del día en Inglaterra. Tras la confirmación del despido de Unai Emery como técnico del Arsenal, Arteta es el gran candidato para relevarle

29 Nov 14:28 sport 1349897969309773758.html
Court hears Craig McLachlan’s offensive alleged text to victim

Award-winning actor Craig McLachlan allegedly texted one of his colleagues complaining about the odour of another woman's genitals.

29 Nov 13:16 The New Daily 5848147785686792239.html
7 Homes for Sale in the Most Secluded Parts of the World

Far from neighbors and close to nature, these houses are as stunning in design as they are far-out in their locations

29 Nov 13:00 Yahoo 7097669637767426909.html
UFC News: Donald Cerrone keen to get his hands on Conor McGregor

'Cowboy' finally gives his take on facing McGregor.

29 Nov 12:06 sportskeeda 1601194028010323468.html
Sabres game day: Ralph Krueger working to fix struggling offense

The Sabres have scored the second-fewest goals in the NHL since Nov. 11, and they have a league-worst six points in 12 games during that spa

29 Nov 14:56 The Buffalo News 2088823987425023995.html
D66-janksmoelen willen tv-programma van buis bonjouren omdat politieagenten ‘te eerlijk’ zijn over criminaliteit

D66 heeft helemaal niks op met politieagenten en wil graag dat er een hartig woordje gesproken wordt met enkele agenten die optreden in tv-programma Bureau Burgwallen op RTL 4. Het programma moet worden aangepast en de optredende agenten een tik op de vingers. Vindt althans het Amsterdamse D66-raadslid Marijn Bosman. Even een stukje middelvingers opsteken naar de politie, moet D66 gedacht hebben vlak voordat ze hun hoofdstedelijke raadslid Marijn Bosman op pad stuurden om een RTL-programma tover de dagelijkse werkzaamheden van politieagenten in de crime capital te laten censureren. Allereerst hebben criminelen veel meer recht op privacy, maar dat is niet het enige: ook het taalgebruik van de afgebeelde agenten moet flink bestraft worden. Zo lezen we in de raadsvragen: “Vindt het college dat de combinatie van kenmerken die herleidbaar zijn naar een persoon, met diens drugsgebruik, en negatieve kwalificaties van de politie als “leugenachtig mormel”, recht doet aan de privacy van mogelijk kwetsbare personen in Amsterdam?”…

29 Nov 10:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610058119632020.html
WhatsApp implementaría los mensajes que se borran solos

WhatsApp se ha convertido en la principal herramienta de comunicación para miles de personas en el mundo. Gracias a sus diferentes funciones los usuarios

29 Nov 14:03 El Siglo 7954754735855818858.html
You Can Buy a Lifetime Membership to Pornhub Premium Today Thanks To Black Friday

Pornhub is great for porn, because you can access a huge database of porn without having to sign up or pay for access, but that doesn't mean everything is so freely accessible. Some people may have noticed that there are videos and features locked away behind a subscription, which costs between £8 and £10 a month. But what if you could pay a bunch of money in one go and access Pornhub Premium for the rest of your life?

29 Nov 10:10 Gizmodo UK 8363059001428157890.html
Hundreds of buildings may be without water 'because too many people boiled kettles'

Businesses on Quay Street were among the buildings which lost water

29 Nov 15:15 BristolLive 4740742017723832872.html
Soepelere PFAS-norm voor de bouw: grote stap, maar niet alles is opgelost

Opdrachtgevers, gemeenten, provincies en waterschappen gaan zo snel mogelijk gebruik maken van de soepelere PFAS-norm om gestaakte bouwprojecten weer door te laten gaan. Dat heeft minister Stientje van Veldhoven afgesproken. Niet alles is hiermee opgelost, maar dit is een grote stap, zegt de minister. Bedrijven die in de problemen komen krijgen ook makkelijker financieel hulp.

29 Nov 12:59 RTLZ 8052859356478761608.html
Brace for a warmer winter in India this year, says IMD

M Rajeevan, secretary, Ministry of Earth Science (MoES) had said last week that 2019 is set to become the second-most warmest recorded calendar year ever.

29 Nov 10:04 The Indian Express 2885715105017307464.html
Nvidia boosts Quake 2 RTX with brand new ray tracing features

A revitalised classic now looks even more stunning.

29 Nov 15:00 Eurogamer.net 1957885127723655816.html
Coady: Getting past group stage is amazing achievement for Wolves

Wolves qualified for the last 32 of the Europa League after a draw in Braga.

29 Nov 10:18 Express & Star 7324224460736828550.html
Coady: Getting past group stage is amazing achievement for Wolves

Wolves qualified for the last 32 of the Europa League after a draw in Braga.

29 Nov 10:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773785629319.html
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah: Disha Vakani AKA Dayaben To Make Her Comeback With A Tailor-Made Situation?

Disha Vakani aka Dayaben’s comeback on Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has been the talk of the town for a long time now. Last month, a video of Dayaben played on the show and raised people’s curiosity and now, a tailor-made situation has been reportedly created for her comeback

29 Nov 10:47 SPOTBOYE 1547816856749922367.html
El Síndic de Greuges diu que els antiavalots van tenir actuacions desproporcionades en les manifestacions de l'octubre

Un informe del Síndic de Greuges, Rafael Ribó, conclou que algunes actuacions dels antiavalots dels Mossos d'Esquadra i la Policia Nacional durant les manifestacions independentistes del passat mes...

29 Nov 12:45 RacoCatalà 3132953075145388731.html
Jugadores de Chivas le dieron la bienvenida a Uriel Antuna en redes sociales

Los futbolistas del Guadalajara no dejaron pasar la oportunidad de felicitar a Antuna por su llegada al Rebaño Sagrado

29 Nov 12:41 FOX Sports 4183701943025890331.html
Officials: Boy, 9, killed by father in hunting accident

ORANGEBURG, S.C. — Officials say a 9-year-old boy was accidentally killed by his father while hunting in South Carolina on Thanksgiving. News outlets report Colton Williams was fatally shot Thursday in Springfield in Orangeburg County. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources says relatives told investigators that Williams was out rabbit hunting with his dad …

29 Nov 13:15 City NEWS 1130 5858657120073959282.html
Subscriber Tembus 20 Juta, Ini Ucapan Syukur Atta Halilintar

Atta Halilintar pun mengucapkan rasa syukurnya lewat Instagram pribadinya.

29 Nov 12:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182696279782820.html
Cori razzisti, lo Slavia a Lukaku: "Filmati analizzati, sarebbe opportuno si scusasse"

La non-esultanza di protesta contro i cori razzisti di Romelu Lukaku nel gol del momentaneo 0-2 dell'Inter sullo Slavia Praga (poi annullato per il fallo precedente di Stefan De...

29 Nov 15:34 FcInterNews.it 7848284893668616862.html
3,500-year-old skull and femur found in Hittite city of Sapinuwa in breakthrough discovery

Archaeologists have made a breakthrough discovery in central Anatolia from an ancient civilization that cremated and hid its dead, possibly shedding light...

29 Nov 14:11 DAILY SABAH 8383944808428735594.html
Wo die Stadt im nächsten Jahr investieren will

Wesentliche Vorhaben, die 2020 begonnen oder fortgeführt werden sollen, sind das Feuerwehrdepot in Drohndorf, die Turnhalle an der Grundschule Mehringen und die Mensa an der Staßfurter Höhe.

29 Nov 14:35 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109336347765.html
Jungle Burger and Grill: una hamburguesa para cada apetito

Una estampida de sabor se vive en Caguas y San Juan

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310427853087.html
Swedish economy ups pace in Q3, supports Riksbank hike plans

STOCKHOLM — Sweden’s economy accelerated slightly in the third quarter from a tough start to the year, data showed on Friday, providing some support for the central bank’s plan to increase the benchmark rate at its meeting in December.

29 Nov 10:02 Financial Post 2379081492065800372.html
Pegadaian Patok Penjualan Emas 5,4 Ton Hingga Akhir Tahun

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Pegadaian (Persero) terus melebarkan sayapnya demi mengejar kinerja yang ciamik. Untuk itu perseroan kini tidak hanya fokus di jasa gadai, namun juga ke lini bisnis yang lainnya, seperti penjualan dan tabungan emas. Untuk lini bisnis ini, Pegadaian mematok target penjualan emas sebanyak 5,4 ton hingga akhir tahun.

29 Nov 15:07 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834076898435.html
Aston Villa boss Dean Smith signs new deal

Aston Villa manager Dean Smith has signed a new four-year contract, the Premier League club announced on Friday. Smith guided Villa back to the Premier League last season via the Championship pl...

29 Nov 15:31 Punch Newspapers 3524240995703719526.html
Amazon lanza su asistente, un complemento para comparar ofertas mientras se navega

Amazon ha lanzado su asistente de compras, una herramienta que funciona a través de un complemento para Chrome que ayuda al usuario a...

29 Nov 11:18 Europa Press 4702666148405194548.html
El Nino, La Nina not expected in Pacific but extreme weather still possible- WMO

GENEVA, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Neutral conditions are expected to prevail in the Pacific through February, but that will not prevent extreme weather, the U.N.'s World Meteorological Organisation said on Friday"We currently have neutral conditions so neither El Nino or La Nina. And we expect this to continue during the period December 2019 to February 2020. Having said that doesn't mean that we are not going to see unusual and extreme weather," WMO spokeswoman Clare Nullis told a news briefing.

29 Nov 11:30 Successful Farming 8502642053807456750.html
The Liveris Formula: Dow’s Inclusive Capitalism

Parasites have a certain weight in history. Donors to a system, a state, a company, always claim to be giving back what they advertise as their hard earned cash. Andrew N. Liveris is one such character. Former CEO of the Dow Chemical corporation, he is a face associated with a company that was responsible for manufacturing the defoliating Agent Orange and napalm.

29 Nov 15:53 SCOOP 5315658999706808496.html
TSRTC workers resume work; CM Rao to hold meet with staff on December 1

The Chief Minister will discuss threadbare all the issues related to the RTC

29 Nov 10:45 Business-Standard 1502508926606128725.html
Kind mit "Batman-Maske": Luna aus Florida in Russland behandelt

Die kleine Luna aus Florida ist mit einem ungewöhnlich großen Pigmentmal auf dem Gesicht geboren worden. Ihre Mutter flog mit ihr nach Russland, um sie dort behandeln zu lassen.

29 Nov 11:57 euronews 4540914626895579173.html
En plena quincena, usuarios reportan fallas en servicios de Santander

En plena quincena, a la par que se celebra el "Black Friday", usuarios de Santander reportaron fallas en los servicios de la aplicación y la "Superlínea".

29 Nov 14:13 Diario de Yucatán 261200018182294110.html
Liberalismo español

PARA EL CLUB LIBERAL 1812 DE CANARIAS El liberalismo, es decir la palabra liberal es española de origen, en la constitución de 1812. se llamó liberales a los diputados que no eran conservadores, por eso los liberales celebramos la” pepa” el día de san j

29 Nov 13:32 Diariocrítico 5375131905511749808.html
Whole Foods sent pumpkin pies through an airport baggage carousel for US travelers arriving in London for Thanksgiving

Passengers arriving from the US this week at London’s Heathrow Airport were picking up more than just their luggage in the baggage claim area of Terminal 5.

29 Nov 12:36 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882979465125.html
Malegaon blast: Supreme Court to hear after two weeks plea against bail granted to Sadhvi Pragya

Seven people were killed in a bomb blast on September 29, 2008 at Malegaon, a communally-sensitive textile town in Nasik district of north Maharashtra. The plea, filed by the father of one of the blast victims, came up for hearing before a bench headed by Justice A M Khanwilkar. The apex court said it would hear the matter after two weeks.

29 Nov 15:27 The Economic Times 7653256038009180917.html
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Announces He’s Moving To Africa, Says It Will Define Bitcoin Future

Dorsey’s trip could be the beginning of a Western ideological shift among big technology companies toward nations in Africa. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced in a tweet this week that he would ...

29 Nov 15:08 The Inquisitr 1745625231742215724.html
Mira con lujo de detalle las cabinas de aviación de Microsoft Flight Simulator

Un nuevo video de Microsoft Flight Simulator muestra nuevas características relacionadas con las cabinas de los pilotos.

29 Nov 11:30 Generación Xbox 4040846039390552734.html
Guendalina Tavassi figlia: «Mio padre non usa violenza, piuttosto guarda le persone che hai accanto»

Instagram al veleno nelle ultime ore per ciò che riguarda i profili social di Guendalina Tavassi e sua figlia Gaia: accuse pesantissime dalla giovane.

29 Nov 11:27 UrbanPost 2450570493300667932.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Gunners players didn't know their jobs, says Parlour

With fans becoming irate and players unsure of their roles, Unai Emery's departure from Arsenal was no shock to Ray Parlour.

29 Nov 11:16 sportskeeda 1601194027791289986.html
Sportski direktor AZ-a pobegao sa stadiona posle crvenog kartona!

Sportski direktor AZ Alkmara Robert Enborn nije uživo video nijedan gol svog tima!

29 Nov 10:47 REPUBLIKA 2543998406660025303.html
Poslanici vlasti najavili podršku povećanju TV pretplate, deo opozicije negoduje

Poslanici vladajuće većine najavili su podršku poskupljenju pretplate za medijski javni servis Srbije za 35 dinara,...

29 Nov 14:46 N1 Srbija 7797130867029362652.html
Arsenal ontslaat trainer Unai Emery

Arsenal heeft trainer Unai Emery ontslagen. Dat laat de club via Twitter weten. Arsenal leed donderdagavond opnieuw een nederlaag. Er werd thuis met 2-1 verloren van het Duitse Eintracht Frankfürt. Het was al de 7de wedstrijd op rij die Arsenal niet wist te winnen. De 48-jarige Emery probeerde van alles, maar hij kreeg Arsenal helemaal…

29 Nov 10:18 Sportnieuws 3602982465025782973.html
7 contenders to become the new Arsenal manager

It was confirmed that the Gunners had parted company with Unai Emery earlier today.

29 Nov 13:30 The42 5369852630826447949.html
Nummer 1 even terug op bolide Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton heeft zijn vaste nummer 44 bij de laatste grand prix van het seizoen in Abu Dhabi even ingewisseld. De 34-jarige Britse coureur van Mercedes, die enkele weken geleden al zijn zesde wereldtitel in de Formule 1 veiligstelde, reed vrijdag bij de eerste vrije training het circuit op met het nummer 1 op de neus van zijn bolide. Hamilton had zich kort daarvoor samen met zijn monteurs en teamleden in de pitsstraat op de foto laten zetten.

29 Nov 10:52 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047792023289.html
One person taken to hospital after car crash in Lytham

A female in her 20s and a male in his 60s were involved in the&#160;crash.

29 Nov 15:06 The Gazette 1828400564870202412.html
Carabineros ha presentado 208 querellas por efectivos heridos a nivel nacional desde la crisis

El coronel Jaime Elgueta señaló que las medidas responden al "acompañamiento de la institución hacia su personal". Van 2.354 carabineros lesionados

29 Nov 11:45 Emol 3328490602827638001.html
PRRD remarks on how he disposed of drug lords’ bodies emphasized his sincerity in drug war

The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Friday has allayed public fears amid President Duterte's controversial remarks that he had ordered the dumping of the bodies of drug lords in Manila Bay, Laguna de Bay, and Mountain Province.

29 Nov 15:27 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199402741788.html
Norge gir 90 millioner kroner til klimafond

Norge øker bidraget til FNs fond for klimatilpasning i utviklingsland med 90 millioner kroner.

29 Nov 11:01 TV 2 8210067768853765311.html
Wayne Rooney raring to go for Derby

The 34-year-old must wait until January to make his Rams bow.

29 Nov 11:35 Sports Mole 7750663361328534679.html
Bontle Modiselle’s shows off postpartum bod and reflects on her past miscarriages

The star says she owes her postpartum body to dancing.

29 Nov 14:48 The Citizen 410802300721718827.html
Colégio Militarizado tem aulas reduzidas por problemas elétricos

A Secretaria Estadual de Educação informou que após a emissão de laudo da Roraima Energia, as medidas cabíveis serão adotadas

29 Nov 14:33 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549103731311.html
Tom Hanks reads out Nottingham woman's tweet about her cat

'You named your cat Chips? Was there another one named Poker?'

29 Nov 11:07 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701143988612.html
Pechino Express, Asia Argento lascia per un infortunio

Secondo alcune indiscrezioni Asia Argento avrebbe lasciato Pechino Express a causa di un infortunio.

29 Nov 12:00 DiLei 6707305202442275530.html
Tajik Woman Makes Her Feet Do The Hard Work

Saodat Khojaeva, 40, from southern Tajikistan, was born with only one deformed arm. She uses her legs to do house chores, including cooking, cleaning, and looking after her three children.

29 Nov 11:22 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163539934771.html
Blow for Liverpool as Fabinho ruled out until the New Year

The 26-year-old Brazilian has emerged as one of the unsung heroes of Jurgen Klopp’s team.

29 Nov 14:26 The42 5369852629974450250.html
Klimanotstand: Wald und Holz sind Teil der Lösung

Der vom EU-Parlament gestern ausgerufene Klimanotstand ist eine wichtige Weichenstellung in die richtige Richtung.

29 Nov 13:04 OTS.at 4182160710915040885.html
UK PM Johnson on Trump: Best for neither side to get involved in each others election campaign

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that they have very close relations with US President Trump but added that traditionally they don't get invo

29 Nov 10:21 FXStreet 4480975640169132268.html
Eye-watering budget for Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman revealed

Can you put a price on true art? Apparently you can, just don’t expect it to be cheap. That’s according to a new report about Martin Scorsese’s epic mob drama The Irishman, which …

29 Nov 11:30 Critical Hit 8797780292101682258.html
CSO figures reveal renters more likely than homeowners to be in 'consistent poverty'

Renters were found to be more likely to be notably suffering financially as a result of moving out.

29 Nov 12:27 Irish Mirror 2875825630099064713.html
Las mujeres toman la calle y la publicidad

Ante estos clichés, surge lo que se conoce como ‘Femvertising’: contenido publicitario en el que se muestran representaciones positivas de las mujeres.

29 Nov 12:30 Merca2.0 990348493297725403.html
Boris Johnson pide a Trump que se mantenga alejado de las elecciones británicas

Figuras del Partido Conservador británico temen que Trump diga algo que perjudique su campaña cuando visite Londres la próxima semana, para una cumbre de la OTAN.

29 Nov 14:36 CiberCuba 8213836169329105343.html
Pluss i hundre tusen

Dagbladets premiumtjeneste Dagbladet Pluss har nå et sekssifret antall abonnenter.

29 Nov 15:45 Dagbladet.no 3042595686652934356.html
The returning Cardiff City star 'as good as anyone in the division' Neil Harris is desperate to get firing

The Bluebirds boss is hopeful some key returning players can have an impact in the coming weeks

29 Nov 12:00 Wales Online 7686550517502314770.html
INTERVIEW: Composer Danny Elfman settles a raging debate about The Nightmare Before Christmas

It is a question that has plagued movie fans for years is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween or Christmas flick? Dany Elfman sets us straight

29 Nov 15:07 Buzz.ie 7092425146824402718.html
Mehr Tote als an der Berliner Mauer

Der unbedarfte Blick hinüber offenbarte eine unberührt wirkende Landschaft. Still, friedlich, aber doch unheimlich. Tatsächlich war die Szenerie alles andere als friedlich und die Ruhe nur allzu oft buchstäbliche Totenstille. Das unsichtbare Grauen Wie überall an der 453 Kilometer langen Grenze zwischen Österreich und der Tschechoslowakei (CSSR) hielt der Tod auch nördlich des Mühlviertels reiche […]

29 Nov 12:43 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171980487803.html
MRI wait times lag provincial average in three out of four of the region's hospitals

If you&rsquo;re anxiously awaiting a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) exam, at any of the four major hospitals in Kamloops and the Okanagan, you&rsquo;ll fi

29 Nov 14:30 iNFOnews.ca 6669504246023781181.html
Al menos cinco heridos deja ataque en el Puente de Londres

Al menos cinco heridos deja ataque en el Puente de Londres

29 Nov 11:46 cubasi.cu 5416914688212215945.html
Imran Khan praises Turkey’s diplomacy model

The mindse­t in Turkey change­d after Erdoga­n came to power, says PM Imran

29 Nov 10:01 The Express Tribune 1105816787893133040.html
Blitz di Gioventù Nazionale al Campus di Torino

Blitz di Gioventù Nazionale al Campus di Torino questa mattina, venerdì 29 novembre. "Siamo gli ambientalisti identitari, vogliamo essere ascoltati come Greta".

29 Nov 11:23 La Nuova Periferia 1387373625032068689.html
Florida diver loses arm after collision with boat, authorities say

A diver lost an arm Thursday when a boat severed the limb near Palm Beach, Florida. The arm was retrieved by a U.S. Coast Guard crew, authorities said.

29 Nov 13:10 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637647525606.html
Former Zuma lawyers Mike Hellens and Dawie Joubert ‘arrested’ in Namibia

The pair reportedly had their passports confiscated after it was found they did not have working permits.

29 Nov 13:34 The Citizen 410802300581936396.html
Luna Display Black Friday deals are here

With Luna you can turn your Mac or iPad into a second display. The only hardware solution that does this is now available for 30% off through Monday, December 2.

29 Nov 13:31 iMore 3803412791756517417.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Allegri? Pochettino? Ancelotti? The contenders to take over

Arsenal are on the lookout for a new head coach after sacking Unai Emery. We look at seven potential candidates for the job.

29 Nov 12:40 sportskeeda 1601194029372487072.html
What Blood Tests You Should Ask For Based On Your Family History

When it comes to labs and blood work, it’s difficult to know exactly what to ask for.

29 Nov 10:08 mindbodygreen 5822886643621257276.html
Prinz Andrew: Virginia Giuffre erneuert die Vorwürfe

Was passierte zwischen dem britischen Royal Prinz Andrew und Virginia Giuffre? Das vermeintliche Epstein-Opfer hat ihre Vorwürfe nun erneuert.

29 Nov 12:06 VIP.de 2239798194880145022.html
Salta un altro governo per le proteste di piazza. Si dimette Mahdi in Iraq

Decisivo il discorso dell'Ayatollah sciita Al Sistani che aveva chiesto al Parlamento di togliere la fiducia al governo all'indomani dell'escalation di violenza e repressione

29 Nov 13:38 L'HuffPost 5315551424064980963.html
Buckingham Palace is hiring a 'Director of Royal Travel' to make sure the royals take cost-effective, environmentally-friendly trips, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The position within the royal household comes with a generous salary of up to $110,000, according to the job advertisement.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:37 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756434478970.html
Joe Lewis: 'Aberdeen players not distracted by takeover'

Millionaire businessman Dave Cormack is to replace Stewart Milne as chairman next month.

29 Nov 12:18 Sports Mole 7750663362440738931.html
Cuáles son las empresas más atractivas para millennials

Los integrantes de esta generación destacan por su frescura, talento, nuevas ideas y una forma de pensar diferente. Por eso el sitio web Gestión publicó las características de un Millennial en la vida profesional: - Se sienten más cómodos...

29 Nov 10:00 Punto Biz 7504645526746014151.html
India offers funds to Sri Lanka in bid to outdo China

NEW DELHI, Nov 29 — India, anxious to counter China’s influence in the region, today offered hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Sri Lanka as the island’s new president made his maiden overseas trip in New Delhi. Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s visit to India just 12 days after he became...

29 Nov 12:31 Malaymail 302165935779585755.html
Op-ed: Assuring women, young girls a life free from violence should be everyone’s business

Solomon Ayele Dersso (PhD) & Aya Chebbi, for Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, November 29/2019 – Violence, weather in the form of verbal abuse, online trolls, sexual harassment, physical assault or rape, remains to be the most common form of oppression that women and young girls face.  It is so pervasive. ...

29 Nov 12:18 Addis Standard 929763681336848334.html
Syed Modi International: Kidambi Srikanth Knocked Out, Sourabh Verma And Rituparna Das Enter Semifinals

Kidambi Srikanth lost to Son Wan Ho in straight games in the quarterfinals of Syed Modi International badminton tournament.

29 Nov 13:40 NDTVSports.com 2127367044523861913.html
La tercera parte de las mujeres argentinas sufrió violencia online

Las redes sociales son herramientas de interacción muy valiosas en términos de libertad de expresión pero no son inmunes a muchos de los abusos que las mujeres enfrentan y que alcanzan niveles de discriminación y manipulación alarmantes, advirtió AI. En el documento presentado ayer, titulado “CorazonesVerdes: Violencia online contra las mujeres durante el debate por […]

29 Nov 15:10 El Eco 4177735524074954439.html
Backstage with Sandy Kenyon: Grace Potter's return to music

The band "Grace Potter and the Nocturnals" released more than half a dozen albums, but the lead singer is now making a comeback after she stopped making music for nearly three years.

29 Nov 15:31 ABC7 New York 7327811147968820596.html
Come scegliere il miglior fondotinta bio per la tua pelle

Non rinunci mai alla beauty routine quotidiana? Allora sappi che il prodotto più importante per la buona riuscita del tuo make-up è proprio il fondotinta. Non solo. Il fondotinta è anche il prodott…

29 Nov 14:11 DiLei 6707305200549854274.html
FIFA players hold protest outside of EA’s Bucharest office

The small gathering of players have cited their dissatisfaction with FIFA Ultimate Team’s pack luck, button delay and the script

29 Nov 13:00 Critical Hit 8797780293259369289.html
Korean singers Jung Joon-young, Choi Jong-hoon sent to prison for sexual assaults

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Korean singers Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon were sentenced to several years in prison Friday after they were convicted on rape and other charges.

29 Nov 14:09 UPI 8257973864198046801.html
Syed Modi International: Kidambi Srikanth crashes; Sourabh Verma, Rituparna Das enter semis

Kidambi Srikanth, who had reached the finals at India Open Super 500 early this year, went down 18-21, 19-21 to the seventh-seeded Korean Son Wan Ho for his seventh loss in 11 meetings.

29 Nov 14:21 The Indian Express 2885715105618076227.html
Combustibles: el Gobierno dispuso un aumento del impuesto y se espera una posible suba en los surtidores

Es el incremento que corresponde por ley. Estacioneros definen qué harán las próximas horas.

29 Nov 14:15 La Voz 6237180761993022343.html
EXCLUSIVE: Luenell on Filming 'Coming 2 America,' Loved Watching Eddie and Arsenio

Luenell opened up to VladTV about Wesley Snipes killing his portrayal of late actor D'Urville Martin in Dolemite is My Name. Luenell shared that sh...

29 Nov 11:15 VLADTV 1404406305624008106.html
Diputados reconoció a escritoras argentinas premiadas en el mundo

El acto promovido por el presidente de la Comisión de Cultura, Daniel Filmus, contó con la participación de Claudia Piñeiro, Selva Almada y Ángela Pradelli, y el escritor Martín Kohan.

29 Nov 11:58 Crónica 1134283326732603390.html
Jealous lover stab rival to death in Bayelsa

A jealous boyfriend on Tuesday reportedly stabbed a rival to death over a woman at a community in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State capital.

29 Nov 14:08 Vanguard News 4125100340601772984.html
BREAKING: Unai Emery sacked - The Nation Newspaper

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager following a disastrous run of form this season.The Spaniard replaced Arsene Wenger in May...

29 Nov 10:23 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901888199602.html
Iraks statsminister går av

En rekke mennesker er drept i Irak, i løpet av to måneder med store protester mot regjeringen.

29 Nov 12:57 NRK 3631390766295419573.html
"Heilungsverlauf nicht sonderlich gut" – auch Konaté verpasst restliche Hinrunde

Nach Kapitän Willi Orban und Mittelfeldspieler Kevin Kampl wird auch Innenverteidiger Ibrahima Konaté bis Hinrunden-Ende nicht mehr für RB Leipzig auflaufen. Das bestätigte Cheftrainer Julian Nagelsmann am Freitag.

29 Nov 14:32 MDR 5336324389265496920.html
New dawn of SA surfers are making waves across the world

Paddy Upton, author of The Barefoot Coach, writes from the World Junior Surf Contest in Taiwan.

29 Nov 15:34 Sport 682566035668805117.html
Bimbo investito da un’auto in piazza Baldissera

Bimbo investito da un’auto in piazza Baldissera a Torino, le sue condizioni non sarebbero gravi. Bimbo investito da un’auto in piazza Baldissera Un bambino di 5 anni è stato investito da un’auto questa mattina in piazza Baldissera a Torino. L’automobilista al volante si è subito fermato a prestare i primi soccorsi. Non grave Il piccolo, […]

29 Nov 13:03 La Nuova Periferia 1387373624936875544.html
OJK Duga Pembobolan Bank DKI karena Kesalahan Switching & Kelemahan Vendor ATM CIMB

Deputi Komisioner Pengawas Perbankan III OJK, Slamet Edy Purnomo mengatakan, pihaknya menduga adanya kesalahan switching saat Bank DKI melakukan perbaikan sistem inti perbankannya. Perbaikan tersebut dilakukan pada Januari 2019.

29 Nov 15:07 merdeka.com 1998180356234441507.html
Kollegen informierten Behörden: „Reichsbürger“-Verdacht: Polizist im Kreis Paderborn suspendiert

NRW-weit laufen gegen fünf Polizisten Disziplinarverfahren, weil sie den Reichsbürgern nahe stehen sollen. Auch im Kreis Paderborn ist ein Polizist aufgefallen. Er wurde suspendiert. Seine Kollegen hatten von auffälligen Bemerkungen berichtet.

29 Nov 13:57 FOCUS Online 4448121231338505642.html
Rendi-Wagner nach Krisen-Treffen: "Ich bin und bleibe Chefin"

Die SPÖ-Spitze traf sich am Nachmittag im Wiener Rathaus zu einem Krisentreffen.

29 Nov 15:00 Kurier 208072238959139754.html
Doctors told to 're-implant ectopic pregnancy' or face 'abortion murder' charge

An extreme anti-abortion bill orders doctors to do the impossible or face life in prison.

29 Nov 11:57 Metro 970161747953615776.html
UK PM Johnson implores Trump: please avoid the election

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was best if U.S. President Donald Trump did not get involved in Britain’s upcoming election when he visits London .

29 Nov 10:00 Vanguard News 4125100340687170602.html
Huawei Mate 30 Pro disponibile finalmente anche in Italia

Oggi possiamo finalmente annunciarvi che il tanto atteso Huawei Mate 30 Pro è disponibile all'acquisto anche in Italia, ecco il prezzo

29 Nov 12:50 tecnoandroid 2573257127699139058.html
Minstens 10.000 jobs weg bij zware saneringsoperatie bij moederbedrijf Mercedes

De Duitse autobouwer Daimler wil de komende drie jaren duizenden banen schrappen. Dat heeft het bedrijf vandaag bekendgemaakt. Volgens personeelsdirecteur Wilfried Porth gaat het om “een laag vijfc...

29 Nov 11:53 HLN 8967494997389922820.html
Sargento del Estado Mayor es capturado por el homicidio del teniente Benny Rivas

El sargento del Estado Mayor, Manuel de Jesús Velasco Mejía fue capturado por el delito de homicidio agravado en perjuicio del teniente Benny Rivas Ayala, informó este viernes la Fiscalía General de la República. Velasco está relacionado al asesinato del teniente Benny Rivas, quien recibió múltiples heridas de bala la noche del pasado 31 de octubre, al ser atacado en las cercanías del redondel México de San Salvador. San Salvador| 🚨@FGR_SV ordenó la captura del sargento del Estado Mayor, Manuel de Jesús Velasco Mejía, por el delito de Homicidio Agravado en perjuicio del teniente Benny Rivas Ayala, el pasado 31 de octubre de 2019. pic.twitter.com/yJ2hN1BpsE — Fiscalía General de la República El Salvador (@FGR_SV) November 29, 2019 El militar recibió no menos de cinco disparos en el cuello y el abdomen. El ataque fue perpetrado por un hombre a bordo de una motocicleta, cuando el oficial iba llegando a su casa, en la colonia La Rábida. Luego de luchar once días por su vida, el teniente

29 Nov 15:58 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772943307139130.html
SEBI to decide on interim relief to Karvy by Monday: SAT

The Securities and Appellate Tribunal (SAT) has asked SEBI to decide on giving interim relief to Karvy Stock Broking by Monday. SAT has asked SEBI to consider allowing Karvy limited use of power of at

29 Nov 15:25 BusinessLine 5283602194011501.html
London Bridge: Workers run away in tears as police tackling knifeman scream 'get back'

Eyewitnesses have described their horror as armed police swarmed London Bridge and shot a man after several people were injure with people fleeing the scene in central London

29 Nov 15:57 mirror 675785260676644280.html
Tottenham have been ‘seduced’ by performances of young attacking midfielder

Saint-Étienne have in recent years seen several of their youngsters climbing through the ranks of their youth system into their first team and their performances have caught attention from other clubs. William Saliba is one among them and Arsenal have agreed a deal for his transfer in the last window and then loaned the defender

29 Nov 11:33 Sport Witness 200001553119998952.html
Nueva edición de Expo Comunitaria

Expo Comunitario es la actividad en la que los Centros Comunitarios de toda la ciudad exponen los resultados de los talleres, cursos y capacitaciones que llevaron adelante a lo largo de todo el año. El encuentro será este sábado desde las 16 en la Plaza Independencia, con actividades recreativas y educativas para toda la familia. […]

29 Nov 10:32 El Eco 4177735524332901889.html
2 K-pop stars get prison terms for sexual crimes

The Seoul Central District Court said singer-songwriter Jung Joon-young received a six-year prison term and former boy band member Choi Jong-hoon a five-year term. The court said in a statement that they were convicted of committing “special quasi-raping".

29 Nov 10:22 The Indian Express 2885715105077049835.html
Nel segno di Vaia, due alberi di Natale dal Cansiglio a Finale Emilia

CANSIGLIO - Gli abeti, una volta posati, non solo ricorderanno alla comunità emiliana il Natale in arrivo ma anche, con lo stesso spirito, l’abbraccio tra le due Regioni nel nome di una importante collaborazione.

29 Nov 14:01 Oggi Treviso 2529403852735768186.html
Bill Evans: Australian dollar to keep falling as RBA cuts

Via Bill Evans of Westpac on the RBA and the Australian dollar:

29 Nov 13:30 MacroBusiness 6890797928913991942.html
Why did she call sister instead of police, asks Telangana minister about murdered vet

After the comment triggered a controversy, Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali said he was ‘deeply saddened by the mishap’.

29 Nov 13:21 Scroll.in 8669301693419234436.html
I'm A Celebrity's Nadine and Kate terrorised by chainsaw killer ahead of trial

All of the I'm A Celebrity contestants take part in tonight's Bushtucker Trial - Sickening Circus - and are horrified when they're forced to drink blended pigs' brains

29 Nov 11:06 Irish Mirror 2875825629211925951.html
Here's what you need to know about today's four by-elections

Voting is underway in the by-elections across the country.Turnout has been low this morning with...

29 Nov 13:51 Newstalk 7635722259256992721.html
Tink schiebt Tado°, Sonos und Hue in den schwarzen Freitag

Nicht nur Amazon nutzt die Black Friday-Aufmerksamkeit um die Lager leerzubekommen, auch der auf Smart-Home-Produkte spezialisierte Anbieter Tink tritt mit mehreren vergünstigten Produkten bekannter Marken an, zu denen unter anderem Tado°, Sonos und Philips Hue zählen. Während sich die angebotenen Bundles alle auf der offiziellen Black Friday-Seite des Händlers einsehen lassen, haben wir im Anschluss […]

29 Nov 15:45 ifun.de 6678736054945166111.html
No jurisdiction? Scotland Yard forced to explain why it dropped sex trafficking probe into Epstein & Prince Andrew

The MPS (Metropolitan Police Service) was not the appropriate authority to conduct enquiries in these circumstances

29 Nov 11:51 Infowars 1950426313834764891.html
Maroc : La circulation interrompue sur certaines sections de la route Marrakech-Ouarzazate

Le ministère de l'Equipement, du transport, de la logistique et de l’eau a annoncé l’interruption momentanée de la circulation sur certaines sections de la route nationale reliant Marrakech à

29 Nov 13:50 Yabiladi 8139063034679023703.html
Zapaljena tri automobila u Prokuplju, među njima i auto inspektora policije

Među izgorelim automobilima noćas ispred jedne zgrade u Ulici Strahinjića Bana u Prokuplju je i automobil...

29 Nov 10:36 N1 Srbija 7797130866463022656.html
What Arsenal players have said about Freddie Ljungberg as a coach

Ljungberg has taken charge after Unai Emery's sacking.

29 Nov 11:25 Metro 970161748734026693.html
En Ecuador, sembramos salud con amor

Así resume la labor de la brigada médica en ese país, la doctora espirituana Marena Simó Calzada

29 Nov 11:09 Trabajadores 1167277446239684984.html
ITV Emmerdale actress confirms she is a real life witch on This Morning

Casting spells on celebs and "harnessing the power of nature"

29 Nov 13:40 Liverpool Echo 7727211174062457932.html
Frode Berg hevder han fikk utlevert utstyr fra Etterretningstjenesten

Frode Berg sier han fikk utstyr som engangshansker og fotoapparat fra Etterretnings­tjenesten. Han leverte tingene tilbake, men vaklet og lot seg overtale til en siste tur til Russland.

29 Nov 15:27 NRK 3631390765515307088.html
Le tre grandi sfide digitali che dovrà affrontare la "nuova" Unione Europea

Il quinquennio di Ursula von der Leyen alla guida della Commissione Europea visto attraverso gli obiettivi da raggiungere nel campo dell’innovazione digitale e la protezione dei dati. Dai social network fino alle intelligenze artificiali.

29 Nov 11:44 DDay.it 3262344771921361055.html
Jobless man gets six months’ jail for impersonating policeman

RAUB, Nov 29 — The Magistrate’s Court today sentenced to six months jail a jobless man for impersonating a civil servant. Magistrate Shahrul Ehsan Hasim imposed the sentence on Mohammad Ali Zainal, 33, after he pleaded guilty to the offence and ordered him to be jailed from the date of arrest...

29 Nov 10:13 Malaymail 302165936513481831.html
Costco’s website crashed for several hours over Thanksgiving, and experts estimate it could have cost the retailer nearly $11 million in sales

Costco’s website crashed for several hours over Thanksgiving, and experts estimate that it could have cost the retailer as much as $11 million in sales.

29 Nov 13:49 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883926942460.html
Police respond to 'incident' on London Bridge

A nearby terminus for commuters from across the southeast of England was closed due to an "emergency services incident."

29 Nov 15:36 euronews 7318238121830204048.html
Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal manager

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager.

29 Nov 10:11 ESPN 8538773402232223493.html
Best Digital Black Friday PC Games Deals from Green Man Gaming

Here's a list of the best digital Black Friday PC games deals from Green Man Gaming. You also get five free games bundled with select titles!

29 Nov 13:47 Wccftech 3677959678735748094.html
Addio al Canone Rai e Bollo Auto: una notizia davvero suggestiva

Addio al canone Rai e al bollo auto, la notizia veramente suggestiva ha in parte del vero, ma purtroppo sembra davvero non attuabile.

29 Nov 11:40 tecnoandroid 2573257128195447247.html
Iliad : Morgan Stanley remonte son objectif de cours

Morgan Stanley réitère son conseil 'surpondérer' et remonte son objectif de cours de 140 à 145 euros sur Iliad, attendant pour le groupe de télécommunications 'un second semestre décent, avec moins de... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 12:17 Zonebourse 7946574378573678398.html
Two hurt, one seriously, in sunken ship rescue mission; Search halted over weather

Two rescue workers were injured during a search and rescue mission for a sunken fishing cutter and two missing sailors from Urk on the North Sea on Thursday. One of the two rescuers sustained

29 Nov 12:00 NL Times 9001346992996314098.html
Dezenas de escolas encerradas no distrito do Porto devido a greve

Dezenas de escolas do distrito do Porto estão encerradas devido à greve nacional dos trabalhadores não docentes dos estabelecimentos de ensino.

29 Nov 10:20 JN 6956494303254427372.html
Fiamme in un garage, i vigili del fuoco evitano che si propaghi a tutta la casa

A Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella

29 Nov 14:36 L'Arena 5479295676566256596.html
Tory general election candidate claims food bank users need to 'get better at handling money'

Hexham parliamentary candidate Guy Opperman's claims have sparked outrage

29 Nov 12:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901767414029.html
Studie: Frauen erleben Gewalt während einvernehmlichem Sex

Mehr als ein Drittel hat bereits gewalttätige Taten während dem Sex erfahren müssen - ohne, dass sie es tatsächlich wollten.

29 Nov 14:02 miss 1375730020232544604.html
Ejército desmiente que hayan capturado un soldado por apoyar el paro

El uniformado fue capturado por agresión a uno de sus compañeros.

29 Nov 12:49 El Tiempo 1091719938901567958.html
Huda Beauty's First London Pop-Up Store Is Inspired By This Gorge New Palette

Huda Kattan has one of the most popular and influential beauty brands around, boasting the most incredible range of eyeshadow palettes, liquid lipsticks, and heavy duty foundations. So it really comes as no surprise that she has finally opened a…

29 Nov 11:40 Bustle 7391390687520098312.html
Rayman Legends gratis per un periodo limitato sull’Epic Games Store | Game Division

Anche questa settimana l'Epic Games Store ha deciso di rendere disponibile gratuitamente Rayman Legends, un titolo assolutamente irrinunciabile.

29 Nov 15:01 Tom's Hardware 6640147070158253844.html
Suspendieron los vuelos nocturnos en aeropuerto de Bahía Blanca por problemas en el generador eléctrico

Los vuelos nocturnos en el aeropuerto Comandante Espora de Bahía Blanca fueron suspendidos en forma provisoria a raíz de un desperfecto en un grupo electrógeno que era utilizado en caso de cortes...

29 Nov 15:20 La Voz 6237180761863717018.html
Football: Manchester United could play friendly against East Bengal at Salt Lake stadium in 2020

A four-member delegation from Manchester United, led by Director of Football Allan Dawson, met the red-and-gold club officials.

29 Nov 15:57 Scroll.in 8669301692255947285.html
Ponude investitora za akcije Aramka dostigle 44 mlrd dolara

RIJAD - Kompanija Saudi Aramko do sada je dobila od investitora ponude za kupovinu njenih akcija u ukupnom iznosu od 44,3 milijarde dolara, saopštila je

29 Nov 15:27 Krstarica 4176903988507327363.html
Saints make nine sacks to beat Falcons, clinch division

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- The New Orleans Saints used nine sacks to clinch the NFC South and beat the Atlanta Falcons on Thursday Night Football.

29 Nov 12:20 UPI 8257973863876029500.html
‘Christian Resistance’ leader arrested for alleged terrorism plot

Harry Johannes Knoesen allegedly planned to target informal settlements, key points and malls and had an 'explosives factory'.

29 Nov 13:11 The Citizen 410802300515490292.html
Gesellschaft: Ausgetanzt: Barbara Rett moderiert nächsten Opernball nicht mehr

Nach 14 Jahren gibt Barbara Rett den Ball weiter an ihre Kollegin Teresa Vogl. Die 36Jährige wird bereits den Opernball 2020 moderieren.

29 Nov 10:46 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700407847202.html
Certains aliments sont-ils vraiment des aphrodisiaques naturels ?

S'il y avait des preuves qu'un seul aliment pourrait améliorer votre libido, votre puissance ou votre plaisir sexuel, il serait probablement vendu. Une alimentation équilibrée, un mode de vie actif et une bonne santé mentale peuvent améliorer votre vie sexuelle - mais existe-t-il des aliments qui...

29 Nov 14:12 Leral.net 5178746017004974610.html
Slitta la lotteria degli scontrini: si partirà il primo luglio

La modifica della data di inizio della lotteria degli scontrini va incontro alle richieste delle associazioni sul bisogno di tempi più lunghi

29 Nov 13:34 ilGiornale.it 5019541224712198329.html
30-Jähriger muss in die forensische Psychiatrie Ankumer Tötungsprozess: Gericht erklärt Angeklagten für nicht schuldfähig

Das Landgericht Osnabrück hat wie erwartet entschieden, dass der 30-jährige Ankumer, der im Wahn seinen Vater erstochen hat, in der forensischen Psychiatrie untergebracht wird. Wie lange er dort bleiben wird, ist offen.

29 Nov 14:11 www.noz.de 1790140123772061409.html
Il governo abbasserà le tasse sugli assorbenti (ma solo su quelli biodegradabili)

L'IVA sugli assorbenti compostabili sarà abbassata al 5 per cento, per tutti gli altri resterà al 22

29 Nov 15:41 Il Post 6291746504331433098.html
Risco de desabastecimento interno de carne está afastado, diz consultoria

Segundo o diretor da Scot, o posicionamento de Tereza Cristina não surtiu nenhum evento negativo sobre os preços da arroba no mercado

29 Nov 15:40 Folha Vitória 4941883428095091675.html
This treat-tossing camera is the perfect Black Friday gift for your doggo

Don't forget to pick up some tech for Fido this Black Friday!

29 Nov 15:34 Android Central 29040143255749355.html
Giustizia, scontro Pd-M5S sulla prescrizione. Anm: "La riforma da sola rischia di produrre squilibri"

Di Maio: "Nessuno fermi la nuova norma". Bonafede: "Patto tra i dem e Forza Italia sarebbe grave". Il vicesegretario dem Orlando:

29 Nov 15:34 Repubblica.it 8208867270588723801.html
Beijing Residents Enter Into Sham Marriages Just to Get a License Plate

Congestion, government restrictions and one of the most polluted cities in the world, how’s that for the perfect ingredients for romance? Residents of Beijing have resorted to sham marriages in order to beat the system and get a license plate for a new car.

29 Nov 12:22 autoevolution 6471576454037934926.html
Absolutamente falso que aguinaldo para diputados haya aumentado: Delgado | Video

El coordinador de Morena en la Cámara de Diputados, Mario Delgado, aseguró que es falso que los legisladores federales hayan aprobado un incremento en el aguinaldo para el año 2020. "El aguinaldo por ley son 40 días incluido el ISR correspondiente, ingreso que se acumula y grava en la declaración anual”, agregó en su mensaje.

29 Nov 15:17 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495427245010.html
Skrekknyhet for Liverpool-fansen: Viktig spiller ute resten av året

Liverpools midtbanespiller Fabinho er ute til over nyttår etter ankelskaden han pådro seg i mesterligaoppgjøret mot Napoli onsdag.

29 Nov 13:53 Aftenbladet 8753034803780167085.html
Skrekknyhet for Liverpool-fansen: Viktig spiller ute resten av året

Liverpools midtbanespiller Fabinho er ute til over nyttår etter ankelskaden han pådro seg i mesterligaoppgjøret mot Napoli onsdag.

29 Nov 13:53 Aftenbladet 8753034804674439733.html
Frantz Fanon was literally the brain behind modern-day black emancipation – Here’s why

When Robert Nesta Marley asked Africans and people of African descent to “emancipate yourselves from mental slavery”, one would argue the Rastafarian prophet was channeling his inner Frantz Fanon. In fairness, many Pan-Africanists channel their inner Fanon without actually knowing much or anything about Fanon. To many minds, he is the 20th century’s best black...

29 Nov 13:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198130668637648.html
Se retrasa el veredicto del jurado sobre el caso de Diana Quer por contradicciones

Esta mañana el jurado popular había entregado sus respuestas a las 27 preguntas para determinar la culpabilidad de 'El Chicle', pero el juez lo ha devuelto por contradicciones.

29 Nov 13:33 www.publico.es 99190978066052440.html
Party like a spy: Spookstock is intel world's hush-hush bash

WASHINGTON (AP) - Sometime earlier this year, one of the most elite social events in Washington took place, but without any fanfare or news coverage.

29 Nov 14:45 WFXT 6395891953779049803.html
Yesterdaze: Tough on grease, strong on gangs

Simon Bridges has ditched the greased-up look for a Trump-type bouffant, and that's not the only Trumpian tack he's taking. James Elliott on the news of the week. My recommended read of the week was a piece by broadcaster-turned-lawyer Linda Clark, published here at Newsroom. It was a plea for the continued civility, relatively speaking, in New Zealand’s public discourse. It comes at a time when politics around the world has become infected with division, anger and tribalism, the symptoms of a “polarising virus” that began with patient zero, Donald Trump.   As New Zealand starts to look ahead to a general election in 2020, Linda makes a reasonable request as to how we should respond to the political positioning and posturing that lies ahead:     “If it looks even a bit like Trump, or if it sounds even a bit like something Trump would say, press delete.”   Enter Simon Bridges and National’s new law and order policy – tough on the worst youth offenders, tough on murderers and especially tough on gangs.

29 Nov 12:41 Newsroom 8356495123380275475.html
Alex Neil still waiting on Preston injury crisis as West Brom visit

Albion head to Deepdale on Monday night to visit a Preston side who have a fabulous home record - they are, though, missing a number of first choice players currently

29 Nov 15:35 birminghammail 8288260686676516198.html
Rondas funcionan y son complemento de Pemex, señalan empresas de hidrocarburos

El presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Empresas de Hidrocarburos (Amexhi), Alberto de la Fuente, consideró que el gobierno federal debe tener información de que el modelo de las rondas petroleras está funcionado para que haya nuevos procesos, lo cual se espera así sea, ya que los privados son complemento de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

29 Nov 12:52 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725558674720840.html
Babynahrung im Geldkoffer - Kündigung?

In einer Sparkasse verschwinden über 100.000 Euro aus einem verplombten Geldkoffer. Die zuständige Mitarbeiterin gibt an, dass sich in dem Koffer nur Waschpulver und Babynahrung befunden hätten. Der Arbeitgeber glaubt ihr nicht und kündigt fristlos - zu Recht?

29 Nov 10:23 n-tv 6802689754070315176.html
Roma, si finge poliziotto e deruba turisti in via Veneto: arrestato romeno

ROMA – Si finge poliziotto e rapina due turisti in via Veneto, a Roma. Le vittime, israeliani, si erano fermati per chiedere informazioni. Spacciandosi per poliziotto e mostrando loro un “tesserino”, il malvivente, 37enne romeno, ha chiesto ai malcapitati di mostrargli il portafogli e poi ha preso i soldi ed è fuggito via correndo. I turisti hanno subito contattato la polizia e si sono messi all’inseguimento del ladro, aiutati da un uomo che aveva assistito alla scena. Il romeno si è rifugiato dentro un negozio nel quale è stato raggiunto dalle forze dell’ordine e bloccato. Il 37enne dovrà rispondere dei reati di furto aggravato ed usurpazione di funzioni pubbliche. Dopo la convalida dell’arresto, lo straniero è stato condannato ad 1 anno e 6 mesi con misura cautelare del divieto di dimora nel Comune di Roma.Marina Addati, scagionata la mamma accusata di avvelenare le figlie. Dopo 34 mesi di carcerePartito neonazista, arrestato un uomo a Monza: aveva fucile, carabina e revolver Fonte: ROMA TODAY.

29 Nov 12:24 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354511533051.html
8 original gift ideas for family and friends across the North East this Christmas

From personalised keepsakes to exciting experiences, there is lots of choice

29 Nov 10:52 ChronicleLive 1984146902336696822.html
Israel’s Stalagmites Have Climate Stories to Tell

Formed by dripping water over thousands of years, the rocky formations point to ancient monsoons.

29 Nov 11:00 Atlas Obscura 58081918365468656.html
Presidente estadual do PSD jovem detalha evento do partido em Campina Grande

Presidente estadual do PSD jovem detalha evento do partido em Campina Grande

29 Nov 12:48 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905966549313.html
Iraks Ministerpräsident kündigt nach Protesten Rücktritt an

Iraks Ministerpräsident Adel Abdel Mahdi hat angesichts der massiven Proteste im Land seinen Rücktritt angekündigt. Er werde das Parlament in einem Brief um …

29 Nov 12:55 watson.ch 2253754994574545937.html
Ator da Globo surpreende e defende cantor acusado de homofobia

Interpretando um personagem gay em Malhação, o ator João Pedro Oliveira, da Globo, surpreendeu ao defender o MC Poze do Rodo após um vídeo polêmico, no qual ele foi acusado de homofobia.

29 Nov 11:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125211485250038.html
ONU conclui que houve uso desproporcional de força policial no Equador

Genebra, 29 nov (EFE).- A missão de especialistas das Nações Unidas que investigou os prot...

29 Nov 13:15 UOL Noticias 8892198860137186544.html
Orchard Towers murder: Natalie Siow disputes 1 charge and claims trial

Orchard Towers murder: Natalie Siow disputes 1 charge and claims trial

29 Nov 12:00 The Independent 5308065343004470874.html
Anna Tatangelo topless per mostrare i tatuaggi. Le foto delle Vip

Emily Ratajkowski nuda, le foto in vacanza alle Maldive. DYBALA MAGIA IN CHAMPIONS E CHE TOPLESS LA FIDANZATA ORIANA SABATINI! Le foto delle Vip

29 Nov 10:28 Affari Italiani 6123405403105247917.html
Logitech Black Friday racing wheel set deal from Amazon will recreate the thrill of the race in your living room

Hand-stitched leather handles and pressure sensitive pedals for maximum authenticity

29 Nov 15:31 T3 267522093962854822.html
Falcons attempted to troll the Saints on Twitter; Saints came back with a punch

After last night’s win, the Falcons tweeted that they’ve scored more overall points during the two games they've played.

29 Nov 14:13 KNOE 8 News 9048639191349648324.html
Ananya Panday Calls Kartik Aaryan A Talkative Person In This Pati Patni Aur Woh BTS Post

Ananya Panday gets emotional as her film 'Pati Patni Aur Woh' is just around the corner. Look what she has to say about her first day of shoot. See post.

29 Nov 13:07 Republic World 1282918857324082816.html
ET View: Time to boost demand, forget the fiscal deficit target

The time has come for the government to shed its obsession about fiscal deficit targets and borrow more from the market, both to compensate the states for their shortfall in GST collections and to meet its own expenditure commitments. India still has deep reserves of economic resilience and it is necessary to avoid any self-defeating talk of recession.

29 Nov 13:38 The Economic Times 7653256036574884564.html
Economy hit by climate of fear, says Manmohan Singh

Former Prime Minister warns of disastrous effects of a sharp slowdown in growth .

29 Nov 14:44 The Hindu 6679535025910987001.html
Man suffers serious head injuries in attack outside pub

Police are appealing for information from witnesses

29 Nov 11:19 Derbyshire Live 9061707932158852638.html
Beer suds to soap suds: waste alcohol finds use in green detergent

LEUVEN, Belgium (Reuters) - The next time you wash your dishes, you could find yourself up to your elbows in soap suds spiked with leftover alcohol, if the world’s largest brewer and a environmentally friendly detergent firm have their way.

29 Nov 13:23 Reuters 8334514179981832373.html
Vatican returns relic believed to be from Jesus’ manger to Holy Land

The thumb-sized relic was unveiled to worshippers at the Notre Dame church in Jerusalem.

29 Nov 13:44 Breaking News 4415806919299975614.html
Vatican returns relic believed to be from Jesus’ manger to Holy Land

The thumb-sized relic was unveiled to worshippers at the Notre Dame church in Jerusalem.

29 Nov 13:44 Irishexaminer 8196011178971856212.html
Gelar Expo 2020, Apkasi Tingkatkan Investasi dan Pariwisata Daerah

Pemerintah kabupaten/kota diminta untuk terus melakukan gebrakan promosi dan meningkatkan transaksi perdagangan dan investasi di daerah. Pemerintah daerah perlu ada usaha menampilkan produk unggulan dengan kualitas bagus dan persaingan harga.

29 Nov 14:27 merdeka.com 1998180356227325454.html
Minim Transaksi, Saham BLTZ Tiba-Tiba Diperdagangkan Rp 1 T

Transaksi saham BLTZ di pasar negosiasi sukses mengangkat nilai transaksi bursa menjadi Rp7,22 triliun.

29 Nov 12:25 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213522821055.html
Body-on frame Nissan SUV on the cards for South Africa

Prospects are favourable for a Navara-based SUV to become available

29 Nov 14:57 The Citizen 410802300686478407.html
Double Fine CEO Gives a Quick Psychonauts 2 Update

Double Fine President and CEO Tim Schafer gives a little update on Psychonauts 2; basically to reassure fans that it's going well, and progress will even speed up with the addition of some of the RAD team.

29 Nov 11:51 TrueAchievements 4775707718779883513.html
El Arsenal despide a Emery

El sueco Freddie Ljungberg toma el mando de forma provisional de los 'gunners', que acumulan siete partidos consecutivos sin ganar, su peor racha desde 1992

29 Nov 12:43 Las Provincias 5471838389038047768.html
An Ultimate Universe Weapon Is Back - and In the Worst Possible Hands

Marvel's Venom #20 features The Maker obtaining a major weapon from his homeworld, the Ultimate Universe.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516961715465396.html
EastEnders’ Adrian Edmondson teases return after Daniel Cook faked own death

What will Jean think?

29 Nov 10:21 Metro 970161748220184377.html
Education Can’t Wait invests in Ethiopia refugees’ school

Education Can’t Wait (ECW), a global fund dedicated to education in emergencies, invests in the construction of 84 classrooms for refugees in Gambella region of Ethiopia.

29 Nov 13:41 New Business Ethiopia 4287479610481068064.html
Eni: i programmi di mobilità sostenibile come attenzione per le persone e per l'ambiente

Per Eni l’attenzione al personale, all’ambiente dove lavora e vive è un valore fondamentale. Per affrontare al meglio le sfide della mobilità sostenibile, Eni ha creato un centro di competenza dedicato alla gestione della mobilità delle sue persone su tutto il territorio nazionale.

29 Nov 11:00 Today 178378750572899816.html
West and Europe Are no Longer the Axis of the World, Claims Ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy

Speaking together with former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar at the University of Francisco de Vitoria, the 64-year-old politician said European civilization doesn’t want to die and stressed that in a changing world, Europe can’t allow itself to live without development.

29 Nov 15:50 Sputniknews 967333868665752573.html
Horse dies month after he got impaled on fence when fireworks spooked him

Harry had to be put down due to the severity of his injuries.

29 Nov 13:19 Metro 970161749132427430.html
Video: SPÖ-Chefin Rendi-Wagner und ihre vielen Baustellen

SPÖ-Chefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner ist schwer angezählt. Vor allem intern hat sie mit offener Kritik zu kämpfen.

29 Nov 11:32 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084146242162.html
Bestechung? RBB-Produktionsfirma gerät wegen Bewirtungen und Präsenten unter Druck

Die Dokfilm Fernsehproduktion hat laut dem Brandenburger Landesrechnungshof die Redakteure öffentlicher-rechtlicher Anstalten bewirtet und Präsente im Wert von 50 Euro verteilt. Die Prüfer weisen darauf hin, dass das Unternehmen die "Vorschriften zur Vorteilsgewährung bzw. Bestechung beachten" muss. An der Spitze könnte es schon bald einen Wechsel geben.

29 Nov 15:56 MEEDIA 2574484878830860438.html
Trupa Trupa: the Polish post-punk band confronting the Holocaust

The Gdansk quartet rail against rightwing hate speech – and have uncovered a dark secret about their country’s Nazi past

29 Nov 10:00 the Guardian 1491978794958732856.html
Finance Minister: Dáil printer issues 'verge on the inexplicable'

The Finance Minister says further explanation is needed as to why a €1.37 million Oireachtas pr...

29 Nov 10:57 Newstalk 7635722257731521697.html
After Trump's Afghan visit, Taliban say they are ready to resume peace talks

KABUL (Reuters) - The Taliban said on Friday they were ready to restart peace talks with the United States, a day after President Donald Trump visited U.S. troops in Afghanistan and said he believed the radical group would agree to a ceasefire.

29 Nov 13:26 Reuters 8334514181475967643.html
Holby City star David Ames teases return of evil Isaac Mayfield

Abusive bully Isaac Mayfield might make an unwelcome return to Holby City, according to star David Ames.

29 Nov 12:06 Entertainment Daily 8392972516683476047.html
UPDATED: Appeal Court affirms Bauchi Governor’s election, dismisses APC’s appeal

ARMSTRONG BAKAM, Bauchi The Court of Appeal, Jos Division, on Friday, dismissed the appeal filed by the All Progressives Congress in Bauchi State and its Governorship candidate, former Governor ...

29 Nov 14:18 Punch Newspapers 3524240994977974332.html
Experience: I survived a boating accident that killed my family

My brother was shouting that water was coming in. Then we were tipped into the sea

29 Nov 10:00 the Guardian 1491978794533305541.html
Nieuwe Xbox krijgt geen virtual reality: 'Niemand vraagt erom'

De opvolger van de Xbox One krijgt voorlopig geen ondersteuning voor virtual reality. De VR-functie "is niet onze focus", zegt Xbox-topman Phil Spencer.

29 Nov 12:24 RTLZ 8052859356054097516.html
Missing person - Panmure

Have you seen Viliami Tiseli?

29 Nov 10:54 SCOOP 5315658998940909139.html
El Colegio de Abogados en contra del feriado administrativo

Criticó la resolución del Superior Tribunal de Justicia (STJ) provincial de declarar feria judicial en conmemoración del nacimiento de Andrés Guacurarí.

29 Nov 13:56 Primera Edición 6803897641560279521.html
AGR dues: Bharti Airtel to seek board nod for raising funds on December 4

The fund raising proposal follows the Supreme Court judgement on adjusted gross revenue

29 Nov 11:55 Business-Standard 1502508925895629138.html
18 maanden na #WengerOut nu #EmeryOut: Arsenal zet weggehoonde coach op straat

Op AFTV weerklonken weer extreme meningen. De #EmeryOut banners gingen de hoogte in. Een handvol Duitse Frankfurt-fans, die eigenlijk niet welkom waren, overstemden het thuispubliek. Het boegeroep ...

29 Nov 10:09 HLN 8967494997021570443.html
André Onana behoedde Lille-aanvaller met preek voor rode kaart

De achterhoede van Ajax had zijn handen afgelopen woensdag tegen Lille OSC vol aan Victor Osimhen. De Nigeriaanse aanvaller deed er alles aan om het de Amsterdamse verdedigers zo moeilijk mogelijk te maken in de groepsfase van de Champions League en zocht daarbij het randje op. Met geel op zak kreeg hij advies van Ajax-keeper André Onana om het wat rustiger aan te doen.

29 Nov 14:48 Voetbalzone 9096760911953704153.html
Officiellt: Ljungberg tar över Arsenal

Tar över som tillfällig huvudtränare efter att Unai Emery har fått sparken.

29 Nov 11:14 HD 3336945412146793924.html
Sri Mulyani Hapus 83 Jabatan Eselon III dan IV Kemenkeu

Sri Mulyani pangkas 9 dari 36 jabatan eselon III. Selain itu Kemudian 74 dari 124 jabatan.

29 Nov 12:51 Katadata News 179777407432809443.html
YouTube: attenti al nuovo virus

YouTube è stato scelto per essere la piattaforma con cui diffondere un nuovo virus. O così si direbbe. In realtà la vera scelta è ricaduta su Messenger. Attenti al messaggio di un amico che sembra avere una notizia sconvolgente che riguarda voi in video. E’ tutto fake.

29 Nov 11:45 tecnoandroid 2573257127427003892.html
Hellas Verona, seduta tattica in vista della Roma

Domenica la sfida contro i giallorossi e domani la rifinitura non sarà aperta al pubblico

29 Nov 15:54 Forzaroma.info 1065617486255003764.html
Diego el Cigala, obligado a cancelar un concierto tras ingresar en urgencias

El artista tenía una cita con sus seguidores la noche del jueves en Cuenca

29 Nov 12:44 Hola.com 2035212430565958705.html
Brothers In ‘Arms’: Why Uttarakhand And Haryana Should Walk Together Using Gita Mahotsav, For A Larger Hindu Cause

Last year, Haryana’s partner for this event was Uttar Pradesh. 

29 Nov 10:35 Swarajya 4977622830507794508.html
Hamil Anak Keempat, Ini 6 Momen Manis Mona Ratuliu Bareng Suami

Mona dan Indra cukup terkejut mendengar kabar kehamilan.

29 Nov 15:55 liputan6.com 5422146880574509054.html
Rechter tegen overvalverdachte: 'Weet u zeker dat u geen advocaat wilt?'

Moet een 56-jarige dakloze man die wordt verdacht van een overval op coffeeshop De Schavuit in Groningen onderzocht worden in het Pieter Baan Centrum? Die vraag blijft nog even onbeantwoord.

29 Nov 15:07 RTV Noord 3728677367536694048.html
2 Murid SMKN 49 Tewas Selesai Ujian, Guru Sering Lihat Kebiasaan Dua Sahabat Ini Sepulang Sekolah

Dua siswi malang tewas terlindas truk seusai ujian di sekolah, guru sering lihat kebiasaan dua sahabat ini.

29 Nov 10:11 Tribunnews.com 3323534446685292259.html
LI dad Manuel Asuncion busted for driving drunk with son in back seat: cops

A Long Island man was arrested on Thanksgiving night for driving while intoxicated with his 6-year-old son in the back seat, police said. Manuel Asuncion, 46, was busted after allegedly striking the

29 Nov 14:50 New York Post 7654946767838490460.html
StudentFinance.com, founded by the team behind Uniplaces, raises €1.15 million to reshape education financing using AI technology

StudentFinance, a Fintech company created by the founders of Uniplaces, has today announced it has closed a €1.15 million seed round of funding led by Seedcamp (investors in Revolut and TransferWise – two of the largest fintechs in Europe) and Mustard Seed Maze. 

29 Nov 14:59 EU-Startups 1488873442877096894.html
Iñaki Urdangarin pide su primer permiso carcelario para salir en Navidad

La Junta de Tratamiento de la cárcel de Brieva (Ávila) se reune el próximo jueves para decidir si se lo concede. En caso contrario, el marido de la infanta puede recurrir al juez

29 Nov 14:24 EL PAÍS 2207347711596293830.html
Reducir capacidad de fuego de grupos delictivos, objetivo prioritario del gobierno: Ebrard | Entérate

El secretario de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), Marcelo Ebrard, aseguró que ha funcionado el Grupo de Alto Nivel conformado por México y Estados Unidos para revisar el tráfico de armas , por lo que el objetivo del gobierno federal frente a este problema es reducir la capacidad de fuego de los grupos criminales “lo más pronto posible”.

29 Nov 15:53 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495235648474.html
Japoneses podrán dormir con esta almohada en forma de PlayStation

Los jugadores asiáticos también podrán conseguir un peculiar reloj de pared

29 Nov 15:45 LevelUp 3760720892991784442.html
2 K-pop stars get prison terms for sexual crimes

SEOUL, Korea, Republic Of - A South Korean court on Friday found two K-pop stars guilty of illicit sexual relations with a woman who was unable to resist an

29 Nov 15:47 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245815160250.html
Bechtle Gaildorf: Unternehmen schafft 100 neue Arbeitsplätze

Der Handel treibende Dienstleister möchte in einem Neubau Teile der internen IT-Organisation ansiedeln. Der Gemeinderat macht dafür den Weg frei.

29 Nov 10:45 swp.de 6929179440120458887.html
Concessioni autostrade, beppe grillo da' il benservito ai benetton e di maio evoca la vendetta...


29 Nov 10:50 DAGOSPIA 6533336740484112574.html
Polícia confirma "incidente terrorista" na Ponte de Londres e morte do suspeito

Neil Basu disse ainda que um simulacro de dispositivo explosivo foi encontrado junto ao homem

29 Nov 13:41 Correio do Povo 8875535435131674362.html
Los Saints, primeros clasificados para los playoff de la NFL

Los Saints de Nueva Orleans vivieron la tradicional jornada festiva del

29 Nov 10:29 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958441001104.html
Convocan a huelgas climáticas en el Black Friday

Se espera que gente en las ciudades de EE. UU. participen en huelgas en Black Friday para llamar la atención sobre la crisis climática.

29 Nov 15:59 Canal Antigua 5059206892564398258.html
Crew of barge rescued 2 days after drifting off Siaton Point in Negros Oriental

Four crew members of a barge that was swept away by strong current of water while anchored in Sibulan, Negros Oriental were rescued Thursday after two days of drifting in the ocean, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said in a belated report.

29 Nov 14:33 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199934972463.html
K-pop stars sentenced to prison for gang rape

Two Korean pop stars were sentenced to prison Friday for gang-raping unconscious women, secretly recording the act and distributing the tapes as part of a scandal that has rocked the K-pop industry, according to South Korean media.

29 Nov 14:40 Fox News 7362823821114682535.html
We ll provide funding for UNIDO’s industrialisation programme – FG

Ifeanyi Onuba, Abuja The Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, Clem Agba, has said the Federal Government would support the new five year Country Partnership Programme of the Unite...

29 Nov 15:09 Punch Newspapers 3524240993908999024.html
Mercadona inaugura esta semana su nuevo modelo de tienda eficiente en Las Rozas y Coslada (Madrid)

Mercadona reabre esta semana dos nuevos supermercados en Las Rozas (Madrid), concretamente en el C.C. El Palmeral (C/ José Echegaray, 11) y en la C/ Mar Mediterráneo (Coslada) tras una reforma integral para adaptarlos al nuevo Modelo de Tienda Eficiente d

29 Nov 10:43 Diariocrítico 5375131905737605206.html
French army denies IS claim for deadly Mali crash that killed 13 soldiers

An ambush by Islamic State jihadists did not cause a collision between two French army helicopters which left 13 soldiers dead in Mali, France's military chief of staff said Friday.

29 Nov 10:04 The Guardian 7580308504507543580.html
Farmers battle 'worst autumn in memory' to get seeds planted and crops out of the ground

Crop growing across East Anglia has been severely disrupted by prolonged wet weather - and there are fears the effects will continue to be felt next year.

29 Nov 12:05 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152028120102.html
Bolivia anuló decreto que eximía a los militares de responsabilidades penales

Jeanine Áñez, presidente interina de Bolivia, anuló este jueves el decreto que autorizaba a los militares a participar en la preservación del orden público y los eximía de responsabilidades penales.

29 Nov 11:29 El Carabobeño 125457437952671244.html
AD/ ART Disorot, FPI: Kami Menegakkan Khilafah Tanpa Hapus NKRI

Ahmad Sobri Lubis mengatakan semua terang benderang dan FPI tetap setia kepada NKRI yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945.

29 Nov 11:30 Tempo 4466195685153546276.html
Declaración de la Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de la República de Cuba

La Habana, 29 nov  (ACN) La Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular expresa su más enérgico rechazo a la Resolución Común (2019/2929(RSP), aprobada por mayoría del 56% en el Parlamento Europeo, por su contenido  injerencista y lesivo a la soberanía cubana,  con absoluto desconocimiento de nuestra realidad.

29 Nov 13:32 www.acn.cu 4590417277716147660.html
Dunphy, Giles & Brady To Reunite For Christmas Premier League Coverage

The iconic trio of Eamon Dunphy, John Giles and Liam Brady will return to our television screens this Christmas period for coverage of the Premier League.

29 Nov 12:44 PUNDIT ARENA 505417275203862706.html
Truffa sul web, pubblicizza una casa vacanza inesistente: denunciato

Un 45enne di Castel San Pietro Terme, Bologna, attraverso un’inserzione su un sito internet ha pubblicizzato una casa vacanza a Gaeta, che in realtà non esiste. L’uomo è riuscito a farsi consegnare 300 euro su una carta prepagata da una donna, una 38enne di Linarolo, Pavia, che poi si è accorta della truffa. Il caso […]

29 Nov 15:55 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337892695774.html
Manovra: cambia 8xmille, priorità a edilizia scuola

Emendamento al dl fisco relatori depositato in commissione Finanze (ANSA)

29 Nov 14:18 ANSA.it 1300837447487505957.html
Prefeitura vai implantar contorno de quadra na Bomba do Gonzaga

A Secretaria Municipal de Infraestrutura (Seminfra) trabalha em ritmo acelerado nas obras que viabilizarão mudanças no trânsito e a implantação de um contorno de quadra na região da Bomba do Gonzaga, no Tabuleiro do Martins. A previsão é que os serviços da Seminfra sejam finalizados no mês de dezembro, quando a área será liberada para...

29 Nov 15:56 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010071624746.html
Karpfen in aller Munde: Gala im Sole-Felsen-Hotel

Der Karpfen hat gerade zu Weihnachten Saison, aber er schmeckt das ganze Jahr über. Davon konnten sich um die Hundert Gäste bei der „Karpfen-Gala“ am 28. November im Sole-Felsen-Hotel überzeugen

29 Nov 13:25 NÖN.at 2486998932287726489.html
The wealth gap is one of the defining issues in the US right now, but proposals that punish the wealthy could be focusing on the wrong part of the problem, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - captionDemocratic presidential candidate, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) speaks to her supporters after officially filing to be on the ballot for the New Hampshire state primary at the State House on&hellip;. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:07 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756965130869.html
Wooden relic of Jesus’ manger returned to Jerusalem

JERUSALEM — Christians on Friday celebrated the return to the Holy Land of a tiny wooden relic they believe was part of Jesus’ manger nearly 1,400 years after it was sent to Rome as a gift to the

29 Nov 15:09 New York Post 7654946769251137125.html
Evolution Mining's Red Lake Mine Acquisition - A Bet On Exploration Success

Newmont Goldcorp will sell the Red Lake mine to Evolution Mining for $375 million, plus contingency payments of up to $100 million.Evolution will invest $100 million to improve the mine operations and

29 Nov 11:30 Seeking Alpha 5725634557654914904.html
Boy left terribly burned after mother used butane to do weed faces losing voice

Brian Roberts battled against the odds to survive the terrible blast - but now faces losing his voice without costly surgery

29 Nov 13:58 Metro 970161747962514181.html
Black Friday: Women in Hijabs Fight Over a Vacuum Cleaner at Walmart

While other shoppers squabble over $1.60 towels.

29 Nov 12:29 Infowars 1950426315257615401.html
Bank Mandiri Cabang Sorong Jadi Kantor Pengelola Kas Titipan Terbaik di 2019

Wakil Direktur Utama Bank Mandiri Sulaiman A. Ariyanto menyebutkan, dukungan aktif kepada Bank Indonesia juga direalisasikan perseroan dalam proses pengelolaan uang kartal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di daerah pelosok.

29 Nov 12:49 merdeka.com 1998180355784775250.html
4.5% GDP growth rate unacceptable, worrisome: Former PM Manmohan Singh

He said the "toxic combination of deep distrust, pervasive fear and a sense of hopelessness in our society" is stifling economic activity and growth

29 Nov 14:15 Business-Standard 1502508925240884356.html
Reddito di Cittadinanza per stranieri, requisiti: ecco tutte le novità, come fare domanda e quanto spetta

Arriva il decreto: Reddito di Cittadinanza riconosciuto anche agli stranieri. Tra applausi e polemiche ecco le novità

29 Nov 13:17 InvestireOggi 7231367743642169533.html
"A Stroke Of Bad Luck" Pushed Neanderthals Into Extinction, Says New Study

What killed off the Neanderthals? It’s often posed that the Neanderthals, our heavy-browed cousins that stomped around Europe and western Asia until 40,000

29 Nov 10:26 IFLScience 242791748661514005.html
Riskantes Überholmanöver endet mit Kollision

Spektakulärer Verkehrsunfall Freitagvormittag in Osttirol! Ein 78-jähriger Einheimischer wollte auf der Drautalstraße im Gemeindegebiet von Anras ...

29 Nov 15:44 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093210974175.html
Filistinli tarihi Mubayyd: srail vcuttan atlmas gereken bir ban

Filistinli tarihi Selim el-Mubayyd, Birlemi Milletler'in (BM) 72 yl nce ald Filistin'i blme kararnn temelden haksz bir dnce olduunu syledi. Mubayyd srail'in Araplarn gelenekleri, yasalar ve dinleriyle badamad iin vcuttan atlmas gereken bir bana benzetti.

29 Nov 14:37 Star 3455060031569918571.html
After Claiming 95% Of All Hardware Sold In Japan Last Week, Nintendo Apologises Over Ring Fit Adventure Shortages

Please understand

29 Nov 10:30 Nintendo Life 5246707018491075379.html
Evil crossbow killer who shot pregnant ex-wife in revenge attack is jailed for 33 years

Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo is likely to die in prison after being given 33 years for murdering Sana Muhammad in a terrifying home attack.

29 Nov 12:40 dailyrecord 552235479232100941.html
250 Demonstranten werben für klimafreundliches Verhalten

„Wir sind hier, wir sind laut“: Auch knapp ein Jahr nach dem Start hat die „Fridays for Future“-Bewegung wieder eine große Zahl von Unterstützern mobilisieren können. Sie folgen einem Aufruf zum internationalen Aktionstag nur wenige Tage vor Beginn der Weltklimakonferenz in Madrid.

29 Nov 14:46 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568705792589.html
Canada’s economy slowed in third quarter

OTTAWA, Nov 29 — Canada’s economy put on the brakes in the third quarter sending growth falling to 1.3 per cent, or almost one-third of the previous three months’ GDP, the government statistical agency said today. Statistics Canada blamed a drop in exports for the slowdown, noting that it was...

29 Nov 14:51 Malaymail 302165936407995945.html
Les Irakiens enterrent leurs morts mais la contestation continue

Les manifestants se regroupent vendredi en Irak, défiant une répression qui a tué la veille 44 protestataires. Elle a menacé de faire sombrer le pays dans le chaos après que des hommes en civil et des combattants tribaux ont sorti leurs armes.

29 Nov 11:15 www.rjb.ch 7386238342217696594.html
Pan Guerrero combatirá la anemia

*Pan Guerrero* es elaborado con sangre bovina y otros insumos que consumen la anemia [1].  [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/anemia

29 Nov 10:00 El Popular 1251135764877544068.html
Don't tell govts to buy 'inefficient' smog towers: Environmentalists to SC

Earlier this week, the apex court asked the Centre to take concrete decision within 10 days on having smog towers in Delhi-National Capital Region to combat pollution

29 Nov 11:55 Business-Standard 1502508925748144214.html
The perils of an online election campaign and Kevin the carrot | Jabbering Journo column

Let’s be honest, no-one knows who or what to believe as this General Election looms.

29 Nov 13:31 Lancashire Post 6469275854854500996.html
Emmerdale SPOILERS: Nate reveals he is sticking around in the village TONIGHT

Well that won't be a popular decision...

29 Nov 13:21 Entertainment Daily 8392972517729919482.html
Chromecast vs Chromecast Ultra: Cuál te conviene comprar

Los Chromecast y Chromecast Ultra son los dispositivos de Google para hacer streaming en tu televisor. Os contamos qué nos ofrece cada uno de ellos.

29 Nov 11:49 El Androide Libre 196740460773089159.html
Passation de pouvoirs symbolique entre Donald Tusk et Charles Michel

Le président sortant du Conseil européen Donald Tusk a symboliquement remis ses pouvoirs vendredi à Charles Michel, qui prendra dimanche sa nouvelle fonction à la tête du cercle des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de l’Union européenne.

29 Nov 11:56 sudinfo.be 344139277244610493.html
PAS-Umno at the hilt of hypocrisy

THERE are many games in politics that display and convince it is always about the people they serve.

29 Nov 12:56 The Malaysian Insight 3531883209724514772.html
Izbodena jedna osoba u Palama

ISTOČNO SARAJEVO - Lice čiji su inicijali G.V. (19) danas je u Palama nanijelo povrede hladnim oružjem licu čiji su inicijali G.R., potvrđeno je Srni u Policijskoj upravi Istočno Sarajevo.

29 Nov 13:21 Nezavisne novine 4209150642452053397.html
For a Change, She Made Orange Look Stunning

Look at the diva in this shimmery orange outfit teamed up with a blue denim jacket! Isn't she gorgeous with her peachy makeup and nude lip colour? Kiara can easily slip into almost every look and colour. That double-layered orange coloured chain around her neck with a starfish pendant hanging on to her cleavage is the right choice to go with this gorgeous look, isn't it?

29 Nov 10:45 MIRCHI9 6041804859798516284.html
This Star Wars Landspeeder Metal Replica Actually Drives, Built on a Golf Cart

With the upcoming release of the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, we are now here to talk about bringing Luke-tech into real life. No, this isn't some teleportation shenanigan gone wrong (wait, that's Star Trek). Instead, we're looking at a replica of the Landspeeder the hero used to defy gravity, one that can be driven on the ground we normal humans use for walking.

29 Nov 12:41 autoevolution 6471576453600817449.html
K-Pop Stars Sentenced After Gang-Raping Two Women

K-pop stars Jung Joon-young and Choi Jong-hoon have been sentenced by a South Korean court for gang-raping vulnerable women

29 Nov 10:25 UNILAD 6373328987586474883.html
Tingkatkan Peran Zakat, Pemkot Bentuk 800 UPZ

Keberadaan Baznas dapat mendorong peran dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menyalurkan dana umat berupa ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, dan Sodakoh).

29 Nov 11:02 merdeka.com 1998180355884351420.html
Aristocrat freed from jail after telling court he mistook friend for an alien | IOL News

A Swiss aristocrat who killed his friend with a candlestick is to be freed from jail – because he thought his victim was a green alien.

29 Nov 14:41 www.iol.co.za 17825112729819758.html
Seit einem Monat ohne Sieg: FC Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Emery

Der FC Arsenal hat sich von seinem Trainer Unai Emery getrennt. Das gab der Club der deutschen Ex-Nationalspieler Mesut Özil und Skhodran Mustafi am Freitag bekannt. Die Londoner reagierten damit auf die sportliche Krise der vergangenen Wochen.

29 Nov 10:21 GMX 2011843075736217008.html
So läuft die komplizierte Auslosung in Bukarest

Über den komplizierten Modus zerbricht sich Joachim Löw erst gar nicht den Kopf, auch eine mögliche „Hammergruppe“ mit Weltmeister Frankreich und Europameister Portugal macht den Bundestrainer nicht nervös. „Ich bin sehr gelassen, wir nehmen es, wie es kommt“, sagte Löw vor seiner Abreise zur Auslosung der paneuropäischen EM 2020 am Samstag (18.00 Uhr MEZ/ARD ONE und Sky Sport News HD) in ...

29 Nov 14:13 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110625869257.html
Balance agridulce tras nueva jornada de diálogos de la Gran Conversación Nacional

Con panoramas distintos terminó una nueva jornada de la Gran Conversación Nacional convocada por el presidente Iván Duque como respuesta a las movilizaciones convocadas desde el pasado 21 de noviembre por diversos sectores sociales.A primera hora de este jueves se instaló la mesa por la transparencia, en la cual se trataron los temas relacionados con la lucha contra la corrupción.La conversación transcurrió en normalidad y los asistentes hicieron hincapié en las medidas que se deben tomar desde el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo.Alejandra Barrios, directora de la Misión de Observación Electoral, MOE, señaló que el 'hoyo negro' de la corrupción es el Congreso, porque no ha tenido decisión política para avanzar en las reformas que afectan sus intereses.Así mismo, Barrios señaló que el presidente Duque debería tener una conversación directa con el comité del paro nacional para poder luego avanzar el aspecto técnico. Argumentó que el diálogo significa escuchar a los estudiantes que están en las calles y manifestó preocupación…

29 Nov 11:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347932364832.html
Venezuela participa en V Cumbre de Países Exportadores de Gas

La nación promueve el desarrollo sostenible de países miembros en beneficio de los pueblos

29 Nov 15:49 Últimas Noticias 6811287211107698727.html
Indonesia Negara Nomor Satu Destinasi Wisata Terbaik Dunia Versi Majalah AS

Indonesia menjadi negara nomor satu atau terbaik di dunia sebagai destinasi wisata berdasarkan persentase mewakili tingkat kepuasan rata-rata wisatawan.

29 Nov 15:35 merdeka.com 1998180355769459341.html
Bundesrat stimmt Gesetz zu: Kinder von Pflegebedürftigen müssen seltener zahlen

Die Kinder von Pflegebedürftigen werden künftig seltener zur Kasse gebeten. Der Bundesrat billigte ein Gesetz.

29 Nov 12:57 RTL.DE 7054729451956867250.html
CdM - Continuità in campionato: ADL rinnoverà suo invito alla squadra

Maggiore impegno anche in campionato. Questa una delle richieste che Aurelio De Laurentiis rinnoverà alla squadra nell'incontro in programma in giornata secondo quanto si legge sul Corriere del Mezzogiorno: "Prima il confronto, però. Il dialogo aperto e franco con il presidente ferito dall’insurrezione del 5 dicembre. De Laurentiis aveva chiesto ai giocatori lo stesso impegno mentale in campionato e in Champions, probabile che ripeta l’invito in vista del Bologna, primo appuntamento utile. Ancelotti ago della bilancia: mediatore ma anche testimone di una situazione in cui ha provato a gestire con equilibrio e resistendo alle critiche piovute anche sulla sua testa". 

29 Nov 13:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080233598444.html
AfDB approves $210m to boost electricity transmission in Nigeria

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved $210 million to boost electricity transmission in Nigeria. In a statement on Thursday, Ndidi Mbah, general manager of public affairs at the Transmission

29 Nov 10:30 TheCable 7513571674925469286.html
Jaki smartfon najlepiej kupić w promocji na Black Friday? Wybieramy najciekawsze propozycje

Szukasz solidnego smartfona w atrakcyjnej cenie? Black Friday to najlepsza okazja w roku, by kupić wysokiej jakości sprzęt w niższej cenie. Które smartfony opłaca się kupić? Podpowiadamy

29 Nov 11:15 nextgazetapl 6736542839803339259.html
Cosa c'entra Harry Styles con la misteriosa isola di Eroda?

In Rete c'è una campagna pubblicitaria per promuovere il turismo a Eroda. Ma l'isola non esiste: secondo i fan, sarebbe tutta una trovata della pop star

29 Nov 15:06 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187972002780.html
Apasionarse por lo que se hace

A veces no es necesario empezar de cero para encontrarnos con nuestra pasión, sino que podemos convertir lo que hacemos en nuestro sueño. De eso se trata la columna de hoy del Coach de vida Carlos Gil.

29 Nov 12:58 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158831914762.html
Vhong at bagong misis nag-enjoy sa lamig ng Japan

PRESENT din pala ang engaged couple na sina Angel Locsin at Neil Arce sa wedding ceremony at reception na ginanap sa Four Seasons Hotel in Kyoto, Japan ng newlywed couple na sina Vhong Navarro at Tanya Winona Bautista nung nakaraang Huwebes, November 28 (not November 29) na dinaluhan din ng mga kasamahan ni Vhong sa “It’s Showtime”, ng mag-asawang Dra. Vicki Belo at Dr. Hayden Kho, maging ng dating mga kasamahan ni Vhong sa Streetboys dancers kung saan kasama sina Jhong Hilario at Danilo Barrios at iba pa.

29 Nov 10:49 Journal Online 6375127391946463244.html
After five-month road test, B30 implementation gets green light

The vehicles in the test showed “relatively similar” performance in power, emissions and fuel consumption compared to when run using B20 biodiesel.

29 Nov 15:52 The Jakarta Post 7678601102707933611.html
Previa del partido: el Brescia Calcio recibe al Atalanta en la decimocuarta jornada

Previa del partido: el Brescia Calcio recibe al Atalanta en la decimocuarta jornada

29 Nov 14:02 sport 1349897969189226039.html
Le indagini su carrai arrivano in lussemburgo - i finanziatori di renzi mettevano i soldi nelle soci


29 Nov 11:50 DAGOSPIA 6533336739490658070.html
Trotz Verbot: Eintracht-Fans feiern gegen Arsenal

Kamada-Gala und eine Wand namens Rönnow: Eintracht Frankfurt kann es noch! FUSSBALL 2000 war dabei und erklärt, wie man trotz Sperre ins Stadion des FC Arsenal kommt.

29 Nov 10:21 hessenschau.de 6403292202897674895.html
Fernández cree que hay exfuncionarios kirchneristas "mal detenidos"

Alberto Fernández afirmó que para él no se trata de presos políticos sino que la denominación adecuada sería "detenidos arbitrarios"

29 Nov 10:17 EL DEBATE 4396150894826256585.html
Za domove zdravlja širom Srbije Ministarstvo obezbedilo 2,3 miliona evra

Ministar zdravlja dr Zlatibor Lončar uručio je danas ugovore o finansiranju i realizaciji projekata usmerenih na unapređenje kvaliteta zdravstvenih usluga u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti za 83 doma zdravlja, ukupne vrednosti 270.000.000 dinara odnosno 2,3 miliona evra.

29 Nov 12:47 REPUBLIKA 2543998406078875971.html
Ngadeu (KAA Gent) maakt zich kwaad op scheidsrechter: "Onbegrijpelijk"

KAA Gent mocht donderdag vieren, want het kon zich plaatsen voor de volgende ronde van de Europa League. Michael Ngadeu was echter minder blij: hij kreeg twee keer geel en dus rood.

29 Nov 10:30 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215658166301.html
Ardea, lite tra mamme inizia su whatsapp e finisce in ospedale: rissa davanti alla scuola

Mamme tecnologiche e rissose ad Ardea, dove ieri una lite iniziata su whatsapp è finita prima davanti ai cancelli di scuola, poi al pronto soccorso dell’ospedale di Aprilia. Ma partiamo dall’inizio. Le protagoniste sono un piccolo gruppo di mamme degli alunni della scuola elementare divia Tanaro, a Tor San Lorenzo, tutti bimbi di età compresa tra […]

29 Nov 13:52 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338231348617.html
Explainer: What's at stake in Macron's reform of France's cherished pensions?

PARIS (Reuters) - France is bracing for nationwide public sector strikes on Dec. 5 against President Emmanuel Macron’s drive to overhaul the country’s unwieldy and costly pension system.

29 Nov 15:47 Reuters 8334514180358743476.html
Stadia: come giocare su Android con uno smartphone con root

Ufficialmente, Google Stadia è attualmente riservato a Pixel 4/3 / 3a / 2. Per altri, dobbiamo aspettare, Google deve specificare nelle sue pagine di aiuto che "altri dispositivi" verranno a

29 Nov 12:48 CybeOut 7123967240787403051.html
Dubbelt firande av första advent i Munka Ljungby församling

Gudstjänster i Munka Ljungby och Tåssjö.

29 Nov 12:12 HD 3336945411859225242.html
BREAKING: Appeal Court dismisses APC’s appeal, affirms Bauchi governor’s election 

ARMSTRONG BAKAM, Bauchi The Court of Appeal, Jos Division, on Friday, has affirmed the victory of Governor Bala Mohammed and dismissed the All Progressives Congress and its candidate, former Gov...

29 Nov 12:58 Punch Newspapers 3524240995990532979.html
Cetak Gol Lagi, Pemain Timnas U-22 Indonesia Jadi Sorotan Media Asing

Striker timnas U-22 Indonesia, Osvaldo Haay, menjadi sorotan media asing setelah menjadi bintang dalam laga melawan Singapura di SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 13:40 BolaSport.com 4603768435754670098.html
Artista zuliano requiere aparato auditivo para evitar su sordera

El artista Juan Pérez Gerardino --mejor conocido en el medio artístico como Juan Dinó--  necesita un aparato auditivo para evitar la sordera progresiva que lo está afectando a sus 56 años.

29 Nov 12:30 Panorama 6052790753402093678.html
Scottish meat doesn’t cost the Earth

Find out why Scotland’s weather and landscape is perfect for cattle and sheep.

29 Nov 15:57 dailyrecord 552235480081460727.html
Liverpool’s Fabinho ruled out until New Year with ankle injury

Liverpool midfielder Fabinho will be out for more than a month after suffering ankle ligament damage during this week

29 Nov 14:48 Punch Newspapers 3524240995344270426.html
Iraks premiärminister avgår efter gatuprotesterna

Iraks regeringschef har lämnat in sin avskedsansökan efter en uppmaning från landets högsta shiamuslimska ledare.

29 Nov 13:01 DN.SE 398730693660694750.html
Ma'ruf Amin Minta Kadin Bikin UMKM dan Startup Naik Kelas

Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin meminta agar pengusaha yang tergabung dalam Kamar Dagang Indonesia (KADIN) untuk memperdayakan dan pendampingan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) agar naik kelas. Tidak hanya itu, dia juga meminta agar usaha startup di Indonesia juga berkembang luas.

29 Nov 11:22 merdeka.com 1998180355897790446.html
"Neue Motivation" bei Baumann nach DSV-Wechsel

Der Tiroler will nach dem Nationenwechsel nochmals durchstarten:

29 Nov 14:46 www.laola1.at 837519018025511248.html
Watch: Blac Youngsta Gets Extra Personal In 24-Minute CHURCH ON SUNDAY Documentary

Memphis rapper Blac Youngsta is keeping it 100. The hip-hop artist has come through this holiday week with a 24-minute Church On Sunday documentary in celebrati

29 Nov 12:33 SOHH 6970791089885334345.html
Teken RUU HAM & Demokrasi Hong Kong, Trump Malah Dicap Si Pemutar Balik Kebenaran oleh...

WE Online, Beijing - China memperingatkan Amerika Serikat (AS) bahwa mereka dapat mengambil "langkah-langkah tegas" jika Washington terus memberikan dukungan bagi kelompok pro-demokrasi di Hong Kong.

29 Nov 12:57 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835904338040.html
Stormzy has just announced a massive Dublin gig for next September

Stormzy has just announced a huge 55-date ‘H.I.T.H. World Tour’ which includes a massive gig in Ireland next September.

29 Nov 10:03 Buzz.ie 7092425148004697878.html
OPINION: Blackpool’s squad needs some extra strength for a promotion push

When Simon Grayson added the finishing touches to his squad during the summer the boast was loud and clear: &#8216;look how impressive Blackpool&#8217;s strength in depth is&#8217;.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400564220534430.html
Partito neonazista, arrestato un uomo a Monza: aveva fucile, carabina e revolver

MONZA – Un uomo di 57 anni di Monza, Maurizio Aschieri, è stato arrestato dalla polizia a seguito delle indagini nell’ambito dell’inchiesta Ombre Nere condotta dall’Antiterrorismo, che ha portato a 19 perquisizioni per altrettanti indagati in tutta Italia pronti a fondare un partito nazista italiano. All’interno della casa dell’uomo sono stati trovati un fucile, una carabina e due revolver. L’inchiesta L’indagine Ombre nere su gruppi neonazisti è partita dall’inchiesta su un fatto di sangue nella provincia di Enna avvenuto l’estate scorsa. Dall’analisi di alcuni profili social intestati ad una persone implicata nelle indagini che utilizzava vari nickname si è risaliti alla figura di un suo amico che reclutava i “seguaci” in tutt’Italia.Marina Addati, scagionata la mamma accusata di avvelenare le figlie. Dopo 34 mesi di carcereTorino di Sangro (Chieti): uccide la moglie in casa durante una lite, fermato dai Carabinieri Sul sito dell’indagato sarebbero numerosi i post che prendono di mira le forze dell’ordine e…

29 Nov 12:06 Blitz quotidiano 5529491353870792005.html
Finanzierung für Bau der neuen S4 unterzeichnet

Der Bau der S-Bahn-Linie 4 von Altona nach Bad Oldesloe rückt näher: Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein einigten sich mit dem Bund über die Verteilung der Kosten in Höhe von knapp 1,85 Milliarden Euro.

29 Nov 14:49 NDR.de 5356044083549154658.html
Hong Kong police seize roughly 4,000 petrol bombs on university campus

Hong Kong police said they had seized roughly 4,000 petrol bombs found at a university campus.

29 Nov 10:21 euronews 7318238120763730196.html
Una detenida en Alicante por dar drogas a menores y obligar a una de ellas a prostituirse

Una de las jóvenes se había fugado de un centro de acogida y permaneció en casa de la arrestada

29 Nov 12:40 Diarioinformacion 8979296176335166825.html
Mediji: Hiljadu ljudi sa Balkana ratovalo ili ratuje na Bliskom istoku, stotinu iz Makedonije

Oko 1.000 ljudi sa prostora Zapadnog Balkana boravilo je ili i dalje boravi na ratištima Bliskog Istoka, navodi danas portal Balkanska bezbednosna mreža, pozivajući se na podatke Centra za borbu protiv terorizma Vest Pointa.

29 Nov 10:07 Dnevni list Danas 649654641813343650.html
Liverpool can manage without injured Fabinho, says Jürgen Klopp

Jürgen Klopp says Liverpool can manage without Fabinho but admitted the injured midfielder’s extended absence was a big setback

29 Nov 13:24 the Guardian 1491978794393388276.html
Real or fake: Choosing the best Christmas tree for the planet

Artificial tree has to be used for 20 years to have the impact of one live cut tree says Sierra Club

29 Nov 13:15 North Delta Reporter 5327740411030877561.html
Asesinan de varios disparos a un joven en Ponce

Un joven fue asesinado de varios disparos a las 2:58 de la tarde del jueves en la calle Virtud, en Ponce.

29 Nov 10:55 elVocero.com 6318248037645997062.html
Mueren dos de las personas que fueron atacadas con cuchillo en el Puente de Londres

Además, el presunto terrorista también falleció luego de que un policía le disparara a pocos metros, cuando logró zafar a una víctima que era apuñalada. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:14 pulzo.com 8971816787611683000.html
SCIOPERO TRENI TRENORD-TRENITALIA-ITALO/ Oggi 29 novembre: la situazione a Napoli

Ultime notizie sciopero treni 29 Novembre: news sciopero Trenord, news sciopero Trenitalia. Ecco la situazione nel dettaglio a Napoli e Roma. Sciopero treni 29 Novembre

29 Nov 12:25 IlSussidiario 495412294256686228.html
Star Wars: la curiosa storia della mano di Luke Skywalker | Cultura Pop

Durante un contest artistico dedicato a Star Wars, un illustratore ha immaginato cosa sarebbe accaduto alla mano di Luke Skywalker amputata da Darth Vader Durante un contest artistico dedicato a Star Wars, un illustratore ha immaginato cosa sarebbe accaduto alla mano di Luke Skywalker amputata da Darth Vader

29 Nov 15:03 Tom's Hardware 6640147069871913422.html
Violan, queman y ASESINAN en India a joven veterinaria, estuvo desaparecida

Grupo de sujetos secuestr&oacute;, viol&oacute;, quem&oacute; y asesin&oacute; a una joven veterinaria de 26 a&ntilde;os de edad; todo fue planeado, pues le poncharon las llantas de su carro.

29 Nov 12:14 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623738655434.html
Los cabezazos vigilados de José Daniel Ferrer

Una parte de la oposición a 60 años de dictadura en Cuba no es consciente, y espero que a partir de ahora lo sea, del nivel de vigilancia y la capacidad de manipulación del castrismo.

29 Nov 13:55 CiberCuba 8213836169671322081.html
Party like a spy: Spookstock is intel world's hush-hush bash

WASHINGTON (AP) - Sometime earlier this year, one of the most elite social events in Washington took place, but without any fanfare or news coverage.

29 Nov 14:45 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637335638815.html
Verzweifelter Überlebenskampf: In Todesangst Handbremse gezogen: Alina (16) und ihr Freund sterben durch Suff-Raser

Stuttgart, München, Berlin – wenn es dort zu tödlichen Raser-Unfällen kommt, spricht ganz Deutschland darüber. Aber wenn in der brandenburgischen Provinz zwei Jugendliche bei einem unfassbaren Drama sterben, scheint es kaum jemanden zu interessieren. FOCUS Online über einen Fall, der traurig und wütend macht.

29 Nov 13:35 FOCUS Online 4448121230333837256.html
Bollywood's Ashutosh Gowariker Reveals Why He Directed a Film on Third Battle of Panipat

New Delhi (Sputnik): Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt-star in “Panipat” which showcases a battle that took place between the Marathas and the then-Kinf of Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761. The movie’s director says working on it was a huge cinematic challenge especially the battle scene sequence.

29 Nov 14:08 Sputniknews 967333868976058885.html
Sky - Milan-Ibra, nessun contatto in attesa del ritorno di Raiola in Italia

Dieci giorni fa andava in scena prima in un noto albergo nel centro di Milano e poi a Casa Milan un doppio incontro della durata totale di 160 minuti circa tra Boban, Maldini e Massara insieme a tutto il team Raiola. Secondo quanto riferito da Sky Sport, in attesa di un nuovo meeting tra le parti quando Raiola rientrerà in Italia, non ci sono stati contatti negli ultimi giorni, ma in casa rossonera credono comunque nella possibilità che possa concludersi positivamente la vicenda.

29 Nov 15:48 MilanNews.it 6507305922379970047.html
Disney Plus: Everything you need to know about Disney's new ad-free streaming service, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Disney Plus, the on-demand, ad-free streaming service for Disney fans, is live. Here's everything you need to know.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

2 Dec 12:09 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755742381244.html
Alles ganz normal: Paul McCartney holt Enkel gerne von der Schule ab

Der Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney liebt es, Großvater zu sein. Das sagte der 77 Jahre alte Musiker dem britischen Radiosender Virgin Radio am Freitag.

29 Nov 11:51 swp.de 6929179442002312070.html
SKN-Coach Schmidt setzt auf Stabilität

Nach dem sensationellen Punktgewinn in Salzburg geht der SKN St. Pölten gegen den krisengeschüttelten SV Mattersburg als Favorit ins Spiel

29 Nov 13:28 weltfussball.at 3521376371065852753.html
Zuma loses bid to appeal high court's ruling in graft trial but can still petition SCA | IOL News

Jacob Zuma has lost an application for leave to appeal the high court judgment, but he still has an option to petition the ...

29 Nov 11:14 www.iol.co.za 17825112330208280.html
El presidente de Nintendo America habla de sus juegos favoritos ¿Apuestas?

Para Doug Bowser, Super Mario Odyssey es su favorito en la actualidad pero hay una saga mítica que adora aún más. Nunca está de más conocer las preferencias de los grandes directivos que están al frente de algunas de las compañías...

29 Nov 10:00 3DJuegos 3383023119087837576.html
Milder November mit wenig Sonne und viel Schnee im Tessin

Düsterer November mit wenig Sonne und im Süden viel Schnee: Während das Novemberwetter auf der Alpennordseite unspektakulär verlief, fielen auf der Alpensüdseite regional Rekordschneesummen. Zudem war der Himmel in allen Landesteilen oft wolkenverhangen.

29 Nov 15:45 bz BASEL 5287163742216301188.html
Banka Slovenije: Gospodarski položaj kljub umirjanju rasti bolj ugoden kot v območju evra

Čeprav se je gospodarska rast v tretjem četrtletju umirila na 2,3 odstotka na letni ravni, pa gospodarske razmere v Sloveniji ostajajo bolj ugodne kot v povprečju evrskega območja, ugotavlja Banka Slovenije. Poleg ugodnih razmer na trgu dela ob tem posebej izpostavlja robustno zasebno potrošnjo.

29 Nov 15:05 Dnevnik 7671546649437191827.html
Risco de desabastecimento interno de carne está afastado, diz Scot Consultoria

A elevação no ritmo de exportações de carne bovina para a China provocou uma alta nos preços internos da proteína, mas não gera risco de desabastecimento, disse ao Broadcast Agro (sistema de notícias em tempo real do Grupo Estado) o diretor da Scot Consultoria, Alcides Torres, minutos antes do início do Encontro de Analistas da Scot, realizado na capital paulista. "Não há nenhuma possibilidade de faltar carne para o consumidor", afirmou.

29 Nov 15:33 DCI 3412821465052573947.html
Chieti, uccide la moglie in strada al culmine di una lite

L'uomo è stato fermato in tarda mattinata dai carabinieri: avrebbe colpito a morte la donna con una pietra o un bastone, poi ha chiamato il 118

29 Nov 12:22 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189656510252.html
Policía londinense cierra puente de Londres por ataque "terrorista"

Imágenes que circulan por Twitter mostraban a policías apuntando con sus armas hacia una persona en el suelo.

29 Nov 11:56 Publinews 8987875303976036448.html
Biathlon-Star Arnd Peiffer kritisiert die AfD: "Demagogen und Volksverführer"

Biathlon-Star Arnd Peiffer hat in einem Interview mit der FAZ seine Angst vor der AfD zum Ausdruck gebracht. Für mich sind das Demagogen, Volksverführer. Die hauen in eine gewisse Kerbe, ohne Lösungen zu haben, sagte der Sprint-Olympiasieger von 2018.

29 Nov 12:30 SPOX 8395423525265768606.html
Novinaru osam mjeseci zatvora zbog lažiranja otmice

Novinar iz Bele Crkve Stefan Cvetković osuđen je u Osnovnom sudu u Vršcu na osam mjeseci zatvora zbog lažnog prijavljivanja svoje navodne otmice u junu 2018. godine.

29 Nov 10:18 Nezavisne novine 4209150642307186407.html
Klopp reveals where Brighton surpass Liverpool; tips trio to replace Fabinho

Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool must find a way to deal with the absence of Fabinho after the midfielder's injury.

29 Nov 14:05 TEAM talk 6412178962292528649.html
Celebrities react: Gabrielle Union's exit from 'America's Got Talent'

Celebrities are rallying behind actress Gabrielle Union and slamming NBC after her controversial exit from America's Got Talent.

29 Nov 11:45 CHANNEL3000 830332542047634536.html
Samoa measles outbreak toll hits 42

An outbreak of measles in Samoa has claimed the lives of 42 in the island nation, nations are flying in medical staff and supplies to help combat the outbreak.

29 Nov 11:43 Deccan Herald 2027555796660715993.html
Whats Going On Here,?Mapostori Shrine shocks London Locals

Mapostori Shrine shocks London Locals after they spotted a sight they are not too familiar with,Members of the Apostolic sect were having a prayer service.

29 Nov 13:14 iHarare News 2755902706834847991.html
Acord per regular les habitacions turístiques a Barcelona

El govern de Colau tanca el pacte amb amb ERC i JxCat en plenes negociacions pressupostàries

29 Nov 11:12 Ara.cat 6070605020419474149.html
Samsung Galaxy S11 camera could come with a special sensor for night photography

Samsung is working on a 'Bright Night Sensor' which could be headed for the Galaxy S11.

29 Nov 13:44 TechRadar 2111116915473523273.html
OVAKO SE MOSKVA BORI SA PROTIVNICIMA VAKCINACIJE: Pozvali vampira u pomoć, pogledajte bizarnu reklamu (VIDEO)

Suočeni sa jačanjem pokreta protiv vakcinacije, vlasti Moskve pribegle su neobičnoj reklami sa vampirima kako bi preneli poruku o važnosti imunizacije.

29 Nov 13:20 kurir.rs 6515665026890212692.html
Liverpool vs Brighton Hove & Albion Preview: Reds look to dominant win at Anfield after Champions League stumble

There really seems to be no stopping Liverpool’s quest on finally getting their hands on the Premier League trophy this year. This seems set to be the year they break the duck and the win against C…

29 Nov 11:46 The Empire of The Kop 4194553099558030767.html
Valeriu Lupu, membru PMP, a fost numit secretar de stat în Ministerul Transporturilor

Valeriu Lupu, membru PMP, a fost numit secretar de stat în Ministerul Transporturilor. Acesta a fost director operaţional al Aeroportului Timişoara. Decizia de numnire a lui Lupu şi a altor secretari de stat...

29 Nov 13:03 B1 TV 3840305876574840932.html
Akte offenbart Details über Hof des Grauens

Misshandelt, geschlagen und gequält: In dem Bauernhaus in Ruinerwold sollen sich grausame Dinge abgespielt haben, wie die Kriminalakte jetzt ans Licht bringt. Mit Wahnvorstellungen über Geister soll der Vater jahrelang seine Kinder tyrannisiert haben. Diese äußern sich zu den Vorfällen überraschend.

29 Nov 11:25 n-tv 6802689756082090093.html
Klinsmanns Hertha-Debüt gegen den BVB

Zwei kriselnde Klubs treffen am 13. Spieltag der deutschen Bundesliga im direkten Duell aufeinander. Bei der Hertha gibt Trainer Jürgen Klinsmann sein Debüt, bei Borussia Dortmund droht Lucien Favre die Entlassung

29 Nov 15:18 weltfussball.at 3521376372597653637.html
Denunciam sacerdote por homilia que pronunciou em funeral de jovem que se suicidou

Um sacerdote da Arquidiocese de Detroit (Estados Unidos) enfrenta uma denúncia apresentada pelos pais de um adolescente que cometeu suicídio no ano passado, os quais o acusam de ter dado uma mensagem "inadequada" em sua homilia.  

29 Nov 15:30 ACI Digital 1688611262543123408.html
What happens when a great novelist becomes a character in a novel?

George Eliot is the beating heart of this brilliant novel by Kathy O'Shaugnessy.

29 Nov 13:16 The Age 7967730562294681556.html
What happens when a great novelist becomes a character in a novel?

George Eliot is the beating heart of this brilliant novel by Kathy O'Shaugnessy.

29 Nov 13:16 Brisbane Times 2314609339313754068.html
Two K-Pop Stars Sentenced to Prison for Rape

The two men raped women who were too drunk to resist, and one of them shared videos of the assaults, a court found.

29 Nov 11:45 NY Times 1961078289039587748.html
Facebook vrea sa te plateasca pentru a-ti da cu parerea

Au trecut cateva luni de cand Facebook a fost fortata de autoritati sa inchida doua aplicatii care adunau foarte multe detalii despre utilizatori cu scopul “de a face cercetare de piata”, iar compania va lansa in curand o alta aplicatie construita in jurul posibilitatii ca cei care ofera feedback in mod voluntar sa fie remunerati.

29 Nov 10:20 Wall-Street 2473040520379185916.html
Mihajlovic ringrazia i medici, "sono stati i miei angeli custodi"

Conferenza stampa del tecnico serbo del Bologna a un mese dal trapianto di midollo osseo

29 Nov 14:43 Agi 2115274224065676040.html
Karine St-Michel commente le comportement de Mathieu à Occupation Double

Mathieu fait beaucoup jaser cette année à Occupation Double. Il s'est fait reprocher des propos haineux, allant même jusqu'à l'intimidation, et, cette semaine, sa discussion avec Claudie par rapport à...

29 Nov 15:34 Hollywoodpq.com 2655059000998190473.html
En Sucre mejoran la recolección de basura

José Vicente Rangel Ávalos entregó tres nuevas compactadoras al Imapsas

29 Nov 12:15 Últimas Noticias 6811287209641900758.html
Plataforma del Gobierno para diálogos ciudadanos ya suma 35 mil visitas e inicia nueva etapa con consulta individual

A una semana de su implementación, el sitio el "El Chile que queremos" entrega también una guía para organizar un diálogo propio o bien subir los resultados de cabildos ya realizados días atrás.

29 Nov 10:19 Emol 3328490602373938790.html
Ionel Scrioșteanu a fost numit secretar de stat la Ministerul Transporturilor

Fostul administrator public al județului Ilfov, Ionel Scrioșteanu, a fost numit secretar de stat la Ministerul Transporturilor, printr-o...

29 Nov 11:45 Stiri pe surse 4858045012108865498.html
5G: Tim rende possibile il primo intervento chirurgico a distanza

È stato eseguito a Terni il primo intervento chirurgico a distanza, che ha visto la collaborazione del prof. Palazzini, collegato tramite rete 5G da Roma

29 Nov 10:27 Tariffando.it 5908277642040730420.html
Register your drone by midnight to avoid a fine

Rotor Nowhere

29 Nov 11:33 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887308736903520.html
Race-by-race tips and preview for Rosehill on Saturday

Racing heads back to the Gardens on Saturday with the Festival Stakes, ATC Cup and Ranvet Handicap headlining proceedings.

29 Nov 13:30 The Age 7967730562043774640.html
LASK schwebt nach Aufstieg im siebten Himmel: "Haben momentan keine Grenze"

Als aktiver Fußballer war Valerien Ismael unter anderem zweifacher Double-Gewinner in Deutschland, als Trainer erlebt er aber erst jetzt beim LASK seine erste erfolgreiche Phase. Der Durchmarsch in der Europa League, den er zu verantworten hat, sei einfach unfassbar, meinte der Franzose. Die Grenze dieser Mannschaft kann ich nicht sagen. Wir haben momentan noch keine Grenze.

29 Nov 10:36 SPOX 8395423526478756436.html
WhatsApp spegne 10 candeline: tutti i traguardi raggiunti e quelli che arriveranno

Esattamente 10 anni fa approdava nell'ecosistema iOS un'app di messaggistica destinata a rivoluzionare la storia delle chat attraverso dispositivi mobili:

29 Nov 14:21 MobileWorld 1731579005042836741.html
'Ghost Stories for Christmas' in Dundalk

An Táin

29 Nov 10:20 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709428817685.html
Terrassa prevé expropiar viviendas vacías para resolver su "vulnerabilidad residencial"

La medida, con carácter temporal hasta que se apruebe el decreto que la habilite definitivamente, se incluye entre las actuaciones de cara al 2020

29 Nov 15:41 elPeriodico 7291954033806907228.html
Appeal court judgement: Let’s move Plateau forward, Lalong tells Useni

James Abraham, Jos Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State has urged his main challenger during the 2019 governorship election, Senator Jeremiah Useni of the Peoples Democratic Party to concede d...

29 Nov 14:11 Punch Newspapers 3524240994857598686.html
Il Parlamento Ue vota l’emergenza climatica: prende forma il Green Deal della von der Leyen

Cop25, la Conferenza internazionale sul clima in programma a Madrid sotto la presidenza del governo del Cile, è alle porte, si terrà dal 2 al 13 dicembre, e il Parlamento Europeo si avvi...

29 Nov 11:59 L'HuffPost 5315551422223773733.html
Agendan audiencia para reformalizar a profesor indagado por daños a Metro y defensa presenta recurso contra jueza

De acuerdo al fiscal Alex Cortez, en la cita, que quedó para el 26 de diciembre, se precisarán los hechos indagados. En tanto, la defensa del docente recurrió contra la magistrada que mantuvo su prisión preventiva.

29 Nov 15:18 Emol 3328490602842607482.html
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Alle Inhalte des Battle Pass geleakt

Im Dezember startet die erste Season von CoD: Modern Warfare. Passend dazu gibt es einen Battle Pass, dessen Inhalte nun wahrscheinlich geleakt wurden.

29 Nov 12:27 www.gamepro.de 3610569832984816964.html
Trump visita l'Afganistan i diu que reobre les converses amb els talibans

El president es va desplaçar per sorpresa al país per passar amb els soldats el Dia d'Acció de Gràcies

29 Nov 10:12 Ara.cat 6070605021265713710.html
Grand Sempler i dva zlata za UM Beograd na SEMPL festivalu

Kampanja "Ne odričem se" medijske agencije UM Beograd osvojila je Grand Sempler za najbolju medijsku kampanju godine na 21. ceremoniji dodele nagrada

29 Nov 11:00 Krstarica 4176903989438707698.html
Nicole Bahls posa de lingerie rendada e impressiona seguidores

Musa compartilhou um clique sensual na web

29 Nov 14:37 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769427343462272.html
Portoscuso, l'arte del presepe in mostra a Città di Castello

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:37 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206427215563.html
Ten Hag mist Labyad tegen FC Twente en is in onzekerheid over Ziyech

Ajax treedt zondagmiddag zonder Zakaria Labyad aan tegen FC Twente. De buitenspeler raakte afgelopen woensdag geblesseerd aan zijn knie in de groepsfase van de Champions League tegen Lille OSC (0-2 winst). De inzetbaarheid van Hakim Ziyech is onzeker, zo laat trainer Erik ten Hag vrijdag weten via het clubkanaal van de Amsterdammers.

29 Nov 12:13 Voetbalzone 9096760911191586084.html
Arsenal fires manager Unai Emery after 18-month tenure

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Premier League soccer club Arsenal fired manager Unai Emery Friday, ending the coach's tenure after 18 months.

29 Nov 12:39 UPI 8257973864001868396.html
AIIMS duped of Rs 12 cr as fraudsters withdraw money using 'cloned cheques'

The money was illegally withdrawn from the AIIMS' accounts in the State Bank of India at its non-home branches in other cities

29 Nov 14:45 Business-Standard 1502508925577885900.html
La Generalitat organitza un debat sobre polítiques verdes en la Cimera Mundial del Clima

La Vicepresidència Segona i Conselleria d'Habitatge i Arquitectura Bioclimàtica protagonitza una de les sessions dels debats que s'han programat en la Cimera Mundial del Clima (COP25), que s'inaugura a Madrid dilluns vinent i que es prolongarà fins al dia 13 de desembre.

29 Nov 12:18 Diari La Veu 8769648853752160908.html
Músicos argentinos homenajean a Bowie en Palermo

Bowie ReMembered llega a Buenos Aires de la mano de Andrea Prodan, Ale Kurz y muchos más. La cita será este sábado en el Lucille de Palermo.

29 Nov 15:05 Diario Registrado 7686014736563021227.html
For the brightest star in the Universe: BTS V fans dedicate stars,an acre of a planet and donations for the center of our Mikrokosmos

There are a lot of unique gifts that fans come up with  to make their beloved idol's birthday a meaningful one; and countl…

29 Nov 12:40 allkpop 3249686061187210574.html
¿Microsoft Flight Simulator con realidad virtual? Sus creadores están encantados con la idea

Los autores de A Plague Tale: Innocence quieren sacar el máximo provecho a la tecnología. Cada nueva imagen o tráiler de Microsoft Flight Simulator nos deja sin palabras por la espectacularidad gráfica y el realismo...

29 Nov 12:30 3DJuegos 3383023118497459404.html
Newcastle Grainger Market opening hours - when to go for food, shopping and more

The covered market is home to street food stalls, cafes, greengrocers, butchers, fishmongers and more

29 Nov 11:35 ChronicleLive 1984146901183721116.html
FNAMP captura en Tegucigalpa a cinco supuestos miembros de la MS13

Cuatro hombres y una mujer fueron capturados en distintos operativos ejecutados en la capital.

29 Nov 12:38 Diario La Prensa 7797091974822774152.html
Driven to recover, West Herr's Scott Bieler feels gratitude

When Scott Bieler slipped on a rug in his West Falls home, fell, and injured his neck, he was in serious trouble. He couldn't move his ha...

29 Nov 10:30 The Buffalo News 2088823985592722414.html
JFO HQ reveals enemy death toll in Donbas over past week

Ten enemy troops were killed in action.

29 Nov 14:20 UNIAN 6863008971571715773.html
Next Arsenal manager: The man to replace Unai Emery predicted by Football Manager 2020

Unai Emery has left his role as Arsenal Head Coach today after a period of poor results and performances, but who could replace him?

29 Nov 12:30 football.london 6804128267864461303.html
Curso gratuito ensina como fazer arranjos de natal

Um curso gratuito neste sábado (30) ensina a fazer arranjos botânicos naturais com temas natalinos. O evento acontece às 9h na Sala das Araucárias do Jardim Botânico. Estão disponíveis 35 vagas que…

29 Nov 14:19 Band News FM Curitiba 996218258626977091.html
What is the Fixed-term Parliaments Act?

Following three failed attempts by the Government to force an early election using the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, on Oct 29 Parliament voted in support of a Dec 12 general election.

29 Nov 12:22 The Telegraph 140598091159872365.html
Charles Michel agafa el relleu de Donald Tusk al capdavant del Consell Europeu

L'ex primer ministre belga va ser una de les poques veus europees crítiques amb la violència l'1-O

29 Nov 11:04 Ara.cat 6070605020582592568.html
Montalbano Elicona. Un weekend dedicato all’identità siciliana

Un programma ricco di eventi, quello della due giorni dell’evento culturale “Identità Siciliana”. A Montalbano Elicona l’appuntamento presso il castello.

29 Nov 15:01 Tempostretto 3143171744460172275.html
Primarie, approvato il regolamento Il voto slitta al 16 febbraio

MACERATA 2020 - Ecco il documento sottoscritto dalle forze politiche di centrosinistra. Tre ipotesi su turno unico o ballottaggio

29 Nov 10:33 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194676341162.html
Haval H2, il SUV gpl monofuel: molteplici vantaggi economici per il cliente

HAVAL Italia ha concluso il processo di omologazione del modello H2 come vettura MONOFUEL gpl

29 Nov 15:52 Today 178378750215487995.html
Winter storm strands 1,000 near Grand Canyon, delays Thanksgiving travelers

Some 1,000 people were stranded without heat or power in a small Arizona town near the Grand Canyon on Friday during a major winter storm that threatened to disrupt travel for millions as it moves east one day after the Thanksgiving holiday. The Town Council of Tusayan, just south of Grand Canyon National

29 Nov 14:52 Yahoo 7097669638597539244.html
Paparoa National Park – new weather forecasts

Paparoa National Park – new weather forecasts

29 Nov 11:26 SCOOP 5315658998802354109.html
Cina, Ambasciata in Italia:"Wong distorce la realtà, irresponsabile chi c'era"

Il portavoce dell'Ambasciata Cinese in Italia chiarisce la posizione in merito alla videoconferenza di Joshua Wong con alcuni politici italiani

29 Nov 14:08 Affari Italiani 6123405403079075543.html
Schenay Mosley Brought The Inescapable Vibes To Smino’s Red Bull Music Festival Chicago Concert

Smino's Zero Fatigue collective had a line of fans waiting on S Allport St to see them live at Red Bull Music Festival Chicago.

29 Nov 15:30 AllHipHop 727666871342488400.html
Health insurance: Hygeia HMO announces 20% discount

HMO, has will today began its first-ever Black Friday sales in health services even as it announced 20 per cent discounts on its health plans for shoppers

29 Nov 10:04 Vanguard News 4125100339311069273.html
'Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru' movie review: An enjoyable romance with an old world charm

Despite a thin storyline, the fresh talent and conversations make this an entertaining affair

29 Nov 10:43 The Hindu 6679535025753449433.html
Valentino Rossi Kembali Gelar Balapan La 100km dei Campioni

Pebalap Monster Energy Yamaha sekaligus tujuh kali juara dunia MotoGP, Valentino Rossi kembali menggelar ajang balap La 100km dei Campioni.

29 Nov 15:40 Bola.net 5489959028351203762.html
Napoli. Far-west in via Toledo: spari nel bar, ferito dipendente incensurato

ROMA – Paura in pieno centro a Napoli, nel popoloso quartiere di Montesanto. Stamattina uno sconosciuto a volto coperto ha esploso alcuni colpi di pistola in un bar ferendo alle gambe un dipendente dell’esercizio. La vittima, Antonio Giarnieri, 23 anni, non ha alcun precedente penale ed è stata ricoverata in ospedale, non in pericolo di vita. Secondo gli elementi raccolti finora dalla Polizia di Stato, l’aggressore è giunto in via Pasquale Scura – a pochi passi dalla affollatissima via Toledo – a bordo di uno scooter.Azzano Mella (Brescia), cadaveri di un uomo e una donna nelle campagne: ipotesi omicidio-suicidioAntonella Pavin, la “Sergente” di Hitler: “Nei lager solo piscine, non c’erano camere a gas” Lo ha fermato nei pressi del bar e, con il volto coperto da un casco, è entrato nel locale sparando alle gambe di Granieri, per poi allontanarsi a bordo dello stesso mezzo. Altro episodio nella notte ai Quartieri spagnoli Nella notte un giovane di 19 anni, anche lui incensurato, si è presentato all’ospedale Vecchio…

29 Nov 10:31 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355023903398.html
Charles Michel toma el relevo de Donald Tusk en el Consejo Europeo

Los cinco años de Donald Tusk como jefe del Consejo Europeo han terminado, ahora el exprimer ministro belga, Charles Michel, estará al frente.

29 Nov 10:38 euronews 2767628995569762157.html
Cardenales no le otorgó libertades a Caribes en Barquisimeto

Gracias a una colosal ofensiva, liderada por Osman Marval, Cardenales de Lara se llevó la serie de tres encuentros en el Estadio Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez, contra Caribes de Anzoátegui, derrotándolos por amplio margen de 11-1. Marval disparó tres de los 14 indiscutibles que ligó la toletería crepuscular en este choque. Además de impulsar cuatro carreras […]

29 Nov 15:47 El Carabobeño 125457439782208995.html
Pembangunan Pelabuhan Patimban Tahap Pertama Telan Investasi Rp29 Triliun

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menyebut pembangunan proyek pengembangan Pelabuhan Sandar Patimban di Subang, Jawa Barat, dengan nilai tahap awal Rp29 triliun sudah sesuai harapan. Diharapkan, pembangunan tahap pertama bisa selesai pada Juni 2020.

29 Nov 14:31 merdeka.com 1998180354533421732.html
Sex-Lehrerin drohen 30 Jahre Knast: Oralsex im Klassenzimmer! "Lehrerin des Jahres" schnappt sich Schüler

Von der Auszeichnung als "Lehrerin des Jahres" bis zur Verurteilung als Sexualtäterin könnten es für die 36-jährige Ex-Lehrerin Randi C. nur wenige Monate sein. Noch im Mai 2018 erhielt sie einem Bericht des texanischen TV-Senders "kxan" zufolge die Auszeichnung ihrer Schule. Damals habe sie noch ausgeführt, dass es die "wichtigste Rolle" eines Lehrers sei, "eine junge Generation so zu formen, dass sie erfolgreiche Mitglieder unserer Gesellschaft werden."

29 Nov 14:44 news.de 5126378979217833078.html
Police seek suspect who allegedly assaulted man who fed his dog

Police have released a surveillance camera image of a man who allegedly assaulted another man after he spotted him feeding his dog outside a restaurant last month.

29 Nov 14:52 CP24 1887544295152966058.html
Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal after worst run of results for 27 years

Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery after a woeful start to the season with the club languishing in eighth in the Premier League table

29 Nov 10:10 mirror 675785260752925610.html
Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal after worst run of results for 27 years

Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery after a woeful start to the season with the club languishing in eighth in the Premier League table

29 Nov 10:10 Irish Mirror 2875825628421030322.html
California, stermina la famiglia e col corpo di uno dei figli in auto va dalla polizia

Un uomo di 53 anni è stato arrestato dalla polizia della California dopo aver sterminato tutti i membri della sua famiglia (la moglie e i tre figli) nell’arco di una settimana. La tragedia è avvenuta nei pressi della città di Sacramento. Arrestato, Shankar Hangud non ha saputo dare una motivazione al massacro.

29 Nov 12:03 fanpage.it 1517332168701345653.html
AWACS, Maritime Surveillance Aircraft And More: DAC Clears Defence Procurement Worth Rs 28,000 Crore

The green light has been given for acquisitions for the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force as well as the Coast Guard.

29 Nov 12:20 Swarajya 4977622828584894921.html
Sexo seguro: Infecciones de transmisión sexual y las maneras de protegerte

Derrumbamos mitos de la sexología y hablamos temas de sexualidad con Raquel Rottmann de Corazón con Leche .

29 Nov 10:15 Wapa.pe 6757287089777008971.html
Noto ristoratore vende l'attività per salvare la moglie ricoverata in una clinica in Austria

La storia di Carlo Bertaccini e sua moglie Paola, ricoverata in una struttura privata in Austria da 15mila euro al mese. "Lassù ci sono altre famiglie italiane nelle stesse condizioni: perché per salvare i nostri cari dobbiamo andare all’estero e ridurci sul lastrico?", dice a La Nazione

29 Nov 10:55 Today 178378751175084140.html
Sean Gelael Pilih Pisah dengan Timnya di Formula 2 GP Abu Dhabi

Pembalap tim Jagonya Ayam KFC Indonesia, Sean Gelael dipastikan berpisah dengan tim PREMA Racing setelah melakoni balapan pamungkas Formula 2 2019 di Abu Dhabi.

29 Nov 12:01 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550010149503.html
Reciclemos no quememos, la iniciativa empresarial que invita a marcar la diferencia el 7 de diciembre

Diversas empresas y organizaciones lanzaron la iniciativa “Reciclemos, no quememos” con la intención de promover que la tradición de la Quema del Diablo el próximo 7 de diciembre se convierta en una actividad más amigable con el ambiente.

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015256921757562.html
Arsenal statement in full as Gunners sack Unai Emery after 18 months

Unai Emery was in charge of Arsenal for 18 months and won 43 of his 78 matches in charge - but after seven games without a win the Gunners board have pulled the trigger

29 Nov 10:21 mirror 675785261649217695.html
Johnson pitches 'buy British' and new state aid rules after Brexit

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday pledged to use Brexit to introduce new state aid rules, change state purchasing policies and reform farming so that pubic bodies aim to “buy British” goods.

29 Nov 11:33 Reuters 8334514180284365834.html
Parma, Kulusevski farà il centravanti contro il Milan

Un’altra giornata è passata e Parma-Milan è sempre più vicino. Le squadre oggi si sono allenate e non ci sono state particolari novità dalle infermerie, se non l’infortunio di Duarte nel Milan e la conseguente operazione che terrà fuori il brasiliano per 3/4 mesi. Andiamo a vedere le ultime impressioni dei due tecnici:

29 Nov 14:48 MilanNews.it 6507305921954527290.html
Gerrard insists 'faultless' Van Dijk deserves Ballon d'Or ahead of Messi

The Rangers manager is backing the Liverpool defender to win the award at the expense of the Barcelona star.

29 Nov 10:11 The42 5369852629917737123.html
Ford SA slapped with R35 million fine for Kuga debacle

Consumers will now be compensated for damages they may have suffered following the 2017 recalls of Ford Kuga 1.6 EcoBoost.This emerged at the National Consumer Commission&apos;s media briefing on the outcomes of its investigation into the matter in Pretoria on Friday.Ford made headlines in 2017 afte

29 Nov 13:26 Algoa FM 633679974379647214.html
Frozen 3 Is Disney's Perfect Chance to Introduce a Gay Princess

Frozen 2 may not have given Elsa a love interest but the foundation has been laid for a third movie to introduce her as a gay Disney princess.

29 Nov 11:11 CBR.com 1295516962293462834.html
Jelang Hadapi Vietnam, Indra Sjafri Pantau Dua Pemain Timnas U-22 Indonesia yang Cedera

Indra Sajfri memantau kondisi dari Firza Andika dan Muhammad Rafli yang dikabarkan cedera ketika timnas U-22 Indonesia menang 2-0 atas Singapura

29 Nov 12:30 BolaSport.com 4603768435473088409.html
Koszalin przyjmie dwie rodziny repatriantów z Kazachstanu

Dwóm rodzinom repatriantów z Kazachstanu koszaliński samorząd zapewni warunki do osiedlenia się w 2020 r. Pomoc polegać będzie m.in. na przyznaniu komunalnego lokum wraz ze standardowym wyposażeniem, na co zgodzili się radni na ostatniej sesji.

29 Nov 15:01 Portal Samorządowy 740157208067367021.html
Una vita connessi: il difficile equilibrio tra online e offline | Hi-Tech.Leonardo.it

Sono quasi 55 milioni gli italiani che accedono regolarmente ad internet, con l’88% dei quali che lo utilizza almeno una volta al giorno, secondo quanto rivelano i dati del report Digital 2019 (We Are Social e Hootsuite). Per quanto riguarda i social, le cifre sono un po’ più modeste, con circa 35 milioni di utenti, […]

29 Nov 13:09 Leonardo.it Hi-tech 2620845189420902390.html
Bonanza Creek Energy: Strong Operational Performance Adds To Its Value

Bonanza Creek has delivered at the high end of production expectations while spending towards the lower end of its original capex budget.Production growth may be lower in 2020 as it attempts to minimi

29 Nov 10:52 Seeking Alpha 5725634556046610805.html
Russische rechtbank sluit pinksterkerk met 2000 leden

De regionale rechtbank in het Russische Nizjni Novgorod heeft dinsdag in hoger beroep de deuren van een grote evangelische pinksterkerk gesloten. De pastor van de ongeveer 2000 leden tellende gemeente noemt de rechtbank „bevooroordeeld.”

29 Nov 10:11 RD.nl 6406779840795986694.html
Euro snoozes through sleepiest week since launch 20 years ago

Currency lodged in tight range thanks to steady monetary policy and trade uncertainty

29 Nov 13:48 Financial Times 707176889860679571.html
Parlamento Europeu envia missão urgente a Malta para avaliar Estado de Direito

O Parlamento Europeu (PE) vai enviar uma missão urgente a Malta para avaliar o respeito pelo Estado de Direito, depois dos mais recentes desenvolvimentos da investigação ao assassínio da jornalista Daphne Caruana Galizia.

29 Nov 14:30 JN 6956494303332731880.html
So schafft Eintracht Frankfurt den Einzug in die K.o.-Phase

Nach dem Sieg in London hat die Eintracht beste Chancen, auch nach der Gruppenphase der Europa League noch dabei zu sein.

29 Nov 15:53 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323302796235.html
Naht der ökonomische Winter?

Eine weitere Eskalation des Handelskriegs könnte den Konsum zu Erliegen bringen, ein Anstieg des Ölpreises könnte zu einer Rezession führen. Ein Kommentar von Raghuram G. Rajan.

29 Nov 13:44 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203938111289833.html
Presiden MU Angkat Bicara Kiprah Timnas Indonesia U-23 di SEA Games

Presiden Madura United (MU) Achsanul Qosasi angkat bicara soal kiprah Timnas Indonesia U-23 di ajang multi-event SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 14:03 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550041198353.html
Akpeyi scoops Player of the Month Award - The Nation Newspaper

Oluwamayomikun Orekoya   Super Eagles and Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper Daniel Akpeyi was named the Absa Premiership’s Player of the Months of September and October yesterday. Chiefs’ Ernst Middendorp won the Coach of the Month award. The awards were announced in a press conference at the offices of the Premier Soccer League in Parktown. A delighted […]

29 Nov 10:32 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901120152167.html
Several stabbed near London Bridge; man detained | IOL News

British police say several people have stabbed near to London Bridge, and a man has been detained.

29 Nov 15:07 www.iol.co.za 17825112464637528.html
Vere Imprese: ecco i 3 vincitori della prima edizione

Il 22 novembre si è concluso con l’annuncio dei 3 vincitori il contest Vere Imprese, organizzato da GoDaddy per promuovere le PMI, le Imprese individuali e le Tech Startup di tutta Italia.   Dopo una serata che ha visto i 9 finalisti salire sul palco per raccontare ancora una volta la propria storia davanti ad […]

29 Nov 12:31 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338393399433.html
El futur acadèmic i professional dels joves centra el quart consell assessor d'Adolescents.cat

La trobada va comptar, entre altres, amb la consellera Maria Àngels Chacón

29 Nov 13:27 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479307751589.html
Misión ONU pide investigar uso desproporcionado de la fuerza en Ecuador durante protestas

La Oficina de la ONU para los DDHH, que envió un equipo de expertos del 21 de octubre al 8 de noviembre, recibió denuncias sobre al menos 9 muertos, 1.507 heridos (de ellos 435 miembros de las fuerzas de seguridad) y 1.382 detenidos, según un comunicado del organismo publicado este viernes

29 Nov 14:07 Globovisión 5928221752398123929.html
The Startling Low Bar to Ace a Fingerprint Examiner’s Proficiency Test

One wrong match could send an innocent person to prison or see a killer go free. But it doesn’t take much to qualify as an expert.

29 Nov 15:00 The Intercept 3645855240958433577.html
Record cold could arrive in Las Vegas this weekend

With the rain and snow tapering off today, it’s time to prepare for some possibly record cold afternoons this weekend.

29 Nov 12:50 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648836027252379.html
20 Ribu Ton Berasnya Rusak, Bulog Minta Ganti Rugi

Sekitar 20 ribu ton beras Bulog telah mengalami penurunan kualitas yang drastis sehingga harus dimusnahkan.

29 Nov 12:23 Tempo 6909074030022558860.html
North Korea Fires 'Super-Large' Rocket System 

The launch was the fourth and final test of the system, Pyongyang have said.

29 Nov 10:03 Forces Network 3883413828112560906.html
Heartfelt tribute to St Paul's community leader with "great humour" who spent his life helping others

“He was someone who worked tirelessly for improved opportunities and quality of life in our neighbourhood.”

29 Nov 11:35 BristolLive 4740742017544271818.html
Korean-spiced devilled eggs recipe 

My new favourite thing.

29 Nov 13:00 The Telegraph 140598091458268579.html
L'Ajuntament de Barcelona es compromet a combatre les «pensions clandestines»

El ple municipal aprova la proposició d'ERC per reclamar a la Generalitat les competències reguladores de les habitacions turístiques

29 Nov 14:03 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480667821357.html
eBay's Black Friday deals include savings on Dyson hair dryers, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and more, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - eBay has great deals year-round, but now until December 13, the site is rolling out Black Friday deals with discounts on Dyson, Ray-Ban, and more.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:35 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756821280611.html
EasyMonitoring lets you remotely monitor the battery, storage space, and temperature of all your Android devices

EasyMonitoring allows you to monitor things like battery level, storage space, and temperature of devices on your network remotely.

29 Nov 12:00 XDA Developers 7805159869197064349.html
EasyMonitoring lets you remotely monitor the battery, storage space, and temperature of all your Android devices

EasyMonitoring allows you to monitor things like battery level, storage space, and temperature of devices on your network remotely.

29 Nov 12:00 XDA Developers 7805159870421399031.html
Querfurter wollen Bürgerinitiative gegen Lärm gründen

Verkehrslärm in der Stadt vermindern, mehr Ruhe in den Wohnbereichen und Wohngebieten sowie nächtliche Ruhe auf Straßen, Parkplätzen und dem Busbahnhof: Das wollen Querfurter mit der Gründung einer Bürgerinitiative ...

29 Nov 11:45 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110749124740.html
Ajax erwägt offenbar Rekordangebot für BVB-Kandidat Reinier

Der niederländische Doublesieger Ajax Amsterdam ist offenbar an einer Verpflichtung des brasilianischen Talents Reinier von Flamengo interessiert. Das berichtet der Telegraaf .

29 Nov 14:02 SPOX 8395423525314519287.html
Nu finns krypterade chattappen Signal som Ipad-app

Edward Snowdens favoritapp Signal har uppdaterats med en optimerad version för Ipad.

29 Nov 12:20 MacWorld 602100811378779562.html
Dana Kas Mengendap Rp 261 T, Kemenkeu Siapkan Sanksi ke Pemda

Pemerintah akan memberikan sanksi bagi Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) yang terbukti mengendapkan anggaran di Rekening Kas Umum Daerah (RKUD).

29 Nov 10:55 Tempo 6909074028303397302.html
Abu-Dhabi-GP: Valtteri Bottas rast zur Tagesbestzeit - und crasht

Hamilton-Schattenmann Valtteri Bottas will zum Abschluss der Formel-1-Saison offenbar noch einmal ein dickes Ausrufezeichen setzen. Der finnische Mercedes...

29 Nov 14:41 RTL.DE 7054729451844385553.html
Demo di Kemenko Polhukam, Sejumlah Massa Minta Aparat Amankan Papua 1 Desember

Sejumlah massa mengatasnamakan 'Rakyat Papua Jakarta' melakukan demonstrasi di depan Kemenko Polhukam, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (29/11). Massa menyinggung HUT OPM yang jatuh 1 Desember mendatang dalam aksinya.

29 Nov 11:29 merdeka.com 1998180354719771926.html
Gemeente Urk: Gezonken kotter ligt op slechts 5 meter diepte

De donderdag vergane viskotter UK 165 ligt ongeveer op 5 meter diepte. Mogelijk bevindt het vaartuig zich nabij een wrak op de zeebodem.

29 Nov 12:47 RD.nl 6406779842161290271.html
PM scrambles to spur growth; India braces for GDP shock

By Vrishti Beniwal The bad news is getting worse for India’s economy and Prime Minister Narendra Modi is exhausting all options to stem the fallout. Data on Friday will likely show the economy had

29 Nov 12:32 Deccan Herald 2027555797759792032.html
Transfer Rumour: Arsenal lining up €42 million move for Real Madrid midfielder James Rodriguez

Arsenal are reportedly plotting a €42 million bid to sign Real Madrid playmaker James Rodriguez in the January transfer window. #ArsenalFC #JamesRodriguez #RealMadrid

29 Nov 14:52 The Hard Tackle 3266374748346375782.html
Sam Claflin 'cried a lot' during filming of harrowing thriller The Nightingale

The Nightingale is out now.

29 Nov 14:12 Metro 970161747124429989.html
The TrueAchievements Twelve Days of Christmas Challenge Returns for 2019

Good news for those of you who have been patiently awaiting a new Community Challenge – Twelve Days of Christmas is back on TA, giving twleve unique challenges to players hunting achievements over December.

29 Nov 10:31 TrueAchievements 4775707719098747428.html
What TV channel is Manchester United vs Aston Villa on? Kick-off time and early team news

Man United are hoping to return to winning ways in the Premier League against Aston Villa on Sunday.

29 Nov 14:00 men 6694993428673471591.html
El Black Friday colapsa el centro de Alicante

La jornada de compras por el Viernes Negro causa más atascos que otros años por la gran afluencia de compradores

29 Nov 12:40 Diarioinformacion 8979296176104352621.html
Tony Gachoka's Plan to Report Ruto

The renowned KTN News show host stated that he intended to make money by...

29 Nov 13:04 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153764997286.html
Vatican returns relic believed to be from Jesus’ manger to Holy Land

The thumb-sized relic was unveiled to worshippers at the Notre Dame church in Jerusalem.

29 Nov 13:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774076863267.html
Detenida una vecina de Culleredo por llevar droga a su pareja a la cárcel de Teixeiro

Aprovechó un 'vis a vis' para introducir los estupefacientes

29 Nov 12:09 Cadena SER 8390941985017567422.html
Brasil encara duro desafio no Mundial de Handebol Feminino

No 'grupo da morte', seleção estreará contra Alemanha

29 Nov 12:29 Correio 5185786712196461112.html
Il piccolo Loris, 5 anni fa strangolato dalla mamma

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:39 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207109295087.html
Gary Wilson replaced by Andy Balbirnie as Ireland's T20I captain

Batsman will now lead side across all three formats | ESPNcricinfo.com

29 Nov 14:36 ESPNcricinfo 4926159650588562375.html
Echaron al inspector que golpeó a un chico con capacidades diferentes

El hombre trabajaba en la línea 28 de colectivos y se lo vio atacando al joven en un kiosko.

29 Nov 10:12 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450993308505.html
La agroindustria local marcó el rumbo hacia un desarrollo sustentable y tecnológico

Ayer se realizó, en las instalaciones del Tandil Golf Club, la primera edición de Agrobit, una actividad organizada por la Cámara Agroindustrial de Tandil, la Cámara de Empresas del Polo Informático de Tandil (Cepit) y la Unicen, orientada a abordar los desafíos y oportunidades actuales del sector. El encuentro contó con la participación de más […]

29 Nov 10:08 El Eco 4177735524561848319.html
Intel turns to Samsung for help keeping up with AMD, rumor claims

Intel is struggling with making enough CPUs, and will continue to struggle – so has enlisted help from Samsung.

29 Nov 15:44 TechRadar 2111116916457147737.html
Almost Half of EU States Give No-Go to New Rule Requiring Tech Giants to Reveal Real Incomes & Taxes

The proposed directive was worked out to shed light on how big businesses, like Apple, Google, or Facebook to name a few, get around tax legislation by formally shifting their income from greater-tax nations such as the UK and France to lower-tax jurisdictions like Malta, Ireland, or Luxembourg.

29 Nov 11:11 Sputniknews 967333869185338385.html
New Media as future of the newsroom: Myth or reality?, by Edward Dickson

The new media is the translation of Marshall McLuhan’s prediction in his seminal 1964 book, Understanding Media: Extensions of Man,

29 Nov 12:03 The Eagle Online 1463511648511004693.html
Man taken to hospital with chest injuries after crash in Red Scar

A man has been taken to hospital after a crash in Red Scar.

29 Nov 15:28 Lancashire Post 6469275854859253627.html
Ryktes splitter nytt storspill fra Rockstar Games, med setting fra middelalderen - ITavisen

Ryktene skal ha det til at et middelalderspill fra skaperne av Red Dead Redemption og GTA er på vei.

29 Nov 10:11 ITavisen 7865444158788141986.html
Marionna Wegenstein: «Erst wenn das Haus in Flammen steht»

Drei von vier Unternehmen in der Schweiz sind in Familienbesitz. Sie zeichnen sich zumeist durch Agilität, Innovationskraft und ihre langfristige Ausrichtung aus – und dadurch, dass sie nicht ...

29 Nov 15:00 finews.ch 7270223617647436187.html
New Orleans’ jazz musicians to play in Havana

American jazz musician Jon Cleary and his trio will debut in Havana during two concerts with Cuban pianist Ernan Lopez Nussa, according to organizers

29 Nov 11:57 Trabajadores 1167277447120021412.html
V srednjih šolah ne bo samostojnega predmeta aktivno državljanstvo

V srednjih šolah ne bo samostojnega predmeta aktivno državljanstvo, kot so to načrtovali na ministrstvu za izobraževanje, na pristojnem zavodu pa zanj tudi že oblikovali učni načrt. Z dodatnimi vsebinami o delovanju države se bodo dijaki seznanili pri obveznih izbirnih vsebinah in interesnih dejavnostih.

29 Nov 12:00 Dnevnik 7671546649941419028.html
'Maha-like experiment needed in Goa to oust BJP'

Former BJP ally Goa Forward Party (GFP) on Friday said it favours Maharashtra-like political experiment in the state to get rid of the "anti-people" government led by Pramod Sawant.

29 Nov 15:09 Deccan Herald 2027555797933558618.html
Sinisa Mihajlovic torna, lacrime in conferenza: non sono un eroe

Il commovente racconto di Sinisa Mihajlovic sulla lotta contro la leucemia

29 Nov 13:34 Il Tempo 2494990960209994965.html
Polizei ermittelt wegen Mordes an Chanel-Model

Knapp zwei Jahre nach dem Sturz aus einem Hochhaus in Kuala Lumpur ist sich die Polizei sicher: Model Ivana Smits (†18) wurde ermordet!

29 Nov 15:01 Bild 8433249908586144735.html
LIVE: Police confirm one man shot in London Bridge incident

Police in London have confirmed that officers shot one man during the incident. They did not confirm his current condition.

29 Nov 14:32 Irishexaminer 8196011179297144171.html
Hasenhüttl mit Southampton vor Nachzügler-Duell mit Watford

Ralph Hasenhüttl und der FC Southampton stehen in der englischen […]

29 Nov 13:05 Sky Sport 6321692528283460260.html
Chieti, prende a pugni la moglie per strada e la uccide a colpi di pietra

Ha ucciso la moglie al culmine di una lite in strada a Torino di Sangro in provincia di Chieti. L'uomo &egrave; stato poi fermato dai carabinieri di...

29 Nov 13:33 Affari Italiani 6123405402642551570.html
Partidos de la ex Concertación se reúnen para afinar propuesta y destrabar negociación de acuerdo constituyente

Los líderes y representantes de la DC, PS, PR y PPD llegaron hasta la sede del Senado en Santiago para abordar ese tema y eventuales coincidencias en materias sociales.

29 Nov 12:17 Emol 3328490602831014291.html
Sex ska bli fem i Riksbankens ledning

Ekonomi Riksbankens ledning ska bantas från sex till fem ledamöter. Det föreslås av Riksbankskommitténs utredare Mats Dillén i samband med att riksbanksutredningen överlämnas till finansmarknadsminister Per Bolund (MP).

29 Nov 10:53 www.unt.se 8922556089151955940.html
Will Barcelona star end up staying at the Camp Nou beyond January?

Barcelona manager brought Ivan Rakitić back into the fold against Dortmund Ivan Rakitić is one of the best midfielders in the world. But unfortunately f...

29 Nov 11:50 Everything Barca 6461635055526258093.html
Mauricio Paniagua seleccionado entre los personajes del año por la revista Gente

Cada año la revista Gente elige a los personajes del año para su edición especial de diciembre. Este año el actor misionero Mauricio “Pikio” Paniagua fue seleccionado para formar parte de la foto donde...

29 Nov 11:52 El Territorio Misiones 4290701723583656309.html
The Great Divide: Should MMA welcome boxing superstars Floyd Mayweather and Tyson Fury with open arms?

The Great Divide is a recurring feature here at MMA Fighting in which two of our staff debate a topic in the world of MMA — whether it’s news, a fight, a crazy thing somebody did, a crazy thing...

29 Nov 14:00 MMA FIGHTING 2898528044564542537.html
Marshmello drops electrifying beat at Abu Dhabi Grand Prix opening

UK rapper Stormzy announced Friday that he will kick-start his biggest world tour from Dubai on Feb. 7 2020. Tickets for Stormzy’s 'Heavy Is The Head' Dubai show go on sale Dec. 4 at 8 a.m. local UAE time.

29 Nov 10:57 Arab News 8912634263147501087.html
Labour raises alarm over nation’s rising debt profile

Organised Labour has raised the alarm over the nation’s rising debt profile, saying there is the urgent need for the country to give in to well...

29 Nov 13:07 Vanguard News 4125100339138838851.html
Simone de Beauvoirren ‘Bigarren sexua’, azkenean euskaraz

Pentsamendu feministan oinarrizko obra da Simone de Beauvoir-en &lsquo;Bigarren sexua&rsquo;, orain artean euskaraz eman gabe zegoena. Irene Arrasatsena izan...

29 Nov 15:00 naiz: 7509038602369444627.html
Govt extends deadline for mandatory FASTags by two weeks to December 15

The government extended the deadline for making FASTag mandatory for toll payments on national highways to December 15 .

29 Nov 15:53 India Today 4286117812274426217.html
Parma, contro il Milan torna Gervinho

Arrivano buone notizie per Roberto D’Aversa, tecnico del Parma, in vista del match casalingo di domenica contro il Milan: come riporta Tuttosport, infatti, Gervinho tornerà a disposizione contro i rossoneri. L'ivoriano, che si era infortunato contro la Roma, dovrebbe giocare dal primo minuto al fianco di Kulusevski e di uno tra Sprocati e Kucka (4-3-3 o 3-4-3), a meno che D’Aversa non opti per una soluzione tattica differente con Gervinho e Kulusevski punte (3-5-2).  

29 Nov 12:37 MilanNews.it 6507305921937372594.html
La calciatrice nigeriana Eni Aluko lascia la Juve: "A Torino vengo trattata come una ladra"

La calciatrice 32enne anglo-nigeriana scrive una lettera aperta al Guardian: "Mai ricevuti insulti dal campionato o dai tifosi, ma mi sono stancata: la città è indietro di decenni". I club di Serie A: "Non facciamo abbastanza, ora basta"

29 Nov 11:03 L'HuffPost 5315551422611335042.html
Sparen bei AirPods - das sind die Alternativen für Technik-Fans

Wer auf das Design von Apple verzichten kann und stattdessen vorrangig für technische Qualität zahlen möchte, kann statt teurer AirPods alternativ In-Ear-Kopfhörer-Modelle wählen. Viele Produkte leisten ebenso viel wie die angesagten weißen Earbuds und sehen dabei sogar genauso gut aus.

29 Nov 15:36 DIE WELT 6197693429764650648.html
Michaela McAreavey's husband slams "kangaroo court" that acquitted men accused of her murder

The family of Irishwoman Michaela McAreavey has lashed out at the “Kangaroo court” that acqui...

29 Nov 13:27 Newstalk 7635722257882542066.html
10 of the best hotels for a budget-friendly stay in Seville, from Moorish mansions to boutique boltholes

An insider's guide to the best cheap hotels in Seville, including the top affordable places to stay for comfortable rooms, great breakfasts and location.

29 Nov 15:20 The Telegraph 140598090910264874.html
About 30 people displaced by North York fire to be moved from emergency shelter to hotel

It’s moving day for 30 people who have been staying at an emergency shelter since a massive fire at their North York apartment building two weeks ago.

29 Nov 13:00 CP24 1887544294833879183.html
Apex Legends: la nuova skin di Octane presenta un bug | Game Division

L'aggiornamento dedicato al Black Friday di Apex Legends ha aggiunto due nuove skin, una delle quali è uscita con un bug che ostruisce la visuale di gioco.

29 Nov 13:23 Tom's Hardware 6640147070530375450.html
Deense media: 'Sanneh maakt deze winter opnieuw een transfer'

Bubacarr Sanneh is voorlopig geen succes bij Anderlecht. De peperdure verdediger komt ook als huurling bij het Turkse Göztepe nauwelijks aan de bak. Nu zou hij naar Brøndby IF kunnen gaan.

29 Nov 10:15 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215387000691.html
How to update the Safari browser on your Mac computer by installing the latest version of macOS

The first step to updating your Safari browser is checking if your Mac actually has any available system updates.

29 Nov 15:30 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882528615338.html
IDEMITSU Honda riders Rajiv Sethu, Senthil Kumar improve their timings

IDEMITSU Honda Racing India riders Rajiv Sethu and Senthil Kumar finished their practice sessions on a confident note amidst intense competition from Asia’s best riders in the final round of the FIM A

29 Nov 15:57 The Hindu 6679535025882517681.html
How Marine recruits are trained to fight with bayonets at boot camp

This is how Marine recruits train to fight with bayonets at boot camp in Parris Island, South Carolina.

29 Nov 14:00 Business Insider 6060062401058535397.html
E-Scooter kaufen: Polizei gibt dringende Tipps zu Straßenzulassung, Versicherung und Co.

Kurz vor Weihnachten denken viele daran, einen E-Scooter zu kaufen und zu verschenken. Straßenzulassung, Versicherung und Co. - worauf sollte man achten? Die Polizei in NRW gibt Tipps.

29 Nov 14:44 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238807654866.html
La FGR tiene avances significativos sobre caso LeBarón

Mismos que dará a conocer cuando lo considere pertinente, asegura Marcelo Ebrard

29 Nov 14:03 El Informador 103545928923518245.html
Dabangg 3: After A Demand For A Halt, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti Demands Cancellation Of Film's Censor Certificate

Salman Khan starrer Dabangg 3 has got into religious trouble. After the song, Hud Hud Dabangg was released, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti claims that the song has hurt their religious sentiments and has now demanded that the censor certificate of the film be cancelled.

29 Nov 11:27 SPOTBOYE 1547816857110912195.html
Reach share price jumps as Mirror owner pulls out of JPI talks

Shares in the publisher jumped higher in early trading after it also reported a 4.4% decline in revenue for the five months to November 24.

29 Nov 10:30 Express & Star 7324224460451965657.html
ASUS ROG Phone I: Android Pie wird verteilt

Asus hat im Juli letzten Jahres das erste Republic of Gamers ROG Smartphone vorgestellt. Bisher sind die Nutzer dieses Smartphones noch mit ...

29 Nov 13:15 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777575688354986.html
'Protect Alfredo Morelos at all costs': Fans react as table-topping Rangers secure vital Europa League point against Feyenoord

An Alfredo Morelos brace earned Steven Gerrard's Rangers a vital point in Group G last night.

29 Nov 10:45 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489797861840.html
Hong Kong police end dramatic 12-day siege of university

Hong Kong police pulled out of a university campus Friday after a 12-day blockade during which they sought to arrest pro-democracy activists holed up inside. The standoff at Hong Kong Polytechnic

29 Nov 14:38 New York Post 7654946768453735671.html
UK will leave European Union by January 31 at the latest: Boris Johnson

At a news conference, Johnson claimed Brexit had been "delayed, diluted, denied" by obstructive politicians.

29 Nov 14:50 Business-Standard 1502508925214006982.html
Arizona and Arizona State gear up for rivalry game

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Arizona State pulled off an epic comeback in last year’s Territorial Cup game, rallying from a 40-21 fourth-quarter deficit to beat rival Arizona, earn bowl eligibility...

29 Nov 10:39 The Seattle Times 9121942836772772163.html
Real Madrid | Zinedine Zidane muestra su confianza con Vinicius

El entrenador del Real Madrid Zinedine Zidane comparece ante los medios de comunicación. El técnico galo habla en rueda de prensa con motivo de la previa del equipo que mañana le enfrentará en (...)

29 Nov 12:11 Fichajes 157935405571251048.html
The Telegraph: l'Arsenal vuole soffiare Ancelotti al Napoli, è corsa a tre per la panchina

Carlo Ancelotti è un serio candidato per prendere il posto di Unai Emery sulla panchina dell'Arsenal, ora affidata a Ljungberg ad interim.

29 Nov 12:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080034227020.html
Panipat: Forget Kancha Cheena Because Sanjay Dutt In The Latest Poster Is The Villain We Wish To See!

Ever since the makers of Panipat released the first look of Sanjay Dutt it broke the internet. The fans went crazy and they have loved the superstar's look.Sanjay is essaying the role of Ahmad Shah

29 Nov 12:50 Koimoi 5184275670033068999.html
Zuma and Thales’ leave to appeal dismissed with costs

Former president Jacob Zuma&rsquo;s leave to appeal the refusal of a permanent stay of the graft charges he faces was denied with costs by a full bench of the Pietermaritzburg High Court on Friday.The leave to appeal for French arms manufacturer Thales was also dismissed with costs.Advocate Muzi Sik

29 Nov 10:33 Algoa FM 633679975100357391.html
Experten finden Sicherheitslücke im Handy-Netz

Die „Süddeutsche Zeitung“ (SZ) berichtet über ein schweres Sicherheitsleck in weltweiten Mobilfunknetzen.

29 Nov 11:32 Bild 8433249909090092886.html
Kalyan Ram Facing the Heat?

There is cut-throat competition between the two biggies coming for this Sankranthi. So, all the publicity and attention are naturally on the two big movies coming from big stars and big production houses. Kalyan Ram's consistency in the past and the director's form could be the reason why there had been no takers for 'Entha Manchivadavura' despite the teaser has got a positive response. As per the above-said report, the makers are worried about the business of the movie, at present.

29 Nov 10:00 MIRCHI9 6041804860019378115.html
McFarlane Toys: Bandai distribuirà le action figure da collezione nel Regno Unito e in Irlanda | Cultura Pop

Bandai UK annuncia l'accordo per la distribuzione in Regno Unito e Repubblica di Irlanda delle action figure di McFarlane Toys.

29 Nov 10:33 Tom's Hardware 6640147070661820762.html
La probabile della Gazzetta: "Lozano in coppia con Insigne, ritorna Callejon"

opo il Liverpool è il momento per il Napoli di rituffarsi al campionato, con Carlo Ancelotti che valuta la formazione migliore

29 Nov 12:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081612530004.html
Dean Smith signs new four-year Aston Villa contract

Dean Smith hopes to re-establish Aston Villa as “a top Premier League club” after extending his contract.

29 Nov 13:48 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905601089692.html
The Uganda Museum is a gem

The Uganda Museum building is one of only 10 final recipients of the 2020 Getty Foundation $135,000 (about sh500m).

29 Nov 10:36 New Vision 9103146373123414604.html
Esmad, la fuerza especial acusada de encender la protesta en Colombia

El Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios (Esmad) concentra la ira de los jóvenes que están en las calles, a raíz de lo ocurrido con su compañero de 18 años, herido por un agente de ese cuerpo policial el sábado.

29 Nov 14:06 NTN24 8482749624769904756.html
Court annuls sack of FUOYE’s Lecturer, orders immediate reinstatement

Court sitting in Abuja has annulled the sack of Prof. Adeyemi Oluwagbemiga of the Federal University, Oye Ekiti (FUOYE), by management of the university.

29 Nov 10:40 Vanguard News 4125100339757965062.html
Il Black Friday dei reggiani: negozi affollati in centro storico. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – Nonostante l’invito dei manifestanti dei Fridays for future a “boicottare il Black Friday”, i negozi del centro erano molto affollati in mattinata grazie alle promozioni commerciali messe in atto da parecchie attività, in occasione della giornata che segna l’avvio dello shopping natalizio. Una tradizione importata dagli Stati Uniti e che da alcuni anni […]

29 Nov 11:54 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332830516703.html
Denunciarán casos de detención de connacionales ante Secretaría de ONU

Esto debido a que 9 venezolanos trabajadores fueron detenidos arbitrariamente en Bolivia

29 Nov 15:32 Últimas Noticias 6811287209501655916.html
Alba: l’Amministrazione ha ringraziato i Nonni Civici volontari

Carlo Bo: "Date un contributo importante alla città e sempre con il sorriso e la dolcezza propria dei nonni"

29 Nov 15:52 Targatocn.it 7367208849657744077.html
L’Arsenal ha esonerato l’allenatore spagnolo Unai Emery

La dirigenza della squadra di calcio londinese dell'Arsenal ha esonerato l'allenatore spagnolo Unai Emery, in carica da due stagioni e successore del francese Arsene Wenger. Emery ha pagato la mancata qualificazione alla Champions League nello scorso campionato e il brutto inizio di stagione quest'anno: dopo tredici

29 Nov 10:30 Il Post 6291746503574751864.html
Friday's Formula 1 news roundup: Eric Boullier, Nicholas Latifi, Charles Leclerc

Here, Sports Mole rounds up the latest Formula 1 news on Friday, November 29.

29 Nov 11:34 Sports Mole 7750663361046206363.html
Preston weekend weather forecast: This is when temperatures will plummet

The weather in Preston this weekend is set to be bright but cold.

29 Nov 15:03 Lancashire Post 6469275854442819254.html
GAM’s head of investments to quit Swiss asset manager

Matthew Beesley was once regarded as contender for top job

29 Nov 11:21 Financial Times 707176889171486751.html
Flughafen Zürich AG wins bid for new airport near New Delhi

LUCKNOW, India — An Indian official says Flughafen Zürich AG has been selected to design, develop and operate a new airport near the Indian capital after outbidding Indian companies. A spokesman for the Uttar Pradesh state government, Mritunjay Kumar, says state authorities have acquired 5,100 acres (2,063 hectares) of land and obtained environmental clearance for …

29 Nov 11:53 City NEWS 1130 5858657121148695851.html
Neil Lennon hails "landmark night" as Celtic top group

The Hoops have taken the Europa League by storm.

29 Nov 10:08 Sports Mole 7750663362301153177.html
Recuperan equipos robados en Colonia Polana

Este jueves en horas de la noche efectivos de la comisaría local realizaban recorridas de prevención por distintas zonas en Colonia Gisela

29 Nov 12:47 Primera Edición 6803897640893168120.html
(VIDEOS) Deportación de venezolanos desde Colombia violó DDHH

28 Nov. 2019 - La República Bolivariana de Venezuela informó este jueves que denunciará ante los organismos internacionales la violación de los derechos humanos por parte del Gobierno de Colomb...

29 Nov 11:21 Aporrea 8480488501892338585.html
UNLV goes up against Cincy

UNLV (3-5) vs. Cincinnati (4-2)

29 Nov 11:30 WFXT 6395891953575371270.html
32 Black Friday photos that were taken at the perfect time, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From photos of kids falling asleep on their shopping bags to images of people fighting over TVs, these pictures were taken at the perfect time.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:25 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756446724026.html
India's apparel exports to EU face a duty disadvantage: Smriti Irani

India's exports of textile and apparel sector (including handicrafts) have increased from USD 39.3 billion (around Rs ) in 2017-18 to USD 40.4 billion in 2018-19," Irani said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.

29 Nov 11:08 The Economic Times 7653256038369634817.html
The Bedpan: The NHS has been politically neutralised

This week: John McTernan

2 Dec 00:01 HSJ 961429419005419944.html
Dharma Books, reescribiendo los debuts novelísticos

A través de la colección “Combate a 10”, la editorial invitó a los autores L.M. Oliveira y Jaime Mesa a reflexionar sobre el oficio del escritor y a volver a sus primeros textos para modificarlos

29 Nov 12:20 El Informador 103545928382305026.html
Kraj ljubavi: Emeri napustio Arsenal, švedska legenda vodi ekipu do dolaska novog trenera

Čelnici Arsenala doneli su odluku da prekinu saradnju sa trenerom Unaijem Emerijem. Dan nakon poraza od Ajntrahta u Ligi Evrope klub se javnosti obratio saopštenjem u kojem je potvrdio odlazak španskog stručnjaka. – Zahvaljujemo se Unaiju i njegovim saradnicima za pokušaj da klub vrate na nivo koji želimo i očekujemo. Želimo mu sve najbolje u […]

29 Nov 11:22 Sportska centrala 5931785410411432426.html
Aksi Kocak Susy/Alan dan Owi/Butet Warnai Laga Eksibisi Kejurnas PBSI 2019

Kejurnas PBSI 2019 yang berlangsung di GOR Dempo, Palembang ditutup oleh laga eksibisi para bintang bulu tangkis Indonesia.

29 Nov 13:34 BolaSport.com 4603768436300423674.html
Games of the Decade: What Remains Of Edith Finch is about ending well

The house always wins.

29 Nov 12:00 Eurogamer.net 1957885127660905062.html
30-Jähriger bei Hausbau unter Betonwand begraben

Beim Aufstellen einer Wand ist ein Bauarbeiter in Frohngau lebensgefährlich verletzt und mit dem Rettungshubschrauber in die Uni-Klinik nach Köln geflogen worden. Nach Angaben der Polizei hatte der 30-Jährige kurz nach 9 Uhr am Freitag ein Fertighauselement auf der Bodenplatte mit einer Schraube samt Dübel mit einer Stahlstütze befestigt. Als dann das zweite Element mithilfe eines Krans  aufgestellt werden sollte, habe sich das erste wieder gelöst, so ein Polizist an der ...

29 Nov 13:46 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569404682627.html
How to update the Safari browser on your Mac computer by installing the latest version of macOS, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - You can update the Safari browser on a Mac computer by updating to the latest version of macOS. Here's how to do it.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:30 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755944184746.html
Trump har öppnat fredssamtalen med talibanerna igen

Under en blixtvisit i Afghanistan berättade USA:s president Donald Trump överraskande att fredssamtalen med talibanerna åter är i gång.

29 Nov 11:08 DN.SE 398730693958861789.html
Omicidio Luca Sacchi | il racconto di cosa avvenne prima | la ricostruzione


29 Nov 14:42 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928093158740.html
Sedih, Donnie Yen Bakal Pensiun setelah Ip Man 4 Tayang, Begini Katanya

WE Online, Hualien, Taiwan - Setelah satu dekade, seri pamungkas Ip Man akan tayang pada 20 Desember mendatang. Film berjudul Ip Man 4: The Finale itu sekaligus akan menjadi akhir bagi karier Donnie Yen dalam film kungfu.

29 Nov 14:09 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835632128006.html
Los Jarero han hecho historia con sus Nacimientos Navideños

Por más de medio siglo la familia Méndez Jarero de Tonalá ha vivido de los bellos y enormes trabajos que hacen con sus propias manos: figuras de yeso y cerámica en tamaño real

29 Nov 13:32 EL DEBATE 4396150894097147701.html
Apostle Suleman Confirms EPL Club He Is A Fan Of

President of the Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Suleman Johnson has confirmed that he is a fan of English Premier League (EPL) club, Arsenal.

29 Nov 15:34 Concise 5544636821862878674.html
Zahara Jolie Pitt marca tendencia con sus looks total black

Zahara Jolie Pitt ha cautivado con sus distintas maneras de lucir un look total black.

29 Nov 15:33 Wapa.pe 6757287088040839249.html
Black Is Still the Only Color for Pierre Soulages

An exhibition at the Louvre will celebrate the French painter’s 100th birthday. The only other artists given shows there during their lifetimes were Picasso and Chagall.

29 Nov 12:56 NY Times 1961078289561746412.html
Was die neuen Eigentümer des Hotels planen

Das zum Teil denkmalgeschützte Haus soll auf jeden Fall einen frischen Fassadenanstrich bekommen. Auch für die Inneneinrichtung gibt’s klare Vorstellungen. „An Ideen und Know-How mangelt es uns nicht“, sagt er. Ein Teil der 100 Zimmer soll zusammengelegt und in Appartements mit kleiner Küche verwandelt werden. Aber auch die klassischen Doppelzimmer wollen die Hoteliers weiterhin anbieten.

29 Nov 13:37 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110117058394.html
Jennifer Aniston made enchiladas just for Jimmy Kimmel after he criticized her annual Friendsgiving meal, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Aniston kept the promise she made on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' last year that she'd make a Mexican meal for him instead of the traditional turkey.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 12:11 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755912254836.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Allegri? Pochettino? Ancelotti? The contenders to take over

Arsenal are on the lookout for a new head coach after sacking Unai Emery. We look at seven potential candidates for the job.

29 Nov 14:43 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906423026843.html
Rottamazione ter, ultima chiamata per 1,8 milioni di italiani

Scadenza di pagamento fissata al 2 dicembre. Ammessi i versamenti fino a lunedì 9

29 Nov 15:35 Repubblica.it 8208867270836632884.html
NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet: lessons from my father, John

John Perrottet works at the World Bank developing tourism projects. His son Dominic – one of 12 siblings – is NSW Treasurer.

29 Nov 13:09 The Age 7967730562453404029.html
NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet: lessons from my father, John

John Perrottet works at the World Bank developing tourism projects. His son Dominic – one of 12 siblings – is NSW Treasurer.

29 Nov 13:09 Brisbane Times 2314609339472476541.html
Iraqi Prime Minister Says He Will Resign After Over 400 Killed in Anti-gov't Protest

Abdul Mahdi's decision comes in response to a call for a change of leadership on Friday by Iraq's top Shi'ite Muslim cleric

29 Nov 13:41 Haaretz 1431421787109663187.html
Fogo em mato na Boca dos Namorados

Os Bombeiros Voluntários de Câmara de Lobos foram chamados, esta tarde, para combater um incêndio que deflagrou numa zona de mato na Boca dos Namorado...

29 Nov 11:04 dnoticias 6968432065267433155.html
Syed Modi International: Sourabh, Rituparna Enter Semi-Finals; Srikanth Bows Out

It was curtains for Kidambi Srikanth as he lost his men's singles quarterfinals contest but Sourabh Verma and Rituparna Das kept Indian challenge alive.

29 Nov 14:04 India.com 7150386084593647792.html
Cumbre del Clima: Ribera critica la "actitud absolutamente irresponsable" de EEUU

La ministra de Transición Ecológica en funciones critica a la Administración Trump por querer retirarse del acuerdo de París

29 Nov 10:28 elPeriodico 7291954034131418216.html
Black Friday: Un símbolo del capitalismo desbocado

El fenómeno de ventas de Estados Unidos se ha extendido a minoristas de todo el mundo en los últimos años con tanta fuerza que está provocando una rea...

29 Nov 10:37 cubasi.cu 5416914687829179922.html
Incident na Londonskom mostu povezan sa terorizmom? Policija potvrdila da je upucala jednu osobu (FOTO/ VIDEO)

Prema pisanju medija, na licu mesta nalazi se naoružana policija sa najmanje sedam policijskih vozila

29 Nov 14:47 Вечерње новости 4219870593098374241.html
Reportan tres heridos en un ataque con cuchillo en La Haya

Las autoridades confirmaron que están buscando a un hombre, de entre 45 y 50 años y con el pelo rizado y negro, quien seríe el presunto responsable del ataque. Más temprano, en Londres, dos personas murieron en un ataque de similares características.Las autoridades confirmaron que están buscando a un hombre, de entre 45 y 50 años y con el pelo rizado y negro, quien seríe el presunto responsable del ataque. Más temprano, en Londres, dos personas murieron en un ataque de similares características.Las autoridades confirmaron que están buscando a un hombre, de entre 45 y 50 años y con el pelo rizado y negro, quien seríe el presunto responsable del ataque. Más temprano, en Londres, dos personas murieron en un ataque de similares características.Las autoridades confirmaron que están buscando a un hombre, de entre 45 y 50 años y con el pelo rizado y negro, quien seríe el presunto responsable del ataque. Más temprano, en Londres, dos personas murieron en un ataque de similares características.Las autoridades confirmaron…

29 Nov 14:25 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190659756594.html
De la Espriella defenderá a agente investigado por la muerte de Dilan

El abogado anunció que su firma asumirá la defensa del policía investigado por los hechos.

29 Nov 11:14 El Tiempo 1091719939251290038.html
Bypolls: In Yellapur, a homecoming for Hebbar

A. Shivaram Hebbar, who switched loyalties from the Congress to the BJP and is contesting the bypoll from the low-profile Yellapur constituency, is not a new face in the saffron party. Having roots in

29 Nov 15:29 The Hindu 6679535025687896130.html
Life in the lap of luxury for feline beauty queen Su

The celebrity lifestyle isn't for everyone; but for Su, who was crowned victor at last month's international cat pageant, all this attention is simply a...

29 Nov 14:42 DAILY SABAH 8383944809007889975.html
Arrogantes Verhalten: Von oben herab und drüber hinweg

Das Essen nicht edel genug, der Mitarbeiter technisch zu unbegabt, der Vorgesetzte zu hochnäsig für ein bisschen Augenkontakt. Ob Kollege oder Chef: arrogantes Verhalten nervt. Die Kolumne „Nine to five“.

29 Nov 14:53 FAZ.NET 1064003316385460634.html
Telangana TSBIE intermediate IPE 1st, 2nd year exam time table released

Telangana TSBIE intermediate IPE 1st, 2nd year exam time table: The Telangana Board exams for both first and second-year intermediate students will be held from March 4 to Ma 21, 2020 from 9 am to noon. These dates are for both general and vocational exams.

29 Nov 15:46 The Indian Express 2885715104838042069.html
Bolsonaro culpa Leonardo DiCaprio por queimadas na Amazônia

Bolsonaro ironizou as doações que o ator teria realizado para a ONG WWF-Brasil.

29 Nov 12:55 R10 3167340813827520601.html
Norsk storeslem i kombinert

De norske kombinertgutta tapetserte pallen i verdenscupåpningen i Ruka.

29 Nov 14:23 Dagbladet.no 3042595686603211252.html
Fifa anuncia banimento de Ricardo Teixeira de atividades ligadas ao futebol

A Fifa anunciou hoje o banimento perpétuo de Ricardo Teixeira, ex-presidente da CPF, de atividades ligadas ao futebol...

29 Nov 11:48 O Antagonista 1037429655063866807.html
Fedez imputato per lesioni dopo lite col vicino di casa. Rovazzi testimone: "Ha subito l'aggressione"

La lite è avvenuta a Milano nel 2016. Al momento del diverbio, era presente anche Fabio Rovazzi che ora testimonia a favore di Fedez

29 Nov 10:09 L'HuffPost 5315551422440142002.html
Everything New To Netflix In December: Christmas Movies, YOU Season 2 & More

It's December from Sunday and Netflix have released a list of everything new to the streaming service for the festive period!

29 Nov 11:30 SPIN South West 8165439736031683149.html
Club di serie A, 'Contro il razzismo non facciamo abbastanza, ora basta'

Lettera aperta Lega-società: E' un problema serio, bisogna fare meglio (ANSA)

29 Nov 14:35 ANSA.it 1300837448624988866.html
Toujours pas de Diagne dans le noyau brugeois

(Belga) Mbaye Diagne ne figure toujours pas dans la sélection du Club de Bruges qui reçoit Mouscron samedi (18h00) pour le compte de la 17e journée ...

29 Nov 14:04 RTL sport 5478130074821370702.html
GOG.com Black Friday sale has huge discounts over thousands of PC games

Savings for The Witcher 3, Disco Elysium and up to 90% off some titles!

29 Nov 12:02 Eurogamer.net 1957885127388100482.html
WIKA Anggarkan Belanja Modal Rp 16 Triliun Tahun Depan

Anggaran belanja modal tersebut akan digunakan untuk menciptakan pendapatan berulang di luar bisnis utama WIKA.

29 Nov 14:31 Katadata News 179777405994682017.html
General Election TV debates: Which leaders have done what?

The PA news agency has a look at the TV election debate drama with less than two weeks until polling day.

29 Nov 15:38 Express & Star 7324224460572951379.html
Stalin is lying about the local body polls, says Edappadi

The Chief Minister accused the Opposition leader of lying about the modality of conducting local body elections in Tamil Nadu

29 Nov 11:26 The Hindu 6679535025670233841.html
Il Black Friday della Juve: gli sconti sul mercato tra entrate e uscite GALLERY

Tutti pazzi per il Back Friday. E' partita la caccia agli sconti: ventiquattr'ore di saldi su ogni cosa. Sì, anche nel calcio. Occasioni da non perdere e sfruttare al volo. Come quella per

29 Nov 13:30 il BiancoNero 8980755941055363435.html
Rise in unnatural prison deaths across the country is a worry | Cape Argus

The Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (JICS) says it is concerned about the number of unnatural deaths in prison.

29 Nov 10:04 www.iol.co.za 17825111878617481.html
Space as a service takes root at RBC Signals


29 Nov 14:08 SpaceNews 7631243600055463307.html
Nueva EPS en Caldas no puede recibir usuarios de Salud Vida

Tras la decisión de la Superintendencia de Salud de liquidar Salud Vida, los usuarios de aquella entidad continúan sin ser trasladados a otras EPS

29 Nov 13:22 W Radio 7724358829277598455.html
Where it all went wrong for Unai Emery at Arsenal

A look at where the Spaniard came up short since taking over from Arsene Wenger.

29 Nov 11:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773865811654.html
Einladung Pressekonferenz: Ärztemangel und geriatrische Versorgung in Wien

Präsentation der WIFO-Studie „Geriatrische Versorgung in Wien im Kontext des demografischen Wandels“

29 Nov 13:56 OTS.at 4182160710827002348.html
Ehrlich Brothers privat: So laufen sie in ihrer Freizeit rum

Auf der Bühne kennen wir die Ehrlich Brothers ja nur topgestylt mit einer Menge Haarspray. In der Freizeit darf es dann aber auch mal ein ganz anderer Look sein.

29 Nov 15:27 Promipool 1765956129326436729.html
Deshojando la Rosa de Fuego

El Museu d'HIstòria de Barcelona atesora un ejemplar de un libro extinto, la historia de los atentados anarquistas contada "con insultos al clero y tuteo a la autoridad"

29 Nov 15:36 elPeriodico 7291954034136926924.html
Explosión deja a mujer de la tercera edad lesionada en Monterrey

Una señora de la tercera edad resultó herida tras una explosión en su domicilio de la colonia Croc por una fuga en los cilindros de gas LP.

29 Nov 12:23 Milenio 4240839409124827439.html
Skogsbrukets näringsläckage kraftigt underskattat

Skogsbruket orsakar dubbelt så stora näringsutsläpp i vattendragen som man tidigare beräknat. Det visar ny forskning från Naturresursinstitutet.

29 Nov 10:50 HBL 7222309292336345219.html
5 Business Lessons You Can Learn From Black Friday Even If You Don't Sell to Consumers

Even if you hate shopping or the holidays, many of the mechanisms of Black Friday can be applied to sales and marketing tactics for business-to-business companies to drive revenue and growth.

29 Nov 12:13 Inc.com 8604986417886757662.html
Cadbury's secret Santa postbox is back so you can send chocolate for free

You could just be cheeky and send a bar to yourself.

29 Nov 11:19 Metro 970161747462020311.html
Snart starter Twitter overgangen til Reddit-stilen på samtaler - ITavisen

Henter funksjoner fra beta-appen Twttr.

29 Nov 11:32 ITavisen 7865444159302740342.html
Primer ministro de Irak anuncia su dimisión

El primer ministro de Irak, Adel Abdul Mahdi, anunció su dimisión, después de que el principal clérigo chií del país pidiera a los legisladores que reconsideraran su apoyo a un gobierno sacudido por semanas de disturbios

29 Nov 11:11 Granma.cu 7847343385167984842.html
Focus on Lewisham: New social scene sparks interest from first-time buyers

Although it is a relatively unassuming corner of South East London, Lewisham has been the birthplace of a wealth of musical talent: Cream drummer Ginger Baker, Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman and Sex Pistols frontman Sid Vicious were all born there.

29 Nov 12:59 City A.M. 6389894491785812175.html
Abhimanyu Mithun Claims Five Wickets in One Over Including a Double Hat-Trick in Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy

Mithun became the only cricketer to claim hat-tricks in Ranji Trophy,Vijay Hazare Trophy and Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy

29 Nov 11:51 India.com 7150386083309990449.html
Ayda Field had concerns about Robbie Williams when they first met

The duo met two weeks before Robbie entered rehab.

29 Nov 13:47 Metro 970161748860984160.html
Jennifer Lopez's "Modern Take" on Classic Hollywood: Stylist Shares Secrets Behind Her Red Carpet Fashion

The 'Hustlers' actress and producer delivers in show-stopping outfits with help from styling duo Rob Zangardi and Mariel  Haenn.

29 Nov 11:30 The Hollywood Reporter 121801344758733954.html
Jose Mourinho: Consistency the key for improved Dele Alli

Dele Alli must build on his performances in the past week by delivering consistently for Tottenham, says Jose Mourinho.

29 Nov 15:18 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907122990967.html
I can't rest in Death Stranding until I've planted zip-lines everywhere

It's bittersweet wrapping up Death Stranding, but my journey is far from over. I can't stop until every last mountain is dotted with zip-lines from top to bottom. That's it. That's my one true end goal. I vastly underestimated how useful &n...

29 Nov 14:00 Destructoid 5545714966136910333.html
Arrimadas insiste en una investidura de 'constitucionalistas' con PP y Cs

La portavoz parlamentaria alega que “nos han votado para que hagamos un acuerdo entre constitucionalistas”

29 Nov 13:59 La Vanguardia 8061072700011125144.html
Atta Halilintar Punya 20 Juta Subscriber, tapi Viewersnya Kok Enggak Sampai...

WE Online, Jakarta - Atta Halilintar kembali menorehkan prestasi di dunia YouTube. Putra sulung keluarga Gen Halilintar ini berhasil meraih 20 juta subscribers, terbanyak se-Asia Pasifik.

29 Nov 14:51 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834849118331.html
Olympics: Minor communication hitch at opening of Tokyo 2020 gymnastics test event

TOKYO (Reuters) - Confusion over the participation of two Portuguese athletes failed to derail an Olympic rehearsal at the newly-built Gymnastics Centre in Tokyo as the Trampoline World Championships got underway on Friday ahead of next year’s Games.

29 Nov 11:48 Reuters 8334514181082273551.html
Bank of Ghana introduces higher 100 and 200 cedis denomination banknotes

news, story, article

29 Nov 12:17 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609953506904.html
La Roumanie sur la voie du renouveau politique

Le président réélu Klaus Iohannis et ses alliés visent les élections anticipées pour obtenir une majorité réformatrice au parlement.

29 Nov 10:17 euronews 7357749754020386453.html
Bong Go: Give away free tickets to most SEA Games events

SENATOR Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go suggested making the 2019 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games free to the public to encourage more local support and attract a bigger local crowd to watch the games.

29 Nov 11:55 Journal Online 6375127393587691991.html
Overwatch 2: Bigger Maps, More Cinematics, and New Gameplay Mechanics

An Assistant Game Director and the lead writer for Overwatch 2 have shared a few more details about Overwatch 2, the upcoming sequel to their team based shooter.

29 Nov 13:27 TrueAchievements 4775707719240938594.html
Fedez imputato per una lite col vicino di casa. Fabio Rovazzi testimonia

Dopo essere stato imputato per una lite col vicino di casa, Fedez affronta un procedimento giudiziario, e a testimoniare è Fabio Rovazzi.

29 Nov 10:54 Novella 2000 6951116780218169037.html
Mujer muere al intentar abortar con una rama de perejil

Algunas semanas mujeres argentinas marcharon en Buenos Aires para pedir que se legalizara el aborto y poder decidir sobre sus cuerpos con libertad. Sin embargo, el senado voto en contra

29 Nov 13:01 EL DEBATE 4396150893841723569.html
Piatto in ardesia: una lettrice chiede se è un materiale sicuro a contatto con gli alimenti. Risponde Luca Foltran

Un lettrice ci scrive:

29 Nov 14:46 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737332123685026.html
Large Hilo fight leads to 4 arrests, 2 injured officers | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

A large fight in Hilo on Monday led to four arrests, two injured police officers and a slew of charges made.

29 Nov 10:34 Star-Advertiser 3439335388919469854.html
Large Hilo fight leads to 4 arrests, 2 injured officers | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

A large fight in Hilo on Monday led to four arrests, two injured police officers and a slew of charges made.

29 Nov 10:34 Star-Advertiser 3439335389168050415.html
Pep Guardiola reveals what Man City can't afford to do in Premier League title race with Liverpool FC

Manchester City are nine points behind Liverpool in the Premier League table and Pep Guardiola has laid down a challenge to his players.

29 Nov 14:20 men 6694993429700607848.html
Check it out: NASA’s Super Guppy aircraft delivers the Orion spacecraft

NASA's Orion Spacecraft for the Artemis 1 mission to the moon has arrived in Ohio in the space agency's Super Guppy aircraft. The spacecraft arrived at Mansfield Lahm Airport and a crowd of nearly 1500 had gathered at the flight line to await the aircraft.

29 Nov 11:55 The Indian Express 2885715103747777671.html
Jony Ive has disappeared from Apple’s leadership page 5 months after announcing he was leaving

The legendary hardware designer Jony Ive no longer features on the leadership page of Apple’s website.

29 Nov 10:33 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884136426293.html
Arsenal sacks manager Unai Emery after 18 months in charge

Spanish coach removed from London club after home match against Eintracht Frankfurt

29 Nov 10:56 Financial Times 707176889165567824.html
Qatar aim to bounce back with a win against Yemen

Having lost their first match of the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup, Qatar aim to collect full points against Yemen in today’s Group A match at the Khalifa International Stadium.

29 Nov 10:19 The Peninsula 1202843881019258133.html
Oliver Kahn vs. "T1tan": Handschuhstreit endet mit Vergleich

Der Streit zwischen Oliver Kahn und dem Freiburger Start-up "T1tan" ging bis vor Gericht. Jetzt endet er mit einem Vergleich. Die Firma darf den Namen behalten, der Schriftzug auf dem Finger ist...

29 Nov 15:31 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427114306063.html
Inflazione Italia ferma a novembre, salgono prezzi prodotti alimentari

L'inflazione accelera leggermente in scia all'aumento dei prezzi dei beni alimentari e di quelli dei beni non durevoli. in Italia A novembre l’indice nazionale dei prezzi al consumo per l’intera …

29 Nov 11:23 FinanzaOnline 6528634127507944732.html
Gerrard baalt van arbiter Skomina in De Kuip: 'Wanhopig verdedigen van Fer'

Steven Gerrard houdt gemengde gevoelens over aan het gelijkspel van Rangers FC tegen Feyenoord in de Europa League. De manager van de Schotse topclub meent dat Alfredo Morelos tussen zijn twee goals door recht had op een strafschop. Volgens het Liverpool-icoon beging Leroy Fer een overtreding op de Colombiaan. Hij haalt uit naar arbiter Damir Skomina. "We hadden overduidelijk een strafschop verdiend. Als de scheidsrechter dit terugziet, zal hij woest op zichzelf zijn", wordt Gerrard geciteerd door Voetbal International. "Ik zou graag eens een uitleg van de UEFA willen waarom wij nooit een penalty krijgen." Spelersrapport: Feyenoord-verdedigers en debutant Marsman stellen teleur Feyenoord geeft het weg tegen Rangers en heeft wonder nodig in Europa League

29 Nov 10:34 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884303799000.html
AUS vs PAK: Warner, Labuschagne share record stand

Warner was unbeaten on 166 and Labuschagne was not out 126 at stumps on Friday.

29 Nov 12:51 The Hindu 6679535026276133925.html
Champ survives two scares to win at Newbury

Champ survived a late scare to live up to his name and maintain his unbeaten record over fences in the Ladbrokes 'Where The Nation Plays' Novices' Chase at Newbury.

29 Nov 15:36 Sporting Life 7709795076374323375.html
Retailer Quiz to update ahead of festive sales period

Glasgow-based fast fashion chain Quiz will update on current trading ahead of the key festive period when it reports interim figures next week.

29 Nov 11:10 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490093492752.html
Esfaqueou companheira em Gaia e foi detido com uma catana e um machado

Um homem, de 45 anos, foi detido pela GNR em Arcozelo, Gaia, após ter esfaqueado a companheira numa mão. Já com antecedentes criminais, ficou em prisão preventiva.

29 Nov 10:06 JN 6956494302578270411.html
Critican dos escenas polémicas del especial de Charlie Brown

A través de las redes sociales, el público criticó dos escenas polémicas que aparecieron el especial de Día de Acción de Gracias de Charlie Brown.

29 Nov 13:30 Publimetro Perú 5349571042164636539.html
Finally, there are some good Black Friday discounts for the Nintendo Switch and its exclusive games

Black Friday deals for the Nintendo Switch have finally come good, on Black Friday itself no less. Not only are there some great deals on new Switch bundles and the Switch Lite, but we’ve also now got a number of reductions on exclusive first-party Nintendo games. First up, the Switch and Switch Lite Black Friday […]

29 Nov 14:13 VG247 6010161593036359730.html
Johnson wants 'exuberant' media after Channel 4 row

A Conservative source suggested the party may review Channel 4's public service broadcasting position after it replaced Mr Johnson with an ice sculpture when he refused to take part in a climate change debate.

29 Nov 11:35 RTE.ie 7595237279311641904.html
Berloni in liquidazione, oggi lo sciopero. Ricci: "Siamo vicini ai dipendenti"

La mobilitazione di 85 lavoratori, davanti agli stabilimenti della Chiusa di Ginestreto

29 Nov 11:15 il Resto del Carlino 7209657603257998641.html
Da li je Emili Ratajkovski na ovim fotografijama potpuno gola? (foto)

Izazovnije ne može (foto)

29 Nov 11:06 Krstarica 4176903988285629475.html
Trevi fin: pronto il ricorso contro il rigetto del piano di ritrutturazione, titolo vola

Trevi sta presentando il reclamo, alla Corte d'Appello di Bologna, per ottenere l'omologazione. Cdp e Polaris confermano l'impegno all'aumento di capitale, mentre il gruppo indiano MEIL quello ad acquistare la divisione oil&gas; il Cda ha anche approvato i risultati al 30 settembre 2019.

29 Nov 12:31 InvestireOggi 7231367743739443266.html
Shabri sebut Ada yang Menghalangi Reuni 212

"Kami sangat sesalkan aksi-aksi ini"

29 Nov 15:23 Hidayatullah.com 5252784002239773445.html
Warner, Labuschagne plunder 50s in day-night Pakistan Test

David Warner, Marnus Labuschagne plunder 50s in day-night Pakistan Test.

29 Nov 15:07 Dunya News 5863268918984955529.html
SA unveils R900bn plan to tackle water shortages

A separate unit will be established to finance, manage and operate the national water infrastructure.

29 Nov 12:12 Moneyweb 1092550948121317741.html
Disney+: come sta andando la situazione dopo due settimane dal lancio?

Disney+ sta avendo successo? Sicuramente, ma per capire quale siano le vere ambizioni della società dietro il servizio, bisogna aspettare qualche mese

29 Nov 14:45 tecnoandroid 2573257128141141982.html
Mudajaya back in the black after 13 straight quarterly losses

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): After logging 13 consecutive quarters of losses, Mudajaya Group Bhd has returned to the black with a net profit of RM812,000 in its third quarter ended Sept 30, 2019 (3QFY19).This was despite its revenue contracting 25.6% on year to RM110.18 million during the quarter under review from RM148.18 million in 3QFY18, due to the completion of its 49 megawatt (mW) solar photovolatic energy plant at Sungai Siput, Perak in November 2018, and the slow progress

29 Nov 12:22 The Edge Markets 6322622074637361944.html
UK PM Johnson: Will keep no-deal Brexit preparations in a state of readiness

While responding to a question from a reporter about dropping no-deal Brexit preparations, "Many of those preparations will be extremely valuable as w

29 Nov 12:40 FXStreet 4480975638311208279.html
Bose's Noise-Cancelling Headphones Are On Sale On Amazon For Black Friday This Year

After weeks of anticipationand practicing some serious willpowerBlack Friday is officially here. For the next few days, you'll have access to thousands (if not, hundreds of thousands) of sales. Now, all you need to do is start filling your e-cart to the brim with some great deals.

29 Nov 13:44 Pulse Live 3606876834725475874.html
Si no te gusta la leche te contamos como obtener el calcio de otros alimentos

El calcio es un mineral mayoritario en nuestro organismo.

29 Nov 10:32 ecoticias.com 9144483865380903055.html
Taoiseach satisfied with plans in place to care for Lisa Smith's child in Ireland

The Taoiseach says he is satisfied with plans put in place to care for Lisa Smith's child when th...

29 Nov 15:29 Newstalk 7635722259416442504.html
Termina el asedio policial a la Universidad Politécnica de Hong Kong

La policía pone fin a un cerco de dos semanas del campus, en cuyo interior no ha encontrado ya manifestante alguno

29 Nov 11:29 La Vanguardia 8061072699235092042.html
Daimler-Stellenabbau umfasst mindestens 10.000 Arbeitsplätze

Vorstandschef Ola Källenius hatte es schon angekündigt: Daimler muss einen Milliardenbetrag beim Personal einsparen. Nun ist auch klar, wie das gelingen soll.

29 Nov 13:13 inFranken.de 1813202629712190596.html
How Adani Enterprises, GMR Group lost the bid for Jewar airport to Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport, which is currently involved in eight airports in South America, is keen to expand in South and South-east Asian countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines

29 Nov 14:16 Business Today 1145527431695097756.html
Ford Focus ST And Ranger Raptor Become Police Pursuit Cars

Police forces nationwide in the U.K. are set to trial two high-performance Fords with a view to them joining the police fleet.

29 Nov 11:00 Motor1.com 1648269240370658586.html
Nach Verletzung: Havertz mit Comeback gegen den FC Bayern? Das sagt Leverkusen-Coach Bosz

Bayer Leverkusen kann im Topspiel gegen den FC Bayern am Samstag wohl auf seinen besten Spieler zurückgreifen. Das Donnerstag-Training von Kai Havertz, der zuletzt verletzt gefehlt hatte, sei laut Trainer Peter Bosz "gut" gewesen. Trotz der aktuellen Form der Bayern rechnet sich der Niederländer etwas gegen den deutschen Rekordmeister aus.

29 Nov 12:17 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775606287250.html
TİKA reaches out to families affected by Israel's Gaza attacks

The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) delivered aid to 1,100 Palestinian families affected by Israel's wave of attacks earlier this month, from food to beds

29 Nov 13:20 DAILY SABAH 8383944808717178330.html
La Virgen del Valle peregrina hacia La Gruta

A las 9 de hoy la imagen de la Virgen del Valle fue bajada desde el Camarín hasta el Presbisterio y con ese acto comenzaron las festividades en su honor, que este año se enmarcan en el Año Jubilar por los 400 años del descubrimiento de la imagen en La Gruta de Choya.

29 Nov 13:52 El Ancasti 5864462412139334787.html
'Bond verzet zich in dossier Selemani, maar die mag gewoon spelen'

KV Kortrijk is nog niet klaar in het dossier van Faïz Selemani. De KBVB verzet zich namelijk tegen de beslissing van het Hof Van Beroep, weet

29 Nov 12:30 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215554100642.html
Der Fragen-Freitag bei FOCUS Online: Altersvorsorge, Zinsen und Steuern: Stellen Sie jetzt Fragen in unserer Telefonaktion!

Was mache ich heute noch mit meinem Geld? Wie sorge ich richtig fürs Alter vor? Und: Kann ich zum Jahresende noch mehr rausholen? Fragen wie diese und viele weitere beantworten wir heute gemeinsam mit unseren Experten in unserer großen Telefon-Aktion von 11 bis 13 Uhr. Rufen Sie an - oder lesen Sie die Antworten hier.

29 Nov 11:26 FOCUS Online 4448121230748354667.html
In a first, RBI sends DHFL to NCLT for debt resolution

India Business News: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday sent the troubled mortgage lender Dewan Housing Finance (DHFL) for bankruptcy proceedings, making it the fir

29 Nov 10:58 The Times of India 6060938664314227164.html
The Best Deals on External Hard Drives for Your Xbox One

Nowadays it's almost mandatory to have some sort of external hard drive for your console, especially if you have 100+ games to play on a service like Xbox Game Pass. Black Friday is a great time to pick up some storage.

29 Nov 15:50 TrueAchievements 4775707720285364322.html
Vancouver murder suspect arrested 26 years after killing

More than 26 years after a 23-year-old woman died in Vancouver, a man has been charged with murder.

29 Nov 11:05 City NEWS 1130 5858657119358456659.html
Neunmonatszahlen: Eon erhöht Jahresprognose und geht Probleme in Großbritannien an - Aktie im Plus

Deutschlands größter Stromversorger Eon will seine Probleme in Großbritannien lösen. Neben dem eigenen britischen Vertriebsgeschäft hat der Konzern nach der Innogy-Übernahme nun auch deren Tochter NPower dazubekommen, deren Geschäft auf der Insel ebenfalls leidet.

29 Nov 11:01 FOCUS Online 4448121230679805738.html
Blanchiment des capitaux : Une nouvelle loi au Maroc

Le Conseil de gouvernement a adopté le projet de loi modifiant et complétant le Code pénal et la loi relative à la lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux, présenté par le ministre de la Justice.

29 Nov 13:38 Infomédiaire 1551316401261207665.html
U.S. House Judiciary panel invites Trump to Dec. 4 impeachment hearing

The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Tuesday invited President Donald Trump to its first impeachment hearing, scheduled for Dec.

29 Nov 10:22 Vanguard News 4125100340263512377.html
Penguatan Dolar AS Buat Rupiah dan Mata Uang Asia Loyo

Dolar AS menguat terhadap sejumlah mata uang Asia dan dunia karena data ekonomi AS yang kuat pada kuartal III 2019.

29 Nov 11:31 Katadata News 179777406117666399.html
Here’s Where to Spend Crypto Online This Black Friday

As Black Friday 2019 gets underway, what are your options for getting the best bang for your Bitcoin?

29 Nov 12:06 Cointelegraph 3050247239833428400.html
Denuncian que el Esmad utilizó armas ilegales en enfrentamientos contra encapuchados en Tunja

Desde la Coordinación de Organizaciones Sociales, perteneciente al Comité de Derechos Humanos de Tunja, se denunció que el Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios se enfrentó a encapuchados, en la noche del 21 de noviembre, con 'recalzadas'.

29 Nov 15:35 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542487544232.html
Netflix will stop working on these popular TVs and streaming sticks this weekend

From Sunday (December 1), Netflix will no longer be supported on Samsung ’s 2010 and 2011 smart TVs, due to ‘technical limitations'

29 Nov 14:57 mirror 675785259971855473.html
This One Practice Might Help You Feel Like Having Sex More Often

The case for "first-base dates."

29 Nov 12:03 mindbodygreen 5822886644371695516.html
Samsung Galaxy S11 will have a camera sensor dedicated for night shots

Samsung Galaxy S11 will have a camera sensor dedicated for night shots, a trademark has been registered at the European intellectual property office.

29 Nov 11:25 Gizchina 5392375276446243068.html
'We need action now': Ambulance crews at CUH say overcrowding crisis is obstructing them

Ambulance crews are being “obstructed” from doing their job at Cork University Hospital because of the overcrowding crisis in the emergency department (ED), according to SIPTU.

29 Nov 13:52 Breaking News 4415806918637714630.html
Los servicios de comunicación RCS presentan vulnerabilidades que permitirían tomar el control de la cuenta de usuario

Ya son varias compañías telefónicas que han implementado los servicios de comunicación enriquecida (RCS), con los que se espera sustituir...

29 Nov 15:06 Europa Press 4702666148025786942.html
Why Did The Sloth Cross The Road? To Pose For This Year's 'Capturing Ecology' Photo Contest

The British Ecological Society has announced the winners of its annual ecology-themed photo competition. From boas, birds, and birches, through to a three-toed sloth trying to cross the road, this year’s crop is a wondrous celebration of our planet’s remarkable diversity.

29 Nov 12:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247810561715.html
In Delta, opposition parties, ruling PDP not enemies, says Otuaro, dep gov

Deputy Governor of Delta State, Deacon Kingsley Otuaro, has said that opposition political parties in the state were not foes to the ruling PDP

29 Nov 10:54 Vanguard News 4125100339060313606.html
FMI revisará en diciembre cumplimientos de Ecuador al acuerdo del programa económico

La tercera semana de diciembre, el directorio del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) realizará una evaluación combinada de la segunda y tercera revisión de la Carta de Intención firmada con Ecuador.

29 Nov 10:00 El Universo 8365175796850232200.html
Alabama vs. Auburn Game Time, Spread, Channel, Announcers

Here's everything you need to know about this weekend's rivalry game between the Alabama Crimson Tide and Auburn Tigers.

29 Nov 14:57 The Spun 9122471847986215638.html
Sweden-based Online Payments Firm Klarna Reportedly Onboarded 60,000 Additional Merchants

Sweden-based Online payments company (and bank) Klarna reportedly became Europe’s highest valued Fintech in August 2019 with a market capitalization of around $5.5 billion. Klarna’s management stated on November 26 that it has onboarded 60,000 additional merchants worldwide in 2019, which represents an increase of about 140% from last year, when the company signed up 25,000 new customers. Klarna says the new merchants include major companies such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Expedia, H&M, River Island,

29 Nov 12:45 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073903327753.html
Man travels down the Thames with his dog to collect presents for homeless

They've had a great response from the public so far.

29 Nov 12:07 Metro 970161748519292943.html
WhatsApp, ora è possibile contattare chi ci ha bloccato con questo trucco

Su WhatsApp ora è possibile comunicare anche con chi ci ha bloccato. Ecco il trucco da utilizzare sulla chat di messaggistica

29 Nov 11:10 tecnoandroid 2573257128301045265.html
2 K-pop stars were jailed for raping a drunk, unconscious woman in a scandal that shows the industry's dark underbelly

Choi Jong-hoon of FT Island was sentenced to five years and Jung Joon-young of Drug Restaurant was given six years by Seoul Central District Court.

29 Nov 11:00 Yahoo 7097669638923298752.html
'Sci-fi' electrode sleeve offers new hope for millions of paralysis patients

Cutting-edge technology is giving new hope to millions of people living with paralysis across the United States. Researchers at The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research have successfully developed a light-weight, wearable electrode sleeve that regulates and triggers finger movement in quadriplegics.

29 Nov 13:38 Fox News 7362823820875083268.html
Data dan Fakta Premier League: Norwich City vs Arsenal

Peringkat 8 Arsenal akan bertandang ke markas tim promosi dan peringkat 18 Norwich City pada pekan ke-14 Premier League 2019/20, Minggu (01/12/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Carrow Road ini

29 Nov 14:02 Bola.net 5489959027951727937.html
WATCH | Abandoned Cape Town hospital still occupied by 'invaders'

Bevil Lucas never imagined that his doctor's old Cape Town office would one day be his bedroom.

29 Nov 12:50 TimesLIVE 7950036620145583366.html
Patrice Désilets: Ancestors fell foul of critics' expectations

"People expected my studio of 35 people to ship a game that is close to Assassin's Creed -- and it's just not possible"

29 Nov 15:17 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590114370922291.html
Discrepancias en el movimiento de pensionistas ante la convocatoria de huelga del 30 enero

Un grupo de pensionistas ha mostrado este viernes su discrepancia ante la huelga general del 30 de enero, convocada por la Carta de los Derechos Sociales de ...

29 Nov 13:58 naiz: 7509038604201400496.html
Un profesor de Calp fallece en el pasillo del instituto cuando iba a dar clase

Se ha desplomado por un posible paro cardiaco y los servicios sanitarios no han podido reanimarlo - El centro ha suspendido las clases

29 Nov 11:39 Diarioinformacion 8979296175304219816.html
Amazon Has Some Incredible Black Friday Deals on Beauty Products This Year

Here are the best beauty scores on Amazon this Black Friday.

29 Nov 13:30 POPSUGAR Beauty 1694745614278382549.html
Klopp gives aura of control as Liverpool boss reveals how he deals with pressure

It’s been a challenging week for Jurgen Klopp and Liverpool, but no one ever said sitting at the top of the tree was a holiday camp.

29 Nov 15:26 TEAM talk 6412178964138031271.html
Opep+ probablemente extenderá recortes producción crudo hasta junio

La Opep y sus aliados probablemente extenderán su pacto de recortes de producción de petróleo hasta junio cuando se reúnan el mes próximo ...

29 Nov 12:59 LaPatilla.com 9104603010938178928.html
Sudan moves to dissolve ex-ruling party, repeals public order law 


29 Nov 10:23 The Observer 7850745372881409403.html
(VIDEO) Urnebesne reakcije klinaca na trudnoće majki!

Trenutak kada saznate da ćete dobiti dete spada u najdragocenije životne radosti. Međutim, ako vam saopštavaju da ćete postati stariji brat ili sestra, postoji verovatnoća da reakcija neće biti toliko pozitivna... Ali definitivno urnebesna!

29 Nov 10:56 REPUBLIKA 2543998405467933837.html
Akpeyi wins Player of the Month award

Kaizer Chiefs goalkeeper, Daniel Akpeyi, has been named as the Absa Premiership Player of the Month for September/October. Kaizer Chiefs

29 Nov 10:45 The Eagle Online 1463511649448709778.html
Santiago: Aturuxo Films, de centros de Teo y Santiago, gana el Premio Nacional de Buenas Prácticas Educativas del Ministerio de Educación

El IES de Cacheiras y el Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santiago reciben el reconocimiento y 10.000 euros para continuar una iniciativa en la que colaboran su alumnado y docentes

29 Nov 10:41 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612070792410.html
'Het wordt meelijwekkend, Van Bommel moet zich afvragen welk perspectief hij ziet'

PSV-trainer Mark van Bommel moet zich afvragen welk perspectief hij nog ziet na de afstraffing tegen Sporting Portugal in de Europa League. Dat stelt clubwatcher Rik Elfrink van het Eindhovens Dagblad. Hij vindt dat Sporting 'eigenlijk nog te lief was' (4-0). "Het was een kansloze zaak. Tot overmaat van ramp wint LASK Linz dan ook nog bij Rosenborg. Het is afvragen of PSV op deze manier nog op de goede koers zit", zegt Elfrink op de website van het ED. "In deze poule waren PSV en Sporting de 'normale' ploegen die door moesten gaan. Met name de uitwedstrijd tegen LASK (4-1 nederlaag, red.) was al een blamage, maar dit is ook hartstikke slecht."

29 Nov 11:57 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884596220478.html
UFC News: Canelo Alvarez makes fun of Floyd Mayweather for wanting to box MMA fighters

Floyd 'Money' Mayweather might be coming back in 2020, but Canelo Alvarez is certainly not looking forward to it. #UFC #Boxing

29 Nov 12:08 sportskeeda 1601194029441951660.html
Thomas Cook, Germania, Beate Uhse: „Dramatischer Domino-Effekt“: Die traurige Insolvenz-Bilanz großer deutscher Firmen

Namhafte und große Unternehmen sind in diesem Jahr verstärkt von Insolvenzen betroffen. Die Kreditversicherung Euler Hermes zählte in den ersten neun Monaten dieses Jahres 27 Insolvenzen von Firmen mit mehr als 50 Millionen Euro Umsatz, gegenüber 19 Fällen im Vorjahreszeitraum. Das ist ein Anstieg um 42 Prozent.

29 Nov 12:27 FOCUS Online 4448121230822991455.html
Men found guilty of raping girl at St Aubin's Fort decades ago

TWO men who took it in turns to rape a 'vulnerable and isolated' teenage girl at St Aubin's Fort decades ago have been found guilty following a five-day trial in the Royal Court.

29 Nov 15:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775184673602.html
'I made excuses': music industry frets over becoming carbon neutral

Coldplay and Massive Attack have pledged more environmentally sound tours this week – but given the financial and artistic importance of touring, the industry faces tough challenges

29 Nov 12:41 the Guardian 1491978795747876828.html
China’s true economic growth could be half of what everyone thinks

China’s GDP data release always generates great market excitement despite rarely straying more than 25 basis points below or above the government target. This stability has led a number of analysts to propose their own measures, typically based on a variety of Chinese proxy data but, in the end, not that different from the official numbers. In this article I argue that, based on the performance of countries comparable to China, the latter’s GDP growth could be as low as half the official number and that markets are likely overestimating China’s importance for the global economy. That being said, China has one of the highest levels of corporate debt in the world and slower growth implies greater risks of financial instability.

29 Nov 11:31 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884164786361.html
Dean Smith signs new four-year deal at Aston Villa

Boss Dean Smith has signed a new four-year contract at Villa.

29 Nov 13:04 Express & Star 7324224459346856901.html
MPF questiona Braskem e Defesas Civis sobre novos tremores em Maceió

Diante das recentes informa&ccedil;&otilde;es recebidas, a For&ccedil;a-tarefa do Minist&eacute;rio P&uacute;blico Federal (MPF) para o Caso Pinheiro oficiou a empresa petroqu&iacute;mica Braskem S.A. e Defesas Civis Nacional e Municipal sobre suposta ocorr&ecirc;ncia de novos tremores de terra, sen...

29 Nov 13:55 TNH1 3684351753821955812.html
Compradores del Sawgrass Mills llegan desde muy temprano para aprovechar las ofertas del Black Friday

Los compradores llegaron al Sawgrass Mills tan pronto como se hicieron  las 6 a.m., una hora antes de que el centro comercial abriera,

29 Nov 14:58 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536391601928.html
A tale of two countries. Opinion.

Looking at the two political and legal challenges of the two leaders - President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu.

29 Nov 15:53 Israel National News 5374683668861358501.html
Zigtausende gehen für Klimaschutz auf die Straße

Viele Tausende Menschen sind am Freitag in Baden-Württemberg zu Demonstrationen für besseren Klimaschutz zusammengekommen.

29 Nov 15:05 swp.de 6929179440355679795.html
Kontroversiell altartavla invigs i Malmö

Kultur S:t Pauli kyrka i Malmö får Sveriges första hbtq-altartavla. Vid en festmässa på söndag dras gulddraperiet bort och fram träder Elisabeth Ohlsons "Paradiset".Det är historiskt, säger

29 Nov 11:28 www.unt.se 8922556089252301121.html
How to switch desktops on a Windows 10 computer and organize your activities on multiple virtual desktops, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - You can easily switch desktops in Windows 10 and organize your activities by opening and switching between multiple virtual desktops.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:18 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755567843100.html
AUS Vs PAK: Twitterati Nostalgic As David Warner And Joe Burns Play Rock, Paper, Scissors

Just before David Warner and Joe Burns walked out to bat for AUS vs PAK at Adelaide, they were seen indulging in a few rounds of Rocks, Papers, Scissors.

29 Nov 13:05 Republic World 1282918858115699301.html
Empresário de Doumbia foi detido

O empresário do médio do Sporting  Idrissa Doumbia foi detido por suspeitas de tráfico humano, branqueamento de capitais e fraude.Informa a imprensa belga que Alfred Obrou foi detido anteontem (quarta-feira), à chegada ao aeroporto Charles de Gaulle (Paris, França) e logo transferido para a Bélgica, dando sequência a um mandado de captura internacional.

29 Nov 10:41 A BOLA 2278827557677481944.html
The Impeachment News Industry Is Here to Help (Overwhelm You Even More)

A glut of pop-up podcasts and newsletters from major publishers and worried citizens promise to cut through the flood of impeachment news.

29 Nov 14:20 NY Times 1961078289111268981.html
Leinster ring the changes for Glasgow clash with Ireland front-liners rested

Ross Molony captains the team from the second row.

29 Nov 12:15 The42 5369852630402260289.html
En Colombina la tarea es 'Vivienda para Todos'

Para el grupo empresarial Colombina, compañía que se sigue destacando en el sector de alimentos como una de las empresas con mejores prácticas de sostenibilidad en el mundo, es una prioridad ofrecer a sus colaboradores un estilo de trabajo digno dentro de un ambiente de respeto, en el cual prime su bienestar y calidad de vida.Es por esto que, desde hace algún tiempo, en el marco de su estrategia de sostenibilidad, viene desarrollando dos importantes programas que benefician a los colaboradores y sus familias.El primero de ellos es el programa 'Vivienda para Todos', el cual consiste en apoyar a los colaboradores para la consecución de casa propia. Este apoyo busca darles asesoría financiera, acompañarlos a conocer los planes de vivienda existentes para que escojan al que se adapte a sus necesidades, orientarlos en la gestión documental para acceder a créditos de vivienda y/o subsidios de las cajas de compensación familiar y otorgarles préstamos sin intereses.

29 Nov 11:10 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346792386008.html
Virginia vs. Virginia Tech prediction, line: Cavaliers a live underdog

The Post’s Howie Kussoy, aka the struggling Pigskin Profit, lets his soon-to-be 1-year-old daughter (Kid Profit) take a shot on four Friday college football games: VIRGINIA CAVALIERS (+3) over

29 Nov 14:01 New York Post 7654946768603958595.html
Gopay Jadi Dompet Digital Paling Banyak Dipakai pada 2019

Gopay menjadi dompet digital yang paling populer 2019. Hal tersebut seiring dengan meningkatnya kepercayaan masyarakat untuk menggunakan layanan uang digital.

29 Nov 14:43 teknologi 6599523172634028869.html
'We don't ban the rich from public schools, firefighters, or libraries' — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams Pete Buttigieg after he says tuition-free public college is too radical

"Just like rich kids can attend public school, they should be able to attend tuition-free public college," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

29 Nov 10:37 Business Insider 6060062400090928437.html
Brad Paisley happy to be butt of jokes in variety special

In his new variety special, "Brad Paisley Thinks He's Special," airing Dec. 3 on ABC, Paisley allows himself to be the punchline in a number of skits with celeb pals including Peyton Manning, Carrie Underwood, the Jonas Brothers and Tim McGraw.

29 Nov 14:51 CTVNews 2422791597946335075.html
El Gobierno aprueba la aportación anual de 30 millones para el fondo especial de inversiones en Teruel

El Ejecutivo ha aprobado un proyecto de Real Decreto que establece las normas reguladoras para la concesión directa de una subvención a la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón

29 Nov 15:49 Vozpópuli 2420406189942244581.html
El primer banco digital LGTBI del mundo nace en Brasil

"No estamos aquí exclusivamente para ganar dinero, sino para devolverlo a las personas LGTBI+ a través de acciones sociales", explicó en una entrevista con Efe en Sao Paulo el primer ejecutivo del P

29 Nov 11:31 Informe21.com 5448175403847265689.html
Scientists have discovered a 'monster' black hole that's so big it shouldn't exist

Scientists are now scratching their heads at how LB-1 got so huge.

29 Nov 11:36 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202786756392.html
Ronaldinho en Cancún: Organizadores aclaran sobre supuesto uniforme filtrado para el partido

Luego de que se filtrara el supuesto uniforme que usar&aacute; Ronaldinho y sus amigos en Canc&uacute;n, los organizadores desmienten dicha situaci&oacute;n.

29 Nov 14:50 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623363102372.html
Carrillo: Estamos bien unidos y con ganas de seguir ganando

Alejandro Colmenares l @AlejandroRCD24

29 Nov 14:15 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125101526853.html
Almenys cinc ferits en un atac amb ganivet al pont de Londres

Segons informen els mitjans britànics, la Policia Metropolitana ha abatut un home i mantenen acordonada la zona

29 Nov 15:50 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480128974564.html
K-pop star jailed for six years for gang rape, spycam crimes

Around 5,500 people were arrested for molka offences last year, 97 percent of them men, according to police data.

29 Nov 14:08 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363810971087.html
Euro-Dollar Gets No Joy from Inflation Gains as German Politics and U.S. Tariff Threat Loom

The Euro vs the Dollar - Latest Exchange Rate News and Forecasts on the Euro Dollar Currency Pair Today

29 Nov 12:37 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579507608607937.html
Prisioneira: Telma envolve-se com Vitor

Não perca o episódio de hoje de Prisioneira, TVI. Prisioneira: Telma envolve-se com Vitor

29 Nov 15:56 maria 5738163823290388832.html
Following their latest investment, Tencent now owns 10% of Sumo Group

Sumo Group, who own developer Sumo Digitial, are currently developing the sequel to the cult-classic zombie game Dead Island

29 Nov 15:30 Critical Hit 8797780293182720698.html
Micol Olivieri Instagram, straordinaria in minigonna: «Gambe superbe!»

Micol Olivieri su Instagram ha incantato tutti i suoi numerosi ammiratori con una sua foto in minigonna. Il post è stato invaso di commenti

29 Nov 11:45 UrbanPost 2450570493516142868.html
The wealth gap is one of the defining issues in the US right now, but proposals that punish the wealthy could be focusing on the wrong part of the problem

A wealth tax could have cut Jeff Bezos’ fortune in half and made Bill Gates $US61 billion less rich, but it might not do anything to make the economy feel more fair to the middle class, Bloomberg columnist Noah Smith argued in a recent column.

29 Nov 15:07 Business Insider Australia 5575934301309092469.html
Previa del partido: el Hoffenheim recibe al Fortuna Düsseldorf en la decimotercera jornada

Previa del partido: el Hoffenheim recibe al Fortuna Düsseldorf en la decimotercera jornada

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897969391435651.html
Vivo Bakal Punya OS Baru, Namanya JoviOS

Vivo bakal punya OS baru untuk menggantikan FunTouchOS, yaitu JoviOS. OS anyar ini bakal dihadirkan bersama ponsel seri X30.

29 Nov 15:46 detikinet 7802439223308015670.html
Polisaktion stoppar verktyg för dataintrång

Brott Sex personer har gripits i Sverige i samband med en internationell insats mot it-brottslighet. Genom insatsen, som genomförts inom polisorganisationen Europol, har en programvara som använts för dataintrång stoppats.

29 Nov 14:18 www.unt.se 8922556089477586569.html
Destrozos en un cajero automático de Banco Bica

Se investiga

29 Nov 11:19 El Litoral 2624573357766802058.html
Trump’s visit to Afghanistan was so secret the White House sent generic Thanksgiving tweets from his account to avoid questions about why he didn’t post for 13 hours

Trump administration staffers sent generic Thanksgiving tweets from President Donald Trump’s Twitter account to avoid suspicion that his account was silent as he made a secret trip to visit US troops in Afghanistan.

29 Nov 11:25 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882488529963.html
Gold price drop triggers heavy buying in India; demand wanes in other hubs

Dealers were charging a premium of up to $1.5 an ounce over official domestic prices this week, compared with a discount of $3 last week

29 Nov 13:42 Business-Standard 1502508925749501941.html
Demasiado grande para existir: hallan agujero negro inexplicable para los astrónomos

Un grupo de científicos ha encontrado evidencias de un agujero negro tan grande que obligará a redefinir el sistema por el que se miden estos fenómenos astronómicos, y cuestiona la explicación que se tenía hasta ahora de cómo se forman

29 Nov 12:59 24Horas.cl 793283386433100537.html
El primer ministro de Irak anuncia su dimisión tras semanas de protestas

El primer ministro de Irak, Adel Abdul Mahdi, ha anunciado este viernes que va a presentar su dimisión al Parlamento con el fin de que los diputados puedan...

29 Nov 12:47 Europa Press 4702666147821260700.html
DGAP-News: Joh. Friedrich Behrens AG: Positive Umsatzentwicklung in Europa, insgesamt leichter Rückgang der Umsatzerlöse (deutsch)

Joh. Friedrich Behrens AG: Positive Umsatzentwicklung in Europa, insgesamt leichter Rückgang der Umsatzerlöse DGAP-News: Joh. Friedrich Behrens AG / Schlagwort(e): 9-Monatszahlen Joh. Friedrich Behrens AG: Positive Umsatzentwicklung in Europa, insgesamt leichter Rückgang der Umsatzerlöse 29.11.2019 / 14:00 Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emi...

29 Nov 14:01 Börse Express 3714356347966753485.html
Take two: Instagrand returning to action at Del Mar

Horse Racing news: Take two: Instagrand returning to action at Del Mar.

29 Nov 13:40 Horse Racing Nation 6225030534236764686.html
Walking Dead star Josh McDermitt sends message to Wales Comic Con: Telford Takeover fans

The Walking Dead star Josh McDermitt sent a message to fans of the show about his appearance at Wales Comic Con: Telford Takeover.

29 Nov 11:20 Shropshire Star 3480199992278115093.html
How to switch desktops on a Windows 10 computer and organize your activities on multiple virtual desktops

Windows 10 lets you create multiple desktops and switch between them with a couple of clicks. This way, you can work on several different projects at once without feeling cluttered or mixing windows and apps of unrelated activities.

29 Nov 15:18 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882152273692.html
General Election TV debates: Which leaders have done what?

The PA news agency has a look at the TV election debate drama with less than two weeks until polling day.

29 Nov 15:40 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775108354899.html
Perfekt: Yann Sommer verlängert bei Gladbach

Der Schweizer Nati-Goalie Yann Sommer verlängert seinen Vertrag bei Borussia Mönchengladbach bis 2023.

29 Nov 11:15 4-4-2.com 812646140763100082.html

Die Experten der Joh. Berenberg, Gossler & Co. KG (Berenberg Bank) bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von PUMA mit buy

29 Nov 12:26 finanzen.at 7258357742857157620.html
Preview: Atletico Madrid vs. Barcelona - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews Sunday's La Liga clash between Atletico Madrid and Barcelona, including team news and predicted lineups.

29 Nov 13:17 Sports Mole 7750663362002189782.html
Time for Labour to get its house in order

The Labour Party has an opportunity to get its house in order and look forward to the election after a dismal couple of years. Laura Walters writes that might be a job best suited to a woman. The Labour Party will want to use the election of its new president to get its house in order and move on from almost two years of mismanaged sexual assault controversies. This weekend, the Labour Party will converge on Whanganui for its annual conference. The AGM will have all the usual components, including campaign workshops, a guest speaker, socialising opportunities, and speeches from top dogs Grant Robertson, Kelvin Davis and Jacinda Ardern. But Ardern’s brief opening address on the Friday evening is expected to include more than self-congratulations and an optimistic throw forward to next year’s election.

29 Nov 13:02 Newsroom 8356495123648160532.html
FASTag not mandatory until December 15

To facilitate sufficient lead time to obtain FASTag, the government has postponed mandatory implementation of electronic toll collection system to December 15

29 Nov 15:07 Business Today 1145527432622632683.html
Deals: Massively Expand Your Switch Storage With Huge Black Friday Discounts On 1TB SanDisk Micro SD Cards

Not cheap, but cheaper (Update: deal has now gone)

29 Nov 12:30 Nintendo Life 5246707019491435076.html
Govt extends mandatory FASTag roll out for toll payments to December 15

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways had earlier announced that from December 1, toll payments on highways would be accepted through FASTags only

29 Nov 14:50 Business-Standard 1502508925739304690.html
Angleterre: Arsenal vire Emery pour sortir du brouillard

Arsenal a fini par craquer et limoger vendredi Unai Emery au lendemain de la défaite de trop, à domicile contre Francfort en Ligue Europa (2-1), confiant temporaire l'équipe à son adjoint Freddie Ljungberg.

29 Nov 11:48 Challenges 1086714997991825963.html
Vinicius Junior not going anywhere in January, insists Zidane

Zinedine Zidane plans to keep Vinicius Junior at Real Madrid, even though he is struggling for regular first-team football.

29 Nov 13:45 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905448585350.html
Investigan si un inspector municipal cometió abuso de autoridad en "venganza" de la Cooperativa Horizonte

La empresa denunció al empleado e interviene un fiscal. La Municipalidad abrió un sumario. El acusado dijo que la compañía armó “una maniobra para maliciosamente” entregar una obra “en mal estado”.

29 Nov 15:51 La Voz 6237180761430737259.html
El Real Madrid espera una revalorización de Gareth Bale

El Real Madrid considera que una buena segunda mitad de temporada a nivel de clubes y que pueda brillar en la Eurocopa con Gales podría mejorar la tasación del extremo y elevar el precio de su (...)

29 Nov 14:48 Fichajes 157935406493826539.html
Nuevo revés para Glovo: el Tribunal Superior de Madrid zanja que los repartidores son asalariados

La Sala de lo Social declara improcedente el despido de un rider al considerar que su relación laboral no es de autónomo

29 Nov 15:00 EL PAÍS 2207347711287565911.html
'Unemployment at its peak': Stalin slams Centre for lack of jobs, layoffs

As many as 7,000 graduates including engineers have applied for 549 posts of sanitary workers advertised by the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation after which Stalin called for intervention

29 Nov 10:28 Business-Standard 1502508925609268321.html
The Morning Show: TV so excellent it will make you totally resent Friends

Apple TV+’s series is getting more brilliant by the week – and the revelatory central performance by Jennifer Aniston shows she was wasted in Central Perk

29 Nov 12:12 the Guardian 1491978795596371429.html
Representantes de la oposición en mesa técnica acusan reaparición de "doctrina Allamand" en debate sobre proceso constituyente

El abogado del PS, Gabriel Osorio, aseguró que la controversia sobre la aplicación de los dos tercios para la aprobación del texto final de la nueva Constitución está dificultando el avance de la redacción de la reforma.

29 Nov 13:13 Emol 3328490602649042444.html
Šeranić: Veliki izazovi pred zdravstvenim sistemom

BANJALUKA - Ministar zdravlja i socijalne zaštite Republike Srpske Alen Šeranić rekao je da su pred zdravstvenim sistemom Srpske veliki izazovi u smislu određenih rješenja koja treba realizovati.

29 Nov 14:05 Nezavisne novine 4209150642048300417.html
Justicia para Abril: AMLO pide a la Suprema Corte investigar homicidio

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador hizo un llamado a la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación para que investigue el homicidio de Abril Cecilia.

29 Nov 10:21 Diario de Yucatán 261200017936860257.html
El barrio de Cartagena que busca ser el primero en adaptarse al cambio climático en Colombia

Boston, un humilde barrio de la capital de Bolívar, fue construido hace más de medio siglo sin ninguna planeación. Hoy es altamente vulnerable a las inundaciones, pero un sofisticado proyecto quiere transformar esa historia.

29 Nov 12:38 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542513372664.html
The best board games with an app-based twist

Engadget's favorite board games that blend digital and analog play.

29 Nov 10:30 Engadget 96641515409931803.html
Este viernes habrá marcha de antorchas en Cali en nueva jornada del paro nacional

Con una marcha de antorchas que partirá desde el Parque de las Banderas, en el sur de Cali, continuarán este viernes en Cali las actividades en el marco del paro nacional que impulsan distintos sectores sociales desde el pasado 21 de noviembre.Se trata de la única movilización confirmada para este día por el comité departamental del paro. Además, según la información oficial, no habrá concentraciones permanentes como las que tuvieron lugar este jueves.Los manifestantes se encontrarán en el parque desde las 5:00 de la tarde e iniciarán la marcha con destino al Centro Administrativo Municipal, CAM, una hora más tarde.

29 Nov 11:33 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346544700120.html
Luke Skywalker Returns to Cloud City to Look for His Lost Lightsaber in New STAR WARS Comic

There’s a new Star Wars comic coming out that’s set shortly after the events of The Empire Strikes Back that will explore what happened to Luke Skywalker’s Lightsaber after Darth Vader cut off his right hand that was holding it. The hand and the Lightsaber fell into Cloud City. The next time

29 Nov 14:00 GeekTyrant 6344790643487261106.html
Hong Kong customs seizes $50 mln smuggled frozen meat to mainland China

BEIJING/HONG KONG, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Hong Kong customs seized about 540 tonnes of suspected smuggled frozen meat with an estimated market value of about $50 million, the authority said in a statement on Friday, case of its kind in the past decade. The meat was found aboard four suspicious fishing vessels

29 Nov 11:46 Yahoo 7097669638445122270.html
Movie review: The Good Liar

HELEN Mirren, 75, and Ian McKellen, 80, are British acting royalty. Helen has won all the major acting awards like the Tony, the Emmy, the Golden Globe and the Oscar. Ian has won the Tony, Golden Globe, the Emmy and has been nominated twice as best supporting actor in the Oscars for “God and Monsters” and as Gandalf in “Lord of the Rings”.

29 Nov 10:24 Journal Online 6375127392635449280.html
Ada Lomba Lari, Tol Bali Mandara Ditutup Sementara pada 15 Desember

PT Jasa Marga Bali Tol (JET) akan menutup Jalan Tol Bali Mandara pada 15 Desember mendatang. Hal ini karena diadakannya penyelenggaraan lari internasional Mandiri Nusa Dua Internasional Run 2019 (Mandiri NDIR'19) yang akan menggunakan jalan tol tersebut sebagai lintasan lari.

29 Nov 14:18 merdeka.com 1998180354755633005.html
Caitlyn Jenner’s daughter Kendall finally breaks silence on her doing the show after backlash

Model shows her support at last

29 Nov 14:03 Entertainment Daily 8392972516168287478.html
Commissari: Pino Rinaldi torna sulle tracce del male. Si parte dall’omicidio di Dina Dore

Rai3 si tinge di giallo tra insospettabili assassini e vittime in cerca di giustizia. Torna questa sera, dalle 23.05, Commissari – Sulle Tracce del Male, il programma condotto da Pino Rinaldi e realizzato in collaborazione con la Polizia di Stato. Dodici nuove puntate che avranno come focus altrettante indagini su alcuni casi di cronaca giudiziaria raccontate dalla prospettiva di chi le ha condotte. Come accaduto nella scorsa stagione, il protagonista è il commissario che si è occupato della vicenda, impegnato nella ricerca della verità, della giustizia e del colpevole.

29 Nov 15:40 DavideMaggio.it 221510839052707572.html
Flere skadet - gjernings­mann drept av politiet

Flere er skadet etter det politiet mener var et terrorangrep. Gjerningsmannen ble drept av politiet, og hadde falske eksplosiver på seg.

29 Nov 14:40 Dagbladet.no 3042595687259246886.html
Reggio Emilia, cultura e marketing della città del futuro

REGGIO EMILIA – E’ iniziato in questi giorni, al Palazzo dei Musei, un percorso partecipato – con sette tavoli di discussione, cinque temi e un centinaio di persone, dipendenti del Comune o provenienti da enti e aziende pubbliche – inedito a Reggio Emilia in queste dimensioni e per tipologia dei contenuti, per discutere, conoscersi, confrontarsi sui […]

29 Nov 14:18 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334056248060.html
Everton might be searching for a new manager - but first they must work out what they really are

Ask any Everton fan demanding the end of Marco Silva&rsquo;s reign why they want him out and where they want the club to be over the next few years and you hear the same responses.

29 Nov 11:10 The Telegraph 140598092446921599.html
Hiljadu lica sa Balkana ratovalo ili ratuje na Bliskom istoku, od čega oko stotinu iz Makedonije

Prema podacima Centra za borbu protiv terorizma Vest Pointa oko hiljadu lica sa prostora zapadnog Balkana boravilo je ili boravi na ratištima Bliskog istoka. Kako saznaje Balkanska bezbednosna mreža od tog broja stotinak su građani Severne Makedonije. Najveći deo bori se na ratištima Sirije i Iraka i u manjoj meri u Ukrajini.

29 Nov 14:40 REPUBLIKA 2543998406187359733.html
Queen is beyond reproach, distinct from royal family - UK PM Boris Johnson | IOL News

Queen Elizabeth is beyond reproach but there is a distinction between the monarchy and the rest of the royal family, Prime ...

29 Nov 12:40 www.iol.co.za 17825112534490997.html
Midnight Diner's 'Chicken Fried Rice' Episode Combines Good Food, Video Games And Family

Midnight Diner is one of those shows I approach like a late night snack; I save it for special occasions, wait until I’m in the right mood, then savour its company. The new season just released on Netflix and as the first episode centred around a game director, I thought it was the perfect episode to explain why you...

29 Nov 10:40 Kotaku Australia 2018810248034728439.html
Tasas negativas de plazos fijos en pesos desalientan esta opción

El recorte en la tasa de Leliq por parte del Banco Central dañó la posibilidad de volcar los ahorros a ese tipo de depósitos para obtener un rendimiento. Ya no hay plazo fijo que le gane a la inflación

29 Nov 12:15 BAE Negocios 6030502149558517195.html
Oberösterreichs SPÖ-Chefin: "Stehe hundertprozentig hinter Rendi-Wagner"

Birgit Gerstorfer ruft zu einem Ende der Personaldebatte um die Parteivorsitzende auf.

29 Nov 10:25 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441767074668.html
General Election TV debates: Which leaders have done what?

The PA news agency has a look at the TV election debate drama with less than two weeks until polling day.

29 Nov 15:38 Shropshire Star 3480199993026773843.html
Infinito por Descubrir presenta su primer Festival de Arte Urbano

Será gratuito, este sábado 30, de 14 a 18. Habrá actividades como parkour, técnicas de DJ y ritmos musicales como hip hop, K-pop y trap, entre otras expresiones artísticas.

29 Nov 10:17 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157733287081.html
Aboriginal people in Western Australia seek £150bn over lost territory

Aboriginal people in the south west of Western Australia have launched an unprecedented compensation claim for more than &pound;150 billion.

29 Nov 15:25 The Telegraph 140598091170254470.html
Jennifer Aniston celebrated Thanksgiving with her ex Justin Theroux, Courteney Cox, and more of her famous friends

Jennifer Aniston hosted Thanksgiving with her “Friends” costar Courteney Cox, her ex-husband Justin Theroux, and more A-listers.

29 Nov 15:02 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884083018189.html
Weekend betting: Preston North End’s chances against West Brom assessed

Local betting expert Joe Whitaker casts his eye over the weekend’s sporting action in the Premier League, Championship and horseracing.

29 Nov 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275854562395993.html
Arsenal sack Unai Emery: Spaniard leaves the Emirates after 20 months in charge at the Emirates

Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery and placed Freddie Ljungberg in temporary charge at the Emirates.

29 Nov 10:52 Sporting Life 7709795077323381335.html
Portillo indulta a Moha y el vestuario cierra filas

Wl director deportivo desoye a los capitanes y mantiene en la plantilla al extremo, que será sancionado junto a Benja tras llegar a las manos en el entrenamiento del miércoles

29 Nov 10:17 Diarioinformacion 8979296175872329647.html
Pangkas Eselon III dan IV, Sri Mulyani Sadar Ada yang Tak Terima

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati hari ini merampingkan eselon III dan IV di Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF).

29 Nov 10:50 detikfinance 4442190001707856324.html
Wolves comment: No need for Arsenal-linked Nuno to go

There is no reason for Nuno Espirito Santo to leave Wolves – a club he has made such an indelible mark on.

29 Nov 14:03 Express & Star 7324224459893171920.html
UPDATE: 'Diagne deed de emmer overlopen na Galatasaray'

Club Brugge heeft Mbaye Diagne op non-actief gezet. Coach Philippe Clement laat zich op een persconferentie uit over de situatie van de verstoten aanvaller.

29 Nov 15:44 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216930713082.html
Cree's CEO Talks About His Firm's Big 5G and Electric Car Opportunities

During a talk with TheStreet, Cree CEO Gregg Lowe shared plenty of details about the growth opportunities in front of his firm's Wolfspeed power semiconductor and materials unit.

29 Nov 10:59 RealMoney 7059640781913521772.html
Les plaintes pour harcèlement au travail se multiplient

L’affaire Weinstein et le mouvement MeToo qui en a suivi, depuis 2017, ont semble-t-il donné lieu à une prise de conscience de la part du monde de l’entreprise quant aux situations de harcèlement, qu’il soit moral ou sexuel. Une libération de la parole et davantage de recours à la justice dont témoignent trois avocats interrogés par Le Figaro. 

29 Nov 15:08 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230249160884125.html
Szwedzki nacjonalista oskarżony o molestowanie partyjnej koleżanki

Eurodeputowany z nacjonalistycznej partii Szwedzcy Demokraci (SD) Peter Lundgren został w piątek oskarżony z urzędu przez prokuraturę o molestowanie seksualne swojej partyjnej koleżanki.

29 Nov 11:59 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100669495579828.html
Vatican returns relic believed to be from Jesus’ manger to Holy Land

The thumb-sized relic was unveiled to worshippers at the Notre Dame church in Jerusalem.

29 Nov 13:30 Shropshire Star 3480199991995282211.html
Schwerer Auffahrunfall bei Wörth: A65 Richtung Karlsruhe zur Zeit noch gesperrt

Am Freitagmorgen um 9.10 Uhr kam es auf der A65 bei Wörth zwischen den Anschlussstellen B9 Hagenbach und B9 Germersheim in Fahrtrichtung Karlsruhe zu einem Unfall, bei dem der Fahrer eines Kleintransporters schwer verletzt wurde. Die Unfallstelle ist zur Zeit noch gesperrt.

29 Nov 13:26 ka-news.de 5595931858016054116.html
Schwerer Auffahrunfall bei Wörth: A65 Richtung Karlsruhe zur Zeit noch gesperrt

Am Freitagmorgen um 9.10 Uhr kam es auf der A65 bei Wörth zwischen den Anschlussstellen B9 Hagenbach und B9 Germersheim in Fahrtrichtung Karlsruhe zu einem Unfall, bei dem der Fahrer eines Kleintransporters schwer verletzt wurde. Die Unfallstelle ist zur Zeit noch gesperrt.

29 Nov 13:26 ka-news.de 5595931858545874010.html
Jungle filmi konusu nedir? Jungle filmi oyuncu kadrosunda kimler var?

Jungle filmi konusu nedir? Jungle filmi oyuncu kadrosunda kimler var? gibi sorularn yantlar tm televizyon takipileri tarafndan merak ediliyor. Bu akam Show Tv ekranlarnda saat 23:30'da ekranlara gelecek olan Jungle filmi izleyenleri ekran bana kilitleyecek. Gerek yaam yksne dayanan ve barolnde Daniel Radcliffe'n yer ald Jungle filmi etkileyici konusu ve ekimleri ile dikkatleri ekiyor. Jungle, 2017 yapm korku filmi olarak sinemalarda izleyicilerle bulumasnn ardndan televizyonda da beeni toplamaya devam ediyor. Jungle filmine dair merak edilenlerin tmne haberimizin ierisinden ulaabilirsiniz.

29 Nov 14:35 Star 3455060032108470465.html
WhatsApp quer proteger eleições proibindo disparos em massa

A sugestão foi apresentada por um representante da empresa no Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE)

29 Nov 11:43 R10 3167340813076606918.html
Richter lässt "Sopranos"-Star aussagen

In zwei Monaten beginnt der Missbrauchsprozess gegen Harvey Weinstein. Auch "Sopranos"-Star Annabella Sciorra darf gegen den geschassten Hollywood-Mogul aussagen, obwohl ihre Vorwürfe verjährt sind. Zudem verbietet der zuständige Richter eine zweifelhafte Methode der Verteidigung.

29 Nov 10:18 n-tv 6802689755164035648.html
Raja Vaaru Rani Gaaru: A must watch

A thin storyline treated with an old world charm makes this romance immensely enjoyable

29 Nov 10:43 The Hindu 6679535025785519848.html
Weihnachtsmärkte 2019 in der Region Oberschwaben: Weihnachtsmarkt in Biberach, Laupheim und Ravensburg

Die Weihnachtsmärkte von Biberach, Laupheim und Ravensburg sind die schönsten der Region. Hier erfährst du alles über Programm und Angebot, Öffnungszeiten, Parken und Anfahrt.

29 Nov 13:24 swp.de 6929179441645792465.html
Panipat: Ashutosh Gowariker Finally Opens Up On Kriti Sanon’s Parvati Bai’ Dialogue Controversy!

Pulling off a periodic drama inspired by real-life events on the big screen is always a risky affair. Especially, Bollywood filmmakers have faced the wrath of protestors several times over the allegat

29 Nov 10:30 Koimoi 5184275670639852391.html
Sea lion shot by crossbow and rescued in B.C. likely suffered for weeks

A sea lion shot with a crossbow was likely suffering for weeks before being rescued, says the head veterinarian at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue Centre.

29 Nov 15:25 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496981938555.html
I'm A Celebrity viewers livid after Ian Wright and James Haskell ruin Christmas

Viewers are fuming about this.

29 Nov 12:14 Metro 970161748654083492.html
EXCLUSIVE! Rashmika Mandanna On Fighting Trolls: We Have Found Our Voice

Rashmika Mandanna attended the recently-held 50th edition of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI 2019) in Goa and added a new dimension to her career. In an EXCLUSIVE interview with FilmiBeat, she spoke about dealing with trolls and said that actresses have found their voice.

29 Nov 12:55 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244968586506.html
Fuoco e Sangue ed. illustrata, recensione: Martin racconta la storia di Casa Targaryen | Cultura Pop

Fuoco e Sangue di George R. R. Martin, illustrato da Doug Wheatley ed edito da Mondadori, racconta i primi centocinquant’anni di storia della Casa Targaryen

29 Nov 11:28 Tom's Hardware 6640147070187614722.html
Listen: The Weeknd Returns W/ Retro Sounds On New BLINDING LIGHTS Song

Canadian singer The Weeknd is back on his music grind. The award-winning crooner has come through with the new, retro-sounding "Blinding Lights" audio gem. List

29 Nov 12:45 SOHH 6970791089221385030.html
Enough Of This Nonsense! Stop Condoning Blasphemy In The Name Of Comedy! – Pastor Brian Amoateng Blasts Mmebusem

Ghanaian comedian  Mmebusem’s ‘Ghana Jesus’ skit seems to have angered a lot of Christians who see his comedy as blasphemous. The Latest to join the criticism bandwagon is Pastor Brian Amoateng who is the the Founder and Leader of London Prayer Center. Taking to his Instagram page, Pastor Brian described the actor’s actions as mockery […]

29 Nov 13:00 GhBase.com 8689748846595211896.html
Cowboys vs. Bills final score: Buffalo silences Dallas in comfortable Thanksgiving win

The Bills improved to 9-3 with the victory in Arlington, Texas, on Thanksgiving. SN provided live scoring updates and highlights.

29 Nov 13:07 Sporting News 5110653854468395604.html
Mann klappt am Gate zusammen – Die Rettung kommt in letzter Minute

Notfall am Flughafen Frankfurt: Vor einer Sicherheitskontrolle fällt ein Mann in Ohnmacht und schlägt auf den Boden auf. Sein Leben hängt am seidenen Faden. 

29 Nov 13:09 https://www.merkur.de 6466090237932664418.html
Il centrodestra mette il turbo. Le cifre dell'ultimo sondaggio

Secondo l'ultimo sondaggio realizzato da Index Research, la Lega cala ma resta la prima forza politica. Tiene il M5S mentre il Pd è in caduta libera

29 Nov 14:53 ilGiornale.it 5019541224894233336.html
Camera auto video Full HD NightVision Lanmodo Vast - Review

Desi generatiile noi de masini primesc tot felul de dotari care ajuta soferii la drum lung, cruise control adaptiv, head-up display, foarte putine branduri ofera optional camere auto video pentru vedere pe timp de noapte. Iar cei care au aparate de vedere nocturna pe lista de optionale cer peste 2.000 de euro pentru aceasta dotare.

29 Nov 15:43 Wall-Street 2473040520177810768.html
Una persecución policial en Via Laietana acaba con un aparatoso accidente y el conductor fugado

El coche se empotró contra una marquesina de una parada de autobús a la altura de plaza Urquinaona

29 Nov 10:49 La Vanguardia 8061072700655729991.html
CF - Milan, ecco l'impatto sul bilancio rossonero dell'eventuale ritorno di Ibra

Il portale Calcio e Finanza pubblica oggi un articolo sul possibile ritorno in rossonero di Zlatan Ibrahimovic e sull'impatto che il suo arrivo avrebbe sul bilancio del Milan (clicca qui per leggere l'articolo completo). Il club di via Aldo Rossi, secondo le indiscrezioni che circolano nelle ultime settimane, avrebbe offerto allo svedese un contratto di 18 mesi con un ingaggio complessivo da 6 milioni di euro. Uno stipendio netto da 6 milioni equivale a circa 10,5 milioni di euro lordi: di questi 3,5 milioni andrebbero ad impattare sul bilancio 2019/2020, mentre gli altri sette milioni andrebbero conteggiati sul bilancio successivo (2020/2021). Nel caso di Ibrahimovic, con un contratto da 18 mesi, le agevolazioni fiscali previste dal Decreto Crescita non possono essere applicate.  

29 Nov 14:12 MilanNews.it 6507305922608828132.html
Verstappen satisfied with opening day in Abu Dhabi

Max Verstappen finished second and fifth during the opening two sessions of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, and despite the contrasting results, the Dutchman is still relatively pleased with the day's work.

29 Nov 15:43 GPblog.com 9117728198512911192.html
Lorella Boccia Instagram, body nero sensualissimo: fianchi nudi e scollatura accendono social… e marito!

Rischio coronarie sull’account Instagram di Lorella Boccia: l’immagine della ballerina partenopea è l’incarnazione della seduzione e della passionalità.

29 Nov 15:25 UrbanPost 2450570492891248257.html
Un muerto y varios heridos en ataque en Puente de Londres

Videos publicados en las redes sociales muestran a una multitud de personas corriendo para abandonar el puente y ponerse a resguardo

29 Nov 10:58 El Mañana 6247220758115700466.html
Verlaat Kevin Mirallas Antwerp al voor deze club uit Jupiler Pro League?

Kevin Mirallas kwam flink in aanvaring met Laszlo Bölöni afgelopen week tegen AA Gent. De aanvaller stond klaar om in te vallen, maar ging in de plaats naar de kleedkamers.

29 Nov 10:00 Voetbal24 8097814616386516089.html
Trevor Noah and Lupita Nyongo spark dating rumor

Trevor Noah And Lupita Nyongo Spark Dating Rumor after The internet went abuzz that the two might be dating, after all, this is after Trevor Noah posted

29 Nov 10:32 iHarare News 2755902707153501554.html
Amid 'air apocalypse', mask-clad Lahore looks for answers

Lahore’s worsen­ing air qualit­y has led it to overta­ke New Delhi on some days as the most pollut­ed city in the world

29 Nov 10:14 The Express Tribune 1105816787829443348.html
Laura Escanes emociona con su felicitación a Risto Mejide

En su 45 cumpleaños

29 Nov 13:34 LOS40 2217396490830422577.html
Nach CL-Rekord: Auszeichnung für Robert Lewandowski

Nach seiner Gala im Champions-League-Spiel gegen Roter Stern Belgrad darf sich Robert Lewandowski vom FC Bayern über die nächste Auszeichnung freuen.

29 Nov 13:20 sport.de 3321967091888971281.html
Feuerwache in der Oeltzschnerstraße erhält Unterstützung

In der Feuerwache in der Merseburger Oeltzschnerstraße können die Feuerwehrmänner Andreas Koch (l.) und Michael Aurich im Fitnessraum bald auf einem neuen Fahrradergometer trainieren. Wie Ordnungsamtschef Folkmar Bothe im Ordnungsausschuss ankündigte, hat die Stadt unter anderem diese Anschaffung in den Haushalt für das kommende Jahr ...

29 Nov 14:25 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110278087163.html
Deur doet het niet meer, reizigers moeten volle trein uit

Arriva heeft donderdagavond in Arnhem een treinstel ontruimd na een storing met een toegangsdeur. Dat bevestigt een woordvoerster van de spoorvervoerder na een klacht.

29 Nov 11:19 Omroep Gelderland 9177932616150748203.html
Mooi: jonge fans vertellen over favoriet Ziyech na 'veldbestormer' in Lille

Mooie beelden bij De Wereld Draait Door. Het programma nodigde zes jonge fans van Hakim Ziyech uit, nadat tijdens het Champions League-duel met Lille een jongen het veld op rende voor de Marokkaanse spelmaker van Ajax. Ziyech stelde na afloop 'vereerd' te zijn en gaf de jonge supporter zijn shirt. De zes jonge fans vertellen bij DWDD over hun eigen voorliefde voor Ziyech. Ze zijn bovendien niet te beroerd om de middenvelder transferadvies te geven. Clubs als Real Madrid, Liverpool en Juventus worden genoemd. De tip om bij Ajax te blijven kan echter op de meeste bijval rekenen. 'Vereerde' Ziyech: 'Ik zei dat hij sowieso mijn shirt zou krijgen' Prachtig moment bij Lille - Ajax: Ziyech knuffelt kleine 'veldbestormer'

29 Nov 10:55 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883636871362.html
Isolierte Familie in Holland : Zweiter Österreicher monatelang gequält

Medienberichten zufolge, die sich auf Zeugenaussagen aus den Behördenakten berufen, soll ein zweiter involvierter Mann aus Österreich (69) nicht nur monatelang festgehalten, sondern auch gequält worden sein.

29 Nov 12:29 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700326899514.html
Telford's Gavin Cowan tells Zak Lilly to blossom

Gavin Cowan wants to see more consistency from Zak Lilly as the defender battles to keep his place in AFC Telford’s starting line-up.

29 Nov 10:07 Shropshire Star 3480199992714859056.html
WWE Rumors: Real reason behind EC3's absence revealed

This is just unfortunate.

29 Nov 12:43 sportskeeda 1601194027516572738.html
India Offers Over $400 Million Credit Line to Sri Lanka During President Rajapaksa's Visit

New Delhi (Sputnik): India has responded positively to a request by one of its largest trading partners in South Asia, Sri Lanka, for economic assistance and counter-terrorism efforts, as well as intelligence cooperation during delegation-level talks held in New Delhi.

29 Nov 14:08 Sputniknews 967333867973411702.html
UK PM Johnson Reveals When Britain Will Leave EU

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday said that Britain would leave the EU by January 31, Concise News reports.

29 Nov 11:49 Concise 5544636823698364473.html
On the outside, it's a Christmas market but behind it is an incredible story

In the midst of renovating a building to set up a new business with her husband, Stephanie Prentice thought everything in life was going well."I had no

29 Nov 15:00 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244191383839.html
Flamebait Friday Debate: To Black Friday or nah?

Woah, it’s Black Friday! What a wild, random event of hyper-capitalistic nightmares distilled into a single day that always falls after Thanksgiving…a holiday we don’t even celebrate here. Look, I …

29 Nov 10:30 Critical Hit 8797780291796420415.html
Izdali Končno poročilo o preverjanju izvajanja 2. faze projekta SRIPT

Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo (MGRT) je izdalo Končno poročilo o preverjanju izvajanja 2. faze projekta SRIPT. Poročilo ugotavlja nepravilnosti Turistično gostinske zbornice Slovenije (TGZS) pri izvajanju projekta.MGRT je v letošnjem letu, ob prejemu dokumentacije 3. zahtevka za izplačilo Turisti ...

29 Nov 13:20 Prlekija on net 5500439795989566408.html
Hurtado volvió a ser convocado en Konyaspor

Y un día volvió. El volante peruano, Paolo Hurtado se recuperó de una larga lesión que lo mantuvo alejado de las canchas 173 días y fue considerado por el técnico del Konyaspor para el duelo del fin de semana frente al Rizespor. El 'Caballito' quien sufrió una fractura del quinto metatarsiano, tuvo que esperar cerca de tres meses para poder volver a aparecer en la convocatoria del equipo turco, que visitará al Rizespor por la jornada 13 de la Superliga.

29 Nov 14:57 Ovación 4766812596457622417.html
Un muerto y dos heridos tras balacera en Central de Abasto, CDMX

Un presunto asaltante muerto y dos heridos fue el saldo de una balacera registrada este viernes en la Central de Abasto, CDMX

29 Nov 13:54 EL DEBATE 4396150893710211074.html
Bolivia anula decreto que eximía de responsabilidad penal a militares en las protestas

La presidenta interina de Bolivia, Jeaninie Áñez, dijo que la anulación del decreto obedece a que “gracias a Dios y a la compresión de todos los sectores del país hemos logrado la ansiada pacificación”.

29 Nov 13:34 Crónica 1134283328634920121.html
Pugilat au parlement du Lesotho au sujet du mohair

Les parlementaires du Lesotho en sont venus aux mains dans l’hémicycle au sujet d’une régulation controversée accordant à une entreprise chinoise le monopole de l’achat de mohair produit par ce petit pays pauvre d’Afrique australe, ont rapporté vendredi les médias locaux. Le Lesotho a introduit l’an dernier une nouvelle législation obligeant les agriculteurs à vendre […]

29 Nov 14:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092585022464943.html
The First Suikoden is an Underrated Gem for the PS1

If there’s one series I wish more gamers knew about, it’s Suikoden.

29 Nov 15:37 Kotaku UK 2577526046093153973.html
El sector hoteler rebutja que el COI faci a Airbnb soci preferent

El Global ReformBNB recorda l'incompliment "sistemàtic" de les normatives locals per part de la plataforma

29 Nov 11:25 El Punt Avui 4496725670876620091.html
Zurich airport outbids Adani, DIAL to build Delhi-NCR’s second airport in Jewar town

Zurich International had developed the Kempegowda International airport in Bengaluru in partnership with other companies.

29 Nov 14:16 Scroll.in 8669301692354553007.html
Aston Villa boss Dean Smith signs new deal

LONDON, Nov 29 — Aston Villa manager Dean Smith has signed a new four-year contract, the Premier League club announced today. Smith guided Villa back to the Premier League last season via the Championship play-offs after replacing Steve Bruce at Villa Park in October 2018. “I’m really happy...

29 Nov 14:49 Malaymail 302165935089504541.html
Neuer EU-Ratspräsident Michel will "durchsetzungsfähiges" Europa

Der neue EU-Ratspräsident Charles Michel will Europa zu einem stärkeren Akteur auf internationaler Bühne machen. Die EU habe "jeden Grund, um zuversichtlich, selbstbewusst und durchsetzungsstark" zu sein.

29 Nov 13:00 bz BASEL 5287163742136536814.html
Cette application transforme votre iPhone en iPod Classic

Un développeur nostalgique a décidé de recréer l'interface de l'iPod sur un iPhone. Et le résultat est très convaincant.

29 Nov 12:00 RTBF Tendance 2262420855722337385.html
Resolution: Info-Redakteure von ORF 1 beklagen "Missstände"

Die ORF 1-Inforedakteure fordern Wrabetz, Totzauer und Geier auf, eine Versetzung und Kürzungen im Info-Bereich rückgängig zu machen.

29 Nov 15:05 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699353935213.html
Fatal accidente: chofer de tráiler muere en la carretera a Chetumal

Aparentemente la pesada unidad se quedó sin frenos y eso causó el mortal percance.

29 Nov 10:06 SIPSE.com 4008460418384874257.html
Sichern Sie sich heute neue Bluetooth-Kopfhörer!

Alle sind im Shoppingfieber! Schon der gestrige Black Friday startete mit tollen Angeboten. Amazon verlängert das Shopping-Wochenende und hat auch am ...

29 Nov 12:49 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092788584175.html
Shylock: Teaser Of Mammootty’s Action Drama To Be Attached With THIS Film?

Mollywood megastar Mammootty has his hands full with multiple projects. The veteran actor who was last seen on big screens in Ganagandharvan is all busy these days with promotions of his upcoming rele

29 Nov 10:19 Koimoi 5184275671514674516.html
De Lima lashes at Palace for Midler rebuke, says she was just telling the truth

Opposition Senator Leila M. de Lima on Friday slammed Malacañang for criticizing American Actress Bette Midler who classified President Duterte as among the world’s most detestable leaders.

29 Nov 10:13 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199858855621.html
Amazon nel mirino dell’UE: il problema dei prodotti contraffatti

Il problema in questo caso riguarda i prodotti contraffatti presenti in vendita sulla piattaforma di Amazon, prodotti che la società non controlla

29 Nov 14:00 tecnoandroid 2573257128204908654.html
NAF destroys terrorists’ gun trucks in Borno

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) said on Friday its Air Task Force (ATF) of Operation LAFIYA DOLE has destroyed two Boko Haram terrorists’ gun trucks

29 Nov 10:19 Vanguard News 4125100339104010782.html
Ahmed Baba of Timbuktu, the greatest African scholar of the 16th Century you should know

He may have been a controversial figure due to his legal opinions on slavery. Ahmed Baba, a prolific writer and Islamic scholar from Timbuktu, wrote in a treatise on slavery that “Muslims could not be held as slaves”, irrespective of their origin and skin color. But he wasn’t really against slavery as he thought the...

29 Nov 10:06 Face2Face Africa 5878198129443447218.html
Sparatoria al London Bridge: zona evacuata, diversi feriti. Scotland Yard conferma: si tratta di terrorismo

Attimi di panico a Londra quando un uomo ha cominciato a sparare sulla folla al London Bridge, la polizia ha evecuato la zona e arrestato un uomo.

29 Nov 15:32 NewNotizie 1312053897152034835.html
Tiburones aprovechó pifias de Tigres para escalar al tercer puesto en la tabla de posiciones

No siempre gana el que más hits conecte en un juego, pero si, el que se aprovecha de las pifias del contrario. Esto fue lo que aplicaron los Tiburones de La Guaira para ganar 5 a 4 a los Tigres de Aragua en el Estadio Universitario. Los bengalíes abrieron la cuenta con out forzado en […]

29 Nov 12:53 El Carabobeño 125457438019777652.html
Aduanas sin corrupción ante la llegada de connacionales

La Administración de Aduanas recibirá las denuncias en tiempo real en la aplicación móvil Denuncia Paisano y trabajará en coordinación con la SFP

29 Nov 15:41 Regeneración 4314126175979985776.html
Sacerdotes da IURD de Angola afastam-se de liderança brasileira

Os pastores angolanos destacam que "não se reveem nem concordam" com atitudes e práticas da liderança brasileira, incluindo a vasectomia obrigatória aos pastores solteiros e casados.

29 Nov 15:46 SÁBADO 5711459691281363324.html
Attac sorgte für kurzfristige Blockade von Amazon-Lager

Im Rahmen einer Protestaktion hat die globalisierungskritische Nichtregierungsorganisation Attac am Freitagvormittag für rund eine halbe Stunde die Ausfahrt des Amazon-Verteilzentrums in Großebersdorf (Bezirk Mistelbach) blockiert.

29 Nov 13:20 NÖN.at 2486998932897620673.html
Miss Hitler è una sciocchezza, il terrorismo neonazista no

Ennesima operazione contro un gruppo di estrema destra armato e con obiettivi precisi: la tolleranza di questi anni, e la timidezza delle istituzioni, hanno consentito a una rete di mitomani, neofascisti e criminali di "crederci"

29 Nov 10:48 Wired 7504010957615928147.html
Gov’t bid to save wealth case vs Marcoses junked

FOR failing to present new arguments, the motion for reconsideration filed by the government in connection with the dismissal of the case against Marcoses and Tantocos was dismissed by the Sandiganbayan.

29 Nov 12:12 Journal Online 6375127393206094320.html
Five-year-old boy dies in Bacolod fire

BACOLOD CITY – A five-year-old boy died in a fire that razed four houses at Purok Sigay, Brgy. 2 on Thursday, Nov. 28.

29 Nov 10:57 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199387126944.html
Sattmacher-Rezepte mit Erbsen, Linsen und Bohnen

Linsen sind eine Delikatesse, wenn sie richtig zubereitet. Erbsen oder Bohnen schmecken, sind gesund und können so viel mehr sein, als eine ungeliebte Beilage.

29 Nov 12:39 MDR 5336324388651467022.html
XXXLutz-Gruppe übernimmt von der Migros sechs Interio-Läden

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 10:34 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774703244904.html
Borse poco mosse, stabili euro e spread

Seduta interlocutoria per le borse europee, con Wall Street incerta. Il Dow Jones e il Nasdaq hanno aperto in leggero calo e la maggior parte dei listini del Vecchio Continente non si discosta dalla parità, compresa Milano che segna -0,05% mentre Londra cede mezzo punto. Gli investitori sono in attesa di segnali sui rapporti tra Usa e Cina e preferiscono non prendere posizione. Lo spread Btp/Bund scende a 159 punti base con il rendimento dei nostri decennali all’1 e 23%. Stabile infine l’euro a quota 1 e 10 contro dollaro.

29 Nov 15:48 rainews 442831847518705405.html
1MORE Triple Driver Over-Ear Headphones – Audiophile made affordable

1MORE has done a superlative job in bringing great-sounding audio – the sort that’d keep audiophiles happy – to more mainstream wallets. While their headsets and IEMS are far from cheap, they deliv…

29 Nov 15:00 Critical Hit 8797780291876343020.html
Scarlets, Cardiff Blues, Ospreys and Dragons team news: How regions are coping in PRO14 without their Wales stars this weekend

The Barbarians match clashes with a full round of PRO14 fixtures

29 Nov 14:56 Wales Online 7686550516250536682.html
Nigerian Hollywood actor John Boyega speaks on movie Stars Wars

Nigerian Hollywood actor John Boyega has shared some juicy details about his upcoming film Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. While joining in on Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon on November 27, Boyega revealed some things.

29 Nov 15:36 Legit 3764253649943264557.html
Asamblea Nacional critica al Parlamento Europeo por pedir la liberación de José Daniel Ferrer

La Comisión de Relaciones Internacionales de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular rechazó la Resolución Común (2019/2929(RSP) que pide además un juicio justo para el líder de UNPACU.

29 Nov 11:41 CiberCuba 8213836169972874954.html
Portland has already fallen in love with Carmelo Anthony

Melo Mania has hit Portland. About 45 minutes before Anthony even played his first home game with the Trail Blazers on Wednesday night, his jersey was already sold out in the team store, according to

29 Nov 15:51 New York Post 7654946768571946062.html
Stand by my statement terming Pragya Thakur 'terrorist': Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi also claimed that Thakur believed in violence, the way Nathuram Godse did.

29 Nov 12:56 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363787665383.html
Bottas and Grosjean collide but Finn tops FP2

Valtteri Bottas topped a quiet free practice 2 session in Abu Dhabi, followed by his teammate Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc in third. The Finn topped FP1 earlier in the day and he continued his control at the Yas Marina Circuit.`

29 Nov 13:53 GPblog.com 9117728198742345664.html
"Lettera aperta a tutti coloro che amano il calcio". Rossoblù contro il razzismo

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:05 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207613897130.html
Motomondiale: Angel Nieto Team cambia nome, ritorna Aspar Team

Si chiude il periodo del Angel Nieto Team, ritorna la denominazione Aspar Team. Sfide rinnovate tra Moto2 e Moto3, sempre ricordando il 13 volte iridato.

29 Nov 13:47 Corsedimoto 8217505416024662408.html
Santander y HSBC tendrán que devolver a sus clientes en Reino Unido lo cobrado por descubiertos sin alerta

Según el regulador bancario británico, ambas entidades no enviaron alertas mediante SMS a sus clientes antes de empezar a cobrarles por un descubierto no pactado.

29 Nov 10:09 www.publico.es 99190978128255740.html
Springboks will have a new coach by Christmas

Rassie Erasmus' successor as Springbok coach will - hopefully - be named by the end of the year.

29 Nov 12:01 Sport 682566035820782755.html
Confira dicas para vencer no jogo Call of Duty Mobile

Se você deseja vencer suas batalhas no jogo Call of Duty Mobile, é importante compreender as características do jogo. Confira nossas dicas!

29 Nov 12:45 Canaltech 6267437388606991744.html
Confira dicas para vencer no jogo Call of Duty Mobile

Se você deseja vencer suas batalhas no jogo Call of Duty Mobile, é importante compreender as características do jogo. Confira nossas dicas!

29 Nov 12:45 Canaltech 6267437388153867903.html
Villamejor, Gladiateur y Veil Picard cierran una gran temporada

«Liberri» y «Rondico», favoritos del Gran Premio Villamejor; «Hipodamo de Mileto», en el Entre Copas–Gladiateur; y «Pravia», en el Veil Picard

29 Nov 12:18 ABC.es 6074573463628023728.html
Nieoficjalnie: Soboń wiceministrem w resorcie Aktywów Państwowych

Jak podaje serwis money.pl, Artur Soboń ma zostać wiceszefem resortu Aktywów Państwowych.

29 Nov 11:25 Do Rzeczy 474976676488589479.html
Mesut Uçakan to receive Presidential Award for cinema

Mesut Uçakan has been honored with a Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Award for his lifelong efforts to showcase the national and local identity of...

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944809420043811.html
Single dad 'overcome with joy' after holding adopted daughter with Down syndrome for the first time

Alba was given up for adoption by her mother because she has Down syndrome

29 Nov 10:39 Wales Online 7686550516372912008.html
Streit um Macrons „Hirntod“-Diagnose eskaliert vor Nato-Gipfel

Paris bestellt nach Äußerungen Erdogans den Botschafter der Türkei ein.

29 Nov 15:19 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110738005811.html
Granddad loses his nose after his face was ravaged by cancer

'Mums with prams will steer their buggies away from me. I look at people and they will cross the road. It's soul-destroying.'

29 Nov 10:21 Metro 970161747068135389.html
Legisladores analizan viabilidad del registro de ocho aspirantes a la CEDH

En reunión privada, integrantes de las comisiones unidas de Derechos Humanos y Justicia analizan la procedencia o no de los registros de ocho aspirantes a

29 Nov 14:03 MiMorelia 5599511489544830615.html
Los vertederos de la Comunidad de Madrid, al borde del colapso

Para el año 2035, según las medidas derivadas de la aplicación del paquete de economía circular de la UE, solo podrá acabar en los vertederos un máximo de un 10 % de... #basura #residuos #vertedero

29 Nov 10:30 TICbeat 5328802416294025883.html
"A Segre e Haffner la cittadinanza onoraria". Ma la sinistra dice no

Bassano del Grappa, il centro destra propone di dare la cittadinanza onoraria anche a Egea Haffner, oltre che a Liliana Segre, ma l'opposizione non ci sta

29 Nov 12:14 ilGiornale.it 5019541225280849324.html
Mushtaq Ali Trophy: Mithun picks five in six balls, enters record book

Mithun had snared a hat-trick in the Vijay Hazare Trophy final against Tamil Nadu last month

29 Nov 12:28 Business-Standard 1502508926701863974.html
El futuro judicial de Erick Pulgar vive un complicado panorama

El volante de Bologna enfrenta una demanda civil y la próxima semana se iniciarán los alegatos en un juzgado en Santiago.

29 Nov 13:21 Publimetro Chile 2498685483472146758.html
Carro capotou no parque de estacionamento do hospital da Prelada

Uma viatura capotou no parque de estacionamento do hospital da Prelada, esta sexta-feira de manhã, no Porto.

29 Nov 11:05 JN 6956494303428995813.html
Ftse Mib: a rischio nuovi cali. I titoli che meritano attenzione

Per il Ftse Mib la tendenza rialzista di medio è confermata, ma nel breve è probabile un consolidamento con possibili accelerazioni ribassiste.

29 Nov 13:05 Trend Online 3268043278645115848.html
Why Scott Morrison’s phone call to a police chief matters

It’s time we took a civics lesson and ask some serious questions about the Prime Minister's actions this week.

29 Nov 12:30 The Age 7967730563064746745.html
Frauen-Nachwuchsteams kennen nächste Quali-Gegner

Die österreichischen Nationalteams der Frauen in den Altersklassen U19 und U17 kennen ihre Gegner in der Eliterunde der EM-Qualifikation

29 Nov 14:27 weltfussball.at 3521376371205938734.html
Reaparecen imágenes del espectacular accidente de Sonic en el desfile de Acción de Gracias

Han pasado 26 años desde el aparatoso incidente que dejó a dos heridos de diferente gravedad. Pikachu se ha visto convertido en un enorme globo en el desfile de Acción de Gracias de Nueva York de...

29 Nov 14:00 3DJuegos 3383023118423966917.html
Diane Kruger shows rare photo of daughter on vacation with Norman Reedus

Diane Kruger admitted she has a lot to be thankful for this holiday season.

29 Nov 15:27 Fox News 7362823821393347294.html
Pep Guardiola is asked his views about Newcastle United and Steve Bruce - here's his reply

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola is eager to put last season's 2-1 loss behind him

29 Nov 13:48 ChronicleLive 1984146902419895305.html
Every time Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have opened up about their relationship

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend recently celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary, but have been together for more than 13 years.

29 Nov 15:51 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883161495915.html
Bologna, Mihajlovic su Ibra: "Ci siamo sentiti, ma ha anche altre ipotesi. Bisogna aspettare"

Nel corso della conferenza stampa odierna, l'allenatore del Bologna Sinisa Mihajlovic s'è espresso anche sul possibile arrivo di Zlatan Ibrahimovic

29 Nov 15:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080801227082.html
In Albania, a race to save lives on ground that keeps shaking

With each piece of rubble pulled off the twisted pile of steel and concrete that used to be a four-story home, Luca Martino and his rescue dog, Foglia, were called into action.

29 Nov 10:10 Bdnews24 8119004128756627248.html
Besoffener Kid Rock pöbelt Oprah Winfrey an

Bei seinem Auftritt im eigenen Nachtklub guckt Kid Rock offensichtlich viel zu tief ins Glas. Denn statt sich seiner Musik zu widmen, lässt der Rocksänger eine vulgäre Schimpftirade gegen Talkshow-Legende Oprah Winfrey los. Das Publikum wirft ihm Rassismus vor.

29 Nov 15:53 n-tv 6802689754398590431.html
External hard drives are going cheap on Amazon UK

Back up your documents with these external HDs.

29 Nov 10:38 PC Gamer 9149753396114311232.html
Ruinerwold: War Josef, der Österreicher in Wirklichkeit Opfer?

Der Sektenvater missbrauchte seine Kinder und verkrüppelte Josef, den Österreicher. Das Leben auf dem Bauernhof war die Hölle.

29 Nov 10:09 Kurier 208072238339285429.html
Iquitos: Alumnos reciben clases en la calle por fallas en estructuras de colegio

Se trata del colegio Santa Rosa del Amazonas, ubicado en el distrito de Punchana, donde los padres de familia tomaron esta medida porque temen que estructuras se derrumben

29 Nov 13:48 canalN.pe 1595273588573261192.html
Moskau rückt aufgrund der Eröffnung des Digital Business Space in die Top-10 der globalen Startup-Rangliste vor

Moskau rückt in der Rangliste der für Start-ups günstigen Städte nach oben und wird in Kürze zu den drei besten Standorten der Welt gehören, was Anzahl und Qualität der Start-ups, Infrastruktur, …

29 Nov 15:02 OTS.at 4182160710337563825.html
Corea del Norte y Rusia realizaron lanzamientos de misiles en la víspera

Por otro lado, Seúl denunció que Corea del Norte realizó un experimento parecido, en una situación que se enmarca en otra problemática. “El 28 de noviembre de 2019 las tropas de misiles estratégicos realizaron el lanzamiento del misil balístico intercontinental del sistema terrestre de misiles Tópol sobre plataforma móvil desde la base de Kapustin Yar, […]

29 Nov 15:02 El Eco 4177735525338162443.html
Gold heads for biggest monthly drop in 3 years on US-China talks optimism

The precious metal is down 3.6% this month, the most since November 2016, when Trump won the US presidential election

29 Nov 13:52 Business-Standard 1502508924592781111.html
Williams, Robert Morris visit Cleveland St.

Robert Morris (2-6) vs. Cleveland State (3-4)

29 Nov 11:30 WFXT 6395891953560512769.html
Iron Maiden And West Ham Announce Football Kit Collaboration

Iron Maiden have teamed up with Steve Harris' beloved West Ham Football Club for a new collaboration, Die With Your Boots On.

29 Nov 11:31 Kerrang! 370418007355219014.html
Bundesliga: Sturm muss in Tirol "sein bestes Gesicht zeigen"

Keiner möchte vor dem Spiel zwischen WSG Tirol und dem SK Sturm am Samstag (17 Uhr) die Favoritenrolle übernehmen. Sturm-Trainer Nestor El Maestro fordert von seinen Spielern hohe Intensität.

29 Nov 13:28 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700429670152.html
VIDEO: Fantasma aterroriza a compradores de una plaza comercial en Cancún

A m&aacute;s de una persona se le pudieron los pelos de punta cuando observo esta misteriosa aparici&oacute;n.

29 Nov 11:15 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624158162757.html
Iron Maiden y West Ham se unieron para lanzar camiseta conmemorativa

El club inglés puso a la venta la tricota inspirada en la "Doncella de Hierro". Steve Harris y Pablo Zabaleta la mostraron en sociedad.

29 Nov 14:40 Futuro 2617238416944471409.html
La Policía mata al supuesto autor del ataque terrorista en el puente de Londres

Portaba un artefacto adosado al cuerpo que resultó ser un falso explosivo // Varios heridos por apuñalamiento

29 Nov 11:25 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069476855579350.html
SoCal storm: Rain, snow continue on Friday

Some rain and snow will continue to fall in Southern California on Friday and intermittently over the next several days.

29 Nov 13:47 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010440237204092.html
'Hiccup-free' Complexifier begins climb up the class ladder

Horse Racing news: 'Hiccup-free' Complexifier begins climb up the class ladder.

29 Nov 14:46 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535432474968.html
Enugu state teachers seek 65 years retirement age

The Association of Primary School Head Teachers of Nigeria , Enugu state Wing, has called for the extension of retirement age in the state.

29 Nov 12:38 Vanguard News 4125100340032539631.html
How to download, install, manage and use custom fonts on your iPhone and iPad

Learn how you can download, install and manage custom fonts from App Store, as well as use them in documents you create on your iPhone or iPad.

29 Nov 14:56 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243715031868249.html
How to download, install, manage and use custom fonts on your iPhone and iPad

Learn how you can download, install and manage custom fonts from App Store, as well as use them in documents you create on your iPhone or iPad.

29 Nov 14:56 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716182833642.html
Arsenal: Emery esonerato, ma Allegri rifiuta: non vuole entrare a stagione in corso

ROMA – Massimiliano Allegri non sarà l’allenatore dell’Arsenal, almeno non subito. Il nome dell’ex tecnico della Juventus era stato prepotentemente accostato alla panchiana della squadra inglese, rimasta orfana di guida dopo l’ultimo turno di Europa League. Infatti l’Arsenal ha annunciato l’esonero di Unay Emery. Il tecnico spagnolo, ex Siviglia ed ex Psg, era arrivato in Premier nella stagione 2018-2019. Al suo posto, per ora, il suo vice ed ex giocatore dei Gunners, Freddie Ljungberg. Ma tra i candidati alla successione c’erano (a sentire i giornali specializzati) Espirito Santo, ora tecnico del Wolverhampton, e anche Allegri. L’Arsenal ha perso in casa in Europa League con l’Eintracht Francoforte, 1-2, non vince da sette partite, l’ultimo successo in campionato risale al 6 ottobre scorso ed è otto punti sotto il quarto posto.Catania, minacciano e rubano sciarpa a tifosi Bari: arrestati 2 ultras etneiMihajlovic, la sorpresa della squadra. Dzemaili: “Ci sei mancato”. E lui: “Fanno di tutto per non allenarsi…”…

29 Nov 14:09 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355187092536.html
Dos muertes y un falso chaleco explosivo: otro atentado golpea la capital británica

El puente de Londres volvió a ser el escenario de otro atentado terrorista cuando un hombre portando un cuchillo apuñalo a varias personas.

29 Nov 14:36 La Información 5328999781898037003.html
Ringgit ends slightly lower against US dollar

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — The ringgit ended slightly lower against the US dollar today in line the decline in global crude oil prices which affected the local note’s valuation, said a dealer. At 6pm, the ringgit settled at 4.1750/1780 against the greenback compared with yesterday’s close of...

29 Nov 10:38 Malaymail 302165935073989291.html
Unai Emery Dipecat Arsenal, Simak 7 Rapor Buruknya

Arsenal akhirnya memecat pelatih Unai Emery, Jumat. Ia untuk sementara digantikan Freddie Ljungberg.

29 Nov 12:46 Tempo 6731898377268386228.html
Borse: Buzzi Unicem in profondo rosso, pesa bocciatura di Morgan Stanley

La società avrebbe abbassato il rating da "equalweight" a "underweight" e il target price da 21 a 20 euro per azione.

29 Nov 13:47 InvestireOggi 7231367743043558281.html
Víctimas de desplazamiento, con mayor tendencia a padecer trastornos de salud mental

Depresión, ideación suicida y ansiedad, son los trastornos mentales que más tienden a presentarse en zonas de conflicto según un estudio realizado por las Universidades de los Andes y de York (Reino Unido). ¿Por qué? Entrevista.

29 Nov 11:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067544371427549.html
Judge Approves Demolition of Home Where 5-Year-Old AJ Freund Was Allegedly Murdered

A judge has approved the demolition of the home where 5-year-old Illinois boy Andrew “AJ” Freund Jr. was allegedly murdered. This comes after a man obtained the residence at an auction, and through his attorney, announced initial plans to renovate the house, according to The Chicago Tribune.

29 Nov 13:46 Law & Crime 7990899036322818626.html
Nato: Erdogan si scaglia contro Macron

Il presidente francese Emmanuel "Macron ha detto che la Nato è in stato di morte cerebrale. Macron, ascolta cosa ti dico dalla Turchia, lo dirò anche alla Nato: prima di tutto fai controllare la tua morte cerebrale". (ANSA)

29 Nov 13:21 ANSA.it 1300837448669150114.html
LTFRB to review Grab’s fare structure

Following the P23-million fine imposed by the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) against Grab Philippines, transport regulators will review the ride-sharing firm's fare setting scheme to determine any violation on existing agency policies.

29 Nov 10:41 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200997686127.html
France to summon Turkish envoy after Erdogan's 'insults': Elysee

PARIS (Reuters) - France’s Foreign Ministry will summon Turkey’s ambassador following insulting comments made by President Tayyip Erdogan, a French presidency official said on Friday.

29 Nov 14:52 Reuters 8334514181597455201.html
The Government Has Not Educated The Public Enough About The Importance Of The Year Of Return – Shatta Wale

Multiple Award-winning Dancehall artist Shatta Wale has taken a swipe at the government’s  for failing to educate the public on their “Year of Return” initiative. According to Shatta Wale, most Ghanaians are clueless about the initiative and he blames the government for not doing enough to educate citizens on the rationale behind the campaign. “We […]

29 Nov 13:27 GhBase.com 8689748847049323577.html
The official launch of Star Awards is scheduled for tomorrow, November 30

The wait is almost over as Ghana is going to witness the birth of Star Awards basically to recognise, appreciate and reward industry people who believe in excellence. The launch of the maiden edition of Star Awards is scheduled to take place tomorrow, November 30, 29019 at Queens Sports Bar and Restaurant at Ahodwo Nhyieso-Kumasi […]

29 Nov 12:30 GhBase.com 8689748846918540690.html
El Ministerio Público allana las oficinas de la Confiep

El magistrado del equipo Lava Jato, José Domingo Pérez, dirige las diligencias  

29 Nov 14:15 canalN.pe 1595273586756226582.html
Tahap Pertama Proyek Pelabuhan Patimban Kelar Juni 2020

Presiden Jokowi menargetkan tahap pertama proyek Pelabuhan Patimban akan rampung pada Juni 2020.

29 Nov 14:30 detikfinance 4442190000406812233.html
Señalado de atropellar a estudiantes pide perdón antes de escuchar sentencia

“Quiero pedir perdón por los daños que ocasioné”, expresó Jabes Meda, quien enfrenta juicio por arrollar a un grupo de alumnos de la Escuela de Comercio en la calzada San Juan, en 2017.

29 Nov 14:08 Publinews 8987875304067438839.html
Enugu teachers seek 65 years retirement age - The Nation Newspaper

The Association of Primary School Head Teachers of Nigeria (AOPSHON), Enugu state Wing, has called for the extension of teachers...

29 Nov 13:54 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901739160960.html
Singer KT Tunstall to perform at string of Lidl stores in tour of Scotland

The singerwill perform for charity as part of the week-long tour at a mixture of stores, local school and the firm's suppliers.

29 Nov 13:47 dailyrecord 552235479949902044.html
Funciones gratuitas para conmemorar un nuevo día del cine chileno

Aprovecha este panorama para conmemorar el día del cine chileno, donde hay aplaudidas películas y documentales.

29 Nov 15:11 Rock&Pop 4910011591913022683.html
Governo de SC vai manter benefícios fiscais às cervejarias artesanais

A Secretaria da Fazenda de Santa Catarina emitiu nota esclarecendo que as cervejarias artesanais do Estado não irão perder benefícios fiscais. Um novo projeto de lei que mexe nos incentivos, que aportou nesta semana na Assembleia Legislativa, afetaria o setor, mas o governo informou que houve um erro e que uma das cláusulas da proposta, similar à do Rio Grande do Sul, será alterada para que o segmento mantenha as mesmas condições.

29 Nov 15:55 NSC Total 4216767907699103355.html
Soldat von Hunden getötet : Schutzreaktion war laut Bundesheer möglicher Auslöser

Bundesheer teilte am freitag "vermuteten Hergang" mit. 31-jähriger Hundesführer wurde am Donnerstag beigesetzt.

29 Nov 15:30 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699623421353.html
Santander y HSBC tendrán que devolver a sus clientes en Reino Unido lo cobrado por descubiertos sin alerta

Banco Santander y HSBC han asumido el incumplimiento de una ley británica que obliga a las entidades a avisar a los clientes cuando sus cuentas quedan en descubierto, por lo que tendrán que devolver los importes cobrados y no pactados.

29 Nov 12:36 elEconomista.es 9051559958501755088.html
Huawei set to sue FCC for defamation (and the ban thing, obviously)

Dragon got claws

29 Nov 10:47 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887307128978883.html
Railway worker and enthusiast, 23, died after parking car on level crossing

Matthew Ryder, 23, who had no history of previous mental health problems, deliberately drove his car under barriers at a crossing and waited beside it on March 28, an inquest heard

29 Nov 14:04 Wales Online 7686550515532039225.html
Bruno Fernandes eleito o melhor jogador da semana da Liga Europa

Depois dos dois golos e duas assistências frente ao PSV Eindhoven, na noite de quinta-feira, o médio Bruno Fernandes foi eleito o melhor jogador da semana da Liga Europa. 

29 Nov 15:58 A BOLA 2278827559018060036.html
Moreno begrijpt niets van gedwongen Spanje-vertrek: 'Wat heb ik verkeerd gedaan?'

Spanje-coach Robert Moreno weet nog steeds niet wat Luis Enrique er toe deed besluiten afscheid van hem te nemen bij het Spaanse elftal. Moreno werd doorgeschoven naar de positie van hoofdcoach nadat Luis Enrique zijn dochtertje verloor, maar die gaf tijdens zijn presentatie aan geen ruimte meer te hebben in zijn technische staf.

29 Nov 14:14 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216854910364.html
Se Greta viene a Roma... Salvini sfotte Raggi e disintegra i grillini

Matteo Salvini contro Virginia Raggi: se viene Greta a Roma scompare in una busa

29 Nov 11:52 Il Tempo 2494990961055146190.html
La parada en Gil Herrera

Antonio Maceo y los invasores orientales, junto al Consejo de Gobierno de la República en Armas, tras cruzar la Trocha Militar de Júcaro a Morón, efectuaron una parada en Gil Herrera.

29 Nov 14:16 Invasor 6887282889882077715.html
Homem usava falso colete de explosivos, diz polícia

No anúncio em que confirmou a morte do suspeito de ter atacado pessoas com uma faca na London Bridge, Neil Basu, assistente de comissariado da polícia de Londres, também afirmou que o homem vestia um falso colete com explosivos...

29 Nov 13:48 O Antagonista 1037429654030061593.html
Preview: OKC's Downtown in December includes more than 30 holiday events and attractions

Some of this weekend's kickoff activities, including the OKC Tree Lighting Festival, the season's first snow tubing sessions and the first Free Holiday Water Taxi Rides, have been shifted to Saturday due to Friday's rainy weather forecast.

29 Nov 14:45 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762034825004.html
Japanese fashion tycoon Maezawa shows off $900 million SoftBank payday

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan’s Yusaku Maezawa on Friday posted footage of a $900 million payday for the fashion magnate following his sale of a stake in Zozo Inc, the online fashion retailer he founded, to SoftBank Group Corp.

29 Nov 12:46 Reuters 8334514181138300286.html
Amazons neue Android-App findet den besten Preis – hat aber einen Haken

Die neue Amazon-App für Android-Nutzer soll die Schnäppchenjagd revolutionieren. Die Shopping-App zeigt dir beim Surfen, wo du die besten Preise findest.

29 Nov 10:31 futurezone.de 2257170160983755375.html
Chile confirma que Greta Thunberg participará en la agenda oficial de la ONU

El evento arranca el 2 de diciembre, en Madrid.

29 Nov 15:18 La Voz 6237180761219301515.html
GAZZETTA DELLO SPORT – Schöne-Sturaro, il Genoa a centrocampo mostra i muscoli

Sturaro ha convinto nel suo esordio stagionale a Ferrara: Thiago Motta sta pensando di schierarlo assieme al fuoriclasse danese

29 Nov 10:08 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982773152331096.html
Kontrak Baru Fede Valverde di Real Madrid, Klausul Pelepasan Rp11,6 Triliun

Real Madrid disebut telah memberikan kontrak baru untuk gelandang Federico Valverde. Dalam klausul kontraknya, nilai pelepasan pemain berusia 21 tahun tersebut bahkan lebih mahal dari Lionel Messi

29 Nov 14:33 Bola.net 5489959028024392912.html
Publisher says he’s hearing interest in non-profit turn

NEW YORK — The publisher of the nation’s first daily newspaper to be granted non-profit status says he’s since heard from a “few dozen” lawyers and news executives curious about whether the Salt Lake Tribune’s approach could work elsewhere. Tribune publisher Paul Huntsman learned earlier this month that the Internal Revenue Service had approved the …

29 Nov 12:14 City NEWS 1130 5858657120508906343.html
Devon Windsor & Lorena Rae Rock Skimpy Swimwear On A Yacht

The Victoria’s Secret models are stripping down. Victoria’s Secret models Devon Windsor and Lorena Rae stripped down in a new snap to promote the former’s swimwear line, Devon ...

29 Nov 14:21 The Inquisitr 1745625230934254908.html
Papa Francesco contro l'eutanasia, 'non ha basi giuridiche'

'Il diritto di morire è stato inventato da una giurisprudenza creativa'. Lo ha detto Francesco nell'udienza ai membri del Centro Studi "Rosario Livatino" (ANSA)

29 Nov 14:35 ANSA.it 1300837447638937148.html
Cubadebate utiliza video de Nirvana para burlarse de José Daniel Ferrer

El material de Cubadebate fue rechazado por numerosos usuarios, quienes calificaron el linchamiento público a José Daniel Ferrer como una falta de respeto

29 Nov 15:48 Cubanet 2710294110232968139.html
FC Arsenal trennt sich von Emery, Assistent Ljungberg soll zunächst übernehmen

In der Premier League nur auf Platz acht, seit sieben Pflichtspielen ohne Sieg - nun hat der FC Arsenal Trainer Unai Emery freigestellt. Sein bisheriger Co Fredrik Ljungberg soll vorerst das Team führen.

29 Nov 12:52 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271676849946.html
Qualität wird im Weinglas immer wichtiger

Am Dienstag wurden die Flächen vor dem Gebäude asphaltiert, drin sieht auch noch einiges nach Baustelle aus - aber das Wichtigste: Für den Wein ist ...

29 Nov 14:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094535840593.html
El primer ministro maltés contra las cuerdas por el caso Caruana

La investigación del asesinato de la periodista Daphne Caruana ha puesto al primer ministro maltés contra las cuerdas. El empresario Yorgen Fenech, presunto autor intelectual del crimen, ha quedado en libertad al expirar su detención preventiva. Horas antes el Gobierno maltés denegaba su indulto.

29 Nov 15:31 euronews 2767628993793409975.html
Confindustria: 66,1% dei lavoratori sono coperti da un contratto aziendale con premi

Nel 2019 nell’industria in senso stretto il 66,1% dei lavoratori sono coperti da un contratto aziendale che prevede l’erogazione di premi variabili collettivi. Così emerge dall’annuale indagine Confindustria sul lavoro …

29 Nov 15:47 FinanzaOnline 6528634128928296144.html
In test of 'fake news' laws, Singapore tells Facebook to correct user's post

The government issued the order after a post containing accusations about the arrest of a supposed whistleblower and election rigging.

29 Nov 12:35 euronews 7318238120865196806.html
Humana: Patience Will Likely Achieve A Lower Buy Price

The only way an investor can realize a return from an investment in shares is through receipt of dividends and gains on share sales. I repeat - the only way.The best way to make a gain on sale of shar

29 Nov 13:17 Seeking Alpha 5725634557034863730.html
Aprueban cárcel por violencia política contra mujeres

La Cámara de Diputados votó a favor de dar prisión a quien desprecie los derechos políticos femeninos.

29 Nov 14:05 SIPSE.com 4008460418205376631.html
'Lyanco was al in Eindhoven, maar John de Jong blunderde en liet hem weggaan'

PSV heeft afgelopen zomer geblunderd met Lyanco, de Braziliaanse verdediger die in de belangstelling stond van de Eindhovenaren. De stopper was al in Brabant, maar werd niet binnengehaald door technisch manager John de Jong. PSV wilde de Braziliaan dolgraag binnenhalen en had Lyanco zelfs al in Eindhoven, schrijft De Telegraaf. De verdediger mocht echter van de club eerst nog het jeugdtoernooi in Toulon spelen. Daar werd hij uitgeroepen tot beste speler, waarop hij veel duurder werd en eigenlijk niet meer te betalen was voor de Brabanders. Technisch manager John de Jong had al eerder kunnen toeslaan, maar wilde pas zaken doen nadat er een forse uitgaande transfer werd gerealiseerd. PSV ligt door gênante nederlaag bij Sporting uit de Europa League

29 Nov 14:08 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884643589524.html
Chile confirma que Greta Thunberg participará en la agenda oficial de la ONU

MADRID, 29 (EUROPA PRESS) La ministra del Medio Ambiente de Chile y presidenta de la XXV Cumbre Climática, Carolina Schmidt, ha confirmado que la joven...

29 Nov 13:45 Europa Press 4702666148992702595.html
El Síndic creu que els antiavalots van tenir actuacions desproporcionades durant les protestes per la sentència

L'organisme critica l'ús de pilotes de goma i el tracte a alguns dels detinguts

29 Nov 13:17 Ara.cat 6070605021305008342.html
Wegen Gitarre: Sohn sticht auf seinen Vater ein!

Wegen einer Gitarre stritten sich Vater (66) und Sohn (35) in Altschwendt so sehr, dass der Junior mit einem Küchenmesser auf den Senior losging und ...

29 Nov 13:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093559194109.html
Streit um Macrons „Hirntod“-Diagnose eskaliert vor Nato-Gipfel

Paris bestellt nach Äußerungen Erdogans den Botschafter der Türkei ein.

29 Nov 15:19 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569525952307.html
Get Lego's Motorised Passenger Train for Half the Normal Price at Argos

Lego is pricey, and the motorised Lego sets have proven themselves to be even more expensive on account of the fact that they can move around on their own without the need for a person to push them around. The Lego City Passenger Train (60197) is one such set, and while it normally costs £130 from Lego today Argos is selling it for half that price.

29 Nov 14:30 Gizmodo UK 8363059001272811015.html
Bebé es abandonado en la parroquia Tenguel de Guayaquil

El puente quedó cerrado al paso, informó la BBC.

29 Nov 14:51 Ecuavisa 4017571650262837853.html
South Africa's Karoo drills and prays as taps run dry

GRAAFF-REINET, South Africa (Reuters) - South Africa’s Karoo region has always been parched - it means land of thirst in the language of its earliest inhabitants, the Khoisan hunter gatherers.

2 Dec 17:54 Reuters 8334514181640469035.html
3 apps to help you save money when online shopping

Everyone is trying to get the best deals this holiday season but with these apps, the savings last all year.

29 Nov 15:04 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010439694641690.html
Antisemites to the left, Islamophobes to the right … election misery continues

Low-quality debate and a wilful disregard for the truth have made this the most depressing poll ever

29 Nov 11:10 the Guardian 1491978794799163776.html
Estudantes australianos deixam aulas para protesto contra mudança climática

Milhares de estudantes australianos organizaram um dia de protestos em Sydney e outras gra...

29 Nov 11:55 UOL Noticias 8892198861657784951.html
QFFD grants $4.2m to Jordan Refugee Health Fund

Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) has signed a $4.2m grant agreement with the Government of Jordan to contribute to the financing of Jordan Refugee Health Fund in order to alleviate financial pressures on the Jordanian Ministry of Health budget as a result of the large influx of refugees.

29 Nov 11:47 The Peninsula 1202843883000707713.html
Suspenden a Federico Mosco, el juez que reclasificó los delitos en el caso de Abril para beneficiar al acusado

Federico Mosco y Luis Alejandro Días, involucrados en el caso de Abril Pérez Sagaón, fueron suspendidos tras reclasificar los delitos a favor del acusado

29 Nov 12:42 Fernanda Familiar 8155233564888148211.html
Bart Jan Spruyt: L.M.P. Scholten verdient meer waardering

Als iemand in de gereformeerde gezindte een eredoctoraat zou verdienen, is het L. M. P. Scholten. Zijn columns –onlangs opnieuw uitgegeven– tonen zijn grote kennis, naast zijn rigide logica.

29 Nov 14:20 RD.nl 6406779842332325856.html
Nach Messerangriff auf London-Bridge: Mehrere Verletzte - Schüsse sind gefallen

Auf der London Bridge in der britischen Hauptstadt sind laut britischer Medien mehrere Schüsse gefallen. Das berichtet unter anderem das BBC-Fernsehen. Die Brücke sei weiträumig gesperrt worden. Einem BBC-Reporter zufolge, der am Tatort war, hatten mehrere Menschen versucht, einen Mann zu Boden zu drücken. Dann seien Schüsse gefallen. Passanten wurden aufgefordert, den Anweisungen der Sicherheitskräfte zu folgen. In Videos, die in sozialen Netzwerken kursiern, sind fliehende Menschen zu sehen.

29 Nov 15:55 ka-news.de 5595931856849610628.html
Yanzu-yanzu: Arsenal ta sallami Kocinta, Unai Emery

Kungiyar Kwallon Arsenal ta sallami kocinta, Unai Emery. An nada tsohon dan wasan Kungiyar, Freddie Ljungberg, matsayin mai rikon kwarya.

29 Nov 10:28 Legit 7368782178011559550.html
Grandma Sends a Thanksgiving Invitation to the Wrong Person and It Grows Into a New Family Tradition

When a grandma from Arizona accidentally invited an unknown teen to a Thanksgiving celebration by sending a text to the wrong number, little did she know that she was going to grow her family. Jamal, the teen, and Wanda, the granny, have already celebrated their third Thanksgiving in a row together and this article will tell you about how it all started.

29 Nov 13:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263657482456086.html
Piccolo: de Hatillo a Italia en un bocado

Descubre este rincón que se especializa en pizzas artesanales

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309783868400.html
Bolsonaro acusado de incitamento ao genocídio

Queixa seguiu para o Tribunal Penal Internacional

29 Nov 12:21 euronews 5294993275128839252.html
Edelfa Chiara Masciotta investita da un’auto: intervento al naso per la ex Miss Italia

L'incidente è avvenuto a Torino. Fortunatamente oggi la 35enne sta bene

29 Nov 13:43 Today 178378749535450510.html
Trump immigration official forced out of bar as ex-Maryland governor slams him for 'putting children in cages'

A top immigration adviser to Donald Trump was forced out of a bar in Washington after facing extensive heckling from fellow patrons — including former Maryland governor and 2016 Democratic candidate Martin O'Malley.Ken Cuccinelli, who currently serves as the acting deputy secretary of the Department

29 Nov 15:31 Yahoo 7097669638062042307.html
Per la prima volta in provincia di Cuneo la rassegna nazionale di teatro in carcere “Destini incrociati”

Dal 12 al 14 dicembre Saluzzo ospiterà 20 compagnie teatrali con la presenza di attori-detenuti provenienti dai carceri di tutta Italia

29 Nov 10:31 Targatocn.it 7367208848624944230.html
Ram temple will bring peace, foster brotherhood: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who was part of the apex court-appointed mediation panel in the Ayodhya dispute case, on Friday expressed confidence that the proposed Ram temple will bring peace in the country and establish brotherhood between communities.

29 Nov 11:30 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829372367299361.html
Mangiare in aereo: attenzione al sale e alle bevande calde servite a bordo. L’analisi delle compagnie americane

Come avviene ormai da qualche anno, in occasione delle imminenti festività del Giorno del Ringraziam

29 Nov 14:45 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737332424428680.html
Fresku wil niet zwarte, maar roze piet het land uit hebben


29 Nov 14:30 FunX 667513810349253736.html
Galicia y Asturias apuntalan su alianza ante desafíos como el declive demográfico

Los presidentes de la Xunta y el Principado mantienen discrepancias de fondo sobre cómo actuar ante la crisis que tiene en jaque a la industria electrointensiva

29 Nov 14:16 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613124369018.html
Invictos los gallitos espirituanos en Campeonato Nacional de Béisbol Sub-18

Con cinco victorias en igual cantidad de salidas, el equipo espirituano se mantiene invicto en el recién estrenado Campeonato Nacional de Béisbol de la categoría Sub-18.

29 Nov 14:00 Escambray 1851904802046297704.html
AP Explains: What awaits Suriname’s convicted president?

PARAMARIBO, Suriname — A court in the South American country of Suriname has convicted President Desi Bouterse in the 1982 killings of 15 prominent political opponents and sentenced him to 20 years in prison. The decision marks the end of a historic trial that began in 2007, the same year that Bouterse accepted “political responsibility” …

29 Nov 10:59 City NEWS 1130 5858657119948593809.html
Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal Coach

Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager Friday after less than two years in charge and with the club without a win in seven games, their worst run since 1992. The 48-year-old Spaniard was fired following the 2-1 home defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in Thursday’s Europa League match. “We announce today that the decision has been taken to part company with our head coach Unai Emery and his coaching team,” read a statement from the club. Source: MyNewsGH.com

29 Nov 11:29 mynewsgh.com 2909200110124475101.html
Dyr uppröjning efter svindlerska i Danmark

Danmark Det har kostat socialstyrelsen i Danmark mångmiljonbelopp att städa upp efter storsvindeln.65-åriga Britta Nielsen är åtalad för att ha lurat till sig 170 miljoner kronor – pengar som tagits f

29 Nov 13:29 www.unt.se 8922556088688104545.html
Celtic and Rangers ‘almost certain’ to earn Scotland two Champions League places due to soaring coefficient

SCOTLAND are in a very good position to finish inside UEFA top 15, according to stats guru Dale Johnson. The ESPN FC editor, who specialises in permutations and coefficients, claims Celtic and Rang…

29 Nov 14:50 The Scottish Sun 6609127673572585167.html
UEFA-Fünfjahreswertung: Bundesliga baut Vorsprung auf Serie A aus

Die Bundesliga-Klubs haben in der Fünfjahreswertung der UEFA (/statistik/5jahreswertung) den dritten Rang gefestigt. In der Champions League gewann Bayern Münchengegen Roter Stern Belgrad (6:0) und Ba [...]

29 Nov 12:30 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793884200996.html
Roll the credits: Has Gen Z abandoned the cinema?

Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+ present alternatives to going to the movies.

29 Nov 15:27 The Jakarta Post 7678601103373341616.html
Gazzetta - ADL parla di Gufi e nemici, ma i problemi del Napoli sono interni

Aurelio De Laurentiis prova a spostare l'attenzione su nemici esterni ma i problemi del Napoli sono interni. Questo il pensiero della Gazzetta dello Sport

29 Nov 10:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080058983317.html
Jadwal Premier League Pekan 14, Siaran Langsung TVRI dan Mola TV

Jadwal pertandingan Premier League pekan 14 akhir pekan ini.

29 Nov 13:10 Bola.net 5489959028033316081.html
Tres heridos en un apuñalamiento en la ciudad holandesa de La Haya

Los hechos tuvieron lugar en torno a las 8 de la noche en Holanda (1 de la tarde El Salvador) y el presunto autor, que se ha dado a la fuga, es un hombre de estatura alta, que iba vestido con ropa de deporte y una bufanda negra, según la descripción ofrecida por la Policía holandesa en la red social Twitter.Los hechos tuvieron lugar en torno a las 8 de la noche en Holanda (1 de la tarde El Salvador) y el presunto autor, que se ha dado a la fuga, es un hombre de estatura alta, que iba vestido con ropa de deporte y una bufanda negra, según la descripción ofrecida por la Policía holandesa en la red social Twitter.Los hechos tuvieron lugar en torno a las 8 de la noche en Holanda (1 de la tarde El Salvador) y el presunto autor, que se ha dado a la fuga, es un hombre de estatura alta, que iba vestido con ropa de deporte y una bufanda negra, según la descripción ofrecida por la Policía holandesa en la red social Twitter.Los hechos tuvieron lugar en torno a las 8 de la noche en Holanda (1 de la tarde El Salvador) y el…

29 Nov 15:23 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957188916012877.html
Detenida en Alicante una mujer por tráfico de drogas y prostitución de menores

Las víctimas son dos chicas, de 16 años, que se habían fugado de sus respectivos centros de menores. Una de ellas fue obligada a prostituirse en Benidorm.

29 Nov 10:01 Cadena SER 8390941984868561428.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a cuatro excargos de la Junta condenados

Rechaza la petición de la Fiscalía de mandar a prisión a Guerrero, Fernández, Viera y Márquez

29 Nov 14:04 Diarioinformacion 8979296176802928187.html
Arrimadas se aparta de la gestora de Ciudadanos porque es candidata a liderar el partido

"Creo que no le sorprenderá a nadie, no estaré en esa gestora", ha dicho Inés Arrimadas sobre ese órgano que elegirá mañana el Consejo...

29 Nov 13:22 Expansión 4197779425253168107.html
Well read: Good Weekend's best summer books

Staycation or vacation – it’s neither here nor there when it comes to summer reading. Just make your great escape via this season’s fresh page-turners.

29 Nov 13:07 The Age 7967730562768353220.html
Well read: Good Weekend's best summer books

Staycation or vacation – it’s neither here nor there when it comes to summer reading. Just make your great escape via this season’s fresh page-turners.

29 Nov 13:07 Brisbane Times 2314609339787425732.html
Yara Gambirasio proiettili nel campo di Chignolo d’Isola, spostato l’altarino in sua memoria (FOTO)

Sul posto i carabinieri

29 Nov 13:32 UrbanPost 2450570492293206008.html
Fridays For Future: anche i giovani di Messina in piazza per il pianeta. FOTO

Anche Messina ha risposto al quarto sciopero mondiale per il clima. Tantissimi i giovani che hanno manifestato in questo Friday For Future

29 Nov 12:15 Tempostretto 3143171743403751456.html
UK Conservatives' lead over Labour narrows to eight points: Panelbase poll

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party has seen its lead over the opposition Labour Party narrow to eight points from 10 a week ago, according to a poll by Panelbase, the latest of several polls to show a slight tightening of the race.

29 Nov 12:40 Reuters 8334514179698041027.html
Mississippi State prevails after Egg Bowl leg lift taunt costs Ole Miss OT

An ill-timed taunt by Ole Miss wide receiver Elijah Moore cost his team a chance to take a Thanksgiving rivalry game with Mississippi State into overtime.

29 Nov 15:02 Fox News 7362823820897120234.html
Tutte le Yankee Candle super scontate per il Black Friday!

La Yankee Candle è ormai un prodotto molto in voga tra coloro che amano rallegrare la propria casa con odori originali

29 Nov 14:00 Today 178378750302425577.html
Gazzetta: "Svezia violenta contro Zlatan: minacce di morte e fiamme"

L'edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport titola così questa mattina su Ibrahimovic che ha appena acquistato il 50% dell'Hammarby: "Svezia violenta contro Zlatan: minacce di morte e fiamme". I tifosi del Malmö, sua ex squadra, non hanno preso bene questa decisione di Ibra, tanto che hanno incendiato la sua statua in città, oltra a scrivere anche insulti razzisti. E' stata poi presa di mira anche l'abitazione di Ibra a Stoccolma: come riferisce sempre la Rosea, sul portone di casa è infatti comparsa la scritta "Judas", mentre sugli scalini è stato rovesciato del pesce dall’odore particolarmente sgradevole. 

29 Nov 10:46 MilanNews.it 6507305920903275465.html
Check Out These Green Friday Deals From Dispensaries In States Where Cannabis Is Legal

Now that marijuana is legal in the majority of US states, whether for medical or recreational use, cannabis dispensaries are getting in on the “Black Friday” madness by having sales on ...

29 Nov 10:00 The Inquisitr 1745625232374492541.html
Keine Strafen für Vettel und Leclerc: Ferrari riskiert nächsten Crash

Das letzte Rennen dieser Formel-1-Saison ist das erste nach dem folgenschweren Zusammenstoss bei Ferrari: Sebastian Vettel und Charles Leclerc hatten sich in Brasilien gegenseitig von der Strecke gesc

29 Nov 13:29 GMX News 4492287762196891109.html
EON SE Halten

Die Experten der Independent Research GmbH bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von EON mit Halten

29 Nov 12:50 finanzen.at 7258357744173728377.html
Este libro te enseña marketing con la ayuda de Google

Google es una de las más grandes escuelas de mercadotecnia, que se han consolidado gracias a la gran cantidad de herramientas de marketing con las que cuenta.

29 Nov 12:55 Merca2.0 990348494009226041.html
More pain for German car industry as Daimler axes 10,000 jobs

Daimler, which employs 304,000 people globally, says the job cuts would be achieved through natural turnover, early retirement schemes and severance packages

29 Nov 12:46 Rappler 1882105642932224723.html
Nintendo Switch vs. Lite: Alle Unterschiede im Vergleich

Preis, Akkulaufzeit, Spiele und mehr - wir vergleichen die Nintendo Switch mit dem kleineren Switch Lite-Modell.

29 Nov 10:24 www.gamepro.de 3610569832327840829.html
Parece que Intel ha transferido parte de su producción de procesadores a Samsung

Tu próximo equipo podría ser "Samsung Inside". La semana pasada, Intel se disculpó por no llegar a cubrir la creciente demanda de procesadores a la que se...

29 Nov 15:35 3DJuegos 3383023118835481241.html
'Schaamteloze' oplichting, broers moeten de cel in

Twee broers van 58 en 53 jaar uit Arnhem en Huissen zijn vrijdag veroordeeld voor diefstal en oplichting. De oudste van de twee moet een jaar de cel in, de jongste staat zes maanden gevangenisstraf te wachten.

29 Nov 14:00 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614583399305.html
Vrouw ontdekt dat haar man vreemdgaat door foto bij recensie van restaurant in krant

Tom Sietsema, restaurantrecensent voor de Washington Post, is ongewild betrokken geraakt bij een geval van overspel. Dat beweerde woensdag toch een vrouw op de wekelijkse chatsessie van lezers met ...

29 Nov 11:55 HLN 8967494998627615680.html
El sospechoso de la desaparición de Marta Calvo fue condenado por narcotráfico en Italia

La mujer desapareció el pasado 7 de noviembre en el pueblo de Manuel (València). Es el mismo día en el que los vecinos del hombre le vieron por última vez.

29 Nov 10:46 www.publico.es 99190978770701505.html
Pakistan to Debut Chinese Yuan-Denominated Panda Bonds Worth $1 Billion

New Delhi (Sputnik): China’s Panda Bonds are onshore products that help international borrowers to explore domestic yuan investors. These yuan-dominated notes are sold by non-Chinese issuers.

29 Nov 10:20 Sputniknews 967333867538915495.html
King: Nedostajaće mi povremeni poljubac

BRISEL - Poslednjeg dana službe, komesar Velike Britanije pri Evropskoj uniji Džulijan King rekao je da će mu nedostajati povremeni poljubac od njegovog

29 Nov 15:31 Krstarica 4176903988457650855.html
Arturo Vidal podría salir en el mercado de invierno

El mediocampista Arturo Vidal analizará su futuro en este breve parón invernal para tomar una decisión de seguir o no en las filas del FC Barcelona ..

29 Nov 15:41 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830821584454.html
El Gobierno da marcha atrás con el reperfilamiento de la deuda en mano de las provincias

El Gobierno nacional formalizó este viernes su decisión de revertir el reperfilamiento de la deuda de corto plazo en manos de los gobiernos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y de las provincias, con el...

29 Nov 12:14 La Voz 6237180762109811223.html
Paquita la del barrio cancela 15 conciertos por problemas de salud

Las cosas en cuestión de salud para Paquita la del Barrio, no andan bien pues sus médicos le pidieron guardara reposo, así que cancelará 15 conciertos que ya tenía programados. Sus pulmones no...

29 Nov 13:29 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365557809560269.html
2 K-pop stars were jailed for raping a drunk, unconscious woman in a scandal that showed the industry's dark underbelly, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Choi Jong-hoon of FT Island was sentenced to five years and Jung Joon-young of Drug Restaurant was given six years by Seoul Central District Court.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 11:00 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756832839546.html
PNV y PSE sacan adelante sus cuentas en el Consistorio bilbaino

PNV y PSE han aprobado hoy el proyecto de presupuestos para 2020 gracias a la mayor&iacute;a de la que disponen en el Ayuntamiento de Bilbo. De los 576,3 mil...

29 Nov 12:37 naiz: 117472235515510117.html
These awesome Minecraft deals are perfect for the gamers in your life

We've scoured the internet to find the best deals for all the Minecraft lovers in your life...even if that's just you. From consoles to toys, we have the deals.

29 Nov 15:18 Windows Central 7807657681418306155.html
Top-Events im Bezirk Melk

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Melk und dem Bezirk Melk. Fotos, Eventtipps und Informationen aus der Wachau.

29 Nov 12:05 NÖN.at 2486998931633398389.html
Antarctica, 'heart of the Earth' needs protection: Expert

PUNTA ARENAS, Chile: It may be remote and uninhabited but Antarctica is suffering from man's activities, says the director of the Chilean ...

29 Nov 12:42 CNA 5644198863148923732.html
El Gobierno abre la puerta a unas terceras elecciones: "No iremos a una investidura fallida"

La ministra portavoz en funciones, Isabel Celaá, ha rechazado la posibilidad de que el presidente y candidato socialista a la reelección, Pedro Sánchez, se presente a una votación de investidura sin tener los apoyos garantizados previamente. 'No iremos a

29 Nov 14:16 Diariocrítico 5375131904326209718.html
These Steam Black Friday Deals Cannot Be Beat

Steam has long been heralded as the biggest player in the digital distribution game, and their seasonal sales are the talk of PC gaming communities the world over. Now, as Black Friday and Cyber ...

29 Nov 13:00 The Inquisitr 1745625231965374058.html
Borrell no considera a ERC una fuerza "progresista" y apela a la responsabilidad del PP para la investidura

El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores en funciones, Josep Borrell, considera que ERC, con quien negocia principalmente el PSOE para investir a Pedro Sánchez como presidente del gobierno, está "en las antípodas" de ser una fuerza "progresista".

29 Nov 10:54 RTVE.es 8332346888636929232.html
Placido Domingo dice vivir una "pesadilla" por acusaciones de acoso sexual

El famoso cantante ha sido acusado por al menos 20 mujeres de besarlas a la fuerza, agarrarlas o acariciarlas.

29 Nov 13:33 Diario La Prensa 7797091974333212418.html
Harvey Nathanson, father of MEMS, dies

The creator if the first MEMS device, Harvey Nathanson, has died.

29 Nov 14:30 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672081535355455.html
Jennifer Aniston, Jimmy Kimmel and the Friendsgiving enchiladas

Jennifer Aniston finally delivered on Jimmy Kimmel's request and his reaction was priceless!

29 Nov 10:58 Channel24 2038030840032444251.html
Subaru Forester Eco Hybrid: SUV aventurero de etiqueta ECO

El nuevo Subaru Forester Eco Hybrid llega a España con un motor de 150 caballos que tiene derecho a lucir la etiqueta ECO y un precio de partida de 32.450 euros.

29 Nov 13:40 SoyMotor 3778996022284536205.html
Ataque contra subestación eléctrica marca nueva jornada violenta en Chile

La irrupción de manifestantes a una subestación eléctrica de Copiapó (norte) que terminó con una decena de vehículos quemados marcó una nueva noche con incidentes violentos en Chile, este jueves 28 de noviembre del 2019, tras más de un mes del inicio de un estallido social que el gobierno sigue sin controlar.

29 Nov 10:25 El Comercio 2865024640965253933.html
Get the limited edition signed Marillion/Mark Wilkinson Bundle issue of Prog - on sale now!

The Marillion bundle features a signed Mark Wilkinson art print and art print of a rare 1983 Marillion shot from Friars in Aylesebury...

29 Nov 12:17 Prog 2174237038250569112.html
Francis Gallery takes up permanent residence in a Georgian townhouse in the UK’s Bath

After a temporary stint in London’s Marylebone last year, Francis Gallery has set up shop in its permanent home – a Grade II-listed Georgian townhouse in Bath. Cereal magazine co-founder Rosa Park founded the gallery, which fuses minimalist Korean and English influences and was designed in collaboration with designer Fred Rigby.   View this post […]

29 Nov 14:56 The Spaces 7523533615574010561.html
Greenpeace denuncia el modelo de consumo con actos de protesta en Madrid

Unos 30 activistas de Greenpeace han desplegado una gran pancarta en Madrid para denunciar el consumismo. En 2017 la industria textil contaminó la atmósfera con más de 600 kilos de dióxido de carbono (CO2) por habitante.

29 Nov 15:39 RTVE.es 8332346889561566941.html
Ewoks Could Be Making Their Comeback in The Rise of Skywalker

With just 20 days to go until the release of the ninth and final chapter in the Skywalker Saga, Disney have released a nostalgic featurette on YouTube which takes a look back at the franchise's journey, from 1977's Star Wars through to The Rise of Skywalker. Starting with some footage of Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill laughing on the set of the first movie, it goes on to include quotes from legends like Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams , as well as comment from newer stars Daisy Ridley and John Boyega .

29 Nov 15:30 Pulse Live 3606876836283113440.html
Menang Corp posts loss in 1Q due to land clearing and earthworks expenses, corporate exercises

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Menang Corp (M) Bhd posted a net loss of RM503,000 in the first quarter ended Sept 30, 2019, compared with a net profit of RM967,000 in the corresponding quarter last year.In a bourse filing, the group attributed the loss to expenses stemming from land clearing, earthworks and provisions for the costs of proposed corporate exercises.It reported a loss per share of 0.1 sen compared with earnings per share of 0.2 sen last year.Quarterly revenue declined

29 Nov 10:47 The Edge Markets 6322622074334627680.html
Kata BMKG, Gara-gara 2 Fenomena Ini Musim Hujan Tak Kunjung Datang

WE Online, Jakarta - Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) mengungkap sebab Indonesia tidak kunjung mengalami musim hujan, sekali pun 2019 dalam satu bulan lagi akan berakhir.

29 Nov 15:54 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835060878080.html
Crude Oil Price and Forecast: WTI traders take clues from US-China tensions, OPEC+ eyed

WTI has been dropping to the intra-day low of $58.07 by the press time of early Friday in Asia. The energy benchmark seems to have negatively affected

29 Nov 11:36 FXStreet 4480975638940779380.html
Americans Aren't Coming Close to Maxing Out Their Retirement Plans, Data Shows

And that means they're in danger of coming up short during their golden years.

29 Nov 14:09 The Motley Fool 2231313658791599585.html
OKC-based art-rockers The Flaming Lips release their first live album, revisiting 'The Soft Bulletin' with the Colorado Symphony

Flaming Lips fans surprised that the venerable Oklahoma City-based experimental rockers are just releasing their first live album, take heart: Wayne Coyne finds it hard to believe, too. "The other things that we released were like DVDs, so it would be a concert where it's really about the video," the band's frontman said in a phone interview last week from his OKC home. "But it was never a live album where you're just listening to the music." Out Friday, "The Soft Bulletin Recorded Live at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra" not only marks the Grammy-winning band's first live album but also commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Lips' seminal 1999 breakthrough release.

29 Nov 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760817749462.html
Firefox Preview mejora la protección al navegar por Internet

Firefox Preview es la versión con las últimas novedades de Mozilla, y en el lanzamiento de la 3.0 incluyen un gran número de innovaciones.

29 Nov 15:13 El Androide Libre 196740461667990340.html
Helene Fischer und Thomas Seitel: Papa Seitel plaudert über konkrete Zukunftspläne

Momentan bauen Helene und Thomas ein Haus, doch es kommt noch dicker, denn dem Hausbau könnte bald eine Hochzeit folgen.

29 Nov 14:11 RTL.DE 7054729451719052931.html
BMW, Great Wall to build new China plant for electric cars

BMW and its partner Great Wall Motor said they plan to build a plant in China with a capacity of 160,000 cars per year, and which will produce ...

29 Nov 15:27 CNA 5644198863916275418.html
'Justin Timberlake pakte met beide handen Trolls 2 aan'

Het kostte regisseur Walt Dohrn geen enkele moeite om zanger Justin Timberlake te verleiden voor het vervolg op animatiehit Trolls. De megaster is komend voorjaar weer te horen als trol Branch in Trolls World Tour, het vervolg op de hit uit 2016.

29 Nov 10:18 RTL Boulevard 1500115272098401219.html
Police looking for seven missing under-18 players from Sao Tome

The Portuguese police are looking for seven players from the Sao Tome and Príncipe U-18 football team, who left a hotel in Cascais on Thursday night, where the team was staying.

29 Nov 14:36 The Portugal News Online 5173906807218353734.html
Kruševac spokojnije čeka zimu: Instalirana najmodernija mobilna trafo-stanica

Puštena u rad jedna od četiri mobilne trafo-stanice u Srbiji, koja je spremna za rad i u vanrednim situacijama

29 Nov 13:28 Вечерње новости 4219870591937346674.html
Spretig och uppfordrande antologi om klimatet

”Vad håller ni på med?” är en klimatantologi som vänder sig till ungdomar, där domedagsprofetiorna lyser med sin frånvaro.

29 Nov 14:00 DN.SE 398730695341232583.html
Audi pumpt mehr Geld in Elektromobilität

Audi hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass man in den kommenden fünf Jahren eine Gesamtsumme von rund 37 Milliarden Euro für Forschung und Entwicklung sowie Sachinvestitionen vorsieht.

29 Nov 14:40 mobiFlip.de 5208441549682955799.html
Arsenal setzt Emery vor die Tür

Die Londoner reagierten auf die jüngste Krise. Die Spekulationen um die Nachfolge haben begonnen.

29 Nov 14:34 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442334160450.html
Shania Twain Planning To Go Hip-Hop With Post Malone And Lizzo

Shania Twain revealed she is itching to go hip-hop with Post Malone and Lizzo.

29 Nov 14:30 AllHipHop 727666871474477832.html
Il governo di Malta non darà l’immunità all’imprenditore Yorgen Fenech, coinvolto nelle indagini sull’omicidio della giornalista Daphne Caruana Galizia

Il governo di Malta ha respinto la richiesta di immunità fatta da Yorgen Fenech, imprenditore maltese arrestato la scorsa settimana nell’ambito dell’indagine sull’omicidio della giornalista investigativa Daphne Caruana Galizia, uccisa in un attentato esplosivo nell’ottobre del 2017. Fenech successivamente aveva

29 Nov 11:44 Il Post 6291746503625960925.html
Ginastas encerram atividades anuais com apresentação aberta

A noite de domingo promete atrações com danças de vários estilos, e mais de 100 participantes se apresentam no evento

29 Nov 11:35 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549280795546.html
Documentary on Turkish diva at Süreyya Opera

The documentary 'Leyla Gencer: La Diva Turca,' which focuses on the life of famed soprano Leyla Gencer, goes on screen at the Süreyya Opera House in...

29 Nov 14:52 DAILY SABAH 8383944808784815550.html
Puerto Madero: pizza a lo argentino, italiano y boricua

Se especializan por sus confecciones artesanales hechas en un horno de ladrillo

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309090803295.html
Impianto per i rifiuti a Pace, si ricomincia. La Regione e De Luca riaprono la partita

Il sindaco annuncia che la Regione punta sugli impianti per i rifiuti a Messina. Torna in pista l'impianto Tmb a Pace, novità anche per Mili ed ex Sanderson

29 Nov 11:05 Tempostretto 3143171743362010911.html
Borrell no contribuye a las negociaciones con ERC cuestionando la ideología del partido catalán

El que ha sido hasta ahora ministro de Exteriores en funciones y próximamente un alto cargo de la UE Josep Borrell ha concedido una entrevista a 'Onda Cero' donde no ha facilitado las cosas para un entendimiento con ERC, partido con el que el PSOE está ne

29 Nov 13:49 Diariocrítico 5375131905917430680.html
William Bonner pede respeito para Cacau Protásio no Jornal Nacional

William Bonner surpreendeu o público do Jornal Nacional, da Globo, ao comentar sobre o caso de racismo contra Cacau Protásio. Nesta quinta-feira (28), o jornalista saiu em defesa da famosa, que foi vítima de preconceito.

29 Nov 11:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212635440808.html
Claire Le Michel, French contemporary dancer and poet, uses poetry to peek into the kaleidoscope of life

Claire Le Michel, who was in Thiruvananthapuram for a workshop and performance, explores a plethora of themes in her long poem ‘A Dancing Cow’ through the coming-of-age story of a six-year-old girl

29 Nov 10:59 The Hindu 6679535025429739386.html
Boxing: Back in the amateur circuit, Vikas Krishan looks to roll back the years going into Olympics

The 27-year-old put his professional career on hold in pursuit of a third Olympics campaign.

29 Nov 13:00 Scroll.in 8669301692352931902.html
Australia vs Pakistan, 2nd Test Day 1: David Warner, Marnus Labuschagne Centuries Put Australia In Command

Australia vs Pakistan: Australia finished day's play at 302/1, with David Warner and Marnus Labuscahgne unbeaten on 166 and 126 respectively.

29 Nov 13:19 NDTVSports.com 2127367045501763366.html
Lugo: Este domingo entra en vigor o novo horario dos piscinas municipais de Lugo

Frigsa abrirá ás sete da mañá e As Pedreira non pechará ao mediodía e abrirá os domingos pola mañá

29 Nov 10:36 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612005730449.html
Prosvetni radnici u Hrvatskoj odbili ponudu Vlade, štrajk se nastavlja

Prosvetni radnici u Hrvatskoj su na izjašnjavanju većinom od oko 90 odsto odbili Vladinu ponudu, stoga se štrajk u...

29 Nov 11:35 N1 Srbija 7797130865731198900.html
Info-Redakteure von ORF 1 beklagen "Missstände"

Die Redakteure der ORF 1-Inforedaktion sehen "die journalistische Freiheit und Qualität der Infosendungen in Gefahr". Das schreiben sie in einer Petition an ORF-Generaldirektor Alexander Wrabetz, Channelmanagerin Lisa Totzauer und Chefredakteur Wolfgang Geier.

29 Nov 15:39 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084151599629.html
Instagram aceptó fallas en su plataforma y pidió disculpas a usuarios

Es la cuarta vez que se reporta una caída de la plataforma durante el 2019.

29 Nov 12:06 El Tiempo 1091719940412299923.html
Suspenden a dos jueces tras feminicidio de Abril Pérez

Un juez reclasificó el caso y el otro liberó al exesposo y principal sospechosos del feminicidio de Abril

29 Nov 13:41 Nación321 6372481146798562151.html
FIFA team inspects Kalinga stadium for U-17 Women's World Cup

Football News: Provisionally approved as a venue for next year's U-17 Women's World Cup, a FIFA team on Friday made another inspection of the Kalinga Stadium to eval

29 Nov 11:31 The Times of India 6060938663581924820.html
George IV and the cartoonist who kept him on his toes

Cruikshank 'made an example of an out-of-touch prince'

29 Nov 11:00 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702105226087.html
Sutradara Drama Sky Castle Kembali Gandeng Aktris Yum Jung Ah untuk Proyek Film Baru!

Sutradara drama Sky Castle kembali menggandeng aktris Yum Jung Ah untuk proyek film barunya berjudul Second Mother.

29 Nov 15:14 grid.id 586386474014462798.html
History Prof Compares Trump’s ‘Undisguised Championship of White Supremacy’ to Andrew Johnson

Within weeks of riding a populist wave to an electoral college victory in the 2016 presidential election, President Donald Trump and his supporters began likening the real estate mogul to rabble-rousing former president Andrew Jackson. But according to renown University of Connecticut American History professor Manisha Sinha, a far more apt comparison for current occupant of the White House can be found in a different presidential Andrew – that being Andrew Johnson.

29 Nov 14:21 Law & Crime 7990899038332281051.html
Ajax vreest absentie van Ziyech: 'Dat moeten we de komende dagen afwachten'

Ajax kan zondag tijdens de uitwedstrijd bij FC Twente misschien niet beschikken over Hakim Ziyech. De Marokkaanse spelmaker heeft last van zijn arm, een blessure die hem tegen OSC Lille eerder van het veld deed gaan. Zakaria Labyad is er in ieder geval niet bij. Met een van pijn vertrokken gezicht liep Ziyech, zijn arm ondersteunend, woensdag van het veld in Noord-Frankrijk. Die blessure speelt hem nog steeds parten en zijn meespelen tegen zijn oude club FC Twente is nog onzeker, zo weet Ajax-trainer Erik ten Hag te melden op de site van de Amsterdammers. "Hakim heeft donderdag niet met de groep getraind, we moeten de komende dagen afwachten." Geniale video van Ajax: Ziyech en Promes hebben eigen Wifi-netwerk

29 Nov 12:11 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884103288847.html
Therapie mit Heroin-Ersatzstoff: Substitution: In Baden-Württemberg fehlen immer mehr Suchtmediziner

Viele Ärzte, die Süchtige mit Ersatzstoffen behandeln, kommen ins Rentenalter, der Nachwuchs fehlt. Ein Problem ist die Stigmatisierung der Suchtmediziner.

29 Nov 14:36 swp.de 6929179440593732467.html
Säureanschlag auf Innogy-Manager - Verdächtiger kommt frei

Innogy-Finanzvorstand Bernhard Günther wurde bei einem Säureanschlag vor eineinhalb Jahren schwer verletzt. Nun hat das Landgericht Wuppertal den Haftbefehl gegen einen Tatverdächtigen aufgehoben.

29 Nov 13:25 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270792205787.html
Everton macht Richarlison zum Aushängeschild für die Zukunft

Richarlison (22, Foto) hat seinen Vertrag beim FC Everton verlängert. Ein Deal mit Symbolcharakter in vielerlei Hinsicht. Die „Toffees“ machten zunächst kaum Aufhebens um die Vereinbarung – wie beiläu [...]

29 Nov 15:37 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793918279317.html
The Aramco IPO And The OPEC Meeting Could Support The Price Of Crude Oil

The Saudis want to sell a piece of Aramco.Watch the OPEC meeting for clues.Iran provides support for the energy commodity.U.S. energy policy could shift.UCO and SCO are tools for those who do not trad

29 Nov 11:00 Seeking Alpha 5725634556812986606.html
Jennifer Aniston celebrated Thanksgiving with her ex Justin Theroux, Courteney Cox, and more of her famous friends, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The "Morning Show" star gathered with a few A-listers &mdash; including Jimmy Kimmel and Jason Bateman &mdash; for the holiday, which she calls "Fakesgiving.". Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:02 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757498587597.html
El trasvase del combustible del 'Blue Star' a los camiones cisterna vuelve a retrasarse

Por el momento se desconoce cuánto tiempo será necesario para trasladar las 105 toneladas de fuel y gasóleo

29 Nov 10:24 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069477322102840.html
Reddito di cittadinanza se sei straniero, ora finalmente si può

Reddito di cittadinanza, i beneficiari saliranno a 1,24 milioni. Accesso al reddito di cittadinanza, obbligo documentazione immobiliare per 19 Paesi.

29 Nov 13:00 Trend Online 3268043278820963193.html
Roma. Conosce un uomo in chat ma diventa il suo incubo: 32enne arrestato per atti persecutori

È finito l’incubo, per una donna di 36 anni, iniziato un mese fa: dopo aver incontrato un uomo che aveva conosciuto in chat, gli ha detto di non provare nessun interesse e di voler instaurare con lui solo un rapporto di amicizia. Il 32enne non l’ha presa bene ed ha iniziato a perseguitarla tempestandola di […]

29 Nov 11:28 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339186426626.html
Europa League: Das ganz besondere Feier-T-Shirt von Linz-Trainer Ismael

Valerien Ismael kommt nach dem Durchmarsch des LASK in der Europa League aus dem Grinsen nicht heraus: „Do haut‘s da den Beidl auf d'Seitn“.

29 Nov 13:50 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700667896700.html
Santander UK y HSBC reembolsarán a sus clientes por no avisarles de sobregiros

La CMA precisó que el banco británico devolverá a 115.000 usuarios unos 8 millones de libras (o 9,4 millones de euros) en concepto de tarifas...

29 Nov 11:54 Expansión 4197779423621303547.html
Abordaron técnicas científicas para detectar la contaminación ambiental

En tiempos en que la producción en general de metales en sus distintas versiones es foco de atención y tema central en las políticas públicas, se acrecienta cada vez más el uso y la importancia de la biorremediación y biomonitoreo. Un especialista estuvo en Catamarca y afirma que el estudio de la contaminación del medio ambiente requiere de métodos precisos, cuantitativos y con una buena resolución espacial

29 Nov 14:05 El Ancasti 5864462413771721770.html
American Whiskey Brand Forgets Brits Are a Nation of Binge Drinkers With Its 2-for-1 Black Friday Deal

This weekend you can get two for Old Fashioned cocktails to celebrate Thanksgiving,but this sounds an awful lot like a Black Friday deal.

29 Nov 13:30 Gizmodo UK 8363059001639904434.html
Arsenal despide a Unai Emery

El sueco, ex campeón con los Gunners, Fredrik Ljungberg toma las riendas del equipo de forma interina. En lo que va del torneo, Arsenal suma 18 puntos y está a ocho de la zona de Champions League. Además, viene de caer por Europa League, lo cual precipitó el final del cuento.

29 Nov 11:38 Doble Amarilla 8680269686411731332.html
Napoli. Agguato stamane tra la folla in pieno centro, ferito un uomo. Un altro ucciso ieri sera

Stando a quanto emerso finora, ad essere ferito sarebbe un ragazzo. Sul posto polizia e carabinieri, questi ultimi impegnati in un controllo straordinario tra i vicoli dei Quartieri spagnoli. Nella serata di ieri ucciso un 30enne, nel quartiere Miano, mentre si recava a casa della mamma

29 Nov 10:25 rainews 442831849172999542.html
Appeal Court victory a validation of people’s will - Lalong

Gov. Simon Lalong of Plateau has described his victory at the Appeal Court as validation of the will of the people.Lalong in a statement on Friday by his...

29 Nov 13:16 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900182160856.html
Trade surplus shrinks in October

Exports up 11.9% on a month-on-month basis.

29 Nov 12:34 Moneyweb 1092550947032071124.html
Cayetano bares SEAG saboteurs’ modus

House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano described on Friday the lengths that certain individuals have allegedly gone just to sabotage the country's hosting of the 30th Southeast Asian Games (SEAG), which will officially start on Saturday, November 30.

29 Nov 13:26 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200672365796.html
Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy: Abhimanyu Mithun picks five wickets in six balls

Cricket News: Despite being in the news for the wrong reasons, 30-year-old, India pacer Abhimanyu Mithun came up with a fine performance in Karnataka-Haryana Syed M

29 Nov 13:17 The Times of India 6060938664243860234.html
Parineeti Chopra's Hindi Remake of 'The Girl on The Train' to Release on THIS Date, Shares Gorier Pictures

Parineeti Chopra's The Girl on The Train to Clash With Sushant Singh Rajpoot's Dil Bechara?

29 Nov 14:46 India.com 7150386083435676297.html
Las temperaturas se desploman en la provincia de Alicante a partir del próximo lunes

Las máximas caerán hasta diez grados y el descuelgue de una gota fría amenaza con lluvias localmente fuertes en zonas del litoral mediterráneo

29 Nov 14:24 Diarioinformacion 8979296176693530887.html
First I'm A Celebrity star leaves tonight - with fears Caitlyn Jenner might go

I'm A Celebrity hosts Ant and Dec are convinced Cliff Parisi will be voted out on Friday night - but Alison Hammond worries there will be a surprise exit

29 Nov 13:20 mirror 675785260314610102.html
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker RealD 3D Poster Channels A New Hope

The new RealD 3D poster for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker harks back to original -- Star Wars: A New Hope.

29 Nov 14:11 CBR.com 1295516962342711954.html
Resta chiusa fuori e tenta di rientrare in casa passando dal camino: salvata dai vigili del fuoco

Disavventura fortunatamente senza conseguenze per una 17enne, rimasta incastrata mentre tentava di introdursi in casa passando dal camino sul tetto

29 Nov 11:36 Today 178378751048893381.html
Telisik Target Moderat Zainudin Amali di SEA Games 2019

Kolom Darojatun berisi opini mengenai target raihan emas SEA Games dari menpora.

29 Nov 14:03 Bola.com 1695722603152228811.html
Centre-right candidate wins in Uruguay, ending 15 years of liberal rule

The presidential candidate of the centre-left coalition that has governed Uruguay for 15 years conceded defeat Thursday, four days after a close and contentious runoff election, as the nation joined others in the region in shifting rightward.

29 Nov 13:39 Bdnews24 8119004128627177431.html
Acnur aprensiva porqué se invisibilice la crisis migratoria venezolana

Más de 4,6 millones de venezolanos han salido de Venezuela en los últimos años, y se espera que 2020 supere los 6,4 millones

29 Nov 15:35 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535503679330.html
Hong Kong customs seizes $50 mln smuggled frozen meat to mainland China

BEIJING/HONG KONG, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Hong Kong customs seized about 540 tonnes of suspected smuggled frozen meat with an estimated market value of about $50 million, the authority said in a statement on Friday, case of its kind in the past decade.The meat was found aboard four suspicious fishing vessels that were leaving Hong Kong, the customs authority said in a statement. Local broadcaster RTHK said the vessels were allegedly bound for mainland China.

29 Nov 11:46 Successful Farming 8502642053656463086.html
Malaysian Hindus Object To Event By Vairamuthu In Country; Say ‘No Tolerance’ For Those Who Disparage Saints Like Andal 

Vairamuthu will be launching his new book Tamizhatrupadai in Kuala Lumpur on 3 December.

29 Nov 12:24 Swarajya 4977622828944403407.html
Napoli, entano nella banca scavando un tunnel dalle fogne e scappano con 110mila euro

ROMA – Dopo aver scavato una galleria che ha attraversato la rete fognaria in via Bartolomeo Chioccarelli, tra corso Umberto e Porta Nolana a Napoli, hanno forato il pavimento con un martello pneumatico e assaltato la filiale della banca Credit Agricole portandosi via 110mila euro custoditi nell’istituto di credito. I ladri si sono trovati all’interno dell’istituto bancario ed hanno minacciato i dipendenti con la pistola e, senza ferire nessuno, si sono fatti consegnare i soldi. Il bottino della rapina nello stile “banda del buco”, ai malventi ha fruttato un bottino da 110mila euro.Acchiappa la Cacca, il nuovo gioco di Natale per bambini lanciato da MattelMigranti, barcone affondato vicino Lampedusa: robot individua relitto e salme I ladri erano a volto scoperto e indossavano una tuta bianca. Dopo aver effettuato il colpo, sono fuggiti attraverso il cunicolo da dove erano spuntati. Sul posto sono intervenuti gli agenti del locale commissariato di polizia, che hanno avviato le indagini. Le forze dell’ordine hanno…

29 Nov 14:07 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354979933957.html
Plenković će ipak pozvati sindikalce prosvjete na razgovor

ZAGREB - Premijer Andrej Plenković najavio je danas da će pozvati predstavnike sindikata obrazovanja na razgovor i ponovio da bi bilo veoma dobro da štajk prestane i da djeca krenu u školu.

29 Nov 12:18 Nezavisne novine 4209150641377241286.html
Al menos dos muertos y tres heridos por un "incidente terrorista" en el Puente de Londres

Al menos dos personas han muertos y tres han resultado heridas en un apuñalamiento que se ha producido este viernes en el emblemático Puente de Londres, que...

29 Nov 14:26 Europa Press 4702666148922672917.html
Con la venia de la familia damnificada, conceden la prisión domiciliaria al acusado de simular un secuestro y privar de la libertad a su sobrino

Ayer a media mañana, desde el Juzgado de Garantías 1 se oficializó y ratificó el acuerdo que fiscalía y defensa vinieron tejiendo en pos de resolver la situación procesal del joven empresario detenido por montar un secuestro extorsivo utilizando como carnada a su propio sobrino menor de edad, hecho que mereció la intervención primera de […]

29 Nov 10:11 El Eco 4177735525751865520.html
Black Friday frenzy goes global - and not everyone’s happy

The U.S. sales phenomenon has spread to retailers across the world in recent years with such force that it's prompting a backlash from some activists, politicians and even consumers.

29 Nov 10:11 WVLT 4089046910380168373.html
'Arsenal gaat voor een toptrainer en zet in op prijzenpakker uit Italië'

Arsenal heeft contact gezocht met Massimiliano Allegri over de vacature van hoofdtrainer bij de Londense club. The Gunners stuurden Unai Emery vrijdagochtend de laan uit na een reeks slechte resultaten. De 2-1 thuisnederlaag tegen Eintracht Frankfurt was de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen voor het bestuur van Arsenal. Emery werd weggestuurd en Allegri zou in beeld zijn om de scepter te gaan zwaaien in het Emirates Stadium, schrijft Sky Sports. De club is volgens het Engelse medium op zoek naar een trainer van formaat om Arsenal weer op het juiste spoor te zetten.

29 Nov 14:30 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883451858089.html
Dit is de mooiste stadstuin van Vlaanderen

Woon je in de stad en wil je graag een tuin? Dan moet je soms creatief uit de hoek komen. Dat deden ook tuinarchitect Berwout Dochy en tuinaannemer Stijn Phlypo met deze ‘Urban Jungle’ midden in de...

29 Nov 10:00 HLN 8967494997142619889.html
Schimbare de conducere la ANPC

Demitere la vârful ANPC – după ce Horia Constantinescu a fost înlaturat din funcția de președinte printr-un ordin semnat de premierul Ludovic Orban, locul a fost luat de Mihaela Ionescu – devenită președinte interimar.

29 Nov 14:17 Europa FM 545007289839035526.html
Dvoje mrtvih u terorističkom napadu na Londonskom mostu, napadač ubijen

Dvoje ljudi je ubijeno, a troje ranjeno u napadu nožem kod Londonskog mosta u Londonu, potvrdila je policija....

29 Nov 15:32 N1 Srbija 7797130866673436729.html
Hailey compartilha foto inédita do casamento com Justin Bieber

A modelo ainda se declarou na legenda do post ousado

29 Nov 14:34 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769427439402696.html
Salen encantados con la Venta del Madrugador

Clientes destacan la organización y el flujo cómodo para entrar a Walmart de Toa Baja

29 Nov 14:56 Primera Hora 5092966653624519136.html
Los Tres y Lucybell vuelven a reunirse en concierto

Las entradas para este nuevo encuentro de Los Tres y Lucybell estarán a la venta a partir de este viernes en el sistema Topticket.

29 Nov 13:56 Rock&Pop 4910011592152565334.html
Beaumont hospital apologises over ‘deficiencies in care’ after death of woman

Kathleen Conroy (68) had a blocked artery in her right leg and died of a heart attack

29 Nov 14:07 The Irish Times 8204772968087234419.html
Mehrjährige Haft für zwei K-Pop-Stars wegen Vergewaltigung

Die beiden K-Pop-Stars Jung Joon Young und Choi Jong Hoon sind in Südkorea wegen Vergewaltigung und anderer Vergehen zu mehrjähriger Haft verurteilt worden.

29 Nov 11:45 bz BASEL 5287163742591032154.html
Goldman Sachs is going through a huge transformation under CEO David Solomon. Here’s everything you need to know.

Here’s everything we know about what’s going on inside Goldman, from its changing tech culture to shakeups in its inner ranks.

4 Dec 11:39 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882463210876.html
Österreichische Journalisten: Finanzierung ist das größte Problem für Medien

Die Finanzierung haben Journalisten am Freitag bei einer Podiumsdiskussion in Lech am Arlberg als größtes Problem für österreichische Medien bezeichnet.

29 Nov 15:38 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083798557737.html
Der erste Abend beim Haller Weihnachtszauber 2019

News und aktuelle Nachrichten aus der baden-württembergischen Stadt Schwäbisch Hall | Haller Tagblatt

29 Nov 11:50 swp.de 6929179442042241043.html
Delser, Liga Vente: "Quella di sabato sarà una partita dura. Dovremo essere brave ad arginare Marghera"

Queste sono le dichiarazioni rilasciate da Liga Vente, il centro titolare della LBS in vista della prossima sfida che vedrà le friulane sfidare Marghera: “Penso che la partita di sabato sarà dura. Marghera ha molte giocatrici rapide e noi dovremo riuscire a fronteggiarle. Dovremo arginare soprattutto Villarruell, che è il pericolo numero uno. Durante la settimana, abbiamo preparato la partita in un buon clima di squadra. Il turno di riposo di campionato ci ha aiutato a recuperare le energie. Queste pause sono molto utili all'interno della stagione sportiva”.

29 Nov 11:41 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194254539811.html
Sebastian Vettel wieder Vater: Es ist sein drittes Kind

Vaterfreuden bei Sebastian Vettel: Der Formel-1-Rennfahrer und seine Ehefrau Hannah feiern die Geburt ihres dritten Kindes. Die frischgebackenen Eltern haben bereits das Geschlecht verraten.

29 Nov 10:23 GMX 2011843074918848880.html
Kenia Os deslumbra con vestido de novia y celebra boda en secreto

La influencer sinaloense, Kenia Os, celebró en secreto su boda, así lo informó hoy por medio de su cuenta de Instagram con una increíble fotografía de novia

29 Nov 15:50 EL DEBATE 4396150894464001545.html
Traumelf: Das Team der EM-Quali

Die UEFA hat eine Traumelf für die EM-Qualifikation gekürt.

29 Nov 13:12 4-4-2.com 812646140941646255.html
Mexico City traffic chaos a matter of life or death

MEXICO CITY, Nov 29 — It’s a peculiar scene: In the middle of a busy Mexico City intersection, police officers earnestly blow their whistles, instructing oncoming traffic to stop — as indifferent drivers speed past them by the dozens. Undeterred, the cars waiting on the cross street enter the...

29 Nov 10:00 Malaymail 302165935837647065.html
Arsenal despide a Unai Emery y Freddie Ljungberg ejercerá como interino

El sucesor de Arsene Wenger deja al equipo en la octava posición de la Premier League.

29 Nov 11:37 Diario La Prensa 7797091976266699370.html
TG4 series on Irish hotels coming to Mayo

TG4 are planning a series on Irish hotels and are looking to include the Mulranny Park Hotel as part of the series.

29 Nov 15:50 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535309936054.html
Taliban say 'way too early' to speak of resuming talks with US

Most observers agree that a political settlement is the only way towards a lasting peace in Afghanistan, and since September diplomatic efforts to foster dialogue have continued.

29 Nov 13:52 Saudi Gazette 6913978435813716963.html
This Doom Digital Camera source port is amazing and bizarre

Gamers have modded many things to play id Software’s Doom; now there’s a Doom Digital Camera! From Porsches to ATM, the classic shooter is available on pretty much anything. Retro-tech YouTuber LazyGameReviews released a new 15-minute video discussing the device’s impressive ability to play custom software. The camera in question is a 1998 Kodak Digital …

29 Nov 15:57 MSPoweruser 1651641550120007655.html
La Policía de Bolivia activó una unidad especial antiterrorista en medio de la crisis

Las autoridades reaccionaron así a las noticias que dan cuenta que una célula podría estar capacitando a jóvenes para el uso de armas de fuego en conflictos sociales. 

29 Nov 10:57 RPP 3819340341613797870.html
Veda Vidwat Agama Sadas from Feb. 25 at Tirumala

Vedic scholars from different parts of the country are expected to take part in the five-day meet

29 Nov 13:47 The Hindu 6679535024650811525.html
Megafraude en Carabineros: Corte rechazó trasladar el caso a la justicia militar

Ad portas del juicio oral, el tribunal de alzada resolvió no dar lugar a la solicitud de los imputados por el mayor fraude al fisco en la historia de Chile y que cuantifica más de $28 mil millones, para que la causa se radicara en la justicia castrense.

29 Nov 13:59 La Nación 6855788057157094830.html
Expertos aplauden desempeño de nuevas pastillas contra el cáncer

Uno de los tipos de cáncer más mortales en todo el mundo es el tumor de ovario, debido a su creciente incidencia y a su diagnóstico casi siempre tardío

29 Nov 10:19 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418236729541.html
Fifa anuncia banimento perpétuo de Ricardo Teixeira de atividades ligadas ao futebol

Câmara decisória do Comitê de Ética considera ex-presidente da CBF culpado de crimes de suborno

29 Nov 14:08 Globoesporte 3611676019109095665.html
Schwere Vorwürfe nach Abschiebung: Clan-Boss Miri gibt Jammer-Interview: Hatte in Deutschland "nie eine Chance"

Ibrahim Miri fühlt sich von deutschen Behörden zu Unrecht als ´Verbrecher´ verfolgt, würde aber am liebsten sofort nach Bremen zurückkehren: In einem Interview mimt der in den Libanon abgeschobene Clan-Anführer das Unschuldslamm. Der 46-Jährige will angeblich nichts mehr mit Kriminalität zu tun haben, sorgt sich aber um seine Einnahmen: ´Wovon soll ich denn leben? Von 165 Euro?´

29 Nov 11:48 FOCUS Online 4448121230180843526.html
Zustellerin stiehlt mehr als 100 Pakete

Sie enthielten Kosmetik, Kleidung und Handys: Mehr als 100 Pakete soll eine Zustellerin in Waldshut-Tiengen (Kreis Waldshut) gestohlen haben.

29 Nov 13:58 swp.de 6929179440537191898.html
God stemning og høyt tempo i Rybaks trollverden

ANMELDELSE: Musikalen «Trolle og den magiske fela» av Alexander Rybak.

29 Nov 11:45 NRK 3631390764715970903.html
Madrid pide aplazar todos los resultados de Pisa y no solo los de lectura

La OCDE publicará el próximo 3 de diciembre el informe, que hasta entonces está embargado, aunque en el caso de España solo publicará los...

29 Nov 13:32 Expansión 4197779423620658417.html
Schnee zum ersten Advent: Der Winter kommt pünktlich

Pünktlich zum meteorologischen Winteranfang am 1. Dezember, der auch noch der erste Advent ist, ist es kalt und schneit.

29 Nov 11:45 RTL.DE 7054729452020099099.html
Homeless Arizona Man Locked Up, Charged with Felony for Allegedly Taking Another Man’s Burrito

An Arizona man spent Thanksgiving behind bars after authorities say he robbed another man of his burrito. Timothy James Bell, 29, was arrested on felony robbery charges this week after allegedly stealing the victim's burrito, a meal "of a value less than 1,000," while hurling threats at him, charging documents

29 Nov 12:07 Atlanta Black Star 3042160500257534027.html
El Gobierno creó por decreto la Agencia Nacional de Protección de Testigos e Imputados

Fue publicado en el Boletín Oficial, con la firma del presidente Macri.

29 Nov 13:49 La Voz 6237180762066513559.html
Fantastic Four: Negative Zone #1 Is a Delightful One-Shot

Fantastic Four: Negative Zone #1 is a savvy one-shot that offers all the science-driven mayhem and teamwork of your favorite Fantastic Four stories.

29 Nov 14:11 CBR.com 1295516961814765880.html
Tiroteo en Londres: mataron a sospechoso de apuñalar a varias personas

Ocurrió en el puente London Bridge. La policía acordonó el área del tradicional lugar en la capital del Reino Unido

29 Nov 15:25 El Ancasti 5864462412937578164.html
Guardiola & Klopp Inducted Into Hall Of Fame

Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Klopp might be rivals on the pitch, but the two managers shared a special evening together on Thursday night. 

29 Nov 11:30 Soccer Laduma 3901337371272622599.html
Black Friday Deals Outletcity Metzingen: Diese Angebote gibt es 2019 im Metzinger Outlet

Schnäppchen-Jäger aufgepasst: Am „Black Friday“ winken besonders viele Rabatte und verlängerte Öffnungszeiten. Wo ihr am 29. November in Metzingen die besten Deals bekommt.

29 Nov 14:31 swp.de 6929179440590553070.html
Paletas de sombras que no pueden faltar en tu cosmetiquera

Con estas paletas de sombras podrás realizarte distintos maquillajes que están en tendencia.

29 Nov 12:16 Wapa.pe 6757287088059168538.html
Junk mail tips woman off that her home was stolen and sold by scammers | IOL News

The first small clue that the home Rohina Husseini owned for nearly a decade was no longer hers was a piece of junk mail that most of us ignore.

29 Nov 13:29 www.iol.co.za 17825111813033700.html

Suite à la convocation de journalistes de l'AS, pour une soi-disant affaire d’injures, devant les enquêteurs de la Division d’Investigation Criminelle, le Synpics, à travers un communiqué parvenu hier, jeudi 28 novembre, à la rédaction de Sud quotidien, a tenu à condamner avec la dernière énergie ce qui s'assimile à une rupture d'égalité des citoyens devant la Loi.  D’après le Synpics dirigé par Bamba Kassé, « le Citoyen Serigne Mboup (Ccbm) n'a pas plus de dignité que les journalistes de L'AS qu'il a fait convoquer devant les enquêteurs de la DIC pour une soi-disant affaire d'injures ». Et le syndicat qui regroupe les professionnels de l'information de s'offusquer dans la foulée des propos de Serigne Mboup tenus lors d'un entretien avec la Rfm. « N'est ce pas lui qui, sous le fallacieux prétexte de "faire mal" est allé à la Rfm diffamer un Directeur de publication et un journaliste dont le seul tort est d'avoir relaté une plainte déposée par la sœur de l'homme d'affaires ? ». Se faisant l’avocat de ses membres…

29 Nov 10:40 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533950208855.html
K-pop stars jailed for gang-rape in South Korea

Singer-songwriter Jung Joon-young also convicted of sharing footage without consent

29 Nov 11:37 the Guardian 1491978796088013004.html
Diputados pasan al Senado acusación constitucional contra Andrés Chadwick

La moción se aprobó durante la tarde de este jueves. El lunes 9 de diciembre el Senado retomará la acusación constitucional.

29 Nov 12:51 Rock&Pop 4910011592061263370.html
Juicio de Diana Quer: el juez devuelve el veredicto al jurado por errores formales

Las causas son que se han encontrado contradicciones y falta de argumentación en algunas de las cuestiones planteadas. 

29 Nov 11:10 La Información 5328999782275004761.html
Se suicida hermano del hombre que fue asesinado hace unas semanas en Kanasín

El cuerpo fue encontrado por su familia al interior de su casa; sería el suicidio 215 que se registra en Yucatán en el 2019

29 Nov 10:33 SIPSE.com 4008460418405665993.html
Actor misionero fue seleccionado entre los personajes del año por la revista Gente

Cada año la revista Gente elige a los personajes del año para su edición especial de diciembre. Este año el actor misionero Mauricio “Pikio” Paniagua fue seleccionado para formar parte de la foto donde...

29 Nov 11:52 El Territorio Misiones 4290701723861129476.html
iPad and Apple Watch Series 5 LTE are coming soon on Maxis Zerolution

Apart from Digi and Celcom, it appears that you can soon get the latest Apple Watch Series 5 with LTE support from Maxis. On top of that, the green telco is also offering iPad with cellular connectivity on instalment as well.

29 Nov 14:42 SoyaCincau.com 3698931830865548137.html
Manchester United set to play Indian side East Bengal in Kolkata next year – Report

The rise of social media and worldwide television broadcast has allowed fans to keep up with football clubs from anywhere on the club. Manchester United is one such club which has benefitted greatly from fanbases all over the world. The Red Devils may just give one particular fanbase plenty of joy next year! 

29 Nov 15:36 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906925297298.html
Karoo drills and prays as taps run dry

Drilling boreholes gives temporary reprieve.

29 Nov 11:15 Moneyweb 1092550946928446728.html
In a blow to diplomatic relations with Cuba, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Oct. 3 ejected 15 Cuban diplomats from the United States. The expulsion follows his withdrawal of most U.S. personnel from the embassy in Havana after 22 American diplomats and family members there suffered unexplained health problems.

Is Trump using "health attacks" on US diplomats in Havana as an excuse to punish Cuba?

29 Nov 13:30 Yahoo 7097669638814371195.html
Review: Derbyshire-built Toyota Corolla is back - and it's gorgeous

Has the striking new Corolla been worth the wait?

29 Nov 13:07 Derbyshire Live 9061707931897846110.html
Balenciaga Pays Homage to Paris With Eiffel Tower-Indebted Items

Featuring playful prints.

29 Nov 10:45 HYPEBEAST 3806037268580556523.html
Movie reviews: 'Knives Out' breathes life into creaky whodunit genre

CTV movie reviewer Richard Crouse shares his take on four movies this week: 'Knives Out,' 'The Two Popes,' 'Queen & Slim,' 'Dark Waters,' and 'Lady and the Tramp.'

29 Nov 12:30 CTVNews 2422791598966899721.html
Taliban say 'way too early' to speak of resuming talks with US

President Donald Trump statement indicated progress, though spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid's statement suggested roadblocks remain. "It is way too early to talk about the resumption of talks for now," the insurgent spokesman told AFP in a WhatsApp message, adding that the Islamist group would give an official reaction later.

29 Nov 11:36 The Economic Times 7653256036867954774.html
Chelsea's N'Golo Kante files lawsuit against former agent for fraud

The Paris prosecutor's office said Chelsea's N'Golo Kante has filed a lawsuit against his former image agent, citing fraud and breach of trust.

29 Nov 11:53 ESPN 8538773403141181198.html
Sana Muhammad crossbow death: Ex-husband jailed for 'evil' murder

Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo shot Sana Muhammad in the abdomen when she was nine months pregnant.

29 Nov 12:22 BBC News 3883826127628034881.html
Nova descoberta pode dobrar a capacidade das baterias de lítio

Eletrólito sólido também permitirá que as baterias sejam muito mais seguras, eliminando o risco de incêndios ou explosões

29 Nov 13:11 Olhar Digital 416591715949588766.html
EU's new Green Deal slammed as 'half-baked' before launch

Greenpeace have accused the incoming European Commission of Ursula von der Leyen of preparing draft new climate and environmental laws whose measures are "too weak, half-baked or missing altogether".

29 Nov 15:48 EUobserver 625925299552864748.html
Encargada de negocios de la embajada de EE.UU. visita a la opositora Nancy Alfaya

La funcionaria norteamericana recalcó que el único “delito” de la activista es oponerse a la violencia de género en Cuba.

29 Nov 12:34 CiberCuba 8213836170710203748.html
Knives Out does what so many of the best mysteries do: Carve up the rich

The new film by Rian Johnson has a radical class politics — just like Agatha Christie's stories or Columbo

29 Nov 11:45 The Week 149215354955369841.html
To drept og tre skadd i knivangrepet på London Bridge. Gjerningsmannen ble skutt og drept av politiet.

Metropolitan police sier knivangrep i London var terror.

29 Nov 14:28 Bergens Tidende 6643873500324307691.html
Don't Buy Anyone a Ring Camera

There’s a chance you had never heard of Ring cameras before Amazon bought the company for as much as $1.8 billion last year. It’s possible that Ring still wasn’t on your radar earlier this year, when reports emerged that the home security giant had partnered with scores of police departments, funneling videos and user data in some dystopian effort to make a profit by fighting crime and eradicating privacy. But there’s a good chance that you’re going to see a Ring video doorbell on sale—possibly bundled with an Amazon Echo—this Black Friday.

29 Nov 14:00 Gizmodo 461714590743055719.html
Windows 10, aggiornamento bloccato: ma chi ci riesce incontra un errore

Windows 10 si può aggiornare alla nuova versione rilasciata da Microsoft. C'è chi non ce la fa a causa di una app. Ma chi fa aggiornamento riscontra un bug.

29 Nov 11:35 tecnoandroid 2573257126755593808.html
Microsoft Flight Simulator nos introduce en la cabina de los aviones en su nuevo vídeo

El desarrollo de Microsoft Flight Simulator viene acompañándose de unos cuantos vídeos que sirven para explicar los avances y tecnologías que están usando. Un desarrollo vinculado a una comunidad de Insiders que están aportando su grano de arena para el que, sin duda, será el simulador más ambicioso y espectacular de la licencia. En un nuevo vídeo que nos sirve para conocer nuevos detalles de la propuesta, Microsoft Flight Simulator nos introduce en la cabina de los aviones.

29 Nov 14:46 SomosXbox 4635940033872098462.html
"Magischer Moment": Mutter wacht nach monatelangem Koma auf, als ihre Tochter gestillt werden möchte

Nach einem brutalen Überfall lag Mutter Maria Ferreyra einen Monat lang im Koma - bis eines Tages ihre jüngste Tochter gestillt werden wollte und sie damit ins Leben zurück holte. Ein Wunder für die ganze Familie.

29 Nov 12:50 FOCUS Online 4448121231093466766.html
Halting of UK orders likely the end for GM developed Opel Mokka X

The Mokka X is expected to feature the same drivetrain options, meaning the inclusion of both petrol and diesel engines together with the aforementioned electric motor

29 Nov 11:52 The Citizen 410802302214058506.html
Babies Birth Comes Too Soon - Baby Arriving before 38 weeks of pregnancy

Babies Birth Comes Too Soon - Newborn Arriving before 38 weeks of pregnancy. Read of a pre term birth at thehealthsite.com

29 Nov 10:24 Thehealthsite 4766622849936130206.html
The Best Lululemon Black Friday Deals -- Leggings, Tanks and More

The popular athleisure brand has revealed major savings to kick off the holiday season.

29 Nov 15:12 Entertainment Tonight 7101181083653331233.html
La campagna elettorale arriva in Consiglio a Mugnano, ‘sgarbo’ di Schiattarella a Sarnataro

Venti di campagna elettorale durante il Consiglio comunale svoltosi ieri a Mugnano. Se le variazioni di bilancio per le opere pubbliche sono passate all’unanimità, c’è stato un punto che ha fatto emergere le frizioni all’interno della maggioranza. I consiglieri che sostengono la giunta Sarnataro Elisabetta Riccio del Pd, Biagio Guarino di MugnanoFutura e Pierluigi Schiattarella hanno votato contro la modifica del regolamento idrico. Se per Riccio e Guarino, in qualità di consiglieri, hanno legittimamente fatto emergere la loro contrarietà, c’è da registrare la posizione assunta da Schiattarella. E’ alquanto anomalo, infatti, dal punto di vista di cortesia istituzionale, che un Presidente del Consiglio, che dovrebbe fungere da garante dell’Assise, prenda una posizione politica e addirittura lo faccia andando contro il suo sindaco. E c’è chi giura che la scelta di ieri sia solo la prima mossa in vista della campagna elettorale che vede proprio Schiattarella competere con Sarnataro per accaparrarsi la candidatura…

29 Nov 13:25 InterNapoli.it 7089789175269484857.html
Solinas terz'ultimo in classifica, il podio è di Zaia

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:55 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207060464730.html
Unai Emery esonerato dall’Arsenal/ Allegri e Ancelotti fra i papabili per il futuro

Unai Emery esonerato dall’Arsenal. Il tecnico spagnolo sollevato dal suo incarico dopo la sconfitta in Europa League: ora tocca ad Allegri?

29 Nov 12:02 IlSussidiario 495412293646326450.html
Jung und Choi: Wegen Gruppenvergewaltigung: K-Pop-Stars müssen lange ins Gefängnis

Wegen Vergewaltigung zweier Frauen mussten die K-Pop-Stars Jung Joon Young und Choi Jong Hoon vor Gericht. Nun ist das Urteil gefallen.

29 Nov 13:34 stern.de 4680145938095568900.html
World’s Newest Nation? Another State May Soon Emerge in Oceania

Following a bloody civil war that ended in 1998, with a peace agreement finalised in 2001, Bougainville has been struggling to achieve independence. A referendum has finally been held to determine the island’s status.

29 Nov 12:03 Sputniknews 967333868184355548.html
Dull, wasteful and overblown - is this the best Australia can do?

The proposed renovation of the Australian War Memorial isn't subtle.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562742726775.html
Abtasten ist Pflicht: Hodenkrebs trifft immer mehr junge Männer - mit 2 Fragen erkennen Sie Ihr Risiko

Hodenkrebs ist unter jungen Männern der häufigste bösartige Tumor. Warum Hodenkrebs so früh auftritt, es keine Vorbeugung gibt, auf welche Symptome Sie achten müssen und wer besonders gefährdet ist. FOCUS Online sprach mit einem Hodenkrebs-Experten.

29 Nov 12:28 FOCUS Online 4448121230886636507.html
Mordprozess um Tod vor 23 Jahren endet mit Freispruch

Mehr als 23 Jahre nach dem gewaltsamen Tod einer Frau in Gengenbach (Ortenaukreis) hat das Landgericht Offenburg den Ehemann freigesprochen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte ihm vorgeworfen, seine damals 22 Jahre alte Frau im Juni 1996 mit einem Messer ermordet zu haben.

29 Nov 12:25 ka-news.de 5595931857467403979.html
Black Friday: des associations françaises se mobilisent contre Amazon

  Au lendemain d'un blocage d'un centre de distribution du géant Amazon, plusieurs militants se sont rassemblés vendredi devant le siège d'Amazon à Paris pour dénoncer la surconsommation à l'occasion du Black Friday.   Plusieurs militants se sont rassemblés ce vendredi devant le siège d'Amazon à Paris pour dénoncer la surconsommation. Réunis notamment à l'appel d'Attac et Greenpeace pour cette action présentée comme «non-violente et joyeuse», les manifestants ont déroulé devant le siège de Clichy, près de Paris, des banderoles hostiles au géant du commerce en ligne avant de s'asseoir devant le siège de l'entreprise aux cris de : «On dit stop au Black Friday et son impunité !». «Aujourd'hui, Amazon a les émissions de gaz à effet de serre d'un État», a dénoncé sur place, Jean-François Julliard, directeur de Greenpeace France.   Jeudi, entre 50 et 100 militants des groupes ANV-COP21 et Amis de la Terre avaient brièvement bloqué un centre de distribution d'Amazon en région parisienne, installant des bottes de paille…

29 Nov 10:46 LesEco.ma 3084334528364043504.html
Mass consumerism is destroying our planet. This Black Friday, let’s take a stand

With climate catastrophe on the horizon, we should reject this orgy of consumption, says professor of marketing Alan Bradshaw

29 Nov 10:06 the Guardian 1491978794981529038.html
Reminder: Netflix Is Losing Support on Some Devices on December 1

Consider this a gentle reminder that some older devices are losing support for Netflix on December 1, including select Roku, Samsung, and Vizio units.

29 Nov 13:00 Gizmodo 461714589721149144.html
La conversación

El 15 de abril de 2019, Emmanuel Macron, presidente de Francia anunciaba las medidas que iba a tomar como resultado del Gran Debate Nacional propuesto por él a principios del año luego de que la protesta de los chalecos amarillos, nacida del deterioro de la economía de las clases medias, casi da al traste con su gobierno. Convocado nacionalmente, con una agenda de diez puntos, no sólo se refería a los motivos de la protesta, sino que buscaba nada menos que redefinir el papel de Estado y sus relaciones con los ciudadanos. Había terminado un mes antes y calmó los ánimos. Casi dos millones de franceses participaron en 10.000 encuentros para discutir temas preestablecidos, se recibieron más de 1,8 millones de comentarios por internet y hubo 16.000 libros de quejas abiertos en las alcaldías. La gran agenda quedó en veremos, pero su gobierno aceptó bajar el IVA en ciertas categorías de productos, ajustar las pensiones a la evolución de la inflación y aumentar el salario mínimo. Algo que desde un principio pedían los…

29 Nov 14:40 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346692570822.html
Gazzetta dello Sport reports Arsenal contact with manager – He’s turned them down, as he did with Tottenham

As soon as Unai Emery was sacked by Arsenal on Friday morning, the claims about who would replacement, at least in the long term, were immediate. Nuno Espirito Santo was once again pushed forward for the position, as well as Massimiliano Allegri and Carlo Ancelotti. Gazzetta dello Sport now report Arsenal have made contact with Allegri,

29 Nov 13:16 Sport Witness 200001552048443854.html
Harris’ Fall: A Campaign Divided And A Candidate Lost

Disorganization is the currency of the realm at the Kamala Harris campaign, with an apparatus split between two coasts and...

29 Nov 14:58 Talking Points Memo 4598529366082006947.html
Buscan a un británico desaparecido en Torrevieja cuando practicaba kayac

Kenneth Dallas McPherson lleva desaparecido desde el sábado 23 de noviembre

29 Nov 10:55 Las Provincias 5471838390706350191.html
Di Battista rompe il silenzio e attacca Renzi: "Chiarisca sui soldi"

L'ex parlamentare del M5s Alessandro Di Battista torna a parlare e punta il dito contro il leader di Italia Viva Matteo Renzi.

29 Nov 10:14 ilGiornale.it 5019541225114315468.html
Aposentados e pensionistas precisam fazer o recadastramento obrigatório e a prova de vida

Foto: Cesar Brustolin/SMCS Aposentados e pensionistas que fazem aniversário no mês de dezembro precisam fazer o recadastramento obrigatório e a prova de vida, etapas do Censo Previdenciário. Todos …

29 Nov 14:04 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257528141694.html
Immer häufiger kündigen Zürcher Vermieter allen Mietern aufs Mal

Leerkündigungen nehmen zu, weil zunehmend alte Häuser mit grösseren Neubauten ersetzt werden.

29 Nov 14:13 SRF 8424707180019870878.html
Love the game: Drake and Taylor Swift's decade in pop dominance

Since 2009, Drake has become a cross-genre streaming star, while Swift’s glow-up has transformed her into a blockbuster brand – and their co-command of ‘pop 2.0’ isn’t wavering yet

29 Nov 14:40 the Guardian 1491978794818109647.html
Ongeloof over ontluisterend PSV: 'Het probleem ligt denk ik niet bij Van Bommel'

Willy van de Kerkhof kan zijn ogen nauwelijks geloven na wéér een wanprestatie van PSV. Donderdagavond was Sporting Portugal met 4-0 te sterk voor de ploeg van trainer Mark van Bommel, die daardoor uit de Europa League ligt. Van de Kerkhof vindt dat er te veel door de ondergrens zakken bij zijn geliefde PSV. "Als je onze vriend Dumfries ziet spelen tegen Sporting, vraag ik me af waarom hij elke keer als een rechtsbuiten speelt", reageert de oud-international bij Omroep Brabant. "Door die fout vallen er twee doelpunten." Spelersrapport: collectief falen bij PSV levert elf (!) onvoldoendes op Portugese media over 'verloren' PSV: 'Ook nog elf punten achter op Ajax' 'Sportieve schade gigantisch: directie moet zich afvragen of PSV op goede weg is'

29 Nov 14:32 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885154881744.html
Policía de Hong Kong retiró seguridad de Universidad

Funcionarios hallaron seis mil artefactos letales fabricados por los manifestantes

29 Nov 15:10 Últimas Noticias 6811287209339810482.html
Armed robbers smash into cash-in-transit van on Pretoria N1, escape with money

A cash-in-transit van was attacked by three gunmen on the N1 in Pretoria on Friday, officials have confirmed.

29 Nov 14:56 The Citizen 410802302361893412.html
Ocean Viking di nuovo in mare, recuperati 60 migranti a largo della Libia

Ocean Viking ha a bordo 60 migranti dopo operazione di recupero a largo della Libia

29 Nov 10:19 ilGiornale.it 5019541225687586656.html
Kubica will in die DTM, verhandelt aber auch mit Haas und Racing Point

Am Sonntag ist für Robert Kubica Schluss mit der Formel 1 - jetzt hofft der Pole auf ein DTM-Cockpit. In Abu Dhabi fährt der 34-Jährige sein letztes Rennen...

29 Nov 11:56 RTL.DE 7054729451711662201.html
Attentato a Londra, diversi feriti: ucciso un uomo con coltello. VIDEO

Una sparatoria è avvenuta sul London Bridge. Diversi feriti. Scotland Yard sta trattando "precauzionalmente" i fatti avvenuti come "terrorismo"

29 Nov 14:31 Affari Italiani 6123405402416225648.html
Johnny Depp producing Michael Jackson musical 'as told by his glove'

The production is described as ‘a fresh, revisionist look at the strange forces that shaped Jackson and the scandals that bedevilled him’

29 Nov 11:50 the Guardian 1491978796265931547.html
Reno3 Pro 5G, immagine ufficiale online svela molti dettagli

Nuovo smartphone Oppo in arrivo in versione Pro e modem 5G.

29 Nov 15:07 InvestireOggi 7231367742881751634.html
Nainggolan, momento d'oro: il belga MVP di novembre in Serie A

Arrivano i primi riconoscimenti ufficiali per le grandi prestazioni di Radja Nainggolan, a caccia del rilancio in quel di Cagliari dopo l'allontanamento in prestito dall'Inter. Il...

29 Nov 13:42 FcInterNews.it 7848284892544169770.html
Capitan Smalling Stand by me!

Dzeko, che ha consegnato la fascia a Chris senza esitare, con quel gesto ha urlato proprio come i fratelli Gallagher: Resta con me, stacci vicino

29 Nov 12:30 Forzaroma.info 1065617486437151817.html
Conor O'Shea to work alongside Eddie Jones in "wide-ranging" RFU role

O'Shea stepped down from the Italy head coach role after the recent World Cup and will start his new post at Twickenham next year.

29 Nov 13:49 Sports Mole 7750663361760640541.html
Dove acquistare un titolo azionario sottovalutato di oltre il 20%?

Ci sono titoli sottovalutati a Piazza Affari che potrebbero essere un affare se solo si sapesse dove acquistare. Spesso, infatti, un errato timing di

29 Nov 11:06 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261822107666.html
Dilip Walse Patil appointed Protem Speaker in Maha

Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) MLA Dilip Walse Patil appointed as Protem Speaker of the Maharashtra assembly.

29 Nov 15:41 Deccan Herald 2027555797330201134.html
Bill Peters out as Flames coach after allegations by Akim Aliu

Bill Peters is out as head coach of the Calgary Flames in the wake of allegations made by former player Akim Aliu on social media, Sportsnet has confirmed.

29 Nov 11:14 Sportsnet.ca 4293652946379887303.html
Andy Murray tipped to win more Grand Slam titles with metal hip

Andy Murray is expected to return to Grand Slam action in January at the Australian Open - 12 months after he was given an emotional send off Down Under

29 Nov 13:57 Irish Mirror 2875825628809829522.html
How Unai Emery's Arsenal record compared to end of Arsene Wenger's reign

Emery was in charge for 51 Premier League matches, and chalked up 25 wins, with 13 draws and 13 losses.

29 Nov 13:25 Sports Mole 7750663362651313373.html
Litiga con la moglie e la uccide di botte in strada: arrestato

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 13:04 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207628695090.html
Diese Pokémon bekommt ihr in Schwert & Schild geschenkt

Wir zeigen euch, wo in Schwert & Schild ihr Pokémon geschenkt bekommt und was ihr dafür tun müsst.

29 Nov 11:41 www.gamepro.de 3610569832524307900.html
Testigo clave en la acusación de Donald Trump acusado de acoso sexual

Gordon Sondland, embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Europea, ha sido acusado por tres mujeres de comportarse de manera inapropiada. Niega los Gordon Sondland, embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Europea, ha sido acusado por tres mujeres de comportarse de manera inapropiada.

29 Nov 14:15 Pysnnoticias 6628072006095334708.html
Hornets vuelven a ganarle a los Pistons

A comienzos de este mes, Charlotte superó 109-106 a los Pistons, y el miércoles ganó por 102-101.

29 Nov 15:42 Primera Hora 5092966653507648611.html
Osmani: Dogovor sa Srbijom treba da se zasniva na međusobnom prizanju

Zamenica predsednika Demokratskog saveza Kosova Vjosa Osmani smatra da dogovor sa Srbijom treba da se zasniva na međusobnom priznanju, kao i da je dijalog jedini način da razrešimo probleme sa susedima, uključujući i Srbiju, prenosi prištinska štampa.

29 Nov 10:03 Dnevni list Danas 649654641525082368.html
'Adrien Trebel weg bij RSC Anderlecht'

Adrien Trebel verlaat Anderlecht naar alle waarschijnlijkheid in de winterstop. De middenvelder mikt zelf op een transfer naar het Midden-Oosten.

29 Nov 11:00 Voetbal24 8097814615545695993.html
Scarlett Johansson says she romanticised marriage during relationship with Ryan Reynolds

Scarlett Johansson has spoken candidly about her marriage to Ryan Reynolds.

29 Nov 15:55 Channel24 2038030839657198967.html
Monster black hole that is so big it 'should not even exist' was discovered

A massive black hole was discovered and it is so big it "should not even exist."

29 Nov 12:47 ABC News 526033262903898448.html
This is the Black Friday UK deal for Surface audio fans

Microsoft accomplished a substantial amount with the Surface Headphones, trading blows with high-end headphones from Sony and Bose, designed to go alongside Surface hardware.

29 Nov 10:23 Windows Central 7807657680346152106.html
Resident Evil 2 y Resident Evil 3 podrían enlazarse mediante Project Resistance

Resident Evil 2 y Resident Evil 3 podrían enlazarse mediante Project Resistance. Ya os hemos comentado, en varias ocasiones, que Project Resistance guarda cierta vinculación con Resident Evil 3; principalmente por referencias al juego original. Pero además, indagando en la información oficial lanzada por Capcom y por la que han averiguado los fans de la saga, es posible que Project Resistance actúe como enlace entre Resident Evil 2 y Resident Evil 3. Recordad que ambos juegos muestran acontecimientos que suceden en paralelo; por un lado tenemos a Leon y Claire intentando descubrir qué ocurre en Raccoon City (y huir de ella) y por otro una Jill que llega a la ciudad en busca de Chris. Así que puede que sendos remakes se unan por Project Resistance.

29 Nov 13:11 SomosXbox 4635940034716539023.html
32 Black Friday photos that were taken at the perfect time

Few days are as chaotic, exciting, stressful, and exhilarating as Black Friday – and many photographers simply can’t resist capturing photos of it all.

29 Nov 14:25 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883144666319.html
Man City manager Pep Guardiola reacts to Unai Emery sacking

Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal manager on Friday morning after a run of seven matches without a win - Man City face the Gunners in the Premier League next month

29 Nov 15:21 mirror 675785261306963091.html
FC Bayern: David Alaba und Michael Cuisance stehen wieder zur Verfügung

Bayern München kann im Bundesligaspiel am Samstag (18.30 Uhr im LIVETICKER ) gegen Bayer Leverkusen wieder auf David Alaba zurückgreifen.

29 Nov 13:41 SPOX 8395423526348801643.html
Condimento clave en la cocina y en la vida: conozca los beneficios de consumir perejil

¿Te gusta cocinar? El perejil no puede faltar en su cocina para que usted arrase con el condimento de las comidas. La hortaliza es rica en vitaminas, ¿Te gusta cocinar? El perejil no puede faltar en su cocina para que usted arrase con el condimento de las comidas. La hortaliza es rica en vita

29 Nov 15:21 Pysnnoticias 6628072005435136680.html
De minachting van schoonzus Caroline is compleet: “Prinses Charlene is een ordinaire del”

Monaco vierde vorige dinsdag zijn nationale feestdag. Het is een uiterst zeldzaam moment waarop de prinsessen Charlene en Caroline in elkaars gezelschap verkeren, want de wederzijdse hekel van de s...

29 Nov 11:00 HLN 8967494997594664940.html
PROMOJAGERS SUPERTIP: ontdek hier de 15 beste Black Friday-deals

Vandaag is het Black Friday, dé jaarlijkse hoogmis voor koopjesjagers. De leden van de Facebookgroep Promojagers België delen momenteel de strafste Black Friday-promoties die ze tegenkomen met elka...

29 Nov 11:52 HLN 8967494997684843670.html
Bungie is revealing the next season of Destiny 2 soon, talks known Google Stadia errors

It's a pretty low key week for Destiny 2 news given that it's a holiday period, but Bungie is coming out of the woodwork to let us know that there is more actual news is coming soon. As in, next week soon! News about news is such a mas...

29 Nov 10:00 Destructoid 5545714966470878151.html
La CNMC someterá a consulta una nueva propuesta retributiva para el gas

El Consejo de la CNMC ya sometió a consulta pública una primera propuesta de metodología que, manteniendo los principios del modelo retributivo...

29 Nov 13:49 Expansión 4197779423413844245.html
Blanca Suárez se desnuda para promocionar un perfume

Blanca Suárez está en boca de todos durante las últimas semanas. La actriz madrileña y Mario Casas pusieron recientemente fin a su...

29 Nov 13:02 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958315380868.html
'This is why the capital is being moved': Jokowi says after getting stuck in Jakarta's gridlock

The moment the President’s convoy got stuck on Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio in Kuningan, South Jakarta, went viral on social media on Thursday.

29 Nov 15:15 The Jakarta Post 7678601103703598065.html
Unai Emery sacked by Arsenal: Where did it go wrong?

The axe has fallen on Unai Emery's tenure at Arsenal, but what did he get wrong?

29 Nov 15:55 Sky Sports 7729859610430304338.html
Ada 112 PNS Kemenkeu yang Kena Pemangkasan Eselon

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati memangkas eselon III dan IV di Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF). Ada 112 dari 179 PNS BKF yang kena perampingan

29 Nov 12:00 detikfinance 4442190001432547804.html
Boris Johnson defends calling children of single mothers 'ill-raised' before he was 'even in politics'

Boris Johnson has defended disparaging remarks he made about single mothers, telling a voter they were made before he was “even in politics”. Written in an article for The Spectator magazine in 1995, the Conservative Party leader described the children of single mothers as “ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate”. The prime minister was put to task over the NHS, trade deals and the promises of 50,000 more nurses by callers on the LBC radio.

29 Nov 11:47 ITV News 2184971257433321324.html
‘Apple verdubbelt productie AirPods Pro naar 2 miljoen units per maand’

Als we de nieuwste geruchten mogen geloven dan heeft Apple besloten de productie van de AirPods Pro te verdubbelen van 1 naar 2 miljoen.

29 Nov 13:12 One More Thing 8814996066931248869.html
Ant McPartlin and Dec Donnelly reveal who they think will be voted off I'm A Celebrity first

One campmate will be dumped tonight!

29 Nov 13:11 Entertainment Daily 8392972515746196480.html
Non solo Fridays for Future: così lo sviluppo sostenibile entra nelle scuole

Il protocollo tra Ministero dell’Istruzione e Asvis punta sulla diffusione e la conoscenza tra gli studenti e i docenti dei temi dell’Agenda 2030 dell’Onu, promuovendo progetti e concorsi in tutti i gradi di istruzione. Dopo la prima edizione avviata nel 2016, ora è stato rinnovato per un altro triennio

29 Nov 10:53 VITA 7700876771244846555.html
Falam nomes na noite de homenagens da Assembleia

SAÚDE – Radialista Fonseca Jr, da Amanda FM, de Amambai, em período de check-up em cidade da fronteira com o Paraguai. Diagnóstico é dos melhores e é vida que segue. “Numa boa”, constata. FAKE? – Publicação de pesquisa sobre audiência de rádios da capital surpreendeu que teve acesso ao placar. Ao contrário do que é divulgado pelas ‘líderes’, a Difusora Pantanal FM desponta como a primeira colocada...

29 Nov 12:11 Campo Grande News 7902463002957264039.html
Brescia: uccide a botte la compagna, poi si impicca

Tragedia ad Azzano Mella: un 32enne uccide a botte la compagna, poi si toglie la vita impiccandosi

29 Nov 10:49 Affari Italiani 6123405402997048481.html
Meister Launches 10 New Colorways of the Ultra Slim Watch for Black Friday

The perfect unisex gift.

29 Nov 15:45 HYPEBEAST 3806037269312527510.html
Extrabiljetter till Rammstein på Ullevi

Musik Det tyska industrimetalbandet Rammstein gör två utsålda spelningar på Ullevi i Göteborg nästa sommar.

29 Nov 14:01 www.unt.se 8922556089924480375.html
Le Premier ministre annonce sa démission

À l'annonce de la démission d'Adel Abdel Mahdi, la foule a explosé de joie sur la place Tahrir de Bagdad, épicentre de la contestation.

29 Nov 13:18 L'essentiel 554828747776421039.html
Österreicher wünschen sich zu Weihnachten Geld und Reisen

Die Österreicher wünschen sich zu Weihnachten am liebsten Bargeld (15,7 Prozent), Reisen (14,5 Prozent) und Gutscheine (13,9 Prozent). Die Liste der unbeliebtesten Geschenke führen in der Umfrage von Marketagent.com Socken mit 21,2 Prozent an. Durchschnittlich wollen Österreicher heuer sieben Packerln - das ist eines mehr als 2018 - verschenken, wobei Männer sechs und Frauen acht Präsente planen.

29 Nov 10:53 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084917257848.html
Les Cybermenaces Dans L’Industrie Automobile

Tout dispositif connecté peut faire l'objet de cybermenaces. D’ailleurs, les téléphones, les ordinateurs portables, les objets connectés (« Internet of...

29 Nov 15:00 Forbes France 3079663226264499815.html
Kofi Kinaata deserves to be nominated in Gospel Song of the Year category – Okyeame Quophi

Music Producer, Quophi Okyeame, has rooted for Kofi Kinaata to be nominated in the Gospel Song of the Year category in next year’s VGMA’s. Okyeame Quophi in a phone-in interview with Andy Dosty on Hitz FM’s Daybreak Hitz urged that award schemes should consider nominating rapper Kofi Kinaata’ ‘Things Fall Apart’ in one of the […]

29 Nov 15:04 GhBase.com 8689748846984972885.html
Tusla involved in welfare plans for Lisa Smith’s child - Taoiseach

Speculation Ms Smith and daughter may be flown back to Ireland in the coming days

29 Nov 15:29 The Irish Times 8204772968139498593.html
World’s First-Ever HIV Positive Sperm Bank Is Now Accepting Donations

The bank aims to give those with HIV the same opportunities as everyone else.

29 Nov 15:18 Interesting Engineering 7328942540500383190.html
Buffett outbid by private equity in Berkshire’s big deal hunt

Apollo Global Management tops Berkshire's share bid for technology distribution company.

29 Nov 15:28 Moneyweb 1092550947099261803.html
Regina Pats looking to pass latest road test

The Regina Pats are on the road for four games in five days, with the next one coming Friday night versus the Calgary Hitmen.

29 Nov 13:00 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425435537477.html
Man fighting for life after being hit by van in Fife

The 43-year-old man was struck by a white Ford Transit van that was found a short time after the incident by cops in Blyth Gardens, Kirkcaldy.

29 Nov 14:25 dailyrecord 552235480828614642.html
What's happened to Alfie Mawson, the ex-Swansea City star once linked with Liverpool, Arsenal and Spurs now left with a big point to prove

The defender left Swansea City for £20m last summer, but has struggled to live up to the promise shown at the Liberty Stadium

29 Nov 12:10 Wales Online 7686550516492590779.html
Iberdrola pasa al ataque y exige a la CNMV una investigación sobre ACS y Villarejo

La eléctrica requiere al organsimo supervisor para que pida aclaraciones a Florentino Pérez sobre su vinculación con el comisario encarcelado y sus sociedades en paraísos fiscales

29 Nov 15:14 El Confidencial 6129807549836514843.html
Blitz educativa conscientiza sobre violência contra a mulher

O trabalho está inserido na programação alusiva aos “16 Dias de Ativismo pelo Fim da Violência Contra a Mulher”

29 Nov 13:01 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103550112519376.html
Black Friday: forti sconti in casa Honor

Oggi, venerdì 29 novembre, è possibile acquistare prodotti di ogni tipo a prezzi vantaggiosi. Infatti, è proprio durante il Black Friday che alcuni produttori di smartphone rilasciano codici sconto o promozioni per acquistare i propri terminali a prezzi molto più accessibili. A tal proposito, Honor ha scontato fortemente due dei suoi migliori prodotti: il 9X (fascia media) e il 20 (fascia alta).

29 Nov 10:22 Androidiani.com 8834294957715449796.html
Mark Suciu phone edit

Un phone edit che spacca piu' di molte videopart

29 Nov 13:23 4ActionSport 8533118563386541288.html
En appel, toujours pas de condamnation requise contre Barbarin

L'avocat général Joël Sollier n'a pas requis de condamnation vendredi contre le cardinal Philippe Barbarin, qui conteste en appel sa condamnation à six mois de prison avec sursis pour ne pas avoir dénoncé les abus sexuels d'un prêtre du diocèse. Le représentant du ministère public s'est ainsi de nouveau inscrit dans la continuité de la position adoptée par le parquet jusque-là dans cette affaire. Lors du procès en première instance en mars dernier, la représentante du ministère public n'avait déjà pas requis de condamnation contre le prélat.

29 Nov 10:03 FranceSoir 2214281689512417800.html
10 years in, WhatsApp still needs true multi-device support

WhatsApp launched out of beta 10 years ago this month. The app has gained a slew of features in that time, but multi-device support is still MIA.

29 Nov 10:20 VentureBeat 6273363635740142152.html
Kembangkan Millennium City, Hanson Investasi Rp 400 M

PT Hanson International Tbk (MYRX) mengembangkan hunian terpadu Millennium City di Parung Panjang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat.

29 Nov 12:01 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214288278655.html
Apple: Jony Ive ha lasciato l'azienda

Jony Ive, il responsabile del design industriale di Apple che ha dato forma a molti prodotti della Mela dall'iMac all'iPhone, è ufficialmente uscito dalla compagnia. (ANSA)

29 Nov 13:08 ANSA.it 1300837448379735772.html
How many sleeps until Christmas? The most festive ways to count down the days

Holidays are coming!

29 Nov 13:37 Metro 970161747163255152.html
How to clean a flat top grill, restaurant-style

This vaguely comports to the methods I saw and knew in 1990s London. The proper way was to start with oil and use a grill brick [Amazon], but the reality is you will still need lots of environmenta…

29 Nov 13:19 Boing Boing 4601305168762834106.html
Tesla's Cybertruck Caught on Camera on the Streets of LA for the First Time Ever

An Instagrammer was the first person to post real footage of Tesla's Cybertruck rolling in broad daylight in the streets of Los Angeles.

29 Nov 15:14 Interesting Engineering 7328942540554398174.html
'Lot of domestic coaching talent': Dravid

Dravid, who was in the city to observe the ongoing one-day series between India Under-19 and Afghanistan Under-19 as part of preparations for the World Cup early next year, hoped for a substantial Indian presence in the IPL support staff in the future.

29 Nov 10:06 Deccan Herald 2027555796146856773.html
Raubüberfall auf Lebensmittelgeschäft in Pratteln – Polizei sucht Zeugen

29 Nov 15:10 bz BASEL 5287163741901533261.html
Laxmmi Bomb: Tusshar Kapoor Reveals His Production Venture With Akshay Kumar Was A 6 Years Old Dream

Laxmmi Bomb is one of the most anticipated films currently. The film will star Akshay Kumar in a transgender role and people are pretty eager to see the Khiladi in this unique avatar. But it is not ju

29 Nov 10:50 Koimoi 5184275671289245723.html
Bispos cumprimentam Luis Lacalle como próximo presidente do Uruguai

O Conselho Permanente da Conferência Episcopal do Uruguai cumprimentou, em 28 de novembro, o futuro presidente da república, Luis Lacalle Pou, uma vez que, segundo o Tribunal Eleitoral, teria obtido a vantagem necessária sobre seu rival Daniel Martínez no segundo turno do domingo, 24 de novembro.  

29 Nov 10:00 ACI Digital 1688611262469934159.html
Sadar Banyak Netizen yang Berfikiran Negatif Tentang Betrand Peto, Ruben Onsu Perlu Waktu untuk Ubah sang Putra Jadi Lebih Baik: Tidak Mudah Menjadi Kami Saat Ini!

Ruben Onsu curhat perihal tugas dan tanggung jawab barunya sebagai orang tua dari Betrand Peto yang kini sudah berusia remaja

29 Nov 15:18 grid.id 586386473927824805.html
Arrest made in Māngere assault case

Police have arrested a man in connection with an alleged serious assault on a man in Māngere Town Centre on 20 October.

29 Nov 11:19 SCOOP 5315658998954320800.html
Oficial | El Aston Villa renueva a su entrenador

El Aston Villa ha decidido ahora ampliar el contrato de todo su cuerpo técnico, ya que el cuadro de Birmingham ha anunciado la renovación de Dean Smith hasta 2024. Cuatro temporadas más para el (...)

29 Nov 13:04 Fichajes 157935406714463537.html
‘Rehabilitate a Sexual Predator’: Digital Ads to Trash Kavanaugh, Federalist Society

A series of ads by liberal watchdog/activist group Demand Justice will target the Federalist Society, the law firms which support it, and Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the Associated Press reports.

29 Nov 13:42 Law & Crime 7990899037965448507.html
Juvenil y Sub 17 animaron jornada de amistosos con Audax Italiano

El Centro Deportivo Azul fue el escenario de los compromisos amistosos frente al cuadro de La Florida. El saldo fue positivo para los dos equipos de nuestro Fútbol Formativo.

29 Nov 12:56 Club Universidad de Chile / Sitio web oficial 5905926791894854144.html
Grande Fratello spagnolo, concorrente denuncia: “Io violentata al reality”

MADRID – Scandalo al Gran Hermano, il Grande Fratello spagnolo. Durante la diciottesima del reality show, andata in onda su TeleCinco nel 2017, ci sarebbe stato uno stupro. Secondo quanto scrive El Confidencial, la violenza sarebbe avvenuta durante i primi giorni di novembre del 2017. In un video diffuso alcuni giorni fa si vede la concorrente Carlota Prado parlare in confessionale con gli autori del programma di quanto sarebbe avvenuto con il suo coinquilino e fidanzato Josè Maria Lopez. Poche ore dopo la produzione ha espulso Lopez dal programma ma Carlota è stata invitata dagli autori a non parlare dell’argomento al di fuori di quel contesto. Ma dopo essere stata eliminata dal televoto la concorrente ha raccontato tutto, dicendo di non aver parlato prima perché provava un senso di profonda vergogna per quello che le era capitato. Anche Mediaset ha denunciato alle autorità la vicenda, mentre Lopez si è sempre detto innocente. Diversi sponsor hanno comunque deciso di ritirare i loro prodotti dalla casa del Gran…

29 Nov 14:13 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355855472094.html
Parlamento unânime no louvor a Jorge Jesus e Fernando Santos

Aprovou esta sexta-feira por unanimidade um voto de louvor pelas conquistas e distinção internacional.

29 Nov 13:35 O Jogo 3218673678052084704.html
Badshah Got Dumped By His Ex For Choosing To Rap As His Profession

Popular and celebrated rapper in Bollywood and Indian music industry, Badshah revealed in his latest interaction that he got dumped by his now ex-GF for opting for a career in the field of music. What a loss lady! Coming from a conservative family, the rapper also revealed having a hard time with his family to convince them to let him pursue his career

29 Nov 13:01 SPOTBOYE 1547816858217517632.html
Nintendo pide disculpas con este mensaje por la falta de stock de Ring Fit Adventure en Japón

Como bien sabéis, Ring Fit Adventure ha arrasado en Japón. Tanto es así que el stock del juego en las tiendas ha escaseado prácticamente desde el lanzamiento debido a la gran e inesperada demanda que ha tenido. Por este motivo, Nintendo ha publicado recientemente en su web oficial japonesa un mensaje donde pide disculpas a […]

29 Nov 10:18 Nintenderos 2555436003407778022.html
Cento anni di slot machines: dai saloon al web

La storia delle slot machines è più lunga di quel che potresti immaginare, e probabilmente non sai che la loro invenzione va fatta risalire a un signore di origini tedesche: si chiamava Charles August Fey e si era trasferito a San Francisco alla fine dell’Ottocento. Fey era rimasto colpito dai dispo

29 Nov 12:51 InterNapoli.it 7089789176609447954.html
Nación excluyó del reperfilamiento a las provincias

En el decreto se admite que el reperfilamiento "ha generado desequilibrios financieros en algunas jurisdicciones locales y condiciona el cumplimiento de las obligaciones a cargo de ellas en el marco del Régimen Federal de Responsabilidad Fiscal".

29 Nov 13:16 El Patagónico 8565457046323428065.html
Melegatti assume 150 lavoratori stagionali per la produzione del Natale 2019

VERONA - Dal primo dicembre prende il via la nuova campagna natalizia di Melegatti che ritorna in televisione, nel digital e nei social. Ad un anno dall'acquisizione dell'azienda da parte...

29 Nov 11:22 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446337190835.html
Facebook trabaja para restaurar acceso tras problemas en Día de Acción de Gracias

Facebook Inc dijo el jueves que está trabajando para restaurar el acceso a sus usuarios después de que problemas con sus sistemas

29 Nov 12:11 LaPatilla.com 9104603011268790090.html
Falla utklasset konkurrentene, men fikk tydelig beskjed av treneren etter løpet

Maiken Caspersen Falla var helt overlegen i Ruka.

29 Nov 13:00 adressa.no 8417332407748394116.html
Manchester United team news: Injury, suspension list vs. Aston Villa

Sports Mole rounds up Manchester United's latest injury and suspension news ahead of Saturday's Premier League clash with Aston Villa.

29 Nov 12:35 Sports Mole 7750663362100268554.html
Neil Pasricha's new book shows how wrestling with failure can make you 'awesome'

For an author who has made a career out of writing about awesomeness, positivity, happiness and the need to embrace the simple pleasures in life, Neil Pasricha’s starting point for his latest…

29 Nov 13:09 Calgary Herald 1003909011261823528.html
Mikel Urdangarinek Leonard Cohen omendu du ‘Hotza da NY is cold’ disko berrian

Duela hiru urte Bilboko Campos Eliseos antzokian eskainitako zuzeneko kontzertua binilo-CD formatu berezian argitaratu du Mikel Urdangarinek, &lsquo;Hotza da...

29 Nov 13:30 naiz: 7509038604210191781.html
Melissa Benoist (Supergirl) victime de violences conjugales, Chris Wood s'exprime

Après le témoignage poignant de Melissa Benoist sur les violences conjugales qu'elle a subies, Chris Wood a pris la parole.

29 Nov 10:03 melty 8059025069105946746.html
Herrera asegura que la derrota obliga al América a ser perfecto en Monterrey

Para avanzar a semifinales, en el juego de vuelta, América necesita ganar por diferencia de dos goles o vencer a Tigres por uno con tres o más tantos anotados

29 Nov 10:37 EL DEBATE 4396150894847427647.html
Raspberry Pi 4 Wi-Fi problem: Firmware update will fix your screen resolution bug

Mysterious glitch causes Wi-Fi to stop working when Raspberry Pi 4 outputs to HDMI at higher resolutions.

29 Nov 12:00 ZDNet 591556592329309170.html
Arsenal Fan TV star DT slams Ray Parlour for claiming supporters want team to lo

He's been branded a hypocrite.

29 Nov 10:14 Metro 970161748504567732.html
Mutmaßliches Opfer bekräftigt Vorwürfe gegen Prinz Andrew

"Es gibt nur einen von uns, der die Wahrheit sagt": Virginia Giuffre hat in einem Interview Prinz Andrew erneut beschuldigt, sie als 17-Jährige missbraucht zu haben. Der Druck auf den Sohn der Queen, eine Aussage zu machen, steigt weiter.

29 Nov 14:14 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270250323847.html
Nije joj bilo spasa: Devojčica preminula od zarazne bolesti iskorenjene pre 30 godina

Osmogodišnje dete umrlo od difterije, zarazne bolesti koje je iskorenjena pre 30 godina

29 Nov 12:18 Вечерње новости 4219870593595487670.html
Dyson Pure Hot + Cool air purifier review: Expensive but worth every penny

Struggling for a breath of fresh air in a polluted city? The Dyson Pure Hot + Cool all-season air purifier may be a worthy product, but does it justify its premium price tag of Rs 54,900?

29 Nov 12:18 Business-Standard 1502508925624924957.html
Tuttosport sul Milan: "Pioli diventa uno psicologo"

"Pioli diventa uno psicologo". Questo il titolo che Tuttosport utilizza all'interno della sua edizione odierna, a pagina 22, sul Milan. L'ex allenatore della Fiorentina ha pagato la cena per cercare di unire il gruppo. Il suo obiettivo - si legge - è quello di creare la mentalità offensiva che ancora un po' manca alla sua squadra.

29 Nov 12:13 MilanNews.it 6507305921593407703.html
UK PM promises new visa policy from Jan 2021 to block unskilled immigrants

Johnson called for people to vote for a majority Conservative Party government on December 12 to get Brexit done by the January 31, 2020 deadline

29 Nov 14:40 Business-Standard 1502508926488625352.html
GeekOn! is Running a Kickstarter for Board Game Travel Accessories

GeekOn! is currently running a Kickstarter for a whole range of board game travel/transport accessories, some of which I’ve tried out previously (the portable dice tower + nesting tray is great). Things are a bit pricey individually, so the bundles are where it’s at.

29 Nov 10:55 Kotaku UK 2577526046533188908.html
Audi's Bold EV Future Comes At A Sacrifice

Investing in something as big as electric vehicles including the infrastructure, technology, and plant re-t...

29 Nov 10:55 CarBuzz 4034462236229149225.html
Stardew Valley: il nuovo update include nuovi contenuti e un segreto per l'end-game | Game Division

Stardew Valley ottiene l'aggiornamento 1.4, disponibile su PC, Mac e Linux, e in arrivo a breve per le versioni Switch e mobile. Ecco i dettagli.

29 Nov 12:36 Tom's Hardware 6640147069250170116.html
Siracusa, donna investita da un’auto e uccisa mentre attraversa la strada

Giovanna Gerratana, una dei due pedoni che ieri sera sono stati investiti a Rosolini, in provincia di Siracusa, è morta a causa delle gravissime lesioni riportate. La settantanovenne era in compagnia del cognato e i due sono stati travolti da un’auto in transito mentre attraversavano la strada sulle strisce pedonali.

29 Nov 11:21 fanpage.it 1517332168158111397.html
Chile: Ataque contra subestación eléctrica marca nueva jornada de violencia

A mediados de noviembre, el Congreso llegó a un histórico acuerdo para llevar a plebiscito en abril el cambio de la Constitución heredada de la dictadura de Augusto Pinochet, una de las exigencias de los manifestantes

29 Nov 14:00 Globovisión 5928221751531440034.html
Dziedzic zum Welt-Aids-Tag: Mehr Geld für Prävention dringend notwendig

Zahl der Neuinfektionen in Österreich noch immer erschreckend hoch

29 Nov 14:46 OTS.at 4182160711860214659.html
Descubren que Maestra del Año tuvo relaciones sexuales con uno de sus alumnos

La maestra le dio al alumno sexo oral en dos ocasiones dentro de un salón de clases. La policía obtuvo mensajes de texto que comprueban los alegatos del alumno

29 Nov 15:49 Fernanda Familiar 8155233565305285652.html
Mum-of-five's devastation as young family lose everything in house fire...all they have left is a burnt-out bunk bed and the clothes on their backs

A fire tore through Kassandra Yates-Conway's home after a power cut on Wednesday

29 Nov 13:43 men 6694993427841700103.html
Adrian Arnold verlässt SRF

Der bisherige Bundeshaus-Korrespondent wird Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation des Schweizerischen Fussballverbandes.

29 Nov 15:25 SRF 8424707179836546843.html
Cutting Edge: 3D Printing goes multi

Harvard University researchers have given 3D Printing, a breakthrough in itself, a breakthrough of its own. They found a way to 3D printers to use multiple novels and multiple materials, resulting in

29 Nov 10:20 BusinessLine 5283600498174421.html
Signature d'un partenariat entre la BMICE et la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique

Le Bureau de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique (CEA) en Afrique du Nord et la Banque Maghrébine d'Investissement et de Commerce Extérieur (BMIC

29 Nov 15:09 ilBoursa.com 4192852319193398258.html
Akibat terlelap...

DUA lelaki maut selepas kenderaan yang mereka naiki merempuh bahagian belakang sebuah lori dalam kejadian di Kilometer 86, Lebuhraya Central Spine Road, di Lipis, hari ini.

29 Nov 10:57 HM Online 9212632686744769410.html
Festival de documentales ofrecerá funciones gratuitas y al aire libre en distintos puntos de Santiago

La versión número 23 de Fidocs, ofrecerá dos filmes proyectados en el Festival de Berlín y Cannes entre los días 5 y 6 de diciembre.

29 Nov 10:51 Emol 3328490601250846465.html
West Side Story review – hip-swinging, skirt-twirling love story gets gritty

The classic musical gets a bold makeover in this stylish and intimate production directed by Nikolai Foster

29 Nov 11:25 the Guardian 1491978795803526836.html
El duro golpe que merece la vida de la periodista Scarleth Cárdenas

No han sido años fáciles para Scarleth Cárdenas; se separó de Maribel Corcuera a menos de un año de haber firmado el AUC; luego enfrentó una demanda por maltrato laboral y ahora un nuevo y complejo suceso se suma a su vida. Y es que la periodista acaba de ser desvinculada de radio Bio Bio […]

29 Nov 12:55 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354199512479.html
En un emotivo acto, alumnos de SAFA presentaron un mural en homenaje a los combatientes de Malvinas

En un emotivo acto que contó con la presencia de excombatientes y familiares de caídos en el Conflicto del Atlántico Sur, los alumnos de quinto año de secundaria de la orientación Naturales del Colegio Sagrada Familia rindieron un homenaje a los Héroes de Malvinas con un mural que pintaron en el patio interno de la […]

29 Nov 10:06 El Eco 4177735523950341000.html
Sam Ricketts wary of a Mansfield Cup charge

Sam Ricketts wants to see his Shrewsbury side back to their resolute best – but warns Mansfield rock up in the FA Cup with ‘nothing to lose’.

29 Nov 10:27 Shropshire Star 3480199992976491827.html
Mudança de Paradigmas

Neste 2019 que se aproxima do final, o Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul (TCE-MS) fez avanços marcantes na aproximação objetiva com os chamados entes jurisdicionados, refinou suportes tecnológicos de controle externo e consolidou uma política institucional de capacitação de agentes políticos e servidores das diversas instâncias de gestão pública. Com a fundamental participação de ...

29 Nov 11:57 Campo Grande News 7902463003051260712.html
Assist salva-Conte. La crisi politica a Malta può portare a un rinvio del vertice Ue sul nuovo Mes

La Valletta è pronta a chiedere una proroga. Il premier Muscat sarebbe infatti intenzionato a dare le dimissioni dopo gli ultimi sviluppi sull'omicidio...

29 Nov 14:47 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336744144673760.html
Resumen Black Friday: ofertas en smartphones Android y más

Os recopilamos las ofertas del Black Friday que hemos ido publicando los últimos días, sobre todo en móviles, pero también en accesorios, apps y juegos.

29 Nov 12:39 El Androide Libre 196740461313374509.html
Penn State vs. Rutgers Game Time, Spread, Channel, Announcers

Here's everything you need to know before Saturday afternoon's Big Ten clash between Penn State and Rutgers.

29 Nov 15:43 The Spun 9122471849327559595.html
SB 15 Freeway at Cajon Pass reopens as storm continues

The southbound 15 Freeway at the Cajon Pass was reopened after it was temporarily closed due to traffic accidents amid snow in the area, Caltrans said.

29 Nov 10:55 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010439747108263.html
Sandro, Maje and Claudie Pierlot Go Fur-Free

Claudie Pierlot is the last of the four SMCP ready-to-wear brands to ban fur from its collections.

29 Nov 15:24 WWD 5490910667819446258.html
Oglasila se Evroliga: Valensiji protiv Zvezde poništena regularna trojka!

Crvena zvezda je savladala Valensiju u utakmici 11. kola Evrolige, trojkom Lorenca Brauna uz zvuk sirene sirene. U petak se Evroliga oglasila povodom sporne situacije. Naime, 3.50 minuta pre kraja treće četvrtine Giljem Vives je pogodio trojku za Valensiju, koja nije priznata. Lopta je nakon obruča navodno pogodila semafor iza table i vratila se u […]

29 Nov 15:37 Sportska centrala 5931785410429913347.html
Duniya ina zaki damu: An tsinci gawar karamar yarinya da ta kashe kanta da kanta

Wata karamar yarinya yar shekara 9 ta aikata ma kanta sabalikita bayan ta kashe kanta da kanta a gidan da ake rikonta dake rukunin gidajen Ankpa, a cikin garin Makurdi, babban birnin jahar Benuwe.

29 Nov 11:07 Legit 7368782177077777915.html
Entrenadora tica se corona en campeonato nacional de gimnasia artística de Noruega

La multimedallista costarricense en gimnasia artística, Karina Regidor, ahora cosecha triunfos en Noruega como entrenadora, esto tras obtener el campeonato nacional de Noruega en Gimnasia Artística con el Equipo Junior Femenino Trondhjems Turnforening.

29 Nov 11:25 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997875289548596.html
Huawei draait de rollen met de V.S. eens om

Huawei zet nu de V.S. een keer onder druk.

29 Nov 12:34 Apparata 308905379353456430.html
Premier League: koniec koszmaru Arsenalu. Unai Emery odprawiony

Unai Emery nie jest już trenerem grającego w angielskiej Premier League Arsenalu. Na ten ruch zanosiło się już od dłuższego czasu, a forma "Kanonierów" nie zwiastowała przełomu.

29 Nov 12:15 Polskie Radio 2539990557917589661.html
Zahtev za članstvo Kosova u Evropskoj grupi poštanskih regulatora skinut s dnevnog reda

Zahtev za članstvo Kosova u Evropskoj grupi poštanskih regulatora (ERGP) skinut je sa dnevnog reda skupa te organizacije, objavila je Radio-televizija Srbije.

29 Nov 15:59 Dnevni list Danas 649654641561535717.html
Ex-GOP lawmaker: Republicans 'wrestling' with whether to turn on Trump

A former Republican lawmaker said his former colleagues are publicly standing with President Trump as he faces impeachment, but in private they are dismayed by his conduct.

29 Nov 15:49 Washington Examiner 4625792333765352911.html
Kaun Banega Crorepati 11 finale preview: Sudha Murty to share her inspiring journey

Amitabh Bachchan will host Sudha Murty on Kaun Banega Crorepati 11's finale episode tonight. Murty will talk about her family's reaction when she decided to take up engineering.

29 Nov 14:39 The Indian Express 2885715104096367630.html
Violences faites aux femmes : au travail aussi

Les récentes affaires qui ont fait la une de l'actualité (Weinstein, Baupin, Ligue du LOL...) ainsi que les hashtags #MeToo et #BalanceTonPorc ont mis en lumière une triste réalité : si le premier lieu des violences envers les femmes reste le foyer, on ne peut ignorer l’ampleur des phénomènes de violences au travail. Les derniers chiffres de l'Ined viennent le confirmer.

29 Nov 11:34 L'Alsace 2225618939456598984.html
Incepand de astazi functioneaza semaforul de la trecerea de nivel de cale ferata de pe strada Uzinelor

Dacă la sfârșitul lunii august, se semna între SNCFR Cluj și firma SC Abed Nego  contractul de lucrări pentru modernizarea

29 Nov 13:41 InfoOradea 3177545316974650386.html
El INAH recaba opiniones del Tren Maya en cuatro municipios de Yucatán

El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) participa de modo simultáneo en los procesos de consulta en Yucatán sobre el proyecto del Tren Maya.

29 Nov 11:13 Diario de Yucatán 261200017324778525.html
John Wilson and Sue Lloyd's love of dancing was key to their wedding day at Farington Lodge

For John Wilson and Sue Lloyd, it was a mutual love of dancing that brought them together.

29 Nov 14:02 Lancashire Post 6469275854967259516.html
Will Jason Garrett be fired by Cowboys? Without key playoff wins, a contract extension won't come

There are three factors at play when it comes to the Dallas coach's job security: Jerry Jones' frustration, Garrett's contract situation and his largely pedestrian record.

29 Nov 13:12 Sporting News 5110653853020962682.html
Reportan ataque con arma blanca en el Puente de Londres: Policía detuvo a un sospechoso

El hecho ocurrió en pleno centro de la capital británica. Desde la policía afirman que hay varias personas heridas.

29 Nov 12:20 Emol 3328490602109731623.html
Conoce las comisarías premiadas por atender mejor al ciudadano

El ministro del Interior, Carlos Morán, presidió hoy la ceremonia de premiación del Tercer Concurso Nacional “Mi Comisaría, Mi Orgullo 2019”, que reconoció y premió a los efectivos policiales y comisarías que lograron, a través de encuestas, la mejor calificación por brindar una atención de calidad a la ciudadanía.

29 Nov 10:16 andina.pe 9054036849474270992.html
Police checks apology and Black Friday upstages Boxing Day; In-The-News Nov. 29

In-The-News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of No

29 Nov 10:30 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244344634062.html
Apuñalan a varias personas cerca del Puente de Londres

Las autoridades indicaron que un hombre fue detenido tras el incidente.

29 Nov 15:15 Primera Hora 5092966654600690506.html
Delser a caccia di punti in classifica: l'avversaria è Marghera

La Libertas Basket School, dopo la sconfitta al “Benedetti” contro il Ponzano, ha avuto un turno di riposo dalle partite che ha permesso alle giocatrici di rifiatare e prepararsi al meglio in vista della prossima sfida fuori casa contro le Giants di Marghera. L'incontro in questione avrà inizio alle ore 20.45 di sabato 30 novembre.

29 Nov 11:39 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194608674465.html
Is inheritance in my bank account covered by the state guarantee? Liam Croke lets you know

Q: Liam, I received an inheritance from my late mother’s estate and the amount is significant. It’s going to be deposited into my account and I’m not sure what I’m going to do ...

29 Nov 11:02 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709598151363.html
'Fake lawyers' with bogus degrees a problem across Canada

Fake lawyers with bogus law degrees are scamming Canadians out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and preying on the vulnerable.

29 Nov 14:13 CTVNews 2422791597907964116.html
Cava de’ Tirreni, Delitto Maiorano: il Padre Vuole Rivederli

I Figli di Nunzia Maiorano, la Donna di Cava de' Tirreni uccisa dal Marito nel 2018, presto saranno adottati dagli Zii. Intanti, il Padre, vuole vederli.

29 Nov 13:16 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460920286390.html
Unai Emery zwolniony z Arsenalu

Unai Emery został zwolniony z Arsenalu. Słabe wyniki Kanonierów w ostatnich tygodniach sprawiły, że władze klubu postanowiły zakończyć z nim współpracę.

29 Nov 10:34 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515102438499174.html
Famosa conductora de TV Azteca se calienta el cuerpo con un bikini de hilos

La conductora de TV Azteca Kristal Silva, paraliz&oacute; las redes sociales al exhibir sus encantos con una prenda muy candente, la hermosa presentadora de "Venga la Alegr&iacute;a" luci&oacute; su impactante f&iacute;sico durante sus vacaciones en la playa.

29 Nov 14:50 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624442975415.html
Maratón Valencia: Cruz Roja prepara el mayor despliegue de medios de Europa

El dispositivo médico movilizará 36 ambulancias y cerca de 200 personas procedentes de toda España

29 Nov 12:17 ABC.es 6074573463799342756.html
Twitter od decembra briše neaktivne naloge

Ako u posljednje vrijeme niste koristili Twitter a ne želite da neko "ugrabi" vaše korisničko ime, možda biste mogli da se svejedno ulogujete u svoj nalog.

29 Nov 14:48 Nezavisne novine 4209150641468900985.html
Dad who murdered newborn son by shaking him so hard he broke 28 bones jailed for life

Lee Vernon inflicted fatal head injuries on baby McKenzie Ellis in Broadstairs, Kent, then phoned emergency services to report his son was unconscious but claimed he didn't know why

29 Nov 12:53 mirror 675785261242575483.html
Nipsey Hussle's Artist BH Calls Out The Game For Constant Instagram Tributes

"That’s cool and all Game, but all this clout."

29 Nov 14:15 HipHopDX 6054351961160771549.html
STAY INFORMED: Check Live Doppler 7 Radar this winter weather season

Stay weather aware and prepared as severe weather affects the Miami Valley.

29 Nov 14:42 Whio 8204027955138417678.html
‘Speedy’ diarrhoea diagnosis test developed by UK doctors

Researchers at University Hospital Southampton say the test will ‘revolutionise’ treatment.

29 Nov 13:02 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773564633818.html
‘Speedy’ diarrhoea diagnosis test developed by UK doctors

Researchers at University Hospital Southampton say the test will ‘revolutionise’ treatment.

29 Nov 13:00 Express & Star 7324224459029230298.html
‘Speedy’ diarrhoea diagnosis test developed by UK doctors

Researchers at University Hospital Southampton say the test will ‘revolutionise’ treatment.

29 Nov 13:00 Express & Star 7324224459284824610.html
HUAWEI e il Black Friday: ecco tutte le offerte di smartphone, smartwatch e altro

Il Black Friday è ufficialmente iniziato e anche Huawei ha deciso di partecipare attivamente alla giornata pazza degli sconti proponendo alcuni suoi device a prezzi mai visti. Ecco la lista di tutte le offerte in giro per il web.

29 Nov 11:01 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332219941100.html
Detenidas unas cuarenta personas en una operación contra el tráfico de drogas y armas en Badalona

Unas cuarenta personas han sido detenidas este viernes en el municipio barcelonés de Badalona y su área metropolitana en el marco de una operación de los Mossos d'Esquadra contra el tráfico de drogas y de armas y blanqueo de capitales

29 Nov 11:38 RTVE.es 8332346888374204129.html
Is Vietnam too cautious when setting economic development goals for 2020? - VietNamNet

Many economic targets set for 2020 are lower in comparison with real implemented levels.

29 Nov 12:09 VietNamNet 1879169834161041436.html
Truffa da 2,4 milioni alla Regione Fvg, indagati due soci e un commercialista

PORDENONE - Il Comando della Guardia di Finanza di Pordenone ha scoperto una truffa per quasi 2,4 milioni di euro su finanziamenti erogati dalla Regione Fvg. Nell'ambito dell'inchiesta sono...

29 Nov 10:36 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447944993232.html
Vizcarra: "Debemos hacer mayor esfuerzo para que más mujeres sean autoridades"

El presidente Martín Vizcarra lamentó que de los más de 1,800 municipios solo 92 sean liderados por alcaldesas, pero enfatizó que el Gobierno continuará luchando para lograr una mayor paridad en el país y permitir que más mujeres sean autoridades y colaboren en lograr los objetivos nacionales.

29 Nov 13:14 andina.pe 9054036849619739587.html
Week 48: lassakoorts, babysterfte en lachgas in het verkeer

Iedere vrijdag kun je bij ons terecht voor een weekoverzicht waarin we kort terugblikken op de opvallendste, interessantste of meest nieuwswaardige nieuwsitems per werkdag. Met deze week onder meer: dode door lassakkorts, perinatale sterfte stagneert en het gebruik van lachgas in het verkeer neemt toe. 

29 Nov 15:30 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743821196383.html
Fan Spots Ricky Ponting, Asks Him to Click a Photo But Not With Him

The fan approached Ponting, handed the legendary batsman his phone asking for a photo and then proceeded to pose with Australian TV presenter Mel McLaughlin.

29 Nov 13:04 India.com 7150386084612255528.html
La farmacia oncológica demanda nuevos caminos hacia la subespecialización - El médico interactivo

VII Congreso de Oncología Médica, Hematología y Farmacia Oncohematológica 'Tendiendo Puentes'

29 Nov 12:00 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182576865074.html
Apple May Be Planning 2020 iPhone Bundle With Popular Wireless AirPods

A new rumor is making the rounds that claims something that may make Apple fans happy about the coming 2020 iPhone devices.

29 Nov 15:40 HotHardware 6258404625383064729.html
Krisberedskap på Uddevallas gymnasieskolor

Mordet på en 17-årig flicka i Uddevalla har skakat om staden. På gymnasieskolorna i kommunen förbereder man sig på att hantera elevernas sorg.

29 Nov 15:11 DN.SE 398730695246894917.html
Tuttosport - Milan, Pioli continua il suo lavoro sulla testa dei giocatori: l'obiettivo è creare una mentalità offensiva

Mercoledì sera, in un noto ristorante in centro a Milano, c'è stata una bella cena di squadra, con Stefano Pioli che alla fine ha pagato per tutti: si è trattato di un bel momento tutti insieme, utile per cementare ulteriormente il gruppo. Per uscire dal momento difficile, è fondamentale essere tutti uniti e compatti e dunque non c'è nulla di meglio di una bella cena in compagnia. 

29 Nov 12:00 MilanNews.it 6507305921691823999.html
Daimler streicht Tausende Stellen bis Ende 2022

Vorstandschef Ola Källenius hatte es schon angekündigt: Daimler muss einen Milliardenbetrag beim Personal einsparen. Nun ist auch klar, wie das gelingen soll.

29 Nov 13:12 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323006288985.html
Live-Blog unseres EU-Korrespondenten : Unser Interview mit Ursula von der Leyen

Unser Brüssel-Korrespondent Andreas Lieb versorgt Sie in seinem Live-Blog laufend mit Insider-Informationen, spannenden Hintergründen und kuriosen Schmankerln aus der EU-Hauptstadt.

29 Nov 15:37 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700386115963.html
La policía mata al sospechoso de ataque terrorista en Londres que dejó varios heridos

El hombre llevaba un cuchillo de grandes dimensiones, un explosivo falso y vestía un chaleco antibalas, según los testigos.

29 Nov 10:00 Telemundo 1787883392693804661.html
Scientists spot black hole so huge it 'shouldn't even exist' in our galaxy

Astronomers have discovered a black hole in the Milky Way so huge that it challenges existing models of how stars evolve, researchers said Thursday.

29 Nov 14:36 CTVNews 2422791599031161613.html
5 Kiper Ini Dicap Terburuk di Liga Inggris, Siapa Saja Mereka?

WE Online, Jakarta - Kiper memiliki peran penting di sebuah tim besar. Tim-tim besar di Liga Inggris rata-rata memiliki kiper hebat yang dapat menjaga kesucian gawang mereka di setiap pertandingan.

29 Nov 14:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834351899466.html
Almada asumió la responsabilidad de derrota de Santos frente a Rayados

Pese al resultado negativo, el DT de los Guerreros afirmó que el club tiene la fe intacta para el juego de Vuelta

29 Nov 13:51 RÉCORD 4614294663251053503.html
Wall Street: previsto avvio fiacco, oggi seduta ridotta per il Black Friday

Si prevede una partenza in leggero calo per Wall Street, che riapre dopo lo stop di ieri per la festività del Giorno del Ringraziamento. A circa un'ora dall'avvio, il future …

29 Nov 14:40 FinanzaOnline 6528634128076034699.html
Jadwal Serie A Pekan 14, Termasuk Juventus vs Sassuolo

Jadwal pertandingan Serie A pekan ke 14 musim 2019/2020. Pada pekan ini, Juventus akan mendapat lawan dari Sassuolo

29 Nov 13:03 Bola.net 5489959028671231471.html
Arsenal despide a Unai Emery

Los Gunners prescinden del entrenador vasco después de un mal inicio de temporada.

29 Nov 11:01 DIRECTV Sports 8893643040102528231.html
UPS workers allegedly trafficked 1,000s of pounds of drugs, cash, and fake vapes across the country

"They've been doing it for so long that they were truly comfortable that they were never going to get caught."

29 Nov 11:12 Yahoo 7097669636987222577.html
Tauchgänge im Trockenen: Möglich mit Flugsimulator in Basler Museum

Das Naturhistorische Museum Basel lädt ab 3. Dezember zu Trocken-Tauchgängen durch ein Korallenriff ein. Möglich macht dies ein Flugsimulator der Zürcher Firma Somniacs.

29 Nov 13:23 bz BASEL 5287163742010362186.html
Muertes súbitas por problemas de corazón hereditarios: la importancia de estudiar a toda la familia

El coordinador nacional del Grupo de Cardiopatías Familiares de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC), Tomás Ripoll, ha lamentado la escasez de programas de prevención contra la muerte súbita relacionadas con cardiopatías familiares. "Desafortunadamente no hay muchos en España, y se hace de manera irregular", ha señalado.

29 Nov 14:18 infosalus.com 2582575540500588866.html
Britain’s Dirty Election

A serial liar. A campaign of online disinformation. The risk of foreign meddling. Sound familiar?

29 Nov 11:00 NY Times 1961078288124891292.html
Jaillance, le roi des effervescents

Née à Die dans la Drôme en regroupant plus de 200 viticulteurs, la coopérative qui produit la célèbre Clairette n’a cessé de s'agrandir en s’implantant dans d’autres régions.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695066479157957.html
I dubbi del Corsera: "Difficile pensare che basti una notte gloriosa per uscire dall’imbuto"

Anfield Road punto e a capo. L'edizione odierna del Corriere della Sera prova ad analizzare così il momento in casa Napoli

29 Nov 14:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080745417946.html
Check out 10 new career training bundles available at Black Friday prices

If you’ve been considering some changes, these 10 deals package up some amazing training opportunities at some seriously Black Friday prices.  And every single one of them is at least 90 percent off during this seasonal markdown.

29 Nov 15:00 The Next Web 3990801509432488375.html
Gale of defection hits PDP as 7 LG Chairmen defect to APC in Ekiti

Ekiti-No fewer than seven serving local government chairmen elected on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party defected to the APC...

29 Nov 15:19 Vanguard News 4125100340042298119.html
Politicians quoting the film helped, says Uri director

Uri was one of the biggest commercial releases to be screened at the 50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI).

29 Nov 10:31 Deccan Herald 2027555797041086987.html
Renault nelle retrovie nelle libere di Abu Dhabi

La scuderia transalpina non è partita con il piede giusto nel fine settimana di Yas Marina

29 Nov 15:20 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654823692410.html
Twitter fait marche arrière et ne supprimera finalement pas les comptes inactifs

Alors que le réseau social Twitter annonçait le mardi 26 novembre vouloir faire du ménage sur sa plateforme en supprimant progressivement les comptes n’ayant pas été utilisés depuis plus de 6 mois, il est revenu sur cette décision dès le lendemain. Si les utilisateurs ne se connectaient pas avant le 11 décembre sur leur compte, […]

29 Nov 12:20 Daily Geek Show 8954118024528521031.html
Bachelet lamenta el "alto coste humano" de las protestas en Ecuador y cuestiona la actuación policial

La ola de protestas que vivió Ecuador en octubre se saldó con al menos nueve muetos y unos 1.500 heridos, un "alto coste humano" que ha lamentado la Alta...

29 Nov 11:54 Europa Press 4702666147935773695.html
'Not genuine' - Judges rule on Jacob Zuma's bid to avoid prosecution

Three judges have found that there is no compelling reason why former president Jacob Zuma should be granted leave to appeal the dismissal of his bid for a permanent stay of prosecution.

29 Nov 13:37 News24 3752801377497617364.html
Russia aims to 'modernise' its nuclear arsenal as they test launch new Ballistic missile RS-12M Topol

The Russian military is on a mission to upgrade its nuclear arsenal.They have now tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile called the RS-12M Topol. True to its nature, the Kremlin has revealed very little details about the missile's potential. The test was conducted at the Kapustin Yar military range in southern Russia and that the missile hit the designated target about 2,100 kilometres away in Kazakhstan. The visuals of the launch offer an exciting view of the launch which took place at night.

29 Nov 15:11 WION 1570469242143260156.html
Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut hints at another 'miracle' in Goa

Sanjay Raut said at least four MLAs, including those with Goa Forward Party President Vijay Sardesai are in contact with Shiv Sena.

29 Nov 12:48 The New Indian Express 4718288654644173744.html
Skandaliczny wpis "Nergala". Jest decyzja prokuratury

Prokuratura Rejonowa Warszawa-Mokotów odmówiła wszczęcia dochodzenia w sprawie wpisu Adama Darskiego „Nergala” na Facebooku. Artysta zamieścił zdjęcie, na którym widnieje znieważony obraz Matki Boskiej oraz opatrzył je opisem „o Matko Miłosierdzia módl się za nami”. Prawnicy Ordo Iuris złożyli zażalenie na to postanowienie.

29 Nov 10:35 Do Rzeczy 474976676468920321.html
Tsunami Democràtic call protests for the day of Barça-Madrid Clasico

Tsunami Democràtic call protests for the day of Barça-Madrid ClasicoEn esta ocasión Ts

29 Nov 14:51 sport 1349897970301384887.html
We are in a virtual free-fall: Congress attacks BJP on GDP growth slip

But why is the BJP celebrating? Because their understanding of GDP (Godse Divisive Politics) suggests double digit growth levels. All in the perspective," Randeep Surjewala said

29 Nov 12:45 Business-Standard 1502508926250855461.html
Barbara Schöneberger hätte gern mehr Kinder bekommen

Barbara Schöneberger spricht ungewohnt offen über das Thema Familienplanung.

29 Nov 15:06 RTL.DE 7054729452693711692.html
Venezuela denunciará casos de detención de connacionales ante la Secretaría General de DDHH de la ONU

El canciller de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, aseguró este viernes que los casos de detención arbitraria contra venezolanos en

29 Nov 11:50 El Siglo 7954754736285833529.html
Filtran VIDEO de Mhoni Vidente bailando tremendo 'perreo'

La famosa psíquica además de ver el futuro tiene tiempo para quitarse el estrés y que mejor con un candente perreo 'sin pijama'

29 Nov 14:53 EL DEBATE 4396150893428425284.html
Camila Pitanga toma atitude com paparazzi após assumir namoro com mulher

Desde que assumiu o namoro com Beatriz Coelho, Camila Pitanga viu seu nome ganhar espaço em manchetes de sites, perfis de Instagram e tudo mais. Querendo manter sua privacidade, a atriz está preocupada com a presença dos paparazzi.

29 Nov 14:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212329470926.html
Ouezzane : 42 millions de dirhams pour valoriser le potentiel touristique

Des départements institutionnels et des conseils élus participent au financement de ce programme En plus de sa beauté et de sa position géographique de la porte d’entrée vers le Nord, l’Ouest et le Ri

29 Nov 15:50 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414285471629651.html
Presidente cubano en Ciego de Ávila pide pensar en afectados en tema vivienda

Presidente cubano en Ciego de Ávila: Pensar en afectados en tema vivienda

29 Nov 11:25 cubasi.cu 5416914687762368251.html
Falla utklasset konkurrentene, men fikk tydelig beskjed av treneren etter løpet

Maiken Caspersen Falla var helt overlegen i Ruka.

29 Nov 13:00 Aftenbladet 8753034804311514380.html
Black Country's Fear Without Reason look to spread the world - unsigned column

They're trying their utmost to spread the word, and Black Country rockers Fear Without Reason hope their new single and video will do just that.

29 Nov 10:32 Express & Star 7324224460813537487.html
HUT ke-48 Korpri, Anies Minta ASN Terus Berinovasi Mengikuti Perkembangan Zaman

Menurut Anies, ASN perlu terus berinovatif dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Hal ini diperlukan agar pelayanan semakin baik dan juga dapat memiliki standar lebih baik.

29 Nov 13:27 merdeka.com 1998180354943351569.html
Dalle "sardine alle "carpe", i pesci come simbolo di protesta e di indipendenza

Oltre al movimento delle "Sardine", ormai famoso per la sua ostilità al messaggio politico della Lega e per riempire di giovani le piazze di mezza Italia, in molti nei secoli si sono rifatti alla simbologia del pesce per esprimere protesta e disobbedienza (ANSA)

29 Nov 15:25 ANSA.it 1300837447287294015.html
Bayern-Präsident Hainer: "Reporter werden Uli vermissen"

Bayern Münchens neuer Präsident Herbert Hainer will sich anders als sein Vorgänger Uli Hoeneß öffentlich nicht in den Vordergrund drängen. "Die Reporter werden Uli vermissen. Von mir werden sie nicht so viele Bonmots und Schlagzeilen bekommen", sagte der 65-Jährige dem Vereinsmagazin 51.

29 Nov 10:11 weltfussball.at 3521376371861055179.html
Varios heridos en Londres en un ataque con arma blanca

Varios heridos en Londres en un ataque con arma blanca

29 Nov 15:18 LaPatilla.com 9104603010184639691.html
Sin Kyrie Irving, Brooklyn derrota a los Celtics

Spencer Dinwiddie anotó 32 puntos y repartió 11 asistencias por los Nets

29 Nov 10:04 Primera Hora 5092966654561834383.html
Zebra gives birth to second foal at Taiping Zoo

TAIPING, Nov 29 — Taiping Zoo & Night Safari created history again today when its zebra gave birth to a second foal within one year. The zoo’s director Dr Kevin Lazarus said the foal was born between 3am and 4am this morning and would become the latest attraction in the country’s oldest...

29 Nov 11:48 Malaymail 302165934415005640.html
L'app che trasforma l'iPhone in un vecchio iPod

Se avete nostalgia di iPod con le sue click-wheel e Cover Flow, quest'app vi farà tornare al passato

29 Nov 10:47 Wired 7504010956874675775.html
SESI realiza atividades esportivas e culturais gratuitas neste sábado

As atividades terão início a partir das 9h na unidade da Vila Izabel, em São Carlos

29 Nov 15:30 ACidade ON 9132734527141566580.html
Watch this giant tree light up at North Vancouver’s jolly Christmas Festival

The Shipyards will be transformed into a winter wonderland later this month for the City of North Vancouver’s annual Christmas Festival.

29 Nov 15:29 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497435839393.html
Reekado Banks Releases Colorful Video For New Single “Put In Pressure”

Nigerian music star, Ayoleyi Hanniel Solomon popularly known as Reekado Banks has released the official video to his latest single, Put In Pressure.The song

29 Nov 12:51 The Guardian 7580308504414390278.html
SC ruling on AGR will lead to telecom sector’s collapse: FICCI

Cascading effect will be felt across several other sectors too

29 Nov 13:47 BusinessLine 5283601529216397.html
The Irishman: La nueva apuesta de Netflix con Martin Scorsese para una vez más hacerse presente en los Oscar

The Irishman podría llevarse títulos como el de Mejor Película y Mejor Director en la próxima entrega de los Oscar.

29 Nov 14:00 Merca2.0 990348493476910393.html
Peskov: Zakon o posebnom statusu Donbasa deo Minska-2

MOSKVA - Zakon o posebnom statusu za Donbas u Ukrajini deo je sporazuma Minsk-2 i preduzimanje koraka ka potpisivanju bilo kog drugog dokumenta donelo bi

29 Nov 13:40 Krstarica 4176903990065286313.html
Stand by my statement calling Pragya Thakur a terrorist: Rahul Gandhi

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday said he stood by his remarks calling BJP MP Pragya Thakur a 'terrorist'.

29 Nov 10:13 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829371285105190.html
Detienen a posible asaltante de farmacia en el Centro de Culiacán

El asalto se registró en el primer cuadro de la ciudad de Culiacán

29 Nov 11:01 EL DEBATE 4396150894500911349.html
Für mehr Klimaschutz: Greta auf Russisch

Der junge Geiger Arschak Makitschjan befindet sich seit fast 40 Wochen im Klimastreik. In Moskau bleibt er mit seinem Protest gezwungenermassen alleine.

29 Nov 12:16 bz BASEL 5287163741656303237.html
Multimillion-dollar repair bill for Wairoa in storm’s wake

Multimillion-dollar repair bill for Wairoa roads in storm’s wake

29 Nov 14:43 SCOOP 5315658999494950860.html
ngiltere'de saldr alarm! Londra Kprs'nde silah sesleri

ngiltere'de silah sesleri duyulmas zerine Londra Kprs trafie kapatld

29 Nov 15:23 Star 3455060032007607143.html
Los Raptors ganan su sexto triunfo al hilo

Vencieron a los Magic.

29 Nov 15:36 Primera Hora 5092966655264747909.html
Polícia holandesa refere-se a vários feridos em Haia num incidente com arma branca

A polícia holandesa referiu esta noite que diversas pessoas foram feridas em Haia, num aparente ataque com arma branca na principal rua comercial da c...

29 Nov 13:12 dnoticias 6968432065537832688.html
Bonus rubinetti, novità in manovra. Come funziona l'eco-sconto fiscale

Spuntano nuovi sconti fiscali negli emendamenti della legge di Bilancio che costituisce la manovra finanziaria del governo. Nasce infatti un nuovo bonus dedicato all'acquisto di rubinetti e soffioni doccia ecologici mentre saranno prorogati di un anno quelli per verde e giardini. Cos'è il bon...

29 Nov 15:24 Il Tempo 2494990959958572213.html
Nieuwe Xbox krijgt geen virtual reality: 'Niemand vraagt erom'

De opvolger van de Xbox One krijgt voorlopig geen ondersteuning voor virtual reality. De VR-functie "is niet onze focus", zegt Xbox-topman Phil Spencer.

29 Nov 12:24 Bright.nl 6602863321426849417.html
Se reanudan las conversaciones entre Hamas e Israel – Informe

Las conversaciones sobre un acuerdo entre el grupo terrorista Hamas e Israel se han renovado en los últimos dos días, dijeron funcionarios

29 Nov 11:01 Noticias de Israel 5887715889645059020.html
Fluminense vence time misto do Palmeiras e respira no Brasileirão

Marcos Paulo, com um golaço, garantiu a vitória do tricolor carioca por 1x0

29 Nov 10:35 Correio 5185786713810176833.html
Jadwal Liga Spanyol Pekan 15, Termasuk Atletico Madrid vs Barcelona

Jadwal pertandingan Liga Spanyol pekan 14 akhir pekan ini. Jadwal pekan ke-14 La Liga bakal mempertemukan Atletico Madrid melawan Barcelona

29 Nov 13:06 Bola.net 5489959028883859966.html
Babydrømmen brast etter sjokkbeskjed

48-åringen har gitt opp å bli gravid med David (28).

29 Nov 12:30 Dagbladet.no 3042595687822562009.html
Da Totò Riina ai minibot di Salvini. Sovranismo, la lezione di Meluzzi

Guarda il video

29 Nov 12:29 Affari Italiani 6123405401940852686.html
Ulicami Warszawy przechodzi Młodzieżowy Strajk Klimatyczny

Z Placu Bankowego po godz. 10 pod hasłem "Dosyć słów, teraz czyny!" ruszył Młodzieżowy Marsz Klimatyczny. "Data strajku zbiega się z dniem wielkich wyprzedaży w sklepach - Black Friday" - podali na swojej stronie internetowej organizatorzy.

29 Nov 10:39 Portal Samorządowy 740157208825166273.html
Presidente cubano continúa visita gubernamental a Ciego de Ávila (Cobertura Especial)

El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez continúa la visita gubernamental a la provincia de Ciego de Ávila. Hoy cumple con su segunda jornada

29 Nov 10:38 Trabajadores 1167277446668677940.html
2 K-pop stars were jailed for raping a drunk, unconscious woman in a scandal that shows the industry's dark underbelly

Two K-pop stars have been sentenced to prison for gang raping a drunk, unconscious woman.

29 Nov 11:00 Business Insider Australia 5575934301176801146.html
Oficial: el Arsenal despide a Unai Emery

La derrota contra el Eintracht Frankfurt (1-2) en la Europa League ha precipitado los acontecimientos. El Arsenal ha hecho oficial el despido de Unai Emery.

29 Nov 10:18 MARCA 5656811533441876258.html
Saiba os riscos de um entupimento arterial sofrido por Galvão Bueno

Entenda a relação entre infarto e entupimento arterial, quadro que gerou mal-estar ao narrador

29 Nov 15:00 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700272288595.html
Dojadilo im! Najtalentovaniji na prodaju, hoćemo li imati najskuplji transfer u istoriji zimskog prelaznog roka?

Ovakvi transferi nisu uobičajeni, ali Dortmund ima svoje razloge, stvar je prevršila svaku meru...

29 Nov 10:19 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496596259475.html
Nestvarni Poljak dominirao na "Rajku", pa dobio priznanje


29 Nov 13:20 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496162979710.html
Madrid pide desechar el informe PISA porque los resultados están "contaminados" por la prueba de lectura

"No es la primera vez que se anulan los resultados de algunos países", ya sucedió en 2006 con Estados Unidos y en 2015 con Argentina

29 Nov 12:26 Europa Press 4702666149060430592.html
Grazer Jihadisten-Prozess: Neue Zeugen beantragt: Vertagt auf Ende Jänner

Zeuge in Bosnien soll per Video einvernommen werden. Neues Gutachten bei Islamismus-Sachverständigem in Auftrag gegeben. Vertagung sorgt für Unmut unter den Geschworenen.

29 Nov 12:28 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699425396892.html
The holiday season is fast approaching, and Huawei’s Smart Life Products might be the perfect gifts this year

This post is brought to you by Huawei Malaysia.

29 Nov 14:35 SoyaCincau.com 3698931831552243313.html
TNB's 'Ceria ke Sekolah' helps students

KUALA LUMPUR: IN smiles and chatting animatedly with other pupils around them, 750 students from six schools could barely contain their excitement to receive donations of school supplies from Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) last week.

29 Nov 12:20 NST Online 3702929171317223195.html
"Sie ist eine Kämpferin": Mutter veröffentlicht herzzerreißendes Bild ihrer Tochter bei Krebsbehandlung

Sophia Soto war gerade einmal 14 Monate alt, als bei ihr Krebs diagnostiziert wurde. Es folgten zahllose Operationen und Krankenhausaufenthalte. Fünf Jahre später teilt ihre Mutter ergreifende Fotos von damals - um ihre heute gesunde Tochter zu feiern.

29 Nov 15:24 FOCUS Online 4448121230959400891.html
Hamilton is the place to play!

Hamilton City Council was recognised at the New Zealand Recreation Awards held last night (Thursday 28 November) for its innovative Play Strategy which focuses on making Hamilton a great place for everyone to play.

29 Nov 15:49 SCOOP 5315658999130522528.html
Analisi Ciclica sull’Indice Ftse Mib

Vediamo di fare un’Analisi Ciclica sull’Indice Ftse Mib (in realtà il future) per capire i potenziali sviluppi per i prossimi giorni.

29 Nov 10:00 Trend Online 3268043278877639116.html
The games Fabinho will miss for Liverpool after injury lay-off confirmed

A big blow for the Reds.

29 Nov 13:55 Metro 970161747930089356.html
Antonia Agustí y Emilio Vargas, nuevos presidenta y vicepresidente de la SEFC

Antonia Agustí y Emilio Vargas son elegidos nuevos presidenta y vicepresidente de la Sociedad Española de Farmacología Clínica, con el objetivo de fomentar la colaboración y cooperación entre los distintos servicios de Farmacología Clínica del territorio nacional y otros especialistas.

29 Nov 13:10 infosalus.com 2582575540215382608.html
Policía trata de ataque terrorista incidente en Puente de Londres que dejó varios heridos

Además, las autoridades de la capital inglesa confirmaron que balearon al sospechoso que atacó a sus víctimas con un cuchillo en la mañana de este viernes. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 10:17 pulzo.com 8971816786024791201.html
Armagh tile solutions company create 20 new jobs in Dublin with €3m investment

Armatile announced plans to create 20 new jobs and invest €3m in a new luxury showroom and design hub in Dublin.

29 Nov 10:43 Breaking News 4415806919381079447.html
Pete Townshend se disculpó por las declaraciones sobre sus compañeros de The Who fallecidos

El guitarrista de The Who causó polémica tras referirse a sus excompañeros. "Gracias a Dios que están muertos" fue la frase que generó comentarios.

29 Nov 12:36 Futuro 2617238417451451554.html
Nutella mania: a Napoli arrivano i bagarini dei "Biscuits"

Il nuovo prodotto Ferrero va a ruba: c'è chi è disposto a pagare anche 8 euro, al posto di 3, per una confezione

29 Nov 11:16 Repubblica.it 2991598607935073220.html
Barbara Schöneberger bereut späte Familiengründung

Rückblickend hätte die TV-Schönheit heute ganz andere Entscheidungen getroffen als früher.

29 Nov 13:00 VIP.de 2239798193985569932.html
Alex Campos comparte preocupante foto en el hospital, confesando su lucha contra una enfermedad

El cantante cristiano dejó desconcertados y preocupados a sus fanáticos con una fotografía en el hospital. 

29 Nov 15:52 Colombia.com 1213910711498664480.html
Sia takes off iconic wig as she goes undercover to pay for people's shopping

She told shoppers her name was Cici.

29 Nov 11:42 Metro 970161748294507193.html
Dodge the crowds and head off the beaten track in Vietnam

Forget Sapa, there are hidden gems in north-western Vietnam, where tourists are scarce and the scenery dazzles.

29 Nov 13:01 The Age 7967730561948219805.html
Wie Marko und Honda der F1 ein Problem ersparten

Die Zukunft Red Bulls in der Königsklasse stand auf der Kippe:

29 Nov 10:35 www.laola1.at 837519018229004272.html
Allarme banche: 70mila posti a rischio nei prossimi 5 anni, quali soluzioni

Banche a rischio: nei prossimi cinque anni i margini di intermediazione delle banche italiane potrebbero scendere fino al 15%.

29 Nov 12:03 InvestireOggi 7231367742831961463.html
America: Your mobile video quality is the worst of all G7 countries

The mobile video experience in the US has improved, but it's still worse than Canada's or Mexico's.

29 Nov 13:23 ZDNet 591556592265977616.html
'The epitome of an excellent benefactor': Paul Guest's gift goes a long way

Former Family Court judge, Olympic rower and art collector Guest has donated 200 artworks, worth about $2 million, to Bendigo Art Gallery.

29 Nov 13:01 The Age 7967730562841694991.html
Buscan empresarios de Quintana Roo un vínculo digital con los tres órdenes de gobierno

Se busca reducir el tiempo de los tr&aacute;mites entre las dependencias y mejorar la comunicaci&oacute;n.

29 Nov 12:52 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624447061769.html
"La democracia no funciona sin una autolimitación del ejercicio del poder"

"Las democracias no funcionan sin una autolimitación. El poder no debe ser ejercido sino con una  restricción en cuanto a cómo se trata al oponente". Esta fue una de las consideraciones que expuso la politóloga Colette Capriles durante el foro  'Democracia y libre empresa', realizado la mañana del viernes 29 de noviembre  en el auditorio de la Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, de Maracaibo.

29 Nov 15:30 Panorama 6052790754624414616.html
Slow Q2 GDP growth: Weak credit, manufacturing need fixing, say experts

The rate of economic expansion was the lowest in more than six years; it slipped from 5 per cent in Q1 this year and 7.1 per cent in Q2 of FY19

29 Nov 13:00 Business-Standard 1502508925395917482.html
Johnson: Disparaging remarks about single mothers made 25 years ago

The PM said the quotes were stripped of context and formed part of a smear campaign by Labour.

29 Nov 10:30 Express & Star 7324224460781377575.html
Las cinco claves para la sostenibilidad del fútbol profesional español

El fútbol profesional, comprometido con el medioambiente a través de iniciativas sostenibles desarrolladas en los clubes de LaLigaSantander y LaLiga SmartBank, está por la sostenibilidad

29 Nov 10:28 sport 1349897970484139605.html
Omicidio Luca Sacchi, svolta nelle indagini: 5 arresti, nei guai anche la fidanzata (FOTO e VIDEO)

Dalle prime luci dell’alba, i Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Roma, con l’ausilio di unità cinofile dell’Arma, hanno dato esecuzione, nella Capitale, a un’ordinanza emessa dal G.I.P. presso il Tribunale di Roma, su richiesta della locale Procura, che dispone misure cautelati nei confronti di 5 persone, per le indagini relative all’omicidio di Luca Sacchi, avvenuto […]

29 Nov 13:02 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339181458667.html
Nordic Credit Rating bekräftar Offentliga Hus kreditbetyg

Di.se - Sveriges ledande nyhetssajt för de senaste nyheterna, analyserna och fördjupningarna som påverkar marknaden, börsen och näringslivet.

29 Nov 14:35 Dagens industri 3921815212895460462.html
Cosechas Food Truck: la alquimia de hacer manjares de la cocina boricua

El chef Luis Miguel Díaz ha elevado el nivel del juego en la liga de los “food trucks”

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310354805825.html
Chiara Nasti Instagram, sdraiata sul divano sensuale e provocante: «Wow, che gambe!»

Chiara Nasti è sempre più bella e provocante. Il suo look lascia tutti senza fiato. Una foto incredibile e che alza la temperatura.

29 Nov 10:13 UrbanPost 2450570493969018326.html
Cuatro muertos en un choque frontal en Paso de los Libres

Cuatro miembros de una familia fallecieron este viernes luego de que el auto en el que viajaban chocara de frente contra un camión. El hecho se produjo pasadas las 10 sobre la ruta 14,...

29 Nov 12:33 El Territorio Misiones 4290701725342007469.html
Arqueólogos y viajeros

Tomamos el vuelo 533 de Aeroméxico que nos llevó a Mérida para asistir a una boda el sábado en la Hacienda de San Pedro Ochil, municipio de Abalá en Yucatán. El jueves y viernes previos a la boda, visitamos las ruinas de Chichén Itzá hospedándonos en el Hotel Mayaland, un hotel construido en los años 40 que se encuentra dentro de Chichén Itzá; el hotel muy amplio y de época, con jardines muy bien cuidados, albercas, todo muy bien organizado. Frente al bar hay un árbol de acacia blanca de proporciones fabulosas que vale la pena admirar.

29 Nov 11:00 El Universal 4964748197819138366.html
ÖSV-Speed-Truppe mit guten Vorzeichen in Weltcup-Auftakt

Österreichs Abfahrer starten am Samstag (20.15 Uhr, live ORF eins) in Lake Louise mit guten Vorzeichen in die Speed-Rennen der alpinen Ski-Weltcup-Saison. Im ersten Training ist die ÖSV-Truppe am Donnerstag stark aufgetreten, zudem ging im Vorjahr die Abfahrt in Kanada an den Kärntner Max Franz. Tags darauf gab es im Super-G (Sonntag, 20.15) Rang zwei […]

29 Nov 13:16 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171110032151.html
Ibra, il Bologna resta sulle sue tracce. Lo svedese: "Con Mihajlovic mi sento spesso"

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, terminata la sua avventura negli Stati Uniti, tornerabbe volentieri in Italia. Oltre al Milan, che ha già presentato la sua offerta al giocatore, sulle tracce dello svedese c'è sempre anche il Bologna di Sinisa Mihajlovic: lo sponsor Macron sembra deciso a investire qualcosa in più sul contratto, consapevole di avere un grande impatto di immagine e di vendita di maglie e prodotti. Lo riferisce stamattina La Gazzetta dello Sport che riporta questa parole di Ibra sull'allenatore serbo: "Con Sinisa mi sento spesso. E’ un amico, persona eccezionale, un uomo raro".  

29 Nov 12:25 MilanNews.it 6507305921541042285.html
Salma Hayek Flaunts Figure In Skintight Leather & Lace Dress In Black Friday Post

Actress Salma Hayek decided to get in on the Black Friday posts with something a little bit different. Instead of promoting sales with companies she has partnered with, the brunette beauty promoted ...

29 Nov 15:43 The Inquisitr 1745625232168710307.html
Schüsse auf London Bridge: Polizei riegelt Brücke ab - und spricht von Terrorverdacht

Passanten melden Schüsse in London. Die Polizei sperrt die London Bridge ab. Mehrere Menschen wurden bei einem Messerangriff verletzt, ein Mann wurde erschossen.

29 Nov 15:38 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238488413448.html
LIC assistant prelims result declared: Check merit list, Mains date and exam pattern

LIC assistant prelims result 2019: Those who have cleared the exam will be called for Mains. LIC assistant Mains will be held on December 22. Over 8000 posts will be filled through this recruitment process.

29 Nov 15:02 The Indian Express 2885715103984383081.html
'stanca di essere trattata come una ladra o come escobar', il triste addio di eniola aluko alla juve


29 Nov 10:11 DAGOSPIA 6533336740014039565.html
This story has legs: Cambodia 'bug cafe' serves up insect tapas

Ant spring rolls, silkworm taro croquettes and a "bug mac" -- Cambodia's first insect tapas restaurant is mixing cocktail culture with creepy ...

29 Nov 11:50 CNA 5644198862606906281.html
ChristenUnie wol lytse wynmûnen foar alle boeren

Yn it plan fan Deputearre Steaten mei de iene boer wol in wynmûne pleatse en de oare net. CU neamt it plan in 'dubbelhartig gedrocht'.

29 Nov 13:30 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694084691357.html
AMS ist bei Osram noch weit vom Ziel entfernt

Der österreichische Chiphersteller ist eine Woche vor dem Ablauf seines Übernahmeangebots für Osram noch weit von der Mindestannahmeschwelle von 55 Prozent entfernt.

29 Nov 11:13 cash 8314500325232683348.html
Actor Kim Woo Bin to donate all proceeds from fan meeting to childhood cancer patients

Actor Kim Woo Bin will be donating all the proceeds from his upcoming fan meeting 'Thank You' to childhood cancer patients…

29 Nov 10:33 allkpop 3249686061135470297.html
Dos estrellas del K-pop fueron condenados a prisión por violar en grupo a dos mujeres que estaban inconscientes

Jung Joon-young y Choi Jong-hoon estaban junto a otras tres personas cuando abusaron sexualmente de jóvenes que no podían defenderse. Además, uno de ellos tomaba fotos de sus amantes y las compartía sin su consentimiento   Jung Joon-young fue esposado y escoltado a una comisaría en Seúl (Foto: EFE) Dos cantantes surcoreanos, Jung Joon-young y

29 Nov 15:29 eju.tv 4688901771527781946.html
Terrell Owens Calls Out Garrett, Romo & Witten For Colluding To Get Him Cut From Cowboys (TWEET)

Terrell Owens certainly knows how to hold on to a grudge. The hall of fame wide receiver was going back…

29 Nov 14:47 Total Pro Sports 5536572206117989622.html
Thaila Ayala fala sobre vida a dois e relembra dia do casamento: Superou minhas expectativas!

Nossa cerimônia de casamento foi puro amor, tudo do nosso jeito, com família e amigos celebrando

29 Nov 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883426881866508.html
Due cadaveri in zone diverse del paese: "Omicidio suicidio"

Il cadavere di un uomo, 32 anni, nel parco ad Azzano Mella. Il dramma ha assunto altri contorni quando nelle campagne è stato trovato il corpo ormai senza vita di una 47enne

29 Nov 12:18 Today 178378749502540910.html
Leeds fans react to Mateusz Bogusz goal in Under-23s win

Mateusz Bogusz scored the winner for Leeds United’s Under-23s side on Friday afternoon – and some of the club’s supporters on Twitter hailed him for his goal. The Whites youth team secured a 2-1 victory against Sheffield United in the Professional Development League. Ryan Edmondson opened the scoring in the second-half when he capitalised on […]Some Leeds United fans praised Mateusz Bogusz for his goal for the Under-23s side.

29 Nov 14:15 The Boot Room 5717202226073519185.html
Comerciantes de Venezuela realizaron el primer "Black Friday" en su historia en medio de la crisis

Pese a la grave situación en Venezuela, los comerciantes se unieron para realizar el primer "Black Friday" en su historia.

29 Nov 12:30 Wapa.pe 6757287088000409375.html
Looking for the ultimate gaming laptop deal this Black Friday? MSI has you covered.

Whether you’re new to laptop gaming or a life-long veteran, you can save up to £270 this Black Friday with the best laptop deal of the year. The brand’s broad range offer the perfect device to kick-start your gaming journey, whether you’re looking for your first device or your latest upgrade. 

29 Nov 15:13 PC Gamer 9149753394313496081.html
Mum creates a magical hideaway for her daughter in the dead space in her loft

The cosiest thing we ever seen.

29 Nov 14:34 Metro 970161747889740785.html
Valdemingómez estrenará una innovadora planta de tratamiento y compostaje de materia orgánica

La basura orgánica está compuesta por restos de comida, jardinería doméstica y servilletas usadas que se depositan en...

29 Nov 11:25 ecoticias.com 9144483864791621139.html
Il candidato M5s in Calabria possiede una villetta "parzialmente abusiva". La difesa: "Non l'ho costruita io"

La Repubblica riporta la decisione di Tar e Consiglio di Stato contro Aiello e suo fratello. Di Maio aveva chiesto chiarimenti

29 Nov 10:15 L'HuffPost 5315551423262501319.html
Eisbullen wollen alles für kurzen Prozess tun

Wenn auch mit dem KAC heute, Freitag, der Eishockeyliga-Erzrivale kommt: Die Eisbullen wollen endlich daheim wieder mit Topleistung und ...

29 Nov 14:10 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093362216013.html
Arturo Vidal advierte a Barcelona: Juega o se va

El mediocampista chileno indicó que debe analizar si se siente importante en la escuadra que adiestra Ernesto Valverde.

29 Nov 11:20 T13 7836926440444486658.html
Nutella Biscuits a ruba, introvabili in alcuni supermercati e riappaiono a prezzi stellari anche a 14,90 euro

A Napoli nascono i bagarini dei Nutella Biscuits mentre su alcuni siti e-commerce i biscotti della Ferrero vengono venduti addirittura a 14,90 euro a confezione.

29 Nov 12:25 InvestireOggi 7231367744626164299.html
El Gobierno creó la Agencia Nacional de Protección a Testigos e Imputados

Política La medida se hizo efectiva a través del Decreto 795/2019, publicado en el Boletín Oficial. El organismo será dependiente del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos y tendrá a su cargo las medidas para garantizar la seguridad de quienes colaboren en ciertos casos judiciales.

29 Nov 10:21 El Litoral 2624573358077837379.html
Serie A clubs join forces with open letter: We have 'serious problem with racism'

All 20 clubs from Serie A have written a joint open letter to ask for help in dealing with the issue of racism.

29 Nov 14:58 ESPN 8538773401672193175.html
FIFA sanciona de por vida al expresidente de CBF Ricardo Teixeira

El Comité de Ética de la FIFA confirmó este viernes la suspensión "de por vida" del expresidente de la Confederación Brasileña de Fútbol (CBF) Ricardo Teixeira, quien además deberá pagar una multa de un millón de francos suizos (unos 908.000 euros) por soborno.Al exmiembro del comité ejecutivo de la CONMEBOL, expresidente de la CBF y exmiembro del comité ejecutivo de la FIFA se le atribuye la violación del código ético del órgano rector del fútbol mundial durante el periodo 2006-2012, por "sobornos en la adjudicación de contratos audiovisuales y de marketing por competiciones de la CBF, la CONMEBOL y la Concacaf", según un comunicado remitido por FIFA.El Comité de Ética decidió suspender "de por vida" a Ricardo Teixeira de cualquiera actividad vinculada con el fútbol, a nivel nacional e internacional. Además, deberá pagar una multa de un millón de francos suizos (unos 908.000 euros). // EFE

29 Nov 11:45 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125005723423.html
Arsenal sack Emery after worst run for 27 years; Ljungberg named caretaker manager

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager following the 2-1 Europa League defeat at home to Frankfurt.

29 Nov 10:30 ESPN.com 7331508221222197659.html
Agar Awet, Jangan Simpan 11 Bahan Makanan Ini di Kulkas

Bahan-bahan berikut baiknya tak disimpan di kulkas, Bun, agar awet.

29 Nov 15:40 moms-life 8028540701878581525.html
Romantični princ prihaja v Slovenijo

Romantični princ, kot je Richarda Claydermana poimenovala nekdanja ameriška prva dama Nancy Reagan, bo z nesmrtno Balado za Adelino in drugimi skladbami 30. novembra v Cankarjevem domu raznežil vse...

29 Nov 14:56 Slovenske novice 5901956562468321952.html
Ad Argentera c'è preoccupazione per un inverno senza impianti e senza gestore: "Apriamo almeno il Baby"

E' l'unica pista, infatti, che potrebbe aprire. Tutti gli altri impianti sono invece a fine vita tecnica. Ma il sindaco Ciaburro replica: "Chi lo gestisce? Non si è fatto avanti nessuno!"

29 Nov 14:03 Targatocn.it 7367208849177199755.html
Boris Johnson's father says UK public 'couldn't spell Pinocchio'

Stanley Johnson also says it is ‘absurd’ that BBC can refer on air to tweet calling PM a liar

29 Nov 14:22 the Guardian 1491978796168930892.html
December fuel price prognosis - a mixed bag for motorists | IOL Motoring

Petrol prices are set to increase slightly in December, while diesel is set to go down, according to month-end data.

29 Nov 12:17 www.iol.co.za 17825110930677365.html
Arslanagic zet ploegmaats op scherp bij Antwerp: "Dat misten wij soms"

Dino Arslanagic is goed op weg om een meubelstuk te worden bij Antwerp. De Belgische verdediger kijkt met gemengde gevoelens terug op de heenronde. Hij wil terug meer strijd zien bij het elftal.

29 Nov 11:45 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217282277303.html
Time dotCom 3Q net profit rises as revenue improves

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): TIME dotCom Bhd’s third quarter net profit grew 3.77% to RM82.99 million or 14.19 sen per share, from RM79.98 million or 13.71 sen per share a year earlier, on the back of higher revenue.The telecommunication company also attributed the higher earnings in the quarter ended Sept 30, 2019 to a rise in interest income to RM2.5 million from RM1.8 million previously, a net write back of construction deposit of RM700,000 and an increase in share

29 Nov 15:36 The Edge Markets 6322622074083939321.html
Crean test para detectar el dengue con una nueva estructura de ADN

Una nueva estructura artificial de ADN en forma de estrella de cinco puntas es capaz de detectar el virus del dengue en el torrente sanguíneo, según un

29 Nov 13:33 El Siglo 7954754736513067457.html
Monedero de la Plataforma Patria no estará disponible desde hoy y el fin de semana para adecuarla a los Petros

28 Nov. 2019 - Con el objetivo de actualizar la Plataforma Patria para poder operar con la Criptomoneda Petro se estarán realizando acciones de mantenimiento del Monedero Patria desde el viernes 2...

29 Nov 12:17 Aporrea 8480488502114215419.html
Liverpool’s Fabinho ruled out until New Year with ankle injury

Liverpool midfielder Fabinho will be out for more than a month after suffering ankle ligament damage during this week's Champions League clash with Napoli, the club said on Friday.

29 Nov 13:39 The Citizen 410802302093706691.html
Ole Miss pisses away the Egg Bowl to Mississippi State

A taunting penalty led to a missed PAT kick and doomed the Rebels to ridicule for a whole year.

29 Nov 13:02 Sporting News 5110653852768554591.html
Aston Villa news: Dean Smith signs new four-year contract

Aston Villa manager Dean Smith has signed a new four-year contract at the club, keeping him at the club until 2023. Smith joined Villa in October 2018 and successfully guided the club back into the

29 Nov 13:11 The Independent 2511519170516741425.html
Passation de pouvoirs symbolique entre Donald Tusk et Charles Michel (photos)

Le Polonais a remis au Belge la clochette présidentielle qu’il avait reçue il y a cinq ans des mains d’un autre Belge, Herman Van Rompuy.

29 Nov 11:56 Le Soir 5236108146783573152.html
Hallmarking to be mandatory for gold jewellery from 2021: Ram Vilas Paswan

However, one year period will be provided for implementation of this decision to enable jewellers clear their existing stock

29 Nov 10:50 Business-Standard 1502508926579890965.html
Polish firm’s drones, from lifesaver to invisible model, take to the skies

MIKOLOW (Poland), Nov 29 — Silently the eight propellers of the Hermes V8MT drone begin to spin and the large yellow aircraft rises up, locates its direction and moments later disappears into the sky in southern Poland. Today the drone is making a successful 8.5-kilometre test flight near the...

29 Nov 12:00 Malaymail 302165935390926681.html
Esperando julgamento em caso de doping, Bia se diz inocente e defende jogo limpo

Bia revelou sobre como vem sendo os seus dias desde o início da suspensão temporária, que a impede de disputar os torneios do circuito

29 Nov 15:55 Folha Vitória 4941883428146699426.html
Erdogan responde a Macron: 'Examina tu propia muerte cerebral'

El presidente turco arremete contra su homólogo francés por sus palabras sobre la OTAN y lo acusa de promocionar el terrorismo en Siria

29 Nov 14:44 La Vanguardia 8061072700051479847.html
5 ways to pursue a passion project while working a full-time job

I'm a writer (in case that wasn't obvious). I'm also a visual artist and musician, but unlike writing, I don't have the privilege of drawing or singing professionally.

29 Nov 14:50 Big Think 4029779669257372990.html
PICS | 'Spider-Man' does incredible handstand on Table Mountain cable car

Dressed in a Spider-Man T-shirt, Cape Town media executive Jeff Ayliffe has realised a lifelong dream by doing a handstand on top of one of the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway cars.

29 Nov 12:00 News24 3752801378149336291.html
UK PM Boris Johnson To Donald Trump: Don't Interfere In Our Election

Trump -- who visits London for a NATO summit next week -- has already waded into the upcoming December vote, however.

29 Nov 11:35 HuffPost 5982769915943568114.html
La strada tra i checkpoint - Ted Conover

Per i soldati israeliani è una routine stressante. Per i palestinesi è un’umiliazione continua. Eppure la fila ai checkpoint è forse il luogo dove i due popoli senza pace s’incontrano più da vicino. Dall’archivio di Internazionale. Leggi

29 Nov 12:58 Internazionale 3249842259485809750.html
Mobilni info centri MUP sledeće nedelje u selima na području Kraljeva

KRALJEVO - Mobilni informativni centar Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova od 2. do 6. decembra boraviće u nekoliko sela na području Policijske uprave u

29 Nov 14:07 Krstarica 4176903989981151425.html
D-day: Court To Rule On Jacob Zuma’s Appeal Against Corruption Trial

DURBAN – Former President Jacob Zuma and co-accused Thales will know if they can take their case to the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) after the High Court in Pietermaritzburg ruled that they must stand trial. Last week, Zuma’s lawyers argued that the SCA may arrive at a different conclusion and Zuma may eventually be […]

29 Nov 10:23 iAfrica 8834711023484851033.html
OL : encore des absents de taille pour Strasbourg

L'Olympique Lyonnais (OL) va devoir faire sans Depay, Aouar et Thiago Mendes pour le déplacement sur la pelouse de Strasbourg ce week-end en Ligue 1.

29 Nov 13:07 Onze Mondial 1310109999459412416.html
Wrestling Nationals: Sumit, Kadiyan, Ravinder win gold to book SAG berths

More sports News: Railways dominated the proceedings as Sumit and Satyawart Kadiyan won a gold medal each in the Senior National Wrestling Championships to clinch their

29 Nov 15:51 The Times of India 6060938663071000030.html
Don't miss out on this amazing deal on a Secretlab TITAN gaming chair

These amazing gaming chairs from Secretlab have A-grade leather, tons of adjustability, and sturdy, durable frames. Because of that, they're the best gaming chairs that you can get this Black Friday — and for a great price. Check out these deals!

29 Nov 15:20 Windows Central 7807657680952311062.html
Juliana Oxenford y su respuesta a Pedro Chávarry tras ser amenazada en TV con una demanda

La periodista Juliana Oxenford sorprendió a todos al anunciar a través de su cuenta de Twitter que podría ir a los Tribunales a raíz de las amenazas de Pedro Chávarry.

29 Nov 11:35 Wapa.pe 6757287088173222598.html
Prolongation de la loi de Moore : les incroyables promesses du transistor Bizen

Alors que les limites de finesse de gravure des composants électroniques sont en vue, une start-up britannique a mis au point un nouveau type de transistor qui permettrait d’augmenter la densité tout en accélérant et simplifiant les processus de production.

29 Nov 15:43 01net 1000433502702842974.html
Volkswagen (VW) vz Outperform

Die Experten der Bernstein Research bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Volkswagen (VW) vz mit Outperform

29 Nov 10:51 finanzen.at 7258357742714277625.html
Every time Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have opened up about their relationship, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Here are the times the musician and model have been honest about their romance, from talking about their sex life to their infertility struggles.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:51 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756577065323.html
IHH Healthcare posts RM236m in 3Q net profit on stronger contribution from its operations

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): IHH Healthcare Bhd reported a net profit of RM236.34 million for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2019 (3QFY19) compared to a net loss of RM104.07 million a year ago.The regional healthcare group said the quarterly profit was driven by sustained organic revenue growth at existing operations.The boost to earnings also came from Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital and Acibadem Altunizade Hospital, both opened in March 2017. In addition, Amanjaya Specialist Centre and Fortis Healthcare (“Fortis”),

29 Nov 11:45 The Edge Markets 6322622074795375778.html
Por estar falsamente rotuladas o adulteradas: La Anmat prohibió dos mantecas y una premezcla para celíacos

La <a href="https://www.pagina12.com.ar/tags/11576-anmat">Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) prohibió la comercialización de una mezcla de harina y de una manteca, por no cumplir con las normas alimentari...

29 Nov 12:26 PAGINA12 7077267065188437588.html
Capitali esteri da record in Pakistan, allo studio un’emissione di Panda bond

Obbligazioni in valuta cinese in emissione nel 2020. Il Pakistan ci sta lavorando sull'ottimismo per la discesa dei suoi rendimenti sovrani, grazie agli afflussi record di capitali stranieri.

29 Nov 15:03 InvestireOggi 7231367744192439879.html
Detuvieron a una mujer policía en Jefatura acusada de facilitar drogas a narcos

La agente fue apresada el jueves al mediodía.

29 Nov 13:24 La Voz 6237180761786386622.html
Einhorn-Tunnel Schwäbisch Gmünd: Keine Sperrung für Fahrraddemo zum Klimastreik

Die für Freitag geplante Fahrraddemo zum Klimastreik in Schwäbisch Gmünd führt nun doch nicht durch den Einhorntunnel. Nach längerem, auch rechtlichen, Streit ist das eine neue Wendung.

29 Nov 13:48 swp.de 6929179442077218814.html
Må stenge barnehagen - eier varsler rettssak

Den private barnehagen Gnist Trøa på Heimdal må stenge. - En seier for barna, sier kommunen. Gnist varsler rettssak.

29 Nov 15:07 adressa.no 8417332407100510044.html
Steve Bruce vows to keep faith with "terrific" front three

Joelinton, Miguel Almiron and Allan Saint-Maximin have managed just one goal between them in their time on Tyneside.

29 Nov 13:16 Sports Mole 7750663362451832649.html
Spark 4G HD Calling (VoLTE) nationwide roll-out progresses

Spark is now well into its nationwide roll out of 4G HD Calling capability on its network. 4G HD Calling is supported by VoLTE technology (Voice over Long Term Evolution). Spark started with an initial soft launch in July by inviting a small number of customers to update their handsets to VoLTE technology. It has since rolled out progressively to more models of handsets, with the roll out to continue into 2020.

29 Nov 11:17 SCOOP 5315658999545399836.html
Kaley Cuoco Shares A Sweet And Silly Instagram Post For Her Sister Briana Cuoco’s Birthday

The Big Bang Theory actress Kaley Cuoco shared a sweet and silly black-and-white Instagram post in honor of her sister Briana Cuoco’s birthday with her 5.7 million Instagram followers. Kaley is ...

29 Nov 13:20 The Inquisitr 1745625230744390382.html
La Reina Isabel II visita nueva sede de la Sociedad Filatélica Real

Ataviada en un impecable y elegante conjunto azul, fue como la Reina Isabel II de Gran Bretaña realizó un acto oficial en la nueva sede de la Sociedad Filatélica Real en Londres, donde fue acompañada en todo momento por Richard Stock, Presidente de la intuición y otros miembros. A su llegada, la monarca británica comenzó […]

29 Nov 11:00 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490037232833008.html
NIK dementuje doniesienia o dymisji Mariana Banasia

"W związku z pojawiającymi się informacjami, jakoby Prezes NIK złożył dymisję z zajmowanego stanowiska informujemy, że decyzja taka nie zapadła" - napisała Najwyższa Izba Kontroli w oświadczeniu opublikowanym na jej stronie.

29 Nov 14:15 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536052935990.html
Jack Wills is open again in Newcastle - with a new Eldon Square store

Jack Wills closed its Blackett Street store earlier this year - but has opened in Eldon Square, as has Electronic giants Samsung

29 Nov 12:56 ChronicleLive 1984146902629360046.html
2nd Test: David Warner, Marnus Labuschagne Hit Centuries on Rain-Hit Opening Day

David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne hit second straight centuries as Australia ended opening day's play at a dominating 302/1.

29 Nov 14:58 India.com 7150386083264482371.html
Tri Rismaharini Janji Beri Bonus dan Arak Evan Dimas dkk Jika Dapat Emas SEA Games 2019

Walikota Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, optimistis Timnas Indonesia U-23 mampu meraih emas di SEA Games, Filipina 2019.

29 Nov 10:30 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549608299076.html
Detenido con 21 kilos de marihuana camuflados en los cojines de su coche

Encontraron en el maletero y en las asientos traseros cuatro cajas de cartón de gran tamaño que contenían 18 cojines rellenos con paquetes negros, en los que se hallaba la droga

29 Nov 11:04 Cadena SER 8390941984437910248.html
PAE busca acompañar y financiar emprendimientos de estudiantes de escuelas técnicas

Hace 3 años que la iniciativa se lleva adelante en escuelas de Comodoro y durante 2019 se implementó por primera vez en Caleta Olivia.

29 Nov 14:20 El Patagónico 8565457046363166597.html
Versión: grupo armado toma poblado y quema casas

Madera.- Un grupo de hombres armados causó pánico ayer en la noche en la comunidad llamada La Norteña, donde supuestamente quemaron algunas viviendas, reportaron pobladores al teléfono de emergencias 911.

29 Nov 13:15 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558446474488.html
Betrunkener legt sich in Süd auf Fußweg schlafen

Ein auf einer Fahrbahn liegender Mann hat in der Nacht zum Freitag die Dessauer Polizei beschäftigt.

29 Nov 12:48 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109596598001.html
Two give statements to Perak police over return of Chin Peng’s ashes

IPOH, Nov 29 — The police today have recorded statements from several individuals to assist in an investigation over their alleged involvements in bringing back the ashes of former Communist Party of Malaya leader Chin Peng to Malaysia. They were seen entering the compound of the Ipoh District...

29 Nov 14:21 Malaymail 302165936319851441.html
Trump: “Onderhandelingen met Taliban worden hervat”

Trump heeft tijdens een verrassingsbezoek aan Afghanistan op Thanksgiving gezegd dat de vredesbesprekingen met de Taliban hervat worden

29 Nov 14:22 SCEPTR 7604357483637880057.html
Google's Messages app gains new 'Verified SMS' feature

The latest Messages beta brings a new "Verified SMS" feature, which can confirm the identity of a business sending you messages.

29 Nov 14:45 Android Central 29040142990470681.html
Penjualan Hero Supermarket Turun jadi Hanya Rp9,4 Triliun di Kuartal III-2019

Hero Group memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan yang baik dan berjangka panjang, dengan melaksanakan kegiatan pencegahan pencemaran lingkungan, pengelolaan limbah, serta program pemanfaatan energi yang efektif.

29 Nov 15:46 merdeka.com 1998180355105288195.html
Cuba reitera en La Haya rechazo a armas de destrucción masiva

Cuba reiteró hoy su rechazo al empleo de armas de destrucción masiva, en el Día de Conmemoración de Todas las Víctimas de la Guerra Química. La mayor...

29 Nov 10:28 cubasi.cu 5416914686807888081.html
CIDH finaliza su visita en Chile: "Las fuerzas de seguridad tienen la obligación de permitir el desarrollo de las manifestaciones"

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos culminó su visita preparatoria en el país y aseguró que regresará en enero de 2020.

29 Nov 12:11 24Horas.cl 793283385294635653.html
Post talks with Gotabaya Rajapaksa, PM Modi announces $50 million aid to Sri Lanka to tackle terrorism

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday announced a $50 million aid to Sri Lanka to tackle terrorism. The announcement was made after PM Modi and Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa held ‘fruitful talks’.

29 Nov 15:28 The New Indian Express 4718288653200742091.html
Volkswagen (VW) St Outperform

Die Experten der Bernstein Research bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Volkswagen (VW) St mit Outperform

29 Nov 10:50 finanzen.at 7258357742378371392.html
Pontevedra: Abandona el lugar del accidente porque tenía prisa por llegar a la discoteca La Luna

El hombre, de 65 años, dio positivo en el control de alcoholemia

29 Nov 11:14 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611745646497.html
Listen to a previously unreleased version of Cream's Sunshine Of Your Love

Sunshine Of Your Love was recorded live at California’s Oakland Coliseum Arena, and comes from the upcoming Goodbye Tour Live 1968 box set

29 Nov 15:00 Classic Rock 2174237037995395180.html
Nicolò Scalfi archivia L’Isola dei Famosi e si candida per Pechino Express insieme ad una nostra conoscenza

Nicolò Scalfi archivia L'Isola dei Famosi e si candida per Pechino Express insieme ad una nostra conoscenza

29 Nov 12:53 BitchyF 921248401910794194.html
Jorge Uauy: Sin garantías de seguridad no tiene sentido tratar de volver a toda costa

El presidente de Palestino dejó la idea que espera el fin del torneo.

29 Nov 11:44 alairelibre.cl 7508323593390950761.html
Labour Making 'Pure Bermuda Triangle' Claims That NHS Can be Sold Off to the US, Boris Johnson Says

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn previously revealed a 451-page packet of documents allegedly showing how the Conservatives had tried to "sell" the country's National Health Service (NHS) to US companies.

29 Nov 12:11 Sputniknews 967333867674725005.html
Sindicatos franceses llaman a participar en la «huelga masiva» contra la reforma de pensiones

Ante la voluntad del Gobierno de Emmanuel Macron de seguir adelante con la reforma del sistema de pensiones, los principales sindicatos del Estado franc&eacu...

29 Nov 12:33 naiz: 7509038604096466809.html
Pez payaso en lista de especies amenazadas por cambio climático

Los científicos de dicho centro con sede en París monitorearon por más de 10 años al pez payaso en las lagunas de la bahía de Kimbe

29 Nov 11:01 El Mañana 6247220759121127755.html
Kolumne von Lehrer Jan-Martin Klinge: Denkwürdiger Tag: Als es plötzlich still in meiner Klasse war

Einer meiner Schüler hat geschafft, was ich nur selten schaffe: Es war mucksmäuschenstill in der Klasse. Er hatte mit seinen neuen digitalen Werkzeugen etwas gebastelt, das die Kinder elektrisiert hat. Und mich auch.

29 Nov 14:18 FOCUS Online 4448121230606452496.html
AccuWeather: Mostly sunny but brisk for Black Friday

The strong winds that blew through the Tri-State region on Thanksgiving Day are gradually subsiding, and Friday will be mostly sunny, brisk and chilly.

29 Nov 13:04 ABC7 New York 7327811147792867486.html
Best iPhone XR Cyber Monday deals

Here's where to get the iPhone XR for the best price this Cyber Monday. Get an iPhone XR SIM free or on contract with one of these iPhone XR deals. Including iPhone XR deals in the UK & US.

2 Dec 07:35 Macworld UK 4405179197702364496.html
Adani: "In Europa serve coraggio, con le italiane ci emozioniamo. Lautaro e Dybala sono il futuro dell'Argentina"

Presente come di consueto negli studi di SkySport durante la serata di Europa League, Lele Adani torna anche sulla vittoria dell'Inter in quel di Praga e sulla telecronaca portata avanti con...

29 Nov 12:32 FcInterNews.it 7848284893585508640.html
Star Wars: l'ascesa di Skywalker, pubblicato un nuovo trailer

Siete pronti per l’arrivo di “Star Wars: L'ascesa di Skywalker”? Una delle pellicole più attesa dell’anno sta finalmente per fare il suo debutto nelle sale cinematografiche italiane, scopriamo insieme il nuovo trailer.

29 Nov 15:01 Sky TG24 1131381333492475191.html
Claves para enteder la consulta popular de Miranda del #1Dic

La llegada de diciembre no será lo único que ocurrirá este domingo en el estado Miranda, ya que también será el día en que se realizará

29 Nov 11:19 LaPatilla.com 9104603010138456492.html
Ana uccisa dall'amante, la famiglia rompe il silenzio: "Basta insulti e battutine squallide"

Su Facebook lo sfogo della cugina della trentenne uccisa dall'amante, reo confesso, a Partinico. Un lungo post in cui chiede rispetto per la vittima e si scaglia in particolare contro le altre donne che difendono l'assassino: "Evitate le battutine squallide, i 'ma lei però'..."

29 Nov 12:54 Today 178378749564992742.html
Pokémon Spada e Scudo: ecco le texture migliorate dai modder | Game Division

Pokémon Spada e Scudo non sono i migliori giochi Switch a livello grafico, ma i modder stanno già mettendo le mani sulle texture.

29 Nov 13:43 Tom's Hardware 6640147069697328863.html
ACB Stock Price: Aurora Cannabis Inc. sets higher lows, shrugging off financial fears

Aurora Cannabis Incorporated, which is headquartered in Edmonton and trades at the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) has risen on Thursday at and closed at

29 Nov 11:38 FXStreet 4480975639278702565.html
Search in Albania quake reduced, death toll at 49

TIRANA, Albania (AP) - The operation to find survivors and recover bodies from Albania's deadly earthquake was winding down Friday, with rescue crews limiting their efforts to a collapsed beachfront hotel in the port town of Durres as the death toll climbed to 49.

29 Nov 14:42 WFXT 6395891954122837023.html
Cathy Stanworth: Joy and benefit of having a pet

An incredibly loud “woof” resounded around the huge high ceilinged premises of Pets At Home. This was followed by another and another...I think we were treated to over ten!

29 Nov 15:56 Shropshire Star 3480199991319553394.html
Coronation Street SPOILERS: Jade 'loses it' in shocking scenes TONIGHT

Jade Rowan will 'lose it' in shocking scenes to air in tonight's Coronation Street.

29 Nov 14:32 Entertainment Daily 8392972517838388551.html
Frente a su hijo matan al conductor de un bus en Tegucigalpa

El hijo de Christian Cruz García, conductor asesinado, presenció el hecho ya que trabajaba como cobrador junto a su padre.

29 Nov 15:18 Diario La Prensa 7797091975141681801.html
Kommentar: Immer Notstand ist kein Notstand!

Heute gibt es wieder große Demonstrationen in vielen Städten in NRW. Viele von uns kennen das ja auch schon: Fridays for future – Demonstrieren für eine bessere Klimapolitik. Was den Demonstranten Auftrieb geben dürfte: Die Entscheidung des Europaparlaments gestern. Die Abgeordneten haben den Klimanotstand ausgerufen. Und zwar für ganz Europa. Mein Kollege Jörg Brunsmann fragt sich in seinem Kommentar "Zur Sache", ob das der richtige Weg ist. Jemand, der immer warnt, wird irgendwann nicht mehr ernst genommen. Autor:Jörg Brunsmann.

29 Nov 12:10 Mediathek 5204960546609237446.html
Federer aparecerá en monedas en Suiza

La flamante soberana tiene 26 años y estudió nutriología en la UIDE.

29 Nov 13:53 Ecuavisa 4017571651307903964.html
La famiglia di Pamela: «Perché gli interpreti avevano paura? Indagate sulla mafia nigeriana»

APPELLO - I famigliari della 18enne uccisa a Macerata insistono con la tesi dell'organizzazione criminale e replicano al procuratore Giovanni Giorgio. E sul delitto: «Continuiamo a pensare che Innocent Oseghale non ha agito da solo»

29 Nov 10:21 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195268937076.html
Star Wars IX: Millennium Falcon in pericolo nel nuovo trailer | Cultura Pop

Nonostante il nuovo trailer internazionale duri solamente un minuto, è facile capire che l'astronave della saga di Star Wars si trova in grave pericolo.

29 Nov 10:08 Tom's Hardware 6640147070882372958.html
Casi un cuarto del gasto en los hogares argentinos se destina a alimentos

Cada familia destinó el 22,7% de su ingreso al consumo vital, según un informe del Indec. Mientras que para el transporte y la salud el 14,3% y 6,4%,

29 Nov 11:18 Primera Edición 6803897642397637206.html
Barcelona otorga su medalla de oro al mérito cultural al editor Claudio López de Lamadrid

López de Lamadrid murió el 11 de enero de 2019 a los 59 años

29 Nov 13:08 ABC.es 6074573462560776178.html
Just in: Supreme court removes prominent monarch in Oyo State

The supreme court on Friday removed a prominent monarch in Oyo state, Eleruwa of Eruwa. The Eruwa is governed by a Monarch whose recognized traditional title is Eleruwa which means the owner/ruler of Eruwa. Details later…

29 Nov 10:14 Vanguard News 4125100339917444342.html
El Arsenal despide a Emery

Se acabó la etapa de Unai Emery como técnico del Arsenal . El club inglés ha emitido este viernes...

29 Nov 15:26 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957873213058.html
Polizei stoppt in nur einer Nacht 24 Drogenlenker

Zwei Amtsärzte und 28 Polizisten haben in der Nacht auf Freitag Hunderte Autolenker in Wien-Meidling und Liesing aus dem Verkehr gefischt - bei der ...

29 Nov 12:11 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094473434692.html
EU to be more 'assertive' says new chief Michel

Europe will become more

29 Nov 12:00 Digital Journal 4566489172766193654.html
SC declines actor Dileep’s plea for a copy of sexual assault video

Dileep is one of the prime accused in the 2017 abduction and sexual assault of a Malayalam actress.

29 Nov 11:38 The Indian Express 2885715104370286662.html
Rybnik uhonorował pomnikiem długoletniego burmistrza

Burmistrz Rybnika w latach 1922-1950 został uhonorowany pomnikiem przez lokalny samorząd. Pomnik przed magistratem przedstawia Władysława Webera ruszającego z laską i w kapeluszu na gospodarski spacer po mieście.

29 Nov 14:47 Portal Samorządowy 740157208620785160.html
Arrimadas no formará parte de la gestora de Cs tras postularse para liderar el partido

La portavoz de la formación naranja el Congreso se desmarca del organismo, que se constituirá este sábado para hacerse cargo del partido hasta el próximo marzo, mes para el que se prevé la celebración de su V Asamblea General.

29 Nov 14:34 www.publico.es 99190978207335146.html
Villa Rostan si illumina di luci rossoblù

Villa Rosta, il quartier generale del Genoa, apparirà così nelle ore serali a chi passerà nei dintorni di Pegli: un colpo d'occhio di grande effetto

29 Nov 11:30 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982774482594108.html
Wiceprezes NIK w Sejmie

W Sejmie pojawił się powołany wczoraj wiceprezes NIK, Tadeusz Dziuba. Udał się do gabinetu marszałek Sejmu. W spotkaniu uczestniczyła tez szefowa Kancelarii Sejmu.

29 Nov 13:04 Rzeczpospolita 4735082526329689996.html
Wall Street apre in leggero calo, orario ridotto per il Black Friday

Partenza in leggero calo per Wall Street, che riapre dopo lo stop di ieri per la festività del Giorno del Ringraziamento. In avvio l'indice Dow Jones scivola dello 0,29%, l'S&P500 …

29 Nov 15:34 FinanzaOnline 6528634128424978202.html
Piers Morgan lashes out at Sophia Hutchins amid Caitlyn Jenner sex life row

'Get over yourself.'

29 Nov 11:31 Metro 970161748180456326.html
Feds Arrest Baltimore Rapper YGG Tay On Heroin & Cocaine Charges

Fellow rapper YGG Dre and another associate Christopher Jerry were also taken into custody.

29 Nov 14:42 HipHopDX 6054351962791505418.html
Arjun Kapoor's bromance with Ranveer Singh has him declaring he is Deepika Padukone's "souten"

We all know of Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh’s close friendship. The two best buds always know how to pack on the ‘Bromance’ every time they come tog

29 Nov 10:57 The Times of India 6060938663538093051.html
Dois mortos no ataque terrorista em Londres, segundo a BBC

Duas pessoas morreram no ataque terrorista de hoje na ponte de Londres, segundo informações recebidas pela rede britânica BBC...

29 Nov 15:31 O Antagonista 1037429655013913164.html
Airbus considering production of hybrid airplane by 2035

HAMBURG (Reuters) - Airbus (AIR.PA) (AIRG.DE) is considering producing a hybrid plane by 2035 as it strives for a low emission aircraft, its chief executive said.

29 Nov 15:23 Reuters 8334514181127482372.html
K-Pop Star Sentenced To 6 Years In Jail For Sharing Secret Sex Tapes

A South Korean court sentenced a K-pop musician to six years in prison on Friday for raping a woman and distributing a video capturing the act in a case that drew attention to the darker side of the country’s lucrative entertainment industry. Jung Joon-young, 30, was arrested in March. Choi Jong-hoon, 30, a former member […]

29 Nov 15:50 iAfrica 8834711025183123337.html
Liverpool’s Fabinho ruled out until New Year with ankle injury

LONDON, Nov 29 — Liverpool midfielder Fabinho will be out for more than a month after suffering ankle ligament damage during this week’s Champions League clash with Napoli, the club said today. The Brazilian, who has this season established himself as a first-choice pick for Jurgen Klopp’s...

29 Nov 15:20 Malaymail 302165934739199056.html
Misa televisiva al comenzar el Adviento

Al comenzar el Adviento, este domingo 1º de diciembre, el canal Orbe 21 realizará la tradicional transmisión televisiva y radial de Nuestra Misa, que será presidida por el obispo auxiliar de Buenos Aires y vicario zonal de Belgrano, monseñor Alejandro Giorgi. Se rezará especialmente por los médicos, en la proximidad a su día, y por inicio del Año Jubilar Arquidiocesano, a 400 años de la creación d...

29 Nov 12:13 aica.org 5568670712799582962.html
The Best Moments From The Late Late Toy Show

This is his legacy. Now 18, studying law and living in Paris John Joe will go down in Toy Show history forever.

29 Nov 12:45 SPIN South West 8165439736121474679.html
Pamela Anderson Writes to PM Modi, Know Here What She Wants to Convey 

Anderson also highlighted that raising animals for dairy, meat, and eggs contribute to one-fifth of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions.

29 Nov 11:43 India.com 7150386084388563715.html
Yanet García enseña las pompas descaradamente con una prenda muy ardiente

Yanet Garc&iacute;a dej&oacute; m&aacute;s enamorados a sus fieles admiradores durante su presencia en el programa "Hoy"; la famosa hizo unas poses muy atrevidas dejando al descubierto sus enormes atributos.

5 Dec 18:20 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624367620713.html
Autobauer Daimler streicht mindestens 10.000 Jobs

Nach dem Autohersteller Audi plant jetzt auch Konkurrent Daimler einen massiven Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen. Mindestens 10.000 Stellen würden ...

29 Nov 14:07 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093240749852.html
Sanjay Dutt Is The Right Choice For Panipat: Kriti Sanon, Arjun Kapoor Root For Him And Ashutosh Gowariker Joins Them- EXCLUSIVE

Sanjay Dutt plays the menacing Afghan King, Ahmad Shah Abdali in the period film Panipat that's helmed by Ashutosh Gowariker. The filmmaker and his lead pair Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon tell us why Dutt is apt for the role

29 Nov 14:27 SPOTBOYE 1547816857705872920.html
Video: Ole Miss Player’s Dog Pee TD Celebration Costs Rebels Egg Bowl

On Ole Miss player's touchdown celebration cost his team a chance to tie the game on Thursday afternoon. Check it out.

29 Nov 14:13 The Spun 9122471849528854613.html
Blackpool FC tell supporters steward at centre of alleged 'attack' row 'will not work at club again' as police quiz 44-year-old

The supporters' liaison officer at Blackpool FC said the steward at the centre of a row over an alleged attack "will not work" at the club again.

29 Nov 14:12 The Gazette 1828400563348704796.html
Najbolje fotografije iz BiH na izložbi u galeriji "Pejo"

PRNJAVOR - Asocijacija za umjetničku fotografiju u BiH postavila je u galeriji "Pejo" u Prnjavoru izložbu fotografija koja obuhvata stotinjak autora iz svih krajeva BiH.

29 Nov 11:22 Nezavisne novine 4209150641174115622.html
Mzansi Magosha’s offer Black Friday discounts

Mzansi Magosha's offer Black Friday discounts in a bid to lure customers charging as little as ZAR50 per session and men are happy

29 Nov 10:57 iHarare News 2755902708067731406.html
Schüsse auf London Bridge - Polizei schließt Terroranschlag nicht aus

Auf der London Bridge sind Schüsse gefallen. Die Polizei London hat die Gegend rund um die Brücke geräumt. Die Hintergründe sind noch unklar.

29 Nov 15:45 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238714492814.html
‘EU-burgers’ massaal onrealistisch, blijven maar dromen en luchtfietsen

Maken zich meer zorgen om 'klimaatverandering' dan om terreuraanslagen of migratie

29 Nov 12:09 ThePostOnline 3048418757252537618.html
Umfrage: Liebe, Sex und Leidenschaft am Arbeitsplatz: So agieren die Österreicher

Laut einer Umfrage waren bereits 19 Prozent der österreichischen Singles in einen Arbeitskollegen oder eine Arbeitskollegin verliebt.

29 Nov 12:52 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700730387945.html
Persebaya Vs Semen Padang Imbang, Aji Santoso: Kami Hanya Kurang 1 Persen

Pelatih Persebaya Surabaya, Aji Santoso, sesalkan hasil imbang kontra Semen Padang dalam laga pekan ke-29 Liga 1 2019.

29 Nov 11:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436933418948.html
How do economists predict GDP figures? These indicators help

GDP Q2: One of the reasons why economists are fairly sure about the outcome of the GDP estimates is that key components of the GDP have not been showing positive trends

29 Nov 11:30 Business Today 1145527432425371170.html
Dagga laws in SA: some oils are more legal than others

Clicklaw explains why you may now trade in CBD oil and which limits apply.

29 Nov 10:49 Lowvelder 3143322320555585268.html
We are adapting to good batting wickets in India, says West Indies’s Sherfane Rutherford

The three-match T20 series between India and West Indies starts in Hyderabad on December 6, followed by games in Thiruvananthapuram and Mumbai.

29 Nov 14:38 Scroll.in 8669301692777583138.html
Stanset vogntog med slitte dekk på Åndalsnes

Politiet stanset vogntoget etter tips fra publikum.

29 Nov 10:18 rbnett.no 7665098090181036613.html
Klaus Iohannis a decorat un consilier controversat de la Ministerul Educaţiei, care a avut afaceri în privat cu ministerul

Președintele Klaus Iohannis a decorat-o vineri pe Daniela Vișoianu, consilier al ministrului Educației Monica Anisie, cu ordinul Național pentru Merit &icirc;n grad de Cavaler. Potrivit Edupedu.ro, Ministerul Educației derulează un proiect

29 Nov 15:33 romaniatv.net 4505369227763285336.html
These were the 10 biggest European tech stories this week

These were the 10 biggest European tech stories this week

29 Nov 14:49 Tech.eu 1356465907559496481.html
Student izboden na Elektronskom fakultetu u Nišu nakon sukoba oko devojke

Student (19) iz Niša zadobio je dve ubodne rane u glavu pošto ga je oštrim predmetom ubo kolega sa fakulteta, takođe...

29 Nov 11:21 N1 Srbija 7797130867275912609.html
Ronald van Raak – Thorbecke en het liberalisme van de polder

Denken op de dijken – Het Nederland van de filosofen, deel 11

29 Nov 12:37 ThePostOnline 3048418757070139738.html
Compromís propone un cordón a la ultraderecha como en Alemania

Plantea al resto de formaciones limitar el campo de acción de la ultraderecha aunque el PP ya ha desestimado excluirles totalmente

29 Nov 13:36 Levante-EMV 7042984477662741772.html
Dobre novice: v novem letu se obeta dodatni dan plačanega dopusta

Odbor državnega zbora za delo je potrdil predlog novele zakona o delovnih razmerjih, po katerem bi med osebne okoliščine, za katere ima delavec pravico do plačane odsotnosti z dela, dodali spremst...

29 Nov 12:16 Slovenske novice 5901956563202286117.html
Wiener FPÖ will “Spaltungsversuchen” entgegenwirken

Die Wiener FPÖ will angesichts einer etwaigen Rückkehr von Ex-Bundesparteichef Heinz-Christian Strache in den Landtag bzw. einer möglichen eigenen Strache-Liste bei der Wien-Wahl 2020 “jeglichen Spaltungsversuchen mit aller Kraft entgegenwirken”. Dazu bekannten sich am Freitag in einer schriftlichen Mitteilung gegenüber der APA alle blauen Mandatare und Bezirkschefs – mit einer Ausnahme. Der Wiener FPÖ-Abgeordnete Karl […]

29 Nov 14:51 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170216808932.html
Another Jolt To RCEP? Japan Not To Sign The Multi-Nation Regional Trade Deal If India Doesn’t Join

“All we are thinking of is negotiations including India,” the Japanese Trade Minister added.

29 Nov 12:50 Swarajya 4977622830243945509.html
MDR zeigt Film über DDR-Skisprungidol

Ein ganzer Abend über das bewegte Leben und die große Karriere von Skisprung-Ikone Jens Weißflog: Der MDR widmet sich in großer Ausführlichkeit dem „Floh vom Fichtelberg“. „Legenden - Ein Abend für Jens Weißflog“ ist ab Sonntag online in der ARD-Mediathek abrufbar und wird am 8. Dezember ab 20.15 Uhr im MDR-Fernsehen ...

29 Nov 12:18 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110297130708.html
Parthiv Patel trolls RCB for asking fans to pick one between him and Devdutt Padikkal

Devdutt Padikkal has been sensational for Karnataka in the ongoing Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy. The 19-year-old has scored 461 runs from 10 games at an average of 65.85 and a strike rate of 173.96.

29 Nov 10:04 The Indian Express 2885715105441386116.html
Lifestyle-update: Fosbury & Sons opent weer een nieuwe prachtige locatie & Tom Boonen waagt zich aan mode

Elke week openen hotspots in ons land, lanceren merken nieuwe collecties, vinden er exclusieve events plaats en meer. NINA is er altijd bij vanop de eerste rij en daar brengen we je graag van op de...

29 Nov 15:42 HLN 8967494998148510379.html
Die Autoindustrie kracht: Jetzt streicht Daimler 10.000 Jobs

Nach Audi plant auch Konkurrent Daimler einen massiven Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen. Mindestens 10.000Job werden gestrichen.

29 Nov 12:28 Kurier 208072238252222366.html
Musei gratis domenica 1 dicembre: la lista dei luoghi da visitare in Italia

Il 1 dicembre torna l’iniziativa promossa dal Mibact 'Io vado al museo', con decine di aperture straordinarie in tutta Italia. Musei, gallerie e parchi archeologici osserveranno orari d’apertura prolungati o biglietti di ingresso ridotti o completamente gratuiti. Dal Castello Sforzesco di Milano al Museo Archeologico di Napoli, ecco tutti gli appuntamenti con l’arte della prima domenica di dicembre.

29 Nov 11:06 fanpage.it 1517332168452558204.html
Nachgefragt: Hunde auf dem Adventmarkt: Muss das sein?

Der Advent beginnt mit einer Streitfrage: Soll ich meinen Hund mit auf den Christkindlmarkt nehmen? Was Herrchen und Frauchen wissen sollten.

29 Nov 13:42 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699343230969.html
Trump anuncia en Afganistán la reanudación de negociaciones con talibanes

"Los talibanes quieren un acuerdo, nos estamos reuniendo con ellos, les estamos diciendo que tiene que haber un alto el fuego", dijo Trump

29 Nov 11:34 NTN24 8482749625239165326.html
Jump by Uber festeggia il traguardo delle 100 mila corse

Dal giorno di lancio, 21 ottobre 2019, sono stati effettuati oltre 100 mila viaggi per un totale di circa 223 mila chilometri percorsi

29 Nov 15:01 Today 178378749421817065.html
Man charged with murder of baby boy in North

Charges of possession of indecent photograph of a child and illegal entry to UK also made

29 Nov 13:34 The Irish Times 8204772967945987011.html
Utvecklare förvandlar Iphone till gammal Ipod med klickhjul

Elvin Hu har lekt lite med Apples Swift UI och tagit fram en Ipod-simulator för Iphone – komplett med haptisk återkoppling för klickhjulet.

29 Nov 14:23 MacWorld 602100809714730734.html
Rice calls on Hamilton not to 'get a slap in the face' against Livingston

Hamilton were praised for the way they had a go at Steven Gerrard's side.

29 Nov 15:06 Sports Mole 7750663362423197439.html
Rodrigo Faro causa ao falar sobre ser o substituto de Gugu Liberato

Rodrigo Faro causou ao conversar com a imprensa durante o velório de Gugu Liberato, nesta quinta-feira (28). O motivo? O apresentador da Record, visivelmente emocionado, falou sobre a carreira dele e de como o amigo o ajudou.

29 Nov 14:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125211342928969.html
Un juez español interrogará a Assange por el espionaje sufrido en Londres

El Reino Unido autoriza al magistrado de la Audiencia Nacional José de la Mata a investigar si las escuchas ilegales se entregaron a la CIA

29 Nov 11:57 EL PAÍS 2207347710711191583.html
Rebutgem la repetició

No estem preparats per adaptar-nos a la repetició, o a quelcom que se li assembli, perquè, de fet, en el nostre entorn universal la repetició no existeix. Potser sí com a concepte, o potser sí dins...

29 Nov 10:00 RacoCatalà 3132953076503880289.html
Rückstand nach Nullnummer vergrössert sich

Im UEFA-Ranking, welches regelt, wie viele Klubs nächste Saison im Europacup starten, hält die Schweiz weiter Platz 20. Nach den Niederlagen von Me...

29 Nov 10:37 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667608136728043.html
Ecco tutti i paesi che hanno accolto il 5G di Huawei

Dopo le polemiche del ban USA, ecco quali sono le nazioni che hanno confermato la presenza di Huawei all'interno della propria rete.

29 Nov 10:36 GizChina.it 3776187095581408043.html
Fifa 20 si aggiorna: ecco tutti i dettagloi dell’ultima versione

Gli sviluppatori di Fifa 20 hanno da poco rilasciato un aggiornamento importante del gioco. Scopriamo di seguito maggiori dettagli a riguardo.

29 Nov 12:30 tecnoandroid 2573257127761843161.html
Rodeo clown's joke about Trudeau being hit by bus was 'inappropriate', says Agribition CEO

“That kind of stuff really doesn’t belong at our rodeo, so he’s making sure that that’s not going to happen again.”

29 Nov 13:57 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425628429214.html
Light at the end of the tunnel

Now a micro entrepreneur, Ganeshi Meghwal recounts her struggle with child marriage and violence

29 Nov 11:51 BusinessLine 5283601565226744.html
Tennis Integrity Unit: Palkina e Khabibulina sospese dall’attività per match-fixing

Tramite due diversi comunicati pubblicati sul proprio sito ufficiale, la TIU (Tennis Integrity Unit) ha fatto sapere di aver bloccato momentaneamente le attività professionistiche delle tenniste Ksenia Palkina e Albina Khabibulina, colpevoli di aver alternato l’esito di alcuni incontri del circuito minore (ITF) nel corso della stagione appena conclusa. Ksenia Palkina, nata in Russia ma […]

29 Nov 11:35 Live Tennis 3913669897511739079.html
Unai Emery pays price for Arsenal’s poor form

The Spaniard was dismissed on Friday, with Freddie Ljungberg appointed as interim head coach.

29 Nov 12:22 Express & Star 7324224460644908141.html
Bills Cole Beasley Takes Shot At Cowboys After Revenge Game Win (VIDEO + TWEET)

(Photo by Richard Rodriguez/Getty Images) Cole Beasley spent all offseason throwing shots at his former team after they elected to…

29 Nov 14:44 Total Pro Sports 5536572205747509213.html
Inbromsning i indisk ekonomi

Indiens tillväxt bromsade in till 4,5 procent under tredje kvartalet.

29 Nov 15:27 HD 3336945412487964172.html
Saksikan Live Streaming Dear Netizen: Bisakah Indonesia Meraih Kejayaan di SEA Games 2019?

Saksikan live streaming Dear Netizen di Liputan6, dengan tema bisakah Indonesia mengulang kejayaan di SEA Games 2019?

29 Nov 14:31 Bola.com 1695722603736884776.html
Why Your Relationship Has Become Boring (And How to Fix It)

Have you lost that loving feeling? Are you afraid that you may? Here is how you can prevent or fix a boring relationship.

29 Nov 15:00 Lifehack 1334879822556350248.html
Black Friday frenzy goes global - and not everyone’s happy

PARIS — People don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in France, or Denmark, or South Africa – but they do shop on Black Friday. The U.S. sales phenomenon has spread to retailers across the world in recent years with such force that it’s prompting a backlash from some activists, politicians and even consumers. Workers at Amazon in Germany …

29 Nov 10:24 City NEWS 1130 5858657120657097958.html
Ezekjel Laveci završio karijeru

Proslavljeni argentinski fudbaler Ezekjel Laveci će za vikend odigrati poslednji meč u karijeri.

29 Nov 13:34 REPUBLIKA 2543998406485213966.html
Looking For A Lehenga For Your Sister’s Wedding? Katrina Kaif’s Pink Lehenga Fits The Bill Perfectly

Wedding season is just around the corner and going on back to back shopping sprees only confuses with loads of options in the market. Bharat actress, Katrina Kaif recently wore a pink lehenga and we h

29 Nov 14:42 Koimoi 5184275670812366721.html
'It's important that the truth is told': Family of Michaela McAreavey fear they may never get justice

The daughter of Tyrone football manager Mickey Harte was on honeymoon in Mauritius in 2011 with her husband when she was strangled in her hotel bedroom.

29 Nov 11:07 Breaking News 4415806919871843740.html
TELEIOS 2019: Preis der Österreichischen Altenpflege in Wien vergeben

Gestern Abend wurde in Wien im Rahmen eines Galaabends im PALAZZO Spiegelpalast im Wiener Prater der TELEIOS 2019, Preis für Innovation, Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit in der österreichischen Altenpflege …

29 Nov 15:50 OTS.at 4182160710965055084.html
Tandil fue elegido como el Municipio intermedio con mejor calidad de gestión del país

Durante la entrega del Premio Nacional a la Calidad Municipal 2019 que organiza la Secretaría de Modernización de la Nación, que se realizó este viernes en la Quinta de Olivos, Tandil fue seleccionada como ganadora de la categoría 2 -municipios medianos entre 50 mil y 150 mil habitantes-. El certamen busca reconocer la implementación de […]

29 Nov 10:05 El Eco 4177735525452316272.html
Mum cheers as son is jailed for beating dog to death

Lexi the Alsation puppy was beat to death and left near some trees, where traumatised children later found her.

29 Nov 13:46 Metro 970161747708937926.html
Review: Keychron’s compact K2 mechanical keyboard has a great responsive feel to it

We review the Keychron K2 mechanical keyboard designed for a Mac with features like backlight, USB-C charging, wired/wireless operation and more.

29 Nov 15:42 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716418858167.html
El gigante español de los centros comerciales ultima la compra de la parcela de Valdebebas

Es la gran operación del inmobiliario comercial de 2019. Tras varios intentos frustrados, el centro comercial de Valdebebas, al noreste de la...

29 Nov 11:50 Expansión 4197779423130240223.html
Papa: "Giustizia creativa inventa 'diritto di morte'"

"Privo di qualsiasi fondamento" ammonisce Bergoglio

29 Nov 11:51 Adnkronos 2840063643350921380.html
Johnson: Disparaging remarks about single mothers made 25 years ago

The PM said the quotes were stripped of context and formed part of a smear campaign by Labour.

29 Nov 10:29 Shropshire Star 3480199993235200039.html
Terremoto en Albania: sobrevive tras pasar 72 horas bajo los escombros

Los equipos de rescate concluyen las tareas de búsqueda y cifran los fallecidos por el seísmo en 49

29 Nov 11:14 Levante-EMV 7042984477379537593.html
An Alpine Village has come to the Trafford Centre - with Yorkshire pudding wraps, a Big Wheel and more

The family-friendly village features children's rides and huts selling festive food and drink

29 Nov 10:59 men 6694993429399623927.html
Septuagenario quiso golpear con una tabla a policías en Casa de Gobierno

En los primeros minutos de hoy, a las 00:10, personal de la Comisaría Casa de Gobierno procedió a la aprehensión de un hombre de apellido Sesin Saravia (71), quien se hizo presente en el lugar y habría intentando agredir físicamente con una tabla a los Policías, para luego amenazarlos de muerte y, cabe señalar, que al realizarle la requisa correspondiente, encontraron entre sus prendas de vestir una (01) abrochadora, que quedó en calidad de secuestro.

29 Nov 10:24 El Esquiú 5729181307031296442.html
Amazon's second-gen ARM-based chips are coming to its cloud business

Amazon’s cloud computing unit designed the ARM-based processor, which, as noted by Reuters, will be 20 percent faster than Graviton, the company’s first-gen ARM chip that was created as a low-cost option.

29 Nov 12:18 TechSpot 7732733960147549993.html
JxCat, ERC y la CUP piden la libertad y archivo de la causa por terrorismo de los CDR

Los grupos de JxCat, ERC y la CUP han presentado una propuesta de resolución en el Parlament que pide la libertad inmediata y el archivo de la causa abierta...

29 Nov 15:37 Europa Press 4702666147483201037.html
War Machines: Spitfire and Hurricane in the Battle of Britain

One of Germany’s essential steps for European domination in World War II was to control the British isles, which it tried to do in the summer of 1940 using air warfare almost exclusively.

29 Nov 12:17 autoevolution 6471576453778648819.html
Participa y gana uno de los 3 jamones que sorteamos

ABC te trae el jamón de estas Navidades para que lo compartas con tu familia

29 Nov 12:59 ABC.es 6074573463286486130.html
Meghan Markle receives support from Princess Martha Louise of Norway’s American boyfriend Shaman Durek

Shaman Durek says he understands exactly what Meghan Markle is going through.

29 Nov 13:10 Fox News 7362823820337718984.html
Sarri con il dubbio Ronaldo: deve giocare o riposare? VOTA

La Juventus vince, a tratti addirittura convince, ma sicuramente non perde. Maurizio Sarri, anche quando sembra ispirarsi alla più allegriana delle squadre, ha messo in saccoccia il piccolo record

29 Nov 14:24 il BiancoNero 8980755941636876372.html
Roma, si scontrano auto e moto dei carabinieri: ferito un militare

Incidente stradale su viale di Trastevere, altezza via Cesare Pascarella questa mattina, venerdì 29 novembre, poco dopo le 9,30. Nello scontro tra un’auto, una Lancia Ypsilon condotta da una donna di 58 anni, ed una moto è rimasto ferito un militare. Sul posto sono intervenuti gli agenti del XII Gruppo Monteverde della Polizia Locale di […]

29 Nov 14:10 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337561388954.html
Un peruano, el segundo extranjero asesinado en menos de 48 horas en Huaquillas

A las 05:30 de este viernes fue asesinado dentro de un auto, el peruano Gerardo Charrez Dalmacho, de 30 años, con dos disparos. El hombre habría tomado un taxi ejecutivo en la avenida Teniente

29 Nov 14:50 El Universo 8365175798434054962.html
Save the Whales—But Actually

Environmentalists have been demanding that we save the whales for decades. The phrase has been printed ad nauseam on so many buttons and t-shirts and bumper stickers that it’s practically a joke.

29 Nov 14:00 Earther 3276278740764857399.html
Saturn-Angebote: Black Weekend bringt viele neue Schnäppchen

Saturn läutet das Black Friday Weekend mit vielen neuen Angeboten und tollen Technik-Deals ein. Unter den Schnäppchen befinden sich stark re­du­zier­te Bestseller-Produkte. Zum Beispiel Konsolen, Fernseher, Fest­plat­ten, Notebooks, Haushaltsgeräte und vieles mehr.

28 Nov 20:00 winfuture.de 1179223336619871785.html
El técnico samario Alberto Gamero podría llegar al banquillo de Millonarios

Hasta el momento el estratega samario no ha hablado de su futuro a pesar de la eliminación del Tolima.

29 Nov 14:57 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898584452331320.html
Treinta y cinco sabores te esperan en La Casa de los Pastelillos

Variedad que complace todos los paladares

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311093504275.html
Persib Bandung Yakin Bisa Tembus 5 Besar Liga 1

Pelatih Persib Bandung, Robert Alberts optimistis tim bisa menembus lima besar Liga 1 Indonesia.

29 Nov 12:59 Tempo 6731898377953105113.html
Picos | Penitenciária Feminina vacina detentas e servidores contra sarampo

O Sarampo é uma doença infecciosa grave. Sua transmissão ocorre quando o doente tosse, fala, espirra

29 Nov 15:02 R10 3167340813022425708.html
5 Impressive Theme Parks That Could Have Been Some of the World's Best

5 amazing theme parks had been drawn out and designed, but sadly were never meant to be - here's an insider's look at some of the most exotic theme park plans.

29 Nov 13:42 Interesting Engineering 7328942540722137956.html
No permitiremos que extranjeros armados intervengan en México: López Obrador

López Obrador considera que su gobierno podrá convencer al de Estados Unidos 'de que podemos los mexicanos hacer justicia' 

29 Nov 14:28 El Informador 103545929328728973.html
Pushpa Joshi - Grandmother From Ajay Devgn's Raid Passes Away!

If youve watched Ajay Devgn starrer Raid , you must be aware of Pushpa Joshi, who played the role of Saurabh Shukla‘s mother. As sad as it sounds, the 85-year-old actress breathed her last on Tuesday (November 26, 2019). Her grandson Abhas Joshi earlier took to social media to inform that she was put on life support.

29 Nov 12:05 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244532851833.html
Hallmarking to be mandatory for gold jewellery from 2021: Paswan

The department of consumer affairs will issue a notification by January 15, 2020, for making gold hallmarking mandatory.

29 Nov 11:32 The Indian Express 2885715105780515066.html
Twitter testuje wielowątkowe rozmowy znane z Reddita

Każdy, kto próbował korzystać z Twittera, na pewno od początku trafia na problem znany wszystkim. Chodzi o odnalezienie się w wątkach pod danym tweetem.

29 Nov 10:15 DailyWeb 789756976103502721.html
'Absolute schaarste' voor EK-kaarten Oranje: 'Twintig of dertig keer meer vraag'

Mensen die volgend jaar zomer een EK-wedstrijd van Oranje willen bezoeken, moeten heel veel geluk hebben. Toernooidirecteur Gijs de Jong, die namens de KNVB betrokken is bij de wedstrijden in Amsterdam, spreekt van absolute schaarste aan kaarten. Alle groepswedstrijden van Oranje worden deze zomer in de Johan Cruijff Arena afgewerkt en een groot gedeelte van de beschikbare kaarten voor die wedstrijd is al verkocht. De Jong denkt dat zo'n tachtig procent van de kaarten niet meer beschikbaar is. "De vraag overschrijdt het aanbod wel twintig tot dertig keer", zegt hij, opgetekend door Het Parool. "Er is absolute schaarste." EK 2020 verspreid door Europa: alle stadions én speelsteden op een rij

29 Nov 13:09 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884361766837.html
Reports: Real Madrid star Federico Valverde set to overtake Lionel Messi in transfer value after agreeing new deal

Real Madrid have seemingly put their slump behind and returned to their previous form. Los Blancos are challenging Barcelona at the top of the table once again and one of the key reasons for that is Federico Valverde. Reports claim that he is set for a renewed deal which will take his value above that of Lionel Messi. 

29 Nov 14:51 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906747487121.html
Multitudinaria peregrinación en la bajada de la Virgen del Valle

La caravana fue desde el Camarín hasta el Plesbiterio y de allí a la Gruta.

29 Nov 11:49 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450112242543.html
Aston Villa boss Dean Smith signs new deal

Aston Villa manager Dean Smith has signed a new four-year contract, the Premier League club announced on Friday.

29 Nov 13:38 Pulse Live 3606876836356153154.html
Jovanotti in orbita con 'Lorenzo sulla Luna'

"Era l’inizio del 2019 e io pensavo spesso in quei giorni al fatto che lo sbarco sulla luna in tv è la prima immagine che ricordo della mia vita"

29 Nov 11:56 Adnkronos 2840063644187610947.html
Industrial Relations Code 2019: Balance tilts in favour of industry; makes trade unions jittery

Trade unions have raised several serious objections in the bill: from discretionary power of the executive to raising the threshold for lay-offs to making it virtually impossible to strike legally, restricting outsiders in the unorganised sector and extending fix term employment to the entire industry

29 Nov 11:01 Business Today 1145527432117798180.html
It took Kaley Cuoco a While to Find Harley Quinn's Voice

Kaley Cuoco detailed her process in finding the right voice for Harley Quinn for the new DC Universe adult animated series.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516962349709453.html
'The Two Popes' Is Entertaining to a Fault

Fernando Meirelles’s new film tries to dramatize a philosophical debate between its title characters while shying away from knottier controversies.

29 Nov 15:00 The Atlantic 100708437224287534.html
Asociaţiile pentru drepturile consumatorilor cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea ANPC. Care sunt nemulţumirile

Asociaţiile pentru drepturile consumatorilor cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea interimară a Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Protecţia Consumatorilor (ANPC), întrucât ar fi folosit banii publici...

29 Nov 15:06 Mediafax.ro 1869610968986204964.html
Menor es quemado vivo por la familia de su novia al huir juntos

Cabe destacar que la familia del joven, tenía enemistad con la familia de la adolescente desde hace años atrás

29 Nov 11:54 EL DEBATE 4396150893238110037.html
Los aviones contaminan y los barcos son lentos, por eso hay quien quiere resucitar el zepelín para transportar mercancías

El dirigible, también conocido como zepelín, se ha convertido en todo un mito de la aeronáutica. Surcó los cielos durante la primera mitad del s. XX, pero...

29 Nov 15:01 Xataka 4719855496912489984.html
UCU Canons seek men, women's double swoop


29 Nov 12:36 The Observer 7850745372033574069.html
"Sechs-Punkte-Spiel" für Austria gegen Hartberg

"Gegen Hartberg ist es, was es ist: Ein Sechs-Punkte-Spiel, ein echtes Finale für uns, um an die Minimalchance noch anzudocken", weißt Austria-Trainer Christian Ilzer vor dem Duell mit seinem ehemaligen Arbeitgeber

29 Nov 15:28 weltfussball.at 3521376372893400787.html
Several stabbed in London bridge attack ― Police

British police shot a man on Friday after a stabbing in the London Bridge area in the centre of the city. The bridge was also the scene of an attack 2017

29 Nov 15:30 Vanguard News 4125100338876971947.html
Rural unrest spreads as farmers’ anger boils over

Low food prices and widespread fears about the green transition fuel discontent.

29 Nov 10:46 POLITICO 2584151347207750372.html
Destrucción y enfermedades azotan pequeña comunidad en La Habana

Vecinos de Cruz Verde, en el Cotorro, exigen la presencia del gobernante de Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel ante la ineficacia de las autoridades locales

29 Nov 11:00 Cubanet 2710294109581050984.html
Hawks arrest leader of ‘terrorist’ Christian group | Sunday Independent

The Hawks said they also searched the suspect’s Eastern Cape residence, where they allegedly uncovered an explosives factory, ...

29 Nov 15:12 www.iol.co.za 17825111091335649.html
'Na Trebel vertrekt ook deze bekende naam bij Anderlecht in januari'

Anderlecht neemt afscheid van Francis Amuzu in januari. Het jonge talent staat immers te koop.

29 Nov 14:30 Voetbal24 8097814617108824984.html
An ugly truth: is cinema finally facing up to Britain's colonial past?

The Nightingale is a rare attempt to depict the brutal reality of British imperial rule. The industry must do more to tell it like it was

29 Nov 10:00 the Guardian 1491978794667069963.html
Désaccord lors des discussions sur la Constitution syrienne

Le deuxième round de discussions sur la Constitution syrienne s'est achevé vendredi à Genève sur un désaccord portant sur l'ordre du jour,...

29 Nov 15:04 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733140378362581.html
Man who killed pregnant ex-wife with crossbow in 'brutal and evil' revenge attack jailed for minimum of 33 years

A man who shot dead his pregnant ex-wife with a crossbow in a "brutal and evil" revenge attack has been jailed for a minimum term of 33 years. Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo, 51, broke into the home of Sana Muhammad and fired an arrow into her in the stomach as she try to flee. Mrs Muhammad, 35, suffered catastrophic internal injuries and died. Her unborn son miraculously survived after being delivered by Caesarean section. Unmathallegadoo was found guilty last week at the Old Bailey after four hours of deliberations, the jury rejecting the defendant's claim it was an accident.

29 Nov 12:00 ITV News 2184971257052648112.html
GDP Growth Rate: Deeply Worrying, Says Manmohan Singh; Will Pick up From Next Quarter, Claims Ministry

Many industrialists tell me that they live in an atmosphere of fear in our society today, former PM Manmohan Singh said denouncing Centre's economic policies

29 Nov 15:05 India.com 7150386083783985313.html
Problematic Smartphone Usage now a psychiatric disorder; 23% of kids affected

Problematic Smartphone Usage – or smartphone addiction – is now being viewed as a psychiatric disorder, with an average of 23% of kids ...

29 Nov 15:41 9to5Mac 8219339161698447437.html
Ein Advent von Haus zu Haus

Zum ersten Mal öffnet der „Litschauer Advent am See“ am Samstag (30. November) um 13 Uhr seine Pforten.

29 Nov 10:12 NÖN.at 2486998932205786102.html
Find out about free parking for Christmas shoppers in Carrick-on-Suir’s council owned car parks 

Parking will once again be free in Tipperary Co. Council car parks in Carrick-on-Suir on each of the four Saturdays before Christmas, starting this Saturday, November 30.  The other free parking ...

29 Nov 15:00 TipperaryLive 1097599577680615464.html
Joana Amaral Dias

Joana Amaral Dias está «felicíssima» com o crescimento da família depois de adotar um menino, de dois anos. Mas, o processo foi difícil

29 Nov 11:08 Revista VIP 3507812779864631603.html
Natale, arriva il Calendario dell'Avvento di Ca' Zampa per Cani e Gatti

Dal Piano Salute alla spazzola di bellezza, ecco 24 buoni propositi ideati da Ca’ Zampa per scandire l’attesa del Natale

29 Nov 14:44 Affari Italiani 6123405401616763162.html
Nach Thanksgiving will der Dow Jones die jüngsten Rekorde erst verdauen

In den USA ist der Handel verkürzt. Weil Thanksgiving ist, dürften ohnehin viele dem Handel für einmal fernbleiben.

29 Nov 14:40 cash 8314500324521502884.html
En Chía se cocina un suculento festival

El XIII Festival Gastronómico se realizará del sábado 30 noviembre al domingo 1 de diciembre.

29 Nov 12:48 El Tiempo 1091719940764933633.html
New industrial code bill will lead to 'jungle raj' in the industry: BMS

The Narendra Modi government introduced the Industrial Relations Code Bill in the Lok Sabha on Thursday

29 Nov 11:01 Business-Standard 1502508925996063067.html
Santa run will help Cayla's Fight in Willand

The Willand Rovers FC Santa Run is taking place on Saturday, December 8

29 Nov 13:12 DevonLive 2469244512567704825.html
Retrato da crise: informalidade bate novo recorde em outubro

Retrato da crise: informalidade bate novo recorde em outubro

29 Nov 10:01 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905618210228.html
The best pourover coffee kettle is available for a steal on Black Friday

Hario's Buono coffee kettle is simple to use and just right for pouring that perfect cup. It's also deeply discounted for Black Friday.

29 Nov 13:15 iMore 3803412791867712329.html
The best pourover coffee kettle is available for a steal on Black Friday

Hario's Buono coffee kettle is simple to use and just right for pouring that perfect cup. It's also deeply discounted for Black Friday.

29 Nov 13:14 Windows Central 7807657681496548169.html
Jessi Uribe y su exesposa se reencontraron para celebrar el cumpleaños de su hija

El cantante mostró detalles de la fiesta en sus redes sociales.

29 Nov 13:19 Colombia.com 1213910710632475798.html
Wielrenster Vos 7 december terug in het veld

'S GRAVENMOER (ANP) - Wielrenster Marianne Vos maakt op 7 december in het Belgische Essen haar rentree in het veld. De zevenvoudig wereldkampioene veldrijden start in de Brico Cross in Essen, maakte haar ploeg bekend. Daarna gaat ze op trainingskamp met haar ploeg CCC-Liv.

29 Nov 14:49 Nieuws.nl 2419030130135830981.html
Wow, sind dieerwachsen geworden!

Barack Obama wurde 2008 zum 44. US-Präsidenten gewählt, da waren seine Töchter noch kleine Mädchen. Kinder, wie die Zeit vergeht.

29 Nov 14:30 Bild 8433249909199374054.html
Tinsel roasting on an open fire? Dr. Manny's top tips for Christmas decorating safety

Christmas is just around the corner and Fox News Health Senior Managing Editor Dr. Manny Alvarez has the top safety tips for holiday decorating. 

29 Nov 13:44 Fox News 7362823821117827051.html
Driver condemned for ‘mindless parking’ in front of fire station doors

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service was unable to send out one of its appliances to a road crash because it was blocked by the parked car.

29 Nov 12:58 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773564667364.html
Chile protests: The students 'woke us up'

Santiago, Chile - For 28-year-old Cristina Paillal and many others from her generation in Chile, protesting has almost become the norm.

29 Nov 14:48 Aljazeera 6642629762437336712.html
Juan Carlos Martín Hansen, presenta su candidatura a presidir la FER

Valor de Rugby, el late motiv de la candidatura a la presidencia de la Federación Española de Rugby

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897970748549288.html
Steinmetz fails to overturn $1.25bn arbitration award

London High Court tells mining group BSGR ‘no apparent bias or procedural irregularity’ 

29 Nov 14:54 Financial Times 707176889325502327.html
Il Mattino - Nella sala cinema voluta dal patron ci sarà incontro ADL-Squadra

Una sala cinema sarà la sede dell'incontro tra il presidente e la squadra

29 Nov 10:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080935460013.html
With the Seahawks playing Monday night, here are three things to watch around the NFL this weekend

Expect the TV guys to talk about Earl Thomas' guarantee a few hundred times or so when the Ravens host the 49ers.

29 Nov 10:49 The Seattle Times 9121942836703891266.html
Procesan a exmilitar Luis Mendoza, señalado en caso por genocidio

La Fiscalía le imputa dos delitos por hechos cometidos durante el conflicto armado interno.

29 Nov 15:29 Publinews 8987875304157539044.html
Piden celeridad en investigación por asesinato de una adolescente en Riofrío, Valle

En indagaciones preliminares se encuentra la investigación que adelanta la Fiscalía sobre el asesinato de Tatiana Castrillón Alzate, de 16 años, en el municipio de Riofrío.El cuerpo de la adolescente fue encontrado en la tarde del pasado martes al interior de un cafetal de la finca conocida como Las Pavas, en la vereda La Zulia, a casi 13 kilómetros de la cabecera urbana del municipio. De acuerdo con las diligencias adelantadas por los peritos del Cuerpo Técnico de Investigación, CTI, de la Fiscalía, Tatiana presentaba signos de asfixia mecánica. Las autoridades informaron que también encontraron su celular cerca de donde ella estaba.​Asimismo, se ha solicitado desde la familia y amigos de la menor de 16 años que se determine si fue víctima de abuso sexual antes de morir. Cabe señalar que antes de que el cadáver de la joven fuera hallado por las autoridades, ya había sido reportada como desaparecida, dado que no regresó a su casa una vez terminó su jornada escolar. Tatiana cursaba noveno grado en la Institución…

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346789402023.html
Abu Dhabi: Vettel-Unfall, Flammen und Bottas-Bestzeiten

Der Mercedes-Pilot war in den ersten beiden Trainingseinheiten der Schnellste. Vettel baute einen Unfall.

29 Nov 15:30 Kurier 208072239141473594.html
Lange Leine bei Ferrari: Vettel und Leclerc dürfen wieder miteinander kämpfen

Das letzte Rennen der Formel-1-Saison 2019 ist das erste nach dem Zusammenstoß bei Ferrari: Sebastian Vettel und Charles Leclerc hatten sich in Brasilien gegenseitig von der Strecke geschossen. Dafür gab es keine Strafe. Und es würde auch im Wiederholungsfall keine geben.

29 Nov 13:29 GMX 2011843075291514341.html
Google combatirá el spam con SMS Verificados

Google Mensajes integra los SMS Verificados en su nueva versi&oacute;n beta

29 Nov 12:18 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623187810742.html
Größter Bibelabschluss der Welt in Südkorea von Shincheonji Kirche Jesu gehalten

Der Vorsitzende von „Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light“ (HWPL), eine Nichtregierungsorganisation, Man-Hee Lee veranstaltete die erfolgreiche „100.000 Abschlusszeremonie“ am 10. November bei der Shincheonji, Kirche Jesu (SCJ). Es handelt sich um ein weltweit noch nie dagewesenes Ereignis.

29 Nov 12:55 Kurier 208072238422029305.html
Australia vs Pakistan: Marnus Labuschagne Overtakes Steve Smith To Become Leading Test Run-Scorer In 2019

David Warner and Marnus Labuschagne scored back-to-back centuries as Australia stamped their authority on the opening day of the day-night second Test against Pakistan in Adelaide on Friday.

29 Nov 15:29 NDTVSports.com 2127367044578244724.html
250 Indian students held in Fake Varsity Sting Operation in US

A total of about 250 students, mostly from India, have been arrested in a sting operation by US immigration officials who set up a fake university in the

29 Nov 13:00 The Sentinel 448185207642867911.html
Pieter De Crem ziet geen heil in opdracht Paul Magnette: 'Tijd voor een N-VA'er'

Na Open VLD reageert ook minister Pieter De Crem (CD&V) afwijzend op de informateursnota van Paul Magnette. Een aantal punten uit die tekst zijn voor de christendemocraten onbespreekbaar. De Crem heeft ook de indruk dat de opdracht van de PS-voorzitters stilaan 'aan het einde van de bobijn' is gekomen en oppert dat het tijd is om een N-VA'er het veld in te sturen.

29 Nov 10:19 Site-Knack-NL 6755692568925086031.html
Campina Grande com comércio cheio e ruas congestionadas. Veja as imagens

Campina Grande com comércio cheio e ruas congestionadas. Veja as imagens

29 Nov 13:04 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543904797165347.html
Blender Market's biggest sale of the year! [$]

pavla writes: 25% OFF 900+ addons, assets & training Blender Market's biggest sale of the year is live! This Black Friday through Cyber Monday, shop the biggest selection of Blender goodies 25% OFF. What not to miss: the sale includes some of Blender Market's absolute bestsellers like Blender Guru's Grass and Rock Essentials and hisRead More

29 Nov 11:16 BlenderNation 3769153472772734217.html
'He has left behind a great legacy': Ramaphosa's eulogy for Xhosa king | IOL News

The full eulogy delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Special Official Funeral of His Majesty, King Zwelonke Mpendulo Sigcau.

29 Nov 12:02 www.iol.co.za 17825111684817411.html
Iraqi prime minister to resign after 400 killed in protests

Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to step down, after Grand Ayatollah calls for change in leadership as number of dead in protests tops 400.

29 Nov 15:00 Israel National News 5374683669025707041.html
Surge interesante propuesta para bajar salario a congresistas y forzarlos a ir a trabajar

La hace el senador Gustavo Bolívar, quien propone que los parlamentarios reciban un máximo de 16 millones de pesos y no los casi 33 que reciben actualmente. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 11:46 pulzo.com 8971816787602394697.html
Mya Piper, four, died in swimming pool on holiday in Cyprus

Her mother, Lisa Piper, had been distracted by an urgent phone call from the UK

29 Nov 13:40 Wales Online 7686550517565904290.html
Rayakan Ulang Tahun Ke-36, Ini 7 Transformasi Personel Band Slank

Untuk merayakan ulang tahun-nya yang ke-36, Slank akan menggelar konser pada tanggal 31 Desember di GBK.

29 Nov 13:15 liputan6.com 5422146880548028789.html
Neue Technik soll Kühe dazu bringen, mehr Milch zu geben

In Russland sollen Kühe mithilfe von Virtual-Reality-Brillen mehr Milch geben.

29 Nov 12:50 Kurier 208072238211348743.html
Bericht: Neue Parteispenden-Affäre bei der AfD

Laut einem Bericht des 'Spiegel' sind weitere nicht ordnungsgemäß deklarierte Spenden bei der AfD aufgetaucht. Es geht demnach unter anderem um Zahlungen aus den USA und eine schwarze Kasse.

29 Nov 13:00 T-Online 5460876212560753826.html
Shamrock Rovers back in Umbro for new home kit

The latest jersey, in their traditional green and white hoops, will be available to buy without the sponsor for a limited period.

29 Nov 14:51 The42 5369852630127438575.html
Dit iconische kapsel uit de jaren '90 maakt een comeback

Van Bella Hadid to Selena Gomez, celebs kiezen massaal voor dit kapsel

29 Nov 15:13 Glamour 7276994001899092503.html
You can now buy edible CANDLES in two festive flavours ahead of Christmas

If you're looking for an unusual Christmas present for someone who loves eating and candles, then we have just the thing.

29 Nov 14:49 Entertainment Daily 8392972517271024145.html
Boris Johnson televizyon programında eriyen buz blokuyla temsil edildi

İngiliz televizyon kanalı Channel 4'teki seçim tartışmasına katılmayı reddeden Başbakan Boris Johnson, yayında buz blokla temsil edildi.

29 Nov 12:44 Karar.com 7040326768688141260.html
DOF, mipirma og loan agreement sa World Bank alang sa 4Ps

Gipirmahan ni Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez ang US$300 milyon nga utang sa World Bank (WB) aton pondohan ang Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) ug kahatagan ug tabang ang mga kabus hangtud sa 2022.

29 Nov 10:22 Abante News Online 7257070571055353068.html
Leicester assistant Mike Ford linked with role on other side of the world

The former England and Ireland assistant hasn't had longevity in a job since he was in charge at Bath and despite currently assisting at Leicester, he might be primed for a Test level return.

29 Nov 10:04 Rugbypass 8668874340193174405.html
Michael Zorc stärkt Favre erneut den Rücken

Lucien Favre erhält von den BVB-Verantwortlichen erneut das Vertrauen ausgesprochen.

29 Nov 12:23 4-4-2.com 812646141597415604.html
Le radican cargos por el asesinato de un familiar en Cayey

Le impusieron $725,000 de fianza.

29 Nov 10:20 Primera Hora 5092966654543635783.html
NDLEA arraigns man for allegedly peddling 967.9kg marijuana

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency on Friday in Lagos State arraigned man, Usman, who allegedly trafficked in 967.9kg of cannabis Sativa (marijuana). The agency charged Usman on one count ...

29 Nov 13:37 Punch Newspapers 3524240995227631658.html
La selectividad se retoca para ser más resolutiva

Los exámenes serán de martes a jueves; la tarde del tercer día se reserva para incidencias como la ocurrida en junio; y los alumnos deberán confirmar su interés en matricularse

29 Nov 10:30 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613354210445.html
Houve incidente terrorista no ataque em Londres e suspeito foi morto, diz polícia

A polícia do Reino Unido informou em entrevista coletiva que matou a tiros nesta sexta-feira um homem que levava falsos explosivos no centro de Londres, após um ataque terrorista no qual várias pessoas foram esfaqueadas. Diante do episódio, as autoridades isolaram a área, próxima do distrito financeiro da capital do país. Não foi ainda informado […]

29 Nov 13:56 Aqui Notícias 8129660354990613827.html
FC Porto: tempo para umas prendas no caminho entre o aeroporto e o autocarro

FC Porto regressou esta sexta-feira a Portugal depois de vencer na Suíça o Young Boys por 2-1. Alguns jogadores corresponderam às solicitações dos adeptos e tiraram fotografias.

29 Nov 15:52 O Jogo 3218673677764938485.html
El Síndic diu que els antiavalots van tenir actuacions desproporcionades en les manifestacions de l’octubre

Un informe de Rafael Ribó subratlla la crítica per l'ús de pilotes de goma i el tracte a alguns detinguts Apunta que la majoria de manifestacions van ser pacífiques però admet actuacions incíviques contra la policia i el mobiliari

29 Nov 12:25 El Punt Avui 4496725670060472237.html
Marina Addati, scagionata la mamma accusata di avvelenare le figlie. Dopo 34 mesi di carcere

NAPOLI – L’hanno accusata di aver cercato di avvelenare le sue figlie, mettendo la droga nel biberon. Dopo 34 mesi di carcere Marina Addati, mamma 32enne di Napoli, è stata scagionata. Dalle indagini è infatti emerso che le bimbe potrebbero soffrire di una mutazione genetica che non consente loro di espellere i farmaci.  La donna era stata arrestata nel 2017 dopo aver dato alla luce la terza figlia, che non ha mai potuto allattare. Due anni prima, era il 2015, erano nati i primi sospetti quando Marina si era recata in ospedale con la figlioletta di appena tre mesi in gravi condizioni. Era cianotica e accusava diarrea e vomito, di lì a poco entrò in coma. I medici riscontrarono alti livelli di un farmaco nel suo sangue, anche se la terapia di cui aveva parlato la mamma era finita da un mese.Partito neonazista, arrestato un uomo a Monza: aveva fucile, carabina e revolverTorino di Sangro (Chieti): uccide la moglie in casa durante una lite, fermato dai Carabinieri Quando nel 2017 Marina tornò in ospedale con la figlia…

29 Nov 12:13 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355687440145.html
Interview and videos: The Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne talks new live album, working with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, 'The Soft Bulletin' legacy and more

The concert was produced by the Lips, their manager Scott Booker and their collaborator Dave Fridmann, who all worked on the original album, and the live recording is being released on the band's longtime label, Warner Bros.

29 Nov 15:16 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762138047579.html
Black Friday e Cyber Monday Apple: ecco tutte le offerte dello Store

Anche Apple partecipa al Black Friday, offrendo carte regalo Apple Store di diverso valore all'acquisto dei vari prodotti presenti a listino. Ecco una lista generale

29 Nov 13:41 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332760306743.html
Black Friday : actions contre Amazon et la surconsommation

A l'occasion du Black Friday, le géant mondial du commerce en ligne Amazon a été la cible vendredi de plusieurs actions de militants écologistes dénonçant les conséquences climatiques de l...

29 Nov 12:57 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981567538178.html
Scottish try-scoring sensation Rhona Lloyd on finding the right balance: 'It will be rugby first - the job stuff can come later'

Rhona Lloyd took up rugby after Scotland international Sarah Quick came to her school in Edinburgh to lead a taster session.

29 Nov 15:43 The Telegraph 140598091949056762.html
Mujer se intoxica con medicamento en chihuahua 2000

Chihuahua.- La mañana de este viernes una mujer resultó intoxicada al ingerir una gran cantidad de medicamento dentro de su vivienda en las inmediaciones de la colonia Chihuahua 2000. Todo ocurrió...

29 Nov 15:37 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558526582139.html
Ya están disponibles los mensajes que se autodestruyen en WhatsApp

La plataforma de mensajería implementó esta herramienta en su nueva actualización para proteger la privacidad de todos los usuarios, según Wabetainfo. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:10 pulzo.com 8971816787976943937.html
Arsenal’s next boss: the leading contenders

Arsenal are looking for a new manager following the sacking of Unai Emery after just 18 months in charge. Here, AFP Sport looks at five of the favourites...

29 Nov 15:59 Vanguard News 4125100340761566006.html
Norsk festdag: Falla-seier og Johaug-gladnyhet

Maiken Caspersen Falla banket verdenseliten i Ruka og spurtet inn til ny verdenscupseier. Therese Johaug kom overraskende godt ut av sprintdagen i Ruka.

29 Nov 12:53 Dagbladet.no 3042595687642793282.html
Sjokkerende avdekking av mangel på miljøtiltak i hjemmetjenesten

Sett fra et økonomisk perspektiv, er skotrekk ingen stor utgiftspost, men miljømessig kan det bli enorme konsekvenser.

29 Nov 10:58 adressa.no 8417332408242927347.html
Bigg Boss 13: Sidharth-Paras-Asim Mock Shehnaaz Gill As She Calls Herself Characterless But In A 'Good Way'

Shehnaaz Gill is considered as the entertainer of Bigg Boss 13, and does not miss a chance to prove it. While Shehnaaz has always had a problem in expressing herself, contestants Sidharth Shukla, Asim Riaz, and Paras Chabbra mock her as she calls herself characterless in a good way

29 Nov 13:59 SPOTBOYE 1547816857399054835.html
Economie et cinéma au menu des quotidiens marocains

Les quotidiens marocains parus ce vendredi traitent de nombre de sujets notamment à la nouvelle vision touristique, aux investissements britanniques au Maroc et à l’ouverture de la 18ème édition du Festival International du Film de Marrakech.L’Economiste+  rapporte que la vision 2020 est bel et bien enterrée. Le journal avance que Nadia Fettah Alaoui, la nouvelle […]

29 Nov 12:18 Journal de Brazza 8990092586515692060.html
The Week's Best: Stories You May Have Missed

We know that rferl.org isn't the only website you read, and it's possible that you may have missed some of our most interesting journalism from the past week.

29 Nov 12:28 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794164056578543.html
Österreichs Biathleten wollen "ein Ärgernis sein"

Österreichs Biathleten eröffnen in Östersund die Jagd auf Seriensieger Johannes Thingnes Bö.

29 Nov 15:15 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442062182753.html
Giant black hole 'should not even exist,' stunned scientists say

Scientists have discovered a huge black hole that is challenging long-held assumptions about the cosmic bodies in the Milky Way.

29 Nov 15:49 Fox News 7362823819638094971.html
4.5 per cent GDP growth rate unacceptable, worrisome: Manmohan Singh

Delivering his valedictory address at a national conclave on economy, former prime minister Manmohan Singh said mutual trust is the bedrock of societal transactions fostering economic growth, but "our social fabric of trust, confidence is now torn and ruptured".

29 Nov 14:24 The Economic Times 7653256037837869704.html
Cotto e Mangiato, ricetta 29 Novembre

Siamo giunti alla fine del mese, e anche per Cotto e Mangiato c’è l’ultima ricetta di Novembre. Oggi impariamo a fare la torta al cannolo s La ricetta Gli ingredienti sono: 300 GR di cannoli 150 burro 12 grammi gelatina 750 grammi di ricotta 220 grammi di zucchero a velo 200 ml di panna Granella …

29 Nov 15:59 NewNotizie 1312053895550046190.html
‘Taliban Wants A Deal’: Trump During Surprise Thanksgiving Visit To US Troops In Afghanistan

The US president said that American and Afghan soldiers were making the Taliban more eager to reach a peace agreement

29 Nov 11:41 Swarajya 4977622829622109225.html
Mountainbiker erleben böse Überraschungen bei Tour - Streit um Pinkelpausen läuft aus dem Ruder

Drei Männer aus Bayern buchten eine sportliche Radtour mit dem Mountainbike. Dann gab es Streit um zu viele Pinkelpausen - er endete vor Gericht.

29 Nov 10:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239588406304.html
Aki, Adeolokun and Buckley return to Connacht XV for Kings clash

Andy Friend’s side face the South Africans in Galway tomorrow.

29 Nov 12:08 The42 5369852630358077949.html
Black Friday: hier vind je de beste koopjes en de addertjes onder het gras

Vandaag is het Black Friday, maar de hele week strooien (web)winkels al met hoge kortingen. Waar scoor je de beste koopjes? Hoe weet je zeker dat die deal echt zo goed is? De beste artikels over Bl...

29 Nov 15:00 HLN 8967494997288813644.html
El régimen cubano fracasa en su intento por desacreditar al disidente José Daniel Ferrer

Los medios oficiales realizaron una campaña contra el opositor detenido justo antes de que la UE pidiera su liberación inmediata

29 Nov 13:13 ABC.es 6074573463060363786.html
Gugu Liberato é homenageado com aplausos em enterro com familiares e amigos

Gugu Liberato foi homenageado pelo público e familiares em enterro nesta sexta-feira (29). O apresentador foi sepultado nesta tarde em uma cerimônia com missa seguida por aplausos dos fãs e entes quer...

29 Nov 15:40 Purepeople 5674914090701314629.html
Clan-Chef Miri wollteaus Libanon flüchten

111 Tage nach seiner ersten Abschiebung war Ibrahim Miri (46) plötzlich wieder in Deutschland. Jetzt versuchte er erneut zu fliehen.

29 Nov 14:17 Bild 8433249907653373637.html
Inondations en Centrafrique: un premier vrai test pour les pompiers volontaires

Depuis un an et demi, la protection civile centrafricaine peut compter sur plus de 140 sapeurs-pompiers volontaires pour intervenir à tout moment. Un

29 Nov 15:17 RFI 4432404460023308731.html
Ricardo tar ansvar för framtiden

Världsledare inom motorteknik etablerar sig i Sverige.

29 Nov 14:43 Ny Teknik 4280928733207133114.html
Pescadores de Píritu varados en la costa

La Gobernación y la Alcaldía de Peñalver incumplieron con dragado de la laguna

29 Nov 12:41 Últimas Noticias 6811287209223767728.html
Udinese ancora alle prese con la questione allenatore: sì all'idea Donadoni ma la pista Zenga non è tramontata

L'Udinese è ancora alle prese con la questione allenatore. Vero che Gotti ha accettato il ruolo ad interim ma, parole del tecnico, non sarà lui a guidare la squadra fino al termine della stagione. A chi tocca allora prendere le redini? Di ieri è la suggestione Donandoni, il tecnico dopo essere retrocesso con lo Shenzen potrebbe liberarsi. Attenzione però, in ballo c'è un contratto da 5 milioni di euro a stagione e quindi la separazione non sarà delle più facili. Altra cosa, l'ex ct azzurro non è affatto una soluzione economica, servirà mettergli sul piatto una proposta da almeno 1,5 milioni a stagione, cifra ben superiore a quella percepita da Tudor, uno degli allenatori meno pagati di tutta la Serie A. Per questo non è affatto tramontata la pista che porta a Zenga. Assai sponsorizzato, l'allenatore attende una chiamata da parte dei Pozzo. Prezzo basso, accetterebbe anche di venire a Udine con un contratto fino al prossimo giugno.

29 Nov 13:00 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668192564784647.html
Machtwechsel in Brüssel - Charles Michel wird neuer EU-Ratspräsident

Stabwechsel in Brüssel. Nach fünf Jahren tritt die Führung der Europäischen Union ab. Ratschef Donald Tusk übergibt seine Amtsgeschäfte an seinen Nachfolger Charles Michel.

29 Nov 12:23 euronews 4540914625937092625.html
49ers, Ravens use highly effective, but very different, rushing attacks to excel

The 49ers and Ravens have both ridden devastating rushing attacks to the top of the NFL. We break down how they've been effective.

29 Nov 11:00 ESPN 8538773403135067476.html
El primer ministro de Malta dimitirá de forma inminente ante los últimos sucesos por el asesinato de Daphne Caruana

El primer ministro de Malta, Joseph Muscat, ha informado a su entorno de que va a anunciar de forma inminente su dimisión, según informa este viernes el...

29 Nov 13:40 Europa Press 4702666149005744339.html
Assogestioni: industria risparmio gestito raccoglie 1 miliardo ad ottobre

In lieve decelerazione ad ottobre l’industria del risparmio gestito. Secondo la Mappa mensile di Assogestioni, nel mese in oggetto si registra una raccolta netta di 1 miliardo di euro, 1040 milioni, e da inizio anno, il dato sfiora i 60 miliardi (59,602) per l’esattezza. Il dato è  inferiore rispetto alla raccolta netta del mese di settembre (1874 mln). Patrimonio gestito supera 2mila miliardi Il patrimonio gestito – inteso come l’ammontare effettivamente gestito da un gestore ed è ottenuto sommando all’importo delle gestioni proprie quello relativo alle deleghe di gestione ricevute da terzi e sottraendo l’importo di quelle conferite a terzi –  è pari a 2.275 miliardi (contro 2283 di settembre), di cui il 51% è rappresentato dalle gestioni di portafoglio (1.166mld), mentre il restante 49% dai fondi comuni (1.109mld). Le vendite nette delle gestioni di portafoglio ammontano a 1,1 miliardi di euro, mentre le gestioni collettive chiudono il mese sulla parità. Mantengono un certo equilibrio i fondi comuni grazie…

29 Nov 11:21 Wall Street Italia 1518582934925235454.html
The hottest destination for RV travelers right now is a 200-acre park with natural springs in northern Florida, and it's becoming Instagram-famous for its unbelievably clear water, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Ginnie Springs, Florida is a private campsite with seven natural springs and its the most popular travel destination for clients of the Airbnb of RVs.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:36 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757373726666.html
Presentan ante juez a cinco hombres señalados del secuestro de dirigente político

Los hechos ocurrieron en el barrio Simón Bolívar, en el municipio de Jamundí. La víctima estuvo en cautiverio durante 30 días.

29 Nov 12:06 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827634253701.html
Dean Ambrose revela secretos de la WWE

Luego de su salida de la WWE el ex campe&oacute;n de pesos pesado dijo "predecibles" a la empresa de Vince Mcmahon

29 Nov 13:50 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624368941632.html
Tips to successfully co-parent with a toxic ex

Establish boundaries

29 Nov 13:56 Pulse Live 3606876835302199118.html
ÖSV-Speed-Truppe mit guten Vorzeichen in Weltcup-Auftakt

Österreichs Abfahrer starten am Samstag (20.15 Uhr) in Lake Louise […]

29 Nov 13:24 Sky Sport 6321692528070813457.html
Kaspersky descobre ameaça que atingiu o setor hoteleiro no mundo todo

O ataque tem como principais vetores documentos anexos em formato Word, Excel ou PDF, e podem ameaçar dados de cartões de crédito de viajantes no mundo inteiro

29 Nov 11:00 Canaltech 6267437387985447432.html
Today's the last day to pick up free youth bus passes before Victoria program starts

Today is the final day to pick up a free youth bus pass from the City of Victoria before the program kicks in Sunday, although they can still be obtained afterward. Victoria youth 18 and younger . . .

29 Nov 11:47 Times Colonist 7617512060673599752.html
Iberdrola e IFEMA se unen para impulsar la movilidad eléctrica y ponen en marcha el primer parking sostenible en un recinto ferial en España

Iberdrola e IFEMA han decidido unirse en su estrategia para promover la electrificación del transporte, mediante la firma de un acuerdo por el que la energética se convierte en socio estratégico de IFEMA para impulsar, a través de distintas acciones, la m

29 Nov 15:04 Diariocrítico 5375131905042358627.html
Ebay: Black-Friday-Deals mit Coupon, Gutschein, Rabattcode abstauben!

Ebay Deutschland mischt beim Black Friday ordentlich mit. Am 29. November 2019 locken dicke Rabatte und Gutscheinaktionen. Welche Deals warten zum Ebay Black Friday? COMPUTER BILD hat den Durchblick!

29 Nov 13:00 Computer Bild 4944248630726490314.html
Cassinos, jogos de azar e o conservadorismo

O Jogo de azar e o conservadorismo podem caminhar juntos? Ao longo dos séculos, os judeus e os cristãos desenvolveram uma maneira comum de determinar moralidade e ética, as quais formam a base do conservadorismo. No judaísmo, os rabinos discutiram questões morais e éticas da Torá e compilaram suas opiniões no Talmude, um importante livro […]

29 Nov 13:35 Conexão Política 2089540911913361983.html
Kilmarnock winger Chris Burke admits he'd love to end career at Rugby Park

He has insisted if he’s wanted then he would be honoured to finish his incredible career as a Kilmarnock player.

29 Nov 12:54 dailyrecord 552235480699049862.html
Terrorista ataca a puñaladas en un puente de Londres

Trascendió que el agresor fue sometido primeramente por los mismos transeúntes, y dos de estos civiles murieron más tarde en el hospital como consecuencia de las heridas

29 Nov 11:59 Juventud Rebelde 5332887417956148339.html
Alaba kehrt gegen Bayer in Kader zurück

Bayern München kann im Bundesligaspiel am Samstag (18:30 Uhr) gegen Bayer Leverkusen wieder auf David Alaba zurückgreifen.

29 Nov 14:27 weltfussball.at 3521376371937203082.html
Kho Kho: Defending champions India name 15-member teams for South Asian Games

After some good performances in the recently-concluded test matches against Nepal, both the teams are heading to the competition with a boost.

29 Nov 13:58 Scroll.in 8669301692930720123.html
La reina del BMX quiere el doblete en los Nacionales

Mariana Pajón ganó el oro en la contrarreloj del BMX. Va por otra presea dorada en las series.

29 Nov 12:04 El Tiempo 1091719939037959309.html
Black Friday: Beware these cyber scams

In the last few weeks, tens of thousands of potential scams involving brand names have been discovered, cybersecurity firms are warning.

29 Nov 13:06 Fox News 7362823820951025420.html
Newsweek Jumps the Gun on What Trump Was Doing For Thanksgiving — Gets Egg on Its Face

Newsweek ran a story asserting the commander-in-chief was spending the Thanksgiving holiday "tweeting, golfing and more" before it was revealed President Trump made an unannounced visit to U.S. military members in Afghanistan on Thanksgiving.

29 Nov 14:40 Townhall 6083908947741233848.html
Polizei bekommt Windows 10 - Ermittlungsdaten weg!

Ein fahrlässiger und ob der Sensibilität der betroffenen Daten gefährlicher Fehler ist einem IT-Mitarbeiter der Polizei Berlin passiert. Er hatte am ...

29 Nov 10:31 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092898752028.html
Refuge plots three fundraisers in Berlin, Bristol

Featuring Gideön, Leif, LNS and more, the events will all take place before the year is out.

29 Nov 15:38 Resident Advisor 731447405803212336.html
Top Skor dan Klasemen Liga 1: Bali United Butuh 1 Poin, Persib Bandung Tertahan, Persija Menguntit

Pada klasemen sementara Liga 1, Bali United hanya membutuhkan tambahan satu poin untuk bisa mengunci gelar juara di musim ini.

29 Nov 15:34 Tribunnews.com 3323534444854619784.html
Abrió el primer banco de esperma del mundo con donantes VIH Positivo

El principal objetivo es quitar el estigma con el que viven las personas en tratamiento.

29 Nov 13:21 Todo Noticias 8077539162869700963.html
US-Taliban Talks Are Back On

Trump makes announcement during Afghanistan visit

29 Nov 15:49 Infowars 1950426313703919712.html
Why Shane Nigam's Haircut Got Him Kicked Out Of 3 Malayalam Films

The 22-year-old actor is now facing a possible industry-wide ban.

29 Nov 12:34 HUFFPOST 6665507018503449409.html
Sterbliche Überreste geben Rätsel auf: In Katakomben des Vatikans? Warum das Grab des Apostels Petrus bis heute mysteriös ist

Mit dem Tod des ersten Stellvertreters Jesu beginnt die Geschichte des Vatikans. So vermittelt es die Überlieferung. Archäologische Forschungen unter dem Petersdom zeigen: Die Wahrheit ist deutlich komplizierter.

29 Nov 14:49 FOCUS Online 4448121231294130476.html
Oficial | El Arsenal prescinde de Unai Emery

Los malos resultados que han venido acompañando a la escuadra de Londres en las últimas semanas han precipitado los acontecimientos y acaba de confirmarse la destitución del técnico. Se venía (...)

29 Nov 10:15 Fichajes 157935405489847510.html
Previa del encuentro: el Solares recibe a la Gimnástica Torrelavega en la decimosexta jornada

Previa del encuentro: el Solares recibe a la Gimnástica Torrelavega en la decimosexta jornada

29 Nov 15:45 sport 1349897970412975789.html
My accusers lacked facts – Freddie Blay on corruption charge

Mr. Blay in his quest for the chairmanship position of the NPP promised to deliver 275 buses to each constituency office of the NPP to aid party officials in the discharge of their duties. The promise, which was attributed to his victory, generated a lot of controversies with many questioning his source of income. The NPP chairman has been dragged to court over the issue. Reacting on the charges on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen monitored by MyNewsGh.com, an emotional Mr. Blay said he had not been given a fair hearing. “It’s a pity this country we don’t investigate to get the facts. We condemn people before getting the facts. They accuse me of corruption without knowing the facts,” he said.

29 Nov 10:42 mynewsgh.com 2909200109970491173.html
Star Wars: Rey, Kylo Ren and Leia Grace Rise of Skywalker IMAX Poster

The Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker artwork centers on Rey, who stands on a rock ledge against a starry sky, as Leia and Kylo Ren loom behind her.

29 Nov 14:11 CBR.com 1295516963511715479.html
K-pop star jailed for six years for gang rape and spycam crimes 

South Korean K-pop singer-songwriter Jung Joon-young was convicted on Friday of gang rape, as well as secretly filming and distributing illicit sex videos of his partners, and jailed for six years.

29 Nov 13:40 The Telegraph 140598093009167162.html
Economie et cinéma au menu des quotidiens marocains

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 12:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389954767388.html
Unai Emery pays price for Arsenal’s poor form

The Spaniard was dismissed on Friday, with Freddie Ljungberg appointed as interim head coach.

29 Nov 12:22 Shropshire Star 3480199993098730605.html
Driver condemned for ‘mindless parking’ in front of fire station doors

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service was unable to send out one of its appliances to a road crash because it was blocked by the parked car.

29 Nov 12:56 Express & Star 7324224459029263844.html
VIDEO: Buhari’s refusal to offer Tinubu’s wife a handshake stirs Twitter debate

Eniola Akinkuotu, Abuja A video showing President Muhammadu Buhari seeming refusal to offer Senator Oluremi Tinubu a handshake while greeting other dignitaries on the sidelines of the E-Nigeria ...

29 Nov 11:36 Punch Newspapers 3524240995764600421.html
Ruiz Jr Vows To Break Down Anthony Joshua In Saturday Rematch

Andy Ruiz Jr has threatened to beat Anthony Joshua "even faster" in their upcoming rematch, saying that the Brit fought "something he’s never seen before" in their first meeting.

29 Nov 11:19 Concise 5544636823561956359.html
Newly engaged Roxanne Pallett 'sees the power of prayer' after CBB punch-gate

The actress is living in New York with firefighter Jason.

29 Nov 10:05 Metro 970161747778683945.html
Tatverdächtiger ist wieder auf freiem Fuß

Dem 32-Jährigen konnte einem Bericht zufolge kein Tatverdacht nachgewiesen werden.

29 Nov 14:01 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569419043734.html
Single dad adopts baby girl with Down's syndrome after she was rejected 20 times

Luca Trapanese always wanted to be a father but faced barriers because of his sexuality.

29 Nov 13:36 Metro 970161748729856380.html
Diagne blijft hopen op terugkeer bij Club Brugge: 'Don't give up'

Het verhaal van Mbaye Diagne bij Club Brugge lijkt helemaal afgelopen. De spits mag niet langer meetrainen met de A-kern van Club Brugge. Hij wordt helemaal weggehouden van de A-kern, dat meldt

29 Nov 14:10 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215847740442.html
The best Black Friday deals at Nottingham's intu Victoria Centre

The centre will be open until 8pm

29 Nov 12:05 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701341360149.html
The Mick Clifford Podcast: Ian Bailey’s poetic justice

Ian Bailey still lives under the shadow of a crime he has never stood trial for here, but was found guilty of in absentia in France. He now writes verse to battle a fear of extradition he tells Michael Clifford.

29 Nov 12:19 Irishexaminer 8196011178710376726.html
Suicida dal ponte di Avise. In Valle si continua a morire

AOSTA. Aveva 45 anni e ieri sera ha fermato il suo furgone vicino al già tristemente noto ponte di Avise e lì ha deciso di porre fine alla sua esistenza. Sembra una maledizione che incombe su questa nostra regione, ma ormai solo la politica non riesce a dare le risposte a questa emergenza che sta dilaniando i tessuti familiari colpiti da queste tragedie. Anzi, si fa di tutto per evitare che queste notizie vengano diffuse. Non si deve scrivere di sofferenza. Questo uomo, a quanto abbiamo potuto accertare, non era seguito dai servizi. Il peso di una esistenza difficile lo ha portato a questa scelta. Pochi giorni fa in ospedale è deceduto un uomo che si è sparato con una pistola per macellare il bestiame. Storie diverse, dolori diversi, ma una fine comune. Rimane lo strazio dei familiari e degli amici che rimangono. Che sfogano il loro dolore anche sui social. Ma cosa dovrebbero fare coloro che nel palazzo bianco passano ore ad auto incensarsi per attenuare questa che ormai è una epidemia? Innanzi tutto smetterla…

29 Nov 14:37 Aostaoggi.it 8718172644681889276.html
Marine duikt naar viskotter: Hoe gaat dat in zijn werk?

Duikers van de marine inspecteren naar verwachting zaterdag de bij Texel vergane Urker kotter UK 165. Hoe gaat zo’n operatie in zijn werk?

29 Nov 15:41 RD.nl 6406779840938829767.html
Weinzierl deckt auf: Gnabry war dem FC Schalke zu teuer

Zu knauserig für einen echten Transfercoup? Schalke 04 hat offenbar die gute Chance auf eine Verpflichtung von Shootingstar Serge Gnabry vergeben.

29 Nov 13:10 sport.de 3321967091102638543.html
Search in Albania quake reduced, death toll at 49

TIRANA, Albania (AP) - The operation to find survivors and recover bodies from Albania's deadly earthquake was winding down Friday, with rescue crews limiting their efforts to a collapsed beachfront hotel in the port town of Durres as the death toll climbed to 49.

29 Nov 14:42 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637366288489.html
Malta’s PM refuses to quit amid scandal over journalist’s murder

Joseph Muscat accused of protecting allies in investigation into killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia

29 Nov 10:25 The Irish Times 8204772967624409336.html
EMUI 10: gli Smartphone di Huawei che riceveranno l’aggiornamento

Diversi smartphone di casa Huawei e Honor si aggiorneranno presto ad EMUI 10 aggiornando di conseguenza tutta l'interfaccia grafica: ecco quali

29 Nov 10:45 tecnoandroid 2573257126299233088.html
¿Experto en artes marciales? Los creadores de God of War requieren tus servicios

Sony Santa Mónica sigue reclutando personal para su próximo y, por ahora, desconocido proyecto. SCC Santa Monica Studio, el equipo de desarrollo responsable del último y distinguido God of War, no cesa en el...

29 Nov 12:00 3DJuegos 3383023119138937531.html
Baby Yoda amigurimi, a crocheted cutie by Allison Hoffman

Artist Allison Hoffman, aka Crafty is Cool, is an absolute master of pop culture amigurimi (“a portmanteau of the Japanese words ami, meaning ‘crocheted or knitted,’ and nuigurumi…

29 Nov 13:00 Boing Boing 4601305168722442319.html
Syed Mushtaq Ali semifinal | Karnataka’s Mithun picks five wickets in six balls

Mithun became the first bowler to have a hat-trick in all three formats in Indian domestic cricket.

29 Nov 12:57 The Hindu 6679535026195576559.html
Uno studente su 5 non conclude le superiori nei cinque anni: a pesare è anche contesto sociale

Secondo una ricerca Invalsi su un campione di 515mila studenti, un alunno italiano su 5 non riesce a concludere il percorso di studi alle superiori nei cinque anni previsti. A preoccupare il fatto che la stragrande maggioranza aveva già problemi alle medie che non è riuscito a superare. Inoltre il contesto sociale continua ad essere un fattore determinante nel successo degli alunni.

29 Nov 15:15 fanpage.it 1517332167895091668.html
Karan Johar Gives Away Shuddhi Title To Sohail Khan; Will It Feature Salman Khan?

Sohail Khan registers the title Shuddhi, previously being reported as Karan Johar’s dream project starring Salman Khan. Though Shuddhi never happened and got shelved due to indefinite delay, with Sohail registering the title, the possibility of Salman starring in it can’t be avoided

29 Nov 14:20 SPOTBOYE 1547816858686905671.html
Poll: Right loses ground, Jewish Home out of next Knesset

New poll shows Israelis divided on whether Netanyahu can serve under indictment. Blue and White poised to expand margin over the Likud.

29 Nov 13:06 Israel National News 5374683668752673865.html
Gary Rhodes' death 'tragic natural event' as friend denies chef fell in shower

'The collapse was due to natural causes beyond anyone's control.'

29 Nov 11:26 Metro 970161748057107485.html
Balloon release planned for tragic Glasgow mum, 26, who died suddenly giving birth to baby boy

A BALLOON release has been planned in tribute to a “beautiful” mum who tragically died after giving birth. Stacy Louise Joyce, 26, from Drumchapel, Glasgow, passed away after giving birth to baby b…

29 Nov 14:22 The Scottish Sun 6609127674089792378.html
Marseille : des tags diffamants devant le domicile de Martine Vassal

Ambiance tendue chez LR, au lendemain de l'investiture de Martine Vassal pour les municipales. Des tags diffamants, tracés dans la nuit de mercredi à vendredi, ont ainsi été retrouvés devant son domicile marseillais. De source proche de la présidente de la Métropole et du Département, on indique ce matin qu'une plainte a été déposée.

29 Nov 10:26 LaProvence 1839381421168369279.html
Deputearre Sander de Rouwe makket útstapke nei it fuotbaljen

De Rouwe helpt Sportklup Boalsert by it beslút oft der op sneon of snein fuotballe wurde moat.

29 Nov 15:37 Omrop Fryslân 8239175696094880157.html
Harvey Norman offering huge 50% sale for Black Friday

There is serious money to be saved here!

29 Nov 10:04 RSVP Live 2434255978004366676.html
Japdeva saca a concurso estudios para parque industrial en Limón

Japdeva sacó a concurso los estudios de preinversión necesarios para la construcción de un parque industrial en la comunidad de Liverpool, en Limón.

29 Nov 12:15 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997875204135033.html
Pangkas Eselon III dan IV, Istana: 5 Tahun Menghambat

Juru bicara (Jubir) Presiden, Fadjroel Rachman mengatakan alasan utama Jokowi memangkas jumlah eselon.

29 Nov 11:00 detikfinance 4442190000936229098.html
‘Sneaky’ Rangers star Jack slammed by Dutch media following Feyenoord draw

RANGERS star Ryan Jack was slammed by the Dutch media following last night’s draw with Feyenoord. The Light Blues midfielder was accused of ‘sneakily’ trying to injure Tyrell Mala…

29 Nov 12:38 The Scottish Sun 6609127672675792619.html
Expropiación de restaurante Friday's y otros terrenos deja libre el paso para nuevas obras en Circunvalación

Gracias a varias expropiaciones ejecutadas hoy, incluida la propiedad en donde se encontraba el restaurante Friday's, el Gobierno podrá continuar con sus planes de construir nueva infraestructura vial en Circunvalación.

29 Nov 11:14 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997873972421744.html
Ourense: El Black Friday llena comercios y da por iniciadas las compras navideñas

Los agresivos descuentos atrajeron a compradores a las tiendas ourensanas

29 Nov 15:37 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613069167051.html
IBM asegura que los usuarios de Mac son más felices y productivos

Un estudio realizado por la compañía demuestra que los usuarios que trabajan con productos de Apple tienen un mayor rendimiento en el trabajo

29 Nov 11:59 sport 1349897970795489473.html
Termina amanhã prazo para renovar contratos do Fies

O prazo vale para contratos firmados até o segundo semestre de 2017

29 Nov 12:24 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548212251068.html
There's a buzz about wax wrap at beekeeper's meeting

The Tiverton Beekeepers had a demonstration by Norma King on how to make Wax Wraps

29 Nov 12:28 DevonLive 2469244512346831902.html
Anti-Black-Friday 2019: So trotzen Sie dem Konsumwahn! Tannenbaum mieten

Was ist eigentlich Nachhaltigkeit? Wer wirklich etwas für die Gesellschaft tun möchte, sollte sich diese Gedanken machen.

29 Nov 15:01 news.de 5126378978813466599.html
Procon Legislativo dá dicas para consumidores na Black Friday

A chegada de mais uma Black Friday nesta sexta-feira (29), o Procon Legislativo lista  recomendações para alertar os consumidores sobre preven

29 Nov 11:15 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060584519376.html
Ermittlungen um Ex-FPÖ-Politikerin als Geldbotin für Klub

Rund um die FPÖ gibt es einen neuen Verdacht um mysteriöse Geldflüsse. Wie der "Kurier" am Freitag berichtete, soll Ex-EU-Mandatarin Barbara Kappel Ende 2018 in drei Tranchen insgesamt 55.000 Euro von einem bulgarischen Unternehmer übernommen und in den FPÖ-Parlamentsklub gebracht haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt, die FPÖ gibt an, dass keine Spende im Klub eingegangen sei.

29 Nov 11:46 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084353495595.html
BER soll in weniger als einem Jahr eröffnet werden

Der Hauptstadtflughafen BER soll nach jahrelanger Verzögerung am 31. Oktober 2020 eröffnet werden. Diesen Termin habe Flughafenchef Engelbert Lütke Daldrup am Freitag dem Aufsichtsrat genannt, teilte die Betreibergesellschaft Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg (FBB) im Kurzbotschaftendienst Twitter ...

29 Nov 13:38 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110636582771.html
PF indicia Bivar e 3 candidatas do PSL acusadas de serem laranjas

A PF indiciou hoje Luciano Bivar e três mulheres de Pernambuco sob suspeita de participação em esquema de candidaturas-laranjas do PSL para desviar verba pública...

29 Nov 15:53 O Antagonista 1037429654548011687.html
'Doctor Sleep,' a drawn-out hybrid that winks at Kubrick's style, King's narrative

My first encounter with the cinema of Stanley Kubrick came upon viewing 'A Clockwork Orange,' a bleak, dystopian fantasy adapted from Anthony Burgess'...

29 Nov 15:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944808128128701.html
Leggo titola: "Pioli si gioca il Jack"

"Pioli si gioca il Jack": titola così questa mattina Leggo in merito al Milan. Il tecnico rossonero potrebbe confermare Giacomo Bonaventura nella formazione titolare che affronterà domenica pomeriggio il Parma, un match che i rossoneri non possono assolutamente sbagliare.   

29 Nov 12:01 MilanNews.it 6507305922594671017.html
Ramona Kühne ist der Star bei der Dessauer Boxnacht

Groß und bekannt geworden ist sie im Ring: Ramona Kühne ist die erfolgreichste deutsche Boxerin aller Zeiten und in den wichtigsten Verbänden der Welt insgesamt 13-fache Weltmeisterin im Superfedergewicht. Mittlerweile ist sie aber auch 39 Jahre alt und im Herbst ihrer Karriere. Die Berlinerin boxt zwar noch immer, zum Beispiel am Samstag bei der Dessauer Boxnacht im Glaspalast. Für die ganz großen Erfolge früherer Tage wird es wohl aber nicht mehr reichen. „Das ist ein komisches Gefühl“, gestand sie vor kurzem in einem Videointerview mit „Hotelier TV und ...

29 Nov 14:17 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109528942832.html
Marano. Fermato con pistola e soldi, è completamente libero

Fu fermato, insieme ad un'altra persone, con una pistola e soldi. A quasi due mesi di distanza è stata revocata la misura a carico di Claudio Gullotta. Il giudice ha accolto la tesi dall’avvocato Daniele Ionà del foro di Napoli Nord. L'uomo fu arrestato ai primi di ottobre dai carabinieri della sezi

29 Nov 14:31 InterNapoli.it 7089789175758686468.html
Francesca Fialdini e La Vita in Diretta, la dura replica di Costanzo

Costanzo replica duramente a Francesca Fialdini dopo il suo commento sulla Vita in Diretta, show che ha condotto per due stagioni.

29 Nov 13:59 DiLei 6707305201878960960.html
Massive preparations for MH17 trial revealed; Hearings spread over 25 weeks

The court case examining criminal responsibility in the crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 will begin on March 9 at the heavily secured court complex at Schiphol airport. The case, officially

29 Nov 15:08 NL Times 9001346993214987720.html
Sindicatos de Finanzas y Gobernación solicitan "bono navideño"

Los Sindicatos de Gobernación y Finanzas solicitaron un bono navideño, para lo que solicitaron audiencia con el Ministro de Finanzas. 

29 Nov 13:11 Canal Antigua 5059206892994527050.html
Aktien Frankfurt: Anleger am 'Black Friday' doch noch in Kauflaune

Aktien Frankfurt: Anleger am 'Black Friday' doch noch in Kauflaune

29 Nov 13:49 finanzen.net 2053223363296114945.html
Gwamnan jihar Plateau, Simon Lalong, ya sake doke PDP a kotun daukaka kara

Gwamnan jihar Plateau, Simon Bako Lalong, ya sake samun nasara kan jam'iyyar Peoples Democratic Party PDP da dan takararta a zaben gwamna jihar, Jeremiah Useni, a kotun daukaka kara.

29 Nov 14:28 Legit 7368782176498231201.html
Los mejores precios en accesorios Apple y otros interesantes complementos

Si necesitas un nuevo ratón, teclado o algún que otro accesorio de Apple a buen precio, no te pierdas estas ofertas que seguro te interesan.

29 Nov 12:32 El Output 1685150383023175756.html
Best Samsung Phone Deals for Cyber Monday

Here we round-up all of the best deals for the most desirable Samsung Galaxy phones available right now; covering both SIM-free and contract deals

2 Dec 12:30 Tech Advisor 6450858317808548294.html
Government is on its last legs, says BNP's Mirza Fakhrul

BNP leader Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir believes the end is near for the ruling Awami League government.

29 Nov 15:44 Bdnews24 8119004128924597340.html
After 400 die in Iraq protests, top cleric urges cabinet change

Iraq's top Shia cleric on Friday urged parliament to replace the cabinet, after dozens of protesters were killed in one of the bloodiest days of anti-government rallies gripping the country.  Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani's weekly sermon gave a major boost to Iraqi demonstrators who have been taking to the streets since early October against a ruling class deemed corrupt and inefficient.

29 Nov 15:36 WION 1570469241115094874.html
Selfie Expert Strikes Again! And It's The Best End-Year Gift Ever[VIDEO]

You ever wanted to take a look at one of your photos, pull that shy smile and say to yourself, I look good. Well...

29 Nov 12:07 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153194315427.html
Tim Hofman's #BOOS onthult meer schokkende details over De Villa

‘Kan je het nog een keer doen en dan wel een kus geven? Anders is het niet leuk voor tv.’

29 Nov 10:03 Glamour 7276994002216701999.html
Atlantia in agonia in Borsa, la revoca della concessione si avvicina e Grillo pubblica ‘Autostrade story’

Prosegue il tracollo di Atlantia a Piazza Affari. Dopo aver chiuso la seduta di ieri con un -2,4%, la peggior performance del Ftse Mib, anche oggi il titolo è travolto …

29 Nov 11:06 FinanzaOnline 6528634127457124096.html
Studien tar oss ett steg närmare vätgastillverkning med enzymer

Vissa mikroorganismer har enzymer som producerar och förbränner vätgas. Nu har University of Illinois lyckats återskapa delar av processen i sitt laboratorium.

29 Nov 10:30 Ny Teknik 4280928732385492807.html
EE Unveils Its Actual Black Friday Deals

EE has three more Black Friday deals for you today, which is fitting because today is the big day.

29 Nov 12:50 Gizmodo UK 8363059000928315857.html
Surpriza de la Fonduri Europene: ministrul Marcel Boloș vrea comasarea tuturor autorităților de management al fondurilor UE

Ministrul Fondurilor Europene, Marcel Boloș, a anunțat joi într-un eveniment public că vrea să comaseze sub comanda sa toate autoritățile de management al

29 Nov 12:50 G4Media.ro 2302108694904933362.html
Ohio Abortion Bill Would Require Doctors To ‘Re-implant Ectopic Pregnancy’ In Uterus Or Face Murder Charges

The procedure is not currently medically possible. Ohio lawmakers have introduced a bill that would require doctors, on discovering an ectopic pregnancy, to “re-introduce” the fetus into ...

29 Nov 15:04 The Inquisitr 1745625231361774105.html
Consultoria do Senado: proposta de isentar folha de pagamento é inconstitucional

No documento em que analisam a MP, revelado pelo site Poder360, os técnicos do Senado afirmam que, embora benéfico para as empresas, o benefício fiscal pode ser considerado irregular

29 Nov 15:50 Folha Vitória 4941883427276108341.html
Consultoria do Senado: proposta de isentar folha de pagamento é inconstitucional

Parecer da consultoria legislativa do Senado avaliou como inconstitucional o governo isentar empresas de contribuições que incidem sobre a folha de pagamento. A proposta é parte da Medida Provisória Verde Amarela, enviada no início do mês ao Congresso, e tem como objetivo estimular a contratação de jovens entre 18 e 29 anos. Como revelaram o jornal O Estado de S. Paulo e o Broadcast (sistema de notícias em tempo real do Grupo Estado), o presidente do Senado, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP), estuda devolver a MP sem nem sequer colocá-la em votação.

29 Nov 15:40 DCI 3412821464056529056.html
SC mobile courts in Sultan Kudarat hear 42 cases, release 5 prisoners

Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta has ordered the fielding of its 10 mobile courts in far-flung areas to help in the expeditious resolution of cases and decongestion of jails in the country.

29 Nov 13:29 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199633277222.html
Autoritățile din Sudan au dizolvat partidul fostului președinte Omar al-Bashir

Guvernul de tranziție instalat în Sudan a aprobat o lege care dizolvă Partidul Congresului Național al fostului președinte Omar al-Bashir,...

29 Nov 12:12 Stiri pe surse 4858045012890095221.html
This Philips DiamondClean brush is the cheapest it's ever been

This top-tier sonic whitening brush from Philips is just £90 on Amazon for Black Friday - its lowest price ever.

29 Nov 15:05 Tech Advisor 6450858318503178722.html
Jason Day withdraws from Presidents Cup, Byeong Hun An comes in

Byeong Hun An has replaced Jason Day in the International Team for the Presidents Cup, after the Australian suffered a back injury.

29 Nov 15:39 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906024628808.html
Class 9 girl abducted, raped by man she was married off to in Rajasthan

A 15-year-old child bride was allegedly abducted and raped in Rajasthan's Bundi district by the man to whom she had been married off some years ago, police said.

29 Nov 11:57 India Today 4286117812816880819.html
Erdogan poručio Makronu: Prvo ispitaj sopstvenu moždanu smrt

Turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan oštro je kritikovao svog francuskog kolegu Emanuela Makrona poručivši mu da...

29 Nov 15:45 N1 Srbija 7797130865893498330.html
Black Friday : des actions devant plusieurs commerces et centres de distribution pour dénoncer la "surconsommation"

Des militants ont manifesté devant des centres de distribution d'Amazon et des commerces à Paris, Strasbourg, Rennes ou encore Lyon.

29 Nov 12:42 Franceinfo 1060532881515510237.html
Kabar Terbaru 6 Pemain Persik Kediri saat Juara Ligina 2006

Kabar terbaru pemain-pemain Persik Kediri saat Juara Liga Indonesia 2006

29 Nov 10:40 Bola.com 1695722604651789345.html
Pedro Gallese: esposa marca toda distancia con arquero tras exposición de infidelidad

Esposa del arquero de la selección nacional no dudó ni un segundo en tomar esta decisión en Instagram.

29 Nov 12:28 Wapa.pe 6757287088517398361.html
Leclerc e vettel, fratelli coltelli in ferrari:i rapporti tra i due si sono rovinati dopo- schumi jr


29 Nov 10:39 DAGOSPIA 6533336739035048200.html
Carmona: "Llego a Sport Huancayo con la idea de pelear cosas importantes"

Giancarlo Carmona, confirmó que se convirtió en nuevo jugador de Sport Huancayo por toda la próxima temporada 2020. El exjugador de FBC Melgar, señaló que buscará tener una gran temporada con el 'Rojo Matador' con el que disputará la Copa Sudamericana.

29 Nov 15:14 Ovación 4766812598263014299.html
L'utilisation accrue d'antibiotiques pourrait prédisposer à la maladie de Parkinson

Des chercheurs émettent l'idée que les patients qui sont trop souvent sous traitement antibiotique sont plus à risque de maladie de Parkinson, et ce même si cette exposition a eu lieu des années auparavant.

29 Nov 12:05 Santé Magazine 5927303388764503747.html
Así terminó una violenta incursión de hombres fuertemente armados a la finca de reconocido ganadero

La víctima de este caso es hijo de otro famoso ganadero del sector taurino. El hecho se atribuye a bandas criminales

29 Nov 15:15 Noticias Caracol 4063533509364705866.html
Calderón Berti a las FFAA: Deben garantizar paz y tranquilidad, luchar contra delincuencia y terrorismo internacional

El excanciller de Venezuela en Colombia, Humberto Calderón Berti, designado por el presidente encargado de Venezuela Juan Guaidó, ofrecerá

29 Nov 14:57 LaPatilla.com 9104603010858866210.html
Portugal contribui para feito pioneiro: alterar a trajetória de um asteroide

A GMV Portugal está a contribuir em vários projetos da Agência Espacial Europeia, diz-nos a sua diretora

29 Nov 13:04 Dinheiro Vivo 7498191776080276431.html
Falla utklasset konkurrentene, men fikk tydelig beskjed av treneren etter løpet

Maiken Caspersen Falla var helt overlegen i Ruka.

29 Nov 13:00 Bergens Tidende 6643873498509042160.html
Wegen Vergewaltigung: Mehrjährige Haft für zwei K-Pop-Stars

Die beiden K-Pop-Stars Jung Joon Young und Choi Jong Hoon sind in Südkorea wegen Vergewaltigung und anderer Vergehen zu mehrjähriger Haft verurteilt worden. Der Richter in dem Verfahren vor dem zentralen Bezirksgericht in Seoul befand die beiden Sänger am Freitag der Sexualverbrechen für schuldig, einschließlich der Vergewaltigung von Frauen, wie die nationale Nachrichtenagentur Yonhap und südkoreanische Zeitungen berichteten.

29 Nov 14:11 FOCUS Online 4448121230123605910.html
Student from Mysuru shot dead in U.S.

Abhishek Chand, 25, of Mysuru, who was pursuing a master’s degree in computer science in San Bernardino, California, was shot dead in the United States by unidentified miscreants on Thursday. Family s

29 Nov 15:06 The Hindu 6679535026216262816.html
SC to hear plea against Pragya Thakur's bail in Malegaon case after 2 weeks

Thakur, now a sitting BJP MP, was granted bail on April 25, 2017 by the high court which said "no prima facie" case was made out against her in the case

29 Nov 13:40 Business-Standard 1502508925428765397.html
Experten geben Rat: Dax-Rekord noch vor Weihnachten? Was Anleger jetzt wissen müssen

Kommt das Beste dieses Jahr wirklich zum Schluss? Der Dax ist einem neuen Rekord so nah wie seit anderthalb Jahren nicht mehr. Börsenprofis erklären, was Anleger jetzt wissen müssen.

29 Nov 14:48 FOCUS Online 4448121230372703827.html
Jat tehnika prodata češkoj kompaniji Avia Prime

Ministarstvo privrede Srbije je donelo odluku kojom je za kupca oko 99,4 udela u kapitalu JAT tehnike proglasilo...

29 Nov 13:27 N1 Srbija 7797130866703954769.html
Wer putzt, kocht und wäscht, soll besser entschädigt werden

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 10:37 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776128514196.html
Greenpeace boicotea el Black Friday en Madrid con una gran pancarta

En Francia bloquean un almacén de Amazon para denunciar el consumo excesivo del Viernes Negro y sus consecuencias ecológicas

29 Nov 10:36 elPeriodico 7291954033182960167.html
Ocasio-Cortez knocks Buttigieg: He has adopted a 'GOP talking point' on education

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) knocked Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg for using what she called a “GOP talking point” to take aim at proposals for tuition-free public college.

29 Nov 12:51 TheHill 355432918505927918.html
Movilización de residentes en rechazo a ley de precarización laboral en la salud

Concentraron en Callo y Corrientes. Se oponen a ley votada el pasado jueves, con represión mediante, que precariza los derechos laborales de concurrentes y residentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

29 Nov 11:24 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731936529288.html
Cinco puntos para que la paz tenga un espacio en el diálogo nacional

Los autores de este análisis muestran una hoja de ruta a seguir para superar la actual coyuntura.

29 Nov 14:15 El Tiempo 1091719938629697993.html
Cristina Ferreira oferece jackpot de sonho a telespectadora desempregada

Em dia de Black Friday, a apresentadora da SIC iniciou o programa com a promessa de que iria dar dinheiro. “As lojas hoje estão em desconto, nós não fazemos descontos, nós damos tudo”

29 Nov 15:05 A Televisão 800719527963891378.html
'Tupperware' knife used in Suncoast dune murders | The Post

Police probe love triangle as motive in couple’s killing

29 Nov 10:16 www.iol.co.za 17825112335796974.html
Arsenal trennt sich von Trainer Unai Emery


29 Nov 11:49 weltfussball.at 3521376372729147580.html
Vožnja u magli: Nemojte se orijentisati po svjetlima vozila ispred vas

S gustom maglom, kad vidljivost padne ispod 50 metara, vožnja postaje veoma opasna i iscrpljujuća.

29 Nov 14:41 Nezavisne novine 4209150642341296343.html
Kim Kardashian y sus cuatro hijos, protagonistas del último videoclip de Kanye West

"Closed on Sunday" es el nuevo clip del rapero en el que participan algunos de los miembros más famosos del Clan Kardashian-Jenner

29 Nov 13:35 CiberCuba 8213836170362971708.html
Un exercice pour muscler vos jambes au bureau

Idéal pour raffermir cuisses et fessiers, le squat développé proposé par Les Mills vous permettra aussi de renforcer vos épaules. Empoignez votre sac à dos et au boulot !, 1. Mise en place Frédéric Albert

29 Nov 10:02 Capital.fr 2641485282183214255.html
Best Dyson and Vacuum Cleaner Black Friday deals – Top offers available right now

Now is the time to pick up a discounted Dyson or vacuum cleaner in the Black Friday sale with tons of models, old and new, available for less.

29 Nov 12:15 Trusted Reviews 12694855409636287.html
Coady hails "absolutely amazing achievement" as Wolves reach last 32 of Europa League

Wolves qualified for the last 32 of the Europa League after a draw in Braga.

29 Nov 11:34 Sports Mole 7750663361462781377.html
Evacuation order lifted as huge Texas plant fire ‘contained’

Officials lifted evacuation orders Friday for around 50,000 people on the Texas Gulf Coast, determining a massive fire was finally under control at a chemical plant rocked by two major explosions two days earlier.

29 Nov 11:14 KNOE 8 News 9048639192530762265.html
La Audiencia de Sevilla acuerda que sigan en libertad los cuatro condenados por los ERE para los que la Fiscalía pedía prisión inmediata

La Audiencia Provincial de Sevilla ha acordado este viernes que continúen en libertad las cuatro personas que fueron condenadas en la sentencia de la pieza política de los ERE. Así, el auto señala en su parte dispositiva no haber lugar a la prisión provisional de los exconsejeros de Empleo, Antonio Fernández y José Antonio Viera, y de los exdirectores de Trabajo Francisco Javier Guerrero y Juan Márquez. La Fiscalía Anticorrupción reclamaba el ingreso en prisión inmediato de los cuatro.

29 Nov 12:55 elEconomista.es 9051559959738649007.html
Llorente reconoció que tuvo oferta de Boca Juniors

El delantero español, Fernando Llorente, quien hoy milita en el Napoli de Italia, reconoció que hace algunos meses recibió una propuesta para llegar al conjunto de Boca Juniors, sin embargo, prefirió seguir en el fútbol europeo. "Es verdad que estuvo el interés de Boca, pero tenía la ilusión de seguir jugando en Europa y en esta competición tan bonita que es la Champions. Estoy muy agradecido del interés de uno de los mejores clubes del mundo como es Boca, hubiera sido algo muy bonito”, reconoció Llorente en Fox Sports Radio.

29 Nov 14:43 Ovación 4766812598299182584.html
Detectives treating case of 11-month-old boy who died in Armagh as murder

A man in his 30s has been arrested in connection with the death of Hunter McGleenon.

29 Nov 11:34 TheJournal.ie 6446904417875921643.html
Africa is “cradle of mankind” and these are some of the continent’s oldest tribes

A good number of indigenous African tribes are believed to be the direct descendants of the earliest man and carry unique DNA markers. This feeds into the widely held belief that humans evolved from Africa millions of years ago. Throughout European civilization some Africans dropped some of their cultures and have taken up some westernised...

29 Nov 13:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198130898497620.html
Samantha Giles reveals whether she’ll return to Emmerdale following Bernice exit

Bernice departed the village during last night's episodes.

29 Nov 12:09 Metro 970161747399338384.html
Enai Noki Paayum Thota movie review: All swagger, but not enough soul

Enai Noki Paayum Thota movie review: Dhanush-Gautham Menon deliver an underwhelming romantic actioner.

29 Nov 13:36 The Indian Express 2885715104152989123.html
Elezioni regionali Calabria, spunta una villa “parzialmente abusiva” del candidato M5s Aiello

Secondo quanto riporta la Repubblica, il candidato alla presidenza della Regione Calabria del Movimento 5 Stelle, Francesco Aiello, avrebbe una villetta 'parzialmente abusiva e in parte da abbattere'. In particolare le sentenze hanno stabilito che la casa di Carlopoli di Aiello ha un piano da abbattere.

29 Nov 12:55 fanpage.it 1517332166910233913.html
Eldreminister Sylvi Listhaug om sykehjemsvolden: – Omfanget er sjokkerende

Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) vil ta grep etter Aftenpostens avsløring om vold på sykehjem. – Vi har visst at dette skjer, men ante ikke at det var så utbredt.

29 Nov 10:38 Bergens Tidende 6643873498940202992.html
Elena Tablada anuncia el embarazo de su primer hijo junto a Javier Ungría

La pareja se casó hace un año en Cuba y ahora amplia la familia

29 Nov 10:18 La Vanguardia 8061072699422077390.html
Monaco urmeaza sa transfere Romaniei 200.000 de euro, bani confiscati de la milionarul Marian Iancu

Guvernul a luat act, joi seara, de o informare potrivit careia statul roman a recuperat suma de 300.000 de euro, prejudiciu in urma cooperarii Agentiei Nationale de Administrare a Bunurilor Indisponibilizate (ANABI) provenite din infractiuni si statul Monaco. Romania urmeaza sa primeasca doua treimi din suma confiscata, deci aproximativ 200.000 de euro.

29 Nov 10:47 Ziare.com 1922730286904623565.html
Största shoppinghelgen i USA

Ekonomi Årets största shoppinghelg har rivstartat i USA. Redan i torsdags, helgdagen Thanksgiving Day, satte det i gång. Försäljningen under hela långhelgen väntas dock kulminera under klämdagen Black Friday då många i USA av tradition tar ledigt för att shoppa.

29 Nov 12:58 www.unt.se 8922556088400374712.html
Black Friday deals: The best discounted adult party games on Amazon

Bring on the debauchery! Cards Against Humanity, Bad People and more wicked party games for horrid people are on sale - just in time for Christmas

29 Nov 14:37 Louder 2174237038989864276.html
Floriana Messina Instagram, body sgambatissimo: «Quel neo fa impazzire!»

Floriana Messina su Instagram con il suo body davvero molto sgambato ha letteralmente acceso la fervida immaginazione dei followers

29 Nov 14:10 UrbanPost 2450570493210698503.html
Top 3 Tekno: Cara Tangkal Penipuan Telepon dan SMS Paling Dicari

Tips menghindari penipuan telepon dan SMS paling dicari para pembaca di kanal Tekno Liputan6.com.

29 Nov 10:30 liputan6.com 3414318495946510790.html
"Anastasia aveva 70 mila euro nello zainetto". Svolta nel caso Sacchi

La fidanzata del ragazzo ucciso, indagata, intendeva acquistare insieme a un amico, arrestato, 15 chili di marijuana. In manette anche il ventiduenne Marcello De Propris, che avrebbe fornito a Del Grosso e Pirino l'arma con la quale i due avrebbero sparato al giovane

29 Nov 13:03 Agi 2115274223781590049.html
Agentes de viagens premiados pela Schultz participam de famtrip em Maceió (AL)

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

29 Nov 11:14 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645986631645903.html
Sindicato denuncia fechamento de delegacias em Maceió

Um vídeo circula nas redes sociais com indignação da população ao encontrar o 3º Distrito Policial fechado. A reclamação não causou surpresa à direção do Sindicato dos Policiais Civis de Alagoas (Sindpol) que denunciou o fechamento de delegacias à noite em 2017 e graves prejuízos à sociedade. Os plantões noturnos do 1º DP, 3ºDP, 6ºDP...

29 Nov 13:30 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011305830971.html
A Malte, l'affaire Caruana Galizia déstabilise le gouvernement

En 2017, la journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia était victime d'un attentat à la voiture piégée alors qu'elle enquêtait sur la corruption. Depuis, plusieurs membres du gouvernement ont été mis en cause, une situation qui déstabilise le pouvoir en place.

29 Nov 15:58 euronews 7357749753850937867.html
Dodik: Program reformi BiH nije tajna, poslao sam ga opoziciji

BANJALUKA - Milorad Dodik, srpski član Predsjedništva BiH, rekao je da dokument Program reformi BiH nije nikakva tajna i da mnogi važni ljudi iz opozicije imaju taj dokument jer im ga je kako kaže on poslao.

29 Nov 11:14 Nezavisne novine 4209150641580093156.html
Klaus Iohannis, la reuniunea NATO de la Londra. Decizii IMPORTANTE pentru viitorul lumii

Președintele Klaus Iohannis va participa, în perioada 3-4 decembrie a.c., la Reuniunea NATO la Nivel Înalt care se va desfășura la Londra. Reuniunea are loc în contextul împlinirii a 70 de ani de la...

29 Nov 13:30 B1 TV 3840305877281067249.html
After Zynga deal, Empires & Puzzles maker is an inspiration for Finnish game industry

After Zynga bought Small Giant Games last year for $560 million, the Empires & Puzzles maker became an inspiration for Finnish game industry

29 Nov 13:30 VentureBeat 6273363636418606619.html
Ex-Buccaneer Replaces Another As Coach

A former Orlando Pirates midfielder has been appointed in a new technical team role in Zambia.

29 Nov 14:32 Soccer Laduma 3901337371548221455.html
Arsenal despidió a Unai Emery

El cuadro del Arsenal de Inglaterra anunció a través de un comunicado que el entrenador Unai Emery fue despedido este viernes. La derrota ante el Eintracht Frankfurt en la Europa League fue el detonante para la salida del técnico. "Anunciamos que hemos tomado la decisión de separarnos de nuestro entrenador Unai Emery y su equipo de ayudantes. La decisión se ha tomado debido a que los resultados y las actuaciones no están al nivel requerido", anunció el club en un comunicado.

29 Nov 13:58 Ovación 4766812597262594925.html
Who's through, who has work to do? How things stand for British teams in Europe

There is only one round of group fixtures left in the Champions League and Europa League.

29 Nov 14:59 Sports Mole 7750663362721829423.html
Swissair: le TF rejette l'action en responsabilité contre les dirigeants

Le Tribunal fédéral confirme le rejet de l'action en responsabilité contre 14 anciens dirigeants du groupe Swissair. Les critiques formulées par le liquidateur contre la...

29 Nov 11:30 Zonebourse 7946574378696665185.html
Dalla Turchia: il Genoa è vicinissimo a Zajc

Zajc, il trequartsita sloveno che era un vecchio pallino rossoblù quando era all'Empoli, potrebbe arrivare in gennaio dal Fenerbahce

29 Nov 11:11 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982773184220636.html
Se abre la quiniela para sustituir a Emery en el Arsenal: de Allegri a Pochettino

Allegri, Vieira, Arteta, Ancxelotti y también Pochettino suenan como relevo del vasco mientras Ljungberg será el interino

29 Nov 10:35 elPeriodico 7291954034088854763.html
He Defended the Confederate Flag and Insulted Immigrants. Now He’s a Judge.

Former state Rep. Mike Pitts made anti-immigrant and racially charged remarks seemingly at odds with South Carolina’s judicial code. He sailed through an appointment process as a magistrate nominee with little scrutiny and no debate.

29 Nov 10:00 ProPublica 7866676281614193704.html
OYO's valuation continues to soar despite losses; hovers near $10-bn mark

The losses have reportedly mounted due to the rise in operating expenses fuelled by the company's aggressive expansion in overseas markets

29 Nov 15:10 Business-Standard 1502508925572752228.html
Iraakse premier Adel Abdel Mahdi gaat ontslag aanbieden aan parlement na maanden van protest

De Iraakse premier Adel Abdel Mahdi heeft vrijdagnamiddag gezegd dat hij zijn ontslag gaat aanbieden aan het parlement. De aankondiging volgt op bijna twee...

29 Nov 12:53 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191565590849.html
Felipe Neto e Felipe Castanhari protagonizam selinho após marca histórica

Os youtubers Felipe Neto e Felipe Castanhari protagonizaram um momento histórico na primeira live de uma Black Friday feita com famosos no Brasil. Os dois deram um selinho em comemoração ao recorde de audiência registrado no vídeo ao vivo.

29 Nov 12:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212233894636.html
Jadwal Lengkap Pekan 14 Premier League

Berikut jadwal lengkap Premier League pada pekan ke-14 yang digelar 30 November dan 1 Desember 2019.

29 Nov 12:15 Bola.com 1695722604315570264.html
Mesa de Diálogo entrega comunicación al papa Francisco

En la misiva se expresa que la ciudadanía venezolana está muy atenta y recibe con fervor y agradecimiento las orientaciones destinadas a aliviar la penosa situación que aqueja a Venezuela. También se destaca que el acercamiento entre oposición y gobierno es producto de todas las oraciones que el sumo pontífice ha elevado por el pueblo venezolano

29 Nov 14:04 Globovisión 5928221751002837996.html
Zachodniopomorskie samorządy protestują przeciw likwidacji opłaty uzdrowiskowej

Samorząd województwa zachodniopomorskiego wspólnie z władzami tamtejszych uzdrowisk, w tym Świnoujścia, Kołobrzegu, Kamienia Pomorskiego, Połczyna-Zdrój czy Darłowa, zapowiada wspólny protest przeciwko planom likwidacji opłaty uzdrowiskowej. Zagarnięcie tych pieniędzy spowoduje niemożność rozwijania uzdrowisk – grzmią samorządowcy.

29 Nov 13:46 Portal Samorządowy 740157208614996680.html
Top-Sechs statt Bürosessel

Samstag, 17 Uhr, Austria Wien gegen Hartberg. Gelingt den Fußballern aus der Oststeiermark die nächste Überraschung in der Bundesliga, steht der TSV ...

29 Nov 11:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093026492830.html
FISCAL GENERAL DE BOLIVIA / Niegan que Interpol haya activado una alerta azul contra Evo Morales

El fiscal General de Bolivia, Juan Lanchipa, negó el jueves que se haya solicitado una notificación azul a Interpol en contra del dimitido presidente Evo Morales.

29 Nov 10:42 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529341097112.html
Una jornada en torno a las escritoras contemporáneas

La FIL reúne a las escritoras e investigadoras para dialogar sobre las autoras nacionales actuales y la cuestión de género en el medio

29 Nov 12:30 El Informador 103545927741402654.html
Dieses Obst und Gemüse hat im Dezember Saison

Mango, Ananas, Kiwi - exotische Früchte gibt es ganzjährig im Supermarkt zu kaufen. Doch wenn Sie sich umweltbewusst und regional ernähren möchten, dann sollten Sie den Saisonkalender für Obst und Ge

29 Nov 10:51 GMX 2011843076636392203.html
Dieses Obst und Gemüse hat im Dezember Saison

Mango, Ananas, Kiwi - exotische Früchte gibt es ganzjährig im Supermarkt zu kaufen. Doch wenn Sie sich umweltbewusst und regional ernähren möchten, dann sollten Sie den Saisonkalender für Obst und Ge

29 Nov 10:51 GMX News 4492287763541768971.html
Guaidó sobre denuncia de Calderón: Que se investigue hasta las últimas consecuencias

La polémica por el distanciamiento entre Juan Guaidó y Humberto Calderón Berti, a quien había designado como su representante en Colombia, amenaza con crear un sisma mayor en el seno del autodenominado Gobierno interino. Luego de que Calderón Berti dijera en rueda de prensa en la mañana de este viernes que sí hubo malversación de fondos en la ayuda humanitaria que se trató de ingresar en febrero al país, el diputado presidente de la AN, en un comunicado respondió "que las autoridades correspondientes investiguen hasta las últimas consecuencias".  

29 Nov 15:45 Panorama 6052790754890249271.html
Weekend Plays: His Glory fit for two turns in Golden Rod Stakes

Horse Racing news: Weekend Plays: His Glory fit for two turns in Golden Rod Stakes.

29 Nov 13:19 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535388628381.html
Taller permitirá combatir plaga en banano en Colombia, Ecuador y Costa Rica

La empresa Bayer y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) informaron este viernes 29 de noviembre del 2019 que realizarán talleres en Costa Rica, Colombia y Ecuador para combatir el hongo Fusarium que amenaza a los cultivos de banano.

29 Nov 15:24 El Comercio 2865024641233915667.html
Realme è pronta a ottenere l'indipendenza da Oppo | MobileLabs

Realme sarebbe quasi pronta a diventare una società totalmente indipendente da Oppo: ecco quali sono i suoi piani per il futuro.

29 Nov 10:39 Tom's Hardware 6640147069577230279.html
Perrella anuncia demissão de Abel Braga e chegada de Adilson Batista ao Cruzeiro

'Foram 14 jogos, onde conseguimos ficar 11 jogos sem perder', disse Abel, que venceu apenas 3 vezes no comando da Raposa

29 Nov 15:16 Tribuna de Minas 7521696932965893731.html
V Gornji Radgoni letos Polarna dežela, planetarij in pravljično mesto ob Muri

V Gornji Radgoni že jutri začenjajo pravljični december, v katerem bodo postavili peto pravljično mesto s praznično in kulinarično ponudbo, na Meleh pa bodo na ogled čudoviti svet Arktike v Polarni deželi in skrivnosti nočnega neba v najmodernejšem mobilnem Planetariju. Mesto sejmov in penin s celotno občino ...

29 Nov 13:43 Prlekija on net 5500439796038650215.html
Sebi brings norms for debt ETFs, issuer to have less than 15% index weight

Under the norms to be adopted by all mutual fund houses, the index will have a minimum of eight issuers, rating of the constituents of the index will be investment grade

29 Nov 13:25 Business-Standard 1502508925740364593.html
Money-Saving Secrets From Ski Bums

To get nitty-gritty, budget-saving tips, we turned to ski-town locals and winter fanatics for advice.

29 Nov 10:00 NY Times 1961078288596828679.html
Microsoft revela grande vantagem do Xbox Scarlett sobre o PlayStation 5

Compatibilidade com geração atual e com seus antecessores pode ser o trunfo do console da Microsoft

29 Nov 12:19 Olhar Digital 416591714454856819.html
Hombre ataca con cuchillo en Puente de Londres; deja varios heridos

Un ataque con arma blanca se ha registrado este viernes en Londres, en el que reportan varias personas heridas y un hombre baleado por la policía londinen

29 Nov 10:06 MiMorelia 5599511488697455065.html
Stentys va étudier une proposition de rapprochement en titres

Stentys informe ses actionnaires de la décision du conseil d'administration d'ajourner son assemblée générale du 29 novembre qui était appelée à se...

29 Nov 13:24 Boursier.com 7351227821320163191.html
El primer ministro de Irak anuncia su dimisión

Adel Abdul Mahdi abandonará el cargo tras dos meses de protestas populares en las que han muerto más de 370 personas

29 Nov 14:08 La Vanguardia 8061072699857786970.html
Bolsonaro cobra participação de Paulo Skaf em novo partido

O presidente quer que o chefe da Fiesp atue publicamente na consolidação da Aliança

29 Nov 11:25 VEJA.com 4116702196126836298.html
Jesse Lingard speaks on first goal of the season

The 27-year-old gave a pretty decent performance yesterday

29 Nov 10:56 CaughtOffside 8169236757427959308.html
Why are cafe coffees always geared for right-handers?

I’m a left-handed coffee drinker who always has to turn the cup so the handle is on the left and move the spoon to the other side of the saucer.

29 Nov 13:02 The Age 7967730561131671308.html
Sand Eagles mull over allowances - The Nation Newspaper

Despite their listless performance at the 2019 FIFA Beach World Cup holding in Paraguay, the Sand Eagles are threatening fire and brimstones over...

29 Nov 10:23 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900597049292.html
Previa del partido: el Villacañas recibe al Torrijos en la decimosexta jornada

Previa del partido: el Villacañas recibe al Torrijos en la decimosexta jornada

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897969380960164.html
Woman calls cops on black UPS driver because "walking around with a bunch of packages" makes her "nervous"

In this video posted to instagram, a woman calls the cops on a UPS driver because “I don’t understand why you’re walking around with a bunch of packages”. This woman legit c…

29 Nov 13:44 Boing Boing 4601305169597471456.html
Did Jennifer Garner And John Miller Move In Together?

An article last year claimed Jennifer Garner and John Miller were moving in together. A year later, the couple are still not cohabitating.

29 Nov 14:00 Gossip Cop 3271979388876236709.html
Der große (Um-)Bruch: Autoindustrie hadert mit dem Wandel

Der Wandel zu E-Mobilität, Digitalisierung und Vernetzung macht der deutschen Autoindustrie schwer zu schaffen. Ein Überblick über die Problemzonen.

29 Nov 15:49 heise online 1766193383082769460.html
Marta Calvo: una búsqueda por tierra, mar y aire con perros adiestrados en hallar personas vivas

La cita fatal de la joven valenciana desaparecida con un exconvicto por tráfico de drogas con contactos en Italia

29 Nov 12:57 ABC.es 6074573462569490354.html
Tangkal Kabar Hoaks dan Provokatif, Polisi Patroli Siber Jelang Reuni 212

Direktur Tindak Pidana Khusus (Dir Krimsus) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Iwan Kurniawan mengatakan, patroli dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi adanya isu bersifat provokatif sehingga dapat mengganggu kondisi bangsa.

29 Nov 11:00 merdeka.com 1998180354750645539.html
Goldschmiede Dentler in Ulm: Königlicher Schmuck für alle

Die Goldschmiede Dentler zog vor 50 Jahren von Blaubeuren nach Ulm in die Gerbergasse. Mittlerweile ist das Geschäft in Frauenhand, Mutter und Tochter arbeiten zusammen.

29 Nov 10:27 swp.de 6929179440675350772.html
Exmarino dijo que Bel estaba fichado por la Base Zar de Trelew

Carlos Alegre, que en su momento hizo estallar el caso de las espías ilegales, reveló haber visto fichas y documentos con seguimientos y datos del maestro de Trelew. Estaban contenidas en disketes y soporte papel. Una parte del material la quemó la Marina. Buscarán más información.

29 Nov 12:54 El Patagónico 8565457046862911062.html
Lemos: La asociación Cior Galicia pide luces azul turquesa en edificios públicos por el día de los trastornos alimentarios

29 Nov 11:28 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612377162923.html
Singtel's Christmas film is about an entitled teen who must have the latest phone - and we can probably all relate, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - And so the battle of the touching videos on social media begins.... Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:48 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757465870248.html
Unqualified teachers’ll be flushed out December ending — FG

THE Federal Government has given directives that all teachers who do not possess the relevant qualifications should be flushed out of classrooms...

29 Nov 14:27 Vanguard News 4125100340538436148.html
Družina je najbolj nevaren kraj

“Zavest, da je nasilje nekaj nesprejemljivega, se širi in krepi, obenem pa zanj še vedno velja prevelika toleranca,” pravi kriminalistični inšpektor Cveto Kokalj. Policisti in pripadniki nevladnih organizacij, ki pomagajo žrtvam nasilja, so danes predstavili svoje dejavnosti.

29 Nov 15:48 Primorske novice 8884558926313914729.html
Sky, Modugno: "Incontro ADL-squadra nella riservatezza che auspicava il presidente"

Nel corso di Kiss Kiss Napoli è intervenuto l'inviato di Sky a Castel Volturno, Francesco Modugno

29 Nov 14:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079745882794.html
Vodafone: a breve Video Pass incluso nelle offerte dati Giga In&Out e Total Giga

Dal 3 al 31 Dicembre 2019, il portafoglio delle offerte ricaricabili solo dati di Vodafone si arricchirà con l'opzione Video Pass

29 Nov 15:31 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461750322230427.html
Twenty suspects face trial for deadly 2015 Paris attacks

PARIS, Nov 29 — French prosecutors called today for 20 suspects to go on trial over the massacre of 130 people by suicide bombers and gunmen in Paris four years ago. In a 562-page indictment, the office of the national anti-terror prosecutor (PNAT) charged 14 people currently in prison or under...

29 Nov 10:18 Malaymail 302165936496131227.html
NDLEA arraigns man for allegedly peddling 967.9kg marijuana

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Friday in Lagos arraigned one Adeyemi Usman, who allegedly trafficked in 967.9kg of cannabis sativa (marijuana).

29 Nov 12:30 The Guardian 7580308503701480882.html
Premier Iraku zapowiada dymisję po krwawych protestach

Adil Abd al-Mahdi zapowiedział w piątek, że złoży rezygnację ze stanowiska, żeby parlamentarzyści mogli wybrać nowy rząd - informuje Reuters, powołując się na oświadczenie kancelarii premiera. Od początku masowych demonstracji w tym kraju, które trwają od października, zginęło ponad 400 protestujacych.

29 Nov 15:27 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536430681721.html
Erotik-Adventkalender: Der Dezember wird heiß!

Österreichs bestes Frauen-Portal - Liebe und Sex in Partnerschaft und Ehe – Flirt-Tipps für Singles und Ratgeber in allen Belangen der Sexualität

29 Nov 13:32 madonna.oe24.at 6531021244313216082.html
Eyes Wide Shut review – chilling secrecy, quaintly soft-porn sex

Stanley Kubrick’s last film, starring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise as a warring, sexually obsessed couple, is fascinating and disquieting

29 Nov 12:00 the Guardian 1491978795462388840.html
Apu Udine, Cromer: "Contro Piacenza partita molto importante. Non possiamo più fallire davanti ai nostri tifosi"

Udine va in cerca di riscatto contro Piacenza. Una partita, tra le mura del Carnera, da vincere a tutti i costi. A suonare la carica l'americano TJ Cromer: "Sarà una partita molto importante, ma non possiamo più fallire davanti ai nostri tifosi al PalaCarnera. Vogliamo risalire le posizioni in classifica e sfruttare l’opportunità di battere chi ci precede in uno scontro diretto”.

29 Nov 11:27 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668192813447432.html
Gauteng police nab over 600 suspects in operations | Saturday Star

Gauteng police arrested 600 suspects wanted for various crimes including murder, hijacking, rape, assault and robberies, ...

29 Nov 14:17 www.iol.co.za 17825111155992479.html
Genjot Kunjungan Wisman, 3 BUMN Gelar Lomba Lari di Tol Atas Laut

PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) atau Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) bersama Bank Mandiri dan PT Jasa Marga Bali Tol (JET) menggelar lomba lari Mandiri Nusa Dua Internasional Run 2019 (Mandiri NDIR'19) di Tol Bali Mandara yang berada di atas laut.

29 Nov 12:04 merdeka.com 1998180356195379307.html
They Keep Times Square in Order, and a Statue Front and Center

Several Times Square security officers have been doing double duty as “public art ambassadors” for a Kehinde Wiley monument, which ends its New York visit this weekend.

29 Nov 10:00 NY Times 1961078287806202335.html
Eutanasia, Papa Francesco: “In Italia sentenze creative inventano il diritto di morire”

Papa Francesco torna sul tema dell'eutanasia. 'Alcune sentenze - dice - inventano un diritto di morire privo di qualsiasi fondamento giuridico'. Le parole di Bergoglio sono ispirate dalla lezione di Rosario Livatino, giudice vittima di mafia, le cui opinioni in materia di eutanasia secondo il Papa sarebbero 'attualissime' e un esempio 'non soltanto per i magistrati, ma per tutti coloro che operano nel campo del diritto'.

29 Nov 12:11 fanpage.it 1517332168327824685.html
Gemma Collins returns to the rink ahead of the Dancing On Ice Christmas special

She'll be making her explosive return to the ice next month

29 Nov 11:46 Entertainment Daily 8392972517024211282.html
Marianne Vos rijdt zeven crossen (en keert terug in Essen)

Marianne Vos maakt op 7 december in de Ethias Cross in Essen haar rentree in het veld. Daarna gaat de zevenvoudig wereldkampioene veldrijden op trainingska...

29 Nov 15:37 De Standaard 2288913869110620133.html
Mann gikk i Moholtlia ved Nardo

Politiet melder fredag formiddag om en person som går i Moholtlia ved Nardolokket. Går nordover i sørgående felt, ifølge meldingen.

29 Nov 10:53 adressa.no 8417332406869446328.html
Enel inaugura primera planta de energía solar en Tlaxcala

La planta de energía solar Magdalena II, la primera generadora de energía renovable situada en el central estado mexicano de Tlaxcala, empezó a operar este jueves, informó la empresa italiana Enel.

29 Nov 14:05 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559574470287.html
Desembargadora perde Jeep apreendido com filho por tráfico

Desembargadora T&acirc;nia Garcia de Freitas Borges, afastada do cargo por suspeita de ter se aproveitado da estrutura do poder p&uacute;blico para ajudar o filho Breno Fernando Solon Borges - condenado por...

29 Nov 15:01 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490926940081.html
Deal: Sony Paints a New Price on Concrete Genie for Black Friday

Brush fuss

29 Nov 14:30 Push Square 8538862518999059643.html
India announces $400 million loan for Sri Lanka, in support of new president

India will lend Sri Lanka $400 million for infrastructure projects, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday after talks with the island nation's new President Gotabaya Rajapaksa aimed at improving bilateral ties. Sri Lanka, located off the southern tip of India, has become an arena of competing

29 Nov 10:48 Yahoo 7097669637166025814.html
Les meilleurs restaurants du monde, selon La Liste

Parmi les quatre lauréats du classement, on trouve deux établissements japonais, un américain et un français., La Liste 2020 vient d’être dévoilée. Ce classement répertorie les tables de 180 pays pour

29 Nov 13:22 Capital.fr 2641485281651821440.html
Katia Palma: este es el estilo favorito de blusas de la actriz

Katia Palma muestra cual es el estilo de blusas que más le gusta replicar en sus looks.

29 Nov 11:02 Wapa.pe 6757287089090215402.html
Microsoft touts Edge's new tab page connection to Office 365

By using group policy objects, IT admins can turn the browser into a front end for Office 365 with an enterprise-centric new tab page.

29 Nov 11:00 Computerworld 8450890021773082972.html
Il Black Friday non vi basta? Ecco le offerte del Cyber Monday

Sconti su prodotti di tecnologia, su Amazon ed eBay ma anche da Unieuro e Mediaworld. Prezzi stracciati anche per voli con Ryanair e soggiorni su Booking

29 Nov 10:04 Wired 7504010958307733490.html
Footage Of The 1993 Sonic The Hedgehog Macy's Parade Disaster Finally Surfaces Online

Gotta go... into a lamppost

29 Nov 12:00 Nintendo Life 5246707018411392658.html
Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi yayi kira ga Barrack Obama da Sarauniyar Ingila su dawo addinin Musulunci na kakanninsu

Sanannen malamin addinin musuluncin nan, Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi, ya yi kira da babbar murya ga tsohon shugaban kasar Amurka, Barrack Obama da Sarauniyar Ingila Elizabeth da sauran kiristoci da su dawo addininsu na Islama...

29 Nov 10:54 Legit 7368782176490487088.html
Prisoners Are Allowed To Take SPM Examinations in Jail Too! We Found Out How

The internet is BOOMING with students carrying out their 'end of SPM celebrations'. Students screamed, drew on each other's uniforms, caused traffic jams, and although some of them were a little cringy, we can't overlook the more touching celebrations that came out of this year's examinations. Like this picture of…

29 Nov 10:14 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116579907762962.html
Disney Plus: Everything you need to know about Disney’s new ad-free streaming service

A new streaming service has joined the ranks of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and the many other services jostling for control of your TV. Disney Plus features TV and movie content from names we’re all well familiar with: Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney Television.

2 Dec 12:09 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882326811836.html
Equipo campeón mundial de Counter-Strike sale a cotizar en bolsa

Aunque el equipo no saldrá como empresa de e-sports, lo hará bajo su firma de medios Grupo Astralis.

29 Nov 12:39 El Tiempo 1091719939750723954.html
Marseille : une autre manifestation anti-Black Friday sur la rue Saint-Ferréol

En même temps que la manifestation aux Terrasses du port, un groupe d’une vingtaine de manifestants portant des affiches "Block Friday" siglées du mouvement protestataire Extinction-Rebellion empêchent actuellement, dans le calme, l’accès au méga store H&M de la rue Saint-Ferréol, au centre de Marseille. Seul un ascenseur latéral permet l’entrée au compte-gouttes dans le magasin de vêtements.

29 Nov 15:22 LaProvence 1839381421224107114.html
Mira Calix releases United Visual Artists soundtrack, Our Time

Limited to 500 copies, Our Time is released as an etched, single-sided 12″.

29 Nov 11:35 FACT Magazine 7458605276302214032.html
BER soll in weniger als einem Jahr eröffnet werden

Der Hauptstadtflughafen BER soll nach jahrelanger Verzögerung am 31. Oktober 2020 eröffnet werden. Diesen Termin habe Flughafenchef Engelbert Lütke Daldrup am Freitag dem Aufsichtsrat genannt, teilte die Betreibergesellschaft Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg (FBB) im Kurzbotschaftendienst Twitter ...

29 Nov 13:38 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569424529267.html
Cuba y la UE acercan posiciones sobre el bloqueo de EEUU a la Isla

Con similares posiciones de rechazo al recrudecimiento del bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por Estados Unidos a Cuba, comenzó esta jornada en el Hotel Nacional la segunda ronda de diálogos entre la Unión Europea (UE) y la Isla sobre medidas coercitivas unilaterales.

29 Nov 13:41 Escambray 1851904802679650903.html
Finanzierung größtes Problem für österreichische Medien

Die Finanzierung haben Journalisten am Freitag bei einer Podiumsdiskussion in Lech am Arlberg als größtes Problem für österreichische Medien bezeichnet. Für Nana Siebert, stellvertretende Chefredakteurin des "Standard", ist besonders die Abhängigkeit von politischen Inseraten bedenklich. "Das ist eine subtile Möglichkeit, Druck auszuüben", sagte sie beim Europäischen Mediengipfel.

29 Nov 15:41 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700918297352.html
Barroso, titular en la goleada de Urquiza

Con la defensora tandilense Agustina Barroso entre sus titulares, UAI Urquiza goleó ayer a Lanús por 4 a 0 como visitante y se posicionó en el tercer lugar del campeonato femenino de fútbol de primera división, en partido postergado por la quinta fecha del torneo, que se desarrolló en el predio de Valentín Alsina. A […]

29 Nov 10:00 El Eco 4177735523835016532.html
Diablo 4 will be using a new engine, will allow the camera to zoom out, will have better animations

In an interview with AusGamers, Blizzard confirmed that Diablo 4 will be using a new game engine. While the team did not reveal any specific details, it did state that the game now uses Physically Based Rendering.

29 Nov 15:32 DSOGaming 1253419764120194738.html
Club ready to hold talks over Southampton player – Want to agree reduced fee

Turkish website Sporx claims Galatasaray manager Fatih Terim wants Southampton loanee Mario Lemina to remain at the club beyond this season. Gala loaned Lemina from the Premier League side in August, and after a poor start the Gabonese international has found some form in recent weeks. The 26 year old is now one of the

29 Nov 10:38 Sport Witness 200001553371917351.html
Avete visto dove vive Eleonora Daniele? Per la regina di Storie Italiane l’eleganza è innata

Eleonora Daniele è una delle conduttrici più amate del piccolo schermo. La giornalista nel corso del tempo è riuscita a costruire una carriera solida, diventando sempre più, volto di punta della rete ammiraglia. Di lei conosciamo praticamente ogni cosa, e della sua vita privata ha lei stesso parlato più volte, ma avete mai visto dove […]

29 Nov 10:40 KontroKultura 2573504972846011423.html
Lekkerbekke sluit die jaar af by La Villa Vita

Die Laeveld Lekkerbekke het onlangs die jaar afgesluit met 'n uithaler-aansitete op 'n terras buite by La Villa Vita, een van die voorste onthaalplekke en gasteverblywe hier in Mbombela.

29 Nov 10:07 Lowvelder 3143322320990720880.html
El BBVA declara que l'excúpula directiva estava al corrent de la contractació de Villarejo

Segons el responsable legal de l'entitat, l'excap de seguretat va contractar l'excomissari

29 Nov 13:02 Ara.cat 6070605020215310640.html
Trenitalia e Regione, ecco il nuovo contratto: «Una vera rivoluzione»

TRASPORTI - Il documento regola i rapporti per lo svolgimento dei servizi ferroviari nei prossimi 15 anni e sostituirà quello attualmente in vigore. Previsto l'ammodernamento di tutto il parco mezzi. Il governatore Ceriscioli: «Nel 2025 l'età media dei treni circolanti nelle Marche sarà di 6 anni». L'assessore Sciapichetti: «Impatto straordinario sulla mobilità regionale»

29 Nov 14:53 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195020659020.html
Cambio de ciclo también para las empresas: los beneficios comienzan a reducirse

El beneficio ordinario se ha reducido un 1% en los tres primeros trimestres de 2019 como consecuencia del parón de las ventas y la subida de los costes salariales

29 Nov 11:03 El Confidencial 6129807550533042769.html
Erick Pulgar es citado nuevamente a tribunales por atropello protagonizado en 2013

El seleccionado chileno deberá enfrentar a la justicia por un atropello con víctima fatal que protagonizó en 2013.

29 Nov 10:47 T13 7836926439958183550.html
Buffalo mit nächstem überzeugenden NFL-Sieg

Die Buffalo Bills haben am traditionellen Thanksgiving-Day-Spieltag in der amerikanischen Football-Liga NFL einen weiteren überzeugenden Sieg gefeiert.

29 Nov 10:05 NÖN.at 2486998932919306941.html
Hallmarking For Gold To Be Mandatory From 2021, Industry Welcomes Move

One year period will be provided for implementation of hallmarking decision to enable jewellers clear their existing stock.

29 Nov 11:02 Bloomberg | Quint 7403450740474840390.html
iPhone 2020 Akan Jadi yang Terbesar Ukurannya

iPhone 2020 Akan Jadi yang Terbesar Ukurannya

29 Nov 15:37 merdeka.com 1998180355827031490.html
Mango and passion-fruit sorbet recipe 

Don&rsquo;t panic about the liquid glucose.

29 Nov 13:00 The Telegraph 140598092035284988.html
Griselda: The Second Coming Of That "Classic Shit"

Few can go bar-for-bar with Griselda, Buffalo's tight-knit rap crew that is giving an old sound new flavor. There&rsquo;s a scene from Francis Coppola&rsquo;s The Godfather that is widely considered to be one of the trilogy&rsquo;s defining moments. In the aftermath of the attempt on his father&rsqu...

29 Nov 11:09 hnhh 366195973800424383.html
Nikolas Hurtubise affronte les Prédateurs

Joueur de la dernière semaine dans la Ligue de hockey junior majeur du Québec, Nikolas Hurtubise sera devant la cage du Titan de Princeville, ce soir à 20 h, alors…

29 Nov 14:31 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068145967895088.html
Bentley Bentayga now available with 4-seat, 7-seat layout

Luxury SUV now available with either a four- or seven-seat layout. A facelift is also in the works. Click to know more.

29 Nov 15:35 Autocar India 1039296990932840701.html
Sutra Osmi kongres vladajuće DPS

PODGORICA - Demokratska partija socijalista (DPS) sutra će održati Osmi partijski Kongres, što je najveći partijski skup tog formata u istoriji partije,

29 Nov 15:12 Krstarica 4176903989174728506.html
PRF prende homem por porte ilegal de arma de fogo

Agentes da Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF), prenderam um homem na noite de ontem (28) por porte ilegal de arma. O flagrante ocorreu durante patrulhamento no km 23 da BR – 101, município de União dos Palmares/AL. Passava das 20 horas quando uma equipe da PRF realizava fiscalizações e avistou – em uma área de estabelecimento...

29 Nov 12:02 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010005195052.html
Rukometašice Srbije sutra startuju na SP: Angola prvi rival

KUMAMOTO - Ženska rukometna reprezentacija Srbije sutra ujutro u sedam sati, po srednjeevropskom vremenu, utakmicom protiv Angole počinje nastup na

29 Nov 14:33 Krstarica 4176903989027385046.html
Klaas enthüllt Netflix-Geheimnis - der Streaming-Dienst reagiert prompt

Ganz nebenher verrät Klaas Heufer-Umlauf in seiner Show „Late Night Berlin“ ein Geheimnis - aber das betrifft nicht ihn, sondern den 77-jährigen Entertainer Frank Elstner. Sowie Netflix.

29 Nov 14:44 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239233058895.html
PNV y Podemos recogen el derecho a decidir "pactado" con el Estado en el nuevo Estatuto

El experto del PSE rechaza las formulaciones de los juristas del PNV y Podemos dentro del acuerdo alcanzado en gran parte del articulado: su introducción pone en riesgo el conjunto del consenso

29 Nov 15:59 El Confidencial 6129807549442336568.html
Mau Investasi Lagi di Jalan Tol, Wika Siapkan Capex Rp16 T

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) pada tahun 2020 mendatang bakal mengalokasikan belanja modal atau (capital expenditure/capex) senilai Rp16 trilliun.

29 Nov 11:45 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834967836578.html
Projeto que obriga ônibus de turismo em Pomerode a contratar guias será arquivado

Valeu a pressão de entidades ligadas ao trade turístico. Em decisão unânime tomada em reunião nesta quinta-feira (28), o Conselho Municipal de Turismo de Pomerode se posicionou de forma contrária a um projeto de lei apresentado pela prefeitura que obrigaria ônibus e vans de turismo que entram na cidade a contratarem guias para atender os turistas.

29 Nov 11:12 NSC Total 4216767909040598168.html
Prado, la tienda de electrodomésticos preferida por los salvadoreños

Almacenes Prado fue elegido como la tienda de electrodomésticos preferida de los salvadoreños, en la décima primera edición del Utec Top Brand Award 2019: Wake Up edition. Este galardón se entrega a las marcas preferidas de los salvadoreños, en 39 diferentes categorías, en las que se evalúa el atributo de la marca, su participación de mercado e intención de compra futura. El estudio es desarrollado por el Centro de Investigación de la Opinión Pública Salvadoreña (Ciops) de la Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador (UTEC). "Estamos muy contentos de haber recibido este premio gracias a la preferencia de nuestros clientes. En Prado siempre nos preocupamos por bríndale lo mejor, no solo en la calidad de nuestros productos, sino también con excelentes precios y facilidades de pago, nos comprometemos a continuar sirviéndoles con los mejores beneficios", dijo Ruth Orantes, Gerente de Mercadeo de Prado. Foto/Cortesía Por 73 años, almacenes Prado ha estado presente en el mercado salvadoreño, a

29 Nov 14:22 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772943728960701.html
Alliances: Un gioco di luce, l'ultima creazione di Stan Lee | Cultura Pop

Alliances: Un gioco di luce è il primo capitolo di una saga letteraria young adult, ultima creazione del genio di Stan Lee Alliances: Un gioco di luce è il primo capitolo di una saga letteraria young adult, ultima creazione del genio di Stan Lee

29 Nov 15:29 Tom's Hardware 6640147070503522109.html
Tennis: Sumit Nagal registers first Davis Cup win as India race to a 2-0 lead against Pakistan

Ramkumar double-bageled (6-0, 6-0) 17-year-old Muhammed Shoaib in just 42 minutes in the opening singles match.

29 Nov 11:17 Scroll.in 8669301694103007204.html
Akui Menyesal Tak Bisa Dampingi Sang Istri Saat Lahirkan Anak Kedua, Eno NTRL: Itu Momen yang Pengin Gue Ulang..

Eno NTRL mengaku menyesal tak bisa dampingi sang istri, Nadila Ernesta saat lahiran anak kedua dan ia ingin mengulang momen tersebut.

29 Nov 14:34 grid.id 586386474800115376.html
Los 17 magistrados del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid dictan criterio sobre Glovo: sus 'riders' son falsos autónomos

La sentencia estima parcialmente el recurso de un repartidor y establece que existe una relación laboral y no de autónomos con la plataformaEl Pleno del TSJ de Madrid sienta criterio en la materia dentro del tribunal, después de que una sala dictara un fallo en el que avaló la relación de autónomos de Glovo"Es una sentencia muy importante, porque a partir de ahora el TSJ de Madrid seguirá este criterio cuando le lleguen estos casos", explica el abogado del trabajador, Luis Suárez Machota

29 Nov 11:50 eldiario.es 4752673444780510432.html
Elena Garro vuelve a la mesa de novedades

La novela “Los recuerdos del porvenir”, un clásico de la literatura mexicana, es lanzada por el sello editorial Alfaguara con comentarios de diversas escritoras como Guadalupe Nettel y Carolina Sanín, entre otras

29 Nov 12:40 El Informador 103545928133377565.html
Toya Wright Spends Time With Her Sister And Niece For Thanksgiving

Toya Wright spent some quality time with her sister and niece for Thanksgiving. Fans are always happy to see Toya with these ladies and, of course,

29 Nov 15:39 Celebrity Insider 265863476071507695.html
BREAKING: Court grants Mompha N100m bail - The Nation Newspaper

A Federal High Court in Lagos on Friday granted N100m bail to suspected money launderer, Ismaila Mustapha, also known as Mompha...

29 Nov 14:40 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900090853833.html
Parlamentares derrubam vetos a mudanças na lei eleitoral

Na sessão do Congresso Nacional desta quarta-feira (27), os parlamentares decidiram retomar pontos vetados do projeto de lei de mudanças na legislação eleitoral (PL 5029/19). Entre eles, o dispositivo que deixa para a Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) definir os recursos para o Fundo Especial de Financi

29 Nov 13:08 Terça Livre TV 3346245885286271550.html
Heute Start unserer Online-Auktion: Mitsteigern für Steirer in Not

Unsere Herzenswunsch-Auktion wartet mit ganz besonderen Exponaten auf: Prominente aus unterschiedlichsten Bereichen setzen ihre Zeit ein!

29 Nov 13:16 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700277858638.html
Aprobaron la ordenanza para la reducción de la planta política en Capital

Lo confirmó el ministro de Gobierno, quien asumirá el próximo 10 de diciembre en el municipio más importante de la provincia.

29 Nov 15:03 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157788220593.html
Informalidade bate novo recorde em outubro, diz IBGE

Ao todo, 36,3 milhões de brasileiros estavam com trabalho informal no período

29 Nov 13:00 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699334927505.html
Vedono un ragno sotto il divano: 2 ragazze terrorizzate chiamano i pompieri. «Era troppo grosso»

Stavano facendo le pulizie domestiche le due ragazze di Mattarello (Trento) che, ieri mattina, hanno chiamato i pompieri per un'emergenza. I vigili del fuoco non hanno però dovuto...

29 Nov 15:30 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446396305870.html
Hier heiratet Vanessa Maizum zweiten Mal

Vanessa Mai hat ihren Ehemann Andreas Ferber in einem Video zum zweiten Mal geheiratet. Und Xavier Naidoo ist ihr Trauzeuge.

29 Nov 10:31 Bild 8433249907351307627.html
UNS: Slučaj zastrašivanja Sovilja na Platformi za zaštitu novinarstva Saveta Evrope

Udruženje novinara Srbije (UNS) saopštilo je danas da je na Platformi Saveta Evrope za zaštitu novinarstva i bezbednost novinara i slučaj novinara N1 Miodraga Sovilja zbog "prljave kampanje" posle postavljanja pitanja predsedniku Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću.Slučaj je Platformi Saveta Evrope prijavila Evropska federacija novinara.Sovilj je, stoji na Platformi, bio meta zastrašivanja, pretnji i prljave kampanje zvaničnika i medija bliskih vlasti. Razlog je, navodi se, hospitalizacija Vučića nekoliko sati nakon što ga je Sovilj javno suočio sa optužbama o korupciji u vladi.Vučića je Sovilj 15. novembra ispitivao o navodnoj ulozi oca ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića u sumnjivoj kupovini državnog oružja i više puta ga pitao da li mu je poznat dokument koji je pokazivao na svom telefonu, a koji bi trebalo da dokazuje sukob interesa, navodi se na Platformi.Kako je UNS preneo, onda su usledila "zastrašivanja", "pretnje" i "prljava kampanja" zvaničnika i medija koji su optuživali Sovilja da je "provocirao…

29 Nov 11:15 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081338260454.html
Coppo del mondo di sci, discesa libera a Lake Louise: favoriti e orari tv

Via alle prove veloci nella Coppa del Mondo sci, domani la libera di Lake Louise

29 Nov 13:33 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187966273336.html
Mum shares brilliant 'unicorn potion' trick to get kids to take their medicine

The post has been flooded with comments from grateful parents.

29 Nov 13:43 Metro 970161747018657431.html
El peor año de Jorge Valdivia: Cierra la temporada con el menor registro de partidos jugados de su carrera

El Mago termina contrato en diciembre y tiene que negociar con la directiva de Colo Colo justo después de cumplir la temporada con menos continuidad. Las lesiones y expulsiones mermaron su aporte.

29 Nov 14:24 Dale Albo 4082402097872363228.html
Anas sul Ponte dell'Olla a Gaiola: "Fino ad ora non risultano problemi di natura strutturale"

La data fissata per le nuove prove di carico è quella del prossimo 4 dicembre. Dopo l'esito si procederà con gli interventi di risanamento dei giunti, della pavimentazione e della nuova impermeabilizzazione della soletta per...

29 Nov 13:01 Targatocn.it 7367208848339644932.html
Black Friday: haro sur Amazon, symbole de la surconsommation

Impact négatif sur la planète, casse sociale, fraude fiscale... Malgré ses démentis répétés, le géant américain du commerce en ligne Amazon s'est retr - 29/11/2019 15:10

29 Nov 14:10 ABC Bourse 2538693399053360066.html
P-8A Poseidon base works commence

Hon Ron Mark

29 Nov 15:06 SCOOP 5315659000034453288.html
Samsung regista sensores noturnos para o Galaxy S11

O vindouro Samsung Galaxy S11 já começa a ter pedaços prévios de informação espalhados pela internet, inevitavelmente. A mais recente é uma patente...

29 Nov 14:06 4gnews 1809086877580449457.html
Milhares de jovens protestam nas ruas de Lisboa em defesa do planeta

Milhares de ativistas, na maioria jovens, estão a protestar nas ruas de Lisboa para exigir medidas do governo que protejam o planeta, sublinhando que já se sabe quais são “as soluções, mas faltam as ações”. Os manifestantes em Lisboa associam-se a mais uma Greve Climática Global em defesa do planeta, que se está a realizar em cidades de todo o mundo. São quase todos jovens e vêm de escolas, desde o ensino básico ao superior, mas também há ativistas mais velhos, como Deolinda Peralta. Aos 67 anos, Deolinda voltou a trocar o conforto de sua casa pelas ruas de Lisboa para exigir medidas, trazendo nas costas um gigantesco pano branco com uma mensagem: “Temos as soluções. Faltam as ações”. A mensagem não é de sua autoria. “Foi na escola da minha neta que inventaram”, contou à Lusa, lamentando que a neta, aluna do 8.º ano, não tenha participado no protesto de hoje. “As escolas deviam estar na linha da frente, mas não estão. São alguns alunos que se colocam à frente das escolas. Mas muitos têm medo de faltar as aulas”…

29 Nov 14:05 O Minho 154418196587556993.html
Napoli a mano armata, si torna a sparare per strada: tre agguati in poche ore

Spari in pieno centro e in periferia. Gambizzazioni e agguati mortali. Episodi gravissimi che destano preoccupazione

29 Nov 13:49 Today 178378750927225105.html
Kako da napravite posnu picu

Ukoliko želite da napravite posnu picu potrebni su vam sljedeći sastojci:

29 Nov 13:28 Nezavisne novine 4209150642992207420.html
How to set a print area in Microsoft Excel to print a specific section of your spreadsheet

By its form, a spreadsheet enables you to spread out and add data to any cell.

29 Nov 14:40 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883319342882.html
Le PSG fait aussi son Black Friday

Comme la plupart des marques, le PSG surfe sur le Black Friday et propose des promotions depuis ce matin : le club en lance d'ailleurs une par heure.

29 Nov 14:19 CulturePSG 4652604847351797845.html
Dictadura en Bolivia: así el Gobierno amenazó abiertamente a la comitiva argentina

Arturo Murillo, ministro de Gobierno, amenazó a Grabois y toda la comitiva argentina que fue a Bolivia a intentar garantizar el estado de derecho y el cuidado de los DDHH. Así amenazó a los argentinos ante los medios.

29 Nov 14:42 Diario Registrado 7686014736501388164.html
Alimentação com pouco carboidrato ajuda a combater gripe

Consumir carne, peixe, aves e vegetais ativa um conjunto de células de defesa nos pulmões

29 Nov 12:29 Folha Vitória 4941883427538231422.html
CSJ beneficia a yerno de Otto Pérez Molina

Aunque una sala ordenó el retiro de la libertad condicional al yerno del ex presidente Otto Pérez Molina, la Corte Suprema de Justicia le otorgó un amparo para que no vuelva a prisión preventiva.

29 Nov 13:09 Canal Antigua 5059206893842344327.html
Yara Gambirasio, trovati proiettili sul campo di Chignolo d’Isola durante la diretta di Mattino 5

MILANO – Nove proiettili inesplosi sono stati trovati questa mattina, 29 novembre, da Barbara Montrasio, inviata di Mattino Cinque, nel campo di Chignolo d’Isola dove il 26 febbraio 2011 fu ritrovato il corpo senza vita di Yara Gambirasio, scomparsa tre mesi prima da Brembate di Sopra. “I proiettili si trovavano accanto al luogo dove da nove anni vengono lasciati fiori e biglietti per la giovane ginnasta di Brembate – si legge in una nota Mediaset -. L’inviata della trasmissione ha informato i carabinieri e i militari della Compagnia di Treviglio sono giunti sul posto inoltrando la segnalazione all’autorità giudiziaria”. Solo tre giorni fa ricorreva il nono anniversario dell’omicidio della 13enne, trovata morta sullo stesso campo dove sono stati rinvenuti i nove proiettili. Il suo cadavere è rimasto per tre mesi nel campo a pochi chilometri da casa sua, mentre volontari ed forze dell’ordine la cercavano ovunque. Il ritrovamento è avvenuto per caso grazie alla segnalazione di un appassionato di modellismo che…

29 Nov 10:21 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355138668194.html
With 20-plus brands, Rohit Sharma is new blue-eyed boy for corporate firms

Rohit currently charges Rs 1 crore per day for each brand which can be anything from TVC, promotional event, print or digital commitments

29 Nov 13:15 Business-Standard 1502508924896064334.html
Gedenken an tschechisch-österreichische Grenzöffnung 1989

Außenminister Alexander Schallenberg hat am Freitag gemeinsam mit seinem tschechischen Amtskollegen Tomas Petricek sowie der niederösterreichischen Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) sowie dem südmährischen Kreishauptmann Bohumil Simek der Grenzöffnung vor 30 Jahren gedacht. Sie trafen einander auf der Thayabrücke zwischen Hardegg und Cizov und besichtigten Reste des Eisernen Vorhangs.

29 Nov 13:41 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700625039635.html
Samsung Galaxy S10 im Langzeittest: Gebaut, um zu bleiben

Das Samsung Galaxy S10 im Langzeittest: Nach mehr als sechs Monate Nutzung verraten wir euch, ob sich der Kauf des Flaggschiffs lohnt.

29 Nov 13:01 CURVED 5947652462852147592.html
Death of baby boy in North being treated as murder

PSNI issues public appeal to trace movements of BMW car around Keady area

29 Nov 13:34 The Irish Times 8204772969012348186.html
Ivanka Trump: So sorgte die Präsidententochter mit einem Bild für Angst und Schrecken

Ivanka Trump ist hochaktiv, wenn es um ihre Social-Media-Kanäle geht.

29 Nov 12:02 www.derwesten.de 5765995667146530993.html
Comic-Biografie: Typex: "Rembrandt war ein ungehobelter Tölpel in einer Welt, die er nicht ganz verstanden hat"

Vor 350 Jahren ist er gestorben, der große niederländische Meister des Barocks und noch heute kennt ihn jeder unter seinem Vornamen: Rembrandt.

29 Nov 12:46 stern.de 4680145938546449151.html
Sosok di Balik Novel Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 yang Jadi Kontroversi

Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 diangkat ke dalam film layar lebar berjudul sama.

29 Nov 12:41 moms-life 8028540702917218134.html
Dos detenidos por narcotráfico tras un allanamiento en barrio Los Hornos

Este jueves El procedimiento fue en la tarde de este jueves en un domicilio de Pedro de Vega al 3600.

29 Nov 12:44 El Litoral 2624573358222143054.html
Puente de Londres fue cerrado por ataque con arma blanca: Se reportan múltiples heridos

En el icónico lugar de la capital inglesa se escucharon disparos, según reportan testigos.

29 Nov 11:21 T13 7836926439127472210.html
Black Friday Amazon deals' costs: Workers' health, climate change and your own taxes ǀ View

The e-commerce giant's convenience comes with hidden surcharges: The social cost of its retail dominance manifests in workers’ battered bodies, the mental exhaustion of brutal production quotas, a sprawling carbon footprint and lavish tax subsidies that come out of consumers’ pockets.

29 Nov 14:30 euronews 7318238120927821941.html
Dal Black Friday al Black Hole Friday: oggi è la giornata dei buchi neri

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 14:46 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207118160082.html
This is how a children's play area in Gorton looked last night...residents aren't happy

Equipment and benches were left submerged in water at Sunnybrow Park

29 Nov 15:45 men 6694993427792780880.html
Torino di Sangro, uccide la moglie a colpi di pietra

L’omicidio della moglie in contrada Montesecco al culmine di una lite. Il 68enne è stato bloccato dai carabinieri. Sembra che soffrisse di disturbi psichici.

29 Nov 13:40 ilGiornale.it 5019541225890345166.html
Europa League 2019/20 Ergebnisse: Frankfurt besiegt Arsenal! Auch Wolfsburg und Gladbach jubeln

Am Donnerstag, 28. November 2019, startet die Europa League in den fünften Spieltag mit den nächsten Partien in der Gruppenphase. Dann spielen VfL Wolfsburg gegen Oleksandria, Borussia Mönchengladbach gegen Wolfsberg undFC Arsenal gegen Eintracht Frankfurt. Alle wollen nur eins: Weiter kommen und ins Sechzehntelfinale einziehen.

29 Nov 11:35 news.de 5126378977857592020.html
Ibrahimovic files ‘hate crime’ complaint after house, statue vandalised

Swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic Thursday filed a "hate crime" complaint Thursday after being the target of vandalism and racists threats, police said, a day after the star announced his part ...

29 Nov 10:23 Punch Newspapers 3524240994791907389.html
Il Black Friday diventa solidale con la campagna #eBayDonaPerTe | Hi-Tech.Leonardo.it

Iniziativa benefica di eBay che donerà parte dei soldi derivanti dal Black Friday ad una onlus che aiuta i ragazzi disagiati.

29 Nov 12:12 Leonardo.it Hi-tech 2620845189724822874.html
M5S, il candidato in Calabria? Tegola sui grillini: "Ha una villetta abusiva"

La villetta di Francesco Aiello, il candidato M5S per le regionali in Calabria...

29 Nov 13:45 Il Tempo 2494990959463954556.html
Polisinsats på London Bridge – flera skadade

En skottlossning har ägt rum i centrala London.

29 Nov 15:19 HD 3336945411869446585.html
EU to be more 'assertive' says new chief Michel

Europe will become more "assertive" on the world stage, the new head of the European Council, Charles Michel, has vowed as he took over from Donald Tusk.

29 Nov 12:08 RTE.ie 7595237278048395735.html
Kind-hearted Alexandria veteran raises over £5000 for charity with piping skills

82-year-old Captain Bryan Warren spent the summer entertaining shoppers at Loch Lomond Shores to raise money for Erskine.

29 Nov 11:20 dailyrecord 552235480874500869.html
Medienbericht über schwarze Kasse für Wahlkämpfe: Neue Parteispendenaffäre bei der AfD

Neue und schwere Vorwürfe gegen die AfD: Wie der "Spiegel" berichtet, soll die Partei unter anderem bereits in ihrer Gründungsphase Wahlkämpfe mit einer schwarzen Kasse finanziert haben. Der Bundesta

29 Nov 13:35 GMX News 4492287762738229838.html
Borussia manda representante para ver Antony; Outro clube alemão sonda SPFC

UOL José Eduardo Martins Antony deve ser o jogador mais procurado do São Paulo pelos grandes clubes europeus nesta janela de transferência. Representantes do Borussia Dortmund foram enviados para acompanhar a partida de ontem, no Morumbi, entre o Tricolor paulista e o Vasco. Na ocasião, o atacante foi o autor do gol da vitória dos […]

29 Nov 14:44 SPNet 4856363012662795548.html
Batman Arkham Legacy First Trailer To Be Shown At The Game Awards – Rumor

The next entry in the Batman Arkham Legacy is apparently getting revealed at this year's The Game Awards show with a brand new trailer.

29 Nov 11:12 Wccftech 3677959678420138185.html
Projeto sobre voluntariado de idosos é pauta de entrevista

O vereador Ítalo Otávio, autor do Projeto foi o entrevistado do Jornal da 100.3, no comentário político, Flamarion Portela falou sobre a viabilização da transferência de terras da União para o estado de Roraima.

29 Nov 15:00 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549456232005.html
Policija: Incident povezan s terorizmom, Skaj njuz: jedna žrtva

LONDON - Britanska policija saopštila je danas da, iz predostrožnosti, tretira incident na Londonskom mostu kao "povezan sa terorizmom" i potvrdila da je

29 Nov 15:54 Krstarica 4176903988705907628.html
Bailee Madison Announces End of 'Just Between Us' Podcast With Sister Kaitlin Vilasuso

JJJ is incredibly sad over the fact that Bailee Madison and sister Kaitlin Vilasuso are ending their podcast, Just Between Us.

29 Nov 12:10 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173071364016.html
Previa del partido: el Colonia recibe en casa al FC Augsburg

Previa del partido: el Colonia recibe en casa al FC Augsburg

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897970722060154.html
Les jeux Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order et Terminator Resistance s'essaient au Ray Tracing avec le Reshade Mod

Les jeux Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order et Terminator Resistance s'essaient au Ray Tracing avec le Reshade Mod. On vous laisse d..., actualité 69818

29 Nov 10:36 Cowcotland 6610786358904811337.html
The Irishman: Joe Pesci immortalato in una featurette! | Cultura Pop

Joe Pesci, uno degli attori di The Irishman, è stato il protagonista di una featurette appena pubblicata da Deadline e Netflix.

29 Nov 15:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147069841557618.html
Premier Mateusz Morawiecki: mamy plan B

Myślę, że pan prezes NIK Marian Banaś poda się dzisiaj do dymisji. Jeśli tego nie zrobi mamy plan B - zapowiedział premier Mateusz Morawiecki. - Zostanie przedstawiony, gdy prezes nie poda się do dymisji

29 Nov 10:34 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673213490182099.html
Government Extends Mandatory FASTag Roll Out Date To Dec. 15

Over 70 lakh FASTags had been issued till Wednesday, with the highest per-day issuance of 1,35,583 tags on Nov. 26.

29 Nov 15:25 Bloomberg | Quint 7403450740883689246.html
CADE 2019: Empresarios se pronuncian sobre allanamiento a oficinas de Confiep

Hubo sorpresa en el foro de Paracas sobre las diligencias que se llevan a cabo en las oficinas del gremio

29 Nov 14:53 canalN.pe 1595273587931137524.html
BBNaija: Is Khadoni Next Bamteddy? (Video)

In what appears to be a journey to the next level, former BBNaija housemate, Gedoni has stated that his relationship with Khafi has got to a permanent site.

29 Nov 11:56 Concise 5544636823708505009.html
Rever & Drage builds one third of a house for a deer hunter in Norway

Norwegian studio Rever & Drage has completed 1/3 House, a building that is part home and part empty space.

29 Nov 12:54 Dezeen 1175672639869471591.html
Cuatro muertes por accidentes de tránsito se registraron entre ayer y hoy

Los fallecidos son tres jóvenes y un adulto.

29 Nov 12:20 Primera Hora 5092966653399384851.html
Armonía social

El descontento, la indignación, las quejas, el memorial de agravios son métodos para llamar ahora con gritos y carteles y cacerolas, la atención de los gobernantes.En principio, uno estaría tentado a decir que un proceso electoral para elegir gobernadores, alcaldes, diputados, concejales y ediles, las autoridades más cercanas a la ciudadanía, cumplen la tarea de canalizar las diferentes demandas. Se supone que ellas se identificarían y recogerían durante una larga campaña en la cual más de 117 mil candidatos competían por alcanzar la confianza de un número suficiente de ciudadanos para salir elegidos.Entonces, ¿qué pasó? ¿Ese proceso electoral ya no sirve para identificar y canalizar estos reclamos populares? No se puede decir que en Bogotá la candidata Claudia López no representaba una opción bien diferente de las convencionales. Con todo, el electorado bogotano no parecería entenderlo así. Lo propio se puede decir del alcalde elegido en Cali, quien no es, precisamente el representante del establecimiento tradicional.…

29 Nov 14:50 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347710172291.html
Arsenal Manager Unai Emery Sacked After 18 Months at Premier League Club

Spanish football manager and former player Unai Emery Etxegoien became the head coach of Premier League club Arsenal in May 2018, signing a two-year deal with the club, while Arsenal reportedly had an option to extend his deal for a further year.

29 Nov 13:20 Sputniknews 967333867656802064.html
GoPay Jadi Dompet Digital Pilihan Pengguna di 2019

Terlihat dari hasil riset oleh salah satu media tersebut menyatakan digital wallet menjadi kategori fintech paling populer dengan perolehan sebesar 82,7%.

29 Nov 14:41 detikinet 7802439222570389690.html
Emozioni diVino, si ripete 'La Gran Curma'

La Gran Curmà replica l'1 Dicembre. Domenica ritorna il rito della vendemmia per assaporare i profumi e le emozioni che ruotano intorno ad un momento nevralgico per la vita di un vigneron.

29 Nov 11:26 AvellinoToday 5452883947756405506.html
Bag a bargain in HP's sitewide Cyber Monday sale

If you've been considering an HP product in the past, now is the perfect time to invest. The company is offering 15% off its entire store until the end of Cyber Monday.

2 Dec 13:14 Tech Advisor 6450858316736253607.html
Unai Emery sacked: Where did it all go wrong?

A look at where the Spaniard came up short since taking over from Arsene Wenger.

29 Nov 12:18 Sports Mole 7750663361644173315.html
‘Udalaazham’ is a plea for better understanding of the third gender, says director Unnikrishnan Avala

The film zooms in on the life of a tribal transgender and his search for identity

29 Nov 12:00 The Hindu 6679535026335606841.html
Baby born with five inches of jet-black hair compared to Jungle Book's Mowgli

Parents Sara Morris, 36, and Joshua Jones, 29, were blown away when 7lb 8oz Oscar was born with an astonishing 5cm of thick jet-black hair

29 Nov 13:57 Wales Online 7686550517461153776.html
Juncker termina su mandato acusando a los gobiernos UE de actuar por "razones oscuras"

El ya expresidente de la Comisión Europea que ha dedicado 30 años a luchar por la UE se va enfadado porque los gobiernos han suprimido el vínculo entre los jefes de las listas europeas y la Presidencia de la Comisión

29 Nov 15:28 Cadena SER 8390941984172801629.html
Medios británicos apuntan a que dos de los heridos en el atentado de Londres habrían muerto

Dos personas han fallecido a consecuencia de las heridas recibidas en el atentado terrorista registrado a primera hora de la tarde en Londres, según informó la BBC. De momento, Scotland Yard ha confirmado que el incidente registrado este mediodía en el P

29 Nov 15:45 Diariocrítico 5375131906129471543.html
"Wer Belgien kann, kann auch Europa"

Charles Michel könne gut zuhören, aber auch selbst Akzente setzen, sagen Menschen, die Belgiens Ex-Premier gut kennen. Diese Eigenschaften könnten ihm zugute kommen, wenn er jetzt das Amt als EU-Ratspräsident übernimmt. Von Malte Pieper.

29 Nov 15:11 tagesschau.de 5441171425550693649.html
Best OnePlus 6T Deals for Christmas

With the OnePlus 7T out now, it's getting harder to find good deals on the OnePlus 6T. We've scoured the web to find the best offers on the OnePlus 6T in the UK, both on contract and SIM-free

3 Dec 16:00 Tech Advisor 6450858318158368670.html
A che punto sono le proteste in Iraq

Le proteste antigovernative in Iraq hanno portato in due mesi a più di 400 vittimi con un picco di scontri sanguinosi nelle ultime 48 ore che ha fatto prendere al primo ministro la decisione di dimettersi

29 Nov 15:45 Wired 7504010956683290065.html
MotoGP, Marc Marquez dimesso: dubbi sul test a Sepang

Marc Marquez lascia l'ospedale di Barcellona dopo l'intervento alla spalla destra. Il Dr. Mir va cauto: "Difficile dire se sarà pronto per Sepang".

29 Nov 12:52 Corsedimoto 8217505416747842845.html
The 10 Deals We Actually Wanted This Black Friday

We love a bargain as much as anyone else, as you might have noticed from our epic coverage of Black Friday. But we can't help noticing that all the offers are from retailers, when actually we'd quite like to see some killer deals on all the other things we spend our hard-earned money on.

29 Nov 11:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001616891552.html
'Thackeray will have to surrender to 10 Janpath for survival': GVL Narasimha Rao

'Thackeray is seen as untouchable by the Gandhis who do not want to share the stage with him.'

29 Nov 13:59 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363758039251.html
Hund: Besitzer kehrt zum Parkplatz zurück – und ist vollkommen verzweifelt

Nur eine kurze Kaffeepause, der Hund schläft im Kofferraum – doch die Rückkehr zum Parkplatz wurde für den Hundehalter zu einer bösen Überraschung. Hier mehr lesen!

29 Nov 10:03 Thüringen24 7206317295234442379.html
Ultimate Black Friday Bundle: 100GB iPhone XR tariff with Free Nintendo Switch console

The ultimate Black Friday bundle, get an Nintendo Switch for free with this 100GB of data iPhone XR Fonehouse phone contract.

29 Nov 13:31 Trusted Reviews 12694855340927355.html
Boris Johnson: Uiterlijk 31 januari zijn we uit de EU vertrokken

Wil Brexitdeal voor de kerst door het parlement krijgen

29 Nov 10:30 ThePostOnline 3048418757230339644.html
Streit um Hongkong belastet US-Märkte - wichtige Indizes im Minus

Am handelsfreien Donnerstag hatte China Gegenmaßnahmen angekündigt, falls die USA sich in Hongkong einmischten. Die US-Märkte gaben heute nach.

29 Nov 14:58 Handelsblatt 4721373939158546624.html
Johnson warns Trump to stay out of election ahead of president’s UK visit

Mr Trump did have some criticism for Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal, claiming it hinders trade with the US.

29 Nov 14:17 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774704440010.html
Sale on the Voyager Golden Record LP and CD sets and The Family Acid: California photobook!

After producing the Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition, my buddy Tim Daly and I launched a record/publishing label, Ozma Records, to publish creative works at the intersection of scien…

29 Nov 14:26 Boing Boing 4601305169871974428.html
Lions rookie QB David Blough reflects on 'special' NFL debut

David Blough has reflected on a

29 Nov 13:10 Sporting News 5110653853214445465.html
Se bodo občinarji vozili z avtobusom in vlakom?

Morda najbolj zanimiva točka devete seje krškega občinskega sveta, na kateri bi svetnik Aleš Zajc, ki je točko tudi predlagal, podal informacijo glede...

29 Nov 15:15 Dolenjski list 119924280751150693.html
WTF: Deze levensgevaarlijke parkeerblunder van dame loopt bijna fataal af (video)

Zeer straffe beelden uit Thailand! Geloof het of niet, maar ook daar hebben mensen soms moeite met parkeren. En ook daar is er dus aan parkeerblunders geen gebrek. Bovenstaand gevalletje is echter wel behoorlijk straf. Op zo’n 15 meter boven de grond, probeerde een vrouw haar wagen te parkeren. Alles lijkt aanvankelijk goed te gaan,

29 Nov 10:08 Zita 7484176340071512315.html
Colocan al Atlético de Madrid tras los pasos de Paulo Dybala

En un momento dulce, y clave en el buen momento de la Juventus de Turín, el atacante argentino Paulo Dybala levanta pasiones. Una de las opciones que han aparecido en el horizonte para él en forma (...)

29 Nov 13:17 Fichajes 157935406177710015.html
A blockchain/IoT combo could reduce food fraud by $131B in five years

Blockchain is gaining ground in the supply chain arena, verifying not only the provenance of goods, but enabling suppliers of meats and produce to verify their origins and ensure regulatory rules are met.

29 Nov 11:00 Computerworld 8450890022147622078.html
Von Menschen, die im Alter noch mal was ganz Neues gemacht haben

Es im Ruhestand etwas ruhiger angehen lassen, das klingt vernünftig aber auch etwas langweilig. Hier erzählen Menschen, die noch mal was Neues probiert haben.

29 Nov 13:58 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568663508648.html
Madonna che dolore – stop inaspettato per la cantante che


29 Nov 11:20 DAGOSPIA 6533336740420535946.html
AI and modest wear: Ria Miranda celebrates 10-year fashion career

Fashion designer Ria Miranda celebrates her decade-long tenure in the Indonesian modest wear fashion industry with an exhibition highlighting her milestone achievements and her collaboration with Microsoft’s artificial intelligence (AI) system Rinna.

29 Nov 14:05 The Jakarta Post 7678601103579187584.html
Boris Johnson's dad says the general public is 'illiterate'

Stanley Johnson was defending his son against accusations he was a 'liar'.

29 Nov 12:33 Metro 970161747303566340.html
Bigg Boss 13: Ammy Virk’s Brother FINALLY Breaks His Silence On Relationship Rumours With Himanshi Khurana!

Bigg Boss 13 has been making headlines ever since the show has begun. Earlier today we reported how the internet is going crazy on Asim Riaz’s reaction to Paras Chhabra last night after they got int

29 Nov 14:44 Koimoi 5184275669915593478.html
VIDEO - ADL lascia il centro tecnico: incontro con la squadra durato circa un'ora

E' durato poco più di un'ora il confronto tra il Napoli e il presidente Aurelio De Laurentiis, che da pochi istanti ha lasciato il centro sportivo di Castel Volturno.

29 Nov 14:18 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081491794567.html
De Camargo over zijn flirt met Club Brugge: "Ik voelde mij vereerd"

Igor De Camargo (36) kon afgelopen zomer een verbazende transfer maken. Club Brugge had namelijk interesse in de spits. In

29 Nov 10:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215607646722.html
How to use and manage Sign in with Apple

For an easier way to create accounts and sign in, on both apps and websites, here’s how to use Sign in with Apple and manage your account.

29 Nov 12:00 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243715309968623.html
How to use and manage Sign in with Apple

For an easier way to create accounts and sign in, on both apps and websites, here’s how to use Sign in with Apple and manage your account.

29 Nov 12:00 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716027082175.html
Video: SPÖ will mehr als einem Viertel ihres Personals kündigen

Ihre triste finanzielle Lage zwingt die SPÖ zu harten Einschnitten. Wie Bundesgeschäftsführer Christian Deutsch bei einem Pressegespräch am Dienstag bekannt gab, werden 27 der 102 Mitarbeiter beim AMS zur Kündigung angemeldet. Der Schuldenstand der Partei beträgt rund 14,9 Millionen Euro. Vorzeitig aufgelöst bzw. verbilligt werden auch umstrittenen Berater-Verträge.

29 Nov 12:23 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084379142370.html
In fiamme i boschi tra Borgo San Dalmazzo e Vignolo, ma è solo un'esercitazione dei vigili del fuoco (FOTO E VIDEO)

Il comandante provinciale Bennardo: “Obiettivo dell'esercitazione è stato quello di far parlare i D.O.S. di diverse province e utilizzare in via sperimentale i droni. La squadra S.A.P.R. (Sistemi Aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto)...

29 Nov 15:30 Targatocn.it 7367208849095873107.html
El sinsabor de las audiencias de seguimiento a la sentencia de la Amazonia

Durante un mes, más de 90 entidades del gobierno nacional y regional comparecieron ante Tribunal Superior de Bogotá para informar sus avances en el cumplimiento de la sentencia que ordenó frenar la deforestación en la Amazonia. El balance de Dejusticia sobre las audiencias raja al Estado.

29 Nov 11:05 El sinsabor de las audiencias de seguimiento a la sentencia de la Amazonia 830980554781693964.html
Gemma Collins gives us all the festive feels as she braves the ice rink again

She recently confirmed her Dancing On Ice return.

29 Nov 10:34 Metro 970161748664168037.html
Amidst Reports Of Miley Cyrus’s Stay In Rehab, Her BF Cody Simpson Shares An Endearing Post On Loneliness

Social media is abuzz with the speculations of Miley Cyrus being sent off to rehab and it looks like her boyfriend Cody Simpson is feeling lonely due to the same!

29 Nov 12:17 SPOTBOYE 1547816857034135799.html
En México hablan maravillas sobre Edison Flores

Edison Flores [1] es una de las figuras del fútbol peruano más querido en México [2].  [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/edison-flores [2] https://www.elpopular.pe/actualidad-y-policiales/mexico

29 Nov 10:00 El Popular 1251135765106786218.html
6 signs you probably need a financial adviser, even if you think you don't

If you don't have someone managing your money and you don't know how to do it yourself, it's harder to reach long-term goals like retirement.

29 Nov 15:15 Business Insider 6060062401118486338.html
Encuentran dedo humano en jardines de la plaza Altozano

Un dedo humano fue encontrado la mañana de este viernes en los jardines de la plaza comercial Altozano.

29 Nov 11:01 MiMorelia 5599511489325055286.html
Las empresas disparan sus beneficios en 2018 mientras apenas suben los salarios

En 2018 el beneficio de las empresas subió un 43,8% mientras la remuneración media de los empleados apenas subió un 1,3%

29 Nov 12:35 Cadena SER 8390941986124240702.html
Debt ETFs/index funds to have minimum of 8 issuers: Sebi

If a credit rating falls below the investment grade, rebalancing by Debt ETFs/index funds will be done within five working days.

29 Nov 13:55 The Economic Times 7653256038105606411.html
'I don't think Australia wants to become a place where we just watch others play sport'

Back in her role in development after a few months as acting head of team performance, Belinda Clark maps the road ahead for grass roots cricket in Australia | ESPNcricinfo.com

29 Nov 11:02 ESPNcricinfo 4926159650792422170.html
Mulher interrompe luto do filho de Gugu Liberato e pede selfie

Uma mulher que n&atilde;o teve sua identidade revelada, chegou &agrave; &aacute;rea de convidados e famosos no vel&oacute;rio de Gugu Liberato e pediu para o primog&ecirc;nito do apresentador, Jo&atilde;o Augusto Liberato, tirar uma selfie sorridente com ela pr&oacute;ximo ao caix&ati...

29 Nov 12:37 TNH1 3684351753862905121.html
Xbox Scarlett - Microsoft sieht einen klaren Vorteil gegenüber der PS5

Wir nähern uns dem Jahr 2020 und damit der Veröffentlichung der Next-Gen-Konsolen PlayStation 5 und Xbox Scarlett. Beide Unternehmen sind natürlich von ihrer Konsole überzeugt, doch Microsoft denkt, dass sie bei einem Punkt deutlich besser abschneiden als Sony.

29 Nov 10:36 PlayNation 4622181944049089050.html
Guests at mum-of-seven's funeral asked to wear leopard print in her memory

Details of the service have been announced

29 Nov 12:28 Derbyshire Live 9061707930348994592.html
17 Simple Ways To Express Your Love To Your Partner

Any relationship can't exist without partners showing their affection to each other. Here are 17 simple way to express your love.

29 Nov 14:40 College Candy 8831971930195072583.html

Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Nebojša Stefanović održaće sutra u 10 časova konferenciju za medije, saopšteno je iz ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova. Kako Kurir saznaje, Stefanović će na konferenciji izneti dokaze ko je sve i na koji način umešan u aferu Jovanjica ...

29 Nov 15:59 kurir.rs 6515665028205534475.html
Seven Chinese universities in top 10 of QS Asia Rankings

QS Quacquarelli Symonds, a London-based higher education analyst firm, released on Wednesday its latest assessment of Asia’s 500 best universities

29 Nov 13:05 The Sentinel 448185207672113008.html
Die besten Technik-Deals: Microsoft Surface Pro 7 zum Bestpreis

Der Black Friday läuft! Amazon startet mit den ersten Angeboten. Wir zeigen die besten Technik-Deals, darunter heute das Microsoft Surface Pro 7 und der AVM FritzBox 7590 WLAN-Router. Alle Top-Deals!

29 Nov 13:10 T-Online 5460876212072025009.html
Concurso IBGE tem mais dois editais confirmados. Confira os cargos

O concurso IBGE tem mais dois editais confirmados. A informa&ccedil;&atilde;o foi passada &agrave; FOLHA DIRIGIDA, na &uacute;ltima quinta-feira, 28, pelo coordenador de Recursos Humanos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat&iacute;stica (IBGE), Bruno Malheiros. A distribui&cce...

29 Nov 13:27 TNH1 3684351753712824299.html
Alufolie: Wofür verwendet man die glänzende und matte Seite?

Alufolie ist ein beliebter Küchenhelfer. Doch wie setzt man die glänzende und die matte Seite beim Backen, Grillen oder Frischhalten von Lebensmitteln eigentlich richtig ein? Wir erklären, worauf es

29 Nov 13:09 GMX News 4492287763101776486.html
"Santos pretende dar un golpe de estado al presidente Duque": Expresidente Pastrana

El expresidente Andrés Pastrana acusó este viernes, vía Twitter, al también exmandatario Juan Manuel Santos de pretender "dar un golpe de estado" al actual jefe de Estado, Iván Duque.Para Pastrana, el Nobel de Paz y sus "compadres políticos" estarían detrás del plan golpista, aunque no dio mayores detalles ni justificaciones de su grave acusación.

29 Nov 11:36 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346507641522.html
Von Menschen, die im Alter noch mal was ganz Neues gemacht haben

Es im Ruhestand etwas ruhiger angehen lassen, das klingt vernünftig aber auch etwas langweilig. Hier erzählen Menschen, die noch mal was Neues probiert haben.

29 Nov 13:58 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110467271073.html
¿Alguna vez veremos al Mandaloriano sin casco?

‘The Mandalorian’, la primera serie de Star Wars en Disney+ ha sido un éxito con la crítica y audiencias, pero todos seguimos preguntándonos lo mismo: ¿Alguna vez veremos su rostro?

29 Nov 14:42 Hipertextual 4371181173248135179.html
Bonući: Izbegao bih Totenhem u osmini finala zbog Murinja

Odbrambeni fudbaler Juventusa Leonardo Bonući izjavio je da bi u osmini finala Lige šampiona želeo da izbegne Totenhem, pre svega zbog portugalskog stručnjaka Žozea Murinja.

29 Nov 10:53 REPUBLIKA 2543998405743139359.html
The Rams have major salary-cap issues. Is their title window already closing?

Los Angeles projects to have more than $100 million in cap charges allocated to five players, and the team has little flexibility.

29 Nov 12:05 ESPN 8538773402573051256.html
Presidente señala que Carabineros saldrá "fortalecida" como institución tras crisis y hechos de violencia

El Mandatario destacó el rol que han jugado los uniformados en los últimos días, afirmando que se trata de una entidad "insustituible".

29 Nov 11:42 Emol 3328490601822644825.html
Fifa anuncia banimento perpétuo de Ricardo Teixeira de atividades ligadas ao futebol

O advogado de Ricardo declarou que vai recorrer da decisão

29 Nov 15:10 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713995358135.html
Fraser ontdaan: 'De impact is behoorlijk groot, voor mij helemaal'

Sparta speelt komende zaterdag in de uitwedstrijd tegen Willem II met rouwbanden vanwege het overlijden van Pim Verbeek. De oud-trainer overleed deze week op 63-jarige leeftijd. Henk Fraser heeft het er moeilijk mee. Fraser kwam Verbeek gedurende zijn carrière vaak tegen en is ontdaan door het nieuws. "De impact is behoorlijk groot. Voor mij helemaal", vertelt de Sparta-trainer aan RTV Rijnmond. "Toen ik naar Rotterdam terugkwam, was hij de trainer bij Feyenoord. Als nieuweling heeft hij veel voor mij betekend." NOS heeft droevig nieuws: Pim Verbeek op 63-jarige leeftijd overleden Feyenoord houdt minuut stilte en draagt rouwbanden om overleden Verbeek te eren

29 Nov 15:11 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883878141874.html
Can you tell which rabbit doesn't have a twin in this viral brainteaser?, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Hungarian artist Gergely Dud&aacute;s creates mind-boggling brainteasers, often containing hidden objects or details.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:10 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757589186425.html
Francisco destacó el ejemplo de Rosario Livatino en el campo del Derecho

El papa Francisco destacó el ejemplo de Rosario Livatino en el campo del Derecho, al recibir en audiencia a los juristas inscriptos en el centro de estudios que lleva el nombre de este magistrado asesinado por la mafia en 1990 y estudia cuestiones que conciernen al derecho a la vida. En este contexto, y refiriéndose a las iniciativas sobre eutanasia, el pontífice cuestionó a quienes inventan un “d...

29 Nov 11:59 aica.org 5568670711285353347.html
Microsoft: HoloLens To Change The World - And Make Tons Of Money

MSFT is beginning to sell HoloLens 2, replacing the 2016 HoloLens with a much-improved product. The $3500 price tag (plus potential extra related services) means that this is a business and medical pr

29 Nov 14:30 Seeking Alpha 5725634557099021856.html
Midsona ändrar i koncernledningen

Di.se - Sveriges ledande nyhetssajt för de senaste nyheterna, analyserna och fördjupningarna som påverkar marknaden, börsen och näringslivet.

29 Nov 12:00 Dagens industri 3921815213339055844.html
Best TV Deals for Cyber Monday

You can find brilliant TV deals if you know where to look. Here we bring you the best Cyber Monday discounts and offers - along with expert buying advice to help you choose the perfect TV deal for you.

2 Dec 11:03 Tech Advisor 6450858318618641074.html
Presentan nuevas cámaras de detección de incendios en los cerros de Cali

Tres cámaras térmicas de detección de incendios forestales fueron instaladas en distintos cerros de la capital vallecaucana.

29 Nov 11:42 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969828429247082.html
Un possible retour pour la Nissan Versa?

Nissan Canada s’apprêterait à accueillir la Versa de dernière génération. C’est du moins les rumeurs qui circulent, fondées sur une réunion interne ayant récemment eu lieu, et dans laquelle la plupart des concessionnaires canadiens se seraient prononcés en faveur de sa commercialisation au Canada. Il faut dire qu’avec l’abandon de …

29 Nov 14:40 Le Guide de l'auto 8791228595410107985.html
Istituti scolastici dell’entroterra, la Provincia compatta: «No all’accorpamento»

MACERATA - Le parole del presidente Antonio Pettinari durante la riunione del consiglio delle autonomie locali hanno trovato il consenso unanime dei partecipanti: «Quanto richiesto dall'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale non è né utile né opportuno, le conseguenze del sisma permangono gravissime»

29 Nov 13:58 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196296451147.html
Ex-Labour MP stands next to Boris and urges people to vote Tory

Gisela Stuart said a vote for Boris Johnson, 'did not make you a Tory'.

29 Nov 13:11 Metro 970161747311608710.html
CH Media führt Bundeshaus-Redaktionen von TV und Radio zusammen

Das Medienhaus CH Media legt die Bundeshaus-Redaktionen von TV und Radio zum Start der neuen Legislatur zusammen. Die Redaktion wird vom 34-jährigen Matthias Steimer geführt, wie die CH Media am Freitag in einem Communiqué bekannt gab.

29 Nov 15:35 bz BASEL 5287163741640557673.html
Who next, after Unai Emery? A look at the leading contenders to take over at Arsenal

Assistant Freddie Ljungberg has taken over as interim manager but is he the right long-term option for Arsenal?

29 Nov 15:10 Scroll.in 8669301693401638099.html
Everyone Hates the Boomers, OK?

The lessons of a short-lived meme

29 Nov 15:44 The Atlantic 100708437181321287.html
The U.S. Navy Would Have Been Stacked with Battleships If 1 Thing Never Happened

Any guesses? 

29 Nov 10:00 The National Interest 7207864703376345136.html
Tropa del Infierno "levanta" a familia que los grabó en Nuevo Laredo

Una familia  de ocho adultos y dos menores de cinco años fue "levantada" por presuntos sicarios de la Tropa del Infierno en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas

29 Nov 14:31 EL DEBATE 4396150893047910114.html
Miami celebra su maratónico Black Friday

Como en años anteriores, hubo tiendas y centros comerciales mantuvieron abiertas sus puertas el jueves, Día de Acción de Gracias, pero el gran pistoletazo del […]

29 Nov 15:40 LaPatilla.com 9104603010481548526.html
'Natural genius is to be respected': inside Cleveland's space for teen poets

Intergenerational incubator and creative writing program Twelve Literary Arts seeks to to inspire young people to participate in democracy

29 Nov 11:30 the Guardian 1491978796302038717.html
Ex-Blauer tritt nun mit neuer Liste an

Die bevorstehenden Gemeinderatswahlen sorgen bei den Freiheitlichen in Brunn am Gebirge im Bezirk Mödling für Turbulenzen. Denn nach der Ablöse des ...

29 Nov 12:21 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093578381656.html
Pussycat Dolls announce reunion tour 10 years after split

A decade after they split, Pussycat Dolls - originally formed as a burlesque dance troupe and known for songs like “Don’t Cha” and “When I Grow Up” - will hit the stage from April in Dublin before putting on shows around Britain.

29 Nov 12:44 The Indian Express 2885715103989149223.html
Games of the Decade: League of Legends is the best sports game ever made

Teemo the year.

29 Nov 10:00 Eurogamer.net 1957885127141652511.html
Braga e Liga de Clubes de costas voltadas

O Braga emitiu, esta sexta-feira, um comunicado no qual refere que "estranha o ímpeto com que a Liga Portugal tem atacado a questão do IVA" e deixa o reparo "que não se associa à campanha prevista para este fim de semana, por entender que coloca o enfoque num tema avulso".

29 Nov 14:07 JN 6956494302412059486.html
Poder Judicial de la CDMX suspende a dos jueces por caso de feminicidio de Abril Pérez

Un juez reclasificó el delito contra Pérez como violencia familiar, mientras que otro dio la libertad en noviembre a Juan Carlos García, su exesposo y ex-CEO de Amazon.

29 Nov 11:47 EL FINANCIERO 4014025540515008788.html
Sin huracanes, soplarán vientos de cambio en Comodoro Py

El propio presidente electo viene cuestionando el accionar de algunos jueces –nombró a varios- y fiscales.

29 Nov 15:30 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204482919827731.html
MTAA Super and Tasplan to merge in a $23 billion superannuation deal

The industry superannuation sector will see the arrival of a $23 billion giant with the merger of MTAA Super and Tasplan Super from October 1 2020.

29 Nov 15:22 The New Daily 5848147786279208589.html
Hunt for man with 'horror skull' face tattoos after teen 'raped in bushes'

She was dragged from the street into a nearby wooded area and subjected to a serious sexual assault before she was able to fight off her attacker

29 Nov 13:10 mirror 675785261268640927.html
La UE fracasa en su intento de que las multinacionales declaren lo que pagan en cada país

Un grupo de países, entre ellos Francia, España e Italia, abogaban por sacar adelante el proyecto, que otros 12 países han tumbado

29 Nov 13:27 EL PAÍS 2207347711160640521.html
Piketty picchia (e poi ti sputtana) - l'economista star finisce nella cacca: riemerge una storia sep


29 Nov 12:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336740222603527.html
Sindicato de Todos os Professores vai marcar nova greve para a semana

Greve desta sexta-feira, “contra a falta crónica” de trabalhadores não docentes nas escolas, teve uma adesão acima dos 85%, diz sindicato.

29 Nov 12:12 PÚBLICO 2228264898252821481.html
Zidane cuenta la verdad sobre Vinicius y su futuro que preocupa al Real Madrid

El joven futbolista es una de las esperanzas del Real Madrid.

29 Nov 14:43 Antena 2 310632178692820125.html
Alfonso Signorini rivela: "Tre mesi fa sono stato con una donna"

Il direttore del settimanale 'Chi', dichiaratamente omosessuale, dice la sua sulla fluidità dell'orientamento sessuale

29 Nov 12:55 Today 178378749457258040.html
Volkswagen zieht Werbung in Südafrika zurück

Diese Kampagne ging nach hinten los: In einem südafrikanischen Radiospot hat Volkswagen Frauen mit Raubtieren verglichen, die Schuhe jagen. Für Männer hielt der Autokonzern einen rettenden Tipp bereit.

29 Nov 15:08 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270113088745.html
Elisa in concerto a Brescia: info e scaletta

Elisa farà tappa a Brescia coi suoi “Diari aperti live”: tutte le info sugli orari, i biglietti e la scaletta del concerto

29 Nov 11:21 Sky TG24 1131381333887875340.html
Mientras Cambiemos se desmorona, el monzoismo lanzó señales hacia el Frente Renovador

El diputado provincial, Marcelo Daletto, se despidió de la legislatura bonaerense con un mensaje en agradecimiento a Sergio Massa y Malena Galmarini.

29 Nov 13:30 Infocielo 6573250472289813912.html
Primer Ministro de Irak anuncia su dimisión tras dos meses de protestas en su contra

Adel Abdel Mahdi renunció ante la presión del gran ayatolá Alí Sistani, que pidió al Parlamento que le retirara la confianza al Gobierno para evitar el "caos" en las calles del país.

29 Nov 14:09 Emol 3328490602867618282.html
Noted Malayalam poet Akkitham wins Jnanpith Award 2019

Akkitham is the sixth Malayalam writer to be conferred the prize.

29 Nov 10:15 Scroll.in 8669301692605651390.html
‘Moo’tivational step: Russian dairy farm tests VR glasses on cows to get more milk

Though it is unclear if the experiment has increased milk production, various reports suggested that the experiment has resulted in decreased anxiety and improved the emotional mood of the heard.

29 Nov 11:07 The Indian Express 2885715105335288163.html
6 Gaya Danang D'Academy 2 saat Liburan ke Luar Negeri, Modis Banget

Potret juara pertama di D'Academy Asia musim 1, Danang Pradana Dieva saat jalan-jalan ke luar negeri.

29 Nov 13:20 liputan6.com 2150670183224286898.html
Tabacaleros se reúnen hoy en San Vicente

Está previsto que se concentren a partir de las 15 sobre la ruta nacional 14 y calle Democracia. Precio del tabaco para esta zafra, obras sociales

29 Nov 12:30 Primera Edición 6803897641911790352.html
Dl fisco, cambia 8 per mille. Priorità a edilizia scolastica

La proposta prevede che il contribuente possa scegliere di destinare la quota statale fra cinque tipologie di intervento degli immobili adibiti all'istruzione pubblica

29 Nov 13:38 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188631937324.html
Isabel Angelino sente-se encantada com o namorado e revela grande objetivo

A apresentadora da RTP vive desde 2018 uma relação feliz com o piloto de automóveis Manuel Gião. Tão feliz que o único pensamento de ambos é conseguirem partilhar “um futuro em comum”

29 Nov 15:15 A Televisão 800719528037182105.html
QUT launches new $7.5m Centre for Data Science

Projects already underway with Qld govt.

29 Nov 13:00 iTnews 4425008561042440358.html
Fintech start-up Slice aims 1 million users in tier-II cities by next year

Focussing on millennials between 18 to 29 years of age, Slice started out as a virtual card, but switched to physical card by May 2019

29 Nov 14:53 Business Today 1145527432325534759.html
Vooral Saudi’s willen hap van Aramco

De aandelen van het Saudische staatsoliebedrijf Saudi Aramco zijn vooral gewild bij Saudische institutionele beleggers. Volgens zakenbank Samba Capital, die ’s wereld grootste beursgang ooit in goede banen moet leiden, is in totaal voor ruim 44 miljard dollar ingeschreven op de stukken.

29 Nov 13:45 RD.nl 6406779840768344896.html
Funcionarios de Bélgica boicotean delegación comercial que visitará Israel

Dos de los gobiernos locales de Bélgica se retiraron de una delegación comercial a Israel, citando violaciones del derecho internacional.

29 Nov 13:09 Noticias de Israel 5887715889663657536.html
Yeidckol se lanza contra Luján

Yeidckol Polevnsky acusa a su rival de manipular a morenistas en su contra

29 Nov 10:20 El Heraldo de México 438112696597891481.html
Crypto Exchange Admits 'Missing' CEO Has User Funds Access Amid Exit Scam Fears

In a story reminiscent of the QuadrigaCX scandal, crypto exchange platform, IDAX Global, has no idea where its CEO is.

29 Nov 13:00 CCN.com 4886348521898853405.html
Ethereum Express Launching New Projects For Over 48,000 Users

Featured  The Ethereum Express project is set to launch two pilot projects for a user base exceeding 48,000. Proof-of-Authority will be used in the

29 Nov 13:35 CryptoPotato 7087008390029245193.html
Dev Javia stages a fine comeback

Top seed Dev Javia gave ample proof of his fighting qualities as he battled his way past Ekansh Kumar of the US 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 in the boys’ semifinals of the ITF grade-4 junior tennis tournament at the

29 Nov 14:40 The Hindu 6679535025414490218.html
'Not a Single Leaf of Aarey Will be Cut': Uddhav Thackeray Puts Metro Car Shed Construction on Hold

"Metro work will not stop but till next decision, not a single leaf of Aarey will be cut," Thackeray said while addressing a press conference.

29 Nov 12:33 India.com 7150386084178040776.html
eBay’s Black Friday deals include savings on Dyson hair dryers, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and more

Online marketplace eBay is rolling out a bunch of amazing deals every Friday up until Black Friday – and for a few weeks after.

29 Nov 15:35 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883405711203.html
‘Tens of thousands' of children skip school for climate strike protest

The international movement, Fridays For Future, was started by teenage activist Greta Thunberg.

29 Nov 13:35 The Irish News 993065583872570.html
Golpistas imprimen golpe de timón a política exterior de Bolivia

La Paz, 29 nov (Prensa Latina) El gobierno de facto en Bolivia acaba de dar un brusco golpe de timón en las relaciones internacionales del país sudamericano, con la creación de nuevos lazos estratégicos para la consolidación y legitimación del golpe de Estado.

29 Nov 11:24 VICTORIA 8502773549042593084.html
11 Dinge, die du beim Sex UND am Weihnachtsmarkt sagen kannst

Die ersten grossen Weihnachtsmärkte der Schweiz haben ihre Pforten geöffnet, und wir haben uns aus noch unerfindlichen Gründen die folgende Frage gestellt: …

29 Nov 11:37 watson.ch 2253754994479034869.html
Comcast Reunites E.T., Elliott For the Holidays

In the spirit of the holidays, Comcast has reunited two old friends to hawk its Xfinity cable, internet, and home phone services. Nearly 40 years after leaving Earth, E.T. is back—and still scaring […]

29 Nov 12:56 Geek.com 3223109241605806324.html
Coup d'envoi des manifestations contre le réchauffement climatique

Sydney a donné vendredi le coup d'envoi d'une nouvelle série de manifestations mondiales contre le réchauffement climatique. En Suisse, des grèves pour le climat sont prévues une quinzaine de villes.

29 Nov 14:32 www.rjb.ch 7386238340686253178.html
Don't count out the Dallas Cowboys yet: Why they could make an NFL playoff run

A soft remaining schedule. A down division. And an offense that will play better. The Cowboys could still make some noise.

29 Nov 12:05 ESPN 8538773402021955316.html
Así imaginamos los exclusivos looks de Victoria y Cristina Iglesias en su puesta de largo parisina

Las hijas de Julio Iglesias y Miranda Rijnsburger llevarán vestidos únicos de Alta Costura este sábado en el famoso Baile de Debutantes

29 Nov 10:46 Hola.com 2035212431129730562.html
Sport e Fitness, le migliori offerte su Amazon per il Black Friday | MobileLabs

Il Natale porterà a grandi abbuffate, quindi bisogna già pensare a rimettersi in forma: potete risparmiare su fitness tracker, abbigliamento sportivo e molto altro.

29 Nov 14:45 Tom's Hardware 6640147068907099453.html
3624 Bürger protestieren mit Unterschriften gegen Busspur

Befürworter und Gegner wollen im Dialog bleiben.

29 Nov 14:14 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567800572702.html
London Bridge: 'One dead' and multiple people injured in 'stabbing' incident

One person has reportely been killed and multiple people injured after a stabbing incident on London Bridge.

29 Nov 14:23 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489804588590.html
Nascidos em agosto sem conta na Caixa podem sacar FGTS

Banco antecipou calendário de retirada de até R$ 500 por conta

29 Nov 10:50 Correio 5185786712620355043.html
Huye tras causar un accidente de tráfico en Pontevedra para irse a la discoteca

Los agentes lo localizaron en el establecimiento La Luna y lo investigan por dar positivo en el control de alcoholemia

29 Nov 15:42 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578124355822.html
Most Read articles – Panasonic exit, Intel Connectivity, RISC-V relocation

Time once again to see what are the five most popular articles on ElectronicsWeekly.com that were written in the last week, according to the objective truth of Google Analytics. See what your peers have been reading recently.

29 Nov 12:08 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672079834581221.html
La ruta de venezolanos con VIH, otro drama prioritario para América Latina

Cerca de 8.000 venezolanos portadores del VIH han abandonado su país por la crisis en búsqueda urgente de tratamientos antirretrovirales, un drama

29 Nov 13:50 El Carabobeño 125457439904054767.html
Ministra del Trabajo: "Llega directo al bolsillo de las familias"

María José Zaldívar se refirió al ingreso mínimo garantizado.

29 Nov 13:44 Futuro 2617238417866498426.html
Get Yourself a Robotic Slave/Housekeeper With This £240 Roomba Discount

Nobody likes vacuuming, which is why we developed robots to help that burden. Sure they're not as efficient as doing it ourselves with a proper vacuum, but in our increasingly busy society most of us are two busy woking three jobs to afford the rent on our London broom cupboards.

29 Nov 10:50 Gizmodo UK 8363059002059579313.html
Njujorška parada za Dan zahvalnosti održana uprkos jakom vetru

Sunđer Bob, Snupi, Pikaču i brojni drugi omiljeni likovi crtanih filmova i stripova lebdeli su u četvrtak iznad...

29 Nov 10:49 N1 Srbija 7797130866783366001.html
Sky - Positivo l'incontro ADL-squadra: restano le multe, ma s'è aperto il dialogo per altre soluzioni

ADL ha ringraziato la squadra per Liverpool, come già fatto pubblicamente nel tweet, poi si sono toccati gli argomenti disciplinari.

29 Nov 14:53 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080644030417.html
'ti faccio vedere come si caga sotto',diabolik,fabietti e la squadra di picchiatori con il pugile e


29 Nov 12:20 DAGOSPIA 6533336739160636379.html
Happy Holidays from the White House: See 91 years of presidents' Christmas cards, from Trump to JFK to Coolidge, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - We've pulled together 66 White House holiday cards from the past nine decades &mdash; including Trump, Obama, JFK, Coolidge, and more.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 13:44 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755488265280.html
El Gobierno estudia si impugna la resolución de Madrid sobre ilegalizar partidos independentistas: "No está olvidado"

La ministra de Educación y portavoz del Ejecutivo, Isabel Celáa, ha asegurado este viernes que está estudiando si es posible impugnar la resolución que se...

29 Nov 14:03 Europa Press 4702666149583487407.html
El anuncio de Half-Life Alyx agotó las existencias del dispositivo VR de Valve

Han pasado algunos días desde que Valve sorprendiera a todos anunciando Half-Life Alyx, su nuevo juego de la serie, que además llegó para dar sentido a su

29 Nov 14:04 CDB 7387411223271749495.html
Il Roma - Le posizioni e le richieste di ADL e la squadra: si cerca il compromesso

Sono passati 24 giorni dalla notte in cui il Napoli è salito alla ribalta per la clamorosa ribellione al ritiro imposto dal presidente De Laurentiis.

29 Nov 12:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081034203098.html
Enphase: All Cats Love Fish But Fear To Wet Their Paws

Enphase Energy surprised us with victories it made this year. Revenue and operating income broke all records.The company offers us unprecedented growth, progressive technology of solar energy inversio

29 Nov 13:36 Seeking Alpha 5725634557992367518.html
Amazon a mis au point une nouvelle puce ARM bien plus puissante pour doper ses serveurs

AWS, Amazon Web Services, la branche serveur et services Web du géant de la vente en ligne va encore gagner en puissance.

29 Nov 10:08 01net 1000433502514907165.html
Data dan Fakta Premier League: Chelsea vs West Ham

Peringkat 4 Chelsea akan menjamu peringkat 17 West Ham pada pekan ke-14 Premier League 2019/20, Sabtu (30/11/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Stamford Bridge ini

29 Nov 13:32 Bola.net 5489959028218836272.html
Piden aplazar final del fútbol colombiano por coincidir con el día de las velitas

El requerimiento se sustenta en la dificultad para atender ambos acontecimientos.

29 Nov 15:28 W Radio 7724358829917737111.html
Moto2 | Pons sceglie Garzo al posto di Fernandez

Il pilota spagnolo classe 1998 affiancherà Lorenzo Baldassarri nel 2020

29 Nov 13:15 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655056075807.html
Macri creó una Agencia de testigos protegidos que los saca de la órbita directa del Ejecutivo: Un DNU para ocultar las maniobras con los arrepentidos

A 11 días de dejar el gobierno, el macrismo apuró el decreto para que los arrepentidos no queden bajo control exclusivo y directo de las nuevas autoridades. Se crea un ente autárquico con un consejo consultivo que presidirá el titular de Casación. Se b...

29 Nov 13:26 PAGINA12 7077267065372314558.html
Armlängds avstånd inom konsten under lupp

Kultur Regeringen ger Myndigheten för kulturanalys i uppdrag att titta närmare på tillämpningen av principen om armlängds avstånd, skriver Kulturdepartementet i ett pressmeddelande.

29 Nov 10:12 www.unt.se 8922556089878205511.html
Liverpool stellt Pläne für Stadionausbau vor

Der FC Liverpool hat die ersten Pläne für den Ausbau seines Stadions an der Anfield Road vorgestellt. Wie der Klub mitteilte, soll die legendäre Spielstätte um zusätzliche 7.000 Sitzplätze erweitert werden. Damit würde sich das Fassungsvermögen auf rund 61.000 Plätze erhöhen.

29 Nov 13:35 weltfussball.at 3521376371176501329.html
Billie Eilish verhuist van Werchter naar Sportpaleis omdat politie veiligheid niet kan garanderen

Ze is zeventien, heeft ruim 43 miljoen volgers op Instagram met slechts één album onder de arm. Dan weet een klein kind: zo’n artiest laat vlot de weide van Werchter vollopen. Dat dacht ook organis...

29 Nov 15:51 HLN 8967494998365337588.html
Analytiker om BNP-siffrorna: Riksbanken ändrar sig inte trots svaghetstecken

BNP-tillväxten var något starkare än marknaden väntat sig under det tredje kvartalet, men det finns svaghetstecken, som talar för en fortsatt inbromsning i den svenska ekonomin. Riksbanken lär dock...

29 Nov 10:27 Affärsvärlden 3373930977169963322.html
ONG: Quasi 150 naufraghi (e tanti neonati) soccorsi nelle acque libiche

L'imbarcazione Ocean Viking di SOS Méditerranée e Medici Senza Frontiere soccorre 60 naufraghi in difficoltà. 84 le persone tratte in salvo poco prima dalla ONG Sea Eye. Fra loro anche più neonati di poche settimane. Preoccupanti le condizioni di uno di loro

29 Nov 12:52 euronews 7379718588834868588.html
Migranti, evacuati dalla Alan Kurdi neonati e le loro mamme. A bordo ancora 77 persone in attesa di un porto

Trovato a Lampedusa il relitto del barcone naufragato la scorsa settimana: ci sono dei corpi morti a 40 metri di profondità

29 Nov 11:44 Repubblica.it 8208867270858436569.html
Alberto Fernández felicitó a Luis Lacalle Pou por el triunfo en las elecciones de Uruguay

Política El presidente electo, Alberto Fernández, felicitó este viernes al mandatario electo de Uruguay, quien el domingo pasado resultó victorioso en los comicios presidenciales en ese país.

29 Nov 12:28 El Litoral 2624573357028661292.html
Tinggi Tsunami Selat Sunda pada Desember 2018 Lalu Ternyata Capai 100 Meter

Gelombang tsunami Selat Sunda diperkirakan menelan lebih banyak korban jiwa jika saja arah gelombang tersebut menuju ke daratan Pulau Jawa atau Sumatera.

29 Nov 15:39 suara.com 6194626178587564946.html
El teatro argentino resiste la crisis contra viento y marea

La vida es sueño para miles de personas que convierten de noche a Buenos Aires en una de las mayores plazas teatrales del mundo, con una resistencia a la crisis económica que asombra.

29 Nov 14:21 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542721661373.html
Carlos Vives recibe el Premio de Impacto Latino de la ONU

El 2 de diciembre se reunieran líderes de la región para hablar de desarrollo en Nueva York.

29 Nov 11:37 El Tiempo 1091719940264752823.html
H&M anuncia servicio de alquiler de ropa

El modelo de alquiler se limita a una colección de 50 prendas.

29 Nov 11:13 Primera Hora 5092966653916551775.html
El juez devuelve al jurado el veredicto sobre El Chicle por "deficiencias" y "posibles contradicciones"

Todas las partes se han mostrado de acuerdo con que el tribunal popular se reúna de nuevo para subsanar los errores

29 Nov 11:09 elPeriodico 7291954033954024623.html
Abhimanyu Mithun takes 5 wickets in an over in Mushtaq Ali Trophy semifinal

Abhimanyu Mithun becomes the first player to take a hat-trick in all three of India's top-tier domestic level tournaments - the Ranji Trophy, the Vijay Hazare Trophy and the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy.

29 Nov 12:24 The Indian Express 2885715104966517609.html
H&M realiza pruebas de un servicio de alquiler de ropa

Los consumidores de una tienda en Estocolmo podrán escoger piezas para una semana por $37

29 Nov 13:11 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309273058012.html
Terry Jones 'not doing terribly well' in dementia battle says Michael Palin

Terry can't speak much due to his frontotemporal dementia diagnosis.

29 Nov 10:44 Metro 970161748457273005.html
Suhana is too talented, hope Aryan becomes an actor too: Ananya Panday

Pati Patni Aur Woh star Ananya Panday has grown up with Shah Rukh Khan's kids Suhana and Aryan Khan and is the first one among them to have made her screen debut.

29 Nov 11:40 The Indian Express 2885715105650331986.html
Rare glimpse inside derelict 300-year-old building that's up for sale

The building could be brought back into use

29 Nov 12:28 Derbyshire Live 9061707930665560308.html
Luchadora de Jiu Jitsu le fracturó el brazo a su rival por no rendirse

La estadounidense Pearl Gonzalez fue la protagonista de la impactante imagen en su combate frente a la mexicana Lilian Borja

29 Nov 15:38 Noticias Caracol 4063533508919857477.html
Link Ghana to empower over 2,000 vulnerable out of school girls

news, story, article

29 Nov 15:16 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610892150518.html
Protest liberal cu ligheane

Mai mulți membri ai PNL București, în frunte cu ministrul Muncii, Violeta Alexandru, au venit, vineri, în fața Primăriei Capitalei, cu ligheane în mâini, pentru a trage un semnal de alarmă cu privire la situația dramatică a termoficării din București.

29 Nov 12:17 Cotidianul 8452212683075826422.html
THW Kiel: Kelly Family sorgt für kurze Pause

Keine 48 Stunden nach dem Bundesligasieg in Erlangen muss der THW Kiel schon wieder in der Handball-Champions-League ran. Grund ist ein Konzert der Kelly Family in Kiel.

29 Nov 13:31 NDR.de 5356044083688874135.html
Organizadores de paro insisten en diálogo eficaz con Duque

Los organizadores del paro que desde hace ocho días lleva a miles de colombianos en las calles insistieron este jueves en que el presidente Iván Duque los

29 Nov 15:28 El Siglo 7954754735539987857.html
Qual è l'impatto del Black Friday sull'ambiente?

"Decisamente negativo" è la risposta degli ambientalisti con cui abbiamo parlato. Che poi propongono la loro alternativa al Black Friday

29 Nov 11:54 euronews 7379718589150126710.html
With 20 plus brands, Rohit Sharma is new blue-eyed boy for corporates

Cricket News: A record-breaking show in the 2019 World Cup and now a stupendous start as a Test opener has made Rohit Sharma a favourite with corporate bigwigs. Acc

29 Nov 13:30 The Times of India 6060938663269698849.html
Senate sessions suspended until Dec. 9 to give way to bicam on GAB, SEAG

Sessions in the Senate will be suspended until December 9 in anticipation of an upcoming holiday and road closures in Pasay City for the 30th Southeast Asian Games (SEAG), as well as the bicameral conference committee meetings on the proposed 2020 national budget.

29 Nov 10:43 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199798673566.html
Sofía Vergara sorprende con baile y falda dorada en Instagram

La actriz Sofía Vergara irradió felicidad al celebrar el Día de Acción de Gracias con estos pasos

29 Nov 11:21 viveUSA 1300580454650444205.html
Black Friday Deals at Ulta -- Save Big on Kylie Cosmetics, Tarte Mascara and More

Today's the day! Stock up on essentials, gifts and splurges.

29 Nov 14:10 Entertainment Tonight 7101181083438979167.html
El TSJ de Madrid anula una sentencia que consideraba autónomos a los 'riders' de Glovo: son trabajadores ordinarios

El Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid ha anulado este viernes la sentencia del juzgado de primera instancia que neg&oacute; que los repartidores de Glovo fueran falsos...

29 Nov 13:38 RTVE.es 8332346889201441273.html
Die Top 8 Clubs aus Thüringen: DIESE Locations sind ausgezeichnet!

Du willst heute in Thüringen Party machen? HIER kannst du so richtig abfeiern! Denn DIESE acht Clubs und Konzert-Stätten haben überzeugt! Weiterlesen...

29 Nov 12:09 Thüringen24 7206317294714417327.html
Dinah Jane Opens Up About Making Her Music Authentic

Dinah Jane goes old school glam for the beauty cover of In Love magazine’s new issue.

29 Nov 12:55 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172803908753.html
Lo atropelló una máquina mientras trabajaba: fue hospitalizado

El hombre tiene 40 años se accidentó en una tornería de Santa Lucía.

29 Nov 11:08 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158706177723.html
Bolivia pide a Colombia apoyo para verificar si una voz es la de Evo Morales

El audio insta a realizar bloqueos y protestas en contra del actual gobierno de Jeanine Áñez.

29 Nov 12:42 Colombia.com 1213910710361191531.html
ITV This Morning's Ruth Langsford forced to apologise over swearing

"I don't think we are allowed to say that"

29 Nov 12:15 Liverpool Echo 7727211173202278311.html
Supriya Sule 'rightful heir' to Sharad Pawar's 'great' legacy, says Milind Deora

The former Union minister said he shared Sule's belief that social work and policy change are the paths to political empowerment.

29 Nov 12:29 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363362508547.html
Shugaba Buhari ya dira kasar Equitorial Guinea, ya halarci taron GEFC

Shugaban kasa Muhammadu Buhari ya dira kasar Equatorial Guinea domin halartan taron kasashe masu fitar da iskar Gas GEFC karo na biyar dake gudana a Malabo, babbar birnin kasar.

29 Nov 15:29 Legit 7368782177212757641.html
After Trump’s statement, Taliban say 'way too early' to speak of resuming talks with US

The Taliban said Friday it was "way too early" to speak of resuming direct talks with Washington, a day after President Donald Trump suggested negotiations to end America's longest war were back on track during a surprise visit to Afghanistan. "It is way too early to talk about the resumption of talks for now. We will give our official reaction later," the Islamist group's official spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, told AFP in a WhatsApp message.

29 Nov 14:26 WION 1570469241742089058.html
Protestas en varios países contra el consumismo del 'Black Friday'

Los manifestantes fueron convocados por Attac y Greenpeace.

29 Nov 15:28 El Tiempo 1091719939479465122.html
Roberto Martinez: 'Marco Silva's Everton can be strong again'

Former Everton manager Roberto Martinez is backing Marco Silva to turn things around at Goodison Park despite Everton currently sitting 16th in the Premier League table.

29 Nov 13:22 Sports Mole 7750663361645919579.html
5G: ecco come la nuova connessione migliorerà la vita di tutti i giorni

La rete 5G di Tim, Vodafone, Wind Tre e Iliad porterà innumerevoli cambiamenti nella vita di tutti i giorni; eccovi svelati tutti i dettagli a riguardo.

29 Nov 13:10 tecnoandroid 2573257127900579408.html
Razer's Seiren X gaming mic deal makes it cheaper than it's ever been

This straightforward mic is currently 40% off in this Amazon Black Friday deal.

29 Nov 11:33 PC Gamer 9149753394629221690.html
Lazio beg Celtic to do them Europa League favour by beating Cluj.. despite rival fans’ bitter taunts and violent attacks

LAZIO boss Simone Inzaghi has begged Celtic to do them a favour by beating Cluj in the final game in their Europa League group and he’s backed Neil Lennon’s men to save their skin. Celt…

29 Nov 11:55 The Scottish Sun 6609127674393544294.html
PKO Rotunda w Warszawie ponownie otwarta

PKO Bank Polski otwiera w centrum Warszawy nową, trzykondygnacyjną PKO Rotundę. Obsługa klientów w najbardziej rozpoznawalnym oddziale banku w Polsce rozpocznie się w poniedziałek. Stalowa konstrukcja waży ponad 500 ton, a w budynku jest prawie 17 tys. roślin.

29 Nov 14:09 Portal Samorządowy 740157208432577073.html
Di Battista dice no al Mes: "Rischia di spalancare le porte alla troika"

In un'intervista al Fatto Quotidiano, l'ex parlamentare M5s conferma che alle prossime elezioni politiche ci sarà

29 Nov 11:37 Agi 2115274224475865594.html
Polizei bereitet sich auf AfD-Parteitag vor

Am Wochenende versammeln sich die AfD-Delegierten in Braunschweig zum Bundesparteitag, linke Gruppen haben Proteste angekündigt. Die Polizei trifft bereits Vorkehrungen.

29 Nov 13:00 NDR.de 5356044081904492641.html
Judge rules Mahindra Roxor similar to Jeep, violates Fiat Chrysler's Jeep trade

FCA has further filed counterclaim before the Eastern District Court of Michigan for permanently ceasing the sales of Roxor in the states

29 Nov 12:53 OVERDRIVE 7781473802979191351.html
La vía de ingresos millonaria que el periodismo no ha sabido exportar a Internet: las esquelas

La vida eterna es uno de los mayores sueños de la humanidad. Sin embargo, lo más parecido que el ciudadano medio puede alcanzar, al menos de momento, es...

29 Nov 12:01 Xataka 4719855497525389724.html
Una apuesta por la calidad de vida

La Caja de Compensación Familiar Compensar lleva 41 años brindando salud y bienestar integral a sus afiliados.

29 Nov 11:20 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543437435851.html
VELIKA TRAGEDIJA U PORODICI DRAGOJEVIĆ! Preminuo najbliži i najvoljeniji član! TUGA

Deda braće Dragojević, Dejana i Davida preminuo je danas. Dejan je aktuelni učesnik najgledanijeg rijalitija u regionu, dok je njegov brat David učesnik druge sezone Zadruge.foto: PrintscreenKurir.rsPinkNE PROPUSTITENE KORISTI MENE DA BI UŠAO U RIJALITI! Dalila ...

29 Nov 13:24 kurir.rs 6515665028828642503.html
Smith delighted to renew Aston Villa contract as board set new remit

Dean Smith has extended his contract as Aston Villa manager as part of the club's long-term plan to consolidate their status in the top flight.

29 Nov 15:05 TEAM talk 6412178963597754181.html
Crimea: arrestata russa, 'spia di Kiev'

Una donna russa sospettata di spionaggio per il ministero della Difesa ucraino è stata arrestata nella città di Sebastopoli, in Crimea, secondo quanto riferito dal Servizio di sicurezza federale russo (FSB). (ANSA)

29 Nov 12:51 ANSA.it 1300837447479181171.html
Čubrilović: Parlament potpuno otvoren za javnost i medije

BANJALUKA - Predsjednik Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske Nedeljko Čubrilović rekao je da je parlament Srpske, kao najviši zakonodavni organ vlasti u Republici, potpuno otvoren za javnost i medije koji javnosti prenose informacije.

29 Nov 12:07 Nezavisne novine 4209150642655475228.html
Johnson warns Trump to stay out of election ahead of president’s UK visit

Mr Trump did have some criticism for Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal, claiming it hinders trade with the US.

29 Nov 14:14 Express & Star 7324224460169036490.html
Boris Johnson criticised by Greens over ’embarrassing’ climate debate no-show

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie accused the Prime Minister of lying about ‘pretty much everything’ he says.

29 Nov 14:02 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775296598635.html
Alte Diskette von Steve Jobs gefunden: So viel ist sie wert

Seit Steve Jobs verstorben ist, ist das Hab und Gut des Apple-Gründers einiges wert. Derzeit wird eine seiner Disketten versteigert. So viel ist das gute Stück wert.

29 Nov 15:35 futurezone.de 2257170161138468639.html
Ziyech traint niet met de groep mee en moet vrezen voor Twente-uit

Het is nog maar de vraag of Erik ten Hag zondag in de wedstrijd tegen Twente kan beschikken over Hakim Ziyech. Wel is al 100% duidelijk dat Zakaria Labyad niet meedoet. “Labyad zal in elk geval zondag nog niet inzetbaar zijn”, zei Ten Hag. “Zijn knie wordt verder onderzocht en zodra er meer bekend is,…

29 Nov 11:16 Sportnieuws 3602982464211644890.html
Polícia descobre e fecha clínica clandestina suspeita de realizar abortos em SP

Na noite desta quinta-feira (28) a Polícia Civil  fechou uma clínica médica clandestina suspeita de realizar abortos na na rua Hannemann, no Pari, região central de São Paulo. Os policiais encontraram no local agulhas, cadeira para exame ginecológico, pinças e bisturis, aventais cirúrgicos, mater

29 Nov 15:04 Terça Livre TV 3346245884556145579.html
Ovs: importante segnale rialzista dal breakout di 2 euro

Solido breakout rialzista per Ovs, che ha superato la fascia compresa tra 1,98 e 2 euro, segnando i nuovi massimi dell’anno: una conferma di questo...

29 Nov 10:30 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743410347396.html
The Fashion You Love To See At The Moet And Chandon Private Party

If you are a Lagosian and you have that "owambe" spirit, you must know you have to dress to kill at any event you are going for especially, this festive season.

29 Nov 15:39 The Guardian 7580308505690556440.html
Katherine Langford Did Indeed Film Scenes For Avengers: Endgame — Here's Why They Were Cut

In October 2018, way back before Avengers: Endgame was released and everything involving the film was still a mystery, The Wrap revealed that13 Reasons Why

29 Nov 14:00 POPSUGAR Entertainment 1694745614980397561.html
Democracy wins in Hong Kong, but for how long?

Japan must speak up loudly in behalf of democracy in Hong Kong and make clear that there cannot be business as usual — and certainly no visit to Japan by Xi next year — if there is a resort to force to democracy.

29 Nov 10:20 The Japan Times 6673764367278098386.html
Darf ich mir vom All-you-can-eat-Buffet etwas mitnehmen?

Wer kennt es nicht? Bei einem All-you-can-eat-Buffet möchte man am liebsten alles probieren und isst dann, bis nichts mehr reinpasst. Darf ich mir ein Lunchpaket aus dem Buffet zusammenstellen?

29 Nov 14:35 T-Online 5460876211813507096.html
Doctor Doom Rumored to Be the Villain in BLACK PANTHER 2

An interesting rumor has surfaced regarding the villain in Black Panther 2 . According to Charles Murphy , "trustworthy sources" have told him that the villain of Black Panther 2 will be Doctor Doom. Obviously Marvel has not confirmed this, so we need to treat this as a big fat compe

29 Nov 13:00 GeekTyrant 6344790642389217304.html
Satu Pemain Timnas U-22 Indonesia Diwaspadai Bek Vietnam, Dijuluki Anak Dewa Angin

Bek Vietnam, Nguyen Thanh Chung memberikan sorotan pada salah satu pemain timnas U-22 Indonesia, Osvaldo Haay.

29 Nov 13:32 BolaSport.com 4603768436185165056.html
Boris Johnson criticised by Greens over ’embarrassing’ climate debate no-show

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie accused the Prime Minister of lying about ‘pretty much everything’ he says.

29 Nov 14:00 Express & Star 7324224460761195115.html
Boris Johnson defends 1995 remarks that children of single mothers are 'ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate'

BORIS Johnson has defended disparaging remarks he made about single mothers, telling a voter they were made before he was "even in politics".

29 Nov 11:06 Independent.ie 5894610844786506537.html
Alunos de Vila Verde aprendem a poupar na Casa do Papel Moeda

Durante o mês de novembro, vários alunos do 3.º ano dos estabelecimentos de ensino de Vila Verde, tiveram a oportunidade de visitar o Museu do Papel Moeda, no âmbito do projeto “No Poupar é que está o ganho”, anunciou esta sexta-feira a autarquia. Desenvolvido ao longo do ano letivo, este projeto de educação financeira tem como principal objetivo “despertar nos mais novos competências para gerir o seu dinheiro de forma mais equilibrada”, refere a Câmara de Vila Verde, em comunicado. Participaram nesta edição alunos da Escola Básica Monsenhor Elísio Araújo, Prado, Moure e Ribeira do Neiva e Escola Básica nº2 de Vila Verde- Implementado pela Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda e pela CIM – Comunidade Intermunicipal do Cávado e apoiado pelo Município de Vila Verde, este programa reconhece a importância da inclusão e da formação financeira e tem como base os princípios que constam do Referencial de Educação Financeira, aprovado pelo Plano Nacional de Formação Financeira, que consagra a definição de temas que…

29 Nov 14:02 O Minho 154418196983405812.html
Maxi sequestro di "narco-euro". Cagliari: i soldi sotto il letto

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:38 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207603831911.html
'Knives Out' review: Rian Johnson aces this 'whodunnit'

Knives Out is a strong contender if you feel like putting on your thinking cap over the weekend. It's got the drama down and the mystery well within its grasp, and with a cast like this one and the promise of an original property, there's really no reason to miss it.

29 Nov 14:04 Deccan Herald 2027555797886629005.html
Rise of comic book piracy 'a real problem'

Comic book creators search for ways to combat the rise of illegal digital sharing of their work.

29 Nov 13:41 BBC News 3883826127210860284.html
Portugal conquista bronze no duplo minitrampolim dos Mundiais

Portugal conquistou, esta sexta-feira, a primeira medalha nos Mundiais de Trampolins, no segundo de quatro dias de prova em Tóquio, com o bronze de Tiago Romão, João Caeiro, Diogo Costa e Diogo Cabral no duplo minitrampolim.

29 Nov 15:15 JN 6956494302777406509.html
Tutti gli errori di Unai Emery all’Arsenal

E ora si parla di Pochettino, Allegri e Arteta.

29 Nov 14:57 L'Ultimo Uomo 1667880051956527338.html
Forget the Noise; Traders Explain Why You Should Be Long-Term Bullish on Bitcoin

Traders are bearish on bitcoin after a 53% crash. More pain may be ahead but BTC offers features that make it a good long-term investment.

29 Nov 13:59 CCN.com 4886348521372282214.html
Erst Weiße Ware, dann Telefone: Neuer Chef soll jetzt ganz LG retten

Nach der "Weißen Ware" soll er nun auch die Smartphone-Sparte und den Gesamtkonzern retten - LG bekommt einen neuen Chef. Der neue CEO hat einiges vor sich, bewies sich zuvor aber schon in anderen Bereichen als äußerst fähiger Mann.

29 Nov 10:57 winfuture.de 1179223336108373431.html
Skomina najboljši sodnik na svetu, Oblak tretji vratar

DORTMUND – Damir Skomina je najboljši nogometni sodnik na svetu za leto 2019 po izboru Mednarodnega inštituta za nogometno zgodovino in statistiko (IFFHS), kjer točke delijo strokovnjaki iz 90 ...

29 Nov 10:35 Slovenske novice 5901956563380950775.html
Feyenoord boss Dick Advocaat 'didn't notice' Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos... apart from his two goals

Feyenoord boss Dick Advocaat claimed he barely noticed Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos last night - apart from netting the brace that earned the Light Blues a point in Rotterdam.

29 Nov 12:11 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490291975530.html
Bluttat in Wien-Favoriten: 62-Jähriger in Justizanstalt

Kinder der Familie werden weiter in Krisenzentren betreut. Mann hat die Tat am Donnerstag gestanden.

29 Nov 13:20 Kurier 208072238969648237.html
El Gobierno abre la puerta a retrasar la investidura de Sánchez si no logra el apoyo de ERC en diciembre

"No iremos a una investidura fallida. Vamos a consolidar los fundamentos que permitan que sea un éxito", dice la portavoz del GobiernoLa pretensión del PSOE es que el debate de investidura comience el 16 de diciembre y que haya Gobierno antes de NavidadEl Ejecutivo mantiene que en Catalunya hay un "problema político", tal y como ha exigido ERC en el marco de las negociaciones

29 Nov 14:13 eldiario.es 4752673444350703293.html
The best pourover coffee kettle money can buy is available for a steal on Black Friday

Hario's Buono coffee kettle is simple to use and just right for pouring that perfect cup. It's also deeply discounted for Black Friday.

29 Nov 13:13 Android Central 29040143968215881.html
Iliad: nessuna nuova offerta per il Black Friday, ma novità per Apple iPhone e Simbox Unieuro

In pieno Black Friday, iliad ha deciso di mantenere invariate le sue offerte con qualche novità in altri ambiti

29 Nov 10:59 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461748824041410.html
Anuncian segunda etapa del programa 'La Escuela es Nuestra'

En 2020 se ampliará el programa y llegará a mil 98 planteles con inversión de 383 millones de pesos

29 Nov 11:07 SIPSE.com 4008460418040382568.html
"Start Wearing Purple" as sung by Sesame Street's Count

This. is. amazing. Purple Count singing Gogol Bordello’s “Start Wearing Purple” — the entire song! Someone spent a long time making this mashup video but we don’t know who e…

29 Nov 12:45 Boing Boing 4601305169854896983.html
Rosanna Davison reveals she’s running on three hours sleep as she adjusts to life as new mum

The model welcomed her first child last week

29 Nov 15:22 GOSS.ie 8755536025346603613.html
Rosanna Davison reveals she’s running on three hours sleep as she adjusts to life as new mum

The model welcomed her first child last week

29 Nov 15:22 GOSS.ie 8755536024014612296.html
Iraq’s PM announces he’ll resign amid worsening crisis

It wasn’t immediately clear whether Abdul-Mahdi’s resignation would placate protesters, who are now calling for the removal of the entire political class that has ruled Iraq since the 2003 downfall of Saddam Hussein.

29 Nov 14:36 An-Nahar 2220466262596599604.html
GE Belfort : accord avec l'intersyndicale sur les mesures d'accompagnement du plan social

L'intersyndicale et la direction de General Electric (GE) ont signé un accord sur les mesures d'accompagnement du plan social qui prévoit quelque 485 - 29/11/2019 13:05

29 Nov 12:05 ABC Bourse 2538693399298605184.html
Programa de lealtad de Uber incentivará a conductores a dar un mejor servicio

A partir de este 2 de diciembre, los socios colaboradores registrados en la app de Uber formarán parte de un programa de lealtad llamado Uber Pro.

29 Nov 11:00 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997873606149883.html
14 personer till sjukhus efter busskrock i Sollentuna

Sammanlagt 23 personer skadades när två linjebussar frontalkrockade i Sollentuna i det hala väglaget på fredagseftermiddagen.

29 Nov 15:00 DN.SE 398730695247457562.html
Cuba y la UE dialogarán sobre imposición de medidas coercitivas

La Habana, 29 nov (Prensa Latina) Cuba y la Unión Europea (UE) dialogarán aquí hoy sobre medidas coercitivas unilaterales, en reunión que dará continuidad a otra sobre el tema celebrada en Bruselas, Bélgica en noviembre de 2018.

29 Nov 11:06 VICTORIA 8502773548995864758.html
Three teenagers murdered Edinburgh pensioner leaving him with 100 wounds because they were ‘out their nut’

THREE teenagers were facing life sentences today after brutally murdering a pensioner in his home in a frenzied attack. Keirin McMillan, 19, and his two accomplices, who were aged 16 and 15 at the …

29 Nov 15:42 The Scottish Sun 6609127672924382136.html
Syed Modi International: Srikanth knocked out by Son Wan Ho; Sourabh, Rituparna advance to semis

Sourabh Verma and Rituparna Das were the only two Indian shuttlers left in contention at the Super 300 tournament.

29 Nov 13:21 Scroll.in 8669301693255925051.html
Tennis star Chung Hyeon eyes first Olympics appearance at Tokyo 2020

South Korean tennis player Chung Hyeon said Friday he hopes to compete at his first Olympic Games next summer in Tokyo."All athletes want to play at the Olympics," the tennis star said at a press conference held after a fan event in Seoul. "If I were given a chance, I hope to make the national team and win a game at the Olympics." For the 2020 Tokyo Olympics qualifications, players are required to...

29 Nov 11:13 Koreaherald 8029273603176401341.html
Pourquoi Wall Street Atteint Des Sommets

Les principaux indices boursiers de Wall Street ont atteint de nouveaux sommets ce mercredi. L’amélioration de la croissance économique américaine au...

29 Nov 10:30 Forbes France 3079663225782185466.html
With typhoon ‘Tisoy’ approaching, Legazpi bishop calls on faithful to pray for Bicol

Amid the possibility of a typhoon hitting the Bicol region, Legazpi Bishop Joel Baylon has called for prayers.

29 Nov 12:47 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199402698643.html
Man met schotwonde gaat zelf naar kliniek

Een man die een schotwonde opliep is gisteren op eigen kracht naar het ziekenhuis gegaan. Dat meldt Het Laatste Nieuws.

29 Nov 14:49 atv 2365892510724890809.html
Uosto bendrasis planas: nenorima girnapusės po kaklu


29 Nov 11:01 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887587073685163.html
Mobilfunk, Schulen, Bahntickets: Bundestag beschließt Rekordhaushalt für 2020

Mehr Geld für Kitas, günstigere Bahntickets sowie höhere Ausgaben für Klimaschutz und Verteidigung - der Bundestag hat nach viertägiger Debatte am Freitag über den Haushalt für das kommende Jahr abgestimmt.

29 Nov 14:01 FOCUS Online 4448121230647117181.html
Jokowi Curhat Kena Macet di Kuningan, Ini Kata Anies Baswedan

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengeluh kena macet di Kuningan, Jakarta, Kamis (28/11) malam. Jokowi kena macet saat hendak menghadiri pertemuan dengan Bank Indonesia. Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan belum bisa komentar banyak. Dia mengaku akan mencari tahu dimana lokasi Jokowi terkena macet.

29 Nov 11:23 merdeka.com 1998180355164824504.html
‘Fake parliament’ not fit for sensitive legislation: Maulana Fazl

JUI-F chief addres­ses protes­t rally in Karach­i, urges ECP to take PTI foreig­n fundin­g case to its logica­l conclu­sion

29 Nov 15:36 The Express Tribune 1105816786730711456.html
Viene, asesora, cobra, checa negocios privados y se va

Chihuahua.- Con un salario mensual bruto cercano a los 40  mil pesos, César Enrique Navarrete Terán, quien se desempeña como asesor A en el Departamento de Comunicación Social del Municipio de Chihuahua, solo aparece por

29 Nov 14:01 La Parada Digital 5696840778610886177.html
Montecassiano in festa, week end di sport ed eventi: Vincenzo Nibali ospite d’onore

LE INIZIATIVE si susseguiranno da domani fino a lunedì. Il ciclista sarà alla presentazione del 60° G.p. “San Giuseppe”

29 Nov 11:35 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195582685022.html
Erdogan noemt Macron “hersendood”, Frankrijk voelt zich beledigd

Frankrijk roept de ambassadeur van Turkije op het matje vanwege beledigende uitlatingen van de Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Die meldde dat zijn collega Emmanuel Macron wellicht bij zichze...

29 Nov 15:07 HLN 8967494997779570119.html
Esmal divulga gabarito definitivo da prova objetiva para mediadores

A Escola Superior da Magistratura de Alagoas (Esmal) divulgou, nesta sexta-feira (29), o gabarito definitivo da seleção de mediadores que atuarão no Poder Judiciário. A prova objetiva foi a primeira das três fases do processo seletivo. As outras duas serão análise curricular e entrevista, ambas de caráter classificatório. Confira aqui a publicação Na sequência, também...

29 Nov 13:41 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010855228811.html
Mainstream Policy Expert Reveals How He Was Silenced On Syria: “Truth Did Not Matter”

'Narrative managers' at work from the inside of the establishment think tank world and media

29 Nov 13:51 Infowars 1950426314387252417.html
Nascidos em agosto sem conta na Caixa podem sacar FGTS

Banco antecipou calendário de retirada de até R$ 500 por conta

29 Nov 13:05 Tribuna de Minas 7521696933881655126.html
GDP means 'Godse Divisive Politics' to BJP: Congress

Q2 GDP: Congress's 'Godse Divisive Politics' jibe comes after Pragya Thakur criticised Rahul Gandhi for calling her a terrorist

29 Nov 13:04 Business Today 1145527430670712113.html
Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi Actress Aashika Bhatia CONFIRMS That She’s Back With Her Ex Satvik Sankhyan- EXCLUSIVE

TikTok sensation Aashika Bhatia is back with her ex-beau Satvik Sankhyan. The actress confirmed it to SpotboyE.com

29 Nov 11:53 SPOTBOYE 1547816857354489713.html
Man hittad död i polisarrest

Olyckor En man avled i polisens arrest i Sundsvall natten till fredag. Dödsfallet utreds nu av polisens avdelning för särskilda utredningar.

29 Nov 14:03 www.unt.se 8922556088585566514.html
Mediapro denunciará a la UEFA por los derechos de la Champions League en Francia

El grupo español Mediapro, que dirige Jaume Roures, ha anunciado a través de una entrevista en L'Equipe que llevará a la UEFA ante los tribunales tras la venta del organismo europeo de los derechos de televisión de la Champions League en Francia. En concreto, la institución liderada por Aleksander Ceferin ha otorgado la licencia a una oferta conjunta de Canal+ y BeIN Sports de 375 millones de euros entre 2021 y 2024. Una situación que Roures considera ''un chanchullo'', pues la UEFA nunca concedió la oportunidad a Mediapro de igualar o superar la cantidad económica de su competencia.

29 Nov 13:04 elEconomista.es 9051559958499463999.html
Der Run auf neue Möglichkeiten

Bremervörde. Die Fahrten des Bürgerbusses, das Training der Kinder-Fußballmannschaft, die Lebensmittelausgabe bei der Tafel, das Vorlesen für Patienten im Krankenhaus, das Klavierkonzert im Heimathaus, die Jugendfreizeit der Kirchengemeinde: Vieles geht nicht ohne Menschen, die sich ehrenamtlich engagieren. Daran erinnert einmal jährlich der Internationale Tag des Ehrenamts, den die UN 1985 ins Leben gerufen hat. Wie wichtig das Ehrenamt im Landkreis Rotenburg ist, darüber hat sich die Rundschau mit Sandra Pragmann von der Koordinierungsstelle für ehrenamtliche Arbeit unterhalten.

29 Nov 13:42 ROTENBURGER RUNDSCHAU 5652157007443298400.html
Posta looks to digital boxes to overturn bad fortunes; hopes to increase revenue by Sh1.5bn

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 29- The Postal Corporation of Kenya is now targeting to increase its revenues by Sh1.5 billion through digital boxes after it witnessed a fall in letters during the last financial year. According to

29 Nov 10:40 Capital Business 7605153804672718323.html
The tech you need to stay warm this winter

Treat yo'self to a heated toilet cover.

29 Nov 13:00 Engadget 96641514431298513.html
The tech you need to stay warm this winter

Treat yo'self to a heated toilet cover.

29 Nov 13:00 Engadget 96641516449084675.html
Iva ridotta sugli assorbenti compostabili e biodegradabili, "ma la tampon tax è un'altra cosa"

"Non è questa la riforma che serve. È uno sconto. O un 'pink washing del green washing'", denuncia a Today Beatrice Brignone di Possibile. Ma "finalmente il tema viene preso sul serio", dice il collettivo Onde Rosa

29 Nov 15:27 Today 178378749484237016.html
Detenido en Valencia por dejar inconsciente a su pareja y amenazar a su bebé de nueve meses con un cuchillo

La víctima, que se refugió en un bar cercano tras la agresión, permanece ingresada en el hospital para ser intervenida quirúrgicamente

29 Nov 15:10 Las Provincias 5471838390097826031.html
Black Friday bei Amazon: Viele Aktionen & Rabatte auf Echo Smart Speaker – so nutzt ihr den Google Assistant

Bei Amazon endet die große Black Friday-Woche mit vielen Rabatten schon morgen, also schaut noch einmal rein und verpasst nicht die besten Angebote, die so schnell nicht mehr getoppt werden. Insbesondere die Echo Hue-Bundles sind sehr interessant.

29 Nov 10:41 GoogleWatchBlog 386579016922154146.html
Condenan a presidente de Surinam por muerte de 15 opositores

Hugo Essed, abogado de los familiares de las víctimas, dijo que Bouterse debería renunciar inmediatamente

29 Nov 15:05 El Mañana 6247220758830945660.html
Bottas marca el ritmo en la primera jornada de entrenamientos de Abu Dabi

Valtteri Bottas completó el mejor tiempo en la primera jornada de entrenamientos libres del Gran Premio de Abu Dabi, 21 y última prueba del Mundial de Fórmula 1, este viernes en el circuito de Yas Marina (5,554 km).

29 Nov 14:12 Panorama 6052790754452517537.html
Lis Vega destroza sus N@LGAS en un ardiente baile para infartarse (VIDEO)

La cantante Lis Vega ha infartado a sus fans con un ardiente baile en donde ha destrozado sus n@lgas al aire libre.

29 Nov 15:11 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624673021608.html
Pourquoi Twitter suspend sa suppression de millions de comptes ?

Si vous n'avez pas tweeté depuis six mois et plus, Twitter vous a prévenu par email qu'il va supprimer tous les comptes inactifs le 11 décembre prochain. Sauf que le réseau social avait oublié de...

29 Nov 14:32 Futura 7671687980261522068.html
KE: polskie przepisy o zapasach gazu niezgodne z prawem Unii

Komisja Europejska uznała, że polskie przepisy dotyczące wymogów magazynowania gazu i jego zapasów obowiązkowych są niezgodne z unijnym prawem. KE dała polskiemu rządowi dwa miesiące na wyjaśnienia, po tym terminie KE może skierować sprawę do TSUE.

29 Nov 11:20 Polskie Radio 2539990557799080799.html
Xiaomi to re-launch Mi Credit lending platform in India on December 3 - Gizmochina

Xiaomi will re-launching its Mi Credit platform for personal loans in India on December 3, the company has confirmed. Given that the Chinese smartphone maker had originally launched Mi Credit in May last year, it seems that the company will now unveil a revamped version in the country. While nothing is known about the revamped …

29 Nov 10:04 Gizmochina 1751854815090590173.html
La Policía mata a tiros a un hombre tras un ataque terrorista con cuchillo en el Puente de Londres

El sospechoso de haber cometido el ataque, que ha dejado "diversos" heridos, murió en la escena del suceso y portaba un artefacto adosado al cuerpo que resultó ser un falso explosivo, según informaron las autoridades policiales.

29 Nov 14:40 www.publico.es 99190977292471487.html
Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and XRP Lead Surprising List of Top Cryptocurrencies From Weiss Ratings

Weiss Ratings has released an updated list of its leading cryptocurrencies. The financial ratings agency is now tracking 125 crypto assets, ranking each based on its level of technology and adoption, as well as the risk/reward potential for investors. Although the ratings go from A+ to E-, none of the coins on the list have […]

29 Nov 11:15 The Daily Hodl 7141394324408666586.html
Funsat oferece 56 vagas de emprego para pessoas com deficiência

A Funsat (Fundação Social do Trabalho) oferece nesta sexta-feira (29) centenas de vagas de empregos em Campo Grande. As vagas exigem níveis diversos de escolaridade e podem ser preenchidas a qualquer momento, sem aviso prévio.  As vagas são para ajudante de forneiro, alinhador de pneus/direção, analista químico, atendente de balcão, auxiliar contábil, auxiliar de cozinha, auxiliar de limpeza, auxi...

29 Nov 14:10 Campo Grande News 7902463001439471346.html
Ubrzala inflacija u evrozoni, najniža nezaposlenost od jula

LUKSEMBURG - Rast potrošačkih cijena u evrozoni nadmašio je očekivanja u novembru, podstaknut skokom cijena hrane i usluga, pokazali su danas objavljeni podaci evropske službe za statistiku Evrostata.

29 Nov 11:03 Nezavisne novine 4209150641134618036.html
SKB 11 Menteri Berbau Islamophobia?

WE Online, Jakarta - Waketum Partai Gerindra Fadli Zon menyoroti tajam penandatanganan “Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) tentang Penanganan Radikalisme Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam rangka Penguatan Wawasan Kebangsaan pada ASN” oleh enam kementerian dan lima lembaga pada 12 November lalu.

29 Nov 12:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835469528895.html
Neue Gesetze und Regeln: Maut, Bahn-Preise, Youtube: Was sich im Dezember alles ändert

Im Dezember 2019 kommen wieder einige Änderungen auf die Menschen in Deutschland zu: Österreich erhöht die Maut für Autofahrer, Youtube ändert seine Nutzungsbedingungen - und die Deutsche Bahn ändert ihre Preise. Welche Neuerungen Sie im Dezember noch erwarten, verrät Ihnen FOCUS Online.

29 Nov 11:15 FOCUS Online 4448121231960013438.html
Video: Louivos – Marbella (Prod. Palenkobeatz)

Na zijn bijdrage op Balenciaga neemt LouiVos ons in zijn nieuwe video mee naar Marbella. De track is geproduceerd door Palenkobeatz en de clip check je hierboven.

29 Nov 14:30 Puna 5725385642099421878.html
„Reichsbürger“-Verdachtgegen NRW-Polizisten

Ein Streifenpolizist im Kreis Paderborn ist vom Dienst suspendiert worden, weil er mit der „Reichsbürger“-Ideologie sympathisieren soll.

29 Nov 10:23 Bild 8433249907634771583.html
Lol! Sylvana’s plan om zetels te veroveren in Tweede Kamer mislukt faliekant: steun loopt terug, zelfs in Amsterdam

Sylvana Simons roept te pas en te onpas dat zij zetels voor BIJ1 gaat winnen bij de eerstvolgende Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. Maar een nieuwe peiling over politieke voorkeuren in Amsterdam moet de voormalige TMF-diva toch een enorme reality check geven: de steun voor haar partij neemt af, niet toe. Er is geen reden om te denken dat het raadslid in staat is landelijk door te breken. Weten we het nog? Bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen deed Sylvana Simons mee met haar partij “Artikel 1″, en kwam niet eens in de buurt van de kiesdrempel. Inzoomend op uitslagen per stembureau, zagen we dat in de Amsterdamse wijk de Bijlmer er grote steun was voor Simons. Maar elders in het land? Vrijwel niets. In bepaalde kieskringen had de partij zo weinig animo, dat ze niet eens op het stembiljet verscheen. Maar Sylvana Simons werkte stug door: haalde met die steun uit de Bijlmer net aan één restzetel in de gemeenteraad van Amsterdam. In 2021 gaat ze het weer proberen bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen om nationaal door te breken. Gaat…

29 Nov 12:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057542176461.html
Vapid Peyote Gasser: the New Car in GTA Online

The Vapid Peyote Gasser is now available to buy in GTA Online, plus there's double rewards being dished for various activities and missions this week.

29 Nov 10:41 TrueAchievements 4775707718649354924.html
Negatieve rente levert schatkist 152 miljoen euro op

De schatkist heeft dit jaar, net als de voorbije jaren, kunnen profiteren van de negatieve rentes op overheidsleningen. Dat bracht dit jaar meer dan 152 miljoen euro op, aldus Jean Deboutte, direct...

29 Nov 13:29 HLN 8967494997687407605.html
Pedestrian hit by van in Fife in critical condition in hospital as man, 42, arrested

A pedestrian is in critical condition in hospital after being hit by a van in Fife on Thursday night.

29 Nov 13:30 The Courier 4275302768153250460.html
Glitz And Glam: Keeping Up With The Malulekas

They say behind every successful man is a strong woman and behind every skillful midfielder is an even stronger one. Nobody embodies this more than Kaizer Chiefs midfielder George Maluleka and his wife Larelle. Check out their glamorous life.

29 Nov 14:00 Soccer Laduma 3901337371752137579.html
The Girl On The Train: Parineeti Chopra’s Hindi Adaptation Finally Gets A Release Date

Parineeti Chopra has been working day and nights for her upcoming film ‘The Girl On The Train.’ As the film is a Hindi adaptation of the Emily Blunt film by the same name, Parineeti’s movie gets a release date. The film is set to hit theatres next year

29 Nov 14:41 SPOTBOYE 1547816857473168432.html
Crises pré-électorales en vitrine dans les journaux camerounais

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 10:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389536716001.html
Mihajlovic cita Vasco: "Io sono ancora qua"

Il tecnico del Bologna commosso in conferenza stampa: "Quattro mesi difficili, medici straordinari"

29 Nov 11:38 Adnkronos 2840063643920150662.html
Arcebispo incentiva a viver o Advento com intensidade, alegria e esperança

O Arcebispo de Morelia e vice-presidente da Conferência do Episcopado Mexicano, Dom Carlos Garfias Merlos, fez um chamado aos fiéis católicos para que “vivamos todos com muita intensidade, alegria, e esperança este advento”.  

29 Nov 14:00 ACI Digital 1688611263493959839.html
Bella Hadid plant 600 bomen om ecologische voetafdruk te verkleinen

Ze voelt zich schuldig over haar toedoen aan het klimaat

29 Nov 10:00 Glamour 7276994002495765171.html
AirPods Pro, menos tamaño, pero mayores controles

Opciones para usuarios van desde identificar la almohadilla correcta hasta optar por oír el ambiente

29 Nov 13:18 El Tiempo 1091719940077259104.html
India’s economic growth cools to six-year low

Slowdown in rate of expansion is latest sign of deepening gloom

29 Nov 13:40 Financial Times 707176888221743433.html
Y-OCTA ekran teknolojisi bizlere neler sunuyor?

Apple, iPhone XR ile başlattığı LCD furyasına...

29 Nov 10:19 CNN Türk 3669296858126680443.html
Daimler streicht mindestens 10.000 Stellen

Der Autohersteller Daimler will weltweit Tausende Jobs streichen. An deutschen Standorten soll es vorerst keine betriebsbedingten Kündigungen geben. Vielmehr werden die Mitarbeiter ermutigt, weniger zu arbeiten.

29 Nov 12:24 n-tv 6802689754379183640.html
Legenda Liverpool Dukung Virgil Van Dijk Menangi Ballon d'Or 2019

Legenda hidup Liverpool, Steven Gerrard menyatakan mendukung Virgil van Dijk untuk meraih trofi Ballon d'Or 2019.

29 Nov 15:15 BolaSport.com 4603768436732794375.html
Second Test: Australia win toss, elect to bat, wicket falls in Adelaide

Second Test, day one, Adelaide OVal First innings: Australia 1/70 Warner 45, Labuschagne 18, 22 overs, early tea break Pakistan broke through early after With a big crowd expected for day one of the second Test between Australia and Pakistan at the Adelaide oval on Friday afternoon, the tourists have lamented that they have two cracks at the home side in this series.

29 Nov 15:16 The New Daily 5848147785291813142.html
Telegraph – Emery via dall’Arsenal, ora i gunners guardano ad Ancelotti

Secondo le informazioni riportate dal Telegraph, Carlo Ancelotti è un serio candidato per prendere il posto di Unai Emery sulla panchina dell’Arsenal, ora affidata provvisoriamente a Ljungberg. Il suo nome, insieme a quelli di Nuno Espirito Santo (Wolverhampton) e di Mikel Arteta (secondo di Guardiola al City). La decisione sarà presa senza particolare fretta dato l’incarico affidato allo […]

29 Nov 10:31 Spazio Napoli 1933866184056801036.html
16 Tahun Dipoligami hingga Dicap Pelakor Lantaran jadi Istri Kedua, Meggy Wulandari Ribuan Kali Bilang Cerai kepada Kiwil: Nggak Mungkin Mau Kalo Dia Jujur Sudah Punya Istri...

Dipersunting Kawil tanpa tahu dijadikan istri kedua, Meggy Wulandari rasakan pahitnya dicap sebagai pelakor.

29 Nov 13:29 grid.id 586386473647914186.html
Fabiola Yañez visita Misiones y hoy estará en el Festival Solidario en el Anfiteatro

La periodista Fabiola Yañez, actual pareja del presidente electo Aníbal Fernández, se encuentra en Misiones desde esta mañana para realizar distintas actividades. Ni bien pisó la Capital Provincial se reunió con el vicegobernador y gobernador...

29 Nov 14:01 El Territorio Misiones 4290701725049657603.html
Children of divorce are sticking at marriage, as ONS reveals divorce rate fallen to lowest for almost 50 years

Children of divorce are sticking at marriage, experts say, as official figures reveal that the divorce rate has fallen to the lowest for almost 50 years.

29 Nov 14:32 The Telegraph 140598091873358386.html
Industrijska proizvodnja u Hrvatskoj porasla 0,3% u oktobru

ZAGREB - Industrijska proizvodnja u Hrvatskoj porasla je u oktobru za 0,3 posto u odnosu na isti mesec 2018. godine, dok je u periodu januar-oktobar ove

29 Nov 14:07 Krstarica 4176903989877547488.html
Papa Francesco cita Livatino: “La vita appartiene alla sfera dei beni indisponibili”

Parlando ai membri del Centro Studi Rosario Livatino, giudice ragazzino ucciso dalla mafia che ora la Chiesa si prepara a proclamare beato, interviene sul tema eutanasia affermando che essa “non ha basi giuridiche”

29 Nov 12:44 VITA 7700876770873422142.html
Aussichten für Eon hellen sich auf

Der größte deutsche Stromversorger Eon will zum Spezialisten für Netze und Lösungen für Privatkunden werden. Nach der Übernahme der RWE-Tochter Innogy konnte der Konzern nun die Jahresprognose anheben.

29 Nov 15:03 tagesschau.de 5441171424672462469.html
Los hematólogos reclaman la financiación de los ACOD en todas sus indicaciones - El médico interactivo

Actualmente, más de un millón de personas en España recibe tratamiento anticoagulante

29 Nov 12:30 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182308715374.html
Caitlyn Jenner Says She Hasn't Spoken to Khloé Kardashian for Five Years

During I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, Caitlyn Jenner spoke about her ongoing feud with Khloe Kardashian, and revealed they haven't spoken for five years.

29 Nov 13:28 Marie Claire 7105575298251847551.html
WATCH: Three giraffes among 10 animals die in safari park fire

Video shows two giraff­es canter­ing back and forth in their pen as the flames billow­ed agains­t the night sky in Ohio

29 Nov 13:45 The Express Tribune 1105816787866672585.html
Ancianos de Israel, afectados por la pobreza, se preparan para el invierno

Aunque la calidad de la atención y la asistencia recibidas por los ancianos de Israel ha mejorado, todavía hay cientos de ancianos y ancianas

29 Nov 13:13 Noticias de Israel 5887715889749012756.html
Varun Dhawan, Sara Ali Khan, Mira Kapoor and Genelia D’Souza clicked in the city

Bollywood stars are known for their hot bods and perfectly toned muscles. Today, our cameras snapped some Bollywood stars as they stepped out for their gym sessions. Varun Dhawan opted for an all comfy look as he was seen in an orange sleeveless tee and white shorts. His Coolie No.1 co-star Sara Ali Khan too was clicked post-workout in a traditional Indian outfit. Genelia D’Souza was seen in a red tee and a pair of tracksuits post her gym session. Shahid Kapoor’s ladylove Mira Kapoor too was all smiles she waved to the paparazzi waiting outside her gym. 

29 Nov 12:28 Filmfare.com 6668806038998971580.html
Boca ya contactó al representante de Paolo Guerrero

El delantero peruano tiene dos años más de contrato con el Inter de Porto Alegre.

29 Nov 13:07 El Patagónico 8565457045306430414.html
Muere pasajero de embarcación tras caer en alta mar en Honduras

El ahora occiso fue identificado como Nahun Flores Pérez (32).

29 Nov 12:43 Diario La Prensa 7797091974898990924.html
Hotel Hit Squad: It's worth enduring the Scottish weather to sample Tom Kitchin’s near perfect food at The Bonnie Badger

Our hotel expert reviews The Bonnie Badger in the Scottish Highlands, including the food at Tom Kitchin’s restaurant.

29 Nov 12:42 The Telegraph 140598090981142931.html
Wer ärmer wurde unter den reichsten Schweizer Bankern

Laut einem neuen Ranking werden die Reichsten nicht nur reicher. Einige der vermögendsten Schweizer Banker haben im Jahr 2019 auch an Reichtum eingebüsst. Dazu es gibt mehrere Neuankömmlinge auf ...

29 Nov 10:18 finews.ch 7270223616659739837.html
Aubonne prend soin de ses fontaines historiques

La Municipalité demande au Conseil de lui octroyer un crédit de près de 150 000 francs afin de rénover cinq fontaines historiques du bourg. ...

29 Nov 12:00 La Côte 469155178890182144.html
La industria de drones de Israel se ha convertido en una fuerza global

El primer avión teledirigido rudimentario de Israel data de 1969: se trataba de un avión teledirigido con una cámara adjunta.

29 Nov 13:38 Noticias de Israel 5887715890382238504.html
Siguranță pe drum? Folosește anvelope din gama Davanti

Siguranță pe drum? Davanti oferă peste 250 de dimensiuni pe zece opțiuni de modele, în variantele sale de iarnă și de vară.

4 Dec 15:00 Cotidianul 8452212682215228513.html
Previa del encuentro: el Txantrea recibe a la Peña Sport en la decimoquinta jornada

Previa del encuentro: el Txantrea recibe a la Peña Sport en la decimoquinta jornada

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897969664258993.html
Enhance the Internal Storage on your PC with Solid State Drives

Deals | Enhance the Internal Storage on your PC with Solid State Drives

29 Nov 14:23 Technobezz 300833013628263387.html
Teenager's new tea room The Wonky Teapot opens this weekend - here's a sneak peek

It's a big opportunity for the 19-year-old

29 Nov 15:14 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701331018001.html
Klimaprotest in Köln beendet – Chemischer Geruch in Schule

Zur Kundgebung erwartete das Klimabündnis Fridays for Future 20.000 Demonstranten.

29 Nov 15:45 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568338164770.html
Klimaprotest in Köln beendet – Chemischer Geruch in Schule

Zur Kundgebung erwartete das Klimabündnis Fridays for Future 20.000 Demonstranten.

29 Nov 15:45 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568052976574.html
Elections CGEM. Le binôme Khalid Benjelloun-Abdelkrim Mehdi, officiellement candidats

Les candidatures à la présidence de la CGEM se suivent mais ne se ressemblent pas. Un troisième binôme vient d’être constitué, composé de Khalid Benjelloun et de Abdelkrim Mehdi, respectivement candidats aux postes de président et de vice-président, apprend Le360 de source sûre.

29 Nov 12:42 fr.le360.ma 5827163116279105089.html
If this is not recession, what is? Opposition slams govt after India's GDP growth dips | Reactions

Speaking at the National Economy Conclave, CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury referred to the recent GDP numbers and said, "This is the New India. This government wants a Hindu Rashtra which they want to do keeping states at bay."

29 Nov 13:10 India Today 4286117813837534030.html
Cristina Chiabotto parla del debito con il fisco e rivela cosa è accaduto

Cristina Chiabotto ha parlato per la prima volta dell'evasione fiscale che l'ha coinvolta e ha rivelato la verità su quanto accaduto.

29 Nov 10:09 Novella 2000 6951116780668511473.html
Japan: Kaufhaus führt "Perioden-Anstecker" für Mitarbeiterinnen ein – und erntet Shitstorm

Ein japanisches Kaufhaus hat für seine Mitarbeiterinnen « Perioden-Anstecker » eingeführt. So sollen die Frauen anzeigen, dass sie menstruieren. Es hagelt Kritik.

29 Nov 12:49 RTL.DE 7054729451760391472.html
The best iPads you can buy, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Apple makes the best tablets around, but it offers lots of iPads &mdash; How do you know which one to buy? We've picked the best Apple iPads in 2019.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:19 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757219249950.html
Valor destaca universidades da PB no topo das patentes no Brasil

A liderança da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) e Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) no ranking de pedidos de registros de patentes tem chamado a atenção da mídia nacional. O assunto foi destaque de capa do jornal Valor Econômico, nesta sexta-feira, que buscou apontar motivos que fazem a pesquisa científica universitária no Estado despontar […]

29 Nov 14:24 MaisPB 6493363686479330.html
Neuer EU-Ratspräsident Michel will «durchsetzungsfähiges» Europa

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 13:56 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774683345448.html
Drie genomineerden voor de Trofee Raymond Goethals zijn bekend

Philippe Clement (Club Brugge, ex-KRC Genk), Michel Preud’homme (Standard) en Wouter Vrancken (KV Mechelen) zijn de drie genomineerden voor de Trofee Raymo...

29 Nov 11:55 De Standaard 2288913868769903176.html
Sinopsis Miniseri SCTV Love is Pink Episode Jumat, 29 November 2019

Love is Pink tayang Jumat sore.

29 Nov 13:20 liputan6.com 3414318496162238798.html
Attention si vous prenez la route reliant Marrakech à Ouarzazate

Le ministère de l'Equipement, du Transport, de la Logistique et de l’Eau a annoncé l’interruption momentanée de la circulation sur certaines sections de la route nationale reliant Marrakech à Ouarzazate, en raison des travaux d'élargissement de ces tronçon.

29 Nov 13:00 Le Site Info 5160764339986505755.html
Trump impeachment news – live: White House ‘engaged in unprecedented obstruction’, as officials admit they have no record of call president claims proves his innocence

Donald Trump’s White House has “engaged in unprecedented obstruction”, former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal has declared in a damning interview with MSNBC, as the White House admits it has no record of a key call between the president and EU ambassador Gordon Sondland that Republicans had hoped

29 Nov 11:51 Yahoo 7097669637354508531.html
Malta, omicidio giornalista. Premier Muscat non si dimette: “In carica fino a chiusura indagine”

'Ho preso l'impegno di chiudere questo caso sotto la mia responsabilità', ha detto Muscat al termine di un riunione urgente del governo, in merito al caso dell'omicidio di Daphne Caruana Galizia: 'Il fatto che siamo andati così avanti significa che le indagini non sono state compromesse'.

29 Nov 10:33 fanpage.it 1517332167712044734.html
Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, a political titan who spanned eras, dies at 101

The enduring statesman, who bolstered the military alliance with the U.S. and privatized the Japanese National Railways, led Japan onto the world stage in the 1980s.

29 Nov 10:17 The Japan Times 6673764367519128810.html
BJP reprimands Pragya Thakur for callng Godse a patriot

BJP working president J P Nadda announced the disciplinary action against her and condemned the controversial Hindutva leader's remarks in a bid to defuse the political crisis triggered by her

29 Nov 11:07 Deccan Herald 2027555797173573465.html
Ehepaar Lorenz führt Pastettens Grüne an

Das Ehepaar Alice und Christian führt die Grüne-Liste für die Kommunalwahlen 2020 in Pastetten an. Mehr als die Hälfte der Kandidaten sind Frauen.

29 Nov 10:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239689340576.html
Senado exhorta a corral que reconsidere demolición de canchas de santo niño

Cdmx.- El Senado de la República aprobó un punto de acuerdo presentado por el senador por Morena, Cruz Pérez Cuéllar, mediante el cual se exhorta al gobernador del estado de Chihuahua, Javier Corral Jurado, para que reconsidere la ejecución de los actos de demolición, modificación o supresión del deportivo público conocido como "Deportivo y /o Canchas Santo Niño", de la ciudad de Chihuahua, para la construcción de un Centro de Atención Múltiple (CAM).

29 Nov 15:50 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558411397740.html
Edison: €370 mln a sostegno della transizione energetica e della sostenibilità in Campania

La società  annuncia infatti la costruzione di una centrale termoelettrica di ultima generazione a ciclo combinato alimentata con gas naturale a Presenzano in provincia di Caserta. L’avvio della costruzione è previsto all’inizio del 2020.

29 Nov 13:19 InvestireOggi 7231367744135632849.html
145 ofertas Google Play por el Black Friday: aplicaciones y juegos gratis y con grandes descuentos por poco tiempo

El Black Friday ya está aquí, pero nuestras ofertas de Google Play están siempre aquí todos los viernes independientemente de su color. Hoy las ofertas de...

29 Nov 14:31 Xataka Android 8206963586455336679.html
Termenul pentru despăgubiri în cazul actelor administrative nelegale

Recent, Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție a pronunțat o decizie obligatorie cu privire la termenul în care se pot solicita despăgubiri în cazul provocării unei pagube printr-un act administrativ nelegal. Mai concret, s-a stabilit că termenul de un an pentru solicitarea de despăgubiri în instanță curge de la data la care persoana vătămată a luat cunoștință de paguba efectivă.

29 Nov 14:00 Bihoreanul 4510067093126568594.html
Here is our verdict on Metcalfe’s Popcorn Jumbles Toffee Apple and Eton Mess flavours

Our staff got into a jumble after we got delivery of some popcorn - but with a difference.

29 Nov 13:55 Lancashire Post 6469275853808788356.html
Para Lacunza la especulación financiera "es un derecho"

El ministro de Hacienda, fiel al macrismo, es una máquina de tirar polémicas. Antes fue con sus insólitas comparaciones, ahora con el derecho a especular.

29 Nov 12:48 Diario Registrado 7686014735897812751.html
El gigante chino Three Gorges analiza la compra de la española FRV

La empresa estatal china Three Gorges es uno de los aspirantes a la compra del grupo español de desarrollo de plantas fotovoltaicas Fotowatio...

29 Nov 12:49 Expansión 4197779424404773311.html
Catarina Raminhos recorda avó com homenagem

A mulher do humorista António Raminhos recordou, esta sexta-feira, a avó com uma homenagem, no quarto aniversário da sua morte.

29 Nov 14:20 N-TV 4368043451582181109.html
B.C. home sales continue to climb, hitting highest activity level in nearly two years

B.C. home sales remained on an upswing in October with MLS sales up 1.3% from September and 16% year-over-year.

29 Nov 15:19 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958498082793620.html
FC Lienden aan de rand van de afgrond

Het is nog maar de vraag of FC Lienden volgend jaar nog te bewonderen is op de amateurvelden. Het gaat in ieder geval een moeilijke opdracht worden. Het huidige bestuur vertrekt na dit seizoen. “Anderen mogen het nu oppakken, maar ik verwacht volgend seizoen bij een andere club te zitten.” Dat zegt trainer Hans van…

29 Nov 11:55 Sportnieuws 3602982464653474390.html
JOŠ JEDNA RAMPA ZA PRIŠTINU: Zahtev za prijem tzv. Kosova u važnu evropsku organizaciju skinut sa dnevnog reda

Zahtev za članstvo samoproglašenog Kosova u Evropskoj grupi poštanskih regulatora (ERGP) skinut je sa dnevnog reda skupa te evropske organizacije, saznaje RTS.Srpski tim uspeo je da spreči ulazak Prištine u Evropsku grupu poštanskih regulatora u saradnji sa ...

29 Nov 15:18 kurir.rs 6515665027929847248.html
Auf einen Österreicher kommen drei Touristen!

Österreich ist Touristenmagnet: Schon mehr als 25 Millionen Gäste. Sommer-Tourismus boomt.

29 Nov 10:32 www.oe24.at 1513709912051540834.html
SEROS canceló la deuda con prestadores

El titular del ISSyS confirmó que este jueves se depositó el pago del exigible del mes.

29 Nov 12:31 El Patagónico 8565457046296754160.html
Formel 1 Grand Prix von Abu Dhabi 2019 Ergebnisse : Schock-Crash! Vettel kracht im Auftakttraining in die Leitplanke

In der Formel 1 steht in diesem Jahr bereits die 70. Weltmeisterschaft an. Von März bis Dezember 2019 müssen sich die Fahrer auf insgesamt 21 Stecken beweisen, um am Ende als Weltmeister hervor zu gehen. An diesem Wochenende (29.11. - 1.12.2019) steht das 21. und letzte Rennen, der Große Preis von Abu Dhabi, auf dem Programm.

29 Nov 10:59 news.de 5126378979338616598.html
Get your coffee fix with this incredible $99 Nespresso deal for Black Friday

This coffee maker can make coffee or Espresso in five different sizes with the push of a button. It even recognizes individual coffee blends to customize your brew.

29 Nov 15:10 Android Central 29040142406105114.html
Euro ronda mínimos de mes; dólar aprovecha positivo panorama comerciales

El euro rondaba el viernes en torno a sus niveles más bajos del mes, mientras el dólar mantenía su entereza por esperanzas de que Estados Unidos ...

29 Nov 13:13 LaPatilla.com 9104603010140908339.html
Viadotto crollato sulla A6, riaperta la carreggiata sud dell’autostrada

Genova, 29 nov. (askanews) – E’ stato riaperto poco dopo le 11 il tratto dell’autostrada A6 Torino-Savona chiuso da domenica scorsa dopo il crollo del viadotto “Madonna del Monte” a causa di una frana. Lo ha annunciato su Facebook il governatore della Liguria, Giovanni Toti. “Pochi minuti fa – ha scritto Toti – ha riaperto […]

29 Nov 13:00 Askanews 298649740406907562.html
'Robin Hood of McNuggets' gets a shout-out from Tom Hanks

Edmonton's 'Robin Hood of McNuggets' has caught the attention of Hollywood actor Tom Hanks.

29 Nov 13:16 Edmonton 2483052956495572105.html
'We won’t be stopped!': Celtic fans target Europa League trophy after historic table-topping performance

Celtic defeated Rennes 3-1 last night to top Group E and advance to the last 32 in the Europa League last night.

29 Nov 10:45 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489318972399.html
Tak Ada Lagi Eselon III dan IV, Pejabatnya Jadi Apa?

Juru bicara (Jubir) Presiden, Fadjroel Rachman mengatakan para pejabat eselon III dan IV yang terpangkas akan menjabat sebagai .... Temukan jawabannya di sini.

29 Nov 11:30 detikfinance 4442190002280141664.html
DOCTOR SLEEP Director Mike Flanagan Has A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Movie Idea He's Dying to Pitch

The director of Doctor Sleep and The Haunting of Hill House , Mike Flanagan , has a “killer idea” that he would love to pitch for a new A Nightmare on Elm Street film. It was recently reported that Wes Craven ’s estate is taking pitches for a new A Nightmare on Elm Street movie, so it l

29 Nov 15:00 GeekTyrant 6344790642422149647.html
Imanol, contento tras entrenar por vez primera en el nuevo césped

Imanol se ha mostrado contento con el estado del nuevo c&eacute;sped del Reale Arena tras reconocerlo en el &uacute;ltimo entrenamiento previo al derbi de ma...

29 Nov 15:45 naiz: 7509038603756859142.html
Is Black Friday still a big deal?

Black Friday's star on the retail calendar has dimmed a little in recent years, but it is still very important to stores -- and shoppers.

29 Nov 12:34 CHANNEL3000 830332542312176741.html
Stalking | donna perseguita il suo giovane ex | acido in pieno volto


29 Nov 10:22 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928188256114.html
Telly fans face disruption thanks to new 4G mobile masts

Freeview viewers in Dunblane could have some of their favourite telly shows interrupted because new 4G mobile masts have been erected in the area.

29 Nov 12:07 dailyrecord 552235479721071011.html
Afghanistan : pourquoi Donald Trump veut relancer les négociations avec les talibans

Pour sa première visite en Afghanistan jeudi, Donald Trump a indiqué qu'il allait relancer les pourparlers avec les talibans. Voici pourquoi les Etats-Unis négocient avec leurs ennemis.

29 Nov 15:32 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636494036510202.html
Ya disponible para comprar en cartucho un nuevo juego de SNES llamado Yo-Yo Shuriken

Como sabéis a pesar de la mayoría de consolas clásicas hace años que ya no lanzan juegos, eso no quita que haya fans de lo retro que se animen a lanzar nuevos títulos para ellas en formato físico. Hoy os traemos un claro ejemplo de ellos. Yo-Yo Shuriken es un nuevo título recién lanzado en […]

29 Nov 10:42 Nintenderos 2555436001438917012.html
Driver condemned for ‘mindless parking’ in front of fire station doors

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service was unable to send out one of its appliances to a road crash because it was blocked by the parked car.

29 Nov 12:56 Shropshire Star 3480199991483086308.html
PSD: Desfiinţarea salariului minim diferenţiat, abordare specifică regimurilor comuniste

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

29 Nov 11:12 Gândul 5586965503455468260.html
Alarmists Propose Rebranding ‘Climate Change’ for Greater Shock Value

Climate change alarmists are pushing for a change in vocabulary to scare people into taking global warming more seriously.

29 Nov 13:25 Breitbart 3148363490907008335.html
Word Balloons: Gift ideas for comics fans

As the weather turns colder and the days grow shorter, holiday shopping is on many people’s minds. The day after Thanksgiving, often called “Black Friday,” has long been considered a day to potentially kick off shopping for the December holiday season. If you're shopping for comic-book and genre fans this holiday season, here are some suggestions: • DC Comics: The Art of Jim Lee Vol. 1: Jim Lee has been one of comics’ most popular artists since breaking into the field in the late 1980s. Now DC Comics’ co-publisher, Lee has his work for DC celebrated in a new art book, including covers and behind-the-scenes artwork that retails for $39.

29 Nov 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761935887970.html
Seguros para patinetes eléctricos: tipos, precios y qué coberturas ofrecen en caso de accidente

La seguridad es lo primero. Con el auge del patinete eléctrico, una de las necesidades que ha surgido es la de contratar un seguro para estar cubiertos ante...

29 Nov 13:01 Xataka 4719855496155764319.html
Golpistas imprimen golpe de timón a política exterior de Bolivia

El gobierno de facto en Bolivia acaba de dar un brusco golpe de timón en las relaciones internacionales del país sudamericano, con la creación de nuevos lazos estratégicos para la consolidación y legitimación del golpe de Estado

29 Nov 13:02 Trabajadores 1167277447105436793.html
Deze Xpeng P7 kost slechts een derde van een Tesla Model S

De Xpeng P7, in China een Tesla killer genoemd, is sinds kort beschikbaar voor pre-order.

29 Nov 10:00 DutchCowboys 8617317427396755880.html
Unai Emery fikk sparken i Arsenal

Unai Emery (48) har ledet Arsenal for siste gang.

29 Nov 10:12 TV 2 8210067770441915244.html
Eurozone unemployment's falls to lowest rate since July 2008

LONDON (AP) - Unemployment across the 19-country eurozone has fallen to its lowest rate since July 2008 even though growth is cooling in the face of headwinds like the U.S.-China trade war and uncertainty related to Britain's departure from the European Union.

29 Nov 10:50 WFXT 6395891953821708097.html
Dos soldados de Turquía muertos en ataque cerca de la frontera con Siria

Dos soldados de Turquía murieron en el sur de Turquía en un ataque con mortero cerca de una base militar en la ciudad de Akcakale

29 Nov 13:45 Noticias de Israel 5887715889508407548.html
Land Rover Discovery, il rimorchio non si sente più

Ancora una prova di come sia semplice guidare un rimorchio in retromarcia grazie al sistema Advanced Tow Assist

29 Nov 11:50 Repubblica.it 8208867269795368491.html
Samantha Giles hints at return to Emmerdale just one day after her exit

Bernice left viewers heartbroken as she departed last night

29 Nov 13:54 Entertainment Daily 8392972517331072418.html
El PP planteará bloquear en Europa los fondos de militares y chavistas con altos cargos

El Partido Popular español (PP, conservador) comparte el diagnóstico de la oposición venezolana de que la mejor fórmula para evitar que España se convierta en el “paraíso fiscal” de militares y cargos chavistas es ampliar el número de las llamadas “sanciones individuales adicionales” para bloquear sus cuentas, y así lo pedirá en Europa. El portavoz […]

29 Nov 15:34 El Carabobeño 125457439848050380.html
Femminicidio Brescia | lui uccide la sua ex poi si impicca nel parco | FOTO

Caso di femminicidio vicino Brescia: un uomo ammazza la donna di diversi anni più grande di lui con cui stava e compie una doppia tragedia Altro efferato caso di femminicidio, in provincia di Brescia stavolta, l’ennesimo del 2019 in Italia. Un uomo uccide una donna e poi si toglie a sua volta la vita. Il …

29 Nov 15:15 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927673460771.html
Catamarca comenzó con los festejos a la Virgen Morenita del Valle

La sagrada imagen de Nuestra Señora del Valle fue bajada esta mañana del Camarín de la catedral basílica y santuario y colocada en el presbiterio, para dar inicio a las fiestas marianas con las que el 8 de diciembre comenzará el Año Jubilar por los 400 años junto a la Virgen. Cientos de fieles se reunieron en el templo para rezar el primer día de la novena. Luego se trasladó la imagen en caravana ...

29 Nov 12:57 aica.org 5568670712446878050.html
Does New Rise of Skywalker Behind-the-Scenes Footage Reveal a Surprise Return?

J.J. Abrams discusses The Last Jedi’s influence on the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga. Mike Flanagan is dying to pitch a new Nightmare on Elm Street. Scarlett Johansson appreciates how the new Black Widow movie will handle trauma. Plus, what’s to come on Supergirl’s midseason finale. To me, my spoilers!

29 Nov 14:00 io9 4262154051327168900.html
Governo de Singapura pressiona Facebook para corrigir post de usuário

Poder Executivo se baseia na

29 Nov 14:31 Olhar Digital 416591715662698392.html
Nach dem EL-Aus wartet Altach auf den WAC

Nach dem Out in der Europa-League rückt für den WAC wieder die heimische Bundesliga in den Mittelpunkt. Im Auswärtsspiel am Sonntag in der 16. Runde gegen den SCR Altach soll das Heim-0:1 gegen Mönchengladbach verdaut und Tabellenplatz drei abgesichert werden.

29 Nov 15:50 weltfussball.at 3521376371689223234.html
No, The Simpsons Is NOT Ending, Says Producer

The Simpsons executive producer Al Jean has debunked composer Danny Elfman's claim that the series is nearing its conclusion.

29 Nov 14:11 CBR.com 1295516962240123307.html
Google? Huawei non ne ha bisogno: si guarda avanti

Si è già visto che Google non è così fondamentale per Huawei e secondo il fondatore, gli obiettivi verranno comunque raggiunti

29 Nov 13:45 tecnoandroid 2573257128395767256.html
Redmi lanzará un router y lo esperamos a un precio rompedor

Todo lo que sabemos hasta ahora del nuevo router Redmi que esperamos a un precio rompedor a partir de diciembre

29 Nov 12:46 ADSLZone 3760867498559975812.html
Lowry And Taylor Included In Longlist For RTÉ Sportsperson of Year

The 26 top Irish performers from across the sporting world this year have been longlisted for the RTÉ Sportsperson of the Year award 2019.

29 Nov 11:24 PUNDIT ARENA 505417275129713324.html
5 events to get you in the holiday spirit this December

These are the top events this month.

29 Nov 12:53 CHANNEL3000 830332541823671574.html
HCL Foundation invests more than Rs 160 crore in community projects in UP

UP accounts for 2/3rd of the Foundation's activity spend

29 Nov 12:48 Business-Standard 1502508925867883283.html
Fernández y Kicillof se reunieron para definir una agenda conjunta

El futuro presidente Alberto Fernández se reunió con el gobernador bonaerense electo, Axel Kicillof, para “coordinar equipos” de gestión y abordar “temas prioritarios” para el distrito.

29 Nov 12:44 Crónica 1134283327750337430.html
Allzeit-Rekord interessiert Kimi Räikkönen nicht

Kimi Räikkönen klettert an diesem Wochenende auf Platz zwei der ewigen Starterliste - Dass er kommendes Jahr die Nummer 1 wird, kümmert ihn wenig.

29 Nov 11:47 sport.de 3321967091037577444.html
Black Friday macOS : Office, Creative Cloud, Affinity Photo, Parallels Desktop…

Pas mal d'éditeurs de logiciels font leur Black Friday.

29 Nov 10:40 MacGeneration 2779661376137032621.html
Turkey is a leading NATO member. It’s time this commitment was recognised, not criticised ǀ View

The 70th anniversary of NATO follows both President Emmanuel Macron’s recent comments about the Alliance suffering from a “brain death” and the legacy of last year’s summit, during which tensions were high and questions swirled about NATO’s longevity and utility.

29 Nov 12:10 euronews 7318238122278185339.html
Breasts - Know 6 Strang Facts About Boobs | TheHealthSite.com

Breasts - Know 6 Facts About Boobs come in a wide range of shapes and sizes.Read few strange facts about human breasts at thehealthsite.com

29 Nov 12:15 Thehealthsite 4766622850162099088.html
Liverpool: Fabinho fällt bis nächstes Jahr aus

Fabinho wird dem FC Liverpool im restlichen Kalenderjahr nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen. Wie die Reds mitteilen, fällt der Brasilianer mit einer Sprunggelenksverletzung „bis nächstes Jahr“ aus. (...)

29 Nov 13:19 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784756194823.html
Stjernas blåveis sjokkerer

73-åringen falt og skadet seg stygt forrige uke.

29 Nov 14:07 Dagbladet.no 3042595687942495980.html
MacBook Pro Diary: A forced repair leading to a rethink about my next Mac

I've finally been forced into arranging the keyboard replacement I've been deferring forever, and that has led me to think about my next Mac ...

29 Nov 14:41 9to5Mac 8219339161112006631.html
Fisker Ocean will start at $379 per month under subscription service

Fisker said Wednesday its forthcoming Ocean electric luxury SUV will start at $379 a month under its flexible lease program. That's after a $2,999 down payment, however, and it doesn't include insurance.

29 Nov 13:00 Autoblog 4372976973207750544.html
Bicameral conference on proposed P4.1-trillion 2020 national budget starts

The Congress bicameral conference committee started finalizing the P4.1-trillion proposed 2020 national budget bill on Friday, November 29.

29 Nov 15:23 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200417755176.html
Blue Moon rises to rock the Lowveld

Neither rain, nor a fallen tree, could deter diehard rock fans from WoodCrock at Blue Moon last Saturday evening.

29 Nov 10:18 Lowvelder 3143322321740665322.html
Jednomjesečni pritvor zbog ubistva u Banjaluci

BANJALUKA - Okružni sud u Banjaluci odredio je jednomjesečni pritvor Radetu Drljači (24) osumnjičenom za ubistvo i paljenje tijela Brune Rolda (54) kao i saizvršiocima Borisu Zoriću (33) i Slobodanu Krnetiću (33).

29 Nov 14:20 Nezavisne novine 4209150642737195577.html
EU’s Tusk and Juncker bow out as new team prepare to move in

Charles Michel and Donald Tusk warmly hugged one another during the handover ceremony.

29 Nov 11:36 Express & Star 7324224460203955915.html
Tesla quer usar raios laser para substituir os para-brisas em seus carros

Cadastrado na metade deste ano, o registro de patente traz um sistema que usa raios laser para remover os detritos do painel. Saiba mais sobre essa ideia!

29 Nov 11:45 Canaltech 6267437388109725947.html
Shocking figures reveal 2019 has been the worst for hospital overcrowding with a full month left to go

The alarming figure breaks 2018's previous record with a full month left to go in the year

29 Nov 13:19 Irish Mirror 2875825628527663403.html
Verslagenheid bij PSV na afgang: "Dit was een zwarte pagina voor ons, alweer"

Denzel Dumfries oogde aangeslagen na de smadelijke 4-0 nederlaag die PSV donderdagavond leed bij Sporting Portugal. Daardoor eindigt het Europese avontuur van de Eindhovenaren al voor de winterstop en dat doet aanvoerder Dumfries pijn. De rechtsback van PSV schaamde zich zichtbaar voor de prestaties van zijn team. "Dit was een zwarte pagina voor ons, alweer", verzucht hij voor de camera van FOX Sports. "Ook hoe de goals tot stand komen. Twee ingooien, een corner en een penalty. Dat is niet best." PSV ligt door gênante nederlaag bij Sporting uit de Europa League PSV staat voor loodzware klus in Eredivisie: 'We moeten niet aan de titel denken'

29 Nov 13:33 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883877301637.html
Amazon's latest Black Friday deals include huge savings on Shark Vacuum Cleaners

The biggest deals day of the year is finally here - we've got all you need to know about the top deals from Amazon

29 Nov 11:29 dailyrecord 552235479008258658.html
Skrekknyhet for Liverpool-fansen: Viktig spiller ute resten av året

Liverpools midtbanespiller Fabinho er ute til over nyttår etter ankelskaden han pådro seg i mesterligaoppgjøret mot Napoli onsdag.

29 Nov 13:53 Bergens Tidende 6643873499351084114.html
Resident Evil 3-Remake? Capcom zeigt bald wohl 2 unangekündigte Spiele

Capcom zeigt auf der Jump Festa angeblich vier Spiele, von denen zwei noch unangekündigt sein sollen. Einer der neuen Titel könnte das Resident Evil 3-Remake sein, das Capcom nochmal angeteast haben könnte.

29 Nov 10:54 www.gamepro.de 3610569833218201933.html
‘Sources of funding’: Ronan Farrow says Hillary Clinton cooled on him when he investigated #MeToo crimes

Journalist Ronan Farrow said Hillary Clinton tried to distance herself from him when she discovered he was investigating sexual assault allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

29 Nov 14:48 Washington Examiner 4625792333173626410.html
Presentará Procuraduría queja contra jueces por feminicidio contra Abril Pérez

La Procuraduría General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México presentará diversas acciones legales, entre ellas una queja ante el Consejo de la Judicatura por la actuación de dos jueces de control y un magistrado por liberar a Juan ''N'', esposo de Abril Pérez Sagaón, quien fue asesinada este lunes.

29 Nov 11:46 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559714628907.html
Melihat Indah Terangnya Cahaya di Amsterdam Light Festival

Amsterdam Light Festival diadakan dari 28 November 2019 sampai 19 Januari 2020. - Foto 1

29 Nov 10:12 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214049198271.html
Italijanski pokret „Sardine“ alternativa Mateu Salviniju

RIM - U polarizovanom političkom pejzažu Italije pojavio se novi politički pokret "Sardine" s ciljem da budu alternativa desničarskom populisti Mateu

29 Nov 12:02 Krstarica 4176903988963616355.html
Sofie De Vuyst laat analyse van B-staal uitvoeren: “Alle middelen aanwenden om onschuld te bewijzen”

Sofie De Vuyst, betrapt op het gebruik van steroïden, blijft haar onschuld uitschreeuwen en laat een expertise van het B-staal uitvoeren.

29 Nov 14:05 De Standaard 2288913868849339336.html
'It's important that the truth is told': Family of Michaela McAreavey fear they may never get justice

The husband of murdered Irish woman Michaela McAreavey has put together an in-depth podcast outlining the ordeal the family went through at the timeof her death

29 Nov 14:07 Irishexaminer 8196011179631415915.html
Imputados por «desórdenes públicos» cuatro participantes en una marcha contra la incineradora

El Movimiento Contra la Incineradora ha denunciado que dos vecinos de Zubieta, otro de Lasarte-Oria y un cuarto de Donostia ser&aacute;n juzgados acusados de...

29 Nov 12:33 naiz: 7509038602799790195.html
Vasco anuncia que e-ticket poderá ser usado na partida contra o Cruzeiro

A pedidos de novos sócios-torcedores, o Vasco da Gama anunciou que será permitido utilizar e-ticket para acessar São Januário.

29 Nov 15:12 Vasco Notícias 1167013066232037480.html
JOŠ JEDNA RAMPA ZA PRIŠTINU: Zahtev za prijem tzv. Kosova u važnu evropsku organizaciju skinut sa dnevnog reda

Zahtev za članstvo samoproglašenog Kosova u Evropskoj grupi poštanskih regulatora (ERGP) skinut je sa dnevnog reda skupa te evropske organizacije, saznaje RTS.

29 Nov 15:36 REPUBLIKA 2543998406473395378.html
Managers, inspirez-vous de Bonaparte, l'empereur du storytelling

Lors de son expédition en Egypte (1798-1799), le général Bonaparte - qui n’est pas encore souverain – va mettre en scène son épopée. Il la raconte sous la forme d’épisodes haletants et glorieux, désireux

29 Nov 14:38 Capital.fr 2641485282367893286.html
Michelle Pfeiffer se deja ver sin maquillaje y la elogian por su belleza natural

A sus 61 años de edad, Michelle Pfeiffer compartió una fotografía donde aparece sin maquillaje y hasta un tanto despeinada, ¡y los fans aplauden su belleza!

29 Nov 10:17 Publinews 8987875305524156980.html
SEA Games 2019: Polo Air Putra Raih Emas Pertama bagi Indonesia

Timnas polo air putra Indonesia meraih medali emas SEA Games 2019 di Filipina, yang menjadi medali pertama kontingen Merah Putih.

29 Nov 12:28 Tempo 2196297219168147376.html
La campaña y el multijugador de Overwatch 2 estarán bien diferenciados

Se ha confirmado que que el modo campaña de Overwatch 2 estará bien estructurado y sabrá diferenciarse del apartado multijugador.

29 Nov 10:00 Generación Xbox 4040846039725272250.html
Unggah Foto OOTD Pamer Lekuk Badan, Valerie Thomas Tuai Komentar Netizen: Biar Apa?

Valerie Thomas mengunggah foto OOTD pamer lekuk badan saat mengunjungi taman bermain di luar negeri, netizen komentar: biar apa?

29 Nov 11:32 grid.id 586386474322699130.html
Google and Netflix know the power of improv in the workplace. This is how to make it work for you

Making up a play, skit or song on the spot is a useful skill for the stage. But it can also help you in the workplace.

29 Nov 11:00 ABC News 485384927540706252.html
Koprčan zaradi preprodajaje tablet s prepovedano drogo v pripor

Koprski policisti so prejšnji petek prijeli 45-letnega Koprčana, ki ga sumijo storitve kaznivega dejanja neupravičene proizvodnje in prometa s prepovedanimi drogami.

29 Nov 15:35 Primorske novice 8884558926387196449.html
Carlota Corredera estrena nuevo 'look' para celebrar el éxito de su nuevo libro

En apenas una semana 'Hablemos de nosotras' ya se ha convertido en número 1 en ventas

29 Nov 11:00 Hola.com 2035212430152090867.html
Werner Luginbühl wird neuer Präsident der ElCom

Der Bundesrat hat den bisherigen BDP-Ständerat Werner Luginbühl per 1. März zum Präsidenten der Eidgenössischen Elektrizitätskommission gewählt.

29 Nov 13:02 Berner Zeitung 1248949325723635631.html
Chili: Le gouvernement rencontre les syndicats pour trouver une sortie de crise

Le gouvernement chilien s’est réuni jeudi pour la première fois avec les syndicats pour tenter de trouver une issue à la grave crise sociale qui dure depuis plus de 40 […]

29 Nov 11:09 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981582671812.html
Madžarska na meji s Srbijo odkrila dva predora in ujela migrante

Madžarska policija je na madžarsko-srbski meji, na kateri že štiri leta stoji ograja iz bodeče žice, odkrila dva predora, ki ju je tudi že zasula. Ob enem od predorov je prijela 44 ljudi, ki so skušali nezakonito vstopiti v državo.

29 Nov 14:31 Dnevnik 7671546650040440620.html
Los piratas invadirán el nuevo Elite Pass de Free Fire

Una recompensa te espera por preordenar el pase del Battle Royale

29 Nov 14:33 LevelUp 3760720893136517315.html
Royals im News-Ticker: "Tut mir Leid, William, tut mir leid, Kate": Camila Cabello gesteht Diebstahl im Kensington-Palast

Von Queen Elizabeth über William, Kate, Harry und Meghan bis hin zu Schwedens Kronprinzessin Victoria und König Felipe von Spanien. Hier auf FOCUS Online erfahren Sie die aktuellen Nachrichten und exklusive Storys aus den europäischen Königshäusern.

29 Nov 14:56 FOCUS Online 4448121231418775121.html
Six-car collision causes two-mile tailbacks on A12

A six-car collision caused one carriageway of the A12 to be partially blocked, leading to traffic queueing back two miles.

29 Nov 10:59 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152238951634.html
Liverpool’s Fabinho ruled out until New Year with ankle injury

Jurgen Klopp is confident that Liverpool can cope without influential midfielder Fabinho after ankle ligament damage ruled out the Brazil international...

29 Nov 15:29 Vanguard News 4125100339533597568.html
Prohiben la venta de una mezcla de harina y dos marcas de manteca

Fue por no cumplir con las normas alimentarias vigentes.

29 Nov 11:13 Punto Biz 7504645526768891836.html
La Comunidad de Madrid pide a la OCDE que no publique los resultados de PISA porque las pruebas "son un desastre"

El consejero de Educación afirma que los resultados "son un auténtico desastre, están contaminados" por los errores detectados por la OCDE hace dos semanas en exámenes de varias comunidades, entre ellas MadridLa organización responsable del examen ya explicó que no publicaría los resultados de la prueba de Lectura en España tras haber detectado anomalías en las respuestas, pero sostuvo que el problema no afectaba a Matemáticas y CienciasLa Comunidad de Madrid explica que hay respuestas erróneas a preguntas de control como "¿Los aviones están hechos de perros?" para ejemplificar la invalidez de los resultados

29 Nov 14:44 eldiario.es 4752673444675556170.html
Hamilton: Tuve problemas para encontrar el ritmo

El inglés Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes), que hace dos carreras aseguró matemáticamente su sexto título mundial de Fórmula Uno y que marcó este viernes el segundo tiempo en la jornada de entrenamientos libres para el último Gran Premio de la temporada, el de Abu Dabi, declaró en el circuito de Yas Marina que tuvo "problemas para encontrar el ritmo" pero que nota el coche "bien"."Ha sido un viernes algo inusual para mí; tuve problemas para encontrar y meterme en el ritmo hoy, pero siempre hay días buenos y días malos", explicó el excéntrico y espectacular campeón inglés, cuyas 87 'poles' no iguala nadie y que con sus diez victorias de este año se encuentra, con 83, se encuentra a sólo ocho del récord histórico del alemán Michael Schumacher. El único séptuple campeón mundial; que ya sólo lo supera en un título."Sin embargo, el coche se nota que va bien", explicó Hamilton, nacido hace 34 años en Stevenage."Aunque está claro que hay áreas en las que aún podemos trabajar, tanto en el ámbito de equipo como en el ámbito…

29 Nov 15:00 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125769909286.html
Bivši srpski policajac špijunirao za Hrvatsku: Istraga i protiv Hrvata koji je organizovao obaveštajnu mrežu

U saopštenju BIA se ističe da je Nikola Kajkić oformio saradničku mrežu za prikupljanje obaveštajnih informacija, za vrbovanje lica sa ovih prostora

29 Nov 13:20 Вечерње новости 4219870592322125332.html
Buscan a un hombre que desapareció en Torrevieja tras salir al mar con un kayak

Se trata de un británico de 62 años que fue visto por última vez el sábado 23 de noviembre

29 Nov 15:01 Diarioinformacion 8979296176426171434.html
10 ani de activitate Blumenfield®

Luna aceasta, Blumenfield a sarbatorit 10 ani de activitate pe piata locala si regionala. Pe data de 15 noiembrie, compania din Constanta a organizat un eveniment aniversar la Hotel Del Mar din Mamaia, unde ...

29 Nov 12:58 ZIUA de Constanta 4072037469774900636.html
Nuevo atentado en el puente de Londres, varias personas apuñaladas

Varias personas resultaron heridas en un ataque con arma blanca y un hombre fue detenido este viernes en Londres, cerca del London Bridge, uno de los puentes del corazón de la capital británica,

29 Nov 15:19 El Universo 8365175797556473955.html
Marseille : échauffourées devant l'Intercontinental lors d'une manifestation

La tension est brusquement montée ce matin devant les portes de l’hôtel Intercontinental Hôtel-Dieu Marseille où une cinquantaine de manifestants, membre du personnel, ont pris position dans le cadre d’un conflit qui les oppose avec la direction de l’établissement. Des échauffourées ont éclaté entre une partie des manifestants qui tentaient de s’introduire dans le bâtiment et le service de sécurité de l’hôtel.

29 Nov 11:57 LaProvence 1839381420720834278.html
Burgtheater: Kušejs kluge Inszenierung der „Hermannsschlacht“ begeistert nicht

Die erste neue Regie-Arbeit des Direktors war der eigentliche Auftakt seiner Ära.

29 Nov 12:34 Kurier 208072239089131820.html
Muere escalador estadounidense en la ruta mexicana “Sendero Luminoso”

Un escalador estadounidense murió y otro resultó lesionado al caer desde una altura de 300 metros, de una ruta conocida como “Sendero […]

29 Nov 13:10 Notisistema 1929539243566418981.html
Black Friday Sale: Tanger Is A Bargain

Only pure-play outlet REIT and the second-largest owner and operator or outlet centers in the U.S. Diversified tenant base with no single tenant accounting for more than 7%.Operating performance weigh

29 Nov 11:45 Seeking Alpha 5725634557173283613.html
To the Moon 3: Impostor Factory si mostra nel primo trailer ufficiale

Freebird Games annuncia Impostor Factory, il terzo e conclusivo capitolo dell'emozionante serie in pixel art di Kan Gao. Ecco il primo trailer di gioco.

29 Nov 10:56 Lega Nerd 8527030507262052689.html
PEVCI SA NOVIM TRENEROM POTPUNO DRUGI TIM Bonući: Izbegao bih Totenhem u osmini finala zbog Murinja

Odbrambeni fudbaler Juventusa Leonardo Bonući izjavio je da bi u osmini finala Lige šampiona želeo da izbegne Totenhem, pre svega zbog portugalskog stručnjaka Žozea Murinja.

29 Nov 10:49 kurir.rs 6515665027306746101.html
Centro cardiologico di Taormina, gettate le basi per rinnovo convenzione col “BambinGesù” di Roma

Il direttore generale dell'Asp Paolo La Paglia ha incontrato a Messina il presidente dell’Ospedale pediatrico gestito dalla Santa Sede, Massimiliano Raponi

29 Nov 14:38 Tempostretto 3143171743605565847.html
51st Asoju Oba Cup ends today - The Nation Newspaper

After four days of action that witnessed large turnout of players across Lagos State, the 51st edition of the annual Asoju Oba Molade Okoya-Thomas Table Tennis Cup will end today...

29 Nov 10:05 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901778703008.html
Nuevo dispositivo de bajo costo ayudaría a tratar la diabetes

El dispositivo se ubcaría en la parte abdominal de los pacientes.

29 Nov 13:46 Colombia.com 1213910710349388723.html
Evo es declarado persona no grata por el Congreso de Aguascalientes en México

El expresidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales en entrevista desde México.. Foto: EFE   El expresidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, fue declarado persona no grata en Aguascalientes, México, país donde se encuentra asilado. El pasado 20 de noviembre, la diputada mexicana, América Rangel se manifestó ante el Congreso de su país para pedir  plasmar su rechazo

29 Nov 12:41 eju.tv 4688901770676907496.html
Governo tem de assumir responsabilidade, defende PSP sobre orçamento do MAI

Sindicatos e associações ainda não receberam o agendamento dos encontros anunciado as reuniões com o Ministério da Administração Interna.

29 Nov 11:14 PÚBLICO 2228264898185862050.html
En medio de la interna xeneize un partido clave por la punta: Superliga: Con Riquelme en la Bombonera, Boca recibe a Argentinos

El Boca-Argentinos de este sábado no será sólo un partido por la punta de la Superliga. Los jugadores del Bicho quieren dar el batacazo y demostrar que lo hecho hasta el momento no es obra de la casualidad. Los xeneizes, por su parte, tendrán una inmej...

29 Nov 15:19 PAGINA12 7077267064813710591.html
Un hombre golpea a su pareja hasta dejarla inconsciente delante del bebé de ambos

El detenido de 30 años dejó inconsciente a la víctima y llamó a una compañera de piso para pedirle que se hiciera cargo del pequeño de 9 meses

29 Nov 15:18 Levante-EMV 7042984477963691106.html
La Guardia Civil peina el monte entre Manuel y l'Olleria en busca de Marta Calvo

Agentes del Seprona y del Greim revisan pozos, canteras, barrancos y simas con la ayuda de perros y el apoyo aéreo del helicóptero

29 Nov 14:10 Levante-EMV 7042984478368928554.html
Dossena appende gli scarpini al chiodo, comincia la carriera da allenatore: ha firmato per il Crema

All’età di 38 anni, uno dei punti saldi dell’11 titolare del Napoli di Walter Mazzarri, l’esterno Andrea Dossena, ha deciso di appendere gli scarpini al chiodo e di vestire in giacca e cravatta. Rimasto svincolato per due anni e mezzo dopo l’ultima esperienza col Piacenza, l’ex numero 8 azzurro si accinge ad avviare la carriera […]

29 Nov 11:24 Spazio Napoli 1933866183154926681.html
Asian shares slide on weak Japan data; US markets closed

BEIJING — Shares extended losses in Asia on Friday after Japan and South Korea reported weak manufacturing data that suggest a worsening toll from trade tensions.

29 Nov 12:27 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351514602970679.html
2 K-pop stars were jailed for raping a drunk, unconscious woman in a scandal that showed the industry’s dark underbelly

Two K-pop stars have been sentenced to jail for gang raping a drunk, unconscious woman.

29 Nov 11:00 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883417270138.html
Laut Magna kein großer Jobabbau in Graz

Je nach Produktionsplanung der Kunden werde Zahl der Leiharbeiter bei Magna Graz angepasst.

29 Nov 10:46 www.oe24.at 1513709913037564090.html
4 Gaya & Fashion Item Puput Nastiti Devi Curi Perhatian, Istri Ahok Hobi Pakai Barang Branded

Penasaran seperti apa gaya kece istri Ahok? Berikut ini 4 gaya dan fashion item Puput Nastiti Devi yang mencuri perhatian.

29 Nov 12:12 Tribunnews.com 3323534445957796208.html
One of the best wireless gaming headsets is on sale for Black Friday

The Astro A50 wireless headset is on sale and you shouldn't miss out on this deal.

29 Nov 15:21 Windows Central 7807657681754925330.html
È il terzo settore l'humus ideale per l'innovazione

Presentato oggi il primo Social Innovation Campus di MIND, che si terrà nel febbraio 2020, nell’ambito del Forum Annuale EUSALP, alla presenza del presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte, del presidente della Regione Lombardia Attilio Fontana e del Commissario europeo Hahn

29 Nov 13:59 VITA 7700876771814582728.html
Carnival envía recomendaciones para la alianza público-privada en los puertos de San Juan

La gobernadora Wanda Vázquez sostuvo que las sugerencias se considerarán "para adelantar cualquier preocupación"

29 Nov 12:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311231855165.html
'My wallet or my health': Saskatchewan patients call for insulin pump funding

"This sounds weird, but I really don't have a Plan B if it fails," he admitted. "I don't know what I'd do."

29 Nov 12:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104419109747895.html
Mesa de la Gran Conversación Nacional habló este viernes sobre la paz con legalidad

La paz fue el tema central que le correspondió este viernes a la Gran Conversación Nacional, la estrategia que diseñó el presidente Iván Duque para atender los reclamos que se vienen haciendo desde diferentes sectores de la sociedad que han participado en las protestas de los últimos días.A la reunión, que se cumplió en la Casa de Nariño, asistieron el presidente Duque, la vicepresidente Marta Lucía Ramírez, la ministra del Interior, Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez, como también los consejeros Emilio Archila y Miguel Ceballos. Por la sociedad civil asistieron representantes de las víctimas, las negritudes, indígenas, la Iglesia Católica y algunos congresistas, entre otros.El mandatario nacional hizo precisión sobre cómo ha desarrollado su gobierno, en estos 15 meses, la implementación de los acuerdos de paz. De la misma forma, hizo una defensa de la función que cumplen los miembros del Esmad y solicitó que no se les califique como asesinos por cumplir su función de controlar los desmanes en la situaciones de orden público."Lo…

29 Nov 10:40 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346271068672.html
Black Friday: mobilisation massive en France contre Amazon et la surconsommation

Plusieurs dizaines de militants se sont rassemblés vendredi devant le siège français d'Amazon en banlieue de Paris pour dénoncer à l'occasion...

29 Nov 10:03 La Libre 2304109934270939364.html
Beppe Sala dice no a una via a Bettino Craxi. La figlia Stefania: "Solita sinistra ipocrita"

Botta e risposta tra la figlia del leader socialista a 20 anni dalla sua morte e il primo cittadino milanese

29 Nov 10:46 L'HuffPost 5315551423270047237.html
Man Utd injury news: Solskjaer hopeful of key boost vs Aston Villa, offers Pogba update

United boss hoping for timely double boost ahead of festive period...

29 Nov 12:30 CaughtOffside 8169236756407328352.html
Aliados reagem a demissões na Cultura

As mudanças promovidas pelo recém-nomeado secretário de Cultura, Roberto Alvim, em cargos ligados a sua área podem causar problemas em futuras votações no Congresso, destaca o jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. Deputados governistas procuraram o Palácio do Planalto para reclamar que indicados políticos tinham sido demitidos. Na lista de dispensa, estão nomes ligados ao MDB, Republicanos (antigo PRB) e PP.

29 Nov 15:00 DCI 3412821463444474018.html
Aliados reagem a demissões na Cultura

O deputado disse que articulou o documento a favor de Bogéa para mostrar ao presidente que ela faz uma boa gestão, mesmo com recursos escassos. "Em time que está ganhando não se mexe", disse Rocha

29 Nov 15:06 Folha Vitória 4941883427527489708.html
Kevin the Carrot: why are Aldi shoppers going wild for a stuffed root vegetable?

The toy has proved so popular that customers were said to be fighting in the aisles to get one. It’s a shame this never happens with real carrots

29 Nov 14:46 the Guardian 1491978795853894460.html
Tre agguati a Napoli: ucciso un 30enne e feriti due ragazzi

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:25 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207221643594.html
News des Tages: Heidi Klums Sex-Beichte / Jenny Elvers wieder Single / Sophias Absturz in Nizza

Bei ihrer neuen Show "Queen of Drags" ist Heidi Klum regelrecht ins Plaudern geraten. Dragqueen Olivia Jones konnte der 46-Jährigen am Set so manches intime Detail entlocken. Eine Sex-Beichte inklusive. >> zum Artikel

29 Nov 11:08 news.de 5126378979598650964.html
Star Wars: Disney Screens Rise of Skywalker Early for Dying Fan & His Son

Disney CEO Bob Iger helped make a fan's dying wish come true by granting him and his son an early screening of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

29 Nov 12:11 CBR.com 1295516963025104788.html
Black Friday: le offerte più convenienti di oggi e gli sconti da non perdere

Il Black Friday, nato in America e portato in Italia da Amazon, è cominciato. Dai must have hi-tech ai regali di Natale, passando per viaggi, abbigliamento e sport, ecco quali sono gli sconti più interessanti su Amazon e sugli altri store online in tutte le categorie, per trovare l'offerta migliore e dare il via allo shopping.

29 Nov 10:37 fanpage.it 1517332168231625829.html
Law student abducted, gang-raped in Ranchi; 12 arrested

The accused have been arrested in subsequent raids led by Superintendent of Police (Rural) Rishabh Kumar Jha.

29 Nov 11:14 Deccan Herald 2027555797598026530.html
On Tap: Burnaby’s Dageraad releases four new brews

Burnaby’s Dageraad Brewing has been busy this past week, releasing four beers and ensuring this holiday season will indeed be merry.

29 Nov 15:10 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497027505435.html
Plötzlicher Tod: Hollywood-Schauspieler stirbt während Aufzeichnung von berüchtigter Game-Show 

Schauspieler Godfrey Gao ist bei einer chinesischen Reality Show gestorben. Das Format ist bekannt dafür, Teilnehmer an ihre Grenzen zu bringen.

29 Nov 11:33 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238700518198.html
Daimler will mindestens 10.000 Stellen streichen

Der Autobauer will 1,4 Milliarden Euro an Personalkosten einsparen. Ein entsprechendes Eckpunkteprogramm sei mit dem Betriebsrat ausgehandelt worden.

29 Nov 11:01 Handelsblatt 4721373939916583216.html
El primer ministro de Irak anuncia su dimisión tras dos meses de protestas

El gran ayatolá Sistani pide a los diputados que retiren la confianza al Gobierno tras vivir la jornada más sangrienta desde que empezaron las manifestaciones que ya dejan 400 muertos

29 Nov 12:46 EL PAÍS 2207347711695580708.html
Nueve puntos que ponen en peligro a la humanidad por el cambio climático

El cambio clim&aacute;tico ha puesto en riesgo a la humanidad y estos son los nueve puntos en grave peligro alrededor del mundo.

29 Nov 12:11 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624252441855.html
Francia presiona a la Unión Europea para que la empresas asuman unos estándares comunes contra el cambio climático

El país galo esta presionando a la Unión Europea para establecer un calendario de acción contra el cambio climático más preciso y comprometido ya...

29 Nov 12:01 Expansión 4197779423878181212.html
[Update: Face Tagging Rolling Out] Google Photos 4.32 tests Manual Face Tagging and account switching gesture

Google Photos 4.32 is testing the manual face tagging feature we recently discovered in a teardown of the app, along with a new account switching gesture.

29 Nov 13:40 XDA Developers 7805159869936713696.html
Twenty people charged over 2015 Paris terror attacks

Salah Abdeslam among those indicted over attacks during which 131 people were killed

29 Nov 14:02 Financial Times 707176888497034272.html
The best Instax camera has just dropped to its lowest-ever price for Black Friday

Our favorite Fujifilm Instax camera is now available for an all-time-low price – it's time to snap up the Instax Mini 9.

29 Nov 12:48 TechRadar 2111116916165585239.html
Aprende a decorar tu casa por Navidad y no dañarla en el intento

Aquí unos tips de cómo decorar tu casa por Navidad.

29 Nov 10:36 Wapa.pe 6757287089501116864.html
I'm A Celebrity fans are threatening to switch off this year after becoming bored with the show

'It's a bit like The Walking Dead. Watching it feels more of a chore than an enjoyment'

29 Nov 14:40 BristolLive 4740742016088760097.html
Freddie Ljungberg: Arsenal interim head coach pledges ‘to put smiles on faces again’ after succeeding Unai Emery

Freddie Ljungberg has pledged “to put smiles on faces again” after being installed as Arsenal interim head coach following the sacking of Unai Emery. The Swede steps up from assistant coach with the

29 Nov 13:17 The Independent 2511519172306979289.html
London’s Norma restaurant brings a taste of Sicily to the city

With Moorish interiors inspired by the island’s past

29 Nov 14:45 The Spaces 7523533616427315134.html
La realidad virtual de Valve Index se agotado en algunos países tras el anuncio de Half Life Alyx

El nuevo juego de Half Life parece haber reactivado el interés por la realidad virtual. El espectacular tráiler de anuncio de Half Life Alyx parece haber avivado la pasión por la tecnología de realidad virtual,...

29 Nov 10:30 3DJuegos 3383023119510520291.html
Protti: "Anche il Napoli era da Scudetto, ma ha avuto problemi extra-campo"

Ieri ospite di Stadio Aperto, trasmissione del pomeriggio di TMW Radio, l'ex attaccante Igor Protti 

29 Nov 11:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079728579780.html
Europe: Banks May Hold and Sell Bitcoin Starting From 2020

According to a new bill on the Fourth Money Laundering Directive drafted by the European Union (EU), banks could be authorized to offer digital assets services including storage for customers. Germany would likely be the first nation to adopt the proposal. According to a German news report published on November 27, 2019, the amendment would come into force as early as 2020.

29 Nov 15:00 BTC Manager 8549607152377813225.html
Critican la publicación de datos de empleados municipales en el portal de Información Pública

El secretario gremial del Sindicato de Trabajadores Municipales, David Marconi, dialogó con El Eco Multimedios y dijo que “el Municipio incumple con la Ley 14656 y con el Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo y no tenemos números certeros. Deberíamos tenerlos ya a esta altura y más considerando que en unos días más debería elevarse el presupuesto […]

29 Nov 13:48 El Eco 4177735524684862336.html
FIFA’s Infantino eyes African league, billion dollar spend on stadia

FIFA president Gianni Infantino said on Thursday he would like to see an African league created and investment of more than $1 billion (900 million euros) on stadia on the continent.

29 Nov 10:40 The Guardian 7580308505031280835.html
Peinture recyclée, koalas, activisme des enfants, monnaie locale... Les chroniques environnement de la semaine

Terre d'actions. La start-up Circouleur, basée en Gironde, évite aux vieux pots de peinture de finir incinérés et les transforme en nouvelles peintures «écoresponsables». Lire notre article.Âge bête…

29 Nov 11:38 Libération.fr 4160113239305639103.html
‘Tenenkrommend dat pinautomaten dicht moeten’

Minister Wopke Hoekstra (Financiën) vindt het „tenenkrommend” dat ABN AMRO uit veiligheidsoverwegingen enkele tientallen geldautomaten heeft moeten sluiten. De bank greep deze week in na een reeks plofkraken. Daardoor was de veiligheid van omwonenden in het geding gekomen.

29 Nov 15:55 RD.nl 6406779842068037656.html
EXCLUSIVE: Michael Franzese on "The Mafia" Only Existing in Italy, US is "La Cosa Nostra"

Michael Franzese opened up to VladTV about why the mafia only exists in Italy, and he explained that the U.S. has a similar organization called La ...

29 Nov 13:00 VLADTV 1404406305429219123.html
How To Be A Great Investor, Part 5: Think Probabilistically

Outlines how to think probabilistically about the chances of a new factor’s or a new strategy’s success.Discusses the problems of optimization.Explains why it’s a mistake to estimate an “expected retu

29 Nov 11:41 Seeking Alpha 5725634556846778075.html
Baby Yoda is trending higher than most 2020 Democratic hopefuls

Baby Yoda for president? The breakout star of “The Mandalorian” is driving nearly twice as many average social media interactions in news stories about it as any 2020 Democratic hopeful, according

29 Nov 15:48 New York Post 7654946767775377921.html
Ranveer Singh Says His Blood Group Is G Plus And Twitterati Says G Stands For 'Gangsta'

Revealed! The secret of Ranveer Singh’s 24/7 energy levels. Thanks to his Twitter post, that discloses the actor’s blood group. He mentioned in his post that his blood group is G+. Confused? Keep reading further to know more

29 Nov 11:53 SPOTBOYE 1547816857854958063.html
Mertens, pochi passi per la storia: punta al record di Hamsik

Altri 4 scalini prima di sistemarsi sul trono, ne ha già scalati 117 e cosa vuoi che siano, in fondo, gli ultimi?

29 Nov 14:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081186019844.html
Z Nysy do Opola szybciej i z nowym przystankiem

Zakończono budowę przystanku PKP Nysa Wschód. Podróżni będą mogli z niego korzystać od 15 grudnia - poinformowano na piątkowym briefingu zorganizowanym przez PKP PLK.

29 Nov 13:30 Portal Samorządowy 740157208686112904.html
#foto Navijači stresli jezo nad bronastim kipom Zlatana Ibrahimovića

Švedski nogometni zvezdnik Zlatan Ibrahimović je postal lastnik 25-odstotnega deleža švedskega prvoligaškega kluba Hammarby, kar pa ni navdušilo navijačev Malm&#246;ja, kjer je začel svojo kariero. Razočarani so tako stresli jezo nad njegovim 3,5 metra visokim bronastim kipom in ga poškodovali.

29 Nov 14:07 Dnevnik 7671546649229127362.html
Borrell lamenta que el PSOE tenga que pactar la investidura con ERC y echa la culpa al PP

El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, UE y Cooperación en funciones, Josep Borrell, destacó este viernes que, si el PSOE busca el apoyo en forma de abstención de ERC a la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, se debe a la negativa del PP a facilitarla. No obstante, trasladó a la formación independentista catalana que ''cualquier acuerdo no puede hacerse fuera del marco constitucional''.

29 Nov 11:40 elEconomista.es 9051559958785689176.html
'Tremendous' - Gary Rowett makes Birmingham City claim ahead of return

Birmingham City latest news | Rowett was sacked by BCFC in December 2016, and he has since returned with Derby and Stoke - now he leads new side Millwall to St Andrew's

29 Nov 11:49 birminghammail 8288260686444595936.html
Belgische postzegels bij de duurste van Europa, en prijs zal weer stijgen

Postzegels zijn in België opvallend duur in vergelijking met elders in Europa. Dat blijkt uit een jaarlijkse monitoring van regulator BIPT. Alleen in Denemarken, Italië, Finland en Frankrijk is het...

29 Nov 13:41 HLN 8967494998233722626.html
Nascidos em agosto sem conta na Caixa podem sacar FGTS

A Caixa Econômica inicia nesta sexta-feira, 29, mais uma etapa de liberação do saque imediato do FGTS que paga até R$ 500 por conta ativa ou inativa.

29 Nov 11:31 NOTÍCIAS 8308687240790696242.html
Single dad adopts baby with Down's Syndrome after she was rejected by 20 families

Doting father Luca Trapanese said he felt little Alba was his daughter 'straight away' after she was rejected by over 20 families.

29 Nov 15:26 dailyrecord 552235480665929339.html
Mini-Verschnaufpause für Rendi-Wagner: Krisensitzung der SPÖ-Granden in Wien

Die Tage von SPÖ-Chefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner sind gezählt. Mittags treffen sich die SPÖ-Granden zu einer Krisensitzung in Wien, am Nachmittag tagt die Gewerkschaft. Vor der Löwelstraße kommt es zu Protesten.

29 Nov 15:01 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699453618602.html
Police checks apology and Black Friday upstages Boxing Day; In-The-News Nov. 29

In-The-News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Nov. 29. What we are watching in Canada ...

29 Nov 10:30 KitchenerToday.com 52741009899435381.html
The Wind of Heaven review – a bewitching tale of faith and guilt

A Welsh teenager is hailed as the second coming in this fascinating revival of Emlyn Williams’ long-forgotten play

29 Nov 13:34 the Guardian 1491978795307138408.html
Michael Palin: Terry Jones is laughing at his own jokes

Jones was diagnosed with a form of dementia which has left him unable to communicate.

29 Nov 11:23 Breaking News 4415806918424611519.html
"Duque prepara un conflicto en la frontera para desviar la atención del paro": Maduro

El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, acusó nuevamente al Gobierno de Colombia de preparar un "conflicto armado" en la extensa frontera que ambos países comparten, esta vez, para "desviar" la atención de las protestas contra las medidas del presidente colombiano, Iván Duque."Tengo información de primer orden de que se pretende un conjunto de provocaciones para un conflicto armado, para un escarceo armado en la frontera colombo-venezolana, para desviar la atención de la rebelión popular de los colombianos y colombianas contra Iván Duque", dijo en un acto con trabajadores ferroviarios en Caracas."Lo denuncio y le digo a la Fuerza Armada como comandante en jefe: preparaos para defender la soberanía y el derecho a la paz de Venezuela", continuó, mientras aseguró que en el plan también participa el "Comando Sur" de Estados Unidos.El Ejecutivo de Maduro acusa constantemente a Colombia y a Estados Unidos de preparar planes contra Venezuela para derribar su Gobierno.Hasta hace dos meses, cuando realizó una denuncia…

29 Nov 12:42 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346886609599.html
A vegan Domino's pizza is coming soon

Get ready for plant-based cheesy goodness.

29 Nov 13:19 Metro 970161747828902873.html
Nach Wahlniederlagen: Rendi-Sprecher verlässt Bundes-SPÖ

Mario Dujaković wechselt mit Anfang des Jahres vom Klub ins Wiener Rathaus.

29 Nov 13:14 Kurier 208072238524908707.html
Kontroversiell altartavla invigs i Malmö

S:t Pauli kyrka i Malmö får Sveriges första hbtq-altartavla.

29 Nov 11:38 DN.SE 398730695388196435.html
Detuvieron al presunto autor de la brutal agresión a un joven del barrio Hermoso de Iguazú

El arresto se produjo en el marco de un allanamiento efectivizado en la jornada de hoy, en el barrio Hermoso de Puerto Iguazú. La investigación se inició cuando la policía tomo conocimiento que el pasado...

29 Nov 10:29 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724509791339.html
Ateneo quiere resolver todo el sábado

A un paso de la gloria...  “Colegio” depende de sí mismo: si gana es campeón. También puede serlo aun perdiendo. Sanjustino, que tiene dos puntos menos, sueña con forzar un desempate, pero también puede dar la vuelta este sábado.

29 Nov 13:57 El Litoral 2624573358279073681.html
Casado volverá a proponer a Ana Pastor para presidir el Congreso

El líder del PP, Pablo Casado, volverá a proponer a la exministra Ana Pastor para la Presidencia del Congreso en la sesión constitutiva de la Cámara prevista...

29 Nov 13:27 Europa Press 4702666147890838626.html
Un showrunner de Los Simpsons niega que la serie vaya a terminar

De acuerdo con Al Jean, showrunner de Los Simpsons, la serie todavía tiene suficiente combustible para producir nuevas temporadas y no será cancelada.

29 Nov 14:10 Atomix 6373322943861488615.html
Bonus decoder DVBT2: istruzioni per l'uso, elenco prodotti e autocertificazione | Tom's Hardware

Il MISE ha reso disponibili le istruzioni per accedere al bonus dedicato TV, decoder e registratori DVBT2.

29 Nov 10:03 Tom's Hardware 6640147069445172677.html
EXCLUSIVO-Raízen, Ultrapar, Sinopec e Mubadala na 2ª fase da disputa por refinarias da Petrobras

Por Tatiana Bautzer e Carolina Mandl SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - A Petrobras seleci...

29 Nov 11:54 UOL Noticias 8892198860421939453.html
Saints vs. Falcons final score: New Orleans holds off Atlanta on Thanksgiving to clinch NFC South

The Saints captured the NFC South after thwarting the Falcons' late comeback attempt in the Thanksgiving nightcap. SN had live updates, highlights and score changes.

29 Nov 13:07 Sporting News 5110653853651732959.html
6,000 notices issued for harbouring mosquito breeding sites

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Christopher Tufton, says some 6,000 notices have been served on persons for failing to destroy mosquito breeding sites on their properties. Tufton made the disclosure during a press briefing held at the Ministry...

29 Nov 15:08 The Gleaner 1215260529393956000.html
El proyecto CONVIVIR se marca como objetivo crear una comunidad entre los pacientes con cáncer de pulmón - El médico interactivo

CONVIVIR es un proyecto de apoyo integral, con sentido de comunidad, que ofrece una perspectiva diferente a las personas con cáncer de pulmón y su entorno

29 Nov 11:57 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182079314783.html
LFC-Schock! Fabinho fällt den Rest des Jahres aus

Teammanager Jürgen Klopp von Champions-League-Sieger FC Liverpool muss für den Rest des Jahres auf den brasilianischen Nationalspieler Fabinho verzichten.

29 Nov 15:51 weltfussball.at 3521376371847290434.html
Guwahati: Army thinks green, lays 1km road from plastic waste

 The plan is to ascertain how durable the road is before replicating the model in other cantonments and military stations across India.

29 Nov 14:45 The Indian Express 2885715105763013951.html
RJ-Actor Mantra On Working With Ashutosh Gowariker In Panipat: “A Long-Cherished Dream Is Fulfilled”

Well known Anchor-Actor-RJ Mantra, who will be seen playing the role of Najib ad-Dawlah in Ashutosh Gowariker's upcoming historical drama "Panipat", says it was his dream to work with the Oscar-nomina

29 Nov 13:29 Koimoi 5184275669594993475.html
Manuel Pellegrini afirmó que no tiene pensado dejar West Ham: Siempre se puede mejorar

El entrenador chileno se mostró optimista pese al complicado momento que vive junto al elenco de los "Martillos".

29 Nov 15:15 alairelibre.cl 7508323594133067120.html
Here’s why all the top brands want to have Ayushmann Khurrana on board

Ayushmann has always been experimental and unconventional with his choice of roles right from the beginning of his career. From his debut as a sperm donor in Shoojit Sircar’s Vicky Donor to Bala where played the role of a bald guy battling premature balding. The Andhadhun actor now has a genre to his name in Bollywood called ‘The Ayushmann Khurrana Genre’.

29 Nov 12:08 Filmfare.com 6668806037413895675.html
Why mobile healthcare apps are at risk [Q&A]

Cyber-attacks represent a real threat to unprotected healthcare mobile apps. The overall operational integrity of these apps is at risk, but there's also a significant risk of malicious attacks on the medical devices themselves, personal health information, and intellectual property.

29 Nov 11:00 BetaNews 3764252314653726991.html
Inicia liguilla del Fútbol en Quintana Roo

La Liga Interdependencias y Empresarial rumbo a la fiesta grande del f&uacute;tbol en la capital del estado

29 Nov 15:04 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623615016943.html
Black Friday Blowout Deals Galore On Acer Laptops, iPads, Fire TVs, AirPods, Nintendo Switch, And More

Black Friday is officially here, and with it comes a wide assortment of deals, including Acer's Predator Helios 300 laptop

29 Nov 10:35 HotHardware 6258404625385564248.html
Netizens Are Left Confused With THIS Girl's Unnatural Long And Thin Legs, Can You Guess Why?

This girl's unnatural long and thin legs have created a stir on social media and it is viral now.

29 Nov 11:32 India.com 7150386084521318229.html
I genitori di Luca Sacchi: "Se Anastasiya ha sbagliato paghi"

"Ci ha mentito su quanto avvenuto quella tragica sera e adesso è chiaro il motivo del suo strano allontanamento"

29 Nov 13:56 L'HuffPost 5315551422778131425.html
Así es DuckDuckGo, el buscador alternativo a Google que apuesta por la privacidad de sus usuarios

El buscador DuckDuckGo ha saltado a la actualidad al ser proclamado como el motor de búsqueda utilizado por defecto por el CEO de Twitter, Jack Dorsey, un...

29 Nov 11:15 Europa Press 4702666147810334560.html
Jornalistas brasileiras apresentam suas visões sobre a Indonésia

O convite foi feito pelo embaixador Edi Yusup da Indonésia

29 Nov 11:51 R10 3167340812972339081.html
Após briga, Ludmilla ainda segue Anitta nas redes sociais

É, isso mesmo! Anitta mostrou que não gosta de seguir por educação e desmarcou o seu follow em Ludmilla no Instagram

29 Nov 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883428293649042.html
Maria Rueff agradece mensagem de apoio prestada por Manuel Luís Goucha

O apresentador do ‘Você na TV’, da TVI, endereçou na quinta-feira uma mensagem de apoio à amiga Maria Rueff, na qual lhe enviou um beijinho e lhe pediu para deixar de fumar.

29 Nov 14:00 A Televisão 800719527932197522.html
Vancouver’s roaming Jewish deli will pop-up with their pastrami for two nights only

Vancouver chef Nitzan Cohen is reviving his popular Mensch. Jewish Delicatessen after a long hiatus, with two nights of his signature hot pastrami and more before the year is out.

29 Nov 15:47 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496960773647.html
Artista que vivia nas ruas monta ateliê improvisado em abrigo no Rio

Improvisado, nas instala&ccedil;&otilde;es de um abrigo da prefeitura do Rio, surge um ateli&ecirc; de pintura. O artista &eacute; o mineiro Jeferson dos Santos, 32 anos, que mora no local h&aacute; seis meses, desde que conseguiu deixar de viver nas ruas da cidade. Jeferson conta que desde crian&cc...

29 Nov 12:38 TNH1 3684351753583792942.html
Four in Court After Shooting, Machete Attack in 'Gun-Free' UK

Four men appeared in a UK court this week, charged with their alleged roles in a series of gun and machete attacks in Manchester.

29 Nov 10:32 Breitbart 3148363492553007908.html
La Audiencia de Sevilla mantiene en libertad a Guerrero y a otros tres ex altos cargos de la Junta condenados por los ERE

La Audiencia de Sevilla ha decidido este viernes mantener en libertad provisional a los exconsejeros andaluces de Empleo del PSOE Antonio Fernández y José Antonio Viera y a los ex directores generales de Trabajo Francisco Javier Guerrero y Juan Márquez, al no apreciar riesgo de fuga.

29 Nov 14:02 RTVE.es 8332346888821025646.html
Hong Kong, les cinq revendications majeures des manifestants

Les manifestations à Hong Kong ont continué ce vendredi dans les rues de la ville. Une autre petite manifestation a eu lieu dans le centre de Hong Kong, avec des activistes insistant sur une liste de cinq revendications clés. A lire aussi: Cameroun-législatives et municipales 2020: une ONG internationale exige le report immédiat du scrutin […]

29 Nov 12:30 BENIN WEB TV 2309962357126694261.html
Merugi di Q3, HERO Ekspansi 2 Gerai IKEA Tahun Depan

PT Hero Supermarket Tbk (HERO) terus melakukan ekspansi gerai IKEA.

29 Nov 11:03 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214290152175.html
Fearless Diver and Predator: Girl Swims With 20ft Great White Shark in Hawaii

The great white shark, also known as the great white, white shark, or "white pointer", is one of the largest predatory fish on Earth. On average, these sharks grow up to 20 feet (6.4 metres) in length. White sharks are found in all the world’s oceans except the Arctic and are considered the most dangerous species of shark for humans.

29 Nov 14:00 Sputniknews 967333868802039885.html
Ask an expert: 'My toxic boss is causing my panic attacks'

Q: I am 27, with a good career and a wonderful husband. But my work life is a mess.

29 Nov 11:06 Independent.ie 5894610844503982874.html
Lippo Lepas Saham OVO, Untung atau Rugi?

Direktur Eksekutif ICT Institute Heru Sutadi bicara soal Lippo Group yang menjual sebagian sahamnya di OVO.

29 Nov 10:30 detikfinance 4442190001697289577.html
Mozambik – Taxi rettet Leben

Die innovative Verwendung von Hilfsgeldern irritiert Spendende in der Schweiz, verbessert aber das Gesundheitssystem.

29 Nov 12:26 SRF 8424707179944169511.html
Chieti, uccide a colpi di pietra la moglie durante una lite

Femminicidio a Torino di Sangro, in provincia di Chieti. Una donna di 65 anni è stata uccisa dal marito a botte e, forse, a colpi di pietra nel corso di una lite. L'uomo, D. G. di 68 anni,...

29 Nov 12:36 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446439674704.html
Pokémon Games Can Be Strange If You've Never Played One Before

For the longest time, I’ve wanted to dive into a Pokémon game. I thought the recent release of Sword and Shield would be a good place to start. I’ve played about five hours of Shield, collected a bunch of Pokémon, and beat three gyms. I’m having a lot of fun, but I’m also baffled by the rules of this world....

29 Nov 15:15 Kotaku Australia 2018810247759760171.html
Cristina Fernández llega a Quilmes para presentar su libro y la recibirá la intendenta electa Mayra Mendoza

La futura vicepresidenta de la nación desembarca en el distrito bonaerense por la tarde y se espera una gran concurrencia.

29 Nov 10:30 Infocielo 6573250472633061242.html
I-Team: Air Force reservist fighting to get unused PTO paid out

DAYTON — A local Air Force reservist is facing a fight based on principle here at home.

5 Dec 03:26 Whio 8204027953843021533.html
Laurent Perrier, l'innovateur

La maison bicentenaire, relancée par Bernard de Nonancourt au milieu du XXe siècle, ne cesse d'innover. Après avoir bousculé les habitudes avec sa cuvée de prestige, assemblage de trois millésimes, son champagne rose ou son brut nature, Laurent Perrier se distingue encore en 2019.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695067845391160.html
Caracas-Táchira: el perenne duelo entre provincia y capital es por el Clausura venezolano

Caracas y Táchira se enfrentan una vez más por el Clásico venezolano, esta vez para definir el Torneo Clausura, en una final que promete ser de infarto

29 Nov 12:55 Futbol Sapiens 6108039831087594441.html
Guaidó: Informe de petroquímica Monómetro confirmó saqueo perpetrado por la dictadura

El presidente de la Asamblea Nacional y lider opositor, Juan Guaidó, informó a través de un comunicado este 29 de noviembre que el informe de la junta directiva de la empresa venezolana petroquímica Monómetros,

29 Nov 14:27 El Carabobeño 125457438909905435.html
Lacalle Pou, nuevo presidente electo de Uruguay, considera que Maduro es un dictador #29Nov

Este jueves 28 de noviembre se oficializó la victoria de Luis Lacalle Pou como presidente de Uruguay, después de realizarse el último conteo de votos. Ante esto, surgió la interrogante de muchos venezolanos sobre cuál es la postura del presidente electo uruguayo, sobre el régimen de Nicolás Maduro

29 Nov 15:45 El Impulso 879547506817912070.html
Lietuvos pašto valdyboje kol kas dirba ne visi paskirti nariai

Valstybės valdomo Lietuvos pašto valdyboje kol kas dirba keturi iš penkių į ją susisiekimo ministro paskirtų narių. Lietuvos bankas (LB) kol kas nėra pritaręs Susisiekimo ministerijos Teisės ir personalo skyriaus patarėjo Povilo Drižo kandidatūrai.

29 Nov 14:24 Kauno diena 6825691408737342159.html
Corpo de Gugu será escoltado pelo grupamento mais antigo dos Bombeiros

O cortejo será realizado pelo grupamento dos Bombeiros mais antigo de SP, com 139 anos de história

29 Nov 11:50 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700481248544.html
Liverpool announce plans to increase Anfield capacity to over 61,000

Liverpool have outlined plans to increase the capacity of their home ground to over 61,000 with the expansion of the Anfield Road Stand.

29 Nov 11:52 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907028620254.html
Circulan vacantes por temporada navideña ¡Cuidado con los falsos!

Es necesario aprender a diferenciar las ofertas reales que circulan en redes para no caer en estafas.

29 Nov 13:06 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563173159294.html
Timang Anak Bayinya saat Usia 73 Tahun, Penyanyi Legendaris Ini Tampak Sangat Bahagia, Doyok: Umur 70 Setrumnya Masih Bagus!

Di usianya yang tak muda lagi, dirinya justru mendapatkan anak dari pernikahannya dengan Dewi Sri Astuti.

29 Nov 11:04 grid.id 586386474739528081.html
El Ayuntamiento de Madrid agrade a los voluntarios su aportación en la COP25 Chile-Madrid

Se han celebrado ya cuatro sesiones formativas para que los inscritos conozcan el funcionamiento de la COP25 y las tareas que se les van a...

29 Nov 11:32 ecoticias.com 9144483865197368205.html
Maharashtra: Floor test may be just a formality, but the real drama follows later

It may be a mere formality, but the floor test that Udhav Thackeray is likely to take on Saturday would be an interesting one to watch.

29 Nov 10:41 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829371272618179.html
Best Black Friday UK deals 2019 as Currys, Argos and Amazon launch new offers

Black Friday 2019 is here and incredible deals on everything from Nintendo Switch bundles to smart home speakers, and even loo roll are coming out thick and fast. Here are all the best deals released so far

29 Nov 11:12 mirror 675785261787786375.html
Ghana welcomes Tacha in grand style (Video)

Former BBNaija housemate, Tacha was welcomed into Ghana for her homecoming in grand style from the Kotoka International Airport in Ghana. Tacha stepped out to see cultural dancers at the airport dancing to welcome her into

29 Nov 15:43 LailasNews.com 2090029850233009211.html
Film sul martire ​Otto Neururer vince il Festival cattolico 'Mirabile Dictu'

Nella decima edizione della rassegna creata  e presieduta da Liana Marabini premiato anche il documentario su Tolkien e il cortometraggio su un giovane cappellano di Szentendre

29 Nov 14:25 Agi 2115274224265402093.html
Friday for Future in 500 sull'Adige con guanti e sacchi

A Legnago 500 studenti delle superiori hanno vissuto il Friday for Future in modo "attivo". Si sono distribuiti in una decina di gruppi e hanno setacciato gli argini dell'Adige e le aree verdi del territorio comunale per raccogliere i rifiuti abbando

29 Nov 10:18 L'Arena 5479295677880346004.html
Rajasthan Shocker: 15-year-old Bride Kidnapped, Raped by Husband; Probe on

The girl was rescued by the police on Thursday. As of now, the police are trying to locate the 20-year-old man and his accomplices.

29 Nov 15:56 India.com 7150386083816254268.html
ET ritorna sulla Terra nel nuovo spot di Sky Q per il Natale

Il bellissimo spot di Natale di Sky riporta sulle scene l’indimenticabile ET, che torna sulla terra 37 anni dopo gli eventi del film. Troverà ancora una volta il suo amico Elliott, ma anche tanta nuova tecnologia

29 Nov 10:15 DDay.it 3262344772203426604.html
Previa del encuentro: el Pasaia KE recibe en su feudo al Somorrostro

Previa del encuentro: el Pasaia KE recibe en su feudo al Somorrostro

29 Nov 15:35 sport 1349897969148203805.html
BMW, Great Wall to establish new EV plant in China

Mubasher: BMW and its partner Great Wall Motors will establish a new joint venture (JV) in China that will produce electric vehicle models.

29 Nov 14:05 english.mubasher.info 8917853137919585327.html
Lo que no perdona Luis Enrique a Robert Moreno (la nueva deslealtad)

Robert Moreno se la jugó con la declaración de ser la llave para el regreso de Luis Enrique. Difícil que el asturiano le perdone lo que se puede calificar de una alucinación

29 Nov 13:32 El Confidencial 6129807549967171826.html
Cobra é encontrada presa em pneu de motocicleta, em Salvador

Uma cobra da esp&eacute;cie sucuri foi encontrada enroscada em uma motocicleta nesta semana, na regi&atilde;o da Avenida Tamburugy, em Patamares, durante a chuva que causou diversas ocorr&ecirc;ncias em Salvador. O caso foi registrado na &uacute;ltima ter&ccedil;a, 26. O motociclista acionou o Grupa...

29 Nov 12:50 TNH1 3684351754534198053.html
Presidente chileno, Sebastian Piñera, debilitado busca frenar actos vandálicos

El Gobierno chileno se reunió por primera vez con organizaciones sociales desde que estallaran hace 42 días multitudinarias protestas contra sus políticas, con episodios de violencia y saqueos que no

29 Nov 11:00 El Universo 8365175797807660312.html
Chi è Giovanna Uomini e Donna: età e lavoro corteggiatrice di Giulio Raselli

Giovanna è diventata protagonista di questa nuova stagione del programma di successo di Canale 5 Uomini e Donne.

29 Nov 14:35 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382461285212354.html
Dos detenidos por graves casos de violencia de género

En uno de los hechos, la víctima, además de golpeada, fue privada de la libertad durante varias horas.

29 Nov 11:21 La Capital 7472053047310234132.html
Gawangnya Masih Bersih, Kiper Timnas U-22 Indonesia Singgung Kerja Tim

Kiper timnas U-22 Indonesia, Nadeo Arga Winata, menyebutkan bahwa catatan clean-sheet-nya di SEA Games 2019 berasal dari kerja sama tim.

29 Nov 15:30 BolaSport.com 4603768435543050656.html
Ottenstein: Ökokreis hat neuen Geschäftsführer

Ute Blaich übergab die Führung in die Hände von Jörg Emmer. Auch Landesrat Martin Eichtinger gratulierte.

29 Nov 12:56 NÖN.at 2486998932982574797.html
El Gobierno augura "precios populares y la democratización" del AVE con su apertura a la competencia

El Gobierno asegura que la entrada de dos primeros operadores para competir con Renfe en el AVE a partir de diciembre de 2020 permitirá "democratizar el...

29 Nov 13:20 Europa Press 4702666148064244612.html
McGregor returns to the octogon against the 'Cowboy'

Conor McGregor will return to the UFC octagon for the first time in over a year when he faces Donald 'Cowboy' Cerrone in Las Vegas.

29 Nov 13:22 Sport 682566034723883678.html
Bruselas y BCE advierten del riesgo para la banca española de los tipos bajos y la caída del inmobiliario

El sector financiero español cuenta con una rentabilidad "relativamente buena" y tiene una posición "fuerte" de liquidez y "adecuada" de capital, según un...

29 Nov 15:34 Europa Press 4702666149219753629.html
Jugendmannschaft : Fußballtrainer soll 16-Jährigen missbraucht haben

Der Mann soll sich an einem 16-Jährigen vergangen haben. Bei einer Hausdurchsuchung am Wohnort des 32-Jährigen wurde kinderpornografisches Material sichergestellt.

29 Nov 12:36 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700739769283.html
Oportunidades Black Friday na Prozis que não pode perder

A Prozis também não passa despercebida nesta Black Friday, e este ano estão a oferecer até -60% em todo o site. Além de descontos nos habituais suplementos desportivos, pode encontrar boas oportunidades em produtos tech.

29 Nov 15:00 Pplware 5187268352177207000.html
Zapatero elogia a Otegi y dice que se les prometió participar en el juego democrático cuando abandonaran la violencia

El expresidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, ha afirmado este viernes que cuando se gestó la tregua con ETA la contribución del político de...

29 Nov 11:29 Europa Press 4702666148583107551.html
Una delle auto piu' brutte di sempre,e'stata premiata da 'ruote classiche'.di quale auto si tratta?


29 Nov 10:37 DAGOSPIA 6533336739396822960.html
Jorge Javier Vázquez hace llorar a Mila Ximénez en su inesperada despedida

El presentador de 'GH VIP 7' volverá a pasar por quirófano el próximo martes

29 Nov 10:49 Hola.com 2035212431877170311.html
U jeku priča o otkazima, povratnik u PL nagradio trenera novim ugovorom!


29 Nov 15:27 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496315805090.html
La Banca dei Sibillini approda a Macerata: «Porteremo l’aria frizzante dei monti»

CREDITO - Domani alle 16 il taglio del nastro della nuova filiale in via Trento 39/C nel capoluogo

29 Nov 10:28 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195502101977.html
Devant la Commission européenne, les comparateurs de prix font front uni contre Google

Plus de 40 comparateurs de prix européens s'unissent pour empêcher le moteur de recherche américain de contourner les sanctions de l'Union européenne. 

29 Nov 14:07 01net 1000433502867964383.html
Dos muertos después de que un hombre apuñalara a varias personas en el atentado del Puente de Londres

Los agentes han abatido al atacante después de que hiriera a las víctimas, cuyo número exacto y estado se desconoce por el momento

29 Nov 14:27 ABC.es 6074573462973272370.html
Craig David to headline New Year's Eve special on BBC

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Singer-songwriter Craig David has been booked to headline a New Year's Eve special on BBC One.

29 Nov 15:21 UPI 8257973865256874090.html
"Empezamos a echar de menos a Ibarretxe": el nuevo estatuto enfrenta a Alonso y Urkullu

El líder del PP vasco advierte de que vamos a ejercer nuestra capacidad para impedir la reforma estatutaria que se aborda en la Camara vasca y el lehendakari le acusa de copiar a Vox

29 Nov 11:30 El Confidencial 6129807549970032948.html
Nascidos em agosto sem conta na Caixa podem sacar FGTS

A Caixa Econ&ocirc;mica Federal inicia hoje (29) mais uma etapa de libera&ccedil;&atilde;o do saque imediato do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Servi&ccedil;o (FGTS), que paga at&eacute; R$ 500 por conta ativa ou inativa. Os trabalhadores nascidos em junho e julho sem conta no banco poder&atilde;o ret...

29 Nov 12:59 TNH1 3684351753226898915.html
Ariana Grande celebrates Thanksgiving with both of her parents for the first time in 18 years

The singer was previously estranged from her father

29 Nov 10:45 GOSS.ie 8755536024722593624.html
Ariana Grande celebrates Thanksgiving with both of her parents for the first time in 18 years

The singer was previously estranged from her father

29 Nov 10:45 GOSS.ie 8755536025085427256.html
Primo de Pampita conmueve la web al imaginarse a Blanquita en el matrimonio de su mamá

Hace exactamente una semana Carolina Pampita Ardohain contrajo matrimonio con Roberto García Moritán, y actualmente se encuentran disfrutando de su luna de miel en París, Francia. Pero a través de las redes sociales Juan Ardohain - primo de la modelo argentina - conmovió a todos al publicar un sentido texto con la imagen de Blanquita, […]

29 Nov 15:40 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354776162242.html
Canviar de llengua per cortesia?

Fins un dia concret de la meva vida, sempre havia considerat que si algú em parlava en castellà al meu país, als territoris de parla catalana, jo no havia de mantenir-me parlant en català, sinó que...

29 Nov 15:30 RacoCatalà 3132953076372375318.html
Daisy Lowe poses topless to celebrate rumoured beau Jack Jack Peñate's new album

She had the album artwork painted on her nails.

29 Nov 14:21 Metro 970161747857160748.html
Visdag! Loïc maakt coquilles met beurre blanc van prosecco

VTM-huiskok Loïc Van Impe tovert elke dag zonder al te veel moeite passie op je bord en op je scherm. Vandaag maakt hij coquilles met beurre blanc van prosecco. 

29 Nov 11:06 HLN 8967494997108474963.html
Rusia i-a livrat gratuit arme Gabonului

Ministerul Apărării al Federaţiei Ruse a anunţat că a livrat gratuit arme Gabonului, pentru a ajuta această ţară să lupte împotriva...

29 Nov 10:13 Stiri pe surse 4858045013113558404.html
Katia Fanelli Instagram, paradisiaca senza veli: «Sei fotonica!»

Katia Fanelli su Instagram ha lasciato senza fiato tutti i suoi ammiratori. L'influencer ha postato una sua foto senza veli davvero "bollente"

29 Nov 12:58 UrbanPost 2450570493020392880.html
Cauã Reymond revela cenas de sexo com Matheus Nachtergaele e conta detalhes

Cauã Reymond falou abertamente sobre a cena de sexo que fez com Matheus Nachtergaele. Os dois estão juntos no filme Piedade, dirigido por Claudio Assis. O galã, que vive um dono de cinema pornô, não poupou elogios ao colega de cena.

29 Nov 12:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125211264387128.html
Euro area flash inflation: Higher core, temporarily – Nordea

Analysts at Nordea Markets see a stronger than expected rise in the Eurozone inflation in November as a temporary surge until year-end and continue to

29 Nov 12:23 FXStreet 4480975638449527157.html
The 32 Best Christmas Songs Gifted to Us By Celebrities

The holidays are almost here, and fact: There is no better way to treat yourself than with celebrity Christmas songs.

29 Nov 15:38 Marie Claire 7105575298993562554.html
‘Knives Out’ Casts Daniel Craig and Chris Evans Against Type and the Results Are Magnificent

The Knives Out cast brilliantly asks two major movie stars to play very different roles and the result is a welcome reminder of their range.

29 Nov 15:00 /Film 148788831246463263.html
Wer kann Hinweise zu diesem Velo geben?

Im Juli wurde die Bank Cler in Chur überfallen. In diesem Zusammenhang hat die Kantonspolizei Graubünden nun ein Velo gefunden. Sie sucht Zeugen.

29 Nov 14:29 20 Minuten 5741369453085271865.html
Yucatecos participan en el Torneo Nacional del Pavo 2019

Torneo convocado por la Federación Mexicana de Levantamiento de Pesas.

29 Nov 13:57 SIPSE.com 4008460418351378833.html
Boris Johnson criticised by Greens over ’embarrassing’ climate debate no-show

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie accused the Prime Minister of lying about ‘pretty much everything’ he says.

29 Nov 14:00 Shropshire Star 3480199993215017579.html
Barça y Milan presentan una gira Legends por el mundo

El FC Barcelona y el Milan presentaron este viernes en el Camp Nou una gira mundial de sus equipos Legends donde recorrerán varios...

29 Nov 13:58 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957926989546.html
Las 2 cesiones que se plantea el FC Barcelona

En el seno del FC Barcelona no ven en absoluto con malos ojos que dos de los grandes talentos de su cantera, los centrocampista Carles Aleñá y Riqui Puig, salgan cedidos en próximas ediciones del (...)

29 Nov 15:36 Fichajes 157935405648229330.html
Unai Emery er ferdig i Arsenal

Fredrik Ljungberg tar over London-klubben midlertidig.

29 Nov 10:10 Dagbladet.no 3042595687791622163.html
Veith vor Comeback: "Wollte noch nicht aufgeben"

Anna Veith gibt in Killington ihr Comeback nach Kreuzbandriss. Das treibt sie an:

29 Nov 13:12 www.laola1.at 837519018592831310.html
"Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević" od petog decembra u bh. kinima

Veliko interesovanje javnosti vlada za film "Dnevnik Diane Budisavljević", koji će se od petog decembra naći na repertoaru CineStar kina i u Bosni i Hercegovini.

29 Nov 14:57 Nezavisne novine 4209150642926705703.html
House of the week: Cork city house has been a life-saver for ARC Cancer Support

A CORK city house that has been a life-saving, holistic home-from-home for many hundreds of persons given cancer diagnoses now looks set to return to private, family accommodation and ‘domestic service’ once more.

29 Nov 13:16 Irishexaminer 8196011178795014180.html
La presidenta autoproclamada de Bolivia le agradeció a las Fuerzas Armadas: Áñez dio marcha atrás con el decreto de impunidad para los militares

La presidenta de facto de Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, tuvo que dar marcha atrás con el decreto que eximía a los militares de responsabilidad penal por sus acciones en operativos de restablecimiento del orden. La presidenta autoproclamada lo anunció e...

29 Nov 14:22 PAGINA12 7077267066628468878.html
la politica apocal-ittica di celentano. parla di sardine,del capitone salvini. e a ilaria cucchi


29 Nov 15:55 DAGOSPIA 6533336739647031294.html
Jealous lover stabs rival to death in Bayelsa 

A jealous boyfriend has reportedly stabbed a love rival to death in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State capital.Saturday Vanguard learned

29 Nov 12:59 Vanguard News 4125100339611534995.html
Suspenden a Federico Mosco y a otro juez por el homicidio de Abril

El Poder Judicial capitalino informó que los jueces Federico Mosco y Luis Alejandro Díaz fueron suspendidos tras el homicidio de Abril Cecilia Pérez Sagaón.

29 Nov 11:30 Diario de Yucatán 261200016894338442.html
Chelsea wait to discover extent of Abraham’s hip injury

Abraham sat out training at Chelsea’s Cobham base on Friday.

29 Nov 14:40 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773908004497.html
Chrissy Teigen made a turkey out of fruit for her daughter's Thanksgiving potluck lunch, and it's the stuff of nightmares, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Teigen tweeted a clip about the Thanksgiving bird captioned "she's hideous I love her" and fans are split as to whether it's horrifying or brilliant.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:32 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756528548326.html
Le Festival International du Film de Marrakech reprend ses droits

A partir de ce vendredi soir, l'incontournable Festival International du Film de Marrakech (FIFM) reprendra ses droits au cœur de la ville ocre, pour une 18 ème année. Le FIFM 2019, c'est avant tout, un hommage au cinéma australien mais aussi la présence de grandes figures du cinéma mondial à...

29 Nov 15:40 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398352012286466.html
Serrate descarta el retorno de la DEA como solución frente al narcotráfico

Ante las voces que piden que la agencia antinarcóticos de Estados Unidos (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés) retorne al país, el embajador Oscar Serrate afirmó que Bolivia necesita una solución

29 Nov 13:42 Los Tiempos 5350756298441748011.html
The hottest destination for RV travelers right now is a 200-acre park with natural springs in northern Florida, and it’s becoming Instagram-famous for its unbelievably clear water

Plenty of people will fondly remember visiting Yellowstone National Park in an RV with mom and dad as the classic American vacation of yesteryear.

29 Nov 14:36 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883958157258.html
Las series latinas de Netflix que tendrán otra temporada

En el 2019 Netflix contó con una gran cantidad de producciones realizadas en América Latina, buena parte de ellas, realizadas en territorios de Colombia.Desde Tequila, Jalisco, hasta el Amazonas en Colombia, diferentes escenarios a lo largo de América Latina se han convertido en algunos de los personajes más importantes dentro de las series originales de esta famosa plataforma, que han logrado un gran impacto en la propia América Latina, así como en público de distintas partes del mundo.Es el caso de ‘Siempre Bruja’, que ya prepara su segunda temporada para el 2020, y que se desarrolla en buena parte de Cartagena al tratarse de una historia de una bruja del siglo XVII que viaja en el tiempo.Leticia, Amazonas, también hizo parte de Netflix con la miniserie ‘Frontera Verde’ que se grabó en más de 50 locaciones en el Amazonas, incluyendo la ciudad de Leticia, diversas comunidades entre Leticia y Tarapacá y el Río Amazonas. Contó con un equipo de producción de 150 personas, 30 de ellos locales.

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346940356807.html
La famine menace le Zimbabwe

Les Nations unies tirent la sonnette d’alarme concernant la situation alimentaire du Zimbabwe. Le rapporteur spécial de l'ONU sur le droit à

29 Nov 14:21 RFI 4432404460061886700.html
Alaba kehrt gegen Bayer in Kader zurück

Bayern München kann im Bundesligaspiel am Samstag (18:30 Uhr) gegen Bayer Leverkusen wieder auf David Alaba zurückgreifen.

29 Nov 14:27 sport.de 3321967091786580177.html
Parts of US brace for heavy snow as storm system to bring 'weather hazards'

Plains region could see severe thunderstorms and tornadoes as dangerous weather has disrupted Thanksgiving travel

29 Nov 15:56 the Guardian 1491978794674666712.html
Someone got their own ‘.gov’ website by pretending to be a small-town mayor and filling out an online form

Getting a website with a .gov domain can be as easy as telling the government you’re a small-town mayor and filling out an online form.

29 Nov 15:59 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883435400325.html
Sociale onrust bij Proximus houdt aan: 37 winkels gesloten door staking

De sociale onrust bij Proximus houdt aan, ook nu directie en vakbonden weer praten over aanpassingen aan het herstructureringsplan. Over het hele land zijn vandaag 37 van de ruim 200 Proximus-winke...

29 Nov 11:58 HLN 8967494997411615103.html
Lori Loughlin, Mossimo Giannulli had 'low key' 22nd anniversary celebration amid college admissions scandal

“It’s all business, all the time with them as they move through this,” a source said.

29 Nov 14:12 Fox News 7362823820316461578.html
Vlaamse regering maakt 300.000 euro vrij voor buddyproject voor mensen in armoede

De vzw ArmenTeKort (ATK) krijgt van de Vlaamse regering 300.000 euro voor de opstart van een grootschalig buddyproject in de strijd tegen kansarmoede. Dat heeft Vlaams minister van Welzijn Wouter B...

29 Nov 11:22 HLN 8967494998466455731.html
Sánchez no se presentará a una investidura si no tiene todos los apoyos para que sea exitosa

El Gobierno está esperanzado en llegar a un acuerdo con ERC y mantiene la idea de ir a la investidura antes de Navidad

29 Nov 14:36 La Vanguardia 8061072699749048926.html
Die besten Technik-Deals: Bose Solo 5 Soundbar zum Tiefstpreis

Der Black Friday läuft! Amazon startet mit den ersten Angeboten. Wir zeigen die besten Technik-Deals, darunter heute die Bose Solo 5 Soundbar und der AVM FritzBox 7590 WLAN-Router. Alle Top-Deals!

29 Nov 15:27 T-Online 5460876211688728074.html
Die besten Technik-Deals: Bose Solo 5 Soundbar zum Tiefstpreis

Der Black Friday läuft! Amazon startet mit den ersten Angeboten. Wir zeigen die besten Technik-Deals, darunter heute die Bose Solo 5 Soundbar und der AVM FritzBox 7590 WLAN-Router. Alle Top-Deals!

29 Nov 15:27 T-Online 5460876211480339474.html
Ranu Mondal's daughter gives a befitting response to trolls; says 'She is a singer, not a model'

A few days ago internet sensation Ranu Mondal had grabbed everyone's attention when she attended an event and chose to give herself a makeover by leav

29 Nov 15:36 The Times of India 6060938663439091878.html
Deputados repensam voto sobre aumento de salário de magistrados

Deputados estaduais repensam voto em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao projeto de lei encaminhado pelo Tribunal de Justi&ccedil;a de Mato Grosso do Sul (TJMS) que prev&ecirc; aumento de quase R$ 8 mil nos...

29 Nov 12:30 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934488983853141.html
En pleno Black Friday, reverendo da sermón en centro comercial

¡Dejen de comprar, el mundo está ardiendo!, entonan los seguidores de la congregación neoyorquina frente a una tienda de Dior

29 Nov 14:37 viveUSA 1300580455115539259.html
Interés por una joya del semillero de Talleres

Favio Cabral lleva 97 goles en las divisiones menores de la “T”, y desde Italia lo siguen varios clubes.

29 Nov 11:32 Mundo D 5646459531889325332.html
Einbrecher Zollernalbkreis: In über 40 Vereinsheime eingebrochen - Polizei sucht mit Fahndungsfoto nach Täterbande

Nach derzeitigen Erkenntnissen ist eine Täterbande in insgesamt über 40 Vereinsheime in den Landkreisen Rottweil, Freudenstadt, Zollernalbkreis und im Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis eingebrochen.

29 Nov 13:55 swp.de 6929179440054706419.html
Italiaanse clubs werken samen tegen racisme: “Geen tijd meer te verliezen”

De Serie A-clubs hebben in een open brief duidelijk gemaakt dat ze zich harder willen inzetten tegen racisme. De Serie A heeft nu de eerste maatregelen genomen op vraag van de teams. De laatste maa...

29 Nov 14:34 HLN 8967494998599153011.html
Taysom Hill keeps doing what he does as Saints' do-everything guy

New Orleans' No. 3 quarterback makes plays in other areas of the game, as he showed in the first half vs. Atlanta.

29 Nov 13:08 Sporting News 5110653852963401196.html
Der Whisky, der ein halbes Jahr in der Nordsee badet

Whisky am Meer reifen lassen? Kann man machen. Im nördlichsten Ort Deutschlands geht man noch weiter: Dort lagert man ihn im Meer.

29 Nov 14:42 20 Minuten 5741369452850445524.html
PODCAST: Wider attention must be paid to PrEP for HIV/Aids prevention - professor | IOL

Professor Salim S Abdool Karim, the director of the Centre for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa, speaks to Kuben ...

29 Nov 12:52 www.iol.co.za 17825110732616341.html
Se conocerá el veredicto contra César Milani por la desaparición del soldado Ledo

Tucumán El exjefe del Ejército enfrenta este viernes la última etapa del juicio en su contra por la desaparición del soldado Alberto Agapito Ledo durante la última dictadura militar.

29 Nov 14:00 El Litoral 2624573357509126621.html
Fünffach-Mama Alessandra Meyer-Wölden hätte gerne noch eine Tochter

Model Alessandra Meyer-Wölden ist zwar schon fünffache Mama, aber so ganz ausgeschlossen ist weiterer Nachwuchs trotzdem nicht.

29 Nov 12:24 RTL.DE 7054729452544245687.html
Black Friday 2019 Shoppers Stay Away From Stores, Spend Online, Analysts Say

Early discounts saw a dip in the numbers lining up at stores across the country, according to consultants.

29 Nov 11:14 HuffPost 5982769915843254387.html
Alufolie: Wofür verwendet man die glänzende und matte Seite?

Alufolie ist ein beliebter Küchenhelfer. Doch wie setzt man die glänzende und die matte Seite beim Backen, Grillen oder Frischhalten von Lebensmitteln eigentlich richtig ein? Wir erklären, worauf es ankommt – und was wirklich hinter den beiden Seiten steckt.

29 Nov 13:09 GMX 2011843076196399718.html
It's the Last Day to Remember to Register That Drone You Played With Once

Today is the Civil Aviation Authority's deadline day for registering all larger drones with authorities, so future law enforcers can pull the remnants of a machine out of the wreckage and easily identify who it was that brought down a Dreamliner over Twickenham.

29 Nov 14:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002334172657.html
Najlepsze cosplaye - wojowniczka w zbroi Kirin z Monster Hunter

W nowym wydaniu naszego cyklu cosplayowego gości Narga jako wojowniczka w pancerzu Kirin z serii Monster Hunter.

29 Nov 10:28 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309809420477.html
2 killed, 1 injured after fall at Arches National Park

MOAB, Utah — A man and woman died Friday morning while hiking in a popular area of Arches National Park in Utah. Chief Ranger Scott Brown said a 65-year-old man and 60-year-old woman died after falling into the bowl area near Delicate Arch. A 30-year-old man who also fell was hospitalized but his current condition …

29 Nov 12:23 City NEWS 1130 5858657121254919153.html
2 killed, 1 injured after fall at Arches National Park

MOAB, Utah — A man and woman died Friday morning while hiking in a popular area of Arches National Park in Utah. Chief Ranger Scott Brown said a 65-year-old man and 60-year-old woman died after falling into the bowl area near Delicate Arch. A 30-year-old man who also fell was hospitalized but his current condition …

29 Nov 12:23 City NEWS 1130 5858657120890836327.html
Istat: inflazione prelim. fiacca a novembre ma superiore alle stime

La rilevazione preliminare dell'inflazione a novembre mostra una dinamica fiacca dei prezzi sia su base mensile che annua, risultando tuttavia migliore delle attese. A seguire i numeri dell'Istat

29 Nov 10:36 InvestireOggi 7231367742692605065.html
El diminuto bikini con el que Sofia Richie celebró Thanksgiving

La hija de Lionel Richie bronceó su piel en la playa de Florida, junto al empresario Scott Disick

29 Nov 11:26 viveUSA 1300580453423247971.html
‘Arnhemse vader doodde zoon onverwacht’

De Arnhemse Tevfik G. heeft zijn 12-jarige zoon Bekiro een jaar geleden volkomen onverwacht met een zwaard gedood. Hulpverleners hadden geen aanwijzingen dat er zoiets dramatisch in het gezin zou gebeuren. Er is geen relatie tussen de geboden zorg en de fatale afloop, concluderen onafhankelijke onderzoekers die op verzoek van de gemeente Arnhem en GGZ-instelling Pro Persona het drama tegen het licht hebben gehouden.

29 Nov 11:05 RD.nl 6406779841986788834.html
Doon Kanda: Labyrinth review – welcome to the haunted fun fair

The designer and musician makes his mark using synthetic-sounding instruments to produce his spooky electronics

29 Nov 10:00 the Guardian 1491978795168407555.html
Interruption momentanée de la circulation sur certaines sections de la route reliant Marrakech à Ouarzazate

Le ministère de l'Equipement, du Transport, de la Logistique et de l’Eau a annoncé l’interruption momentanée de la circulation sur certaines sections de la route nationale reliant Marrakech à Ouarzazate, en raison des travaux d'élargissement de ces tronçons.

29 Nov 11:01 fr.le360.ma 5827163116265992024.html
MP expone agravios por resolución de CSJ en caso de la UNE

El MP expuso agravios ante la CC por una sentencia de la CSJ que impidió el retiro de inmunidad a integrantes de la UNE.

29 Nov 13:10 Canal Antigua 5059206892092195800.html
Firebox's Black Friday Deals Include a Big Black Box

Black Friday is in full swing and Firebox is offering a big black box of mysteries.

29 Nov 10:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059002458279833.html
UN refugee agency rejects ‘starving migrants’ claim

KABUL: The Taliban said on Friday they were ready to restart peace talks with the United States, a day after President Donald Trump made a surprise visit to US troops in Afghanistan and said he believed the radical group would agree to a cease-fire. Trump’s Thanksgiving Day visit was his first to Afghanistan since becoming president and came a week after a prisoner swap

29 Nov 14:02 Arab News 8912634264645974637.html
Russia e doping, la F1 sembra al sicuro

Lo sport russo è sempre più nel mirino del CIO per le vicende legate al doping, ma il motorsport dovrebbe evitare sanzioni e limitazioni

29 Nov 10:45 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655057765420.html
Mkhari ‘Respects’ Ramaphosa’s Decision To Withdraw From Chairman’s Conversation

JOHANNESBURG – PowerFM chairman Given Mkhari on Thursday said he respected the decision by President Cyril Ramaphosa to pull out of the Chairman’s Conversation. Mkhari said he understood why the president did it, but he was disappointed at the decision. The annual Chairman’s Conversation was cancelled on Thursday evening after Ramaphosa withdrew, citing concerns raised […]

29 Nov 10:50 iAfrica 8834711023545062759.html
Boris Johnson: It Is Best If Trump Doesn’t Get Involved In Our Election Campaigns

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it was best if US President Donald Trump did not get involved in Britain’s upcoming election when he visits London for a Nato summit next week. “What we don’t do traditionally as loving allies and friends, what we don’t do traditionally, is get involved in each other’s election campaigns,” said Johnson, whose Conservative Party […]

29 Nov 15:56 iAfrica 8834711023098035699.html
Glättegefahr: Erstes Winter-Wochenende beendet „durchschnittlichen“ Herbst

Etwas wärmer, ein bisschen nasser, normal sonnig - so fasst der Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) den Herbst 2019 zusammen.

29 Nov 15:11 swp.de 6929179441884926678.html
Liga em campanha para a descida do IVA

A Liga de Clubes vai promover ao longo da próxima jornada dos campeonatos profissionais ação em prol da redução do IVA nos espetáculos desportivos. Antes do apito inicial de cada jogo, em todas as partidas televisionadas, as três equipas presentes vão unir-se para uma fotografia a promover a medida. 

29 Nov 13:49 A BOLA 2278827559400912633.html
Angela Merkel pala pa se našalila

BERLIN - Njemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel pala je dok se penjala na podijum na jednom poslovnom skupu, poslije čega se našalila na svoj račun, prenose mediji.

29 Nov 11:28 Nezavisne novine 4209150641159334348.html
La destapada forma con que Valentina Roth enfrenta las críticas en la web

La bailarina Valentina Roth siempre ha estado en la palestra ya sea por sus relaciones amorosas o sensualidad - extrema, para muchos - pero a ella poco y nada le importa. De hecho lejos de complicarse por las últimas críticas que ha recibido por mostrar más de la cuenta, enfrentó a sus haters de una […]

29 Nov 13:21 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355279854931.html
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order: una mod aggiunge 50 skin per Cal Kestis | Game Division

Una nuova mod per Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order aggiunge un totale di 50 skin per il personaggio di Cal Kestis, cambiandogli vestiti piccoli dettagli.

29 Nov 15:20 Tom's Hardware 6640147069167552738.html
El Gobierno avisa que Sánchez no se presentará a una investidura fallida

"No iremos a una investidura fallida", ha asegurado la ministra portavoz en funciones, Isabel Celaá, en la rueda de prensa posterior al...

29 Nov 13:15 Expansión 4197779423707146119.html
El Arsenal se carga a Emery tras la última derrota europea

El Arsenal londinense ha anunciado este viernes que ha tomado la decisión de destituir al entrenador Unai Emery y su equipo de colaboradores tras la crisis de resultados de los últimos tiempos, rematada anoche con la derrota 1-2 en casa ante el Eintracht

29 Nov 14:00 Diariocrítico 5375131905037487122.html
Domian-Talkshow wird 2020 fortgesetzt

Domian-Fans können aufatmen: Die neue Live-Talkshow im WDR-Fernsehen mit Moderator Jürgen Domian soll im kommenden Jahr fortgesetzt werden.

29 Nov 12:10 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569442340613.html
Oficial | El relevo en el banquillo de Unai Emery

El Arsenal volvió a sumar un nuevo tropiezo en la noche de ayer ante el Eintracht Frankfurt en la quinta ronda de la Europa League (2-1). Los Gunners suman de esta forma siete partidos (...)

29 Nov 10:09 Fichajes 157935407085530425.html
Eurozone unemployment's falls to lowest rate since July 2008

LONDON (AP) - Unemployment across the 19-country eurozone has fallen to its lowest rate since July 2008 even though growth is cooling in the face of headwinds like the U.S.-China trade war and uncertainty related to Britain's departure from the European Union.

29 Nov 10:50 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637755246460.html
Bombs Away! America’s Gray Eagle Drones Now Carry Glide Bombs

As if drones armed with Hellfire anti-tank missiles weren’t deadly enough, now drones are being armed with glide bombs.

29 Nov 15:30 The National Interest 7207864704153312444.html
Automobile : Daimler annonce la suppression de "milliers" d'emplois pour financer la transition électrique

Ces mesures incluent la suppression déjà annoncée de quelque 10% des fonctions d'encadrement, selon le constructeur allemand.

29 Nov 12:17 Franceinfo 1060532880366012057.html
Hasil Shopee Liga 1: Semen Padang Tahan Imbang Persebaya Surabaya 1-1

Persebaya Surabaya harus puas meraih hasil imbang pada pekan ke-29 Shopee Liga 1 2019. Menjamu Semen Padang di Stadion Batakan, Kamis (28/11), Persebaya Surabaya hanya mampu bermain imbang 1-1.

29 Nov 10:34 merdeka.com 1998180354403426486.html
Meliá reinaugura resort all inclusive na praia de Varadero em Cuba

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

29 Nov 15:15 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987465925290.html
El Síndic ve 'desproporcionada' la actuación policial en los disturbios tras la sentencia

La entidad que dirige Ribó aprecia un “exceso en el uso de la fuerza” policial y “vulneraciones serias” en las detenciones realizadas, sobre...

29 Nov 13:32 La Vanguardia 8061072700806786620.html
Bottas and Grosjean summoned to the stewards after FP2 crash

Valtteri Bottas and Romain Grosjean have been summoned to the stewards following their bizarre crash during FP2 of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend. 

29 Nov 15:13 GPblog.com 9117728200089634724.html
Os cartazes e a propaganda da Segunda Guerra Mundial

Mais de 200 pe&#231;as da Segunda Guerra Mundial v&#227;o estar em exposi&#231;&#227;o no

29 Nov 14:34 PÚBLICO 2228264897840032588.html
Salvini replica a Conte: "Non sono un bugiardo, in gioco i soldi degli italiani"

Il premier, dice il leader leghista, "dal vecchio governo non ha avuto il mandato ad autorizzare nulla sul Mes"

29 Nov 10:18 Agi 2115274225537192036.html
Dos estrellas del K-pop, condenados a prisión por violaciones en grupo

Se trata de Jung Joon-young y Choi Jong-hoon quienes estarán cinco años en la cárcel.

29 Nov 13:26 Todo Noticias 8077539162929768216.html
La ruta de venezolanos con VIH, otro drama prioritario para América Latina

Se estima que cerca de 80,000 de los 120,000 venezolanos con VIH no reciben tratamiento en ese país

29 Nov 14:09 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309730142145.html
Iskrcali se migranti na Kanarska ostrva, pomagali im kupači

LAS PALMAS - Posetioci plaža na Kanarskim ostrvima pridružili su se radnicima hitne pomoći kako bi dali vodi, hranu i odeću migrantima koji su danas

29 Nov 14:23 Krstarica 4176903988731905563.html
Newly discovered massive black hole ‘should not even exist,' astronomers say

The discovery of a massive black hole so monstrous it should not exist has left astronomers worldwide stumped, Astronomy magazine reported.

29 Nov 11:23 WFXT 6395891954141327429.html
Wanda Vázquez madruga en el Black Friday para buscar sus "regalitos"

La gobernadora aprovechó las ventas especiales y compró una vela

29 Nov 12:27 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309982836705.html
Bonne nouvelle pour le portefeuille: certaines personnes se verront bientôt octroyer une pension complémentaire!

Ce vendredi, le Conseil des ministres actera la mise en place d’un 2e pilier de pension pour tous les fonctionnaires contractuels fédéraux. Un projet déposé par les ministres MR David Clarinval et Daniel Bacquelaine.

29 Nov 13:02 sudinfo.be 344139275704304801.html
Definir plegats la Metròpolis Barcelona del futur

Recta final del procés de participació de l'avanç del Pla director urbanístic metropolità

29 Nov 12:45 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478671339455.html
En caso LeBarón, FGR tiene avances significativos, asegura Ebrard

El canciller mexicano destacó que hay una gran cooperación entre los gobiernos de México y EU para esclarecer el caso; aseguró que el presidente López Obrador encabeza la indignación por el asesinato de tres mujeres y seis niños de la familia mexicoamericana

29 Nov 14:12 La Razón 7608060638730641302.html
Un nouveau programme pour appuyer l’entreprenariat chez les étudiants

Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique a lancé le statut d'”Etudiant Entrepreneur” dans les universités et les institutions

29 Nov 11:06 African Manager 933752095350500711.html
Oliviero Toscani torna alla carica: "Salvini vale come una Panda usata"

Oliviero Toscani non molla e rivendica gli insulti verso Salvini: "Se offenderlo mi costa 8mila euro ne vale la pena, sono soldi ben spesi".

29 Nov 11:30 ilGiornale.it 5019541225205436891.html
Maternita' surrogata, il racconto dell'influencer jessica girado: mi ha fatto molto male, il mio...


29 Nov 15:32 DAGOSPIA 6533336738525985952.html
Despite growth in govt expenditure, GDP slowdown continues

The economic activities which registered growth of over 4.3 per cent in Q2 of 2019/20 over Q2 of 2018/19 are 'Trade, Hotels, Transport, Communication and Services related to Broadcasting' 'Financial, Real Estate and Professional Services' and 'Public Administration, Defence and other services'

29 Nov 12:57 Business Today 1145527432089203584.html
Prinz Andrew: Am 2.12. KRACHT'S! Virginia Giuffre offenbart weitere Details

Neuer Gegenwind für Prinz Andrew. Sein mutmaßliches Vergewaltigungsopfer hat sich wieder zu Wort gemeldet.

29 Nov 10:43 news.de 5126378978489264576.html
El regreso de Amilcar Funes al cuadrilátero tendrá que esperar

El caucetero se iba a presentar el próximo 6 de noviembre en el Mocoroa pero como todavía no fue habilitado por la Federación Argentina de Boxeo, suspendieron provisoriamente la velada.

29 Nov 12:11 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158487582770.html
Uomini e Donne: Fabrizio Baldassarre racconta com’è nata la relazione con Muriel Bassi

Fabrizio Baldassarre ha raccontato com’è nata la storia d’amore tra lui e Muriel Bassi. Ecco le sue dichiarazioni Uomini e Donne: Fabrizio e Muriel stanno insieme Fabrizio Baldassarre e Muriel Bassi sono stati due ex corteggiatori di Uomini e Donne. Lei ha corteggiato Andrea Zelletta, ma le continue liti l’hanno portata ad eliminarsi dal programma. […]

29 Nov 11:40 KontroKultura 2573504972739116315.html
Confira as novidades de duas rodas desta semana

Marketing natalino Os patinetes el&eacute;tricos est&atilde;o tomando conta das ruas no Brasil. Eles...

29 Nov 14:00 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489639438709.html
Students invent ‘smart’ dustbin to identify, collect trash

This prototype of the 'smart dustbin' has been developed by students of the first semester who are now working towards adding a more features like a built-in camera, a mechanical hand/holder, and additional sensors.

29 Nov 13:02 The Indian Express 2885715103725484402.html
Sporting Life Accumulator: Enhanced four-fold for Sky Bet EFL fixtures on Saturday November 30

After success in the last two weeks we're restricted to just Sky Bet Championship action on our Acca hat-trick attempt, but we're backing four teams for success this weekend.

29 Nov 12:45 Sporting Life 7709795076947508794.html
Dominan las temperaturas frías en gran parte de la isla

Municipios del centro han reportado temperaturas entre los 56 a 63 grados Fahrenheit

29 Nov 13:07 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310649236054.html
AMLO advierte a EEUU que no permitirá extranjeros armados en su territorio

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, dijo en una entrevista divulgada el martes que planea designar a los carteles mexicanos como “grupos terroristas”, una decisión que le daría a Washington más poderes para luchar contra el tráfico de drogas y de personas

29 Nov 11:25 Globovisión 5928221752341090642.html
Nascidos em agosto sem conta na Caixa podem sacar FGTS

Agência Brasil Banco antecipou calendário de retirada de até R$ 500 por conta A Caixa Econômica Federal inicia hoje (29) mais uma etapa de liberação do saque imediato do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS), que paga até R$ 500 por conta ativa ou inativa. Os trabalhadores nascidos em jun

29 Nov 11:04 Terça Livre TV 3346245884466379730.html
Davis Cup: Emphatic wins for Ramkumar, Sumit; India leads Pakistan 2-0

Pakistan badly missed its top players who pulled out, protesting against shifting of the matches to a neutral venue.

29 Nov 10:58 The Hindu 6679535025853486611.html
Arabie : l'IPO d'Aramco attire plus d'investisseurs particuliers qu'attendu, selon l'entreprise

Le nombre d'actions du géant pétrolier saoudien Aramco souscrites par les investisseurs particuliers a dépassé le nombre proposé à la vente dans le cadre de sa prochaine entrée en Bourse (IPO), a annoncé vendredi l'entreprise publique.

29 Nov 15:18 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139616566529.html
Will ensure water for every acre in A.P.: Anil Kumar

‘Government committed to completing pending irrigation projects’

29 Nov 14:08 The Hindu 6679535024944125518.html
Los mejores regalos tecnológicos por menos de 50 euros para Navidad

Un listado de ideas adaptadas a distintos bolsillos para tomar nota de cara a las próximas fiestas

29 Nov 10:57 Levante-EMV 7042984477837360739.html
TSB Graciously Makes Way for 82 New Branches of Greggs

A couple of traditional grim pre-Christmas job scythings are underway at the moment, with staff of the TSB bank and workers at energy supplier Npower currently expecting to receive a nice card from the boss containing a hand-drawn sad-face emoticon wearing a Santa hat and a P45.

29 Nov 12:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059000772114536.html
Johnson warns Trump to stay out of election ahead of president’s UK visit

Mr Trump did have some criticism for Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal, claiming it hinders trade with the US.

29 Nov 14:15 Shropshire Star 3480199992622858954.html
Depois de auxiliar que nega racismo, Alvim mira fundo milionário de cinema

Governo já articula mudança no Fundo Setorial do Audiovisual; setor está inconformado

29 Nov 13:18 VEJA.com 4116702197639859477.html
Arsenal team news: Injury, suspension list vs. Norwich City

Sports Mole rounds up Arsenal's injury and suspension news ahead of Sunday's Premier League fixture with Norwich City.

29 Nov 12:19 Sports Mole 7750663361622835071.html
East Kilbride Debenham's worker raises almost £200 for Kilbryde Hospice after his legs are waxed

Iain raised £200 getting waxed in front of his colleagues.

29 Nov 13:17 dailyrecord 552235480863578972.html
Asus ROG Phone ancora vivo? Ecco che arriva Android 9 Pie

Alla fine anche il ROG Phone di Asus si aggiorna, ma non esattamente ad Android 10, ma alla versione precedente, Android 9 Pie

29 Nov 13:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126718467486.html
What Happens To Your Body When You’re Dehydrated?

Water is essential for human life. It accounts for for 50-70% of our body weight and is crucial for most bodily functions....

29 Nov 14:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169465463951.html
Can you tell which rabbit doesn't have a twin in this viral brainteaser?

Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás creates mind-boggling brainteasers, often containing hidden objects or details, and challenges the internet to find them. In past drawings, he’s hidden a mouse among mushrooms, a penguin among toucans, and a heart among flowers.

29 Nov 15:10 Business Insider Australia 5575934300226221137.html
Samsung Android 10 update roadmap revealed in the Philippines

After revealing Samsung Android 10 update roadmap in Israel, China and India a new report confirms how the update will flow in the Phillippines.

29 Nov 13:20 Gizchina 5392375274667134518.html
San Ignacio: Supervisan daños por lluvia al sur de Sinaloa

Los especialistas de la Secretaría de Obras Públicas, coincidieron que es un fenómeno meteorológico extraordinario que causó estos daños

29 Nov 13:39 EL DEBATE 4396150893339451057.html
Springbok legend ‘spiritually strong’ in cancer battle

Prayers have flooded in for Springbok legend Carel du Plessis who has undergone brain surgery as he continues his fight against cancer.

29 Nov 14:40 Sport 682566033965471779.html
Chelsea wait to discover extent of Abraham’s hip injury

Abraham sat out training at Chelsea’s Cobham base on Friday.

29 Nov 14:40 Express & Star 7324224459099475349.html
Table tennis: Sathiyan reaches main draw of ITTF World Cup after wins over higher-ranked paddlers

Sathiyan, the country’s top-ranked paddler, is the only Indian in action at the prestigious season-ending tournament.

29 Nov 10:12 Scroll.in 8669301693533315650.html
El TC permite personarse a 32 diputados de JxCat en la causa por la resolución favorable a la autodeterminación

Además de los miembros de la Mesa del Parlament están en la causa Carles Puigdemont y Quim Torra

29 Nov 13:56 La Vanguardia 8061072700653831181.html
FC Porto, Braga e Sporting com jogadores na equipa da semana da Liga Europa

Concluída a quinta jornada da fase de grupos, está definida a equipa da semana da Liga Europa e há três jogadores do campeonato português a figurar no onze.

29 Nov 11:22 O Jogo 3218673678731352474.html
Oujda: le PJDiste Abdelaziz Aftati obtient gain de cause

La Cour d'appel d'Oujda a prononcé, jeudi, l'acquittement du dirigeant du parti islamiste, Abdelaziz Aftati. Et ce, après la plainte déposée à son encontre par la tête de liste électorale du parti du Tracteur.

29 Nov 11:21 Le Site Info 5160764341384900528.html
Récompenses: des lauriers pour Nchout Ajara et Aboudi Onguene

Les deux joueuses camerounaises occupent respectivement la première et la deuxième place au classement africain, selon l'International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS).

29 Nov 10:51 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389982247839.html
Trabalhadores da Amazon na Alemanha em greve na "Black Fraiday"

Os trabalhadores dos centros de distribuição da Amazon na Alemanha estão em greve na Black Friday, num dos dias mais movimentado do ano para o comércio a retalho "online".

29 Nov 12:09 JN 6956494303094730100.html
Unai Emery dejó de ser el entrenador de Arsenal

El club inglés confirmó la marcha del técnico español debido "a que los resultados y el rendimiento del equipo no fueron los esperados".

29 Nov 10:47 ESPN.com.mx 3914278072893542273.html
"Ubíquese" La arremetida de Amparo Grisales contra Epa Colombia

La influencer se declaró inocente a los cargos que se le imputaban por vandalizar Transmilenio.

29 Nov 15:31 W Radio 7724358829147244952.html
Facebook et Twitter : des données personnelles compromises via des apps tierces

Facebook et Twitter préviennent que des données personnelles d'utilisateurs ont pu être compromises. Des SDK malveillants pour des applications tierces sont mis en cause.

29 Nov 11:20 GNT 654660094831605881.html
Of course the Cybertruck's been modded into GTA 5

And Minecraft. And Rocket League. And GoldenEye 007.

29 Nov 14:25 Eurogamer.net 1957885127013240071.html
Crisnée ouvre les portes de l'ancienne maison communale aux migrants

La commune de Crisnée, dans la province de Liège, a provisoirement mis à disposition l'ancienne maison communale afin d'y accueillir les migrants en transit, qui avec le froid étaient de plus en plus nombreux à s'abriter dans une paillote installée l'été dernier à Odeur.

29 Nov 11:10 Vivreici.be 7768530903458996876.html
El actor Tenoch Huerta denuncia que fue víctima de racismo en una tienda Miniso

El actor narró que al entrar a un tienda Miniso, ubicada en la Condesa, sufrió de discriminación

29 Nov 15:35 Nación321 6372481148422520221.html
So It Looks Like New Yorkers Blamed Cuomo, Not AOC, for Amazon Loss

Gov. Andrew Cuomo failed to secure a new Amazon headquarters in New York last year. It was a massive hit, as the company had pledged to bring 25,000 jobs to the state, in exchange for $3 billion in state and local tax breaks. Some of the blame was lobbed against progressive freshman U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who had been urging her supporters to fight against the company's move. She celebrated in the halls of Congress when she heard the news Amazon had backed out of its plans for Queens.

29 Nov 14:00 Townhall 6083908948493070320.html
Prefeita Doquinha participa de seminário para criação de ouvidoria municipa

A Ouvidoria Municipal vai servir para o fortalecimento da cidadania

29 Nov 15:06 R10 3167340814445894619.html
Gaahl: The evolution of a black metal icon

He made a career helping to define black metal across two decades with the likes of Trelldom and Gorgoroth. So what made him leave the subgenre behind for his new venture?

29 Nov 15:29 Metal Hammer 2174237039431824248.html
Unai Emery's sack: Arsenal hold talks with ex-Juventus boss Massimiliano Allegri

Unai Emery's sack has got Arsenal talking with Massimiliano Allegri as their next manager, according to reports The Spanish manager was sacked by the London outfit on Friday, November 29, after series of poor results.

29 Nov 13:55 Legit 3764253651041614004.html
Allamand sobre dichos de Mon Laferte: "Creo que es una imputación de una gigantesca irresponsabilidad"

El senador rechazó las declaraciones de la cantante sobre la eventual vinculación de carabineros y militares en los ataques incendiarios que afectaron a estaciones del Metro.

29 Nov 10:49 24Horas.cl 793283386513163130.html
Travaglio: "Felicissimo di non essere mai stato ospite di Porta a Porta", Vespa replica: "Falso, partecipò in collegamento"

Il direttore del Fatto Quotidiano non ha dubbi: "Vespa non mi inviterà mai"

29 Nov 15:13 Tvblog 378101971845300023.html
Wenn wir 5G wollen, muss der Grenzwert erhöht werden

Will die Schweiz rasch 5G, braucht es eine Änderung des Grenzwerts. Doch nicht um so viel, wie die Telekom-Branche will.

29 Nov 14:09 SRF 8424707180249645129.html
"Gute Auslastung": Magna-Boss Apfalter schließt massiven Job-Abbau in Graz aus

Der Europa-Chef des austro-kanadischen Autozulieferers Magna, Günther Apfalter, schließt einen massiven Jobabbau bei Magna Steyr in Graz aus.

29 Nov 10:49 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700822290198.html
Brasil espera respuesta de Bolivia sobre presencia de Áñez en Cumbre

La Cumbre se celebrará en la ciudad brasileña de Bento Gonçalves y Bolivia, que está en proceso de adhesión como miembro pleno del bloque, ha sido invitado al igual que el resto de los países de Suram

29 Nov 13:42 Informe21.com 5448175404922176189.html
'We have lost a great leader' - Ramaphosa as King Sigcawu is laid to rest

President Cyril Ramaphosa has bid farewell to King Mpendulo Zwelonke Sigcawu during his funeral at the Nqadu Royal Palace near Willowvale in the Eastern Cape.

29 Nov 14:30 News24 3752801378211121626.html
Estudantes realizam protestos pelo clima em vários países para pressionar cúpula da ONU

LISBOA/SYDNEY (Reuters) - Milhares de pessoas na Austrália e em países europeus participar...

29 Nov 14:51 UOL Noticias 8892198859830451458.html
This Fancypants Sonic Toothbrush is 70% Off for Black Friday

You'll be eating a tonne of sugary, chocolatey, unhealthy crap this Christmas (don't kid yourself, you will) – so you'll be needing a really good toothbrush to make sure you've still got any chompers left in January.

29 Nov 15:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001017245540.html
Blazers As Dresses: Priyanka Chopra, Taylor Swift & More Stars Put A Sexy Twist On The Look

See photos of celebrities wearing blazers as dresses!

29 Nov 13:00 Hollywood Life 1852895047126541864.html
Una experiencia cultural más allá del cine

En este espacio hay lugar para las noches de comediantes, eventos de música en vivo y teatro, entre otras actividades. | Entretenimiento | Portafolio.co

29 Nov 14:30 Portafolio 9142034661135650797.html
Ulica Emila Perške preimenovana u Taraišku ulicu

BEOGRAD - Odbornici Skupštine grada Beograda usvojili su danas izmenu Odluke o utvrđivanju naziva ulica i drugih delova naseljenih mesta na teritoriji

29 Nov 15:02 Krstarica 4176903989523090647.html
Galatasaray'da Lemina harekatı

Galatasaray'da teknik direktör Fatih Terim, Lemina'nın bonservisinin alınmasını ya da en kötü ihtimalle 1 yıl daha kiralık olarak kadroya katılmasını istedi.

29 Nov 15:28 Hürriyet 609739078326886304.html
Konzert: Giant Sand im Roxy: Rockige Riffs in kuscheliger Atmosphäre

Giant Sand lässt das Publikum im Roxy zunächst warten und reißt es dann mit. Howe Gelb ist seine eigene Vorband.

29 Nov 15:30 swp.de 6929179440798997282.html
U.N. Summit to Hear Call for Rich Nations to Pay 'Climate' Reparations

Officials at the United Nations COP25 climate change conference in Madrid next week will consider new taxes on developed countries.

29 Nov 12:38 Breitbart 3148363492716231622.html
'Finally, thank you Arsenal!' - What Gunners fans are saying about Unai Emery exit

Arsenal have sacked Unai Emery after a run of seven games without a win, bringing an end to his 18 months in charge of the Gunners

29 Nov 10:37 football.london 6804128267967995093.html
Panitia: Peserta Reuni 212 Mulai Datang, Ada yang Naik Kuda

"Beberapa masjid di Jakarta pun sudah siap sebagai tempat singgah dan atau istirahat peserta dari daerah"

29 Nov 15:06 Hidayatullah.com 5252784001811818966.html
Android 10 Updates Are Rolling Out To Samsung Galaxy S10 Series

Samsung's OneUI 2.0 interface based on the Android 10 system was previously released a while back for a limited beta test for their smartphones. The korean smartphone maker has recently confirmed in a news release

29 Nov 11:33 Lowyat.NET 6894342420743501174.html

Pour une meilleure prise en charge des questions démographiques dans les politiques menées au Sénégal et plus généralement en Afrique, l’équipe Demography Statistics For Africa (Demostaf) a procédé hier, jeudi 28 novembre, à une  journée de restitution des travaux de recherche auprès des acteurs et actrices des politiques publiques, du développement, de la société civile et des milieux académiques. Différentes thématiques ont été abordées dont la fécondité et la mortalité-santé entre autres.

29 Nov 11:17 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533150947922.html
Dubai-politiet går for Cybertruck - ITavisen

Føyer seg inn i rekken av en allerede imponerende flåte.

29 Nov 12:47 ITavisen 7865444160296029358.html
Ve enfermo terminal la pelicula Star Wars IX antes del estreno

INGLATERRA.- Bob Iger, CEO de Disney, cumplió el sueño de un enfermo terminal al permitirle ver la nueva película de Star Wars antes de su estreno oficial. Por ser Día de Acción de Gracias, Iger respondió a la petición

29 Nov 14:27 La Parada Digital 5696840779049211127.html
Juncker: "Europa ist die Liebe meines Lebens"

Mit einer launigen Bilanz seiner Erfolge und Niederlagen hat sich EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker von den Europäern verabschiedet. Der 64-jährige Luxemburger gibt sein Amt am Samstag nach fünf Jahren an Ursula von der Leyen ab.

29 Nov 10:25 bz BASEL 5287163742444841307.html
Unai Emery prend la porte

C'est officiel, l'entraîneur d'Arsenal Unai Emery a été limogé vendredi matin. Les rumeurs enflent déjà concernant son remplaçant.

29 Nov 11:22 RTL 5minutes 5295111944858008053.html
The extension fiasco: Who won, who lost?

Once this issue hits the parliament floor it could reveal the true colours of the opposition parties

29 Nov 12:57 The Express Tribune Blog 736159586062775556.html
Living Legends' Aesop Debuts "Aesop's Table" Cooking Show Trailer Featuring Slug & More

#DXCLUSIVE: The inaugural episode premieres on Friday (December 13).

29 Nov 13:15 HipHopDX 6054351961625149699.html
La realidad virtual de Valve Index se agota en algunos países tras el anuncio de Half Life Alyx

El nuevo juego de Half Life parece haber reactivado el interés por la realidad virtual. El espectacular tráiler de anuncio de Half Life Alyx parece haber avivado la pasión por la tecnología de realidad virtual,...

29 Nov 11:20 3DJuegos 3383023118663338510.html
Se pierde perrito en la colonia real de minas

Chihuahua.- Piden la ayuda de la ciudadanía para localizar a una mascota que se perdió en la colonia Real de Minas. La mascota cuenta con once años de edad y responde por el nombre de “cachito”. La...

29 Nov 15:45 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558678435418.html
'Don't mix it with middle-lower ones': Jokowi says Labuan Bajo is 'super premium'

Jokowi has ordered the Tourism Ministry to apply a visitor quota to Labuan Bajo, a tourist destination that is also the gate to Komodo Island.

29 Nov 10:46 The Jakarta Post 7678601103978635240.html
Madelaine Petsch Dishes On Cheryl Blossom Experimenting With Her Beauty Look on 'Riverdale'

If you haven’t noticed, Cheryl Blossom is changing up her beauty look, but in real small ways on Riverdale.

29 Nov 12:06 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173156018606.html
Balearon una vivienda en el Quirno Costa y hubo dos allanamientos

Personal de la Brigada de Investigaciones realizó dos diligencias de allanamientos por un ataque a balazos en una vivienda del barrio Quirno Costa días atrás. Secuestraron tres cargadores y municiones.

29 Nov 13:26 El Patagónico 8565457045763066162.html
Cut down by the Blades and Watford woes – the games which cost Emery his job

Spaniard has left Arsenal.

29 Nov 10:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773588527552.html
Il grande fratello vede solo quello che gli pare! – uno scandalo sta travolgendo la produzione...


29 Nov 13:02 DAGOSPIA 6533336740494283983.html
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot muestra en vídeo todo lo que puedes esperar del RPG de Dragon Ball

El videojuego de Bandai Namco para PC, Xbox One y PS4 se estrenará en muy pocas semanas. Cada vez queda menos para que los aficionados al universo Dragon Ball puedan echarle el guante al esperado Dragon Ball...

29 Nov 13:30 3DJuegos 3383023117950188452.html
Nutella Biscuits mania, scorte esaurite. A Napoli i bagarini nei mini-market

ROMA – In tre settimane ne sono stati venduti 57 milioni. I Nutella Biscuits, l’ultima novità di casa Ferrero, sono già un successo. Ricercati da tutti, spesso introvabili, i frollini ripieno di Nutella stanno conquistando gli italiani. A Napoli una confezione da 6 a 8 euro (costa 3…) E a Napoli, stante l’esaurimento scorte, è già fiorito un mercato nero, con tanto di dettaglianti trasformatisi in bagarini. Come riporta “Il Mattino”, in diversi mini-market tra Mergellina, la Torretta e il Vasto, una  confezione arriva a costare 6 euro, addirittura 8 (più del doppio, rispetto ai canonici 3 euro).Azzano Mella (Brescia), cadaveri di un uomo e una donna nelle campagne: ipotesi omicidio-suicidioAntonella Pavin, la “Sergente” di Hitler: “Nei lager solo piscine, non c’erano camere a gas” Un vero e proprio fenomeno, tanto da attirare l’attenzione di Fiorello e della sua striscia quotidiana ‘VivaAsiago10!’. Mercato nero? No, marrone… “Praticamente ogni italiano ha mangiato un biscotto, le confezioni sono introvabili,…

29 Nov 11:25 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355414944820.html
Un sapo de 2 kilos aterró a una familia de Granadero Baigorria

El animal apareció en una casa ubicada a 10 kilómetros de la ciudad de Rosario y provocó pánico entre los vecinos.

29 Nov 10:57 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450500328164.html
Een doctor-to-be legt uit: dit wist je nog niet over chlamydia

Een sluimerende SOA kan meer gevolgen hebben dan je in eerste instantie zou denken

29 Nov 15:52 Glamour 7276994002055244828.html
Son dakika... Terristler sivilleri hedef almaya devam ediyor! TOW fzesiyle saldrdlar

Milli Savunma Bakanl, El Babda bombal ara patlatarak 2 sivili yaralayan terristlerin ayn blgedeki Abe kynde tarlada alan 2 sivili de TOW fzesiyle yaraladn duyurdu.

29 Nov 14:40 Star 3455060033210814174.html
Alda D'Eusanio festeggia il compleanno del marito scomparso: "Per noi non sei mai morto"

Gianni Stasera, sociologo e accademico, è scomparso nel 1999

29 Nov 13:07 Today 178378750604765852.html
'The markets are not thinking about it yet' — BlackRock boss Larry Fink reportedly expects political turmoil in 2020, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Political scientist Ian Bremmer said Fink shared his fears of a constitutional crisis in 2020, whether Trump is reelected or not.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 13:19 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757133693234.html
Erosion fiscale : Le Maroc approuve une convention multilatérale

Le Conseil de gouvernement a approuvé le projet de loi portant approbation d’une convention multilatérale pour la mise en œuvre des mesures relatives aux conventions fiscales.

29 Nov 13:39 Infomédiaire 1551316400842192396.html
Reporter på HD-Sydsvenskan prisad för sitt arbete för yttrandefrihet

Får ta emot Publicistklubben Västras Dawit Isaak-pris.

29 Nov 15:31 HD 3336945412112311766.html
Liverpool confirm Fabinho out until 2020 in blow to Premier League title chances

The Brazilian sustained ankle ligament damage in the draw with Napoli in midweek, when he was replaced in the first half

29 Nov 13:25 mirror 675785261372256672.html
- Selv uten et astronomisk budsjett kan man lage kommunikasjon som står ut i mengden

Bli med på eksklusiv workshop med content marketing-ekspert og bestselgende forfatter Carla Johnson 29. januar.

29 Nov 10:04 Kampanje 8714678313905536784.html
Ny måling av smerte gjør pasienter raskere friske etter operasjon

Orkdal sykehus har testet ut et nytt verktøy for å måle smerte etter operasjon. Hensikten er å bedre oppfølgingen og sikkerheten til pasientene. Nå er resultatene klare.

29 Nov 15:57 adressa.no 8417332406974994753.html
Mulher de 72 anos morre atropelada e motorista foge sem prestar socorro

Antônia Benedita Aires, 72 anos, foi encontrada morta na madrugada desta sexta-feira (29), às margens da BR-163, na região do bairro Chácara das Mansões, em Campo Grande. Ela foi atropelada e o motorista fugiu sem prestar socorro. Conforme informações do boletim de ocorrência, o corpo da mulher foi encontrado às margens da rodovia, no sentido Campo Grande/São Paulo. Próximo ao cadáver, a polícia e...

29 Nov 11:48 Campo Grande News 7902463001139694058.html
Snøskredfare i nord og nordvest

Sesongen for daglige snøskredvarslinger er i gang. Det ventes mye snø i nord og nordvest de neste dagene, noe som medfører økende snøskredfare i mange regioner.

29 Nov 15:20 rbnett.no 7665098091252047784.html
Milan, tegola Duarte: la sua stagione è di fatto compromessa

Nelle scorse ore, non sono arrivate buone notizie da Leo Duarte che si è infortunato una settimana fa in allenamento. La diagnosi finale è stata più seria del previsto: frattura del calcagno all’inserzione del tendine achilleo sinistro. Il giocatore è stato già operato in Svezia e i tempi di recupero sono stimati in 3-4 mesi. Come riferisce La Gazzetta dello Sport questa mattina, la stagione del difensore brasiliano è di fatto compromessa e quindi il club di via Aldo Rossi sarà costretto a gennaio a tornare sul mercato per prendere un centrale.   

29 Nov 13:02 MilanNews.it 6507305922001850731.html
A Coruña: Una mujer de Culleredo es detenida tras intentar pasarle hachís a su pareja en la cárcel de Teixeiro

La detenida portaba cinco bellotas de una sustancia resinosa en su vestimenta cuando fue inspeccionada

29 Nov 10:21 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612483730918.html
BVB-Star Jadon Sancho in der Kritik - Dietmar Hamann empfiehlt: "So schnell wie möglich verkaufen"

Jadon Sancho hat mit seinem erneuten Fehlverhalten vor dem Champions-League-Spiel von Borussia Dortmund beim FC Barcelona für Ärger gesorgt. TV-Experte Dietmar Hamann rät dem BVB, den Star ob der regelmäßigen Ausschweifungen möglichst schnell zu verkaufen.

29 Nov 10:11 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775879463928.html
Murillo niega activación de sello azul contra Evo Morales

El ministro de Gobierno, Arturo Murillo, negó hoy que se haya activado el sello azul de contra el expresidente Evo Morales, quien está denunciado por los delitos de sedición, terrorismo e instigación

29 Nov 12:51 Los Tiempos 5350756299877616801.html
BIA OTKRILA DVOJICU ŠPIJUNA: Pripadnici policije radili na štetu Srbije, a u korist Hrvatske!

Bezbednosno–informativna agencija podnela je juče krivičnu prijavu Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Sremskoj Mitrovici protiv Nikole Kajkića i Dražena Letića, zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da su izvršili krivično delo špijunaža.

29 Nov 14:20 REPUBLIKA 2543998404858018620.html
Flashback – Masango's World-Class Panenka Against Pirates

In his prime, Mandla Masango was considered one of the best players in the PSL while plying his trade with Kaizer Chiefs. His confidence was perhaps best illustrated when he pulled off a Panenka penalty in a Carling Black Label Cup match a few years ago.

29 Nov 11:59 Soccer Laduma 3901337370264520172.html
Decreto de la Nación da estabilidad laboral por 5 años a funcionarios y prevé altas indemnizaciones

La estabilidad en la alta administración pública solo se pierde por tres causales. En caso de que la persona pierda su cargo por una reestructuración del organigrama (habitual con cualquier cambio...

29 Nov 10:45 La Voz 6237180762385631499.html
Perfekt: Sommer verlängert in Gladbach

Yann Sommer und Borussia Mönchengladbach bleiben sich treu. Wie der Tabellenführer der Bundesliga glückselig verkündet, hat der Stammkeeper seinen Vertrag verlängert. Max Eberl kann einen Haken (...)

29 Nov 12:09 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784772016566.html
Calderón del Embarque

#Opinión Lea aquí el artículo de Roberto Malaver | Calderón del Embarque

29 Nov 12:10 Últimas Noticias 6811287209540774687.html
Bologna-coach Mihajlovic spreekt voor het eerst, vier maanden na zijn diagnose van leukemie: “Ben doodmoe van al dat huilen”

Tranen bleven niet uit. Voor het eerst sinds 13 juli heeft Bologna-coach Sinisa Mihajlovic de buitenwereld toegesproken. Het decor: een zaaltje in het plaatselijke Sant’Orsola-ziekenhuis. Onverwach...

29 Nov 15:08 HLN 8967494997928671458.html
Murieron 4 personas en un choque cerca de Paso de los Libres

Un siniestro vial provocó la muerte de una familia. Ocurrió hoy viernes pasadas las 10 de hoy. Los cuatro integrantes de una familia murieron hoy en un choque entre el automóvil en que viajaban...

29 Nov 12:33 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724704819493.html
Ziza Carvalho descarta disputar prefeitura de Simplício Mendes

O deputado estadual Ziza Carvalho descartou nesta sexta-feira (29) que vá disputar o cargo de prefeito em Simplício Mendes, nas eleições 2020. Segundo o parlamentar, ele e o atual gestor do município, o médico Heli Moura Fé, ainda vão buscar um nome.“Meu nome nunca foi colocado à disposição lá do grupo. Eles sabem que não é uma pretensão minha em ser candidato a prefeito de Simplício Mendes. Agora nós temos bons nomes lá do nosso grupo, inclusive mais de um”, disse em entrevista à TV Cidade Verde.Segundo Ziza, a escolha só deve acontecer em 2020. “Vamos escolher a partir do próximo ano um nome de consenso. Sobre mim, não sou candidato sob hipótese alguma na minha cidade”, declarou.Com suas bases mais fortes no interior, Ziza Carvalho, que retornou à Assembleia Legislativa do Piauí (Alepi) nesta semana, defendeu uma candidatura própria na capital.“O partido precisa se firmar e o PT deve sim ter candidato a prefeito nas capitais, embora outros partidos da base também tenham, mas não deve se furtar a ter esse nome”…

29 Nov 14:42 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419498070323.html
Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy 2019: Devdutt Padikkal, KL Rahul half-centuries power Karnataka into the finals

Abhimanyu Mithun's hat-trick, half-centuries from Devdutt Padikkal and KL Rahul helped Karnataka pick up an 8-wicket win over Haryana.

29 Nov 12:21 sportskeeda 1601194028042474479.html
Alerta por tormentas fuertes para la tarde del viernes en Córdoba

Según el SMN, se registrarán fuertes ráfagas y caída de granizo en parte de Córdoba, San Luis, Buenos Aires, Santa Fe y La Pampa. 

29 Nov 13:36 La Voz 6237180762282910250.html
Daniel Farke im Check: Wie gut passt er zum BVB?

Der Trainerstuhl von Lucien Favre wackelt beim BVB gewaltig, der Verein sieht sich angeblich längst nach Ersatz um. Als mögliche Option gilt Daniel Farke, der in Dortmund kein Unbekannter ist.

29 Nov 12:08 weltfussball.at 3521376371416102873.html
Montblanc’s Taj Mahal moment

In a first for the German luxury brand, its High Artistry showcases Indian jewellery traditions during the Mughal period, and the influence of Shah Jahan

29 Nov 10:56 The Hindu 6679535025029372492.html
Senador paraguaio é cassado após pedir morte de brasileiros

Ele também atacou policiais que, segundo ele, protegiam brasileiros

29 Nov 13:09 Correio 5185786713441943019.html
Landesprojekt: Ehemalige Straftäter nutzen ihre „Chance“

Jugendliche Straftäter nutzen ihre „Chance“ und besuchen die Gewerbliche Schule Crailsheim.

29 Nov 11:09 swp.de 6929179440965924257.html
La postura de Deportes Iquique: "La jurisprudencia deportiva dice que nuestro punto está ganado"

Cesare Rossi confirma la postura que tendrá el club en el Consejo de Presidentes, el cual podría resultar clave en caso que se definan descensos en el fútbol chileno.

29 Nov 11:40 24Horas.cl 793283385764450851.html
Rechazan ampliación a la Ley de Ingresos de Victoria

Sólo 11 votos tuvo la iniciativa de sumar 48 millones más al presupuesto

29 Nov 11:50 El Mañana 6247220758442227300.html
People are loving this old video of Anne Doyle and Gay Byrne on The Late Late Toy Show

The former newsreader appeared on the show back in 1986

29 Nov 13:37 GOSS.ie 8755536024249820154.html
TS man back home after 3-year Gulf ordeal

40-year-old from Nizamabad spent three months in jail for overstaying in Saudi Arabia

29 Nov 15:39 The Hindu 6679535026231960663.html
Torino di Sangro (Chieti): uccide la moglie in casa durante una lite, fermato dai Carabinieri

TORINO DI SANGRO (CHIETI) – Omicidio a Torino di Sangro la mattina di oggi, venerdì 29 novembre. Un uomo ha ucciso la moglie sembra al culmine di una lite familiare. L’uomo è stato fermato. Sul posto i Carabinieri della Compagnia di Ortona (Chieti) coordinati dal maggiore Roberto Ragucci. L’indagine è coordinata dalla Procura di Vasto (Chieti).Conegliano (Treviso), ragazza scomparsa chiama la madre: “Sto bene, non torno a casa”Nutella Biscuits mania, scorte esaurite. A Napoli i bagarini nei mini-market L’omicidio è avvenuto a via Monte, scrive il sito valdisangro.zonalocale.it. Come confermato dal 118, a vittima è una donna di 65 anni. Il sindaco Nino Di Fonso si è recato personalmente sul posto. Queste le uniche primissime informazioni. Fonte: Ansa, valdisangro.zonalocale.il

29 Nov 11:57 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355143507621.html
Black Veil Brides Announce New EP, Reveal New Bassist

Black Veil Brides will release a series of two-song EPs with new bassist Lonny Eagleton

29 Nov 10:42 Kerrang! 370418008946379873.html
Incidents devant des lycées en Essonne ce vendredi matin, plusieurs arrestations

Les jeunes interpellés depuis le début de la semaine évoquent des rassemblements « contre Macron ». Une dizaine de jeunes ont été arrêtés vendredi matin après des incidents devant des

29 Nov 12:55 Sud Ouest 3952805754475044694.html
Fifa : Gianni Infantino veut créer une Ligue africaine pour les meilleurs clubs du continent

Le président de la FIFA Gianni Infantino veut créer une Ligue africaine : « Il faut prendre les 20 meilleurs clubs d’Afrique et les faire jouer dans une ligue africaine. Une telle ligue peut générer au moins 200 M€ de revenus, ce qui la placerait dans le top 10 mondial, du jour au lendemain… On a […]

29 Nov 14:21 Xalima.com 5303455894072349083.html
Palestine : Le nouveau message fort du Roi Mohammed VI

Le Roi Mohammed VI a adressé un Message au président du Comité pour l’exercice des droits inaliénables du peuple palestinien, Cheikh Niang, à l’occasion de la journée internationale de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien, célébrée le 29 novembre de chaque année.

29 Nov 10:23 Infomédiaire 1551316400541111269.html
Achter de schermen bij Coolblue op 'Black Friday': zo beleeft de webwinkel de drukste week van het jaar

Het is vandaag Black Friday, en dat betekent traditiegetrouw dat we weer kunnen profiteren van een heleboel superpromoties. Dat hebben ze ook geweten bij w...

29 Nov 10:27 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192482249608.html
Werkloosheidsgraad laagste in 11 jaar in Eurozone

De werkloosheidsgraad in de eurozone is in oktober gedaald tot 7,5 procent. Dat is het laagste percentage sinds juli 2008, zo meldde het Europese statistiekbureau vrijdag.

29 Nov 11:14 HLN 8967494997327863853.html
Editorial Planeta regresa con más plumas a la FIL

Desplegará un menú literario impulsado con grandes nombres y apellidos internacionales, pero también con gran apertura al talento mexicano y local

29 Nov 12:10 El Informador 103545928399932491.html
L'heure du choix

Quelle tristesse, mon cousin ! Alors que je prenais la plume pour vous écrire, un billet me faisait part de la mort de treize de nos soldats dans le ciel de l'Afrique. Ils étaient dans leurs machines volantes, sur une terre où notre armée combat valeureusement les mahométans fanatiques et le destin les a emportés aux côtés de leurs innombrables frères d'armes morts pour la France. Leur sacrifice nous impressionne, tant nous avons oublié ce que signifie ce beau mot. Il faudrait le silence du recueillement et de la prière devant ces dépouilles, rien de plus. Las !

29 Nov 15:10 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230247681774865.html
Gloria Jessica, Nomine AMI Awards 2019 yang Kembali Buka Mata

Gloria Jessica merilis single yang diberi judul Buka Mata

29 Nov 14:20 liputan6.com 3414318496712753889.html
'El concierto del paro': Cartel de artistas confirmados para este evento

El alcalde Enrique Peñalosa aprobó el concierto del paro, que se realizaría a principios de diciembre. 

29 Nov 14:28 Colombia.com 1213910711508685583.html
Confían activistas en aprobación de Ley Olimpia

Conductas como amenazas, acoso y hostigamiento perpetuadas en el espacio tecnológico y redes sociales, serán contempladas agravantes de los delitos mencionados

29 Nov 10:07 Excélsior 859179359855209212.html
Shannon de Lima publicó sorprendente foto de ella en su adolescencia

La modelo aprovechó el último jueves de #tbt para recordar la imagen.

29 Nov 14:39 Colombia.com 1213910710897358432.html
The Organelle music computer is nearly $100 off this weekend

The do-anything instrument might be easier to justify.

29 Nov 13:47 Engadget 96641515502406236.html
TheSixthAxis Black Friday Sale is now on!

Like the rest of the UK we at TheSixthAxis don't celebrate Thanksgiving but, also like the rest of the UK, we're going to have a Black Friday sale anyway. Step right up for bargains that will beat any

29 Nov 12:00 tsa 6447108926952769401.html
El testamento de Hitler, la traición revelada antes de su muerte

El 30 de abril de 1945 Adolf Hitler se dio por vencido, aceptó su derrota y las traiciones de algunos de sus allegados lo obligaron a reconocer su fracaso poniendo fin a su vida. El 1 de enero de 1946 la agencia Reuters reveló el testamento del dictador nazi, esto fue cuando la Segunda Guerra Mundial había terminado y los secretos alemanes salían a la luz. El testamento de Hitler no tenía nada que ver con su fortuna económica, era más bien un documento con las últimas decisiones políticas que tenía. El documento era un delirio póstumo sobre la posibilidad de la reinstauración de un régimen nazi en Alemania. En el testamento revela los nombres de sus traidores, los condena y ordena sean destituidos de sus funciones. "Antes de mi muerte deseo expulsar del partido al exmariscal de campo Hermann Goering y desposeerle de todos los derechos que le fueron conferidos por el discurso que yo mismo pronuncié ante el Reichstag el día 1 de septiembre de 1939. Para sustituirle nombro al almirante

29 Nov 10:15 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772942747879040.html
Wall Street Breakfast: Black Friday In Full Swing

Listen on the go! A daily podcast of Wall Street Breakfast will be available by 8:00 a.m. on Seeking Alpha, iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify. The biggest shopping weekend of the year is here and 165.3M A

29 Nov 11:38 Seeking Alpha 5725634557425656262.html
Michael Bennett Delivered Fiery Message To Teammates After Loss: ‘Only Champions Get Remembered’

Michael Bennett has been with the Cowboys organization for a total of 33 days, but he is one of few…

29 Nov 14:29 Total Pro Sports 5536572205182951178.html
El tribunal mantiene en libertad a los condenados por el caso de los ERE por entender que no hay riesgo de fuga

La Audiencia Provincial de Sevilla decide no enviar a prisión a los dos exconsejeros de Empleo y los dos ex directores generales de Trabajo, a pesar de la petición de la Fiscalía Anticorrupción

29 Nov 12:20 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611865248798.html
Fiscalía allana e incauta documentos en la sede de la Confiep

El fiscal José Domingo Pérez Gómez, con el apoyo de personal policial de la División de Investigación de delitos de Alta Complejidad (Diviac), ejecuta la medida de allanamiento con fines de incautacion de documentos en la sede del gremio empresarial.

29 Nov 14:45 RPP 3819340342496047622.html
B-Red welcomes baby boy with his partner, Faith (Photo)

Bayo Adeleke otherwise known as B-Red has welcomed a baby boy with his partner, Faith Johnson. B-red took to his social media page to announce the birth of his son, Jordan Adetayo Osioke Adeleke with his

29 Nov 13:51 LailasNews.com 2090029850437353234.html
‘Ndrangheta, smantellato il clan Bellocco. 45 arresti, 5 prendevano il Rdc

Gestivano traffici, soprattutto di droga, capaci di generare illegalmente ingenti introiti, ciononostante, fra le 45 persone c'era chi percepiva il Rdc

29 Nov 10:07 Affari Italiani 6123405401591004468.html
Ofertas de Cyber Monday para viajar a Estados Unidos

El Cyber Monday llega el 2 de diciembre con ofertas en vuelos, parques temáticos, hoteles y casinos

29 Nov 13:09 viveUSA 1300580454642880366.html
I gave Spurs the 'best of me', says former boss Pochettino

Former Tottenham Hotspur manager Mauricio Pochettino said he had given the Premier League club "the best of me" during a 5-1/2-year tenure which ...

29 Nov 11:50 CNA 5644198863138005626.html
FC Bayern: Flick holt sich Rat bei Heynckes

Für seine Aufgabe als Chefcoach des FC Bayern holt sich Hansi Flick Tipps bei Trainer-Altmeister Jupp Heynckes. „Ich habe mit ihm in den letzten Wochen auch telefoniert“, berichtete der 54-Jährige (...)

29 Nov 15:54 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783653418481.html
Čustvena novinarska konferenca hudo bolnega Siniše Mihajlovića

Trener italijanskega nogometnega prvoligaša Bologne Siniša Mihajlović, ki boleha za levkemijo, je na današnji čustveni in več kot uro trajajoči novinarski konferenci javnost seznanil s svojim zdravstvenim stanjem.

29 Nov 15:48 Dnevnik 7671546649304827285.html
Seat descarta un ERE temporal para hacer frente al paro de producción

A cambio, la compañía ha aceptado la propuesta del comité de empresa de que la plantilla trabaje los días 18, 19 y 20 de diciembre, además de...

29 Nov 11:55 Expansión 4197779423319239473.html
Volkswagen (VW) vz Outperform

Die Experten der RBC Capital Markets bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 29.11.19 die Aktie von Volkswagen (VW) vz mit Outperform

29 Nov 12:14 finanzen.at 7258357742666679623.html
Clarence Thomas’s New Documentary Is All About How Biden Stinks and Liberals Are The New KKK

In case you’re still in a tryptophan stupor, allow me to catch you up. Donald Trump is still president. There’s still a Congressman presiding over hearings about the president’s shady dealings with the Ukraine who appears to himself have had shady dealings with Ukraine. And now, we’ve got the longest-sitting Supreme Court justice launching a documentary which targets the Democratic presidential frontrunner. I say we just drop the ball on this sucker and end 2019 now.

29 Nov 10:44 Law & Crime 7990899036774767890.html
L'AIReF reconeix que és difícil demanar que les autonomies infrafinançades complisquen les regles fiscals

L'ens demana també al govern espanyol una "rebaixa" del dèficit públic i focalitzar millor les polítiques de desigualtat

29 Nov 12:18 Diari La Veu 8769648854709293538.html
Uhapšeni kradljivci GPS-a sa traktora, vrednost pola miliona

HAG - Francuska žandarmerija i litvanska policija, uz podršku Evropola razbili su organizovanu kriminalnu grupu umešanu u krađu navigacijskih sistema iz

29 Nov 12:19 Krstarica 4176903988258301461.html
Iván Moreira pide al Gobierno "que decrete estado de emergencia de una vez por todas"

"Lo que hay hoy en el país es una sedición revolucionaria amparada por partidos de izquierda", aseveró el senador de la UDI.

29 Nov 14:40 24Horas.cl 793283385131363828.html
Pa smo ga dočakali: razkriti vsi izdelki XIAOMI BLACK FRIDAY

Danes Vam ponosno predstavljamo celotno ponudbo izbranih Xiaomi izdelkov po super Black Friday cenah. Vabljeni na ogled na povezavi: https://www.mishop.si/promocije/black-friday-sa

29 Nov 13:20 Računalniške novice 5784844856800070745.html
Odabran najbolji tim kvalifikacija za EURO, nema Ronalda, nikoga iz Italije i Belgije!

Sutra je žreb za EURO 2020, pa je danas predstavljen i najbolji tim kvalifikacija.

29 Nov 12:26 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495582223436.html
‘Terrorist Pragya Thakur’ remark: BJP MP moves notice against Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha

The former Congress president said he stood by his comment.

29 Nov 14:34 Scroll.in 8669301692680304652.html
Familie onthutst na onderzoek: 'Ze stoppen de dood van Bekiro in de doofpot'

De familie van de doodgestoken Bekiro (12) uit Arnhem reageert vrijdag geschokt op een rapport dat stelt dat het doden van de jongen door zijn eigen vader niet te voorkomen was. 'Dat was het wel', zegt Kelly, de tante van Bekiro en halfzus van Tevfik G. De Arnhemmer doodde zijn eigen zoontje met een zwaard. Hij deed dit in een psychose.

29 Nov 10:10 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615566078722.html
'troppo gay',l'ungheria decide di abbandonare l'eurovision song contest 2020.il portavoce di orban


29 Nov 10:55 DAGOSPIA 6533336738613814046.html
Argentina se mantendrá en el Grupo de Lima para expresar lo que piensa

El futuro canciller de Argentina, por el gobierno de Alberto Fernández, Felipe Solá, aseguró que van a continuar dentro del Grupo de Lima y van a expresar lo que piensa.

29 Nov 10:28 El Carabobeño 125457439442537395.html
Reprise et cession d'entreprise : Comment réussir son projet transfrontalier

Une bonne planification de la démarche de transmission/reprise est indispensable et permet de considérablement réduire les risques d'échec ainsi que l'impact fiscal pour l’entrepreneur.

29 Nov 13:43 Allnews 678771718960906115.html
Samsung Galaxy S11+ Case confirms previously Leaked Design - Gizmochina

Samsung‘s upcoming entry in its flagship Galaxy series had its renders leaked recently. It showcased a unique design that had never been seen before in a Samsung smartphone. However, since no official announcement has been made the accuracy of the leak still comes into question. But, a new report has just surfaced that reveals a …

29 Nov 12:41 Gizmochina 1751854815017277923.html
India announces $400 million loan for Sri Lanka, in support of new president

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - India will lend Sri Lanka $400 million for infrastructure projects, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday after talks with the island nation’s new President Gotabaya Rajapaksa aimed at improving bilateral ties.

29 Nov 10:48 Reuters 8334514181497485820.html
Yo-Yo Shuriken Is A Brand New Action Game That's Just Released For The SNES

What year is it?

29 Nov 14:00 Nintendo Life 5246707019520275227.html
Economia do desenvolvimento: onde estamos no debate sobre políticas industriais?, por Dani Rodrik

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

29 Nov 15:13 GGN 1188436354019763595.html
Lundabolag tar in 60 miljoner i nytt kapital

”Skapar goda förutsättningar för att genomföra vår tillväxtplan”.

29 Nov 13:07 Sydsvenskan 2976531144870498987.html
Mercedes, ancora tagli dell'auto tedesca.Daimler manda a casa 10 mila tute blu

Profit warning e riduzioni di personale per fronteggiare il rallentamento dell'export e le trasformazioni della mobilità. Dopo Vw e Audi, anche Mercedes taglia

29 Nov 13:22 Affari Italiani 6123405402070227627.html
VIDEO: Deepika Padukone Asks Papps If They Don’t Get Tired; Netizens Go All Praises

Deepika Padukone is the queen of many hearts and time and again the actress has proven the same. People are in awe of her acting and beauty but the actress never fails to give them more reason to fall

29 Nov 11:14 Koimoi 5184275670853895987.html
La Ligue des champions revient sur Canal et beIN, RMC Sport et Mediapro grands perdants

Canal+ et beIN Sports diffuseront la Ligue des champions sur la période 2021-2024 après en avoir récupéré les droits vendredi, un bouleversement ...

29 Nov 14:03 RTL Info 5478130073503396092.html
La Ligue des champions revient sur Canal et beIN, RMC Sport et Mediapro grands perdants

Canal+ et beIN Sports diffuseront la Ligue des champions sur la période 2021-2024 après en avoir récupéré les droits vendredi, un bouleversement supplémentaire dans le paysage télévisuel français qui assombrit l'avenir des concurrents RMC Sport et Mediapro.

29 Nov 15:01 Challenges 1086714997581661134.html
Hamburg: Bewährungsstrafen für Eltern von verhungertem Baby

Das Baby hatte eine Dickdarmentzündung und litt unter Durchfall. Schließlich starb es an Kreislaufversagen. Es wurde nicht richtig ernährt.

29 Nov 12:55 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699862249439.html
Huawei envisage une action légale contre les Etats-Unis

Huawei prépare un contre-feu juridique aux nouvelles mesures du régulateur américain pour l’empêcher d’accéder à 8,5 milliards de dollars de fonds fédéraux pour ses services et équipements.

29 Nov 14:22 Allnews 678771720058467030.html
HUT Transmedia, Ada EXO dan NCT Dream di Trans Studio Cibubur

Dalam rangka HUT Transmedia ke-18, Trans Studio Cibubur kedatangan sejumlah artis kelas dunia termasuk dua grup K-Pop, EXO dan NCT Dream.

29 Nov 11:55 detikTravel 7712517352182657228.html
Medienbericht über schwarze Kasse für Wahlkämpfe: Neue Parteispendenaffäre bei der AfD

Neue und schwere Vorwürfe gegen die AfD: Wie der "Spiegel" berichtet, soll die Partei unter anderem bereits in ihrer Gründungsphase Wahlkämpfe mit einer schwarzen Kasse finanziert haben. Der Bundestag will die Anschuldigungen prüfen.

29 Nov 13:35 GMX 2011843075832853070.html
We are in a virtual free-fall, says Congress on GDP growth slip

The Congress on Friday took a swipe at the BJP government over the GDP growth falling to 4.5 per cent, and said this is the lowest GDP recorded in six years.Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewa

29 Nov 12:50 The Hindu 6679535025806439470.html
10 top tips for buying a drone this Christmas

Drone technology is increasingly popular, and many people may be looking forward to getting a drone this Christmas. But many are also unaware of the rules governing drones.

29 Nov 11:07 RTE.ie 7595237277851653499.html
La montagne Ruff

En battant un record d'Ivan Ćurković, dimanche 24 novembre, Stéphane Ruffier est entré dans la mythique histoire des Verts. Entre Monaco et Saint-Étienne, le gardien cumule plus de dix ans au plus haut niveau, plus de 400 matchs de Ligue 1, un passage en équipe de France et des statistiques qui font de lui l'une des références à son poste. Pourtant, il reste, à 33 ans, un drôle de mystère. Il était temps de le percer.

29 Nov 10:00 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251551118978.html
REACŢIA Biroului politici de reintegrare privind declaraţiile lui Krasnoselski: Tehnici de retorică provocatoare

Tehnici de retorică provocatoare. Astfel, Biroul politici de reintegrare a calificat declaraţiile liderul de la Tiraspol, Vadim Krasnoselski, după ce jurnaliştii noştri, ieri, au solicitat o poziţie oficială a instituţiei în acest sens. Mai exact, am ceru

29 Nov 11:17 PUBLIKA 1679939813813243754.html
Pasha Ungu Ulang Tahun ke-40, Adelia Beri Hadiah Cincin Motif Motor

Usia Pasha Ungu genap ke-40 tahun, pada 27 November 2019 lalu. Di hari kelahirannya ini, Pasha pun mendapat hadiah spesial dari sang istri tercinta, Adelia Pasha. Yakni berupa cincin emas bermotif motor favoritnya.

29 Nov 11:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087990452078115.html
Google explica como o modo de astrofotografia do Pixel 4 funciona

Recurso é fruto da combinação de várias técnicas, como longa exposição, múltiplas exposições, processamento de sinais e algoritmos de inteligência artificial

29 Nov 14:19 Olhar Digital 416591714670639121.html
Revelan el ridículo sueldo de la pareja de Karla Rubilar por su trabajo en el Gobierno

La relación entre la ministra Karla Rubilar y el periodista Christian Pino no ha estado exenta de polémica, más aún cuando se reveló que este último trabajaba para el Gobierno.

29 Nov 14:36 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354802540045.html
Estos son los regalos tecnológicos más cool en esta Navidad

¡Y están disponibles en Puerto Rico!

29 Nov 15:45 Primera Hora 5092966654937727695.html
Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan: PNL are proiecte de lege privind desfiinţarea secţiei speciale şi abrogarea recursului compensatoriu

Prim-vicepreşedintele PNL, vicepremierul Raluca Turcan, a declarat, vineri, la Botoşani, că liberalii vor susţine în Parlament proiectele de lege care

29 Nov 10:03 G4Media.ro 2302108694964820778.html
UPDATE: ‘Slim’ chance of finding murdered Blackpool man alive, detectives believe

There is a 'slim possibility' missing man Jason Goldrick, who disappeared from hospital nearly a month ago, could still be alive.

29 Nov 12:19 The Gazette 1828400565117973015.html
C’è una grave crisi nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo

Ebola, morbillo, attentati islamisti quasi quotidiani e scontri tra popolazione e caschi blu delle Nazioni Unite

29 Nov 10:50 Il Post 6291746503395502950.html
Sánchez insiste en formar gobierno "antes de Navidad" mientras ERC dice no tener prisa

El presidente en funciones no irá a una investidura fallida y presiona a una Esquerra que pide compromisos explícitos

29 Nov 15:59 Cadena SER 8390941984840941191.html
Mihajlovic rompe il silenzio: "Mi sono rotto di piangere. Io sono ancora qua"

Un Sinisa Mihajlovic visibilmente commosso è tornato a parlare dopo diverse settimane e a un mese dal trapianto di midollo: "A tutti i malati: non perdete la voglia di vivere"

29 Nov 12:33 ilGiornale.it 5019541224767766035.html
Chi ha paura di un mostro cosmico? – nuova incredibile scoperta dallo spazio: contrariamente...


29 Nov 15:57 DAGOSPIA 6533336739061069225.html
Dezembro começa com temperaturas abaixo de zero

Na próxima semana, a chuva que se tem feito sentir nestes últimos dias vai dar lugar ao sol, com os termómetros a registar temperaturas abaixo de zero na Beira Alta e Trás-os-Montes. Prevê-se que terça e quarta-feira sejam os dias mais frios.

29 Nov 14:52 DN 8445869955906343230.html
PAGASA warns ‘Tisoy’ could follow same track of deadly typhoons Glenda, Reming

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said that the approaching typhoon will follow a track similar to typhoons Glenda and Reming which left hundreds of people dead in 2014 and 2006, respectively.

29 Nov 15:18 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200763303228.html
Testujemy telewizję Cyfrowego Polsatu bez anteny. Jak działa telewizja internetowa z dekoderem EVOBOX STREAM?

Testujemy telewizję internetową Cyfrowego Polsatu z wykorzystaniem dekodera EVOBOX STREAM.

29 Nov 15:15 Tabletowo.pl 3941365663642188743.html
La defensa de Puigdemont demanarà ajornar la vista per les euroordres

Volen que el jutge esperi la sentència del TJUE sobre la immunitat de Junqueras perquè pot tenir un "impacte" per l'expresident i Comín

29 Nov 10:30 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478848939275.html
Cecilia Bolocco estrena nuevo y elegante cambio de look ¡Mira!

Hace más de un año que Cecilia Bolocco se encuentra alejada de la palestra, viviendo en Estados Unidos y dedicada 100% a su hijo Máximo, luego que este fuera intervenido por un tumor cerebral. Pero hoy regresó a los medios y de una forma bastante especial, pues - como ya es costumbre - la ex […]

29 Nov 15:28 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354675598575.html
Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2

From the archives: IBM doesn't make consumer desktop OSes anymore for a reason.

29 Nov 13:34 Ars Technica 5028555106764310527.html
Las piezas que no encajan en el puzzle de Luis Enrique y Robert Moreno

Una vez escuchadas las versiones de Rubiales y de los dos entrenadores, existen varias diferencias

29 Nov 14:57 La Vanguardia 8061072700165259617.html
Des images de RTL sur Netflix

La mort de Grégory Villemin, en 1984, est au cœur d'une série documentaire. Le Centre national de l'Audiovisuel a fourni des images provenant des archives de la CLT-UFA.

29 Nov 15:36 RTL 5minutes 5295111945065168297.html
Block Friday, centinaia in piazza «Porto bloccato per emergenza climatica» (FOTO/VIDEO)

QUARTA manifestazione dei Fridays for Future ad Ancona, la prima a livello regionale con persone arrivate anche da Macerata e Civitanova

29 Nov 14:34 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194644878612.html
Stormzy is coming to the East Midlands - and tickets are on sale soon

The master of grime will be here next year

29 Nov 12:51 Derbyshire Live 9061707931064684281.html
Crece 1.9% empleo en industria manufacturera

El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía indicó que por tipo de establecimientos en el que se labora, en los no manufactureros creció 11.2% y en los manufactureros 0.9% a tasa anual.

29 Nov 15:28 La Razón 7608060638243146254.html
James Rodríguez, uno de los cuatro problemas de Zidane en Real Madrid

Real Madrid no podrá ser líder en su grupo de Champions y ahora busca la punta de la liga española.

29 Nov 12:19 Antena 2 310632178340966070.html
Votre dernière semaine de novembre

Vos photos par Whatsapp au 079 689 20 20

29 Nov 10:43 www.rjb.ch 7386238340671038314.html
Activist sets up fund to pay school fees for needy children after giving out S$1,000 to families

Activist sets up fund to pay school fees for needy children after giving out S$1,000 to families

29 Nov 12:20 The Independent 5308065342804007579.html
Brexit Britain’s big talk on space fails to fly

European aerospace firms get in work contracts as much as their governments fund the European Space Agency, but the UK lags behind.

29 Nov 14:28 POLITICO 2584151345284249364.html
Polizei zeigt Schülern die Folge von Unfällen

Manche Anblicke sind bei Verkehrsunfällen nur schwer zu ertragen, egal, wie lange man bereits im Polizeidienst ist. Deshalb ist es den Regionalbereichsbeamten vom Seegebiet Mansfelder Land, Grit Kilian-Moritz und Detlef Möser, auch so wichtig, Präventionsarbeit zu ...

29 Nov 10:41 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110547346355.html
Whindersson Nunes faz brincadeira com semelhança entre Pabllo Vittar e Luísa Sonza

O humorista fez um post celebrando mais um mês de casamento

29 Nov 13:10 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769429233034142.html
Los negros no construyen palacios y otras teorías racistas y falsas de la arqueología

Un libro recopila episodios de la historia de la arqueología como las teorías racistas que durante años distorsionaron el estudio de las civilizaciones africanas

29 Nov 14:47 EL PAÍS 2207347710566251630.html
Cuba Exhibits Lowest HIV/AIDS Prevalence of the Region (+Graphics)

Cuba today exhibits the lowest prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Western Hemisphere, an official from the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) said.

29 Nov 14:13 Periodico 26 4565978329841746448.html
Cuba Exhibits Lowest HIV/AIDS Prevalence of the Region (+Graphics)

Cuba today exhibits the lowest prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Western Hemisphere, an official from the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) said.

29 Nov 14:13 Periodico 26 4565978328521133417.html
1991 von Irene Greulich ins Leben gerufen

Gegründet wurde der Verein Förderkreis Hildebrandt-Orgel Naumburg auf Initiative der damaligen und inzwischen verstorbenen Wenzelsorganistin Irene Greulich im Jahr 1991. Ihm gehören nach eigenen Angaben derzeit über 60 Mitglieder an. Neue Interessenten sind stets willkommen. Der Verein lebt von Mitgliedsbeiträgen und Spenden. Zur Organisation großer Konzerte werden Spenden von Institutionen und Firmen der Region sowie Privatpersonen eingeworben. In der jüngsten Sitzung wurde der Vorstand entlastet. Außerdem dankte der neue Vorsitzende Bernward Küper seinem Vorgänger Winfried Schubert, dessen Wirken die Stadt Naumburg im vergangenen Jahr mit einer Ehrenurkunde gewürdigt ...

29 Nov 11:56 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110244329972.html
The Google Store will now price match with online stores from Best Buy, Walmart, Target, and Amazon

It can be so frustrating when you research your next smartphone, find the best possible deal, get the phone in your hands and then see the same item available at a lower price at a different retail…

29 Nov 13:10 TalkAndroid 1612121025916205817.html
Ex-presidente da CBF Ricardo Teixeira é banido do futebol pela Fifa

Ex-dirigente foi multado em cerca de R$ 4,2 milhões

29 Nov 11:59 Correio do Povo 8875535436073960510.html
Caetano Veloso e Criolo trocam beijo em cima do palco

Não só pela música o Festival Ninja em São Paulo foi marcado, o evento também guardou um momento especial, que foi o beijo entre Caetano Veloso e Criolo.

29 Nov 12:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125211474695089.html
Iraks premiärminister lovar att avgå

Irak Iraks pressade premiärminister Adil Abd al-Mahdi lovar att kliva ner från sin post – sedan landets högsta religiösa direkt ifrågasatt regeringen. Beskedet kommer efter veckor av protester som skö

29 Nov 15:05 www.unt.se 8922556089093573156.html
One of the best wireless gaming headsets on the market is on sale for Black Friday

The Astro A50 wireless headset is on sale and you shouldn't miss out on this deal.

29 Nov 15:19 Android Central 29040144226593042.html
Lotta al razzismo, i 20 club di Serie A uniti: lettera aperta a chi ama il calcio italiano

I 20 club di Serie A uniti nella lotta contro il razzismo. "Dobbiamo riconoscere che abbiamo un serio problema con il razzismo negli stadi italiani e che non l'abbiamo combattuto a...

29 Nov 14:10 FcInterNews.it 7848284893178111274.html
Is India Inc getting aggressive on cutting costs via VRS?

Voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) is a popular method to reduce surplus staff. Many large public and private sector companies have implemented VRS in recent years

29 Nov 11:31 Business Today 1145527430833393482.html
Presiden Borneo FC Bakar Motivasi Pemain untuk Finis di 2 Besar Liga 1 2019

Borneo FC berpeluang untuk bisa menyelesaikan Liga 1 2019 di posisi runner-up.

29 Nov 15:30 Bola.com 1695722603195450843.html
Tiros disparados de dentro de carro ferem homem na 'Favelinha do Ibes'

Vítima não teve a identidade revelada. Ele foi levado com vida para um hospital da região

29 Nov 13:59 Folha Vitória 4941883427730567500.html
El matrimonio entre la pizza y la arepa de coco

Pizzarepa experimenta con masas keto, veganas y libres de gluten

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310344271878.html
Best Smartwatch and Fitness Tracker Deals Black Friday 2019: Apple Watch, Fitbit, Android, Galaxy [Updated]

There's no better time than Black Friday to pick up a great new smartwatch or fitness tracker. We've compiled a list of common questions and our favorite smart trackers for you to consider as you prepare to shop!

29 Nov 15:46 Android Central 29040142732016096.html
Lanzamos un boletín especial por la Cumbre del Clima

Recibe en tu buzón cada día un resumen de todo lo acontencido en la Cumbre del ClimaUna cobertura coordinada por Natalia Chientaroli, jefa de información y redactora jefa de Política Social de eldiario.es

29 Nov 14:15 eldiario.es 4752673444468266776.html
Arlon: important déploiement policier en prévision d'une manifestation d'activistes écologiques

Ce vendredi matin, plusieurs détachements de policiers (venus de Liège, Mons, Charleroi, Bruxelles.

29 Nov 14:10 Vivreici.be 7768530901536717997.html
Metro informa cierre de estaciones por "seguridad de pasajeros y trabajadores": Revisa cuáles son

Se estima que para este jueves el servicio de trenes funcione hasta las 21:00 horas.

29 Nov 14:32 Emol 3328490600912219103.html
Prepa 2 se activa con carrera

La Escuela Preparatoria Dos de la Uady presentó su carrera atlética de cinco kilómetros.

29 Nov 11:52 SIPSE.com 4008460417298694164.html
Arsenal sack Unai Emery: Manager leaves after 18 months in charge

Unai Emery has been sacked as Arsenal manager after 18 months in charge.

29 Nov 15:30 Nehanda Radio 3802011523239027972.html
Tierheim setzt dicken Dirk auf Diät

Die Mitarbeiter des Kölner Tierheims staunten nicht schlecht: Der Kater, den eine Frau in die Unterbringung brachte, wiegt zehn Kilo.

29 Nov 11:03 Bild 8433249908027428248.html
Ubrzala inflacija u evrozoni, najniža nezaposlenost od jula

LUKSEMBURG - Rast potrošačkih cena u evrozoni nadmašio je očekivanja u novembru, podstaknut skokom cena hrane i usluga, pokazali su danas objavljeni

29 Nov 10:52 Krstarica 4176903990069693445.html
Rubiales, Molina, Andreu Camps y Luis Enrique, al sorteo de la Eurocopa

Es la delegación española que acudirá mañana al sorteo de Bucarest

29 Nov 14:12 sport 1349897971095896569.html
Milojević: Nemam problem da odem ako treba

Šef stručnog štaba Crvene zvezde Vladan Milojević pred utakmicu sa Voždovcem govorio je o svom statusu u klubu, podršci koju je dobio od uprave posle ubedljivog poraza od Bajerna u Ligi šampiona...

29 Nov 13:59 Sport Klub 42251758893908839.html
Día Internacional del Jaguar: rescatan dos cachorros víctimas del tráfico ilegal

Gracias a una llamada anónima, el Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (Serfor) rescató a dos crías de jaguar, u otorongo, que se encontraban en una vivienda en el anexo Alto Chincarmas, ubicado en el distrito de Perené, provincia de Chanchamayo, en Junín.

29 Nov 14:25 andina.pe 9054036849969591450.html
I'm A Celebrity: Andrew Maxwell's wife defends Ian Wright over bullying claims


29 Nov 11:27 Metro 970161747533395459.html
Flohmarkt mit Raritäten, Kuriositäten und mehr

Zahnspangen, Kieferprothesen, Kinderwagen, Autoschlüssel und Co. : Innerhalb eines Jahres stapeln sich im städtischen Fundamt so manche Kuriositäten. ...

29 Nov 12:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093444042878.html
MP CM Kamal Nath attacks BJP, Pragya Thakur over remarks on Godse

Amid opposition ruckus, Thakur on Friday made a fresh statement in Lok Sabha, apologising for her remarks on Godse. 'I want to say only what I do for the country. On November 27, during discussion on SPG (Amendment) Bill, I did not call Nathuram Godse a patriot (desh bhakt), I did not even take his name. Still if some

29 Nov 12:55 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829371869753639.html
Sensex plunges 336 points ahead of GDP data release for September quarter

The top gainers on the Sensex were Bharti Airtel, HDFC Bank, and NTPC.

29 Nov 11:00 Scroll.in 8669301694031661724.html
Ministras žada atsistatydinti, jei nepavyks susitarti su mokytojais

Švietimo ministras Algirdas Monkevičius sako, kad yra pasirengęs pasitraukti iš pareigų, jeigu nepavyks pasiekti sutarimo dėl pedagogų reikalavimų didinti finansavimą.

29 Nov 13:25 Kauno diena 6825691409098920159.html
Noch trije Ljouwerters yn 'e race foar funksje fan stedskeunstner

De trije moatte meikoarten in presintaasje hâlde, dêrnei bepaalt in sjuery nei wa't de titel giet.

29 Nov 14:16 Omrop Fryslân 8239175695169200520.html
The Weeknd's 'Blinding Lights' Lyrics Seem to Address His Feelings for Bella Hadid

"I'm just walking by to let you know/ I can never say it on the phone / Will never let you go this time (Ooh)."

29 Nov 14:10 Elle 1578996227883113673.html
TV TIPS. Dit mag je vanavond niet missen op de buis

In het enorme tv-aanbod van vandaag is het soms moeilijk om door de bomen het bos nog te zien. Daarom schotelen we u iedere avond enkele tv-tips voor die uw keuze wat kunnen vergemakkelijken. Veel ...

29 Nov 15:00 HLN 8967494996804773871.html
Goku se pega una buena comilona para mejorar sus habilidades en el nuevo tráiler de Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

El esperado RPG de acción basado en el legendario manga de Akira Toriyama está ya al caer. Con cada nuevo tráiler de Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot se desvelan más...

29 Nov 12:12 Vida Extra 2315661877725886727.html
Johnson: Disparaging remarks about single mothers made 25 years ago

The PM said the quotes were stripped of context and formed part of a smear campaign by Labour.

29 Nov 10:45 Breaking News 4415806918891826824.html
Polícia atende alerta de esfaqueamento perto da London Bridge, em Londres; há feridos

Polícia ainda não detalhou quantas pessoas estão feridas. Há relatos de disparos.

29 Nov 15:06 Correio 5185786712696039126.html
Gallardo no se guarda nada para ir a Rosario

El Muñeco mantendrá el equipo de la final de Lima, aunque deberá reemplazar a Casco, lesionado. Paulo Díaz le gana la pulseada a Angileri, aunque todavía no fue confirmado su ingreso.

29 Nov 15:54 TyC Sports 3239944748076753281.html
Spitexpatienten erhalten bezahlte Wegkosten fürs 2019 zurück

Spitexpatienten müssen die Wegkosten nicht bezahlen, sagt ein Gericht. Nun steht ein Plan für die Rückzahlungen fest.

29 Nov 13:09 SRF 8424707180307188471.html
Europa-Park: Rulantica – die neue Wasserwelt hat eröffnet

Auf 32.600 Quadratmetern und zweijähriger Bauzeit, geht der riesige Wassererlebnispark in Betrieb.

29 Nov 10:25 swp.de 6929179440805455205.html
‘Flailing ... teetering’: New York Times and Washington Post declare Kamala Harris doomed

Both the New York Times and Washington Post published stories arguing that Sen. Kamala Harris's presidential campaign is on uneasy footing and nearing a collapse.

29 Nov 15:23 Washington Examiner 4625792331974086034.html
Drug-crazed toff who clubbed Scots pal Alex Morgan to death because he ‘thought he was alien’ out after just three years

A DRUG-crazed Swiss aristocrat who bludgeoned a Scottish pal to death with a candlestick is to be freed from jail after just three years. Bennet von Vertes, 34, was cleared of the manslaughter of A…

29 Nov 14:07 The Scottish Sun 6609127673514056674.html
In The Cauvery Basin, Hope Floats Like A Butterfly, Stings Like A Bee

With hardly any water in Hassan, rural festivals like ‘jatres’ aren’t happening. 

29 Nov 11:05 Swarajya 4977622828626830401.html
Se lo acusa del asesinato del militante peronista que fue compañero de Néstor y Cristina Kirchner en la facultad: De futbolista a represor: detuvieron a Juan Risso por el crimen de "Chupete" Benavides

Nunca bajar los brazos, no es una consigna vacía. A pocos días de final de un gobierno que hizo del negacionismo una política de Estado, un nuevo caso de delitos de lesa humanidad envió a la cárcel a cuatro policías que reportaban al torturador ...

29 Nov 12:36 PAGINA12 7077267064825973112.html
Griezmann-Rückkehr: Vom Paulus zum Saulus?

Fünf Jahre schnürte Antoine Griezmann seine Schuhe für Atlético Madrid. Der Franzose wurde bei den Rojiblancis zum Weltmeister und zum Liebling der Fans. Doch nach seinem Wechsel zum Konkurrenten aus (...)

29 Nov 13:23 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784966675233.html
Seat descarta el ERE temporal en la fábrica de Martorell

A cambio, la planilla tendrá que trabajar los días 18, 19 y 20 de diciembre y tres sábados de enero para hacer frente a la caída en la producción, provocada por un incendio en la fábrica de un proveedor.

29 Nov 13:03 www.publico.es 99190977327208919.html
Morgan elogia Celentano, si commuove per il padre e lancia la frecciatina alla Rai

Il cantautore è stato ospite di 'Adrian' nella quarta puntata dello show di Canale 5

29 Nov 10:31 Today 178378750252476089.html
Juncker despede-se dizendo que houve "razões obscuras" no fim do processo do spitzenkandidat

Na última conferência na sala de imprensa na sede da Comissão Europeia, em Bruxelas, o presidente cessante, Jean-Claude Juncker, despediu-se com alertas e críticas à nomeação de Ursula Von der Leyen.

29 Nov 14:51 DN 8445869955893775682.html
WhatsApp sugere ao TSE regra eleitoral que proíbe mensagens em massa

Sugestão de proibir disparo de mensagens em massa valeria já para as eleições municipais de 2020; WhatsApp participou de audiência pública no TSE.

29 Nov 15:03 Tecnoblog 3321359744001719635.html
Magaly Medina arremete contra Ibope por presunta confabulación [VIDEO]

Magaly Medina se mostró muy ofuscada tras las últimas estadísticas de Ibope.

29 Nov 10:27 Wapa.pe 6757287088758122218.html
Trotz Kollision: Erneute Bestzeit von Bottas

Mercedes gibt in Abu Dhabi weiter den Ton an:

29 Nov 15:32 www.laola1.at 837519019594153166.html
Neuron T/One: a pickup elétrica com design modular que rivaliza com a Tesla Cybertruck

A Tesla Cybertruck está a ter um impacto muito forte no mundo das pickup. São várias as fabricantes que pretendem rivalizar com a empresa de Elon Musk e exemplo disso é o Neuron T/One, um carro elétrico com design modular e teto de abrir com painel solar incorporado.

29 Nov 10:30 Pplware 5187268351323256794.html
Escalador estadounidense muere en México tras caída

Brad Gobright subía una pared de roca cuando cayó unos 984 pies.

29 Nov 11:43 Primera Hora 5092966654478441259.html
AC Milan insiste en el fichaje de Demiral

No todos los animales tienen una segunda oportunidad.

29 Nov 15:22 Ecuavisa 4017571651198150249.html
Erdoan: Makron da provjeri prvo svoju "moždanu smrt"

Turski predsjednik Redžep Tajip Erdoan odgovorio je na komentar francuskog kolege Makrona o "moždanoj smrti NATO".

29 Nov 13:45 Nezavisne novine 4209150643166860082.html
Uvira : la MONUSCO sensibilise les chefs des quartiers sur la police de proximité

Une trentaine de personnes constituées des chefs de quartiers, leurs adjoints et le maire de la ville d’Uvira au Sud-Kivu ont été sensibilisés jeudi 28 novembre sur la police de proximité, par l’unité de la police de la MONUSCO.

29 Nov 10:31 Radio Okapi 4444713484364156767.html
DO granskar avstängda SL-hissar i Gamla stan

DO ska utreda om SL har diskriminerat funktionsnedsatta då samtliga hissar vid Gamla stans t-banestation varit avstängda i nära två månader.

29 Nov 12:23 DN.SE 398730694858085966.html
Irish model Karena Graham announces engagement to sports agent Damien O’Donohoe

Amazing news!

29 Nov 15:44 GOSS.ie 8755536025931770911.html
Irish model Karena Graham announces engagement to sports agent Damien O’Donohoe

Amazing news!

29 Nov 15:44 GOSS.ie 8755536025248029362.html
"Ik zie Obbi liever voor Guinee kiezen dan voor de Rode Duivels"

Bondscoach Roberto Martinez duikt bijzonder vaak op naast de Belgische velden. Zo volgt hij onder meer ook Obbi Oulare van Standard. Vader Souleymane hoopt echter dat Obbi niet voor België gaat spelen.

29 Nov 12:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215688204825.html
Emanuela Orlandi è viva, clamorosa rivelazione di Ali Agca: ecco tutta la verità sul rapimento

Emanuela Orlandi, clamorosa rivelazione di Ali Agca: la verità sul rapimento, chi sono i responsabili e dove si trova la ragazza oggi.

29 Nov 10:10 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926365483564.html
Donald Trump visita a las tropas en Afganistán por Acción de Gracias

El presidente anuncia haber retomado el diálogo con los talibanes en busca de un alto el fuego definitivo.

29 Nov 10:22 euronews 2767628995394214906.html
Urdangarin pide su primer permiso de salida, de siete días

I&ntilde;aki Urdangarin, condenado por el caso N&oacute;os, ha cumplido ya una cuarta parte de su condena y, como establece el reglamento penitenciario, ya puede...

29 Nov 15:28 RTVE.es 8332346889503059660.html
‘In Contact With Four MLAs’: After Maharashtra, Sanjay Raut Claims Shiv Sena Will Create New Political Front In Goa

“We are hopeful that there could be a ‘miracle’ in Goa also soon,” Raut said

29 Nov 11:34 Swarajya 4977622830373757806.html
Pati Patni Aur Woh: Director Mudassar Aziz Takes A Dig At Aamir Khan's 3 Idiots; Cited Double Standards

Makers of Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Pandey starrer Pati Patni Aur Woh had to mute the word 'Balatkar' post the outrage a dialogue received on social media. Now, director Mudassar Aziz shared his thoughts on it

29 Nov 10:09 SPOTBOYE 1547816856905508910.html
Zamenik gradonačelnika predlaže da ulica dobije naziv po atentatoru na Pavelića

Zamenik gradonačelnika Beograda Goran Vesić izjavio je da je, kao građanin, a ne kao gradski funkcioner, podneo...

29 Nov 15:35 N1 Srbija 7797130865251749207.html
Chelsea wait to discover extent of Abraham’s hip injury

Abraham sat out training at Chelsea’s Cobham base on Friday.

29 Nov 14:40 Shropshire Star 3480199991553297813.html
A Primavera de Ali Smith

Eis o terceiro volume da série que a autora escocesa dedicou às quatro estações do ano.

29 Nov 11:40 PÚBLICO 2228264897092993423.html
'E.T. el extraterrestre' vuelve a casa por Navidad en una emotiva campaña publicitaria que nos recuerda el valor de la amistad

El clásico de Spielberg, 'E.T, el extraterrestre', marcó profundamente a los niños de toda una generación, y casi 40 años después sigue emocionando a grandes...

29 Nov 15:05 Bebesymas 5193070612426883300.html
Elena Santarelli: "Due anni fa scoprivo del tumore di Giacomo. Andai in bagno a vomitare"

Elena Santarelli ricordato la drammatica ricorrenza. A due anni di distanza, qualcosa di bello è avvenuto e lo racconta sui social.

29 Nov 12:18 ilGiornale.it 5019541225382312827.html
IBM: inaugurato a Rieti l’Innovation Center, per l’innovazione e la competitività delle imprese

Lo scorso 26 novembre, IBM ha inaugurato l'Innovation Center di Rieti, nuovo polo per la ricerca e lo sviluppo di nuove professionalità e competenze e di soluzioni digitali d'avanguardia. Il progetto è supervisionato da Sistemi Informativi e co-finanziato dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico e dalla Regione Lazio.

29 Nov 11:41 Hardware Upgrade 8028272600615624133.html
PHOTOS: Dyson's new global HQ is in one of Singapore's most historic sites - see how St James Power Station evolved over the last 92 years, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The 92-year old building has gone from a simple power station to being abandoned, and then becoming one of Singapore's largest nightlife hubs.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 13:57 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755603036101.html
ÚLTIMA HORA: Reportan tiroteo en el Puente de Londres

Reportan tiroteo en el Puente de Londres, que cerrado luego de que la policía respondiera a reportes de disparos en la zona.

29 Nov 15:22 Mundo Hispanico 2601846018147822497.html
Conto alla rovescia, la difesa di Gerry Scotti: "Io non perdo tempo, lo dico ai sapientoni a casa"

Gerry Scotti se la prende con chi lo critica di far perdere tempo ai concorrenti di Conto alla rovescia: "Leggo le domande quando il computer mi dà l'ok"

29 Nov 12:27 Tvblog 378101971020313154.html
Les tensions sociales se poursuivent chez Proximus, 37 magasins en grève

À travers le pays, 37 magasins de Proximus – sur près de 200 – sont fermés pour cause de grève. Les perturbations se font principalement ressentir en Wallo...

29 Nov 13:55 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700516711486572.html
Hospital Regional de Zipaquirá: El resultado de un trabajo en equipo que le apuesta a la buena salud

El gobernador de Cundinamarca, Jorge Emilio Rey Ángel, realizó la apertura oficial del hospital, que tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes de Zipaquirá y el norte de Cundinarmarca, para ser referente en el país.

29 Nov 11:10 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543843128460.html
"Rossi y Dovizioso ya no quieren arriesgarse"

El piloto británico de 26 años Scott Redding, actual campeón del Británico de SBK y piloto de MotoGP hasta 2017, ha valorado el rendimiento de varios veteranos del Mundial de MotoGP como Rossi, Dovizioso y Lorenzo.

29 Nov 12:36 MARCA 5656811532786957024.html
Seat descarta finalmente el ERE temporal para 6.600 empleados de su planta de Martorell

Los empleados trabajarán a cambio seis sábados para intentar recuperar la producción perdida a raíz del incendio en la fábrica de un proveedor

29 Nov 12:31 ABC.es 6074573462172207925.html
How to change the font on your Samsung Galaxy S10 and customize its size and style, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - It's possible to change the font on your Samsung Galaxy S10 to many free or paid fonts using your Settings app. Here's how to do it.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:56 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756128675934.html
Council urged to ‘explore every option’ to improve Ardee street


29 Nov 12:01 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709508973901.html
Zustellerin stiehlt mehr als 100 Pakete

Sie enthielten Kosmetik, Kleidung und Handys: Mehr als 100 Pakete soll eine Zustellerin in Baden-Württemberg gestohlen haben. 

29 Nov 15:05 GMX News 4492287763048917681.html
Neues iX-Developer-Sonderheft "code(), build(), deploy()" als PDF erhältlich

Das Heft verschafft Einblick in die wichtigsten Trends zeitgemäßer Softwareentwicklung – von den Sprachen über Tools und Praxis bis Cloud-native und ML.

29 Nov 11:34 Developer 1766193382608465887.html
Ofertas en Amazon para comprar portátiles de Apple por el Black Friday

Listado con enlaces de compra en Amazon para conseguir ordenadores portátiles de Apple con grandes descuentos. Características y opciones.

29 Nov 13:00 Topes de Gama 4747649604108078075.html
Uccide la compagna e si toglie la vita in un parco

L'uomo, un 32enne di origini marocchine, dopo il delitto si è impiccato nel parco pubblico di Azzano Mella, in provincia di Brescia

29 Nov 15:27 Agi 2115274224818317278.html
Unai Emery sets Arsenal's worst winless run in 27 years after Frankfurt defeat

Unai Emery side's loss to Eintracht Frankfurt makes it Arsenal's seventh straight game without a win, their worst run before Arsene Wenger was hired. The Bundesliga side came from a goal down to win the match by 2-1.

29 Nov 11:47 Legit 3764253649972846025.html
Bauer sucht Frau (RTL): Thomas und Carina getrennt? Wiedersehen mit Inka Bause wird heftig

Bauer sucht Frau (RTL): Sind Thomas und Carina getrennt? Das Wiedersehen mit Inka Bause wird heftig.

29 Nov 10:40 https://www.tz.de 6573686401802435790.html
India to lend Sri Lanka $400m to develop infrastructure

Mubasher: India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that New Delhi will lend Sri Lanka a $400 million line of credit to finance infrastructure projects.

29 Nov 14:49 english.mubasher.info 8917853139105121833.html
Love, crime and blackmail - a novel take on life as Dubs star

A FORMER county footballer who played against some of Ireland's top GAA stars has recreated the atmosphere of big games in a novel about sports, crime, love and the pressures facing you

29 Nov 11:06 Independent.ie 5894610845473578460.html
Jan Böhmermann arbeitet an Spielfilm über Ibiza-Affäre

Österreich arbeitet noch immer die Folgen der Ibiza-Affäre um Ex-Vizekanzler Heinz-Christian Strache auf. Jan Böhmermann und Regisseur David Schalko wollen dieses "Waterloo der Politik" jetzt verfilmen.

29 Nov 15:25 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271023098078.html
Google sotto accusa: “Raccoglie i dati sanitari degli utenti”

MILANO – “Test hiv”, “controindicazioni del farmaco per il cuore”, “cure per il cancro”: su Google si cerca di tutto, anche sulla salute nostra e dei nostri cari. E questi dati sensibili possono finire alle compagnie di assicurazione e alle imprese farmaceutiche. Senza che gli inconsapevoli “pazienti” lo sappiano.  La criticità è emersa da un’inchiesta del Wall Street Journal secondo cui Google avrebbe raccolto segretamente decine di milioni di cartelle cliniche di pazienti, con tanto di loro nomi, di oltre 2.600 ospedali americani nell’ambito di un progetto automatico chiamato Nightingale.Alzheimer, un farmaco sperimentale frena il declino cognitivoInfluenza in anticipo: già 642mila italiani a letto. E si prevedono 7 milioni di malati In particolare grazie alla collaborazione con Ascension, un fornitore di servizi sanitari americano, Google avrebbe avuto l’intenzione di realizzare uno strumento di ricerca per professionisti di ambito medico che, proprio grazie ai dati elaborati con l’apprendimento automatico…

29 Nov 13:08 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354662509905.html
Bring a book, help a child

Bring a new or gently used book to the opening of the Global Child Literacy Centre tomorrow at Evangel Church in Kelowna.

29 Nov 15:28 Castanet 616068602133920584.html
Single dad adopts baby with Down's syndrome after she was rejected by 20 families

'When I first held her in my arms, I was overcome with joy'

29 Nov 12:19 men 6694993428846879115.html
MS Office im Jahresabo: Microsoft Office 365 Personal zum günstigen Preis

Office zum reduzierten Preis: Word, Excel und Co. gibt es aktuell günstig als Software-Paket für Windows- und Mac-Nutzer mit einem Jahr Laufzeit. Wo das Jahres-Abonnement am wenigsten kostet, erfahren Sie hier.

29 Nov 15:00 FOCUS Online 4448121231486135469.html
Venezia, tra acqua alta e referendum: ecco perché si vuole separare da Mestre

Domenica 1 dicembre si vota a Venezia per il referendum consultivo, che potrebbe determinare la divisione della città in due comuni: da una parte la Venezia lagunare, dall'altra Mestre. A favore del 'sì', e quindi per la separazione, si schierano lo scrittore Antonio Scurati e Beppe Grillo. Per il 'no' si sono spesi Massimo Cacciari, il sindaco Brugnaro, gran parte del Pd e della sinistra. Il governatore Zaia non ha voluto prendere posizione.

29 Nov 11:53 fanpage.it 1517332166880534750.html
Dan toch liefdesgeluk: Joris uit ‘Blind Getrouwd’ heeft een nieuwe vriendin

Niemand die geen medelijden had met Joris toen in ‘Blind Getrouwd 2019' duidelijk werd dat zijn kersverse vrouw Annelies geen romantische gevoelens koesterde voor hem. Joris deed moeite, veel moeit...

29 Nov 10:59 HLN 8967494998625778854.html
Twitter Users Mock AP for Piece Suggesting Designated Rooms and Moderators for Impeachment Talk on Thanksgiving

The AP spoke to etiquette coach Elaine Swann in an article titled “On the Thanksgiving menu: Turkey, with a side of impeachment.”

29 Nov 11:33 Infowars 1950426314005121522.html
Conductor bids so long and thanks for all the music ... and coffee

When David Robertson takes to the podium on Saturday for his final official engagement as chief conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, it will be with some sadness but mostly a sense of pride at what they have done together.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562110580638.html
BJP will win in all 15 seats in bypolls: Yediyurappa

Yediyurappa said that his government will complete a full term and that his party will win all 15 seats in the bypolls.

29 Nov 14:44 Deccan Herald 2027555797804366528.html
Te ir darbs! Pievienojies Sportacentrs.com komandai!

Konkursa “Gada sporta skolotājs 2019” otrajā kārtā noskaidroti trīs lieliskākie sporta skolotāji - Santa Krasovska no Rubenes pamatskolas, Laura Janševska no Mežinieku pamatskolas un Rīgas Valsts 2. ģimnāzijas sporta skolotājs Māris Liepiņš. Kurš no viņiem iegūs titulu, uzzināsim 19. decembrī, kad notiks svinīgā ceremonija "Latvijas Gada balva sportā".

29 Nov 15:45 Sportacentrs.com 3843374138155160829.html
Best Cyber Monday VPN Deals for Mac

Cyber Monday is the time to bag yourself a fantastic VPN deal. A VPN offers additional privacy and security on the web, but also allows you to access content that might be geographically restricted.

2 Dec 09:41 Macworld UK 4405179199243310132.html
Assaltam livraria e levam milhares de euros em tabaco e raspadinhas

Desconhecidos assaltaram, a Livraria e Papelaria Duarte na rua 18, em Espinho, na madrugada desta sexta-feira.

29 Nov 12:20 JN 6956494303855279654.html
Alerta: estafa vía SMS haciéndose pasar por Correos para robar datos bancarios

Numerosas personas están recibiendo mensajes a sus móviles pidiendo dinero para recuperar sus paquetes perdidos.

29 Nov 13:15 La Información 5328999782378792463.html
Unbeatable TV shows and movies to watch this weekend

Escape the shopping madness with our handy weekend viewing guide.

29 Nov 15:00 Channel24 2038030839372659806.html
'For us, the case is closed' - Sancho dropped by Dortmund for disciplinary reasons

The German club insist they do not have plans to sell the England teenager in the next window, however.

29 Nov 15:52 The42 5369852630749784282.html
Erdogan napadel "možgansko mrtvega" Macrona

Turški predsednik Recep Tayyip Erdogan je danes napadel francoskega predsednika Emmanuela Macrona zaradi njegovih kritik odnosov znotraj Nata. Kot je dejal Erdogan, je Macron tisti, ki je "možgansko mrtev". Pariz je Erdoganove izjave že označil za žalitev in napovedal, da bo na pogovor poklical turškega veleposlanika.

29 Nov 15:10 Dnevnik 7671546650335338676.html
PICS | Grisly discovery: Eastern Cape farmer finds 18 sheep carcasses on his fence

A livestock farmer from Cathcart in the Eastern Cape has made a grisly discovery after he found that 18 of his sheep had been killed, gutted and hung on a barbed wire fence.

29 Nov 12:48 News24 3752801377491525511.html
Barcelona estrena un nou bus turístic per compensar les afectacions de les mobilitzacions al comerç

L'autobús circularà pels principals escenaris del Nadal a la ciutat

29 Nov 12:51 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479460009769.html
Victor Ponta a fost ales vicepreședinte al Partidului Democrat European

Președintele Pro România, Victor Ponta, a fost ales vineri vicepreședinte al Partidului Democrat European (EDP), la un eveniment care se desfășoară la Paris, scrie Euractiv.ro.

29 Nov 14:08 HotNews 5099222561438077575.html
1989 : Gedenken an tschechisch-österreichischer Grenze

Schallenberg, Petricek, Mikl-Leitner und Kreishauptmann Simek trafen sich auf Thayabrücke.

29 Nov 13:05 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700627209913.html
Azzano Mella (Brescia), cadaveri di un uomo e una donna nelle campagne: è omicidio-suicidio

BRESCIA  –  Giallo ad Azzano Mella, in provincia di Brescia. Il corpo di un uomo e una donna sono stati trovati senza vita nelle campagne del paese della Bassa. I cadaveri appartengono ad un uomo di origine marocchina di 32 anni, trovato impiccato in un parco pubblico, e ad una donna italiana di 46 anni, abbandonata senza vita nelle stesse campagne.  I due avevano una relazione e la prima ipotesi degli inquirenti è quella di un caso di omicidio-suicidio. Napoli, entano nella banca scavando un tunnel dalle fogne e scappano con 110mila euroAcchiappa la Cacca, il nuovo gioco di Natale per bambini lanciato da Mattel A far scattare l’allarme è stato un ingegnere che doveva effettuare un sopralluogo al parco pubblico e ha trovato il cadavere dell’uomo, mentre alcuni residenti nelle cascine di Azzano avevano avvertito i carabinieri della presenza di un’auto con tracce di sangue. (Fonte: Ansa)  

29 Nov 10:42 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354613090863.html
Danna Paola y el mini vestido dorado ideal para deslumbrar en fiestas de fin de año

La famosa actriz y cantante mexicana marca Danna Paola volvió a conquistar Instagram con un outfit dorado de diseñador mexicano Alfredo Martínez.

29 Nov 12:12 Wapa.pe 6757287089191067952.html
Flera trafikolyckor i det hala väglaget

Trafikverket varnar för besvärligt väglag i länet på grund av snöfall och halka.

29 Nov 15:46 SVT Nyheter 8475792989053776145.html
Mike Flanagan: Rodzinny dom grozy

W czasach, gdy rodzina ulega przekształceniom i przewartościowaniom, rodzinne horrory Flanagana podejmują problemy interesujące nie tylko dla zadeklarowanych fanów kina...

29 Nov 11:34 Filmweb 809087860863986795.html
Michael Bloomberg: the magnate shaking up the 2020 election

Money on top of his success as New York’s mayor make a formidable candidate despite a late start

29 Nov 12:33 Financial Times 707176888093452980.html
Death Stranding recebe nova actualização em Dezembro

A equipa do estúdio nipónico Kojima Productions anunciou, através da sua conta no Twitter, que está a preparar o lançamento de um nova actualização para Death Stranding, o mais recente jogo de Hideo Kojima para a PlayStation 4.

29 Nov 11:31 PCGuia 8345134070890550493.html
Duque objetó artículo que afectaba dinero de universidades públicas

El jefe de Estado pidió revisar el texto para evitar que se preste a "malas interpretaciones".

29 Nov 10:53 El Tiempo 1091719939345222543.html
The Worst Way To Flirt With Each Zodiac Sign

TAURUS: If you’re flirting by making sarcastic comments and teasing them about every little thing, they aren’t going to pick up on your signals. They’re going to assume you hate t…

29 Nov 15:10 Thought Catalog 361855934079513911.html
Finally! You Can Now Smell Like Formula 1

The 2019 Formula 1 championship is all but over, with both the driver and constructor standings already featuring a champion each, but racing will continue until the checkered flag is waved one last time at the end of the 2019 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

29 Nov 14:05 autoevolution 6471576455013227877.html
Oamenii Guvernului Orban: Un fost consilier al șefului SRI a fost numit secretar de stat la Economie

Un fost consilier al șefului SRI a fost numit secretar de stat la Economie, iar o jurnalistă a ajuns consilier de stat la cabinetul Ralucăi Turcan.

29 Nov 10:54 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414642581875927.html
Ricardo Teixeira é banido do futebol pela Fifa por esquema de propina

O ex-presidente da CBF Ricardo Teixeira foi banido pelo resto da vida de atuar no futebol profissional, anunciou nesta sexta-feira (29) a Fifa, ap&oacute;s julgar as acusa&ccedil;&otilde;es de propina durante a prepara&ccedil;&atilde;o do Brasil para sediar a Copa do Mundo de 2014. Um quadro indepen...

29 Nov 14:46 TNH1 3684351753632976623.html
Gabrielle Union Breaks Silence After News Spreads About Her Being Fired From ‘America’s Got Talent’ For Speaking Out Against Racism

Gabrielle Union has broken her silence about being fired from "America's Got Talent," after Variety ran a report that said she was let go for speaking out against racism. The report goes into various instances when Union was either a victim of racism on the show or witnessed it. The actress was hired for the 14th

29 Nov 14:30 Atlanta Black Star 3042160499278858275.html
Choca, vuelca y explota contra pipa en Monterrey, el conductor está grave

Un auto choc&oacute; contra una pipa en Monterrey y termin&oacute; volc&aacute;ndose para finalmente explotar; el conductor est&aacute; muy grave.

29 Nov 14:40 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624659055117.html
Los congresistas que pidieron que el parlamento trabaje 'día y noche'

Las intervenciones se dieron en medio de una sesión plenaria de la Cámara de Representantes.

29 Nov 12:54 El Tiempo 1091719939365343011.html
De fiscal rebelde a un pobre engañado por Marcelo D'Alessio: Stornelli se presentó ante Ramos Padilla

El fiscal acudió a la citación en la causa por espionaje ilegal y extorsión. Declaró por más de diez horas tras 8 meses en rebeldía. Pidió que sea citado como testigo suyo el arrepentido estrella Leonardo Fariña.

29 Nov 14:19 PAGINA12 7077267065044889601.html
Abatido un hombre por la Policía en el Puente de Londres tras un posible apuñalamiento

La BBC ha dicho que hubo dos disparos. Vídeos y fotografías en Twitter muestran varios autos policiales y autobuses en el puente, así como un camión ocupando varios carriles.

29 Nov 14:40 www.publico.es 99190977849052642.html
'It bothers me when mediocre films get more credit'

With her latest film, Bengaluru girl Nithya Menen is back to Malayalam, where she started her career. She was at the 50th edition of the International Film Festival of India with ‘Kolambi’, directed by T K Rajeev Kumar.

29 Nov 14:45 Deccan Herald 2027555797325397080.html
Comisionado Julio Borges asegura que Maduro encabeza un régimen que amenaza la paz de la región

A través de su cuenta de Twitter, Julio Borges, Comisionado Presidencial para las Relaciones Exteriores de Venezuela, aseguró que “Nicolás Maduro dirige un régimen

29 Nov 14:52 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536011072238.html
Head in The Clouds Jakarta Disambut Meriah, Tiket Pre-Sale Fase 1 Ludes dalam 20 Menit

Penjualan tiket Head in The Clouds di Indonesia dibuka mulai Kamis (28/11/2019).

29 Nov 11:30 liputan6.com 3414318496970529464.html
Les tensions sociales se poursuivent chez Proximus, avec 37 magasins en grève

Les tensions sociales se poursuivaient ce vendredi chez Proximus malgré la reprise des discussions jeudi entre direction et syndicats et leur négociation sur des adaptations au plan de restructuration de l’entreprise. A travers le pays, 37 des près de 200 magasins de la marque sont ainsi fermés pour cause de grève.

29 Nov 13:39 sudinfo.be 344139277424763116.html
One key rule change which allowed Lionel Messi to dominate Ballon d’Or over the years

Lionel Messi is on the brink of winning his sixth Ballon d’Or if reports from Spain are to be believed. Doing so on December 2 will make the Argentine the most succesful individual in the history of the award. However, all that was made possible by one key change almost twenty-five years ago. 

29 Nov 11:56 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906917994629.html
Man Who Took Wife on Long Drive to Kill Her Says he Was Fed Up

The duo got married in March this year but was always squabbling. Sahil was even suspecting that Nancy might have been indulging in extra-marital affairs as she was into late-night partying.

29 Nov 14:22 India.com 7150386083169196315.html
Police checks apology and Black Friday upstages Boxing Day; In-The-News Nov. 29

In-The-News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what’s on the radar of our editors for the morning of Nov. 29. What we are watching in Canada … CALGARY — The Flames will practise in Calgary this morning for the first time since allegations surfaced earlier this week that head …

29 Nov 10:30 City NEWS 1130 5858657120952505773.html
Police checks apology and Black Friday upstages Boxing Day; In-The-News Nov. 29

In-The-News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what’s on the radar of our editors for the morning of Nov. 29.

29 Nov 10:30 680News 8014034334727001517.html
Dell's Black Friday sale rolls on with big discounts on laptops, desktops and monitors

Updated Friday with new desktop, laptop and monitor deals for the US and UK!

29 Nov 11:18 Eurogamer.net 1957885126057675596.html
¿Viajar en avión afecta a los pacientes hipertensos?

¿Se puede viajar cuando sufres hipertensión? Toma en cuenta estos puntos.

29 Nov 11:07 Wapa.pe 6757287087878048281.html
Previa del partido: el Pamplona recibe en casa al San Juan DKE

Previa del partido: el Pamplona recibe en casa al San Juan DKE

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897969466763049.html
Dying 'Star Wars' fan granted early screening of 'Rise of Skywalker'

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Disney Chief Executive Officer Bob Iger has granted permission for a terminally ill Star Wars fan to watch The Rise of Skywalker weeks before its theatrical release.

29 Nov 14:57 UPI 8257973865797661228.html
‘Mi sono rotta una costola per colpa sua..:’ brutto incidente per Rita Dalla Chiesa. La conduttrice costretta a correre in ospedale

Brutto incidente per Rita Dalla Chiesa, l’ex conduttrice di Forum si è fatta male a causa del suo cane. Rita Dalla Chiesa è dovuta correre al pronto soccorso. A far sapere del brutto incidente è stata la stessa conduttrice televisiva attraverso i social. L’ex presentatrice di Forum ha fatto sapere ai suoi follower di essersi […]

29 Nov 15:20 KontroKultura 2573504972698481240.html
P-8A Poseidon base works commence - Ron Mark

Minister of Defence Ron Mark turned the first sod of earth on the infrastructure works for the new P-8A Poseidon fleet at RNZAF Base Ohakea today.

29 Nov 15:01 www.voxy.co.nz 6138926314427300398.html
Record-Breaking Free Climber Dies Falling 600 Feet In Mexico

Record-breaking free climber Brad Gobright has died after falling more than 600 feet during a climb in Mexico

29 Nov 11:53 UNILAD 6373328987372665058.html
El regreso de E.T. emociona a las redes sociales

El extraterrestre vuelve a 'casa' por Navidad para reencontrarse con Elliot en un anuncio publicitario

29 Nov 13:13 Diarioinformacion 8979296175433707655.html
Für Android und iOS: CityMaps2Go Pro: 13 Euro teure Offline-Karten-App wird aktuell verschenkt

Für nur wenige Tage gibt es die umfangreiche Offlinekarten-App CityMaps2Go in der Pro-Version gratis. Damit sparen Sie sich 13 Euro, die die Vollversion für Android und iOS normalerweise kostet. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie sich die App dauerhaft gratis sichern.

29 Nov 10:05 FOCUS Online 4448121231500729497.html
Svenssons varning stryks – Hakola tjuvade

Oskar Svensson fick en felaktig varning för tjuvstart.

29 Nov 15:58 Sydsvenskan 2976531144490946951.html
Di maio ha incontrato la gabanelli per chiederle di candidarsi in emilia! lei ha detto no, ma...


29 Nov 12:47 DAGOSPIA 6533336739221325005.html
Batman: Arkham Legacy reveal at The Game Awards 2019 next month claims rumour

Warner Bros. might finally be ready to reveal their next Batman Arkham game next month, according to the latest rumours.

29 Nov 10:05 Metro 970161747253807976.html
Premian a la valedora por su lucha contra la violencia de género

«Si todavía hay quien infravalora las capacidades de una mujer, nuestra democracia no es perfecta», afirma el delegado del Gobierno en Galicia, Javier Losada

29 Nov 13:08 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613783320174.html
Supersport: Can Oncu sulle orme di Toprak, un altro turco in Emilia

Can Oncu A sedici anni l'ex ragazzo prodigio della Moto3 approda in Supersport per seguire le orme di Toprak Razgatlioglu. "Fra due anni sarà da Mondiale"

29 Nov 11:38 Corsedimoto 8217505416416822523.html
Liverpool confirm injury blow as key figure ruled out until 2020

Major setback for Reds...

29 Nov 14:16 CaughtOffside 8169236757353808685.html
8 buses to ferry cops to SEA Games duties

NATIONAL Capital Region Police Office director, Brigadier General Debold M. Sinas, on Thursday accepted an offer by a giant transport company to provide eight of their buses to shuttle Metro Manila policemen tasked to provide security during the 30th SEA Games for free.

29 Nov 12:33 Journal Online 6375127391885211569.html
This Black Friday RAM deal is so good, everyone should take notice

G.Skill Ripjaws V RAM is a bit ugly, but at $109 for 32Gb at 3,200MHz, you literally can't complain.

29 Nov 15:41 TechRadar 2111116915805424525.html
When is the Canadian GDP report and how could it affect USD/CAD?

Friday's economic docket highlights the release of monthly Canadian GDP growth figures for October, scheduled to be published at 13:30 GMT. Statistics

29 Nov 12:15 FXStreet 4480975639950515254.html
Ebrard anuncia reunión de alto nivel con EU por cárteles mexicanos

México.- En torno a la posible designación de los cárteles mexicanos como terroristas, informada por el presidente estadunidense Donald Trump, el secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, Marcelo Ebrard, anunció esta mañana que ambas naciones sostendrán una reunión de alto nivel para reforzar la cooperación que realizan en el combate del tráfico de armas y el trasiego de drogas.

29 Nov 14:33 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558927243567.html
Tesla Baja Truck Looks Like a Lamborghini LM002 Successor, Has Bertone "Design"

If Lamborghini builds a successor for the iconic LM002, it might just look like the contraption portrayed in the rendering we now have on screen. Allow me to elaborate.

29 Nov 13:18 autoevolution 6471576454264517211.html
Recken zu Gast in Leipzig: Gelingt der TSV Hannover-Burgdorf der große Wurf?

"Eine ganz knifflige Aufgabe für uns" erwartet Carlos Ortega am Sonntag. Die TSV Hannover-Burgdorf ist zu Gast beim SC DHfK Leipzig, der jüngst gerade mal mit 26:27 in Kiel unterlag und das zweite Überraschungsteam der Bundesliga neben den Recken ist. Positiv aus Hannover-Sicht: Derzeit sind alle Profis einsatzbereit.

29 Nov 11:17 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775656095038.html
Amazon tax must be delayed in light of service shutdowns

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is calling on the Government to delay the introduction of the ‘Amazon tax’ in light of reports Amazon will withdraw its international websites while it processes how to comply with new GST rules, says the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union.

29 Nov 13:21 SCOOP 5315658998679017446.html
Amazon forest fires melting glaciers over 2,000 km away in Andes: Study

The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, found that aerosols from biomass burning, such as black carbon, can be transported by wind to tropical Andean glaciers

29 Nov 10:10 Business-Standard 1502508925461211786.html
Broly de DB Super llega a Dragon Ball FighterZ la próxima semana

El último guerrero de Dragon Ball FighterZ ya está en camino. Broly de la película Dragon Ball Super: Broly saldrá como parte del segundo Season Pass en...

29 Nov 14:00 MÁSGAMERS 2563978791117977297.html
I am not desperate for political power ― Pastor Ize-Iyamu

PDP candidate in the 2016 governorship election in Edo state, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu has said that he was was not desperate for political power.

29 Nov 14:42 Vanguard News 4125100340559825446.html
Tim Polo Air Putra Indonesia Raih Emas Pertama di SEA Games 2019

Berita sport: Tim Polo air putra Indonesia resmi meraih emas pertama untuk Tanah Air di SEA Games 2019, Jumat (29/11/19) waktu Filipina.

29 Nov 12:28 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549570825239.html
Real Madrid recurre a su defensa para vencer al Alavés y asaltar el liderato de La Liga

Los Merengues se mantendrían en la cima de la tabla si Barcelona no consigue un triunfo frente al Atlético de Madrid.

29 Nov 14:14 FOX Sports 4183701943289028794.html
Aldi shopper spots what could be the worst 'Black Friday deal' of all time

'Bargain of the day'

29 Nov 14:09 men 6694993428817354117.html
Klæbo og Valnes smadret verdenseliten

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo og Erik Valnes banket all motstand i sprintprologen i Ruka da fem norske herrer røk ut.

29 Nov 10:10 Dagbladet.no 3042595686717055338.html
Lacalle Pou, nuevo presidente electo de Uruguay, considera que Maduro es un dictado

Este jueves 28 de noviembre se oficializó la victoria de Luis Lacalle Pou como presidente de Uruguay, después de realizarse el último conteo de votos.

29 Nov 10:36 El Siglo 7954754735494206092.html
Edtstadler: "Halle wäre in Österreich nicht möglich gewesen"

Die ÖVP-Delegationsleiterin Karoline Edtstadler hat Deutschland Versäumnisse im Zuge des antisemitischen Terroranschlags in der Stadt Halle vorgeworfen. "Ein antisemitischer Terroranschlag wie in Halle wäre in Österreich wohl nicht möglich gewesen", sagte Edtstadler in einem Interview mit der Zeitung "Die Welt".

29 Nov 10:48 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084619603007.html
Roland Duchâtelet parvient à revendre Charlton

Charlton Athletic va passer dans les mains d'un groupement financier d'Abou Dhabi, East Street Investments, a annoncé vendredi le club ...

29 Nov 10:49 RTL sport 5478130074257525233.html
Clash entre 2 ministres en plein Conseil de gouvernement

L'incident a eu pour cause les débats sur l'article 9 du Projet de Loi de Finances (PLF) 2020.

29 Nov 12:51 Le Site Info 5160764341972204261.html
Thai court fines Philip Morris $39.7 million for tax evasion

BANGKOK (AP) - A court in Thailand on Friday found the local unit of tobacco giant Philip Morris guilty of evading taxes by under-declaring the value of cigarettes it imported from the Philippines. It ordered the company to pay a fine of 1.2 billion baht ($39.7 million).

29 Nov 11:19 WFXT 6395891954373336233.html
Lithuania crowns its first tech unicorn! Vinted, second-hand fashion marketplace, pockets €128 million and secures €1 billion valuation

Vinted, a social marketplace for pre-loved clothing, has taken the spot as Lithuania’s first tech unicorn, after raising a stellar €128 million. The funding round was led by new investor Lightspeed Venture Partners, with participation from existing backers including Sprints Capital, Insight Venture Partners, Accel and Burda Principal Investments. Funds will be used to boost product development and rocket rapid growth across Europe.

29 Nov 10:54 EU-Startups 1488873443856180710.html
Ladri in fuga: paurosa corsa contromano e ​via a piedi. In auto il kit dello scasso

TREVISO - Scatto al semaforo rosso, poi una paurosa fuga contromano in viale della Repubblica, doppio incidente e via a piedi, senza lasciare tracce. Due giovani, ricercati dalla polizia: nella loro...

29 Nov 13:55 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447856131728.html
Økonomisjefer i Trondheim er villige til å ofre lillefingeren

Forleden fikk 80 økonomisjefer i Trondheim spørsmålet om de var villige til å ofre tuppen av lillefingeren imot å slippe å gå tilbake til 1999-versjonen av selvangivelsen.

29 Nov 12:21 adressa.no 8417332406795328727.html
Hebat! Cabor Polo Air Sumbang Emas Pertama buat Indonesia di SEA Games 2019

WE Online, Manila - Indonesia secara teknis menjadi kontingen pertama yang meraih medali emas pada ajang SEA Games 2019 di Filipina. Lagu Indonesia Raya bakal berkumandang setelah cabang polo air putra dipastikan merebut posisi pertama.

29 Nov 14:21 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834060457984.html
Varejo aposta nos eletroeletrônicos para Black Friday e Natal

Como os estoques da indústria estão cada vez mais enxutos, a produção praticamente equivale ao que foi vendido para as lojas

29 Nov 15:10 Folha Vitória 4941883426794474576.html
¿Habrá renovaciones ante el inminente fin de torneo? Estos son los jugadores de Colo Colo que terminan contrato

Ante el imninente fin de temporada, en la dirigencia del Cacique tendrán que analizar las renovaciones del plantel. Muchos referentes terminan contrato a fin de año y la falta de partidos complicará el análisis de su continuidad.

29 Nov 11:56 Dale Albo 4082402098995229080.html
Parchetul antiterorist francez cere un proces pentru 20 de persoane, printre care Salah Abdeslam

Parchetul naţional antiterorist francez a anunţat, vineri, că a solicitat un proces contra a 20 de persoane în ancheta privind atentatele...

29 Nov 12:38 Stiri pe surse 4858045013619091570.html
Wird Wohnkomplex 4-4- zur Adresse für Eigentumswohnungen?

Der Wohnkomplex 4-4 in Wolfen-Nord könnte eine blühende Zukunft haben. Oder doch nicht? Geplant war, den Betonriesen abzureißen.

29 Nov 10:52 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108946250077.html
El papel de Bolivia dentro de los esquemas del tráfico de cocaína

*Por Mariano Bartolomé y Vicente Ventura BarreiroLa ubicación geográfica de Bolivia y su permeabilidad fronteriza, más que su producción, son los factores con mayor incidencia en su papel dentro de los esquemas internacionales del tráfico de cocaína.

29 Nov 11:46 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725558335639745.html
FreeBuds 3: audio inteligente con cancelación de ruido

El fabricante asiático trae al país unos auriculares que funcionan con Inteligencia Artificial y que vienen a complementar su colección de SmartWear. Vienen disponibles en colores blanco cerámica y negro carbón.

29 Nov 11:15 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543272008592.html
Man hittad död i polisarrest

En man avled i polisens arrest i Sundsvall natten till fredag, skriver polisen på sin hemsida. – Mannen omhändertogs under natten enligt LOB, lagen om berusade personer. Under tidiga morgontimmarna återfanns han död i sin cell, säger Josef Wiklund, loka

29 Nov 11:16 HD 3336945412413157921.html
Previa del partido: el Subiza recibe en su feudo al Lourdes

Previa del partido: el Subiza recibe en su feudo al Lourdes

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897969375749965.html
Johansson: Stöd för stramare arbetsinvandring

Politik Migrationsminister Morgan Johansson (S) fortsätter driva på för att reglerna för arbetskraftsinvandring ska skärpas.Han konstaterar att han nu verkar ha en majoritet i riksdagen bakom sig.Rege

29 Nov 15:05 www.unt.se 8922556089251976942.html
El Gobierno aumentó el impuesto a los combustibles

A través de un decreto publicado este viernes en el Boletín Oficial, el Poder Ejecutivo tomó la medida que había postergado en los últimos meses

29 Nov 12:20 Primera Edición 6803897642413046443.html
Trotz aller Ambitionen steigt der CO2-Ausstoß

Fridays for Future ruft erneut zum Protest auf. Nur eine radikale Kurskorrektur kann die Erwärmung noch bremsen - doch die Staaten zeigen wenig Bereitschaft zum Handeln.

29 Nov 10:00 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322982501116.html
Receita Federal notifica 47 postos de combustíveis de Alagoas por irregularidades previdenciárias

Quarenta e sete postos de combust&iacute;veis de Alagoas foram alertados pela Receita Federal por n&atilde;o declararem o adicional de contribui&ccedil;&atilde;o previdenci&aacute;ria. No total, foram enviadas 9.769 cartas para postos de todo o pa&iacute;s. Segundo a Receita Federal, a irregularidad...

29 Nov 13:49 TNH1 3684351752586998126.html
Emmanuel Macron riposte au Black Friday en annonçant une exposition du made in France

Votre entreprise fabrique en France ? Votre produit pourrait bien être exposé au palais de l'Élysée le temps d'un week-end. Jeudi 28 novembre,... - Economie

29 Nov 10:59 usinenouvelle.com/ 8290473967618412811.html
Samsung je sve bliže kreiranju QD-OLED TV-a

Samsung u oktobru istakao da planira da investira 11 milijardi dolara do 2025. godine u izgradnju fabrike koja je sposobna da proizvodi prave QLED TV ekrane koji se samostalno osvetljavaju

29 Nov 10:20 Benchmark 6730898462942309944.html
Allemagne: Baisse inattendue du chômage

BERLIN/FRANCFORT (Reuters) - Le chômage en Allemagne a enregistré en novembre une baisse inattendue malgré la faiblesse persistante du secteur industriel, montrent les statistiques officielles publiées vendredi.

29 Nov 11:50 Boursier.com 7351227820548028941.html
Seat descarta finalmente el ERE temporal que afectaba a 6.600 trabajadores en Martorell

A cambio, la compañía ha aceptado la propuesta del comité de empresa de que la plantilla trabaje los días 18, 19 y 20 de diciembre

29 Nov 12:45 ABC.es 6074573461692728681.html
Zbigniew Stonoga miał ujawnić dane policjanta. Jest zawiadomienie do prokuratury

Komenda Główna Policji złożyła zawiadomienie do Prokuratury Krajowej o możliwości popełnienia przestępstw przez Zbigniewa Stonogę - dowiedziała się Wirtualna Polska. To reakcja m.in. na upublicznienie danych

29 Nov 11:59 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673214261586289.html
Same deal! Bigger bag: BBNaija Tacha reacts to joining Mercy on endorsement deal for hair brand

Nigerians have taken to social media to react after BBNaija star, Tacha, shaded the winner of the show, Mercy. Tacha threw the shade after signing an endorsement deal with the same hair brand as Mercy.

29 Nov 12:31 Legit 3764253650715360868.html
Najlepsze smartfony fotograficzne 2019 roku zdaniem DxOMark

DxOMark podaje, na jakie smartfony z 2019 roku trzeb zwrócić uwagę, jeśli dla nas najbardziej liczy się aparat.

29 Nov 13:00 Tabletowo.pl 3941365663175240986.html
AstraZeneca eyes early 2020 FDA verdict on Imfinzi in SCLC

The FDA has started a priority review of AstraZeneca’s immuno-oncology drug Imfinzi as a first-line treatment for small cell lung cancer (SCLC), with a decision due in the first quarter of next year.

29 Nov 12:03 PMLive 7773534727437290924.html
Precintan la Clínica cubana en la zona de Achumani en La Paz

Personal de la Fiscalía y la Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Crimen (Felcc), precintaron la Clínica cubana ubicada en la zona de Achumani en la ciudad de La Paz, tras una denuncia del Ministerio

29 Nov 13:46 Los Tiempos 5350756299979538315.html
Injury Blow For Liverpool As Key Midfielder Is Ruled Out Until 2020

Liverpool have revealed that Fabinho suffered ankle ligament damage against Napoli, which will rule the Brazil international out of action until 2020.

29 Nov 14:59 Concise 5544636822591585270.html
El Gobierno actualizó el impuesto a los combustibles y así impactará desde el domingo

La medida se oficializó este viernes mediante un decreto publicado en el Boletín Oficial. Los detalles. 

29 Nov 12:24 INFOnews 187467005051717483.html
Afghanistan, il "Mullah Donald" e il patto con i Talebani. Storia di un fallimento

Il presidente Usa fa uno spot elettorale. Qui la guerra è per le rotte della droga, e gli occidentali stanno a guardare

29 Nov 15:46 L'HuffPost 5315551422705725620.html
Here are Some More Black Friday Deals from AO, Including 94% off McAfee LiveSafe

It's Black Friday! Time for shopping, and sales, and... urgh. YOu know the drill by now. Retailer has sale, retailer wants money, you have to decide whether the deal is actually worth it. The latest retailer to put on a song and dance for your financial attention is AO, having just launched even more Black Friday deals for you to enjoy.

29 Nov 11:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059000628397716.html
Emboscan a exlíder de autodefensas en Colima, se encuentra grave

Un sujeto emboscó la noche de este jueves a Cemeí Verdía Zepeda, exlíder de las autodefensas en Santa María Ostula, Colima, confirmaron sus familiares.

29 Nov 12:05 Diario de Yucatán 261200017294060617.html
Skottlossning på London Bridge

En skottlossning har ägt rum på London Bridge i centrala London. Polis bekräftar att en insats pågår där och att någon tycks ha blivit skjuten.

29 Nov 14:24 Dagens industri 3921815212590774852.html
Presos vão fazer placas e tachões para as rodovias estaduais de Santa Catarina

Uma parceria entre as secretarias de Infraestrutura e Administração Prisional de Santa Catarina vai colocar presos para trabalhar na montagem de placas e tachões para as rodovias estaduais. O convênio será assinado até fevereiro de 2020, e os detentos farão os serviços dentro de uma fábrica mantida pelo Estado, que fica em Lages. Atualmente a unidade funciona bem abaixo da sua capacidade.

29 Nov 12:02 NSC Total 4216767907441927126.html
BLACK FRIDAY / Centenares de venezolanos llegaron a Cúcuta para aprovechar rebajas (+VIDEO)

Los comercios de Cúcuta viven este viernes el Black Friday (Viernes Negro), una jornada llena de descuentos del 20, 30% y 50% en todo tipo de establecimientos.

29 Nov 12:56 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529162541899.html
Goldman Sachs: Pound Sterling seen Above 1.20 vs. Euro and 1.30 vs. Dollar on Swift Brexit Resolution Following Conservative Majority

Foreign exchange analysts at Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs have updated their views on the British Pound, saying the currency can move notably higher than current levels were a Conservative majority delivered in the upcoming December 12 election

29 Nov 12:30 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579507858948615.html
El ejército de EUA revela cuándo tendrían listos los primeros soldados cyborgs

La ciencia ficción no está alcanzando, pues ya hay una fecha establecida para que el ejército de los Estados Unidos utilice super soldados modificados.

29 Nov 14:58 unocero 8149134707975235690.html
Dl fisco, 8 per mille cambia: si potrà destinare anche all’edilizia scolastica

ROMA  –  Cambia l’8 per mille. I contribuenti potranno scegliere la destinazione dell’8 per mille di competenza statale e finalizzarlo alla ristrutturazione, alla messa in sicurezza e all’efficientamento energetico delle scuole. Lo prevede un emendamento al dl fisco dei relatori, depositato in commissione Finanze alla Camera. Stop anche alla deroga che permette di destinare le risorse ad altre finalità rispetto a quelle individuate dai cittadini.   Nel decreto ci sono anche misure per la lotta all’evasione fiscale del bollo auto: si fa confluire nel sistema informativo del Pubblico registro amministrativo (Pra) gestito dall’Aci i dati relativi alle tasse automobilistiche, con l’obiettivo di “assolvere transitoriamente alla funzione di integrazione e coordinamento dei relativi archivi”: lo prevede un emendamento dei relatori al dl fiscale depositato in commissione Finanze alla Camera.Black Friday, perché si chiama così? E perché è un venerdì nero?Laureati: ne servono un milione, ne mancano 100mila. Soprattutto…

29 Nov 13:29 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354267455391.html
«FridaysForFuture»: Schülerinnen und Schüler demonstrieren für mehr Klimaschutz

Tausende Schüler sind am Freitag in Italien und Deutschland zu Klimastreiks zusammengekommen. In Rom versammelten sich 20'000 Schüler am Vormittag auf dem zentralen "Piazza del Popolo" und folgten damit einem Appell der Bewegung FridaysForFuture.

29 Nov 13:15 bz BASEL 5287163743478374756.html
Jadwal SEA Games 2019: Polo Air Putra Indonesia vs Malaysia

Tim nasional polo air putra Indonesia akan menjalani laga penting kontra Malaysia, yang berpotensi memberikan medali emas pertama untuk Indonesia di SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 11:11 Bola.net 5489959029306688792.html
Hellas Verona-Roma, domani alle 13.30 la conferenza stampa di Fonseca

L'allenatore portoghese presenterà alla stampa la sfida del Bentegodi

29 Nov 11:18 Forzaroma.info 1065617485827964853.html
Azmin Ali is Mahathir’s trojan horse, says a blogger

Azmin Ali is Mahathir’s trojan horse, says a blogger

29 Nov 12:30 The Independent 5308065342216497209.html
PLN Pamer Motor Listrik di IIMS Motobike Expo 2019

WE Online, Jakarta - IIMS Motobike Expo 2019 hadir untuk menyambangi pecinta kendaraan roda dua di Tanah Air lewat suguhan produk roda dua dari berbagai produsen ternama. Pameran digelar mulai Jumat (29/11/2019) di Istora Senayan, Kompleks Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta.

29 Nov 15:40 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833893668837.html
Ostavila ogledalo na prozoru, kad se vratila prizor joj je zaledio krv u žilama!

Jedan korisnik Redita podelio je fotografiju na kojoj se vidi kako je njegova majka slučajno zaboravila ogledalo ispred prozora i otišla iz kuće. Ono što je zatekla u povratku ostavilo je bez teksta!

29 Nov 14:57 REPUBLIKA 2543998406388211097.html
Xiaomi revela campainha inteligente com vídeo que vais querer na tua casa

Chama-se Dingling Smart Video Doorbell S, e é a nova campainha inteligente lançada pela Xiaomi na sua plataforma de crowdfunding, Youpin. Embora siga o...

29 Nov 10:58 4gnews 1809086877737857563.html
Híjole: comida mexicana en un ambiente moderno y divertido

Deliciosos platos y cócteles completan la experiencia

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310608704983.html
‘General Hospital’ Thanksgiving Recap & Spoilers: Unexpected Surprises & Drama Unfolds

There is much drama exploding this Thanksgiving on ‘General Hospital.’ Thanksgiving in Port Charles has been chock full of drama this year. Thursday’s General Hospital had Mike as ...

29 Nov 13:26 The Inquisitr 1745625232322598443.html
La reacción de los hinchas del Barcelona tras la "amenaza" de Arturo Vidal

Sorpresa e impacto generó entre los medios deportivos de España la declaración de Arturo Vidal que fue tomada como una "amenaza" al Barcelona tras poner en duda su continuidad en el equipo.

29 Nov 15:29 24Horas.cl 793283385548763151.html
Bonato développe la nouvelle gamme de pneus Michelin

Deux jours seulement après l'arrivée du rallye du Var, Yoann Bonato était de retour au volant pour, cette fois, développer la nouvelle gamme de pneus Michelin.

29 Nov 14:35 Rallye Sport 7166311327827082486.html
Germany's Daimler to cut 'thousands' of jobs over 3 years

Daimler says it plans to cut thousands of jobs worldwide by the end of 2022. The German automaker says it plans not to fill some vacant posts and to offer severance packages in Germany to reduce administrative jobs.

29 Nov 11:51 CTVNews 2422791597333157830.html
Arrimadas no formará parte de la gestora de Ciudadanos para no interferir en el proceso de transición

La portavoz de Ciudadanos en el Congreso de los Diputados, Inés Arrimadas, ha anunciado este viernes que no formará parte de la gestora del partido que se...

29 Nov 12:59 Europa Press 4702666148603676598.html
Gli smartphone che fanno le foto migliori? Huawei e Xiaomi

Ecco la classifica dei migliori smartphone fotografici del 2019 secondo l'autorevole portale DxOMark che analizza in modo molto approfondito le performance dei sensori

29 Nov 15:23 Wired 7504010957886546064.html
Kill la Kill: The Game IF para Switch añadirá a Mako Mankanshoku como personaje jugable gratuito próximamente

Buenas noticias para los jugadores de Kill la Kill: The Game IF. Al parecer, el juego ya está recibiendo novedades interesantes con la versión 1.0.6. De acuerdo con lo compartido, esta actualización ya está disponible en PlayStation 4 y Steam, mientras que la versión de Nintendo Switch la recibirá próximamente. La principal novedad de este […]

29 Nov 10:09 Nintenderos 2555436002908943610.html
Don’t buy the hype about a looming bacon shortage

Some reports have indicated that there could be a bacon shortage in 2020, but one economist isn't convinced you need to freak out about your breakfast fave.

29 Nov 10:34 Futurity 5051862825962143693.html
Ryan Flynn calls on St Mirren to "be more ruthless"

Saints are 10th in the table ahead of the trip to Aberdeen.

29 Nov 13:34 Sports Mole 7750663362633326685.html
Gee Whiz: Peeing Dog Celebration Costs Ole Miss In Egg Bowl

STARKVILLE, Miss. (AP) — Mississippi flushed away a golden chance at the Golden Egg. Luke Logan missed a 35-yard extra point after Ole Miss receiver Elijah Moore was penalized for celebrating a touchdown by crawling and pretending to urinate like a dog, and Mississippi State escaped with a 21-20 victory Thursday night in the 116th…

29 Nov 13:50 ET Canada 6735490619343679486.html
Detienen en Madrid a uno de los mayores distribuidores de heroína de España

La sustancia procedía de Holanda y la ocultaban en vehículos para su posterior reparto

29 Nov 10:21 elPeriodico 7291954033243859051.html
Millimeterdrama for Stenseth – pallplass glapp

RUKA/OSLO (NRK): Mens Maiken Caspersen Falla var suveren i verdenscupåpningen i Ruka, var Ane Apelkvist Stenseth så nær en pallplassering i sitt første verdenscuprenn.

29 Nov 13:00 NRK 3631390765119064979.html
China Orders Hong Kong to 'Sober Up' and Obey 'the Motherland'

China's state propaganda outlet Global Times warned that now should be the time "Hong Kong society sobers up" to defend from America.

29 Nov 15:07 Breitbart 3148363491851910590.html
Attention Traders! Win $25K by showing off your trading talent with our newest asset - Algo!

We’re excited to introduce Algorand's native token, Algo, to PIT traders by launching a trading contest. The more you trade, the more you could win!

29 Nov 15:36 Blockchain Blog 5743021751969289800.html
Exclusive! Details of Sara Ali Khan’s next project

Sara Ali Khan’s verbose personality is known to us ever since she started promoting her film, Kedarnath. Expressing her wish to work with yet another noted director, Sara landed a role in Anand L. Rai’s next. When he found out Sara was keen to work with him he immediately cast her in his next where her co-star is said to be none other than South megastar Dhanush. 

29 Nov 12:33 Filmfare.com 6668806038484675241.html
Kan Vercauteren in Oostende rekenen op een fitte Kompany? “Zoals hij vandaag is, komt hij zeker in aanmerking”

Zondag gaat Anderlecht in Oostende op zoek naar de zesde zege van het seizoen. Anderlecht moet punten pakken wil het de kansen op een plek in Play Off 1 gaaf houden. Franky Vercauteren sprak in zij...

29 Nov 14:10 HLN 8967494998581156965.html
Iceta no descarta una reunión Sánchez-Torra pero lo ve "complicado" si quiere extremar el conflicto

Dosis de optimismo ambiguo por parte del primer secretario del PSC, Miquel Iceta, quien no descarta que se produzca una reunión entre el presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, y el de la Generalitat, Quim Torra, pero que a la vez lo ve ''complicado'' si la apuesta del líder catalán pasa por extremar el conflicto.

29 Nov 10:59 elEconomista.es 9051559959240699565.html
Black Friday? Estes são os melhores smartphones para fotografia!

Se para si a fotografia é tudo então vai mesmo querer saber quais os melhores smartphones para fotografar. Isto segundo os especialistas da DxOMark.

29 Nov 12:14 Leak 8782954485798582947.html
Para cancelar las deudas con América, Independiente podría perder un jugador

La comitiva que viajará a México para cerrar el pase de Campaña a Cruz Azul aprovechará la estadía en el país para reunirse con la gente de las Águilas y negociar el pago de lo adeudado por Domínguez y Romero, negociación en la que podrían entrar Alan Franco o Nicolás Figal.

29 Nov 13:08 TyC Sports 3239944749579439881.html
En medio de la crisis, el primer ministro iraquí presentará su renuncia al Parlamento

Lo anunció este viernes el primer ministro de Irak, Adel Abdelmahdi, tras una de las jornadas de protestas más sangrientas en el país, que ya llevan dos meses. En la mañana la máxima autoridad religiosa chií, el ayatolá Ali al Sistani, había pedido su renuncia.

29 Nov 12:23 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557630859626562.html
Deputado estadual registra ocorrência em delegacia após ataque

O deputado estadual Branco Mendes (Podemos) foi o único parlamentar, até o momento, a registrar ocorrência pelo ataque sofrido por hackers em seu celular. Até esta quinta-feira (28), cinco foram vítimas da ação. Além de Mendes, Lindolfo Pires (Podemos), Trócolli Júnior (Podemos), Walber Virgolino (Patriotas) e Jane Panta (Progressistas). Ao Portal MaisPB, o delegado geral […]

29 Nov 15:02 MaisPB 6493364290510650.html
Micaela Schäfer hat Angst vor weiterer Beauty-OP

Dass bei ihr nicht mehr alles von Mutter Natur geschaffen ist, daraus hat Micaela Schäfer noch nie einen Hehl gemacht. Im nächsten Jahr soll die ...

29 Nov 13:18 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093758548161.html
Tarentules, fourmis, scorpions : le menu insolite de deux Français dans leur restaurant au Cambodge

Au Cambodge, dans la ville de Siem Reap située au nord-ouest du pays, vous pourrez trouver dans un restaurant des scorpions, des fourmis, des tarentules ou encore des grillons. Ce restaurant, du nom de Bugs Cafe, qui...

29 Nov 11:20 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766072380754211.html
Cotton - The Fluffy Fiber Continues To Work Its Way Higher

A recovery to 96.50 cents ran out of steam in June 2018.Cotton falls to just over the 2016 bottom.A bullish pattern since late August.Levels to watch in the cotton market.BAL is the cotton ETN product

29 Nov 11:30 Seeking Alpha 5725634557825669435.html
Diretta/ Roma Sassuolo primavera (risultato finale 4-3): la chiude Oddei su rigore

Diretta Roma Sassuolo primavera: risultato finale 4-3. Complicato successo giallorosso nella 10^ giornata del Campionato di Primavera 1.

29 Nov 15:30 IlSussidiario 495412293394604993.html
Mihin doktor: Moramo biti oprezni, ali za sada je sve kako treba

Siniša Mihajlović se u emotivnoj poruci obratio javnosti povodom svog zdravstvenog stanja, a na njegovoj konferenciji za štampu bio je i doktor Mikele Kalvo.

29 Nov 12:22 REPUBLIKA 2543998404853632627.html
Se mantiene la suspensión de clases en 3 municipios de Sinaloa; 15 reanudan actividades

El día de ayer, las fuertes lluvias que azotan en Mazatlán provocaron el  cierre del puerto a la navegación y el desgajamiento de un cerro

29 Nov 14:44 El Universal 4964748196969497263.html
5 livres pour devenir un entrepreneur accompli et zen

Faut-il lire pour être un bon entrepreneur ? Oui, à en croire la dernière étude de Youboox, une application française de lecture en streaming. Parmi les chefs d'entreprise interrogés, 58 %...

29 Nov 13:00 Les Echos Executives 1488039034160145013.html
Kate et William : ce nouveau projet qui va transformer Kensington Palace

Kate Middleton et le prince William ont décidé d'entreprise des travaux à Kensington Palace pour construire un lieu dédié aux enfants.

29 Nov 13:06 Closermag.fr 1175411577055912145.html
BREAKING News: Bank of Ghana introduces new Ghc100, Ghc200 cedi notes

The Bank of Ghana has announced the introduction of new bank notes to join the list of Cedi denominations in circulation, MyNewsGh.com has confirmed. This was confirmed at a presser currently being addressed by the Governor of the Central bank, Dr Ernest Addison. Further details to be made available soon.

29 Nov 10:29 mynewsgh.com 2909200109923031844.html
'Er gaat hier geen biertje weg zonder dat ik het geproefd heb'

Veel speciaalbiertjes worden thuis ontwikkeld. Zo ook het biertje van Roger de Frankrijker. Wel moest hij al snel naar een andere locatie.

29 Nov 14:25 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614507167388.html
Natixis downgrades price outlook for 2020 as gold starts losing glitter

Signs of a thaw in the US-China trade spat and prospects of an improvement in US economic growth have taken a toll on the metal, which has lost nearly $100 an ounce to trade at $1,456 today

29 Nov 13:14 Business-Standard 1502508925490845132.html
Most fund managers since 2011 see South Africa equities as cheap

More fund managers also see local bonds as undervalued, survey shows.

29 Nov 15:50 Moneyweb 1092550947875423582.html
Sudan adopts law to dissolve Bashir party, ‘dismantle’ regime

Khartoum, Sudan | AFP | Sudan’s new authorities have ordered that the party of ousted autocrat Omar al-Bashir be dissolved and his regime “dismantled”, heeding the call of protesters whose campaign led to the leader’s overthrow. Bashir and his Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) had ruled the northeast African country since 1989 before a nationwide …

29 Nov 13:02 The Independent Uganda: 5099025990986476409.html
Conor O’Shea to join RFU next year as director of performance rugby

Conor O’Shea will join the Rugby Football Union as the director of performance rugby next year

29 Nov 11:00 the Guardian 1491978794367770081.html
Titoli su cui investire: Peugeot

Peugeot (EURONEXT:UG), casa automobilista francese, è ultimamente sotto i riflettori per la fusione con la controparte italiana FCA. Questa operazione 

29 Nov 13:24 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261721823358.html
Eltern der kleinen Mia: "Unser Baby wäre fast gestorben"

In der Nachtschicht auf der Frühchen-Station G7 der Marburger Uniklinik hat Elena W. ihren drei kleinen Patienten schwere Betäubungsmittel verabreicht. Die...

29 Nov 14:05 RTL.DE 7054729452660636718.html
Compras de locura por Black Friday en EU (video)

En redes circula un video donde se muestra como se vive un Black Friday, las personas son capaces hasta de golpear por ganar los descuentos

29 Nov 15:15 EL DEBATE 4396150894324642034.html
Uppgift: Maltas premiärminister avgår

Malta Utredningen av mordet på journalisten Daphne Caruana Galizia har fått marken att skälva under hans regering.Nu uppges Maltas premiärminister Joseph Muscat vara på väg att avgå.

29 Nov 14:31 www.unt.se 8922556088804384261.html
El Arsenal despidió a Unai Emery tras acumular siete juegos sin ganar

El sucesor del legendario Arsene Wenger deja al equipo en la octava posición de la Premier League, sin dar muestras de mejora con respecto al curso anterior

29 Nov 13:14 NTN24 8482749624416374458.html
Deutsche Amazon-Beschäftigte streiken am “Black Friday”

Mit mehrtägigen Streiks beim Online-Händler Amazon will die deutsche Gewerkschaft Verdi im jahrelangen Kampf für einen Kollektivvertrag Druck machen. Während der umsatzstarken Einkaufstage “Black Friday” und “Cyber Monday” legen Beschäftigte an sieben der dreizehn deutschen Versandzentren die Arbeit nieder, wie Verdi am Freitag in Berlin mitteilte. Ein Amazon-Sprecher erklärte, die Beteiligung sei gering, die Aktion […]

29 Nov 13:25 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170768724100.html

Neil Basu, assistente de comissariado da polícia de Londres, acaba de confirmar a morte do homem suspeito de ter atacado pessoas com uma faca na London Bridge, nesta sexta-feira...

29 Nov 13:30 O Antagonista 1037429655710662034.html
Acosados por el Cártel del Golfo y abandonados por AMLO ciudadanos huyen de sus casas

Luego de un ataque que dejó tres muertos y 4 heridos, los habitantes de una comunidad a unas millas de la frontera dejan sus casas

29 Nov 15:10 La Opinión 952941033850326054.html
5 Best Black Friday Laptop Deals At Walmart

It is time for Black Friday 2019, and laptops will be a hot commodity this year. Numerous outlets have been touting their sales heading into the huge shopping day. Those consumers anxious for laptop ...

29 Nov 13:00 The Inquisitr 1745625230789013837.html
Jurgen Klopp promises to find solutions after Liverpool suffer ‘massive’ Fabinho blow

Fabinho is likely to be out until 2020 with an ankle injury, but Jurgen Klopp has faith in his remaining Liverpool midfielders.

29 Nov 15:14 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907057774612.html
We have lost a great leader – Ramaphosa on King Sigcawu

President Cyril Ramaphosa has bid farewell to King Mpendulo Zwelonke Sigcawu during his funeral on Friday at the Nqadu Royal Palace near Willowvale in the Eastern Cape.

29 Nov 15:03 The Citizen 410802300749435174.html
Segunda temporada de 'Perdidos no Espaço' tem data de estreia na Netflix

Os Robinson correm perigo em um novo ataque dos alienígenas que estão a procura da tecnologia roubada

29 Nov 15:45 Folha Vitória 4941883427835553796.html
As esquerdas frente ao bolsonarismo: hora da unidade para poder avançar

De Lula espera-se que seja o aglutinador da grande frente popular de resistência. Ninguém tem mais condições de exercer essa liderança

29 Nov 14:19 CartaCapital 2483507007376120025.html
Delilah Belle Hamlin Kisses Boyfriend Eyal Booker After Club 64 Launch in London

Delilah Belle Hamlin gets a sweet kiss from Eyal Booker while leaving a party in London on Wednesday night (November 27).

29 Nov 12:28 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172570081396.html
Playing a Broken Record: UK Defence Minister Calls Russia a ‘Threat’

French President Emmanuel Macron earlier argued that NATO was experiencing “brain death”, provoking a wave of comments from world leaders who found his remarks about the alliance’s condition less than stellar, with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas stating that the bloc was very much “alive”.

29 Nov 10:59 Sputniknews 967333869376492670.html
1-Jahr-Probeabo für Apple TV+: Vorsicht bei der Ländereinstellung ist geboten

Als Apple den hauseigenen Streamingdienst für Filme und Serien vorstellte, staunten viele über das großzügige Probeabo-Angebot des Unternehmens. Käufer neuer Apple-Geräte können den Service ein Jahr lang gratis nutzen. Doch das Angebot hat einen Nachteil: Während des Abonnements lässt sich die Ländereinstellung der eigenen Apple ID nicht ändern. Nutzer müssen sich entsprechend entscheiden.

29 Nov 14:05 MacTechNews.de 1297039198161969392.html
El TC accepta que els diputats de JxCat es personin contra la impugnació de l'autodeterminació

El ple admet els recursos dels membres de la Mesa de la formació i els 32 diputats contra la suspensió de la tramitació d'iniciatives en resposta a la sentència

29 Nov 13:46 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478776519840.html
Frequently Asked Questions: Euro 2020 finals draw

The lowdown on how the process for next summer's tournament will work.

29 Nov 12:19 Sports Mole 7750663362144725432.html
Lidl im News-Ticker: Lidls supergünstiger E-Scooter sofort vergriffen - am Samstag könnte er zurückkehren

Der Lebensmittel-Einzelhändler Lidl gilt mit über 10.200 Filialen in 29 Ländern als größter Discounter-Konzern europaweit. Immer wieder ereignen sich kuriose Geschichten rund um den Discounter. Hier lesen Sie News zum Unternehmen - und bekommen Hinweise auf besondere Angebote.

29 Nov 10:15 FOCUS Online 4448121231165548265.html
Harold Rivera seguirá al frente de Independiente Santa Fe

Así lo ratificó el presidente del conjunto cardenal, Eduardo Méndez, en rueda de prensa después del partido contra al América

29 Nov 12:48 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067544205962861.html
Los analistas no esperan que la OPEP+ haga recortes más profundos

Las expectativas de que la OPEP y sus socios hagan recortes más profundos a la producción de petróleo se han evaporado. Solo uno de cada 35 analistas y operadores en una encuesta global realizada por Bloomberg predijo que la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo y sus aliados acordarán una nueva reducción cuando se reúnan la próxima semana.

29 Nov 15:03 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559658999778.html
Di Stefano su Ibra: "Servirebbe al Milan, sia a livello tecnico sia nello spogliatoio"

Da Milanello, su Zlatan Ibrahimovic, ha parlato Peppe Di Stefano in diretta a Sky Sport 24: “Serve un po’ d’esperienza nel Milan. Ci sono giocatori di qualità, magari in prospettiva, ma il problema dei rossoneri è la tenuta mentale perché dal 75’ in poi crolla e ha perso un sacco di punti. Il Milan non ha quella malizia e un giocatore come Ibrahimovic farebbe crescere i giocatori in spogliatoio e dare qualcosa in più anche a livello tecnico. Ancora oggi, Ibra potrebbe dare ancora qualcosa”.

29 Nov 14:00 MilanNews.it 6507305922696922035.html
Caen 15 venezolanos con dos toneladas de cocaína en aguas de Santa Marta

La droga era transportada en una embarcación pesquera que fue sorprendida por las autoridades.

29 Nov 15:48 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586414559050.html
Jobandtalent capta 78 millones de euros

Jobandtalent ha cerrado una ronda de financiación de 78 millones de euros en la que han participado diferentes inversores a nivel global. La ronda ha...

29 Nov 10:02 Expansión 4197779423201988978.html
Black Friday do LoL: brTT, dyNquedo e outros jogadores sem contrato agitam mercado

Craques brasileiros e estrangeiros estão disponíveis no mercado e em busca de um novo clube

29 Nov 12:00 Sportv 4495234046794223551.html
Kritische Bert Maalderink afgekapt door PSV-perschef: ‘Bespottelijk!’

PSV kreeg donderdag billenkoek van Sporting CP (4-0) en werd uitgeschakeld in de groepsfase van de Europa League. Het is dus crisis in Eindhoven! NOS-verslaggever Bert Maalderink wilde na afloop van de persconferentie dan ook kritische vragen stellen, maar dat mocht niet van perschef Thijs Slegers. Maalderink zat net lekker in het gesprek toen hij…

29 Nov 15:32 Sportnieuws 3602982463704473401.html
Leopardo-das-neves tem visão restaurada após cirurgia de catarata

Essa foi a primeira vez que o procedimento foi realizado em um animal da espécie

29 Nov 14:40 Olhar Digital 416591716335557390.html
Vivo X30 emerges in lifestyle shots, Red/Rose and Pearl White/Aurora

Vivo gives one more step on its Vivo X30 teaser campaign. Today it revealed a couple of lifestyle shots revealing a new Red/Rose color variant.

29 Nov 12:44 Gizchina 5392375275991037141.html
Aline Riscado se manifesta após rumor de que teria ficado com Gabigol

Aline Riscado resolveu se manifestar de uma vez por todas sobre os rumores de que ela teria ficado com Gabigol, mesmo sabendo que atualmente ele vive um relacionamento sério com Rafaella, irmã de Neymar. A atriz tomou a atitude de tocar no assunto após ter recebido um puxão de orelha de uma internauta.

29 Nov 12:30 RD1 – Terra 4501125211264020006.html
ÖPNV Nürtingen: Ab dem 1. Dezember im Landkreis Esslingen - Ein deutlich verbessertes Busangebot

Ab dem 1. Dezember gibt es im Landkreis Esslingen ein deutlich verbessertes Busangebot. Aber auch Grafenberg, Metzingen, Bempflingen und Neckartenzlingen profitieren davon.

29 Nov 11:29 swp.de 6929179440899424956.html
Konkurrenter i brev: Google uppfyller inte EU:s krav

EU:s konkurrensmyndighet uppmanas att vidta åtgärder mot Google-ägaren Alphabet av ett 40-tal konkurrenter, däribland tyska Axel Springers prisjämförelsetjänst Idealo.

29 Nov 12:41 Ny Teknik 4280928731932021027.html
Österreicher wünschen sich zu Weihnachten Geld & Reisen

Die Österreicher wünschen sich zu Weihnachten am liebsten Bargeld (15,7 Prozent), Reisen (14,5 Prozent) und Gutscheine (13,9 Prozent).

29 Nov 11:48 NÖN.at 2486998933236091108.html
College football picks, Week 14: Alabama, Ohio State win Playoff-caliber Rivalry Week games

Sporting News offers our picks for several high-profile Rivalry Week games, headlined of course by Alabama-Auburn and Ohio State-Michigan.

29 Nov 12:55 Sporting News 5110653853896230171.html
Policía informa de un detenido: varias personas apuñaladas en caótico incidente cerca del Puente de Londres

Son al menos 5 los heridos.

29 Nov 15:22 Publimetro Chile 2498685482940552304.html
Elan, nasce il nuovo team Ripstick Italia

Insieme alla nuova linea di sci Elan Ripstick nasce anche il team formato da atleti che amano vivere avventure estreme sugli sci.

29 Nov 10:29 4ActionSport 8533118561541907588.html
Victor Ponta, ales vicepreşedinte al Partidului Democrat European

Preşedintele Pro România, Victor Ponta, a fost ales, vineri, în funcţia de vicepreşedinte al Partidului Democrat European (EDP).

29 Nov 12:30 News.ro 1785173096306367177.html
Paro de colectiveros: segunda movilización se realizará hoy

Hasta el momento, el tránsito en la capital fluye con normalidad

29 Nov 12:57 canalN.pe 1595273588529054490.html
Jadikan Patimban Hub Ekspor Otomotif, Jokowi: Tahap I Rampung Juni 2020

WE Online, Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melangsungkan peninjauan proyek pembangunan Pelabuhan Patimban yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Dalam kunjungan tersebut, dia memperkirakan soft opening tahap pertama pada Juni 2020.

29 Nov 11:01 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835210133458.html
Man told he can't stand as Santa in election because voters would be 'confused'

'Lord Buckethead and Count Binface are allowed to stand, so why not Santa Claus?'

29 Nov 12:35 Metro 970161747581969799.html
Líderes de siglas 'novas' criticam assinatura digital

Líderes de alguns dos mais recentes partidos criados no Brasil criticam a possibilidade de...

29 Nov 10:26 UOL Noticias 8892198861340443502.html
Líderes de siglas 'novas' criticam assinatura digital

Na última terça-feira, 26, o TSE começou a analisar uma consulta sobre o uso de assinaturas digitais para registrar novos partidos

29 Nov 10:35 Folha Vitória 4941883426518895526.html
Will Britain Lease Its New Aircraft Carriers to the U.S. Navy?

To offset a shrinking defense budget, the British military is considering whether to lease a carrier to the Americans, according to British media. The instigator of the scheme? The British Army,

29 Nov 12:26 The National Interest 7207864702845753444.html
Video: Abaten a hombre que acuchilló a personas en el Puente de Londres

Cinco personas fueron lesionadas por el sujeto, a quien se ha catalogado como terrorista.

29 Nov 10:58 SIPSE.com 4008460417893263293.html
Inwestycja z perypetiami w Radomiu. Władze miasta: nic nie zatrzyma budowy

Konsorcjum stołecznych firm Erekta Budownictwo/Interiors Karolina Pawlak nie przystąpiło do podpisania umowy na dokończenie budowy Radomskiego Centrum Sportu. MOSiR zapowiada złożenie do prokuratury zawiadomienie o podejrzeniu popełnienia przestępstwa na szkodę spółki. Swoją ofertę dokończenia budowy RCS podtrzymuje drugi z uczestników przetargu - firma Betonox Construction z Sopotu.

29 Nov 10:49 Portal Samorządowy 740157207935366992.html
Cork boosted by Fitzgerald return and 'ready to go again, hopefully stronger than ever in January'

Mourneabbey All-Ireland winning defender Eimear Meaney has welcomed the managerial U-turn.

29 Nov 11:06 The42 5369852629927701502.html
Bebe Vio, Barbie celebra la campionessa paralimpica: «Bambine non smettere di sognare»

Bebe Vio, Barbie celebra la campionessa paralimpica. Un modo per festeggiare il 60esimo anniversario della bambola più famosa del mondo, ma non solo...

29 Nov 10:58 UrbanPost 2450570492641231677.html
El Real Madrid prepara una súper renovación para Federico Valverde: medios españoles

La nueva joya del Real Madrid, Federico Valverde, está causando tal sensación que la dirigencia del Real Madrid prepara rápidamente una mejora de contrato para no dejar escapar al mediocampista.

29 Nov 14:07 Panorama 6052790754019626772.html
Los mejores precios en accesorios Apple y para sus dispositivos

Si necesitas un nuevo ratón, teclado o algún que otro accesorio de Apple a buen precio, no te pierdas estas ofertas que seguro te interesan.

29 Nov 12:32 El Output 1685150382589725376.html
Vivo X30 new images showcases its two color variants - Gizmochina

Vivo will be launching the dual-mode 5G enabled Vivo X30 and Vivo X30 Pro smartphones in the coming month. Earlier this week, the Chinese firm had shared a video that showcased the entire design of the phone along with its three color variants. Today, the company has released couple of images that feature the Red and …

29 Nov 10:30 Gizmochina 1751854816153237878.html
Greenpeace coloca una gran pancarta en Gran Vía para criticar que el consumo "masivo" agrava la crisis climática

Greenpeace ha colocado esta mañana una gran pancarta de 180 metros cuadrados en un edificio comercial de la Gran Vía para denunciar, en Black Friday, que el...

29 Nov 11:51 Europa Press 4702666149593410938.html
Arsenal manager Unai Emery has been fired after 18 months with the Premier League club

LONDON (AP) - Arsenal manager Unai Emery has been fired after 18 months with the Premier League club.

29 Nov 10:16 WFXT 6395891953779565307.html
Breno Mesquita é eleito presidente da Abav-PB

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

29 Nov 12:23 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987585626134.html
PHOTOS: Black Friday frenzy goes global – and not everyone’s happy

Many countries don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but they are participating in Black Friday consumerism

29 Nov 15:50 Bashaw Star 2864261460481444067.html
354 Atlet Veteran Ramaikan Kejurnas Tenis Baveti 2019

KBRN, Denpasar: Decak kagum dilontarkan Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia Zainudin Amali saat membuka Kejuaraan Nasional (Kejurnas) Tenis Veteran VII tahun 2019 yang dilaksanakan

29 Nov 11:25 RRI News Portal 6700853646202867022.html
Ferrari boss Mattia Binotto hints at 2021 move for Lewis Hamilton

Six-time world champion is out of contract at the end of next season.

29 Nov 15:46 Sports Mole 7750663361437150239.html
«Interio» verschwindet: XXXLutz breitet sich nach Möbel-Pfister-Kauf weiter aus

Die Migros verkauft sechs ihrer elf Interio-Filialen an den österreichischen Konzern XXXLutz. Unter dem Namen «Interio» wird kein Geschäft mehr weitergeführt. Die Gründe für die Übergabe liegen in der Misere des Schweizer Möbelmarktes.

29 Nov 12:25 bz BASEL 5287163742819824063.html
Chaves cree que el clima de culpabilidad por las "presiones políticas y mediáticas" condicionó el juicio de los ERE

El expresidente de la Junta de Andalucía Manuel Chaves, condenado a nueve años de inhabilitación por los ERE, considera que en torno a este proceso se ha creado "un ambiente de presunción de culpabilidad" marcado por las "presiones políticas, mediáticas y sociales" que a o largo de los años ha condicionado el proceso judicial, ya que no se ha alejado de ese "contexto".

29 Nov 11:24 RTVE.es 8332346887832642159.html
21 Bridges Beraksi di Bioskop, Ini 5 Fakta Menariknya

Film 21 Bridges mengisahkan detektif Andre Davis, yang diperankan Chadwick Boseman.

29 Nov 12:30 liputan6.com 3414318497282494228.html
70-jähriger krachte mit Pkw gegen Spital-Mauer

Pech hatte ein Pensionist aus der Gemeinde Bärnkopf: Er verwechselte Bremse und Gaspedal und fuhr gegen Hausmauer.

29 Nov 15:08 NÖN.at 2486998933672871405.html
Dettori the first to go back to back as World's Best Jockey

Horse Racing news: Dettori the first to go back to back as World's Best Jockey.

29 Nov 10:43 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535330961961.html
Dvije automatske puške pronađene kod vozača iz Prijedora

PRIJEDOR - Pripadnici Žandarmerije uhapsili su lica čiji su inicijali M.B. iz Prijedora kod kojeg su, tokom kontrole automobila, pronašli dvije vojne automatske puške "M-70", saopšteno je danas iz prijedorske Policijske uprave.

29 Nov 10:51 Nezavisne novine 4209150642013993739.html
Ben Kenobi vs. Darth Vader: Duell in Star Wars 4 wurde für Disney+ angepasst

Das Duell zwischen Obi-Wan Kenobi und Darth Vader gehört zu den wichtigsten Momenten der Saga. Für Disney+ wurde ein kleines Detail davon angepasst.

29 Nov 10:10 www.gamestar.de 809832118584428945.html
Serie B, designazioni arbitrali: a Di Martino Pisa-Pordenone

La CAN di B ha reso note le designazioni arbitrali per la 14ª giornata di Serie B. A Di Martino il compito di dirigere la sfida tra Pisa e Pordenone, in scena nel monday night del campionato cadetto.

29 Nov 12:38 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194070146423.html
Ny riksbankslag skrämmer ingen låntagare

Ekonomi Riksbanken kritiseras ofta för att vara alltför styrd av inflationen. Den som hoppats att den nya riksbanklagen skulle ändra på det blir besviken.Ränteläget hade knappast sett annorlunda ut om

29 Nov 15:04 www.unt.se 8922556089753198407.html
Erdogan: Makronove izjave o NATO – plitko shvatanje

ISTANBUL - Turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan izjavio je danas da komentari francuskog predsednika Emanuela Makrona o NATO-u, reflektuju "bolesno i

29 Nov 13:23 Krstarica 4176903988457448334.html
Heridos por perdigones siguen aumentando aún después del anuncio de Carabineros que limita su uso

Las cifras del INDH indican 165 casos más de heridos por perdigones entre el 21 y el 25 de noviembre, dos días después de que el General Rozas se pronunciara sobre este tipo de proyectiles.

29 Nov 15:38 24horas.cl 793283385365213435.html
The Garmin Forerunner Running Smartwatch is 50% off for Black Friday

Lots of people wait to see the Black Friday deals before making a big purchase, especially for techy stuff like smartwatches. If you've been hankering after a GPS watch to go running with (or you want to buy one for someone for Christmas), Amazon's Black Friday deal on the Garmin Forerunner 735XT is exactly what you need.

29 Nov 13:50 Gizmodo UK 8363059000909416928.html
Ya se pueden registrar los dominios de Internet terminados solo en ".ar"

NIC Argentina, el organismo que los administra en el país, anunció que se pueden solicitar a través de su plataforma.

29 Nov 15:15 Todo Noticias 8077539161587970195.html
Australia condenó a partidarios de ISIS por planear atentado terrorista en 2016

Un tribunal de Australia condenó a tres hombres el viernes a décadas de prisión por conspirar atentados con explosivos en la Navidad

29 Nov 12:00 Noticias de Israel 5887715889863093238.html
Delitto Sacchi, nello zaino di Anastasiya 70mila euro per 15 Kg di droga

Roma, 29 nov. (askanews) – L’omicidio di Luca Sacchi – il personal tranier di 24 anni ucciso con un colpo di pistola in testa la sera del 23 ottobre scorso nel quartiere Appio Latino a Roma – è maturato in un contesto di traffico di sostanze stupefacenti. La sera del 23 ottobre scorso, hanno spiegato […]

29 Nov 12:55 Askanews 298649740661251119.html
Mo Farah kündigt Olympia-Comeback auf der Bahn an

Der britische Ausnahmeläufer Mo Farah hat sein Comeback bei den Olympischen Spielen über 10.000 Meter angekündigt. "Ich habe entschieden, nächstes Jahr bei den Spielen in Tokio zu starten", sagte der 36-Jährige in einer YouTube-Botschaft am Freitag. "Ich bin wirklich aufgeregt, wieder teilzunehmen. Ich bin zurück auf der Bahn und hoffe, meine Tempofähigkeit nicht verloren zu haben."

29 Nov 10:43 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084939923556.html
Asciende a 49 cifra de muertos por terremoto en Albania

Entre las víctimas hay cuatro niños de tres y ocho años, y 17 mujeres; registran 650 heridos

29 Nov 14:27 El Informador 103545928311768622.html
J-Ax, un concerto intimo a Milano per anticipare il nuovo album

J-Ax a gennaio lancerà il suo nuovo album con un concerto intimo al Blue Note di Milano

29 Nov 11:12 Sky TG24 1131381335212024359.html
Bordeaux : Paulo Sousa allume les actionnaires

Découvrez l'avis de Paulo Sousa, l'entraîneur des Girondins de Bordeaux sur la situation du club en interne et la prise de pouvoir de l'actionnaire King Street.

29 Nov 15:27 Onze Mondial 1310109998692583810.html
Herramientas de contención frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad

Con el lema “Ahora que estamos juntas, ahora que sí nos ven”, este sábado a las 17 en la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNaM se realizará una charla debate acerca de las “Herramientas...

29 Nov 14:05 Primera Edición 6803897640840947253.html
CBA zawiadamia prokuraturę ws. Mariana Banasia

Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne skierowało do prokuratury zawiadomienie o możliwości popełnienia przestępstwa przez Mariana Banasia, prezesa Najwyższej Izby Kontroli.

29 Nov 14:45 Wprost 814121437962942259.html
Comandantul Armatei franceze contrazice Statul Islamic. Elicopterele implicate în accidentul din Mali nu se aflau sub atacul grupării

Comandantul Armatei franceze, François Lecointre, a transmis vineri că cele două elicoptere militare implicate în accidentul din Mali nu erau atacate de rebeli din cadrul grupării Stat Islamic, contrazicând...

29 Nov 11:27 Mediafax.ro 1869610969385981927.html
Esfaqueamento deixa 2 mortos e 3 feridos na London Bridge

Ainda não há confirmação sobre os motivos do ataque, mas incidente é tratado como ato terrorista; suspeito foi morto pela polícia

29 Nov 14:34 VEJA.com 4116702196181096910.html
Conte ha "tradito" anche i 5S: spunta il testo che lo incastra

Il Movimento 5 Stelle e la Lega avevano approvato una risoluzione con cui chiedevano a Conte di non approvare alcuna riforma del Mes

29 Nov 12:11 ilGiornale.it 5019541225743554687.html
Elektron's Model:Samples groovebox is $100 off for the holidays

Elektron's synths, samplers, drum machines and grooveboxes are known for their top-notch sound and unique sequencing features. Once thing they're not known for,...

29 Nov 15:45 Engadget 96641514636195062.html
OnePlus 3 and 3T get their very last updates following three years of software support (Update: Downloads)

Back in 2016, the OnePlus 3 was a shock to the smartphone market, following up on the underwhelming OnePlus 2 with flagship-grade specs at a disruptive

29 Nov 10:29 Android Police 6171356415498407299.html
Traspaso de mando: habría acuerdo

Acercamiento Gestión entrante y saliente conversan para definir cómo será la ceremonia. En principio, la entrega de atributos de Miguel Lifschitz a Omar Perotti sería en el Salón Blanco de la Casa Gris, por la tarde; y luego el acto popular en la Plaza de Mayo. Resta definir si se mantiene el horario matutino de la Asamblea Legislativa.

29 Nov 15:09 El Litoral 2624573357522608285.html
Maria 01: The Future of The Largest Startup and Venture Campus in Europe

From the creators of Slush, the Maria 01 Startup and Venture Campus in Helsinki is a mini-city within the city, expanding to become Europe's best and largest startup campus, a place every startup and VC must know about.

29 Nov 14:24 Interesting Engineering 7328942541060517908.html
Hansi Flick lauds Robert Lewandowski but wonders why Philipp Lahm didn’t win Ballon d’Or

Robert Lewandowski is in the Ballon d’Or running but former team-mate Philipp Lahm should have won the award previously, says Hansi Flick.

29 Nov 14:52 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906261548770.html
Coolie No. 1 VS Black Widow: Sara Ali Khan Starrer To Clash With Scarlett Johansson’s Superhero Flick!

This morning came in with good news for the Marvel fans as the release date of the much-awaited film Black Widow. While the film has left the fans excited, they are also getting ready for a big Box Of

29 Nov 14:01 Koimoi 5184275670459869916.html
Ks. Tatar z tytułem profesora belwederskiego

Ks. Marek Tatar, kapłan diecezji radomskiej, profesor Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, otrzymał tytuł profesora nauk teologicznych. Nadał go prezydent Andrzej Duda. Ks. Tatar j

29 Nov 13:01 eKAI 4704869672101058438.html
Klimastreik am 29.11.: Wo in Baden-Württemberg Demonstrationen stattfinden

Am Freitag, 29.11., wollen wieder Tausende Schüler und Jugendliche in ganz Baden-Württemberg für den Klimaschutz auf die Straße gehen. Wir haben für euch die Infos, wo in Baden-Württemberg Demonstrationen stattfinden.

29 Nov 10:02 swp.de 6929179440617164366.html
Renfe incentiva los viajes sostenibles en tren y lanza de nuevo la campaña 'ECOPuntos' el 2 de diciembre

Renfe vuelva a activar la campaña ‘ECOPuntos’ el próximo día 2 de diciembre, coincidiendo con la fecha de inicio en Madrid de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambios Climático (COP25). La tercera jornada de esta campaña volverá a premiar a

29 Nov 13:35 Diariocrítico 5375131905612959624.html
La fuerte denuncia que hizo un jefe médico del Gutiérrez contra Larreta

Fue el doctor, Eduardo López, jefe del departamento de Medicina del hospital, quien estuvo como invitado en Animales Sueltos y soltó una denuncia contra el jefe de Gobierno porteño que nadie esperaba.

29 Nov 13:18 Diario Registrado 7686014737426216229.html
Fortnite: la versione 11:30 introduce delle fantastiche novità

L'ideatore e sviluppatore di Fortnite, Epic Games, ha deciso di aggiornare il game ad una nuova versione per introdurre delle fantastiche novità.

29 Nov 13:10 tecnoandroid 2573257128260674921.html
Tragedia en el viaje de egreso: afirman que el chofer aguardará el juicio en libertad

El fiscal general de Dolores aclaró que faltan pericias claves: la del teléfono celular y el análisis tóxico. Eso determinará si se distrajo con el móvil o estaba drogado. El imputado por doble homicidio y lesiones culposas sería liberado porque el delito es excarcelable. Hay tres nenes y una docente grave

29 Nov 12:44 Infocielo 6573250471794008646.html
Prefeito Dó Bacelar recepciona mais empresários que vão investir em Porto

Três novos empresários que estão indo a Porto, através da Câmara de Indústria e Comércio do Mercosul

29 Nov 11:24 R10 3167340813800868308.html
Homem que teve fratura exposta após ser soterrado por laje segue internado

O homem que foi soterrado por parte de uma laje, durante uma demoli&ccedil;&atilde;o no munic&iacute;pio de Pilar, regi&atilde;o metropolitana de Macei&oacute;, est&aacute; em recupera&ccedil;&atilde;o p&oacute;s-anest&eacute;sica depois de passar por cirurgia nas pernas, regi&atilde;o onde foi mais...

29 Nov 13:00 TNH1 3684351753363974722.html
Plus de places de stage et d’apprentissage pour les professionnels de la santé

Le Conseil d’Etat a adopté un projet de loi visant à augmenter le nombre de places de stage et d’apprentissage pour les professions non universitaires ...

29 Nov 12:06 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461390316351.html
Conor McGregor returning to face Donald Cerrone in UFC 246

Nov. 29 (UPI) -- Conor McGregor is making his return to Ultimate Fighting Championship, with a UFC 246 welterweight bout against Donald "Cowboy" Cerrone set for Jan. 18 in Las Vegas.

29 Nov 13:35 UPI 8257973864632027195.html
Projeto de Lei prevê teste de paternidade com DNA de parentes

O projeto foi aprovado pela CCJ e segue para sanção presidencial

29 Nov 13:14 Olhar Digital 416591715539770453.html
That time Charlton Comics published a trans sci-fi story in 1953

Back in September, a rare print edition of Space Adventures #7—originally published by the new-defunct Charlton Comics in 1953—sold for $1,800. The comic book speculator market isn’t normally…

29 Nov 13:40 Boing Boing 4601305170083894951.html
Antetokounmpo mete 33 puntos y los Bucks vencen a los Cavaliers

Los Bucks no habían ganado 10 encuentros seguidos desde la temporada 1985-86.

29 Nov 15:32 Primera Hora 5092966653618349036.html
Italijani u Beogradu sa pojačanjima iz NBA i NCAA!

"Azuri" bi mogli da izađu u veoma jakom sastavu u Beogradu.

29 Nov 14:31 SPORTSKE NET 1397374494920521953.html
Mario Kart Tour heading to London in next week’s update

The next Mario Kart Tour update is coming next week and will include a new London-themed track and two new characters.

29 Nov 14:38 Metro 970161747635462721.html
Explotar el equivalente a cien campos de fútbol para una aceite esencial: lo que la etiqueta de la cosmética natural no dice

Por qué usar ingredientes sintéticos puede ser la opción más sostenible

29 Nov 11:36 EL PAÍS 2207347709968851647.html
Salvini a Conte: "Mai avuta immunità parlamentare"

Il leader della Lega torna all'attacco sul Mes: "Se il premier ha firmato senza comunicarlo al Parlamento e al popolo ne pagherà le conseguenze"

29 Nov 12:04 Adnkronos 2840063643198603378.html
Llaman a la movilización independentista durante al Barça-Madrid del 18 de diciembre

La plataforma Tsunami Democràtic reclama a los catalanes que se desplacen a Barcelona el día del clásico para participar en las protestas

29 Nov 15:29 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613411584140.html
Más criminalización: el Senado de Chile votó la ley antiencapuchados

El Senado chileno votó el jueves el proyecto de ley anticapuchas, que viene a criminalizar aún más a quienes se han venido manifestando desde que empezó el estallido social, en particular a la juventud. Ahora debe pasar a Diputados. ¿Qué implica esta ley?

29 Nov 13:30 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557630192635839.html
Pas de condamnation requise contre le cardinal Barbarin en appel

Condamné à six mois de prison avec sursis en première instance, le cardinal Philip...

29 Nov 12:10 LA VDN 5307415663929259100.html
noÁr, il rapper ungherese che crede di essere Greta

Un famoso rapper ungherese folgorato dai ragazzi dei Fridays for Future: e così noÁr diventa attivista contro i cambiamenti climatici. E lo fa con una sua nuova canzone (dove cita Greta Thunberg) e un nuovo video, con protagonisti i bambini.

29 Nov 15:11 euronews 7379718590736978590.html
Campaña independentista contra el apoyo de Page a los toros y la caza

Pilar Rahola ha publicado un tweet en el que le dice «quita bicho» al presidente de Castilla-La Mancha

29 Nov 12:50 ABC.es 6074573463734671935.html
Derrame de petróleo se aproxima a playas de Buzios

El último informe del Instituto Brasileño de Medio Ambiente (Ibama) indicó que el petróleo ya tocó 803 localidades

29 Nov 11:11 Granma.cu 7847343383925171803.html
Firefox Preview 3.0 para Android mejora la protección contra el seguimiento e incluye más opciones de privacidad

La pasada primavera, la fundación Mozilla publicó su hoja de ruta del futuro Firefox, mostrando así sus intenciones de abandonar el actual navegador web para...

29 Nov 15:58 Xataka Android 8206963587123076928.html
Počinje rekonstukcija: Stranac napušta Zvezdu posle samo 6 meseci

Sportski direktor Crvene zvezde, Mitar Mrkela, najavio je nakon poraza od Bajerna rekonstrukciju igračkog kadra. Po svemu sudeći rekonstrukcija će početi od igrača iz inostranstva, od kojih se očekivalo da naprave razliku u evropskim utakmicama, ali mnogi nisu opravdali renome sa kojim su stigli na stadion „Rajko Mitić“. Prvi na listi za odlazak je Hoze […]

29 Nov 10:06 Sportska centrala 5931785411746126116.html
Supremo libera repasse de dados sigilosos em investigações

Por 9 a 2, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) autorizou o compartilhamento de informações si...

29 Nov 10:40 UOL Noticias 8892198860779239645.html
Reportan un MUERTO tras TIROTEO en Londres; hay también varios heridos (VIDEO)

El tiroteo en Londres se origin&oacute;, presuntamente, por una pelea

29 Nov 14:14 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622919360596.html
Notte di San Silvestro a Reggio Emilia: in piazza Martiri il concerto di Nina Zilli

REGGIO EMILIA – Protagonista della serata del 31 dicembre, San Silvestro, in piazza Martiri del 7 luglio sarà, a partire dalle 23, Nina Zilli con un grande concerto gratuito che saluterà l’arrivo del 2020. Un appuntamento con la grande musica italiana che sta diventando una consuetudine per il centro storico, che quest’anno vede salire sul […]

29 Nov 14:24 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334101924213.html
Liverpool among “hottest candidates” for Jadon Sancho as Dortmund plan to sell in January

Borussia Dortmund are reportedly prepared to sell Jadon Sancho, with Liverpool among the clubs most interested in the England international. The Reds were unsuccessful in an informal pursuit of Sancho back 2017, when the teenager opted to leave Man City to join Dortmund in a deal worth around £8 million. Initially, the move paid off for both parties, as the player was given an early platform to showcase his phenomenal talent, while the club were rewarded with 13 goals and 23 assists in 55 games across his first two seasons. But while he has contributed six goals and nine assists in just 18 outings so far this campaign, there has been major discontent at the Westfalenstadion. He was suspended by Dortmund in October after returning late from England duty, while Lucien Favre dropped him to the bench for Wednesday’s 3-1 loss to Barcelona—a game in which he scored after coming off the bench—explaining that he needed “players on the pitch who are focused and ready.”

29 Nov 11:33 This Is Anfield 7550115575489155526.html
Así luce Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order con Ray Tracing

El último juego de una de las franquicias más conocidas del planeta llegó al mercado hace apenas unos días, y gracias a un canal de youtube hemos podido ver como luce Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order con Ray Tracing. Aunque no se trate de un Ray Tracing al uso, lo cierto es que el Reshade aplicado, llamado Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade, mejora significativamente la iluminación del juego y nos muestra como podría ser el título con esta nueva tecnología.

29 Nov 14:43 SomosXbox 4635940034589417537.html
Festival Ultraloide 2020 espera al peruano Tayta Bird y su folklore futurista

El folklore futurista de Tayta Bird se escuchará en Colombia gracias a que el joven apurimeño acaba de ganar el fondo Ibermúsicas para la Movilidad de Artistas. Ibermúsicas, es un programa multilateral internacional dedicado exclusivamente al fomento de las artes musicales, un fondo destinado para que los artistas puedan realizar giras artísticas por cualquiera de los países de Iberoamérica, en este caso, el “Festival Ultraloide” a realizarse en la ciudad de Barranquilla en noviembre del próximo año.

29 Nov 15:20 Peru.com 935882419944714262.html
Terremoto in provincia di Salerno: scossa di magnitudo 2.7 a Romagnano al Monte

Un terremoto di magnitudo 2.7 è stato registrato questa mattia alle ore 9.54 in provincia di Salerno. I sismografi dell’istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia, infatti, hanno segnalato un movimento tellurico con epicentro a Romagnano al Monte, con coordinate geografiche (lat, lon) 40.64, 15.45 ad una profondità di 16 km. I comuni entro i 10 km dall’epicentro sono: San Gregorio Magno, Salvitelle, Ricignano, […]

29 Nov 12:30 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382461670233147.html
Konferencja na temat aksjologii prawa z udziałem polskich prelegentów

"Dom na skale. Aksjologia prawa dla Europy jutra" - to tytuł międzynarodowej konferencji, rozpoczynającej się dziś na Papieskim Uniwersytecie Świętego Tomasza w Rzymie. W gronie prelegentów

29 Nov 15:30 eKAI 4704869673934190367.html
El español como amenaza

Ninguna medida gubernamental podrá erradicar la presencia de esta lengua del contexto de Estados Unidos

29 Nov 10:13 EL PAÍS 2207347709848261857.html
Avaria informática obriga a encerrar Finanças da Ribeira Brava na segunda-feira

Devido a uma avaria informática, o Serviço de Finanças da Ribeira Brava estará encerrado na próxima segunda-feira, dia 2 de Dezembro. Os cidadãos que ...

29 Nov 11:17 dnoticias 6968432065946476882.html
Cat's 'tail' of survival

The name Journey was a fitting choice for this special cat.

29 Nov 13:10 Castanet 616068603396590078.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 14: Burnley contra Crystal Palace

Previa del partido de la jornada 14: Burnley contra Crystal Palace

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897970182459046.html
Saque imediato para nascidos em agosto começa nesta sexta-feira

Os trabalhadores nascidos no mês de agosto poderão sacar até R$ 500 de cada conta ativa ou inativa do FGTS

29 Nov 11:06 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549723763958.html
La nueva polémica que protagoniza "Mucho Gusto" en medio del estallido social

Primero fue la abrupta salida de Karol Lucero; luego las críticas a que tanto ellos como el resto de los matinales miente y ahora que un invitado se retiró indignado del espacio televisivo. Estamos hablando de "Mucho Gusto". Y es que el matinal de Mega vuelve a ser noticia luego que James Hamilton, una de […]

29 Nov 12:03 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354190089827.html
En medio de la crisis, el primer ministro iraquí presentará su renuncia al Parlamento

Lo anunció este viernes el primer ministro de Irak, Adel Abdelmahdi, tras una de las jornadas de protestas más sangrientas en el país, que ya llevan dos meses. En la mañana la máxima autoridad religiosa chií, el ayatolá Ali al Sistani, había pedido su renuncia.

29 Nov 12:23 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731802241090.html
Man rapes and brutally murders 21-year-old student by stabbing her 52 times

The man responsible for the rape and brutal murder of a 21-year-old South African student by stabbing her 52 times has been arrested by the Police. The man allegedly stabbed Precious Ramabulana in a rape and

29 Nov 15:15 LailasNews.com 2090029849372040978.html
100 Millionen neue Bäume: Niedersachsen forstet auf

Niedersachsens Wälder sind kaputt. Laut Ministerpräsident Stephan Weil müssen 100 Millionen neue Bäume gepflanzt werden - 40 Millionen davon im Niedersächsischen Staatswald.

29 Nov 14:37 NDR.de 5356044082089257727.html
Company Asks Female Employees To Wear ‘Period Badges’ To End Stigma

A company in Japan is asking its female employees to wear a badge to signal when they’re on their period to beat the existing stigma

29 Nov 10:33 UNILAD 6373328986347777436.html
Ivana Smit ist tot: Schockierend! Model stürzt nach Gruppensex aus 20. Stock

Im Jahr 2017 stürzte das belgisch-niederländische Model Ivana Smit in Malaysia in den Tod. Berichten zufolge ist die 18-Jährige aus dem 20. Stock in die Tiefe gestürzt. Zuvor soll Smit in einer Millionärswohnung in Kuala Lumpur Gruppensex gehabt haben. Der britische "Daily Star" hatte über den mysteriösen Fall berichtet, der jetzt erneut aufgerollt wird.

29 Nov 14:42 news.de 5126378979676454849.html
SSPCA in plea to find homes for fun-filled ferrets who've been in long-term care

Animal welfare experts are desperate to find new owners for Dec, Brian and Ozzy.

29 Nov 12:12 dailyrecord 552235479974986583.html
Raccolti 24mila euro alla Grande Cena di Boorea. VIDEO

CORREGGIO (Reggio Emilia) – Numeri da record, ieri sera, per la Cena di Boorea, iniziativa solidale giunta alla 20ª edizione e che ha permesso di raccogliere circa 24mila euro.  Oltre 800 persone a tavola e più di 4mila piatti serviti nell’arco di due ore e mezzo. Cinque le portate inserite in un menu assolutamente gourmet poiché […]

29 Nov 11:35 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332659790130.html
Sex talk: Connect the mind, body and heart dots first

sex talk

29 Nov 13:45 The Observer 7850745372454607889.html
Las 3 mejores ofertas en salud y belleza por tiempo limitado

Durante 24 horas o hasta que se acaben las existencias puedes comprar un cepillo de dientes eléctrico, una afeitadora de última generación o...

29 Nov 10:02 La Vanguardia 8061072700219796070.html
Aberdeen man told cops he’d give himself up after five-hour stand-off if they brought him KFC

A MAN who had a five-hour stand-off with armed police told officers he’d give himself up – if they brought him a KFC. And while armed officers and a negotiator were standing just metres…

29 Nov 13:00 The Scottish Sun 6609127672833803466.html
Atlético Madrid in shock: 'Diego Simeone wordt coach van deze topclub'

Paris Saint-Germain zou na dit seizoen niet meer voortgaan met Thomas Tüchel. De clubleiding is niet tevreden over het werk van de Duitser.

29 Nov 13:00 Voetbal24 8097814617107606949.html
Egypt has capacity to store 4 mln tonnes of wheat - ministry

CAIRO, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Egypt, the world's largest wheat importer, has the capacity to store 4 million tonnes of wheat this season, the supply ministry said on Friday, adding it had built new wheat silos for the additional storage.In July, Egypt signed a deal with the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) to build two wheat silos in Port Said. At the time, Supply Minister Ali Moselhy said they would raise Egypt's storage capacity for imported wheat by around 15%. (Reporting by Momen Saeed Atallah; Writing by Yousef Saba; editing by David Evans)

29 Nov 11:13 Successful Farming 8502642054902436611.html
¿Es bueno o malo consumir frutas antes de dormir?

La fruta es una buena opción para comerse durante el día.

29 Nov 10:50 SIPSE.com 4008460418539799299.html
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot muestra su tráiler más completo hasta la fecha

Bandai Namco ha publicado el que posiblemente sea el tráiler más completo hasta la fecha sobre el esperado Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.

29 Nov 13:16 Generación Xbox 4040846038607281657.html
'Have a one-night-stand with a dress': the fashion rental revolution

Instead of buying a new dress for each event, join the sustainable fashion movement and hire your outfit instead

29 Nov 13:00 the Guardian 1491978795971720988.html
Bhumi Pednekar: “I Think The Current Generation Is Chill & Not Insecure About Silly Things”

Bhumi Pednekar has certainly become a name to resonate with after her unconventional choice of films. While not many actors from her generation are willing to take up the risks of doing films like Dum

29 Nov 14:15 Koimoi 5184275670503501972.html
Wifi Gratis: addio rete mobile di Tim, Wind, Tre e Vodafone

La connettività nei comuni raggiungerà un nuovo livello grazie al progetto che porterà il Wi-Fi in tutte le piazze e le poste italiane

29 Nov 12:05 tecnoandroid 2573257127282083365.html
Tragedia en el viaje de egresados: afirman que el chofer aguardará el juicio en libertad

El fiscal general de Dolores aclaró que faltan pericias claves: la del teléfono celular y el análisis tóxico. Eso determinará si se distrajo con el móvil o estaba drogado. El imputado por doble homicidio y lesiones culposas sería liberado porque el delito es excarcelable. Hay tres nenes y una docente grave

29 Nov 12:44 Infocielo 6573250472455242608.html
Kovesi pregăteşte lovitura pentru Dragnea, din postura de şefă PPE. Prima decizie din fruntea Parchetului European

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

29 Nov 11:38 Gândul 5586965504159397174.html
New Pokémon Sword And Shield Galar Plush Release Next Month, Including Wooloo

A lovely set of lovely 'mon

29 Nov 10:00 Nintendo Life 5246707018890258376.html
Ruinerwold: Österreicher wurde auf Hof gequält

Nach und nach kommt immer mehr ans Tageslicht, was sich auf dem Bauernhof in Ruinerwold abgespielt haben soll, in dem eine Familie jahrelang isoliert ...

29 Nov 14:43 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093059248259.html
Boninsegna: "Lukaku-Martinez gran coppia, ricordano me e Bettega. Ma a gennaio serve comunque una punta"

Roberto Boninsegna scomoda un paragone importante per la coppia del momento, quella formata da Lukaku e Martinez. "Ricordano me e Bettega, sono diversi e complementari, direi...

29 Nov 11:13 FcInterNews.it 7848284892469624158.html
Annoying, you say?

Really, there ought to be a law.

29 Nov 11:00 Computerworld 8450890022628924204.html
PM accused of ‘fuelling stigma’ with previous comments on single mothers

He was grilled over a column he wrote in 1995 in which he described the children of single mothers as ‘ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive’.

29 Nov 13:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774944623494.html
Champions, il 3-1 di Lautaro premiato come gol della settimana: battuti Dybala e Gomez

La volée vincente con cui Lautaro Martinez ha messo il punto del 3-1 incornando lo Slavia Praga nel match di mercoledì scorso è stata premiata come gol della settimana in...

29 Nov 14:38 FcInterNews.it 7848284894159612000.html
Mandryk: Mid-year budget update sees Sask. Party gov't live up to its rhetoric

This budget is now signalling a mature, responsible Saskatchewan Party administration, writes Murray Mandryk. That’s a pretty big deal — politically and otherwise.

29 Nov 13:47 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425298793616.html
Le offerte di TECHly per Black Friday e Cyber Monday, fino al 40% di sconto | Tom's Hardware

Ecco li migliori offerte di TECHly per il Black Friday e Cyber Monday. Interessanti gadget e accessori per l'ufficio con sconti fino al 40%.

29 Nov 13:00 Tom's Hardware 6640147069079416912.html
Daniel Nasini asumió la presidencia de la Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario

Fue proclamado por la asamblea ordinaria anual de la entidad. Reemplaza en el cargo a Alberto Padoán.

29 Nov 13:19 La Capital 7472053047499779372.html
Sędzia Juszczyszyn zawieszony przez prezesa Sądu Rejonowego w Olsztynie

Sędzia Paweł Juszczyszyn został zawieszony ze skutkiem natychmiastowym w wykonywaniu czynności służbowych przez prezesa Sądu Rejonowego w Olsztynie Macieja Nawackiego. Dziś zostało wydane zarządzenie.

29 Nov 12:39 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536077187231.html
Paulo Sousa no meio de guerra pelo controlo do clube

O empresário Joe DaGrosa comprou o Bordéus há um ano e assumiu a presidência, mas ficou apenas com 14 por cento do capital - o restante está nas mãos do King Street, fundo de investimento britânico. Divergências sobre a política para o clube levaram, segundo a imprensa, a uma guerra pelo controlo.E diz a RMC vai ser a King Street, a ganhar essa guerra - o que levará DaGrosa a vender a sua participação e a deixar o Bordéus, juntamente com o português Hugo Varela, o braço-direito do empresário norte-americano na gestão do clube e responsável pela contratação de Paulo Sousa.

29 Nov 10:58 A BOLA 2278827558515398462.html
The best iPads you can buy

Apple is the uncontested king of tablets. The word iPad is synonymous with the word tablet. Chances are if you own a tablet at all, you have an iPad.

29 Nov 14:19 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883803680542.html
Free solo climber Brad Gobright fell 305 metres to his death

A record-breaking free solo climber reportedly failed to tie a crucial knot in his rope before slipping off and falling 305 metres down the face of a mountain.

29 Nov 12:58 PerthNow 6839538508788447534.html
Previsioni meteo weekend, ecco che tempo farà a Roma e nel Lazio

Previsioni meteo weekend, ecco che tempo farà a Roma e nel Lazio Roma Tempo generalmente stabile nel fine settimana; ampie schiarite nella giornata di sabato alternate solo a locali nubi nella mattinata. Tempo asciutto anche domenica con molte nubi sia nelle ore diurne sia poi in serata. Temperature comprese tra +8°C e +16°C.   Lazio […]

29 Nov 10:36 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338442484954.html
40 Jahre Kunsthandel Stephan Andréewitch

Zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum eröffnet der Kunsthändler Stephan Andréewitch am 5. Dezember 2019 einen neuen spektakulären Ausstellungsraum in der Wiener Innenstadt.

29 Nov 15:30 OTS.at 4182160711643710360.html
Microsoft may have a clever way to keep Surface Neo – and other laptops – from overheating

Namely a vapor chamber which could span both sections of the device via the hinge.

29 Nov 12:40 TechRadar 2111116915874483552.html
Flinke klap voor Liverpool: Fabinho door blessure pas in 2020 weer in actie

Liverpool moet het voorlopig doen zonder Fabinho. De verdediger annex controlerende middenvelder heeft deze week een enkelblessure opgelopen die hem voorlopig aan de kant houdt. De koploper van de Premier League meldt vrijdagmiddag via de officiële kanalen de de Braziliaans international pas in het nieuwe kalenderjaar weer in actie kan komen.

29 Nov 14:27 Voetbalzone 9096760911468002893.html
La croissance du PIB soutenue par la consommation au troisième trimestre

La croissance du produit intérieur brut (PIB) français a bien été de 0,3% au troisième trimestre, tirée par les dépenses de consommation des ménages qui progressent de 0,4%, a confirmé vendredi l'Insee en publiant sa deuxième estimation.

29 Nov 11:14 La Tribune 6570267672959379452.html
Prendre une femme de force

Une opinion de Florian Besson, docteur en histoire médiévale de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, pour "Actuel Moyen Age" (1). Dans un...

29 Nov 15:05 La Libre 2304109934828265522.html
María Pía Copello y el tipo de vestido infalible que siempre usa para lucir estilizada

María Pía Copello te animará a usar más vestidos negros, ya sea para fiestas, reuniones o tu día a día con los siguientes modelos.

29 Nov 12:28 Wapa.pe 6757287089802981669.html
Diablo 4: Blizzard äußert sich zur Personalisierung der Charaktere

Blizzard Entertainment verspricht für die Personalisierung der Spielcharaktere in "Diablo 4" mehr Optionen als in den Vorgängern. Das soll eine größere Vielfalt zur Folge haben und der Atmosphäre des Spiels zugute kommen.

29 Nov 10:40 play3.de 8301165837421037712.html
Rapid baut beim LASK auf die Auswärtsstärke

Vor dem Heimspiel am Sonntag gegen Rapid befindet sich der LASK auf der Erfolgswelle. In der Fußball-Bundesliga wurden die vergangenen sieben Partien allesamt gewonnen, die jüngsten vier davon ohne Gegentor. Zum Drüberstreuen fixierten die Linzer am Donnerstag mit dem 2:1 bei Rosenborg Trondheim vorzeitig den Einzug ins Sechzehntelfinale der Europa League.

29 Nov 14:17 weltfussball.at 3521376372555227047.html
Consumidor opta por fazer pesquisa na internet antes de ir às compras pessoalmente

Consumidor opta por fazer pesquisa na internet antes de ir às compras pessoalmente

29 Nov 13:47 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543906111407800.html
Rilasciati insieme a Redmi K30 anche i nuovi prodotti IoT di Redmi

Rilasciati insieme a Redmi K30 anche i nuovi prodotti IoT di Redmi: lo annuncia con un timido post su Weibo Lu Weibing, CEO del brand cinese.

29 Nov 10:50 XIAOMI today 2748202437526629830.html
Here Is What It Would Take To Steal Elon Musk's Space Car

Whether you’re an evil international billionaire supervillain, seeking a new plot for your next Fast And Furious In Space script, or investigating a murder that has you wondering who exactly is in that “Starman” suit, you’ve likely thought about orchestrating an interstellar automobile heist to get your hands...

29 Nov 11:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169214313495.html
'tensione finanziaria' alla juve: met


29 Nov 15:34 DAGOSPIA 6533336738946253172.html
Proccupati per Ronaldo? E' tutto sotto controllo: il piano della Juve

Ci risiamo, di nuovo. Cristiano Ronaldo è in dubbio per la gara di domenica col Sassuolo. Il ginocchio non è ancora guarito completamente, Sarri sta valutando la situazione giorno per giorno

29 Nov 10:30 il BiancoNero 8980755940757518508.html
Ue, Conte: "Il vento sta cambiando"

Il presidente del Consiglio: "Europa più attenta ai bisogni dei cittadini". Obiettivi della Commissione von der Leyen "coesione sociale, crescita, lavoro e ambiente"

29 Nov 12:26 Adnkronos 2840063644923266733.html
Meet Elizabeth Amoaa; the 36-year-old Ghanaian with two wombs and two cervixes

Elizabeth Amoaa was born with a rare condition: two vaginas, two cervixes and two wombs. She only got to know five years after the birth of her daughter. Amoaa in 2015 was diagnosed with uterus didelphys. Uterus didelphys, or “double uterus,” occurs during fetal development, when the two tubes that normally form one uterus instead...

29 Nov 10:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198129950627774.html
Liverpool without Fabinho until 2020

Fabinho will miss Liverpool’s December schedule, including their Club World Cup campaign, due to ankle ligament damage.

29 Nov 13:59 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905256753713.html
Insultaron y demoraron a Juan Grabois al llegar al aeropuerto de Bolivia: "Andate a tu país, maldito"

El líder de la CTEP fue indagado por la policía local. Un grupo de personas lo increpó y hubo empujones.

29 Nov 12:47 Todo Noticias 8077539161589480014.html
Check Out These Black Friday Laptop Deals On Amazon

Black Friday is here, and for many shoppers, that means it’s time to replace that old laptop with a new one while potentially saving hundreds of dollars in the process. Amazon is still one of ...

29 Nov 13:00 The Inquisitr 1745625230610496664.html
Fabinjo van terena šest do osam nedelja

U remiju sa Napolijem u Ligi šampiona povredu ligamenata zgloba zadobio je Fabinjo, a kako je pred nastavak takmičenja u Premijer ligi rekao Jirgen Klop, Brazilac će sa terena odsustvovati do sledeće godine.

29 Nov 14:31 Sport Klub 42251759460749068.html
Qué dijo Stornelli cuando le preguntaron por qué recién ahora se presenta en la Justicia

El polémico fiscal Carlos Stornelli finalmente compareció ante el juez de Ramos Padilla luego de estar en rebeldía varios meses. ¿Por qué cambió de parecer?

29 Nov 15:46 Diario Registrado 7686014736555704567.html
Die Wahrheit im Netz in Gefahr? – Tag zwei beim Mediengipfel in Lech am Arlberg

Hochkarätig besetzt startete der 2. Tag des 13. Mediengipfels in Lech am Arlberg - Nicht nur Social Media als fünfte Macht im Staat war Thema, sondern auch die Pressefreiheit

29 Nov 14:41 OTS.at 4182160712175560360.html
RCom shares hit upper circuit for sixth time; gain over 42 per cent in nine sessions

On the BSE, the stock settled 3.85 per cent up at 81 paise. The stock has gained over 42 per cent in nine trading sessions.

29 Nov 11:21 The Indian Express 2885715104804930305.html
Saints take down Falcons to win NFC South for third season in a row

The Saints are NFC South champs after a win over the Falcons on Thanksgiving. It is the third straight division title for the Saints.

29 Nov 14:24 KNOE 8 News 9048639191879868683.html
Napoli, spari in via Toledo tra la folla: gambizzato uomo davanti a un bar, panico tra i passanti

Napoli, spari in via Toledo tra la folla: gambizzato un uomo davanti a un bar, panico tra i passanti. L'episodio questa mattina in pieno centro.

29 Nov 10:06 UrbanPost 2450570493141915123.html
Geger Tuduhan Gak Perawan Bikin Atlet Senam SEA Games 2019 Mundur, Ibu: Ah Sedih!

WE Online, Kediri - Kisruh pemulangan paksa atlet senam lantai yang dituding tidak perawan memberikan kabar yang tak mengenakkan. Shalfa Avrila Siani (18), atlet senam lantai SEA Games 2019 asal Kediri memutuskan berhenti dari olahraga yang mengharumkan nama daerah, bangsa dan negaranya.

29 Nov 13:44 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835522430678.html
Quest'anno l'influenza in Italia è partita in anticipo

Numeri più alti rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2018: il picco epidemico potrebbe verificarsi in anticipo quest’anno, già a fine dicembre

29 Nov 11:22 Wired 7504010958646115155.html
Explota polvorín clandestino en Tultepec; muere un bebé y una persona

El gobernador del Estado de México informó que acudieron unidades de la Coordinación estatal de Protección Civil, para atender la detonación registrada en un taller clandestino de pirotecnia

29 Nov 14:49 El Universal 4964748197373067085.html
'Anger and frustration' - QPR feeling the pain ahead of Derby County clash

Derby County preview | The Rams return to Sky Bet Championship action at Pride Park on Saturday when they host Queens Park Rangers

29 Nov 13:30 Derbyshire Live 9061707930358757552.html
[EN DIRECTO]: Tiroteo en Londres

Hoy viernes 29 de noviembre en el puente de Londres se ha producido un tiroteo este mediodía. “Estamos lidiando con un incidente en el...

29 Nov 15:47 La Vanguardia 8061072700188528130.html
Black Friday - przeceny gamingowych akcesoriów Razera

W ramach przygotowanych przez polskie sklepy promocji taniej kupimy klawiatury, myszy, słuchawki i kamery internetowe sygnowane logiem firmy Razer.

29 Nov 11:01 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309380190372.html
Suspendieron de por vida a expresidente de Confederación Brasileña por corrupción

El antiguo presidente de la Federación Brasileña de Fútbol, Ricardo Teixeira, fue suspendido de por vida por "corrupción", anunció la FIFA.

29 Nov 13:13 Futbol Sapiens 6108039829984278947.html
Franciscanos no Chile lamentam incêndio em igreja: Afeta toda a sociedade

A Ordem Franciscana no Chile lamentou “profundamente" o voraz incêndio que consumiu a igreja de São Francisco de Assis de Curicó, em 27 de novembro, e indicou que sua destruição "afeta a sociedade em seu conjunto, memória e projeção".  

29 Nov 12:00 ACI Digital 1688611262241905247.html
Nuovo firmware degli auricolari wireless Sony WF-1000XM3: finalmente c'è la regolazione touch del volume

Sony ha rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per le cuffie wireless con eliminazione del rumore WF-1000XM3. Fra le novità il supporto ad Alexa e il controllo del volume tramite auricolare.

29 Nov 13:00 DDay.it 3262344772061429818.html
Unai Emery: Fans believe Arsenal intentionally sacked former boss on Black Friday

Unai Emery's sack happened on Black Friday because the club would only have to pay half his contract, according to Arsenal fans. The north Londoners announced the sacking of the Spaniard a day after the Gunners lost to Frankfurt.

29 Nov 13:52 Legit 3764253649885693743.html
Madre que lava chancheras sueña que su hija llegue a ser como la marchista Noelia Vargas

Liseth Díaz tiene tres trabajos con el fin de sacar adelante a sus hijos, con el deseo de que la menor siga creciendo en la escuelita de atletismo de la entrenadora Dixiana Mena, mamá de Andrea y Noelia Vargas

29 Nov 14:11 La Nación 504134873823302468.html
AWO Frankfurt nimmt Stellung gegen Vorwürfe - „Feldmann wurde wegen seiner guten Kontakte eingestellt“

Der Vorsitzende des Frankfurter AWO-Präsidiums, Ansgar Dittmar, und die Vize-Geschäftsführerin Jasmin Kasperkowitz zu den Vorwürfen

29 Nov 11:11 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323896925492.html
Cientista mostra real tamanho do Sistema Solar em vídeos; assista

Astrônomo explica a dificuldade de modelos precisos para análise do espaço

29 Nov 13:01 Olhar Digital 416591714617742919.html
BIA podnela dve krivične prijave za špijuniranje u korist HR

BEOGRAD - Bezbednosno-informativna agencija (BIA) podnela je juče, 28. novembra, krivičnu prijavu Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Sremskoj Mitrovici protiv Nikole Kajkića i Dražena Letića, zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da su izvršili krivično delo špijunaža iz člana 315 Krivičnog zakonika Srbije.

29 Nov 14:22 tanjug.rs 2690210341180937820.html
Merkez Bankası: Faiz oranları belirgin geriledi

Merkez Bankası Finansal İstikrar Raporu'nda, 'Enflasyondaki düşüş ve beklentilerdeki iyileşme ön plana çıkarken, döviz kuru oynaklıkları azaldı, faiz oranları belirgin geriledi.' ifadelerine yer verildi.

29 Nov 10:39 Yeni Şafak 1729259404576390282.html
Meurtre de Daphne Caruana Galizia : la justice maltaise aux ordres du gouvernement

Alors que l'enquête sur le meurtre de Daphne Caruana Galizia fait trembler le gouvernement depuis plus d'une semaine, la lenteur des investigations et les prises de décision du Premier ministre, Jos…

29 Nov 12:45 Libération.fr 4160113240551633626.html
Justin Kluivert deelt eer van doelpunt in Turkije: ‘Hij heeft mij veel geholpen’

AS Roma won donderdagavond op overtuigende wijze van Medipol Basaksehir (0-3), met Justin Kluivert als een van de doelpuntenmakers aan Italiaanse zijde. De vleugelaanvaller is blij met zijn doelpunt op Turkse bodem en is dankbaar voor het vertrouwen dat hij krijgt van trainer Paulo Fonseca. Kluivert is echter ambitieus en aast op meer succesvolle optredens namens Roma.

29 Nov 10:42 Voetbalzone 9096760911870822376.html
Handsome Tostada – Delightful New Male Monkey at Orana

Introducing Orana Wildlife Park’s newest bachelor – Tostada, a 23 year old spider monkey. He’s 8kg of fur and muscle, dark and handsome (not so tall) and he’s already working his magic on his four new girls.

29 Nov 15:56 SCOOP 5315659000077832701.html
Bluttat in Wien-Favoriten - 62-Jähriger in Justizanstalt

Der 62-jährige Mann, der am Mittwoch in Wien-Favoriten seine 50-jährige Ehefrau erstochen haben soll, ist am Freitag in eine Justizanstalt eingeliefert worden. Das teilte die Polizei auf Anfrage der APA mit. Der afghanische Staatsbürger hatte bei seiner Einvernahme am Donnerstag die Tat gestanden.

29 Nov 13:16 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084493275828.html
I Didn't Want to Go Out Tonight Until I Saw Hailey Baldwin's Cutout Crop Top

Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber went for dinner at Komodo in Miami, showing off their coordinated outfits when they left the restaurant. While the newlyweds

29 Nov 14:00 POPSUGAR Fashion 1694745615499473133.html
Motorista é arrancado de carro, apanha e se finge de morto durante assalto

Homem de 34 anos foi assaltado no início da manhã desta sexta-feira (29), enquanto dormia dentro do carro na Rua Mainá, no Jardim Colibri, em Campo Grande. Ele foi arrancado do veículo, agredido e precisou fingir que estava morto. Segundo informações do boletim de ocorrência, o motorista contou aos policiais que ingeriu bebida alcoólica e estacionou o veículo, um GM Corsa, na Rua Mainá, para dormi...

29 Nov 11:10 Campo Grande News 7902463001250848684.html
Holly Willoughby sobs on This Morning after meeting boy, 4, told he'd never walk, talk or smile

Holly, 38, chatted to a little boy and his family who had proven all the doctors wrong as part of Thursday, November 28 edition of the show

29 Nov 12:14 birminghammail 8288260686638521763.html
Guardians of the Galaxy 3's Karen Gillan Praises Gunn's 'Amazing' Script

Karen Gillan, who portrays Nebula in the MCU, has shared her thoughts on James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 script.

29 Nov 15:11 CBR.com 1295516963122180336.html
Calabria, nuovo caso nei 5S: "Candidato ha villa abusiva"

Villa abusiva per il candidato 5 stelle

29 Nov 14:21 ilGiornale.it 5019541224689541546.html
Se jugaron cuatro fechas del Abierto de Polo

El sábado 23 por la fecha 3 y por la copa “Banco de Alimentos”, debutó el campeón “La Dolfina Sancor Seguros” ante “La Irenita” (surgido de la clasificación). El equipo de Cañuelas venció por 19/7. Fue un buen partido, destacándose Cambiaso con siete goles, faltándole uno para llegar a los 950 en su historia en […]

29 Nov 14:04 El Eco 4177735525371958480.html
Gobierno dice estar "dialogando" con la oposición por proyecto de FF.AA. y se abre a modificarlo

Desde el Ejecutivo señalaron que pese a todo, hay "consenso respecto al fondo" de la iniciativa que permitirá a los uniformados resguardar la infraestructura crítica.

29 Nov 15:05 Emol 3328490601729759362.html
Batch of Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce recalled over 'risk of explosion'

A particular batch of hot chilli sauce is being recalled over fears it could explode.The Food Sa...

29 Nov 14:17 Newstalk 7635722259452371941.html
Watch: Karnataka’s Abhimanyu Mithun creates history with a five-wicket over in Syed Mushtaq Ali T20

Mithun became the first Indian bowler to take a hat-trick in all three formats of India’s domestic tournaments.

29 Nov 14:04 Scroll.in 8669301692164484227.html
Celia Lora visita la mansión Playboy con sensual disfraz (FOTO)

La hija del rockero Alex Lora presumi&oacute; la fiesta de disfraces que vivi&oacute; en la mansi&oacute;n Playboy, donde aprovech&oacute; para lucir sus mejores atributos.

29 Nov 12:10 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623796860381.html
El técnico del Bologna, Sinisa Mihajlovic, sorprende al mundo con un anuncio

La maravillosa noticia que dio Sinisa Mihajlovic fue transmitida en directo por varios medios italianos, y es tema de conversación a nivel mundial.

29 Nov 14:16 Publinews 8987875305321805693.html
Detenido un hombre por golpear a su pareja hasta dejarla inconsciente delante del bebé de ambos

29 Nov 13:44 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612568716341.html
Arturo Vidal quiere más protagonismo o dejará el Barcelona

El futbolista chileno señala que al final de la temporada podría plantearse ''buscar otro horizonte para ser importante''

29 Nov 15:55 El Informador 103545929852398210.html
In pictures: Unai Emery’s Arsenal career

The Spaniard was sacked by the Premier League club on Friday.

29 Nov 11:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775037787850.html
In pictures: Unai Emery’s Arsenal career

The Spaniard was sacked by the Premier League club on Friday.

29 Nov 11:18 Express & Star 7324224459781201978.html
Will the entire iPhone 12 range feature OLED screens?

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 29 — Although it will not be out before the fall of 2020, Korean website ET News is already reporting on some of the alleged features of the future iPhone 12. The high-end Apple smartphone will reportedly no longer ship with an LCD screen, the entire future range will be...

29 Nov 15:53 Malaymail 302165934967258534.html
Cambios importantes en las pruebas de selectividad en Galicia para 2020

Los alumnos que queden en lista de espera para matricularse deberán reconfirmar que quieren seguir en las listas

29 Nov 12:42 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578354123153.html
Macri comenzó la mudanza en Olivos

Con una foto que se volvió viral en la que se ve un camión de gran porte dentro de la Residencia.

29 Nov 13:42 El Esquiú 5729181306075558650.html
Kako z embalažo Tetra Pak do recikliranih robčkov?

V povprečju več kot 70 % embalaže Tetra Pak sestavlja karton, ki ga je mogoče predelati in iz njega izdelati nove, kakovostne izdelke, kot so na primer higienski papirnati robčki. V tem krogotoku imamo zelo pomembno vlogo kupci izdelkov v embalaži Tetra Pak. Ko izpraznjeno embalažo Tetra Pak odložimo v rumeni zabojnik ali rumeno vrečo za odpadno embalažo, s tem omogočimo njeno recikliranje in ponovno uporabo njenih sestavnih materialov v novih izdelkih.

29 Nov 13:53 Primorske novice 8884558925578838728.html
El Corte Inglés distribuirá seguros de salud de Mapfre

Mapfre se alía con El Corte Inglés Seguros para comercializar sus seguros de salud a través de la correduría del grupo de distribución. Este ramo se une a los seguros de hogar y autos de Mapfre que El Corte Inglés Seguros ya incluía en su portfolio. A pa

29 Nov 10:47 Diariocrítico 5375131904319934046.html
Sara Socas desvela su talento oculto a David Broncano en ‘La Resistencia’

Y responde a las esperadas preguntas del dinero y el sexo

29 Nov 10:59 LOS40 2217396490565870389.html
Greta i pepparkaksversion på museum i Stockholm

Greta Thunbergs kamp för klimatet mot den globala uppvärmningen är ett tema som flera deltagare i årets pepparkakshustävling på ArkDes har gestaltat.

29 Nov 12:34 DN.SE 398730693513369547.html
It’s not elementary, my dear social media

To all the overnight Sherlocks who bloomed gloriously online over the last month…

29 Nov 12:22 The Hindu 6679535024237301217.html
Arturo Vidal quiere más protagonismo en el Barcelona o se marchará

Arturo Vidal analizará a final de la temporada si continúa en el Barcelona

29 Nov 14:53 canalN.pe 1595273588620291801.html
Hohe Haftstrafenfür K-Pop-Stars

Sie waren Stars – und nutzten ihre Popularität schamlos aus, um sich an Frauen heranzumachen und sie gemeinsam zu vergewaltigen.

29 Nov 14:02 Bild 8433249908935960468.html
"A mayor cooperación, mejores resultados": Ebrard sobre dichos de Trump por caso LeBarón

Tras haber evadido la polémica, Obrador reaparece ante la prensa con un mensaje de conciliación con el gobierno de Estados Unidos.

29 Nov 11:55 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557628990094739.html
Cómo es el buscador alternativo a Google que apuesta por la privacidad (y que usa el CEO de Twitter)

Razones para usar un buscador al que no le interesa ganar plata con tu información.

29 Nov 13:35 La Voz 6237180760820157717.html
Financière de l'Échiquier : deux fonds distingués par le label responsable allemand FNG-Siegel

Echiquier Major SRI Growth Europe et Echiquier Positive Impact Europe sont distingués pour la première fois par le label allemand FNG-Siegel, avec le plus haut niveau de qualité, 3 étoiles. Le...

29 Nov 12:04 Zonebourse 7946574377520049574.html
Jonatan Cristaldo, exjugador de Cruz Azul, acusado de violencia de género

Morella De Las Heras, expareja del futbolista, mostró en video los supuestos golpes que recibió

29 Nov 15:44 RÉCORD 4614294662185435412.html
GdS - Suning ha investito 700 milioni nell'Inter: nessun nuovo proprietario ha avuto un impatto così forte nel calcio italiano

Settecento milioni. È questa, come riporta La Gazzetta dello Sport nella sua analisi, la cifra investita da Suning da quando è diventato azionista di maggioranza dell’Inter nel...

29 Nov 14:52 FcInterNews.it 7848284892882034604.html
RAT Bought by 14,500 People Taken Down in International Operation

The UK's National Crime Agency says it has taken down a hacking tool called IM RAT, which was bought by cybercriminals in 124 countries

29 Nov 12:24 Computer Business Review 8072376453341573371.html
Otro ataque a cuchillo atermoriza a Europa: esta vez ocurrió en La Haya

El suceso, que dejó 3 personas heridas, ocurrió horas después de que pasara lo mismo en Londres, agresión que dejó 3 muertos, entre ellos el sospechoso. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:54 pulzo.com 8971816786455166444.html
Black Friday opening times for Aldi, Lidl, Waitrose and Co-op

Black Friday 2019 is here.

29 Nov 11:39 Metro 970161747314352598.html
Justin Bieber Holds Hands with Wife Hailey as They Head to Lunch

Justin and Hailey Bieber hold hands as they head to lunch at the Rusty Pelican on Friday afternoon (November 29) in Miami, Fla.

29 Nov 12:36 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173020457955.html
Los Premios Cátedra Aquae premian a una valenciana en la categoría de Mejor Trabajo Fin de Grado

La ingeniera agroalimentaria Aina Valls recibe este galardón por su trabajo sobre los servicios ecosistémicos del Parque Natural del Turia

29 Nov 12:35 ABC.es 6074573462887666990.html
Reggio Calabria, uomo trovato morto in spiaggia a Pellaro

Reggio Calabria un uomo ritrovato morto in spiaggia a Pellaro, indagini in corso

29 Nov 11:52 Tempostretto 3143171742946575843.html
"Un violador en tu camino", el himno feminista ahora suena en Spotify

"Un violador en tu camino" ha sido utilizado, sin querer, como un himno para los colectivos feministas

29 Nov 14:39 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623156731402.html
Merkelova prvi put u poseti Aušvicu

BERLIN - Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel posetiće Aušvic prvi put narednog petka, a uoči 75.godišnjice od oslobođenja tog zloglasnog logora od nacista,

29 Nov 14:48 Krstarica 4176903988214997505.html
8 Brusselse ministers hebben samen 32 wagens

Hoewel de Brusselse regering voor de burger een zeer auto-vijandig beleid voert in de hoofdstad, bedient ze zichzelf rijkelijk met wagens. De 5 ministers en 3 staatssecretarissen hebben samen maar liefst 32 wagens tot hun beschikking. Dat bracht La Capitale. Iedereen sprak de intentie uit om dat wagenpark af te bouwen, na vragen van de pers.

29 Nov 13:33 SCEPTR 7604357483221498347.html
PREMIJERKA ANA BRNABIĆ: Ćulibrk potvrdio da postoji sloboda medija u Srbiji

Premijerka Ana Brnabić kazala je da je izjava glavnog urednika NIN Milana Ćulibrka da nikada nije kukao da u Srbiji ne postoji sloboda medija potvrda da u našoj zemlji sloboda medija postoji i da je ovo važan trenutak za društvo.- E, dobro, konačno potvrda ...

29 Nov 14:27 kurir.rs 6515665027399937429.html
Wereldkampioen en naakt op persconferentie in 2018, grote afkeer in 2019: snookertopper doet wenkbrauwen fronsen

Mark Williams werd in 2018 nog voor de derde keer wereldkampioen snooker. Een jaar later uitte hij in een opmerkelijk interview zijn afkeer voor de sport.

29 Nov 11:33 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192314895851.html
La Audiencia mantiene libres a 4 excargos de la Junta condenados por el 'caso ERE'

El tribunal desestima así la solicitud de Anticorrupción, que pidió el ingreso inmediato de los cuatro en la cárcel, según han informado fuentes del caso

29 Nov 13:24 El Confidencial 6129807549308304097.html
Amazfit Bip Lite: Xiaomi-Smartwatch im Black-Friday-Angebot

Smartwatch-Deal zum Black Friday: Saturn gewährt einen großen Rabatt auf die Amazfit Bip Lite von Xiaomi. Hier die Details!

29 Nov 14:21 Computer Bild 4944248630824510862.html
S+B: Vekselberg fordert Aktionäre zur Versöhnung auf

Die Aktionäre sollen zum Wohle des Unternehmens ihre Kräfte bündeln, um den Zusammenbruch zu verhindern.

29 Nov 11:24 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203938162815301.html
Odisha's investments in PSUs yield poor returns, says CAG report

Out of 147 entities where the government poured funds, only 12 had paid dividend- two rural banks, nine government companies and one statutory corporation

29 Nov 14:16 Business-Standard 1502508924963006516.html
The power of going viral, how much money 4 million YouTube views earns, a day with Doctor Mike

Happy Friday!

29 Nov 13:19 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883819729543.html
Formel 1 - Abu Dhabi: Vettel auf Rang vier - Bottas Schnellster

Der Kurztrip zum Saisonfinale hat für Sebastian Vettel am Freitag einige Enttäuschungen gebracht. Nur zwei Tage nach der Geburt seines dritten Kindes saß der viermalige Weltmeister zwar rechtzeitig zum freien Training von Abu Dhabi in seinem Ferrari - als Tagesvierter fuhr er der Spitze mit knapp einer halben Sekunde Rückstand aber nur hinterher.

29 Nov 14:43 SPOX 8395423525112498229.html
Major Police Response at London Bridge Amid Reports of Shooting

Truck sprawled across multiple lanes in photos from scene

29 Nov 15:49 Infowars 1950426314257516518.html
Einbruch in das Grüne Gewölbe: Erschütterung auch in Polen

Der Einbruch in das Grüne Gewölbe schlägt auch in Polen hohe Wellen. Dort wird die Tat auch als Angriff auf das nationale historische Erbe gewertet.

29 Nov 14:33 MDR 5336324389832519438.html
Plumrose invita a disfrutar de la ruta del pan de jamón

Entre el 25 de noviembre y el 8 de diciembre panaderías de los cinco municipios de Caracas mostrarán sus versiones del tradicional plato navideño venezolano

29 Nov 14:23 Globovisión 5928221752433100309.html
Griselda, The Game, Fabolous & More: Which Album Is Your Favorite

Which album is on steady rotation? The year is nearing a close, but the albums keep on coming. In fact, today has been the most fruitful day in a minute, bringing a wealth of new projects into the fold. For one, we've got releases from The Game, with his final album Born 2 Rap; features from Nipsey ...

29 Nov 11:04 hnhh 366195974408785582.html
Jennifer Lopez y Alex Rodriguez comparten fotos familiares de su Día de Acción de Gracias

¡Así festejaron los Rodriguez-López el Día de Acción de Gracias!

29 Nov 12:44 CiberCuba 8213836168800079551.html
Cosmic Girls go over their moves in 'As You Wish' dance practice video (fixed cam version)

Cosmic Girls have revealed a look at their dance practice for "As You Wish".In their 'fixed cam version' above, the Cosmic Girls go over the…

29 Nov 11:44 allkpop 3249686061318875383.html
Rudi Dolezal : DoRo: Österreichische Filmproduktions-Größe ist insolvent

Wegfall des größten Auftraggebers, dazu Veruntreuungs-Vorwürfe gegen einen ehemaligen Angestellten: Die Filmproduktionsfirma DoRo meldet Insolvenz an.

29 Nov 12:45 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700806338195.html
Día Internacional del Jaguar: rescatan a dos cachorros víctimas del tráfico ilegal

Gracias a una llamada anónima, el Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (Serfor) rescató a dos crías de jaguar, u otorongo, que se encontraban en una vivienda en el anexo Alto Chincarmas, ubicado en el distrito de Perené, provincia de Chanchamayo, en Junín.

29 Nov 14:25 andina.pe 9054036848613147028.html
Morala je sina da preda ocu: Pogledajte trenutak kada je Severina malog Aleksandra odvela Milanu (VIDEO)

Hrvatska pevačica Severina Vučković sinoć je predala sina Aleksandra njegovom ocu Milanu Popoviću

29 Nov 10:31 Вечерње новости 4219870591962660248.html
Meer dan 140 geredde migranten wachten op veilige haven om aan wal te komen

Bijna 140 migranten wachten op een veilige haven om aan wal te komen, nadat ze door twee verschillende schepen gered werden in de Middellandse Zee. 

29 Nov 14:25 HLN 8967494996545208060.html
Cárcel a hombre acusado de asesinar a ciudadano y de herir a una menor

El hombre fue enviado a la cárcel por ser el presunto autor responsable del asesinato de un ciudadano y de herir a una menor en Cajibío, Cauca.

29 Nov 10:27 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827647284295.html
Andrew Smith keert terug naar Donar

Donar haalt de 26 jarige  Andrew Smith terug naar Groningen. Deshawn Freeman wordt vervangen door de power forward met de Amerikaanse en Letse nationaliteit.Smith speelde eerder al in Groningen i

29 Nov 15:49 OOG 303718093531388558.html
Tria scarica conte sul mes: ''si congratul


29 Nov 12:10 DAGOSPIA 6533336739824645375.html
Sofía Vergara sorprende a sus seguidores al ritmo de Nicky Jam

La actriz colombiana Sof&iacute;a Vergara celebr&oacute; el D&iacute;a de Acci&oacute;n de Gracias junto a su familia en Estados Unidos donde comparti&oacute; con sus seguidores un video bailando una canci&oacute;n de Nicky Jam.

29 Nov 14:54 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623292158214.html
Who’s through, who has work to do? How things stand for British teams in Europe

There is only one round of group fixtures left in the Champions League and Europa League.

29 Nov 14:16 Express & Star 7324224460371514740.html
Mes, D'Uva (M5S): "Al lavoro per migliorarlo. Salvini-Meloni? Solo propaganda"

"La questione del Mes merita innanzitutto di essere ricostruita nel suo svolgimento e contestualizzata. Per permettere agli italiani di comprenderla...

29 Nov 10:26 Affari Italiani 6123405403439107932.html
Cameriera cammina ogni giorno 3 ore per arrivare a lavoro, due sconosciuti le regalano un’auto

Dopo aver scoperto che camminava per 20 km al giorno per raggiungere il ristorante dove lavora a Galveston, in Texas, una coppia ha deciso di fare un bel regalo di Natale ad Adrianna Edwards: una macchina nuova di zecca che aiuterà anche la ragazza ad iniziare il college prima di quanto inizialmente pensasse.

29 Nov 15:50 fanpage.it 1517332167715418626.html
Turkish financial sector buys 85.05% stake in JCR Eurasia

Turkey's leading banking and financial institutions inked a deal to buy 85.05% of credit rating agency JCR Eurasia, Turkey's banking association said on...

29 Nov 11:27 DAILY SABAH 8383944808680340849.html
Inflation in der Euro-Zone steigt im November auf 1,0 Prozent

Die Inflation im Euro-Raum legt im Vergleich zum Vormonat deutlich zu. Das dürfte vor allem an gestiegenen Preisen bei Dienstleistungen liegen.

29 Nov 10:06 Handelsblatt 4721373939746831563.html
Free solo climber Brad Gobright dies in horror 300m mountain fall

Renowned American free solo climber Brad Gobright has died after 300m plunge off a cliff in Mexico.

29 Nov 10:40 Buzz.ie 7092425146885576818.html
You don't want to miss out on these Black Friday motherboard discounts

The motherboard is one of the more important considerations for a PC since it'll determine which CPU you can use, what RAM is supported, what features you can enjoy, and more. Here are the best motherboard deals we've come across for Black Friday.

29 Nov 12:54 Windows Central 7807657680435409885.html
Parlamento saúda estudantes em protesto e louva greve climática

O texto do PS só teve o voto contra do deputado do Chega e a abstenção do CDS, enquanto o documento do PAN contou com a oposição de CDS e Chega e a abstenção da IL.

29 Nov 15:41 SÁBADO 5711459692459663123.html
Tap O The Brae swoop the Ayrshire Post's Pub of the Year award

The popular Annbank boozer is family-run and owned by Danny and Marion Sloan.

29 Nov 10:22 dailyrecord 552235480577272210.html
Papa Francisc a primit un Duster 4X4: Dacia trimisă la Vatican este radical modificată pentru a corescunde nevoilor suveranului pontif

Papa Francisc a primit miercuri un Duster 4x4, modificat special pentru nevoile de mobilitate ale suveranului pontif, arată compania Renault...

29 Nov 14:51 Stiri pe surse 4858045013300278267.html
Da Amadora para o RIO

Durante a homenagem na Câmara da cidade, Jesus bem perguntou, à esquerda e à direita: Então e o hino de Portugal?A bandeira das quinas ostentada pelo treinador não chegou para aproximar os países irmãos. - Cúmplices , Flash.

29 Nov 11:53 FLASH! 6162141176609812324.html
'Ho visto la Juve da vicino. Dalla sorpresa Bernardeschi alle urla di Sarri: vi racconto tutto'

A 46 anni ci si può ancora emozionare per il calcio. Per alcuni solo un gioco, per altri è vita. Antonio Rinero va allo stadio da una vita, ma quando ieri si è seduto sulle tribune

29 Nov 11:30 il BiancoNero 8980755941558656118.html
Wanda Vázquez someterá nombramiento de secretario de Estado en la sesión legislativa de enero

"Tenemos a alguien bastante cerca", aseguró la mandataria

29 Nov 13:58 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310142808684.html
Un ministre blessé dans un pugilat au Parlement

Deux élus ont été blessés dans une rixe qui a éclaté dans l'hémicycle au Lesotho. Les parlementaires ont échangé des coups de poubelles et de micros.

29 Nov 13:59 L'essentiel 554828747247935377.html
Arrancaron la serie con el pie derecho

Distribuidora Blanc, Costa Porá, Cinco Caldas y La Academia ganaron sus respectivos juegos de cuartos de final del Clausura juvenil. Blanc goleó a Súper Espuma por 4 a 0 con tantos de Lucas García...

29 Nov 15:52 Primera Edición 6803897642639133187.html
Aliados de Bolsonaro reagem a demissões do secretário da Cultura, Roberto Alvim

As mudanças promovidas pelo recém-nomeado secretário de Cultura, Roberto Alvim, em cargos ...

29 Nov 15:00 UOL Noticias 8892198859822056277.html
En visite en Afghanistan, Trump annonce la reprise des négociations avec les talibans

Le président américain Donald Trump a annoncé jeudi lors d’une visite surprise en Afghanistan que les négociations avec les talibans, interrompues en

29 Nov 13:12 African Manager 933752095829070868.html
Afganistan hamlesi

ABD Başkanı Donald Trump sürpriz bir şekilde Afganistan'ı ziyaret etti. Amerikan askerlerini ziyaret eden Trump Taliban'la yeniden müzakerelere döndüklerini belirti. 

29 Nov 14:05 OLAY 7935247626084050133.html
U Beogradu za Italiju debituje nova NBA nada!

Na kvalifikacionom turniru za Olimpijske igre u Beogradu najozbiljniji protivnik Srbije biće Italija.

29 Nov 15:20 REPUBLIKA 2543998406128302580.html
Olah Only Feels Like He Hit the Lottery in New Freestyle

BK all day.

29 Nov 14:41 XXL Mag 2522554272990586903.html
Trtl is having a great Cyber Monday sale — its wildly popular travel pillows are under $20 today only, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Updated 12/2/19 at 3 pm ET: Trtl's popular travel pillows are up to 40% off on Cyber Monday. Here's where you can get the best deals.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

2 Dec 20:24 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756939186881.html
Calcio femminile, Enu Aluko decide di lasciare: troppo razzismo in Italia. Gioca nella Juventus

Enu Aluko, attaccante della Juventus, ha deciso di lasciare la squadra. Il problema? Il clima di razzismo dilagante che vige in Italia e del quale la ragazza si è sentita talvolta bersaglio Prima del Mondiale di calcio femminile disputatosi in Francia quest’anno, sui principali canali televisivi del nostro Paese non si parlava quasi per nulla …

29 Nov 10:01 NewNotizie 1312053896200045070.html
Fashola under fire for ‘deceptive’ tweet on privately-funded road

Nigerians on Twitter have reacted to the portrayal of a six-kilometer private road project as government-owned by Babatunde Fashola, minister of works and housing.

29 Nov 13:02 TheCable 7513571675290599272.html
„Acute Community Nursing“ unterstützt Rettung

Der österreichweit einzigartige Studiengang „Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege plus“ der FH St. Pölten bietet mit dem Land NÖ eine akademische Kombiausbildung zum Krankenpfleger und Notfallsanitäter an. Die Ausbildung ist Grundlage für ein neues Pilotprojekt namens „Acute Community Nursing“.

29 Nov 10:09 NÖN.at 2486998932081627843.html
Programa del domingo con AMLO y la Sonora Santanera

AMLO en festejo el 1 de diciembre. La Sonora Santanera, Los Salmerón, Caña Brava y Horacio Franco. Desde la 10 de la mañana. Mensaje del presidente 12 horas

29 Nov 14:44 Regeneración 4314126176152841915.html
Dos grandes quieren a César Torres; Alianza ya tiene candidatos para reemplazarlo

El timonel de alianza Petrolera fue una de las gratas sorpresas de la Liga Águila.

29 Nov 12:58 Antena 2 310632178950695613.html
Is Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman based on a true story?

The characters are real, but some details are subject to debate.

29 Nov 13:23 Metro 970161748630561977.html
10 animals killed in barn fire at Ohio wildlife park

At least 10 animals have died in a barn fire that erupted at an Ohio wildlife park, officials said.

29 Nov 12:10 City NEWS 1130 5858657120731112617.html
Unai Emery fue destituido del cargo de entrenador de Arsenal

El Arsenal confirmó este viernes la marcha del técnico español Unai Emery, debido «a que los resultados y el rendimiento del equipo no fueron los esperados».

29 Nov 10:01 El Tubazo Digital 6657891530312660609.html
Red riding in the hood with Rouge Hermès

The Rouges Hermès travelling exhibition makes a stop at India in India, with equestrian-inspired heritage pieces, including saddles, paintings and robes

29 Nov 10:48 The Hindu 6679535025978854934.html
This Metro Vancouver ‘intimacy co-ordinator’ nurtures a community of respect on film sets

In broad strokes, the job of intimacy co-ordinator on film and TV sets is about nurturing a community of respect.

29 Nov 15:33 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496809707071.html
Boris Johnson says he's 'made of Greggs' but doesn't have a clue how much a sausage roll costs

The Tory leader boasted that he is 'made out of Greggs' during a telephone interview ahead of the general election

29 Nov 12:23 ChronicleLive 1984146901373066660.html
Gold and Roses: son las joyas que han cautivado a la reina Letizia

Un nuevo concepto de joyería de líneas sencillas, piezas cómodas y mucho diseño, así son las creaciones de la firma Gold and Roses, que han cautivado, entre otras, a la reina Letizia, la cantante Aitana Ocaña o la “influencer” Mónica Anoz.

29 Nov 15:34 Wapa.pe 6757287088364158673.html
Van PSV tot Arsenal: welke teams waren nog jonger dan United in Europa?

De Rode Duiveltjes. Manchester United speelde gisteren met een elftal van gemiddeld 22 jaar en 26 dagen. De jongste ploeg die de Red Devils ooit de wei instuurden. De jongste ploeg ooit is het echt...

29 Nov 15:25 HLN 8967494998066721540.html
Nike Celebrates the 2020 NBA Paris Game With Special Capsule

The event kicks off on January 24.

29 Nov 12:34 HYPEBEAST 3806037269255830246.html
Duopharma Biotech's 3Q earnings jump 21% on higher product demand

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Duopharma Biotech Bhd has reported a 21% jump in net profit to RM14.86 million for its third quarter ended Sept 30, 2019, from RM12.29 million a year ago.The pharmaceutical company said in an exchange filing today revenue rose 13.5% to RM142.86 million, from RM125.84 million in the year-ago third quarter.Duopharma Biotech's group managing director Leonard Ariff Abdul Shatar said the improved results reflected increased demand for the group's pharmaceutical products from the private and public

29 Nov 11:23 The Edge Markets 6322622075187522101.html
Your Daily Horoscope for Saturday, November 30

Free daily horoscope for each star sign from renowned Astrologer Hedy Damari. Forecasts for the week ahead in life, love and career.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730563058174174.html
'Why didn't She Call 100?' Telangana Minister Blames Victim in Gruesome Rape and Murder Case

"This is an unfortunate incident. But why didn't she call up 100? She was an educated woman," the minister said.

29 Nov 11:29 India.com 7150386084081154265.html
Ojo con estos ingresos: casos en los que tu banco avisa a Hacienda

Mucha gente asume que el dinero que ingresa en su cuenta corriente es una cuestión privada, y ya se encargarán ellos de declararlo a Hacienda si corresponde. Pero no es... #banco #dinero #hacienda

29 Nov 12:00 TICbeat 5328802415627335328.html
ZWARTE VRIJDAG: geef iemand een TPO+-jaarabonnement cadeau, alleen vandaag voor slechts 35 euro

De 15 euro die je overhoudt kun je mooi besteden aan andere Black Friday aanbiedingen

29 Nov 11:25 ThePostOnline 3048418757389078189.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a los cuatro ex altos cargos de la Junta para quienes la Fiscalía pedía prisión inmediata

Los exconsejeros de Empleo Antonio Fernández y José Antonio Viera y los exdirectores generales de Trabajo Francisco Javier Guerrero y Juan Márquez no tendrán que entrar en prisión provisional como pedía Anticorrupción y el PPEl auto dice que no existe "un riesgo objetivo" de fuga alegado por las acusaciones porque los condenados han comparecido siempre a los llamamientos judiciales

29 Nov 13:53 eldiario.es 4752673444924157517.html
Studiu: 69% dintre soferii romani admit ca depasesc viteza legala cu buna stiinta: aproape jumatate dintre ei parcheaza masina in locuri interzise

Aproape 70% dintre soferii romani au recunoscut ca depasesc viteza legala cu buna stiinta, in timp ce jumatate dintre ei spun ca parcheaza masina in locuri interzise, potrivit unui studiu realizat de Continental si Academia Titi Aur. Toti soferii considera ca traficul din tara s-a inrautatit in ultimul an, ei reclamand aglomeratia si lipsa de civilizatie, noteaza Automarket.ro.

29 Nov 14:51 Wall-Street 2473040520484873842.html
Jabra Elite 75t sind fast perfekte Ohrhörer

Auch ohne aktive Geräuschunterdrückung gehören die Jabra Elite 75t zu den aktuell besten Ohrhörern auf dem Markt, weil sie ein sehr starkes Gesamtpaket bieten. Je nach Vorlieben sind sie auch eine echte Alternative zu Apples wesentlich teureren Airpods Pro.

29 Nov 15:54 n-tv 6802689755067849230.html
Best Christmas gifts for babies and toddlers: top present ideas for little ones

Buying Christmas gifts for little ones is one of the most exciting things about the festive period - unless you're buying for a child who already has everything.

5 Dec 16:10 The Telegraph 140598090950914890.html
Od petka do petka: lov na salame, super babica premlatila vlomilca in bogastvo za smrdeče krave

V tokratnem pregledu neobičajnih novic s področja črne kronike izpostavljamo lov novomeških policistov na ukradene suhomesnate izdelke, 82-letno Američanko, ki je tako premlatila mladega vlomilca, da so ga (praznih rok) s kraja odpeljali kar v rešilcu, sledi zgodba s francoskega podeželja, kjer mora kmet zaradi smradu svojih krav sosedom plačati visoko odškodnino, pa nesrečna vožnja nemškega upokojenca, ki je kuverto z 20 tisoč evri pozabil na strehi vozila in odpeljal. Pregled zaključujemo z zgodbo pilota, ki je imel pri strmoglavljenju letala na daljnovod več sreče kot pameti.

29 Nov 15:50 Dnevnik 7671546649632621394.html
PSD acuză noul guvern PNL: Desfiinţarea salariului minim diferenţiat, abordare specifică regimurilor comuniste

PSD a acuzat, vineri, desfiinţarea salariului minim diferenţiat pentru angajaţi cu studii superioare, apreciind că este o abordare specifică regimurilor comuniste care îşi propuneau eliminarea brutală a diferenţelor dintre intelectuali şi „proletariat”. 

29 Nov 10:25 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918422281361.html
Disputa para reformar antiga rodoviária tem 15 interessadas

Quinze empresas se interessaram em reformar a antiga rodovi&aacute;ria. Catiana Sabadin, coordenadora especial da Central de Projetos da Secretaria Municipal de Governo e Rela&ccedil;&otilde;es Institucionais...

29 Nov 15:36 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490045220218.html
Laureati: ne servono un milione, ne mancano 100mila. Soprattutto medici e ingegneri

ROMA – Nei prossimi cinque anni mancheranno all’appello circa centomila laureati. Uno scarto che certifica la distanza tra la domanda di lavoratori ad alta professionalità e un’offerta insufficiente a soddisfare il fabbisogno. Il lavoro ci sarebbe, mancano tuttavia profili professionali adeguati, conseguenza di un’offerta formativa carente, specie nei settori chiave scientifici a cominciare da medici e ingegneri. Mancano 100mila laureati all’appello Si stima, elaborando i dati del Miur, che nel periodo 2019-2023 il totale dei neo-laureati ammonterà a 893.600 unità, su un fabbisogno totale che andrà dalle 959mila alle 1.014mila unità. Gli indirizzi di laurea, in cui lo scarto tra fabbisogno totale e offerta prevista è positivo, quindi con una maggiore richiesta di profili rispetto a quanti si attende usciranno dalle Università, saranno quelli medico-sanitario, economico, ingegneria-architettura, giuridico e statistico.Istat: cresce l’occupazione (+217mila su anno) ma solo grazie a partite Iva e stagionaliLa pensione…

29 Nov 11:01 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354047279682.html
Koen Dewulf est le nouveau directeur de Myria

Le conseil d’administration du Centre fédéral migration a désigné Koen Dewulf comme nouveau directeur, à l’issue d’une procédure de sélection prévue par la loi.

29 Nov 10:30 Vivreici.be 7768530901686487147.html
MV Agusta Dragster 800 series sold out in India

Pune-based Motoroyale who brought the exotic Italian motorcycle brand to India in 2015, launched the MV Agusta Turismo Veloce 800 sport tourer just months ago, before starting sales of the more exotic Dragster 800 series

29 Nov 15:38 OVERDRIVE 7781473803904401747.html
Antrenorul Unai Emery a fost demis de la Arsenal Londra

Eşecul suferit de Arsenal Londra în meciul cu Eintracht Frankfurt din Liga Europei l-a costat scump pe antrenorul Unai Emery. Tehnicianul spaniol a fost demis de la conducerea tehnică a echipei.Emery, în vârstă de 48 de ani, a venit la Arsenal pe 23 mai 2

29 Nov 11:32 PUBLIKA 1679939814734089575.html
Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriguez share adorable family photos on Thanksgiving: 'So grateful today'

Jennifer Lopez was truly in the holiday spirit with fiancé Alex Rodriguez and his two daughters as they celebrated Thanksgiving this year.

29 Nov 14:10 Fox News 7362823819744675553.html
PM accused of ‘fuelling stigma’ with previous comments on single mothers

He was grilled over a column he wrote in 1995 in which he described the children of single mothers as ‘ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive’.

29 Nov 13:30 Express & Star 7324224460409219974.html
Jennifer Aniston's Ex-Hubby Justin Theroux And FRIENDS’ Co-Star Courtney Cox Join Her ‘Fakesgiving’ Celebrations

YAY! Jennifer Aniston’s Thanksgiving celebrations were all about reunions, as her ex-husband Justin Theroux, along with FRIENDS’ co-star Courtney Cox, joined the fun

29 Nov 10:52 SPOTBOYE 1547816856696622851.html
Un corner direct à la trajectoire parfaite glace le gardien de Rosenborg

L'Autrichien Thomas Goiginger a inscrit un des buts de la soirée d'Europa League jeudi soir lors du match qui opposait Rosenborg à Linz. Inspiré, l'ailier du LASK a tenté de marquer directement sur corner et a réussi son pari, grâce entre-autres à la...

29 Nov 10:05 RTBF Sport 2262420856879751992.html
Michela Elias reaparece en redes sociales tras su operación por el accidente que sufrió en Esto es Guerra [FOTO]

La modelo *Michela Elias* publicó una imagen en su cuenta oficial de Instagram [1] para contar que su operación fue exitosa.   [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/actualidad-y-policiales/instagram

29 Nov 14:30 El Popular 1251135765063220853.html
Breaking: Arsenal sack Emery after 18 months

Arsenal have sacked manager Unai Emery after just 18 months in charge of the Premier League club. Freddie Ljungberg has

29 Nov 10:35 The Eagle Online 1463511648954274820.html
“Schicksal-Spiel” der Wiener Austria gegen Hartberg

In der Fußball-Bundesliga kämpft die Wiener Austria am Samstag (17.00) in einem “Sechs-Punkte-Spiel” um die Mini-Chance auf das Erreichen der Meistergruppe. Alles andere als ein Heimsieg gegen den unmittelbaren Konkurrenten Hartberg wäre für die Wiener wohl zu wenig, um den Sprung in die Top 6 noch zu schaffen. Ebenfalls am Samstag treffen Wattens – Sturm […]

29 Nov 14:40 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171483723523.html
Daimler streicht mindestens 10.000 Jobs

Nach Audi plant auch Konkurrent Daimler einen massiven Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen. Mindestens 10.000 Stellen würden gestrichen, kündigte Personalvorstand Wilfried Porth am Freitag in einer kurzfristig angesetzten Telefonkonferenz an. Der deutsche Konzern habe für die kommenden drei Jahre ein Einsparpotenzial von mindestens einer Milliarde Euro ausgemacht. Daimler erklärte in einer Pressemitteilung, das Management habe sich mit […]

29 Nov 12:41 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171931881085.html
Águilas vapuleó a Bravos para cerrar con triunfo la serie en Margarita

Las Águilas del Zulia se impusieron 10 carreras por 2 a los Bravos de Margarita, para llevarse dos de los tres juegos disputados en el Stadium Nueva Esparta, una actuación que mantiene a los rapaces en el primer lugar. El abridor César Carrillo se apuntó su primer triunfo de la temporada al permitir una carrera […]

29 Nov 15:41 El Carabobeño 125457438722727073.html
Una impresora portátil ideal para usar con tu smartphone a un precio bajísimo

29 Nov 10:02 El Output 1685150381706357450.html
Federica Mogherini apoya la petición para liberar a José Daniel Ferrer, pero defiende diálogo con Cuba

"Esperamos que Cuba respete las libertades fundamentales y la dignidad humana de todos los ciudadanos, incluido el derecho a un juicio justo", dijo la alta representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad.

29 Nov 13:12 CiberCuba 8213836169805888592.html
Após meses separados, Nicolas Prattes e Juliana Paiva reatam namoro

O amor falou mais alto para Nicolas Prattes e Juliana Paiva. Após meses separado, o casal reatou o namoro há um certo tempo, mas deixou a informação em off.

29 Nov 13:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212097209636.html
Rishi Kapoor's Advice For Budding Actors: Focus On Acting Like Ranbir, Vicky & Not On Building Body

From a child actor to one of the sought-after actors in 80s and early 90s, Rishi Kapoor has many successful films in his career. In fact, the veteran star has managed to stay relevant with time and he believes that its because he build his mind as an actor and not the body.

29 Nov 12:07 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244661939044.html
Amon Amarth review – beserkers, sea serpents and catchy death metal

Over heavy riffs and double kick drums, the folklore-obsessed Swedish band deliver a thundering theatrical spectacle

29 Nov 11:12 the Guardian 1491978795320469432.html
'They just caught me and pulled me away': Limerick hurling fan tells of NY arrest trauma

When the supporter told Limerick midfielder William O’Donoghue that his hurling-mad child had travelled from Tournafulla to New York to watch the match, he said the player graciously gave the child his helmet

29 Nov 15:21 Irishexaminer 8196011180190815724.html
Sports Business : Canal+ et beIN Sports remporteraient les droits de la Ligue des champions

Vers un très joli coup de Canal+ et beIN Sports...

29 Nov 11:28 Boursier.com 7351227821600789629.html
ITZY's Chaeryeong talks about meeting her 'goddess' Girls' Generation's YoonA for the first time

ITZY's Chaeryeong talked about meeting her 'goddess' Girls' Generation's YoonA for the first time.During a recent V Live broadcast, ITZY members Chae…

29 Nov 14:26 allkpop 3249686061141583478.html
Negozio propone badge speciali per indicare che le commesse hanno il ciclo mestruale: la proposta che vuole sfidare un tabù

Negozio propone badge speciali per indicare che le commesse hanno il ciclo mestruale: l’idea arriva dal Giappone e vuole sfidare un tabù

29 Nov 11:04 NewNotizie 1312053897151254883.html
Intel je izgubio ključne članove svog marketing tima za grafičke karte

Izgleda da je započeo svojevrstan egzodus iz Intelovog marketinškog tima, a kompaniju su napustila tri člana

29 Nov 12:30 Benchmark 6730898461270685357.html
Read Lordina’s sweet message to John Mahama as he celebrates his 61st birthday

Today, 29th Movember 2019 marks the 61st birthday of the former President of the Republic of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama.

29 Nov 12:42 GHANA PAGE 8986860743274082326.html
Pomagajmo živalim preživeti zimo

Največja skrb na zimskem vrtu gre gotovo pticam. Postavimo jim ptičje hišice in skrbimo, da je v njih vedno dovolj hrane. Pri tem ornitologi poudarjajo, da z vidika ohranjanja ptic ta pomoč ni pot...

2 Dec 05:50 Slovenske novice 5901956561409992701.html
Phisgoc willing to open sporting events to the public for free – Go

The Philippine Southeast Asian Games Organizing Committee (Phisgoc) is amenable to any suggestions and will make available to the public, free of charge and subject to availability, the tickets for all the sporting events in the various competition venues, except those for basketball, volleyball, and football.

29 Nov 10:10 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200513760416.html
Advokat otkriva kako je protekao susret Severine i Milana, kada mu je pevačica predala sina!

Severina Kojić juče je izgubila bitku za starateljstvo nad sinom Aleksandrom koju je godinama vodila sa nekadašnjim partnerom, biznismenom Milanom Popovićem.

29 Nov 15:35 pulsonline 6050941187038103293.html
U Srbiji ove godine 35 odstvo više novodijagnotifikovanih ljudi inficiranih HIV-om (VIDEO)

U Srbiji trenutno 2.756 ljudi ima HIV infekciju, a da je od januara do novembra ove godine je 175 novodijagnostikovanih, što je za 35 odsto više nego u

29 Nov 13:35 Krstarica 4176903989504041930.html
Asterion pacta una opa amistosa por AMP Clean Energy, valorada en 74 millones

Asterion Industrial, el fondo de infraestructuras liderado por Jesús Olmos, ha llegado a un acuerdo para lanzar una oferta amistosa por AMP Clean Energy a través de la sociedad Fossa Holco que valora la compañía en 74 millones de euros.

29 Nov 11:01 elEconomista.es 9051559958922067514.html
Erdogan poručio Makronu da je on u stanju moždane smrti. Turski ambasador u Parizu će biti pozvan na razgovor

Turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan oštro je kritikovao svog francuskog kolegu Emanuela Makrona poručivši mu da je on u stanju "moždane smrti", koristeći izraz koji je francuski predsednik upotrebio da opiše NATO. "Obraćam se iz Turske francuskom predsedniku Emanuelu Makronu, i ponoviću NATO-u. Prvo ispitaj sopstvenu moždanu smrt. Takve izjave služe onima kao ti koji su u stanju moždane smrti",  rekao je Erdogan u Istanbulu.Erdoganove izjave usledile su posle jučerašnje kritike koju je Makron uputio Turskoj zbog ofanzive prošlog meseca u Siriji protiv kurdskih milicija koje podržavaju zapadne zemlje.Erdoganove izjave pojačavaju napetost izmedju Turske i NATO, čiji je Ankara član, uoči važnog samita Alijanse u Londonu iduće nedelja. Uoči samita najavljen je i sastanak Erdogana, Makrona, nemačka kancelarka Angele Merkel i britanskog premijera Borisa Džonsona da razgovaraju o Siriji.Ankara je prošlog meseca izvršila ofanzivu na severoistoku Sirije a na meti su joj kurdski borci koje Turska smatra teroristima.Zapadne…

29 Nov 14:30 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081944594699.html
GP de Abu Dhabi: com motor novo e punido, Valtteri Bottas lidera treino livre em Abu Dhabi

Finlandês, que vai largar do fim do grid por troca da unidade de potência, fica meio segundo à frente de Max Verstappen; com número 1, Lewis Hamilton é terceiro, e Sebastian Vettel bate

29 Nov 10:32 Globoesporte 3611676019737736383.html
El 'Defensor del Pueblo de Cataluña' ve "excesos" policiales en las protestas tras la sentencia del procés

El Síndic de Greuges (Defensor del Pueblo de Cataluña), Rafael Ribó, ha alertado del "evidente uso excesivo y desproporcionado de la fuerza" policial durante las protestas por la sentencia del 'procés' para la "dispersión, contención y detención" de manifestantes y ha exigido que se inicie una "investigación rigurosa e imparcial".

29 Nov 13:58 RTVE.es 8332346887842069188.html
Meghan Markle is crowned the most powerful dresser of 2019

Global fashion search platform Lyst has named Meghan Markle the most powerful dresser of 2019, and with the many incredible outfits she has stepped out in this year, it is easy to see why.

29 Nov 12:58 RSVP Live 2434255978637635113.html
BREAKING: Arsenal Boot Out Coach Unai Emery…Freddie Ljungberg Now In Charge

English Premiership side Arsenal have confirmed a decision has been taken to part company with head coach Unai Emery and his coaching team. In a statement, the club said, We announce today that the decision has been taken to part company with our head coach Unai Emery and his coaching team. Speaking on behalf of …

29 Nov 10:17 iHarare News 2755902707385073327.html
Final Fantasy 7-Remake: Vorbesteller-Boni & Wendecover enthüllt

Zur Freude vieler Fans kommt das Final Fantasy 7-Remake mit einem Wendecover. Auch die Vorbesteller-Boni und Unterschiede der Editionen stehen jetzt fest.

29 Nov 13:29 www.gamepro.de 3610569833455608697.html
Inés Arrimadas se aparta de la Gestora que liderará Ciudadanos hasta marzo

La portavoz en el Congreso, única que se ha postulado públicamente para suceder a Albert Rivera, no tendrá voto en las decisiones de este órgano interino

29 Nov 12:17 ABC.es 6074573462038261072.html
Menstruación: La polémica en una tienda japonesa por el uso de distintivos para indicar que las empleadas tienen la regla

Las insignias, que muestran un personaje de dibujos animados conocido como Miss Period, y que fueron usadas para identificar a empleadas de una tienda con menstruación, despertaron polémica en Japón.

29 Nov 12:20 24Horas.cl 793283386099665290.html
Un diputado italiano tuvo un gesto romántico en plena cámara

El presidente de la Cámara Baja le llamó la atención por el revuelo causado

29 Nov 14:07 Diario Registrado 7686014736102950157.html
Vereador campinense opina sobre afastamento de colega da administração estadual

Vereador campinense opina sobre afastamento de colega da administração estadual

29 Nov 11:27 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905244900003.html
Pedrinho desabafa: 'Sou obrigado a ler coisas que me machucam'

Exaltando a associação em massa da torcida, o ídolo do Vasco da Gama, Pedinho, desabafou sobre coisas que lê a seu respeito.

29 Nov 14:15 Vasco Notícias 1167013066166538519.html
Actualizan impuesto a combustibles y meten más presión a los precios

El incremento había sido postergado desde mayo, pero regirá desde el domingo.

29 Nov 11:53 Punto Biz 7504645526974306828.html
MDR: Zuschauer liest Videotext – und erlebt eine Überraschung

Da staunte ein Mann nicht schlecht als er einen Blick in den Videotext des MDR warf. „Lust auf Mumbay, Shanghai, Tel Aviv, Hanoi, Johannesburg oder Moskau?“, fragt er bei Facebook in die Runde und teilt darunter ein Bild von der Teletext-Seite.

29 Nov 13:01 Thüringen24 7206317294906696490.html
Raquitismo: falta de vitamina D pode causar doença rara

A doença é progressiva e pode trazer graves consequências para os pacientes e comprometer a qualidade de vida.

29 Nov 14:32 Folha Vitória 4941883427098812754.html
Ismael Serrano: "Busco un costado actoral sobre el escenario.

El cantante está cerrando su gira en Buenos Aires. En una entrevista con La Viola habló sobre la intimidad de estos recitales y de la grabación de su disco Todavía.

29 Nov 13:15 Todo Noticias 8077539161485471881.html
Neuer EU-Ratspräsident kündigt "eigenen Stil" an

Charles Michel will den Respekt und das gegenseitige Verständnis zwischen den europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs fördern.

29 Nov 12:51 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440542100402.html
Consigue tu mascota para Sea of Thieves y más con Twitch

Como cada mes, con Twitch Prime se ofrecen juegos gratuitos y diversas recompensas. Entre ellas loots para distintos juegos cada mes. Y en esta ocasión le ha tocado el turno a Sea of Thieves. Así que si tenéis Twitch Prime, este mes podéis acceder a algunos contenidos extra para Sea of Thieves, entre los que se incluye una mascota. Esto es lo que podéis obtener:

29 Nov 12:19 SomosXbox 4635940034492458086.html
Nidia Arévalo atribuye la denuncia de los comuneros a su «desesperación» y defiende la legalidad del proyecto del Celta en Mos

La alcaldesa insiste en que la ciudad deportiva está avalada por las urnas y estudia acciones legales contra la Comunidad de Montes de Tameiga

29 Nov 10:36 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613710315488.html
Senador paraguaio é cassado após pedir morte de brasileiros

‘Tem que matar aqui pelo menos 100 mil brasileiros bandidos’, disse Paraguayo Cubas após entrar em confronto com policiais durante apreensão de madeira

29 Nov 13:42 VEJA.com 4116702196504084814.html
Fondo salva-stati, M5s e Leu sulla stessa linea. Di Maio: "Accordo va migliorato". Speranza: "Ha senso l'ipotesi di un rinvio"

Bonafede: "Nessun ritorno di fiamma tra noi e Lega". Il presidente di Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia: "Accordo non deve escludere

29 Nov 11:06 Repubblica.it 8208867269413687056.html
A fost aprobata lista pentru inchirierea de locuinte sociale in Oradea. Vezi lista celor care au obtinut o locuinta

Direcţia de Asistenţă Socială Oradea aduce la cunoștința celor interesați lista privind ordinea de prioritate în vederea închirierii

29 Nov 12:52 InfoOradea 3177545316785904407.html
‘Peak Pakistan fielding’: Shaheen Afridi kicks ball for boundary

Wasim Akram slammed Shaheen Afridi for a misfield vs Australia. "Yasir Shah and Shan Masood were probably yawning. That's the problem with Pakistan cricket," he said.

29 Nov 12:36 The Indian Express 2885715103953927509.html
Good Morning Britain's Ben Shephard 'FLASHES' guest while wearing a kilt

Wearing it in the, ahem, authentic way

29 Nov 14:02 Entertainment Daily 8392972515780903326.html
Zakazana pres konferencija, evo kad će Savo ponovo pred novinare

Nameće se mnogo pitanja posle šoka u Hagu.

29 Nov 14:57 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495846233074.html
"Lived a hell in Scotland": What the foreign press had to say about Celtic's victory over Rennes in the Europa League

It was another fantastic night for the Hoops in Europe, as Neil Lennon's Celtic put Rennes to the sword in a 3-1 win.

29 Nov 11:58 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490381624159.html
Tusk og Juncker takker av – Michel og Von der Leyen overtar

EU-president Donald Tusk har gitt fra seg bjella som brukes til å ringe inn EUs møter. Charles Michel overtar vervet.

29 Nov 12:19 TV 2 8210067768801941872.html
Bueno, malo y feo

Tras el asesinato de la regiomontana Abril Pérez, diputados federales solicitarán la destitución de Federico Mosco González, juez de Control del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de CDMX

29 Nov 10:05 El Heraldo de México 438112697673437892.html
Francesco Chiofalo ricoverato in ospedale: cosa è successo – VIDEO

Francesco Chiofalo è stato ricoverato in ospedale questa mattina: ecco cosa è successo all'ex protagonista di Temptation Island.

29 Nov 11:36 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926275222095.html
EXCLUSIVE: Govt explains why it introduced Ghc100, Ghc200 Cedi notes

The Governor of the Central Bank of Ghana, Dr Ernest Addison has explained the rationale behind government’s policy decision to introduce new Bank notes of Ghv100, Ghc200 and 2Ghc coin. Addressing a presser covered by MyNewsGH.com, the Governor said “twelve years after the redenomination exercise, sustained periods of high inflation and the perennial depreciation of the currency have eroded, in real terms, the face value of the series of the notes” forced government to take the decision. He explained that a lot of thinking and consultations took place. A lot “thinking went into the decision to introduce the higher denomination banknotes. The structure of the banknote should align well with the needs of the people who use it for their daily transactions. We need banknotes and coins that are convenient for most people to use, high quality, secure and cost effective.” He added. A promotional release by BoG read in part:

29 Nov 11:56 mynewsgh.com 2909200110242765224.html
Catherine Fulop recordó una antigua tapa de revista donde posó completamente desnuda

La venezolana se puso nostálgica y compartió una infartante producción de fotos en las redes de hace 20 años.

29 Nov 12:48 Diario Registrado 7686014737357032880.html
La vuelta de Antoine Griezmann ahora que ya es más amigo de Leo Messi

Quién sabe si será en el Wanda Metropolitano, al calor o la crítica del graderío, donde se recupere al antiguo Grizzi. Ahora es ya un poco más cercano a Messi

29 Nov 12:59 El Confidencial 4379465937851546227.html
Sex and violence: what has changed for women since In the Cut?

In the two decades since Susanna Moore wrote her ‘hot and scary’ novel, women’s sexuality is still used against them. She talks to Olivia Sudjic about misogyny and desire

29 Nov 12:58 the Guardian 1491978795647232810.html
Irak: le Premier ministre annonce sa démission

Le Premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé vendredi qu'il allait présenter sa démission au Parlement, quelques heures après que la plus haute autorité chiite du pays a appelé ce dernier à lui retirer sa confiance.

29 Nov 12:57 fr.le360.ma 5827163116129906107.html
Europa ‘peca de inconsciente’ y autoriza ocho transgénicos para alimentación y pienso

El Ejecutivo comunitario ha aprobado la licencia de cuatro maíces y ha renovado los permisos de dos sojas, una variedad algodón y una...

29 Nov 10:55 ecoticias.com 9144483865577835637.html
BIA podnela krivičnu prijavu protiv dve osobe zbog špijunaže

Bezbednosno-informativna agencija podnela je krivičnu prijavu Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Sremskoj Mitrovici protiv...

29 Nov 14:21 N1 Srbija 7797130865803314808.html
Louwagie droomt van mooie Europese lente: “Eerst groepswinnaar worden”

AA Gent plaatste zich gisteren voor de 1/16de finales van de Europa League. Manager Michel Louwagie zag het graag gebeuren. “Het zou plezant zijn als we nog een ronde verder geraken.”

29 Nov 13:12 HLN 8967494998393240236.html
Milliondryss over nye norske dramaserier - Ingrid Bolsø Berdal klar for ny Viaplay-serie

«Plan B» er en av tre nye dramaserier som får støtte fra NFI hvor også en NRK-julekalender får produksjonstilskudd.

29 Nov 11:34 Kampanje 8714678314211465125.html
“Mijn ouders zijn medeplichtig aan de leugen”: donorkind pleit voor meer rechten

Steph Raeymaekers (40) is donorkind en één van een drieling. Ze ontdekte een paar jaar geleden dat ze is ­geboren uit een sperma­cocktail van twee donoren. Woensdag, bij de 30ste verjaardag van het...

29 Nov 12:06 HLN 8967494997519545737.html
Program reformi prvo u NSRS, pa onda u Brisel

BANJALUKA - Program reformi ne znači članstvo u NATO i u tom dokumentu nema reči o ANP-u, izjavio je danas srpski član Predsedništva BiH Milorad Dodik.

29 Nov 11:22 Krstarica 4176903988335648797.html
Las claves de la Cumbre del Clima que se celebra en Madrid

La Cumbre del Clima que se celebrará en Madrid del 2 al 13 de diciembre, que se denominará COP25, es el foro político más importante a nivel internacional para hacer frente a la emergencia climática

29 Nov 15:08 RTVE.es 8332346889576424022.html
Encuestas: hay esperanza y conciencia de las dificultades que vendrán

Tres sondeos señalan las preocupaciones futuras de los argentinos: la preocupación por el empleo y la inflación.

29 Nov 15:21 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204482340383932.html
«Hypi» wird Steigbügelhalter für Markteintritt von Asien-Fintech

Ein indonesisches Fintech hat sich nicht nur an der Börse SIX kotieren lassen – sondern hegt auch Pläne für die Schweiz. Dazu partnert das Startup mit der Hypothekarbank Lenzburg. ...

29 Nov 10:42 finews.ch 7270223617430215559.html
Durjoy Datta Wants To Know Why You’re Still Reading Him

11 years after his blockbuster debut, the best-selling writer is still accessible and down-to-earth—and willing to take some risks.

29 Nov 15:26 HUFFPOST 6665507017292173639.html
Cómo inscribirse al Concurso de Asadores Patagónicos

Entérate de las vías para anotarte en la competencia que tendrá curso el 7 de diciembre.

29 Nov 10:38 TiempoSur 8512931318448564599.html
Terroristas o no, México defiende soberanía y rechaza presión de Trump sobre cárteles

Los mexicanos no quieren la ayuda de Trump sobre cárteles mexicanos, ya que consideran que atentará contra la soberanía de su nación.

29 Nov 10:18 Publinews 8987875305183424297.html
Policía responde a tiroteo en el Puente de Londres

El Puente de Londres fue despejado y sellado después de que se escucharon disparos en el área. Los primeros reportes señalan la muerte de tres personas.

29 Nov 14:46 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543586567991.html
Black Friday hardware y tecnologías en Amazon Viernes 29

¡Llegó el Black Friday de Amazon! Habéis esperado a este día para hacer vuestras compras navideñas. Entrad y encontrad las mejores ofertas.

29 Nov 10:57 Profesional Review 7952487448156732651.html
Omicidio Corrò, il buttafuori confessa: "L'ho colpita io"

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 11:05 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206049131659.html
PlayStation discounts include half-price 'Red Dead' and 'Spider-Man'

You can also score $21 off the DualShock 4, and 25 percent off PlayStation Plus.

29 Nov 13:37 Engadget 96641514551729122.html
Vice-prefeito de CG destaca evento do Progressistas e sinaliza filiações ao partido

Vice-prefeito de CG destaca evento do Progressistas e sinaliza filiações ao partido

29 Nov 15:55 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543906121278021.html
Alberto Fernández y Ricardo Alfonsín se reunieron "para terminar con la grieta"

El mandatario electo mantuvo un encuentro con el ex diputado “para abrir una etapa de diálogo” y trabajar para "terminar con la grieta"

29 Nov 14:37 Diagonales 4932342256400136139.html
La policía realizó un operativo en Miramar en busca de los autores de robos ocurridos en Tandil

En medio de la investigación por el robo en una vivienda de Gardel al 1000, en el que tres delincuentes redujeron a una empleada, la maniataron y golpearon para llevarse elementos de valor, la policía realizó ayer un allanamiento en la ciudad de Miramar con miras a dar con los presuntos autores del hecho. Al […]

29 Nov 10:10 El Eco 4177735525423006493.html
Gabrielle Union Has A Heartfelt Message For Her Supporters Following The Latest Controversy Involving ‘America’s Got Talent’

You probably already know the fact that Gabrielle Union has not been asked to return to the show America’s Got Talent. Dwayne Wade stepped in and

29 Nov 12:09 Celebrity Insider 265863476079869386.html
GDP: Subramanian Swamy Says Nirmala Sitharaman Doesn’t Know Economics

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has surrounded himself with yes-men while the Indian economy heads for a tailspin followed by a collapse, said the veteran politician and Harvard-trained economist.

29 Nov 12:09 HUFFPOST 6665507018105381109.html
Last 2.5 years have been the safest in Railways’ history, says Piyush Goyal

The entire rail network will be electrified in India which is the only country in the globe that is experimenting to convert diesel engines into electric, he said.

29 Nov 10:42 The Hindu 6679535025649217694.html
EU’s Tusk and Juncker bow out as new team prepare to move in

Charles Michel and Donald Tusk warmly hugged one another during the handover ceremony.

29 Nov 11:36 Shropshire Star 3480199992657778379.html
Haftet Einparkender für Türunfall?

Nicht nur im fließenden Verkehr, auch auf Parkplätzen öffnen Autofahrer ihre Türen nur, wenn sie ganz sicher sind, niemanden zu gefährden - denn ansonsten kann es teuer werden.

29 Nov 13:47 n-tv 6802689754313287319.html
An erupting volcano in Mexico forced KLM passengers to take an 11-hour flight from Amsterdam to ... Amsterdam

Passengers travelling on a KLM flight on Thursday were forced to endure an 11-hour journey that ended with them being dropped them off exactly where they started because of an erupting volcano.

29 Nov 13:20 Business Insider Australia 5575934301863951137.html
Capturaron a alias Goku, uno de los hombres más buscados por las autoridades en Cali 

Gerson Eduardo Vásquez, conocido en el mundo delictivo bajo el alias de Goku, fue capturado por la Policía Metropolitana de Cali. Goku era uno de los delincuentes más buscados por las autoridades en la ciudad, de acuerdo con uno de los carteles difundidos por la entidad. La captura se produjo en la vía que de Cali conduce al municipio de Jamundí, donde se identificó con una cédula falsa al ser requerido por las autoridades.

29 Nov 10:00 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347199515411.html
Alexandr Stoianoglo este noul Procuror General. Igor Dodon a semnat decretul

Igor Dodon a semnat decretul de numire a lui Alexandr Stoianoglo în funcţia de Procuror General.

29 Nov 12:36 PUBLIKA 1679939813691668091.html
Ibrah One is wanted in Germany and USA – KOD reveals

The unofficial brother of Menzgold CEO Nana Appiah Mensah aka NAM identified as Stanley Kodia but known on social media as KOD has revealed t

29 Nov 13:04 GHANA PAGE 8986860742846533603.html
Pontevedra: Montecelo, primer hospital de España en operar una fístula perianal con células madre

La paciente, de 44 años, podrá mejorar su calidad de vida tras una intervención realizada este viernes

29 Nov 11:13 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612822544485.html
La Blockchain, une révolution promise pour la finance

Pour l’immense majorité du secteur financier, le premier contact avec la technologie blockchain (voir encadré) a eu lieu en 2009, avec l’apparition des bitcoins, cette crypto-monnaie hautement volatile qui a […]

29 Nov 15:33 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558980535807081.html
Agenda cultural viernes 29 de noviembre

Teatro Recreativo   Mañana y el domingo se llevará a cabo una muestra del taller de Teatro Recreativo 2019, a cargo de Boyo Tosello. Diferentes géneros humorísticos en escena, desde la comedia del arte hasta la impro teatral. El actor, haciendo humor a través del tiempo, desenmascara y critica costumbres mientras se saca a careta […]

29 Nov 10:02 El Eco 4177735524814455163.html
Dormir bien,  gran aliado de nuestra salud

Dormir es una actividad fundamental para  mantener una buena salud física y mental. Respetar las horas de sueño según corresponda a la edad e intentar mejorar la calidad del mismo tendrán efectos positivos a corto y largo plazo. No haga mucho caso de la frase “ya dormiré cuando esté muerto”. Si lo hace, tal vez […]

29 Nov 14:00 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490036344413322.html
M65 reopens 4 hours behind schedule after overnight roadworks are delayed by cold weather

The M65 has reopened after an overnight closure overran by four hours this morning (November 29).

29 Nov 10:33 Lancashire Post 6469275855127169653.html
Previa del encuentro de la jornada 15: Mar Menor contra Deportiva Minera

Previa del encuentro de la jornada 15: Mar Menor contra Deportiva Minera

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897970552847507.html
CONFIRMED! Shilpa Shetty To Play A Glamorous Role In 'Hungama 2'

Shilpa Shetty is all set to make her comeback in Bollywood after 13 years with Abhimanyu Dassani-Shirley Setias Nikamma. And now, we hear that the actress has signed another film. Shilpa will be seen in a glamorous role opposite Paresh Rawal in Priyadarshans Hungama 2.

29 Nov 11:32 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244260198372.html
(VIDEO) Masiva llegada de venezolanos a Cúcuta por el Viernes Negro

29 Nov. 2019 - Los comercios de Cúcuta viven hoy viernes el Black Friday (Viernes Negro), una jornada llena de descuentos del 20, 30% y 50% en todo tipo de establecimientos. Desde la noche de este...

29 Nov 15:14 Aporrea 8480488501948683092.html
Las aplicaciones web progresivas en Edge Chromium serán muy parecidas a una app nativa en Windows 10

Las aplicaciones web progresivas (PWA) pronto tendrán la capacidad lucir mucho más parecidas a una app nativa cualquiera para Windows 10. Al menos según lo...

29 Nov 15:39 Genbeta 6187700363218474631.html
Pogba 'working hard to get back' - Solskjaer

Paul Pogba will be like a "new world-class signing" when he returns for Manchester United, according to manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

29 Nov 14:19 Sport 682566033883887840.html
SEA Games 2019 - Menpora Harap Polo Air Bisa Sumbang Emas Pertama Indonesia

Sejarah berhasil diukir Timnas Polo Air Putra Indonesia sebagai negara pertama di kawasan Asia Tenggara yang bisa mengalahkan Singapura

29 Nov 15:32 BolaSport.com 4603768436128756469.html
Más criminalización: el Senado de Chile votó la ley antiencapuchados

El Senado chileno votó el jueves el proyecto de ley anticapuchas, que viene a criminalizar aún más a quienes se han venido manifestando desde que empezó el estallido social, en particular a la juventud. Ahora debe pasar a Diputados. ¿Qué implica esta ley?

29 Nov 13:30 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731135250367.html
Rcs Mediagroup: verso un decisivo test della barriera a 1 euro

Segnali di risveglio per Rcs Mediagroup, che stamattina ha forzato la resistenza di breve a 0,965-0,970 euro, prospettando un possibile allungo verso...

29 Nov 10:15 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336742453024456.html
I'm A Celebrity star Andrew Maxwell's wife says he's NOT being bullied

Suraya El-Wakil says her husband is "fine"

29 Nov 11:59 Entertainment Daily 8392972517769017672.html
Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a primit distincţia "Emblema de Onoare a Armatei României" din partea MApN

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a primit vineri, din partea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, distincţia "Emblema de Onoare a Armatei Rom&acirc;niei". Evenimentul a avut loc &icirc;n cadrul ceremoniei de decorare a unor cadre militare şi person

29 Nov 11:49 romaniatv.net 4505369228968320410.html
1 dead, 2 wounded in Florida Thanksgiving strip club shooting

A Thanksgiving Day fight at a Florida strip club left one man dead and two others injured.

29 Nov 12:14 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203556223740.html
AirPods (Pro) Black Friday schießen: Hier sparst du ordentlich Geld

Am Black Friday sind AirPods von Apple wieder unglaublich günstig zu haben. Wir informieren dich über die besten Deals des Tages bei Amazon, eBay und Co.

29 Nov 13:51 futurezone.de 2257170159904712531.html
Holiday Gift Guide: Give the Gift of CBD This Holiday Season

An overview of hemp-derived CBD gifts for this Holiday Gift Guide.

29 Nov 15:00 Magnetic Magazine 5123414666446297427.html
Huawei Mate 30 Pro kommt in die Schweiz

Das neue Huawei-Flaggschiff kann ab dem 4. Dezember für 1099 Franken bei Digitec vorbestellt werden. Das Gerät kommt offiziell ohne Google-Dienste. Wer sie nachrüsten will, muss zum Bastler geboren sein und geht erhebliche Risiken ein.

29 Nov 10:47 www.cetoday.ch 4667961262168188230.html
Muerte de Jimmy: lo que ha quedado de la batalla campal entre ultras junto al Calderón

Se cumplen cinco años de la muerte del ultra del Deportivo en la pelea con otro grupo de ultras del Atlético de Madrid

29 Nov 11:59 Cadena SER 8390941985277127450.html
2022 Fisker Ocean lease prices revealed

Fisker hopes to make a splash with flexible leases and strong after-sales support for its Ocean SUV.

29 Nov 13:03 CarAdvise 772235094492778887.html
Émilie Bouchard, la scientifique du Nord

De Rivière-du-Loup à la Saskatchewan en passant par Saint-Hyacinthe, Émilie Bouchard a la tête au Nord. La doctorante en microbiologie vétérinaire de

29 Nov 11:52 Info Dimanche 5127992004551813257.html
Le Cameroun élabore une stratégie nationale pour pouvoir tirer profit de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine

Dès juillet 2020, le Cameroun, comme tous les autres pays signataires de l’accord portant création de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine

29 Nov 13:41 Investir au Cameroun 6397460054177244998.html
Realme è intenzionata a separarsi da OPPO?

La dirigenza di Realme afferma che ci sia l'intenzione a rendersi indipendenti da OPPO, il produttore da cui è nato questo nuovo brand.

29 Nov 12:00 GizChina.it 3776187095971787176.html
La máquina que ayuda al necesitado

Con Giving Machine se pueden hacer donaciones para darle un verdadero significado a la Navidad.

29 Nov 10:30 Primera Hora 5092966653326666081.html
"Ich hab' das Niveau nicht so hoch erwartet"

Juan Domínguez hat in Spanien gegen Messi, Ronaldo und Co. gespielt, vom Niveau in Österreich zeigt er sich positiv angetan. Mit weltfussball spricht Sturm-Legionär über seinen schwierigen Start Graz, erklärt, was bei den "Blackies" noch besser werden muss und wodurch Salzburgs Erling Håland so stark ist.

29 Nov 10:42 weltfussball.at 3521376372208538916.html
Minsalud anuncia medida para acabar con guerra de las ambulancias por los cobros del SOAT

Las IPS se inventan pacientes, exámenes y todo tipo de servicios.

29 Nov 14:24 W Radio 7724358830617413930.html
La peña de morfi recibe a una mega estrella internacional

Con la conducción de Gerardo Rozín y la co-conducción de Jésica Cirio.

29 Nov 10:33 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740449537137742.html
AfD: Illegale Spenden in der Gründungszeit?

Die AfD soll in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 mehrfach gegen das Parteiengesetz verstoßen haben, weil sie Spenden nicht ordnungsgemäß angegeben haben.

29 Nov 12:58 RTL.DE 7054729451542876862.html
Wapres Ma'ruf Berpesan ke Peserta Reuni 212: Jangan Merusak Suasana Kondusif

"Yang dilarang itu anarkis," kata Ma'ruf.

29 Nov 13:07 merdeka.com 1998180354213576726.html
El nuevo fiasco de Unai Emery lejos de España y su despido del Arsenal

El vasco ha sido despedido tras una nueva derrota del conjunto londinense en la Europa League. Emery, que cosechó hasta tres títulos internacionales con el Sevilla, no convence fuera de España

29 Nov 12:58 El Confidencial 6129807548709770306.html
Dabangg 3: After Controversy, Fans Trend #AwaitingDabangg3 Proving That There’s No Fandom Like Salman Khan’s

The title track of Dabangg 3, 'Hud Hud Dabangg' had come under fire recently for hurting religious sentiments, and Chulbul Pandey's fans came to the rescue. Salman Khan’s fans started trending #AwaitingDabangg3 on social media to support the movie proving that there is no fandom like Salman Khan’s!

29 Nov 13:39 SPOTBOYE 1547816857945879834.html
Anna Jones’ squash recipes

Try butternut, onion or crown prince squash in these savoury pancakes and a salty-sour roast squash caponata

29 Nov 12:00 the Guardian 1491978795404864611.html
La pérdida de 67 trabajadores de los centros sociales colapsará las ayudas de la dependencia y de la renta de pobreza

La Generalitat paga la nómina de estos empleados con una subvención que finaliza el 31 de diciembre y cuya renovación tarda meses

29 Nov 10:02 Diarioinformacion 8979296175889083008.html
Au Royaume-Uni, Renault arrête la location de batteries sur la Zoe

Outre-Manche, Renault fait marche arrière dans la commercialisation de la Zoe avec l'arrêt du contrat de location de batteries. Désormais, il s'agira uniquement d'acquisition intégrale, que ce soit en achat classique ou en leasing.

29 Nov 15:00 Caradisiac.com 930406530967154794.html
Bloqueo económico contra Cuba es el más severo, reitera canciller

Bloqueo económico contra Cuba es el más severo, reitera canciller

29 Nov 11:58 cubasi.cu 5416914688100567037.html
Ibn Firnas of Berber descent was the first to attempt human flight in 875 CE

The Wright brothers – Orville and Wilbur – are considered two American aviation pioneers. They are credited with inventing, building and flying the world’s first successful airplane. However, Abu al-Qasim Abbas ibn Firnas ibn Wirdas al-Takurini (809–887 A.D.), also known as Abbas Ibn Firnas, is regarded as the one to make a first successful attempt...

29 Nov 15:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198129625923433.html
Pucallpa: sicario asesinó de cinco balazos a campeón de fisicoculturismo

Atentado fue dentro de su local donde estaban dos policías mujeres que no pudieron hacer nada. Hecho ocurrió en Pucallpa [1]. [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/pucallpa

29 Nov 10:00 El Popular 1251135764788109330.html
Iron Maiden annonce une collab' avec West Ham

SATAN que c'est beau ! Voir Steve Harris en tenue de footballeur aux couleurs de West Ham et Pablo Zabaleta basse à la main, quel joli vendredi ! Le groupe Iron Maiden et le club des Hammers annoncent sur Instagram une collaboration unique. Harris, bassiste du groupe de heavy metal est un fan inconditionnel de l'équipe londonienne : « Je suis allé voir West Ham jouer contre Newcastle quand j'avais neuf ans et que mon meilleur pote avait dix ans. Nous avons sauté dans un bus et sommes allés au match. Les Hammers ont gagné 4-3 et c'était fini, j'étais complètement accro ! » explique-t-il au Guardian, avec le maillot bleu et bordeaux siglé IMFC (Iron Maiden FC).

29 Nov 14:12 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251906446686.html
Melegatti, il ritorno è consolidato: 150 assunti per Natale

A un anno dal cambio di mano

29 Nov 15:59 L'Arena 5479295677294913796.html
Prvo plate telefon i internet, pa tek onda obdanište ili kiriju

Austrijanci prvo plaćaju račune za mobilne telefone i internet, a potom sve ostale, pokazuje istraživanje kompanije "Intum".

29 Nov 15:21 Nezavisne novine 4209150641141835922.html
TOBDŽIJE URUČILE OTKAZ TRENERU: Arsenal otpustio Emerija, Ljungberg privremeno trener (FOTO)

Fudbalski klub Arsenal otpustio je trenera Unaija Emerija i kao privremeno rešenje postavio Frederika Ljungberga.

29 Nov 13:14 kurir.rs 6515665027278268161.html
Više osoba izbodeno na Londonskom mostu, uhapšen osumnjičeni

LONDON - Više osoba izbodeno je danas u blizini Londonskog mosta, saopštila je britanska policija dodajući da je osumnjičeni zadržan u pritvoru. "Policija

29 Nov 15:04 Krstarica 4176903988487218430.html
Core sector output for October contracts further to 5.8 per cent

The index was dragged down by electricity which reported a de-growth of 12.4% vs -3.7% in Sept.

29 Nov 11:49 The Economic Times 7653256037735650363.html
EE.UU. ante visita de Bukele a China: Estamos evaluando si nuestros programas pueden verse afectados por algún acuerdo que El Salvador acepte

El presidente Nayib Bukele se encuentra de viaje oficial en Japón desde el miércoles 27 de noviembre. La gira por Asia también incluirá visitas a Beijing, con el presidente chino Xi Jinping, y a Catar, con el Emir de Catar en Doha, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. La vista de Estado de Bukele a China se realizará del 1 al 6 de diciembre, según confirmó la Embajada de China en un comunicado difundido vía Twitter. Se tiene previsto que el mandatario salvadoreño se reúna además del presidente Xi Jinping, con el primer Ministro, Li Keoqiang. Bukele dijo en su Twitter que "He iniciado una gira por Asia, buscando inversión y cooperación para nuestro país…". Según un comunicado de Casa Presidencial, la reunión entre Bukele y el primer ministro chino está programada para el martes 3 de diciembre. Luego, ese mismo día, el mandatario salvadoreño será recibido por el presidente Xi Jinping, con quien "tendrá una reunión de trabajo y posteriormente suscribirá varios acuerdos bilaterales". Estados Unidos

29 Nov 11:28 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772943277627646.html
EU’s Tusk and Juncker bow out as new team prepare to move in

Charles Michel and Donald Tusk warmly hugged one another during the handover ceremony.

29 Nov 11:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774739359435.html
Cesare Bocci torna a Tolentino: «In teatro ci saranno tanti amici, sarà una grande emozione»

SPETTACOLO - L'attore, nato a Camporotondo, ha mosso i primi passi con la Compagnia della Rancia. Domani e domenica sarà in scena con "Pesce d'aprile" al Don Bosco

29 Nov 12:30 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194653914672.html
Znanstveniki odkrili matične celice tudi v mišičnih kitah

Ameriški znanstveniki so ugotovili, da so tudi v kitah človeških mišic prisotne matične celice. To bi lahko omogočilo izboljšave pri zdravljenju poškodb kit, ki je pogosto zelo boleče in zahtevno.

29 Nov 11:30 Dnevnik 7671546648705113722.html
Wall Street ouvre en baisse au lendemain de Thanksgiving

Le Dow Jones cédait 0,29% à l'ouverture. Le Nasdaq perdait 0,25% et le S&P 500 0,22%.

29 Nov 15:11 Allnews 678771719451640525.html
Continuará ambiente muy frío en BC, Sonora, Chihuahua y Durango

Este viernes prevalecerá el ambiente gélido principalmente en el norte del país, debido al desplazamiento del frente frío número 19 y la […]

29 Nov 10:00 Notisistema 1929539245272082781.html
Batet replica al PP que, si repite como presidenta, aceptará los acatamientos de la Constitución como en mayo

La presidenta del Congreso, Meritxell Batet, ha querido dejar claro este viernes al PP que, si vuelve a ser elegida el próximo martes, tratará los...

29 Nov 10:12 Europa Press 4702666148380795264.html
Romed Baumann will als „Deutscher“ durchstarten

Mit schon 33 Jahren wird Romed Baumann in Ski-Ergebnislisten künftig die deutsche statt der österreichischen Flagge neben seinem Namen finden. Der ...

29 Nov 14:59 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093969984539.html
Camila Cabello se preocupa por una fan con ansiedad y le da un consejo

Tranquila, un día nos conoceremos

29 Nov 14:55 LOS40 2217396491172037816.html
STJ revoga ordem de prisão de Horacio Cartes

O ministro Rogério Schietti, do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, revogou a ordem de prisão preventiva decretada pela Lava Jato do Rio contra Horacio Cartes, ex-presidente do Paraguai...

29 Nov 13:44 O Antagonista 1037429653977761543.html
La fórmula para ser feliz con el dinero que posees

El economista japonés Ken Honda da las claves para crecer en armonía con la riqueza que se tenga

29 Nov 10:59 Diarioinformacion 8979296176464728267.html
La fórmula para ser feliz con el dinero que posees

El economista japonés Ken Honda da las claves para crecer en armonía con la riqueza que se tenga

29 Nov 10:59 Levante-EMV 7042984476899519738.html
Schade für den Sport, wenn ein solches Ausnahmetalent so früh aufhört

Vor dem Saisonstart in Östersund fragt sich Biathlon-Deutschland, wie es nach dem Rücktritt von Superstar Laura Dahlmeier weitergehen soll. t-online.de-Kolumnistin Uschi Disl hat dazu ihre ganz eigene Meinung.

29 Nov 11:26 T-Online 5460876211248617986.html
La Justicia deja en libertad a los ex altos cargos de la Junta condenados por el 'caso ERE'

La Fiscalía había pedido el ingreso inmediato en prisión de los ex altos cargos de la Junta Antonio Fernández, José Antonio Viera, Francisco Javier Guerrera y Juan Márquez

29 Nov 12:55 Vozpópuli 2420406189734259575.html
DxOMark: Das sind die besten Smartphone-Kameras 2019

Welches Gerät bietet die beste Smartphone-Kamera 2019? DxOMark nennt seine Favoriten für verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien.

29 Nov 15:45 CURVED 5947652462973041637.html
Holiday Flashback: 1980 TV news report explains video games

Back in 1980, the hottest gifts in stores were electronic toys you connected to your TV, or handheld games you could take with you!

29 Nov 12:49 ABC7 New York 7327811149088865567.html
Juve femminile, l'addio di Aluko: ''A Torino trattata come Pablo Escobar''

Juve femminile, l'attaccante inglese Aluko dopo l'addio: ''A Torino trattata come Escobar''.

29 Nov 10:35 ilGiornale.it 5019541224554867515.html
TIM Super: ufficiale nuova versione con sconto domiciliazione a 29,90 euro. Online chiamate gratis

Da oggi 29 Novembre 2019 TIM ha reso disponibili le nuove versioni delle offerte della gamma TIM Super. Online chiamate illimitate incluse

29 Nov 11:30 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461748889661556.html
La pareja de Jonatan Cristaldo contó que su hija la hizo reaccionar para denunciarlo

"Sufrí varios episodios de violencia", dijo en TN. El jugador fue llamado a declarar pero aún no se presentó. Racing lo suspendió solo por cinco días.

29 Nov 13:59 Todo Noticias 8077539161406914394.html
Torna in Vodafone entro il 4 dicembre: minuti ed SMS illimitati e 50 GB

L'operatore Vodafone Italia sta al momento proponendo un'offerta ad alcuni ex clienti che prevede minuti ed SMS illimitati e 50 GB di traffico

29 Nov 12:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127209300427.html
Les meilleures joueuses au monde à la Place Bell pour un programme double avec le Rocket

Les amateurs de hockey auront droit à toute une célébration du hockey pour terminer l’année. Le 28 décembre, la Place Bell de Laval accueillera un …

29 Nov 11:30 25Stanley 9144656699767549417.html
Verdachten ramkraak Deventer zijn twee mannen (19 en 28 jaar) uit Utrecht

De twee verdachten die gisteren zijn aangehouden voor de ramkraak in Deventer zijn twee mannen uit Utrecht. Ze zijn 19 en 28 jaar oud. De politie is nog op zoek naar meerdere verdachten, om hoeveel mensen het gaat is onduidelijk.

29 Nov 13:40 RTV Oost 6509131171727931234.html
Jeffree Star Cosmetics is having 2 of its biggest sales of the year for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Throughout both sales, customers in the United States can get free domestic shipping on their orders.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:53 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756502511830.html
Klæbo utklasset verdenseliten. Rival disket

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo smadret verdens beste langrennsløpere på sprinten i Finland. Dermed vant Klæbo sin niende strake sprintseier i verdenscupen.

29 Nov 13:05 Dagbladet.no 3042595686237170900.html
BREAKING: Man, 35, dies after being hit by ambulance in early morning crash

Thames Valley Police are investigating the crash, which happened on the A34 in Oxfordshire at around 3.20am today

29 Nov 11:04 mirror 675785259999653213.html
Lewis Hamilton: Ferrari open door to signing Mercedes star after 2020 Formula 1 season

Ferrari have opened the door to Lewis Hamilton joining them in 2021. Hamilton’s £40million-a-year contract with Mercedes expires at the end of next season. Mercedes want to negotiate a new deal with

29 Nov 15:35 The Independent 2511519170912771503.html
Hallan descuartizada a mujer en territorio que el CJNG y Cártel de Sinaloa se disputan

Autoridades informaron del hallazgo del cuerpo descuartizado de una mujer, en un terreno despoblado en una zona que grupos del narcotráfico como el Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, CJNG) grupo del liderado por Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias el Mencho y el Cártel de Sinaloa (CDS), comandado por Ismael “el Mayo” Zambada, mantienen aterrorizados con una serie de […]

29 Nov 12:06 El Diario NY 6486144432934823308.html
Hallan descuartizada a mujer en territorio que el CJNG y Cártel de Sinaloa se disputan

La víctima no ha sido identificada debido al estado en la que la encontraron

29 Nov 12:06 La Opinión 952941033320424844.html
Daniel Nasini asumió la presidencia de la Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario

Este jueves

29 Nov 12:49 El Litoral 2624573358678417638.html
'Allocate a chill-out zone': how to keep the family peace at Christmas

Lawyers, therapists and hostage negotiators explain how to defuse festive conflicts

29 Nov 12:00 the Guardian 1491978794676489073.html
Chaves: El 'clima de culpabilidad' ha condicionado el juicio de los ERE

El expresidente de la Junta cree que el proceso ha estado sometido “a muchas presiones políticas, mediáticas y sociales”

29 Nov 10:44 La Vanguardia 8061072699839960636.html
‘Tens of thousands’ of children skip school for climate strike protest

The international movement, Fridays For Future, was started by teenage activist Greta Thunberg.

29 Nov 12:22 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773974197131.html
Detik-detik Selebrasi 'Gila' Timnas Polo Air Usai Raih Emas di SEA Games 2019

Timnas polo air putra Indonesia melakukan selebrasi gila usai meraih medali emas di ajang SEA Games 2019, Jumat (29/11/19).

29 Nov 15:30 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550174805515.html
Ricardo Teixeira é banido do futebol pela Fifa por esquema de propina

Foto: J. Freitas/Arquivo/Senado Federal O ex-presidente da CBF Ricardo Teixeira foi banido pelo resto da vida de atuar no futebol profissional, anunciou nesta sexta-feira (29) a Fifa, após julgar as acusações de propina durante a preparação do Brasil para sediar a Copa do Mundo de 2014. Um quadro independente do conselho de ética ligado à Fifa anunciou as sanções ao ex-dirigente, que já atuou como executivo da própria entidade, além de ter sido presidente da Conmebol e da CBF. Teixeira foi investigado por um esquema de propina durante o período de 2006 a 2012, pelos seus papéis junto a empresa que atuariam com mídia e direitos de imagem de eventos da CBF, Conmebol e Concacaf. A decisão divulgada pela Fifa aponta que Teixeira agiu contra o artigo 27 do código de ética da entidade, que aponta propina. Como resultado, sua sanção é o banimento por toda a vida de qualquer atividade ligada ao futebol, em qualquer campo, incluindo o esportivo e o administrativo, em âmbito nacional e internacional. Além disso, ele foi…

29 Nov 12:54 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419574911610.html
Trump entiende poco del Ejército, dice exjefe de la Armada

El presidente Trump sabe poco del Ejército, aseguró Richard Spencer, el exjefe de la Armada que fue recientemente despedido.

29 Nov 13:25 Mundo Hispanico 2601846018088479871.html
Cheetahs hand debut to Massyn for Ospreys clash

The Cheetahs will be giving a PRO14 debut to Chris Massyn when they take on Ospreys in Neath.

29 Nov 14:45 Sport 682566034506466569.html
FIFA 20 Ultimate Team Black Friday Best of TOTW squad revealed

The latest FUT 20 promo has been unveiled - the Black Friday Best of TOTW squad featuring Sadio Mane, Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe.

29 Nov 14:52 Liverpool Echo 7727211174145118847.html
Mazda : grosse demande pour le moteur Skyactiv X

Mazda ne s'attendait probablement pas à un tel engouement pour son dernier moteur essence, baptisé Skyactiv X. La marque a confié qu'en Europe, 60 % de la demande sur Mazda 3 était pour cette motorisation, et 45 % sur le CX-30.

29 Nov 11:00 Caradisiac.com 930406530938300281.html
CSM Bucureşti i-a prelungit contractul antrenorului Adrian Vasile

CSM Bucureşti anunţă că i-a prelungit contractul antrenorului Adrian Vasile, scandent în vara anului 2020. Noua înţelegere dintre club şi tehnician va expira în luna iunie a anului 2021 şi cuprinde obiective interne şi internaţionale.

29 Nov 12:08 News.ro 1785173096995405787.html
Informatiker will berühmtes Flugboot Do X nachbauen – ohne Pläne

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 10:53 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774727453171.html
Ulefone Black Friday Deals on Aliexpress - Gizmochina

Black Friday is here once again and Ulefone has prepared large discounts for its rugged Armor series and entry-level S series on its Aliexpress store. So, it would be a perfect time to grab a rugged phone on the cheap. Let’s take a look at what they have to offer. Ulefone Armor 7 flagship Ulefone …

29 Nov 15:31 Gizmochina 1751854815599097973.html
Convocantes del Paro piden al Gobierno reanudar diálogos de paz con ELN

La solicitud se hizo por medio de una misiva enviada al Presidente Iván Duque en la tarde de ayer.

29 Nov 11:09 Colombia.com 1213910711431817757.html
El Barcelona confirma la baja de Ousmane Dembélé

La audiencia de formulación de cargos en contra de José Carlos Tuárez, expresidente del Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social (Cpccs), y otras 32 personas se mantiene desde que inició la noche de este jueves 28 de diciembre a las 23h00.En una entrevista radial, este viernes, la fiscal general del Estado, Diana Salazar indicó que se está investigando si hay otros funcionario o exfuncionarios involucrados en la red de tráfico de influencias que fue desmantelada tras un operativo en seis provincias del país.

29 Nov 13:42 Ecuavisa 4017571650969065126.html
In piazza a Reggio Emilia per il Pianeta e contro il consumismo. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – Circa 1.500 persone, in gran parte studenti ma non solo, hanno partecipato questa mattina in centro alla manifestazione promossa dal movimento Fridays for future allo scopo di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica a favore dell’ambiente e contro l’inquinamento. Il corteo è partito dal parco Cervi sfilando poi nelle vie principali dell’esagono.

29 Nov 11:47 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334081280274.html
Newly discovered black hole is so large, it shouldn’t exist

Scientists have discovered a “monster black hole,' but they said it’s so big that it shouldn’t actually exist.

29 Nov 11:27 WVLT 4089046911250281461.html
Xbox Black Friday deals are live now — here are the best discounts on Xbox One consoles and games, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The Xbox is one of the most popular gaming consoles. Here are the best Black Friday deals on the Xbox One S, Xbox One X, and games in 2019.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 13:22 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755763030026.html
Lampen bei Leichenhalle mutwillig zerstört: Ärger

Einen würdigen Rahmen wünschen sich Hinterbliebene, wenn sie sich von den Verstorbenen verabschieden. In Oslip ist die Leichenhalle bereits in die ...

29 Nov 12:27 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093985562820.html
Racionamientos eléctricos siguen sin dar tregua a los zulianos y superan las 6 horas

Los racionamientos volvieron nuevamente al Zulia y sin previo aviso. Los residentes de los distintos municipios del estado denuncian en las redes sociales que, como meses atrás, se viene aplicando el viejo esquema de 6x6 horas en la distribución del servicio público, en especial, en horas de la noche.

29 Nov 15:50 Panorama 6052790754421505478.html
Zidane revela que Vinicius Junior não vai deixar o Real Madrid

O técnico francês Zinedine Zidane negou qualquer possibilidade de empréstimo ou saída do jogador

29 Nov 13:50 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699761435984.html
Rak Food Truck, un sutil juego entre Tailandia y Puerto Rico

Conoce y prueba el ingenio del chef Luis Díaz

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309234762001.html
Schade für den Sport, wenn ein solches Ausnahmetalent so früh aufhört

Vor dem Saisonstart in Östersund fragt sich Biathlon-Deutschland, wie es nach dem Rücktritt von Laura Dahlmeier weitergeht. t-online.de-Kolumnistin Uschi Disl hat dazu ihre ganz eigene Meinung.

29 Nov 14:51 T-Online 5460876211543873153.html
Vermisst: Frau aus Frankfurt tot? Jetzt sprechen ihre Nachbarn  

Eine 43-jährige Frau aus Frankfurt wird seit Wochen vermisst. Laut Polizei ist sie offenbar tot. Jetzt sprechen ihre Nachbarn. 

29 Nov 10:20 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323916049398.html
Ex-MP hopes payout over Carl Beech case will deter police from ‘assuming guilt’

Officers raided Harvey Proctor’s home on the basis of claims made by fantasist Beech.

29 Nov 10:35 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773358502814.html
Alexa vai ganhar emoções com respostas animadas ou desapontadas

Amazon anunciou em evento que a assistente pessoal será atualizada para dar sentimento à voz do sistema. Tanto para a demonstração positiva ou negativa, o programa terá três níveis de tonalidade emotiva

29 Nov 13:42 Canaltech 6267437389515655479.html
Premier League. Oficjalnie: Unai Emery zwolniony z Arsenalu!

Stało się to, na co wielu kibiców i ekspertów czekało od tygodni. Unai Emery oficjalnie przestał pełnić obowiązki trenera Arsenalu. Tymczasowym następcą Hiszpana został Freddie Ljungberg, jego dotychczasowy asystent.

29 Nov 11:32 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968681070290.html
Diablo 4 userà un nuovo motore grafico e avrà animazioni miglori | Game Division

In un'intervista con AusGamers, Blizzard ha rivelato nuove informazioni su Diablo 4, svelato allo scorso BlizzCon. Ecco i dettagli.

29 Nov 15:45 Tom's Hardware 6640147070166172735.html
Stanley Robotics, le robot qui gare les voitures tout seul

Grâce à l'intelligence artificielle, trois ingénieurs français ont mis au point un robot qui fait gagner un temps fou à l'aéroport. Démonstration. , Depuis mai dernier, un étrange ballet se déroule chaque

29 Nov 13:04 Capital.fr 2641485280672052235.html
Haftbefehl gegen Marko L. aufgehoben: „Ernüchterndes Signal“: Tatverdächtiger des Säure-Anschlags auf Innogy-Manager kommt frei

Gut anderthalb Jahre nach dem Säureanschlag auf den Energiemanager Bernhard Günther ist ein mutmaßlicher Tatverdächtiger wieder auf freiem Fuß. Das Landgericht Wuppertal hat den Haftbefehl gegen Marko L. am Freitagmittag aufgehoben.

29 Nov 13:32 FOCUS Online 4448121231671269034.html
Declaran improcedente el despido de una limpiadora que en ocho años firmó 242 contratos

El Tribunal Supremo señala que la vía del contrato de interinidad por sustitución no es válido en esos casos y ofrece al Hospital Clínic de Barcelona que elija entre rea

29 Nov 13:45 Las Provincias 5471838388832401354.html
Batistuta apoyará a lista opositora y se enfrentará a Riquelme en las elecciones presidenciales de Boca Juniors

El ex delantero manifestó su respaldo a “Volver a ganar”, agrupación liderada por José Berardi y Royco Ferrari para las próximas elecciones xeneizes.

29 Nov 15:04 Publimetro Chile 2498685483365863880.html
Dabangg 3: Here’s Why Netizens Claim Salman Khan’s Film Has Upset Hindu Sentiments

Dabangg 3: Controversy rose after netizens objected to a scene in the film's title song 'Hud Hud' that shows saffron-clad sadhus dancing with guitars.

29 Nov 15:02 India.com 7150386084205406784.html
El sospechoso del caso Marta Calvo fue detenido con 9 kilos de cocaína en Italia

Jorge P. J. era el encargado de garantizar la entrega de la droga en la ciudad de Brescia

29 Nov 10:10 Diarioinformacion 8979296175881120578.html
Hike in Onion Price? Thieves in West Bengal steal onions instead of Cash

With the hike in prices of Onion up to Rs 100 per kilo in West Bengal, onions have seemingly become more alluring for thieves than cash

29 Nov 14:41 The Sentinel 448185206179146391.html
PRF apreende 500 mil carteiras de cigarro em Quatro Pontes, no oeste do estado

(Foto: divulgação/PRF) 500 mil carteiras de cigarro escondidas em uma carga de madeira foram apreendidas pela Polícia Rodoviária Federal em Quatro Pontes, no oeste do estado. A apreensão aconteceu …

29 Nov 15:41 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257051757581.html
Pernilla Wahlgren mistet lappen etter råkjøring

Den svenske artisten råkjørte i en 70-sone og mistet førerkortet.

29 Nov 14:02 TV 2 8210067769760931442.html
Unidad de Análisis y Contexto será para erradicar violencia de género

Será un área como las que existen en estados con Alerta de Género

29 Nov 10:24 Milenio 4240839408491797155.html
Onana behoedde Lille-spits voor rood: "Ik ben blij, vereerd en erg dankbaar"

Een bijzondere onthulling van Victor Osimhen: niemand minder dan Andre Onana probeerde de Nigeriaanse spits te behoeden voor een rode kaart tijdens de Champions League-clash tussen Lille OSC en Ajax. Osimhen maakte in de eerste helft van Lille - Ajax een gefrustreerde indruk en liep al vroeg een gele kaart aan. Onana had dat ook in de gaten. "Hou je hoofd erbij, luidde de boodschap van Onana", vertelt Osimhen aan Oma Sports. "Hij is een ervaren speler en zei dat ik kalm moest blijven, zodat ik geen rode kaart zou pakken."

29 Nov 14:48 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883375996526.html
Lion Industries posts fourth straight quarterly loss of RM110.6m

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Lion Industries Bhd reported a net loss of RM110.62 million for the first quarter ended Sept 30, 2019 (1QFY20) versus a net profit of RM19 million a year ago, including a lower margin of its steel division, and higher loss from associated companies and joint ventures.This marks its fourth consecutive quarterly loss.As a result, it registered a loss per share of 16.25 sen from 2.79 sen for 1QFY19, Lion Industries said in a filing with

29 Nov 13:21 The Edge Markets 6322622074699687901.html
Ex director de Amazon méxico principal sospechoso de ejecución de su ex

Cuando el hijo mediano escuchó la pelea, su padre estaba a punto de degollar a su madre con una navaja en el cuarto de al lado. Era enero de este año. Abril Pérez Sagaón estuvo a punto de morir asesinada por su entonces marido, Juan Carlos García, exdirector de la filial mexicana de Amazon y director de comercio digital de la multinacional de electrodomésticos Elektra.

29 Nov 14:10 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365557733073559.html
Radnici "Amazona" štrajkuju na crni petak

BERLIN - Zaposleni u centrima za distribuciju kompanije "Amazon" u Njemačkoj stupili su u štrajk na crni petak zahtijevajući da im budu povećane plate.

29 Nov 10:29 Nezavisne novine 4209150642875635058.html
Gallerie dei Berici Cantieri notturni in A4 e tangenziale


29 Nov 13:52 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985371893276419.html
Who’s through, who has work to do? How things stand for British teams in Europe

There is only one round of group fixtures left in the Champions League and Europa League.

29 Nov 14:16 Shropshire Star 3480199992825337204.html
Concluyen las tareas de búsqueda tras el terremoto en Albania con un balance de 49 muertos

Los equipos de rescate han concluido las tareas de búsqueda tras el terremoto de magnitud 6,4 que sacudió el martes Albania y que ha causado un total de 49 muertos, según ha revelado este viernes el primer ministro del país, Edi Rama.

29 Nov 10:24 RTVE.es 8332346888160261408.html
Iceta no descarta una reunión Sánchez-Torra pero lo ve "complicado" si quiere extremar el conflicto

El primer secretario del PSC, Miquel Iceta, no ha descartado este viernes que se produzca una reunión entre el presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro...

29 Nov 10:46 Europa Press 4702666148924978291.html
Ola restructuring biz over IPO to cost 250 jobs: Report

The spokesperson added that the restructuring is aimed at becoming "more nimble and have a sharper focus on growth and profitability".

29 Nov 10:12 Deccan Herald 2027555795890143932.html
Daimler streicht weltweit 10.000 Stellen

Daimler will weltweit beim Personal sparen, um in Elektromobilität zu investieren. Nach der Ankündigung Mitte November hat Personalvorstand Porth nun Details bekanntgegeben. Mindestens 10.000 Stellen werden abgebaut.

29 Nov 15:15 tagesschau.de 5441171425261429558.html
Así es Impostor Factory, la continuación de Finding Paradise y To the Moon

Freebird Games, en su afán por hacernos llorar, anuncia Impostor Factory, una continuación de To the Moon y Finding Paradise que llegará a finales del año 2020.

29 Nov 10:30 Generación Xbox 4040846040338295771.html
Linea Bianca, Massimiliano Ossini a Blogo: "La montagna rende umani e solidali. In tv c'è bisogno di ottimismo"

Massimiliano Ossini risponde alle domande di Tvblog sulla nuova stagione di Linea Bianca e parla della chiusura di Mezzogiorno in Famiglia

29 Nov 13:46 Tvblog 378101970379715505.html
Telstra is giving away 25 million Telstra Plus points for Christmas, are you eligible?

Have you ever heard of the 12 days of Christmas? Well, Telstra is apparently saying nice try to that and is instead celebrating 25 days of Christmas by giving away 25 million Telstra Plus points this Christmas season. Welcome to Telstra’s 25 days of Christmas.

29 Nov 11:08 Ausdroid 3471188214558719672.html
Prohiben VENTA de NIÑAS en Guerrero, autoridades firman convenio (VIDEO)

La venta de ni&ntilde;as se ha vuelto parte de las "tradidiciones" culturales de las comunidades ind&iacute;genas de M&eacute;xico

29 Nov 12:42 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623503559274.html
Se queda en el Real Madrid: Zinedine Zidane descartó la salida de Vinicius Junior

El entrenador del Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane, señaló que ahora no es "el momento" de Vinicius Junior, pero que en breve tiempo aportará al equipo merengue.

29 Nov 12:50 RPP 3819340341646433804.html
Representante de Paolo Guerrero: Le encantaría ir a Argentina y sobre todo a Boca

El delantero peruano tiene una elevada cláusula de salida de Inter de Porto Alegra.

29 Nov 13:27 alairelibre.cl 7508323594818438918.html
EZVIZ C3W: la prova di una camera di sicurezza da esterno con sirena oggi scontata del 40%

Da EZVIZ una completa videocamera Full HD, WiFi, in promozione per il Black Friday a 59,99 euro con uno sconto del 40%

29 Nov 12:00 Today 178378749686935307.html
Unverpackt-Laden Füllstation in Biberach: Erstes Geschäft für unverpackte Waren und Lebensmittel eröffnet Anfang 2020

Verpackungsfrei und ohne Müll einkaufen in Biberach? Das ist neu in der Stadt und gut für Klima und Umwelt: Anfang des Jahres 2020 soll in der Pfluggasse 3/1 ein Unverpackt-Laden eröffnen.

29 Nov 15:14 swp.de 6929179440673254687.html
Rückrundenauftakt für Juniors – Youngsters in Berlin gefordert

Nach einer kurzen Pause starten die BG Göttingen Juniors in der Nachwuchs-Basketball-Bundesliga am Wochenende mit einem Auswärtsspiel in die Rückrunde der Hauptrundengruppe Nordost. Gegner ist am Sonntag (15 Uhr) die Mitteldeutsche Basketball Academy.

29 Nov 13:59 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775134402319.html
AMLO: Improbable la intervención de Estados Unidos en México

AMLO indicó que su gobierno no se permitirá que personas armadas de otros países actúen en territorio nacional, pues “no queremos intervencionismo"

29 Nov 14:50 Regeneración 4314126174609098613.html
Polícia acredita que padrasto teria matado menina de 12 anos em Joinville

Crime será investigado pela Delegacia de Homicídios de Joinville

29 Nov 13:03 NSC Total 4216767908541889614.html
Taxpayers’ Union congratulates NZ First

Taxpayers’ Union congratulates New Zealand First for stance on tobacco tax

29 Nov 15:21 SCOOP 5315658998698953758.html
Zo scoor je deze dikke auto in GTA [video]

Die wil je natuurlijk even uitproberen.

29 Nov 10:53 Apparata 308905378109271211.html
Offerte solo fibra senza telefono: quali attivare nel mese di dicembre 2019

Una delle principali ricerche da parte di chi è interessato alla sottoscrizione di un contratto per collegarsi a Internet in velocità è legata a termini come “Internet casa senza linea fissa”, “offerta fibra senza telefono”, “offerte ADSL senza linea telefonica” e così via. Se stai leggendo questo articolo è perché molto probabilmente anche tu sei alla ricerca di un’offerta solo Internet casa, che ti garantisca un pacchetto dati illimitato, senza dover necessariamente optare per l’opzione legata alla telefonia fissa.

29 Nov 11:00 www.sostariffe.it 4211055171442440138.html
"Nous avons un grave problème de racisme": les clubs italiens publient une lettre ouverte

Les vingt équipes de Serie A italienne de football unissent leurs forces dans la lutte contre le racisme. Dans une lettre ouverte commune vendredi, ...

29 Nov 15:26 RTL sport 5478130074293004252.html
Heute ist Black Friday: Die besten Angebote für PC-Spieler auf Steam, Amazon & Co.

Pünktlich zum Black Friday liefern wir euch alle Infos zum Schnäppchentag und einen Preisvergleich mit den besten Angeboten für PC-Games.

29 Nov 11:19 www.gamestar.de 809832116926541860.html
Prediksi Deportivo Alaves vs Real Madrid 30 November 2019

Prediksi skor Deportivo Alaves vs Real Madrid, La Liga, Liga Spanyol, Deportivo Alaves vs Real Madrid, Prediksi Bola 30 November 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

29 Nov 13:01 Bola.net 5489959028414965264.html
Big 12 efficiency ratings: Lincoln Riley is right, defenses are getting better

Big 12 defenses have staged an uprising; some normal football is being played

29 Nov 15:45 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760627756236.html
UK Commits £1.8 Billion to European Space Agency

With a £1,870 million investment over the next five years the UK has reaffirmed its commitment to the ESA. The ESA Budget Increased By 10%

29 Nov 11:56 Computer Business Review 8072376453184122572.html
Pietre d'inciampo negate a Schio, Pirani della Uiltec: «Pronto a pagarle io»

SCHIO (VICENZA) - «L'amministrazione di Schio faccia marcia indietro: Così Paolo Pirani, segretario generale della Uiltec il quale si dice «pronto a sostenere i costi della...

29 Nov 11:27 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447982586468.html
Woman who is 4ft tall and can't put rubbish in bin faces court action as a result

Tia Goldsmith has been fined for not recycling her cardboard and could face prosecution

29 Nov 12:53 men 6694993429506887854.html
Real Madrid | Se define el plan invernal con Vinícius

Protagonista de un buen número de rumores que apuntan a un cambio de aires el próximo mes de enero, desde el seno del conjunto de Chamartín tienen claro que el jugador no cambiará de aires (...)

29 Nov 10:54 Fichajes 157935406226948997.html
Estos son los primeros confirmados del Sonorama Ribera 2020

Celtas Cortos, Def con Dos y Manel son los primeros confirmados de un cartel de más de 60 artistas

29 Nov 10:39 LOS40 2217396491008900244.html
Sans limites – Perspectives placements de Raiffeisen

La montagne de dettes US ne cesse d’augmenter.

29 Nov 15:09 Allnews 678771719803146178.html
"Tri boda protiv Zvezde su ista kao protiv Proletera"

Voždovac u subotu gostuje Crvenoj zvezdi u meču 18. kola Superlige Srbije.

29 Nov 14:10 Sport Klub 42251758506543395.html
Piston Slap: One Website for Year-by-Year Changes?

Citizen Kanine writes: Is there a good (single?) place to search and discover what year car models updated their drivetrain or added some feature I might want? I’m looking at a couple of used car options, probably recent cars coming off leases, and am wondering if model year 2016 or 2017 (for example) are significantly […]

29 Nov 13:00 The Truth About Cars 8594295342156246720.html
Rebel with a cause: on Soumik Datta’s protest album on climate change

How climate change warrior and sarod virtuoso, Soumik Datta, turned his latest EP into a protest album

29 Nov 10:51 The Hindu 6679535026250208373.html
Il concerto di Kendrick Lamar a Roma non sarà una data come le altre - Giovanni Ansaldo

Lo show del rapper di Compton a Roma ci dirà molto su come è cambiato negli ultimi anni il rapporto tra l’Italia e il rap straniero. Leggi

29 Nov 13:44 Internazionale 3249842260121067489.html
Ex-MP hopes payout over Carl Beech case will deter police from ‘assuming guilt’

Officers raided Harvey Proctor’s home on the basis of claims made by fantasist Beech.

29 Nov 10:36 Shropshire Star 3480199991276921758.html
Celaá asegura que Sánchez solo se presentará a la investidura si cuenta con los apoyos necesarios

Tras la reunión del PSOE y ERC, la ministra de Educación y portavoz del Gobierno asegura que las negociaciones "avanzan": "Si hay nuevas citas, hay nuevas oportunidades", comenta.

29 Nov 13:59 www.publico.es 99190979042001059.html
Thai court fines Philip Morris $39.7 million for tax evasion

BANGKOK (AP) - A court in Thailand on Friday found the local unit of tobacco giant Philip Morris guilty of evading taxes by under-declaring the value of cigarettes it imported from the Philippines. It ordered the company to pay a fine of 1.2 billion baht ($39.7 million).

29 Nov 11:19 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637683761065.html
Tragedija na avtocesti: Darko ubil tri ljudi in pobegnil (FOTO)

V Švici se je v sredo zgodila huda prometna nesreča, v kateri so umrle tri osebe. Nesrečo je povzročil 45-letni Darko G., ki je po poročanju portala Crna hronika BiH poskušal pobegniti s kraja n...

29 Nov 11:56 Slovenske novice 5901956561892958379.html
Apple's Not-Black Friday Shopping Event Offers Up to £160 in Gift Cards for Buying Apple Stuff

Apple is known for only ever doing things its own way, and to hell with what everyone else thinks. Or at least that's what happens when dealing with the public, because who the hell knows what happens inside the UFO they call a headquarters. So When Black Friday comes around Apple takes part, but doesn't call it 'Black Friday'

29 Nov 15:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001396795802.html
Liga niemiecka: Bayern gra z Bayerem. Oczy zwrócone na Lewandowskiego

Piłkarze Bayernu Monachium, z prezentującym świetną dyspozycję Robertem Lewandowskim, podejmą w sobotę Bayer Leverkusen w 13. kolejce Bundesligi. Goście zajmują dopiero dziewiąte miejsce, ale w ostatnim spotkaniu tych drużyn okazali się lepsi, wygrywając w lutym 3:1.

29 Nov 11:57 sport.dziennik.pl 2589674919309701542.html
Cómo dibujar o poner texto en las imágenes de Google Fotos

Os contamos como podéis editar las fotografías e imágenes de Google Fotos para dibujar encima o añadirles texto de colores.

29 Nov 10:31 El Androide Libre 196740460564852346.html
Codemasters przejęło studio odpowiedzialne za serię Project CARS

Codemasters, znani z produkcji gier wyścigowych, poinformowali o przejściu studia Slighty Mad Studios. Co to oznacza dla gier wyścigowych? O tym przeczytacie na PurePC.

29 Nov 15:00 PurePC 178019197618161567.html
Absolvieron a César Milani en la causa por la desaparición del soldado Ledo

La querella había pedido seis años de prisión para el general. Al excapitán Esteban Sanguinetti, el otro acusado, le dieron 14 años.

29 Nov 12:12 Todo Noticias 8077539162206076305.html
Dueño de Cowboys suaviza postura pese a otra derrota

Jerry Jones cree todavía que sus Cowboys pueden llegar a los playoffs. Y mencionó incluso la posibilidad de disputar el Super Bowl, pese a otra derrota.

29 Nov 11:02 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125574969193.html
Coucke reageert op commotie KV Oostende en sneert: ‘Onwaarheden en gestook’

Er is veel commotie rond de financiële situatie van KV Oostende en ex-voorzitter Marc Coucke. De zakenman is nu preses van RSC Anderlecht en reageert op de geruchten. Uiteraard via zijn favoriete kanaal: Twitter.

29 Nov 15:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216573281080.html
Previa del encuentro de la jornada 15: Las Palmas C contra Lanzarote

Previa del encuentro de la jornada 15: Las Palmas C contra Lanzarote

29 Nov 13:01 sport 1349897970815530717.html
Who’s through, who has work to do? How things stand for British teams in Europe

There is only one round of group fixtures left in the Champions League and Europa League.

29 Nov 14:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773407400488.html
Il ritorno di Mihajlovic: "Quattro mesi difficili. Non mi sento un eroe, solo un uomo"

Sinisa Mihajlovic ha tenuto oggi una conferenza stampa in compagnia dei medici che lo hanno curato in questi mesi per una leucemia acuta. "Sono stati quattro mesi difficili in cui...

29 Nov 11:40 FcInterNews.it 7848284892544332920.html
Three fatalities on Mayo roads so far this year

THREE deaths have occurred as a result of accidents on Mayo roads so far this year.

29 Nov 11:41 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535059333207.html
Las ventas de Shenmue 3 no inician con mucha fuerza

Shenmue 3 se ha lanzado después de años de espera, y sus primeros resultados no son muy prometedores para Deep Silver y para la franquicia de culto...

29 Nov 13:37 MÁSGAMERS 2563978791474830753.html
El nostálgico encuentro de Ariana Grande y sus compañeros de "Victorious"

La cantante se juntó con se juntó con Matt Bennett y Liz Gillies.

29 Nov 15:10 AR13 5510785229663859789.html
Un badge per le commesse con il ciclo, è polemica in Giappone

L'idea, spiegano dalla catena Daimaru che ha introdotto la novità, è incoraggiare gli altri colleghi a essere più collaborativi

29 Nov 15:15 Agi 2115274225062691627.html
México debe incluir a "freelancers" en próxima reforma de pensiones: OCDE

De acuerdo con el estudio bianual sobre pensiones en el mundo de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), ''Un vistazo a las pensiones 2019'', el autoempleo, el trabajo temporal o a tiempo parcial, ahora representa más de un tercio del empleo en los países de la OCDE, por lo que recomendó a México y otros países incluir a los ''freelance'' en la próxima reforma de pensiones.

29 Nov 11:46 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559802528061.html
Veliki problem za "Redse", bez prvotimca u najtežem periodu sezone!

Stigla je i zvanična potvrda.

29 Nov 15:55 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496301276664.html
Navegador Brave atinge 40 milhões de downloads no Android

O Navegador Brave está crescendo cada vez mais, garantindo uma base de usuários cada vez mais e que preza pela privacidade de seus dados.

29 Nov 15:00 Guia do Bitcoin 1083723509555524214.html
'2 former J&K MLAs, detained since Aug 5, admitted to hospital': Officials

NC general secretary and former minister Ali Mohammed Sagar and former Ganderbal MLA Ishfaq Ahmed were taken to SKIMS.

29 Nov 15:15 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363671661211.html
Robert Pires hopes France draw reinvigorated England at Euro 2020

France are in Pot 2 for Saturday’s Euro 2020 draw and Robert Pires would welcome the chance for the world champions to face England.

29 Nov 11:57 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906132666414.html
Arrivée d'uranium appauvri en Russie, Greenpeace gronde

En provenance d'Allemagne, un navire transportant de l'uranium appauvri a accosté en Russie. Jeudi, Greenpeace a dénoncé un transfert illégal et dangereux.

29 Nov 12:09 euronews 7357749755349129076.html
'Ready to go to jail, no problem,' says Shivakumar on I-T case against him

On March 28, Shivakumar held a protest opposing the raids on JD(S) and Congress leaders.

29 Nov 12:58 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363953275661.html
Google lanza colección digital dedicada al estilo único de la Bauhaus

Desde las fiestas con temática de metal que organizaban sus estudiantes hasta la reproducción de edificios nunca construidos, la nueva colección digital

29 Nov 13:30 El Siglo 7954754735667300578.html
What 15 of Our Favorite Disney Characters Would Look Like If They Were the Opposite Gender

In the world of Disney, everything goes the usual way — a beautiful princess can’t wait to meet her prince on a white horse, and the prince himself is ready to do anything to finally get to the love of his life. But artist TT Bret decided to challenge this order of things and make some cartoon characters switch their genders. She shared the results on her page “Let There Be Doodles,” and we can’t wait to show them to you.

29 Nov 13:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263655743802559.html
Atlantia sempre più in difficoltà: revoca vicina?

Il governo starebbe valutando la cancellazione della legge 101/2008 che elimina gli indennizzi in favore di Atlantia ed il titolo amplia le perdite.

29 Nov 11:31 Trend Online 3268043278894449489.html
Amber Rose a subi une liposuccion six semaines après son accouchement

Dans un message publié sur son compte Instagram mercredi 27 novembre, le mannequin Amber Rose a révélé avoir subi une liposuccion seulement six...

29 Nov 10:27 Closermag.fr 1175411577687791966.html
Angela Merkel 6 grudnia odwiedzi obóz Auschwitz

Angela Merkel 6 grudnia stanie się trzecim kanclerzem Niemiec, który zdecydował się na podróż do byłego obozu zagłady Auschwitz.

29 Nov 13:49 Rzeczpospolita 4735082524873624302.html
5. Station und Abschluss der NÖ Jobtour beim Ökokreis in Ottenstein

Eichtinger/Hergovich/Widy: 28 Millionen Euro für Arbeitsmarkt im WaldviertelSt. Pölten (OTS/NLK) - Zum Abschluss der niederösterreichweiten Jobtour machten Landesrat Martin Eichtinger, AMS NÖ-Chef Sven Hergovich und Abteilungsleiter Günther Widy vom Sozialministeriumservice (SMS) Halt beim Ökokreis im Waldviertel. Gleichzeitig wurde dort die Geschä...

29 Nov 10:23 Börse Express 3714356347159743517.html
Black Friday TIM, Vodafone, Kena, Wind: ecco tutte le offerte di telefonia

Nella pagina riportiamo tutte le offerte di telefonia in occasione del Black Friday. rimandandovi ai siti ufficiali degli operatori per maggiori informazioni o per compiere gli acquisti

29 Nov 15:01 Hardware Upgrade 8244528333331086895.html
Instagram: ecco come vengono scelti i contenuti in “Esplora” e come finirci

Come finire negli Esplora di Instagram? Ecco spiegato il meccanismo di funzionamento che c'è dietro da un ingegnere del social

29 Nov 13:46 BitchyF 921248400773218876.html
Cutremurul din Albania: logodnica fiului premierului albanez, printre cele aproape 50 de victime

O tânără logodită cu fiul premierului albanez Edi Rama se numără printre cele aproape 50 de victime confirmate ale unui cutremur violent...

29 Nov 11:11 Stiri pe surse 4858045013140083392.html
Walt Harris shares ‘thank you’ post to slain stepdaughter Aniah Blanchard

It was a somber Thanksgiving for UFC heavyweight Walt Harris — who posted an emotional “thank you” message to his stepdaughter Aniah Blanchard, a day after authorities confirmed her remains were

29 Nov 13:56 New York Post 7654946768121632416.html
The 16 best new hotels in Europe that every traveler should visit, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Sleeper magazine, a hotel-design publication in the UK, has announced the winners of its third annual Ahead Europe Awards.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 15:38 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757342044567.html
Birsa Dasgupta: I Am Happy To Have Directed So Many New Actors, Says Mafia Director

Mafia is the first web series directed by Birsa Dasgupta. It is produced by Parambrata Chattopadhyay’s production house. Mafia will stream on Zee5 early next year

29 Nov 12:26 SPOTBOYE 1547816857569906998.html
Urdangarin ha pedido ya su primer permiso de salida, de siete días

La Junta de Tratamiento de la prisión deberá ser quien lo conceda y el juez de Vigilancia Penitenciaria ratificar la decisión

29 Nov 13:47 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611823452826.html
Kevin Hart Thinks The Rock Should Get Him a Part in DC's Black Adam

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson finally made the official announcement last week that he will be playing the famous DC anti-hero Black Adam in a standalone movie, after years of anticipation. And now his good friend and repeated co-star Kevin Hart wants in on the action.

29 Nov 14:46 Pulse Live 3606876836304507779.html
Ministarstvo Finansija Republike Srpske lažno prikazuje budžet za 2020. kroz izmišljeni suficit

Razlika u realnim rashodima je preko 114 Miliona KM koje Ministarka Vidović želi da prikrije kako bi dovela u zabludu domaću javnost i strane poverioce.

29 Nov 13:47 REPUBLIKA 2543998406325241935.html
Iraks premiärminister avgår efter protesterna

Iraks premiärminister Adil Abd al-Mahdi kommer att lämna in sin avskedsansökan till landets parlament, enligt ett uttalande från premiärministerns kansli.

29 Nov 13:09 Dagens industri 3921815212696613785.html
Persoanele care administrează un timp îndelungat preparatele antiacide riscă să contracteze rotavirusul

Preparatele antiacide cresc riscul de infecție cu rotavirus. La această concluzie au ajuns oamenii de știință de la Sorbona, scrie Vesti.ru.Unul dintre cercetători, Mina Tadrows, observă că principala problemă este că mulți oameni devin dependenți de medi

29 Nov 11:02 PUBLIKA 1679939814115308903.html
Dilan siempre quiso que tuviéramos estabilidad y saliéramos adelante: Denis Cruz

La hermana del joven asesinado por un agente del Esmad afirmó que su familia busca ser un ejemplo de tolerancia y así es como han manejado este caso.

29 Nov 14:54 W Radio 7724358829497410267.html
Johnny Jones: Why the number of US troops in Afghanistan doesn't matter

The number of U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan doesn't matter as much as how they are employed to keep the peace, retired U.S. Marine Bomb Technician and Fox News contributor Johnny Jones said Friday.

29 Nov 12:34 Fox News 7362823820326585328.html
WWF India Job Senior Project Officer 2019

Human-elephant conflict (HEC) threatens the lives and livelihoods of both humans and Asia’s elephants, constituting one of the most serious threats

29 Nov 13:05 The Sentinel 448185206516723589.html
Científicos estadounidenses desmontan fórmula clásica de calcular la edad de los perros

Para hacer los cálculos, un equipo de investigadores de EE. UU. analizó el ADN de 104 perros 'labrador retriever' y lo comparó con el humano

29 Nov 10:11 Granma.cu 7847343384092028554.html
The 16 best new hotels in Europe that every traveler should visit, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Sleeper magazine, a hotel-design publication in the UK, has announced the winners of its third annual Ahead Europe Awards.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

3 Dec 14:59 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756286278417.html
The Razer Kiyo streaming webcam is $40 off on Amazon right now

One of the best-value webcams is now even better value.

29 Nov 12:01 PC Gamer 9149753396122522674.html
Uruguay se despidió del Mundial

Uruguay se despidió este jueves del Mundial de fútbol playa al caer por 3-2 ante Japón, que el sábado se las verá con Portugal en semifinales.

29 Nov 15:54 CONMEBOL 223659173207133428.html
Ninamedia obeležila 18 godina poslovanja

BEOGRAD - Kompanija "Ninamedia" obeležila je sinoć u Beogradu 18 godina postojanja i uspešnog poslovanja. Osnivač i vlasnik kompanije Dragan Radić osvrnuo

29 Nov 15:03 Krstarica 4176903989003290648.html
Active 2019 Atlantic hurricane season comes to an end Saturday

NOAA says the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season, which ends on November 30, was marked by tropical activity that churned busily from mid-August through October.

29 Nov 10:56 Fox 4 8372747778691456693.html
Dark times: Eskom Has A R50 Billion Shortfall

JOHANNESBURG – Eskom on Thursday said it needed to come up with a way to address the R50 billion shortfall it had accumulated this past financial year. The power utility projected that it would lose R20 billion by the end of the year. Its operating costs are over R30 billion. Eskom’s CFO Calib Cassim said […]

29 Nov 10:42 iAfrica 8834711024093305938.html
Sainz: Nuestro ritmo de carrera parece bueno

El español Carlos Sainz (McLaren), séptimo en el Mundial de Fómula Uno, en el que hace dos domingos logró su primer podio -al acabar tercero en Brasil-, afirmó este viernes, tras firmar el undécimo tiempo en los entrenamientos libres de Abu Dabi, sede del último Gran Premio del año, que su "ritmo de carrera parece bueno", pero que "habrá que ver en calificación". "Las sensaciones son relativamente buenas, ha sido una segunda sesión en la que iba cómodo, el coche es el mismo desde Singapur y si va como tiene que ir estoy más o menos cómodo", explicó el piloto madrileño."En Suzuka o Singapur estábamos más adelante que este undécimo o duodécimo está todo muy apretado y tendremos que ponernos las pilas", señaló Sainz, que comentó los incidentes acaecidos durante los libres."Es una curva que siempre ha tenido accidentes, es la más difícil del circuito porque el coche se va mucho de atrás. Ya ha pasado en los test", indicó Carlos, en manifestaciones al canal de televisión Movistar TV.Sobre las posibilidades de entrar…

29 Nov 14:14 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125181071987.html
Newly discovered massive black hole ‘should not even exist,' astronomers say

The discovery of a massive black hole so monstrous it should not exist has left astronomers worldwide stumped, Astronomy magazine reported.

29 Nov 11:23 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636549995375.html
Black Friday: la mobilisation contre la surconsommation se concentre sur Amazon

Des militants d’ANV-COP21 et des Amis de la Terre ont notamment bloqué jeudi le nouveau centre de distribution du géant du e-commerce situé à Brétigny-sur-Orge

29 Nov 11:45 l'Opinion 7618695067237494375.html
Esposende: Setor leiteiro tem de informar e contrariar teses “alarmistas e veganistas”

A diretora Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Norte, Carla Alves, defendeu esta sexta-feira, em Esposende, que o setor leiteiro precisa de apostar na informação sobre os benefícios do consumo do leite, para contrariar “teses alarmistas e veganistas”. Falando na abertura do Colóquio Nacional do Leite, promovido pela Associação dos Produtores de Leite de Portugal (APROLEP) e pela Associação dos Jovens Agricultores do Distrito do Porto, Carla Alves sublinhou que o leite nacional é um alimento “reconhecidamente bom, seguro e saudável”. “O setor tem pela frente o desafio, da maior importância, de comunicar, de informar sobre os benefícios do consumo do leite, contrariando teses alarmistas e veganistas que se têm vindo a instalar”, referiu. Para Carla Alves, o setor leiteiro tem também de ser capaz de mostrar o seu importante contributo para a fixação de CO2 (dióxido de carbono), através das forragens e pastagens, e a sua aposta no bem-estar animal, que atingiu um nível “nunca antes alcançado”. A diretora Regional…

29 Nov 13:54 O Minho 154418196452453876.html
Une foule de milliardaires vivent en Valais

Patrick Drahi est le plus fortuné des résidents du canton, mais il n’est de loin pas le seul ultrariche vivant en Valais. Un Valaisan de souche, Stépha ...

29 Nov 12:07 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461905156055.html
Kölner Bands unterstützen Protest – Chemischer Geruch in Schule

Zur Kundgebung erwartet das Klimabündnis Fridays for Future 20.000 Demonstranten.

29 Nov 15:02 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569596803062.html
Daimler streicht weltweit mehr als 10 000 Stellen

Dass der Sparkurs von Daimler-Chef Källenius nicht ohne Stellenabbau funktioniert, war klar. Nun liegt erstmals eine Zahl auf dem Tisch. Und die ist ziemlich groß.

29 Nov 15:35 ka-news.de 5595931857550802754.html
Sri Lanka wants to undo 99-year port lease to China

Sri Lanka’s new government led by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa wants to undo the previous regime’s move to lease the southern port of Hambantota to a Chinese venture, citing national interest. Former

29 Nov 11:10 Deccan Herald 2027555797712352989.html
Unai Emery zwolniony. Arsenal Londyn wydał oświadczenie

Arsenal Londyn ogłosił, że zwolnił z funkcji pierwszego trenera Unai’a Emery’ego. „Decyzja została podjęta z powodu braku wyników na odpowiednim poziomie” – napisano w oświadczeniu.

29 Nov 11:45 RMF24 3758900158848100866.html
Catherine Fulop se desnuda de pies a cabeza en Instagram

La venezolana juega con la manzana de Eva en esta impresionante y ardiente sesión de fotografía

29 Nov 10:22 El Diario NY 6486144432852759103.html
Catherine Fulop se desnuda de pies a cabeza en Instagram

La venezolana juega con la manzana de Eva en esta impresionante y ardiente sesión de fotografía

29 Nov 10:22 La Opinión 952941033238360639.html
‘Lurra eta dardara’, zortzi emakume poetaren ahotsa

Zortzi ahots, zortzi emakume, zortzi poeta euskaraz. Inoiz egin ez den antologia plazaratu du Balea Zuria argitaletxeak. &lsquo;Lurra eta dardara&rsquo; lana...

29 Nov 12:59 naiz: 7509038602591030588.html
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Confirms Relocation To Africa In 2020

The co-founder and CEO of microblogging platform, Twitter, Jack Dorsey, says he would be relocating to Africa for a momentary stay in 2020.

29 Nov 14:07 Concise 5544636822012475081.html
Black Friday RAZER : Accessoires gamers, Mamba Elite, Black Widow Elite et DeathAdder Elite

A l'occasion du Black Friday, RAZER lance des offres à ne pas rater sur des souris et claviers gamers, que les esportifs de renom et autres gamers amateurs apprécient. Plus précisément, trois d'entre eux méritent toute votre attention.

2 Dec 12:00 Gameblog 66712929776291157.html
El León recibe al Morelia en busca del zarpazo final

El León, segundo de la clasificación en la primera fase, recibirá este sábado al Morelia confiado en hacer valer la condición de local para acceder a las semifinales del torneo Apertura 2019 del fútbol mexicano.

29 Nov 15:46 planodeportivo.com 1337713460454941428.html
Government of Ghana talks about Ghc 100 and Ghc 200 currency notes

The Governor of the Central Bank of Ghana, Dr. Ernest Addison has explained the rationale behind the government’s policy decision to introduc

29 Nov 14:08 GHANA PAGE 8986860743280722477.html
Vox reivindica dos puestos en la Mesa del Congreso y dice que no tiene "nada que negociar" con el PP

El portavoz de Vox en el Congreso, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, ha asegurado este viernes, que, por sus 52 escaños, a su formación le corresponden dos...

29 Nov 11:10 Europa Press 4702666148010532505.html
Swissair: rejet de l'action en responsabilité contre les dirigeants

Le Tribunal fédéral confirme le rejet de l'action en responsabilité contre 14 anciens dirigeants du groupe Swissair. Les critiques formulées par le liquidateur contre la décision rendue par le Tribunal de commerce du canton de Zurich sont jugées infondées.

29 Nov 12:00 www.rjb.ch 7386238341062611733.html
Uccidono moglie e compagna: altri due femminicidi tra Brescia e Chieti. Ci sono tre vittime

Ha ucciso la compagna, a Brescia, prima di togliersi la vita. Un altro uomo ha ucciso la moglie, a Chieti, dopo una violenta lite. Tre vittime e altri due femminicidi, oggi, in Italia In poche ore, tra Brescia (Lombardia) e Chieti (Abruzzo), si sono consumati altri due delitti contro le donne. Un uomo, che si …

29 Nov 12:59 NewNotizie 1312053897066778801.html
El cholismo, cuando jugar bien no es una traición

Desde algunos sectores al Atlético se le reclama un juego más atractivo, pero el pragmatismo es firme el resultado es Dios

29 Nov 11:41 EL PAÍS 2207347710211651134.html
Ladrones usan Uber y DiDi para robar en Mérida

Un hombre alerta sobre ladrones que utilizan la plataforma de DiDi para cometer sus robos en M&eacute;rida; la conductora se puso de acuerdo con su socio para atracar a su cliente.

29 Nov 14:05 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622731841442.html
Bayer : cessions des parts dans Currenta finalisée

Bayer annonce avoir finalisé la cession de sa participation de 60% au capital de l'opérateur de parcs chimiques Currenta, à des fonds gérés par Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets , conformément... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 13:39 Zonebourse 7946574378190315239.html
Dl Fisco, cambia l’8 per mille: la priorità è il miglioramento degli edifici scolastici

Un emendamento al dl Fisco modifica l'8 per mille: i contribuenti potranno scegliere la destinazione della quota di competenza statale e finalizzarla alla ristrutturazione, alla messa in sicurezza e all'efficientamento energetico delle scuole. La principale novità è che non sarà possibile derogare alle scelte dei cittadini spostando le risorse verso altre finalità.

29 Nov 12:39 fanpage.it 1517332168770300164.html
India Cuts Purchase of P-8 Spy Planes From US in Half

New Delhi (Sputnik): The Indian Navy had originally asked for 10 P-8I aircraft in a bid to deploy more spy planes to crucial points in the Indian Ocean region under “Mission Based Deployment”. However, the Defence Ministry has now decided to cut the request in half due to budget constraints.

29 Nov 10:15 Sputniknews 967333868524324567.html
Funcionários da Amazon estão a fazer greve durante o Black Friday

A Amazon na Alemanha vai ter uma campanha de Black Friday bastante atribulada pois alguns dos seus funcionários decidiram fazer greve. De acordo com os meios...

29 Nov 14:56 4gnews 1809086878857742427.html
Striscia la notizia, Barbara d'Urso collega dei cani e il gioco di parole su Baglioni merd@: satira o offese?

Gli affondi del programma di Canale 5 contro Barbara d'Urso e Claudio Baglioni: irriverenza o insulti?

29 Nov 15:57 Tvblog 378101971930546027.html
Muslim woman says she was told to 'go home' after Boris Johnson's burka comments

The Muslim woman asks Lionel Shriver to take responsibility.

29 Nov 11:26 Metro 970161747426817994.html
Flughafen Zürich erhält Zuschlag für Projekt in Indien

Der Flughafenbetreiber hat für den neuen Flughafen in der Nähe von Delhi die Konzession für den Bau, die Entwicklung und den Betrieb erhalten.

29 Nov 12:23 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203938194472668.html
Unai Emery despedido do Arsenal. Nuno Espírito Santo é candidato

O treinador espanhol não resistiu à série de sete jogos sem vencer. O técnico português do Wolverhampton é um dos favoritos a ocupar o cargo.

29 Nov 11:03 DN 8445869957525642838.html
Y2K-Bug-Variante trifft Splunk-Produkte – Lösungen verfügbar

Splunk-Admins sollten sich vor dem Jahreswechsel dringend mit einem "Jahr-2020-Problem" in der Software auseinandersetzen. Updates stehen bereit.

29 Nov 15:31 Security 1766193382695703010.html
Wilfred Ndidi: Maddison says Super Eagles star is Premier League best midfielder

Wilfred Ndidi, Nigerian international, has been hailed by Leicester City ace James Maddison as the best midfielder in the Premier League.

29 Nov 13:30 Legit 3764253649759391439.html
Anitta exclui Ludmilla do Instagram após briga. Entenda!

As duas artistas se desentenderam por confusão dos créditos da música "Onda Diferente".

29 Nov 11:55 R10 3167340814053048191.html
Bitcoin (BTC) Futures Markets Hit $5B Daily Volume

The Bitcoin (BTC) market has evolved to include the simplest kind of derivative financial products - futures contracts. Those markets now reach $5 billion

29 Nov 13:22 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937754454710.html
Inspiring story of man who was called to bar after wrongful 12 years imprisonment

A Nigerian man who was recently called to bar, is currently being celebrated on social media for his determination. According to a Facebook user who shared the story, he was incarcerated for 12 years for a murder he didn't commit.

29 Nov 12:18 Legit 3764253650190912772.html
Che paura! - ambra angiolini cazzeggia su instagram e si presenta ai suoi follower con una...


29 Nov 15:31 DAGOSPIA 6533336738432588388.html
Mulher intoxicada com gravidade ao desentupir canalização

Uma pessoa foi transportada, em estado grave para o centro hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra depois de ter sofrido uma intoxicação com produtos químicos num supermercado, em Vale de Açores, Mortágua, esta sexta-feira.

29 Nov 12:28 JN 6956494302634223721.html
Tunisia, 13 soccorsi a largo di Haouaria

La marina tunisina ha tratto in salvo tredici connazionali, di età tra i 18 ed i 41 anni, a bordo di un'imbarcazione in difficoltà a 36 miglia nautiche a nord di Haouaria, nel Cap Bon, governatorato di Nabeul. (ANSA)

29 Nov 11:59 ANSA.it 1300837447690730804.html
North Vancouver’s 1960s Capilano Mall plans for redevelopment

The managers of Capilano Mall are planning for redevelopment of the 1960s-era mall.

29 Nov 15:48 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497038423414.html
Los médicos porteños reclaman que se revea la ley aprobada ayer en medio de la represión: Paro en hospitales y marcha de residentes contra la precarización 

En el marco del paro en los hospitales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, los médicos residentes y concurrentes porteños se movilizaron desde Callao y Corrientes hacia el Obelisco para repudiar la ley aprobada ayer en la Legislatura “de forma antidemocrá...

29 Nov 14:27 PAGINA12 7077267065050764869.html
The 7 Best Lifestyle Items from HBX This Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Featuring Off-White™, Heron Preston, mastermind WORLD and more.

29 Nov 10:02 HYPEBEAST 3806037269248453033.html
Padece una rara enfermedad y necesita muleta nuevas para caminar

Leandro Gabriel Pimentel (11) padece una enfermedad que todavía no fue diagnosticada por lo médicos que lo atienden, y que le impide caminar

29 Nov 11:10 Primera Edición 6803897641011089386.html
Declaran culpable al hombre que tiroteó a su mujer en una localidad de Granada

Según el Ministerio Público, el acusado llevó la violencia de género "hasta las últimas consecuencias" contra su pareja, a la que disparó en plena calle y con la que mantuvo una "conducta machista" durante los 25 años de matrimonio.

29 Nov 11:26 www.publico.es 99190977158295902.html
Got Stormy headlines Del Mar's Matriarch, an east vs. west battle

Horse Racing news: Got Stormy headlines Del Mar's Matriarch, an east vs. west battle.

29 Nov 10:04 Horse Racing Nation 6225030534885415139.html
Terra Brava: Beatriz expulsa Diogo da herdade deixando o capitão fora de si

Não perca episódio de hoje de Terra Brava, SIC. reviravolta: Beatriz expulsa Diogo da herdade deixando o capitão fora de si

29 Nov 13:25 maria 5738163821889679682.html
Zazcar encerra aluguel de carros em São Paulo

Empresa atuava no setor de 'carsharing' há 10 anos

29 Nov 13:30 Olhar Digital 416591716420587062.html
If I've hurt anyone with my comments, I'm sorry: Pragya

The Bhopal MP also said she was dubbed as a terrorist despite being acquitted by a court.

29 Nov 13:04 Deccan Herald 2027555796485431237.html
Exclusive: Saif Ali Khan’s next will be helmed by Raees’ director

Saif Ali Khan is currently gearing up for the release of Tanaji: The Unsung Hero as well as Jawaani Jaaneman. The actor has a good mix of scripts in his kitty as he will also be seen in the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha. Our sources inform us that the actor has given his nod to yet another interesting project. The film will be helmed by Shah Rukh Khan starrer Raees‘ director Rahul Dholakia. It has also been confirmed that the film is being bankrolled by Excel Entertainment.

29 Nov 14:14 Filmfare.com 6668806038108970469.html
El arrecifeño Canapino y el entrerriano Werner los principales candidatos: Turismo Carretera: Entre Chevrolet y Ford se define el campeonato en Neuquén

También llegan con chances de coronar el rionegrino Urcera y el arrecifeño Aguirre.

29 Nov 12:48 PAGINA12 7077267066048286525.html
SNCF : la ligne Gardanne-Aix interrompue dès samedi soir pendant deux semaines

En raison des fortes précipitations de ces derniers jours, la SNCF informe que la ligne Gardanne-Aix est interrompue dès ce samedi 23h45 jusqu'au 15 décembre prochain "pour sécuriser une paroi rocheuse qui menace de s'effondrer sur la voie".

29 Nov 12:59 LaProvence 1839381420355628015.html
Jana Maradona debutó como modelo de ropa interior

La hija del Diez se animó a posar para una marca de lencería.

29 Nov 13:41 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450379704565.html
Isentar forças policiais de responsabilidade penal representa grave retrocesso, afirmam mais de 20 países

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

29 Nov 12:19 GGN 1188436353434946822.html
Exceptional photos of Ireland in the 1950s go on display in Dublin

A major exhibition of important photographs which were taken in Ireland in the 1950s will go on display this week at the National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks. The exhibition explores the way in which three photographers, from France and North America, saw and portrayed Ireland...

29 Nov 15:52 IrishCentral 7319968743921103521.html
Ataca grupo armado a policías estatales en Juárez

Ciudad Juárez.- Sujetos armados que viajaban a bordo de dos vehículos atacaron a balazos a elementos de la Comisión Estatal de Seguridad (CES) durante la madrugada, en la colonia Parajes de Oriente. Lo anterior según reporte

29 Nov 15:52 La Parada Digital 5696840778302983839.html
Entregan lentes a niños y jóvenes de escasos recursos de Morelia

La Secretaría de Bienestar y Política Social, continúa la entrega de cinco mil lentes del programa "Una Mirada para el Bienestar", mismos que fueron

29 Nov 14:12 MiMorelia 5599511489612963957.html
Michel Platini explique pourquoi il ne sera plus jamais sur un banc de touche

Interrogé sur un potentiel retour dans l'organigramme de l'AS Saint-Étienne, Michel Platini a rejeté l'idée d'entraîner à nouveau.

29 Nov 11:29 RTL.fr 432875264178408304.html
Coletivo é assaltado na Zona Norte

Crime foi registrado pela Polícia Militar no Bairro Jardim Natal. Assaltantes não foram pegos

29 Nov 14:46 Tribuna de Minas 7521696932547127997.html
Un conductor accidentado pide ayuda a la policía a pesar de no tener carnet, ITV ni seguro

Por estas tres infracciones deberá pagar una multa de 2.200 euros

29 Nov 13:03 La Vanguardia 8061072700675238919.html
Gerrit Krolbrug zit vast; stremming voor auto’s en scheepvaart

De Korrewegbrug, beter bekend als de Gerrit Krolbrug, is sinds vrijdagmiddag geheel gestremd. Zowel  de scheepvaart als het autoverkeer kunnen niet verder.Volgens 112Groningen draaide de brug ve

29 Nov 15:34 OOG 303718094030100248.html
Cómo saber si una aplicación Apk es segura o ha sido modificada

Android es un sistema operativo que tiene numerosas cualidades pese a que comparta muchos aspectos con la mayoría de sistemas, incluso de la competencia. Pero...

29 Nov 13:06 Xataka Android 8206963586167530051.html
Mujer policía le "prestaba" el arma y su chaleco antibalas al novio para que haga entraderas

Yanina Moa cumplía tareas administrativas pero desde hacía seis meses estaba con licencia por embarazo.

29 Nov 14:25 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450904773703.html
Zlatan Ibrahimovic versichert: "Ich kann spielen, bis ich 50 bin"

Der schwedische Superstar Zlatan Ibrahimovic hat betont, dass er trotz seiner 38 Jahre keinerlei körperliche Einschränkungen verspürt. Folglich lässt er sich bei der Suche nach einem neuen Verein alle Optionen offen.

29 Nov 12:49 SPOX 8395423525532581561.html
Irene Huss dotter tar över huvudrollen i ny kriminalserie

I nya Viaplay-originalet "Huss" får vi följa Katarina Huss – en ambitiös, nyskolad polis spelad av Karin Franz Körlof.

29 Nov 10:45 MovieZine 3761742873079857355.html
EM 2020: Ablauf der Gruppen-Auslosung in Bukarest - Deutschland droht Hammer-Los

Die Auslosung für die EM 2020 steht an. Das Turnier findet in ganz Europa statt. Auf wen kann Deutschland wann und wo treffen? Hier alle Infos zum komplizierten Losverfahren.

29 Nov 15:35 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239287606756.html
Digital Payments: Modi’s Idea of A Cashless India Is Going Steady and Strong

As compared to FY 2014-15, the digital transaction volume for FY 2018-19 has grown five-fold. 

29 Nov 11:27 Swarajya 4977622830195313860.html
Urdangarin ya ha pedido su primer permiso y sabrá si es aceptado la próxima semana

El marido de la infanta Cristina ha solicitado siete días y sabrá la próxima semana si dicha solicitud es aceptada por la cárcel de Ávila en la que se encuentra recluido, conociendo así si podrá pasar la Navidad junto a su familia en casa.

29 Nov 15:50 www.publico.es 99190977363000499.html
I used to want anonymity. Now I want the celebrity of being a regular

I’m working on the new Italian deli. They need customers, and I need ciabatta and validation. Surely I’m just a few visits away from a free shot of espresso?

29 Nov 14:00 the Guardian 1491978795249133820.html
Did KZN Catholic priest quit the church to marry a nun? | IOL News

A Catholic priest on the KZN south coast has reportedly quit the church to marry a former nun with whom he allegedly has a 21-year-old daughter.

29 Nov 11:22 www.iol.co.za 17825111735876739.html
Chaves se defiende: nunca recibió "advertencias de ilegalidad" sobre los ERE

Recuerda que el procedimiento fue ratificado cada año en los Presupuestos, "y una ley no es ilegal"

29 Nov 10:00 elPeriodico 7291954034613912712.html
Stock markets tread water as all quiet on trade war front

LONDON, Nov 29 — Stock traders found little to get the pulse racing today as the trade war front was eerily quiet and Thanksgiving sapped global trading volumes. “It’s been quite the forgettable week and I don’t think today is going to be any more memorable,” said Craig Erlam, Senior...

29 Nov 15:18 Malaymail 302165934854964985.html
Anuncian suspensión de clases en 66 municipios de Sonora

El objetivo de esta medida, indicaron autoridades de gobierno, es eliminar cualquier riesgo que represente el traslado de los estudiantes a los centros escolares

29 Nov 14:44 El Universal 4964748197471443540.html
Justiça decreta prisão preventiva do homem suspeito de matar ex-namorada a tiros em Cachoeira

O caso aconteceu na quarta-feira (27), na cidade de Cachoeira, no recôncavo baiano. Elitânia de Souza da Hora foi assassinada quando saía da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB).

29 Nov 11:57 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713118995812.html
Caitlyn Jenner reveals how much Kylie spends on security – after obsessed fan showed up at her home

The reality star spends a huge amount of money in order to feel safe

29 Nov 11:17 GOSS.ie 8755536025909926351.html
Caitlyn Jenner reveals how much Kylie spends on security – after obsessed fan showed up at her home

The reality star spends a huge amount of money in order to feel safe

29 Nov 11:17 GOSS.ie 8755536024791910262.html
Tuttosport: "Leo Duarte va ko. Assalto Demiral"

"Leo Duarte va ko. Assalto Demiral": titola così questa mattina Tuttosport che spiega che, dopo l'infortunio di Duarte, che dovrà restare ai box per 3-4 mesi, il Milan sarà costretto a prendere a gennaio anche un difensore centrale. Il primo obiettivo è sempre Merih Demiral. anche se non sarà semplice trovare un accordo con la Juventus che in estate aveva chiesto addirittura 35 milioni di euro.   

29 Nov 11:24 MilanNews.it 6507305922853797792.html
Merkel advierte sobre los discursos de odio: "Expresar una opinión tiene sus costos"

La Canciller alemana hizo un llamado al Parlamento a evitar la retórica extremista, asegurando que la libertad de expresión "tiene sus límites".

29 Nov 10:22 Emol 3328490601607981335.html
"Wort des Jahres": Eine (kurze) Chronik

• "Respektrente" und die Vorgänger • Häufigkeit der Nennung laut Jury nicht entscheidend • Von "Flüchtling" bis zur "Heißzeit"

29 Nov 10:12 www1.wdr.de 5204960546281656417.html
UTB announces 2020 Tourism Expo with focus on Intra-Africa travel

As Uganda moves to a position as a premier tourist destination, Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) is set to host the 5th annual Pearl of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE 2020). POATE is a tourism and travel trade exhibition which brings together regional and international tour operators, travel agents, destination agencies and various players in the tourism trade to network and facilitate tourism business. The three-day expo will run from 4-6 February 2020 and will be held at the Speke Resort in Munyonyo. POATE 2020 will integrate business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) trade event format under the theme “Inspiring high-value engagement to promote intra-Africa travel for leisure, business and adventure”, aimed at raising Uganda’s profile as a preferred destination in the region and internationally. Launching the event, State Minister for Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities Godfrey Kiwanda noted the board’s focus on Intra- Africa travel.

29 Nov 12:56 EABW Digital 2826306001137607386.html
Türkei darf IS-Anhänger nach Österreich abschieben

Die Türkei könnte offenbar bald auch IS-Anhänger nach Österreich abschieben. Die Vorbereitungen dazu hätten bereits begonnen, berichteten Medien am ...

29 Nov 12:59 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092484967612.html

U potrazi si za najboljom i najprimamiljivijom ponudom  za BLACK FRIDAY? Stani, zaustavi sve, jer Meridian nudi odlično rešenje i tu je da pomogne, jer je upravo pripremio najbolje iznenađenje za ovaj crni petak. U moru velikog broja ponuda za crni petak, Meridian se uvek izdvaja iz mase i donosi neodoljivo dobre promocije, bonuse i […]

29 Nov 11:42 Sportska centrala 5931785409972703951.html
Francesco Chiofalo ricoverato in ospedale: ecco cosa gli è successo – VIDEO

Francesco Chiofalo ha svelato ai suoi tantissimi fan di essere andato in ospedale a causa di un problema che lo ha fatto molto preoccupare, su Instagram ha mostrato le sue labbra gonfie Si torna a parlare di Francesco Chiofalo, ieri sera il noto personal trainer è finito in ospedale. Il motivo? Improvvisamente le sue labbra si …

29 Nov 11:11 NewNotizie 1312053896976946654.html
KAKAV FRAJER: Jelena Kostov sa pripadnikom žandarmerije ima sina!

Pevačica Jelena Kostov sa žandarmom Miljanom Vukovićem ima sina Miliju, a priznaje da bi u 2020. godini volela da dobije još jedno dete.

29 Nov 13:24 pulsonline 6050941187566111725.html
Max ziet zichzelf niet als favoriet: ‘Mercedes altijd ijzersterk hier’

Hij won de laatste race in Brazilië, maar de favorietenrol in Abu Dhabi schuift Max Verstappen naar Mercedes. “Die zijn hier altijd snel.” De 2 testsessies zijn geweest en Max Verstappen weet waar hij staat op het circuit van Yas Marina in Abu Dhabi. Mercedes is sneller, dat is de conclusie na een 2de en…

29 Nov 15:28 Sportnieuws 3602982465132370012.html
Oroscopo Acquario 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: nuove speranze

Oroscopo del 30 novembre 2019 per i nati sotto il segno dell’Acquario (21 gennaio-19 febbraio): nuove speranze. La Luna entra nel vostro segno, nel pomeriggio, e vi regala un’esplosione di energia: ben canalizzata farà nascere nuove idee, nuove speranze e la voglia insopprimibile di voltare pagina! E oggi le amicizie sono al centro della scena, si rivelano preziose, in questo momento per voi sono importanti e avete bisogno della loro presenza. Amore: soli, una persona che pensavate fosse noiosa a sorpresa mostra un lato brillante e seducente. Mai fermarsi alle apparenze. In coppia: circola tanto amore e tanti progetti da realizzare insieme.Oroscopo Capricorno 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: passione al topOroscopo Pesci 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: un legame prezioso Per previsioni personalizzate potete entrare in contatto diretto con Caterina Galloni, scrivendo a: caterinagalloni11@gmail.com   L’Acquario nel 2019 Anno nuovo, vita nuova: il 2019 sarà un anno positivo, nulla vi sembrerà impossibile…

29 Nov 14:15 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354302249075.html
Fiscal Pérez: Es falso que haya abuso en allanamiento a Confiep

El magistrado del equipo especial Lava Jato dijo que no se están cometiendo excesos en la diligencia

29 Nov 15:58 canalN.pe 1595273587634603503.html
I'm A Celebrity's Vanessa White says she 'lost feeling in her legs' from hunger

We all know what it's like to get hangry.

29 Nov 11:04 Metro 970161747228767383.html
Fortsatt sökande efter överlevare i Albanien

Albanien Räddningsarbetare fortsätter att söka igenom rasmassorna efter ett hotell som kollapsade i den kraftiga jordbävning som skakade Albanien för tre dagar sedan.

29 Nov 13:35 www.unt.se 8922556088239818690.html
Denizli Fashion Week renkli finalle sona erdi

Bu yıl 4'üncüsü düzenlenen Denizli Fashion Week son gün defilelerinde 5 markanın mayo ve tekstil ürünleri tanıtıldı. Defilede ise renkli kareler objektiflere yansıdı.

29 Nov 11:59 Haberler.com 5407785901837576749.html
Superlano desmintió el rumor de su supuesto nombramiento como embajador en Colombia #29Nov

Freddy Superlano, diputado de la Asamblea Nacional, se pronunció a través de su cuenta de Twitter para desmentir el rumor que surgió a través de las redes sociales, en el cual se presumía que él asumiría el cargo de embajador de Venezuela en Colombia, tras la destitución de Humberto Calderón Berti

29 Nov 15:57 El Impulso 879547506559778260.html
Biathlon : Martin Fourcade affiche ses ambitions pour la nouvelle saison !

À la veille du début de la nouvelle saison de biathlon, Martin Fourcade a affiché ses ambitions après une saison plus que compliquée.

29 Nov 15:35 Le 10 Sport 6431763077040407614.html
Attention aux contagions, plusieurs cas d'oreillons à l'ULB

Le service médical de l’ULB a lancé l’alerte auprès de son personnel : des cas d’oreillons circulent à l’université.

29 Nov 14:50 Vivreici.be 7768530901663972332.html
Black Friday 2019: The best deals online at Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, and more stores, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Black Friday 2019 is here. Save yourself time and enjoy those Thanksgiving leftovers by shopping our researched list of the best deals in real-time.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 12:48 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755710767011.html
Sciopero clima, studenti in piazza per il “Friday for Future” FOTO

ROMA – Rete della Conoscenza, Unione degli Studenti e Link aderiscono al quarto sciopero globale per il clima. Oggi, venerdì 29 novembre, sono in corso cortei in molte città e decine di iniziative negli atenei. Si tratta di uno sciopero globale organizzato in tutto il mondo dalla rete Fridays for Future. Oggi 29 novembre, la giornata coincide con il Black Friday di Amazon e quindi molte proteste sono state rivolte contro il colosso dell’ e-commerce mondiale.Terremoto Albania, ressa a Durazzo durante la distribuzione del pane FOTODonald Trump come Rocky Balboa scatena l’ironia su Twitter Giacomo Cossu, coordinatore nazionale di Rete della Conoscenza, spiega: “Torniamo in piazza con Fridays for Future perché vogliamo un altro mondo in cui vivere, libero dalla minaccia del cambiamento climatico. Il Black Friday è il momento perfetto per denunciare un sistema economico fondato sullo sfruttamento sconsiderato dell’ambiente e dei lavoratori per produrre merci inutili a prezzi bassi. Vogliamo un cambiamento radicale…

29 Nov 11:03 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355932311946.html
„Fridays for Future“ legt Europaring lahm

Knapp 200 Demonstranten sammelten sich in Wiesdorf und zogen über den Europaring.

29 Nov 13:58 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568527244000.html
Arsenal echó a Emery por los malos resultados del equipo

La derrota ante Eintracht Frankfurt marcó la salida del español luego de 18 meses. Ljungberg será su reemplazo temporal.

29 Nov 10:34 TyC Sports 3239944749260401091.html
El juez Calatayud recibe el alta médica tras el susto del AVE

Ha pasado la noche en el hospital de Puente Genil (Córdoba) tras ser ingresado de urgencia El magistrado, de 63 años, fue ingresado de urgencia tras sufrir un desmayo en el tren

29 Nov 11:53 Granada Hoy 1381639727416448009.html
Wind: 100 Giga in regalo per alcuni già clienti con attivazione SIM aggiuntiva

Oggi, Wind ha lanciato una campagna SMS, rivolta ad alcuni suoi clienti, per attivare un'ulteriore SIM e ricevere una promo dedicata

29 Nov 14:11 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461750315782311.html
Mira a Snoop Dogg regalando marihuana al staff de un programa de televisión

Snoop Dogg haciendo feliz a los miembros de 'A Little Late With Lilly Singh'.

29 Nov 15:16 LifeBoxset 2388468994496798477.html
18 times celebrities got brutally honest about sex, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From losing their virginity to the things they always do and never do, here's a round-up of times stars got honest about their sex lives.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 13:49 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757213132779.html
La actuación de los jueces en caso Abril es reprobable: AMLO

El mandatario señaló que el Poder Judicial se encuentra en un proceso de 'limpia'

29 Nov 11:00 Nación321 6372481146851499048.html
Trânsito condicionado no centro de Lisboa no domingo

As cerimónias militares do 1.º de Dezembro incluem o desfile de 36 bandas filarmónicas.

29 Nov 11:25 PÚBLICO 2228264896889398018.html
Gomila poznatih u klubu The Bank tokom vikenda, a povod je spektakularan!!!

Beograd važi za prestonicu noćnog života na Balkanu, a klub The Bank je u samom vrhu najboljih mesta za provod. Klub “Bank” postao omiljeno mesto za provod sportista, manekenki i brojnih poznatih ličnosti. Lako se može primetiti da se iz vikenda u vikend lepotice naše prestonice skupljaju baš ovde. Na jednom nestu su se okupili

29 Nov 11:10 Scandal! 7263437856725763362.html
El tribunal de los ERE deja libres a los cuatro excargos al no ver riesgo de fuga 

Son los exconsejeros de Empleo Antonio Fernández y José Antonio Viera y los exdirectores de Trabajo Francisco Javier Guerrero y Juan Márquez. 

29 Nov 13:34 La Información 5328999781723901976.html
Vampire The Masquerade – Coteries of New York: Das narrative Abenteuer erscheint auch für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One – Neuer Companion-Trailer

Das narrative Adventure "Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York" wird im nächsten Jahr auch für die PlayStation 4 und die Xbox One erscheinen. Dies wurde am heutigen Nachmittag von Paradox Interactive und Draw Distance bestätigt.

29 Nov 14:18 play3.de 8301165838237824012.html
Los procesadores Ryzen se unen a la fiesta del Black Friday: 5 portátiles en oferta que equipan estos chips

Hazte rápido con uno de estos portátiles de oferta por el Black Friday con los populares procesadores AMD Ryzen. Ofertas exclusivas sólo durante el viernes negro.

29 Nov 10:31 HobbyConsolas 1883507645216414257.html
Thanksgiving Just Got Better! The Simpsons Will NOT End After Its 32nd Season

Writer Al Jean has denied the rumours that popular show, "The Simpsons", is coming to an end.There have been several rumours that the award-winning animated series would call it quits after its 32nd

29 Nov 10:43 Koimoi 5184275669752655812.html
Hallaron muerta a una chica desaparecida hace 15 días

Se trata de Milagros Robledo, de 17 años, quien había sido vista por última vez hace dos semanas, entrenando junto a un joven en General Villegas quien fue detenido.

29 Nov 12:28 Crónica 1134283327264653673.html
Election polls aren’t broken, but they still can’t predict the future

Swing voters, skewed samples, and more have always limited the ability to pick a winner

29 Nov 15:00 Ars Technica 5028555106369086801.html
Motorista que morreu após batida entre carro e caminhão teria invadido pista

Acidente envolvendo um caminhão boiadeiro e um veículo VW Gol na noite de ontem (28) na BR-262, na saída para Três Lagoas, em Campo Grande, teria ocorrido após o motorista do veículo de passeio, identificado como Cleberson Alexandre Marques, 33 anos, invadir a pista contrária. Ele morreu na hora. À polícia, o motorista do caminhão, de 29 anos, contou que seguia no veículo sentido Campo Grande/Riba...

29 Nov 10:03 Campo Grande News 7902463002870024054.html
Caitlyn Jenner: Kein Kontakt zu Khloé

Caitlyn Jenner hat keinen Kontakt zu Khloé Kardashian

29 Nov 13:06 VIP.de 2239798193443026755.html
Lucas Santos entra na campanha e se torna sócio do Vasco

O meio-campista cria da base do Vasco da Gama, Lucas Santos, entrou na campanha e também se tornou sócio do Clube.

29 Nov 10:29 Vasco Notícias 1167013065438176524.html
Con descuentos en distintos rubros, empezó una nueva edición del Black Friday

El evento de compras estadounidense tiene su réplica este viernes en Argentina y otras partes del mundo. Cadenas de electrodomésticos, multimarcas y agencias de viajes ya publicaron ofertas especiales en sus páginas web.  

29 Nov 13:45 Infocielo 6573250472019730963.html
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint’s first raid is live ahead of schedule

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint should have been a good game, following in the heels of the decidedly fun, if not a little jingoistic Wildlands. It was, unfortunately, not. For some reason, Breakpoint was …

29 Nov 11:00 Critical Hit 8797780291799671038.html
(VIDEO) Maskirani tinejdžeri opljačkali pumpu! Ušetali sa metalnom šipkom, pa krenuli na radnicu, sigurnosne kamere snimile strahotan prizor

Benzinsku pumpu "Mihajlović" u Aleksincu, u utorak uveče opljačkala su dva tinejdžera stara 16 i 18 godina.

29 Nov 11:23 REPUBLIKA 2543998405013825322.html
‘Tens of thousands’ of children skip school for climate strike protest

The international movement, Fridays For Future, was started by teenage activist Greta Thunberg.

29 Nov 12:22 Shropshire Star 3480199991892616075.html
Winter weather on election day could cost West Dunbartonshire Council over £45,000

The local authority has put stringent preparations in place to ensure that everyone can have their say in next month's vote.

29 Nov 10:16 dailyrecord 552235479531548976.html
Arsenal: The 5 big reasons why Unai Emery was fired

Arsenal have fired Unai Emery midway through his second season at the helm. Here are five big reasons why the Gunners pulled the plug on their head coach. ...

29 Nov 11:04 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845313739679826.html
Uppgift: Maltas premiärminister avgår

Maltas premiärminister Joseph Muscat har meddelat sina kollegor att han inom kort kommer att avgå, rapporterar den maltesiska tidningen Times of Malta.

29 Nov 13:58 SVT Nyheter 8475792988758631606.html
Barcelona demana tenir les competències per liderar la regulació de les habitacions de lloguer turístic

El consistori no té mecanismes de control sobre les llars compartides, que sovint acaben sent "pensions clandestines" La proposta, presentada per ERC, obté el suprot de BComú, PSC i JxCat

29 Nov 10:33 El Punt Avui 4496725671464368130.html
Bennet: Israel debe intensificar su campaña en Siria

El ministro de Defensa Naftali Bennett dijo que existe una oportunidad para aumentar la presión militar contra los iraníes en Siria.

29 Nov 10:33 Noticias de Israel 5887715890760351069.html
Mallorca des de Catalunya, fins i tot a la tarda

El vent de ponent ha permès veure nítidament la serra de Tramuntana

29 Nov 10:15 Ara.cat 6070605020154365209.html
I psi teraju modu: Najnoviji vrckavi trend zbog kojeg kuce šetaju parkom kao pistom!

Svi koji imaju pse znaju koliko im je potrebno pažnje i nege. Jedna od stvari zbog koju najviše strepimo jeste, baš kao i kada se radi o deci, jeste da se ne povrede.

29 Nov 10:23 REPUBLIKA 2543998406194705662.html
Red Bull Salzburg vermeldet Rekordumsatz, Rapid Wien und Austria Wien dahinter

Red Bull Salzburg hat im Geschäftsjahr vom 1. Juli 2018 bis 30. Juni 2019 einen Umsatz von knapp über 119 Millionen Euro und ein positives Jahresergebnis nach Steuern von 23,726 Mio. Euro erzielt. An diese Beträge kommt kein anderer österreichischer Club heran, wie aus den von der Fußball-Bundesliga am Freitag veröffentlichten Zahlen herauszulesen ist

29 Nov 15:53 SPOX 8395423524813850847.html
UC Browser sebut 4.5 Juta Penggunanya Ikut Ramaikan Shopping Festival 11.11

UC Browser sebut 4.5 Juta Penggunanya Ikut Ramaikan Shopping Festival 11.11

29 Nov 14:07 merdeka.com 1998180354597694568.html
Noel Fielding compares election to 'choosing between urine and s*** sandwich'

Fans have revealed their disappointment in the star.

29 Nov 14:09 Metro 970161747246240806.html
Tirante, en plan dominador

El tenista argentino, sembrado uno del Mundial Juvenil Yucatán FMT, se impone de manera fácil al colombiano Nicolás Cortés.

29 Nov 12:32 SIPSE.com 4008460418170793158.html
Juan Ramón Rallo: ¿Atrae el Estado de Bienestar a los inmigrantes?

Durante los últimos días, algunos miembros de Vox han cargado contra la inmigración legal (no ya contra la ilegal, sino contra la legalmente instalada en nuestro país) sugiriendo que esta abusa sobreproporcionalmente […]

29 Nov 14:58 LaPatilla.com 9104603011531668644.html
La nueva moda de Internet es broncearse el ano: ¿beneficioso o moda absurda?

Internet ha hablado y ya tenemos una nueva moda en Intagram: tú ano necesita broncearse, según [Troy Casey](https://www.instagram.com/certifiedhealthnut/?hl=es), una suerte de guía holítico que…

29 Nov 10:00 Hipertextual 4371181174813874233.html
IRFU bump Aki up to a central contract to keep him in Ireland

After earning his stripes as a Test level midfielder since a November 2017 debut, the New Zealander is being bumped up to an IRFU central contract to keep him available to Ireland.

29 Nov 13:43 Rugbypass 8668874340607683697.html
Zwangere Guy grote slokop met 7 nominaties voor MIA’s

Zwangere Guy is dit jaar de grote slokop wat betreft de nominaties voor de Music Industry Awards, beter bekend als de MIA’s. Het Brusselse hiphopfenomeen maakt kans op een beeldje in zeven categorieën. Het genre ‘urban’ breekt trouwens definitief door: naast Zwangere Guy scoren ook Brihang, Roméo Elvis, Tourist LeMC en blackwave. nominaties. Brihang heeft

29 Nov 12:03 Zita 7484176338196100258.html
Wajib Punya! Ini 3 Eyeliner Gel Merek Lokal yang Mudah Dipakai!

Biar penampilan makeup mata jadi lebih dramatis dan terkesan profesional, coba pakai eyeliner gel keluaran lokal ini aja!

29 Nov 12:00 grid.id 586386474909583213.html
Huawei processará FCC por veto a acesso a subsídios federais

Agência dos EUA considera a chinesa uma “ameaça à segurança nacional”

29 Nov 15:59 Mundo Conectado 6456876366268423642.html
Mindre köpsugna svenskar bromsar tillväxt

Ekonomi Svenskarna shoppar mindre, något som pressar den svenska ekonomin, visar nya tillväxtsiffror.Samtidigt står handeln inför stora utmaningar, om den tvingas genomgå digitalisering mitt under en

29 Nov 14:39 www.unt.se 8922556088277770292.html
Este fin de semana, Colecta Nacional de Ayuda al Migrante y Refugiado

Los obispos de la Comisión Episcopal de la Pastoral de Migrantes e Itinerantes recordaron que este sábado 30 de noviembre y domingo 1º de diciembre se realizará la Colecta Nacional de Ayuda al Migrante y Refugiado con el lema “No se trata sólo de migrantes”. Se puede colaborar en las parroquias, capillas y centros misioneros del país o enviando un correo a mail@cemi.org.ar ....

29 Nov 11:04 aica.org 5568670713037891358.html
India's fiscal deficit touches Rs 7 trillion, surpasses annual target in seven months

India’s fiscal deficit in the first seven months through October stood at Rs 7.2 trillion, or 102.4 per cent of the budgeted target for the current fiscal year, government data showed on Friday.

29 Nov 12:36 India Today 4286117814346851420.html
Sh600m for Tokyo Olympics

Nock project that Kenya could be represented by an estimated 100 athletes.

29 Nov 14:32 Daily Nation 7421817124112687941.html
Los lectores de e-books que parecen tabletas están más cerca: Wacom y E Ink Corp crean un nuevo papel electrónico a color

Los lectores de libros electrónicos no han cambiado mucho desde que dispositivos como el Kindle se popularizaran en el mercado: las pantallas monocromas con...

29 Nov 14:01 Xataka 4719855497128315985.html
Découverte : les cellules souches tendineuses pourraient révolutionner la guérison des blessures

Des chercheurs ont découvert, pour la toute première fois, des cellules souches tendineuses. Ces cellules indifférenciées pourraient bien nous aider à révolutionner la manière dont nous traitons les blessures aux tendons, tout en évitant la chirurgie. Suite à une blessure, l'accumulation de tissu cicatriciel fait que la récupération d’une coiffe des rotateurs endommagée, d’un genou du sauteur (lésion du tendon rotulien), ainsi que d’autres blessures des tendons devient un processus pénible et difficile, qui peut également (souvent) mener à des ruptures secondaires des tendons. « Les tendons sont des tissus conjonctifs qui lient nos muscles à nos os. Ils améliorent

29 Nov 14:57 Trust My Science 2725330383914580754.html
Productor de "Los Simpson" desmiente los rumores sobre el final de la serie

Al Jean colocó un post en su cuenta de Twitter desmintiendo la noticia sobre el final del programa

29 Nov 10:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418982052667.html
Johanna Gapany gibt ihre Ämter im Kanton Freiburg auf

Die neu gewählte Freiburger FDP-Ständerätin Johanna Gapany will sich auf die Arbeit in der Kleinen Kammer konzentrieren. Die 31-Jährige gibt deshalb ihre politischen Ämter im Kanton Freiburg ab.

29 Nov 14:15 bz BASEL 5287163743235130545.html
Cette galaxie à anneau parfaitement ronde abrite une autre petite galaxie

Une belle image retravaillée montre à quoi ressemble l'objet de Hoag, une galaxie à anneau presque parfaitement sphérique. Une autre galaxie à anneau s'est même glissée derrière elle.

29 Nov 11:38 Numerama 6854655183188910649.html
Adamawa recruits 2,000 teachers

Gov. Ahmadu Fintiri of Adamawa State says his administration is set to recruit no fewer than 2,000 qualified Teachers for Primary and Secondary Schools. Fintiri disclosed this on Friday, when he...

29 Nov 13:32 Punch Newspapers 3524240995823990927.html
Hrvaška pevka Severina izgubila skrbništvo nad sinom

Srbski podjetnik Milan Popović je na zagrebškem sodišču dobil skrbništvo nad sedemletnim sinom Aleksandrom iz zveze z znano hrvaško pevko Severino Kojić. Sodišče je v četrtek nepravnomočno odločilo, da bo otrok nadaljeval življenje z očetom. Severina je nato odpeljala sina Popoviću, ki ima hišo tudi v Zagrebu.

29 Nov 13:15 Primorske novice 8884558926268366420.html
'Black Widow' to release in India a day before the US; find out release date

This new phase of Marvel has been said to be the biggest of all in history.

29 Nov 10:22 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362767443522.html
7 best Black Friday deals so far today

Black Friday 2019 is in full swing. If you're looking for the hottest deals on this special day, you've come to the right place. The following seven deals are hot and won't last long.

29 Nov 14:04 Android Central 29040142463157379.html
7 best Black Friday deals so far today

Black Friday 2019 is in full swing. If you're looking for the hottest deals on this special day, you've come to the right place. The following seven deals are hot and won't last long.

29 Nov 14:04 iMore 3803412790362653827.html
Chi è Carlo Pietropoli nuovo tronista Uomini e Donne: età, vita privata e lavoro

E’ appena iniziata la nuova avventura televisiva per Carlo Pietropoli che siederà sul trono più ambito d’Italia.

2 Dec 14:33 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382462130195747.html
Mitgliederversammlung der Caritas: Das Jahr 2018 und ein Vortrag über Demenz

Die Caritas in Erding hat 2018 zwar keinen Gewinn gemacht, allerdings waren die Veranstaltungen und Angebote zufriedenstellend. 

29 Nov 10:49 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238628633758.html
Experts on GDP numbers: 'Worst is not past us'

Former Chief Statistician of India, Pronab Sen said the manufacturing showing negative growth is certainly worrying. "I don't think the growth has bottomed out, the growth figures may continue to decline the next quarter too, however, post fourth quarter may show some recovery owing to the base effect," Sen said.

29 Nov 14:45 The Economic Times 7653256038392790945.html
Dopamine fasting is a tech fad that sounds silly – but might just work

Depriving your brain of stimulation can rewire your frazzled neural circuits – but the problem runs deeper than that

29 Nov 15:00 the Guardian 1491978795198718868.html
Projeto Poa Linda Limpa ganha primeira edição do Creathon em Porto Alegre

Iniciativa visa unir universidades e outras entidades da sociedade para transformar Porto Alegre em uma referência em inovação, cultura e qualidade de vida

29 Nov 14:47 Correio do Povo 8875535436308658761.html
La Iglesia apoya decididamente a la COP25 Chile - Madrid

Organizaciones de la Iglesia española han programado diferentes actividades para concienciar sobre el cuidado del planeta, bajo el lema 'La...

29 Nov 10:23 ecoticias.com 9144483864504852950.html
Finance Minister says more answers are needed on €1.6m printer

The Finance Minister says more explanation is needed as to why a €1.6 million printer is not yet operational.

29 Nov 10:32 Breaking News 4415806918608108783.html
Demi Rose Rocks Nothing But A White T-Shirt & Wet Hair In Black Friday Post

Demi Rose Mawby looked smoking hot in nothing but a white t-shirt as she promoted a Black Friday sale in her latest Instagram update, which was posted to her account on Friday morning. In the sexy ...

29 Nov 13:27 The Inquisitr 1745625230735897579.html
Alabama vs. Auburn odds, prediction, betting trends for Iron Bowl on CBS

Will Alabama win the Iron Bowl, and win it by enough to impress the College Football Playoff committee? Sporting News previews the matchup with Auburn.

29 Nov 13:00 Sporting News 5110653854501069314.html
La sociedad Crocea Mors se queda la empresa de calzado Marypaz y mantendrá los 700 empleos

Crocea Mors se ha adjudicado la unidad productiva de Marypaz, empresa dedicada al calzado femenino, y ha expresado su intención de mantener sus 125 tiendas en España, el área de venta digital, así como más de 700 empleos distribuidos entre las tiendas, la plataforma logística y su sede en Sevilla.

29 Nov 11:23 elEconomista.es 9051559957645519980.html
Santiago a Mil oficializa los cambios en su programación 2020: suspende seis shows internacionales y modificará precios

La organización del festival anunció también que se intensificará la presencia en espacios públicos y se llevarán grandes espectáculos internacionales al Teatro Municipal de La Pintana y el Centro Cultural de San Joaquín, entre otros.

29 Nov 15:43 Emol 3328490601997574427.html
Papa Francisco e Bento XVI agradecem Comissão Teológica Internacional

O primeiro compromisso do Papa Francisco nesta sexta-feira, 29, foi a audiência aos membros da Comissão Teológica Internacional

29 Nov 13:09 NOTÍCIAS 8308687240204250535.html
Nintendo Switch Lite is just £179 in this scorching Black Friday discount

eBay has discounted the new iteration of Nintendo’s beloved hybrid console to celebrate Black Friday, offering consumers a tidy discount.

29 Nov 11:57 Trusted Reviews 12694856013422315.html
Agriculture Q2 growth shows marginal recovery at 2.1%; farmer incomes dip

Most rabi crops, including wheat, mustard and chana, were selling at 10% to 37% below the MSP in the first few months after their harvest

29 Nov 15:09 Business-Standard 1502508925420412305.html
Mihajlovic diz que já falou com Ibrahimovic

O treinador do Bolonha, Sinisa Mihajlovic, referiu esta manhã que falou recentemente com Zlatan Ibrahimovic, que ten sido dado como «entre» o Bolonha ou o Milan para voltar à Serie A.

29 Nov 14:38 A BOLA 2278827559219934857.html
La gufata del venerdì: il tempo sta finendo

Stati Uniti e Cina adesso devono arrivare al dunque. Non c’è più tempo per tergiversare, anche perché i mercati che sono saliti scommettendo sull’accordo tra le due superpotenze, potrebbero andare nel panico e dare l’inizio a un rovinoso capitombolo sui mercati. In sintesi, questo è quello che pensa Massimo De Palma, responsabile del team multi

29 Nov 13:46 bluerating 6922469335628791296.html
Las entidades de la ‘Red AERESS’ cierran la Semana Europea de Prevención de Residuos con grandes resultados

144.470 Kg de CO2 evitadas a la atmósfera gracias a la reutilización en los centros de las entidades de la Red AERESS en la Semana...

29 Nov 12:00 ecoticias.com 9144483864313920435.html
IRFU confirm new Bundee Aki deal to keep him with Connacht until 2023

The 29-year-old has penned a new deal with the union.

29 Nov 13:11 The42 5369852631202372965.html
Napoli,guerra e pace-oggi l’incontro a castelvolturno tra la squadra e de laurentiis -le multe...


29 Nov 13:40 DAGOSPIA 6533336739636382038.html
Harley Quinn: For the Record, Batman Does Not [BLEEP] Bats

In the Harley Quinn series premiere, the fan-favorite anitheroine insists -- twice! -- that the Caped Crusader has a ... special affinity for bats.

29 Nov 12:11 CBR.com 1295516962595968787.html
ASTRO take you behind the scenes of 'Blue Flame' MV

ASTRO have dropped the making of their music video for "Blue Flame"!In the making-of video, the ASTRO members describe their latest…

29 Nov 11:55 allkpop 3249686060930445573.html
Deuda: Nación excluyó del reperfilamiento a las provincias

En el decreto se admite que el reperfilamiento “ha generado desequilibrios financieros en algunas jurisdicciones locales y condiciona el cumplimiento de las obligaciones a cargo de ellas en el marco del Régimen Federal de Responsabilidad Fiscal”.

29 Nov 13:11 Crónica 1134283328640512940.html
El Tribunal Superior de Madrid dicta que los 'riders' de Glovo son 'falsos autónomos'

Los 17 magistrados del tribunal madrileño dan la razón a los repartidores y sientan criterio sobre la relación laboral de la startup española y los repartidores

29 Nov 13:12 El Confidencial 6129807549185427057.html
Cotidianul, partener media la un eveniment de excepţie

Cotidianul, partener media la un eveniment de excepţie. Gazeta noastră susţine şi promovează  recitalul uneia dintre cele mai apreciate pianiste din România. 

29 Nov 13:35 Cotidianul 8452212683924666566.html
Fridays for Future: 60 000 bei Klimademonstration in Berlin

Fridays for Future: 60 000 bei Klimademonstration in Berlin

29 Nov 15:09 finanzen.net 2053223364213768886.html
Suspeito por facadas na London Bridge está preso, diz polícia

A polícia de Londres confirmou há pouco que prendeu o homem suspeito de ter atacado pessoas com uma faca na London Bridge, nesta sexta-feira...

29 Nov 12:15 O Antagonista 1037429654854952012.html
Obradović: Svi najbliži saradnici Vučića kupili diplome ili plagirali doktorate

Lider pokreta Dveri Boško Obradović ocenio je da su "svi najbliži saradnici predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića...

29 Nov 14:41 N1 Srbija 7797130866865748163.html
Don’t let time run out on these sweet smartwatch deals this Black Friday

I wish I could say I work out enough times in a week. Sadly, I can’t. But the small nudges from my smartwatch to complete daily steps and calorie goal has frequently helped me get off my butt and move around. So, here are some fantastic Black Friday deals for you to start your fitness journey, even if it’s a small step.

29 Nov 11:13 Plugged | The Next Web 3990801510343049227.html
Varios heridos en un ataque con arma blanca en La Haya

Varias personas resultaron heridas este viernes 29 de noviembre del 2019 en un ataque con arma blanca en la principal calle comercial de la ciudad holandesa de La Haya, según confirmó la Policía holandesa, que está buscando a un hombre de entre 45 y 50 años, como autor del apuñalamiento.

29 Nov 15:41 El Comercio 2865024641344440962.html
Dok Srbija sedi skrštenih ruku komšije dovode Paunovića za selektora!

Mnogi su još odavno želeli da vide Velka Paunovića na mestu selektora Srbije, ali se to nije desilo zbog njegovog ugovora sa Čikago Fajerom.

29 Nov 15:38 REPUBLIKA 2543998404903500876.html
Exhorta Díaz-Canel a dirigir con creatividad en conclusiones de visita a Ciego de Ávila (+ Fotos)

Durante las conclusiones de la visita gubernamental a Ciego de Ávila el presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez destacó que es necesario que las entidades administrativas y de gobierno se dediquen a dirigir con creatividad, en vínculo con el pueblo para tener mejores resultados

29 Nov 13:16 Trabajadores 1167277447082831396.html
Bolsonaro declara boicote a anunciantes do jornal Folha de S. Paulo

Veículo foi excluído de edital de assinaturas de jornais e revistas do Palácio do Planalto

29 Nov 15:52 CartaCapital 2483507007625891082.html
Prediksi Newcastle vs Manchester City 30 November 2019

Prediksi skor Newcastle vs Manchester City, Premier League, Liga Inggris, EPL, Newcastle vs Manchester City, Prediksi Bola 30 November 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

29 Nov 13:16 Bola.net 5489959028399785519.html
"La igualdad no es prioritaria pero sí que las jugadoras vivan del golf"

Con 62 años recién cumplidos, Marta Figueras-Dotti ha crecido personal y profesionalmente en los greenes. Caddy de su padre, Luis Figueras-Dotti,...

29 Nov 11:00 Expansión 4197779423733618887.html
Ospedale di Macerata secondo per nascite nelle Marche Ok la percentuale di tagli cesarei

SANITA' - L'indagine condotta da "Dove e come mi curo". Al primo posto in regione c'è il Salesi. Fermo, San Benedetto e Jesi tutti sotto i mille parti e quelli indotti superano la percentuale del 15%

29 Nov 12:20 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195627635506.html
LASK verspürt Lust auf mehr: "Wollen Gruppensieg"

Nach dem größten internationalen Erfolg in der Clubgeschichte war für die LASK-Kicker erst einmal Party angesagt.

29 Nov 11:15 NÖN.at 2486998933245726581.html
Merkelova prvi put u poseti Aušvicu

Merkel će biti treća kancelarka, posle Helmuta Šmita i Helmuta Kola koja će da otputuje na mesto gde su nacisti napravili logor

29 Nov 15:35 Вечерње новости 4219870591723570047.html
REGIONALNI LIDER SA PREKO 30 BRENDOVA: Nectar ulaže u organsku proizvodnju

U prvih 20 godina poslovanja, kompanija Nectar je generisala preko milijardu evra bruto dodate vrednosti u Srbiji, podržala 5.500 radnih mesta u sistemu vrednosti, izgradila preko 30 brendova i apsolutni je lider sa 22 tržišnog učešća na tržištu sokova regiona ...

29 Nov 10:47 kurir.rs 6515665027222874223.html
Ibrahimovic strizza l'occhio al Milan: "Milano è sempre nel mio cuore"

Il fuoriclasse svedese ha aperto, indirettamente, la possibilità di poter tornare al Milan: "Milano non è la mia seconda città, è la mia seconda casa, ho dei ricordi meravigliosi e ci vive una delle persone in cui ho maggior fiducia"

29 Nov 11:00 ilGiornale.it 5019541224913678991.html
Biscione thriller! spostata alle 15.30 l'udienza del tribunale di milano


29 Nov 13:09 DAGOSPIA 6533336739425485969.html
Biscione thriller! spostata alle 15.30 l'udienza del tribunale di milano


29 Nov 15:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336739692745468.html
Daily Deal: Black Friday Roundup With Additional 60% Off

Check out our sales and specials this Black Friday over at the Techdirt Deals Store. Use the code BFSAVE60 during checkout to receive...

29 Nov 11:07 Techdirt 1456370858154147575.html
Happy Holidays from the White House: See 91 years of presidents’ Christmas cards, from Trump to JFK to Coolidge

While it may be less common these days to send a holiday greeting via snail mail these days, the White House hasn’t let go of its 91-year tradition.

29 Nov 13:44 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883193487377.html
DT de Alebrijes desea brinda trofeo del Ascenso a afición de Oaxaca

Alejandro Pérez, quien fuera auxiliar de Memo Vázquez en Pumas en 2011, señaló que le gustaría repetir la hazaña

29 Nov 14:25 RÉCORD 4614294661624218311.html
Além de estarem apenas fumando um baseado, brigadistas usavam técnica correta no combate ao fogo. Por Donato

Graças a Fernando Collor e seu confisco hediondo, no início daqueles nefastos anos 90 aceitei o primeiro emprego que coincidentemente também me aceitou. Fui trabalhar em uma fábrica de fraldas (material altamente inflamável) e tornei-me brigadista de incêndio, função extra que exerci durante os anos em que lá trabalhei. Entre as primeiras lições que qualquer […]

29 Nov 14:21 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917269796502795.html
Magallanes dejó en el terreno a Leones para abandonar el sótano

Ni cinco días pasaron desde que Gioskar Amaya se vistió de héroe en la victoria de los Navegantes del Magallanes sobre Bravos de Margarita el sábado de la semana pasada. Esta vez, el infielder volvió a tomar el papel de protagonista, al remolcar la carrera que dejó en el terreno a Leones del Caracas, 5-4, […]

29 Nov 12:27 El Carabobeño 125457438765133866.html
How to change the font on your Samsung Galaxy S10 and customize its size and style

The size and style of a font is often key to readability and eye comfort, so it stands to reason that you may want to tweak the font settings on your devices.

29 Nov 14:56 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882713106526.html
Uno presta, e presta paga - come restitu


29 Nov 12:40 DAGOSPIA 6533336739480643573.html
Gobernación de Valparaíso llama a evaluar asistencia a peregrinación a Lo Vásquez

La entidad determinó que no cerrará la carretera de la ruta 68 los días 7 y 8 de diciembre de este año, y tampoco se permitirá el ingreso de buses de transporte y acercamiento por parte del ministerio de Transportes, entre otras resoluciones.

29 Nov 14:43 24Horas.cl 793283386453108156.html
El IPAT y el Conservatorio esperan que en 2020 se priorice la construcción del edificio propio

El lema “Por un edificio digno” que estructuró los reclamos sobre la infraestructura escolar en el último año por parte de las comunidades del IPAT (Instituto del Profesorado en Arte de Tandil “Escultor Carlos Allende”) y el Conservatorio de Música Isaías Orbe, quedó en suspenso hasta el año próximo, a la espera de mayores novedades […]

29 Nov 10:05 El Eco 4177735525658670308.html
La pesca va más allá de los platillos que llegan a nuestras mesas

¿Cuántas de las veces que estamos comiendo algún pescado o marisco nos detenemos a pensar que se debe a estos grandes hombres y mujeres?

29 Nov 11:00 Fernanda Familiar 8155233565732180594.html
El artista que viene a la FNS buscará demostrar que sigue siendo el mejor del mundo

La Batalla de los Gallos 2019, la máxima competencia de freestyle de habla hispana, tendrá a dos argentinos en la lucha por el título y uno de ellos pisará pronto el suelo sanjuanino.

29 Nov 13:37 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158544925666.html
Libri Liberi: la libreria di Bologna dove tutto è gratis

Esiste una libreria dove tutti i testi, disponibili nel catalogo di circa 2000 volumi, sono gratis. È la libreria 'Libri Liberi' di Bologna, dove chi desidera prendere un libro può liberamente farlo, purché non se ne porti via più di tre alla volta. E naturalmente può anche donare i propri e metterli a disposizione degli altri lettori.

29 Nov 11:20 fanpage.it 1517332167683556225.html
'The markets are not thinking about it yet' — BlackRock boss Larry Fink reportedly expects political turmoil in 2020

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is reportedly worried about political instability in 2020, and doesn’t view investors as awake to the risks.

29 Nov 13:19 Business Insider Australia 5575934301477654834.html
SA's fuel prices: increase for petrol, 'substantial' drop for diesel...

The Automobile Association says the price of petrol in SA is expected to increase in December 2019, while diesel looks set for a “substantial decrease”.

29 Nov 13:13 CARmag 8756669824402651682.html
Unai Emery’s record at Arsenal compared to the end of Arsene Wenger’s reign

Emery was in charge for 51 Premier League matches, and chalked up 25 wins, with 13 draws and 13 losses.

29 Nov 11:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774133654969.html
KHN: ‘GroenLinks slaat ons om de oren met een extreme belastingverhoging’

De Koninklijke Horeca Nederland stelt de gemeenteraadsfractie van GroenLinks verantwoordelijk voor  de 'ridicuul grote lastenverzwaring voor de horeca'. Daarmee doelt de belangenorganisatie op de ver

29 Nov 15:40 OOG 303718094154898809.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Mourinho ‘so happy’ at Spurs despite reported Gunners interest

Arsenal were reportedly interested in Jose Mourinho, but he has no regrets about joining Tottenham instead.

29 Nov 14:38 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906535993547.html
Lukoil: Solid Q3 Results Ensure High Yields

Lukoil performed better than expected in Q3 2019.I expect Lukoil to generate strong FCF in the medium term.Lukoil is one of the best quality stocks in the Russian stock market.

29 Nov 12:18 Seeking Alpha 5725634556494445730.html
Koke se pronuncia sobre los posibles pitos a Griezmann: "La gente tiene su opinión y hay que respetarla"

"Si me dolerían los pitos a Antoine o no es algo que me guardo para mí. Veremos qué pasa", afirma el capitán del Atlético antes del duelo ante el Barcelona del próximo domingo

29 Nov 14:07 Cadena SER 8390941984051173125.html
Jornalista se destaca no rodízio do JN e é escalado para substituir William Bonner

Após ganhar a oportunidade de comandar o Jornal Nacional por um dia, o jornalista Márcio Bonfim foi prestigiado pela Globo com dois cargos de confiança.

29 Nov 10:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212129011560.html
El emotivo To the Moon presenta en vídeo su nuevo juego de aventuras en PC, Impostor Factory

Esta aventura narrativa parece apostar por el misterio y el humor. ¡Su descripción parece una broma! Tras emocionarnos con To the Moon y dar vida también a Finding Paradise, el estudio independiente Freebird Games dirigido por...

29 Nov 10:45 3DJuegos 3383023118965257717.html
Estudantes no Japão podem enviar um robot para a escola nos dias em que estão doentes

A tecnologia está cada vez mais presente na nossa vida e permite-nos realizar feitos que há uns anos eram dignos de ficção científica. Um passo nesse sentido está a ser feito atualmente no Japão, em que os alunos que estão doentes podem enviar um robot para a escola.

29 Nov 14:30 Pplware 5187268352809381288.html
Stormzy Admits He Rejected A JAY-Z Verse

"I felt proper bad."

29 Nov 12:11 HipHopDX 6054351962732507907.html
Höhere Sicherheitsvorkehrungen in Haft: „Der Nazi nervt“: Halle-Attentäter bringt Mithäftlinge zur Verzweiflung

Häftlinge der Justizvollzugsanstalt in Halle sind genervt. Der Grund: Stephan B., der Attentäter von Halle. Seit der 27-jährige Neonazi in dem Knast einsitzt, herrschen dort nämlich maximale Sicherheitsvorkehrungen.

29 Nov 14:02 FOCUS Online 4448121231895181366.html
Diagne geri mi geliyor?

Fanatik TVde yayınlanan Fanatik Sahada programında Galatasarayı yakından takip eden muhabirimiz Metin Karabaş, Seçil Menteşin sorularını yanıtladı.

29 Nov 13:26 Fanatik 6200017289747335595.html
EXCLUSIVE: Vlad Asks Brian "Glaze" Gibbs Why He Seems Unemotional Over His 6 Murders

Brian &ldquo;Glaze&rdquo; Gibbs spoke on why he seems unemotional over the six murders that took place. He noted that he was looking to right his w...

29 Nov 14:15 VLADTV 1404406306867798825.html
Omega Seamaster deal: Black Friday sale slashes £1,500 off this amazing timepiece

That's 25% off a quality Swiss timepiece at Goldsmiths

29 Nov 10:24 T3 267522092903882183.html
Grève mondiale pour le climat: les manifestants suisses ont milité contre le Black Friday

La quatrième grève mondiale pour le climat s'est tenue ce vendredi dans une centaine de pays. En Suisse, les manifestants ont notamment milité contre le ...

29 Nov 11:13 La Côte 469155178869732545.html
E.T y Elliott se reúnen en emotivo spot publicitario

Imposible no llorar…

29 Nov 14:15 AR13 5510785230969760364.html
Ministro do Ambiente diz que Greta Thunberg é "muito bem-vinda" a Portugal

João Matos Fernandes afirmou que a luta da ativista é da "maior relevância" para consciencializar os mais jovens para uma sociedade livre de carbono.

29 Nov 13:49 SÁBADO 5711459692558890823.html
O próximo grande salto tecnológico passa pela sua casa

Depois de quase 20 anos, o conceito de internet das coisas e casas inteligentes finalmente está se difundindo entre o público, numa mudança de cenário promovida por fabricantes focadas em democratizar o acesso e simplificar a experiência

29 Nov 13:25 Canaltech 6267437388407290862.html
These Gaming Monitors are Heavily Discounted for Black Friday, Starting at Just $115.99

Gaming monitors are going cheap this Black Friday 2019 with options starting from just $115.99 for a limited time and while stocks last.

29 Nov 14:54 Wccftech 3677959678410155244.html
Zwei Feuerwehren im Einsatz: Brand in Eibiswalder Geschäft

In einem Geschäftslokal in Eibiswald brach in der Früh Feuer aus. Der Besitzer war über die Alarmanlage auf den Brand aufmerksam geworden.

29 Nov 15:30 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699766036594.html
Regiones amazónicas tienen el mayor número de donantes voluntarios de sangre

La donación voluntaria de sangre se incrementó notablemente en algunas regiones del país durante los últimos meses del año, destacando especialmente las regiones amazónicas, como San Martín, Amazonas, Loreto y Cajamarca, afirmó hoy el Ministerio de Salud (Minsa).

29 Nov 13:15 andina.pe 9054036848941362404.html
Policía trata como ataque terrorista el incidente en el puente de

Las fuerzas de seguridad confirmaron que los agentes dispararon a un hombre tras haber sido alertados de un apuñalamiento, un suceso que dejó "diversos heridos". EFE

29 Nov 12:18 Informe21.com 5448175404470191014.html
Trump convirtió el maltrato animal en un delito federal en EEUU

El mandatario estadounidense , Donald Trump, firmó una ley que penaliza los actos de violencia y crueldad animal, por lo cual, estas acciones comenzarán a

29 Nov 12:03 El Siglo 7954754736111609508.html
An Artist Has Designed Baby Jabba And He’s A Lot Creepier Than Yoda

After Baby Yoda took the internet by storm, one artist has taken things a step further and designed a creepy Baby Jabba the Hutt.

29 Nov 12:20 UNILAD 6373328987212493892.html
Tung tid for RBK-sjefen, mens Maalen ligger sist: Slik oppleves presset

Ranheims sjefsduo Svein Maalen og Frank Lidahl gjester Rasmus&Saga.

29 Nov 12:43 adressa.no 8417332407000014190.html
Jade Jones interview: 'I've done everything I ever wanted in taekwondo - whatever happens I can retire proud'

Jade Jones loves a list.

29 Nov 15:22 The Telegraph 140598092678360911.html
Paggamit ng coal itigil — Power for People Coalition

IGINIIT kahapon ng climate justice group na Power for People Coalition (PPC) na tapusin na ang paggamit ng coal sa ener­hiya.

29 Nov 14:03 Abante News Online 7257070571804346496.html
160'000 Elektroautos pro Jahr: BMW und Great Wall beginnen Bau von gemeinsamener Fabrik

Die Autobauer BMW und Great Wall treiben ihren Plan zur Produktion von Elektroautos in China voran. Langfristig sollen in einer gemeinsamen Fabrik jährlich rund 160.000 elektrische Fahrzeuge der BMW-Marke Mini und von Great Wall vom Band rollen.

29 Nov 10:30 bz BASEL 5287163741694906488.html
The Mandalorian: Werner Herzog ha chiamato “codardi” i produttori perché hanno usato la CGI per Baby Yoda

Il regista tedesco ha apprezzato il Baby Yoda presente sul set. Per questo motivo ha criticato i produttori per l'idea di riprodurre il personaggio in CGI.

29 Nov 10:47 Lega Nerd 8527030505849939209.html
Take a roll in the hay

This is her third run after a lay- off so she should be in peak condition and is undoubtedly the runner to beat.

29 Nov 12:30 The Citizen 410802301199370140.html
Presidente de Santa Fe habla de hechos anómalos: 'recibimos llamadas'

El dirigente dice que busca las pruebas por situaciones previas al partido contra América.

29 Nov 12:36 El Tiempo 1091719939832333653.html
2Face singing my song without permission doesn’t make him a thief —Blackface

Nigerian singer, Augustine Ahmedu, also known as Blackface has said that lawyers have made him realise that because his former bandmate, Innocent Idibia, popularly known as 2Face and his manager, E...

29 Nov 11:14 Punch Newspapers 3524240994203498879.html
V Mehiki pri sestopu s pečine umrl eden najboljših plezalcev prostega sloga

V Mehiki se je pri sestopu s pečine El Potrero Chico smrtno ponesrečil eden najboljših plezalcev prostega sloga Brad Gobright. 31-letni Američan je padel 300 metrov v globino in takoj umrl. Njegov soplezalec 26-letni Aidan Jacobson ni padel tako globoko in je preživel s poškodbami.

29 Nov 11:45 Dnevnik 7671546650339648113.html
Grève massive en vue dans les trains pour Londres

La pagaille est en vue dans les transports à Londres. Dès lundi et jusqu'à Nouvel An, les membres d'un syndicat du rail vont débrayer.

29 Nov 10:08 L'essentiel 554828746040323311.html
Canciller Jorge Arreaza: Doctrina Monroe jamás se impondrá en los pueblos libres de Nuestra América

El canciller de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, afirmó que EE.UU. jamás impondrá su doctrina Monroe en los pueblos libres de América. La aseveración fue difundida en su ...

29 Nov 11:15 Aporrea 8480488500440631808.html
Juicio de Diana Quer | Un error formal retrasa el veredicto para 'el Chicle'

Falta de fundamentación y posibles contradicciones, razones para una nueva deliberación del jurado

29 Nov 15:04 www.farodevigo.es 8038449579056519005.html
Novas Equipas da Saúde na Madeira apresentadas hoje

Já são conhecidas as novas equipas afectas à Secretaria Regional de Saúde e Protecção Civil no Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, nomeadamente o Conselho di...

29 Nov 10:41 dnoticias 6968432065388140572.html
Victor Ponta a fost ales vicepreședinte al Partidului Democrat European

Președintele Pro România, Victor Ponta, a fost ales vineri vicepreședinte al Partidului Democrat European (EDP), la un eveniment care se desfășoară la Paris. Pe agenda întâlnirii se află înnoirea conducerii EDP, diverse modificări statutare și evaluarea c

29 Nov 14:57 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414642354134754.html
La fórmula para ser feliz con el dinero que posees

El economista japonés Ken Honda da las claves para crecer en armonía con la riqueza que se tenga

29 Nov 11:12 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577897765715.html
26 Years Later, Footage Surfaces Of Sonic The Hedgehog's Infamous Macy's Parade Disaster

Anyone who’s a serious fan of Sonic, or of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, is probably aware of the 1993 event, in which a Sonic the Hedgehog float became caught in high winds, struck a lamppost and injured two people. The thing is, despite knowing this happened, we didn’t have any surviving video of the...

29 Nov 15:35 Kotaku Australia 2018810246887032041.html
"Lorenzo sulla Luna", Jovanotti lancia il nuovo album di cover

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

29 Nov 15:15 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207548095449.html
Francesco Chiofalo in ospedale: “Sembrava un’allergia, invece mi ricoverano” (FOTO)

Notte parecchio agitata per Francesco Chiofalo, che è finito all’ospedale dopo aver notato un anomalo rigonfiamento alle sue labbra. Oltre a questa reazione, il ragazzo ha avuto anche uno sfogo cutaneo che lo ha portato ad avere macchie rosse su tutto il viso. In un primo momento, ovviamente, il pensiero è andato verso una reazione […]

29 Nov 13:20 KontroKultura 2573504973771189343.html
Perth snooker star Scott Donaldson ‘felt like I might die’ in frightening mid-match incident

Scott Donaldson has admitted he feared he ‘might die’ in a 40-minute medical break during his victory in the final of snooker's Championship League Group Four last month.

29 Nov 14:45 The Courier 4275302768550919283.html
Termoenergetica este, de la 1 decembrie, noul operator de termie din Capitală

Primăria Municipiului București (PMB) anunță că Termoenergetica este, de la 1 decembrie, noul operator de termie din Capitală, după ce primarul general, Gabriela Firea, a semnat contractul de delegare a gestiunii directe a serviciului de termoficare.

29 Nov 15:00 Profit.ro 5615893765023724709.html
Senador contesta acusação feita pelo prefeito de Campina Grande

Senador contesta acusação feita pelo prefeito de Campina Grande

29 Nov 12:16 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543904693285456.html
Cole Beasley Demanded That Dak Prescott Give Him His Jersey “NOW” After Bills-Cowboys Game (VIDEO)

People tend to have mixed reviews about these post-game jersey swaps that have become a new fad across the NFL,…

29 Nov 15:52 Total Pro Sports 5536572206162989819.html
SAAE nos Bairros: projeto aproxima SAAE da população oeirense

Com SAAE nos Bairros, a autarquia consegue se aproximar mais e entender melhor

29 Nov 14:52 R10 3167340812584578363.html
Las primeras imágenes de la Señorita Colombia, Gabriela Tafur, en Miss Universo

La caleña Gabriela Tafur Nader compartió con sus seguidores en Instagram el momento de su llegada a Atlanta, EE.UU., donde se realizará la elección y coronación de Miss Universo el próximo 8 de diciembre.Además, Gabriela reveló algunos detalles de los eventos previos a la esperada noche.La reina de los colombianos aterrizó este jueves y en el transcurso de los siguientes días tendrá que cumplir con una apretada agenda en la que se enfrentará a la prensa internacional. También deberá participar de una serie de eventos previos con las representantes de otros 89 países y regiones autónomas.En sus historias compartió algunos videos de lo que han sido las primeras horas.

29 Nov 10:43 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346313789603.html
Bankkunder får tillbaka övertrasseringsavgifter på många miljoner

Brittiska kunder hos HSBC och Santander ska få tillbaka övertrasseringsavgifter på många mijoner pund.

29 Nov 10:14 Affärsvärlden 3373930977633014465.html
I tiri mancini di lory del santo:con il ct siamo stati a letto insieme.solo una volta,per provare


29 Nov 11:10 DAGOSPIA 6533336739969769697.html
Hrvaški šolniki na sindikalnem referendumu množično zavrnili ponudbo vlade

Hrvaški sindikati v osnovnih in srednjih šolah bodo nadaljevali stavko, ki traja že 35 dni. Na današnji novinarski konferenci v Zagrebu so sporočili, da so njihovi člani z veliko večino zavrnili ponudbo vlade o zvišanju plač. Vztrajajo pri zvišanju koeficientov zahtevnosti delovnega mesta za 6,11 odstotka.

29 Nov 15:00 Dnevnik 7671546648804502854.html
El Gobierno aumentó el impuesto a los combustibles y podrían volver a subir los precios

El Gobierno actualizó hoy los montos del impuesto a los combustibles, que comenzarán a regir desde el domingo próximo y podrían impactar en los precios de las naftas y el gasoil.    A través de un decreto publicado este viernes en el Boletín Oficial, el Poder Ejecutivo tomó una medida que había postergado en los últimos meses, a raíz del proceso electoral.    Se trata de la actualización impositiva a los combustibles líquidos y al dióxido de carbono, que impactaría en poco más del 2% sobre los precios al consumidor.    "El incremento en cuestión tendría efectos en su totalidad para los hechos imponibles que se perfeccionen desde el 1° de diciembre de 2019, inclusive", de acuerdo con el texto oficial.    De este modo, para las naftas (sin plomo, hasta RON 92, de más de 92 RON y nafta virgen) el incremento será de 0,507 peso por litro.    En el caso del gasoil, será de 0,282 peso por litro, salvo que se destine para consumo en Neuquén, La Pampa, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas…

29 Nov 10:47 El Esquiú 5729181307194943071.html
Macht eine Bewerbung für die Stadt überhaupt Sinn?

Für Bad Lauchstädts Bürgermeister Christian Runkel ist die Angelegenheit ganz klar: „Beim letzten Mal, als Bad Dürrenberg den Zuschlag erhalten hat, wurde gesagt, dass es allein auf die Punkte für das Konzept ankommt. Und wenn das der Fall ist, sind wir überzeugt, dass wir mit dem grünen Wasserstoff und dem kostenlosen Eintritt weit vorn sind, egal wer sich sonst bewirbt.“ Es geht natürlich um die Landesgartenschau 2026, für die sich der CDU-Politiker gern mit seiner Goethestadt bewerben will. Doch hat die Bewerbung für die Kleinstadt überhaupt Sinn? Hat sie Chancen auf ...

29 Nov 15:07 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109139448158.html
Punto Carne apuesta por Tandil y abre su quinto local en la ciudad

La carnicería Punto Carne sigue apostando por Tandil y abrió su quinto local comercial en la ciudad. El flamante lugar está ubicado en avenida Actis 1665 y según explicó a este medio Osvaldo Barquin, titular de la firma, “se trata de un zona en pleno desarrollo en la ciudad, que es el norte, cruzando la […]

29 Nov 15:00 El Eco 4177735524993024781.html
Visite de Mike Pompeo au Maroc, un "partenaire essentiel" des Etats-Unis

Le chef de la diplomatie américaine Mike Pompeo se rendra au Maroc la semaine prochaine, un "partenaire essentiel" dans la stratégie diplomatique des Etats-Unis dans la région. Le secrétaire d'Eta...

29 Nov 14:32 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981263506993.html
Nador: Comment le FFD voit la gouvernance locale ?

  Le Front des forces démocratiques a tenu, jeudi, une rencontre de communication avec ses militants de la province de Nador, axée sur la bonne gouvernance locale.   Cette rencontre, qui a connu la participation du secrétaire général du FFD, Mustapha Benali, de membres du Conseil national du parti et des membres de son secrétariat provincial à Nador, est placée sous le thème «Le développement, tributaire d'une bonne gouvernance des affaires locales».   «Cette rencontre de communication constitue une occasion pour procéder à une réflexion collective autour des documents et décisions du dernier congrès national du parti, en particulier la vision du FFD concernant le modèle de développement alternatif ainsi que la stratégie 2020 du parti, visant à renforcer le rôle des organisations territoriales et sectorielles de la formation», a indiqué Benali.   La rencontre de communication est aussi une occasion pour mettre la lumière sur les problèmes des habitants de Nador et réclamer des actions concrètes pour garantir…

29 Nov 10:51 LesEco.ma 3084334527148616082.html
Bryan, la historia del pequeño valiente con piel de mariposa

Salió llorando del cuarto donde toman las muestras de sangre. Bryan está sentado en su coche que es guiado por su mamá. Las lágrimas quizá no son por la misma razón que cualquier otro niño de 7 años tendría cuando le pinchan la mano en el laboratorio. El pequeño llora porque su frágil piel no resiste que se le apriete fuerte, ni siquiera que se le roce.Bryan Stevan Angulo Rodallega tiene su piel arrugada, y casi todo su cuerpo está forrado con vendas, pues así lo requiere. Pero no está quemado, él es el único niño en el Valle y uno de los 300 casos en Colombia, según estadísticas de la Asociación Debra, diagnosticado con epidermólisis ampollar o bullosa, más conocido como piel de mariposa.Es una enfermedad rara, “la mayoría de las veces es hereditaria, hay un gen que no produce bien las proteínas de la dermis (piel), y por eso aparecen heridas y ampollas espontáneamente. Estas van cicatrizando y pueden producir infección”, explica la médica María Clara Villaquirán, pediatra de la Fundación Valle del Lili, quien…

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963348077637535.html
Black Friday: GoPro Hero8 im Bundle zum Sparpreis!

Kamera, Action und Schnitt! Zum Black Friday hat Amazon die GoPro Hero8 mit ordentlich Zubehör deutlich günstiger im Angebot.

29 Nov 10:13 Computer Bild 4944248631923633773.html
Ultranet est au top

Relarqué lors de son ultime tentative à Auteuil, où il s'est classé troisième d'un quinté, 703 Ultranet a les moyens de répéter cette valeur. En effet, les conditions techniques du jour répondent à ses capacités et l'opposition est largement à sa portée. A l'aise en terrain lourd; il aura de légitimes ambition dans le Prix Dandolo (7ème et dernière course du programme à Auteuil).

29 Nov 11:46 Paris Turf 1695193992811842967.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a Guerrero, Fernández, Viera y Márquez al no apreciar riesgo de fuga

El tribunal de la Sección Primera de la Audiencia Provincial de Sevilla, que juzgó la pieza política de los ERE, ha notificado este viernes un auto en el...

29 Nov 12:53 Europa Press 4702666148993626338.html
Huawei’s iPad Pro clone is hilarious

Huawei has recently introduced the MatePad Pro in China and this is their latest flagship tablet to take on the iPad Pro. The resemblance to Apple’s productivity tablet is uncanny and it even comes with a brand new stylus that’s called the M-Pencil.

29 Nov 14:17 SoyaCincau.com 3698931830846885962.html
Blow For Chiefs’ Title Contenders

SuperSport United have a chance to close the gap on Kaizer Chiefs this weekend with the Glamour Boys not in action, but they have been dealt a blow for their game.

29 Nov 13:01 Soccer Laduma 3901337370183244777.html
Srpkinje spremne za početak Svetskog prvenstva, prvi rival im je ''klub-reprezentacija''!

Selektor ženske rukometne reprezentacije Srbije Ljubomir Obradović rekao je danas da je zadovoljan uradjenim tokom priprema i da veruje da je njegova ekipa spremna za start Svetskog prvenstva.

29 Nov 15:57 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496726831863.html
Stornelli se presentó frente a Ramos Padilla: "Voy a responder preguntas", dijo el fiscal

El fiscal está relacionado a una red de espionaje y extorsión por su cercanía con el único detenido, Marcelo D´Alessio. Hace casi un año, un productor rural los denunció luego de que la pareja le pidiera una coima de 50 mil pesos para no vincularlo a una causa judicial.

29 Nov 12:48 Infocielo 6573250471715102815.html
The Google Home Max is finally worth picking up at $200 during Black Friday

The Google Home Max has never had quite the same level of popularity as other Google smart speakers, but with a discounted price of just $200 this Black Friday, it's worth a second look.

29 Nov 13:56 Android Central 29040143799306906.html
Zurück in die neue Welt

Wo wir technologisch vorangehen, brauchen wir gleichzeitig einen Schritt zurück. Wir müssen unser Miteinander besprechen. Das sollten wir nicht der Digitalisierung überlassen.

29 Nov 15:35 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323651084601.html
Lemos: Llegan a Bóveda las nuevas marquesinas de autobús de diseño gallego y madera de pino

29 Nov 15:57 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613420677787.html
Bericht: VW und Audi rufen weitere Diesel-Fahrzeuge zurück

Der Volkswagen-Konzern muss einem Medienbericht zufolge zehntausende weitere Diesel-Autos zurückrufen. Wie der Bayerische Rundfunk (BR) am Donnerstag berichtete, ordnete das deutsche Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt vergangene Woche den Rückruf von 65.000 VW- und Audi-Fahrzeugen an. Grund sei eine unzulässige Abschalteinrichtung, die in den Euro-4-Dieseln mit Drei-Liter-Motor verbaut sei.

29 Nov 10:25 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699778293090.html
Atak terrorystyczny na London Bridge. Nożownika obezwładnili przechodnie

Strzały padły po południu na London Bridge w stolicy Wielkiej Brytanii. Mężczyzna uzbrojony w nóż zaatakował przechodniów. Ci obezwładnili go i zabrali broń. Napastnika następnie zastrzeliła policja. Według ustaleń śledczych, atak miał podłoże terrorystyczne. Dwie osoby nie żyją, a trzy zostały ranne.

29 Nov 15:16 RMF24 3758900157413227181.html
Faszinierende Roboter bei der „First Lego League“

Forschen, Programmieren und Konstruieren - „First Lego League“ lud zum Wettkampf nach Innsbruck, 13 Schulen aus ganz Tirol nahmen teil. Tolle ...

29 Nov 13:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093762056359.html
100 Mahasiswa di Riau Dapat Beasiswa Rp300 Juta dari PTPN V

100 mahasiswa berprestasi di Provinsi Riau, dengan total nilai bantuan Rp 300 juta. Dengan harapan dapat turut andil dalam proses pembangunan negeri melalui pembangunan mahasiswa.

29 Nov 15:25 merdeka.com 1998180355960305766.html
"Un bimbo di cinque anni ha visto sua madre annegare. Non sa ancora che l'ha vista morire"

Testimonianza di Ester Russo, psicologa di Medici Senza Frontiere, su un bimbo di 5 anni sopravvissuto a un naufragio a Lampedusa

29 Nov 11:43 L'HuffPost 5315551423218915789.html
Look: GROWN-ISH Star Yara Shahidi Links Up W/ Nas + Destiny Jones For The Holidays

"Grown-ish" star Yara Shahidi did it big for Thanksgiving. The Hollywood actress lit up her social media this week with a look at her Turkey Day alongside famil

29 Nov 15:02 SOHH 6970791090927080440.html
Diez mercados de Europa perfectos para vivir el espíritu navideño

Dulces, vino caliente, villancicos y luces, ¡muchas luces!… las principales ciudades europeas se vuelcan cuando se acerca la Navidad. Recorremos los principales mercadillos donde impregnarnos de su magia.

29 Nov 13:47 Hola.com 2035212431160640776.html
Grève mondiale pour le climat: les manifestants suisses ont milité contre le Black Friday

La quatrième grève mondiale pour le climat s'est tenue ce vendredi dans une centaine de pays. En Suisse, les manifestants ont notamment milité contre le ...

29 Nov 11:13 Arcinfo 560090597282591937.html
1Password is offering an exclusive 50 percent off deal for readers of The Verge

You can get a year of 1Password for $1.50 a month.

29 Nov 11:00 The Verge 1337119304285962355.html
Umfrage: Was sich die Österreicher zu Weihnachten wünschen und was nicht

Die Liste der unbeliebtesten Geschenke führen Socken mit 21,2 Prozent an.

29 Nov 11:42 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700453145275.html
Justin Theroux & Jennifer Aniston Reunite For Thanksgiving Nearly 2 Years After Split

Happy 'Friends'-giving. At her annual 'Fakesgiving' event, Jennifer Aniston reunited with ex, Justin Theroux, for the Thanksgiving feast.

29 Nov 14:31 Hollywood Life 1852895045923032475.html
Kisangani : les activités paralysées à la Division provinciale de Transport et voies de Communication

Les activités ont été paralysées vendredi 29 novembre à la Division provinciale des transports et voies de Communication. Les agents de ce service public de l’Etat ont signé une pétition adressée au Gouverneur de Province sollicitant le départ de leur directeur.

29 Nov 12:19 Radio Okapi 4444713484045359034.html
Sitio del día: Una app para solicitar un servicio de lavandería a domicilio

Hacer la lavandería es una de esas pequeñas tareas que, aunque es necesaria, las personas tal vez no tienen el tiempo (o las ganas) de hacer constantemente

29 Nov 12:45 Merca2.0 990348492980958483.html
Ozuna lanza su tercer álbum "Nibiru" con colaboraciones con Anuel AA, Snoop Dogg y Nicky Jam

Ya está aquí "Nibiru", el tercer álbum del Negrito de Ojos Claros

29 Nov 15:43 CiberCuba 8213836170132054765.html
Star Wars : Baby Yoda et The Mandalorian, véritables sources d'inspiration pour les artistes

Depuis quelques semaines maintenant, les fans de Star Wars peuvent appr&eacute;cier les premiers &eacute;pisodes de la s&eacute;rie The Mandalorian, uniquement disponible sur…

29 Nov 13:01 HITEK.fr 8540387690869459464.html
Canadiens’ Jonathan Drouin reveals he tore tendon in his wrist

BROSSARD, Que.— Montreal Canadiens forward Jonathan Drouin spoke on Friday for the first time since his Nov. 18 surgery, and he explained that he suffered a torn tendon in his left wrist on his first shift of the third period in the team’s 5-2 win over the Washington Capitals on Nov. 15.

29 Nov 12:48 Sportsnet.ca 4293652947848925962.html
Duro Felguera dice que no tiene un límite temporal para pactar con la banca

El consejero delegado de Duro Felguera, José María Orihuela, ha asegurado este viernes que la compañía no se fijado un límite temporal para pactar un acuerdo con sus acreedores bancarios.

29 Nov 15:51 elEconomista.es 9051559957911182896.html
Zidane, con todos menos Asensio, James, Lucas y Hazard

El Madrid acabó de preparar el duelo de mañana ante el Alavés (13:00 horas, Movistar LaLiga). Zidane contó con todos sus jugadores a...

29 Nov 13:12 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959543259136.html
Daftar Final Tim dan Pebalap Peserta Formula 1 2020

Dengan resminya Nicholas Latifi diumumkan sebagai pebalap kedua Williams Racing, maka lengkap sudah daftar peserta Formula 1 2020.

29 Nov 13:25 Bola.net 5489959029405879503.html
Emeri dobio otkaz, menja ga jedna od najvećih legendi Arsenala!

Baskijac Unaj Emeri više nije na klupi Arsenala, posle najgoreg niza rezultata ovog kluba u prethodnih 30 godina!

29 Nov 11:19 REPUBLIKA 2543998404895261237.html
Åpent brev til Une Bastholm

Hvordan kan MDG moralisere over nordmenns ferieturer, når dere samtidig heier fram flyreiser på 20 timer tur/retur for titusener av mennesker fra land som Somalia, Etiopia, Kongo? Hvor mye CO2-utslipp utgjør disse flyreisene over halve kloden?

29 Nov 14:33 Document 5102836952438807059.html
Gold eases over doubts on US-China trade war, faces worst month in 3-years

Investors were uncertain about the fate of a 'phase-one' trade deal between the two economies

29 Nov 14:34 Business-Standard 1502508924910135561.html
POINT OF VIEW: ‘BEF’ reshaping Nigeria visual art

The arts industry in Nigeria, visual arts precisely, has begun to attract attention. This is as a result of efforts made by the Ben Enwonwu Foundation (BEF)

29 Nov 15:24 Vanguard News 4125100339694811937.html
Listen To Clutch’s Cover Of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Fortunate Son

Clutch dedicate their cover of Fortunate Son to late manager Jack Flanagan

29 Nov 11:33 Kerrang! 370418007450183423.html
Uccide la moglie a colpi di pietra e pugni, poi chiama il 118: fermato dai carabinieri

Omicidio a Torino di Sangro, in provincia di Chieti

29 Nov 12:17 L'HuffPost 5315551423739893460.html
Defensie-uitgaven van NAVO-landen gestegen in 2019, België blijft achterlopen

 De Europese NAVO-landen en Canada hebben dit jaar 4,6 procent meer uitgegeven aan defensie. Dat heeft Jens Stoltenberg, de secretaris-generaal van de NAVO, bekendgemaakt. Daardoor zitten intussen ...

29 Nov 12:18 HLN 8967494996738896956.html
Previa del encuentro: el Roda recibe en casa al Olimpic Xátiva

Previa del encuentro: el Roda recibe en casa al Olimpic Xátiva

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897969555010945.html
Allbirds dropped 3 limited-edition sneakers for Black Friday — here’s your first look

Allbirds is dropping three new and limited edition styles of their Tree Runner today, November 29. They’re the first patterned runners the company has ever created.

29 Nov 13:00 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883433178630.html
El ultimátum de Arturo Vidal al FC Barcelona

El centrocampista chileno de 32 años ha mostrado su deseo de sumar más minutos y protagonismo con el FC Barcelona y apunta a un posible adiós en caso de no lograrlo. “O juego o me voy”. Así de claro (...)

29 Nov 13:59 Fichajes 157935405447136232.html
Vídeo: Odvan convida torcida para se associar ao Vasco

O ex-zagueiro e ídolo do Vasco da Gama, Odvan, publicou um vídeo convidando a massa vascaína para se associar ao Clube.

29 Nov 10:02 Vasco Notícias 1167013064811576122.html
David Broncano corona en La Vida Moderna a Giménez como el mayor trol de la historia

El cómico explicó a través de unas declaraciones del también futbolista Radamel Falcao por qué José María Giménez es el mayor trol de la historia del deporte

29 Nov 11:25 Cadena SER 8390941984038140901.html
India announces $400 mln loan for Sri Lanka, in support of new president

India will lend Sri Lanka $400 million for infrastructure projects, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday after talks with the island nation's new President Gotabaya Rajapaksa aimed at improving bilateral ties.

29 Nov 15:27 Bdnews24 8119004128744104348.html
Lesionan a 3 personas con un cuchillo en La Haya

Tres personas fueron lesionadas el viernes con un cuchillo en la principal calle comercial de La Haya, indicó la policía

29 Nov 15:15 El Mañana 6247220758068763392.html
Ministrul agriculturii, Adrian Oros: "Trebuie să punem accentul pe procesare"

„România susține plafonarea voluntară a plăților”, a declarat Adrian Oros, ministrul agriculturii, la o conferință de specialitate. Iar ca prioritate pentru viitor, Oros a fost

29 Nov 15:44 HotNews 6169202162327467207.html
Das ist dran an ihrer Rivalität mit Schwägerin Caroline

Ist Fürstin Charlène von Monaco wirklich glücklich? Die schöne Blondine zeigt sich bei ihren Auftritten oft introvertiert und ohne Lächeln auf den Lippen. Darüberhinaus sind ihre Termine rar gesät. Stattdessen zeigt sich Fürst Albert solo oder mit seiner älteren Schwester Caroline an seiner Seite. Über die Situation im Fürstenhaus spricht Adelsexpertin in dieser Folge des Royal-Podcasts "Palast-Geflüster".

29 Nov 14:55 BUNTE.de 2017976499250501540.html
Siete trucos para perder los kilos de más

Si existiera una forma eficaz, segura, rápida y sin efectos secundarios para bajar de peso, muchos ya lo habrían implementado con éxito. Uno de los secretos está en controlar qué comemos, la cantidad, cuándo lo hacemos y el ejercicio que realizamos para...

29 Nov 11:00 Punto Biz 7504645525178697531.html
Apprentice star Lottie Lion says she has ‘come to terms with unconventional looks’

The Apprentice star Lottie Lion has opened up about her insecurities, saying that she has “come to term with her unconventional looks”. Lion, a 19-year-old librarian from Somerset, recently became

29 Nov 14:22 The Independent 2511519172097343528.html
Lo que tendrá que hacer Alberto Gamero antes de firmar con Millonarios

Así va la situación del entrenador que actualmente dirige al Deportes Tolima.

29 Nov 12:38 Antena 2 310632180120039498.html
Vadhir Derbez finalmente aclara la polémica foto de Aislinn bañándose con sus hermanos

Tras revelarse la polémica foto donde Aislinn aparece en tanga y cubriéndose los senos en una bañera junto a sus hermanos, Vadhir Derbez aclaró lo sucedido.

29 Nov 12:59 Publinews 8987875303761412254.html
Chocolate MC celebra Acción de Gracias con su novia Daine y al estilo cubano

El cantante se comió el típico pavo junto a su chica y amigos.

29 Nov 12:38 CiberCuba 8213836170581911063.html
Ramalan Shio 29 November 2019: 5 Shio Ini Sedang Beruntung dalam Hal Percintaan, Siapa Saja?

Dalam ramalan shio 29 November 2019, disebut akan ada lima shio yang mengalami keberuntungan dalam percintaannya.

29 Nov 11:29 grid.id 586386475386544001.html
"Tatort: Querschläger": So wird der neue Hamburg-Krimi

Im neuen "Tatort: Querschläger" schießt ein Heckenschütze auf einen Lkw-Fahrer und flüchtet unerkannt. Während Falke und Grosz im Trucker-Milieu ermitteln, s...

29 Nov 10:36 VIP.de 2239798193592925250.html
Homenagem da PMRR ao Flamengo ganha repercussão nacional

O hino do clube carioca foi executado em alusão ao ato histórico, em que o Rubro-Negro conquistou dois títulos, o Campeonato Brasileiro e a Copa Libertadores

29 Nov 13:47 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548199362351.html
Según estudio, dormir bastante los fines de semana le hace bien a tu salud

En salud, el compensar la falta de descanso acumulado durmiendo más los fines de semana puede alargarte la vida.

29 Nov 15:42 Wapa.pe 6757287088858907687.html
Nur 7 Euro: LTE-Tarif mit 2 Gigabyte und Allnet-Flat zum Tiefpreis

2 Gigabyte Volumen im LTE-Netz der Telekom für nur 7 Euro? Genau dieses Angebot gibt es jetzt bei Sparhandy. Das ist deutlich günstiger als bei der Konkurrenz.

29 Nov 14:06 Computer Bild 4944248631393155727.html
Pipa resta importancia a su noche mágica en Europa League

El lateral, inédito esta última temporada y media en el Espanyol, sobresalió contra el Ferencvaros

29 Nov 14:39 La Vanguardia 8061072699929682116.html
Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink and Paper confirma su estreno en Nintendo Switch

Aquí nos llega la confirmación de un nuevo título indie para Nintendo Switch. Se trata de Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink and Paper. De acuerdo con lo compartido, el juego se lanzará el 24 de diciembre en la tienda virtual de la consola híbrida. Costará 4,99$ y el tamaño de su descarga es de 92 MB. […]

29 Nov 13:28 Nintenderos 2555436001857596581.html
Hengyuan’s 3Q net loss narrows on turnaround plan

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): Hengyuan Refining Company Bhd’s net loss narrowed in the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2019 to RM11.43 million from RM122.49 million a year earlier, due to higher revenue.Loss per share fell to to 3.81 sen from 40.83 sen, the group said in a filing today.Hengyuan said revenue for the quarter jumped 56% to RM3.23 billion from RM2.07 billion a year ago, as the refinery recorded sales volume of 10.7 million barrels.For the nine-month period, the

29 Nov 10:38 The Edge Markets 6322622075192722492.html
Cefalù (Palermo), ragazzo disabile di 14 anni bullizzato dai coetanei: tre denunciati

CEFALU’ (PALERMO)  –  Da due mesi era vittima di bullismo: deriso e picchiato da un gruppo di coetanei quattordicenni, aggredito e preso a schiaffi, il tutto ripreso dal cellulare in un video poi condiviso sui social. E’ quanto denunciato da un ragazzo disabile di 14 anni di Cefalù (Palermo).  I genitori della vittima sono venuti a conoscenza del video e hanno presentato denuncia agli agenti del commissariato. I poliziotti hanno identificato e denunciato al tribunale per i minorenni di Palermo tre quindicenni di Cefalù che ora devono rispondere delle accuse di stalking, percosse, violenze, minacce e diffamazione, con l’aggravante della disabilità e della minore età della vittima. Il video, insieme ai cellulari con i quali è stato girato e diffuso, è stato sequestrato.  Piacenza, maltrattamenti in scuola materna: 3 maestre arrestate, tra cui una suoraNapoli, entano nella banca scavando un tunnel dalle fogne e scappano con 110mila euro “Ad aggravare la condotta – hanno spiegato gli investigatori, come riferisce…

29 Nov 14:35 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354086333785.html
What is Aldi's Kevin the Carrot and how much is the toy now selling for?

Kevin the Carrot is a festive favourite.

29 Nov 11:48 Metro 970161747409485764.html
Black Friday - najciekawsze piątkowe promocje sprzętowe

Konsole, gamepady, monitory, karty graficzne, procesory, myszy, klawiatury - w tej wiadomości znajdziecie wszystkie najlepsze promocje sprzętowe, jakie w tym roku przygotowały sklepy z okazji Black Friday.

29 Nov 14:56 GRY-Online.pl 5357342310030070766.html
Beatrice Valli incinta? A rispondere è lei, che spiega come stanno le cose

Beatrice Valli è incinta? L'indiscrezione circola sul web da diversi giorni e a rispondere, oggi, è proprio la diretta interessata.

29 Nov 15:51 Novella 2000 6951116780241275712.html
Simon Mignolet zeer zwaar onder de indruk: "Hij is zo'n groot talent"

Simon Mignolet zat vorig seizoen op de bank bij Liverpool. Hij besloot afgelopen zomer om de Reds te verruilen voor Club Brugge. Alisson Becker versperde hem de weg op Anfield Road.

29 Nov 15:30 Voetbal24 8097814616441640094.html
Nezakonito prevažal tujce in na Razkrižju povzročil prometno nesrečo

Pri opravljanju nalog varovanja državne meje sta policista PP Ljutomer v četrtek, malo po 14. uri na Razkrižju ustavljala vozilo znamke Mercedes, avstrijskih registrskih oznak, ki pa na znake policistov ni ustavil in z nezmanjšano hitrostjo nadaljeval z vožnjo. Med vožnjo je voznik zapeljal z vozišča in trčil ...

29 Nov 10:18 Prlekija on net 5500439796099273382.html
Terrible Record Beckons For Pirates?  

Orlando Pirates Could Be Nearing Their Bad Record In Recent Times

29 Nov 10:47 Soccer Laduma 3901337370445021804.html
Watch: Fireboy DML Drops Joker-Inspired Video For “Scatter”

Fireboy DML has released the video to "Scatter", a track off his recently released debut album "Laughter, Tears & Goosebumps".

29 Nov 13:30 The Guardian 7580308505115008271.html
Saca más partido a los altavoces Amazon Echo: añade nuevas Skills

Pasos para añadir nuevas Skills al asistente de voz Alexa y de esta forma aumentar la utilidad de los altavoces Amazon Echo.

29 Nov 15:00 Topes de Gama 4747649604985691252.html
Rainha Isabel II pode estar a planear abdicar do trono

A rainha Isabel II de Inglaterra pode estar a fazer planos para abdicar do trono, nos próximos meses, a favor do príncipe Carlos.

29 Nov 15:50 N-TV 4368043452030363722.html
Izmislila igračku koja nudi "spojene orgazme"

Ose, seksualna igračka koja je na sajmu CES dobila nagradu za inovaciju, izgubila je i ponovo je osvojila - konačno je spremna za tržište. Uređaj je pokrenuo debatu o rodnoj pristrasnosti u tehnološkoj industriji i tome šta se može, a šta ne može izlagati na najvećem svjetskom sajmu tehnologije.

29 Nov 15:28 Nezavisne novine 4209150642800947008.html
Fim da linha para Unai Emery no Arsenal

O Arsenal anunciou nesta sexta-feira a demissão do treinador espanhol Unai Emery. Os "gunners" não vencem há mais de um mês.

29 Nov 11:13 JN 6956494304339138844.html
Piñera: "Carabineros saldrá fortalecida como institución"

Participó de la ceremonia de egreso de oficiales.

29 Nov 15:57 Futuro 2617238417003396476.html
KSC - Regensburg im TV und Live-Stream: SSV Jahn Regensburg gastiert heute bei Karlsruher SC

Am 15. Spieltag der 2. Bundesliga empfängt Karlsruher SC SSV Jahn Regensburg. 3 Siege, 7 mal Remis und 4 Niederlagen in 14 Spielen: Das Team von Coach Alois Schwartz steht mit 16 Zählern im Moment auf Platz 12 der Tabelle. Die derzeite Bilanz der Gäste: 5 Siege, 5 mal Remis und 4 Niederlagen. 20 Punkte hat die Gastmannschaft von Coach Mersad Selimbegovic von SSV Jahn Regensburg derzeit nach 14 Matches auf dem Konto. Damit befinden sie sich auf Platz 5 der Tabelle.

29 Nov 13:31 news.de 5126378979476577843.html
Wanda Vázquez tiene en la mira al próximo secretario de Estado

La gobernadora haría el nombramiento en la próxima sesión legislativa.

29 Nov 13:25 Primera Hora 5092966653851203804.html
PROGNOZA METEO ANM pentru decembrie. Cum va fi vremea de Crăciun

Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie a anunţat cum va fi vremea &icirc;n decembrie. Meteorologii ANM spun că &icirc;n decembrie vom avea parte de temperaturi mai ridicate dec&acirc;t normalul acestei perioade. Se anunţă valori ridicate ale

29 Nov 12:58 romaniatv.net 4505369227943425815.html
Progres 55%, Jalan Akses Pelabuhan Patimban Kelar April 2020

Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono menjelaskan saat ini progress konstruksi pembangunan jalan akses tersebut sudah mencapai 55,8%.

29 Nov 10:15 detikfinance 4442190001793360005.html
dm: Beliebte Aktion findet dieses Jahr nicht statt – der Grund überrascht

Dieses Jahr führt der Drogeriemarkt dm eine beliebte Aktion zum Black Friday nicht durch. Den Grund dazu liest du hier.

29 Nov 14:38 Thüringen24 7206317294934498867.html
Foreldrepar siktet for grov vold mot tre måneder gammel sønn

Et foreldrepar som tidligere har vært siktet for grov vold i en sak der barnet deres døde, er igjen siktet for vold - denne gangen mot sin tre måneder gamle sønn.

29 Nov 12:21 TV 2 8210067769349091010.html
Buy Google Pixel 4 and get Nest Hub free in bumper Black Friday deal

Cyber Monday is here! Get Google's Pixel 4 for just £599 and John Lewis will throw in a Google Nest Hub at no extra cost.

2 Dec 13:19 Tech Advisor 6450858317230315814.html
Frappé Artesanal: obras maestras para el museo de tu paladar

Con sobre 100 combinaciones de sabores, la empresa del matrimonio Rivera tiene presencia en siete municipios

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309309748694.html
Se revelan los Pokémon más utilizados en el inicio del competitivo en Pokémon Espada y Escudo

El pasado 15 de noviembre se lanzó de forma oficial uno de los juegos más esperados del año apra muchos: Pokémon Espada y Escudo. Como siempre pasa en estos casos las nuevas entregas puden disfrutarse de múltiples formas. Están los que simplemente se pasan la historia del juego y el postgame y ya no lo […]

29 Nov 12:01 Nintenderos 2555436003156096967.html
Sst... Realme Kabarnya 'Pisah Ranjang' dari Oppo

WE Online, Jakarta - Realme dikabarkan akan segera 'bercerai' dari Oppo. Hal tersebut dikemukakan oleh CCO Realme Taiwan Chung Hsiang-we melansir dari Digitimes, Jumat (29/11/2019).

29 Nov 10:45 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834326329245.html
Ortahisar Belediyesi'nden Emlak vergisi hatırlatması

Trabzon'un Ortahisar ilçesinde Çevre ve emlak vergisi için süre doluyor.

29 Nov 12:02 HABER 61 8391886869285445744.html
Mercedesy na czele. Bottas najszybszy w obu treningach

Valtteri Bottas uzyskał najlepszy czas piątkowych treningów w Abu Zabi. Robert Kubica był 18. rano i 20. po południu.

29 Nov 14:34 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515102808252192.html
Autobouwer Daimler wil 1,4 miljard besparen op personeel: zeker 10.000 banen geschrapt

De Duitse autobouwer Daimler wil de komende drie jaren duizenden banen schrappen. Dat heeft het bedrijf vrijdag bekendgemaakt. Volgens personeelsdirecteur ...

29 Nov 12:44 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191235424118.html
'Brasil vive la desidia de un gobierno al que no le preocupa ni el Amazonas ni sus costas'

Ángel Hernández, un joven madrileño que participa en la limpieza del petróleo en las playas brasileñas, explica su experiencia a ‘La...

29 Nov 11:10 La Vanguardia 8061072698913303361.html
Boris Johnson: Trump să nu se implice în alegerile parlamentare britanice

Premierul britanic Boris Johnson a susţinut vineri că ar fi foarte bine dacă preşedintele american Donald Trump nu se va implica în...

29 Nov 14:02 Stiri pe surse 4858045012863699195.html
VIDEO: Ladrones entran a una iglesia de Nuevo León y se roba la limosna; los atoran

Los pecadores no tenían idea que estaban siendo monitoreados por las cámaras, por lo que las autoridades fueron avisadas de inmediato

29 Nov 11:03 EL GRÁFICO 2926497602242934270.html
Denuncian que es ilegal el sindicato que Macri le autorizó a JetSmart a días de irse del gobierno

La low cost que funciona junto a Flybondi en El Palomar es cuestionada junto a la administración macrista.

29 Nov 11:30 Infocielo 6573250472851086378.html
How to have an eco-friendly Christmas: 39 tips for hosting a 'green Christmas'

The countdown to Christmas is officially on, and we&rsquo;re turning our attention to turkey orders, advent calendars and which corner of the loft we left the nativity scene in.

5 Dec 14:58 The Telegraph 140598091171345297.html
Data dan Fakta La Liga: Alaves vs Real Madrid

Peringkat 2 Real Madrid akan bertandang ke markas peringkat 13 Deportivo Alaves pada pekan ke-15 La Liga 2019/20, Sabtu (30/11/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Mendizorrotza ini

29 Nov 13:02 Bola.net 5489959028924997151.html
Full of Hell’s gear & whole van stolen on Cattle Decapitation tour

It happened in Atlanta. A Gofundme has been launched.

29 Nov 13:04 BrooklynVegan 7574135798615769047.html
Save up to 30% site-wide on CASETiFY accessories, phone cases, watch bands, AirPods cases, and more

The more you buy, the more you save. Get anywhere from 15% to 30% off on your purchase from CASETiFY today.

29 Nov 11:08 Android Central 29040143051279440.html
Odisha Forest Guard Recruitment 2019: Registration Process Begins, Apply Before Dec 29 on Official Website at ossc.gov.in

The window for application will be open till December 29, which is the last date to make the fee payment for the examination.

29 Nov 12:06 India.com 7150386082762563956.html
Tonka Tomicic echa a Hermógenes Pérez de Arce de "Bienvenidos" por dichos contra los derechos humanos

Una tensa situación se vivió la mañana de este viernes en el matinal de Canal 13, "Bienvenidos", que terminó con la animadora del programa, Tinka Tomicic, pidiéndole al ex diputado derechista Hermógenes Pérez de Arce que abandonara el estudio. Y es que el hombre, que fuera uno de los acérrimos defensores de Augusto Pinochet señaló […]

29 Nov 14:16 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354992989051.html
Campanário venceu a Supertaça de futsal das Casas do Povo

O secretário regional de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural assistiu, na noite de quinta-feira (28 de Novembro), à Supertaça do Inatel/ACAPORAMA, com...

29 Nov 10:17 dnoticias 6968432066178645801.html
Celebs Slam NBC for Firing Gabrielle Union over Alleged Racism on ‘America’s Got Talent’

Hollywood stars took to social media over the Thanksgiving holiday to show their solidarity with actress Gabrielle Union and slam NBC after the network reportedly fired her as a judge from "America's Got Talent."

29 Nov 15:06 Breitbart 3148363490826069874.html
Sous pression de la rue, le gouvernement va démissionner

Après deux mois de contestation déjà marqués par plus de 400 morts, le premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé sa démission et celle de son gouvernement. Le Parlement doit l'examiner ce dimanche.

29 Nov 15:00 L'Alsace 2225618938770060066.html
Estudiantes y cadetes un día azul

#Opinión Lea aquí el artículo de Earle Herrera | Estudiantes y cadetes un día azul

29 Nov 12:08 Últimas Noticias 6811287210070714092.html
Den savnede tenåringsjenten i Uddevalla er død, konstaterer svensk politi

Den 17 år gamle jenten som forsvant i midten av forrige uke, er konstatert død, opplyser politiet ifølge det svenske nyhetsbyrået TT.

29 Nov 14:20 Bergens Tidende 6643873498471026960.html
Um em cada quatro jovens faz "uso problemático" do smartphone

Estudo sugere ainda que este comportamento está associado a uma saúde mental mais debilitada.

29 Nov 12:13 SÁBADO 5711459692890523683.html
TW Classic voegt The Killers toe aan line-up

TW Classic maakte eerder al bekend dat Paul McCartney als headliner zal optreden op het festival, dat op 21 juni plaatsvindt in het Festivalpark in Werchter. Nu voegt het ook The Killers toe aan de...

29 Nov 15:37 HLN 8967494996822355753.html
Latinoamérica: probaron la seguridad de 11 sillitas de niños para el auto y estos son los resultados

Son modelos que se venden en Argentina, Brasil, México y Uruguay, entre otros países.

29 Nov 10:02 Todo Noticias 8077539162709166146.html
'I Would Have Been Called Balasaheb's Nalayak Son,' Uddhav Thackeray on Why he Didn't Say 'No' to CM Post

While it was clear that the Sena would not settle without the CM post this time, Uddhav Thackeray was not very keen to take the responsibility initially.

29 Nov 13:29 India.com 7150386082907833881.html
Google Stadia: Growe studio firmy zatrudnia kolejnych twórców serii Assassin´s Creed

Nie najlepszy start nie wpłynął widocznie na dalekosiężne plany wobec platformy.

29 Nov 12:26 CD-Action 7245463651236032705.html
Mom who nearly died after giving birth shares moment she met newborn son: 'Luka and I needed each other'

Luka, who was struggling to breathe on his own after his premature birth, met his mom who was being prepped for a high-risk life-saving operation.

29 Nov 14:23 Fox News 7362823819684048675.html
Gladbach-Ikone: BVB ein "besonderer Reiz" für Ibra

Der BVB sucht im Winter nach einer Verstärkung für das Sturmzentrum, Zlatan Ibrahimovic ist ab dem 1. Januar ohne Verein. Geht es nach dem ehemaligen schwedischen Nationalspieler Martin Dahlin, trägt Ibra bald schwarz-gelb.

29 Nov 12:12 weltfussball.at 3521376372235435321.html
AMLO advierte a EE. UU. que no permitirá extranjeros armados en su territorio

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador advirtió este viernes 29 de noviembre a Estados Unidos que México no permitirá que extranjeros armados actúen en su territorio, luego de que su par estadounidense, Donald Trump, dijera que designará como "terroristas" a los narcotraficantes.

29 Nov 15:10 Prensa Libre 5433015256991683621.html
Mehr als 140 Flüchtlinge auf dem Mittelmeer gerettet

Rettungsschiffe haben auf dem Mittelmeer 144 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen. Die "Alan Kurdi" rettete am Donnerstag 84 Menschen von zwei Schlauchbooten, wie die deutsche Organisation Sea-Eye auf Twitter mitteilte.

29 Nov 14:05 bz BASEL 5287163743373331535.html
West Indies names ODI, T20 squads for India tour; Russel, Bravo left out

Senior player Kieron Pollard will continue to lead both the ODI and T20 squads with Nicholas Pooran as his deputy in the shorter format

29 Nov 10:20 Business-Standard 1502508924611142313.html
Ibiza-Affäre wird Film: Böhmermann und Schalko machen "zack, zack, zack"

Die Dreharbeiten für die laut Böhmermann "irre Parabel auf Politik in Zeiten des politischen Verfalls" sind bereits gestartet.

29 Nov 15:45 Kurier 208072239490476618.html
Attaque terroriste au London Bridge: l'assaillant est un ex-prisonnier condamné pour terrorisme

L'attaque au couteau survenue vendredi à London Bridge, dans le centre de Londres, a fait deux morts et trois blessés, a fait savoir en soirée la...

29 Nov 15:33 La Libre 2304109935353474351.html
“Brasil e Uruguai cada vez mais serão grandes parceiros”, diz Jair Bolsonaro ao parabenizar novo presidente do Uruguai

O Presidente Jair Bolsonaro parabenizou por telefone o novo presidente do Uruguai, Luis Lacalle Pou, pela sua histórica vitória nas urnas. “Por telefone, parabenizei o Presidente eleito do Uruguai, Luis Lacalle Pou, pela sua histórica vitória nas urnas”, disse o presidente Jair Bolsonaro no Twitter. Pela primeira vez em 15 anos, a vitória de Lacalle […]

29 Nov 11:25 Conexão Política 2089540911918655291.html
Sturgeon ‘getting into bed with Corbyn’ to win indyref2, Chancellor claims

Sajid Javid used a visit to Scotland to launch an attack on the SNP leader.

29 Nov 13:48 Express & Star 7324224460533289136.html
GARIWO / Dai Giardini dei Giusti le Carte della responsabilità contro l’odio

Gariwo e la rete internazionale dei Giardini dei Giusti lanciano le nuove Carte della Responsabilità contro la cultura dell'odio nei social media, nello sport e nell'ambiente.

29 Nov 11:30 IlSussidiario 495412292854033604.html
La AFIP suspenderá los embargos a micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas

Según informó este jueves el organismo mediante un comunicado, la extención de la suspensión de las trabas a las medidas cautelares para las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas regirá hasta el hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2019.

29 Nov 11:52 Crónica 1134283328204089243.html
WK-debutante Van Wetering (20) wacht nog op ontgroening

Of Bo van Wetering last heeft van een jetlag nu ze voor het WK handbal in Japan zit? Ze zegt van niet. Toch weet de 20-jarige debutante op een eindtoernooi niet meer wanneer ze nou precies aan de andere kant van de wereld aangekomen is. “Donderdag kwamen we aan. Of vrijdag? Ik weet het niet…

29 Nov 11:37 Sportnieuws 3602982464477762598.html
Prediksi Liverpool vs Brighton 30 November 2019

Prediksi skor Liverpool vs Brighton, Premier League, Liga Inggris, EPL, Liverpool vs Brighton, Prediksi Bola 30 November 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

29 Nov 13:46 Bola.net 5489959027556156553.html
Bolsonaro acusa DiCaprio de dar dinheiro para 'tacar fogo na Amazônia'

Foto: Leonardodicaprio/Instagram    O presidente Jair Bolsonaro criticou nesta sexta-feira (29) o ator Leonardo DiCaprio e o acusou de financiar entidades brasileiras que causaram incêndios na floresta amazônica.Em agosto, o astro americano anunciou que a a fundação da qual ele é fundador, a Earth Alliance, doaria US$ 5 milhões a um fundo emergencial que destinaria o montante para ajudar entidades brasileiras no combate à série de queimadas. Na entrada do Palácio do Alvorada, o presidente fez a acusação durante conversa com um grupo de eleitores, segundo os quais os incêndios recentes no Pará tiveram motivação criminosa. "Agora, o Leonardo DiCaprio é um cara legal, não é?", questionou. "Dando dinheiro para tacar fogo na Amazônia", acrescentou. Na quinta-feira (28), o deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) também afirmou que o ator americano financiou uma ONG (Organização Não Governamental) que "tocou fogo na Amazônia". Apesar das acusações, não há comprovação de que as entidades da sociedade civil tenham…

29 Nov 12:40 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419385990429.html
Colt Individual Carbine: The Super Rifle the U.S. Army Said 'No' To

Why did this weapon fail to make it to the battlefield?

29 Nov 14:30 The National Interest 7207864702764011505.html
School bullies 'held a knife to a boy's throat'. Two weeks later the school can't say what's happened to them 'because of GDPR' and his mum hasn't heard back from the police

'He's just meant to put on a brave face. To top it all off the police haven't even phoned me'

29 Nov 11:57 men 6694993428542697975.html
Skandaliczna decyzja prokuratury! Zdaniem śledczych, Nergal nie sprofanował wizerunku Matki Bożej

Prokuratura Rejonowa Warszawa-Mokotów postanowiła, że nie rozpocznie dochodzenia dotyczącego wpisu Adama Darskiego Nergala na Facebooku. Uzasadnienie śledczych jest po prostu skandaliczne i tak naprawdę oznacza, że profanatorzy mogą czuć się w wielu przypadkach bezkarni.

29 Nov 12:46 Najwyższy Czas! 1611902978674104017.html
Com rachaduras e relatos de estrondos, três blocos de hospital são evacuados

Tr&ecirc;s blocos do Hospital Get&uacute;lio Vargas (HGV), no bairro do Cordeiro, Zona Oeste do Recife, foram evacuados na madrugada desta sexta-feira (29). A retirada de pacientes e funcion&aacute;rios aconteceu ap&oacute;s vistoria do Corpo de Bombeiros, que recebeu chamado com relatos de est...

29 Nov 12:48 TNH1 3684351754513056258.html
SMS 2.0: i messaggi di Google che batteranno Whatsapp

Gli SMS di Google si apprestano ad arrivare sul mercato mondiale e lanciano il guanto di sfida ai due big del settore, Whatsapp e Telegram.

29 Nov 11:20 tecnoandroid 2573257128213667032.html
Iraks premiärminister avgår

Irak Iraks premiärminister Adil Abd al-Mahdi kommer att lämna in sin avskedsansökan till landets parlament, enligt ett uttalande från premiärministerns kansli.

29 Nov 12:45 www.unt.se 8922556089119563067.html
En Boca del Río, padres de familia denuncian abuso sexual de menores

Al menos en uno de los tres casos denunciados hubo abuso sexual y en los otros dos maltrato y violencia psicológica por parte de un maestro.

29 Nov 12:30 Milenio 4240839410004386790.html
Sky – Oggi potrebbe essere il giorno del disgelo tra società e squadra. Ancelotti si conferma ancora una volta leader

Nella giornata di oggi, ai microfoni di Sky Sport, il giornalista Massimo Ugolini, inviato al Centro Sportivo del Napoli di Castel Volturno, ha reso noti alcuni particolari dell’incontro tra il patron Aurelio De Laurentiis e i calciatori azzurri. Ecco quanto evidenziato dalla nostra redazione: “Oggi potrebbe arrivare il disgelo, potrebbe esserci una riconciliazione dei rapporti. […]

29 Nov 12:43 Spazio Napoli 1933866184181887309.html
La biología sintética de alto rendimiento acelerara el desarrollo de la terapia génica - El médico interactivo

Los hallazgos revelan la promesa de la ingeniería de proteínas basada en datos, en particular para proteínas de la cápside de los virus utilizados para proporcionar la terapia génica y difíciles de modelar con los enfoques informáticos actuales.

29 Nov 12:47 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182036038843.html
“Premier Malta biedt zijn ontslag aan”

Joseph Muscat heeft tegen vertrouwelingen gezegd dat hij snel zal opstappen als premier van Malta. Dat meldt de Times of Malta. Zijn besluit is een gevolg van de politieke crisis die is ontstaan do...

29 Nov 13:53 HLN 8967494998447863110.html
Neuer Berliner Flughafen soll im Oktober 2020 eröffnen

Der nächste Eröffnungstermin für den BER steht: Am 31. Oktober 2020 soll der Flughafen endlich an den Start gehen. Das teilten die Betreiber mit.

29 Nov 13:30 RTL.DE 7054729453606680970.html
Keiko Fujimori salió de prisión este viernes en medio de la ovación de sus seguidores

Keiko Fujimori, la líder de la oposición en Perú, salió este viernes de la cárcel donde estaba en régimen de prisión preventiva desde hacía casi trece meses entre vítores de cientos de seguidores que armaron una fiesta frente al centro penitenciario con globos e incluso fuegos artificiales.La hija del expresidente Alberto Fujimori afrontará en libertad el resto de la investigación que le sigue dentro del caso de corrupción Lava Jato por presunto lavado de dinero en la financiación de sus campañas electorales, gracias a un polémico fallo del Tribunal Constitucional que anuló la prisión preventiva.En la puerta de la cárcel le esperaban su marido, el estadounidense Mark Vito, que 18 días atrás se había declarado en huelga de hambre para reclamar su liberación, acompañado de dirigentes del partido fujimorista Fuerza Popular y los centenares de seguidores que estallaron de alegría al verla en persona.

29 Nov 12:15 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347335596044.html
El montepío, un seguro que ampara a familiares del afiliado o jubilado tras su muerte

Viudas o viudos, huérfanos menores de edad o padres son los tres grupos familiares del afiliado o jubilado que se benefician tras su fallecimiento de la renta o pensión que entrega el Instituto

29 Nov 14:00 El Universo 8365175797759150682.html
PNP hails ‘hero’ cop in Misamis Oriental grenade blast

The Philippine National Police (PNP) recognized on Friday the heroism of a police officer who died after grappling with a grenade-wielding man at Initao College in Misamis Oriental.

29 Nov 15:41 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199622944146.html
L’attacco sul London Bridge, a Londra

Un uomo ha ucciso due passanti con un coltello, prima di essere ucciso a sua volta: la polizia per ora sta trattando l'attacco come un atto di terrorismo

29 Nov 14:31 Il Post 6291746504473836524.html
Nuova M2 Racing, rinnovo con Aprilia e 3 wild card WSBK con Ponsson

Nuova M2 Racing e Aprilia Racing, rinnovato l'impegno congiunto in CIV e National Trophy. In programma anche tre wild card WSBK con Christophe Ponsson.

29 Nov 12:04 Corsedimoto 8217505416538889375.html
La cárcel de Brieva decidirá la semana que viene si concede a Urdangarin siete días de permiso ordinario en Navidad

La dirección de la cárcel de Brieva (Ávila) tiene previsto resolver la semana próxima la petición que ha cursado Iñaki Urdangarin para disfrutar durante...

29 Nov 15:05 Europa Press 4702666149166760949.html
The Floating Voter: 'I was told I'd be shot by the big boys over sulky racing regulation proposal' - Mattie McGrath

INDEPENDENT TD Mattie McGrath has revealed he received a death threat after he proposed legislation which would regulate sulky racing.

29 Nov 12:09 Independent.ie 5894610844716294846.html
Ambientalistas suspeitos de incêndio em Alter do Chão deixam prisão

Quatro ambientalistas que estavam presos preventivamente, acusados pela polícia de provoca...

29 Nov 10:44 UOL Noticias 8892198860731419120.html
Starea de asediu la Universitatea din Hong Kong. Noi apeluri la manifestaţii

Poliţia din Hong Kong a ridicat, vineri, starea de asediu care a durat 13 zile la Universitatea din Hong Kong, unde în urma verificărilor intense efectuate timp de două zile în campusul universităţii nu a mai fost găsit niciun protestatar, relatează Kyodo

29 Nov 12:23 PUBLIKA 1679939815242028181.html
Wenn die Debatte über Homöopathie zum Shitstorm führt

Kann Homöopathie Antibiotika ersetzen? Allein die Frage zu stellen, löst einen Shitstrom aus. Es ist höchste Zeit die Freiheit der Rede zu überdenken. Der Kommentar.

2 Dec 11:00 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323044529133.html
"Non firmiamo un c...". Il messaggio di Salvini inchioda Conte

Un messaggio del leader leghista ai suoi parlamentari smaschera le accuse di Conte e dei grillini sul Mes

29 Nov 10:18 ilGiornale.it 5019541224341827540.html
Paul Pogba’s injury return will be like a new signing, says Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said Paul Pogba would not be fit for Sunday's home clash against Aston Villa but the Frenchman could return to the side when they host Tottenham Hotspur on December 4.

29 Nov 14:27 The Indian Express 2885715104625487661.html
La Uefa celebra la trivela di Lukaku: è lo 'Skill of the Day' della serata di Champions League di mercoledì

Dei due assist forniti da Romelu Lukaku a Lautaro Martinez nella notte di Praga, la Uefa ha eletto il secondo come 'Skill of the Day' della serata di Champions League di mercoledì....

29 Nov 13:28 FcInterNews.it 7848284892325159337.html
Bose headphones get 50% PRICE DROP in Amazon Black Friday deal

Bose's SoundSport in-ear headphones are down to just £45 as Amazon continues to ramp up its huge Black Friday 2019 sale – this representing a 50% discount.

29 Nov 14:48 Trusted Reviews 12694854737908572.html
Devuelven el veredicto del 'caso Diana Quer' por errores de forma: se conocerá mañana

Las partes personadas en la causa judicial por el crimen de la joven Diana Quer habían sido convocadas esta mañana para conocer el veredicto del jurado tras dos días de deliberación

29 Nov 12:23 El Confidencial 6129807549207738356.html
"Ante el Racing es el partido de la ilusión y de alcanzar media permanencia"

El entrenador José Rojo, Pacheta, hace una llamada a la prudencia con los objetivos del Elche 'porque si a este equipo le obligan a ascender vamos a saltar por el aire'

29 Nov 13:26 Diarioinformacion 8979296175652425542.html
Orrore in casa: donna teneva il corpo del marito in un congelatore da 11 anni

Giunti ad investigare sulla morte di un’anziana, gli agenti di Toole (Salt Lake City) sono rimasti di stucco nel trovare il corpo del marito nel congelatore. Una semplice indagine per appurare che il decesso della signora Jeanne Souron-Mathers fosse avvenuto per cause naturali, si è tramutata in un’indagine su un possibile omicidio. La donna viveva …

29 Nov 14:42 NewNotizie 1312053896266041750.html
Fiscalía indaga si exministro Quintana ordenó a vocales del TSE parar conteo rápido

El exdirector de la Agencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Tecnologías de Información (Agetic) es investigado como principal responsable del manipuleo en las elecciones. Dependía directamente de Juan R. Quintana Los exvocales María Eugenia Choque y Antonio Costas están detenidos por el fraude electoral. Foto: APG El exdirector de la Agencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Tecnologías

29 Nov 11:59 eju.tv 4688901771260773325.html
WHAT! Sunny Singh Has Found His Sweety In Real Life; In A Secret Affair Since 2 Years?

Sunny Singh is one of those actors who has always been very secretive about his relationships. The actor has never been in the news for his personal life and is only busy carving his niche in Bollywoo

29 Nov 10:39 Koimoi 5184275670117171388.html
Científicos israelíes explican por qué las ventas del Viernes Negro son una cuestión de supervivencia

¿Qué tiene el Viernes Negro que lleva a la gente a comprar como maníacos del materialismo o leones hambrientos?

29 Nov 11:47 Noticias de Israel 5887715889454333949.html
The U.S. Navy Has a Crazy Plan To Build Monster (But Useless) Battleships

Their construction was a mistake worth avoiding.

29 Nov 14:00 The National Interest 7207864702458067657.html
Mbaye Diagne mag niet meer meetrainen bij Club Brugge: ‘Het is aan hem’

Mbaye Diagne volgt op dit moment een ‘individueel programma’ bij Club Brugge. De spits die zich niet populair maakte met de strafschoprel in Parijs traint ...

29 Nov 13:28 De Standaard 2288913868854563239.html
Ambasadorul SUA, în vizită de rămas bun la Ministerul Afacerilor Externe; Hans Klemm a fost primit de ministrul Bogdan Aurescu

Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu l-a primit, vineri, în vizită de rămas bun, la sediul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe (MAE), pe ambasadorul Statelor Unite la Bucureşti, Hans Klemm.

29 Nov 11:21 News.ro 1785173097603987499.html
"E.T., el extraterrestre" regresa en nuevo cortometraje

El célebre personaje se reúne con “Elliot”y su familia para llevar a cabo las festividades de fin de año

29 Nov 15:10 El Informador 103545927922746324.html
'It is a sad fact that the club is now wholly owned by an overseas investment vehicle' – AST

Three senior members of Arsenal’s hierarchy have backgrounds in business, not football, and big questions are being asked of their effectiveness.

29 Nov 12:06 The42 5369852629861570200.html
Buenas noticias para joven que cayó desde un puente durante marcha: está fuera de peligro

Cristian Camilo Caicedo, de 21 años, fue sometido a una cirugía y su estado de salud es estable. El joven estuvo en cuidados intensivos por varias fracturas. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 10:43 pulzo.com 8971816786342902347.html
Borrell ve una 'anomalía' que el PP haga depender la investidura en Junqueras

El ministro de Exteriores en funciones no considera al ERC un partido progresista por sus comportamientos, en contra de lo que opina Carmen...

29 Nov 10:21 La Vanguardia 8061072698952776734.html
Freitagsschnäppchen: Rabattierte Apps und Spiele am "Black Friday"

"Black Friday" auch in Mac App Store und iOS App Store: Etliche Apps und Spiele sind am heutigen Freitag stark rabattiert oder sogar kostenlos zu haben. Zu den Glanzlichtern gehören diesmal Bildbearbeitungsprogramme und Spiele für iPhone und iPad.

29 Nov 12:05 MacTechNews.de 1297039198792685504.html
Grab UGREEN chargers and more at a discounted price on Amazon - Gizmochina

UGREEN couldn’t be absent from the biggest discount day of the year so, if you are looking for chargers or something like a USB hub or tablet holder, it is a perfect time to grab what you want. UGREEN is known for its excellent quality accessories and the same goes for the products on offer …

29 Nov 14:18 Gizmochina 1751854816440182754.html
Grote zorgen bij Refaelov over zwangere vrouw: "Zo erg was het"

Lior Refaelov komt uit een zeer moeilijke periode. Er werd namelijk ingebroken bij de Israëliër van Antwerp en dat liet een diepe indruk na. Bovendien is zijn vrouw Gal zwanger en kreeg zij met extra problemen te maken.

29 Nov 14:00 Voetbal24 8097814615775511125.html
Flowr (FLWPF) Investor Presentation - Slideshow

The following slide deck was published by The Flowr Corporation in conjunction with this event.

29 Nov 14:58 Seeking Alpha 5725634557011836065.html
BUDO'dan yeni sefer iptalleri

Bursa Deniz Otobüslerinin (BUDO) seferlerinden bazıları, olumsuz hava koşulları nedeniyle iptal edildi.

29 Nov 10:51 OLAY 7935247625138505923.html
La CNMC regaña a Adif: crea inseguridad jurídica en aspectos esenciales del AVE

Competencia afea que el gestor ferroviario no haya adaptado varias de sus recomendaciones como la modificación de la normativa de fijación de cánones.

29 Nov 11:45 La Información 5328999782598500709.html
El racismo golpea también al 'calcio' femenino en Italia

La delantera británico-nigeriana Eniola Aluko deja la Juventus tras sufrir actos discriminatorios por su raza

29 Nov 12:11 elPeriodico 7291954033343570695.html
Chofer de micro sufre tres paros cardíacos tras ser atacado y está en riesgo vital

El conductor logró llegar al paradero donde pudo ser apoyado por colegas hasta la llegada de la ambulancia, en Antofagasta.

29 Nov 15:30 24Horas.cl 793283385142344971.html
Caitlyn Jenner says she hasn't spoken to Khloe Kardashian in 'five or six years'

Caitlyn Jenner revealed that she hasn't spoken to step-daughter Khloe Kardashian in the five years since she transitioned as she opened up on tonight's "I'm A Celeb."

29 Nov 14:30 Fox News 7362823821152773298.html
Sánchez esperará a tener los apoyos para ir a una investidura que no resulte fallida

ERC enfría las expectativas de una negociación rápida para formar Gobierno antes de enero

29 Nov 13:14 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612536247793.html
Sadio Mane set to sign massive deal that proves he’s one of world’s biggest draws

Sadio Mane could be about to pen one of the biggest boot deals in football history with Puma. That’s according to John Cross in the Mirror, who says the football giant wants to secure Mane&#8…

29 Nov 11:41 The Empire of The Kop 4194553101349248114.html
China: Crypto Exchange IDAX Locks up Cold Wallet as CEO ‘Goes Missing’

IDAX reported liquidity problems prior to Lei Guorong absconding, while it remains uncertain what access he has to the platform’s wallets.

29 Nov 10:07 Cointelegraph 3050247239583172670.html
18 times celebrities got brutally honest about sex

Plenty of celebrities have gotten real about the amazing, bad, or downright awkward sexual experiences they’ve had.

29 Nov 13:49 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883797563371.html
El producto que tienes que usar (y cada vez se vende más) para limpiar tu lavadora y evitar que se estropee

Pocos recaen en la necesidad de poner a punto este electrodoméstico

29 Nov 10:15 Levante-EMV 7042984477299171256.html
Prediksi Norwich City vs Arsenal 1 Desember 2019

Prediksi skor Norwich City vs Arsenal, Premier League, Liga Inggris, EPL, Norwich City vs Arsenal, Prediksi Bola 1 Desember 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

29 Nov 14:01 Bola.net 5489959029609653575.html
Abel Braga sai do Cruzeiro após dois meses

Dois meses depois de ter sido contratado, Abel Braga deixou o comando técnico do Cruzeiro. A derrota na noite passada, em casa, frente ao CSA precipitou a decisão, uma vez que a equipa está atualmente em zona de despromoção.Abel Braga, que em Portugal já orientou Rio Ave, Famalicão, Belenenses e Vitória de Setúbal, tinha sido também demitido do Flamengo em maio passado, sendo na altura substituído por Jorge Jesus.No Cruzeiro, orientou a equipa em 14 jogos, alcançando três vitórias, contra oito empates e três derrotas.Para o seu lugar, a Imprensa brasileira garante que o Cruzeiro tem já tudo acertado com Adilson Batista, que deixou o Ceará após ter sido derrotado pelo Flamengo na noite de terça-feira.

29 Nov 12:56 A BOLA 2278827557741721588.html
Sturgeon ‘getting into bed with Corbyn’ to win indyref2, Chancellor claims

Sajid Javid used a visit to Scotland to launch an attack on the SNP leader.

29 Nov 13:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775068692656.html
Én person hentet av luft-ambulanse etter ulykke

En person er meldt skadet etter en trafikkulykke på Steinset.

29 Nov 12:44 TV 2 8210067768996645464.html
Este viernes paran los Médicos Municipales por la represión en la Legislatura

La A MM y los médicos privados aseguraron que la medida de fuerza se debe al nuevo régimen de residentes y a la represión.

29 Nov 12:48 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204483148702485.html
Así se prepara el comercio guatemalteco para el viernes negro (online y offline)

Hoy se lleva a cabo el viernes negro, el evento de mayores ofertas en Estados Unidos, y los comercios en Guatemala no se quedaron atrás, al ofrecer descuentos que van desde 10% hasta 70%, e indicaron que esperan un crecimiento en ventas del 40%.

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257805571966.html
Wiedźmin Netfliksa: Polska premiera z gwiazdami serialu

A że pierwsze wrażenia krytyków są nad wyraz zachęcające...

29 Oct 15:25 CD-Action 7245463650171456449.html
Zack Snyder Doesn't Want DC Fans to Lose Hope in the JUSTICE LEAGUE SNYDER CUT

DC fans who have been supporting the release of the Justice League Snyder Cut got a dose of reality this week when a studio insider said that the whole thing is a “pipe dream” and that “there’s no way it’s ever happening.” Warner Bros. has no plans to release the movie for various reasons. One

29 Nov 12:00 GeekTyrant 6344790642071007154.html
Accident entre Rodez et Villefranche-de-Rouergue : deux trentenaires grièvement blessés

Une violente collision frontale, qui a opposé un monospace et une berline, peu avant 8 heures ce vendredi, s'est produite à hauteur du lieu-dit le Trentoul, sur la commune de Mayran, quelques encablures après la...

29 Nov 11:01 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766072223292985.html
Why We Should All Care About the Return of Toys "R" Us

Toys "R" Us, the venerable retailer that liquidated all of its stores last year, is having another go at it. Here's why we should pay attention.

29 Nov 13:04 Inc.com 8604986416998857508.html
La National Australia Bank prévoit de s'installer à Paris

BANGALORE (Reuters) - La National Australia Bank a annoncé vendredi qu'elle prévoyait d'installer une filiale à Paris qui offrirait des services bancaires et financiers pour la plupart des pays européens dans le contexte du Brexit.

29 Nov 11:34 Boursier.com 7351227821829425683.html
Les « prix dynamiques » des stations de ski manquent de transparence

Les 'prix dynamiques' dans les stations de ski sont critiqués par la Fondation alémanique des consommateurs (SKS). Elle reproche à certaines stations de cacher des hausses de prix avec ce système de tarification dite évolutive afin de maximiser les profits.

29 Nov 12:46 www.rjb.ch 7386238340944392448.html
New Pilots Join Red Arrows Ahead Of 2020 Display Season

The trio join the aerobatic team after four pilots stepped down following a combined 17 display seasons of service.

29 Nov 14:46 Forces Network 3883413828731491367.html
Miguel Ramírez: Me encantaría dirigir a Santiago Wanderers en Primera División

El DT del elenco caturro puso presión al asegurar que el Consejo de Presidentes debe asignarle el ascenso.

29 Nov 15:11 alairelibre.cl 7508323593899388352.html
Il paradiso delle signore 4 anticipazioni e trama 29 novembre

Il paradiso delle signore 4 anticipazioni e trama 29 novembre. Un ritorno inaspettato e il confronto tra Angela e Riccardo.

29 Nov 10:12 Novella 2000 6951116781355528162.html
A chemical pregnancy is a miscarriage, but doctors say it’s a good sign if you’re trying to get pregnant

Conception doesn’t always lead to a baby. Sometimes pregnancy ends quickly on its own.

29 Nov 14:53 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882201349439.html
Laeticia Hallyday et Pascal Balland : Escapade en amoureux à Venise

Arrivée à Paris le 19 novembre 2019 avec ses filles Jade et Joy, sa maman Françoise Thibaut et son frère Grégory Boudou, Laeticia Hallyday après avoir rencontré ses avocats, a repris l'avion pour une ...

29 Nov 11:06 Purepeople 1712099803098900142.html
Iceta demana a ERC que no arrenqui el diàleg plantejant l'autodeterminació

El líder del PSC veu la primera reunió amb els republicans com una "bona arrencada"

29 Nov 10:56 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480031014744.html
Angelina Jolie deslumbra con vestidos metálicos que te inspirarán a usar el look

Angelina Jolie conoce el poder de los vestidos metálicos para hacernos lucir glamurosas y sofisticadas. Nosotras te mostramos una variedad de estilos para que tú también te animes a llevarlos esta temporada.

29 Nov 10:14 Wapa.pe 6757287089646863539.html
Ulrike Cap an Gänserndorfs SPÖ-Spitze

Die Roten der Bezirkshauptstadt fixierten ihre Kandidatenliste: Diese besteht zu 50 Prozent aus neuen Gesichtern. Ihren Fokus will die SPÖ auf junge Familien, Jugendliche und Senioren legen.

29 Nov 10:22 NÖN.at 2486998931789678440.html
En estos productos gastarán más dinero los colombianos en el Black Friday

Google Colombia y el Grupo Kantar hicieron un estudio sobre el comportamiento y las intenciones que tendrán los usuarios del país en esta fecha de descuentos. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 12:20 pulzo.com 8971816787723550409.html
Lei autoriza uso de detectores de metais em postos de saúde

Depois das escolas municipais, postos de sa&uacute;de tamb&eacute;m poder&atilde;o ter detectores de metais. Lei que autoriza o munic&iacute;pio a implantar esse tipo de dispositivo de seguran&ccedil;a foi...

29 Nov 12:20 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489356271136.html
Elementy ze skradzionych pojazdów na terenie ryckiej firmy (zdjęcia)

Policjanci z Ryk weszli na teren jednej z firm oferującej do sprzedaży podzespoły do samochodów. Mundurowi zabezpieczyli ponad 30 elementów pochodzących ze skradzionych pojazdów.

29 Nov 10:24 lublin112.pl 6583157890994531655.html
Oficialu: "Arsenal" atsisveikino su E. Umery

Londono "Arsenal" klube – ilgai brendusios permainos: penktadienį oficialiai iš vyriausiojo trenerių pareigų buvo atleistas Unai Emery.

29 Nov 12:16 EURO FOOTBALL 925125275839362485.html
Sacchi: "Inter feroce e determinata, a Praga hanno giocato da eroi"

Attraverso la sua rubrica sulla Gazzetta dello Sport, l’ex allenatore del Milan Arrigo Sacchi analizza il momento vissuto dall’Inter: “L’Inter vince a Praga dopo una partenza...

29 Nov 12:18 FcInterNews.it 7848284893626621176.html
Adevăruri și neadevăruri despre contoarele inteligente

Chiar dacă avantajele contoarelor inteligente sunt de necontestat, există și opinii despre această tehnologie care au la bază informații...

29 Nov 14:02 Stiri pe surse 4858045013558622232.html
MOVIES & BOOZE: Beers for Christmas Day

Christmas is upon us, so as part of the planning for Christmas, we are looking at a couple of bee...

29 Nov 15:00 Newstalk 7635722257881525099.html
6 alimentos cuyo origen no conocías hasta ahora

Es bueno saber lo que nos llevamos a la boca.

29 Nov 10:07 Informe21.com 5448175404573838028.html
Ein Ex-Fußballstar kocht griechisch – wie schmeckt das?

Schlichtes Interieur, interessante Küche: Im griechischen Restaurant „Kosta's” kommen mediterrane Speisen auf den Tisch

29 Nov 10:29 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568272694434.html
Spurt in wheat sowing pushes rabi area to 338 lakh hectares

Pulses acreage falls with dip in area under gram cultivation

29 Nov 15:29 BusinessLine 5283601014292655.html
Paintsil is helemaal terug bij KRC Genk: "Ja, ik heb het zwaar gehad"

Onder Felice Mazzu was hij nergens meer, maar Hannes Wolf rekent wél op Joseph Paintsil. Hij staat al twee wedstrijden in de basis en sluit zo een moeilijke periode af.

29 Nov 11:15 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215919793708.html
Zidane vs Mourinho di Real Madrid dalam 178 Laga, Siapa Lebih Baik?

Zinedine Zidane baru saja memainkan laga ke-178 sebagai pelatih Real Madrid. Jumlah pertandingan tersebut sama dengan yang pernah dijalani Jose Mourinho

29 Nov 10:58 Bola.net 5489959029173261293.html
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro goes up in flames - Gizchina.com

After a Redmi Note 7S going up in flames in India. Now, a Redmi Note 7 Pro has faced the same incident in China. Xiaomi says it has due to "external forces"

29 Nov 14:47 Gizchina 5392375274832351145.html
Vesna Zmijanac priznala zbog čega je izgubila STAN!

Pevačica Vesna Zmijanac oduvek je važila za zvezdu, a svoj status je lepo umela da iskoristi. Naime, po sopstvenom priznanju je mnogo zarađivala, ali i mnogo trošila.

29 Nov 11:56 pulsonline 6050941187024192926.html
Stations de ski: «les prix dynamiques manquent de transparence et sont difficiles à comparer»

En Suisse, quinze stations de ski modifient leurs prix selon la météo ou le moment de ski. La Fondation alémanique des consommateurs, qui a comparé huit ...

29 Nov 12:57 Arcinfo 560090598267218428.html
12 Media Celebrities You Didn't Know Are Siblings

Media celebrities are always making headlines, be it on newspapers, websites, TV or radio but ...

29 Nov 13:34 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153251663039.html
En Suisse, BNP Paribas envisage la suppression de 250 postes

L'établissement bancaire français BNP Paribas a annoncé son intention de supprimer jusqu'à 250 postes en Suisse, principalement à Genève, invoquant notamment la pression des taux d'intérêt bas et la contraction des marges

29 Nov 10:59 Le Temps 2634224219108540254.html
PlayStation Plus sahiplerine sunulacak ücretsiz yapımlar

Sony, PlayStation 4 ve PS Plus sahiplerinin...

29 Nov 13:01 CNN Türk 3669296857388005106.html
Radmanović: Program reformi - mali korak nazad na putu ka NATO

BANJALUKA - Zamjenik predsjedavajućeg Predstavničkog doma parlamenta BiH Nebojša Radmanović rekao je da je Program reformi BiH, koji je usvojilo Predsjedništvo BiH, na neki način mali korak nazad kada je riječ o NATO-u jer se u tom dokumentu uopšte ne pominje Akcioni plan za članstvo /MAP/, što je proces koji prolaze sve zemlje na putu ka tom vojnom savezu.

29 Nov 10:10 Nezavisne novine 4209150642733788022.html
ZEZA SE NA SVOJ RAČUN Pogledajte kako Vojin reaguje kad ga pitaju da li je bio kod brata Veljka na SVADBI DECENIJE! HIT

Vojin Ražnatović, sin pokojnog Željka Ražnatovića Arkana i polubrat Veljka Ražnatovića, nije prisustvovao venčanju decenije. Vojin, koji je napisao knjigu o svom pokojnom ocu, nije u najboljim odnosima sa polubraćom i sestrama, pa tako nije ni prisustvovao ...

29 Nov 10:16 kurir.rs 6515665027854138811.html
Arturo Vidal manda un mensaje claro: o juega o busca una salida

Arturo Vidal quiere sentirse importante y, si no puede ser en el Barça, tomará una decisión. Así de contundente se ha mostrado el futbolista. O tiene minutos o se marcha. Incluso, no descarta dar el paso al frente este mismo enero.

29 Nov 14:43 MARCA 5656811532555195508.html
Bernardo Silva no 'onze' ideal da UEFA

Bernardo Silva foi um dos eleito pela UEFA para o ´onze ideal´ da fase de qualificação do Europeu de 2020, anunciou o organismo através das redes sociais

29 Nov 13:22 A BOLA 2278827559484057504.html
Barani pred Budućnost: Možemo svakoga da pobedimo

Košarkaši Mornara igraju sa mnogo oscilacija u sezoni koja je u toku. A ABA ligi imaju skor 4-4, a dok u FIBA Ligi šampiona posle šest mečeva nisu osetili slast pobede.

29 Nov 15:06 Sport Klub 42251758476071010.html
La batería de un vehículo explota repentinamente mientras la cargaban

En el video se observa la batería siendo cargada en el suelo bajo la observación de una de las empleadas.

29 Nov 15:39 Informe21.com 5448175405489410598.html
Samsung Galaxy S10 Black Friday: Exclusive code gets you a free phone

We've got a special code that'll knock some serious cash off one of the finest Android phones around. Only with Trusted Reviews.

29 Nov 15:55 Trusted Reviews 12694854480981615.html
Avviste klage fra naturvernerne – nå kan Nussir starte opp driften

Klagen på driftskonsesjonen er forkastet og Nussir kan starte opp gruveplanene sine i Kvalsund. Sametinget og naturvernere raser mot vedtaket.

29 Nov 11:00 NRK 3631390765745967471.html
Tras ASESINATO de Abril Pérez Sagaón, SUSPENDEN a jueces involucrados

Abril P&eacute;rez Saga&oacute;n fue asesinada el pasado lunes 25 de noviembre de dos disparos en la cabeza cuando sal&iacute;a de una cl&iacute;nica

29 Nov 13:34 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624084996960.html
Anvisa vai votar regulamentação da maconha medicinal

A Anvisa marcou para a próxima terça (3) a votação da regulamentação da maconha para fins medicinais.

29 Nov 15:29 O Antagonista 1037429653640960340.html
Mourinho ‘so happy’ at Tottenham he cannot imagine being anywhere else

Spurs boss says saddened by Unai Emery sacking at Arsenal.

29 Nov 15:03 Express & Star 7324224459294689161.html
Abel Braga sai do Cruzeiro e Adilson Batista assume

Cruzeiro irá trocar de técnico faltando três rodadas para o fim do Campeonato Brasileiro

29 Nov 10:16 R10 3167340813285115213.html
Astros de k-pop são condenados por estupro

Jung Joon-young e Choi Jong-hoon irão pegar de seis a cinco anos de cadeia por abusar de uma mulher inconsciente, filmar e compartilhar o ato

29 Nov 15:02 VEJA.com 4116702196133952711.html
Marian Banaś odpowiada na doniesienie CBA do prokuratury

To dobrze, że prokuratura i ewentualnie niezawisły sąd zajmą się sprawą moich oświadczeń majątkowych i skrupulatnie wyjaśnią wszystkie wątpliwości - poinformował w piątek w kolejnym oświadczeniu prezes NIK Marian Banaś.

29 Nov 15:50 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536200682487.html
La Policía persigue a sujetos armados desde Santurce hasta Cataño

Los individuos les dispararon a los agentes y arrojaron las pistolas a la carretera

29 Nov 14:16 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310905214446.html
"Aura" poklonila EKG aparat gradiškoj bolnici

GRADIŠKA - Osiguravajuće društvo “Aura” doniralo je savremeni EKG aparat bolnici u Gradišci i na taj način još jednom pokazalo da su društveno odgovorna kompanija, koja brine o potrebama stanovništva.

29 Nov 11:56 Nezavisne novine 4209150642878892569.html
Ordenen l'alliberament d'un altre dels joves detinguts durant la protesta per la sentència

El Mario va ser detingut després de tornar d'una de les manifestacions contra la sentència de l'1-O

29 Nov 12:27 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479623538581.html
Sin odontólogo el Seguro Social de Naiguatá

Sin odontólogo el Seguro Social de Naiguatá

29 Nov 10:18 LaPatilla.com 9104603010340417060.html
Bate de Babe Ruth será subastado en los Estados Unidos

El icónico bate con el que conectó Babe Ruth su jonrón 500 en las Grandes Ligas podrá ser adquirido en una subasta desde el pasado jueves 28 de noviembre de acuerdo a un reporte del New York Post.

29 Nov 14:05 Panorama 6052790755047746450.html
Vidéo. Docteur Abdelali Bouamama (clinique Longchamps, groupe Akdital): "que faire après un AVC?"

L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est la première cause de mortalité au Maroc. Docteur Abdelali Bouamama, spécialiste en radiologie interventionnelle (clinique Longchamps, groupe Akdital), décrit les symptômes avant-coureurs et explique comment les patients sont pris en charge en clinique.

29 Nov 15:08 www.le360.ma 5827163118002758239.html
Stations de ski: «les prix dynamiques manquent de transparence et sont difficiles à comparer»

En Suisse, quinze stations de ski modifient leurs prix selon la météo ou le moment de ski. La Fondation alémanique des consommateurs, qui a comparé huit ...

29 Nov 12:57 La Côte 469155179854359036.html
Rencanakan Serangan Teror Saat Natal 2016, 3 Pria Dibui di Australia

Tiga pria dijatuhi hukuman 22-38 tahun penjara karena merencanakan serangan teror di Australia. Rencana serangan teror itu disebut terinspirasi ISIS.

29 Nov 14:03 detiknews 8793960224545020289.html
Llamada a la huelga para casi 3.000 trabajadores de gasolineras gallegas

La convocatoria de paros coincidirá con el puente de la Constitución

29 Nov 12:10 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612462848669.html
Twitter, Connectez-Vous Vite Pour Garder Votre Compte !

Vous ne vous êtes pas connectés à Twitter au cours des six derniers mois ? C'est le moment ! Vous avez jusqu’au 11 décembre pour vous connecter sans...twitter

29 Nov 14:00 Forbes France 3079663226135722716.html
The best Amazon Black Friday tech deals, chosen by Digital Foundry

Updated Friday with dozens of new deals on PC peripherals and components, memory cards and TVs.

29 Nov 15:36 Eurogamer.net 1957885127429112076.html
Cintia Dicker diz que ela e Pedro Scooby não conseguiram evitar paixão

"Pedro foi uma surpresa e um presente na minha vida. É um cara do bem. Temos muito em comum. Estou feliz"

29 Nov 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883428266165998.html
Turški državljan med nezakonitim prevozom tujcev povzročil nesrečo

Ljutomerski policisti so v četrtek okoli 14. ure ustavljali vozilo avstrijskih registrskih tablic, a voznik kljub znakom policistov ni ustavil in nadaljeval z vožnjo. Pri tem je zapeljal z vozišča in trčil v žično ograjo in brajde na Razkrižju. Policisti so pozneje ugotovili, da je turški državljan nezakonito prevažal tujce.

29 Nov 11:11 Dnevnik 7671546650241135777.html
Perrella espera que Adilson Batista dê choque no Cruzeiro e evite rebaixamento

Técnico dirigirá time nos jogos contra Vasco, Grêmio e Palmeiras

29 Nov 14:40 Superesportes 5498560374123896319.html
I'm A Celebrity: Kate Garraway and Nadine Coyle down pint of blended pig's brain

Hmmmm pig's brain (said noone ever).

29 Nov 12:59 Metro 970161747476606322.html
Dimayor pide investigar a Edwuin Cetré por “utilizar lenguaje ofensivo”

El jugador vallecaucano dio declaraciones ofensivas a los medios luego del empate del Junior 2-2 ante Tolima que le permitió el pase a la final del campeonato al equipo Tiburón. La Comisión Disciplinaria tomará una decisi&...

29 Nov 13:20 El Heraldo 8273144985942921352.html

Madona je otkazala tri koncerta na Madam Iks turneji zbog jakih bolova.Nastupi mi donose mnogo zadovoljstva i otkazivanje istih mi dođe kao kazna... Ali bol je prejak i lekar me je posavetovao da moram da odmaram, napisala je pevačica na Fejsbuku.Obožavaocima ...

29 Nov 14:41 kurir.rs 6515665027511273719.html
Córdoba: escapaban de la Policía y terminaron chocando una casa en barrio Empalme

En la maniobra, el rodado arrancó un árbol. 

29 Nov 11:39 La Voz 6237180761560936232.html
Tragedia en la ruta: el fiscal pidió que el chofer del micro continúe detenido

Alberto Maldonado, de 48 años, prestó declaración durante una hora y media ante el fiscal de la UFI N°10, Jonatan Robert.

29 Nov 13:13 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158629478213.html
Odpuščenim delavcem Adrie Airways so razdelil 1,8 milijona evrov

468 nekdanjim zaposlenim Adrie Airways je Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad RS danes izplačal 1,8 milijona evrov. Gre za eno največjih izplačil sklada v zadnjih nekaj...

29 Nov 14:21 Slovenske novice 5901956562809181235.html
Selena Gomez en estas fechas reflexiona sobre su "poderoso" año pasado

La cantante aprovecha el periodo vacacional para sentarse y reflecionar sobre este año “muy, muy poderoso”. Selena Gomez espera usar el descanso festivo para reflexionar [...]

29 Nov 13:27 LaBotana 7949038498929171587.html
Gloomhaven, one of our favorite board games, is $87 this Black Friday

Pick up the great co-op RPG at its lowest price.

29 Nov 13:34 PC Gamer 9149753395887719771.html
TRP Toppers (Online): Bigg Boss Returns To The Top Spot; Choti Sarrdaarni Jumps To Second Spot

The latest online TRP ratings for Week 47 are out. Bigg Boss 13 has returned to the top spot, followed by Choti Sarrdaarni at the second place. Tujhse Hai Raabta has been replaced by Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.

29 Nov 12:38 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243931266811.html
Q2 GDP, core sector data may push RBI to cut rates in December: economists

The GDP growth rate for Q2FY20 was in line with the market expectation at 4.5 per cent, says Deepthi Mary Mathew, economist, Geojit Financial Services

29 Nov 13:08 Business-Standard 1502508925984967681.html
Japan ex-PM Nakasone who boosted ties with US dies at 101

  Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, an ardent conservative who worked to forge a stronger military alliance with the United States, died on Friday at the age of 101, an official at his son's office said. In office for five years from November 1982 to November 1987, Nakasone was known for trying to transform the nation defeated in World War II into a full-fledged member of the West during the Cold War era.

29 Nov 10:05 WION 1570469242027118883.html
Sem parceiro e com torcida, Figueirense renasce na Série B

O clube encerrou seu contrato com a empresa Elephant e viu as arquibancadas encherem

29 Nov 10:30 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699605381869.html
El Hospital Montecelo, pionero en España en la aplicación de células madre al Crohn

Los facultativos abordaron quirúrgicamente una fístula perianal compleja sin otra alternativa

29 Nov 15:42 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578975208508.html
Inšpektorat pri zaposlitvah štirih uslužbencev na Sovi ugotovil več kršitev

Inšpektorat za javni sektor je opravil nadzor nad zaposlitvijo štirih javnih uslužbencev na Sovi in ugotovil nekaj kršitev. Izrekel je ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na pravilno poslovanje agencije v prihodnje, za razveljavitev sklenjenih pogodb pa ni bilo zakonskih pogojev, so sporočili z ministrstva za javno upravo.

29 Nov 12:59 Primorske novice 8884558924945854340.html
El plan de marketing de Arkano: volverse viral mordiendo el culo «borracho» a una mujer desnuda

El rapero lleva una semana dando la nota mediática por diversos incidentes en una espiral de locura planificada emulando a una especie de C. Tangana. Acaba de subir una historia a Instagram reconociendo que es una campaña promocional para su canción «No me sale»

29 Nov 12:02 ABC.es 6074573463727506625.html
Jurgen Klopp praises owners for “constantly trying to develop” with Anfield Road end plans

Jurgen Klopp has praised Liverpool’s willingness to develop on and off the field after the latest plans for the Anfield Road end expansion were unveiled. It was announced on Friday morning that the club are planning to add a further 7,000 seats to Anfield with a £60 million redevelopment of the Anfield Road end to bring the capacity up to 61,000. This is an ambitious and very welcome outlook, which along with the new training ground in Kirkby and a high-profile kit deal with Nike will reflect the Reds’ success on the pitch. While it remains a long time until work could get underway at Anfield—with a new planning application expected in spring next year—Klopp spoke of his excitement at the news. “It’s really early stages, so I don’t even know exactly what I’m allowed to say, or what I can say,” he told reporters at Melwood on Friday.

29 Nov 14:09 This Is Anfield 7550115576141607070.html
Akcja CBA w krakowskim urzędzie. Zatrzymano trzy osoby

Osoba z kierownictwa Zarządu Budynków Komunalnych w Krakowie jest wśród trojga zatrzymanych przez CBA w sprawie korupcji i nielegalnego pośrednictwa w najmie i kupnie nieruchomości w atrakcyjnych częściach Krakowa. Do zdarzeń dochodziło w latach 2015–2017.

29 Nov 10:16 Do Rzeczy 474976676956445387.html
Miguel Leão realizou evento em Alusão ao Novembro Azul

O evento foi realizado pela secretaria de Saúde com total apoio da Prefeitura municipal.

29 Nov 10:09 R10 3167340812839530193.html
Muere el operador de un tractocamión al chocar con un árbol

A la altura del kilómetro 19 del tramo Chetumal-Xul Há, el presunto operador de un tractocamión perdió la vida al chocar el vehículo contra un árbol

29 Nov 14:09 Diario de Yucatán 261200016835957931.html
Bir efsane son buluyor

The Simpsons bestecisi Danny Elfman, dizinin son sezonunun ardından sona erebileceğini söyledi.

29 Nov 12:25 OdaTV 3336151106458046061.html
Irak: le Premier ministre annonce qu'il va démissionner

Le Premier ministre irakien a annoncé vendredi qu'il allait démissionner comme l'a réclamé le grand ayatollah Ali Sistani, figure tutélaire de la politique, au lendemain d'une des journées les plus sanglantes en deux mois d'une contestation marquée par plus de 400 morts. Adel Abdel Mahdi, un indépendant sans base partisane ni populaire, a cédé vendredi. Peu avant, le plus haut dignitaire chiite du pays avait appelé le Parlement à retirer sa confiance au gouvernement pour éviter le "chaos" et plus de morts, rejoignant les manifestants qui réclament depuis deux mois "la chute du régime". Ce soutien de poids et l'agitation politique qu'il a aussitôt suscité n'ont toutefois pas pu arrêter la spirale des violences qui se poursuit dans le sud agricole et tribal, où le chaos menace depuis que des combattants tribaux se sont montrés en armes pour protéger les manifestants à Nassiriya alors que des hommes en civil ont ouvert le feu sur la foule à Najaf. Vendredi, la police a encore tué deux manifestants à Nassiriya tandis…

29 Nov 15:30 LesEco.ma 3084334527022267251.html
BBNaija superstar Tacha arrives in Ghana, gets a hero’s welcome

Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate, Anita Natacha Akide aka Tacha has touched down in Ghana for a holiday visit. Tacha in a post on Twitter at about an hour ago shared her joy upon heading to Ghana and that she’s looking forward to having a good time. ‘I’M SO EXCITED!🇬🇭 TOUCH DOWN MOTHERLAND TODAY!☺️ MEET […]

29 Nov 10:21 GhBase.com 8689748846511735681.html
Lkw blieb stecken: Das ging sich knapp nicht aus

Kastenwagen war zu hoch für eine Unterführung in Gratkorn. Die Feuerwehr wurde zur Bergung angefordert.

29 Nov 13:17 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700161207335.html
La première visite de Trump en Afghanistan provoque la reprise des négociations avec les talibans

Le président américain promet depuis le début de son mandat de retirer les troupes américaines du pays, où elles sont présentes depuis 2001

29 Nov 11:45 l'Opinion 7618695067944352400.html
Morre em JP, jornalista Heraldo Nóbrega

O jornalista Heraldo Nóbrega, faleceu, na madrugada desta sexta-feira (29), ao cair o 16º andar do edifício onde morava no bairro de Tambauzinho, em João Pessoa. Ele sofria de depressão. Destaque na imprensa paraibana, Heraldo Nóbrega, ele apresentava atualmente o programa de entrevistas Tribuna da Mídia, na TV Master. Com 40 anos de carreira, ele […]

29 Nov 15:21 MaisPB 6493364307616180.html
Archie Thompson’s touching tribute for teammate’s milestone match

When Leigh Broxham arrived at Melbourne Victory, he was a fresh-faced teen, a kit-boy lackey with a dodgy car – and a burning desire to win whenever he took to the pitch.

29 Nov 10:05 Fox Sports 7784787272697076193.html
Bottas exprime su nuevo motor para mandar en la FP1

El finlandés estrenó propulsor pero penalizará tras la clasificación del sábado

29 Nov 12:22 sport 1349897970610208592.html
FC Barcelona bestaat 120 jaar: wat is de Belgische link met de Spaanse topclub?

FC Barcelona viert vandaag z’n 120ste verjaardag. Wat is de Belgische link met de Catalaanse topclub? Hieronder enkele weetjes.

29 Nov 11:02 HLN 8967494997468943673.html
Heath y Esquivel votaron por recorte de 50 puntos base a la tasa de interés, revelan minutas de Banxico

Jonathan Heath y Gerardo Esquivel fueron los votos disidentes en la última reunión de la Junta de Gobierno del Banco de México, en la que se decidió por mayoría un recorte a la tasa de interés de 0.25%. Los dos subgobernadores votaron por un recorte de mayor magnitud, que habría llevado a la tasa de interés objetivo a un nivel de 7.25% frente al 7.50% en que se fijó.

29 Nov 11:46 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559174014538.html
Incidente Statale 106 Jonica, scontro tra 3 auto a Melito di Porto Salvo: morti marito e moglie

Incidente mortale oggi sulla strada Statale 106 Jonica tra Reggio Calabria e Taranto al chilometro 29, nei pressi di Melito di Porto Salvo: in seguito allo scontro tra tre auto una coppia di coniugi è morta ed altre persone sono rimaste ferite. In via di accertamento la dinamica di quanto successo. Disagi al traffico: la Statale 106 è stata chiusa in entrambi i sensi di marcia.

29 Nov 10:44 fanpage.it 1517332167622935967.html
Tightlining: cosa è e come utilizzare la tecnica di makeup per avere subito uno sguardo più intenso, ma naturale

Sguardo magnetico, pieno, ma al tempo stesso naturale? È possibile con il tightlining, una tecnica makeup per sottolineare l’occhio con matita o eyeliner, ecco come fare!

29 Nov 15:30 DiLei 6707305200922167262.html
Primao platu u zatvoru uz pomoć porodice i kuma

DOBOJ - Protiv porodice Panić, Nove (49), bivšeg direktora Sektora za vuču vozova u "Željeznicama RS", njegove supruge Mladenke (45), njihovog sina Mladena (26), kao i njihovog kuma Mirka Ostojića (53), podnesen je izvještaj Tužilaštvu zbog sumnje da brojnim zloupotrebama službenog položaja obezbijedili Mladenu da ne dobije otkaz i prima platu dok je lani bio u zatvoru.

29 Nov 13:01 Nezavisne novine 4209150642712820449.html
Google injecte un peu plus d'IA dans G Suite

L'assistant IA de Google est désormais accessible en version bêta, et Smart Compose fait son apparition dans Google Docs et Gmail.

29 Nov 13:38 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148105898506.html
No es un bulo: la Seguridad Social te pasa el informe de tu vida laboral por SMS

Por primera vez se informa del convenio que ampara al trabajador y se dan a los mayores de 60 datos de cotización de los últimos 21 años. 

29 Nov 10:25 La Información 5328999782383491358.html
Gowin reaguje na zwolnienie za wykład o homoseksualizmie

Jarosław Gowin odniósł się na Twitterze do sprawy rozwiązania umowy z wykładowcą Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, który prowadził wykład dotyczący homoseksualizmu.

29 Nov 13:24 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525966818583.html
Operação Natal Seguro interdita ruas do Centro na segunda-feira

Veículos que estejam apenas transitando serão proibidos de circularem pelos calçadões.

29 Nov 15:43 R10 3167340813801506293.html
Otkrivamo: Zašto je veličina bitna i kako utiče na iskustvo gledanja televizije?

Televizor je bez sumnje centralna tačka svakog modernog doma i predstavlja nezaobilazni deo rituala opuštanja posle posla, pred spavanje i vikendima. Zato je izuzetno važno da u skladu sa sadržajem koji najviše volite odaberete odgovarajuću veličinu dijagonale za svoju dnevnu ili spavaću sobu.

29 Nov 12:33 REPUBLIKA 2543998405011597088.html
Après Audi, Mercedes annonce des milliers de suppressions de postes

Peu de temps après Audi, c'est au tour de Mercedes d'annoncer une coupe dans les effectifs. Et elle ne sera pas légère : 10 000 postes seront supprimés dans le monde sur les plus de 300 000 personnes travaillant pour la marque à l'étoile.

29 Nov 14:39 Caradisiac.com 930406530725577584.html
Gratitude & Deceit – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

American-Israelis celebrate Thanksgiving with their state-side brethren. Ethiopian-Israelis observe Sigd by rededicating themselves to God and Torah. And in a most complex parsha, Jacob and Esau receive very different blessings with everlasting consequences.

29 Nov 13:25 The Jewish Press 7246030800073541981.html
Så bor de svenska spelarna under VM

VM i Japan står för dörren och för de svenska spelarna blir det flera veckor tillsammans. Här listar Handbollskanalen vilka spelare som bor tillsammans under mästerskapet. Under veckorna som det svenska landslaget kommer att spendera i Kumamoto ser rumsfördelningen ut enligt följande: Kristin Thorleifsdottir & Bella Gulldén Nathalie Hagman & Jamina Roberts Carin Strömberg & […]

29 Nov 12:40 Handbollskanalen 1208046728192844420.html
60% of 2020 Rhodes Scholarships Awarded to Leftist Activists | Breitbart

The next slate of Rhodes Scholars is overwhelmingly involved with various forms of progressive activism in the United States. Almost 60 percent specifically mention their leftist activism in their biographies.

29 Nov 14:34 Breitbart 3148363491512048439.html
Black Friday. Opóźnienia w kursowaniu komunikacji miejskiej, korki w rejonie galerii handlowych

Popołudniowy szczyt nabiera tempa, w rejonie galerii handlowych napotkacie na problemy z przejazdem. Opóźnienia także maja pojazdy komunikacji miejskiej.

29 Nov 15:22 lublin112.pl 6583157891077296751.html
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Gamer integriert Baby Yoda durch Mod ins Spiel

Eifrige Fans haben durch einen Mod in „Star Wars: Battlefront 2“ das süße Baby Yoda nun auch in die Gaming-Welt gebracht.

29 Nov 14:07 PlayNation 4622181944699518642.html
Arturo Vidal advierte en el Barcelona: "Si no siento que soy importante, tendré que buscar una solución"

El volante dejó en claro que evaluará su continuidad en el club blaugrana si no tiene la continuidad deseada en el equipo que hoy dirige Ernesto Valverde.

29 Nov 14:36 24Horas.cl 793283386134344452.html
SUTNA: ¿qué pasó realmente en la asamblea general por junta electoral y paritarias?

La burocracia de la Lista Violeta fue ampliamente derrotada. El aumento para los próximos 9 meses será del 26% sobre el salario bruto y en 5 cuotas. Los debates en el activismo.

29 Nov 11:31 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572730200504551.html
Vox se plantea expulsar al concejal que llamó "asquerosa" a la mujer que increpó a Smith

El único concejal que Vox tiene en Puertollano, supuestamente, escribió contra Nadia Otmani llamándole asquerosa y diciendo que se merece los tiros que recibió

29 Nov 11:55 El Confidencial 6129807549224718786.html
Taobao's cargo ship with items from 11.11 sales sank deep into the ocean

This must be a really devastating news to some of the fanatic buyers during the 11.11 sales. It is reported that over 879 tonnes of cargo shipped from China sunk into the open ocean after encountered a collision. The cargo mainly consists of products purchased from Taobao during the sales. The repercussions of this incident involved not only Taobao and its consumers, but also the lives of the ship’s crew members.

29 Nov 15:09 TechNave 4010909132987492691.html
Criminal candidates: 44 of 260 in J'khand polls face serious offences including rape

According to the ADR report, 46 (18 per cent) candidates contesting in the second phrase are crorepatis.

29 Nov 11:29 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364082879184.html
Sofie De Vuyst vraagt analyse van B-staal aan: “We gaan er alles doen om haar onschuld te bewijzen”

Op 18 september testte de 32-jarige wielrenster Sofie De Vuyst, tijdens een controle buiten competitie, positief op het gebruik van exogene steroïden. Zij wil haar onschuld zo snel mogelijk bewijze...

29 Nov 14:19 HLN 8967494997954506703.html
Cardenales barrió a Caribes en Barquisimeto: Resultados de la Lvbp #28Nov

Gracias a una colosal ofensiva, liderada por Osman Marval, Cardenales de Lara se llevó la serie de tres encuentros en el Estadio Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez

29 Nov 11:53 LaPatilla.com 9104603010510166710.html
Seán Treacy’s win their fourth West Tipperary junior A football title thanks to an eight-point win over Solohead

Seán Treacy’s won their fourth AIB West Tipperary Junior A Football Championship title when the saw off the challenge of the 2018 county junior B champions, Solohead, in a hugely-entertai...

29 Nov 10:34 TipperaryLive 1097599578652336532.html
“The Real Housewives di Napoli” racconterà la vita di sei signore della Napoli bene (tra cui Noemi Letizia)

L'ex pupilla di Silvio Berlusconi torna dieci anni dopo e su Instagram scrive: "Divertitevi con noi"

29 Nov 13:54 L'HuffPost 5315551423634793047.html
Dermatitis atópica: "La falta de diagnóstico se da porque los profesionales no están capacitados"

La odisea de los pacientes María Alejandra Rubin es mamá de Martina, quien a los 9 meses le aparecieron los primeros síntomas de dermatitis atópica. La enfermedad es crónica y el tratamiento es diario para mejorar la calidad de vida.

29 Nov 14:31 El Litoral 2624573357392089968.html
Motor1.com's Best Spy Shots Of The Week

Every week, Motor1.com takes a look at the best spy shots from the automotive world, from SUVs to sedans, hatchbacks, trucks, and supercars.

29 Nov 12:41 Motor1.com 1648269241280212963.html
Söder gratuliert zum18. Geburtstag

Zum 18. Geburtstag flattert in Bayern künftig auch immer ein Glückwunschschreiben der Staatsregierung mit der Unterschrift ins Haus.

29 Nov 13:48 Bild 8433249907586280853.html
Black Friday iRobot sales discount multiple models, including Roomba 960 for $250 off

Roomba is perhaps the most well-recognized brand in the world of robotic vacuums and for good reason; its vacuums are some of the most well-performing on

29 Nov 15:47 Android Police 6171356414069481543.html
El Barça comença a preparar el partit contra l'Atlètic de Madrid

L'equip blaugrana compta amb 4 baixes confirmades per al partit del Wanda Metropolitano

29 Nov 13:08 CCMA 3983269927627345345.html
Magallanes dejó en el terreno a Leones con Gioskar Amaya de héroe

Ni cinco días pasaron desde que Gioskar Amaya se vistió de héroe en la victoria de los Navegantes del Magallanes sobre Bravos de Margarita el sábado de la semana pasada. Esta vez, el infielder volvió a tomar el papel de protagonista, al remolcar la carrera que dejó en el terreno a Leones del Caracas, 5-4, en el Estadio José Bernardo Pérez.

29 Nov 11:32 Panorama 6052790753592411679.html
Protest masiv organizat în Austria, pentru salvarea pădurilor din România. VIDEO

Mii de oameni au participat la un protest pe străzile din Viena, Austria, pentru salvarea pădurilor din România.

29 Nov 15:59 Stirileprotv.ro 940005309914380122.html
WATCH: Police block lawyers from handing over petition against brutality on Civilians

Police block lawyers from handing over petition against brutality on Civilians

29 Nov 14:08 iHarare News 2755902706954059904.html
Ko bi rekao: Pogledajte s kim je Dženifer Eniston proslavila Dan zahvalnosti (foto)

Bilo je tu mnogo poznatih faca (foto)

29 Nov 13:31 Krstarica 4176903989631523212.html
Fridays for Future: „Das politische Versagen ist dramatisch“: Neue Klima-Demos in 500 deutschen Städten

Die Klima-Aktivisten von Fridays for Future wollen sich vor der Konferenz in Madrid noch einmal Gehör verschaffen, damit mehr gegen die Erderhitzung getan wird. Ihre Vorreiterin Greta Thunberg wird den Tag erneut an einem eher ungewohnten Ort verbringen.

29 Nov 11:06 FOCUS Online 4448121231132122786.html
Manuel Bayona es nombrado gerente del Área Sanitaria 5 de Asturias-Gijón - El médico interactivo

SEDISA felicita al también presidente de la Sociedad Española de Directivos de Atención Primaria (SEDAP) por este nuevo cargo

29 Nov 12:20 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182066760343.html
Milhares de alunos sem aulas em dia de greve dos funcionários

Sindicato estima adesão de 85% dos cerca de 75 mil funcionários ao protesto contra a falta de trabalhadores e de condições de trabalho nas escolas de todo o país.

29 Nov 10:32 JN 6956494302982708858.html
Can you tell which rabbit doesn’t have a twin in this viral brainteaser?

Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás creates mind-boggling brainteasers, often containing hidden objects or details, and challenges the internet to find them. In past drawings, he’s hidden a mouse among mushrooms, a penguin among toucans, and a heart among flowers.

29 Nov 15:10 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884173617017.html
"Bauer sucht Frau"-Finale 2019: Schock-Moment! Hat Bauer Michael Hofdame Carina betrogen?

Innige Küsse, bittere Abfuhren und reichlich Drama: Sieben Folgen lang haben die Kandidaten von "Bauer sucht Frau" auf der Suche nach der großen Liebe alles gegeben. Einer, der bei den Zuschauern in den vergangenen Wochen immer wieder in der Kritik stand, ist Bauer Michael (30). Kurz vorm großen Finale droht dem Landwirt nun der nächste Eklat.

29 Nov 15:06 news.de 5126378979137691272.html
Previa del partido: el Benigànim recibe al Silla Cf

Previa del partido: el Benigànim recibe al Silla Cf

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897969052339572.html
Stations de ski: «les prix dynamiques manquent de transparence et sont difficiles à comparer»

En Suisse, quinze stations de ski modifient leurs prix selon la météo ou le moment de ski. La Fondation alémanique des consommateurs, qui a comparé huit ...

29 Nov 12:57 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461967182332.html
W sprawie klimatu potrzebujemy rozsądku, nie alarmu

Nie zgadzamy się z osiągnięciem neutralności klimatycznej już w 2050 r., ponieważ taki cel zgodnie z Porozumieniem Paryskim mamy osiągnąć w drugiej połowie tego wieku.

29 Nov 10:22 wPolityce.pl 7847312538178178504.html
La fiscalía rebaja a un año y medio la pena para el ex consejero delegado de Banco de Valencia por confesar

El ministerio fiscal pedía inicialmente cuatro años, pero el reconocimiento del delito y el pago de 100.000 euros ha replanteado la pena

29 Nov 14:34 Las Provincias 5471838389622737695.html
Espectros encara Atlético-MG por vaga na final

O campeão pela décima vez seguida da copa do Nordeste de Futebol Americano, O João Pessoa Espectros, enfrenta neste domingo (1), o Atlético Mineiro, na semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol Americano. O jogo ocorrerá no Estádio José Américo de Almeida Filho (Almeidão), que tem capacidade para 25 mil espectadores, em João Pessoa, à partir […]

29 Nov 13:16 MaisPB 6493364543899488.html
Werbe-Spot für VW Amarok in Südafrika : Frauen mit wilden Tieren auf Beutezug verglichen: VW zieht Werbung zurück

Volkswagen (VW) in Südafrika hat eine Radiowerbung zurückgezogen, die Frauen mit wilden Tieren vergleicht. Das Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB), ein Selbstkontrollorgan der Werbewirtschaft, vertrat die Auffassung, dass sich die Werbung Stereotypen für Frauen bediene. Es forderte den Autokonzern auf, den Werbespot zurückzuziehen, was VW auch tat.

29 Nov 15:02 FOCUS Online 4448121229958661804.html
Una gran bandera de España 'abraza' el primer belén de Almeida como alcalde de Madrid

"Frente a un gobierno del PSOE que pretende pactar con aquellos herederos de quienes asesinaron, nunca está de más y menos en este tiempo, reivindicar la bandera nacional", ha señalado el alcalde de Madrid

29 Nov 12:28 Cadena SER 8390941985367552169.html
$20 Billion in Assets on the Move to New Blockchain in 2020 by British Powerhouse HSBC: Report

Blockchain technology will power a new platform launched by HSBC. Reuters reports that the British banking giant is releasing Digital Vault in 2020. The blockchain-based custody solution will grant investors real-time data for securities that are bought on private markets. Paper records primarily comprising private placement transactions will be swapped for blockchain records, making HSBC’s […]

29 Nov 14:45 The Daily Hodl 7141394325077974967.html
Orange ostrzega przed fałszywymi SMS-ami

Na twitterowym koncie CERT Orange Polska pojawiło się ostrzeżenie o fałszywych SMS-ach rozsyłanych do klientów tej sieci. SMS-y mają skłonić do przejścia Na twitterowym koncie CERT Orange Polska pojawiło się ostrzeżenie o fałszywych SMS-ach rozsyłanych do klientów tej sieci. SMS-y mają skłonić do przejścia na link w nim umieszczony, sugerując, że w przypadku nieuregulowania drobnej kwoty, telefon zostanie wyłączony. Komunikat został sprytnie przygotowany, bo suma jest niewielka. Każdy może pomyśleć, że pomylił się płacąc rachunek i kliknie w link, by od razu zapłacić nieduże przecież pieniądze. Sęk w tym, że żadnego długu nie ma, a link prowadzi do strony wyłudzającej dane. Nieopatrzne kliknięcie może spowodować, że hakerzy przejmą m.in. informacje dotyczące dostępu do bankowości online. Przy okazji użytkownikom sieci Orange, korzystającym z internetu tej firmy podpowiadamy, że warto od czasu do czasu skorzystać z Cyber Tarczy , by sprawdzić, czy nikt niepowołany nie korzysta z naszego IP lub nie próbował się…

29 Nov 10:01 CHIP 4252840418869083286.html
Levandovski najbolji igrač petog kola Lige šampiona

Fudbaler Bajerna Robert Levandovski proglašen je za najboljeg igrača petog kola Lige šampiona.

29 Nov 15:56 Sport Klub 42251760012933951.html
Policía captura a soldado que habría apoyado públicamente el Paro Nacional

El uniformado fue señalado de desobediencia.

29 Nov 15:01 W Radio 7724358830045758237.html
Black Friday: tutti pazzi per i saldi on-line

Pazzi per il Black Friday. L'E-commerce in aumento in tutto Europa

29 Nov 15:43 euronews 7379718589452024093.html
Ag. Orsolini: "Bologna in difficoltà per i tanti infortuni. Al Napoli serve normalità più che il mercato"

Nel corso di Kiss Kiss Napoli è intervenuto Donato Di Campli, agente dell'attaccante del Bologna Riccardo Orsolini

29 Nov 15:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081630792747.html
Canada: GDP masks sharp improvement in Canadian business investment for Q3 – TDS

Commenting on Friday's Gross Domestic Report from Canada, "GDP growth was in line with market expectations, with the Canadian economy growing 1.3% (an

29 Nov 15:23 FXStreet 4480975638068728214.html
Casa de modă Roberto Cavalli, cumpărată de un magnat imobiliar din Emiratele Arabe Unite

CEO-ul gigantului imobiliar Damac Properties din Emiratele Arabe Unite, Hussein Sajwani, a achiziționat joi casa de modă italiană Roberto Cavalli, a anunțat grupul său din Dubai, fără să precizeze suma cu care a fost încheiată această tranzacție, informează AFP.

29 Nov 10:17 Profit.ro 5615893765737938797.html
Zakupowe szaleństwo w Cyber Monday| Media Expert

Zakupowe szaleństwo trwa nadal! Poznaj promocje Media Expert na Cyber Monday. Kupuj taniej sprzęt RTV, AGD, komputery, tablety, smartfony i wiele innych.

29 Nov 11:56 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673212895237035.html
Los datos del autismo en España

Con motivo de la celebración del 25 aniversario de Autismo España, la Confederación ha dado a conocer los datos sobre TEA en España durante la Jornada Técnica 'Situación y necesidades de las personas con trastorno del espectro del autismo en España: Resultados y tendencias sociodemográficas en 2019'.

29 Nov 13:25 infosalus.com 2582575540268621545.html
Delfinų terapijos centro vadovei - apdovanojimas


29 Nov 15:14 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586537022981.html
Mourinho ‘so happy’ at Tottenham he cannot imagine being anywhere else

Spurs boss says saddened by Unai Emery sacking at Arsenal.

29 Nov 15:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773534738044.html
Van 12 detenidos por el asesinato de los dos GNB asesinados para robarles sus fusiles

Van 12 detenidos por el asesinato de los dos GNB asesinados para robarles sus fusiles

29 Nov 10:36 LaPatilla.com 9104603010543299557.html
Denis de la Reussille entame la nouvelle législature

A quelques jours de l'ouverture de la session des chambres fédérales, le conseiller national neuchâtelois évoque sa vision et ses priorités. Une intervention à réécouter sur RTN.CH.

29 Nov 10:13 RTN 7627697627637814732.html
Sturgeon ‘getting into bed with Corbyn’ to win indyref2, Chancellor claims

Sajid Javid used a visit to Scotland to launch an attack on the SNP leader.

29 Nov 13:48 Shropshire Star 3480199992987111600.html
Jose Mourinho ‘slows’ Tottenham signing – Mauricio Pochettino was big backer of deal

When Jose Mourinho walked through the door at Tottenham Hotspur, there was quickly worry in the Seville media about what would happen with Giovani Lo Celso. That the Argentine hasn’t got off the bench since the change in manager has further increased the doubt growing around Real Betis. Spurs signed Lo Celso on loan for

29 Nov 10:40 Sport Witness 200001553377781261.html
Eagle-eyed Aldi shoppers spot 'worst deal of Black Friday' - and it's laughable

The deal, courtesy of Aldi, has sparked plenty of raised eyebrows from shoppers

29 Nov 15:15 birminghammail 8288260686329525446.html
Barack Obama en famille : sa fille Sasha ultra sexy pour Thanksgiving

Pour célébrer la traditionnelle fête de Thanksgiving, Michelle Obama a publié une photographie de famille avec son mari et ses filles. Dix ans après la première investiture de Barack Obama, Sasha et M...

29 Nov 15:22 Purepeople 1712099802494572227.html
La Anmat prohíbe un producto para celíacos y dos mantecas

Publicó este viernes en el Boletín Oficial las resoluciones. Las mantecas son elaboradas en Villa María. También hay prohibición para dos productos médicos. 

29 Nov 14:23 La Voz 6237180761813123800.html
LEGO se ríe abiertamente del Tesla Cybertruck, y es lo mejor que hemos visto en mucho tiempo

Existe una versión más asequible y con más aristas que el Tesla Cybertruck y creada en Dinamarca. Hablamos del "Cybertruck de Lego". No solamente es...

29 Nov 11:01 Motorpasion 3731799125814698662.html
Un manuscris aparținând reginei Elisabeta I a Marii Britanii a fost descoperit după patru secole

Regina Elisabeta I s-a dovedit a fi autorul unui manuscris păstrat în arhiva Bibliotecii Palatului Lambeth din Londra, la 400 de ani de la...

29 Nov 12:37 Stiri pe surse 4858045012180244711.html
El Fogón de la Carreta impregna de sabores a Cabo Rojo

Productos fresco y locales distinguen esta nueva propuesta culinaria

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310979008983.html
Team Lakay bets seek gold in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games

Three members of Baguio City’s famed Team Lakay are eyeing a gold medal as they compete in the 2019 Southeast Asian Games in the Philippines from November 30 to December 11.

29 Nov 10:29 Journal Online 6375127392474109558.html
Giovanni Terzi rivela: "Simona Ventura mi ha salvato la vita"

Il giornalista ospite a Verissimo insieme con la conduttrice. I due fanno coppia da un anno

29 Nov 14:52 Today 178378751152611264.html
Nach 30 Jahren im Knast: Jens Söring wartet auf seine Abschiebung aus den USA

Jens Söring, ein verurteilter Doppelmörder, wird nach mehr als 30 Jahren in US-Haft bald nach Deutschland gebracht. Er will dort weiter als Autor arbeiten.

29 Nov 14:28 swp.de 6929179440285158424.html
Autodiagnóstico del cáncer de próstata mediante una sencilla prueba de orina - El médico interactivo

El equipo de investigación espera que la introducción del 'Kit de recolección en casa' pueda revolucionar el diagnóstico de la enfermedad

29 Nov 12:10 El Médico Interactivo 8665764181635347648.html
Especialistas descubren proteína que retrasaría la metástasis del cáncer [VIDEO]

Un grupo de científicos reveló la existencia de una proteína que cambiará la historia de los pacientes con cáncer.

29 Nov 11:00 Wapa.pe 6757287089020554761.html
Singtel’s Christmas film is about an entitled teen who must have the latest phone – and we can probably all relate

Christmas is almost here, and so the battle of the touching videos on social media begins…

29 Nov 14:48 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884050300840.html
Mulpha International suffers big losses, dragged down by RM315 million impairment in 3Q

KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): The whopping RM315.38 million impairment on its investment in an Australia-listed associate, AVEO, widened Mulpha International Bhd's net loss substantially to RM299.32 million in the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2019 (3QFY19) from RM6.65 million in the previous corresponding quarter.The hefty impairment offset the improved performance in the hospitality and property divisions, said the company in a filing with Bursa Malaysia.The company’s loss per share swelled to 93.69 sen for 3QFY19 from 2.08 sen for

29 Nov 13:38 The Edge Markets 6322622074300997487.html
Yordano di Marzo: "La enfermedad remitió completamente"

En una entrevista realizada por El Tiempo de Colombia, el cantante y compositor ítalo-venezolano reiteró que después de cinco años de un trasplante de médula, se prepara para el lanzamiento de su nuevo disco Después de todo en el 2020

29 Nov 10:18 Globovisión 5928221752438996020.html
Huawei vai recorrer de decisão que a excluiu dos subsídios federais

Gigante chinesa sentiu que foi injustiçada

29 Nov 15:59 Olhar Digital 416591716130456723.html
Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton Celebrate Thanksgiving In Oklahoma & Debut Their ‘Funyun’ Turkey

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton celebrated Thanksgiving together in Oklahoma & they made a Funyun turkey.

29 Nov 14:20 Hollywood Life 1852895045330525856.html
Riiber führte in Ruka Norsker-Vierfachsieg in der Kombi an

Norwegens Nordische Kombinierer haben am Freitag in Ruka in Finnland zum Auftakt der Weltcup-Saison einen Vierfach-Erfolg gefeiert. Weltcup-Titelverteidiger Jarl Magnus Riiber siegte überlegen 53,3 Sek. vor Espen Björnstad und 1:17,1 Min. vor Jens Luraas Oftebro. Das war schon das Ergebnis nach dem Springen bzw. vor dem 5-km-Langlauf. Der Sprung-Fünfte Jörgen Graabak wurde Vierter (1:51,7). Dabei […]

29 Nov 14:44 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170387730145.html
Hilft "kaputte" Agilität?

Agilität in der Softwareentwicklung wird oft unzureichend umgesetzt und gelebt. Hilft sie trotzdem?

29 Nov 12:27 Developer 1766193383447509137.html
Unión Europea reitera rechazo al bloqueo (+ Fotos)

La jefa de la división de Acción y Servicio Exterior Europeo para México, América Central y el Caribe, Katja Afheldt, reiteró este viernes el rechazo de la Unión Europea (UE) al bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba

29 Nov 14:35 Trabajadores 1167277447798492134.html
Atacan a ex líder de autodefensas en Colima

Cemeí fue atacado a balazos mientras trabajaba en su campo de papaya en Colima

29 Nov 12:58 EL DEBATE 4396150894881790428.html
Emir Sultan Lisesi'nde Bursaspor coşkusu

Frutti Extra Bursaspor'un basketbolcuları Emir Sultan Anadolu Lisesi öğrencileriyle buluştu...

29 Nov 13:07 OLAY 7935247624990402342.html
BLEACH Mobile 3D, el mejor juego para móviles inspirado en la serie de anime

Si eres amante de la serie de Anime, BLEACH, esto te va a encantar. Te presentamos BLEACH Mobile 3D, el mejor juego móvil inspirado en la serie.

29 Nov 10:00 Androidphoria 3647729877848199386.html
Nächtigungshoch: Österreichs Tourismus übertrumpft erstmals den Rekordsommer von 1991

78,9 Millionen Nächtigungen von Mai bis Oktober: Österreichs Touristiker freuen sich über einen neuen Rekordsommer.

29 Nov 12:04 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699297101919.html
Mujer es víctima de carjacking en Hato Rey

Una mujer fue víctima de un robo por carjacking a la 1:58 de la madrugada del jueves, en las inmediaciones del negocio El Cojo, en Hato Rey.

29 Nov 12:26 elVocero.com 6318248038026984455.html
Vox denuncia «adoctrinamiento» en un instituto de Mallorca durante la jornada del 25-N

La formación de derecha critica que se distribuyeran entre los alumnos camisetas con la imagen de una mujer desnuda y que se leyera un manifiesto contra la «violencia machista» durante el recreo

29 Nov 12:34 ABC.es 6074573462353277019.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 15: Atzeneta - Crevillente Deportivo

Previa del partido de la jornada 15: Atzeneta - Crevillente Deportivo

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897970303249182.html
Anuncia Ebrard reunión con fiscal general de EU por designación de cárteles

El secretario de Relaciones Exteriores dijo que el problema de la inseguridad es de ambos países, por lo que se requiere la colaboración y no "antagonismos"; resaltó que la reunión será en México

29 Nov 14:10 El Universal 4964748197843853196.html
La Justicia tucumana absolvió a Milani en la causa por la desaparición de Ledo

El Tribunal Oral en los Criminal Federal de Tucumán absolvió al exjefe del Ejército César Milani en la causa por la desaparición del soldado Alberto Agapito Ledo durante la última dictadura militar. Milani recibió ahora otro fallo favorable, luego de haber sido absuelto en agosto pasado por un caso por torturas en La Rioja. “Estoy […]

29 Nov 12:03 El Eco 4177735525164961465.html
Japan ex-PM Nakasone who boosted ties with US dies at 101

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, an ardent conservative who worked to forge a stronger military alliance with the United States, died on Friday at the age of 101, an official at his son's office said.

29 Nov 11:08 The Guardian 7580308504220059765.html
Zaradi dolga lastnice zarubili njeno mačko

Mačka divje pasme serval se je pred dnevi znašla na javni dražbi, ker njena lastnica pri veterinarski kliniki ni poplačala 400 evrov dolga. Vrednost mačke ocenjujejo na 3700 evrov, so poročali slovenski mediji, ki pa obenem izpostavljajo vprašanje, kako je mogoče, da lahko domači ljubljenček postane predmet izvršbe.

29 Nov 10:48 Primorske novice 8884558925113043199.html
L'últim espectacle de circ ideat per Carlos Raluy

El Circ Històric Raluy estrena un muntatge dedicat al director i cofundador de la companyia

29 Nov 13:43 Ara.cat 6070605020751713202.html
Jemli s’entretient avec le représentant du Conseil d’analyses économiques

Houssem Taabouri, membre du Conseil d’analyses économiques (CAE) a indiqué que sa rencontre avec le chef du gouvernement désigné, Habib Jemli a

29 Nov 14:26 African Manager 933752094321460441.html
Salda Gölü ihalesinin iptaline mahkemeden ret kararı

Ankara 16'ncı İdare Mahkemesi, Salda Gölü'nde yapılması planlanan Millet Bahçesi ile ilgili gerçekleştirilen ihalenin iptali ve yürütmenin durdurulması talebiyle açılan davayı reddetti. 5 Yeşilova sakini adına davayı açan avukatlar, kararı Danıştay'da temyiz edeceklerini söyledi.

29 Nov 12:09 Yeni Şafak 1729259405345679712.html
VIDEO: Versteeg vtipkoval o reprezentovaní Slovenska. Craig Ramsay reagoval

Už dnes zažije debut v Tipsport lige proti Zvolenu historicky najzvučnejšia zahraničná posila v našej lige Kanaďan Kris Versteeg, dvojnásobný víťaz Stanleyho Cupu s Chicagom Blackhawks, ktorý sa rozhodol posilniť hokejovú Nitru. Počas tlačovej konferencie padla aj zmienka o slovenskej reprezentácii, ktorej dres obliekalo viacero jeho spoluhráčov z minulosti na čele s Mariánom Hossom. Kris sa úsmevne vyjadril, že stačí vybaviť pas a je pripravený, nuž a náš tréner Craig Ramsay k tomu mal tiež čo-to povedať. 

29 Nov 10:50 Sport7 329373912505305025.html
Rapporto Migrantes: "Aumentati morti e dispersi"

I dati al Festival della migrazione a Modena: "Sono 81mila gli arrivi di migranti e rifugiati in Europa lungo le rotte via mare del Mediterraneo registrati da gennaio a ottobre 2019. Tendenza in calo dal 2016"

29 Nov 15:24 Adnkronos 2840063643053412052.html
Mo Farah kündigt Olympia-Comeback auf der Bahn an

Der britische Ausnahmeläufer Mo Farah hat sein Comeback bei den Olympischen Spielen über 10.000 Meter angekündigt.

29 Nov 11:35 NÖN.at 2486998933121571665.html
Kanika Kapoor’s SHOCKING Revelation: “My Parents-In-Law Stopped Me From Becoming A Singer”

Kanika Kapoor is one of the most popular playback singers in Bollywood. The Baby Doll singer rose to fame thanks to her unique and very attractive vocals. But do you know even she had her own share of

29 Nov 14:00 Koimoi 5184275671453460407.html
Zaldívar y desempleo: Impactos de la crisis se verán en los próximos reportes, pero por ahora no hay aumento significativo

La ministra del Trabajo enfatizó que "no estamos en una situación de normalidad, tenemos que hacernos cargo de esta situación".

29 Nov 13:34 Emol 3328490601906412686.html
Bia Marvels At Rihanna's "Best On Earth" Co-Sign In "Between The Lines"

Bia breaks it down on 'Between The Lines.' Today marks the arrival of a new Between The Lines, which features 'Best On Earth' rapper Bia. By now, you've likely caught up with her viral Russ collaboration (which earned itself a co-sign from none other than Rihanna), as it has been close to inescapabl...

29 Nov 12:04 hnhh 366195974210669499.html
Programa Entre Líneas: Golpe en Bolivia

Horas antes de ser depuesto, Evo había aceptado convocar a nuevas elecciones presidenciales. No obstante, los militares prefirieron violar la Constitución y cambiar los votos por las armas

29 Nov 15:11 Granma.cu 7847343384596748846.html
Actor mexicano cumple y publica tercer desnudo (frontal), con un mensaje de fondo

Sebastián Rulli llamó la atención con su cuerpo durante tres días, solo para poder enviar una alerta sobre el uso de plástico y las basuras en las playas. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:30 pulzo.com 8971816786748667110.html
Marcos Hernández López: El populismo vs las encuestas

El concepto de populismo es tan complejo, los especialistas del tema lo han visto como una especie de nacionalismo cuyo rasgo distintivo es la equiparación

29 Nov 12:22 LaPatilla.com 9104603011223016712.html
18.000 Jahre alter Hundewelpe im sibirischen Eis gefunden

Im Eis blieb das Tier erstaunlich gut erhalten. Sogar die Barthaare sind noch zu erkennen.

29 Nov 11:08 wetter.de 1060100769401691224.html
Teure „Premierenfahrt“ mit der Lokalbahn

Aus Versehen hatte ein Leser für eine Fahrt mit der Badner Bahn ein falsches Ticket gekauft - und prompt eine Strafe erhalten. Nachsehen gab es für ...

29 Nov 11:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093878130287.html
Five great features of the 16-inch MacBook Pro

The 16-inch MacBook Pro has a lot to recommend it compared to other Mac laptop models. Harris steps you through his top five list.

29 Nov 14:22 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716053232789.html
Después de faltar 6 veces, Stornelli se presentó a declarar ante Ramos Padilla

El fiscal concurrió ante el juez de Dolores para ser indagado sobre la megacausa por espionaje y extorsión

29 Nov 11:41 Diagonales 4932342255521759892.html
Unai Emery: 'Arsenal are not in a good moment'

The Gunners are seven matches without a win.

29 Nov 10:19 Sports Mole 7750663361317274682.html
Chahed fait don d’un mois de salaire au Club Africain

Le chef du gouvernement sortant, Youssef Chahed, a fait don, ce vendredi, d’un mois de salaire au fonds de règlement des litiges

29 Nov 13:46 African Manager 933752094528894842.html
Syed Mushtaq Ali T20: Mithun, Padikkal star in Karnataka’s win; Tamil Nadu crush Rajasthan

Haryana’s bowlers had no answers to Rahul and Padikkal’s onslaught as the defending champions chased the target down in 15 overs.

29 Nov 12:14 Scroll.in 8669301693215614901.html
Amazon - Saugroboter am Black Friday stark reduziert, nur heute!

Ein Produkt, auf das viele in diesem Jahr besonders gespannt sind, es am Black Friday zu erwerben, ist ein automatischer Saugroboter. Hier gibt es nun tatsächlich ein paar Produkte im Angebot mit einem ordentlichen Preisnachlass auf Amazon. 

29 Nov 11:43 PlayNation 4622181945049369985.html
Team Line-Ups Announced for 2019 Netball Super Club

Team Line-Ups Announced for 2019 Netball Super Club in Nelson

29 Nov 14:52 SCOOP 5315658998606152354.html
Seger för strejkande postanställda i Finland

Poststrejken i Finland slutade med seger för de anställda, efter att flera sympatistrejker brutit ut.

29 Nov 12:14 Proletären 1804847512796124723.html
Las monedas de Chile, Colombia y Brasil se desploman frente al dólar

Las monedas de Chile, Colombia y Brasil se desploman frente al dólar. La inestabilidad política y la incertidumbre debidas a las protestas están pasando factura económica a los países de la región

29 Nov 11:50 euronews 2767628994584869543.html
Árbol de NAVIDAD bien ambientado se vuelve VIRAL

Un par de hombres se pusieron muy creativos y decoraron el &aacute;rbol de afuera de su casa de una manera muy singular que se hizo viral r&aacute;pidamente.

29 Nov 13:38 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624492406169.html
"In polluted Delhi, the diesel car of the future may act like a filter on the road"

There is lot of conversion happening from diesel to gasoline and to compressed natural gas but still for most of the long-haul applications, diesels are here to stay for a few years

29 Nov 15:02 Business Today 1145527432627116304.html
'il film con tinto brass non mi


29 Nov 13:00 DAGOSPIA 6533336738407407282.html
Roma Primavera, Alberto De Rossi: “Dobbiamo ripartire, non guardiamo alle cose positive”

Il tecnico aggiunge:

29 Nov 14:23 Forzaroma.info 1065617486044318326.html
La unidad B del Madrid, a la espera de las rotaciones de Zidane

Sin sorpresas al inicio del último entrenamiento de la semana del Real Madrid, que sólo tiene ya a cuatro jugadores en la enfermería: Asensio, James, Lucas y Hazard. El resto de la plantilla está a las órdenes de un Zinedine Zidane que tiene en su cabeza la idea de introducir varios cambios en el once y que tiene en la lista de convocados su principal rompecabezas.

29 Nov 10:48 MARCA 5656811533616612930.html
Jardim mandatário de Rio na Madeira

Anúncio ocorre um dia depois da visita de Luís Montenegro, na quinta-feira, à região autónoma.

29 Nov 15:03 PÚBLICO 2228264896245058253.html
Depois de ação em terminal, guardas enfrentam spray de pimenta em treinamento

Depois da polêmica ação da Guarda Civil Metropolitana em protesto no Terminal Morenão, guardas da Capital receberam treinamento com armas não letais, como gás lacrimogêneo e spray de pimenta, recursos utilizados pelas forças de segurança para a dispersão de manifestações ou multidões. A capacitação, que contou com instrutores da Guarda Municipal de Dourados e da Polícia Federal, começou ontem (28)...

29 Nov 13:32 Campo Grande News 7902463001627235197.html
Janković ne bo ustavil gradnje kanala C0

Ljubljanski župan Zoran Janković kljub sklepom državnega zbora in pozivu 13 mestnih svetnikov za sklic izredne seje mestnega sveta na temo povezovalnega kanala C0 projekta ne namerava ustaviti. Direktor javnega podjetja VOKA Snaga Krištof Mlakar pa je znova zagotovil, da zaradi kanala C0 pitna voda v Ljubljani ni in ne bo ogrožena.

29 Nov 14:45 Dnevnik 7671546650510069344.html
Instagram: scopriamo insieme le novità che arriveranno nel 2020

Il social network Instagram, durante l'ultimo anno ha presentato diverse novità, ma sicuramente non farà meno nell'anno che sta per arrivare

29 Nov 15:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127952926535.html
Anuncian suspensión de clases en 66 municipios de Sonora

El objetivo es eliminar cualquier riesgo que represente el traslado de los estudiantes a los centros escolares

29 Nov 11:03 El Mañana 6247220759188557817.html
Aprenda a meditar em casa em apenas dez passos

É uma prática ancestral que requer autocontrole, foco e concentração e promete maravilhas

29 Nov 10:50 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699080100675.html
El PP se abre a prestar senadores a Cs para que tengan grupo propio en la Cámara Alta

El Grupo Popular ha pedido a los presidentes del Congreso y Senado que no se puedan utilizar fórmulas alternativas al "yo juro" o "yo prometo" para acceder a las actas. El PP llevó el asunto de hecho al Tribunal Constitucional, que todavía no se ha pronunciado al respecto.

29 Nov 14:15 www.publico.es 99190978901973127.html
Con llegada de la 4T se cuadruplican escritos de petición al Presidente

En el primer año de gobierno de AMLO han recibido 118 mil 700 solicitudes de apoyo; predominan las de vivienda, salud...; en el último año de EPN fueron 30 mil 750, afirmó a La Razón Leticia Ramírez, encargada de dar cauce

29 Nov 10:10 La Razón 7608060636915754722.html
JDT star Safawi Rasid’s screamer among nominations for AFC Champions League 2019 Goal of the Season

Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) and Malaysia star Safawi Rasid’s goal against Shandong Luneng has been shortlisted by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) for the AFC Champions League 2019 Goal of the Season prize.

29 Nov 11:41 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906117475580.html
Here are the Black Friday deals you really shouldn’t miss

You can take the stress out of holiday shopping by just picking up a bunch of great offers right now at Black Friday prices. These nine options are all significantly discounted from their regular price, with many over 90 percent off. 

29 Nov 12:30 The Next Web 3990801510365586741.html
Grünes Licht für Asteroiden-Abwehr

Die Ministerratskonferenz bewilligt der europäischen Weltraumorganisation Esa ein Gesamtbudget von 14,4 Milliarden Euro. Deutschland wird größter Beitragszahler.

29 Nov 12:53 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322837076220.html
Londra news, spari al London Bridge: fermato un uomo [VIDEO]

Attimi di paura a Londra. La polizia della città è intervenuta per un "incidente" sul London Bridge. Ecco cosa sta accadendo...

29 Nov 15:31 UrbanPost 2450570494186170749.html
Ministro diz que ativista Greta Thunberg é "muito bem-vinda" a Portugal

O ministro do Ambiente disse, esta sexta-feira, que a jovem ativista sueca Greta Thunberg é "muito bem-vinda" a Portugal, afirmando que a sua luta é da "maior relevância" para consciencializar os mais jovens para uma sociedade livre de carbono.

29 Nov 13:57 JN 6956494304291401998.html
Banco Central de Chile intervendrá mercado cambiario frente al alza del dólar

El dólar cerró la sesión de este jueves con un alza de 6,3 pesos y lo dejó en 828.25 pesos. Desde que comenzó el estallido social, el 18 de octubre pasado, la divisa estadounidense ha subido 117 pesos chilenos

29 Nov 10:38 Globovisión 5928221753098444665.html
¿Dejan el Monumental? Los ocho jugadores que terminan contrato con Colo Colo

En caso que se confirme la finalización del torneo 2019, son varios los futbolistas que podrían dejar definitivamente el conjunto albo.

29 Nov 14:03 24Horas.cl 793283386457233620.html
Afip suspende embargos a MiPymes hasta 2020

La Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (Afip) extendió la suspensión de la traba de medidas cautelares hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2019 a las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas,...

29 Nov 12:49 La Voz 6237180762143206109.html
Galaxy S10: Samsung startet Android-10-Rollout in Deutschland – Update

Zum Start erhalten nur Teilnehmer des Android-10-Betaprogramms das Update. Es beinhaltet die aktualisierte Bedienoberfläche One UI 2.0 und die Dezember-Patches von Google. Die ersten inoffiziellen Quellen bieten das Firmware-Update ebenfalls an.

29 Nov 11:03 ZDNet.de 5091086698931786018.html
O sangue do Brasil e do jornalismo no livro de reportagens de Renan Antunes, o último dos moicanos. Por Zambarda

A morte de uma jovem que era prostituta nas mãos de um estudante que contratou seus serviços. Caldo de cana assassino. O relato de uma confissão de um homem que matou a própria mulher a marteladas. Assassinatos de índios. O caso Monica Lewinsky. Uma ex-mulher de Trump que acusou um ex-assessor de roubar pares de […]

29 Nov 12:34 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917268850314030.html
Plans de cap de setmana per fer amb la canalla

Idees per treure partit del cap de setmana en família

29 Nov 10:44 Ara.cat 1488538853308833606.html
Ein Ständchen und Verlustängste: Was in den Dailys los ist.

Viel Herz, viel Schmerz und jede Menge Intrigen: Tag für Tag ziehen Daily-Serien wie "Sturm der Liebe", "Unter uns" oder "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" die TV-Zuschauer in ihren Bann. Das sind die H

29 Nov 10:28 GMX News 4492287762734407614.html
El PP mantendrá su 'no' hasta el final y avisa de que no teme a terceras elecciones

Fuentes populares recalcan que Sánchez tiene un plan para ser investido presidente y es su pacto con Unidas Podemos y la negociación con ERC e insisten en que creen que no tiene plan B

29 Nov 12:45 El Confidencial 6129807550337310961.html
Who made the new drapes? It’s among high court’s mysteries

The lack of transparency at the Supreme Court begins with the heavy red drapes that frame the courtroom on all sides. The Supreme Court’s role in a bitterly divided Washington and nation may be more important than ever, yet basic details about how the court operates remain obscured. The court is not

29 Nov 13:05 Yahoo 7097669638565361628.html
Warszawa: w piątek na drogach akcja policji "Alkohol i narkotyki"

Dzisiaj w Warszawie i powiatach ościennych prowadzone są policyjne działania pod kryptonimem "Alkohol i narkotyki". Mają one na celu eliminowanie z ruchu drogowego kierowców, którzy wsiedli za kierownice, będąc pod wpływem alkoholu lub narkotyków - powiedział w piątek PAP nadkom. Jarosław Florczak z Komendy Stołecznej Policji.

29 Nov 10:00 Portal Samorządowy 740157209433244833.html
Nuevo ataque de Cinthia Fernández a Yanina Latorre: "Sus acciones hablan de lo que tiene adentro"

La bailarina volvió a disparar en contra de su compañera de LAM a quien acusa de 'no tener códigos'. Además, sostiene que no quiere seguir involucrándose con personas que 'le sacan la energía'.

29 Nov 13:52 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451456169384.html
Eslovaquia podría obligar a las mujeres a ver una ecografía de su feto y a escuchar su corazón antes de abortar

El Parlamento eslovaco vota este viernes si aprobar la ley más restrictiva de la Unión Europea en cuanto al aborto.

29 Nov 11:56 www.publico.es 99190978476006042.html
Filhos de Gugu Liberato se despedem do pai com beijos e homenagens em velório

Os 3 filhos Gugu Liberato se emocionaram e deram beijo no pai como uma homenagem em últimos momentos de velório. Nesta sexta-feira (29), os herdeiros Sofia, Marina e João Augusto se aproximaram do cor...

29 Nov 11:40 Purepeople 5674914089710291267.html
Vestidos de fiesta para Navidad por menos de 30 euros

Las firmas 'low cost' ya han puesto a la venta sus colecciones especiales para las próximas celebraciones

29 Nov 11:05 Levante-EMV 7042984478820750129.html

La commune de Diamaguène a procédé à la pose de la 1ère pierre de l’immeuble devant  abriter la nouvelle maison de la justice et une nouvelle bibliothèque municipale. Sur fonds propres, le complexe va coûter 50 millions et les travaux vont durer 6 mois.

29 Nov 11:27 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533792131266.html
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot muestra varios de sus sistemas en su último vídeo

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot ha recibido un nuevo tráiler hoy mismo por parte de Bandai Namco, en el cuál podemos ver varios de sus sistemas, como el sistema de combate, varios de los sistemas auxiliares como el árbol de habilidades con el que contaremos, u otros aspectos como algunos minijuegos relacionados con la comida y la pesca.

29 Nov 15:15 SomosXbox 4635940033903356311.html
Mooncup packaging redesign: “It’s time the product shouted proudly from the shelf”

Established in 2002, the Mooncup was the first menstrual cup on the market – a brand overhaul from Bluemarlin looks to strengthen its position as an “ethical pioneer”.

29 Nov 15:57 Design Week 9211635615195044931.html
Minskad vinst för Smart Energy i tredje kvartalet

Bränslebolaget Smart Energy, noterat på NGM Nordic MTF, redovisar ett nettoresultat för det tredje kvartalet 2019 på 9,1 miljoner kronor (22,9).

29 Nov 11:40 Dagens industri 3921815213193619804.html
Help for low income families in Ingol over Christmas, with Whitby's Local Pantry

Residents in Ingol who are struggling to afford food in the run up to Christmas can attend a community pantry to stock up on supplies.

29 Nov 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275854876732415.html
Italia: Pil III trimestre (finale) conferma crescita minima dello 0,1%

Il Prodotto interno lordo (Pil) dell'Italia ha segnato nel terzo trimestre del 2019 una crescita dello 0,1% rispetto al trimestre precedente e dello 0,3% nei confronti del terzo trimestre del …

29 Nov 12:24 FinanzaOnline 6528634128894346123.html
TNPSC archaeological officer recruitment: Check how to apply, salary up to Rs 1.14 lakh

TNPSC archaeological officer: A total of 18 posts are to be filled through this recruitment drive. Candidates will have have to clear the paper I and II scheduled to be conducted on February 29.

29 Nov 12:41 The Indian Express 2885715104461097172.html
Torino, Mazzarri: "Abbiamo rivisto il primo tempo con l'Inter, serve più lucidità"

Settimana di riflessioni e analisi in casa Torino dopo il brutto tonfo andata in scena sabato scorso contro l'Inter. I granata, domani impegnati al Marassi contro il Genoa, hanno provato a dare...

29 Nov 13:56 FcInterNews.it 7848284892388692039.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Education

Peter Shergold: this university chancellor's reforms "could be felt in schools, universities and workplaces for decades". Plus: Geoff Masters and Vicki Baczynskyj.

29 Nov 13:21 Brisbane Times 2314609339699807979.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Education

Peter Shergold: this university chancellor's reforms "could be felt in schools, universities and workplaces for decades". Plus: Geoff Masters and Vicki Baczynskyj.

29 Nov 13:21 The Age 7967730562680735467.html
Milans Ibra-Alternativen: Jovic, Díaz & Giroud

Sollte es nichts werden mit einer Rückkehr von Zlatan Ibrahimovic, könnte der AC Mailand auf Luka Jovic, Mariano Díaz (beide Real Madrid) oder Olivier Giroud (FC Chelsea) umschwenken. Das berichtet (...)

29 Nov 14:14 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783986187726.html
Tung tid for RBK-sjefen, mens Maalen ligger sist: Slik oppleves presset

Ranheims sjefsduo Svein Maalen og Frank Lidahl gjester Rasmus&Saga.

29 Nov 12:43 Aftenbladet 8753034804523448098.html
Ayesha & Steph Curry Pose For Sweet Family Photos With All 3 Kids On Thanksgiving

Steph and Ayesha Curry posted the sweetest family photo with their three kids while celebrating Thanksgiving 2019.

29 Nov 14:34 Hollywood Life 1852895045495497423.html
Ces astuces pour des cils magnifiques !

Sublime ! De jolis cils en toutes circonstances ? Alors suivez ces astuces qui peuvent se révéler miraculeuses pour un regard à tomber !

29 Nov 10:00 Gossip Room 6196802112010066201.html
Tuttosport svela: "Ecco perchè Allan ed Insigne sono stati i più multati"

I più sanzionati dalle multe del club sono stati Allan e Lorenzo Insigne. A spiegarne i motivi è l'edizione odierna di Tuttosport

29 Nov 10:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080328914565.html
Il video-denuncia sugli uiguri è stato "rimosso per un errore umano", dice TikTok

ByteDance, la compagnia cinese che gestisce la piattaforma social, si è scusata con Feroza Aziz, la 17enne che dietro un make-up tutorial ha parlato delle persecuzioni cui è sottoposta in Cina la minoranza musulmana

29 Nov 13:22 Agi 2115274225394327058.html
Arrimadas propone a Sánchez abandonar "el gobierno de la pesadilla" y que se abra a PP y Cs

La portavoz de Ciudadanos en el Congreso, In&eacute;s Arrimadas, ha instado este viernes al presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro S&aacute;nchez, a que abandone el...

29 Nov 12:56 RTVE.es 8332346889424610630.html
- Jeg kjente henne ikke igjen

Et nytt bilde av Obama-familien får fansen til å sperre opp øynene.

29 Nov 11:03 Dagbladet.no 3042595686672794961.html
Graziani su Piatek: "Si è perso per strada e fa fatica a ritrovarsi, sente molto la pressione dell'ambiente"

Ciccio Graziani, intervenuto a Radio Sportiva, ha commentato così la crisi di Piatek: "Chi è capace di fare i gol li fa sempre. Si è perso per strada e fa fatica a ritrovarsi. Sente molto la pressione dell'ambiente. Il Milan ha molti difetti, questa classifica non soddisfa tifosi e società".  

29 Nov 15:24 MilanNews.it 6507305921039508653.html
L'Audiència de Tarragona empresona els tres pedòfils que seguien en llibertat fins que dicti sentència

Ja hi havia un membre de la xarxa empresonat i tres s'han donat a la fuga

29 Nov 14:24 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479545493597.html
Sólo tienes una hora para comprar este portátil gaming a precio de sobremesa

Oferta y gran descuento en este portátil gaming de HP en el Black Friday 2019 de Amazon, con una RTX 2070 y un precio mínimo que no verás en otro sitio.

29 Nov 13:00 ADSLZone 3760867496995243552.html
Black Friday deals on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR are live now — here are the best ones, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The PlayStation 4 is one of the most popular gaming devices on the market. Here are all the best deals on the PS4, PS4 Pro, and more.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 12:09 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755830307997.html
Emma Marrone Instagram, gambe accavallate e sguardo magnetico: «Meglio di Sharon Stone!»

La cantante Emma Marrone su Instagram ha completamente catturato l'attenzione dei followers con una foto decisamente "provocante"

29 Nov 10:58 UrbanPost 2450570493702785141.html
Niere gegen Geld - Alltag in Rumänien?

In Rumänien warten 5000 Patienten auf ein Spenderorgan. 2018 gab es jedoch gerade einmal 65 Spender. Teil des Problems ist illegaler Handel mit Organen.

29 Nov 15:04 MDR 5336324389181061882.html
London Bridge, tragico bilancio dell’agguato di oggi – VIDEO

Panico oggi a Londra, nella zona di London Bridge: si sarebbe verificato un agguato con coltello, il bilancio è tragico. Un tragico bilancio per l’agguato con coltello che sarebbe avvenuto oggi a London Bridge, nel cuore di Londra. La polizia di Scotland Yard ha parlato di “una operazione di polizia per far fronte ad un …

29 Nov 15:57 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928406251088.html
Abandonan a bebé en calles de CDMX, las bajas temperaturas casi lo matan

Un reci&eacute;n nacido fue tirado y bandonado en calles de la Ciudad de M&eacute;xico; las bajas temperaturas casi le cuestan la vida, pues s&oacute;lo estaba tapado con una s&aacute;bana blanca.

29 Nov 12:32 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623168232452.html
Polizei sucht Zeugen: 19-Jähriger schlägt in der Kaiserstraße mehrere Passanten

Am Donnerstagabend hat ein Mann laut Zeugenangaben in der Karlsruher Kaiserstraße grundlos mehrere Personen geschlagen. Er konnte festgenommen werden. Nun sucht die Polizei weitere Geschädigte.

29 Nov 11:57 ka-news.de 5595931857596769995.html
Natale: Coldiretti stima spesa a tavola da 140 euro a famiglia

Quest'anno gli italiani spenderanno 140 euro a famiglia per la tavola e i cibi di Natale, in linea con il dato dell’anno precedente. E’ quanto emerge da una analisi della …

29 Nov 11:18 FinanzaOnline 6528634129061310260.html
La directiva despedida de la EMT: "Muchos se olvidan de que soy una víctima"

Celia Zafra dice que lo está pasando 'muy mal a nivel personal' por el fraude de la empresa municipal

29 Nov 14:40 Levante-EMV 7042984477926783405.html
La Policía de Hong Kong pone fin al asedio a la Universidad Politécnica

La Policía de Hong Kong pone fin al asedio a la Universidad Politécnica

29 Nov 10:43 LaPatilla.com 9104603011354512469.html
I got my teeth straightened through an online service called Candid for under $2,000 — here’s how it works, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Learn about how Candid is different from SmileDirectClub, what to expect from the treatment from beginning to end, and the cost of Candid's aligners.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

2 Dec 13:58 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756482629570.html
Nordische Kombination: Norwegen mit Vierfachsieg - bester Österreicher wird Siebenter

Norwegens Nordische Kombinierer haben am Freitag in Ruka in Finnland zum Auftakt der Weltcup-Saison einen Vierfach-Erfolg gefeiert. Weltcup-Titelverteidiger Jarl Magnus Riiber siegte überlegen 53,3 Sek. vor Espen Björnstad und 1:17,1 Min. vor Jens Luraas Oftebro.

29 Nov 14:50 SPOX 8395423526648498697.html
Apu Udine, Ramagli: "Contro Piacenza dovremo dare il 110% dal punto di vista fisico"

Mancano tre giornate alla conclusione del girone d’andata di serie A2 Old Wild West e l’Apu comincerà questo trittico domenica, alle 18, al PalaCarnera contro l’Assigeco Piacenza prima di andare a San Severo ed ospitare Orzinuovi. I piacentini, dopo un avvio balbettante, si sono rilanciati alla grande dopo l’arrivo di Hall e si ritrovano davanti ai friulani in classifica di due lunghezze. Per l’Old Wild West, dunque, una ghiotta occasione per accorciare ulteriormente la classifica e non perdere il treno delle zone nobili. Tocca come sempre a coach Ale Ramagli: “Piacenza è una squadra che ha cambiato volto tre volte. Ha iniziato con la sua coppia di americani titolari balbettando nelle prime tre partite, poi ha trovato grande continuità con l’arrivo di Mike Hall che ha sostituito Ogide il quale si era infortunato e di fatto ha portato in dote cinque vittorie nelle ultime sette partite. Nelle ultime due l’infortunio di Ferguson e la conferma di Hall hanno creato una struttura di squadra completamente diversa che…

29 Nov 11:20 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668192849596021.html
Don’t Let That Chabad Photo Fool You

If there is ever a contest for “World’s Most Misunderstood Photo” the annual class photo of the shluchim (Chabad rabbis) will surely be a finalist. You know the one I’m talking about. About 5,000 shluchim convene in New York every year for an annual conference and Shabbaton, and on Sunday morning they pose in front […]

29 Nov 11:00 The Jewish Press 7246030800810062290.html
Black Friday 2019: Sheets, Pillows And Bedding Sales

Black Friday is the perfect opportunity to upgrade your bedspread for the year ahead. There are currently a stack of deals going from the likes of Sheridan, Morgan & Finch, Cotton House and stacks more. Here are the best online bargains you can get right now, including 60% off fitted sheets, $150 off quilts and 45%...

29 Nov 11:30 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169111554871.html
Cari Pendanaan, TaniGroup Target Salurkan Pinjaman Rp 300 M di 2020

Pendanaan akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan TaniFund dalam menyalurkan pembiayaan kepada mitra petani.

29 Nov 14:56 Katadata News 179777405703810328.html
Steven Gerrard: Liverpool legend backs 'faultless' Van Dijk for Ballon d'Or

Steven Gerrard has tipped Liverpool centere back, Virgil van Dijk, for the Ballon d'or 2019 award glory ahead of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

29 Nov 12:54 Legit 3764253649220265980.html
MediaMarkt - Smartphones im Black Friday: Samsung Galaxy S9 und iPhone X drastisch reduziert

Passend zum Black Friday gibt es jetzt Smartphones zum Aktionspreis bei MediaMarkt. Unter anderem wird das Samsung Galaxy S9 300 Euro günstiger angeboten. Das iPhone X ist ebenfalls drastisch reduziert – beides wie gehabt nur heute!

29 Nov 12:35 PlayNation 4622181945048339861.html
Raptors visit the wounded Magic: Preview, start time, and more

Things have continued to go well for the Raptors since the last time they played Orlando. Meanwhile, the Magic are limping along.

29 Nov 14:40 Raptors HQ 1825824262010604004.html
Bolívia cancela decreto de excludente de ilicitude por repressão a protestos

'Esta determinação foi adotada graças a Deus', justificou a presidente interina, Jeanine Áñez

29 Nov 10:52 CartaCapital 2483507008641763468.html
Europa expedienta a España por no tomarse en serio el problema del radón: seguimos sin un plan nacional contra ese gas cancerígeno

"Es muy difícil no caer en el alarmismo cuando hablamos del radón". En 2018, cuando nos felicitábamos por la entrada en vigor de la directiva europea...

29 Nov 11:39 Xataka 4719855496144454737.html
Casa di Carta 4: annunciata data di uscita, stagione 5 e uno spin-off

Per bocca del regista Jesùs Colmenar, la Casa di Carta dovrebbe dotarsi di una quarta e quinta stagione, oltre al possibile spin-off di uno dei protagonisti ad opera di Netlix.

29 Nov 11:25 tecnoandroid 2573257126744873147.html
El domingo, encuentro para los más chicos

La Asociación de Básquetbol de Tandil realizará el domingo el primer encuentro para las categorías premini y escuela. Del mismo intervendrán Independiente, Jorge Newbery y Unión y Progreso. El comienzo de la actividad está previsto para las 10 y se extenderá hasta alrededor de las 13. Se realizará en el gimnasio de Jorge Newbery (Rodríguez […]

29 Nov 10:00 El Eco 4177735523782105229.html
Klopp en Guardiola in Engelse Hall of Fame: ‘Ongelofelijke eer’

Jürgen Klopp en Pep Guardiola hebben een plek gekregen in de Hall of Fame van de Engelse trainersvakbond LMA. Tijdens een ceremonie ontvingen de managers van Liverpool en Manchester City de bijbehorende zilveren schaal. “Sinds hun komst naar Engeland hebben ze 2 van de beste teams uit de Premier League-geschiedenis gebouwd”, zei voorzitter Howard Wilkinson.…

29 Nov 11:17 Sportnieuws 3602982464030883818.html
Zidane: 'Hay que mostrar que no es casualidad lo que estamos haciendo'

El técnico del Real Madrid afirmó que desea que su equipo esté mejor cada día, pues ha estado creciendo

29 Nov 14:51 RÉCORD 4614294662405157758.html
Nintendo's Labo Robot is Mega-Cheap for Black Friday

We're huge fans of Labo, Nintendo's risk-taking cardboard DIY accessories for the Nintendo Switch.

29 Nov 11:50 Gizmodo UK 8363059001014353384.html
Bolsonaro usa governo e seguidores para boicotar a Folha de S. Paulo

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

29 Nov 13:27 GGN 1188436353280669151.html
Elizabeta I prevodilac drevne knjige Tacita „Anali“

LONDON - Otkriveno je da je Elizabeta I, jedna od najvoljenijih engleskih monarha, prevodilac engleske verzije prve knjige Tacita, koji je opisao visoku

29 Nov 11:05 Krstarica 4176903988322822452.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Foreign affairs

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant: "There is a global rethink going on about how to civilise the internet, and Inman Grant is a worldwide pioneer.” Plus: Joe Hockey and Andrew Hastie.

29 Nov 13:22 The Age 7967730562604352691.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Foreign affairs

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant: "There is a global rethink going on about how to civilise the internet, and Inman Grant is a worldwide pioneer.” Plus: Joe Hockey and Andrew Hastie.

29 Nov 13:22 Brisbane Times 2314609339623425203.html
Annual inflation rises to 5.56pc as food prices continue to increase

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 29 - Kenya’s year-on-year inflation has risen to 5.56 percent, compared to 4.95 percent registered last month, as the price of food and alcoholic drinks increased. According to Kenya National Bureau of

29 Nov 13:14 Capital Business 7605153803948542997.html
Best Black Friday 2019 clothing deals as Topshop, ASOS and more release discounts

Black Friday is the perfect chance to save big on clothing, accessories, footwear and more from popular retailers

29 Nov 13:12 mirror 675785259904207778.html
Mama Iris in Sorge: "Jetzt heisst es abwarten"

Iris Klein, der Mutter von Daniela Katzenberger, geht es momentan gar nicht gut. Sie macht sich große Sorgen um ihren Hund Josy, der schwer krank zu sein scheint.

29 Nov 15:43 BUNTE.de 2017976499561750937.html
[Maj] Financement participatif : Lanslot, une application mobile pour fédérer les joueurs et trouver des LAN

Petit tour sur Ulule ce matin, le plateforme française de financement participatif, pour découvrir Lanslot, une application mo..., actualité 69820

29 Nov 12:48 Cowcotland 6610786360141494019.html
2021 Audi A3 sedan spied without camouflage

New sedan has an evolutionary design with some styling elements taken from larger models.

29 Nov 13:01 CarAdvise 772235095069257694.html
Sebastián Rulli cumplió promesa e hizo desnudo sin importar censura en Instagram

Sebastián Rulli encendió las redes sociales con sus imágenes en Instagram, al mostrarse desnudo durante su viaje con Angelique Boyer.

29 Nov 12:30 Wapa.pe 6757287088973026791.html
Mourinho ‘so happy’ at Tottenham he cannot imagine being anywhere else

Spurs boss says saddened by Unai Emery sacking at Arsenal.

29 Nov 15:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991748511625.html
El FC Barcelona dará un nuevo paso por Lautaro Martínez

La prensa italiana cree que los directivos del FC Barcelona aprovecharán el choque de Champions League que dentro de unos días mide a los azulgranas con el Inter de Milán para avanzar en el fichaje (...)

29 Nov 10:08 Fichajes 157935406193268054.html
Policía británica cierra puente de Londres por un tiroteo

La policía acordonó este viernes 29 de noviembre del 2019 el puente de Londres, en el centro de la capital británica, debido a un "incidente" con el que están lidiando, después de que testigos informaran de que se han escuchado disparos.

29 Nov 10:07 El Comercio 2865024641437176736.html
Italy's ‘Sardines’ movement threatens Salvini’s dominance

ROME — In Italy’s polarized political landscape, a grassroots group calling itself “Sardines” is putting the squeeze on right-wing populist Matteo Salvini.

29 Nov 11:24 680News 8014034334048363030.html
Samsung Galaxy S8 y Galaxy Note 8 lamentablemente se quedan sin Android 10

¿Crees que Samsung y otras compañías deberían dar más años de actualizaciones de Android, como lo hace Apple?

29 Nov 14:00 Pisapapeles 2605212968149041269.html
"Zakotrljala" se nova Škoda Octavia

U fabrici Mlada Boleslav počela je serijska proizvodnja četvrte generacije Škodinog bestselera.

29 Nov 11:13 Nezavisne novine 4209150642421669542.html
Alberto Fernández pidió la liberación de los ex funcionarios que continúan detenidos

Política “¿Por qué el que supuestamente recibió coimas está detenido y el que las pagó no? Ninguno de los dos tiene que estar preso”, aseguró el presidente electo. Además, dijo que revisará las “picardías” que realizó Cambiemos para garantizar la estabilidad de empleados públicos.

29 Nov 15:25 El Litoral 2624573358173924263.html
Luna vivait avec une marque sombre en forme de «masque de batman» sur le visage: ses taches disparaissent miraculeusement avec son nouveau traitement!

Les parents de la petite fille l’avaient emmené en Russie pour subir un nouveau traitement novateur, encore inconnu aux États-Unis.

29 Nov 11:29 sudinfo.be 344139275677446630.html
EM-Auslosung: Das sind die Lostöpfe und die möglichen deutschen Gegner

Bei der EM-Auslosung am Samstag erfahren Bundestrainer Joachim Löw und das DFB-Team zumindest zwei ihrer drei Vorrundengegner. Der SPORTBUZZER zeigt die Lostöpfe und nennt die möglichen Paarungen.

29 Nov 10:17 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776262175195.html
Dos días antes del traspaso de mando, Macri y Alberto Fernández compartirán una misa

El presidente electo Alberto Fernández y el saliente Mauricio Macri compartirán el 8 de diciembre, 48 horas antes del traspaso, una misa por la "unidad y la paz" convocada por la Iglesia en la basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján.

29 Nov 11:46 El Ancasti 5864462411885163615.html
Finländsk minister avgår efter poststrejken

Finlands ägarstyrningsminister Sirpa Paatero, ansvarig för den finländska posten, avgår. Det rapporterar Yle.

29 Nov 10:50 SVT Nyheter 8475792989323777650.html
Habaneros lamentan la escasez de café y critican sus precios en dólares

Vendedores y consumidores se quejan de la escasez de café en La Habana

29 Nov 13:41 CiberCuba 8213836170272288180.html
Bartomeu: Barça's history is 120 years of permanently overcoming things

Bartomeu: Barça's history is 120 years of permanently overcoming things”.a historia del Barça son 120 años de superación permanente

29 Nov 13:11 sport 1349897970779338706.html
Otan: Erdogan accentue les tensions en s'en prenant vivement à Emmanuel Macron

Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan s'en est violemment pris vendredi à son homologue français Emmanuel Macron qu'il a jugé en "état...

29 Nov 14:57 La Libre 2304109934714378976.html
10.000 Euro Schaden: Lesebrille beschädigt Plattenspieler

• 10.000 Euro Schaden an Plattenspieler • Lesebrille zerstörte kostbaren "Goldfinger" • Versicherung muss wohl zahlen

29 Nov 10:57 www1.wdr.de 5204960547386606649.html
Previa del encuentro de la jornada 15: Real Oviedo B contra Getafe B

Previa del encuentro de la jornada 15: Real Oviedo B contra Getafe B

29 Nov 14:47 sport 1349897970458188163.html
Zapatero elogia a Otegi y dice que se les prometió participar en el juego democrático cuando abandonaran la violencia

El expresidente asegura que el dirigente separatista ha sido «decisivo» para el fin de ETA

29 Nov 15:02 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612690115868.html
Liverpool-Schock! Fabinho fällt den Rest des Jahres aus

Teammanager Jürgen Klopp von Champions-League-Sieger FC Liverpool muss für den Rest des Jahres auf den brasilianischen Nationalspieler Fabinho verzichten.

29 Nov 15:51 sport.de 3321967092502154514.html
Wall Street attendue en repli, le commerce inquiétude toujours

par Laetitia Volga

29 Nov 14:01 Boursier.com 7351227821337290287.html
Dit zijn de winnaars van speeldag 16 in de Gouden 11

Geert De Bolle is de winnaar van speeldag 16. Hij wint een prachtige LG Smart TV. Hieronder vindt u het winnende team in detail en de overige prijswinnaars van deze speeldag.

29 Nov 15:03 HLN 8967494996963314047.html
Compras de colombianos durante 'Black Friday' crecen a dos dígitos

Tiquetes, hospedajes, artículos electrónicos, ropa, decoración y entretenimiento, entre los gastos.

29 Nov 12:53 El Tiempo 1091719939746934194.html
FCZ legt Kondolenzbuch für Köbi Kuhn auf

Der FC Zürich hat im Fanshop ein Kondolenzbuch für den an Dienstag verstorbenen Köbi Kuhn aufgelegt.

29 Nov 12:46 4-4-2.com 812646140855326828.html
Londra, spari sul London Bridge. Tre morti incluso l’assalitore: “Terrorismo”

Panico a Londra, dove sono stati avvertiti colpi di pistola nella zona del London Bridge. Un uomo armato di coltello è stato neutralizzato dalle forze dell'ordine ed è morto. Decine di presenti, presi dal panico, si sono dati alla fuga. Traffico paralizzato. Scotland Yard ha comunicato che è in atto 'una operazione di polizia per far fronte ad un incidente'.

29 Nov 14:24 fanpage.it 1517332167274305790.html
Temperatura sobe durante o fim de semana em todo o Estado

Os term&ocirc;metros devem apresentar ligeira eleva&ccedil;&atilde;o durante este fim de semana em Mato Grosso do Sul. De acordo com dados do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (Inmet), de 31&ordm;C de...

29 Nov 10:20 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489301017608.html
Oh, Venafro! Una gita in Molise - Claudio Giunta

A volte basta prendere una deviazione per non trovarsi immersi nella folla delle principali mete turistiche italiane. La cittadina in Molise conferma che ne vale la pena. Leggi

29 Nov 11:52 Internazionale 3249842261179831534.html
Liga angielska: Kluby Premier League zaczynają morderczy miesiąc

Grudzień jest dla angielskich drużyn miesiącem wyjątkowo ciężkim. Te najlepsze aż do 2 stycznia będą wybiegały na boisko co trzy, cztery dni. Prowadzący w tabeli Premier League piłkarze Liverpoolu maraton zaczną od spotkania w 14. kolejce z Brighton & Hove Albion.

29 Nov 10:38 sport.dziennik.pl 2589674918385474678.html
Seat descarta el ERE temporal para 6.600 trabajadores de Martorell

Los sindicatos confían en que se recupere la producción perdida

29 Nov 11:52 La Vanguardia 8061072700799060600.html
Il Pd esulta per l'intesa sulle autonomie ma M5S lo gela: "Proposta non è condivisa"

Il grillino Gallo: "Governo si fermi, niente blitz"

29 Nov 13:50 L'HuffPost 5315551424013332393.html
Descoberto na nossa galáxia um buraco negro tão grande que não deveria existir

A nossa Galáxia, a Via-Láctea, contém cerca de 100 milhões de buracos negros estelares. São corpos cósmicos formados pelo colapso de estrelas massivas e são tão densos que nem mesmo a luz pode escapar. Mas agora foi descoberto algo que contraria as regras. Um buraco negro na nossa vizinhança 70 vezes maior que o sol.

29 Nov 12:45 Pplware 5187268351356036228.html
KRUG LEČENJA NIJE ZATVOREN, POTREBAN OPREZ U OPORAVKU: Povratak normalnom životu Siniše mora da ide postepeno (FOTO)

Oporavak Siniše Mihajlovića ide u dobrom smeru, ali još uvek mora da postoji oprez, izjavio je doktor Mikele Kalvo koji radi na lečenju trenera fudbalera Bolonje od leukemije.

29 Nov 12:36 kurir.rs 6515665028436061355.html
Yanzu-yanzu: Dino Melaye ya kai INEC kotu

Sanata Dino Melaye ya shigar da hukumar shirya zabe INEC kara babban kotun tarayya dake Abuja domin hanata gudanar da karashen zaben Sanata mai wakiltan Kogi ta yamma.

29 Nov 11:24 Legit 7368782177611539410.html
Previa del partido: el Unión Viera recibe en casa al Gran Tarajal

Previa del partido: el Unión Viera recibe en casa al Gran Tarajal

29 Nov 12:32 sport 1349897969433015143.html
These 30+ Mini Gifts From Sephora Will Bring Big Smiles

Gifts don't need to be expensive to be good. And, anyway, good things do come in small packages . . . and we're not just talking diamonds. These present ideas

29 Nov 12:10 POPSUGAR Beauty 1694745614839673623.html
USD/CAD edges back closer to 1.3300 handle, focus shifts to Canadian GDP

The USD/CAD pair edged higher during the early European session on Friday, with bulls making a fresh attempt to reclaim and build on the momentum beyo

29 Nov 10:30 FXStreet 4480975639334749546.html
Intreruperi de apa rece pe malul stang al Crisului Repede. Vezi intervalul orar al zilei

SC COMPANIA DE APĂ ORADEA SA îşi anunţă consumatorii situaţi pe malul stâng al Crişului Repede că, în cursul nopţilor din zilele

29 Nov 12:04 InfoOradea 3177545316277037708.html
Rückschlag für den DSV: Peiffer verpasst Mixed-Staffel

Einzel-Weltmeister Arnd Peiffer wird den deutschen Biathleten beim Weltcup-Auftakt in Östersund in der Mixed-Staffel wegen eines Magen-Darm-Infekts fehlen. Das teilte der Deutsche Skiverband (DSV) am Freitag mit.

29 Nov 11:06 sport.de 3321967093142033952.html
Woman, 60s, fighting for life after being hit by a car in Bandon, Co Cork

The female pedestrian was rushed to Cork University Hospital with serious injuries

29 Nov 12:07 Irish Mirror 2875825628620236705.html
Tres ataques armados y varios heridos en mañana violenta del viernes

El viernes comenzó una ola de ataques armados que dejaron a varias personas heridas y un muerto.

29 Nov 12:16 Prensa Libre 5433015256692584635.html
Leavy te paga para que te vayas de viaje, a cambio le dejas tu casa

Leavy quiere que viajes más, para ello te paga por adelantado a cambio de que les permitas alquilar tu casa o habitación donde vives.

29 Nov 11:30 El Output 1685150382017868294.html
Kel-Tec's PF9 Gun: The Best Pocket Pistol On the Planet?

A plastic pocket pistol? Say that three times fast.

29 Nov 10:45 The National Interest 7207864703477070751.html
Ana Paula Siebert divide registro do ultrassom da filha na web: 'Tchau da Vicky'

Mulher de Roberto Justus, Ana Paula Siebert sempre compartilha diversos momentos de sua rotina no Instagram, plataforma na qual adora conversar com os seguidores. Grávida, a modelo dividiu com os fãs ...

29 Nov 12:04 Purepeople 5674914089135091307.html

Ouvertes depuis le 27 novembre dernier, les 8èmes universités de perfectionnement de la Fédération des géomètres francophones (Fgf) axées sur le thème : «Un continent africain uni pour une gouvernance et une transformation soutenables des territoires», prendront fin aujourd’hui. Lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture hier, jeudi 28 novembre, présidée par le ministre d’Etat, Secrétaire Général de la Présidence de la République, Mahammad Boun Abdallah Dionne, le président de l’Ordre national des géomètres experts du Sénégal (Onges), Mamadou Ndir est revenu sur les différents enjeux du foncier en Afrique mais aussi sur les conséquences de la mal gouvernance foncière. «La gouvernance foncière mérite une attention toute particulière. Du fait de son caractère sensible, la terre, en tant que richesse disponible et accessible, demeure le plus souvent une source de conflits. Elle conduit à l’insécurité dans la gestion de la terre notamment la multiplication des litiges fonciers, l’instabilité sociale et politique, la distribution…

29 Nov 10:33 www.sudonline.sn 5847876532912516734.html
Lucrarile la Podul Constanta sistate pentru ca CFR nu plateste! In 1938 constructia intregului pod a durat 5 luni, cat consolidarea neterminata de acum

Pe 24 decembrie 2019, podul Constanța împlinește 81 ani și fără, din păcate, nici o reparație majoră în toată această "viață" de pod. Mai mult, cât ar fi trebuit să dureze lucrările de reparaţii şi consolidare începute în vara acestui an, atât a durat con

29 Nov 12:39 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414642098790674.html
We are ‘determined’ to return to winning ways, says striker Afif

Qatar aim to put behind them their disappointing opening match loss against Iraq and come back strongly against Yemen, said striker Akram Afif (pictured).

29 Nov 10:13 The Peninsula 1202843881720792792.html
Asesinan a un hombre a balazos e hieren a una mujer en Barrio Obrero

Una llamada alertó sobre detonaciones y cuando llegaron las autoridades encontraron el cuerpo baleado

29 Nov 15:15 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309807088292.html
INE cierra filas y acusa “andanada” de iniciativas contra autonomía

Pronunciamiento contra propuestas de Morena; la Junta General, Direcciones Ejecutivas y Unidades Técnicas rechazan intención de reducir a 3 años presidencia del instituto; acusan intromisión; alertan que rotación desestabiliza al organismo y pondría carga política por el nombramiento del jefe del Consejo

29 Nov 10:30 La Razón 7608060638372772984.html
Per Natale regalate un abbonamento a La Nuova Provincia di Biella a soli 100 euro

Super sconto per chi ha più di 70 anni

29 Nov 10:26 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318168787608.html
PolyU blockade lifted; police find 4,000 gas bombs in two days

Hong Kong police on Friday said they had seized nearly 4,000 petrol bombs, 1,400 pieces of explosives materials, 600 items containing corrosive liquids and 570 weapons during the two-day evidence-collection procedure at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, which was reopened at about Friday noon after being occupied by rioters for 13 days.

29 Nov 11:55 Global Times 7829414519505910580.html
'A pitiful state': Man fined €800 after dog and puppies found underweight and infested with fleas

All of the dogs made full recoveries.

29 Nov 11:24 TheJournal.ie 6446904417267530810.html
Mercedes-Benz owner to slash 10,000 jobs in latest car industry cuts

Daimler said on Friday it will cut at least 10,000 jobs worldwide over the next three years, following others in the industry as they cut costs to invest in electric vehicles while grappling with

29 Nov 14:32 New York Post 7654946768415006776.html
Stor ökning av knark i Kristinehamns avlopp

Efter att ha mätt halter av narkotika i avloppsvattnet i Kristinehamn kan kommunen konstatera en mycket stor ökning av cannabis och amfetamin. – Vi har ett nära samarbete med polisen, säger Mary Lind Dalevi på förebyggarenheten.

29 Nov 15:46 SVT Nyheter 8475792989958883500.html
Salman Khan's upcoming item song 'Munna Badnaam Hua' promises to be a treat for 'Dabangg' fans

Check out its teaser here!

29 Nov 11:36 The Express Tribune 1105816787775665033.html
Irak : Le premier ministre Abdel Mahdi annonce sa démission

Le premier ministre irakien a cédé. Après deux mois de contestation violemment réprimée, Adel Abdel Mahdi, un indépendant sans base partisane ni

29 Nov 15:49 African Manager 933752094147295593.html
Azioni sottovalutate del 50% da comprare subito a Piazza Affari

Qualche analista finanziario ritiene che quando si prospetta un rialzo di un indice azionario le IPO (nuove quotazioni di società in Borsa) tendono ad

29 Nov 10:41 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260088356410.html
Así identifica y encierra China a la minoría musulmana uigur "sometiéndola a torturas"

Una investigación internacional ha documentado la persecución y lavado de cerebro de la minoría uigur en China con el argumento de la amenaza terrorista. Los internan hasta haber "completado su transformación ideológica"

29 Nov 13:53 Cadena SER 8390941984917955166.html
La replica anti-consumistica al Black Friday? Et voilà il Buy Nothing Day

In contrapposizione al Black Friday da alcuni anni è stato "inaugurato" il Buy Noything Day, per protestare contro il consumismo dilagante

29 Nov 11:24 NewNotizie 1312053896221404737.html
Ho. Mobile dichiara guerra a Iliad con offerte da 50 e 70GB

Fino a nuova comunicazione, sono disponibili le seguenti offerte per i nuovi clienti ho.mobile: ho. 5.99, ho. 8.99 e ho. 12.99.

29 Nov 11:05 tecnoandroid 2573257126995322352.html
Boninsegna: “Inter, ecco cosa Marotta deve regalare a Conte a gennaio”

Le parole dell'ex nerazzurro a proposito dell'andamento della squadra di Antonio Conte

29 Nov 15:00 FC Inter 1908 5020976186302421725.html
Here’s everything we know about WeWork’s layoffs and next steps as the co-working giant looks to right itself

Here’s everything we know about what’s going on inside WeWork:

29 Nov 15:52 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882615489382.html
SKI DE FOND Johannes Klaebo l'emporte à Ruka, Richard Jouve s'offre un podium historique

Richard Jouvre ouvre sa saison avec une 3e place sur le sprint classique de Ruka, dominé par le Norvégien Johannes Klaebo. La Norvégienne Maiken Caspersen Falla l'emporte chez les femmes.

29 Nov 13:08 Ledauphine 7792524028411161684.html
Rohit Sharma, new blue-eyed boy for corporates, to earn Rs 75 crore more per year

Rohit Sharma endorses more than 20 brands at the moment. Industry insiders believe that the 32-year-old's earnings will see a quantum jump of Rs 75 crore per annum.

29 Nov 15:03 The Indian Express 2885715105140410194.html
The Fitbit Versa Lite Hits the Lowest Ever Price for Black Friday, Now Just £90

At £150 the Fitbit Versa Lite was never particularly expensive, certainly not compared to some of the other watches in the Fitbit portfolio, but when the discounts come about we're not going to turn them away for no good reason. So if you fancied yourself a Fitbit watch but didn't want to spend a lot, this is the perfect time to do it.

29 Nov 14:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059002611281288.html
Miha zaplakao pred novinarima, igrači mu priredili iznenađenje!

Kako je najavljivano prethodnih dana, srpski stručnjak se danas obraća javnosti posle izlaska iz bolnice i završena tri ciklusa hemoterapije.

29 Nov 11:22 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495028829278.html
Domestic multi-role T70 utility helicopter to begin test flights in 2020

The Turkish-built T-70 multi-role utility helicopter will begin test flights next year, Turkish Aerospace Industry (TUSAŞ/TAI) Deputy General Manager Kemal...

29 Nov 14:52 DAILY SABAH 8383944808631239219.html
Get crafty this Christmas: A guide to workshops yule love

Can’t seem to find the right gift or home decor for Christmas? Try a hand at making them yourself while picking up a new talent. 

29 Nov 10:18 Coconuts 8871564982552526156.html
Presidente Lenín Moreno aseguró que la Policía 'hizo lo correcto' durante las protestas de octubre

El presidente Lenín Moreno destacó el jueves la participación policial durante las protestas de octubre pasado y expresó su confianza en que la justicia reconozca su tarea para mantener el orden

29 Nov 10:00 El Universo 8365175797252662419.html
Nach 10 Jahren Pause: Die Pussycat Dolls kommen zurück

Die Band rund um Frontfrau Nicole Scherzinger kündigte für 2020 eine Tour an.

29 Nov 12:19 Kurier 208072237999898950.html
Los bares favoritos de los gallegos no estarán nunca entre los mejores del mundo

«De viejos», con tapas gratis y, sobre todo, que sirvan cerveza muy fría. Son algunos de los requisitos que cumplen los locales preferidos de casi una veintena de gallegos de diferentes perfiles. Nada que ver con el neoyorquino Dante, el mejor bar del planeta según la «World´s 50 Best Bars»

29 Nov 15:16 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612092276642.html
BREAKING: Arsenal sack head coach Unai Emery after poor run

Arsenal Football Club have sacked head coach Unai Emery following a disappointing spell which saw them go winless in seven games across all competitions. The Spaniard, who took charge of the team before the 2018/19 season, leaves after eighteen months. Freddie Ljungberg has taken over as the interim manager. 

29 Nov 10:18 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906493135753.html
Colônia do Gurgueia | Saúde realiza atendimento médico na comunidade Lagoa

A prefeita Doquinha, vem trabalhando com o objetivo de estar cada vez mais presente nas comunidades.

29 Nov 11:06 R10 3167340814348082906.html
Christenen bidden bij Barnevelds theater; „Er is een hogere Macht”

„Geef, Heere, de duivel vanavond geen kans om zich te manifesteren.” Zingend, folders uitdelend en rondjes om het Schaffelaartheater lopend reageerden christenen uit verschillende kerken donderdagavond in Barneveld op een show van het paranormale medium Derek Ogilvie. En vooral biddend.

29 Nov 11:20 RD.nl 6406779841807906555.html
Baskonia, con Vildoza, fue vapuleado en Grecia

Baskonia de España, con el argentino Luca Vildoza, cayó en su visita a Grecia ante Panathinaikos de Atenas 100 a 68, por la undécima fecha de la Euroliga de básquetbol. Vildoza no anotó (0/3 triples), dio 3 asistencias, tomó 1 rebote defensivo, recuperó 1 pelota y perdió 4, en 14’41” en cancha. Baskonia no contó […]

29 Nov 10:00 El Eco 4177735525476203720.html
(VIDEO, FOTO) PONOVO INCIDENT NA MOSTU: Policija upucala muškarca koji je nožem ubadao ljude!

Saobraćaj je blokiran.

29 Nov 15:33 REPUBLIKA 2543998406249355546.html
Cómo los incendios en la Amazonia están afectando a los Andes

Los glaciares andinos proveen de agua a millones de personas. "Los incendios en la Amazonia tienen implicaciones sociales a escala continental", señaló Newton de Magalhães Neto, de la Universidad Estatal de Rio de Janeiro en Brasil, quien lideró el estudio.Los glaciares andinos proveen de agua a millones de personas. "Los incendios en la Amazonia tienen implicaciones sociales a escala continental", señaló Newton de Magalhães Neto, de la Universidad Estatal de Rio de Janeiro en Brasil, quien lideró el estudio.Los glaciares andinos proveen de agua a millones de personas. "Los incendios en la Amazonia tienen implicaciones sociales a escala continental", señaló Newton de Magalhães Neto, de la Universidad Estatal de Rio de Janeiro en Brasil, quien lideró el estudio.Los glaciares andinos proveen de agua a millones de personas. "Los incendios en la Amazonia tienen implicaciones sociales a escala continental", señaló Newton de Magalhães Neto, de la Universidad Estatal de Rio de Janeiro en Brasil, quien lideró el estudio.Los…

29 Nov 14:04 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189211170843.html
What species is Baby Yoda in The Mandalorian and when can you watch in the UK?

This little smush is being affectionately referred to as Baby Yoda.

29 Nov 10:08 Metro 970161747974709517.html
In Texas: „Lehrerin des Jahres“ hatte Oralsex mit Schüler und wird verhaftet

In den USA ist eine Lehrerin suspendiert worden, weil sie im Klassenzimmer Oralsex mit einem ihrer Schüler hatte. Rund eineinhalb Jahr bevor die Beziehung ans Tageslicht kam, wurde sie noch zur „Lehrerin des Jahres“ gekürt.

29 Nov 13:07 FOCUS Online 4448121231150638272.html
Norwegian Bombshell Hilde Osland Musses Her Hair In A Blue Dress: ‘Friday Night’

Norwegian bombshell Hilde Osland floored her two million fans with a double picture update where she sizzled in a royal blue one-shouldered dress to wear out on her “Friday Night” ...

29 Nov 14:24 The Inquisitr 1745625231290356396.html
Hillary Clinton Visits ‘The Graham Norton Show’ To Reveal What She Wishes She Told Donald Trump At Most Memorable Debate

Hillary Clinton is recalling one of the most memorable moments of her battle with Donald Trump for the presidency of America, when the two debated in St. Louis. The former Secretary of State visited "The Graham Norton Show" show, and recalled how Trump roamed around the stage, standing behind her. "He loomed over me," she…

29 Nov 14:37 ET Canada 6735490619732516200.html
Pranie brudów w reprezentacji Hiszpanii. Były asystent odpowiada na zarzuty selekcjonera

Były asystent Luisa Enrique w reprezentacji Hiszpanii Robert Moreno odpowiedział na niedawne zarzuty ze strony obecnego selekcjonera. - Przypisał mi dwie brzydkie cechy. Nie zasłużyłem na to - wyzn...

29 Nov 13:01 TVN24 8936112741432799895.html
Líderes de la protesta en Colombia plantean un nuevo diálogo a Duque

Los manifestantes proponen que la discusión sea «incluyente, democrática y eficaz», pero al mismo tiempo convocaron a nuevas movilizaciones para el 4 de diciembre. Líderes de la protesta en Colombia plantearon este jueves (28.11.2019) al presidente Iván Duque instalar una nueva mesa de diálogo para discutir las demandas y las críticas al gobierno, dentro de

29 Nov 15:17 eju.tv 4688901771063171690.html
Sasol scores ‘own goal’ as climate pressure mounts in SA

Company could face legal challenges if it continues to refuse votes on the issue.

29 Nov 12:44 Moneyweb 1092550948146895968.html
Samsung Galaxy S11 Series: Everything we know so far

More often than not, any premium Samsung Galaxy flagship phone makes an impression among hardcore Samsung fans and most of the Android community. Every device introduced in this category by the Sou…

29 Nov 12:00 Android Community 7463818291925913976.html
Ford SA fined R35m for selling problematic Kugas, offers R50 000 in damages to complainants

Ford Motor Company South Africa has been fined R35m by the National Consumer Commission of South Africa after it found the company had "engaged in prohibited conduct" by distributing the Ford Kuga 1.6 EcoBoost, some of which caught fire.

29 Nov 14:31 News24 3752801376545123323.html
Mbombela schools at capacity for 2020

About six hundred learners, mostly grade ones, remain without placement in the Lowveld for 2020.

29 Nov 13:07 Lowvelder 3143322321411894304.html
Jonatan Cristaldo, denunciado por violencia de género, fue licenciado por 5 días en Racing

Denunciado por su actual pareja

29 Nov 10:00 El Litoral 2624573358746359049.html
World War II Horror Story: How a U.S. Battleship Was Almost Sunk By a U.S. Navy Destroyer

Sometimes, things don't go according to plan.

29 Nov 15:00 The National Interest 7207864703168303117.html
La arenga de Messi para evitar un Roma II en Anfield

Una serie desvela lo sucedido en los descansos de los dos partidos que hundieron al F.C. Barcelona la temporada pasada pese a su titulo de Liga

29 Nov 11:12 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613830318418.html
"BL bajk" od nedjelje na zimskoj pauzi

BANJALUKA - Sistem automatskog iznajmljivanja bicikala, „BL bajk“, koji Banjalučani i svi oni koji su u posjeti našem gradu mogu da koriste već dvije godine, ovogodišnju sezonu završava sa 1.266 aktivnih korisnika.

29 Nov 11:17 Nezavisne novine 4209150642393374908.html
Glenda Kozlowski assina contrato com o SBT na próxima semana

A jornalista e apresentadora Glenda Kozlowsky, comandará um reality show de futebol no SBT. Moradora do Rio, ela desembarca em São Paulo na próxima quarta-feira (4), para assinar contrato, fazer fotos e cumprir uma série de compromissos com a emissora. O programa se chamará “Uma Vida, Um Sonho”, nas manhãs de domingo e previsto para […]

29 Nov 15:52 MaisPB 6493364970062583.html
First Red Dead Redemption 2 mods add a gravity gun, zombies, free roam, disarm NPCs & more

The first mods for Red Dead Redemption 2 are finally appearing online. Most of them are in an experimental stage, however, we believe that some of you may be interested in them.

29 Nov 15:09 DSOGaming 1253419763004781474.html
NZ First ‘Agrees to Disagree’ Over Tobacco Excise Increase

New Zealand First ‘Agrees to Disagree’ Over Tobacco Excise Increase

29 Nov 14:40 SCOOP 5315658999379506825.html
'Neymar Plays For Himself, And Only Himself'

With Paris Saint-Germain superstar Neymar having been widely accused of disrespecting the club in recent times, the Brazil international has now received some scathing criticism for his attitude. 

29 Nov 10:28 Soccer Laduma 3901337370739619515.html
Il mare di Salerno diventa nero. E’ allarme per il colore dell’acqua a Santa Teresa

In queste ore sul web circolano le immagini del mare di Salerno che è diventato di colore nero. In particolare per quanto riguarda la zona di Santa Teresa. Secondo quanto riportato dal sito de Il Mattino sono state moltissime le segnalazioni arrivate all’assessore all’Ambiente del comune di Salerno, Angelo Caramanno, che è stato tra i primi ad attivarsi per […]

29 Nov 11:26 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460872681868.html
Fiat 500 sbarca nel car sharing dei Paesi Baltici

Grazie alla partnership tra Fca e CityBee sarà disponibile una flotta di oltre quattrocento esemplari dell’iconica citycar

29 Nov 14:34 Repubblica.it 8208867270937284126.html
Familienfoto zu Thanksgiving – und alle Kinder sind darauf zu sehen

Thanksgiving war bei den Klums ein feuchtfröhlicher Spaß für die ganze Familie. Und für die Fans gab's auch etwas: Eine Aufnahme, wie Heidi sie noch nie zuvor gepostet hat!

29 Nov 14:04 BUNTE.de 2017976499038656722.html
'Dolor y Gloria' y 'Vida perfecta' copan las nominaciones a los premios Feroz

La película de Almodóvar se ha llevado diez candidaturas, mientras que la serie de Dolera cinco

29 Nov 11:32 Levante-Emv 6489695319151140990.html
Ya puedes reservar la edición física en inglés de Atelier Dusk Trilogy Deluxe Pack

Uno de los anuncios más interesantes de los últimos meses para los fans de la serie Atelier ha sido sin duda el Atelier Dusk Trilogy Deluxe Pack. Ahora hemos podido conocer que la versión física para el sudeste asiático en inglés ya se puede reservar. Recordad que esta edición física en inglés de Atelier Dusk […]

29 Nov 15:59 Nintenderos 2555436002941804966.html
Zidane descarta que Vinícius salga cedido en el mercado de invierno

"Últimamente no ha jugado mucho, pero su momento puede llegar rápidamente", argumenta el técnico blanco antes de visitar Mendizorroza

29 Nov 12:40 elPeriodico 7291954034640018138.html
Zanetti, nei giorni scorsi missione a Lima per Lucas Martínez Quarta. L'ag.: "A gennaio in Europa? È possibile"

"Cercheremo di dare la priorità al progetto sportivo rispetto a quello economico. Non lo porterò al primo club in Europa pronto a mettere soldi". Questa la certezza...

29 Nov 11:27 FcInterNews.it 7848284893326435984.html
Kanye West Releases “Closed On Sunday” Music Video

From his sprawling 4000 plus acres ranch in Wyoming, Kanye West serves the video for "Closed On Sunday", the second video from 'Jesus is King" album. 

29 Nov 12:19 The Guardian 7580308504483565206.html
UK PM's 1999 views on Nigerian obsession with money pops up

The man who has vowed to deliver Brexit has been accused of making “racist and offensive” comments by implying Nigerians are obsessed with money. His controversial views date 20 years ago when he

29 Nov 10:05 Africanews 6630243979661073850.html
Encuentran cadáver maniatado con un condón en la boca

Chihuahua.-  El cuerpo de un hombre sin vida, maniatado  y con un preservativo en la boca fue localizado al interior de una vivienda en la colonia Santo Niño, informó la policía. Fue en el inmueble del

29 Nov 13:35 La Parada Digital 5696840777560786005.html
Štrajk radnika distributivnih centara Amazona u Nemačkoj baš na "crni petak"

Radnici distributivnih centara Amazona u Nemačkoj štrajkuju sa zahtevom da im se povećaju plate, a to čine baš na...

29 Nov 10:19 N1 Srbija 7797130865212758751.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 17: Santa Marta contra La Granja

Previa del partido de la jornada 17: Santa Marta contra La Granja

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897970442294928.html
Conectividade: painel reunirá grandes aeroportos para debater atração de voos

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

29 Nov 13:29 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645986726936147.html
KBC 11 November 29 Finale Episode: Karamveer Sudha Murthy Takes The Hot Seat

KBC11 November 29 Finale Episode: Check out the toughest questions from tonight's episode.

29 Nov 15:45 India.com 7150386083303162004.html
Un vingtaine d’activistes d’Extinction Rebellion interpellés à Bruxelles jeudi soir

La police de la zone Bruxelles-Capitale/Ixelles a procédé à l’interpellation de 22 activistes d’Extinction Rebellion, jeudi soir, alors qu’ils s’apprêtaient à débuter une campagne d’affichage contre le Black Friday, selon une information de Bruzz confirmée par la zone.

29 Nov 14:36 Vivreici.be 7768530901507261953.html
Prohíben la compra y venta de una manteca

También fueron prohibidos una premezcla para hacer pan para celíacos y dos medicamentos.

29 Nov 12:40 El Patagónico 8565457046902047370.html
Sessiz hastalık pankreas kanseri

Birçok tanınmış kişinin ölümüne neden olan pankreas kanseri, belirti ve şikayetlerin erken evrede ortada çıkmadığı için sessiz hastalık olarak adlandırılıyor. Birçok kanser türünde olduğu gibi Pankreas kanserinde de erken tanının hayati önem taşıdığı

29 Nov 10:00 ŞARKUL AVSAT 7659933080572671.html
Premiê do Iraque anuncia renúncia, em meio a violentos protestos

O Irã e facções aliadas ao país persa no Iraque culparam os EUA por fomentarem esta confusão

29 Nov 14:55 Folha Vitória 4941883427548156048.html
Arsenal demite técnico Unai Emery após derrota pela Liga Europa

Ex-jogador Freddie Ljungberg assume como interino

29 Nov 13:11 Correio 5185786713938635493.html
Coulogne: une animation pour les enfants à trottinettes

Beaucoup d’enfants se rendent à l’école à trottinette à Coulogne. Pour leur p...

29 Nov 11:00 La Voix du Nord 5307415663464248913.html
Adelanto de brutal accidente de "Rocío" en "Verdades Ocultas" deja la escoba en la web

Este jueves en "Verdades Ocultas" se pudo ver que "Rocío" (Camila Hirane) comenzó a ejecutar su plan de secuestrar a su hijo "Benjamín" y huir con él de Chile; pero un impactante adelanto dejó a los seguidores de la teleserie con los nervios de punta. Y es que en el compacto de las escenas que […]

29 Nov 12:19 LIMALIMÓN 8855094353772619540.html
Appeal Court victory a validation of people’s will — Gov. Lalong

Lalong in a statement on Friday by his Director of Press and Public Affairs, Dr. Simon Macham said that the affirmation of his victory was yet another...

29 Nov 12:48 Vanguard News 4125100339779862609.html
Podcast | Armas, drogas, tatuajes y trap: los jóvenes napolitanos que quieren desbancar a la Camorra

Un recorrido por los barrios más duros del centro de Nápoles, donde la pobreza y la exclusión empujan a cientos de jóvenes a una carrera criminal tras los pasos de la vieja mafia. Y descubrimos cómo, en el siglo XIX, The Sun se convirtió en el primer periódico en explotar las 'fake news'.

29 Nov 15:46 EL PAÍS 2207347711296858655.html
Xbox Scarlett avrà un nuovo logo? | Game Division

Secondo un nuovo brevetto rilasciato da Microsoft Xbox Scarlett proporrà una nuovo logo leggermente diverso da quello utilizzato attualmente.

29 Nov 15:44 Tom's Hardware 6640147070110401778.html
Fauchon, un vrai spécialiste du champagne

La cave du célèbre magasin de la Madeleine à Paris est largement consacrée aux champagnes. Proposant aussi bien de grandes cuvées que des champagnes de vignerons, la Cave Fauchon réalise plus de 45 % de son chiffre d’affaires avec les bulles les plus prestigieuses du monde.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695066580619410.html
Processo de Johnny Depp contra Amber Heard é adiado por falta de provas

Johnny Depp não apresentou provas e seu processo contra a ex, Amber Heard, foi adiado em seis meses

29 Nov 15:40 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628698872128091.html
Only 35 percent of children living with HIV have access to treatment – UNICEF

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Friday revealed that in 2018, more than 47 children and adolescents die every day...

29 Nov 14:49 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901871012056.html
Rezerva Arsenala: Šefe, izneverili smo te

Rezervni golman Arsenala Emilijano Martines je prvi od igrača reagovao posle otkaza kojeg je dobio menadžer tog tima Unai Emeri. Argentinski čuvar mreže smatra da su on i njegovi saigrači krivi za odlazak španskog stručnjaka.

29 Nov 12:11 Sport Klub 42251758001163714.html
21 Supersize Beauty Gift Sets You Can Divide and Dole Out to All Your Friends

Why run yourself ragged trying to find a million different presents for all your friends and family when you can just invest in a giant gift set and divide up

29 Nov 13:20 POPSUGAR Beauty 1694745614496695233.html
The 16 best new hotels in Europe that every traveler should visit

The 19th-century Palazzo Daniele in Italy’s Puglia region has been named Europe’s best new hotel of the year by Sleeper magazine, a UK-based hotel-design publication.

29 Nov 15:38 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882870709009.html
W Poznaniu odsłonięto nietypowy mural

Jakości powietrza nie jest kwestią abstrakcyjną, ale wiąże się bezpośrednio z jakością życia w naszych miastach - mówiła w piątek w Poznaniu szefowa MR Jadwiga Emilewicz podczas odsłonięcia muralu wykonanego farbami, które oczyszczają powietrze, wchłaniając i rozkładając niektóre składowe smogu.

29 Nov 14:20 Portal Samorządowy 740157207936870144.html
Xbox Black Friday deals are live now — here are the best discounts on Xbox One consoles and games

Black Friday is nearly here, and it’s set to be the best time of the year to buy gaming devices – including the PlayStation 4, and, of course, the Microsoft Xbox One.

29 Nov 13:22 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882347460618.html
Zustellerin stiehlt mehr als 100 Pakete

Sie enthielten Kosmetik, Kleidung und Handys: Mehr als 100 Pakete soll eine Zustellerin in Baden-Württemberg gestohlen haben.

29 Nov 15:05 GMX 2011843076143540913.html
Fotogaleria: Renault Captur - Renovado para liderar

A Renault lançou a 2ª geração do ‘crossover’ Captur, ‘best-seller’ no segmento na Europa. Estética atualizada, novas tecnologias e uma motorização híbrida recarregável para continuar na liderança.

29 Nov 12:00 Jornal de Negócios 8088083830173005999.html
Les lunettes de John Lennon vendues au prix d'une petite voiture

Le cabinet d'enchères Sotheby's mettra en vente le 6 décembre une paire de lunettes du chanteur des Beatles John Lennon.

29 Nov 14:33 RTL 5minutes 5295111945261759540.html
Sismo se registra en el norte del país

El epicentro del movimiento telúrico se ubicó a 64 kilómetros al suroeste de la Mina Collahuasi, a 120.8 kilómetros de profundidad, con una magnitud 4.9.

29 Nov 11:17 24Horas.cl 793283385094687761.html
Boris Johnson appelle les électeurs à le soutenir pour tourner la page du Brexit

Le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson a appelé les électeurs vendredi, à moins de deux semaines des législatives, à lui donner une confortable majorité pour tourner la page du Brexit, qui a plongé le Royaume-Uni dans une profonde crise politique.

29 Nov 15:06 Challenges 1086714997766338562.html
Poznata glumica je špijunirala bogate, uticajne i moćne, dok je jedan glumac odavao informacije o sopstvenoj ženi!

Intrigantni životi poznatnih ličnosti oduvek su zanimali mnoge. Ponekad pikantne detalje iz privatnih života saznamo odmah nakon aktuelnih afera, a nekada je potrebno da prođu i decenije da bismo došli do nekih interesantnih priča.

29 Nov 13:52 pulsonline 6050941186257628794.html
Cornwall takes 10 as West Indies crushes Afghanistan in just over two days

Skipper Jason Holder claimed all three Afghan wickets to fall in the morning as the Windies needed just 7.1 overs to see off Afghanistan after they resumed the day on 109 for seven.

29 Nov 13:49 Saudi Gazette 6913978435709978841.html
Brad Gobright, who died in Mexico fall, on what drew him to rock climbing – video

The publication Rock and Ice described Gobright as 'one of the most accomplished free solo climbers in the world'

29 Nov 11:48 the Guardian 1491978794954408660.html
Jazz et Laurent (JLC Family) font un gros flop avec leur nouveau single ? Les chiffres viennent de tomber

Après avoir dévoilé leur nouveau single, Jazz et Laurent ont réagi aux premiers retours des internautes.

29 Nov 15:00 melty 8059025069553651859.html
Black Friday: more than 50% off dog crates and pet carriers today only

Get your pet the travel and play accessories it deserves and save pounds in the process

29 Nov 15:45 T3 267522093352695473.html
Grab These 10 Discounted Headphones and Speakers on Black Friday

Every item on this list of audio gadgets is available for an additional 20% off when you enter the coupon code BFSAVE20 at checkout.

29 Nov 10:20 Interesting Engineering 7328942541875962753.html
Londra, spari a London Bridge: paura per un uomo armato – VIDEO

Panico oggi a Londra, nella zona di London Bridge: si è diffusa la paura per un uomo armato di coltello e si sono sentiti degli spari.

29 Nov 14:47 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928392174531.html
Helene Fischer und Thomas Seitel: Jetzt plaudert Papa Seitel aus dem Nähkästchen

Momentan bauen Helene und Thomas ein Haus, doch es kommt noch dicker, denn dem Hausbau könnte bald eine Hochzeit folgen.

2 Dec 10:23 VIP.de 2239798193501195907.html
La redevance audiovisuelle ne disparaîtra pas avec la taxe d’habitation

La redevance audiovisuelle ne disparaîtra pas en 2022 avec la suppression de la taxe...

29 Nov 13:33 LA VDN 5307415664506943960.html
Jornalistas recebem Título de Cidadão e capoeiristas são homenageados por preservação da cultura alagoana

Os jornalistas Fernando Perón e Rafael Alves vão receber o Título de Cidadão Honorário de Maceió em Sessão Solene da Câmara Municipal de Maceió, marcada para próxima segunda-feira (2), às 9h30. As honrarias foram propostas pelo vereador Lobão (PR) e aprovadas por unanimidade pelos demais parlamentares da Casa. De acordo com Lobão, as homenagens aos...

29 Nov 14:11 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010919159827.html
Aanslag Londen – Mesaanval op London Bridge – 2 doden

Meerdere gewonden - Verdachte neergeschoten en overleden - Droeg nep-bomvest

29 Nov 14:22 ThePostOnline 3048418757453595296.html
Deal alert: You can fly round-trip Vancouver to Tokyo for only $486 CAD

Tokyo is one of the most highly sought-after travel destinations in the world. However, return airfare from Vancouver isn’t exactly easy on the wallet.

29 Nov 10:00 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496734102936.html
Woman's fury at being unable to find train station car park spot - at 6.40am

Julie Camlin, from Huddersfield, spends hundreds as a season ticket holder at the St George's Square car park which has cut a number of its car parking spaces in recent months

29 Nov 13:19 mirror 675785261427125210.html
Una buena al menos: Chile vuelve a ganar en los "Oscar del Turismo"

"Es un estímulo para el turismo, que en el último mes ha sido afectado por la contingencia nacional”, destacó el ministro de Economía, Lucas Palacios.

29 Nov 15:34 Publimetro Chile 2498685483866841111.html
MICROSOFT: Un virus invisible ataca a miles de computadoras en el mundo

Microsoft ha publicado este martes en su web un informe sobre un virus invisible y difícil de borrar que ya fue descubierto hace un año y afectó a más de 80.000 computadoras en todo el mundo...

29 Nov 11:07 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529582893868.html
KKN – Unità d’intenti tra presidente e calciatori! Il Napoli fissa gli obiettivi da raggiungere insieme

In diretta durante la trasmissione radiofonica Radio Goal, ai microfoni di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli, il collega e speaker Diego De Luca ha svelato alcuni retroscena dell’incontra avvenuto qualche oretta fa tra Aurelio De Laurentiis e i calciatori del Napoli. Ecco quanto evidenziato dalla redazione: “Il presidente ha fatto alla squadra un discorso di unità […]

29 Nov 14:19 Spazio Napoli 1933866183618406644.html
UB football game day: Bowling Green at Bulls

Kickoff: Noon, Friday, UB Stadium TV: ESPN Plus Radio: ESPN 1520 Records: Bowling Green 3-8, 2-5 Mid-American Conference; Buffalo 6-5, 4-...

29 Nov 11:00 The Buffalo News 2088823986966442696.html
Conap investiga muerte de tigrillo que apareció colgado en una señal de tránsito

En la carretera a Santa Ana, Petén quedó exhibido el cadáver de este felino que es parte de la fauna de la selva petenera.

29 Nov 14:53 Prensa Libre 5433015257650003959.html
Tamara Falcó: 'Estoy muy agradecida de que la infanta Elena viniera a celebrar mi triunfo en MasterChef'

La hija de Isabel Preysler se ha convertido en la vencedora de la cuarta edición del 'talent' gastronómico más famoso y duro de la televisión

29 Nov 12:31 Hola.com 2035212431469529552.html
Andalucía: aplazadas las movilizaciones contra los "recortes" tras la oferta de diálogo - El médico interactivo

Este jueves ha tenido lugar una nueva jornada de movilizaciones

29 Nov 12:57 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182805012779.html
Amazon - Black Friday 2019 gestartet: Jetzt Konsolen-Bundles, Gaming-Zubehör und Fernseher shoppen!

Bei Amazon gibt es jederzeit zahlreiche brandheiße Angebote für jeden Gamer zu entdecken. Nicht nur Spiele und Konsolen sind reduziert, auch Fernseher, Monitore, Computer, Filme und Serien sind rabattiert! Wir zeigen euch regelmäßig die besten Schnäppchen und verraten in unserem Deal-Ticker, was ihr definitiv nicht verpassen solltet.

29 Nov 10:01 PlayNation 4622181945593499234.html
Ryska statshackare laddade upp falska appar på Google Play

Hackargruppen Sandworm som har kopplingar till den ryska staten har vid upprepade tillfällen försökt att sprida falska appar via Google Play. Lyckligtvis har Google lyckats stoppa spridningen i ett tidigt skede.

29 Nov 15:13 TechWorld 327047708590338157.html
Cruzeiro oficializa troca de técnico: Adilson Batista assume no lugar de Abel Braga

Treinador volta ao clube após nove anos para tentar evitar rebaixamento à Série B

29 Nov 14:10 Superesportes 5498560375240403408.html
Confía AMLO que Corte atienda crimen de Abril Cecilia Pérez Sagaón

El mandatario criticó que Federico Mosco, juez de control del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Ciudad de México, dejó en libertad al agresor de Abril Cecilia

29 Nov 15:04 El Universal 4964748197217637290.html
Wanda Nara Instagram, curve strette in un abito color oro: «Sei divina!»

Wanda Nara è sempre più bella e provocante. Il suo look lascia tutti senza fiato. Una foto incredibile e che alza la temperatura.

29 Nov 10:20 UrbanPost 2450570492301248381.html
Las alarmas sonaron también en París y La Haya: Ataque terrorista en el Puente de Londres 

Dos personas murieron acuchilladas durante un ataque terrorista en el emblemático London Bridge. La policía londinense confirmó que mató al atacante, que vestía un falso chaleco explosivo. 

29 Nov 14:57 PAGINA12 7077267066241599048.html
A importância dos pais na pintura

&ldquo;O que &eacute; que a posse significa para ti? 7% da popula&ccedil;&atilde;o det&eacute;m 84% da riqueza.&rdquo; Em 1976, a arte conceptual politizada parecia ter atirado para o caixote do lixo a pintura, com tudo o que ela significa de of&iac

29 Nov 14:54 PÚBLICO 2228264896314934824.html
$993 Million multipurpose Pwalugu dam to be completed by March 2021

The Pwalugu multipurpose dam to be constructed in Pwalugu in the Talensi District of the Upper East region will cost an amount $993 million. The project which is expected to be completed by March 2021 will be entirely funded by the Government of Ghana. Addressing a durbar of chiefs and people of the Upper East and North East region of Ghana in Pwalugu and to cut sod for the project to begin, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo said government is committed to starting and finishing the project as scheduled. “As we further indicated to our commitment to the realisation of this project, the total cost of the project amounting to some $993 million nearly a billion dollars to be borne entirely by government”, he said. According to the President, the Chinese firm Sinohydro, a subsidiary of PowerChina will build the project under the engineering procurement construction contract which will be executed in fifteen (months).

29 Nov 15:38 mynewsgh.com 2909200109499772589.html
El misterio de la Primitiva sin dueño da un vuelco y ahora se investiga al lotero por estafa

El propietario de la oficina donde apareció el billete agraciado con 4,7 millones y otros cinco cargos de Loterías del Estado declaran en los juzgados

29 Nov 12:29 ABC.es 6074573462164248606.html
Czesi wprowadzają na polski rynek pierwszego elektryka i hybrydę

Z początkiem 2020 roku w polskich salonach pojawią się dwa nowe samochody, które biorąc pod uwagę popularność marki na polskim rynku, mogą znacząco przyczynić się do zainteresowania samochodami hybrydowymi i elektrycznymi w Polsce.

29 Nov 13:31 Business Insider 4128433798030732542.html
PSD acuză PNL de "experimente sociale" în stabilirea salariului minim pe economie: Modelul propus va avea impact negativ în societate

Partidul Social Democrat susţine că modelul de calcul propus de PNL pentru stabilirea salariului minim pe economie, prin raportare la productivitatea muncii şi rata inflaţiei, va avea "un puternic" impact negativ &icirc;n societate. "Un astfel de

29 Nov 10:11 romaniatv.net 4505369227429214984.html
PF prende desembargadora do TJ da Bahia em nova fase da Operação Faroeste

Esta fase da operação ganhou o nome de Joia da Coroa. A magistrada, segundo investigadores da Polícia Federal e o Ministério Público, tem "relações indevidas"

29 Nov 14:25 Folha Vitória 4941883427076195335.html
El Black Friday trae protestas en varios países

Los manifestantes fueron convocados por Attac y Greenpeace para participar en una acción "no violenta y alegre" y desplegaron pancartas contra el gigante del comercio en línea sentándose frente a la sede de la empresa al grito de: ¡Digamos basta al 'Black Friday' y a su impunidad!"

29 Nov 14:35 Globovisión 5928221752193434573.html
Chrissy Teigen made a turkey out of fruit for her daughter’s Thanksgiving potluck lunch, and it’s the stuff of nightmares

Queen of social media Chrissy Teigen has shared an image on Twitter of a turkey she made out of fruit, writing “making a fruit skewer turkey for luna’s potluck” to celebrate Thanksgiving.

29 Nov 15:32 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883112978918.html
Blodige opptøyer tvinger statsministeren i Irak til å gå av

Iraks statsminister Adel Abdul-Mahdi sier han vil trekke seg, etter nesten to måneder med protester og opptøyer der flere hundre mennesker er blitt drept.

29 Nov 12:50 Bergens Tidende 6643873500450221626.html
7 Laga Tanpa Menang Arsenal, Tak Pernah Terjadi Dalam 1.235 Laga Era Arsene Wenger

Arsenal belum beranjak dari fase buruk di bawah kendali manajer Unai Emery. Paling baru, Arsenal kalah dari Eintracht Frankfurt

29 Nov 10:03 Bola.net 5489959029282399183.html
(VIDEO) Urnebesne reakcije klinaca na trudnoće majki: Neću brata, neću sestru!

Trenutak kada saznate da ćete dobiti dete spada u najdragocenije životne radosti. Međutim, ako vam saopštavaju da ćete postati stariji brat ili sestra, postoji verovatnoća da reakcija neće biti toliko pozitivna... Ali definitivno urnebesna!

29 Nov 10:56 REPUBLIKA 2543998405612288597.html
Say goodbye to your network woes with the Linksys Velop mesh router, now up to $220 off

Mesh routers are a boon for our modern tech-filled households. No longer do we have to worry about devices not getting a decent connection in the far

29 Nov 12:23 Android Police 6171356414623958015.html
Vigo: La Audiencia repetirá el lunes el juicio contra un hermano de Sinaí por robar a un narcotraficante

También está acusado un agente de la Guardia Civil que hizo un falso control al coche que llevaba la droga

29 Nov 13:52 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611933560515.html
Dying 'Star Wars' fan to get 'The Rise of Skywalker' preview

Disney has granted a dying Stars Wars fan's wish to watch the new movie in the franchise, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, with his young son ahead of its release date, after responding to an appeal from the hospice where he is being treated.

29 Nov 14:30 CHANNEL3000 830332542365177005.html
Aktion: Das iPhone 11 mit 9 Gigabyte LTE-Tarif zum Sparpreis

Der Cyber Monday sorgt aktuell für Tiefpreise – diese Aktion kann trotzdem mithalten: Sichern Sie sich das iPhone 11 samt einer LTE-Allnet-Flatrate mit satten 9 Gigabyte im Vodafone-Netz. Das Tarif-Bundle kostet insgesamt nur 39,98 Euro im Monat.

2 Dec 11:28 Computer Bild 4944248630768926588.html
Lamborghini revelou o novo V12 Vision Gran Turismo (Concept Car)

Lamborghini revela novo V12 Vision Gran Turismo concept car! - Desenhado especialmente para providenciar a melhor experiência automóvel possível num jogo.

29 Nov 15:58 Leak 8782954485620077874.html
Comité Colbert, objectif Golfe

Qu'est-ce que le luxe ? Comment fait-il sens ? Comment se démarque-t-il depuis des millénaires ? Pour y répondre avec force arguments, il faut ces jours-ci survoler un désert. Plus exactement voler au-dessus d'une petite partie d'un désert de sable partagé par les Émirats arabes unis et l'Arabie saoudite, pour atterrir à Abou Dhabi (3,2 millions d'habitants), l'émirat le plus vaste et le plus riche de la Fédération.

29 Nov 15:00 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230249144117258.html
Gladnyhet for Solskjær

Scott McTominay kan være tilbake på banen for Manchester United allerede denne helga, sier Ole Gunnar Solskjær.

29 Nov 11:05 Dagbladet.no 3042595686248207906.html
Após relatos de tiros, polícia britânica fecha a ponte de Londres

Agentes de segurança retiraram pessoas das proximidades

29 Nov 11:34 Correio do Povo 8875535436019241056.html
Prof attacca l’Anpi, bufera al liceo: «Sul nazifascimo serve contradditorio Certi libri non dicono la verità»

CIVITANOVA - Il docente Matteo Simonetti ha criticato i relatori durante un convegno al "Da Vinci": «State facendo un comizio». Il consigliere Pier Paolo Rossi gli ha risposto: «Oggi può dire la sua opinione perché c'è chi ha lottato per questo». Lorenzo Marconi, presidente provinciale dell'associazione partigiani, ha parlato di provocazione

29 Nov 11:06 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195837506272.html
Prof attacca l’Anpi, bufera al liceo: «Su nazifascismo serve contradditorio Certi libri non dicono la verità»

CIVITANOVA - Il docente Matteo Simonetti ha criticato i relatori durante un convegno al "Da Vinci": «State facendo un comizio». Il consigliere Pier Paolo Rossi gli ha risposto: «Oggi può dire la sua opinione perché c'è chi ha lottato per questo». Lorenzo Marconi, presidente provinciale dell'associazione partigiani, ha parlato di provocazione

29 Nov 11:06 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196313572961.html
Le prix et la fiscalité du gazole provoquent la grogne des routiers et du BTP

A une semaine du mouvement national contre la réforme des retraites, des professionnels du BTP de l'Ouest bloquaient vendredi des dépôts pétroliers po - 29/11/2019 12:47

29 Nov 11:47 ABC Bourse 2538693400432640026.html
Smartphones: Samsung e Huawei crescem, Apple e Xiaomi já tiveram melhores dias

Os analistas da Gartner falaram em relação às vendas dos smartphones mais poderosos fabricantes do momento. A Samsung, Huawei, Apple e Xiaomi estão em...

29 Nov 10:33 4gnews 1809086878004613236.html
Huti: zestrzeliliśmy saudyjski śmigłowiec. Rijad nie komentuje

Jemeński szyicki ruch rebeliancki Huti poinformował o zestrzeleniu saudyjskiego śmigłowca bojowego Apache. Do incydentu miało dojść w pobliżu granicy Jemenu z Arabią Saudyjską.

29 Nov 15:14 TVN24 1473549321793048263.html
Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker’ actor John Boyega: I left the script under my bed

John Boyega, who plays Stormtrooper turned resistance fighter Finn in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, told US television show Good Morning America that a cleaner had found the script and put it on the eBay auction site.

29 Nov 12:26 The Indian Express 2885715103808340102.html
Guadalupe Reyes 2019 en Porfirio's en su nuevo restaurante

Porfirio&rsquo;s se enorgullece en abrir pr&oacute;ximamente sus puertas en Puebla, lo que ser&aacute; perfecto para celebrar el Guadalupe Reyes 2019

29 Nov 15:30 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624461573676.html
This Company Will Put Your Face on Its Wrapping Paper, and Sorry, Family — Everyone's Getting My Selfie For Christmas

I'm a lousy gift-wrapper. Flip any present I've given you upside-down and you'll find the work of a madman. Scotch tape bits that obviously stuck to each other

29 Nov 12:50 POPSUGAR Family 1694745615432003775.html
Músico británico Denis Sulta impartirá taller en Cuba

Músico británico Denis Sulta impartirá taller en Cuba

29 Nov 14:21 cubasi.cu 5416914687796829130.html
Una dintre cele mai cumplite închisori comuniste va deveni muzeu

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

29 Nov 10:06 Gândul 5586965502544687672.html
Maratónica indagatoria de Carlos Stornelli: declaró durante más de 11 horas ante Ramos Padilla

El fiscal ingresó al juzgado antes del mediodía y se retiró a las 22.30. Está acusado de haber cometido actos de extorsión y espionaje ilegal.

29 Nov 11:44 Todo Noticias 8077539162110174341.html
Nintendo Switch Lite up for RM599 this Black Friday at Gamer's Hideout

It's Black Friday and Gamer's Hideout is having some sweet deals at its store in Central i-City. Those who are there today from 9 pm to 12 am of 30 November 2019 (3 hours duration) will be able to purchase a Nintendo Switch Lite for just RM599, close to a 40% reduction from its original Malaysia pricing!

29 Nov 11:31 TechNave 4010909132764016399.html
La nova zona 1 rebutja el tribut metropolità

Ajuntaments i veïns critiquen el càlcul de l'impost i la manca d'informació

29 Nov 11:45 Ara.cat 6070605021137955748.html
Farense. O gigante algarvio voltou a acordar com a I Liga na mira

Os leões de Faro mudaram de paradigma e a aposta de André Geraldes no treinador Sérgio Vieira está a dar os seus frutos: a liderança da II Liga, com cinco pontos de avanço sobre o segundo classificado.

29 Nov 13:06 DN 8445869956822078436.html
¿Se acaban Los Simpson? el compositor de la melodia de la serie da algunas pistas del final de la serie

Por Hunuso

29 Nov 13:23 Humor en Serie 183789313675769041.html
Lego garantit ses "pickups" incassables et trolle Tesla et son Cybertruck

La marque a décidé de tourner en dérision les démos ratées d’Elon Musk lors de la présentation de son véhicule futuriste. , Dur dur d’être un géant de l’automobile mondiale dont les moindres faits et

29 Nov 12:34 Capital.fr 2641485281122770717.html
PF prende desembargadora do TJ da Bahia em nova fase da Operação Faroeste

A desembargadora e ex-presidente do Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia (TJ-BA) Maria do Socorro Barreto Santiago foi presa preventivamente na manhã desta

29 Nov 13:21 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061354100165.html
Fotos: Sede do Calabouço está recebendo melhorias em sua estrutura

A Sede do Calabouço está recebendo reforma na área da churrasqueira e a construção de uma nova loja Gigante da Colina.

29 Nov 11:08 Vasco Notícias 1167013066756459869.html
‘Market Raja MBBS’ movie review: This Arav-starrer neither has a script nor a purpose

An animated script about animated characters with animated performances that negates the basic conscience of cinema

29 Nov 12:06 The Hindu 6679535024860131957.html
Sena’s Baptism To Secularism Shows This Word Has No Relevance Now; It’s Time To Consign It To The Dustbin

By aligning with Congress, the Shiv Sena has given Balasaheb Thackeray the ultimate ‘gift’ of treachery.  

29 Nov 11:24 Swarajya 4977622830322465239.html
Nidia Arévalo asegura que la modificación del Plan Xeral de Mos está "avalada por la legalidad"

'No voy a permitir que nadie por interés político manche el nombre del Concello de Mos ni el mío'

29 Nov 15:24 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577281809382.html
Justin Bieber et Hailey Baldwin ensemble pour Thanksgiving ? On en sait plus !

Justin Bieber et Hailey Baldwin sont mariés depuis plusieurs mois. Les deux stars ont passé Thansgiving ensemble en amoureux !

29 Nov 15:49 MCE TV 8868163939331104447.html
Garics: "Ai tifosi importa poco delle multe, sono ormai abituati a grandi risultati"

Nel corso di Kiss Kiss Napoli è intervenuto il doppio ex di Bologna e Napoli, ​​​​​​​György Garics

29 Nov 15:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079969502900.html
Cyprus odobral občianstvo ruskému oligarchovi Olegovi Deripaskovi

Začiatkom novembra Nikózia oznámila, že spustila procedúru odobratia občianstva 26 osobám, ktoré ho na Cypre získali. Momentálne o toto občianstvo prišiel aj ruský oligarcha Oleg Deripaska.  Informoval o tom portál Aktuality s odvolaním sa na iné médiá. Deripaska (51), ktorý získal cyperské občianstvo v roku 2017, túto správu zatiaľ oficiálne...

29 Nov 10:51 HLAVNÝ DENNÍK 739452422333447598.html
‘World’s Hottest Weather Girl’ Yanet Garcia Sizzles In Daisy Dukes On Holiday-Themed Set

Mexican weather girl Yanet Garcia wowed her fans Thursday when she uploaded a photo in which she flaunted her figure wearing a sexy pair of Daisy Dukes while she was on the job. The snap appeared to ...

29 Nov 12:30 The Inquisitr 1745625232444542060.html
Marillion are on the cover on the new issue of Prog, on sale today!

Plus Steve Hillage, Anthony Phillips, No-Man, Leprous, Bent Knee and more...

29 Nov 10:47 Prog 2174237039205140357.html
1984 anti-Sikh riots: Probe complete, Centre seeks SC nod to disband SIT

The SIT was set up by the apex court on January 11 last year to supervise further investigation into 186 riots cases, in which closure reports were filed earlier

29 Nov 12:25 Business-Standard 1502508926462249344.html
Black Friday: Brasil faz queima total de reservas indígenas

Dados do Inpe divulgados hoje mostram que o desmatamento em terras indígenas cresceu 74% de 2018 para 2019. Fora mais de 10 mil quilômetros quadrados de florestas queimadas no período. Essa é a Black Friday do governo Bolsonaro. Além da queima total das reservas indígenas, o presidente também oferece a promoção: na aquisição de um presidente, leve três filhos. A aposentadoria é parcelada em até 65 anos. Os aliados foram todos liquidados e a grande promoção é a de juiz a ministro do STF! Para fechar, o gerente ficou louco! Tem desconto de 7,5% no salário de quem está desempregado! E petróleo DE GRAÇA entregue por navio na sua casa (serviço disponível apenas para cidades litorâneas).

29 Nov 12:12 www.sensacionalista.com.br 7810108493262736606.html
Tsunami Democràtic fa una crida a mobilitzar-se a Barcelona el dia del clàssic

La plataforma també demana als aficionats amb entrada al partit que s'impliquin en la protesta

29 Nov 14:49 Ara.cat 6070605019801658579.html
Policía británica abate a tiros a una persona en Puente de Londres

El servicio de ambulancias de la ciudad dijo que tenía a personas trabajando en el lugar del suceso

29 Nov 14:50 El Universal 4964748196921041170.html
Dos jueces dejan en libertad a un agresor y al salir asesina a su esposa en México

Los togados fueron suspendidos mientras se indaga el feminicidio.

29 Nov 15:49 Primera Hora 5092966653323487708.html
Zapatero elogia a Otegi: "Su contribución fue decisiva para poner ver el final de ETA"

No lo reconocen porque piensan que es un merito del PSOE, pero todos estamos muy satisfechos de verles en las instituciones y no apoyando o con las pistolas matando, dijo

29 Nov 11:52 El Confidencial 6129807549239368136.html
Indian hedge funds return 0.09% in October, way behind Asian peers

Indian funds did better than Asian ones in only four out of the ten months of 2019 so far

29 Nov 11:57 Business-Standard 1502508925920950839.html
Genève: le nombre de travailleurs frontaliers en hausse

Selon les dernières statistiques genevoises, le nombre de travailleurs frontaliers a augmenté de 4,9% en 2018. ...

29 Nov 14:04 La Côte 469155179698705730.html
Barber shop owner fined over £1,000 for dumping business waste in bin

He had failed to listen to council inspectors

29 Nov 10:49 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701757759974.html
Grab yourself 12 months of PlayStation Plus for under £30 this Black Friday

We don't see PlayStation Plus deals come along often and this is a great one. ShopTo is offering 12 months of PlayStation Plus for only £29.85.

29 Nov 15:01 Trusted Reviews 12694855547441157.html
In full flow: art, history and nature on the River Wye

Almost 250 years ago an Anglican cleric’s enthusiasm for the river’s beauty changed the way we travel. Canoeing it proves a great way to celebrate his pioneering legacy

29 Nov 11:38 the Guardian 1491978796072123519.html
Dedo en Paseo Altozano es de un hombre que se saltó reja

Referente a la noticia que circula en los principales medios de comunicación, acerca del hallazgo de un dedo amputado en uno de los accesos

29 Nov 15:01 MiMorelia 5599511490438816362.html
'UH' an opportunity hard to let go for Igan

‘UNANG Hirit’ is celebrating its 20th anniversary and they will treat the viewers to a super fun special anniversary week starting this Monday. Main anchor Igan Arnold Clavio says that when the show was first offered to him, he was asked: “Kaya mo ba gumising sa madaling araw?”

29 Nov 10:28 Journal Online 6375127393018879489.html
9to5Mac Gift Guide: Must-have travel tech that‘s useful for everyday use

It can be easy to pick up tech products and accessories that end up serving a single purpose or don’t end up being used as much as you imagined. That’s even truer during the holidays when discounts and deals abound. In the spirit of high functionality and usefulness, let’s take a look at some of […]

29 Nov 15:23 9to5Mac 8219339160680181074.html
Madrid Central redujo un 20% la contaminación en su primer año de funcionamiento

Madrid Central se consolida como una de las Zonas de Bajas Emisiones más eficientes de Europa. Ecologistas en Acción ha publicado un informe en el que se constata una reducción del 20% en la contaminación, pero advierten de que se necesitan más medidas de

29 Nov 15:29 Diariocrítico 5375131904585097716.html
Indonesian gymnast dropped after told ‘she’s no longer a virgin’

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 — An Indonesian female gymnast training for a major sport event has been sent home on grounds she was no longer a virgin, her family said today, a claim rejected by officials who insisted it was over disciplinary issues. Shalfa Avrila Sania, 17, had been due to leave for the...

29 Nov 11:40 Malaymail 302165934755024689.html
Barratt hails £250m-plus injection to Scots economy

Housebuilder Barratt Developments&#8217; Scottish operations have delivered a &#163;256 million boost to the economy over the past year, marking a double-digit hike on 2018.

29 Nov 12:30 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489113438812.html
El Departamento Ideológico vs. José Daniel Ferrer

El reportaje retransmitido por la Televisión Cubana pone de manifiesto el alto grado de manipulación de la propaganda castrista (Cuba)

29 Nov 14:00 Cubanet 2710294111452575300.html
La Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León publica la provisión de plazas en 38 categorías - El médico interactivo

El Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León (Bocyl) ha publicado la convocatoria del concurso de traslados abierto y permanente para la provisión de plazas de personal estatutario en 38 categorías de licenciado especialista en los centros e instituciones sanitarias de la Gerencia Regional de Salud de Castilla y León. Tal y como informa la Consejería... Ver artículo

29 Nov 13:00 El Médico Interactivo 8665764181696869219.html
Ble litt sen på jobb etter shopping. Men det var absolutt ingen krise for Vibeke

- I og med at jeg begynner på jobb klokken 10.00, er jeg litt forsinket nå, sier Vibeke Stückrath-Hay når Adresseavisen stopper henne utenfor Solsiden kjøpesenter i Trondheim.

29 Nov 12:59 adressa.no 8417332406430066785.html
Oroscopo Capricorno 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: passione al top

Oroscopo del 30 novembre 2019 per i nati sotto il segno del Capricorno (22 dicembre-20 gennaio): passione al top. Ben contenti di essere impegnati ma non c’è bisogno di fare troppo, soprattutto se in settimana avete realizzato parecchie cose. E’ un momento in cui forse è necessario prendere delle decisioni per cui un po’ di tempo libero sarà utile a valutare la situazione e capire quali sono le priorità. Non dimenticate di farvi i complimenti per quanto avete fatto e concedetevi qualcosa che meritate! Amore: in coppia, c’è un nuovo slancio, un rinnovamento anche erotico! Soli: uscite perché vi aspettano nuovi incontri molto passionali.Oroscopo Acquario 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: nuove speranzeOroscopo Pesci 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: un legame prezioso Per previsioni personalizzate potete entrare in contatto diretto con Caterina Galloni, scrivendo a: caterinagalloni11@gmail.com   Il Capricorno nel 2019 Il 2019 vi permetterà di ampliare il raggio d’azione, progredire, lanciarvi in nuovi progetti…

29 Nov 14:30 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355635814350.html
Binotto refuses to comment on Leclerc-Vettel discussions

The hot topic during the first few days in Abu Dhabi has been the conversations had at Ferrari following the crash at Interlagos that ended Sebastian Vettel and Charles Leclerc's race. However, Mattia Binotto has insisted what was said will be kept behind closed doors.

29 Nov 12:32 GPblog.com 9117728198676692671.html
El primer ministro de Irak anuncia que presentará su dimisión al

"Presentaré al estimado Parlamento una carta oficial para pedir mi dimisión de la presidencia del actual Gobierno para que la Cámara pueda reconsiderar sus decisiones", anunció Abdelmahdi en un comu

29 Nov 10:43 Informe21.com 5448175404432228764.html
Agricolândia | 2 escolas foram contempladas com Programa Educação Conectada

Programa tem como objetivo apoiar o acesso à internet e incentivar o uso pedagógico de tecnologias.

29 Nov 10:15 R10 3167340814205759202.html
El Vaticano devuelve una reliquia de la cuna de Jesús a Tierra Santa

Se cree que la pieza perteneció al pesebre donde nació la figura de la Iglesia católica

29 Nov 11:29 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311186845084.html
Mulher é detida ao tentar entrar com maconha nas partes íntimas em presídio de Vila Velha

Inspetoras encontraram um desodorante nas partes íntimas no momento da revista. No frasco estava a droga

29 Nov 15:40 Folha Vitória 4941883427017829538.html
Neustrelitz ehrt „Meister Tusche“ aus Dessau

Heinz Rammelt alias „Meister Tusche“ bleibt nicht nur in Dessau unvergessen. Zum 60. Jubiläum des DDR-Abendgrußes mit den beliebten Figuren von Herrn Fuchs und Frau Elster eröffnet die Galerie Neustrelitz am Sonnabend eine Personalausstellung mit Heinz Rammelts farbenfrohen Zeichnungen für ...

29 Nov 14:09 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109588089135.html
Portugal defronta França e Espanha nas rondas de Elite

A seleção portuguesa de futebol de sub-19 vai defrontar a atual campeã, a França, a Itália e a Bósnia-Herzegovina na Ronda de Elite de apuramento para o Europeu feminino da categoria de 2020.

29 Nov 11:31 A BOLA 2278827558296742354.html
Block B's U-Kwon teases tracks on upcoming reggae single album 'Rise Up'

Block B's U-Kwon has revealed teasers for the tracks on his upcoming reggae single album 'Rise Up'.U-Kwon's single includes "Rise Up&quo…

29 Nov 12:42 allkpop 3249686059993222194.html
Uručena rešenja o zaposlenju na VMA za 243 pripadnika vojnog zdravstva

Na svečanosti u Vojnomedicinskoj akademiji (VMA) u Beogradu uručena su rešenja o prijemu u stalni radni odnos za 243...

29 Nov 15:04 N1 Srbija 7797130865759450864.html
Ayushmann Khurrana's 'Bala' races ahead of Sidharth Malhotra's 'Marjaavaan' at the box office

There seems to be no one stopping Ayushmann Khurrana as his recent release 'Bala' which is in its third week raced ahead of Sidharth Malhotra's 'Marja

29 Nov 10:27 The Times of India 6060938663480201497.html
Abdullah’s Team: Nation’s Voice Should be Heard

Thousands of supporters of Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah’s election campaign team marched from different parts of Kabul and converged near the Presidential on Friday.

29 Nov 10:54 TOLO news 5578851437524410381.html
Díaz-Canel invitado especial a la toma de posesión de Alberto Fernández en Argentina, según medios

El gobierno cubano no ha confirmado la presencia del gobernante en la toma de posesión de Alberto Fernández.

29 Nov 13:32 CiberCuba 8213836169037700934.html
How to set up a VPN on PlayStation 4

Getting a VPN set up on your PlayStation 4 is simple, and you don't need a ton of equipment to get it done.

29 Nov 12:00 Android Central 29040144037630362.html
Árbitro de Cruzeiro x CSA relata arremessos de bombas, sinalizadores e outros objetos no gramado do Mineirão

Acontecimentos foram relatados pela arbitragem na súmula da partida

29 Nov 10:30 Superesportes 5498560374953506419.html
Proposed EU-wide 'climate law' would set net-zero carbon target by 2050

Plan is part of ‘green new deal’ but campaigners say it is not enough to tackle climate crisis

29 Nov 13:42 the Guardian 1491978795091616182.html
EXCLUSIVE: Nothing Can Stop the Man of Steel in Superman: Up in the Sky #6

DC presents an exclusive preview of Superman: Up in the Sky #6, by Tom King, Andy Kubert and Sandra Hope.

29 Nov 10:11 CBR.com 1295516963412127825.html
Eléanore verliest favoriete knuffel in ambulance: “Maar we vinden hem nergens terug”

Waar is het knuffeltje van Eléanore? Dat hopen de ouders van het dertien maanden oude meisje uit Willebroek te weten te komen door een oproep te lanceren o...

29 Nov 14:49 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192456360636.html
La filière automobile française espère un plan d'urgence du gouvernement

L'industrie automobile française, menacée par le recul des marchés mondiaux et des ruptures technologiques coûteuses, espère un plan d'urgence du gouvernement, avant une réunion de la filière lundi à Bercy.

29 Nov 11:29 La Tribune 6570267673497739344.html
Bimbo malato e abbandonato a Torino: “Per Giovannino raccolti 12mila euro. È stabile”

Il piccolo Giovannino, il bimbo nato ad agosto all'ospedale Sant'Anna di Torino e abbandonato dai genitori perché affetto da Ittiosi Arlecchino, è stabile: lo hanno confermato fonti ospedaliere a Fanpage.it su spinta di alcuni lettori che hanno anche partecipato attivamente alla raccolta fondi lanciata dal Comune. Il vicesindaco Schellino: 'Al 19 novembre raccolti 12mila euro. Ora, cali il silenzio su questa storia'.

29 Nov 12:37 fanpage.it 1517332168605775272.html
Michael Kozak viajará a Colombia para ejercer más presión contra Maduro con el Tiar

Michael G. Kozak Subsecretario interino de la Oficina de Asuntos del Hemisferio Occidental del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, informó mediante su cuenta de Twitter que viajará a Colombia y participar a una reunión del Tiar.

29 Nov 15:00 LaPatilla.com 9104603011655208085.html
Pédophilie dans l'Église: pas de condamnation requise contre le cardinal français Barbarin

L'accusation n'a pas requis de condamnation vendredi contre le cardinal français Philippe Barbarin, qui conteste en appel sa condamnation à six...

29 Nov 10:17 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139379813589.html
Black Friday: Joyn Plus+ zum Sparpreis ergattern!

Serien-Freunde, aufgepasst: Zum Black Friday buchen Sie die Premium-Variante des Streaming-Dienstes Joyn zum Sparpreis. Hier der Deal!

29 Nov 15:35 Computer Bild 4944248630924032466.html
Una calle de Villa Cubas, a oscuras: "Las personas mayores tienen que andar con la linterna"

Un lector de El Esquiú.com, a través de nuestra línea de WhatsApp, reportó que en el barrio Villa Cubas (Capital) hay problemas con los servicios de agua potable y de alumbrado público. Según lo que comentó a este diario, en la calle General Conesa, en la intersección con la avenida Sánchez Oviedo y la calle Congresal Centro, “las personas mayores para poder caminar de noche tienen que andar con la linterna”. Además del reclamo, el lector envió un video en el que se puede observar a una persona circulando por calle General Conesa, utilizando la luz de la linterna de un celular para alumbrar.

29 Nov 12:10 El Esquiú 5729181306196910009.html
Microsoft's Black Friday deals are available now — save hundreds on the Surface Pro 7, the Surface Laptop 3, the Xbox One, and more, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Check out all of the best Microsoft Black Friday deals in 2019 on the Surface, Xbox, and more. The Surface Pro 7 and Surface Laptop 3 are on sale.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 14:50 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757618781402.html
Prokuratura zmienia decyzję ws. obraźliwego wpisu "Nergala". Będzie dochodzenie

Rano informowaliśmy, że Prokuratura Rejonowa Warszawa-Mokotów odmówiła wszczęcia dochodzenia w sprawie wpisu Adama Darskiego "Nergala" na Facebooku. Artysta zamieścił zdjęcie, na którym widnieje znieważony obraz Matki Boskiej oraz opatrzył je opisem "o Matko Miłosierdzia módl się za nami". Prawnicy Ordo Iuris złożyli zażalenie na to postanowienie. Okazuje się, że śledczy zmienili decyzję.

29 Nov 15:31 Do Rzeczy 474976677123499825.html
‘Steel output target of 300 mt is challenging amid issues over raw material availability’

The Indian steel industry will be able to achieve its crude steel production target of 300 million tonnes (mt) by 2030 only if the issues surrounding raw material availability are addressed. The st

29 Nov 15:43 BusinessLine 5283601490310891.html
Watch: Naughty By Nature Reunite + Ignite 90’s Vibes Performing Classics O.P.P., HIP HOP HOORAY MEDLEY + More

It's officially Nineteen Naughty Three all over again. Rap trio Naughty By Nature have reunited and pulled through this holiday break to perform a slew of class

29 Nov 12:37 SOHH 6970791090306554734.html
El show más mágico de esta Navidad recorrerá toda Galicia a un precio ilusionante

La IV edición de Galicia Magic Fest recorrerá durante el mes de diciembre Vigo, Santiago, Pontevedra y A Coruña. Las entradas para la ciudad herculina pueden conseguirse con 40% de descuento a través de clicentradas.es

29 Nov 10:20 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612451257194.html
Dwarf fined £100 because she couldn't reach bin to throw rubbish away

She claims she cannot reach the recycling bin because she's only four feet tall.

29 Nov 13:25 Metro 970161747250826663.html
De maiô branco, Paolla Oliveira impressiona seguidores ao exibir pernões

A atriz deixou os fãs babando com o clique praiano

29 Nov 13:35 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428883249355.html
"Slovenac" ne mrda nigde, stavlja paraf na novu saradnju sa "kraljevskim" klubom!

Čovek koji iza sebe ima titulu prvaka Evrope i u klupskoj i u reprezentativnoj košarci neće menjati sredinu.

29 Nov 12:44 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496615522700.html
Los lentes de sol redondos de John Lennon serán subastados

Esas gafas de sol 'verdaderamente forman parte de la imagen de John Lennon desde mediados de los 1960 hasta su muerte'.

29 Nov 10:13 Diario La Prensa 7797091974545781671.html
Brasil cae ante Rusia y dice adiós al Mundial

Rusia se metió en las semifinales del Mundial de Fútbol Playa de Paraguay al vencer este jueves por 3-4 a Brasil, pentacampeona del mundo, en un partido que en el inicio fue dominado por la selección sudamericana, pero al que la de Europa dio vuelta en el segundo tiempo.

29 Nov 14:42 CONMEBOL 223659173097037117.html
Pogba’s injury return will be like a new signing, says Solskjaer

LONDON, Nov 29 — Manchester United have missed midfielder Paul Pogba’s services and his imminent return from injury next month will be like signing a new player, manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has said. Pogba has been nursing an ankle injury and has not played for the Premier League club since...

29 Nov 13:29 Malaymail 302165934631535054.html
Le Roi Mohammed VI insiste sur la nécessité de replacer la question palestinienne au cœur des priorités internationales

Le Roi Mohammed VI a insisté sur la nécessité de replacer la question palestinienne au cœur des priorités internationales, soulignant que la solution des deux États demeure le préalable essentiel pour mettre fin au conflit israélo-palestinien et instaurer une paix globale au Moyen-Orient. "(…)...

29 Nov 10:03 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398351112458822.html
Tsunami Democràtic llama a la movilización en Barcelona con motivo del Barça-Madrid

La plataforma independentista pide a los que tengan la aplicación reservarse la fecha, viajar a la capital catalana y confirmar asistencia

29 Nov 15:34 La Vanguardia 8061072699832194147.html
Cybertruck vs Ford F-150: Dieses Video rückt Teslas PR-Stunt zurecht

Mit den Fakten hat es Elon Musk manchmal nicht so, wenn es um die Präsentation eines neuen Tesla geht. Dieses Video erklärt das wieder einmal.

29 Nov 15:00 MobileGeeks Deutschland 7158733815888422396.html
Renowned US rock climber Brad Gobright dies after falling 1,000 feet

One of the world's most acclaimed American rock climbers has died after falling off a mountain in Mexico on Wednesday, according to multiple reports.

29 Nov 12:23 Fox News 7362823820925805422.html
Arsenal sack Unai Emery: Frank Lampard says axed Spaniard ‘gave everything’

Unai Emery was sacked as Arsenal head coach on Friday and Frank Lampard has sympathy for the Spaniard.

29 Nov 15:56 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906762794842.html
Desavenças entre vizinhos leva a apreensão de armas em Guimarães

Um homem de 48 anos foi identificado, na passada segunda-feira, em Guimarães, na sequência de cumprimento de mandado de busca domiciliária por parte da GNR, tendo esta guarda apreendido armamento. A investigação, que durou três meses, iniciou-se após desavenças entre vizinhos na freguesia de Serzedo, concelho de Guimarães, informou a guarda. Durante as buscas, os militares apreenderam uma caçadeira, uma pistola, 32 cartuchos e cinco munições. O suspeito foi constituído arguido e os factos foram remetidos ao Tribunal Judicial de Guimarães. A operação contou com o reforço do Destacamento de Intervenção de Braga.

29 Nov 13:24 O Minho 154418197339888574.html
VIDEO | 50.000 pakketjes voor Black Friday en Sinterklaas zorgen voor topdrukte

Topdrukte bij postsorteerders en pakketbezorgers. Het is Black Friday, over een paar dagen vieren we Sinterklaas en tussendoor is het ook nog Cyber Monday. In het sorteercentrum van PostNL in Elst worden vrijdag bijna 50.000 pakketten verwerkt. Volgende week zijn dat er naar verwachting nog iets meer.

29 Nov 13:50 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615388487471.html
New Strawberry-Flavored H.I.V. Drugs for Babies Are Offered at $1 a Day

Thousands of infants are doomed to early deaths each year, in part because pediatric medicines come in hard pills or bitter syrups that need refrigeration.

29 Nov 14:19 NY Times 1961078289677552135.html
Em inauguração do Barra Presente, Witzel anuncia expansão para Recreio

Na manhã desta sexta-feira (29), durante a inauguração do programa Segurança Presente na Barra da Tijuca, o governador Wilson Witzel (PSC) anunciou que o...

29 Nov 15:23 Extra Online 8149543649634864487.html
la buona novella -kashanian su amanda lear: non e' stata musa di dali',la presse e la gregoraci


29 Nov 13:45 DAGOSPIA 6533336740021407161.html
Bruxelles : voici à quoi ressemblent les nouveaux Villos électriques

Quelque 1800 eVillo ! débarquent dans 360 stations de la Région de Bruxelles Capitale.

29 Nov 10:10 Vivreici.be 7768530901455614938.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 15: Atlético River Ebro contra CD Comillas

Previa del partido de la jornada 15: Atlético River Ebro contra CD Comillas

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897970670285500.html
Industria automotriz proyecta aumento de precios a principios de 2020 por alza del dólar

Según explicaron desde la industria, el estallido social sorprendió a las automotoras con un buen stock de vehículos, de ahí que el alza de precios no sería automático.

29 Nov 13:12 Emol 3328490602423760135.html
Mgr Barbarin : pourquoi le parquet demande la relaxe

A la veille de la condamnation en première instance du cardinal Philippe Barbarin, le 7 mars dernier, pour “non-dénonciation d’agressions sexuelles sur mineurs”, la sortie fortement médiatisée du film de François Ozon, Grâce à Dieu, brossant un tableau de l’affaire chargeant lourdement le cardinal, avait projeté son ombre portée sur les débats.

29 Nov 15:23 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230247694721700.html
Nudismo en Tulum, donde practicarlo, así como Sebastián Rulli

En Quintana Roo existe un turismo espec&iacute;fico que se enfoca en la pr&aacute;ctica de vivir al desnudo, hay varias variantes pero el destino ofrece lugar para todos.

29 Nov 15:49 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623993066003.html
Erdogan poručio Makronu da je on u stanju moždane smrti

Turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan oštro je kritikovao svog francuskog kolegu Emanuela Makrona poručivši mu da je on u stanju "moždane smrti",

29 Nov 14:30 Krstarica 4176903989571825079.html
Delser, il presidente De Biase: “Squadra all’altezza, non faremo mercato”

La Società Libertas Basket School attraverso il suo Presidente intende porre fine alle voci indicanti possibili avvicendamenti nell’organico della squadra di A2. Dopo l’ultima partita di campionato persa di misura, Società, Staff Tecnico e Giocatrici hanno approfittato della pausa di campionato per rinserrare le fila al fine di affrontare con rinnovata determinazione le prossime gare fino alla fine dell’anno. Il Presidente ed alcuni Consiglieri si sono incontrati con Staff ed alcune Giocatrici ed è emersa una chiara comunanza d’intenti. L’aspetto più importante è che tutti sono scontenti dei risultati fin qui ottenuti e che è indispensabile un salto di qualità individuale e collettivo di tutta la squadra. Mai la Società, in questi anni, ha effettuato integrazioni e/o sostituzioni di Giocatrici e tantomeno modifiche dello Staff Tecnico e non saranno le ultime prestazioni a modificare questo modus operandi.

29 Nov 14:00 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194098565286.html
7 días, 7 canciones: Ingrid Rubio nos recomienda su playlist para la semana

La actriz de HACHE se decanta por canciones de Zenet o Fuel Fandango

29 Nov 15:26 LOS40 2217396491150201251.html
Otro terrible video de represión en Chile que no verás en la tele

Los carabineros siguen protagonizando hechos delictivos y represivos contra su pueblo. Esta vez, en las inmediaciones de un hotel donde le dispararon por la espalda a un chico y a una mujer que fue a defenderlo.

29 Nov 13:53 Diario Registrado 7686014735597281686.html
Le roban la guagua a una mujer en San Juan

La perjudicada dijo que se encontraba cerca de un negocio cuando sufrió el carjacking.

29 Nov 12:04 Primera Hora 5092966654690286105.html
Over 85% of non-teaching school staff out in one-day strike

A trade union representing striking non-teaching staff at Portugal’s schools on Thursday told Lusa that by 9.30 a.m. it was clear that more than 85% of members were taking part nationwide in the action.

29 Nov 12:23 The Portugal News Online 5173906806974895787.html
Lavín lanza oferta laboral para personas que quieran dirigir tránsito en calles sin semáforo

La iniciativa busca que personas trabajen 4 horas diarias para ayudan en esquinas complejas de Santiago.

29 Nov 15:51 24Horas.cl 793283384741517664.html
HuffPost: Thanksgiving ‘National Day of Mourning’ for Native Americans

One of the lessons non-Natives need to understand, HuffPost explains, is that Thanksgiving is a “National Day of Mourning” for Native Americans

29 Nov 11:38 Infowars 1950426314908512566.html
Donald Trump’s Claim That Liberals Want To Change Name Of Thanksgiving Met With Skepticism On ‘Fox & Friends’

Donald Trump is claiming that liberals want to change the name of Thanksgiving, but even the hosts of his favorite Fox News show don’t seem to be buying it. Trump had said during a ...

29 Nov 12:28 The Inquisitr 1745625231559941937.html
Urdangarin ha pedido ya su primer permiso de salida, de siete días

El cuñado del Rey podía solicitar permisos ordinarios desde este jueves para salir de la cárcel de Brieva

29 Nov 15:13 La Vanguardia 8061072698910408943.html
Games of the Decade - Tetris Effect is the game of all the decades

Note it down.

29 Nov 14:00 Eurogamer.net 1957885127688940576.html
Flick über Lewandowski: "Der beste Stürmer der Welt"

Vier Spiele, vier Siege, 16:0 Tore: Nach dem Traumstart unter Hansi Flick steht für den FC Bayern am Samstag der nächste Härtetest auf dem Programm. Wie will Flick die Partie gegen die Werkself angehen? Und auf welches Personal setzt der Interimscoach? Das verrät er den Medienvertretern ab 13:30 Uhr. sport.de begleitet die Pressekonferenz im LIVE-Blog.

29 Nov 14:12 weltfussball.at 3521376371508421078.html
Hanyoyi biyar da matan da mazajen su suke cin zarafin su zasu bi domin kare kansu

Albarkacin makon yaki da cin zarafin mata da majalisar din kin duniya ta ware, mata masu rajin kare hakkin wadanda ake cin zarafi a duniya sun bada shawarwari kan yadda ya kamata a bullo wa al’amarin...

29 Nov 15:19 Legit 7368782176172204560.html
El TSJC cita como testigo al secretario general de Economía por el 1-O

Albert Castellanos deberá comparecer el 19 de diciembre por los preparativos de la consulta ilegal

29 Nov 13:12 elPeriodico 7291954034238537577.html
Letojanni. “Le notti senza respiro”, l’ultima fatica letteraria di Enrico Scandurra

Un reportage in versi delle umane miserie e dello splendore di nuovi e vecchi eroi

29 Nov 14:58 Tempostretto 3143171744534667881.html
Hasil Shopee Liga 1: Barito Putera Taklukkan PSS Sleman 1-0

Barito Putera berhasil memetik kemenangan pada pekan ke-29 Shopee Liga 1 2019. Menjamu PSS Sleman di Stadion Demang Lehman, Jumat (28/11), Barito Putera berhasil menang tipis dengan skor 1-0.

29 Nov 10:56 merdeka.com 1998180354739660411.html
Förslag till utredning: Riksbankschefen ska få mindre makt

Riksbankskommittén lämnar över sitt slutbetänkande till Per Bolund.

29 Nov 10:25 DN.SE 398730693831957086.html
23% junger Menschen sind "abhängig" von ihrem Handy - Studie

Rund ein Viertel aller Kinder und Jugendlichen weltweit haben ein gestörtes Verhältnis zu Smartphones, wie eine neue Studie herausgefunden haben will.

29 Nov 15:38 euronews 4540914625564525776.html
Il Cybertruck di Elon Musk è stato inserito in GTA 5, Rocket League e Minecraft | Game Division

Il Cybertruck di Elon Musk è stato di certo un successo, sopratutto tra i videogiocatori che hanno iniziato a inserire questo veicolo in molti giochi.

29 Nov 14:40 Tom's Hardware 6640147069466179980.html
KOLINDA O SVOM BORAVKU U BIH: Ne prihvatam podlu floskulu da se Hrvatska meša u unutrašnja pitanja druge države!

Hrvatska predsednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović poručila je da ne prihvata, kako je navela, podlu floskulu o tome da se Hrvatska meša u unutrašnja pitanja te države i da neće dopustiti da BiH prisvaja jedan narod.

29 Nov 10:29 kurir.rs 6515665028489664220.html

Benzinsku pumpu u Aleksincu, u utorak uveče opljačkala su dvojica tinejdžera stara 16 i 18 godina.Oni su sa šipkama u rukama upali u objekat i tražili novac od zaposlene.Radnica im je dala novac koji je imala kod sebe, posle čega su napustili objekat i prema ...

29 Nov 11:00 kurir.rs 6515665027651322378.html
Superbike Test Jerez, tempi alle 14: La Yamaha fa paura

Superbike Michael van der Mark è il più veloce a metà della seconda giornata di test. Precede (di poco) Jonathan Rea. La nuova R1 è un missile!

29 Nov 13:06 Corsedimoto 8217505415971300876.html
Cárcel a hombre que habría abusado sexualmente de menor de edad en Tuluá

El hombre, quien no aceptó cargos, logró ser capturado por investigadores del CTI y el Ejército Nacional en vía pública de Tuluá, Valle del Cuaca.

29 Nov 12:53 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827499842497.html
World shares mostly slide in ‘Black Friday' retreat

BEIJING (AP) - Stock markets mostly fell Friday as investors gauged whether renewed China-U.S. tensions might lead to a Black Friday sell-off, and with U.S. traders largely out for a long weekend.

29 Nov 12:51 WFXT 6395891952509430609.html
Investigarán a fiscal que justificó la esclavitud

“El indio prefería morir antes que cavar en la mina para portugueses. Fue por eso que (los colonizadores portugueses) tuvieron que buscar personas en las tribus de África”, dijo Ricardo Albuquerque durante una conferencia con estudiantes en el estado amazónico de Pará

29 Nov 13:41 Publimetro Perú 5349571042427977484.html
El WhatsApp de Messi que nunca existió

Coincidiendo con la visita de Pascal Ferré , redactor jefe de France Football, y del redactor Thie rry ...

29 Nov 10:07 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958177758396.html
Pese a avances, Carlos Joaquín no está satisfecho en seguridad

Afirma el gobernador que ha bajado 48% la incidencia delictiva en Benito Ju&aacute;rez y los homicidios registrados son solo 20 en noviembre

29 Nov 15:10 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623997721518.html
Wales must aim to win the World Cup under new coach Pivac – Tipuric

Tipuric will skipper Wales in the absence of regular captain Alun Wyn Jones.

29 Nov 14:25 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774102699175.html
1850 telephone calls to cost no more than a local call from Sunday

Comreg’s overhaul of rates comes as survey shows 37% of consumers believe freecall 1800 numbers are charged

29 Nov 15:56 The Irish Times 8204772968864185373.html
Rumor: Conoceremos más de Elden Ring en The Game Awards

FromSoftware, compañía desarrolladora que logró traer a colación un nuevo y adictivo genero con su serie Souls, ha sido una de las desarrolladoras con más

29 Nov 15:15 CDB 7387411224579213372.html
Mulher que pediu ajuda a Fátima Lopes perde luta contra o cancro

Anabela Barreto foi uma das convidadas de Fátima Lopes no programa A Tarde é Sua, da TVI.

29 Nov 13:55 maria 5738163823363227334.html
Huawei Watch GT 2 heading to India, will be sold at Amazon and Flipkart

Huawei Watch GT 2 is heading to India. According to a new information on the company's website it will be available on Amazon and Flipkart retailers.

29 Nov 12:23 Gizchina 5392375275338642913.html
South Africa’s Zuma loses bid to appeal against bribe trial

A South African court on Friday dismissed former president Jacob Zuma

29 Nov 10:09 Punch Newspapers 3524240994031332880.html
Kako pripraviti letni plan in voditi podjetje v dobi ''Big Data''?

AVTOR: Toni Zupančič, prodajni inžinir, SRC d.o.o. Ker je agilni način dela in razmišljanja v organizacijah danes postal nova norma, saj nas sicer konkurenca prehiti, je tudi pr

29 Nov 15:00 Računalniške novice 5784844855295019071.html
Sonntag sind die Läden geöffnet

Parallel zum Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Markt und Ablegern in den Höfen sind diesen Sonntag auch die Läden offen.

29 Nov 11:55 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109634652567.html
Mihajlovic cita Vasco: "Io sono ancora qua". Si commuove: "Non ho più lacrime, mi sono rotto di piangere"


29 Nov 13:29 Affari Italiani 6123405403442075368.html
Delno oblačno

Danes bo na Primorskem pretežno oblačno, drugod pa bo občasno nekaj sonca. Zapihal bo šibak jugozahodnik. Najvišje dnevne temperature bodo od 8 do 15 stopinj Celzija, je zapisano na spletnih straneh Agencije RS za okolje.

29 Nov 10:00 Dnevnik 7671546650455759016.html
Fiorentina, Montella: "L'incontro con il padre di Chiesa era previsto: spero recuperi perché è un valore per noi"

Intervenuto in conferenza stampa alla vigilia dell'impegno casalingo contro il Lecce, tra i temi toccati da Vincenzo Montella c'è anche la situazione di Federico...

29 Nov 12:04 FcInterNews.it 7848284892828181888.html
The best Line 6 Helix Black Friday deals: top prices on the Line 6 Helix, Helix LT, HX Stomp and HX Effects

Find the latest discounts on this cutting-edge electric guitar effects range…

29 Nov 12:33 MusicRadar 4787726360467094523.html
Armata franceză dezminte că elicopterele implicate în accidentul din Mali se aflau sub atacul grupării Stat Islamic

Comandantul Armatei franceze, François Lecointre, a transmis vineri că cele două elicoptere militare implicate în accidentul din Mali nu erau atacate de rebeli din cadrul grupării Stat Islamic, informează Mediafax.

29 Nov 10:08 Europa FM 545007289676916702.html
Again, a Xiaomi phone reportedly goes up in flames, this time a Redmi Note 7 Pro - Gizmochina

A Redmi Note 7 Pro model has reportedly gone up in flames in China. Song Yujie, a citizen of Zhoukou, Henan Province logged a report on November 27 that the Redmi Note 7 Pro that he had purchased for his father and used for more than 3 months was “spontaneously ignited” while in use. The …

29 Nov 13:48 Gizmochina 1751854815469395121.html
Fiscal deficit hits 102% of budget estimate till October

India Business News: The country's fiscal deficit hit 102.4% of 2019-20 Budget Estimate (BE) at Rs 7.2 lakh crore at the end of October. The fiscal deficit or the gap betw

29 Nov 13:32 The Times of India 6060938663702682180.html
Producenci telewizorów odchodzą od paneli LCD na rzecz OLED

Według czołowej firmy analitycznej IHS Markit telewizory LCD wkrótce zejdą na margines i ustąpią miejsce odbiornikom OLED. Tutaj znajdziecie na ten temat szczegóły.

29 Nov 11:00 PurePC 178019197946878013.html
Hawaii could have more than 10M annual visitors for 1st time

Tourism officials say Hawaii is on track to have more than 10 million visitors in one year for the first time in the state’s history.

29 Nov 15:22 Hawaii News Now 8225790205474912471.html
Denuncian una agresión a los trabajadores de parte de un delegado de la UTA: Paro en la Línea B de subte

Los trabajadores de la línea B de subte realizan un paro este viernes tras la agresión que sufrieron anoche algunos de sus empleados. Según anunció el secretario general de los metrodelegados, Roberto Pianelli, el paro será levantado "a más tard...

29 Nov 11:40 PAGINA12 7077267065145774960.html
El sacerdote de Chos Malal será extraditado a Trelew por violación

La Justicia de Chubut le inició una causa por abuso sexual con acceso carnal y promoción a la corrupción de menores.

29 Nov 14:09 El Patagónico 8565457046987845259.html
Inondations en Centrafrique: un premier vrai test pour les pompier...

Depuis un an et demi, la protection civile centrafricaine peut compter sur plus de 140 sapeurs-pompiers volontaires pour intervenir à tout moment. Un corps en pleine formation, mais qui manqu...

29 Nov 14:16 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601369720853388.html
General Election 2019: Johnson says it is 'best' Trump does not interfere in the campaign during visit to London

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said it would be “best” if Donald Trump does not get involved in the UK’s [...]

29 Nov 14:51 City A.M. 6389894492153550775.html
«Keine Ausreden: So sagt man dem Durchschnitt den Kampf an»

Wer gut und lange leben möchte, nimmt sich heutzutage einen Personaltrainer. Doch damit ist es nicht getan, schreibt Dario Pozzi für finews.life. Ein Plädoyer gegen die faulen Ausreden. ...

29 Nov 13:00 finews.ch 7270223616722464021.html
E.T. regresó a la tierra para reencontrarse con Elliot

Hace casi 40 años  E.T., el extraterrestre revolucionó Hollywood y marcó un precedente en la historia del cine, convirtiéndose en una de las figuras 

29 Nov 14:19 El Siglo 7954754735375076545.html
Hue don't want to miss this lit Black Friday deal

Tech folks love smart bulbs. We don't love our non-tech family and friends turning them off at the switch. But with the Hue Smart Dimmer Kit you can switch the switch and never have to flip anything back on — like an animal — again.

29 Nov 14:09 iMore 3803412791734080614.html
UMSNH no pagará segunda quincena de noviembre; rectoría pide comprensión a trabajadores

Los más de ocho mil trabajadores sindicalizados de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) fueron notificados este viernes que sólo

29 Nov 10:47 MiMorelia 5599511488742874579.html
Carolina Marín, a semifinales en el Syed Modi de la India

La onubense, sin problemas para derrotar a la rusa Kosetskaya y ya en la penúltima ronda de un torneo de categoría Super 300

29 Nov 14:31 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958736538458.html
Trtl is having a great Cyber Monday sale — its wildly popular travel pillows are under $20 today only

On Cyber Monday only, travel-pillow startup Trtl is offering 30% off sitewide; all you need to do is use the code “CYBER30” at checkout. This sale runs through midnight PT. The company is also offering up to 40% off on Amazon on December 2 from 10 am PT to 10 pm PT; there’s no coupon needed.

2 Dec 20:24 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883523617473.html
El Barcelona confirma la baja de Ousmane Dembélé

Un recién nacido fue dejado en un solar vacío por su abuela, según vecinos.

29 Nov 15:17 Ecuavisa 4017571650287119705.html
Secret Black Friday deal on the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus gets you 75GB of data and no upfront cost

Want 75GB of data and no upfront cost with the Samsung Galaxy S9? This EE tariff is the secret Black Friday deal you've been after.

29 Nov 11:43 Trusted Reviews 12694853900057119.html
Despedida do Palmeiras? Desejo de outros clubes, Felipe Melo pode fazer seu último jogo no ano

Depois da partida contra o Flamengo, no domingo, volante será julgado de novo pelo STJD

29 Nov 11:46 Globoesporte 3611676018973872921.html
Still In Touch With Gerald Modabi Part 2

Gerald Modabi part 2 (Still In Touch With)

29 Nov 15:19 Soccer Laduma 3901337371745727956.html
Com pênalti perdido por Sánchez, Fortaleza vence Santos em casa

Mesmo com derrota, Peixe segue na vice-colocação

29 Nov 10:52 Correio 5185786712545745007.html
Coctelería y programación entre los talleres gratuitos que ofrecerá ULatina mañana

Los jóvenes que estén por entrar a la universidad y requieran apoyo con orientación vocacional, financiamiento y becas podrán participar mañana en ULatina Week.

29 Nov 11:20 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997873489076040.html
Nintendo Switch: Zum Black Friday bei Saturn zum Top-Preis!

Zum Black Friday ist auch die Nintendo Switch heiß begehrt: Aktuell gibt Saturn einen satten Rabatt auf die Konsole. Die stärksten Switch-Angebote und Spiele-Deals finden Sie in dieser Übersicht!

29 Nov 15:54 Computer Bild 4944248631454858567.html
Core sector output shrinks 5.8 per cent in October

The only sector that posted growth in October was fertilizers where production increased by 11.8 per cent year-on-year.

29 Nov 12:11 The Indian Express 2885715105198389799.html
Boris Johnson’s father: British public couldn’t spell Pinocchio if they tried

Stanley Johnson said Pinocchio requires a degree of literacy the British public does not have.

29 Nov 14:25 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773376836742.html
Boris Johnson’s father: British public couldn’t spell Pinocchio if they tried

Stanley Johnson said Pinocchio requires a degree of literacy the British public does not have.

29 Nov 14:24 Express & Star 7324224458841433222.html
NFL Playoff Picture: Saints Grab First Spot – Other Clinching Scenarios In Week 13

By the end of Week 13, three teams could already have clinched a playoff spot. There is still a bit of time to go until the full NFL Playoff picture for 2019 is in place, but it became a bit clearer ...

29 Nov 15:48 The Inquisitr 1745625232307457788.html
Greta Thurfjell: Vissa människor ska man inte placera i kulisserna

Varför ska det ständigt påpekas hur odräglig och bortskämd prinsessan Margaret är i ”The crown”? Hennes förfall tycks nästan ödesbestämt.

29 Nov 14:57 DN.SE 398730695290847165.html
Why this PlayStation fan is considering a $149 Xbox One S All Digital on Black Friday

The PlayStation 4 is one of the best consoles we've ever seen, but that hasn't stopped this PlayStation fan from wanting to buy a $149 Xbox One S All Digital during Black Friday. Black Friday! The Best Black Friday Deals Find Your Black Friday Deal: All Deals Updated Live, Sortable By Category Nintendo Switch Deals Best Phone Deals Best iPad Deals Best Chromebook Deals Black Friday...

29 Nov 15:01 Android Central 29040144010959891.html
Alt du ikke visste du lengtet etter å vite om Afrika

ANMELDELSE: «Afrika. Fra de første mennesker til i dag» av Tore Linné Eriksen.

29 Nov 10:39 NRK 3631390765625261844.html
Advogado Charlles Max é empossado novo juiz do TRE-PI

Charlles Max assume a categoria de jurista para o biênio 2019/2021.

29 Nov 10:58 R10 3167340813418017913.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Environment

The climate strike kids: "Many were scolded as ‘inner-city puppets’, but the stories in the streets were different." Plus: Kate McBride, Grace Brennan, Brynn O’Brien and Emma Herd.

29 Nov 13:20 The Age 7967730562369592595.html
Lucas Pérez y Joselu, la pareja de moda que amenaza al Real Madrid

El Deportivo Alavés se enfrentará mañana a la 13:00 al Real Madrid en Mendizorroza. El conjunto local es optimista de cara al partido, dado que cuentan con la segunda pareja más afectiva de cara a (...)

29 Nov 12:28 Fichajes 157935406130212882.html
AC/DC UK get ready to rock Torquay

AC/DC UK will be playing the gig from 7:00 pm on Friday, December 6 at The Foundry

29 Nov 12:28 DevonLive 2469244512201789130.html
Más de la mitad de las mujeres con VIH en Europa son diagnosticadas tarde - El médico interactivo

El informe estima que la epidemia de VIH está impulsada por un problema persistente con diagnóstico tardío, que afecta al 54 por ciento de los casos conocidos entre las mujeres.

29 Nov 13:11 El Médico Interactivo 8665764182479870518.html
Clima 29 de Noviembre para Yucatán: regresan las temperaturas calurosas

Una vez m&aacute;s se prev&eacute; clima estable con temperaturas calurosas durante el d&iacute;a para la Pen&iacute;nsula de Yucat&aacute;n.

29 Nov 12:46 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624379764718.html
Offiziell: FC Arsenal entlässt Emery – Ex-Profi Ljungberg übernimmt

Unai Emery (Foto) ist nicht länger Trainer des FC Arsenal. Das gab der 13-fache englische Meister am Freitag bekannt. Freddie Ljungberg übernimmt die Rolle des Cheftrainers interimsweise. Der letzte S [...]

29 Nov 11:24 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793692239381.html
Probleme bei Hamilton und Vettel im 1. Training

Weltmeister kämpft in Abu Dhabi mit Motor, Crash von Vettel:

29 Nov 11:40 www.laola1.at 837519017958592096.html
La alarmante falta de puntería del Atlético

El Atlético de Madrid apenas ha marcado 16 goles en 14 encuentros ligueros, unos números muy pobres para un equipo que depende en exceso de la inspiración de Morata

29 Nov 12:23 sport 1349897969557679837.html
Endettement des agents de l'Ipres : Le syndicat pose le débat

Endettement des agents de l'Ipres : Le syndicat pose le débat Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

29 Nov 10:11 Seneweb News 6877057602919073040.html
EM-Auslosung für Löw "keine Anspannung"

Nach über 13 Jahren als Fußball-Bundestrainer ist Joachim Löw längst ein Turnier-Veteran, den bei einer Auslosung nichts mehr umhauen kann - sicherlich auch nicht das besonders triste November-Grau in Bukarest.

29 Nov 11:27 weltfussball.at 3521376371622137376.html
Bolsonaro defende decisão do BC de limitar juros do cheque especial

Ao deixar o Palácio da Alvorada nesta manhã, Jair Bolsonaro elogiou a decisão do Banco Central de limitar os juros do cheque especial para 8% ao mês, no máximo...

29 Nov 10:16 O Antagonista 1037429654299363493.html
Raed Arafat, despre scufundarea vaporului cu oi: Acest tip de incident este unic pe plan mondial

Raed Arafat, şeful Departamentului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (DSU), a declarat vineri că scufundarea vasului Queen Hind, &icirc;ncărcat cu 14.600 de oi, este unic pe plan mondial.

29 Nov 15:43 romaniatv.net 4505369229002267327.html
«Ich war wahnsinnig nervös am Wahlsonntag»

Neo-Nationalrätin Florence Brenzikofer (Grüne) will sich in Bern vor allem auf Umwelt- und Verkehrsthemen fokussieren.

29 Nov 14:40 SRF 8424707180069661362.html
Slowdown impact? Core sector output shrinks 5.8% in October

As many as six of eight core industries saw a contraction in output in October

29 Nov 11:54 Business-Standard 1502508926136607351.html
Saturada de Bruno, Tatiana de Casados apaixona-se por Luís e declara-se

Farta das atitudes de Bruno, Tatiana vai aproveitar a cerimónia de domingo para se declarar ao australiano e deixa concorrentes e especialistas em choque.

29 Nov 11:35 maria 5738163822010746367.html
Aplanadora regia en el inicio de la Liguilla del Apertura 2019

El primer capítulo volcánico de la Fiesta Grande se escribió como quisieron Tigres y Monterrey. Los poderosos regios dieron la campanada cuando llegaban como "víctimas" a la ida de los cuartos de final del Apertura 2019.

29 Nov 14:35 MARCA 5656811533543780132.html
Sara Kohan se sienta en el TUBO y deja ver sus encantos

La modelo australiana dej&oacute; ver sus encantos sentada arriba de un tubo en una finca de Espa&ntilde;a

29 Nov 12:37 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623412337558.html
Not again! Should Warner's 'six' have been a five?

The Overthrow rule was in focus again after causing chaos in the World Cup 2019 | ESPNcricinfo.com

29 Nov 10:52 ESPNcricinfo 4926159651664238114.html
Iñaki Arechabaleta, nuevo presidente de Taller de Editores (Vocento)

Compaginará este cargo con el de director general de Negocio de Vocento

29 Nov 12:25 ABC.es 6074573462646868734.html
El Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Madrid conclou que els 'riders' són falsos autònoms

El Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Madrid ha dictaminat contra Glovo en una nova sentència que reconeix que la relació entre empresa i repartidor és de naturalesa "jurídica laboral ordinària o comuna".

29 Nov 12:01 Diari La Veu 8769648854316392783.html
Chipre designa investigador privado para caso de la “camioneta espía” de propiedad israelí

La policía de Chipre ha obtenido la ayuda de un investigador independiente en su investigación de una camioneta de vigilancia israelí.

29 Nov 11:11 Noticias de Israel 5887715890771015806.html
Vater bietet elfjährigen Sohn zum Sex an – Haftstrafe

Ein Vater hatte seinen elfjährigen Sohn auf einem Parkplatz an der Autobahn zum Sex angeboten. Jetzt verurteilte das Dortmunder Landgericht den Mann zu mehreren Jahren Haft.

29 Nov 13:25 T-Online 5460876212231039781.html
Zidane e o seu favorito para vencer a Bola de Ouro

Zinedine Zidane, vencedor da Bola de Ouro em 1998, foi questionado sobre qual o seu favorito a arrecadar o troféu, que será conhecido na próxima segunda-feira.«Não posso citar ninguém em particular, mas os melhores jogadores estão comigo, digo sempre isso, e vou repetir, porque é verdade. O Real Madrid é o maior clube do mundo e todos os melhores jogadores do mundo já estiveram aqui», atirou o atual treinador dos merengues.De seguida, Zidane também foi questionado sobre a ausência de Benzema da equipa ideal da UEFA: «Não sei se é injusto ou não, mas sei que os madridistas estão orgulhosos dele. O resto, o que dizem os outros, não me meto.»

29 Nov 13:46 A BOLA 2278827559047430822.html
¡Definitivo! Se suspende la última fecha del RallyMobil y se acaba la temporada 2019

La organización del evento tuerca resolvió este mediodía no correr el Gran Premio de Frutillar y dar por terminada la temporada.

29 Nov 11:48 Emol 3328490601982563015.html
Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy 2019: Abhimanyu Mithun takes five wickets in one over, bags hattrick in the process

Karnataka player Abhimanyu Mithun created history when he took five wickets in seven balls!

29 Nov 11:48 sportskeeda 1601194029243747807.html
Tipps für die richtige Meditation

Coole Plätze, tolle Ausstellungen, die besten Orte für sportliche Aktivitäten, alles über Freizeitangebote, Öffis, die Umwelt & Co.: Unsere ...

29 Nov 12:10 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094254250967.html
Kid Ink Drops Off A Smooth New Banger "Slide Up"

Kid Ink slides through for a triumphant return. It's been a hell of a day for new music, with releases from Griselda, The Game, Fabolous, and many more. And that's only the tip of the iceberg, with plenty of new singles sliding through to pad the stats. One such drop comes courtesy of fan-favorite K...

29 Nov 10:26 hnhh 366195972772869827.html
Unai Emery dejó de ser entrenador del Arsenal

Los Gunners informaron que el español dejó el banquillo del club tras los malos resultados acumulados

29 Nov 13:00 RÉCORD 4614294661493973339.html
El pelotero de Grandes Ligas Yordán Álvarez se reencuentra con su familia en Cuba

El tunero viajó a la Isla en compañía de su esposa y de su pequeña hija, poco después de recibir el premio de Novato del Año en la Liga Americana.

29 Nov 12:43 CiberCuba 8213836169946226829.html
BREAKING: Court grants Mompha N100m bail

A Federal High Court sitting in Lagos on Friday has granted N100m bail to a suspected money launderer, Ismaila Mustapha, also known as Mompha.

29 Nov 13:49 Vanguard News 4125100340407394589.html
ANFP resuelve suspender el Campeonato Nacional 2019: Universidad Católica es el campeón

La jornada de este viernes tuvo una extensa reunión que involucró a la directiva de la ANFP y los equipos de Primera División y Primera B.

29 Nov 15:13 T13 7836926439660105250.html
Reconocido escalador estadounidense falleció en México tras una caída de 300 metros

Brad Gobright perdió la vida en un accidente sufrido en una ruta conocida como "Sendero Luminoso"

29 Nov 12:48 Noticias Caracol 4063533507343382786.html
Justin Bour signs with Hanshin of Japan (report)

Justin Bour is taking his powerful bat to Japan. The lefty slugger has reached an agreement with the Hanshin Tigers of Japan’s Nippon Professional Baseball league, Tigers GM Osamu Tanimoto told the Japan Times on Thursday. The Angels signed the 31-year-old Bour to a one-year, $2.5 million contract for the

29 Nov 14:32 MLB.com 4380584919948045964.html
BC de Chile intervendrá mercado cambiario por alza del dólar

La institución intervendrá con un monto de hasta 20 mil millones de dólares

29 Nov 15:01 Últimas Noticias 6811287210106704291.html
Protestan jóvenes de Cobatab Cárdenas por su compañero muerto

Acusan de 'inhumanos' a encargados de la cafetería por no haberle vendido agua al joven que más tarde murió.

29 Nov 11:23 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562692056238.html
Minecraft Dungeons deja ver su acción RPG en un extenso vídeo gameplay ¡Dan ganas de jugarlo!

Lo nuevo de Mojang para PC y consolas tiene previsto estrenarse en abril de 2020. Durante el pasado X019 el equipo de Mojang puso fecha de lanzamiento a Minecraft Dungeons y presentó un vídeo gameplay,...

29 Nov 15:00 3DJuegos 3383023118459700999.html
La infartante producción de fotos de Jana, la hija de Diego Maradona, en ropa interior

La joven posó muy sensual en las redes sociales para promocionar una marca de indumentaria femenina.

29 Nov 13:34 Diario Registrado 7686014737522016374.html
Ratificación de T-MEC, salvavidas para economía mexicana: Banco Base

Gabriela Siller, directora de Análisis Económico en Banco Base, dijo que la ratificación del T-MEC, ayudaría a la economía mexicana a crecer 1.3 por ciento.

29 Nov 14:43 Milenio 4240839409445483883.html
Why Criminal Arrests on the Mexican Border Have Fallen in 2019

Yes, it is true.

29 Nov 11:15 The National Interest 7207864703788849625.html
READERS’ LETTERS: Untrue to say Royal Navy warships will be built in an independent Scotland

Sir, – In a recent interview Nicola Sturgeon blithely stated that, in the event of Scotland becoming independent of the rest of the UK, warship building for the Royal Navy would continue to be undertaken on the Clyde and at Rosyth.

29 Nov 12:06 The Courier 4275302767968688139.html
¿Atentado o falla técnica? encontró su auto prendido fuego en Iglesia

El hecho ocurrió en la localidad de Colola, cuando un docente que salía a trabajar se sorprendió con la terrible escena de su vehículo que ardía en llamas.

29 Nov 12:54 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158200321748.html
Tras 8 meses "en rebeldía": Stornelli se presentó a declarar ante Ramos Padilla

El fiscal acudió a la citación en la causa por espionaje ilegal y extorsión. 

29 Nov 14:19 PAGINA12 7077267066489393957.html
EXCLUSIVE! Writer Vipul K Rawal On Batti Gul Meter Chalu’s Failure: “Director Spoiled It So Badly, It Was Butchered”

Shahid Kapoor starrer Batti Gul Meter Chalu released last year in September but the film did not impress the audience nor did it mint numbers at the Box Office. The film is written by Vipul K Rawal, w

29 Nov 14:01 Koimoi 5184275670975614134.html
MEC diz que setor educacional do Brasil sairá do Mercosul

O MEC anunciou hoje que o setor educacional do Brasil não vai mais fazer parte do Mercosul...

29 Nov 14:39 O Antagonista 1037429655275360643.html
Qatar welcomes another mega ship with 5,800 aboard

Qatar’s cruise season is moving ahead with full steam as yet another mega cruise ship docked at Doha Port yesterday. Qatar welcomed MSC Bellissima which arrived at the port with over 5,800 passengers on-board. It is MSC Bellissima’s, which is operated by global cruise line MSC Cruises, maiden call at Doha Port.

29 Nov 10:52 The Peninsula 1202843882225753140.html
85 cajeros automáticos vandalizados en el país

Bogotá es la ciudad con el mayor número de instalaciones bancarias afectadas, en medio de las protestas.

29 Nov 15:45 La Opinión 5695806338988146513.html
Resistência ao uso de protetor solar aumenta risco de câncer da pele entre os homens

Levantamento aponta que a doença tem maior letalidade entre os homens

29 Nov 12:54 Folha Vitória 4941883427778599294.html
Ira Meindl: Wo ist dein Babybauch?

"So langsam wird's", schreibt Ira Meindl zu einem aktuellen Foto. Gemeint ist der Babybauch, der trotz 25. SSW noch ziemlich flach ist.

29 Nov 11:52 VIP.de 2239798194820833970.html
Barça: Nächster Schritt bei Lautaro

Der FC Barcelona bereitet die Verpflichtung von Lautaro Martínez vor. Laut dem ‚Corriere dello Sport‘ wollen sich die Bosse der Blaugrana am Rande des kommenden Champions League-Duells gegen (...)

29 Nov 15:19 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783864816950.html
Opération internationale sur la cyberfraude dans l'aérien

Une opération de grande envergure a été menée dans le cadre de la cyberfraude sur les billets d'avion. Pas moins de 79 personnes ont été interpellées.

29 Nov 11:53 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148573956355.html
Nova Lima terá o terceiro corredor gastronômico da cidade

Campo Grande ter&aacute; o terceiro corredor gastron&ocirc;mico. Lei publicada nesta sexta-feira (29) no Di&aacute;rio Oficial autoriza o munic&iacute;pio a implantar mais um polo de bares e restaurantes na...

29 Nov 13:30 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489575881803.html
Check these AMD Ryzen CPU Black Friday deals if you plan on building a PC

If you're looking to build your own PC and need a processor, there are some cracking Ryzen CPUs on sale right now for Black Friday.

29 Nov 11:14 Windows Central 7807657679828080056.html
Marina Ruy Barbosa: Qual intuito de seguir alguém depois de morto?

A atriz alfinetou outros artistas pelo uso das redes sociais

29 Nov 12:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699448451757.html
Black Friday's Best Audio Deals For 2019: Headphones, Hi-Fis, Smart Speakers

If there is one thing that can change your mood, it’s music. Hearing is one of your most important senses. Music can be listened to when you’re working out, studying or even commuting, there is never a bad time for it. The power of the music you listen to alone can change the pulse of your heart rate. To really...

29 Nov 12:30 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168911599618.html
Alfa Romeo Scarabeo del 1966 esposta in Francia

La concept car del marchio torinese fu presentato ufficialmente per la prima volta cinquantatrè anni fa al Salone di Parigi

29 Nov 10:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655557550764.html
Atlético de San Luis llega a acuerdo con Hernán Cristante

La directiva de San Luis llegó a un acuerdo con el entrenador Hernán Cristante, para dirigir al equipo el próximo torneo. 

29 Nov 15:56 planodeportivo.com 1337713461162709109.html
Apple HomePod costs just $200 in Best Buy's Black Friday sale

It might make sense if you're put off by the usual pricing.

29 Nov 14:16 Engadget 96641514808151550.html
PT espera volta de Marta para ser vice de Haddad ou Padilha, diz revista

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

29 Nov 15:33 GGN 1188436353393639332.html
Dying 'Star Wars' fan to get 'The Rise of Skywalker' preview

Disney has granted a dying 'Stars Wars' fan's wish to watch the new movie in the franchise, 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,' with his young son ahead of its release date, after responding to an appeal from the hospice where he is being treated.

29 Nov 13:50 CTVNews 2422791598213496778.html
Casi 20 años después el mítico Morrowind sigue recibiendo contenidos gratis de la mano de los fans

El legendario RPG de la saga The Elder Scrolls se mantiene vivo gracias a los mods. Es habitual que os hablemos del enorme trabajo que realizan los fans de la saga The Elder Scrolls dotando de...

29 Nov 11:00 3DJuegos 3383023117772834277.html
Že štirinajsti Teden teatra v Toplicah

Z današnjo predstavo za otroke Zmedo ali to se lahko zgodi vsakomur v izvedbi lutkovne sekcije topliškega KUD Vesel teater se danes začenja že 14.

29 Nov 10:30 Dolenjski list 119924279292195751.html
Benzina e diesel, la tregua è finita: nuovi ritocchi sui carburanti

Dopo qualche settimana di stasi negli ultimi giorni il prezzo consigliato dei carburanti di diverse compagnie è tornato a salire: i dettagli

29 Nov 11:47 Today 178378749749027105.html
Falscher Bob & Halsbrecher-Heels: Dieser Look ist die Krönung

Typveränderung auf Probe: Königin Letizia von Spanien hat aus ihrer langen Mähne frech einen Fake Bob gemacht – eigentlich schon Hingucker genug. Wären da nicht noch diese superhohen Heels, auf denen vermutlich Stehen schon eine wackelige Angelegenheit ist.

29 Nov 12:06 BUNTE.de 2017976500431738887.html
Zapowiedziano To the Moon 3: Impostor Factory

Niezależne studio Freebird Games zapowiedziało To the Moon 3: Impostor Factory, czyli kontynuację uznanej serii gier przygodowych. Przy okazji możemy zobaczyć pierwszy zwiastun tego tytułu i kilka screenów.

29 Nov 11:51 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309521287645.html
Storm etter «voldtektssang»

Den danske Folketingsveteranen Bertel Haarder er i hardt vær etter harselas med en mye omtalt voldtektssak.

29 Nov 12:30 Dagbladet.no 3042595687155793098.html
4 Film Wajib Tonton Kalau Kamu Concern dengan Isu Gender di Kim Ji-young: Born 1982

4 Film yang wajib ditonton kalau kamu concern dengan isu gender di Kim Ji-young: Born 1982.

29 Nov 12:21 merdeka.com 1998180354240406906.html
E.ON restructurează divizia din Marea Britanie; costurile s-ar putea ridica la 500 de milioane de lire sterline

Grupul energetic german E.On a anunţat vineri un plan de restructurare a diviziei din Marea Britanie, care include compania Npower, costurile...

29 Nov 12:44 Stiri pe surse 4858045013903818476.html
Next week’s key events in developed markets – ING

Analysts at ING offered a brief overview of the upcoming important market-moving economic releases/events, including a batch of sentiment indicators i

29 Nov 14:19 FXStreet 4480975639121959444.html
Delitto di Novi Ligure, Erika De Nardo si è sposata

Fiori d'arancio per Erika De Nardo. La trentacinquenne che il 21 febbraio 2001 uccise insieme al fidanzato la madre Sussy Cassini e il fratellino Gianluca, di 11 anni, si è sposata. A dare la notizia è stato Don Antonio Mazzi, che l'accolse nella sua comunità, nel corso di una intervista per il settimanale “Oggi”.

29 Nov 15:44 fanpage.it 1517332167322267312.html
STRAZBUR I HAG STRAŠNI SUDOVI ZA STOJKOVIĆA: Golman Partizana ispao u nadoknadi iz Evrope i dok je nosio dres Zvezde

Vladimir Stojković u meču protiv AZ Alkmara doživeo je skoro identičan udarac onom iz 2005. godine protiv Strazbura, kada je nosio dres Crvene zvezde.

29 Nov 10:10 kurir.rs 6515665028217186198.html
Lane Jovanović izabran u najgori tim Liverpula: Pored njega Marković izgleda kao Maradona!

Na sajtu engleske kladionice Pedi Pauer pojavio se tekst sa izabranih 11 najgorih igrača Liverpula u protekloj deceniji.

29 Nov 14:28 REPUBLIKA 2543998404683802244.html
¡Se las saben de memoria! Lali Espósito y Luisana Lopilato recordaron las canciones de Rebelde Way

Las actrices se grabaron en el auto mientras entonaban algunos de los temas más recordados de la novela.

29 Nov 11:06 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450378317100.html
Talibowie złożyli deklarację po nieoczekiwanej wizycie Trumpa

Afgańscy talibowie zadeklarowali gotowość do wznowienia rozmów pokojowych z USA. Oświadczenie padło dzień po niespodziewanej wizycie prezydenta Donalda Trumpa w Afganistanie, gdzie odwiedził ameryk...

29 Nov 15:02 TVN24 1473549322865105916.html
‘Lost in translation’ en las trincheras de la Guerra Civil

Un libro recuerda a las personas que ejercieron de intérpretes para las Brigadas Internacionales

29 Nov 12:27 EL PAÍS 2207347710594960144.html
Best Robot Vacuum Black Friday Deals 2019 That Suck

Black Friday 2019 is a great time to find deals on robot vacuum cleaners at various price points. These machines can perform various jobs to clena up your family's dust and debris.

29 Nov 15:56 iMore 3803412790399196312.html
Former World’s Fattest Man Turns Life Around By Losing 52 Stone

The former world’s fattest man has lost an incredible 52 stone in just three years, enabling him to walk again for the first time in nearly 10 years. Juan Pedro Franco, 35, has transformed his life and now weighs under 41 stone, having previously been close to death weighing a massive 93 stone. Prior to ...

29 Nov 13:51 UNILAD 6373328987132053148.html
Llegará a Cuba presidente de la República de Surinam

El presidente de la República de Surinam, Excmo. Sr. Desiré Delano Bouterse, realizará una visita oficial a Cuba a partir del próximo 2 de diciembre

29 Nov 13:11 Granma.cu 7847343385404931578.html
Samsung Galaxy Note 10: Dritte Betaversion für Android 10 veröffentlicht

Samsung ist im Update-Rausch (wenn man das bloß von anderen Herstellern auch sagen könnte). Nachdem man bereits die finale Version von ...

29 Nov 11:26 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574373797861.html
Plácido Domingo: «Nunca me he comportado de modo acosador, agresivo y vulgar»

El cantante madrileño habla por primera vez después de las acusaciones de acoso sexual publicadas por una agencia

29 Nov 15:52 Las Provincias 5471838388760787768.html
Lucrările de extindere şi modernizare a zonei de control documente de pe Aeroportul Henri Coandă au fost finalizate

Lucrările de extindere şi modernizare a zonei de control documente de pe Aeroportul Internaţional

29 Nov 15:20 Stiri pe surse 4858045011966828544.html
Filmski vodič: Uzbunjivači, pritisci na medije i malo trgovine oružjem

Srpsku javnost već nedeljama potresa afera "Krušik". Sve je počelo kada je uzbunjivač Aleksandar Obradović medijima...

29 Nov 10:10 N1 Srbija 7797130865638086242.html
Instagram Error 7 Kali Sepanjang 2019, Kapan Saja?

Instagram sempat error pada Kamis (28/11) malam. Ini sudah ketujuh kalinya Instagram tumbang sepanjang tahun 2019.

29 Nov 13:01 detikinet 7802439221816901451.html
Niemcy: Rzeczniczka rządu potwierdza wizytę Angeli Merkel w Auschwitz

Rzeczniczka niemieckiego rządu Ulrike Demmer potwierdziła w piątek, że kanclerz Angela Merkel odwiedzi 6 grudnia były niemiecki obóz zagłady Auschwitz. Merkel będzie trzecim kanclerzem Niemiec, który zdecydował się na podróż do dawnego nazistowskiego obozu zagłady.

29 Nov 13:40 fakty.interia.pl 3878966316781899564.html
Crise sociale et politique au Chili: la Banque centrale à la rescousse

La crise sociale dure depuis plus de 40 jours au Chili. Jeudi, pour la première fois, le gouvernement s'est réuni avec des organisations sociales et syndicales pour tenter de juguler la crise. L'exécutif dit vouloir lancer un dialogue sur les questions...

29 Nov 15:00 RFI 4432404460615629932.html
Nuova sfida per il re dei formaggi: parmigiano reggiano a 40 mesi. VIDEO

MODENA – Dal Museo Ferrari, il Consorzio del parmigiano reggiano lancia la nuova sfida del re dei formaggi: la lunga stagionatura a 40 mesi che sembra piacere sempre di più ai consumatori più ricercati e gourmet. Il nostro direttore Ettore Tazzioli ne ha parlato con il presidente del Consorzio Nicola Bertinelli. Sentiamo…

29 Nov 13:18 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332202550469.html
Palmeiras pode ter despedida de Felipe Melo no próximo domingo

O Palmeiras vai passar a temporada 2019 sem ganhar nenhum título. Essa situação está aumentando demais a pressão em cima da atual diretoria. Alexandre Mattos e Maurício Galiotte são alvos de críticas da torcida palmeirense nas redes sociais e também pelas ruas.

29 Nov 15:49 Palmeiras Online 110755212032994515.html
Samsung Galaxy S11 release date, price, news and leaks

The Samsung Galaxy S11 is a long way off, but we're already starting to hear things about it.

5 Dec 11:00 TechRadar 2111116916436219775.html
Los jugadores de Destiny 2 se unen para resolver una difícil mazmorra… y no sirve de nada

Los aficionados se sorprenden por la pobre recompensa dada por Bungie al superar una de las mazmorras más difíciles. Durante mucho tiempo Destiny 2 ha albergado un reto que ningún guardián había sido capaz de superar: la mazmorra Shattered...

29 Nov 10:15 3DJuegos 3383023118479435400.html
Capturan a hispano en Laredo por el abuso sexual de una niña

El hispano René Gonzalez, de 54 años, fue detenido por ser el presunto responsable del abuso sexual de una niña de 12 años en Laredo, Texas.

29 Nov 11:50 Mundo Hispanico 2601846018792643774.html
Stuffed? Woman Needs Her Ass Amputated After “Enhancing” It With Illegal Injections

Doctors told her that in order to fix her ass, it may have to be amputated

29 Nov 12:07 Infowars 1950426313674773953.html
The Northrop YF-23 Stealth Fighter: The Killer Jet the Air Force Said No To

The F-22 made it obsolete. 

29 Nov 12:28 The National Interest 7207864702974239157.html
Parmigiano reggiano: consorzio lancia progetto premium “40 mesi”

Roma, 29 nov. (askanews) – Il suo profumo deciso e speziato, il sapore sapido e intenso rendono il Parmigiano Reggiano 40 mesi un prodotto dalle caratteristiche inconfondibili e sempre più richiesto sulle tavole dei consumatori. È per questo motivo che il Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano ha lanciato il Progetto Premium “40 mesi” nel corso di un […]

29 Nov 11:42 Askanews 298649739930394057.html
Zapatero: "Otegi fue decisivo para el fin de ETA"

El expresidente del Gobierno elogia al dirigente de EH Bildu y asegura que se les prometió participar en el juego democrático cuando abandonaran la violencia

29 Nov 12:45 www.publico.es 99190978652829558.html
Že čez pet let bo imel vsak glasbenik na svetu svoj profil na viberate.com

Platformo Viberate pomagajo graditi glasbeni navdušenci iz vsega sveta, kar je po besedah Uroša Umeka, našega najbolj znanega DJ-ja in soustanovitelja Viberata, bistvenega pomena z

29 Nov 10:30 Računalniške novice 5784844856118437027.html
GOP Sen. Cotton on Peace Talks with Taliban: We Need Them to Work with Us | Breitbart

Friday on "Fox & Friends," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) weighed in on the peace talks with the Taliban, which President Donald Trump revealed on Thursday | Clips

29 Nov 15:09 Breitbart 3148363491993411693.html
Mes, Tria: "Conte si congratulò. I suoi vice dovevano sapere"

Tria ha dichiarato che a giugno, durante le trattative sulla riforma del Mes, ha ricevuto una telefonata di Conte soddisfatto per il risultato ottenuto.

29 Nov 11:03 ilGiornale.it 5019541225745701828.html
Koke: 'Estamos centrados en el juego vs Barcelona, no en Griezmann'

El capitán del Atlético de Madrid recordó el paso del galo por el club, pero dejó claro que ahora es un rival más

29 Nov 13:25 RÉCORD 4614294661387441182.html
Francesco Chiofalo torna in ospedale, ricoverato con labbra enormi: «Sono preoccupato»

Ancora problemi per Francesco Chiofalo. Dopo le polemiche per la questione tradimento e le accuse della sua ex, Selvaggia Roma, stamattina l'ex tentatore ha raccontato tramite una serie di storie di essere diretto al pronto soccorso mostrando le sue labbra gonfie. “Guardate cosa mi è successo all

29 Nov 10:33 InterNapoli.it 7089789175919188258.html
Janhvi Kapoor Feels ‘Too Much Khushi’ As She Indulges In Some Yummy Fries With Her Sister In The US

Janhvi Kapoor, who recently announced the wrap up of Dostana 2’s Punjab shooting schedule, is currently in the USA with her sister Khushi Kapoor. She took to Instagram to share pictures of the two at the patio seating of a restaurant, gorging on some yummy fries

29 Nov 14:24 SPOTBOYE 1547816857953992782.html
MP garante auxílio a pescadores de locais afetados pelo vazamento de óleo

Está em vigor a Medida Provisória (MP) 908/2019, que institui o auxílio emergencial para os pescadores artesanais dos municípios afetados pelas manchas de óleo. O auxílio, no valor de R$ 1.996, será devido aos pescadores inscritos e ativos no Registro Geral da Atividade Pesqueira. A medida foi publicada nesta sexta-feira (29) no Diário Oficial da União. 

29 Nov 14:14 Senado Federal 7939265267973019837.html
Sesionará Asamblea Nacional de Cuba el próximo 20 de diciembre

La Asamblea Nacional de Cuba sesionará a partir del próximo 20 de diciembre, según la convocatoria de su presidente, Esteban Lazo Hernández que no adelanta el Orden del día ni delimita el período de sesiones.

29 Nov 10:39 CiberCuba 8213836170445477931.html
Mensagens Android terá a melhor característica de sempre! (APK download)

A aplicação "Mensagens Android" que pode ser baixada na Google Play Store prepara-se para receber a característica " verificação de remetente ". Esta...

29 Nov 12:53 4gnews 1809086877206398261.html
Drank, drugs en gokken: Najib Amhali uit ‘De Battle’ verlost van driedubbele verslaving

Van acrobatische stunts tot verregaande hersentraining. In ‘De Battle’ op VIER zie je het allemaal. Behalve Gert Verhulst, James Cooke en Katja Schuurman gaat ook comedian Najib Amhali (48) de span...

29 Nov 11:00 HLN 8967494996618207462.html
Le toit d'un immeuble s'effondre dans le centre de Toulouse

Énorme frayeur pour les habitants d'un immeuble de la rue Cujas à Toulouse où le toit du bâtiment s'est effondré sur lui-même, vers midi. Selon nos informations, la vétusté de l'immeuble pourrait en être la cause....

29 Nov 11:52 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766072402193812.html
Police say London Bridge incident involved stabbing; several wounded and man detained

LONDON (AP) - Police say London Bridge incident involved stabbing; several wounded and man detained.

29 Nov 14:46 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638175373585.html
Campello diz que dinheiro do sócio-torcedor será usado no futebol do Vasco

O presidente do Vasco da Gama, Alexandre Campello, ainda agradeceu a mobilização da torcida para o aumento de associações.

29 Nov 15:46 Vasco Notícias 1167013066311137471.html
Liverpool : gros coup dur pour Fabinho !

Le milieu de terrain du Liverpool Fabinho s'est blessé en Ligue des Champions face à Naples et sera absent des terrains jusqu'en 2020. C'est un coup dur pour les Red

29 Nov 14:07 Onze Mondial 1310109999428589322.html
Jugador del Barcelona analiza dejar al equipo “si no se siente importante”

Las declaraciones del futbolista se dan a pocas horas del juego entre Barcelona y Atlético de Madrid

29 Nov 13:32 Publinews 8987875304961735567.html
Hund: Besitzer kehrt zum Parkplatz zurück – und ist vollkommen verzweifelt

Was für ein Schock für Hundebesitzer Hubertus Ostermann! Der 55-Jährige wollte im sächsischen Kamenz lediglich einen Kaffee trinken und stellte sein Auto auf einem Kaufland-Parkplatz ab.

29 Nov 10:03 www.derwesten.de 5765995666215806469.html
800.000 euro voor Nijmeegse game die vallen na een beroerte voorkomt

Onderzoeker Vivian Weerdesteyn van het RadboudUMC in Nijmegen krijgt een subsidie van 800.000 euro voor een speciale game die vallen na een beroerte voorkomt.

29 Nov 15:15 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615199671778.html
Emery fikk sparken i Arsenal – svenske overtar

Unai Emery fikk fredag sparken som trener i Premier League-klubben Arsenal. Fredrik Ljungberg overtar sjefsstolen.

29 Nov 10:14 NRK 3631390765434379631.html
Bordeaux's ballsy reaction to Radradra's departure: 'No one is irreplaceable'

Losing a marquee player has got to hurt a club but Bordeaux sound relieved that the in-demand Fijian made up his mind early about his future.

29 Nov 14:19 Rugbypass 8668874339477167364.html
Boris Johnson, substituït per una escultura de gel en un debat sobre canvi climàtic

El 'premier', que va rebutjar participar-hi, amenaça amb retirar la llicència a Channel 4 per aquest gest

29 Nov 12:26 Ara.cat 6070605019309131496.html
Loathe Announce New Album, I Let It In And It Took Everything

Listen to Aggressive Evolution, taken from Loathe's upcoming album I Let It In And It Took Everything

29 Nov 11:17 Kerrang! 370418008521698303.html
Oldest living American dies at age 114

Alelia Murphy passed away Saturday at the age of 114.

29 Nov 12:45 WVLT 4089046912119203174.html
Il Múses di Savigliano... Per appassionati di profumi rari

Viaggio alla scoperta dell'Aroma del Sacro - Fino al 6 Gennaio 2020

29 Nov 12:00 Targatocn.it 7367208848624945244.html
Crecen los ataques de phishing para robar selfis y documentos de identidad en el tercer trimestre de 2019

La compañía de ciberseguridad Kaspersky ha alertado sobre el aumento durante el tercer trimestre de este año 2019 de los ataques de phishing y fraudes a...

29 Nov 12:56 Europa Press 4702666148472390441.html
La próxima etapa de la acusación constitucional contra Chadwick tras sortear su trámite en la Cámara

Este jueves, los diputados aprobaron el libelo contra el ex ministro del Interior. Serán los senadores quienes fijen una fecha para discutirlo, lo que podía ocurrir la segunda semana de diciembre.

29 Nov 10:05 Emol 3328490602815739164.html
"Bauer sucht Frau - Das große Wiedersehen" 2019: Bauer Michael betrügt Carina! DIESE Bauern schieben Liebes-Frust

Endlich ist es soweit! Nach reichlich Drama, etlichen Küssen und rührenden Liebesbekenntnissen steigt am kommenden Montag (RTL, 20.15 Uhr) nun endlich das große Finale von "Bauer sucht Frau". Beim großen Wiedersehen wird jetzt endlich enthüllt, bei welchen Paaren es tatsächlich gefunkt hat. Wir verraten schon jetzt, welche Bauern am Ende die große Liebe gefunden haben und welche Paare künftig getrennte Wege gehen werden.

29 Nov 15:00 news.de 5126378978718738727.html
Luxemburgo e jogadores só renovarão se o Vasco resolver pendências

O Vasco da Gama está atualmente com 2 meses de salários atrasados e mais 3 meses de direitos de imagens para os jogadores.

29 Nov 14:32 Vasco Notícias 1167013066219263758.html
O futuro do lixo como capital, o capital do lixo no futuro

É preciso pensar o lixo de hoje com o olhar fixo para futuro. Vivemos em tempos de crescente desenvolvimento tecnológico, num mundo em que as pautas de preocupações não são mais as grandes guerras, a fome ou as grandes epidemias, a pauta atual está focada no futuro do planeta, seja nas alterações climáticas, seja na necessidade de preservar os recursos naturais, a manutenção do homem em seu meio, ...

29 Nov 13:02 Campo Grande News 7902463001787822359.html
Vidal, messaggio al Barcellona: "Se non mi sentirò importante, dovrò guardarmi intorno. Anche a gennaio"

Resto al Barcellona solo se mi sentirò centrale al progetto. Questo, in sunto, il pensiero di Arturo Vidal circa il proprio futuro sportivo, lui che sta trovando più spazio nel...

29 Nov 14:24 FcInterNews.it 7848284893415133350.html
"Respektrente" ist Wort des Jahres 2019

Die Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache hat entschieden: "Respektrente" ist das Wort des Jahres 2019. "Rollerchaos" und "Fridays for Future" schafften es auf Platz 2 und 3.

29 Nov 10:32 NDR.de 5356044083274348914.html
Daniele Bossari: "In bilico a 10 metri d'altezza, ecco la notte in cui ho pensato di uccidermi"

Ospite di Verissimo, il conduttore torna a parlare di un periodo buio vissuto anni fa, a cui dedica il libro 'La faccia nascosta della Luce'

29 Nov 15:09 Today 178378749573305330.html
Koke, sobre los posibles pitos a Griezmann: "La gente tiene su opinión y hay que respetarla"

El capitán del Atlético de Madrid, Jorge Resurrección 'Koke', ha recordado que Antoine Griezmann "lo dio todo en sus cinco años" en el club rojiblanco y...

29 Nov 12:59 Europa Press 4702666148682906818.html
Sofia Vergara celebra Acción de Gracias bailando al ritmo de "X", de Nicky Jam y J Balvin

La actriz colombiana ha conquistado a sus seguidores con sus movimientos de cadera al ritmo de reguetón.

29 Nov 11:35 CiberCuba 8213836169076494474.html
Can injury-ridden Dembélé ever be a success at Barcelona?

The commencement of Dembélé's Barcelona career was a sign of things to come On his very first start for Barcelona, Ousmane Dembélé suffered a hamstri...

29 Nov 12:46 Everything Barca 6461635057017685477.html
LIC Assistant Results (Prelims) 2019: Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India declares LIC Assistant Results (Prelims) 2019 @licindia.in.

LIC Assistant Results (Prelims) 2019 : The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India has declared the LIC Assistant Results (Prelims) 2019 on its official website www.licindia.in.

29 Nov 15:04 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720206713967104.html
Campa hace autocrítica con los test de estrés de la banca y avanza cambios

El presidente de la EBA cree que la prueba de esfuerzo ha dejado de ser un evento para el mercado. Apuesta por un doble examen, uno elaborado por la banca y otro por supervisores

29 Nov 11:46 El Confidencial 6129807550424563823.html
El "no rotundo" de Lavagna tacha otro nombre en la lista para Economía

La figurita difícil del Gabinete sigue siendo la cartera económica. Desde el lavagnismo prefieren no mencionar si hubo algún ofrecimiento cuando todavía “no se sabe que va hacer el futuro gobierno”

29 Nov 15:03 BAE Negocios 6030502150815506619.html
Wales must aim to win the World Cup under new coach Pivac – Tipuric

Tipuric will skipper Wales in the absence of regular captain Alun Wyn Jones.

29 Nov 14:24 Express & Star 7324224460423192751.html
Aldi is selling this flashing Christmas Candle Snow Spinner for only £5.99

Giving homes a glittery glow this Christmas

29 Nov 14:26 Entertainment Daily 8392972516761964053.html
Los diez colores de coche que más triunfan

Por primera vez en los últimos años, el blanco ya no es el tono más elegido en Europa

29 Nov 11:08 La Vanguardia 8061072700503470241.html
VOŽDOVAC ŽELI POBEDU PROTIV CRVENE ZVEZDE: Ne sme da zavara njihovo loše izdanje protiv Bajerna

Trener fudbalera Voždovca Radomir Koković rekao je danas da trenutna situacija Crvene zvezde pred predstojeću medjusobnu utakmicu može biti i dobra i loša stvar.

29 Nov 14:11 kurir.rs 6515665027844992498.html
James Set For EPL Move?

James Rodriguez's Real Madrid nightmare could come to an end in January after a Premier League side reportedly identified him as a key transfer target.

29 Nov 15:29 Soccer Laduma 3901337370189277708.html
Galaxy S11 may come with a "Bright Night Sensor" for low-light photography

Samsung has filed a new trademark application for a new image sensor that it is calling “Bright Night Sensor” with the EUIPO. It is possible that the sensor could be used in the company’s upcoming Galaxy S11 series phones.

29 Nov 12:28 Android Central 29040142551769651.html
Oroscopo Pesci 30 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: un legame prezioso

Oroscopo del 30 novembre 2019 per i nati sotto il segno dei Pesci (20 febbraio-20 marzo): un legame prezioso. Una persona potrebbe voler stringere un legame d’amicizia: tenete presente che è una relazione che vale la pena di incoraggiare, una di quelle che resistono all’usura del tempo e si rivelerà preziosa. In questo momento, in generale siete molto motivati a progredire: è il momento giusto per cercare quell’occasione che, nel lavoro, potrebbe cambiare le carte in tavola. Amore: in coppia, emozioni intense e la passione va di pari passo: momenti magici! Soli: affascinanti, avete l’effetto calamita e arrivano tante gratificazioni.Oroscopo Ariete 29 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: risolutiOroscopo Toro 29 novembre 2019. Caterina Galloni: la pazienza Per previsioni personalizzate potete entrare in contatto diretto con Caterina Galloni, scrivendo a: caterinagalloni11@gmail.com Il Pesci nel 2019 Nel 2019 c’è una grande trasformazione: altro che pesciolini rossi esitanti, stupirete chi vi circonda per la determinazione…

29 Nov 14:00 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354680904322.html
Save up to £5,000 on Cartier and Audemars Piguet watches in the Goldsmiths Black Friday sale

These pre-owned luxury watches are heavily discounted and come with a two-year warranty

29 Nov 13:51 T3 267522093222314893.html
Eurozona: inflazione (prel.) a due velocità a novembre, tasso di disoccupazione stabile a ottobre

A novembre la rilevazione preliminare dell'inflazione mostra una contrazione su base mensile ed un aumento su base annua, con entrambi i valori migliori delle stime. Il tasso di disoccupazione è invece sceso leggermente centrando le stime.

29 Nov 10:11 InvestireOggi 7231367743124586593.html
Pracownik uczelni zwolniony za wykład o homoseksualizmie? Jest reakcja Gowina

Będę konsekwentnie przeciwstawiał się wszelkim próbom ograniczania wolności nauki - napisał w piątek na Twitterze wicepremier Jarosław Gowin, odnosząc się do doniesień medialnych nt. rozwiązania umowy z wykładowcą Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, który prowadził wykład dot. homoseksualizmu.

29 Nov 12:58 Polsat News 9031932297136818489.html
Schäfer in Crailsheim, Kreßberg, Stimpfach: Marcel Kiefer ist der Neue

Marcel Kiefer ist neuer Schäfer in Kreßberg, Stimpfach und Crailsheim. Er tritt damit die Nachfolge von Walter Fenn an. In Weipertshofen stellte sich der 40-Jährige vor.

29 Nov 12:47 swp.de 6929179441783822168.html
The week in wildlife – in pictures

The pick of the best flora and fauna photos from around the world, including a giant tortoise and a painted stork

29 Nov 15:53 the Guardian 1491978794471447987.html
Nur an 2 Tagen: "Lametta" heißt der etwas andere Weihnachtsmarkt - unser Kulturtipp!

Jeden Freitag gibt's eine kräftige Dosis Kultur, verabreicht von ka-news.de-Kulturredakteur Toby Frei, und zwar in der Kolumne "Kultur-Tipp". Heute: Manchmal ist der reguläre Christkindlesmarkt einfach allzu bekannt, man will mal was anderes in der Vorweihnachtszeit erleben. Da kommt der alternative Design-Lieblings-Weihnachtsmarkt "Lametta" Anfang Dezember im Tollhaus gerade recht.

29 Nov 12:00 ka-news.de 5595931857167918154.html
Cuando veas ‘SURIMI’ (Palitos de Cangrejo / Pescado) en el supermercado sal corriendo

Alimentarse mejor o peor está en nuestra mano casi siempre. Lo peor es que los productos alimenticios menos saludables generalmente son los que...

29 Nov 10:12 ecoticias.com 9144483865180301472.html
OnePlus Gallery 3.7.19 now lets you sort photos by when they were added

The OnePlus Gallery app has a lot to offer, now it will include yet another new feature: sorting photos by added/import date.

29 Nov 14:16 XDA Developers 7805159870145502266.html
62% people in Tamil Nadu paid bribe to get work done: Survey

As per an India Corruption Survey which was carried out by Transparency International India and Local Circles this year, 62% of the people surveyed from Tamil Nadu admitted that they had resorted to bribery to get their work done.

29 Nov 12:00 The Indian Express 2885715103974976531.html
Klop očajan: Ostao bez Fabinja do kraja godine!

Defanzivni vezista Liverpula Fabinjo povredio se u meču Lige šampiona i biće van terena šest do osam nedelja.

29 Nov 15:08 REPUBLIKA 2543998405151108473.html
Cum vor arăta Transporturile și Comunicațiile, comasate într-un singur minister: Ministrul va fi ajutat de 5 secretari de stat și de un colegiu consultativ

Lucian Bode, ministrul PNL al noului minister al Transporturilor, Infrastructurii și Comunicațiilor, creat prin comasarea dintre ministerul Transporturilor și cel al Comunicațiilor, va fi ajutat de

29 Nov 12:25 HotNews 6169202161976763855.html
¡Apenas para Navidad! Aterrizó nueva aerolínea de bajo costo en Colombia

CGA Airlines arrancó operación en el país con la ruta Cali- Cartagena y de vuelta, ciudades en las que vendió la totalidad de los tiquetes ofrecidos. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:53 pulzo.com 8971816787668044972.html
Patanjali secures Rs 3,200 cr loan from SBI, other banks to buy Ruchi Soya

Patanjali said it has got loans of Rs 1,200 crore from SBI, Rs 700 crore from PNB, Rs 600 crore from UBI, Rs 400 crore from Syndicate Bank and Rs 300 crore from Allahabad Bank

29 Nov 14:01 Business-Standard 1502508926170198237.html
Sistani appelle à remplacer le gouvernement après une journée sanglante

Le grand ayatollah Ali Sistani, figure tutélaire de la politique irakienne, a appelé vendredi à remplacer le gouvernement au lendemain d’une des journées les plus sanglantes en deux mois de contestation déjà marqués par plus de 400 morts. Le dignitaire chiite de 89 ans apporte ainsi pour la première fois clairement son soutien –  nécessaire […]

29 Nov 14:32 Le Desk 4742800157365447389.html
Best Microsoft Surface Deals for Christmas 2019

Whether Pro, Laptop, Studio or otherwise, grab one of these top Surface deals while you can.

3 Dec 09:55 Tech Advisor 6450858317208703637.html
Pati Patni Aur Woh Director Slams The Outrage Over Marital Rape Dialogue; Takes A Dig At '3 Idiots'!

When the trailer of Kartik Aaryans Pati Patni Aur Woh dropped on the internet, the film received heavy backlash over a dialogue on marital rape. Following the outrage, the makers have reportedly rectified the dialogue. However, director Mudassar Aziz isnt pleased.

29 Nov 10:00 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244038892325.html
Canada Q3 GDP growth slower, but details better – RBC

Nathan Janzen – Senior Economist at Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) – offered his take on Friday's release of the Canadian GDP report, which showed a shar

29 Nov 14:27 FXStreet 4480975638243454265.html
Muriel: "Scudetto, non mi sbilancerei sulla Juve perché l'Inter ha il timbro di Conte"

Nella lunga intervista concessa al Corriere dello Sport, Luis Muriel, attaccante dell'Atalanta, ha scelto il gol più bello segnato in carriera, arrivato l'anno scorso quando vestiva la...

29 Nov 13:14 FcInterNews.it 7848284893160005428.html
Upcoming 2020 Audi e-tron EV SUV gets improved range and a new sporty trim

The upgrades to the Audi e-tron EV SUV have added 25 km to its range. This has led to the range get to 436 km on the WLTP cycle.

29 Nov 12:28 OVERDRIVE 7781473802719529189.html
Șeful Cancelariei premierului anunță REDUCERI SEVERE ale cheltuielilor pentru a se putea crește pensiile

Șeful Cancelariei premierului, Ionel Dancă, a anunțat, vineri, la RFI, că Executivul Orban a identificat mai multe zone unde va aplica ”măsuri...

29 Nov 11:56 Stiri pe surse 4858045013742871501.html

Pevačica Severina Kojić juče je izgubila starateljstvo nad sinom posle petogodišnje pravne bitke. Mali Aleksandar je odlukom suda u Zagrebu dodeljen ocu, Milanu Popoviću. Pevačica je rastrojena oko 20 sati, zajedno sa suprugom Igorom Kojićem, sina dovela na adresu na kojoj ga je preuzeo Milanov tim. Severina je, kada je čula presudu na koju će

29 Nov 11:14 Scandal! 7263437855859359337.html
Daimler taglierà migliaia di posti di lavoro entro il 2022

Entro il 2022 la società prevede di ridurre di 1,4 miliardi i costi del personale, nonché di ridurre di circa il 10% il numero di posizioni dirigenziali in tutto il mondo.

29 Nov 14:20 InvestireOggi 7231367743531978042.html
Superb Cambridge Audio Melomania 1 now under £100 for Cyber Monday

We loved the Cambridge Audio Melomania 1 when we tested them at £120, and they're an absolute steal now at under £100 for Cyber Monday.

2 Dec 13:00 Tech Advisor 6450858317295327862.html
Kleines Mädchen Zakura : Soll für 50 Schafe verkauft werden: Vater will seine Tochter (8) vor Zwangsehe retten

Am liebsten möchte Zakura Ärztin werden. Die Zukunft des achtjährigen Mädchens sieht anders düster aus: Gemäß den Stammestraditionen wird sie an einen älteren Mann verheiratet – und damit sein Eigentum. Dagegen kämpft ihr Vater an, gemeinsam mit einem Dokumentarfilmer.

29 Nov 12:03 FOCUS Online 4448121231065259830.html
Lojas Americanas oferecem desconto no PlayStation 4 na Black Friday

Jogos como Fortnite, FIFA 20 e PES 20 também estão em promoção

29 Nov 14:11 Olhar Digital 416591715679010751.html
BI Catat Pertumbuhan Likuiditas Oktober 2019 Melambat

Bank Indonesia (BI) mencatat likuiditas perekonomian likuiditas perekonomian atau uang beredar dalam arti luas (M2) tumbuh melambat pada tumbuh melambat pada Oktober 2019. Tercatat, posisi M2 pada Oktober 2019 sebesar Rp6.025,6 triliun atau tumbuh 6,3 persen (yoy).

29 Nov 12:19 merdeka.com 1998180354996884012.html
Comment Vinted Est Devenu Le Roi De La Fringue D’Occasion

Vous avez certainement entendu parler de la nouvelle plateforme à la mode en Europe en ce moment : Vinted. Cette plateforme de commerce en ligne, utilisée...

29 Nov 12:37 Forbes France 3079663226097037204.html
Bogdan Aurescu, convorbire cu omologul din Albania/ Ministrul român a transmis că se analizează posibilităţi suplimentare de ajutorare

Ministrul afacerilor externe Bogdan Aurescu a avut, vineri, o convorbire telefonică cu ministrul-în exerciţiu pentru Europa şi afaceri externe din Republica Albania, Gent Cakaj, la iniţiativa acestuia. Aurescu a transmis că se analizează posibilităţi suplimentare de ajutorare.

29 Nov 14:45 News.ro 1785173097926236855.html
Domestic traffic for Air Passengers rises by 12pc – KCAA

NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct 29-The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority says there is an increase in passenger traffic at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport with 12 per cent growth in domestic passengers and 7.6 per cent in

29 Nov 13:47 Capital Business 7605153803772985792.html
‘Apple dacht niet: fuck you, we haten ongesteldheid. Ze vergaten het gewoon’

Caroline Criado Perez: Vrouwen worden stelselmatig genegeerd in data, schrijft Caroline Criado Perez in haar prijswinnende boek Invisible Women. Dat is niet alleen onhandig, maar soms ook levensbedreigend.

29 Nov 12:51 NRC 5923869435034223800.html
Jury gibt bekannt: "Respektrente" ist Wort des Jahres 2019

Jedes Jahr suchen Sprachwissenschaftler Wörter, die in den zurückliegenden Monaten das politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Leben besonders geprägt haben. Nun ist die Liste für 2019 da. Ein SPD-Herzensprojekt liegt vorn.

29 Nov 10:14 FOCUS Online 4448121231049254625.html
Guardiola y Kloop entran en el 'Hall of Fame' de la LMA

Guardiola y Kloop han recibido el prestigioso reconocimiento de la League Managers Association de formar parte de su 'Hall of Fame'

29 Nov 10:45 sport 1349897970503372220.html
JAY-Z Sues Australian Retailer Over 'AB to Jay-Z' Children's Book

“If you’re having alphabet problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but my ABC’s ain’t one!”

29 Nov 10:04 HYPEBEAST 3806037269594941424.html
Sonic redesign cost less than $5 million, achieved ‘without exploitation’

Sonic redesign achieved with “no exploitation” or crunch, says animator Speaking to an Argentinian Sonic fansite (translated by Tails Channel) via Nintendo Life, the significant redesign to one of gaming’s most legendary characters was done without crunch and did not come at significant cost to studio Paramount. “We were personally told that to change Sonic’s […]

29 Nov 11:10 VG247 6010161594099031074.html
Imprenditrice italiana uccisa a Capo Verde, confessa il killer: “È caduta e ha sbattuto la testa”

Gianfranco Coppola, 48enne romagnolo ed ex body builder, avrebbe confessato l'omicidio di Marilena Corrò, l'imprenditrice 52enne del b&b “A Paz” nell’isola di Boa Vista a Capo Verde trovata cadavere all'interno di un serbatoio usato per la raccolta dell'acqua. L'ammissione dell'uomo è arrivata dopo il fermo del suo complice: 'Le ho dato un colpo, lei è caduta e ha sbattuto la testa'. Il movente sarebbe di natura economica.

29 Nov 10:01 fanpage.it 1517332168510369118.html
Incautan 230 kilogramos de cocaína en puerto marítimo de Cartagena

Un ciudadano extranjero pretendía ingresar a un crucero con 15 kilogramos de cocaína que tenía como destino el puerto de Fort Lauderdale en la Florida.

29 Nov 15:40 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586359392461.html
Giocare in Borsa con Gamenet e guadagnare oltre il 30%

Giocare in Borsa vuole essere un modo simpatico per parlare di Gamenet che è, appunto, una società che opera nel campo dei giochi regolamentati in Italia.

29 Nov 14:46 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261294715856.html
NFL Rumors: Dallas Cowboys Are ‘Done’ With Jason Garrett, Despite Assurances From Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones made a public declaration in support of coach Jason Garrett after the team’s crushing loss to the Buffalo Bills on Thanksgiving, but behind the scenes it is ...

29 Nov 11:06 The Inquisitr 1745625232395571364.html
Vauseyon: fermeture nocturne de la bretelle de sortie en direction de La Chaux-de-Fonds

La bretelle de sortie de l’échangeur de Vauseyon, direction La Chaux-de-Fonds, sera fermée au trafic dans du 2 au 5 décembre. ...

29 Nov 11:13 Arcinfo 560090597850658207.html
Démarrage de la phase de poules des Coupes africaines : Raja-EST vole la vedette

Les 42.000 billets du choc Raja-EST ont été liquidés quelques heures seulement après leur mise en vente sur Internet. C’est dire le grand engouement des supporters pour ce grand duel qui s’apparente à

29 Nov 13:23 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414285126744589.html
Ist das Velo das fehlende Puzzle-Teil?

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:21 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775762482280.html
Ni entre ellos se soportan: se armo tremenda bronca saliendo del Estadio Azteca… entre americanistas

Una costumbre que no es poco común entre aficionados del 'Ame'

29 Nov 14:04 La Opinión 952941033902661573.html
Johnny Sellah – Tears ft. Jack

De derde Rotterdam Airlines release van vandaag komt van Johnny Sellah. Op de nieuwe track Tears werkt hij samen met Jack.

29 Nov 14:45 Puna 5725385642450807573.html
Subastarán en Sotheby´s las gafas redondas de John Lennon

Londres, 29 nov (Prensa Latina) Un par de gafas de sol redondas que usó John Lennon, y que está en poder de un exchofer de los Beatles desde 1968, será subastado la semana próxima por la casa Sotheby´s, trascendió hoy aquí.

29 Nov 11:39 VICTORIA 8502773549937773235.html
Bella Hadid dona 600 árboles para compensar por sus constantes viajes

La modelo estaba muy preocupada por su huella de carbono.

29 Nov 12:55 AR13 5510785231540527815.html
Three Jokers Artist Says Ending Is 'Gutsiest Thing' in Batman's 80 Years

Batman: Three Jokers artist Jason Fabok says his and Geoff Johns' miniseries will be the gustiest addition to Batman's 80-year DC history.

29 Nov 13:11 CBR.com 1295516963002844184.html
Discutirán sobre religión y espacio público

La Cátedra Latinoamericana CALAS y los investigadores Renée de la Torre y Pablo Seman organizan el“Diálogo sobre Religión y Espacio Público en América Latina”, que comienza hoy en el CUCSH y finalizará en la FIL

29 Nov 11:00 El Informador 103545928067822432.html
El animal terrestre más grande de la Antártida mide seis milímetros

La vida marina, en cambio, es la más rica después de los arrecifes de coral

29 Nov 11:57 EL PAÍS 2207347709627039140.html
Erin & eruit: zoveel spaart en spendt webshophoudster Daisy

"Mijn vader heeft mij de in en de outs van een eigen business bijgebracht"

29 Nov 14:01 Glamour 7276994001862198099.html
20.000 bei Klimaschutz-Demo in der Wiener Krieau

Beim vierten weltweiten Klimastreik wird auch in Wien für Klimaschutz demonstriert. In der Krieau marschieren Tausende im Rahmen von Fridays-For-Future für mehr Klimaschutz. WIEN.

29 Nov 13:25 meinbezirk.at 5267640332003136939.html
Noar, le rappeur hongrois qui se dresse contre le réchauffement

A travers son rap, Noar, rappeur hongrois, tente de faire prendre conscience aux responsables politiques de l'urgence climatique. Vous ne parlez pas hongrois ? Le clip est sous-titré.

29 Nov 15:28 euronews 7357749753985648367.html
Empresonen els tres pedòfils de Tortosa que seguien en llibertat fins que es dictés sentència

Ja hi havia un membre de la xarxa empresonat i tres s'han donat a la fuga

29 Nov 14:24 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480640300521.html
Erdogan slams ‘brain dead’ Macron over Nato comments

ISTANBUL, Nov 29 — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out today at counterpart Emmanuel Macron over his criticisms of Nato, saying it was the French president who was suffering “brain death”. “I am talking to France’s President Emmanuel Macron, and I will also say this at Nato....

29 Nov 15:09 Malaymail 302165935393517903.html
Mentiras verdaderas: oro, gasolina, dólares y videítos

La realidad es que en las provincias y de manera destacada en Bolívar, los objetivos de la usurpación son los de obtener dinero para las quebradas arcas nacionales, saqueadas por la corrupción socialista, sostiene Otto Jansen.

29 Nov 15:38 Correo del Caroní 4452451017154830422.html
Con lluvia y todo, manifestantes salen este viernes a las calles en Bogotá

La Secretaría de Movilidad y Transmilenio ya han reportado varias concentraciones en la capital de la República, durante el noveno día de protestas. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:08 pulzo.com 8971816786631882986.html
Amazon Black Friday: iPhone, Samsung e TV scontati, prezzi al 70%

Amazon ha riservato agli utenti il meglio per questa giornata dopo una settimana intera di sconti: ecco i migliori prezzi sul mercato in assoluto

29 Nov 10:25 tecnoandroid 2573257127874590261.html
Problemas de saúde levam Madonna a cancelar concertos

Madonna cancelou três concertos devido a problemas de saúde. A notícia foi dada em comunicado pela própria artista nas redes sociais. A cantora cancelou os concertos que faziam parte da sua digressão…

29 Nov 12:20 A Televisão 800719527684167926.html
Aprobado el plan financiero para la ampliación de la Fira

Con el nuevo marco, se prevé solicitar a la banca hasta 350 millones de euros

29 Nov 11:23 La Vanguardia 8061072700094307468.html
Crossbow killer to die in jail over ‘evil’ murder of heavily pregnant ex-wife

Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo had claimed the killing was an accident.

29 Nov 12:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774219798447.html
Yann Sommer verlängert bei Mönchengladbach

Der Schweizer Nationaltorhüter Yann Sommer (30) verlängert seinen Vertrag bei Borussia Mönchengladbach vorzeitig um zwei Jahre bis 2023.

29 Nov 13:10 bz BASEL 5287163741471563554.html
Fitbit’s cheapest fitness tracker just got 43% cheaper for Black Friday

Black Friday’s a great time to pick up a discounted fitness tracker, and the Fitbit Inspire has dropped to nearly half price on Amazon today.

29 Nov 13:15 Trusted Reviews 12694854554536968.html
L'avocat général ne requiert pas de condamnation contre le cardinal Barbarin

LYON (Reuters) - L’avocat général de la cour d’appel de Lyon n’a pas requis de condamnation vendredi à l’encontre du cardinal Barbarin, cité pour « non dénonciation d’agressions sexuelles » dans le cadre d’une affaire de pédophilie au sein de son diocèse.

29 Nov 12:45 Boursier.com 7351227821069075038.html
La foto de la mudanza de Macri y Awada que generó alegría en las redes

El presidente saliente comenzó el proceso de mudanza de la quinta de Olivos. Junto a su esposa, Juliana Awada, están en proceso de embalaje para dejarle la residencia a Alberto Fernández, que finalmente se convenció de mudarse allí con su pareja, Fabiola Yañez y con su perro Dylan.

29 Nov 14:41 Diario Registrado 7686014736417129429.html
Danielle Rose Russell Talks About The Love Triangle With Hope, Landon & Josie on 'Legacies'

The love triangle between Hope, Landon and Josie on Legacies is about to become even more complicated than it once was, Danielle Rose Russell reveals.

29 Nov 12:00 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172746644422.html
Unai Emery limogé par Arsenal

  L'entraîneur espagnol d'Arsenal, Unai Emery, a été limogé vendredi et remplacé temporairement par son adjoint Freddie Ljungberg, a annoncé le club anglais. Arsenal a subi son pire résultat depuis 1992, en perdant ses sept derniers matchs toutes compétitions confondues. Depuis son arrivée en 2018 du Paris Saint-Germain , Emery a pu conduire les Gunners jusqu'à la finale de la Ligue Europa, mais n'a pas réussi à les qualifier pour la Ligue des champions.

29 Nov 11:46 LesEco.ma 3084334527174111942.html
Latest Benue State News Online Today November 29th 2019

Good day, welcome to the latest Benue State online news headlines update for today, Friday, November 29th, 2019, on Concise News.

29 Nov 14:16 Concise 5544636823474179661.html
Cómo fue el asesinato de Abril Pérez Sagaón; recorte presupuestal del INE y más: Lo mejor #AristeguiEnVivo | Video

Javier Pérez Sagaón expuso que su hermana Abril fue asesinada el lunes en Coyoacán, tras haber denunciado violencia intrafamiliar, agresiones físicas y sometimiento en un largo proceso judicial por la custodia de sus hijos. En otros temas, Lorenzo Córdova afirmó que el recorte presupuestal es preocupante porque se da el año previo a las elecciones más grandes de la historia.

29 Nov 13:15 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496246985603.html
Formel 2 Abu Dhabi 2019 heute in Live-Stream + TV: Saison-Finale! So sehen Sie das Qualifying live

Seit dem Aufstieg von Mick Schumacher in die Formel 2 ist die Rennserie auch für deutsche TV-Sender interessant geworden. Motorsportfans haben in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal die Möglichkeit, auch in Deutschland live bei der Formel 2 dabei zu sein – wenn auch mit Abstrichen. Wir verraten Ihnen mehr zur aktuellen Saison und den Ergebnissen vom Großen Preis von Abu Dhabi auf dem Yas Marinas.

29 Nov 15:59 news.de 5126378978001684502.html
Wanda Nara te invita a su cama ¿aceptarías hacer el delicioso?

&iquest;Qui&eacute;n despreciaria a este bomb&oacute;n de mujer? Y sobre todo si te invita a su cama

29 Nov 15:46 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623182155703.html
Una costumbre santafesina: Las Doras campeonas 2019

Venció a Echagüe El elenco santafesino se consagró tras ganarle al equipo de la capital entrerriana por 3 sets a 1. Mismo resultado habían obtenido en paraná, por lo que no hubo necesidad de un tercer encuentro definitorio. 

29 Nov 12:04 El Litoral 2624573357661171584.html
'Bachelor' star Peter Weber reveals face injury scar two months after fall

Peter Weber is on the mend and back at work.

29 Nov 13:25 Fox News 7362823820988156467.html
Segunda etapa da Lei da Anistia termina neste sábado

Atendimento em caráter de plantão ocorre entre 8h e 18h, na entrada lateral do Espaço Cidadão

29 Nov 13:52 Tribuna de Minas 7521696933305168917.html
Lena Meyer-Landrut plaudert über Beziehungskrise: „Jetzt sind wir wieder zusammen“

Bei ihrem Besuch im ARD-Morgenmagazin am Dienstag überraschte Lena Meyer-Landrut mit offenen Worten über eine überstandene Beziehungskrise. 

29 Nov 11:34 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238926122018.html
"Die Simpsons"-Showrunner: "Wir haben nicht vor aufzuhören"

Auf diese Nachricht konnte Homer Simpson wohl nur mit seinem berühmten 'Nein!' reagieren: Es gab Gerüchte, dass mit der Kultserie 'Die Simpsons' bald Schluss sein wird. Doch alles gut, Homer. Der Produzent widerlegt dies nun.

29 Nov 10:43 T-Online 5460876211050762643.html
CBOT Trends - Corn, wheat seen steady to higher; soybeans mixed

CHICAGO, Nov 29 (Reuters) - Following are U.S. trade expectations for the opening of grain and soy complex trading at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) at 8:30 a.m. CST (1430 GMT) on Friday.The markets were closed on Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.WHEAT - Steady to up 2 cents per bushel* There were no deliveries against the CBOT's December wheat contract on first notice day on Friday. Traders expected deliveries of zero to 400 contracts, with most anticipating none.

29 Nov 14:24 Successful Farming 8502642054516874579.html
Resultado Libres 2: dominio absoluto de Mercedes y Carlos Sainz fuera del top 10

El último fin de semana de la temporada de Fórmula 1 dio el pistoletazo de salida con los primeros entrenamientos libres. Unos entrenamientos que dominó con gran autoridad Mercedes

29 Nov 14:38 El Confidencial 6129807549120663736.html
Deindustrializza e desertifica l’Italia. Cosa c'è dietro la plastic tax

Numeri. Dati. Fatti sconosciuti. Dietro la legge uno storytelling emotivo che colpisce la pancia ma è una manipolazione. L’urlo dei produttori. L’intervista.

29 Nov 12:55 Affari Italiani 6123405403563766213.html
‘Justin Timberlake keerde heel graag terug in Trolls 2’

Het kostte regisseur Walt Dohrn geen enkele moeite om zanger Justin Timberlake te verleiden voor het vervolg op animatiehit Trolls. De megaster is komend voorjaar weer te horen als trol Branch in Trolls World Tour, het vervolg op de hit uit 2016.

29 Nov 10:18 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049351840394.html
Sabato 30 novembre una grande festa per Francy all’Agorà Palace Hotel

Organizzata dal Motorcycle Club Law Enforcement

29 Nov 10:47 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271319102566212.html
Nem os EUA terão instituições suficientes para sobreviver a Trump?

A passagem do processo de destituição de Donald Trump na Câmara de Representantes à fase das audições públicas está a revelar-se essencialmente um caso de conflito aberto entre uma conceção autocrática dos poderes presidenciais e o profissionalismo dos servidores públicos que, nos diferentes níveis da administração, contactaram com o assunto.

29 Nov 12:58 DN 8445869956727921913.html
Boris Johnson wants ‘exuberant’ media after Channel 4 debate row

A Conservative source suggested the party may review Channel 4’s public service broadcasting position.

29 Nov 11:18 Express & Star 7324224459937776259.html
Scientists Are Confused Whether This 18,000-Year-Old Frozen Animal is Dog or Wolf

This 18000-years-old dog is so perfectly preserved that his body hair, fur, eyelashes, nose are in good condition- it looks like he is so fresh.

29 Nov 11:25 India.com 7150386084031647097.html
Ex-Spieler verrät: Favre findet Hummels "überschätzt"

Borussia Dortmund verpflichtete im Sommer Mats Hummels vom FC Bayern München und untermauerte damit seine Ambitionen, den Rekordmeister vom Bundesliga-Thron zu verdrängen. BVB-Trainer Lucien Favre dürfte vom Transfer jedoch nicht überzeugt gewesen sein, behauptet nun ein ehemaliger Wegbegleiter aus dessen Zeit in Gladbach.

29 Nov 14:21 weltfussball.at 3521376371944896805.html
Arrestation d’un Algérien dans les environs de Berkane

Les mis en cause ont été placés en garde à vue à la disposition de l’enquête menée sous la supervision du parquet compétent.

29 Nov 14:26 Le Site Info 5160764341981702945.html
I would now vote to leave the EU, says oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood

The businessman and philanthropist voted to remain in 2016 but said the UK could be ‘better off’ outside of the bloc.

29 Nov 15:00 Express & Star 7324224460823533888.html
I would now vote to leave the EU, says oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood

The businessman and philanthropist voted to remain in 2016 but said the UK could be ‘better off’ outside of the bloc.

29 Nov 15:01 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775358937408.html
'It makes you realise how special it is what Munster has. It's very hard to replicate'

Tommy O’Donnell explains how his family have helped him to develop resilience.

29 Nov 11:15 The42 5369852630299074960.html
Black Friday savings on Samsung, Huawei, Sony flagships at Vodafone UK

The UK mobile operators are getting in on the Black Friday madness, and Vodafone UK has just dropped its range of on-contract deals, which includes big savings on flagship Android phones from Huawei, Samsung and Sony. Among the highlights are the Galaxy S10 5G, Xperia 5 and P30 Pro. Savings across the life of a 24-month contract with the carrier range from £300 to 600. The sale runs...

29 Nov 10:24 Android Central 29040143310390238.html
Amazon: ecco perché è meglio di eBay durante il Black Friday

Molti utenti continuano a chiedersi quale sia la principale differenza fra Amazon ed Ebay. Eccola di seguito spiegata

29 Nov 13:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127921289059.html
LG OLED B97LA: Der günstigste OLED-Fernseher im Test

LG bietet den OLED B97LA zum Kampfpreis an. Kann der B9 mit den teureren OLED-Fernsehern mithalten? Der Test von COMPUTER BILD verrät es!

29 Nov 15:07 Computer Bild 4944248631164423421.html
Colau defensa l'abstenció de Podem a la «llei mordassa digital»

L'alcaldessa de Barcelona insisteix que l'abstenció al Congrés és a cavnvi d'una reforma "substancial" de la normativa

29 Nov 14:37 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480540340038.html
TS - San Siro, martedì l'atteso incontro tra Milan, Inter e Comune

Nella giornata di ieri, è stata fissata la data dell’atteso incontro tra Comune, Inter e Milan per iniziare a ridiscutere concretamente del progetto del nuovo stadio in...

29 Nov 12:46 FcInterNews.it 7848284892427605775.html
I'm A Celebrity: Andy Whyment's sister hits out at Extra Camp's Adam Thomas over claims Corrie star is playing a 'game'

Adam can't believe he drives a Kia Ceed

29 Nov 12:34 Entertainment Daily 8392972517064478573.html
Simpan 30,9 Kg Sabu-Sabu dari Malaysia, Suhardi Dijatuhi Hukuman Mati

Dalam persidangan terungkap bahwa narkotika itu rencananya dibawa Hasanuddin ke Medan. Suhardi dan Hasanuddin dijanjikan upah Rp30 Juta. Mereka pun diketahui sudah 3 Kali melakukan pekerjaan serupa.

29 Nov 15:55 merdeka.com 1998180355125882035.html
Arrests after man, 42, was allegedly kidnapped and taken to industrial estate

Three men arrested in connection with the incident remain in police custody

29 Nov 11:57 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702892581424.html
"Respektrente" besiegt selbst „Fridays for Future“

Jedes Jahr suchen Sprachwissenschaftler Wörter, die in den zurückliegenden Monaten das politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Leben besonders geprägt haben. Auch „Rollerchaos“ und „Fridays for Future“ sind dabei.

29 Nov 00:00 DIE WELT 6197693429087085521.html
V. feltri si schiera con matteo renzi. o meglio, contro i giudici: 'la politica e' diventata una...


29 Nov 10:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336740069097679.html
It's Time To Clean Your Oven & Microwave—Here's How To Do It Naturally

All it takes is lemon, baking soda, and Castile soap.

29 Nov 11:22 mindbodygreen 5822886643396571238.html
Angela Merkel pala, pa se našalila

BERLIN - Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel pala je dok se pela na podijum na jednom poslovnom skupu, posle čega se našalila na svoj račun, prenose mediji.

29 Nov 11:17 Krstarica 4176903988216252783.html
Sędzia Paweł Juszczyszyn zawieszony

Prezes Sądu Rejonowego w Olsztynie Maciej Nawacki zawiesił poprzez zarządzenie Pawła Juszczyszyna. Sędzia Juszczyszyn, powołując się na wyrok TSUE, zażądał od Kancelarii Sejmu ujawnienia listy poparcia dla kandydatów do nowej Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa. Z delegacji do Sądu Okręgowego w Olsztynie odwołał go minister sprawiedliwości Zbigniew Ziobro.

29 Nov 15:06 Do Rzeczy 474976675822097007.html
Stardew Valley - Großes Update 1.4 offenbart neues Endgame-Event

„Stardew Valleys“ neustes Update 1.4 bringt neben erweiterten Funktionen ein neues Endgame-Event, das das Spielerlebnis verlängern soll.

29 Nov 14:15 PlayNation 4622181943878357519.html
‘We don’t ban the rich from public schools, firefighters, or libraries’ — AOC slams Pete Buttigieg after he criticizes tuition-free public college as too radical

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed Pete Buttigieg after he criticized calls for tuition-free public college as too radical.

29 Nov 10:37 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882906600757.html
Zvezda - Vreme za veliku rekonstrukciju, ko odlazi od stranaca?

Ako želi da u narednom periodu izbegne rezultate kao protiv Totenhema i Bajerna, Zvezda će morati da napravi važne promene u svom timu.

29 Nov 11:07 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495628205121.html
Fim do mistério: Gean Loureiro vai mesmo para o DEM

Uma nota conjunta das direções nacional e estadual do DEM ainda nesta sexta-feira deve oficializar o que já era dado como certo nas últimas semanas: o prefeito de Florianópolis, Gean Loureiro (ex-MDB), é o novo filiado do partido. A definição encerrará um suspense iniciado no final de maio, quando anunciou a saída do partido em que foi eleito prefeito em 2016 alegando o desgaste nacional da sigla do ex-presidente Michel Temer.

29 Nov 15:19 NSC Total 4216767907696236657.html
Zara Larsson, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Leiva, Rels B y Guitarricadelafuente, confirmados para el Arenal Sound 2020

Con todos los abonos vendidos en menos de 12 horas durante el pasado 20 de octubre, la undécima edición de Arenal Sound comienza a tomar forma con el...

29 Nov 11:15 Europa Press 4702666148278272213.html
Un film live-action Metroid en développement avec Emily Blunt ?

Selon les sources du site We Got This Covered, Nintendo préparerait l'adapation de Metroid sur grand écran avec Emily Blunt dans le rôle principal.

29 Nov 15:29 HITEK.fr 8540387691059978939.html
GP de Abu Dhabi: Bottas volta a ser o mais rápido no segundo treino mas bate em Grosjean

Como se fosse numa corrida, finlandês tenta passar francês, que fecha a porta e causa acidente; Hamilton completa dobradinha da Mercedes à frente da dupla da Ferrari

29 Nov 14:30 Globoesporte 3611676018981418161.html
Grab a Free Nintendo Switch When You Buy Any Huawei P30 with Virgin Media

Do you like Huawei, need a new phone, and could do with a free games console to sweeten the deal? Well do we have the Black Friday deal for you, because Virgin Media has not only knocked money off the P30 Pro, it's also bundled with a Nintendo Switch. While stocks last anyway.

29 Nov 12:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059000535866043.html
Jamstveni sklad 468 nekdanjim zaposlenim Adrie Airways izplačal 1,8 milijona evrov

Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad je danes 468 nekdanjim zaposlenim propadlega letalskega prevoznika Adria Airways izplačal 1,8 milijona evrov. Na skladu ob tem poudarjajo, da je to eno največjih izplačil sklada v zadnjih nekaj letih, ko gre za pravice delavcev v primeru insolventnosti.

29 Nov 15:55 Dnevnik 7671546650254570975.html
'Dolor y Gloria' de Almodóvar lidera las nominaciones a los Premios Feroz

La película 'Dolor y Gloria' de Pedro Almodóvar lidera la lista de los nominados a los Premios Feroz con un total de 10 nominaciones, seguida de 'Ventajas...

29 Nov 10:48 Europa Press 4702666147720723187.html
Ex-Parteichefin: Frauke Petry über die AfD: „Ich bin traurig darüber, was aus der Partei geworden ist"

Die ehemalige AfD-Chefin Frauke Petry kritisiert die Führungsspitze der Partei und bezeichnet sie indirekt als schwach und inkompetent. ´Die AfD ist führungslos´, sagte sie der RTL/n-tv Redaktion. Für die Partei spiele es somit keine große Rolle, dass ihr bisheriger Vorsitzender Alexander Gauland auf dem kommenden Parteitag nicht erneut kandidieren wolle.

29 Nov 12:46 FOCUS Online 4448121231889961922.html
Nije boargemasters Noardeast-Fryslân en Amelân no offisjeel beneamd

De beneamingen fan de oansteande boargemasters Johannes Kramer en Leo Pieter Stoel binne by keninklik beslút goedkard.

29 Nov 15:11 Omrop Fryslân 8239175695969165249.html
Més de 100 mesures per lluitar contra la violència masclista des de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

L'educació, el transport i l'oci nocturn són algun dels àmbits en què se centra el pla de mandat

29 Nov 11:05 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478705568036.html
Sob aplausos, corpo de Gugu Liberato é enterrado diante de multidão

O corpo de Gugu Liberato foi enterrado no final da manhã desta sexta-feira (29), no cemitério Gethsêmani, na Vila Sônia, em São Paulo. O sepultamento aconteceu sob muitos aplausos e diante de multidão.

29 Nov 12:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125211041392986.html
Hilde Gammelsæter slutter i Starcom - blir ny markedssjef i VG

Vender tilbake etter to år på byråsiden.

29 Nov 15:28 Kampanje 8714678314493428378.html
Martínez Quarta, nei giorni scorsi missione a Lima di Zanetti. L'agente: "A gennaio in Europa? È possibile"

"Cercheremo di dare la priorità al progetto sportivo rispetto a quello economico. Non lo porterò al primo club in Europa pronto a mettere soldi". Questa la certezza...

29 Nov 11:27 FcInterNews.it 7848284894151471350.html
Economy set to grow at much faster pace: P. K. Mishra

Mr. Mishra, however, acknowledged that in recent months India had witnessed a slowdown in growth.

29 Nov 15:52 The Hindu 6679535026183429523.html
Unos 70 andaluces retan la alerta terrorista en el Sáhara: "Nadie ha cancelado el viaje"

Dos grupos de unos 70 andaluces vuelan este viernes al Sáhara, pese a la alerta del Ministerio de Defensa de un posible atentado. Desde Andalucía nadie ha cancelado

29 Nov 12:38 El Confidencial 6129807550538423388.html
Bu besinler hastalıklardan koruyor

Beslenme ve Diyet Uzmanı Merve Sehlikoğlu, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek için soğan ve sarımsak, narenciye ürünleri, yoğurt, balık, bitki çayları tüketilmesini önerdi.

29 Nov 11:00 61 SAAT 7475575989980650472.html
Qué es la alimentación intuitiva y cómo aplicarla en tu vida diaria

Se acercan las celebraciones de finales de año y con ello empiezan las coposas cenas familiares.

29 Nov 12:55 Prensa Libre 5433015256436147315.html
Veljiaj: Malo objekata u Tirani ostalo neošećeno

TIRANA - Razorni zemljotres, koji je 26. novembra pogodio delove Albanije, u Tirani nije prouzrokovao žrtve, kao što je to bio slučaj u Draču u Tumanu,

29 Nov 14:49 Krstarica 4176903988087293456.html
El realme X2 Pro se actualiza mejorando su cámara y pantalla

El realme X2 Pro es uno de los móviles más potentes del año. Ahora la compañía ha lanzado una actualización que mejora su cámara y pantalla.

29 Nov 13:00 MovilZona 3711352296943720001.html
Portret mladega Mozarta na dražbi v Parizu prodali za štiri milijone evrov

Na dražbi v Parizu so za štiri milijone evrov prodali potret skladatelja Wolfganga Amadeusa Mozarta. Gre za enega od štirih znanih portretov Mozarta. Pri starosti 13 let ga je po poročanju avstrijske tiskovne agencije APA najverjetneje upodobil Giambettino Cignaroli. Portret je bil ocenjen na 800.000 do 1,2 milijona evrov.

29 Nov 10:30 Dnevnik 7671546650404686899.html
Alcalde de Cali pide cambiar para el 8 de diciembre la final entre Junior y América

El mandatario Maurice Armitage manifestó que “el 7 es un día familiar y con numerosos eventos en la ciudad”....

29 Nov 15:52 El Heraldo 8273144987249160253.html
Mihajlovic "non ho più lacrime, mi sono rotto di piangere"

(ANSA) - BOLOGNA, 29 NOV - "In questi 4 mesi ho pianto e non ho più le lacrime. Mi sono rotto le palle di piangere". Lo ha detto l'allenatore del Bologna Sinisa Mihajlovic, durante la conferenza stampa allo stadio Dall'Ara di Bologna, dopo che il primario di Ematologia, Michele Cavo, aveva detto che "le lacrime sono catartiche", commentando il momento di commozione che aveva appena avuto il tecnico. (ANSA).

29 Nov 11:40 MilanNews.it 6507305922365187736.html
El AVE de Granada alcanza los 2.600 pasajeros al día con los servicios de Madrid y Barcelona

La Alta Velocidad está a punto de alcanzar los 400.000 viajeros en sus cinco meses de funcionamiento Renfe 'ha eliminado' a partir del 21 de enero la conexión entre Granada y Madrid de las 15:00 horas el AVE entre Granada y Madrid de las 15:00 horas

29 Nov 13:16 Granada Hoy 1381639727497700083.html
World shares mostly slide in ‘Black Friday' retreat

BEIJING (AP) - Stock markets mostly fell Friday as investors gauged whether renewed China-U.S. tensions might lead to a "Black Friday" sell-off, and with U.S. traders largely out for a long weekend.

29 Nov 12:51 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638280347692.html
Celebrul bucătar britanic Gary Rhodes a murit din cauza unei hemoragii cerebrale

Celebrul bucătar britanic Gary Rhodes a murit, pe 26 noiembrie, din cauza unei hemoragii cerebrale, a transmis familia lui.

29 Nov 15:01 News.ro 1785173097926532826.html
Compra medias azules y salva un piquero de Galápagos, campaña creada por niños de Estados Unidos

Matthew y Will Gladstone son hermanos y fundadores de Blue Feet Foundation, creada para ayudar a la conservación de los piqueros patas azules de Galápagos.

29 Nov 13:52 El Universo 8365175797076781997.html
Unai Emery sacked as Arsenal manager — after 18 months in charge

Arsenal Football Club has sacked Unai Emery has manager for poor performance.

29 Nov 10:54 TheCable 7513571675364552978.html
The Unlikely Hero of Rian Johnson’s 'Knives Out'

No, it’s not Daniel Craig’s new accent.

29 Nov 14:00 The Atlantic 100708437543260110.html
Green Climate Fund to channel over $1.87bn in tackling emissions

Green Climate Fund is now financing climate action in over 100 developing countries after the final Board meeting of 2019 approved 13 new projects.

29 Nov 10:02 ESI-Africa.com 2679729876867870602.html
Pria 70 Tahun Nikah ke-9 Kali dengan Wanita Muda, Mas Kawin Rp50 Ribu

Dengan mas kawin Rp50 ribu, kakek 70 tahun mempersunting perempuan yang lebih muda 42 tahun darinya.

29 Nov 11:04 moms-life 8028540702286413532.html
The week in wildlife – in pictures

The pick of the best flora and fauna photos from around the world, including a giant tortoise and a painted stork

29 Nov 15:53 the Guardian 1491978795862648138.html
Stadsmus Jana Wuyts ruilde Antwerpen in voor de Oostkantons: “De temperaturen zakken hier makkelijk tot -20 °C, dat was wennen”

Het is er stil en er is weinig afleiding. De mensen leven er traag en volgens de seizoenen. Antwerpen inruilen voor de Oostkantons was even wennen voor stadsmus Jana Wuyts. Intussen is ze verknocht...

29 Nov 10:04 HLN 8967494997852692766.html
Black Friday Deals und Bilder vom Galaxy S11 – unsere Highlights der Woche

Das P30 lite, die Apple Watch 5 und die Geschichte des Black Friday haben uns diese Woche beschäftigt. Doch es gab noch eniges mehr.

29 Nov 14:45 CURVED 5947652463552668642.html
Zidane garante que Vinicius Junior não deixará o Real Madrid

"Ele não tem jogado muito, mas vai jogar", afirmou o treinador

29 Nov 14:29 Correio 5185786714076119081.html
Kinder müssen nicht mehr für Heimplatz der Eltern zahlen

Künftig werden Kinder von den Kosten fürs Pflegeheim ihrer Eltern befreit, wenn sie weniger als 100 000 Euro brutto verdienen.

29 Nov 14:21 Bild 8433249908465301926.html
Hyundai Xcent sales cross 2.5 lakh milestone

Hyundai India has sold over 2.5 lakh units of the Xcent compact sedan since its India launch in March 2014. Click here for more details.

29 Nov 15:12 Autocar India 1039296990223210969.html
Bakan Albayrak: Yerli reyting şirketimiz kuruldu

Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Berat Albayrak, Twitter...

29 Nov 13:32 CNN Türk 3669296858162281230.html
Roborock S6 rebajado en Fnac: ahorra casi 100 euros en el futuro de los aspiradores robot

El Roborock S6 es el mejor robot aspirador de la compañía

29 Nov 11:57 Andro4all 8652186058976909755.html
Carl Ikeme: Rui Patricio, just take the Wolves No.1 shirt

Having spent 16 years at Wolves after coming through the club's academy, Carl Ikeme was forced to retire in 2018 after being diagnosed with leukaemia.

29 Nov 15:01 Express & Star 7324224459838055462.html
Wind: ecco i premi dei concorsi WinDay Dicembre 2019 prima di Natale

Il mese di Novembre sta per finire e Wind, con WinDay, ha già svelato i concorsi settimanali per tutti i mercoledì del mese di Dicembre 2019

29 Nov 12:24 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461750297695947.html
Racisme dans le football: Lukaku pousse un coup de gueule !

Une nouvelle fois victime de cris de racisme, Romelu Lukaku a décidé de prendre la parole face à ces propos inacceptable.

29 Nov 15:39 MCE TV 8868163940973302621.html
Francia y Portugal, rivales a evitar por España en el sorteo de este sábado de la Eurocopa

Luis Enrique ya sabe que uno de sus rivales será el ganador de uno de los cuatro 'play-offs' que repartirán los cuatro billetes que restan

29 Nov 13:59 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612934447872.html
4500 banen op tocht bij Britse tak Innogy

Bij Npower, de Britse tak van energiebedrijf Innogy, staan 4500 banen op de tocht. Dat meldt vakbond Unison. Innogy staat in het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor een aanzienlijke ingreep. Daarbij moeten de klanten van Npower worden overgezet naar moederbedrijf EO.N.

29 Nov 10:24 RD.nl 6406779841277955345.html
Vodafone's Black Friday Deals Include Free Airpods & PAYG Phones for 1p

If you've had your eye on a new phone or a pair of Apple Airpods, you might want to check out Vodafone's deals for Black Friday.

29 Nov 11:30 Gizmodo UK 8363059000779980234.html
Boris Johnson wants ‘exuberant’ media after Channel 4 debate row

A Conservative source suggested the party may review Channel 4’s public service broadcasting position.

29 Nov 11:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774473179779.html
‘Winter is coming’: Synergy, transformation crucial for growth, says BI

Reiterating the President's notable Game of Thrones analogy, the Bank Indonesia governor stressed that structural transformation was vital to facing the coming "winter" in the global economy.

29 Nov 12:39 The Jakarta Post 7678601102490368923.html
Leo Dias diz que foi discriminado no SBT por dependência química

Leo Dias falou sobre a sua saída do SBT e disse em entrevista à revista Veja que não teve o seu salário aumentado por ser dependente químico. A declaração veio em meio a outras falas polêmicas sobre a direção da emissora e do Fofocalizando.

29 Nov 12:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125212042535147.html
Wetter in Deutschland: Sturmböen und Dauerregen - hier wird es heute ungemütlich

Das Wetter in Deutschland bleibt auch zum Wochenende hin durchwachsen: An der Küste und an den Gebirgen wird es stürmisch - in einigen Landkreisen droht zudem Dauerregen. Die aktuellen Wetter-News für Deutschland lesen Sie im News-Ticker von FOCUS Online.

29 Nov 12:20 FOCUS Online 4448121231434374916.html
Holaluz debuta en verde y a lo grande en el MAB

El de Holaluz no ha sido un estreno más del Mercado Alternativo Bursátil. Con los inversores de este mercado acostumbrados a la incorporación,...

29 Nov 11:32 Expansión 4197779425153596428.html
Schockfoto! Dieses kleine Mädchen hält das Netz in Atem: Was ist nur mit ihren Beinen passiert?

New York: Schockfoto! Es ist ein Foto eines kleines Mädchen im Internet aufgetaucht, dass die Menschenrätseln lässt. mehr dazu hier.

29 Nov 15:59 Thüringen24 7206317295519929386.html
Sale più del previsto l'inflazione in Ue, euro e borse ingessate

L'inflazione nell'area euro a novembre è cresciuta dell'1% a livello annuale dallo 0,7% di ottobre e leggermente al di sopra del consenso allo 0,9%, come...

29 Nov 11:45 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743448119763.html
Maite Perroni: Confiesa que fue una novia fugitiva y la relación que mantiene con los ex RBD

La actriz y cantante mexicana *Maite Perroni *contó detalles íntimos de su vida y su relación con los chicos del grupo musical “Rebelde”. [1]   [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/rbd

29 Nov 13:15 El Popular 1251135764866172123.html
Yanzu-yanzu: Kotu ta tuɓe rawanin wani babban sarki mai daraja ta ɗaya a Najeriya

Kamar yadda The Punch ta ruwaito, tun a 2013 kotun daukaka kara da ke zamanta a Ibadan ta kwace kujerar mulkin daga hannun Adegbola. Basaraken da wasu mutane shida suka shigar da kara kan Mista James Olatunde Idowu da wasu mutane

29 Nov 14:37 Legit 7368782176119881979.html
El Ayuntamiento de Madrid plantará un árbol por cada niño nacido en la ciudad

La medida se ha adoptado en el pleno infantil sobre medioambiente que se ha celebrado esta mañana en Cibeles con motivo de Madrid Green...

29 Nov 11:52 ecoticias.com 9144483866136272770.html
Dos morts en un atac amb ganivet al pont de Londres

L'atacant, que va ser abatut per la policia, havia estat a la presó per delictes relacionats amb el terrorisme islamista

29 Nov 14:58 CCMA 3983269928765302122.html
Concluyen las tareas de búsqueda tras el terremoto en Albania con 49 muertos

Los equipos de rescate concluyeron las tareas de búsqueda tras el terremoto de magnitud 6,4 que sacudió el martes Albania y que causó un total de 49 muertos, según reveló este viernes el primer ministro del país, Edi Rama. Un total de 45 personas fueron rescatadas con vida aunque ya no se esperan encontrar más supervivientes del seísmo.

29 Nov 13:23 Crónica 1134283328466363258.html
La Generación Z es más apática para rentar que los millennials

Las diferencias generacionales han sido fundamentales para entender el rol que deben desempeñar las marcas para entender.

29 Nov 11:08 Merca2.0 990348493518327713.html
Minister Koolmees (D66) teleurgesteld door kritiek op zzp-wet: ‘Makkelijk en jammer’

'Kritiek hebben is makkelijk, maar ik ben dan wel benieuwd naar het alternatief'

29 Nov 11:58 ThePostOnline 3048418756389553335.html
County Durham food hygiene ratings: The takeaways and chippies with the lowest scores

These are the County Durham establishments who have been given a score by inspectors they probably don't want on their door

29 Nov 12:25 ChronicleLive 1984146900863694732.html
Le puissant odorat des chiens les aide à percevoir le monde qui les entoure

Comme nous le savons depuis longtemps, les chiens sont dotés d’un puissant odorat, et de récentes études suggèrent qu'ils sont capables de former une image mentale des objets et éléments qu'ils ciblent dans leur environnement. Cette capacité les aiderait à mieux percevoir le monde qui les entoure, compensant entre autres leur faible acuité visuelle. Pour les humains, la vision est un sens extrêmement important. En revanche, les chiens s’appuient davantage sur leur odorat et leur ouïe pour recueillir des informations sur leur environnement. Leur vision est plutôt médiocre : en effet, leur acuité visuelle étant quatre à huit fois moins

29 Nov 13:29 Trust My Science 2725330382680458535.html
Quel est l’animal terrestre qui migre sur les plus longues distances ?

De nombreuses espèces effectuent des migrations, mais quels sont les animaux terrestres qui parcourent le plus de kilomètres ? Réponse : ce sont les rennes. Les migrations animales sont nombreuses. En règle général, les espèces concernées

29 Nov 12:02 Sciencepost 6380498001364641955.html
Sir Mo Farah performs retirement U-turn ahead of 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Sir Mo Farah initially had his heart set on winning marathon gold in Asia ext year

29 Nov 11:49 mirror 675785260736659503.html
Elena Sofia Ricci bomba sexy, toglie i panni di Suor Angela e si mostra in bikini: décolleté e curve in bella vista [FOTO]

La carriera artistica di Elena Sofia Ricci Senza ombra di dubbio Elena Sofia Ricci è una delle attrici italiane più apprezzate nel nostro Paese. La sua professionalità e serietà fanno si che venga seguita in ogni suo lavoro. In tanti anni di carriera la donna ha vinto numerosi premi e realizzato molte fiction e film, […]

29 Nov 12:00 KontroKultura 2573504972532378927.html
Árvore gigante rara de 535 anos foi derrubada em Santa Catarina para virar cerca

Era alta como um prédio de dez andares, larga a ponto de só poder ser abraçada por seis pe...

29 Nov 10:38 UOL Noticias 8892198860999544226.html
Occhi aperti sulla legge di bilancio: l'aumento per le coperture del 5 per mille non c'è

La scorsa primavera denunciammo il fatto che il tetto dei 500 milioni fissato per il 5 per mille al momento della stabilizzazione, con l'edizione 2017 era stato sfondato: sempre più italiani infatti scelgono questo strumento di sussidiarietà fiscale. Per evitare che il gap fra le risorse destinate dagli italiani e quelle effettivamente distribuite dallo Stato aumenti, serve subito aumentare lo stanziamento del fondo

29 Nov 12:30 VITA 7700876770465092441.html
‘Uomini e Donne’, Beatrice Valli di nuovo incinta? Arriva la risposta dell’ex corteggiatrice

All’occhio attento dei fan di Beatrice Valli non è sfuggito che nell’ultimo periodo l’ex corteggiatrice di Uomini e Donne ha mostrato sui social delle dolci rotondità che in molti hanno subito associato ad una nuova gravidanza in arrivo.

29 Nov 15:08 Isa e Chia 8427750813242200697.html
Tragedia en Lezama: el colectivo no superaba los 100 km/h al momento del siniestro

Así lo confirmaron fuentes policiales. 

29 Nov 11:08 La Voz 6237180762355537522.html
Lista Medicamentelor Esențiale se readuce în dezbaterea publică, la schimbarea guvernelor României

Încă din 1977, OMS (Organizația Mondială a Sănătății) a elaborat Lista Medicamentelor Esențiale (LME), o listă care conține medicament ele...

29 Nov 12:10 Stiri pe surse 4858045013513990327.html
Juncker zieht zum Abschied Bilanz – das sagt er über die Schweiz

Mit einer launigen Bilanz seiner Erfolge und Niederlagen hat sich EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker von den Europäern verabschiedet. Der 64-jährige …

29 Nov 13:47 watson.ch 2253754995174622397.html
La Línea B no funcionará hasta las 13 por agresiones al personal

Un grupo de trabajadores fue agredido por negarse a utilizar materiales con asbesto. El comunicado de los metrodelegados.

29 Nov 12:29 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204482310545229.html
El Consejo de la URJC frena la concesión del crédito a la Comunidad de Madrid tras destaparlo 'Público'

Pese a lo esperado, el Consejo de Gobierno de la Universidad frenó las intenciones de la cúpula de la Universidad y de su gerente. El voto fue secreto y ganaron los miembros que se posicionaron en contra del borrador del contrato.

29 Nov 13:41 www.publico.es 99190978582674550.html
Ovako izgleda prvi suprug Sanje Kužet: Evo gde ga je upoznala!

Sanja Kužet danas je u srećnom braku sa Nemanjom Živojinovićem sa kojim ima sina Strahinju.

29 Nov 10:21 pulsonline 6050941185897631617.html
Gli anni più belli di Gabriele Muccino: il trailer

Quattro amici lungo quarant'anni di vita, dal 1980 ad oggi. Con Pierfrancesco Favino, Micaela Ramazzotti, Kim Rossi Stuart e Claudio Santamaria

29 Nov 15:36 Panorama 2295580206587505547.html
Couple targeted by teenagers on bus ‘harassed because of who we were’

Prosecutor Saira Khan previously said the teenagers saw the women as ‘some form of entertainment’.

29 Nov 12:20 Shropshire Star 3480199991624162968.html
Dia de Black Friday tem correria em shoppings de Salvador; veja vídeo

Clientes madrugaram na porta dos shoppings para comprar produtos mais baratos

29 Nov 14:32 Correio 5185786713739399669.html
Beelink GT-King e GT-King Pro incluem um cartão microSD com CoreELEC

A Beelink anunciou recentemente que as suas boxes de TV Android GT-King e GT-King Pro agora vêm com um cartão de memória microSD de 8GB de capacidade e com o sistema operativo CoreELEC.

29 Nov 10:31 PCGuia 8345134071985274758.html
Consumidora consegue ressarcimento de R$ 1,2 mil após comprar celular

Uma consumidora conseguiu recuperar R$ 1,2 mil depois de comprar aparelho celular e se arrepender da negociação. A intermediação foi feita por equipe do Procon-MS, que está no centro de Campo Grande, acompanhando a Black Friday. Os fiscais estão com a van de atendimento na Rua Barão do Rio Branco, esquina com a Rua 14 de Julho. Agora, percorrem as lojas para verificar se o Código de Consumidor est...

29 Nov 13:46 Campo Grande News 7902463002405124687.html
This ABT Audi RS4-R is the police car of your dreams

VW Group tuning specialist gives performance estate a power boost and Polizei livery

29 Nov 11:30 Shropshire Star 3480199991504167653.html
UFC: Conor McGregor wraca do gry. Irlandczyk ma wiele do udowodnienia

18 stycznia przyszłego roku Conor McGregor znów wejdzie do oktagonu. Irlandczyk wróci do świata sportów walki po ponad rocznej przerwie.

29 Nov 11:40 Polskie Radio 2539990556024836829.html
İklim konulu programa katılmayan Boris Johnson yerine buz heykel kondu

İklim konulu tartışma programına katılmayı reddetmesi sonucu yapımcılar Johnson ve onun gibi gelmemeyi tercih eden Brexit Partisi lideri Nigel Farage'a ayrılan yerlere erimekte olan buzdan oyulmuş bir heykel koydular.

29 Nov 11:26 euronews 9035311896151917260.html
At $20 for the Echo Flex, Amazon is practically giving it away

The Amazon Echo Flex is a plug-in speaker that you can fit just about anywhere in your home that has a standard outlet. Perfect for places where a regular smart speaker won't do. Black Friday! The Best Black Friday Deals Find Your Black Friday Deal: All Deals Updated Live, Sortable By Category Nintendo Switch Deals Best Phone Deals Best iPad Deals Best Chromebook Deals Black Friday...

29 Nov 14:45 Android Central 29040143074724895.html
Madrid pide a la OCDE que no publique los datos españoles de PISA

El consejero de Educación afirma que los datos de matemáticas y ciencias están "contaminados" por las anomalías detectadas en lectura

29 Nov 12:26 elPeriodico 7291954034864667352.html
Berlin airport to open in 2020 after nine-year delay

Berlin's new international airport is set to open on October 31, 2020, its operating company said Friday, after an embarrassing nine-year delay owing to structural problems and corruption. "The BER will open on 31.10.2020," Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg (FBB) said on Twitter, using the

29 Nov 15:15 Yahoo 7097669637309152364.html
Jornada 13 de la Bundesliga: previa del duelo Paderborn - RB Leipzig

Jornada 13 de la Bundesliga: previa del duelo Paderborn - RB Leipzig

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897970182221349.html
Crossbow killer to die in jail over ‘evil’ murder of heavily pregnant ex-wife

Ramanodge Unmathallegadoo had claimed the killing was an accident.

29 Nov 12:04 Shropshire Star 3480199992138217391.html
Black Friday - Die besten Gaming-Deals bei Otto [Anzeige]

Otto hat zum Black Friday eine ganze Reihe Gaming-Deals zu bieten, von der Xbox One S All Digital für 99€ bis hin zu günstigen PS4-Games. Hier ein kurzer Überblick.

29 Nov 14:55 www.gamepro.de 3610569833681808576.html
Save up to 60% on Calvin Klein, Jimmy Choo, Coach and more in this Black Friday fragrance sale!

Get your hands on some stunning cheap perfume deals including Clinique Happy, Calvin Klein Eternity and Issey Miyake

29 Nov 10:43 T3 267522092891209424.html
Citi deja margen para subidas del 50% en Liberbank

La cotización de Liberbank sale reforzada esta semana. Las subidas en las cuatro jornadas anteriores ascendían al 6%, al superar el umbral de los...

29 Nov 10:16 Expansión 4197779424401899123.html
NTPC to list commercial paper on BSE for an issue size of Rs 1,500 cr

After the process, the effective date of listing of such papers at the exchange will be December 2, the BSE said in a statement

29 Nov 14:30 Business-Standard 1502508926443545951.html
Juez permite libertad de agresor de Abril… y de acusado de violar a Wendy

El TSJ indaga a Federico Mosco, quien reclasificó ataque de ex-CEO de Amazón contra su esposa y lo liberó; también soltó a doctor acusado de agresión sexual

29 Nov 10:20 La Razón 7608060637576055871.html
Alerta meteorológico por vientos intensos con ráfagas en el sur bonaerense

La intensidad del fenómeno tenderá a disminuir entre la madrugada y la mañana del sábado. Las ráfagas podrán superar los 90 kilómetros por hora.

29 Nov 11:50 Infocielo 6573250471464073330.html
Der Bulli rettete ihnen das Leben!

Vom Schneevergnügen zum Winterhorror: Eine deutsche Familie wird auf der Autofahrt in Österreich von einer riesigen Lawine verschüttet.

29 Nov 14:46 Bild 8433249908789922113.html
Apanhámos Ângelo Rodrigues com Carolina Loureiro na praia | FOTO

Ângelo Rodrigues foi apanhado pela nossa revista, ao lado de Carolina Loureiro num passeio à beira da praia, demonstrando assim todo o seu apoio ao amigo.

29 Nov 10:20 maria 5738163823214137465.html
Tsunami llama a los ciudadanos de Catalunya a ir a Barcelona por el clásico Barça-Madrid

La plataforma invita a los socios del Barça a confirmar que participarán en una protesta

29 Nov 14:26 elPeriodico 7291954033426844876.html
Cyberpunk 2077: le scene di sesso sono state realizzate con l’utilizzo del motion capture

CD Projekt RED ha svelato di aver utilizzato il mocap per tutte le scene di sesso presenti in Cyberpunk 2077, al fine di renderle più interessanti ed

29 Nov 14:56 Lega Nerd 8527030507269390380.html
Asamblea Nacional reconoce error en reforma al Código Penal que incluía el aborto por violación

La presidenta de la Comisión de Justicia, Ximena Peña (AP), y su colega Esteban Torres (PSC-Cambio) reconocieron el cometimiento de un error técnico en la inclusión de la disposición transitoria

29 Nov 10:00 El Universo 8365175797355514880.html
Pace, impianto o “discarica”? Una lunga storia di scelte, battaglie, polemiche

Lo stop del 2009 di Buzzanca, la scelta di Accorinti di riprendere il progetto, le battaglie contro. Intanto però la Regione è sempre andata avanti

29 Nov 11:03 Tempostretto 3143171744650747427.html
La Antártida, el codiciado destino del turismo de última oportunidad

Para muchos turistas este destino es la frontera que quieren alcanzar a toda costa antes de que desaparezca y no logren verla como es ahora. Se estima que unas 78.500 personas visitarán el continente antártico entre noviembre y marzo.

29 Nov 13:52 La Antártida, el codiciado destino del turismo de última oportunidad 830980553070850877.html
Black Friday Asus ROG Phone 2 Discount Features Snapdragon 855 Plus, 8GB RAM, Google Play Support, More

Get the best Black Friday Asus ROG Phone 2 discount, features the new Snapdragon 855 Plus processor coupled with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage.

29 Nov 13:19 Wccftech 3677959678660589749.html
El Ejército francés niega que Estado Islámico provocara el accidente de sus helicópteros en Malí

El jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército francés, general François Lecointre, ha negado este viernes que el accidente de dos helicópteros en el que murieron...

29 Nov 10:21 Europa Press 4702666148828207335.html
'Toffe gast' Onana adviseert Ajax-collega: "Dan komt mijn tijd wel"

Dominik Kotarski prijst zich bij Ajax gelukkig met André Onana. De Kroatische doelman (19) wacht nog op zijn kans in het eerste elftal, maar blijft rustig omdat Onana ooit in dezelfde situatie zat. Ajax contracteerde Kotarski in de zomer van 2019. Hij stroomde in bij Jong Ajax, waar hij nu samen met Kjell Scherpen de wedstrijden keept in de Keuken Kampioen Divisie. Kotarski kwam over van Dinamo Zagreb.

29 Nov 15:47 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884943738345.html
Entracque: riapre domenica 1° dicembre il Centro Uomini e Lupi

In programma visite libere e accompagnate e attività di animazione per i bambini

29 Nov 14:15 Targatocn.it 7367208848769313508.html
Las polémicas del partido entre América y Santa Fe

Varios retos tuvo el árbitro Gustavo Murillo en el partido del Pascual Guerrero.

29 Nov 12:39 El Tiempo 1091719939098522989.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a Guerrero, Fernández, Viera y Márquez

Los jueces no aprecian riesgo de fuga, "ya que durante todos estos años de instrucción han colaborado con la justicia" y además "cuentan con arraigo familiar y carecen de medios económicos para darse a la fuga", ya que "cobran entre 400 y 700 euros mensuales, al tener embargados sus salarios y sus bienes inmuebles".

29 Nov 14:18 www.publico.es 99190977493017984.html
Boris Johnson’s father: British public couldn’t spell Pinocchio if they tried

Stanley Johnson said Pinocchio requires a degree of literacy the British public does not have.

29 Nov 14:24 Shropshire Star 3480199991295255686.html
Januar-Neuzugänge: Milan hat 4 Stürmer im Visier

Milan will seine Offensive im Januar unbedingt verstärken und hat nicht weniger als vier hochkarätige Stürmer im Visier.

29 Nov 14:43 4-4-2.com 812646141503587775.html
Primavera 1, l'Inter trasloca al Suning YDC per recuperare la sfida col Bologna

Per una partita, l'Inter Primavera trasloca dal Breda di Sesto San Giovanni direzione Milano. Nello specifico, la squadra di Armando Madonna giocherà il recupero della sesta giornata di...

29 Nov 15:48 FcInterNews.it 7848284893910813979.html
Maddie Ziegler Dishes On Her Role in 'West Side Story'

Maddie Ziegler just recently opened up about her new role in the remake of West Side Story.

29 Nov 12:27 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173522063470.html
Šarović: Od Dodika nisam dobio Program reformi BiH

BANJALUKA - Predsjednik SDS-a Mirko Šarović izjavio je danas da od srpskog člana Predsjedništva BiH Milorada Dodika nije dobio Program reformi BiH.

29 Nov 15:06 Nezavisne novine 4209150642542197586.html
Mbaye Diagne mag niet meer meetrainen bij Club Brugge: “Het is aan hem”

Ook voor de competitiewedstrijd tegen Moeskroen is er nog geen spoor van Mbaye Diagne in de kern van Club Brugge. De Senegalees wordt nog steeds geweerd na...

29 Nov 13:17 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191146534783.html
‘My wife brings her lover into our bedroom for lovemaking’

A petty trader, Mrs Molade Owolabi, on Thursday lost her 11-year-old marriage to alleged adultery, as an Igando Customary Court in Lagos granted her...

29 Nov 14:09 Vanguard News 4125100339741133337.html
Exclusive extract from The Road Book: Annemiek van Vleuten, in the winner's words - how she achieved one of the greatest rides in history

Annemiek van Vleuten has made adversity something of a specialised subject, of late.

29 Nov 10:56 The Telegraph 140598092152318856.html
Prixton 'smartband' modelo AT805 con GPS: precio y características

Esta pulsera inteligente se caracteriza por integrar GPS, es decir, puede medir la distancia recorrida o la altura alcanzada, añadiendo funciones de geolocalización

29 Nov 11:36 elPeriodico 7291954033191838112.html
Ousmane Dembélé estará dos meses y medio fuera de las canchas en FC Barcelona

El francés sufrió una lesión en el bíceps femoral del muslo derecho.

29 Nov 15:03 alairelibre.cl 7508323594710887695.html
Pumpkin and sweet potato curry with coconut and greens recipe 

Basically a coconut-rich south-east Asian curry.

29 Nov 13:00 The Telegraph 140598092292620787.html
Pachuca enviará a subcampeones del mundo sub 17 a Holanda

La destacada actuación de la selección de México en el Mundial Sub 17 no pasó desapercibida y seis canteranos de Pachuca irán a Holanda ...

29 Nov 15:52 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830093101746.html
UK Black Friday transactions jump 12.5pc versus 2018, says Barclaycard

LONDON, Nov 29 — The volume of Black Friday payment transactions in Britain as of 1000 GMT was up 12.5 per cent versus last year, initial data from Barclaycard showed today, bringing some cheer to UK retailers in need of a tonic after a troubled year. Barclaycard, which processes nearly one pound...

29 Nov 13:43 Malaymail 302165934743610366.html
Salvini: "Con il Mes ci sarà cessione sovranità. Risparmi italiani a rischio"

Matteo Salvini ha attaccato ancora il premier Conte sulla questione Mes ed afferma che ci sono documenti e messaggi “che confermano quello che dico”.

29 Nov 10:01 ilGiornale.it 5019541225793040568.html
Operatori sanitari maltrattano un’anziana di 94 anni, una telecamera li inchioda: tre persone arrestate

Cinque operatori sanitari sono stati condannati per aver maltrattato un’anziana signora di 94 anni della quale avrebbero dovuto avere cura. I sospetti dei familiari li hanno portati a installare una piccola telecamera: coì sono stati scoperti gli abusi Tre persone sono state arrestate e altre due sono state condannate per aver perpetrato maltrattamenti fisici ai …

29 Nov 12:32 NewNotizie 1312053897638985873.html
Consiliul Fiscal: Consolidarea bugetară nu este posibilă în condițiile menținerii calendarului actual de aplicare a noii legi a pensiilor

Proiectul celei de-a doua rectificări bugetare consfințește un derapaj bugetar de proporții, iar principalii factori care au condus la acest rezultat sunt de natură permanentă și, prin urmare,

29 Nov 10:31 HotNews 6169202161466689324.html
Lightning’s Stamkos to return from lower-body injury Friday vs. Capitals

Steven Stamkos is back.

29 Nov 10:42 Sportsnet.ca 4293652946635273042.html
Aktionsrekord för Vilhelm Hammershøi och Hilma af Klint

Veckans auktioner bjöd på rekordpriser för målningar av Vilhelm Hammershøi och Hilma af Klint, och stor efterfråga på moderna möbler och konsthantverk.

29 Nov 13:49 DN.SE 398730695320354559.html
A Missouri hospital is caring for 12 sets of twins, the most in the hospital's history

This holiday season, 12 families will be seeing double after they recently welcomed twins at Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City.

29 Nov 10:44 Fox 4 8372747777691336117.html
A Missouri hospital is caring for 12 sets of twins, the most in the hospital's history

This holiday season, 12 families will be seeing double after they recently welcomed twins at Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City.

29 Nov 15:44 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202823343541.html
Affaire Helvet Immo : la procureure demande une relaxe partielle de la BNP

Considérant qu'il y a dans ce dossier des éléments à charge et à décharge pour BNP Personal Finance, la procureure de la République a laissé à l'appréciation du tribunal la décision de condamner ou …

29 Nov 12:13 Libération.fr 4160113239436116123.html
Excedentes de Codelco caen 57% hasta US$603 millones al tercer trimestre ante baja de precio del cobre

El presidente ejecutivo de la cuprífera, Octavio Araneda, expuso que se inició un plan estratégico que busca mejorar los excedentes en US$1.000 millones por año, a partir de 2021.

29 Nov 11:48 Emol 3328490602582441003.html
Wijnaldum as No. 6 and chances for Ox & Shaqiri – Predicting the Liverpool lineup vs. Brighton

Jurgen Klopp has an early opportunity to test his options without Fabinho as Liverpool host Brighton in the Premier League on Saturday afternoon. Fabinho was already set to miss this weekend’s clash due to suspension, before an ankle ligament injury ensured he will also miss the rest of the year. It is a major blow for Liverpool, and one which may have altered Klopp’s plans for this game as it is less a case of an enforced rest for his No. 3 and more an enforced, long-term reshuffling of the ranks. Brighton head to Anfield sat 12th in the table, with manager Graham Potter buoyed by a new two-year contract extension after just 13 league games in charge. For the Reds, the visitors provide an opportunity to respond to a disappointing 1-1 draw with Napoli in midweek, and at least maintain their eight-point lead at the top of the league.

29 Nov 15:15 This Is Anfield 7550115576287945709.html
Realizan primer trasplante de riñón por sistema robótico

Esta técnica quirúrgica más reciente proporciona evidencia de que el método de un solo puerto es factible no solo para pacientes con cáncer, sino también para pacientes que necesitan un trasplante de riñón

29 Nov 10:26 EL DEBATE 4396150894667656596.html
Lava Jato abre nova fase da investigação sobre fim da Castelo de Areia

Operação investiga supostas propinas pagas por empreiteira para acabar operação

29 Nov 12:07 Correio 5185786712019869694.html
‘Jongeren’ van 18 tot 25 jaar massaal onrealistisch, blijven maar dromen en luchtfietsen

'Het gaat de goede kant op met Nederland', aldus Nederlandse 'jongeren'

29 Nov 11:54 ThePostOnline 3048418756913063670.html
Demain la Chine: Démocratie ou Dictature?

Cette conférence est organisée en partenariat avec la Section romande de la Société Suisse-Chine, la Chambre de commerce Suisse-Chine et le Département d'études est-asiatiques de l’Université de

29 Nov 14:12 Allnews 678771718206606952.html
Segelskutorna tillbaka – snart testas vinddrivna fraktfartyg på Atlanten

På en konferens i Göteborg på fredagen presenterade Wallenius Marine sitt utvecklingsprojekt som ska sjösätta nya vinddrivna fraktfartyg inom ett par år.

29 Nov 13:22 DN.SE 398730693794023263.html
Kate Middleton cumple labor especial en área de bebés

Kate ha estado realizando un trabajo secreto y muy especial del que pocos saben, ha estado trabajando en &aacute;rea relacionadas con beb&eacute;s.

29 Nov 14:23 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624206655228.html
French operators ramp up FTTP roll-out with 1.2 mln premises passed in Q3

French FTTP networks covered another 1.2 million homes and businesses in the three months to September, a new high after the record 1.1 million premises passed in the previous quarter. Overall, 16.7 million premises had access to FTTP services, up 34 percent year-on-year, said regulator Arcep in its latest fixed broadband report.  

29 Nov 10:56 Telecompaper 8935967318142391.html
Pornhub regala membresía de por vida en el Black Friday

El Black Friday est&aacute; 'rompi&eacute;ndola' que hasta Pornhub est&aacute; regalando membres&iacute;a de por vida, esto es lo que tendr&iacute;as que hacer.

29 Nov 12:45 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622960323443.html
#Showbiz: Intense and wild ride! (review)

THIS movie is aspirational and inspirational. Not just to become a racing warrior but as a motivator to make your dream come true.

29 Nov 15:26 NST Online 3702929170178409438.html
GDP growth slumps to 6-year low of 4.5% during July-September

Dragged by dip in consumption and exports

29 Nov 12:55 BusinessLine 5283601473670232.html
Maltraitance d’enfants au Daara de Ndiagne: Seydi Gassama apporte de...

Après la plante annoncée par le Daara de Koki contre Seydi Gassama et certains médias sénégalais pour diffamation, dans l'affaire des talibés enchaînés à Ndiagne, le Directeur exécutif d'Amnest...

29 Nov 12:19 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601369299213140.html
PF deflagra segunda fase de operação que investiga fim da Castelo de Areia

Agentes cumprem busca e apreensão em escritórios de advocacia em São Paulo e Brasília; ação apura pagamento de propina para enterrar investigação

29 Nov 12:19 VEJA.com 4116702196474451787.html
Loft Story espagnol : une candidate violée, la production dans la tourmente

Dans le journal espagnol El Confidencial, une candidate de l'émission de télé-réalité Gran Hermano assure avoir été violée par un autre participant. Dans la foulée, elle accuse la production d'avoir t...

29 Nov 11:29 Purepeople 1712099804354943883.html
San Lorenzo se consagró bicampeón de futsal ante Boca y las redes se burlan por otra final perdida

SanLorenzo se consagró bicampeón del futsal argentino en La Boca, tras igualar 2-2 y vencer por penales 6-5 al Xeneize. Los cuervos gozan en las redes y las burlas para Boca por perder otra final, también.

29 Nov 12:43 Diario Registrado 7686014737640662874.html
Cacau Protásio chora muito após ser vítima de racismo no Corpo de Bombeiros

Cacau Protásio foi vítima de racismo após aparecer usando uniforme dos bombeiros. No local, ela foi humilhada, por meio de áudios, por integrantes do Corpo de Bombeiros, que a chamaram de "gorda e preta", em tom pejorativo.

29 Nov 10:30 RD1 – Terra 4501125210815785963.html
Alexis Cuevas fue hallado con una bolsa en la cabeza y dos puñaladas

El cuerpo del joven de 23 años fue hallado en un zanjón de la desembocadura del arroyo "La Mata" ayer por la tarde. Estaba desnudo, presentaba dos puñaladas en el cuello y tenía una bolsa en la cabeza.

29 Nov 12:30 El Patagónico 8565457045541563388.html
Alcalde de Cali pide a Dimayor que la final de vuelta se juegue el 8 y no el 7 de diciembre

El mandatario de la capital del Valle del Cauca asegura que ese día es muy familiar y hay programados muchos eventos en la ciudad.

29 Nov 15:29 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898585913095481.html
Wales must aim to win the World Cup under new coach Pivac – Tipuric

Tipuric will skipper Wales in the absence of regular captain Alun Wyn Jones.

29 Nov 14:24 Shropshire Star 3480199992877015215.html
Samsung prepara un salto para sus Galaxy A colocándoles 128GB de almacenamiento, según una filtración

Parece que han pasado años desde que Samsung decidiese dar un nuevo vuelco a su catálogo de líneas medias, pero lo cierto es que todo fue bastante reciente....

29 Nov 12:31 Xataka Móvil 8693411057232782080.html
Das sind die am härtesten tourenden Acts der Welt

Weisst du, wie viele Shows Billie Eilish im vergangenen Jahr gespielt hat? Wir haben die Top 10 der am härtesten tourenden Musikerinnen und Musiker der Welt.

29 Nov 13:23 20 Minuten 5741369453541550642.html
We are in a virtual free-fall: Congress on GDP growth slip

'India's GDP has collapsed to an abysmal 4.5%. We are in a virtual free-fallWe are in a virtual free-fall. This is the lowest GDP quarter in 6 years. But why is the BJP celebrating? Because their understanding of GDP (Godse Divisive Politics) suggests double digit growth levels. All in the perspective,' he said on Twi

29 Nov 12:50 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829372141990538.html
BIA RASTURILA MREŽU ŠPIJUNA: Bivši srpski policajac špijunirao za Hrvate, podnete 2 krivične prijave

Bezbednosno-informativna agencija (BIA) podnela je 28. novembra, krivičnu prijavu Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Sremskoj Mitrovici protiv Nikole Kajkića i Dražena Letića, zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da su izvršili krivično delo špijunaža iz člana 315 Krivičnog ...

29 Nov 14:29 kurir.rs 6515665027552912923.html
Ford Bronco's Off-Road Race Debut Didn't Go Well

Next spring, Ford will finally unveil the long-awaited reborn Bronco that will battle the Jeep Wrangler. To...

29 Nov 12:06 CarBuzz 4034462235589464887.html
Justiça mantém decisão sobre liberação de aplicativos de transporte em Joinville

Em decisão nesta quinta-feira, o Tribunal de Justiça manteve sentença de primeira instância e a Prefeitura de Joinville continua proibida de aplicar a lei do transporte clandestino nos aplicativos de transporte de passageiros. O entendimento do TJ, ao negar recurso do município, se baseou em decisões do próprio tribunal e também do STF em outras situações.

29 Nov 12:27 NSC Total 4216767907357818533.html
Realme X2 Pro non si accontenta: migliorie per fotocamera e refresh rate 90 Hz con l’ultimo aggiornamento

Realme X2 Pro è stato accolto con grande entusiasmo da pubblico e critica europei, grazie a specifiche da vero e...

29 Nov 13:20 AndroidWorld 1488441782898262492.html
Boca ya contactó al representante de Paolo Guerrero: así están las negociaciones

El delantero peruano tiene dos años más de contrato con el Inter de Porto Alegre.

29 Nov 11:00 Todo Noticias 8077539161664532224.html
Reports: President Trump’s ‘No Quid Pro Quo’ Call With Sondland Never Happened

Following weeks of compounding evidence and testimony implying that President Donald Trump made congressionally-approved aid to Ukraine contingent on a politically advantageous investigation, the President and his GOP supporters’ primary defense has been an alleged Sept. 9th phone call during which the President told E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland he wanted “no quid pro quo.” But a Friday report by JustSecurity, supported by a Wednesday report from the Washington Post, appear to show that no such call ever took place.

29 Nov 12:28 Law & Crime 7990899037381843056.html
Debate sobre eutanásia regressa ao parlamento nos primeiros meses de 2020

A eutanásia regressa ao debate no parlamento no próximo ano e um dos calendários possíveis é o primeiro trimestre de 2020, segundo deputados dos partidos com projetos sobre morte medicamente assistida, BE, PAN e PS.

29 Nov 14:21 JN 6956494303474278371.html
Višnarjeva in Lampičeva sezono odprli s polfinalom

Ruka je prva postaja svetovnega pokala v smučarskih tekih. Uvodna preizkušnja nove sezone je bil sprint, ki se je razpletel brez slovenskega finala. Zato pa so kar trije slovenski predstavniki osvojili točke. Katja Višnar in Anamarija Lampič sta finsko sprintersko premiero končali v polfinalu v prvi deseterici. V točkah je tudi Janez Lampič.

29 Nov 14:44 Dnevnik 7671546649854993693.html
Fiscalía de EEUU pide sentencia de 87 meses para otro socio de los Valle

José Adalid Amaya Argueta fue extraditado el pasado 26 de abril

29 Nov 11:33 Diario La Prensa 7797091974519925360.html
Indígenas temen que continúen masacres en el estado Bolívar

Indígenas pemones no tienen paz. La guerra por el control del oro y la amenaza de ser despojados de sus tierras los mantienen en alerta. La reciente

29 Nov 12:13 LaPatilla.com 9104603011990093103.html
Android 10 Stable For The Galaxy S10 Series Is Now Available To Download

Android 10 firmwares for the Samsung Galaxy S10 series are now available to download. Do note that this is a stable build of Android 10, and it’s the very

29 Nov 13:50 Android Headlines 8385692878375448897.html
Dellecarbonara: “Responsabilizamos a Metrovías y al Gobierno porteño por la agresión de la UTA”

En el marco del paro de la línea B del subte, el dirigente Claudio Dellecarbonara, miembro del Secretariado Ejecutivo de la AGTSyP, denunció la agresión y planteó cuáles son las exigencias de los trabajadores.

29 Nov 13:44 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731078807359.html
We have something to say… Don't drink and drive.

New Zealand Police, the NZ Transport Agency, Fire and Emergency New Zealand, and Wellington Free Ambulance are joining forces on the road tonight to remind people not to drink and drive.

29 Nov 12:44 SCOOP 5315659000288923731.html
Nel campo rom dove è morta una neonata: "Meglio non entrare, qui vi menano e vi rubano tutto"

Dai furti alle sassaiole contro autobus e ambulanze: nel campo nomadi di via Candoni, dove ieri è morta una neonata di cinque mesi, regnano degrado e paura

29 Nov 15:59 ilGiornale.it 5019541224873430312.html
ERDOGAN MAKRONU: Treba da proveriš da li si ti moždano mrtav

Turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan izjavio je danas da komentari francuskog predsednika Emanuela Makrona o NATO-u, reflektuju "bolesno i plitko" shvatanje.

29 Nov 15:20 REPUBLIKA 2543998405591361218.html
Kako zmogljiv bo novi Galaxy Note 10 Lite?

Ljubitelji zmogljivih in vsestransko uporabnikom pametnih mobilnih telefonov Samsung se zagotovo spomnite, da so pri računalniškem gigantu najavili prodajo telefona Galaxy Note 10.

29 Nov 10:44 Računalniške novice 5784844855306398933.html
Krug, la haute couture du champagne

Plus d’un siècle et demi après sa fondation, Krug applique toujours les principes édictés par son fondateur : créer l’expression la plus riche possible de ce qui existe en Champagne, quelles que soient les conditions climatiques. « L idée de Joseph, c’était d’assembler les meilleures années issues des meilleures parcelles »  rappelle Olivier Krug, son descendant direct qui dirige la maison, désormais propriété de LVMH, aux côtés de Marguerita Henriquez. Une philosophie d’excellence qui permet à Krug de proposer le brut non millésimé le plus prestigieux et le plus cher du marché.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695066780481043.html
Pe fondul protestelor monstru, premierul irakian Adel Abdul Mahdi a anunțat că va demisiona

Premierul irakian Adel Abdul Mahdi a anunţat vineri că îşi va prezenta demisia în parlament, la câteva ore după ce autoritatea şiită supremă a...

29 Nov 15:09 Stiri pe surse 4858045013291384983.html
Alta da carne: manicure tira um bife e fica milionária

A manicure Josilene Santana é a mais nova milionária do país. A riqueza rápida veio hoje pela manhã, quando ela tirou um bife de uma cliente no salão de beleza. "Fiquei na dúvida se levava a carne para a família ou se comprava uma mansão e mandava dinheiro para o exterior", disse ela. Josilene disse que teve medo de sair do trabalho carregando o seu tesouro. Economistas não entendem a alta da carne apesar do crescimento do gado no país.

29 Nov 12:44 www.sensacionalista.com.br 7810108493273982911.html
Vidal: Si en diciembre siento que no soy importante tendré que buscar una solución

El volante nacional manifestó su descontento con la escasa cantidad de minutos que juega en Barcelona.

29 Nov 11:20 alairelibre.cl 7508323593813619615.html
Avira Prime am Black Friday: Schutzpaket für PC und Smartphone mit Mega-Rabatt!

Aviras Softwarepaket „Avira Prime“ schützt Ihren PC, Mac, Android- und iOS-Smartphone vor Viren und Web-Bedrohungen. Am Black Friday erhalten Sie das Bundle mit tollem Rabatt!

29 Nov 14:45 Computer Bild 4944248631957227156.html
En Cantabria se esconde el restaurante Michelín más barato del mundo

Conversamos con Jesús Sánchez, chef del restaurante Cenador de Amós, tras ser el único nuevo miembro del club tres estrellas Michelín este año.

29 Nov 13:16 euronews 2767628995325760124.html
Galatasaray'a Falcao'nun yerine Giroud gelecek!

Haberin detayları için tıklayınız

29 Nov 14:15 Fotospor 1506108826063909892.html
En Israël, Tel Aviv se munit de bus gratuits durant Shabbat

En Israël, la municipalité de Tel Aviv a décidé d'autoriser la circulation de bus pendant Shabbat, jour de repos du judaïsme. Une nouveauté dans un pays où la plupart des villes bloquent les transports à cette période.

29 Nov 11:41 euronews 7357749755477004222.html
Suspeita de corrupção, desembargadora é presa acusada de destruir provas

Maria do Socorro Barreto Santiago, ex-presidente do TJ-BA, já estava afastada; Operação Faroeste apura venda de sentenças no principal tribunal do estado

29 Nov 15:31 VEJA.com 4116702197570221093.html
Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Binissalem - Ferriolense

Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Binissalem - Ferriolense

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897970175790908.html
Direction des parcs nationaux : Les contractuels sont passés à la caisse, mais…

Direction des parcs nationaux : Les contractuels sont passés à la caisse, mais… Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

29 Nov 11:11 Seneweb News 6877057602410734942.html
Radio France: 4e jour de grève aujourd'hui contre les suppressions de postes - La diffusion des programmes perturbée

La grève contre un plan de suppression de 299 postes à Radio France se poursuivait jeudi à l'appel de plusieurs syndicats, avec encore des répercussions sur les programmes, mais sans faire plier jusqu'ici la direction. Une réunion de trois heures avec la direction

29 Nov 14:56 JEANMARCMORANDINI.COM 1796801687331397331.html
Aguirre dice que el Leganés está muy vivo y competitivo, como muchos en LaLiga

Javier Aguirre, entrenador del Leganés, habló acerca de la presión que puede tener por no haber ganado ninguno de sus dos primeros partidos al frente del equipo blanquiazul

29 Nov 13:21 EL DEBATE 4396150893016048564.html
Com lesão confirmada, Fabinho não jogará Mundial de Clubes pelo Liverpool

Jogador brasileiro está com problemas no ligamento do tornozelo esquerdo e ficará fora de combate até janeiro de 2020

29 Nov 15:22 VEJA.com 4116702197676041770.html
DIRETTA FORMULA 1/ Prove libere FP2: Bottas 1°, doppietta Mercedes in classifica!

Diretta Formula 1, prove libere live: Valtteri Bottas il più veloce nella FP2 del Gp Abu Dhabi 2019 sul circuito semicittadino di Yas Marina.

29 Nov 14:28 IlSussidiario 495412293555906966.html
Vieni da Me, Enrico Bertolino: “Nei locali di cabaret a volte ci pagavano dopo i camerieri”

ROMA – Enrico Bertolino è stato ospite di Vieni da Me. Intervistato da Caterina Balivo ha parlato della sua vita privata e professionale durante “La Cassettiera”. “Finito di fare il militare, in aeronautica, dovevo lavorare nell’azienda di mio padre ma decisi che non volevo fare quello e quindi ho portato il curriculum in sette banche. Alla fine una mi ha chiamato. Ho lavorato undici anni in banca, uno in intero in Inghilterra. Iniziai poi con il cabaret, poi arrivò Zelig. Prima però, quando lavoravo nei locali venivo anche pagato con assegni post datati. Pagavano prima i camerieri e poi noi artisti”.Guendalina Tavassi, la figlia Gaia: “Assente e cattiva con me”. La replica: “Ah l’adolescenza”Francesco Chiofalo corre in ospedale: ha il volto tutto gonfio

29 Nov 13:09 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354202235278.html
Europos Parlamentas skelbia, kad klimato padėtis yra grėsminga

Jungtinių Tautų (JT) klimato kaitos konferencijoje ES turi įsipareigoti iki 2050 m. tapti neutrali klimatui, pažymi Europos Parlamentas (EP), ketvirtadienį paskelbęs grėsmingą klimato padėtį.

29 Nov 12:17 alkas.lt 9102356072455176983.html
Bears vs. Lions final score: Mitchell Trubisky leads late go-ahead drive, Bears topple Lions on Turkey Day

Mitchell Trubisky and the Bears scored with just over two minutes to play, giving Chicago the much-needed win over the Lions.

29 Nov 13:06 Sporting News 5110653854354431731.html
VEJA Explica: Por que o dólar continua subindo?

Nesta semana, a moeda americana atingiu a cotação mais alta desde o Plano Real

29 Nov 10:00 VEJA.com 4116702197087936548.html
Borrell considera «anòmal» que la investidura depengui d'ERC

El ministre d'Exteriors en funcions no considera que el partit d'Oriol Junqueras sigui progressista

29 Nov 11:17 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480496147836.html
Borse Ue e Piazza affari in timido rialzo nel primo pomeriggio

Dopo l'iniziale partenza in rosso di Piazza Affari e degli altri principali mercati azionari europei è avvenuta un inversione di tendenza ed i listini registrano ora dei leggeri rialzi. I dati emersi sulle economie della zona euro non sono troppo incoraggianti, mostrando un inflazione che fatica a crescere ed una crescita economica debole in termini di PIL.

29 Nov 13:02 InvestireOggi 7231367743473710269.html
Aftonbladet:Fant kroppsdel i søket etter savnede Wilma (17)

Svenske Wilma Andersson (17) har vært savnet i to uker. Nå har politiet gjort funn av en kroppsdel i søket, og utelukker at hun fortsatt kan bli funnet i live.

29 Nov 13:47 TV 2 8210067769700013087.html
Netflix dejará de funcionar en estos dispositivos a partir del próximo 1 de diciembre

Según informó la empresa, algunos dispositivos antiguos ya no serán compatibles debido a cuestiones técnicas.

29 Nov 14:14 T13 7836926440341261891.html
One-pot chicken with dates and caramelised lemon recipe 

Chicken that is both nearly-fall-apart tender and deeply golden brown.

29 Nov 11:16 The Telegraph 140598091590477618.html
Red Dead Redemption 2’s Online care package will give you wind

The goodies include a lot of baked beans, plus some ammo and throwables

29 Nov 10:25 PCGamesN 7890463382798450186.html
$993 Million multipurpose Pwalugu dam to be completed by 2024

The Pwalugu multipurpose dam to be constructed in Pwalugu in the Talensi District of the Upper East region will cost an amount $993 million. The project which is expected to be completed by 2024 will be entirely funded by the Government of Ghana. Addressing a durbar of chiefs and people of the Upper East and North East region of Ghana in Pwalugu and to cut sod for the project to begin, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo said government is committed to starting and finishing the project as scheduled. “As we further indicated to our commitment to the realisation of this project, the total cost of the project amounting to some $993 million nearly a billion dollars to be borne entirely by government”, he said. According to the President, the Chinese firm Sinohydro, a subsidiary of PowerChina will build the project under the engineering procurement construction contract which will be executed in fifty months.

29 Nov 15:38 mynewsgh.com 2909200109559943150.html
Árvore gigante rara de 535 anos foi derrubada em Santa Catarina para virar cerca

Era alta como um pr&eacute;dio de dez andares, larga a ponto de s&oacute; poder ser abra&ccedil;ada por seis pessoas juntas e mais antiga que a chegada do navegador Pedro &Aacute;lvares Cabral ao Brasil. Essa gigante imbuia, &aacute;rvore s&iacute;mbolo de Santa Catarina, foi derrubada para virar ce...

29 Nov 15:32 TNH1 3684351754719427594.html
Why fans want constant ‘content’ from their musical heroes – even in the afterlife

Music from late stars such as Mac Miller and Lil Peep prove that younger audiences don’t share the same reservations over posthumous releases

29 Nov 13:00 the Guardian 1491978796073126888.html
Jonatan Cristaldo, delantero del Racing, fue denunciado por su expareja de violencia de género

Su expareja denunció que el jugador la golpeó y la arrastró por el piso de la casa. También dijo que el delantero la amenazó de muerte.

29 Nov 11:56 RPP 3819340341501588771.html
Hacktool IM-RAT voor pc's was vanaf $25,- online te koop

De politie heeft tijdens een internationaal gecoördineerde actie tegen cybercrime verkopers en gebruikers van de hacktool Imminent Monitor Remote Access Trojan (IM-RAT) gearresteerd. De cybercriminelen konden met deze hacktool de pc's van slachtoffers simpel overnemen. Dit meldt de politie vrijdag.

29 Nov 12:28 Blik op nieuws 5468169448687636934.html
W niedzielę rusza Rok Rodziny w diecezji radomskiej

Rok Rodziny rozpocznie się w najbliższą niedzielę w diecezji radomskiej. - Będzie to czas modlitwy szczególnie przed Najświętszym Sakramentem małżeństw, rodzin oraz dzieci - napisał biskup radomski He

29 Nov 15:45 eKAI 4704869673748980142.html
El secreto de Ana Bárbara para mantener su figura de infarto

La cantante presume de tener un cuerpazo a sus 48 años

29 Nov 15:30 La Opinión 952941034188530509.html
El secreto de Ana Bárbara para mantener su figura de infarto

La cantante presume de tener un cuerpazo a sus 48 años

29 Nov 15:30 El Diario NY 6486144433802928973.html
Venden auto a escala parecido en el que murió Valentín Elizalde

El diseño de la camioneta tiene impactos de balas; Valentín Elizalde fue asesinado el 25 de noviembre de 2006

29 Nov 10:40 EL DEBATE 4396150894920354720.html
Com direito a batida com Grosjean, Bottas lidera 2º treino livre em Abu Dabi

Depois de liderar a primeira sessão de treinos livres, o piloto da Mercedes repetiu a dose e com o tempo de 1min36s256 foi o mais rápido no segundo treino livre para o GP de Abu Dabi, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos

29 Nov 15:35 Folha Vitória 4941883427402422695.html
Alo Yoga’s Moto Leggings Are On Sale For 45 Percent Off On Amazon For Black Friday

Alert, alert! Alo Yoga's cult favorite Moto Leggings are on sale for Black Friday on Amazon this year and this is a serious discount: I'm talking 45 percent off.

29 Nov 14:19 Pulse Live 3606876835847812171.html
When it rains it pours! Marnus Labuschagne goes back-to-back with another ton

Australia vs Pakistan day/night, second Test at Adelaide Oval, every ball live and ad free on Fox Cricket 501 from 1.30pm AEDT.

29 Nov 11:35 Fox Sports 7784787271483483698.html
Nicolás Russo asumió como diputado bonaerense

El Presidente de Lanús tendrá un espacio en la Legislatura hasta fines del 2021. Será en reemplazo de Blanca Cantero, quién pidió licencia para asumir en diciembre la intendencia del municipio de Presidente Perón.

29 Nov 15:44 Doble Amarilla 8680269687352389681.html
Prvo "NE" upravi Arsenala, nova imena u igri!

Potraga se nastavlja.

29 Nov 14:58 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496552131287.html
Folha e o jejum do Portimonense: "Não podemos estar obcecados"

Treinador da equipa algarvia abordou o duelo com o Famalicão.

29 Nov 14:42 O Jogo 3218673677714706702.html
Le roban el carro a una mujer a punta de pistola en Hato Rey

El hombre también la despojó de su cartera y un celular

29 Nov 11:14 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309938636464.html
Anayasa Mahkemesi'nden OHAL düzenlemeleri hakkında karar

Anayasa Mahkemesi, başvuru üzerine değerlendirdiği memuriyete girişte "güvenlik soruşturması şartı" arayan düzenlemeyi iptal etti.

29 Nov 11:13 Gerçek Gündem 8370126850551463095.html
Stado krów na gigancie sieje postrach w Lubuskiem. Spowodowały już nawet wypadek drogowy

Jednemu z gospodarzy z gminy Cybinka w województwie lubuskim uciekło stado krów rasy highland cattle. Zwierzęta spowodowały już wypadek drogowy, stąd też sytuacja jest naprawdę poważna. Najgorsze jest jednak to, że wszelkie próby schwytania krów kończą się fiaskiem.

29 Nov 12:03 Najwyższy Czas! 1611902979693284160.html
OL : Rudi Garcia ne comprend pas les blessures

L’Olympique Lyonnais connaît de nombreux pépins physiques ces dernières semaines. Une tendance qui commence à irriter Rudi Garcia, pourtant arrivé en cours de saison. Présent en conférence de presse ce (...)

29 Nov 15:50 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900181215379685.html
Justine Mattera Instagram, “Mamma Natale” in vesti succinte: «Non fate i moralisti»

Justine Mattera posa su Instagram per un sexy servizio fotografico natalizio. Ma soprattutto, la bella soubrette statunitense risponde a tono alle critiche.

29 Nov 11:12 UrbanPost 2450570492542589111.html
Todas as culturas humanas parecem compartilhar a mesma “gramática” para música

De acordo com um estudo inovador da Universidade de Harvard (EUA), parece existir uma “gramática musical universal” utilizada por todas as culturas humanas para produzir canções, sejam baladas românticas, ritmos dançantes ou canções de ninar

29 Nov 12:00 HypeScience 818708096522628858.html
Naranjo se viste a la moda: este sábado mostrará el talento de sus diseñadores en desfile

Esta actividad, de ingreso gratuito, contará con la participación de 23 talentos naranjeños.

29 Nov 14:53 La Nación 504134875142332459.html
Quand l’Occident invente le multilatéralisme pour avilir l’Afrique

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 10:58 Journal du Cameroun 2709815390270788674.html
Perrella culpa Thiago Neves por vazamento de áudio e minimiza cobrança de pagamento: 'Nada de anormal'

Dirigente destacou que obrigação do Cruzeiro é honrar compromissos

29 Nov 15:28 Superesportes 5498560375346682311.html
Mais contentores de lixo em Viana para depósito dos resíduos de embrulhos de Natal

Os Serviços Municipalizados de Saneamento Básico de Viana do Castelo (SMSBVC) vão aumentar em 40% o número de contentores em áreas residenciais, para “incentivar a correta separação do papel utilizado para embrulhar os presentes de Natal. “Face ao sucesso alcançado no ano passado, quando lançámos a campanha ‘No Natal, a separação é o melhor presente’, decidimos aumentar em cerca de 40% o número de contentores. Vamos passar de 40 para 56 contentores a colocar nas zonas mais habitadas da cidade”, afirmou hoje o presidente do conselho de administração dos SMSBVC, Vítor Lemos. Aquela campanha foi lançada em 2018, pela Câmara da capital do Alto Minho, em parceria com os SMSBVC, a sociedade Resulima, que gere o aterro sanitário do Vale do Lima e Baixo Cávado, e o Centro de Monitorização e Interpretação Ambiental (CMIA). No Natal do ano passado, a campanha de reciclagem, que decorreu entre 24 de dezembro e 06 de janeiro, recolheu 1.880 quilos de papel e cartão, evitando “o abate de aproximadamente 40 árvores”. “Gostaríamos…

29 Nov 10:58 O Minho 154418196645067628.html
Ligue des champions: Canal+ et beIN Sports mettent au pas la menace Mediapro

Les deux groupes de télévision ont accepté de débourser 375 millions d’euros par an pour diffuser la Ligue des champions de football à partir de la saison 2021 au nez et à la barbe de ceux qui voulaient s’emparer du marché.

29 Nov 14:49 l'Opinion 7618695067091235716.html
Erkan Zengin resmen Adana Demirspor'da

Adana Demirspor, Erkan Zengin ile 1.5 yıllık...

29 Nov 12:47 CNN Türk 3669296858917451911.html
Prosigue este viernes visita gubernamental a Ciego de Ávila (+Fotos)

Ciego de Ávila, 29 nov (ACN)  Miguel Díaz Canel Bermúdez, Presidente de la república de Cuba, continúa este viernes un recorrido por centros de interés socioeconómicos de Ciego de Ávila, como parte de la visita gubernamental que realiza la máxima dirección del país al territorio avileño.

29 Nov 13:48 www.acn.cu 4590417277907613194.html
Morawiecki o Banasiu: Mamy plan B

Jeśli Marian Banaś nie poda się do dymisji, mamy plan B. Ale myślę, że się poda - stwierdził premier Mateusz Morawiecki.

29 Nov 10:36 Rzeczpospolita 4735082526706666184.html
A Missouri hospital is caring for 12 sets of twins all born this week

(CNN) — While much of America was gathering around a dining table on Thanksgiving, this hospital stayed busy caring for not one, not two, not...

29 Nov 15:13 WSVN 7News 4504855330120192821.html
Fineco: dite pure addio al conto gratis, ora costa 3,95 euro

La sterzata di Fineco nella sua politica economica dovrebbe concretizzarsi per i già correntisti nella ricezione di una email di notifica.

29 Nov 11:50 tecnoandroid 2573257127095961269.html
PM de Malta vai demitir-se por alegadas ligações a morte de jornalista

O primeiro-ministro de Malta anunciou esta sexta-feira ao Presidente a sua intenção de se demitir no âmbito da investigação sobre o assassínio da jornalista Daphne Caruana Galizia, conhecida por expor casos de corrupção da elite política e empresarial.

29 Nov 15:25 DN 8445869955814578514.html
Uwaga, kierowcy. Ta sztuczka handlarzy może nas sporo kosztować!

Kupno samochodu używanego może narazić przyszłego właściciela pojazdu na różnego rodzaju zagrożenia. Jednym z nich jest ryzyko nabycia niezarejestrowanego i nieubezpieczonego auta. Konsekwencje wyjechania takim pojazdem na drogę publiczną mogą być opłakane.

29 Nov 13:49 motoryzacja.interia.pl 8991699714868472882.html
Ruinart, le retour aux sources

Pour préparer son troisième centenaire, la plus ancienne maison de Champagne, fondée en 1729, entame cette année un compte à rebours qui va durer une décennie.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695067545570940.html
Under 18: altra sfida tra Torino e Genoa

Torino e Genoa giocheranno domenica prossima la gara valida per l'ottava giornata di campionato presso il Comunale di Grugliasco

29 Nov 10:39 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982774497022291.html
Conor McGregor will return to UFC against 'Cowboy' Cerrone, and experts say the Irishman will challenge Jorge Masvidal for the 'BMF' title if he wins, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Conor McGregor and Donald 'Cowboy' Cerrone will headline the UFC 246 event in Las Vegas on January 18, ESPN reports.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

29 Nov 10:06 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756108406129.html
O parte din Portul Giurgiulești a ajuns pe mâna omului de afaceri Vaja Jhashi

O parte din Portul Giurgiulești a ajuns pe mâna omului de afaceri Vaja Jhashi. Grupul Trans-Oil, controlat de milionar, a semnat pe 25 noiembrie un contract de arendă, pentru 45 de ani, a unor terenuri amplasate în singurul port al Republicii Moldova cu ieșire la Marea Neagră. Semnarea contractului a avut loc în condițiile în care operatorul Portului Giurgiulești este implicat într-un scandal legat de drepturile de proprietate asupra companiei ce-l administrează.

29 Nov 10:39 Jurnal.md 3315832234796311701.html
La métamorphose de La Chaux-de-Fonds se dessine

Le Conseil général a pris acte des projets de réaménagement envisagés après les contournements routiers. L'éclairage de l'urbaniste communal

29 Nov 10:33 RTN 7627697628027599435.html
Redmi Note 8T Launches in the UK: Release Date, Price & Specifications

Announced earlier this month in Spain, today the Redmi Note 8T makes its way to the UK - and as if this phone didn't already offer great value at £179, making it a new contender for the UK's best budget phone, Xiaomi is also throwing in a free Mi Band 4 for Black Friday.

2 Dec 15:03 Tech Advisor 6450858317561348514.html
¿Cómo influyen las series de televisión en nuestro estilo de vida?

La forma de hablar, de vestirnos y hasta la música que escuchamos está influenciada por programas de televisión que, en muchos casos, ni siquiera son españoles.

29 Nov 10:06 Hola.com 2035212430789620498.html
Spilers SC Hearrenfean spesjale shirts oan om sike trainer te stypjen

De Wagt is trainer by de jongerein fan de fuotbalklup, mar de 34-jierrige coach is al in skoft slim siik.

29 Nov 15:26 Omrop Fryslân 8239175695692592401.html
Declaran culpable a madrastra por maltratar a niña a quien le fracturó el fémur

La ahora condenada le dio una paliza con un leño a la pequeña, todo porque estaba molesta por un refresco. El golpe provocó una fractura en el fémur del lado izquierdo a la menor.

29 Nov 11:58 Diario La Prensa 7797091974836067584.html
Detalles (incluido el millonario costo) de la nueva casa del hijo de Diomedes Díaz

Los han publicado varios portales de la costa o enfocados en artistas de vallenato, pero también en algunos nacionales entre los que se encuentra Caracol Radio. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 11:14 pulzo.com 8971816787703781955.html
Las mejores ofertas en cursos del Black Friday 2019

Aprovecha los descuentos de varias plataformas educativas por Black Friday. Muchos de estos cursos son avanzados y ofrecen certificación de finalización

29 Nov 12:11 Genbeta 6187700363505207749.html
Brigandage dans une pharmacie à Bienne

Un homme a commis un brigandage dans une pharmacie à Bienne jeudi. L’individu a pris la fuite avec le butin. Aucun blessé n’est à déplorer.

29 Nov 11:15 www.rjb.ch 7386238340948568981.html
Fifa bane para sempre Ricardo Teixeira do futebol por corrupção

O Conselho de Ética da entidade considerou Teixeira culpado por crimes de corrupção

29 Nov 15:24 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103550125340849.html
Black Friday : contestation inédite mais profits records en vue pour Amazon et le e-commerce

Journée devenue semaine exceptionnelle de soldes en ligne, le Black Friday déclenche cette année une crispation inédite dans la société civile. Derrière les initiatives (appels au boycott, blocages d'entrepôts, "Noël des PME françaises", amendement de Delphine Batho...) se dessine la contestation du modèle de société incarné par Amazon, perçu comme consumériste, socialement irresponsable et destructeur pour l'environnement. Mais le géant américain devrait quand même battre des records de ventes.

29 Nov 12:08 La Tribune 6570267672590669479.html
Mediobanca,l'ok Bce alla salita oltre il 10%. Perché Del Vecchio sta con Nagel

L'inversione "politica" del primo socio Del Vecchio nei confronti del Ceo dopo la presentazione del piano industriale. Rumors

29 Nov 12:17 Affari Italiani 6123405401997126516.html
Huawei Mate 30 Pro ab Dezember in der Schweiz erhältlich

Nachdem Huawei das Mate 30 Pro bereits für Spanien bestätigt wurde, folgt nun die Ankündigung für die Schweiz. Auch hier geht es im Dezember los, genau genommen ist der Marktstart am 4. Dezember.

29 Nov 10:32 mobiFlip.de 5208441549362125502.html
Dans le centre de Lille, des CRS dans les ambulances des pompiers

Pendant trois mois, vingt CRS de la région ont accompagné les pompiers de la casern...

29 Nov 11:40 La Voix du Nord 5307415663295077333.html
SD-topp åtalas för sexuellt ofredande

Brott Sverigedemokraternas EU-parlamentariker Peter Lundgren åtalas vid Jönköpings tingsrätt för sexuellt ofredande, alternativt ofredande. Enligt Åklagarmyndigheten ska brottet ha begåtts på ett hote

29 Nov 14:13 www.unt.se 8922556089703849274.html
Orange vend ses activités au Niger

Orange se sépare de sa filiale au Niger pour un montant non divulgué, ce qui ...

29 Nov 12:29 Mobile World Live 2109488011289370462.html
Pic: Ileana D'cruz's 'gimme food' look is something we all can relate to

Ileana D'cruz is ruling the internet these days because of her stunning pictures. The actress who has become an avid social media user keeps treating

29 Nov 10:29 The Times of India 6060938663323899698.html
Kacey Musgraves and Lana Del Rey Are Our Christmas Queens on “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”

Kacey Musgraves and Lana Del Rey cover ‘I’ll Be Home for Christmas’ from the Kacey Musgraves Christmas Show, which premieres on Amazon Prime today.

29 Nov 15:36 VULTURE 2718750543624394379.html
PHOTOS: Black Friday frenzy goes global – and not everyone’s happy - Barriere Star Journal

Many countries don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but they are participating in Black Friday consumerism

29 Nov 15:50 Barriere Star Journal 4297514368101681379.html
15 mil peruanos podrán hacerse pruebas gratis de descarte de VIH

Unas 15 mil personas de Lima, Ica, Piura, Chiclayo e Iquitos podrán hacerse el despistaje de VIH totalmente gratuito gracias a la campaña que desarrolla la organización AHF Perú (Aids Healthcare Foundation, por sus siglas en inglés) hasta este domingo 1 de diciembre, cuando se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Lucha contra el Sida.

29 Nov 15:28 andina.pe 9054036849659989734.html
Perspektiv: Klimathotet handlar om våra liv

Idag demonstrerar människor världen över för att kräva åtgärder mot klimatförändringarna. Samtidigt konsumeras samma dag mängder av varor på grund av Black Friday, vilket resulterar i ännu mer utsläpp. Det spelar ändå ingen roll menar vissa, men så lätt kommer samvetet inte undan menar avsändaren och listar tre argument för att vi bör demonstrera i stället för att konsumera.

29 Nov 11:30 Skövde Nyheter 3976647604418632690.html
Lava Jato abre nova fase da investigação sobre fim da Castelo de Areia

A Polícia Federal (PF) deflagrou, na manhã desta sexta-feira, 29, uma nova fase da Operaçã...

29 Nov 11:55 UOL Noticias 8892198860619668797.html
¿Peliculas románticas de navidad? Esta es nuestra selección y están en Netflix

Netflix llega con algunas sorpresas para esta temporada de Navidad, así que te dejamos algunas opciones de películas para disfrutar.

29 Nov 15:18 Wapa.pe 6757287088025778104.html
FIFA sanciona de por vida al expresidente de CBF Ricardo Teixeira por soborno

Al exmiembro del comité ejecutivo de la FIFA se le atribuye la violación del código ético del órgano rector del fútbol mundial por "sobornos en la adjudicación de contratos audiovisuales y de marketing por competiciones de la CBF, la CONMEBOL y la Concacaf

29 Nov 11:16 Globovisión 5928221751049955023.html
Solskjaer hopes ‘world-class’ Pogba could be ready for Spurs clash

Paul Pogba is nearly back to fitness and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer hopes to see him back in early December.

29 Nov 11:55 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906929813757.html
Fifa bane para sempre Ricardo Teixeira do futebol por corrupção

A FIFA anunciou na manhã de hoje (29) que excluliu perpetuamente do futebol do ex-presidente da Confederação Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) Ricardo Te

29 Nov 13:22 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060841849832.html
5 Film Hollywood yang Akan Tayang di Bulan Desember 2019, Ada Jumanji hingga Star Wars

Berikut ini adalah 5 film Hollywood yang akan tayang di bulan Desember 2019.

29 Nov 15:28 Tribunnews.com 3323534446012303649.html
Quelles plantes comestibles poussent le mieux dans l'ISS ?

Dans le second épisode de notre série, grâce à l'astronaute américain Andrew Morgan vous serez incollable sur l'agriculture spatiale.

29 Nov 13:12 euronews 7357749755634738036.html
¡Inimaginable! Jennifer López y Kim Kardashian juntas en momento íntimo en pijama…Con Alex Rodríguez involucrado +Vídeo

Imaginen a dos de las mujeres más deseadas por todo el mundo apareciendo en un vídeo juntas en un momento muy íntimo: Hablamos

29 Nov 10:06 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535657915656.html
Arrimadas, a Sánchez: "Le pido que cambie la mesa de la vergüenza con ERC por una mesa de constitucionalistas"

La portavoz de Ciudadanos en el Congreso, Inés Arrimadas, ha pedido este viernes al presidente del Gobierno en funciones y líder del PSOE, Pedro Sánchez,...

29 Nov 13:33 Europa Press 4702666147776998570.html
El tribunal de los ERE mantiene en libertad a Guerrero, Fernández, Viera y Márquez

La decisión judicial se produce después de que las defensas de estos cuatro exaltos cargos de la Junta rechazasen en una vista celebrada este jueves...

29 Nov 13:06 Expansión 4197779423113467989.html
Sube a 49 la cifra de muertos por el terremoto en Albania

Las autoridades albanesas concluyeron las tareas de búsqueda de sobrevivientes, tras haber rescatado de los escombros a 45 personas. 

29 Nov 11:12 RPP 3819340341754002768.html
Black Friday: les listes de rabais de Digitec-Galaxus ont fuité sur le web avant le jour J

L’effet de surprise a été gâché chez Digitec Galaxus. Les listes de rabais pour le Black friday et le Cyber monday ont été préalablement mis en lig ...

29 Nov 13:36 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802460553198572.html
Black Friday: les listes de rabais de Digitec-Galaxus ont fuité sur le web avant le jour J

L’effet de surprise a été gâché chez Digitec Galaxus. Les listes de rabais pour le Black friday et le Cyber monday ont été préalablement mis en lig ...

29 Nov 13:36 Arcinfo 560090596853234668.html
MotoGP, Alex Marquez: “Sono un principiante, obiettivi diversi da Marc”

Alex Marquez parla in occasione dell'Allianz Junior Motor Camp. Le prime difficoltà con la Honda e gli obiettivi per la stagione 2020 di MotoGP.

29 Nov 13:58 Corsedimoto 8217505415582841811.html
'Epa Colombia' no podrá usar redes sociales ni salir en medios de comunicación

Fue cobijada con medida de aseguramiento no privativa de la libertad.

29 Nov 15:43 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898584808745145.html
Save £3,000 on these Panerai and Jaeger-LeCoultre watches at Goldsmiths

Pre-ordered luxury Swiss watches get massive discounts for Black Friday

29 Nov 15:04 T3 267522092617565309.html
Black Friday : les écouteurs bluetooth Samsung Galaxy Buds en promoti…

29 Nov 11:07 Gentside. 4794589078192690825.html
Brasil tem novo recorde no número de trabalhadores informais, diz IBGE

PNAD Contínua aponta que índice de desemprego mudou pouco em relação ao trimestre anterior e ao ano passado; são 12,4 milhões sem trabalho

29 Nov 13:17 CartaCapital 2483507007281073914.html
Jennifer Aniston et Justin Theroux à nouveau ensemble... pour Thanksgiving !

Une tradition, ça se respecte ! A l'occasion des célébrations de Thanksgiving 2019, Jennifer Aniston et Justin Theroux ont prouvé qu'aucune rancoeur n'avait sa place entre eux... puisqu'ils ont passé ...

29 Nov 12:32 Purepeople 1712099803173037603.html
«Europa ist die Liebe meines Lebens»

Der 64-Jährige gibt am Samstag sein Amt als EU-Kommissionschef ab. Zum Abschied zieht er Bilanz der letzten fünf Jahre.

29 Nov 13:00 SRF 8424707179593803977.html
The 2019 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Feels Like A Rocket Assembled By The Lowest Bidder

Lately in the world of fast Chevrolets, it’s the long-awaited but still mysterious mid-engine Corvette that’s captured everyone’s attention. While there’s still a ton we don’t know, it’s slated to be the true exotic-killer the ‘Vette was always meant to be. But where does that leave the current king of...

29 Nov 14:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247836092223.html
Cómo saber si alguien buscó tu nombre en Google

Desde su creación en 1996, Google es el buscador más popular de Internet. Y es por esta misma razón, que brinda confiabilidad a los usuarios es que muchos deciden acudir a él para conocer más acerca diferentes temas, incluso sobre personas. Ahora, también...

29 Nov 10:30 Punto Biz 7504645525520406775.html
Verliebt in seine TV-Kollegin? "Wir sind uns sehr nahe gekommen"

Durch ihre Rolle als Liebespaar sind sich Patrick Dollmann und Isabell Ege am Set sehr nahe gekommen. Ob sich daraus auch privat eine Beziehung entwickelt hat verrät Patrick im Exklusiv-Interview mit BUNTE.de

29 Nov 11:48 BUNTE.de 2017976499785099541.html
Xuxa desabafa sobre abuso na infância e programa de rádio debocha

No Dia Internacional de Combate à Violência contra as Mulheres, 25 de novembro, Xuxa abriu seu coração em entrevista à revista Vogue e falou sobre o assunto delicado. No relato, a apresentadora contou o que ocorreu com ela, e o fez para incentivar que mais mulheres denunciem suas situações de risco.

29 Nov 14:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125211778827467.html
Latest AirPods Drop to Insanely Low Price of $129 for Black Friday [Limited Stock Only]

Get on the AirPods 2 bandwagon by spending just $129 this Black Friday 2019. This deal is valid today only.

29 Nov 15:36 Wccftech 3677959677347129236.html
Weibliche ÖFB-Nachwuchs-Teams kennen nächste EM-Quali-Gegner

Einen Tag vor Auslosung der Fußball-Endrunde 2020 haben Österreichs weibliche Nachwuchs-Nationalteams im UEFA-Hauptquartier in Nyon ihre Gegner für die anstehenden EM-Qualifikationen zugelost bekommen. Das U17-Nationalteam (Jahrgang 2003) trifft in der Eliterunde in Gruppe 3 (23.-29.3. 2020) auf Gastgeber Irland, Serbien und Dänemark und kämpft um die zweite EM-Teilnahme in Serie.

29 Nov 12:50 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084375410160.html
Las confesiones de José Bono sobre doña Letizia en sus memorias

En 'Se levanta la sesión ¿Quién manda de verdad?', el político socialista cuenta por qué la Reina se casó con don Felipe

29 Nov 15:11 Hola.com 2035212430668621729.html
5 Dress Manis & Simpel ala Megan Domani Buat Hangout Sehari-hari!

Yuk refresh penampilan kita sehari-hari dengan tampilan yang manis dan imut ala Megan Domani untuk hangout!

29 Nov 11:01 grid.id 586386473878447240.html
Tragedia en la ruta 2: declara el chofer del micro

Lezama Alberto Maldonado está acusado de homicidio culposo por el accidente en el que murieron dos nenas de 11 y 12 años.

29 Nov 10:58 El Litoral 2624573358060596169.html
Palma: Pozivam Srbe da letuju u prijateljskoj Grčkoj, a ne u državama koje su protiv Srbije

U trodnevnoj poseti Jagodini boravi delegacija grčkog grada Katerini, na čelu sa gradonačelnikom Konstandinosom Koukodimosom.

29 Nov 14:51 REPUBLIKA 2543998406173074229.html
Mairie de Dakar- Plateau: les micmacs du maire Alioune Ndoye

Le maire de la Commune de Dakar-Plateau, Alioune Ndoye s’est conformé de manière « moyennement satisfaisante » aux procédures de passation des marchés durant la période 2017. C’est l’avis du cabinet d’audit « Busness Système Conculting » (BCS), sélectionné par l’Autorité de régulation des marchés...

29 Nov 11:15 Leral.net 5178746016505349691.html
Bruxelles: une vingtaine d’activistes d’Extinction Rebellion interpellés jeudi soir

Selon la police, ils s’apprêtaient à débuter une campagne d’affichage contre le Black Friday. Les activistes démentent avoir détenu du matériel.

29 Nov 15:44 Le Soir 5236108148278052014.html
BRD se desparte de directorul de HR, Adela Jansen, după autodenunțul la Parchet privind oferirea de cadouri unor funcționari din CNAS

Adela Jansen și BRD-Groupe Societe Generale au decis să încheie amiabil contractul prin care aceasta îndeplinea funcția de director de HR în cadrul băncii. Cu toate acestea, Jansen rămâne în consiliul de...

29 Nov 15:24 B1 TV 3840305878140924955.html
Top 5 Black Friday Deals At Best Buy

Black Friday is undoubtedly one of the best times of year to stock up on the latest technology at the lowest prices. What better place to find these gadgets than Best Buy, America’s favorite ...

29 Nov 11:00 The Inquisitr 1745625231675891456.html
Elena Santarelli in bagno a vomitare per il tumore: “Non sapevo fosse morta”

Elena Santarelli ha raccontato di come è venuta a conoscenza della triste storia di Gaia, bimba morta a causa di un tumore.

29 Nov 10:00 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926291851011.html
Crossbow killer, 51, who shot his heavily pregnant ex-wife in 'evil' revenge attack jailed for 33 years 

A crossbow killer has been jailed for 33 years for shooting his heavily pregnant ex-wife in a "brutal and evil" revenge attack.

29 Nov 13:08 The Telegraph 140598090950375370.html
Militar na ang susunod na mag-o-organize — Digong

KASUNOD ng mga napaulat na kaliwa't kanang gulo at aberya sa ginaganap na 30th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games kung saan host ang bansa, sinabi ni Pa­ngulong Rodrigo Duterte na ang militar na ang aatasan nitong mag-oorganisa ng international events na gaganapin sa bansa.

29 Nov 12:33 Abante News Online 7257070571097652688.html
Minut de reculegere în Parlament în memoria lui Serghei Cataranciuc

Parlamentul și-a început ședința cu un minut de reculegere în memoria deputatului Platformei DA, Serghei Cataranciuc, care s-a stins din viață la vârsta de 62 de ani.

29 Nov 13:11 Jurnal.md 3315832234410041561.html
No le va muy bien al negro

Por Erre

29 Nov 14:11 Memedeportes 5382463276960085278.html
Libération de pompiers volontaires accusés d'être pyromanes

Quatre pompiers volontaires accusés d'avoir provoqué des incendies dans l'État amazonien du Para, dans le nord du Brésil, ont été libérés par le juge qui avait créé une vive polémique en ordonnant leur détention.

29 Nov 14:36 TVA Nouvelles 5024407709694596391.html
Corpo de Gugu Liberato chega a cemitério na zona oeste de São Paulo

Sepultamento será em jazigo da família

29 Nov 11:44 Correio do Povo 8875535434665447036.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 16: UC Cartes contra Barreda Balompié

Previa del partido de la jornada 16: UC Cartes contra Barreda Balompié

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897970503279647.html
Rafael Correa asegura que la Interpol no emitió difusión roja para Ricardo Patiño

La Interpol negó emitir alerta roja en contra del excanciller Ricardo Patiño, según indica el expresidente Rafael Correa.

29 Nov 13:46 El Universo 8365175798118101141.html
Peso chileno vuelve a batir mínimo histórico en medio de crisis

La moneda local tocó un techo de 838 unidades por dólar.

29 Nov 12:25 El Tiempo 1091719938887876079.html
La primera grúa horquilla rosada de Chile se suma a la prevención del cáncer de mama

La empresa iquiqueña Vila’s, junto a DercoMaq, estrenó la campaña con el objetivo de concientizar a la comunidad de la zona respecto de esta enfermedad.

29 Nov 11:56 Publimetro Chile 2498685482566477891.html
Npower Reveals Reason It Is Axing Up To 4,500 Jobs Under Closure Plan

The new owner of energy firm, Npower says it is cutting up to 4,500 United Kingdom (UK) jobs as part of a plan to make it more profitable.

29 Nov 15:11 Concise 5544636822036581317.html
T-MEC podría ratificarse este 2019 con cambios satisfactorios: Seade

El T-MEC, el Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, podría ser ratificado en este año, con cambios satisfactorios, indicó Jesús Seade.

29 Nov 15:01 Milenio 4240839409175178753.html
Grève mondiale pour le climat: des manifestations ont lieu dans 6 villes romandes ce vendredi

La quatrième grève mondiale pour le climat se tient ce vendredi dans une centaine de pays. En Suisse, des manifestations vont se dérouler dans 18 villes. ...

29 Nov 11:13 Arcinfo 560090597037586266.html
Dodik: PIK ne može da odlučuje, migrantskih centara neće biti u Srpskoj

BANJALUKA - Srpski član Predsjedništva BiH Milorad Dodik rekao je da Savjet za sprovođenje mira (PIK) ne može da donosi odluke u vezi sa migrantskom krizom u BiH i ponovio da u Republici Srpskoj neće biti migrantskih centara.

29 Nov 10:43 Nezavisne novine 4209150641926658185.html
Sąd Najwyższy wzmacnia stanowisko frankowiczów

Sąd Najwyższy kolejny raz skłonił się ku przewalutowaniu kredytów frankowych na złote i zachowaniu stawki LIBOR. Po raz pierwszy sprawa dotyczy kredytu denominowanego - podaje "Rzeczpospolita".

29 Nov 15:10 Polskie Radio 2539990556564589049.html
EURUSD Berpotensi Bergerak Naik Menguji Resisten 1.1045 Karena Potensi Pelemahan Dolar AS

Pasangan EURUSD telah memperpanjang fase konsolidasi di sekitar 1,1000, karena liburan di AS memperburuk kinerja dolar AS dan berkurangnya volume perdagangan. Uni Eropa merilis Indikator Sentimen Ekonomi November, yang menunjukkan lebih baik dari yang diharapkan di 101,3.

29 Nov 10:35 monexnews 4506814617358738561.html
Stormzy announces 2020 world tour

He will be touring across Europe and will also perform in Asia, New Zealand and more.

29 Nov 11:04 Breaking News 4415806919608252725.html
Tiendas de electrodomésticos ya marcaron sus productos en divisas #29Nov (Fotos)

A propósito del “Black Friday” (viernes negro) que se celebra en Estados Unidos y otros países, este viernes 29 de noviembre varias empresas en Venezuela

29 Nov 12:32 LaPatilla.com 9104603011004078745.html
Schalke - Alexander Nübel exklusiv: "Ich liebe es, abgeschossen zu werden"

Schalkes Kapitän Alexander Nübel spricht im Interview mit SPOX und DAZN über das Spiel gegen Union Berlin, seine offene Zukunft und seine Vorbilder im Tor.

29 Nov 10:57 SPOX 8395423526178476781.html
Dramática llegada de una patera con 24 personas a Gran Canaria

Entre los migrantes había mujeres embarazadas y niños. Llevaban cinco días en alta mar.

29 Nov 14:45 euronews 2767628995430088076.html
Greta Thunberg é "muito bem-vinda" a Portugal, diz Matos Fernandes

O ministro do Ambiente disse hoje que a jovem ativista sueca Greta Thunberg é "muito bem-vinda" a Portugal, afirmando que a sua luta é da "maior relevância" para consciencializar os mais jovens para uma sociedade livre de carbono.

29 Nov 13:25 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012843230885088.html
Jorge Montessi recebeu, no Hospital e Maternidade Therezinha de Jesus, a visita do amigo de infância e presidente general Oswaldo Ferreira

  Encontro informal Cleuza Sobral marcou para amanhã, no Berttu’s, o tradicional encontro de normalistas da turma de 1972, do Instituto Estadual de Educação. Com direito à presença das professoras Lúcia Lima e Maria Lucia Brandão. Antenado Depois de quatro meses apenas com expediente pela manhã, o Hemominas ainda não teve uma solução para estender […]

29 Nov 10:30 Tribuna de Minas 7521696932342803033.html
Black Friday: les listes de rabais de Digitec-Galaxus ont fuité sur le web avant le jour J

L’effet de surprise a été gâché chez Digitec Galaxus. Les listes de rabais pour le Black friday et le Cyber monday ont été préalablement mis en lig ...

29 Nov 13:36 La Côte 469155178440375276.html
IHSG Ditutup Menguat di Level 6.011, Usai Terkoreksi Selama Sepekan

Penguatan IHSG hari ini, merupakan anomali di tengah penurunan bursa saham Asia.

29 Nov 11:57 Katadata News 179777407392801026.html
Por qué Telefónica decidió desprenderse de la mayor parte de su negocio en América Latina

Después de más de 30 años de incansable expansión mediante compras, alianzas o agresivas ofertas para ganar cuota de mercado, Telefónica decidió esta semana darle un giro de 180 grados a su estrategia.

29 Nov 14:14 Prensa Libre 5433015257792899090.html


29 Nov 11:36 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151965290394.html
Irak : le Premier ministre dit qu'il va présenter sa démission au Parlement

Le Premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé vendredi qu'il allait présenter sa démission au Parlement, quelques heures après que la plus haute autorité chiite du pays a appelé ce dernier...

29 Nov 13:46 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982527141061.html
Irak : le Premier ministre dit qu'il va présenter sa démission au Parlement

Le Premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé vendredi qu'il allait présenter sa démission au Parlement, quelques heures après que la...

29 Nov 12:44 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733138889978921.html
Bundesliga: Wer zeigt / überträgt FC Schalke 04 gegen Union Berlin heute live im TV und Livestream?

Heute spielt der FC Schalke 04 in der Bundesliga gegen den 1. FC Union Berlin. Wer dieses Spiel im TV und Livestream zeigt / überträgt, erfahrt Ihr hier bei SPOX .

29 Nov 11:18 SPOX 8395423524844348349.html
Milojević: Nemam problem da odem iz Zvezde

Trener fudbalera Crvene zvezde Vladan Milojević priznao je danas da nema problem da ode iz kluba kada uprava proceni da je to najbolji trenutak, ali i da ekipa nema strast kao ranije.

29 Nov 14:40 REPUBLIKA 2543998405197250700.html
Hut 8 Purchases 9 Data Centers from Bitfury for $7 Million

Hut 8 Mining Corp on Thursday announced the acquisition of nine Blockbox AC data centers from the BItfury Group, costing $7 million.

29 Nov 12:17 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138266480383162.html
Get 50% off a Christmas Tree Fir Black Friday

If you haven't bought your Christmas tree yet – and presumably you haven't because it's still November FFS – you can grab a bargain for Black Friday.

29 Nov 12:30 Gizmodo UK 8363059001170900734.html
La Diputació de Tarragona aprova per unanimitat els pressupostos més alts de la seva història

Els comptes permetran iniciar el nou Pla de Mandat sense deute

29 Nov 12:15 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478777823668.html
Ortega Smith asegura que las mujeres se le acercan por la calle a "darme besos"

"Estamos con usted, sabemos que lo que dice es verdad, que quiere proteger a las mujeres", ha asegurado en la inauguración del Belén. 

29 Nov 13:51 La Información 5328999781441687443.html

Danas u 10 časova, više od mesec dana pre isteka kalendarske godine, Er Srbija je premašila ukupan broj putnika iz 2018. godine, prevezavši preko svog matičnog aerodroma u Beogradu 2.512.324 putnika. U taj broj nisu uključeni putnici koji su koristili usluge srpskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika preko nove baze, Aerodroma Konstantin Veliki u Nišu, uspostavljene u julu ove godine.

29 Nov 12:48 REPUBLIKA 2543998405538174322.html
Con expediente electrónico, un divorcio tardó seis días

El juzgado de Familia de 4ª nominación dictó la primera sentencia tramitada como expediente electrónico. 

29 Nov 15:23 La Voz 6237180762215657327.html
Grève mondiale pour le climat: des manifestations ont lieu dans 6 villes romandes ce vendredi

La quatrième grève mondiale pour le climat se tient ce vendredi dans une centaine de pays. En Suisse, des manifestations vont se dérouler dans 18 villes. ...

29 Nov 11:13 La Côte 469155178624726874.html
Troubles gastro-intestinaux et fièvre: attention, ne consommez pas ce produit de la marque SPAR, présence possible de Salmonella! (photos)

L’AFSCA procède à un rappel de haché de poulet 500g de la marque SPAR. Problématique : présence possible de Salmonella.

29 Nov 14:49 sudinfo.be 344139276691503601.html

Sin folk dve Cece Ražnatović i bokser Veljko Ražnatović zavetovao se u nedelju na večnu ljubav supruzi Bogdani Ražnatović, nakon čega je usledilo gala svadbeno slavlje. Mnogi pripadnici estrade bili su deo ovog događaja, ali ne i Luna Đogani. Razlog je taj što nije ni bila pozvana na svadbu Veljka i Bogdane. – Prvo –

29 Nov 13:00 Scandal! 7263437855604999383.html
Previa del partido: el Sámano recibe al Cayón en la decimosexta jornada

Previa del partido: el Sámano recibe al Cayón en la decimosexta jornada

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897970577926936.html
Mihajloviću suze prekidaju rečenice: Potreban sam svojoj deci još. Dr Kalvo: Sve ide kako treba, ali moramo da budemo oprezni

Sve što sam video na stadionima i u svetu fudbala, učinilo je da se osećam zaštićeno. Osetio sam se kao deo velike porodice, rekao je trener Bolonje

29 Nov 10:05 Вечерње новости 4219870593383715938.html
How I Wrote Planets Collide, By Crowbar’s Kirk Windstein

Crowbar's mainman Kirk Windstein looks back the creation of the ultimate riffgasm Planets Collide

29 Nov 15:13 Kerrang! 370418009081724255.html
The Target Black Friday Sale Is Here -- Shop Apple, Keurig, Serta and More

Check out the best Black Friday deals from Target -- the retailer that has it all!

29 Nov 15:54 Entertainment Tonight 7101181082156176379.html
Black Friday : des écologistes manifestent au centre commercial Les Quatre Temps à La Défense

Pour dire leur opposition au Black Friday qu'ils ont rebaptisé "Block Friday", des écologistes manifestent ce vendredi matin au centre commercial Les Quatre temps à La Défense. Par précaution, certains commerces ont décidé de fermer.

29 Nov 10:56 France Bleu 8004048435749410141.html
Tshwane Spartans vs Paarl Rocks Dream11 Team Prediction: Captain And Vice-Captain For Today's MSL 2019 Match

Tshwane Spartans vs Paarl Rocks Dream11 Team - Check My Dream11 Team, Best players list of TST vs PR Mzansi Super League, Paarl Rocks Dream 11 Team Player List, Tshwane Spartans Dream11 Team Player List, Dream11 Guru Tips, Online Cricket Tips Tshwane Spartans vs Paarl Rocks T20 Match, Cricket Tips And Prediction TST vs PR MSL 2019, Online Cricket Tips Tshwane Spartans vs Paarl Rocks Mzansi Super League 2019.

29 Nov 11:34 India.com 7150386084129047447.html
Black Friday da Educação: saiba como estudar pagando pouco

Black Week do Educa foi prorrogada até segunda (2).

29 Nov 15:18 R10 3167340814292403103.html
Incident v Londonu: več ljudi zabodenih, eno osebo naj bi do smrti ustrelila policija (FOTO)

LONDON – Britanska policija je po incidentu v Londonu zaprla Londonski most. Potrdili so, da so se odzvali na klic zaradi domnevnega napada z nožem in da so pridržali osebo. Več ljudi je verjet...

29 Nov 15:47 Slovenske novice 5901956561761054229.html
La demanda civil que afronta Pulgar tras fatal atropello en 2013

La próxima semana comenzarán en Santiago los alegatos por la demanda civil en su contra, a raíz de un fatal atropello ocurrido en 2013, en Antofagasta.

29 Nov 12:06 Futuro 2617238417147684053.html
Drama u Zemunu: Autobus pregazio ženu, hitno prevezena u bolnicu!

Ženu je nešto posle 9 časova pregazio autobus u Beogradu, u Prvomajskoj ulici u Zemunu.

29 Nov 10:18 REPUBLIKA 2543998406305054225.html
Insolite : face aux anti-vaccins, Moscou communique avec…des vampires

Face aux anti-vaccins, la ville de Moscou a lancé une campagne de publicité originale. La vidéo met en scène des vampires ne pouvant se désaltérer du sang des personnes non vaccinées.

29 Nov 11:26 Sud Ouest 3952805754463862454.html
De Zwaan gooit schema voor WK darts om: ‘Planning gaat de prullenbak in’

Jeffrey de Zwaan reageert op de loting van het WK darts. De Nederlander speelt in de tweede ronde mogelijk tegen landgenoot Raymond van Barneveld.

29 Nov 14:03 Sportnieuws 3602982465388152344.html
Fan kantoar ta kanvas: bokse foar it goeie doel 

'Knokken voor je hart' komt op foar bern mei in hertôfwiking.

29 Nov 13:53 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694165522814.html
Huevos explosivos, 'mamaditas' y cucarachas: así ha sido el episodio más surrealista de 'Pesadilla en la cocina'

Alberto Chicote se enfrenta a uno de sus mayores retos en la Taberna Lolailo

29 Nov 12:19 Cadena SER 8390941984624083159.html
Beratungen für den Haushalt 2020 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: 60 Millionen Euro neue Schulden?

Noch sprudeln die Steuern und Einnahmen. Allerdings sind es nie genug, damit Garmisch-Partenkirchen alle Projekte stemmen kann. Dazu braucht der Markt in den Jahren 2020 bis 2023 Kredite.

29 Nov 10:12 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238615141436.html
KV Oostende-coach Ingebrigtsen: “Anderlecht staat waar het hoort te staan”

KV Oostende bekampt RSC Anderlecht. Een beladen wedstrijd door de perikelen rond Anderlecht-voorzitter Marc Coucke en de kustclub. Tegenover Het Laatste Nieuws laat coach Kåre Ingebrigtsen zich uit over de match.

29 Nov 14:25 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215363786082.html
British police confirm they shot man on London Bridge, say incident being treated ‘as though it ...

LONDON (AP) - British police confirm they shot man on London Bridge, say incident being treated ‘as though it is terror-related'

29 Nov 15:27 WFXT 6395891954300425393.html
Benelli Leoncino 250 review, test ride

Head here to read our review on the Benelli Leoncino 250, the smallest bike in the manufacturer''s Scrambler line.

29 Nov 13:19 Autocar India 1039296990375584751.html
1994: vince Berlusconi. Stava sorgendo la «Repubblica dell’antipolitica»

Da Miguel Gotor, L’Italia nel Novecento. Dalla sconfitta di Adua alla vittoria di Amazon, Torino, Einaudi, 2019, pp. 449-453La campagna elettorale del 1994 presentò elementi di novit&agra...

29 Nov 12:42 L'HuffPost 5315551423519118583.html
Veja quais são os celulares com as melhores câmeras

Site especializado 'DxOMark' testou 31 modelos para selecionar vencedores em cinco categorias

29 Nov 15:22 Olhar Digital 416591715702752860.html
Inculcan a niños la buena educación y trato familiar en Cancún

Los ni&ntilde;os disfrutaron de una funci&oacute;n de teatro en donde trataron temas de la familia y el trato con valores buenos en Canc&uacute;n.

29 Nov 14:47 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624219433227.html
Se despidió el último legendario de la Corte de Justicia

Con un cuerpo totalmente renovado, Ángel Humberto Medina Palá le dijo adiós a la máxima autoridad de justicia en San Juan después de 25 años como ministro.

29 Nov 15:15 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158862561542.html
Adidas’ ISS-themed Ultraboost 20 has been revealed, and I want a pair

I’m not sure if this is fate. I was recently engaged in a long discussion with a friend over the comfort levels of different models of shoes, and he repeatedly told me that his comfort shoes of choice were actually running shoes from Adidas—specifically, the Ultraboost series. Fast-forward a few days, and I find out that Adidas has announced the latest pair in the series: the Ultraboost 20.

29 Nov 14:41 SoyaCincau.com 3698931832520936000.html
Panipat: ‘I'm Not The Silent Pillar Of Strength To Arjun Kapoor In His War With Sanjay Dutt,’ Says Kriti Sanon- EXCLUSIVE

Playing the wife of a warrior isn't easy. Often we see the wives proving to be a silent support system to the husband. In this case, we wanted to know if Kriti Sanon's Parvati Bai is just the same to Arjun Kapoor's Sadashiv Rao Bhau in Panipat. Here's what the actors told us

29 Nov 15:40 SPOTBOYE 1547816857244660154.html
‘Don’t destroy their future for aesthetic values’ — Kate Henshaw tackles women who use bleaching cream on babies

Kate Henshaw, Nollywood actress has called out women who subject their children to skin lightening procedures with the intention of glowing their skins.

29 Nov 12:15 TheCable Lifestyle 3194590663802184468.html
Propunerea Guvernului după cazul navei cu oi răsturnate în Portul Midia. Ludovic Orban vrea interzicerea exportului pe animale vii

Premierul Ludovic Orban a declarat, vineri, referindu-se la cazul navei răsturnate în Portul Midia, că, pe termen mediu, obiectivul trebuie să fie interzicerea exportului pe animale vii. Totodată, el a criticat...

29 Nov 11:42 Mediafax.ro 1869610968258381666.html
Nouvelle politique internationale du Québec: priorité absolue à l'économie

QUÉBEC — Le gouvernement Legault confirme dans sa nouvelle politique internationale sa détermination à donner la priorité absolue à l'économie dans les relations du Québec avec l'étranger.

29 Nov 13:33 leSoleil 6002915703852496068.html
Cruzeiro: Perrella confirma ter recebido áudio de Thiago Neves e acha cobrança "coisa normal"

Gestor de futebol do clube afirma não ter vazado a mensagem: "Ele vacilou. Deve ter mandado para um amigo, porque isso jamais partiria de mim"

29 Nov 14:40 Globoesporte 3611676019379391305.html
Borrell avisa de que ERC "está en las antípodas de una posición progresista"

Admite que es 'anómalo' que ERC sea clave para la investidura, pero apunta a la responsabilidad del PP: 'Cuando hay alternativas, baja el precio'

29 Nov 11:03 Diarioinformacion 8979296175836917455.html
Unicredit: pronta reazione dopo il cedimento di 12,50

Ancora una mattinata movimentata per Unicredit, che ha inizialmente ceduto il supporto di breve a 12,50 euro, salvo poi rimbalzare con decisione e...

29 Nov 13:00 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743170485299.html
Aston Villa bindet Trainer Smith: „Wieder als Top-Klub etablieren“

Aston Villa hat den am Saisonende auslaufenden Vertrag mit Dean Smith verlängert. Wie der englische Erstligist am Freitag offiziell bekannt gab, läuft das neue Arbeitspapier des 48-Jährigen bis 2024. [...]

29 Nov 14:11 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793996642194.html
Unannounced game from Capcom will be playable on December 21st at Jump Fiesta 2020

An unannounced game from Capcom will be playable at this year's Jump Fiesta event.

29 Nov 11:52 DSOGaming 1253419763005513571.html
Save up to 50% on Bose headphones, speakers, and home audio

Even if audiophiles would probably disagree, I'd say you can't go wrong with Bose if you're a regular consumer in need of good sound quality. Amazon

29 Nov 15:02 Android Police 6171356413888744314.html
Morato estabelece «grande objetivo»

Com 18 anos e do alto do seu 1,90 metros de altura, Morato (ou antes Felipe Rodrigues da Silva) sabe bem o que quer para a carreira, ele que no verão trocou o São Paulo pelo Benfica. 

29 Nov 11:32 A BOLA 2278827559187784948.html
Das Fest 2020: Samstag-Tickets ausverkauft, Freitag nur noch wenige vorhanden - wo gibt es noch welche?

Programm, Line-up, Tickets und alle Neuigkeiten und Gerüchte immer aktuell auf ka-news.de

29 Nov 14:21 ka-news.de 5595931858181578902.html
Georges-Louis Bouchez devient le nouveau président du MR

La pression est totale chez les libéraux. C'est aujourd'hui que l'on connaîtra le nom du successeur de Charles Michel à la tête du parti.

29 Nov 15:26 La Libre 2304109934378352822.html
Der neue Golf 8 im Fahrtest – voll digital in die Zukunft

Mit dem Golf 8 hat VW seine Lektion gelernt: Voll digital und mit doppelter Abgasreinigung ist das Erfolgsmodell aus Wolfsburg ab Dezember auf dem Markt. Wir haben ihn getestet.

29 Nov 12:25 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238496910843.html
Sky - Inter, la lista dei centrocampisti si allunga: la novità è Boubakary Soumaré

Giovani e di prospettiva. È questo l'identikit tracciato dall'Inter per il centrocampista da regalare ad Antonio Conte nel mercato di gennaio: nella lista nerazzurra - riferisce Luca...

29 Nov 13:00 FcInterNews.it 7848284893735040852.html
SON destroys over 5,000 substandard gas cylinders worth N51.3m

The Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) on Friday destroyed over 5,000 substandard Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders worth N51.3 million.

29 Nov 15:10 The Guardian 7580308505080235011.html
Juncker dà l'addio: "Ue amore della mia vita". E punge nomina von der Leyen

Il congedo di Juncker dalla Commissione Ue: "Lascio con qualche soddisfazione e alcuni rimpianti"

29 Nov 13:30 Affari Italiani 6123405401581740266.html
Luciana Salazar quiere ser presidenta: “Puedo capacitarme”

La "pitonisa de la política" habló de su polémica faceta como analista en Twitter y admitió que le gustaría ser mandataria de la Argentina.

29 Nov 13:08 Todo Noticias 8077539161226936142.html
Fabrizia De Andrè Instagram, un incanto in bikini: «Spiccicata a Cristiano…. Certo dal mento in su»

Tuffo nell’estate sull’account Instagram di Fabrizia De Andrè che ha risvegliato la voglia di mare con un bikini da incanto.

29 Nov 13:17 UrbanPost 2450570493311086044.html
German Amazon workers strike on ‘Black Friday’

FRANKFURT AM MAIN, Nov 29 — Hundreds of Amazon workers in Germany walked off the job as the US online retailer kicked off its “Black Friday” sales bonanza, escalating a long-simmering battle for better pay and working conditions. The strike called by the powerful Verdi union is set to last...

29 Nov 10:54 Malaymail 302165936004134434.html
Adquiere un iPhone X con un descuento de hasta el 40%, entérate como

Obtén un iPhone X de la marca Apple a un increíble y accesible precio

29 Nov 14:16 EL DEBATE 4396150894238579278.html
Chi è Damiano Carrara? Età, fidanzata, carriera, vita privata e Instagram

Tutto quello che c'è da sapere su Damiano Carrara, dall'età, alla fidanzata, alla carriera, alla vita privata, a dove seguirli su Instagram.

29 Nov 15:52 Novella 2000 6951116780256530701.html
„Fast schon Wiesn-Feeling“: Großer Andrang bei Klimastreik in München - eindringliche Bitte der Polizei

Klimastreik in München: Am Freitag findet eine große Kundgebung mit anschließendem Umzug statt. Der Andrang ist groß.

29 Nov 10:54 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239061888486.html
¡Desbandada en el Cali! Estos son los jugadores que no continuarán en el club

La continuidad del técnico Lucas Pusineri se encuentra en duda y desde ya se analiza su posible reemplazo.

29 Nov 10:28 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826356786570.html
Sob aplausos, corpo do apresentador Gugu é enterrado em São Paulo

Sob aplausos, corpo do apresentador Gugu é enterrado em São Paulo

29 Nov 15:39 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905220929702.html
Chiariello: "Ancelotti perfetto, ha incartato Klopp. A campo aperto ci uccidevano. Ora 5 vittorie..."

Nel corso di Canale 21, il giornalista Umberto Chiariello ha parlato della prova di Liverpool

29 Nov 14:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081577008531.html
Se detectan en Quintana Roo 150 casos nuevos de VIH-SIDA

Esta cifra se registr&oacute; durante el primer semestre del a&ntilde;o, lo cual es considerado como preocupante.

29 Nov 13:56 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622841536353.html
Il Giornale: "Duarte operato, out 4 mesi. Ora l'assalto a Demiral"

L'edizione odierna de Il Giornale titola così questa mattina sul Milan: "Duarte operato, out 4 mesi. Ora l'assalto a Demiral". Il difensore brasiliano è stato operato per la frattura del calcagno all'inserzione del tendine achilleo sinistro e sarà costretto a restare fuori per 3-4 mesi. I rossoneri saranno così costretti a tornare sul mercato a gennaio per acquistare un centrale: il primo nome della lista è sempre quello di Merih Demiral della Juventus.   

29 Nov 11:36 MilanNews.it 6507305922207957561.html
MIHAJLOVIĆ ZVAO ZLATANA U BOLONJU: Siniša otkrio detalje razgovora sa Ibrahimovićem (FOTO)

Trener Bolonje Siniša Mihajlović na konferenciji za medije posle četiri meseca borbe sa leukemijom otkrio je i detalje telefonskog razgovora sa Zlatanom Ibrahimovićem.

29 Nov 12:15 kurir.rs 6515665026947856460.html
'The Walking Dead': La showrunner "deja la puerta abierta" al regreso de Andrew Lincoln

A Angela Kang le encantaría que Andrew Lincoln volviese a la serie, aunque fuese dirigiendo un episodio.

29 Nov 12:14 eCartelera 2539779480101051987.html
Fiorello: «Andare in pensione fa male? Non andarci fa peggio!»

«Secondo i geriatri italiani andare in pensione fa molto male. Secondo noi non andarci fa peggio..», scherza Fiorello commentando le principali notizie del giorno di cronaca, politica ed...

29 Nov 13:40 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446043256225.html
Juan Soler apoya a Maki en el caso que haya encontrado un nuevo amor

El actor argentino también reveló que también se está estableciendo con una nueva pareja. Juan Soler dijo que apoya a su ex esposa Maki si [...]

29 Nov 15:44 LaBotana 7949038499912982635.html

L’épouse du président Léopold Sedar Senghor,  Colette Senghor, a rejoint son époux, Léopold Sedar Senghor et de son fils Philippe Maguiléne Senghor au cimetière de Bel Air. Elle a été inhumée hier, jeudi 28 novembre, dans la soirée après une messe à la cathédrale de Dakar et une cérémonie d’hommage et de levée du corps à l’hôpital principal de Dakar.  

29 Nov 11:11 www.sudonline.sn 5847876532807571721.html
Scomparso il canonico don Menegazzo, aveva 92 anni

AOSTA. Il canonico don Cesare Menegazzo è venuto a mancare all'età di 92 anni. Ne dà comunicazione la Diocesi di Aosta. Per quarantasei anni, fino al 2003, il canonico don Menegazzo è stato nella parrocchia di Champoluc. Successivamente ha assunto l'ufficio di canonico penitenziere della collegiata dei Santi Pietro e Orso di Aosta. Negli ultimi anni a causa delle sue condizioni di salute si era ritirato al refuge Père Laurent, dove è deceduto giovedì mattina. La camera ardente sarà allestita oggi pomeriggio presso la Sala Priorale di Sant’Orso, ad Aosta; alle 19.30 sarà recitato il Santo Rosario. I funerali con il vescovo mons. Lovignana saranno celebrati nella chiesa parrocchiale di Champoluc sabato 30 novembre alle 14.30. La salma sarà tumulata nella tomba dei parroci nella cappella del cimitero del paese. redazione

29 Nov 10:35 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643469681519.html
Urdangarín pide su pimer permiso de siete días para salir de la cárcel

Es el máximo que recoge la Ley Penitenciaria Vigente para un interno en segundo grado y probablemente será en Navidad

29 Nov 15:06 Cadena SER 8390941986072637564.html
Trump visita Afeganistão e diz que EUA estão reiniciando conversações

O presidente norte-americano fez sua primeira visita ao país desde que assumiu o poder

29 Nov 10:40 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700649013729.html
I would now vote to leave the EU, says oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood

The businessman and philanthropist voted to remain in 2016 but said the UK could be ‘better off’ outside of the bloc.

29 Nov 15:00 Shropshire Star 3480199993277356352.html
Wall Street attendue en repli, le commerce inquiétude toujours

Wall Street est attendue en légère baisse vendredi alors que la plupart des Bourses européennes ont effacé leurs pertes à la mi-séance après une... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 13:01 Zonebourse 7946574378104092683.html
AWS Transformation Day 2019, a che punto è la trasformazione digitale? | B2BLabs

L'evento annuale si pone la domanda delle domane, a cui AWS risponde analizzando i limiti ancora esistenti nei processi di digitalizzazione aziendale

29 Nov 11:14 Tom's Hardware 6640147069325784892.html
Trigoria, seduta di scarico per chi ha giocato a Istanbul: in gruppo Florenzi – FOTO

Ancora lavoro personalizzato per Pastore che sta provando a recuperare dalla botta all'anca che lo ha costretto a saltare le sfide con Brescia e Basaksehir

29 Nov 14:17 Forzaroma.info 1065617486547799052.html
Klæbo med maktdemonstrasjon da rivalen ble disket: – For en dramatikk

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo (23) knuste konkurrentene i finske Ruka. Trønderen tok sin 28. verdenscupseier.

29 Nov 13:05 adressa.no 8417332406965945424.html
NBA draft No. 1 pick debate: LaMelo, Edwards or Wiseman?

Who should be No. 1 now? Our NBA draft experts dive into the race and how it's changed.

29 Nov 13:27 ESPN.com 7331508221920491966.html
Start your engines and get ready to race for a £36 saving on this Logitech Gaming Wheel and Shifter bundle

Create an even more authentic racing gaming experience with these Logitech G29 and G920 bundles in the Amazon Black Friday sale.

29 Nov 11:56 Trusted Reviews 12694855096909579.html
Presidente Duque objetó artículo 44 de la Ley de Presupuesto sobre universidades públicas

El mandatario advirtió que se puede prestar para malinterpretaciones sobre un posible detrimento de recursos.

29 Nov 13:51 W Radio 7724358831111782019.html
Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan: Educaţia, Transporturile şi Agricultura nu pierd niciun leu. Banii nu au existat în realitate

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

29 Nov 13:10 Gândul 5586965503650065306.html
Eniola Aluko nell’Italia razzista. La calciatrice spiega la “regola del negozio”

ROMA – Ha suscitato scalpore l’addio alla Juventus della calciatrice Eniola Aluko. Nigeriana di origine e naturalizzata britannica, Eniola tiene anche una rubrica sul Guardian. Solo ora che se ne va – ringraziando e lodando il club – ci accorgiamo che certi tratti razzisti della società italiana sembrano svilupparsi come una pandemia. Mentre denuncia il trattamento particolare cui è sottoposta al ristorante, nei negozi, all’aeroporto per lil fatto di essere nera, non avevamo notato un suo pezzo qualche mese fa sul quotidiano inglese. Migranti, barcone affondato vicino Lampedusa: robot individua relitto e salmeAnastasia Kylemnyk oggi accusata per la droga. Ieri disse: “La droga non c’entra” Avremmo fatto bene a notare la “regola del negozio” che sembra in vigore a Torino. Lasciamo la parola a Eniola (dal Corriere della Sera). “Un giorno a Torino sono entrata in un minimarket sotto casa. Appena ho iniziato a fare la spesa, ho sentito una donna chiedermi se potevo lasciare il mio zaino all’ingresso. Lì per lì non…

29 Nov 13:20 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355005787619.html
La contaminació incrementa el risc de no aconseguir la gestació en la fecundació in vitro

Un simposi a Barcelona analitza l'impacte de l'entorn, la dieta o l'activitat física en la fertilitat

29 Nov 12:06 El Punt Avui 4496725671064868408.html
Grosse connasse mal-baisée

La cyberintimidation et les insultes, principalement à caractère sexuel, sont répandues pour les femmes qui œuvrent dans la sphère publique.

29 Nov 10:00 Le Journal de Montréal 7948189831313791370.html
PSD recomenda ao Governo manutenção de financiamento à bienal de Cerveira

O grupo parlamentar do PSD recomendou, esta sexta-feira, ao Governo a manutenção do financiamento à bienal de arte de Vila Nova de Cerveira, excluída do Programa de Apoio Sustentado 2020-2021 da Direção-Geral das Artes (DGArtes). No projeto de resolução, divulgado no mesmo dia de um debate temático no plenário da Assembleia da República com a presença da ministra da Cultura sobre o apoio às artes, o grupo parlamentar social-democrata afirma que aquela decisão “coloca em causa a viabilidade e a continuidade daquela que é a mais antiga bienal de artes do país”. “A bienal de artes de Vila Nova de Cerveira é desde 1978, e desde 2010, através da sua fundação, um ator fundamental na promoção da descentralização cultural ao ter um papel essencial na promoção das artes plásticas nacionais e internacionais”, sustenta o partido. Na recomendação, o grupo parlamentar do PSD destaca que, “apesar de todos os constrangimentos com que se tem deparado ao longo das suas quatro décadas de existência, muitas delas decorrentes do…

29 Nov 13:57 O Minho 154418196225032616.html
Anatel homologa Motorola One Hyper e Amazon Echo Show 8 para venda no Brasil

Motorola One Hyper tem câmera frontal retrátil e tela sem notch; Anatel homologa alto-falante Amazon Echo Show 8 com Alexa

29 Nov 14:01 Tecnoblog 3321359744549721654.html
Niemiecki rząd przeznaczy 60 milionów euro na Fundację Auschwitz-Birkenau

Informację przekazała mediom rzeczniczka rządu RFN. Decyzja w tej sprawie ma zostać oficjalnie podjęta w czwartek podczas spotkania władz centralnych z włodarzami 16 niemieckich landów.

29 Nov 14:12 Do Rzeczy 474976675367076709.html
Primera victoria de Mihajlovic contra la leucemia: "Todavía estoy aquí y lo seguiré estando"

El pasado 13 de julio, el entrenador del Bolonia, Sinisa Mihajlovic anunciaba que padecía leucemia. Desde ese momento sus asistentes tomaron el mando del equipo para guardarle su sitio, mientras que él seguía un tratamiento para curar su enfermedad. Varios meses después, para alegría de todos, el propio Mihajlovic ha convocado una rueda de prensa, tras someterse a un trasplante de médula y recibir el alta, en una sala del hospital, en la que ha anunciado que se encuentra recuperado y que en los próximos días volverá a tomar las riendas de los banquillos del club.

29 Nov 15:40 MARCA 5656811533628424984.html
The Tragedy in Albania: The Death Toll Is Now 48

Albania's earthquake casualties are now 48, BTA reported. About 790 people were injured.

29 Nov 10:20 novinite.com 4235039571529684109.html
Kalle Lind: Vem ska nu häckla de kommunala besluten?

Arlövsrevyn läggs ned. Den behövs – lika mycket som en lokaltidning.

29 Nov 15:41 Sydsvenskan 2976531143676719727.html
Droppar julegåvene – gir kvarandre ein familiefestival

Ifølge Virke kjem vi til å bruke 58 milliardar kroner på julegåver i år. I familien til Inga Klokkerstuen Wangensteen skal dei gi kvarandre meir tid.

29 Nov 11:10 NRK 3631390766336324470.html
Zapatero: "Otegi fue decisivo para el fin de ETA"

"Es un hecho objetivo", afirma sobre el papel del líder aberzale en el cese de la violencia terrorista

29 Nov 10:58 elPeriodico 7291954033077112143.html
En México dicen que Lichnovsky podría llegar a Boca

El defensor chileno podría arribar a Argentina en un canje por Iván Marcone.

29 Nov 15:03 ESPN 7718891766769604845.html
Casados à primeira vista

Tatiana e Bruno estão cada vez mais distantes.

29 Nov 13:30 Revista VIP 3507812779920586739.html
Los 10 secretos de Aczino

El diablo del freestyle nos lleva a su infierno

29 Nov 12:03 LOS40 2217396490598994633.html
La 'segunda caída' de las Torres Gemelas que aún desconcierta a Nueva York

Como la catedral neoyorkina aún no está finalizada, el equipo de escultores incluyó estos elementos propios del siglo XXI en parte de la iglesia. Comenzó a erigirse en 1892

29 Nov 13:37 El Confidencial 6129807548612508605.html
Liga Mistrzów. Robert Lewandowski najlepszy. Wyprzedził Leo Messiego

Polski piłkarz i napastnik Bayernu, Robert Lewandowski, został nagrodzony za świetny mecz z Lidze Mistrzów i cztery gole zdobyte w spotkaniu z Crveną Zvezdą.

29 Nov 14:16 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968334141134.html
Serie a nel pallone- pay tv in caduta, le incognite del canale di lega mediapro e sky…


29 Nov 11:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336738677464425.html
Procurori DNA puşi sub acuzare

Procurorul Adina Florea a început urmărirea penală împotriva procurorilor DNA Ciprian Man şi Cristi Ardelean. Cei doi sunt acuzaţi de şantaj şi abuz în serviciu.

29 Nov 13:48 Cotidianul 8452212683611926099.html
Q&A: How PSD2 will impact fraud on Black Friday 

With online spending continuing to rise online for Black Friday, web retailers need to consider how best to ensure PSD2 compliance in order to keep consumers secure without compromising their user experience.

29 Nov 10:25 Digital Journal 4566489172107001497.html
Lei sancionada “autoriza” bairro Nova Lima a ter corredor gastronômico

Da Avenida Gualter Barbosa à Avenida Zulmira Barbosa, a fila de lugares para comer e beber no Bairro Nova Lima, em Campo Grande, pode ser o mais novo corredor gastronômico de Campo Grande. A lei que “autoriza” o município a criar o corredor foi sancionada pela Prefeitura. Publicada em Diário Oficial desta sexta-feira (29), o corredor deve compreender, ainda a Rua Marquês de Herval. Há anos que as ...

29 Nov 13:57 Campo Grande News 7902463001643514646.html
Féminicide : pourquoi certaines femmes battues restent avec leur compagnon ?

Un nouveau féminicide a eu lieu en Belgique cette semaine à Assesse. L’autopsie a révélé que la femme était décédée à la suite des coups portés contre elle par son compagnon. Dans cette affaire, "le compagnon de la victime présente de nombreux...

29 Nov 13:56 RTBF Info 2262420857527853781.html
Girondins : Dugarry craint pour le Mercato et annonce la fin du projet bordelais

Christophe Dugarry n’arrive plus à masquer ses interrogations sur le mercato des Girondins de Bordeaux et même l’avenir du club aquitain.

29 Nov 13:15 But! Football Club 8933769921575722944.html
W całej Polsce trwają strajki klimatyczne

"Dosyć słów, teraz czyny!" - pod takim hasłem w Warszawie rozpoczął się kolejny strajk, który organizują młodzi ludzie, zainspirowani działaniami Grety Thunberg - pisze Onet. Podobne protesty odbędą się w całej Polsce

29 Nov 10:57 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525577254288.html
Caça norte-americano F-35 ganha novos armamentos

Upgrades de software e hardware irão dar às aeronaves novas possibilidades de ataque

29 Nov 12:44 Olhar Digital 416591716399348452.html
Secteur minier de Thetford Mines : le milieu se mobilise pour la rivière Bécancour

Le Groupe de concertation des bassins versants de la zone Bécancour (GROBEC) a tenu, le 13 novembre dernier à Thetford Mines, la troisième rencontre de la Table de concertation pour…

29 Nov 15:34 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068146934016231.html
Marius Bodea, preşedintele Comisiei pentru Transporturi: Se va renunţa la fantasmagoria parteneriatului public-privat pentru autostrada Iaşi-Târgu Mureş

Preşedintele Comisiei pentru Transporturi din Camera Deputaţilor, Marius Bodea, susţine că Guvernul va renunţa la “fantasmagoria“ parteneriatului public-privat pentru autostrada Iaşi-Târgu Mureş, precizând că nicăieri în ţară nu s-a realizat vreun proiect major pin acest sistem de finanţare.

29 Nov 14:22 News.ro 1785173097354263171.html
Hastalıktan koruyan besinler nelerdir?

Beslenme ve Diyet Uzmanı Merve Sehlikoğlu, bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirmek için soğan ve sarımsak, narenciye ürünleri, yoğurt, balık, bitki çayları tüketilmesini önerdi. İşte hastalıktan koruyan besinler.

29 Nov 12:08 Mynet Yemek 3212732938935495945.html
Saudi Aramco : la demande de titres continue à affluer

Saudi Aramco devrait réussir son introduction en Bourse à Ryad...

29 Nov 13:47 Boursier.com 7351227821899525110.html
"Macron szuka sojusznika postulując wybaczenie Putinowi agresji na Gruzję i Ukrainę oraz aneksji Krymu"

Francję z Rosją różniło wszystko, lecz po 20 latach izolacji Paryż tak tęsknił za jakimkolwiek sojusznikiem, że był gotów pokochać nawet carskie samodzierżawie.

29 Nov 10:05 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100669861318351.html
Lo hallan muerto, maniatado y con un condón en la boca

Chihuahua.- Un hombre fue asesinado al interior de su domicilio, ubicado en las calles J. de la Luz Corral y 27 en la colonia Santo Niño. Fueron sus familiares quienes hicieron el hallazgo al ir a buscarlo,

29 Nov 13:40 La Parada Digital 5696840778010841999.html
Moët & Chandon Launches 2019 Festive Season in Grand Style With La Vie en Rose

Moët & Chandon launched the festive season by hosting the creme de la creme of Lagos society for a night of glitz and glamour with the 2nd instalment of the Secret Location party. This edition was themed La Vie en Rose with Nectar Imperial Rose as the star of the party.

29 Nov 15:15 The Guardian 7580308504416289338.html
La Cámara de Industrias y Producción anuncia 'Plan de acción empresarial por la unidad nacional'

La Cámara de Industrias y Producción (CIP) alista un “Plan de acción empresarial por la unidad nacional”. Así lo anunció el gremio, fundado en 1936, en el contexto de la celebración de sus 83 años de vida institucional.

29 Nov 12:18 El Comercio 2865024640087862150.html
SEA Games: ‘Super fast’ outing for Malaysian water polo team

NEW CLARK CITY, Nov 29 — The 30th SEA Games in the Philippines will only officially open tomorrow but the national men’s water polo team will be the first (team) to return home early. They lost 7-14 to Indonesia in their third preliminary match at the New Clark City Aquatics Centre here today....

29 Nov 14:59 Malaymail 302165934566890283.html
Borussia Mönchengladbach verlängert mit Torhüter Yann Sommer bis 2023

Borussia Mönchengladbach hat den Vertrag mit Torhüter Yann Sommer vorzeitig bis 2023 verlängert. Das gab der Bundesliga-Tabellenführer am Freitag bekannt.

29 Nov 12:22 SPOX 8395423526220857230.html
Más de 750 economistas y contadores cubanos cumplen misión en Venezuela

Estos especialistas forman parte de la la Misión Médica de Cuba en Venezuela.

29 Nov 14:27 CiberCuba 8213836169302136645.html
Visitará Cuba presidente de la República de Surinam (+ Fotos)

El presidente de la República de Surinam, Desiré Delano Bouterse, realizará una visita oficial a Cuba a partir del 2 de diciembre, informó el Ministerio cubano de Relaciones Exteriores

29 Nov 15:52 Trabajadores 1167277447490338978.html
Caos scuole, licenziate otto maestre «E altre 100 rischiano di esserlo a breve»

IL PROBLEMA nel Maceratese è nato dopo il pronunciamento del Consiglio di Stato che aveva escluso dalle graduatorie ad esaurimento i diplomati magistrali e il rigetto dei successivi ricorsi. Ugo Barbi, segretario Snals: «E' una situazione paradossale, c'è una mancanza legislativa e si lascia ai giudici la facoltà di decidere»

29 Nov 13:11 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195126576334.html
Eutanasia, papa Francesco: “Il diritto di morire non ha basi giuridiche”

ROMA  –  Papa Francesco prende le distanze dal pronunciamento della Corte Costituzionale sul fine vita: “Le sentenze che in tema di diritto alla vita vengono talora pronunciate nelle aule di giustizia in Italia e in tanti ordinamenti democratici” sono “pronunce per le quali l’interesse principale di una persona disabile o anziana sarebbe quello di morire e non di essere curato; o che-secondo una giurisprudenza che si autodefinisce ‘creativa’-inventano un ‘diritto di morire’ privo di qualsiasi fondamento giuridico e in questo modo affievoliscono gli sforzi per lenire il dolore e non abbandonare a sé stessa la persona che si avvia a concludere la propria esistenza”, ha detto il pontefice durante l’udienza ai membri del Centro Studi “Rosario Livatino”, in occasione del convegno nazionale sul tema “Magistratura in crisi. Percorsi per ritrovare la giustizia”. Ricordando proprio il magistrato ucciso dalla mafia il 21 settembre 1990 – “per il quale si è concluso positivamente il processo diocesano di beatificazione…

29 Nov 11:17 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355521575861.html
La historia detrás del 'falso' bob de Letizia

La Reina ha repetido un peinado que ya ha llevado en reiteradas ocasiones en los últimos 5 años

29 Nov 15:24 La Vanguardia 8061072699146772293.html
Forces de defensa en una CAT independent: Enquesta del SEM (Servei d'Estudis Militars). El retrat d'un país madur i responsable

Aquesta setmana hem tingut les dades d'una de les enquestes més singulars, per atrevida, del nostre país. És l'enquesta que fa tres anys va començar a fer, amb caràcter anual (per tant la d'enguany...

29 Nov 10:15 RacoCatalà 3132953077064827639.html
Jordan Fisher & Julianne Hough Team Up For 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' Duet - Watch The Video!

Jordan Fisher and Julianne Hough are teaming back up together for a new duet of “All I Want For Christmas Is You”!

29 Nov 12:38 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173708600729.html
Ayuso afirma que la tauromaquia "no va a morir" y es una "expresión de libertad"

La presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid considera que "los amantes de la libertad" tienen la obligación de denfeder las corridas de toros.

29 Nov 11:27 www.publico.es 99190978014235365.html
Billetes de ¢1.000 con desprendimientos de tinta son auténticos, afirma el Banco Central

Ente emisor salió a desmentir, este 28 de noviembre, los videos y mensajes en redes sociales donde se denuncia que circulan notas falsificadas

29 Nov 15:15 La Nación 504134874891436926.html
Sánchez no irá a una investidura fallida y aún confía en formar Gobierno antes de Navidad

El presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, no se someterá a un debate de investidura sin tener amarrados antes todos los apoyos y abstenciones...

29 Nov 13:16 Europa Press 4702666149266660199.html
Goya era antitaurino y homosexual, ¿también vegano y hípster?

La magnífica exposición de grabados inaugurada en el Prado se resiente de un absurdo enfoque editorial que convierte al artista en enemigo de la tauromaquia

29 Nov 12:29 El Confidencial 6129807549461355922.html
Penjualan Hero Turun 3,7 Persen di Kuartal III 2019

Hero Group memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi perusahaan yang baik dan berjangka panjang.

29 Nov 14:45 liputan6.com 3414318496591465441.html
Aluko, sobre el racismo en Turín: "En el aeropuerto te tratan como a Pablo Escobar"

Eni Aluko se había convertido en una estrella de la Juventus, pero apenas 18 meses después la jugadora ha decidido volver a Inglaterra para enrolarse en las filas del Chelsea. Sus razones las da en The Guardian, donde revela uno de los problemas con los que vive Italia desde hace tiempo: el racismo.

29 Nov 11:45 MARCA 5656811533348948070.html
Enrico Bertolino, chi è: carriera, curiosità e vita privata del comico

Chi è Enrico Bertolino,carriera, curiosità e vita privata del comico laureato alla Bocconi e diventato famoso grazie a Zelig.

29 Nov 13:12 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927060181437.html
Esta es la solución de Google para que ya no te roben tu dinero haciéndose pasar por tu banco

La empresa ha lanzado una nueva función en su app de mensajes para que no vuelvas a caer en un engaño.

29 Nov 15:42 unocero 8149134708105213352.html
El primer movimiento de la nueva Telefónica en Brasil coloca 1.909 antenas bajo el control de su filial Telxius

Telefónica Brasil vende 1.909 de sus antenas a Telxius, su filial en el continente sudamericano, por un valor de aproximadamente 137 millones de euros

29 Nov 15:50 Xataka Móvil 8693411058378384995.html
Seat descarta un ERE temporal de 6.600 trabajadores tras el incendio

La firma automovilística y los sindicatos acuerdan recuperar la producción perdida tras el incidente en la subcontrata con turnos extras

29 Nov 10:58 elPeriodico 7291954035005635151.html
Seat descarta un ERE temporal de 6.600 trabajadores tras el incendio

La firma automovilística y los sindicatos acuerdan recuperar la producción perdida tras el incidente en la subcontrata con turnos extras

29 Nov 10:58 elPeriodico 7291954034304821627.html
Diam's de retour avec un nouvel album ? Les indices qui font parler

Dix ans après la sortie de son dernier album, Diam's réserve-t-elle un nouveau projet à ses fans ? Cet indice sème le doute.

29 Nov 15:00 melty 8059025068842150715.html
F1, Abu Dhabi: prime libere a Bottas, Vettel contro le barriere

Il finlandese della Mercedes, che scatterà dal fondo della griglia per il cambio di power unit, ha preceduto Verstappen e Hamilton. Quinto il tedesco

29 Nov 12:59 Repubblica.it 8208867269568686331.html
Mithun’s good news, bad news day

Within a span of a few hours, Abhimanyu Mithun found himself in the news for two contrasting reasons. On Friday it emerged he has been summoned by the Bengaluru police for questioning in connection wi

29 Nov 13:24 The Hindu 6679535026029328164.html
Daimler va supprimer des milliers d'emplois d'ici fin 2022

STUTTGART (Reuters) - Le groupe automobile allemand Daimler a annoncé à son tour vendredi un plan de réductions de ses coûts qui se traduira par la suppression de plusieurs milliers d'emplois dans le monde d'ici fin 2022.

29 Nov 12:34 Boursier.com 7351227821146346460.html
IPTV: vantaggi e svantaggi di avere Sky e DAZN a 10 euro al mese

Nonostante per molti possa rappresentare solo un aspetto positivo, avere in casa l'IPTV può essere anche portatore di problematiche di cui non avete idea

29 Nov 10:20 tecnoandroid 2573257126642686845.html
Corte de Apelaciones de Valparaíso dejó sin efecto prohibición total de uso de perdigones

El tribunal de alzada restringió la utilización de esta munición sólo en manifestaciones pacíficas.

29 Nov 12:01 Futuro 2617238417636958443.html
Nagore Aramburu (Xabi Alonso) se estrella con su tienda de ropa: cierre y pérdidas

La esposa de Xabi Alonso abrió una tienda multimarca para niños en 2011 en San Sebastián, pero los resultados no la han acompañado

29 Nov 11:31 El Confidencial 2244370862069670334.html
Can Nick Kyrgios fulfill his potential in 2020?

Nick Kyrgios continues to have a lot of question marks around him as he heads into a new season.

29 Nov 12:57 sportskeeda 1601194028802343997.html
Oficial ucrainean, despre viitoarele negocieri de pace cu Rusia în format Normandia: "Așteptările noastre sunt foarte scăzute"

După ce noul președinte al Ucrainei, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, a fost de acord să organizeze alegeri în regiunile separatiste de la frontiera rusă, negocierile de pace cu Moscova au fost reluate. Cu asistența Franței...

29 Nov 13:25 B1 TV 3840305877668910501.html
Los rostros de la reincorporación a tres años de la firma del Acuerdo de Paz

Esta semana, en medio de protestas, Colombia celebró silenciosa el tercer aniversario de la firma de los Acuerdos de Paz entre el Estado y la extinta guerrilla de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias, Farc.Ese día (24 de noviembre de 2016) cerca de 13 mil excombatientes dejaron las armas y se comprometieron a ayudar a construir un país sin violencia, escribiendo así el último capítulo de una guerra que duró más de 50 años. Aunque el camino hacia la reconciliación y la reintegración ha sido largo y complejo, estas personas siguen ratificando su decisión de proteger la paz.Precisamente, este viernes en Cali la Mesa Departamental de Reincorporación en el Valle del Cauca organizó una ‘Feria de Emprendimientos’, en la que al menos 20 excombatientes, junto a sus familias, presentaron sus negocios productivos con los que, desde su desmovilización, han demostrado que con las mismas manos con las que algunas vez pudieron cargar un fúsil, hoy construyen paz desde el arte, la gastronomía, el deporte, la confección, la comida…

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346766860138.html
Black Friday o Black Frau, el perill de les estafes el dia dels "grans descomptes"

Consells per evitar ensurts: comparar preus, comprar en webs segures i controlar les despeses

29 Nov 11:59 CCMA 3983269928051912278.html
Pri lovskem domu se je zgrudila, morali so jo oživljati

Danes ob 9.52 je pri lovskem domu na Paškem Kozjaku na težko dostopnem terenu osebo obšla slabost, zaradi česar se je zgrudila. Posredovali so gasilci PGD Šalek in Velenje ter reševalci nujne m...

29 Nov 14:30 Slovenske novice 5901956562683494276.html
Apu, una vittoria nuovamente da ritrovare ma di fronte c'è una Assigeco che non è 'solo' da salvezza...

Il finale amaro di Mantova, con la vittoria soltanto accarezzata per qualche istante dopo una straordinaria rimonta, non può e non deve togliere soddisfazione rispetto alla prestazione dell'Apu Old Wild West dal secondo quarto in poi. La risposta a un primo parziale orribile è stata di livello e la sconfitta, per la prima volta quest'anno, non lascia dietro a sé certi strascichi così dannosi. Il danno, casomai, è stato tutto in un primo quarto in cui la squadra è stata impresentabile, il che desta stupore se si pensa a come, contro Imola, proprio il primo quarto era stato già sufficiente per generare quel divario che, per il resto della gara, non ha fatto altro che aumentare. Rimane deludente, casomai, il record di 5 vittorie e 5 sconfitte che Udine ha fin qui collezionato ed è chiaro come la squadra di coach Ramagli abbia pagato dazio il filotto negativo di tre k.o. di fila di qualche settimana fa. I bianconeri paiono però in crescita e il match in arrivo domenica contro l'Assigeco Piacenza dovrà confermare…

29 Nov 15:05 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668192531106986.html
Fellélegezhetnek a genfiek

Hamarosan átadják Európa legforgalmasabb határ menti regionális vasúthálózatát.

29 Nov 10:31 euronews 2886782850634435936.html
‘King’ arrives in Vizag zoo after five years

Asiatic lions brought from Gujarat released into enclosure for public viewing

29 Nov 14:23 The Hindu 6679535025613072351.html
Yabes Tanuri Titip Pesan kepada Bali United untuk 4 Laga Sisa Liga 1 2019

CEO Bali United, Yabes Tanuri, berharap timnya fokus pada setiap pertandingan sisa di Liga 1 2019 agar peluang juara semakin besar

29 Nov 10:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435751776812.html
El PP mantendrá su 'no' a Sánchez hasta el final y avisa de que no teme a terceras elecciones, aunque no las quiere

El PP mantendrá su 'no' a Pedro Sánchez como presidente del Gobierno hasta el último momento, porque sostiene que el candidato socialista es un problema...

29 Nov 12:34 Europa Press 4702666147605867075.html
The Crown | O que sabemos até agora sobre a quarta temporada

A quarta temporada de The Crown já está confirmada, ganhando novos personagens e dando um pequeno salto temporal. Agora, a série vai acontecer durante a década de 1980, mostrando a vida de grandes figuras como a Princesa Diana e Margaret Thatcher

29 Nov 14:29 Canaltech 6267437388293486038.html
The Crown | O que sabemos até agora sobre a quarta temporada

A quarta temporada de The Crown já está confirmada e será durante a década de 1980, mostrando a vida de figuras como a Princesa Diana e Margaret Thatcher

29 Nov 14:29 Canaltech 6267437388420886655.html
The Yen Isn't What It Used To Be

$USDJPY:$SPX ratio sinks to new lows, showing further de-correlation between the two assets.President Trump signing the Hong Kong bill in favor of protesters may be just what JPY bulls need.$USDJPY 1:

29 Nov 15:39 Seeking Alpha 5725634557449084394.html
La Biennale de Casablanca dévoile sa liste d’artistes

42 artistes originaires des cinq continents ont été choisis parmi plus de 500 propositions reçues du monde entier La Biennale de Casablanca a annoncé la première liste d’artistes sélectionnés pour sa

29 Nov 15:06 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414285802508292.html
Após mostrar namorado, Ana Maria Braga manda indireta sobre decepção

Ana Maria Braga deu o que falar recentemente ao surgir abraçada com o novo namorado enquanto passeava de mãos dadas em um shopping no Rio de Janeiro. Agora, para a surpresa de todos, ela mandou uma indireta.

29 Nov 11:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125211202235186.html
USD/CAD dips and rebounds, back near 1.3300 mark post-Canadian GDP

The USD/CAD pair drifted back closer to the lower end of its daily trading range post-Canadian GDP, albeit quickly recovered thereafter. According to

29 Nov 13:44 FXStreet 4480975638964451595.html
El Clásico, amenazado: 'Tsunami Democràtic' organizará protestas y llama a la movilización

La organización ha lanzado un comunicado donde asegura que el 18-D jugaremos todos. La plataforma pide a la gente interesada que se anoten la fecha. Se desconocen que acciones tomará

29 Nov 15:47 El Confidencial 6129807549334507598.html
Vestidos de fiesta para Navidad por menos de 30 euros

Las firmas 'low cost' ya han puesto a la venta sus colecciones especiales para las próximas celebraciones

29 Nov 10:07 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578929912240.html
No one can doubt Pogba’s professionalism – Solskjaer

Pogba has not played since United’s clash with Arsenal in September.

29 Nov 10:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774309687637.html
Here we are - ARES

ARES Cyber Intelligence GmbH - Dein persönlicher JOKER

29 Nov 15:25 OTS.at 4182160710741421043.html
Criminoso foragido da justiça é preso no interior do Piauí

Com ele foi apreendido revólver, luvas, jaqueta, material para embalar drogas.

29 Nov 15:32 R10 3167340812715407537.html
This top Black Friday gaming laptop deal takes $510 off the terrific Alienware m17

This Alienware M17 gaming laptop from Dell is down to $1899 during Black Friday.

29 Nov 14:01 PC Gamer 9149753394633013492.html
Llega el Black Friday y las aerolíneas ofrecen la última ronda de descuentos y con cuotas del año

Las firmas low cost promocionan pasajes con rebajas de hasta 50% para destinos locales. Las grandes permiten viajar al exterior y pagar en hasta 9 meses.

29 Nov 13:17 Todo Noticias 8077539162317487194.html
McDonald’s shares 'one-handed meal hack,' Instagram responds

Have you been eating McDonald’s wrong this entire time? According to Instagram, no, you haven’t.

29 Nov 15:13 Fox News 7362823821061219706.html
Riky Rick releases star-studded line-up for his 2020 Cotton Fest

Rapper Riky Rick finally released the line-up of artists that are slated to perform at the much-anticipated Cotton 2020 festival.

29 Nov 14:35 Channel24 2038030840067703862.html
Quante storie per una pompatina! – caterina balivo risponde all’attacco di 'striscia la notizia'...


29 Nov 12:40 DAGOSPIA 6533336739400123075.html
Inspired by 3/11, Tokyo-based Looop advances to semifinals of Startup World Cup 2020

A startup that's friendly to both the environment and your wallet is two steps away from a $1 million prize. Renewable-energy company Looop Inc., which

29 Nov 11:20 The Japan Times 6673764366863443300.html
Get 1/3 off this blockbuster Xbox One X and Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed Champions bundle for Black Friday

This bundle gathers together the Xbox One, a wireless controller and Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed Champions, and has been discounted by £140.99.

29 Nov 10:01 Trusted Reviews 12694855079681101.html
Italia: Pil in linea con le stime nel terzo trimestre 2019

Pil del terzo trimestre 2019 sale dello 0,1% t/t e dello 0,3% a/a. A seguire tutti i i dettagli.

29 Nov 11:30 InvestireOggi 7231367743575260625.html
‘Kammuri’ least likely to be super typhoon

Pagasa said “Kammuri, ” which is still outside the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) and as of now has no direct effect on the country, has gained more strength while moving northwestward slowly at 170 kilometers per hour (kph). It was last spotted 1,470 km east of Southern Luzon with maximum sustained winds of 140 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 170 kph.

29 Nov 11:30 Journal Online 6375127393284228847.html
Atak terrorystyczny na London Bridge. Nożownik był skazany za przestępstwa związane z islamistycznym terroryzmem

Strzały padły po południu w piątek na London Bridge w stolicy Wielkiej Brytanii. Mężczyzna uzbrojony w nóż zaatakował przechodniów. Ci obezwładnili go i zabrali broń. Napastnika następnie zastrzeliła policja. Według ustaleń śledczych, atak miał podłoże terrorystyczne. Dwie osoby nie żyją, a trzy zostały ranne. Jak informuje dziennik "The Times", powołując się na źródła rządowe, sprawca ataku był w przeszłości skazany za przestępstwa związane z islamistycznym terroryzmem.

29 Nov 15:16 RMF24 3758900158146948885.html
Heidi Klum, 46, Gets Soaking Wet In A String Bikini

Heidi spent her Thanksgiving in pool and a skimpy two-piece. Heidi Klum put her stunning bikini body on show this Thanksgiving as she got soaking wet in two new photos posted to her Instagram ...

29 Nov 13:16 The Inquisitr 1745625232497868506.html
HEMA waarschuwt voor hotdogkit om melk en ei

Warenhuisketen HEMA waarschuwt voor een fout op het etiket van zijn hotdogkit, een kant-en-klaar pakket met worsten, broodjes en saus. Op de verpakking staat niet dat er ei en melk inzit. Dat kan schadelijk zijn voor mensen met een allergie.

29 Nov 13:40 RD.nl 6406779841091542056.html
Snoop Dogg Joins Anuel AA & Ozuna On "Patek"

Snoop Dogg drops some gems on Ozuna's new project. Ozuna came through with his new project, Nibiru earlier today. With an array of major features from some of the biggest stars in hip-hop and Latin trap and reggaeton, one of the highlights off his project features Uncle Snoop. The Long Beach native ...

29 Nov 12:37 hnhh 366195972674915771.html
Red Letters / November 29 2019: Fly Liverpool fly, and feeling concerned, hopeful, optimistic and thankful

LFC Stories: The latest instalment of our Red Letters series as the duo discuss the win over Crystal Palace, Napoli and watching the Reds from the air

29 Nov 15:28 Liverpool Echo 7727211173594657522.html
Last-minute pickups for Week 13, including Ryan Tannehill, A.J. Brown

If injuries have you seeking help for your fantasy football team, we have suggestions to plug those holes in your lineup.

29 Nov 15:19 ESPN 8538773401172819831.html
L’Arbatax Park è il miglior Eco Resort al mondo

Roma, 29 nov. (askanews) – È l’Arbatax Park il miglior Eco Resort del Mondo. Un nuovo e importante riconoscimento internazionale viene assegnato all’Arbatax Park Resort, come primo classificato nella categoria “World’s Leading Eco Resort”, dei prestigiosissimi World Travel Awards 2019, gli Oscar del Turismo istituiti per riconoscere e celebrare le eccellenze in tutti i settori […]

29 Nov 12:15 Askanews 298649739487676811.html
Save Up To 45% On Tribit Bluetooth Headphones & Speakers If You Buy Today – Amazon Black Friday Deals

There’s plenty of Black Friday deals right now, but if you are specifically after a new set off headphones or a Bluetooth speaker, then Tribit is now

29 Nov 15:51 Android Headlines 8385692878590492088.html
Los vídeos del ataque “terrorista” en Londres difundidos en las redes

Vecinos y viandantes han grabado y publicado en Twitter vídeos del momento de los disparos

29 Nov 14:59 EL PAÍS 2207347711054647326.html
Supermax is optimistic on FY2020

PETALING JAYA: Supermax Corp Bhd remains optimistic on its financial year 2020 prospect despite posting a lower net profit in the first quarter (Q1) ended September 30, 2019.

29 Nov 15:43 NST Online 3702929169963600255.html
Aurélie Dotremont sous cocaïne : son entretien hallucinant avec un psy

Deux jours après l'annonce de la sortie du livre autobiographique d'Aurélie Dotremont, Tu finiras dans une vitrine, un nouvel extrait a été dévoilé. Cette fois, la candidate de télé-réalité révèle com...

29 Nov 14:51 Purepeople 1712099802676505718.html
Wer ist der Mann, der die Klima-Hymne singt?

Der Hip-Hop-Song 'Hurra die Welt geht unter' läuft bei jeder Klimademo, den Refrain singt Henning May. Im Interview spricht May über seine Rolle für die Bewegung – und hadert. | Von Rebekka Wiese

29 Nov 11:51 T-Online 5460876210733633834.html
“Foi assustador ver todo mundo correndo”, diz testemunha de ataque em Londres

Em entrevista à CNN, Stevie Beer, de 26 anos, que trabalha em um prédio com vista para a London Bridge, disse que se impressionou com a quantidade de pessoas correndo...

29 Nov 12:23 O Antagonista 1037429655075073862.html
Was für Schönheiten! Doch das Kleid von Tochter Malia dürfte nicht kürzer sein

Die Sympathieträger-Familie Obama sorgt mit ihrem Thanksgiving-Grüßen für Furore im Netz. Während Papa Barack den lockeren Familienvater gibt, bezirzen seine mittlerweile volljährigen Töchter Sasha und Malia mit ihrer strahlenden Schönheit und körperbetonten Outfits.

29 Nov 12:48 BUNTE.de 2017976499140482246.html
Danone celebra con yogurth de plátano 'con alma tabasqueña'

Es parte de una campaña nacional lanzada en medios y redes sociales, en la que se destacan productos de todo el país.

29 Nov 11:50 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562724794509.html
Merkel va se rendre pour la 1e fois au camp nazi d'Auschwitz

La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel se rendra vendredi prochain pour la première fois à Auschwitz, a annoncé vendredi une porte-parole du gouvernement, avant les célébrations marquant le 75...

29 Nov 14:00 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981506877868.html
Favre-Debatte & Sancho-Gerüchte: Zorc sorgt für Klarheit

Nach den jüngsten Negativergebnissen steht Lucien Favre mehr denn je am Pranger. Michael Zorc hat vor der Partie gegen Hertha BSC am Samstag Stellung zur Trainerpersonalie bezogen. Michael Zorc (...)

29 Nov 11:53 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784949828859.html
Trump realizó una visita no anunciada a las tropas estadounidenses en Afganistán (Video)

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, realizó una visita no anunciada de Acción de Gracias a las tropas estadounidenses en Afganistán

29 Nov 13:12 LaPatilla.com 9104603010742590170.html
¡Felicidades! Ex rostro de CHV anuncia que se convertirá en padre

No hay duda que "Espías del Amor" fue uno de los programas más destacados que tuvo al aire CHV en los últimos años con Marcelo Arismendi, Julio César Rodríguez y Andrés Alemparte. Y hoy uno de estos animadores de televisión se encuentra disfrutando de una muy especial etapa en si vida, pues su esposa está […]

29 Nov 15:57 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355562393689.html
"Lo más importante es encontrar a la persona con quien tengas lo esencial del amor”

La actriz Maite Perroni hizo algunas confesiones sobre momentos íntimos de su vida amorosa en una entrevista.

29 Nov 11:47 Wapa.pe 6757287088761408005.html
Black Friday deals on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR are live now — here are the best ones

The PlayStation 4 is the go-to console for many gamers, thanks to its excellent performance, huge range of games, and more. The console is available in two versions, the standard PlayStation 4 and the 4K-capable PlayStation 4 Pro.

29 Nov 12:09 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882414738589.html
Saque Imediato para nascidos em agosto começa nesta sexta-feira

A Caixa Econômica inicia, nesta sexta-feira (29), a oitava etapa do calendário de pagamento do Saque Imediato do FGTS. Os trabalhadores nascidos no mês de agosto poderão sacar até R$ 500 de cada conta ativa ou inativa do FGTS, em mais de 54 mil pontos de atendimento espalhados pelo país. Cerca de 4,6 milhões de […]

29 Nov 13:19 MaisPB 6493363615810217.html
Rusijoje sulaikyta moteris, dirbusi kariniame laivyne: įtaria šnipinėjimu Ukrainai

Rusija Kryme, Sevastopolio mieste, sulaikė rusę moterį, kurią įtaria išdavyste dėl, kaip manoma, karinių paslapčių atskleidimo Ukrainai, penktadienį pranešė Federalinė saugumo tarnyba, skelbia „Reuters“.

29 Nov 13:49 Kauno diena 6825691409708252594.html
Justin Timberlake et Jessica Biel : retour en images sur leur histoire d'amour

Alors que leur couple est en danger après des rumeurs d'infidélité du chanteur, Closer vous propose de revivre, en images, l'histoire d'amour...

29 Nov 14:02 Closermag.fr 1175411578106989761.html
Sve spremno i skoro sve poznato pred žreb za EURO

U subotu će, od 18 časova uz prenos na Sport Klubu 1, biti obavljen žreb za Evropsko prvenstvo 2020. godine.

29 Nov 11:33 Sport Klub 42251759714349495.html
Pour "quelques minutes de gloire": les Championnats du monde de karaoké au Japon

La phase finale des Championnats du monde de karaoké se déroulait cette semaine pour la première fois au Japon, le pays d'où est pourtant originaire ce divertissement consistant à s'improviser bête de scène le temps de quelques chansons.

29 Nov 11:20 Challenges 1086714997314566099.html
Placido Domingo Says U.S. Accusations Have Been ‘Nightmare’

MADRID (AP) — Placido Domingo says accusations against him of sexual harassment in the United States have been “a nightmare.” Domingo said that he feels strong despite the difficulties and intends to continue performing at least until the end of his planned engagements running through 2021. RELATED: Singer Andrea Bocelli: ‘Absurd’ To Shun Opera Legend…

29 Nov 13:37 ET Canada 6735490619542625039.html
FC Barcelona | La mofa de Gerard Piqué al Real Madrid

Gerard Piqué (32 años) siempre deja algún episodio anecdótico cuando disputa un Clásico, sobre todo cuando es el FC Barcelona quien sale victorioso. En este sentido, el central del conjunto catalán ha (...)

29 Nov 10:49 Fichajes 157935405240764671.html
Dimayor no cambiará la fecha del segundo partido de la final América - Junior

El presidente de la División Mayor del Fútbol Colombiano, Dimayor, Jorge Enrique Vélez García, confirmó que el segundo partido de la final de la Liga Águila II entre América y Junior se jugará el próximo sábado 7 de diciembre a las 5:00 de la tarde en el Pascual Guerrero, como se tenía previsto, a pesar de la solicitud de aplazamiento hecha por la Alcaldía de Cali.Aunque la Administración Municipal había solicitado en la mañana de este viernes que se moviera la fecha del juego por razones de seguridad, el dirigente aseguró que no se cambiará la fecha porque el partido "no va a afectar el día de las velitas"."El partido se juega el 7 a las 5:00 de la tarde, en eso no vamos a cambiar la fecha, es una decisión que hemos tomado. El partido no va a afectar el Día de las Velitas, porque se juega a las 5:00 p. m., no a las 7:00 ni a las 8:00 de la noche; por el contrario, eso lo que hace es unir las familias", aseguró Vélez a periodistas que le indagaron al respecto.

29 Nov 11:06 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346641933862.html
Swift Operations Forum Europe 2019, Amsterdam - Day 2 report

With the accelerating pace of transformation in financial services, day two of SOFE 2019 explored the direction of travel financial institutions should embark on in order to thrive in this new world.

29 Nov 12:00 Finextra 6000504749233913165.html
Cláudio Ramos

Cláudio Ramos abre o coração à revista VIP e não deixa nada por dizer

29 Nov 10:20 Revista VIP 3507812779335614989.html
Caminhão dos bombeiros leva corpo de Gugu para o cemitério

Após o encerramento do velório na Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo, por volta das 10h15 desta sexta-feira, o corpo de Gugu Liberato está sendo levado em um caminhão dos bombeiros para o cemitério...

29 Nov 10:38 O Antagonista 1037429654574448864.html
I thought I had glandular fever on my gap year, but it turned out to be leukaemia

It was meant to be the start of Tom Hunt&rsquo;s gap year &ndash; a fortnight in eastern Europe with five school friends.

29 Nov 11:55 The Telegraph 140598091851975463.html
Subastarán en Sotheby’s las gafas redondas de John Lennon

Un par de gafas de sol redondas que usó John Lennon, y que está en poder de un exchofer de los Beatles desde 1968, será subastado la semana próxima por la casa Sotheby´s, trascendió hoy aquí.

29 Nov 12:56 Crónica 1134283326691046153.html
[Edito] Brighelli - Nouveaux concours, nouveaux enseignants ?

Les concours de recrutement pour le métier d’enseignant, alors même que le nombre de postes ouverts est stable (il monte même un peu dans le privé) ne font plus recette depuis quelques années.

29 Nov 14:48 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230248945388567.html
Mann schüttelt Baby zu Tode: Vater bricht 6 Wochen altem Sohn 28 Knochen - tot!

Es ist eine unfassbare Geschichte, die gleichzeitig traurig, wütend und betroffen macht. Wie der britische "Mirror" berichtet, kam es inBroadstairs, in der englischen Grafschaft Kent, bereits im vergangenen Jahr zu einem schrecklichen Familien-Drama, für das sich der 21-jährige Lee V. jetzt vor Gericht verantworten musste.

29 Nov 14:01 news.de 5126378978082100283.html
"Suceuses de bites", "grosses putes", "grosses salopes": le quotidien des femmes journalistes sur les réseaux sociaux

Lundi 25 novembre, journée internationale contre les violences faites aux femmes, la RTBF en partenariat avec l’AJP, la FIJ et la FEJ a organisé un colloque autour de l’urgence d’agir contre le cyberharcèlement envers les femmes journalistes....

29 Nov 15:58 RTBF Info 2262420857314386163.html
Sandrine Bonnaire : qui est son compagnon Erik Truffaz ?

Après avoir vécu l'enfer, victime de violences conjugales, Sandrine Bonnaire file aujourd'hui le parfait amour avec un certain Erik Truffaz. Qui...

29 Nov 15:08 Closermag.fr 1175411577220157350.html
Sismos en cadena hacen temblar todo el sur de México

Durante la madrugada de este viernes una serie de tres sismo azotaron el sur de M&eacute;xico lo que puso en alerta a las autoridades y a la poblaci&oacute;n en general

29 Nov 12:43 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624428920909.html
Tribunal sul africano rejeita recurso de Zuma em caso de corrupção

Um tribunal sul-africano rejeitou, esta sexta-feira, um recurso do ex-chefe de Estado Jacob Zuma que pretende evitar o julgamento por corrupção num caso de venda de armamento.

29 Nov 10:30 JN 6956494303740865610.html
"Jedyne takie miejsce". Dziennikarze radiowej Jedynki odwiedzą Przeworsk

Lubomirscy, Sowińscy, Krzanowie… Co łączy te nazwiska i rodziny? Przeworsk – perła Podkarpacia, a w nim jedyny w Polsce żywy skansen, kaplica bożogrobców, polski szlak św. Jakuba i szlak parkowy jednego z najznamienitszych polskich rodów magnackich. Marta Januszewska i Roman Czejarek zapraszają do odwiedzenia kolejnego, wyjątkowego miejsca na trasie podróżniczej audycji "Jedyne takie miejsce".

29 Nov 11:31 Polskie Radio 2539990555973690191.html
Le centre-ville d'Arlon fermé à la circulation à cause d'une manifestation de zadistes pourtant reportée

Trois jours avant le lancement de la 25e conférence des Nations Unies sur le Climat à Madrid, une 4e grève mondiale pour le climat aura lieu ce ...

29 Nov 10:52 RTL Info 5478130073818532658.html
Zimbabwe: manifestation d’avocats contre les brutalités policières

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 15:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389215259996.html
Daugiau dėmesio senjorų mitybai: Lietuvoje bus pristatyta atskira produktų linija


29 Nov 11:07 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887587042539251.html
Geberit estime que la demande reste à un niveau élevé en Allemagne

Le léger affaiblissement de la croissance affichée récemment par les affaires de Geberit en Allemagne, son marché principal, ne donne pas de cheveux gris à la... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 12:09 Zonebourse 7946574377049497170.html
Europe: Donald Tusk a remis la clochette présidentielle à Charles Michel

Donald Tusk a symboliquement remis ses pouvoirs à Charles Michel, qui prendra dimanche sa nouvelle fonction à la tête du cercle des chefs d’État et de gouv...

29 Nov 11:53 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700516986165624.html
Troppa concorrenza su Tinder? Un uomo si è fatto un app con solo lui presente

Aaron Smith ha deciso di reagire al fatto di essere uno dei tanti maschi presenti sulle app di dating online così se n'è creata una propria

29 Nov 15:30 tecnoandroid 2573257127776342320.html
What 2020 Democrats can (and can't) learn from Obama's historic Iowa win

"I wouldn't run the same campaign today, in this environment, as I ran in 2008," Obama said recently.

29 Nov 13:32 euronews 7318238121006911756.html
Cimic (ACS) logra nuevos trabajos en el metro de Sydney por 225 millones

Cimic ha logrado nuevos trabajos en el proyecto de construcción del metro de Sydney, valorados en unos de 366 millones de dólares australianos (unos 225...

29 Nov 10:34 Europa Press 4702666148172713949.html
Juez liberó al exesposo golpeador de Abril; hoy está muerta: CDMX

El Tribunal NO notificó a la Procuraduría la liberación del hombre, por lo que Abril NO recibió protección y fue asesinada a balazos cuando iba al psicólogo

29 Nov 11:00 EL DEBATE 4396150894588727517.html
NFL star Richard Sherman clears over $27,000 in schools' cafeteria debt

San Francisco 49er Richard Sherman is making his mark off the football field by paying off thousands of dollars in school lunch debt for public school students.

29 Nov 13:40 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203344294492.html

Colpi d'arma da fuoco e polizia in azione in questi minuti a London Bridge, nel cuore di Londra. Lo riferiscono i media citando testimoni e fonti investigative. Non ancora chiaro il contesto.(ANSA). (ANSA)

29 Nov 14:24 ANSA.it 1300837448765055424.html
Misstänkt paket i Malmö var ofarligt

Brott Nationella bombskyddet bedömer att det misstänkta föremål som orsakat avspärrningar i Malmö är ofarligt. Avspärrningarna vid Posthusplatsen kan därmed hävas.

29 Nov 12:39 www.unt.se 8922556088085832678.html
El Othmani a parlé de la violence faite aux femmes

La lutte contre la violence à l’égard des femmes interpelle toute la société et non seulement la gente féminine, a affirmé ce vendredi à Rabat le chef du gouvernement Saâd-Eddine El Othmani.

29 Nov 15:01 Le Site Info 5160764340496672632.html
Nuevos fondos de pantalla 4K gratis para Windows 10 a tiempo para Navidad

Microsoft ha lanzado en los últimos días 9 nuevos packs de fondos de pantalla 4K gratis para descargar en Windows 10. Muchos de ellos son ideales para Navidad.

29 Nov 15:00 ADSLZone 3760867498306767786.html
Nikola Lozina (LMvsMonde4) amoureux de Laura Lempika, il partage une photo qui veut tout dire

Nikola Lozina vient de partager une photo de lui et Laura Lempika qui veut dire beaucoup de choses. On te laisse la découvrir ci-dessous.

29 Nov 10:00 melty 8059025069418753485.html
Exmilitar, mafioso y asesino: la verdadera historia detrás de 'El Irlandés' de Scorsese

Frank Sheeran siempre fue un hombre creado a sí mismo. Ahora, Martin Scorsese le lleva a la gran pantalla de la mano de un Robert de Niro que se encarga de representarle

29 Nov 14:01 El Confidencial 6129807549017675071.html
Samsung Galaxy S11: Release date, price, specs, features, news, and rumors

Mobile Phone | Samsung Galaxy S11: Release date, price, specs, features, news, and rumors

29 Nov 14:08 Technobezz 300833012829018589.html
Buy any Huawei P30 and get a free Nintendo Switch from Virgin Mobile

For Black Friday Virgin Mobile is throwing in a free Nintendo Switch - worth £279 - when you buy any Huawei P30, P30 Pro or P30 Lite.

29 Nov 14:27 Tech Advisor 6450858318514321159.html
„Ende Gelände“: „Geht gar nicht“: Polizisten posieren vor rechtem Symbol gegen Klimaaktivisten

Lausitzer Polizisten haben sich auf einem Foto gegen die Klimabewegung „Ende Gelände“ positioniert. Auch ein rechtes Symbol ist auf der Aufnahme zu sehen. Folgenlos bleibt die Aktion für die Beamten nicht.

29 Nov 12:14 FOCUS Online 4448121230646062055.html
Save Over £170 on Netgear's Whole Home Orbi Mesh Wi-Fi System in Amazon's Black Friday Sale

Houses may not be getting bigger, especially if you live in the South East, but our dependence on Wi-Fi certainly is. Almost everything we buy now needs some sort of network connection, and with everything spread out across your place you need a solid Wi-Fi signal.

29 Nov 11:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001523176646.html
Mo Farah halts marathon career and returns to track to defend Olympic 10,000m title

Mo Farah has halted his failed mission to conquer the marathon and announced a return to the track to defend his Olympic 10,000-metre title at next year&rsquo;s Olympics.

29 Nov 13:07 The Telegraph 140598091236017560.html
Auslosung der EM-Endrunde 2020 lässt manches offen

Österreichs Fußball-Nationalteam erfährt am Samstag (18.00 Uhr/live ORF 1) in Bukarest die Gegner für die EURO 2020 - zumindest zwei von drei.

29 Nov 12:28 NÖN.at 2486998933471904355.html
Divorce rates fall to lowest since 1971

But the number of same sex couples splitting up has risen by more than a quarter, figures show.

29 Nov 10:22 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773791495551.html
Aplicativos e jogos da Play Store estão com ótimos descontos de Black Friday

Lara Croft GO está com 80% de desconto na Play Store

29 Nov 11:00 Mundo Conectado 6456876364780242295.html
Bundestag beschließt Rekordhaushalt für 2020

Die große Koalition will mehr Geld für Soziales, Klimaschutz, Verkehr und Verteidigung ausgeben. Der Haushalt sieht 2020 sieht dafür einen Rekordwert an Ausgaben vor, die Schwarze Null soll trotz Kritik bleiben.

29 Nov 12:05 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941219980497395.html
Have you seen Bill?

RCMP are requesting the public's help in locating a missing Kelowna resident.

29 Nov 13:40 Castanet 616068601795856834.html
Ein Sturm der Liebe bricht los: Wenn Eros nicht weiß, was er tut

Es kann viel passieren, wenn der Gott der Liebe nach einem Glas zu viel plötzlich Pfeil und Bogen zückt und munter drauf los schießt.

29 Nov 15:52 RTL.DE 7054729452633700223.html
Afrique du Sud: une grande agence de voyage renonce à vendre les billets de SAA

L’une des principales agences de voyage en Afrique du Sud a décidé de ne plus vendre de billets de la compagnie aérienne sud-africaine SAA, un nouveau coup dur porté à la société publique lourdement endettée. Flight Centre Travel Group a expliqué jeudi avoir pris cette décision car la compagnie d’assurance contractée par l’agence de voyage […]

29 Nov 14:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092585065460314.html
Marco Antonio Caponi publicó una foto con Mónica Antonópulos y sembró rumores de embarazo: "Bienvenida a la familia"

La pareja de actores posó de una forma muy particular y hasta sus amigos y colegas comenzaron a felicitarlos... ¿por la llegada de su bebé?

29 Nov 14:24 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740449857971056.html
Stasera in tv | Quarto Grado | ospiti e anticipazioni del 29 novembre

Appuntamento a questa sera, venerdì 29 novembre, a partire dalle 21:25 su Rete4 con una nuova puntata di Quarto Grado. Ecco tutti i casi

29 Nov 15:43 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926407220065.html
UK PM Johnson says UK will leave EU by January 31 at the latest

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that Britain would leave the European Union by Jan. 31 at the latest if his Conservative Party win a majority in the election in two weeks time.

29 Nov 11:33 Reuters 8334514180147544739.html
U.S. Debt Is Piling Up

Investors should be aware of the indebtedness of the US.The Fed has reversed its policy of normalization of interest rates and reducing the size of its balance.Low interest rates can be expected for t

29 Nov 15:18 Seeking Alpha 5725634557910156743.html
Héctor Morales fue despedido de Play FM: acusa que la desvinculación se debió a su "visible" apoyo al estallido social

El actor no alcanzó a cumplir un año a cargo de su programa "Play V"

29 Nov 12:50 Publimetro Chile 2498685482955212476.html
What Women Want On 104.8 Ishq Season 2 Trailer OUT! Kareena Kapoor Khan Is Back With A Bang As Our Fave RJ

She was bold, she was fierce & she was anapologetic! Kareena Kapoor Khan, who donned the RJ hat with much ease and flair in the first season of What Women Want on 104.8 Ishq, is back on the mic wi

29 Nov 10:55 Koimoi 5184275670988689432.html
4.5 % GDP growth rate unacceptable, worrisome: Manmohan Singh

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Friday the GDP growth rate of 4.5 per cent was unacceptable and worrisome, and urged his successor Prime Minister Narendra Modi to set aside 'deep-rooted suspicion' of society and nurse India back to harmonious, mutually trustworthy society that can help the economy soar.

29 Nov 14:28 https://www.oneindia.com 2023829370783151449.html
Modernized Ferrari 512 BB Looks Cyberpunk, Has F1 Air Intakes

Normally when introducing a pumped-up Ferrari rendering like the one staring at us from behind the screen, I tell purists there's nothing to worry about, since we're talking mere pixels. However, things might be different with this Cyberpunk-like Ferrari 512 BB.

29 Nov 14:33 autoevolution 6471576454487106435.html
Impensado: Karina la princesita eliminó a Cinthia Fernández, Martín Baclini y a Flor Torrente

La cantante ganó en el voto telefónico y dejó afuera a dos de las parejas más seguidas por los fans del reality

29 Nov 14:33 Diario Popular 7191573466306206483.html
Tancos: ex-diretor da PJM nega intenção de encobrir autores do furto

Luís Vieira alega, no pedido de abertura de instrução do processo do furto de armas de Tancos, que "não houve qualquer intenção de encobrir os autores, nem qualquer pacto nesse sentido".

29 Nov 13:39 SÁBADO 5711459691510239251.html
Uncle Murda Takes Counts His Blessings On "God I F*ck With You "

Uncle Murda is back. Uncle Murda's back with his new single, 'God I Fuck With You' in anticipation of his forthcoming project. The rapper takes more of a laidback approach on this as he reflects growing up, making it in the trap, struggling with poverty but still making it out alive in ruthless envi...

29 Nov 12:07 hnhh 366195973898754290.html
In Domat/Ems wird nach einer Pause bis ins Frühjahr 2020 gebaut

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:07 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776818609170.html
Galle und Tugend - SVWW will in Nürnberg zurück zu den Wurzeln

Mit Rückkehrer Titsch Rivero reist der SV Wehen Wiesbaden zum Zweitliga-Auswärtsspiel in Nürnberg. Bei den Hessen stellt sich nach der Niederlage gegen Kiel mal wieder die Charakterfrage.

29 Nov 12:31 hessenschau.de 6403292203055950521.html
Koncert „Pisma streljanih“ povodom Kristalne noći

BEOGRAD - Povodom obeležavanja Kristalne noći, 30. novembra u 18 časova, u Muzeju banjičkog logora održaće se koncert-predstava "Pisma streljanih".

29 Nov 10:43 Krstarica 4176903988528796331.html
Bose QC35 II Noise-Cancelling Headphones are $70 Off for Black Friday

The legendary Bose QC35 II noise-cancelling headphones are currently $70 off on Amazon for Black Friday, bringing the price down to $279.

29 Nov 11:45 Wccftech 3677959677570450255.html
Black Friday? Há um motivo que pode levar consumidores a conter os gastos

Black Friday acontece já esta sexta-feira, dia 29 de dezembro.

29 Nov 12:00 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842175283744.html
Matar por 150.000 euros: el acusado de asesinar a la periodista Daphne Caruana revela la trama

Una bomba acabó con la vida de la periodista en 2017, quien investigaba casos de corrupción política en la isla El crimen ha sacado a la luz...

29 Nov 11:49 La Vanguardia 8061072698832219953.html
Aston Martin hace la carrera de su vida en bolsa... Pero no es suficiente

El fabricante británico de vehículos de lujo despide noviembre por todo lo alto. Y es que sus acciones se han apuntado una subida de más del 40% en el penúltimo mes de 2019. Eso sí, este repunte solo ha servido para maquillar un poco el mal año que está teniendo.

29 Nov 11:07 elEconomista.es 9051559959201957501.html
Save £250 on this stunning Samsung Dolby Atmos soundbar

It's fine buying a TV, but it helps to get a soundbar too. Samsung's Dolby Atmos toting HW-Q70R has been reduced by Currys by £250 for Black Friday.

29 Nov 14:37 Trusted Reviews 12694854106976071.html
Saudi Aramco IPO received $44.3 billion in bids so far: Samba Capital

The state-owned oil giant plans to sell 1.5% of the company's shares for as much as 96 billion riyals ($25.6 billion), a deal which would give it a market value of $1.7 trillion

29 Nov 13:26 Business-Standard 1502508925168527743.html
L'entraîneur d'Axel Witsel et de Thorgan Hazard joue son avenir ce samedi

Sommé par ses dirigeants de redresser immédiatement la barre, l'entraîneur de Dortmund Lucien Favre joue son avenir samedi (15h30) en déplacement ...

29 Nov 13:36 RTL sport 5478130075272142410.html
"Due anni fa ero in bagno a vomitare e a piangere. Ma oggi qualcosa di bello è accaduto"

Elena Santarelli ricorda la data nefasta della scoperta del tumore di Giacomo e racconta un incontro speciale: "Se impariamo a riconoscerli, nella vita accadono veri e propri miracoli"

29 Nov 14:36 L'HuffPost 5315551423356615743.html
Portalas jonavoszinios.lt pasiekė naują vienos paros lankomumo rekordą

Lapkričio 28 – ąją  informacinis portalas jonavoszinios.lt pasiekė naują vienos paros lankomumo rekordą. Tą dieną tinklalapį skaitė 20 668 unikalūs lankytojai*, o puslapių parodymai* lapkričio 28-osios parą viršijo visus lūkesčius – net 37 603

29 Nov 11:35 JONAVOS ŽINIOS 3861072125751514447.html
Wer darf gegen FC Bayern und TSV 1860 ran? Sieben Teams im Quali-Turnier für Mini-Cup des Gautinger SC

Sieben Vereine kämpfen um ein freies Ticket für den 19. Webasto Mini-Cup des Gautinger SC. Erstmals ist auch ein Exot aus Baden-Württemberg im Starterfeld.

29 Nov 11:40 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238354585927.html
Charlton racheté par un consortium émirati

Et pour quelques pétrodollars de plus... Actuel dix-septième de Championship, le Charlton Athletic Football Club va désormais battre pavillon émirati. Le club basé à Greenwich, dans le grand Londres, a annoncé ce vendredi via un communiqué que le consortium East Street Investments, basé à Abu Dhabi, était le nouveau propriétaire du club.

29 Nov 11:43 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252678948811.html
Navegantes cortó la sequía de triunfo ante su eterno rival y salió del foso

En el décimo episodio, los eléctricos realizaron un ataque terminó siendo letal para las aspiraciones capitalinas

29 Nov 12:34 NTN24 8482749624930374794.html
What to do if you fell victim to the fake John Lewis £100 voucher scam

You could be at risk of fraud and identity theft, so it's prudent to take immediate action to protect yourself

29 Nov 12:16 Metro 970161747635286672.html
Romania’s 1989 revolution generation await ex-president’s trial

Bucharest, Romania | AFP |  On the morning of December 22, 1989, Bogdan Stan drank his usual cup of coffee and went to join the wave of protests against Romania’s communist regime. Shortly after that, he was shot and killed in front of the public TV building. Almost 30 years later, his mother Elena Bancila is …

29 Nov 11:00 The Independent Uganda: 5099025989718296528.html
Unai Emery deja de ser el técnico del Arsenal

En su lugar, y de manera provisional, el sueco Fredrik Ljungberg será el técnico interino de los Gunners

29 Nov 12:22 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543977360812.html
Repubblica – Tira aria di addii già a gennaio: Callejon e Mertens verso la Cina

Un importantissimo pareggio col Liverpool ad Anfield Road quello raggiunto mercoledì scorso, arrivato nonostante il momento psicologico dell’ambiente Napoli non fosse dei migliori. Addirittura, ora come ora, il Napoli può sperare nella qualificazione agli ottavi di Champions da prima classificata, con la collaborazione del RB Salisburgo. Eppure, secondo il noto quotidiano nazionale la Repubblica, l’aria […]

29 Nov 12:13 Spazio Napoli 1933866182947135142.html
Cusco: 40 hospitalizados tras accidente de tránsito

Estudiantes y padres de familia fueron velados en colegio de *Puno*.

29 Nov 10:00 El Popular 1251135763254360593.html
Grève du 5 décembre : la Police Judiciaire parisienne assurera son service

La grève du 5 décembre menace d'immobiliser une partie de la capitale. La Police Judiciaire parisienne s'organise donc pour permettre à ses équipes de se rendre au travail.

29 Nov 12:46 RTL.fr 432875262776257264.html
Jornalista diz que Nicolás Blandi foi oferecido ao Vasco

O atacante Nicolás Blandi, do San Lorenzo, tem vontade de jogar no futebol brasileiro e vê o Vasco da Gama com bons olhos.

29 Nov 13:08 Vasco Notícias 1167013064931609014.html
Huawei, Samsung et Oppo progressent sur le marché smartphones

Le fabriquant sud-coréen Samsung et ses deux concurrents chinois Huawei et Oppo ont renforcé leur ...

29 Nov 12:31 Mobile World Live 2109488010698774197.html
Garzó, el séptimo valenciano en el Mundial de motociclismo

El piloto de Paterna correrá en Moto2 con el equipo de Sito Pons durante dos temporadas

29 Nov 15:14 Las Provincias 5471838389415989191.html
E.T. L’Extraterrestre: ecco lo spot tv che riunisce l’alieno con Elliott

Il popolare personaggio creato da Steven Spielberg è ritornato in uno spot televisivo dove appare anche l'attore Henry Thomas nei panni di Elliott.

29 Nov 10:48 Lega Nerd 8527030505476518773.html
Amazon dizajnira brže ARM čipove za svoje cloud servere

Amazon cloud hosting divizija, Amazon Web Services, uskoro će dobiti unapređene servere, zasnovane na unapređenim procesorima koji su dizajnirani specijalno za data centre. Prošle godine, ova kompa…

29 Nov 12:20 PC Press 681412281949234184.html
Vučić i Gruško: Srbija ostaje verna vojnoj neutralnosti

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić rekao je danas u razgovoru sa zamenikom ministra spoljnih poslova Rusije Aleksandrom Gruškom da Srbija ostaje verna svojoj politici vojne neutralnosti, što će jasno i nedvosmisleno potvrditi usvajanjem odgovarajućih strateških dokumenata, saopšteno je iz kabineta srpskog predsednika.

29 Nov 14:37 Dnevni list Danas 649654640179563499.html
Roland Duchâtelet revend Charlton à un groupement financier d’Abou Dhabi

L’ancien président du Standard, Roland Duchâtelet (73 ans), a cédé Charlton Athletic à un groupement financier d’Abou Dhabi, East Street Investments. L’acc...

29 Nov 12:02 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700518061737541.html
Bilionário da Indonésia tem controle provisório da Eldorado Celulose

Liminar concedida na quarta-feira pelo desembargador do Tribunal de Justi&ccedil;a de Mato Grosso do Sul N&eacute;lio St&aacute;bile tira dos irm&atilde;os Joesley Batista e Wesley Batista, ainda que...

29 Nov 11:30 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490914962959.html
Mercato - Arsenal : les dirigeants ont contacté Massimiliano Allegri

Unai Emery remercié, Arsenal a demandé à son adjoint Freddie Ljungberg de prendre les rênes de l'équipe

29 Nov 13:07 Top Mercato 9098635541293994770.html
A Closer Look At Xulu’s Blacked Out Benz

Former Kaizer Chiefs and Mamelodi Sundowns defender Siyanda Xulu is one of the best defenders in the league, and having recaptured his best form with Maritzburg United, has managed to remind fans what he has to offer.

29 Nov 13:00 Soccer Laduma 3901337371633870058.html
Svizzera, sempre più ricchi i Paperoni del club dei 300 miliardari

E' uscita la tradizionale classifica della rivista economica 'Bilanz'. I membri del club, tutti insieme, posseggono 702 miliardi di franchi svizzeri

29 Nov 10:23 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187826330958.html
Renault-Nissan: Un secrétaire général pour relancer l'alliance

par Gilles Guillaume

29 Nov 10:38 Challenges 1086714996887541157.html
Renault-Nissan: Un secrétaire général pour relancer l'alliance

par Gilles Guillaume

29 Nov 11:38 Boursier.com 7351227820985805830.html
Nabilla maman de Milann, elle partage un tendre moment avec son fils (PHOTO)

Nabilla vient de partager un adorable moment entre elle et Milann et tu vas pouvoir le découvrir dans cet article.

29 Nov 10:30 melty 8059025070196787921.html
Tabaré Vázquez se reunirá con presidente de Uruguay Luis Lacalle Pou

La Corte Electoral realizará la proclamación oficial cuando concluya escrutinio definitivo

29 Nov 14:15 Últimas Noticias 6811287211013381282.html
LG G8X ThinQ ab 1. Dezember mit gratis Mini-Beamer

Beim Kauf des LG G8X ThinQ kann man sich einen kostenlosen Mini-Projektor sichern. Das Smartphone muss bis zum 14.12. gekauft und bis 22.12. registriert werden.

29 Nov 13:46 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535189928199578.html
Hydrocarbures : le marocain Akwa et l’américain Chevron s’attaquent au continent africain

Après la naissance en 2006 d'Afriquia Lubrifiants, leur co-entreprise, les deux groupes renouvellent ce partenariat et prévoient des implantations en Afrique francophone. Des discussions sont en cours au Maroc pour des contrats de commercialisation au Sénégal et en Côte d'Ivoire.

29 Nov 14:52 JeuneAfrique.com 5117442293529730096.html
"Daimler" ukida hiljade radnih mjesta do 2022. godine

Njemački proizvođač automobila "Daimler" saopštio je da planira da ukine hiljade radnih mjesta do kraja 2022. godine.

29 Nov 12:08 Nezavisne novine 4209150641808429502.html
Run for the balls: West Ham team up with Iron Maiden for new kit

New shirt – presumably with the number of the beast on the back – launched by bassist Steve Harris and defender Pablo Zabaleta

29 Nov 12:53 the Guardian 1491978796402526452.html
Dos jóvenes murieron asfixiados en un aljibe en Piendamó, Cauca

Los fallecidos son dos ciudadanos de 17 y 25 años que ingresaron al tanque a efectuar labores de limpieza con una motobomba, cuyo humo les produjo asfixia.

29 Nov 15:42 W Radio 7724358831061616308.html
Biathlon: Arnd Peiffer fällt für Mixed-Staffel aus

Die deutsche Mixed-Staffel muss beim Weltcup-Auftakt in Östersund auf den erkrankten Arnd Peiffer verzichten. Ersetzt wird er am Samstag von Simon Schempp.

29 Nov 10:40 Sport1.de 3783641330758913440.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 18: Alcorcón contra Huesca

Previa del partido de la jornada 18: Alcorcón contra Huesca

29 Nov 15:06 sport 1349897970532364229.html
Nearly 2 million new HIV infections globally in 2018 | IOL News

The Joint United Nations Programme has revealed that there was an estimated 1.7 million new HIV infections globally in 2018 ...

29 Nov 15:44 www.iol.co.za 17825110799271822.html
Vox retira su peticion al parlamento valenciano de la lista de todas las iglesias que se quemaron entre 1930 y 1940

La solicitud de información la firmaba el diputado que colgó en la tribunba una pancarta con una cruz gamada tachada ligeramente

29 Nov 10:22 Cadena SER 8390941984785218772.html
Cocaína é apreendida em fundo falso de carro no noroeste do estado

(Foto: divulgação/PRF) 32 quilos de cocaína foram apreendidos no fundo falso de um carro em Alto Paraíso, na região noroeste do estado. O veículo era ocupado por um casal acompanhado da filha, uma …

29 Nov 12:15 Band News FM Curitiba 996218258318648741.html
Gauhati University, Recruitment 2019

Applications along with self attested copies of mark-sheets and certificates from H'S'L'C onward are invited from eligible candidates

29 Nov 13:31 The Sentinel 448185206418147878.html
¿Cambia de vereda? Pochettino, en la órbita de Arsenal

Luego de haber sido despedido por Tottenham y ante la salida de Unai Emery del banco de los Gunners, el argentino aparece como uno de los candidatos para quedarse con el puesto. Eso sí, en su momento dijo que nunca iría allí. ¿Hace la gran Mourinho?

29 Nov 15:50 TyC Sports 3239944748930064048.html
Boet Fighter klaps its way to mobile – on iOS right now, Android next week

While I didn’t really like the execution so much, I really loved the idea behind the locally developed homage to old-school beat em ups, Boet Fighter. It’s funny, sometimes poignant and, to my surp…

29 Nov 12:30 Critical Hit 8797780291594591025.html
El Parlament publica la resolució que rebutja la sentència i el veto del TC a l'autodeterminació

La Moncloa va anunciar que esperaria a la publicació del text que rebutja la "censura" del TC però va avisar que no permetria res "il·legal"

29 Nov 11:30 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480638426267.html
România ar putea trimite mai multe echipe de salvare în Albania! Ministrul de Externe a avut o discuție telefonică cu omologul său albanez

Ministrul Afacerilor Externe, Bogdan Aurescu, a avut o convorbire telefonică, vineri, cu omologul său albanez Gent Cakaj, pe care l-a asigurat...

29 Nov 15:15 Stiri pe surse 4858045012481214057.html
Les employés d’Apple approuveraient massivement le lobbying de Tim Cook auprès de Donald Trump

Depuis plusieurs mois, Tim Cook multiplie les efforts de communication et de lobbying auprès de Trump et de son administration. Cette stratégie de communication, vertement...

29 Nov 11:40 iPhoneAddict 4414760226398482462.html
‘Se preciso, daremos a vida para manter a democracia’, diz Bolsonaro

Jair Bolsonaro afirmou hoje, numa cerimônia militar em Minas Gerais, que os integrantes das Forças Armadas estão dispostos a dar suas vidas para defender a democracia e a liberdade, como já fizeram no passado...

29 Nov 15:40 O Antagonista 1037429653830540327.html
La CNMV admite a trámite la opa de la suiza SIX sobre la Bolsa española

El regulador del mercado bursátil tiene que emitir un informe para asesorar al Gobierno en su decisión de autorizar o no la oferta de compra.

29 Nov 10:29 www.publico.es 99190977958168411.html
Lexa tem ano badalado e embarca para Europa para fazer turnê

2019 está sendo um ano e tanto para Lexa. Segundo a própria funkeira, ela está vivendo a melhor fase da sua carreira, e não é para menos. Com agenda lotada, a artista está fazendo em média mais de 20 shows por mês.

29 Nov 14:30 RD1 – Terra 4501125212403164872.html
Se torna dibba, il m5s torna sulle barricate (per questo grillo non lo vuole)


29 Nov 15:45 DAGOSPIA 6533336738543946366.html
France to summon Turkish envoy over Erdogan’s ‘insults’

ATHENS: The UN refugee agency said Thursday it was encouraging migrants to leave a severely overcrowded Tripoli center, but rejected as “offensive” a British daily report alleging it was “starving” asylum-seekers to force them out. “I find that accusation offensive,” UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi told reporters in Athens. “I don’t know where you read that report. Us, starving

29 Nov 10:25 Arab News 8912634263447543068.html
Afrique du Sud: une grande agence de voyage renonce à vendre les billets de SAA

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 14:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388504535642.html
Elecciones en Uruguay: 3 claves que explican la caída del izquierdista Frente Amplio tras 15 años en el gobierno

La estabilidad del Frente Amplio en el gobierno de Uruguay en la última década convirtió al pequeño país de Sudamérica en referente de la izquierda de América Latina. Pero una serie de desatenciones explican por qué se dio parte del desencanto de los uruguayos con el partido oficialista.

29 Nov 15:02 24Horas.cl 793283385413463937.html
Telefonica s’allie avec Loon pour connecter l’Amazonie

En 2020, Telefonica va faire alliance avec Loon, filiale d’Alphabet, pour étendre ses réseaux mobiles ...

29 Nov 12:27 Mobile World Live 2109488009625825610.html
F1: Bottas lidera primeiro dia de treinos do GP de Abu Dhabi

O piloto Valtteri Bottas, da Mercedes, liderou os dois primeiros treinos livres do Grande Prêmio de Abu Dhabi, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, o último da temporada da Fórmula 1, ocorridos nesta sexta-feira (29). Na primeira atividade do dia, o finlandês cravou 1m36s957, 0s535 à frente de Max Verstappen, da RBR, segundo colocado. Companheiro de equipe de Bottas e atual hexacampeão mundial da categoria, Lewis Hamilton ficou em terceiro.Já no segundo treino, além de colidir com o carro de Romain Grosjean, da Haas, numa improvável tentativa de ultrapassagem, Bottas anotou 1m36s256. Ele foi seguido por Hamilton, a dupla da Ferrari, com Charles Leclerc à frente de Sebastian Vettel, e Verstappen, nesta ordem exata.Apesar do bom desempenho, o finlandês já sabe que terá de largar do fim do grid no domingo (1º), às 10h10 (de Brasília), uma vez que foi punido por estar usando agora um motor novo.Fonte: Folhapress

29 Nov 14:08 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419854447791.html
Acuden en masa a Sambil Caracas por ofertas del “viernes negro”

La versión criolla del “Black Friday” estadounidense promete convertirse en una alternativa para disparar las ventas en la víspera de la temporada decembrina, en medio de una economía cada vez más dolarizada

29 Nov 11:34 Globovisión 5928221751081373537.html
Do you know this man? RCMP looking for suspect in Colwood theft

West Shore RCMP have released a surveillance photo of a suspect in a theft at the Petro-Canada gas station at 1879 Island Hwy in Colwood. The theft happened Nov. 21 at 6:47 p.m. Police said a . . .

29 Nov 10:37 Times Colonist 7617512061145971712.html
CRVENOKOSA BOGINJA STARA VIŠE OD 7.500 GODINA U NARODNOM MUZEJU! Potiče iz vremena prvih zemljoradnika u Evropi!

Izložbenu postavku Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu će od 29. novembra upotpuniti eksponat Crvenokosa boginja.Reč je o keramičkoj figurini, starosti većoj od 7500 godina, a otkrivena je u Donjoj Branjevini kod Odžaka, na Dunavu pre tačno trideset godina.foto: TanjugSava ...

29 Nov 14:55 kurir.rs 6515665028456640922.html
Po dveh operacijah se je oglasil Alfi Nipič 

Konec oktobra je legendarni Alfi Nipič zaradi težav s trebušno slinavko pristal v bolnišnici, iz bolniške postelje pa je zaskrbljenim oboževalcem sporočil, da kljub vsemu upa, da bo lahko kmalu...

29 Nov 13:13 Slovenske novice 5901956562131122918.html
Benda-benda yang Dilarang di Bawa ke Venue SEA Games 2019

Ribuan orang berduyun-duyun ke berbagai venue SEA Games 2019 yang digelar di Filipina. Ada sejumlah barang yang dilarang untuk dibawa ke dalam venue tersebut.

29 Nov 10:23 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549327080144.html
A falta de una ley de aguas, San Antonio Ilotenango norma el uso del vital líquido

La ordenanza municipal tiene como objetivo normar y establecer lineamientos para la universalización de los servicios de agua entubada y saneamiento en el marco de la Gestión Integrada del Recurso Hídrico (GIRH).

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015256661910521.html
UK hails 63 per cent hike in Indian student visas

The ONS data overall indicates that over the last decade, around 270,000 Indian students have chosen the UK as a higher education destination. In contrast, an estimated 229,000 more non-EU citizens moved to the UK than left in the year ending June 2019.

29 Nov 14:16 The Indian Express 2885715105749494710.html
From France: Arsenal have ‘already begun’ negotiations with ‘priority’ manager – Compensation payable

There were countless claims about Unai Emery’s successor even before he left Arsenal, and that’s only going to increase now. One of the men thought to be in the picture is Nuno Espirito Santo, who has done such a good job with Wolves. Up until Wednesday evening there was nothing independent in the Portuguese media

29 Nov 11:14 Sport Witness 200001553335533904.html
Se viene el Nacional Femenino de Béisbol en Córdoba: arranca este viernes

Por primera vez, un seleccinado cordobés participará. Así es la historia de un equipo que se formó a base de mucho esfuerzo.

29 Nov 11:32 Mundo D 5646459531975159078.html
AfD hat wohl mehr als 20.000 Euro Spenden nicht korrekt abgerechnet

Die AfD soll in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 Spenden falsch abgerechnet haben. Die Spenden sind über verschiedene Wege in die Parteikasse gelangt, aber nicht angegeben worden.

29 Nov 13:29 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322706895027.html
Falleció Fernando Bustos, uno de los históricos de las Farc

Estuvo casi toda su vida en ese grupo, incluso en la reincorporación. Fundó el bloque oriental.

29 Nov 11:28 El Tiempo 1091719940766247156.html
Google Messages: Stiže opcija koja štiti od spam poruka

Najnovija Google Messages funkcija stiže u obliku “Verified SMS”, a zamišljena je tako da korisnike čuva od spam sadržaja i phishing napada. Opcija je već ranije mogla da se vidi u okvi…

29 Nov 13:09 PC Press 681412282399562961.html
Jornada 14 de la Premier League: previa del duelo Chelsea - West Ham

Jornada 14 de la Premier League: previa del duelo Chelsea - West Ham

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897970952602972.html
INS: 2.1pct drop in the number of building authorizations for residential buildings, in Jan-Oct

The number of building authorizations for residential buildings decreased by 2.1 per cent, in the first ten months of the year, compared with...

29 Nov 10:46 Stiri pe surse 4858045013481782495.html
Detienen a 'El Capitán', uno de los mayores distribuidores de heroína en España

La Policía ha capturado también a otros doce integrantes de la misma organización, de la que han sido intervenidos más de 25 kilos de esta droga, una pistola detonadora, 26.000 euros y siete vehículos de alta gama.

29 Nov 10:53 www.publico.es 99190977502478185.html
Muere Brad Gobright tras sufrir una caída en México

El reconocido escalador ha sufrido un accidente mortal cuando bajaba de ‘Sendero luminoso’ en Nuevo León

29 Nov 11:18 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957712229410.html
Nord-Kivu : François Grignon discute avec les jeunes « pour combattre la campagne mensongère contre la MONUSCO »

Le Représentant spécial adjoint chargé des opérations de la MONUSCO, François Grignon, a discuté, vendredi 29 novembre avec les délégués des différents regroupements des jeunes de la province du Nord-Kivu, sur le mandat de la MONUSCO, particulièrement dans la zone de Beni.

29 Nov 15:17 Radio Okapi 4444713483903715228.html
Redmi K30: Xiaomi kündigt eine Weltpremiere an

Xiaomi spendiert dem Redmi K30 offenbar eine ganz besondere Kamera. Knipst das Smartphone bessere Fotos als Xiaomi Mi Note 10?

29 Nov 11:12 CURVED 5947652463850400156.html
Netflix dejará de funcionar en miles de televisores Samsung, Sony y Toshiba desde el 1 de diciembre

La aplicación de streaming ya no podrá ser ejecutado en estos dispositivos debido a limitaciones técnicas.

29 Nov 13:30 RPP 3819340342832852045.html
Xbox One S and three games for £99 with this terrific Black Friday offer

eBay is offering one of the finest Xbox One S bundles we’ve seen yet, kicking off the Black Friday bargain celebrations with a massive bang. 

29 Nov 11:04 Trusted Reviews 12694855723781426.html
Uber lansează un ghid care va permite eliminarea din aplicaţie a utilizatorilor care primesc constant feedback negativ

Platforma Uber a anunţat că lansează un ghid care va permite eliminarea din aplicaţie a utilizatorilor care primesc constant feedback negativ.

29 Nov 13:18 News.ro 1785173097474864294.html
Thiago Neves cobra salário atrasado no Cruzeiro em áudio vazado

Não bastasse o momento conturbado do Cruzeiro, sob risco de rebaixamento, o meia Thiago Neves, um dos mais criticados do elenco, teve vazado um áudio em que pede a Zezé Perrella para tentar quitar aos jogadores parte do salário atrasado referente ao mês de setembro. O áudio foi enviado ao gestor de futebol do clube antes da partida contra o CSA nesta quinta (28), na qual o Cruzeiro saiu derrotado, por 1 a 0, em pleno Mineirão. O camisa 10 solicitou a Perrella que fizesse um esforço para tentar pagar pelo menos 60% da dívida até o jogo válido pela 35ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro.A reportagem teve acesso ao áudio e confirmou sua veracidade com pessoas dentro do clube."Fala Zezé, bom dia, cara. Deixa eu te falar uma coisa: eu estou pensando aqui, sei que está difícil para vocês arrumarem recursos, sei que estão correndo atrás -mas estou falando por mim, não falei com ninguém do time, tá?-, vê se você não consegue pelo menos pagar esses outros 60% antes do jogo de quinta-feira. Porque aí não precisa nem ter bicho…

29 Nov 14:20 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420063126404.html
La AFIP oficializó la prórroga de la suspensión de embargos a pymes

Hasta el 31 de diciembre La medida se formalizó por medio de una resolución general del ente recaudador, publicada este viernes en el Boletín Oficial.

29 Nov 12:19 El Litoral 2624573358167731871.html
Giulliana Loza sobre Keiko: "En ningún momento se ha hablado de asilo"

La abogada descartó que Keiko Fujimori [1] vaya a solicitar asilo político.  [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/actualidad-y-policiales/keiko-fujimori

29 Nov 13:45 El Popular 1251135763155542149.html
A woman mistakenly sent Thanksgiving invite to a stranger in 2016, it’s now an annual ritual

An Arizona woman accidentally invited a stranger over for Thanksgiving dinner instead of her grandson in 2016. But four years after the error, the man continues to visit her every year.

29 Nov 11:38 The Indian Express 2885715105462336745.html
USD/INR Technical Analysis: Eases from weekly tops, up little around 71.60 region

The USD/INR cross built on the previous session's recovery move from near three-week lows and gained some follow-through traction on the last trading

29 Nov 13:24 FXStreet 4480975639926992463.html
ZTE e China Telecom: connessione 5G anche sul treno Maglev lanciato a 500 km/h | Tom's Hardware

ZTE e China Telecom hanno sperimentato le prime trasmissioni 5G su treno Maglev lanciato a quasi 500 km/h.

29 Nov 11:37 Tom's Hardware 6640147069663872007.html
Pep: Arteta i Arsenal? Mikel ide sa nama u Njukasl

Pep Gvardiola je pred gostovanje Njukaslu govorio o prošloj poseti Mančester Sitija "Sent Džejms parku". Tada su "građani" poslednji put izgubili u prošloj sezoni. Menadžer Sitija je govorio i o spekulacijama da bi Mikel Arteta mogao da postane novi menadžer Arsenala.

29 Nov 15:44 Sport Klub 42251759530984770.html
Charles Michel quer que UE seja "líder global"

Ao longo do caminho na passadeira vermelha, é provável que Donald Tusk tenha dado alguns conselhos de última hora ao seu sucessor na presidência do Conselho Europeu, na cerimónia, sexta-feira, em Bruxelas.

29 Nov 15:49 euronews 5294993273792609309.html
El Motociclismo Provincial busca los últimos campeones en Aristóbulo del Valle

La sexta y última fecha del Campeonato Misionero de Motociclismo en Pista se disputará el fin de semana en el circuito del Centro Cultural de Aristóbulo del Valle, localidad que por primera vez recibirá...

29 Nov 13:53 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724431377522.html
CBA złożyło zawiadomienie do prokuratury ws. Mariana Banasia

Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne złożyło do prokuratury zawiadomienie o możliwości poppopełnienia przestępstwa przez Mariana Banasia, prezesa Najwyższej Izby Kontroli - poinformowało CBA. Zawiadomienie jest efektem kontroli oświadczeń majątkowych szefa NIK.

29 Nov 14:40 Business Insider 4128433797085192817.html
Euro 2020 finals draw: what date is it, which teams have qualified and how to watch live

What is happening?

29 Nov 14:15 The Telegraph 140598092900289457.html
Star Wars 9 : De nouvelles images teasent l'affrontement de Rey et Kylo Ren

De nouvelles images de Star Wars 9 teasent un affrontement glacial entre Rey et Kylo Ren. 

29 Nov 13:00 melty 8059025070402742239.html
Oculus Cyber Monday 2019 deals: Rift, Quest and Go deals live now

Black Friday has technically come and gone, but lucky for you there are still some great deals for Cyber Monday. In fact, the Oculus Go has just dropped even further in price and can be had for just $119.99. A further saving of $30 over the Black Friday price. But be quick as this Lightning…

2 Dec 16:33 Wareable 1195871720370145843.html
Guardaban la cocaína en el freezer, la comercializaban en la zona sur del Conurbano y le dicen “Los Frozen”

La banda operaba en Lanús, Quilmes, Avellaneda y Lomas de Zamora y en los siete allanamientos se incautó más de un kilo de esa droga. La investigación había arrancado en agosto último. Secuestraron armas, celulares y dinero. Nota con video

29 Nov 13:31 Infocielo 6573250470964382785.html
Jornada 15 de la Segunda División B: previa del duelo Amorebieta - Barakaldo

Jornada 15 de la Segunda División B: previa del duelo Amorebieta - Barakaldo

29 Nov 15:07 sport 1349897970973069754.html
Daily Mail owner buys i newspaper for £50m

DMGT buys the newspaper from JPI Media, which took over Johnston Press last year.

29 Nov 13:49 BBC News 3883826127478948434.html
Alan Pulido declara que su futuro podría estar en la MLS

Al recibir un reconocimiento por el equipo Astros de Jalisco de Básquetbol, el delantero Alan Pulido confirmó que podría dejar Chivas para […]

29 Nov 11:34 Notisistema 1929539244257195956.html
Bala Box Office: The Film Surpasses Kartik Aaryan’s Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety In 3 Weeks

Bala Box Office: Ayushmann Khurrana, Bhumi Pednekar & Yami Gautam starrer comedy drama remained steady in 3rd week. The film earned 11.08 crores compared to 26.56 crores second week which means a

29 Nov 12:29 Koimoi 5184275671040575067.html
Seat descarta el ERTE y plantea recuperar los turnos entre el 18 y 20 de diciembre

Las fuentes sindicales han calificado el acuerdo de positivo porque permite recuperar parte de las producciones con un impacto "prácticamente nulo".

29 Nov 10:49 La Información 5328999781510164163.html
BIA: Krivična prijava protiv bivšeg šefa hrvatskog Istražnog tima za ratne zločine zbog špijunaže

Bezbednosno-informativna agencija (BIA) saopštila je danas da je Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Sremskoj Mitrovici podnela krivičnu prijavu protiv bivšeg pripadnika MUP-a Srbije Dražena Letića i državljanina Hrvatske Nikole Kajkića, predsednika Nacionalnog sindikata policije te zemlje i bivšeg šefa hrvatskog Istražnog tima za ratne zločine, zbog špijunaže.BIA je navela da je prikupila podatke koji ukazuju da se Dražen Letić "svesno, tajno i organizovano, uz materijalnu nadoknadu, po nalozima pripadnika hrvatskih bezbednosnih i političkih struktura, te lica koja se nalaze u prikrivenoj službi Sigurnosno-obaveštajne agencije Hrvatske, na teritoriji Srbije angažuje na prikupljanju informacija koje imaju obaveštajni karakter, prenošenju istih navedenim stranim obaveštajnim činiocima, te preduzimanju drugih aktivnosti kojima pomaže rad hrvatskih obaveštajnih struktura, a koje su usmerene na ugrožavanje nacionalne bezbednosti Srbije i njenih medjunarodno-političkih i ekonomskih interesa"."Letić je deo saradničke mreže,…

29 Nov 13:40 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081400530911.html
"¿También les llegó el correo de NIC Chile?": indignación tras fallo de la Suprema que ordena al organismo entregar listado con los casi 600 mil dominios ".cl"

"Expresamos nuestro desacuerdo con la decisión de la Corte Suprema y lamentamos que ella nos impida cumplir con el compromiso adquirido con quienes inscriben nombres de dominio bajo .CL", dijeron desde la entidad.

29 Nov 13:18 Publimetro Chile 2498685483259931052.html
Juliet Ibrahim reveals 2020 is the year of not doing anything for free

Ghanaian actress and fashion entrepreneur, Juliet Ibrahim, has taken to her social media page to make public an early New Year's resolution for the year 2020.

29 Nov 15:05 Legit 3764253650489493565.html
MILORAD KOSANOVIĆ: Želimo sve pobede do kraja, prvo u Ivanjici protiv Javora

Trener fudbalera Radničkog iz Niša Milorad Kosanović izjavio je danas da protiv Javora u Ivanjici očekuje da njegova ekipa pokaže reakciju i prekine seriju negativnih rezultata.

29 Nov 14:16 kurir.rs 6515665028338483828.html
A Napoli bagarinaggio di Nutella Biscuits, venduti a 8 euro (e su Amazon si trovano a 12)

È caccia al nuovo nato di casa Ferrero. E qualcuno ha creato un vero e proprio business

29 Nov 11:22 L'HuffPost 5315551422913481329.html
Así se fija el salario mínimo en Colombia

Salario mínimo 2020 | El 5 de diciembre será el día D de las negociaciones de la mesa tripartita. Vea cuánto ha subido en 10 años y qué se tiene en cuenta para su ajuste | Auxilio de transporte | Economía | Portafolio.co

29 Nov 11:32 Portafolio 9142034660501324983.html
No women need apply (still) to Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of NY

Members of the Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of New York, an all-male organization since its founding in 1783, voted to allow females to join its ranks, but an objection to the how the vote was carried out has necessitated a do-over which will take place at the next society meeting in January.

29 Nov 10:01 IrishCentral 7319968745178131695.html
Affaire Estelle Mouzin : le témoignage accablant d'une ancienne codétenue de l'ex-femme de Michel Fourniret

Ce mercredi 27 novembre, Michel Fourniret a été mis en examen pour "enlèvement et séquestration suivis de mort" de la jeune Estelle...

29 Nov 12:44 Closermag.fr 1175411577165026506.html
Beskedet: Avliden person i Belgien var inte försvunne Patrik

Den avlidna personen som den belgiska polisen hittade visar sig nu inte vara Patrik, det konstaterar polisen efter att båda Patriks föräldrar har fått lämna DNA. – Testet har visat att det inte är Patrik, säger Joakim Lillsjö på Hallsberg polisen.

29 Nov 15:46 SVT Nyheter 8475792989883743042.html
Rodez retrouve son stade pour la réception du Havre

Home sweet home. Après avoir disputé ses sept premières rencontres « à domicile » au Stadium de Toulouse, le Rodez Aveyron Football va retrouver le stade Paul-Lignon ce vendredi soir pour la réception du Havre. Promu de National à l'issue de la saison dernière, le club de l'Aveyron a dû opérer un petit lifting sur sa vénérable enceinte de 4755 sièges pour se mettre aux normes en vigueur en Ligue 2, expliquant l'exil du RAF dans la ville rose. L’actuel douzième du classement indique que la rencontre devrait se jouer à guichets fermés.

29 Nov 14:17 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251688646621.html
Familia Deschamps COBRA en Pemex 700 mil pesos mensuales

Carlos Romero Deschamps no ha emitido ninguna declaraci&oacute;n al respecto

29 Nov 15:18 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623917381925.html
Entró en labores de parto en pleno vuelo y dio a luz al llegar a Carolina del Norte

Una mujer que dio a luz en un aeropuerto de Carolina del Norte le dio a la bebé un nombre relacionado con el lugar donde […]

29 Nov 15:49 LaPatilla.com 9104603011143523552.html
Juventus Women, la clamorosa denuncia della Aluko: “A Torino trattata come Pablo Escobar”

A volte Torino sembra un paio di decenni indietro sul tema integrazione. Sono stanca di entrare nei negozi e avere la sensazione che il titolare si aspetti che io rubi qualcosa

29 Nov 10:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080785364154.html
Air quality improves in Delhi, light rains predicted

The Air Quality Index stood at 79 on Friday

29 Nov 11:34 Deccan Herald 2027555796549460489.html
Vrancken kijkt uit naar derby: “Wij kunnen Antwerp pijn doen”

KV Mechelen neemt het op tegen Royal Antwerp Football Club. Coach Wouter Vrancken laat zich tegenover Radio Reflex uit over de derby.

29 Nov 13:28 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215291629147.html
It’s a rush for FASTags as banks, customers gear up for Dec 15 deadline

Banks come out with offers such as doorstep delivery and free movie tickets

29 Nov 11:25 BusinessLine 5283601469915407.html
Advent – Zeit der Ankunft, Zeit der Vorfreude

Kinder lieben es, die Türchen im Adventskalender zu öffnen. Diesen Brauch gibt es erst seit rund 150 Jahren. Doch was heißt eigentlich "Advent"? Ein kleines Spezial für die Zeit der Vorfreude aufs Fest.

29 Nov 10:21 MDR 5336324388460706600.html
PNL anunţă tăieri drastice de cheltuieli pentru a aplica legea pensiilor. Domeniile afectate

Şeful Cancelariei premierului, Ionel Dancă, a anunţat vineri la RFI că Executivul Orban a identificat mai multe zone unde va aplica „măsuri severe de reducere a cheltuielilor bugetare”, în aşa fel încât să poată implementa legea pensiilor. Ionel Dancă a prezentat lista domeniilor de unde se vor tăia cheltuieli.

29 Nov 10:46 adevarul.ro 4510521625852967647.html
Man shares how he was ‘healed’ from HIV, miraculously by God

A man identified as King D has shared an extraordinary news with people, thanking God for healing him from HIV. According to King D, he had HIV last year and had been living with it until

29 Nov 13:04 LailasNews.com 2090029850722168469.html
Borrell dice que ERC "está en las antípodas de una posición progresista"

"Con estos comportamientos no lo llamaría progresista. El nacionalismo irredento está en las antípodas de una posición progresista", ha...

29 Nov 13:40 Expansión 4197779425191743985.html
Euro 2020, sorteggio gironi in diretta su Rai2 (Marchisio opinionista) e Sky

L'ex calciatore di Juve e Nazionale debutta come opinionista in Rai.

29 Nov 12:08 Tvblog 378101971264727637.html
¡Esconde tu cartera! 6 chollos del Black Friday que no puedes perderte

Llegó el Black Friday 2019, y las ofertas de locura. En Androiphoria te ayudamos y traemos los 6 chollos del Black Friday que no puedes perderte.

29 Nov 15:30 Androidphoria 3647729876793820316.html
Daugiau dėmesio senjorų mitybai: Lietuvoje bus pristatyta atskira produktų linija

Šį rudenį atrinkta grupė Lietuvos senjorų, kuruojamų Kauno technologijos universiteto (KTU) mokslininkų, dalyvauja „EIT Food“ – Europos inovacijų ir technologijų instituto „Vartotojų įtraukimo laboratorijos“ projekte.

29 Nov 10:03 Kauno diena 6825691408646928601.html
#Colletta19, obiettivo sfamare 1,5 mln di persone ogni giorno

Ventitreesima edizione della Giornata nazionale della Colletta Alimentare promossa da Fondazione Banco Alimentare che quest'anno, sabato 30 novembre, in 13mila supermercati italiani invita a donare parte della propria spesa (in particolare alimenti per l'infanzia e a lunga conservazione). Nei prossimi mesi il cibo raccolto sarà distribuito a 7.569 strutture caritative. Anche quest'anno è possibile donare facendo la spesa online

29 Nov 10:13 VITA 7700876771386325352.html
Daimler to cut 'thousands' of jobs by 2022 to fund electric vehicle shift

"Daimler aims to cut thousands of jobs worldwide by the end of 2022," the Mercedes-Benz maker said in a statement, adding that it intended to save 1.4 billion euros ($1.5 billion) in staff costs

29 Nov 11:30 Business-Standard 1502508925171879633.html
Travesía: un viaje por las delicias del mar y la tierra

El restaurante complementa su gastronomía con una vista a la playa

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310296274394.html
“Seria inapropriado especular sobre os motivos”, diz chefe da investigação

Neil Basu, assistente de comissariado da polícia de Londres, que está à frente da investigação sobre o ataque terrorista na London Bridge, disse que ainda é cedo para especular sobre causas...

29 Nov 13:57 O Antagonista 1037429655088628115.html
Ignazio Moser Instagram, addominali scolpiti bagnati di gel: «Che fisico pazzesco»

Tra le donne più invidiate c'è senza dubbio lei, la showgirl argentina Cecilia Rodriguez. L'ultimo scatto bollente di Ignazio Moser.

29 Nov 11:55 UrbanPost 2450570494187071602.html
"30 euro e fai sesso coi bimbi". Prostituzione choc nel campo rom

A Napoli nel quartiere Poggioreale diversi i residenti che parlano di minori che si prostituiscono. A Gianturco abbiamo raccolto il racconto di una testimone

29 Nov 14:24 ilGiornale.it 5019541225722897420.html
Maria Cerqueira Gomes regressa por um dia ao serão noturno da TVI

A apresentadora do ‘Você na TV’ vai estar na casa dos portugueses na noite do dia 25 de dezembro. Isto porque a TVI vai emitir um episódio especial do ‘A Tua Cara Não me é Estranha’ que está reservado…

29 Nov 14:50 A Televisão 800719529317173733.html
La plus importante migration animale dévoilée par un laser depuis l’espace

Du point de vue de la biomasse et de la régularité, la migration verticale des petits animaux marins est la plus importante des migrations sur notre planète. Et grâce à des données satellites, les...

29 Nov 10:31 Futura 7671687979957595561.html
Chris Hemsworth (Avengers Endgame) loin d'être parfait ? Elsa Pataky se confie sur les défauts de son mari

Alors que Chris Hemsworth et Elsa Pataky sont ensemble depuis près de dix ans, l'actrice espagnole s'est confiée sur les défauts de son mari !

29 Nov 12:00 melty 8059025070965535205.html
Water level in Periyar dam

MADURAIWater level in Periyar dam stood at 127.90 feet (permissible level is 142 ft.), with an inflow of 761 cusecs and a discharge of 1,630 cusecs. In Vaigai dam, the level was 64.24 ft. (71 ft.), wi

29 Nov 15:01 The Hindu 6679535024757381152.html
Xbox One S and THREE games for just £99 in jaw-dropping Black Friday deal

EBAY has slashed the price of the Xbox One S 1TB Digital Edition to just £99 in an extremely impressive deal. The Black Friday sale also bundles in three games – in what could be the best gaming de…

29 Nov 12:20 The Scottish Sun 6609127673409567976.html
¡Rosalía llega a Barcelona y Madrid! Toda la información de sus conciertos

Faltan pocos días para algunos de los conciertos más cotizados del 2019

29 Nov 12:43 LOS40 2217396492063892353.html
Merkel i Morawiecki odwiedzą Auschwitz. Jest data

Kanclerz Niemiec Angela Merkel i premier Mateusz Morawiecki odwiedzą w przyszły piątek Miejsce Pamięci Auschwitz – podało w piątek biuro prasowe Muzeum Auschwitz. Przywódcy złożą hołd ofiarom największego niemieckiego obozu koncentracyjnego i zagłady 6 grudnia.

29 Nov 14:51 Polsat News 9031932296502006761.html
En video | A la cárcel banda familiar dedicada al tráfico de licor adulterado en Barranquilla

10 personas, varias de ellas de un mismo núcleo, fueron capturadas por la Policía Metropolitana. En audios y videos quedó registrado cuando una de las integrantes intentó sobornar a un policía para que no le decomis...

29 Nov 13:35 El Heraldo 8273144985971141858.html
Simplício Mendes | Prefeito participa de evento sobre Criação de Ouvidorias

O seminário contou com palestras do servidor do TJ-MG, Gustavo Terra Elias

29 Nov 15:25 R10 3167340813844512163.html
GBPUSD Perlu Menguji Support 1. 2855 Untuk Lanjutkan Penurunan

Naikknya Pound dipicu oleh jajak pendapat MRP YouGov, yang memproyeksikan bahwa Tories akan mendapatkan keuntungan 68 kursi dalam pemilihan Desember mendatang. Survei yang sama menunjukkan bahwa Buruh berada di jalur untuk 211 kursi. Namun, keuntungan Konservatif telah menyusut beberapa pekan terakhir ini dan mengakibatkan GBPUSD kembali melemah pada hari Kamis.

29 Nov 10:53 monexnews 4506814617917350369.html
En vivo | Foro situación fitosanitaria Caribe: retos para la ciencia, tecnología e innovación

Este foro abordará las cuatro principales problemáticas sanitarias que actualmente afectan la región caribe. HLB de los cítricos, pudrición del cogollo en Palma, Fusarium en banano y Mosca de la Fruta y mango....

29 Nov 14:07 El Heraldo 8273144986435814326.html
Estrelas de K-pop condenadas por violação em grupo

Um tribunal sul-coreano considerou que os dois homens viram as vítimas como "objetos sexuais" para serem explorados. Os dois choraram na altura em que foi lido o veredicto.

29 Nov 12:55 SÁBADO 5711459692508186472.html
La estrella de cine, Seth Rogen, será honrado por promover la identidad judía

Seth Rogen, un actor y director de cine de Hollywood judío-americano/canadiense que estudia yiddish para un papel, sera honrado

29 Nov 15:54 Noticias de Israel 5887715890626306981.html
Zapatero elogia a Otegi y alega que a ETA se le prometió entrar en el "juego político" si dejaba las armas

El expresidente del Gobierno, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, ha afirmado este viernes que cuando se gestó la tregua con ETA la contribución del político de EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, fue ''decisiva'' para ''poder ver el final de la violencia''. Al tiempo, ha explicado que con ETA se tuvo la ''promesa democrática'' de que cuando abandonaran las armas podrían participar en el juego parlamentario.

29 Nov 11:29 elEconomista.es 9051559958574118260.html
Johnson concedes only 31,000 new nurses will be recruited under Tory plans

The PM also said he would ‘walk out’ of trade talks with the US if it wanted the NHS to be on the table.

29 Nov 11:06 Express & Star 7324224459832734505.html
Glasner und Hütter erfreut über “erledigte Hausaufgaben”

Der VfL Wolfsburg kann als einziger der drei deutschen Clubs […]

29 Nov 11:17 Sky Sport 6321692527045040285.html
Fuori dal coro, un'ex portaborse rivela: mi trattavano come una colf, mandavo sms alle amanti e...


29 Nov 15:02 DAGOSPIA 6533336739727780717.html
Wie is popsensatie Mabel, die Rode Neuzen Dag afsluit?

Ze is de dochter van ninetiesidool Neneh Cherry, scoorde een wereldhit met ‘Don’t Call Me Up’ en is aardig op weg om de nieuwe ster aan het popfirmament te worden. Vrijdag is Mabel topact tijdens h...

29 Nov 10:00 HLN 8967494996705874383.html
Jennifer Aniston toujours proche de Justin Theroux ? Ce geste qui ne laisse pas de place au doute (PHOTO)

Ce récent geste prouve bien que les liens entre Jennifer et Justin sont encore bien solides ! On vous en dit plus par ici.

29 Nov 14:00 melty 8059025070411440912.html
Uhapšen lopov u Leskovcu: Napao ženu i istrgao joj telefon i torbu iz ruku

Pripadnici policije u Leskovcu uhapsili su S. J. (30) iz okoline tog grada, zbog sumnje da je izvršio tešku krađu na naročito drzak i bezobziran način, saopštio je danas MUP.

29 Nov 14:47 REPUBLIKA 2543998406730198906.html
Bir efsanenin sonu! Simpsons bitiyor

Yaklaşık 33 yıldır telvizyon ekranlarının çizgi dizisi olarak hayatımızda yer alan The Simpsons final kararı aldı. Simpson ailesi izleyicisine veda etmeye hazırlanıyor.

29 Nov 10:55 Haber3 1479170705264868389.html
Los ocho capítulos de Matchday, uno a uno

El documental empieza con uno de sus platos fuertes. Se trata del primer clásico de la temporada, el 5-1 de Liga donde Luis Suárez fue el...

29 Nov 10:07 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959475449337.html
Hacienda aumenta estímulo fiscal a gasolina Magna y diésel

Por sexta semana consecutiva, la Secretaría de Hacienda dejó sin estímulo fiscal a la gasolina Premium, mientras que el de la Magna […]

29 Nov 11:41 Notisistema 1929539245049122939.html
QC gov’t warns customers not to indulge in ‘extra service’ in spas

Customers patronizing spas offering “extra service” will also be held liable and may face criminal charges, the Quezon City's top police official warned.

29 Nov 13:47 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199619757062.html
Lo mejor del fin de semana en TV

La vuelta de Griezmann (domingo 21.00 Movistar LaLiga)

29 Nov 11:41 MARCA 5656811533804864571.html
Johnson concedes only 31,000 new nurses will be recruited under Tory plans

The PM also said he would ‘walk out’ of trade talks with the US if it wanted the NHS to be on the table.

29 Nov 11:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774368138025.html
Roma, 15enne denuncia violenza sessuale: “Ero seminuda nel bagno, ma non ricordo cosa sia accaduto lì dentro”

“Ero sdraiata e seminuda nel bagno di un locale. Allora mi sono rivestita e sono uscita ma non so cosa sia accaduto lì dentro. Non me lo ricordo”. Lo ha raccontato alla migliore amica la 15enne che sabato scorso a Trastevere è stata soccorsa dai genitori che l’hanno trovata in forte stato di alterazione. Secondo […]

29 Nov 15:19 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339080554568.html
Duitse kerk geeft tips voor dienst in „moderne taal”

De Evangelische Kerk in Hessen en Nassau (EKHN) heeft „tips” opgesteld voor „erediensten in moderne taal.”

29 Nov 11:17 RD.nl 6406779841542586420.html
Meta(fora) na čelu predsednika

Stara srpska narodna izreka kaže: „Ko tebe Krušikom, ti njega Đilasom!“, tako da prosečan razgovor o Krušiku sa...

29 Nov 14:18 N1 Srbija 7797130865928187869.html
Policía británica cierra el puente de Londres por un tiroteo

Informan de un ''incidente'' en el lugar, donde un periodista de la BBC vio a un hombre en el suelo después de haber oído disparos

29 Nov 14:55 El Informador 103545928820354950.html
Smartphone-Verkäufe gefallen: Ein großer Gewinner – Apple in der Krise?

Habt ihr von Juli bis September ein neues Smartphone ergattert? Nein? Dann bestätigt ihr den Trend – besonders Apple hat daran zu knabbern

29 Nov 12:24 CURVED 5947652464095376679.html
Scanări detaliate ale bustului reginei Nefertiti, dezvăluite în premieră publicului

Imagini digitale color obținute prin scanare ale celebrului bust al reginei egipt ene Nefertiti, care au fost ținute mult timp sub cheie de...

29 Nov 12:42 Stiri pe surse 4858045013368224968.html
Lesbische vrouwen getuigen hoe tieners hen aanvielen op de bus: “Toon hoe lesbiennes seks hebben, zeiden ze”

Twee lesbische vrouwen hebben getuigd over de aanval die ze eind mei ondergingen in een bus in Londen. “Die tieners vroegen ons hoe lesbiennes seks hebben”...

29 Nov 15:44 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191433397056.html
Dark Vador et Martine sont les prochains invités du Grand Cactus

Ce jeudi 5 décembre, Jérôme de Warzée et son équipe reçoivent Dark Vador et l’ensemble du casting de Star Wars,...

29 Nov 15:00 RTBF TV 2262420856499858213.html
Polsat remontuje mieszkanie rodziny z Chełmna. Przyjedzie Katarzyna Dowbor [zdjęcia]

Ekipa polsatowskiego programu „Nasz Nowy Dom” przyjechała do lokatorów mieszkania w kamienicy przy ul. Młyńskiej 8. - Wyremontujemy wasz dom - usłyszeli. A

2 Dec 10:58 Gazeta Pomorska 6321051698129094761.html
Mondial de hand: faire l'impasse? Pas une option pour les Bleues

Olivier Krumbholz leur avait donné la possibilité de faire l'impasse, au cas où certaines auraient éprouvé le besoin de souffler à six mois des Jeux olympiques de Tokyo, mais les Bleues ont toutes répondu présentes au Mondial de handball qui commence samedi au Japon.

29 Nov 10:17 Challenges 1086714996435334462.html
Casablanca : L'école de la deuxième chance à Ben M'sick allie enseignement et formation

Une convention de partenariat relative au soutien et à la gestion de la future école de la deuxième chance, nouvelle génération, dans la préfecture d'arrondissements de Ben M'sick, a été

29 Nov 13:40 Yabiladi 8139063036319432890.html
GELID envoie une grosse Fatality aux SSD 22110 avec son radiateur SubZero XL

Alors que les SSD M.2 sont majoritairement en 2280, que ce soit en SATA ou NVMe, GELID s'attaque aux modèles en 22110 avec un ..., actualité 69825

29 Nov 13:28 Cowcotland 6610786360891739358.html
DJB: Budžet dobar za partokratiju, loš za gradjane

Pokret "Dosta je bilo" (DJB) ocenio je danas da aktuelna vlast nastavlja svoju pogubnu ekonomsku politiku uništavanjem bilo kakve mogućnosti razvoja domaće privrede, čime tera gradjane u dužničko ropstvo."Donošenjem budžeta koji finansira partokratsku mašineriju i subvencionisanje nelojalne konkurencije iz inostranstva s jedne strane, i zavlačenjem ruke u džep gradjana i domaće privrede na drugoj strani, aktuelna vlast nastavlja svoju pogubnu ekonomsku politiku uništavanja bilo kakve mogućnosti razvoja domaće privrede i tera gradjane u dužničko ropstvo", navodi se u saopštenju.DJB dodaje da uprkos tome što vlast naziva budžet za iduću godinu razvojnim, on je isti kao i prethodnih godina "partokratski i ekonomski poguban za domaću privredu"."Umesto da štedi i uvodi red u javnom i državnom sektoru, vlast zavlači ruku duboko u džep gradjana i domaće privrede ne bi li nekako smanjila deficit. U budžetu postoji prostor za velike uštede kada je reč o bankarskim garancijama za javna preduzeća, zatim u okviru novca predvidjenog…

29 Nov 14:50 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501080434340497.html
La Romareda, l’aparador perfecte perquè el Girona llueixi galons

Els homes de Pep Lluís Martí, que es manté invicte, han sumat 10 dels últims 12 punts

29 Nov 12:32 Ara.cat 6070605019634133056.html
¡Sin Censura! Demi Rose alborotó Instagram con sus fotos subidas de tono (+Fotos)

La sensual modelo se fue de vacaciones por Ibiza, pero no fueron sus fotos en bonitos paisajes por el lugar lo que llamó

29 Nov 10:38 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536483868946.html
Cyndi Lauper: da voz a quienes más lo necesitan

Es una de las artistas más condecoradas de su generación, ganando premios Grammy por sus éxitos perpetuos, un premio Tony por su trabajo en el exitoso musical de Broadway "Kinky Boots" e incluso un Emmy por su hilarante aparición como invitada en "Loco por ti". Pero como defensora y activista, la estrella de 66 años ha demostrado ser una leyenda por razones mucho más importantes

29 Nov 12:19 Publinews 8987875305066791446.html
Black Friday shoppers go mad for bargain toilet roll deal with 24 Andrex rolls for £2.50

Tesco has been spotted selling the cheapest toilet rolls of the year, with 24 rolls of Andrex for just £2.56 for Black Friday - but it's still unconfirmed whether or not the offer is available in every store

29 Nov 12:18 mirror 675785260468251147.html
Sofía Bonelli rompió el silencio sobre el hijo que esperaría con El Pájaro Caniggia

La modelo le envió un enigmático mensaje a un periodista que la había consultado sobre el tema.

29 Nov 10:29 La Capital 7472053046658466781.html
Zvezda će biti jača protiv Olimpijakosa, sa njima u evropsko proleće?

Partizan je sinoć izgubio šanse za ostanak u Evropi i na proleće, Zvezda ima još jednu šansu.

29 Nov 13:43 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495530337471.html
Cioloș și Barna i-au cerut lui Orban asumarea răspunderii Guvernului pe alegerile în două tururi

Fostul premier Dacian Cioloș (PLUS) a declarat vineri, la Digi24, după ce s-a întâlnit alături de liderul USR Dan Barna cu premierul Ludovic...

29 Nov 14:08 Stiri pe surse 4858045013390302011.html
Bankia colabora en la Cumbre del Cambio Climático (COP25)

Bankia colaborará en la 25ª Conferencia de las Partes de la Conferencia Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP25), que se celebrará en Madrid entre el 2 y el 13 de diciembre. La entidad financiera tendrá una presencia destacada en la COP

29 Nov 13:07 Diariocrítico 5375131904493810808.html
We're excited for the 2020 Nissan Almera to arrive in PH

We take a closer look at 2020 Nissan Almera at the 2019 Thailand International Motor Expo

29 Nov 15:11 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447462056544.html
El PP ve "ofensiva" la foto del PSOE con ERC, que muestra que Sánchez quiere estar en Moncloa a "cualquier precio"

La vicesecretaria de Organización del PP y presidenta del PP de Navarra, Ana Beltrán, ha manifestado este viernes, un día después de la reunión del PSOE con...

29 Nov 10:17 Europa Press 4702666147934036076.html
Pick up a PlayStation Dualshock 4 controller for £30

Or if you prefer, you can grab an Xbox controller for £35.

29 Nov 13:47 PC Gamer 9149753395439874532.html
Filtros fotográficos, del retoque al engaño

Resaltar el color de una imagen, convertirse en el “Joker”, maquillarse directamente en la foto o evocar la nostalgia, son algunas de las posibilidades que nos permiten los filtros de la red social fotográfica más popular. ¿Podemos asegurar que todo lo que nuestros ojos captan es la realidad? En la era digital, desde luego, no […]

29 Nov 11:08 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490036352801386.html
Hyundai celebra triplete en los Premios Best Buy 2020

La marca coreana se llevó los galardones a Mejor SUV Compacto, Mejor SUV Mediano y Mejor Auto Eléctrico en esta edición.

29 Nov 11:56 Publimetro Chile 2498685481974066553.html
Guimaraes no se guardó nada: respondió a las acusaciones del presidente de Santa Fe

El estratega brasileño compareció en rueda de prensa tras una polémica victoria del América de Cali.

29 Nov 11:44 Antena 2 310632180177538587.html
Anfield expansion plans announced – Reds will have 3rd biggest stadium, with Kop ‘dwarfed’ by Annie Road End

Liverpool have announced plans to increase the capacity of Anfield to around 61,000 – with roughly 7,000 additional seats being added to the Anfield Road End. The Echo state that these ticket…

29 Nov 11:06 The Empire of The Kop 4194553100449515546.html
Messina, mercato di Giostra. La proposta di Laimo: “A dicembre anche di pomeriggio”

E' una possibilità prevista dal nuovo regolamento sui mercati

29 Nov 10:01 Tempostretto 3143171744495462067.html
Calciomercato Milan – Duarte crac e Maldini va all-in: 40 milioni per un colpo assurdo! – News Milan

Calciomercato Milan - L'infortunio del brasiliano spinge Maldini sul mercato: pronto un affare da urlo da almeno 40 milioni di euro - News Milan

29 Nov 15:55 IlMilanista.it 3960926761879957182.html
Economic Slowdown: 4.5% Growth “Clearly Unacceptable", "Worrisome", Says Ex-PM Manmohan Singh

Indian economy needs to grow at 8-9% per year to fulfil people’s aspirations. Root cause for slowdown is Modi government's distrust of businessmen, says Singh.

29 Nov 14:45 HUFFPOST 6665507018148727758.html
Enceinte, elle raconte son orgasme pendant un examen gynécologique !

Une future maman a eu un orgasme fulgurant pendant un examen de routine chez sa gynécologue. Mi-hilare, mi-gênée, elle raconte ce qu'il s'est passé.

29 Nov 11:29 Magicmaman.com 1799077917348114897.html
VLADAN MILOJEVIĆ: Nemam problem da odem, uprava neka odluči! Nemamo energiju kao ranije

Trener fudbalera Crvene zvezde Vladan Milojević priznao je danas da nema problem da ode iz kluba kada uprava proceni da je to najbolji trenutak, ali i da ekipa nema strast kao ranije.

29 Nov 14:06 kurir.rs 6515665026929127814.html
Od 1. januara niža cijena gasa u Federaciji

​SARAJEVO – Nadzorni odbor BH-Gasa je prihvatio prijedlog Uprave i usvojio odluku da od 01.01.2020. godine cijena gasa za distrubutivne kompanije iznosi 585 KM/1000 Sm3 što je u odnosu na važuću cijenu gasa (640 KM/1000 Sm3) smanjenje od 8,59 %.

29 Nov 15:41 Nezavisne novine 4209150641120943943.html
Icónico concierto de INXS llega en formato 4K a Chile

El 9 de diciembre llega de forma exclusiva a CineHoyts: "INXS, Live Baby Live at Wembley Stadium". Aquí los cines que la mostrarán en Chile.

29 Nov 14:15 Rock&Pop 4910011592594832801.html
Fidel Castro: “Practicamos nuestra solidaridad con hechos, no con bellas palabras” (+ Video)

El espíritu internacionalista y solidario que inculcó Fidel al pueblo cubano, constituye uno de sus mayores legados. Las estadísticas son elocuentes: 600 mil misiones internacionalistas en 164 naci

29 Nov 10:05 Cubadebate 7978633339916533201.html
La Lettre Internationale by Infomédiaire

– UE : Le Conseil européen a formellement approuvé la date d’entrée en fonction de la nouvelle Commission européenne ce dimanche 1er décembre, a annoncé son président Donald Tusk.

29 Nov 14:15 Infomédiaire 1551316401627206805.html
Sędzia Paweł Juszczyszyn zawieszony

Prezes Sądu Rejonowego w Olsztynie sędzia Maciej Nawacki zawiesił w czynnościach służbowych sędziego Pawła Juszczyszyna. Sędzia został zawieszony na miesiąc.

29 Nov 14:48 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040252996854726.html
Today’s the deadline for registering your drone in the UK

Or else risk a £1,000 fine

29 Nov 10:22 The Verge 1337119303251625267.html
Primero en la lista José Juan Barea

Aún es prematuro analizar quiénes serían los convocados para el Clasificatorio Olímpico de baloncesto donde Puerto Rico irá hasta Belgrado, Serbia, en busca de el único boleto a los Juegos

29 Nov 10:00 elVocero.com 6318248037600263299.html
El Día de Acción de Gracias terminó con dos asesinatos y cuatro muertes en las carreteras

Los incidentes violentos se registraron en Ponce y Cayey

29 Nov 10:03 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309275190611.html
Loquillo, Leiva, Amaral y Kaiser Chiefs encabezan el Sonorama Ribera 2020

El festival Sonorama Ribera regresará un año más a la localidad burgalesa de Aranda de Duero del 12 al 16 de agosto de 2020, con un cartel de lo más variado.

29 Nov 11:04 Europa Press 4702666147461629448.html
BAM sensibilise sur la réforme du Libor et le nouvel indice monétaire au Maroc

Bank Al-Maghrib et la Banque Européenne pour la Reconstruction et le Développement ont organisé le mercredi 27 novembre 2019 un workshop sur le thème « Réforme du Libor et mise […]

29 Nov 11:14 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558982022603227.html
Get 75% off lifetime cloud storage with pCloud’s Cyber Monday deal

No subscription: just one up-front payment, then you have permanent cloud storage with this amazing deal from pCloud this Cyber Monday.

2 Dec 11:40 Tech Advisor 6450858318852050220.html
México rechaza presión de Trump sobre cárteles

La intención de Donald Trump de designar a los cárteles del narcotráfico mexicano como organizaciones terroristas ha desatado un intenso debate en México

29 Nov 13:06 LaPatilla.com 9104603010890998715.html
Arsenal : Pochettino, Blanc ... les pistes pour remplacer Unai Emery

Laurent Blanc, Mauricio Pochettino, Massimilano Allegri font partie des pistes probables pour prendre la succession d'Unai Emery sur le banc d'Arsenal.

29 Nov 11:00 Onze Mondial 1310109999351798654.html
Conoce a AB6IX, la nueva promesa del K-Pop

Saluda a tu nueva banda favorita

29 Nov 12:51 LOS40 2217396492113425983.html
Naftas: el Gobierno aumentó biocombustibles e impuestos y los precios subirán al menos 3%

Las petroleras remarcarán los valores en surtidores. Además de trasladar costos, recompondrían márgenes deteriorados tras el congelamiento.

29 Nov 15:44 Todo Noticias 8077539163104572032.html
Must Dash Amigos Is A Quirky Racer Made By A Two-Man Team, And It's Coming To Switch

Launches next week

29 Nov 15:45 Nintendo Life 5246707017838480377.html
Mickey viaja en el tiempo y tú deberías comprarlo

Los franceses están haciendo grande al ratón de Disney.

29 Nov 12:18 LOS40 2217396492019198792.html
Nordstrom's Black Friday Sale Will Distract You From Family Drama

When does that direct deposit drop again? Asking for a friend...

29 Nov 15:41 Elle 1578996229203914345.html
Un hombre bebió de una botella sin saber que era veneno y murió

La muerte de un empleado de una finca tras sufrir envenenamiento está siendo investigada por las autoridades. El hecho ocurrió hace un mes en Tunuyán (Mendoza) y la familia de la víctima se ha constituido como querellantes en la causa.

29 Nov 12:59 El Esquiú 5729181307298990658.html
Emeri je bivši, Ljumberg privremeno rešenje!

Unai Emeri više nije menadžer Arsenala!

29 Nov 11:16 Sport Klub 42251759018239208.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Ljungberg wants ‘smiles on faces again’

Arsenal interim head coach Freddie Ljungberg has pledged to give everything to the club he starred for as a player.

29 Nov 14:24 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906948416165.html
Espagne : une candidate de "Big Brother" porte plainte pour viol

Une candidate de la version espagnole de "Big Brother" a porté plainte pour viol. Les faits auraient eu lieu pendant un tournage en 2017.

29 Nov 10:16 RTL.fr 432875264539471025.html
Firedobbelt(!) norsk

De norske kombinert-gutta tok storeslem.

29 Nov 14:34 TV 2 8210067770019412144.html
Bernardo Silva no onze ideal do apuramento para o Euro 2020

Cristiano Ronaldo é o grande ausente de uma equipa que integra o ex-sportinguista Merih Demiral, defesa-central da seleção da Turquia e da Juventus.

29 Nov 11:36 DN 8445869957250782879.html
Svensk soulhåp

Vokser ut av Firt Aid Kit-skyggen, uten å forandre seg.

29 Nov 10:54 Aftenbladet 8753034804207729165.html
Intoxicación de 15 niños por exceso de cloro en alberca

Los niños intoxicados reportaron mareo, ardor en ojos y piel y en algunos casos hasta taquicardia.

29 Nov 12:50 Milenio 4240839409529652732.html
Elio Germano è il pittore Ligabue in 'Volevo nascondermi,in sala dal 2020

Nella sale cinematografiche a febbraio 2020 sarà al cinema 'Volevo nascondermi' il nuovo film di Giorgio Diritti con Elio Germano sulla vita del pittore Antonio Ligabue prodotto da Palomar con Rai Cinema e il sostegno della Regione Emilia-Romagna, distribuito da 01 Distribution.

29 Nov 10:41 Adnkronos 2840063643808206624.html
Schüsse auf London Bridge - Gegend weitläufig geräumt

Auf der London Bridge sind Schüsse gefallen. Die Polizei London hat die Gegend rund um die Brücke geräumt. Die Hintergründe sind noch unklar.

29 Nov 14:57 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322446069667.html
Black Friday 2019: Die Angebote zum Schnäppchentag des Jahres

Am Black Friday reduzieren die Händler ihre Preise. Auch viele Technik-Gadgets sind beim Black Friday 2019 im Angebot. Doch mit dem 29. November 2019 ist die Rabattschlacht noch längst nicht vorbei ...

29 Nov 11:05 Computer Bild 4944248632370329239.html
Ex-presidente da CBF, Ricardo Teixeira é banido do futebol

Fifa considerou ex-dirigente culpado de crimes de suborno

29 Nov 15:09 Correio 5185786712392120280.html
Media City i Bergen deler AI-pott på 17 millioner

- Kan bli et viktig senter for ekspertise innen kunstig intelligens, sier styreleder.

29 Nov 15:18 Kampanje 8714678314100660492.html
"Respektrente" ist das Wort des Jahres 2019

"Respektrente" ist das Wort des Jahres 2019.

29 Nov 10:18 euronews 4540914626641756948.html
Torhüter Sommer verlängert in Gladbach - Rose: "Unheimlich wichtig für die Mannschaft" 

Borussia Mönchengladbach stellt die Weichen für die sportliche Zukunft. Am Freitag gab der Tabellenführer der Bundesliga die Vertragsverlängerung mit Stammkeeper Yann Sommer bekannt. Der Schweizer unterschrieb bis 2023.

29 Nov 14:05 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776033474907.html
Deal alert: You can fly round-trip Vancouver to Dublin for only $536 CAD right now

While it is one of the most breathtaking places on the planet, a flight from Vancouver to Ireland isn’t always affordable.

29 Nov 12:06 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496510068297.html
Daily Mail owner to buy i newspaper and website for £50m

Mail group sees opportunities for cost synergies

29 Nov 11:33 The Irish Times 8204772969132375357.html
Velofahrerin (73) in Kreisel angefahren

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 14:30 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776788904807.html
Kylie Jenner Reveals How Long Her Real Hair Is!

Kylie Jenner is showing off her real hair!

29 Nov 12:44 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173837929597.html
Merkel prva nemačka kancelarka u poseti Aušvicu nakon 24 godine

Nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel posetiće Aušvic po prvi put sledećeg petka, rekla je portparolka nemačke vlade,...

29 Nov 14:52 N1 Srbija 7797130866544676024.html
Governo é intimado pelo TJ a cumprir enquadramentos de servidores da saúde

Foto: Roberta Aline/Cidadeverde.com Mais de 1.300 servidores administrativos da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde (Sesapi) foram beneficiados com decisão do Tribunal de Justiça do Piauí (TJ) que intimou o governador Wellington Dias a cumprir o enquadramento garantido para a categoria. De acordo com Sindicato dos Empregados em Estabelecimentos de Saúde Pública do Piauí (Sindespi), os administrativos estão sem reajuste e sem enquadramento há mais de três anos. “Em 2014 fomos reenquadrados, mas o governo suspendeu. Estamos sem enquadramento e estamos sem reajuste da inflação desde então. O impacto que tem no vencimento, varia de acordo com a classe e pode chegar a quase R$ 600 reais”, informou a presidente do sindicato, a servidora Geane Sousa.Foto: SindespiA ação judicial foi julgada em 25 de abril de 2019, sendo deferida por unanimidade em favor do cumprimento da Lei nº 6560/2014, que prevê os reajustes. A intimação foi expedida dia 14 de novembro.Um novo mandado foi expedido pelo desembargador do TJ-PI, Brandão de…

29 Nov 10:25 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419011124155.html
What Racial Discrimination Will Look Like in 2060

As biracial people become increasingly common in America, bias based on perceived rather than actual identity will too

29 Nov 12:00 Scientific American Blog Network 5160668528789330267.html
CAT 2019 answer key, response sheet released: Steps to download, result dates

IIM CAT answer key 2019: Based on the final answer key, the CAT results will be declared by the second week of January 2020. The CAT 2019 score will be valid till December 31, 2020

29 Nov 11:04 The Indian Express 2885715105389042034.html
Alstom et Bombardier décrochent le marché du futur métro parisien

PARIS (Reuters) - Le consortium Alstom-Bombardier s'est vu attribuer le marché de conception et fabrication de la nouvelle génération de métro parisien, a annoncé vendredi le groupe français dans un communiqué.

29 Nov 15:48 Challenges 1086714997384551800.html
Grève mondiale pour le climat: des manifestations ont lieu dans 6 villes romandes ce vendredi

La quatrième grève mondiale pour le climat se tient ce vendredi dans une centaine de pays. En Suisse, des manifestations vont se dérouler dans 18 villes. ...

29 Nov 11:13 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802460737550170.html
Rockstar blidkar Red Dead 2-spelarna på pc med poncho

Säger "förlåt" med ett gäng gratisgrejer till Red Dead Online.

29 Nov 12:17 FZ.se 109758246298143275.html
Wettest monsoon in 25 years could lift 2020 wheat output to a record high

India received monsoon rains during the June-September season that were 10 per cent above average

29 Nov 12:51 Business-Standard 1502508925114437216.html
You could be fined £100 for using a petrol station car wash

Penalties have been issued

29 Nov 13:43 PlymouthLive 6373569608261043324.html
Kirakta az Arsenal Unai Emeryt

A csapat eredményei és a mutatott játéka sem felel meg az elvárásoknak a klub szerint.

29 Nov 11:29 HVG.hu 2696544700622959442.html
Em pauta no colegiado do TRE, a juíza que Witzel quer ver candidata

O colegiado do Tribunal Regional Eleitoral (TRE), formado por sete magistrados, reúne-se nesta sexta-feira (29) numa plenária administrativa para analisar o...

29 Nov 14:26 Extra Online 8149543647834762508.html
Conor McGregor will return to UFC against ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone, and experts say the Irishman will challenge Jorge Masvidal for the ‘BMF’ title if he wins

Conor McGregor’s return to the UFC is scheduled for January 18 in Las Vegas, with the Irishman scheduled to fight Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone at welterweight, according to UFC’s president, Dana White.

29 Nov 10:06 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882692836721.html
"Artyści Andersa" w Londynie. Niezwykła historia powojennej emigracji

W ambasadzie RP w Londynie odbyła się w czwartek wieczorem prezentacja albumu "Artyści Andersa. Mała Polska nad Tamizą", który jest dokumentacją mało znanego powojennego życia kulturalnego polskiej emigracji w Wielkiej Brytanii, a zwłaszcza w Londynie.

29 Nov 11:56 Polskie Radio 2539990556065373274.html
La Lega si radica a Messina. Francilia: “Vogliamo essere presenti nei 108 comuni della provincia”

Costituite nuove sezioni a Capo D'Orlando, Sant'Agata di Militello, Brolo e S. Teresa di Riva

29 Nov 14:46 Tempostretto 3143171744359377812.html
Le Concept Alfa Romeo Scarabeo à Compiègne

Le château de Compiègne accueille depuis aujourd'hui et jusqu'au 23 mars prochain au Musée national de la voiture une exposition baptisée Concept-car. Beauté Pure. Parmi les modèles exceptionnels présentés, le concept Alfa Romeo Scarabeo...

29 Nov 10:04 Autonews 9106142494137251461.html
Galaxy S11: Macht die Kamera die Nacht zum Tag?

Im Samsung Galaxy S11 könnte ein "Bright Night Sensor" stecken. Was verbirgt sich hinter dieser Bezeichnung?

29 Nov 14:12 CURVED 5947652462657706555.html
[MAJ] Rockstar s'excuse auprès des joueurs PC pour les soucis rencontrés dans le jeu Red Dead Redemption 2

On connait en détails les présents prévus par Rockstar pour les joueurs PC de Red Dead Redemption 2. Quand un nouveau jeu PC ..., actualité 69819

29 Nov 11:10 Cowcotland 6610786359254703153.html

Severina Kojić (47) izgubila je juče pravnu bitku vođenu za starateljstvo nad sinom Aleksandrom, koju je vodila sa nekadašnjim partnerom, biznismenom Milanom Popovićem (54). Milan Popović ovu bitku sa Severinom vodi dugih pet godina, a ovaj slučaj pratili su i neki burni događaji u životu i radu Severine Kojić. Severinu je u oktobru ove godine

29 Nov 15:30 Scandal! 7263437855651011455.html
La Fédération néerlandaise de football va renforcer sa lutte contre le racisme

Oranje belle mécanique. Ce vendredi, la Fédération néerlandaise de football (KVNB) a annoncé vouloir muscler son jeu face au racisme. Après une rencontre organisée ce jeudi entre les membres du gouvernement batave et la Fédération, le ministre de la Justice a affirmé un renforcement de la lutte contre les discriminations : mieux signaler les incidents et identifier les auteurs d'actes racistes grâce au « développement d'une approche individuelle des incidents racistes, ainsi que l'utilisation de caméras intelligentes pour identifier plus facilement et plus rapidement les auteurs des faits » .

29 Nov 11:46 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251218176856.html
Une information judiciaire ouverte à l’encontre du président du CA de la SNCB

Le parquet confirme l’information: le président du conseil d’administration de la SNCB est visé par une information judiciaire.

29 Nov 12:38 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517067134650.html
Katolički školski centar u teškoj situaciji

BIHAĆ - Nastavno osoblje i učenici Katoličkog školskog centra "Ivan Pavao Drugi" u Bihaću ukazali su okupljanjem u popodnevnim satima proteklog četvrtka na tešku situaciju u kojoj se već duže vrijeme nalazi ova obrazovna ustanova. Istaknuto je da bi, ukoliko se ubrzo ne pronađe rješenje finansiranja, ovaj školski centar mogao prestati da postoji.

29 Nov 13:47 Nezavisne novine 4209150642164527076.html
ANÁLISIS | Reseña de Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, el nuevo videojuego de la exitosa saga

Ambientado en un universo posterior a la tercera película de la franquicia, La venganza de los Sith, es un título plagado de acción y aventuras en tercera persona. Combates exigentes, mapas llenos de sorpresas y una puesta en escena que te harán sentir como un auténtico Padawan frente a los desafíos planteados por el Imperio

29 Nov 10:00 Diario Popular 7191573468099636168.html
Razjareni student izustio "Je*aću vam majku svima", pa krenuo u krvavi pir! Detalji užasa na niškom fakultetu

Nesvakidašnja scena odigrala se na niškom fakultetu kada je jedan student izbo drugog, dok je studentkinja prošla sa udarcima čekićem u glavu danas u ovoj visokoškolskoj ustanovi.

29 Nov 12:40 REPUBLIKA 2543998406289071727.html
Lil Uzi Vert Says He’s No Longer on Good Terms With Playboi Carti

Read details here.

29 Nov 15:27 XXL Mag 2522554273708966983.html
Consiliul Fiscal a LUAT FOC: Rectificarea bugetară consfințește DARAPAJUL bugetar de proporții

Proiectul rectificării bugetare consfințește un derapaj bugetar de proporții, factorii care au condus la acest rezultat sunt dificil de...

29 Nov 12:56 Stiri pe surse 4858045013554227210.html
Alcalde de Cartagena prohibió el ingreso de la marcha del 28N al sector turístico

El alcalde encargado, Pedrito Pereira, ordenó a la Policía que no permitiera la llegada de la manifestación a Bocagrande, Castillogrande y El Laguito.

29 Nov 14:32 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542395077532.html
Israel lanzará campaña en CNN para potenciar su imagen en África

El gobierno de Israel y CNN lanzarán por primera vez una campaña para presentar el Estado judío a África y potenciar así su imágen.

29 Nov 12:08 Noticias de Israel 5887715889634279440.html
A decade of Physics World breakthroughs: 2009 – the first quantum computer

Michael Banks looks at the Physics World 2009 Breakthrough of the Year and how research in quantum computing has moved on

29 Nov 11:49 Physics World 8721234135166284144.html
Yes, a Titan Falls in the Season 2 Finale - But It Doesn't Make Much Sense

As promised, a hero does indeed fall in the Titans Season 2 finale. However, it doesn't exactly play out as anyone might expect.

29 Nov 12:11 CBR.com 1295516961779226305.html
PSD acuză guvernul Ludovic Orban de gândire comunistă

PSD avertizează că modelul de calcul propus de PNL pentru stabilirea salariului minim pe economie, prin raportare la productivitatea muncii și...

29 Nov 12:16 Stiri pe surse 4858045013175626377.html
Legge Bilancio: entra nel vivo l’approvazione. Al vaglio oltre 4.500 emendamenti

Entra nel vivo l’approvazione della Legge di Bilancio. Domani mattina si iniziare a votare gli emendamenti in commissione Finanze mentre la manovra dovrebbe approdare  in Aula a Palazzo Madama. E’ questa la road map tracciata dal governo con i relatori, i rappresentanti dei partiti e i tecnici dei ministeri per organizzare i lavori sulla legge di Bilancio. Ma non sono esclusi ulteriori slittamenti. Anche perché alla Camera il Dl fiscale, che è parte integrante della manovra, ha rallentato la sua corsa. Oltre 4.550 emendamenti da tagliare a 700 Numerosi i temi da definire. A partire da un taglio di netto alla tassa sulla plastica e una riduzione delle “microtasse” di circa un miliardo. Il rinvio a luglio della lotteria degli scontrini. Lo stop alle multe per i commercianti che non aderiscano. Ma non è detto che il rush del fine settimana riesca a sciogliere tutti i nodi.  E che il testo arrivi al Senato lunedì prossimo. Sono infatti oltre 4.500 emendamenti presentati dai partiti alla V commissione del Senato.…

29 Nov 10:49 Wall Street Italia 1518582934170623224.html
Magtutudlo nga mipatan-aw og ‘porn’ sa mga tinun-an mi resign

Mi resign kagahapon ang wala panganli nga magtutudlo human gikataho ang pagpatan-aw og "pornographic" TV show sa mga Grade 10 student isip kabahin sa sex education sa usa ka science class.

29 Nov 10:29 Abante News Online 7257070572051120124.html
‘Stranger Things’ Kids Have A Twitter War Over Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

An imaginary reindeer led to a real-life disagreement between two "Stranger Things" stars and their fans are loving it. It all started when Gaten Matarazzo, who plays Dustin on Netflix's supernatural hit, shared a video on Twitter in which he opines about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. RELATED: Gaten Matarazzo Shares First Trailer For Netflix’s ‘Prank…

29 Nov 10:31 ET Canada 6735490619723339601.html
San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral is home to a 100-ft-tall celestial light beam

A free artwork by George Zisiadis

29 Nov 12:25 The Spaces 7523533614876804669.html
Jaguar E-Type Zero development “paused”

Jaguar has halted development of an electric conversion of one of the most beautiful cars of all time, the E-Type.

29 Nov 13:02 CarAdvise 772235095234670778.html
You judge: who is Victoria's Cop of the Year?

An off-duty cop who risked his life, a detective who cracked the Dark Web to trap a drug dealer and a policewoman whose local knowledge helped solve a murder.

29 Nov 13:00 The Age 7967730562312252756.html
Carolina Marín avanza a semifinales en la India tras superar a Kosetskaya

Carolina Marín se clasificó para las semifinales del Syed Modi International Championship en la India tras imponerse por 21-13 y 21-16 a la rusa Evgeniya Kosetskaya. La española, finalista de este torneo en 2017 (cayó ante la local Pusarla Sindhu), semifinalista en 2015 y cuartofinalista el curso pasado, está a un solo paso de meterse en su quinta final del curso.

29 Nov 13:19 MARCA 5656811533460447128.html
Deputații ACUM cer demisia ministrului Apărării, Victor Gaiciuc

Deputații ACUM cer demisia ministrului Apărării, Victor Gaiciuc. Deputaţii îl acuză pe ministru că a elogiat mercenarii din Donbas și a susținut agresiunea rusă împotriva Ucrainei într-o declarație făcută anterior în spațiul public, sfidând integritatea t

29 Nov 12:11 PUBLIKA 1679939814178283507.html
É um erro os portugueses entrarem no SNS pelas Urgências

"Serviços de urgência inadequados" afetam "negativamente os profissionais de saúde e reduzem a qualidade do atendimento", aponta relatório.

29 Nov 10:28 SÁBADO 5711459692227762229.html
¿Cuáles son los mitos y las verdades alrededor del pan?

Een las últimas décadas este producto ha sido motivo de controversia entre nutricionistas, amantes del ejercicio y la vida saludable, al cuestionar si el pan contribuye o no a llevar una alimentación balanceada

29 Nov 15:36 Colombia.com 1213910711117728526.html
La Moncloa manté la "confiança" de poder formar nou govern abans de Nadal tot i el no d'ERC

Celaá diu que "si hi ha noves cites, hi ha noves oportunitats" i assegura que les converses avancen

29 Nov 12:41 Ara.cat 6070605020620674308.html
Internetom kruži SKANDALOZNI ANAGRAM, ko je njegov autor? (FOTO)

Nije redak slučaj da se javne ličnosti često nađu u ukrštenim rečima, anagramima, osmosmerkama i ostalim vidovima zabave ovog tipa. Ipak, na ovaj način se još niko nije našao. Naime, na društvenoj mreži Tviter kruži fotografija pevača Željka Joksimovića koja je rešenje jednog anagrama, ali ne svojim imenom i prezimenom. “Pravilno reši anagram i dobićeš

29 Nov 12:30 Scandal! 7263437855746293526.html
La Policía de Dubai no se conforma con Bugatti o Lamborghini: ahora quiere una Tesla Cybertruck ¡antes de que llegue a producción!

La Policía de Dubai es sin duda conocida por su amplia y ostentosa flota de vehículos, de la cual han presumido incluso en vídeo. Entre sus integrantes se...

29 Nov 13:01 Motorpasion 3731799125499864535.html
Fikayo Tomori, Chelsea star, says he likes Burna Boy's song 'Anybody'

Chelsea superstar Fikayo Tomori recently snubbed the Super Eagles of Nigeria to play for England national team, but the defender still hold the nation of his father high in his heart.

29 Nov 10:54 Legit 3764253649342791452.html
Vêtements grossesse : les indispensables à avoir en hiver

Comment s’habiller enceinte ? Et d’autant plus en hiver ? Une question pas toujours simple pour les futures mamans. Heureusement, Magicmaman est là pour vous aider à trouver les vêtements de grossesse indispensables pendant la saison froide.

29 Nov 15:17 Magicmaman.com 1799077916479400533.html
OTKRIVENI TUNELI NA GRANICI SA SRBIJOM: Migranti su ovim putem pokušavali da pređu u Mađarsku (FOTO)

Mađarska policija otkrila je dva tunela koje su koristili migranti kako bi ušli u tu zemlju iz Srbije.

29 Nov 13:52 kurir.rs 6515665028189921148.html
Fator de sustentabilidade vai penalizar reformas antecipadas em 15,2%

A esperança de vida aos 65 anos fixou-se nos 19,61 anos no período entre 2017 e 2019, de acordo com o INE. Quer isto dizer que quem se reformar antecipadamente no próximo ano enfrenta um corte de 15,2%.

29 Nov 11:10 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842907001387.html
Lucía participó de la Bajada de la Imagen de la Virgen del Valle

La Gobernadora Lucía Corpacci participó, esta mañana, de la ceremonia de la Bajada de la Imagen de la Virgen del Valle desde el Camarín hasta el Presbiterio, dando inicio así  a las fiestas marianas enmarcadas en el “Año Jubilar por los 400 años de la presencia de la Madre del Valle entre nosotros”, que se lanzará el 8 de diciembre. La ceremonia estuvo presidida por el Obispo de Catamarca, Mons. Luis Urbanc.

29 Nov 10:30 El Esquiú 5729181307544191610.html
Autarca do Funchal apela a uma autonomia do poder local única no país

O presidente da Câmara do Funchal apelou hoje à Associação Nacional de Municípios Portugueses (ANMP) para pressionar os governos regionais e salvaguar...

29 Nov 14:19 dnoticias 6968432065888726446.html
Arsenal sack Emery: Mikel Arteta to Emirates ‘not a question for me’, says Pep Guardiola

There appears little chance of Mikel Arteta moving to Arsenal imminently as the oft-linked coach continues Manchester City preparations.

29 Nov 14:28 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905466259198.html
Ferrao pasará por el quirófano

Ferrao pasará por el quirófano el próximo lunes, según informó el Barcelona

29 Nov 10:46 sport 1349897970666093238.html
Grosse conasse mal-baisée

La cyberintimidation et les insultes, principalement à caractère sexuel, sont répandues pour les femmes qui œuvrent dans la sphère publique.

29 Nov 10:00 Le Journal de Québec 6825713739255552394.html
Canal+ et beIN vont récupérer la Ligue des champions, selon L'Equipe

PARIS (Reuters) - Les diffuseurs Canal+, filiale de Vivendi, et beIN Sports vont récupérer les droits de retransmission de la Ligue des champions de football sur la période 2021-2024 pour un montant global record de 375 millions d'euros par an, rapporte vendredi L'Equipe.

29 Nov 12:34 Boursier.com 7351227820734498049.html
Santamarina trabaja de cara al choque frente a Dálmine

Santamarina disputará, el lunes en el estadio San Martín, su último compromiso del año en la Primera Nacional. Desde las 20.30, se medirá con Villa Dálmine en cotejo válido por la 15ta. fecha de la zona 2. Los aurinegros buscarán ponerle fin a una racha de cuatro derrotas consecutivas y sumar de a tres luego […]

29 Nov 10:00 El Eco 4177735524747265776.html
Carphone Warehouse's Black Friday Deals Save You up to £200 on a Contract

If you haven't already bought yourself a new phone from the thousands of Black Friday deals out there, here's another one to muddy matters.

29 Nov 14:10 Gizmodo UK 8363059000552184034.html
Dona da Orey Financial entra em plano de revitalização para renegociar dívida

Grupo centenário quer negociar perdão de 90% a 95% dos 37,4 milhões de euros de créditos comuns e apela à renegociação de outra fatia de créditos.

29 Nov 10:20 PÚBLICO 2228264896930762643.html
Sergi Roberto no andaba desencaminado

Por Errejota

29 Nov 12:16 Memedeportes 5382463276448225199.html
Netflix : attention, des pirates réactivent les abonnements annulés !

De nombreux internautes ayant annulé leur abonnement Netflix se sont récemment aperçu que leur compte avait été réactivé à leur insu.

29 Nov 10:11 PhonAndroid.com 8181142844947073008.html
La novia de James ‘incendia’ Instagram con un posado en bikini

Shannon de Lima, novia de James Rodríguez, ha dejado boquiabiertos a sus más de dos millones de seguidores en las redes sociales con su...

1 Dec 00:14 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957959818106.html

A l’occasion de la session de vote du budget du ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale qui est de 191 milliards pour l’exercice 2020, les députés ont pointé du doigt le déficit de personnels, la rupture de médicaments, l’absence de plateaux techniques de qualité, le manque d'ambulances, la qualité de l'accueil ou l’inexistence de matériels. En guise de réponse, le ministre Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr annonce, entre autres, la livraison de quatre (04) hôpitaux en construction à Touba, Sédhiou, Kaffrine et Kédougou en fin 2020. Le budget du ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale est passé de 198 milliards 856 millions F Cfa à 191 milliards 714 millions F Cfa, soit une baisse de 7 milliards pour l’exercice à venir. Déficit de personnels, rupture de médicaments, absence de plateaux techniques de qualité, manque d'ambulances, qualité de l'accueil ou inexistence de matériels. Les parlementaires ont fait passer tous les maux du secteur de la santé au scanner, à l’occasion du vote de budget du ministère de la Santé…

29 Nov 10:44 www.sudonline.sn 5847876534025635195.html
Politiet advarer mot samtaler fra 112

Hvis du blir oppringt fra politiets nødnummer 112, bør du la være å svare.

29 Nov 13:07 Aftenbladet 8753034804572868591.html
Comment les producteurs de Jumanji anticipent la sortie simultanée avec… Star Wars

Pour la deuxième fois, le film d’aventure sur le terrible jeu de société sera disponible en salles à la même période que L’Ascension de Skywalker aux États-Unis.

29 Nov 11:35 Premiere 8209861198878121165.html
Pacote De segurança terá cinco projetos de lei, diz Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro afirmou que não teve tempo para assinar um dos projetos na quinta-feira, 28, mas que enviará na segunda-feira (2) uma parte do pacote.

29 Nov 13:35 Folha Vitória 4941883427656247279.html
Pacote se segurança terá cinco projetos de lei, diz Bolsonaro

"São cinco projetos agora. E a decisão é da Câmara", disse o presidente

29 Nov 14:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699507710994.html
Rashmika Mandanna sees warriors in fans — here's why

Nervous, with butterflies in her stomach, she took the stage for a session with film critic Baradwaj Rangan and actor Nithya Menen -- her topic, being a leading lady in Indian cinema.

29 Nov 12:05 Deccan Herald 2027555798004310762.html
Back Chat: Good Weekend letters to the editor, November 30

Want to chat? We'd love to hear from you. Send your letters to goodweekend@goodweekend.com.au.

29 Nov 13:14 Brisbane Times 2314609338924195834.html
Back Chat: Good Weekend letters to the editor, November 30

Want to chat? We'd love to hear from you. Send your letters to goodweekend@goodweekend.com.au.

29 Nov 13:14 The Age 7967730561905123322.html
La Commission validée, l'Union Européenne demeure dans le flou

OPINION. Mercredi, les parlementaires européens ont définitivement validé par une large majorité la composition de la nouvelle Commission européenne présidée par Ursula von der Leyen. Mais il fallait être au cœur ou spectateur de l'hémicycle pour saisir la mauvaise vibration politique qui se cache derrière des statistiques de vote rassurantes. Par Jean-Christophe Gallien, docteur en science politique, enseignant à l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne(*).

29 Nov 12:10 La Tribune 6570267673608902318.html
Marchan tras muerte de Abril Pérez Sagaón en San Pedro

Un grupo de mujeres marchó en contra del homicidio de Abril Pérez Sagaón.

29 Nov 11:54 Milenio 4240839409329248735.html
Razer's Deathadder Elite gaming mouse is only £35, its lowest price, this Black Friday

Get one of our favourite mice for a steal.

29 Nov 11:47 PC Gamer 9149753395211040055.html
Formation fédérale: "Certains points de la note de Paul Magnette restent inacceptables"

Certains points de la note de Paul Magnette restent inacceptables, a affirmé vendredi, dans l'émission De Ochtend sur Radio 1, le ministre CD&V...

29 Nov 10:53 La Libre 2304109935734114920.html
Sopars secrets: 5 locals per anar-hi sense ser vist

Us proposem alguns establiments de Barcelona que garanteixen anonimat i intimitat

29 Nov 15:49 Ara.cat 6070605020073464705.html
Wijndal over scheidsrechter: ‘Laten we daar maar niet teveel over zeggen’

Lees verder

29 Nov 10:57 Voetbalzone 9096760912583503808.html
CAC40: quasi stable avec des volumes faibles

La Bourse de Paris est quasi stable ce matin avec des volumes inexistants, alors que les marchés américains tournent toujours au ralenti du fait du 'B - 29/11/2019 11:03

29 Nov 10:03 ABC Bourse 2538693400162492108.html
Final Internacional Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos 2019: participantes, fecha y entradas

Ya está todo listo para tu cita con los mejores MCs del mundo

29 Nov 12:09 LOS40 2217396492083718486.html
Hoy se reúne el Consejo de Presidentes en la ANFP para votar por el fin del campeonato y definir modelo para el 2020

Esta mañana habrá una nueva sesión de los representantes de los clubes profesionales para poner fin al campeonato que lleva más de un mes paralizado.

29 Nov 11:30 Dale Albo 4082402097480377913.html
'A Warning' replaces Donald Trump Jr.'s 'Triggered' as No.1 book on NYT bestseller list

“A Warning,” a behind-the-scenes book authored by an anonymous Trump administration official that takes a critical look at the president, has replaced Donald Trump Jr.’s “Triggered” as the No.

29 Nov 14:53 TheHill 355432918669128779.html
"Vergüenza deberías de sentir": La furiosa reacción en Instagram de Nicolás Castillo

El delantero del América apuntó duramente contra un periodista mexicano que lo cuestionó por su aporte esta temporada en el América.

29 Nov 13:10 24Horas.cl 793283386206121945.html
Davis Cup: Ramkumar, Sumit trample Pakistan on Day 1, India lead 2-0

Tennis News: A ruthless India raced to a 2-0 lead in their Davis Cup tie for the loss of just two games as Ramkumar Ramanathan and Sumit Nagal toyed with their tee

29 Nov 10:58 The Times of India 6060938664447696132.html
Cárcel para dos ídolos del K-pop por violaciones en grupo

Jung Joon-young y Choi Jong-hoon han sido condenados a 6 y 5 años, respectivamente

29 Nov 10:01 elPeriodico 7291954033645548165.html
La Policía advirtió que el atacante tenía un artefacto explosivo: Se declaró un "incidente terrorista" en el London Bridge 

La Policía londinense confirmó que el incidente en el London Bridge está siendo investigado como un ataque "terrorista" porque el atacante baleado portaba un artefacto explosivo, que está siendo sometido a pericias. La Policía Metropolita...

29 Nov 14:57 PAGINA12 7077267066403525738.html
Andy Ruiz: Mexican champion vows to 'break down' Anthony Joshua's ego

Andy Ruiz, heavyweight boxing champion, has vowed to break down Anthony Joshua's ego and mentality when they both meet for the rematch of their fight in Saudi Arabia.

29 Nov 11:54 Legit 3764253649170704654.html
Liverpool stellt Pläne für Stadionausbau vor


29 Nov 14:10 weltfussball.at 3521376372610892292.html
Black Friday 2019: Horarios y recomendaciones para tus compras

Black Friday se aproxima y ya debes estar preparando todo para dirigirte al centro comercial más cercano o realizar tus compras en linea,

29 Nov 11:15 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535543681429.html
Foot en streaming : RMC Sport (SFR) pourrait perdre la Ligue des Champions

La Ligue des Champions, compétition de foot la plus prestigieuse, devrait repasser sous pavillons beIN Sports et Canal+. Au grand dam de RMC Sport...

29 Nov 11:29 Numerama 6854655182753488325.html
Motociclista morre após colisão com caminhão e veículos incendiarem no CE

Um homem morreu ap&oacute;s a moto onde ele estava colidir com um caminh&atilde;o e os dois ve&iacute;culos incendiarem no km 48 da CE-166, entre as cidades de Quixeramobim e Senador Pompeu, na noite desta quinta-feira (28). o motociclista foi identificado como Wanderley Saraiva Nogueira, ...

29 Nov 13:01 TNH1 3684351752977662961.html
Core sector output shrinks 5.8% in October

As many as six of eight core industries saw a contraction in output in October.

29 Nov 12:01 India Today 4286117813116507200.html
Top news today evening: India’s GDP slips further, Pragya Thakur’s apology and more

From India's GDP slipping to a 26-quarter low of 4.5 per cent in the second quarter to Pragya Thakur issuing apology in the Lok Sabha over Godse remarks, here are the top news of today evening.

29 Nov 13:33 The Indian Express 2885715104518283915.html
La Ligue des Champions de retour sur Canal+ et BeIn Sports ?

Selon L’Equipe, les deux chaînes succéderaient à RMC Sport entre 2021 et 2024 pour diffuser la compétition européenne. , La plus prestigieuse des compétitions européennes de foot va-t-elle faire son retour

29 Nov 11:21 Capital.fr 2641485280776430488.html
Abia numit de PSD, managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni a fost demis de PNL

Adriana Cotel, managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni, a fost demisă, potrivit unor surse medicale.

29 Nov 14:52 Profit.ro 5615893765523341375.html
Brisa Rotta competirá en el Sudamericano Sub-17

La obereña, recientemente convocada a la Selección Argentina, dirá presente en el Sudamericano de Levantamiento Olímpico, que se desarrollará en el CeNARD

29 Nov 12:01 Primera Edición 6803897641576690855.html
US births decline for fourth year in a row, CDC says

(CNN) — The number of births in the United States declined for a fourth year following an increase in 2014, according to a new report...

29 Nov 15:17 WSVN 7News 4504855331472878026.html
„Dschungelcamp“ (RTL): Polizei sucht Mörder! Sorge um Kandidaten – es wurde Schreckliches entdeckt

Alarm im „Dschungelcamp“! Im australischen Dschungel, wo unsere deutsche Prominenz ab Januar 2020 wieder ihr Unwesen treibt, herrscht gerade Ausnahmezustand. Der Grund: Die Polizei hat etwas Schreckliches entdeckt.

29 Nov 14:29 Thüringen24 7206317295004539376.html
Daimler to ax at least 10,000 jobs in latest car industry cuts

Daimler said on Friday it will cut at least 10,000 jobs worldwide over the next three years, following others in the industry as they cut costs to invest in electric vehicles while grappling with weakening sales. It marks the third announcement on cost cuts this week by a major German car company as

29 Nov 10:37 Yahoo 7097669637696516687.html
‘O meu corpo rejeitou as hastes implantadas’, diz Rachel Sheherazade que passará por nova cirurgia

A jornalista segue afastada das telinhas desde o dia 13 de novembro, quando realizou o primeiro procedimento cirúrgico.

29 Nov 12:35 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713037370635.html
Watch Jurgen Klopp’s pre-match press conference – Liverpool vs. Brighton

Jurgen Klopp is confident Liverpool can cope without the presence of influential midfielder Fabinho after injury ruled out the Brazil international until the new year. The PA news agency understands the 26-year-old, who has started 18 of 19 matches this season, could be sidelined for between six to eight weeks with ankle ligament damage sustained in Wednesday’s 1-1 Champions League draw with Napoli. A six-week absence would rule him out of 11 matches in the most congested period of the season, but Klopp believes the options they have means they can absorb his loss, despite his record of having never been on the losing side in all 32 Premier League matches he has started. “Losing a player with the quality of Fabinho is big, massive, really bad. But we are not the only team in the Premier League with injuries,” he said. “We have solutions for the position, we have to replace him, we can replace him, we have played without him, we have played good without him.”

29 Nov 15:00 This Is Anfield 7550115576795402770.html
Dealmaster: All the best Black Friday 2019 tech deals we can find

There's plenty of junk out there, so let us curate the deals worth shopping.

29 Nov 13:10 Ars Technica 5028555108211644953.html
Education de la petite enfance : L’Unesco tient son colloque africain à Casablanca

Le bureau de l’Unesco pour le Maghreb organisera le 4 décembre à Casablanca son colloque africain sur la qualité de l’éducation de la petite enfance et la professionnalisation des éducatrices et des é

29 Nov 10:39 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414284123877799.html
Adriana Cotel, managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni, a fost demisă

Managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni, Adriana Cotel, a fost demis vineri, au declarat, pentru MEDIAFAX, surse medicale.

29 Nov 14:36 Mediafax.ro 1869610968786104117.html
Baleó en el pecho al compañero de una banda delictiva por un ajuste de cuentas y lo detuvieron

Esa es la principal hipótesis que maneja la justicia. Fue por un sangriento caso sucedido el sábado pasado en Los Hornos cuando un hombre de 44 años recibió dos disparos en el tórax y quedó en coma. Esta madrugada aprehendieron a un sospechoso de 37 años

29 Nov 14:17 Infocielo 6573250471786092637.html
Navas battu par Lewandowski pour le titre de meilleur joueur de la semaine en C1

Malgré sa performance XXL contre le Real Madrid, Navas a été battu par Lewandowski pour le titre de meilleur joueur de la semaine en C1.

29 Nov 13:46 Canal Supporters 3482366734894272935.html
Oldest living American dies at age 114

The Gerontology Research Group said Alelia Murphy was 114 years, 140 days old when she died.

29 Nov 13:39 NewsChannel 10 1537185525688169419.html
Los elogios de Javier Aguirre al 'Chicharito' Hernández

El DT del Leganés habló sobre las características de Hernández cuando está en la cancha

29 Nov 15:15 El Universal 4964748197231752968.html
¡Como Dios la trajo al mundo! Emily Ratajkowski supo burlar la censura de Instagram con alucinante foto +Imagen

La modelo nacida en Londres, Emily Ratajkowski, no deja de impactar con cada publicación que hace en su cuenta de Instagram (@emrata). Por

29 Nov 13:37 MiamiDiario.com 1001112537487545675.html
Canadian R&B Singer Tamia Releases Festive New Single ‘Someday At Christmas’

As the holidays approach, Canadian R&B singer Tamia is celebrating the season with the release of her festive new single "Someday At Christmas". The latest from the six-time Grammy nominee is a cover of the holiday classic originally recorded by Stevie Wonder. The song clearly has a lot of meaning for the Ontario native, and…

29 Nov 13:28 ET Canada 6735490619033961874.html
Wilson-Raybould demande de mettre de côté la partisanerie

La députée indépendante, Jody Wilson-Raybould, a demandé de mettre de côté la partisanerie afin de surmonter les profondes divisions que connait le Canada depuis les élections fédérales.

29 Nov 13:37 TVA Nouvelles 5024407710529081610.html
Pilar Rahola carga contra García Page por promover el «arte de la muerte» entre los niños

La red le responde que que si no quiere que se intervenga en TV3 no critique la programación de la televisión de Castilla la Mancha

29 Nov 12:33 ABC.es 6074573462882874343.html
Argonautiks – Keine Ahnung (prod. Donnie Bombay) [Video]

Die Argonautiks haben „Keine Ahnung“ was sie wollen. Aber sie wissen zumindest, was sie nicht wollen. Und das ist doch schon mal ein Anfang.

29 Nov 15:18 rap.de 2800537076948037450.html
Jogadores da seleção de sub-18 desaparecidos em Lisboa

Depois de terem jogado na passada quarta-feira com Portugal, em Oeiras, sete jogadores da seleção de sub-18 de São Tomé e Príncipe estão desaparecidos em Lisboa, noticia a TVI24.A seleção africana estava hospedada numa unidade hoteleira em Cascais, mas as autoridades acabaram por ser alertadas na noite passada para o desaparecimento dos sete jogadores.O voo de regresso a São Tomé da restante comitiva estava marcado para esta sexta-feira. 

29 Nov 12:40 A BOLA 2278827557965401654.html
Omicidio dei Murazzi raccontato nel libro “L’amico di Krishna”

Omicidio dei Murazzi raccontato nel libro "L’amico di Krishna". Torna il monaco Hare Krishna Prabhu das per presentare la sua quarta fatica letteraria.

29 Nov 15:32 La Nuova Periferia 1387373625425204414.html
Omicidio dei Murazzi raccontato nel libro “L’amico di Krishna”

Omicidio dei Murazzi raccontato nel libro "L’amico di Krishna". Torna il monaco Hare Krishna Prabhu das per presentare la sua quarta fatica letteraria.

29 Nov 15:32 La Nuova Periferia 1387373624585633487.html
Uccisa a Capo Verde, italiano confessa: "L'ho presa a schiaffi ed è caduta"

Gianfranco Coppola, 48enne di origini romagnole, ha confessato: "Marilena l'ho colpita io". In stato di arresto anche il complice dell'uomo a Capo Verde

29 Nov 11:22 ilGiornale.it 5019541224501071770.html
Sahnede devleşmeyi istiyorum

Keçiören Belediyesi’nin Yunus Emre Kültür Merkezi’nde bulunan Keçiören Sanat ve Meslek Edindirme Kursları’na (KEÇMEK) katılan doğuştan Mukopolisakkaridoz (MPS) hastası 19 yaşındaki Eftelya Koçer, bir yandan tedavisine devam ederken, kurslar sayesinde de sosyalleşerek yeni hobiler ediniyor. Photoshop, bilgisayar işletmenliği ve taş bebek kurslarına katılan Koçer çalışmalarını ve hayallerini şöyle anlattı:

29 Nov 12:15 Hürriyet 609739078629428734.html
Bertomeu se opet raspričao, šta mu je krajnji cilj i čemu da se nadaju srpski klubovi?

Sa Bertomeuom nikad niste načisto. Taman pomislite da su uspostavljena neka pravila igre, usledi najava novih promena. Do kada tako?

29 Nov 15:42 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496716026585.html
Verstappen: “Nessuna sorpresa, Mercedes molto veloce”

Terza fila virtuale per i due alfieri Red Bull Honda al termine della prima giornata di prove libere del Gran Premio di Abu Dhabi 2019, sul tracciato di Yas Marina

29 Nov 14:20 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655186777828.html
81-year-old man dies in Ecija mishap

SAN ANTONIO, Nueva Ecija -- An 81-year-old man on a bicycle was killed after he was hit from behind by a speeding L-300 van Thursday morning.

29 Nov 11:19 Journal Online 6375127393840038953.html
Divorce rates fall to lowest since 1971

But the number of same sex couples splitting up has risen by more than a quarter, figures show.

29 Nov 10:30 Express & Star 7324224459256092031.html
Längste Wartezeit auf Operation beträgt 10 Monate

Je nach Eingriff und Spital müssen Oberösterreicher höchst unterschiedlich lang auf planbare Operationen warten. Die größte Geduldsprobe ist die ...

29 Nov 10:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094380017390.html
Under: “La Roma è uno dei migliori club europei. Sto bene, ora ho voglia di dimostrare”

Il turco dopo la partita con il Basaksehir:

29 Nov 11:41 Forzaroma.info 1065617487301218835.html
Le toit d'un immeuble du centre-ville de Toulouse s'effondre

Vendredi, vers midi, le toit d’un immeuble inoccupé de la rue Cujas, dans le centre-ville de Toulouse, s’est effondré. Aucune victime n’est à déplorer mais des occupants des immeubles voisins vont être r

29 Nov 13:26 www.20minutes.fr 6446520676724004041.html
Galaxy S11+ esconde uma grande novidade de hardware!

A nova gama Galaxy S11 tem tudo para fazer furor em 2020, especialmente com a grande novidade de hardware! Veja tudo o que há de novo!

29 Nov 13:10 Leak 8782954485900306366.html
A Blessing on Your Head – Ethical? – The Science of Kabbalah [audio]

This week Rav Yitzchak and William discuss the weekly Torah portion where we read the story of a supposed deception played out when Rebecca convinces her son to fool his father who is about to give a blessing to Esau. Does this raise any ethical questions, and how does it relate to our struggle and the consequences we experience in life?

29 Nov 13:24 The Jewish Press 7246030801380045473.html
German car industry reels as Daimler cuts 10,000 jobs

Some 50,000 cuts have been announced across the sector as automakers restructure

29 Nov 11:37 Financial Times 707176888681412553.html
Terroristas o no, México rechaza presión de Trump sobre cárteles

La intención de Donald Trump de designar a los cárteles del narcotráfico mexicano como "organizaciones terroristas" ha desatado un intenso debate en México sobre si las acciones de estos sanguinarios grupos constituyen terrorismo.

29 Nov 13:32 Prensa Libre 5433015256841730009.html
El Valle del Cauca es campeón de los Juegos Nacionales tras 23 años

La gobernadora del Valle, Dilian Francisca Toro, y el director de Indervalle, Carlos Felipe López, confirmaron este viernes la noticia esperada por todo el pueblo vallecaucano: El Valle es campeón de los Juegos Nacionales de Cartagena 2019.

29 Nov 10:51 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347824571300.html
Mo Farah targeting track return at Tokyo 2020 Olympics

The star has come under intense scrutiny for his cooperation with US coach Alberto Salazar.

29 Nov 11:57 The42 5369852630921411636.html
Amazon duplica contratación de trabajadores temporales a 200,000

Amazon.com Inc. contratará 200,000 trabajadores temporales en Estados Unidos para que vayan en busca de productos a sus almacenes, empaqueten cajas y hagan entregas. La cifra duplica la cantidad de trabajadores temporales que contrató el año pasado y señala que el mayor minorista por internet del mundo anticipa un cuarto trimestre fuerte.

29 Nov 11:46 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725560057234802.html
Maßnahmen für die Lehre

Die Sparte Gewerbe und Handwerk in der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich hat ihren Bundeskongress in Baden abgehalten. Der Tenor: Die duale Ausbildung soll als gleichwertige Alternative zum akademischen Bildungsweg gestärkt werden.

29 Nov 15:13 NÖN.at 2486998932878088081.html
ANSP atenționează: Fosfura de aluminiu, una dintre cele mai frecvente cauze de intoxicație cu pesticide

Intoxicațiile pesticide, indiferent dacă sunt cauzate în mod intenționat, accidental sau profesional, reprezintă o problemă globală de sănătate publică. Atât în Republica Moldova, cât și în țările vecine, în ultima perioadă, iau amploare cazurile de intoxicații acute cu fosfură de aluminiu, care este un pesticid ieftin, eficient și utilizat în mod obișnuit pentru prelucrarea cerealelor și care, în rezultatul utilizării, intră în contact cu umiditatea atmosferică, eliberând gazul de fosfură.

29 Nov 12:41 Jurnal.md 3315832233673826603.html
Early Black Friday 2019 deals: The very best sales in tech

Updated: These are the best early Black Friday 2019 deals in tech you can find online.

29 Nov 13:00 ZDNet 591556593623385426.html
Sztuka zachowania się przy stole. Wszystko, co warto wiedzieć przed spotkaniem biznesowym

Spotkania biznesowe w restauracjach to istotna część zawodowego życia. Jednak spożywanie posiłków na siedząco, zwłaszcza w wystawnych lokalach, może być dla wielu z nas kłopotliwe. Często nie wiadomo, którego widelca użyć lub jak odłożyć sztućce, by kelner nie zabrał niedokończonego jedzenia. Łatwo o faux pas, a przecież kolacja z klientem to idealna okazja do zaprezentowania się z jak najlepszej strony.

29 Nov 10:12 Business Insider 4128433797012295001.html
Adriana Cotel, protejata lui Vâlcov, a fost demisă de la conducerea Institutului Clinic Fundeni

Adriana Cotel a fost demisă vineri de la conducerea Institutului Clinic Fundeni, au declarat surse guvernamentale pentru G4Media.ro. Ea a fost numită

29 Nov 10:13 G4Media.ro 2302108695366357857.html
Dariusz Tuzimek: Co nam zostanie po Lewandowskim? (felieton)

Cztery gole strzelone Crvenej Zvezdzie w niecały kwadrans, a wcześniej fantastyczny gol ze Słowenią przypomniały nam po raz kolejny jakim fenomenem jest Robert Lewandowski.

29 Nov 14:38 WP SportoweFakty 8463263969267123320.html
¡BOMBA! En España informan que Maradona podría dirigir a Elche

En el popular programa español El Chiringuito, contaron que Daniel Angelici, presidente de Boca, y el agente Christian Bragarnik quieren comprar el club y llevar a Diego como DT.

29 Nov 11:19 TyC Sports 3239944748407043880.html
Sprzęt elektroniczny w niskich cenach? Zobacz, jak kupować z rabatami!

Technologia cały czas idzie do przodu, dlatego sprzęt elektroniczny, który był najbardziej zaawansowany jeszcze rok temu, dzisiaj już może nie spełniać swojej funkcji. Najbardziej jest to widoczne w przypadku

29 Nov 15:28 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673213850103880.html
Ferrol: La Policía Local de Ferrol formuló en dos noches 14 denuncias por alcoholemias

Los controles se realizaron el pasado fin de semana en la carretera de Catabois y la avenida de Compostela

29 Nov 15:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612700291371.html
Black Friday is cool, but the black MacBook was cooler

The black MacBook is a computer that often gets forgotten about. And that's a crying shame because it was awesome, despite its flaws and the fact you had to pay more just for the different color.

29 Nov 10:33 iMore 3803412790858514817.html
Jürgen Klinsmann vor Debüt gegen BVB: "Viel hängt vom Spiel gegen Dortmund ab"

Jürgen Klinsmann misst gleich seinem ersten Auftritt als Trainer von Hertha BSC am Samstag in der Bundesliga gegen Borussia Dortmund (15.30 Uhr im LIVETICKER ) große Bedeutung zu. Viel hängt davon ab, wie es gegen Dortmund läuft, sagte Klinsmann am Freitag.

29 Nov 15:58 SPOX 8395423525087260839.html
Melbourne Renegades Women vs Melbourne Stars Women Dream11 Team Prediction Women’s Big Bash League 2019

Melbourne Renegades Women vs Melbourne Stars Women Dream11 Team - Check My Dream11 Team, Best players list of MR-W vs MS-W Women’s Big Bash League 2019, Melbourne Renegades Women Dream 11 Team Player List, Melbourne Stars Women Dream11 Team Player List, Dream11 Guru Tips, Online Cricket Tips Melbourne Renegades Women vs Melbourne Stars Women Match 50, Cricket Tips MR-W vs MS-W Match 50, Online Cricket Tips Melbourne Stars Women v Melbourne Renegades Women in India 2019

29 Nov 10:24 India.com 7150386084125986638.html
Grupo em carro atira em praça, mata adolescente e fere crianças no Cristo

Um adolescente morreu e cinco pessoas ficaram feridas ao serem atingidas por tiros, na noite desta quinta-feira (28), em uma praça do bairro do Cristo Redentor, em João Pessoa. Os feridos, entre eles, duas crianças, foram encaminhadas para o Hospital de Trauma Senador Humberto Lucena e o Trauminha em Mangabeira. A vítima que veio a […]

29 Nov 13:53 MaisPB 6493363910253505.html
'Dolor y Gloria', de Almodóvar, y 'Vida perfecta', de Leticia Dolera, acaparan las nominaciones en los Premios Feroz

La película concurre en diez categorías y la serie, en cinco. El filme 'Ventajas de viajar en tren', de Aritz Moreno, aspira a siete galardones; 'El hoyo', de Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, a seis; y 'Lo que arde', de Oliver Laxe, a cinco. La producción televisiva 'Paquita Salas', de Los Javis, repite con cuatro nominaciones, mientras que 'Hierro', de Jorge Coira, obtiene cuatro.

29 Nov 10:38 www.publico.es 99190978289539988.html
Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Cortes - CD Fontellas

Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Cortes - CD Fontellas

29 Nov 14:33 sport 1349897970110988156.html
Valtteri Bottas es el más veloz en los entrenamientos de Abu Dabi

El finlandés Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes), que acabará segundo el Mundial de Fórmula Uno, fue el más rápido este viernes en los entrenamientos libres para el último Gran Premio del año, el de Abu Dabi, en el circuito de Yas Marina, donde el español Carlos Sainz (McLaren) fue undécimo y el mexicano Sergio Pérez (Racing Point), octavo.Bottas firmó el mejor crono de toda la jornada en el segundo ensayo, ya de noche y con luz artificial; en el que cubrió, en la mejor de sus 28 vueltas y con neumático blando, los 5.554 metros de la pista emiratí en un minuto, 36 segundos y 256 milésimas, 310 menos que su compañero inglés Lewis Hamilton, que festejará este fin de semana su sexto título mundial, el quinto con Mercedes en los últimos seis años.Las tres escuderías dominantes se ordenaron por parejas; y detrás de los Mercedes se inscribieron en la tabla de tiempos los Ferrari del monegasco Charles Leclerc -tercero, a 386 milésimas- y del alemán Sebastian Vettel -a 435-; y los Red Bull, con el holandés Max Verstappen, quinto…

29 Nov 12:10 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125499797173.html
Football : la Ligue des champions de retour sur Canal et beIN Sports

À partir de 2021, la chaîne cryptée diffusera les deux meilleures rencontres par journée et beIN, toutes les autres. RMC Sport et Mediapro repartent bredouille.

29 Nov 13:00 Le Point 1094305424458557206.html
Novedades para móviles en Fire Emblem Heroes, Dragalia Lost, Pokémon Rumble Rush y Mario Kart Tour

Nuevamente os traemos un recopilatorio con todas las novedades del día de hoy en las populares aplicaciones de Nintendo para dispositivos móviles con sistemas iOS y Android. Fire Emblem Heroes Torneo de votos: Batalla de músculos Ya ha comenzado la primera ronda del nuevo Torneo de votos del juego. Enfrenta a Barst contra Helbindi, Mordecai […]

29 Nov 10:58 Nintenderos 2555436002082276557.html
Fiscal deficit for April-Oct touches Rs 7.2 trillion, exceeds FY20 target

This was 102.4% of the full-year target, compared with 103.9% for the same period last year

29 Nov 14:19 Business-Standard 1502508926213191287.html
(VIDEO) Razbila se kao zvečka: Potcenila težinu tegova, pa napravila cirkus u teretani!

U želji da budemo zdraviji ili da lepše izgledamo, često pribegavamo promeni stila života - počinjemo da vežbamo, menjamo režim ishrane, obraćamo pažnju da duže spavamo, uz kvalitetne dušeke...

29 Nov 14:00 REPUBLIKA 2543998406613480675.html
Estelle Lefébure partage de tendres clichés pour l'anniversaire de son fils Giuliano

Maman poule, Estelle Lefébure célèbre l'anniversaire de son fils Giuliano avec un post Instagram adorable. 10 ans d'amour, c'est beau à voir !

29 Nov 12:54 Closermag.fr 1175411577632143695.html
CBA zawiadamia prokuraturę po kontroli oświadczeń majątkowych prezesa NIK Mariana Banasia

CBA skontrolowało oświadczenia majątkowe Mariana Banasia i teraz składa niego zawiadomienie do prokuratury. Biuro podejrzewa m.in., że szef NIK zataił faktyczny stan majątkowy i miał nieudokumentowane źródła dochodu. Dziś dowiedzieliśmy się, że raport z kontroli oświadczeń majątkowych Banasia został zastrzeżony.

29 Nov 14:37 Onet Wiadomości 6244723534696532570.html
Consiliul Fiscal avertizează: Proiectul rectificării bugetare consfinţeşte un derapaj bugetar de proporţii

Proiectul rectificării bugetare consfinţeşte un derapaj bugetar de proporţii, factorii care au condus la acest rezultat sunt dificil de corectat, iar consolidarea bugetară nu este posibilă în condiţiile...

29 Nov 11:22 Mediafax.ro 1869610969628489656.html
Chi è Clelia D'Onofrio? Età, biografia, carriera, vita privata e Instagram

Conosciamo tutte le curiosità su Clelia D'Onofrio, giudice di Bake Off Italia 2019: età, biografia, carriera, vita privata e Instagram.

29 Nov 15:54 Novella 2000 6951116780076394095.html
„Supertalent“ (RTL): Als DIESER Kandidat ihn ansieht, ist Dieter Bohlen völlig geschockt

Supertalent bei RTL: Als dieser krasse Kandidat seine Brille abnimmt, ist die ganze Jury außer sich. Vor allem aber Poptitan Dieter Bohlen. Denn der macht plötzlich das...

29 Nov 15:47 Thüringen24 7206317295193917848.html
Forex reserve hits fresh record high of $449 billion

In the previous week, the reserves had increased by $441 million to reach $448.249 billion.

29 Nov 15:06 The Economic Times 7653256038364128264.html
The Tesla Cybertruck Is Right At Home In GoldenEye 007 On The Nintendo 64

Elon Musk’s Tesla Cybertruck is clearly inspired by sci-fi retro-futuresque designs usually featured in 80s pop culture - but to gamers, it nostalgically reminded them of low polygonal vehicle models found in video games from

29 Nov 10:15 Lowyat.NET 6894342419709802532.html
Pitso: You Need A Super Team To Win The League

Mamelodi Sundowns coach Pitso Mosimane says only a "super team" can dominate both the domestic and continental stage.

29 Nov 15:56 Soccer Laduma 3901337371112074640.html
Pensioni, a gennaio 2020 scattano gli aumenti: ecco i nuovi importi

Come sempre i trattamenti saranno rivalutati in base all'inflazione stimata dall'Istat. Si parla comunque di un aumento di pochi euro: la tabella

29 Nov 10:36 Today 178378749479999004.html
Prediksi Pertandingan Liga Inggris Norwich City vs Arsenal: Bangkitnya The Gunners?

Berikut prediksi pertandingan sepak bola pada pekan ke-14 kompetisi Liga Inggris antara Norwich City vs Arsenal.

29 Nov 15:01 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549689510210.html
Fredrik Ljungberg ny tränare för Arsenal

Spanske Unai Emery får lämna jobbet i Premier League-klubben efter förlusten mot Eintracht Frankfurt.

29 Nov 10:12 DN.SE 398730695265716770.html
Propone David Cortés multa o cárcel por abandono animal, en Michoacán

El diputado moreliano David Cortés busca reformar la Ley de Derechos y Protección para los Animales de Michoacán y el

29 Nov 11:53 MiMorelia 5599511489038825114.html
Los vapeadores de BAT, serán el patrocinador principal de McLaren en 2020

McLaren F1 ha anunciado hoy la ampliación de su patrocinio con British American Tobacco para 2020, con lo que se convertirá en el espónsor principal de la escudería de Woking.

29 Nov 11:30 MARCA 5656811533527932033.html
Crítica a Thomas Piketty: ¿incremento de desigualdades o de explotación?

29 de noviembre de 2019, 10:21hs

29 Nov 10:21 LARED21 5602862989102554352.html
Cinq choses à faire pour bien affronter l’hiver en voiture

Alors que le climat hivernal s’abat sur une grande partie du Québec depuis déjà quelques semaines et que la date limite pour faire installer ses pneus d’hiver est à nos portes, il est important de se rappeler de quelques éléments essentiels pour affronter l’hiver en voiture. En voici cinq. Munissez …

29 Nov 10:02 Le Guide de l'auto 8791228595240366152.html
Substanțele chimice din țigările electronice – cauza mai multor cazuri grave de leziuni pulmonare

CDC (Centrul pentru Prevenirea și Controlul Afecțiunilor) SUA cercetează mai multe cazuri de afecțiuni grave ale plămânilor pe pacienți care au consumat țigări electronice cu THC.

29 Nov 11:41 Observator 6676289463586113031.html
Les Stars et les Canadiens se font de l’oeil depuis quelques jours


29 Nov 15:15 DansLesCoulisses.com 1614084063302931051.html
Viúva de Gugu, chora muito e conversa com corpo do marido

Ela foi flagrada dando beijinhos em Gugu e estava visivelmente abalada.

29 Nov 10:26 R10 3167340814407800632.html
Nadine Coyle lifts lid on her ‘passionate’ two year romance with Jesse Metcalfe

The singer met the Desperate Housewives star back in 2006

29 Nov 14:09 GOSS.ie 8755536024138624862.html
Energisa oferece mais uma oportunidade para negociação de dívidas

Energisa oferece mais uma oportunidade para negociação de dívidas

29 Nov 14:28 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905100330651.html
Nuevo día clave para el fútbol chileno: ANFP evalúa este viernes suspensión del torneo

Este viernes 29 de noviembre se llevará a cabo un consejo extraordinario para definir cómo se procederá con el Campeonato Nacional.

29 Nov 11:11 T13 7836926439647427859.html
PlayStation VR Mega Pack with five great games is just £210 this Black Friday

GAME is offering one of the best PlayStation VR bundles we’ve seen yet - compiling the headset itself alongside five of the platform’s best games. 

29 Nov 13:18 Trusted Reviews 12694854239770290.html
WhatsApp: ¿Qué significa el emoji de la cara cansada?

&iquest;Te sientes frustrado o agotado? El emoji de la cara cansada puede ser ideal para WhatsApp

29 Nov 13:51 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624222799234.html
Feirense reforça ataque com Abel Camará

O avançado guineense jogou no Elazigspor na temporada passada.

29 Nov 15:47 O Jogo 3218673678273015512.html
More pain for German car industry as Daimler axes 10,000 jobs

The Mercedes-Benz maker said it wanted to save 1.4 billion euros (USD 1.5 billion) in staff costs by the end of 2022 as it joins rivals in investing huge sums in the greener, smarter cars of the future. "The total number worldwide will be in the five-digits," Daimler personnel chief Wilfried Porth said in a conference call about the job cull.

29 Nov 13:02 The Economic Times 7653256037346197901.html
Pacote se segurança terá cinco projetos de lei, diz Bolsonaro

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro disse nesta sexta-feira, 29, que o pacote sobre segurança será...

29 Nov 13:28 UOL Noticias 8892198859784991822.html
Zidane y la estancia del Madrid en Barcelona: «Cuando llegue el momento veremos si se puede jugar o no»

El técnico cuenta con Vinicius: «Se quedará en el equipo, no ha jugado mucho porque están Hazard y Rodrygo»

29 Nov 12:31 ABC.es 6074573461747456390.html
Conor O’Shea to work alongside Eddie Jones in ‘wide-ranging’ RFU role

O’Shea stepped down from the Italy head coach role after the recent World Cup and will start his new post at Twickenham next year.

29 Nov 11:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775182250991.html
10 curiosidades de Fredrik Ljungberg, el rebelde interino del Arsenal

Si fuiste un futbolero activo entre 1998 y 2006, seguramente recuerdas los llamativos peinados, la velocidad y la verticalidad de Karl Fredrik Ljungberg.

29 Nov 12:25 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830863259588.html
Rangi Ruru Students Launch Book - “Spoonful of Spice”

Rangi Ruru Students Launch Book - “Spoonful of Spice”

29 Nov 14:05 SCOOP 5315659000028627903.html
Le général Chiviri Amuli invite la population de l’Ituri à collaborer avec les FARDC et la MONUSCO pour consolider la paix

Le Commandant du secteur opérationnel des FARDC en Ituri, le général Chiviri Amuli, a appelé la population de cette province à « garder son calme et à ne pas céder au jeu de l’ennemi. Cela, en évitant l’infiltration dans la province de l’Ituri, des hommes armés qui sont traqués dans le territoire de Beni au Nord-Kivu. »

29 Nov 10:23 Radio Okapi 4444713484309319755.html
Martika Caringella superbe: la jeune maman pose avec sa petite Mia !

Sur son compte Instagram, Martika Caringella a partagé une photo vraiment adorable où elle a pris la pose avec sa fille Mia !

29 Nov 11:57 MCE TV 8868163940691130372.html
Tones and I maakt de tien vol

Tones and I is opnieuw lijstaanvoerder in de Single Top 100. Haar Dance Monkey gaat inmiddels voor de tiende week aan de leiding. De Australische zangeres komt daarmee in een select gezelschap.

29 Nov 14:25 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049313107067.html
Police concerned for safety of missing Derbyshire man

Lee Campion was last seen in Mickleover

29 Nov 14:10 Derbyshire Live 9061707931139135046.html
Završen prvi deo mosta između Rusije i Kine

MOSKVA - Rusija i Kina završile su izgradnju prvog dela mosta koji povezuje dve zemlje, a čije se otvaranje očekuje na proleće 2020. godine, saopštilo je

29 Nov 14:34 Krstarica 4176903988936412184.html
Dao skadad inför "Idol"-semifinalen

Musik Dao Di Ponziano har drabbats av en hjärnskakning efter en olycka och hennes medverkan i fredagens "Idol"-semifinal kan påverkas, skriver Expressen.

29 Nov 14:25 www.unt.se 8922556089592880294.html
Yakin Peserta Reuni 212 Tertib, UPK Monas Cuma Terjunkan 300 Petugas

WE Online, Jakarta - Kepala Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Monas, M. Isa Sarnuri menjelaskan terkait Reuni akbar 212 di silang Monas 2 Desember mendatang, pihaknya tidak memperiapkan secara khusus.

29 Nov 10:48 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834931497780.html
Otwarto oferty na budowę kolejnego odcinka S7

Otwarto oferty w przetargu na projekt i budowę trzeciego odcinka S7 pomiędzy Płońskiem i Czosnowem - poinformowała w czwartek Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad. Najniższą ofertę złożyła firma Budimex na kwotę niespełna 599 mln zł. Budżet zamawiającego to ponad 542 mln zł.

29 Nov 11:05 motoryzacja.interia.pl 8991699714677795198.html
Memes del hijo de Chucky, la sensación en internet

&iquest;Por qu&eacute; surgi&oacute; el meme del hijo de Chucky? aqu&iacute; te explicamos un poco sobre este famoso meme que est&aacute; rompiendo el internet.

29 Nov 15:21 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624132529327.html
União cria auxílio emergencial de quase R$ 2 mil para pescadores afetados por óleo

O governo federal publicou nesta sexta-feira (29) no Diário Oficial da União uma Medida Provisória que institui o auxílio emergencial pecuniário

29 Nov 10:21 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060541664335.html
Now you can have Astro & Broadband for RM99

Astro has just announced a new offer for its Astro & Broadband service. You can now sign up for a 30Mbps internet connection plus a subscription for Astro's Family Pack for just RM99. All existing Astro and NJOI customers can sign up for this package and save a nice RM30 for their monthly subscription.

29 Nov 13:31 TechNave 4010909133442823819.html
‘Tis the season: Quotes from shoppers as America’s biggest shopping day kicks off

NEW YORK, Nov 29 — Shoppers headed out to stores across the United States in a quest to score the best Black Friday discounts, with early promotions marking the start of a condensed holiday shopping season. The following are quotes from shoppers and store managers in the midst of America’s...

29 Nov 15:04 Malaymail 302165934918283648.html
Europei 2020, è l'ora del sorteggio: pericolo Francia, Portogallo e Galles per l'Italia

A Bucarest nasce la fase finale della rassegna continentale. Gli azzurri, che giocheranno nel gruppo A a Roma, rischiano di trovare sul proprio cammino

29 Nov 13:44 Repubblica.it 8208867270019706484.html
Amor de Mãe choca com atitude e causa reclamação de internautas

O capítulo desta quinta-feira (28) de Amor de Mãe chamou a atenção dos telespectadores por um motivo inusitado. A novela causou ao colocar um intervalo para depois apresentar apenas os créditos finais.

29 Nov 15:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125212550402106.html
Neverica u Kuršumliji: Svinja pobegla vlasniku na dan klanja, pa se vratila sutradan gde je čeka ista sudbina

Svinja teška 150 kg pobegla je od svog vlasnika iz Kuršmlije u trenutku kada je domaćin hteo da je zakolje i od nje napravi vešalice, kobasice, čvarke... Ipak, posle više od 24 sata, svinja je uhvaćena i čeka je ista sudbina, samo će ovoga puta domaćin biti oprezniji i neće dozvoliti da mu pobegne.

29 Nov 15:20 REPUBLIKA 2543998406285121001.html
Attentats du 13 Novembre : un procès aux assises requis pour 20 personnes, dont Salah Abdeslam

Le parquet national antiterroriste annonce ce vendredi avoir requis un procès aux assises contre 20 personnes, dont Salah Abdeslam, pour les attentats qui ont fait 130 morts le 13 novembre 2015 à Saint-Denis (Seine...

29 Nov 10:51 Midi Libre 3150507207810241262.html
Klaus Iohannis va participa marţi şi miercuri la Reuniunea NATO la Nivel Înalt

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

29 Nov 13:09 Gândul 5586965504497595776.html
Strache lässt die FPÖ einfach nicht los

Der Rückzug vom Rückzug? Strache geistert wieder herum und macht der FPÖ ein skurriles Angebot. Österreichs Sozialdemokratie dagegen hat ähnliche Probleme wie die deutschen Genossen - nur mit mehr Drama.

29 Nov 14:08 n-tv 6802689755931283273.html
Cu ocazia Zilei Naţionale, Klaus Iohannis a decorat mai multe personalităţi

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

29 Nov 12:16 Gândul 5586965502626029908.html
La frasque de trop? Cet attaquant du Club Bruges tacle son entraîneur sur les réseaux sociaux (photo)

Mbaye Diagne, l'attaquant du Club Bruges, risque de ne plus avoir de temps de jeu dans la Venise du Nord. Arrivé à la fin du dernier mercato ...

29 Nov 10:17 RTL sport 5478130073744268750.html
Barclays ve potencial de "doble dígito" para Técnicas, IAG, Caixabank y Ferrovial

Espera que la renta variable europea avance el próximo año, pero a un ritmo más moderado que en 2019, con una previsión del 6% para el índice bursátil Stoxx 600

29 Nov 14:59 El Confidencial 6129807549323254566.html
El CUTonalá apuesta por los niños de Jalisco

Estudiantes plasman las marcas de sus manos para el “Memorial: las huellas del futuro” 

29 Nov 11:15 El Informador 103545929200006727.html
¿Cómo evito enamorarme en una relación abierta?

¡Atención! Si decidiste apostar por una relación abierta, es importante saber mantener la distancia.

29 Nov 12:44 Wapa.pe 6757287089390994799.html
Cet homme se déguisait en pilote Lufthansa pour voyager gratuitement …

La police indienne a arrêté, ce mardi, à l’aéroport international de Delhi un homme qui s’était déguisé en commandant de bord de la compagnie allemande Lufthansa pour pouvoir passe…

29 Nov 15:14 Gentside. 4794589078757899311.html
Čistka na vidiku: bodo tudi vam izbrisali Twitter račun?

Z dejanjem želijo pri Twitterju spodbuditi aktivnejšo udeležbo na tem priljubljenem družabnem omrežju, prav tako pa bi želeli sprostiti nekaj uporabniških imen, ki so očitno zasede

29 Nov 11:00 Računalniške novice 5784844855563995036.html
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot : Un trailer en dit bien plus sur le gameplay

Mais c'est que ça donne envie ! Alors qu'on connaissait surtout des éléments de surface sur le gameplay de Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, une vidéo révèle une tonne de contenu alléchant. On vous explique tout. 

29 Nov 11:57 melty 8059025068883749144.html
'Dolor y gloria' arrasa en las nominaciones de los premios Feroz

En el terreno de las series, se impone `Vida perfecta¿, de Leticia Dolera con cinco nominaciones

29 Nov 13:37 elPeriodico 7291954034740840892.html
FG’s 10 million jobs target achievable — Fashola

The Minister of Works and Housing, Mr Babatunde Raji Fashola, has said the ministry would play a vital role in helping the administration to...

29 Nov 15:26 Vanguard News 4125100339260262902.html
Este sábado será el juzgamiento en la Feria Nacional del Búfalo

Este sábado 30 de noviembre, a partir de la 9:00 pm, será realizada la gran subasta de parte de los animales juzgados en la Feria Nacional del  Búfalo, evento que fue inaugurado el pasado jueves en la Asociación de Ganaderos de Carabobo  y se desarrollará hasta 1 de diciembre de este año. Luis Alejandro López […]

29 Nov 15:22 El Carabobeño 125457439094543458.html
Colisão entre dois carros deixa uma pessoa ferida na AL-110

Uma colis&atilde;o entre dois ve&iacute;culos deixou uma pessoa ferida na rodovia AL-110, na Zona Rural de Arapiraca, na noite dessa quinta-feira (28). Segundo informa&ccedil;&otilde;es da pol&iacute;cia, um Onix transitava no sentido Coit&eacute; do Noia/Arapiraca, tentou fazer uma ultrapassagem e ...

29 Nov 12:02 TNH1 3684351753582183733.html
Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Esporles - Alcudia

Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Esporles - Alcudia

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897971046018372.html
Juan Grabois aseguró que fue agredido en Bolivia por una "dictadura cívico-militar"

El dirigente de la CTEP realizó un viaje para hacer un relevamiento de las violaciones a los derechos humanos y denunció que en el aeropuerto l retuvieron para interrogarlo

29 Nov 13:57 Diario Popular 7191573467833882140.html
Prvi stranac već napušta Zvezdu, počinje rekonstrukcija posle poraza od Bajerna!

Crvena zvezda je mnogo novca uložila u pojačanja, ali je malo igrača koji su došli ovog leta uspelo da ostavi dobar utisak.

29 Nov 11:36 REPUBLIKA 2543998405942393493.html
Vendas do varejo no Japão registram queda em outubro

As vendas do varejo no Japão caíram em 7,1% no mês de outubro, segundo dados do Ministério da Economia, Comércio e Indústria do Japão. O montante total foi de 11,9 trilhões de ienes, queda de 7,1%. O principal motivo da queda foi o aumento da taxa de consumo. Apesar disso, a queda foi maior do que a registrada em abril de 2014, quando houve o aumento de 5% para 8%. Na época, o recuo havia sido de 4,3%. Além dos impostos, outro motivo que impactou para a queda das vendas no varejo foi a passagem do tufão n°19, que provocou o fechamento de várias lojas. Apenas as lojas de departamento registraram queda de 17,3%, enquanto as grandes lojas de eletrodomésticos caíram 14,2%.

29 Nov 15:30 ipc.digital 5639997092941510440.html
Abel Braga deseja sorte a Adilson Batista e lamenta insucesso no Cruzeiro: 'Me despeço com a consciência doendo'

Treinador foi demitido após derrota do time celeste para CSA, no Mineirão

29 Nov 14:45 Superesportes 5498560375638009549.html
O novo desafio traçado por Luís Filipe Vieira

Luís Filipe Vieira está, naturalmente, bastante desiludido com tão precoce afastamento da Liga dos Campeões. Sentimento aumentado pela forma como o mesmo foi confirmado, depois de o Benfica ter estado a vencer por 2-0 até aos 90 minutos do encontro em Leipzig - que, recorde-se, deixaria a águia apenas dependente de uma vitória, em casa, sobre o Zenit para garantir a passagem aos oitavos - e ter permitido, nos descontos, uma igualdade que não só afasta o clube da Champions mas também o deixa em posição pouco confortável para garantir um lugar na Liga Europa.

29 Nov 10:48 A BOLA 2278827558656463306.html
Pédophilie dans l'Eglise: Pas de condamnation requise en appel pour le cardinal Barbarin, jugé pour non-dénonciation d'abus sexuels sur mineurs

L’avocat général Joël Sollier n’a pas requis de condamnation vendredi contre le cardinal Philippe Barbarin, qui conteste en appel sa condamnation à six mois de prison avec sursis pour ne pas avoir dénoncé les abus sexuels d’un prêtre du

29 Nov 11:15 JEANMARCMORANDINI.COM 1796801687415499153.html
Column: 'Is this the line?' I worked Black Friday at the mall last night. Here's how it went.

After writing about Black Friday for The News for 10 years, Samantha Christmann spent Thanksgiving night working at a clothing store at Fash

29 Nov 14:25 The Buffalo News 2088823986785468570.html
Terroristas o no, México rechaza presión de Trump sobre cárteles

Los ciudadanos mexicanos concuerdan sobre todo en una cosa: no quieren la ayuda de Trump, porque consideran que sería atentar contra la soberanía de México.

29 Nov 14:15 Publimetro Perú 5349571042793032966.html
Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde haftanın oyuncusu belli oldu

UEFA Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde 5'inci haftanın oyuncusu, Bayern München forması giyen Robert Lewandowski oldu.

29 Nov 11:48 Haberler.com 5407785902751703209.html
DURANTE 6 MESES / Funcionario del Servicio Penitenciario abusó de su hija de 13 años

El Ministerio Público solicitó la privativa de libertad en contra de un funcionario del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Servicio Penitenciario, quién presuntamente abusaba sexualmente de su hija de 13 años.

29 Nov 13:34 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529480500839.html
En ¡HOLA!: así habla Gonzalo Caballero de Victoria Federica

El torero ha querido aclarar las polémicas en torno a su relación con la hija de la infanta Elena

29 Nov 13:10 Hola.com 2035212431771736721.html
Sal do Parque abre as portas para eventos e dá início a encomenda de salgadinhos

A escolha do local para festas de aniversário, coquetel ou até mesmo um casamento, é sempre um dilema. Mas a busca acabou! O Restaurante Sal do Parque é endereço para o seu evento na região mais privilegiada da cidade, com valores acessíveis e sem perder a qualidade, é possível contratar o espaço com buffet e bebidas não alcoólicas, a partir de R$ 49,00, por pessoa. E se a confraternização for rea...

29 Nov 11:00 Campo Grande News 7902463002478903771.html
Care este oferta de leduri pentru faruri disponibilă pe https://www.gotek.ro?

Eficiența energetică pare să fie dezideratul celor mai mulți dintre producătorii de soluții de iluminat. Tehnologia a evoluat foarte mult și cuceririle ei

29 Nov 12:12 Cancan.ro 636482384992298555.html
Volkswagen South Africa told to pull ‘sexist’ advert for Amarok V6 bakkie...

The Advertising Regulatory Board has called on Volkswagen SA to withdraw a radio advertisement for the Amarok V6 after a complaint branded it "sexist”.

29 Nov 10:42 CARmag 8756669823654781528.html
Lo buscaba la Justicia y lo detuvieron en kilómetro 8

Se trata de un joven de 21 años que era buscado por la Justicia de Comodoro Rivadavia y fue detenido durante un operativo en Standart Norte.

29 Nov 14:42 El Patagónico 8565457045421151539.html
Enrique Peña Nieto y sus 5 peores ESTUPIDECES como presidente de México

Enrique Pe&ntilde;a Nieto, cometi&oacute; muchas estupideces durante su administraci&oacute;n como presidente de M&eacute;xico, por lo que lo consideran como el mandatario m&aacute;s "inepto" que la Rep&uacute;blica ha tenido.

29 Nov 15:03 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623455255266.html
Londres: deux morts dans une attaque au couteau, le suspect tué

Une attaque à l’arme blanche a eu lieu ce vendredi à London Bridge, à Londres. Deux personnes sont mortes, en plus du suspect tué par les forces de l' ...

29 Nov 15:42 Arcinfo 560090596710048671.html
El carril bici por Camelias y Venezuela se abrirá el 23 de diciembre

Estos dos nuevos tramos se suman al ya inaugurado por los jardines de la avenida de Castelao

29 Nov 13:36 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577093988534.html
Ebrard: Reunión entre México y EU para reforzar cooperación

Ebrard también habló sobre los avances que la Fiscalía General de la República tiene con respecto al Caso Lebaron, que dará a conocer próximamamente

29 Nov 14:21 Regeneración 4314126176413485671.html
Irak : le Premier ministre dit qu'il va présenter sa démission au Parlement

Le Premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé vendredi qu'il allait présenter sa démission au Parlement, quelques heures après que la plus haute autorité chiite du pays a appelé ce dernier …

29 Nov 13:17 Libération.fr 4160113238802322273.html
Miley Cyrus vissza akarja szerezni Liam Hemsworth-t?

Érdekes fordulat lenne!

29 Nov 15:11 Cosmopolitan.hu 1784326970944994346.html
Bitcoin Price Hits Tipping Point Above $7.6K — Pivotal Weekend Ahead

Bitcoin bulls and bears are set to have a key battle going into the weekend at a critical price level that could set the tone for the rest of the year.

29 Nov 13:53 Cointelegraph 3050247241100885812.html
Bitcoin Price Hits Tipping Point Above $7.6K — Pivotal Weekend Ahead

Bitcoin bulls and bears are set to have a key battle going into the weekend at a critical price level that could set the tone for the rest of the year.

29 Nov 13:53 Cointelegraph 3050247239973009165.html
L'OL prend-il des risques en sanctionnant ses propres supporters ?

Les 15 minutes d’interruption du match Lyon-Nice, samedi dernier, en raison de l’utilisation de fumigènes au virage sud, ont irrité la direction de l’OL. Celle-ci a porté plainte et sanctionné six de ses

29 Nov 13:48 www.20minutes.fr 6446520675229966834.html
‘We are not ready for it to disappear’

“In a fast changing Seattle, we are not ready for it to disappear.”Children of the late Bob James, who six decades ago designed the downtown Macy’s Christmas star“It was not...

29 Nov 14:39 The Seattle Times 9121942837007010653.html
Vítima tem celular clonado e contatos recebem pedido de depósito

Suspeito teria se passado por representante de um site de compra em venda; caso ocorrido em Ribeirão Preto será investigado pela Polícia Civil

29 Nov 10:15 ACidade ON 9132734526807325090.html
Stormzy World Tour 2020: tickets, presale details and dates for September Manchester and Liverpool shows

Grime sensation Stormzy has announced a 55-date world tour for 2020 – including shows in Manchester and Liverpool.

29 Nov 10:16 Lancashire Post 6469275853833300726.html
Ex-secretário de Saúde acusado de desviar meio milhão continuará preso

O ex-secretário de Saúde Renato Vidigal, acusado de chefiar quadrilha que teria desviado pelo menos R$ 530 mil dos cofres públicos, teve pedido de habeas corpus negado pelo TRF (Tribunal Regional Federal) da 3ª Região, em São Paulo, e vai continuar recolhido na PED (Penitenciária Estadual de Dourados). A decisão do desembargador Fausto de Sanctis também atinge o promotor de eventos e ex-diretor fi...

29 Nov 12:31 Campo Grande News 7902463001714255772.html
Los principales partidos irán a la COP25 y sólo Podemos y Equo confirman su presencia en la manifestación del clima

Los líderes de los principales partidos acudirán este lunes al acto inaugural de la Cumbre del Clima (COP25) que se celebrará en Madrid hasta el próximo día...

29 Nov 15:54 Europa Press 4702666147813789085.html
Londres: deux morts dans une attaque au couteau, le suspect tué

Une attaque à l’arme blanche a eu lieu ce vendredi à London Bridge, à Londres. Deux personnes sont mortes, en plus du suspect tué par les forces de l' ...

29 Nov 15:42 La Côte 469155178297189279.html
Allemagne : Merkel va aller pour la première fois au camp nazi d'Auschwitz

La chancelière sera la première dirigeante d'un gouvernement allemand à se rendre dans l'ancien camp de concentration et d'extermination depuis 24 ans.

29 Nov 11:57 Le Point 1094305424157888216.html
Laboratorio Antidoping cerrará el 2019 con unas 5 mil pruebas

El director de la institución, el doctor Rodny Montes de Oca, celebró esa labor en tiempos en que centros homólogos acaban cerrados o no avalados por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje

29 Nov 10:45 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418919397909.html
Reino Unido: el video de cómo la Policía mató a los tiros al agresor del Puente de Londres

Las autoridades británicas aseguraron que se trató de un "atentado terrorista".

29 Nov 14:53 Todo Noticias 8077539162478312612.html
Así fue la agresión a Grabois en Bolivia por un puñado de violentos

Una situación tensa se dio en el aeropuerto donde arribó Juan Grabois y la comitiva argentina para denunciar violaciones a los DDHH en ese país. Allí un pequeño grupo de violentos liderado por un hombre en particular, quiso golpear al dirigente y se armó un escándalo.

29 Nov 12:15 Diario Registrado 7686014736345741214.html
La cinquième Galette libanaise ouvre dans Saint-Roch

La Galette libanaise descend dans la basse-ville de Québec! Après la Grande-Allée, l’avenue Maguire, le chemin Sainte-Foy et la rue Saint-Jean, le resto rapide qui continue de faire bonne figure sur le site Web de TripAdvisor s’est maintenant installé sur la rue Saint-Joseph, dans le quartier Saint-Roch.

29 Nov 15:33 leSoleil 6002915703639371840.html
Se agotan los pines y tazas de Zelda de Nintendo Tokyo hasta el 2020

Como muchos de vosotros sabréis, Nintendo recientemente abrió las puertas de un nuevo local oficial para celebrar la marca: Nintendo Tokyo. Se trata de una nueva tienda de la compañía que se confirmó como un éxito desde antes de su apertura oficial, cuando las entradas se agotaron rápidamente. Los días siguientes no han sido diferentes, […]

29 Nov 11:09 Nintenderos 2555436001623134155.html
UK PM Johnson says UK will leave EU by Jan 31 at the latest

LONDON (Nov 29): British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that Britain would leave the European Union by Jan 31 at the latest if his Conservative Party win a majority in the election in two weeks time."If we can get a working majority then we will come on Jan 31 at the absolute latest," Johnson told LBC radio.He also repeated his message that he saw no reason why Britain would need to extend the transition period after Brexit

29 Nov 10:02 The Edge Markets 6322622074465486463.html
Amazon workers strike on ‘Black Friday’

Hundreds of Amazon workers in Germany walked off the job as the US online retailer kicked off its "Black Friday" sales bonanza, escalating a long-simmering battle for better pay and working conditions.

29 Nov 11:07 The Guardian 7580308505041610080.html
Anitta diz que quer construir família e ter outra profissão: Não quero ser cantora para sempre

Anitta também contou os planos que tem feito quando o assunto é sua vida pessoal

29 Nov 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883426423648107.html
Fiscal Domingo Pérez allana oficina de la Confiep en San Isidro

La medida se lleva a cabo con la finalidad de recabar información sobre los aportes de campaña para las elecciones del 2011 y 2016.

29 Nov 14:25 Publimetro Perú 5349571043428674138.html
Disimpan Rapat, HyunA Akhirnya Terbuka Mengenai Depresi dan Gangguan Panik yang Dideritanya Sejak 2016 Silam

mantan personel girlband 4Minute, HyunA mulai terbuka tentang sakit mental yang dideritanya selama ini.

29 Nov 15:40 grid.id 586386474276899751.html
5 Black Friday Laptop Deals At Best Buy You Can’t Afford To Miss

There’s little doubt that Black Friday is one of the best times — if not the best time — of the year to buy a new laptop. As a major retail holiday in the United States and many ...

29 Nov 13:00 The Inquisitr 1745625231923724013.html
Focus will be on Canadian GDP – TDS

Analysts at TD Securities (TDS) offered a brief preview of Friday's only important release of the Canadian GDP growth figures, scheduled later during

29 Nov 11:47 FXStreet 4480975638713052094.html
Asociaţii ale consumatorilor cer premierului înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea interimară a ANPC: O persoană care a folosit banii publici ai instituţiei în scop personal nu ar mai trebui să ocupe nicio zi respectiva funcţie publică

Trei asociaţii ale consumatorilor au transmis, vineri, o scrisoare deschisă premierului Ludovic Orban în care cer înlocuirea Mihaelei Ionescu de la conducerea interimară a ANPC, apreciind că ”o persoană care a folosit banii publici ai instituţiei în scop personal nu ar mai trebui să ocupe nicio zi respectiva funcţie publică”. În plus, asociaţiile cer premierului consultarea înainte de numirea unui nou şef al instituţiei.

29 Nov 12:23 News.ro 1785173096539088875.html
Red Dead Online : Rockstar offre plein de stuff aux joueurs PC

Est-ce que Rockstar chercherait à se faire pardonner après le lancement un peu galère de Red Dead sur PC ? En tout cas, les joueurs peuvent dès maintenant aller chercher leur pack de stuff. Yeeha. 

29 Nov 10:22 melty 8059025069036969143.html
I'm not going to say how many children I have: UK PM Johnson

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he would not say how many children he had, saying that he would not “put them on the pitch” ahead of the Dec. 12 election.

29 Nov 11:33 Reuters 8334514181452604928.html
Legge quadro lunedì sul tavolo del governo. M5S contro: «Niente blitz»

Autonomia, il ministro Boccia annuncia: «Legge quadro lunedì in Cdm», ma arriva lo stop del M5S: «No ad inserire emendamento in manovra; non...

29 Nov 14:24 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446506055631.html
Em SP, espaço cultural é reaberto como Centro da Diversidade

Pouco mais de um ano após ser criado, o Espaço Cultural Itaim será reinaugurado pela Prefe...

29 Nov 10:30 UOL Noticias 8892198860922982573.html
Cresce il numero dei minori in comunità

Da 22.975 a 32.185: tanto sono aumentati i minori che vivono in comunità fra il 31 dicembre 2014 e il 31 dicembre 2017, con un salto dallo 0,2% allo 0,3% sulla popolazione di riferimento. Aumentano i minori stranieri non accompagnati e i neomaggiorenni in prosieguo amministrativo. Il report dell'Autorità Garante

29 Nov 15:11 VITA 7700876769881373980.html
Eutanásia regressa ao parlamento nos primeiros meses de 2020

A eutanásia regressa ao debate no parlamento no próximo ano e um dos calendários possíveis é o primeiro trimestre de 2020, segundo deputados dos partidos com projetos sobre morte medicamente assistida, BE, PAN e PS.

29 Nov 14:36 DN 8445869957045460987.html
Chá gelado: receitas refrescantes com hibisco, mate, gengibre e outras ervas para o verão

Saiba como fazer e aprenda as propriedades, benefícios e contraindicações de cada um deles

29 Nov 12:00 Globoesporte 3611676019183527917.html
Liebe, Sex und Leidenschaft - auch noch im Büro!

"Stell Dir vor, es geht das Licht aus? Sag, was würdest Du dann tun?", hieß es in einem Lied von Paul Hörbiger und Maria Andergast. In den modernen Großraumbüros geht das Licht jedenfalls fast nie aus, wahrscheinlich finden Amors Pfeile gerade deshalb ihre Ziele...

29 Nov 11:44 NÖN.at 2486998931615636427.html
Audi reduce sus inversiones para los próximos cinco años

Ha informado de que las inversiones en movilidad eléctrica serán de 12.000 millones hasta 2024

29 Nov 12:33 Levante-EMV 7042984477047910539.html
Audi reduce sus inversiones para los próximos cinco años

Ha informado de que las inversiones en movilidad eléctrica serán de 12.000 millones hasta 2024

29 Nov 12:33 Diarioinformacion 8979296175714154803.html
Fußball-EM 2020: So funktioniert die Auslosung

Am Samstag, 18 Uhr, werden in Bukarest die Gruppen für die Euro 2020 ausgelost. 20 Nationen haben ihr Ticket schon gebucht, darunter die Jungs von...

29 Nov 15:55 RTL.DE 7054729451750864132.html
México busca más cooperación con Estados Unidos contra cárteles; no nos sirve antagonismo: Ebrard | Entérate

Tras la amenaza del presidente Trump de declarar a los cárteles de droga como “grupos terroristas”, el gobierno de México invitó al Procurador de Estados Unidos a nuestro país para acordar más cooperación y combatir al crimen organizado, ya que el tráfico de armas y drogas son problemas binacionales. Ebrard agregó que se busca más cooperación, debido a que el antagonismo entre ambos países no es útil para luchar contra los grupos criminales.

29 Nov 15:58 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495642373734.html
Förbundskaptenen om laget som ska ta VM-medalj

Sverige hoppas kunna spela om medaljerna i handbolls-VM. Här är förbundskapten Henrik Signells egna tankar om sina spelare som ska göra jobbet.

29 Nov 14:18 DN.SE 398730694134231211.html
Pronostic Chelsea West Ham : Analyse, prono et cotes du match de Premier League

Chelsea assomme West Ham ! Quatrième de Premier League, Chelsea réussit une bonne saison sous la houlette de Frank Lampard. Privé de recrutement lors du dernier mercato, l’ex de Derby County s’appuie sur des joueurs au club depuis de nombreuses années comme Azpi ou Willian, mais aussi sur des jeunes comme Tomori, Abraham, James ou Mount. Lampard peut également compter sur le retour au premier plan de Kovacic et sur les Français Zouma et Kanté, titulaires quand ils sont disponibles. Cette semaine, les Blues. ont livré deux chocs, le premier perdu face à City de peu (2-1) et le second à Valence en Ligue des Champions (2-2). Les Blues. ont montré de bonnes choses, notamment à l’Etihad où ils ont tenu tête aux hommes de Guardiola. Chelsea veut se relancer après ce revers et reçoit l’adversaire idéal pour cela, West Ham.

29 Nov 14:47 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252151217068.html
Unai Emery a fost demis de la Arsenal

Antrenorul Unai Emery a fost demis, vineri de la conducerea tehnică a echipei Arsenal Londra, după înfrângerea suferită, joi, pe teren propriu, scor 1-2, în faţa echipei Eintracht Frankfurt, în etapa a V-a a Grupei F a Ligii Europa, informează BBC.

29 Nov 12:23 News.ro 1785173096395801071.html
Mo Farah vuelve al ruedo olímpico

El atleta británico de origen somalí anuncia que buscará encadenar en Tokio el que sería su tercer título en los 10.000 metros en unos Juegos

29 Nov 11:23 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612394101956.html
Wegerup su Ibra: "Le sue parole su Milano? Non significa che tornerà al Milan, le disse anche un anno fa"

Intervenuta a TMW Radio, Jennifer Wegerup ha parlato così del futuro di Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "Vediamo se tornerà o meno in Italia. Zlatan ha detto anche in passato che ama il Milan e che Milano è la sua seconda casa, sono cose sincere, ma questo non vuol dire che tornerà a giocare in Serie A. Anche un anno fa, in un'intervista, ha parlato del suo amore per Milano, ma alla fine non è tornato in rossonero. Chi dice che sarà decisiva la sua compagna non conosce Zlatan. Helena è una grande donna, ma non sono decisioni che spettano a lui. E' Zlatan che decide".  

29 Nov 15:36 MilanNews.it 6507305921464099976.html
"Insultes" d'Erdogan: Le Drian convoque l'ambassadeur turc à Paris

L'ambassadeur de la Turquie en France va être convoqué au ministère des Affaires étrangères pour s'expliquer sur les déclarations du président turc.

29 Nov 14:54 Challenges 1086714998057979333.html
Mujica hace autocrítica: "No echemos en saco roto lo que tenemos por aprender"

El expresidente y senador electo dijo que la campaña del FA no estuvo a la altura de las necesidades. "En las organizaciones de izquierda, la derrota como la culpa no las quiere nadie".

29 Nov 12:17 LARED21 5602862989718798477.html
Cine va ocupa fotoliul de vicepreşedinte al Parlamentului în locul lui Ion Ceban

Parlamentul a adoptat, vineri, 29 noiembrie, candidatura lui Vlad Batrîncea la funcţia de vicepreşedinte al Parlamentului. Acesta îl va înlocui pe Ion Ceban, care a fost ales primar al Capitalei. Vlad Batrîncea este secretar executiv al Partidului Sociali

29 Nov 13:18 PUBLIKA 1679939813267144633.html
‘Pay attention to issues on poverty not social media’ — CAN knocks n’assembly

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has called on the national assembly to discard and desist from further deliberations on the hate speech bill.

29 Nov 10:19 TheCable 7513571674318783677.html
SOPHIE, Actress and Eartheater announced for Re-Textured 2020

Re-Textured takes place on April 2 - 5, 2020 across various venues in London.

29 Nov 11:14 FACT Magazine 7458605276683499448.html
Craig Anderson s’absentera plus longtemps que prévu

On n’a pas prévu que le vétéran s’absente pour aussi longtemps.

29 Nov 13:10 DansLesCoulisses.com 1614084063546293066.html
S&P500: undici massimi storici a novembre!

La domanda che oggi gli investitori si pongono, è se lo S&P estenderà la stringa di successi di questo ennesimo, indimenticabile mese.

29 Nov 12:15 Trend Online 3268043280430369479.html
Primavera, Roma-Sassuolo: le formazioni ufficiali – LIVE

Alle 14.30 il fischio d'inizio al Tre Fontane

29 Nov 14:06 Forzaroma.info 1065617485404967299.html
Carl Ikeme: Rui Patricio, just take the Wolves No.1 shirt

Having spent 16 years at Wolves after coming through the club's academy, Carl Ikeme was forced to retire in 2018 after being diagnosed with leukaemia.

29 Nov 15:30 Shropshire Star 3480199991538034734.html
LaLiga: James Rodríguez continúa su proceso de recuperación

El mediocampista colombiano seguirá de baja durante unas semanas más

29 Nov 13:16 Colombia.com 1213910710268728379.html
Mila rompe a llorar tras la despedida de Jorge Javier: "Tengo que pasar por quirófano"

El presentador quiso tranquilizar a la concursante y le dedicó unas emotivas palabras

29 Nov 10:38 elPeriodico 7291954034101498435.html
Minister blames public servants for €1.8m Dáil printer fiasco

Blame for controversy does not lie with politicians, says Heather Humphreys

29 Nov 12:44 The Irish Times 8204772968268080697.html
Over 75% of the Digital Wallet Users in Bulgaria Are Men

Over 75% of the digital wallet users in Bulgaria are men. 31% of all consumers live in Sofia, 15% live in Varna, 6% - in Plovdiv.

29 Nov 13:51 novinite.com 4235039571983184622.html
Ambasada Rusiei continuă atacurile la adresa Casei Regale printr-un text al scriitorului Radu Portocală: "România - unde toate contradicțiile imaginabile se întâlnesc și se resping constant "

Ambasada Rusiei la București continuă seria de acțiuni provocatoare și "războiul" început împotriva Casei Regale a României după ce Principesa Margareta, Custodele Coroanei Regale, a avertizat asupra...

29 Nov 15:52 B1 TV 3840305878033193544.html
Bekende bordspelkampioen Lee (36) gaat met pensioen: “Ik kan niet meer winnen van de computer”

Lee Se-dol, wereldwijd geroemd als de beste speler van het strategische bordspel Go, heeft aangekondigd dat hij met pensioen gaat. De 36-jarige Zuid-Koreaa...

29 Nov 11:24 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191555575610.html
Jim Jefferies: ‘Life of Brian taught me more about religion than Sunday school'

The Australian-American standup, political commentator and writer on the things that make him laugh the most

29 Nov 14:00 the Guardian 1491978796232449576.html
75 % de los juguetes importados llegaron a Ecuador desde China

Las más de treinta películas dirigidas al público infantil que se estrenan en el cine cada año, más las series que se transmiten en televisión o vía streaming  influyen en las preferencias de los

29 Nov 12:00 El Universo 8365175798074102787.html
La Hongrie se retire du prochain concours de l'Eurovision, qui aura lieu en mai aux Pays-Bas, car elle le jugerait "trop gay"

La Hongrie a décidé de ne pas participer au prochain concours de l'Eurovision, qui aura lieu en mai prochain à Rotterdam (Pays-Bas). Selon le Guardian, la chaîne publique hongroise MTVA n'a pas donné d'explication officielle concernant ce choix.D'après une

29 Nov 12:00 JEANMARCMORANDINI.COM 1796801687014045361.html
Ex-diretor da PJM nega intenção de encobrir do furto de Tancos

O ex-diretor da PJ Militar Luís Vieira alega, no pedido de abertura de instrução do processo do furto de armas de Tancos, que "não houve qualquer intenção de encobrir os autores"

29 Nov 13:51 JN 6956494303470170385.html
Un hombre muere baleado en medio de una persecución de la Policía de Santurce a Cataño

Como parte de la investigación las autoridades cerraron la PR-165 frente a la cárcel federal de Guaynabo

29 Nov 14:16 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310258985960.html
Viúva de Boechat agradece a Band por poupá-la em cobertura sobre Gugu

Veruska Boechat, esposa de Ricardo Boechat, se manifestou em sua conta no Instagram nesta sexta-feira (29), em tom de agradecimento por ter sido poupada pela Band na cobertura sobre a morte do apresentador Gugu Liberato.

29 Nov 13:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125212246547387.html
Brescia, Grosso chiude il caso Balotelli: ''Con l'Atalanta ci sarà''

Dopo essere rimasto fuori contro la Roma l'attaccante sarà a disposizione per il derby. Il tecnico: ''Con Mario ho un rapporto schietto,

29 Nov 10:38 Repubblica.it 8208867271031913840.html
More pain for German car industry as Daimler axes 10,000 jobs

Luxury automaker Daimler said Friday it would scrap at least 10,000 jobs worldwide, the latest in a wave of layoffs to hit the stuttering German car industry as it battles with a costly switch to electric.

29 Nov 12:25 Tech Xplore 4945708898225215173.html
What Would A Joe Budden Rap Comeback Sound Like In 2020?

The time has come for some 'new Joe Budden.' There&rsquo;s an aura surrounding Joe Budden that&rsquo;s reminiscent of a sleeping dragon. Partially due to the brilliant manner in which he&rsquo;s built up his own lore, allowing his Mood Muzik series and Slaughterhouse tenure to age like fine wine. A ...

29 Nov 14:58 hnhh 366195973492553295.html

Le Garde des sceaux, ministre de la justice a fait faire savoir hier, jeudi 28 novembre, lors de la conférence des chefs de parquet, que les peines d’emprisonnement ne sont pas exécutées, quand elles ne sont pas assorties de mandat de dépôt. Les amendes non plus, dira-t-il, ne sont presque jamais recouvrées. Ce qui, selon Me Malick Sall, fait perdre au trésor public sénégalais environ 10 milliards. «Mon attention a été attirée cette semaine sur un fait suffisamment remarquable pour mériter qu’on s’y attarde. Assurer la bonne marche du service de l’exécution des peines, est en effet, l’une des fonctions essentielles des parquets. Malheureusement - et ceci n’est un secret pour personne, ce service ne marche pas. Il ne marche bien nulle part. Et ce, depuis très longtemps Les peines d’emprisonnement ne sont pas exécutées, quand elles ne sont pas assorties de mandat de dépôt», a déclaré avec regret le garde des sceaux, ministre de la justice Malick Sall hier, jeudi 28 novembre, à l’ouverture de la conférence des chefs…

29 Nov 10:19 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533846413753.html
Sisqo claims 'Thong Song' increased Victoria's Secret sales by 80 percent

Singer Sisqo is celebrating the 20-year anniversary of his hit “Thong Song” by revealing that its rise in the charts in November 1999 purportedly helped increase Victoria’s Secret sales by 80 percent.

29 Nov 15:15 Fox News 7362823821196750798.html
Klæbo utklassade alla – Svensson finalsexa

Oskar Svensson tog sig som ende svensk vidare till sprintfinal i Ruka och hade redan vid det laget säkrat sin bästa start på världscupen i karriären. Väl i finalen hade 24-åringen dock inte mycket att sätta emot övriga i startfältet – och i synnerhet in

29 Nov 13:56 HD 3336945411691054990.html
Raed Arafat: Acest tip de incident naval care a avut loc la Midia este unic pe plan mondial

Şeful Departamentului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (DSU), Raed Arafat, a declarat vineri, la Constanţa, că incidentul naval care a avut loc la Midia, cu nava încărcată cu 14.600 de oi, este unic pe plan mondial.

29 Nov 15:39 Stirileprotv.ro 940005308552437930.html
El govern espanyol aprova una subvenció de 10 milions per al transport públic metropolità de València 

El Consell de Ministres ha aprovat aquest divendres un reial decret que regula la concessió directa de subvencions per al finançament del transport públic regular de viatgers de Madrid, Barcelona, València i les Illes Canàries.

29 Nov 11:10 Diari La Veu 8769648854036798623.html
Chelsea: Willian möchte verlängern

Willian möchte sich erneut langfristig an den FC Chelsea binden. Wie ‚Goal.com‘ berichtet, strebt der 31-Jährige eine Verlängerung seines bis 2020 datierten Kontrakts an. „Ich will nicht mit (...)

29 Nov 13:55 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784216855237.html
Libro sobre cultivo del aguacate: premio de la Crítica Científico-Técnica 2018

Uno de los premios anuales de la Crítica Científico-Técnica 2018 carácter científico y técnico publicados por editoriales cubanas lo obtuvo Requerimientos para el cultivo y comercialización del aguacate, de un colectivo de autores del Instituto de Investigaciones en Fruticultura Tropical

29 Nov 15:26 Trabajadores 1167277447109509636.html
Prefeito de Londres diz que está em “contato permanente” com policiais

O prefeito de Londres, Sadiq Khan, afirmou que está acompanhando todas as últimas informações sobre o suposto atentado na London Bridge...

29 Nov 12:43 O Antagonista 1037429655418126409.html
Ausl, in corso la sostituzione di 400 letti d'ospedale

AOSTA. L'Azienda Usl della Valle d'Aosta annuncia la sostituzione di 400 letti all'ospedale Parini ed al presidio Beauregard. L'operazione è cominciata il 25 novembre all'ospedale regionale di viale Ginevra e terminerà il 12 dicembre nella sede di via Vaccari. I nuovi letti di degenza garantiranno "la sicurezza dei pazienti allettati - spiega l'Usl -, specificatamente gli utenti agitati e con facoltà cognitive e/o intellettive compromesse, mediante soluzioni tecniche e dispositivi adeguati a prevenire le cadute accidentali e la riduzione della contenzione totale nonché a facilitare la gestione degli stessi da parte degli operatori sanitari". Quanto ai letti dismessi, essi risultano "acquisti in leasing nell’anno 2004 e riscattati nel 2014 al costo simbolico di 1 euro cadauno (con un costo di manutenzione annuo, per garantirne ai sensi di legge la sicurezza e la funzionalità, alquanto elevato per l’Azienda)". Il costo dell’operazione pari a 839.000 euro "è stata in gran parte finanziata con risorse proprie aziendali"…

29 Nov 11:00 Aostaoggi.it 8718172644769061468.html
Digi 24: Mesajul transmis de fiul premierului Albaniei, după ce a aflat că logodnica sa a murit în timpul cutremurului

Viitoarea noră a premierului Albaniei, Edi Rama, se numără printre zecile de persoane care au murit în urma cutremurului puternic de marţi dimineaţă, a confirmat un oficial din echipa

29 Nov 12:23 HotNews 5099222561174924343.html
Amazon workers strike on ‘Black Friday’

Hundreds of Amazon workers in Germany walked off the job as the US online retailer kicked off its "Black Friday" sales bonanza, escalating a long-simmering battle for better pay and working conditi...

29 Nov 11:29 Punch Newspapers 3524240994995433020.html
Celaá dice, tras la reunión PSOE-ERC, que las negociaciones "avanzan": "Si hay nuevas citas, hay nuevas oportunidades"

La ministra de Educación y portavoz del Gobierno, Isabel Celaá, ha asegurado este viernes, un día después de la reunión entre el PSOE y ERC, que las...

29 Nov 13:01 Europa Press 4702666148298643045.html
MEC vai liberar R$ 125 milhões adicionais para universidades

Parte dos recursos serão destinados para a compra de painéis solares

29 Nov 15:15 ACidade ON 9132734526968881160.html
Los efectos del estallido social aún no son visibles: desempleo durante el trimestre agosto-octubre llegó a 7,0%

Los efectos del contexto actual que está viviendo el país debieran verse con mayor fuerza reflejados en los trimestres móviles sucesivos.

29 Nov 12:17 Publimetro Chile 2498685483226587508.html
El Gobierno presta hasta 1.600 millones a Navantia para fabricar unas fragatas que generarán 7.000 empleos

El Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo ha suscrito un convenio con los astilleros Navantia para un programa de desarrollo de fragatas F110, consistente en un préstamo de un máximo de 1.638 millones de euros y cuyo proceso de elaboración tendrá un impacto de aproximadamente 7.000 empleos durante 10 años.

29 Nov 13:35 elEconomista.es 9051559958294462783.html
Flava D and Time Cow remix Shanique Marie on Uno (Remixes)

Equiknoxx stalwart Time Cow and UK bass aficionado Flava D have reworked two tracks from Uno, the excellent 2015 EP from Shanique Marie.

29 Nov 15:16 FACT Magazine 7458605277372763699.html
Apple iPhone 12 Pro SUPER Concept [Video]

Check out this concept for a next generation Apple iPhone 12 Pro SUPER.

29 Nov 12:59 iClarified 2561039882478830393.html
Will Smith encounters turkey on the road on Thanksgiving: 'He must've escaped'

Why did the turkey cross the road? Will Smith needs answers.

29 Nov 12:58 Fox News 7362823820850278167.html
Viúva de Gugu Liberato, Rose Miriam se despede do marido em velório

Gugu Liberato ganhou as últimas homenagens de familiares nesta sexta-feira (29). Os entes queridos do artista foram recebidos com aplausos pelos fãs e responderam as mensagens carinhosas com coração e...

29 Nov 10:48 Purepeople 5674914090111279200.html
Iraq's prime minister says he will submit his official resignation to Parliament following day of...

BAGHDAD (AP) - Iraq's prime minister says he will submit his official resignation to Parliament following day of bloodshed .

29 Nov 12:39 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636587978984.html
Çanakkele - Bozcaada seferlerine lodos engeli

Çanakkele ile Bozcaada arasında yapılan feribot seferleri, şiddetli lodos nedeniyle aksıyor. 

29 Nov 10:33 Gerçek Gündem 8370126851547268337.html
‘Truly pathetic’ and ‘players have let him down’ – Gary Neville rips into Arsenal recruitment, players after Emery sacking

No holding back from Neville...

29 Nov 15:36 CaughtOffside 8169236756603126961.html
Eurozona: inflazione in rialzo all’1% su base annua a novembre, superate le attese

Nell'Eurozona il tasso di inflazione si è attestato a novembre all'1% su base annua, evidenziando un aumento rispetto allo 0,7% del mese precedente. Si tratta della stima preliminare da parte …

29 Nov 11:06 FinanzaOnline 6528634128051468071.html
España recauda 6.000 millones menos en impuestos 'verdes' que la media europea

En un momento álgido de debate internacional sobre las consecuencias del cambio climático, con la acogida por parte del Gobierno de la Cumbre del Clima 2019 (COP25) ante la delicada situación social que atraviesa Chile -anfitrión del evento mundial- los técnicos de Hacienda calculan que si nuestro país comenzase a gravar las emisiones de gases contaminantes se podría recaudar a través de estos nuevos impuestos hasta 10.000 millones de euros para las arcas públicas, una cifra equivalente a cerca del 60% del déficit anual que registra la Seguridad Social -organismo encargado de pagar las pensiones públicas en nuestro país-. Una cifra, que según explica el sindicato de técnicos de Hacienda (Gestha) podría ayudar a compensar un déficit superior a los 6.000 millones de euros que sufre en la imposición medioambiental respecto a la media europea.

29 Nov 15:47 elEconomista.es 9051559957928312702.html
Zapatero elogia la 'contribución decisiva' de Otegi para 'poder ver el fin de la violencia'

El expresidente recuerda que “todos” los partidos políticos señalaron en su día que cuando ETA “dejara las armas, jugarían en el juego...

29 Nov 13:35 La Vanguardia 8061072699199843182.html
SA’s gift to the world … brilliant cricketers

So how the hell is our own back yard in such shambles?

29 Nov 13:12 The Citizen 410802301522280086.html
Martín Vizcarra: chocamos con intereses muy grandes

El presidente Martín Vizcarra aseguró que el Gobierno es perseverante en sus medidas porque tienen la convicción que es a favor de la ciudadanía.

29 Nov 15:40 Publimetro Perú 5349571043576997165.html
‘Eén feestje tussen al die turntrainingen, dat moet toch kunnen?’

Interview | Marieke van der Plas, directeur turnbond: Bij de première van TURN! schrok Marieke van der Plas (42) van de misstanden die zij zag. De bondsdirecteur beschouwt de documentaire als „een cadeau voor de dialoog in de turnsport”.

29 Nov 12:51 NRC 5923869434375337439.html
Valve Index: Nowy Half-Life´a doprowadził do wyprzedania zapasów gogli w Stanach

Alyx robi swoje.

29 Nov 11:48 CD-Action 7245463650875235818.html
Nouveaux étudiants impliqués au Cégep Beauce-Appalaches

La Fondation du Cégep Beauce-Appalaches a donné 25 bourses «Coup de pouce et d’Accueil» à de nouveaux étudiants, pour une somme totalisant 7500 $. Les engagements des récipiendaires touchent différents…

29 Nov 13:00 L'Éclaireur Progrès 1533350368055112288.html
Tesla Cybertruck w GTA San Andreas dzięki modowi. Wersja dla GTA 5 to kwestia czasu [Aktualizacja]

Modderzy przenieśli najnowszą kreację firmy Elona Muska - Tesla Cybertruck - do gry Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Trwają prace nad podobną modyfikacją dla ostatniej odsłony serii (GTA 5), a także symulatora BeamNG.drive oraz... strzelanki GoldenEye 007 na Nintendo 64.

29 Nov 10:32 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309128169666.html
Black Friday: Gol oferece passagens para destinos nacionais a partir de R$100

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

29 Nov 14:45 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987067608716.html
Bottas, meilleur temps des ES2, heurte Grosjean

Comme lors de la première séance d'essais libres, le Finlandais Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) a signé le meilleur chrono de la seconde vendredi en vue du Grand Prix d'Abou Dhabi, 21e et dernier rendez-vous de la saison de Formule 1, dimanche sur le circuit de...

29 Nov 15:36 RTBF Sport 2262420857242834860.html
Bartomeu: 'Messi es el mejor jugador de la historia del fútbol'

El presidente destaca el protagonismo de Cruyff en la construcción de un Barça ganador

29 Nov 14:28 La Vanguardia 8061072699249197997.html
'It kind of breaks my heart'

Donations may be down at the Upper Room Mission, but people are still getting the help they need.

29 Nov 15:01 Castanet 616068602988297329.html
Bill Peters didn’t help himself with pathetic ‘apology’

BOSTON — This has been a really interesting start to the NHL season — the wonders of Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl in Edmonton, David Pastrnak on pace for about 100 goals in Boston, the drama

29 Nov 15:52 New York Post 7654946768425967561.html
Małopolskie: w Tatrach przybywa śniegu

Na tatrzańskich szczytach przybywa śniegu. W piątek na Kasprowym Wierchu leży warstwa gruba na 6 cm, a temperatura na szczycie spadła do -3 st. C. W Tatrach obowiązuje pierwszy, najniższy stopień zagrożenia lawinowego.

29 Nov 11:00 Portal Samorządowy 740157207929081196.html
«A questão dos golos vai ser resolvida naturalmente»

Pedro Ribeiro garante uma equipa totalmente de cabeça limpa depois da eliminação na Taça de Portugal em Chaves. O próximo adversário, domingo, é o Tondela, equipa tranquila na classificação com mais quatro pontos, antes da receção ao FC Porto.

29 Nov 14:07 A BOLA 2278827558852702968.html
Por precaução, polícia de Londres trata ataque como “relacionado a terrorismo”

A polícia de Londres acaba de divulgar um comunicado em suas redes sociais informando que o incidente na London Bridge já está sendo tratado como "relacionado a terrorismo"...

29 Nov 12:58 O Antagonista 1037429654007570671.html
5,000 substandard gas cylinders worth N51.3m destroyed by SON

The Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) on Friday destroyed over 5,000 substandard Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders worth N51.3 million.

29 Nov 15:20 Vanguard News 4125100339327240952.html
Tesla CyberTruck, toccata quota 250.000 preordini

Il nuovo pick-up elettrico della casa automobilistica di Palo Alto verrà consegnato a partire da fine 2020 alla cifra di 40.000 dollari

29 Nov 15:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656058620118.html
Trony: il Black Friday 2019 è arrivato, ecco le nuove offerte

Il volantino Trony del Black Friday 2019 è davvero ricchissimo di opportunità e di prezzi bassi per i singoli utenti che vogliono acquistare.

29 Nov 10:05 tecnoandroid 2573257127658860074.html
Bon Plan Black Friday : Le prix du Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 baisse encore

Aujourd'hui, c'est l'occasion de se mettre dans la proche le milieu de gamme de Xiaomi, le Redmi Note 8, à un prix exceptionnel sur Amazon !

29 Nov 12:00 melty 8059025069607002993.html
Le ministre de la Justice annonce des bureaux d’exécution des peines dans les régions.

XALIMANEWS- Le garde des sceaux et ministre de la Justice, Me Malick Sall annonce la mise en place de bureaux d’exécution des peines dans toutes les régions. « Les amendes non recouvrées constituent un manque à gagner d’une dizaine de milliards de francs CFA pour le trésor public », a notamment justifié le ministre sur les ondes […]

29 Nov 15:55 Xalima.com 5303455892610283200.html
Elections en Namibie: le président sortant en tête, selon des résultats partiels

Le chef de l’Etat sortant namibien Hage Geingob est en tête de l’élection présidentielle de mercredi, avec plus de 56,1% des suffrages, selon des résultats partiels vendredi de la commission électorale portant sur près de la moitié des circonscriptions. Le patron de la Swapo (Organisation du peuple du Sud-Ouest africain), parti au pouvoir depuis l’indépendance […]

29 Nov 10:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092585952630333.html
Elections en Namibie: le président sortant en tête, selon des résultats partiels

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 10:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389391705661.html
Ministro do Meio Ambiente diz que não se deve chegar a desmatamento ilegal zero

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

29 Nov 10:46 GGN 1188436354441952459.html
IFZ FinTech Conference 2020

Fascinating and constructive debates of and with top class speakers.

29 Nov 13:24 Allnews 678771719189429558.html
“Insieme contro il razzismo”, ecco la lettera della Serie A. La Roma: “Chiediamo una policy efficace”

Il club giallorosso, con gli altri 19 del massimo campionato italiano, pubblica sui propri canali l'iniziativa per combattere questo fenomeno

29 Nov 15:08 Forzaroma.info 1065617485781329443.html
Qualcomm fará parte de centro de tecnologia em São Paulo

Gigante americana participará do Citi - Centro Internacional de Tecnologia e Inovação

29 Nov 12:04 Olhar Digital 416591714492917063.html
Mujer SE CAE y arruina la boda de su amiga (VIDEO VIRAL)

Una mujer arruin&oacute; la entrada de la boda de una amiga con una &eacute;pica ca&iacute;da que se hizo viral r&aacute;pidamente.

29 Nov 12:26 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623575329340.html
„...mal den Kopf aus dem Arsch ziehen“: Sexismus-Vorwurf: Jetzt steht plötzlich Rezo selbst im Zentrum der Kritik

Nach seinem viralen Video über die „Zerstörung der CDU“ wurde der Youtuber Rezo zum Idol einer progressiven Jugend, die sich für das Klima und gegen Menschenfeindlichkeit engagiert. Jetzt aber sieht sich Rezo plötzlich selbst Sexismus-Vorwürfen ausgesetzt. Es geht um infantile Witze und ein Video, das nicht jeder lustig findet.

29 Nov 11:24 FOCUS Online 4448121231248195057.html
Audited Reports: CBN, FIRS, others flout Senate’s 7-day ultimatum  

The CBN, FIRS and other government MDAs have flouted the 7-day ultimatum for the submission of audited reports issued by the Nigerian Senate.  

29 Nov 10:48 Nairametrics.com 4741528847112827351.html
Ariana Grande mostró su verdadero cabello en Instagram

La publicación generó todo tipo de comentarios en sus fans, quienes suelen verla siempre con una larga cabellera lacia.

29 Nov 14:01 Publimetro Perú 5349571043588699063.html
Rzecznik Episkopatu: rozpoczyna się Adwent i akcja #Roraty

W najbliższą niedzielę rozpoczyna się okres Adwentu, czyli radosnego oczekiwania na Boże Narodzenie. W mediach społecznościowych już kolejny raz prowadzona będzie akcja internautów #Roraty. Ma ona zac

29 Nov 15:00 eKAI 4704869671943160475.html
Claudia López califica de “asesinato” caso de Dilan Cruz y dice que Esmad necesita cambios

La alcaldesa electa de Bogotá sostuvo que ese cuerpo de la Policía no cumplió protocolos y aseguró que exigirá que se le informe antes de que sea desplegado. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 11:45 pulzo.com 8971816787135978835.html
Operação de combate a crimes ambientais prende três em Barreiras

Programa de Fiscalização Preventiva Integrada (FPI) emitiu mais de R$ 50 mil em multas; 30 órgãos trabalham em prol da preservação do Velho Chico

29 Nov 15:42 Correio 5185786713460544024.html
„Eisenreiter" Alfred Blaim erkundet „Down Under"

Der Horner Alfred Blaim ist seit zwei Monaten mit seiner Kawasaki KLR 650 in Australien unterwegs - teilweise bei 45 Grad im Schatten. Der NÖN lieferte er nun einen ersten Zwischenbericht.

29 Nov 10:12 NÖN.at 2486998931562045060.html
La Ligue des champions bientôt de retour sur Canal+ et beIN Sports

La fin du streaming avec les commentaires en ukrainien ?

29 Nov 10:29 SO FOOT.COM 2592111253134161470.html
Lille: les adversaires de Martine Aubry dénoncent sa candidature à un 4e mandat

Après l'annonce jeudi par Martine Aubry de sa candidature à un quatrième mandat à Lille, ses adversaires aux prochaines municipales ont unanimement dénoncé vendredi le bilan de celle qui siège à la mairie depuis 2001.

29 Nov 11:01 Challenges 1086714997576066452.html
Aseguran 110 dosis de cristal en cuauhtémoc

Cuauhtémoc.- En seguimiento a la investigación del homicidio de dos hombres en las calles Séptima e Hidalgo de la zona centro, elementos de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), aseguraron 110 dosis de la droga conocida como cristal.

29 Nov 15:00 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558629619450.html
A Limerick hospital nurse: Staff ‘cannot cope’ with the stress

Overcrowding at UHL: ‘I’ll be honest – there is no dignity for patients on trolleys’

29 Nov 13:07 The Irish Times 8204772968715227036.html
América vence a Santa Fe y jugará la final contra Junior

El cuadro escarlata se impuso 2-0 en la última fecha del grupo B.

29 Nov 10:16 El Tiempo 1091719940498142016.html
Desemprego em outubro cai para 11,6% com novo recorde de informalidade

Ao todo, 12,4 milhões estavam sem emprego no trimestre encerrado em outubro; 38,8 milhões estão na informalidade enquanto 33,2 milhões têm carteira assinada

29 Nov 13:20 VEJA.com 4116702196253606607.html
Gardaí appeal for information about man, 55, found dead in Dublin

The man was found at a residence off the Navan Road on Wednesday morning.

29 Nov 13:16 Breaking News 4415806919881145993.html
Ogromny rozwój Xbox Game Studios – Microsoft po cichu buduje giganta

Microsoft ma jasny cel – zbudować największe i najbardziej zróżnicowane portfolio gier od studiów first party. Wydaje się, że uda się zrealizować ten cel.

29 Nov 11:00 Gram.pl 2394057653036800609.html
Alerta meteorológico: vientos intensos en el sur y tormentas fuertes con granizo en el norte de la Provincia

Ambas advertencias rigen para este viernes 29 de noviembre. La intensidad de los fenómenos tenderá a disminuir entre la madrugada y la mañana del sábado.

29 Nov 11:50 Infocielo 6573250471258069675.html
Jandro – Danny Phantom ft. Ronnie Flex & Idaly

Het heeft even geduurd, maar dan heb je ook wat. Nadat Frenna, KM en Priceless allemaal hard werken aan hun solocarrière werkte Jandro op de achtergrond aan zijn muziek. Vandaag laat hij eindelijk zijn eerste solo single Danny Phantom los. Op de track slaat hij de handen ineen met “vijfde SFB-lid” Ronnie Flex en Idaly.

29 Nov 10:09 Puna 5725385643209848480.html
Daily Mail owner buys rival the i for nearly £50m

Daily Mail and General Trust chairman Lord Rothermere said the publication was ‘highly respected’ and generating plenty of cash.

29 Nov 11:48 Express & Star 7324224459097462310.html
Marlins estarían tras los pasos de un pelotero venezolano para 2020

Derek Jeter habló acerca del plan de los Marlins de Miami en la temporada baja de MLB y de un pelotero que gusta

29 Nov 13:41 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536168250642.html
Jio likely to bag Reliance Infra's tower, optical fibre for Rs 3,600 cr

Bharti Airtel has placed a bid of around Rs 1,800 crore for the same, according to the sources

29 Nov 15:45 Business-Standard 1502508925736548404.html
JUST BRENDA: How do I get my best friend back?

That being said, I am very sorry for the loss of your friendship.

29 Nov 13:06 Daily Nation 7421817123985463365.html
Sánchez se siente ya cerca de su reelección

El Gobierno transmite su optimismo con ERC y señala que el presidente "no irá a una investidura fallida"

29 Nov 13:49 elPeriodico 7291954034835312177.html
OnePlus 7 Pro w mocnej wersji w dobrej promocji GearBest. Taniej kupisz też średniaka lepszego od Xiaomi

W sklepie GearBest z okazji promocji na Black Friday znajdziesz dwie fajne promocje: na flagowego OnePlusa 7 Pro oraz dobrego średniaka Realme 5 Pro.

29 Nov 13:00 gsmManiaK.pl 5527132055443181740.html
Bajo Reserva Exprés. Calderón y Córdova no cruzaron palabra

Columna en tiempo real

29 Nov 14:18 El Universal 4964748196462219788.html
¿Maradona al Elche? Ahora difícil, pero no imposible

La posibilidad la lanzó el jueves Pipi Estrada en 'El Chiringuito': Diego Maradona podría venir a España a entrenar al Elche. ¿Por qué? Cristian Bragarnick, uno de los representantes más influyente del fútbol argentino y que lleva ahora mismo al 'Diez', está cerca de cerrar la compra del Elche. Entre sus representados se encuentra 'El Pelusa', al que ha llevado a Dorados y a Gimnasia de La Plata.

29 Nov 13:27 MARCA 5656811532632238990.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Business

The corporate heavyweights speaking up on social issues: Atlassian boss Mike Cannon-Brookes, Qantas head Alan Joyce and retiring BHP CEO Andrew Mackenzie. Plus: our whistleblowers, and Melanie Perkins.

29 Nov 13:21 Brisbane Times 2314609339908001893.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Business

The corporate heavyweights speaking up on social issues: Atlassian boss Mike Cannon-Brookes, Qantas head Alan Joyce and retiring BHP CEO Andrew Mackenzie. Plus: our whistleblowers, and Melanie Perkins.

29 Nov 13:21 The Age 7967730562888929381.html
This story has legs: Cambodia ‘bug cafe’ serves up insect tapas

Ant spring rolls, silkworm taro croquettes and a

29 Nov 13:21 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200827523138.html
O echipă de medici din Sankt Petersburg a postat poze cu un dildo gigant extras din colonul unui pacient. Ce a urmat e halucinant

O echipă de medici din Sankt-Petersburg au fost mustraţi disciplinar, pentru ce au publicat poze şi video de la o intervenţie chirurgicală de extragere a unui falos uriaș din colonul unui bărbat, relatează presa rusă.Un locuitor din Sankt Petersburg a fos

29 Nov 11:23 PUBLIKA 1679939814921972545.html
Irak: Sistani appelle à remplacer le gouvernement après une journée sanglante

Le grand ayatollah Ali Sistani, figure tutélaire de la politique irakienne, a appelé vendredi à remplacer le gouvernement au lendemain d’une des journées les plus sanglantes en deux mois de contestation déjà marqués par plus de 400 morts. Le dignitaire chiite de 89 ans apporte ainsi pour la première fois clairement son soutien –nécessaire pour […]

29 Nov 12:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092585900274552.html
Así luce Quake 2 RTX tras su última actualización que mejora el Ray Tracing

Quake 2 RTX fue uno de esos proyectos que Nvidia empleó para dar cuenta de la tecnología de trazado de rayos, o Ray Tracing. Una tecnología convertida en referencia que, según cómo lo decida la desarrolladora, puede aplicarse para muchos fines diferentes. Pero no fue el caso de la remasterización de Quake 2. El juego que vio la luz en 1997 se convirtió en referente del desarrollo de juegos de Ray Tracing con este remake que usaba todas las herramientas posibles de esta tecnología. Es la mejor demostración de cómo se puede llegar a hacer valer un juego con Ray Tracing. Ahora, podemos ver cómo luce Quake 2 RTX tras su última actualización que mejora el Ray Tracing.

29 Nov 15:22 SomosXbox 4635940034003872858.html
Caso Diego de Holguín: 12 años de prisión para exministro de Obras Públicas, Jorge Nieto, por malversación de fondos

Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió que un tercero se apropiara de fondos del Estado. Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió que un tercero se apropiara de fondos del Estado. Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió que un tercero se apropiara de fondos del Estado. Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió que un tercero se apropiara de fondos del Estado. Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió que un tercero se apropiara de fondos del Estado. Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió que un tercero se apropiara de fondos del Estado. Nieto además deberá pagar $12.9 millones por responsabilidad civil, pues el tribunal consideró permitió…

29 Nov 12:23 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957188838434740.html
FC Bayern: Präsident Herbert Hainer kündigt Zurückhaltung an - "Reporter werden Uli Hoeneß vermissen"

Seit zwei Wochen ist Herbert Hainer als Präsident beim FC Bayern im Amt. Nun äußerte sich der Nachfolger von Klub-Legende Uli Hoeneß zu seiner neuen Rolle. Im Gegensatz zu seinem Vorgänger wolle Hainer öffentlich deutlich zurückhaltender kommunizieren.

29 Nov 12:49 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775031582714.html
Cyber Monday : des promos plus alléchantes que pour le Black Friday ?

Si vous n’aimez pas faire les boutiques avant Noël, le Cyber Monday de ce lundi 2 décembre 2019 pourrait être une belle occasion de préparer vos cadeaux bien au chaud… A condition toutefois de savoir repérer les vraies bonnes affaires.   

29 Nov 13:51 FranceSoir 2214281691058763683.html
Oppo Reno3 Pro bi mogao biti najtanji 5G telefon

Potpredsednik kompanije Oppo je sada istakao da će Reno3 Pro 5G implementirati 4025mAh bateriju

29 Nov 11:30 Benchmark 6730898462397563184.html
Hyderabad devotee donates ₹1.10 crore to TTD trust

A devotee from Hyderabad, M. Devander Raju, on Friday donated ₹1.10 crore to the TTD’s Sri Venkateswara Annaprasadam Trust. A demand draft for the amount was handed over to the Tirumala-based TTD Addi

29 Nov 12:48 The Hindu 6679535025481371508.html
Vilalta, sobre les negociacions amb el PSOE: "Ahir vam sentir la música de Pedralbes"

Asens adverteix que l'acord és "fràgil" i demana als republicans "prudència i fugir del tacticisme"

29 Nov 11:28 Ara.cat 6070605020721375470.html
Vilalta, sobre les negociacions amb el PSOE: "Ahir vam sentir la música de Pedralbes"

Asens adverteix que l'acord és "fràgil" i demana als republicans "prudència i fugir del tacticisme"

29 Nov 11:28 Ara.cat 6070605020163417117.html
Is League of Legends’ next champion Sett? Some fans think so

A juggernaut named Sett may be League of Legends' next champion

29 Nov 11:51 PCGamesN 7890463382470833755.html
Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Mutilvera - Corellano

Jornada 15 de la Tercera División: previa del duelo Mutilvera - Corellano

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897970233061193.html
Juez dicta prisión preventiva para José Carlos Tuárez, expresidente del Cpccs

Juez Marco Guerra dictó la mañana de este viernes 29 de noviembre del 2019 prisión preventiva en contra de José Carlos Tuárez, expresidente del Consejo de Participación Ciudadana y Control Social (Cpccs) y otros 26 investigados por presunta asociación ilícita. Además, dispuso medidas cautelares para otros 6 procesados.

29 Nov 11:28 El Comercio 2865024640063889837.html
Mama Luizei Melencu a fost azi la Cotroceni! Mesajul pentru Klaus Iohannis

Mama Luizei Melencu a venit, vineri, la Palatul Cotroceni, pentru a se întâlni cu un consilier al președintelui Klaus Iohannis. Monica Melencu a spus că

29 Nov 14:53 Cancan.ro 636482384948488952.html
Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie: Decyzja sędziego Juszczyszyna pozostaje w mocy. Kancelaria Sejmu ma czas do wtorku​

Niezależnie od wszczętego dziś przez rzecznika dyscyplinarnego postępowania wobec sędziego Pawła Juszczyszyna oraz zawieszenia go w obowiązkach przez prezesa olsztyńskiego SO - jego decyzja dotycząca Kancelarii Sejmu pozostaje w mocy. - Postanowienie jest prawomocne i nie podlega zaskarżeniu - mówi nam sędzia Agnieszka Żegarska, rzeczniczka sądu. Sędzia podkreśla, że Kancelaria Sejmu ma do wtorku czas na przesłanie list poparcia do KRS.

29 Nov 14:50 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535862542817.html
PSD acuză ”experimentele sociale” ale PNL în stabilirea salariului minim pe economie: Modelul propus, prin raportare la productivitatea muncii şi rata inflaţiei, va avea un impact negativ în societate

PSD a transmis, vineri, un comunicat de presă în care acuză ”experimente sociale” pe care le face PNL în stabilirea salariului minim pe economie şi afirmă că modelul propus, prin raportare la productivitatea muncii şi rata inflaţiei, ”va avea un impact negativ în societate”. În plus, social-democraţii susţin că eliminarea salariului minim diferenţiat în funcţie de studii ”este o abordare specifică regimurilor comuniste”, precizând că şase state din UE au salarii minime diferenţiate.

29 Nov 12:08 News.ro 1785173096894594756.html
Protejata lui Darius Vâlcov, demisă de la conducerea Institutului Clinic Fundeni. Adriana Cotel a stat în funcţie mai puţin de o lună

Adriana Cotel, managerul Institutului Clinic Fundeni, a fost demisă, potrivit unor surse medicale, citate de Agerpres.

29 Nov 12:09 romaniatv.net 4505369227214229556.html
CADE 2019: MEF exhorta a dar un sentido de urgencia al cierre de brechas sociales

La ministra de Economía y Finanzas, María Antonieta Alva, exhortó hoy a los empresarios presentes en CADE Ejecutivos 2019 a que se sumen a la urgencia del cierre de las brechas sociales en el país.

29 Nov 11:07 andina.pe 9054036848373829561.html
Bakan Albayrak duyurdu! Yerli reyting şirketimiz kuruldu

Son dakika haberine göre; Hazine ve Maliye Bakanı Berat Albayrak, "Yerli reyting şirketimiz, BIST ve Bankalar Birliği ortak girişimi ile kuruldu." açıklamasında bulundu.

29 Nov 13:21 A Haber 6599891595590162695.html
Så kan bryggeriernas gamla spannmål bli till kolnanorör

Med några få kemiska steg förvandlas överblivet korn från öltillverkning till aktivt kol och kolnanorör. Enligt universitetet bakom processen kan den förädla mängder av spill från jordbruket.

29 Nov 10:00 Ny Teknik 4280928731902231606.html
Black Friday: ¿qué es y cómo aprovecharlo desde Argentina?

La jornada de mayor consumo en EEUU se llevará a cabo este viernes. Desde la Argentina se puede comprar online.

29 Nov 10:26 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131159214460097.html
Survey: AMD CPUs preferred by 60% of Europeans

When asked about the next desktop processor they intended to buy, the 10,000 respondents who take part in the survey expressed a preference for AMD, with 60 percent choosing the company over Intel.

29 Nov 15:10 TechSpot 7732733961666223393.html
Treviso, 17enne scomparsa chiama casa: "Sto bene". La mamma: "L'hanno costretta"

Dopo giorni di silenzio, Letizia Diana David ha chiamato la sua famiglia Treviso: "Ritirate la denuncia". La madre non le crede: "È stata costretta"

29 Nov 10:27 ilGiornale.it 5019541224459285538.html
Japan: Unannounced Capcom game(s) to be playable at Jump Festa 2020 next month

Capcom will be allowing attendees to play at least one unannounced title and possibly more at this year’s Jump Festa 2020. Naturally many excitable gamers online have been guessing which titl…

29 Nov 12:15 My Nintendo News 1055834753647331775.html
2020 Mitsubishi Mirage, G4 look even better in person

We head to Thailand and get up close with the 2020 Mirage and Mirage G4 at Thailand International Motor Expo

29 Nov 11:36 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447538319254.html
Tragedia en Lezama: el fiscal aseguró que tiene “elementos” para imputar al chofer

Alberto Maldonado (48) quedó detenido el jueves por el delito de homicidio culposo. Se investiga una posible distracción o que se haya quedado dormido. Murieron dos nenas. 

29 Nov 12:22 La Voz 6237180762094551999.html
40 Mio. Euro genehmigt: Bundestag beschließt Förderung von Zeitungszustellung für 2020

Der Bundestag hat die viel diskutierte 40-Millionen-Euro-Hilfe für Zeitungsverlage am Freitag beschlossen. Der Betrag soll für die Zustellung von Abonnementzeitungen und Anzeigenblättern bereitgestellt werden. Nun braucht es allerdings noch ein Gesamtkonzept zur Förderung.

29 Nov 14:49 MEEDIA 2574484877904795805.html
FC Bruges: des bisbilles avec son coach, Mbaye Diagne veut retourne...

Son aventure avec le club belge tourne au fiasco après que l’attaquant sénégalais Mbaye Diagne ait décidé de chiper le penalty à Vanaken contre le PSG, avant de le rater. Depuis cett...

29 Nov 10:27 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368865164698.html
Formel 1 in Abu Dhabi 2019 im Live-Stream und TV: 2. Freies Training vom GP von Abu Dhabi heute live verfolgen

In der Formel 1 steht in diesem Jahr bereits die 70. Weltmeisterschaft an. Von März bis Dezember 2019 müssen sich die Fahrer auf den insgesamt 21 Strecken beweisen, um am Ende als Weltmeister hervorzugehen. Nach dem Rennen in den USA hat sich Lewis Hamilton seinen sechsten WM-Titel gesichert. An diesem Wochenende steht das letzte Rennen, der Große Preis von Abu Dhabi, auf dem Yas Marina Circuit auf dem Programm. Wie Sie die Freien Trainings, Qualifying und das Rennen vom 29.11. bis 1.12.2019 im Live-Stream und TV sehen, erfahren Sie hier. Für aktuelle Informationen klicken Sie hier.

29 Nov 12:27 news.de 5126378978324720189.html
Formel 1 in Abu Dhabi 2019 im Live-Stream und TV: 3. Freies Training vom GP von Abu Dhabi heute live verfolgen

In der Formel 1 steht in diesem Jahr bereits die 70. Weltmeisterschaft an. Von März bis Dezember 2019 müssen sich die Fahrer auf den insgesamt 21 Strecken beweisen, um am Ende als Weltmeister hervorzugehen. Nach dem Rennen in den USA hat sich Lewis Hamilton seinen sechsten WM-Titel gesichert. An diesem Wochenende steht das letzte Rennen, der Große Preis von Abu Dhabi, auf dem Yas Marina Circuit auf dem Programm. Wie Sie die Freien Trainings, Qualifying und das Rennen vom 29.11. bis 1.12.2019 im Live-Stream und TV sehen, erfahren Sie hier. Für aktuelle Informationen klicken Sie hier.

29 Nov 15:53 news.de 5126378978403152385.html
Pidieron 6 años de cárcel para el cordobés Milani por la desaparición del soldado Ledo

La querella que representa a la familia del soldado, desaparecido en 1976, solicitó esa pena para el exjefe del Ejército.

29 Nov 10:35 La Voz 6237180760316783536.html
Policía no capturó a soldado que apoyó públicamente el Paro Nacional

En redes sociales circula una denuncia ciudadana en la que se confundió al soldado César Andrés Mena Zuñiga con otro miembro del Ejército

29 Nov 15:01 W Radio 7724358829736362838.html
Começam saques do FGTS para não correntistas nascidos em Agosto

Começam hoje (29) os saques do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (FGTS) para os não correntistas da Caixa nascidos em Agosto. O valor máximo do saque é de 500 reais e o prazo para sacar vai até…

29 Nov 14:28 Band News FM Curitiba 996218258473612113.html
Textile parks grow at snail's pace; only 22 out of 59 projects completed so far

Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP) provides support for creating good textile infrastructure, with the government granting up to 40 per cent of the project cost

29 Nov 14:18 Business Today 1145527432600569546.html
Powinniśmy zlikwidować klasę biznes czy tanie linie lotnicze?

Loty biznes czy tanie loty? Opinie o tym, co jest większym trucicielem, są podzielona i zależą od miejsca siedzenia wydającego je.

29 Nov 15:18 Spider's Web 6426504857042855171.html
Sondaggi politici, continua il calo della Lega: -1,2% in due settimane

La Lega guidata da Matteo Salvini è registrata in forte calo negli ultimi sondaggi dell'Istituto Index Research diffusi dal programma Piazza Pulita su La7. La perdita di consenso del Carroccio viene in parte compensata dalla crescita dei partner di coalizione, che tuttavia non riescono a compensare pienamente il calo.

29 Nov 10:30 fanpage.it 1517332168166569887.html
Smartwatch ou Smartband – Qual escolher nesta Black Friday?

O dia hoje está ao rubro com promoções e descontos por todos os cantos da Internet. E porque queremos que faça boas compras, sem pressas e sem impulsos, se procura um smartwatch ou uma smartband, temos algumas sugestões para si. Conheça estas 5 opções, com descontos, claro!

29 Nov 13:30 Pplware 5187268351259309562.html
Iohannis va participa marți și miercuri la Reuniunea NATO la Nivel Înalt

Președintele Klaus Iohannis va participa, în perioada 3-4 decembrie, la Reuniunea NATO la Nivel Înalt care se va desfășura la Londra, urmând...

29 Nov 14:51 Stiri pe surse 4858045013554036728.html
Retraites : Delevoye recevra tous les syndicats d'ici au 5 décembre

Le haut-commissaire aux Retraites Jean-Paul Delevoye recevra "toutes les organisations syndicales entre maintenant et le 5 décembre", a-t-il déclaré vendredi matin sur la chaîne LCI.

29 Nov 10:04 LaProvence 1839381421910536750.html
Así puedes descargar hasta 100 series y películas de Netflix en tu PC

Cómo descargar gratis series y películas en Netflix en PC. Baja el contenido de Netflix que quieras para verlo sin conexión.

29 Nov 11:00 ADSLZone 3760867498294658649.html
Convention entre les ingénieurs géomètres topographes marocains et sénégalais

  Une convention spécifique a été signée, vendredi à Dakar, entre l’Ordre National des Ingénieurs Géomètres Topographes du Maroc et l’Ordre National des Géomètres Experts du Sénégal visant le renforcement des capacités et la formation des géomètres topographes sénégalais. Ce document, qui fait suite à la convention cadre signée entre les deux parties en 2015, a été paraphé par le président du conseil national de l’ONIGT, Khalid Yousfi et le président de l’ONGES, MMamadou Ndir. En vertu de cette convention, signée en marge des huitièmes universités de la Fédération des Géomètres Francophones , qui se tiennent dans la capitale sénégalaise, un programme de renforcement de capacités a été élaboré pour l’année 2020 au profit des géomètres topographes sénégalais, alors que des sessions de formation seront programmées selon un calendrier bien défini. Ainsi, en février et avril 2020 des experts marocains feront le déplacement à Dakar afin d’animer des formations sur les techniques de co-propriété et la procédure de levé…

29 Nov 13:00 LesEco.ma 3084334526750846383.html
La CNMV admite a trámite la OPA de Six sobre BME

La admisión a trámite de la solicitud no supone ningún pronunciamiento sobre la resolución relativa a la autorización de la oferta

29 Nov 11:41 El Confidencial 6129807548827251850.html
Form 3 Student Stabs Girl 10 times, Dumps Body

The gruesome crime is said to have been committed after the suspect lured the victim to...

29 Nov 10:24 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154980790887.html
West Ham : Manuel Pellegrini a deux matches pour sauver sa tête

Mal embarqué en Premier League avec une 17e place (13 pts) après 13 journées, West Ham vit un début de saison compliqué. Et c’est Manuel Pellegrini qui est pointé du doigt. En effet, le management de (...)

29 Nov 10:45 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900179516711216.html
Las críticas de Dani Alves al Sao Paulo

El Sao Paulo se encuentra bastante lejos de la primera plaza en la Liga Brasileña. El Flamengo (actual campeón de la Copa Libertadores) es el líder indiscutible con 84 puntos, a dieciséis del (...)

29 Nov 12:41 Fichajes 157935406913653859.html
Amazon - SSD-Festplatten in allen Größen am Black Friday stark reduziert

Der Black Friday ist gestartet und trumpft noch den ganzen Tag mit den spannendsten Rabattaktionen auf. Sogar Festplatten befinden sich im Sortiment von Amazon, die sehr stark reduziert wurden. 

29 Nov 11:03 PlayNation 4622181944749876585.html
Arsenal : les premiers mots de Fredrik Ljungberg

Coup de tonnerre à Londres ! Empêtré dans une série infernale de mauvais résultats (7 matches sans victoire), la défaite contre l’Eintracht Francfort (2-1) en Europa League, aura été fatale à Unai (...)

29 Nov 14:15 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900179300565976.html
Conor O’Shea to work alongside Eddie Jones in ‘wide-ranging’ RFU role

O’Shea stepped down from the Italy head coach role after the recent World Cup and will start his new post at Twickenham next year.

29 Nov 11:36 Express & Star 7324224459754340039.html
Spill It: How much a 32-year-old fashion buyer from Hitchin drinks in a week

'Stumble in at 1.15am… remember to down two pints of water, take two ibuprofen and set three alarms for work tomorrow… this should be fun!'

29 Nov 11:01 Metro 970161747760121791.html
La CNMV admite a trámite la OPA de Six sobre BME

La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) ha admitido a trámite la oferta pública de adquisición de acciones (OPA) formulada por Six Group sobre...

29 Nov 11:28 Europa Press 4702666149548080817.html
Power Rangers dançam funk de Valesca e cantora tem reação impressionante

Valesca foi surpreendida com um vídeo em sua rede social colocando integrantes do Power Rangers dançando o seu mais novo hit, Furduncinho. A funkeira pediu a ajuda dos seguidores para saber se o vídeo era real.

29 Nov 11:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125212403238870.html
PiS chce z opozycją zmienić konstytucję z powodu afery Banasia? Grzegorz Schetyna reaguje

"Plan B" obozu rządzącego ma zakładać - jak pisał dziś dziennikarz Onetu Andrzej Gajcy - w przypadku niepodania się Mariana Banasia do dymisji, oznacza zmianę konstytucji. Lider PO dał już jednak do zrozumienia, że obóz PiS nie może tu liczyć na Platformę.

29 Nov 13:39 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535795620084.html
Paro en la Línea B por agresión a trabajadores

Será levantado "a más tardar al mediodía", anunció un metrodelegado  

29 Nov 12:06 BAE Negocios 6030502150006853601.html
Último adiós al alcalde 'transformador': "Deja una huella imborrable en todos nosotros"

Pereiró despidió ayer a Manoel Soto, recordado como un 'amigo cercano, singular y cariñoso'

29 Nov 14:06 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578146780372.html
Wetter-Experte kündigt Schnee an - So sind die Aussichten für Hessen 

Am Wochenende fällt laut einem Wetter-Experten Schnee. Wie die Aussichten für Hessen sind, erfahren Sie hier. 

29 Nov 15:07 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323514323354.html
Thais Carla posa completamente sem roupa em banheira: “Se amar revoluciona”

A bailarina subiu e temperatura na web

29 Nov 11:00 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428608163620.html
‘Tenders called for installation of CCTV cameras in 745 stations’

Crime Prevention and Detection Squads set up at major stations: SCR official

29 Nov 14:15 The Hindu 6679535024547606174.html
Pfizer, Flynn face reinstatement of £90m CMA fine

The UK’s competition regulator is pushing to reinstate a £90m fine for Pfizer and Flynn Pharma – quashed last year – over price hikes for an epilepsy drug.

29 Nov 10:59 PMLive 7773534727833721314.html
These are the latest 108 megapixel camera smartphones – Techjaja

Here are the current 108 megapixel phones you can buy or to soon be launched. We have seen megapixel (mp) push in smartphone cameras

29 Nov 10:25 Techjaja 8656724908119851550.html
‘Two penises kissing passionately’ – Twitter hammers Crusaders’ logo fail

The franchise had to develop a new one after the mosque shootings in Christchurch earlier this year.

29 Nov 12:40 The Citizen 410802301934844597.html
Najbardziej tragiczny finał libacji na oczach małych dzieci. Koszmarne doniesienia z polskiego miasta

Dzieci wszystko widziały. W czasie libacji alkoholowej doszło do potwornej tragedii.

29 Nov 12:02 Pikio 8360016136947137714.html
El tiempo: Día fresco y escasas lluvias

Durante la madrugada las temperaturas mínimas tendrán valores entre 17 y 20 grados Celsius, inferiores en algunas localidades del interior y superiores en zonas costeras. El día será fresco, con t

29 Nov 10:01 Cubadebate 7978633340491015690.html
Walt Harris posts emotional reaction to loss of Aniah Blanchard — ‘Nothing makes sense and I’m so lost’

Walt Harris Instagram releases statement on loss of his stepdaughter, Aniah Blanchard, who was kidnapped and killed last month in Alabama.

29 Nov 14:01 MMAmania.com 5892512946859628402.html
Tonka Tomicic saca del panel de "Bienvenidos" a Hermógenes Pérez de Arce

La animadora Tonka Tomicic intervino luego de que Hermógenes Pérez de Arce dijera que los DDHH no eran lo más importante.

29 Nov 14:12 Publimetro Chile 2498685481882524958.html
Aston Villa boss Smith says job is ‘everything he wanted’

The boyhood Villa fan joined the club in October last year.

29 Nov 15:52 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775110981077.html
Aston Villa boss Smith says job is ‘everything he wanted’

The boyhood Villa fan joined the club in October last year.

29 Nov 15:50 Express & Star 7324224460782010691.html
Situation politique au Cameroun: déclaration commune de la mission tripartite UA, OIF et du Commonwealth

Une mission tripartite de l’Union africaine, de l’Organisation internationale de la francophonie et du Commonwealth a séjourné du 26 au 28 novembre à Yaoundé au Cameroun. Elle s’est penchée sur la situation politique du pays avec les résolutions issues du dialogue politique. A lire aussi: Cameroun-législatives et municipales 2020: une ONG internationale exige le report […]

29 Nov 12:22 BENIN WEB TV 2309962356622467509.html
El PP mantendrá su 'no' a Sánchez "hasta el final" aunque suponga ir a terceras elecciones

El Partido Popular mantendrá su 'no' a una investidura de Pedro Sánchez "hasta el final", incluso si ello supone la convocatoria de unas terceras elecciones para formar gobierno, según fuentes del partido.

29 Nov 12:42 RTVE.es 8332346889330192077.html
SMRT U PORODICI DRAGOJEVIĆ: Preminula je VAŽNA FIGURA u životu Dejana i Davida!

Kako portal Pink.rs saznaje, deda braće Dragojević, Dejana i Davida preminuo je danas. Dejan je aktuelni učesnik najgledanijeg rijalitija u regionu, dok je njegov brat David bio učesnik druge sezone “Zadruge”. Još nije poznat tačan uzrok smrti člana porodice poznate braće, a zna se samo da su obojica za njega bili veoma vezani. Podsetimo, njih

29 Nov 14:30 Scandal! 7263437857093811508.html
¡Triunfo de los Bears en Ford Field! Los Lions sucumbieron en Día de Acción de Gracias

Chicago vino de atrás para vencer a Detroit y dejar su marca en 6-6

29 Nov 12:02 FOX Sports 4183701943516987530.html
Bejelentve a To the Moon 3: Impostor Factory

A To the Moon az utóbbi évek egyik legjobb indie kalandja volt, így nagy örömünkre szolgál továbbítani nektek a nagy hírt, miszerint a...

29 Nov 14:47 Game Channel 1134422202030990072.html
2 People Were Killed and 25 Were Injured throughout the Country Just for the Last 24 Hours

Two were killed and 25 were injured in the 22 accidents that occurred in the country last night. This was reported by the Ministry of Interior.

29 Nov 13:17 novinite.com 4235039570855950205.html
Terra possui uma 'segunda Lua'

O 3753 Cruithne é um satélite quase orbital que possui um movimento chamado de 'órbita ferradura' ao redor do Sistema Solar

29 Nov 12:34 Olhar Digital 416591714901770744.html
Don't drown in Black Friday sales. Here are 5 unique deals.

These gear picks will make your home, office and free-time hours a little more efficient and fun—plus there's a killer app for when you're ready for a vacation.

29 Nov 10:00 Big Think 4029779668973738488.html
La ANMAT prohibió la venta de una mezcla de harina y de dos marcas de manteca

En todo el territorio nacional La Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) prohibió la comercialización de una mezcla de harina y de una manteca, por no cumplir con las normas alimentarias vigentes según se publica este viernes  en el Boletín Oficial.

29 Nov 11:08 El Litoral 2624573357859815482.html
Best Windows 10 apps this week

Three-hundred-and-sixty-three in a series. Welcome to this week's overview of the best apps, games and extensions released for Windows 10 on the Microsoft Store in the past seven days.

29 Nov 12:35 BetaNews 3764252314589530200.html
Quand la folie du Black Friday s'empare de la Lorraine

"La folie du Black Friday s'empare de la Lorraine": les images font déjà la tour des réseaux sociaux.

29 Nov 10:41 RTL 5minutes 5295111944604344705.html
El millonario negocio de piratear tu TV: qué es (y cómo funciona) la IPTV ilegal

Nuevos informes demuestran que las descargas ilegales clásicas no paran de bajar, pero otro negocio asoma con más fuerza. Miles de usuarios ven contenidos gratis aprovechando esta tecnología

29 Nov 12:30 El Confidencial 6129807549149249646.html
Black Friday: Latam realiza promoção para destinos nacionais e internacionais

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

29 Nov 12:50 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987748545504.html
Premierul Orban, întrevedere cu liderii USR-PLUS: S-a discutat despre alegerea primarilor în două tururi de scrutin

Premierul Ludovic Orban s-a întâlnit, vineri, cu liderii USR-PLUS, Dan Barna și Dacian Cioloș. Principalul punct pe ordinea de zi a fost alegerea primarilor în două tururi de scrutin. Liderii USR PLUS și pre...

29 Nov 12:38 B1 TV 3840305876503383560.html
Microsoft Surface Pro 7, análisis: la lucha por ser el convertible a batir está más igualada que nunca

La anterior revisión de este convertible pasó por nuestro laboratorio hace relativamente poco tiempo. A principios de 2019 tuvimos la oportunidad de analizar...

29 Nov 11:01 Xataka 4719855497437376066.html
A un año de AMLO sigue corrupción sindical en SUTERM-CFE

Pese a los buenos prop&oacute;sitos del primer mandatario Andr&eacute;s Manuel L&oacute;pez Obrador y las reformas laborales, los caciques sindicales siguen haciendo de las suyas para perpetuarse en el poder y seguir enriqueci&eacute;ndose con las cuotas y contratos que trafican.

29 Nov 14:56 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624343185958.html
Warten auf Trump – den Helden, das Idol

Trotz Impeachment-Verfahren hat sein Ansehen bei den Fans kaum gelitten. Das zeigt ein Besuch an einer Rally in Florida.

29 Nov 12:51 SRF 8424707179781644766.html
Natalia Téllez lució FLORES entre sus piernas ¡Arde Televisa! (FOTOS)

La conductora Natalia T&eacute;llez ha dejado enamorados a sus seguidores con una atrevida posen en donde deja ver flores entre sus piernas y ha hecho arder las redes sociales.

29 Nov 13:21 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623083553266.html
'The band is back' - Dunphy, Giles and Brady set for TV reunion

The trio will be part of Premier Sports’ soccer coverage over the Christmas period.

29 Nov 13:05 The42 5369852630378917811.html
“In ‘Dabaang3’, Bollywood Has Insulted Hindus, Again; Will It Dare Take On Other Faiths,” Asks An Upset Twitter

The movie stars Salman Khan. 

29 Nov 15:14 Swarajya 4977622830332705729.html
Droits TV LdC : Mediapro crie au scandale

Les premières indiscrétions sur l’obtention des droits de diffusion de la Ligue des champions sur la période 2021-2024 sont apparues dans la matinée. Ce midi, beIN Sports confirmait via un communiqué (...)

29 Nov 12:03 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900179684792758.html
Designers on Sports Direct rebrand: “You can’t simply gift-wrap gaffes”

Sports Direct International will rebrand as Frasers Group, subject to a shareholders’ vote. The unusual move for a FTSE 250 company follows a series of scandals about the group’s governance as well as working conditions at Sports Direct stores. Owner Mike Ashley has also expressed a desire to elevate the group’s image, planning to rebrand some House of Fraser stores as luxury lifestyle concept shops, for example. Is this an effective branding strategy for the retailing group, and how can it position itself better for modern consumer tastes?

29 Nov 15:52 Design Week 9211635613709190574.html
Beli yang Mana, vivo S1 Pro atau realme 5s?

Ada dua smartphone kelas menengah yang baru secara resmi melenggang di pasar Indonesia. Keduanya adalah vivo S1 Pro dan realme 5s. Menariknya, keduanya datang dengan SoC yang sama, yakni Snapdragon 665. Jadi, tertarik beli yang mana?

29 Nov 13:15 DroidLime 2345565947883270556.html
'Dazed and Confused' Director Richard Linklater: Trump Avoids War So He 'Can’t Just Watch TV and Tweet'

Donald Trump’s “malignant narcissism” is the only thing stopping the US president plunging the country into a foreign war, according to cult American director Richard Linklater. 

29 Nov 15:45 Breitbart 3148363491386210739.html
Una prueba de orina en casa podría revolucionar la detección del cáncer de próstata

Una simple prueba de orina actualmente en desarrollo para la detección del cáncer de próstata ahora puede usar muestras de orina recolectadas en el hogar, según una nueva investigación de la Universidad de East Anglia y el Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, en Reino Unido.

29 Nov 15:35 infosalus.com 2582575541013890525.html
Daily Mail owner buys rival the i for nearly £50m

Daily Mail and General Trust chairman Lord Rothermere said the publication was ‘highly respected’ and generating plenty of cash.

29 Nov 11:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773632865830.html
Londres: deux morts dans une attaque au couteau, le suspect tué

Une attaque à l’arme blanche a eu lieu ce vendredi à London Bridge, à Londres. Deux personnes sont mortes, en plus du suspect tué par les forces de l' ...

29 Nov 15:42 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802460410012575.html
Sheriff: Man Did ‘Suicide by Cop’ After Wife’s Recent Passing from Cancer

The death of a 60-year-old man in Florida appeared to be suicide by cop, said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd on Friday.

29 Nov 15:58 Law & Crime 7990899036364554961.html
Caminhões tombam com chuva e Inmet reforça alerta de temporal

Uma pessoa ficou presa às ferragens em acidente na BR-158 entre Cassilândia e Paranaíba, na manhã desta sexta-feira (29). Segundo o Corpo de Bombeiros, chovia muito no momento em que dois caminhões tombaram. As equipes de socorro se deslocaram para o local e ainda não há informação sobre o estado de saúde das vítimas. Em Paranaíba, distante 422 quilômetros de Campo Grande, a chuva começou por volt...

29 Nov 11:16 Campo Grande News 7902463001707633839.html
Nazi partisi kuracaklardı

İtalya'da polis iki yıldır sürdürdüğü soruşturmanın ardından Nazi partisi kurma hazırlığındaki bir gruba ülke çapında operasyon düzenledi.

29 Nov 14:07 OLAY 7935247625826344787.html
¿Quieres un móvil rugerizado barato? Llévatelo por el Black Friday de Ulefone

Las ofertas de Black Friday de Ulefone ya están disponibles. Si quieres comprar un móvil todoterreno barato, entonces no te pierdas estas ofertas.

29 Nov 14:11 Androidphoria 3647729878398148363.html
BJP opposes move to keep open ‘Vaikuntha Dwaram’ for 10 days

TTD is tampering with time-tested practice, alleges Madhav

29 Nov 13:42 The Hindu 6679535025041467701.html
Sky, Ugolini: "Segnali di disgelo, ma club resta fermo sull'ordine non rispettato"

Nel corso di Kiss Kiss Napoli è intervenuto il giornalista Sky, Massimo Ugolini

29 Nov 13:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081229178370.html
Clubul Charlton Athletic, cumărat de un grup de investitori din Abu Dhabi

Clubul engelz Charlton Athletic, nou-promovat în Championship, va fi cumpărat de un grup de investitori din Abu Dhabi, East Street Investments, informează BBC.

29 Nov 14:17 News.ro 1785173096586732658.html
"Beaucoup trop tôt pour envisager une reprise des discussions" avec les USA, pour les talibans

Les talibans ont jugé prématuré vendredi de parler d'une reprise des pourparlers avec les Etats-Unis interrompus en septembre, comme l'a...

29 Nov 11:15 La Libre 2304109936172696620.html
Cork City release new home shirt for 2020

It was unveiled today by midfielder Gearoid Morrissey and Ireland women’s international Eabha O’Mahony.

29 Nov 12:19 The42 5369852630260410724.html
Noël: Comment choisir et cuisiner la truffe?

De Laurent Gerra à Samuel Le Bihan en passant par feu Charles Aznavour, dont l'huile d'olive est encore inscrite à la carte, le Tout-Paris a ses habitudes au restaurant "Le Petit Pergolèse", situé non loin des Champs-Elysées, tenu par Albert Corre,...

29 Nov 15:00 RTBF Tendance 2262420855827060396.html
27-letnica z »zlizanimi« pnevmatikami povzročila prometno nesrečo

Policisti PP Rače so v četrtek, 28. novembra, ob 16.35 na regionalni cesti v Bohovi obravnavali prometno nesrečo v kateri so bila udeležena tri osebna vozila. V prometni nesreči je nastala materilana škoda, na srečo pa nihče ni bil telesno poškodovan. Prometno nesrečo je zaradi neprimerne hitrosti povzročila ...

29 Nov 14:35 Prlekija on net 5500439796301543652.html
Irak : le Premier ministre annonce sa démission, après deux mois de contestation contre le pouvoir et un bilan de plus de 400 morts

Le bilan des deux mois de contestation inédite contre le pouvoir politique a dépassé les 400 morts, indiquent l'AFP et Reuters, citant des sources médicales et policières.

29 Nov 13:12 Franceinfo 1060532880317808892.html
Chi è Youma Diakite: età, compagno, stalker, vita privata e carriera

Youma Diakitè è una delle modelle più belle e conosciute del panorama italiano ed internazionale,

29 Nov 11:36 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460639669107.html
Best Selfie Camera Phones of 2019 Picked by DxOMark - Gizchina.com

Here are the Best Selfie Camera Phones of 2019 according to renown camera-focused website DxOMark. The list includes the Samsung..

29 Nov 11:24 Gizchina 5392375275914516063.html
L.Williamsas lieka K.Maksvyčio auklėtiniu iki sezono pabaigos

Ado Juškevičiaus ir Eigirdo Žukausko atstovaujama ir Kazio Maksvyčio treniruojama Permės Parma ekipa savo gretose iki sezono pabaigos pasiliko gerai...

29 Nov 12:48 krepsinis.net 8057069484543127902.html
Sidor: The case for Code of Honor as 3-year-old champ

Horse Racing news: Sidor: The case for Code of Honor as 3-year-old champ.

29 Nov 10:47 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535264338081.html
Bollywood Actor Arshad Warsi adds an adventure motorcycle to his fleet - buys the BMW F 750 GS

Shahrukh Khan was seen on the BMW G310R giving safety tips and encouraging safe-riding.

29 Nov 12:15 OVERDRIVE 7781473803205391976.html
Las protestas en Irán, que causaron 7 mil arrestos y 143 muertes, vislumbran un futuro violento

Incluso entre los de línea dura en Irán, parece haber un reconocimiento de un hecho después de las protestas generalizadas.

29 Nov 11:26 Noticias de Israel 5887715888846091714.html
Międzynarodowe uderzenie w cyberprzestępczość. Chodzi o groźne oprogramowanie

Międzynarodowe uderzenie w cyberprzestępczość z udziałem polskiej policji i prokuratury, koordynowane przez Europol i Eurojust. Zabezpieczono 170 elektronicznych nośników danych, które będą badane przez biegłych informatyków.

29 Nov 12:25 RMF24 3758900157345426179.html
Die besten Deals im Live-Ticker

Ab 15 Uhr startet der Live-Ticker für die besten Black-Friday-Deals. Los geht's mit der Schnäppchenjagd!

29 Nov 14:03 Bild 8433249909133910705.html
Plácido Domingo: «Nunca me he comportado de modo acosador, agresivo y vulgar»

El cantante madrileño habla para ABC después de las acusaciones de acoso sexual publicadas por una agencia de noticias

29 Nov 15:10 ABC.es 6074573463048874986.html
Sessiz hastalık pankreas kanseri

Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kerem, pankreas kanserinin nedenleri, belirtileri ve tanısı hakkında önemli açıklamalarda bulundu

29 Nov 10:03 HABER 61 8391886869833905932.html
Galaxy Note 10 receives new Android 10-based OneUI 2 beta

Samsung is rolling out a new Android 10-based OneUI 2 beta update for the Galaxy Note 10. It brings several bugfixes and addresses stability issues.

29 Nov 11:58 Gizchina 5392375276228138875.html
PHOTOS: Black Friday frenzy goes global – and not everyone’s happy

People don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in France, or Denmark, or South Africa – but they do shop on Black Friday. The U.S. sales phenomenon has spread to retailers across the world in recent years with such force that it’s prompting a backlash from some activists, politicians and even consumers. Workers at Amazon in Germany went on strike for better pay on one of the busiest days of the year. Near Paris, climate demonstrators blocked one of the company’s warehouses on Thursday to protest over-production they say is killing the planet. Some French lawmakers want to ban Black Friday altogether. Consumer rights groups in Britain and some other countries say it’s not always clear how real or big the discounts are. Other critics say it hurts small businesses. Angela Charlton And Claire Parker, The Associated Press Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter .

29 Nov 15:50 The Stettler Independent 1209901974310783203.html
La Primitiva sin dueño de A Coruña se sienta en el banquillo

El lotero y su hermano, el delegado de Loterías y Apuestas del Estado, acuden a declarar por un supuesto delito de estafa

29 Nov 15:51 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578046790715.html
Indian Men and Women Volleyball Teams Enter SAG 2019 Semi-Finals

The Indian men's and women's volleyball teams notched up similar straight game victories to cruise to the semifinals.

29 Nov 15:26 India.com 7150386083564851142.html
Gladbach verlängert auch mit Sommer: Ter Stegens Nachfolge „war große Challenge“

Borussia Mönchengladbach hat auch den Vertrag mit Stammtorwart Yann Sommer (Foto) verlängert. Wie der Verein am Freitag bekanntgab, wurde das ursprünglich bis 2021 laufende Arbeitspapier des 30-jährig [...]

29 Nov 13:15 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556794000227010.html
Zvezda pobeđuje na čvrstinu, kao nekad

Crvena zvezda je odigrala dobro protiv Valensije. Sa objektivnim problemima sa kojima se ovakav sastav već suočavao i suočavaće se u Evroligi, ali suština je da je ekipa uspela da više nametne svoje vrline a da sakrije mane u duelu sa španskim timom.

29 Nov 12:57 Sport Klub 42251758730076232.html
Emraan Hashmi On Portrayal Of Women On Screen: “As Long As No Wrong Doing Is Glorified…”

Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi, who has been known to work in films that often deal with bold themes and characters, says that as an actor all that matters to him is the intent of the character. As lon

29 Nov 13:40 Koimoi 5184275671587167866.html
"I don't know if I'll ride again" | Donnacha O'Brien clarifies his 'retirement' announcement

Earlier this week, Donnacha O'Brien announced his decision to step away from his career as a jock...

29 Nov 15:41 Newstalk 7635722257770331780.html
Santander controla el 3,5% de Liberbank a través de derivados

El banco presidido por Botín financia la mitad de la participación del mexicano Tinajero, un 3,5%, acechado por las deudas con otros bancos

29 Nov 12:49 El Confidencial 6129807550583954780.html
Droits TV : Canal, beIN Sports et TF1 remportent les droits de la Ligue des Champions

L'UEFA devrait attribuer les droits de la Ligue des champions à Canal+ et beIN Sports, qui vont se partager la compétition entre 2021 et 2024. La finale serait diffusée en clair sur TF1.

29 Nov 12:21 L'Alsace 2225618939160936825.html
Dupla de Florianópolis e Rio Grande do Norte encerra rodízio de apresentadores do JN

Mário Motta e Lídia Pace estarão na bancada neste sábado (30)

29 Nov 14:01 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514213398373099.html
Primăria Oradea a prelungit cu doi ani contractul de salubritate încheiat cu RER Vest

Consiliul Local Oradea a aprobat joi prelungirea cu doi ani a contractului de prestări servicii încheiat cu firma RER Vest pentru salubrizarea oraşului, colectarea deşeurilor menajere şi deszăpezire care expiră în ianuarie 2020. Măsura este menită să asigure continuitatea serviciilor până la atribuirea noului contract printr-o licitaţie aflată încă în desfăşurare.

29 Nov 11:01 Bihoreanul 4510067092628182895.html
ADP Oradea: Licitaţie cu strigare pentru un spaţiu comercial din Rogerius

SC Administraţia Domeniului Public SA organizează, în data de 03.12.2019, ora 12, la sediul social din mun. Oradea, str. Gheorghe Dima, nr. 5, jud. Bihor, o procedură de licitaţie publică cu strigare, în vederea închirierii spaţiului comercial nr. 12, tronson II, situat în Centrul de Afaceri Rogerius.

29 Nov 10:11 Bihoreanul 4510067092856591960.html
++ Mihajlovic: 4 mesi difficili, medici straordinari, ++

(ANSA) - BOLOGNA, 29 NOV - "In questi quattro mesi difficili ho conosciuto medici straordinari, infermieri che mi hanno curato, sopportato e supportato. So che ho un carattere forte, anche...

29 Nov 11:31 MilanNews.it 6507305921335099222.html
Video: Blauwe Uil & BKO – Freaky (Prod. Saffehbeats)

Na zijn EP Blauwe Lotus slaat Blauwe Uil vandaag de handen ineen met BKO op het nieuwe nummer Freaky. De track is geproduceerd door Saffehbeats en de video zie je hier.

29 Nov 13:52 Puna 5725385641672414409.html
La economía de Canadá se ralentiza en el tercer trimestre de 2019

Autoridades explicaron que la economía se ralentizó a un ritmo de 1.3% de aumento del PIB anual

29 Nov 15:54 El Informador 103545928265073004.html
Szwedzki europoseł oskarżony o molestowanie seksualne. Twierdzi, że "sprawa jest przesadzona"

Eurodeputowany z nacjonalistycznej partii Szwedzcy Demokraci (SD) Peter Lundgren został w piątek oskarżony z urzędu przez prokuraturę o molestowanie seksualne swojej partyjnej koleżanki.

29 Nov 12:45 Polsat News 9031932297022966799.html
Simaria abusa do decote e ostenta cintura fininha: “Deusa”

A sertaneja foi muito elogiada pelos seus seguidores

29 Nov 10:15 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428069721846.html
Bankrutuoja supermodelių Bellos ir Gigi Hadid tėvas

Prieš pat Padėkos dieną, kurią JAV gyventojai minėjo ketvirtadienį, manekenių Bellos ir Gigi Hadid tėvas Mohamedas Hadidas kreipėsi į teismą norėdamas paskelbti savo įmonės „901 Strada“ bankrotą.

29 Nov 13:17 Žmonės 2740718164855988614.html
"S’Einlädele"-Kunden können Lebensmittel-Tüten für Bedürftige in der Ukraine bestücken

Das "S"Einlädele" an der Guntramstraße hat einen Lebensmittelspenden-Shop eröffnet. Zugute kommen die Spenden Menschen in der Ukraine.

29 Nov 14:42 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427530982500.html
Atlético San Luis amarró a Hernán Cristante para entrenador

La directiva rojiblanca eligió el proyecto del director técnico argentino de cara al Clausura 2020

29 Nov 14:15 RÉCORD 4614294663302062695.html
Nie tylko Milan i Krzysztof Piątek. Największe rozczarowania trwającego sezonu

Za nami już kilka dobrych miesięcy sezonu 2019/20. Ligi krajowe dobijają do półmetku, a w Lidze Mistrzów końca dobiega faza grupowa. Postanowiliśmy przyjrzeć się największym rozczarowaniom minionych miesięcy.

29 Nov 14:30 WP SportoweFakty 8463263969039038434.html
Rouvroy : les incendiaires frappent à nouveau rue De-Gaulle

Depuis le début du mois, dans la rue, mais aussi ses alentours, les feux de voitures...

29 Nov 12:08 La Voix du Nord 5307415663937624027.html
Campagne: des récits sur les violences basées sur le genre embrasent la toile

Le mot d’ordre de 16 jours d’activisme contre ces types de violences est suivi par un grand nombre d’internautes qui rivalisent d’idées pour sensibiliser sur le fléau.

29 Nov 12:39 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388875292416.html
Se busca Campeón, Zacatepec vs Alebrijes: Donde y a qué hora verlo

La final del Ascenso MX está por iniciar y Zacatepec y Alebrijes se encuentras listos para la acción 

29 Nov 15:51 EL DEBATE 4396150893443080405.html
Diputado Torrealba (RN) critica actuar de la fiscalía en la crisis: "Formaliza a carabineros, ¿y a los delincuentes cuándo?"

El parlamentario manifestó su descontento por el rol del Ministerio Público y la falta de apoyo que, a su juicio, ha tenido la institución policial.

29 Nov 12:54 Emol 3328490600924409663.html
Calvin Stengs na gelijkspel tegen Partizan: ‘Ferdy Druijf krijgt een zoen!’

Lees verder

29 Nov 10:04 Voetbalzone 9096760910701138105.html
Johannes Oerding über die Beziehung: "Das klingt jetzt hart, aber ..."

Sie scheinen unzertrennlich zu sein. Seit über acht Jahren schon liebt Johannes Oerding seine Ina Müller über alles. Doch jetzt überraschte der Sänger in der "NDR Talk Show" mit einem pikanten Geständnis.

29 Nov 15:10 BUNTE.de 2017976498692439432.html
Mihai Voropchievici îţi spune ce să faci în noaptea de Sfantul Andrei pentru a atrage norocul. Ce trebuie să pui sub pernă

Mihai Voropchievici a explicat care sunt trucurile prin care poti sa atragi marea iubire in noaptea de Sfantul Andrei.

29 Nov 10:51 romaniatv.net 4505369228622623707.html
At $240, the Motorola One Action is a low-key great Black Friday deal

There is a load of Black Friday deals on smartphones, and one that you might not have on your radar is the Motorola One Action. You should change that, because for $240, it's a tremendous value.

29 Nov 13:34 Android Central 29040142883364800.html
Le Black Friday : affaire ou arnaque ?

La Fédération romande des consommateurs conseille de se renseigner sur les rabais et d’acheter intelligemment pour ne pas se faire avoir. De leur côté, les opposants protestent contre la surconsommation que prônerait cette journée

29 Nov 15:21 RTN 7627697627343632292.html
Zelenović: Šarčević da proveri validnost diploma ministara Stefanovića, Vulina, Djordjevića i Antića

Predsednik stranke Zajedno za Srbiju Nebojša Zelenović pozvao je danas ministra prosvete Mladena Šarčevića da "iskoristi zakonska ovlašćenja i proveri validnost diploma sa osnovnih studija ministara Nebojše Stefanovića, Aleksandra Vulina, Zorana Djordjevića i Aleksandra Antića".Zelenović je u pisanoj izjavi ocenio da "proglašenjem plagijata doktorata Siniše Malog, tema lažnih doktorata i lažnih diploma koja razara državne institucije od dolaska Aleksandra Vučića i njegovih kadrova na vlast, postaje pitanje svih pitanja za obrazovni sistem zemlje"."Pozivam Šarčevića da pokaže malo lične hrabrosti i odgovornosti za akademsku budućnost ove zemlje. On ima ovlašćenja da utvrdi nezakonitosti i poništi diplome ukoliko su nelegalne, ministru policije Nebojši Stefanoviću, ministru odbrane Aleksandru Vulinu, ministru za rad Zoranu Djordjeviću i ministru rudarstva i energetike Aleksandru Antiću", naveo je Zelenović a prenela stranka Zajedno za Srbiju.Navodeći da je ministar unutrašnjih poslova "već priznao da je studirao…

29 Nov 10:40 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501080383407291.html
Nya siffror: Ännu större skövling av Amazonas

Avskogningen i Amazonas i Brasilien omfattade 10 100 kvadratkilometer skog under ett år fram till och med juli 2019, visar färsk statistik. Det är den högsta siffran sedan 2008.

29 Nov 11:20 Ny Teknik 4280928732496763297.html
How To Fix An iPhone That Won’t Ring

If your phone won't ring, follow our guide as we are going to show you how to fix iPhone not ringing problem.

29 Nov 11:20 Technobezz 300833013757912953.html
Fotograf zachwycony polskim miastem. "To mała siostra Amsterdamu"

Zdjęcie wzbudziło spore zainteresowanie w mediach społecznościowych.

29 Nov 11:22 Gdańsk zachwycił holenderskiego fotografa. To mała siostra Amsterdamu 1118436465544539467.html
Bekende free-solo klimmer (31) overlijdt na val van 300 meter in ravijn

Brad Gobright, een gerespecteerde Amerikaanse bergbeklimmer, is op tragische wijze overleden tijdens een klimtocht in het noorden van Mexico. De 31-jarige Gobright was bezig met de afdaling van een...

29 Nov 11:09 HLN 8967494998616965470.html
Pesada herencia: hasta junio el nuevo gobierno deberá pagar 45 mil millones de dólares

Entre 2015 y 2019 la deuda trepó del 52 al 81 por ciento del PBI. Los vencimientos de la deuda alcanzan los 200 mil millones de dólares entre 2020 y 2023.

29 Nov 11:44 El Ancasti 5864462412841299463.html
Mercado Municipal oferece produtos com descontos de até 50% nesta sexta-feira

Pela primeira vez, os lojistas do Mercado Municipal de Curitiba participam hoje (29) da Black Friday, anunciando descontos que podem chegar a 50%. Segundo a Associação dos Comerciantes Estabelecido…

29 Nov 14:43 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257395941496.html
El nuevo SEAT León se deja ver camuflado en vídeo para explicar cómo los coches de la marca hablarán con los semáforos

SEAT ha publicado un vídeo en el que explica cómo continúa trabajando en el coche conectado que se comunicará con la infraestrucutra, como semáforos y paneles...

29 Nov 10:01 Motorpasion 3731799124536238019.html
Veste URIAŞĂ pentru familia lui Michael Schumacher. Anunţul aşteptat de TOATĂ LUMEA

Mick Schumacher va evolua pentru al doilea sezon consecutiv in Formula 2 pentru echipa italiana Prema. Fiul celebrului pilot de Formula 1 Michael Schumacher a declarat ca urmareste sa obtina rezultate mai bune ca in editia precedenta.

29 Nov 13:53 romaniatv.net 4505369227304623485.html
Vieni da me, Laura Efrikian e il “colpo di fulmine con riserva” con Gianni Morandi

ROMA – Laura Efrikian, ex moglie di Gianni Morandi, è stata ospite di Caterina Balivo a Vieni da me. Durante la sua ospitata, ha ammesso di aver avuto una storia a distanza dopo la fine del matrimonio con il cantante ma di non essersi rifatta completamente una vita. Efrikian e Morandi si sono lasciati nel 1977, dopo aver avuto due figli, Marianna e Marco. Nonostante la separazione, i due hanno mantenuto buoni rapporti, soprattutto per amore dei figli. “Oggi il mio futuro è il Kenya e il mio progetto per aiutare gli altri”, ha detto Laura prima di tornare a parlare della sua storia d’amore con Morandi, che lei stessa ha definito “Colpo di fulmine, con riserva”. Alla richiesta di spiegazioni da parte della Balivo, Laura ha risposto che Gianni Morandi, poco prima che iniziassero le rirpese del loro primissimo film andò a casa sua: “A farla breve, il ragazzo che mi si para davanti sprizza vitalità assoluta. Mi colpisce, mi coinvolge”.Grande Fratello spagnolo, concorrente denuncia: “Io violentata al reality”Vieni…

29 Nov 14:37 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354083996710.html
Allianz s’introduit dans le réseau de Poste Ghana

Allianz Life Insurance a lancé mardi 26 novembre Post Assurance, un service d’assurance disponible dans les bureaux de poste du Ghana en partenariat avec ladite institution. Disponible dans 50 succ…

29 Nov 11:21 Financial Afrik 5951482565303725401.html
Vasco fica perto de alcançar meta de sócios estipulada para esta sexta

O Vasco da Gama já passou dos 90 mil sócios e se aproxima da meta estipulada pela diretoria até o fima desta sexta-feira.

29 Nov 10:03 Vasco Notícias 1167013064744133760.html
Mega Millions jackpot now up to $243 million in Friday night's drawing

Lottery players will have a chance to win nearly a quarter billion dollars in a Florida Lottery drawing Friday night.

29 Nov 11:33 Fox 4 8372747778161428672.html
Auslosung der Fußball-EM-Endrunde 2020 lässt manches offen

Österreichs Fußball-Nationalteam erfährt am Samstag (18.00 Uhr/live ORF 1) in Bukarest die Gegner für die EURO 2020 - zumindest zwei von drei. Vor der Gruppen-Auslosung steht fest, dass die ÖFB-Elf auf eines der Topteams Deutschland, Spanien, Italien, England oder Niederlande trifft, aber u.a. nicht auf Titelverteidiger Portugal und auch nicht in die Gruppe B (Russland, Dänemark, Belgien) kommt.

29 Nov 11:35 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084015252358.html
Sony 4K smart TV deal on Amazon brings a £700 price cut in true Black Friday fashion

No need to get assaulted in the shops for a good deal, shop the best TV deals from your sofa today

29 Nov 10:42 T3 267522093588420439.html
Cecilia García Arocha no aceptarán imposición del TSJ

La rectora de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Cecilia García Arocha, reiteró que la sentencia del TSJ es inconstitucional e ilegal ...

29 Nov 15:52 LaPatilla.com 9104603011201220501.html
Laboratorio Antidoping de Cuba cerrará el 2019 con unas 5 mil pruebas

Laboratorio Antidoping de Cuba cerrará el 2019 con unas 5 mil pruebas

29 Nov 11:08 cubasi.cu 5416914688050639433.html
Une prise de sang pour dépister un cancer ? La piste de chercheurs lyonnais

Les Hospices civils de Lyon testent un nouveau biomarqueur appelé progastrine.

29 Nov 12:09 Santé Magazine 5927303389266153526.html
Paulo Guedes pode ser investigado por perdas com dólar, após declarações

A investigação foi cobrada pelo subprocurador-Geral do Ministério Público (MP) junto ao Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), Lucas Rocha Furtado.

29 Nov 12:22 BAHIA NO AR 8652507714677487417.html
Florian Silbereisen plaudert großes Geheimnis aus: „Helene Fischer und ich ...“

Florian Silbereisen und seine Exfreundin Helene Fischer sprechen nur ganz selten über ihre Beziehung. Umso überraschender ist es nun, was der Schlagerstar einfach so raushaut. Mehr dazu hier.

29 Nov 14:29 Thüringen24 7206317294895343223.html
Caso Próvolo: “Que el pecado de algunos hermanos no destruya la comunidad pastoral”

El obispo auxiliar de La Plata y comisario apostólico designado por la Santa Sede para el llamado “Caso Próvolo”, monseñor Alberto Bochatey OSA, brindó detalles sobre su tarea al frente de la causa, en la que esta semana la Justicia Penal dictó la sentencia. El obispo lamentó el papel desempeñado por algunos medios de comunicación....

29 Nov 12:07 aica.org 5568670713269132350.html
Aktualu: keliaujančių traukiniais laukia pokyčiai

Kasdien keliauti traukiniu kviečianti „Lietuvos geležinkelių“ grupei priklausanti keleivių vežimo bendrovė „LG Keleiviams“ nuo gruodžio 8 d. pristato atnaujintus ir dar labiau prie keleivių poreikių pritaikytus tvarkaraščius.

29 Nov 13:24 Kauno diena 6825691409978360207.html
Lauretana premiata a Milano nel VI edizione di “Save the Brand – Fashion, Food, Furniture”

Oltre ai riconoscimenti anche l'aumento di fatturato da 28 milioni nel 2016 a 40 nel 2018

29 Nov 14:03 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271320262872277.html
Smartphones : un jeune sur quatre présente des signes de dépendance

Selon une étude publiée ce vendredi 29 novembre, une proportion non-négligeable d'enfants et d'adoslescents ne pourrait pas se passer de leur smartphone.

29 Nov 14:57 PhonAndroid.com 8181142843497952191.html
Aramco recauda más de 9,000 millones de euros de suscriptores minoristas

La petrolera Aramco ha recaudado más de 38,000 millones de riales saudíes (9,231 millones de euros) con la suscripción de acciones para particulares, en la operación pública de venta de acciones (opv) que concluye esta medianoche para los minoristas.

29 Nov 11:46 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559111575446.html
Brasil deixará de participar de reuniões sobre educação no Mercosul, diz ministro Weintraub

Fotos: Marcos Correa O Brasil deixará de participar das reuniões de coordenação de políticas educacionais do Mercosul por entender que os custos são elevados e os resultados objetivos das discussões, nulos, afirmou nesta sexta-feira (29) o ministro Abraham Weintraub (Educação). Ele disse que os demais participantes dessas conversas foram avisados nesta sexta da mudança de postura do governo brasileiro e ressaltou que a decisão do país "praticamente" não terá impacto no que já está em andamento. "Tudo que tiver de iniciativa na área de educação vai ser mantido. A única coisa é que essas reuniões não vão mais acontecer com a presença do Brasil", afirmou." "É só isso, porque, na prática, nada foi obtido. E o pouco que está sendo discutido é bilateral. Então, na prática, significa economia de recurso do pagador de imposto para mais painel fotovoltaico, para mais creche, para mais ônibus escolar. Esse que é o impacto." Weintraub reclamou que, na reunião que deveria acontecer nesta sexta-feira, somente o Paraguai enviou…

29 Nov 13:34 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419732408430.html
Corpo de Gugu segue em carro aberto até o cemitério no Morumbi

Velório do apresentador começou nesta quinta-feira, na Assembleia Legislativa de SP

29 Nov 13:24 Correio 5185786713888389950.html
3 Reasons Why Shorting McDonald’s (MCD) Stock Now Is a Bad Idea

Missing third quarter estimates and the firing of the CEO is why investors are short McDonald’s. There are reasons why you shouldn't.

29 Nov 13:49 CCN.com 4886348520272545150.html
Rusza nowa edycja programu "Senior plus"

Do 7 stycznia 2020 r. można składać oferty w kolejnej edycji programu "Senior plus" – powiedziała szefowa MRPiPS Marlena Maląg. Przyszłoroczny budżet programu to 80 mln zł. Pieniądze będą przeznaczone na tworzenie i utrzymanie dziennych domów i klubów dla osób starszych.

29 Nov 14:15 Portal Samorządowy 740157208501300468.html
Klopp: Liverpool can cover ‘not cool’ Fabinho absence

Influential midfielder is injured.

29 Nov 15:00 Express & Star 7324224460838428320.html
Martín Baclini aseguró que fingió su relación con Cinthia: "Sostuve la mentira por respeto a ella"

Después de haber sido eliminados del Bailando, el empresario contó toda la verdad sobre su vínculo con la bailarina. 

29 Nov 14:37 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740449821204699.html
As etiquetas já têm respostas para um consumo mais responsável?

Quais são as alternativas à fast fashion? Da roupa em segunda mão aos mercados de trocas, do aluguer à reparação da roupa ou à redução do consumo. Mesmo quem compra nas lojas das grandes marcas começa a olhar mais para as etiquetas à procura da comp

29 Nov 10:01 PÚBLICO 2228264897658797618.html
Niger-Mali : Mahamadou Issoufou a reçu des chefs touaregs de Kidal

Niger-Mali : Mahamadou Issoufou a reçu des chefs touaregs de Kidal Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

29 Nov 12:11 Seneweb News 6877057602619682292.html
Este será el castigo de 'Epa Colombia' por daños en Transmilenio

Durante la audiencia la mujer provocó la risa de los presentes. "También tengo derechos" señaló.

29 Nov 12:04 Colombia.com 1213910710308988481.html
A La Rioja le ha tocado cinco veces el Gordo

Arnedo, la ciudad del calzado, fue agraciada en el último sorteo extraordinario con 400.000 euros, un décimo del primer premio del sorteo de Navidad.

29 Nov 13:26 RTVE.es 8332346888943711391.html
Official First Look at the Tear-Away Nike SB Air Jordan 1 Low QS "Desert Ore/Royal Blue"

The canvas upper reveals layers of "UNC Blue" and more underneath.

29 Nov 12:21 HYPEBEAST 3806037268911811819.html
Phil Spencer: » Half-Life: Alyx es asombroso»

Respondiendo a un fan a través de Twitter, Phil Spencer ha declarado que pudo probar Half-Life: Alyx el pasado verano y es asombroso.

29 Nov 14:35 Generación Xbox 4040846039563061600.html
Shenmue III fick en redigt trög debutvecka i Japan

Spelet säljer sämre än remastern av de gamla spelen på PS4.

29 Nov 15:00 FZ.se 109758247041493024.html
Previa del encuentro: el Valle Egüés recibe en casa al Beti Kozkor

Previa del encuentro: el Valle Egüés recibe en casa al Beti Kozkor

29 Nov 15:03 sport 1349897970740080911.html
Procès requis pour 20 personnes, dont Abdeslam

Un procès aux assises a été requis contre 20 personnes après les attentats qui ont ensanglanté Paris, dont le Bataclan, le 13 novembre 2015.

29 Nov 10:57 L'essentiel 554828747324068897.html
Hamma Hammami étrille Kais Saied

Pour sa première sortie médiatique depuis les dernières élections, le secrétaire général du parti ouvrier, Hamma Hamammi, a choisi de s’en prendre

29 Nov 14:54 African Manager 933752094413203074.html
Roederer, un duo blanc et rosé avec Philippe Starck

Dix ans après leur première rencontre qui donna naissance au Brut Nature 2006, le champagne Louis Roederer et le designer Philippe Starck franchissent cette année une étape supplémentaire en présentant un nouveau millésime de blanc et, pour la première fois, un rosé.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695067494688445.html
The Walking Dead, World Beyond : Felix, Silas, Hope... Voilà des portraits de tous les nouveaux personnages

L'aventure The Walking Dead continue et en attendant le nouveau spin-off, les personnages se dévoilent sur de nouveaux posters.

29 Nov 15:17 melty 8059025069849687546.html
Bihorean condamnat la închisoare pentru infracțiuni rutiere, depistat și încarcerat de polițiști

Joi, 28 noiembrie a.c., la ora 13.50, polițiștii Secţiei nr.11 de Poliţie Rurală Valea lui Mihai au depistat și reținut un bărbat de 48 de

29 Nov 13:01 InfoOradea 3177545316253500046.html
Plusieurs sites d'Amazon bloqués par des opposants au "Black Friday"

Ce vendredi 29 novembre, les opposants à la surconsommation ont mené diverses actions de blocage sur différents sites du géant américain Amazon.

29 Nov 13:01 Midi Libre 3150507208041920364.html
Una de cada tres empresas españolas ya ha ejecutado recortes de plantilla en 2019

El Banco de España detecta el primer retroceso en el porcentaje de sociedades que aumentan empleo desde el inicio de la salida de la crisis en 2013.

29 Nov 11:04 La Información 5328999781509723361.html
Domestic workers in Metro Manila to get P1,500-wage increase

The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) – National Capital Region (NCR) has approved the P1,500-wage increase for domestic workers in NCR.

29 Nov 13:52 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200337967325.html
Andreia Rodrigues vai iniciar 2020 com um novo programa na SIC

A apresentadora soma e segue! Após duas temporadas de ‘Quem Quer Namorar com o Agricultor?’, em 2019, o próximo ano vai iniciar-se com um novo projeto para a mulher de Daniel Oliveira.

29 Nov 14:25 A Televisão 800719529207829779.html
Callao: habilitarán vía alterna para facilitar acceso al aeropuerto

La vía se iniciará en la Av. Los Ferroles, continuará por la Av. Centenario, paralela al mar, y saldrá por la Av. Miguel Grau, al costado de la Base Naval, para volver a la avenida Gambetta.

29 Nov 13:45 Publimetro Perú 5349571042883858195.html
In Pictures: Unai Emery's 18 months at Arsenal

The Spaniard was sacked by the Premier League club on Friday.

29 Nov 11:32 Sports Mole 7750663361294595434.html
Nye grensehandel-tall: – Det er verre enn i våre verste mareritt

Nordmenn satte ny rekord i grensehandel i 2018, men norske handelsorganisasjoner fortviler.

29 Nov 12:10 TV 2 8210067770407251118.html
Sostinės valdžia: Statybų inspekcija gali stabdyti esminį Vilniaus planavimo dokumentą

Valstybinė teritorijų planavimo ir statybos inspekcija gali nepritarti esminiam sostinės planavimo dokumentui – Vilniaus bendrajam planui dėl ne visiškai tinkamai įvykdytų derinimo ir viešinimo procedūrų, nuogąstauja sostinės valdžia.  Meras Remigijus Šimašius sako, kad inspekcija jau kitos savaitės pradžioje turi pateikti poziciją dėl ilgiau nei trejus metus rengto ir nekilnojamojo turto...

29 Nov 13:54 Made in vilnius 1649469112688169149.html
El catamarqueño Aníbal Moreno sería titular ante River

River buscará mañana dar vuelta la página y dejar atrás el mal trago de haber perdido la final de la Copa Libertadores ante Flamengo cuando visite a Newell´s en la continuidad de la decimoquinta fecha de la Superliga.    El encuentro se jugará a partir de las 21.45 en el estadio Coloso Marcelo Bielsa, será controlado por el árbitro Néstor Pitana e irá televisado en directo por la señal deportiva de cable TNT Sports.    Newell´s viene de caer como visitante ante Argentinos Juniors por 1 a 0 y es un hecho que Julián Fernández retornará al mediocampo tras haber cumplido la fecha de suspensión por acumular la quinta tarjeta amarilla.    Si bien el entrenador Frank Kudelka aún no lo confirmó, Fernández entraría por Braian Rivero mientras que no se descarta el ingreso del futbolista catamarqueño Aníbal Moreno por Lucas Villarruel y la entrada de Luis Leal en reemplazo de Alexis Rodríguez.Gallardo haría un cambio River no jugó la fecha pasada de la Superliga (debía visitar a Independiente y lo hará el 19 de enero de…

29 Nov 10:31 El Esquiú 5729181305668445867.html
Parineeti Chopra's 'The Girl On The Train' to clash with Sushant Singh Rajput's 'Dil Bechara' on 8th May 2020

Parineeti Chopra has been quite busy shooting for the Saina Nehwal biopic nowadays and therefore has been spending a lot of time in the Badminton cour

29 Nov 13:49 The Times of India 6060938662929810152.html
‘Oplan Tubig Para sa Kinabukasan’ launched by MMDA, DILG, 4 others

IN a bid to promote responsible use of water, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), National Water Resources Board (NWRB), the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), and water concessionaires Manila Water Company and Maynilad launched yesterday “Oplan Tubig Para sa Kinabukasan.”

29 Nov 12:34 Journal Online 6375127393286881834.html
Os jogadores trabalharam, estão feridos no orgulho e vão dar uma grande resposta"

Vítor Campelos, treinador do Moreirense, fez a antevisão ao encontro com o Aves.

29 Nov 13:32 O Jogo 3218673677336036647.html
Šarl Mišel preuzeo dužnost od Tuska: Evropa da bude vođa u zelenoj ekonomiji

Novi predsednik Evropskog saveta, Belgijanac Šarl Mišel obećao je danas prilikom preuzimanja dužnosti od svog...

29 Nov 13:52 N1 Srbija 7797130867351509706.html
2020 BMW Z4 receives the AC Schnitzer treatment

After modifying the A90 Supra, AC Schnitzer goes back to its roots with the BMW Z4

29 Nov 11:30 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447781435619.html
Boris'in yerine buzdan dünya

İngiltere'de Channel 4 televizyonu, iklim krizinin tartışılacağı canlı yayına katılmayı reddeden Muhafazakar Parti'nin lideri ve İngiltere Başbakanı Boris Johnson'a tepkisi ‘ağır' oldu.

29 Nov 14:28 OLAY 7935247624910726798.html
N1: Za pokušaj ubistva Beka Zdravkoviću 10 godina, Adrovac oslobodjena

Zbog pokušaja ubistva biznismena Milana Beka Viši sud doneo je presudu kojom je Aleksandar Zdravković osudjen na 10 godina, dok je Maja Adrovac oslobodjena optužbi, piše N1.Reč je o prvostepenoj presudi za Zdravkovića, dok je Maja Adrovac i na prvom sudjenju oslobodjena krivice da je pomagala napadaču posle zločina.Tužilaštvo je ranije predložilo kazne zatvora ne manje od po 15 godina za Maju Adrovac i Aleksandra Zdravkovića, a advokati odbrane tražili su oslobadjajuće presude.Tužilaštvo navodi da je Adrovac pomogla u krivičnom delu i ostavila tragove DNK.U medjuvremenu je uhapšen Zdravković optužen da je pucao u Beka, tako da su optužnice spojene u jedinstven postupak.Zdravkoviću je ranije sudjeno pred Specijalnim sudom zbog učestvovanja u otmici kao član "Zemunskog klana", ali je oslobodjen.Planirano je bilo da se video-linkom kao svedok sasluša Ivan Adrovac, suprug Maje Adrovac, koji je, po navodima medija, u zatvoru u Švajcarskoj zbog pljački, ali se zbog komplikacija od toga odustalo.Beko je ranije rekao…

29 Nov 11:25 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501079985061051.html
"Eres un cagón": Nico Castillo vuelve a meterse en problemas y protagoniza duro cruce con conocido periodista en México

"Eres un cagón": El delantero Nico Castillo vuelve a meterse en problemas y protagoniza duro cruce con conocido periodista en México.

29 Nov 12:43 Publimetro Chile 2498685483333243842.html
Ble først diskvalifisert, så stakk de av med seieren

Snillfjord motorklubb fikk rekordmange stemmer i NTEs konkurranse Laget mitt, og endte opp med førsteplassen. Det vakte stor oppsikt på Facebook da klubben først ble diskvalifisert.

29 Nov 14:09 adressa.no 8417332408389733459.html
‘Chapa sonho de consumo’ de Doria passa por Joice fora do PSL

Deputada estuda mudar para outra sigla e assumir posto de vice de Bruno Covas

29 Nov 13:22 VEJA.com 4116702197354986359.html
El papa aprueba beatificación de 16 españoles "mártires" de la Guerra Civil

El papa Francisco reconoció el "martirio" por "odio de la Fe" de Cayetano Giménez Martín y quince laicos y sacerdotes de Granada (España) y que fueron asesinados durante la Guerra Civil española

29 Nov 12:18 Los Tiempos 5350756298791025223.html
Kylie Jenner : ses dépenses faramineuses pour assurer sa sécurité au quotidien

Inquiète pour sa sécurité, Kylie Jenner dépense des sommes faramineuses pour assurer sa sécurité au quotidien. Celle qui fait son shopping...

29 Nov 12:09 Closermag.fr 1175411578114297975.html
La justícia rectifica i RTVE no haurà de restituir Álvaro Zancajo com a directiu

El periodista va ser destituït del càrrec de director del Canal 24 Horas l'any 2018

29 Nov 13:31 Ara.cat 6070605019983288162.html
L'emblématique figure du futsal belge Karim Chaïbaï prend sa retraite internationale

L'équipe nationale belge de futsal devra désormais évoluer sans sa figure emblématique Karim Chaïbaï. Le joueur de 37 ans, au record de 145 sélections, met un terme à sa carrière internationale longue de quinze années, vendredi à Charleroi. Pour...

29 Nov 15:19 RTBF Sport 2262420857472955034.html
Daily Mail owner buys rival the i for nearly £50m

Daily Mail and General Trust chairman Lord Rothermere said the publication was ‘highly respected’ and generating plenty of cash.

29 Nov 11:48 Shropshire Star 3480199991551284774.html
Carreta de algodão pega fogo em colisão

Carreta que trafegava algod&atilde;o pega fogo durante acidente que aconteceu na BR-158, sentido Cassil&acirc;ndia/Parana&iacute;ba, na manh&atilde; desta sexta-feira (29). De acordo com...

29 Nov 15:42 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490172904713.html
À beira do rebaixamento, Cruzeiro demite técnico Abel Braga

A três rodadas do fim do Campeonato Brasileiro, o clube mineiro disputaria a Série B em 2020; Zezé Perrella anunciou Adilson Batista como o novo comandante

29 Nov 14:09 VEJA.com 4116702197833051453.html
¡No va más! El Arsenal despidió a Unai Emery tras racha de malos resultados

La salida del técnico español se concretó luego de la derrota de los ‘Gunners’ ante el Eintracht de Fráncfort por la Liga Europa, su séptimo partido consecutivo sin ganar. 

29 Nov 11:25 RPP 3819340343242814757.html
Premiê do Iraque anuncia renúncia após dois meses de protestos

Manifestantes exigem desde outubro a queda do regime e a renovação da classe política, que acusam de corrupção e de reprimir os protestos com violência

29 Nov 14:12 VEJA.com 4116702197394223659.html
Maroc : L’ONSSA rassure quant aux sardines riches en histamine

L’Office national de sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires (ONSSA) a reconnu, jeudi soir, une «non-conformité» sur le plan sanitaire d’un lot de conserve de boulettes de sardine produit

29 Nov 11:30 Yabiladi 8139063034677212344.html
APEC Association pour l'Emploi des Cadres : Signature d'une convention de partenariat avec l'UDES

Retour Signature d'une convention de partenariat avec l'UDES ...

29 Nov 13:26 Zonebourse 7946574377091636377.html
Quanto è stragico il settore dell’acciaio?

L’industria siderurgica attraversa una fase di riconversione per ridurre l’eccesso di capacità produttiva e l’impatto ambientale.

29 Nov 14:00 Trend Online 3268043278968116203.html
Els castells de gamma extra (II) per acabar la temporada de castells, a "Obrint plaça"

Demà, dissabte 30 de novembre, a les 13.55, TV3 emetrà "Obrint plaça", el programa presentat per Biel Duran i Aina Mallol, que acosta el món dels castells al gran públic. El capítol de demà, dissabte, el vintè i últim, serà la segona part d'un resum dels millors moments del programa d'aquesta temporada.

29 Nov 11:44 CCMA 3983269928448007687.html
“O Brasil nunca passou tanta vergonha”, diz Gleisi

A presidente nacional do PT, Gleisi Hoffmann, comentou nesta quinta-feira (28) a denúncia protocolada contra o presidente Jair Bolsonaro no Tribunal Penal Internacional. Em sua conta do Twitter, a parlamentar afirmou que o Brasil “nunca passou tanta vergonha.” “Bolsonaro é denunciado ao Tribunal Penal Internacional por incitar violência contra povos indígenas na Amazônia e não […]

29 Nov 13:00 Conexão Política 2089540911527017764.html
Irak: Sistani appelle à remplacer le gouvernement après une journée sanglante

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 12:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389339349880.html
Droits TV : beIN SPORTS se félicite du retour de la Ligue des Champions

Découvrez le communiqué de beIN Sport sur l'obtention des droits tv de la Ligue des Champions sur la période 2021-2024. Le groupe se félicite de cela.

29 Nov 15:47 Onze Mondial 1310109998906937464.html
Zdravkoviću 10 godina zatvora za atentat na Beka, Adrovac opet oslobođena

BEOGRAD - Viši sud u Beogradu osudio je danas zbog pokušaja ubistva biznismena Milana Beka 2014. godine na 10 godina zatvora Aleksandra Zdravkovića, kao neposrednog izvršioca ovog krivičnog dela.

29 Nov 11:56 tanjug.rs 2690210341104823708.html
Un pui de animal de acum 18.000 de ani a fost gasit perfect conservat, in Siberia. Dar oamenii de stiinta sunt incurcati

Un pui de caine sau de lup, care a trait in urma cu 18.000 de ani, a fost gasit perfect conservat in permafrostul siberian. E atat de bine conservat incat i s-au pastrat inclusiv genele, dintii si blanita.

29 Nov 11:13 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414641462538558.html
El Síndic exigeix una investigació «rigorosa i imparcial» sobre l'actuació policial per la sentència

Rafael Ribó denuncia "ús excessiu de la força" dels cossos policials i remarca que "la majoria de manifestacions" van ser pacífiques

29 Nov 12:20 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478687712395.html
Duerme encima de un Snorlax al accesible precio de $3500

Una usuaria de Etsy ha creado un gigantesco Snorlax que, si le pagas miles de dólares, podría ser tuyo para tu comodidad y dulces sueños, este peluche...

29 Nov 14:15 MÁSGAMERS 2563978790977556669.html
En dehors des premières masculines, tous les matchs sont remis en province de Luxembourg

Repos pour la majorité des footballeurs en province de Luxembourg ce week-end.

29 Nov 11:23 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700518265494850.html
Detuvieron a una policía en la Jefatura: ascendida en 2018, está acusada de viajar al interior a entregar drogas a dos narcos

La agente fue apresada el jueves al mediodía.

29 Nov 13:24 La Voz 6237180762375668813.html
Prediksi Chelsea vs West Ham 30 November 2019

Prediksi skor Chelsea vs West Ham, Premier League, Liga Inggris, EPL, Chelsea vs West Ham, Prediksi Bola 30 November 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

29 Nov 13:31 Bola.net 5489959027800370163.html
Filme mostra Dorival Caymmi muito além da música

Longa Dorivando Saravá, o Preto que Virou Mar estreia é dirigido por Henrique Dantas

29 Nov 10:00 Correio 5185786713658646321.html
W policji powstaje Solidarność? Inne związki zawodowe oburzone

Federacja Związków Zawodowych działających w służbach mundurowych jest wzburzona działaniami niektórych komendantów, którzy mieli wspierać powstawanie w swych jednostkach struktur NSZZ Solidarność.

29 Nov 13:09 RMF24 3758900158459562698.html
Direito de morrer não tem bases jurídicas, afirma Papa aos magistrados

Em seu discurso, o Papa recordou a figura do magistrado italiano Rosario Livatino, assassinado pela máfia e que atualmente está em processo de beatificação

29 Nov 12:17 NOTÍCIAS 8308687240425743381.html
Ireneu Barreto destaca qualidades da GNR na defesa da população e do território

O Representante da República para a Madeira manifestou hoje, em São Vicente, a sua “admiração” pelo trabalho desenvolvido pela Guarda Nacional Republi...

29 Nov 12:12 dnoticias 6968432066514278188.html
Se reúne Héctor Morales con Barra de Abogados de Lázaro Cárdenas

“Aportar a la capacitación de abogados postulantes nos permite a la vez beneficiar a la ciudadanía que se acerca a los tribunales para que se le imparta

29 Nov 10:40 MiMorelia 5599511489814600079.html
Saiba o que consta da agenda deste fim-de-semana

Sábado, dia 30 de Novembro - Música ao vivo no Grand Café Penha D’Águia, no Funchal, a partir das 19 horas. - Noite de fado no Restaurante Abrigo do P...

29 Nov 11:00 dnoticias 6968432067182497955.html
Indonesia win historic first Gold Medal of SEA Games 2019, ending Singapore’s 52 year run

The 2019 SEA Games are already underway, despite the opening ceremony scheduled for November 30. Several of the ‘team’ sports and qualifiers are currently taking place, with the medal events left for later dates. However, Indonesia has been able to bag a medal nonetheless, becoming the first to do so in this edition of the games. 

29 Nov 12:28 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906768054101.html
A boa notícia para o Sporting no dia seguinte à goleada europeia

Plantel voltou ao trabalho esta sexta-feira, já a pensar no encontro de Barcelos.

29 Nov 14:52 O Jogo 3218673678114638584.html
Fiestas marianas: medidas preventivas para peregrinación

Con motivo del inicio de las festividades marianas, que culminarán el próximo 8 de diciembre con la tradicional Procesión de la Virgen del Valle, Defensa Civil dio a conocer una serie de recomendaciones para los peregrinos que arribarán a la provincia en los próximos días.

29 Nov 10:28 El Esquiú 5729181306558730286.html
Bertomeu: Alba kandidat, balkansko tržište je dobro

Prilikom gostovanja berlinskoj Albi na utakmici koju je taj tim igrao sa Žalgirisom u 11. kolu Evrolige, prvi čovek tog takmičenja Đordi Bertomeu je govorio dugoročnim licencama. Takođe je poručio i da je balkansko tržište i dalje važno za Evroligu.

29 Nov 12:56 Sport Klub 42251759689230824.html
Koke: "¿Pitos a Griezmann? La gente tiene su opinión y hay que respetarla"

En plena preparación del partido contra el Barcelona, Koke habló ante los medios de comunicación. El capitán analizó la actualidad del equipo colchonero.

29 Nov 12:32 MARCA 5656811533764822505.html
Ski-Weltcup: Sorry, liebe Schweizer, aber es wird wieder nix mit dem Nationencup

In der letzten Saison ging der Nationencup zum 40. Mal an Österreich, zum 30. Mal in Serie. Nach vier Rennen führen jetzt einmal die Schweizer und schon träumen sie von der Ablöse.

29 Nov 10:37 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700770007614.html
OnePlus 7 Pro Price Slashed By $150 With This Red Hot Black Friday Deal

Today's Black Friday sale sees the OnePlus 7 Pro discounted by $150, which brings its price down to an incredibly hot $549.

29 Nov 15:38 HotHardware 6258404624683813767.html
Caitlyn Jenner & Khloe Kardashian ‘Really Haven’t Talked’ In The 5 Years Since She Came Out As Transgender

Caitlyn Jenner and Khloe Kardashian are reportedly not on good terms, and haven’t been since Caitlyn’s transition five years ago. The former Olympic medalist opened up about her ...

29 Nov 15:10 The Inquisitr 1745625231207343881.html
Flere klager på valget av Haddy Njie som programleder for «Kvelden før kvelden»

- Det er forståelig at det er en viss diskusjon, sier underholdningsredaktør i NRK.

29 Nov 13:26 Kampanje 8714678315669154402.html
Piratearon la Premier League y ahora deberán pagar medio millón de dólares

Los condenados emitían los partidos pirateados a través del sitio web ThaiExpat.tv en Tailandia

29 Nov 14:14 Prensa Libre 5433015257091577671.html
Piratearon la Premier League y ahora deberán pagar medio millón de dólares

Los condenados emitían los partidos pirateados a través del sitio web ThaiExpat.tv en Tailandia

29 Nov 14:14 Prensa Libre 5433015256771788190.html
Nuo kitų metų – nauja natūralaus mineralinio vandens pripažinimo tvarka

Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba (VMVT) patvirtino paprastesnius reikalavimus įmonėms, susijusioms su natūralaus mineralinio vandens tvarkymu. Nauja Natūralaus mineralinio vandens pripažinimo Lietuvoje tvarkos aprašo redakcija įsigalios nuo sausio 1 dienos.

29 Nov 12:57 Kauno diena 6825691408826342504.html
EuroLeague All-Decade Nominee: Kostas Papanikolaou

Two-time EuroLeague champion, Kostas Papanikolaou enters the All-Decade Team dance.

29 Nov 10:30 Eurohoops 1716826101094226008.html
Club said to have made €10m offer to Manchester United – Further meeting hasn’t happened yet

Chris Smalling’s future at AS Roma, or otherwise, has been covered relentlessly by the Italian sport media in recent weeks. The Manchester United owned defender has been in good form since his move to Serie A, and Roma are thought to be making attempts to get the player on a permanent basis. Giallorossi.net have started a

29 Nov 13:33 Sport Witness 200001552105710496.html
Här utbryter bråk mellan Vänsterpartiet och SD: "Ni hatar feminister"

Under en debatt mellan Vänsterpartiets Linda Westerlund Snecker (V) och Adam Marttinen (SD) om säkerhet så blir stämningen hätsk och leder fram till personangrepp. Talmannen blir då tvungen att avbryta och ryta ifrån.

29 Nov 12:43 Nyheter24 5513950689471063524.html
Economic Crisis: GDP Growth Falls to 4.5% in July to September, Lowest in More Than 6 Years

India was the world’s fastest-growing economy until last year, posting quarterly growth rates of as high of 9.4% in 2016.

29 Nov 12:32 India.com 7150386083007026371.html
Jason Garrett still safe, Jerry Jones says, after Cowboys fall to .500

The Dallas owner and GM believes Garrett is still the right person for the job.

29 Nov 13:09 Sporting News 5110653853841408071.html
Pilotos del RallyMobil lamentan la suspensión del WRC: “Lo recibimos con pena, pero es la mejor decisión”

Los protagonistas de la competencia motor reaccionaron ante el anuncio que realizó Felipe Horta durante este jueves en el que confirmó la suspensión de la fecha mundial en Chile que se realizaría en abril del 2020.

29 Nov 10:12 Emol 3328490602909028240.html
Ministro do Turismo defende a liberação de cassinos no Brasil

O ministro do Turismo , Marcelo Álvaro Antônio, defendeu a liberação dos cassinos integrados a resorts no Brasil e afirmou que a liberação dos jogos “é um tema inevitável de ser discutido nos próximos meses”. A declaração foi feita por Álvaro Antônio na última quarta-feira (27) após o anúncio de uma MP para a área […]

29 Nov 12:30 Conexão Política 2089540912075265088.html
One Destiny 2 player has unlocked all 69 titles after 1672 hours of grinding

Some players have multiple Triumphs to their name in Destiny 2, others are happy to rest on their laurels with a single title. But only one Guardian, has all 69 of them. Nice.

29 Nov 14:30 Critical Hit 8797780292909115667.html
M. Majauskas: nauji mokesčiai negali būti priimami skubos tvarka

Seimo narys konservatorius Mykolas Majauskas siūlo nukelti visuomenėje daugiausiai diskusijų keliančių transporto priemonių taršos, nekilnojamojo turto, bankų aktyvų ir stambios prekybos mokesčių įsigaliojimą iki 2020 m. liepos 1 d.

29 Nov 11:23 Kauno diena 6825691409534671001.html
Des apprentis alchimistes à l'école du gin de Singapour

Dans une distillerie de Singapour, un parfum de pin, d'agrumes et de fleurs se répand alors que des élèves écrasent des baies de genévrier et les mélangent avec d'autres ingrédients pour apprendre à fabriquer un gin sur mesure avec une touche...

29 Nov 11:00 RTBF Tendance 2262420856845305675.html
Seat descarta el ERTE por el parón productivo de este mes: los turnos se recuperarán del 18 al 20 de diciembre

Seat ha descartado finalmente aplicar un Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE) en la planta de Martorell (Barcelona) por el parón en la producción que se produjo hace unos días como consecuencia del incendio de su proveedor Faurecia de Abrera (Barcelona), que ocasionó una falta de suministros. En su lugar, ha pactado con los sindicatos que los turnos que se perdieron se recuperarán los días 18, 19 y 20 de diciembre, que inicialmente figuraban como festivos.

29 Nov 11:33 elEconomista.es 9051559958047551246.html
SFI–Capco Institute Banking & Finance Forum

The conference will be held in English and attendance is free of charge. Registration is mandatory.

29 Nov 13:53 Allnews 678771719929332869.html

Severina Kojić se oglasila na Instagramu povodom presude koja je donešena i na osnovu koje je starateljstvo nad njenim sinom Aleksandrom dodeljeno Milanu Popoviću.Pevačica je ispod objave na kojoj je njena fotografija sa sinom napisala dirljiv tekst i konačno ...

29 Nov 14:11 kurir.rs 6515665028116017530.html
I buy di oggi da A2a a Telecom Italia

Fidentiis valuta buy: A2a con prezzo obiettivo di 1,80/1,90 euro.

29 Nov 12:00 Trend Online 3268043279520976546.html
Sacerdote missionário no Japão faz um balanço da visita do Papa Francisco

Pe. Antonio Camacho Muñoz, um sacerdote mexicano que serve no Japão, fez um balanço da recente viagem que o Papa Francisco realizou de 23 a 26 de novembro e afirmou que esta visita pode se tornar o começo de uma "nova evangelização" no país asiático.  

29 Nov 11:00 ACI Digital 1688611262619580739.html
Palacios, entre las ventas más caras de la historia de River

Con su inminente partida al Bayer Leverkusen, el Tucu se convertirá en uno de los jugadores que más dinero dejará en las arcas del club. A continuación, los pases más importantes de la entidad de Núñez:

29 Nov 12:34 TyC Sports 3239944749676317849.html
Cesáreo Gámez: Crecen desempleo e informalidad con AMLO

Se registra un estancamiento en la economía mexicana en lo que va de este año.

29 Nov 11:51 EL FINANCIERO 4014025539700525390.html
Mas Jokowi, Winter Sudah Sejak 2019, Awas Krisis Moneter!

WE Online, Jakarta - Wakil Ketua Umum DPP Partai Gerindra Arief Poyuono menanggapi pernyataan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) yang mengutip serial Game of Thrones, Winter is coming, saat Annual Meeting IMF-World Bank tahun lalu.

29 Nov 11:29 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834655308167.html
Activan ALERTA AMBER en CDMX para localizar a Luz Ariadna de 16 años

Autoridades de CDMX activaron la Alerta Amber para localizar a la menor Luz Ariadna de 16 a&ntilde;os de edad, quien fue vista por &uacute;ltima vez en la alcald&iacute;a Iztapalapa de CDMX.

29 Nov 13:05 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623340271142.html
Galatasaray altyapıya yöneldi

Haberin detayları için tıklayınız

29 Nov 14:28 Fotospor 1506108825158172504.html
Erlös für "Riester Kurve" Riester Kalender 2020 ab sofort erhältlich

Die Kolpingfamilie Lage-Rieste hat den Riester Kalender 2020 vorgestellt. Der Erlös aus dem Verkauf geht diesmal an die "Riester Kurve".

29 Nov 12:55 www.noz.de 1790140123914714909.html
La hija de David Bisbal tendrá un nuevo hermanit@

Elena Tablada anuncia embarazo

29 Nov 11:03 LOS40 2217396491015200462.html
Opinie Martin Wolf, FT: Similitudini neliniştitoare cu perioada de dinaintea Primului Război Mondial. Era actuală are elemente din toate cele trei perioade, iar provocările actuale sunt similare cu cele de atunci. Ce lecţii pot fi învăţate din cele trei perioade?

În prezent, lumea se confruntă cu provocări similare cu cele din perioadele anterioare şi trebuie să tragem învăţăminte din evenimentele de atunci pentru a le face faţă cu succes, scrie Martin Wolf, editorialist la Financial Times.

29 Nov 10:45 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918385416597.html
'Un bate es un juguete', una de las razones del juez para dejar libre a exesposo de Abril Pérez

El hermano de Abril, Javier Pérez, dijo que otra razón del juez fue que, de haber querido matarla, Juan Carlos García lo hubiera hecho mientras estaba despierta y no mientras dormía.

29 Nov 14:50 EL FINANCIERO 4014025540624392665.html
Mega dio el gran golpe con su nueva teleserie brasileña ¡Que trajo a "Carminha" de vuelta!

La nueva teleserie brasileña "Nuevo Sol" - realizada por el mismo creador de "Avenida Brasil" y que trajo de regreso a la pantalla a Adriana Esteves, la mujer que encarnó a "Carminha" - se estrenó con gran éxito en las pantallas de Mega. Según datos preliminares, la producción de Globo promedió 13,5 puntos de rating […]

29 Nov 14:37 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355045885058.html
Sophia Al-Maria & Victoria Sin – Astral Bodies Electric, Make Up!

Now showing at London's 180 The Strand.

29 Nov 11:51 FACT Magazine 7458605275849001240.html
Nadège, chi è la modella: carriera e curiosità sulla musa di Versace

Chi è Nadège, la nota e amatissima modella di nazionalità francese che vive a Milano: carriera e curiosità sulla musa di Versace e Armani.

29 Nov 13:42 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926280519923.html
Estación de Metro Manuel Montt (L1) tuvo que cortar la corriente durante 2 horas por personas sentadas en el andén

La parada ya se encuentra nuevamente disponible.

29 Nov 14:27 Emol 3328490601370760438.html
Díaz-Canel en Ciego de Ávila: Con la sensibilidad siempre en la agenda de trabajo (+fotos)

El Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, instó a los cuadros del Partido y del Gobierno en Ciego de Ávila a pensar siempre en las personas con mayores necesidades, más allá de los números fríos de los planes, al encabezar en la mañana de este viernes un análisis sobre el Programa de la Vivienda en el territorio, como parte de la segunda visita que realiza el Consejo de Ministros a esta provincia en poco más de un año. 

29 Nov 14:04 Escambray 1851904803887915949.html
All you need to know about the Euro 2020 finals draw

The lowdown on how the process for next summer’s tournament will work.

29 Nov 10:58 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774451104979.html
Raoul Bova in lutto, Chiara Giordana replica alle critiche: “La vita vera non è sui social”

La ex moglie dell'attore è stata attaccata da qualcuno per aver pubblicato un post nel giorno in cui veniva diffusa la notizia della morte della signora Rosa Bova

29 Nov 14:56 Today 178378750722123013.html
Nación aumentó impuesto y se viene otra suba en naftas

El gobierno dispuso, a partir de mañana, un aumento del impuesto a los combustibles que gravan las ventas de naftas y gas oil, según el decreto 798/2019, publicado hoy en el Boletín Oficial.

29 Nov 14:43 El Patagónico 8565457046170075104.html
Por si no lo notaba: el dólar alto le pega directamente a su bolsillo y lo hace más pobre

El incremento que se da por el paro no distingue estrato o nivel socioeconómico, afecta desde los carros de alta gama, hasta la compra de un tomate o una papa. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 14:01 pulzo.com 8971816787485152941.html
A Massa Carlo vende il suo famoso ristorante per aiutare la moglie: “È malata, deve curarsi”

La storia di Carlo Bertaccini, noto ristoratore di Massa, e della moglie Paola, gravemente malata da tre anni. I due hanno sempre gestito insieme il ristorante L'Aquila ma per sostenere le cure della donna in una clinica austriaca, hanno deciso di ipotecare la casa e vendere l'attività: 'Paghiamo 15mila euro al giorno. Ho chiesto anche un mutuo. Farò di tutto per lei'.

29 Nov 11:55 fanpage.it 1517332168236285231.html
Windkraft: Nordländer legen Elf-Punkte-Plan vor

Die Regierungschefs der fünf norddeutschen Bundesländer haben in Berlin für ihren Elf-Punkte-Plan geworben, mit dem die Situation der Windenergiebranche verbessert werden soll.

29 Nov 13:00 NDR.de 5356044082790949570.html
‘20 anni che siamo italiani’: su Rai1 lo show con Gigi D'Alessio e Vanessa Incontrada

Stasera la prima di tre serate evento condotte dal cantante e dall'attrice

29 Nov 13:10 Today 178378750668819850.html
BMW Kinijoje gamins elektra varomus „Mini“ automobilius

Vokietijos automobilių gamintojas BMW paskelbė gaminsiantis tik elektra varomus „Mini“ automobilius naujoje gamykloje Kinijoje kartu su kinų partneriu „Great Wall Motor“.

29 Nov 11:12 Kauno diena 6825691408808359311.html
This story has legs: Cambodia ‘bug cafe’ serves up insect tapas

SIEM REAP, Nov 29 — Ant spring rolls, silkworm taro croquettes and a “bug mac” — Cambodia’s first insect tapas restaurant is mixing cocktail culture with creepy crawler fare. At the busy “Bugs Cafe” in the tourist town of Siem Reap, chef Seiha Soeun stands over a sizzling wok in the...

29 Nov 14:00 Malaymail 302165935872075126.html
St. Pöltner Plattform lädt zu Doku über Schwerhörigkeit

Zum „Internationalen Tag der Menschen mit Behinderung“ zeigt die Plattform Barrierefreiheit St. Pölten gemeinsam mit dem Cinema Paradiso am Montag, 2. Dezember, den österreichischen Dokumentarfilm „unerhÖrt/ speak UP“.

29 Nov 12:36 NÖN.at 2486998933068587687.html
Bella Hadid décide de faire planter 600 arbres pour compenser ses voyages en avion

Prenant conscience de son empreinte carbone considérable, le mannequin souhaite agir à sa manière pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique.

29 Nov 10:37 RTL People 5478130074564113392.html
La rumoreada película live action de Dragon Ball tal vez ya encontró a su Goku

Se rumorea que Ludi Lin podría interpretar a Goku en la también rumoreada película live action de Dragon Ball de Disney.

29 Nov 15:42 Atomix 6373322942912441535.html
Papa Francisco doa relíquia da manjedoura à Custódia da Terra Santa

As celebrações de entrega da relíquia começaram na manhã desta sexta-feira, 29, com a Santa Missa na Igreja do Instituto Notre Dame em Jerusalém

29 Nov 13:25 NOTÍCIAS 8308687241146437911.html
Nutella Biscuits: su Amazon costano (ancora) 10 euro

L’ultimo nato di casa Ferrero va a ruba. Anche su Amazon, dove una confezione di Nutella Biscuits costa 10 euro (mentre il prezzo consigliato sarebbe 2,99). Alla faccia del Black Friday

29 Nov 15:26 Wired 7504010957505021316.html
El final de Los Simpson está a la vuelta de la esquina

Creada por Matt Groening, es la serie animada de televisión más longeva del mundo que se mantiene en antena

29 Nov 12:07 ABC.es 6074573463365217211.html
Apple iPhone 11 Pro: Mujjo-Lederhülle im Test

Mujjo liefert auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine Lederhülle für die neuen iPhones und ich habe mir die vier aktuellen Farben mal näher angeschaut.

29 Nov 15:10 mobiFlip.de 5208441549659381843.html
Os 10 Isekais em que os japoneses mais gostariam de viver de acordo com votação

Por mais que isekai atualmente vem gerando várias discussões sobre originalidade, é inegável que algumas obras conseguem apresentar mundos criativos,...

29 Nov 15:51 IntoxiAnime 3188557440342665580.html
Hiv / Aids, in Valle d'Aosta incidenza «superiore al normale»

AOSTA. L'incidenza di Hiv in Valle d'Aosta è più alta rispetto alla media nazionale e in diversi casi la positività è scoperta quando la malattia è ormai in fase avanzata. I dati riferiti al 2019 indicano 10 casi diagnosticati e una media regionale di 8 casi ogni 100.000 abitanti, ben più alta dei 6 della media italiana. A fotografare la (preoccupante) situazione nella nostra regione è stata l'infettivologa Silvia Magnani in una conferenza stampa organizzata dall'Azienda Usl in vista della Giornata mondiale dell'Aids il 1° dicembre. In Valle l'incidenza è «superiore al normale» e «rispetto al resto d'Italia abbiamo casi avanzati: su dieci nuovi, sei sono di Aids», ha spiegato Magnani. Ciò significa che 6 persone su 10 con l'Hiv avevano già sviluppato la conseguente malattia quando hanno scoperto la positività al virus. «E' un dato clamoroso, enorme», ha commentato Magnani. Una delle possibili spiegazioni è che in diverse occasioni la diagnosi è avvenuta quasi per caso, «nei centri trasfusionali o durante i ricoveri»…

29 Nov 15:57 Aostaoggi.it 8718172644512350778.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Politics

Scott Morrison: “Cunning. A little Machiavellian. And not to be underestimated." Plus: Jacqui Lambie and Philip Lowe.

29 Nov 13:22 The Age 7967730561868247068.html
Good Weekend's Who Mattered 2019: Politics

Scott Morrison: “Cunning. A little Machiavellian. And not to be underestimated." Plus: Jacqui Lambie and Philip Lowe.

29 Nov 13:22 Brisbane Times 2314609338887319580.html
Ring Fit Adventure victime de son succès au Japon, Nintendo s'excuse pour la rupture des stocks

Ring Fit Adventure se vend visiblement plus vite au Japon que ne l'imaginait Nintendo.

29 Nov 11:17 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042610591561556.html
Júlia Palha comparada a "suricata africana"

Mais uma vez, Júlia Palha, de 21 anos, foi alvo de um comentário insultuoso nas redes sociais, depois de partilhar uma fotografia onde surge com um grande decote. Um seguidor comparou-a a "uma suricata africana", depois de lhe destacar o "pescoço elegante".

29 Nov 12:38 JN 6956494304248184558.html

Segunda geração da picape vai substituir o modelo antigo até 2021

29 Nov 11:48 Auto Esporte 6461698428347594703.html
Norsen tände ljus för sina stupade elever

43 Norsenelever stupade i vinterkriget. Skolans årskurser fem till nio samlades i dag till en minnesstund för de stupade.

29 Nov 11:39 HBL 7222309293127168304.html
Klop: Ne zanima me ko daje golove

Menadžer Liverpula Jirgen Klop je pred meč sa Brajtonom na "Enfildu" poručio da "galebovi" ove sezone igraju pravi fudbal, da su hrabri i da imaju projekat koji se razvija. Poručio je i da će ekipa morati da se snađe bez povređenog Fabinja, kao i da ga ne zanima ko daje golove.

29 Nov 14:54 Sport Klub 42251758473015512.html
Vírus da conjuntivite pode evoluir causando infecção da via respiratória

Bebê de um ano e dez meses foi infectado pela doença na forma viral e quadro evoluiu para pneumonia

29 Nov 13:34 Folha Vitória 4941883427149960094.html
[Video] TM explica por qué su gerente no se equivocó al mostrar cómo validar pasaje

María Consuelo Araújo, en entrevista con Noticias Caracol, estaba exponiendo cómo se debe ingresar a las estaciones, pero su ejemplo generó varias reacciones. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 12:52 pulzo.com 8971816786316329449.html
Bruscolotti: "Vicenda durata fin troppo. Se i giocatori si scusano anche con la gente..."

Nel corso di Kiss Kiss Napoli è intervenuto l'ex capitano azzurro, Beppe Bruscolotti

29 Nov 13:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081368709884.html
Save up to $150 on Asus Chromebooks this Black Friday

Asus offers a wide range of capable Chromebooks, and many of them are available for reduced prices this Black Friday. The deals start with the entry-level

29 Nov 11:36 Android Police 6171356415299821459.html
Glovo 'pesca' en el SEPE: 2.000 riders estaban en paro antes de incorporarse

Hasta un 25 % de sus repartidores se encontraban en una situación de desempleo se han incorporado a la aplicación.

29 Nov 10:01 La Información 5328999781649719356.html
BNP Paribas Suisse envisage de licencier 250 employés

BNP Paribas Suisse envisage un important plan d'économies. La filiale helvétique de la grande banque française pourrait licencier 250 employés sur un effectif de 1400. La restructuration concernerait principalement Genève, où la banque a son siège.

29 Nov 10:01 www.rjb.ch 7386238341600909570.html
Niemiecki dziennik pisze o szefach państwowych spółek

"Po zwycięstwie wyborczym PiS w 2015 roku stery w polskich przedsiębiorstwach państwowych bądź z udziałem skarbu państwa objęła nowa klasa młodych, światowych menadżerów, wyłącznie mężczyzn, związanych z partią rządzącą" – czytamy w "Die Welt".

29 Nov 12:46 Do Rzeczy 474976675819813098.html
‘Premier Malta stapt per direct op’

Joseph Muscat heeft tegen vertrouwelingen gezegd dat hij per direct stopt als premier van Malta. Dat meldt de Times of Malta vrijdag. Zijn besluit is een gevolg van de politieke crisis die is ontstaan door het onderzoek naar de moord op journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017. De voormalige stafchef van de Maltese regering, Keith Schembri, zou bij het moordcomplot zijn betrokken, maar is donderdag vrijgelaten door de politie.

29 Nov 14:47 RD.nl 6406779841614524192.html
Orban precizează că există un proiect de lege în Parlament pentru interzicerea exportului de animale vii dacă nu sunt asigurate condiţii de transport decente, obiectivul pe termen lung fiind interzicerea totală a exporturilor de acest tip

Premierul Ludovic Orban afirmă că există un proiect de lege în Parlament pentru interzicerea exportului de animale vii dacă nu sunt asigurate condiţii de transport decente pentru acestea, precizând că obiectivul pe termen lung este interzicerea acestui tip de export, iar România să investească în procesarea materiilor prime provenite din agricultură.

29 Nov 11:22 News.ro 1785173098064550932.html
Hoy viernes es el examen de admisión a la UACH

Chihuahua.- Este viernes se llevará a cabo el examen de admisión para ingresar a las carreras que ofrecen las 15 facultades que integran a la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH), para semestre enero-junio 2020. Así, hoy

29 Nov 13:26 La Parada Digital 5696840779454287219.html
Localizan cadáver de mujer envuelto en sábanas en zona 18

El MP lanzó ayer el “Observatorio de las Mujeres”, una plataforma electrónica con la que se busca fortalecer la lucha contra la violencia contra las féminas.

29 Nov 12:02 Publinews 8987875303910284651.html
Ginger snap gin and lime cocktail recipe

The lime syrup here will make more than you need but is ideal for a second batch.

29 Nov 13:00 The Telegraph 140598091658982221.html
The Apprentice star hospitalised after dropping £1,000 jar of caviar on toe


29 Nov 14:53 Metro 970161747493998324.html
Facebook zapłaci za twoje dane i uwagi

Facebook Viewpoints to najnowszy projekt firmy Marka Zuckerberga. Kto ma ochotę podzielić się swoimi danymi oraz spostrzeżeniami dotyczącym serwisu ten Facebook Viewpoints to najnowszy projekt firmy Marka Zuckerberga. Kto ma ochotę podzielić się swoimi danymi oraz spostrzeżeniami dotyczącym serwisu ten może na tym zarobić. Zadanie polega na wypełnianiu ankiet oraz braniu udziału w badaniach sprawdzających preferencje konsumentów. Po wypełnieniu ankiety lub wzięciu udziału w badaniu każdy uczestnik programu otrzyma punkty, które trafią na jego indywidualne konto. Punkty zostaną następnie wymienione na pieniądze na specjalnym koncie PayPal. „Viewpoint to aplikacja, która pomoże nam kształtować przyszłość”  – słyszymy w spocie reklamującym aplikację. Reklama Pierwsza ankieta, która pojawi się w aplikacji, ma zebrać pomysły dotyczące sposobów ograniczenia negatywnego wpływy mediów społecznościowych. Za jej wypełnienie użytkownicy dostaną 1000 punktów, czyli równowartość 5 dolarów (niecałe 20 zł). Jak łatwo policzyć…

29 Nov 12:34 CHIP 4252840418582387655.html
Masiva llegada de venezolanos a Cúcuta por el "Black Friday"

El coronel José Luis Palomino, comandante de la Policía Metropolitana de Cúcuta, afirmó que tienen coordinados los dispositivos de seguridad para brindar una jornada de compras tranquila

29 Nov 10:52 Globovisión 5928221751159151845.html
Detenido 'El capitán', uno de los mayores distribuidores de heroína en España

La Policía Nacional interviene 25 kilos de heroína en Madrid procedente de Holanda

29 Nov 11:12 La Vanguardia 8061072699856434839.html
Guggenberg: „Gehsunde“ Wanderung

Jede Wanderung mit Hanni Gratzer ist ein Erlebnis. Die Wanderführerin nahm die „Krone“ mit auf den Guggenberg.

29 Nov 15:01 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093073213450.html
Ex-Japan PM Nakasone dies at 101

Former Japanese prime minister, famed for national integration after the second world war dies at the age of 101.

29 Nov 10:25 Deccan Herald 2027555796649080962.html
NFL playoff clinching scenarios for 49ers, Saints, Patriots in Week 13

Three teams can clinch NFL playoff spots this week. Here are the scenarios for San Francisco, New Orleans and New England.

29 Nov 13:14 Sporting News 5110653853884556538.html
Al horno: casa de la pizza frita, de la keto y la creativa

Una pizzería lejos de lo tradicional

29 Nov 13:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310162600562.html
Canada: ralentissement de la croissance à 1,3% en rythme annuel au 3e trimestre

L'économie canadienne a ralenti au troisième trimestre, le Produit intérieur brut augmentant de 1,3% en rythme annuel, conformément aux attentes des analystes, a...

29 Nov 15:13 Zonebourse 7946574378084382925.html
Décorez votre sapin aux couleurs de Viva for Life

Mettez une petite touche de rouge dans votre sapin pour la bonne cause ! Les boules de Noël Viva for Life sont de retour dans toutes les agences Belfius.

29 Nov 10:45 Vivreici.be 7768530902140182440.html
Pas pacientą skubėjusiems medikams patiems prireikė pagalbos

Ketvirtadienį skubėdamas pas pacientą į nemalonią situaciją pakliuvo greitosios medicinos pagalbos ekipažas. Miško kelyje užklimpusiems medikams į pagalbą skubėjo ne tik ugniagesiai, pareigūnai, bet ir vietiniai gyventojai.

29 Nov 11:28 Kauno diena 6825691410283601116.html
Tågpersonal får elstötar av sina uniformer

Trafik Anställda på Pågatågen i Sydsverige får starka elektriska stötar på jobbet så ofta att det har blivit ett arbetsmiljöproblem. Personalens skyddsombud kräver att tågbolaget Arriva vidtar konkreta åtgärder, och har lämnat in en anmälan till Arbetsmiljöverket, skriver lokala medier.

29 Nov 11:18 www.unt.se 8922556089755155878.html
Cassano: "Inter-Barça? Spero Messi riposi. Lautaro pazzesco, ha cattiveria e personalità"

"Il problema più grande dell'Inter è Messi, se decide di giocare o no. Se il 10 gioca il Barça è una squadra, senza di lui è un'altra. Credo che...

29 Nov 11:55 FcInterNews.it 7848284893764362959.html
KBC: Moody's a revu à la baisse ses perspectives

L'agence de notation Moody's a revu à la baisse ses perspectives sur le groupe belge KBC, de 'positives' à 'stables', en invoquant la hausse du montan - 29/11/2019 12:44

29 Nov 11:44 ABC Bourse 2538693399454946713.html
InfoTrafic: Cum se circulă în aceste momente pe străzile din Capitală

Serviciul ”InfoTrafic” al INP, informează că la această oră se înregistrează flux mare de transport și se circulă cu dificultate, pe următoarele străzi ale Capitalei:- strada Ismail tronsonul străzilor bulevardul D.Cantemir – Calea Basarabiei;- strada Cal

29 Nov 11:42 PUBLIKA 1679939813398754836.html
Polícia do Rio faz operação para combater extorsão praticada por PMs

Estão sendo cumpridos sete mandados de prisão e 14 mandados de busca e apreensão

29 Nov 13:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700096253864.html
Efter SVT:s avslöjande: Chefer som försvarade Kinas politik stoppas från att företräda Huawei

SVT:s avslöjande att två Huawei-chefer försvarat Kinas politik vid ett kundmöte får nu konsekvenser. Cheferna stoppas från att företräda Huawei Sverige, och bolaget ska även se över sina rutiner och sin kommunikation.

29 Nov 11:09 SVT Nyheter 8475792988816811149.html
En primer debate de ley tributaria se esperan más aportes de asambleístas

A partir de las 11:00 del viernes se debate, en primera instancia, la Ley de Simplicidad y Progresividad Tributaria. De acuerdo con Gabriela Larreátegui (SUMA), miembro de la Comisión de Régimen

29 Nov 10:00 El Universo 8365175797979518285.html
Bons baisers de Russie – Weekly note de Credit Suisse

La bourse russe a réalisé cette année l’une des meilleures performances au plan international.

29 Nov 10:03 Allnews 678771719908820458.html
Adieu nach 13 Jahren, obwohl Baby im Anmarsch ist

Menschlichkeit - der Slogan der SPÖ aus dem Nationalratswahlkampf ist heute nur eine zynische Floskel. Wie berichtet, wurden 27 Mitarbeiter per ...

29 Nov 15:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093059379579.html
Czy ty też parkujesz na wzniesieniu?

Jeden z naszych czytelników skierował do redakcji pytanie: "Nikt nie potrafi mi odpowiedzieć, w jakiej odległości od szczytu wzniesienia mogę zaparkować? Chodzi o odcinek drogi poza obszarem zabudowanym i nie ma tam namalowanych żadnych linii na jezdni."

29 Nov 14:30 motoryzacja.interia.pl 8991699715899680514.html
La stagione monstre di Pellegrini: 3,4 passaggi chiave a partita. E come cambia la vita di Dzeko…

Nessuno in Serie A riesce a tenere le sue medie. Il bosniaco senza di lui ha realizzato solo un gol in 9 partite. E adesso la Roma pensa a blindarlo

29 Nov 13:29 Forzaroma.info 1065617485553025499.html
Ortega Smith dice que el belén de Barcelona es «como Ada Colau, una cosa deslavazada» sin buen gusto ni sentido común

El dirigente de Vox atacó a Colau definiéndola como «la antítesis del arte, del buen gusto y del sentido común»

29 Nov 15:15 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612891087836.html
STJ mantém Eduardo Cunha na prisão

O ex-deputado está preso preventivamente desde 2016

29 Nov 10:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699718645358.html
Nothing for free in 2020, not even masturbation – Juliet Ibrahim warns

It Is that time of the year where people seem to reminisce on the year 2019 and make preparation ahead of the new year, 2020. Popular Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim, is not left out as she

29 Nov 12:44 LailasNews.com 2090029850992495767.html
India’s Core Sector Output Shrinks 5.8% In October, Lowest In Over A Decade

As many as six of eight core industries saw a contraction in output, indicating the severity of the economic slowdown in India.

29 Nov 12:09 Bloomberg | Quint 7403450740742277679.html
Guaidó: “Informe de petroquímica Monómetro confirmó saqueo perpetrado por la dictadura”

Juan Guaidó, informó a través de un comunicado este 29 de noviembre que el informe de la junta directiva de la empresa venezolana petroquímica Monómetros,

29 Nov 11:32 El Siglo 7954754735418832649.html
‘Uomini e Donne’, Giovanna Abate rivela qual è il suo pensiero sulla sua rivale Giulia D’Urso!

Giovanna Abate è una delle corteggiatrici che siede alla corte di Giulio Raselli, tronista dell’attuale stagione del Trono Classico di Uomini e Donne. Insieme a lei a corteggiare il bel Raselli anche la sua rivale Giulia D’Urso. Giulio ha infatti incentrato il suo percorso all’interno degli studi elios proprio con le due ragazze, che per carattere e modi di fare sembra siano proprio agli antipodi.

29 Nov 10:00 Isa e Chia 8427750812370040014.html
O projeto ibérico que vai dar "segunda vida" ao seu lixo elétrico e eletrónico

O que acontece aos seus frigoríficos, máquinas de lavar loiça ou roupa e micro-ondas? Poluem, mas este projeto pode fazer com que sejam aproveitados.

29 Nov 10:21 SÁBADO 5711459692719321189.html
Memória: time do Hospital Joana de Gusmão

Final de semana para relembrar fotos históricas que envolvem personalidades, ex-jogadores profissionais, todas as modalidades de esportes, enfim, o  que gostamos de fazer: resgatar fotos históricas do esporte catarinense.

29 Nov 13:07 NSC Total 4216767909307871673.html
Ds. Westerbeek van Eerten (PKN) overleden

Ds. M. A. Westerbeek van Eerten uit Gouda is op 19 november overleden.

29 Nov 10:21 RD.nl 6406779840540698100.html
‘I’m sorry we let you down’ – Arsenal star issues apology after Unai Emery sacked by Gunners

Gunners ace takes responsibility on behalf of squad...

29 Nov 14:45 CaughtOffside 8169236756248948766.html
Samsung će navodno kreirati 14nm CPU-ove za Intel

Intel je odlučio da ne gubi vreme i već je kontaktirao TSMC i Samsung koji će kompaniji pomoći da proizvede deo 14nm CPU-ova

29 Nov 15:00 Benchmark 6730898461785952543.html
Álvarez de Toledo acusa Sánchez de posar Espanya en mans del «delinqüent» Junqueras

La dirigent del PP assegura que no hi haurà "abstenció patriòtica" perquè seria una "abstenció massoquista"

29 Nov 14:26 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479973309795.html
¿Los gatos son menos cariñosos que los perros?

Pretendemos que se expresen con entusiasmo, pero la clave está en aprender a interpretarlos. Su manera de ser tiene que ver con sus orígenes.

29 Nov 15:43 Todo Noticias 8077539161240804889.html
Da Milano a Tokyo. L'avvicinamento di Filippo Tortu alle Olimpiadi 2020

Il primatista italiano dei 100 metri parla con il Foglio sportivo a margine del convegno “Lo sport oltre lo sport. Giocare in casa. I luoghi dello sport in una città che cambia&rdquo...

29 Nov 15:38 IL FOGLIO 7601335405989346924.html
Pédophilie dans l'Église: en appel, pas de condamnation requise contre Barbarin

"La justice évite la recherche du symbole": aucune condamnation n'a été requise vendredi contre le cardinal Philippe Barbarin, jugé en appel à Lyon pour ne pas avoir dénoncé les abus sexuels d'un prêtre du diocèse. L'avocat général Joël Sollier a appelé la cour à rendre une décision "raisonnée et sereine", en distinguant le "cas individuel" de l'archevêque de Lyon des "fautes morales et pénales" commises par l’Église face à la pédophilie de certains de ses prêtres.

29 Nov 13:26 FranceSoir 2214281689643948664.html
Uber Pitch 2019 paves way for a National Winner

KARACHI, Pakistan: Uber Pitch 2019, a nationwide competition to enable budding entrepreneurs, has come to a close for the year with the announcement of MimAR as the national winner. The winning startup MimAR was chosen from a large pool of contestants across Pakistan. Five startups came out on top for the in-car finale to pitch their ideas to industry leaders Saad Naveed Pall, GM Uber, Yusuf Hussain, CEO Ignite and Misbah Naqvi, Managing Partner i2i Ventures. The panel of judges met each startup in-car and rated them on their journey. Speaking at the competition’s conclusion, Saad Naveed Pall said, “It has been truly inspiring to see the brilliant startups that came forward in Uber Pitch 2019, just as they do every year. Uber is committed to building a startup culture that not only supports but also empowers digital startups to get on the road to opportunity and move their ideas forward.” The application process began for digital startups from all over Pakistan in August 2019. The launch event was attended by…

29 Nov 13:31 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131914200773.html
Black Friday 2019: Los mejores monitores Gaming y Televisores para jugar a 4K por debajo de 400 euros

La resolución “inalcanzable” al alcance de muchos jugadores. Es innegable que durante los último años ha existido una fiebre general en torno a la idea del videojuego a...

29 Nov 10:37 3DJuegos 3383023118546901868.html
Wind e 3 rete fissa: fino al Cyber Monday promo online con chiamate illimitate a 26,98 euro al mese

Wind e 3, per il Black Friday che si concluderà con il Cyber Monday, propongono promo online per la rete fissa con chiamate illimitate

29 Nov 13:14 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461748643647323.html
¿Cómo cuidar y mantener tus llantas en buen estado?

Las llantas son uno de los elementos más importantes del vehículo y los únicos que tienen contacto con el suelo. Por ello, se convierte en un factor clave que requiere de cuidados por durabilidad y

29 Nov 11:00 El Universo 8365175797079402554.html
Mod für Red Dead 2 lässt euch den Geist von Agnes Dowd aus der Nähe betrachten

In den Sümpfen von Red Dead Redemption 2 spukt ein Geist, über den ihr dank einer Mod für die PC-Version etwas mehr erfahren könnt.

29 Nov 13:31 www.gamestar.de 809832117690272621.html
Clinic opens to solve men's sexual health issues, 100% money back guarantee

A New men’s only clinic that specializes in providing trusted solutions for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, low libido, low reproductive fluid and other male infertility issues has commenced in Lagos.

29 Nov 12:19 Legit 3764253651066049600.html
Ikut World Tour Finals 2019, BWF Sebut Praveen/Melati 'Raja' di Eropa

BWF sebut ganda campuran unggulan Indonesia, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva sebagai raja bulutangkis yang mampu menaklukan Eropa.

29 Nov 10:17 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548983255968.html
Marina und Herfried Münkler: „Abschied vom Abstieg“ – Aufregung als Ersatz für Politik

Seit Jahren hören wir, dass es mit uns bergab geht. Das ist eigentlich ganz bequem. Zu „Abschied vom Abstieg“ von Marina und Herfried Münkler.

29 Nov 15:02 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322765201734.html
Previa del partido de la jornada 15: Beti Onak contra Peña Azagresa

Previa del partido de la jornada 15: Beti Onak contra Peña Azagresa

29 Nov 15:33 sport 1349897970639519918.html
La Plata: otra “marcha de la gorra” denunciará la criminalización de la juventud de los barrios

Este viernes cientos de jóvenes marcharán por las calles platenses en el marco de una nueva marcha contra la violencia policial e institucional. La jornada busca visibilizar los casos de gatillo fácil, así como también exigir que se declare la Emergencia en Adicciones y para que se “implementen las políticas públicas necesarias para combatir el hambre y la droga en los barrios”.

29 Nov 13:28 Infocielo 6573250471010953405.html
Movimiento en los comercios por el Black Friday empezará desde las 06:00

Este viernes 29 el comercio madrugará en Guayaquil con ofertas por el Black Friday, y la jornada será extendida para que los clientes puedan visitar los locales antes o después de su trabajo. El

29 Nov 10:00 El Universo 8365175797072685919.html
Yankees van por Cole | En la Pelota

Lee la columna de Juan Vené

29 Nov 11:00 Últimas Noticias 6811287210853787051.html
Primeiro-ministro pede mobilização para duplicar acesso às verbas europeias da ciência e investigação

O primeiro-ministro considerou, esta sexta-feira, decisivo que Portugal duplique o acesso às verbas centralizadas do programa “Horizonte Europa” para a ciência e investigação e fez um veemente apelo às empresas para que apostem nos quadros qualificados. Estas posições foram assumidas por António Costa em São Bento, em Lisboa, no final da cerimónia de assinatura do “Contrato de Legislatura” entre o Estado e as instituições de Ensino Superior – um compromisso que prevê um aumento no financiamento de 55 milhões de euros já em 2020, acomodando aspetos como a redução do valor das propinas suportado pelas famílias e um crescimento anual na dotação orçamental de 2% ao ano até 2023. “Sei que este acordo não foi fácil de negociar em primeiro lugar pelo lado do Governo, mas também por parte das instituições de Ensino Superior”, declarou o líder do executivo, numa sessão em que o Governo se fez representar pelos ministros da Ciência e Ensino Superior, Manuel Heitor, do Planeamento, Nelson de Souza, de Estado e dos Negócios…

29 Nov 13:51 O Minho 154418196877430559.html
Microsoft’s Black Friday deals are available now — save hundreds on the Surface Pro 7, the Surface Laptop 3, the Xbox One, and more

Black Friday is upon us, bringing with it a huge range of impressive deals on all kinds of products. From gaming devices to computers and laptops, there are deals out there for everyone.

29 Nov 14:50 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884203211994.html
Conocé a Noon: el Schnauzer miniatura de Zendaya que no se aparta de su lado

La actriz y cantante lo considera su "hijo". Encontró en el animal su "cable a tierra" en medio de la vorágine de Hollywood.

29 Nov 14:42 Todo Noticias 8077539161342796930.html
Acusa a su ex de violar a su propia hija, pero las pericias lo respaldan: ella, desesperada y él, libre

La madre de la criatura radicó la denuncia hace más de dos meses y este jueves fue examinada por psicólogos del Centro ANIVI y su informe será clave para el caso. El médico legista no encontró lesiones.

29 Nov 12:06 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157367170039.html
Samouničujoča sporočila prihajajo na WhatsApp, z novim imenom in nastavitvami

Uporabljate funkcije pošiljanja samouničujočih se sporočil, ki jih ponuja vedno več aplikacij? Glavna prednost te lastnosti je zagotavljanje zaščite in zasebnosti sporočil? V tem č

29 Nov 10:00 Računalniške novice 5784844856570186873.html
Vivo V17 with punch hole display, quad cameras to launch in India on Dec 9

Vivo V17 with a punch-hole display and diamond-shaped rear camera module could launch in India on December 9. Vivo is looking to bring V17 with a punch-hole display in India instead of a waterdrop notch design that has been announced for the Russian market.

29 Nov 12:15 The Indian Express 2885715105161293589.html
20 Anni che siamo Italiani: show di D’Alessio e Incontrada per festeggiare il loro ‘anniversario’. Tra gli ospiti della prima puntata Amadeus, Mika, Nannini, Panariello

Gigi D’Alessio e Vanessa Incontrada inaugurano il nuovo venerdì sera di Rai 1. L’inedita coppia sarà protagonista da questa sera per tre puntate di 20 Anni che siamo Italiani, uno show nel quale ‘racconteranno’ il loro speciale anniversario, dall’exploit nazionale di Gigi al Festival di Sanremo 2000 (cantava Non dirgli mai) all’arrivo di Vanessa nel Belpaese, dove ancora oggi è uno dei volti più conosciuti.

29 Nov 12:03 DavideMaggio.it 221510839967179400.html
Iš Vokietijos įsigytomis savaeigėmis haubicomis ginkluojamame batalione – pirmoji pilnai parengta 155 mm ugnies baterija

Iš Vokietijos įsigytomis 155 mm savaeigėmis lauko artilerijos haubicomis „PzH 2000” („Panzerhaubitze 2000") ginkluojamas Lietuvos kariuomenės Generolo Romualdo Giedraičio artilerijos batalionas lapkričio pabaigoje vyk

29 Nov 15:02 JONAVOS ŽINIOS 3861072125311798617.html
Kombination: ÖSV-Duo zum Auftakt in Top Ten

Einen überragenden Erfolg feiert das norwegische Team:

29 Nov 15:53 www.laola1.at 837519019532299019.html
Plácido Domingo: "He sido galante, pero siempre en los límites de la caballerosidad"

Cien días después de la escandalera mediática por las acusaciones de acoso, el barítono madrileño rompe por primera vez su silencio en El Confidencial

29 Nov 15:34 El Confidencial 6129807549374181462.html
Johan Cruyff’s prediction about Lionel Messi’s Ballon d’Or wins about to come true

The 2019 Ballon d’Or will be handed out on December 2, with Lionel Messi and Virgil van Dijk leading the pack. A win for Messi would see him bag his sixth award, which in turn, will be a record in itself. Former Barcelona and Netherlands great, Johan Cruyff, had predicted the same seven years ago! 

29 Nov 11:00 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906771501759.html
EE.UU.: Cómo la lucha contra el cambio climático la lideran los estados ante el nulo interés del Gobierno

Varios de ellos han sostenido acuerdos climáticos por su cuenta y han desafiado a la política de la Administración de Donald Trump respecto del cuidado del planeta.

29 Nov 15:02 Emol 3328490602973421135.html
Aston Villa boss Smith says job is ‘everything he wanted’

The boyhood Villa fan joined the club in October last year.

29 Nov 15:50 Shropshire Star 3480199993235833155.html
Erdoğan to Macron: Get your own ‘brain death’ checked first

Turkish president also says his French counterpart ‘doesn’t know what the fight against terror is.’

29 Nov 13:24 POLITICO 2584151346748148926.html
Kingsman 3 : Taron Egerton (Eggsy Unwin) annonce un tournage pour bientôt

Les espions les plus classes au monde devraient bientôt reprendre du service selon Taron Egerton. 

29 Nov 11:30 melty 8059025070897530272.html
Milli Piyango ABD'den mi kontrol ediliyor

CHP vekil Deniz Yavuzyılmaz, Milli Piyango'da ABD Merkezli 'IGT Turkey' isimli firmanın 23 yıldır ihaleleri aldığına dikkati çekerek, bir nevi çekilişleri Milli Piyango'nun değil bu firmanın yönettiğini öne sürdü.

29 Nov 13:26 OdaTV 3336151106113113657.html
Nascidos em agosto sem conta na Caixa podem sacar FGTS a partir de hoje (29)

O saque começou em setembro para quem tem poupança ou conta corrente na Caixa, com crédito automático.

29 Nov 11:11 BAHIA NO AR 8652507714123004842.html
GARDU GARDU kulinarinės kelionės tęsiasi


29 Nov 13:20 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887587389293653.html
Schalke – Union Berlin im Live-Ticker: Stolpert auch S04 gegen die Eisernen?

Im Freitagabendspiel des 13. Bundesliga-Spieltags heißt es Schalke – Union Berlin.

29 Nov 15:12 www.derwesten.de 5765995665872733787.html
Microsoft kan spöa Google på spelstreaming

Google Stadia är tjänsten som får mest uppmärksamhet. Men den har gott om utmanare. Här är 4 andra sätt att streama spel.

29 Nov 10:30 Ny Teknik 4280928732769452175.html
Fortunas por un recuerdo "techie": ¿cuánto vale hoy un disquete firmado por Steve Jobs?

Pedazos de la historia de la tecnología, vendidos o por venderse al mejor postor.

29 Nov 12:27 La Voz 6237180760279156983.html
Sting, Pastora Soler, Amaral, Estopa, Ara Malikian o Perales, primeras confirmaciones del Stone & Music de Mérida

El artista británico Sting abrirá el próximo 2 de agosto la quinta edición del Stone & Music Festival de Mérida, una cita que tiene como primeras...

29 Nov 10:12 Europa Press 4702666147879468721.html
Hucam fará vacinação contra sarampo para portadores de doenças autoimunes

Ação faz parte de projeto de pesquisa nacional para medir efeitos da vacina

29 Nov 15:06 Folha Vitória 4941883428159205019.html
El Cervantes y la Comunidad de Madrid reivindicarán a Galdós en 2020 con la traducción de su obra a varios idiomas

El Instituto Cervantes y la Comunidad de Madrid reivindicarán la obra del escritor Benito Pérez Galdós en 2020, con motivo del centenario de su...

29 Nov 13:59 Europa Press 4702666149152731928.html
Parlamento de la UE declara una “emergencia climática”

El Parlamento Europeo declaró así la emergencia en un intento simbólico de priorizar el problema en la agenda de la ejecutiva de la Unión Europea; el texto fue aprobado por 429 votos a favor, 225 en contra y 19 abstenciones.

29 Nov 13:18 Crónica 1134283328410169463.html
Guaidó: Há infiltrados de Cuba e Venezuela em protestos pela América

O político fez acusações contra os governos de Cuba e da Venezuela

29 Nov 14:30 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699058206201.html
Grab yourself a PS4 and FIFA 20 with this great Sony Xperia 5 contract

Vodafone has unveiled a great deal that will let you bag the Sony Xperia 5 along with a PlayStation 4 and a copy of FIFA 20. Here's the offer...

29 Nov 11:14 Trusted Reviews 12694854042252876.html
Àlex Márquez: "Cualquiera que se compare con Marc sale perdiendo"

El menor de los hermanos Márquez afronta convencido el salto a MotoGP: “Estoy preparado para el reto”

29 Nov 12:56 sport 1349897970942557981.html
Seat assumeix com una aturada tècnica els dies no treballats i s’evita l’ERO temporal

La companyia espera reprendre l'activitat després de l'incendi al seu proveïdor Faurecia a les dues línies encara aturades al llarg de la setmana vinent

29 Nov 12:47 El Punt Avui 4496725669722553418.html
STJ mantém Eduardo Cunha na prisão

A Sexta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) negou recurso em habeas corpus que buscava a liberdade ao ex-presidente da Câmara Eduardo Cunha (MDB-RJ). O ex-deputado está preso preventivamente desde 2016 em desdobramento da Operação Lava Jato que apurou o recebimento de propina para a liberação de recursos da Caixa. A defesa de Cunha alegava excesso de prazo da medida cautelar. Relator do recurso, o ministro Rogerio Schietti Cruz afirmou que Cunha ocupava "posição de liderança na organização criminosa". As informações são do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo.

29 Nov 10:17 DCI 3412821464120885672.html
Thomas : Venimos de una derrota difícil

Thomas Partey, mediocampista ghanés del Atlético de Madrid, dijo este viernes que, a pesar de que vienen de una "derrota difícil", ante la Juventus de Turín en la Liga de Campeones, él y sus compañeros saben lo que "les toca hacer" frente al Barcelona para retomar las buenas sensaciones."El equipo está bien, sabemos lo que hay que hacer para afrontar este tipo de partidos", dijo Thomas a la web del club colchonero."En este tipo de partidos tenemos que estar agresivos y con mentalidad ganadora para sacar todo adelante", añadió.Thomas espera que el ambiente sea muy importante a favor de su equipo porque están jugando "en casa"."Espero que ellos (la afición) también jueguen junto a nosotros para intentar sacar todo adelante y que sea un buen día", concluyó el futbolista del conjunto rojiblanco. // EFE

29 Nov 15:34 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125287920334.html
Quatre ultras parisiens en garde à vue pour avoir perturbé le concert de Jul

Rattrapés par la police grâce aux réseaux sociaux.

29 Nov 13:10 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251133245541.html
Preşedintele Turciei Recep Erdogan: Emmanuel Macron este "în moarte cerebrală"

Preşedintele Turciei, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, l-a criticat dur, vineri, pe omologul său din Franţa, Emmanuel Macron, afirmând că este "în moarte cerebrală", după ce liderul de la Paris a declarat acest lucru despre Alianţa Nord-Atlantică.

29 Nov 14:29 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918152682534.html
La tragedia de Lezama: declara el chofer del micro que volcó en la ruta 2

Alberto Maldonado está acusado de homicidio culposo por el accidente en el que murieron dos nenas de 11 y 12 años.

29 Nov 10:07 Todo Noticias 8077539161085393642.html
Rayman Legends od dziś za darmo w Epic Games Store [aktualizacja]

Dziś w Epic Games Store zostanie udostępniona za darmo gra platformowa Rayman Legends. Ostatnią dużą odsłonę kultowego cyklu Ubisoftu będzie można pobrać bezpłatnie przez najbliższy tydzień.

29 Nov 11:57 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309869630929.html
Las luces navideñas de Alicante se encenderán el 10 de diciembre

La plaza del Ayuntamiento acogerá en el puente de la Constitución máquinas lanzanieves y simulador de esquí/snow, y habrá un tren comercial del 20 al 28 en la zona Edusi. Un autobús gratuito recorrerá el centro de Alicante del 20 de diciembre al 4 de enero con una frecuencia de paso de 10 minutos

29 Nov 13:42 Diarioinformacion 8979296175314836366.html
Cities consume 75% of all world sources, generating 50% of waste

While cities cover only 3% of the earth's surface, they consume 75% of its natural sources, Turkey's Environment and Urbanization Minister Murat Kurum said...

29 Nov 13:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808856041229.html
L’Agence Française de Développement soutient les PME africaines via une contregarantie de 30 millions USD à l’African Guarantee Fund

M. Rémy Rioux, Directeur Général de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD), et M. Félix Bikpo, Directeur Général du Groupe African Guarantee Fund pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (…

29 Nov 12:07 Financial Afrik 5951482564101297991.html
Tsunami fa una crida al públic del Barça - Madrid per coordinar una acció reivindicativa

També es posa en marxa una jornada de mobilització pel 18 de desembre a la ciutat de Barcelona

29 Nov 15:03 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480202268845.html
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim mods overhaul races & NPCs, add 435+ sound effects, allow guns & more

The following mods aim to overhaul the game's races, improve the NPC conversations, add a lot of new sound effects, allow players to use guns and improve the distant LOD textures.

29 Nov 11:30 DSOGaming 1253419762529261851.html
LF2020: La commission provisoire des finances adopte trois articles

La commission provisoire des finances réunie jeudi, à l’Assemblée des représentants du peuple (ARP) a reporté l’adoption des articles 35, et 38

29 Nov 10:58 African Manager 933752094827580156.html
Košarkaši Crne Gore čekaju odluku WADA

Crnogorska košarkaška reprezentacija mogla bi da zaigra na kvalifikacionom turniru za Olimpijske igre, ukoliko Svetska antidoping federacija (WADA) 9. decembra suspenduje ruske sportiste i ne dozvoli im nastup u Tokiju.

29 Nov 12:27 Sport Klub 42251759347509774.html
Instituições de Ensino Superior falam em “acordo possível” e pedem menos burocracia

Assinatura em São Bento do contrato de legislatura entre o Estado e as instituições de Ensino Superior prevê um aumento no financiamento de 55 milhões de euros já em 2020.

29 Nov 14:32 PÚBLICO 2228264897735357750.html
Gap : des ateliers pour apprendre à conduire sur la neige

Une opération sécurité routière est organisée au Quattro, à Gap afin de sensibiliser les automobilistes sur les risques de la conduite sur neige et verglas, avec des ateliers mis en place. Un véhicule sera équipé afin de reproduireles conditions de perte d'adhérence.

29 Nov 15:30 LaProvence 1839381421918529746.html
Propaguodama skiepus Maskva pasitelkė netikėtus sąjungininkus – vampyrus

Maskvos sveikatos pareigūnai, kovodami su augančiu nepasitikėjimu skiepais, pasitelkė netikėtus sąjungininkus – kraugerius vampyrus.

29 Nov 15:50 Kauno diena 6825691410273008187.html
Kavanagh: 'It Doesn't Bother Us If We Don't Get Respect'

When Marty Kavanagh was growing up there wasn't much to write home about when it came to Carlow hurling. Instead he had to support Kilkenny.

29 Nov 11:19 PUNDIT ARENA 505417273916882129.html
Alterações na PEC Paralela geram benesses de R$ 43 bi aos servidores

A proposta foi vendida pelo Senado como um complemento da reforma

29 Nov 15:23 Correio 5185786713665320357.html
Ex-Love On Top Ana Bessa surpreende com teste de gravidez positivo: «A melhor prenda de Natal»

A menos de um mês do Natal, Ana Bessa partilhou com os fãs um teste de gravidez positivo.

29 Nov 12:15 maria 5738163823440659566.html
Afers Socials, el CAC i el Col·legi de Periodistes fan una crida als mitjans contra l’estigma sobre els infants tutelats

S'elaboren 24 recomanacions amb especial èmfasi al tractament informatiu dels joves migrats sols

29 Nov 12:22 El Punt Avui 4496725671640935418.html
Klopp: Liverpool can cover ‘not cool’ Fabinho absence

Influential midfielder is injured.

29 Nov 15:00 Shropshire Star 3480199993292250784.html
Chartanalyse: Günstigere Kurse an „Black Friday“ – Dax behauptet Unterstützungszone

Der Dax hat sich am Freitag weiter von seinem Jahreshoch aus der Vorwoche entfernt. Im frühen Mittagshandel notierte der deutsche Leitindex um 0,16 Prozent niedriger bei 13.224,39 Punkte.

29 Nov 11:51 FOCUS Online 4448121231958127630.html
Here's your chance to grab Luigi's Mansion 3, Pokémon Shield, and Link's Awakening cheap.

Plus Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Maker 2, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe for £36.99.

29 Nov 13:01 Eurogamer.net 1957885126680132962.html
Conto alla Rovescia, Gerry Scotti risponde a chi lo accusa di parlare troppo: “Anche per me…”

ROMA – Durante l’ultima puntata di Conto alla Rovescia (il nuovo game show di Canale 5), Gerry Scotti ha risposto alle accuse che gli sono giunte da alcuni utenti dei social network. Premessa: nelle scorse settimane c’era stata una polemica sul modo di condurre del presentatore Mediaset. L’accusa: secondo alcuni telespettatori (che si dilettano anche a scrivere sui social a proposito dei programmi che vedono) Gerry è troppo loquace e il suo modo discorsivo di porre le domande farebbe perdere del tempo al concorrente di turno. Fatta questa premessa, torniamo alla puntata di Conto alla Rovescia di giovedì 28 novembre. Durante il gioco finale, Scotti ha interrotto le domande e in diretta ha risposto a coloro che lo avevano accusato. Il campione in carica, Antonio, stava rispondendo alla serie di venti domande in tre minuti. Giova spiegare a chi legge che secondo il regolamento, il montepremi accumulato si riduce con il passare del tempo: dunque, in parole povere, prima si arriva a venti risposte esatte maggiore…

29 Nov 12:38 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354977086797.html
Irak'ın Zap bölgesinde 2 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, Irak kuzeyi Zap bölgesinde eylem hazırlığında olduğu tespit edilen 2 PKK’lı terörist hava destekli operasyonla etkisiz hale getirildiğini açıkladı.

29 Nov 10:07 Yeni Şafak 1729259404673361939.html
Avec quoi nourrir les oiseaux en hiver ? Les conseils de la LPO

Alimenter les oiseaux en période de froid est une bonne chose. Mais attention à ne pas leur donner n'importe quoi. La LPO nous aide à faire le tri.

29 Nov 12:22 POSITIVR 6294423491847778537.html
El Consell ja ha enviat a Foment la carta per a demanar una nova DIA per a l'ampliació nord del port de València

Oltra assegura que la Conselleria de Política Territorial i Agricultura tenen el mateix discurs respecte a la Declaració d'Impacte Ambiental

29 Nov 11:56 Diari La Veu 8769648853245864228.html
Nuleiskim taurę linksmybių

Šių metų pabaigoje Lietuvos ekonomikos augimas beveik neišsikvėpė ir tai džiugina. Tačiau savaime tai negarantuoja, kad be papildomų pastangų mūsų laukia tolimesnis eksporto, atlyginimų ir investicijų augimas bei socialinis progresas.

29 Nov 10:51 Kauno diena 6825691408940164380.html
Costa quer duplicar acesso às verbas europeias da ciência e investigação

O primeiro-ministro considerou, na sexta-feira, ser decisivo que Portugal duplique o acesso às verbas centralizadas do programa "Horizonte Europa" para a ciência e investigação e fez um veemente apelo às empresas para que apostem nos quadros qualificados.

29 Nov 13:10 JN 6956494304317714723.html
Black Friday: Americanas, Casas Bahia e Luiza estão entre sites mais reclamados

O ranking leva em consideração reclamações registradas entre as 11 horas de quarta-feira, 27, e as 11 horas desta sexta-feira, 29

29 Nov 15:55 Folha Vitória 4941883428318173893.html
Arturo Vidal quiere más protagonismo o dejará el Barça

El chileno es uno de los comodines más utilizados por Ernesto Valverde.

29 Nov 10:28 Diario La Prensa 7797091975996479015.html
Conozca al jefe de la unidad de negociación de la Policía de Israel

El superintendente en jefe de la unidad de negociación de la policía nacional de Israel salvó la vida de una niña a punto de suicidarse.

29 Nov 13:02 Noticias de Israel 5887715890503363248.html
'Cómo entrenar para aumentar masa muscular’, por Vanna Pedraglio

''Debes entrenar con cargas altas o pesadas, porque en estos levantamientos todas las unidades motoras (sistema nervioso y músculo) son reclutadas. ''

29 Nov 14:32 Publimetro Perú 5349571044172711590.html
Los resultados de la gran empresa caen el 44% hasta septiembre

El recorte de los beneficios en el 2019 se produce tras un 2018 inflado por ingresos atípicos

29 Nov 11:00 elPeriodico 7291954034767774364.html
In pictures: Unai Emery’s Arsenal career

The Spaniard was sacked by the Premier League club on Friday.

29 Nov 11:18 Shropshire Star 3480199992235024442.html
Pas de discrimination raciale pour avoir défilé en habits du KKK

Les douze personnes qui ont défilé en habits du Ku Klux Klan en mars au carnaval à Schwyz n'ont pas commis de discrimination raciale. Le Ministère public schwyzois les a condamnés par ordonnance pénale pour contravention contre les moeurs.

29 Nov 10:11 www.rjb.ch 7386238340607292236.html
La statistica in rete: primo turno, quanto sei difficile!

In questa prima puntata della rubrica “La statistica in rete”, andiamo ad analizzare quali sono stati i tennisti che hanno riscontrato più e meno difficoltà nel superare il primo turno nei tornei ATP disputati nella stagione che si è conclusa da poco. Primo turno ATP: i più sconfitti nella stagione Il passaggio dai tornei del […]

29 Nov 10:07 Live Tennis 3913669896682988815.html
Fãs que ganharam presentes de Gugu foram ao velório homenageá-lo

Inúmeros fãs de Gugu Liberato que ganharam casas e outros presentes nos programas do apresentador fizeram questão de ir ao velório de Gugu prestar homenagens.

29 Nov 10:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125212171387671.html
Borràs niega que haya acusado a Aragonès de desleal a Torra: "No lo dije en estos términos"

La portavoz de JxCat en el Congreso, Laura Borràs, ha negado este viernes que quisiera acusar al vicepresidente de la Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, de ser...

29 Nov 13:05 Europa Press 4702666149501011412.html
Żona chwali Karola Strasburgera: Jest świetnie przygotowany do najważniejszej roli życia, bycia tatą

Karol Strasburger i jego żona kilka dni temu zostali rodzicami. Świeżo upieczona mama jest pod wrażeniem tego, jak jej mąż sprawdza się w roli ojca.

29 Nov 10:43 rozrywka.dziennik.pl 297797223759371671.html
Vino, cresce l'export dell'Italia: 6,4 miliardi di euro

Il nostro Paese si conferma al secondo posto tra le superpotenze enologiche mondiali dietro la Francia

29 Nov 12:31 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188625238971.html
Charleroi: nouvelle «nounours party» ce samedi

La quatrième édition de la «nounours party», c’est ce samedi (20h) au stade du Pays de Charleroi avant le coup d’envoi du match contre Waasland Beveren.

29 Nov 10:53 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700518228886236.html
Fabinho ute resten av året

- Det er et stort tap for Liverpool, sier TV 2s fotballekspert.

29 Nov 13:07 TV 2 8210067769164863002.html
Une mise à jour permet de recharger votre Tesla Model 3 plus vite

Une mise à jour de Tesla augmente considérablement les capacités de charge de la Model 3 sur les superchargeurs. 

29 Nov 11:29 01net 1000433502531303688.html
Los jugadores del Real Madrid de Baloncesto reciben los nuevos coches

Los jugadores de la plantilla del Real Madrid de Baloncesto han recibido esta mañana sus nuevos vehículos de la marca multinacional alemana Audi.

29 Nov 10:42 AS.com 113474317140549560.html
Prozess zu Pariser Anschlägen vom November 2015 rückt näher

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

29 Nov 12:04 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775285582663.html
Daniela Castro sobre Pascual Fernández: "Estoy contenta que ya no esté en mi vida"

Este viernes CHV emitirá un nuevo capítulo de "Podemos Hablar" y los invitados serán: Carola Varleta, Fulvio Rossi, Pablo Vargas, Marco Silva, Tatiana Merino y Daniela Castro.

29 Nov 15:03 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355268683314.html
Begum Of Bollywood Is Back With The Season 2 Of What Women Want On 104.8 Ishq

Kareena Kapoor Khan, who donned the RJ hat with much ease and flair in the first season of What Women Want on 104.8 Ishq, is back on the mic with yet another exciting season.

29 Nov 11:56 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244864698112.html
Messi, antes del desastre de Anfield: "Lo de Roma fue culpa nuestra, que no pase lo mismo"

El séptimo capítulo de 'Matchday' narra lo sucedido en la vuelta de las semifinales de Champions League que acabaron con la remontada del Liverpool ante el Barça

29 Nov 13:08 Cadena SER 8390941986119588749.html
Conductor huye después de estrellar camión contra casa en Miami-Dade

Una familia del suroeste de Miami-Dade quiere saber quien se hará responsable de los destrozos de su casa después que un camión se estrelló

29 Nov 15:23 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536326378942.html
Stanisław Karczewski: Znałem tylko dobre strony Mariana Banasia

- Znając doskonale życiorys, bo znam osobiście pana Mariana Banasia, to człowiek niezwykle zasłużony, bardzo aktywny, bardzo pracowity. Nie znałem wszystkich okoliczności, znałem tylko te dobre strony - powiedział na antenie RMF FM Stanisław Karczewski.

29 Nov 10:23 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525996766014.html
Más de 3900 personas han intentado invadir predios en Cali

Un total de 1147 ‘cambuches’ desmantelados y la expulsión de 3981 personas que intentaron invadir predios, han sido parte de los acciones adelantadas por la Unidad de Reacción para el Control de Invasiones y Protección de Ecosistemas de Cali.La mayor parte de los operativos realizados durante los últimos dos años, cuando se intensificaron los operativos para mitigar las ocupaciones ilegales, se concentraron en las comunas 1, 15, 18 y 21, pues son zonas de alta vulnerabilidad por encontrarse en la ladera de la ciudad y en el Oriente.De acuerdo con el secretario de Seguridad y Justicia, Andrés Villamizar, las actuaciones del equipo encargado de ponerle coto a las invasiones también se replegaron en los cerros como Cristales, Bataclán y el Parque Nacional Natural Los Farallones. ​“Desde que se creó esta Unidad no ha habido una sola invasión motivada a raíz de los incendios forestales, que era una práctica recurrente y no volvió a ocurrir. Por supuesto, siguen presentándose invasiones porque frenar la llegada de…

29 Nov 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963348020502279.html
EU to be more ‘assertive’ says new chief Michel

Europe will become more "assertive" on the world stage, the new head of the European Council, Charles Michel, vowed Friday as he took over from Donald Tusk.

29 Nov 13:51 The Guardian 7580308504977071304.html
Ceren Damar davasında istenen ceza belli oldu

Araştırma Görevlisi Ceren Damar Şenel’in öldürülmesi davasında savcı, sanık Hasan İsmail Hikmet’in ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapsini istedi.

29 Nov 11:14 Gerçek Gündem 8370126850575304540.html
Prestige des sacres, les cuvées de la Montagne de Reims

Depuis plus de trente ans, la Cave de Germigny, Janvry, Rosnay — implantée au cœur de la Montagne de Reims, sur les coteaux les plus septentrionaux de l’appellation —, élabore des champagnes cousus main sous la marque Prestige des Sacres. Le chef de caves Jean-Christophe Lenfant compose une liqueur par assemblage garantissant ainsi le caractère unique de ses créations caractérisées par leur fruité, leur rondeur et leur fraîcheur.

29 Nov 11:40 l'Opinion 7618695067329458122.html
'Por que ele destruiria seu sustento?', diz irmão de brigadista que foi preso

O gestor de turismo Guilherme Fernandes, de 32 anos, irmão do brigadista Gustavo Fernandes...

29 Nov 10:47 UOL Noticias 8892198861817757383.html
Džonson poručio Trampu: Prijatelji se ne mešaju u izbore

LONDON - Britanski premijer Boris Džonson izjavio je da bi najbolje bilo ako se američki predsednik Donald Tramp ne bi uključio u predstojeće izbore kada

29 Nov 11:08 Krstarica 4176903989123601133.html
Meet the man behind B.C.’s bong laundromat

Because no one has ever expressed a desire to scrub out the ash, tar and resin from these joy delivery systems, Jordan Robinson saw an opportunity. The Kamloops man recently launched the . . .

29 Nov 14:59 Times Colonist 7617512060640421830.html
Photo: Robert Downey Jr aka Iron Man’s cameo in Scarlett Johansson’s ‘Black Widow’ leaked online?

Hours after Marvel Studios' officially announced that the Scarlett Johansson-starrer ‘Black Widow’ will hit theatres in India on April 30, a day befor

29 Nov 12:10 The Times of India 6060938664782140850.html
Balbi, representante de Paolo Guerrero: "Estaría feliz de ir a Boca, pero hay que esperar"

El abogado del delantero peruano reconoció contactos entre dirigentes xeneizes e Inter, pero fue cauto ante las inminentes elecciones. Por más que tenga un cierto cariño a un exjugador que ambos conocemos bien, espera que una vez terminado los comicios, se sienten a negociar de forma más definitiva, manifestó.

29 Nov 11:12 TyC Sports 3239944747989402619.html
Joe Henry: „The Gospel According to Water“ – Jedes einzelne Gesicht im Spiegel

Joe Henrys schlichtes, bewegendes Album „The Gospel According to Water“.

29 Nov 14:06 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323308714925.html
TikTok Ads est disponible en France : les détails de l’offre publicitaire

TikTok ouvre sa plateforme aux annonceurs français. Il n'y a pour l'instant pas de self service, vous devrez être accepté par TikTok avant de pouvoir diffuser.

29 Nov 11:06 BDM 5688995701998418967.html
Capcom has two 'secret' games to reveal at Jump Festa 2020 in December

Capcom will be showing off four games in total at its Jump Festa 2020 booth late in December, including at least one unannounced title.

29 Nov 12:25 Metro 970161748958916800.html
Black Friday montre connectée : Apple, Samsung, Garmin... Notre liste de bonnes affaires

MONTRE CONNECTEE - Pour le Black Friday, il est possible de dénicher des montres connectées à prix réduit. Linternaute.com vous propose sa sélection de bons plans et ils sont nombreux !

29 Nov 10:30 lintern@ute 4548664963380016644.html
Pour partager sa passion de Bourbourg, Éric Gens présentera une liste aux élections municipales

L’actuel adjoint aux Sports vient d’officialiser sa candidature pour la prochaine...

29 Nov 15:33 La Voix du Nord 5307415663321925503.html
BLACK FRIDAY 2019 OGGI, OFFERTE E SCONTI/ Amazon: promozione Go Pro HERO8

Black Friday 2019 oggi, offerte e sconti. Su Amazon interessante promozione per l’action cam Go Pro HERO8, in vendita con accessori a 379 euro

29 Nov 10:56 IlSussidiario 495412293753547416.html
Dangote Sugar Refinery: Revenue recovers but cost pressures remain

Dangote Sugar in its recently released 9M 2019 financials reported a marginal y/y growth in revenue to N117.4 billion in 9M 2019.

29 Nov 15:27 Nairametrics.com 4741528847150711265.html
Ricardo Teixeira suspendu à vie par la FIFA

Ancienne grande figure du football mondial, Ricardo Teixeira, ex-président de la Fédération brésilienne de football (CBF), a été à son tour suspendu à vie pour son implication dans le vaste scandale de corruption du Fifagate. Même si le gendre de...

29 Nov 14:41 RTBF Sport 2262420857081771907.html
L'attitude du cardinal Barbarin est "un naufrage spirituel sidérant", dénonce l'association La Parole libérée

François Devaux, le président de l'association La Parole libérée, revient sur franceinfo sur l'attitude du cardinal Barbarin lors de son procès, alors que ce dernier est jugé pour ne pas avoir dénoncé les abus sexuels passés d'un prêtre de son diocèse.

29 Nov 12:53 Franceinfo 1060532880570047399.html
Polícia do Rio faz operação para combater extorsão praticada por PMs

A Secretaria de Estado de Polícia Civil (Sepol) do Rio de Janeiro deflagrou hoje (29) uma operação contra crimes de extorsão, concussão [vantagem indevida], organização criminosa e roubo qualificado. Os alvos são policiais militares. Estão sendo cumpridos sete mandados de prisão e 14 mandados de

29 Nov 13:26 Terça Livre TV 3346245884257032473.html
Trabzonspor'dan Nazım Sangare transfer operasyonu başladı

Haberin detayları için tıklayınız

29 Nov 11:10 Fotospor 1506108824887893324.html
Arsenal'de Unai Emery dönemi sona erdi

Premier Lig'de üst üste kötü sonuçlar alan, dün de Avrupa Ligi'nde kendi sahasında Frankfurt'a mağlup olan Arsenal'de, teknik direktör Unai Emery'nin görevine son verildi

29 Nov 13:39 Milli Gazete 9062198364806725833.html
Colombia hace 'soñar' la cazuela

Desde la huelga general del 21 de noviembre, el país vive marchas diarias contra el Gobierno de Iván Duque

29 Nov 15:57 elPeriodico 7291954034492059172.html
Muzeul Luvru intră în Cartea Recordurilor

Muzeul Luvru din Franța este muzeul cu cei mai mulți vizitatori din lume dominând primul clasament dedicat domeniului de Guinness Book Of...

29 Nov 11:54 Stiri pe surse 4858045012390885576.html
Diego Costa podría ser el 'plan B' de Flamengo

Si bien el vigente campeón de la Copa Libertadores, Flamengo, buscará hacerse con los servicios permanentes de Gabriel Barbosa 'Gabigol', quien pertenece al Inter de Milán, en el cuadro brasileño ya piensan en un posible reemplazante en caso no se pueda concretar, el mismo es un '9' que aseguraría los goles en el 'Mengao'. El cuadro del Brasileirao habría puesto sus ojos en Diego Costa, atacante del Atlético de Madrid, quien sería el objetivo número uno del club carioca y con el que las conversaciones ya habrían comenzado.

29 Nov 14:20 Ovación 4766812597676008495.html
2019 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: FP1 Report - Valtteri Bottas goes fastest at Yas Marina

Valtteri Bottas topped FP1 with a 1:36.957, from Max Verstappen and the Finn's Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton. Bottas was half a second ahead of Verstappen, who was the closest man to him. Daniel Ricciardo had an oil leak - causing a mini explosion - which brought out the red flag for part of the session. Sebastian Vettel made a mistake at the end and hit the barriers right at the end of the session.

29 Nov 10:30 GPblog.com 9117728199078597551.html
Abus sexuels dans l'Église : pas de condamnation requise en appel pour Barbarin

Aucune condamnation n'a été requise en appel contre le cardinal Barbarin, qui conteste une peine de 6 mois de prison avec sursis prononcée en première instance en mars dernier. 

29 Nov 10:46 Le Point 1094305425185460685.html
Google Türkiye'de yasal muhatap olacak

‘Kötü Kedi Şerafettin 2’ filminin korsan görüntülerinin kaldırılması için Google’a açılan davada Google'ın Türkiye'deki şirketinin de davalı olması talebi kabul edildi.

29 Nov 10:30 Haber3 1479170705738993751.html
La Csa "dénonce et condamne vigoureusement" la hausse du prix de Electricité

La Csa "dénonce et condamne vigoureusement" la hausse du prix de Electricité Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

29 Nov 11:11 Seneweb News 6877057602441331179.html
Quiénes han sido las parejas de Alejandra Guzmán

Alejandra Guzmán no deja de estar en el ojo del huracán recientemente por el gran conflicto que tuvo con su hija Frida Sofía y ahora por aparacer sin una gota de maquillaje y asustar a sus fans 

29 Nov 11:04 EL DEBATE 4396150893641210525.html
La periodista de RNE Ana José Cancio, premio Lilí Álvarez de Periodismo

El Instituto de la Mujer y para la Igualdad de Oportunidades, en colaboración con el Consejo Superior de Deportes, ha fallado la tercera edición de los Premios Lilí Álvarez de Periodismo. Estos galardones distinguen los trabajos periodísticos que han contribuido a la defensa de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres en el ámbito deportivo, así como a difundir el deporte femenino en España. En la categoría de radio Ana José Cancio ha sido distinguida por su reportaje "La esencia del deporte: Emma Falcón¿ emitido en Las Mañanas de RNE en noviembre de 2018.

29 Nov 11:17 RTVE.es 8332346888555156296.html
Arsenal'de Unai Emery'nin görevine son verildi

Arsenal'de Unai Emery'nin görevine son verildi Londra ekibinde kötü gidişatın faturası Unai Emery'ye kesildi. Emery'nin görevine son verildi.

29 Nov 10:30 Haberler.com 5407785901596102185.html
Donald Trump visitó por sorpresa Afganistán y anunció reanudación del diálogo con talibanes [VIDEO]

El mandatario cumplió su primera visita a Afganistán desde que asumió la Presidencia de EE.UU. Donald Trump se reunió con su homólogo afgano, Ashraf Gani. 

29 Nov 10:47 RPP 3819340342373958933.html
Numirea momentului în politică! Victor PONTA, lovitură de imagine (FOTO)

Preşedintele Pro România, Victor Ponta, a fost ales, vineri, în funcţia de vicepreşedinte al Partidului Democrat European (EDP)."Partidul Democrat European - sunt onorat sa...

29 Nov 13:08 B1 TV 3840305876573335446.html
Rata de sinucideri printre veteranii din Australia, mai mare decât în rândul altor categorii (studiu)

Rata de sinucideri printre veterani i militari din Australia este mai mare decât cea din rândul altor pături ale populaţiei, potrivit unui...

29 Nov 11:48 Stiri pe surse 4858045013528351424.html
Conférence de Tariq Ramadan dans l'Essonne : les élus locaux vent debout

Pas une semaine ne se passe sans que Tariq Ramadan ne se rappelle à notre souvenir. Ce vendredi, à l’invitation de la librairie islamique Al Bouraq (du nom de la monture ailée du prophète), le prédicateur suisse doit animer une conférence sur le thème "Face à l’islamophobie et aux injustices : Résister avec foi et intelligence", à Saint-Germain-Lès-Corbeil dans l’Essonne.

29 Nov 13:54 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230247602025190.html
El estado del tiempo en Venezuela este viernes #29Nov, según el Inameh

El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología, Inameh, prevé que actividad de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, originará nubosidad con

29 Nov 11:46 LaPatilla.com 9104603010317394633.html
Star Wars 9 : retour sur l'évolution physique de Hayden Christensen, alias Anakin Skywalker

Possiblement de retour dans le neuvième opus de la saga Star Wars, Hayden Christensen n'a pas, pour le moment, une carrière linéaire.

29 Nov 10:53 Closermag.fr 1175411577406693925.html
Vancouver Santa Claus Parade: All the road closures in effect this Sunday

The Vancouver Santa Claus Parade takes place this Sunday and features marching bands, dance troupes, festive floats and community groups.

29 Nov 11:31 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497593635361.html
Fifor, despre înfiinţarea parchetelor financiare: Exact ca pe vremea comuniştilor

Mai multe detalii pe Gândul.info

29 Nov 13:46 Gândul 5586965504002650920.html
Com a chegada do Advento, padre explica início do novo Ano Litúrgico

Neste domingo, 1º, a Igreja celebra o primeiro domingo do Advento, em preparação ao Natal. Também se inicia um novo Ano Litúrgico.

29 Nov 15:01 NOTÍCIAS 8308687241107977325.html
These Are the Best Camera Phones of 2019, According to DxOMark - Gizchina.com

These Are the Best Camera Phones of 2019, according to DxOMark. The camera-focused website did indeed release the list of what they believe are the best..

29 Nov 10:14 Gizchina 5392375276315475139.html
Confiep califica allanamiento como “medida innecesaria” de la Fiscalía

“Sorprende una medida innecesaria que linda con el abuso, más aún cuando al Fiscal se le entregó todos los documentos”, dijo el gremio empresarial.

29 Nov 15:48 Publimetro Perú 5349571044138765853.html
Emasa vai enviar à prefeitura de Balneário Camboriú conta de água dos chuveiros da praia

A Empresa Municipal de Água e Saneamento (Emasa) instalou relógios contadores nos 60 chuveiros da Praia Central de Balneário Camboriú. Pela primeira vez, a prefeitura vai pagar a conta pela utilização da água.

29 Nov 12:24 NSC Total 4216767908579096028.html
Devastated family of Fife mum bludgeoned to death with hammer yell ‘it’s not enough’ as murderer jailed for 18 years

A MURDERER who bludgeoned a mum to death with a hammer has been jailed for life – but her devastated family say it’s “not enough”. Aaron Donald, 28, smashed 36-year-old Clai…

29 Nov 11:41 The Scottish Sun 6609127673278270747.html
"Air!" El rap de la lucha de Greta Thunberg arrasa en Hungría

"Air!" El rap de la lucha de Greta Thunberg arrasa en las redes sociales en Hungría

29 Nov 13:20 euronews 2767628994239782397.html
Deux morts dans une attaque terroriste au couteau à Londres

Le suspect a été tué par les forces de l’ordre après s’être fait tirer dessus. Il aurait fait trois blessés, le motif terroriste a été confirmé

29 Nov 14:36 www.20minutes.fr 6446520676080768893.html
3 días para disfrutar en la Gran Feria de Guayaquil

El DT de Macará habló en rueda de prensa luego de la clasificación a semifinales.

29 Nov 14:09 Ecuavisa 4017571649329256578.html
Bon Plan Black Friday : La nouvelle Switch disponible en réduction

Très belle remise sur la nouvelle version de la Nintendo Switch qui bénéficie d'une meilleure autonomie notamment.  -12% à l'occasion du Black Friday.

29 Nov 11:00 melty 8059025070432085881.html
Juez prohíbe a ‘Epa Colombia’ usar redes sociales y hablar con medios de comunicación

La ‘influencer’ deberá comparecer ante un juez de conocimiento cada 30 días y debe conservar buena conducta individual, familiar y social....

29 Nov 11:08 El Heraldo 8273144987079788942.html
Dozie Kanu – Various Works

Now showing at London's 180 The Strand.

29 Nov 11:51 FACT Magazine 7458605276819089674.html
Black Friday trottinette électrique : quelles promos ce vendredi ? Les vrais bons plans

BLACK FRIDAY VELO TROTTINETTE ELECTRIQUE - Le Black Friday est là et les trottinettes électriques sont aussi en promo ! Retrouvez tous nos bons plans sur les trottinettes mais aussi les vélos électriques.

29 Nov 10:15 lintern@ute 4548664964600941666.html
Mit diesen Apps gelingt Ihnen ein nachhaltigeres Leben

Gute Vorsätze sind meist so schnell dahin, wie sie gekommen sind. Da versucht man, weniger mit dem Auto zu fahren oder keine Plastiksäckli mehr zu nehmen, und nach einer Woche scheitert man an mangelnder Disziplin oder fehlender Organisation.

29 Nov 14:43 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667608318738229.html
Album Review: The Wraith – Gloom Ballet

LA post-punk quartet The Wraith deliver a dark treat on Gloom Ballet…

29 Nov 10:00 Kerrang! 370418008999138703.html
Arsenal sack Emery: The worst run since 1992 and other Opta facts on Unai's exit

We use Opta data to highlight a number of damning statistics summing up Unai Emery's time in charge of Arsenal, which ended on Friday.

29 Nov 11:46 sportskeeda 1601194027361558791.html
“La repubblica delle donne”, Katia Follesa sconcerta Chiambretti: in diretta i peli sotto le ascelle

Un'uscita che farà discutere quella dell'attrice comica e conduttrice Katia Follesa, ospite ieri sera a "#Cr4 – La repubblica delle donne” da Chiambretti.

29 Nov 12:36 UrbanPost 2450570492192052351.html
Arteta-Arsenal links ‘not a question for me’, says Guardiola

MANCHESTER, Nov 29 — Pep Guardiola has spoken of his sympathy for Unai Emery after the Arsenal boss was sacked but said reports linking his assistant Mikel Arteta with the Emirates job were “not a question for me”. The Manchester City boss faced Emery when the latter was in charge of Valencia...

29 Nov 15:51 Malaymail 302165936528190076.html
Fabinho, baja del Liverpool hasta el próximo año

El mediocampista regresaría hasta comienzos de 2020 luego de lesionarse un tobillo en el partido del miércoles ante el Napoli

29 Nov 14:35 El Informador 103545928074008871.html
Amazon Visa Card: 60 Euro gratis am Black Friday

Amazon spendiert Kunden eine Visa-Kreditkarte mit 60 Euro Startguthaben – aber nur Prime-Kunden erhalten den vollen Bonus!

29 Nov 15:20 Computer Bild 4944248630575082857.html
Višković: U kineskom budžetu postoje grant sredstva i za RS

BANJALUKA - Predsjednik Vlade Republike Srpske Radovan Višković rekao je danas u Banjaluci da u Kinu neće ići turistički, već da sa kineskim investitorima razgovara o paketu važnih projekata za Republiku.

29 Nov 12:47 Nezavisne novine 4209150642231461169.html
Radio France: léger regain de mobilisation et manifestation au 5e jour de grève

La mobilisation contre le plan de suppression de postes à Radio France s'est légèrement renforcée, selon un décompte de la direction vendredi, avant une manifestation dans l'après-midi d'environ 200 salariés près du ministère de la Culture. Vendredi, plusieurs antennes dont celles de France Inter et franceinfo étaient encore perturbées et 325 salariés étaient en grève sur un effectif prévu de 2.911 (CDD compris), soit un taux de participation de 11,16%, précise la direction.

29 Nov 12:15 FranceSoir 2214281691160869743.html
Scanzi fa una frittata di porro: la sua funzione e' fungere da ciabattina lisa di salvini, e...


29 Nov 11:14 DAGOSPIA 6533336738688576902.html
Borràs rectifica tras acusar a Aragonès de 'desleal' por el papel de Torra en la mesa de negociación

Josep Costa cree que la negociación de ERC en solitario con el PSOE es “arriesgada”

29 Nov 11:35 La Vanguardia 8061072700628616950.html
La ANMAT sacó de circulación dos marcas de manteca, una premezcla y dos artículos médicos

Se prohibieron productos que presentaban inconsistencias en su elaboración, en los requisitos sanitarios y en su eficacia a nivel medicinal.

29 Nov 15:10 Todo Noticias 8077539162701505924.html
Tranzacție de miliarde: Casa de modă Roberto Cavalli, cumpărată de un magnat

Tranzacție fabuloasă pe piața modei. Celebrul brand Roberto Cavalli a fost cumpărat de gigantul imobiliar Damac Properties din Emiratele Arabe Unite. CEO-ul Hussein Sajwani nu a preciazt însă și suma cu care...

29 Nov 12:05 B1 TV 3840305877315742618.html
La Diputació de Castelló recuperarà com a recurs turístic els castells de Xivert i de Polpís

Aquest anunci s'engloba dins de la línia de treball que, sota la marca 'Territori Templer', té com a objectiu promocionar dins i fóra la història i el patrimoni de l'antiga i poderosa Orde del Temple, "l'orde cristiana més influent de les terres de Castelló en l'Edat Mitjana", ha dit la diputada.

29 Nov 10:02 Diari La Veu 8769648854362282978.html
Top! Polo Air Putra Sumbang Emas Pertama RI di SEA Games 2019

Emas ini merupakan yang pertama di multicabang olahraga tertinggi di ASEAN tersebut.

29 Nov 14:09 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212256229295.html
Nekopara – Anime da visual novel mega-hit da steam ganha trailer e data de estreia

O site oficial da adaptação em anime de Nekopara liberou um novo trailer para a obra. O vídeo faz uma...

29 Nov 15:49 IntoxiAnime 3188557441241025700.html
Tragedija kod Niša: Trojica poginula u sudaru kamiona i kombija (FOTO/VIDEO)

Do tragedije je došlo kad se kamion zakucao u kombi oko 10 časova

29 Nov 10:34 Вечерње новости 4219870592934778106.html
Noyade: Un militaire porté disparu à Elinkine

XALIMANEWS : C’est la désolation à Elinkine. Selon exclusif, un militaire qui était parti se baigner est porté disparu depuis hier. Informés, les sapeurs-pompiers de Cap-Skiring ont organisé l’opération de sauvetage. Ils ont cherché pendant plus de quatre tours d’horloge. Ce fut en vain. Finalement, les soldats du feu ont arrêté les recherches. Ils vont […]

29 Nov 11:10 Xalima.com 5303455892729037638.html
Best free and public DNS servers of 2020

Using an alternative DNS can have many benefits, particularly if you pick a good one.

29 Nov 15:22 TechRadar 2111116915183350622.html
Les deux djihadistes belges expulsées de Turquie sont arrivées à Bruxelles

C’est la VRT qui donne l’information : la Turquie a expulsé deux femmes djihadistes belges qu’elle avait arrêtées il y a quelques semaines. Le procureur fédéral a confirmé cette information. L’avion qui les transportait, un vol commercial en...

29 Nov 14:57 RTBF Info 2262420855646144790.html
Salvador: galpões da Codeba serão transformados em área de lazer e gastronomia

Anúncio foi feito pelo vice-prefeito Bruno Reis, durante palestra na Associação Comercial da Bahia (ACB)

29 Nov 15:23 Correio 5185786712709286464.html
Power Grid Jobs for Executive Trainee (B.Tech/B.E, B.Sc)

Power Grid Jobs for Executive Trainee (B.Tech/B.E, B.Sc)Details of a number of vacancies and reservation shall be indicated in the notification

29 Nov 12:50 The Sentinel 448185207633839512.html
"Lleva gafas, guantes, escudos o paraguas". Así es el 'manual antipolicía' para la Cumbre del Clima

El documento anima a los activistas a usar guantes durante las protestas; "Nunca se sabe dónde pueden acabar nuestras huellas"

29 Nov 15:31 elPeriodico 7291954034110921474.html
Jadwal Lengkap Giornata 14 Serie A

Giornata 14 Serie A akan berlangsung mulai Sabtu (30/11/2019) malam hingga Selasa (3/12/2019) dini hari WIB.

29 Nov 11:45 Bola.com 1695722603063198822.html
España | El técnico que pudo haber sustituido a Luis Enrique

Siguen las noticias en relación a la vuelta de Luis Enrique a la selección. Según la Cadena SER, la Real Federación Española de Fútbol no tenía en mente contratar a un nuevo técnico en el banquillo tras (...)

29 Nov 13:46 Fichajes 157935406719899050.html
Fútbol para Ciegos: Los Magos jugarán la Copa de Oro en Córdoba

Por primera vez desde que representan a Misiones en la Liga Nacional de Fútbol para Ciegos, Los Magos serán protagonistas de la Copa de Oro, demostrando crecimiento y superación en cada participación realizada en...

29 Nov 15:30 El Territorio Misiones 4290701723589920285.html
CorSera - Milan, Ibra è libero di scegliere se legarsi al Diavolo per 6 o 18 mesi

Il Milan attende la risposta di Zlatan Ibrahimovic alla sua proposta: l'attaccante svedese sarà libero di scegliere se legarsi al Diavolo per 6 mesi o 18 come gli hanno proposto Maldini e Boban. Lo riporta l'edizione del Corriere della Sera in edicola questa mattina.   

29 Nov 10:10 MilanNews.it 6507305921981137056.html
AUD/USD slumps to fresh multi-week highs near 0.6760 on broad USD strength

After rebounding to 0.6780 area during the European trading hours, the AUD/USD pair lost its traction in the last hour pressured by the broad-based US

29 Nov 14:32 FXStreet 4480975638271743612.html
Daniel Hechter avait proposé un maillot pour les 50 ans du PSG

Alors que le PSG va retrouver pour son cinquantenaire son maillot historique dit Hechter du nom du couturier qui l'avait dessiné, l'ancien propriétaire du club a révélé qu'il avait proposé au club un maillot pour son anniversaire.

29 Nov 14:05 CulturePSG 4652604847900637982.html
Vigo: Un conductor de 68 años sin carné se estrella contra una rotonda de Bouzas y saca una navaja a sus rescatadores

Amenazó a los ciudadanos que lo fueron a auxiliar y luego huyó del lugar del accidente

29 Nov 11:40 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612515929908.html
Johnny Hallyday: Ce surnom que le chanteur détestait

Au fil de sa carrière, Johnny Hallyday s’est bâti une image qui lui a quelque peu échappée. Affublé de nombreux surnoms, le chanteur estimait que l’un d’entre eux ne lui ressemblait, absolument, pas. Au cours de sa longue et prolifique et carrière, Johnny Hallyday a été affublé de bon nombre de...

29 Nov 14:45 Leral.net 5178746016871450109.html
CyberTruck Tesli rozbija się na ulicach GTA: San Andreas

Oby tylko szyby były bardziej wytrzymałe.

29 Nov 13:30 Gram.pl 2394057652254765181.html
Pérou: la justice ordonne sans appel la libération de Keiko Fujimori

L'ancienne candidate à la présidence du Pérou devrait retrouver la liberté ce vendredi 29 novembre 2019. À Lima, les partisans de Keiko Fujimori l'attendent devant la prison pour femmes de Chorrillos. Son mari Mark Vito également.

29 Nov 10:10 RFI 4432404459973120744.html
Stornelli se presentaría frente a Ramos Padilla, después de seis faltazos que lo dejaron “en rebeldía”

El fiscal está relacionado a una red de espionaje y extorsión por su cercanía con el único detenido, Marcelo D´Alessio. Hace casi un año, un productor rural los denunció luego de que la pareja le pidiera una coima de 50 mil pesos para no vincularlo a una causa judicial.

29 Nov 12:48 Infocielo 6573250472580066170.html
Tensions sociales sur le rail: les syndicats organisent une première action le 12 décembre

L’impasse dans la concertation sociale sur le rail provoquera une première action le 12 décembre prochain devant le siège de HR Rail à Bruxelles, ont annoncé vendredi la CGSP-Cheminots et la CSC Transcom. Un préavis de grève de 24h a été déposé...

29 Nov 11:06 RTBF Info 2262420856226230266.html
RBI may go for another rate cut as GDP slows to more than 6-year low

Analysts expect the MPC slashing interest rates by 25 basis points (bps), along with a marginal cut in gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for FY20

29 Nov 13:48 Business Today 1145527432081143618.html
ULTIMA ORĂ /// A decedat deputatul ACUM, Serghei Cataranciuc

Deputatul ales pe listele blocului electoral ACUM, Serghei Cataranciuc, s-a stins din viață. Anunțul a fost făcut de reprezentații Parlamentului de la Chișinău, printr-un comunicat de...

29 Nov 10:11 Timpul.md 1177122105501732315.html
Arsenal: Emery limogé

Arsenal a officialisé vendredi le limogeage de son entraîneur, Unai Emery, arrivé à la tête du club en mai 2018. L'intérim sera assuré par Freddie Ljungberg en attendant l'arrivée d'un coach d...

29 Nov 10:49 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368453995965.html
Mazzarri: «Belotti? Non so quante possibilità abbia di scendere domani in campo»

Mazzarri in conferenza ha dato quest'ultima indicazione sul capitano: «Stiamo facendo fatica a fare gol, questo è un aspetto su cui stiamo lavorando molto»

29 Nov 14:38 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982773253547161.html
En México cada 2 horas y media MATAN a una mujer

En M&eacute;xico cada 2 horas y media matan a una mujer, as&iacute; lo asegur&oacute; Marta Mart&iacute;n-Rold&aacute;n, doctora en derecho y maestra en criminolog&iacute;a y pol&iacute;ticas p&uacute;blicas en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra consejera de Amnist&iacute;a Internacional

29 Nov 11:09 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622783686097.html
Melody Gaita, agrupación caraqueña que anima desde hace 35 años las navidades venezolanas

Con una apretada agenda de cara al mes de diciembre, la agrupación liderada por Álvaro "Cuchillo" Durán realizará diversas presentaciones en Caracas. El 24 en el Hotel Eurobuilding, el 28 en el Tamanaco y el 31 en Paseo Las Mercedes

29 Nov 14:20 Globovisión 5928221752181170049.html
Greta Thunberg tilldelas brittiskt litteraturpris: "​Author of the year"

Waterstones, som är Storbritanniens största bokhandelskedja, meddelar att Greta Thunberg tilldelas det egeninstiftade priset "​Author of the year". Priset får hon för boken ”No one is too small to make a difference”, som är en samling av hennes alla tal.

29 Nov 15:22 Nyheter24 5513950689725700658.html
SHOCKING! Caitlyn Jenner & Khloe Kardashian Haven’t Spoken In 5 Long Years

Reality TV personality Caitlyn Jenner hasn't spoken to Khloe Kardashian in "five or six years", despite them being "really close" when Khloe was growing up.During an episode of UK reality show 'I'm

29 Nov 10:56 Koimoi 5184275669782718056.html
Cruzó a mitad de cuadra en pleno centro y un taxi la atropelló: terminó en el Hospital

Ocurrió en Libertador entre General Acha y Tucumán. Según testigos, la peatón intentó cruzar la avenida en un lugar que no está permitido y terminó con heridas en gran parte de su cuerpo y un corte en la cabeza.

29 Nov 10:04 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131159382811792.html
PAO SNEG U SRBIJI, ZABELEO SE KOPAONIK: Napadalo 6 cm, izmereno i nula stepeni! Evo kako je gore (VIDEO)

KOPAONIK - Noćas se prvi put ove sezone zabeleo Kopaonik, a jutros je izmereno nula stepeni.Sinoć je na Kopaoniku padala kiša, a od jedan sat posle ponoći počela je susnežica, a zatim i sneg.Sneg je padao do tri časa iza ponoći i trenutno je visok šest centimetara, ...

29 Nov 13:51 kurir.rs 6515665028598459373.html
Stormzy Announces 'H.I.T.H.' World Tour, UK Dates, & Pre-Sale Information

Heading to an arena near you soon.

29 Nov 11:46 HYPEBEAST 3806037269621170338.html
What Happened On I'm A Celeb? Day 12 Recap

Here's what you missedShe's part of one of the most famous TV shows in the world, and Caitlyn co...

29 Nov 10:00 SPIN South West 8165439734960547068.html
Yanzu-yanzu: Kotu ta baiwa Mompha beli N100m

Babban kotun tarayya dake Legas ta baiwa shahararren matashin nan mai alfahari da daloli kuma ake zargi da damfara, Ismaila Mustapha, beli.

29 Nov 15:53 Legit 7368782177589410045.html
When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty, my only response is that I’m thankful I have a cup: Preity Zinta on Thanksgiving

Preity Zinta will soon be seen in the popular American sitcom ‘Fresh Off The Boat’.

29 Nov 13:13 The Times of India 6060938663631618364.html
Analytiker: Kan göra Riksbanken mindre angelägen att sänka räntan

Riksbankskommitténs förslag om en ny riksbankslag var i stora drag redan kända och väntas inte få några större effekter på hur penningpolitiken kommer att bedrivas, i alla fall inte på kort sikt...

29 Nov 13:53 Affärsvärlden 3373930978103623867.html
Black Friday Discount Offers Xiaomi Mi Ruby Notebook at Just $499.99 – Limited Time Only

Get the best Black Friday Discount on Xiaomi Mi Ruby Notebook for a limited time with an Intel Core-i3 chip, 4GB of RAM and 256GB SSD.

29 Nov 11:54 Wccftech 3677959678798708785.html
Sensex tumbles 336 pointts ahead of GDP data

The 30-share Sensex pared some losses, ending 336.36 points or 0.82 per cent lower at 40,793.81.

29 Nov 14:27 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363111177782.html
Black Friday's Craziest Shoe And Fashion Deals: Adidas, Nike, ASOS, Platypus And More!

In case you hadn't already exhausted all your funds, Black Friday isn't done with you yet. Fashion, clothing and footwear are also on the menu. We're serving up the best deals across the country if you're looking for new sneakers or need to snap up a new look for an upcoming event. Check out the list below....

29 Nov 13:30 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169608644593.html
Sacerdote fanático hará una misa el 9/12 por el aniversario de la Copa Libertadores

Será en acción de gracias y una verdadera fiesta en la que el altar se teñirá de “rojiblanco”

29 Nov 11:56 El Ancasti 5864462412063002644.html
Best charity Christmas gifts 2019 for presents that give back

While Christmas is a time for giving and sharing with your family and friends, it can also be used as an opportunity to give to charity.

5 Dec 13:56 The Telegraph 140598092293028247.html
Un morceau du berceau de Jésus retourne pour la première fois en Terre sainte

C'est un tout petit morceau de bois, mais d'une importance cruciale pour nombre de chrétiens: un premier fragment du berceau de Jésus est arrivé vendredi en Terre sainte après plus de 1.300 ans en Europe.

29 Nov 12:05 Challenges 1086714996980930966.html
Hasta un año se atrasa puesta en marcha de nuevas líneas de Metro

El sistema de transportes deberá retrasar los trabajos en sus líneas para priorizar la recuperación de lo destruido durante el estallido social.

29 Nov 13:01 Rock&Pop 4910011590777929953.html
Bargain Alert: price slashed on Def Leppard's Volume 2 CD box set

Def Leppard's Volume Two unites Adrenalize, Retro Active, Slang and Euphoria - along with rare cuts, b-sides and more

29 Nov 10:04 Classic Rock 2174237038346244258.html
Mitrović Englezima otkrio svoje dve najveće želje

Fudbaler Fulama Aleksandar Mitrović u opširnom intervju koji je dao za Skaj sport otkrio je svoje dve najveće želje, da se sa klubom vrati u Premijer ligu i da u reprezentaciji Srbije obori rekord.

29 Nov 10:05 Sport Klub 42251758211699102.html
Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr llega el 25 de diciembre a Nintendo Switch

Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr ha quedado confirmado para Nintendo Switch esta misma tarde. Se trata de un juego de estrategia y simulación que recibiremos en Navidad. El 25 de diciembre llegará a la eShop de la consola híbrida. Costará 7,99$ y el tamaño de su descarga será de 955 MB. Os dejamos con su premisa […]

29 Nov 13:23 Nintenderos 2555436002244054674.html
Nouveaux eVillos: le deal fait déjà grincer des dents

Quelque 1800 eVillo ! débarquent dans 360 stations de la Région de Bruxelles Capitale. Ce sont des Villos classiques mais avec une assistance électrique… portative. La batterie vous appartient, vous la branchez sur l’eVillo quand vous empruntez ces...

29 Nov 10:08 RTBF Info 2262420856678409705.html
The only 2019 songs with Perfect-All-Kills

Source: SBS PopAsia HQThere's only been five artists (but 6 songs) this year!For the uninitiated, a Perfect All Kill is when a song …

29 Nov 12:59 allkpop 3249686061799684214.html
Federico Valverde'nin serbest kalma bedeli 750 milyon Euro

Real Madrid, Federico Valverde ile 2025 yılına kadar yeni bir anlaşma imzalarken sözleşme fesih bedelini 750 milyon Euro olarak belirledi.

29 Nov 10:45 Milli Gazete 9062198364206913294.html
LdC : Robert Lewandowski élu joueur de la semaine

Auteur d’un quadruplé en quatorze minutes avec le Bayern Munich face à l’Etoile Rouge de Belgrade, Robert Lewandowski (28 ans) a été logiquement nommé joueur de la semaine par l’UEFA. L’attaquant (...)

29 Nov 13:54 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900180024576566.html
Estos son los anunciantes que han retirado su publicidad de 'Gran Hermano' por el caso de la violación a una concursante

La fuga de marcas que abandonan el programa no cesa. El 'reality show' no ayudó a la víctima mientras José María López la agredía. Un día después, 'GH' le enseñó las imágenes sin ningún tipo de ayuda psicológica y le pidieron que callara.

29 Nov 10:39 www.publico.es 99190977739638721.html
Colombie: une police antiémeute répressive qui avive la protestation

Dilan Cruz s’est effondré. Touché en pleine tête par le tir d’un policier en armure noire. Sa mort a été filmée et cet étudiant est devenu le symbole d’une revendication: le démantèlement de l’appareil répressif des manifestations en Colombie. En une semaine de protestation contre le président Ivan Duque, l’Escadron mobile anti-troubles (Esmad) a concentré […]

29 Nov 13:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092586743466809.html
Disparition des Néandertaliens : l’Homme moderne n’en serait pas responsable

L'Homme de Néandertal a disparu il y a environ 40'000 ans. Malgré une culture riche, une anatomie robuste ainsi que de nombreuses similitudes partagées avec nous aujourd’hui, les Néandertaliens ont disparu de la surface de la Terre. Mais alors, pourquoi ? Les raisons de cette disparition ont longtemps été débattues et de nombreuses hypothèses ont suggéré que ce qui aurait entraîné le déclin des Néandertaliens, est la concurrence avec des humains dit anatomiquement modernes et potentiellement supérieurs, soit Homo sapiens. Cependant, à présent, de nouvelles recherches indiquent que cela n’est peut-être pas le cas et qu'il ne s'agirait pas de la

29 Nov 11:20 Trust My Science 2725330383974270740.html
Arsenal fans make Mikel Arteta demand following Unai Emery sacking

Manchester City assistant manager Mikel Arteta is being linked with the vacant managerial role at Arsenal.

29 Nov 10:31 men 6694993427891777258.html
Buy world's 1st Blockchain smartphone with 2 operating systems at Rs 43,000

The smartphone can be bought in various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin via digital asset wallet app Xwallet

29 Nov 14:27 Business-Standard 1502508926115580126.html
USD/JPY climbs to fresh six month highs above 109.60

The USD/JPY pair is inching higher ahead of the American session on Friday supported by the broad-based USD strength. As of writing, the pair was trad

29 Nov 13:03 FXStreet 4480975638919414805.html
Andrew Kibe apologizes to Kamene and Sanchoka’s leaked sex-tape, this week on #Uhondomtaani


29 Nov 13:00 Pulse Live 3606876835838547791.html
EUA repudiam “horríveis atos de violência contra inocentes” em Londres

O secretário de imprensa da Casa Branca, Judd Deere, disse que o presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, foi informado sobre o ataque em Londres e está "monitorando a situação"...

29 Nov 14:05 O Antagonista 1037429655337828852.html
Black Friday: correria marca abertura de shoppings em Salvador; em Camaçari, lojas abrem com horário especial

A Rede Cinemark também vai oferecer promoções especiais. Hoje, amanhã e domingo, o cinema estará com sessões por apenas R$ 5.

29 Nov 13:42 BAHIA NO AR 8652507714344716999.html
Zlatan Ibrahimovic déclare sa flamme à un monument du foot italien: "J'ai de merveilleux souvenirs là-bas"

La star suédoise Zlatan Ibrahimovic a acquis environ 25% des parts du club de Hammarby (1re division), avait annoncé celui-ci mercredi dans un ...

29 Nov 11:18 RTL sport 5478130074168671140.html
Jorge Jesus faz doação a hospital oncológico

Depois de vencer a Taça Libertadores e o campeonato brasileiro, Jorge Jesus continua a somar conquistas. O técnico português visitou, esta quinta-feira, a secção de pediatria do INCA (Instituto Nacional de Cancro) no Rio de Janeiro e, no final, prometeu doar os direitos do livro "Mister Jesus, Quebrando Paradigmas no Futebol" para a realização de projetos do hospital.

29 Nov 10:57 JN 6956494302858327316.html
El Motociclismo en Pista busca los últimos campeones en Aristóbulo del Valle

La sexta y última fecha del Campeonato Misionero de Motociclismo en Pista se disputará el fin de semana en el circuito del Centro Cultural de Aristóbulo del Valle, localidad que por primera vez recibirá...

29 Nov 13:53 El Territorio Misiones 4290701723752673961.html
¿Qué viene en el caso por el asesinato de Dimar Torres?

Militar fue condenado a 20 años de prisión por el crimen. Otros militares siguen en el proceso.

29 Nov 12:38 El Tiempo 1091719939531919135.html
Empresário confirma que Cáceres não deve seguir no Vasco

Regis Marques Chedid, empresário do lateral-direito Raúl Cáceres, confirmou que o Vasco não deve fazer esforço pata mantê-lo.

29 Nov 12:49 Vasco Notícias 1167013066317474204.html
Sud-Kivu : des maisons incendiées lors des affrontements opposant les Maï-Maï au groupe armé Gumino/Twigwaneho à Kawela

Des maisons ont été incendiées mercredi 27 novembre lors des affrontements qui ont opposé les Maï-Maï au Gumino/Twigwaneho à Kawela, localité située à 4 km au Nord-Ouest de Minembwe-centre, dans les hauts plateaux du territoire de Fizi, au Sud-Kivu.

29 Nov 12:30 Radio Okapi 4444713483643750817.html
Aiken focuses on mental steel to get over ‘weird year’

The experienced 36-year-old had to abruptly give up on the sport for seven months, destroying the momentum of a fine start to 2019. Yet Leopard Creek might give a reprieve.

29 Nov 15:04 The Citizen 410802301823941593.html
GDP growth slips to 4.5% in September quarter, slowest expansion in 26 quarters

The slump was mainly on account of a weak manufacturing and a drop in exports.

29 Nov 12:11 The Economic Times 7653256036666755469.html
La primera foto de Vicuña tras separarse de la China Suárez

Benjamín Vicuña mantiene un total hermetismo sobre su flamante separación de Eugenia "China" Suárez. Luego de que ella confirmara la ruptura en una entrevista desde Miami, el actor publicó algunas fotos de las grabaciones de Inés del alma mía, pero no contó nada de su vida íntima ni social.

29 Nov 12:25 El Ancasti 5864462411827390827.html
Pet of the week: Norman is a shy, quiet all-American boy

He wants to be where everybody knows his name! Norman is a shy, quiet all-American boy.

29 Nov 14:09 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203139971225.html
To fah: Ban saci sisin kobo na jama'a ba, duk arzikin da nake da shi gumi na ne ya nemo mini - Saraki

Tsohon shugaban majalisar dattawan Najeriya, Bukola Saraki ya yi tsokaci a kan zargin hukumar yaki da cin hanci da rashawa ta EFCC da take yunkurin kwace gidanshi da ke Ilorin, jihar Kwara...

29 Nov 14:56 Legit 7368782176252481971.html
Klart: Helsingborg värvar ung yttermittfältare från Djurgården

Helsingborg rustar upp för kommande allsvenska säsong. Nu är 21-årige Joseph Ceesay klar och skriver på ett tvåårskontrakt. 

29 Nov 12:35 fotbollskanalen 6970616860958245650.html
Nine of TIME’s Top 100 Inventions Come From the Holy Land

Almost one-in-ten of the top innovations from around the world come from the tiny State of Israel.

29 Nov 13:44 Breaking Israel News 540123161553555637.html
Anastasia Kylemnyk oggi accusata per la droga. Ieri disse: “La droga non c’entra”

ROMA – “La droga non c’entra niente”. Così diceva Anastasia Kylemnyk ai microfoni del Tg1 il 25 ottobre. Erano passati solo due giorni dall’omicidio del suo fidanzato Luca Sacchi. Oggi, 29 novembre, Anastasia è finita indagata con obbligo di firma e nell’ordinanza firmata dal Gip c’è scritto che il sospetto di chi sta indagando è che proprio Anastasia avesse un ruolo centrale nella ipotizzata compravendita di droga con quelli che poi sarebbero stati i killer del suo fidanzato.  Compravendita che non c’è mai stata, sia chiaro, ma il Gip ipotizza che i 70mila euro trovati nello zainetto della ragazza servissero proprio a quello scopo. Elementi che, se confermati, sposterebbero e non poco gli equilibri in una storia che dopo un mese ha ancora tanti punti oscuri. Quella che in un primo momento sembrava una rapina finita male (i rapinatori che provano a rubare la borsa di Anastasia, Luca che corre dietro ai ladri e li butta a terra, i rapinatori che reagiscono sparando) oggi sembra nascondere altro.Migranti, barcone…

29 Nov 13:21 Blitz quotidiano 5529491355506808517.html
Chocante! Homem pega infecção que o leva a morte após lambida de cachorro

Médicos afirmaram que os donos de animais não precisam ficar com medo da saliva de seus cães

29 Nov 11:56 R10 3167340812894718332.html
Care sunt avantajele ofertei de turism educațional disponibilă pe https://www.mara-study.ro?

S-a demonstrat că atunci când călătorim și interacționăm cu vorbitori nativi ai unei limbi, cunoștințele dobândite sunt net superioare celor câștigate

29 Nov 12:09 Cancan.ro 636482384863359438.html
ETECSA implementará nueva resolución para la telefonía fija a partir del 8 de enero (+ PDF)

La nueva norma jurídica modifica las actuales condiciones contractuales vinculadas al servicio de telefonía básica fija en la vivienda, específicamente en lo referente a los traslados solicitados

29 Nov 10:06 Cubadebate 7978633340990826400.html
Marseille : les Terrasses du port évacuées après une manifestation anti-Black Friday

Mise à jour 17h10 : le centre commercial vient de rouvrir ses portes, permettant aux clients de rentrer... et à ceux bloqués jusqu'ici de sortir. Les Terrasses du port auront été fermées pendant près d'une heure.

29 Nov 15:04 LaProvence 1839381422208104418.html
Manifestación en Iruñea en recuerdo de Sara Fernández, víctima del alejamiento

Una marcha ha recorrido las calles de Alde Zaharra de Iru&ntilde;ea para recordar a Sara Fern&aacute;ndez, diecis&eacute;is a&ntilde;os despu&eacute;s de su ...

29 Nov 15:40 naiz: 7509038602450751517.html
Einschaltquoten: „Die Bergretter“ befördern ZDF auf den Quotengipfel

Die beliebte Serie „Die Bergretter“ über dramatische Rettungseinsätze hat dem ZDF am Donnerstag den Quotensieg beschert.

29 Nov 12:29 swp.de 6929179441271074240.html
Patanjali secures ₹3,200-cr loan from banks to buy Ruchi Soya

Baba Ramdev-led Patanjali Ayurved on Friday said it has already tied up loan worth Rs 3,200 crore from a consortium of lenders led by State Bank of India to fund its acquisition of Ruchi Soya through

29 Nov 14:12 BusinessLine 5283601139510920.html
Harga Beda Tipis, Pilih Toyota Avanza G 2017 atau Calya G Terbaru?

Toyota memiliki beragam jenis mobil 7 penumpang. Dua model yang harganya terjangkau adalah Toyota Avanza dan Calya. Calya berstatus LCGC dan Avanza adalah model reguler untuk keluarga.

29 Nov 12:01 liputan6.com 3414318496464816772.html
Revelan qué frase le pidió Alberto Fernández a Pallarols que talle en el bastón presidencial

El orfebre platero Juan Carlos Pallarols contó qué leyenda le solicitó el presidente electo

29 Nov 14:04 Diario Popular 7191573466362829873.html
Cuma Hutbesi: Dinin özü samimiyet

Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı tarafından 29 Kasım 2019 Cuma Hutbesi'nin konusu 'Dinin Özü Samimiyettir' olarak belirlendi. Cuma namazını eda edecek Müslümanların camilerde dinleyeceği hutbenin tamamı şöyle...

29 Nov 10:25 Yeni Şafak 1729259403844333153.html
La prima de Jorgito aclaró que la colecta de 10 pesos no fue ideada por la familia

Ana Palazzo, prima de Jorge Melfi, realizó una publicación en su perfil de Facebook explicando cómo fue la situación por la cual una vecina decidió iniciar una colecta solidaria por él y, aunque agradeció el gesto, reconoció que no se encuentran en la necesidad de recibir donaciones y que no quieren aprovecharse de la situación. […]

29 Nov 14:27 El Eco 4177735525000660303.html
Nokia 2.3 (TA-1206) passes certification in Egypt before the official launch

Before its expected launch on December 5, the Nokia 2.3 has been appearing in various certifications including Malaysia and Canada recently. The Dual-SIM variant TA-1206 that we have originally seen appearing in FCC certification and a distributor database has now passed certification in Egypt.

29 Nov 11:20 NPU 717572089035676097.html
C&I Leasing gets approval to list N539 million worth rights issue 

 C&I Leasing Plc has obtained approval of the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC) to open subscription of a rights issue of N539 million. 

29 Nov 13:04 Nairametrics.com 4741528847201712495.html
Guvernul caută bani pentru pensii. Dancă: Vom lua măsuri severe de reducere a unor cheltuieli

Guvernul Orban a identificat mai multe zone unde va aplica ”măsuri severe de reducere a cheltuielilor bugetare”, în așa fel încât să poată implementa legea pensiilor, a

29 Nov 11:32 HotNews 5099222562972179205.html
“Treinverkeer zal verstoord zijn op 12 december”

De impasse in het sociaal overleg bij het spoor leidt tot een eerste actie. Op donderdag 12 december vindt er een “concentratie van spoorwegpersoneel” plaats, zo kondigde vakbonden ACV-Transcom en ACOD Spoor aan. “De actie zál gevolgen hebben voor het treinverkeer”, is ACOD’er Ludo Sempels stellig. De vakbonden willen op 12 december werknemers verzamelen aan

29 Nov 12:55 Zita 7484176339904447199.html
Migros vend 6 de ses 11 magasins Interio au géant autrichien XXXLutz

L’enseigne d’ameublement Interio connaît des difficultés financières. Migros, qui se concentre désormais sur son enseigne Micasa, a décidé de vend ...

29 Nov 10:01 Arcinfo 560090598154334224.html
Lemond az iraki miniszterelnök

Ádil Abdel Mahdi iraki miniszterelnök benyújtja lemondását a parlamentnek, hogy a törvényhozás új kormányt választhasson - jelentette be péntek délután az iraki miniszterelnöki hivatal Bagdadban.

29 Nov 14:34 hirado.hu 6466806020871270676.html
Beni : inhumation de 27 corps des personnes tuées dans les villages de Maleki , Musuku et Aveyi

Une vive tension est observée vendredi 29 novembre matin dans la commune rurale d’Oicha, chef-lieu du territoire de Beni, où 27 corps des victimes des massacres de mercredi 27 novembre dans les villages de Malekie, Musuku et Aveyi seront inhumés.

29 Nov 12:51 Radio Okapi 4444713483611783928.html
Gruvbolag stämmer Sverige på 17 miljarder

Det australiska prospekteringsbolaget Aura Energy kräver svenska staten på drygt 17 miljarder kronor, rapporterar SVT Jämtland.

29 Nov 11:09 Affärsvärlden 3373930976958493195.html
Mo Farah announces he will compete in 10,000m at Tokyo Olympics

Farah has won double gold at each of the last two Olympics.

29 Nov 10:21 Sports Mole 7750663362290270873.html
Frustrert Iversen freste mot Bolsjunovs «tur-tempo»: – Jeg blir forbannet

RUKA/OSLO (NRK): Johannes Høsflot Klæbo tronet øverst på pallen på en råsterk norsk dag. Men Emil Iversen mener det ville vært trippelt norsk om det ikke hadde vært for Aleksandr Bolsjunovs tempo i finalen.

29 Nov 13:05 NRK 3631390765651274502.html
Un mort i diversos ferits en un “apunyalament” al Pont de Londres

La policia ha abatut un home que duia un fals explosiu adossat al cos Les forces de seguretat aborden l'incident com un possible atac "terrorista"

29 Nov 15:21 El Punt Avui 4496725670861950691.html
TIM, c’è uno sconto senza precendeti sull’acquisto dei nuovi iPhone 11

Il Natale si sa, è il periodo in cui vengono venduti il maggior numero di iPhone. Da qui al prossimo mese di dicembre, ci sarà una vera e propria corsa vero i tre nuovi modelli di iPhone 11. I canali di vendita per gli smartphone di casa Apple sono i soliti: gli utenti possono acquistare il dispositivo o attraverso i vari store hi-tech o anche grazie all’ausilio dei gestori telefonici TIM, Vodafone, Wind ed Iliad. 

29 Nov 11:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127454721561.html
Forex kitty continues to move up, closes in $449 billion mark

India Business News: Foreign exchange reserves continued the upward move, gaining by a modest $347 million to touch a new high of $448.6 billion in the week to November 22

29 Nov 15:09 The Times of India 6060938664263169920.html
Speler Lille: ‘Onana zorgde ervoor dat ik geen rode kaart kreeg’

Andre Onana heeft er een beetje voor gezorgd dat Victor Osimhen woensdagavond niet tegen een rode kaart aanliep. Dat onthult de speler van Lille in een interview met OMA Sports TV. “Hij is mijn Afrikaanse broeder en om van hem zo’n advies te krijgen is heel waardevol voor mij.” De aanvaller van Lille kreeg in…

29 Nov 14:11 Sportnieuws 3602982465015315060.html
Video: Sef – Oceaan ft. Gerson Main

Twee jaar na zijn laatste album keert Sef vandaag terug met zijn nieuwe single Oceaan. Op de track slaat hij de handen ineen met Gerson Main. Het nummer is het eerste wapenfeit van Sef zijn aankomende album El Savador en de video zie je hier.

29 Nov 12:26 Puna 5725385642871058680.html
Ebrard anuncia reunión de alto nivel entre México y EU

Por parte del gobierno estadounidense vendrá a nuestro país el procurador; el canciller mexicano dijo que se tratarán temas de interés binacional como el tráfico de armas y de drogas

29 Nov 14:13 La Razón 7608060638061682982.html
Wird der V60 zum Sportkombi?

Volvo bringt mit dem V60 T8 Polestar Engineered einen richtig spannenden Mittelklasse-Kombi – mit 405 PS starkem Hybrid und feinen Details.

29 Nov 12:15 autobild.de 4230137024493745648.html
Un morceau du berceau de Jésus retourne pour la première fois en Terre sainte

C'est un tout petit morceau de bois, mais d'une importance cruciale pour nombre de chrétiens: un premier fragment du berceau de Jésus est arrivé...

29 Nov 12:14 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139957399554.html
Debate This: These Are the Deadliest .308 Rifles in the World

Better take a step back.

29 Nov 11:45 The National Interest 7207864704347653382.html
Cum explică vicepremierul Raluca Turcan tăierile de după rectificarea bugetară: Educaţia, Transporturile şi Agricultura nu pierd niciun leu. Banii nu au existat în realitate

Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan a declarat, vineri, că Educaţia, Transporturile şi Agricultura nu pierd niciun leu, pentru că banii care apăreau în dreptul acestor ministere nu au existat niciodată în realitate, ci doar pe hârtie şi că ”Adevărul trebuie spus: guvernul PSD a lăsat în aer domenii critice”

29 Nov 13:04 Ziarul Financiar 1602913916995586003.html
[Deal] Save 25% on the Android-powered Gemini PDA from Planet Computers this Black Friday weekend

The Gemini PDA from Planet Computers is a clamshell smartphone with a physical QWERTY keyboard, an ultra-wide hi-res 5.99-inch display, and a handy 4,220mAh battery. The Gemini PDA enables creating…

29 Nov 11:30 TalkAndroid 1612121027560221241.html
Michel Sardou et sa fille Cynthia ont "toujours eu très peu de contacts" selon l'ex-gendre du chanteur

Dans une interview accordée à France Dimanche, Jean-Claude Bataille règle ses comptes avec son ex-femme Cynthia Sardou. Le journaliste a révélé...

29 Nov 10:55 Closermag.fr 1175411578840996007.html
“Después de la pretemporada nos marcaremos objetivos realistas”

Álex Márquez, nuevo piloto del equipo Repsol Honda en MotoGP, asumió los galones de la familia Márquez en el Allianz Junior Motor Camp e...

29 Nov 14:31 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958383741976.html
Migros vend 6 de ses 11 magasins Interio au géant autrichien XXXLutz

L’enseigne d’ameublement Interio connaît des difficultés financières. Migros, qui se concentre désormais sur son enseigne Micasa, a décidé de vend ...

29 Nov 10:01 La Côte 469155179741474832.html
The 'Keto For Carb Lovers' Cookbook Is On Sale For 32 Percent Off On Amazon For Black Friday 2019

There's no denying that the keto diet dominated health and wellness trends in 2019. The super low-carb, moderate protein, and high-fat diet helped countless people achieve their weight-loss and health goals this year, so what's not to love? Well, there's that whole part about completely cutting out carbs...I'm talking fruit, grains, and yes...BREAD.

29 Nov 14:49 Pulse Live 3606876836724371725.html
Entregan Premio Anual de la Crítica Científico-Técnica y de la Crítica Literaria (+Fotos)

En total fueron presentadas 147 obras, 66 correspondientes al perfil científico-técnico y 81 de corte literario, las cuales fueron evaluadas por un jurado de entre siete y 10 destacados críticos, escritores y profesionales

29 Nov 14:11 Granma.cu 7847343384988759658.html
Erkan Zengin, Adana Demirspor'da

TFF 1. Lig'de şampiyonluk hesapları yapan Adana Demirspor, Erkan Zengin'i kadrosuna kattı.

29 Nov 15:41 Aspor 2128725311396784135.html
La tasa de inflación de la eurozona sube al 1% en noviembre, su primer repunte desde junio

La tasa de inflación de la zona euro se ha situado en noviembre en el 1%, tres décimas por encima de la lectura de octubre, en lo que representa la primera aceleración de los precios desde el pasado mes de junio, según refleja el dato preliminar publicado por la oficina comunitaria de estadística, Eurostat.

29 Nov 10:26 elEconomista.es 9051559959739596936.html
Jennifer Aniston pasó el día de acción de gracias con su ex marido

La actriz no guarda rencores.

29 Nov 14:23 AR13 5510785229980898864.html
Reporte Vial CDMX: ¡Toma precaución! Manifestantes afectan dos carriles en Congreso de la Unión

Te decimos las alternativas viales para los cierres que se registran desde la madrugada de este viernes

29 Nov 12:31 El Heraldo de México 438112698123495112.html
Angela Merkel va se rendre pour la première fois au camp nazi d’Auschwitz

La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel se rendra le 6 décembre pour la première fois à Auschwitz, a annoncé vendredi une porte-parole du gouvernement, avant les célébrations marquant le 75e anniversaire de la libération du camp nazi dans la Pologne actuelle.

29 Nov 13:04 sudinfo.be 344139276050290235.html
Aménagement du territoire: le sol suisse est de plus en plus grignoté

Près de 2 constructions et infrastructures sur 5 se trouvent hors zone à bâtir, selon un bilan de l’Office fédéral du développement territorial. Les ...

29 Nov 12:12 Arcinfo 560090597790584371.html
Aménagement du territoire: le sol suisse est de plus en plus grignoté

Près de 2 constructions et infrastructures sur 5 se trouvent hors zone à bâtir, selon un bilan de l’Office fédéral du développement territorial. Les ...

29 Nov 12:12 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461490548275.html
Un cerotto e passa la bua (e non solo quella) – storia della “pecetta” paramedica diventata una...


29 Nov 12:00 DAGOSPIA 6533336740008911478.html
Wetter aktuell zum 1. Adventswochenende 2019: Winter-Walze rollt an! Schnee, Glätte und Kälte zum 1. Advent

Die milden Tage sind gezählt. Am Wochenende wird es "spürbar kälter", wie der Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) am Freitag in Offenbach vorhersagte. Einen heftigen Wintereinbruch soll es zwar vorerst noch nicht geben, deutlich kühler wird es aber dennoch. Vor allem Autofahrer sollten am Wochenende Vorsicht walten lassen - es wird glatt!

29 Nov 12:54 news.de 5126378979510476081.html
W szpitalu w Kępnie zmarł noworodek, sprawę bada prokuratura

Do śmierci noworodka doszło w czwartek tuż po porodzie. 32-latka rodziła dziecko w 37. tygodniu ciąży. To już drugi zgon noworodka w szpitalu w wielkopolskim Kępnie w listopadzie.

29 Nov 10:22 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536342860977.html
Kill la Kill IF: Update 1.05 liefert einen neuen Charakter und mehr – Trailer & Details

Wie von offizieller Seite bestätigt wurde, steht zu "Kill la Kill IF" ab sofort das Update auf die Version 1.05 bereit. Dieses bringt einen neuen Download-Charakter und verschiedene Verbesserungen mit sich.

29 Nov 15:45 play3.de 8301165839067537571.html
Valencia rebasa el límite de la OMS de partículas más contaminantes

Solo León, Cáceres, Las Palmas, Salamanca, Vitoria, Tenerife y Burgos cumplen con los estándares establecidos

29 Nov 12:16 Las Provincias 5471838388914938595.html
Real Madrid : Zidane veut garder Vinicius Jr !

L'attaquant brésilien du Real Madrid Vinicius Jiunior restera au real Madrid cet hiver. C'est Zinedine Zidane qui a annoncé cela en conférence de presse.

29 Nov 14:27 Onze Mondial 1310109998858147269.html
Prediksi Pertandingan SEA Games 2019 Vietnam vs Timnas Indonesia U-23: Adu Kekuatan 2 Tim Tak Terkalahkan

Berikut prediksi pertandingan Vietnam vs Indonesia dalam lanjutan laga SEA Games 2019.

29 Nov 14:01 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550441838783.html
Banco de España no ve una desaceleración clara de la economía y dice que se "suaviza" el deterioro del empleo

El Banco de España afirma que "no se está produciendo una desaceleración clara" de la economía española, ya que en el cuarto trimestre estaría creciendo a un...

29 Nov 11:15 Europa Press 4702666148219146809.html
Skagen Black Friday deals: Save over $145 on the Falster 2 smartwatch

If you're after a stylish smartwatch, there are few more attractive than Skagen's Falster 2. Lucky then, Skagen has discounted every version by $146, meaning you can grab one for just $149 for Black Friday 2019. With a wide range…

29 Nov 15:07 Wareable 1195871720012026482.html
Proračun v desetih mesecih s skoraj 290 milijoni evrov presežka

V državni proračun se je v desetih mesecih letos steklo nekaj manj kot 8,31 milijarde evrov prihodkov, kar je en odstotek več kot v enakem obdobju lani. Odhodki so po drugi strani narasli za 7,2 odstotka na nekaj manj kot 8,02 milijarde evrov. Državni proračun je v tem obdobju tako zabeležil 289,7 milijona evrov presežka.

29 Nov 12:50 Primorske novice 8884558926403379697.html
Black Friday 2019: Best Gaming Deals

Games and consoles are hot ticket items this Black Friday, and there's plenty of spectacular deals running around, including bargains on Xbox Ones and a ripper special on the new Nintendo Switch. Dive in!...

29 Nov 13:12 Gizmodo AU 3183561246862567237.html
Sprečen pokušaj da Priština uđe u još jednu evropsku organizaciju

Predstavnici Španije su zahtevali i obezbedili uklanjanje te tačke iz dnevnog reda skupa

29 Nov 14:35 Вечерње новости 4219870592438911915.html

Modelo foi apresentado este mês no Salão de Los Angeles, nos Estados Unidos e será produzido no México

29 Nov 13:41 Auto Esporte 6461698428280244274.html
Tarifazo: Desde la SCPL sostienen que el “escalonamiento” del aumento profundizaría la crisis

Lo aseguró el Gerente Comercial Administrativo de la SCPL, Fernando Lebrun, al referirse a la próxima sesión en el Concejo Deliberante donde se definirá la actualización de tarifas que solicita la entidad.

29 Nov 15:07 Crónica 1134283326822621397.html
Borràs acusa Aragonès de "deslleial" per dir que la presència de Torra a la taula de governs pot no ser necessària

La portaveu de JxCAT al Congrés dels Diputats, Laura Borràs, considera "molt lleig, deslleial i poc procedent en termes de lleialtat institucional" el fet que el vicepresident del Govern, Pere Arag...

29 Nov 12:45 RacoCatalà 3132953075781790384.html
Voditeljka RTS-a nam je otvorila vrata svog doma! Kada smo videli KUHINJU bili smo oduševljeni! Ovi detalji će vam privući pažnju! VIDEO

Marija Popović, voditeljka i autorka emisije “RTS ordinacija”, ugostila je našu ekipu u porodičnom domu u kojem živi sa suprugom Milanom i ćerkom Sofijom, gde nam je pričala kako svojim, tako i navikama njene porodice, te otkrila da uskoro priprema slavu Sveti Alimpije, te je na meniju prebranac neizbežan.

29 Nov 15:05 pulsonline 6050941186245101941.html
Unicredit: cash collect protetto (100%) su indice con cedole annue crescenti

Cash Collect protetto targato Unicredit, negoziato su Euro TLX; gode della protezione integrale del capitale a scadenza e della possibilità di percepire cedole annuali crescenti condizionate .

29 Nov 11:53 InvestireOggi 7231367743747625215.html
Maria Rueff deverá regressar ao trabalho já na próxima segunda-feira

Apesar do susto, a atriz tem evoluído favoravelmente e recebido visitas de vários amigos, nomeadamente João Baião e Herman José. Foi precisamente o apresentador da RTP1 que revelou através de um vídeo…

29 Nov 11:05 A Televisão 800719527641436006.html
W Paryżu rusza 12. edycja festiwalu filmu polskiego Kinopolska. W programie głównie Gombrowicz

Rozpoczyna się niezwykle ceniony przez nadsekwańskich kinomanów festiwal Kinopolska. W ciągu najbliższych dni wielbicieli srebrnego ekranu czeka prawdziwy maraton polskiego kina.

29 Nov 10:37 Polskie Radio 2539990557013792752.html
Operação Faroeste faz TJ-BA suspender promoções de magistrados

Suspensão de promoções ao cargo de desembargador foi publicada no Diário Oficial

29 Nov 11:00 Correio 5185786713748261627.html
Saturn - Das sind die besten Angebote zu Black Weekend 2019

Im Onlineshop von Saturn findet ihr regelmäßig lohnende Top-Angebote rund um Games, Fernseher, Monitore, Gaming-Notebooks, Smartphones, Filme, Serien und viele weitere Highlights. Wir verschaffen euch täglich den besten Überblick der aktuellen Angebote und Schnäppchen, damit ihr zu jeder Zeit den günstigten Preis zahlt.

29 Nov 15:12 PlayNation 4622181943926406177.html
Daimler streicht mindestens 10.000 Stellen bis Ende 2022

Vorstandschef Ola Källenius hatte es schon angekündigt: Daimler muss einen Milliardenbetrag beim Personal einsparen. Nun ist auch klar, wie das gelingen soll.

29 Nov 14:55 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427637826534.html
El régimen sirio y Rusia presionan a Idlib ante la distracción de Turquía

Mientras que Turquía convocó a miles de combatientes de la oposición siria para ayudar a su invasión del noreste de Siria.

29 Nov 15:11 Noticias de Israel 5887715890583123386.html
Aménagement du territoire: le sol suisse est de plus en plus grignoté

Près de 2 constructions et infrastructures sur 5 se trouvent hors zone à bâtir, selon un bilan de l’Office fédéral du développement territorial. Les ...

29 Nov 12:12 La Côte 469155179377724979.html
Samoopredeljenje i DSK: Usklađen program 100 odsto, sporazum početkom sledeće nedelje

Konačni sporazum biće postignut početkom sledeće nedelje

29 Nov 15:26 Вечерње новости 4219870593117946503.html
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to move to Africa in 2020

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said he plans to spend part of 2020 living in Africa.

29 Nov 15:55 Washington Examiner 4625792332691399663.html
I’m Willing To Pay Groom Price When It’s Time To Marry- Tonto Dikeh

Nollywood screen diva, Tonto Dikeh is in the news again after saying she is ready to pay groom price and sponsor her wedding when she finds another man.

29 Nov 12:19 Concise 5544636822443286110.html
'La Tierra se agota', el menú de los hermanos Roca para la Cumbre del Clima de Madrid

Primeros ministros y jefes de Estado y de Gobierno degustarán el almuerzo "para crear consciencia y apelar a la sostenibilidad" en la inauguración de la cita de las Naciones Unidas

29 Nov 12:22 elPeriodico 7291954033135690648.html
MS-13 cambia de "look" pero su actividad es aún sangrienta: así identifican ahora a sus pandilleros en EUA

“La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  “La idea de que están tatuados de la cabeza a los pies, eso no ocurre ya”, según ICE  

29 Nov 10:07 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190739898513.html
La historia de Lilith en Diablo IV será como "el primer capítulo de un libro", según Blizzard

El antagonista de los juegos de la saga Diablo siempre ha sido el mismo señor infernal que le da nombre, el propio Diablo. No obstante, cuando la cuarta...

29 Nov 11:05 Vida Extra 2315661876920076139.html
El Tsunami Democràtic convoca "tota la ciutadania" a una jornada de mobilització a Barcelona el dia del Barça-Madrid

El moviment demana la col·laboració dels socis amb entrada per al partit que es jugarà el proper 18 de desembre. Inicialment s'havia de disputar el 26 d'octubre, però es va ajornar, precisament, per les protestes contra la sentència del Procés.

29 Nov 15:09 www.publico.es 99190977064917272.html
Fuite de données personnelles d'employés de Palo Alto Networks

L'éditeur de sécurité Palo Alto Networks a admis une fuite de données personnelles touchant 7 de ses employés, actuels ou anciens. Les relations avec l'un de ses partenaires ayant publié ces informations privées ont été rompues.

29 Nov 10:04 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148715031353.html
Polícia anuncia uma detenção e vários feridos em incidente na Ponte de Londres

O Serviço de ambulâncias londrino enviou várias equipas para o local.

29 Nov 15:01 O Jogo 3218673678639536614.html
Nå leter Equinor etter et CO2-lager

Riggen West Hercules er designet for effektivt å finne verdifull olje og gass. Men brønnen som nå bores sør for Troll-feltet, bør være tørr.

29 Nov 10:29 Aftenbladet 8753034803743420345.html
Un morceau du berceau de Jésus retourne pour la première fois en Terre sainte

C'est un tout petit morceau de bois, mais d'une importance cruciale pour nombre de chrétiens: un premier fragment du berceau de Jésus est arrivé vendredi en Terre sainte après plus de 1.300 ans e...

29 Nov 13:42 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981829347530.html
Tensions sociales sur le rail: les syndicats organisent une première action le 12 décembre

L’impasse dans la concertation sociale sur le rail provoquera une première action le 12 décembre prochain devant le siège de HR Rail à Bruxelles, ont annoncé vendredi la CGSP-Cheminots et la CSC Transcom.

29 Nov 11:15 Vivreici.be 7768530901841944247.html
Apel al magistraților către președinte, premier și ministrul Justiției: Găsiți soluții imediate pentru modificări legislative în acord cu standardele statului de drept / Nu poate fi ignorată influența negativă a Legii recursului compensatoriu

Două asociații ale judecătorilor și procurorilor fac apel către președinte, premier și ministrul Justiției să respecte independența justiției, neutilizând instrumente contrare acesteia, și să

29 Nov 12:49 HotNews 5099222561841538615.html
Bottas lidera 1º treino livre em Abu Dhabi; Hamilton tem problema

Já Vettel perdeu controle do carro e bateu

29 Nov 12:08 Correio 5185786714054347714.html
Caitlyn Jenner : cette amende ultra salée qu'elle risque si elle critique les Kardashian

Caitlyn Jenner participe à l'émission britannique Je suis une célébrité sortez-moi de là. Et si certains espèrent la voir divulguer des secrets...

29 Nov 10:09 Closermag.fr 1175411577153029008.html
Instituições de Ensino Superior falam em “acordo possível” e pedem burocracia

Os presidentes dos conselhos Coordenador dos Institutos Superiores Politécnicos e de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas consideraram que o “Contrato de Legislatura” foi o acordo possível com o Estado e pediram ao Governo menos barreiras burocráticas. Estes recados foram deixados em São Bento, perante o primeiro-ministro, António Costa, nos discursos da cerimónia de assinatura do “Contrato de Legislatura” entre o Estado e das instituições de Ensino Superior – um compromisso que prevê um aumento no financiamento de 55 milhões de euros já em 2020, acomodando aspetos como a redução do valor das propinas suportado pelas famílias, e um crescimento anual na dotação orçamental de 2% ao ano até 2023. Na sua intervenção, o presidente do Conselho Coordenador dos Institutos Superiores Politécnicos, Pedro Dominguinhos, classificou o acordo como “um referencial de estabilidade e de previsibilidade” para os próximos quatro anos, dizendo, depois “reconhecer o esforço do Estado”. “Sabemos que este foi o acordo possível, mas…

29 Nov 14:06 O Minho 154418196511630641.html
Tamara nos cuenta los detalles de su fiestón post-MasterChef: rumba, champán y teles XL

La flamante ganadora de la última edición del talent de cocina nos ha desvelado algunos de los detalles más divertidos de su fiesta de celebración

29 Nov 13:05 El Confidencial 2244370861076258313.html
Muy necesario a tener en cuenta hoy en día: así de fácil se pueden identificar dólares falsos

Fijarse en la textura del billete y en el retrato que incluye son algunos de los tips.

29 Nov 14:04 Publimetro Chile 2498685482852832993.html
Lacalle Pou gana oficialmente las elecciones de Uruguay y pone fin a 15 años del Frente Amplio (+ Videos)

Tras varios días de incertidumbre, el candidato del Partido Nacional, Luis Lacalle Pou, será el presidente de Uruguay por los próximos cinco años

29 Nov 14:13 Trabajadores 1167277446900760453.html
Collision frontale entre deux voitures sur l’A1

Jeudi soir, une femme s’est engagée sur l’autoroute à contresens, à hauteur de Crissier, et a percuté une autre voiture. ...

29 Nov 14:32 La Côte 469155178877074534.html
Jokić: Ne smetaju mi kritike, statistka mi nije bitna

Košarkaš Denvera Nikola Jokić rekao je da se ne opterećuje statistikom i da ne mari za kritike koje su mu upućene na račun slabijeg starta sezone u NBA ligi.

29 Nov 12:29 REPUBLIKA 2543998405766848610.html
Illegal Alien Returns to U.S. After Killing Four American Kids in 2008

An illegal alien woman returned to the United States soon after being deported for killing four American children in a 2008 school bus crash. 

29 Nov 14:18 Breitbart 3148363491476004235.html
Los suplentes del Barça, decisivos en los goles del equipo

El FC Barcelona es el equipo que más goles producen sus jugadores desde el banquillo con un total de siete jugadores. Los revulsivos han...

29 Nov 13:15 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958922760213.html
Denny’s waitress who walked 14 miles for work commute is gifted car by dining couple

A Denny’s waitress is feeling very thankful after a generous couple of diners gifted her a car.

29 Nov 13:35 Fox News 7362823821550713995.html
On the road with Jeremy Corbyn – a photo essay

As the Labour leader fights his second general election, Guardian photographer Sean Smith joins the campaign trail

29 Nov 12:30 the Guardian 1491978794569619475.html
Äldre man död i dramatisk villabrand

Brand En man i 80-årsåldern har avlidit till följd av sina skador efter i villabrand i Lerum utanför Göteborg. Branden utbröt sent på torsdagskvällen.

29 Nov 12:00 www.unt.se 8922556088454467095.html
Äldre man död i dramatisk villabrand

Brand En man i 80-årsåldern har avlidit till följd av sina skador efter i villabrand i Lerum utanför Göteborg. Branden utbröt sent på torsdagskvällen.

29 Nov 12:00 www.unt.se 8922556089421259266.html
Leigh-Anne Williams to pursue new roles on 'Expresso' in 2020

'Expresso' presenter Leigh-Anne Williams has taken a step back from hosting duties, to pursue other career opportunities - but it doesn't mean she has left the show for good.

29 Nov 13:00 Channel24 2038030840320362989.html
Tatá Werneck aponta mudança no corpo após nascimento da filha: 'Umbigo alargou'

Tatá Werneck postou foto de quando estava grávida de Clara Maria e falou sobre mudanças no corpos depois do nascimento da filha. '#TBT de quando minha barriga tava linda e eu tava começando a perder m...

29 Nov 13:05 Purepeople 5674914090419288922.html
Após derrota, Abel é demitido do Cruzeiro; Adilson Batista assume

Pressionado por resultados ruins, treinador deve ter demissão confirmada ainda nesta sexta-feira (29)

29 Nov 14:53 Correio 5185786713530721734.html
WhatsApp: cómo crear respuestas automáticas

La función, brindada por una aplicación desarrollada por un tercero, es ideal para cuando estás ocupado. En esta nota te contamos los sencillos pasos para implementarla

29 Nov 10:00 Diario Popular 7191573467711918358.html
Jerzy Dudek: Konflikt Garetha Bale’a z Realem Madryt jest jednostronny

Bale nie byłby pierwszym wielkim zawodnikiem, który opuszczałby Santiago Bernabeu w napiętej atmosferze. Trudno wytłumaczyć, dlaczego tak się dzieje, ale gdy na stole jest duża kasa, naprawdę duża kasa, nie da się przewidzieć obrotu spraw, tym bardziej, że klub wydaje się działać bezkompromisowo i jasno pokazywać, kto tu rządzi – mówi nam Jerzy Dudek, były piłkarz Realu Madryt, w komentarzu do sytuacji Garetha Bale’a w Królewskich.

29 Nov 15:25 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515104418581430.html
FGR cuenta con avances en investigación en caso LeBarón; UIF ha congelado 5 mil 329 mdp: Ebrard | Entérate

El secretario de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), Marcelo Ebrard, explicó que tras el asesinato de nueve integrantes de las familias LeBarón y Langford, la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) presenta avances significativos en la investigación, mientras que la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera ha congelado y bloqueado cuentas bancarias a 771 personas físicas y mil 57 personas morales o empresas.

29 Nov 15:41 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495053950020.html
15 días con los aspiradores de mano de Conga y Xiaomi: ya ni me acuerdo de la Roomba

Si la Dyson siempre te resultó muy cara, ahora tienes opciones low cost. Cecotec y el fabricante chino han sacado dos modelos que juegan la baza de la calidad-precio

29 Nov 11:50 El Confidencial 6129807549875149252.html
Jadwal Lengkap Jornada 15 La Liga

Jornada 15 La Liga akan digelar mulai Sabtu (30/11/2019) dini hari WIB hingga Senin (2/12/2019) dini hari WIB.

29 Nov 12:30 Bola.com 1695722603391415843.html
4,500 jobs in UK at risk as Germany's E.ON breaks up struggling Npower

The revamp effectively removes one of the market's so-called 'Big Six' players, which have lost customers to nimbler recent entrants and been hit by a regulatory price cap

29 Nov 14:46 Business-Standard 1502508926104530640.html
Leo Dias assina rescisão e está oficialmente fora do SBT

Leo Dias assinou a rescisão do seu contrato com o SBT na tarde da última quarta-feira (27). O jornalista foi contratado em 2016 para o Fofocalizando e na época, se uniu a nomes como Mamma Bruschetta, Leão Lobo, Décio Piccinini e Mara Maravilha.

29 Nov 13:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125212923339937.html
EU to be more ‘assertive’ says new chief Michel

BRUSSELS, Nov 29 — Europe will become more “assertive” on the world stage, the new head of the European Council, Charles Michel, vowed today as he took over from Donald Tusk. They staged a formal handover of the job in a ceremony featuring the symbolic ringing of a bell that Tusk handed over...

29 Nov 13:33 Malaymail 302165935108744421.html
¿El gobierno está dispuesto a retomar el diálogo con el Eln?

La propuesta hace parte de las peticiones que está planteando el comité nacional del paro

29 Nov 12:14 El Tiempo 1091719940019422326.html
¿Qué destacan hoy los diarios internacionales? #Titulares 29/11/19 | Video

Esto es lo que destacan las portadas de los diarios de la prensa internacional.

29 Nov 13:55 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495165658962.html
Cobran los Deschamps hasta 700 mil pesos al mes

Romero Deschamps y por lo menos 11 miembros de su familia y un socio siguen cobrando en Pemex. 

29 Nov 13:00 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563807570282.html
Vendredi fou : manifestations contre les excès de consommation au Québec [VIDÉO]

MONTRÉAL — Des clients d'un magasin du centre-ville de Montréal ont été accueillis avant l'aube en ce Vendredi fou par des manifestants qui dénonçaient les excès de la société de consommation.

29 Nov 13:19 leNouvelliste 2761106013993425760.html
Vendredi fou : manifestations contre les excès de consommation au Québec [VIDÉO]

MONTRÉAL — Des clients d'un magasin du centre-ville de Montréal ont été accueillis avant l'aube en ce Vendredi fou par des manifestants qui dénonçaient les excès de la société de consommation.

29 Nov 13:19 leSoleil 6002915703726198914.html
Radojičić: Banjaluci nisam nanio nikakvu štetu

BANJALUKA - Gradonačelnik Banjaluke Igor Radojičić izjavio je danas da nije uradio ništa na štetu ovog grada kada je riječ o zemljištu Poljoprivredne škole, ali da je, uprkos tome, dobio krivičnu prijavu.

29 Nov 15:40 Nezavisne novine 4209150642205964008.html
Uddhav Thackeray: Rise and rise of the ‘Son of the Soil’

From a shy, introvert, temperate wildlife photographer to an astute political organizer and now the Chief Minister of Maharashtra – the rise of Uddhav Thackeray is more than impressive.

29 Nov 10:04 The New Indian Express 4718288652921683925.html
LOSC : Christophe Galtier fait un profond mea culpa

Christophe Galtier a tenu son point presse au LOSC à la veille de recevoir le Dijon FCO (20h). Le coach des Dogues a fait son auto-critique. 

29 Nov 12:15 But! Football Club 8933769921692262150.html
Ganha-pão da Virgin Galactic podem ser vôos rápidos ao redor da Terra

Vôos orbitais chamam a atenção, mas vôos rápidos entre locais como Londres e Shanghai podem ser a principal fonte de renda nos próximos anos

29 Nov 15:11 Olhar Digital 416591714405901703.html
JB Hi-Fi Is Flogging Anthem For $4, Which Still Isn't Worth It

Even when they don't mean to, JB still finds a way to be savage to Anthem.

29 Nov 10:05 Kotaku Australia 2018810246725190066.html
Burro es encarcelado por “rebelde” y las autoridades no le dan ni agua

Tras las rejas fue a dar un burro despu&eacute;s que causara destrozos en una milpa, las autoridades del municipio de Comit&aacute;n de Dom&iacute;nguez lo encarcelaron

29 Nov 11:33 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623897084366.html
NISU MOGLI DA SE SMIRE! Tuga u porodici Dragojević! On ih je večno napustio!

Tuga u porodici Dagojević.

29 Nov 14:22 pulsonline 6050941187881531778.html
Tena no aceptó a exauxiliar de América en Chivas

Tena no aceptó a exauxiliar de América en Chivas

29 Nov 15:10 RÉCORD 4614294662422104411.html
Mariz on having a baby: In God's own time

MARIZ Umali is the newest member of “Unang Hirit” as she just replaced Rhea Santos who migrated to Canada. “Bale I joined them last July lang,” she says. “I want to thank Igan Arnold Clavio and everyone kasi they’re all very warm. Tinanggap nila ako agad. Talagang na-feel ko agad na mga kaibigan silang walang iwanan at masaya silang kasama.”

29 Nov 10:36 Journal Online 6375127393098880769.html
City Guide: Bag Raiders - Sydney

Bag Raiders take us around Sydney to show off their favorite places to eat, drink and take home with you.

29 Nov 15:00 Magnetic Magazine 5123414665940196427.html
Miasto jest Nasze ma dość koalicji z PO: Rafałowi Trzaskowskiemu brakuje konsekwencji Jacka Sutryka

– Za dużo widzimy traktowania samorządu jako pola do realizacji interesów partyjnych. Mieliśmy po drodze dwukrotnie wybory: do europarlamentu i ostatnio do Sejmu i Senatu, w obu przypadkach spotkaliśmy się z tym, że burmistrzowie wykorzystywali różne wydarzenia lokalne do promowania kandydatów ze swojej partii– mówi Jan Mencwel z Miasto Jest Nasze tłumacząc powody wyjścia z koalicji z Platformą Obywatelską.

29 Nov 12:00 Portal Samorządowy 740157209094023066.html
Así festejaron Jennifer López y otros famosos latinos el Día de Acción de Gracias

Las estrellas latinas presumieron sus fotos en esta celebración

29 Nov 14:23 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309857427044.html
Corpo de Gugu Liberato chega a cemitério na Zona Sul de SP

O corpo de Gugu Liberato chegou ao Cemitério Gethsêmani do Morumbi, na Zona Sul de São Paulo, na manhã desta Sexta-feira (29). O corpo do apresentador chegou em em carro aberto do corpo de Bombeiros e é acompanhado por uma carreata de taxistas e familiares. Assim como o velório, o enterro será aberto ao público. Entretanto, a família...

29 Nov 11:48 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089009637366850.html
Stoltenberg: NATO nie musi wybierać między terroryzmem i Rosją

"NATO nie musi wybierać, czy koncentrować się na walce z terroryzmem, czy zająć się zagrożeniem związanym z bardziej asertywną polityką Rosji" - oświadczył sekretarz generalny Sojuszu Jens Stoltenberg.

29 Nov 15:12 RMF24 3758900157718266862.html
Herrengasse steht: Klimastreik: 3000 Demonstranten sind unterwegs - starke Öffi-Einschränkungen

Fridays for Future: Seit 12 Uhr findet der große Klima-Demo-Zug durch Graz statt. Gestartet wurde bei der Oper. Es gibt starke Öffi-Einschränkungen. Derzeit steht in der Herrengasse alles still.

29 Nov 12:29 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700365996056.html
Sky Black Friday deals include over £500 off its ultimate TV bundle

Sky has dropped prices on its TV packages by up to 50% for Black Friday 2019, saving you big money on Sky Sports, Sky Cinema, Sky Kids and more.

29 Nov 12:01 Trusted Reviews 12694855747837416.html
Nu doar şoferii trebuie să se ”poarte” frumos: Utilizatorilor Uber care primesc constant feedback negativ li s-ar putea dezactiva conturile

Uber a lansat un nou sistem de de evaluare a şoferilor, care promovează un comportament standard respectat de toţi cei care folosesc aplicaţia Uber - fie utilizatori sau şoferi parteneri, anunţă compania într-un comunicat.

29 Nov 14:51 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917684341300.html
Comprar uma PS4/Xbox no Black Friday ou esperar pela PS5 e Scarlett?

Comprar uma PS4/Xbox no Black Friday ou esperar pela PS5 e Scarlett? – As consolas de nova geração PlayStation 5 e Xbox Scarlett estão a caminho do mercado. Afinal, tanto a Microsoft como a Sony já anunciaram que vão lançar os seus produtos a tempo do Natal de 2020… Por isso, estamos mais ou menos a um ano das novas consolas!

29 Nov 13:48 Leak 8782954487434946615.html
This LG G8 deal is the best price you'll find for a Snapdragon 855 flagship

Get a great deal on the Snapdragon 855 this Black Friday.

29 Nov 12:42 Android Central 29040143136809892.html
Black Friday 2019: Los mejores monitores Gaming y Televisores para jugar a 4K por debajo de 400 euros

La resolución “inalcanzable” al alcance de muchos jugadores. Es innegable que durante los último años ha existido una fiebre general en torno a la idea del videojuego a...

29 Nov 13:26 3DJuegos 3383023118463399135.html
Wall Street : une glissade pour Black Friday ?

La cote américaine consolide

29 Nov 15:00 Boursier.com 7351227821786465557.html
Realizarán un "abrazo" a la escuela de Benavídez en homenaje a las víctimas del vuelco del micro

Accidente fatal Familiares de los alumnos que viajaban en el micro, se autoconvocaron para realizar esta tarde un abrazo simbólico a la Escuela primara 41 de Benavídez, desde donde habían partido en la madrugada de ayer en viaje de egresados.

29 Nov 14:54 El Litoral 2624573357323319505.html
¿Pueden retirar 'GH' por el caso Carlota? La crisis publicitaria que acabó con 'La noria'

La caída de anunciantes que estos días está sufriendo GH VIP, a raíz de las últimas informaciones sobre el caso Carlota Prado, recuerda y mucho a lo que le sucedió a La noria

29 Nov 15:57 El Confidencial 6129807550237008334.html
Europarlamentar, pus sub acuzare pentru hărţuire sexuală

Un eurodeputat de extremă dreapta a fost pus sub acuzare, vineri, pentru hărţuirea sexuală a unei colege de partid, a anunţat Parchetul de la...

29 Nov 12:51 Stiri pe surse 4858045013569876809.html
Piers Morgan hits back at Caitlyn Jenner’s partner Sophia Hutchins – after she branded him ‘pathetic’


29 Nov 13:13 GOSS.ie 8755536025677876479.html
Piers Morgan hits back at Caitlyn Jenner’s partner Sophia Hutchins – after she branded him ‘pathetic’


29 Nov 13:13 GOSS.ie 8755536024006520609.html
Vučić u ponedeljak dočekuje Lukašenka u Beogradu

Predsednik Belorusije Aleksandar Lukašenko boraviće 2. i 3. decembra u dvodnevnoj poseti Srbiji, tokom koje će mu domaćin biti predsednik Aleksandar Vučić.

29 Nov 13:51 REPUBLIKA 2543998406267213845.html
SOCIETE GENERALE : bien orienté, Barclays en soutien

Société Générale figure dans le trio de tête de l’indice CAC 40, soutenu par le relèvement de recommandation de Barclays. La banque britannique a relevé son conseil de Pondération en ligne à... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 11:29 Zonebourse 7946574376885259982.html
Prográmate para las actividades que trae la Alcaldía de Bogotá esta navidad

La Alcaldía de Bogotá dio a conocer los eventos programados para esta navidad.

29 Nov 14:35 Colombia.com 1213910711147989279.html
Paiement mobile : La solution « Alipay » désormais disponible au Maroc

Le Centre monétique interbancaire (CMI) a lancé la solution de paiement mobile « Alipay » sur le marché marocain, permettant aux commerçants d’augmenter leur chiffre d’affaires avec les touristes chinois.

29 Nov 13:01 Infomédiaire 1551316400732857843.html
El Parque del Kempes tendrá la palestra más alta del país

Servirá para realizar tres disciplinas extremas. Mide más de 25 metros de alto y costó 26 millones de pesos. En Córdoba hay unos 2.500 potenciales usuarios de esta atracción, amantes del escalamiento.

29 Nov 13:02 La Voz 6237180760730757051.html
Elgato's 4K60 Pro is on sale for the first time ever

Elgato's Black Friday deals can help you get started streaming, or upgrade your existing setup.

29 Nov 13:22 PC Gamer 9149753395284213029.html
Fahrettin Altun'dan Macron'a yanıt

Fahrettin Altun, Emmanuel Macron'un Türkiye hakkında açıklamalarına yanıt verdi.

29 Nov 15:14 Gerçek Gündem 8370126851815067003.html
Los Samsung Galaxy S8 y Galaxy Note 8 se quedan fuera de Android 10

Las esperanzas de ver Android 10 en el Samsung Galaxy S8 y Note 8 se desvanecen tras la publicación del calendario de actualizaciones de Samsung.

29 Nov 11:00 MovilZona 3711352297881532799.html
Emilewicz: Jaśkowiak nie będzie dla KO kołem ratunkowym, ale gwoździem do mebla

Jeśli w prawyborach zostałby wyłoniony Jacek Jaśkowiak, to dla Koalicji Obywatelskiej nie będzie to koło ratunkowe, ale raczej gwóźdź do mebla, który nie zwiastuje pomyślności – oceniła minister rozwoju i poznańska posłanka PiS Jadwiga Emilewicz.

29 Nov 13:59 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100668770696002.html
PICS:Black Friday Settings in Zim…..Customers flood Edgars since 3am

Black Friday Settings in Zim.....Customers flood Edgars since 3am

29 Nov 10:12 iHarare News 2755902707381794686.html
Save up to 30% site-wide on CASETiFY

The more you buy, the more you save. Get anywhere from 15% to 30% off on your purchase from CASETiFY today.

29 Nov 11:09 iMore 3803412790950775888.html
Gary Rhodes obituary: among the first chef’s to make cookery the new rock’n’roll

Rhodes was one of a new breed of TV celebrity chefs and owned a string of restaurants in Britain, Ireland, the Middle East and the Caribbean

29 Nov 15:06 The Irish Times 8204772967834221931.html
Placas já avisam: ponte Hercílio Luz somente para ônibus

As primeiras placas instaladas na cabeceira Continental da ponte Hercílio Luz, em Florianópolis, mostram quais veículos terão prioridade para uso da estrutura. Assim como planejado pela prefeitura, as pistas centrais da Velha Senhora serão exclusivas para os ônibus. Neste primeiro momento, depois da programação de abertura prevista pelo Estado para a semana de 30 de dezembro e 5 de janeiro, veículos de emergência também poderão passar sobre a ponte em deslocamentos.

29 Nov 13:33 NSC Total 4216767907848611732.html
Reports: Man Utd Could Sign £100m-Rated Star In January

After yet another disciplinary issue, Borussia Dortmund have reportedly made the decision to sell England international Jadon Sancho in January, and Manchester United and Liverpool are believed to be after his signature.

29 Nov 14:28 Soccer Laduma 3901337370357554300.html
Blog del Narco: FOTOS de El Mencho con el paso del tiempo, así luce ahora

El Mencho, l&iacute;der del CJNG, ha mantenido siempre un bajo perfil, sin embargo se han podido filtrar algunas de sus fotograf&iacute;as las cuales te presentamos a continuaci&oacute;n

29 Nov 12:30 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623119684703.html
32-Jähriger zeigt Hitlergruß auf Kölner Domplatte

Ein Bild, das aus der Videoüberwachung der Domumgebung stammt, dient als Beweismittel.

29 Nov 13:25 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569307394010.html
Celular novo na Black Friday 2019? Saiba como encontrar pelo melhor preço!

E aí, de olho em promoções de celulares e esperando a Black Friday para garantir os menores preços? Pois o Canaltech te ajuda nessa missão! Com a gente, você encontra o celular dos sonhos pelo melhor preço!

29 Nov 12:30 Canaltech 6267437388407368570.html
Barbara D’Urso, il Grande Fratello 20 a rischio

Il Grande Fratello 20 condotto da Barbara D’Urso potrebbe non andare in onda nel 2020 come era stato anticipato.

29 Nov 10:31 DiLei 6707305201334450740.html
E.T. kehrt auf die Erde zurück

Der kleine, schrumpelige Außerirdische hatte versprochen wiederzukommen - in Steven Spielbergs Film vor fast 40 Jahren. Nun ist E.T. wirklich zurück - aber nur für wenige Minuten und nicht auf der Leinwand.

29 Nov 11:40 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271284199615.html
Lobos BUAP se muda a Mazatlán

Mario Mendivil mantiene pl&aacute;ticas con los due&ntilde;os de los venados de Mazatl&aacute;n para que los lobos BUAP se mude a Mazatl&aacute;n

29 Nov 14:43 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624180544532.html
Prasidėjo paraiškų mažajai renovacijai teikimas

Būsto energijos taupymo agentūra daugiabučių gyventojams (BETA) paskelbė kvietimą teikti paraiškas mažajai renovacijai ir jos finansavimui. Mažosios renovacijos metu yra atliekamas namų vidaus šildymo ir karšto vandens sistemų modernizavimas. Paraiškos energinio efektyvumo didinimo priemonėms, kurias patvirtins BETA, gaus 30 proc. valstybės paramą. Paraiškų laukiama iki 2019-ųjų metų gruodžio 31 dienos.

29 Nov 15:00 Kauno diena 6825691409775129470.html
Consultas não programadas: a solução para desentupir as urgências?

Doentes a quem seja dada cor azul ou verde devem ser encaminhados da urgência para outros serviços, dizem peritos.

29 Nov 10:34 SÁBADO 5711459692875697158.html
Tesla Cybertruck papildinās Dubaijas policijas autoparku (+ FOTO)

Dubaijas (AAE) policija saņem kārtējo papildinājumu: futūristisko amerikāņu pikapu Tesla Cybertruck, krievu visurgājēju Шаман (Šaman) un jaudīgo vācu sedanu Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S.

29 Nov 10:03 iAuto 8247697016985030214.html
These are the latest cases and conviction from Blackpool Magistrates' Court - Friday, November 29, 2019

These are the latest cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

29 Nov 11:45 The Gazette 1828400563261438447.html
Govt on track to make India $5 trillion economy by 2024: P K Misra

Describing the country's economic fundamentals as strong, Mishra said the annual average GDP growth of 7.5 per cent during 2014-2019 was the highest since independence

29 Nov 11:35 Business-Standard 1502508925319922848.html
Holaluz se estrena en el MAB y espera dar el salto al mercado continuo "lo más rápido posible"

Holaluz ha empezado a cotizar este viernes en el Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB) con una capitalización de 160,1 millones de euros y un precio de salida de...

29 Nov 12:19 Europa Press 4702666148591456488.html
‘Boy Meets World’ Star Maitland Ward Poses In Black Bra & G-String In Latest Snap

Maitland Ward left very little to the imagination this week as she posed in nothing but some very skimpy lingerie for her latest Instagram update, which was shared to her account on Thursday ...

29 Nov 14:13 The Inquisitr 1745625230770730466.html
SVR’s steam show is pure magic - review

It’s full steam ahead for Christmas on Severn Valley Railway as it lights up the festive season in dazzling style.

29 Nov 14:46 Shropshire Star 3480199993175981360.html
Save up to 30% site-wide on CASETiFY

The more you buy, the more you save. Get anywhere from 15% to 30% off on your purchase from CASETiFY today.

29 Nov 11:08 Windows Central 7807657680579611728.html
Giu’ le mani dai fessi dell'azzardo – facci: se i ludopatici smettono di giocare perde lo stato...


29 Nov 10:15 DAGOSPIA 6533336739330628382.html
Fridays for Future: Klimastreik: 3500 demonstrierten in Graz

Heute gingen in Graz wieder Demonstranten für das Klima auf die Straße. Gestartet wurde der Marsch eine Minute vor 12 Uhr mit einer Kundgebung vor der Oper.

29 Nov 15:22 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700889082193.html
En 2019 seis millones de latinoamericanos caerán en la pobreza extrema, según Cepal

La preocupación central es que hacia 2019 la perspectiva no es muy positiva, por eso ponemos la señal de alerta para evitar que esta pobreza se agudice, estimó la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal)

29 Nov 10:11 Granma.cu 7847343385292739719.html
Beslagtagen bil kan tillhöra man i den mordmisstänktes närhet

En beslagtagen bil av betydelse för utredningen kring den 17-åriga flicka som är försvunnen från Uddevalla kan tillhöra en man i den mordmisstänktes

29 Nov 11:39 DN.SE 398730694737374847.html
Argel Fucks troca o CSA pelo Ceará na reta final do Brasileirão

Ainda não foi divulgado quem comandará o time alagoano contra o Bahia neste domingo (1º)

29 Nov 11:29 Correio 5185786713336471168.html
Cómo conseguir el falso bob de Letizia: cambio de look en un día

La Reina no deja de sorprendernos con sus cambios de look. El último nos ha hecho pensar por un segundo que había vuelto a cortar por lo sano, pero no, su bob tiene truco

29 Nov 10:25 El Confidencial 2244370861782772710.html
Amazon - 40 Euro sparen beim Kauf eines Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon bietet einen saftigen Rabatt auf das hauseigene Kindle Paperwhite. Wer das Gerät jetzt kauft, spart ganze 40 Euro auf den regulären Preis. Zudem sind weitere Produkte aus dem Hause Amazon reduziert.

29 Nov 10:21 PlayNation 4622181943634840972.html
The NRL stars moving to Super League for the 2020 season

The 12 Super League teams are already back in pre-season training as preparations for the 2020 campaign get underway, with plenty of off-season signings getting used to their new surroundings.

29 Nov 12:58 Sky Sports 7729859609521772681.html
Save up to £1,000 on Omega Seamasters in the Goldsmiths Black Friday sale right now!

These three Omega Seamasters have up to £1,000 off - plus save an extra 10% with THIS discount code

29 Nov 11:38 T3 267522094158356004.html
Dakar accueille la 5ème conférence internationale sur la Finance verte dénommée « Green Finance Conference »

L’African Guarantee Fund (AGF) et le Nordic Development Fund (NDF), poursuivent la promotion de la finance verte au Sénégal. Après la Zambie, le Kenya, le Ghana et la Côte d’Ivoire. Le Sénégal accu…

29 Nov 10:05 Financial Afrik 5951482565675118290.html
MSB duyurdu: 2 terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

Milli Savunma Bakanlığı, Irak'ın kuzeyinde düzenlenen hava destekli operasyon kapsamında 2 teröristtin etkisiz hale getirildiğini duyurdu.

29 Nov 10:11 Gazete Vatan 5685581285561804679.html
IAG : Berenbeg reste à l'achat, mais réduit son objectif

Berenberg a maintenu sa recommandation 'd'achat' sur le titre International Consolidated Airlines , tout en réduisant son objectif de cours à 700 pence, contre 720 pence.Dans une note adressée aux... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 11:12 Zonebourse 7946574376873675159.html
Turska će graditi 500 stanova u Albaniji

Turska će u Albaniji izgraditi 500 stanova, najavio je danas turski predsjednik Redže Tajip Erdoan, javila je agencija Anadolija.

29 Nov 13:59 Nezavisne novine 4209150642908315348.html
Alkohol je močnejši od plesni

Pozimi se ob visoki stopnji zračne vlažnosti in redkejšem zračenju v domovih pogosto pojavi plesen. Največkrat v kopalnici, a tudi drugi bivalni prostori pred njo niso varni. Obloge, ki jih na po...

29 Nov 10:38 Slovenske novice 5901956563009617185.html
Çevreciler sokaklardaÇevreciler  sokaklarda

Pazartesi günü İspanya'nın başkenti Madrid'de başlayacak olan BM İklim Konferansı öncesi, 157 ülkede, 2 binden fazla kentte çevreciler iklim değişikliğine karşı önlem alınmasında yetersiz kaldıkları gerekçesiyle hükümetleri protesto eti.

29 Nov 14:06 OLAY 7935247625791625691.html
Surrey RCMP looking for missing 70-year-old man

Police say Arpad “R.P.” Sator was last seen at 4 p.m. on Nov. 28 in the 15100-block of Highway 10

29 Nov 14:40 North Delta Reporter 5327740411136236924.html
Irak: le Premier ministre va présenter sa démission

Au lendemain d’une journée de contestation sanglante, qui a vu la mort de 37 personnes, le premier ministre irakien a annoncé sa démission. Sa décisio ...

29 Nov 14:19 Arcinfo 560090597106279592.html
Cezayir'de göstericilere uygulanan şiddete soruşturma talebi

Cezayir İnsan Hakları Savunma Birliği (LADDH), gözaltına alınan göstericilerin şiddet ve kötü muameleye maruz kaldığını, güvenlik görevlileri hakkında soruşturma açma talebinde bulundu. Öte yandan cumhurbaşkanı adayı Ali Benflis’in seçim kampanyasını

29 Nov 14:15 ŞARKUL AVSAT 7659934399054063.html
La estrategia de Mary de Dinamarca este otoño: recuperar moda española de hace 4 años

Como ya hiciera previamente esta temporada, la Princesa vuelve a rescatar de su armario otro diseño español que estrenó en 2015

29 Nov 13:00 Hola.com 2035212431507176623.html
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Note 9 now receiving December 2019 security patch

The December 2019 security patch is now rolling out for the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Note 9 in over 25 regions in Europe ahead of the Pixel series.

29 Nov 13:07 9to5Google 6197440880847254956.html
Rainha das publicidades, Anitta fatura valor alto em 2019

Com a agenda cheia, Anitta se divide em fazer shows, parcerias, ensaios e claro, publicidades. Com contrato com várias marcas, a "poderosa" faturou alto neste ano.

29 Nov 14:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125211037930016.html
Rettferdighet for de rødhårede

Først fnøs jeg av småligheten i det å fjerne støtte til tannregulering og briller for barn.

29 Nov 14:05 adressa.no 8417332407628351322.html
Malgré l’alerte du gouvernement, 500 Espagnols se rendent dans les camps de Tindouf

Faisant fi de la recommandation du gouvernement de Pedro Sanchez, des centaines d’Espagnols se préparent à se rendre dans les camps de Tindouf. La chaîne Canal Sur estime leur nombre à «500 personne

29 Nov 15:40 Yabiladi 8139063035209940052.html
Robaron un auto con una beba adentro en Córdoba

Dos ladrones se llevaron un Chevrolet Corsa con la nena atrás. La abandonaron cerca de Tribunales Federales. 

29 Nov 15:00 La Voz 6237180761492191256.html
Barrido total: la lista de 8 jugadores que se irían del Deportivo Cali

El club no decidirá el futuro del técnico Lucas Pusineri en las próximas horas.

29 Nov 15:36 Antena 2 310632180014298380.html
Cornwall takes 10 as WI crush AFG in over 2 days

It was a reality check for Afghanistan, who were awarded Test status in 2017 & won their first games in the 5-day format earlier this year.

29 Nov 12:17 Deccan Herald 2027555797399032970.html
Stormzy tour 2020 - Where to get tickets as rapper announces world tour?

His Heavy Is The Head world tour is coming...

29 Nov 12:38 Metro 970161748601105440.html
Olvídate de la Xiaomi Mi Band 4: precio mínimo histórico en el Amazfit Pace

Seguimos con las ofertas de Black Friday y seguimos compartiendo con todos vosotros los mejores productos tecnológicos a los mejores precios. Porque si ya

29 Nov 11:40 Andro4all 8652186059568758024.html
Un nouveau constituant pour le district de Sierre

Le propriétaire encaveur de Veyras Stéphane Clavien rejoint la Constituante. ...

29 Nov 15:41 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802459932896871.html
El rock y la cumbia se reencontrarán en el Alternativo Music Fest: Conoce a los artistas que se presentarán

De Mar de Copas y Libido a Armonía 10 y Yahaira Plasencia, el Alternativo Music Festival dio a conocer a todos los artistas que se presentarán en dos fechas: 14 y 21 de diciembre de 2019. 

29 Nov 11:30 RPP 3819340341311616416.html
Sensex tumbles 336 points ahead of GDP data

Yes Bank was the top loser in the Sensex pack, shedding 2.50 per cent, followed by HUL that fell 2.37 per cent, M&M 2.12 per cent, SBI 2.03 per cent, Tata Motors 2.03 per cent and Vedanta 1.97 per cent.

29 Nov 11:16 The Indian Express 2885715103791039839.html
Garmin's Forerunner 645 (a staff favorite) is 50 percent off at Amazon

Engadget editor-in-chief (and volunteer marathon coach) wears this running watch every day.

29 Nov 14:52 Engadget 96641514961917271.html
Avspärrning runt misstänkt paket i Malmö

Nationella bombskyddet har kallats dit.

29 Nov 12:39 HD 3336945412706674036.html
UK grime star Stormzy to headline at Sonar Hong Kong 2020

UK grime star Stormzy will be one of the headliners at Spanish electronic music festival Sónar when it returns for its fourth outing in Hong Kong on March 28, 2020 Stormzy announced this afternoon over social media that Hong Kong will be one of...

29 Nov 10:36 Coconuts 8871564983606916439.html
Jest potwierdzenie: Angela Merkel odwiedzi b. niemiecki obóz zagłady Auschwitz. Kanclerz będzie towarzyszył polski premier

O tym, że Merkel 6 grudnia odwiedzi były niemiecki obóz zagłady informował najpierw dziennik "Sueddeutsche Zeitung".

29 Nov 12:54 wPolityce.pl 7847312539028426192.html
'Míchel' confesó que ser entrenador no estaba en sus planes

El timonel de Pumas relató cómo fue que comenzó su circunstancial andar en los banquillos.

29 Nov 15:09 FOX Sports 4183701943884322309.html
Hauptstadtflughafen BER soll am 31. Oktober 2020 öffnen

Der Monat ist bekannt – jetzt steht auch der Tag fest, an dem der neue Hauptstadtflughafen BER mit neun Jahren Verspätung 2020 eröffnen soll: Am 31. Oktober

29 Nov 13:29 T-Online 5460876211925617301.html
Juventus : Cristiano Ronaldo prépare une contre-attaque musclée face à Messi

Cristiano Ronaldo (34 ans), qui pourrait zapper la cérémonie du Ballon d’Or lundi à Paris, serait échaudé par les critiques dont il fait l’objet. 

29 Nov 14:00 But! Football Club 8933769923190959010.html
Isko’s men nab fake ID makers

SIX persons -- five men and one woman -- engaging in the manufacturing and selling of fake identification cards for senior citizens and persons with disabiliies (PWDs) were presented to the media by Mayor Isko Moreno following their arrest by the Manila Police District- Special Mayor’s Reaction Team (SMART).

29 Nov 12:35 Journal Online 6375127392633372312.html
13-Novembre : procès aux assises requis contre Salah Abdeslam et 19 autres personnes

Nouvel épisode dans l'enquête tentaculaire ouverte sur les attentats commis à Paris et à Saint-Denis, le 13 novembre 2015 : le Parquet national antiterroriste (PNAT) a annoncé ce vendredi 29 novembre avoir requis un procès aux assises contre vingt personnes, dont Salah Abdeslam, seul membre encore en vie des commandos, et six suspects visés par un mandat d'arrêt, rapporte notamment Le Monde.

29 Nov 12:25 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230248660294913.html
La ilusión óptica de las extrañas piernas de una nena que se viralizó en las redes

La imagen de una pequeña dio mucho que hablar en las redes sociales ya que a simple vista sus piernas parecen extremadamente delgadas.

29 Nov 14:06 Diario Registrado 7686014737079787986.html
Attentats du 13-Novembre: procès requis pour 20 personnes, dont Salah Abdeslam

Après quatre ans d'enquête tentaculaire, le parquet national antiterroriste (Pnat) a annoncé vendredi avoir requis un procès aux assises contre 20 personnes pour les attentats du 13 novembre 2015...

29 Nov 13:37 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982400411879.html
Denise Rosenthal protagoniza la primera polémica del Festival de Viña 2020 ¡Detalles!

Hace solo unos días la cantante nacional Denise Rosenthal fue confirmada como una de las artistas que se presentarán en el Festival de Viña 2020, y además como jurado de la competencia folclórica e internacional. La intérprete de temas tales como "Lucha en equilibrio" y "Cambio de piel" se subirá a la Quinta Vergara la […]

29 Nov 12:38 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354498186750.html
Bottas, el mejor en las prácticas libres de Abu Dhabi

El de Mercedes termina primero en el circuito de Yas Marina delante de su compañero de equipo, Lewis Hamilton, y del piloto de Ferrari Charles Leclerc

29 Nov 15:40 El Informador 103545928243940445.html
Bayburt'ta gıda işletmeleri denetlendi

Bayburt'ta gıda işletmelerine 1335 denetim yapıldığını bildirdi.

29 Nov 13:02 HABER 61 8391886868390433416.html
Rada Adwokacka z Olsztyna po stronie sędziego Pawła Juszczyszyna

Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka w Olsztynie stanęła po stronie sędziego Pawła Juszczyszyna. Zdaniem rady "każdy organ państwa i każdy obywatel powinien szanować wyrażoną w art. 172 Konstytucji RP zasadę, że „Sądy i Trybunały są władzą odrębną i niezależną od innych władz”.

29 Nov 13:51 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040253727418813.html
Championnat de Tunisie (Point du bonus pour le Play-off) : programme des matches aller et retour

Programme des matches pour l’obtention du point de bonus pour le Play-off du championnat de la Nationale A de basket-ball : 1er

29 Nov 15:33 African Manager 933752094364981448.html
"Respektrente" ist Wort des Jahres 2019 – vor "Rollerchaos"

Jedes Jahr suchen Sprachwissenschaftler Wörter, die das politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Leben besonders geprägt haben. Nun ist die Liste für 2019 da. Ein SPD-Herzensprojekt liegt...

29 Nov 11:05 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428355131492.html
Londra, colpi di arma da fuoco sul London Bridge: un uomo armato di coltello è stato ucciso – VIDEO

Un uomo armato di coltello è stato ucciso oggi dalla polizia a Londra, nella zona del London Bridge, ecco cosa è successo Oggi 29 novembre a Londra ci sono stati alcuni colpi di arma da fuoco nella zona del London Bridge. Tra la folla si è subito scatenato il panico. La gente si è data …

29 Nov 15:32 NewNotizie 1312053896039855215.html
São Paulo se reapresenta com dúvida na escalação para partida contra o Grêmio

GazetaEsportiva Depois de vencer o Vasco por 1 a 0, no Morumbi, o São Paulo se reapresentou no CT da Barra Funda nesta sexta-feira e iniciou a preparação para a partida contra o Grêmio, no domingo, às 19h, em Porto Alegre. O presidente Carlos Augusto de Barros e Silva acompanhou a atividade e, um dia depois das críticas de […]

29 Nov 14:22 SPNet 4856363013073288317.html
Colombie: une police antiémeute répressive qui avive la protestation

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

29 Nov 13:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815390182542137.html
Haydi Kubilay zamanı geldi

TFF 1. Lig'in ilk haftalarında takımın aldığı sonuçlarda pay sahibi olan isimlerin başında Kubilay Kanatsızkuş geliyordu.

29 Nov 14:17 OLAY 7935247626365288343.html
"Rote Rosen", "Sturm der Liebe", "AWZ": Das passiert heute, 29. November, in den Soaps

Viel Herz, viel Schmerz und jede Menge Intrigen: Tag für Tag ziehen Daily Soaps wie "Sturm der Liebe", "Unter uns" oder "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" die TV-Zuschauer in ihren Bann. Das sind die Highlights am 29. November.

29 Nov 10:28 GMX 2011843075829030846.html
Stasera in tv – Il cavaliere oscuro: cast, premi, trailer e trama del film

Nel secondo film Il cavaliere oscuro della trilogia di Nolan, Joker e Batman si confrontano in un duello fisico e psicologico all'ultimo sangue

29 Nov 11:40 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926428381396.html
Le Québec gratteux

Depuis tellement longtemps, nous dénonçons la vétusté de nos écoles.

29 Nov 10:00 Le Journal de Québec 6825713738094517570.html
Le Québec gratteux

Depuis tellement longtemps, nous dénonçons la vétusté de nos écoles.

29 Nov 10:00 Le Journal de Montréal 7948189830152756546.html
Irak: le Premier ministre va présenter sa démission

Au lendemain d’une journée de contestation sanglante, qui a vu la mort de 37 personnes, le premier ministre irakien a annoncé sa démission. Sa décisio ...

29 Nov 14:19 La Côte 469155178693420200.html
Por venganza mujer ahogó en un tobo con agua a una bebé de nueve meses

Sin razón conocida Sandy de Jesús Rubio Álvarez de (30), ahogó en un tobo con agua a una bebé de nueve meses, quien llevaba por nombre Sofía Valeri

29 Nov 10:10 LaPatilla.com 9104603011085276429.html
Apesar de ataque, Otan mantém reunião em Londres na próxima semana

Um alto funcionário da Otan ouvido pela CNN confirmou que a entidade, pelo menos por enquanto, não pensa em mudar a data da reunião de cúpula pelo 70° aniversário, na próxima semana, em Londres...

29 Nov 15:56 O Antagonista 1037429654648555929.html
Les enfants nés en 2019 souffriront du changement climatique toute

Le dernier rapport du «Lancet» apporte une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. La mauvaise, c'est que le changement climatique a un e ...

29 Nov 14:55 egora.fr 6107468299648954825.html
Schwyz: défiler en costume du Ku Klux Klan au carnaval n’est pas de la discrimination raciale

Le 4 mars dernier, des Schwyzois ont défilé en habits du Ku Klux Klan au carnaval. La sentence est tombée ce vendredi: ils sont condamnés pour contraven ...

29 Nov 10:47 Arcinfo 560090597899299839.html
L'Eglise protestante de Genève bénira les couples de même sexe

Les couples de même sexe unis civilement pourront être bénis au sein l'Eglise protestante de Genève (EPG) au même titre que les couples hétérosexuels. Le Consistoire a pris cette décision jeudi soir la quasi unanimité.

29 Nov 12:49 www.rjb.ch 7386238340929379837.html
Irak: le Premier ministre annonce qu'il va présenter sa démission au Parlement

Après deux mois de violente contestation, le Premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé ce vendredi 29 novembre qu'il allait présenté sa démission, comme l'a réclamé le grand ayatollah Ali Sistani.

29 Nov 14:07 RFI 4432404460366388375.html
Jubilej štrekljevske šole

Na Štrekljevcu so včeraj zvečer pripravili proslavo ob 130-letnici šole v vasi, ki so jo odprli jeseni 1889, potem ko so jo gradili eno leto.

29 Nov 12:55 Dolenjski list 119924280556706062.html
El Papa a la Comisión Teológica: traducir la fe para la humanidad de hoy

El papa Francisco recibió el 29 de noviembre en audiencia a los miembros de la Comisión Teológica Internacional, que cumple 50 años de servicio a la Iglesia, a quienes recordó que “la teología está llamada estás llamado a sacar el Evangelio a la luz”. “No es una disquisición pedagógica sobre la vida, sino la encarnación de la fe en la vida”, sostuvo en su discurso....

29 Nov 11:29 aica.org 5568670712679613707.html
Dimayor en problemas: final América vs Junior cambiaría de fecha

América de Cali y Junior de Barranquilla definirán el próximo campeón del fútbol profesional colombiano.

29 Nov 15:36 Antena 2 310632178681162533.html
Tågstopp efter olycka i Småland

Olyckor Tågtrafiken har stoppats på södra stambanan mellan Diö och Alvesta i Småland efter en olycka. Enligt polisen har en person blivit påkörd av ett tåg på Vislanda järnvägsstation. Det inblandade tåget var ett Öresundståg, enligt Trafikverket.

29 Nov 12:21 www.unt.se 8922556088040736586.html
Tragedija kod Niša: Troje poginulo u sudaru kamiona i kombija (FOTO/VIDEO)

Do tragedije je došlo kad se kamion zakucao u kombi oko 10 časova

29 Nov 10:34 Вечерње новости 4219870593058927544.html
Black Friday: najmocniejszy ASUS ZenFone 6 w świetnej cenie! To tytan wydajności

W kuszącej promocji oficjalnego sklepu ASUS w Polsce pojawił się ZenFone 6 w edycji 12/512 GB, czyli niesamowicie wydajny flagowiec z przedłużoną ochroną gwarancyjną. Najmocniejszego smartfona w ofercie tajwańskiego twórcy kupicie taniej o kilkaset złotych.

29 Nov 12:00 gsmManiaK.pl 5527132055563358425.html
El anuncio de Resident Evil 3 Remake antes de finalizar 2019, se enfría

Cada vez parece más complicado que Resident Eviol 3 Remake se anuncie antes de que finalice 2019.

29 Nov 13:55 Generación Xbox 4040846038991425211.html
Oktober 2019, OJK Catat Pertumbuhan Kredit Melambat Capai 6,53 Persen

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) mencatat penyaluran kredit perbankan hingga akhir Oktober 2019 hanya mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6,53 persen secara year on year (yoy). Capaian ini jauh dari target yang dipatok OJK, yakni di kisaran 9 persen hingga 11 persen yoy.

29 Nov 14:57 merdeka.com 1998180355227435261.html
Le Tanganyika compte 560 mille déplacés internes exposés à des violations des droits humains (HCR)

La province du Tanganyika compte 560 mille déplacés internes qui sont exposés à des violations des droits humains.

29 Nov 12:24 Radio Okapi 4444713483282696412.html
WATCH:NUST Slay Queen reveals why she walked around campus semi nude ‘Zodwa Wabantu’ style

NUST Slay Queen reveals why she walked around campus semi nude 'Zodwa Wabantu' style

29 Nov 11:26 iHarare News 2755902708289559219.html
Teen boy kills 16-year-old girl who refused to have sex with him

Form 3 student kills 16-year-old girl who rejected sexual advances

29 Nov 11:01 Pulse Live 3606876836768864762.html
Garicano avisa a Sánchez de que ERC "le va a devorar" y que deja a España "a los pies de los caballos" en Europa

El eurodiputado de Ciudadanos, Luis Garicano, ha señalado este viernes lo peligroso del pacto de investidura que el PSOE y ERC pueden cerrar para aprobar el...

29 Nov 10:42 Europa Press 4702666148231807284.html
Black Friday dla graczy, czyli tańszy sprzęt firmy Razer

Czarnopiątkowa wyprzedaż to jedna z lepszych okazji w roku na wymianę swojego gamingowego sprzętu. Oto promocje na sprzęt Razera.

29 Nov 11:49 Spider's Web 6426504857734866409.html
Mahmood: nel 2020 un concerto a Milano e il tour europeo

Mahmood ha annunciato il tour europeo 2020, con una sola data in Italia a Milano: ecco tutti i prossimi concerti

29 Nov 14:09 Sky TG24 1131381333290680001.html
Cristina Chiabotto: “Mi sono fidata delle persone sbagliate, ma la mia non è evasione”

ROMA – Cristina Chiabotto commenta la notizia per la quale è finita sulle prime pagine di tutti i giornali. La showgirl ha infatti debiti col Fisco e per versare le somme dovute sarà probabilmente costretta a vendere le attività di cui è titolare. “Purtroppo, in totale buona fede, mi sono affidata ai professionisti sbagliati. Sono stata mal consigliata sotto il profilo fiscale quando, ancora giovanissima, a 19 anni ho iniziato la mia attività”, afferma all’Ansa la Chiabotto, costretta a ricorrere alla legge ‘salva suicidi’ “per far ciò che ritengo giusto e doveroso: pagare, come tutti, le somme effettivamente dovute”. “Non mi resta che attendere l’esito della procedura – aggiunge – con la serenità di chi ha la coscienza a posto”.Ambra Angiolini con i capelli bianchi durante una diretta su InstagramClaudio Lippi: “Sono stato un papà poco presente. Oggi però con la mia nipotina…” La legge cosiddetta ‘salva suicidi’, per l’ex Miss Italia, è stata “l’unico strumento giuridico rimasto”. “Non voglio sottrarmi al mio…

29 Nov 11:25 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354865369647.html
Skatteverket kom med skarpa förslag om samordningsnumren – inget hände

Några dagar före julafton 2018 kom Skatteverket med en rad skarpa lagförslag för att täppa till luckorna runt samordningsnumren.

29 Nov 12:11 DN.SE 398730694329655223.html

La Journée nationale de l’élevage dont le thème  est « Promotion des cultures fourragères et amélioration génétique : créneaux porteurs pour l’emploi des jeunes et des femmes » a été hier, jeudi, à Kael (Mbacké) une occasion pour les acteurs du secteur de partager avec le chef de l’Etat sur les difficultés qui gangrène ledit secteur. En réponse, Macky Sall s’est engagé entre autres mesures  à augmenter le fonds revolving des dits acteurs de deux milliards dans les prochains jours.

29 Nov 11:32 www.sudonline.sn 5847876532284190611.html
Árbitro ignora polémico grito en el duelo América vs Tigres

Los aficionados corearon la exclamación prohibida por la FIFA y la Federación Mexicana de Futbol en contra del portero de los felinos Miguel Ortega

29 Nov 14:25 El Informador 103545928678224117.html
"Immer, wenn es Weihnacht wird …"

So singen wir im Weihnachtslied. Immer, wenn das Jahr zur Neige geht, befällt uns eine gar merkwürdige Unruhe. Trotz übergroßer Weihnachtsattrappen - jedes Jahr immer früher - in den Straßen und Kaufhäusern, mit Lichtergirlanden zuhauf und Weihnachtsmusikdauerberieselung, die die Kauflust steigern

29 Nov 15:41 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084491612791.html
Opération anti-black friday ? Des serrures de commerces remplies de colle à Strasbourg

Ce vendredi matin, de nombreux commerçants du centre-ville de Strasbourg n’ont pas pu ouvrir leur porte. Pendant la nuit, les serrures ont été obstruées par une colle extra-forte. Il pourrait s'agir d'une « opération anti-black friday ».

29 Nov 12:31 L'Alsace 2225618940414770588.html
Divji 17-letnik z motorjem zapeljal v 69-letnika

Policisti so v sredo okoli 19.30 v Braslovčah obravnavali prometno nesrečo, v kateri je bil huje poškodovan pešec. Zaradi vožnje z neprilagojeno hitrostjo je nesrečo povzročil 17-letni vozni...

29 Nov 10:53 Slovenske novice 5901956561691341741.html
Cancún sede del Torneo Internacional Premier 2019

8 equipos internacionales llegaran a Canc&uacute;n para disuptar el Torneo Internacional Premier 2019

29 Nov 12:56 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623455206079.html
Schwyz: défiler en costume du Ku Klux Klan au carnaval n’est pas de la discrimination raciale

Le 4 mars dernier, des Schwyzois ont défilé en habits du Ku Klux Klan au carnaval. La sentence est tombée ce vendredi: ils sont condamnés pour contraven ...

29 Nov 10:47 La Côte 469155179486440447.html
Após escolas, prefeitura tem “permissão” de colocar detector de metal em posto

Depois que a Prefeitura de Campo Grande recebeu “permissão” para instalar detectores de metais para fiscalizar a entrada de alunos ou qualquer pessoa armada nas escolas municipais, o Executivo municipal pode agora investir nos equipamentos para postos de saúde. A Lei nº 6.346, que “autoriza o Poder Executivo Municipal a instalar detectores de metais nos estabelecimentos de saúde do Município de Ca...

29 Nov 14:59 Campo Grande News 7902463001579806283.html
Oglašena prodaja imovine brodogradilišta M.C.I. iz Novog Bečeja

Stečajni upravnik brodogradilišta M.C.I. doo iz Novog Bečeja oglasio je prodaju nepokretne i pokretne imovine ovog...

29 Nov 15:05 N1 Srbija 7797130865800648777.html
Câți bani scoate din buzunar Guvernul Orban Ziua Națională de la Alba Iulia! Premierul, prezent la ceremonii

Guvernul alocă 400.000 lei pentru Ziua Națională de la Alba Iulia. Premierul va participa la ceremoniile de la Alba Iulia și va asista la...

29 Nov 14:48 Stiri pe surse 4858045013735336455.html
Météo : une vague de froid attendue pour la semaine prochaine

Températures négatives, neiges en montagne et en plaine ainsi que des gelées sont prévues dès le 1er décembre en France. Cet épisode de froid ne devrait durer que quelques jours.

29 Nov 13:01 RTL.fr 432875263641837579.html
EMOTIVNI MOMENTI: Siniša Mihajlović zaplakao, a onda detaljno opisao kroz šta je prošao!

Konferenecija za medije o zdravstvenom stanju<a href="https://sport.blic.rs/search?q=Sini%C5%A1a+Mihajlovi%C4%87" id="723cb07d-3d40-4054-8437-9263d2451c3e"> Siniše Mihajlovića zakazana je za petak od 11 časova, kada će se naš strateg obratiti javnosti.

29 Nov 12:16 pulsonline 6050941186641826771.html
Arturo Vidal quiere más protagonismo o dejará el Barça

El internacional chileno Arturo Vidal señaló este viernes que, si al final de la temporada no siente que tiene más protagonismo en el Barcelona, se planteará "buscar otro horizonte para ser importante".En una entrevista que concedió al canal televisivo catalán TV3, el jugador azulgrana, uno de los comodines que más utiliza el técnico Ernesto Valverde, fue directo sobre cuáles son sus objetivos a corto plazo: "En diciembre, o cuando acabe la temporada, si no siento que soy importante aquí tendré que tomar una decisión y buscar otro horizonte para ser importante".El jugador dice que se siente "triste" cuando no tiene continuidad después de haber disputado partidos, alternados con otros en el banquillo."Uno tiene que ser objetivo y vivir el día a día", subrayó el jugador, quien con estas declaraciones lanza un pulso al entrenador para jugar más partidos.En otra parte de la entrevista, Arturo Vidal emplazó a sus compañeros a "mejorar mucho" si el Barcelona quiere levantar las tres copas por las que lucha esta temporada…

29 Nov 12:40 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124022751641.html
Nike to remodel Kenya kit for Tokyo 2020

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 29 – National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOCK) president Paul Tergat has disclosed that the team to next year’s Games in Tokyo, Japan Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

29 Nov 15:58 Capital Sports 7605153804706678111.html
Et si vous profitiez du Black Friday tout en faisant un geste pour la planète ?

L’opération du Black Friday n’est pas l’événement le plus écolo de l’année avec ses millions d’articles neufs en promotion. Et pourtant, certaines enseignes profitent de cette journée, synonyme de...

29 Nov 12:15 Futura 7671687980297989593.html
Q2 GDP: Fiscal deficit of 3.9% realistic, says Uday Kotak

The just released GDP data for the second quarter (July-September) shows that the growth has gone down to 4.5 per cent (the lowest in six years) from 5 per cent in the first quarter (April-June)

29 Nov 12:28 Business Today 1145527431651066193.html
Jaki DreamHack Open Winter, taki cały rok!

Już dziś rozpoczną się zmagania w szwedzkiej mieścinie Jönköping. Zawodnicy z całego świata zlecieli się, aby powalczyć o tytuł mistrza DreamHack Open Winter. Poza standardową stawką, czyli 50 000$ za zwycięstwo, jest też ta, w którą wierzą przesądni- triumfator tego turnieju w następnym roku zawsze osiągał minimum finał Majora. Ciężko jednak wierzyć w spełnienie tej […]

29 Nov 10:18 IzakTV 2347159216326829740.html
You Can Save up to 36% on these Laptops, Monitors and Desktops for Black Friday 2019

Looking to save some money on a brand new laptop, desktop or a monitor? Black Friday 2019 has some deals which you should consider right now.

29 Nov 10:33 Wccftech 3677959677673656040.html
Attentats du 13-Novembre: procès requis pour 20 personnes, dont Salah Abdeslam

Après quatre ans d'enquête tentaculaire, le parquet national antiterroriste (Pnat) a annoncé vendredi avoir requis un procès aux assises contre 20 personnes pour les attentats du 13 novembre 2015, qui ont fait 130 morts et 350 blessés à Paris et Saint-Denis. Parmi les personnes pour lesquelles le parquet demande un procès figure le Franco-belge Salah Abdeslam, seul membre encore en vie des commandos du 13-Novembre et six personnes visées par un mandat d'arrêt d'international, dont Oussama Atar et les frères Clain qui sont tous trois présumés morts.

29 Nov 10:47 FranceSoir 2214281691295629906.html
Bitcoin Price Analysis: BTC’s Consolidation To End-Up In a Huge Weekend Move?  

It took just a few hours after we posted our previous Bitcoin price analysis, and Bitcoin broke out nicely the $7400 resistance, which is the neckline of

29 Nov 11:03 CryptoPotato 7087008390973989399.html
¡Diego Maradona podría entrenar en España!

Después de su amago de salida de Gimnasia de la Plata, donde tiene contrato solamente hasta 2020 y lo cumplirá, Diego Maradona vuelve a ser ahora noticia. Y es que anoche en El Chiringuito (...)

29 Nov 14:17 Fichajes 157935405073347404.html
Militaires tués au Mali: La France dément la revendication de l'EI

PARIS (Reuters) - Les deux hélicoptères qui se sont écrasés au Mali, provoquant la mort de treize militaires français, n'ont pas été pris sous le feu des djihadistes du groupe Etat islamique (EI), a déclaré vendredi sur RFI le général François Lecointre, chef d'état-major des armées françaises.

29 Nov 12:37 Boursier.com 7351227820728855352.html
'Entertainment Weekly' comes to an end after 36 years

KBS' 'Entertainment Weekly' has come to an end.On the November 29th final episode, 10-year host Shin Hyun Joon expressed, "I&a…

29 Nov 15:03 allkpop 3249686061434316959.html
Apple : le départ de Jony Ive est effectif

En juin, Apple annonçait son départ à venir via un communiqué de presse, c'est désormais chose faite : Jony Ive vient de quitter la marque à la pomme, après 27 ans de boutique.Si son nom n'est pas le... | 29 novembre 2019

29 Nov 13:20 Zonebourse 7946574378088156353.html
Boris Johnson's Unearthed Columns Called Out For “Ignorant” & “Racist” Comments

Alongside being an MP and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has had columns in a variety of newspapers and magazines, including The Telegraph and The Spectator. On more than one occasion both members of the public and his peers have criticised him for…

29 Nov 11:13 Bustle 7391390688003206061.html
AMD Ryzen 4000 Series Named In AIDA64 Update; Will Be Based On New Zen 3 Architecture

While AMD's Ryzen 3000 series CPUs make their way around the desktop PC market, there are actually hints of the brand's next-generation Ryzen 4000 series online. Specifically, the CPU series was mentioned on the official

29 Nov 12:17 Lowyat.NET 6894342420546220474.html
Audi reduce sus inversiones para los próximos cinco años

Ha informado de que las inversiones en movilidad eléctrica serán de 12.000 millones hasta 2024

29 Nov 15:02 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577712616303.html
Álex Moreno, baja de última hora por lesión ante el Mallorca

Rubi recupera a Bartra, Feddal y Javi García para el partido de este sábado en Son Moix, donde no podrá contar con el lateral catalán, uno...

29 Nov 15:59 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959190971138.html
CBF toma calote de R$ 7 milhões de esquema suspeito de pirâmide financeira

A CBF acusa All Invest de calote e cobra R$ 7 mi na Justiça; empresa já é investigada pela Polícia Civil em Goiás sob suspeita de pirâmide financeira

29 Nov 11:49 Portal do Bitcoin 7973962971100857062.html
Bioware exec producer tweets “Dragon Age”, rumours fly

Dragon Age. That’s the tweet. Bioware’s Mark Darrah – executive producer on the high fantasy RPG Dragon Age franchise – has been continuing his fondness of “making cryptic statements to tease fans” by tweeting the two words “Dragon” and “Age” in that order, for probably no reason at all. Dragon Age — Mark Darrah (@BioMarkDarrah) […]

29 Nov 12:55 VG247 6010161594069747882.html
Calcio: Nazionale di Mancini sale in ranking Fifa, ora è 13ma

(ANSA) - ROMA, 29 NOV - La cura di Roberto Mancini fa bene alla Nazionale italiana di calcio. Non c'è solo la lunga fila di risultati positivi e la qualificazione anzitempo agli Europei 2020 all'attivo della nuova gestione del tecnico azzurro, ora infatti a certificare lo stato di salute della nazionale c'è anche la nuova classifica mondiale stilata dalla Fifa, che vede l'Italia salire di due posizioni e attestarsi nella 13ma posizione. Al primo posto di questa speciale classifica, aggiornata periodicamente sulla base dei risultati conseguiti, c'è ancora la nazionale del Belgio con 1765 punti. Confermata la top five dall'ultimo rilevamento: secondo posto per la Francia con 1733, poi il Brasile con 1712. Seguono l'Inghilterra con 1661 e l'Uruguay con 1645. Guadagna una pozione la Croazia che sale al sesto posto con 1642 punti, scavalcando il Portogallo di Cristiano Ronaldo che scende al settimo posto con 1639, ma conserva sempre una posizione di vantaggio sui rivali storici della Spagna, attestati all'ottavo posto…

29 Nov 13:14 MilanNews.it 6507305921912780869.html
Altobelli: "Con Lukaku-Lautaro nulla è impossibile: bravo Conte a farli giocare così"

Nella raffica di opinioni sull'efficacia della coppia Lukaku-Martinez non manca all'appello quella di Alessandro Altobelli. "L’Inter ha il 60% di...

29 Nov 10:44 FcInterNews.it 7848284893451032224.html
Depois de correria da meia-noite, manhã em shopping é de lojas vazias

O anúncio de que algumas lojas abririam à meia-noite de sexta-feira (29) para promoção da Black Friday, levou muita gente ao Shopping Campo Grande. Após o tumulto da madrugada, teve quem voltou ao local para aproveitar as ofertas com calma, já que a maioria das lojas optaram por abrir somente às 10h. Claudia Santos, de 42 anos, foi uma das primeiras a chegar na abertura do shopping a 00h. Ela reto...

29 Nov 12:44 Campo Grande News 7902463002408339165.html
The Oklahoman's 2019 All-City boys cross country teams

First team AJ Antonelli, So., Deer Creek Jack Reed, Sr., Deer Creek Trevor Sallee, Sr., Guthrie Gabe Simonsen, Jr., Mustang Gilbert Velez, So., Deer Creek Jackson Watts, Sr., Edmond Memorial Runner of the Year: Christian Arenivar, Sr., Santa Fe South Coach of the Year: David Riden, Deer Creek Second team David Boulanger, Fr., Westmoore Tyler Goza, Jr., Edmond North Johan Juarez, Sr., Westmoore Agustin Lopez, Jr., Little Axe Noah Plum, Sr., Edmond Memorial Drake Wagner, Sr., Deer Creek Max Wheeler, Sr.

29 Nov 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761202972578.html
Naast Paul McCartney ook The Killers op TW Classic 2020

Naast headliner Paul McCartney zullen op zondag 21 juni 2020 in Werchter ook The Killers aantreden op het eendagsfestival TW Classic.

29 Nov 15:41 De Standaard 2288913868263295333.html
Oil to be stuck in a rut in 2020 as slowing demand fuels glut: Reuters poll

(Reuters) - Oil prices will remain subdued in 2020 as growth concerns weigh on demand and fuel a glut of crude, a Reuters poll showed on Friday ahead of production-policy talks among OPEC and its allies next week.

29 Nov 11:02 Reuters 8334514180170824205.html
Gonzalo Núñez descalificó a Alexandra Hörler con comentarios machistas

Gonzalo Núñez y Alexandra Hörler tuvieron un momento muy acalorado y el presentador lanzó comentario machista sobre el fútbol.

29 Nov 11:09 Wapa.pe 6757287088542342691.html
Coldplay pakt leiding in Album Top 100

Voor de vijfde keer staat Coldplay bovenaan in de Album Top 100. Het nieuwe achtste studioalbum Everyday Life, dat goed werd ontvangen door de critici, komt binnen op de eerste plaats en verdringt daarmee Kensington aan kop. De Nederlandse band stond er pas een week en moet nu genoegen nemen met de vierde stek.

29 Nov 14:05 RTL Boulevard 1500115270611355527.html
Así afrontó 'GH VIP' la fuga de anunciantes durante la gala de anoche

La ocupación publicitaria se situó en un 13,3%, unos cinco puntos por debajo de lo habitual

29 Nov 11:32 elPeriodico 7291954034698500381.html
Morgan Stanley : 4 traders seraient responsables de pertes de plus de 100 M$

Morgan Stanley aurait licencié ou mis en congé au moins quatre traders accusés d'être à l'origine de pertes évaluées entre 100 et 140 millions de...

29 Nov 10:47 Boursier.com 7351227821811216104.html
DCEU : Dwayne Johnson rejoint par une de ses co-stars de Jumanji dans Black Adam ?

Lorsque Dwayne Johnson aime vraiment quelqu'un, il ne le lâche plus, que ce soit devant ou derrière la caméra !

29 Nov 15:00 melty 8059025069708302859.html
NBA News: DeMar DeRozan schimpft über Social Media - "Hätte lieber in den 90ern gespielt"

Im Zuge der Krise der San Antonio Spurs brodelte es zuletzt mal wieder in der Gerüchteküche, ob vielleicht ein Trade von DeMar DeRozan bevorsteht, nachdem dieser seine Instagram -Posts gelöscht hatte. DeRozan hat sich nun dazu geäußert.

29 Nov 10:09 SPOX 8395423524820307553.html
Homem detido por violação da filha de quatro anos em Peniche

O suspeito, de 29 anos, foi detido após queixa da mulher à GNR de Peniche, no distrito de Leiria. O homem terá praticado actos sexuais com a sua filha de quatro anos, sujeitando a criança e a mãe a maus tratos físicos e psicológicos.

29 Nov 12:48 PÚBLICO 2228264896459811112.html
France to summon Turkish envoy over Erdogan’s ‘insults’

PARIS, Nov 29 — The French government will summon the Turkish envoy in Paris for talks after what it termed “insults” by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who accused Emmanuel Macron of suffering “brain death”, the president’s office said today. Erdogan used an expression...

29 Nov 15:16 Malaymail 302165935520777343.html
2019 RTÉ Sportsperson of the Year longlist announced

A 26-nominee longlist for the 2019 RTÉ Sportsperson of Year has been announced. The winner will be revealed on the awards programme

29 Nov 13:14 Buzz.ie 7092425147920221460.html
Corpo de Gugu Liberato é sepultado em São Paulo

Cortejo feito com o Corpo de Bombeiros chega ao fim no Cemitério Gethsêmani, no bairro do Morumbi

29 Nov 12:53 VEJA.com 4116702198009376495.html
‘Freedom of expression has its limits’: Watch Angela Merkel address German parliament

German chancellor Angela Merkel’s speech has sparked an age-old debate.

29 Nov 12:27 Scroll.in 8669301693663500110.html
Taiwan raises economic growth forecasts for 2019 and 2020

GDP benefits from Taiwanese businesses returning amid trade wars: DGBAS.Taiwan’s economy will grow by a higher-than-expected 2.64 percent this year and even by 2.72 percent in 2020, the government predicted Friday (November 29).

29 Nov 11:40 Taiwan News 4737573344808377120.html
Killer kommt 40 Jahre nach der Tat vor Gericht

40 Jahre nach dem Mord an Schülerin Christiane J. (†15) aus Aschaffenburg kommt ihr mutmaßlicher Mör­der doch noch vor Gericht.

29 Nov 13:43 Bild 8433249908712100473.html
Basia Kurdej-Szatan w "raperskiej" stylizacji. Pomarańczowa kurtka i buty od New Balance to połączenie idealne

Basia Kurdej-Szatan zaskoczyła fanów swoją hip-hopową stylizacją. Została porównana amerykańskiej piosenkarki.

29 Nov 12:35 Plotek 6127766691986508635.html
Programme TV du vendredi 29 novembre

Voici le programme TV des matches de ce vendredi 29 novembre, en heure tunisienne (GMT+1).

29 Nov 10:15 Koora.com 387328028621526370.html
En la Antártida, turistas pasean en el jardín de los pingüinos

"Son como cuchilladas", comenta un turista en traje de baño tras meterse en el agua, a 3 ºC, bajo la atenta mirada de un grupo de pingüinos. Alrededor, bloques de hielo con forma de pajarita de

29 Nov 11:18 El Universo 8365175797706306929.html
Puesto en Las Cañas cambia las bolsas de plástico por de papel

Un puesto en Las Cañas llamó nuestra atención, pues cambió las bolsas de plástico por de papel, según contó en recorrido de MiMorelia.com.

29 Nov 14:05 MiMorelia 5599511490584201196.html
The Echo Show 5 is on sale for just $50, making it one of Black Friday's best smart home deals

At its retail price of $90, the Echo Show 5 is already an incredible value. For just $50 during Black Friday, it's a must-buy for anyone interested in smart home tech.

29 Nov 15:40 Android Central 29040143769438218.html
Hosts Philippines in semifinals of SEA Games 2019 women’s football after 5-0 win over Malaysia

Hosts Philippines have booked a place in the semifinals of the women’s football tournament of SEA Games 2019 after a 5-0 thrashing of Malaysia at the Binan Football Stadium on Friday.

29 Nov 14:46 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905233856752.html
Nintendo tem planos para lançar mais uma adaptação cinematográfica

O sucesso de ‘Pokémon: Detetive Pikachu’ terá servido para dar mais confiança à empresa no que diz respeito a adaptações para os cinemas

29 Nov 11:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699684780479.html
19,5% Menolak Habib Rizieq Pulang ke Indonesia, Yang Setuju Cuma...

WE Online, Jakarta - Direktur Eksekutif Parameter Politik Indonesia, Adi Prayitno mengatakan berdasarkan hasil survei Parameter Politik Indonesia, masyarakat masih berharap kepulangan Pimpinan FPI Habib Rizieq Shihab ke Tanah Air.

29 Nov 12:23 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834752528928.html
Desperate times….Man steals biltong in OK supermarket, stuffs it in his underwear

Man steals biltong in OK supermarket, stuffs it in his underwear. A 28-year-old man was beaten up before he was arrested for stealing biltong

29 Nov 12:49 iHarare News 2755902707625305675.html
Ciarran Stott Is Officially Moving To Syd & If He’s Not The Next Bachie Then We Fkn Riot


29 Nov 10:45 Pedestrian TV 5961900144447779618.html
Buying a BS4 car

Should I buy a BS4 car or do I wait for a BS6 model and will there be any restrictions on the former after four or five years?

29 Nov 14:00 Autocar India 1039296990084348586.html
Xiaomi launches a 10000mAh Powerbank with a Retro-styled FM radio - Gizmochina

Xiaomi has launched a new mobile power bank with a “retro radio” design under the Youpin platform. The power bak also doubles as an FM radio and has a 10,000mAh battery capacity. The gadget comes with an affordable 138 yuan ($19) price tag. This is similar in design to the power bank/handwarmer which was launched …

29 Nov 14:19 Gizmochina 1751854815350559734.html
Classement DxOMark 2019 : voici la liste des meilleurs smartphones pour la photo et vidéo

Voici la liste des meilleurs smartphone DxOMark 2019 en photo, vidéo, zoom, grand angle et caméra selfie. Découvrez lequel est le meilleur !

29 Nov 15:44 PhonAndroid.com 8181142844022490232.html
Epilog suđenja za pokušaj ubistva Beka! Zdravkoviću 10 godina, Maja Adrovac oslobođena

Sudsko veće Višeg suda u Beogradu izreklo je danas presudu optuženima za pokušaj ubistva biznismena Milana Beka pre pet godina, kada je teško ranjen u Beogradu.

29 Nov 11:44 REPUBLIKA 2543998405917465769.html
Taoufik Bouachrine: son épouse annonce qu’il prend une décision

Le journaliste Taoufik Bouachrine a décidé d'entamer une grève de la faim pour protester contre ses conditions de détention et le mauvais traitement dont il est victime.

29 Nov 11:47 Le Site Info 5160764341227407447.html
Con la migración la población que queda en Venezuela es cada vez más anciana y dependiente

Venezuela perdió a su población en edad productiva: 80 % de los emigrantes tienen entre 15 y 49 años. Y el 57 % se encuentra entre 15 y 29 años.

29 Nov 12:53 LaPatilla.com 9104603011003439528.html
'If children's hospices like this one didn't exist, I don't know how we'd cope'

"It&rsquo;s been an emotional day, but a joyful day,&rdquo; reflects Tamara Taylor, the 115-times capped England Women&rsquo;s Rugby World Cup winner.

29 Nov 12:32 The Telegraph 140598091499383906.html
Odbornik iz Dervente osumnjičen da je napao učenika u školi

DERVENTA - Slaviša Đuraš, odbornik SNSD iz Dervente osumnjičen je da je fizički napao maloljetnog učenika Osnovne školu “Nikola Tesla” u tom gradu, nakon vršnjačkog obračuna tog trinaestogodišnjaka sa njegovim sinom, saznaju “Nezavisne”.

29 Nov 10:37 Nezavisne novine 4209150642324608606.html
México dice que no permitirá actuación armada de EE.UU. contra el narco

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador advirtió este viernes 29 de noviembre del 2019 a Estados Unidos que México no permitirá que extranjeros armados actúen en su territorio para combatir al narcotráfico, luego de que su par estadounidense, Donald Trump, dijera que designará como “organizaciones terroristas” a los cárteles de las drogas.

29 Nov 14:03 El Comercio 2865024640700610538.html
Stella, la hija pequeña de Jean-Paul Belmondo, en el baile de debutantes de París junto a las hijas de Julio Iglesias

Descubrimos cómo es la hija más desconocida del actor. Tiene 16 años,y le interesa la historia, la política y la geografía

29 Nov 11:45 Hola.com 2035212431663798010.html
[Deal] Save 20% with MOVO this Black Friday and take your vlogging career to the next level

Whether you want to tell a story about the latest piece of technology in your hands, the food you’ve just eaten, or the mountain you are climbing, having the right equipment for the job will …

29 Nov 15:09 TalkAndroid 1612121025669862211.html
Famosos vão a velório para se despedirem de Gugu

Muitos famosos compareceram durante todo o dia de ontem e hoje no velório do apresentador Gugu Liberato que ocorreu na Assembleia Legislativa de São Paulo. Patrícia Abravanel, Eliana, Ratinho, Liminha, Ana Hickman, Sabrina Sato, dentre outros, estiveram presentes e se emocionaram muito ao se aproximarem do caixão. O enterro de Gugu está programado para a manhã desta sexta(29), no jazido da família  no Cemitério Gethsêmani, no Morumbi. O cortejo será realizado pelo grupamento dos Bombeiros mais antigo de SP, com 139 anos de história.  Da Redaçãoredacao@cidadeverde.com 

29 Nov 10:08 CidadeVerde.com 5160524418800482364.html
Irak-Parlement: le Premier ministre Adel Abdel Mahdi annonce sa démission

Le Premier ministre irakien Adel Abdel Mahdi a annoncé ce vendredi 29 novembre 2019 qu’il va présenter sa démission au Parlement.  A lire aussi: Côte d’Ivoire-présidentielle 2020: l’opposition s’organise autour d’Henri Konan Bédié il y a 3 heures Soudan : le parti de Omar Al Bashir dissout par les autorités il y a 5 heures Cameroun-législatives […]

29 Nov 15:20 BENIN WEB TV 2309962356047949426.html
Quota 100, per i geriatri è immorale: "Andare in pensione fa male"

I geriatri lanciano l'allarme: andare in pensione fa male. Chi ci va prima, usufruendo di leggi come Quota 100 può peggiorare di molto le sue condizioni di vita

29 Nov 11:11 Affari Italiani 6123405402217996538.html
Johnson implora a Trump que não se envolva na eleição britânica

Por Michael Holden LONDRES (Reuters) - O primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, Bo...

29 Nov 11:53 UOL Noticias 8892198861392532879.html
Brytyjski komisarz: Będzie mi brakowało pocałunków Junckera

Ustępujący unijny komisarz ds. bezpieczeństwa Julian King w rozmowie z Reutersem wyznał, że będzie mu brakowało pocałunków, które od czasu do czasu dostawał od odchodzącego 30 listopada szefa Komisji Europejskiej Jean-Claude'a Junckera.

29 Nov 15:52 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100668846587806.html
G Sathiyan enters last-16 in ITTF World Cup, faces Timo Boll next

G Sathiyan, making his World Cup debut, defeated France's Simon Gauzy, ranked eight places above him, 4-3, before a 4-2 win over world number 24 Groth Jonathan of Denmark.

29 Nov 14:00 The Indian Express 2885715104975765466.html
Emeklilerden Banka Promosyonunda Artış Talebi

Türkiye Emekliler Derneği (TÜED), bankaların emeklilere aylıkları karşılığında verdiği promosyonların, yeni yılda günün koşulları dikkate alınarak artırılmasını istedi.

29 Nov 15:46 KamuAjans 8088785671363442911.html
"Quand l'Histoire n'a pas un poil de sec", la chronique de Bernard Pivot

Bernard Pivot, de l'Académie Goncourt, chronique cette semaine "Histoire de la pluie en 40 épisodes", le livre de Jean-Louis Hue.

29 Nov 14:00 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636495122873769.html
Bella Thorne y su espectacular ¡¿hermana gemela?!

Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.Es imposible decidir entre una de estas dos hermanas.

29 Nov 15:36 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189953985851.html
GdS - In 200mila al Meazza tra Spal, Roma e Barcellona. Ma i tifosi catalani snobberanno la sfida

Numeri da capogiro per i tifosi dell'Inter in vista delle prossime tre gare in programma: Spal, Roma e Barcellona. Come scrive oggi la Gazzetta dello...

29 Nov 10:59 FcInterNews.it 7848284893987858051.html
Hebe de Bonafini: “El Gobierno se tiene que apoderar de los medios”

La frase de la presidenta de Madres de Plaza de Mayo que llamó a "poner gente nuestra" en los medios.

29 Nov 12:25 El Ancasti 5864462412001063766.html
Öğretmenlere ara tatillerde de ek ders ücreti müjdesi

Yeni ara tatil uygulamasının yürürlükte yer almaması dolayısıyla ortaya çıkan öğretmenlerin ek ders alamama durumu, Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan Cumhurbaşkanlığı kararı ile çözüme kavuşturuldu. Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan ek ders kararı ile 2 hafta olan ücret sınırı 4 haftaya çıkarıldı.

29 Nov 10:26 Yeni Şafak 1729259405254082250.html
Tarptautinė policijos operacija: sučiupti ilgapirščiai apvaginėję traktorius

Lapkričio 26 d. Lietuvos policija ir Prancūzijos nacionalinė žandarmerija, padedant Europolui, likvidavo organizuotą nusikalstamą grupę, užsiimančia navigacinių sistemų vagystėmis iš traktorių. Policijos operacijos metu Panevėžyje buvo suimti keturi asmenys, visi jie Lietuvos piliečiai.

29 Nov 15:40 Kauno diena 6825691409432947870.html
Imprudência é a maior causa de acidentes, diz Agetran

Com oito equipes da Ag&ecirc;ncia Municipal de Transporte e Tr&acirc;nsito (Agetran) atuando na fiscaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o de tr&acirc;nsito pela manh&atilde;, outras sete &agrave; tarde e quatro...

29 Nov 13:00 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934488866503819.html
Almost 50 dead, more than 5,000 displaced in Albania quake

The 6.4 magnitude quake that jolted Albania before dawn on Tuesday was the most deadly and destructive in decades.

29 Nov 15:09 Saudi Gazette 6913978434803344514.html
Ballon d’Or 2019 betting odds: Lionel Messi vs Virgil Van Dijk in latest showdown

The 2019 Ballon d’Or race is approaching its final bend. Lionel Messi and Virgil van Dijk are the two frontrunners for the trophy, with Cristiano Ronaldo coming in behind them. Odds, however, state a clear victor between the two. 

29 Nov 13:15 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906459447445.html
''Delije'', prihvatate li ovo izvinjenje?

Njihov odgovor trebalo bi da vidimo većna utakmici protiv Voždovca.

29 Nov 10:01 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496090982652.html
Oltra ironiza sobre su futuro: "En 2023 solo aspiro a estar físicamente viva"

La líder de Compromís asegura que le parece 'bien' la posible postulación de Vicent Marzà para encabezar la coalición

29 Nov 13:51 Levante-EMV 7042984477827013513.html
"En estos diálogos no se trata de ver quién se arrodilla ante quién": Duque

El presidente dice que en los meses de su mandato es difícil arreglar todos los problemas del país; propone dialogar tranquilos, para construcción colectiva. - Pulzo.com

29 Nov 15:50 pulzo.com 8971816787669847017.html
E.ON démantèle l'électricien britannique Npower, des milliers d'emplois menacés

FRANCFORT/DÜSSELDORF, Allemagne (Reuters) - Le groupe énergétique allemand E.ON a annoncé vendredi un projet de démantèlement de sa filiale en Grande-Bretagne Npower, l'un des principaux distributeurs d'électricité du pays, ce qui, selon un syndicat, pourrait menacer jusqu'à 4.500 emplois.

29 Nov 12:34 Boursier.com 7351227821085562780.html
Sprawdzamy najciekawsze promocje w MediaMarkt na Black Friday 2019

Black Friday 2019 już trwa, a sklepy odkryły karty. Przyjrzeliśmy się promocjom, jakie dla swoich klientów przygotował Media Markt.

29 Nov 14:09 Spider's Web 6426504857373326793.html
Olympic champion Mo Farah to make track comeback in 10,000

LONDON (AP) - Olympic champion Mo Farah is returning to the track and wants to defend his 10,000-meter title at next year's Tokyo Games.

29 Nov 11:59 WFXT 6395891953805645194.html
UFC 246 odds: Conor McGregor jumps to -275 betting favorite over Donald Cerrone

Conor McGregor vs Donald Cerrone odds for UFC 246 main event in Las Vegas have "Notorious" as the favorite while "Cowboy" is a sizable underdog.

29 Nov 15:12 MMAmania.com 5892512947932573608.html
União pagará auxílio emergencial a pescadores afetados por óleo

O governo federal institui um aux&iacute;lio emergencial de R$ 1 996,00 a pescadores profissionais artesanais que atuam nos munic&iacute;pios afetados pelas manchas de &oacute;leo no Brasil. A decis&atilde;o...

29 Nov 10:50 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934488811387151.html
Rysk kvinna gripen – misstänks vara ukrainsk spion

Den ryska säkerhetstjänsten har gripit en rysk kvinna på Krim, anklagad för att ha agerat spion åt Ukraina.

29 Nov 13:06 DN.SE 398730693804840542.html
Rihanna legt die Füße hoch

Was uns Rihanna mit diesem Schnappschuss wohl sagen will? Dass ihr ein Licht aufgegangen ist? Dass sie auch ein Workout in High Heels nicht scheut? Oder dass sie sich dringend mal die Beine vertreten müsste? Ach nö. Es geht wohl nur um Werbung.

29 Nov 13:41 n-tv 6802689755269176975.html
¿Vienes de EU a México por Navidad? Deberás cumplir estos requisitos

Tendrán que dejar un depósito por algunos vehículos, habrá restricciones para cigarros y alcohol, así como de otros objetos

29 Nov 14:35 El Universal 4964748196990050732.html
Desde el 7 de diciembre Morelia lucirá navideña [Lista de actividades]

Morelia, Michoacán (MiMorelia.com).- Roberto Monroy García, secretario de Turismo de Morelia, informó que con todas las áreas del ayuntamiento se trabaja para recibir a los visitantes del país y de todo el mundo con diversos escenarios y celebraciones. En rueda de prensa anunció el encendido del árbol monumental de 35 metros de altura, a las […]

29 Nov 11:30 MiMorelia 5599511489968075919.html
Sundling tvåa i världscuppremiären

Jonna Sundling fick en kanonstart på världscupen i sprinten i premiären i finländska Ruka. Norskan Maiken Caspersen Falla gick inte att göra något åt i finalen – men det blev en andraplats för svenskan. Stina Nilsson blev femma i finalen. Jonna Sundling

29 Nov 13:52 HD 3336945412736334217.html
Juncker na pożegnanie: mój telefon podsłuchiwali Francuzi, a nie Amerykanie

W ostatnim dniu swojego urzędowania, odchodzący przewodniczący Komisji Europejskiej Jean-Claude Juncker, zastąpił dziennikarzy POLITICO i zredagował ich codzienny brukselski biuletyn informacyjny Playbook. Onet publikuje obszerne fragmenty, w których Juncker nieco autoironicznie opisuje swoje spotkania z Donaldem Trumpem i żartuje na temat tego kto podsłuchiwał jego telefon.

29 Nov 12:11 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536104892142.html
KAMION SMRVIO AUTOMOBIL: Užasne scene posle stravičnog sudara kod Topole! (FOTO)

U prepodnevnim satima došlo je do sudara kamiona i putničkog automobila u selu Junkovac kod Topole.

29 Nov 15:59 kurir.rs 6515665028198135216.html
Tres de los cuatro semifinalistas de la LigaPro no han sido campeones de la Serie A de Ecuador

Las llaves de los cuartos de final de los ‘playoffs’ del campeonato nacional LigaPro concluyeron y dejaron a cuatro clubes que buscarán consagrarse como campeón de esta temporada del balompié ecuatoriano.

29 Nov 13:42 El Comercio 2865024641260875742.html
Coppa Davis, Pakistan-India 0-2: tutto facile per Ramanathan e Nagal, la Croazia all’orizzonte

Esordio più che agevole, come prevedibile, per l’India nello spareggio del Group I di Coppa Davis contro il Pakistan: sui campi in cemento indoor del National Tennis Center di Nur-Sultan (Kazakistan) [SI GIOCA IN CAMPO NEUTRO, LEGGI QUI], la formazione capitanata da Rohit Rajpal chiude la prima giornata avanti per due a zero. Entrambi gli […]

29 Nov 11:47 Live Tennis 3913669897708387595.html
Jak PiS zamierza usunąć Mariana Banasia ze stanowiska?

Oczekiwania kierownictwa partii rządzącej są jasne: Marian Banaś ma zrezygnować z fotela szefa NIK. – Jeśli sytuacja nie ulegnie zmianie, trzeba się będzie zastanowić nad zmianą przepisów – powiedział Interii Wojciech Szarama z PiS, przewodniczący sejmowej komisji ds. kontroli państwowej. Rzecznik rządu przekazał nam, że premier Mateusz Morawiecki również oczekuje odejścia prezesa NIK. - Myślę, że Banaś poda się do dymisji - powiedział dziennikarzom sam Morawiecki. Jak dodał, obóz władzy ma również "plan B". Dowiedzieliśmy się, na czym ten plan polega.

29 Nov 11:17 fakty.interia.pl 3878966316569716648.html
Sueño cumplido para Nico, visitó al plantel de Independiente

Lo llevaron a recorrer las tres sedes que tiene el Rojo: Villa Domínico, el Estadio “Libertadores de América” y presidencia, donde están las vitrinas

29 Nov 11:09 Primera Edición 6803897642256017955.html
Conor McGregor vuelve a la UFC el 18 de enero

El propio propietario de la empresa de las artes marciales mixtas confirma el combate contra Donald Cerrone en Las Vegas pero sin ningún título en juego

29 Nov 10:25 Las Provincias 5471838389936548156.html
Migros vend 6 de ses 11 magasins Interio au géant autrichien XXXLutz

L’enseigne d’ameublement Interio connaît des difficultés financières. Migros, qui se concentre désormais sur son enseigne Micasa, a décidé de vend ...

29 Nov 10:01 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461854298128.html
Jadwal Indonesia di SEA Games 2019, 29 November

Kontingen Indonesia akan berlaga dalam empat cabor SEA Games 2019 pada Jumat (29/11/2019), yakni polo air, voli pantai, bola lantai, dan sepak bola.

29 Nov 11:35 Bola.net 5489959027676413013.html
La tragedia de la ruta 2: el chofer del micro dijo que el viento provocó el vuelco y habló de problemas técnicos

"Me quedé sin dirección antes de pisar la banquina", dijo ante el fiscal. Además señaló que no utilizó el celular.

29 Nov 15:13 Todo Noticias 8077539162282559115.html
Police: Driver accused of traveling 120 mph on I-95

GREENLAND, N.H. (AP) - New Hampshire state police say a driver has been accused of traveling at 120 miles an hour on Interstate 95.

29 Nov 13:24 WFXT 6395891954409267551.html
2015 Paris attacks: 20 suspects face trial over massacre of 130 people

Since 2015, France has been struck by a wave of jihadist terror strikes that have claimed the lives of over 250 people

29 Nov 10:25 Business-Standard 1502508925749374812.html
UK PM Johnson says Britain will leave EU by Jan. 31

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday said that Britain would leave the EU by Jan. 31 at the latest if his Conservative Party wins a...

29 Nov 11:49 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900606151297.html
Municipales à Lille : les 3 obstacles qui attendent Martine Aubry, candidate à un nouveau mandat

Martine Aubry a annoncé jeudi soir qu'elle briguait un nouveau mandat à la tête de Lille, qu'elle dirige depuis 2001. Sur le papier, sa quatrième bataille municipale s'annonce comme la plus compliquée à remporter.

29 Nov 10:48 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636494406170326.html
Tågstopp efter olycka i Småland

Tågtrafiken har stoppats på södra stambanan mellan Diö och Alvesta i Småland.

29 Nov 13:21 Sydsvenskan 2976531144438412827.html
India's Sep-quarter GDP growth slips to 4.5%, the lowest in over six years

Q2 growth numbers fell, in line with economists' expectations, mainly on account of a weak manufacturing, falling consumer demand and private investment, and a drop in exports due to a global slowdown

29 Nov 12:05 Business-Standard 1502508925418997788.html
The £99 Xbox One S All-Digital Edition has sold out, here's the next best price

Update: Others top offers for the Xbox One S All-Digital.

29 Nov 15:14 Eurogamer.net 1957885126371982543.html
Prefeitura encerra hoje seleção com 200 vagas para assistente educacional

A Prefeitura de Campo Grande encerra, nesta sexta-feira (29), o prazo de inscrição do processo seletivo para contratação de assistente educacional inclusivo. Estão sendo oferecidas 200 vagas. Segundo o edital, os selecionados auxiliarão alunos com deficiência nas escolas da Reme (Rede Municipal de Ensino). A carga horária é de 40h semanais e a remuneração de R$ 1.950,00. O processo seletivo exige ...

29 Nov 12:59 Campo Grande News 7902463001554235200.html
Record 108,364 people stuck on a hospital trolley so far this year

INMO seeking formal intervention by Health Information and Quality Authority

29 Nov 13:00 The Irish Times 8204772967812812952.html
A Roma 100mila corse sulle bici di Uber

Jump, il servizio di bici elettriche a noleggio di Uber, ha superato il traguardo delle 100mila corse a Roma in poco più di un mese di presenza. Lo rende noto l'azienda, precisando che le bici disponibili nella capitale sono arrivate a quota 2.500. (ANSA)

29 Nov 11:13 ANSA.it 1300837447453018753.html
Odwołali komendanta policji. Wysłał funkcjonariuszy na przeprowadzkę i kazał nosić pudła

Młodszy insp. Robert Ciesielski został odwołany z funkcji komendanta Komendy Powiatowej Policji w Kępnie (woj. wielkopolskie - podał w piątek rzecznik Komendanta Wojewódzkiego Policji w Poznaniu mł. insp. Andrzej Borowiak.

29 Nov 12:29 Polsat News 9031932298202548080.html
Ce que l'on sait de l'attaque terroriste à l'arme blanche survenue à Londres

Une attaque à l'arme blanche a fait deux morts et trois blessés près de London Bridge, dans le centre de la capitale britannique vendredi midi. Le suspect, qui portait un gilet explosif factice, a été tué par balles par la police. Les enquêteurs traitent l'attaque comme une attaque terroriste.

29 Nov 15:13 France Bleu 8004048435541316483.html
GPA : la justice ordonne la transcription de filiation pour plusieurs enfants nés à l'étranger

Dans ces arrêts daté du 25 novembre, la juridiction reprend à chaque fois les mêmes motivations pour les six enfants, nés par gestation pour autrui de couples homosexuels et hétérosexuel, entre 2010 et 2016.

29 Nov 14:31 Franceinfo 1060532880837286778.html
Peut-on créer de vrais cristaux temporels ? Des scientifiques ont peut-être une solution... théorique

Les cristaux temporels ajoutent une dimension temporelle à l’asymétrie physique des cristaux. Le théorème no-go semble empêcher leur existence autonome... sauf que des scientifiques ont une solution.

29 Nov 11:21 Numerama 6854655181954808260.html
Les activités de riposte contre la maladie à virus Ebola suspendues momentanément à Biakato et à Mambasa

Les activités de riposte contre la maladie à virus Ebola sont suspendues momentanément depuis jeudi 28 novembre à Biakato et sa périphérie en territoire de Mambasa.

29 Nov 12:04 Radio Okapi 4444713484472304215.html
Emisión de licencias de conducir es incierto a partir de enero del 2020

Maycom queda definitivamente fuera del proceso de adjudicación del servicio de emisión de licencias de conducir. La Junta de Licitación del Departamento de Tránsito de la PNC rechazó las inconformidades que presentó la empresa, lo que significa que cesará sus funciones a partir del 31 de diciembre.

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257552575288.html
Football : la Ligue des Champions de retour sur Canal+, beIn Sports et TF1

Canal+ et beIN Sports diffuseront la Ligue des champions sur la période 2021-2024 après en avoir récupéré les droits vendredi, un bouleversement supplémentaire dans le paysage télévisuel français qui assombrit...

29 Nov 15:08 Midi Libre 3150507208286125884.html
Gastón Silva tiene dos ofertas de la Liga MX… a la espera de Pumas

Gastón Silva vuelve a estar en el radar del fútbol mexicano. Según reportes, el defensor tiene dos ofertas de clubes de la Liga MX... y espera por Pumas.

29 Nov 14:40 Futbol Sapiens 6108039831375103959.html
Un actor de "The Mandalorian" salvó a 'baby Yoda' de haber sido (quizás) menos adorable

El destacado cineasta Werner Herzog interpreta a El Cliente, una figura clave para el tierno personaje que se ha hecho viral en redes sociales, y que estuvo a punto de ser construido con efectos digitales.

29 Nov 12:51 T13 7836926439741897729.html
Fabinho queda fuera hasta 2020 por una lesión de tobillo

c, centrocampista brasileño del Liverpool, estará fuera de los terrenos de juego hasta principios de 2020 por una lesión en el tobillo, según confirmó su club.El brasileño se lesionó el pasado miércoles en el encuentro de Liga de Campeones que Liverpool y Nápoles empataron a uno, en Anfield.A los 16 minutos de encuentro, el centrocampista tuvo que ser sustituido por Georginio Wijnaldum, al dolerse del tobillo izquierdo.Fabinho se someterá a un proceso de rehabilitación con el equipo médico del Liverpool hasta recuperarse.Esta temporada, Fabinho ha disputado 19 partidos, marcando un gol y dando dos asistencias, convirtiéndose en pieza clave del centro del campo del equipo de Jürgen Klopp. // EFE

29 Nov 11:20 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124990004581.html
Video: Jonna Fraser – Comfort Zone ft. Emms & Idaly (Prod. Spanker)

Jonna Fraser werkt aan zijn nieuwe project en bracht afgelopen tijd de singles De Coach, Dior Money, 4 Life en Uno uit. Vandaag laat hij opnieuw van zich horen met het nummer Comfort Zone. Op de track werkt hij samen met Emms en Idaly op een beat van Spanker. Check de video hier.

29 Nov 11:42 Puna 5725385641363076601.html
Club in ‘constant contact’ to sign Leicester City player – ‘Final word’ goes to Brendan Rodgers

Hurrah! Florence newspaper La Nazione have finally woken up to the fact that Leicester City own Dennis Praet. In several reports this week, both online and in their newspaper, La Nazione reported Praet is only on loan at the Foxes from Sampdoria, and they claimed he’d already informed the Genoa club he wasn’t happy with how

29 Nov 15:35 Sport Witness 200001553448035026.html
SEA Games 2019: Opening Ceremony, schedule, live stream, when and where to watch, time, venue

The 2019 SEA Games will officially kick off on November 30 with an opening ceremony. The Philippines-based competition already has held several preliminary rounds of some sports, but the medal events will start from December 1. Here are all the details you need for the same. 

29 Nov 15:53 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905784038172.html
James Middleton donne un aperçu de son futur mariage avec la Française Alizée

Après un an et demi d'amour, James Middleton s'apprête à épouser la Française Alizée Thevenet, 29 ans, analyste financière travaillant à Londres. Mais le Britannique l'annonce : il ne veut pas d'un gr...

29 Nov 12:53 Purepeople 1712099802624621411.html
Ferrari boss Binotto: Hamilton being available in 2021 ‘makes us happy’

Six-time world champion is out of contract at the end of next season.

29 Nov 14:34 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774771210284.html
Il codice a barre GS1 compie 45 anni

Il primo "beep" nel 1974 in una città dell'Ohio per un pacchetto di cicche. Adesso viene scandito 6 miliardi di volte ogni giorno

29 Nov 11:48 Repubblica.it 8208867269994808575.html
Polscy uczniowie przyszłością cyberbezpieczeństwa

Ponad 1200 uczniów wzięło udział w konkursie Capture The Flag „153+1” organizowanym przez Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości. Uczestnicy wcielili się w rolę zawodowych specjalistów od cyberbezpieczeństwa i szukali podatności systemów na ataki hackerskie.

29 Nov 13:05 Do Rzeczy 474976676089940423.html
Primarul care aduce zăpada. Edilul a emis un ordin prin care introduce obligativitatea ninsorii de Sărbători FOTO

Primarul localităţii La Turballe, din vestul Franței, a avut o idee originală: să emită un ordin pentru a obliga zăpada să cadă &icirc;n seara c&acirc;nd se aprind luminiţele de Crăciun &icirc;n localitatea. Astfel, impune interzicerea soa

29 Nov 11:49 romaniatv.net 4505369228320550496.html
UK PM Johnson says Britain will leave EU by Jan. 31

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Friday said that Britain would leave the EU by Jan. 31 at the latest if his Conservative Party wins a majority...

29 Nov 12:41 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299802990480.html
After ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi,’ Catch Up on Rian Johnson

After writing and directing Star Wars: The Last Jedi, a film without controversy since it’s inarguably the best Star Wars movie of the past 40 years, Rian Johnson is back with his new […]

29 Nov 14:00 Geek.com 3223109240527950036.html
Wielka Brytania. Nożownik na Moście Londyńskim. Napastnik zabity

Atak terrorystyczny na Moście Londyńskim w Wielkiej Brytanii. Napastnik wyjął nóż i zaczął nim atakować przechodniów. - Mężczyzna został przez nas zastrzelony - przekazał Neil Basu ze Scotland Yardu. Mimo

29 Nov 14:39 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673212546468813.html
Forex kitty continues to move up, closes in $449 billion mark

In the previous week, the reserves had increased by USD 441 million to reach USD 448.249 billion

29 Nov 14:26 Business Today 1145527432263282859.html
Béliz y Cavalieri: “Tenemos que crear un nuevo estado de bienestar”

El exfucionario participó del lanzamiento del Instituto de Inteligencia Artificial de la Federación de Empleados de Comercio, inagurado por Armando Cavaleri.

29 Nov 13:43 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204482409472639.html
GP d'Abou Dhabi: accrochage entre Bottas et Grosjean en pleine séance d'essais libres (photos)

Comme lors de la première séance d'essais libres, le Finlandais Valtteri Bottas (Mercedes) a signé le meilleur chrono de la seconde vendredi en ...

29 Nov 15:02 RTL sport 5478130075392829040.html
E.T. volvió a la Tierra para reunirse con su amigo Elliott (Video)

E.T. volvió a la Tierra para reunirse con su amigo Elliott (Video)

29 Nov 10:59 LaPatilla.com 9104603011692545489.html
College football schedule Week 14: What games are on today? TV channels, times, scores for top 25

Here's everything to know about the college football schedule for Friday and Saturday, including TV channels and start times for every top-25 matchup in Week 14.

29 Nov 12:53 Sporting News 5110653853919609496.html
Sign up for OPPO’s ColorOS 7 beta program to test Android 10 on your OPPO Reno and Reno 10x Zoom

We reviewed the Reno 10x Zoom Edition from OPPO earlier this which impressed us in almost every aspect apart from the ColorOS software experience that felt a little clunky at times with missing fea…

29 Nov 14:25 TalkAndroid 1612121027137195948.html
Bologna, Mihajlovic su Ibra: "Se viene qui, lo farà per me. Non credo che prenderà una decisione prima del 10 dicembre"

Sinisa Mihajlovic, allenatore del Bologna, è intervenuto oggi in conferenza stampa e ha parlato così di Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "Ci siamo parlati un mese fa e poi dieci giorni fa. Vediamo cosa succede. Lui è interessato, lui verrebbe qui per me e per la nostra amicizia, ma capisco che ci sono anche altre soluzioni. Prima di prendere una decisione mi chiamerà, ma penso che ciò non accadrà prima del 10 dicembre. Lo sentirò nei prossimi giorni, per ora è tutto in stand-by".  

29 Nov 12:15 MilanNews.it 6507305921273150137.html
Sebastián Rulli publica foto sin ropa y con las manos a la vista; esta es la razón

El argentino emocionó a sus fans no solo con su escultural figura, sino también por el mensaje que escribió.

29 Nov 13:20 SIPSE.com 4008460418922085025.html
Atak terrorystyczny na London Bridge. Nożownik został zastrzelony

Strzały padły na London Bridge w centrum stolicy Wielkiej Brytanii. Według wstępnych ustaleń, napastnik uzbrojony w nóż zaatakował przechodniów. Interweniowała policja, która otworzyła ogień. Funkcjonariusze ustalili, że atak miał podłoże terrorystyczne.

29 Nov 15:16 RMF24 3758900157729335081.html
¿Hasta ahora se dio cuenta? Nahuel critica a Televisa por favorecer al América

Nahuel Guzmán, arquero de los Tigres de la UANL, lesionado y una baja muy sensible para el equipo campeón, no se quedó con las ganas y pese a no estar en la cancha le tiró un buen balón al rival. A través de sus redes sociales ‘el patón’ mandó un mensaje a la televisora, propietaria […]

29 Nov 13:33 La Opinión 952941032941490470.html
Ex-presidente do Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia é presa, diz jornal

Prisão foi realizada nesta sexta-feira (29), em Salvador

29 Nov 11:47 Correio 5185786712600173390.html
La piena del Po, Costa: “Settimane per far rientrare gli abitanti di Fogarino”. VIDEO

LUZZARA (Reggio Emilia) – Il Po anche a Luzzara è sceso sotto il livello d’allerta dei 6.30 metri in mattinata. Questo significa che la viabilità lungo l’argine, interrotta per consentire il monitoraggio, torna alla normalità. La piena del Grande Fiume, come era già accaduto nel 2014, ha rotto l’argine consortile Fogarino-Martinelli con uno strappo lungo 120 […]

29 Nov 11:20 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333117879189.html
¿Cuál es el peor defecto de Chris Hemsworth? Aquí te decimos

No ha dudado en contar una divertida anécdota sobre su esposo.

29 Nov 11:52 SIPSE.com 4008460417615787776.html
Ce que l'on sait de l'attaque terroriste qui a fait plusieurs blessés à Londres

Une attaque à l'arme blanche a eu lieu sur le London bridge en plein centre de la capitale britannique ce vendredi vers 15 h. Le suspect qui avait sur lui une ceinture explosive factice, a été tué, a indiqué la police...

29 Nov 15:27 Midi Libre 3150507207868471738.html
Incident dramatic într-un safari! Cel puțin zece animale sălbatice au ars de vii

Incident tragic într-un safari din statul american Ohio. Cel puțin zece animale săbatice, printre care trei girafe și șase antilope, au ars de vii într-un incendiu izbucnit în parcul respectiv.Alte câteva animale au reușit să evadeze din țarcuri și au lua

29 Nov 15:56 PUBLIKA 1679939814687578778.html
Le pegan por todos lados: mirá la última burla a la pick up Tesla Cybertruck

Una famosa marca de "ladrillitos" también se mofó del anuncio de Elon Musk.

29 Nov 10:51 Todo Noticias 8077539161665924188.html
Game of Thrones saison 8 : Que pensait Jon juste avant de tuer Daenerys ? Kit Harington répond

On a encore pas mal de questions sur la fin de la saison 8 de Game of Thrones et heureusement, les réponses commencent à arriver.

29 Nov 13:00 melty 8059025069929425440.html
Presupuesto 2019 será adaptado a prioridades del 2020, según autoridades designadas

Las nuevas autoridades electas estiman que en cuatro meses serán necesarios para reestructurar el presupuesto 2019 para aplicarlo el ejercicio fiscal 2020, luego de que el Congreso, tácitamente, renunciara a conocer la iniciativa del plan de gasto al no convocar a nuevas plenarias antes del 30 de noviembre, cuando vence el plazo para aprobar el…

29 Nov 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257110875565.html
Máxima tilt accordeon van 7,5 kilo op

Koningin Máxima is ook in het nieuwe seizoen van het televisieprogramma Lang Leve de Muziek Show van NPO Zapp (NPO 3) te zien. Ze ontvangt opnieuw een aantal muzikale kinderen die komen praten over het instrument dat ze bespelen. Voor het eerst gebeurt dat in Paleis Huis ten Bosch, waar het koningspaar sinds kort woont.

29 Nov 11:42 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049042310370.html
Cumplió su último deseo: beber una última cerveza con sus hijos y su mujer

La última voluntad de Norbert Schemm, que padecía cáncer al colon, era reunirse junto a su familia y hacer un salud. 

29 Nov 14:49 Futuro 2617238416526083695.html
Madrid Central disminuye un 20% la contaminación por NO2 en el primer año

Ecologistas en Acción indica que la reducción de la contaminación no solo beneficia a los cinco kilómetros del perímetro de Madrid Central, sino que ha bajado en 21 de las 24 estaciones

29 Nov 10:07 El Confidencial 6129807549808308743.html
Prediksi Pertandingan Serie A Italia Parma vs AC Milan: Pembuktian Pioli!

Parma akan menjamu AC Milan dalam laga lanjutan Serie A Liga Italia pekan ke-14 yang akan diselenggarakan di Ennio Tardini pada hari Minggu (1/12/2019).

29 Nov 14:16 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549258233764.html
Saudi Aramco IPO gets US$44.3b in bids so far, says lead manager

RIYADH, Nov 29 — Saudi Aramco has received bids for its shares totalling US$44.3 billion so far, lead manager Samba Capital said today, putting its initial public offering on track to be over-subscribed. The state-owned oil giant plans to sell 1.5 per cent of the company’s shares for as much as...

29 Nov 13:35 Malaymail 302165934477261802.html
La UIA despidió a Macri con duros números sobre el sector

La Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA) despidió al presidente Mauricio Macri, que dejará el poder el 10 de diciembre, con una dura semblanza del sector, al señalar que los últimos años, en especial los dos más recientes, fueron muy complejos.

29 Nov 12:48 Crónica 1134283326603433685.html
Skal lage folkefest når Munchmuseet åpner neste år: - Et oppdrag som kler oss godt

Se hvem som skal lage festen her.

29 Nov 14:51 Kampanje 8714678314185029565.html
Vriend van Tanja Dexters riskeert celstraf voor ongeval met vluchtmisdrijf: “Zo rijd je geen twee keer zonder dat er doden vallen”

Het openbaar ministerie eist een celstraf tegen de handelaar in luxeauto’s Michaël Peeters uit Herentals. De vriend van ex-miss België Tanja Dexters staat terecht omdat hij een ongeval veroorzaakte...

29 Nov 14:51 HLN 8967494996575161535.html
Stadia Games & Entertainment recrute trois cadors d'Ubisoft pour son équipe de choc à Montréal

Jade Raymond a fait jouer ses contacts pour agrandir ses équipes à Montréal.

29 Nov 11:28 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042610533545559.html
Mördade journalistens syster: Muscat bör avgå

Malta Det rör på sig i utredningen av mordet på journalisten Daphne Caruana Galizia i Malta – två år efter hennes död.Men rättvisa för Daphne kommer först med rättvisa för det hon försökte avslöja, sä

29 Nov 15:51 www.unt.se 8922556089101981834.html
Series para ver en diciembre: de 'The Witcher' a la secuela de 'Merlí'

Los estrenos más importantes del mes

29 Nov 12:32 Cadena SER 8390941985317600669.html
AEX breekt door 600 puntengrens

De AEX-index in Amsterdam is vrijdag tussentijds door de grens van 600 punten gebroken. Tegen 13.30 uur noteerde de leidende index in Amsterdam 0,4 procent hoger op 600,17 punten.

29 Nov 13:35 RD.nl 6406779841741323729.html
AEX breekt door 600 puntengrens

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De AEX-index in Amsterdam is vrijdag tussentijds door de grens van 600 punten gebroken. Tegen 13.30 uur noteerde de leidende index in Amsterdam 0,4 procent hoger op 600,17 punten.

29 Nov 12:40 Nieuws.nl 2419030129996525748.html
Oberá recordó a Andres Guacurarí en el día de la bandera de Misiones

Sobre avenida Andresito Guacurari e intersección con ruta Nacional 14 se encuentra la plazoleta del héroe misionero, allí se congrego la comunidad para hacer el acto oficial de la zona centro. “Hoy recordamos el natalicio...

29 Nov 10:15 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724115328658.html
Caniche: un cariñoso, inteligente y entrañable perro de compañía

Esta es una de las razas de perro más antiguas que estuvo durante muchos siglos ligada a la alta aristocracia y la realeza. También se utilizó como perro de caza de aves acuáticas, ya que es un animal al que le gusta mucho el agua. Su nombre proviene del francés 'cane' que significa hembra de pato.

29 Nov 12:15 Hola.com 2035212431704499062.html
Angela Merkel inciampa mentre sale sul palco: “La prossima volta ce la farò” VIDEO

ROMA – La cancelliera tedesca sale sul podio con microfono per parlare davanti ad un gruppo di rappresentanti dell’industria e del commercio tedesco a Berlino, in Germania. Angela Merkel, prima di salire inciampa ed esce indenne dalla caduta. Poi, una volta sul podio ha scherzato con il pubblico in sala: “Non ho visto le scale. La prossima volta riuscirò a salire”. Finge tutorial di make up e parla dei campi di repressione in Cina: 17enne aggira la censura su TikTokMourinho abbraccia un raccattapalle dopo il pareggio del Tottenham: “Gol merito suo” VIDEO Angela Merkel: “Europa da sola non può difendersi” Un paio di giorni fa, Angela Merkel ha parlato al Bundestag: “L’Europa al momento non può difendersi da sola”. Perciò è importante che la Germania lavori di più per l’alleanza e assuma più responsabilità, ha affermato. Per Merkel, la Germania deve spendersi per l’unità dell’Alleanza. La Turchia è un partner difficile – ha concluso – ma deve restare per ragioni geo-strategiche nella Nato. La cancelliera tedesca…

29 Nov 10:33 Blitz quotidiano 5529491354479691233.html
O femeie a murit după ce a intrat cu autoturismul într-o autoutilitară ce transporta sicrie

O femeie din oraşul Haţeg, judeţul Hunedoara din România, a murit, iar alte două persoane au suferit răni grave, în urma unui accident de circulaţie care a avut loc vineri în zona localităţii Ciopeia, pe DN 66 Simeria - Petroşani, după ce autoturismul con

29 Nov 11:49 PUBLIKA 1679939813833212909.html
Attentats du 13-Novembre : le parquet requiert un procès aux assises pour 20 personnes

Le procès est prévu en 2021 à Paris.

29 Nov 10:14 L'Alsace 2225618939703427001.html
Football Manager 2020 releases at No. 1 in EMEAA charts

Football Manager beats out Q4 big-hitters, but otherwise charts remain steady as holiday season looms

29 Nov 15:15 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590115127809158.html
Inflationen i eurozonen på väg upp

Inflationen i eurozonen ser ut att ha ökat till 1 procent i november, upp från 0,7 procent månaden före, enligt preliminära beräkningar från EU:s statistikbyrå Eurostat. Mest uppåt drar prisökningar på livsmedel, alkohol och tobak, som stiger med 2 proc

29 Nov 11:20 Sydsvenskan 2976531143662477445.html
Hace falta nuevos exponentes de la salsa: Oscar D' León

Oscar D' León llegó a Venezuela cargado de energía y dando muestras de cariño y derrochando con efusividad que está   feliz de pisar nuevamente su Venezuela querida, tras 4 años de ausencia. 

29 Nov 13:49 Panorama 6052790755037759931.html
Menschen, 30. November/1. Dezember

Geburten: www.sn.at/baby Todesfälle: www.sn.at/trauer Geburtstage SAMSTAG Die "Salzburger Nachrichten" gratulieren zum Geburtstag: Edith Kellner (89) in der ÖJAB-SeniorInnenwohnanlage Aigen, Salzburg; Brigitte Hocke (69), Erwin Maier (64), beide Mitglieder des Pensionistenverbands Stadt Salzburg. SONNTAG

29 Nov 15:59 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084587534132.html
Teen vanishes - and may be more than 100 miles from home

Amelia Hebszynski, 16, went missing from her home in Tipton on Wednesday, November 27, and has not been in contact with her family since

29 Nov 12:21 birminghammail 8288260686418571944.html
Los españoles prefieren los coches híbridos de gasolina y de AutoGas a los eléctricos

Los datos de matriculaciones de vehículos alternativos (VEAs) correspondientes a los diez primeros meses del año arrojan que los ECO más demandados por los españoles han sido los híbridos de gasolina y los de AutoGas, ambos con motores de combustión. | Mi vida con gas: 4.500 km a bordo de un Audi A% g-Tron.

29 Nov 12:31 elEconomista.es 9051559958417418453.html
Protti: "Ibra è una garanzia anche a 38 anni, potrebbe fare bene al Milan"

A TMW Radio, l'ex attaccante Igor Protti ha parlato così di Zlatan Ibrahimovic: "Ibra anche a trentotto anni è una garanzia, è un giocatore che sul campo fa la differenza, non solo per il gol ma soprattutto per la personalità. Potrebbe fare molto bene al Milan, anche se un centravanti come Piatek ha le qualità per tornare ad essere un ottimo attaccante".

29 Nov 13:26 MilanNews.it 6507305921744471903.html
100 dana i suze: Miha na dobrom putu ozdravljenja

Siniša Mihajlović obratio se u petak medijima kako bi govorio o napretku lečenja i kako bi se svima još jednom zahvalio na podršci koju ima u borbi za život.

29 Nov 12:19 Sport Klub 42251758070188586.html
CPI do Óleo vai convocar representantes da União a pedido de Rejane Dias (PT)

  Foto: Danillo NeresA Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) da Câmara dos Deputados que investiga o derramamento de óleo cru no litoral brasileiro vai pedir a participação de autoridades do governo federal em espaços da comissão. A deputada federal Rejane Dias é a única parlamentar do Piauí que compõe a CPI.Para a deputada, o governo brasileiro demorou demais a reagir e até agora pouco se sabe sobre os reais impactos, e até as causas da própria tragédia. “O governo federal demorou mais de 40 dias para acionar o Plano Nacional de Contingência Para Incidentes de Poluição por Óleo Em Águas Sob Jurisdição Nacional, por quê? O protocolo internacional, que orienta como deve ser feita a retirada de óleo do mar em casos de vazamento, não foi acionado, por quê?”, questiona a parlamentar. “É preciso ter mais transparência e eficiência nesse processo”, destacou. A CPI aprovou requerimentos que solicitam a presença de ministros e representantes federais de órgãos ambientais.O primeiro da lista é o Ministro do Meio Ambiente…

29 Nov 11:28 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419275710099.html
Phillips 66: IMO 2020 Will Likely Lead To Surge In Refining Profits

Over the past five years, PSX has not only outperformed the broad energy sector, but has also beaten the S&P 500.Still, the company's P/E is less than half that of the broad S&P 500, while the dividen

29 Nov 11:12 Seeking Alpha 5725634556506490263.html
Ferrari boss Binotto: Hamilton being available in 2021 ‘makes us happy’

Six-time world champion is out of contract at the end of next season.

29 Nov 14:32 Express & Star 7324224460769714064.html
Ferrari boss Binotto: Hamilton being available in 2021 ‘makes us happy’

Six-time world champion is out of contract at the end of next season.

29 Nov 15:53 Breaking News 4415806919288078614.html
Po figurki Funko POP! tylko do Lidla, do Lidla

Figurki Funko POP! będą oficjalnie dostępne w Polsce. Ich dystrybucją zajmie się CDP a sprzedażą Lidl. Na początek będą to postaci z Krainy Lodu 2.

29 Nov 14:30 Tabletowo.pl 3941365663689696789.html
Ex-presidente do TJ da Bahia “estaria destruindo provas”, diz MPF

A prisão da desembargadora Maria do Socorro Barreto Santiago, ex-presidente do Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia, ocorre 10 dias após ela ser afastada do cargo pela Operação Faroeste...

29 Nov 10:30 O Antagonista 1037429654624900791.html
Sou o tipo de negro com quem o presidente negro da Fundação Palmares não tomaria um café. Por Sacramento

Caro Sérgio Nascimento de Camargo, Queria falar com você olhando nos olhos, mas além da distância espacial há outro empecilho. Sou o tipo de pessoa com quem você não tomaria um café, pois na sua opinião sou um “escravo da esquerda”. Tenho “QI baixo, distúrbio mental ou problema de caráter”. Sou uma “praga”, “parasita”, inimigo […]

29 Nov 13:52 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917269434439866.html
Confira a análise da rodada do Brasileiro e veja os gols

O comentarista esportivo Osvaldo Luís faz uma análise sobre as partidas dos principais times paulistas

29 Nov 12:08 ACidade ON 9132734527916042631.html
Confira a análise da rodada do Brasileiro e veja os gols

O comentarista esportivo Osvaldo Luís faz uma análise sobre as partidas dos principais times paulistas

29 Nov 11:57 ACidade ON 9132734527197558061.html
Meet the M3 Medium Tank: It Had Two Main Guns and Was the “Coffin for Seven Brothers”

Was this weird-looking tank among the worst ever? 

29 Nov 12:00 The National Interest 7207864702656055520.html
Stadia : des téléchargements aperçus sur la console dans le cloud, les joueurs grognent

NBA 2K20 a affiché des téléchargements de données aux utilisateurs de Stadia, quand bien même leur absence à l'écran était vantée par Google.

29 Nov 10:36 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042610643222208.html
Pagarina kandidātu izvirzīšanas laiku Latvijas Bankas prezidenta amatam 

Saeimas Prezidijs un Frakciju padome šodien līdz 3. decembrim pagarināja kandidātu izvirzīšanas laiku Latvijas Bankas prezidenta amatam.

29 Nov 10:25 DELFI 5511725295626670223.html
Utslaande brân yn sporthal Doniahal yn Sint-Nyk

De brân is opskaald fan in middelbrân nei in grutte brân, om't it om in grut gebou giet.

29 Nov 12:19 Omrop Fryslân 8239175695981458784.html
‘You Meant What You Said’: The Los Angeles Clippers’ Patrick Patterson Apologizes After Being Accused of Calling All Black Women ‘Bulldogs’

The Los Angeles Clippers' Patrick Patterson issued an apology after many said he referred to all Black women as "bulldogs." The controversy started on Oct. 26 when Patterson, who also played for the Toronto Raptors, posted a wedding photo of his wife Sarah Nasser for their anniversary. Afterward, one person said that

29 Nov 10:15 Atlanta Black Star 3042160498816693568.html
Bon plan : PlayStation Plus, Xbox Live Gold, Epic Store, les jeux gratuits de décembre

Comme tous les mois, Sony, Microsoft et le magasin Epic offrent aux abonnés et clients des jeux vidéo. Voici ceux auxquels vous aurez le droit en cette fin d'année.

29 Nov 15:50 01net 1000433502591965053.html
Open Arms rebrà el XL Premi per la Pau

El guardó reconeix la tasca humanitària de l'ONG al Mediterrani La investigació a Salvini pel cas de l'‘Open Arms' arriba al tribunal que jutge els parlamentaris italians

29 Nov 14:42 El Punt Avui 4496725671615104655.html
Jugend an SPÖ-Spitze: "Höret die Signale"

Jugendorganisationen demonstrieren nach Rücktrittsgerüchten von Rendi-Wagner vor der SPÖ-Parteizentrale in Wien.

29 Nov 14:59 Kurier 208072238100048241.html
Em dia de liquidação, nascidos em agosto ganham grana extra com FGTS

No dia da Black Friday, a promoção mais esperada do ano, nascidos em agosto poderão aproveitar o dinheiro extra do FGTS (Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço) para ir às compras. A Caixa Econômica paga hoje até R$ 500 por conta ativa ou inativa para quem faz aniversário no mês 8 e não é correntista. Para facilitar o atendimento, agências da Caixa funcionam em horário especial nesta sexta e na se...

29 Nov 10:02 Campo Grande News 7902463001468727496.html
Landlord Won’t Pay Back My Deposit!


29 Nov 13:00 Soccer Laduma 3901337371621191642.html
EUA: Médicos podem ser punidos por aborto se não fizerem algo impossível

Uma lei estatal do Ohio obriga médicos a "reimplantar gravidez ectópica" ou a sofrerem punições criminais.

29 Nov 12:11 SÁBADO 5711459691566420874.html
Pourquoi il ne faut surtout pas secouer la tête lorsque vos oreilles sont pleines d’eau

Des chercheurs ont démontré que secouer la tête pour se débarrasser de l’eau coincée dans nos oreilles s’avère dangereux. Au point de causer des lésions cérébrales, et ce en particulier chez les jeunes enfants.

29 Nov 12:48 parismatch.be 5691194219736417108.html
SanDisk Extreme Pro: 128-GB-Speicherkarte im Black-Friday-Deal

Fotografen, aufgepasst: Amazon gewährt zum Black Friday einen üppigen Rabatt auf die 128 Gigabyte große Speicherkarte von SanDisk. Hier die Deal-Details!

29 Nov 10:19 Computer Bild 4944248630663420396.html
HDFC MF front-running case: Sebi slaps Rs 8.7 mn fine on 7 firms

In its latest order passed on Thursday, Sebi noted that the entities have disgorged the ill-gotten profits made by them along with interest in compliance with disgorgement orders

29 Nov 11:55 Business-Standard 1502508925288392274.html
El video que aclara la polémica: ¡no hay fuera de lugar de Rangel!

Vea la acción de juego grabada por un aficionado dentro del estadio.

29 Nov 13:12 El Tiempo 1091719939679671232.html
No marcho contra AMLO sino para pedir justicia: Adrián LeBarón

Pidió que no se le envuelva en “chisme político; señaló que para ellos será como el preámbulo para el 2 de diciembre, día en que se reunirán con el presidente

29 Nov 15:17 El Universal 4964748196795545894.html
La futura Llei d’Educació de les Illes Balears exclou el català com a llengua vehicular

L’avantprojecte de Llei d’Educació de les Illes Balears ha començat la seva singladura amb mal peu. Diversos partits, sindicats i entitats retreuen al conseller d’Educació, Martí March, la tebiesa ...

29 Nov 12:45 RacoCatalà 3132953076969823729.html
Fondi di investimento, il migliore e il peggiore del 29/11/2019

La peggiore performance giornaliera nella categoria dei fondi di investimento comuni aperti retail disponibili in Italia.

29 Nov 13:50 bluerating 6922469336385001791.html
Horak: How I'm betting Del Mar's Hollywood Derby

Horse Racing news: Horak: How I'm betting Del Mar's Hollywood Derby.

29 Nov 14:27 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535137228693.html
Les autorités sanitaires alertent sur les dangers du “gaz hilarant”

Depuis deux ans, le gaz hilarant détourné comme drogue chez les jeunes fait son grand retour. Les autorités sanitaires alertent sur les dangers que représente cette pratique.

29 Nov 14:30 Pourquoi Docteur 1560376484653373464.html
MindNode 7 passera à l'abonnement

Logiciel spécialisé dans la création de cartes heuristiques, comme Scapple ou OmniGraffle, MindNode va basculer dans le modèle économique de l'abonnement avec la version 7 prévue « début 2020 » et

29 Nov 15:20 MacGeneration 2779661376132480016.html
James Van Der Beek (Dawson) montre l'effet de la danse sur son corps dans un incroyable avant/après (photo)

L'acteur James Van Der Beek a participé à la version américaine de Danse avec les stars, appelée Dance with the Stars, une aventure qui a ...

29 Nov 10:51 RTL People 5478130075312380598.html
Villarejo espió al empresario Javier Pérez Dolset desde 2013

El juez abre una pieza separada del caso Tandem para investigar el seguimiento del comisario jubilado al creador de Grupo ZED

29 Nov 10:45 EL PAÍS 2207347710289470981.html
Élections locales au Cameroun : le vent de boycott se propage dans l’opposition

Après l'opposant Maurice Kamto, Joshua Osih du SDF et Cabral Libii du PCRN menacent à leur tour de se retirer de la course électorale. Les deux anciens candidats à la présidentielle ont chacun posé leurs conditions sans lesquelles leurs militants pourraient boycotter les élections législatives et municipales, le 9 février.

29 Nov 14:57 JeuneAfrique.com 5117442294334154997.html
¡Hermosa pancita! Mike Amigorena acompañó a Sofia, su novia embarazada, a una presentación

La pareja se fotografió en un evento que realizó la cantante. 

29 Nov 12:42 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740449684347949.html
Bottas trotz Crash schnellster im zweiten Training

Valtteri Bottas hatte bereits das Auftaktraining in Abu Dhabi mit einer Zeit von 1:36.957 Minute auf den ersten Platz beendet. Im zweiten Training ...

29 Nov 15:58 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092610089906.html
Le FEC contracte un prêt de 100 millions d'euros auprès de la BAD pour de nouveaux projets d’investissement

Le Conseil d'administration de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a annoncé, vendredi, avoir approuvé une ligne de crédit de 100 millions d'euros en faveur du Fonds d'équipement communal (FEC) afin de financer de nouveaux projets d'investissement et d'équipements collectifs au Maroc.

29 Nov 11:40 fr.le360.ma 5827163116381257085.html
Neonato in vendita online a 500 dollari sul sito Craiglist: “Non giudicatemi”

ROMA – L’offerta online è assurda e disgustosa ma non la prima. Sul sito di compravendita online Craiglist il 22 novembre scorso è apparsa un’inserzione in cui in vendita c’era un neonato.  Ora la polizia sta facendo gli accertamenti del caso per verificare che non sia uno scherzo di pessimo gusto. Ma precedenti non mancano. Eutanasia, papa Francesco: “Il diritto di morire non ha basi giuridiche”Capo Verde, omicidio di Marilena Corrò: arrestati Gianfranco Coppola e un suo socio “Vendo neonato di 2 settimane per 500 dollari. – si legge nell’inserzione – Dorme e non fa rumore di notte. Pappine e vestiti te li darò io. Posso darti anche la sorella di 4 anni gratuitamente”. Quindi, allegata all’incredibile annuncio, le coordinate del luogo in cui vive.  “Un quartiere tranquillo, con un buon vicinato. Lavoro per il dipartimento dei bambini e delle famiglie. E non voglio essere giudicata se non mi va di tenere questi due bambini”.  Il Giornale segnala i diversi precedenti che potrebbero confermare la veridicità dell’ultima…

29 Nov 12:42 Blitz quotidiano 5529491353952874894.html
Pidió volver a la cárcel porque no soporta a su familia

El ex sindicalista Omar "Caballo" Suarez se presentó en Comodoro Py y expresó que se iba "a volver loco" y prefería "volver al penal". Estaba con prisión domiciliaria acusado de asociación ilícita.

29 Nov 13:24 El Patagónico 8565457046534253107.html
70 years of VW in America: We go back in time to drive 6 of those cars

Volkswagen is celebrating its 70th anniversary selling cars in the United States. As part of that celebration, it brought out significant models to drive.

29 Nov 12:00 Autoblog 4372976973726849515.html
Após tríplex e sítio, principal caso contra Lula emperra na Lava Jato

O principal caso contra o ex-presidente está emperrado em vara da Lava Jato no Paraná

29 Nov 11:51 R10 3167340812762162792.html
«Nous demandons la libération immédiate de Solafa Magdy, Hosam El-Sayyad, Mohamed Salah et Esraa Abdel Fattah»

Un collectif de journalistes et de chercheurs appelle à libérer leurs confrères arrêtés en Egypte, pour avoir exercé leur métier et dénoncé les violations des droits humains.

29 Nov 12:46 Libération.fr 4160113239878120226.html
La AFIP oficializó prórroga de la suspensión de embargos a PyME

El organismo informó este viernes la prórroga hasta el 31 de diciembre próximo de la suspensión de la traba de medidas cautelares para las micro

29 Nov 12:20 Primera Edición 6803897640956996703.html
Relic of Jesus’ crib returns to Holy Land after over 1,000 years

After spending more than 1,000 years in Rome, a wooden fragment worshipped by Catholics as part of the crib in which Jesus was born will be welcomed back to the Holy Land on Friday. The fragment...

29 Nov 10:15 Punch Newspapers 3524240995735233317.html
Huawei Brasil é hackeada no Twitter, com referência à Apple e à Black Friday

A conta da Huawei Mobile Brasil foi hackeada esta quinta-feira. O resultado foram dois tweets mal-intencionados, com o objetivo de insultar a Apple e...

29 Nov 14:21 4gnews 1809086878563693978.html
Red Dead Redemption 2 indirime girdi

Rockstar Games’in geliştirdiği Red Dead Redemption...

29 Nov 13:50 CNN Türk 3669296857743946818.html