English 20185
Maastrichtse simulator voor hartklepoperaties succesvol

Dankzij een in het Maastricht UMC+ ontwikkelde simulator worden hartchirurgen getraind om sneller en accurater een aangedane mitralisklep (een hartklep) te repareren.

9 Dec 08:08 Blik op nieuws 5468169447372879800.html
Stadsdistributeur CityDepot naar myShopi

BD MyShopi neemt per 1 januari de activiteiten rond CityDepot van bpost over. Dat zijn lokale hubs die al enkele jaren bestaan.

9 Dec 08:55 Emerce 1354596986314280822.html
Benmoussa challenge

Le processus de déploiement d’un Nouveau modèle de développement est enfin posé sur les rails. Chakib Benmoussa vient d’en donner le coup d’envoi pour un long voyage. En effet, au moment où nous mettions sous presse, Benmoussa recevait la presse dimanche soir afin d’exposer les objectifs de sa mission et d’en donner les premiers détails. On n’en savait rien encore sur la feuille de route de l’ancien ministre de l’Intérieur, mais une chose est sûre, il doit y aller vite. Car, on a perdu du temps dans les phases préliminaires, mais force est de constater que les débuts de Benmoussa sont prometteurs. Commencer par prôner la transparence et communiquer, via les médias, au grand public, cela ne pourrait qu’augurer d’une démarche professionnelle. Maintenant reste à plonger sur la forme et le fond. La première concerne le choix de la pléiade d’experts qui vont s’atteler à nous pendre ce NMD salutaire et tant attendu. Le second devrait nous éclairer sur les objectifs globaux tout en détaillant les prérequis indispensables…

9 Dec 08:45 LesEco.ma 3084334527643898388.html
Schulen vermitteln kaum Finanzwissen

Vor allem die erste Steuererklärung bringt junge Deutsche mit der Welt der Finanzen in Kontakt. Von der Schule fühlen sie sich extrem schlecht vorbereitet.

9 Dec 08:28 Handelsblatt 4721373940459758281.html
Miss Universe crowned

South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019, giving the country its second title in three years in a pageant that also saw strong showings from contestants from Puerto Rico and Mexico.

9 Dec 08:46 Castanet 616068602497421567.html
Evakuierung wegen Fliegerbombe nahe Nova angelaufen

Nach dem Fund einer amerikanischen Fliegerbombe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg westlich von Leipzig hat am Montag die Evakuierung des betroffenen Gebiets begonnen.

9 Dec 08:15 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110628706160.html
Eerste beelden van vulkaanuitbarsting Nieuw-Zeeland

Bij een vulkaanuitbarsting op White Island, een eiland in het noordoosten van Nieuw-Zeeland zijn zeker vijf mensen om het leven gekomen. Tientallen raakten gewond,...

9 Dec 08:38 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630296927623.html
Ratsopposition kritisiert Fraktionswechsel scharf

Oppositionsparteien im Siegburger Rat kritisieren den Wechsel der FDP-Ratsmitglieder Jürgen Peter und Sigrid Haas zur CDU.

9 Dec 08:29 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567607537722.html
Sepelios y participaciones

V HUGO NARIO Q.E.P.D. Falleció en Mar del Plata el 7 de diciembre de 2019 El Comité Tandil de la UCR participa el fallecimiento de su afiliado y director de Cultura en el Gobierno municipal del intendente Américo Reynoso (1983-1987), acompañando a su familia en este momento. V ERNESTO OSCAR OLIVERA Q.E.P.D. Falleció el 8 […]

9 Dec 08:35 El Eco 4177735524912413534.html
Kartlardaki milyonlarca lira silinebilir!

Neredeyse herkesin cüzdanında kredi kartı gibi bir adet bulunan indirim kartlarında biriken puanlar için markalar müşterilerine bilgi mesajları atmaya başladı. Kartlarda biriken ve para yerine geçen milyonlarca liralık puanlar 31 Aralık'a kadar kullanılmaması halinde silinecek. 1 Ocak 2020 itibariyle tekrar biriktirilmeye başlanacak puanlar için bilgilendirme şartı bulunurken, tüketici birlikleri ise; vatandaşların alışverişler sonrası kazandıkları puanların silinmemesi için yasal düzenlemenin ivedilikle yapılması gerektiğini belirtip son gün uyarısında bulunuyor.

9 Dec 08:07 Yeni Şafak 1729259405727733329.html
Good governance matters

The stakes are too high for the government to quietly settle the case, as Garuda is publicly listed. Transparency matters, for without it the government would put its reputation on the line both at home and overseas.

9 Dec 08:07 The Jakarta Post 7678601104105678557.html
Zweitwohnsitze lassen die Wogen hochgehen

Gleich fünf Initiativen haben die Salzburger Sozialdemokraten für die kommenden Haussitzung des Landtags zur Zweitwohnsitz-Problematik unter dem ...

9 Dec 08:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093484574501.html
Festlich illuminierte Fachwerkgiebel und liebevoll dekorierte Buden

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der baden-württembergischen Stadt Metzingen.

9 Dec 08:24 swp.de 6929179441272086378.html
Charmante Erfolgsgeschichte

Tabellenführer: Die Gladbacher haben einen vernünftigen Perspektivplan entworfen und sind nun Erster.

9 Dec 08:32 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591785454920.html
Galatasaray adversaire fragile

Galatasaray ne vient pas à Paris en épouvantail. Le club turc est en souffrance dans son championnat et en Ligue des champions.

9 Dec 08:06 Canal Supporters 3482366735634407538.html

Deltan Dallagnol resolveu processar Gilmar Mendes por danos morais, diz o Estadão. Ele pede 59 mil reais...

9 Dec 08:22 O Antagonista 1037429654554116186.html
Rose ringed parakeet

Three to five white eggs are laid.

9 Dec 08:15 South Coast Sun 4417269127729214594.html
Kontuzja Martinsa

Andre Martins nie dokończył niedzielnego meczu ze Śląskiem Wrocław. Portugalczyk zszedł z boiska w 64. minucie, a chwilę wcześniej nieatakowany padł na murawę. Wówczas obok zawodnika pojawiły się nosze, na których został zniesiony. Martins po opuszczeniu boiska trzymał się za lewe kolano. W jego miejsce pojawił się Jarosław Niezgoda.

9 Dec 08:00 Legioniści 3895148503455988651.html
Ambassade checkt Nederlanders in vulkaangebied

Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Den Haag kan nog niet zeggen of er bij de vulkaanuitbarsting in Nieuw-Zeeland Nederlanders betrokken zijn. „De ambassade houdt de ontwikkelingen nauwlettend in te gaten”, aldus een woordvoerder van het ministerie. „Op dit moment is er nog geen specifieke informatie beschikbaar.”

9 Dec 08:08 RD.nl 6406779842272718770.html
Collision slows commute

UPDATE 8:03 a.m. The collision on Highway 97 and Spall Rd. has now been cleared and traffic flow is returning to normal.

9 Dec 08:04 Castanet 616068602885563757.html
Der Kronzeuge

Er organisierte einen der größten Doping-Betrugsfälle der Sportgeschichte - und machte später alles öffentlich: Ex-Laborchef Grigori Rodtschenkow. So lief die Wandlung des russischen Chemikers.

9 Dec 08:22 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271823971729.html
Hunderttausende geben nicht auf

Ein halbes Jahr nach Beginn der Proteste sind in Hongkong wieder Hunderttausende auf die Straße gegangen. Die größte Demonstration seit Wochen zeigt: Die Regierung muss sich weiter auf unruhige Zeiten einstellen. Von Ruth Kirchner.

9 Dec 08:14 tagesschau.de 5441171425909919926.html
Imprensa internacional repercute rebaixamento do Cruzeiro

O clube caiu após a derrota para o Palmeiras, por 2 a 0, no Mineirão.

9 Dec 08:08 R10 3167340812734088491.html

Psalm 130:5-6

9 Dec 08:14 RD.nl 6406779840931551183.html
Benmoussa challenge

Le processus de déploiement d’un Nouveau modèle de développement est enfin posé sur les rails. Chakib Benmoussa vient d’en donner le coup d’envoi pour un long voyage. En effet, au moment où nous mettions sous presse, Benmoussa recevait la presse dimanche soir afin d’exposer les objectifs de sa mission et d’en donner les premiers détails. On n’en savait rien encore sur la feuille de route de l’ancien ministre de l’Intérieur, mais une chose est sûre, il doit y aller vite. Car, on a perdu du temps dans les phases préliminaires, mais force est de constater que les débuts de Benmoussa sont prometteurs. Commencer par prôner la transparence et communiquer, via les médias, au grand public, cela ne pourrait qu’augurer d’une démarche professionnelle. Maintenant reste à plonger sur la forme et le fond. La première concerne le choix de la pléiade d’experts qui vont s’atteler à nous pendre ce NMD salutaire et tant attendu. Le second devrait nous éclairer sur les objectifs globaux tout en détaillant les prérequis indispensables…

9 Dec 08:45 LesEco.ma 3084334526742221206.html
Engelmeier bleibt Mitglied des Bundesvorstands

Ihr Plädoyer für Zusammenhalt in der SPD hat für einen positiven Eindruck gesorgt.

9 Dec 08:32 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569422289889.html
bpost neemt stadsdistributeur CityDepot volledig over

bpost neemt van myShopi per 1 januari de activiteiten rond CityDepot over. Dat zijn lokale hubs die al enkele jaren bestaan.

9 Dec 08:55 Emerce 1354596987316593174.html

Aktuelle News aus der baden-württembergischen Stadt Reutlingen | Reutlinger Nachrichten

9 Dec 08:27 swp.de 6929179440689175998.html
Deadly volcano eruption

A volcano on a New Zealand island erupted Monday with a towering blast of ash and scalding steam as tourists were exploring the moon-like surface, killing five people and leaving perhaps two dozen others missing and presumed dead. Eighteen others were rescued, some of them severely burned.

9 Dec 08:49 Castanet 616068602419760481.html
Schwerer Kreuzungscrash mit mehreren Verletzten in Nordhausen

Am Montagmorgen passierte in Nordhausen ein schwerer Unfall, bei dem drei Personen verletzt wurden. Die Polizei hat die Ermittlungen aufgenommen.

9 Dec 08:58 TAG24 4583887874300364767.html
Crescimento perene

Município de Luís Eduardo Magalhães vai aderir à Agenda 2030 da ONU e aliar desenvolvimento com proteção ao ambiente

9 Dec 08:30 Correio 5185786713140499901.html
Her struper Coop juletresalget

Billige juletrær hos store kjeder fører til at små produsenter ikke lenger klarer å leve av salget, mener organisasjonen Norsk Juletre.

9 Dec 08:08 Dinside 727432625433823805.html
Online platform voor Groninger retailers

Warenhuis Groningen is de naam van een experimenteel platform voor lokale winkeliers die online zichtbaar willen worden met wat ze verkopen.

9 Dec 13:52 Emerce 1354596986458963185.html
So funktioniert Staatsverschuldung

Die schwarze Null sei ihr Fetisch, heißt es bei der CDU. Derweil will der designierte SPD Vorsitzende Walter Borjans wieder Schulden machen und Ökonomen stellen die ganze Schuldenbremse in Frage. Und noch dazu kommen Kompromissvorschläge wie Staatliche Investitionsfonds - deren Ausgaben zwar dem Staat helfen, ihre Kreditaufnahme aber nicht als staatliche Schulden gewertet ...

9 Dec 13:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110332407945.html
Climate bragging rights

We Okanaganites love to brag to family across the country about our hot summers and mild winters.

9 Dec 13:17 Castanet 616068602151441933.html
Quintett als Automatensprenger ausgeforscht

Jene Täter, die in der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag bei einer Trafik in der Neunkirchner Triester Straße einen Zigarettenautomaten sprengten, sind ausgeforscht: Es handelt sich um ein Quintett aus dem Bezirk Neunkirchen.

9 Dec 13:47 NÖN.at 2486998932879756884.html
Polisi Ingatkan Pentingnya Mengutamakan Keselamatan Berkendara

Korlantas Polri menggelar Retrospeksi Road Safety di Stadion Patriot Chandra Bagha, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Minggu (8/12). Kegiatan ini menghimpun dan merangkul para korban kecelakaan lalu lintas.

9 Dec 13:13 liputan6.com 3414318497144501371.html
Ruletheworld claims Salarjung Cup

Suraj Narredu becomes the first Indian jockey to notch up 2000 wins

9 Dec 13:18 The Hindu 6679535024589535178.html
Inwoners Marknesse aangehouden na vechtpartij Laren

De politie heeft drie inwoners uit Marknesse aangehouden, omdat ze worden verdacht van een zware mishandeling in Laren. Ze waren zondagavond betrokken bij een grote vechtpartij op het terras van café Het Bonte Paard.

9 Dec 13:56 omroep flevoland 658614617605896901.html
Golden Globes nominations ceremony begins

The unveiling of Golden Globes nominees began Monday in a ceremony marking the start of Hollywood's annual awards season that culminates with the Oscars.

9 Dec 13:10 Digital Journal 4566489171465426110.html
Twee Rotterdammers slachtoffer van Marktplaats-berovingen

Twee Rotterdammers zijn op 6 en 7 december beroofd tijdens een verkoop via Marktplaats. Het gaat om twee verschillende gevallen met twee verschillende daders. Een van de daders is opgepakt, de andere wordt nog gezocht.

9 Dec 13:32 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228771988595.html
Attacke von Voerde: Psychiatrieunterbringung wahrscheinlich

• Psychiatrieunterbringung wahrscheinlich • Gänzliche Schuldunfähigkeit nicht ausgeschlossen • Staatsanwaltschaft geht von Mord aus Mordlust aus

9 Dec 13:30 www1.wdr.de 5204960546798049985.html
Otkriven spomenik ruskom arhitekti Nikolaju Krasnovu

BEOGRAD - Spomenik Nikolaju Krasnovu, jednom od najznačajnijih ruskih arhitekata koji je svojim stvaralaštvom ostavio značajan trag u izgledu Beograda,

9 Dec 13:56 Krstarica 4176903989615577822.html
Feuershow mit Krampusbesuch

Bereits zum zweiten Mal hatten die Veranstalter Alfred Leb und Sohn Dorian mit Unterstützung örtlicher Firmen zur Krampus- und Feuershow am Parkplatz des VAG Leb in Frankenfels geladen.

9 Dec 13:22 NÖN.at 2486998933535468779.html
Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Der Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos ist tot. Er starb am frühen Samstagmorgen im Alter von 79 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit in einer Baden-Badener Klinik, wie der ...

9 Dec 13:12 swp.de 6929179440861263265.html
Gewerkschaft fordert Investitionen in Osram

Die IG Metall fordert vom neuen Osram-Eigentümer AMS Investitionen und den Erhalt von Jobs. «AMS hat nun die Verantwortung für die Arbeitsplätze und Standorte von Osram», sagte der Unternehmensbeauftragte der Gewerkschaft für den Münchner Lichtkonzern, Klaus Abel.

9 Dec 13:17 inFranken.de 1813202629857725301.html
Vontobel verabschiedet sich vom Aktienhandel

Das Schweizer Institut will sich als reines Investmenthaus neu erfinden und stärker auf ultrareiche Kunden setzen.

9 Dec 13:41 Handelsblatt 4721373939893427462.html
Lothepus og yogakjerringer

BOK: Ujevn, satirisk samling om å reise bort fra og komme hjem til Hardanger.

9 Dec 13:06 Aftenbladet 8753034803197180337.html
Tunnel Paterswoldseweg komende vrijdag open voor autoverkeer

De spoortunnel aan de Paterswoldseweg in Stad gaat komende vrijdag open. Fietsers kunnen al langer onder het spoor door: vanaf vrijdagavond kunnen auto's er ook weer langs.

9 Dec 13:02 RTV Noord 3728677366404017124.html
Catherine Zeta-Jones feliciteert jarige schoonvader

Kirk Douglas blaast maandag 103 kaarsjes uit en die bijzondere leeftijd laat zijn schoondochter Catherine Zeta-Jones niet ongemerkt voorbijgaan. Via Instagram feliciteert ze de jarige Hollywood-veteraan.

9 Dec 13:41 RTL Boulevard 1500115272658536439.html
Vigilar la democracia

Quizá la única gran función de quienes formamos parte de un gobierno, como oficialismo u oposición, sea la de defender y enriquecer

9 Dec 13:44 Primera Edición 6803897641410630934.html
Zweites Wimmelbuch Halle erschienen

Pünktlich zur Weihnachtszeit schenkt die Hallesche Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH (HWG) allen großen und kleinen Halleliebhabern das neue Halle-Wimmelbuch. Bei der Buchpräsentation in der halleschen Stadtbibliothek am Hallmarkt war die Illustratorin und Künstlerin Christine Faust vor Ort und erläuterte, wie das Wimmelbuch Stück für Stück entstanden ...

9 Dec 13:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108734068059.html
LafargeHolcim kaufen

Die Experten der JP Morgan Chase & Co. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von LafargeHolcim mit kaufen

9 Dec 13:38 finanzen.at 7258357742259665248.html
Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Der Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos ist tot. Er starb am Samstag im Alter von 79 Jahren in Baden-Baden.

9 Dec 13:15 bz BASEL 5287163742280852367.html
Millionenpleite eines namhaften Fensterherstellers

Der steirische Fenster- und Türenhersteller Kapo ist nach der Pleite der Mutter ebenfalls insolvent. Das Traditionsunternehmen will nach einer Entschuldung neu durchstarten.

9 Dec 13:16 Die Presse 6242788853995166770.html
Rusya olimpiyatlardan men edildi

Dünya Anti Doping Ajansı (WADA), Rusya'yı doping nedeniyle tüm spor organizasyonlarından 4 yıl men etti.

9 Dec 13:42 Karar.com 7040326769522443454.html
Lausitzrunde fordert verbindliche Zusagen vom Bund

Die Lausitzrunde hat verbindliche Zusagen der Bundesregierung für den geplanten Kohleausstieg gefordert.

9 Dec 13:40 rbb24.de 3092672155033300842.html
Nils Reimelt

Nils Reimelt est «managing principal» chez Capco, où il est spécialisé dans les questions liées à la transformation numérique. Avant de devenir consultant, Nils Reimelt aussi été le cofondateur de

9 Dec 13:10 Allnews 678771720103750533.html
Man aangehouden voor bedreigen ambtenaar

Een 25-jarige Rotterdammer is maandag aangehouden in Schiedam. Hij heeft een medewerker van het gemeentehuis van Lansingerland in Bergschenhoek bedreigd.

9 Dec 13:23 RTV Rijnmond 2492430229041956672.html
The decimation of Australian manufacturing

The latest quarterly data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has revealed in all its hideous glory the decimation of Australia’s manufacturing sector.

9 Dec 13:12 MacroBusiness 6890797930314630481.html
Leuchtende Kinderaugen bei sagenhaftem Finale

Hunderte Kinderaugen haben Samstagabend bei den Winter- und Adventmärchen bei der „Säge“ am Wattenberg geleuchtet. Erzähler Helmut Wittmann war ...

9 Dec 13:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093305475298.html
Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Baden-Baden (dpa/lsw) - Der Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos ist tot. Er starb am frühen Samstagmorgen im Alter von 79 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit in einer Baden-Badener Klinik, wie der Komponist und Jazzmusiker Bernd Konrad am Montag sagte. Konrad hatte jahrzehntelang mit Joos musiziert und mit ihm auch eine eigene Band. «Er war ein toller Kollege mit einem ganz wunderbaren samtenen Ton in seinem Trompetenspiel», sagte Konrad. Am Wochenende hatten mehrere Medien vom Tod des Musikers berichtet.

9 Dec 12:55 DIE WELT 6197693429400656349.html
Albanien bojkottar Nobelprisceremoni

Även Albaniens ambassadör bojkottar årets Nobelprisceremoni i Stockholms konserthus, uppger AP. Bojkotten görs i protest mot att Peter Handke tilldelas Nobelspriset i litteratur. Tidigare har Kosovos utrikesminister instruerat landets ambassadör i Stock

9 Dec 12:56 Sydsvenskan 2976531144830022503.html
Skipresidenten vil utestenge de russiske skistjernene fra verdenscupen

President i Norges Skiforbund, Erik Røste, kaller Wadas utestengelse av Russland for et bra vedtak.

9 Dec 12:45 NRK 3631390765963925404.html
Restauratie stoomlocomobiel van het Hogeland stap dichterbij

Grote stoomwolken, het sissend geluid, het monotoon draaien van de vliegwielen en de kolen die in het vuur verdwijnen.

9 Dec 12:07 RTV Noord 3728677366251943897.html
Facebook start rechtszaak tegen malafide adverteerders

Facebook is een rechtszaak gestart om malafide adverteerders op zijn eigen platform aan te pakken. De oplichters wisten accounts te hacken via advertenties.

9 Dec 12:19 One More Thing 8814996067161098830.html
Siemens Healthineers Underweight

Die Experten der JP Morgan Chase & Co. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von Siemens Healthineers mit Underweight

9 Dec 12:32 finanzen.at 7258357742480400353.html
Optimistisch bis zur Schmerzgrenze

Monatelang malte der Künstlerstar David Hockney jeden Morgen den Sonnenaufgang - digital auf seinem Tablet, im Bett liegend. Strahlender hat man die Landschaft Nordenglands noch nicht gesehen.

9 Dec 12:12 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271038266262.html
Schienenlos in Yibin

Ist es eine Stadtbahn, ein Zug oder ein Bus? Alles zugleich. Auf einer Strecke von knapp 18 Kilometern Länge ist im chinesischen Yibin eine neue Straßenbahn unterwegs - ohne Schienen und Fahrer.

9 Dec 12:08 tagesschau.de 5441171425129609818.html
Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn besucht Sangerhausen

Auch nach vielen Jahren in der Politik gibt es noch Premieren. Auch für Jens Spahn. Es sei seine erste Veranstaltung in einem Rosarium, sagt der Bundesgesundheitsminister zu Beginn seines Besuchs in ...

9 Dec 12:42 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109414380441.html
Gewonden door ongeluk waterbus Antwerpen

Door een ongeluk bij het aanmeren van een zogeheten Waterbus in Antwerpen zijn maandagochtend achttien mensen gewond geraakt. Zestien van hen zijn naar ziekenhuizen gebracht. Een matroos van de watertaxi raakte zwaargewond, meldt het Openbaar Ministerie.

9 Dec 12:56 RD.nl 6406779842403450350.html
Verdachte ontkent betrokkenheid moord Jalink

De 30-jarige Gideon G., verdacht van de moord op de in mei 2016 doodgeschoten Vincent Jalink, heeft maandag bij de start van zijn strafzaak alle betrokkenheid ontkend. „Ik heb hier helemaal niks mee te maken”, zei G.

9 Dec 12:57 RD.nl 6406779840476556936.html
Gedetineerde aangehouden voor gevangenismoord in Sint-Gillis

Gedetineerde die celgenoot doodde in Sint-Gillis aangeklaagd voor moord

9 Dec 12:14 SCEPTR 7604357481703623894.html
Buena conducta

#Opinión Lea aquí el artículo de Domingo Alberto Rangel | Buena conducta

9 Dec 12:14 Últimas Noticias 6811287210317106431.html
Diesel am Wendepunkt

Wird der Diesel zu teuer für die Kompaktklasse? Der neue VW Golf 2.0 TDI und der Mazda 3 Skyactive X geben unterschiedliche Antworten.

9 Dec 12:24 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593666408751.html
Zevende verdachte opgepakt voor doodschoppen brandweerman op kerstmarkt Augsburg

De Duitse politie heeft vandaag een zevende verdachte opgepakt na de aanval op een brandweerman buiten dienst in de stad Augsburg. De brandweerman liet het leven. Een politiewoordvoerder zei dat al...

9 Dec 12:26 HLN 8967494998030821434.html
Novas tecnologias digitais aumentam produtividade de empresas

Um programa piloto realizado pelo Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (Senai), com 43 empresas de 24 estados, mostrou que as novas tecnologias digitais da Indústria 4.0 aumentam em cerca de 22% a produtividade de micro, pequenas e médias empresas. Denominado Indústria Mais Avançada, o projeto é o primeiro a testar o impacto na produção do uso de ferramentas de baixo custo como sensoriamento, computação em nuvem e internet das coisas (IoT).

9 Dec 12:14 Diário dos Campos 7202937202452940383.html
Freiburger Wissenschaftler fordern Stadtschäfer und Naturschutzgebiete

Naturschützer kritisieren das städtische Klimaschutzmanifest. Sie wollen nachbessern – mit Naturschutzgebieten am Schloss- und Hirzberg, einem Schäfer und Unterstützung für Fridays for...

9 Dec 12:55 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427265354089.html
Nordkorea trotzt Trumps Warnungen

Nordkoreas Führung trotzt den Warnungen Donald Trumps im Streit um ihr Atomwaffenprogramm und attackiert den US-Präsidenten erneut verbal. Es gebe so viele Dinge, die Trump nicht über Nordkorea wisse, erklärte der Vorsitzende des nordkoreanischen Asien-Pazifik-Friedenskomitees und frühere Geheimdienstchef, Kim Yong-chol.

9 Dec 12:34 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084145593789.html
Ombudsman heropent onderzoek naar fiscus

De Nationale ombudsman heropent per direct een onderzoek naar het verstrekken van foutieve informatie door de Belastingdienst over dwangbevelen voor met name ondernemers. Dat heeft de Nationale ombudsman, Reinier van Zutphen, in een brief aan staatssecretaris Menno Snel van Financiën laten weten.

9 Dec 12:47 RD.nl 6406779841828894198.html
Oljepriset faller efter svaga kinesiska exportdata

Oljepriset faller runt 1 procent på måndagen i spåren av en svag kinesisk export. Nedgången kommer trots Opecs överenskommelse om en utvidgad utbudsreducering.

9 Dec 12:22 Dagens industri 3921815213346359165.html
Nordkorea trotzt Trumps Warnungen

Am Sonntag hatte Nordkorea einen Test an einer Satelliten-Startanlage vermeldet.

9 Dec 12:41 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110662827229.html
Laika prognoze otrdienai

Otrdien Latvijā brīžiem līs, vietām gaidāms arī sniegs, prognozē sinoptiķi.

9 Dec 12:37 Jauns.lv 5842171971634085574.html
Lachgas verboden als roesmiddel

Lachgas mag niet meer als roesmiddel worden gebruikt. Het kabinet verbiedt het onder jongeren razend populaire middel, omdat onderzoekers concluderen dat het gevaarlijker is dan gedacht. Gebruik in de slagroomspuit en voor verdoving bij de tandarts blijft wel toegestaan.

9 Dec 12:04 RD.nl 6406779841311806460.html
Sunrise Avenue geben Zusatzkonzert bekannt

Nach 17 Jahren beenden Sunrise Avenue ihre Karriere. Davor verabschieden sie sich aber mit einer grossen Abschiedstournee.

9 Dec 12:00 20 Minuten 5741369454134510645.html
Schauspieler Wolfgang Winkler gestorben

Bekannt wurde Wolfgang Winkler vor allem als Hauptkommissar Herbert Schneider in „Polizeiruf 110“.

9 Dec 12:12 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323594659467.html
Leeftijdsverificatie extra criterium bij aanpak illegale online kansspelen

Met ingang van 1 januari 2020 voegt de Kansspelautoriteit (Ksa) leeftijdsverificatie toe als prioriteringscriterium bij de aanpak van online kansspelen. Illegale aanbieders van online kansspelen die de leeftijd van deelnemers niet zichtbaar verifiëren voordat het inschrijvingsproces is voltooid, worden extra aangepakt.

9 Dec 12:55 Emerce 1354596985617603862.html
Man neergestoken in Zwijndrecht

Een man is maandagmiddag neergestoken in Zwijndrecht. Hij verliest volgens de politie bloed, maar is wel bij kennis.

9 Dec 12:42 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228457904912.html
Kreativ in Anthrazit

BVB-Trainer Lucien Favre rückt von starren taktischen Mustern und lässt seinen Künstlern nun mehr Freiraum.

9 Dec 12:12 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593421218811.html
W3C standardisiert Webassembly

Nach der Unterstützung aller großen Browserhersteller und auch darüber hinaus wird Webassembly als offizieller Web-Standard anerkannt. Das hat das W3C entschieden.

9 Dec 12:56 Golem.de 3063982244170142125.html
Trompbrug afgesloten wegens defect

De Trompbrug tussen het centrum van de stad en de Oosterpoortwijk is maandag voor een groot deel van de dag afgesloten.De fiets en voetgangersbrug kan niet meer helemaal dicht. De storing begon af

9 Dec 12:18 OOG 303718093974447730.html
Microsoft zwingt Nutzer zum Passwortwechsel

Viele User benutzen auf allen Plattformen dasselbe Passwort. Hacker haben dadurch leichter Zugriff auf die Konten. Microsoft will seine Kunden deshalb jetzt zum Passwortwechsel zwingen.

9 Dec 12:03 T-Online 5460876212389807483.html
Albanien bojkottar Nobelprisceremoni

Även Albaniens ambassadör bojkottar årets Nobelprisceremoni i Stockholms konserthus, uppger AP. Bojkotten görs i protest mot att Peter Handke tilldelas Nobelspriset i litteratur. Tidigare har Kosovos utrikesminister instruerat landets ambassadör i Stock

9 Dec 12:56 HD 3336945412827968359.html
Timothy Lintern

Timothy Lintern, analyste, est un stratégiste international de l’équipe Multi-Asset Solutions basé à Londres. Tim a intégré le groupe en 2016, il a précédemment complété un stage d’été chez

9 Dec 12:38 Allnews 678771719139458212.html
Japanische U-Bahn testet Gesichtserkennung als Fahrkartenersatz

Rechtzeitig zur Weltausstellung 2025 sollen alle 133 Bahnhöfe mit der Gesichtserkennung ausgestattet sein.

9 Dec 10:51 Die Presse 6242788855511408372.html
Serge Pavoncello

En juin 2004, Serge Pavoncello a lancé le multi family office Wedge Associates. En parallèle, il est entré au Conseil de l’Association Suisse des Gérants de Fortune, l’ASG-VSV, dont il a été nommé

9 Dec 10:18 Allnews 678771718868154232.html
Verantwortungsvoller Biergenuss bei den Top-Lehrlingen der Gastronomie

Über 700 Vertreter der Tourismusbranche und der Partner Brau Union Österreich feierten bei der Siegerehrung von Amuse Bouche die Leistungen der kulinarischen Nachwuchsstars.

9 Dec 10:48 Kurier 208072238544108243.html
Hundertwassers Orchester in Wittenberg

Die Bigband probt in Wittenberg für das Weihnachtskonzert der Schule. Was die Zuhörer erwartet.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110836790292.html
Une campagne publicitaire provocatrice

Les groupes de défense des locataires misent sur un message cru dans leur nouvelle campagne, qui sera lancée sur le web et à la radio lundi.

9 Dec 10:00 Le Journal de Québec 6825713739197208080.html
Grootste zonnepark Nederland operationeel

HOOGEZAND-SAPPEMEER (ANP) - Zonnepark Midden-Groningen, het grootste in zijn soort in Nederland, is operationeel. Dat meldde Chint Solar, dat de 315.000 panelen installeerde. Het park nabij Hoogezand-Sappemeer beslaat een lap grond van 317 hectare en zal minstens 32.000 huishoudens van stroom voorzien.

9 Dec 10:21 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630662128811.html
Seleniumtekort in lichaam verergert gevolgen hartfalen

Een tekort aan het micro-nutriënt selenium in het lichaam leidt tot meer ernstige gevolgen van hartfalen.

9 Dec 10:18 Blik op nieuws 5468169448695691579.html
Notz Stucki

Fondé en 1964, Notz Stucki est aujourd’hui l’un des plus grands groupes de gestion indépendants en Suisse et en Europe. Depuis 55 ans, Notz Stucki a développé une expertise unique dans la sélection

9 Dec 10:39 Allnews 678771718950032763.html
Novas tecnologias digitais aumentam produtividade de empresas

Denominado Indústria Mais Avançada, o projeto é o primeiro a testar o impacto na produção do uso de ferramentas de baixo custo como sensoriamento, computação em nuvem e internet das coisas (IoT)

9 Dec 10:29 Folha Vitória 4941883427322217413.html
Voorwaardelijke straf Franse linkse leider

De Franse links-radicale partijleider Jean-Luc Mélenchon heeft een voorwaardelijke celstraf van drie maanden gekregen en een boete van 8000 euro wegens bedreiging van ambtenaren in functie. Mélenchon leidt de kleine partij LFI. Hij meent dat het hier gaat om „een politiek proces”.

9 Dec 10:49 RD.nl 6406779842309586581.html
Ambtenaren krijgen taalcursus in provinciehuis

Ambtenaren van alle gemeenten uit de provincie kwamen donderdag samen in het provinciehuis om beter te leren communiceren. Tijdens de cursus namen ze elkaars werk onder de loep.De cursus, ‘D

9 Dec 10:12 OOG 303718093847177079.html
Polizist bei Personenkontrolle niedergestochen

Auf dem Münchner Hauptbahnhof ist es am frühen Montagmorgen zu einem blutigen Zwischenfall gekommen. Während einer Personenkontrolle wurde einer der ...

9 Dec 10:49 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093038719222.html
Vertiefte Partnerschaft im Marcuard-Universum

Der in Zürich ansässige Vermögensverwalter Marcuard Heritage sowie das Genfer Finanzinstitut Atlantis Marcuard wollen künftig enger zusammenarbeiten, wie finews.ch erfahren hat. Sie können sich ...

9 Dec 10:15 finews.ch 7270223616503249613.html
Continental Neutral

Die Experten der Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von Continental mit Neutral

9 Dec 10:33 finanzen.at 7258357743772361110.html
Vlaamse regering bereikt klimaatakkoord

De Vlaamse regering heeft een akkoord bereikt over een energie- en klimaatplan voor de periode tot 2030. De plannen voorzien in 32,6 procent minder CO2-uitstoot, maar de regering van minister-president Jan Jambon hoopt het oorspronkelijke doel van 35 procent over tien jaar met behulp van innovaties toch te halen.

9 Dec 10:46 RD.nl 6406779840800261672.html
Finland Politics

Finland's next government is breaking the mold in multiple ways. Sanna Marin, the 34-year-old transport minister, was tapped over the weekend by the ruling Social Democratic Party to be Finland's new prime minister. When she takes the reins of the country, most likely on Tuesday, she will become

9 Dec 10:39 Yahoo 7097669638605775750.html
Angeklagter gesteht Messerstiche auf schlafende Partnerin

Mit einem weitgehenden Geständnis des Angeklagten hat vor dem Landgericht Potsdam der Prozess gegen einen Familienvater begonnen, der versucht haben soll, seine schlafende Partnerin zu ermorden. Der 37-jährige Industriemechaniker aus Brandenburg/Havel habe in der Nacht zum 10. April 2019 auf die im Bett liegende Frau eingestochen, erklärte der Staatsanwalt am Montag in der Anklage. Am Vorabend soll die Frau konkrete Trennungsabsichten geäußert haben. Der Mann habe erst abgelassen, nachdem die neunjährige Tochter herbeigeeilt war und die Polizei alarmiert hatte. Das Leben der Frau konnte mit einer mehrstündigen Notoperation gerettet werden.

9 Dec 10:43 rbb24.de 3092672153252836389.html
Museum Speelklok opent Koninklijke Kamer

De speeldoos die prinses Amalia bij haar geboorte kreeg van de Staten-Generaal is de komende maanden te zien en te horen in Museum Speelklok in Utrecht. Het museum toont in de nieuwe Koninklijke Kamer onder meer ook een speeldoos die prinses Wilhelmina in 1890 kreeg en een klok die thuishoort in Paleis Het Loo.

9 Dec 10:57 RD.nl 6406779841417382875.html
Grave danger

SAYING that inexperienced motorcycle taxis with no track record will put commuters’ lives in danger, the Lawyers for Commuter Safety and Protection (LCSP) filed a petition for injunction with application for a temporary restraining order against five motorcycle taxi companies hoping to penetrate the market.

9 Dec 10:59 Journal Online 6375127393234251832.html
Autoridades toman medidas preventivas ante movilizaciones de campesinos

Las autoridades proyectan reuniones durante los próximos días

9 Dec 10:26 W Radio 7724358829617791460.html
Wedge Associates

Wedge Associates SA a été fondée en 2004 avec la volonté d’offrir à une clientèle privée un service personnalisé et des conseils d’investissements sur mesure.

9 Dec 10:16 Allnews 678771720132479480.html
Unemployment prevalent among the disabled

WINDHOEK - Unemployment among disabled people stands at a record 39 percent compared to the national unemployment rate of 28 percent. 

9 Dec 10:44 New Era Live 1421111667751222295.html
Kepezspor'da galibiyet sevinci

Kepezspor'da galibiyet sevinci

9 Dec 10:12 CNN Türk 3669296859141293009.html
Reputation Cost

What’s the value of a congressional reputation? You’d think it would be pretty low these days but that doesn’t mean that legislators don’t think highly of themselves.

9 Dec 10:39 Courthouse News Service 1799505149830511603.html
Stitt appoints corrections director

Gov. Kevin Stitt on Friday appointed a new director to oversee the Oklahoma Department of Corrections, following the previous director's abrupt departure. Scott Crow, who has been with the department for more than 20 years and served as interim director since June, will lead the state agency that oversees Oklahoma’s correctional facilities. The department's previous director, Joe Allbaugh, abruptly resigned at a Board of Corrections meeting in June. At the time, Crow, who served as the department’s chief of operations, stepped into the interim director role. In a news release, Stitt praised Crow for his strong leadership at the agency leading up to when Oklahoma released more than 450 low-level, nonviolent drug and

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761049051185.html
Shitstorm gegen Frauenzeitschrift wegen Horoskop

In einer Textpassage wird häusliche Gewalt gegen Frauen verherrlicht

9 Dec 10:56 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109199306265.html
Shitstorm gegen Frauenzeitschrift wegen Horoskop

In einer Textpassage wird häusliche Gewalt gegen Frauen verherrlicht

9 Dec 10:56 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569263884270.html
Naglet til svindelen

Russland blir utestengt, og skistjernene deres dømmes til slutt.

9 Dec 10:51 Dagbladet.no 3042595686491321381.html
SABIC deliver material technologies across the AM value chain

SABIC used the recent Formnext 2019 exhibition to highlight its diverse and expanding collaborations that are said to deliver value to customers by providing the company’s specialised materials at various points throughout the global additive manufacturing value chain.

9 Dec 10:45 Aerospace Manufacturing Magazine 3920112957272568015.html

CHOCTAW Tripp, Suzanne: 58, accountant, died Dec. 6. Memorial services 3 p.m. Saturday (Lehman, Wellston). MIDWEST CITY Cummings, Bill: 73, Tinker Air Force Base production manager specialist, died Dec. 6. Services 11 a.m. Wednesday (Barnes Friederich, Midwest City). NICHOLS HILLS Olney, Nancy Covington: 73, died Dec. 3. Memorial services 1 p.m. Tuesday, Chapel at Crossing Community Church, Oklahoma City (Hahn-Cook/Street & Draper, Oklahoma City). OKLAHOMA CITY Fors, William John Jr., M.D.: 82, cardiologist, died Dec. 3. Memorial services 11 a.m. Wednesday, Chapel Hill United Methodist Church (Smith & Kernke N May, Oklahoma City). Gossmeyer, Benjamin: 80, died

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760498162546.html
Krampuslauf in Annaberg

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Lilienfeld und dem Bezirk Lilienfeld. Fotos, Eventtipps und Informationen aus dem Traisental und Gölsental.

9 Dec 10:59 NÖN.at 2486998933204038070.html
Estavana Polman verliest met handbalvrouwen

Het wordt nog een hele klus voor de Nederlandse handbalvrouwen om de halve finales van het WK te bereiken.

9 Dec 10:25 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614869207265.html
Deplasman lideri Trabzonspor

Antalyaspor'u deplasmanda 3-1 mağlup eden Trabzonspor, Süper Lig'in 14. haftası itibarıyla en iyi dış saha performansı gösteren takım oldu.

9 Dec 10:30 Yeni Şafak 1729259404902333650.html
Wenn Nationalisten streiten

Komplett neoliberal oder national-sozial? In der Rentenpolitik ist die AfD gespalten. Ein Parteitag soll im April entscheiden.

9 Dec 14:46 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322539807286.html
Schwiegervater mit Klappmesser niedergestochen

In Niederösterreich hat sich am Sonntag nicht nur im Weinviertel, sondern auch im Bezirk Wiener Neustadt-Land eine Messerattacke zugetragen. Ein ...

9 Dec 14:30 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092970197641.html
Regeringsbyggnad i Malta stormad

Malta Demonstranter stormade tidigt under måndagen in i den byggnad i Valetta där Maltas premiärminister Joseph Muscat har sitt tjänsterum.

9 Dec 14:02 www.unt.se 8922556088132321006.html
Tror flyambulanse-krisen har forverret pasientskader

Ifølge overlege Mads Gilbert har pasienter blitt forsinket eller flyttet til annen ambulansetjeneste 286 ganger siden 1. juli.

9 Dec 14:46 Dagbladet.no 3042595687472490470.html
Strecke Mannheim-Frankfurt nach Oberleitungsschaden frei

Frankfurt/Mannheim (dpa/lhe) - Ein Oberleitungsschaden im Bahnhof Riedstadt-Goddelau (Kreis Groß-Gerau) ist am Montag repariert worden. Zwischen Mannheim und Frankfurt gebe es nach der Instandsetzung keine Umleitungen mehr, teilte die Deutsche Bahn über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter am Mittag mit. Reisende müssten sich aber weiter auf Verspätungen und teilweise auch auf Ausfälle einstellen. S-Bahnen der Linie S7 fuhren demnach wieder auf der gesamten Strecke, einzelne Züge fielen aber aus. Bei Zügen der Regionalexpress-Linie 70 kam es noch zu Verspätungen. Der Bahnverkehr war auf der Strecke seit Freitag gestört gewesen.

9 Dec 14:52 DIE WELT 6197693428126154910.html

En Diciembre aprende mucho de la Virgen María, de su fe, su amor y su serena humildad. Te invito a que escuches en Youtube el Ave María en la voz de Céline Dion, Bocelli, Sarah Brigthman, Celtic Woman u otros artistas. Ora con el Magnificat, la plegaria de la reina del cielo, que está en el evangelio de Lucas: 1,46-56. En ti Dios también hace maravillas cada día y puedes afirmar: “Mi espíritu se alegra en Dios mi salvador”. María llama a Dios el poderoso y dos veces exalta su misericordia, o sea, su amor ilimitado. Ella sabe que Dios ama a los humildes, no a los soberbios, y que lleva en sus manos la bandera de los desvalidos. A Jesús le encanta que amemos a su madre, la tengamos presente y que imitemos sus muchas virtudes. Diciembre es un mes para nutrir el alma, y María es un caminito seguro para ir hacia Dios y a su bendito hijo Yeshua.​Sigue en Instagram @Gonzalogallog

9 Dec 14:30 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347114665842.html
Japonlar neden evlenmiyor

"Parazit bekarlar": Japonlar evlenmeyi neden erteliyor...

9 Dec 14:42 OdaTV 3336151104947559612.html
Siemens Healthineers Neutral

Die Experten der UBS AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von Siemens Healthineers mit Neutral

9 Dec 14:53 finanzen.at 7258357743093920506.html
Amsterdamse achtervolging eindigt met aanhoudingen in Schiedam

De politie heeft in de nacht van zondag op maandag twee mensen opgepakt in Schiedam na een achtervolging. Die begon in Amsterdam.

9 Dec 14:44 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227055493973.html
Nigerian games shortlisted for International Convention

Three board games made by Nigerian designers have been shortlisted for debut at the 2019 African Board games Convention (AB Con).

9 Dec 14:21 Vanguard News 4125100338742241951.html

The last game, clearly, was Oblivion. A game from a time where box art was a little more iconic - or at least remembered a hell of a lot more strongly - than today....

9 Dec 14:52 Kotaku Australia 2018810247394854514.html
VINCI Sector Perform

Die Experten der RBC Capital Markets bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von VINCI mit Sector Perform

9 Dec 14:04 finanzen.at 7258357743766719203.html
Vivendi overweight

Die Experten der Barclays Capital bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von Vivendi mit overweight

9 Dec 14:06 finanzen.at 7258357743181620312.html
Wiener Pharmaunternehmen Sanochemia zahlungsunfähig

Die börsennotierte Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG ist pleite. Wegen bevorstehender Zahlungsunfähigkeit werde man in den nächsten Tagen beim Handelsgericht Wien einen Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens stellen, teilte Sanochemia am Montagnachmittag mit. Wie es mit dem Unternehmen und seinen rund 160 Mitarbeitern weitergeht, ist ungewiss. Die Pleite kommt nicht aus heiterem Himmel, zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt aber […]

9 Dec 14:33 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170679478472.html
Busted transport system unites neurodegenerative diseases

New treatments may result from identifying a likely culprit behind the brain build-up that ties all neurodegenerative diseases together.

9 Dec 14:47 Futurity 5051862824936653222.html
Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Joos wurde 79 Jahre alt. Er war Mitglied im Vienna Art Orchestra.

9 Dec 14:24 Die Presse 6242788854072777209.html
Organizaciones sociales plantean un sindicato para negociar paritarias

Este lunes, además, despiden "los malos índices " de Mauricio Macri en su último día de gobierno.

9 Dec 14:55 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204482918707800.html
Stilfull seremoni i Haakonshallen

Norske og amerikanske marinesoldater sto i stram givakt da Yngve Skoglund tok over kommandoen for Natos stående marinestyrke.

9 Dec 14:58 Bergens Tidende 6643873500334087425.html
Wiener Pharmaunternehmen Sanochemia zahlungsunfähig

Die in Wien ansässige börsennotierte Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG wird wegen bevorstehender Zahlungsunfähigkeit in den nächsten Tagen einen Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens beim Handelsgericht Wien stellen. Das kündigte das Unternehmen am Montagnachmittag an. Sanochemia beschäftigt rund 160 Mitarbeiter, davon etwa 140 im burgenländischen Neufeld.

9 Dec 14:40 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083668074135.html
Hakenkruizen op woningen Diepvoorde

In de 10e straat van de Wijchensewijk Diepvoorde zijn hakenkruizen op meerdere woningen aangebracht.   Lees verder: 112wijchensnieuws.nl

9 Dec 14:58 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807535935659392.html

Mindful eating: alcance o seu objetivo através da mente

9 Dec 14:30 Revista VIP 3507812780232060100.html
Stroppy Frogs

My train service, South Western Rail may be on strike for a month,  blast them, but comfort comes from the fact that we’re not nearly as strike-prone as the French.

9 Dec 14:30 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672081304753831.html
Neugeborenes in Stade ausgesetzt

Am Freitagabend hat ein Paar in Stade ein ausgesetztes Baby gefunden. Die Polizei bittet die Bevölkerung bei der Suche nach der leiblichen Mutter um Hilfe. Das Kind kam in ein Krankenhaus.

9 Dec 14:59 T-Online 5460876211423905481.html
Sich widersprechende Beschreibungen eines Polizeieinsatzes

Im Falle von vier Schwyzer Polizisten, die einen Mann zu hart angefasst haben sollen, gehen die Darstellungen der beiden Seiten konträr auseinander. Diese haben sich am Montag vor dem Strafgericht gegenseitig vorgeworfen, aggressiv gewesen zu sein.

9 Dec 14:10 bz BASEL 5287163741649795768.html
Elektroladestation in der Tiefgarage

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 14:53 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775001881990.html
GilletteLabs presenta Heated Razor

Dispositivo tecnológico de alta gama que despierta tus sentidos

9 Dec 14:04 sport 1349897970710544495.html
Mammut wird verkauft

Der Schweizer Hersteller von Outdoorkleidung Mammut steht zum Verkauf - dabei wuchs die Firma allein 2018 um mehr als zehn Prozent. Der Mutterkonzern will sich auf sein Kerngeschäft konzentrieren.

9 Dec 14:59 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270476209610.html
Russische Vertuschungspolitik ist am Ende

Russlands Sperre für die Olympischen Spiele wegen der Doping-Affäre wurde erwartet. Ein Umdenken wird kaum stattfinden.

9 Dec 14:25 SRF 8424707178829882570.html
Chansonniges in Glauburg

Die Liedermacherinnen Uta Desch und Maren Sequens kommen am Mittwoch nach Stockheim.

9 Dec 14:42 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323421727821.html

Ángelis Rivera salvó el primer juego y ganó el segundo.

9 Dec 11:45 elVocero.com 6318248037457031702.html
Mosaic Achievement List Revealed

We have just picked up new achievements for Mosaic. There are 28 achievements worth a total of 1,000 Gamerscore, none of which are secret.

9 Dec 11:50 TrueAchievements 4775707719834344464.html
Provable Things launch pTokens

pTokens, the world’s first token to enable decentralized finance interoperability between any…

9 Dec 11:24 CCN.com 4886348521615788755.html
AstraZeneca Sell

Die Experten der UBS AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von AstraZeneca mit Sell

9 Dec 11:00 finanzen.at 7258357743258980238.html

Die Experten der Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von LANXESS mit Neutral

9 Dec 11:40 finanzen.at 7258357742763010409.html
Last Labyrinth Review

Last Labyrinth is unlike pretty much any other game I know of, virtual reality or otherwise. It's rare you find yourself strapped to a wheelchair with a laser pen on your head, after all. In fact, I c

9 Dec 11:00 tsa 6447108927074917444.html
Japanische U-Bahn testet Gesichtserkennung als Fahrkartenersatz

Die U-Bahngesellschaft in Osaka testet den Zutritt per Gesichtsscan statt mit Fahrkarte. Die in Japan verbreiteten Masken gegen Erkältung stören dabei jedoch.

9 Dec 11:49 heise online 1766193382789596051.html
Erken rezervasyonda tarihi rekor

Erken rezervasyonun en düşük olduğu kasımda talep patladı ve 100 bin rezervasyon sınırı aşıldı. Turizmciler, talep patlamasını ekonomide iyileşmeye ve geçen yıl yer bulamayanların bu yıl acele etmesine bağlıyor

9 Dec 11:16 A Haber 6599891594700802143.html
UniCredit buy

Die Experten der Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von UniCredit mit buy

9 Dec 11:38 finanzen.at 7258357743146892006.html
Republicans are Defining Foreign Interference Down

Trump's allies are trying to reset the standard for "election meddling" so low that it would be hard not to meddle in an election.

9 Dec 11:00 The New Republic 7071196524437870634.html
RTVA en NH Media sluiten samenwerkingsovereenkomst

AMSTELVEEN – De lokale omroep RTVA en de regionale omroep NH Media gaan hun samenwerking begin volgend jaar intensiveren. De twee partijen zijn het eens over een samenwerkingsovereenkomst, die deze week officieel wordt getekend. Hier wordt de samenwerking geregeld voor het nieuwe, gezamenlijke nieuwsplatform AmstelNieuws. Het platform, waaraan door redacteuren van RTVA en NH Media …

9 Dec 11:11 RTVA 4011379850005925173.html
Groen licht miljardensteun batterijproject

De Europese Commissie geeft groen licht voor 3,2 miljard euro overheidssteun in een samenwerkingsproject voor de productie van batterijen voor elektrische auto’s. Zeven landen willen er de komende jaren zo’n 3,2 miljard euro in steken en verwachten dat er nog eens 5 miljard euro aan particuliere investeringen kan worden aangetrokken.

9 Dec 11:11 RD.nl 6406779840939894333.html
Saving mynah

Queen Cassowary spoke to the gathering of the urgent need to save the Balinese mynah.

9 Dec 11:15 The Hindu 6679535026144093241.html
Mann bekommt Hoden vom Zwillingsbruder transplantiert

Ein 36-jähriger Mann aus Belgrad, Serbien, kam ohne Hoden auf die Welt. Letzte Woche erhielt er eine Transplantation seines Zwillingsbruders.

9 Dec 11:33 RTL.DE 7054729451584237215.html
Vier verdachten opgepakt na schietpartij Apeldoorn

De politie heeft maandag vier verdachten opgepakt wegens de schietpartij aan De Sikkel in Apeldoorn. Twee personen raakten gewond bij het incident, dat in de wijk flinke opschudding veroorzaakte.

9 Dec 11:34 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615049251670.html
Las negativas ambientales

El poder de la pluma

9 Dec 11:02 SIPSE.com 4008460418016098039.html
Artificial intelligence extends average life expectancy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers acceleration in the treatment of patients as it can estimate and analyze data quickly when symptoms occur, according to...

9 Dec 11:49 DAILY SABAH 8383944808578080474.html
Regeringsbyggnad i Malta stormad

Demonstranter stormade tidigt under måndagen in i den byggnad i Valetta där Maltas premiärminister Joseph Muscat har sitt tjänsterum. Väl inne i byggnaden krävde de hans omedelbara avgång. Anledningen är de kopplingar till maktens innersta krets som fin

9 Dec 11:02 HD 3336945412270190658.html
Bosak liderem w prawyborach Konfederacji

To kapitalna okazja do mobilizowania sympatyków i sięgania po dodatkowe pokłady energii, potrzebne do podróżowania po całym kraju i spotykania się z wyborcami - mówi PAP o prawyborach w Konfederacji Krzysztof Bosak, który po pierwszych zjazdach zdobył najwięcej głosów wyborców.

9 Dec 11:04 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100670183678696.html
Drie mannen met onderkoelingsverschijnselen in trein aangetroffen

De politie is er na onderzoek achter gekomen hoe het kan dat drie mannen onwel zijn aangetroffen vanochtend in een trein op station Venlo. 'Het drietal wordt verdacht van een winkelinbraak in de Gemmastraat in Eindhoven', zo heeft de politie vanmiddag laten weten.

9 Dec 11:09 Blik op nieuws 5468169449262297398.html
Nazi-Fahne: Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt

Bei Derby Rapid gegen Austria angebrachtes Banner laut Polizei nicht strafbar.

9 Dec 11:32 sport.oe24.at 8086682661282619207.html
Acuerdos explosivos

No cabe mayor menosprecio a las instituciones constitucionales que autoexcluirse del deber de informar al jefe del Estado de sus propósitos ante una sesión de investidura para proponer un candidato a la Presidencia del Gobierno. Esto han hecho Esquerra Re

9 Dec 11:09 Diariocrítico 5375131906171098003.html
Europa bouwt ruimtestofzuiger

Europa wil een vaartuig bouwen dat satellieten gaat opruimen. Dit moet de hoeveelheid ruimteafval in een baan rond de aarde terugdringen. Het is de bedoeling dat de schoonmaaksonde, de ClearSpace-1, in 2025 voor het eerst een testvlucht uitvoert. Zulke vaartuigen bestaan nog niet.

9 Dec 11:58 RD.nl 6406779840680754747.html
Ombudsman heropent onderzoek naar fiscus

DEN HAAG (ANP) - De Nationale ombudsman heropent per direct een onderzoek naar het verstrekken van foutieve informatie door de Belastingdienst over dwangbevelen voor met name ondernemers. Dat heeft de Nationale ombudsman, Reinier van Zutphen, in een brief aan staatssecretaris Menno Snel van Financiën laten weten.

9 Dec 11:55 Nieuws.nl 2419030129938027414.html
Novas tecnologias digitais aumentam produtividade de empresas

Um programa piloto realizado pelo Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (Senai), com 43 empresas de 24 estados, mostrou que as novas tecnologias digitais da Indústria 4.0 aumentam em cerca de 22% a produtividade de micro, pequenas e médias empresas. Denominado Indús...

9 Dec 11:31 TNH1 3684351752679994384.html
Verdachte ontkent betrokkenheid moord Jalink

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De 30-jarige Gideon G., verdacht van de moord op de in mei 2016 doodgeschoten Vincent Jalink, heeft maandag bij de start van zijn strafzaak alle betrokkenheid ontkend. "Ik heb hier helemaal niks mee te maken", zei G.

9 Dec 11:59 Nieuws.nl 2419030131222691732.html
Tausende demonstrieren in Malta

Der Mord an der Journalistin Caruana Galizia war der brutale Beweis, wie mächtig die korrupten Netzwerke auf Malta sind. In Valletta gingen Tausende Einwohner nun aus Protest auf die Straße. Von Ellen Trapp.

9 Dec 11:11 tagesschau.de 5441171426453715984.html
Windrush exhibition finds permanent home

The stories of those who came to British shores from the Caribbean has got a permanent home in Sandwell.

9 Dec 11:32 Express & Star 7324224459737401495.html
Die vergessene Insel

La Graciosa neben Lanzarote gehört seit einem Jahr zu den Kanaren. Damit soll das Gleichgewicht zwischen Mensch und Natur gerettet werden.

9 Dec 11:11 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591702817271.html
Nederland verbiedt lachgas als recreatief roesmiddel

De Nederlandse regering verbiedt het onder jongeren razend populaire lachgas, omdat onderzoekers concluderen dat het gevaarlijker is dan gedacht. Gebruik in de slagroomspuit en voor verdoving bij d...

9 Dec 11:23 HLN 8967494998608243336.html
La differenziata dei commercianti incivili

Via Cesare Battisti incrocio via Primo Settembre, è questo lo sbicchieramento?  

9 Dec 11:53 Tempostretto 3143171744213800167.html
Nos Tienen Secuestrados

Los daños que ocasionan al aparato productivo del País con este tema del Paro y sus medidas de hecho son incalculables.

9 Dec 11:02 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826687964361.html
Kabinet verbiedt lachgas

Gebruik in slagroomspuit en voor verdoving bij tandarts blijft wel toegestaan

9 Dec 11:04 ThePostOnline 3048418757003235158.html
Russland protestiert gegen Olympia-Ausschluss

Russland darf als Nation nicht an den Olympischen Spielen in Tokio 2020 und Peking 2022 teilnehmen.

9 Dec 11:34 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592558928416.html
Rebuilding Zimbabwe starts with strong institutions

It is now apparent that Zimbabwe's socio-economic status needs rebuilding and radical reforms if the country is to develop. The economy is set to contract by at...

9 Dec 11:00 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540451486765.html
Grootste zonnepark Nederland operationeel

Zonnepark Midden-Groningen, het grootste in zijn soort in Nederland, is operationeel. Dat meldde Chint Solar, dat de 315.000 panelen installeerde. Het park nabij Hoogezand-Sappemeer beslaat een lap grond van 317 hectare en zal minstens 32.000 huishoudens van stroom voorzien.

9 Dec 11:18 RD.nl 6406779842163495702.html
Facebook pozywa obywateli Chin

Facebook oskarża dwóch chińskich obywateli o włamywanie się na konta służące do obsługi reklam i wykorzystywanie ich do wyświetlania reklam tak pożądanych produktów jak tabletki na potencje. Facebook oskarża dwóch chińskich obywateli o włamywanie się na konta służące do obsługi reklam i wykorzystywanie ich do wyświetlania reklam tak pożądanych produktów jak tabletki na potencje. Dwóch obywateli Chin zostało pozwanych przez Facebooka. Serwis oskarża ich o udział w zorganizowanej cyberprzestępczości. Pozwani, jak twierdzi Facebook, podstępnie przejmowali konta do obsługi reklam i wykorzystywali je do promocji podejrzanych produktów. Według Facebooka to właśnie programista Chen Xiao Cong oraz Huang Tao, dyrektor marketingu firmy GuangZhou HongYi Technology, byli odpowiedzialni za kampanię hakerską, która zaczęli w 2016 roku. Pozew dotyczy również firmy ILikeAds, z siedzibą w Hongkongu, która promowała się jako „kompleksowe rozwiązanie dla reklamodawców”. Reklama Cyberprzestępcy przejmowali konta reklamowe należące…

9 Dec 11:00 CHIP 4252840418953367021.html
Nauwelijks veranderingen in dienstregeling Arriva in Groningen

De dienstregeling van de treinen en bussen van Arriva in de provincie Groningen verandert nauwelijks. Die dienstregeling gaat aanstaande zondag in.Het enige dat verandert, is dat er meer spitsbuss

9 Dec 11:12 OOG 303718094013941732.html
Immaculate Conception

Before anything, I wish to mention that it was the feastday of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, one of the most important feastdays of the Catholic Church, celebrated worldwide. “O

9 Dec 11:42 Journal Online 6375127392822201993.html
Olympiasiegerin Savchenko veröffentlicht Biografie

Paarlauf-Olympiasiegerin Aljona Savchenko wird im März eine Biografie veröffentlichen.

9 Dec 11:08 sport.de 3321967092608179109.html
Team Cutting Tools keeps you UP2DATE with latest developments

Team Cutting Tools from Ceratizit has its latest UP2DATE publication containing 122 pages of the latest cutting tool developments from the Ceratizit Group.

9 Dec 11:13 Aerospace Manufacturing Magazine 3920112958291066919.html
Belangrijke week rond impeachment afzettingsonderzoek

De commissie voor Justitie van het Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden begint deze week met het opstellen van aanklachten voor een afzettingsprocedure tegen president Donald Trump. Diezelfde commissie houdt maandag nog een hoorzitting in het onderzoek.

9 Dec 11:20 RD.nl 6406779842068226968.html
Politie onderzoekt mogelijke achtervolging

TERNEUZEN - De politie onderzoekt een mogelijke achtervolging van iemand in Terneuzen. Het slachtoffer zou ook zijn klemgereden.

9 Dec 11:58 HVZeeland.nl 6787007640003233980.html
Paris versinkt im Verkehrschaos

Versperrte Straßen, Busse, Züge: Aufgrund der Verkehrsblockaden gegen die geplante Rentenreform staute sich der Verkehr am Morgen auf rund 620 Kilometern - doppelt so viel wie sonst. Besser wird es erst mal nicht.

9 Dec 11:05 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270793637466.html
Begraafplaats Noordlaren zoekt vrijwilligers voor jaarlijkse schoonmaak

De protestantse gemeente Noordlaren-Glimmen zoekt vrijwilligers die komende zaterdag de begraafplaats van Noordlaren schoon willen maken. De schoonmaak is een jaarlijkse traditie.Elk jaar make

9 Dec 11:28 OOG 303718094689947166.html
Berliner Bauwirtschaft demonstriert gegen Mietendeckel

Der von Rot-Rot-Grün geplante Berliner Mietendeckel soll nicht für Neubauprojekte gelten - und trotzdem läuft die Baubranche Sturm. Befürchtet wird eine Auftragsflaute. Aus Protest fuhren am Montag laut Veranstalter mehr als 300 Lkw durch die Innenstadt.

9 Dec 11:48 rbb24.de 3092672153415293060.html
Nordbahnhalle wird abgerissen

Nach dem Brand der Nordbahnhalle im November wird sie nun endgültig planiert. Eine Bürgerinitiative fordert Ersatz.

9 Dec 11:30 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440326260916.html
Zuidelijke ringweg deels dicht vanwege werkzaamheden

Combinatie Herepoort gaat van vrijdag aanstaande  22.00 uur tot maandag 16 december 05.00 uur aan de slag met verschillende voegen op de noordbaan van de zuidelijke ringweg. Er wordt gewerkt aan de v

9 Dec 15:11 OOG 303718093670735431.html

Por Errejota

9 Dec 15:48 Memedeportes 5382463276524462801.html
Polski symulator Jezusa

"Jestem Jezusem Chrystusem" - jeden z polskich producentów ogłasza, że przygotowuje grę pod takim tytułem.

9 Dec 15:03 RMF24 3758900157264683656.html
Albania Earthquake

Albania's prime minister on Monday hailed the work of Israeli engineers who have come to the country to help in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that destroyed thousands of buildings. The Israelis are among scores of foreign engineers and experts who have come or will be headed to the country

9 Dec 15:44 Yahoo 7097669638639857674.html
Pemerintah Kaltim Berikan Pendampingan Hukum bagi Penyandang Disabilitas

KBRN, Samarinda: Untuk memberikan hak yang sama terutama mengenai hukum  terhadap para penyandang disabiltas, Dinas Kependudukan, Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (DKP3A0 Kalimantan

9 Dec 15:43 RRI News Portal 6700853645030407388.html
The Weekend Bulletin

  A quick snapshot at the weekend that was.   Biggest Upset: Ryosuke Iwasa +225 over Marlon Tapales   Notable New Champions: IBF World Female Junior Welterweight Championship: Mary M…

9 Dec 15:43 The Sports Daily 5871911277211756352.html
Heidenheim muss auf Griesbeck verzichten

Der 1. FC Heidenheim muss seinen Platz in der Spitzengruppe der 2. Fußball-Bundesliga vorerst ohne Mittelfeldspieler Sebastian Griesbeck verteidigen.

9 Dec 15:33 sport.de 3321967091603059711.html
Voetvolleytoernooi steunt framevoetbal Kidz United

Het framevoetbal van Kidz United is het goede doel van het het FlexVirtual International Footvolley Tournament Groningen dat van 2 tot en met 5 januari in de stad wordt gehouden.Framevoetbal is vo

9 Dec 15:04 OOG 303718094719092369.html
Marigny Capital

Marigny Capital est un partenaire indépendant, au service des gestionnaires de fortune et des investisseurs institutionnels. Marigny Capital accompagne ses clients dans l'identification de leur

9 Dec 15:11 Allnews 678771718293514597.html
Hochschulrektorenkonferenz veröffentlicht NC-Quoten

• 40 Prozent der Studienangebote sind zulassungsbeschränkt • Große Unterschiede zwischen den Bundesländern • Studienfächer an Fachhochschulen häufiger mit NC belegt

9 Dec 15:31 www1.wdr.de 5204960545817754152.html
Air France testar robotiserade bagagebilar

En autonom lösning som ska göra bagagehanteringen på flygplatser snabbare – och effektivare. Nu testar Air France självkörande bagagebilar i Toulouse.

9 Dec 15:11 Ny Teknik 4280928733224479090.html
Empat beranak dikebumikan esok

JENAZAH empat sekeluarga yang terkorban dalam kemalangan di Kaikoura, New Zealand tidak dikebumikan hari ini, sebaliknya dijadualkan dikebumikan esok.

9 Dec 15:01 HM Online 9212632686719570054.html
Thomas Fonsegrive

Titulaire d’un Master en Droit des Affaires et diplômé d’une grande école de commerce, Thomas Fonsegrive a commencé sa carrière dans la finance de marché chez Commerzbank à Paris en 2003, dans

9 Dec 15:18 Allnews 678771719220658759.html
Heidenheim muss auf Griesbeck verzichten

Der 1. FC Heidenheim muss seinen Platz in der Spitzengruppe der 2. Fußball-Bundesliga vorerst ohne Mittelfeldspieler Sebastian Griesbeck verteidigen.

9 Dec 15:34 weltfussball.at 3521376371150387547.html
Rohingya campaigners launch Myanmar boycott

Human rights campaigners supporting Myanmar's Rohingya mainly Muslim minority have called for a global boycott of the country, a day before genocide hearings begin at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

9 Dec 15:25 Aljazeera 6642629762746418846.html
Demokratska opozicija ili opozicija demokratiji

Srđan Milivojević je u istom tekstu u kome je naveo da DS neguje različitost i slobodu mišljenja uspeo da ospori to pravo po onima koji ne dele njegovo Đilasovo mišljenje kuda treba da ide DS ili opozicija generalno.

9 Dec 15:30 Dnevni list Danas 649654642155849848.html
Organisierter Autostopp in Maladers

Für zwei Franken kann man ab dem 15. Dezember von Chur nach Maladers fahren. Wenn sich ein Fahrer finden lässt.

9 Dec 15:56 SRF 8424707179715670027.html
nternetten uyuturucu satarken yakalanan ahs tutukland

Zonguldakta cep telefonu uygulamas zerinden uyuturucu ticareti yapt tespit edilerek gzaltna alnan 2 kiiden biri tutukland.

9 Dec 15:46 Star 3455060031624077509.html
Aerospace engineer Senior mulls selling aerostructures division

Senior has admitted it is thinking about selling off its aerostructures division, in a deal that could be worth up to £450m.

9 Dec 15:31 City A.M. 6389894490285597507.html
Whisky im Weinbaumuseum Hochheim

Im Januar wartet ein Abend mit drei schottischen Single Malts und einem Film.

9 Dec 15:31 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323836319349.html
Lucky Rainbow

I took these photos Sunday as the clouds were breaking and the sun was shining. It was a lucky rainbow over the courthouse in Santa Barbara rain.

9 Dec 15:40 edhat santa barbara 2501874276492419456.html
Grecia busca multimillonarios

Grecia mueve ficha para atraer a multimillonarios. En un nuevo intento por atraer capital, el Ministerio de Finanzas anuncia beneficios especiales para los extranjeros ricos que decidan trasladar su registro fiscal a Grecia.

9 Dec 15:44 euronews 2767628993715982017.html
Europese mensenrechtensancties in de maak

De Europese Commissie gaat een systeem voor sancties tegen individuele mensenrechtenschenders uitwerken. De EU-ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken hebben de nieuwe buitenlandchef Josep Borrell daar maandag unaniem opdracht toe gegeven. „Een enorme stap voorwaarts”, zei minister Stef Blok in Brussel.

9 Dec 15:11 RD.nl 6406779841780403117.html
Vladimir Petkovic zieht eine positive Jahresbilanz

Nationaltrainer Vladimir Petkovic zieht eine positive Bilanz des Jahres 2019. Ob er über die EM 2020 Trainer der Schweizer Nationalmannschaft bleibt, wird sich spätestens im März entscheiden.

9 Dec 15:10 bz BASEL 5287163742861491381.html
Auckland Strike Action

Auckland bus operators are enraged at the inconvenience to passengers affected by continued bus driver strike action. Even those operators not directly affected by strikes are appalled at the behaviour of First Union and Tramways Union and their aggressive bully tactics which has included assaulting staff and damaging vehicles.

9 Dec 15:58 SCOOP 5315659000083799202.html
MLA inaugurates anganwadi building

Children were made to sit in a community hall for three years

9 Dec 15:21 The Hindu 6679535025475359380.html
Boeing Neutral

Die Experten der Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von Boeing mit Neutral

9 Dec 15:20 finanzen.at 7258357742580209578.html
Johnson verspricht Fruchtbarkeit

Der Brexit-Wahlkampf der Briten wird auf seinen letzten Metern endgültig zur absurden Farce. Obwohl es durchaus anders hätte laufen können. Eine Analyse.

9 Dec 15:49 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322528084683.html
Golden Globe nominations ceremony begins

The unveiling of Golden Globes nominees began on Monday in a ceremony marking the start of Hollywood

9 Dec 15:23 Punch Newspapers 3524240994921628397.html
Betrunkener Unfallfahrer fragt dreist nach Zigarette

Beim Zusammenstoß zweier Autos in Buxtehude (Kreis Stade) ist eine 57-jährige Frau am Samstag lebensgefährlich verletzt worden.

9 Dec 15:18 RTL.DE 7054729453202898458.html
Coalitiepartijen verdeeld over aanpak lachgas

De coalitiepartijen zijn verdeeld over de stappen die het kabinet neemt tegen lachgas. Staatssecretaris Paul Blokhuis (Volksgezondheid) wil het verbieden als roesmiddel. Bakkers en tandartsen kunnen het wel blijven gebruiken. VVD en D66 vinden de maatregelen te drastisch, CDA en ChristenUnie zijn tevreden.

9 Dec 15:51 RD.nl 6406779842452508551.html
Oppositionen tvingade regeringen att backa

Politik Hotet mot arbetsmarknadsminister Eva Nordmark (S) är över.Oppositionen släpper frågan om en misstroendeförklaring mot henne efter att regeringen och Centern och Liberalerna tvingats till reträ

9 Dec 15:43 www.unt.se 8922556089797275898.html
Hochseilartist Freddy Nock mutmasslich vor Gericht

Vor dem Bezirksgericht Zofingen AG steht am Mittwoch ein Mann wegen versuchter vorsätzlicher Tötung, mehrfacher Gefährdung des Lebens und mehrfacher versuchter Körperverletzung. Gemäss Angaben des TV-Senders Tele M1 handelt es sich um den Hochseilartisten Freddy Nock.

9 Dec 15:55 bz BASEL 5287163743258064103.html
Grote prijsverschillen aanvullende verzekering minima Friesland

Minima die zich in Friesland aanvullend laten verzekerden, lopen tegen grote prijsverschillen aan. Zo betalen minima in De Fryske Marren bijna 20 euro minder voor een aanvullende verzekeringen dan minima in Opsterland. Alle gemeenten in Friesland werken voor hun aanvullende verzekering samen met AV Frieso, de aanvullende verzekering van De Friesland. Dit meldt de Leeuwarder Courant. 

9 Dec 15:13 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744698956401.html
Sendeausfall bei Radio Steiermark

Von 12.42 bis 12.48 - so lange mussten Tausende Steirer heute auf Radio Steiermark verzichten. Ein äußerst seltener Sendeausfall sorgte minutenlang ...

9 Dec 15:46 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094360221607.html
Deadly volcano eruption

A volcano off the New Zealand coast erupted Monday with a towering blast of ash and scalding steam as dozens of tourists were exploring its moon-like surface, killing five people and leaving eight others missing and feared dead, authorities said.

9 Dec 15:10 Castanet 616068601858697507.html
Conclave onblockchain

Top blockchain experts and thought leaders from around the world will take part in a two-day conclave, ‘BlockHash Live 2019’ to be held here from December 12.The experts will share ideas and lead disc

9 Dec 15:04 The Hindu 6679535025490464355.html
Pharmaunternehmen Sanochemia zahlungsunfähig

Die in Wien ansässige börsennotierte Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG wird wegen bevorstehender Zahlungsunfähigkeit in den nächsten Tagen einen Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens beim Handelsgericht Wien stellen. Das kündigte das Unternehmen am Montagnachmittag an. Sanochemia beschäftigt rund 160 Mitarbeiter, davon etwa 140 im burgenländischen Neufeld.

9 Dec 15:33 NÖN.at 2486998933316438517.html
Totnes Christmas market cancelled

'With a heavy heart the council has taken the decision to cancel tomorrow’s Christmas Festival event'

9 Dec 17:31 DevonLive 2469244513845690079.html
Senioren feierten Advent

Die Ortsgruppe St. Veit am Vogau des steirischen Seniorenbundes feierte im Gasthaus Draxler recht stimmungsvoll Advent. Man sang und der Gamlitzer Musiker „Da Luis“ sorgte dabei für den „guten Ton“.

9 Dec 17:52 meinbezirk.at 5267640333942055649.html
Weihnachtsstimmung in Oberolberndorf

Der Adventmarkt in Oberolberndorf hatte auch in diesem Jahr wieder einiges zu bieten.

9 Dec 17:22 NÖN.at 2486998932633173106.html
Klimawandel bringt Kornkammern in Gefahr

Immer mehr Hitzewellen überkommen viele Regionen zeitgleich.

9 Dec 17:00 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440349735942.html
Romain Boscher

Romain Boscher est responsable mondial des investissements en actions de Fidelity International depuis mai 2018 et est responsable d'environ 170 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion.

9 Dec 17:43 Allnews 678771719070199430.html
Schladitz Hesener Nohl PartGmbB

„Wir sind Zeitungspaten, weil wir es wichtig finden, Kindern und Jugendlichen den Blick in die Welt zu ermöglichen. Nicht alle lernen von zu Hause aus, wie wichtig es für die Bildung einer eigenen Meinung ist, sich umfassend zu informieren. Im digitalen Zeitalter besteht aus unserer Sicht die Gefahr, zu selektiert zu lesen – also nur das zu lesen, wonach man selbst googelt, ohne einmal über den Tellerrand hinauszuschauen. Gerade für den erweiterten Blick, ob regional, überregional oder global ist ein guter Zeitungsbeitrag hilfreich. Und auch Zeitung lesen will gelernt sein. Einem Kind einfach eine Zeitung in die Hand zu drücken wird nicht zielführend sein. So etwas muss bestenfalls vorgelebt, anderenfalls gelehrt werden. Deshalb unterstützen wir es gerne, Kinder und Jugendliche über den Schulunterricht an das Lesen von Zeitungsartikeln ...

9 Dec 17:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567893773669.html
Businessman tasks Nigerians on fighting corruption

 Mr Zubair Idris the Project Manager, Wadata Communications Nigeria Limited, has called for active participation of Nigerians in the fight against...

9 Dec 17:28 Vanguard News 4125100339044870147.html
Arrangements begin for Maramon Convention

Annual evangelical event to be held from February 9 to 16

9 Dec 17:47 The Hindu 6679535025255734739.html
Sorge um weitere Abholzaktionen

Nach der Abholzaktion am Höhenweg in Tegernsee, wurde im STadtrat nachgehakt. Und es ging um die Frage: Wie steht‘s um den Wald?

9 Dec 17:55 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238724484682.html
Erinnerungskultur im Wartemodus

Polens Ankündigung, sich auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen KZ Gusen einzukaufen, erhöht den Druck auf den Bund.

9 Dec 17:57 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441999375916.html
John Greenacre obituary

Other lives: Teacher at Peterhouse school in Zimbabwe for more than half a century

9 Dec 17:56 the Guardian 1491978794778358531.html
Wenezuela i schizofrenia Polski

W lutym uznaliśmy demokratycznego opozycjonistę Guaido. Ale w Warszawie nadal działa ambasador dyktatora Maduro.

9 Dec 17:30 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525854144473.html
Baseball Drummond accueille de nouveaux administrateurs

BASEBALL. L’organisme Baseball Drummond, qui gère le baseball mineur à Drummondville, a élu un nouveau conseil d’administration lors de sa récente assemblée générale annuelle. Nommé au poste de président, Mathieu…

9 Dec 17:02 L'Express 6976940753492024660.html
Desirable Branding Distinguishes Aphria Stock

Though production capacity is always important, Aphria stock has made progress due to its underlying premium brands.

9 Dec 17:34 InvestorPlace 24614509283033456.html
Luftambulanselege sier opp jobben

Ifølge TV 2 har den første oppsigelsen på grunn av ambulanseflymangelen i Nord-Norge kommet på bordet.

9 Dec 17:52 Dagbladet.no 3042595686543944884.html
Rekolekcje adwentowe w Warszawie

Rekolekcje z o. Szustakiem, rekolekcje akademickie, rekolekcje o modlitwie czy biblijne – propozycji na owocne przeżycie Adwentu w Warszawie nie brakuje. Prezentujemy najciekawsze z nich.

9 Dec 17:09 eKAI 4704869673785941820.html
Inwoners Coevorden beginnen doneeractie

Inwoners van Coevorden zijn een inzamelingsactie begonnen voor het gezin van de grillroom die zaterdag na een explosie instortte en waarbij een 5-jarig jongetje en zijn vader gewond raakten. Er zijn al meerdere initiatieven gestart, zei een woordvoerster van de gemeente. Zo zijn volgens haar op de toonbanken van winkels in de binnenstad spaarpotjes neergezet, waarin gedoneerd kan worden. Ook is op internet een actie gestart op doneeractie.nl. Hier was maandag aan het eind van de middag al bijna 4000 euro binnen.

9 Dec 17:17 RD.nl 6406779842121284010.html
Alle verdachten groepsverkrachtingen vrij

Zes van de acht verdachten die nog vastzaten voor groepsverkrachtingen van tienermeisjes in Den Bosch komen ook vrij. De zes zijn maandag voorgeleid aan de rechter-commissaris en die bepaalde dat er onvoldoende reden was ze nog langer vast te houden. Twee andere verdachten kwamen vrijdag al vrij.

9 Dec 17:41 RD.nl 6406779841458549497.html
Venezuela Military Uprising

Due to security concerns, lieutenant colonels Illich Sánchez and Rafael Soto wouldn’t reveal their location, or say exactly when or how they left Venezuela. “We want to clarify to all of the Venezuelan people that the decision taken April 30 was in fulfillment of the constitution, the republic's

9 Dec 17:50 Yahoo 7097669638124347691.html
Chakkulathukavu Pongala today

Devotees to offer Pongala on the temple premises, its 50-km radius

9 Dec 17:49 The Hindu 6679535024263680218.html
Esa will erstmals Weltraumschrott einfangen

Weltraumschrott - ein Riesenproblem für die Raumfahrt. Jetzt will die Esa erstmals eine ausgediente Raketenstufe im All einfangen und beseitigen. Der Start der von Darmstadt aus betreuten Roboter-Mission ist für 2025 geplant.

9 Dec 17:42 hessenschau.de 6403292203675946944.html
Protest against book

DC book Fair closed down temporarily in Kannur

9 Dec 17:52 The Hindu 6679535025540026945.html
Lepotni recepti petih elementov

Recepti tradicionalne kitajske medicine so lahko nadvse učinkoviti, tudi lepotni, čeprav so presenetljivo drugačni od naših. Ne temeljijo samo na izdelkih, temveč predvsem na skrivnostih azijske ...

9 Dec 17:53 Slovenske novice 5901956563407228714.html
Juraron los nuevos diputados provinciales

Se realizó esta mañana en la Legislatura provincial la sesión preparatoria, en la cual juraron los nuevos diputados provinciales.

9 Dec 17:48 El Patagónico 8565457046289364696.html
Kalifornien, das verschwundene Recyclingparadies

Recycling entwickelt sich in Kalifornien zu einem enormen Geschäft – zu Lasten der Verbraucher. Jetzt soll das Pfandsystem erneuert werden.

9 Dec 17:04 Handelsblatt 4721373939914407298.html

Meghan Markle recorre a vários métodos para recuperar a boa forma física. Saiba quais

9 Dec 17:45 Revista VIP 3507812780274689365.html
Hackerangriff auf Uni vermutet

Hochschule in Gießen nimmt Server vom Netz und schaltet Ermittlungsbehörden ein.

9 Dec 17:38 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322628616695.html
Renaissance Services restructures its share capital

The Board of Directors of Renaissance Services invited all shareholders to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting

9 Dec 17:14 Times of Oman 5168079154985704573.html
Complications of advertising

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I don’t know which half.

9 Dec 17:00 Lancashire Post 6469275855451728335.html
Novas tecnologias digitais aumentam produtividade de empresas

Indústria 4.0 é um termo recente que explica a aplicação das novas tecnologias

9 Dec 17:11 R10 3167340813372560338.html
iPhone soll Anschluss verlieren

Apple plant offenbar, ein iPhone auf den Markt zu bringen, das keine Kabelverbindungen mehr eingeht. Außerdem soll das Unternehmen für das Frühjahr 2021 ein schickes iPhone SE 2 Plus vorbereiten, dessen Fingerabdrucksensor an sehr ungewohnter Stelle sitzt.

9 Dec 16:07 n-tv 6802689755324361404.html
Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo não vai passar o Natal com a família na Madeira

9 Dec 16:00 Revista VIP 3507812780216130923.html
Firmen fordern Kontrolle

Deutsche Unternehmen sollen per Gesetz gezwungen werden, bei der Produktion soziale und ökonomische Standards einzuhalten.

9 Dec 16:41 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593471525208.html
Fliegerbombe nahe Nova Eventis erfolgreich gesprengt

Die am Sonntag bei Dölzig in Sachsen gefundene Fliegerbombe aus dem zweiten Weltkrieg ist erfolgreich gesprengt worden. Der 250-Kilo-Sprengsatz war am Sonntag von Hobbysuchern gefunden worden. Am Montagmorgen begann dann die Evakuierung des Ortes nahe des Einkaufszentrums Nova ...

9 Dec 16:15 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110133971057.html
Gene Therapy

VGXI sued Aldevron in federal court, claiming it stole its patented methods of making gene therapies for Zika and Ebola viruses and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS.

9 Dec 16:04 Courthouse News Service 1799505149926835480.html
Transportistas suspenden traslados de personas con discapacidad

Exigen a la provincia y a la Nación el pago de seis meses de servicios que se adeudan.

9 Dec 16:24 La Capital 7472053046325905698.html
Rupee climbs

But so does debt It has been a rough ride for the PTI government in terms of the economic issues it has had to face. The slide of the rupee against the US dollar, record inflation, ri

9 Dec 16:27 Pakistan Today 6621510368479644951.html
Tischtennis: Durchwachsene Donzdorfer Leistung

Verbandsligist TG Donzdorf holt aus zwei Begegnungen nur einen Punkt, hat aber weiterhin alle Chancen auf den Aufstieg.

9 Dec 16:47 swp.de 6929179440622681168.html
Bijeenkomst rouwverwerking en partnerverlies

Een bijeenkomst voor mensen die hun partner zijn verloren. Donderdag 12 december 19:30 – 21:30 uur, georganiseerd door MeerVoormekaar Wijchen. 1e verdieping van ‘t Mozaïek Wijchen. Gratis, graag wel even aanmelden via a.deboer@meervoormekaar.nl

9 Dec 16:02 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807535090924913.html
Voor Kerst duidelijkheid over verkoop Pepergasthuis

Voor de kerstdagen komt er duidelijkheid over de toekomst van het Pepergasthuis in Groningen. Dat bleek tijdens de hoorzitting die vanmiddag over het monumentale complex werd gehouden.

9 Dec 16:40 RTV Noord 3728677367074811810.html
Killed Journalists

Down from 95 journalist killings in 2018, the International Federation of Journalists reported Monday that 49 journalists have been killed so far this year.

9 Dec 16:51 Courthouse News Service 1799505148988150165.html
Riccardo Mutis Wiener Klangspektakel

Die Wiener Philharmoniker spielten Strawinski, Beethoven und Respighi.

9 Dec 16:30 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440291865644.html
Ada Kekhawatiran dalam Amandemen Konstitusi

Golkar dan Demokrat berpendapat belum perlunya mengamandemen konstitusi untuk mengatur haluan negara karena khawatir materi amandemen melebar ke hal-hal lain. Kalau amandemen hanya menyangkut haluan negara masih dapat diatur melalui UU tersendiri, seperti yang sudah diatur dalam UU 25/2004.

9 Dec 16:30 hukumonline.com 2042817839591548858.html
Linux na smartfonima

Više od 90 odsto mobilnog tržišta čine pametni telefoni na samo dva operativna sistema - Android i iOS. Iako postoje i drugi, kao što su Sailfish i KaiOS, oni se uglavnom nalaze na telefonima slabijih karakteristika.

9 Dec 16:09 Dnevni list Danas 649654641338396212.html
Vulkanausbruch: Vermutlich Deutsche unter Verletzten

Berlin - Bei dem Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland sind vermutlich deutsche Touristen verletzt worden. «Wir müssen davon ausgehen, dass Deutsche unter den

9 Dec 16:16 stern.de 4680145938042839607.html
Regionalligist Wacker Nordhausen stellt Insolvenzantrag

Fußball-Regionalligist FSV Wacker Nordhausen hat einen Insolvenzantrag gestellt. Das bestätigte das Amtsgericht Mühlhausen am Montag der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Die Spielbetriebs GmbH ist zahlungsunfähig. Bereits in der vergangenen Woche hatte der Vereinsvorstand dem Geschäftsführer der Spielbetriebs GmbH, Nico Kleofas, den Insolvenzantrag ...

9 Dec 16:14 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108936539300.html
Trump impeachment hearing interrupted by protester

The US Judiciary Committee is to vote soon on two or more charges of abuse of power, bribery and obstruction against US President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 16:06 Shropshire Star 3480199992183166382.html
Flohmarkt Lager

Inside the corridors of this flea market, visitors are sure to find some obscure and odd treasures.

9 Dec 16:53 Atlas Obscura 58081916906143457.html
Presiden Jokowi siapkan Perpres Berantas Tubercolosis

KBRN,   Jakarta : Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menerima delegasi aksi stop Tuberculosis (TBC) dunia di Istana Merdeka,   Jakarta,   Senin (09/12/2019). Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Presiden Jokowi

9 Dec 16:13 RRI News Portal 6700853645966350209.html
Securities Fraud

Sweden-based Ericsson (Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson) and its subsidiaries made $427 million from paying $62 million in bribes to government officials in Saudi Arabia, China and Djibouti, the SEC claims in federal court.

9 Dec 16:00 Courthouse News Service 1799505149419459491.html
Antwerpse CBD-winkels worden vergunningsplichtig

Het college van burgemeester en schepenen van de stad Antwerpen legt enkele wijzigingen aan het uitbatingsreglement ter goedkeuring voor aan de gemeenteraad.

9 Dec 16:13 atv 2365892511773538128.html
Trump impeachment hearing interrupted by protester

The US Judiciary Committee is to vote soon on two or more charges of abuse of power, bribery and obstruction against US President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 16:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774264747438.html
Trump impeachment hearing interrupted by protester

The US Judiciary Committee is to vote soon on two or more charges of abuse of power, bribery and obstruction against US President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 16:06 Express & Star 7324224459729343918.html
Alle verdachten groepsverkrachtingen vrij

DEN BOSCH (ANP) - Zes van de acht verdachten die nog vastzaten voor groepsverkrachtingen van tienermeisjes in Den Bosch komen ook vrij. De zes zijn maandag voorgeleid aan de rechter-commissaris en die bepaalde dat er onvoldoende reden was ze nog langer vast te houden. Twee andere verdachten kwamen vrijdag al vrij.

9 Dec 16:55 Nieuws.nl 2419030131070239654.html
Kroatien och Turkiet bojkottar Nobelprisceremonin

Kroatiens ambassadör är den senaste i raden som bojkottar Nobelprisceremonin.

9 Dec 16:52 DN.SE 398730693972628124.html

В рамках программы «Мой бизнес» на МТВ ведущий Евгений Ломовцев пообщался с руководителем коммуникационного агентства PUSHKA TEAM – Ильей Лустиным и исполнительным директором Марией Ромащенко.

9 Dec 16:20 МТВ.онлайн 2263001587764142472.html

Shareholders say in a federal class action that Fitbit issued a false and misleading proxy statement for its proposes $2.1 billion merger with Google, at $7.35 a share.

9 Dec 16:06 Courthouse News Service 1799505149263693527.html
Vladimir Petkovic zieht eine positive Jahresbilanz

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:07 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776590337365.html
Cannabis Fraud

Jeffrey Own Friedman, of Colorado, will pay $4.2 million to settle charges of fraudulently promoting and selling shares in his marijuana companies, Global Corporate Strategies and Intiva Pharma fka Marijuana Brands, the SEC said.

9 Dec 16:02 Courthouse News Service 1799505150102550169.html
Italijanska piletina

Uz ovo meso možete da poslužite povrće kao prilog.

9 Dec 16:39 N1 Srbija 7797130866675605214.html
Prosecutors Say Harvey Weinstein Allegedly Violated Release Conditions

Harvey Weinstein may be in more trouble, as prosecutors are now saying he violated the conditions of his release. As a result, prosecutors are aski...

9 Dec 16:05 VLADTV 1404406306424380076.html
Grosse Erwartungen in neuen Autobahnanschluss Aesch

Die Gemeinde erhofft sich eine Entlastung des Dorfkerns vom Durchgangsverkehr - auch das Gewerbe freut sich.

9 Dec 16:41 SRF 8424707180690341952.html
Cosmic manifestation

Krishna is known as Vaasudeva, son of Vasudeva. But the term Vaasudeva is already well known in the Vedas and denotes the “One who dwells deep inside all beings and the One in whom all beings and thin

9 Dec 16:29 The Hindu 6679535024406237544.html
Screenplay Bumilangit Bergabung dengan Asosiasi Perusahaan Film Indonesia

Rumah produksi ternama Screenplay Bumilangit bergabung dengan Asosiasi Perusahaan Film Indonesia (APFI).

9 Dec 16:30 liputan6.com 3414318496000158896.html
Dienstautos der Landespolitiker schneiden schlecht ab

Die Umwelthilfe hat den CO 2 -Ausstoß von Minister-Dienstwagen verglichen: Baden-Württemberg liegt auf dem vorletzten Platz. Größter Umweltsünder der Bundesminister...

9 Dec 16:22 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426853743689.html
Saudi-Arabien beendet Geschlechtertrennung in Restaurants

Männer und Frauen dürfen in Restaurants und Cafés in Saudi-Arabien künftig denselben Eingang nutzen.

9 Dec 16:42 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426989717318.html
Jubiläumsgottesdienst des Kirchenchors Biberist-Gerlafingen

Am 1. Adventssonntag feierte der Kirchenchor in der festlich dekorierten Kirche sein 120-jähriges Jubiläum. Unter der Leitung unseres Dirigenten Thomas Zürcher und 10 Gastsängern übte und probte der Chor die Mariazeller Messe von Josef Haydn.

9 Dec 16:10 bz BASEL 5287163741437985230.html
Gevangenissen gaan opnieuw staken

De christelijke en socialistische vakbonden roepen op tot een 24 urenstaking in alle gevangenissen vanaf woensdag 11 december 22 uur. De vakbonden hadden v...

9 Dec 16:13 De Standaard 2288913868929552615.html
McLaren evaluating India entry

British supercar maker McLaren is looking to expand to our market in the coming years. Click here for all the details.

9 Dec 16:07 Autocar India 1039296989541078476.html
Chinese game laat spelers Hongkongse demonstranten aanvallen

Een onbekende Chinese maker heeft een gratis game ontwikkeld waarin je als speler Hongkongse demonstranten moet aanvallen. De game lijkt een antwoord te zijn op een eerdere game gemaakt in Hongkong, waarin demonstranten rubberen kogels en traangasbussen moeten ontwijken. Al maanden protesteert een brede beweging in de semi-autonome stadstaat Hongkong tegen de invloed van China.

9 Dec 16:00 Zita 7484176339783587010.html
Changements de monte

Les Commissaires ont autorisé le remplacement du jockey Clément FRECELLE (retardé) par le jockey Antoine WIELS sur la pouliche GALISKA MESLOISE.

9 Dec 09:51 Paris Turf 1695193992907877021.html
Novas tecnologias digitais aumentam produtividade de empresas

Indústria 4.0 é um termo recente que explica a aplicação das novas tecnologias nos principais processos industriais

9 Dec 09:50 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628698898927398.html
Teslas Cybertruck auf Spritztour gefilmt

Der US-Autobauer Tesla hat einen Elektro-Pick-up vorgestellt. Ein Prototyp des Fahrzeugs ist nun auf den Strassen aufgetaucht.

9 Dec 09:59 20 Minuten 5741369452435054519.html
Tussenring afgesloten na aanrijding

Bij een ernstige aanrijding op de Tussenring in Almere zijn volgens de politie twee gewonden gevallen. Zeker twee auto's zijn op elkaar gereden.

9 Dec 09:02 omroep flevoland 658614617895656223.html
Otelo verdoppelt LTE-Geschwindigkeit

Die Vodafone-Tochter Otelo hat aktuell eine Tarifaktion aufgelegt. Im Rahmen der Aktion verdoppelt der Anbieter die LTE-Geschwindigkeit für seine Tarife.

9 Dec 09:48 mobiFlip.de 5208441549152159781.html
Front Porch


9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408582628922.html
Vier Schwyzer Polizisten wegen Amtsmissbrauchs angeklagt

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 09:00 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776563859890.html
Gli Investitori Istituzionali prevedono una crisi finanziaria

Gli investitori hanno indicato la volatilità, il prosieguo del contesto di rendimenti storicamente bassi.

9 Dec 09:26 Trend Online 3268043280461112774.html
Totalschaden wegen Postauto

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 09:40 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775407654889.html
Koch-Duell endetim Krankenhaus

Für „Kitchen Impossible“ schickte Tim Mälzer seinen Herausforderer nach Asien. Doch dem schlug die Stippvisite gehörig auf den Magen …

9 Dec 09:54 Bild 8433249908551094748.html
Turkije stuurt vermoedelijke jihadisten terug

Turkije heeft elf Franse vermoedelijke jihadisten teruggestuurd naar Frankrijk. Ze zijn eerder in Turkije gearresteerd verdacht van lidmaatschap van de terreurbeweging Islamitische Staat.

9 Dec 09:15 RD.nl 6406779842126787728.html
Horma Kanyonu Kastamonu turizmini parlatacak

- Kanyonları ile ünlü Kastamonu'nun Pınarbaşı ilçesinde kayalara vidalarla çivilenen ahşap platform sayesinde gezilebilen ve doğal güzellikleri ile ilgi çeken Horma Kanyonu'nun girişine 3 milyon liralık yatırımla sosyal donatı alanları yapılacak - Pınarbaşı Belediye Başkanı Şenol Yaşar: -

9 Dec 09:08 61 SAAT 7475575988485278035.html
Ermittler behandeln Attacke als Terrorakt

Der Angriff eines saudischen Soldaten auf einer US-Militärbasis in Florida lässt weiterhin viele Fragen offen - etwa die nach dem genauen Motiv des Täters. Ermittler behandeln die Tat aber inzwischen als Terrorakt.

9 Dec 09:56 tagesschau.de 5441171424614485311.html
Exergy helps insurers overcome complexities surrounding Debicheck

Exergy automates the Debicheck mandate process for insurers who have already implemented it.

9 Dec 09:06 ITWeb 642894139242298797.html
Demokraten treiben Vorbereitungen zu Impeachment-Verfahren voran

Die Vorstellung der bisherigen Untersuchungsergebnisse erfolgt am Montag.

9 Dec 09:49 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441634992720.html
Ein gefiedertes Leben

Der Puppenspieler Caroll Spinney hat den mitfühlenden Vogel Bibo geschaffen. Was für eine Lebensleistung. Wem wäre ähnliches gelungen?

9 Dec 09:48 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593728583416.html
Macron eyes European leadership

If the U.S. declines play a uniting role in the democratic world, more parochial, divisive visions will come to the fore.

9 Dec 09:14 The Japan Times 6673764367539936129.html
Pescadores en apuros

Cuatro pescadores de la agencia no. 8 de Santiago de Cuba, perteneciente a la Empresa Consignataria Mambisa, nos escriben precisando que brindan sus servicios en las embarcaciones VIII y IX de esa agencia y no han recibido el presupuesto de alimentación de la cuota hombre mar

9 Dec 09:36 Trabajadores 1167277447114874246.html
Cerimonia di accoglienza dei diciottenni aTorrevecchia

Alla presenza del prefetto Giacomo Barbato, del professore di Diritto Costituzionale all'Università di Bari (e sindaco di Ari) Marcello Salerno e del sindaco Francesco Seccia, i diciottenni di Torrevecchia Teatina sono stati accolti dalla cittadinanza per il loro "ingresso" a pieno titolo nel mondo dei diritti e dei doveri.

9 Dec 09:25 ChietiToday 1729130452293151091.html
Pemberantasan Korupsi Tanggung Jawab Global

KBRN, Jakarta : Pemberantasan korupsi merupakan tanggung jawab global. Artinya, semua negara di dunia berkepentingan untuk pemberantasan korupsi, dan apabila ada negara yang tidak bertanggung

9 Dec 09:20 RRI News Portal 6700853644334561752.html
Libre cours

Par Naïm Kamal. Chakib Benmoussa que le Roi Mohammed VI vient de nommer pour présider et animer la Commission en charge du nouveau modèle de développement sait ce qu’il lui reste à faire. Faire discuter jusqu’à épuisement ses futurs partenaires au sein de la commission et jeter noir sur blanc le...

9 Dec 09:57 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398351549106981.html
PRI announces 2020 Beijing Nadcap meeting

In February 2020, the Nadcap programme will conduct a full meeting in Beijing, China.

9 Dec 11:10 Aerospace Manufacturing Magazine 3920112958320281812.html
Banksy: il murale delle renne con il senzatetto commuove Instagram

Un video pubblicato su Instagram da Banksy commuove ed emoziona i follower dello street artist inglese. Un nuovo murale è apparso a Birmingham: due renne trainano una panchina, reale non disegnata, dove riposa un senzatetto. Ripreso in un video condiviso sui social con la canzone natalizia “I’ll be home for Christmas” cantata da Joy Williams, come colonna sonora. Boom di like e commenti per il post che l'artista di Bristol ha accompagnato con le seguenti parole: "Dio benedica Birmingham. Nei 20 minuti in cui abbiamo filmato Ryan su questa panchina, i passanti gli hanno offerto una bevanda calda, due barrette di cioccolato e un accendino, senza che lui chiedesse mai niente".

9 Dec 16:00 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187852907222.html
China Arahkan Peralatan Dan Perisian Komputer Asing Disingkirkan Dari Institusinya

Kerajaan China dilaporkan telah mengarahkan supaya semua peralatan dan perisian komputer asing dikeluarkan dari pejabat kerajaan dan institusi awam dalam […]

9 Dec 08:30 INTRADAY 6806088667080988634.html
Dompet Dhuafa Ajak Masyarakat Berperan Aktif Tanggulangi Kemiskinan

KBRN, Jakarta : Selama ini, peran berbagai lapisan masyarakat membantu pemerintah menanggulangi kemiskinan patut diapresiasi bersama untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan. Beraneka ragam situasi dan

9 Dec 10:38 RRI News Portal 6700853646222391680.html
Sistem Pencegahan Korupsi Jateng Jadi Terbaik Nasional

Provinsi Jawa Tengah kembali mendapat penghargaan dalam hal pencegahan korupsi di peringatan hari anti korupsi sedunia tahun 2019.

9 Dec 16:40 liputan6.com 3414318497434283500.html
Pentingnya Pendidikan Antikorupsi Sejak Usia Dini

KBRN, Denpasar : Perjanjian Antikorupsi pertama di dunia ditandatangani di Merdia, Meksiko pada 9-11 Desember 2003. Waktu penandatanganan perjanjian tersebut, kini diperingati sebagai Hari

9 Dec 11:47 RRI News Portal 6700853644956652821.html
Kalteng Dukung BKKBN untuk Tingkatkan Kualitas Keluarga

KBRN, Palangkaraya : Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Fahrizal Fitri mengatakan pihaknya di Kalteng tidak membicarakan jumlah anak, namun tetap akan mendukung program BKKBN terkait

9 Dec 13:58 RRI News Portal 6700853645114641546.html
Haurreskolak Partzuergoaren negoziazio mahaitik altxatu da LAB, kudeaketa arloko aferagatik

EAEko Haurreskolak Partzuergoa sektorearen negoziazio mahaia batu da astelehen honetan Bilbon, 2018an LABekin sinatu zuen akordioan oraindik garatz...

9 Dec 16:27 naiz: 7509038602977390916.html
Manajer Arsenal Pilihan Direktur Teknik Klub

Edu menilai kalau Patrick Vieira adalah sosok yang paling tepat untuk menangani Arsenal. Namun, penilainnya tersebut belum mendapat tanggapan dari petinggi Arsenal.

9 Dec 09:45 Bola.com 1695722603191874249.html
Curtin University-Unair Telusuri Jejak Sejarah Inggrisan Banyuwangi

Menurut Irfan, ada kisah historis yang cukup kuat antara Broome dan Banyuwangi. Kedua kota ini pernah terhubung pada 1889 melalui kabel telegram bawah laut yang dibentangkan dari Banyuwangi ke Broom. Kabel ini ditarik dengan kapal selama 10 hari.

9 Dec 11:43 merdeka.com 1998180355082787210.html
Retrospeksi Road Safety: Kepedulian kepada Korban Kecelakaan Kendaraan Bermotor

Kegiatan "Retrospeksi Road Safety" diadakan di Stadion Patriot Chandra Bagha, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, pada Minggu (8/12). Acara ini menampilkan testimoni dari beberapa korban kecelakaan baik dalam bentuk audio visual (video thriller) maupun testimoni yang disampaikan langsung saat acara.

9 Dec 16:21 merdeka.com 1998180355614759735.html
Bosch und Daimler starten Test ihres automatisierten Mitfahrdienstes

Mit einem Mitfahrservice in der kalifornischen Stadt San José testen Bosch und Daimler ihre gemeinsam entwickelte Technik für selbstfahrende Autos.

9 Dec 13:13 finanzen.net 2053223362307312715.html
Pejabat AS Khawatir Handphone Presiden Trump Disadap Intelijen Rusia

Komite intelijen Gedung Putih merilis serangkaian catatan telepon pada awal pekan ini sebagai bagian dari penyelidikan terkait rencana pemakzulan.

9 Dec 10:27 Tribunnews.com 3323534445568161971.html
Photo Gallery: EAC Inter-Parliamentary games

Uganda is hosting the EAC Inter-Parliamentary games

9 Dec 16:31 New Vision 9103146373337085964.html
BUMN Percaya Kaum Disabilitas Mampu Berkontribusi Setara

WE Online, Jakarta - Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) Arief Mulyadi mengemukakan, para karyawan yang berkebutuhan khusus (disabilitas), selama ini tidak mengalami diskriminasi, selama kompetensi pekerjaan di bidangnya sesuai, dan kinerjanya baik. Walapun ada perhatian dan perlakuan khusus yang dapat diberikan oleh perusahaan, namun dalam keseharian tidak diperlihatkan atau disampaikan/dijanjikan.

9 Dec 13:20 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835310066537.html
Saudi eliminates gender-segregated entrances for eateries

Restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia are no longer required to have gender-segregated entrances, officials said, in a further easing of social restrictions in the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom.

9 Dec 08:50 Digital Journal 4566489172062088982.html
Kabinet wil lachgas verbieden

Lachgas mag binnenkort waarschijnlijk niet meer als roesmiddel worden gebruikt. Het kabinet wil het onder jongeren razend populaire middel verbieden, omdat onderzoekers concluderen dat het gevaarlijker is dan gedacht.

9 Dec 11:59 RTV Noord 3728677367526431943.html
Begini Cara Kaspersky Hadapi Tantangan Keamanan Data Biometrik

Sejalan dengan semakin banyak layanan yang berubah menjadi digital, data biometrik yang unik pun menjadi elemen penting dalam membuka kunci layanan tersebut.

9 Dec 13:30 liputan6.com 3414318496711491551.html
San Telmo Museoak eta Kutxa Fundazioak lankidetza hitzarmen berria sinatu dute

Kutxa Fundazioak kolaboratzaile pribatu gisa laguntzen dio museoari, zaharberritu eta zabaldu zenetik, eta akordio honek esanahi berri bat ematen dio harrema...

9 Dec 13:10 naiz: 7509038604230730383.html
Saudi eliminates gender-segregated entrances for eateries

Restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia are no longer required to have gender-segregated entrances, officials said, in a further easing of social ...

9 Dec 17:19 CNA 5644198863123980823.html
Pekan Film Indonesia Hangatkan Belanda

KBRN, Den Haag : Mengulang kesuksesan pertisipasi pada CinemAsia Film Festival 2018, KBRI Den Haag kembali menggandeng CinemAsia untuk menyelenggarakan 'Indonesian Film Weekend' tahun 2019. Dalam

9 Dec 16:55 RRI News Portal 6700853645023943864.html
Molecular graphenoids make coherent spin centres

Quantum dots in graphene containing pentagonal defects might be used as quantum sensors

9 Dec 09:30 Physics World 8721234135715385584.html
Lachgas wordt een verboden drug

Lachgas wordt verboden voor recreatief gebruik. Staatssecretaris Paul Blokhuis van Volksgezondheid heeft het middel onder de Opiumwet geplaatst na een rapport over de gevolgen van het lachgasgebruik. Volgens de staatssecretaris blijkt uit dat onderzoek dat zelfs beperkt gebruik van lachgas al tot serieuze gezondheidsrisico’s kan leiden. Staatssecretaris Blokhuis en minister Grapperhaus van Justitie en Veiligheid […]

9 Dec 13:02 Crimesite 9119866469939321606.html
Saudi eliminates gender-segregated entrances for eateries

Saudi eliminates gender-segregated entrances for eateries

9 Dec 13:57 Dunya News 5863268919020370940.html
Antwerpen legt voorwaarden op aan cannabiswinkels

Cannabis- of CBD-winkels krijgen strenge voorwaarden opgelegd. De politie stelt vast dat deze winkels het niet altijd zo nauw nemen met de regelgeving.

9 Dec 17:15 Gazet van Antwerpen 7356764475376685614.html
Japanische U-Bahn testet Gesichtserkennung als Ticketersatz

Im Hightechland Japan wird erstmals Technologie zur Gesichtserkennung als Ersatz für Fahrkarten an Bahnsteigsperren getestet. Die U-Bahnbetreibergesellschaft in der Hamburger Partnerstadt Osaka stellte am Montag Reportern an einem Bahnhof das neue Verfahren vor.

9 Dec 10:42 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083232287008.html
Etxe gabezia salatzeko munduan zehar egin zen kanpaldia debekatu zuen Donostiako Udalak

Munduan zehar etxe gabezia salatzeko kanpaldiak egin ziren joan den larunbatean. Donostian, ordea, Arratsek, Hiritarren Harrera Sareak eta SOS Arrazakeriak d...

9 Dec 16:44 naiz: 7509038603175312922.html
Yang Harus Diketahui dari Retribusi IMB

Biaya retribusi IMB saat ini sudah dihitung dengan formulasi yang terstandar secara nasional di masing-masing kabupaten/kota.

9 Dec 10:45 detikfinance 4442190001409774963.html
Festnahme nach Messerattacke in Wiener Neustadt-Land

In Niederösterreich hat sich am Sonntag nicht nur im Weinviertel, sondern auch im Bezirk Wiener Neustadt-Land eine Messerattacke zugetragen. Ein 39-Jähriger soll seinen Schwiegervater schwer verletzt haben, bestätigte Erich Habitzl von der Staatsanwaltschaft Wiener Neustadt auf Anfrage einen Online-Bericht des "Kurier". Der Beschuldigte wurde festgenommen.

9 Dec 13:32 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083827511052.html
Blokhuis verbiedt lachgas door plaatsing onder Opiumwet

Staatssecretaris Blokhuis gaat lachgas voor oneigenlijk recreatief gebruik verbieden door het op lijst II van de Opiumwet te plaatsen.

9 Dec 12:02 Blik op nieuws 5468169447419842100.html
Weekend de Saint Nicolas

Vos photos par Whatsapp au 079 689 20 20

9 Dec 10:51 www.rjb.ch 7386238341950153172.html
Fepade investiga a delegados federales por presuntos delitos electorales

La Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos Electorales inició carpetas de investigación por 17 denuncias interpuestas por miembros de Morena. En las últimas semanas, […]

9 Dec 16:57 Notisistema 1929539243654636727.html
Berkaki Satu Tak Halangi Melissa Stockwell Jadi Atlet Triathlon Profesional

Mantan letnan dalam sejarah milter AS, wanita disabilitas ini jadi atlet triathlon yang memenangkan tiga kejuaraan paralympic.

9 Dec 17:45 liputan6.com 3414318496288116211.html
Saudi removes gender-segregated entrances for eateries

Restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia are no longer required to have gender-segregated entrances, officials said, in a further easing of social restrictions in the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom.

9 Dec 16:44 Deccan Herald 2027555796965186557.html
Bosch und Daimler starten autonomen Taxidienst

Nach Waymo und Uber testen auch deutsche Firmen selbstfahrende Taxiflotten in den USA. Bosch und Daimler geht es dabei nicht nur um die Entwicklung autonomer Autos.

9 Dec 17:42 Golem.de 3063982244112470831.html
Woman charged for assaulting Cebu mall sales clerk

In a viral video, Medelina Yamazaki is heard shouting, 'Don't touch my daughter!' before throwing a humidifier at the face of a sales clerk in the Ayala Center Cebu

9 Dec 10:58 Rappler 1882105642468205356.html
APICORP outlines key recommendations for sustainable growth in Mena

Access to private sector financing and increased energy efficiency amongst key recommendations for sustainable growth of MENA energy sector

9 Dec 17:16 Times of Oman 5168079155977261100.html
Program Wirausahawan Muda Prudential Tingkatkan Kualitas Hidup Anak Muda Papua

Program ini terbukti meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak muda Papua

9 Dec 16:01 liputan6.com 3414318496823978970.html
Jarang Terekspose, Intip Kemesraan Glenn Fredly Manjakan Istri

Glenn Fredly dan Mutia Ayu baru menikah beberapa bulan lalu. Lihat momen kebersamaan mereka berikut ini yuk. - Foto 1

9 Dec 17:40 moms-life 8028540701905346076.html
Indo-Pacific connectivity needs support for good governance

Importantly, common governance rules and standards will address issues of sustainable financing and quality infrastructure, transparency in project preparation and accountability in project execution. 

9 Dec 11:19 The Jakarta Post 7678601103075707972.html
Oud-leden verboden pedoclub Martijn ondergronds actief

Verspreiden tips om kinderen te misbruiken

9 Dec 12:09 ThePostOnline 3048418756236546572.html
Blokhuis verbiedt recreatief gebruik van lachgas

Staatssecretaris Paul Blokhuis gaat lachgas voor oneigenlijk recreatief gebruik verbieden door het op de drugslijst van de Opiumwet te plaatsen. Lachgas wordt steeds vaker als recreatief roesmiddel gebruikt, wat leidt tot risico’s voor de volksgezondheid, overlast en verkeersongevallen. Eigenlijke toepassingen van lachgas, zoals gebruik in slagroomspuiten en in de medische wereld, worden van het verbod vrijgesteld. Dit meldt Rijksoverheid. 

9 Dec 12:10 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743764114188.html
Kletsnatte man onderkoeld uit trein gehaald

Een trein is maandagochtend stilgezet bij station Venlo, omdat verschillende mensen onwel zijn geraakt.

9 Dec 08:03 1limburg 5437278403347332223.html
Jose Mourinho Berniat Datangkan Eks Manchester United ke Tottenham Hotspur

Jose Mourinho dikabarkan berniat mendatangkan eks Manchester United untuk memperkuat Tottenham Hotspur di Liga Inggris pada bursa transfer mendatang.

9 Dec 17:49 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550305611506.html
Passagier erlitt Herzinfarkt an Bord von LaudaMotion-Maschine

Bei Landung in Dublin vorgezogen - Luftlinie weiterhin unter erhöhter Aufsicht der Austro Control.

9 Dec 11:54 Kurier 208072239639640795.html
Diese beiden Frauen absolvierten Ausbildung mit Bravour

Gleich zwei junge Facharbeiterinnen aus dem Bezirk der Industrie- und Handelskammer Halle-Dessau (IHK) sind deutschlandweit die jahrgangsbesten Auszubildenden in ihrem Beruf. Die beiden jungen Frauen aus der Region Halle werden am Montagabend in Berlin ...

9 Dec 16:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110249384479.html
Apple Store Arizona Memenangkan Penghargaan Desain dan Arsitektur

Makemac - Apple Store Scottsdale Fashion Square di Arizona ini memenangkan penghargaan dari The Architect's Newspaper sebagai desain gerai ritel terbaik

9 Dec 15:33 grid.id 2219816953986151496.html
Zestien basisscholen in Amsterdam hele week gesloten vanwege lerarentekort

Deze week houden 16 basisscholen in Amsterdam de hele week de deuren dicht.

9 Dec 11:13 Blik op nieuws 5468169447831558617.html
Arsenal Segera Wawancarai Mikel Arteta

Tim asal London Utara itu kemungkinan besar akan menjadikan Mikel Arteta sebagai manajer baru mereka.

9 Dec 17:40 Bola.net 5489959028087472540.html
DPR Desak Perpres Strategi Nasional Pencegahan Korupsi

KBRN, Jakarta: Ketua DPR Puan Maharani menegaskan pentingnya pencegahan perilaku koruptif kebijakan di pemerintah pusat terkait Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) 2019 Untuk pencegahan hal ini,

9 Dec 12:19 RRI News Portal 6700853645339794367.html
Republican counsel appears to disregard previous testimony about Ukraine during impeachment hearing

Republican lawyer Steve Castor seemed to forget about some previous impeachment testimony during his own appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Monday. Castor argued that Ukraine didn't feel pressure from President Trump to investigate his domestic political arrivals and that the country's government wasn't even aware of a freeze in U.S. military aid until the end of August. Previous witnesses in the House Intelligence Committee's hearings, however, had a different story. Their testimony claimed that at least some Ukrainian officials knew about the hold up the same day as Trump's infamous call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which spurred the impeachment process. How strange that Castor repeats the argument that the Ukrainians didn’t know the aid was withheld until late August, when we have documents and testimony dating it to July 25 if not earlier. — Blake News (@blakehounshell) December 9, 2019 #CastorLiesCastor: Ukraine officials "did not learn it was paused until the pause was reported…

9 Dec 16:38 The Week 149215355260436706.html
Penjual Wajib Berizin Usaha Bertentangan Dengan Omnibus Law

Omnibus law mempermudah izin usaha sementara PMSE mewajibkan toko online memiliki izin usaha.

9 Dec 08:26 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213210845436.html
Belajar Pancasila ala Sekolah Pancasila Muda

"Kita di tahun 2045 nanti akan menghadapi ledakan pemuda, yang mana anak-anak Sekolah Pancasila Muda ini harus menjadi agen di masa itu," kata dia dalam sambutannya, dalam siaran persnya, Senin (9/12).

9 Dec 16:20 merdeka.com 1998180356094576303.html
Harare Hospital not closed

Harare Central Hospital is not closed and is still providing services to patients needing emergency care just like all the other four central hospitals.This is ...

9 Dec 17:25 Bulawayo24 News 5565663539675413140.html
Ministries, institutions discuss measures for Mekong conservation

Members of relevant ministries and institutions gathered on Friday and Saturday to discuss the importance of the Mekong to Cambodia from a policy standpoint and how the government can best work together to ensure the conservation of the river.

9 Dec 16:24 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766114226070940.html
Radiasi iPhone Dinilai Melebihi Batas Aturan, Apple Terima Tuntutan

Makemac - Beberapa unit iPhone seperti iPhone 7 plus, iPhone 8, dan iPhone XR dinilai mengeluarkan radiasi yang melebihi batas.

9 Dec 09:20 grid.id 2219816954571399409.html
Aturan Terbaru Airbnb untuk Tamu Nakal

Airbnb mengambil tindakan untuk melarang pengadaan pesta dan hukuman untuk tamu nakal yang menyewa akomodasi melalui situs itu.

9 Dec 08:10 detikTravel 7712517351117712608.html
Rabobank sluit voorlopig geen geldautomaten ondanks plofkraak in Tubbergen

De Rabobank haalt vooralsnog geen geldautomaten weg uit dorpen en steden, na de plofkraakpogingen in Tubbergen en het Limburgse Baarlo. Beide automaten zijn van de Rabobank, die in 2017 al maatregelen aankondigde om geldautomaten beter te beschermen en criminelen te ontmoedigen. Bij de beide plofkraakpogingen werd geen geld buitgemaakt.

9 Dec 09:15 RTV Oost 6509131171434026318.html
Presiden Tidak Tutup Kemungkinan Masukkan Klausul Hukuman Mati Koruptor

KBRN, Jakarta: Indonesia masih menjadi salah satu negara diantara banyak negara yang kerap memerangi korupsi. Regulasi untuk tindak pidana korupsi di Indonesia pun dirasa masih kurang mumpuni.

9 Dec 11:44 RRI News Portal 6700853645726468526.html
JetBrains lanceert eigen project management platform Space

JetBrains heeft het nieuwe project management platform Space gelanceerd. Alle gegevens die een team nodig heeft om te werken worden op één plek opgeslagen, terwijl software-ontwikkelingstools communicatie- en identiteitsondersteuning zijn geïntegreerd.  Het gaat hier onder meer om ontwikkelingstools als broncodebeheer, code review en browsing, continue integratie, levering en implementatie, pakketrepository’s, issue tracking, planningstools en projectdocumentatie, […]

9 Dec 09:15 Techzine 1792892597551351696.html
Saudi eliminates gender-segregated entrances for eateries

The latest reform was hailed by young Saudis but dismissed by arch-conservatives on social media, with one Twitter user saying it went against sharia, or Islamic...

9 Dec 12:29 New Vision 9103146371988121001.html
Saudi Arabia ends gender-segregated entrances for restaurants

Restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia are no longer required to have gender-segregated entrances, officials said, in a further easing of social...

9 Dec 10:31 DAILY SABAH 8383944809318425492.html
Viral Atlet Selancar Filipina Selamatkan Nyawa Peselancar Indonesia Dapat Pujian dari Jokowi

WE Online, Manila - Presiden Republik Indonesia, Joko Widodo atau Jokowi ikut memberikan tanggapan terkait aksi heroik yang dilakukan peselancar Filipina, Roger Casugay kepada peselancar Indonesia, Arip Hidayat di ajang SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:45 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834505740619.html
Presiden Ingin Pemberantasan Korupsi Lebih Fokus, Tidak Sporadis

KBRN, Jakarta : Presiden Joko Widodo hingga saat ini memang masih belum memutuskan apakah akan mengeluarkan Perppu KPK, pasca berlakunya UU KPK yang baru hasil revisi UU KPK. Sejauh ini, Kepala

9 Dec 12:50 RRI News Portal 6700853644926577375.html
Aita Mari ontziko ordezkariei harrera egin diete Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusietan

Aita Mari untziko ordezkari Iñigo Mijangos, Iñigo Gutierrez eta Nerea Machadori harrera egin die Gipuzkoako Batzar Nagusietako presidente Xabie...

9 Dec 17:53 naiz: 7509038602677341780.html
Wireguard in Linux-Kernel eingepflegt

Nach der Aufnahme des angepassten Krypto-Codes ist auch die VPN-Technik Wireguard in einen wichtigen Entwicklungszweig des Linux-Kernels eingepflegt worden. Wireguard erscheint

9 Dec 15:26 Golem.de 3063982246066636812.html
Krottendorfer Sieg in der Weizer Eishalle

Die Krottendorfer Eisschützenmannschaft konnte sich in der noch jungen Wintersaison bereits zum zweiten Mal in Folge den Turniersieg in der Weizer Eishalle sichern.

9 Dec 16:56 meinbezirk.at 5267640333877824949.html
Exercise improves key measures of cardiovascular health

Eight months of daily, afterschool physical activity in previously inactive 8- to 11-year-olds with obesity and overweight improved key measures of their cardiovascular health like good cholesterol levels, aerobic fitness and percent body fat, but didn't improve others like arterial stiffness, an early indicator of cardiovascular risk, investigators report.

9 Dec 15:40 News-Medical.net 4522523032000788826.html
Central bank changes required reserve regulations

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) on Monday lowered the reference values it uses to determine required reserve ratios for banks, while...

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944809161564377.html
Isytihar Islam agama Persekutuan kurangkan sifat sekular negara

Oleh Siti Hafidah Abd Ghaffar BANGI, 13 Rabiulakhir 1441H, Selasa– Perkara 3 yang termaktub di dalam Perlembagaan meletakkan agama Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan kini dilihat semakin kerap diserang selepas Pakatan Harapan (PH) memenangi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU-14). Pengerusi Sukarelawan Malaysia, Isham Abdul Jalil berkata, ini kerana ramai pemimpin politik PH mempersoalkan keperluan mengisytiharkan Perkara …

9 Dec 17:13 Portal Islam dan Melayu | ISMAWeb 660427083947704027.html
Groot verdriet in Middelstum om overlijden Schollema: Decembermarkt afgelast

Middelstum is in rouw na het plotselinge overlijden van oud-burgemeester Meindert Schollema. De Handelsvereniging heeft de Decembermarkt van aankomende vrijdag afgelast.

9 Dec 15:17 RTV Noord 3728677366093166382.html
Donald Trump Sebut Huawei Sebagai Ancaman Keamanan

Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS), Donald Trump, menyatakan Huawei adalah ancaman keamanan.

9 Dec 10:30 liputan6.com 3414318496558123963.html
Waspadai Gejala Diabetes, Pahami Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasinya

Diabetes merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan tingginya kadar gula dalam darah. Penyakit ini harus segera diatasi dan tak bisa dianggap sepele

9 Dec 14:45 Bola.net 5489959029574420840.html
Verkeerschaos rond Parijs houdt aan door staking tegen pensioenhervorming

De aanhoudende staking tegen de pensioenhervorming in Frankrijk heeft in de omgeving van Parijs ook maandag honderden kilometers file veroorzaakt. Rond 8 uur 's morgens stond er 600 kilometer file,...

9 Dec 08:10 HLN 8967494996871780007.html
Agung Prasetya Rosihan Umar Jabat Kepala RRI Sungailiat

KBRN, Sungailiat : Drs. Agung Prasetya Rosihan Umar resmi menjabat Kepala RRI Sungailiat menggantikan Drs. Harianto, M. Si yang akan menjalankan tugas barunya sebagai Kepala RRI Banda Aceh.

9 Dec 11:54 RRI News Portal 6700853646166463890.html
Cristiano Ronaldo Akui Tinggalkan Real Madrid Sebuah Kesalahan

Cristiano Ronaldo tampaknya telah  menyesali keputusannya untuk tinggalkan Real Madrid dan memulai petualangannya di Italia bersama Juventus., Liga Italia

9 Dec 08:13 Gilabola.com 481785380066103939.html
Gedetineerde die celgenoot doodde in gevangenis Sint-Gillis onder aanhoudingsbevel geplaatst

In het onderzoek naar de dood van een gedetineerde in de gevangenis van Sint-Gillis, vorige week, is een andere gedetineerde door de onderzoeksrechter onder aanhoudingsbevel geplaatst. Dat meldt he...

9 Dec 10:46 HLN 8967494997648720003.html
EU-Kommission genehmigt europäisches Batterieprojekt

Deutschland und Frankreich wollen gemeinsam die Batteriezellproduktion in Europa ankurbeln. Eine Akku-Fabrik von Opel und Peugeot könnte in Kaiserslautern entstehen.

9 Dec 13:27 Golem.de 3063982245259498919.html
Erneuter Vandalismus an Autos in Rothenschirmbach

Wieder zerstörte Autoscheiben: In Rothenschirmbach sind erneut mehrere Fahrzeuge beschädigt worden. Das bestätigte die Polizei am Montag auf Anfrage der MZ.

9 Dec 17:28 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110516920110.html
Lakewood and Darrington athletes receive all-league honors

A look at the Lakewood and Darrington athletes who were named to their respective all-league teams.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408141415845.html
Buhari orders Accountant General publish daily treasury statement

President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered the Accountant General of the Federation (AGF) to publish a Daily Treasury Statement that will provide information...

9 Dec 14:28 Vanguard News 4125100338838037880.html
AVA wil onderzoek naar mogelijkheden politiebureau Amstelveen Zuid

AMSTELVEEN – Actief Voor Amstelveen (AVA) wil dat er onderzoek wordt gedaan naar de leegstand van en mogelijkheden voor het politiebureau aan de Zetterij 6. Ze verzoeken het college van B en W om zowel een scenario van huur en verhuur als van koop door de gemeente uit te werken. Op 11 december dient de …

9 Dec 13:38 RTVA 4011379849879767183.html
Komisi VI Pertanyakan Industri Otomotif dan Elektronik Tidak Masuk Prioritas

KBRN, Jakarta : Anggota Komisi VI DPR RI, Baidowi mempertanyakan kepada Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang terkait industri otomotif dan elektronik tidak masuk program prioritas Kemenperin

9 Dec 16:01 RRI News Portal 6700853644469777887.html
Pakketbezorgers veroorzaken veel overlast in het verkeer

Pakketbezorgers rijden en parkeren niet altijd even netjes en veroorzaken volgens Veilig Verkeer Nederland (VVN) veel overlast in het verkeer.

9 Dec 10:30 DutchCowboys 8617317428124872499.html
Pramugari Garuda Indonesia Minta Erick Thohir Bersihkan Kroni Ari Akshara

Para awak kabin meminta Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir untuk menghapus orang-orang yang memiliki ide dan strategi yang sama dengan Ari Askhara.

9 Dec 17:43 liputan6.com 3414318496673047860.html
Senator outlines measures to reopen Nigerian borders

A former Chairman, Senate Committee on Police Affairs, Senator Abu Ibrahim, Monday listed measure Nigeria should take to reopen its closed ...

9 Dec 16:01 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900329310576.html
In flagranti erwischt: Mexikanischer Botschafter in Argentinien klaut Casanova-Biografie

Der mexikanische Botschafter in Argentinien ist wegen eines Ladendiebstahls in seine Heimat zurückbeordert worden. Das bestätigte das mexikanische …

9 Dec 10:30 watson.ch 2253754994750747938.html
Ostukraine-Konflikt: Friedensgipfel in Paris

Emmanuel Macron empfängt Angela Merkel, Wolodymyr Selenskyj und Wladimir Putin. Selenskyj und Putin kommen dabei zum ersten Mal persönlich zusammen.

9 Dec 16:58 euronews 4540914625875535207.html
Saudi stops gender-segregated entrances in restaurants

Restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia are no longer required to have gender-segregated entrances, officials said, in a further easing of social restrictions in the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdo...

9 Dec 13:16 Punch Newspapers 3524240995279229704.html
Beccato alla guida completamente ubriaco, denunciato

Ora, per lui, sono guai seri

9 Dec 13:19 AvellinoToday 5452883946729573567.html
Alasan Bareskrim Tolak Laporan Politikus PDIP soal Rocky Gerung

Henry pun menjawab bahwa ia melapor atas nama pribadi dan mewakili rakyat Lampung yang diklaim kecewa dengan pernyataan Rocky Gerung.

9 Dec 09:35 Tempo 4466195686614862795.html
Polizei darf bald selber Kinderpornos erzeugen

Mit Fake-Fotos sollen Kripo-Beamte sich Zugang zu einschlägigen Foren verschaffen. Missbrauchszirkel sind ansonsten streng abgeschottet.

9 Dec 09:18 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567627381688.html
Menkominfo Berharap Nadiem Masukan Keahlian Digital dalam Kurikulum

Menteri Kominfo berharap bukan hanya coding yang masuk kurikulum, tetapi juga keahlian digital lain seperti big data.

9 Dec 11:50 Katadata News 179777407005936172.html
Aubameyang Beri Ljungberg Kabar Buruk Jelang Laga

Aubameyang Beri Ljungberg Kabar Buruk Jelang Laga Liga Inggris lawan West Ham United. Ia menolak perpanjangan kontraknya., Liga Inggris

9 Dec 09:20 Gilabola.com 481785380367911163.html
Dumping of garbage continues near Sangameswarar Temple

Despite bins are present, waste materials are dumped by the devotees

9 Dec 16:45 The Hindu 6679535024392707748.html
Russian diplomat meets with Syrian-Kurdish opposition member

Russian Special Presidential Representative for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov met with a delegation of the Syrian Opposition’s Kurdish National Council consisting of member of the Syrian Constitutional Committee Kamiran Hajo, as well as Ibrahim Barro and Ismail Hassaf, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “The situation unfolding in Syria with an emphasis on the scenario in the northeastern districts of the country and progress on implementing the Russian-Turkish memorandum on mutual understanding adopted in Sochi on October 22 was discussed in detail during the conversation,” the ministry noted. “The sides discussed their positions on further promoting the political settlement process in Syria based on Resolution 2254 of the UN Security Council, including the results of the two sessions of the Syrian Constitutional Committee held in Geneva. That said, the need to regard the interests of all the ethno-confessional groups of the Syrian population was highlighted.”…

9 Dec 17:29 AMN 4125648318038013693.html
Overvaller met aardappelschilmesje heeft niet terug van deegroller bakker

Maandagmiddag heeft een bakker in Vlaardingen met de deegrol in zijn hand een jonge overvaller verjaagd en achtervolgd. 'De jonge overvaller die de bakker bedreigde met een aardappelschilmesje was uit op geld maar ging er uiteindelijk zonder buit vandoor', zo meldt de politie maandagmiddag.

9 Dec 14:46 Blik op nieuws 5468169448434281593.html
Serious lapses in CCRC construction: Chennithala

Leader of the Opposition Ramesh Chennithala, who visited the construction site of the Cochin Cancer Research Centre where the porch roof that was newly built had collapsed last Monday, said that it wa

9 Dec 15:45 The Hindu 6679535026256918918.html
Einbrecher in Hechingen: Dieselklau auf Baustelle im Gewerbegebiet Nasswasen

Ein bislang unbekannter Täter hat am Wochenende von einer Baustelle im Hechinger Nasswasen aus mindestens zwei Baustellenfahrzeugen Diesel abgezapft.

9 Dec 13:59 swp.de 6929179441085420138.html
Wijkplatform Bankras-Kostverloren wil nieuwe lokale buslijn

AMSTELVEEN – Wijkplatform Bankras-Kostverloren pleit voor een nieuwe, lokale buslijn, die verschillende winkelcentra en andere belangrijke plekken met elkaar verbindt van noord naar zuid. De bus zou om het half uur moeten rijden. De uitgedachte route loopt van het busstation via de Meander naar onder andere winkelcentrum Bankras, wijkcentrum Alleman, winkelcentrum Kostverlorenhof, verschillende hotels bij …

9 Dec 10:31 RTVA 4011379849521252608.html
Laporan Politisi PDIP terhadap Rocky Gerung Ditolak Polisi

Polisi menolak laporan yang dilayangkan Politisi PDI Perjuangan, Henry Yosodiningrat terhadap Rocky Gerung.

9 Dec 15:33 liputan6.com 3414318496051705390.html
Kemenhub Belum Terima Surat Pemecatan Direksi Garuda

Sejauh ini Kementerian Perhubungan sendiri masih memegang nama-nama direksi dengan surat izin angkutan udara yang sudah terbit pada sebelumnya.

9 Dec 16:21 liputan6.com 3414318497278663694.html
US FTC finds Cambridge Analytica deceived Facebook users

Impacts of finding on defunct consultancy unclear.

9 Dec 13:37 iTnews 4425008560417580658.html
Spoeddebat in Groninger gemeenteraad over versterking Ten Post

De gemeenteraad van Groningen houdt woensdag een spoeddebat over de versterkingsoperatie in Ten Post. Dat gebeurt op verzoek van CDA, ChristenUnie, GroenLinks, Partij voor de Dieren, SP en Stadspartij.

9 Dec 16:33 RTV Noord 3728677366917556849.html
Safari-Kinderhaus Crailsheim: Betreuung am Freitagnachmittag wird gestrichen

Das „Safari Kinderhaus“ im Crailsheimer Stadtteil Kreuzberg bietet ab Januar am Freitagnachmittag keine Betreuung mehr an.

9 Dec 16:31 swp.de 6929179440901647438.html
Vistara signs codeshare agreement with Lufthansa

India Business News: Vistara has entered into a codeshare pact with German airline Lufthansa, the sixth such agreement with an international airline as the domestic full s

9 Dec 10:05 The Times of India 6060938663841959708.html
Drei Menschen bei Brand in Torgauer Mehrfamilienhaus leicht verletzt

Bei einem Brand in einem Mehrfamilienhaus in Torgau sind drei Menschen leicht verletzt worden. Zwei Mädchen im Alter von zwei und drei Jahren sowie eine 35-jährige Frau wurden im Krankenhaus ambulant wegen des Verdachts auf Rauchvergiftung behandelt, wie die Polizei in Leipzig am Montag ...

9 Dec 16:09 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110444575707.html
LIPI Rintis Ekosistem Riset untuk Diaspora Peneliti Indonesia

KBRN, Jakarta : Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) mengadakan Diskusi Publik “Diaspora Peneliti Indonesia: Kiprah dan Tantangan” yang menghadirkan empat diaspora peneliti yang kini telah

9 Dec 17:49 RRI News Portal 6700853644477535826.html
KPK Temukan Masalah Terkait OSS

Masih ada sistem perizinan yang tumpang tindih.

9 Dec 17:13 hukumonline.com 2042817838367605154.html
Compostela Valley votes to rename itself Davao de Oro

With over 170,000 voters agreeing to a new name, the plebiscite's results make final the renaming of Compostela Valley to Davao de Oro

9 Dec 10:40 Rappler 1882105641811029955.html
Rechnungshof-Kritik an Wiener Rettung

Der Rohbericht des Rechnungshofes moniert längere Notarzt-Wartezeiten und eine geringe Standortdichte.

9 Dec 15:52 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441355474324.html
Mixed views over political party registration

© THE recent feud between MDC Alliance and Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) over a new political outfit, MDC Zimbabwe exposes the absence of a legislation regulating local political parties.

9 Dec 14:14 DailyNews Live 5038909578483380234.html
Gysi: Ein SED-Mann erobert Gesamtdeutschland

Das abrupte Ende der DDR bescherte ausgerechnet dem letzten SED-Vorsitzenden Gregor Gysi die Rolle seines Lebens. Drei Jahrzehnte prägte er die gesamtdeutsche Spitzenpolitik wie kaum ein anderer aus dem Osten.

9 Dec 15:54 MDR 5336324389901344822.html
Radfahrer muss verletzt in Krankenhaus

Bei einem Unfall in der Merseburger Straße in Halle ist am Montagmorgen ein Radfahrer verletzt worden. Der Unfall zwischen einem Pkw und dem Radfahrer ereignete sich laut Polizei um 6.47 Uhr.

9 Dec 13:46 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109493637460.html
National Council elects Bernard Sibalatani as the new Chairperson

-The National Council has elected Bernard Sibalatani from the Zambezi Region as the new Chairperson while Victoria Mbawo Kauma from the Kavango East Region as his Deputy on Monday.

9 Dec 10:28 nbc - Namibian Broadcasting Corporation 4504921725923412686.html
Bareskrim Tolak Laporan Politikus PDIP soal Rocky Gerung

Henry sebelumnya berniat melaporkan Rocky Gerung karena menganggap Presiden Jokowi tak memahami Pancasila.

9 Dec 08:22 Tempo 4466195686957768115.html
Hontiveros asks for cybersecurity audit of 'China-controlled' NGCP

Senator Risa Hontiveros says: 'Ang chairman Chinese, halos lahat ng contractors Chinese, ang systems software made in China, at ang training sa China. Pero dapat magtiwala at maniwala tayo na ito ay 'Filipino-run'?'

9 Dec 10:48 Rappler 1882105641859084488.html
Researchers use machine learning to better understand conversations about death

Some of the most important, and difficult, conversations in healthcare are the ones that happen amid serious and life-threatening illnesses.

9 Dec 15:50 News-Medical.net 4522523030266046989.html
Openbaar Ministerie registreert overtredingen krakende illegalen We are here niet

Dienst Terugkeer en Vertrek heeft ook geen cijfers van uitzettingen

9 Dec 14:48 ThePostOnline 3048418756900450037.html
GOP congresswoman demands Schiff release call logs

New York Rep. Elise Stefanik echoed a growing Republican cry for the release of call records showing contacts between the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee and the whistleblower whose report has sparked an impeachment investigation into President Trump.

9 Dec 15:35 Washington Examiner 4625792331865691147.html
Ex-Kyrgyz President Atambaev To Face Psychiatric Examination

A psychiatric examination has been ordered for arrested former Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambaev, the Interior Ministry says.

9 Dec 16:37 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162071542850.html
Climate change threatens food supplies

A team from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) based in Austria said climate change not only resulted in higher temperatures but is also producing more severe climatic events such as drought, heatwaves and floods. "Climatic shocks to agricultural production contribute

9 Dec 16:33 Yahoo 7097669637326118036.html
Bosch und Daimler starten Test ihres selbstfahrenden Shuttle-Dienstes

Erstmals fahren nun autonome Mercedes-Fahrzeuge im kalifornischen San José. Bosch und Daimler wollen damit ein Mitfahrservice-Konzept testen

9 Dec 15:43 heise online 1766193383031731420.html
Senyum Semringah Royke Tumilaar Jadi Dirut Bank Mandiri

Royke Tumilaar diangkat sebagai Dirut Bank Mandiri menggantikan Kartika Wirjoatmodjo. Senyum cerah terlihat di wajahnya saat konferensi pers usai RUPSLB.

9 Dec 15:30 detikfinance 4442190001166118433.html
Gundah Gulana Wishnutama pada Pulau Komodo

Ada yang mengganjal perasaan Menparekraf Wishnutama setelah kunjungannya ke Pulau Komodo di Labuan Bajo, NTT. Apa itu?

9 Dec 16:10 detikTravel 7712517352484677132.html
Rabo sluit geen automaten om plofkraken

Rabobank haalt vooralsnog geen geldautomaten weg uit dorpen en steden na twee plofkraakpogingen in de nacht van zondag op maandag. De bank kondigde in 2017 al de nodige maatregelen aan om geldautomaten beter te beschermen en criminelen te ontmoedigen. De aanpassingen lijken effect te sorteren, aangezien zowel bij de plofkraak in Tubbergen als bij die in Baarlo niets buit werd gemaakt.

9 Dec 09:50 RD.nl 6406779841093426008.html
Filip en Mathilde in aanloop naar Kerstmis naar opvangcentrum

Koning Filip van België en zijn vrouw Mathilde brengen ook dit jaar weer een kerstbezoek aan een sociale instelling. Deze keer kan opvangcentum Les Sauverdias in Namen zich opmaken voor koninklijk bezoek.

9 Dec 15:12 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048516251679.html
Österreichische Modekette Jones auf Sanierungskurs

Mithilfe der gerichtlichen Sanierung sollen das Filialnetz und die Arbeitsplätze erhalten werden. Morgen fällt die Entscheidung.

9 Dec 12:35 Kurier 208072237909542964.html
Geen Olympische Spelen en geen WK Voetbal voor Rusland na dopingschandaal

Rusland mag vier jaar lang niet meedoen aan de Olympische Spelen, het WK Voetbal of wat voor groot sportevenement dan ook. Het mag in...

9 Dec 11:01 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630333102136.html
Wanita Lajang Cina Pilih Pacaran dengan Kekasih Virtual

Seorang wanita lajang yang berstatus mahasiswa kedokteran di Cina menghabiskan sekitar Rp 2,2 juta untuk berkencan dengan kekasih virtualnya.

9 Dec 14:05 Tempo 3082482124418712844.html
Parlament lehnt Rauchmelder-Pflicht ab

Das Berner Kantonsparlament hat sich am Donnerstag gegen ein Obligatorium von Rauchwarnmeldern in Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäusern ausgesprochen.

9 Dec 11:28 Berner Zeitung 1248949324273798190.html
Lombardi, Memodifikasi Interior Mobil Mewah Bak Private Jet

Mobil akan disulap menjadi tempat peristirahatan.

9 Dec 08:33 suara.com 6194626177841259840.html
Weduwe Chris Cornell klaagt Soundgarden aan

De weduwe van Chris Cornell sleept zijn band Soundgarden voor de rechter. Vicky Cornell wil de rechten op zeven nog niet uitgebrachte nummers in handen krijgen en beweert nog honderdduizenden dollars aan royalty's tegoed te hebben. Dat meldt TMZ op basis van rechtbankdocumenten.

9 Dec 14:37 RTL Boulevard 1500115270890640434.html
Blue light activates antibodies on demand

Novel biological tool uses blue light to reassemble and activate antibody fragments

9 Dec 09:50 Physics World 8721234136476977774.html
Laga Persebaya Kontra Arema Digelar di Stadion Batakan Balikpapan

Laga antara Arema FC dan Persebaya Surabaya dipastikan tak bakal dihelat di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo Surabaya, seperti dikabarkan beberapa waktu lalu. Laga tersebut dipastikan bakal digelar di Stadion Batakan Balikpapan

9 Dec 12:08 Bola.net 5489959027956981306.html
Everton investigating reports of homophobic chanting during win over Chelsea

Everton are investigating reports of homophobic chanting during Saturday's Premier League game against Chelsea.

9 Dec 10:24 The Telegraph 140598092007497424.html
Nobel Institute Kecewa PM Abiy Ahmed Enggan Ikuti Tradisi Konferensi Pers Penerima Penghargaan

Hidayatullah.com—Perdana Menteri Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed tidak akan menghadiri tradisi konferensi pers saat menerima anugerah Nobel Perdamaian pekan depan. Keputusan PM […]

9 Dec 13:23 Hidayatullah.com 5252784001446615460.html
Nieuw dopingschandaal zorgt opnieuw voor schorsing Rusland


9 Dec 14:27 FunX 667513810291001345.html
Environmental campaigners call for end to overfishing

Campaigners from Extinction Rebellion and the Irish Wildlife Trust have gathered at the gates of Leinster House calling for an end to overfishing.

9 Dec 13:27 RTE.ie 7595237277672349784.html
Palestin dipaksa setuju bina rumah haram Yahudi

TEBING BARAT, 13 Rabiulakhir 1441H, Selasa – Israel memberi kata dua kepada Perbandaran Palestin di Hebron sama ada bersetuju dengan rancangan baharu pembinaan perumahan haram Yahudi atau bakal kehilangan hak ke atas tanah berkenaan. Akhbar rejim itu melaporkan, Menteri Pertahanan Israel, Naftali Bennett telah menghantar surat kepada Perbandaran Palestin pada 1 Disember lalu, melalui Pejabat …

9 Dec 17:51 Portal Islam dan Melayu | ISMAWeb 660427085859454062.html
Royke Jadi Dirut Bank Mandiri, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo Komut

Hasil RUPSLB PT Bank Mandiri Tbk memutuskan untuk mengangkat Royke Tumilaar sebagai Direktur Utama menggantikan Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

9 Dec 08:14 detikfinance 4442190000611321995.html
Rabo verlaagt risico-opslag automatisch

Rabobank verlaagt sinds 1 december automatisch de hypotheekrente wanneer een klant in aanmerking komt voor een lagere risico-opslag. Daarmee geeft Rabo als eerste grote bank gehoor aan de oproep van de Consumentenbond, die de kwestie op de agenda zette.

9 Dec 12:06 RD.nl 6406779842438424089.html
Howick Local Board recognises youth achievements

Howick Local Board recognises youth achievements at youth council event

9 Dec 08:21 SCOOP 5315658999825592615.html
Jongen bedreigt winkelpersoneel met mes in Vlaardingen

Een winkel aan de Groen van Prinstererstraat in Vlaardingen is maandagmiddag overvallen. Een jonge jongen kwam rond 12:30 uur de zaak binnen en bedreigde het personeel met een mes, zegt de politie.

9 Dec 11:56 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228477543234.html
Barcelona Persingkat Jabatan Ernesto Valverde Tiga Tahun Saja

Barcelona berpeluang tetapkan 'tiga tahun saja sudah cukup untuk Ernesto Valverde'. Demikian ungkap sang presiden, Josep Maria Bartomeu., Liga Spanyol

9 Dec 13:15 Gilabola.com 481785380997278517.html
Versicherungsschutz für Geldtransporte per sofort eingestellt

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 17:31 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776618099762.html
Local developer deploys machine learning to accounting tool

Syncrony Digital wants to develop a machine learning component for its GreenLine financial close platform. 

9 Dec 11:32 ITWeb 642894139715658474.html
Prestige Assurance appoints new Managing Director

Prestige Assurance Plc has appointed Sarberswar Sahoo as its new Managing Director following the expiration of Dr Balla Swamy’s tenure.

9 Dec 14:37 Nairametrics.com 4741528846905047708.html
Supreme Court Death Sentence

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear an appeal Wednesday by an Arizona death row inmate who is seeking a new sentencing trial, arguing the horrific physical abuse that he suffered as a child wasn’t fully considered when he was first sentenced. The appeal of James Erin McKinney could affect as many as 15

9 Dec 16:29 Yahoo 7097669637586776849.html
Lage straf voor poging afspersing Haagse vastgoedmiljonair

In de zaak over de poging tot afpersing van een rijke Haagse vastgoedhandelaar zijn twee personen veroordeeld tot vrij lichte straffen. De man werd gefilmd na prostituée-bezoek en de bedoeling was de man daarmee af te persen door te dreigen het filmpje openbaar te maken. 50.000 euro Ze eisten aanvankelijk een bedrag van 50.000 euro, later […]

9 Dec 14:54 Crimesite 9119866469435997685.html
Medienhype um Greta Thunberg beim Klimagipfel

Sechs junge Leute berichteten mit der schwedischen Klima-Aktivistin von Auswirkungen der Klimakrise schon in der Gegenwart. Die Politiker ringen unterdessen um vorzeigbare Ergebnisse.

9 Dec 15:50 Die Presse 6242788854839568641.html
Presiden Ingatkan KUR Harus Berdampak pada Ekonomi Rakyat

KBRN, Jakarta : Presiden Joko Widodo menginginkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) harus lebih berdampak bagi perekonomian rakyat. Terlebih dengan adanya peningkatan anggaran yang sudah mencapai angka Rp

9 Dec 15:50 RRI News Portal 6700853645840652396.html
Omo-Agege introduces amendment bill on electoral malpractice

Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege on Monday said, he had introduced a bill for comprehensive amendment of the Electoral Act No. 6 of 2010.

9 Dec 16:02 The Guardian 7580308504360871157.html
Saudi Arabia ends gender-segregated entrances for restaurants

Restaurants in Saudi Arabia will no longer need to maintain entrances segregated by sex, the authorities said on Sunday, further eroding some of the world's strictest social rules as sweeping reforms take hold.

9 Dec 15:11 Bdnews24 8119004129923030495.html
Gelandang Atletico Madrid Diincar Manchester United untuk Gantikan Pogba

Manchester United kabarnya tengah mengincar gelandang klub LaLiga Spanyol, Atletico Madrid, yakni Saul Niguez, untuk menggantikan posisi Paul Pogba.

9 Dec 17:39 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549266226403.html
Advent-Highlight im Schloss Grafenegg

Ein vielseitiges Programm, Kunsthandwerk und zahlreiche Familienangebote prägten den Grafenegger Advent, der an vier Tagen dieses Wochenendes bereits zum 44. Mal über die Bühne ging. Das vielseitige Programm und die unvergleichbare Atmosphäre des Schlosses sorgten für Freude bei den tausenden Gästen.

9 Dec 12:49 NÖN.at 2486998931798068532.html
Swedish government postpones unemployment agency reform to defuse crisis

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - The Swedish government and the centre-right parties backing it in parliament said on Monday they would postpone labor reforms, potentially defusing a row that had threatened the policy deal that keeps Prime Minister Stefan Lofven in power.

9 Dec 08:22 Reuters 8334514181533295422.html
Climate risk legal advice coincided with military capability warning

Top-shelf legal advice warning company directors have a duty to act on climate change risk was studied by the federal government as recently as June

9 Dec 13:01 Australian Financial Review 3974284488354714788.html
Catholic Congress recommends dialogical approach for church reformation in Africa

The Pan African Catholic Congress has resolved to use dialogical approach for the renewal and reform of the church and her institutions i

9 Dec 11:32 Vanguard News 4125100339601086384.html
Einbrecher setzen Wohnung unter Wasser

Die Eindringlinge drehten im Bad den Wasserhahn auf und verstopften den Abfluss.

9 Dec 11:54 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568351304649.html
Mehrere preiswerte Webhoster schließen gleichzeitig

Einige Anbieter von VPS (Virtual Private Server) und anderen Webhosting-Angeboten haben abrupt ihr Angebot geschlossen. Nutzer hatten nur zwei Tage für eine Datensicherung.

9 Dec 14:59 Golem.de 3063982245912385476.html
Bruins wil geneesmiddelen op de Europese agenda zetten

Minister Bruno Bruins voor Medische Zorg heeft afgelopen vrijdag in Brussel gesproken met de nieuwe Eurocommissaris van Gezondheid Stella Kyriakides. Tijdens deze eerste ontmoeting heeft de minister gepleit voor een gezamenlijk Europees plan om geneesmiddelentekorten tegen te gaan en de betaalbaarheid van medicijnen aan te pakken. Maandag praat hij met zijn collega-ministers verder over dit onderwerp tijdens de Gezondheidsraad. Dit meldt Rijksoverheid. 

9 Dec 08:36 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743858028522.html
Ciptakan Pemimpin, BRI Launching BRILian Scholarship Program

PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk kembali meluncurkan program beasiswa untuk mahasiswa berprestasi.

9 Dec 13:48 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213325604201.html
Die neue Hoffnung der finnischen Sozialdemokraten

Die 34 Jahre alte Sanna Marin wird wohl jüngste Regierungschefin der Welt. Kann sie dem Vormarsch der Rechtspopulisten etwas entgegensetzen?

9 Dec 16:01 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592524357620.html
Kabinet wil verbod op lachgas voor recreatief gebruik

Staatssecretaris Blokhuis werkt aan een verbod op lachgas voor recreatief gebruik. Het kabinet wil het middel verbieden, omdat onderzoekers concluderen dat het gevaarlijker is dan gedacht.

9 Dec 11:28 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228630717307.html
Acmad Zaky Lepas Jabatan CEO Bukalapak

Achmad Zaky mengumumkan tidak lagi menjabat sebagai CEO Bukalapak.

9 Dec 17:57 liputan6.com 3414318495802627805.html
Barnsley demand compensation over Daniel Stendel

Hearts say their new boss was no longer a Barnsley employee when they began negotiations.

9 Dec 17:27 Sports Mole 7750663361483221472.html
Trainerjob: Everton kontaktiert Emery

Der FC Everton erwägt offenbar die Verpflichtung von Unai Emery. Wie ‚Sky Sports‘ berichtet, fand jüngst ein informelles Treffen zwischen Vereinsvertretern und dem Ex-Trainer des FC Arsenal (...)

9 Dec 14:56 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784077423943.html
Ziekenhuizen doen energiedrankjes in de ban

UTRECHT (ANP) - Een groot deel van alle ziekenhuizen is gestopt met de verkoop van energiedrankjes, meldt de Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen (NVZ) maandag. Uit een rondvraag van de NVZ blijkt dat het aantal ziekenhuizen dat energiedrankjes verkoopt in de afgelopen jaren aanzienlijk is gedaald.

9 Dec 17:03 Nieuws.nl 2419030130991675283.html
Ziekenhuizen doen energiedrankjes in de ban

Een groot deel van alle ziekenhuizen is gestopt met de verkoop van energiedrankjes, meldt de Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen (NVZ) maandag. Uit een rondvraag van de NVZ blijkt dat het aantal ziekenhuizen dat energiedrankjes verkoopt in de afgelopen jaren aanzienlijk is gedaald.

9 Dec 17:48 RD.nl 6406779841036346193.html
Bapa TPM meninggal

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Rabiulakhir 1441H, Selasa – Datuk Wan Ismail Wan Mahmood, bapa kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail meninggal dunia awal pagi ini di kediamannya di Ampang. Menurut maklumat yang dipetik daripada laman Facebook Dr Wan Azizah, jenazah Allahyarham akan dibawa ke Masjid al Mustaqim di Taman Nirwana, Ampang …

9 Dec 16:36 Portal Islam dan Melayu | ISMAWeb 660427083803651488.html
Lachgas wordt verboden voor recreatief gebruik


9 Dec 14:38 FunX 667513811999855509.html
Luhut Minta Kapal Pencuri Ikan Digunakan untuk Mendidik Calon Pelaut

Saat ini sekolah pelayaran tidak memiliki fasilitas pendukung yang memadai untuk mendidik calon pelaut.

9 Dec 14:32 Katadata News 179777405410670724.html
Lachgas verboden als roesmiddel in Nederland

Lachgas mag niet meer als roesmiddel worden gebruikt in Nederland. De regering verbiedt het onder jongeren razend populaire middel, omdat onderzoekers conc...

9 Dec 11:18 De Standaard 2288913868618922110.html
Inpatient psychiatric hospitalization is associated with reduced suicidality, shows study

When an adolescent is acutely suicidal and cannot safely remain in the community, inpatient psychiatric hospitalization is the traditional intervention.

9 Dec 15:47 News-Medical.net 4522523031608443527.html
Kepala BKKBN: Layani Masyarakat dengan Perasaan itu Penting

KBRN, Palangkaraya : Digitalisasi membuat nilai-nilai manusia terdegradasi. Oleh karena itu perkembangan revolusi industri 4. 0 dengan artificial intelligence tetap harus mengutamakan nilai manusia

9 Dec 13:57 RRI News Portal 6700853644329965337.html
La Federazione Italiana Fuoristrada entra ufficialmente nel sistema della Protezione Civile

Un importante riconoscimento per la “casa” dei fuoristradisti italiani per le altissime competenze specifiche che FIF garantisce in merito ai movimenti di veicoli su ogni tipo di terreno e in ogni situazione meteorologica o ambientale

9 Dec 12:36 Today 178378750548115495.html
Studie zeigt gigantisches CO2-Einsparpotenzial bei Zulieferbetrieben

Viele globale Großkonzerne haben sich ambitionierten CO2-Einsparungen verpflichtet - ihre Zulieferer allerdings meist nicht. Dabei stoßen die fünf Mal so viel aus wie die Konzerne selbst.

9 Dec 11:31 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271434558351.html
Mitsubishi Masih Ingin Suplai Xpander ke Garuda Indonesia

Menurut Mitsubishi Indonesia sebanyak 500 unit Xpander sudah disuplai ke Garuda Indonesia sejak tahun lalu.

9 Dec 15:15 teknologi 6599523173367132848.html
Works restart at Forrestania Nickel Operation in Western Australia

Nickel mining firm Western Areas has resumed normal operations at its Forrestania project in Western Australia, following a bush fire incident last week.

9 Dec 14:30 Mining Technology 639193375775817013.html
Treating the whole patient essential for older people with cardiovascular disease

Geriatric conditions such as frailty and cognitive impairments may inadvertently worsen when older patients are treated in cardiac intensive care units - even as they receive excellent care for their heart attack, heart failure, valvular heart disease or pulmonary embolism, according to a new scientific statement from the American Heart Association, published today in the Association's premier journal Circulation.

9 Dec 13:08 News-Medical.net 4522523030021895368.html
Stop Potret Kompromistis Diangap Budaya

KBRN, Jakarta : Memberikan edukasi terkait masih berkembangnya potret kompromistis dalam pemberian hadiah kepada masyarakat, menjadi pekerjaan rumah lembaga pendidikan, agama dan sosial. Hal itu

9 Dec 09:40 RRI News Portal 6700853644515740827.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer drops

Bustin’ makes me feel good. Here it is with Finnish subtitles, courtesy of Sony Pictures Finland’s YouTube channel.

9 Dec 15:01 Boing Boing 4601305169456853230.html
Indonesia Tak Perlu Khawatirkan Ancaman Resesi

Indonesia bukan negara berbasis ekspor atau negara yang bergantung pada global supply chain.

9 Dec 17:44 liputan6.com 3414318497277181446.html
Pertamina Beri Diskon Harga Avtur Selama Nataru

KBRN, Jakarta : Sebagai upaya mendukung kelancaran transportasi udara selama masa Natal 2019 dan Tahun Baru 2020 (Nataru), Pertamina memberikan promo harga avtur berupa diskon sebesar 20 persen. VP

9 Dec 16:21 RRI News Portal 6700853644861771533.html
Police determine package was not suspicious

They were called to a Cambridge business on Saturday

9 Dec 16:37 KitchenerToday.com 52741010162454612.html
New steps against scammers

Some of Canada's telephone providers are being called on by the country's telecom regulator to add to their arsenals in the battle against phone scammers.

9 Dec 14:07 Castanet 616068602126209667.html
Royke Tumilaar appointed Bank Mandiri president director

State-owned lender Bank Mandiri’s shareholders have officially appointed Royke Tumilaar to be the bank’s new president director.

9 Dec 17:20 The Jakarta Post 7678601103024243657.html
Teachers offer real-life solutions to improve education system

45 schools from seven States participate in ‘PolicyHack’

9 Dec 15:51 The Hindu 6679535026022042872.html
Ada Agenda Facebook di Balik Keputusan Instagram Sembunyikan Jumlah Likes

Menurut penuturan tiga mantan karyawan Instagram, keputusan untuk menghapus jumlah likes tidak lepas dari agenda di internal Facebook sebagai pemilik Instagram.

9 Dec 10:00 liputan6.com 3414318497567839289.html
Plea to desilt Parakkirama Pandian Kulam

TIRUNELVELIVillagers of Anaithalaiyoor and Vadakarai near Gangaikondan submitted petitions to Collector Shilpa Prabhakar Satish on Monday appealing to her to include the Parakkirama Pandian Kulam in t

9 Dec 12:39 The Hindu 6679535024463442036.html
Beste Europese film gewonnen door Kapsalon Romy

De Nederlandse familiefilm Kapsalon Romy is tweemaal bekroond tot beste Europese film van het jaar. Romy won op het Ale Kino! Young Audience Filmfestival in Polen de prijzen voor beste Europese kinderfilm van het jaar en de 'Golden Goat', de prijs voor vakjury voor de beste lange familiefilm van het jaar.

9 Dec 17:33 RTL Boulevard 1500115271304432230.html
Google Konfirmasi Celah Keamanan Sumber Serangan DDoS di Android

Google mengumumkan ada celah keamanan yang menjadi sasaran serangan DDoS di Android.

9 Dec 15:30 liputan6.com 3414318497419687468.html
Menteri Ida Tegaskan Peran Perempuan di Industri Ekonomi Kreatif

Peranan perempuan harus dioptimalkan secara kualitas dan kuantitas.

9 Dec 16:17 liputan6.com 3414318495756446748.html
Impeaching Trump for Obstructing Congress Would Harm Checks and Balances

For Congress to impeach President Trump for abuse of Congress would be an abuse of power by Congress. So despite the partisan opinions of the Democratic academic experts, Congress should not include abuse of Congress among its list of impeachable offenses.

9 Dec 16:44 The Jewish Press 7246030799691613314.html
Mau Jadi Perusahaan Pelumas Dunia, Anak Pertamina Bangun Lubricants Technology Center

WE Online, Jakarta - Anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) yang bergerak di bidang pelumas, PT Pertamina Lubricants, akan membangun Lubricants Technology Center, yakni Integrated Technology Solution, dimulai dari teknologi dalam pengembangan (Research & Development) hingga teknologi dalam after sales services, serta pusat customer education, dan satu-satunya di Indonesia yang dimiliki produsen pelumas.

9 Dec 14:12 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834749117957.html
Kasus Harley, 4 Direktur Garuda Indonesia Resmi Diberhentikan

Dewan Komisaris Garuda Indonesia resmi memberhentikan empat direktur yang diduga terlibat kasus penyelundupan Harley Davidson.

9 Dec 12:26 Tempo 6909074029155545500.html
Omo-Agege introduces amendment bill on electoral malpractice

Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege on Monday said, he had introduced a bill for comprehensive amendment of the Electoral Act No. 6 of 2010.

9 Dec 15:53 Vanguard News 4125100339072085608.html
Polisi Gelar Prarekonstruksi Kasus Balita Tanpa Kepala di Samarinda

"Kita mau lihat bagaimana kejadian yang menyebabkan korban hingga hilang dan kemudian ditemukan tewas kemarin," kata Damus soal kasus balita tanpa kepala.

9 Dec 10:15 detiknews 8793960224770776730.html
Pramugari Selingkuhan Ari Askhara Dinilai Paling Berkuasa, Pernah 'Nonaktifkan' Pramugari Cantik Jebolan Indonesian Idol karena Kalah Cantik

Selingkuhan Ari Askhara pernah dikabarkan menurunkan dan memindahtugaskan pramugari cantik jebolan Indonesian Idol hanya karena kalah cantik.

9 Dec 12:41 grid.id 586386474033648389.html
Nyeleneh Abis, Ilmuwan Ini Ciptakan Minuman Beralkohol dari Kotoran Gajah

Ilmuwan asal Afrika Selatan bernama Les dan Paula Ansley berhasil menciptakan minuman beralkohol dari kotoran gajah.

9 Dec 12:45 liputan6.com 5422146881359606289.html
CGSS & Punjab University Organize Interactive Session with Kyrgyz Ambassador Erik Beishembiev

LAHORE, Pakistan: The Islamabad-based Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS) in collaboration with the University of the Punjab organized an Interactive Session with the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan His Excellency Erik Beishembiev on December 9, 2019 in Lahore. The Interactive Session had the participation of distinguished guest speakers which included the Vice Chancellor (VC) University of the Punjab Dr. Niaz Ahmad Akhtar and the Member Advisory Board CGSS Brigadier (retd) Mansoor Saeed. The VC Punjab University Dr. Niaz Ahmed Akhtar delivered the welcome address and discussed the positive aspects of Pakistan’s cooperation with Kyrgyzstan in various departments. Dr. Niaz Ahmed Akhtar also discussed research opportunities for Kyrgyz students and encouraged students from Punjab University to avail different opportunities in Central Asia. He appreciated CGSS for the successful ADASIA 2019 Conference and thanked CGSS for organizing the interactive session in Punjab University. He ensured further…

9 Dec 09:02 Dispatch News Desk 1078940132180511564.html
Greens demand Zahradil conflict of interest probe

The Greens are demanding an internal investigation by the European Parliament into Czech MEP Jan Zahradil following a story by this website on possible conflicts of interest in his role as lead negotiator on the EU trade deal with Vietnam. "These allegati...

9 Dec 10:30 EUobserver 625925298476932950.html
Ransomware richt zich op NAS-toestellen

Het aantal ransomware-aanvallen dat zich richt op Network Attached Storage (NAS)- en back-up-opslagapparaten zijn de afgelopen maanden aanzienlijk toegenomen. Veel gebruikers zouden niet goed zijn voorbereid op een eventuele aanval. Dat stellen onderzoekers van Kaspersky in het Q3 IT threat evolution report, dat zich baseert op eigen klantgegevens. Hoewel de algehele detectie van ransomware-aanvallen met […]

9 Dec 13:00 Techzine 1792892597204119427.html
Help/Systems to acquire Clearswift

Clearswift is a UK-based content threat protection software company.

9 Dec 09:04 ITWeb 642894138976310558.html
Aktivis Terkemuka Irak Ditembak Mati Setelah Ikut Demo Antipemerintah

Seorang aktivis terkemuka di Irak ditembak mati oleh seorang pria bersenjata saat baru pulang dari unjuk rasa antipemerintah.

9 Dec 15:29 detiknews 8793960223554520583.html
Palestinians in Bethlehem look beyond religious tourism

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) - For decades, the people of Bethlehem have watched tour buses drive up to the Church of the Nativity, disgorge their passengers for a few hours at the traditional birthplace of Jesus, and then return to Israel.

9 Dec 12:39 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636467286854.html
Fikile Mbalula: Prasa Placed Under Administration

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula has announced that the interim board of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) has been dissolved with immediate effect and that it has been placed under administration. Mbalula made the announcement at a press briefing on Monday morning. He said Prasa had deep-rooted problems and merely replacing an interim […]

9 Dec 11:47 iAfrica 8834711023895886109.html
Terremoto nel Mugello, inviateci le vostre FOTO

Mandateci le vostre foto sul terremoto nel Mugello cliccando su internet@ansa.it [mailto:internet@ansa.it?subject=LE FOTO DEI LETTORI&body=MITTENTE (nome e cognome)%3A%0D%0DDATA (di nascita)%3A%0D%0DLUOGO (della foto o del video)%3A%0D%0DDATA (della foto o del video)%3A%0D%0DINFO AGGIUNTIVE (opzionale)%3A%0D%0DAutorizzo l'Agenzia ANSA a pubblicare, archiviare e diffondere liberamente nell'ambito dei propri servizi editoriali le foto o video contenuti in questa mail, rinunciando espressamente a percepire qualsiasi forma di emolumento.%0D%0DLe foto e i video, liberamente selezionati dall'Agenzia, resteranno acquisiti negli archivi video-fotografici dell'ANSA e saranno utilizzabili nell'ambito dei servizi editoriali forniti dall'Agenzia ai propri utenti e abbonati in abbinamento alla fonte d'informazione ANSA%0D%0DAi sensi dell'art. 23 D. Lgs. 196/2003, il mittente, come sopra individuato, autorizza l'Agenzia ANSA a trattare i dati personali e le immagini contenute nella presente mail per le finalita' sopra indicate…

9 Dec 08:55 ANSA.it 1300837447411657135.html
Scientists urge Ethiopia to protect groundwater

Groundwater is seen as having major potential for Ethiopia and Sub-Saharan Africa’s climate change strategies – time to protect it, scientists urge.

9 Dec 12:23 New Business Ethiopia 4287479609172696176.html
Buhari challenges NNMA laureates on policy making

President Muhammadu Buhari has challenged the Nigeria National Merit Award, NNMA to create an enabling environment for body of laureates to channel

9 Dec 08:14 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901466539447.html
Omo-Agege introduces amendment bill on electoral malpractice

Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege on Monday said, he had introduced a bill for comprehensive amendment of the Electoral Act

9 Dec 17:10 The Eagle Online 1463511649397139229.html
Alle acht verdachten groepsverkrachtingen tienermeisjes Den Bosch op vrije voeten

Zes van de acht verdachten die nog vastzaten voor groepsverkrachtingen van tienermeisjes in Den Bosch komen ook vrij. De zes zijn vandaag voorgeleid aan de onderzoeksrechter en die bepaalde dat er ...

9 Dec 17:02 HLN 8967494996817540324.html
Malaysia dan Thailand Contoh RI Kembangkan Biodiesel

Negara tetangga seperti Malaysia mau memanfaatkan B20. Negeri Jiran tersebut baru menerapkan B10 dan Thailand juga mau mulai B20.

9 Dec 09:27 detikfinance 4442190001595342136.html
Nigerian govt directs Accountant-General, MDAs to publish daily financial statements

The government will also publish monthly reports showing revenue receipts from all collecting agencies and payments out of the federation account.

9 Dec 12:36 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299784779696.html
Sweden charges former China envoy over dissident bookseller case

Swedish prosecutors said on Monday they had brought criminal charges against the country's former ambassador to China over unauthorized meetings in Stockholm aimed at freeing dissident bookseller Gui Minhai. Anna Lindstedt was replaced as ambassador in February amid a furore over her alleged role

9 Dec 12:26 Yahoo 7097669637854572242.html
Nachspiel droht: Russland will nach WADA-Urteil Einspruch gegen Sperre einlegen

Das Urteil der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur gegen Russland wegen der Manipulation von Moskauer Labordaten könnte ein Nachspiel haben. Ein Angehöriger des Sportausschusses in der Staatsduma kündigte an, dass das Land beim Internationalen Sportgerichtshof (CAS) Einspruch gegen die Sperre von vier Jahren einlegen will.

9 Dec 13:02 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776230593914.html
How the Temple’s Destruction Created Competitors Instead of Teammates

Jewish educator Charlie Harary explains the connection between the Jewish destiny and the destruction of the Temple.

9 Dec 11:51 Breaking Israel News 540123160228613553.html
Penyelundupan Harley di Garuda, IPW Ingatkan Jangan Lindungi Ari Arkhana

KBRN, Jakarta : Ind Police Watch (IPW) mengingatkan kepada pihak-pihak tertentu untuk tidak berusaha melindungi rombongan Ari Arkhara dengan Undang-Undang (UU) tentang Kepabeanan. Sebab apa yang

9 Dec 09:03 RRI News Portal 6700853644627862779.html
Familienfeier eskalierte: Mann stach auf Schwiegervater ein

Das Opfer wurde schwer verletzt und liegt auf der Intensivstation. Der Täter wurde verhaftet.

9 Dec 12:48 Kurier 208072239551716309.html
Firli Bahuri Optimis Suatu Saat Indonesia Bebas dari Korupsi

KBRN, Jakarta : Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) hari ini menggelar acara puncak peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia  (Hakordia) 2019. Acara berlangsung di Gedung Penunjang KPK yang letaknya

9 Dec 11:09 RRI News Portal 6700853645505293809.html
Plafond van pas geopende lichtkoepel aan Antwerps premetrostation Opera komt deels naar beneden

In het zopas geopende premetrostation Opera zijn maandag problemen ontstaan. Een deel van het plafond van de lichtkoepel aan het Operaplein kwam naar bened...

9 Dec 15:42 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190813798041.html
Alasan Inovasi eSIM Card Tak Berkembang di Indonesia

Teknologi Embedded SIM atau yang dikenal eSIM. Baru diadopsi di Indonesia pada akhir tahun ini.

9 Dec 11:54 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212981937738.html
Toulouse ease to victory against Montpellier

Toulouse extended their lead at the top of their Heineken Champions Cup pool by beating Montpellier 23-9.

9 Dec 09:10 Rugbypass 8668874339446185172.html
ForMin Aurescu: Romania remains strong supporter of EU enlargement

Romania will remain a strong supporter of EU enlargement, Foreign Affairs Minister Bogdan Aurescu said during a meeting with German...

9 Dec 17:01 Stiri pe surse 4858045012315503445.html
Vliegverkeer in Frankrijk morgen weer verstoord, Brussels Airlines annuleert opnieuw vier vluchten

Het luchtverkeer zal morgen in Frankrijk opnieuw verstoord zijn. Dat meldt de Franse burgerluchtvaartautoriteit (DGAC) vandaag. De vakbonden en vier Franse jongerenorganisaties hebben opnieuw opger...

9 Dec 16:58 HLN 8967494997499651011.html
Cross River automated cocoa processing factory ready for commissioning

Cross River Cocoa Processing Factory located in Ikom is scheduled to begin a test run early next year following ninety-five percent work completion.

9 Dec 14:07 Vanguard News 4125100338938370170.html
Stammmitgliederversammlung FW Wien: Ronald Walter designierter Präsident und Spitzenkandidat

Führungswechsel verspricht freiheitliche Kontinuität

9 Dec 17:44 OTS.at 4182160710516805081.html
WATCH LIVE: House Judiciary Committee holds public impeachment hearing

The House Judiciary Committee will hold its second public hearing regarding the Trump impeachment investigation at 9 a.m. on Monday morning. Daniel Goldman, the Judiciary Committee lawyer for the Democrats, and Stephen R. Castor, the Judiciary Committee lawyer for the Republicans, will be presenting evidence about the president's actions.

9 Dec 13:27 Washington Examiner 4625792333532824843.html
Algorithm to complete Beethoven's unfinished symphony

Musician and software developers have created an algorithm that will take over where Beethoven left off.

9 Dec 14:38 Times of Oman 5168079156210058469.html
Electricity vandals throw nine Anambra communities into darkness

EEDC on Monday said that about nine communities were affected by the power outage resulting from the vandalism of the Enugwu-Ukwu 33KV line

9 Dec 11:33 The Guardian 7580308505108673972.html
Jokowi Masih Pertimbangkan Perppu, Ingin Evaluasi Program KPK

Jokowi masih ingin mengevaluasi program-program terkait pencegahan-pemberantasan korrupsi.

9 Dec 11:25 detiknews 8793960223358260261.html
Extending security to the cloud

Citrix SD-WAN Integrated Firewall complements your trusted firewall investment and strengthens overall security infrastructure, says Kurt Goodall, technical director at Troye.

9 Dec 09:08 ITWeb 642894140185905727.html
Historisch schip Jatrie op weg naar eerherstel

Dat het historisch schip Jatrie uit Stadskanaal weer in de vaart komt is een stapje dichterbij gekomen.

9 Dec 13:13 RTV Noord 3728677367128529345.html
Binnenkort dagelijkse kost? Monsterfiles aan Tesla Superchargers

De overstap naar elektrische wagens brengt enkele uitdagingen met zich mee. Dat werd vorige zaterdag pijnlijk duidelijk in Los Angeles, waar een monsterfile ontstond aan de Superchargers van Tesla.

9 Dec 15:30 HLN 8967494996590005496.html
Kalau Pogba Kembali, Manchester United Diklaim akan Semakin Berbahaya

Performa Manchester United kembali menanjak berkat serangkaian kemenangan. Padahal mereka belum diperkuat oleh salah satu pemain andalannya, Paul Pogba

9 Dec 12:17 Bola.net 5489959028523842452.html
Iraqis rally against government after activist killed

Iraqis turned out Monday to mourn a prominent activist gunned down the previous evening, the latest violent episode in anti-government demonstrations in which more than 450 people have died.

9 Dec 14:44 The Guardian 7580308505373022102.html
Progress towards liberalized and harmonized regulatory frameworks key to unlocking full benefits of air connectivity

Montreal and Aqaba, Jordan, 6 December 2019 - At the Twelfth ICAO Air Services Negotiation Event taking place in Aqaba, Jordan this week, ICAO Council President Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu encouraged progress towards liberalized and harmonized regulatory frameworks for air transport, and highlighted the importance of air connectivity for sustainable development, particularly for the Middle East. “Besides the fact that air connectivity generates over 2.4 million jobs in this Region, and $130 billion dollars in Middle East Gross Domestic Product (GDP),

9 Dec 09:32 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788706817205.html
Grootste zonnepark van Nederland bij Kolham levert direct aan hoogspanningsnet

Het grootste zonnepark van Nederland langs de A7 bij Kolham is direct aangesloten op het hoogspanningsnet.

9 Dec 11:03 RTV Noord 3728677366659978400.html
QNB to embrace digital transformation

Abdulla Mubarak Al Khalifa, Acting Group Chief Executive Officer of QNB said yesterday that Qatar’s banking sector is well capitalised, with high asset quality and robust profitability. The capital adequacy ratio stands at 17 percent, well above Basel III guidelines. Asset quality remains high with non-performing loans (NPLs) at 1.9 percent, one of the lowest in the region. Profitability remains solid with returns on equity (RoE) over 15 percent, he said while addressing The Euromoney Qatar Conference.

9 Dec 08:32 The Peninsula 1202843881702338867.html
Hausanschluss von zwei Wohnhäusern gebrochen

Am frühen Montagmorgen gegen 5 Uhr ist in Glebitzsch am Wasserhausanschluss für ein Mehrfamilien- und ein Einfamilienhaus eine Havarie aufgetreten.

9 Dec 14:54 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109932177366.html
How Russian doping scandal unfolded

More sports News: Russia will miss next year's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Games after the World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday banned the powerhouse from

9 Dec 17:12 The Times of India 6060938664568293629.html
Water released from Shanmuganadhi dam

It will benefit lands in Uthamapalayam taluk

9 Dec 15:36 The Hindu 6679535024804073004.html
Ein Klassentreffen mit Folgen

Wie immer saß mein Sohn am Beifahrersitz, als wir nach einem sommerlichen Sonntag nach Graz fuhren. Ein Jahr ging das schon so. Ein Wochenende fuhren mein Sohn und ich nach Salzburg, das nächste kam meine Freundin in die Steiermark. Auslöser für diese Routine war das 25-Jahre-Matura-Jubiläum. Wir

9 Dec 10:55 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084142229336.html
Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia Mimpikan Sosok Pimpinan yang Berakhlak Baik

Berdasarkan kabar, pemegang saham akan menunjuk kalangan profesional untuk mengisi jabatan Direktur Utama Garuda Indonesia.

9 Dec 15:56 liputan6.com 3414318497704988482.html
Palestinians in Bethlehem Look beyond Religious Tourism

For decades, the people of Bethlehem have watched tour buses drive up to the Church of the Nativity, disgorge their passengers for a few hours at the traditional birthplace of Jesus, and then return to Israel. But in recent years a new form of touris

9 Dec 09:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659934046295676.html
EU agrees future human rights sanctions

Human rights abusers worldwide are to face EU asset freezes and travel bans under new-model sanctions agreed by foreign ministers in Brussels Monday. "Today, the EU unanimously decided to legislate a worldwide EU human rights sanction regime," Dutch forei...

9 Dec 14:23 EUobserver 625925299468589402.html
Scientists find a simple solution for making ferroelectric nylon thin films

Low-cost technique could be used in robotics and energy harvesting

9 Dec 12:35 Physics World 8721234136157683199.html
Ini Rahasia Manchester United Sanggup Kalahkan Manchester City

Penyerang Manchester United, Marcus Rashford mengungkapkan 'rahasia' di balik kemenangan timnya atas Manchester City di akhir pekan lalu.

9 Dec 16:20 Bola.net 5489959029341722342.html
Wada bans Russia from international competitions

The ruling means Russian athletes will still be allowed to compete at Tokyo Olympics as neutrals.

9 Dec 10:32 Daily Nation 7421817124686256695.html
Freddie Ljungberg Masih Pede Bisa Jadi Juru Selamat Arsenal

Torehan buruk yang dihasilkan belakangan ini seolah jadi bukti bahwa Arsenal membutuhkan sosok berpengalaman di kursi kepelatihan. Namun pelatih interim, Freddie Ljungberg, yakin bahwa dirinya bisa menjadi juru selamat

9 Dec 11:56 Bola.net 5489959028228730800.html
Tribunalul Bucuresti a amanat pentru lunea viitoare pronuntarea sentintei in dosarul Colectiv

Tribunalul Bucuresti a amanat, luni, pentru 16 decembrie, sentinta in prima instanta in dosarul Colectiv, in care sunt judecati, printre altii, fostul primar al Sectorului 4 Cristian Popescu-Piedone si patronii clubului.

9 Dec 09:32 Wall-Street 2473040520512378356.html
Solskjaer Sambut Kembalinya Jesse Lingard dengan Suka Cita

Jesse Lingard turut berperan dalam kemenangan klubnya, Manchester United, dalam dua pertandingan terakhir. Dan kembalinya pemain berumur 27 tahun itu membuat sang pelatih, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, merasa senang

9 Dec 11:00 Bola.net 5489959028325520759.html
Study reveals how Diabetes drug promotes healthy aging

Washington - Doctors commonly prescribe metformin to help people with type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar levels. The drug increases insulin sensitivity through its effects on glucose metabolism.

9 Dec 11:42 The Peninsula 1202843882297898064.html
Palestinians in Bethlehem look beyond religious tourism

BETHLEHEM, Palestinian Territory - For decades, the people of Bethlehem have watched tour buses drive up to the Church of the Nativity, disgorge their passe

9 Dec 12:40 iNFOnews.ca 6669504246175773446.html
Palestinians in Bethlehem look beyond religious tourism

BETHLEHEM, Palestinian Territory - For decades, the people of Bethlehem have watched tour buses drive up to the Church of the Nativity, disgorge their passe

9 Dec 15:38 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245380022819.html
Human remains discovered in Lincoln Parish

The Lincoln Parish Sheriff's Office says human remains have been discovered in the parish.

9 Dec 16:50 KNOE 8 News 9048639191887628185.html
Pilot Garuda Indonesia Berisi Harley Davidson Adalah Suami Iis Dahlia

Iis Dahlia buka suara perihal hebohnya kasus maskapai Garuda Indonesia berisi Harley Davidson.

9 Dec 12:00 liputan6.com 3414318497586285921.html
British stars nominated for Golden Globes

The nominees were announced during a ceremony in Beverly Hills.

9 Dec 13:21 Breaking News 4415806920071501275.html
British stars nominated for Golden Globes

The nominees were announced during a ceremony in Beverly Hills.

9 Dec 13:30 Express & Star 7324224459576848957.html
WGLI holds maiden edition of Ghanaian Language Literature Festival

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:20 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609510128691.html
Inilah Manajer Baru Arsenal Pilihan Direktur Teknik Arsenal

Direktur teknik Arsenal, Edu diberitakan sudah menentukan siapa manajer baru Arsenal.

9 Dec 15:20 Bola.net 5489959029231817646.html
Deutsche Exporte steigen auf Rekordhoch

Nach heftigen Einbrüchen durch den Handelsstreit haben die deutschen Exporteure im Oktober einen neuen Rekordumsatz erzielt. Ausschlaggebend war ausgerechnet das US-Geschäft.

9 Dec 10:11 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270780741658.html
Fervour marks Chakra Theertha Mukkoti at Tirumala

Priests trek to Chakra Theertham amid thick Tirumala forests

9 Dec 12:50 The Hindu 6679535024401997805.html
Arnhem blijft milieuwet inzetten tegen lachgas

ARNHEM (ANP) - Arnhem blijft de Wet milieubeheer gebruiken om de verkoop van lachgas in horecagelegenheden en winkels aan te pakken. Dat zegt burgemeester Ahmed Marcouch in een reactie op het kabinetsbesluit om lachgas op de zwarte lijst van de Opiumwet te plaatsen. Volgens Marcouch duurt een wetswijziging lang "terwijl het probleem op dit moment levensgroot voor onze voeten ligt".

9 Dec 17:28 Nieuws.nl 2419030130828032797.html
Iraqis rally against government as Baghdad summons Western envoys

Iraqis turned out Monday to mourn a prominent activist gunned down the previous evening, the latest violent episode in anti-government demonstrations in which more than 450 people have died.

9 Dec 16:00 Digital Journal 4566489171891105174.html
Ronnie Fieg Teases Forthcoming Rainbow-Tinged adidas TERREX

Continuing their long-standing relationship.

9 Dec 11:44 HYPEBEAST 3806037270405880974.html
Kekhawatiran Menjelang Kenaikan Tarif AS Kepada Tiongkok Menopang Kenaikan Harga Emas di Awal Pekan

Harga emas merangkak naik pada hari Senin (9/12) ke level $1461.52/onz setelah Washington menegaskan sikapnya untuk batas waktu putaran baru tarif AS kepada barang-barang Tiongkok pada akhir pekan lalu, kondisi ini mendukung permintaan untuk aset safe haven.

9 Dec 11:17 monexnews 4506814618047101021.html
Recycling returns to Golden Plains Shire

Recycling collected in Golden Plains Shire will no longer automatically go to landfill from next week.

9 Dec 08:00 The Courier 3604583735289116895.html
Lagos to eradicate wastes generated from construction, demolition

The Lagos State government has launched the Construction, Demolition and Disaster Waste (CDDW) of the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA)

9 Dec 08:21 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900922119645.html
Scandal hits Northern Regional Coordinating Council; top official fingered

A huge financial scandal has hit the Northern Regional Coordinating Council (NRCC) involving an official with the bursary department who is alleged to have diverted over hundred thousand Ghana cedis into his personal account through fraudulent means. Baba Osman Daney, 45, who is at the centre of the scandal, has since been transferred from the unit and according to a provisional charge sheet sighted by this portal faces charges of forgery, contrary to section 158 of the criminal offences code act 1960 (Act 29), stealing contrary to section 124(1) of the criminal offences act and corruption of public officers, could soon be arraigned before court. According to the statement of offence, the civil servant who is under the direct supervision of the Controller and Accountant General’s Department in October 2019 forged four bank cheques of the Northern Regional Coordinating Council and withdrew the total sum of GH¢119,423.60. The amount according to officials of the NRCC who lodged a complaint with the Criminal Investigation…

9 Dec 09:38 mynewsgh.com 2909200109736087321.html
Honda affiliate to develop advanced Israeli engine

Musashi Seimitsu signs deal with Aquarius Engines to develop revolutionary linear engine of the future.

9 Dec 14:00 Israel21c 6799675526493796476.html
Chaot steckt Schweinekopf auf Blitzer

Mitarbeiter der Stadt Schorndorf machten am Samstag eine ekelhafte Entdeckung: Unbekannte Chaoten haben einen Schweinekopf auf einen Blitzer abgelegt.

9 Dec 11:45 RTL.DE 7054729452182691711.html
Efek Buruk Sering Membandingkan Anak, Ancam Masa Depannya

Membanding-bandingkan anak dengan saudaranya bisa memberikan dampak dan efek buruk, Bun.

9 Dec 12:11 parenting 8028540702348960259.html
Sri Mulyani Berharap KPK Ikut Jaga Iklim Perekonomian Indonesia

KBRN, Jakarta : Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati dalam acara talkshow di Gedung Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)  Jakarta mengatakan bahwa sebaiknya KPK juga ikut berpartisipasi

9 Dec 15:59 RRI News Portal 6700853644648318876.html
Greater Victoria hockey tournament hit with norovirus-like outbreak

Island Health says there are no new reported cases of a norovirus-like outbreak that affected players in a hockey tournament over the weekend. “We have not had any reports that the suspected . . .

9 Dec 09:38 Times Colonist 7617512061007246395.html
Tipperary student wins trip to Strasbourg in national Rotary youth leadership competition


9 Dec 10:38 TipperaryLive 1097599578435406116.html
Wiener Landesgericht spricht Inter-Fans frei

Das wurde den Fans nach dem Europa-League-Spiel gegen Rapid im Februar vorgeworfen:

9 Dec 14:57 www.laola1.at 837519018547776196.html
5 Direksi Dicopot, Komisaris Garuda Indonesia Tunjuk Pejabat Sementara

Penunjukkan untuk menjaga operasional perusahaan agar tidak terganggu.

9 Dec 12:32 Katadata News 179777406140308849.html
Pangs of affluence

Sans purpose, without roots, free from any and every ideology; behold Mankind in all its cluelessness For centuries, mankind has strived to achieve ‘enough’. Enough food, enough

9 Dec 16:33 Pakistan Today 6621510370031712603.html
Komisi III Nilai Usulan Perbaikan Sarana Dibanding Grasi Koruptor Rasional

Usulan Saut Situmorang soal perbaikan sarana lebih elegan dibanding grasi koruptor dinilai rasional. Namun, persoalan over capacity lapas tetap menjadi sorotan.

9 Dec 08:37 detiknews 8793960224346947732.html
Saudi-Arabien beendet Geschlechtertrennung in Lokaleingängen

Männer und Frauen dürfen in Restaurants und Cafés in Saudi-Arabien künftig denselben Eingang nutzen. In dem streng konservativen Land galt bisher die Vorschrift, dass Frauen und Familien einen Eingang nutzen müssen und Männer einen weiteren. Das saudische Ministerium für Gemeinden und ländliche Angelegenheiten kündigte auf Twitter an, dass diese Regelung nun abgeschafft werde.

9 Dec 13:11 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083673007153.html
Trabajadores bloquean acceso de Universidad de Morelos

Cerca de 300 empleados protestan afuera de la escuela ante la falta de pago de finiquitos y prestaciones a jubilados.

9 Dec 11:08 Milenio 4240839408016970496.html
China verdedigt controversiële kampen voor Oeigoeren opnieuw

China heeft zijn controversiële ‘opleidingskampen’ in Xinjiang opnieuw verdedigd, waar meer dan een miljoen moslims opgesloten zouden zijn. De demarche komt er nadat documenten gelekt werden waarui...

9 Dec 14:02 HLN 8967494998477666727.html
New rope car construction inspected

PALANIA second rope care facility was proposed and construction work has begun at the Palani hill temple. On Monday, representatives and experts from the French company Poma inspected the first phase

9 Dec 15:43 The Hindu 6679535025877498048.html
Laurent Koscielny addresses Arsenal struggles after controversial summer exit

The former Gunners defender left the club in acrimonious circumstances over the summer to join Bordeaux and has had his say on his ex side's current troubles

9 Dec 13:51 mirror 675785261638036113.html
Ineos Styrolution and Agilyx make progress toward establishing a polystyrene-recycling plant in Illinois

INEOS Styrolution (Frankfurt, Germany; www.ineos-styrolution.com) and Agilyx (Tigard, Ore.; www.agilyx.com) announced that they are advancing the developme

9 Dec 17:44 Chemical Engineering 9204118373983042786.html
Swastikas found on Worcester State University restroom door

WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - Swastikas were found on the door of a men's restroom at a Worcester State University, according to an email from the school's dean of students.

9 Dec 15:46 WFXT 6395891954206190863.html
Deiga appeals for rehabilitation of Peki Hospital

news, story, article

9 Dec 14:32 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609519398351.html
Proteste di piazza a Teheran per Stramaccioni

Manifestazioni di piazza a Teheran contro il governo, ma stavolta i motivi non sono esclusivamente politici. A manifestare sotto la sede del ministero dello sport sono centinaia di tifosi dell'Esteghlal, la principale squadra iraniana prima in classifica nella serie A locale, dopo che ieri l'allenatore italiano Andrea Stramaccioni ha rescisso unilateralmente il contratto per 'giusta causa'. I tifosi sono schierati dalla parte dell'allenatore, accusano la dirigenza del club e il ministero dello sport che detiene la proprieta' del club. E le autorita' temono disordini, che si aggiungerebbero alle tensioni sociali e agli scontri delle ultime settimane. Per questo si sta valutando di far giocare a porte chiuse la partita di campionato dell'Esteghlal in programma oggi.

9 Dec 16:09 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193101676800.html
Polish school director fired over terror attack exercise

Local authorities in northeast Poland say that a primary school director has been fired and psychologists are working with traumatized schoolchildren following a terrorist attack exercise the director organized but that unprepared students took for real.

9 Dec 16:51 CTVNews 2422791597450689489.html
Fragen und Antworten zur Schuldenbremse

Die neue SPD-Spitze möchte die Schuldenbremse lockern. Die Union ist dagegen. Und die Grünen regen einen Kompromiss an. Worum es geht und wer welche Auffassung vetritt.

9 Dec 08:48 n-tv 6802689754122448470.html
5 Hari Hilang, Mahasiswi Universitas Bengkulu Ditemukan Tewas Terkubur

Selain terkubur, jasad korban ditemukan dalam kondisi kepala terbungkus karung dan kaki terikat

9 Dec 08:51 suara.com 6194626178567615101.html
Inter vs Barcelona: Ernesto Valverde Lakukan Sembilan Perubahan

Inter vs Barcelona bakal diwarnai sembilan perubahan yang dilakukan pelatih Blaugrana, Ernesto Valverde. Kedua tim akan bertemu di San Siro, Rabu (11/12) dinihari WIB. , Liga Champions

9 Dec 10:08 Gilabola.com 481785379763938916.html
Minister wil vrije ruimte voor scholen

Minister Slob (onderwijs) wil scholen vrije ruimte geven om het onderwijs in te vullen.

9 Dec 08:02 Blik op nieuws 5468169448802582079.html
Menristek: Tugas BRIN Bikin Lembaga Penelitian Bersinergi

Dengan adanya BRIN, Menristek ingin melakukan sinergi dan harmonisasi di antara para peneliti baik secara individu maupun lembaga.

9 Dec 10:35 Tempo 8962756051820148402.html
Mysterious Hackers Strike BMW And Hyundai

Cybersecurity is more important than ever not only for governments but also for global corporations, includ...

9 Dec 13:05 CarBuzz 4034462236919536824.html
Preah Sihanouk villagers seeking intervention over land dispute

Nearly 300 people representing 9,095 families in Preah Sihanouk province on Monday filed a petition to the provincial administration seeking intervention in a long-running land dispute. The villagers submitted the petition after their initial request to hold a march to coincide with the 71st international Human Rights Day on Tuesday was rejected.

9 Dec 16:39 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115073850191.html
Biden nimmt Familie aus Schusslinie

Was hat Joe Bidens Sohn für den ukrainischen Gaskonzern Burisma getan? Sein Vater weiß es angeblich nicht. Er will es auch gar nicht wissen, sagt der demokratische Präsidentschaftsbewerber. Er vertraue seinem Sohn. Bei der Familie des amtierenden US-Präsidenten sieht er jedoch Handlungsbedarf.

9 Dec 10:38 n-tv 6802689755661023172.html
Healthcare management transferred to sub-national level

The government on Monday issued a sub-decree to delegate the management of healthcare provision to sub-national administrations, which will be effective as of January next year.

9 Dec 16:22 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115994331546.html
Blackpool butcher helps the homeless

Every year up and down the country, Salvation Army centres and churches will be providing a hot Christmas dinner for any homeless person on Christmas Day.

9 Dec 17:00 The Gazette 1828400563361459139.html
Pelatih Beberkan Penyebab Coki Gagal Raih Medali Sea Games

KBRN, Denpasar: Kegagalan Cok Istri Agung Sanistyarani mempersembahkan medali emas karate nomor kumite -55 kg putri untuk Merah Putih diakui menimbulkan kekecewaan di hati masyarakat Indonesia

9 Dec 10:16 RRI News Portal 6700853645366371974.html
Uzhgorod stabbing: One serviceman injured

The conflict sparked between the military at a local army base.

9 Dec 12:20 UNIAN 6863008972283793523.html
Presidential candidates serving in the Senate must recuse themselves from impeachment proceedings

As legislators, we all share the same commitment to protecting our Constitution and the democratic institutions it enshrined. Thus far, the politically motivated impeachment of President Donald J.

9 Dec 17:30 TheHill 355432918021273915.html
Fire destroys senior apartment complex under construction in Peekskill

Flames tore through an apartment complex in Westchester County.

9 Dec 12:50 ABC7 New York 7327811149306313863.html
Perubahan Iklim: Mayoritas Orang Jerman Setuju Kurangi Dekorasi Lampu Natal

Hidayatullah.com—Mayoritas orang jerman mengatakan bahwa mereka mempertimbangkan untuk mengurangi dekorasi lampu Natal guna menanggulangi perubahan iklim, menurut hasil survei yang […]

9 Dec 14:32 Hidayatullah.com 5252784003394235305.html
QCB set to announce FinTech strategy

Qatar Central Bank (QCB) Governor H E  Sheikh Abdulla bin Saoud Al Thani said yesterday that the central bank is working on the banking industry’s financial technology (FinTech) strategy, in cooperation with leading financial institutions and financial technology companies. The strategy, where the central bank would contribute to creating a modern regulatory environment that supports innovation and market stability, will be announced soon, he said.

9 Dec 09:02 The Peninsula 1202843882909697955.html
VVD stelt vragen over 'gevaarlijke plantenbakken' op Schouwburgplein

Op het Schouwburgplein in het centrum van Rotterdam staan enkele plantenbakken die voor een deel de weg innemen. De VVD maakt zich zorgen over de plantenbakken, die kunnen volgens de partij voor 'potentieel gevaarlijke situaties zorgen'. Daarom heeft de partij schriftelijke vragen gesteld.

9 Dec 15:42 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227416201584.html
HC stays toll collection on Doddaballapur highway

Government was unable to confirm that work on the State Highway has been completed

9 Dec 15:22 The Hindu 6679535026195279777.html
Dundee University research on tropical diseases to feature in National Museum of Scotland exhibition

Research from Dundee University features in a new exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland exploring the role of academics in the fight to eliminate tropical diseases by tackling the parasites that cause them.

9 Dec 08:55 The Courier 4275302768893953320.html
Pemerintah George Weah Tak Punya Uang Misi Korps Perdamaian AS di Liberia Ditangguhkan

Hidayatullah.com—Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Liberia terdampak krisis finansial yang melanda Liberia, sehingga menarik untuk sementara sukarelawan Korps Perdamaian (Peace […]

9 Dec 13:35 Hidayatullah.com 5252784001959758105.html
Chandrababu Naidu, TDP legislators protest outside Assembly against high onion prices

As the price of onions has sky-rocketed, Telugu Desam Party (TDP) MLAs and MLCs led by their party president and former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu staged a protest near the Fire Station outsi

9 Dec 08:30 The Hindu 6679535026017464786.html
Perhatikan Bila Anda Merasakan Kedinginan, Bisa Jadi Anda Mengalami Gejala Asam Urat Tinggi

Asam urat diproduksi selama pemecahan purin, yang ditemukan dalam makanan tertentu dan juga dibentuk oleh tubuh Anda.

9 Dec 17:30 grid.id 6246371060222720997.html
Ratusan ASN Pemkab Sumedang Jalani Test Urine

KBRN, Sumedang : Sedikitnya 200 orang pejabat esselon 2 dan 3 dilingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Sumedang jalani test urine secara mendadak yang dilakukan atas kerjasama antara Pemkab,

9 Dec 11:46 RRI News Portal 6700853645489377819.html
Indien: Marine bekommt erste Kampfpilotin

Es ist ein historischer Meilenstein für Indien: Erstmals darf eine Frau einen Kampfjet der Marine steuern. Die Pilotin trat am 2. Dezember ihren Dienst an.

9 Dec 09:34 miss 1375730021596246139.html
Payments Role In Innovating Appointment-Based Businesses

Boulevard discusses the unique needs of salons to elevate their one-to-one client relationships with technology that can also widen their margins.

9 Dec 09:00 PYMNTS.com 7357138826488218312.html
Deutscher sticht auf Polizisten ein

Ein Polizist ist am Münchner Hauptbahnhof mit einem Messer angegriffen und verletzt worden.

9 Dec 10:27 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569235243321.html
Pelatih Tira Persikabo Sebut Pemain Alami Trauma

Tira Persikabo kini mempunyai pelatih baru, yakni Igor Kriushenko. Ia ditugasi memperbaiki kondisi tim di sisa pertandingan Liga 1 Indonesia.

9 Dec 10:24 Tempo 6731898376898939653.html
Ini Daftar Pertanyaan di Otak Wanita Ketika Tahu Suaminya Selingkuh

Pertanyaan tentang si dia yang telah berkhianat dan terutama tentang dirinya sendiri.

9 Dec 11:00 Tabloidbintang.com 6942840717936545234.html
Video: Susi dan Jonan Semarakkan Bursa Calon Dirut Garuda

Nama Susi Pudjiastuti dan Ignasius disebut-sebut sebagai calon Dirut Garuda Indonesia.

9 Dec 11:34 Katadata News 179777406866613074.html
Modi criticised after excluding Muslims from religious persecution citizenship offer

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing renewed criticism after tabling legislation today which will exclude Muslims from an offer of citizenship rights to religious refugees. The Citizenship Amendment Bill will see nationality defined by religion for the first time in India's history but only

9 Dec 16:14 Yahoo 7097669638057305903.html
South Sudan speaker resigns under pressure over mismanagement

South Sudan

9 Dec 09:08 Punch Newspapers 3524240994737531852.html
Netflix Orders Cheerleading Docuseries Cheer from Last Chance U Director

Navarro College's cheerleading squad is followed in a new Netflix docuseries.

9 Dec 13:28 Paste Magazine 2077921861369693574.html
Reddit Uncovers Russian Interference Campaign Ahead of General Election

Fears of Russian interference ahead of the UK general election were all but confirmed this week with a Reddit post.

9 Dec 12:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002038895986.html
Russia banned from Olympics over doping scandal

WADA bans Russia from the Olympics and a variety of world championship events for four years as it remains embroiled in doping scandals.

9 Dec 12:05 Australian Financial Review 3974284486905546289.html
Mengintip Teknologi Anyar dari Pabrik Pembalut di Karawang

PT Softex Indonesia memiliki pabrik baru di Karawang, Jabar. pabrik itu dilengkapi dengan sejumlah teknologi baru untuk menunjang produksi di pabrik tersebut.

9 Dec 08:30 detikfinance 4442190001495349922.html
Kampeni zaingia katika kipindi cha lala salama nchini Uingereza

Kampeni kuelekea uchaguzi mkuu wa Uingereza unaotarajiwa kufanyika Alhamisi ya wiki hii zimeingia hatua ya lala salama huku waziri mkuu Boris Johnson na mpinzani wake Jeremy Corbyn wakijaribu kuwashawishi wananchi kuwaunga mkono.

9 Dec 09:17 RFI 1022736846971740533.html
Passagier erlitt Herzinfarkt an Bord von Flugzeug

Ein Passagier hat am 6. Dezember an Bord einer LaudaMotion-Maschine von Wien nach Dublin einen Herzinfarkt erlitten.

9 Dec 12:45 NÖN.at 2486998933696610038.html
Waddenfonds stelt half miljoen extra beschikbaar voor lokale projecten

Het Waddenfonds trekt een half miljoen euro extra uit voor kleinschalige innovatieve projecten.

9 Dec 11:20 RTV Noord 3728677366905569548.html
More flooding expected on Monday

Weekend flooding may continue as rain pelts Israel from north to south.

9 Dec 10:00 Israel National News 5374683668934271061.html
Der Ausverkauf des Internets

Der Verkauf von .org wirkt wie ein Verschwörungskrimi voller seltsamer Zufälle, Korruption und zwielichtiger Gestalten. Hinzu kommen Intransparenz und Widersprüche.

9 Dec 11:01 Golem.de 3063982245941032795.html
Sanierung: Bader-Gruppe in Schieflage

Der Sendener Hersteller von Schaltschränken und Sondergehäusen hat Antrag auf Sanierung in Eigenverwaltung gestellt.

9 Dec 17:30 swp.de 6929179442108865086.html
Santrokofi and Akpafu traditional councils bid for SALL District capital

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:59 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610253816876.html
Bethesda entwickelt The Elder Scrolls Legends nicht weiter

Kleine Updates und Belohnungskarten gibt es weiterhin, aber sehr viel mehr Arbeit will Bethesda nicht in The Elder Scrolls Legends investieren. In der Community konnte sich der

9 Dec 10:22 Golem.de 3063982244236130137.html
Mexico recalls Argentina ambassador for alleged book theft

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico recalled its ambassador to Argentina after a video surfaced suggesting he may have tried to steal a book from a Buenos Aires bookstore.

9 Dec 15:19 WFXT 6395891952885351080.html
Sozialstadtrat Hacker erteilt Bettelverbot in Wien Absage

Sozialstadtrat Peter Hacker (SPÖ) hat am Sonntag in der ORF-Fernsehsendung "Im Zentrum" einem Bettelverbot in Wien eine Absage erteilt. Für ihn sei die Debatte beendet, man sei klar gegen ein derartiges Verbot, so Hacker. Der Sozialstadtrat hatte die Diskussion vor über einer Woche mit der Aussage angestoßen, die Gangart im Umgang mit der organisierten Bettelei verschärfen zu wollen.

9 Dec 08:21 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084107257414.html
Directie bevestigt: ENCI Maastricht volgend jaar dicht

Cementfabriek ENCI in Maastricht sluit eind juni volgend jaar de deuren.

9 Dec 14:07 1limburg 5437278402155506302.html
Fabulous Noughties photos show Derby's festive lights switch-on celebrations

Were you in the crowds to see Sherrie Hewson and George Sampson?

9 Dec 10:12 Derbyshire Live 9061707931611973888.html
Havenwerkers doen laatste groet aan overleden sjorder

Medewerkers van verschillende terminals in de Rotterdamse haven hebben maandagmiddag een laatste eerbetoon aan een overleden sjorder gegeven. De hijskranen op deze terreinen werden allemaal in dezelfde positie gezet.

9 Dec 11:33 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227438294882.html
Basketball player fined for ignoring Chinese national anthem

Beijing - China's professional basketball association fined one of its foreign players on Monday for not paying sufficient attention during the pre-game playing of the country's national anthem.

9 Dec 12:19 The Peninsula 1202843882060352494.html
Deutscher sticht auf Polizisten ein

Ein Polizist ist am Münchner Hauptbahnhof mit einem Messer angegriffen und verletzt worden.

9 Dec 10:27 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110447296825.html
Dilema Casemiro, Ancaman Akumulasi Kartu dan Absen El Claciso

Real Madrid kini dalam dilema dengan situasi yang dialami Casemiro

9 Dec 14:46 Bola.net 5489959027928306912.html
Eerste ontmoeting Poetin en Zelenski

De Russische president Vladimir Poetin en zijn Oekraïense ambtsgenoot Volodimir Zelenski hebben elkaar in Parijs voor het eerst ontmoet. Dat gebeurde tijdens de top over het conflict in Oost-Oekraïne, waar pro-Russische separatisten hun eigen ‘Volksrepublieken’ hebben uitgeroepen.

9 Dec 17:57 RD.nl 6406779841497289923.html
Automobilist gewond bij botsing in Geesteren door overstekend dier

Een vrouw is vanmiddag gewond geraakt in Geesteren, toen ze met haar voertuig tegen een andere auto botste.

9 Dec 13:46 RTV Oost 6509131171763530387.html
Ceta muss noch verhindert werden

Die EU-Staaten sollten das Abkommen zwischen EU und Kanada nicht ratifizieren. Es hat zu viele Nachteile. Der Gastbeitrag.

9 Dec 16:25 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323896411377.html
Madeleine voor het eerst in jaren bij uitreiking Nobelprijzen

Prinses Madeleine is dinsdag weer van de partij bij de uitreiking van de Nobelprijzen in Stockholm. De jongste dochter van koning Carl Gustaf en koningin Silvia was in 2017 voor het laatst bij de prijsuitreiking.

9 Dec 14:59 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048706700911.html
Polemik Helmy Yahya dengan Dewan Pengawas TVRI

Berita terpopuler detikFinance Senin (9/12/2019) seputar polemik Helmy Yahya dengan Dewan Pengawas TVRI.

9 Dec 14:00 detikfinance 4442190001359210142.html
Glyphosat-Verbot tritt vorerst nicht in Kraft

Das im Juli vom Nationalrat beschlossene Verbot des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat wird von Bundeskanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein nicht kundgemacht und wird somit nicht in Kraft treten. Grund dafür ist ein reiner Formalfehler: Das Gesetz hätte der EU im Voraus zur Notifizierung übermittelt werden müssen, was aber nicht geschehen ist. Wie ist Ihre Meinung?

9 Dec 10:48 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973172042876719.html
Lachgas landelijk verboden als recreatieve drug, Arnhem loopt voorop

Het kabinet verbiedt het recreatieve gebruik van lachgas, omdat de gezondheidsrisico's groter zijn dan in eerste instantie werd gedacht. Arnhem koos eind oktober als eerste gemeente van Nederland al voor een verbod, waarna het aanbod van de drug fors daalde.

9 Dec 11:30 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614704058113.html
Menkominfo Ungkap Tiga Pokok dalam RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi

Menkominfo Johnny G Plate mengatakan kedaulatan, kepemilikan, dan penggunaan data pribadi akan diatur dalam RUU PDP.

9 Dec 10:31 Katadata News 179777405902521853.html
Kang Ji Hwan Divonis Hukuman Percobaan atas Kasus Kekerasan Seksual

Hukuman Kang Ji Hwan lebih rendah dari tuntutan jaksa.

9 Dec 13:30 liputan6.com 3414318496961880386.html
Verizon Kills Email Accounts of Archivists Trying To Save Yahoo Groups History

An anonymous reader shares a report: Verizon, which bought Yahoo in 2017, has suspended email addresses of archivists who are trying to preserve 20 years of content that will be deleted permanently in a few weeks. As Verizon announced in October, the company intends to wipe all content from Yahoo Gr...

9 Dec 10:23 tech.slashdot.org 8720761277689897772.html
The Runaway Train of Cognitive Enhancement

How far can we “improve” our mind before we lose our sense of identity and authenticity?

9 Dec 12:00 Scientific American Blog Network 5160668528826253906.html
Kanzlerin stoppt Umsetzung: Notbremse beim Glyphosat-Verbot

Das vom Nationalrat beschlossene Verbot des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat wird nicht wie vorgesehen am 1. Jänner 2020 in Kraft treten. Das Gesetz wird von Kanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein wegen eines Formalfehlers nicht kundgemacht.

9 Dec 15:58 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699264325588.html
Suksesi CEO Bukalapak, Achmad Zaky Digantikan Mantan Direktur Bukopin

Kabar suksesi di Bukalapak berhembus sejak Agustus lalu. Kini, Bukalapak resmi menunjuk Rachmat sebagai pengganti Achmad Zaky.

9 Dec 09:30 Katadata News 179777406240119972.html
Glyphosat-Verbot tritt vorerst nicht in Kraft

Das im Juli vom Nationalrat beschlossene Verbot des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat wird von Bundeskanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein nicht kundgemacht und wird somit nicht in Kraft treten. Grund dafür ist ein reiner Formalfehler: Das Gesetz hätte der EU im Voraus zur Notifizierung übermittelt werden müssen, was aber nicht geschehen ist.

9 Dec 10:53 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084993843371.html
Saudi Arabien: Geschlechtertrennung in Restaurants beendet

Frauen in Saudi Arabien dürfen in Restaurants und Cafés künftig den gleichen Eingang benützen wie Männer. Bisher war das nicht möglich.

9 Dec 10:46 miss 1375730020183882721.html
Bintang Andalan Barcelona Diincar Manchester City yang Tengah Krisis Bek

Manchester City yang tengah krisis bek kabarnya menaruh minat pada pemain sepak bola dari klub LaLiga Spanyol, Barcelona, yakni Samuel Umtiti.

9 Dec 17:01 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549920145901.html
Novel Baswedan: Terkesan Ada Kemenangan bagi Koruptor

Kata Novel Baswedan, dari sisi pencegahan pun, selama ini pemerintah juga tak menunjukkan keseriusannya

9 Dec 08:07 Tempo 4466195685918182526.html
Huawei stands by HarmonyOS approach

A Huawei executive revealed the company plans to expand the range of devices running its ...

9 Dec 11:11 Mobile World Live 2109488009444551691.html
Buhari directs accountant-general, MDAs to make daily financial inflows public

Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday directed ministries, departments and agencies of the government to publish daily treasury summary statements of financial inflows and outflows. President Buhari, represented by the Minister of State for Niger Delta, Tayo Alasoadura gave the directives at the official launch of the Financial Transparency Policy and Implementation Guidelines by the […]

9 Dec 13:35 The Guardian 7580308505455786919.html
Russland will gegen Ausschluss von Olympia und WM Einspruch einlegen

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) hat im Skandal um manipulierte Daten aus dem Moskauer Kontrolllabor eine Vierjahressperre gegen Russland verhängt.

9 Dec 10:36 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568021696055.html
Dipuji Warganet karena Beli Es Teh Plastikan, Gibran Rakabuming Justru Diomeli Susi Pudjiastuti

Gibran beli es teh plastikan Gibran Rakabuming terlihat membeli es teh dalam plastik. Hal ini tentu jadi hal yang

9 Dec 12:30 Hipwee 8847968230102371413.html
South Africa Calls For Robust Multilateral Response To Climate Change

South Africa on Monday called for a robust multilateral response to climate change in a way that would assist African and other developing countries to adapt to the associated loss and damage, Concise News reports.

9 Dec 15:43 Concise 5544636823493786866.html
Walmart apologizes for Christmas sweater with apparent drug reference

Walmart issued an apology for a Christmas sweater sold on its website that features an image of Santa Claus behind a table with white lines on it that appear to depict cocaine.

9 Dec 11:54 Fox 4 8372747777499615641.html
Spek Gahar Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, Mobil Dinas Bupati Karanganyar

Jeep Wrangler Rubicon terbaru dibekali mesin 2.0L Turbo empat silinder segaris. Mobil ini dipilih Bupati Karanganyar Juliyatmono sebagai mobil dinas.

9 Dec 09:40 Tempo 3519522217482950471.html
Rudiantara Calon Terbaik Dirut PLN yang Dipilih Jokowi

"Di antara semua, yang capable Rudiantara,"

9 Dec 10:04 detikfinance 4442190000809030600.html
Treinverkeer hsl over Hollands Diep hervat

Door de harde wind zijn de hogesnelheidstreinen over de spoorbrug over het Hollands Diep maandagmiddag enige tijd stilgelegd.

9 Dec 14:05 RD.nl 6406779841491376144.html
Lithuanian Central Bank Announces Blockchain Collector Coin

The Bank of Lithuania announced that it will release its first digital, blockchain-based collector coin in the spring of next year.

9 Dec 14:35 Cointelegraph 3050247240874355399.html
Jokowi Puji Aksi Heroik Surfer Filipina Selamatkan Atlet Indonesia

Roger Casugay telah merelakan kesempatan memperoleh medali emas demi menolong atlet Indonesia, Arip Nurhidayat yang hanyut dan dihantam tiga gelombang tinggi setelah tali seluncurnya putus.

9 Dec 15:53 merdeka.com 1998180356096888095.html
Kasus Penyelundupan Harley Masih Hangat, Iis Dahlia Akui Suaminya Jadi Pilot Pesawat Saat itu

Suami Iis Dahlia Kasus ini akhirnya juga menyeret nama penyanyi dangdut, Iis Dahlia. Pasalnya, pesawat yang membawa barang selundupan tersebut disebutsebut dikemudikan oleh sang suami, Satrio Dewandono. suami, iis dahlia, pilot, garuda indonesia, harley davidson

9 Dec 09:00 Hipwee 8847968230301122839.html
Verkeersminister zet handtekening onder A2-verbreding

VVD-minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen heeft haar handtekening gezet onder de overeenkomst voor de verbreding van de A2 tussen knooppunten Het Vonderen bij Echt en Kerensheide bij Urmond.

9 Dec 15:55 1limburg 5437278402796063685.html
Electricity vandals throw nine Anambra communities into darkness

EEDC on Monday said that about nine communities were affected by the power outage resulting from vandalism of Enugwu-Ukwu 33KV line.

9 Dec 10:38 Vanguard News 4125100340039310984.html
Garuda Indonesia Dipimpin Pejabat Sementara, Ini Daftarnya

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) dipimpin sejumlah pelaksana tugas (Plt) dan pelaksana harian (Plh). Siapa saja mereka? Baca di sini selengkapnya

9 Dec 12:11 detikfinance 4442190000511804042.html
Koalition: Auf allen Ebenen wird weiterverhandelt

Auch diese Woche wird in Sachen türkis-grüner Koalitionsbildung weiterverhandelt. Die Gespräche liefen zu diversen Bereichen in verschiedenen Konstellationen, sowohl auf Ebene der Fachgruppen als auch auf Chefebene, wie es gegenüber der APA hieß. Verlautbarungen von Zwischenergebnissen sind auch weiterhin keine geplant.

9 Dec 12:23 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085176659174.html
Activist Thunberg turns spotlight on indigenous struggle at climate summit

MADRID (Reuters) - Teen activist Greta Thunberg turned a spotlight on the struggles of the world’s indigenous peoples against climate change on Monday, appearing at a U.N. summit alongside other young campaigners furious at the West’s failure to tackle the crisis.

9 Dec 17:09 Reuters 8334514180104787095.html
Aster Medical Centre expands with plastic surgery department

Doha: As part of an initiative to expand its services, Aster Medical Centre, a division of Aster OM Healthcare, the largest private healthcare network in the country,  has announced the opening of outpatient consultancy in plastic surgery. 

9 Dec 08:29 The Peninsula 1202843882085570315.html
Harapan Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo di Akhir Masa Jabatannya

Agus mengatakan salah satu yang harus segera diwujudkan adalah reformasi birokrasi. Hal itu dilakukan cara rightsizing di satker yang tugasnya tumpang tindih.

9 Dec 16:06 detiknews 8793960224146325757.html
Spektakulärer Polizeieinsatz in Trimmis

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:08 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774994199375.html
Celebrate a perfect Nordic coffee moment with Nespresso this festive season

This holiday season, Nespresso has designed its iconic end of year range around indulgent Nordic moments. Incorporating the growing Scandinavian-inspired cultural trends of Hygge and Fika, Nespresso is encouraging its customers to put the busy festive season on pause, for a moment’s connection with a friend or family member.

9 Dec 08:49 The Peninsula 1202843881724447353.html
Strache-Intimus Karl Baron abgesetzt

Wiener FP-Gemeinderat wurde als Präsident der Freiheitlichen Wirtschaft abgesetzt - im Landtag will er vorerst bleiben.

9 Dec 16:48 Kurier 208072238445311080.html
Pakistan and Iran conduct joint border patrolling

CHAGAI, Pakistan: The Pakistani and the Iranian border forces on Sunday conducted the joint patrolling along the border near Taftan in Chagai district, said a report by Eurasia Diary. Official sources said that Pakistan’s Levies Force & Frontier Corps and the Iranian border guards carrying their national flags participated in the patrolling. The joint patrolling commenced from border pillar number 76 and ended at number 88 near the Taalap area. The Officials of the two sides shared their experiences with each other. “This was a synchronized patrolling from both sides along the border between Pakistan and Iran. Authorities of both neighboring countries observed the border to identify suspected movements by each side and report to the other with the aim to overcome the threats”, the Assistant Commissioner of Taftan Najeebullah Qambrani told media.

9 Dec 09:41 Dispatch News Desk 1078940132106402045.html
Australian Digital Health Agency chief suddenly quits

After three years.

9 Dec 15:17 iTnews 4425008560113402834.html
Chelsea Dapat Dorongan Besar Jelang Bertemu Lille

Chelsea dapat dorongan besar jelang menjamu Lille di Liga Champions, Rabu (11/12), dengan pulihnya Antonio Rudiger yang juga sudah siap dimainkan.,

9 Dec 15:29 Gilabola.com 481785380076737800.html
Aktivisten stürmen Amtssitz von Maltas Regierungschef

Die Demonstranten fordern den sofortigen Rücktritt von Joseph Muscat wegen mutmasslicher Verwicklungen in den Anschlag.

9 Dec 11:35 SRF 8424707179513516978.html
Insiden Penembakan Demonstran di Baghdad, Korban Terbunuh Mencapai 23 Orang

Sumber keamanan mengatakan mereka tidak dapat mengidentifikasi penembak yang menyerang para demonstran

9 Dec 09:59 Hidayatullah.com 5252784001858266287.html
Gericht: Facebook-Apps verletzen Patente von Blackberry

Facebook muss im Zuge des Patentstreits mit Blackberry möglicherweise mehrere Apps ändern. Betroffen wären der Messenger, WhatsApp und Instagram.

9 Dec 09:56 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535190200868240.html
Hastie urges democracies to engage in political warfare to preserve peace

The Liberal MP says the West has watched on passively while states such as Russia and China weaponise "previously benign" activities.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730563001794283.html
HSBC Holdings shuffles executive ranks ahead of restructuring

Interim CEO plans to close some parts of the sprawling bank’s business and sell others

9 Dec 15:25 The Irish Times 8204772968898666780.html
Zim Children Smuggled Into SouthAfrica Perish In FREAK Accident

Undocumented Zimbabwean children who were travelling to SouthAfrica died in an accident after a Toyota Quantum collided with a Ford Fiesta

9 Dec 13:04 iHarare News 2755902708308879147.html
Empat Roket Hantam Pangkalan Militer AS di Irak

Sedikitnya empat roket dilaporkan menghantam basis pangkalan militer tentara Amerika Serikat dekat bandara internasional Baghdad, Irak pada Senin (9/12).

9 Dec 16:03 internasional 6599523172906851340.html
Climate change threatens food supplies

Climate change threatens food supplies if extreme weather conditions hit more than one grain producing region at a time, scientists warned Monday.

9 Dec 16:15 Vanguard News 4125100339276568805.html
Jokowi Bertemu Ahok dan Dirut Pertamina

Menurut Ahok, selama ini Jokowi sudah menyampaikan pesan bahwa pemerintah ingin memperbaiki defisit neraca perdagangan Indonesia.

9 Dec 11:36 Tempo 4466195685237402231.html
Komisi VI Minta Menperin Fokus Tingkatkan 5 Industri Prioritas

KBRN, Jakarta : Komisi VI DPR RI melakukan Rapat Kerja dengan Menteri Perindustrian, Agus Gumiwang menyampaikan program kerja dan road map Kemenperin 2020-2024. Anggota Komisi VI, Rieke Diah

9 Dec 14:30 RRI News Portal 6700853645214895454.html
Mann will Coiffeur wegen Haarschnitt anzeigen

Ein Mann wollte bei der Kantonspolizei St. Gallen wegen eines misslungenen Haarschnitts Anzeige wegen Körperverletzung erstatten. In diesem Fall klappte das allerdings nicht.

9 Dec 15:07 20 Minuten 5741369453382664861.html
Property and finance professionals raising money for Nottingham based charity Operation Orphan

'Strictly fab-u-lous'

9 Dec 15:18 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702862648569.html
Niko Kovac Dikabarkan Tertarik untuk Menjadi Pelatih Arsenal

Mantan pelatih Bayern Muenchen, Niko Kovac dikabarkan tertarik untuk mengisi jabatan pelatih Arsenal.

9 Dec 08:00 BolaSport.com 4603768435834282788.html
Thunberg und Neubauer geben Klimaaktivisten in Madrid Plattform

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 12:10 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776749748228.html
Bernyanyi Bawa Manfaat Spesial untuk Adit

Musik membawa hal positif bagi Adit.

9 Dec 09:00 liputan6.com 3414318495760829512.html
Hal yang Ditakuti Anak dengan Down Syndrome dan Cara Menanganinya

Awalnya Adit takut polisi.

9 Dec 12:00 liputan6.com 3414318497844836379.html
Somajul anticoruptiei si fentarea legii in Romania

In lume e ziua anticoruptiei. Dar in Romania? Pare ca someaza, iar coruptia va tot inflori cat timp, altfel decat a procedat Agentia Mondiala Antidoping pedepsind Rusia, marii corupti pot fenta legea usor.

9 Dec 16:45 Ziare.com 1922730287041901981.html
Iraqis rally against government as Baghdad summons Western envoys

Iraqis turned out Monday to mourn a prominent activist gunned down the previous evening, the latest violent episode in anti-government demonstrations in which more than 450 people have died.

9 Dec 16:00 Pulse Live 3606876835776584843.html
Kumarakom to become plastic-free

All stakeholders in the tourism industry to come together against single-use plastics

9 Dec 17:50 The Hindu 6679535024532567607.html
Bukan Liga Champions, Ini Prioritas Guardiola Setelah Tertinggal dari Liverpool

Trofi Premier League sudah jauh dari jangkauan Manchester City. Namun Josep Guardiola enggan mengalihkan prioritas utamanya ke Liga Champions jika hal ini belum tercapai

9 Dec 10:08 Bola.net 5489959029314775376.html
Hari Anti Korupsi, Mahasiswa Segel Kantor Wali Kota Tasikmalaya

KBRN, Tasikmalaya : Puluhan Mahasiswa dari Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Kota Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, melakukan unjuk rasa di halaman kantor Wali Kota Tasikmalaya. Aksi yang dilakukan berkaitan

9 Dec 12:32 RRI News Portal 6700853645062025827.html
Sechs Verletzte bei Raketenangriff auf irakische Militärbasis

Auch US-Soldaten und Diplomaten auf dem Gelände in Bagdad

9 Dec 09:12 DIE WELT 6197693429144619722.html
Taakstraf voor Kroon om kopstoot en tonen geslachtsdeel

Militair Marco Kroon, drager van de Militaire Willems-Orde, wordt veroordeeld tot 100 uur taakstraf voor het met opzet uitdelen van een kopstoot tijdens zijn aanhouding door de politie tijdens carnaval in Den Bosch op 3 maart. De militaire rechtbank in Arnhem achtte maandag naast deze mishandeling ook de schennis van de eerbaarheid bewezen door het tonen van zijn geslachtsdeel aan een agente.

9 Dec 12:39 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630121566160.html
Walmart apologizes for Christmas sweater with apparent drug reference

Walmart is saying sorry for making available a Christmas sweater with an apparent drug reference.

9 Dec 08:05 CHANNEL3000 830332542211292264.html
Keren! Ilustrasi Makanan Karya Food Illustrator Ini Sukses Bikin Ngiler

Food illustrator asal Jepang berhasil membuat netizen menjadi ngiler begitu melihat ilustrasi makanan yang dibuatnya. Tampak lezat meski hanya berupa gambar.

9 Dec 11:00 detikfood 4586606520870074065.html
UN-Klimagipfel: Thunberg und Neubauer ermutigen Klimaaktivisten in Madrid

Zum Start der zweiten und entscheidenden Woche der UN-Klimakonferenz spricht die schwedische Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg in Madrid. Sie bringt Unterstützung aus Deutschland mit.

9 Dec 12:17 swp.de 6929179440402339448.html
Firli Harap RI Tak Lagi Peringati Hari Antikorupsi karena Bebas Korupsi

Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia diperingati hari ini. Ketua KPK terpilih, Firli Bahuri, berharap nantinya RI tak lagi peringati Hakordia karena terbebas dari korupsi.

9 Dec 10:03 detiknews 8793960224065642621.html
Katholiken und Reformierte gehen Hand in Hand

Die beiden Landeskirchen im Aargau arbeiten künftig in den Spitälern eng zusammen. Dies ist so schweizweit einmalig.

9 Dec 16:29 SRF 8424707178659270644.html
Kalorienbedarf der Welt steigt durch schwerere Menschen

In vielen Ländern werden die Menschen tendenziell schwerer. Dadurch steigt ihr Energiebedarf. Was bedeutet das global?

9 Dec 14:16 GMX News 4492287763105342985.html
Appeals court appears skeptical of challenge on Trump payments

A three-judge federal appeals court panel appeared skeptical during oral arguments Monday about letting a group of more than 200 congressional Democrats sue President Donald Trump over foreign payments to his businesses.

9 Dec 17:17 CHANNEL3000 830332541909864949.html
Ditetapkan Jadi Dirut Mandiri, Royke Tumilaar Fokus Tiga Program

Royke Tumilaar resmi dinobatkan menjadi Dirut Bank Mandiri.

9 Dec 12:03 Tempo 6909074030096608634.html
Europäische Batteriefertigung kann kommen

Grünes Licht für eines der wichtigsten Projekte von Wirtschaftsminister Altmaier: Die geplanten Subventionen für Firmen, die Batteriezellen erforschen oder produzieren wollen, verstoßen nicht gegen EU-Wettbewerbsrecht. Zusammen mit sechs anderen Staaten will Deutschland mehr als drei Milliarden Euro investieren.

9 Dec 12:55 n-tv 6802689754710671610.html
SalamAir announces direct flight to Thailand

New route will operate three times a week

9 Dec 12:32 Times of Oman 5168079156169270772.html
Pesticide chlorpyrifos banned by EU

EU member states have voted to ban from the market chlorpyrifos, a pesticide which is toxic to the brain in both its forms, and has been the subject of a long-running Le Monde and EUobserver investigation.

9 Dec 14:23 EUobserver 625925298083036727.html
House Judiciary Committee holds hearing on impeachment evidence: Live updates

The House Judiciary Committee is holding an impeachment hearing Monday where committee lawyers are presenting evidence in the case, as Democrats begin to draft articles of impeachment against President Trump at the direction of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

9 Dec 13:05 Fox News 7362823821443760362.html
Russia banned from Olympics over doping scandal

Russia has been banned from participating in a full range of sporting events, including the upcoming 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup in Qatar, for four...

9 Dec 12:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944808244274740.html
Uhuru Lands Top International Role

Knowing fully well the task ahead, President Kenyatta lay his agenda before the leaders present with a view to...

9 Dec 15:46 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153314302690.html
Heracles en Joey Konings niet akkoord met voorstel voor twee duels schorsing

Heracles Almelo en Joey Konings zijn niet akkoord gegaan met het schikkingsvoorstel van de aanklager betaald voetbal om de aanvaller twee duels te schorsen.

9 Dec 13:27 RTV Oost 6509131171175895108.html
Firmenich primeggia tra le imprese familiari sostenibili

E’ andato a Firmenich il premio IMD-Pictet Sustainability in Family Business. La più grande azienda privata a livello mondiale nel settore dei profumi e degli aromi ha ricevuto il riconoscimento, alla prima edizione, per le sue iniziative tese a incorporare le pratiche e gli obiettivi responsabili nel suo intero ecosistema. “Oggi i leader non devono pensare

9 Dec 08:51 bluerating 6922469336398019467.html
Rechtsreferendar legt Revision gegen Urteil Connewitz-Prozess ein

Im Connewitz-Prozess hat der Rechtsreferendar Revision eingelegt. Er akzeptiert einen Urteilsspruch nicht, der vorige Woche gefallen ist.

9 Dec 15:43 MDR 5336324388457088879.html
Credit Unions Find Opportunity In Payments Disruption

CULedger discusses credit unions' opportunity in payments innovation by being "rail agnostic" and supporting digital identity, data exchange and value exchange.

9 Dec 13:00 PYMNTS.com 7357138826457415937.html
Murtaler vor Haus abgepasst und niedergestochen

Es war vermutlich Eifersucht, die einen drogensüchtigen Murtaler (32) Sonntagnacht in Judenburg zum Ausraten brachte. Er passte seinen vermeintlichen ...

9 Dec 09:37 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093826893164.html
House Judiciary hearing sets stage for Trump impeachment charges

Pushing ahead with articles of impeachment, the House Judiciary Committee convenes on Monday to formally receive the investigative findings against President Donald Trump as the White House and its allies launch an aggressive attack on Democrats and the proceedings.

9 Dec 17:41 News24 3752801378065013195.html
Warga Saudi Tak Lagi Dipisahkan Berdasarkan Gender di Kafe atau Restoran

Wali Kota Makkah, Mohammad Abdullah Al-Quwaihis mengatakan kepada Arab News bahwa amendemen tersebut bertujuan untuk memudahkan investor, warga negara, dan para pengusaha

9 Dec 10:20 Hidayatullah.com 5252784003372151362.html
Bus mit Fake-Designartikeln gestoppt

Fahrzeug kam aus der Türkei.

9 Dec 11:48 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441633669033.html
Man uit Veldhoven omgekomen na botsing bestelbussen in Tilburg

Maandagochtend is in Tilburg bij een verkeersongeval op de kruising Apollostraat met het Heieinde een 29-jarige man uit Veldhoven om het leven gekomen. 'De kruising werd enige tijd afgesloten vanwege het politieonderzoek', zo meldt de politie maandagmiddag.

9 Dec 14:34 Blik op nieuws 5468169449243558348.html
Kritik an umstrittenem Abkommen zwischen Tripolis und Ankara

EU berät über Lage in Syrien. Kritik an umstrittenem Abkommen zwischen Tripolis und Ankara

9 Dec 17:58 euronews 4540914627233791548.html
Tre Kronor-forwarden sjuk

Färjestadsforwarden Michael Lindqvist har blivit sjuk och missar veckans landslagsturnering Channel One Cup i Ryssland, skriver ishockeyförbundet på Twitter. Det finns unga uppgifter om ersättare. Tre Kronor inleder mot värdnationen på torsdag och möter

9 Dec 08:51 HD 3336945412026827359.html
Brockhampton to play Birmingham show

American rap collective Brockhampton will bring their European tour to Birmingham next year.

9 Dec 10:24 Express & Star 7324224459327001824.html
Zodiak: Capricorn Terima Karma Buruk, Aries Berhenti Mendebat Suami

Bunda, simak ramalan zodiak hari ini mengenai keuangan, asmara, karier, hingga peruntungan lainnya yuk!

9 Dec 09:00 moms-life 8028540701262663262.html
Embattled governor of Kenya capital denies corruption charges

Sonko, a member of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s ruling Jubilee Party, said in a statement posted on his social media accounts on Sunday that his arrest was “politically schemed.”

9 Dec 12:28 Africanews 6630243978924425087.html
Nigeria's weak operating environment is still a challenging factor for the banking sector

Moody's Investors Service has said that Nigeria's weak operating environment posed a challenge to the banking sector in maintaining the recent improving trend, particularly as regards asset quality, given the increasing bank lending.

9 Dec 10:43 Pulse Live 3606876835894660977.html
Lachgas, van verdovingsmiddel tot drug

Lachgas, met de scheikundige naam distikstofoxide (N20), wordt al ruim tweehonderd jaar gebruikt als verdovingsmiddel in ziekenhuizen en bij tandartsen. Begin jaren negentig werd het door jongeren gebruikt op feesten als drug. Daarna verdween het aanbod uit de uitgaanswereld. Sinds enkele jaren is het middel weer populair onder veel jongeren.

9 Dec 12:10 RD.nl 6406779842353641919.html
Robotics Researchers Have A Duty To Prevent Autonomous Weapons

Robotics is rapidly being transformed by advances in artificial intelligence. And the benefits are widespread: We are seeing safer vehicles with the ability to automatically brake in an emergency, robotic arms transforming factory lines that were once offshored and new robots that can do everything from shop for...

9 Dec 13:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247069137719.html
Tweede verdachte aangehouden voor betrokkenheid bij groot drugslab Oldenzaal

Een 38-jarige Oldenzaler is vorige week opgepakt voor betrokkenheid bij het grote drugslab in zijn woonplaats. Eerder werd een man (33) uit Soest aangehouden.

9 Dec 14:56 RTV Oost 6509131172075058483.html
Senior Supreme Court advocate accuses Haryana minister of harassment

Advocate Navratan Chaudhary in a police complaint said she got scared when an unknown person knocked at her door twice.

9 Dec 13:58 India Today 4286117813508843528.html
Topless Protesters Detained Ahead Of Ukraine Peace Summit In Paris

Two female activists from the Femen movement have protested topless outside the Elysee Palace in Paris.

9 Dec 14:45 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162302648633.html
Thunberg und Neubauer reden Verhandlern in Madrid mit Mitstreitern ins Gewissen

Zum Auftakt der zweiten und entscheidenden Woche der UN-Klimakonferenz ist die Verantwortung der reichen Industrieländer für die ...

9 Dec 12:35 stern.de 4680145938932330817.html
Vredesbelofte Zelenski niet makkelijk na te komen

Om de oorlog in Oost-Oekraïne te beëindigen, moet president Zelenski maandag tijdens vredesbesprekingen in Parijs niet alleen opboksen tegen het thuisfront. Ook tegen de presidenten van Rusland en Frankrijk.

9 Dec 11:25 RD.nl 6406779842064039316.html
Russia opposes initiative on expanding Normandy format

The leaders of the Normandy Four states – Ukraine, France, Germany, and Russia – are scheduled to meet in Paris, France, on December 9.

9 Dec 11:00 UNIAN 6863008970710795338.html
Swedbank revamps management after money laundering probe

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedbank (SWEDa.ST) said on Monday its chief risk officer was leaving as the Swedish bank’s new CEO revamps its structure to regain customer trust after a money laundering scandal sent its shares down 40% in the past year.

9 Dec 11:25 Reuters 8334514181200621202.html
Yuletide Social Assistance Program to be established for barangay execs, workers

In appreciation of their hard work in providing frontline government services, President Duterte has called for the establishment of a “Yuletide Social Assistance Program” for barangay officials and workers this year.

9 Dec 09:41 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199109491781.html
Bundesrat will Werbeanrufe einschränken

Das Parlament hatte im Frühjahr 2019 Gesetzesänderungen bezüglich dem Fernmeldegesetz beschlossen. Schweizer Fernmeldedienstanbieter sollen Kunden besser vor unerwünschten Werbeanrufen und hohen Roaming-Kosten schützen. Nun werden weitere Details zur Umsetzung bekannt.

9 Dec 11:38 www.cetoday.ch 4667961261217657003.html
House Judiciary hearing sets stage for Trump impeachment charges

Pushing ahead with articles of impeachment, the House Judiciary Committee convenes on Monday to formally receive the investigative findings against President Donald Trump as the White House and its allies launch an aggressive attack on Democrats and the proceedings.

9 Dec 14:02 Aljazeera 6642629763209964053.html
Sri Lanka orders medical test for Swiss employee

She had alleged abduction, sexual assault

9 Dec 17:06 The Hindu 6679535026276652308.html
Surveillance stepped up at night in human habitations

The Forest Department has stepped up surveillance at night in human habitations that are witnessing regular movement of wild elephants in Coimbatore. Anti-poaching watchers (APW) and members of the Ra

9 Dec 16:44 The Hindu 6679535024410527346.html
MMDA announces reactivation of Pasig River ferry

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) reactivated the Pasig River Ferry Service (PRFS) on Monday as an alternative means of transportation that can help ease the traffic congestion in the metro.

9 Dec 14:46 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200356137000.html
Russia banned from Olympics over doping scandal

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on Monday banned Russia from the Olympics and world championships in several sports for the next four years, after WADA's executive committee conclude that Moscow had manipulated laboratory data, the Guardian writes. Ru...

9 Dec 16:38 EUobserver 625925299999650713.html
Forum Batajau Seni Piaman Gelar Ngamen Massal di Pariaman

KBRN, Pariaman : Semangat para penggerak Forum Batajau Seni Piaman sepertinya tidak pernah susut. Menjelang ulang tahun organisasi mereka yang pertama pada 28 Desember ini, berbagai cara dilakukan

9 Dec 13:24 RRI News Portal 6700853644902631838.html
Police find young woman reported missing

A young woman reported missing from a Queen St, Brisbane, apartment, has been found safe.

9 Dec 09:00 PerthNow 6839538508861489808.html
Chinese library burns religious and pro-democracy publications

Scholars concerned for safety as online criticism removed from all websites in China.A library in Gansu, China announced in October that it would begin to examine its collections and remove publications that encouraged thoughts against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

9 Dec 08:54 Taiwan News 4737573345531860510.html
Rückversicherer Deutschland

Die Bundesrepublik sagt Mittel zur Behebung von Schäden durch Naturkatastrophen zu. Denn vor Ort hilft den betroffenen Menschen keine Versicherung der Welt.

9 Dec 16:58 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322798070909.html
Assad-Interview bringt italienische TV-Anstalt RAI in Verlegenheit

Ein Interview mit dem syrischen Machthaber Bashar al-Assad bringt Italiens öffentlich-rechtliche TV-Anstalt RAI in Bedrängnis.

9 Dec 11:51 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084502628125.html
Nafarroako Abiadura Handiko Trena merkantzientzat «bideraezina da», Sustrairen esanetan

Sustrai Erakuntzak egin duen txostenaren arabera, Nafarroako AHTak merkantzientzako «ez du balio». Martin Zelaia fundazioko kidearen esanetan, tr...

9 Dec 15:13 naiz: 5899264293027498484.html
Iraq convoca Gb-Francia-Germania-Canada

Il ministero degli esteri iracheno ha convocato oggi gli ambasciatori di quattro paesi occidentali che avevano espresso condanne per l'uccisione, venerdì scorso a Baghdad, di 21 manifestanti e 4 agenti di polizia da parte di non meglio precisati uomini armati. (ANSA)

9 Dec 17:07 ANSA.it 1300837448084594379.html
Mahila mithra committees planned to check crime against women

Responsible citizens will be roped in for concerted action, says SP

9 Dec 14:38 The Hindu 6679535025795579318.html
Occupational safety, health awareness and practice are paramount

It is the sole responsibility of employers to ensure the safety and health of their employees by preventing their exposure to occupational risks

9 Dec 13:06 New Vision 9103146372941738525.html
Valencia mist Jasper Cillessen definitief tegen Ajax

Valencia moet het dinsdag in de Johan Cruijff ArenA stellen zonder Jasper Cillessen. De keeper is geblesseerd en maakt geen deel uit van de wedstrijdselectie van de club uit LaLiga. Cillessen raakte zaterdag geblesseerd in de wedstrijd tegen Levante. De Oranje-international sloeg de training van zondag over en hoewel hij goede hoop had om erbij te zijn tegen zijn oude club, maakt Valencia maandag bekend dat hij geen deel uitmaakt van de selectie die afreist naar Amsterdam.

9 Dec 13:41 Voetbalzone 9096760911536186744.html
Sweden charges former China envoy over dissident bookseller case

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish prosecutors said on Monday they had brought criminal charges against the country’s former ambassador to China over unauthorized meetings in Stockholm aimed at freeing dissident bookseller Gui Minhai.

9 Dec 16:15 Reuters 8334514180223439382.html
Barbie Kumalasari Kirim Kalimat Cinta untuk Galih Ginanjar Sebelum Sidang

Galih Ginanjar, Rey Utami dan Pablo Benua dikawal ketat oleh sejumlah petugas.

9 Dec 14:00 liputan6.com 3414318496520161541.html
Sparkassen-Kunden warten auf Geld

Eine Störung legt den Zahlungsverkehr der Sparkassen lahm. Sie ist inzwischen behoben, Kunden warten aber immer noch auf ihr Geld oder darauf, dass ihre Überweisungen ankommen.

9 Dec 09:36 n-tv 6802689755424528840.html
Ombudsman heropent onderzoek naar fiscus vanwege onjuiste info

Staatssecretaris Menno Snel van Financiën heeft er een extra kopzorg bij. De Belastingdienst, waar hij verantwoordelijk voor is, heeft ondernemers te hoge dwangbevelkosten in rekening gebracht. Toen de Nationale ombudsman de zaak eerder onderzocht, leverde de fiscus onjuiste informatie aan en werd het onderzoek gesloten.

9 Dec 13:34 RTLZ 8052859355880428906.html
Lagi, KBRI Amman Capai Zero Shelter Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia

KBRI Amman berhasil membantu proses mediasi dan pemulangan sebanyak 682 PMI dan 16 orang anak-anak.

9 Dec 15:43 liputan6.com 3414318497786159326.html
Joining hands to deliver

Need to bring detained MNAs to the House The government-opposition mudfest continues as usual. PTI supporters gathered outside Avenfield apartments asking for Nawaz Sharif’s head, l

9 Dec 16:45 Pakistan Today 6621510368251508850.html
BUMN Bongkar Pasang Pejabat Bank Mandiri, Kartika Jadi Komisaris Utama

Kartika Wirjoatmodjo yang ditunjuk sebagai Wakil Menteri BUMN kembali ke Bank Mandiri sebagai Komisaris Utama.

9 Dec 08:59 Katadata News 179777405707711059.html
Public Offered Free Counter-Terrorism Training

The coaching was previously available only to those who worked in crowded areas.

9 Dec 10:28 Forces Network 3883413828072814851.html
Erick Thohir Sebut Penyelundupan Harley Dirut Garuda Sistematis

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir memecat 4 direksi Garuda Indonesia, termasuk dirut Ari Askhara karena ada proses sistematis dalam penyelundupan Harley Davidson.

9 Dec 08:45 detikfinance 4442190001311865867.html
PHOTOS: German invites Nelson Chamisa

MDC leader Nelson Chamisa is currently in German attending a conference organised by the Germany Social Democratic Party."So honoured to be in Germany, Be...

9 Dec 10:22 Bulawayo24 News 5565663539615810560.html
Defence calls no evidence

The defence lawyer for a man accused in the stabbing death of a 13-year-old girl in Abbotsford says no evidence will be called in his defence.

9 Dec 15:05 Castanet 616068602031665869.html
Stop drug prices rating

© EDITOR — Soon after the government announced that as a country we are moving from the multi-currency system to the Zimbabwe dollar, the prices of medical drugs escalated, showing that even now the rating system is still being applied.

9 Dec 15:46 DailyNews Live 5038909577165178899.html
Setelah Toko Online, Pemerintah Bidik Pedagang di Medsos

Asosiasi e-Commerce Indonesia (idEA) mengaku diminta Kemendag untuk mencarikan rumusan agar pemerintah bisa mendata pelaku usaha yang berjualan melalui medsos.

9 Dec 09:02 detikfinance 4442190000727303757.html
Galleria del Tenda chiusa per l'annuale esercitazione di Protezione civile italo-francese

In programma il prossimo 12 dicembre dalle 19 alle 2 del 13, periodo durante il quale la circolazione sarà consentita solo ai mezzi di soccorso dei due Paesi

9 Dec 10:16 Targatocn.it 7367208848980796471.html
Christkindlesmarkt in Trochtelfingen: Kein Durchkommen in den Altstadtgassen

Wer am Samstagabend über den Trochtelfinger Weihnachtsmarkt schlendern wollte, musste viel Geduld mitbringen. Tausende waren auf den Straßen und feierten die Adventszeit.

9 Dec 12:53 swp.de 6929179441609047610.html
SG Hilkerode/Birkungen verliert bei Aufsteiger

Mit 48:58 (21:29) verloren, dabei dem Gegner aber einen großen Kampf geliefert: Die Bezirksoberliga-Basketballer der SG Hilkerode/Birkungen mussten sich im Auswärtsspiel dem TSV Völkenrode geschlagen geben.

9 Dec 17:53 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776823571839.html
Thief jumps into canal in Wednesfield

A thief jumped into a canal in an attempt to flee police in Wednesfield.

9 Dec 15:30 Express & Star 7324224459318550342.html
Vrijgelaten jihad-ronselaar doet gewoon verder

Een jaar na zijn vrijlating verspreidt de veroordeelde ronselaar Jean-Louis Denis nog steeds een boodschap van radicaal islamisme

9 Dec 08:08 SCEPTR 7604357483139507116.html
SRF-Mitarbeiter sollen keine kritischen Artikel liken

Am Dienstag entscheidet die SRF-Geschäftsleitung um Natalie Wappler über den Studiostandort Bern. Nervosität und Unmut machen sich breit.

9 Dec 15:08 Berner Zeitung 1248949325635769019.html
US confirms Washington visit by Russian foreign minister

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will welcome his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday - the Russian's first visit to Washington since a ...

9 Dec 10:46 CNA 5644198862532593910.html
Agreement on arrival of Iranian pilgrims signed

The accord came as Bentin received the Iranian dignitary in his office in the holy city, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said.

9 Dec 14:39 Saudi Gazette 6913978435106609839.html
Dartmouth student lawsuit settled over baseball injury

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - A lawsuit filed by a Dartmouth College student against the school who was seriously injured during baseball practice has been settled, the college said Monday.

9 Dec 17:51 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638220961567.html
Reddit Uncovers Russian Interference Campaign Ahead Of UK Election

Fears of Russian interference ahead of a heated U.K. election were all but confirmed this week with a Reddit post....

9 Dec 12:02 Gizmodo AU 3183561246456572177.html
Maelfu yaendelea kutikisa jiji la Hong Kong, wanaharakati wataka demokrasia

Maelfu ya waandamanaji wanaopigania demokrasia jijini Hong Kong wameandamana mwishoni mwa wiki iliyopita kuadhimisha miezi 6 tangu kuanza kwa maandamano yao kushinikiza mabadiliko, huku wanaharakati viongozi wakiwaonya wanasiasa wanaouunga mkono utawala...

9 Dec 09:29 RFI 1022736845881233079.html
US: Rally outside Pakistan embassy against Islamabad sponsored terrorism

A rally was organised outside the Pakistan embassy in Washington on Sunday to protest against Islamabad sponsored terrorism. Two congressional candidates from Virginia and American veterans who fought and worked in Afghanistan were among those who participated in the rally 'Veterans Rally against terror state Pakistan'.

9 Dec 09:08 WION 1570469241997855036.html
Saudi Arabia ends gender segregation at restaurants

Restaurants in Saudi Arabia are no longer required to have separate entrances for men and women, the kingdom's government announced on Sunday.

9 Dec 13:13 CHANNEL3000 830332542149393728.html
Democrats poised to unveil two impeachment articles against Trump

House Democrats are poised to unveil two articles of impeachment against U.S. President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 11:01 CTVNews 2422791598420813439.html
Glyphosat-Verbot tritt wegen Formalfehlers nicht in Kraft

Das Gesetz wird von der Bundeskanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein nicht kundgemacht. Es hätte im Voraus der EU übermittelt werden müssen.

9 Dec 11:54 Die Presse 6242788855578878350.html
Polizei-Chef fordert Schutz vor kriminellen Clans

Auch in Niedersachsen schüchtern kriminelle Clanmitglieder Polizisten ein. Der Präsident der Polizei Osnabrück fordert Konsequenzen, etwa den Stalking-Paragrafen anzupassen.

9 Dec 15:24 NDR.de 5356044081952112296.html
Nederlander verdacht van moord in Belgische cel

Een Nederlandse gedetineerde die in België vastzit, wordt verdacht van moord op zijn celgenoot. Het slachtoffer werd vorige week met een doorgesneden keel aangetroffen, maar toen was er nog twijfel over de doodsoorzaak.

9 Dec 12:11 RD.nl 6406779842116265155.html
KBRI Amman Kembali Capai Zero Shelter Pelindungan PMI

Dubes Andy menjelaskan, sebagai bentuk kehadiran negara dalam pelayanan WNI/BHI, KBRI Amman telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk memastikan pelayanan dan pelindungan kepada WNI bermasalah berjalan dengan baik.

9 Dec 16:58 merdeka.com 1998180354328931801.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill Introduced In Lok Sabha Amidst Opposition Uproar

The motion to introduce the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 was cleared in the Lok Sabha on Monday with 293 'ayes' and 82 'noes'.Union Home Minister Amit Shah moved the motion to introduce the...

9 Dec 09:40 Live Law 8801531619531578839.html
Ragam Khasiat Jinten Hitam, Turunkan Berat Badan dan Cegah Asma

Dalam bentuk minyak, jinten hitam mengandung thymoquinone. Jenis antioksidan dan senyawa antiradang ini diduga memiliki khasiat menghambat tumor

9 Dec 09:45 Tempo 6965386209058608103.html
Resmi! Silvano Rumantir Jadi Dirkeu Bank Mandiri

Royke Tumilaar resmi disahkan sebagai Dirut Bank Mandiri dalam RUPSLB hari ini.

9 Dec 08:42 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214002761457.html
Anti-Citizenship Amendment Bill strike, protests disrupt life in Tripura

Situation peaceful and several protesters arrested, police said

9 Dec 11:37 The Hindu 6679535025824827294.html
Asosiasi Usul WhatsApp hingga Instagram Diajak Diskusi PP E-Commerce

Asosiasi e-commerce juga usul pemerintah melacak sistem pembayaran konsumen Indonesia yang membeli di platform asing, seperti Amazon, eBay dan lainnya.

9 Dec 11:04 Katadata News 179777406459810365.html
Achmad Zaky Mundur dari CEO Bukalapak, Ini Sosok Penggantinya

Achmad Zaky mengatakan, selama satu dekade menjalankan bisnis di Bukalapak telah bertransformasi menjadi e-commerce yang mendunia.

9 Dec 11:41 Tempo 6909074028179053620.html
Kritik an geplanter Abschiebung: Abgelehnter Asylwerber wurde in Langenloiser Kloster festgenommen

Die Schulschwestern reagierten mit einer Petition an den Bundespräsidenten.

9 Dec 16:25 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699312131070.html
Watch Live: House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing on Impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee holds its second hearing on the impeachment inquiry on Monday at 9 a.m.

9 Dec 14:05 Breitbart 3148363491151972115.html
Segeplan prepara informe final para autoridades electas

El 10 enero del próximo año se hará entrega del informe final del proceso de traslado de información a las autoridades electas.

9 Dec 14:02 Canal Antigua 5059206893929214010.html
Erick Thohir Tunjuk Royke Tumilaar Jadi Direktur Utama Bank Mandiri

Royke Tumilaar akan disahkan pada Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) Bank Mandiri yang dijadwalkan akan dimulai pukul 14.00 WIB siang ini.

9 Dec 11:16 merdeka.com 1998180355415993927.html
Die Republik steht still

Seit fünf Tagen protestieren die Menschen in Frankreich gegen die geplante Rentenreform. Der Öffentliche Nahverkehr steht still. Im Großraum Paris stauen sich die Autos auf 600 Kilometern Länge.

9 Dec 11:31 tagesschau.de 5441171425294235462.html
Vodafone und Deutsche Glasfaser kooperieren bei Glasfaserausbau für Privatkunden

Mit dem gemeinsamen Start erweitern beide Unternehmen ihre bestehende Zusammenarbeit beim Glasfaser-Ausbau für Unternehmen in Gewerbegebieten nun auf Privathaushalte in ganzen Kommunen. Die Zusammenarbeit auf Basis des sogenannten „Privaten Betreibermodells“ soll für einen schnellen Netzausbau sorgen.

9 Dec 12:07 ZDNet.de 5091086700272952080.html
Prof. Jonathan Turley Claims Harassment After Testifying at Impeachment Hearing | Breitbart

Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University Law School claims that he received threatening messages after his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week. Turley was the only law professor on a panel that argued against the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 16:51 Breitbart 3148363491432574977.html
FOTO: Mimpi Ruselli Hartawan Meraih Emas Digagalkan Wakil Malaysia

Mampu membuat kejutan dengan melangkah hingga final pada nomor tunggal putri SEA Games 2019, Ruselli Hartawan akhirnya kalah. Pada laga final, dirinya harus mengakui kehebatan wakil Malaysia, Kisona Selvaduray.

9 Dec 14:47 Bola.com 1695722603243484695.html
Patricia relentless after winning beauty title

PATRICIA Javier looks very queenly indeed at the thanksgiving lunch hosted by Noble Queen of the Universe where she won the crown. The pageant will have a delayed telecast at Net25 on December 14, so you can watch her how she bagged the title and bested the other contestants.

9 Dec 09:54 Journal Online 6375127392025106236.html
'Specialistische geboortezorg Heerenveen niet op orde'

Onvolledige dossiers en een gynaecoloog van het Tjongerschans in Heerenveen die haar hoogrisicopatiënt niet overdroeg aan een collega hebben er in 2017 toe geleid dat een eeneiige tweeling bij een zwangerschap van 27 weken is te komen overlijden. De meisjes hadden het tweelingtransfusiesyndroom (tts). Dit meldt NRC. 

9 Dec 13:20 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744384386886.html
Creswick Woollen Mills: Huge upgrades unveiled

More than $1 million was injected into the tourist attraction

9 Dec 09:00 The Courier 3604583736404770523.html
Man injured when bathroom floor collapses in Bronx apartment

A man was injured early Sunday when his bathroom floor collapsed under him in the Bronx.

9 Dec 17:00 ABC7 New York 7327811147679458796.html
House Judiciary Committee holds second impeachment hearing, live stream

The House Judiciary Committee is holding its second impeachment hearing on Monday, days after Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on Democratic committee chairs to begin drafting articles of impeachment. Watch live

9 Dec 14:13 elVocero.com 6318248037536476084.html
Marmite haters converted with hypnosis

The powerful techniques were deployed by a qualified hypnotist and the results caught on camera

9 Dec 12:48 Wales Online 7686550516622691133.html
Governor Mike Sonko Charged With Economic Crimes, Prosecution Opposes Bail

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has been arraigned at the Milimani Law Court after his dramatic arrest on Friday, December, 6 on the charges of over Sh357 million graft case.He was presented before th

9 Dec 08:21 KahawaTungu 3304128543082732355.html
EU-Kommission will Klimaneutralität Europas verbindlich festschreiben

Ein erstes EU-Klimagesetz soll laut einem Bericht die Klimaneutralität Europas ab 2050 festlegen. Forderungen der SPD nach einer Neupositionierung zum deutschen Klimapaket erteilt die Union eine Absage. Die Grünen haben mehrere Forderungen an die Groko.

9 Dec 08:18 DIE WELT 6197693428967063407.html
P Sihanouk villagers seeking intervention over land dispute

Nearly 300 people representing 9,095 families in Preah Sihanouk province on Monday filed a petition to the provincial administration seeking intervention in a long-running land dispute. The villagers submitted the petition after their initial request to hold a march to coincide with the 71st international Human Rights Day on Tuesday was rejected.

9 Dec 16:39 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116006417623.html
India gang-rape shootings revives extrajudicial killing fears

The shooting of four gang-rape and murder suspects by Indian police has highlighted the scourge of extrajudicial killings in a nation grappling ...

9 Dec 14:23 CNA 5644198863875979602.html
Pharmafirma Sanochemia ist zahlungsunfähig

Weil die Suche nach externen Investoren als auch Sanierungsgespräche mit Gläubigern scheiterten, wird ein Insolvenzantrag in nächsten Tagen erwartet. 140 Mitarbeiter im burgenländischen Neufeld sind davon betroffen.

9 Dec 15:45 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441023787872.html
Taglia le piante Boscaiolo resta schiacciato


9 Dec 13:31 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985369945141060.html
Tourism Whistler launches new live chat service

WHISTLER, B.C. – Tourism Whistler has recently launched Ask Whistler, a new live chat service providing users with quick access to local resources and resort information to fulfill their in-resort needs. “Ask Whistler evolved after several months of research and planning as we recognized more and more of our guests are looking for information quickly and easily via their mobile devices,” says Kirsten Homeniuk, vice-president of marketing at Tourism Whistler. “With Ask Whistler we are able to elevate the in-resort experience

9 Dec 08:48 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789235564345.html
India's Parliament passes anti-Muslim citizenship bill

India's Parliament saw raucous scenes Monday and protests raged in the northeast of the country as lawmakers debated legislation that stands to give...

9 Dec 15:13 DAILY SABAH 8383944808950713846.html
Saksikan Malam yang Hebat di One Championship Mark of Greatness

Legenda muaythai, Sam-A Gaiyanghadao meraih kemenangan dengan suara bulat atas Wang Junguang dan mengklaim juara dunia kedua dan muncul sebagai Juara Dunia ONE Strawberty Kickboxing pertama!

9 Dec 17:00 Bola.com 1695722603251487725.html
SHOPPING. De leukste kerstcadeaus voor beautyfans

Met Kerstmis op bezoek bij een beautyfanaat en geen idee wat gekocht? Deze cadeaus helpen je uit de nood.

9 Dec 13:52 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191039225794.html
Tak Tepat Sasaran, Jokowi Minta Penyaluran KUR Produktif Ditingkatkan

Jokowi menawarkan cara agar penyaluran KUR bisa tepat sasaran.

9 Dec 08:43 Katadata News 179777407316316988.html
Lengserkan 3 Orang Penting di Garuda Indonesia, Puteri Novitasari Ramli Dikabarkan Bikin Pilot hingga Pramugari Senior Angkat Koper dari Maskapai Plat Merah

Disebut jadi selingkuhan Ari Askhara, Puteri Novitasari Ramli dikabarkan bikin 3 orang penting di Garuda Indonesia angkat koper.

9 Dec 10:38 grid.id 586386473266224393.html
Swedbank cuts management team in revamp after laundering probe

Swedbank said on Monday its chief risk officer was leaving as the Swedish bank revamps its structure to regain customer trust after a money ...

9 Dec 17:50 CNA 5644198864178188604.html
Bridgnorth Wolves fans arrested for alleged homophobic abuse during Brighton match

Two Wolves fans from Bridgnorth were arrested on suspicion of homophobic abuse during Sunday's game at Brighton.

9 Dec 11:32 Shropshire Star 3480199992898972169.html
A Great American Achievement

The new government statistics are out.September marked the first month that U.S. exports of crude oil, and petroleum products, surpassed imports since the government started recording the data in 1949

9 Dec 14:32 Seeking Alpha 5725634556867627240.html
Janda UAS Singgung Nikah Siri Hingga Permaisuri

WE Online, Jakarta - Penceramah yang tengah viral Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) resmi bercerai dengan istrinya Mellya Juniarti pada awal Desember 2019 lalu. Hingga kini tidak diketahui penyebab keduanya memutuskan untuk tidak lagi membina rumah tangga lagi. Namun, dalam postingan terbaru Mellya, dia menyinggung soal permaisuri yang belum diketahui maksudnya.

9 Dec 13:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835200750657.html
Probiotic food may have varying effects on infants

The intake of beneficial microbes like yeast in the form of probiotic food supplements can have different effects on the immune systems of male and female piglets, according to a study that suggested the findings may also apply to human infants.

9 Dec 11:35 Deccan Herald 2027555796773349697.html
Election candidate raises hopes of Mossmorran inquiry at Lochgelly debate

Hopes were raised that the Scottish Government had changed its position on an independent inquiry into the impact of flaring at Mossmorran chemical plant in Fife.

9 Dec 08:06 The Courier 4275302768270707562.html
6 Potret Terminal Intermoda Joyoboyo Surabaya, Keren Banget

Pemkot Surabaya kini sedang melakukan pembangunan Terminal Intermoda Joyoboyo (TIJ).

9 Dec 14:20 liputan6.com 2150670184501606993.html
The climate crisis threatens gender equality in Africa

People who directly depend on the natural world for their livelihoods, like farmers and fishers, will be among the greatest victims of the climate crisis. In vulnerable hotspots, such as the arid lands of Kenya and Ethiopia, farming communities are already struggling with droughts and water scarcity that kill their cattle and threaten their very […]

9 Dec 10:24 The Next Web 3990801509991017816.html
Body armour for specialist Police vehicles

New Zealand Police has taken delivery of three Armoured Special Purpose Vehicles. The vehicles are unmarked and look like standard Toyota Land cruisers.

9 Dec 09:50 SCOOP 5315658998438580725.html
Rusland uitgesloten van Olympische Spelen en WK voetbal na dopingfraude

Maandag raakte bekend dat het Wereldantidopingagentschap WADA Rusland voor vier jaar heeft geschorst van grote sportevenementen nadat het gesjoemeld heeft met dopingresultaten. Russische atleten mogen wel nog meedoen onder neutrale vlag en zo ook de voetballers tijdens het WK 2022.

9 Dec 10:33 Site-Sportmagazine-NL 2338117078626927323.html
Xiaomi Smartphone Patent With Horizontally Sliding Design Leaked

Seems Xiaomi is obssessed with the idea of making a sliding screen Xiaomi smartphone. At least, a new patent shows such an approach.

9 Dec 12:57 Gizchina 5392375275562932620.html
Tata Altroz Review

The brand‘s new premium hatch brings a breath of fresh air to the segment and will make you rethink your decision to look elsewhere

9 Dec 13:19 BusinessLine 5283600856582946.html
Al Lions Club Mondovì Monregalese il professore Silvio Borsarelli sulle caratteristiche nutrizionali

Il professor Borsarelli, che è stato docente per molti anni in materia di nutrizione umana ed è autore di numerose pubblicazioni in materia, ha aperto l'incontro evidenziando:"Fate qualche trasgressione nel gusto: oltre che...

9 Dec 09:14 Targatocn.it 7367208849812597367.html
Versicherungsschutz für Geldtransporte bei der Post per sofort eingestellt

Der Versicherer für die Geldtransporte der Post hat den Versicherungsschutz für Geldtransporte nach Daillens VD nach dem Überfall von Anfang Dezember per sofort eingestellt. Das erschwert die Versorgung der Bevölkerung...

9 Dec 12:38 cash 8314500325034015912.html
Sah, Royke Tumilaar Diangkat Jadi Dirut Bank Mandiri

Pemegang saham Bank Mandiri sepakat mengangkat Wakil Menteri BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo sebagai Komisaris Utama.

9 Dec 15:27 liputan6.com 3414318497629405817.html
Zwei Welten beim Klimagipfel

Drinnen wird verhandelt, draußen skandiert: Der Klimagipfel gerät zwischen die Lager. Bei der Konferenz steht das große Ganze oft zurück.

9 Dec 17:40 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592769918742.html
In Wijchen al verbod op recreatief gebruik van lachgas

Het kabinet komt met een verbod op het recreatief gebruik van lachgas. Het aantal ernstige gezondheidsincidenten neemt alleen maar toe. Bovendien ervaren mensen veel overlast als gevolg van rondslingerende lachgaspatronen en kapotte ballonnen. Burgemeester Hans Verheijen liet vandaag al op Twitter weten: “En Gemeente Wijchen gaat voor snelheid en heeft de lokale verordening APV al aangepast.&#

9 Dec 17:45 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807536376184876.html
Judiciary hearing sets stage for Trump impeachment charges

Pushing ahead with articles of impeachment, the House Judiciary Committee convenes Monday to formally receive the investigative findings against U.S. President Donald Trump as the White House and its allies launch an aggressive attack on Democrats and the proceedings.

9 Dec 11:01 CTVNews 2422791599249108455.html
Sri Mulyani Berharap KPK Ikut Jaga Iklim Perekonomian di Indonesia

KBRN, Jakarta : Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati dalam acara talkshow di Gedung Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)  Jakarta mengatakan bahwa sebaiknya KPK juga ikut berpartisipasi

9 Dec 15:59 RRI News Portal 6700853646260666909.html
BPH Migas Sinergi dengan Pemda Tingkatkan Pengawasan BBM

BPH Migas mengajak pemerintah daerah untuk meningkatkan pengawasan BBM bersubsidi supaya tidak terjadi kelangkaan pasokan terutama jelang Natal dan Tahun Baru.

9 Dec 12:57 ekonomi 6599523174243481806.html
Kentucky Judge Accused Of Having Threesomes With Staff in Courthouse

According to reports, a Kentucky judge named Dawn Gentry has been accused of pressuring lawyers into having threesomes with her and a pastor who us...

9 Dec 16:37 VLADTV 1404406306516456045.html
Siebte Festnahme nach tödlicher Attacke auf Feuerwehrmann in Augsburg

Bayerns Ministerpräsident Söder will erhöhte Polizeipräsenz prüfen

9 Dec 10:52 DIE WELT 6197693428019601897.html
Banggar DKI Tolak Anggaran Pembangunan Homeschooling SMKN 74 Pariwisata

Saefullah, sebagai pengguna anggaran menjelaskan pembangunan homeschooling SMKN 74 Pariwisata sejatinya diperuntukan bagi siswa dengan keterbatasan finansial dan akademis.

9 Dec 17:47 merdeka.com 1998180355879541823.html
PSS Ingin Mematangkan Eksperimen Formasi Saat Hadapi Persela

PSS Sleman sudah dipastikan bertahan di Liga 1 musim depan.

9 Dec 14:15 Bola.com 1695722603566770016.html
Declaraciones fidedignas ayudan a evitar retrasos

El Caribe es uno de los destinos preferidos por los viajeros durante el verano, ya sea volando, navegando en bote o simplemente disfrutando de un agradable crucero.

9 Dec 12:50 elVocero.com 6318248036318660987.html
CEO Bukalapak Achmad Zaky Mundur, Gantinya Rachmat Kaimuddin

Achmad Zaky memutuskan mundur sebagai chief executive officer Bukalapak. Posisinya akan digantikan oleh Rachmat Kaimuddin.

9 Dec 10:01 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213109213913.html
5 Dampak Negatif Radiasi Ponsel bagi Kesehatan Anak, Batasi Penggunaan

Batasi penggunaan ponsel pada anak agar terhindar dari paparan radiasi secara langsung.

9 Dec 15:05 liputan6.com 5422146880906274659.html
Artificiële intelligentie zal Beethovens onafgewerkte tiende symfonie vervolledigen

Een internationaal team van musicologen, de pianist Robert Levin en computerexperts slaan de handen in elkaar om de tiende symfonie van Ludwig van Beethoven te vervolledigen. Ze zullen dat doen op ...

9 Dec 14:15 HLN 8967494997219813207.html
Anies Apresiasi Jokowi: Untungnya Presiden Pernah Gubernur dan Wali Kota

Mantan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan itu juga mengucapkan terima kasih atas segala instruksi yang diberikan Jokowi, khususnya di bidang transportasi. Sebab, menurutnya, laju pembenahan transportasi umum lebih terarah.

9 Dec 10:28 merdeka.com 1998180355535099286.html
Dituntut Dibui Seumur Hidup, Begini Pembelaan Zul Zivilia Nanti

Hak anak-anak Zul Zivilia untuk mendapat perlindungan hukum dan dibesarkan oleh orang tuanya menjadi salah satu materi pembelaan.

9 Dec 14:54 Tempo 8197554463727621517.html
Sotomayor Skewers Louisiana Policy for Appeals Scandal

Eliciting a statement of concern from Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court declined Monday to take up a case stemming from a suicide note that described a secret court policy in Louisiana targeting the poor.

9 Dec 16:23 Courthouse News Service 1799505149937157528.html
WestJet's Christmas miracle

This year's annual "WestJet Christmas Miracle" video showcases families as they decide whether to give or receive.

9 Dec 10:54 Castanet 616068602090669764.html
Onderzoek met honden naar explosie Coevorden

Forensisch rechercheurs zijn maandag begonnen met een uitgebreid onderzoek naar de explosie zaterdag in een grillroom in Coevorden. Daarbij zet de politie ook speurhonden in.

9 Dec 13:17 RD.nl 6406779840618305806.html
TWS Earphone realme akan Punya Panggilan Buds Air

realme tidak hanya merilis smartphone flagship terbarunya, realme X2 Pro di Indonesia. Bersama dengan realme 5s, smartphone itu juga diperkenalkan oleh realme di pasar India. Menariknya, realme juga memamerkan true wireless stereo (TWS) earphone yang dikatakan akan dirilis pada bulan Desember 2019.

9 Dec 15:30 DroidLime 2345565946381899995.html
Beijing kicks overseas kit out

China directed all government offices and public institutions to replace non-domestic computer equipment and software ...

9 Dec 09:32 Mobile World Live 2109488010703038638.html
House fire leaves three adults displaced and house uninhabitable

San Carlos Park Fire Department responded to an unoccupied home that had smoke showing from a two story home

9 Dec 17:12 Fox 4 8372747777888648718.html
Tesla wil autoruiten schoonmaken met lasers

Tesla heeft een patent aangevraagd waarin het bedrijf een systeem beschrijft dat vuil van autoruiten weghaalt met lasers, zonder dat er water of chemicaliën worden gebruikt.

9 Dec 13:52 Bright.nl 6602863322845234738.html
French pension reform commissioner in conflict of interest controversy

Delevoye said not disclosing his role was "a mistake" and an "omission by oversight".

9 Dec 17:11 euronews 7318238122284259661.html
Banksy piece uses reindeer to highlight homelessness

A new Banksy artwork includes a homeless man sleeping on a Birmingham bench.

9 Dec 17:11 RTE.ie 7595237278593398312.html
Embaixador na posse de Fernandez

O embaixador do Brasil em Buenos Aires, Sergio Danese, deve ser o representante do governo brasileiro na posse do novo presidente da Argentina, Alberto Fernández, informou a assessoria de imprensa do Palácio do Planalto.

9 Dec 09:16 O Antagonista 1037429654721577826.html
BP sluit eigen Europese datacentra

Olieconcern BP sluit zijn Europese datacentra en verhuist de negenhonderd applicaties die het draait naar Amazons cloud.

9 Dec 10:59 Emerce 1354596987195603969.html
Oud-leden verboden pedoclub Martijn zorgen opnieuw voor opschudding

Voormalig leden van de verboden verklaarde 'pedoclub' Martijn zorgen opnieuw voor opschudding. Zoals RTV Oost meldde, is er deze zomer een afgeschermde mailinglijst voor pedofielen gelanceerd. Naar nu blijkt hebben zich in totaal 34 personen voor deze mailinglijst aangemeld, waarbij de leden elkaar in totaal zo'n tweehonderd mailtjes toestuurden. Daarin werden allerlei tips gegeven over seks met minderjarigen.

9 Dec 13:20 RTV Oost 6509131171688110001.html
Polizei diesmal wieder als Freund und Helfer

Als am 6. Dezember 2019, gegen 16:00 Uhr, ein PKW Lenker auf der B 37 im Bereich nach Rastenfeld in Fahrtrichtung Krems einen LKW überholen wollte, stoppte sein Fahrzeug während des Überholvorganges auf Grund eines elektronischen Fehlers das System abrupt ab.

9 Dec 16:50 meinbezirk.at 5267640333303300281.html
Nigerians React As Buhari Replaces Babatunde Fowler As FIRS Chairman

The tenure of Babatunde Fowler as the Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) ended today, with President Buhari opting not to reappoint him for a second tenure.

9 Dec 15:53 Concise 5544636822357573678.html
Fylde coast health professionals work together to help patients tackle winter illnesses

As the cold weather grips the Fylde coast, health services have joined together to ensure residents are kept well this winter.

9 Dec 17:00 The Gazette 1828400565197190532.html
Citra Kirana Dipuji Rezky Aditya soal Melayani Suami

Rezky Aditya dan Citra Kirana resmi menjadi pasangan suami istri.

9 Dec 09:00 liputan6.com 3414318496955807338.html
Jamaican students honoured at CXC regional awards

Four Jamaican students have been honoured by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) in its Presentation of Awards for Outstanding Performances in the May/ June 2019 Examinations. The ceremony was held last Thursday at the Radisson Grenada Beach...

9 Dec 17:32 The Gleaner 1215260529063748375.html
Banksy installs new art piece in Birmingham highlighting homelessness

Legendary artist Banksy has installed a new art piece in Birmingham to highlight the growing homelessness problem in the UK.

9 Dec 14:39 Express & Star 7324224460228174629.html
World's first skincare brand using artificial intelligence arrives in Ireland

Specific ingredients are selected to offer products optimally designed for the skin

9 Dec 15:28 Irish Mirror 2875825629700106347.html
Hongkong-Proteste zerschlagen: Chinesische Propaganda macht das zum Spiel

Die Hongkong-Proteste sind nach wie vor in vollem Gange und die chinesische Propaganda-Maschinerie dampft. Das jüngste Ergebnis: ein Browser-Spiel.

9 Dec 10:23 futurezone.de 2257170160052380000.html
Karyawan TVRI Angkat Bicara soal Kisruh Helmy Yahya-Dewas

Begini pengakuan dari karyawan TVRI menanggapi kisruh pemberhentian Helmy Yahya sebagai dirut.

9 Dec 08:36 detikfinance 4442190001657803123.html
Transporte eingestellt: Bargeld-Engpass in der Westschweiz

Nach einem Überfall auf einen Geldtransporter ist die Versicherung abgesprungen. Vorerst gibt es keine Bargeld-Transporte mehr in die Westschweiz.

9 Dec 16:14 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700481329219.html
International Olympic Committee supports four-year Russia ban

WADA has banned Russia from sporting events after it was recommended RUSADA be declared non-compliant again, which the IOC supports.

9 Dec 14:18 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905205057638.html
Buhari appoints new FIRS chairman

John Ameh, Abuja President Muhammadu Buhari has named Mr. Muhammad M. Nami as the new chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service. He replaces Mr. Tunde Fowler, whose tenure expired on Mon...

9 Dec 15:40 Punch Newspapers 3524240994640811372.html
WADA sanctions are inappropriate and excessive: Russian Olympic Committee

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) sanctions against Russia are inappropriate and excessive, the president of Russia’s Olympic Committee Stanislav Pozdnyakov said on Monday after WADA banned the country from all major sporting events for four years.

9 Dec 16:37 Reuters 8334514179789381699.html
Erstmals "reanimiertes" Spenderherz transplantiert

Zum ersten Mal in Österreich ist in der vergangenen Woche ein Herz nach Tod durch Kreislaufstillstand transplantiert worden. Die sehr seltene Operation wurde am AKH Wien im Herztransplantationsprogramm an der Abteilung für Herzchirurgie (Leitung Günther Laufer) durchgeführt, teilte die MedUni am Montag mit.

9 Dec 11:34 NÖN.at 2486998933417942304.html
Angry protesters storm French embassy in Lagos

Some protesters stormed the French embassy in Lagos on Monday, accusing President Emmanuel Macron of support for terrorism

9 Dec 13:56 Vanguard News 4125100340533331685.html
Tote bei Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland

Die Suche nach vermissten Touristen läuft, und Berichte über Schwerverletzte gingen ein.

9 Dec 09:43 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441075472357.html
Successful water action flotilla at Lyttelton Port

Fifteen kayaks, a yacht, and a ferry filled with over a hundred local school children joined the peace flotilla this morning at Lyttelton Port, Christchurch. They were encouraged from the land by approximately 80 human rights activists, who sang Saharawi songs of freedom. The action was to "unwelcome" the bulk carrying cargo ship the "Federal Crimson", as it arrived in Lyttelton carrying 50,000 tonnes of 'blood phosphate' from the occupied territory of Western Sahara. Christchurch group, ‘Ravensdown- Take ‘Em Down’ organised the water flotilla, inspired by the Peace Squadrons - which were instrumental in the NZ Nuclear Free campaign. Christchurch resident Catherline Low stated "I'm horrified that New Zealand companies are supporting human rights abuses by buying this phosphate. It has got to stop". Local organiser Josie Butler reports "Ravensdown are funding war crimes. We are here today to demand Ravensdown's CEO Greg Campbell to cease this internationally illegal import immediately".

9 Dec 10:43 SCOOP 5315658998770533037.html
Yusoff Rawther: Police open investigation paper

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Police have opened an investigation paper over Muhammed Yusoff Rawther’s allegations that he was sexually assaulted by PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department’s Prosecution and Legal Division principal assistant director SAC...

9 Dec 15:56 Malaymail 302165934794508255.html
Netflix grootste kanshebber bij Golden Globes

Netflix kan wel eens flink in de prijzen vallen bij de Golden Globes. Maar liefst zeventien films en series van de streamingdienst zijn genomineerd.

9 Dec 15:59 Bright.nl 6602863323121965968.html
Okello sensational brace downs Somalia

KAMPALA, Uganda, Dec 9 - Allan Okello struck a sensational brace as hosts Uganda beat a stubborn Somalia 2-0 at the Lugogo Complex on Monday evening to Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 15:11 Capital Sports 7605153804173896369.html
UP Cabinet approves Zurich Airport International as developer for Jewar airport

The Swiss firm had on November 29 emerged as the highest bidder to develop the Jewar airport on the outskirts of Delhi

9 Dec 09:42 Business Today 1145527432484080543.html
Un hombre detenido con marihuana tras control vehicular

En dicho control por parte de los efectivos de Investigaciones y Narcocriminalidad encontraron marihuana en el interior del vehículo. El sujeto en cuestión fijó domicilio y quedó a disposición del Juzgado de Instrucción con asiento en la ciudad de Río Gallegos.   

9 Dec 15:56 TiempoSur 8512931318342314746.html
Angel Lelga Datangi Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan Terkait Kasus Vicky Prasetyo

Selang satu jam berada di ruang penyidik Polres Jakarta Selatan, Angel Lelga keluar dan menemui awak media.

9 Dec 14:30 liputan6.com 3414318496716704400.html
NAB chairman urges ministers to avoid making predictions about investigations

Javed Iqbal urges parliament to play its due role in eliminating corruption.

9 Dec 15:25 DAWN.COM 4500271767153710017.html
Gewerkschaft fordert Investitionen in Osram von AMS

Gewerkschaft fordert Investitionen in Osram von AMS

9 Dec 10:25 finanzen.net 2053223362419891085.html
Cheerleaders Maastricht op weg naar EK

Het team van cheerleaders van de Universiteit Maastricht gaat volgend jaar naar het EK in Italië.

9 Dec 16:40 1limburg 5437278402649291969.html
Blutige Krawalle nach historischem Abstieg in Brasilien

Der erste Abstieg in der 98-jährigen Klubhistorie hat massive Krawalle im Stadion von Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte ausgelöst. In der Arena in Brasilien schrieb die deutsche Nationalelf 2014 Fußball-Geschichte.

9 Dec 11:39 DIE WELT 6197693428378912563.html
Asosiasi: Pengaduan Transaksi E-Commerce Cukup Melalui YLKI

Pengaduan transaksi e-commerce melalui Kementerian Perdagangan dinilai tidak efisien.

9 Dec 14:04 Katadata News 179777406439472757.html
Salah Melempar Bola, Christian Pulisic Panen Ejekan Netizen

Chelsea menelan kekalahan pada laga pekan ke-16 Premier League.

9 Dec 08:37 Bola.net 5489959029000680362.html
China reportedly bans foreign technology in government offices

China is reportedly planning to ban all government offices and public institutions from using foreign software and computers in a move that could dent sales by US tech companies and increase tensions at a crucial moment in the trade war.

9 Dec 11:25 CHANNEL3000 830332543043167460.html
Eishockey-Fan musste nach Herzinfarkt reanimiert werden

Über den Zustand des Mannes gibt es keine neuen Informationen.

9 Dec 14:30 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568079509468.html
Kisah Bolu Gulung Durian yang Diciptakan Pencinta Durian

Bolu gulung durian merupakan hasil eksperimen Erika Gunawan Pemilik Durian House. Ia memulai bisnisnya berawal dari kesukaannya menyantap buah durian.

9 Dec 11:15 detikfood 4586606520462417024.html
Reetdachhaus brennt lichterloh: Feuerwehr hat keine Chance

In Engelschoff (Niedersachsen) ist in der Nacht zu Montag ein Feuer in einem Reetdachhaus ausgebrochen. Das Gebäude brannte bis auf die Grundmauern nieder.

9 Dec 09:53 TAG24 4583887874629840555.html
Gigantischer Schuldenberg: Wacker Nordhausen stellt Insolvenzantrag!

Der FSV Wacker Nordhausen hat am Montagvormittag beim Amtsgericht in Mühlhausen einen Insolvenzantrag gestellt. Die Schulden liegen bei neun Millionen Euro.

9 Dec 14:10 TAG24 4583887874947979995.html
Kapsalon Romy wint prijs voor beste Europese film

De Nederlandse familiefilm Kapsalon Romy is tweemaal bekroond tot beste Europese film van het jaar. Romy won op het Ale Kino! Young Audience Filmfestival in Polen de prijzen voor beste Europese kinderfilm van het jaar en de 'Golden Goat', de prijs voor vakjury voor de beste lange familiefilm van het jaar.

9 Dec 17:33 RTL Boulevard 1500115272653870845.html
Fahrt durch Zscherndorf endet an Laterne

Ein Jeep-Fahrer hat sein Auto am Sonntag gegen eine Straßenlaterne in der Zscherndorfer Friedensstraße gesteuert. Laut Polizei kam der Mann gegen 11.50 Uhr mit seinem Auto in einer Linkskurve von der Fahrbahn ...

9 Dec 12:55 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109475041570.html
Kenney and cabinet ministers in Ottawa to meet federal counterparts

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and eight of his cabinet ministers will be in Ottawa today as part of a trip to meet their federal counterparts.

9 Dec 10:16 CP24 1887544296378674093.html
Volkswagen charged with violating vehicle emission standards in Canada

Volkswagen was charged with 60 counts of breaching the Canadian Environmental Protection Act by importing vehicles that did not conform to prescribed emission standards, Environment and Climate Change Canada said. The company did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.In 2015, the agency launched an investigation into the importing of certain vehicle models allegedly equipped with a prohibited "defeat device".

9 Dec 14:51 Autoblog 4372976972922825772.html
Apple nutzt erstmals CO2-freies Aluminium

Den Worten folgen Taten: Apple nutzt ab sofort bei der Herstellung eines Teils der hauseigenen Geräte sogenanntes kohlenstofffreies Aluminium. Das Unternehmen hat jetzt eine erste Charge des in einem neuen Verfahren produzierten Metalls gekauft.

9 Dec 10:31 MacTechNews.de 1297039198591499365.html
Analysts Claim Indirect Investment in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain helps Manage Massive Risks

There has been an extra amount of negative sentiment directed towards cryptocurrencies in the last few weeks as Bitcoin slowly winded down from $8500 to $6800 over the course of a month. Many wealth managers believe it is better to gain exposure to this space by investing in publicly listed companies that are working with blockchain and multiple cryptocurrencies, reported by LifeHacker, December 8, 2019.

9 Dec 17:00 BTC Manager 8549607152436466456.html
Study projects scenarios for water use reduction in thermal power plants using satellite imagery

Water and energy are closely linked, as current electricity generation methods often require water, and extracting water typically consumes energy. This connection between water and energy, also known ...

9 Dec 15:00 Tech Xplore 4945708898662278070.html
Supreme Court Upholds Kentucky Abortion Law

 A Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions was upheld Monday by the U.S. Supreme Court.

9 Dec 12:00 WebMD 4010151888932357685.html
Deadline for green belt housing protests on Wolverhampton border

Last chance for Wolverhampton residents to contact South Staffs Council over proposed development to build 1,350 new homes on much-loved green belt land near borders

9 Dec 17:05 birminghammail 8288260685101052963.html
Unexpected health issues follow joyful adoption

The foster children arrived unexpectedly on Gabriel and Jeanette Lopez's wedding day.

9 Dec 10:00 The Buffalo News 2088823987379861132.html
Zelenski en Poetin eens over wapenstilstand

De Russische president Vladimir Poetin en zijn Oekraïense ambtsgenoot Volodimir Zelenski hebben in een verklaring gezegd dat de landen de wapenstilstand in Oost-Oekraïne strenger gaan handhaven. Er moet een volledig staakt-het-vuren komen in de regio. De twee leiders ontmoeten elkaar maandag voor het eerst en spraken een uur en twintig minuten.

9 Dec 17:57 RD.nl 6406779841505601950.html
FG launches digital platform to publish daily financial transactions of agencies, ministries

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari has launched the Open Treasury Portal to promote transparency and track spending in the public sector.

9 Dec 17:26 The ICIR 2244788521446104847.html
Gazini Ganados actually won the Miss Universe National Costume competition

Current Philippine trending info on popular art, culture, society, movie, music reviews, travel destinations, food, classic literature, bestseller book lists, modern, retro design, health, wellness, people, events, beauty, makeup tips, latest fashion, clothing, fads. Current news articles, stories, multimedia video, infographic photo on national, international, global, world by GMA News Online.

9 Dec 14:12 GMA News 9044359188718358615.html
Chargers not finished working despite playoff elimination

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles Chargers clearly believe they should be playing for a postseason berth in December instead of playing out the string. They know their 5-8...

9 Dec 16:39 The Seattle Times 9121942837677081742.html
Lachgas landelijk verboden als recreatieve drug, voorloper Arnhem blij

Het kabinet verbiedt het recreatieve gebruik van lachgas, omdat de gezondheidsrisico's groter zijn dan in eerste instantie werd gedacht. Arnhem koos eind oktober als eerste gemeente van Nederland al voor een verbod, waarna het aanbod van de drug fors daalde.

9 Dec 11:30 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615301846328.html
Intel Labs unveils cryogenic control chip for quantum computing

Intel Labs unveiled a first-of-its-kind cryogenic control chip, code-named Horse Ridge, that will speed up the development of quantum computing systems.

9 Dec 15:00 VentureBeat 6273363635772270414.html
Nursing students stage sit-in

They demand better facilities

9 Dec 17:59 The Hindu 6679535024764420092.html
SoftBank plans AI institute to aid businesses

SoftBank and The University of Tokyo teamed on a project to boost development of AI ...

9 Dec 10:39 Mobile World Live 2109488011407768123.html
Near Space Labs releases high-resolution imagery API

Near Space Labs unveiled an application programming interface Dec. 9 offering access to high-resolution imagery captured by cameras on weather balloons.

9 Dec 13:00 SpaceNews 7631243599635415529.html
Palestinian ex-prisoners recall torture in Israeli detention

Ramallah, Occupied West Bank - It was supposed to be a normal Wednesday for Samer Arbeed and his wife, Noura, picking up and dropping off the children, eating leftovers for lunch, and working on a sink-load of dishes.

9 Dec 11:07 Aljazeera 6642629763905331270.html
Google Introduces Beta Explanations that Can Explain Smaller Issues with SEO Marketing Campaigns

New system can be used by SEO marketers to identify issues that lead to ups and down in SEO management.

9 Dec 09:45 Inc.com 8604986417930760842.html
Polisi Janji Pengungkapan Kasus Novel Tak Sampai Berbulan-bulan

Polisi mengklaim memiliki alat bukti dan petunjuk terkait kasus penyiraman Novel Baswedan.

9 Dec 14:18 Katadata News 179777405385068982.html
Polisi Tak Terima Laporan Politikus PDIP Terhadap Rocky Gerung, Ini Alasannya

Henry menegaskan, laporan yang dia buat bukan kapasitas mewakili kepentingan hukum Jokowi melainkan atas nama pribadi yang merasa sakit hati Presidennya dihina oleh Rocky Gerung. Seharusnya, petugas menerima dahulu aduannya tersebut.

9 Dec 15:58 merdeka.com 1998180356026332081.html
Natan Sharansky receives Israel's prestigious Genesis Prize

JERUSALEM — Former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky has been awarded Israel’s prestigious 2020 Genesis Prize for a lifetime of work promoting political and religious freedoms, organizers announced Tuesday. The $1 million award is granted each year to a person recognized for outstanding professional achievement, contribution to humanity and commitment to Jewish values. Following a tradition …

9 Dec 16:49 City NEWS 1130 5858657120546260520.html
Ketika Erick Tohir Menyamar Jadi Tukang Bakso, Jokowi Tertawa Terbahak

Ada yang istimewa dari drama antikorupsi di SMKN 57 Jakarta. Hal ini dikarenakan drama tersebut diperankan oleh tiga menteri Indonesia, yaitu Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Wishnutama), Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Nadiem Makarim) dan Menteri BUMN (Erick Tohir).

9 Dec 17:46 merdeka.com 1998180355786537052.html
Korupsi Tak Kenal Batas Wilayah, Wapres Minta KPK Kerja Sama dengan Agen Internasional

KBRN, Jakarta : Wakil Presiden RI, Ma'ruf Amin mengapresiasi kinerja Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam menyelamatkan potensi keuangan negara yang mencapai lebih dari Rp60 triliun dan

9 Dec 14:58 RRI News Portal 6700853645956996953.html
Eruption on White Island

Police is working with National Emergency Management Agency to coordinate a search and rescue operation following a volcanic eruption at White Island this afternoon.

9 Dec 17:02 SCOOP 5315658999193692152.html
Incidente Milano, conducenti indagati per omicidio stradale

L'autista del filobus avrebbe proseguito nonostante avesse il semaforo rosso. Disposta l'autopsia sul corpo della vittima, una 49enne di nazionalità filippina. Sala: "Se ci sono responsabilità ce le prendiamo"

9 Dec 16:21 Adnkronos 2840063644923296054.html
MLA chairs meeting on Paryaya festival

K. Raghupati Bhat, MLA, chaired a meeting of municipal officers and office-bearers of the paryaya festival committee at the Udupi municipal office here on Monday. The meeting focused on the ways and m

9 Dec 16:28 The Hindu 6679535024996997974.html
Australia braces for more fires as extreme temperatures predicted

Thousands of firefighters were fortifying containment lines on Monday as temperatures were forecast to soar, increasing the danger of a fresh wave ...

9 Dec 11:08 CNA 5644198862656502339.html
The Cure For Ultraviolence

The cases of Usman Khan and Lisa Marie Smith point to the problems with deradicalization.

9 Dec 16:45 The Atlantic 100708436523880753.html
Supreme Court rejects challenge to Kentucky abortion law

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge to a Kentucky law requiring doctors to describe ultrasound images and play fetal heartbeat sound to abortion seekers.

9 Dec 16:15 CHANNEL3000 830332542268594029.html
Anti-Corruption War: FG unveils financial transparency policy/open treasury portal

The Federal government on Monday launched a Financial Transparency Web Portal to enhance accountability and transparency i

9 Dec 16:40 Vanguard News 4125100339887771036.html
Thunberg und Neubauer geben Klimaaktivisten in Madrid Plattform

Die schwedische Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg und ihre deutsche Mitstreiterin Luisa Neubauer haben an der Klimakonferenz in Madrid zusammen mit jungen Umweltaktivisten aus aller Welt zu dringendem Handeln aufgerufen.

9 Dec 11:15 bz BASEL 5287163741438211964.html
Galih Ginanjar Hadapi Sidang Ikan Asin, Barbie Kumalasari Tak Menemani

Barbie Kumalasari tidak datang menemani Galih Ginanjar untuk menjalani sidang perdana. Padahal momen tersebut Barbie bisa memberikan semangat untuk suami sirinya itu

9 Dec 09:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182698219539899.html
Wasserwerk Gaildorf: Elf Prozent des Trinkwassers verschwinden im Nichts

Das städtische Wasserwerk von Gaildorf verzeichnet einen jährlichen Verlust von 74.000 Kubikmetern. Die Ursache sind Rohrbrüche.

9 Dec 09:24 swp.de 6929179442108862602.html
Police resort to lathicharge during JNU student march to Rashtrapati Bhawan

When the students reached a cordoned area, they tried to jump the barricades and were lathicharged by the police

9 Dec 13:05 Business-Standard 1502508925391575234.html
Anti-discrimination groups want joint response after weekend of homophobic, racist incidents

Premier League clubs reacted strongly in the wake of alleged incidents of homophobic and racist abuse.

9 Dec 16:37 Sports Mole 7750663360792783237.html
Labour group accuses Google of illegally firing workers to stifle unionism

Communications Workers of America union files federal labour charge.

9 Dec 13:37 iTnews 4425008559757775871.html
Ini Bukti Arab Saudi Sekarang Makin Liberal

Pemerintah Arab Saudi mencabut larangan pemisahan lelaki dan perempuan di restoran

9 Dec 09:41 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213138673889.html
BKSDA Duga Kalung GPS Harimau Bonita Lepas, Pergerakannya Tak Terpantau

Dua ekor harimau Sumatera Bonita dan Atan Bintang sempat dipasang kalung GPS Collar saat dilepas kembali di hutan. Namun, GPS tersebut kini diduga lepas.

9 Dec 09:13 detiknews 8793960225139841991.html
Man Receives Testicle Transplant From Twin

A man who was born without testicles got a transplanted one from his identical twin brother during a six-hour operation performed early last week in Belgrade, Serbia, by an international team of surgeons.

9 Dec 12:00 WebMD 4010151889027997222.html
Politie arresteert man die partner dreigt te vermoorden

Omstreeks 10 uur voerden de speciale eenheden van de politie een actie door in Pittem. Langs de Brugsesteenweg was er een zware echtelijke ruzie ontstaan. ...

9 Dec 11:22 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190998075861.html
Strache-Intimus Baron in Freiheitlicher Wirtschaft abgewählt

Baron hatte sich zuletzt hinter Ex-FPÖ-Chef Strache gestellt.

9 Dec 16:34 Kurier 208072238142811768.html
Verbod op lachgas: middel is gevaarlijker dan gedacht

Lachgas mag niet meer als roesmiddel worden gebruikt. Het kabinet verbiedt het onder jongeren razend populaire middel, omdat onderzoekers concluderen dat het gevaarlijker is dan gedacht.

9 Dec 12:29 1limburg 5437278402828643378.html
Drogenrazzia in Reutlingen: Falsche Wohnung durchsucht: Der Beamte an meinem Bett

Drogendealer kennen das vielleicht: Man schlummert friedlich vor sich hin, und plötzlich stürzt ein Sondereinsatzkommando mit Rammbock durch die Haustüre. Mir ist erst kürzlich dasselbe passiert.

9 Dec 11:51 swp.de 6929179441223949078.html
Cerita di Balik Alasan Mourinho Berikan Bola Pertandingan untuk Wonderkid Tottenham Hotspur

Jose Mourinho punya alasan khusus memberikan bola pertandingan kepada wonderkid Tottenham Hotspur yang menjalani debut.

9 Dec 17:55 Bola.com 1695722603284095321.html
Microsoft Store empowers students with free Computer Science Education Week workshops

One hundred and thirteen years ago in New York, a girl was born into a generation where the average woman was more likely to perfect a signature pie recipe than solve a pi-based equation. Pushing against expectations, this girl became one of the pre-eminent technologists of our times and made it possible to convert human […]

9 Dec 08:00 Windows Experience Blog 1423407253916942627.html
Defibrilator tudi pri Kovinarju in METALing skupini

Podjetji Kovinar in METALing skupina sta na svojem vhodu na Ljubljanski cesti 36a (PC Železnina in INOX bar) namestili avtomatski zunanji defibrilator...

9 Dec 12:45 Dolenjski list 119924280665712779.html
Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia, Mahasiswa Minta Presiden Keluarkan Perpu KPK

"Kita juga mengecam pemberian grasi dan remisi terhadap pelaku tindak pidana korupsi"

9 Dec 08:00 Hidayatullah.com 5252784003147083077.html
Bamsoet Buka Peluang KPK Masuk Amandemen

Mantan Ketua DPR itu mengatakan, membuka ruang kepada siapapun yang memiliki aspirasi, mengingat tugas-tugas KPK sangat penting bagi urat nadi ekonomi.

9 Dec 14:15 merdeka.com 1998180355841781871.html
Emotional Context In Decision Design

The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra's community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Adding Personal Perspective To Interactive Travel Literature Wanderlust Travel Stories is an anthology of interactive travel literature we published in fall 2019, and it’s the first release of our small studio called Different Tales. Before going indie, my business partner Jacek and I worked in lead roles on both AAA and mobile titles, and applying the things we learned over the last dozen years to our own product was an experience both fascinating and humbling.

9 Dec 10:49 GAMASUTRA 3313346211653582916.html
Comisia pentru constitutionalitate din Senat il contrazice pe Melescanu: Nu exista un conflict juridic intre Inalta Curte si Parlament

Comisia pentru constitutionalitate din Senat considera ca nu exista un conflict juridic de natura constitutionala intre Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, pe de o parte, si Parlament, pe de alta parte, modul de desemnare a judecatorilor in completurile de trei putand fi stabilit si prin acte administrative normative.

9 Dec 16:07 Ziare.com 1922730286020453276.html
Afghan authorities hold up Pakistani passenger plane at Kabul airport

PIA flight PK 250 takes off for Islama­bad after a delay of two and a half hours

9 Dec 15:59 The Express Tribune 1105816785799787460.html
British stars nominated for Golden Globes

The nominees were announced during a ceremony in Beverly Hills.

9 Dec 13:30 Shropshire Star 3480199992030671421.html
Rethinking the Infamous Milgram Experiment in Authoritarian Times

It’s usually cited as showing that people will follow dubious orders under social pressure—but a more important lesson may be that some people will refuse

9 Dec 17:00 Scientific American Blog Network 5160668528763334032.html
Varsler om seksuell trakassering ved byggeplassen til Nasjonalmuseet

Tre arbeidere ved byggeplassen til det nye Nasjonalmuseet er bortvist etter varsler om seksuell trakassering. Ytterligere ett varsel er meldt inn til Statsbygg.

9 Dec 08:12 TV 2 8210067768732997260.html
The English history of impeachment

It is a story of uncertainty, factionalism, and mob rule

9 Dec 11:00 The Week 149215355949723286.html
Bank Mandiri Ungkap Rencana Ekspansi ke Tiga Negara ASEAN

Bank Mandiri akan akuisisi bank lokal Filipina dan memulai bisnis dari nol di Malaysia dan Vietnam.

9 Dec 15:17 Katadata News 179777405762364556.html
Metro in Osaka test gezichtsherkenning om toegangspoortjes te openen

In Osaka, in het westen van Japan, test de uitbater van de metro vanaf deze week een ontwaardingssysteem op basis van gezichtsherkenningstechnologie. Daardoor zouden reizigers door de toegangspoort...

9 Dec 15:18 HLN 8967494997307456754.html
Blindenmarkt: Teenager wollte Frau vergewaltigen

Zu einem dramatischen Zwischenfall kam es bei einer Krampusfeier in Blindenmarkt.

9 Dec 10:16 NÖN.at 2486998933537862786.html
Project and system

There are two ways of seeing order in the world: as a spontaneous system or as an intentional project. Which way lies freedom?

9 Dec 11:00 Aeon 6690650597983240135.html
Record outcome for Edinburgh legal firm Anderson Strathern

Mid-tier legal firm Anderson Strathern has booked record full-year results as it continues to secure high-profile work.

9 Dec 08:19 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490273332925.html
Landesregierung fährt die schmutzigsten Dienstwagen

Wer hätte das von einer schwarz-grünen Landesregierung gedacht? Die hessischen Ministerinnen und Minister fahren die im Schnitt umweltschädlichsten Dienstwagen aller Länderkabinette. Auch der Dienstwagen des Ministerpräsidenten schneidet im aktuellen Vergleich schlecht ab.

9 Dec 17:42 hessenschau.de 6403292203994681816.html
Bukannya Terkekang, Mourinho Malah Buat Tottenham Jadi Lebih Bebas

Jose Mourinho dikenal sebagai pelatih yang disiplin. Namun pemain Tottenham, Eric Dier, justru merasa lebih bebas saat diasuh olehnya ketimbang pelatih sebelumnya, Mauricio Pochettino

9 Dec 14:04 Bola.net 5489959028219671717.html
Digital economy's environmental footprint threatens the planet

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Modern society has given significant attention to the promises of the digital economy over the past decade. But it has given little attention to its negative environmental footprint.

9 Dec 13:09 UPI 8257973864006491106.html
Nieuw coalitieakkoord in Den Haag

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Den Haag heeft zicht op een nieuw stadsbestuur, twee maanden na de val van het vorige college. Vijf partijen zijn het eens geworden over een nieuw coalitieakkoord in de hofstad. De inhoud daarvan wordt maandagmiddag gepresenteerd. Zodra de partijen de zegen hebben van de gemeenteraad, kunnen ze aan hun klus beginnen.

9 Dec 08:12 Nieuws.nl 2419030130068625001.html
New programme launched to support ocean economy innovation

OceanHub Africa launched their Ocean Innovation Africa event in Cape Town, aimed at mitigating the effects of global warming and pollution of the oceans.

9 Dec 10:18 ESI-Africa.com 2679729878647850912.html
Safety first following Nelson road safety operation

Please attribute to Tasman Road Policing Manager Senior Sergeant Grant Andrews:

9 Dec 10:22 SCOOP 5315658998419676390.html
Thousand Indian Scientists, Scholars Oppose Citizenship Bill based on Religion

New Delhi (Sputnik): India’s Federal Home Minister is expected to table a bill in Parliament on Monday to grant citizenship to illegal migrants, who are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

9 Dec 13:28 Sputniknews 967333868063336359.html
Deretan Wahana Permainan Seru di Trans Studio Bali

Tak cuma rollercoaster, Trans Studio Bali juga punya belasan wahana permainan seru lainnya yang wajib dicoba.

9 Dec 16:07 gaya hidup 6599523173529228643.html
Unfinished hides, residential schools in major Ottawa Indigenous art exhibition

OTTAWA — When you walk through the doors of the National Gallery of Canada and spy children playing on a massive new art installation now gracing the main entrance, it's clear the gallery's new . . .

9 Dec 09:52 Times Colonist 7617512062182018071.html
Australia burns grasslands to minimise looming bushfire risk

More than 100 fires are ablaze in New South Wales and Victoria states

9 Dec 08:15 The Irish Times 8204772968166653741.html
Hohensteiner Weihnachtsmarkt: Nicht Chinaware, sondern regionaler Charme trumpft

„Weihnachtsmärktle mit regionalem Charme“, so lässt sich der Hohensteiner Weihnachtsmarkt in Ödenwaldstetten, der viele Besucher anlockte, gut beschreiben.

9 Dec 12:41 swp.de 6929179441745133971.html
Manchester City Diyakini Sulit Mengejar Liverpool di Liga Lokal

WE Online, Manchester - Manchester City dianggap semakin jauh dari trofi Liga Primer Inggris 2019/2020. Sebaliknya, pesaing mereka yakni Liverpool belum terkalahkan musim ini.

9 Dec 09:12 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835715645147.html
Winners of SHATIU honoured

The winners of the 5th edition of Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding (SHATIU) were honoured yesterday in a ceremony held at the Ritz-Carlton, Doha

9 Dec 09:49 The Peninsula 1202843882635533169.html
Lufthansa kocht nicht mehr selbst

Die Lufthansa will sich stärker auf ihr Airline-Geschäft konzentrieren. Dafür trennt sich die Fluggesellschaft von ihrer Cateringtochter LSG. In Zukunft ist ein Unternehmen aus der Schweiz für die Verpflegung an Bord verantwortlich.

9 Dec 17:27 n-tv 6802689754271330713.html
Tingkatkan Pelayanan, BGR Revitalisasi Gudang Penyimpanan Logistik

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (Persero) atau BGR Logistics melakukan prosesi peletakan batu pertama untuk revitalisasi Gudang Semi Factory di Divre Medan dan Divre Lampung, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 12:41 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835045819693.html
Feyenoord-supporters mogen toch mee naar Porto

Feyenoord-supporters zijn toch welkom bij de wedstrijd tegen FC Porto. Dat heeft Feyenoord bekendgemaakt.

9 Dec 16:24 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227516131186.html
Russland vier Jahre von Olympia und WM ausgeschlossen

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) hat Russland für vier Jahre gesperrt. Das WADA-Exekutivkomitee bestätigte am Montag in Lausanne die Empfehlung der unabhängigen Prüfkommission CRC und suspendierte die russische Anti-Doping-Agentur (RUSADA) bis 2023. Athleten des Landes dürfen in diesem Zeitraum nicht unter der russischen Fahne, sondern nur als neutrale Sportler starten.

9 Dec 12:48 NÖN.at 2486998933212973751.html
Fitur Baru & Pelatihan GrabExpress Dorong Pertumbuhan UMKM di Jatim

Super app Grab turut serta dalam memajukan UMKM melalui program #TambahSukses dengan GrabExpress.

9 Dec 13:53 detikinet 7802439222596201849.html
Sri Lanka shakes up intelligence agency after Easter attacks

COLOMBO, Dec 9 — Sri Lanka has for the first time named a military officer to head the country’s main intelligence agency, which was blamed for failing to prevent Islamist extremist bombings in April that killed 259 people. The head of the State Intelligence Service (SIS) was replaced by...

9 Dec 09:39 Malaymail 302165935830947370.html
Vicky Prasetyo Tersangka Setelah Setahun, Angel Lelga Sempat Tak Mau Lanjutkan Kasus

Tak mendapat kepastia atas laporan dugaan pencemaran nama baik yang dilakukan Vicky Prasetyo, Angel Lelga sempat hendak ikhlaskan sikap buruk yang dilakukan mantan suaminya. Kini setelah setahun lebih menunggu, akhirnya pihak kepolisian menetapkan Vicky sebagai tersangka.

9 Dec 09:30 Cumicumi.com 7480087990571539724.html
Botsing tussen auto en vrachtwagen in Hardenberg

Een auto en een vrachtwagen zijn vanmiddag tegen elkaar gebotst in Hardenberg.

9 Dec 14:29 RTV Oost 6509131170346271971.html
Amir arrives at Kigali

Kigali: The Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani arrived Monday in Kigali, capital of Rwanda.

9 Dec 17:09 The Peninsula 1202843882155623209.html
Syrian Army launches heavy attack across southern Idlib

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) artillery and missile teams unleashed a heavy attack across the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate this morning. According to a military report from the nearby Hama Governorate, the Syrian Army heavily targeted several front-lines towns and villages in southern Idlib, with a primary focus on Al-Badriyah and Al-Huwayjah. With the Syrian and Russian air forces mostly grounded due to poor weather conditions, the SAA has increased their strikes in order to weaken the jihadist forces in the Idlib countryside. The report added that the Syrian Army is now targeting the jihadist defenses in the western countryside of the Aleppo Governorate; these strikes are targeting the Kafr Naha and Al-Zahra’a areas. While the Syrian Arab Army controls most of Aleppo city, the jihadist rebels continue to hold onto some areas at the outskirts of the provincial capital.

9 Dec 09:46 AMN 4125648317393016608.html
Marak Dompet Digital, Jasa Servis Brankas Masih Ramai Lho

Jasa servis brankas masih ramai di kawasan Petojo, Jakarta. Penggunaan brankas sendiri masih digemari karena lebih aman.

9 Dec 08:17 detikfinance 4442190001459230874.html
Leadership crisis in Nairobi County after Sonko graft charges

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - The Nairobi County Government was thrown into a leadership crisis following the arraignment of Governor Mike Sonko who faced over - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 08:21 Capital News 7605153803241286465.html
Asignan FEI a exrepresentante Guillermo Miranda

El Panel sobre el Fiscal Especial Independiente (Pfei) ordenó que se realice una investigación a fondo contra el exrepresentante Guillermo Miranda Rivera por alegados actos constitutivos de delitos.

9 Dec 17:04 elVocero.com 6318248036314332888.html
Tips Mengatasi Sembelit, Dari Konsumsi Buah Hingga Minum Bakteri

Sebelum menggunakan obat pencahar, alangkah baiknya jika kita mencoba cara-cara alami terlebih dahulu.

9 Dec 17:35 grid.id 6246371058960331079.html
Hsl-treinen rijden weer over Moerdijkbrug

Op de hogesnelheidslijn tussen Rotterdam Centraal en Breda hebben maandagmiddag geen treinen gereden. De oorzaak was de harde wind.

9 Dec 12:46 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228432034923.html
Pablo Benua Dikawal Bodyguard, Galih Ginanjar Tanpa Ditemani Kumalasari

Senin (9/12) kasus video ikan asin yang melibatkan Pablo Benua, Rey Utami, dan Galih Ginanjar menjalani sidang perdana di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan. Di sidang perdana, Pablo Benua tampak dikawal banyak orang seperti bodyguard. Apakah ia takut menjalani sidang perdana sampai sewa bodyguard?

9 Dec 08:45 Cumicumi.com 7480087989947635417.html
Nu ook een hockeyblaashal in Amstelveen-Zuid

AMSTELVEEN – Wethouder Sport Rob Ellermeijer heeft maandag een blaashal geopend op de velden van MHC Amstelveen. De wethouder nam onder toeziend oog van veertig enthousiaste kinderen de eerste strafpenalty. Daarna kon de eerste training van hockeyvereniging Myra beginnen. De blaashal is door AmstelveenSport neergezet en is een tijdelijke sportaccommodatie in de vorm van een …

9 Dec 17:20 RTVA 4011379848638928074.html
Donasi, Solusi Kurangi Limbah Pakaian

Pakaian menjadi kebutuhan primer yang terus berganti dari masa ke masa. Salah satu pilihan untuk menjadi langkah awal dalam mengurangi limbah pakaian ini adalah dengan melakukan donasi.

9 Dec 13:00 liputan6.com 3414318497693133149.html
Democrats Ask Skeptical Panel to Allow Emoluments Challenge

With a seemingly impossible hurdle to jump, Democrats argued Monday morning before the D.C. Circuit that they can sue President Donald Trump for ignoring the Constitution as foreign governments poured money into his pockets. 

9 Dec 17:49 Courthouse News Service 1799505149310529868.html
Putri Eks PM Australia Diminta Bungkam Soal Pemerkosaan yang Dialaminya

Anak perempuan dari mantan PM Australia, Bob Hawke, mengklaim dirinya diminta sang ayah untuk bungkam soal pemerkosaan yang dialaminya.

9 Dec 14:27 detiknews 8793960223340614104.html
Ucid Vercelli: Adriana Sala riconfermata alla presidenza

Ucid Vercelli rinnova le cariche e conferma Adriana Sala nel ruolo di presidente.

9 Dec 12:31 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734032673929747.html
Usai Diobrak-abrik Erick Tohir, Bank Mandiri Mau Ekspansi ke Regional

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPS-LB) menyepakati rencana perubahan susunan pengurus perseroan dengan mengangkat sejumlah alumni Bank Mandiri untuk menempati posisi direksi dan komisaris.

9 Dec 10:35 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834296800222.html
Werder Bremen: Willkommen im Abstiegskampf

Werder Bremen steckt im Formtief und dem Tabellenkeller fest – diese Sinnkrise hat ein Sammelsurium an Ursachen.

9 Dec 13:51 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323610497875.html
Statistik Bicara: Juventus Lebih Baik di Tangan Allegri Ketimbang Sarri

Juventus melakukan pergantian di sektor kepelatihannya di musim panas kemarin. Massimiliano Allegri, yang memilih hengkang dari Turin, digantikan oleh Maurizio Sarri

9 Dec 15:02 Bola.net 5489959029444640973.html
Trakk konkursbegjæringen mot Steffen Iversen

Skatteetaten har trukket konkursbegjæringen mot den tidligere fotballproffen.

9 Dec 13:50 adressa.no 8417332408010763081.html
Betway to sponsor SJAK tourney

The tournament is open to all journalists.

9 Dec 13:08 Daily Nation 7421817124023838725.html
Twee Congolezen van sanctielijst EU geschrapt

De EU is voorzichtig positief over de politieke ontwikkelingen in de Democratische Republiek Congo en schrapt twee mensen van haar sanctielijst. Volgens de ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken heeft „de eerste vreedzame machtsoverdracht in de geschiedenis van het land de deur geopend naar stabiliteit” in de regio, concluderen ze in een verklaring in Brussel.

9 Dec 15:52 RD.nl 6406779842047690757.html
MK Minta Pimpinan KPK Perbaiki Permohonan Judicial Review Revisi UU KPK

Arief mengatakan para pemohon semestinya memaparkan penyebab kerugian hak konstitusional dari adanya revisi UU KPK.

9 Dec 17:04 detiknews 8793960224700282633.html
4 Direktur Garuda Dikabarkan Dicopot, Buntut Kasus Harley

Empat Direktur Garuda Indonesia dicopot akibat kasus penyelundupan Harley Davidson dan sepeda Brompton.

9 Dec 08:56 Tempo 6909074028358830943.html
Earthquake in Italy

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale was registered tonight at 03.

9 Dec 11:05 novinite.com 4235039571679850898.html
Ga West Assembly assesses damages of windstorm

news, story, article

9 Dec 14:44 ghananewsagency.org 5074937611053412089.html
Patriots caught videotaping Bengals in Spygate sequel

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — The New England Patriots acknowledged on Monday night that a video crew working for the team filmed the Cincinnati Bengals sideline during Sunday’s game, a violation of league rules that echoed the team’s 2007 Spygate scandal.

9 Dec 16:53 Sportsnet.ca 4293652946765675698.html
Rusland staat diensten in woningen toe

In Rusland mogen godsdienstoefeningen in privéhuizen gehouden worden. Dat heeft de Hoge Raad in Sint-Petersburg vorige week vrijdag besloten ten gunste van een adventist. Dit is buitengewoon belangrijk nieuws, zegt Filip Uijl, woordvoerder van stichting Friedensstimme, desgevraagd. „Deze zaak heeft juridisch grote gevolgen.”

9 Dec 14:55 RD.nl 6406779841042102828.html
The Environmental Catastrophe in Your Joint

“Trespass grows,” which feed the marijuana black market, do great damage to the planet.

9 Dec 11:00 The Atlantic 100708436119584951.html
Unknown gunmen attack Syrian intelligence checkpoint in Daraa

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – A group of unknown gunmen carried out an attack on a checkpoint belonging to the Syrian Air Force Intelligence in eastern Daraa this morning. According to local reports, the gunmen, who were suspected to be members of a Free Syrian Army (FSA), Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) or Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) sleeper cell, opened fire on the checkpoint before fleeing in an unknown direction. The reports said there were casualties among the Syrian Air Force Intelligence personnel; however, the total dead and wounded is unknown. These attacks by the FSA, HTS, and ISIS sleeper cells have decreased over the last four months, thanks in large part to the increase of Syrian Army troops in the Daraa Governorate. However, with the absence of Syrian military personnel in some of the reconciled towns in the Daraa Governorate, it has been difficult to crackdown on these sleeper cells.

9 Dec 10:13 AMN 4125648318149801868.html
Telekom-Austria-Betriebsrat rechnet heute nicht mit Einigung auf KV

Mittwoch folgt noch "Endgespräch" mit Arnoldner und Grausam, die Betriebsversammlungen sind für Donnerstag geplant.

9 Dec 14:14 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441604632621.html
Russia banned from international sports competition for four years

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has unanimously agreed to ban Russia from major international sporting competitions -- notably the Olympics and the World Cup -- for four years over doping non-compliance.

9 Dec 11:47 CHANNEL3000 830332542613454303.html
Memahami Waktu Tidur yang Pas untuk Hindari Penyakit Jantung

Inilah alasan kenapa kita harus cukup tidur dengan durasi yang pas, karena tidur terlalu lama atau sebentar bisa meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung.

9 Dec 08:30 Tempo 1441053762336314528.html
Starling Bank Adds First Legal Services Partner to Business Marketplace

UK-based digital banking platform Starling Bank announced on Monday it has added its first legal services partner, Sparqa Legal, to its business marketplace. Ac

9 Dec 15:18 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073303999135.html
Limited water availability raising concerns across the region

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, CMC – The Barbados-based Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (CariCOF) is warning that limited water availability will become a major concern for the region by February next year due to evolving long term drought in several...

9 Dec 16:36 The Gleaner 1215260530114622614.html
What to expect from Monday's House Judiciary Committee impeachment summation hearing

Republican and Democratic lawyers are set to present impeachment evidence at the House Judiciary Committee's latest hearing. The House Judiciary Committee on Monday will hold its second public hearing in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. The hearing will kick off with opening statements by Democratic counsel Barry Berke and Republican counsel Stephen Castor; from there, Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman will lay out the evidence for impeaching Trump, while Castor will lay out the evidence against, The New York Times reports. They'll be using evidence gathered by the House Intelligence Committee. The Republican and Democratic lawyers will have 90 minutes to present evidence, per Vox, at which point committee members will be able to ask questions. Politico in previewing the hearing notes that "lawmakers will have their crack at a congressional staffer, which can create a unique dynamic. They can be much more firm, direct and, to be frank, rude with someone who works on the Hill." The hearing is expected…

9 Dec 12:56 The Week 149215355461161029.html
Vandals damage cars in Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem

BAGHDAD: Iraqis turned out Monday to mourn a prominent activist gunned down the previous evening, the latest violent episode in anti-government demonstrations in which more than 450 people have died. That came as Iraq's foreign ministry summoned four Western envoys over their condemnation of a deadly attack against protesters at the weekend. Iraq's capital and its

9 Dec 14:36 Arab News 8912634263040689928.html
Liam Payne Pastikan One Direction Bakal Reuni

Liam Payne memastikan One Direction bakal reuni, namun baru akan bisa terjadi setelah dua tahun lagi karena aktivitas masing-masing anggotanya.

9 Dec 14:01 hiburan 6599523172330346955.html
Swedbank rejigs management structure; Baltic banking head leaves

Mubasher: Swedbank announced on Monday that its chief risk officer will leave, in the framework of the Swedish lender’s plan to revamp its structure.

9 Dec 13:57 english.mubasher.info 8917853138171814874.html
Die Risiken sind ungleich verteilt

Beim Ukraine-Gipfel geht es für den ukrainischen Präsidenten Selenskij um alles. Merkel und Macron müssen Druck auf Putin ausüben.

9 Dec 10:21 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592440622148.html
Ditpolair Polda Sulteng Tangkap Pelaku Pengeboman Ikan

KBRN, Wani: Demi mendapat hasil tangkapan yang lebih banyak, pelaku pengebom ikan melakukan aksinya di sejumlah perairan di Sulawesi Tengah. Kepolisian pun kini berhasil menangkap pelaku tersebut.

9 Dec 16:26 RRI News Portal 6700853646203545150.html
Nvidia lawyer pushes court to dismiss cryptocurrency mining chip lawsuit

Graphics card manufacturer Nvidia is fighting to have a lawsuit dropped that alleges it misled investors over its failed cryptocurrency mining chip.

9 Dec 13:43 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801509589017314.html
Tegas Bilang Korupsi Penyakit Bangsa Indonesia, Pidato Prabowo Patriotik Banget

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto (Prabowo) mengaku bangga terkait informasi yang menyebut Pusat Rehabilitasi Kementerian Pertahanan RI mendapat penghargaan bebas korupsi.

9 Dec 10:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834803237309.html
Bringdienst Flaschenpost verkauft jetzt auch Weihnachtsbäume

Der Lieferdienst Flaschenpost verkauft jetzt auch Weihnachtsbäume. Kein komplizierter Transport mehr, wirbt die Firma. Doch es gibt Nachteile.

9 Dec 15:52 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220904456680.html
Lorong Ingatan, Menolak Lupa Konflik Aceh

Derap langkah sepatu serdadu memecahkan kesunyian malam saat Aceh masih dilanda konflik. Desingan peluru semakin membuat mencekam. Semua warga tiarap, bersembunyi di balik dinding untuk menghindari peluru tak bertuan.

9 Dec 16:03 merdeka.com 1998180355237335556.html
Polizisten retten schwer verletzten Mann aus Haus

Bei einem Brand in Bülach ist ein Mann schwer verletzt worden. Polizisten haben ihn aus dem Fenster gehievt. Der 58-Jährige wurde danach ins Spital gebracht.

9 Dec 12:22 20 Minuten 5741369452965362526.html
Ganduje appoints Emir Sanusi Kano council chiefs chairman

Kano State governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje has appointed Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II as the pioneer chairman of the state council of Chiefs. Governor Ganduje also directed conveyance of inaugural council meeting of the chiefs with immediate effect. The appointment which takes effect from Monday, the 9th Day of December 2019 will last for […]

9 Dec 14:56 The Guardian 7580308504726602903.html
Verschillende gewonden bij schietpartij Apeldoorn (UPDATE)

Aan de Sikkel in Apeldoorn heeft in de nacht van zondag op maandag een schietpartij plaatsgevonden waarbij zeker twee gewonden zijn gevallen, aldus de politie. Er zijn vier verdachten aangehouden. Het is nog niet duidelijk wat er precies is gebeurd. Buurtbewoners hoorden rond 01.10 5 à 6 schoten in de straat. Een geparkeerde auto raakte flink […]

9 Dec 09:23 Crimesite 9119866469430499947.html
Couturier Addy van den Krommenacker maakt doorstart

Addy van den Krommenacker (69) maakt een doorstart. De couturier, die in oktober een faillissement aanvroeg, heeft maandag een akkoord bereikt met de curator. Zijn winkels in Den Bosch blijven dicht, Addy gaat zich weer volledig storten op het ontwerpen van kleding.

9 Dec 13:50 RTL Boulevard 1500115272668477727.html
Water wars escalate as Victoria slams Murray-Darling power shift

Victorian Water Minister Lisa Neville has criticised plans for the Murray-Darling inspector-general's role, ahead of a crunch meeting next week.

9 Dec 12:55 The Age 7967730561432925410.html
Bomba ecologica a Villa San Pietro, sequestrata una discarica abusiva

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 08:48 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205825887568.html
Technik for Future

Die Klimaziele sind nur zu erreichen, wenn wir der Atmosphäre aktiv CO2 entziehen. Doch die dafür nötigen Technologien sind oft unausgereift, teuer und bergen Risiken. Was kann helfen, und was ist Unsinn? Der Überblick.

9 Dec 13:52 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271273558218.html
Pengusaha Curhat ke Luhut Soal Impor Kapal Bekas Bikin Resah

Impor kapal bekas jadi keluhan yang disampaikan oleh INSA.

9 Dec 08:23 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213252340022.html
Backcountry skier killed in northern Colorado avalanche

A 29-year-old woman has died in an avalanche while skiing in northern Colorado, where communities along the Rocky Mountains have seen record or near-record snowfall since September. The unidentified woman from Fort Collins was buried in the powerful slide Sunday, authorities said. Other members of

9 Dec 14:18 Yahoo 7097669639034380586.html
Nederlandse bedrijven potten veel geld op

Nederlandse bedrijven sparen relatief veel in vergelijking met ondernemingen in andere Europese landen.

9 Dec 08:05 RD.nl 6406779842501659447.html
Kalorienbedarf der Welt steigt durch schwerere Menschen

Die Menschen werden nicht nur mehr, sondern auch mehr. Neben der steigenden Weltbevölkerung könnte auch das steigende Gewicht in Zukunft für Probleme sorgen.

9 Dec 14:16 GMX 2011843076199966217.html
Algeria seeks heavy sentences for ex-PMs accused of corruption

The Algerian prosecutor's office has requested 20-year prison sentences for several former politicians accused of corruption, including two prime ministers who served under former president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, reports say.

9 Dec 15:26 News24 3752801378560892465.html
HPE gaat samenwerken met ruimte-start-up OrbitsEdge

Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) gaat een samenwerking aan met het  eerder dit jaar opgerichte OrbitsEdge. De in Florida gevestigde ruimtestartup wordt de hardwareleverancier voor de Edgeline Converged Edge-systemen van HPE.  OrbitsEdge handelt in feite alles af wat nodig is om de standaard HPE microdatacenter-apparatuur voor gebruik in de ruimte te ‘verharden’. Verharding is een standaardproces […]

9 Dec 14:00 Techzine 1792892596626947403.html
Mexico recalls Argentina ambassador for alleged book theft

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Mexico recalled its ambassador to Argentina after a video surfaced suggesting he may have tried to steal a book from a Buenos Aires bookstore.

9 Dec 15:19 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637060199682.html
PM Narendra Modi met Sports Ministry officials over Tokyo Olympics preparation

Modi headed the meeting at his residence, 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, on November 20.

9 Dec 15:52 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362861033853.html
Amir leaves for Kigali

Doha: The Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani left this morning to Rwandan capital city of Kigali to attend HH's International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award ceremony.

9 Dec 14:11 The Peninsula 1202843882973844840.html
Catalonia Hotels & Resorts partners with Beonprice for digital transformation

BARCELONA - Catalonia Hotels & Resorts has selected Beonprice as its strategic solution for Revenue Management, as the hotel group undergoes significant digital transformation. The hotel chain – which operates 72 properties and more than 10,000 rooms – chose Beonprice as the technology company shared its commitment to innovation and offered a clear vision for how the hotel group can maintain its competitiveness through a dynamic Revenue Management strategy. Utilising Beonprice’s Artificial Intelligence technology, Catalonia Hotels & Resorts will be able to

9 Dec 08:40 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788415773985.html
Opositores declinan reunirse con Hale

Integrantes de la plataforma opositora Alternativa Consensual para la Refundacion de Haiti, declinaron el encuentro la semana pasada con el subsecretario d

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264061135666.html
Lkw kippt hinter die Leitplanke der Autobahn

Viel Glück hatten am Montagmorgen ein 46 Jahre alter Lkw-Fahrer und sein Beifahrer auf der A2 bei Magdeburg. Gegen 9 Uhr war der Lkw der beiden zwischen Magdeburg-Rothensee und Magdeburg-Zentrum nach rechts von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und in die Leitplanke gekracht. Durch den Aufprall kippte der Lkw um und blieb letztlich hinter den Resten der Leitplanke im Straßengraben ...

9 Dec 14:52 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110808030303.html
Colla a base alimentare per elettronica

Una colla rispettosa dell'ambiente, da usare per i dispositivi elettronici, può nascere dal cibo. Specie da prodotti come frutta e verdura, seguendo lo stesso sistema che vede i molluschi come le cozze riuscire ad attaccarsi agli scogli. (ANSA)

9 Dec 08:43 ANSA.it 1300837447995202181.html
Google proposes hybrid approach to AI transfer learning for medical imaging

Researchers at Google study the role transfer learning plays in the development of highly accurate medical imaging machine learning models.

9 Dec 16:55 VentureBeat 6273363635208105360.html
Electric vehicle charging station map goes live

Electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle drivers can now view the current statuses of SA’s public charging stations online.

9 Dec 11:11 ITWeb 642894138787014914.html
5 Cara Menghilangkan Jamur pada Pakaian dengan Bahan Alami

Cara menghilangkan jamur pada pakaian bisa menggunakan beberapa bahan alami.

9 Dec 16:15 liputan6.com 5422146880478065054.html
Austrian leader blocks ban on weedkiller glyphosate, citing technicality

VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria’s caretaker leader on Monday made clear she would not sign into law the European Union’s first national ban on the weedkiller glyphosate due to a technicality, infuriating environmentalists while delighting farmers’ groups.

9 Dec 16:09 Reuters 8334514180683378579.html
Eine Runde mit dem Heiligen Nikolaus

Die Kinderfreunde Abtenau warteten mit Klein und Groß gemeinsam auf den Heiligen Mann. ABTENAU. "Er kommt, er kommt!

9 Dec 17:35 meinbezirk.at 5267640332398421265.html
Sweden charges former China envoy over Gin Minhai meetings

Swedish prosecutors suspect Anna Lindstedt of organising a meeting in January between Gui’s daughter, China's ambassador and two businessmen about the possible release of her father, a dissident bookseller who is current imprisoned.

9 Dec 15:59 euronews 7318238120853836330.html
Noynoy in hospital

FORMER President Benigno Aquino III is confined at the Makati Medical Center where he is scheduled to undergo a heart surgery, the Makati police chief said yesterday.

9 Dec 11:08 Journal Online 6375127392653659981.html
Suporter Gagal Masuk Stadion, The Jakmania Kecam Kinerja Panpel Badak Lampung

The Jakmania kecewa terhadap kinerja panpel Badak Lampung dalam laga tandang Persija di Stadion Sumpah Pemuda, Lampung (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 17:15 Bola.com 1695722603793665780.html
Ada Peran Roy Keane di Balik Kemenangan Manchester United atas City

Roy Keane datang ke Carringhton untuk memberikan motivasi berakhir dengan kemenangan Manchester United.

9 Dec 10:50 Bola.com 1695722604061759327.html
Rockets hit military base near Baghdad airport

Four Katyusha rockets struck a military base next to Baghdad International Airport in Iraq's capital on Monday wounding "six fighters", the military said.

9 Dec 09:28 Aljazeera 6642629763468389625.html
Cape Town City files urgent application to deport foreigners

Capetown To Deport Foreigners-Foreigners in the City of Cape Town face a bleak festive season after the City applied an urgent court interdict.

9 Dec 12:48 iHarare News 2755902708052413875.html
Tak Terima Ditolak Pemerintahan Trump, Bos Amazon Lontarkan Tudingan Nyelekit Ini!

WE Online, Surakarta - Tak seperti Google, Amazon tak akan memalingkan diri dari kontrak militer Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (AS). Sebab, menurut bos besarnya, Jeff Bezos, berpaling dari kontrak militer dapat membuat perusahaan teknologi raksasa berada dalam bahaya

9 Dec 11:55 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835074453309.html
Nach schwerer Krankheit: Karlsruher Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Der Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos ist tot. Er starb am frühen Samstagmorgen im Alter von 79 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit in einer Baden-Badener Klinik, wie der Komponist und Jazzmusiker Bernd Konrad am Montag sagte. Konrad hatte jahrzehntelang mit Joos musiziert und mit ihm auch eine eigene Band. «Er war ein toller Kollege mit einem ganz wunderbaren samtenen Ton in seinem Trompetenspiel», sagte Konrad. Am Wochenende hatten mehrere Medien vom Tod des Musikers berichtet.

9 Dec 12:55 ka-news.de 5595931857541671554.html
Watford appoint Craig Shakespeare as assistant head coach

Former Leicester boss Shakespeare has reunited with new Watford head coach Nigel Pearson.

9 Dec 17:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773461591210.html
Watford appoint Craig Shakespeare as assistant head coach

Former Leicester boss Shakespeare has reunited with new Watford head coach Nigel Pearson.

9 Dec 17:52 Breaking News 4415806918426287317.html
Watford appoint Craig Shakespeare as assistant head coach

Former Leicester boss Shakespeare has reunited with new Watford head coach Nigel Pearson.

9 Dec 17:48 Express & Star 7324224460002009830.html
Syrian Army uses advanced Russian equipment to clear booby traps in northeast Latakia

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:50 P.M.) – Engineering units from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) are working to dismantle the explosives left behind by the jihadist rebels in the northeastern countryside of the Latakia Governorate. According to a Sputnik Arabic correspondent, engineering units of the Syrian Army are working to clear the liberated areas in northeast Latakia, as they concentrate on three main fronts in this governorate. The reporter quoted a military source as confirming that the current combing operation is targeting some of the more rugged locations that the armed terrorist factions used before their defeat. The source pointed out that “the engineering units of the Syrian army are using advanced Russian equipment to detect explosive objects left behind by the gunmen. They would point out that the Syrian Army has great experience in the detection of explosives and mines, especially in areas that were previously under control of the jihadist rebels.

9 Dec 17:06 AMN 4125648316653932048.html
That impeachment hearing protester was actually an InfoWars reporter and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist

It took a few weeks, but the impeachment hearings finally saw their first protester. House Judiciary Committee Chair Jarrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) had just gaveled a hearing on the findings of the Intelligence Committee's impeachment investigation into order when a protester silenced his opening statement. "Jerry Nadler and the Democrat party are committing treason in this country," the protester alleged, going on to claim that "Trump is innocent!" as he was pulled out of the room. NEW: Pro-Trump protester disrupts impeachment hearing, is escorted out by Capitol Police: pic.twitter.com/vuEFv7BVHB — Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) December 9, 2019 The protester's shouts to Nadler about how "Americans are sick of your impeachment scam!" was especially ironic given that he turned out to be Owen Shroyer, a known conspiracy theorist. Shroyer works for the right-wing program InfoWars, and is known for pushing the Pizzagate conspiracy that led a man to open fire in a Washington, D.C. pizzeria because he thought it was the center…

9 Dec 15:08 The Week 149215354370906778.html
Karpintero pinag-almusal ng bala

Hindi na natapos ng 45-anyos na karpintero ang kanyang pag-aalmusal nang agad masawi matapos na pagbabarilin ng hindi nakilalang salarin sa San Pablo City kamakalawa nang umaga.

9 Dec 13:29 Abante News Online 7257070570823417511.html
Russland vier Jahre von Olympia und WM ausgeschlossen

Von Tennis, Golf und Formel 1 über Basketball und Wintersport bis hin zu Handball - hier gibt es alle Sport News auf einen Blick.

9 Dec 11:12 Sky Sport 6321692527265782657.html
Thalassemia wards mooted at Red Cross units across the State

Governor lays foundation for exclusive building for Thalassemia ward in Warangal

9 Dec 15:10 The Hindu 6679535025727142373.html
Wird Russland von Olympia ausgeschlossen?

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur wird heute voraussichtlich Sanktionen gegen Russland wegen Betrugs bei Doping-Kontrollen verhängen. Was wirft die WADA den Russen vor? Und welche Strafen drohen? Ein Überblick.

9 Dec 10:37 tagesschau.de 5441171425522425635.html
Polizei stellt in Moosseedorf fünf Kilogramm Heroin sicher

Bei Hausdurchsuchungen hat die Berner Kantonspolizei in Moosseedorf fünf Kilogramm Heroin sichergestellt. Sie verhaftete drei Männer, die unter dringendem …

9 Dec 12:14 watson.ch 2253754995777226443.html
Newcastle College-Environment is at the forefront for generations to come

Newcastle College is already at the forefront of training for the North East’s renewable energy sector...

9 Dec 11:49 ChronicleLive 1984146902147928279.html
Saudi Arabia ditches rules separating women and men in restaurants

Restaurants too small to enforce the law would not allow women inside.

9 Dec 16:08 Metro 970161748391568075.html
Auftragsmord mitten in Berlin? Bundesregierung fordert Russland erneut zur Kooperation auf

Ein Mann erschießt am helllichten Tag einen anderen Mann - das Opfer kämpfte früher gegen Russland. Jetzt weist die Bundesregierung zwei russische Diplomaten aus.

9 Dec 12:35 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238416214626.html
Beredar Pesan Penipuan Pembagian NIP Lewat WhatsApp, Pelamar CPNS Diminta Hati-Hati

Imbauan itu disampaikan Kepala Biro Hukum, Komunikasi, dan Informasi Publik Kementerian PAN-RB Andi Rahadian menyusul tersebarnya pesan singkat beredar melalui WhatsApp (WA) yang seolah mengoordinasikan pembagian Nomor Induk Pegawai (NIP) untuk Instansi Pusat.

9 Dec 12:20 merdeka.com 1998180355119336408.html
Teacher shortage hinders Portuguese teaching in California

The shortage of teachers and the constraints of the education department are affecting the expansion of Portuguese teaching in California, where Duarte Pinheiro, deputy coordinator of the Camões Institute, found fewer students than expected.

9 Dec 14:47 The Portugal News Online 5173906808145421129.html
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko denies corruption charges in court

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has pleaded not guilty to more than 30 charges of money laundering, receiving bribes and conflict of interest after appearing in court under tight security.

9 Dec 16:24 Aljazeera 6642629762303545499.html
New Zealand launches criminal investigation into deadly volcanic eruption

New Zealand police said on Tuesday they were launching a criminal investigation after a volcanic island erupted with ash and steam on Monday, killing five people, injuring more than 30 and leaving eight people missing, presumed dead. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said reconnaissance flights showed no

9 Dec 13:57 Yahoo 7097669638487860049.html
Questo sfondo fa impazzire gli smartphone Xiaomi

Incredibile!!! Avreste mai pensato di dover formattare il vostro smartphone solo per aver installato uno sfondo? Eppure è successo ad alcuni Mi 9 di Xiaomi.

9 Dec 09:17 XIAOMI today 2748202436359145171.html
UPDATE: Bastrop police locate missing woman

Police have found 33-year-old Courtney Robinson.

9 Dec 13:16 KNOE 8 News 9048639191925554181.html
US confirms visit by Russian foreign minister

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will welcome his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday -- the Russian's first visit to Washington since a controversial 2017 meeting with US President Donald

9 Dec 08:05 Deccan Herald 2027555797358524682.html
WhatsApp broadens call waiting option to Android

WhatsApp reportedly extended a call waiting feature to Android devices, a little more than a ...

9 Dec 15:13 Mobile World Live 2109488009501609924.html
Familiares denuncian muerte de septuagenaria en concierto

La Victoria- Familiares de Carmen González Colmenares, de 70 años de edad, quienes se encontraban en la Morgue de Caña de Azúcar, aseguraron que la dama

9 Dec 13:03 El Siglo 7954754736299641363.html
Sowore: Whistleblowers' coalition condemns SSS invasion of court

The coalition urged President Muhammadu Buhari to punish the officials of the SSS and leadership of the agency for the invasion of a courtroom in an attempt to rearrest Mr Sowore.

9 Dec 14:12 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300398326098.html
Study sheds new light on supermassive black holes

Astronomers say most observations suggest that the bigger the galaxy, the bigger the supermassive black hole in it.

9 Dec 16:02 Express & Star 7324224458781543562.html
Study sheds new light on supermassive black holes

Astronomers say most observations suggest that the bigger the galaxy, the bigger the supermassive black hole in it.

9 Dec 16:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773316947082.html
Voor haar beurt gepraat: Koopmans toch geen interim-directeur Oosterlengte

Wil Koopmans wordt toch niet de nieuwe interim-bestuurder van Zorggroep Oosterlengte. Voornaamste reden: Koopmans sprak openlijk over de functie, terwijl de ondernemingsraad van de zorggroep haar advies nog niet op papier had staan.

9 Dec 15:09 RTV Noord 3728677367682146280.html
Macron na jagorantar taron sasanta rikicin Ukraine

Yau ne shugaban Faransa Emmanuel Macron ke karbar bakoncin taron neman kawo karshen rikicin gabashin Ukraine da ya yi sanadiyar mutuwar mutane dubu 13 tun daga shekarar 2014. Ana kallon wannan taron a matsayin zakaran-gwajin- dafi ga tasirin Macron...

9 Dec 09:33 RFI 6057628068517348916.html
Rohingya refugees demand justice for Myanmar genocide at ICJ

Rohingya genocide hearings at the International Court of Justice start at The Hague as human rights campaigners call for a global boycott of Myanmar to stop violence against the Muslim minority group

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808719636298.html
Abschied: Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Baden-Baden () - Der Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos ist tot. Er starb am frühen Samstagmorgen im Alter von 79 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit in einer

9 Dec 13:22 stern.de 4680145937729255488.html
Mortgage switching startup Dashly names first direct founder Harris chairman

Fintech pioneer and first direct founder Mike Harris has come out of retirement to take on the role of chairman at mortgage switching tool Dashly.

9 Dec 16:09 Finextra 6000504749532533861.html
Seberapa Efektif Bawang Putih Bantu Tingkatkan Produksi ASI?

Bawang putih dipercaya jadi salah satu ASI booster yang bisa membantu meningkatkan produksi ASI. Seberapa efektif?

9 Dec 08:20 menyusui 8028540701149327679.html
Autonomia differenziata: la Cgil ribadisce la sua netta opposizione

Chiede una forte presa di posizione e il coinvolgimento dell'Anci Campania

9 Dec 10:09 AvellinoToday 5452883946727636143.html
Ber regjeringen heve kontrakten med Babcock

Sp ber staten overta driften av luftambulansen etter at flere av de nye ambulanseflyene til Babcock er satt på bakken etter tekniske problemer.

9 Dec 08:51 TV 2 8210067769106479518.html
Tips For Sustainably Forming Habits and Changing Human Behavior

Companies have to understand how to encourage long-term habits that aren't liable to shift at a moment's notice.

9 Dec 17:31 Inc.com 8604986416854559845.html
Jetzt muss geliefert werden

In Madrid geht die Klimakonferenz in die entscheidende Phase. Laut dem Pariser Abkommen sollen die Länder bis spätestens 2020 konkrete Klimaschutz-Zusagen geben. Von Werner Eckert.

9 Dec 08:59 tagesschau.de 5441171426084656307.html
Russland kann sich alles erlauben

Wada-Urteil: Russische Sportler dürfen trotz des dreisten und wiederholten Betrugs an Olympia teilnehmen.

9 Dec 15:19 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593596560265.html
Russisch leger trekt Raqqa binnen na terugtrekking Amerikaanse troepen

Het Russische leger is voor het eerst Raqqa binnengetrokken, het vroegere bolwerk van terreurgroep IS in het noorden van Syrië. Dat zegt het leger maandag. De opmars komt er na de terugtrekking van...

9 Dec 13:08 HLN 8967494997798643391.html
Garden gnomes return home to Blairgowrie after police find kidnappers

Police have confirmed that two youngsters have received warnings after being caught kidnapping garden gnomes from outside a property in Blairgowrie.

9 Dec 15:27 The Courier 4275302767067792672.html
Rail improvement works in Lancashire this Christmas

Rail teams are to work across Christmas to improve drainage on the main rail link out of Preston.

9 Dec 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275853911730512.html
Extinction Rebellion: Aktivisten legen tausende Roller lahm

Ich glaube, 2020 wird ein sehr spannendes Jahr, was Klima- und Umweltschutz angeht. Das Thema ist nach wie vor weit oben auf der politischen Agenda, nachdem es so wirkte, als wäre es in diesem Jahr überhaupt erst wirklich dort angekommen. In der Industrie wird viel umgedacht und auch unter uns Privatpersonen scheint das Thema Nachhaltigkeit immer wichtiger zu werden.

9 Dec 17:00 MobileGeeks Deutschland 7158733815819445419.html
Feds charge Volkswagen with violating environment law for faking emissions tests

OTTAWA — German auto giant Volkswagen appears ready to strike a plea deal with Canada after being charged Monday for allegedly importing cars into this country that company executives knew violated . . .

9 Dec 10:15 Times Colonist 7617512061740816833.html
Ketua KPK Terpilih Tak Mau Lagi Ada Peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia

KBRN, Jakarta : Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) terpilih Firli Bahuri akan berusaha supaya suatu saat peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) setiap 9 Desember itu tidak perlu ada di

9 Dec 13:35 RRI News Portal 6700853644505816195.html
Warning issued on peace talks saboteurs

WHILE the Makabayan bloc welcomed the move to resume peace talks between the government and the Communist Party of the Philippines-National Democratic Front (CPP-NDF) they warned about saboteurs.

9 Dec 11:05 Journal Online 6375127392460748174.html
Watchdog expected to find Russia probe valid despite flaws

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department's internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report Monday that is expected to reject President Donald Trump’s claims that the Russia investigation was illegitimate and tainted by political bias from FBI leaders. But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters.

9 Dec 13:55 Whio 8204027953733617513.html
Senate Democrats demand Trump fire Stephen Miller

Senate Democrats are demanding that President Trump fire Stephen Miller after a watchdog group released hundreds of controversial emails the White House adviser sent prior to his time in the

9 Dec 16:19 TheHill 355432919546564217.html
Challenge to democracy to counter Russia, China

We have entered a new era of great power competition between authoritarian and democratic states. Western powers need to recalibrate accordingly.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562857590431.html
Fake messages on organ donation rampant

Sulphi Noohu says perhaps there is lobby working against cadaver donations as there is no money in it

9 Dec 17:55 The Hindu 6679535025077297693.html
Ukraine Set To Legalize Cryptocurrencies As Means Of Payment And Investment

Good news came from Eastern Europe as the legislative arm of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, has reportedly adopted an amended draft law that seeks to

9 Dec 16:23 CryptoPotato 7087008391661904769.html
Timo Werner Merapat, Chelsea Langsung Bidik Jadon Sancho

Klub Liga Inggris, Chelsea dilaporkan menjadi yang terdepan untuk mendapatkan penyerang tangguh dari klub Bundesliga Jerman, RB Leipzig, yakni Timo Werner.

9 Dec 17:19 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549642458546.html
Starling adds legal services to its digital offering

Starling Bank has announced a partnership with legal services provider Sparqa, the latest addition to the challenger's in-app Marketplace.

9 Dec 10:00 Finextra 6000504749650308993.html
Meeste Golden Globe-nominaties voor Marriage Story

De film Marriage Story maakt in januari de meeste kans op een Golden Globe. De Netflix-film is genomineerd in zes categorieën, zo werd maandag bekendgemaakt. The Irishman en Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood hebben vijf kansen op een award en Joker en The Two Popes volgen met ieder vier nominaties.

9 Dec 14:02 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049781674359.html
Extinction Rebellion activists wearing gas masks block central London road

The protesters, outside Leicester Square Tube station, are demanding the next government tackles air pollution in the capital.

9 Dec 10:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775330064977.html
Entrepreneur Development Ministry, MTDC collaborate to prepare SMEs for digital technology

BANGI, Dec 9 — The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development (MED) has forged a cooperation with Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) to prepare the small and medium enterprise (SME) to shift to utilise digital technology in their business. MED Secretary-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Md...

9 Dec 12:31 Malaymail 302165935442804004.html
Torino, falsi biglietti per partite della Juve: denunciati nove bagarini

I Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Torino stanno eseguendo una misura cautelare di applicazione del divieto di dimora a Torino e dell'obbligo di presentazione alla P.G. nei confronti di 9 bagarini di origine partenopea, ritenuti responsabili a vario titolo ed in concorso di truffa e utilizzo di pubblici sigilli contraffatti in concorso. Attraverso un noto sito internet di annunci gratuiti o contrattando di persona l'acquisto di biglietti, in occasione delle partite di cartello del campionato di Serie A e della Champions League della Juventus, adescavano ignari tifosi disposti a spendere qualsiasi cifra pur di assistere all'incontro di calcio. Le Stazioni ferroviarie torinesi o i dintorni dell'Allianz Stadium erano i luoghi privilegiati dalla banda di truffatori per fissare lo scambio ticket e denaro in contante. La gioia degli acquirenti durava ben poco poiché la non genuinità dei biglietti veniva subito dopo smascherata al momento della vidimazione ai tornelli di accesso all'impianto sportivo. In 4 mesi…

9 Dec 08:57 rainews 442831847639457693.html
AVALO-Energy: Friendly Use Of Renewable Energy And Blockchain Technology

Talks of climate and environmental change have been escalating throughout the past couple of years. Countries all around the world are taking measures to

9 Dec 16:52 CryptoPotato 7087008391795301468.html
Monossido di carbonio: sei persone intossicate

Monossido di carbonio: si è reso necessario il trattamento in camera iperbarica per sei persone.

9 Dec 09:37 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734033583506332.html
Turkish envoy underlines tremendous progress in bilateral ties with Qatar

Doha: The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the State of Qatar, H E Fikret Ozer, underlined that the bilateral relations between Turkey and Qatar achieved tremendous progress in recent years in all areas of cooperation, on the basis of the strategic partnership.

9 Dec 08:54 The Peninsula 1202843882738949513.html
Alert jail guard foils smuggle of contraband

AN ALERT Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) guard foiled an attempt to smuggle contraband inside Navotas City Jail (NCJ) by passing through steel grills of the extension facility yesterday before dawn in Navotas City.

9 Dec 10:21 Journal Online 6375127393452298945.html
Two Wolves fans arrested for homophobic abuse

The Premier League club has strongly condemned the behaviour of the supporters during Sunday’s draw away to Brighton.

9 Dec 12:16 The42 5369852629652418195.html
Reddit geht gegen mutmaßliche russische Wahlbeeinflussung in Großbritannien vor

Reddit hat eine Online-Kampagne aufgedeckt, die geleakte Dokumente im britischen Wahlkampf verbreitet hatte. Die Spuren sollen nach Russland führen.

9 Dec 12:13 heise online 1766193383269566164.html
Bahaya, Pemotor Ini Biarkan Bocah Berdiri di Motor Berjalan

Aksi berbahaya yang melibatkan anak di bawah umur saat sedang berkendara dengan motor kembali terekam kamera ponsel dan viral di media sosial.

9 Dec 12:01 liputan6.com 3414318496184142424.html
How to empower small businesses in Pakistan

Marketing, payments and logistics are essential for small businesses to have sustainable exports

9 Dec 13:18 The Express Tribune Blog 736159585318677560.html
Batam's Belakang Padang immigration beefs up surveillance ahead of Christmas, New Year

The Belakang Padang immigration office in Batam, Riau Islands, has beefed up immigration surveillance across outer islands bordering Singapore ahead of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays to anticipate any illegal foreign arrivals or people-smuggling attempts.

9 Dec 14:57 The Jakarta Post 7678601102395624253.html
Auto's vernield in Hoogezand

In de Woldwijck in Hoogezand zijn zondagavond meerdere auto's vernield. Van de meeste auto's zijn spiegels afgetrapt.

9 Dec 09:11 RTV Noord 3728677367152299542.html
Why Investors Should Avoid Zscaler

The cybersecurity company reported strong fiscal first-quarter results and raised its guidance, but its stock price corresponds to higher expectations.

9 Dec 17:15 The Motley Fool 2231313657456582338.html
Die Mutter aller Klugscheisser-Spiele

Vor 40 Jahren erfanden zwei kanadische Journalisten ein Quiz-Brettspiel. Erst lag es wie Blei in den Regalen, doch dann verkaufte es sich über 100 Millionen Mal in 33 Ländern: Trivial Pursuit, die Mutter aller Klugscheisser-Spiele.

9 Dec 08:05 bz BASEL 5287163741433711112.html
zmir'deki renkli Atatrk heykeli kaldrld

zmir'in Urla ilesinde, bir iletmenin bahesinde yer alan renkli Atatrk heykeli kaldrld.

9 Dec 14:43 Star 3455060033186922581.html
So will Meghan Weihnachten feiern

Das Fest bei der Queen lassen sie sausen. Dafür feiern Harry und Meghan mit Archie besinnlich in den USA – wahrscheinlich mit selbstgekochtem Essen und dem Lieblingscocktail der Herzogin.

9 Dec 17:04 20 Minuten 5741369453696736023.html
Meeste Golden Globe-nominaties voor Marriage Story

De film Marriage Story maakt in januari de meeste kans op een Golden Globe. De Netflix-film is genomineerd in zes categorieën, zo werd maandag bekendgemaakt. The Irishman en Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood hebben vijf kansen op een award en Joker en The Two Popes volgen met ieder vier nominaties.

9 Dec 14:02 RTL Boulevard 1500115272607067498.html
Fans randalieren nach Abstieg von Cruzeiro

Der erste Abstieg in der 98-jährigen Clubgeschichte hat massive Fan-Ausschreitungen im Stadion des brasilianischen Traditionsklubs Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte ausgelöst

9 Dec 10:24 weltfussball.at 3521376371652184890.html
KPK Sentil Jokowi Soal Grasi Napi Tipikor

KBRN, Jakarta : Jika Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Agus Rahardjo memanfaatkan momentum Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia 2019 dengan menyorot kembali Revisi UU Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang KPK,

9 Dec 10:54 RRI News Portal 6700853645919485061.html
Apple rechtfertigt heimliche Standortdatensammlung des iPhone 11

Sie wird für einen Dienst benötigt, der wiederum die AirDrop-Funktion verbessert. Dieser Ultra Wideband genannte Dienst ist jedoch nicht in jedem Land erlaubt. Das iPhone 11 prüft also regelmäßig, ob es sich in einem dieser Länder befindet, um dann den Ultra-Wideband-Dienst abzuschalten.

9 Dec 10:12 ZDNet.de 5091086699381818132.html
Dua Kemenangan Beruntun, MU Diminta Jaga Konsistensi

Gelandang Manchester United itu berharap timnya bisa tampil konsisten setelah meraih dua kemenangan beruntun yang krusial.

9 Dec 17:00 Bola.net 5489959029466068058.html
Damages claim by Angela Kerins adjourned until January

A High Court claim for damages by former Rehab CEO Angela Kerins over her treatment by the Dáil Public Accounts Committee has been adjourned until January.

9 Dec 12:50 RTE.ie 7595237278796657810.html
Protests over Panipat intensify in Rajasthan, hall vandalised

Several theatres stopped screening of the film following protests

9 Dec 17:39 The Hindu 6679535024367863077.html
Marvellous temples and more

Sudha G Tilak’s Temple Tales: Secrets and Stories from India’s Sacred Places unearths some fun facts and extraordinary information

9 Dec 11:51 The Hindu 6679535024833803127.html
Supreme Court allows Kentucky abortion ultrasound law to take effect

The Supreme Court won't hear an appeal over a Kentucky law that forces health providers to show pregnant women ultrasounds of their fetuses before having abortions.

9 Dec 14:58 Washington Examiner 4625792331788134090.html
India gang-rape shootings revives extrajudicial killing fears

Human rights campai­gners warned of a deepen­ing cultur­e of impuni­ty as police take the law into their own hands

9 Dec 10:12 The Express Tribune 1105816786150837866.html
Google celebrates card game Loteria with new interactive Doodle

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Google released on Monday a new interactive Doodle that allows users to play rounds of traditional Mexican card game Loteria with friends or users from around the world.

9 Dec 12:03 UPI 8257973865602415664.html
Ingin Cepat Selesai, Galih Ginanjar Sudah Tidak Sabar Bersidang

Barbie Kumalasari tidak hadir di sidang perdana Galih Ginanjar.

9 Dec 08:35 suara.com 6194626178192295239.html
Digitalizacija olakšava uvodjenje cirkularne ekonomije

Uvodjenje inovacija, digitalizacija i korišćenje novih tehnologija mogu da olakšaju i ubrzaju uvodjenje modela cirkularne, zelene, ekonomije u Srbiju,

9 Dec 13:40 Krstarica 4176903988872756417.html
Paralyzed Humboldt crash survivor takes first steps

The day Ryan Straschnitzki underwent surgery that would turn his body into something like a remote-controlled robot, the paralyzed hockey player had one deep worry: The 6-foot-1, 190-pound defenseman who once didn't miss a shift even after dislocating a shoulder told his dad he was afraid of needles.

9 Dec 14:56 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637312959346.html
Man arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence after Manchester derby released on police bail after questioning

Greater Manchester Police said investigations would continue

9 Dec 15:43 men 6694993428335380483.html
Extinction Rebellion activists wearing gas masks block central London road

The protesters, outside Leicester Square Tube station, are demanding the next government tackles air pollution in the capital.

9 Dec 10:12 Express & Star 7324224460794661457.html
Everton approach sacked Arsenal boss Unai Emery over managerial vacancy

The Toffees are looking for their next permanent manager after Marco Silva was relieved of his duties last week and they believe Emery could fit the bill

9 Dec 11:04 mirror 675785260446310259.html
Schweizer Outdoor-Ausstatter Mammut steht zum Verkauf

Der mehr als 150 Jahre alte Schweizer Bergsport-Ausstatter Mammut steht zum Verkauf. Die Industriegruppe Conzzeta als Muttergesellschaft will sich auf das Geschäft mit Blechbearbeitung konzentrieren und sucht deshalb einen Käufer, wie sie am Montag in Zürich mitteilte. Das Unternehmen war 1862 gegründet worden.

9 Dec 17:58 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084139116762.html
Taxifahrer soll nach Streit auf Kunden zugerast sein

Der 62-Jährige musste sich nun vor dem Kölner Amtsgericht verantworten.

9 Dec 17:21 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568894604619.html
Pharmaunternehmen Sanochemia kündigt Insolvenz an

Der Vorstand der börsenotierten Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG wird wegen bevorstehender Zahlungsunfähigkeit in den nächsten Tagen beim Handelsgericht Wien Insolvenz anmelden.

9 Dec 15:07 Die Presse 6242788853966597467.html
Pernikahan Spektakuler Jedar dan Richard Kyle, Pilih Artis dan Sosialita Jadi Pengiring Pengantin

Walau berkonsep intimate, namun pernikahan Jessica Iskandar (Jedar) dan Richard Kyle tahun depan dipastikan meriah. Bagaimana tidak, jajaran artis dan sosialita sudah bersedia menjadi brides maid hingga pagar ayu.

9 Dec 10:30 Cumicumi.com 7480087990775227469.html
Reichskriegsfahne - Staatsanwaltschaft prüft

Die Staatsanwaltschaft nimmt sich der Sache an.

9 Dec 11:25 www.laola1.at 837519019693456446.html
Bayern München vorerst ohne verletzten Cuisance

Neuzugang Michaël Cuisance wird dem FC Bayern vorerst fehlen. Der im Sommer aus Mönchengladbach verpflichtete Franzose erlitt im Training eine Stauchung und Gelenkkapselreizung im rechten Sprunggelenk.

9 Dec 15:09 weltfussball.at 3521376372150299424.html
Ditinggal Keluarga di Tengah Ketenaran, Andmesh Kamaleng Akui Ikhlas Justru Disambut Haru

Andmesh Kamaleng menceritakan jika ia ikhlas dengan kepergian kedua orang tuanya di tengah-tengah ketenaran melalui kanal YouTube Boy William, seruan terharu menggema dari warganet.

9 Dec 15:51 Kanal 247 6444101939117945331.html
Duizenden reclameborden NS-stations op wit na blunder met aanbesteding

De NS heeft de vijfduizend reclameborden en -posters op alle NS-stations leeg moeten halen omdat het zich niet aan de Europese aanbestedingsregels heeft gehouden. Ook moet het spoorwegbedrijf een schadevergoeding betalen aan het Franse reclamebedrijf JCDecaux, dat werd buitengesloten.

9 Dec 15:32 RTLZ 8052859357110289067.html
Come risparmiare con il riscaldamento stando comunque al calduccio

Trucchetti per risparmiare con il riscaldamento in vista del prossimo freddo.

9 Dec 10:39 InvestireOggi 7231367744361631321.html
PSD supports progressive taxation of income

Interim Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu argued that it is

9 Dec 15:50 Stiri pe surse 4858045012863368526.html
President Ramaphosa praises Zozibini after Miss Universe win

President Cyril Ramaphosa has released an official statement on Twitter, congratulating Zozibini Tunzi on her Miss Universe win.

9 Dec 11:31 Channel24 2038030839900857419.html
Border integrity and anti-corruption focus for Aus visit

(Headline abbreviated, original headline: Border integrity and anti-corruption focus for Australian visit to New Zealand)

9 Dec 16:31 SCOOP 5315658998778301328.html
Special Police Operation against Drunk or Drugged Drivers

A special police operation against driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is taking place in Bulgaria, the press office of the Ministry of the Interior reported. The EU-wide operation by European traffic police Tispol will take place from 10 to 16 December.

9 Dec 11:58 novinite.com 4235039571247751611.html
Bären machten Winterschlaf in japanischem Krankenhaus

Tokio (dpa) - Eine Bärenmama und ihre beiden Kinder haben sich in Japan zum Winterschlaf in ein Krankenhaus zurückgezogen. Sie wurden jedoch jäh aus dem Schlaf gerissen, als ein von der Polizei herbeigerufener Jäger die Tiere mit einem Gewehrschuss hochjagte. Daraufhin habe er die Bärin mit einem Narkoseschuss niedergestreckt und ihre Kleinen mit einem Netz eingefangen, berichteten örtliche Medien. Versuche, sie mit Feuerwerkskörpern herauszutreiben, waren zunächst fehlgeschlagen. Erst der Schuss des Jägers brachte sie auf Trab.

9 Dec 10:52 DIE WELT 6197693429607528743.html
Xpander Produksi RI Kena Recall di Filipina, Mitsubishi Investigasi

Mitsubishi Filipina merecall Xpander yang dijual pada Mei 2018 hingga Oktober 2019.

9 Dec 10:26 Katadata News 179777406068624246.html
Curhat Pramugari Garuda: Dipindah ke Makassar Tanpa Alasan

Demikian disampaikan pramugari tersebut dalam keterangan pers di Kementerian BUMN.

9 Dec 08:55 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213497528904.html
Accused Internet streaming services pirate gets R2k bail

SAPS arrest a suspect in Cape Town for selling pirate Internet streaming devices and online content subscriptions.

9 Dec 08:23 ITWeb 642894138755349579.html
Si allontana sotto libertà vigilata: trentenne denunciato

La scoperta dei Carabinieri

9 Dec 13:08 AvellinoToday 5452883948222913976.html
Onion nightmare continues for consumers

Price of the commodity ranges between ₹110 and ₹170 per kg depending on the variety

9 Dec 15:45 The Hindu 6679535026374396877.html
General Election leaves schools in budget limbo

Election "purdah" rules mean schools face a rush to get their budgets ready for next year

9 Dec 16:42 Liverpool Echo 7727211173257320832.html
Habitual offender caught with country-made pistol

The Shivajinagar police on Saturday arrested a 22-year-old habitual offender for allegedly carrying a country-made pistol and two live cartridges. Based on a tip-off, the police intercepted him near R

9 Dec 14:09 The Hindu 6679535024762641237.html
KWS adopts new policies to fight corruption

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala has emphasised the need for the operationalisation of the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) code - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 15:14 Capital News 7605153803117744671.html
China will ausländische Computer verbannen

Peking erklärt "Made in China" zum Qualitätssiegel für die eigenen Behörden: Diese sollen nämlich ihre IT-Geräte bis 2022 vollständig aus der Heimat beziehen. Das Land revanchiert sich damit für den Ausschluss Huaweis im Westen - stellt sich selbst aber vor große Probleme.

9 Dec 10:42 n-tv 6802689755276881770.html
Zeker al vijf doden door uitbarsting vulkaan Nieuw-Zeeland

er zijn zeker al vijf doden door de plotselinge vulkaanuitbarsting op het Nieuw-Zeelandse White Island.

9 Dec 09:03 Blik op nieuws 5468169448728141244.html
Overval op kroegbazin Winneweer in Opsporing Verzocht

Tv-programma Opsporing Verzocht besteedt dinsdagavond aandacht aan de woningoverval op een 59-jarige kroegbazin uit Winneweer.

9 Dec 14:50 RTV Noord 3728677367041125935.html
Dreifacher Missbrauch von Kindern?

Wegen dreifachen sexuellen Missbrauchs von Kindern steht derzeit ein 28-jähriger Mann aus Brehna vor dem Landgericht Dessau. Er war wegen der im Jahr 2017 begangenen Taten bereits in Bitterfeld vom dortigen Amtsgericht zu dreieinhalb Jahren verurteilt ...

9 Dec 11:05 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109478368054.html
How a few common financial mistakes are costing small businesses

Stats and experts reveal that a few common mistakes in financial management are often proving to be heavy for small businesses all around. Some of the issues ar...

9 Dec 13:11 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540482513223.html
Chinese overheid wil binnen drie jaar af van buitenlandse technologie

China heeft bij richtlijn vastgelegd dat al zijn overheidsdiensten en publieke instellingen hun buitenlandse hardware en software in de komende drie jaar moeten vervangen door Chinese alternatieven. Het besluit lijkt ingegeven door de escalerende handelsoorlog met de Verenigde Staten. De richtlijn werd eerder dit jaar gepubliceerd, maar het bestaan ervan bleef geheim, tot de Financial […]

9 Dec 12:00 Techzine 1792892597067806124.html
Wolves confirm two arrests for homophobia in Brighton and Hove Albion match

Wolves had strongly condemned the behaviour of two supporters after two arrests were made for homophobic abuse.

9 Dec 11:52 sportskeeda 1601194028253303479.html
PNL sustine anularea pensiilor speciale, cu exceptia celor ale militarilor si magistratilor

PNL a decis, luni, sa sustina desfiintarea pensiilor speciale, cu exceptia celor ale militarilor si magistratilor, a anuntat vicepremierul Raluca Turcan, la finalul sedintei Biroului Executiv al partidului.

9 Dec 13:30 Ziare.com 1922730285884649422.html
Supreme Court declines to hear Kentucky ultrasound law

The Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to a Kentucky law that obligates doctors to show and describe ultrasounds to women who seek abortions, even if patients object.

9 Dec 15:03 TheHill 355432918793308206.html
Organisator Bevrijdingsfestival enthousiast over locatie Lumièrepark

De mogelijke verhuizing van het Bevrijdingsfestival van de Esplanade naar het Lumièrepark in de Almeerse Filmwijk maakt Barry Bouquet enthousiast. "Het is een hele mooie plek met veel gras en bomen", vertelt de organisator van het evenement.

9 Dec 09:31 omroep flevoland 658614617366639177.html
Travelstart takes over Jumia Travel

Weeks after it closed shops in Cameroon and Tanzania, Jumia, the largest e-commerce operator in Africa, has offloaded its travel operations to Travelstart. In the new arrangement, Jumia will still promote the travel category on its platforms but Travelstart will be responsible for the “operational side of the business.” “This partnership will ensure we remain […]

9 Dec 15:20 The Guardian 7580308505591470960.html
Jaguar F-Type Baru Siap Jadi Buruan Konglomerat Dunia

Jaguar resmi memperkenalkan model terbaru dari model sport andalannya, F-Type

9 Dec 16:00 liputan6.com 3414318497163332448.html
Algerian ex-politicians face jail terms

Two Bouteflika-era prime ministers are among those facing 20-year sentences.

9 Dec 16:10 Daily Nation 7421817125430914033.html
Harry Maguire Optimistis Manchester United Kembali Huni Zona Big Four

Bek Manchester United, Harry Maguire, optimistis timnya mampu finis di posisi empat besar klasemen Premier League musim ini.

9 Dec 08:45 Bola.com 1695722603879803603.html
Meest beruchte huisjesmelkers en kotbazen van het land achter de tralies

Het gerecht heeft afgelopen donderdag de halve familie Appeltans opgepakt. Arnold Appeltans wordt beschouwd als de meest beruchte huisjesmelker van het lan...

9 Dec 11:03 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191231908933.html
Congressional panel to weigh Trump impeachment evidence as formal charges loom

WASHINGTON, Dec 9 — A US congressional panel leading the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump will debate the evidence against him on Monday, with Democratic lawmakers poised to move forward with possible formal charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress this week. The...

9 Dec 13:42 Malaymail 302165934912326023.html
Clean-up operations begin after Ironbridge cooling towers demolition

Clean-up operations were beginning at Ironbridge power station today following the demolition of the cooling towers.

9 Dec 11:21 Shropshire Star 3480199992839267342.html
Xizi elevators and market competition in Nigeria

With the population of Nigeria hitting over180 million and the designation as Africa’s largest economy, the country is seen as the next global investment

9 Dec 17:14 Vanguard News 4125100339961298704.html
Rights Group Calls For Amendments To Russian Domestic Violence Bill

Human Rights Watch (HRW) is calling on Russian lawmakers to amend a long-awaited draft law addressing domestic violence in order to bring it in line with international standards and include key protections for victims.

9 Dec 15:33 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794161948447057.html
Mitarbeiter genervt von Enge in Leitstellen

Die Rettungsleitstelle und die Verkehrsleitstelle in der Simos brauchen mehr Platz und neue Technik, auch bei der Feuerwehr nebenan ist es zu eng. Ist eine Lösung für alle drei Institutionen in Sicht?

9 Dec 16:57 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146350835003143.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife German Trailer Reveals Extra Proton Pack Footage

The German-language trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife reveals an alternate title and additional footage of the team's signature proton packs.

9 Dec 12:12 CBR.com 1295516963577993060.html
Shirika la MSF laondoa wafanyikazi wake mkoani Ituri

Shirika la kimataifa la madaktari wasiokuwa  na mipaka MSF limetangaza kusitisha shughuli zake kaskazini Mashariki mwa Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo katika  mkoa wa Ituri kutokana na kile ilichosema ni mashambulizi ya mara kwa mara ya waasi dhidi...

9 Dec 08:18 RFI 1022736846201399473.html
Oman weather: Tropical depression deepens

The tropical depression has developed into to a deep tropical depression

9 Dec 10:42 Times of Oman 5168079156386087706.html
ESA will erstmals Weltraumschrott aus Erdorbit entfernen

2025 soll eine Rakete den ersten Satelliten zur Beseitigung von Weltraumschrott ins All schießen. Das wird bitter nötig, meint die ESA.

9 Dec 13:25 heise online 1766193383037243512.html
KLM breidt samenwerking met Qantas uit

Luchtvaartmaatschappij KLM breidt de samenwerking met haar Australische branchegenoot Qantas uit. De zogenaamde codeshare-overeenkomst gaat nu ook gelden voor KLM-vluchten van Amsterdam naar Bangkok en Qantas-vluchten tussen Bangkok en Sydney.

9 Dec 17:09 RD.nl 6406779841637790288.html
Telkomsel Beri Pengalaman Serba Digital di Festival Oh My Gig

Di era serba digital saat ini, Telkomsel turut berupaya memanjakan para pelanggan dengan mengakomodasi berbagai kebutuhan gaya hidup.

9 Dec 13:10 detikinet 7802439223004485999.html
Viral Pesan Berantai soal Masalah TVRI, Begini Faktanya

Pesan berantai tersebut diklaim sebagai alasan dari Dewas memecat Helmy, dan juga keluhan-keluhan dari karyawan. Benarkah demikian?

9 Dec 14:15 detikfinance 4442190001017544633.html
Arrivano gli agenti spioni

Dai poliziotti sotto copertura agli agenti patrimonialisti: ecco le nuove armi dello Stato per contrastare mafia e corruzione.

9 Dec 15:52 ilGiornale.it 5019541225700055067.html
Turkey joins Nobel ceremony boycott in protest against Handke

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Turkey said on Monday it would join Albania and Kosovo in boycotting the Nobel awards ceremony in protest against 2019 literature prize laureate Peter Handke, who has been criticized for backing late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic.

9 Dec 16:07 Reuters 8334514181090537108.html
Ugandan based Somaliland businesswoman scoops top Award

Uganda’s foremost businesswoman Amina Hersi  Moghe was over the weekend crowned the Entrepreneur of the year of Africa by the respected European CEO magazine. Moghe, born in Kenya of Somaliland parents has been an inspiration to women in East Africa where she has employed over 5,000 people in her different companies. This is an additional cap to her success. She scooped the 2008 Woman Investor of the year Award making her a remarkable woman. “This is a great honour not only to me but to the women of Africa. It shows just how women if given an opportunity and the right environment, can achieve so much,” she said. Somaliland Ambassador to Kenya Bashe Omar congratulated Ms Moghe saying she is one of the best ambassadors of Somaliland in the diaspora.

9 Dec 12:04 EABW Digital 2826305999827109313.html
Walmart apologizes for Christmas sweater with drug reference

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Walmart issued an apology for a Christmas sweater on the store's Canadian website that featured a reference to doing illicit drugs.

9 Dec 17:29 UPI 8257973864396497206.html
South Korea: Government Mulling Taxing Cryptocurrency Capital Gains

The South Korean government is mulling imposing taxes on capital gains arising out of cryptocurrency transactions – including Bitcoin (BTC) – reports The Korea Times, December 9, 2019.

9 Dec 15:00 BTC Manager 8549607153030120152.html
Wisconsin Guard leader to make changes after assault probe

The head of the Wisconsin National Guard says all recommendations made following an investigation into multiple reports of sexual assault and harassment will be implemented.

9 Dec 17:01 CHANNEL3000 830332541593508223.html
Kevin Kaiser steht an der Spitze des technischen Hilfswerks Rheinfelden

Der neue Ortsbeauftragte aus Degerfelden ist zwar erst 34 Jahre alt, aber im THW schon fast ein Urgestein. Er ist seit seiner Kindheit dabei. Auch 2001 beim Elbehochwasser war Kevin Kaiser im...

9 Dec 15:04 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427589681359.html
Eurex Strengthens European Bond Market with New Product

Eurex will improve its offering by launching EUR-denominated fixed income ETF options starting today

9 Dec 14:50 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138265739162557.html
Per produrre pennelli si uccidono troppe manguste

Si chiama Operation Clean art ed è stata portata avanti dall'ufficio di controllo del crimine sulla fauna selvatica del governo indiano. Obiettivo: porre fine al commercio dei pennelli realizzati con i capelli dell'animale, oramai in pericolo 

9 Dec 09:18 Agi 2115274224743494855.html
Helping under-privileged children crack competitive exams

Avanti Learning trains them in maths and science so that they get into best colleges

9 Dec 15:08 BusinessLine 5283601923547220.html
Demonstranten stürmen Sitz von Regierungschef

Aktivisten haben sich Zugang zum Amtssitz des maltesischen Ministerpräsidenten verschafft. Der Mord an einer Journalistin hat Malta in eine Regierungskrise gestürzt.

9 Dec 11:14 20 Minuten 5741369453537959679.html
Saudi eateries rid of double entrances

Required entrances for single men and another for women and families now lifted.

9 Dec 11:50 Daily Nation 7421817124924662084.html
Glyphosat-Verbot tritt vorerst nicht in Kraft

Das vom Nationalrat beschlossene Verbot des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat wird nicht wie vorgesehen am 1. Jänner 2020 in Kraft treten. Das Gesetz wird von Kanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein wegen eines Formalfehler nicht kundgemacht. Der Entwurf hätte nämlich der EU im Voraus zur Notifizierung übermittelt werden müssen, was nicht geschehen ist. Die Entscheidung wurde von Parteien und NGOs kritisiert.

9 Dec 16:00 NÖN.at 2486998932961576955.html
Buhari replaces Tunde Fowler as FIRS boss

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday, December 9, replaced Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) boss Tunde Fowler with Muhammad Nami.. Nami replaces Tunde Fowler whose tenure expired on Monday. A statement by the president’s spokesman, Garba Shehu, said

9 Dec 15:17 LailasNews.com 2090029850646973045.html
Der Weihnachtsbaum am Schwabentor ist geklaut worden

Acht Meter hoher Baum verschwunden: Der Weihnachtsbaum am Freiburger Schwabentor ist gestohlen worden – vermutlich in der Nacht auf Freitag. Die Stadtverwaltung hat Anzeige erstattet.

9 Dec 15:58 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427755828475.html
Zwei enge Mitarbeiter verlassen OB Kuras

Der persönliche Referent des Oberbürgermeisters, Marc Rathmann, hat zum 1. Januar 2020 gekündigt. Zeitgleich mit ihm hat auch Peter Kuras’ Referatsleiterin, Vivian Hartung, ihre Stellung im Rathaus aufgegeben. Sowohl Rathmann als auch Hartung sind bereits nicht mehr für den OB ...

9 Dec 10:33 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109719527860.html
Russia Banned From Olympic Games Over Doping Scandal

The World Anti-Doping Agency voted to punish Moscow for tampering with laboratory data.

9 Dec 10:48 HuffPost 5982769915917119569.html
ELEPHONE officially launched their Pakistani endevours - Gizchina.com

Yesterday at the Serena hotel in Islamabad the ELEPHONE brand held a big launch party to celebrate the start of their Pakistani operations.

9 Dec 17:46 Gizchina 5392375276235006113.html
Used electric vehicle batteries charge up the grid

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed an innovative control system for repurposed electric vehicle battery packs to store electricity for home use and are scaling up the technology ...

9 Dec 14:52 Tech Xplore 4945708898002610440.html
European Funds Ministry, WB discuss linking entrepreneurship to education system, through EU-funded vouchers

The representatives of the Ministry of European Funds (MFE) and those of the World Bank are discussing the possibility of implementing...

9 Dec 17:04 Stiri pe surse 4858045012341036997.html
Kasus-kasus Korupsi Bencana Tanpa Vonis Mati seperti Disinggung Jokowi

Jokowi menyebut bahwa jika korupsi bencana alam, koruptor bisa dihukum mati. Ini daftar kasus korupsi bencana alam:

9 Dec 12:40 detiknews 8793960223597119190.html
Quarrying poses threat to hundreds of fossil tree trunks in Thiruvakkarai

Unbridled quarrying of red laterite soil near the country’s first National Fossil Wood Park is turning these fossils into dust

9 Dec 10:20 The Hindu 6679535024762593715.html
Wole Soyinka Centre postpones honour for Osinbajo over Sowore

Chima Azubuike, Gombe The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism has postponed the presentation of the award to Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo. According to a statement signed by Mot...

9 Dec 10:26 Punch Newspapers 3524240996042718005.html
Obaseki tasks christian pilgrims on building new Nigeria

Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has tasked intending Christian pilgrims in the state to allow their experience while at the Holy land tr.

9 Dec 13:51 Vanguard News 4125100339764630040.html
Gezichtsherkenning vervangt QR code in China

In China lijkt de geliefde QR technologie alweer op zijn retour. WeChat Pay van Tencent test een systeem met gezichtsherkenning.

9 Dec 13:55 Emerce 1354596985876547756.html
Man arrested after barricading himself inside synagogue

A man who barricaded himself inside a Victoria synagogue for four hours Monday morning was eventually apprehended by police under the Mental Health Act and taken to hospital.Victoria police Const. . . .

9 Dec 12:03 Times Colonist 7617512061003947966.html
A less than satisfactory trade agreement

This trade deal, inadequate is it is, may be all that is possible during the first term of a Trump administration.

9 Dec 09:19 The Japan Times 6673764368376748101.html
Activists storm into Maltese government HQ demanding PM's resignation

VALLETTA (Reuters) - Activists staged a protest in government headquarters for five hours on Monday to demand the immediate resignation of Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat amid an investigation into the 2017 car bomb killing of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

9 Dec 13:45 Reuters 8334514181363672262.html
US Supreme Court leaves in place Kentucky abortion restriction

The United States Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky restriction requiring doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to women seeking an abortion, turning away a challenge arguing that the measure violates the free speech rights of physicians.

9 Dec 17:26 Aljazeera 6642629762960016161.html
High Court Refuses Check on Kentucky Pre-Abortion Ultrasound Rules

The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law that requires doctors to show and describe ultrasound images to patients seeking abortions.

9 Dec 17:03 Courthouse News Service 1799505149570316464.html
How Truckers Keep On Transacting

America's 3.5 million truckers face serious delays when they can't easily pay for fuel and cargo unloading services. Carrying cash isn't always safe, and payments acceptance can vary retailer-to-retailer. In the new Next-Gen Payments Report, Women In Trucking Association CEO Ellen Voie explains how EMV cards, expense tracking and budgeting tools keep drivers from veering off course.

9 Dec 15:00 PYMNTS.com 7357138826021152037.html
Anti-discrimination campaigners call for joint response after weekend of shame

Premier League clubs reacted strongly in the wake of alleged incidents of homophobic and racist abuse.

9 Dec 15:26 Express & Star 7324224459219948813.html
Adorable photos from Chizzy Alichi traditional wedding

Nollywood actress, Chizzy Alichi and her heartthrob, Chike Ugochukwu have on Saturday, December 7, 2019, traditionally tied the knot. The actress who got engaged to her fiancee in September 2019, had her traditional marriage at her

9 Dec 13:45 LailasNews.com 2090029849604729975.html
Responsibility over privilege, public schools teachers told

The continued clamor of teachers groups for more government support does not sit well with a group of private schools - noting that if they truly want to contribute to achieving quality education, public school teachers should “focus more on responsibility rather than privilege.”

9 Dec 14:38 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200967645910.html
Pelayanan Publik Lemah, Praktik Korupsi Makin Parah

KBRN, Jakarta : Meski efektivitas dan agresivitas penegakan hukum memberantas korupsi sangat kuat, namun jika pelayanan publik yang masih lemah, praktik korupsi akan semakin menjadi. Hal itu

9 Dec 11:40 RRI News Portal 6700853645135220813.html
Berliner Pandazwillinge tragen traumhafte Namen Meng Xiang und Meng Yuan

Feierliche Verkündungszeremonie am hundertsten Lebenstag von seltenem Nachwuchs

9 Dec 14:44 DIE WELT 6197693429877904354.html
Succescoach Wiegman blijft langer bij Leeuwinnen

Sarina Wiegman (50) blijft minimaal tot en met het EK van 2021 bondscoach. De succesvolle trainer van de Oranjevrouwen heeft haar contract met 2 jaar verlengd. De oude verbintenis liep tot en met de Olympische Spelen in Japan van aankomende zomer. Wiegman, zelf oud-international, werd in januari 2017 bondscoach van Oranje en viert grote successen.…

9 Dec 16:25 Sportnieuws 3602982463978347844.html
Ular Kobra di Citayam Disebut Lebih Berbahaya daripada King Cobra

Peristiwa kemunculan puluhan anak ular kobra di Citayam mengundang pawang ular datang.

9 Dec 10:21 Tempo 8197554463507055645.html
Walikota Arief Wismansyah Targetkan Persikota Lolos ke Liga 2

Wali Kota Tangerang Arief R Wismansyah menargetkan klub sepak bola Persikota Tangerang bisa promosi ke Liga 2.

9 Dec 17:35 Tempo 6731898378160186557.html
Construction begins on Munir Human Rights Museum

The Munir Human Rights Museum was expected to become a place "to teach the public, tourists who visit Batu and students about human rights".

9 Dec 14:50 The Jakarta Post 7678601102403668059.html
Stakingen in Frankrijk houden aan

In Frankrijk wordt nog altijd gestaakt tegen een geplande pensioenhervorming.

9 Dec 08:37 SCEPTR 7604357483408136336.html
Sabet Perak di Sea Games, Bupati Klungkung Serahkan Bonus untuk Ardiarta

KBRN, Klungkung: Bupati Klungkung I Nyoman Suwirta membuktikan komitmennya dalam membangun keolahragaan di kabupaten bumi serombotan. Respon cepat langsung diberikan bupati asal Nusa Penida tersebut

9 Dec 15:24 RRI News Portal 6700853645398316028.html
Duka Dan Nestapa Belum Berhenti Ketika Pria Ini Menguburkan Bayinya Yang Meninggal, Dia Mendengar Suara Tangis Dari Dalam Kuburan, Bukan Hantu Ternyata Lebih Mengerikan Lagi

Bersedih karena harus mengubur anaknya, pria ini justru mendengar suara tangis dari dalam tanah, sempat mengira anaknya hidup lagi

9 Dec 09:30 grid.id 6246371059988476007.html
ICPC discovers projects in Imo without contract agreement

A team of the federal constituency Project tracking in Imo state, led by the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission, ICPC.

9 Dec 13:58 Vanguard News 4125100339148128314.html
SACP Congress To Follow Up On Implementation Of Resolutions

The South African Communist Party (SACP) plans to start its special national congress on Monday with discussions focussing on whether the party is prepared to contest the next general elections and if its leaders are permitted to serve in cabinet. The congress is planning to review the pmplemtation of resolutions taken since the SACP’s national […]

9 Dec 16:37 iAfrica 8834711023846352520.html
Paris summit seeks resolution to Ukraine war

A series of meetings are being held at the Elysee presidential palace to try to revive a 2015 peace deal that has been largely ignored.

9 Dec 15:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774593863863.html
Two Wolves supporters arrested on suspicion of homophobic abuse during Brighton game

Two Wolves supporters have been arrested on suspicion of homophobic abuse during the team’s game against Brighton.

9 Dec 16:17 LBC 8547475185304330089.html
Cops alerted as CPP anniversary nears

ALL police forces nationwide were ordered to be on heightened alert and maintain their vigilance needed to thwart surprise New People’s Army attacks and other atrocities as the the Communist Party of the Philippines marks its founding anniversary on December 26.

9 Dec 09:35 Journal Online 6375127392922736055.html
How to eliminate domestic violence

You will not be a religious “activist” if all your activity is going to be outside the home

9 Dec 13:15 New Vision 9103146372872604637.html
Junior golfers to benefit from European Tour donations

Junior Golf Foundation was humbled by the gesture.

9 Dec 15:23 Daily Nation 7421817124776172461.html
Governor of China's Xinjiang says US Bill violates international law

A recent US measure on Xinjiang is a severe violation of international law and gross interference in China's internal affairs, the governor of the ...

9 Dec 10:40 CNA 5644198863080094756.html
Klimaatmodellen voorspellen al vijftig jaar de opwarming van de aarde precies goed

Klimaatontkenners zetten maar wat graag hun vraagtekens bij de klimaatmodellen van wetenschappers. Toch blijken die modellen de opwarming van de aarde al bijna vijftig...

9 Dec 11:23 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629689428083.html
Centre begins training States on piped water quality standard

Jal Shakti Ministry yet to respond on BIS draft quality control order

9 Dec 16:52 The Hindu 6679535024793125377.html
Keine Autonomie für Gemeinden bei Gastgewerbe-Bewilligungen

Auch künftig erteilen die Regierungsstatthalter Bewilligungen für das Gastgewerbe. Ein Vorstoss, der den Städten und Gemeinden mehr Kompetenz geben wollte, wurde im Grossen Rat abgelehnt.

9 Dec 11:16 Berner Zeitung 1248949325299356355.html
Anti-discrimination campaigners call for joint response after weekend of shame

Premier League clubs reacted strongly in the wake of alleged incidents of homophobic and racist abuse.

9 Dec 15:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775316235073.html
Twee lichtgewonden na aanrijding tussen tram en vrachtwagen

Bij een aanrijding tussen een tram en een vrachtwagen vielen maandagochtend twee lichtgewonden. Het ongeval gebeurde aan het Harmoniepark. De tram ontspoor...

9 Dec 08:16 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192247376986.html
Varheji: EK podržava otvaranje pregovora sa Albanijom i Severnom Makedonijom

Evropski komesar za proširenje Oliver Varheji izjavio je u Briselu da Evropska komisija ostaje pri svojim...

9 Dec 11:55 N1 Srbija 7797130865841107104.html
Investoren suchen den sicheren Hafen

Wie hat sich der Immobilienmarkt 2019 in Österreich entwickelt? Am meisten prägen die stagnierenden Zinsen den heimischen Markt – auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise.

9 Dec 11:55 Die Presse 6242788854029676931.html
Villacidro, liberata una volpe catturata con un laccio

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 08:20 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207813830532.html
PLN Juga Bakal Punya Wadirut

"Ada yang dirombak, ada wadirut juga. Tunggu tanggal mainnya,"

9 Dec 10:22 detikfinance 4442190001194978718.html
Constituency profile: Great Grimsby

A Labour seat since 1945 that might be about to turn blue.

9 Dec 10:34 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774383661414.html
Cryptocurrency Exchange OKEx to Launch Options Trading This Month

Malta-based cryptocurrency exchange OKEx announced that it will launch crypto options trading on Dec. 27.

9 Dec 11:32 Cointelegraph 3050247240744805886.html
National Assembly suspends voting on fast-tracked reform bills

The National Assembly decided Monday to suspend voting on fiercely contested fast-tracked bills, including election and prosecutorial reforms, and postpone its plenary session until Tuesday. National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang drew the floor leaders of three major parties -- the ruling Democratic Party of Korea, Liberty Korea Party and minor conservative Bareunmirae Party -- to the agreement, following the e...

9 Dec 08:24 Koreaherald 8029273604415080509.html
Phone service providers expected to adopt new caller ID verification program

Some of Canada's telephone providers are being called on by the country's telecom regulator to add to their arsenals in the battle against phone scammers.

9 Dec 17:37 CP24 1887544296544169931.html
GITAM plans to set up National Orthopaedic Learning Centre

CME programme on total knee arthroplasty organised

9 Dec 16:16 The Hindu 6679535025014645319.html
The Great Recycling Con

The greatest trick corporations ever played was making us think we could recycle their products.

9 Dec 11:00 NY Times 1961078289356581962.html
Aufstiegsszenarien: Fast jeder Sieg reicht Salzburg

Fast jeder Sieg reicht Salzburg am Dienstag zu Hause gegen Liverpool zum erstmaligen Einzug in die K.o.-Phase der Champions League

9 Dec 08:47 weltfussball.at 3521376372855090465.html
Study shows safety of palbociclib for advanced breast cancer patients with unique gene alteration

Women who receive palbociclib (Ibrance) to treat their advanced breast cancer and have a gene alteration that can lead to a condition known as benign ethnic neutropenia (BEN), can safely receive the drug without major concerns of developing infections associated with neutropenia, or low white blood cell counts, say Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers.

9 Dec 13:16 News-Medical.net 4522523030879700882.html
Sabah takes precautionary measures to prevent spread of polio virus

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 9 — Sabah Health and People’s Wellbeing Minister Datuk Frankie Poon Ming Fung said the State Health Department had been conducting inspections around the homes of children infected with polio virus to prevent it from spreading. He said as of December 5, 646 individuals had...

9 Dec 14:26 Malaymail 302165935558194681.html
Pubg hat zweite blaue Zone ausprobiert

Er soll Campern das Leben und Kämpfen schwerer machen: Auf den Testservern haben die Macher von Pubg einen spannenden neuen Modus mit einer zweiten blauen Zone ausprobiert.

9 Dec 11:32 Golem.de 3063982245865081838.html
Nachrichten aus Deutschland: Gehäuteter Wildschweinkopf auf Radarfalle abgelegt

Stade: Paar findet ausgesetztes Baby +++ München: Polizist in München mit Messer verletzt +++ Nachrichten aus Deutschland

9 Dec 13:28 stern.de 4680145938986453758.html
Ausbildungssystem bei den Feuerwehren gefährdet

Mögliche Änderungen in der Feuerwehrausbildung haben im Landkreis Verunsicherung ausgelöst. Mehrere Feuerwehr-Führungskräfte äußerten ihr Unverständnis. „Das kann nicht der richtige Weg sein“, sagte Thomas Klaube, Stadtwehrleiter in Sangerhausen. Dennis Amey, Gemeindewehrleiter in der Verbandsgemeinde Mansfelder Grund-Helbra, meinte: „Ich kann die Diskussion nicht ...

9 Dec 08:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109951828237.html
Storing data in everyday objects

Life's assembly and operating instructions are in the form of DNA. That's not the case with inanimate objects: anyone wishing to 3-D print an object also requires a set of instructions. If they then choose ...

9 Dec 16:00 Tech Xplore 4945708898855173788.html
Der Gewittersturm mit Pommes frites

Mit Zahlen kenn ich mich aus - ich bin Buchhalter. Aber mit Menschen…? Eines Tages überkam mich die Idee, etwas "Sinnvolles" in meinem Leben tun zu wollen. Und so ging alles ganz schnell: Eine Bekannte stellte sich zufällig als Koordinatorin des Besuchsdienstes des Roten Kreuzes heraus und damit

9 Dec 10:52 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083768082031.html
Nigeria issues Lassa Fever Public Health Advisory

By NewsDesk   @bactiman63 Nigerian health officials have reported 785 confirmed Lassa fever cases in 23 states through November 24, including 160 deaths among the confirmed cases, giving it a 20 percent fatality rate. This prompted officials to issue an Lassa Fever Public Health Advisory as more cases are reported during the dry season, which began …

9 Dec 11:27 Outbreak News Today 5860951886183592689.html
Agus Rahardjo: Tanggung Jawab Pemberantasan Korupsi Bukan Hanya pada Presiden dan KPK

KBRN, KPK : Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) hari ini menggelar acara puncak peringatan dalam rangka Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) 2019. Acara diselenggarakan di Gedung KPK Merah Putih,

9 Dec 12:32 RRI News Portal 6700853645696152038.html
Turkey to establish logistics centers in African countries

Turkey is establishing logistics bases in African countries after seeing an exponential rise in trade in the last 16 years thanks to the country's Africa initiative

9 Dec 16:44 DAILY SABAH 8383944809572058645.html
Jacksen Tiago Nilai Laga Kontra Bali United Tunjukkan Wajah Sepak Bola Indonesia

Pasca hasil imbang yang diraih Persipura Jayapura di markas Bali United dalam pertandingan Liga 1 2019.

9 Dec 16:11 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549554803866.html
Schweizer Outdoorfirma Mammut steht zum Verkauf

Die Muttergesellschaft Conzzeta will sich auf das Geschäft mit Blechbearbeitung konzentrieren. Nun wird ein Käufer für die Traditionsmarke gesucht.

9 Dec 17:45 Handelsblatt 4721373940155790691.html
Real Madrid Tawarkan 2 Pemain untuk Amankan Jasa Paul Pogba

Real Madrid akan berusaha mendatangkan Paul Pogba pada Januari 2020. Real Madrid akan menawarkan dua pemain bintangnya karena memiliki bujet belanja yang terbatas.

9 Dec 10:45 Bola.com 1695722604343638023.html
A Framework for Regulating Competition on the Internet

Understanding the differences between platforms and Aggregators is critical when it comes to considering regulation.

9 Dec 13:41 Stratechery 6121630786689734252.html
China with Drastic Measures: Removes all Foreign Computer Technology

China has ordered all foreign computer equipment and software to be removed from government departments and public institutions within three years, the Financial Times reported. The government directive will deal a blow to American technology companies companies such as HP, Dell and Microsoft and will try to mirror Washington's attempts to restrict the use of Chinese technology as the war between the nations turns into a technological cold war.

9 Dec 15:19 novinite.com 4235039571130757727.html
Sambut Hari Anti Korupsi, Mahasiswa Ingatkan Korupsi Massal di Kota Malang

KBRN, Malang: Kasus gelombang korupsi massal yang menjerat 41 anggota DPRD Kota Malang masih lekat dalam ingatan masyarakat. Bahkan pimpinan daerah dan sejumlah eksekutif pun ikut terseret di

9 Dec 12:24 RRI News Portal 6700853646086967855.html
Pengamat Politik: Kuat dan Tidaknya PAN Tergantung Amien Rais

Pengamat politik Adi Prayitno, menilai kurang dan lebihnya Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) tergantung pada Amien Rais.

9 Dec 12:54 Tribunnews.com 3323534446441788816.html
Francia, traffico blocca Parigi nel quinto giorno di sciopero

Secondo le autorità stamattina si registravano 600 chilometri di code agli ingressi. Bloccati i depositi degli autobus. Previsto incontro tra governo, imprenditori e sindacati sulla contestata riforma delle pensioni

9 Dec 11:49 Adnkronos 2840063642997505316.html
Disabled people score a win in superannuation entitlements

Disabled workers have received a boost with the Fair Work Commission delivering a better superannuation deal for low-income earners with disability.

9 Dec 15:08 The New Daily 5848147785860595811.html
Kapsalon Romy wint prijs voor beste Europese film

De Nederlandse familiefilm Kapsalon Romy is tweemaal bekroond tot beste Europese film van het jaar. Romy won op het Ale Kino! Young Audience Filmfestival in Polen de prijzen voor beste Europese kinderfilm van het jaar en de 'Golden Goat', de prijs voor vakjury voor de beste lange familiefilm van het jaar.

9 Dec 17:33 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048921901026.html
Deforestation Is a Death Sentence for Tropical Forest Animals

The wildlife that rely on tropical rainforests may be more screwed than we thought. A new study has found that tropical forest species are six times more sensitive to forest fragmentation than species in temperate ecosystems.

9 Dec 08:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059000556745472.html
Libur Nataru, Penumpang Pesawat Diprediksi Beralih ke Angkutan Darat

Kementerian Perhubungan memprediksi bahwa masyarakat pengguna pesawat akan mengalihkan pilihannya ke transportasi darat dalam libur natal dan tahun baru 2019.

9 Dec 13:04 detikfinance 4442190001770723707.html
Darmawan Prasodjo Dikabarkan Jadi Wadirut PLN!

Sumber Kementerian BUMN sebut Darmawan Prasodjo akan jadi wadirut PLN

9 Dec 11:05 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212518881055.html
Russland vier Jahre von Olympia und WM ausgeschlossen

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) hat Russland für vier Jahre gesperrt. Das WADA-Exekutivkomitee bestätigte am Montag in Lausanne die Empfehlung der unabhängigen Prüfkommission CRC und suspendierte die russische Anti-Doping-Agentur (RUSADA) bis 2023. Athleten des Landes dürfen in diesem Zeitraum nicht unter der russischen Fahne, sondern nur als neutrale Sportler starten. Dies gilt für die Olympischen und Paralympischen […]

9 Dec 10:49 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170781269954.html
Guardiola admits Manchester City standards have slipped

Football News: Pep Guardiola says Manchester City may no longer be able to match the standards of the best teams after a painful defeat against Manchester United lef

9 Dec 10:33 The Times of India 6060938663430785764.html
Trumps trügerisches Jobwunder

Donald Trump feiert die guten Arbeitsmarktzahlen als seinen Erfolg. Aber ist es ihm nicht gelungen, mehr Jobs aus dem Ausland zurückzuholen.

9 Dec 11:02 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592967604119.html
Breaking: Russian military choppers resume heavy attack on jihadist mountain stronghold

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – Minutes ago, the Russian Air Force’s attack choppers resumed their strikes on the jihadist mountain stronghold of Kabani. According to an army source in the Al-Akrad Mountains of northeastern Latakia, the Russian military choppers launched a heavy attack on Kabani and its surroundings, causing a number of explosions that could be heard throughout this rugged region. This latest string of strikes by the Russian Air Force comes after a short absence of aerial attacks over Syria because of the poor weather. While the Russian Air Force was grounded, however, the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) 4th Armored Division kept up the pressure on the jihadist rebels by launching several rockets and artillery shells towards the latter’s positions in Kabani.

9 Dec 09:15 AMN 4125648317082647541.html
House Judiciary Committee heads deliver statements in Trump impeachment hearing

The heads of the House Judiciary Committee squared off Monday as the panel prepared to hear evidence in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking Republican on the

9 Dec 15:39 New York Post 7654946768340323645.html
Occult arts and sceptical sciences

Philip Ball delves into the mystic and the physical worlds, in Physics and Psychics: the Occult and the Sciences in Modern Britain by Richard Noakes

9 Dec 09:30 Physics World 8721234136635602955.html
Tony Colombo, concerto interrotto: arrivano i carabinieri

L'esibizione a Castellammare di Stabia non era autorizzata. Sono in corso accertamenti sulle responsabilità del neomelodico

9 Dec 10:59 Today 178378749450159963.html
Cementfabriek ENCI in Maastricht sluit deuren

MAASTRICHT (ANP) - De Maastrichtse cementfabriek ENCI gaat volgend jaar dicht. Dat heeft moederbedrijf HeidelbergCement besloten. De vijftig personeelsleden van het bedrijf komen op straat te staan.

9 Dec 15:08 Nieuws.nl 2419030131055949471.html
Bragg diffraction monitors wound healing, plastic soil and other physical science innovations

Levitated nanoparticles, ion-based qubits and a sound idea for a new thermometer also on show

9 Dec 16:58 Physics World 8721234134880937444.html
Erneuter Vorwurf: Neumayer: Strache hat Nationalratsmandat um Millionen verkauft

Laut Ernst Neumayer, einem niederösterreichischen Kaufmann, soll Ex-FPÖ-Chef Strache ein Mandat an ukrainische Oligarchen verkauft haben - mit dessen Hilfe. Eine Klage hatte er vor Jahren verloren, nun will er es erneut versuchen.

9 Dec 11:40 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699868162441.html
Tourists missing after deadly New Zealand volcano eruption

One person was reported dead after a volcano erupted on Monday.

9 Dec 13:21 Times of Oman 5168079155494730003.html
Alle verdachten groepsverkrachtingen Den Bosch weer op vrije voeten

Openbaar Ministerie in hoger beroep - Foto's slachtoffers verspreid op social media

9 Dec 16:45 ThePostOnline 3048418757681735997.html
Sri Lanka to use Wolbachia bacteria to control Aedes mosquitoes

By NewsDesk   @bactiman63 Sri Lankan health officials have reportedly taken steps to introduce Wolbachia bacteria into the environment starting in February. The pilot project is to be carried out in Colombo and Nugegoda. Bacteria are to be released in 25 Grama Niladhari Divisions around Colombo, Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health Dr. Paba …

9 Dec 10:43 Outbreak News Today 5860951886201664920.html
UPS Truck Chase-Shootout

Family and friends honored on Monday a UPS driver who was killed in a shootout between Florida police and the robbery suspects who had hijacked his delivery truck. Loved ones filed by Frank Ordonez's open casket at a Miami funeral home to pay respects to the 27-year-old driver. Some UPS employees

9 Dec 13:42 Yahoo 7097669638026744603.html
Zerschlagung Osrams befürchtet

Deutsche Gewerkschaft IG Metall und Osram-Betriebsrat fordern Investitionen nach ams-Übernahme.

9 Dec 14:01 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442141181266.html
Stellvertreter-Debatte vor der Stunde der Wahrheit

In der Diskussion geht es mehr um das künftige Verhältnis mit Brüssel als um die Begrenzung der Personenfreizügigkeit.

9 Dec 16:59 SRF 8424707180004831244.html
Russia fuori dalle Olimpiadi

Squalificata per quattro anni dalla Wada perché recidiva nel falsificare controlli antidoping. L'ultima parola ora al Tas

9 Dec 10:44 L'HuffPost 5315551422629056787.html
Ausflug auf ein Pulverfass

Mindestens fünf Tote, von weiteren Touristinnen und Touristen fehlt jede Spur: Nach einem Vulkanausbruch auf White Island in Neuseeland fragen sich viele Menschen, warum es die Ausflugstour überhaupt gab. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler hatten die verstärkte Vulkanaktivität gemeldet.

9 Dec 14:34 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322263686165.html
Perovskite solar cell method to make solar energy more affordable

If someone asked you to wager a guess on when solar energy first came of age, and you said the seventies, you'd be correct—but only if you meant the 1870s.

9 Dec 15:01 Tech Xplore 4945708898376527267.html
Klosterneuburg erhält doch ein eigenes Autokennzeichen

"Dank der Unterstützung des Verkehrsministeriums" bekommt die Stadtgemeinde ab Anfang April ein eigenes Kennzeichen. „WU" und „TU" bleiben aber weiterhin gültig.

9 Dec 15:10 Die Presse 6242788854273716533.html
Microsoft gleicht Daten ab und findet Millionen unsicherer Passwörter

Sie haben ein Xbox-Konto zum Spielen, nutzen Office-Dienste online oder mailen mit Adressen wie Live.com oder Outlook.com?

9 Dec 13:52 GMX News 4492287762732296355.html
JNU Protest: These Metro Stations Resume Operations After Brief Shutdown

"Three metro stations in Central Delhi which were closed for over four hours following Delhi police directive now open," the (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ) said in a statement.

9 Dec 12:44 India.com 7150386083869005544.html
Saudi Arabia Backs Investment in Wireless Sensors to Forecast Floods, Weather Conditions, Natural Disasters

Two Saudi investment funds have revealed financing a promising wireless environmental sensor project. This step comes in line with the Kingdom’s attempt to support and bolster technical innovations and exerted efforts by private financing entities to

9 Dec 15:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659934471621826.html
Inbrekers richtten ravage aan, maar keerden wellicht met lege handen huiswaarts

Inbrekers drongen afgelopen weekend binnen op de Middenschool Sint-Gertrudis. Op het eerste zicht lijkt er niets gestolen, maar de inbrekers lieten wel een...

9 Dec 13:46 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192446235158.html
WvM Immobilien + Projektentwicklung GmbH

„Unser Alltag ist schnelllebig geworden und Informationen werden oft nur kurz zwischendurch am Smartphone überflogen. Schüler wachsen mit digitalen Medien und mit der einhergehenden Informationsflut auf. Mit nur einem Klick ist die eine Meldung weg und eine neue da. Mir ist daran gelegen, dass junge Menschen lernen, sich bewusst mit Informationen auseinanderzusetzen. Die Tageszeitung eignet sich sehr gut, um sich in Ruhe mit den lokalen und weltweiten Nachrichten zu beschäftigen. Das Internet sollte kein Ersatz für die Zeitung sein, sondern eine zusätzliche Informationsquelle. Die Zeitungspatenschaft ist eine super Idee, um Schülern die klassische Zeitung näher zu ...

9 Dec 17:20 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568900397601.html
Apa Kabar Penyelamatan Bank Muamalat? Ini Jawaban OJK

Buka-bukaan OJK soal penyelamatan Bank Muamalat yang sedang menghadapi masalah sejak 2015.

9 Dec 11:42 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212424513188.html
Cracks on Njoro interchange worry motorists

KeNHA allays fears that cracks pose danger to motorists.

9 Dec 08:46 Daily Nation 7421817125598142847.html
CEO Bukalapak Achmad Zaky Mundur?

Pendiri sekaligus Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Achmad Zaky dikabarkan mundur dari jabatannya sebagai orang nomor satu di Bukalapak.

9 Dec 09:51 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214182233759.html
Gunung Meletus di Selandia Baru, Turis Terluka hingga Hilang

Beberapa orang turis dilaporkan terluka hingga hilang akibat gunung meletus. Erupsi gunung terjadi di sebuah pulau kecil di Selandia Baru, alias New Zealand.

9 Dec 16:39 detikTravel 7712517352333392165.html
Traismaurer Fischer spendeten erneut Christbäume

Rühriger Verein stellte Gutscheine zur Verfügung. Weiter geht‘s mit dunklen Gestalten.

9 Dec 10:24 NÖN.at 2486998933180709952.html
Jangan Sepelekan Bila Anak Kehilangan Selera Makan, Bisa Jadi Tanda Gejala Usus Buntu pada Anak

Radang usus buntu adalah keadaan darurat. Sangat penting untuk mengetahui apa yang harus dicari dan mendapatkan perawatan medis segera

9 Dec 16:30 grid.id 6246371059469773869.html
Histories of our treasured Christmas traditions

Why we do what we do during the festive season

9 Dec 16:00 The Stettler Independent 1209901972472556957.html
Professor Lisa Roberts named new vice chancellor of Exeter University

She will replace long serving Professor Sir Steve Smith

9 Dec 12:38 DevonLive 2469244512789125128.html
5 probable destinations for Barcelona defender Samuel Umtiti

Samuel Umtiti is all but certainly going to leave Barcelona in 2020, so here's a look at five possible destinations for the World Cup winner. Barcelona cen...

9 Dec 13:08 Everything Barca 6461635055458659866.html
Projectontwikkelaar Land Invest Group zette privédetectives in om journalisten te schaduwen

De Antwerpse projectontwikkelaar Land Invest Group heeft privédetectives ingeschakeld om journalisten van de nieuwssite Apache te schaduwen. Dat meldt Apache zelf op zijn website. Land Invest Group...

9 Dec 12:59 HLN 8967494996798577179.html
Trucking giant Celadon files for bankruptcy after ex-officials charged with fraud

An Indiana trucking company with nearly 4,000 employees said Monday it filed for bankruptcy and will shut down all operations, just days after two former officials were charged in a fraud

9 Dec 16:49 New York Post 7654946768095020709.html
Western Gateway residents fear developer holding up Swallow roundabout upgrade

Fed-up residents living in the Western Gateway are demanding a leading property developer fulfills its pledge to upgrade the Swallow Roundabout.

9 Dec 08:19 The Courier 4275302767221606110.html
Saudi Arabia favours stronger ties with India

‘Energy cooperation key to the strategic partnership between the two countries’

9 Dec 16:37 The Hindu 6679535024870196844.html
CEOs call for fiscal stimulus

Australia's top business leaders say infrastructure spending, tax cuts and investment breaks should be used to boost sluggish growth.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487436533253.html
Somiglianza tra Giulia Quattrociocche e un pellerossa Lakota

Quello delle somiglianze è un post che noi di IsaeChia dedichiamo quotidianamente alle tante segnalazioni inviateci dai lettori del nostro sito (via mail a isa.e.chia@gmail.com o via social network, tramite le nostre pagine Facebook, Twitter o Instagram) che propongono una similitudine fisica che loro riscontrano, nei tratti o nei colori, tra due personaggi della televisione, della musica, del cinema, del gossip o dello sport. Si tratta pertanto di un post leggero, senza alcun fine se non quello di constatare o meno l’esistenza di qualche analogia tra due persone note.

9 Dec 11:00 Isa e Chia 8427750813143998927.html
Pramugari Garuda Bisa Dimutasi Tanpa Alasan di Era Ari Askhara

Tak hanya kerja sampai 18 jam untuk penerbangan luar negeri pergi pulang (PP), pramugari bisa saja dimutasi dengan alasan yang tidak jelas.

9 Dec 08:53 detikfinance 4442190001386690882.html
Duka Drake hingga Ellie Goulding atas Kematian Juice WRLD

Kabar kematian rapper Juice WRLD pada Minggu (8/12) turut meninggalkan kesedihan pada sejumlah selebriti dunia, mulai dari Drake hingga Ellie Goulding.

9 Dec 13:12 hiburan 6599523173294417159.html
Claves para gastar responsablemente en diciembre

Existen distintas maneras de demostrar afecto sin gastar mucho dinero | Comprar online | Compras por internet | Finanzas | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 15:33 Portafolio 9142034659560829241.html
Claves para gastar responsablemente en diciembre

Existen distintas maneras de demostrar afecto sin gastar mucho dinero. | Finanzas | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 15:33 Portafolio 9142034661233198614.html
Demonstranten stürmen Amtssitz von Maltas Regierungschef

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 10:40 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775792167240.html
Elevii cer Guvernului sa nu isi asume raspunderea pe abrogarea OUG care bloca transportul judetean gratuit

Asociatiile de elevi din Romania - Asociatia Elevilor din Constanta, Asociatia Elevilor din Bucuresti si Ilfov, Asociatia Valceana a Elevilor si Asociatia Elevilor din Maramures - cer Guvernului sa opreasca angajarea raspunderii pe tema ordonantei 51/2019 care a scos transportul judetean din sfera serviciilor publice si doresc ca aceasta ordonanta sa fie respinsa in Parlament.

9 Dec 11:24 Ziare.com 1922730287088881645.html
Derby bridal studio scoops top national boutique award

Two sisters run the business

9 Dec 12:53 Derbyshire Live 9061707931152350466.html
Justice Chandrachud recuses himself from hearing St Stephen's college case

The judge said though he had prepared all the notes after going through the case file, it would not be appropriate for him to hear the matter

9 Dec 13:40 Business-Standard 1502508926702076791.html
Advanced technology may indicate how brain learns faces

Facial recognition technology has advanced swiftly in the last five years. As University of Texas at Dallas researchers try to determine how computers have gotten as good as people at the task, they are ...

9 Dec 13:57 Tech Xplore 4945708899031835465.html
Study sheds new light on supermassive black holes

Astronomers say most observations suggest that the bigger the galaxy, the bigger the supermassive black hole in it.

9 Dec 16:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991235366026.html
Finland Addresses Sex Change Regret as Gender Reassignment Soars

Over the past 15 years, the number of Finns seeking sexual reassignment has grown 20-fold. De-transitioning has been described as a physically and mentally challenging procedure with some of the effects being irreversible.

9 Dec 10:57 Sputniknews 967333868796640644.html
Man kletsnat en onderkoeld uit trein gehaald

De hulpdiensten hebben maandagochtend een kletsnatte en onderkoelde man uit een trein in Venlo gehaald. Volgens de brandweer was de man maandagochtend in Eindhoven te water geraakt, en er door twee andere mensen uitgehaald. Het drietal stapte vervolgens op de trein naar Venlo.

9 Dec 09:51 RD.nl 6406779841507380072.html
EU-Kommission billigt Milliarden-Hilfen für Batteriezellen

Die EU-Kommission hat geplante Staatshilfen für eine europäische Batteriezellen-Fertigung gebilligt. Deutschland und sechs andere Staaten dürfen nun die Forschung und Entwicklung bei Großunternehmen bezuschussen.

9 Dec 12:37 MDR 5336324389846428517.html
Apple Pay lahmt: Raiffeisenbanken verschieben, Sparkasse beteuert

Deutsche Banken tun sich sehr schwer mit der Einführung von Apple Pay. Jetzt haben die Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken angekündigt, dass man mit der technischen Umsetzung noch bis nächstes Jahr braucht. Sparkasse und Commerzbank wollen in dieser Woche starten.

9 Dec 13:48 winfuture.de 1179223335212464944.html
Councillor walks out of meeting in budget protest

SINN Féin Councillor Gerry Murray walked out of a meeting of Mayo County Council this afternoon (Monday) in protest over how the previous week's budget meeting was conducted.

9 Dec 17:24 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535572018256.html
On International Anti-Corruption Day, Iohannis say corruption scourge undermines democracy, rule of law

Corruption weakens the state, erodes the institutions and generates a setback of the society as a whole, and the scourge undermines democracy...

9 Dec 11:34 Stiri pe surse 4858045013183754798.html
Anti-discrimination campaigners call for joint response after weekend of shame

Premier League clubs reacted strongly in the wake of alleged incidents of homophobic and racist abuse.

9 Dec 15:26 Shropshire Star 3480199991673771277.html
Update: Ericsson gesteht Korruption und zahlt Milliardenstrafe

Ericsson gesteht im Korruptionsverfahren und einigt sich mit den USA auf eine Milliardenstrafe. Zuvor war der schwedische Konzern im dritten Quartal in die roten Zahlen gerutscht. Grund dafür waren Rückstellungen wegen des Verfahrens.

9 Dec 11:21 www.cetoday.ch 4667961261961430048.html
What Aircraft Crews Know About Managing High-Pressure Situations

Research on making decisions in times of crisis.

9 Dec 13:15 Harvard Business Review 4845392232987247547.html
Watchdog Expected to Find Russia Probe Valid

The Justice Department's internal watchdog was to release a highly anticipated report Monday that is expected to reject President Donald Trump's claims that the Russia investigation was illegitimate and tainted by political bias from FBI leaders. it also is expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters.

9 Dec 14:11 Courthouse News Service 1799505149390677588.html
East Kilbride Clintons store saved from pre-Christmas collapse

The chain has bought itself out of administration saving 2500 jobs nationwide.

9 Dec 15:43 dailyrecord 552235479877082276.html
Supreme Court allows divisive Kentucky abortion law to begin

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to hear arguments about a new Kentucky rule that requires physicians show women seeking abortions ultrasound images of their unborn fetuses, allowing the controversial law to take effect.

9 Dec 17:23 UPI 8257973865082756347.html
Issac Vanmalsawma helps Jamshedpur steal a point from Chennaiyin

Chennaiyin took the lead through Nerijus Valskis' fine strike in the 26th minute. However, Jamshedpur denied Chennaiyin a win by equalising in the 89th minute through Issac Vanmalsawma.

9 Dec 17:09 The Indian Express 2885715104349518507.html
Handystrahlung: Apple wegen zu hoher Werte bei iPhones verklagt

Strahlen iPhones stärker als vom Gesetz erlaubt? Eine Anwaltskanzlei ist davon überzeugt und strengt eine Sammelklage gegen Apple an. Aber nicht nur der iPhone-Konzern ist betroffen, auch Samsungs Galaxy-Smartphones stehen im Visier der Anwälte.

9 Dec 12:37 MacTechNews.de 1297039197732315224.html
Mau Jantung Anak Sehat Sampai Dewasa? Biasakan Aktif Sejak Batita

Punya anak dengan jantung sehat bahkan sampai dewasa kelak bisa jadi salah satu harapan orang tua.

9 Dec 13:11 parenting 8028540702942307705.html
Algeria seeks heavy sentences for ex-PMs accused of corruption

The Algerian prosecutor's office has requested 20-year prison sentences for several former politicians accused of corruption, including two prime ministers who served under former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, local media reported.

9 Dec 08:12 Aljazeera 6642629761841771276.html
A changing world

Some conflicts leave relatively small footprints; others cause ripples in the space-time continuum.

9 Dec 14:33 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116012597469.html
Schotse onafhankelijkheid staat weer helemaal op de agenda

De brexit heeft de roep om een tweede Schots onafhankelijkheidsreferendum nieuw leven ingeblazen. De Conservatieve Partij van de Britse premier Johnson wil hier donderdag echter mee afrekenen.

9 Dec 15:26 RD.nl 6406779841443087701.html
Eks Striker Persela Tak Rela Laskar Joko Tingkir Terdegradasi

Persela Lamongan tengah berjuang untuk menghindari jurang degradasi di sisa musim Liga 1 2019.

9 Dec 15:30 Bola.com 1695722602962900000.html
Architektur-Aufreger: Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt

Die Dörfer kommen in die Städte. Sie zwängen sich mit ihren Häuschen zwischen die Häuser und zwängen uns gleich mit.

9 Dec 08:03 Die Presse 6242788854935123483.html
SPD-Zentrale mit Farbe beschmiert

Zwei Unbekannte haben in der Nacht das Willy-Brandt-Haus in Berlin mit Farbe besprüht. Laut Polizei konnten die Täter flüchten. Der Staatsschutz ermittelt.

9 Dec 09:35 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270013299191.html
Samsung executives guilty of destroying evidence in fraud case

Three employees jailed for up to two years in case linked to $3.9bn accounting fraud

9 Dec 11:06 Financial Times 707176889831007740.html
Cost of liver transplant in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Currently liver transplant is being performed by three different Public and Private Hospitals within the jurisdiction of Human Organ Transplant Authority (HOTA) Islamabad as after the 18th Constitutional amendment, the domain of Federal HOTA was curtailed to the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) only, the National Assembly was informed on December 9. In a written reply submitted in the House, the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination told that three hospitals including Army Liver Transplant Unit (ALTU) at Military Hospital Rawalpindi, Shifa International Hospital Islamabad, and Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital Islamabad are performing liver transplant. The minister told that these hospitals comprise of health-care professionals and experts having the best liver transplant facilities in Pakistan, and the cost for liver transplant there is approximately Rs 5 million. Also Read: 100,000 thalassemia & 10 million Hepatitis C patients exist in Pakistan The House…

9 Dec 12:53 Dispatch News Desk 1078940130382821457.html
Kenalkan Sanna Marin, Milenial yang Jadi PM Finlandia

Sanna Marin yag masih berusia 34 tahun baru saja terpilih menjadi Perdana Menteri Finlandia. - Foto 1

9 Dec 10:10 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212197004643.html
Demonstranten stürmen Muscats Amtssitz

In Malta haben Demonstranten den Amtssitz von Premierminister Muscat gestürmt. Sie fordern im Zusammenhang mit den Ermittlungen zum Mord an der Journalistin Caruana Galizia seinen sofortigen Rücktritt.

9 Dec 12:26 tagesschau.de 5441171425848915609.html
Junger Mann demontiert nach Unfall die Kennzeichen

Ein 27-jähriger Moldawier hat unter Alkoholeinfluss in Thale einen Unfall verursacht. Wie ein Polizeisprecher mitteilt, war der Mann am Samstag gegen 20.30 Uhr auf der Neinstedter Straße in Richtung Stadtzentrum unterwegs, als der hintere linke Reifen an seinem Auto ...

9 Dec 08:18 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108851017498.html
Eerste verdieping van draagraket voor nieuwe Amerikaanse maanmissie Artemis klaar

Na miljarden dollar te hebben uitgegeven is de eerste verdieping van het SLS (Space Launch System), de nieuwe gigantische draagraket van NASA, klaar. Dat zegt Jim Bridenstine, hoofd van het Amerika...

9 Dec 16:33 HLN 8967494997772480295.html
Evrokomore za postepeno ukidanje sankcija Rusiji

BERLIN - Predsednik Evrokomore (Euroćambres) Kistof Lajtl pozvao je danas uoči najavljenog samita lidera Francuske, Nemačke, Rusije i Ukrajine posvećenog

9 Dec 15:55 Krstarica 4176903989131873856.html
Liverpool faces a tricky Salzburg

Needs to avoid defeat to progress; one of Inter and Dortmund set to miss out

9 Dec 17:26 The Hindu 6679535025494961427.html
Ekonomi Global Ngedrop, Bagaimana Indonesia?

WE Online, Labuan Bajo - Bank Indonesia (BI) memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi global akan terus melambat. Hal ini salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh ketegangan perang dagang antara Amerika Serikat (AS) dan China yang terus berlanjut dan telah berdampak pada ekonomi dunia.

9 Dec 08:17 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834199098429.html
Kentucky law requiring abortion seekers to listen to fetal heartbeat will stand

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge to a Kentucky law requiring doctors to describe ultrasound images and play fetal heartbeat sound to abortion seekers.

9 Dec 10:58 Fox 4 8372747777918286256.html
Kentucky law requiring abortion seekers to listen to fetal heartbeat will stand

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge to a Kentucky law requiring doctors to describe ultrasound images and play fetal heartbeat sound to abortion seekers.

9 Dec 15:58 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203050293680.html
Labor issues could plague long-delayed veterans cemetery project

The Buffalo Building and Construction Trades Council has been pushing for a project labor agreement at the site. But the Department of Veter

9 Dec 10:00 The Buffalo News 2088823985546963596.html
Singapore to arrest sanctioned Russian ship over unpaid parking debts

Singapore to arrest sanctioned Russian ship over unpaid parking debts

9 Dec 09:40 The Independent 5308065342742187257.html
Filipina Bakal Akuisisi Rudal Jelajah Supersonik Tercepat di Dunia, Rupanya Buatan Dua Negara Ini

WE Online, Manila - Filipina sedang dalam proses untuk menjadi negara asing pertama yang mengakuisisi BrahMos, rudal jelajah supersonik tercepat di dunia. Misil ini dikembangkan bersama oleh India dan Rusia.

9 Dec 11:47 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835464136285.html
Russia banned from Olympic Games over doping scandal

Russia was banned from the Olympics and other major world championships on Monday after sporting officials decided to punish it for tampering with doping-related laboratory data in another blow to Russia's already tarnished sporting reputation.

9 Dec 14:58 Bdnews24 8119004129539375147.html
Ice bucket inspiration dies

Pete Frates, a former college baseball player whose battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease helped inspire the ALS ice bucket challenge that has raised more than $200 million worldwide, died Monday. He was 34.

9 Dec 15:16 Castanet 616068602071172103.html
NGT asks Pollution Control Board to curb plastic manufacturing violations

The NGT had earlier said there was no proper mechanism for plastic waste management in the country and directed the CPCB to take necessary action in this regard.

9 Dec 11:35 Business-Standard 1502508925122446356.html
Rugby Australia backs CEO Castle amid criticism over Folau case

Rugby Australia (RA) have backed embattled Chief Executive Raelene Castle to continue in the role in the wake of intense criticism over her ...

9 Dec 15:50 CNA 5644198863365394702.html
Münchner Polizist nach Messerangriff verletzt

Eine Personenkontrolle am Münchner Hauptbahnhof endet mit einem schwer verletzten Polizisten im Krankenhaus. Der Beamte wird von hinten mit einem Messer in den Rücken gestochen. Zeugen können den Tatverdächtigen überwältigen und festhalten.

9 Dec 09:03 n-tv 6802689755148732137.html
EastEnders Christmas promo pictures tease bloodshed and danger in revenge twist

EastEnders legend Phil Mitchell vows payback against wife Sharon and son-in-law Keanu Taylor as their affair is exposed

9 Dec 14:51 mirror 675785261433191810.html
Allston-Brighton Winter Market comes to Western Avenue

For the third year in a row, the Allston-Brighton Winter Market is bringing four days of local vendors, interactive art, food and drink, a beer garden, and ...

9 Dec 14:00 Harvard Gazette 5954216208709936527.html
MPD: Police investigating shooting on Dick Taylor Street

It happened Monday morning on Dick Taylor Street.

9 Dec 10:51 KNOE 8 News 9048639192802886779.html
OeKB schaut optimistisch in die Zukunft

Kontrollbank erweitert Tourismus-Services und verzeichnet viele Neuzusagen in neuen Märkten.

9 Dec 17:38 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440650432163.html
Paris summit seeks resolution to Ukraine war

A series of meetings are being held at the Elysee presidential palace to try to revive a 2015 peace deal that has been largely ignored.

9 Dec 15:26 Express & Star 7324224460058460343.html
TrickBot Trojan Abuses Google Suite, Baits With Annual Bonuses

A recently active malicious campaign baited targets with phishing messages promising annual bonuses, abusing Google Suite cloud services to infect them with Trickbot banking Trojan payloads.

9 Dec 16:56 BleepingComputer 1217146045177741973.html
Tesla on Autopilot crashes into parked police car

Yet another Tesla on Autopilot was involved in a crash, this time with a parked police car that was assisting a driver with a disabled vehicle.

9 Dec 14:45 Yahoo 7097669638718185523.html
Bolsonaro Says Trade With Argentina Will Go On Despite Fernandez

(Bloomberg) -- President Jair Bolsonaro said trade with Argentina “will remain the same” despite his animosity with President-elect Alberto Fernandez but didn’t confirm whether Brazil will send a high-ranking representative to his inauguration in Buenos Aires.Asked whether he had changed plans to send

9 Dec 14:01 Yahoo 7097669638475141489.html
Obaseki reiterates resolve to curb corruption, sustain transparency, probity in govt

The Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki has reiterated his resolve to curb corruption in government by deploying technology...

9 Dec 17:03 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900570860932.html
Ankaragc'nde Scarione sevinci

MKE Ankaragc, Sper Lig'in 15. haftasnda Galatasaraya konuk olaca man hazrlklarna balad.

9 Dec 17:17 Star 3455060031811562885.html
Temporarily banned film Blue Story shortlisted for Bafta

The gang drama is shortlisted along with nine other films in the outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer category.

9 Dec 13:00 Express & Star 7324224459335387994.html
Hezbollah is always preparing for confrontations with Israel: official

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:45 P.M.) – One of the members of Hezbollah’s Central Council stated this week that Hezbollah is always preparing for potential confrontations with Israel. According to the Ahlul Bayt News Agency, the Central Council member, Sheikh Nabil Qawouk, warned Israel to not attempt to isolate or besiege the party, as they are always preparing to deter their attacks. In regards to the ongoing crisis in Lebanon, Sheikh Qawouk called for a new government that has support from all national parties, while not being subdued by U.S. pressures. Lastly, similar to the stance of Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Sheikh Qawouk stressed that the ongoing crisis should not last much longer, as it does not serve Lebanon’s national interest.

9 Dec 16:01 AMN 4125648316775575029.html
Watch live: Democrats lay out impeachment case against Trump

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Democratic investigators will detail their impeachment case against President Donald Trump at a hearing on Capitol Hill Monday, presenting evidence to the House judiciary committee.

9 Dec 12:54 UPI 8257973864201735538.html
Wilde Fan-Randale nach historischem Abstieg

Der erste Abstieg in der 98-jährigen Clubgeschichte hat massive Fan-Ausschreitungen im Stadion des brasilianischen Traditionsklubs Cruzeiro Belo ...

9 Dec 10:15 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094084480087.html
Meer dan duizend gemeenten, organisaties en bedrijven vragen invoering van statiegeld

Meer dan duizend gemeenten, organisatie en bedrijven in Nederland en België hebben zich aangesloten bij de Statiegeldalliantie, een vereniging die pleit voor het invoeren van statiegeld op alle pla...

9 Dec 10:09 HLN 8967494998452555013.html
Pimpinan KPK Terpilih Harap Tak Ada Peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Tahun Depan

Wakil Ketua KPK terpilih Lili Pintauli Siregar berharap tak ada lagi peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) lagi tahun depan. Maksudnya?

9 Dec 16:18 detiknews 8793960224900625873.html
Kenyans rule Martial Arts Championship in Mombasa

Kenya have emerged winners since the inaugural edition in 2013.

9 Dec 13:47 Daily Nation 7421817124638707559.html
Autofahrerin missachtet Vortritt und baut Unfall

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:31 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775916556744.html
Mugodhi Apostolic sect faces fresh divisions

Mugodhi Apostolic Church, one of the largest Apostolic sects in Zimbabwe, faces fresh divisions after one of its senior pastors approached the High Court challenging the validity of the church’s constitution, saying it was not properly enacted.

9 Dec 13:20 Nehanda Radio 3802011523718056051.html
Steam entfernt rechte Parolen und Nazi-Symbole von seiner Gaming-Plattform

Die nördlichste Medienanstalt hat auf eine Beschwere reagiert und Nazi-Symbole und andere -Inhalte von Steam entfernen lassen.

9 Dec 17:09 heise online 1766193383384963643.html
Rayakan Natal Bareng Calon Mertua, Jessica Iskandar Boyong Keluarga ke Melbourne

Sudah bertunangan dan akan segera naik pelaminan, Jessica Iskandar (Jedar) memilih rayakan natal bersama keluarga Richard Kyle. Tak hanya membawa El Barack, sang putra, Jedar juga memboyong keluarganya berlibur Natal dan Tahun Baru di Melbourne, Australia.

9 Dec 08:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087989837133686.html
Jessica Iskandar Banyak Maunya, Setelah Apartemen Minta Mobil Baru ke Richard Kyle

Setelah mendapatkan kado apartemen mewah di kawasan Serpong, Tangerang, Jessica Iskandar (Jedar) lemparkan kode meminta mobil baru pada Richard Kyle, calon suami bulenya.

9 Dec 10:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087990051157762.html
Crews working to contain industrial fire in Schomberg

Crews are working to contain a fire that broke out in an industrial building in Schomberg early this morning.

9 Dec 12:13 CP24 1887544295877897847.html
Russia doping whistleblower welcomes ban, urges review of Olympic results

The former head of Russia's anti-doping agency, who fled Moscow after turning whistleblower, on Monday welcomed a four-year ban from major sporting events imposed on his country.

9 Dec 17:10 Digital Journal 4566489173063695991.html
Entsetzen über Messerangriff auf Polizisten

Am Münchner Hauptbahnhof wird ein Polizist mit einem Messer attackiert und schwer verletzt. Die Tat löst auch in der Politik Entsetzen aus.

9 Dec 17:44 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591933172613.html
Ari Lasso hingga Kahitna Ramaikan Persiapan HUT Transmedia

Menyambut perayaan HUT Transmedia ke-18, sederet musisi akan tampil di Trans Studio Cibubur pada 9-11 Desember, mulai dari Ari Lasso hingga Kahitna.

9 Dec 12:20 hiburan 6599523172488835488.html
White Castle recalls frozen sliders for possible listeria contamination

White Castle on Friday issued a voluntary recall for a number of frozen sliders because they may contain listeria.

9 Dec 12:30 Fox 4 8372747777739235707.html
Pajak Seret, Kemenkeu Minta Instansi Pemerintah Jangan Boros

Wamenkeu Suahasil Nazara meminta instansi pemerintah, baik kementerian/lembaga maupun pemda untuk selektif memakai anggarannya karena penerimaan pajak seret.

9 Dec 09:08 detikfinance 4442190000398752150.html
Bijna half miljoen Nederlandse huishoudens leven in armoede

Hoewel het goed gaat met de economie, moesten ruim een half miljoen Nederlandse huishoudens in 2018 rondkomen van een inkomen waarmee je in Nederland arm bent. Dat komt neer op 7,9 procent van alle Nederlandse huishoudens.

9 Dec 08:45 RTLZ 8052859356689695795.html
Improve service delivery in high density areas

© EDITOR — It is sad to note that most local authorities are failing to provide essential services throughout the country. The economy is in bad shape, everyone knows that. Residents are struggling to service their bills.

9 Dec 15:49 DailyNews Live 5038909577371741831.html
Shivajinagar bypoll outcome: Consolidation of Muslim votes helped Congress

The margin was over 13,000 votes

9 Dec 17:20 The Hindu 6679535025179039126.html
Prosecutor warns public after cluster of drug overdoses

READING, Pa. (AP) - A district attorney in southeastern Pennsylvania issued a public health warning Monday in the wake of a series of drug overdoses, some of them deadly, believed to involve the same substance.

9 Dec 17:24 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638235247110.html
Official portrait of former premier Kathleen Wynne to be unveiled

The official portrait of Ontario's first female premier is set to be unveiled at the legislature later today.

9 Dec 10:15 CP24 1887544295978530671.html
Nasabah Bank Syariah Kini Bisa Dilayani Bank Umum yang Punya Sinergi Kepemilikan

Penerbitan POJK ini diharapkan meningkatkan daya saing BUS dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada nasabah BUS serta memperluas akses layanan perbankan syariah bagi masyarakat yang belum mengenal, menggunakan, atau mendapatkan layanan perbankan syariah (inklusi keuangan).

9 Dec 17:05 merdeka.com 1998180355615490448.html
Rachel Zoe im glamourösen Hosenanzug

Rachel Zoe im glamourösen Hosenanzug

9 Dec 11:06 VIP.de 2239798195258707721.html
Duizenden reclameborden NS-stations op wit na blunder met aanbesteding

De NS heeft de vijfduizend reclameborden en -posters op alle NS-stations leeg moeten halen omdat het zich niet aan de Europese aanbestedingsregels heeft gehouden. Ook moet het spoorwegbedrijf een schadevergoeding betalen aan het Franse reclamebedrijf JCDecaux, dat werd buitengesloten.

9 Dec 14:32 Bright.nl 6602863323035320537.html
Date for new elections announced

'We won't begin process of dissolving Knesset until Wednesday, so that party heads can try to prevent new elections,' Knesset speaker says.

9 Dec 14:11 Israel National News 5374683668957604168.html
Venezolanos hospitalizados comen gracias a la caridad

La presidenta del Colegio de Nutricionistas y Dietistas de Venezuela, Nixa Martínez informó que los menú de los hospitales en Venezuela no cumplen los

9 Dec 09:55 LaPatilla.com 9104603009876665766.html
Wie korrupt ist Deutschland?

Die Fallzahlen des BKA gehen zurück, doch die Ermittler selbst gehen von einer hohen Dunkelziffer bei Korruptionsfällen aus. Experten sprechen von einem hohen Milliardenschaden. Von Stephan Lenhardt.

9 Dec 15:37 tagesschau.de 5441171426525735676.html
Snow turns Sedona into winter wonderland

A snowstorm in Sedona, Arizona, turned the place known for its red rocks into a winter wonderland.

9 Dec 15:35 mnn 1276819564460222357.html
Italy investigates Maltese prof implicated in Russia probe

ROME (AP) - Prosecutors in Sicily are investigating suspected embezzlement by a mysterious Maltese academic who has been linked to a U.S. probe of hacked emails.

9 Dec 13:06 WFXT 6395891954166697972.html
Doctors Highlight Hidden Dangers At Christmas In Grim Medical Report

Anyone with young kids knows there's nothing they like more than eating stuff that's not for human consumption the very second you take your eye off them.

9 Dec 15:01 IFLScience 242791749540902366.html
A Non-Aggression Agreement between Israel and the Arab Countries

The United States is trying to assist Israel to reach an agreement with four Arab countries that will eventually lead to full normalization with them. Several Arab countries still fear full normalization with Israel due to Palestinian opposition, but behind the scenes, they are advancing relations with Israel.

9 Dec 14:00 The Jewish Press 7246030801345895737.html
Vandals damage cars in Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (AP) — Vandals slashed the tires of over 160 vehicles and sprayed slogans such as “Arabs=enemies” in a Palestinian neighborhood of Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, Israeli police said Monday. Elsewhere, Palestinian residents of the volatile West Bank city of Hebron staged a general strike to protest the construction of a new Jewish settlement there.Masked suspects operated under the cover of darkness to vandalize the cars in east Jerusalem's Shuafat neighborhood and spray-painted Hebrew graffiti on a nearby wall, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said. He said the authorities were treating the incident as criminal with “nationalistic motives.

9 Dec 14:30 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760820449732.html
Manis Wangi Bolu Gulung Beroles Durian Medan yang Mantap

Bukan hanya durian segar atau pancake durian, kini di Medan juga ada bolu gulung dengan isian dan olesan durian. Kayak apa ya lezatnya?

9 Dec 08:02 detikfood 4586606520268654972.html
CEK FAKTA: Kabar Harimau Sumatera Berkeliaran di Duri Riau Hoaks

Informasi maupun berita beredar di media sosial tentang harimau Sumatera berkeliaran di daerah Duri, Kabupaten Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau. Ternyata kabar itu tidak benar atau hoaks.

9 Dec 17:43 merdeka.com 1998180354594488627.html
Taktik Berani Solskjaer Dibalik Kemenangan Man United Atas Man City

Strategi yang diterapkan Ole Gunnar Solskjaer kala melawan Manchester City mendapat pujian dari pemain belakang Manchester United, Victor Lindelof.

9 Dec 09:20 BolaSport.com 4603768435488204576.html
Kampong Speu police arrest eight suspects over armed snatch thefts

Eight snatch theft suspects, including two women, who were armed with swords and sticks when committing crimes, were arrested by Kampong Speu police on Sunday in the province’s Chambak village in Samrong Tong district’s Voasar commune. Kampong Speu provincial police chief Sam Samuon told The Post on Monday that police arrested 11 suspects in a crackdown in Samrong Tong district.

9 Dec 16:21 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116184226397.html
Olivia Colman and Phoebe Waller-Bridge among Golden Globe nominees

The nominees were announced during a ceremony in Beverly Hills.

9 Dec 13:47 Breaking News 4415806919351129809.html
Jokowi Tak Beri Polri Batas Waktu Ungkap Kasus Novel Baswedan

Jokowi hanya berpesan kepada Kapolri Idham Azis untuk segera mengungkap kasus Novel Baswedan.

9 Dec 12:39 Tempo 4466195686479569590.html
Sandiaga Uno: Kecerdasan Emosional Lebih Dibutuhkan daripada AI

Sandiaga Uno menyebutkan, emotional intelligence atau kecerdasan emosional akan menjadi kemampuan yang akan sangat dibutuhkan di masa depan.

9 Dec 08:11 Tempo 8962756051074345400.html
Eishockey-Fan musste nach Herzinfarkt reanimiert werden

Über den Zustand des Mannes gibt es keine neuen Informationen.

9 Dec 10:31 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569556864927.html
Manchester City Masih Kesal dengan VAR

Laga Manchester City kontra Manchester United di ajang Premier League pada hari Minggu (8/12/2019) kemarin dibalut dengan sedikit kontroversi. Banyak orang yang meyakini bahwa City seharusnya mendapatkan penalti

9 Dec 09:38 Bola.net 5489959029213985783.html
Erdogan accuses some Arab countries of being supportive of Israeli attacks against Palestine

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:20 P.M.) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a speech on Monday at he meeting of Ministers of Social Affairs of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Istanbul. During the meeting, the Turkish President accused some Arab countries of being supportive of Israeli attacks over the last few months, and Erdogan explained that the situation in Palestine is getting worse by the day. He continued by saying: “The Islamic world, which constitutes a quarter of the world’s population, does not have an effect equal to the size of its capabilities.” “We often feel that we stand alone when we object to the persecution of Palestine and Jerusalem.” He pointed out that global imperialism continues the policy of “divide and rule” against Islamic countries. The OIC Conference adopts several goals, the most important of which are to remove obstacles to increasing investments among OIC member countries, to encourage investments within the organization, and to increase the ease of doing business…

9 Dec 12:37 AMN 4125648316435392862.html
Mengenal Inovasi eSIM, Nomor Ponsel Tanpa Kartu

Industri telekomunikasi kini kian berkembang, ini bisa dilihat dari perubahan ukuran modul kartu SIM yang semakin mengecil bahkan tanpa kartu yang bernama eSIM.

9 Dec 09:03 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213214907014.html
Pacemaker senza fili: innovazione nel reparto di Cardiologia

Pacemaker senza fili: una soluzione innovativa che permette di ridurre il rischio di infezioni.

9 Dec 15:06 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734034241388731.html
Hasil dan Klasemen Premier League: Leicester City jadi Pesaing Liverpool

Bukan Manchester City yang kini menjadi pesaing terdekat Liverpool di klasemen. Adalah Leicester City yang terus tampil bagus dan terus berada di posisi kedua klasemen sementara Premier League

9 Dec 08:28 Bola.net 5489959028841400223.html
EU opens subsidies for electric battery push

The EU's powerful anti-trust authority on Monday approved billions of euros in subsidies from seven member states as Europe seeks to make up lost ground in batteries.

9 Dec 12:21 Tech Xplore 4945708898123667414.html
Buhari Departs Abuja For Egypt Tuesday

President Muhammadu Buhari will depart Abuja Tuesday for Aswan, Egypt to attend the Aswan Forum designed to set “An Agenda for Sustainable Peace and Development in Africa.”

9 Dec 16:04 Concise 5544636822055325920.html
Steven Universe Future Is Challenging Steven's Savior Mentality

The first four episodes of Steven Universe Future work at deconstructing Steven's savior complex, each in its own way.

9 Dec 13:12 CBR.com 1295516963201893465.html
Beijing orders removal of foreign computer equipment from government offices

Measure aims to reduce China’s reliance on foreign technology and counter US tech restrictions.Government offices and public institutions in China have been ordered to replace foreign computers and software within three years, Financial Times reported on Monday (Dec. 9).

9 Dec 08:46 Taiwan News 4737573344537564701.html
Dozens suffer losses in sham cryptocurrency scheme in Masaka


9 Dec 08:24 The Observer 7850745371626046293.html
Buhari inaugurates treasury portal, says Nigerians can now monitor govt spending

The Federal Government has launched the Open Treasury Portal, with the hope of making public the daily treasury statement on how monies that come into government coffer are being spent. This was...

9 Dec 14:58 Punch Newspapers 3524240995346360638.html
BigTech Cryptocurrencies Pose Risk to Global Financial Stability: FSB

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) says government and regulators should closely monitor the emerging trend of BigTech companies entering the crypto

9 Dec 15:45 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936462171246.html
Trump impeachment: judiciary hearing could bring Mueller into play

Bipartisan lawyers testified on findings by the special counsel and intelligence committee in second public session

9 Dec 16:20 the Guardian 1491978794659190202.html
Quake hits Florence area, trains temporarily suspended

An earthquake hit north of Florence on Monday morning, forcing trains across Italy to be cancelled or severely delayed.

9 Dec 14:54 Deccan Herald 2027555798020726463.html
Voor Kerst duidelijkheid over verkoop Pepergasthuis (update)

Voor de kerstdagen komt er duidelijkheid over de toekomst van het Pepergasthuis in Groningen. Dat bleek tijdens de hoorzitting die maandagmiddag over het monumentale complex werd gehouden.

9 Dec 16:40 RTV Noord 3728677365698252555.html
GOP Rep Introduces Motion Against Witness After His Character Assassination of Trump

GOP Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) had a point of order after listening to Democratic counsel Barry Berke's character assassination of President Trump at Monday's House Judiciary Committee hearing.

9 Dec 16:45 Townhall 6083908947439033348.html
Southerly change predicted Tuesday will push the Currowan fire into more accessible open country

Crews 'quietly confident' as southerly change approached NSW South Coast

9 Dec 16:00 The Canberra Times 8662394329821648315.html
Intel creates chip to control quantum computers

(Reuters) - Quantum computers aim to carry out tasks in just a few minutes that would take today’s best conventional computers thousands of years. But in nearly every photograph of the devices, there’s a tangle of wires in the background connected to equipment that controls the quantum computer.

9 Dec 15:17 Reuters 8334514179981709196.html
Marijuana Allegations Brings Call for Probe Into Serb President

(Bloomberg) -- A top aide of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic requested an investigation into his boss and his brother in a bid to clear them from opposition-led allegations that they’re linked to an illegal marijuana farm.Opposition parties are struggling to make a dent in the dominant position of

9 Dec 11:48 Yahoo 7097669637747593726.html
Börsennotierte Pharmafirma Sanochemia ist pleite

Das Unternehmen notiert seit 1999 an der Frankfurter Börse. Die Gesundheitsbehörde hat die Produktion im April 2018 eingeschränkt.

9 Dec 13:59 Kurier 208072238471789495.html
Banksy installs new art piece in Birmingham highlighting homelessness

Legendary artist Banksy has installed a new art piece in Birmingham to highlight the growing homelessness problem in the UK.

9 Dec 14:39 Shropshire Star 3480199992681997093.html
Organisatie Miss Universe neemt het op voor presentator

De organisatie van de Miss Universe verkiezing is in de bres gesprongen voor presentator Steve Harvey. Hij zou zondag de verkeerde winnares in de categorie Nationaal Kostuum hebben aangekondigd, maar had het volgens de organisatie wel degelijk bij het juiste eind.

9 Dec 09:05 RTL Boulevard 1500115272510632023.html
Tim Tiger Tangkap Valent Pencuri Motor Bersenjata Tajam di Jakut

Valent Mafthi Rafiqi (21) ditangkap polisi karena kedapatan membawa senjata tajam serta kunci T dini hari tadi. Dia kerap mencuri sepeda motor di Jakarta Utara.

9 Dec 11:15 detiknews 8793960225134094280.html
Let's consider important issues when voting

© EDITOR— Zimbabwe is a small country with a small population of about 15 million people, most of whom are young, vibrant and energetic, but with no employment. It's a peaceful country compared to sister nations in southern Africa. 

9 Dec 15:47 DailyNews Live 5038909576875760610.html
Senterpartiet ber regjeringen heve kontrakten med Babcock

Sp ber staten overta driften av luftambulansen etter at flere av de nye ambulanseflyene til Babcock er satt på bakken etter tekniske problemer.

9 Dec 08:48 NRK 3631390764275985581.html
Cementfabriek ENCI in Maastricht sluit deuren

De Maastrichtse cementfabriek ENCI gaat volgend jaar dicht. Dat heeft moederbedrijf HeidelbergCement besloten. De vijftig personeelsleden van het bedrijf komen op straat te staan. De directie heeft maandag het personeel geïnformeerd en de ondernemingsraad om advies gevraagd.

9 Dec 16:01 RD.nl 6406779841754833491.html
Divisive Nobel Winner Peter Handke To Receive Prize Amid Boycotts, Controversy

Turkey says it is joining Albania and Kosovo in boycotting the Nobel awards ceremony on December 10 to protest 2019 literature prize laureate Peter Handke, who has been criticized for backing late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic.

9 Dec 17:50 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794161986774722.html
India Steps Toward Making Naturalization Harder for Muslims

A bill establishing a religious test for immigrants has passed the lower house of Parliament, a major step for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist agenda.

9 Dec 10:26 NY Times 1961078288431075288.html
Activists storm office of Malta's prime minister demanding resignation over murder investigation

The sister of murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was involved in a tense stand-off with Maltese police on Tuesday after a group of protesters stormed into the prime minister’s office in Valletta, the capital, to demand his immediate resignation.

9 Dec 16:46 The Telegraph 140598092556609555.html
Sollen Chinas Behörden ausländische Computertechnologie entfernen?

Die bereits vor Monaten erlassene vertrauliche Direktive habe wegen des Zeitplans den Namen "3-5-2" erhalten, schrieb die Zeitung, die sich in dem Bericht auf Informationen aus dem Wertpapierhaus China Securities, von zwei chinesischen Cyber-Security-Firmen und der internationalen Denkfabrik Eurasia berief. Es sei die erste Anweisung mit klaren Zeitvorgaben, von ausländischer auf einheimische Technologie zu wechseln, hiess es weiter. Regierungsstellen in Peking wirkten am Montag aber auf Nachfrage der Deutschen Presse-Agentur nach einem solchen Vorhaben irritiert. Weder das Ministerium für Industrie und Informationstechnologie (MIIT), noch die Beschaffungsstelle der Regierung wussten von einem konkreten "3-5-2"-Plan. Auch in chinesischen Staatsmedien lässt sich nichts über ein solches Vorgehen finden. Ein Mitarbeiter der Politikabteilung des Beschaffungsamtes bestätigte allein eine Politik, die Nutzung chinesischer Programme zu fördern: "Eine Lokalisierung, innerhalb von drei Jahren schrittweise einheimische…

9 Dec 12:45 cash 8314500325073664491.html
Corruption biggest hurdle in progress: Sarwar

LAHORE: Punjab Governor Chaudhry Sarwar on Monday said corruption is the biggest hurdle in the country’s progress and prosperity.In his message on the International Anti-Corruption Day which is

9 Dec 09:45 Pakistan Today 6621510369981300512.html
Sievers and Rodgers sentencings happening this week

The penalty phase in the trial of Mark Sievers will start Tuesday.

9 Dec 08:09 Fox 4 8372747776791695527.html
Video: Nicole Schmidhofer holte Abfahrtssieg in Lake Louise

Nicole Schmidhofer hat die zweite Weltcup-Abfahrt der Damen in Lake Louise gewonnen. Die Österreicherin, im Vorjahr in Kanada Siegerin beider Abfahrtsrennen, setzte sich am Samstag 0,13 Sek. vor US-Star Mikaela Shiffrin sowie Francesca Marsaglia (ITA) und Vortages-Siegerin Ester Ledecka (CZE) durch. Für Schmidhofer war es der vierte Weltcupsieg, drei davon sind ihr in Lake Louise gelungen.

9 Dec 09:41 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085151639888.html
National Day has significant meanings in minds of citizens and residents: Qatar Post Chairman

Doha: The Chairman and Managing Director of Qatar Postal Services Company Faleh Mohammed Al Nuaimi, said that the celebration of the National Day has significant meanings in the minds and hearts of all citizens and residents of the State of Qatar.

9 Dec 08:32 The Peninsula 1202843882128867356.html
Greta Thunberg highlights indigenous struggle at UN climate summit

Activi­sts argue that their commun­ities contri­bute almost none of fossil fuels emissi­ons drivin­g climat­e change­

9 Dec 17:45 The Express Tribune 1105816787304298543.html
Berantas Korupsi, Novel Sebut Penindakan, Pencegahan & Pendidikan Harus Sejalan

Jika ketiga hal itu berjalan dengan baik, dia yakin akan menghasilkan efek jera bagi para pelaku. "Kita berharap detterrent effect. detterrent effect itu pencegahan paling efektif," tegas Novel.

9 Dec 14:01 merdeka.com 1998180355173772396.html
Hoofdredacteur Roy op het Veld verlaat De Limburger

Hoofdredacteur Roy op het Veld heeft besloten zijn functie bij De Limburger neer te leggen. Mede-hoofdredacteur Bjorn Oostra zal zijn taken overnemen.

9 Dec 12:49 1limburg 5437278403066194197.html
Seven Qataris held for illegal poaching

Arrest­ed men also includ­e member­s of the Qatari royal family­

9 Dec 17:13 The Express Tribune 1105816786328676402.html
House Democrats to lay out articles of impeachment Tuesday after judiciary hearing

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Democratic chairs plan to announce articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump on Tuesday, House foreign affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel said after a day of House judiciary hearings on Monday.

9 Dec 12:54 UPI 8257973865187404226.html
Voormalig Fed-baas Paul Volcker overleden

Paul Volcker, voormalig voorzitter van de Amerikaanse centrale bank, is overleden. Dat meldt de New York Times. Volcker is 92 jaar oud geworden.

9 Dec 15:13 RD.nl 6406779840620297194.html
Female miners position themselves as gold mining takes shape in Mubende, Kassanda

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Although women play a much bigger role in artisan and small-scale mining in Uganda, they are less recognized and generally get poor remunerations. Women in Mubende-Kassanda gold mines are striving to change the narrative as mining activities take shape in the area. A 2018 study conducted by Global Rights …

9 Dec 11:50 The Independent Uganda: 5099025990306227323.html
ATOM Hotels Socimi expands its portfolio

MADRID - The REIT ATOM Hotels Socimi, incorporated in January 2018 by Bankinter and GMA, has confirmed the acquisition of the hotel Tryp Coruna formally owned by one Melia Hotels International Group’s companies, The four-star hotel is located in the historic center of La Coruna and offers 181 rooms. The acquisition represents 12.9 million euros. A new lease agreement has been signed with the Hotusa Group, which will operate the hotel under the EXE brand. GMA, ATOM manager, has led the rebranding

9 Dec 08:53 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789256752501.html
Münchner Polizist nach Messerattacke schwer verletzt

Eine Personenkontrolle am Münchner Hauptbahnhof endet mit einem schwer verletzten Polizisten im Krankenhaus. Der Beamte wird von hinten mit einem Messer in den Rücken gestochen. Zeugen können den Tatverdächtigen überwältigen und festhalten.

9 Dec 09:03 n-tv 6802689755020026696.html
Powercor report advocates for eight-fold increase of ageing wooden pole replacements

Powercor report advocates for eight-fold increase of ageing wooden pole replacements.

9 Dec 09:00 The Courier 3604583734720404012.html
Längste Luzerner Trolleybuslinie eingeweiht

Sie führt von Kriens via Bahnhof Luzern bis nach Ebikon. Es ist auch die am stärksten frequentierte Linie des Kantons.

9 Dec 11:12 SRF 8424707178672692697.html
Task force submits 2nd set of proposed constitutional amendments to House panel

The Inter-Agency Task Force on Constitutional Reforms (Task Force CORE) insisted its proposed constitutional amendments will strengthen political parties as public institutions, prohibit turn-coatism (balimbing), make the anti-political dynasty provision of the Constitution self-executing, advocate for finance reform through the creation of a democracy fund, and extend the terms of local government officials to five years with one reelection.

9 Dec 12:50 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200998146590.html
Interurbanos: nuevas asambleas resintieron el servicio de transporte

Aoita volvió a repetir sus medidas de fuerza. A las asambleas de la semana pasada se sumaron nuevas paralizaciones este lunes de 5.30 a 7.30, en un horario central para muchas personas que...

9 Dec 10:43 La Voz 6237180760414116610.html
WATCH- Asaduddin Owaisi tears Citizenship Amendment Bill in parliament

AIMIM President and MP Asaduddin Owaisi on Monday caused quite a flutter inside the parliament after he tore a copy of the Citizenship Amendment Bill.

9 Dec 16:52 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720207124121274.html

Underneath the bustling city streets, a hydroponic farm grows hundreds of unique herbs in a high-tech urban oasis.

9 Dec 14:00 Atlas Obscura 58081917860034545.html
IDF Young leader launches Diabetes campaign

news, story, article

9 Dec 13:08 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610369250632.html
Anderlecht wil STVV-spits Boli in wintermercato: Ivoriaan moet concurrentie aanscherpen

Zijn stats zijn alvast Anderlecht-waardig. RSCA wil zich in de winter versterken met Yohan Boli (26), dit seizoen goed voor negen doelpunten.

9 Dec 10:55 HLN 8967494996857523650.html
Quake hits Florence area, trains temporarily suspended

ROME (Reuters) - An earthquake struck north of Florence on Monday morning, sending people fleeing from their homes, damaging some buildings and causing cancellations or severe delays to trains across Italy.

9 Dec 09:51 Reuters 8334514181777960139.html
Weatherman Issues Update on Cyclone Belna

In a statement sent to newsrooms, the Kenya Meteorological Department admitted that...

9 Dec 16:23 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154274189468.html
Gategroup kauft Europa-Catering der Lufthansa

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 08:30 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775305074594.html
Cel- en taakstraf voor afpersing met seksfilmpje

Een 23-jarige man en 27-jarige vrouw zijn veroordeeld tot 4 maanden cel en een taakstraf van 120 uur. Het duo deed een poging tot afpersing door te dreigen een seksfilmpje online te plaatsen. Ze eisten 50 duizend van het slachtoffer.

9 Dec 15:32 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228004934498.html
Government Praised for Decisive Leadership on Port Issue

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters are to be commended for their leadership on the Upper North Island port issue, Waterfront 2029 Spokesperson Michael Goldwater said today.

9 Dec 17:14 SCOOP 5315658999518944236.html
Unicredit: sorprendente reazione verso i massimi

L’improvviso allungo di venerdì pomeriggio ha rilanciato il quadro tecnico di Unicredit, che ha ritrovato una sorprendente capacità di spinta, al...

9 Dec 13:30 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336742668238083.html
Frankrijk staakt voort: monsterfiles en verstoord openbaar vervoer

In Frankrijk gaat de staking tegen de geplande pensioenhervorming van president Emmanuel Macron de vijfde dag in. Dat zorgde voor een bijzonder zware ochte...

9 Dec 10:17 De Standaard 2288913867567259324.html
Housing market heating up

The housing market is heating up ahead of the holidays, with positive signs of growth, according to ASB's latest quarterly housing confidence survey. The results suggested house price inflation was picking up and the upturn was expected to last until the middle of next year. House price expectations rose for the second quarter in a row, with confidence back to average levels at 27 percent, although regional differences remained. Meanwhile, a net 13 percent of respondents said it was a good time to buy a house - the highest level in seven years. However, ASB chief economist Nick Tuffley said there was still a way to go before the market could be thought of as "hot".

9 Dec 11:23 Newsroom 8356495122537237352.html
South Korea jails three Samsung Electronics executives over evidence destroyed in probe of alleged fraud

A South Korean court on Monday jailed three executives of Samsung Electronics for their role in a plot that included burying computers under factory floors at its biotech affiliate, in an investigation of alleged accounting fraud. Prosecutors began investigating the suspected fraud at Samsung Biologics

9 Dec 09:18 Yahoo 7097669637471823679.html
Failliet verklaarde Addy van den Krommenacker maakt doorstart

Addy van den Krommenacker maakt een doorstart. De couturier, die in oktober een faillissement aanvroeg, heeft maandag een akkoord bereikt met de curator. Zijn winkels in Den Bosch blijven dicht, Addy gaat zich weer volledig storten op het ontwerpen van kleding.

9 Dec 13:50 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047759858321.html
Thomson bows out

Steve Thomson has made it official. Widely rumoured not to be seeking re-election in the next provincial election, Thomson issued a statement Monday confirming so.

9 Dec 10:30 Castanet 616068601688591738.html
Ex-Tennisprofi wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung vor Gericht

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:59 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776141676479.html
Flashy Nairobi governor pleads not guilty to graft charges

Governor Mike, the latest top official to be hauled in on corruption charges in Kenya, is accused of having benefited from irregular procurement and payments of $3.5 million.

9 Dec 12:39 Saudi Gazette 6913978434848686173.html
Universitaire docenten zijn het zat! Gaan massaal aangifte doen tegen overwerken

Dat het rommelt binnen het onderwijs is nogal een understatement, wanneer de onderwijzers of de middelbare school docenten niet staken of demonstreren dan zijn het docenten van het hoger onderwijs wel. Ook zij moeten niks hebben van het vele overwerken en de enorme werkdruk. Zij gaan daarom massaal aangifte doen!  De actie groep WOinActie gaat massaal aangifte doen bij de arbeidsinspectie, dit omdat de werkdruk te groot is en het overwerken niet meer van normale proporties is. Zo’n tweehonderd wetenschappers deden al aangifte bij de Arbeidsinspectie. Gemiddeld werkt men 37% van zijn/haar uren structureel over. Je kunt het formulier nog tot 20 december invullen. Wij gaan door tot het ons toegezegde 1 miljard is uitgekeerd. https://t.co/kCFvAQ47BN — WOinactie (@WOinactie) December 9, 2019 De actiegroep gaat dus door met staken/protesteren/aangifte doen tot de beloofde één miljard euro eindelijk wordt gegeven. Al jaren rommelt het binnen het academische onderwijs, structurele tekorten en problemen zorgen voor een…

9 Dec 11:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610058049154883.html
Pembuat Pembalut Pakai Ulang Ethiopia Dinobatkan Hero of the Year oleh CNN

Hidayatullah.com—Sarjana teknik kimia Ethiopia Freweini Mebrahtu, yang membuat pembalut pakai ulang, dinobatkan sebagai Hero of the Year oleh kanal TV […]

9 Dec 13:58 Hidayatullah.com 5252784002916164340.html
Israeli defense firm unveils new versatile military drone

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) – The Israeli Defense firm, Elbit Systems, unveiled a new addition to its military drone line called MAGNI Unmanned Aerial System, the Sputnik News Agency reported on Monday. Citing a statement by the company, Sputnik reported that  MAGNI was developed to give soldiers and vehicle crews additional “situational awareness capabilities” in the form of a mobile intelligence gathering platform. “We wanted to give infantry a tactical eye-in-the-sky”, Erez Meir of Elbit’s Multi-Rotor business unit said. According to Elbit, the 2.5-kilo drone MAGNI can be launched in less than a minute, providing the vehicle’s crew with vision of the battlefield from above even in nighttime conditions allowing it to spot enemy units. The received surveillance information can then later be shared via a connection to the Battle Management Systems (BMS), developed by Elbit, which allows different military units to better coordinate their actions. MAGNI is capable of flying for around half an hour without landing…

9 Dec 15:30 AMN 4125648317855996947.html
Ini Pertimbangan Persebaya Menjamu Arema FC di Stadion Batakan

Persebaya Surabaya dipastikan tidak akan menjamu Arema FC di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo, Surabaya.

9 Dec 17:12 Bola.net 5489959029325022490.html
Too much regulation on bitcoin and cryptocurrency could scare away future tech innovators

The FCA must strike a balance when it comes to protecting customers, regulating bitcoin and cryptocurrency, and not stifling tech innovation.

9 Dec 11:00 City A.M. 6389894490752281446.html
Regulators ponder new rules to temper Big Tech data advantage

Global banking regulators say the arrival of Big Tech firms like Google, Amazon and Apple in financial services poses a host of stability risks that may require sweeping new laws to level the playing field with smaller tech firms and banks.

9 Dec 10:07 Finextra 6000504749569508349.html
Creaform Measures Up for Cutting-Edge Sailing Yacht Design

Excellence in 3D measurement technology helps American Magic go for the America’s Cup.

9 Dec 12:27 Interesting Engineering 7328942542138327643.html
Brittain elects for jury trial

Alleged quadruple murderer John Brittain appeared briefly in Penticton court Monday morning, waiving his right to a previously-scheduled preliminary inquiry and announcing his intention to proceed straight to a jury trial in B.C. Supreme Court.

9 Dec 11:23 Castanet 616068601571676601.html
Mount Trenchard direct provision centre must close, says Limerick charity

Residents of Foynes centre living in ‘the most challenging’ asylum conditions in Ireland

9 Dec 11:06 The Irish Times 8204772968494428449.html
Modi criticised after excluding Muslims from religious persecution citizenship offer 

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing renewed criticism after tabling legislation today which will exclude Muslims from an offer of citizenship rights to religious refugees.

9 Dec 16:14 The Telegraph 140598091370682559.html
Banks could face forced legacy systems cull

RBA floats closure of direct debits for real-time automation.

9 Dec 13:32 iTnews 4425008559546558725.html
Polisi Tembak Mati Empat Pelaku Pemerkosaan Dokter Hewan di India

Polisi pada Jumat menembak mati empat pelaku pemerkosaan massal dan pembunuhan dokter hewan di India selatan. Aksi polisi itu menarik pujian dan kecaman atas kasus yang memicu protes di seluruh negeri.

9 Dec 16:35 merdeka.com 1998180355033351146.html
Four rockets hit military base near Baghdad airport

BAGHDAD — Four Katyusha rockets hit a military base near Baghdad International Airport early on Monday, wounding at least six soldiers, Iraqi security officials said. It was the latest incident in a series of rocket attacks in recent weeks. Iraqi security forces discovered a rocket launcher and some defused rockets nearby after searching the area …

9 Dec 11:20 City NEWS 1130 5858657121247802753.html
Anziano segregato e picchiato: arrestata la badante

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 17:52 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205818502008.html
Yediyurappa firms up strength as BJP sweeps Karnataka bypoll

Party wins 12 out of 15 seats; Siddaramaiah, Gundu Rao quit Congress party posts

9 Dec 17:49 The Hindu 6679535025726523071.html
Supreme Court leaves Kentucky's ultrasound law in place

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions.

9 Dec 17:27 WFXT 6395891953068372654.html
Flying along Kenyan coastline now risky

Met department warns aviation industry as cyclonic activities take place.

9 Dec 10:05 Daily Nation 7421817125879986624.html
Nagarjuna, Chiranjeevi, S S Rajamouli support the fifth Film Preservation and Restoration Workshop

Telugu cinema bigwigs show keen interest in the workshop, which is currently underway in Hyderabad

9 Dec 10:19 The Hindu 6679535025209666639.html
The Attico Unveils Eco-Friendly Holiday Capsule

The Eighties-themed lineup includes six upcycled vintage furs, bejeweled pumps and a lipstick available on Dec. 10.

9 Dec 16:37 WWD 5490910669311660644.html
Deel coalitie voelt zich overvallen door lachgasverbod

'VVD en D66 wisten niet van maatregel staatssecretaris Paul Blokhuis (CU)'

9 Dec 15:18 ThePostOnline 3048418757348468715.html
Kanton Tessin ist neuer Besitzer der Brissago-Inseln

Der Kanton Tessin ist neuer Besitzer der Brissago-Inseln. Für das kommende Jahr plant er eine touristische Neulancierung der beiden Inseln im Lago Maggiore.

9 Dec 14:25 bz BASEL 5287163741746444469.html
JNU protest: Police resort to lathicharge after clash with students

Police resorted to lathicharge after a clash with protesting Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) students during protest march over fee hike.

9 Dec 11:02 Oneindia 2023829371830841988.html
AC Milan Siap Tampung Bek Muda Barcelona, Januari

AC Milan mengaku berminat pada bek muda Barcelona, Jean-Clair Todibo, dan siap menampung pemain asal Prancis tersebut., Liga Italia

9 Dec 14:09 Gilabola.com 481785379704886197.html
6 Makanan yang Sebabkan Bayi Sembelit

Beberapa makanan yang diberikan sebagai MPASI seperti wortel dan pisang ternyata bisa sebabkan sembelit. Simak penjelasannya.

9 Dec 17:59 parenting 8028540701367869636.html
Travis Konecny injury update: Philadelphia Flyers forward out indefinitely with concussion

The 22-year-old star left Philadelphia's game on Dec. 7 after a violent collision with Ottawa Senators defenseman Mark Borowiecki.

9 Dec 17:08 Sporting News 5110653853608240790.html
LGBTQ faces discrimination in workplace, says CCHR report

The Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) issued a report this month revealing workplace discrimination faced by members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community in Cambodia.

9 Dec 16:29 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116215799253.html
Den Patienten eine Stimme geben

Lange beurteilten Ärzte den Erfolg einer Behandlung. Zunehmend ist auch die Patientenmeinung gefragt.

9 Dec 08:58 SRF 8424707179362855476.html
Milan wartet auf Entscheidung von Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Der AC Mailand wartet weiterhin auf eine Entscheidung von Superstar Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

9 Dec 09:15 4-4-2.com 812646141489253190.html
Nigerian Army commander killed in Boko Haram bomb attack

A Nigerian Army commander was killed on Saturday after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle in Marte, Borno State.

9 Dec 09:21 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299374105316.html
TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu protests against onion price hike

This action by the police led to a verbal altercation between them and TDP leaders.

9 Dec 10:34 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363685847868.html
Include Muslim sects facing persecution in citizenship bill: SAD

SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal said his party supports the bill as it will hugely benefit Sikhs facing persecution in Pakistan. He also urged the government to include Ahmediyas and Hazaras in the ambit of the bill as they too are facing persecution in neighbouring countries. He said the move will send a good signal.

9 Dec 15:51 The Economic Times 7653256037951864302.html
Fitbit may track sleep time accurately, but overestimate problems

Small studies have suggested that, while your Fitbit might know when you're asleep, it could think you are having a worse sleep than you are.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562548423651.html
INEC seeks powers to withhold certificates of candidates declared winner under duress

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has called for the amendment of electoral laws return of candidates declared winners under duress.

9 Dec 16:27 TheCable 7513571674614410234.html
Raheem Sterling celebrates birthday with Manchester City teammates with Great Gatsby themed party

Raheem Sterling threw a Great Gatsby-themed birthday party with his Manchester City teammates this weekend.

9 Dec 08:40 men 6694993429526207833.html
Kisah Unik Carlos Tevez Dapat Hadiah Lamborghini dari Wayne Rooney

Carlos Tevez pernah memperkuat Manchester United selama dua musim yaitu pada periode 2007-2009.

9 Dec 08:53 Bola.net 5489959029118245200.html
Community spirit praised as team effort finds missing Shropshire pensioner

A "true community spirit" helped police and members of the public find an 80-year-old Shropshire woman who went missing and suffered a fall.

9 Dec 08:30 Shropshire Star 3480199991964931972.html
Gimnasts end their year in spectacular fashion

Nelspruit Gymnastics Academy this weekend hosted their annual Rock & Roll dance competition, where it was obvious that coach Maré Putter takes pride in her students performing flawlessly and with precision.

9 Dec 12:30 Lowvelder 3143322320821938163.html
Firli Bahuri Janji Tak Gaduh Berantas Korupsi

Seluruh penumpang kapal, kata Firli Bahuri, harus diam sehingga sampai tujuan dengan selamat.

9 Dec 09:07 Tempo 4466195685916604469.html
Horn hears frustration from constituents over impeachment

U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn faced frustrated constituents on Sunday at a town hall meeting, where people voiced anger over impeachment and the lack of accomplishments the divided government has produced this year. “As an independent voter, I think you’re in a lot of trouble if you vote for this impeachment,” Susan Jaslow, of Edmond, told Horn. Ronda Peterson, of Edmond, who identified herself as a conservative, said Congress had been consumed all year with impeaching President Donald Trump. “We want Congress to get back to work for the American people, please,” Peterson said. Horn, D-Oklahoma City, who had earlier reiterated her position that she hasn’t made up her mind on impeachment, told Peterson,

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760705514808.html
Trump impeachment: judiciary hearing could bring Mueller into play

Bipartisan lawyers testified on findings by the special counsel and intelligence committee in second public session * Opinion: Pelosi is bungling the impeachment inquiryMarching toward the impeachment of Donald Trump, Democrats on Monday heard testimony that could result in material from the special

9 Dec 16:20 Yahoo 7097669638981830758.html
JNU students lathi-charged by police during march to Rashtrapati Bhavan

Heavy deployment of police was in place ahead of the JNU students’ march towards Rashtrpati Bhavan in protest against the hostel fee hike.

9 Dec 11:13 The Hindu 6679535024710441156.html
Cape Town files urgent application to deport foreigners camped at Methodist Church

SOUTH AFRICA: Foreigners in the City of Cape Town face a bleak festive season after the City applied an urgent court interdict

9 Dec 15:09 ZWNEWS 6090563865779315047.html
Suspect in hookah lounge stabbing held without bail

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - A purported member of the Almighty Latin Kings gang was held without bail Monday after pleading not guilty to murder in the stabbing death of a man at a Rhode Island hookah lounge.

9 Dec 17:47 WFXT 6395891953614063427.html
Earthquake strikes Tuscany, damaging buildings and sending people fleeing into the streets

Mayors of towns in the area near the Appennine mountains known as Mugello said there were no injuries from the pre-dawn quake but pictures of cracked buildings flooded social media.

9 Dec 09:57 Mail Online 124328111968734736.html
Volcano webcam captures tourists in crater moments before eruption

Footage from inside the White Island volcano showed at least one group of people walking in the crater just before the eruption that killed five people and injured many others.

9 Dec 09:13 Australian Financial Review 3974284488069819994.html
Russian Court Backs Release Of American Cartoonist Charged With Drug Smuggling

The Moscow City Court has upheld a lower court's decision to release U.S. citizen Gaylen Grandstaff from custody until the Prosecutor-General's Office clarifies its arguments in the drug-smuggling case against him.

9 Dec 16:15 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162646962082.html
Ramaphosa Pledges Tough Love for Ailing South African Firms

(Bloomberg) -- Sign up to our Next Africa newsletter and follow Bloomberg Africa on TwitterPresident Cyril Ramaphosa said he’s ready to make tough decisions about the future of South Africa’s struggling state-owned companies, after placing the national airline into bankruptcy protection last week.“Business

9 Dec 10:37 Yahoo 7097669637873750954.html
Libyens Perle am Mittelmeer

Jahrzehntelang war die libysche Ruinenstadt Leptis Magna ein Anziehungspunkt für Touristen. Doch seit dem Sturz Gaddafis 2011 kommen kaum noch Gäste in die Weltkulturerbe-Stätte. Von Anne Allmeling.

9 Dec 13:17 tagesschau.de 5441171425281414645.html
Slapeloze nachten voor ouderen in seniorenflat door overlast bewoner

Een psychiatrisch patiënt houdt zijn oudere buren iedere nacht wakker. Hoewel de politie meerdere malen is opgetrommeld om de boel te sussen, komt het kabaal 's nachts altijd weer op gang. Woonbron en de gemeente Nissewaard bieden een ouder echtpaar dat nachtenlang wakker ligt een hotel aan, maar de man kan niet iedere dag rijden vanwege zijn twee hersentumoren. Dit meldt de Telegraaf. 

9 Dec 14:19 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744755270335.html
Drei Kinder legen Steine auf die Bahngleise

Am Sonntag um 13.30 Uhr wurde die Polizei über Steine auf den Gleisen in Halle-Ammendorf informiert, die von einem Zug überfahren wurden. Vor Ort entdeckte eine Polizeistreife drei Kinder im Alter von neun, zehn und elf ...

9 Dec 11:12 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109083452918.html
Invest In Crypto Stocks Instead Of Actual Cryptocurrency

Just a few short years ago, buying up cryptocurrency was all the rage. In theory, you could spend a little on Bitcoin or one of the other popular cryptocurrencies, and cash out with an astonishing rate of return....

9 Dec 08:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169585364521.html
Clean-up operation underway in Mayo after storm

MAYO has come through Storm Atiyah without suffering too much damage.

9 Dec 09:49 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535385937257.html
Commission approves pan-EU battery project

The plan aims to invest more than €8 billion in battery projects across Europe over the coming decade.

9 Dec 11:55 POLITICO 2584151346740654491.html
Brazil cattle feedlots grow amid environment pressure, efficiency drive

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - The use of feedlots to finish beef cows will likely grow in Brazil, home to the world’s largest commercial cattle herd, a survey by Dutch animal nutrition and health company DSM showed on Monday.

9 Dec 17:09 Reuters 8334514179966713141.html
Kisah di Balik Peternakan Babi Besar Berotot di Kamboja, Pecinta Hewan Sebut Praktik Itu Sangat Kejam dan Mengerikan

Di Kamboja, ternyata banyak ditemukan babi dengan ukuran yang sangat besar atau disebut babi mutan. Untuk apa?

9 Dec 15:00 grid.id 6246371059630954099.html
Aksi Mahasiswa di Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia, Minta Presiden Keluarkan Perpu KPK

KBRN, Banda Aceh : Puluhan orang yang tergabung daalam Koalisi Mahasiswa Pemuda Anti Korupsi (Kompak) menggelar aksi di bundaran Simpang Lima Kota Banda Aceh pada Senin (9/12/2019). Aksi ini

9 Dec 12:04 RRI News Portal 6700853645548565150.html
Nairobi governor pleads innocent to graft charges, bail ruling Wednesday

NAIROBI (Reuters) - The governor of Kenya’s capital Nairobi pleaded not guilty in court on Monday to corruption and other economic crimes involving millions of dollars.

9 Dec 15:39 Reuters 8334514180941961486.html
Man found shot to death outside Knoxville apartment, KPD opens homicide investigation

KPD responds to a call about a man's body at a Knoxville apartment complex.

9 Dec 12:15 WVLT 4089046912056583489.html
Primitive Mornings: Science and natural history through contemporary art

Art and science look very much like two different realms, but Filippo Sciascia harmonizes the two in his latest solo exhibition.

9 Dec 14:52 The Jakarta Post 7678601104182261777.html
City regulator toughens up financial accountability rules after scandals

Tougher accountability rules have today been extended to cover around 47,000 firms as the financial watchdog seeks to clean up the City’s reputation.

9 Dec 10:02 City A.M. 6389894491546987297.html
Aristocrat and estranged wife begin latest round of Anglo-Scottish legal battle

Five Supreme Court justices are analysing the dispute.

9 Dec 12:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774448473514.html
Parliament approves ship recycling bill passed in RS today

Parliament on Monday approved a legislation to regulate recycling of ships with a view to make India an attractive ship breaking destination to create employment while at the same time ensuring it does not become a dumping ground of the world. The Recycling of Ships Bill, 2019 was passed in Rajya Sabha by a voice vote

9 Dec 15:29 Oneindia 2023829370622537108.html
British Rohingya activist fears retaliation over Hague genocide trial

One of the UK’s most prominent Rohingya activists says he fears for his young family’s safety after reports that ardent Myanmar government supporters have been looking for his home address ahead of the opening on Tuesday of a genocide trial in the Hague.

9 Dec 14:32 The Telegraph 140598092120968031.html
Conzzeta gibt Dasein als Mischkonzern auf und stellt Sparten zum Verkauf

Die Ankündigung von Conzzeta vom Montag gleicht einem Paukenschlag. Die Sparten Outdoor mit der Marke Mammut und Chemische Spezialitäten sollen verkauft und der Fokus künftig gänzlich auf das Geschäft mit Maschinen für die Blechbearbeitung gelegt werden, teilte das traditionsreiche Zürcher Unternehmen mit. Die starke Marktposition in der globalen Blechbearbeitung solle mit einer fokussierten Wachstumsstrategie beschleunigt ausgebaut werden, hiess es zur Begründung. "Nach einer eingehenden Analyse der Situation sind wird zum Schluss gekommen, dass Bystronic als profitables Hightech-Unternehmen gut aufgestellt ist und über grosses Potential verfügt", sagte VR-Präsident Ernst Bärtschi zur Nachrichtenagentur AWP. "Die Bereiche Mammut und Chemische Spezialitäten hingegen verfügen lediglich in Europa über eine starke Marktposition, für Wachstum in Amerika oder in Asien fehlt hingegen die kritische Masse", so Bärtschi. Fokus auf grösste und rentabelste Sparte Bystronic erzielte 2018 mit einem Anteil von 57 Prozent am…

9 Dec 12:23 cash 8314500323791456370.html
Novel Montrose museum project sees pupils prepare for zombie apocalypse

A delve into the depths of history has helped secondary school pupils come up with the kit to survive in a post-apocalyptic Angus.

9 Dec 08:43 The Courier 4275302766986190381.html
44 Millionen Microsoft-Kunden verwenden das Passwort mehrfach

Nutzen Sie Ihr Microsoft-Passwort auch für andere Dienste? Dann wurden Ihre Anmeldeinformationen allenfalls zurückgesetzt.

9 Dec 09:58 PCtipp.ch 1321585803971883214.html
Watch live: Democrats lay out impeachment case against President Donald Trump

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Democratic investigators began to detail their impeachment case against President Donald Trump at a hearing on Capitol Hill Monday, presenting evidence to the House judiciary committee.

9 Dec 12:54 UPI 8257973865369738150.html
Boy on hospital floor dominates Britain's election campaign

LONDON (AP) - A 4-year-old boy in a Spider-Man top lying on a hospital floor took center stage Monday in Britain's election campaign, as the opposition painted his plight as a symptom of the country's ailing health system and branded Prime Minister Boris Johnson heartless for avoiding looking at his photo.

9 Dec 16:55 WFXT 6395891954367583944.html
Streit auf Feier endet im Krankenhaus

In Groß Roseburg (Salzlandkreis) sind am frühen Sonntagmorgen mehrere Menschen bei einem Streit verletzt worden. Laut Polizei hatte es auf einer Feier Streit gegeben, der zunächst geschlichtet wurde. Ein am Streit beteiligter 31-Jähriger wurde daraufhin nach Hause gebracht, kehrte aber wneig später mit einem Quad zur Feier ...

9 Dec 16:01 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110448256117.html
Lacson files resolution honoring Misamis Oriental hero cop

Senator Panfilo M. Lacson, chairman of the Senate National Defense and Security Committee, acknowledged Monday the selflessness showed by the late Police Senior Master Sergeant Jason Magno who used his own body to shield innocent lives in a school in Misamis Oriental from a live grenade, and said that he should be emulated not only by the Philippine National Police but by the entire country.

9 Dec 13:09 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199674921568.html
No directions to central universities to increase fees: HRD minister

Nishank made the statement in response to a written question in the Lok Sabha

9 Dec 14:15 Business-Standard 1502508924733011635.html
Injuries feared as popular New Zealand volcano erupts

Around 100 people were near New Zealand's White Island volcano when it erupted suddenly on Monday, leaving authorities scrambling to treat the injured and find those unaccounted for. Prime Minister

9 Dec 08:50 Deccan Herald 2027555797428678865.html
Slachters kunnen eerder met pensioen

Mensen die in de productie van vlees werken, mogen drie jaar eerder dan hun AOW-leeftijd met pensioen. Dat staat in de nieuwe cao-afspraken voor de vleesindustrie, meldde vakbond FNV. De vereisten voor de regeling zijn minimaal twintig jaar werkervaring in de vleesproductie, waarvan de laatste tien jaar bij de huidige werkgever.

9 Dec 13:50 RD.nl 6406779840944494688.html
Kenney and cabinet ministers in Ottawa to meet federal counterparts

OTTAWA — Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and eight of his cabinet ministers will be in Ottawa today as part of a trip to meet their federal counterparts. Kenney will speak at the Canadian Club this afternoon and later host a reception.

9 Dec 09:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741008975895202.html
House Democrats lay out case for formal Trump impeachment

The House Judiciary Committee received a detailed summing up of the impeachment case against U.S. President Donald Trump Monday as Democrats prepare formal charges against him. Trump and his allies lobbed fresh assaults on the proceedings they dismiss as a hoax and a sham.

9 Dec 11:01 CTVNews 2422791597590282835.html
Mengulik Diet Keto dan Rendah Karbo yang Ampuh Turunkan Bobot

Sebagian dari kita masih penasaran apa yang membuat diet keto berbeda dari diet rendah karbohidrat secara umum?

9 Dec 11:00 Tempo 6965386209163449975.html
Staatsanwalt fordert Freispruch für vier angeklagte Polizisten

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:45 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776773180581.html
Recreatief gebruik van lachgas wordt verboden

Er komt een verbod op het recreatieve gebruik van lachgas. Dat zegt staatssecretaris Blokhuis. Lachgas is ook in het Groninger uitgaansleven erg populair.Volgens Blokhuis zijn de gezondheidsrisico

9 Dec 12:53 OOG 303718093820124441.html
Pasig River Ferry Service relaunched by MMDA

THE Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) relaunches its Pasig River Ferry Service (PRFS) with free ride offer until January 31, 2020 yesterday morning in Manila’s Lawton.

9 Dec 10:31 Journal Online 6375127392652885406.html
Odebrecht: hoy inician interrogatorios a exejecutivos

La diligencias se llevarán a cabo en en la Procuraduría de la República del Estado de Paraná, ciudad de Curitiba, Brasil. El primero en declarar será Eleuberto Martorelli.

9 Dec 13:20 Publimetro Perú 5349571042291267378.html
Govt mulls allowing employees to reduce PF contribution

The proposal will face stiff opposition from trade unions, which had earlier expressed strong reservations about the move saying this would defeat the purpose of the social security scheme run by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

9 Dec 11:36 Deccan Herald 2027555797927074382.html
Four rockets hit military base near Baghdad airport

Four Katyusha rockets hit a military base near Baghdad International Airport early on Monday, wounding at least six soldiers, Iraqi security officials said. It was the latest incident in a series of rocket attacks in recent weeks. Iraqi security forces discovered a rocket launcher and some defused

9 Dec 11:19 Yahoo 7097669638102921869.html
Jaded Gittins pleads for budget honesty

Via a demoralised Ross Gittins:

9 Dec 13:05 MacroBusiness 6890797928649465286.html
Tesla, Premium Connectivity a pagamento

Tesla ha iniziato a comunicare ad alcuni sui clienti della necessità di dover pagare un abbonamento per poter disporre dei servizi avanzati di bordo.

9 Dec 10:30 Webnews 4852331584503960627.html
Sexual Battery investigation underway in North Port

North Port Police are conducting an investigation into a reported sexual battery on Tamiami Trail near Pan American Boulevard

9 Dec 16:46 Fox 4 8372747778253849526.html
Jepret Jimin Saat Pakai Produk Busana Mahal, Fans BTS Langsung Dikontak Merek Populer Dunia

Tak sengaja memotret Jimin saat tengah menggunakan busana mahal, fans BTS ini langsung dikontak via media sosial oleh salah satu merek pakaian populer di dunia itu.

9 Dec 15:48 Kanal 247 6444101938291235471.html
Kina vil fortsette driften av utskjelte leirer i Xinjiang


9 Dec 09:13 Document 5102836953439053147.html
Data watchdog raps EU asylum body for snooping

The European Asylum Support Office combed through social media to monitor refugee routes to Europe for three years. The agency sent weekly reports on its findings to member states, the EU Commission and institutions such as UNHCR and Interpol.

9 Dec 14:24 EUobserver 625925299771236599.html
Dortmund star Witsel has surgery after domestic accident

Borussia Dortmund midfielder Axel Witsel will miss the rest of the year after needing surgery for a facial injury sustained in an accident at home.

9 Dec 15:43 Sport 682566035755546642.html
Tata Cara Sujud Sahwi dan Doanya, Anjuran Menyempurnakan Sholat

Kelebihan atau kekurangan rakaat saat sholat, maka segera sempurnakan dengan melaksanakan sujud sahwi.

9 Dec 09:15 liputan6.com 5422146881484306043.html
Sering Dicadangkan, Bukan Berarti Klopp Tak Lagi Percaya Naby Keita

Belakangan ini, Naby Keita kerap didudukkan di bangku cadangan Liverpool. Namun itu bukan pertanda bahwa sang pelatih, Jurgen Klopp, tak lagi memercayai kualitasnya

9 Dec 10:38 Bola.net 5489959029592876678.html
Fortnite potrebbe presto sbarcare sul Play Store di Android

Epic Games potrebbe presto pubblicare ufficialmente su Play Store Fortnite, uno dei giochi più in voga degli ultimi anni. Fino ad oggi l'app deve essere scaricata e installata dal sito con una procedura che aggira il Play Store

9 Dec 13:01 DDay.it 3262344771711190136.html
Taye Taiwo returns to Marseille

Former Nigeria defender Taye Taiwo, former Cameroon midfielder Stephane Mbia and Algeria coach Djamel Belmadi were among the African legends present for Sunday

9 Dec 15:44 Punch Newspapers 3524240995025186880.html
Meeting on pending Central Excise and Service Tax cases held

A meeting to explain the procedure to be adopted for settling pending Central Excise and Service Tax-related cases under ‘Sabka Cishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019’ to taxpayers was held

9 Dec 14:08 The Hindu 6679535026060291086.html
Ausrufung des Klimanotstandes in Weißenfels ohne Chance

Ein Antrag des fraktionslosen Stadtrats Gunter Walther auf Ausrufung des Klimanotstandes in Weißenfels hat keine Aussicht auf Erfolg. Das hat die bisherige Diskussion in Ausschüssen und Ortschaftsräten deutlich ...

9 Dec 09:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108823284040.html
Imported onions reach Dindigul market

Farmers begin cultivation of shallots

9 Dec 15:46 The Hindu 6679535024823283215.html
Orban wants bill to tighten grip over theatres

The ruling party of nationalist Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban submitted plans to parliament on Monday to tighten control over theatres, a decision - prompting protests from artists who see artistic freedom at risk, Reuters writes. The law says cul...

9 Dec 16:48 EUobserver 625925299827683148.html
3 Jenis Kandungan Obat Flu yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Kesehatan Vagina Anda

Berikut beberapa kandungan obat flu yang dapat menyebabkan masalah pada vagina Anda

9 Dec 13:00 Tabloidbintang.com 6942840719314967913.html
Traffic jams cripple Paris as pension strikes halt trains

PARIS (AP) - Paris commuters inched to work Monday through massive traffic jams as strikes against retirement plan changes halted trains and subways for a fifth straight day.

9 Dec 12:47 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637689132140.html
Gezond ouder worden met een online coach

Ouderen blijken zelf goed aan een gezondere leefstijl te kunnen werken met hulp van een online coach. Zo kunnen zij het risico op hart- en vaatziekten en dementie verlagen. Dit schrijven onderzoekers van de afdelingen neurologie en huisartsgeneeskunde van Amsterdam UMC, in samenwerking met het Radboudumc en een internationale groep wetenschappers, zo meldt Amsterdam UMC. 

9 Dec 13:40 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744221183000.html
Directie UZ Gent schort besparingsmaatregelen op, staking afgewend

In een ultiem overleg deze ochtend tussen de directie van het UZ Gent en de vakbonden ACV en ACOD, heeft de directie beslist om een aantal ingrijpende maat...

9 Dec 10:41 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192010691356.html
PM Modi cautions people against Congress in Jharkhand

Modi, who was addressing a poll rally at Bokaro, compared Jharkhand to a youth attaining 19 years and its citizens its gaurdian and appealed to the people of the state to vote for the BJP government for the second time in a row.

9 Dec 11:32 The Economic Times 7653256036931770906.html
WADA verpasst Russland saftige Doping-Sperre!

Die nächsten Großereignisse werden ohne Russland stattfinden:

9 Dec 12:02 www.laola1.at 837519017883631592.html
European bank finances Turkish bus-ticketing app

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has provided $4 million in equity financing to Turkish online bus-ticketing service...

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808342164583.html
Margrethe Vestager says EU will review competition rules in light of increasing digitalisation

The EU will review its rules on how it defines markets to react to increasing digitalisation, EU competition chief Margrethe [...]

9 Dec 15:49 City A.M. 6389894491236580876.html
Judiciary Hearing Sets Stage For Trump Impeachment Charges

Chairman Jerrold Nadler expects the committee to vote soon, possibly this week, on at least two or more charges against the Republican president.

9 Dec 13:17 HuffPost 5982769915548412583.html
Flamboyant governor of Kenya's capital charged with graft

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - The flamboyant governor of Kenya's capital city, Nairobi, has been charged with 19 counts of graft-related charges as the country struggles to tackle runaway corruption.

9 Dec 11:30 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637356092177.html
Congress leads protests in LS against Citizenship Bill

Opposition dubs Bill unconstitutional; Govt will get it thru‘ Lower House, going by support it managed at introduction

9 Dec 16:26 BusinessLine 5283600768293977.html
Oklahoma City nonprofit raises funds to serve human trafficking survivors

The Dragonfly Home, a metro-area nonprofit that helps human trafficking survivors, is holding its third annual “Drive for Dragonfly” fundraiser. Dragonfly operates Oklahoma’s only state-certified human trafficking crisis center and is working to open a sex trafficking shelter in Oklahoma City. Since receiving state certification from the Attorney General’s Office in November 2016, Dragonfly has served more than 300 victim-survivors of sex and labor trafficking, and fielded more than 3,000 calls to its 24-hour helpline. The fundraising effort is led by Maddie McNeill, a recent University of Oklahoma graduate, and Rebecca Jakopin and Shary Bouvette, two current OU students.

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762543772050.html
Norwegen hat höchsten Entwicklungsstand der Welt

Norwegen ist nach Angaben der UN-Entwicklungsagentur UNDP weiterhin das höchstentwickelte Land der Welt. Österreich rangiert im "Index der menschlichen Entwicklung" für 2018 hinter Japan und vor Luxemburg auf Rang 20. Das geht aus einem Bericht hervor, der am Montag in der kolumbianischen Hauptstadt Bogotá veröffentlicht wurde. Hinter Norwegen folgen die Schweiz und Irland.

9 Dec 15:58 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084114112286.html
First Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer sees return of film favourites

The first trailer for the new Ghostbusters film sees newcomers Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard making their franchise debuts.

9 Dec 15:45 Breaking News 4415806920211445526.html
First Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer sees return of film favourites

The first trailer for the new Ghostbusters film sees newcomers Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard making their franchise debuts.

9 Dec 16:00 Express & Star 7324224459026118240.html
Human motion capture through a novel wearable multi-linkage sensory system

Jen-Yuan Chang, National Tsing Hua University, lifts the lid on human motion capture through a novel wearable multi-linkage sensory system

9 Dec 16:04 Open Access Government 7441385493252854939.html
Concerned EU weighs response to Turkey-Libya border deal

Brussels (AP) -

9 Dec 17:10 WFXT 6395891954366805048.html
Alasan Deontay Wilder Sebut Pertandingan Unifikasi Tak Bakal Ada

Petinju kelas berat, Deontay Wilder menyebut bahwa pertandingan unifikasi melawan Anthony Joshua tidak akan pernah terjadi.

9 Dec 11:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435385850762.html
Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris begonnen

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 17:54 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775875111469.html
Philippines: Davao school closed due to chickenpox outbreak

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews Officials with the Holy Child College of Davao have suspended classes for the week, Dec. 9- 13 for the Jacinto campus due to a possible chickenpox outbreak, according to a letter from the Head of Operations at the school, Ma. Chrystella Suzette Velasco. She notes that confirmed chickenpox cases in children have been …

9 Dec 15:44 Outbreak News Today 5860951886032590775.html
Dozens feared dead following eruption of New Zealand volcano

Police said aircraft had seen no signs of life.

9 Dec 17:00 Express & Star 7324224460054859574.html
Apoel Nikosia beendet Zusammenarbeit mit Thomas Doll

Nach nur vier Monaten hat Thomas Doll seinen Job beim zyprischen Rekordmeister Apoel Nikosia verloren, teilte der Verein mit.

9 Dec 13:32 weltfussball.at 3521376371258391666.html
NHRC team quizzes MRO and revenue staff

National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) team on Monday questioned four MROs and other revenue officers who conducted panchanama of the four accused in the Disha rape and murder case, who were killed i

9 Dec 17:24 The Hindu 6679535025143842840.html
LIVEBLOG: House Lawyers Give Impeachment Presentation For Judiciary Committee

WASHINGTON – The impeachment hearing Monday is expected to feature counsel from the House Judiciary Committee and from the House...

9 Dec 13:32 Talking Points Memo 4598529366782269366.html
Missing toddler found dead in northwestern Wisconsin

Authorities say a toddler who went missing in northwestern Wisconsin has been found dead. Rice Lake police say they received a call about 9:30 p.m. Sunday that a 2-year-old girl was missing from her home and that the front door was open.

9 Dec 15:34 CHANNEL3000 830332541251000346.html
Tips Romy Rafael Menggunakan Sepatu yang Tahan Sakit

Romy Rafael mengaku sangat memperhatikan kesehatan kakinya.

9 Dec 12:30 liputan6.com 3414318497043058926.html
Tourists film New Zealand volcano eruption from nearby boat

Police said more casualties were feared with rescue services unable to reach New Zealand's White Island as it remained too dangerous after the volcano sent a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air

9 Dec 17:16 euronews 7318238121894957947.html
Tactical voters could keep seats for Labour

Two key marginal seats in the Black Country could be held by Labour with the help of tactical voting, research has suggested.

9 Dec 12:26 Express & Star 7324224459174346636.html
Capuri House / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura

Completed in 2018 in São Conrado, Brazil. Casa Capuri emerges amidst the nature of the land where palm trees, river and sea oppose the urban. The project started adopting two transverse...

9 Dec 17:00 ArchDaily 6219750954619116312.html
Madonnas Tochter Lourdes feiert Sex-Orgie

Lourdes (23), die Tochter von Pop-Ikone Madonna, hat sich jetzt völlig ungehemmt und hüllenlos bei einer inszenierten Orgie auf der Bühne präsentiert.

9 Dec 10:34 RTL.DE 7054729453078373948.html
Mayo secondary school saves time and money with technology solutions

A forward-thinking school in east Mayo is using technology to drive down its costs and administration time by using solutions from Three Ireland.

9 Dec 16:00 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535188627192.html
Ospreys consider emergency signings after further additions to crippling injury list

They are being hammered in one area in particular

9 Dec 16:34 Wales Online 7686550516262263288.html
Woman dies swimming off Antrim coast

Another woman who got into difficulty taken to hospital; understood women were part of swim group

9 Dec 13:42 The Irish Times 8204772969320734701.html
Russia banned from Olympic Games for altering doping data

Russia was banned from the Olympics and other major world championships on Monday after sporting officials decided to punish it for tampe.

9 Dec 12:04 Vanguard News 4125100340660400187.html
Microsoft gleicht Daten ab und findet Millionen unsicherer Passwörter

Mehr als 44 Millionen Passwörter für verschiedenste Microsoft-Dienste sind unsicher, weil sie von Nutzerinen und Nutzern mehrfach vergeben wurden.

9 Dec 13:52 GMX 2011843075826919587.html
Datenschutz: Wie die DSGVO Gesundheitsdaten schützt

Gesundheitsdaten zählen zu den sensibelsten Informationen eines Menschen. Trotzdem gehen Ärzte, Krankenhäuser oder App-Hersteller mit ihnen oft nachlässig um.

9 Dec 08:30 c't Magazin 1766193384278622178.html
Brand new research has ranked the most romantic states for Christmas

Christmas is often regarded as one of the most romantic times of the year, where families come together, and couples get to spend their December exploring festive Christmas markets while drinking mulled wine, snuggled up in thick winter coats. It’s no surprise then that festivity and romance go hand in hand with one usually enhancing the other. In the US Christmas takes on a whole new meaning with each state competing to be the most festive. Houses are decorated with Christmas

9 Dec 09:28 TravelDailyNews International 1304175787987913698.html
Russia to learn Olympic fate over doping violations later today

MOSCOW, Dec 9 — Russia will learn later today whether it will be hit with a four-year Olympic ban for tampering with doping-related laboratory data, a decision local officials have said they fear may not be taken fairly. Russia, which has tried to showcase itself as a global sports power, has...

9 Dec 08:09 Malaymail 302165934969916054.html
Curhat Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia Kerap Dimutasi Tanpa Penjelasan

Seorang pramugari Garuda Indonesia, Putri Adelia Pamela menginginkan adanya bersih-bersih terhadap 'kroni' Ari Askhara di tubuh Garuda Indonesia. Dia mewakili para awak kabin meminta Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) untuk menghapus orang-orang yang memiliki ide dan strategi yang sama dengan Ari Askhara.

9 Dec 16:44 merdeka.com 1998180354749359698.html
Daftar Calon Wali Kota Solo, Gibran Bakal Diantar Seribu Relawan

Gibran Rakabuming bakal mengembalikan formulir pendaftaran calon Wali Kota Surakarta ke PDIP Jawa Tengah pada Kamis pekan ini.

9 Dec 16:14 Tempo 4466195685496734811.html
Geriatric conditions pose added danger for older heart patients in ICU

Common geriatric conditions complicate ICU stays, the American Heart Association says in a new scientific statement, requiring doctors to factor in a mix of treatment needs for older adults.

9 Dec 10:00 UPI 8257973865808057229.html
Sekjen Gerindra ungkap Alasan Fadli Zon Tak Masuk Tim Jubir Khusus Partai

Sekretaris Jenderal Gerindra Ahmad Muzani mengakui absennya nama Fadli Zon dalam daftar juru bicara khusus Gerindra karena mantan wakil ketua DPR itu kerap kritis terhadap pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Muzani mengatakan hal tersebut biasa saja karena Gerindra sudah dalam lingkaran pemerintah.

9 Dec 12:20 merdeka.com 1998180354440324641.html
Russia banned from Olympic Games for altering doping data

Russia was banned from the Olympics and other major world championships on Monday after sporting officials decided to punish it...

9 Dec 13:23 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900982845202.html
Brand en zwak punt in kabel veroorzaakten stroomstoringen

De twee stroomstoringen zondag in Lelystad kwamen door brand en een zwak punt in een kabel. Dat zegt netbeheerder Liander. Door de storingen zaten honderden adressen in Lelystad één of meerdere uren in het donker.

9 Dec 14:03 omroep flevoland 658614616786141850.html
Crypto Payments Now Legal in Ukraine

Lawmakers in Ukraine have adopted new legislation that legalizes crypto payments as the country moves forward with strict compliance to international

9 Dec 10:09 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936454054816.html
Bakker jaagt jonge overvaller met deegroller winkel uit

Een bakkerij aan de Groen van Prinstererstraat in Vlaardingen was maandagmiddag doelwit van een poging tot een overval. Een jonge jongen kwam rond 12:30 uur de zaak binnen en bedreigde het personeel met een aardappelschilmesje, zegt de politie.

9 Dec 11:56 RTV Rijnmond 2492430229011020234.html
Melihat Timo Werner Sebagai Solusi Lini Depan Chelsea

Chelsea tampil cukup bagus pada musim 2019/2020. Namun, ada satu kelemahan yang cukup mencolok di lini depan

9 Dec 09:55 Bola.net 5489959029127546220.html
Wapres Ma'ruf: Arahan Presiden Jokowi agar Pencegahan Korupsi Prioritas

Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin menyampaikan arahan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dalam peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) 2019.

9 Dec 11:37 detiknews 8793960224655049165.html
Meer dan duizend gemeenten, organisaties en bedrijven vragen invoering van statiegeld

Meer dan duizend gemeenten, organisatie en bedrijven in Nederland en België hebben zich aangesloten bij de Statiegeldalliantie, een vereniging die pleit v...

9 Dec 10:13 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191566166714.html
Sowore: Wole Soyinka Centre Suspends Integrity Award For Osinbajo

The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ), on Monday, announced that it is postponing the presentation of an Integrity Award to the Vice President Yemi Osinbajo amidst protests over repression of freedom of speech in the country.

9 Dec 09:01 Concise 5544636823724182213.html
Manovra, forse escluse misure Milleproroghe

E' quanto si apprende da fonti parlamentari al termine della riunione della capigruppo

9 Dec 14:13 Adnkronos 2840063643890205463.html
Rhino warriors honoured for their bravery

Courage, resilience and tenacity were greatly emphasised at the Caxton and Spear Awards held to acknowledge the unsung heroes who put their lives on the line to save rhinos in the KNP.

9 Dec 08:59 Lowvelder 3143322321203141160.html
Siloam Komprehensif Cleft Center Sukses Tangani Kasus Langka Bibir Sumbing Wajah

KBRN, Tangerang: Insiden cacat sumbing atau kelainan deformitas kongenital yang disebabkan kelainan perkembangan wajah selama gestasi. Sumbing dapat terjadi pada bibir, langit-langit mulut

9 Dec 16:53 RRI News Portal 6700853645603280461.html
Word-Texte mit Tablet und Stift bearbeiten

Tablets mit Stift sind fürs Malen und Notieren? Auch, aber da geht mehr: In Microsoft Word lassen sich damit Texte wie auf Papier überarbeiten, nur noch besser.

9 Dec 13:04 c't Magazin 1766193384359248285.html
Jarak Poin Man City dengan Liverpool Terlalu Jauh

Legenda Manchester City, Shaun Gaoter menilai peluang Manchester City mempertahankan gelar juara Liga Premier Inggris cukup berat. Alasannya, jarak poin The Citizen yang cukup jauh yakni 14 poin dengan Liverpool.

9 Dec 15:51 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835037530513.html
Roma-Spal, confermato Semplici sulla panchina dei biancazzurri

L'allenatore toscano guiderà i ferraresi nella partita di domenica contro i giallorossi

9 Dec 17:46 Forzaroma.info 1065617486403566005.html
Meeste Golden Globe-nominaties voor Marriage Story

De film Marriage Story maakt in januari de meeste kans op een Golden Globe. De Netflix-film is genomineerd in zes categorieën, zo werd maandag bekendgemaakt. The Irishman en Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood hebben vijf kansen op een award en Joker en The Two Popes volgen met ieder vier nominaties.

9 Dec 14:02 RTL Boulevard 1500115270634542326.html
Four Rockets Hit Military Base Near Baghdad Airport

Six soldiers were wounded by the Katyusha strikes, and Iraqi forces discovered a rocket launcher and defused rockets nearby

9 Dec 12:23 Haaretz 1431421787624449403.html
Giornata della trasparenza, incontro in teleconferenza

SANITA' - L'appuntamento è per giovedì, dalle 14 alle 17,30, nelle sei aule multimediali regionali dell'Area Vasta

9 Dec 12:11 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195677659274.html
Proces Geert Wilders in februari verder

Het ‘minder Marokkanen’-proces van Geert Wilders gaat 5 februari verder. Tijdens die zitting wordt gekeken wat het Openbaar Ministerie en het ministerie van Justitie boven tafel hebben gekregen aan documenten over mogelijke politieke beïnvloeding van de rechtszaak. Wanneer er een uitspraak gaat komen in deze inmiddels al jarenlang slepende rechtszaak, is onduidelijk.

9 Dec 11:45 RD.nl 6406779840930948984.html
Walmart Canada issues apology for sweater depicting Santa Claus with apparent drug reference

This ugly Christmas sweater did not go over well at Walmart.

9 Dec 15:43 WFXT 6395891953302354050.html
Paris summit seeks resolution to Ukraine war

A series of meetings are being held at the Elysee presidential palace to try to revive a 2015 peace deal that has been largely ignored.

9 Dec 15:26 Shropshire Star 3480199992512282807.html
Asaltan a mano armada gasolinera en Carolina

Una cantidad indeterminada de dinero en efectivo y miles de cigarrillos se llevaron en horas de la tarde de ayer cuatro sujetos armados que asaltaron la gasolinera Puma ubicada en

9 Dec 13:47 elVocero.com 6318248037084677835.html
New research study to explore long-term effects of repeated concussion

The study is a collaboration between the Beacon Hospital Research Institute and the International Concussion and Head Injury Research Foundation (ICHIRF). Researchers said it will allow for better management of concussions in the future.

9 Dec 13:10 Breaking News 4415806919438736430.html
Milliarden-Poker um Essenszusteller Just Eat

Die Naspers-Tochter Prosus und auch die Lieferando-Mutter Takeaway.com haben Appetit auf Just Eat.

9 Dec 10:51 Die Presse 6242788854629662389.html
Flamboyant governor of Kenya's capital charged with graft

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - The flamboyant governor of Kenya's capital city, Nairobi, was Monday charged with 19 counts of graft-related charges as the country struggles to tackle runaway corruption.

9 Dec 14:13 WFXT 6395891953465147665.html
Ustaz Abdul Somad Cerai, Mantan Istri Unggah Video Ceramah soal Nikah Siri

Mellya Juniarti unggah ceramah Ustaz Abdul Somad soal nikah siri dan unggahan seseorang tentang pernikahan

9 Dec 13:00 liputan6.com 3414318496713042943.html
One critically injured as popular New Zealand volcano erupts

Wellington - At least one person was left in a critical condition when New Zealand's White Island volcano erupted suddenly on Monday, leaving authorities scrambling to treat the injured and find those unaccounted for.

9 Dec 08:51 The Peninsula 1202843881549262028.html
Flashy Nairobi governor pleads not guilty to graft charges

The flashy governor of Nairobi on Monday pleaded not guilty to over 30 charges of money laundering, receiving bribes and conflict of interest in a court appearance held under tight security. Governor Mike , the latest top official to be hauled in on corruption charges in Kenya, is accused of having

9 Dec 09:34 Yahoo 7097669637713306443.html
Aplicatia de food delivery EuCeMananc se lanseaza la Cluj-Napoca

Platforma online de food delivery EuCeMananc se lanseaza in Cluj-Napoca, cu o oferta speciala pentru clienti in luna decembrie. De acum inainte, clujenii vor putea comanda mancarea preferata din aplicatia EuCeMananc sau de pe www.EuCeMananc.ro, de unde pot alege dintre cele peste 50 de restaurante existente.

9 Dec 14:11 Wall-Street 2473040520636047116.html
Gameloft UK shuts down

Update: Mobile publisher confirms layoffs in Brisbane, closed Manila office earlier this year

9 Dec 09:58 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590114949449162.html
Apresiasi Presiden Jokowi - NOC Indonesia Kepada Casugay, Atas Aksi Heroik Di Olahraga Selancar

KBRN, Manila : Presiden Republik Indonesia. Joko Widodo sangat mengapresiasi aksi heroik yang dilakukan peselancar tuan rumah Filipina,  Roger Casugay dalam menyelamatkan peselancar Indonesia,

9 Dec 13:52 RRI News Portal 6700853646278691783.html
SCOTUS Declines to Consider Challenge of Controversial Kentucky Abortion Law

The United State Supreme Court announced on Monday that it declined to consider the challenge to a Kentucky law requiring doctors to show patients ultrasounds before they receive an abortion.

9 Dec 10:39 Law & Crime 7990899037062380920.html
Piglet study shows probiotics and prebiotics work differently in girls and boys

The team from the Universities of Bristol and Reading found that 28-day old piglets produced very different levels of immune cells, antibodies and other immune-associated molecules depending on their sex, contradicting previous evidence suggesting that the difference in immunity begins during puberty.

9 Dec 11:10 News-Medical.net 4522523030058829478.html
Russia to learn Olympic fate over doping violations later on Monday

Russia will learn later on Monday whether it will be hit with a four-year Olympic ban for tampering with doping-related laboratory data, a ...

9 Dec 15:55 CNA 5644198863771568306.html
Il Campidoglio revoca la licenza al tassista violento di Fiumicino

Il Campidoglio inizia l'iter per la revoca della licenza al tassista che, all'aeroporto di Fiumicino, ha aggredito con un pugno il cliente. L'uomo aveva chiesto di accendere il tassametro. La scorsa settimana, in seguito alla brutale aggressione avvenuta allo scalo aeroportuale, il dipartimento Mobi...

9 Dec 15:07 Il Tempo 2494990961382207675.html
Ukraine-Gipfel: Hoffen auf einen Durchbruch

Frankreich, Deutschland, Russland und die Ukraine ringen um den Frieden im Donbas. Viel Hoffnung lastet auf dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj, doch ohne Zugeständnisse Wladimir Putins

9 Dec 14:03 GMX News 4492287763116860713.html
Kunjungan Kerja ke Hong Kong, BNP2TKI Tegaskan Terkait Perlindungan PMI

Pemerintah melalui BNP2TKI berpesan, jika mengalami masalah dengan majikan cepat melapor dan berkoordinasi dengan KJRI Hong Kong.

9 Dec 11:45 liputan6.com 3414318497393816239.html
Big investors up call for governments to take climate action

MADRID (AP) - More than 600 institutional investors managing a whopping $37 trillion in client assets called Monday for governments to step up their efforts against climate change.

9 Dec 08:01 WFXT 6395891952578748522.html
Krisis Agraria di Labuan Bajo: Sertifikat Ganda Hingga Pemilikan Asing

Pemda pertimbangkan pembatasan penjualan tanah.

9 Dec 11:55 Katadata News 179777406563873157.html
Der wohl teuerste Christbaum der Welt

Der Weihnachtsbaum in der Lobby des Kempinski Hotel Bahia in Marbella hat einen Wert von 14 Millionen Euro.

9 Dec 14:41 Die Presse 6242788855675387530.html
BI Isyaratkan Masih Ada Ruang Pemangkasan Bunga Acuan

Pertumbuhan kredit bank hanya capai satu digit tahun ini.

9 Dec 09:48 Katadata News 179777406839391389.html
"Asylgesetz nicht wegen Facharbeitermangels umgehen"

FPÖ-Landesrat Gottfried Waldhäusl sagte bei der vorwöchigen Landesflüchtlingsreferentenkonferenz in Wien, dass das Asylgesetz nicht wegen Facharbeitermangels umgangen werden dürfe. Niederösterreich bleibe beim „Nein“ zu Bleiberecht für Lehrlinge mit negativem Bescheid.

9 Dec 13:20 NÖN.at 2486998931848999915.html
Extrajudicial killing fears as Indians cheer Hyderabad 'shootout'

The shooting of four gang-rape and murder suspects by Indian police has highlighted the scourge of extrajudicial killings in a nation grappling with high levels of sexual crimes and a notoriously slow judicial process.

9 Dec 08:56 Aljazeera 6642629763720404094.html
Minori affidatari, Pergolizzi: un servizio di trasporto a supporto delle famiglie

Il consigliere comunale ha inviato una istanza al sindaco, a seguito di alcune segnalazioni

9 Dec 14:45 Tempostretto 3143171742952066704.html
Policeman accused of rape flees to Tanzania

Police suspect someone is leaking information on their search for him.

9 Dec 16:30 Daily Nation 7421817125576944682.html
Constituency profile: Great Grimsby

A Labour seat since 1945 that might be about to turn blue.

9 Dec 10:32 Express & Star 7324224459848257894.html
Rusland mag niet naar Olympische Spelen en WK voetbal door dopingovertredingen

Wereldantidopingagentschap WADA heeft beslist dat Rusland voor vier jaar uitgesloten wordt van alle grote internationale sportevenementen. Daardoor mogen d...

9 Dec 13:05 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191160480847.html
Ehemaliger Fed-Chef Paul Volcker gestorben

Ein halbes Jahrhundert prägte Paul Volcker Amerikas Wirtschafts- und Finanzsystem. Am Sonntag verstarb er im Alter von 92 Jahren. Für nützlich hielt er nur eine Innovation.

9 Dec 14:08 Handelsblatt 4721373938876980372.html
Josje Huisman doet nogmaals gooi naar titel Slimste

Josje Huisman gaat haar algemene kennis nogmaals testen op televisie. De voormalig K3-zangeres is een van de deelnemers aan het vijftiende seizoen van De slimste mens, maakte KRO-NCRV maandag bekend.

9 Dec 08:43 RTL Boulevard 1500115271055559909.html
Oh Ini Ternyata yang Bikin Operasi Tol Layang Cikampek Molor

Tol layang Cikampek awalnya akan beroperasi 15 Desember, tapi diundur jadi 20 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 13:00 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214150767756.html
Greysia/Apriyani Rebut Emas

KBRN, Muntinlupa : Pebulutangkis ganda putri Indonesia, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu sukses merah medali emas setelah mengandaskan pasangan Thailand, Chayanit Chaladchalam/Phataimas Muenwong,

9 Dec 15:17 RRI News Portal 6700853645076786530.html
Streiks gegen Pensionsreform führen zu Verkehrschaos in Paris

Im Pariser Nahverkehr herrscht wegen des andauernden Streiks riesiges Durcheinander. Auch viele Touristen bekommen die Auswirkungen zu spüren.

9 Dec 15:38 Die Presse 6242788855412889019.html
China claims detained Uighurs have been freed

Xinjiang governor offers no evidence of release but says ‘trainees’ have found stable jobs

9 Dec 11:06 the Guardian 1491978794842023559.html
Senior Party officials face disciplinary action for exam fraud - VnExpress International

The Party Central Inspection Committee has recommended disciplinary action against a former Party secretary of Ha Giang Province over last year’s massive exam fraud.

9 Dec 13:25 VnExpress International – Latest news, business, travel and analysis from Vietnam 7631321453989700276.html
Gebruikers Pepergasthuis demonstreren: 'Het mag geen bed and breakfast worden'

Ruim twintig mensen zijn maandagmiddag vertrokken vanaf het Pepergasthuis naar het Cascadeplein in Stad. Ze demonstreren met borden tegen de verkoop van het Pepergasthuis.

9 Dec 12:44 RTV Noord 3728677366404039554.html
Republicans Brought the Perfect Sign to Monday's Impeachment Hearing

"The author of the Schiff Report is not here," House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins (R-GA) observed at Monday morning's public impeachment hearing against President Trump.

9 Dec 14:55 Townhall 6083908947754332295.html
Russia Banned From Olympics

Globalist war on Russia extends to sports world

9 Dec 16:19 Infowars 1950426314071948049.html
Man caught trying to enter Parliament building, detained

He was detained by the security personnel and handed over to Delhi Police.

9 Dec 12:39 India Today 4286117814060754944.html
Abschied von Sabine Hartmann-Müller als Ortsvorsteherin von Herten

Eine fleißige und verwurzelte Streiterin von Herten, verabschiedet sich von der kommunalpolitischen Bühne. Ihr Nachfolger ist der hauptamtliche Ortsvorsteher Frank-Michael Littwin.

9 Dec 10:00 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427786209333.html
Elastic: Dramatically Lowered Valuation Justifies Billings Slowdown

Shares of search company Elastic have peeled back ~20% ever since reporting Q2 results.Most notably, investors hammered the company on its deceleration down to 45% y/y billings growth (on a constant c

9 Dec 14:55 Seeking Alpha 5725634556851381699.html
Temporarily banned film Blue Story shortlisted for Bafta

The gang drama is shortlisted along with nine other films in the outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer category.

9 Dec 13:00 Shropshire Star 3480199991789210458.html
Saudi gunman tweeted against US before base shooting

The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast US support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.

9 Dec 10:22 Deccan Herald 2027555797640834310.html
Ini Dia Manfaat Tanaman Obat Daun Dewa yang Dikenal Sebagai Sambung Nyawa, dari Diabetes Hingga Cegah Kanker

Daun pada tanaman ini memiliki efek yang sangat mujarab dalam menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit mulai dari hipertensi hingga diabetes.

9 Dec 16:30 grid.id 6246371059789092027.html
Sri Mulyani Sindir Oknum ASN/PNS Tetap Korupsi Meski Digaji Tinggi

KBRN, Jakarta : Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) hari menggelar acara puncak rangkaiam peringatan Hari Antkorupsi Sedunia (Harkordia) 2019. Acara tersebut dihadiri secara langsung oleh Wakil

9 Dec 13:32 RRI News Portal 6700853644292235756.html
Wichtige Unterstützung

Der Friedensnobelpreis für den äthiopischen Premier Abiy Ahmed ist eine Wette auf die Zukunft, weil das Land vor großen Herausforderungen steht. Der Kommentar.

9 Dec 16:35 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322531916564.html
Lenzkircher verkauft lokale Weihnachtsbäume ohne Pestizide

Michael Diemand aus Lenzkirch-Saig setzt bei seinen Nordmanntannen keine Pestizide ein. Die Bäume wachsen zwischen Saig und Titisee. Für sie hat er einen besonderen Ständer entwickelt.

9 Dec 17:34 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428310315248.html
Trump, Saudi prince pledge cooperation after Florida base attack

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- President Donald Trump has spoken with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman about the attack Friday at a naval base in Florida, which is being investigated by the FBI as a presumed terrorist attack.

9 Dec 14:56 UPI 8257973865028186561.html
Perusahaan Ini Bantu Petani di Serang Pasarkan Padi Bermerek Jaseng

PT Agro Serang Berkah (ASB), anak perusahaan dari PT Serang Berkah Mandiri (SBM) bantu para petani Kabupaten Serang dengan memasarkan beras Jawara Serang.

9 Dec 10:44 detikfinance 4442190001333840942.html
Tema Regional GJA launches maiden awards scheme

news, story, article

9 Dec 14:24 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610893620614.html
Leinster Confirm Johnny Sexton To Miss Northampton Clash

Johnny Sexton will miss Leinster's Champions Cup clash with Northampton on Saturday at the Aviva Stadium following a knee injury picked up at the weekend.

9 Dec 13:49 PUNDIT ARENA 505417275131881938.html
Lufthansa besiegelt Verkauf von Catering-Sparte LSG

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - Die Lufthansa hat den Verkauf des Europageschäfts ihrer Catering-Sparte LSG an die Schweizer Gategroup abgeschlossen. Über den Kaufpreis hätten beide Seiten Stillschweigen vereinbart, teilte die Airline am Montag mit.

9 Dec 09:11 DIE WELT 6197693428543097643.html
Was tun nach Russlands Staatsdoping?

Der Wada-Vorstand entscheidet über Russlands Staatsdoping-Komplott. Ein Startverbot bei Olympia scheint vom Tisch.

9 Dec 10:34 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593776751740.html
Potret 7 Rumah Ikonik yang Dijadikan Lokasi Syuting Film dan Sinetron

Rumah-rumah ini pun jadi sorotan netizen.

9 Dec 11:15 liputan6.com 5422146879791961747.html
Auf dem Trockenen

Der Unterhalt von Schwimmbädern ist teuer, 1400 wurden seit dem Jahr 2000 geschlossen - nach Ansicht der DLRG mit dramatischen Folgen. Zehntausende Bürger protestieren - nun befasst sich ein Bundestagsausschuss damit. Von Michael Heussen.

9 Dec 12:22 tagesschau.de 5441171426594142514.html
Russians Win 'Cheese Oscar' In International Competition

Elvira Kovtun made her first cheese four years ago in a pot in her kitchen after President Vladimir Putin banned Western imports in reaction to sanctions over Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Now, she and her husband have won Russia's first gold at the World Cheese Awards in Bergamo, Italy.

9 Dec 10:29 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163566506301.html
Pati Patni Aur Woh Movie Leaked Online By Tamilrockers

Tamilrockers leaks Pati Patni Aur Woh movie online after its theatrical release: Mudassar Aziz directorial Pati Patni Aur Woh, starring Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday in lead roles, is the latest victim of piracy site Tamilrockers.

9 Dec 13:09 TopYaps 3728443509771278615.html
Erdogan: Muslim Countries Need to Provide Better Living Conditions

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on Muslim countries to provide better living conditions for people by improving economic stability and prosperity. This is possible if everyone follows the Islamic principle of helping the needy, Sabah writes.

9 Dec 15:17 novinite.com 4235039570237665451.html
Supreme Court leaves Kentucky's ultrasound law in place

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions.

9 Dec 15:55 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638328040592.html
Beleaguered DR Congo rainforest attacked on all sides

Kisangani, DR Congo: Lush rainforest covers millions of hectares of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a central part of Earth's natural defence against global warming -- but it is under severe threat from a perfect storm of mismanagement and corruption.

9 Dec 10:55 The Peninsula 1202843881308395838.html
5 grame de plastic ajung saptamanal in corpul fiecaruia dintre locuiorii planetei

Cinci grame de plastic ajung, saptamanal, in organismul fiecarui locuitor al planetei prin aer, apa sau hrana, in timp ce cantitatea de plastic "depozitata" in oceane este estimata, in prezent, la circa 150 de milioane de tone, motiv pentru care Consiliul

9 Dec 16:00 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414642489311453.html
Manchester coroner considers bullying claims in death of Somali schoolgirl

Twelve-year-old Shukri Abdi drowned in June in the River Irwell in Bury, Lancashire

9 Dec 15:13 the Guardian 1491978794672247636.html
Aston Martin stringe una collaborazione con Airbus

Il colosso dell'industria aerospaziale e la casa di Gaydon hanno stretto una collaborazione: ne vedremo il risultato il prossimo 3 gennaio

9 Dec 17:30 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656079764507.html
Zwei Verletzte nach Überschlag von Kleintransporter

Am Montagmittag kollidierte ein Auto mit einem Kleintransporter.

9 Dec 15:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568543862897.html
Leicester City Diabaikan Itu Wajar, kata Rodgers

Leicester City sebagian besar telah diabaikan dalam persaingan perebutan gelar Liga Inggris, walau kini jadi penantang terdekat Liverpool di posisi teratas klasemen sementara., Liga Inggris

9 Dec 09:41 Gilabola.com 481785380901572583.html
Soldi non dichiarati per caricare schede di scommesse on-line


9 Dec 08:58 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985370589099439.html
England Reportedly Keen To Persuade Irish Prospect To Switch Allegiance

England are reportedly interested in persuading Celtic's Irish U19 international Armstrong Okoflex to switch international allegiances.

9 Dec 15:50 PUNDIT ARENA 505417275177016654.html
England Reportedly Keen To Persuade Irish Prospect To Switch Allegiance

England are reportedly interested in persuading Celtic's Irish U19 international Armstrong Okoflex to switch international allegiances.

9 Dec 15:50 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274102479035.html
Video: Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris begonnen

In Paris hat am späten Montagnachmittag der Ukraine-Gipfel begonnen, von dem ein Beitrag zur Überwindung des Konflikts im Osten des Landes erwartet wird. Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron kam dazu im Elysée-Palast mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj, der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin zusammen.

9 Dec 17:40 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083269739834.html
Herbstmeister Piesteritz ohne Glanz gegen Halle

Der FC Grün-Weiß Piesteritz verabschiedet sich mit einem 1:1 gegen Turbine Halle in die Winterpause. Jakub Gres bringt die Gastgeber früh in Führung.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109853907715.html
The Labour General Election candidates for Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset

Here is what your local Labour candidates had to say ahead of the 2019 election in the UK

9 Dec 08:19 BristolLive 4740742016828710607.html
Capuri House / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura

Completed in 2018 in São Conrado, Brazil. Casa Capuri emerges amidst the nature of the land where palm trees, river and sea oppose the urban. The project started adopting two transverse...

9 Dec 17:00 ArchDaily 6219750956025947108.html
Support smaller think tanks in Japan

Hundreds of smaller think tanks and personal offices — essentially small to medium-sized enterprises — around the country may hold the key for Japan's rebirth.

9 Dec 09:18 The Japan Times 6673764368324093694.html
Industry-backed campaign encourages gamers to vote

Gamechanger Giveaway offers prizes in effort to increase voter turnout

9 Dec 10:34 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590114459553072.html
China Tells Government Offices To Remove All Foreign Computer Equipment

China has ordered that all foreign computer equipment and software be removed from government offices and public institutions within three years, the Financial Times reports. hackingbear writes: The government directive is likely to be a blow to US multinational companies like HP, Dell and Microsof...

9 Dec 09:44 news.slashdot.org 626091441644644601.html
Police make counter terrorism training available to the public

Free counter terrorism training is being made available to the public to teach them how to react to a major incident.

9 Dec 17:00 Lancashire Post 6469275854444945482.html
Wechselfreudige Kunden sind unbeliebt: Neuer Stromanbieter lehnt Sie ab? Wie Sie trotzdem einen Vertrag bekommen

Wer sich einen neuen Stromanbieter sucht, kann teilweise kräftig sparen. Doch nicht immer klappt der Wechsel. Einige Anbieter lehnen Neukunden scheinbar grundlos ab. Eine Auswertung zeigt nun, dass vor allem zwei Gruppen betroffen sind. Wie Sie sich schützen können.

9 Dec 10:56 FOCUS Online 4448121231340779270.html
Former Notts County midfielder Garry Thompson announces retirement

He scored 12 goals for the Magpies in one season

9 Dec 17:41 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702849279969.html
Apakah Warga DKI Jakarta Membutuhkan Sosok Pemimpin seperti Ahok?

Dengan gaya kepemimpinan yang terlalu jujur dan berani, Ahok merebut hati masyarakat, khususnya warga DKI Jakarta.

9 Dec 13:00 grid.id 586386473561607820.html
Zuhal Demir naar Madrid met Vlaams klimaatplan

De Vlaamse regering is overeengekomen om te gaan voor een CO2-reductie van 32,6 procent tegen 2030. Zo gaat de maximumsnelheid op de Brusselse ring naar 100 kilometer per uur.

9 Dec 08:48 Site-Knack-NL 6755692569480978137.html
Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris: Wenig Hoffnung auf Durchbruch

Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj traf Russlands Staatschef in Paris. Ein erstes Abtasten.

9 Dec 16:20 Kurier 208072237922774343.html
Banksy Draws Attention to Homelessness in Birmingham With Christmas Mural

Another politically-charged mural to end the year.

9 Dec 15:48 HYPEBEAST 3806037269162885598.html
West Ham United considering Darren Randolph reunion?

West Ham United are allegedly interested in securing a reunion with goalkeeper Darren Randolph, who left for Middlesbrough as recently as 2017.

9 Dec 13:40 Sports Mole 7750663360864675522.html
Libya arms embargo being systematically violated by UN states

Jordan, Turkey and UAE singled out for ‘routinely and blatantly’ supplying weapons

9 Dec 13:13 the Guardian 1491978796448746293.html
Ferrovia, Rfi conferma avvio progetto definitivo per l'elettrificazione

AOSTA. Elettrificazione della ferrovia tra Aosta e il Piemonte e riapertura della linea che dal capoluogo arriva fino a Pré-Saint-Didier: ne hanno parlato in un incontro organizzato oggi l'assessore regionale ai trasporti Luigi Bertschy e i dirigenti di Rete Ferroviaria Italiana. Le notizie per i viaggiatori - secondo quanto riferito dall'assessorato - sono positive: Rfi ha confermato che sarà avviata la progettazione definitiva per l'intervento di elettrificazione della tratta Aosta/Ivrea "unitamente a una serie di interventi di velocizzazione" che tra l'altro miglioreranno gli incroci nella stazione e la sicurezza in generale. Quanto alla riattivazione del collegamento ferroviario con la Valdigne "RFI ha assicurato il proprio massimo impegno per programmare gli interventi che sono necessari per la riapertura della linea, verosimilmente già con il prossimo aggiornamento del Contratto di Programma tra RFI e Ministero". Secondo l'assessore Bertschy l'incontro è stato proficuo. "Finalmente si iniziano a raccogliere…

9 Dec 17:26 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643752900585.html
Katureebe advises Fresh Kid to balance talent and education

The young celebrity started singing as the judicial officers enjoyed his thrilling music despite being composed in Luganda.

9 Dec 10:18 New Vision 9103146373841280008.html
Turkey's Armenian community to elect new patriarch

The Armenian community of Turkey voted in Armenian Gregorian churches across the country on Monday to elect delegates to choose the 85th head of the church...

9 Dec 14:16 DAILY SABAH 8383944809256599689.html
Keeping up with industry changes the only way to manage connectivity expenditure

There are many connectivity options that businesses can invest in today, but cost remains a major concern for most, says Vishal Barapatre, CTO at In2IT Technologies.

9 Dec 09:10 ITWeb 642894140254795263.html
Echnaton zamelt producten in voor VoedselLoket

Op middelbare school het Echnaton in Almere is maandag een inzamelpunt geopend voor het VoedselLoket Almere. Met de kerstdagen voor de deur is het loket op zoek naar extra producten om hun schappen mee te vullen.

9 Dec 12:00 omroep flevoland 658614617353365370.html
Leinster captain Sexton ruled out for Northampton visit to Dublin

Jonathan Sexton has been ruled out of Leinster's Heineken Champions Cup meeting with Northampton Saints this weekend but the full extent of his knee injury has yet to be determined.

9 Dec 12:21 Breaking News 4415806918956183450.html
Govts agree on national API standards

To keep IT systems interoperable.

9 Dec 13:47 iTnews 4425008561072835335.html
Google Kalender: Termine in andere Kalender verschieben

Es gibt Funktionen oder fehlende, die bemerkt man manchmal gar nicht. So war es bisher nicht allen Nutzern möglich, Termine innerhalb ...

9 Dec 13:59 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777573830787733.html
GOP counsel Steve Castor brought a reusable grocery bag instead of a briefcase to an impeachment hearing

"That time your lawyer makes a stop at the Whole Foods hot bar on his way to defend you in Congress," comic Lizz Winstead tweeted.

9 Dec 17:22 Yahoo 7097669639006753129.html
Schwerverletzte Fahrer machen nach Unfall in Leipzig unterschiedliche Aussagen

Weil die Beteiligten eines Unfalls in Leipzig unterschiedliche Aussagen zu Protokoll gaben, sucht die Polizei nun Zeugen.

9 Dec 16:08 TAG24 4583887873672725092.html
French strike chaos deepens in crucial week for Macron

France's transport chaos deepened amid an ongoing nationwide strike and mass protests over pension reforms, ramping up tensions at the start of a crucial...

9 Dec 15:00 DAILY SABAH 8383944809199833633.html
Staatsanwalt fordert Freispruch für vier angeklagte Polizisten

Vier Schwyzer Polizisten sollen einen Mann zu hart angefasst und sich damit des Amtsmissbrauchs, der Freiheitsberaubung und Entführung schuldig gemacht haben. Von deren Schuld ist aber nicht einmal der Staatsanwalt überzeugt: Er fordert einen Freispruch.

9 Dec 15:50 bz BASEL 5287163742698549030.html
Moving tributes at packed service for grandmother swept away in Derbyshire floods

Former High Sheriff Annie Hall was described as a 'supporter, adviser, leader'

9 Dec 17:55 Derbyshire Live 9061707931412303351.html
Boy on hospital floor dominates Britain's election campaign

LONDON (AP) - A 4-year-old boy in a Spider-Man top lying on a hospital floor took center stage Monday in Britain's election campaign, as the opposition painted his plight as a symptom of the country's ailing health system and branded Prime Minister Boris Johnson heartless for avoiding looking at his photo.

9 Dec 16:55 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636328193265.html
Sindh govt approves bill to restore student unions

--Student unions to ensure social and academic welfare, discipline on campusesKARACHI: The Sindh cabinet on Monday approved a bill to restore student unions in provincial educational institutes.

9 Dec 15:30 Pakistan Today 6621510369117289373.html
Accidental Shootings by Police Show Training Problems

When an Iowa mother tried to take her child from her husband during an argument on a snowy sidewalk in 2015, an officer stepped in to stop the scuffle, then accidentally fired his gun as a dog approached. The bullet went through the woman's arm and into her chest, killing her as her family watched in horror.

9 Dec 14:01 Courthouse News Service 1799505149015950239.html
Breakers overrun Patterson and Bullets

Lamar Patterson’s hot hand wasn’t enough to help the Brisbane Bullets, whose NBL road woes continued with a 96-85 loss to the New Zealand Breakers in Auckland. 

9 Dec 09:08 The Age 7967730563203378446.html
Ex-Mitarbeiter Oracles: Ich sollte die ganze Zeit Vaporware verkaufen

Der Software-Konzern Oracle hat aktuell mit einem Fall zu kämpfen, der in Sachen Marketing zu einer Katastrophe führen kann. Denn ein Ex-Mitarbeiter wirft dem Unternehmen vor Gericht vor, dass er Kunden mit Vaporware betrügen sollte.

9 Dec 14:35 winfuture.de 1179223335677159755.html
Free Christmas parking proposal in Mayo county town not clearcut

A call has been made to introduce some free hours of parking in local authority car parks in Castlebar on the run-up to Christmas.

9 Dec 15:32 Connaught Telegraph 8840491533742551876.html
Olivia Colman and Phoebe Waller-Bridge among Golden Globe nominees

The nominees were announced during a ceremony in Beverly Hills.

9 Dec 14:00 Express & Star 7324224459605494590.html
Nairobi governor pleads not guilty to graft charges

Nairobi’s governor pleaded not guilty to corruption and other economic crimes involving millions of dollars in a Kenyan court on Monday

9 Dec 10:26 Vanguard News 4125100339092982684.html
Sweden to prosecute ex-China envoy over Gui meetings

Sweden's former envoy to Beijing is to go on trial for overstepping her duties by trying to negotiate the release of a Chinese-Swedish dissident held in China, prosecutors in Stockholm said Monday.

9 Dec 13:10 Digital Journal 4566489172441153807.html
Sweden to prosecute ex-China envoy over Gui meetings

Sweden's former envoy to Beijing is to go on trial for overstepping her duties by trying to negotiate the release of a Chinese-Swedish dissident held in China, prosecutors in Stockholm said Monday. Anna Lindstedt is accused of brokering an unauthorised meeting during her time as ambassador to get

9 Dec 13:07 Yahoo 7097669637636396873.html
Mammut steht zum Verkauf

Der Zürcher Konzern Conzzeta schrumpft. Unter anderem will er den Aargauer Outdoor-Hersteller abstossen.

9 Dec 10:36 SRF 8424707179746521251.html
Accoltella infermiera nel Centro di Salute Mentale, arrestato

È accaduto a San Vito al Tagliamento. La donna non è grave

9 Dec 17:31 Agi 2115274224523571815.html
Pakistan Army Rejects Reports of Joint Border Patrolling with Iran

New Delhi (Sputnik): Pakistan’s public broadcaster, Radio Pakistan and the country’s leading newspaper Dawn, had reported joint patrolling along its border with Iran. Islamabad has started fencing the common border with Iran to de-escalate tensions that arose in the past, due to attacks on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

9 Dec 16:26 Sputniknews 967333868776373145.html
NNPC seeks support in curbing oil pipelines vandalism

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation on Monday called on Nigerians and security agencies to join its effort at curbing the menace

9 Dec 17:01 The Eagle Online 1463511649646727788.html
Lepas Ekspor ke Timor Leste, Mentan SYL Bertekad Ekspor Pertanian Indonesia Rebut Pasar Dunia

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Pertanian (Mentan), Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) menargetkan produk ekspor pertanian Indonesia ke depannya bisa bersaing dengan negara lain memperebutkan pasar dunia. Menurutnya, dalam mencapai hal itu, Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) harus terus berinovasi untuk menghasilkan produk yang sesuai standar negara tujuan ekspor sehingga target gerakan tiga kali ekspor (gratieks) bisa terealisasi dengan segera.

9 Dec 09:01 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835420770127.html
Eurosonic/Noorderslag gaat prijzen in popcultuur uitreiken

ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) organiseert samen met de noordelijke popkoepels, gemeenten en scholen een awardshow voor de noordelijke popcultuur en muziekindustrie op dinsdagavond 14 januari in Grand T

9 Dec 14:01 OOG 303718093117397665.html
Temporarily banned film Blue Story nominated for Bafta

The gang drama is up against nine other films in the outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer category.

9 Dec 13:05 Breaking News 4415806918783631403.html
Priyamani to play Sasikala in Jayalalithaa biopic Thalaivi

A source says Priyamani, who was last seen in Amazon Prime Video web series The Family Man, has given bulk dates for Jayalalithaa biopic Thalaivi.

9 Dec 14:16 The Indian Express 2885715104681616096.html
Report: Florida State Makes Offensive Coordinator Hire

Florida State head coach Mike Norvell is wasting no time putting his coaching staff together. He's already picked out his offensive coordinator.

9 Dec 17:18 The Spun 9122471849549439078.html
Sindh govt approves bill to restore student unions

The union will comprise of seven to 11 student-members.

9 Dec 17:09 Dunya News 5863268917679446038.html
Davy Russell hoping for weekend return after illness

Davy Russell hopes to return to the saddle this weekend after falling ill at Punchestown on Sunday.

9 Dec 12:52 Breaking News 4415806920068671720.html
Arabia Saudita elimina las entradas separadas para las mujeres en los restaurantes

Los restaurantes y cafés en Arabia Saudita ya no tienen la obligación de disponer de entradas separadas para las mujeres, indicaron las autoridades ...

9 Dec 15:13 LaPatilla.com 9104603010926235187.html
Eks Pelatih Valencia Ini sedang Berangkat ke London, Menuju Arsenal?

Arsenal terus dikaitkan dengan sejumlah pelatih belakangan ini. Dan salah satu yang dirumorkan paling dekat dengan klub berjuluk the Gunners tersebut adalah eks pelatih Valencia, Marcelino Garcia Toral

9 Dec 12:29 Bola.net 5489959029280381036.html
Teledildonics: innovatieve speeltjes voor seks op afstand

Het is makkelijker dan vroeger om een lange afstandrelatie te onderhouden. Met platforms zoals WhatsApp en Facebook kun je zelfs nog aan de andere kant van de wereld met elkaar in contact blijven. Maar wat uitdagender is om te onderhouden op afstand, is seks. Daar komt langzaam verandering in met teledildonics.

9 Dec 10:39 Bright.nl 6602863321710374550.html
Canadian Fintech FlexPay Secures $6 Million Through Latest Investment Round Led By Impression Ventures

FlexPay, a Canada-based fintech that uses AI and machine learning to help merchants recover lost revenues from declined transactions, announced on Monday it sec

9 Dec 13:25 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073530360265.html
Pakistani FM, Saudi envoy discuss regional issues

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan army spokesperson on Monday rejected media reports suggesting that Pakistani and Iranian security forces conducted joint border patrolling. “News published by Dawn today ('Pak-Iran Forces jointly conduct border patrolling') is factually incorrect,” Director-General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor, said in a tweet. He added

9 Dec 12:49 Arab News 8912634263829587482.html
Sah! Bank Syariah Bisa Jualan Pakai Kantor Cabang Induk

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menerbitkan POJK Nomor 28/POJK.03/2019 tentang Sinergi Perbankan Dalam Satu Kepemilikan Untuk Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah.

9 Dec 13:05 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213206075371.html
EXCLUSIVE: John Salley on Whether Michael Jordan Had a Gambling Problem

In this clip, John Salley reacted to Scottie Pippen responding to his VladTV interview and explained why they may remember things differently. John...

9 Dec 13:26 VLADTV 1404406306741923051.html
China reportedly bans foreign technology in its government and public offices

China is reportedly planning to ban all government offices and public institutions from using foreign software and computers in a move that could dent sales by US tech companies and increase tensions at a crucial moment in the trade war.

9 Dec 12:38 CTVNews 2422791597860622238.html
South Korea jails three Samsung Electronics executives over evidence destroyed in probe of alleged fraud

SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean court on Monday jailed three executives of Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) for their role in a plot that included burying computers under factory floors at its biotech affiliate, in an investigation of alleged accounting fraud.

9 Dec 09:20 Reuters 8334514180147084852.html
Artur Melo zaradio gonoreju

Vezista Barselone, 23-godišnji Artur Melo oboleo je od gonoreje, ili kako se u narodu kaže - tripera.

9 Dec 13:28 Sport Klub 42251759880775542.html
Hari Anti-Korupsi Sedunia, Kejari Situbondo Musnahkan Ribuan BB

KBRN, Situbondo: Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia yang diperingati setiap tanggal 9 Desember, tahun ini mengusung tema 'Bersama Melawan Korupsi Indonesia Maju'. Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Anti

9 Dec 13:04 RRI News Portal 6700853645428079107.html
Eierstockkrebs: Forschungsprojekte zur Früherkennung

Der Eierstockkrebs ist die achthäufigste Krebserkrankung bei österreichischen Frauen. Die Forschung arbeitet an einer Möglichkeit der Früherkennung.

9 Dec 09:48 miss 1375730019794495705.html
South African Electricity Utility Reveals Cause Of Worsening Power Crisis

South African electricity utility Eskom on Monday blamed rains for worsening rolling power blackouts that have continued for five days running, Concise News reports.

9 Dec 15:53 Concise 5544636823479489714.html
Real Madrid Tukarkan Dua Pemain untuk Paul Pogba

Klub La Liga, Real Madrid diberitakan mencari cara baru untuk mendaratkan Paul Pogba ke Ibukota Spanyol.

9 Dec 16:00 Bola.net 5489959028213350718.html
Dirk Nowitzki beeindruckt beim DFB-Besuch

Basketball-Ikone Dirk Nowitzki beeindruckt als Gast des DFB mit einer Bodenständigkeit, von der sich gerade der deutsche Profifußball noch einiges abschauen kann.

9 Dec 15:58 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322474649616.html
Questions Raised as Jowie Mysteriously Disappears From Prison

According to her statement, the officer in charge informed them that the suspect in Monica Kimani's murder had been...

9 Dec 11:06 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154993905065.html
Six Wounded as Four Rockets Hit Military Base Near Baghdad International Airport

Iraq has been gripped by massive demonstrations that have swept across the country since early October. The protesters are demanding the government's resignation, economic reforms, improved living standards and social welfare and an end to corruption.

9 Dec 09:54 Sputniknews 967333868844634884.html
Sports Illustrated owner Maven taps former publisher of New York magazine

New York magazine’s publisher Avi Zimak has been named to a top post at Maven, the tech and publishing company that is overseeing Sports Illustrated. Zimak, who also served as chief revenue officer

9 Dec 16:53 New York Post 7654946769179299407.html
Abortion: justices permit Kentucky law that requires doctors to show pregnant women ultrasounds

Supreme court refuses to review appeals court ruling that upheld law, which states doctors must describe ultrasound in detail to pregnant women

9 Dec 15:47 the Guardian 1491978794747551546.html
UCC Quercus scholarship for Cashel Community School student James O’Sullivan

James will receive opportunities to participate in the Quercus lecture series and invitations to networking events

9 Dec 15:58 TipperaryLive 1097599577297336769.html
White Island eruption: Australian politician David Leyonhjelm blasted for 'insensitive' tweet

"But the emissions..." wrote Leyonhjelm.

9 Dec 17:21 Newshub 2131266985390427146.html
Paulusma naar Omroep Max

Op het moment is er een scala aan transfers tussen de publieke- en commerciële omroep. Hoewel het de laatste tijd met name mensen waren die vanuit de publieke omroep een overstap waagde naar de commerciële omroep, deed Piet Paulusma (62) precies het tegenovergestelde. Binnenkort zal de Fries te zien zijn bij Omroep Max. Begin dit […]

9 Dec 16:06 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048727589242.html
Pordenone, tentato omicidio in corsia: paziente accoltella infermiera e la ferisce gravemente

La drammatica vicenda ha avuto come scenario il reparto del Centro di Salute Mentale di San Vito al Tagliamento, in provincia di Pordenone. L'uomo si era recato presso il centro medico per assumere la terapia giornaliera ma in attesa del suo turno si è scagliato contro l'operatrice sanitaria ferendola gravemente.

9 Dec 17:01 fanpage.it 1517332168126373177.html
9 Cara Menghilangkan Komedo Hitam dengan Bahan Alami

Penyebab munculnya komedo juga berbeda berdasarkan jenis komedo. komedo hitam disebabkan oleh debu dan kotoran yang menempel pada wajah yang memiliki pori-pori besar.

9 Dec 14:13 merdeka.com 1998180355557410254.html
Staatsanwaltschaft prüft Nazi-Fahne im Austria-Block

Obwohl der beim Derby im Austria-Sektor gezeigte Banner im Design der Reichskriegsflagge laut Polizei nicht strafbar ist, hat die Exekutive bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien eine Sachverhaltsdarstellung eingebracht

9 Dec 12:05 weltfussball.at 3521376372020248077.html
Edtstadler: "Kooperation im Anti-Terrorkampf entscheidend"

Besuch bei Europol und Netzwerk der Antiterroreinheiten (ATLAS) / Österreich führt ATLAS-Vorsitz

9 Dec 14:17 OTS.at 4182160710715826000.html
History of Diving Museum

A unique collection of diving equipment spanning antiquity to the present day.

9 Dec 14:00 Atlas Obscura 58081917434785288.html
Walmart apologizes for Christmas sweater depicting Santa with cocaine

(CNN) — Walmart is saying sorry for making available a Christmas sweater with an apparent drug reference. The sweater featured an image of Santa Claus behind...

9 Dec 16:07 WSVN 7News 4504855331275055564.html
European companies minimise risks from US-China trade war

European companies in China have been able to minimise the effect from the tariff war between Beijing and Washington, although some are considering relocating their businesses, the EU Chamber of Commerce said Monday.

9 Dec 09:20 Digital Journal 4566489171434978697.html
Helse Nord har satt krisestab

Helse Nord har satt krisestab etter flere uønskede hendelser rundt ambulansefly-beredskapen i Nord-Norge.

9 Dec 13:07 TV 2 8210067770317047737.html
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov to visit Washington, US confirms

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will welcome his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday -- the Russian's first visit to Washington since a controversial 2017 meeting with US President Donald Trump, the State Department announced. The brief statement about the meeting, to be held at the State Department, said Pompeo and Lavrov would "discuss a broad range of regional and bilateral issues." On Friday, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman said the meeting was being "prepared" for Tuesday.

9 Dec 08:24 WION 1570469242124782434.html
Diprotes INSA Soal Investasi Asing di Pelayaran, Apa Kata Luhut?

Luhut meminta INSA membuat kajian soal investasi asing di pelayaran.

9 Dec 13:36 Tempo 6909074029194878262.html
Acteur Clint Eastwood niet bang voor natuurbrand

Clint Eastwood laat zich niet zomaar bang maken. De 89-jarige acteur en filmmaker was dan ook niet onder de indruk van de natuurbrand die Californië vorige maand teisterde. Terwijl omstanders werden geëvacueerd, ging Clint gewoon aan het werk.

9 Dec 09:34 RTL Boulevard 1500115270597964819.html
Largas colas frente a gasolineras cerradas en Valencia

Largas colas se apreciaron la mañana de este lunes en distintas estaciones de combustible las cuales permanecían cerradas en Valencia. 

9 Dec 16:35 El Carabobeño 125457439198645092.html
After bypoll defeat, Siddaramaiah resigns as CLP leader

His resignation comes as he has taken responsibility for the defeat in the Karnataka bypolls.

9 Dec 15:38 Deccan Herald 2027555797887635195.html
Scottish aristocrat and estranged wife disagree where to fight for sizeable estate

An aristocrat and his estranged wife who disagree over where they should stage a fight over money have begun the latest round of an Anglo-Scottish legal battle which has spanned more than four years.

9 Dec 17:36 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489423365965.html
Dashboard van auto vat vlam op Bestseweg in Liempde

De brandweer werd maandagmiddag rond 14.00 uur gealarmeerd voor een autobrand op de Bestseweg in Liempde. Het dashboard van een personenauto vatte tijdens het rijden vlam, vermoedelijk door een technisch mankement.

9 Dec 17:34 Blik op nieuws 5468169449146456283.html
Kapten Persebaya Surabaya Tak Ingin Ambisius Jelang Derby Jatim

Kapten Persebaya Surabaya, Ruben Sanadi mengaku berusaha tak terlalu ambisius menjelang laga Derby Jatim, lawan Arema FC.

9 Dec 15:47 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549863659623.html
6 Foto Prewedding Paling Ekstrem, Bikin Jantung Berdesir

Banyak pasangan yang berlomba-lomba membuat konsep foto yang unik.

9 Dec 15:35 liputan6.com 5422146881650305927.html
Uber driver caught watching porn on the Motorway by police

The driver was caught on the hard shoulder

9 Dec 09:18 Liverpool Echo 7727211173335045828.html
Prominent activist gunned down in Iraq shrine city Karbala

Fahem Al-Tai, 53, had been taking part in weeks of rallies denouncing Iraq's entrenched political elite as corrupt, inept and beholden to neighboring Iran.

9 Dec 15:31 Saudi Gazette 6913978435924464891.html
Banks must stick to their core functions

Diversification into long-term financing, insurance, mutual funds and share broking have affected their performance

9 Dec 08:43 BusinessLine 5283601902204551.html
Russia banned from Olympics for four years over doping

Russia was banned from the Olympics and world championships in a range of sports on Monday after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ruled to punish it for manipulating laboratory data, the TASS news agency reported.

9 Dec 16:07 Deccan Herald 2027555796557358654.html
Listed firm plans integrated property projects to weather bleak industry outlook

Bank Indonesia's policy to lower loan-to-value (LTV) ratios for mortgages by 5 percentage points, effective since Dec. 2, will likely improve the property sector.

9 Dec 13:08 The Jakarta Post 7678601103679288062.html
Towering wind turbine planned for new South Ayrshire school

Plans for it to be a zero carbon campus

9 Dec 17:42 dailyrecord 552235479983408819.html
Victoria lo vio Zanja

Esta zanja situada en calle 18 final, frente a la sede de la Dirección Territorial del Sepsa en la Isla de la Juventud, lleva varios meses con el agua estancada producto a una tupición en su desembocadura, lo cual en ocasiones ha traído consigo desbordamientos con sus negativas consecuencias.

9 Dec 12:30 VICTORIA 8502773548979623683.html
IP-based phone service providers to use technology to tackle caller ID spoofing

Canadian providers of Internet-based phone systems should be able to adopt new technology next year that goes after fake phone calls.

9 Dec 17:37 CP24 1887544294495662735.html
Urgent Rethink Of Retirement Living Needed

A crisis is almost inevitable for New Zealand’s aged care sector. As early as 2035, the number of people aged 65 years and over is expected to double to around 1.2 million - nearly 25% of the population, according to SuperSeniors.

9 Dec 16:51 SCOOP 5315658998596536253.html
Forex Club Shutters FX Operations in Russia

Forex Club has stopped accepting services for Russian users in what has become a trend in 2019.

9 Dec 16:41 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138266418687145.html
Lichfield Cathedral's illumination event to start next week

Lichfield Cathedral's annual illumination show will pay homage to Notre-Dame when it opens on Monday.

9 Dec 14:12 Express & Star 7324224460028161244.html
ESA will erstmals Weltraumschrott aus All holen

Um unsere Erde kreisen mittlerweile Zehntausende künstliche Objekte: Raketenstufen, Trümmerteile von Kollisionen, Satelliten ohne Treibstoff oder ...

9 Dec 11:43 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094150869238.html
Feedback sought on Kingsley apartments

THE City of Joondalup is seeking feedback on an application for seven apartments on one lot in Kingsley.

9 Dec 09:05 Community News Group 6769726048698412224.html
Govt to set up Special Purpose Vehicle to monitor Kampung Baru redevelopment

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) company will be set up to carry out the Kampung Baru redevelopment project, the Dewan Negara was told today. Federal Territories Minister Khalid Abdul Samad said so far, no developers had been appointed to carry out the project. He said the...

9 Dec 13:59 Malaymail 302165934660851530.html
Three Ghanaian medical students receive top award by the American Academy of Optometry Foundation

Three Ghanaian students of optometry have been honored with the William C. Ezell Fellowships. They are Heiz Otchere, Afua Oteng Asare and Eugen Appenteng Osae. They were bestowed the honor at the joint conference of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and Third World Congress of Optometry for (WCO) held in Orlando Florida.Support Pan-African Journalism...

9 Dec 12:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198131090771272.html
Fiumicino, tassista furioso aggredisce brutalmente un cliente: licenza revocata

La scorsa settimana, in seguito alla brutale aggressione avvenuta allo scalo aeroportuale di Fiumicino, il dipartimento Mobilità e trasporti di Roma Capitale ha avviato le pratiche per la revoca della licenza taxi nei confronti dell’operatore responsabile di aver aggredito un cliente appena fuori dall’aeroporto.  L’Ufficio contenzioso taxi, dopo aver ricevuto la trasmissione degli atti da […]

9 Dec 15:35 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338436500228.html
Ukraine-Gipfel in Paris begonnen

In Paris hat am Montagnachmittag der Ukraine-Gipfel begonnen, von dem ein Beitrag zur Überwindung des Konflikts im Osten des Landes erwartet wird. Der

9 Dec 16:30 stern.de 4680145939508120540.html
Netizen Perdebatkan Sisa Daging di Chicken Wings hingga Penyebutan 'Caramel'

Media sosial jadi ajang perdebatan netizen soal makanan. Mulai dari sisa daging ideal pada potongan chicken wings hingga penyebutan 'caramel' yang tepat.

9 Dec 12:15 detikfood 4586606519320780321.html
Setelah Angel Lelga, Vicky Prasetyo Tiba di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan

Setibanya di Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan, Vicky Prasetyo langsung memasuki ruangan penyidikan.

9 Dec 15:30 liputan6.com 3414318497098257873.html
Regali di Natale, topi e vermi sulla Stazione spaziale internazionale

Il carico arrivato con il cargo Dragon. Atteso anche il veicolo russo Progress. A sorpresa pacchi natalizi per i sei astronauti in orbita

9 Dec 11:23 Repubblica.it 8208867271373581908.html
Kinderen fietsen niet overal veilig naar school

In bijna twintig procent van de Nederlandse gemeenten voelt het voor kinderen niet veilig om naar school te fietsen.

9 Dec 11:45 Blik op nieuws 5468169448432828777.html
Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru, Konsumsi Rumah Tangga Diramal Akan Meningkat

Secara keseluruhan, diprediksi pertumbuhan konsumsi rumah tangga naik di angka 5,05 persen, stabil bila dibandingkan dengan periode tahun sebelumnya yang juga sebesar 5,05 persen.

9 Dec 11:31 merdeka.com 1998180355077219972.html
Dress Seksi Pebulutangkis Cantik Malaysia di Gala Dinner BWF Bikin Gagal Fokus

Penampilan cantik ganda campuran Malaysia, Goh Liu Ying mencuri perhatian saat menghadiri gala dinner BWF yang digelar di Guangzhou, China.

9 Dec 14:31 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549202669719.html
Polizei rechnet nicht mehr mit Überlebenden auf Vulkaninsel in Neuseeland

Nach dem Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland rechnet die Polizei nicht mehr mit weiteren Überlebenden. "Auf der Grundlage der vorliegenden Informationen ...

9 Dec 12:17 stern.de 4680145939266406240.html
Tinkoff preps super-app

Russia's Tinkoff is beta-testing a new super-app, combining traditional banking services with lifestyle and leisure features and a marketplace for third party API-based in-app options.

9 Dec 09:18 Finextra 6000504750730400499.html
Serikali ya Sudan Kusini yataka kura ya maoni itumiwe kuamua mustakabali wa majimbo

Serikali ya Sudan Kusini mwishoni mwa juma lililopita imesema suala la mgawanyo wa majimbo ambalo linapingwa vikali na upinzani linapaswa kuamuliwa kupitia kura ya maoni.

9 Dec 08:40 RFI 1022736847211617081.html
Saudi crown prince called Trump, expressed condolences over Florida base shooting: State news

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman called U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday and expressed his condolences and support for the families of ...

9 Dec 13:31 CNA 5644198862922623246.html
7 Cara Menurunkan Panas Anak Ketika Demam Secara Alami

Cara menurunkan panas anak ketika demam sangat penting diketahui bagi para orangtua di rumah yang sedang tidak memiliki persediaan obat. Menurunkan panas secara alami juga lebih aman dilakukan dan hampir tidak memiliki risiko efek samping.

9 Dec 13:53 merdeka.com 1998180355652625313.html
Tourists stranded as storms batter New Zealand

MOUNT HUTT: Almost 1,000 tourists were stranded in New Zealand's South Island on Monday (Dec 9) after wild storms cut highways, washed away ...

9 Dec 11:16 CNA 5644198863353887564.html
Russian forces enter former Islamic State stronghold in Syria after US pullback

Russian forces have entered Raqqa, the former de facto capital of the Islamic State caliphate, in one of the starkest examples yet of how Moscow has filled the vacuum created by President Donald Trump's decision to pull US forces from northern Syria.

9 Dec 14:40 WION 1570469240520076506.html
Jharkhand assembly polls: PM Modi cautions people against Congress

PM Modi, who was addressing a poll rally at Bokaro, compared Jharkhand to a youth attaining 19 years and its citizens its gaurdian and appealed to the people of the tribal state to vote for the BJP government for the second time in a row.

9 Dec 12:06 Oneindia 2023829372522707464.html
Trump, Saudi Arabia stay close after Pensacola shooting

President Donald Trump appears to be maintaining his support of Saudi Arabia in the wake of a deadly shooting at a U.S. naval base allegedly perpetrated by a Saudi national -- a crime the FBI presumes is an act of terrorism.

9 Dec 16:44 CHANNEL3000 830332543022750377.html
Private schools say no to declaring per-child expenditure

They say the fee structure is ‘rigid and impractical’

9 Dec 15:39 The Hindu 6679535025367069989.html
Cleveres Teilen ist ganz einfach

Ein Auto, viele Freunde? Da hilft smart mit seiner neuen Carsharing-App "ready to" schnell, sicher und garantiert bequem. So funktioniert die App!

9 Dec 13:00 autobild.de 4230137024627168538.html
UNICEF wants countries to prioritise children in climate action policies | IOL News

UNICEF and the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner have called on countries to sign a declaration that will ensure children ...

9 Dec 17:45 www.iol.co.za 17825112576337481.html
Fleabag and Olivia Colman snare Golden Globes nominations

Only moments ago, nominees for the 77th Golden Globes Awards were announced. Awards prognosticators got a few surprises: Cate Blanchett scored a nod for the lit

9 Dec 14:52 Time Out London 8727501712788264673.html
Einbruch in Einfamilienhaus in Heidkamp

Einbrecher sind in die Erdgeschosswohnung eines Einfamilienhauses eingedrungen und durchwühlten dort sämtliche Schränke.

9 Dec 11:53 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567826930132.html
Berani Usir Kapten Real Madrid Dua Kali, Wasit Ini Pimpin El Clasico Lagi

Berani usir kapten Real Madrid dua kali, wasit ini akan pimpin laga sengit El Clasico di Barcelona pada tanggal 19 Desember nanti., Liga Spanyol

9 Dec 14:17 Gilabola.com 481785379601875188.html
Schoch Automobile Biberach: Autohaus schließt zum Jahresende

Weil Mitarbeiter gehen und nötige Investitionen nicht umzusetzen sind, muss Schoch Automobile seine Niederlassung in Biberach zum Jahresende schließen.

9 Dec 14:18 swp.de 6929179440550200969.html
Many Stolen Randy Rhoads Items Recovered

Items stolen from the Randy Rhoads family's music school were discovered in December 2019.

9 Dec 16:15 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989687884289696.html
Four suspects pray High Court for their freedom

news, story, article

9 Dec 12:48 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610156514449.html
Diskussion zur Agrarpolitik: Minister Peter Hauk kommt zu Landwirten

In Münsingen veranstaltet der Kreisbauernverband Reutlingen einen Vortragsabend mit darauf folgender Diskussion. Minister Peter Hauk wird zur Agrarpolitik der Landesregierung Stellung nehmen.

9 Dec 16:25 swp.de 6929179440577480273.html
Inspector general: Start of Russia probe was justified, unbiased but investigation had errors

Inspector general Michael E. Horowitz found that the FBI properly opened its investigation into Russian election interference but said there were some major errors in how the agency conducted the probe.

9 Dec 13:42 Fox 4 8372747778396002310.html
Official portrait of former premier Kathleen Wynne to be unveiled

TORONTO — The official portrait of Ontario's first female premier is set to be unveiled at the legislature later today.

9 Dec 09:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741009817842075.html
How corruption and populist politics weigh down Delhi's infrastructure

The first of a five-part series takes stock of Delhi, the power centre and cultural melting pot of India, to find that it needs an overhaul

9 Dec 17:47 Business-Standard 1502508926464091336.html
Extinction Rebellion stages air pollution protests in London and Manchester

Demonstrators target key roads to demand government action to tackle deadly issue

9 Dec 11:35 the Guardian 1491978794342943339.html
Piyush Goyal demands reciprocal access for Indian companies abroad

Foreign cos wont be allowed in local contracts unless India Inc gets to compete in those nations, said Goyal.

9 Dec 17:05 The Economic Times 7653256036661921744.html
Era Gelap Josep Guardiola Bersama Manchester Biru

Josep Guardiola kini tengah menapaki periode sulit bersama Manchester City. Tidak ada lagi buru di atas Stadion Etihad

9 Dec 11:06 Bola.net 5489959027503585258.html
Court challenge to federal ban on needles for drug-using prisoners postponed

TORONTO - A court hearing to challenge the federal government's ban on needles for drug-using prisoners has been postponed until next week in the latest del

9 Dec 17:52 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244572402985.html
Israël gaat opnieuw onzekere politieke toekomst tegemoet

Welgeteld twee dagen hebben de partijen nog om een nieuwe regering te vormen in Israël. In dat wonder gelooft echter vrijwel niemand meer. En dus zal de Knesset, zoals het er nu naar uitziet, woensdag om middernacht automatisch worden ontbonden. Met nieuwe verkiezingen tot gevolg. De derde binnen een jaar.

9 Dec 14:21 RD.nl 6406779840957442062.html
Unai Emery received support from Mesut Ozil and Laurent Koscielny after Arsenal sacking

The Spanish manager lost his job earlier this month following the Gunners' dreadful run of form but reports suggest his departure was not as acrimonious as first thought

9 Dec 08:53 mirror 675785260498323315.html
Hundreds in Banteay Meanchey survive snake bites

The Banteay Meanchey provincial Department of Health said this year had seen more than 300 people saved from snake bites after seeking timely treatment from state hospitals across the province. As a precaution, department director Keo Sopheatra called on people bitten by snakes to seek treatment from state hospitals rather than private clinics or traditional healers.

9 Dec 16:42 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115065660733.html
Unfall in Esslingen: Autofahrerin klemmt sich beim Ausparken Kopf ein

Beim Ausparken ist eine Autofahrerin am Wochenende in Esslingen schwer verletzt worden. Sie hatte sich den Kopf eingeklemmt.

9 Dec 10:27 swp.de 6929179440603171510.html
Sesosok Jasad Bayi Ditemukan di Toilet Bandara Manila

Sesosok jasad bayi ditemukan di toilet yang ada di area Bandara Internasional Ninoy Aquino di Manila, Filipina. Temuan ini tengah diselidiki otoritas setempat.

9 Dec 08:44 detiknews 8793960223902910242.html
Plea in Supreme Court seeks psychological help for Jammu and Kashmir children

Many detained during lockdown: activist

9 Dec 17:15 The Hindu 6679535026014060209.html
Forecast: Light winds with mostly dry conditions to persist through Wednesday

Light winds will continue through the first half of the week as a front stalls and diminishes near Kauai.

9 Dec 15:01 Hawaii News Now 8225790206705955726.html
Netizen Minta 'Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku' Tayang Lagi di Bioskop

Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku menjadi film dengan raihan penghargaan terbanyak dalam FFI 2019. Warganet pun mendesak agar film tersebut ditayangkan lagi di bioskop.

9 Dec 11:22 hiburan 6599523173351181917.html
Beyonce explains how miscarriages changed her life

'I began to search for deeper meaning when life began to teach me lessons I didn't know I needed'

9 Dec 14:36 PlymouthLive 6373569608088782238.html
Bristol City star sends Manchester United defender message after big derby win over Manchester City

He has been out injured since the start of the season

9 Dec 11:03 BristolLive 4740742016786194091.html
Hunde verstehen uns besser als gedacht

Hunde verstehen Begriffe wie "Platz" oder "Sitz" unabhängig von Sprecher, von der Tonhöhe oder dem Akzent. Das ist im Tierreich etwas Besonderes.

9 Dec 11:32 miss 1375730021730376918.html
I principali fatti politici di questa settimana

Sarà ancora il Mes a catalizzare il dibattito politico. Mercoledì 11 ci saranno le comunicazioni di Conte in vista del Consiglio Ue del 12. Giovedì si attende l'intervento di Renzi a Palazzo Madama, dove si discuterà di finanziamento ai partiti e caso Open 

9 Dec 09:19 Agi 2115274224298638099.html
Official: Base shooter watched shooting videos before attack

PENSACOLA, Fla. — The Saudi student who fatally shot three sailors at a U.S. naval base in Florida hosted a dinner party earlier in the week where he and three others watched videos of mass shootings, a U.S. official told The Associated Press on Saturday.

9 Dec 10:24 Whio 8204027953884774455.html
Sassari, la fisarmonica di Antonello Salis e l'Orchestra Jazz della Sardegna entusiasmano il pubblico

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 15:35 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206333354644.html
Subventionen in der Autoindustrie: Viel Geld, fraglicher Nutzen

Die Autoindustrie bekommt Milliarden aus dem Bundeshaushalt. Die Opposition vermisst die Kontrolle bei den Subventionen.

9 Dec 16:00 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323070684473.html
ACWA Power establishes new business unit in KSA

Nejree, an online sneaker retailer in the GCC, has raised $4 million in pre-Series A funding led by Alkhaila Investment Company, and Teejan Technologies Company. The new capital is expected to further fuel the Saudi-based startup’s expansion into new markets and investment in technologies to enhance online customer experience. The fund will also help to increase inventory,

9 Dec 13:09 Arab News 8912634264094396727.html
Westerhausen beendet das Jahr mit Heimsieg

Besser hätte das Jahr kaum ausklingen können für den SV Westerhausen. 2:1 gewann der Verbandsligist am Sonntag vor 132 Zuschauern auf dem Wolfsberg gegen Barleben. Wegen einiger Ausfälle wurde Marko Michaelis (35) vom Trainerduo noch einem scharfgeschaltet. „Am Ende war er ganz glücklich“, so Co-Trainer Chris Heimlich nach dem ...

9 Dec 08:56 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110614108657.html
Communism claims a ploy to tarnish democratic process, says minister

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator P. Waytha Moorthy has expressed disappointment over allegations made by a Terengganu Umno member that communist elements have infiltrated the government. In a statement today, he said such claims are clear efforts to...

9 Dec 11:54 Malaymail 302165935008765708.html
Hong Kongers await Beijing olive branch

The question on many lips now is if chief executive Carrie Lam will reach out.

9 Dec 08:00 Daily Nation 7421817125665564941.html
Turkije stuurt elf vermoedelijke jihadi's terug naar Frankrijk

Elf vermoedelijke Franse jihadi's, die gevangengehouden werden in Turkije, zijn teruggestuurd naar hun land. Dat zegt het Turkse ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken. 

9 Dec 08:34 HLN 8967494996984223836.html
BNNP Rekomendasikan 3 Tempat Hiburan Malam di Jakarta Ini Ditutup

BNNP DKI Jakarta merekomendasikan penjatuhan sanksi terhadap tiga tempat hiburan malam menyusul temuan penyalahgunaan narkoba.

9 Dec 13:51 Tempo 8197554463730838044.html
Mainstream taps Rothschild for equity partner search

Eddie O’Connor owns 55% of company

9 Dec 15:32 The Irish Times 8204772967659471393.html
Brazil will drill massive oil find despite climate concerns: minister

MADRID (Reuters) - Brazil will push to expand oil drilling in its massive “pre-salt” oil and gas area off its coast in spite of growing global concerns about climate change, the country’s energy minister told Reuters on Monday.

9 Dec 17:00 Reuters 8334514181522798724.html
Mugga Lane landfill rubbish seen strewn over nearby farms

Rubbish from the landfill has been seen hundreds of metres away from the site among paddocks and animals.

9 Dec 17:00 The Canberra Times 8662394328430912582.html
Israel Shares Its Connectivity Routes Allowing India to Bypass Strait of Hormuz

New Delhi (Sputnik): India has been taking steps to ensure the uninterrupted supply of energy including the deployment of its sailors and warships in the Strait of Hormuz. The situation arises against the backdrop of attacks on oil tankers amid tensions between Iran and the US.

9 Dec 12:24 Sputniknews 967333869410562861.html
Plea to rescue two labourers stranded in Muscat

TENKASISeeking intervention of Collector G.K. Arun Sundar Thayalan to ensure the safe release of two labourers stranded in Muscat, the Abroad Tamils’ Welfare Association a submitted petition during th

9 Dec 14:51 The Hindu 6679535024769144296.html
Gebäudereiniger Clemens Kleine meldet Insolvenz an

Die Unternehmensgruppe beschäftigt 4700 Menschen. Nun hat sie einen Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens in Eigenverantwortung gestellt.

9 Dec 11:50 Handelsblatt 4721373939745834376.html
Touristen sind nach Vulkanausbruch in Not

Eine Eruption auf White Island in Neuseeland hat mindestens fünf Todesopfer gefordert. Mehrere Personen werden noch vermisst.

9 Dec 09:47 Berner Zeitung 1248949325336922689.html
Question paper leak: HC quashes punishment for constable

Treatment meted out to three, whose names were dropped by CBI, was different

9 Dec 17:16 The Hindu 6679535025884154173.html
Hardware e software stranieri fuori dalla Cina

La Cina ha deciso di eliminare hardware e software occidentali, in particolare statunitensi, dagli uffici governativi entro i prossimi tre anni.

9 Dec 17:50 Webnews 4852331584466623396.html
Schneller Fahndungserfolg: Feuerwehrmann in Augsburg totgeschlagen: Polizei nimmt siebten Verdächtigen fest

Ein 49-jähriger Feuerwehrmann wird in Augsburg auf offener Straße bei einem Streit mit einer Gruppe junger Männer tätlich angegriffen und stirbt. Die Täter flüchten, doch schon bald ist ihnen die Polizei auf den Fersen. Keine 48 Stunden später gab es erste Festnahmen.

9 Dec 15:03 FOCUS Online 4448121230216780701.html
Konbaung era monastery in Aunglan under repair

  Local residents are repairing an over-100-year-old monastery of Konbaung Era design in Aunglan Township, Magway Region, without harming the original architecture. The monastery, built under the reign of King Thibaw in Letplanhla Village, is being repaired under the permission of the Department of Archaeology and National Museums. 

9 Dec 09:00 Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd 2672168648744636147.html
Decorated with butterflies, infant-sized coffins sent to measles-ravaged Samoa

Volunteers in the New Zealand city of Rotorua are preparing two dozen white-lined coffins to be transported to Samoa at the end of the week as the ...

9 Dec 08:55 CNA 5644198862693415324.html
Michelle Obama calls impeachment proceedings 'surreal'

Former first lady Michelle Obama called the impeachment proceedings into President Donald Trump and Ukraine surreal as the House's inquiry heads into the homestretch.

9 Dec 14:32 CHANNEL3000 830332541859857201.html
Little progress as spending talks push past weekend


9 Dec 14:55 TheHill 355432917755352283.html
Zelensky meeting with Macron, Merkel in Paris

The Ukrainian president is expected to meet with his Russian counterpart later today.

9 Dec 17:55 UNIAN 6863008972083878699.html
GOP congressman leaves impeachment hearing after Democratic attorney calls Trump a 'danger'

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert stormed out of the impeachment hearing on Monday, according to a report from CNN.

9 Dec 16:42 Washington Examiner 4625792333810027209.html
Artis Pedangdut Iis Dahlia Angkat Bicara Tentang Suaminya Pilot Pesawat Garuda Baru Yang Angkut Moge Selundupan

Akhirnya Iis Dahlia angkat bicara tentang dugaan suaminya menjadi pilot Garuda yang mengangkut moge selundupan milik AA

9 Dec 16:00 grid.id 6246371059341381419.html
Sri Mulyani Sebut PNS Pajak Urus Triliunan, Mudah Korupsi

Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengatakan, dalam lingkungan Kementerian Keuangan, yang paling mudah tergoda tindakan korupsi adalah pegawai pajak.

9 Dec 08:53 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212375782726.html
US DOJ watchdog expected to find Russia probe valid despite flaws

The United States Justice Department's internal watchdog will release a highly anticipated report on Monday that is expected to reject President Donald Trump's claims that the Russia investigation was illegitimate and tainted by political bias from FBI leaders. But it is also expected to document errors during the investigation that may animate Trump supporters.

9 Dec 15:06 Aljazeera 6642629762508696558.html
Fertigstellung der Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2 verschiebt sich

Die Inbetriebnahme der Ostsee-Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2 verzögert sich. Ursprünglich sollte zum Jahresende das erste russische Erdgas strömen. "Wir haben geplant, das Projekt in den nächsten Monaten im Einklang mit allen rechtlichen und technischen Vorgaben abzuschließen", teilte das Unternehmen am Montag mit.

9 Dec 12:50 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084849640665.html
Chairmanship Tussle: Court directs Monarchs, Fayemi to seek alternative dispute resolution

An Ado-Ekiti High Court has advised parties to the suit challenging the appointment of the Alawe of Ilawe-Ekiti Oba Adebanji Alabi by Governor...

9 Dec 15:33 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900122728855.html
Corruption biggest hurdle in country's progress: Chaudhry Sarwar

Corruption biggest hurdle in country

9 Dec 12:46 Dunya News 5863268918473215152.html
Russian cargo ship docks at International Space Station

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The International Space Station is running out of docking ports. Russia's Progress 74 cargo ship, which linked up with ISS early Monday morning, is one of five craft attached to the space station.

9 Dec 14:24 UPI 8257973864569384468.html
Vlaamse regering bereikt akkoord over klimaatplan: lagere maximumsnelheid op Brusselse Ring

De Vlaamse regering heeft een akkoord over het Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatplan voor de periode 2021-2030. Een opvallende maatregel: de maximumsnelheid op de...

9 Dec 08:08 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191009185452.html
South Carolina law lax on regulating foreign animals

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Mobs of kangaroos can roam largely unrestricted in Wisconsin, West Virginia and South Carolina, where state laws don't regulate ownership of the creatures.

9 Dec 13:05 KitchenerToday.com 52741010195460221.html
Welt-Antidopingagentur sperrt Russland für vier Jahre

Russland darf vier Jahre lang weder an Olympia noch an einer Fußball-WM teilnehmen: Mit diesem Urteil folgte das Wada-Exekutivkomitee einstimmig der Empfehlung einer unabhängigen Kommission.

9 Dec 09:29 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270532681706.html
Mauricio Pochettino continues holiday after Tottenham sack as he visits Diego Maradona

Argentina legend Maradona took charge of Gimnasia in September, and ex-Tottenham boss Pochettino was present to witness their fourth win under his former colleague

9 Dec 11:59 mirror 675785261145530098.html
EU regulators to review rules defining companies' market power

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU regulators will review two-decade old rules that determine if companies have the market power to throttle rivals or control prices to take into account globalization and digitalization, Europe’s antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager said on Monday.

9 Dec 11:21 Reuters 8334514181549217587.html
SERAP faults presidency for comparing Sowore, Bakare with Boko Haram

SERAP, has condemned the presidency for comparing Omoyele Sowore and Olawale Bakare with Boko Haram militants. It maintained that...

9 Dec 12:03 Vanguard News 4125100338765562768.html
Ahora WhatsApp puede configurar recordatorios gracias a una nueva herramienta

Pero, no todas son buenas noticias dado que se trata de una función por la que hay que pagar.

9 Dec 08:34 TiempoSur 8512931319063622605.html
New Russian warships fitted to carry hypersonic missiles: report

All Russian warships of new Projects can carry Tsirkon hypersonic missiles, President of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexei Rakhmanov told reporters on Monday. “All the new Projects of ships we are building are universal for a whole family of missiles from the standpoint of launchers, including those, which you mentioned,” Rakhmanov said, replying to a question about rearming all the Russian Navy’s combat ships with Kalibr cruise missiles and Tsirkon hypersonic weapons. As for rearming the warships operational in the Russian Navy with new missiles, the shipbuilders’ chief said he did not consider this as “a too costly issue.” However, the combat ships with the expiring service life are unlikely to be armed with Tsirkon hypersonic missiles, he added. “Perhaps, such work will be premature and this may lead partly even to unjustified expenses,” the head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation said.

9 Dec 14:29 AMN 4125648317082093630.html
Der Nobelpreisträger weicht kritischen Fragen aus

Abiy Ahmed bekommt in Oslo den Friedensnobelpreis. Der Preisträger hat Äthiopien freier, aber auch fragiler gemacht.

9 Dec 15:29 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592275102656.html
Free counter-terrorism training available to public for first time

Counter-terrorism training is going to be made available to the public for the first time to prepare them for major incidents.

9 Dec 12:14 LBC 8547475185534294261.html
Drink-fuelled all-inclusive breaks to Magaluf could be banned in hard-hitting new measures

Politicians are discussing plans to outlaw bad behaviour on the island of Majorca - and they could come into force as soon as next month

9 Dec 12:07 birminghammail 8288260685681771839.html
Presidential Symphony Orchestra to perform in new Ankara building next year

Architects working on Turkey's Presidential Symphony Orchestra building in the capital Ankara told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the new facility will be...

9 Dec 10:56 DAILY SABAH 8383944808791164607.html
Forensic investigations begin, Delhi Anaj Mandi fire echoes in Parliament

Union Minister announces probe into accident, demands higher compensation

9 Dec 16:32 The Hindu 6679535025135587589.html
Shareholders advised to vote against Richard Baker-led offer for HBC

An influential proxy advisory service is recommending shareholders vote against a takeover offer for Hudson's Bay Co. by a group led by the retailer's executive chairman.

9 Dec 14:53 CTVNews 2422791597250115410.html
Werder-Krise: Kohfeldt will Wende gegen Bayern einleiten

Nach der vierten Heimniederlage der Saison, diesmal gegen das bisherige Tabellenschlusslicht SC Paderborn, ist der Abstiegskampf bei Werder Bremen angekommen. Nun muss die sportliche Wende ausgerechnet beim deutschen Rekordmeister Bayern München eingeleitet werden.

9 Dec 13:07 weltfussball.at 3521376371096205880.html
Trabajadores exigen reinstalación en posada de General Motors

Trabajadores despedidos de General Motors protestan en la posada de la empresa.

9 Dec 17:18 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557629732916218.html
Policeman to stand trial for murder over Dalian Atkinson death

Another officer is accused of assaulting the ex-footballer during an incident in Telford, Shropshire, in August 2016.

9 Dec 12:52 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774799260880.html
JNU: Protest Over Fee Hike Turns Violent, Police Lathicharge Agitating Students

The development comes after the JNU administration rejected the students'demand for complete rollback of the proposed hike in the hostel.

9 Dec 11:31 India.com 7150386084791844734.html
Sonko remanded until Wednesday to await bail ruling

and JOOSEPH MURAYA NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 – Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and his co-accused persons were on Monday sent to remand prison after facing - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 14:04 Capital News 7605153803770725358.html
Lizzo's Thong Outfit Draws Comparisons To WWE Wrestler Rikishi

Lizzo's asset-showing thong outfit quickly spread across social media thanks to comparisons to WWE wrestler Rikishi.

9 Dec 12:14 AllHipHop 727666873380490580.html
Performa Masih Oke, Barcelona Ingin Lionel Messi Teken Kontrak Baru

Presiden Barcelona itu ingin melihat Lionel Messi menandatangani kontrak baru di timnya.

9 Dec 17:20 Bola.net 5489959027563002277.html
Wein aus gefrorenen Trauben: Eiswein Chaudelune

Die Spezialität dieser Weinbauern der Cave Mont Blanc de Morgex und La Salle in Norditalien: einen edlen Tropfen aus gefrorenen Trauben herstellen.

9 Dec 15:16 euronews 4540914626315835362.html
Myaree customers safe from wheel clamp threat after company's contract pulled

Customers and patrons parking outside a group of shops in Myaree won't have their wheels clamped, according to a local property and business owner.

9 Dec 09:24 The Age 7967730562247928660.html
Child poverty efforts must be escalated

9th December 2019

9 Dec 15:51 SCOOP 5315658998902009677.html
Arabia Saudita, abolita la segregazione femminile in ristoranti e locali pubblici

Arabia Saudita, abolita la segregazione femminile in ristoranti e locali pubblici. Non ci saranno più ingressi separati e appositi per le donne

9 Dec 10:13 ilGiornale.it 5019541225938559540.html
Elegan, Rahasia Sosialita Hong Kong Asal RI Azura Luna Tipu Pengusaha

Azura Luna mengatakan ia ingin membeli properti berupa apartemen. Tapi, sampai 3 bulan tinggal di sana, Azura tak kunjung membayar.

9 Dec 13:30 moms-life 8028540702639465844.html
Greenpeace Southeast Asia report says abuse of migrant fishers akin to modern slavery

Thirteen foreign distant water fishing vessels have been accused of abusing migrant fishers from Southeast Asia, in cases so severe it has been characterised by many as “modern slavery”. A Greenpeace Southeast Asia report called Seabound: The Journey to Modern Slavery on the High Seas presents a snapshot of the living and working conditions of …

9 Dec 08:58 The Online Citizen 1644049754226359059.html
4 Direktur Garuda Indonesia Resmi Dipecat, Siapa Penggantinya?

WE Online, Jakarta - Selain kursi Direktur Utama yang ditempati I Gusti Ngurah Ashkara Danadiputra, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Dewan Komisaris PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk juga memberhentikan empat direktur yang diduga ikut terlibat dalam kasus penyelundupan motor Harley Davidson dan sepeda mewah Brompton.

9 Dec 12:51 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835423242611.html
Air pollution exposure worsens lung function in current, former smokers

A study finds that poor air quality may reduce breathing capacity by 2.5 percent.

9 Dec 17:58 UPI 8257973865706903630.html
Normandy Four summit: schedule

The schedule does not show a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

9 Dec 12:00 UNIAN 6863008971272693766.html
HSBC reshuffles top team ahead of restructuring

Interim chief Noel Quinn plans big overhaul of group to slash costs in Europe and the US

9 Dec 11:25 Financial Times 707176890045609075.html
Jawan kills Chhattisgarh Armed Force commander, shoots self

According to a preliminary report, the SSP said, the two had a tiff over something around 6.30 am, following which the jawan opened fire.

9 Dec 12:05 The New Indian Express 4718288655045482875.html
Representatives of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals visit Baku Higher Oil School

BAKU, Azerbaijan: The Representatives of Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) visited the Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) and met its Rector Elmar Gasimov to discuss the possibilities of establishing cooperation between the two Universities and prospects for effective collaboration, Azerbaijan State News Agency AZERTAC reported. The meeting was attended by the Dean of College of Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences of KFUPM Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Kaabi, the Doctor of Philosophy in Geology and the Deputy Head of the Geological Sciences Department Dr John Humphrey, the Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics Dr SanLinn Kaka, the Head of the Oil and Physics Program at the Center for Integrative Petroleum Research Dr Jack Dvorkin, the Special Assistant to the Dean of College of Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences of KFUPM Mohammad Al Maziad, and BHOS employees. The BHOS Rector Elmar Gasimov noted that Baku Higher Oil School is the first English-language technical University in Azerbaijan, which conducts…

9 Dec 09:24 Dispatch News Desk 1078940130430726814.html
Met department warns of heavy rains

Meteorological Services Department (MSD) has issued a warning of heavy rains across the country on different days from today till Thursday December 12. In a sta...

9 Dec 17:29 Bulawayo24 News 5565663538894963818.html
Dichiara falsamente di essere in possesso di patente

L'uomo è stato immediatamente denunciato dai carabinieri

9 Dec 13:05 AvellinoToday 5452883946492701774.html
Dozens feared dead following eruption of New Zealand volcano

Police said aircraft had seen no signs of life.

9 Dec 17:00 Shropshire Star 3480199992508682038.html
Ashutosh Gowarikar's Panipat faces trouble as #BoycottPanipat trends

Ashutosh Gowarikar's Panipat starring Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon is facing some trouble after its release. Reportedly, the audience in Rajasthan is terribly upset with this historical drama and the portrayal of their ruler in the film.

9 Dec 16:26 Filmfare.com 6668806037818154456.html
Komisi VI: Dinas Industri di Daerah Belum Sentuh Masyarakat

KBRN, Jakarta : Anggota Komisi VI DPR RI, Nasim Khan menyoroti peran dinas industri di sejumlah daerah yang belum mengembangkan dan menyentuh masyarakat daerah. Hal ini dikatakan Nasim Khan

9 Dec 15:35 RRI News Portal 6700853644222119930.html
Arsenal: Central midfield is where everything starts

Arsenal have many problems on the pitch. Subsequently, there are many changes that need to be made, but it all starts with the central midfield. It would b...

9 Dec 14:00 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845313967028843.html
Fintiri swears-in newly elected LG Chairmen in Adamawa

Gov. Ahmadu Fintiri of Adamawa has sworn in 21 newly elected council chairmen in Adamawa. Speaking at the ceremony on Monday in Yola

9 Dec 13:52 The Guardian 7580308504035693117.html
Ari Askhara Dipecat, PHRI Kekeh Sebut Garuda Dalang Mahalnya Tiket Pesawat, Ini Penjelasannya

Wakil Ketua Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI), Maulana Yusran menilai Garuda adalah dalang kenaikan harga tiket pesawat.

9 Dec 12:54 Tribunnews.com 3323534446650382967.html
Ukraine-Gipfel: Hoffen auf einen Durchbruch

Frankreich, Deutschland, Russland und die Ukraine ringen um den Frieden im Donbas. Viel Hoffnung lastet auf dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj, doch ohne Zugeständnisse Wladimir Putins geht praktisch nichts.

9 Dec 14:03 GMX 2011843076211483945.html
Kinderpornografieprozess: Gericht sperrt Öffentlichkeit aus

Pforzheim/Karlsruhe (dpa/lsw) - Im Pforzheimer Prozess gegen einen 44-Jährigen wegen Verbreitung von Kinderpornografie ist am Montag für die Plädoyers die Öffentlichkeit ausgeschlossen worden. Damit darf auch das darin geforderte Strafmaß nicht mitgeteilt werden, wie eine Gerichtssprecherin weiter sagte. Dies wird sich zwischen vier Jahren und vier Jahren und vier Monaten bewegen - darüber hatte es im Verlauf des Prozesses eine Verständigung gegeben. Der Mann aus dem Raum Pforzheim hatte die Vorwürfe eingeräumt. (Aktenzeichen 16 KLs 629 Js 29141/19).

9 Dec 16:41 DIE WELT 6197693429356114713.html
Turkey tackles power supply problems in liberated areas of N Syria

Turkey is dealing with a power supply problem in a recently liberated area in northern Syria after the PKK-affiliated People's Protection Units (YPG) were...

9 Dec 10:45 DAILY SABAH 8383944809775416146.html
Macquarie Uni races tech giants to build AI medical scribe

Calls for data to beat out Google, Microsoft.

9 Dec 13:40 iTnews 4425008561067996580.html
ISS recommends shareholders vote against Baker-led offer for HBC

TORONTO — An influential proxy advisory service is recommending shareholders vote against a takeover offer for Hudson's Bay Co. by a group led by the retailer's executive chairman.

9 Dec 13:47 KitchenerToday.com 52741010114735528.html
Warum ich diese Weihnachts-Besoffenheit unerträglich finde

Unser Kolumnist Frank Nägele fragt sich, was genau wir eigentlich an Heiligabend feiern.

9 Dec 10:50 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568116968093.html
Einde van een maandenlange soap: Team Ineos haalt wereldkampioen tijdrijden Rohan Dennis binnen

De kogel is door de kerk. Rohan Dennis (29) koerst voortaan voor Team Ineos. De Australiër tekent voor twee jaar voor de Britse wielerformatie. “Ik voel de...

9 Dec 11:11 De Standaard 2288913869222516424.html
British model Lily Cole backs climate change hunger strikers

LONDON (Reuters) - British model and actress Lily Cole on Monday visited two elderly climate change activists from the Extinction Rebellion group who have been on hunger strike outside Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party headquarters for 22 days.

9 Dec 16:44 Reuters 8334514180415453689.html
Wisconsin Guard leader resigns in wake of sex assault review

The commander of the Wisconsin National Guard agreed to resign at Gov. Tony Evers' request Monday, following the release of a scathing federal report that found the Guard defied federal law, regulations and policies for years over the handling of soldiers' sexual assault and harassment complaints

9 Dec 14:32 Yahoo 7097669637795551449.html
Trump to meet with Russian foreign minister Tuesday

President Donald Trump is planning to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday in Washington, an encounter that is sure to draw significant scrutiny amid several ongoing controversies involving Trump and Russia.

9 Dec 14:55 CHANNEL3000 830332542472094419.html
Something funky happens to metal melting point under pressure

The melting point of metals usually goes up under pressure, but it may actually go down with about 300,000 times the pressure of Earth's atmosphere.

9 Dec 08:00 Futurity 5051862824803471013.html
Ini yang Dilakukan Pep Guardiola Setelah Fred Jadi Korban Aksi Rasialis

Manchester United berhasil mengalahkan Manchester City pada pekan ke-16 Premier League 2019-2020, Minggu (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 09:53 Bola.net 5489959028600730963.html
Wole Soyinka withdraws Osinbajo award nomination over Sowore’s detention

THE Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) said it has withdrawn the presentation of award to the Nigerian Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo following the Department of States Services’ (DSS) invasion of the court and repression of freedom of speech...

9 Dec 13:51 The ICIR 2244788521164471904.html
Titik Tujuan Tak Terbaca Aplikasi Grab? Ini Cara Daftarkan Alamatmu

Sekarang kamu bisa menambahkan sendiri dengan mudah bila alamat tujuan kamu tak terbaca aplikasi Grab.

9 Dec 11:42 detikinet 7802439221868525708.html
Ministry launches initiative to sort wastes at source in hospitals, health centers

Doha: The General Services Affairs Sector at the Ministry of Municipality and Environmental (MME) in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has launched a programme for sorting wastes at  source and recycling it at the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Health and health centres run by the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC).

9 Dec 08:26 The Peninsula 1202843881297690759.html
Vice President highlights limp action to prevent illegal trade

  Despite the inability to prevent and control illegal trade effectively, illegal goods worth over Ks15 billion were confiscated over the past 14 months, Vice President Myint Swe told local businesspeople.  The Private Sector Development Committee held the 31st meeting with Myanmar entrepreneurs at the office of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Yangon on December 8. 

9 Dec 08:15 Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd 2672168647614029396.html
Snake delays Ranji game

In an unusual turn of events, a snake crawled its way into the ACA cricket ground here on the opening day of the Ranji Trophy match between Andhra and Vidarbha.This delayed the start of the match by

9 Dec 15:18 The Hindu 6679535025046902440.html
Takut Lipstiknya Berantakan, Pengantin Ini Mangap Lebar Saat Makan Bakso

Tampil cantik di hari pernikahan memang dambaan semua pengantin wanita. Demi menjaga make up agar tidak berantakan, wanita ini rela makan dengan gaya yang kocak

9 Dec 11:30 detikfood 4586606520998872425.html
Dipo Awojide becomes first Nigerian to be honoured as LinkedIn Top Voice

Last week, LinkedIn unveiled its annual Top Voices list. This list highlights professionals in a variety of industries who are building communities and starting thoughtful conversations on LinkedIn through their articles, posts and comments. Dr Dipo Awojide, a Senior Lecturer in Strategy at Nottingham Business School (UK), and Founder of BTDT Hub and BTDT Home […]

9 Dec 17:29 The Guardian 7580308504089436628.html
Besiktas chief rules out potential January swoop for Everton striker Cenk Tosun

Everton striker Cenk Tosun continues to be linked with a move away from the club

9 Dec 12:34 Liverpool Echo 7727211174007593127.html
False fire cladding claims caught out by regulator's new teeth

Fire testing reports have been a frequent focus of the Queensland Building and Construction Commission since it was granted stronger investigative powers.

9 Dec 10:11 The Age 7967730562332313501.html
Apple's Ad-Targeting Crackdown Shakes Up Ad Market

Two years ago, Apple launched an aggressive battle against ads that track users across the web. Today executives in the online publishing and advertising industries say that effort has been stunningly effective -- posing a problem for advertisers looking to reach affluent consumers. The Information ...

9 Dec 09:10 apple.slashdot.org 3244615216643885983.html
Varta profitiert von Milliardenförderung für Batteriezellen

Der baden-württembergische Batteriehersteller Varta gehört zu mehreren Unternehmen, die von einer Milliardenförderung für die europäische Batteriezellenfertigung profitieren sollen. Die EU-Wettbewerbshüter in Brüssel haben dafür am Montag grünes Licht gegeben. Fördermittel sollen in Deutschland unter anderem auch die Autobauer BMW und Opel sowie ...

9 Dec 14:56 Börse Express 3714356348961931778.html
Deutsche Umwelthilfe: Diese Politiker belasten das Klima mit ihren Dienstwagen am meisten

Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe stellt ihre Dienstwagen-Umfrage vor. Das Ergebnis ist blamabel: Kein einziger Dienstwagen der Spitzenpolitiker hält EU-Grenzwerte ein.

9 Dec 15:30 RTL.DE 7054729453630287247.html
Seamus Golf Unveils Collaboration With Nike

The Seamus x Nike Golf Air Zoom Victory Tour can be worn on and off the course.

9 Dec 14:00 HYPEBEAST 3806037269540920515.html
Supreme Court leaves Kentucky's ultrasound law in place

The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions. The justices did not comment in refusing to review an appeals court ruling that upheld the law. Enforcement of the law had been on hold pending the legal

9 Dec 14:43 Yahoo 7097669637673652535.html
Fransk politiker funnet skyldig i trakassering

Den radikale franske venstrelederen Jean-Luc Mélenchon er funnet skyldig i trakassering av politifolk og en offentlig tjenestemann.

9 Dec 15:08 TV 2 8210067769312665506.html
Church nativity scene depicts figures as refugees separated in cages

A California church is displaying a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages to draw attention to the conditions faced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States.

9 Dec 11:48 CHANNEL3000 830332542891227667.html
7 Potret Keseruan Keluarga Mark Zuckerberg yang Jarang Tersorot, Sederhana

Mark Zuckerberg juga dikenal sebagai sosok sederhana.

9 Dec 08:06 liputan6.com 5422146881740762331.html
Pensacola hit with cyberattack day after deadly Naval base shooting

The city of Pensacola, Florida, was hit with a cyberattack just one day after a deadly shooting at the Naval base there — though it’s unclear if the events are connected, officials

9 Dec 17:43 New York Post 7654946769189822086.html
European Union to prolong Russia sanctions: German minister

EU leaders will renew economic sanctions against Russia when they meet for a summit this week, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said Monday. Maas said he saw no reason to relax the measures imposed on Moscow over its role in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The sanctions target whole sectors of the Russian economy, including its valuable oil and gas industries.

9 Dec 15:26 WION 1570469241560132687.html
Regionali Calabria, confermato lo scoop di Affari: Santelli candidata del Cdx

La Santelli si è dimessa dall'incarico di vicesindaco di Cosenza

9 Dec 10:18 Affari Italiani 6123405402862925194.html
Report: Russian fighters intercepted Israeli jets over Syria

Russian Su-35 fighter jets reportedly scrambled to intercept Israeli fighters over Syria, block them from carrying out airstrikes.

9 Dec 14:31 Israel National News 5374683670522721595.html
Executives at state-run companies oppose privatisation of BPCL

Thousands of workers have already protested the privatisation of BPCL, fearing job losses, as India plans to invite international energy firms to participate in the privatisations

9 Dec 16:02 Business Today 1145527432489468926.html
The surprising things stolen from luxury hotel rooms

When checking out of a five-star hotel, thrifty travelers have been known to slip a few shower caps, mini-shampoos or even slippers into their suitcases.

9 Dec 15:00 CHANNEL3000 830332541164702726.html
Eye in the sky: how satellite positioning could help Australian mines

New satellite technology could be worth A$6bn to the Australian economy; we speak to Geosciences Australia about the technology’s potential in mining.

9 Dec 14:00 Mining Technology 639193375692846299.html
Bargeldversorgung in der Westschweiz nach Überfällen erschwert

Der Versicherer für die Geldtransporte der Post hat den Versicherungsschutz für Transporte nach Daillens eingestellt.

9 Dec 13:23 SRF 8424707179717416870.html
Saudi gunman tweeted against US before naval base shooting

The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim.

9 Dec 10:50 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202115034314.html
Ngunjiri Wambugu's Appeals Force Police Into Action

The brutal beating caught Ngunjiri's attention forcing him to call upon the police officers to take action on the...

9 Dec 14:34 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154500776489.html
Twitter stands by temporarily suspending Fox's Hegseth for posting Pensacola terrorist's manifesto

Twitter is standing by its decision to temporarily suspend Fox & Friends host Pete Hegseth after he posted the Pensacola terrorist's manifesto on the social media platform.

9 Dec 15:14 Washington Examiner 4625792332792151913.html
Salut, RI Serahkan Bantuan Alat Kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit di Gaza

WE Online, Gaza - Yayasan NPC bekerja sama dengan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Yordania menyerahkan alat kesehatan berupa mesin pemeriksaan dan pendeteksi penyakit dalam dan penyakit jantung kepada Gaza, Palestina.

9 Dec 14:15 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835126573362.html
Supreme Court leaves Kentucky's ultrasound law in place

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions.The justices did not comment in refusing to review an appeals court ruling that upheld the law. Enforcement of the law had been on hold pending the legal challenge but will begin shortly, said Steve Pitt, general counsel to Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin.The American Civil Liberties Union had challenged the law on behalf of Kentucky's lone remaining abortion clinic. The ACLU argued that “display and describe” ultrasound laws violate physicians' speech rights under the First Amendment.

9 Dec 16:27 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760849191724.html
Olivia Colman and Phoebe Waller-Bridge among Golden Globe nominees

The nominees were announced during a ceremony in Beverly Hills.

9 Dec 14:00 Shropshire Star 3480199992059317054.html
He Suffers From Serious Memory Lapses, Raila Reacts On Mudavadi Autobiography

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader and AU High Representative for Infrastructure Raila Odinga has addressed the remarks made by Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi.Odinga ha

9 Dec 08:47 KahawaTungu 3304128543002092515.html
"Fressnapf" verkauft um Weihnachten keine Kleintiere

Ein Haustier ist kein Geschenk und dessen Kauf soll auch nicht an einem Feiertag festgemacht werden. Ein Haustier zu schenken ist eine langfristige Entscheidung und soll besser getroffen werden, wenn Feiertage und Trubel vorüber sind", sagt Hermann Aigner, Geschäftsführer Fressnapf Österreich.

9 Dec 14:25 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084971825236.html
Halbfinale des DHB-Pokals ausgelost

Titelverteidiger THW Kiel trifft im Halbfinale des deutschen Handball-Pokals auf den Bundesliga-Konkurrenten TBV Lemgo Lippe, wie die Auslosung in Hamburg ergab.

9 Dec 12:31 sport.de 3321967091552977105.html
MOBI to Develop Mobility Payments Network for Machine-to-Machine Transactions Based on Blockchain 

MOBI, the Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative, is exploring blockchain for use in a new digital mobility ecosystem that could make transportation safer, more affordable, and more widely accessible. According to reports from Bloomberg on December 8, the non-profit organization is developing a blockchain-based payment network that allows for machine-to-machine transactions.

9 Dec 14:00 BTC Manager 8549607151243612265.html
UP cabinet okays Zurich Airport International plan to develop Jewar airport

The new airport will be designed, developed and operated under a 40-year concession period and the Swiss firm will invest more than Rs 4,500 crore in it

9 Dec 09:22 Business-Standard 1502508925700744302.html
Persebaya Bungkam Bhayangkara FC, Syaifuddin Optimistis Menatap Laga Kontra Arema FC

Persebaya Surabaya meraih kemenangan besar atas Bhayangkara FC yang menjadi modal untuk menghadapi Arema FC di laga selanjutnya.

9 Dec 12:30 Bola.com 1695722603394250300.html
Mettler Toledo releases the 2nd edition of Its Best Practice Guide

In the second edition of its guide for chemical and petrochemical manufacturing, Mettler Toledo (Urdorf, Switzerland; www.mt.com) reveals how the latest tr

9 Dec 12:17 Chemical Engineering 9204118373359085197.html
Ibu Ini Panik Temukan Tanda Hitam di Atap Mulut Putrinya, Namun Ia Jadi Tertawa dan Malu Begitu Benda Itu Berhasil Dikeluarkan

Seorang ibu merasa khawatir dan takut setelah dia melihat tanda hitam besar di bagian atas mulut putrinya.

9 Dec 14:53 grid.id 6246371059911654481.html
Guardiola admits Manchester City standards have slipped

Pep Guardiola says Manchester City may no longer be able to match the standards of the best teams after a painful defeat against Manchester United left them 14 points behind Premier League leaders,...

9 Dec 13:07 Punch Newspapers 3524240993964195599.html
AG William Barr told Trump that Rudy Giuliani has become a liability, The Washington Post reports

Attorney General William Barr counseled President Donald Trump that his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has become a liability for his administration, The Washington Post reported Sunday, citing people familiar with the conversations.

9 Dec 12:43 ABC15 Arizona 911680910867923043.html
Teller aantal verdachten Delfts sextortion-onderzoek stijgt naar 48

In een grootscheeps onderzoek naar sextortion is het aantal aangehouden verdachten in de afgelopen maanden opgelopen van 30 naar 48. 'Ook deden inmiddels 50 slachtoffers aangifte en maakte het onderzoeksteam bijna 125.000 euro aan ontnemingen op', zo meldt de politie maandag.

9 Dec 15:05 Blik op nieuws 5468169447754242820.html
Saudi gunman tweeted against US before naval base shooting

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) - The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.

9 Dec 15:38 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636963517452.html
School teacher fights for job in court battle with principal

A teacher at Malek Fahd Islamic School is suing the school for allegedly taking action against her for raising security concerns after the Christchurch massacre.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730561494047721.html
Madison Refugee Union, Jewish Social Services rally for refugee resettlement

The Madison Refugee Union and Jewish Social Services rallied at the Capitol on Sunday to spread awareness of the refugees resettling in the city.

9 Dec 14:06 CHANNEL3000 830332542402197827.html
Astra knallt in Frontera

Ein 77-Jähriger aus Osterwieck, der am Sonntag mit einem Pkw Opel Astra die K 1334 in Richtung Zilly gegen 17.40 Uhr unterwegs war, hatte beim Linksabbiegen auf die B 244 einen entgegenkommenden Opel Frontera übersehen und stieß mit diesem ...

9 Dec 13:42 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109966986522.html
Amazon accuses Trump of 'improper pressure' to influence Pentagon contract decision

Amazon is accusing President Trump of exerting "improper pressure" to influence the Pentagon to award a lucrative cloud-computing contract to Microsoft instead of Amazon, which was a clear

9 Dec 15:57 TheHill 355432918134323906.html
Medien: Doll vor Entlassung bei Nikosia

Thomas Doll steht Medienberichten zufolge vor einer Entlassung bei APOEL Nikosia. Im Laufe des heutigen Montags soll die Trennung offiziell verkündet werden. Doll hatte erst vor vier Monaten das (...)

9 Dec 09:07 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784973363689.html
Tamil Nadu village auctions panchayat seats to raise money for temple

It seems like the people of Nadukuppam village panchayat have decided to raise money for social welfare and other development works by auctioning off the panchayat posts, instead of electing their leaders.

9 Dec 12:15 India Today 4286117813848849430.html
Watford appoint Craig Shakespeare as assistant head coach

Former Leicester boss Shakespeare has reunited with new Watford head coach Nigel Pearson.

9 Dec 17:48 Shropshire Star 3480199992455832294.html
Nieuw Ottomaans Rijk krijgt vorm in Middellandse Zee

President Erdogan probeert al jaren het Turkse grondgebied te vergroten, maar met matig succes. Nu gooit hij het over een andere boeg: Turkije claimt een groot deel van de Middellandse Zee.

9 Dec 17:20 RD.nl 6406779841312254617.html
Apple lands first Golden Globe nominations; Netflix leads field

Streaming services including Apple TV+, Netflix and Amazon Prime nets many of the nominations for both TV shows and films.

9 Dec 16:36 euronews 7318238120945102439.html
Britanski izbori u brojkama

Britanci će za tri dana glasati na izborima koji će odrediti ne samo ko će u narednom periodu upravljati Velikom Britanijom već i kako će, a možda i da li će, zemlja napustiti EU.Dok političke partije pokušavaju da pridobiju na svoju stranu neodlučne birače, evo nekih brojki oko kojih će se vrteti izbori.Pravo glasa na izborima za 650 poslaničkih mesta ima oko 46 miliona Britanaca. Partija koja osvoji apsolutnu većinu formira vladu a njen lider postaje premijer. Ako nijedna stranka ne osvoji dovoljan broj poslaničkih mesta, ona koja ih ima najviše može pokušati da formira manjinsku vladu ili koaliciju s nekom drugom partijom.Vladajući konzervativci su u trenutku raspisivanja izbora imali 298 poslanika, što znači da im je za većinu falilo više od 20. Gubitak većine nakon devet godina vlasti konzervativaca doveo je do toga da premijer Boris Džonson nije imao uspeha u usvajanju mera potrebnih za istupanje iz EU. Džonson tvrdi da će u slučaju pobede "sprovesti Bregzit u delo".Opozicioni laburisti su raspuštanje parlamenta…

9 Dec 17:10 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501082063920063.html
Auckland’s socio-economic gap driving participation down

The spotlight was on social inequality at the recent Sport and Recreation Sector Event 2019: Making Auckland the world’s most active city, with international benchmarking from Portas Consulting revealing that deprivation in Auckland affects participation more than in London, Stockholm and Singapore.

9 Dec 11:02 SCOOP 5315659000314562522.html
Michelle Obama visits Mekong Delta, promotes girls' continued education - VnExpress International

Former US first lady Michelle Obama visited the Mekong Delta Monday, stressing the importance of continued education for girls and young women.

9 Dec 13:53 VnExpress International – Latest news, business, travel and analysis from Vietnam 7631321455110579697.html
China will weiter Uiguren in umstrittenen Lagern "ausbilden"

Trotz weltweiter Kritik will die chinesische Regierung weiterhin die Bevölkerung der Unruheprovinz Xinjiang in umstrittenen Lagern "ausbilden". "Mit Hilfe der Regierung" hätten Schüler "sichere Arbeitsplätze" erlangt und "ihre Lebensqualität verbessert", sagte der Vorsitzende der Provinz, Shohrat Zakir, am Montag bei einer Pressekonferenz.

9 Dec 09:08 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083169592986.html
EastEnders confirms first look at Lee Carter return as disaster strikes Walford

EastEnders spoiler pictures have confirmed a first look at Lee Carter's return to Walford this Christmas

9 Dec 10:26 Irish Mirror 2875825628799289741.html
South Korea jails three Samsung Elec execs over evidence destroyed in probe of alleged fraud

A South Korean court on Monday jailed three executives of Samsung Electronics for their role in a plot that included burying computers under ...

9 Dec 17:20 CNA 5644198862247409657.html
Manchester City Tak Cukup Baik, Kata Guardiola

Manchester City kehilangan peluang pertahankan gelar Liga Inggris dan jadi juara tiga kali beruntun usai kekalahan mengejutkan dalam derby Minggu (7/12)., Liga Inggris

9 Dec 08:36 Gilabola.com 481785379558456137.html
Raih Apresiasi, Ini Deretan Proyek EPC Hutama Karya

PT Hutama Karya mengerjakan sedikitnya 14 proyek jasa konstruksi dan pengadaan pembangkit energi serta pengelolaannya hingga periode akhir 2019.

9 Dec 09:00 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214283749553.html
Erstmals "reanimiertes" Spenderherz in Österreich transplantiert

Mit der Methode sollen auch Herzen nach einem längeren Kreislaufstillstand verwendet werden können. Das könnte  Transplantationszahlen steigern und somit Wartezeit für Patienten verkürzen.

9 Dec 12:00 Die Presse 6242788855133447919.html
Stress im Advent: Hotline gegen Weihnachtsstress

Eine Hotline des Christophsbads hilft Eltern bei familiären Konflikten in der Vorweihnachtszeit und den Feiertagen.

9 Dec 08:16 swp.de 6929179441666089448.html
China Larang Pakai Microsoft Cs, Wall Street Diimplikasi Lesu

Pukul 17:20 WIB, kontrak futures Dow Jones dan S&P 500 turun 36,06 dan 3,31 poin, kontrak futures Nasdaq terkoreksi 10,87 poin.

9 Dec 10:26 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212227487763.html
Jokowi Tegur Bank BUMN yang Masih Meminta Agunan dalam Penyaluran KUR

Jokowi juga mendapat laporan bahwa ada bank yang hanya memindahkan catatan kredit komersial menjadi KUR.

9 Dec 09:20 Katadata News 179777406097242949.html
Prayed for a happy Telangana, says Governor

Tamilisai Sounderarajan accorded a ‘purnakumbh’ welcome by Yadadri temple priests

9 Dec 15:35 The Hindu 6679535024730036508.html
Doping-Skandal: Wada sperrt Russland für Olympische Spiele

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentug Wada hat Russland für seine Rolle im Doping-Skandal für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen ausgeschlossen.

9 Dec 11:24 euronews 4540914626369133710.html
Snapchat test functie die gezicht gebruikers in video's plakt

Snapchat test een nieuwe functie waarbij het gezicht van gebruikers over gezichten in bestaande video's wordt geplakt.

9 Dec 09:32 RTLZ 8052859356514209324.html
Teni the Entertainer set to take Lagos on the Billionaire experience this December

Teni Apata popularly known as Teni Makanaki & The Entertainer will be live in concert as she thrills fans to an unforgettable experience this December in Lagos with the Billionaire Experience Concert. This event organized by S&S entertainment in partnership with Bet9ja will bring more excitement on the scene this festive period. Many have been […]

9 Dec 17:40 The Guardian 7580308504436992747.html
QC councilors ask for longer work hours for traffic enforcers during Yuletide season

With the traffic congestion expected to worsen further this Yuletide Season, Quezon City officials have asked local traffic authorities to add two hours per shift to the schedules of the city’s traffic field enforcers to help lessen public inconvenience.

9 Dec 12:15 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199396302249.html
Target Tercapai, Gelandang Persik Anggap Gelar Pemain Terbaik Bonus

Midfielder Persik Kediri, Taufiq Febriyanto menganggap gelar individu berupa pemain terbaik adalah bonus.

9 Dec 17:37 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548982251214.html
Gonjang-ganjing Kasus Mama Muda Gantung Diri di Jambi yang Viral Usai Unggah Soal Pelakor di Facebook, Diduga Sedang Hamil Muda hingga Dibunuh Suami Sendiri

Belum lama ini beredar kabar viral tentang mama muda di Jambil yang gantung diri usai unggah soal pelakor di Facebook.

9 Dec 15:29 grid.id 586386473313576231.html
Japan PM Abe discussing Japan visit by Iranian President Rouhani

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday that Tokyo is in discussions about a visit to Japan by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani this month, an attempt to try to resolve Iran’s nuclear impasse with the United States.

9 Dec 10:22 Reuters 8334514180681767315.html
Regeringsvorming België opnieuw in impasse

De vorming van een federale regering in België is opnieuw in een impasse geraakt. Regeringsinformateur Paul Magnette heeft koning Filip gevraagd hem van zijn opdracht te ontheffen. De koning houdt zijn beslissing in beraad en begint met consultaties, aldus een mededeling van het paleis nadat Magnette zijn eindverslag was komen aanbieden.

9 Dec 16:21 RD.nl 6406779842161043132.html
Anambra Business and Investment Roundtable seeks to shape the future

The 3rd edition of the Anambra Business and Investiment Rountable (ABR) took place on November 25, 2019; the theme was “Beyond Infrastructure

9 Dec 08:57 Vanguard News 4125100340429934302.html
Kurzfassung der Vornotierungserklärung für Sibanye Stillwater Limited

1. EinführungIm Anschluss an die von der Gesellschaft am 5. Dezember 2019 veröffentlichte Mitteilung über die Veröffentlichung des Scheme Circular und der Sibanye-Stillwater Pre-Listing-Erklärung haben wir nachfolgend die verkürzte Pre-Listing-Erklärung für Sibanye-Stillwater dargelegt. 2. Sibanye-Stillwater Verkürzte Erklärung zur Vornotierung2.1 ...

9 Dec 09:27 Börse Express 3714356348044217686.html
Rapper Juice WRLD stirbt nach Krampfanfall

Mit seiner Mischung aus harten Rap-Elementen und melancholischen Texten galt er als große Newcomer-Hoffnung. Er wurde nur 21 Jahre alt.

9 Dec 11:09 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593054639266.html
Has the public sector remote working revolution really been effective?

David Beggs, practice director at Managementors, explores just how successful public sector remote working has really been for productivity

9 Dec 16:24 Open Access Government 7441385495003316635.html
Kontra dengan Kondisi Vicky Prasetyo yang Diperiksa Polisi, Angel Lelga Justru Bermalam di RS

Vicky Prasetyo akan diperiksa sebagai tersangka kasus dugaan penggerebekan rumah Angel Lelga pada hari ini (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 11:51 Tribunnews.com 3323534446665051419.html
Nederlandse bedrijven keren weinig dividend uit, vooral het mkb

Bedrijven in Nederland keren relatief weinig geld uit aan aandeelhouders en dat is al zo sinds het jaar 2000. Vooral mkb-bedrijven zijn zuinig, in 2017 potten ze maar liefst 90 procent van de winst op.

9 Dec 16:21 RTLZ 8052859357598376318.html
Decorated with butterflies, infant-sized coffins sent to measles-ravaged Samoa

Volunteers in the New Zealand city of Rotorua are preparing two dozen white-lined coffins to be transported to Samoa at the end of the week as the ...

9 Dec 08:55 CNA 5644198864225668291.html
Kalvin Phillips set for Leeds return against Hull

Phillips sat out Leeds’ win at Huddersfield on Saturday through suspension.

9 Dec 16:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774901477034.html
Kalvin Phillips set for Leeds return against Hull

Phillips sat out Leeds’ win at Huddersfield on Saturday through suspension.

9 Dec 16:40 Express & Star 7324224458878266999.html
Europa bouwt ruimtestofzuiger die grote afvalhoop rond de aarde moet terugdringen

Europa wil een speciaal vaartuig bouwen dat satellieten gaat opruimen. Dit moet de hoeveelheid ruimteafval in een baan rond de aarde terugdringen. Zulke ‘ruimtestofzuigers’ bestaan momenteel nog niet.

9 Dec 11:06 HLN 8967494996959737793.html
Trovati in possesso di una pistola della I Guerra Mondiale, denunciati

Ora, per loro, sono guai seri

9 Dec 13:10 AvellinoToday 5452883946779440954.html
Princess Beatrice's wedding plans are being affected because of Prince Andrew

Princess Beatrice only recently got engaged to property tycoon Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi when he popped the question in September of this year

9 Dec 16:25 Buzz.ie 7092425148479602788.html
Mann bei Verpuffung lebensgefährlich verletzt

ei einer Verpuffung in seinem Wohnhaus im Saale-Orla-Kreis ist ein 80-Jähriger am Wochenende lebensgefährlich verletzt worden. Wie die Polizei am Montag mitteilte, flog ein Hubschrauber den Mann am Samstag mit schweren Verbrennungen am ganzen Körper in eine Spezialklinik in ...

9 Dec 16:12 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110782780573.html
Campagne wijst op gevaar negeren rode kruisen

Voor het negeren van rode kruisen boven de snelweg zijn dit jaar al ruim twee keer zoveel boetes uitgeschreven als in 2018. Het totaalaantal boetes dat de politie en Rijkswaterstaat hiervoor opleggen komt dit jaar naar verwachting ruim boven de 10.000 uit. Op het negeren van de rode kruisen staat een boete van minimaal 240 euro.

9 Dec 14:19 RD.nl 6406779840913844079.html
Skandal beim Wiener Derby: Austria-Fans hissten Nazi-Flagge

Im Rahmen des Wiener Derbys konnte sich der verbannte Austria-Fanklub "Unsterblich" wieder negativ in Szene setzen.

9 Dec 10:03 Kurier 208072237979639049.html
Large study: Smoking increases risk for gestational diabetes

Pregnant smokers at higher risk for gestational diabetes, Hebrew University study finds.

9 Dec 11:59 Israel National News 5374683670455236507.html
Odebrecht: fiscales interrogan a exdirectivo Eleuberto Martorelli

Esta tarde, los fiscales del Equipo Especial Lava Jato iniciaron el interrogatorio al exejecutivo de la empresa brasileña Odebrecht, Eleuberto Martorelli.

9 Dec 12:53 andina.pe 9054036848470706182.html
Seppie, aragoste, salmoni e gamberi irregolari nascosti dietro le cassette di pesce: sequestro sulla Romea

VENEZIA - Seppie, aragoste, salmoni e gamberi irregolari nascosti dietro le cassette di pesce. Sequestrata sulla Romea una tonnellata di pesce priva di etichettatura di tracciabilità. A...

9 Dec 15:59 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143445893111247.html
Bawa Persebaya Tembus Lima Besar, Aji Santoso Belum Puas

Kemenangan besar atas Bhayangkara FC membuat Persebaya Surabaya berhasil menembus peringkat kelima klasemen sementara Shopee Liga 1 2019. Green Force berhasil mengoleksi total 45 poin

9 Dec 14:21 Bola.net 5489959028911821873.html
Russia to learn Olympic fate over doping violations later on Monday

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will learn later on Monday whether it will be hit with a four-year Olympic ban for tampering with doping-related laboratory data, a decision local officials have said they fear may not be taken fairly.

9 Dec 08:01 Reuters 8334514180605272228.html
Nurkovic reveals Middendorp half-time dressing-down

Kaizer Chiefs striker Samir Nurkovic has revealed the dressing-down given to the Amakhosi players by a less-than-pleased Ernst Middendorp.

9 Dec 08:22 Sport 682566035184829447.html
MI Bali Target Loloskan Lima Atlet Kualifikasi PON di Jakarta

KBRN, Singaraja: Berada dalam group neraka pada Kualifikasi Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX/2020 di Papua, Bali yang ditarget menerjunakn lima atlet pada cabang olahraga Muaythai memasang diri

9 Dec 13:10 RRI News Portal 6700853645541254303.html
USR PLUS Alliance, joint candidates in local elections

The Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) Alliance will have joint candidates in the local elections, with each...

9 Dec 16:59 Stiri pe surse 4858045013145285372.html
Supreme Court Lets Kentucky Abortion Ultrasound Law Take Effect

The law requires doctors to show and describe ultrasounds to women seeking abortions. Challengers said it violated the First Amendment.

9 Dec 16:55 NY Times 1961078288852080279.html
America's deceit over Afghanistan quagmire disclosed in blunt confidential interviews

Senior US officials routinely misled the public about success in Afghanistan, fiddling statistics and metrics to spin a conflict they knew was going badly, according to a trove of confidential assessments.

9 Dec 13:47 The Telegraph 140598092950922375.html
How Cambridge Analytica profiled voters and what it means for India

Voter psychological profiles were built to determine political enthusiasm, political orientation, frequency in voting and consistency in voting for the same political party

9 Dec 08:45 Business-Standard 1502508926225200776.html
Se qualcosa non funzionasse

È che stiamo completando degli interventi per rendere migliore il Post, e per qualche ora potremmo sospendere gli aggiornamenti

9 Dec 08:23 Il Post 6291746503577559391.html
Finally, PlayStation gets cross-platform Minecraft tomorrow

And you need an Xbox login to play.

9 Dec 15:00 Eurogamer.net 1957885127098938775.html
Dodelijke brand in New Delhi schokt koning Carl Gustaf

Koning Carl Gustaf van Zweden en zijn vrouw Silvia hebben geschokt gereageerd op de dodelijke brand in de Indiase hoofdstad New Delhi. In een telegram aan president Ram Nath Kovind heeft het koningspaar laten weten mee te leven met India.

9 Dec 10:37 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048312854279.html
West Lothian Council agrees to sell off historic Linlithgow buildings

The former town museum is now in private hands

9 Dec 11:14 dailyrecord 552235480516864101.html
Ein Sieg, der Kopfzerbrechen bereitet

Viktoria Rebensburg gewinnt den Super-G von Lake Louise, will sich aber trotzdem vor allem auf den Riesenslalom konzentrieren.

9 Dec 16:42 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593767809369.html
Sebastian Suhl to Exit Valentino

Suhl joined the couture house in January 2018 as managing director of global markets.

9 Dec 15:01 WWD 5490910669145839246.html
Netflix dominates Golden Globes nominations while Apple lands its first

Streaming movies outnumber conventional ones in the Best Picture category.

9 Dec 10:42 Engadget 96641516476278812.html
Trump impeachment drive enters crucial week in divided Congress

Democrats accuse Trump of abusing his power by allegedly linking military aid for Ukraine and a White House meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky to a request...

9 Dec 12:33 New Vision 9103146372662312783.html
Tentative deal on trade pact

House Democrats have reached a tentative agreement with labour leaders and the White House over a rewrite of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal that has been a top priority for President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 15:06 Castanet 616068602590261263.html
Josje Huisman probeert opnieuw de Slimste te zijn

Josje Huisman gaat haar algemene kennis nogmaals testen op televisie. De voormalig K3-zangeres is een van de deelnemers aan het vijftiende seizoen van De slimste mens, maakte KRO-NCRV maandag bekend.

9 Dec 08:43 RTL Boulevard 1500115272314605739.html
ISPA challenges proposed blocking of adult Web content in SA

The body says proposals to block all adult Web content will not protect children.

9 Dec 09:57 ITWeb 642894139975994928.html
FG: All agencies, ministries must publish details of financial activities daily

The federal government has directed that all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) must publish a daily statement of their financial activities

9 Dec 14:20 TheCable 7513571675191305943.html
Intel previews AI advances in software testing, sequence models, and explainability

Ahead of NeurIPS 2019, Intel previewed a few of the academic papers and workshops it plans to give during the conference.

9 Dec 16:00 VentureBeat 6273363636043275829.html
Genjot Penerbangan Perintis, Aceh Pesan 4 Pesawat Nurtanio

Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Aceh memesan 4 unit pesawat Nurtanio (N219) produksi PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI).

9 Dec 11:31 detikfinance 4442190000602084833.html
Playing sports may carry benefits for hearing

Dec. 9 -- Playing sports may improve the brain's ability to process sounds, a finding that could lead to new therapies for people who struggle with hearing, researchers report.

9 Dec 17:42 UPI 8257973865435003348.html
Awards recognition for Hope for Autism sports coach

Majella Kerr was named disability coach of the year by sportscotland for her work with young people at the Airdrie charity.

9 Dec 15:18 dailyrecord 552235480732880610.html
How Manchester United masterminded the counter attack tactic vs Man City

Man United's quick and direct attacks early in the match proved too much for Man City as Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's plan came together.

9 Dec 13:00 men 6694993429002393819.html
WSCIJ postpones Osinbajo’s integrity award over Sowore

The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) said it has postponed the presentation of its integrity award to Nigeria vice president Yemi Osinbajo over the detention of Sahara Reporters publisher Omoyele Sowore. “The postponement was decided on, to align with protests against the repression of #FreedomOfSpeech in recent times, especially the incidence between the […]

9 Dec 09:06 The Guardian 7580308504948841392.html
National outdoor clothing chain set to take over empty high street building

A planning application has been submitted for the former Nationwide Building society premises

9 Dec 12:58 DevonLive 2469244512311445856.html
Cyclone alert lifted for French island of Mayotte

The French Indian Ocean island of Mayotte was bracing for a major cyclone.

9 Dec 14:24 Times of Oman 5168079156519156935.html
Ngalahin Jokowi, Gaji Fantastis Pilot Garuda Bikin Ngiler

WE Online, Jakarta - Suami dari pedangdut Iis Dahlia, Satrio Dewantoro, diketahui merupakan pilot yang menerbangkan pesawat Garuda Indonesia pengangkut Harley Davidson dan sepeda Brompton selundupan.

9 Dec 12:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835109268338.html
Supreme Court declines to hear ACLU challenge to Kentucky's abortion ultrasound law

Kentucky's new restrictions on abortion will be allowed to stand without further challenge. The Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to the law requiring women see a fetal ultrasound and listen to a heartbeat before getting an abortion, giving no comment for its Monday decision. Now, the bill signed into law by recently outvoted Gov. Matt Bevin (R) will go into effect. Bevin signed the abortion restriction into law in 2017, and it has been entangled in court challenges ever since. The ACLU contended that the ultrasound and fetal heartbeat had no medical backing and that mandating them violated doctors' free speech rights. But the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the plaintiffs, declaring "as a First Amendment matter, there is nothing suspect with a state's requiring a doctor, before performing an abortion, to make truthful, non-misleading factual disclosures." Only four Supreme Court justices have to say they want to hear an appeal in order for it to appear on their docket. Yet this was a free…

9 Dec 17:40 The Week 149215355048795433.html
First Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer sees return of film favourites

The first trailer for the new Ghostbusters film sees newcomers Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard making their franchise debuts.

9 Dec 16:00 Shropshire Star 3480199991479940704.html
Sudah Lap Pakai Sanitizer, Tapi Pengguna Disarankan Tidak Tabur & Makan Fries Dari Dulang!

Dulang yang terdapat di restoran ini tidak dicuci setiap kali pelanggan selesai menggunakannya tetapi hanya di-lap menggunakan kain serta solusi pembasmi kuman.

9 Dec 09:26 SAYS 6412808304677357129.html
Melania Trump unveils White House Christmas decorations

The first lady released photos and a video of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue decorated for Christmas with the theme "The Spirit of America."

9 Dec 11:58 Yahoo 7097669637535992422.html
Gary Kirsten might mentor Enoch Nkwe during England series

The proposal sent to CSA makes nine recommendations to restructure the board after its current crisis | ESPNcricinfo.com

9 Dec 08:20 ESPNcricinfo 4926159650932855341.html
Mannen nat en onderkoeld uit trein gehaald

De hulpdiensten hebben maandagochtend drie kletsnatte en onderkoelde mannen uit een trein in Venlo gehaald. Volgens de brandweer was een van hen maandagochtend in Eindhoven te water geraakt, en er door twee andere mensen uitgehaald. Het drietal stapte vervolgens op de trein naar Venlo. Daar zijn ze in het ziekenhuis aangehouden door de politie.

9 Dec 11:53 RD.nl 6406779841506368570.html
Zodiak Gemini, Aries, dan Leo Tak Suka Diperintah Orang Lain

Beberapa tanda zodiak yang benci diberitahu apa yang harus dilakukan dalam bentuk atau cara apa pun.

9 Dec 14:33 Tempo 6965386208635147340.html
Cambodia to start opposition leader trial in January

PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - The trial of Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha on treason charges will begin on Jan. 15, a court said on Monday.

9 Dec 11:45 Reuters 8334514180769724395.html
Miss South Africa wins Miss Universe competition

South African Zozibini Tunzi took the Miss Universe crown on Sunday in Atlanta

9 Dec 12:20 euronews 7318238120756630771.html
India needs support from advanced nations to fight climate change: Govt

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a global Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) at the United Nations (UN) Climate Action Summit 2019 held in New York on September 23.

9 Dec 14:30 Business-Standard 1502508925641798698.html
JazzCash monthly active subscribers cross 7 million

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Emerging as the market leader for the third consecutive year, JazzCash has proudly announced an active base that now stands at over seven million users. JazzCash is fast becoming the most popular and trusted digital financial services brand in Pakistan. Transaction values have also increased by 42% compared to the previous year and have crossed the PKR 1 trillion mark; customers carried out 0.5 billion transactions through the service. On this occasion Jazz CEO Aamir Ibrahim said, “JazzCash offers its users diversified financial services aimed at meeting their evolving financial needs. The traction we have gained in terms of the number of active users, the value and the volume of transactions is evidence that we have both made headway in terms of enhancing financial inclusion and also gained customer trust.” JazzCash is on a mission to provide every Pakistani access to a range of financial services through secure and accessible channels with an easy to use USSD menu, user-friendly mobile…

9 Dec 13:42 Dispatch News Desk 1078940132217044845.html
Todesfall: Jazztrompeter Herbert Joos gestorben

Starb im Alter von 79 Jahren in Baden-Baden. Joos war Mitglied im legendären Vienna Art Orchestra.

9 Dec 14:22 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700168763198.html
FBI and US Marshals warn of heinous scammers demanding payments via Bitcoin ATMs

The United States Marshals and Federal Bureau of Investigation don't want you to forget about Bitcoin scammers pretending to be people they're not.

9 Dec 14:21 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801509593789546.html
Torloses Hessenderby: Lilien-Coach Grammozis mit positivem Fazit

Es war ein durchaus spannendes, aber letztlich torloses Derby zwischen Wiesbaden und Darmstadt. Die beiden Coaches

9 Dec 09:44 TAG24 4583887874061043276.html
Democrats poised to unveil two impeachment articles vs. Trump

House Democrats are poised to unveil two articles of impeachment against U.S. President Donald Trump -- abuse of power and obstruction of Congress -- with an announcement expected early Tuesday.

9 Dec 11:01 CTVNews 2422791599134571999.html
Putin set for landmark Paris talks on Ukraine conflict

No comprehensive peace deal is expected from the afternoon meeting -- mediated by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel -- but diplomats hope that the exercise will help to boost trust between the two men.

9 Dec 10:50 Saudi Gazette 6913978436156226917.html
Tobias Rattingers bei seiner 2. Europameisterschaft am Start

LAC Amateure Steyr Sportler war am Wochenende EM-Teilnehmer in Portugal. STEYR. Tobias Rattinger (U23) lief von Beginn an ein konstantes Tempo am Ende des Feldes und belegte schlussendlich über die 8225m lange Strecke in 27:27 Minuten Rang 75 unter 84 Startern.

9 Dec 17:36 meinbezirk.at 5267640332471653800.html
Vistara signs codeshare agreement with Lufthansa, 6th with overseas airline

As part of the agreement, Lufthansa will add its 'LH' designator code to nearly 18 Vistara-operated flights every day covering ten Indian cities, including Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai

9 Dec 08:00 Business-Standard 1502508925236658846.html
Epic Games Store incorpora las microtransacciones para videojuegos de third-parties

La tienda online de Epic Games, hasta ahora, no permitía este tipo de medidas para las compañías que publican los juegos. Los estudios third-party que quieran publicar sus videojuegos en Epic Games Store ya podrán sumar microtransacciones a sus propuestas, y...

9 Dec 11:30 3DJuegos 3383023119862594300.html
Satellites are changing the night sky

The stars we can see from Earth could soon be outnumbered by a swarm of satellites.

9 Dec 09:15 The Japan Times 6673764367556238562.html
Govt Needs Stronger Anti-Corruption Measures: Danish

Sarwar Danish, Afghanistan’s second vice president, addressed a gathering on Monday-- International Anti-Corruption Day-- and said: “Despite some achievements, we have not been completely s

9 Dec 08:04 TOLO news 5578851437994444872.html
China bans all government departments from using US-made technology

Defining what counts as foreign might be interesting, though.

9 Dec 08:29 Engadget 96641514753733804.html
Paratici incontra il Barcellona: nodo Rakitic, richiesta per Bernardeschi

Fabio Paratici ha incontrato il Barcellona nelle scorse ore per tornare a parlare di mercato. A gennaio potrebbe esserci spazio per qualche movimento di mercato e secondo quanto riporta Calciomercato.com

9 Dec 10:00 il BiancoNero 8980755940206499548.html
Giliran Ular Sanca Makan Bebek Gegerkan Warga Depok

Ular sanca sepanjang kurang lebih empat meter ditemukan warga saat sedang mencoba menelan seekor bebek.

9 Dec 15:43 Tempo 8197554464953312039.html
Met Eireann predicts stormy weather and possibly snow this week

As Storm Atiyah clears Ireland Met Eireann is forecasting a week of cold weather with wintry showers and very cold conditions.

9 Dec 13:34 Buzz.ie 7092425146969443522.html
Calcio: proteste di piazza a Teheran per Stramaccioni

Dopo rescissione tifosi contro ministero, match a porte chiuse (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:15 ANSA.it 1300837446734458106.html
Where households can save their money

Recent trends show a decent return in low-risk instruments. However, inflation has diminished the actual income on savings

9 Dec 15:30 BusinessLine 5283601535804953.html
Jokowi Kesal Rest Area Penuh Waralaba Kopi-Ayam Goreng Asing

Jokowi kesal bahwa produk lokal kalah dominasi dengan produk kopi atau ayam goreng waralaba asing.

9 Dec 09:35 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212814337607.html
EUA sanciona funcionarios venezolanos por sobornos y venta de pasaportes

El Departamento del Tesoro subrayó que los funcionarios "vendieron pasaportes a ciudadanos no venezolanos", entre ellos libaneses, iraníes y sirios

9 Dec 11:02 EL DEBATE 4396150894937152034.html
Environmental group in Singapore pushes for sustainable palm oil use

Environmental group in Singapore pushes for sustainable palm oil use

9 Dec 16:10 The Independent 5308065343342225680.html
Tech, climate change creating new inequalities: UN

A new generation of global inequalities fueled by climate change and technology could trigger violence and political instability if left unchecked, the United Nations warned on Monday. Climate change

9 Dec 10:48 Deccan Herald 2027555796228905985.html
NNPC seeks support in curbing oil pipelines vandalism

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)  on Monday called on Nigerians and security agencies to join its effort at curbing the menace of oil....

9 Dec 14:06 Vanguard News 4125100339796344556.html
Army Personnel on Election Duty in Indian State Kills Company Commander Before Shooting Himself Dead

New Delhi (Sputnik): The issue of suicide and ‘fratricide’ - when a soldier or police officer kills a fellow service member in the Indian armed forces was recently raised in the Lower House of the Indian Parliament, with the government citing policies undertaken to check such incidents.

9 Dec 12:44 Sputniknews 967333868017354285.html
Army helicopters sent in to rescue dozens stranded at Centurion hotel

The air force was called in on Monday to rescue numerous people trapped by flood waters as heavy rain continued to pelt Centurion and other parts of Gauteng.

9 Dec 12:33 TimesLIVE 7950036620779465259.html
Manchester United fans identify full strength team when everyone's fit

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer could soon have a dilemma when Paul Pogba returns from injury and other Man Utd players are available.

9 Dec 16:45 men 6694993429277390090.html
Avoid These Shopping Dates This Christmas

The Commonwealth Bank Christmas Consumer Spending Study has compiled transaction data from previous Decembers to show the quietest and busiest shopping periods over the month. If you still haven't done your Christmas shopping, this graph can help you to avoid the Christmas rush. (And if you work in retail, use it to...

9 Dec 15:22 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168471775146.html
Muzani: Kader Gerindra yang Bukan Jubir Berwenang Bicara di Komisinya

"Ya di luar dari itu kami nggak punya hak untuk melarang. Karena mereka sesungguhnya punya kewenangan untuk bicara di komisinya, untuk bicara di dapilnya."

9 Dec 11:33 detiknews 8793960224282405029.html
Bald im Kanzleramt? Kramp-Karrenbauer durfte schon üben

Für die sogenannte Morgenlage im deutschen Kanzleramt standen die Türen laut Medienbericht auch anderen CDU-Funktionären offen.

9 Dec 16:08 Kurier 208072239071747282.html
Britain faces most history-shaping election since WWII

LONDON (AP) - Britain is facing the most testing and significant period in its modern history since World War II.

9 Dec 08:51 WFXT 6395891953714175110.html
WADA executive committee bans Russia from Olympics, world championships for 4 years

Russia has been embroiled in doping scandals since a 2015 report commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) found evidence of mass doping in Russian athletics.

9 Dec 10:48 India Today 4286117813889385486.html
Xpander Filipina Kena Recall, Begini Sejarah Mobil Buatan Cikarang Itu

Mitsubishi di Vietnam dan Filipina melakukan recall produk Xpander karena ada masalah pada pompa bahan bakarnya.

9 Dec 12:17 Katadata News 179777405360076790.html
Floods worsen in Johor while Kelantan fully recovers

JOHOR BARU, Dec 9 — The number of flood victims currently housed at the temporary relief centres (PPS) in Kota Tinggi has increased to 39, as of 5pm, compared to 19 victims recorded at noon today. State Local Government, Urban Well-being and Environment Committee chairman Tan Chen Choon, in a...

9 Dec 12:56 Malaymail 302165934756892844.html
Warnstreiks bei Secop sind vorerst abgeblasen

Ab 12 Uhr hätten heute im Fürstenfelder Secop-Werk die Anlagen still stehen sollen, doch der Warnstreik wurde kurzfristig abgesagt. Grund: Am Sonntag ...

9 Dec 12:18 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093747697134.html
In a first, Sri Lanka appoints military officer as intelligence chief

It is the first time in Sri Lankan history that a military officer had been appointed as the SIS chief, it added

9 Dec 11:55 Business-Standard 1502508925425481961.html
Win kaarten voor het zondagochtendconcert in De Doelen

Wil jij aanstaand weekend naar De Doelen in Rotterdam voor een zondagochtendconcert? Mail dan nu naar prijsvraag@rijnmond.nl en maak kans op twee kaarten. We geven in totaal 25 keer twee kaarten weg.

9 Dec 12:56 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228081602427.html
Taakstraf voor Kroon om kopstoot en schennis

Militair Marco Kroon, drager van de Militaire Willems-Orde, wordt veroordeeld tot 100 uur taakstraf voor het met opzet uitdelen van een kopstoot tijdens zijn aanhouding door de politie tijdens carnaval in Den Bosch op 3 maart.

9 Dec 13:56 RD.nl 6406779841034547603.html
Ho Catholic Diocese marks end-of-year Grotto pilgrimage

news, story, article

9 Dec 14:58 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610621974761.html
4 Direksi Garuda Indonesia Resmi Dipecat, Siapa Penggantinya?

WE Online, Jakarta - Selain kursi Direktur Utama yang ditempati I Gusti Ngurah Ashkara Danadiputra, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Dewan Komisaris PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk juga memberhentikan empat direksi yang diduga ikut terlibat dalam kasus penyelundupan motor Harley Davidson dan sepeda mewah Brompton.

9 Dec 12:51 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834222302293.html
Jersey's changing climate

THE dramatic change in Jersey’s climate has been laid bare in new data which reveals the Island is seeing a significant rise in temperatures and is coming to the end of its hottest decade since records began.

9 Dec 16:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774801106116.html
Iis Dahlia Sebut Suaminya Satrio Dewandono Jadi Pilot yang Bawa Harley Davidson: Jangan Tanya Lagi

Penyanyi Iis Dahlia buka suara soal kasus Dirut Garuda, Ari Askharayang menyelundupkan kendaraan mewah di pesawat.

9 Dec 11:53 Tribunnews.com 3323534444961622551.html
Fertigstellung der Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2 verschiebt sich

Die Inbetriebnahme der Ostsee-Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2 verzögert sich. Ursprünglich sollte zum Jahresende das erste russische Erdgas strömen. “Wir haben geplant, das Projekt in den nächsten Monaten im Einklang mit allen rechtlichen und technischen Vorgaben abzuschließen”, teilte das Unternehmen am Montag mit. Ein Zeitpunkt für die Fertigstellung könne aufgrund des Wetters nicht genannt werden. Zuvor […]

9 Dec 12:46 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170255471473.html
Volkswagen, gli impianti tedeschi sono poco efficienti

Il capo della produzione del marchio tedesco, Andreas Tostmann, non si accontenta: "In Germania dobbiamo fare di più"

9 Dec 09:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656029796801.html
Farbige Säcke zur Wertstofftrennung finden in Bern Anklang

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 09:58 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776744856157.html
Singapore authority revokes Inter-Pacific Petroleum’s bunker supplier licence

SINGAPORE, Dec 9 — The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has revoked the bunker supplier licence of Inter-Pacific Petroleum Pte Ltd effective today. In a statement here, MPA said Inter-Pacific would cease to operate as a bunker supplier in the Port of Singapore. According to the...

9 Dec 09:06 Malaymail 302165936319975258.html
Oud-leden verboden pedoclub Martijn in besloten kring verder, OM start onderzoek

Twee prominente oud-leden van de verboden pedovereniging Martijn zijn online weer volop actief en strijden voor de legalisatie van seks tussen volwassenen en kinderen. In een besloten e-maillijst, waar RTL Nieuws toegang tot kreeg, worden zelfs tips gedeeld om kinderen te misbruiken.

9 Dec 11:29 Bright.nl 6602863322787756576.html
Rachmat Kaimuddin, CEO Baru Pilihan Para Pendiri dan Direksi Bukalapak

Bukalapak resmi menunjuk Rachmat sebagai pengganti Achmad Zaky. Rachmat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan engineering dan manajemen finansial.

9 Dec 09:40 Katadata News 179777407273521380.html
Feuerwehrmann stirbt nach Angriff - sechs Teenager verhaftet.

Augsburg unter Schock: Zwei Ehepaare geraten mit einer Gruppe junger Männer in Streit. Ein 49-Jähriger stirbt, die Täter entkommen zunächst. Nun trauert die Feuerwehr um einen Kameraden, und die Poli

9 Dec 12:15 GMX News 4492287763162476782.html
Amazon Prime Video Reveals Characters From Its Upcoming Original Series Hostel Daze

After Mirzapur and Made In Heaven's success, Amazon Prime Video is coming up with new series titled as 'Hostel Daze'. They have just released the trailer and it's garnering praises from all around. Th

9 Dec 12:57 Koimoi 5184275670548513969.html
MRT dan KAI Patungan Bentuk Perusahaan untuk Integrasi Transportasi Jabodetabek

Perusahaan baru tersebut nantinya mengatur sejumlah stasiun besar di Jakarta. Misalnya Stasiun Senen, Tanah Abang dan Juanda.

9 Dec 11:38 merdeka.com 1998180355300335747.html
Quella sinistra smemorata che non riconosce di avere inventato il populismo

I n principio furono Gianfranco Funari, Michele Santoro e Gad Lerner. Fu quello il micidiale tridente catodico che per primo portò «la piazza» negli studi televisivi e mise «il popolo» sotto i riflettori, collocandolo stabilmente al centro della scena. Il popolo sembrò gradire. Stette al gioco, alzò i toni del risentimento, sfruttò con naturale disinvoltura la possibilità di dire finalmente la propria e con vivo entusiasmo colse l'opportunità di esibirsi in Tv.

9 Dec 08:18 ilGiornale.it 5019541224412252062.html
Disney warns new Star Wars movie could trigger seizures in people with epilepsy

'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,' the highly anticipated conclusion to the Skywalker saga, could trigger seizures in photosensitive people, Walt Disney Studios said.

9 Dec 15:41 CTVNews 2422791597640687609.html
Equip SHS with Smart Boards to enhance efficiency - Government urged

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:40 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609466008472.html
Amazon SLASHES alcohol prices in Christmas gift sale BONANZA

Laphroaig and Bowmore whisky, Bulleit bourbon, Plymouth gin, Mount Gay rum and much more discounted at Amazon

9 Dec 10:15 T3 267522093928249765.html
US labor board will investigate Google's recent firings

US labor relations board will determine if Google violated federal labor laws and discouraged union organizing.

9 Dec 15:40 Engadget 96641515089496273.html
Basler Scientologen bieten Nachhilfeunterricht für Kinder an

Mit einem Flyer wirbt die umstrittene Organisation für günstige Nachhilfe-Stunden.

9 Dec 16:36 SRF 8424707178997309497.html
EU opens subsidies for electric battery push

BRUSSELS, Dec 9 — The EU’s powerful anti-trust authority today approved billions of euros in subsidies from seven member states as Europe seeks to make up lost ground in batteries. The move is part of a big push led by Germany and France to prepare Europe for the emergence of electric cars, as...

9 Dec 15:24 Malaymail 302165935616634888.html
Kementerian BUMN Jawab Rumor Jonan Jadi Bos Garuda

Kementerian BUMN buka suara terkait rumor Mantan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan yang bakal ditarik menjadi Direktur Utama PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

9 Dec 13:30 detikfinance 4442190000446915706.html
Asylwerber in Lehre: Vier-Parteien-Einigung zu letzten Details

Bis zum Inkrafttreten sollen Lehrlinge mit negativem Asylbescheid nicht abgeschoben werden.

9 Dec 17:48 Die Presse 6242788854542046089.html
Twin makes incredible gesture for Brain Tumour Charity

Naomi Gywnne, 10, from Hamilton, handmade hundreds of bookmarks to sell at the Christmas fair at Beckford Primary School.

9 Dec 09:00 dailyrecord 552235480245506977.html
#PulsoEmpresarial La influencia de la cultura en el comportamiento del consumidor

El estudio de la cultura es una tarea desafiante, ya que se enfoca primordialmente en el componente del comportamiento social más amplio, una sociedad entera, o bien, en la comparación de diversas culturas.

9 Dec 15:35 El Impulso 879547506285194379.html
Britanski izbori u brojkama

Britanci će za tri dana glasati na izborima koji će odrediti ne samo ko će u narednom periodu upravljati Velikom Britanijom već i kako će, a možda i da li

9 Dec 17:10 Krstarica 4176903988971035266.html
Configureer een mesh-netwerk met een Fritz!Box

Met de Fritz!Box-routers van AVM is het heel gemakkelijk om een mesh-netwerk op te zetten. Wij leggen uit hoe je dat doet.

9 Dec 11:00 iCreate 5140431716694496192.html
Slob wil scholen meer vrije ruimte geven

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Scholen mogen in de toekomst 30 procent van de onderwijstijd naar eigen inzicht invullen. Dat is volgens verantwoordelijk minister Arie Slob nodig om het lespakket minder overladen te maken.

9 Dec 08:05 Nieuws.nl 2419030130375775028.html
Taiwan urged to ease rules to attract AI talent

To tackle ongoing brain drain, Taiwan businesses are keen on adopting AI solutions to accelerate operation upgrades and transformations, but what counts more is how they can attract more high-level foreign AI and other tech professionals to work in Taiwan to sustain innovation momentum, according to some experts.

9 Dec 08:24 DIGITIMES 8411283748054135985.html
Pertamina EP Ungkap Progres Pengeboran Tiga Sumur Eksplorasi

Salah satu sumur sudah diuji coba produksi. Pengeboran ketiga sumur ini bakal meningkatkan produksi Pertamina EP.

9 Dec 10:32 Katadata News 179777407010568031.html
Onstuimige dag met hoog water en harde wind

Op meerdere plekken in de regio Rijnmond zorgen de harde wind en het hoge water voor overlast. In Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Maassluis en Rotterdam staat het water tot op de kades. Ook kreeg de brandweer meldingen van omgewaaide bomen en afgebroken takken.

9 Dec 15:22 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228044272334.html
Diese Notrufuhr muss nicht aufgeladen werden

Der Schweizer Hersteller SmartLife Care hat eine Notrufuhr entwickelt, die mit Batterie zwei Jahre läuft.

9 Dec 11:30 PCtipp.ch 1321585803260263820.html
Ilse Warringa weer te zien in satirische zondagavondshow

Ilse Warringa (44) keert volgend jaar terug op de zondagavond op NPO 3. Ze heeft een grote rol in de satirische show Nieuw Zeer van de NTR. Hierin komen sketches voorbij over pijnlijke onderwerpen uit de maatschappij. Dat maakte Suzanne Kunzeler, netmanager van NPO 3 bekend.

9 Dec 15:40 RTL Boulevard 1500115270701393674.html
Putin meets new Ukraine leader for first time

Both leaders met along with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

9 Dec 17:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774102070220.html
Banjac: Ostajem potpredsjednik DNS-a

BANJALUKA - Potpredsjednik DNS-a Darko Banjac demantovao je navode pojedinih medija da je podnio ostavku na ovu funkciju.

9 Dec 15:44 Nezavisne novine 4209150642646623586.html
Statement on White Island eruption

The New Zealand Cruise Association is very concerned about some visitors to White Island at the time of the eruption who are passengers from the Ovation of the Seas which is visiting Tauranga.

9 Dec 17:51 SCOOP 5315658998809225004.html
Sowore: Wole Soyinka Centre postpones award to Osinbajo

Following the rearrest and continuous detention of Omoyele Sowore, the Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ)

9 Dec 14:03 Vanguard News 4125100340771739102.html
Severn Trent celebrates up-and-coming stars with Tech Awards sponsorship

West Midlands utility is backing the leaders of tomorrow by sponsoring the Young Tech Talent category at our annual awards

9 Dec 15:00 birminghammail 8288260684958393850.html
La tragedia de siempre

De nuevo, las tragedias causadas por el uso de la pólvora ilegal en diciembre se convierten en la que parece ser compañera eterna de la Navidad en Colombia. Es la resistencia a cambiar patrones culturales que arriesgan a niños y adultos, aprovechando las dificultades de las autoridades para hacer cumplir las normas que pretenden proteger la integridad de los seres humanos.En los primeros ocho días de este, el que debiera ser el mes de la alegría, ya van veintidós personas quemadas en el Valle, seis de ellos niños y niñas. Es la repetición de un drama anunciado en el cual miles de colombianos arriesgan su existencia y consumen sus recursos económicos sin detenerse a pensar en los peligros que corren ellos, sus hijos y sus bienes.Cada año, las autoridades anuncian medidas drásticas y se preparan para evitar lo que ha causado muerte, lesiones irreparables y destrucción, frustrando el futuro de muchas personas y ocasionando lutos irreparables. Por supuesto, existe una industria que cumple con las exigencias y ofrece…

9 Dec 14:55 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347309360029.html
Nog een probleem voor Menno Snel: Ombudsman heropent onderzoek naar dwangbevelen

Belastingdienst gaf verkeerde informatie aan ondernemers

9 Dec 11:52 ThePostOnline 3048418755769394082.html
Erste Infos zu neuen Alpenland-Wohnungen

In St. Pölten-Viehofen entstehen neue Wohnungen der Alpenland. Erste Details für Interessierte wurden präsentiert.

9 Dec 15:27 NÖN.at 2486998932311437210.html
Britons feared missing after volcano erupts in New Zealand

White Island erupted with a large plume of ash and steam on Monday.

9 Dec 17:14 Express & Star 7324224459940285724.html
TM elevates OYO Hotels and Homes experience with Unifi

OYO Malaysia and Telekom Malaysia have jointly announced a commercial and marketing arrangement that will benefit local and foreign travellers. With this partnership, OYO Hotels and Homes guests can stay connected in Malaysia with seamless broadband and entertainment experience powered by Unifi.

9 Dec 12:49 SoyaCincau.com 3698931832688699048.html
Chronic Pain Is an Impossible Problem

A “safe” alternative to opioid painkillers turns out to be not so safe.

9 Dec 15:46 The Atlantic 100708436390688571.html
Changes approved at Bolton skip hire site despite local health fears

A local councillor says Lostock Skip Hire is linked to a spate of coughs, skin irritation and asthma

9 Dec 11:59 men 6694993428784928959.html
Jangan Coba Naik Tol Layang Kalau Belum Tahu Akses Daruratnya

Tol Layang Jakarta-Cikampek punya beberapa akses darurat.

9 Dec 13:21 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213456762464.html
Kedok Penipuan Hampir Rp 1 M Terbongkar, Vicky Prasetyo Langsung Rencanakan Gerebek Angel Lelga

Drama Vicky Prasetyo gerebek Angel Lelga di dalam kamar bersama Fiki Alman ternyata hanya jebakan. Bukan sebuah perselingkuhan, Angel Lelga sebut Vicky sengaja jatuhkan nama baiknya karena kedok penipuannya terbongkar.

9 Dec 15:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087990444242251.html
LOHA designs affordable housing complex for difficult site in Los Angeles

Steel shipping containers will be used to form this affordable housing complex on a triangular site in Los Angeles, designed by LOHA.

9 Dec 15:00 Dezeen 1175672638404193716.html
LOHA designs affordable housing complex for difficult site in Los Angeles

Steel shipping containers will be used to form this affordable housing complex on a triangular site in Los Angeles, designed by LOHA.

9 Dec 15:00 Dezeen 1175672637984668390.html
Tougher financial accountability rules come into force in UK

Asset managers, independent financial advisers and hedge fund managers are lable for bans or nines

9 Dec 16:51 The Irish Times 8204772969141608139.html
Menteri Agama Bakal Bicarakan UU Pesantren dengan Nadiem Makarim

'RUU Pesantren nanti akan kolaborasi dengan Mendikbud. Rancangannya masih direncanakan,' ujar Fachrul Razi

9 Dec 11:51 Tribunnews.com 3323534446174092036.html
These are the bullets that killed JFK

The above GIF was created from new 3D scans of the bullets that killed president John F. Kennedy. The GIF shows two bits of the bullets that killed the president along with another mostly complete …

9 Dec 17:20 Boing Boing 4601305168799977240.html
Beleaguered DR Congo rainforest attacked on all sides

An array of global and local NGOs are in a tense fight to save the rainforest, which lost an area twice the size of Luxembourg last year alone, according to Global...

9 Dec 12:34 New Vision 9103146373456058381.html
Haus verkaufen: Wertermittlung einer Immobilie: Diese Möglichkeiten haben Sie

Beim Verkauf einer Immobilie, ist es wichtig, ihren Wert zu ermitteln. Die Ermittlung kann mit einer Immobilienbewertung oder einem Gutachten erfolgen. Wo genau der Unterschied liegt und wann welche Option die bessere Wahl ist.

9 Dec 10:16 FOCUS Online 4448121231243773509.html
Smartly Avoid General Electric Stock Dividend for Capital Appreciation

Reassuring news that General Electric was keeping its dividend should move GE stock higher. But, profit-taking is likely to occur first.

9 Dec 15:41 InvestorPlace 24614510545485327.html
Trouble brews in post-election Sri Lanka

Two weeks after the election of hardliner Gotabaya Rajapaksa in Sri Lanka, the prospects for justice and reconciliation between the different communities on the island lie in tatters. The victory of Gota, as he is commonly known, sent shockwaves across the Tamil-dominated northeast - where memories of his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa's brutal presidency, marked by mass atrocities and enforced disappearances, remain fresh. 

9 Dec 10:43 Aljazeera 6642629761951331184.html
Zurich Italia, nuova nomina a capo della commercial insurance

Zurich Italia rafforza il proprio Executive Team con l’ingresso di Massimiliano Roveda nel ruolo di head of commercial insurance.

9 Dec 11:29 bluerating 6922469336178743457.html
Solapur garment makers eye global market

The plan come in the backdrop of garment manufacturers from Maharashtra coordinating to set up half a dozen garment parks.

9 Dec 16:07 The Hindu 6679535024692568486.html
Voetbalclubs beboet na schenken alcohol aan minderjarigen: 'Dit is gewoon uitlokking'

Verschillende voetbalclubs in de gemeente Groningen hebben een boete gekregen van 1400 euro wegens het schenken van alcohol aan minderjarigen.

9 Dec 13:53 RTV Noord 3728677365943561502.html
Einzelne EU-Staaten denken über Exportverbot von Medikamenten nach

Die EU-Gesundheitsminister haben sich am Montag besorgt gezeigt über Lieferengpässe bei Medikamenten. Auch die Schweiz kennt dieses Problem. Nun prüfen einzelne EU-Staaten die Einführung eines punktuellen, zeitlich beschränkten Exportverbots von Arzneimitteln.

9 Dec 14:05 bz BASEL 5287163742260270370.html
Thefts of defibrillators over weekend is criticised

CCTV footage shows two men stealing defibrillator from outside a shop in Drogheda

9 Dec 12:01 The Irish Times 8204772967557983734.html
Ookla Data Reveals Which Americans Are Stuck With Satellite Internet

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use.

9 Dec 16:45 Extremetech 653399568865092646.html
Pregnant Smokers at Higher Risk for Gestational Diabetes, Hebrew University Study Finds

Gestational diabetes affects between 7.6% and 9.2% of pregnant women in the US and occurs mostly during the last trimester of pregnancy. Such a pregnancy is often concluded with birth by cesarean section.

9 Dec 12:58 Breaking Israel News 540123162067923155.html
Study points to Aussie tooth decay issues

A new study has revealed high rates of untreated tooth decay among Australian adults.

9 Dec 16:32 PerthNow 6839538509660864563.html
Russia to learn Olympic fate over doping violations later on Monday

Russia will learn later on Monday whether it will be hit with a four-year Olympic ban for tampering with doping-related laboratory data, a decision local officials have said they fear may not be taken fairly.

9 Dec 12:57 WION 1570469241984108280.html
Marriage Story leads nominations for 77th Golden Globe Awards

The nominees for the 77th Golden Globe Awards were announced today with six nominations for Marriage Story, and five for The Irishman and Once Upon a Time

9 Dec 16:28 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299834589438.html
The Curious Case of the Concussion Chiropractor

A Rhode Island chiropractor claims he has a method to treat a wide variety of brain-related conditions. But does it work?

9 Dec 12:01 Medium 8881767660693229768.html
Chelsea niet compleet voor beslissende speelronde CL

Chelsea moet het in de laatste groepswedstrijd in de Champions League doen zonder spits Olivier Giroud en verdediger Fikayo Tomori, die beiden een blessure hebben opgelopen. Trainer Frank Lampard kan dinsdag thuis tegen Lille wel beschikken over Antonio Rüdiger. Rüdiger kwam dit seizoen pas één 1 in actie voor Chelsea. Hij was net hersteld van…

9 Dec 14:49 Sportnieuws 3602982464198336215.html
Citizenship Amendement Bill: Massive anti-NRC rally in Kolkata

A country cannot be run by fear of losing citizenship, say protesters

9 Dec 15:22 The Hindu 6679535025122035616.html
Einzelne EU-Staaten denken über Exportverbot von Medikamenten nach

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 14:59 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776165563071.html
Flashy Nairobi governor pleads not guilty to graft charges

Nairobi, Kenya | AFP | The flashy governor of Nairobi on Monday pleaded not guilty to over 30 charges of money laundering, receiving bribes and conflict of interest in a court appearance held under tight security. Governor Mike , the latest top official to be hauled in on corruption charges in Kenya, is accused of having …

9 Dec 12:35 The Independent Uganda: 5099025990497030575.html
Three front-line nations drifting into chaos

Let's hope that Washington has enough wisdom to keep Ukraine, Turkey and South Korea on our side.

9 Dec 09:17 The Japan Times 6673764367556149148.html
Under NDCP, TRAI seeks industry's views on unbundled licensing regime

The move came after the Telecom Department sought the regulator's recommendation on the issue

9 Dec 14:55 Business-Standard 1502508925209938588.html
Steam-driven volcanic eruptions difficult to predict, poorly understood

The sudden hydrothermal eruption at White Island in New Zealand was short-lived but produced an ash plume that rose nearly two miles above the vent.

9 Dec 13:26 UPI 8257973864833319543.html
Mehr als nur ein Lackschaden

Das 1:2 in Gladbach zeigt, dass München zurzeit über eine Mannschaft verfügt, die noch nicht oder nicht mehr den Ansprüchen der Luxusklasse genügt.

9 Dec 08:31 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591978319391.html
SERAP faults presidency on Sowore - The Nation Newspaper

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) on Sunday faulted the presidency for comparing Omoyele Sowore and Olawale Bakare with

9 Dec 08:29 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901442383311.html
Norwegen hat höchsten Entwicklungsstand der Welt

Norwegen ist nach Angaben der UN-Entwicklungsagentur UNDP weiterhin das höchstentwickelte Land der Welt. Österreich rangiert im "Index der menschlichen Entwicklung" für 2018 hinter Japan und vor Luxemburg auf Rang 20. Das geht aus einem Bericht hervor, der am Montag in der kolumbianischen Hauptstadt Bogotá veröffentlicht wurde. Hinter Norwegen folgen die Schweiz und Irland.

9 Dec 16:51 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699810989079.html
Kisruh Sriwijaya - Garuda, Jumlah Pesawat Angkutan Natal Turun

Kisruh Sriwijaya Air dan Garuda Indonesia menyebabkan jumlah pesawat yang beroperasi pada Natal 2019 turun.

9 Dec 14:08 Tempo 6909074029410798865.html
Volksbanken: Kein Apple Pay in diesem Jahr

Der Weg ist offenbar steiniger als gedacht - und deshalb noch nicht frei: Anders als angekündigt werden die deutschen Volksbanken Apple Pay nicht mehr in diesem Jahr anbieten. Die Kunden müssen sich also gedulden oder nach Alternativen umschauen.

9 Dec 09:03 MacTechNews.de 1297039198369387211.html
WMPD: Employees find drugs, card scanner while cleaning West Monroe hotel

West Monroe police arrested two people Sunday after getting a call about suspicious activity at the Comfort Inn on Constitution Drive.

9 Dec 11:31 KNOE 8 News 9048639192403949684.html
Jelang Natal, Apple Park Mengadakan Acara Open House dan Donasi Mainan

Makemac - Apple Park akan mengadakan acara Open House untuk warga sekitar pada tanggal 14 Desember 2019. Simak info lengkapnya.

9 Dec 09:53 grid.id 2219816955291764170.html
Har gjort flere beslag etter ran i Trondheim

Politiet har gjort flere beslag av gjenstander etter at to menn ble ranet i Trondheim sentrum i helga.

9 Dec 08:51 adressa.no 8417332406898230552.html
Mellya Juniarti Unggah Ceramah UAS soal Nikah Siri, Sindir Pelakor?

Mellya Juniarti secara terang-terangan menyebut ada perempuan yang ingin menjadi permaisuri. Siapa dia?

9 Dec 12:29 moms-life 8028540701439762454.html
Adamawa: Elected council chairmen take oath of office

The newly elected chairmen for the 21 local government councils of Adamawa State have been sworn in.The chairmen, whose victories were...

9 Dec 16:21 The Nation Newspaper 2658445899951434657.html
Sarileru Neekevvaru: Mahesh Babu Releases Soulful Melody Track Surudivo Chandrudivo Crooned By B Praak

Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu starrer Sarileru Neekevvaru happens to be in talks all over. The buzz related to the film is very high following the teaser which was unveiled a couple of weeks back.

9 Dec 14:36 Koimoi 5184275671043184091.html
Jose Mourinho makes approach to sign Marouane Fellaini for Tottenham

A surprise signing on the cards at Spurs?

9 Dec 10:10 Metro 970161748110412189.html
Lagos NDLEA new commander promises state free of hard drugs

Mr Ralph Igwenagu, the new commander, National Law Drug Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for Lagos State, has said that he will ensure tha

9 Dec 11:24 Vanguard News 4125100339224284702.html
Maaf! Tol Layang Cikampek Hanya untuk Mobil Pribadi

Tol Layang Cikampek hanya untuk kendaraan golongan I non-bos atau kendaraan pribadi.

9 Dec 12:22 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212832065953.html
Banyak Peminat, Spotify Belum Ada Rencana Hadir di Nintendo Switch

Spotify akhirnya menjawab permintaan pengguna untuk menjalin kolaborasi dengan Nintendo Switch.

9 Dec 12:30 liputan6.com 3414318496653072829.html
Zwettler Nikolaus reiste mit der Dampfbahn

Ludwig Schartmüller sorgte als Nikolaus für strahlende Kinderaugen bei Dampfbummelzug.

9 Dec 10:20 NÖN.at 2486998933017603838.html
Finland får verdens yngste regjeringssjef

34 år gamle Sanna Marin overtar tirsdag som statsminister i Finland og blir verdens yngste regjeringssjef.

9 Dec 14:29 Aftenbladet 8753034804490387892.html
France to ban dozens of glyphosate weedkillers amid health risk debate

PARIS (Reuters) - France’s health and environment agency said on Monday it was banning dozens of glyphosate-based weedkillers, most of the volume of such products sold in France, ruling there was insufficient data to exclude health risks.

9 Dec 17:33 Reuters 8334514181252215835.html
Constituency profile: Great Grimsby

A Labour seat since 1945 that might be about to turn blue.

9 Dec 10:33 Shropshire Star 3480199992302080358.html
Abbingh opnieuw onderuit met Oranje op WK

De Nederlandse handbalsters hebben ook hun tweede wedstrijd in de hoofdronde van het WK verloren. Een dag na de nederlaag tegen Duitsland (23-25), was ook Denemarken te sterk in de Japanse stad Kumamoto: 24-27.

9 Dec 10:54 RTV Noord 3728677366830534543.html
Why Karnataka bypolls will give battered BJP some confidence

The BJP was looking battered following the Shiv Sena's Maharashtra machinations and a threat to repeat the feat in neighbouring Goa. Karnataka bypolls victory has given the BJP a shot in the arm in the middle of Jharkhand Assembly election.

9 Dec 10:34 India Today 4286117813119702600.html
SPONSORED: Unprecedented reduction in member commission rates at ANM

Aberdeen & Northern Marts (ANM) has announced a transformational change to livestock commission rates bringing significant reductions for customers who are shareholders in its co-operative business.

9 Dec 15:50 The Courier 4275302768196857804.html
Nursing students protest colleague's death in Anambra

Students of School of Nursing, Iyienu Mission hospital, Ogidi in Idemili North local government area of Anambra state on Monday protested the death of one..

9 Dec 14:46 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901143598806.html
Duitse export onverwacht flink gestegen

De goederenexport van Duitsland is in oktober flink gestegen, terwijl economen juist op een lichte daling hadden gerekend. Volgens het Duitse federale statistiekbureau ging de export in oktober met 1,2 procent omhoog tot een bedrag van 119,5 miljard euro, in vergelijking met de voorgaande maand.

9 Dec 08:17 RD.nl 6406779841862820331.html
House Judiciary Committee to Hear Evidence as Impeachment Vote Nears

Lawmakers gear up for pivotal week in witch hunt

9 Dec 16:17 Infowars 1950426315408996619.html
Swimmer dies off Co Antrim coast

A swimmer has died and another has been taken to hospital after getting into difficulty in the sea off the Antrim coast.

9 Dec 11:48 RTE.ie 7595237277818064850.html
PIXEL: Port-IoT for environmental leverage

Carlos E. Palau, Universitat Politècnica de València, profiles PIXEL, a revolutionary European R&D project that concerns Port-IoT for environmental leverage

9 Dec 14:26 Open Access Government 7441385493107334741.html
Concerned EU weighs response to Turkey-Libya border deal

Brussels (AP) —The European Union's top diplomat said Monday that some EU countries are concerned over Turkey's controversial maritime border agreement with Libya but that the bloc will continue studying the deal before deciding whether to take action.The maritime deal, endorsed by the Turkish parliament last week, has fueled tensions in Turkey’s long-running dispute with Greece, Cyprus and Egypt over oil and gas drilling rights in the eastern Mediterranean.The deal could give Turkey access to a contested economic zone across the eastern Mediterranean Sea and Greece has already expelled the Libyan ambassador over it.“It’s clear that it is problematic.

9 Dec 16:10 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761451708095.html
Al Conservatorio Cimarosa appuntamento con "Scarlatti Contemporanea"

Domani, martedì 10 dicembre 2019 nell’Auditorium del Conservatorio Domenico Cimarosa di Avellino alle ore 20 secondo appuntamento di Scarlatti Contemporanea, la nuova “rivoluzionaria” rassegna dedicata dalla Associazione Alessandro Scarlatti ai nuovi linguaggi musicali. La rassegna, giunta alla terza edizione, prevede un ciclo di 2 concerti in collaborazione con il Conservatorio di Avellino. Protagonista di questo secondo appuntamento che segue quello con il percussionista Gianluca Saveri, è il flautista Mario Caroli.

9 Dec 11:16 AvellinoToday 5452883946630330590.html
Hobi Olahraga, Maria Vania Penasaran Ajukan 2 Pertanyaan Ini Kepada Dokter Boyke

Maria Vania mengajukan pertanyaan unik kepada dokter Boyke ketika diundang menjadi bintang tamu di acara Tonight Show.

9 Dec 13:46 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548849524893.html
Enchanting Christmas performance by the Drakensberg Boys Choir

The 100-strong Drakensberg Boys Choir made a turn in the city at the end of November, as part of its annual Noel Tour. 

9 Dec 11:00 Lowvelder 3143322322242581385.html
Medien: Neapel vor Einigung mit Gattuso

Ein Szenario mit Gennaro Gattuso als neuem Trainer der SSC Neapel wird immer wahrscheinlicher. Wie ‚Sky Italia‘ berichtet, steht Präsident Aurelio De Laurentiis kurz vor einer Einigung mit (...)

9 Dec 17:41 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608785196013940.html
Siti Zulaeha yang Rumahnya Dibakar Pacar Bekerja Sebagai Pemandu Karaoke

Rumah Siti Zulaeha (sebelumnya ditulis Zulaiha) hangus dibakar pacarnya, Vije, karena cemburu. Siti diketahui bekerja sebagai pemandu karaoke.

9 Dec 14:49 detiknews 8793960223842946869.html
Tanti eventi a Busca nello scorso fine settimana

Per tre volte il Teatro Civico colmo di spettatori e gli omaggi della Città ai neomaggiorenni e alle coppie più longeve

9 Dec 16:29 Targatocn.it 7367208849196380943.html
Supreme Court refuses to hear opioid case involving OxyContin makers

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case Monday that accused Purdue Pharma of moving billions of dollars in an effort to shield them from a spate of pending lawsuits over the popular opioid painkiller OxyContin.

9 Dec 17:38 UPI 8257973865259193749.html
PlayStation Now Australia release potentially teased by ad

The Australian release of PlayStation Now may have just been teased after an ad for the service was spotted on PS4 dashboards over the weekend.

9 Dec 09:47 Stevivor 6108783658392000689.html
Satpol PP Tertibkan PKL di Trotoar Jalan Senen Raya

Kasatpol PP Jakarta Pusat Bernard Tambunan mengatakan, pihaknya akan terus melakukan penjagaan sepanjang Jalan Senen Raya. Penertiban ini sesuai dengan kesepakatan antaran pemerintah daerah dengan PKL.

9 Dec 15:58 merdeka.com 1998180356000443036.html
Queda inscrito el partido Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana

El nuevo partido político aparecerá en las papeletas de las elecciones generales 2020.

9 Dec 14:47 Primera Hora 5092966653339013643.html
Leicester keeps pressure on Liverpool

Leicester have trimmed Liverpool's Premier League lead to eight points by beating Aston Villa 4-1 for a club record eighth-straight top-flight win.

9 Dec 09:32 The New Daily 5848147785435113364.html
Two Nigerian Soldiers, Policeman Killed As ISWAP Releases Fresh Video

The Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP) has released a new video showing the execution of two Nigerian soldiers and a policeman, Concise News reports.

9 Dec 11:07 Concise 5544636823531267386.html
Playing in a brass band can help people overcome depression and anxiety

Playing in a brass band can help people overcome depression and anxiety, a University of Sheffield study has found.

9 Dec 17:35 The Telegraph 140598092070611381.html
Kalidou Koulibaly emerges as big transfer target for Tottenham coach Mourinho

Kalidou Koulibaly who plays as a defender for Italian club Napoli has reportedly emerged January 2020 transfer target for Tottenham new manager Jose Mourinho.

9 Dec 11:23 Legit 3764253650399268413.html
Streaming-Plattform Plex - kostenloses Streaming nur mit Werbung finanziert

Kostenloses, dafür werbefinanziertes Streaming von Filmen und Serien ermöglicht Plex, das Angebot ist aber international sehr unterschiedlich.

9 Dec 12:34 www.gamestar.de 809832116804515488.html
Jacqueline Jossa not doing interviews following reports about husband Dan Osborne

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here 2019 winner Jacqueline Jossa won't be doing interviews following recent reports about husband Dan Osborne.

9 Dec 13:55 Buzz.ie 7092425148249108350.html
Staf Khusus Erick Thohir Blak-blakan Soal Rudiantara jadi Bos PLN

Rudiantara berhasil menggeser dua nama kandidat lainnya yang diserahkan Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir ke Presiden Jokowi karena beberapa alasan.

9 Dec 13:52 Tempo 6909074029390989672.html
Alla biblioteca regionale di Aosta altri incontri di formazione digitale

AOSTA. Proseguono alla biblioteca regionale di Aosta B. Salvadori gli incontri dedicati alla formazione digitale, un'occasione per conoscere appieno e utilizzare in sicurezza i social network e i servizi digitali delle pubbliche amministrazioni. Benché l'uso di servizi come Facebook o Whatsapp sia estremamente diffuso, tanti italiani ancora non conoscono appieno come funzionano queste piattaforme e non sanno farne un uso consapevole. Lo stesso può dirsi per uno strumento ormai "datato" come l'e-mail e ancora di più ciò vale per i servizi digitali della pubblica amministrazione. L'iniziativa della biblioteca regionale intende quindi fornire informazioni utili per utilizzare consapevolmente tutte queste opportunità legate al mondo digitale. In aggiunta ulteriori lezioni si concentrano sull'uso di programmi open source con lezioni di base per scrittura e per l'uso di fogli elettronici. Gli incontri sono strutturati in moduli di due ore ciascuno e prevedono una parte teorica introduttiva e una parte di esercitazione…

9 Dec 08:59 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643542007281.html
Tiger skin, foetuses found in Indonesia poacher case

The skin of a critically endangered Sumatran tiger and four foetuses have been confiscated after the arrest of several suspected poachers, Indonesian police said.

9 Dec 10:00 Digital Journal 4566489172671070721.html
Anak Babi Campuran Monyet Lahir di China

China melakukan eksperimen kontroversial dengan melahirkan anak babi yang memiliki DNA monyet.

9 Dec 16:13 detikinet 7802439221723601527.html
USR PLUS Alliance, joint candidates in local elections

The Save Romania Union - Freedom, Unity and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) Alliance will have joint candidates in the local elections, with each...

9 Dec 15:46 Stiri pe surse 4858045012388561758.html
Vier gedetineerden schuldig bevonden aan vergiftiging celmaat via broodje tonijn

Vier mannen zijn schuldig bevonden aan de vergiftiging van een medegedetineerde in de Brugse gevangenis. Ze draaiden suboxone, een medicament dat heroïneve...

9 Dec 14:43 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191307752984.html
Police investigate arson attack on caravans and portable loos

Two caravans destroyed in fire

9 Dec 11:19 PlymouthLive 6373569608078526042.html
Saudi military training under review after US shooting

US lawmakers call for a halt of the program after Saudi officer killed three Americans.

9 Dec 11:40 Daily Nation 7421817124110401258.html
Norberto Ruiz, nuevo chef del restaurante Candela Romero

Pudimos probar deferentes platillos del Chef Norberto Ruiz que acompañamos con vinos de Monte Xanic

9 Dec 12:12 Fernanda Familiar 8155233565862612712.html
Polizisten deckten eine Sozialbetrügerin auf

Eine 30-jährige asylberechtigte Frau aus Syrien konnte von Beamten des Bezirkspolizeikommandos Urfahr-Umgebung als Sozialbetrügerin ausgeforscht ...

9 Dec 08:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093283441722.html
QC, Turkish metals sector to boost cooperation ties

The Qatar Chamber (QC) held a meeting yesterday with a trade delegation headed by the Chairman of the Istanbul Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters’ Association (IDDMIB) Tahsin Öztiryaki. The Qatari side was headed by QC’s First Vice-Chairman Mohamed bin Ahmed bin Towar Al Kuwari.

9 Dec 08:25 The Peninsula 1202843882682477249.html
Panipat: Protesters vandalise Jaipur theatre, claim Maharaja Surajmal shown in bad light

Rajasthan minister Vishvendra Singh, a descendant of Maharaja Surajmal, joined the protest and demanded an immediate ban on Panipat.

9 Dec 14:49 India Today 4286117812497176782.html
Dortmunds Witsel fällt mit Gesichtsverletzung bis Jahresende aus

Borussia Dortmund muss vorerst auf seinen Mittelfeldspieler verzichten.

9 Dec 13:14 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569249895268.html
Large Gathering Of Huntsman Spiders Discovered Snuggled In Pygmy Possum Nest Boxes

Not many people would be able to control themselves if they were expecting to open a box full of small fluffy critters and instead found a gathering of lar

9 Dec 17:09 IFLScience 242791749105735215.html
Petaka Juventus Pasca Telan Kekalahan Perdana

Juventus menelan kekalahan perdana pada musim 2019/2020 saat berjumpa Lazio. Bukan hanya kalah, Juventus juga harus mendapat petaka lain karena ada pemain yang mengalami cedera

9 Dec 12:19 Bola.net 5489959028677248363.html
Google is improving memory management for all Pixel phones

Google has announced a feature drop for Pixel phones that will update memory management to help improve multitasking on the devices.

9 Dec 15:59 Android Central 29040143117268158.html
Brussels asks news groups to describe their data deals with Google

Questionnaire sent to publishers is part of wider competition probe

9 Dec 12:07 Financial Times 707176889012543759.html
Chucklefish Apologises for "Insensitive" Wargroove Casting Choices

Backlash came over casting for upcoming DLC characters.

9 Dec 10:54 Kotaku UK 2577526045414632268.html
Denkmal für verfolgte Homosexuelle beschmiert: Zeugensuche

Berlin (dpa/bb) - Nachdem das Berliner Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus verfolgten Homosexuellen mehrfach beschädigt worden ist bittet die Polizei nun um Hinweise. Sie veröffentlichte am Montag Fotos eines verdächtigen Mannes. Ein Zeuge habe den mutmaßlichen Täter am 7. Juli beobachtet und ihn fotografiert, teilte die Polizei mit.

9 Dec 16:34 DIE WELT 6197693428077027224.html
Sacramento State student appears to slap former College Republicans' president following Facebook argument

Video of a student assaulting the former president of the Sacramento State College Republicans has gone viral.

9 Dec 13:17 Washington Examiner 4625792331814966614.html
Two Wolves supporters arrested for homophobic abuse at Brighton game

Brighton have confirmed two Wolves supporters were ejected from the Amex Stadium and arrested for homophobic abuse during Sunday’s match

9 Dec 10:25 the Guardian 1491978795482965174.html
Fietsen naar school in Tiel voelt onveilig

In Tiel voelt het voor kinderen niet veilig om naar school te fietsen. Dat blijkt uit een enquête van de Fietsersbond. Op een schaal van 1 tot 5 scoort Tiel een 2,8 op veiligheid.

9 Dec 13:10 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615418786475.html
2 Turkish Soldiers Killed while Defusing Bomb

At least two Turkish soldiers were killed and seven others were wounded on Monday while attempting to defuse an improvised explosive device, officials said. The device exploded in a village near the town of Idil, in the mainly-Kurdish populated Sirna

9 Dec 12:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932569207106.html
Banks to quiz borrowers about Netflix, private school

Lenders should be asking customers to prove they can save money for loans by cancelling their Netflix subscriptions under new responsible lending guidelines.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487214765881.html
Reconoce tu PODER personal

El CEO de Kala, Luis Martín del Campo nos platica cómo transformar nuestras vidas, con tan sólo tener la ACTITUD y nuestro poder personal.

9 Dec 11:42 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622584924498.html
Britain faces most history-shaping election since WWII

LONDON (AP) - Britain is facing the most testing and significant period in its modern history since World War II.

9 Dec 08:51 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637735792800.html
Steven Universe Future Reveals Pink Diamond Was Even Worse Than We Thought

The Steven Universe Future episode "Volleyball" contains revelations about Pink Diamond's sordid past and the crimes she never truly answered for.

9 Dec 10:12 CBR.com 1295516961542977477.html
Quando inizia Il cantante mascherato? Anticipazioni e streaming

Ecco tutto quello che sappiamo sul game show di Rai 1 Il cantante mascherato con Milly Carlucci. Quando inizia, anticipazioni e streaming.

9 Dec 12:52 Novella 2000 6951116781980992043.html
Serie A legend Mihajlovic makes emotional return after leukaemia diagnosis

The Serbian boss returned to the dugout after a difficult period, and his rival coach was delighted to see him.

9 Dec 08:05 The42 5369852629727080789.html
Smartfren Targetkan iPhone 11 Bisa Dongkrak Angka Pengguna eSIM

Kehadiran layanan eSIM Smartfren sendiri tidak lepas dari rilisnya sejumlah iPhone terbaru yang menggunakan teknologi tersebut.

9 Dec 15:53 liputan6.com 3414318495916888161.html
Research draws on Formula 1 technology for the construction of skyscrapers

City, University London draws on Formula 1 technology for the construction of "needle-like" skyscrapers.

9 Dec 17:34 Tech Xplore 4945708898738722594.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill has public endorsement, was part of manifesto: Amit Shah

Rejecting the charge that the Citizenship Amendment Bill targets Muslims, Amit Shah said, “The Citizenship Amendment Bill does not discriminate. It gives and does not snatch rights... Citizenship will be granted to refugees [from these three countries] even without documents, including ration cards.”

9 Dec 12:22 India Today 4286117814368717529.html
Arti Mimpi Bercinta Saat Hamil, Stres atau Alami Dorongan Gairah Seksual?

Ibu hamil mimpi bercinta, apa artinya?

9 Dec 17:25 kehamilan 8028540701774242920.html
Nach Stegners Telefonpanne: So reagiert Friedrich Merz

Der ehemalige SPD-Vizevorsitzende Ralf Stegner ist auf den Telefonscherz eines umstrittenen Youtubers hereingefallen. Die Reaktion des Politikers stehe für den Zustand der SPD, kommentiert nun Friedrich Merz. 

9 Dec 12:08 T-Online 5460876210926969675.html
Teror Ular Kobra Citayam Berlanjut, Kelaparan dan Masuk Kamar

KBRN, Jakarta : Mengenai teror ular kobra di kompleks perumahan Royal Citayam Residence, Bojonggede, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, ternyata apa yang ditakutkan relawan dari Animal Rescue jadi

9 Dec 16:40 RRI News Portal 6700853645376914102.html
Frankfurt-Bornheim: Busse zum Festplatz

Ortsbeirat will Endhaltestelle von der Saalburgstraße weg verlegen. Die Eissporthalle und das geplante Familienbad könnten dadurch schneller und barrierefrei angebunden werden.

9 Dec 14:31 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323792766562.html
Manchester United midfielder Fred praised for proving his critics wrong

The Brazilian midfielder has played a key role in wins over Tottenham and Man City

9 Dec 11:10 men 6694993428952744135.html
General election beckons but sportsmen and women are staying quiet

Gary Lineker and Raheem Sterling are among the few to speak out in the buildup to the General Election but the trend is a growing political apathy in sport

9 Dec 17:19 the Guardian 1491978796381835996.html
Seven teenagers released by police after train driver attacked in Rugeley

Seven teenage boys who were arrested after a train driver was attacked in Rugeley have been released under investigation.

9 Dec 12:16 Express & Star 7324224460046524814.html
Hearables fuel wearable shipment surge

The growing popularity of wireless ear and headphones pushed wearable shipments in the third quarter ...

9 Dec 16:23 Mobile World Live 2109488009901806610.html
Actor Shane Nigam meets Minister

Presents his side of story

9 Dec 17:47 The Hindu 6679535025996908702.html
Nvidia-Updates: Attacken auf Mercedes-Modelle und selbstfahrende Autos möglich

Der Hersteller patcht Sicherheitslücken in Tegra-Chip-Treibern. Davon ist unter anderem die Jetson KI-Plattform betroffen.

9 Dec 14:57 Security 1766193384276627581.html
India police lauded for killing rape suspects

Crowds cheered the men's deaths and lauded "swift justice" by police.

9 Dec 11:40 Daily Nation 7421817124415664502.html
Traffic jams cripple Paris as pension strikes halt trains

French President Emmanuel Macron girded for one of the toughest weeks of his presidency as his government prepares to present a redesign of the convoluted French pension system.

9 Dec 13:35 The Indian Express 2885715105156489706.html
Arti Mimpi Jenis Kelamin Bayi Saat Hamil, Benarkah Tepat Prediksi Gender?

Apakah mimpi jenis kelamin bayi bisa jadi tanda akurat? Simak di sini.

9 Dec 13:47 kehamilan 8028540702257560644.html
Turkey will always defend its interests, Defense Minister Akar says

Turkey is in favor of dialogue with regional actors when it comes to the Eastern Mediterranean, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said Monday, adding that the...

9 Dec 08:15 DAILY SABAH 8383944808754576908.html
Akshay to resume Indian citizenship; netizens react

Mumbai,  Ever since Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar announced that he is set to give up his Canadian passport and resume Indian citizenship, netizens have been having a field day with reactions.

9 Dec 11:45 The Peninsula 1202843882311445925.html
World Church Leaders Worried Over Women Abuse And Attacks On Foreigner In SA

World church leaders extremely troubled with the rise of women abuse and attacks on foreign nationals in South Africa. A delegation of the World Council of Churches is in the country to talk about social justice mission. The meeting commenced with President Cyril Ramaphosa in Benoni on Monday morning. The world church leadersmet with Ramaphosa […]

9 Dec 17:23 iAfrica 8834711024852797659.html
Merry Kesal Sampai Nangis Gara-Gara Raffi Ahmad, Akhirnya Mengejutkan

Asisten Raffi Ahmad, Merry kesal sampai menangis lantaran kelakuan bos nya, Raffi Ahmad. Merry tak terima dengan sikap dari bos nya yang dinilainya pilih kasih.

9 Dec 09:05 merdeka.com 1998180354481295778.html
Lies, damn lies and superannuation

It’s fair to say that Industry Super Australia (ISA) has a vested interest in raising the superannuation guarantee (SG) from the current 9.5% to 12%, since this would result in more funds under management to ‘clip-the-ticket’ on, and more fee revenue.

9 Dec 13:10 MacroBusiness 6890797930023746444.html
First batch of students graduate from Huawei ICT Academy at Kohat University

By Hamid Khan Wazir KOHAT, Pakistan: In what appears to be great development, the first batch of technologically-trained students has graduated from Huawei ICT Academy at Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST). The HCIA Certification Exam was conducted last week where 66 candidates enrolled in the first batch of training from which 55 took the exam, 48 passed and got the HCIA Certification. This Certification covers network fundamentals like connection methods of popular networks, their construction etc. The academy at Kohat University of Science and Technology located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Kohat District was inaugurated in May 2019 by the Federal Minister Shehryar Khan Afridi and the Director of Huawei’s Enterprise Business Department Wang Xuesong with the aim to deliver technology trainings, encourage students to get certified and develop talent with practical skills for the ICT industry and community.

9 Dec 14:52 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131221956609.html
Israel Sets New Election Date Amid Deadlocked Netanyahu-Gantz Talks, Parliament Crunch

The ongoing Israeli political crisis not only entails the repeated failure of both the biggest parties, Likud and the Blue and White alliance, to arrive at a common ground and form a parliamentary majority, but a criminal indictment of the sitting prime minister last week.

9 Dec 17:11 Sputniknews 967333868761105716.html
Betah di Barcelona, Ivan Rakitic Batal Hengkang?

Berulang kali Ivan Rakitic menunjukkan kegelisahannya di Barcelona. Namun baru-baru ini, ia menunjukkan indikasi bahwa dirinya akan bertahan

9 Dec 14:40 Bola.net 5489959028520214005.html
Sonko Unveils Expensive Strategy to Beat DPP Haji

Known not to go down without a fight, the governor has unveiled his strategy to fight back as the...

9 Dec 08:38 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154147224058.html
Big investors up call for governments to take climate action

MADRID (AP) - More than 600 institutional investors managing a whopping $37 trillion in client assets called Monday for governments to step up their efforts against climate change.

9 Dec 08:01 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637850844664.html
Organisations demand release of 9 activists in Koregaon Bhima violence case

Noted journalist Nikhil Wagle, who was present at the press conference, said, "These cases were foisted by the previous Devendra Fadnavis government.

9 Dec 15:35 Business-Standard 1502508925481870632.html
Judge accused of having threesome in her chambers with lawyers

A Female judge has been accused of using her courtroom to have group sex with lawyers. Dawn Gentry,38, from Kentucky, US.

9 Dec 14:27 Vanguard News 4125100340528369084.html
ACB traps Sub-Registrar, computer operator

‘Accused sought bribe for registering a lease deed’

9 Dec 13:23 The Hindu 6679535024543192391.html
Delhi court allows Robert Vadra to travel abroad

A Delhi court on Monday allowed Robert Vadra, the son-in-law of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, to travel abroad for medical treatment and business purposes.

9 Dec 15:51 Deccan Herald 2027555797538275254.html
PatronGG secures $1m for esports engagement app Kokyo

Bitkraft leads funding to continue its string of esports investments

9 Dec 15:00 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590114561908569.html
Defeat in Karnataka Bypolls: Siddaramaiah, Dinesh Gundu Rao quit Congress positions

Siddaramaiah has sent in his letter of resignation to AICC president Sonia Gandhi, reiterating his loyalty to Gandhi as well as the party. He expressed regrets at not being able to win more seats despite making sincere efforts.

9 Dec 12:15 The Economic Times 7653256036894938567.html
Minister of Education to partner youths on skill development

Minister of State for Education, Chukwuemeka Nwajuba, said that his office was ready to partner young people with skills in order to encourage innovation.

9 Dec 12:16 Vanguard News 4125100339001229737.html
Hearts to kick start sporting director search with Daniel Stendel finally in the door

Process stalled as new manager became the priority but will now resume with Stendel in post

9 Dec 11:23 dailyrecord 552235479506710657.html
Batterien: EU-Kommission genehmigt Förderung für Forschungs- und Innovationsvorhaben

Mittlerweile gibt es glücklicherweise Alternativen zu fossilen Brennstoffen und nach derzeitigem Kenntnisstand geht man erst einmal davon ...

9 Dec 17:35 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777575660423822.html
Skotlandia? Bukan, Ini di Waduk Jatiluhur

Indonesia punya banyak destinasi yang mirip dan tak kalah dengan di luar negeri. Contohnya seperti Waduk Jatiluhur di Purwakarta. Ala-ala Skotlandia.

9 Dec 10:14 detikTravel 7712517352157531696.html
Greta Thunberg leads scientists in shunning flights for top climate conference

She sailed across the Atlantic to Spain instead.

9 Dec 14:55 Metro 970161748710819587.html
Tutu discharged from hospital, instructed to rest

Tutu, who turned 88 in October, has been open about his fight against prostate cancer.

9 Dec 16:54 The Citizen 410802300823158996.html
Aizawl grasp last-gasp winner against valiant Indian Arrows

William Lalnunfela and Joe Zoherliana's goals handed Aizawl a dramatic victory in the stoppage time after Vikram Partap Singh had equalised for Indian Arrows in the 81st minute.

9 Dec 17:15 The Indian Express 2885715104346985628.html
Tata Altroz first drive review

This is by far Tata’s best vehicle yet with the potential to take the fight to its rivals.

9 Dec 11:36 OVERDRIVE 7781473804498724075.html
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker has died

Paul Volcker, who as Federal Reserve chairman in the early 1980s elevated interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation, has died, according to his office.

9 Dec 15:33 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637885107739.html
IKEA stelt HomeKit-ondersteuning voor slimme gordijnen uit

De slimme gordijnen van IKEA zullen pas begin volgend jaar met Apples HomeKit gaan werken.

9 Dec 10:37 Bright.nl 6602863321676868097.html
4 Tahanan Kasus Narkoba Polresta Malang Kota Melarikan Diri

KBRN, Malang: Empat tahanan kasus narkoba yang mendekam di jeruji besi tahanan Polresta Malang Kota melarikan diri. Mereka melarikan diri pada Senin (9/12/2019) sekitar pukul 01. 30 WIB tadi.

9 Dec 13:33 RRI News Portal 6700853646071728595.html
8 Cara Mengobati Sariawan Secara Alami, Nggak Bikin Perih

Cara mengobati sariawan secara alami ini penting bagi Anda yang sedang menderita sariawan. Selain aman dilakukan, cara alami memiliki risiko efek samping yang sangat rendah. Bahkan dengan menggunakan bahan alami hampir tidak memiliki efek samping terhadap kesehatan Anda.

9 Dec 11:09 merdeka.com 1998180355061775561.html
Zahradil 'conflict of interest' probe may flounder

The European Parliament's internal body, designed to sanction MEPs for conflicts of interests, has failed to deliver any meaningful verdicts. Some are hoping a future proposal for a new independent ethics body will help hold MEPs accountable.

9 Dec 15:29 EUobserver 625925298550191844.html
Man charged after bus crashes onto railway line near Galashiels station

One person was checked by an ambulance crew after the incident on Sunday night.

9 Dec 12:49 dailyrecord 552235478921606309.html
Stage being set for next partition: Kanthapuram

Against religion as basis for citizenship

9 Dec 17:49 The Hindu 6679535025554302677.html
Inhofe, Horn chide Tinker housing contractor

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe and U.S. Rep. Kendra Horn leveled harsh criticism last week at the contractor accused of negligence and fraudulent activity while operating private housing at Tinker Air Force Base and other military installations. Inhofe, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, referred to Balfour Beatty Communities as “notorious.” Horn, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, told a company executive she was “incredibly disappointed you have failed to live up to your responsibility for taking care of the people that are living in these houses.” At a hearing of his committee, Inhofe asked Air Force Secretary Barbara M.

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762150122057.html
Jose Mourinho targets January swoop for ex-Man Utd star Marouane Fellaini

The Portuguese manager was a big fan of the player during his time at Old Trafford and believes he could add some vital experience to his Tottenham team

9 Dec 10:28 mirror 675785261158100934.html
Zahlreiche Beschwerden: Vorsicht beim Bargeld abheben: An diesen Geldautomaten fallen Gebühren an

Bei der Verbraucherzentrale gibt es vermehrt Beschwerden über unzulässige Gebühren für Bargeldabhebungen an EC-Automaten. Die Bankkunden bemängeln, dass sie scheinbar an einem Automaten der Cashgroup Geld abgehoben haben. Tatsächlich bekommen an diesen Geldautomaten jedoch nur Postbank-Kunden kostenlos Bargeld.

9 Dec 10:53 FOCUS Online 4448121229928637210.html
Russia banned from Olympics for four years over doping scandal: TASS

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia was banned from the Olympics and world championships in a range of sports on Monday after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ruled to punish it for manipulating laboratory data, the TASS news agency reported.

9 Dec 10:29 Reuters 8334514179897352322.html
Dortmunds Witsel fällt mit Gesichtsverletzung bis Jahresende aus

Borussia Dortmund muss vorerst auf seinen Mittelfeldspieler verzichten.

9 Dec 13:14 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110461948772.html
9 Cara Cepat Belajar Membaca Alquran dengan Lancar untuk Pemula

Cara cepat belajar membaca Alquran bisa kamu terapkan di rumah.

9 Dec 12:25 liputan6.com 5422146881262946023.html
Two Arrested in Early Morning Assault

On December 9, 2019 at 12:18 A.M., Santa Barbara Police Officers responded to 300 Block of East Carrillo Street to investigate a report of intoxicated subjects arguing on the rooftop of an apartment building. 

9 Dec 15:13 edhat santa barbara 2501874276684084158.html
Eco-house and forest school on greenbelt near Bolton refused

The applicant is now appealing to the national planning inspectorate

9 Dec 14:19 men 6694993429483111030.html
Driver miraculously escapes after tree falls on car in Co Cork during Storm Atiyah

Shocking pictures show extensive damage to the windscreen after an enormous tree fell due to the high winds

9 Dec 09:40 Irish Mirror 2875825629934056712.html
Celtic Christmas advert role for Plains youngster

Dana Rennie, 11, is in the choir featured in the Parkhead side's viral festive film and charity single.

9 Dec 15:37 dailyrecord 552235479253587117.html
Mengeluh Sakit di Bagian Organ Intimnya, Dokter Keluarkan Kura-kura dari dalam Alat Kelamin Seorang Wanita

Kejadian kura-kura yang masuk ke dalam alat kelamin seorang wanita asal Inggris ini sukses membuat dokter geger.

9 Dec 12:36 grid.id 586386474535622988.html
Carcedo aboga por combatir la obesidad desde la infancia para garantizar el envejecimiento saludable

La ministra de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social en funciones, María Luisa Carcedo, ha abogado, a su llegada a la reunión de los ministros de salud de la Unión Europea, que se celebra este lunes en Bruselas, en la necesidad de combatir la obesidad y el sedentarismo desde la infancia con el fin de garantizar el envejecimiento saludable en el futuro.

9 Dec 09:54 infosalus.com 2582575538979553688.html
How Google Play works

Today we are publishing the “How Google Play Works” report, a comprehensive look under the hood at how the Play Store operates.

9 Dec 15:00 Google 7122920201349851496.html
Gold Losing Its Luster

One reason for owning gold is it tends to serve as a safe haven asset and performs well in an environment where economic activity is slowing.On the other hand, investors might look to copper as an inv

9 Dec 11:43 Seeking Alpha 5725634556209176805.html
Walmart pulls sweater from website that appears to show Santa doing cocaine

The sweater featured an image of Santa Claus behind a table with three white lines that look similar to cocaine lines. Below the image is the phrase "Let it snow." The Global News, a Canadian news organization, first reported the apology.

9 Dec 08:34 Fox 4 8372747777225145326.html
Walmart pulls sweater from website that appears to show Santa doing cocaine

The sweater featured an image of Santa Claus behind a table with three white lines that look similar to cocaine lines. Below the image is the phrase "Let it snow." The Global News, a Canadian news organization, first reported the apology.

9 Dec 13:34 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202357152750.html
Walmart pulls sweater from website that appears to show Santa doing cocaine

The sweater featured an image of Santa Claus behind a table with three white lines that look similar to cocaine lines. Below the image is the phrase "Let it snow." The Global News, a Canadian news organization, first reported the apology.

9 Dec 13:34 ABC15 Arizona 911680910174338030.html
German exports rise in October, defying expectations

BERLIN (AP) - German exports posted a second consecutive month-on-month increase in October, defying economists' expectations of a slight decline.

9 Dec 08:32 WFXT 6395891953723826797.html
CSC confers Local Treasurer eligibility on more than 700

PRESS RELEASE: The Local Treasurer Eligibility is a second level eligibility specific and appropriate for appointment to Local Treasurer and Assistant Local Treasurer positions

9 Dec 08:39 Rappler 1882105642484995465.html
Akui Tak Bisa Bersaing Dengan Liverpool, Guardiola Lempar Handuk?

Manajer Manchester City Josep Guardiola mengisyaratkan dirinya lempar handuk dalam perburuan gelar juara Premier League setelah mengakui timnya kesulitan bersaing dengan Liverpool.

9 Dec 17:58 Bola.net 5489959028276415900.html
Anthill Ventures, Rana Daggubati launch scale up platform for startups

The startups might receive investments to the tune of $1,00,000 upfront and up to $1 m upon programme completion

9 Dec 09:19 BusinessLine 5283601511614189.html
Erick Rowan posts heartwarming response to Luke Harper's recent WWE release

Luke Harper was one of last night's WWE releases

9 Dec 17:52 sportskeeda 1601194028598105060.html
Rights groups launch Myanmar boycott ahead of Hague genocide hearings

Human rights campaigners supporting Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslim minority on Monday called for a global boycott of the country, a day before genocide hearings begin at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

9 Dec 16:44 Bdnews24 8119004129192919657.html
Ministers draw ire of Rajya Sabha Chairman for absence

Last week, Mr. Naidu had pulled up members for skipping meetings of the Parliamentary Standing Committees.

9 Dec 08:25 The Hindu 6679535025093175254.html
A global view of future energy at Newcastle University

Newcastle University's new Centre for Energy seeks to work towards a new way of thinking about energy systems

9 Dec 13:54 ChronicleLive 1984146900742972392.html
Llegaron los coches bomba

Las noticias más relevantes de Jalisco, México, Deportes, Entretenimiento & Tecnología

9 Dec 08:55 El Informador 103545929175714776.html
Containerschip slaat op drift en ramt havenkraan bij DP World, onderhoudstechnici kunnen tijdig ontsnappen

Bij DP World in Doel (Beveren) is maandagmiddag een grote havenkraan, van zo’n 43 meter hoog, ingestort na een aanvaring door een containerschip dat op drift was geslagen. Op het moment van het ong...

9 Dec 13:48 HLN 8967494998547718154.html
Dollar General shooting trial delayed again over mental health concerns

Prosecutors and Travis Green’s defense attorneys say it’s likely he needs to go back to the Rochester Psychiatric Center for further tre

9 Dec 17:02 The Buffalo News 2088823987438318018.html
Disney: Star Wars movie could trigger seizures in people with epilepsy

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the highly anticipated conclusion to the Skywalker saga, could trigger seizures in photosensitive people, Walt Disney Studios said.

9 Dec 17:01 CHANNEL3000 830332542400519717.html
Human rights abusers to face future EU blacklists

Human rights abusers worldwide will, in future, face EU asset freezes and travel bans under new-model sanctions agreed by foreign ministers in Brussels.

9 Dec 16:00 EUobserver 625925299042584560.html
Morosow fixierte mit sieben Mal Gold Kurzbahn-EM-Rekord

Der Russe Wladimir Morosow hat bei den zu Ende gegangenen Kurzbahn-Europameisterschaften der Schwimmer in Glasgow mit sieben Goldmedaillen einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt. Die Bestmarke an Titeln bei einer der bisher 20 EM-Veranstaltungen hatte bisher die Ungarin Katinka Hosszu mit sechmal Gold und einmal Silber gehalten. Sechsmal Gold gelang diesmal auch Morosows Landsmann Kliment Kolesnikow.

9 Dec 10:48 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084120010926.html
Despite Warnings, Trump Moves to Expand Migrant Family Detention

Tiny prison uniforms were replaced with T-shirts. Healthcare and schooling improved. Experts say there is still no safe way to incarcerate families.

9 Dec 08:00 NY Times 1961078287819524313.html
WADA bans Russia for four years from international sport

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Russia was slapped Monday with a four-year ban from international sports events, including next summer’s Tokyo Olympics, over a longstanding doping scandal, although its athletes will still be able to compete if they can show they are clean competitors.

9 Dec 08:04 Sportsnet.ca 4293652947015472760.html
Guardiola admits Man City standards have slipped

Guardiola's City have been the Premier League's outstanding side over the past two years, clocking up 100 points in 2017/18 and retaining the title last term during their treble-winning campaign.

9 Dec 13:50 Saudi Gazette 6913978435063945781.html
Windturbine verliest twee wieken, oorzaak niet duidelijk

In Ecausinnes, in de provincie Henegouwen, heeft een windturbine zondagnamiddag twee wieken verloren. Als gevolg werd de N57 in beide richtingen afgesloten...

9 Dec 13:56 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191408450887.html
Meryl Streep breekt persoonlijk record met Golden Globe-nominatie

Meryl Streep heeft haar eigen record gebroken met de 34e nominatie voor een Golden Globe in haar carrière. Ze maakt dit jaar kans op een beeldje voor haar rol in de serie Big Little Lies.

9 Dec 16:21 RTL Boulevard 1500115270650460877.html
Knelpunten in de zorg houden komende jaren aan

Ondanks de verwachte afvlakking van de economische groei worden er in de komende zes jaar meer dan 2 miljoen baanopeningen verwacht. Dit zorgt over het algemeen voor goede baankansen voor gediplomeerden die de arbeidsmarkt zullen instromen. De huidige knelpunten die werkgevers ervaren bij het werven van personeel in de zorg zullen naar verwachtingen de komende jaren op alle functieniveaus aanhouden. Dit meldt Maastricht University. 

9 Dec 15:24 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743873290952.html
Feuerwehrmann in Augsburg getötet: Ermittler geben neue Erkenntnisse bekannt

Nach dem gewaltsamen Tod eines 49-Jährigen in Augsburg kommt es zur Festnahme des siebten Verdächtigen. Die jungen Männer sollen dem Richter vorgeführt werden. Die Polizei gibt eine Pressekonferenz.

9 Dec 11:10 GMX News 4492287762879367642.html
Blood Tests Show Exposure to Ethylene Oxide

The testing offers the first biologic evidence that living near a facility that emits ethylene oxide increases a person’s body burden of the chemical, which has been linked to breast and blood cancers

9 Dec 15:36 WebMD 4010151888187806885.html
Ex-Swedish ambassador to China faces trial over Gui Minhai meeting

Sweden's former ambassador to China faces an unprecedented trial over allegations she overstepped her authority during a meeting to secure the release of imprisoned bookseller Gui Minhai.

9 Dec 10:05 THE LOCAL se 5989194980713229148.html
Kritika: Izmik eksplicitnemu kot vaba k fantaziranju

Izjemna performativnost pisav(e) Simone Semenič je njena značilna odlika, ki bogato prepleta govorico stvarnega in metafizičnega, redefinira didaskalije, precizno ritmizira utrip dogajanja in ga tekoče montira. To je dramatika, poezija in proza obenem, je gledališče, a je lahko tudi film, je pripoved, a tudi že upodabljanje. Ker izhaja iz trdnih osebnostnih načel, se v njenih delih vselej odraža kritična samonanašalnost, včasih absolutna, ponekod parcialna. Če h gostoti vseh omenjenih opredelitev pristavimo še visoko stopnjo sočnega jezikoslovja, seksualne prostodušnosti in lascivnih situacij, se k nam prikotali to jabolko, zlato.

9 Dec 08:15 Dnevnik 7671546648932160342.html
World Bank takes a stance on Isimba hydropower project

The World Bank has approved a Management Action Plan, in response to complaints regarding the construction of Isimba Hydropower Project.

9 Dec 09:13 ESI-Africa.com 2679729877421625338.html
Traders want shops in temporary bus stand

They also demand new bus stand under Smart City programme

9 Dec 12:34 The Hindu 6679535025153560355.html
'Geen plannen' voor Huawei-telefoons met eigen software

De Chinese techreus Huawei heeft nog geen plannen om zijn eigen besturingssysteem Harmony OS op smartphones, tablets en computers te installeren.

9 Dec 10:52 RTLZ 8052859356056978312.html
Online-Shopping: Achtung vor Fake-Bewertungen und Betrug

Vorsicht beim Online-Shopping: Bewertungen in Online-Shops sind kein Gütesiegel, der Betrug grassiert. Worauf Kunden achten sollten.

9 Dec 10:10 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322218465986.html
Turkey expects EU Council to have constructive, objective stance

Turkey expects the European Council to have a constructive attitude, apart from political motives, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said Monday. “We...

9 Dec 11:54 DAILY SABAH 8383944808414708217.html
IFA staging blockade outside Tesco distribution centre in Dublin

The latest blockade is part of the ongoing farmer campaign for an increase in beef prices.

9 Dec 09:58 TheJournal.ie 6446904417376334035.html
France braces for further travel chaos as pension strike continues

Only a fifth of high-speed trains and cross-country services are expected to run in France on Monday as strikes over President Emmanuel Macron's pension reform continue.

9 Dec 09:20 euronews 7318238121622971115.html
EU weighs response to Turkey-Libya maritime border deal

Brussels (AP) - European Union foreign ministers debated Monday how to respond to a controversial agreement between Turkey and Libya that could give Turkey access to a contested economic zone across the Mediterranean Sea.

9 Dec 11:09 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636692554324.html
Perak Amanah supports any decision made on land ownership

IPOH, Dec 9 — Any decision to be made by the Perak state government in granting 999-year ownership or permanent titles to new villages, will have to be in line with Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) stance, said Perak Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) chairman Datuk Asmuni Awi. He said whatever decision made...

9 Dec 08:58 Malaymail 302165934979869364.html
Report: Newcastle showing interest in Charlton striker Macauley Bonne

Newcastle United are reportedly keen on signing Championship striker Macauley Bonne. According to talkSPORT, the Magpies are ‘slightly ahead’ of the likes of Leicester City and Fulham for the 24-year-old, who has been in impressive form recently. Bonne has six Championship goals so far this season, and has caught the eye since replacing the injured […]Newcastle United are reportedly leading the chase over striker Macauley Bonne, who has made a big impression at Charlton Athletic since signing.

9 Dec 12:45 The Boot Room 5717202225386039157.html
5 Principles This Functional Medicine Doctor Swears By

You'll have a new understanding of what it means to be healthy.

9 Dec 11:04 mindbodygreen 5822886643902473479.html
Digelar Tahun Depan, Boy William Ungkap Persiapan Pernikahannya

Boy William memastikan bakal menikahi kekasihnya, Karen Vendela, pada 2020 mendatang.

9 Dec 10:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697077776138.html
Blijft Hayen coach van STVV? Japanse hoofdaandeelhouder beslist

Nicky Hayen had vanochtend een positief gesprek met de Japanse bazen van STVV. Maar zij hadden blijkbaar geen machtiging om knopen door te hakken. “Ik heb te horen gekregen dat er twee opties op ta...

9 Dec 17:55 HLN 8967494996516294954.html
Not negligent in teen death

British Columbia's police watchdog has concluded two Langley RCMP officers were not negligent in their response to a report of a teenage boy who was in distress after consuming a large quantity of drugs.

9 Dec 14:12 Castanet 616068601737283684.html
Two away fans arrested following homophobic abuse at Brighton's loss to Wolves

Brighton have announced that two visiting supporters were arrested on suspicion of homophobic abuse during Sunday's match with Wolves at the Amex Stadium.

9 Dec 13:02 The Telegraph 140598092610945005.html
Falsche Zubereitung: Von wegen vegetarisch: Mann verklagt Burger King wegen neuem Veggie-Burger

Ein fleischloser Whopper soll Vegetarier und Veganer zu Burger King locken. Der Markterfolg ist sichtbar. Allerdings kann der Burger durch die Zubereitung mit fleischlichen Rückständen kontaminiert werden - in den USA verklagt darum nun ein Veganer die Kette.

9 Dec 11:41 FOCUS Online 4448121230537988219.html
Valencia komt met bevestiging: Cillessen ontbreekt tegen Ajax

Het is officieel: Jasper Cillessen komt dinsdagavond níet in actie tegen Ajax. De doelman ontbreekt door een handblessure in de wedstrijdselectie van Valencia. Cillessen raakte vorig week tijdens de training geblesseerd, maar keepte zaterdag wel 'gewoon' tegen Levante. Dat liep verkeerd af. Na twintig minuten - en een 2-0 achterstand - moest Cillessen zich laten wisselen. Tests hebben uitgewezen dat de Champions League-kraker tegen Ajax in elk geval te vroeg komt.

9 Dec 13:40 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883644966014.html
Manchester City Krisis, Tapi Guardiola Masih Enggan Beli Pemain Anyar

Manchester City sedang mengalami krisis. Namun sang pelatih, Josep Guardiola, bersikukuh bahwa timnya tidak membutuhkan pemain anyar di bursa transfer Januari nanti

9 Dec 13:40 Bola.net 5489959027867743128.html
Democrats focus on abuse of power, obstruction in impeachment

The panel’s Republican counsel, Steve Castor, accused Democrats of pursuing an “artificial and arbitrary political deadline” to overturn the 2016 election and impeach Trump’s before the Christmas holiday.

9 Dec 17:59 BNN 3833521688722143245.html
Cades Cove Loop Road closed for tree clearing

According to the National Park Service, Cades Cove Loop Road will be closed starting Monday.

9 Dec 14:38 WVLT 4089046910875541396.html
Chinas Behörden sollen ausländische Computer ausmustern

Das gegenseitige Misstrauen im Computerbereich schränkt den internationalen Handel stärker ein. Nun will China den Einsatz ausländischer Hard- und Software konkret reduzieren.

9 Dec 10:57 Golem.de 3063982244266267602.html
Svalbard, un fragile equilibrio

Isola dello Spitzbergen, una delle tante montagne che circonda il capoluogo di Longyearbyen. All’interno di una di queste è situata il Global Seed Vault, la banca mondiale dei semi Abitate da più da orsi polari che persone (i residenti sono meno di 3000) le Svalbard

9 Dec 10:35 National Geographic 8909623151224685453.html
Bären machten Winterschlaf in japanischem Krankenhaus

Eine Bärenmama und ihre beiden Kinder haben sich in Japan zum Winterschlaf in ein Krankenhaus zurückgezogen.

9 Dec 08:25 GMX News 4492287763625897565.html
Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu writes to party chiefs on absenteeism

‘Mechanism should be instituted for monitoring of attendance’

9 Dec 17:02 The Hindu 6679535024885885488.html
Jejak Terkini Sosialita Hong Kong Asal RI Azura Luna yang Jadi Buron

Di manakah keberadaan sosialita Hong Kong asal RI Azura Luna yang diduga telah menipu dan mencuri?

9 Dec 16:46 moms-life 8028540702055070876.html
Jurus Bos Baru Bank Mandiri Kejar Pendapatan Saat Kredit Lesu

PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) menyatakan bakal lebih meningkatkan pendapatan berbasis non bunga

9 Dec 15:04 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212751835008.html
Protest and boycotts as Austrian author accused of supporting Milosevic to receive Nobel prize

Protesters from the Balkans and worldwide are expected to descend on Stockholm today as the Nobel Prize for Literature is handed to an Austrian author accused of supporting the genocidal Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic.

9 Dec 16:40 The Telegraph 140598092390238251.html
Google Calendar app gaining ability to move events between calendars

If you have multiple calendars on your Google Calendar app on your phone, then you'll know the pain of not being able to move events between calendars.

9 Dec 13:23 9to5Google 6197440880669854682.html
Tottenham Hotspur to move for Marouane Fellaini?

Tottenham Hotspur boss Jose Mourinho is allegedly interested in signing former Manchester United midfielder Marouane Fellaini during the January transfer window.

9 Dec 09:37 Sports Mole 7750663361049541573.html
AstraZeneca’s Calquence impresses in previously untreated CLL

AstraZeneca’s Calquence has been buoyed by impressive survival data in previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, stacking up its case for dominance in the therapy area. 

9 Dec 11:29 PMLive 7773534727294629543.html
Bangladesh army chief begins four-day historic visit to Myanmar

TOKYO: Japan is weighing inviting Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani for a state visit, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday, as local media reported the trip was likely to happen this month. Japan has been trying to forge a possible mediator role as tensions rise between its ally Washington and Tehran. Local media has reported in recent days that Rouhani is likely to visit

9 Dec 13:04 Arab News 8912634263068838250.html
IHH Healthcare receives shareholders’ approval to acquire Prince Court

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — IHH Healthcare Bhd hopes to complete its proposed acquisition of the Prince Court Medical Centre in the first quarter of 2020, following the strong approval obtained from its shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting today. In a statement, the healthcare provider said...

9 Dec 10:12 Malaymail 302165934980829427.html
Ending domestic violence through the revival of the Honourable Warrior

In celebration of the annual international campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, community development organisation This Life Cambodia (TLC) released a new ad designed to discourage men from violent behaviour – the “Honourable Warrior”.

9 Dec 15:33 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766114811706083.html
Vlaamse regering bereikt akkoord over klimaatplan, Demir kan naar Madrid

De Vlaamse regering heeft vanmorgen een akkoord bereikt over het klimaatplan. Nadat vrijdag de ministerraad zonder akkoord uit elkaar ging omdat er nog “berekeningen nodig waren”, is er afgelopen w...

9 Dec 08:28 HLN 8967494997512997725.html
Gericht: WhatsApp, Facebook und Instagram in Deutschland verboten!

Droht das große Facebook-Aus in Deutschland? Blackberry hat vor Gericht ein vorläufiges Verbot von WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram und Co. erwirkt. Wie geht es nun weiter?

9 Dec 08:35 Computer Bild 4944248630494975144.html
2 Periode Berlalu, RUU Masyarakat Adat Masih Terkatung-katung

WE Online, Jakarta - Sekretaris Jendral (Sekjen) Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), Rukka Sombolinggi mendesak pemerintah agar Rancangan Undang-Undang Pengakuan dan Perlindungan Hak Masyarakat Adat segera disahkan menjadi Undang-Undang.

9 Dec 10:14 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834137475363.html
Nah Loh! Jokowi Terima Laporan Ada Bank Curang Salurkan KUR

"Saya juga menerima laporan ada praktek bank pelaksana KUR yang hanya memindahkan dari kredit komersial ke KUR"

9 Dec 08:01 detikfinance 4442190001943109204.html
Doha Declaration to promote rights of 1.5 billion people with disabilities worldwide

Qatar Foundation for Social Work (QFSW) launched the ‘Doha Declaration’ at the closing ceremony of the Doha International Conference on Disability and Development (DICDD) yesterday. The two-day conference, which has attracted over 1,500 policy-makers and practitioners, took place at the Qatar National Convention Center under the theme: “Leaving No One Behind”.

9 Dec 09:00 The Peninsula 1202843882780300003.html
Cult-favourite studio software Reaper gets major update

Version 6 of the customisable DAW is out now for $60.

9 Dec 10:27 Resident Advisor 731447404886184701.html
Nintendo Switch indie livestream tomorrow

From 6pm UK time.

9 Dec 16:31 Eurogamer.net 1957885126638833230.html
Selama Ari Askhara Menjabat, Banyak Pramugari Garuda Masuk RS

WE Online, Jakarta - Pramugari yang tergabung dalam Ikatan Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia (Ikagi) mengeluh padatnya jam kerja awak kabin di masa kepemimpinan Direktur Utama Garuda Indonesia, I Gusti Ngurah Askhara Danadiputra alias Ari Askhara.

9 Dec 09:14 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835446514674.html
Manchetes desta segunda-feira dos principais jornais nacionais

Manchetes desta segunda-feira dos principais jornais nacionais

9 Dec 08:14 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905918623922.html
Wellington rail upgrade full steam ahead

Hon Phil Twyford

9 Dec 09:34 SCOOP 5315658999967002500.html
BuzzFeed UK threatened with being dissolved over late accounts

The online media business is already more than two months late and risks fines unless it files its 2018 financial information soon.

9 Dec 10:01 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773939381593.html
GOP counsel Steve Castor brought a reusable grocery bag instead of a briefcase to an impeachment hearing, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "That time your lawyer makes a stop at the Whole Foods hot bar on his way to defend you in Congress," comic Lizz Winstead tweeted.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:22 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755786806244.html
Monday's Premier League transfer talk news roundup: Frank Lampard, Timo Werner, Jose Mourinho

Here, Sports Mole rounds up the latest transfer talk for the Premier League on Monday, December 9 ahead of the January transfer window.

9 Dec 12:14 Sports Mole 7750663362613747313.html
Sports Illustrated bezorgt Rapinoe nóg een eretitel

Megan Rapinoe heeft nog maar eens een onderscheiding binnengehaald. Ze werd door Sports Illustrated, een Amerikaans sporttijdschrift, verkozen tot 'Sportsperson of the Year'. Ze wordt daarmee geroemd om haar optredens tijdens het WK in Frankrijk en haar campagnes buiten het veld.

9 Dec 17:00 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048615218175.html
US bill on China's Xinjiang violates international law, regional official says

Recent US legislation on Xinjiang is a severe violation of international law and gross interference in China's internal affairs, the governor of the far western region said on Monday, accusing the United States of launching a smear campaign. Tension has flared in recent weeks between China and the United States over issues such as Beijing's treatment of its Uighur Muslim minority and protesters in Hong Kong, complicating prospects for a near-term deal to end a 17-month long trade war.

9 Dec 08:16 WION 1570469240652422297.html
IRUTI: The luminous essence of English literature

A teacher of literature should be widely read to understand and appreciate the various cultures of their students

9 Dec 14:52 Daily Nation 7421817124719898017.html
Swedish diplomat faces trial for trying to free China dissident

Anna Lindstedt accused of brokering unauthorised meeting over fate of Gui Minhai

9 Dec 16:41 the Guardian 1491978796419631497.html
Essential Science: Science makes beer last longer

Compared with many other alcoholic beverages, beer has a short expiry time, especially when compared with wine. To improve the holding time of ales and lagers, scientists have come up with a new, innovative process.

9 Dec 08:29 Digital Journal 4566489173106203432.html
Hankook Tire CEO indicted on charges of bribery, embezzlement

Cho Hyun-bum, chief executive of Hankook Tire & Technology, South Korea's largest tire maker by sales, was indicted for taking bribes and embezzling corporate funds, prosecutors said Monday.Cho is suspected of receiving kickbacks worth around 600 million won (US$503,778) from subcontractors and siphoning off some 200 million won from Hankook's affiliated companies, according to the prosecutors' office. In January...

9 Dec 12:42 Koreaherald 8029273603468563235.html
Police launch probe after Cambuslang social club disturbance leaves four men injured

Officers were called to a report of a disturbance within Holepark Social Club around 7.20pm on Sunday night.

9 Dec 16:41 dailyrecord 552235480352619198.html
Suspects questioned by Mayo gardaí after brothel discovery

​​​​​​​OPERATION Quest – a national garda operation targetting the illegal sex trade – has resulted in a number of people in Mayo being questioned on suspicion of paying money for sex.

9 Dec 17:00 Connaught Telegraph 8840491533666168745.html
US Bill on Xinjiang violates international law, region's governor says

A recent US measure on Xinjiang is a severe violation of international law and gross interference in China's internal affairs, the governor of the ...

9 Dec 10:40 CNA 5644198862252518893.html
Tödliche Messerattacke in Stuttgart: Angreifer soll psychisch krank sein

Scheinbar grundlos ist eine Passantin in Stuttgart auf offener Straße erstochen worden. Die Polizei hat einen Tatverdächtigen gefasst und sucht nun nach dem Motiv.

9 Dec 14:53 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428040423645.html
Vandals damage cars in Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem

DUBAI: The quality of youth is said to determine the kind of future a nation will have. Experience shows that high levels of youth participation in a country’s workforce and political discourse can have a positive impact on societal development. Sadly, only a few Arab countries offer their youth these opportunities.

9 Dec 09:12 Arab News 8912634263736339636.html
Bungalows Lake House / Cadi Arquitetura

Completed in 2019 in , Brazil. Images by Cristiano Bauce. The bungalows were created from the customer's need to be able to make even more use of the area where Casa do Lago is located, a project completed...

9 Dec 14:00 ArchDaily 6219750954564075357.html
Bungalows Lake House / Cadi Arquitetura

Completed in 2019 in , Brazil. Images by Cristiano Bauce. The bungalows were created from the customer's need to be able to make even more use of the area where Casa do Lago is located, a project completed...

9 Dec 14:00 ArchDaily 6219750954360594358.html
Bitok gives ultimatum to Malkia Strikers trio

The qualifiers are set for January 2 to 10 in Cameroon.

9 Dec 12:40 Daily Nation 7421817123846784577.html
With embattled airline, South Africa moves to save rail company

Years of corruption and mismanagement have put several state owned enterprises in serious financial crisis including power utility Eskom, whose financial problems have left it struggling to keep the l

9 Dec 16:21 Africanews 6630243980223701830.html
Laporan Politikus PDIP Ditolak Polisi, Rocky Gerung: Malu-maluin

Rocky Gerung mengatakan mengucapkan kritik di forum publik, terhadap Presiden sebagai pembuat kebijakan publik.

9 Dec 10:08 Tempo 4466195685330367574.html
Barr warned Trump for months that Rudy Giuliani was becoming a liability, but the president ignored him because he loves Giuliani's fiery media appearances

Rudy Giuliani was a key figure in the events that sparked an impeachment probe, and his actions have long concerned Trump administration officials.

9 Dec 11:18 Yahoo 7097669638385067459.html
Putin set for landmark Paris talks on Ukraine conflict

Russian leader Vladimir Putin will for the first time hold formal talks with Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky over the conflict in ...

9 Dec 10:32 CNA 5644198862782530733.html
Greta Thunberg asks media to focus on other young climate activists

The 16-year-old said people from the global south, especially indigenous communities, need to be heard on how they are affected by climate change.

9 Dec 12:54 Express & Star 7324224459275104037.html
Kalahkan City di Etihad Stadium, Scott McTominay: Ini Kemenangan yang Manis

Gelandang Manchester United, Scott McTominay tidak mampu menyembunyikan kebahagiaannya setelah timnya memenangkan Derby Manchester.

9 Dec 16:40 Bola.net 5489959027859089766.html
Jokowi Kecewa! Pemberdayaan UMKM Masih Belum Terarah

Demikian dikatakan Jokowi saat memimpin rapat terbatas dengan topik Pemberdayaan UMKM Tahun 2020 di Kantor Presiden, Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta,

9 Dec 10:06 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213979071817.html
Nigerian arrested for confining 3 female MUBS students


9 Dec 17:18 The Observer 7850745373403770011.html
Milan, con la vittoria di Bologna i rossoneri tornano nella parte sinistra della classifica

Grazie alla vittoria di ieri in casa del Bologna, la seconda consecutiva dopo quella contro il Parma di una settimana prima, il Milan vede finalmente migliorare la sua classifica: come riporta il Corriere della Sera, con i tre punti ottenuti al Dall'Ara, i rossoneri sono finalmente passati nella parte sinistra della graduatoria della Serie A.   

9 Dec 11:48 MilanNews.it 6507305921848679989.html
Vulcano N.Zelanda,morto,turisti dispersi

Almeno una persona è morta, diverse sono rimaste ferite e alcuni turisti risultano dispersi su una piccola isola vulcanica della Nuova Zelanda, il cui vulcano è eruttato improvvisamente. (ANSA)

9 Dec 08:12 ANSA.it 1300837448600847676.html
Serena Mollicone, il consulente dei Mottola accusa il brigadiere Tuzi

"Serena Mollicone potrebbe essere stata uccisa dal brigadiere Santino Tuzi in un impeto sessuale. A nostro avviso  Il brigadiere era un soggetto con disturbi psichici". Carmelo Lavorino, consulente di parte della famiglia Mottola, nel corso della puntata de Le Iene andata in onda ieri...

9 Dec 11:04 Il Tempo 2494990960634860715.html
Man hurled racist insults at Exeter McDonalds worker

Exeter magistrates court heard that it was 'an unpleasant incident which was racially aggravated'

9 Dec 15:30 DevonLive 2469244512029962449.html
Africom confirms Russian air defense system downed US drone in Libya

U.S. Africa Command (Africom) has confirmed that an unarmed American drone over the Libyan capital last month was shot down by Russian air defenses, reported Reuters. Africom dropped three headlines via Reuters in the overnight, revealing how the surveillance drone was shot down over Tripoli. The headlines specify Russian military contractors have operated alongside east Libya-based commander Khalifa Haftar in Libya’s bloody civil war. The contractors used Russian missile defense systems last month to shoot down a US drone. Africom’s Gen. Stephen Townsend told Reuters in a statement that he believes the Russian air defense operators “didn’t know it was a US remotely piloted aircraft when they fired on it.” “But they certainly know who it belongs to now and they are refusing to return it. They say they don’t know where it is, but I am not buying it,” Townsend said.

9 Dec 10:59 AMN 4125648317267070958.html
Munir Ulang Tahun, Melanie Subono Minta Maaf

Banyak netizen yang sependapat dengan Melanie. Menurut mereka kasus yang dialami Munir sampai saat ini belum terungkap kebenarannya.

9 Dec 08:40 Tempo 6299881073098154624.html
Owl rescued from Great Wyrley chimney

A tawny owl had to be rescued after becoming stuck in a chimney.

9 Dec 15:44 Express & Star 7324224460477146085.html
Rainy Weather Keeps Joburg Emergency Services On High Alert

The rainy weather is set to continue until at least Wednesday and in Johannesburg, emergency services are on high alert on Monday.

9 Dec 08:00 iAfrica 8834711023391441475.html
EU approves state aid to develop car batteries industry

BRUSSELS (AP) - The European Union has approved 3.2 billion euros ($3.5 billion) in subsidies from seven member countries that want to develop the electric battery industry and challenge China's supremacy.

9 Dec 12:56 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636397916048.html
Walmart removes sweater depicting Santa Claus doing blow

There is no room for amateurs in the drug culture. CNN: “These sweaters, sold by a third-party seller on Walmart.ca, do not represent Walmart’s values and have no place on our website,&…

9 Dec 17:23 Boing Boing 4601305169435554078.html
Podjetjem na voljo nova sredstva iz sklada skladov

SID banka je z uspešno dodelitvijo sredstev prve tranše sklada skladov izpolnila pogoje za drugo črpanje. S tem bo podjetjem in občinam na voljo 63,25...

9 Dec 10:00 Dolenjski list 119924279825830305.html
Is dit slechte seizoen Expeditie Robinson ooit?

Twintig jaar bestaat Expeditie Robinson. Ieder seizoen lijken de fans minder enthousiast te zijn, met dit jaar als dieptepunt.

9 Dec 08:20 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048624273090.html
Tea Board considering new export cess to fund promotion and marketing

While the rate of the cess is yet to be finalised, sources say it could be around Rs 2 per kg of export

9 Dec 12:22 Business-Standard 1502508925649925006.html
Naeun APRIL Beberkan Sisi Gelap Peran di 'Extraordinary You' Hingga Rencana Comeback Grup

Di awal, peran Yeo Ju Da memang telihat kalem dan condong pada sisi perempuan yang lemah. Namun hingga akhir drama, tokoh tersebut perlahan memunculkan sisi gelapnya dan membuat Naeun sedikit kesusahan.

9 Dec 14:41 Kanal 247 6444101939750076604.html
The best and worst regional housing markets

CoreLogic names the best and worst performing regions in the country.

9 Dec 08:25 Australian Financial Review 3974284486451212032.html
Everton hat bei Unai Emery angefragt

Der erst vor kurzem bei Arsenal entlassene Unai Emery war beim FC Everton nach der Trennung von Marco Silva ein Thema.

9 Dec 10:32 4-4-2.com 812646141313907176.html
Sky conferma: riflessione profonda del Napoli su Ancelotti, non si escludono dimissioni

C'è una riflessione profonda del Napoli sul futuro del proprio allenatore. Carlo Ancelotti è in bilico e, come conferma Sky, la proprietà sta valutando

9 Dec 16:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080789753628.html
Paramilitary troops to soon don khadi uniform, Amit Shah issues directions

Samples of cotton and woollen uniforms, blankets and camouflage uniform, among others, for paramilitary forces have been developed by KVIC

9 Dec 12:40 Business-Standard 1502508926564072213.html
SAIL reworks marketing strategy to draw high volume sales in November

Company clocks 36% YoY rise in volume sales to 1.40 million tonnes

9 Dec 14:16 Business-Standard 1502508925971188796.html
Darum trennen sich jetzt viele Paare

Statistisch gesehen gehen im Dezember Beziehungen am häufigsten in die Brüche. Der Weihnachtsstress trägt dazu bei!

9 Dec 12:46 madonna.oe24.at 6531021245485627764.html
Puzzle As Jowie Allegedly Transferred To Voi, Parents Question Motive

Jowie Irungu, the prime suspect in the brutal murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani has allegedly been transferred from Kamiti Maximum Prison Security Prison under unclear circumstances.According

9 Dec 10:21 KahawaTungu 3304128542042769569.html
The best of the world in pictures

The finest photos from the international wire agencies as chosen by our picture editors.

9 Dec 13:00 Brisbane Times 2314609339797832590.html
The best of the world in pictures

The finest photos from the international wire agencies as chosen by our picture editors.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562778760078.html
Judiciary fireworks: GOP accuses Democratic counsel of impugning Trump's motives

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee accused a Democratic counsel offering impeachment evidence of impugning the motives of President Trump, the latest round of fireworks in a testy and

9 Dec 15:44 TheHill 355432918769715110.html
Esplode l'escavatore vicino al vigneto contestato

MIANE – Sconcerto ma anche indignazione da parte dei residenti di via Rive a Premaor dopo che un piccolo scavatore, usato da chi sta lavorando al vicino vigneto, ha preso fuoco

9 Dec 17:11 Oggi Treviso 2529403852342642086.html
Haftbefehle gegen alle Tatverdächtigen erlassen

Sieben junge Männer wurden nach einem tödlichen Angriff auf einen Feuerwehrmann festgenommen. Dem Hauptverdächtigen wird Totschlag vorgeworfen, den anderen Beihilfe zum Totschlag und Körperverletzung.

9 Dec 13:44 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271985036027.html
Elephant crosses train tracks by lifting level crossing gate in Jalpaiguri. Internet is worried

An elephant crossed train tracks by lifting a level crossing gate in North Bengal. The video has gone viral.

9 Dec 13:43 India Today 4286117813362751807.html
Wolves condemn homophobic abuse after two arrests at Brighton

Brighton and Wolves have both issued statements following arrests at Amex Stadium after Sunday's 2-2 draw

9 Dec 11:03 birminghammail 8288260684994876731.html
DOJ watchdog report on Russia investigation set for release

Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your Monday ...

9 Dec 09:25 Fox News 7362823819997639007.html
Court challenge to federal ban on needles for drug-using prisoners postponed

A court hearing to challenge the federal government's ban on needles for drug-using prisoners has been postponed until next week in the latest delay for a case that began seven years ago.

9 Dec 10:13 CP24 1887544296273488175.html
N. Korean airline increases flights to Russia ahead of deadline for repatriation of workers

North Korea's national carrier has increased flights on a route between Pyongyang and Vladivostok as the deadline for the repatriation of North Korean workers draws near, sources said Monday.Air Koryo increased the number of weekly flights connecting the two cities to five from the previous two this week, according to Vladivostok International Airport. The change is set to last until Dec. 20. The increase appare...

9 Dec 11:46 Koreaherald 8029273604802059162.html
Britons feared missing after volcano erupts in New Zealand

White Island erupted with a large plume of ash and steam on Monday.

9 Dec 17:14 Shropshire Star 3480199992394108188.html
16esima edizione delle Borse di studio Carrozza-Pollicino

MESSINA – C’è bisogno di incoraggiare e aiutare la formazione di giovani brillanti e preparati, sviluppare tutte le conoscenze e le potenzialità che saranno poi fondamentali per dare un concreto contributo alla lotta contro il cancro. E’ la mission che si propone la Fondazione Carrozza-Pollicino con la consegna delle borse di studio. Un appuntamento ormai […]

9 Dec 10:15 Tempostretto 3143171743846984073.html
Golden Globes: Die Nominierungen in den wichtigsten Film-Kategorien

Sie gelten als zweithöchste Auszeichnung der US-Unterhaltungsindustrie und als Indikatoren für die Oscar-Gewinner: die Golden Globes. Jedes Jahr werden mit dem begehrten Preis herausragende Kinofilme

9 Dec 16:48 GMX 2011843075270848944.html
Golden Globes: Die Nominierungen in den wichtigsten Film-Kategorien

Sie gelten als zweithöchste Auszeichnung der US-Unterhaltungsindustrie und als Indikatoren für die Oscar-Gewinner: die Golden Globes. Jedes Jahr werden mit dem begehrten Preis herausragende Kinofilme

9 Dec 16:48 GMX News 4492287762176225712.html
European Union permits state aid to develop electric battery giants

The EU's powerful anti-trust authority on Monday approved billions of euros in subsidies from seven member states as Europe seeks to make up lost ground in the highly strategic sector of electric batteries. The move is part of a major push led by Germany and France to prepare Europe for the emergence of electric cars, as gas combustible engines are phased out over concerns for the environment.

9 Dec 14:37 WION 1570469241007355019.html
Rapper Juice Wrld voorspelde zijn vroege dood

De Amerikaanse rapper Juice Wrld hield er in zijn nummer Legends al rekening mee dat hij jong zou sterven. De rapper, die eigenlijk Jarad Anthony Higgins heet, overleed zondag op 21-jarige nadat hij onwel was geworden op het vliegveld van Chicago.

9 Dec 14:41 RTL Boulevard 1500115271059244115.html
SC Partially Lifts Ban on Construction Activities in Delhi-NCR

The SC had previously deferred lifting the ban, requested by the Centre, slamming the authorities for failing to curb the pollution that had caused a near medical emergency in the capital city.

9 Dec 11:25 India.com 7150386082775229396.html
Cambodia to start opposition leader trial in January

PHNOM PENH, Dec 9 —The trial of Cambodian opposition leader Kem Sokha on treason charges will begin on Jan. 15, a court said today. Kem Sokha was arrested in 2017 and his opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) banned ahead of an election last year that was condemned by Western...

9 Dec 11:46 Malaymail 302165934526948027.html
CEOs want urgent action to boost economic growth

Chanticleer's annual survey of 40 CEOs has uncovered some sage advice for government on how to kick-start the economy.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284486517157383.html
Deutsche Exporte steigen - Wirtschaft gibt aber keine Entwarnung

Trotz abkühlender Weltwirtschaft und Handelskonflikten exportiert Deutschland mehr.

9 Dec 12:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110007734935.html
Tod am Touristenmagnet: Verheerender Ausbruch des Vulkans Whakaari

Es ist 14:11 Uhr Ortszeit, als sich über White Island plötzlich der Himmel verdunkelt und Menschen verschwinden. Der "dramatische Vulkan" in Neuseeland sorgt für eine dramatische Szenerie.

9 Dec 11:31 GMX News 4492287762261451034.html
Mbalula’s Prasa-administration announcement is welcomed by Scopa

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula’s announcement that he had decided to place state-owned Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa under administration with immediate effect has been welcomed by the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

9 Dec 15:41 CityPress 437075750511438648.html
White Castle frozen burgers recalled due to listeria

White Castle recalled several varieties of it frozen burgers due to listeria concerns.

9 Dec 13:37 KNOE 8 News 9048639192392459442.html
Korut Gelar 'Uji Coba Penting' di Fasilitas Rudal yang Pernah Dibongkar

Korut mengklaim baru saja menggelar 'uji coba sangat penting' di lokasi peluncuran yang sebelumnya dilaporkan telah dihancurkan.

9 Dec 10:58 detiknews 8793960224012107057.html
De toekomst van de elektrische auto

Alles wijst erop dat de toekomst van de automobielsector elektrisch zal zijn. Nadat Tesla de trendsetter was door elektrische wagens op de markt te brengen zijn bijna alle bestaande merken hun voorbeeld gevolgd. Bijna elk merk heeft momenteel een elektrische wagen op de markt gebracht, maar is dit ook echt de toekomst? Kostprijs Veel mensen worden afgeschrikt door de kostprijs van zo een elektrische wagen. Bij sommige merken is het mogelijk om een groepsaankoop te doen met elektrische wagens. Wanneer je zo een grote ‘bestelling’ plaatst bij de autodealer zal je ook een grotere korting kunnen verkrijgen op je wagen, maar dit is voornamelijk een voordeel voor leasemaatschappijen die groot inkopen. Een andere trend is autodelen, dan koop je een wagen samen met je buren, familie, vrienden of soms zelfs met een onbekende om samen deze wagen te gebruiken. Natuurlijk moeten er duidelijke afspraken gemaakt worden wie de auto op welk tijdstip gebruikt. Dit concept schrikt toch nog veel mensen af omdat ze de auto niet…

9 Dec 16:59 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057928027934.html
Derde aanhouding voor kroegruzie Laren

De politie heeft maandagochtend een derde verdachte aangehouden in verband met een grote vechtpartij in een café in Laren. De politie schoot zondagavond een van de vechtersbazen neer toen agenten werden belaagd.

9 Dec 14:49 RD.nl 6406779841755079912.html
Turkish military, allied militants launch heavy attack in northeast Syria

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) – The Turkish Army, alongside their allied militants, launched a fresh attack on the Abu Rasin area of the Al-Hasakah Governorate this afternoon. According to reports from northeast Syria, the Turkish Army and their allied militants launched several artillery shells and rockets towards the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) positions near the town of Zarqan. As a result of this attack by the Turkish Army and their allies, one civilian was killed in the town of Tal Al-Ward. The Syrian Democratic Forces and Syrian Arab Army (SAA) have yet to respond to this latest attack by the Turkish Army.

9 Dec 16:11 AMN 4125648317700739042.html
Mega ke Pengusung Khilafah yang Ingin Rusak Indonesia: Pergi Kalian!

Bila jalan kekerasan lebih dipilih ketimbang dialog, pengusung khilafah harus pergi. "Jangan rusak Indonesia, tolong. Pergilah kalian!" kata Mega.

9 Dec 14:56 detiknews 8793960224144011302.html
Geen Messi bij Barcelona in laatste groepswedstrijd Champions League

Lionel Messi is niet van de partij in de laatste groepswedstrijd van FC Barcelona. Voor de Catalaanse club staat er weinig meer op het spel, want het is al verzekerd van groepswinst. Barcelona neemt het op tegen Internazionale, wat nog wel strijdt voor een plek bij de laatste 16. Zij hebben een positief onderling resultaat…

9 Dec 13:38 Sportnieuws 3602982463486083607.html
Baby in Wien misshandelt - Vater beteuert Schuldlosigkeit

Der 35-Jährige, der seinen drei Monate alten Sohn schwer misshandelt haben soll - das Baby befindet sich in einem Wiener Spital nach einer Notoperation in Lebensgefahr -, bestreitet vehement die gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfe. "Er ist aus allen Wolken gefallen, wie er von den Verletzungen erfahren hat", berichtete der Wiener Anwalt Wolfgang Blaschitz, der die Verteidigung des Mannes übernommen hat.

9 Dec 12:12 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084377288875.html
Cabinet expansion, the next challenge

It is likely to happen early next week

9 Dec 16:45 The Hindu 6679535025221052511.html
5 Cara Mengobati Kaki Kering Secara Alami, Bisa Pakai Kemenyan

Cara mengobati kaki kering merupakan informasi tepat bagi Anda yang sering memiliki kondisi kaki yang mudah kering. Pengobatannya ternyata bisa dilakukan secara alami yaitu dengan menggunakan beberapa minyak esensial.

9 Dec 16:23 merdeka.com 1998180355331391509.html
UK election campaign enters final rounds with Brexit on the line

Johnson is hoping to regain the Conservative majority lost by his predecessor Theresa May in the last election, just two years ago, while Corbyn is aiming to upset the odds and usher in the first Labour government for nine years.

9 Dec 11:56 Saudi Gazette 6913978434154648698.html
Zusammentreffen in Paris: Proteste in Kiew vor Friedens-Gipfel

Maas will keine Lockerung von Russland-Sanktionen bei EU-Gipfel, Schallenberg erwartet Schritte von Russland.

9 Dec 14:59 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699636604548.html
Minister Demir kan naar Madrid: Vlaamse regering bereikt akkoord over klimaatplan

De Vlaamse regering heeft vanmorgen een akkoord bereikt over het klimaatplan. De Europese verplichting om tegen 2030 35 procent minder CO2 uit te stoten za...

9 Dec 08:33 De Standaard 2288913867455194885.html
Turkey preserves academic heritage of war-torn Middle East

Many projects have been carried out by Turkey to preserve the academic heritage in the Middle East, a region seriously affected by instability and war, a...

9 Dec 15:51 DAILY SABAH 8383944809895423896.html
Man pleads not guilty to murdering Japanese national

Mohamed Morei on trial over death of Yosuke Sasaki in Dundalk in January 2018

9 Dec 13:30 The Irish Times 8204772967654196585.html
Targetkan UMKM Berkontribusi Lebih Terhadap PDB dan Ekspor, Ini Kebijakan Kemenkop dan UKM

WE Online, Jakarta - Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM menyusun Strategi Pemberdayaan UMKM dalam lima tahun ke depan. Strategi ini merupakan implementasi dari program pemerintah dalam pengarusutamaan UMKM dalam ekonomi nasional.

9 Dec 09:15 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834220882293.html
Winnfield woman accused of selling raffle tickets in holiday scam

The Vernon Parish Sheriff’s Office recently arrested two suspects from Winnfield after for an alleged “holiday scam.”

9 Dec 14:04 KNOE 8 News 9048639192666288778.html
Noël Slangen is nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderarmoedefonds

Ondernemer Noël Slangen is de nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderarmoedefonds. Hij neemt de fakkel over van kinderpsychiater op emeritaat Peter Adriaenssens.

9 Dec 12:02 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190902905088.html
Bakkt Launches The First CFTC-Regulated Option on Bitcoin And Cash-Settled Futures

Bakkt, the Bitcoin Futures trading platform of the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), has just announced that it's rolling out cash-settled Bitcoin futures

9 Dec 14:43 CryptoPotato 7087008391318260464.html
Psikolog Sarankan Orangtua Tak Cium Bibir Anak, Ini 3 Alasannya

Kebiasaan mencium anak di bibirnya mungkin terjadi pada sebagian orangtua. Namun, ternyata psikolog menyarankan untuk tak lagi melakukan hal itu. Apa alasannya?

9 Dec 12:36 liputan6.com 3414318496504038335.html
Polizei: Vermutlich keine Überlebenden mehr auf Vulkaninsel

Auckland (dpa) - Nach dem Ausbruch eines Vulkans auf der neuseeländischen Insel White Island vermutet die Polizei, dass es dort keine Überlebenden mehr gibt. Nach mehreren Erkundungsflügen mit Flugzeugen und Hubschrauber sagte ein Sprecher: «An keinem Ort sind Lebenszeichen gesichtet worden. Auf Grundlage der vorliegenden Informationen glauben wir nicht, dass sich auf der Insel noch Überlebende befinden.» Nach bisherigen Angaben wurden bei dem Ausbruch am Montag mindestens fünf Menschen getötet. Mehr als 20 werden noch vermisst.

9 Dec 12:46 DIE WELT 6197693428359842350.html
Study highlights benefits of Medicaid expansion for Michigan enrollees

When the state of Michigan expanded its Medicaid program to provide health coverage to more low-income residents, its leaders built special features into the plan, different from most states.

9 Dec 16:00 News-Medical.net 4522523031141385641.html
Philipp und Keuntje: fischerAppelt advertising und PUK gehen in Berlin zusammen

Nach dem Zusammenschluss von fischerAppelt und Philipp und Keuntje im März, werden sich im Januar fischerAppelt advertising und PUK in Berlin zusammenschließen. Unter der Marke PUK bündelt die fischerAppelt-Gruppe zum 1. Januar 2020 die hauseigenen Kräfte für Kreativ-Kampagnen und Markenführung.

9 Dec 14:56 MEEDIA 2574484878542069205.html
Merseburg will Vereine zur Kasse bitten

Die Mitglieder von Merseburger Sportvereinen müssen sich nun vermutlich doch auf höhere Mitgliedsbeiträge einstellen. Der Grund ist eine geplante Kurskorrektur im Rathaus und Stadtrat, was die Beteiligung von Vereinen an den Betriebskosten von Sportstätten ...

9 Dec 09:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110153126778.html
Europa bouwt 'stofzuiger' voor ruimteafval

De Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA wil een vaartuig laten bouwen dat satellieten gaat opruimen. Dit moet de hoeveelheid ruimteafval in een baan rond de aarde terugdringen.

9 Dec 11:56 RTLZ 8052859356443069880.html
Guru Rock n Love, Kolaborasi Akting Ricky Harun dan Indah Permatasari

Miniseri SCTV Guru Rock n Love ditayangkan perdana, Senin (9/12/2019) sore.

9 Dec 12:20 liputan6.com 3414318497717746193.html
Afghanistan papers reveal US public were misled about unwinnable war

Interviews with key insiders reveal damning verdict on conflict that cost 2,300 US lives

9 Dec 14:13 the Guardian 1491978796315229328.html
5 Manfaat Vitamin C bagi Tubuh, Mampu Tingkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh

Vitamin C memang terkenal banyak memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh dan kulit. Vitamin ini merupakan vitamin esensial yang tidak bisa diproduksi oleh tubuh. Namun, memiliki banyak peran dan berguna bagi kesehatan.

9 Dec 16:20 merdeka.com 1998180355065326870.html
Chinas Behörden sollen auf ausländische Computer verzichten

Im Zuge ihres Handelskrieges verfolgen die USA eine "Entkoppelung" von China. Auch Peking will seine Abhängigkeit von US-Technologie verringern - und am liebsten alles austauschen. Ist das machbar?

9 Dec 09:46 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220227368394.html
Fulham fans copy Leeds United in starting petition against referee Jeremy Simpson after Bristol City win

The referee failed to award a late penalty to the hosts

9 Dec 08:26 BristolLive 4740742016412179023.html
Australians' faith in government hits record low

SYDNEY: Australians have less trust in government than at any point on record and are more worried about climate change, according to a ...

9 Dec 08:54 CNA 5644198863533144006.html
Vicky Cornell Sues Soundgarden Over Allegedly Unpaid Royalties, Unreleased Recordings

Chris Cornell's widow Vicky Cornell has sued Soundgarden over his unreleased vocal tracks and unpaid royalties.

9 Dec 11:42 Spin 8163528370978500080.html
Quartu, nella rotatoria di Margine Rosso spunta una maxi antenna

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 15:49 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206581126682.html
Murder trial ends in mistrial after lawyer involved in crash

DEDHAM, Mass. (AP) - The murder trial of a Massachusetts woman charged with killing her 81-year-old neighbor ended Monday when the judge called a mistrial because the defense attorney was struck by a car.

9 Dec 16:24 WFXT 6395891953926384263.html
Cape Coral Police make three DUI arrests in weekend traffic operations

Police held high-visibility traffic operations over the weekend and made three DUI arrests.

9 Dec 13:13 Fox 4 8372747776955021904.html
Fitte Denzel Curry laat Tilburg trillen

Denzel Curry zette tijdens zijn derde bezoek aan Tilburg een uitverkochte 013 in de hens. De term zondagsrust werd door hem en zijn trouwe Nederlandse fans compleet verbannen.

9 Dec 10:40 NRC 5923869433354517435.html
Two visiting fans arrested for homophobic abuse at Brighton-Wolves game

Both the Seagulls and Wolves are working with police.

9 Dec 11:56 Breaking News 4415806918468276840.html
Fashion Industry Warns the World to Heed Dire Climate Warnings

The global fashion industry is drawing on its own "social and cultural weight" to lead the world into tackling climate change.

9 Dec 10:20 Breitbart 3148363491874067952.html
Ancelotti resta in bilico: il punto e la qualificazione potrebbero non bastare

Il tecnico quest'oggi parlerà in conferenza stampa, ribadirà probabilmente di sentire la fiducia della proprietà. Ma resta traballante.

9 Dec 13:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081040139608.html
US bill on China's Xinjiang violates international law, regional official says

Recent US legislation on Xinjiang is a severe violation of international law and gross interference in China's internal affairs, the governor of the far western region said on Monday, accusing the United States of launching a smear campaign.

9 Dec 08:08 Bdnews24 8119004128337253023.html
Nordbahnhalle wird endgültig abgerissen

Die durch einen Brand fast vollständig zerstörte Halle wird bis Ende Jänner 2020 abgetragen. Die Stadt Wien beendet damit ein monatelanges Ringen um die Nutzung des ehemaligen Kulturzentrums in...

9 Dec 10:26 Die Presse 6242788853937889432.html
Scientists have developed a once-a-month contraceptive pill

Scientists believe this could be extremely effective to prevent unplanned pregnancies. This has been the first instance when such an approach has been used to deliver contraceptives.

9 Dec 11:30 The Indian Express 2885715104439019715.html
Theologenblog: Leid een hoopvol leven te midden van kerkelijke troebelen

De identiteit van een christen in Jezus Christus relativeert de sterke focus op het hier en nu en ook de kramp die dat veroorzaakt.

9 Dec 11:58 RD.nl 6406779840878999780.html
Theologenblog: Leef een hoopvol leven te midden van kerkelijke troebelen

De identiteit van een christen in Jezus Christus relativeert de sterke focus op het hier en nu en ook de kramp die dat veroorzaakt.

9 Dec 11:58 RD.nl 6406779842148568037.html
Salzburger Shootingstar greift nach Orange Bowl

Roger Federer, Jim Courier, Andy Roddick, Dominic Thiem - sie alle konnten sich bei der Orange Bowl bereits in die Siegerliste eintragen. Etwas, dass ...

9 Dec 12:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094184597585.html
Post-mortem report vanishes from court

Three police officers have been accused of murder.

9 Dec 16:49 Daily Nation 7421817125379018409.html
Paul de Leeuw vindt tegenvallende kijkcijfers keihard

Paul de Leeuw gaat in 2020 broeden op de toekomst van zijn zaterdagavondshow bij RTL 4. Pauls nummer 1 show, zijn eerste zaterdagavondshow op RTL 4, weet nog niet genoeg bekijks te trekken. "Het is gewoon echt te weinig", zei Paul maandag in de ochtendshow van Giel Beelen op Radio Veronica. "Laten we daar duidelijk over zijn."

9 Dec 13:01 RTL Boulevard 1500115271928964047.html
Iranian Soccer Fans Storm Club To Protest Departure Of Italian Coach

Dozens of angry fans of Iran’s famous Esteghlal soccer team stormed the offices of their club in the Iranian capital on December 9 and beat up a club official to protest the departure of Italian coach Andrea Stramaccioni.

9 Dec 13:48 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794161963098290.html
Mann mit Hammer von Polizisten erschossen

Ein Mann schlägt in Wuppertal mit einem Hammer auf Autos ein. Beim anschließenden Polizeieinsatz wird der 25-Jährige durch Schüsse tödlich verletzt.

9 Dec 14:57 T-Online 5460876211398779906.html
Marmots holen drei Punkte gegen das Tabellenschlusslicht

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 13:26 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775562593347.html
Rakyat Malaysia antara 24 hilang dalam letusan gunung berapi

WELLINGTON, 13 Rabiulakhir 1441H, Selasa – Pelancong dari pelbagai negara termasuk Malaysia, Australia, Amerika Syarikat, United Kingdom (UK) dan China antara mangsa yang hilang susulan ledakan Gunung Berapi Putih di White Island. Perkara berkenaan disahkan oleh Perdana Menteri New Zealand, Jacinda Arden. Media antarabangsa melaporkan, seramai 47 pelancong pergi ke pulau berkenaan dan daripada jumlah …

9 Dec 17:55 Portal Islam dan Melayu | ISMAWeb 660427084772000683.html
Hari Anti Korupsi, Intip Cara Orang Tua Ajarkan Anak Lebih Jujur

Ada beberapa cara mudah orang tua mengajarkan anak untuk belajar anti korupsi. Apa saja itu?

9 Dec 13:50 Tempo 1441053763387090564.html
TEs Ditka, Newsome, Winslow finalists for All-Time Team

Hall of Famers Mike Ditka, Ozzie Newsome and Kellen Winslow are among the tight ends selected as finalists for the NFL’s All-Time Team. The league on Monday revealed 12 tight...

9 Dec 17:00 The Seattle Times 9121942837195726670.html
Ada Info Direksi Garuda Diumumkan Hari Ini

Dirjen Perhubungan Udara Kemenhub Polana B Pramesti mengaku mendapat informasi perombakan direksi Garuda Indonesia akan diumumkan hari ini, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 10:11 detikfinance 4442190002037848319.html
Steele warned that IG report contains information previously blacked out, report says

Christopher Steele, the British ex-spy and author of the anti-Trump dossier, was reportedly told that the Justice Department will release information about him that was previously blacked out in the department’s internal watchdog report on the investigation into President Trump’s 2016 campaign due on Monday.

9 Dec 09:40 Fox News 7362823821329932366.html
HRD Ministry not likely to interfere in JNU fee hike issue, may facilitate resolution

The government is unlikely to make a direct intervention to resolve the issue between JNU administration and students protesting against hike in hostel fees, official sources said on Monday. The HRD Ministry may 'facilitate' a resolution but will not issue any 'directive', they said. 'Issuing a directive may be und

9 Dec 16:22 Oneindia 2023829372574988171.html
Baliho Cawalkot Makassar Bertebaran, Ini Kata Plt Dirut Perusda Sulsel

Plt Dirut Perusahaan Daerah Sulawesi Selatan (Perusda Sulsel) Taufik Fachrudin menjawab isu dirinya maju ke Pemilihan Wali Kota Makassar 2020.

9 Dec 12:44 detiknews 8793960224421417507.html
Remember When Russian Diesel Submarines Chased Down A British Nuclear Sub?

Depends if it actually happened.

9 Dec 17:05 The National Interest 7207864703445686054.html
Hakenkruizen op woningen in Wijchen

In Wijchen zijn woningen beklad met hakenkruizen. Dit is gebeurd tussen zondagavond 22.00 uur en maandagmorgen 10.45 uur. Dat schrijft de politie op Facebook.

9 Dec 13:35 Omroep Gelderland 9177932616029625769.html
Federal govt's refusal to provide clean needles in prison to be challenged today

An Ontario court is set to hear today a constitutional challenge to the federal ban on needles for drug-using prisoners.

9 Dec 10:13 CP24 1887544296503455495.html
Boris Johnson, polarising leader focused on Brexit

Johnso­n's relaxe­d style and lack of attent­ion to detail has led to accusa­tions of incomp­etence

9 Dec 08:16 The Express Tribune 1105816786437749336.html
FM Qureshi leaves for Turkey to attend Heart of Asia Conference

FM Qureshi leaves for Turkey to attend Heart of Asia Conference

9 Dec 10:38 Dunya News 5863268918083328108.html
Polizei kontrolliert verstärkt auf Alkohol und Drogen

Achtung Autofahrer: Die NÖ Polizei kontrolliert auch in der Vorweihnachtszeit 2019 im Umfeld von Adventmärkten. Und zwar nicht nur auf Alkohol, auch Drogenlenker sind im Visier der Beamten.

9 Dec 12:47 NÖN.at 2486998932597253059.html
Infinity Ward Sends Out Modern Warfare Survey Aiming To Woo Unimpressed Gamers Back

Infinity Ward wants to know why the players stopped playing and has sent out a survey to try and figure out how to lure the gamers back.

9 Dec 08:09 HotHardware 6258404625794748371.html
Kosovo, Albania to boycott Nobel Literature award ceremony

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) - Kosovo and Albania say they will boycott the Nobel Literature Prize ceremony Tuesday to protest the award being given to Austrian writer Peter Handke who both countries link to the war in the former Yugoslavia.

9 Dec 11:25 WFXT 6395891953963054711.html
Durch Brandanschlag auf Finanzamt: Post von zwei Tagen vernichtet

In der Nacht zum Samstag hat es einen Brandanschlag auf das Leipziger Finanzamt gegeben. Dadurch wurden auch einige Briefe zerstört.

9 Dec 10:49 TAG24 4583887874711570382.html
Profi Sebastian Kaps geht mit Hobby-Fotografen auf Reisen

Seit Jahren gestaltet Sebastian Kaps den Gartenreich-Kalender. Sein Hauptaugenmerk legt der Fotograf mittlerweile auf die Arbeit im Ausland.

9 Dec 14:25 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109384346408.html
Zahl der Langzeitarbeitslosen in Graubünden gesunken

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 11:01 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776526214394.html
Fünf kuriose Geschwindigkeitsrekorde

Eine Hütte auf Rädern? Ist schon kurios. Wenn die dann aber noch über 160 km/h schnell ist, wird es richtig schräg. Aber auch ein Rasenmäher, ein Traktor oder eine Dampfmaschine können verdammt schnell sein. Fünf verblüffende Tempo-Bestmarken.

9 Dec 09:18 n-tv 6802689754575535015.html
Two visiting fans arrested for homophobic abuse at Brighton-Wolves game

Both the Seagulls and Wolves are working with police.

9 Dec 11:42 Express & Star 7324224459890856736.html
Two visiting fans arrested for homophobic abuse at Brighton-Wolves game

Both the Seagulls and Wolves are working with police.

9 Dec 11:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773746538898.html
Sidang Korupsi SMK, Menantu Nyaris Pukul Mertua di Sidang

KBRN, Jambi : Keributan sempat mewarnai sidang lanjutan kasus korupsi Pembangunan Unit Sekolah Baru SMK Bagimu Negeri, Kabupaten Tanjabtim , dengan terdakwa Santi Wirda yang berlangsung di

9 Dec 17:56 RRI News Portal 6700853644530804323.html
Trump impeachment drive enters crucial week in divided Congress

Washington, United States | AFP | The impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump in a sharply divided US Congress enter a new phase Monday when the House Judiciary Committee convenes a hearing expected to result in specific charges against the Republican leader. Democrats accuse Trump of abusing his power by allegedly linking military aid for Ukraine …

9 Dec 13:00 The Independent Uganda: 5099025989913847425.html
AFC Telford United loan Henry Cowans to Stourbridge

AFC Telford United have sent midfielder Henry Cowans on loan to Stourbridge for a month.

9 Dec 15:32 Shropshire Star 3480199992884349937.html
Sonko Arrest: Court Makes Decision on Bail Application

The Anti-Corruption Court has made a decision regarding Sonko's bail application, going on to...

9 Dec 14:14 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153976320248.html
Euronics anticipa il Natale con tanti sconti

Euronics anticipa il Natale con un'ampia campagna promozionale che vede offrire in sconto decine di prodotti nel settore tech.

9 Dec 14:15 Webnews 4852331585465577744.html
EU-Kommission entscheidet: Deutschland darf Batterie-Industrie mit 1,25 Milliarden Euro subventionieren

Nur drei Prozent aller Batterien auf der Welt werden in Europa hergestellt. Um das zu ändern, dürfen EU-Staaten bestimmte Unternehmen jetzt mit insgesamt 3,2 Milliarden Euro subventionieren. In Deutschland profitieren etwa BASF, BMW und Varta von bis zu 1,25 Milliarden Euro.

9 Dec 12:45 FOCUS Online 4448121230804700412.html
Stavka tudi danes ohromila promet okoli Pariza

Protestniki so poskrbeli za nove prometne zamaške okoli Pariza. Francozi stavkajo že peti dan, njihovo nezadovoljstvo pa izhaja iz načrtovane pokojninske reforme predsednika Emmanuela Macrona. Nadzorniki prometa so v današnji jutranji konici zabeležili za več kot 600 kilometrov zastojev, medtem ko jih v povprečju naštejejo za okoli 350 kilometrov.

9 Dec 11:16 Dnevnik 7671546649165095009.html
Sentimen Pasaran : Tinjauan Undian Memihak Kepada Parti Konservatif – Pound Kukuh!

Matawang pound mengkuh kepada paras tertinggi 2 1/2 tahun lalu berbanding matawang euro pada hari Isnin apabila tinjaun mingguan yang […]

9 Dec 14:46 INTRADAY 6806088667263072010.html
Vlaamse regering bereikt akkoord over klimaatplan, snelheid op Brusselse ring gaat naar beneden

De Vlaamse regering heeft vanmorgen een akkoord bereikt over het klimaatplan. Nadat vrijdag de ministerraad zonder akkoord uit elkaar ging, omdat er nog “berekeningen nodig waren”, is er afgelopen ...

9 Dec 08:28 HLN 8967494996640083936.html
Sonko Speaks on Appointment of Deputy Governor

Speaking to Kenyans.co.ke through his Director of Communications, Sonko explained...

9 Dec 12:24 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154251506743.html
French strike chaos deepens in crucial week for Macron

France's transport chaos deepened Monday on the fifth day of a nationwide strike over pension reforms, ramping up tensions at the start of a crucial week in President Emmanuel Macron's battle with trade unions.

9 Dec 12:31 The Guardian 7580308505698968908.html
Walgreens Exclusive X-Men Stepford Cuckoos Figure Coming in Spring

Phoebe, Mindee, and Celeste heads come with one single body, alternate hands, power effects, and a Cerebro helmet. Completists will want three.

9 Dec 16:20 SuperHeroHype 7705098697199459254.html
Unai Emery: Everton reportedly approach Spaniard for manager job

Premier League side Everton have reportedly approached Spanish football coach Unai Emery about the possibility of him becoming their next manager.

9 Dec 13:43 Legit 3764253649785070579.html
Scandalo doping, Russia fuori da Olimpiadi e Mondiali

Esclusa per 4 anni. E' la sanzione sportiva più pesante della storia nei confronti di un'intera nazione

9 Dec 11:37 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187956704064.html
EXO Buka-bukaan, Siapa Member dengan Penghasilan Tertinggi?

Anggota EXO buka-bukaan soal siapa member dengan penghasilan tertinggi 

9 Dec 08:58 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212292237841.html
Pinehouse inquiry report expected by year's end

The formal portion of the inquiry into the Northern Village of Pinehouse has concluded and the final report is expected by year's end.

9 Dec 15:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104419715429728.html
FM Qureshi boycotts Indian minister’s speech at Istanbul conference

Quresh­i walks out of Heart of Asia confer­ence in protes­t agains­t Occupi­ed Kashmi­r clampd­own

9 Dec 15:31 The Express Tribune 1105816787373824662.html
FC Bayern muss vorerst auf Michael Cuisance verzichten

Der FC Bayern München muss vorerst auf Sommer-Neuzugang Michael Cuisance (20) verzichten. Das gab der Rekordmeister am Montag bekannt.

9 Dec 14:51 SPOX 8395423525849503276.html
Flashy Nairobi governor pleads not guilty to graft charges

Governor Mike, the latest top official to be hauled in on corruption charges in Kenya, is accused of having benefitted from irregular procurement and payments of...

9 Dec 12:38 New Vision 9103146373060304140.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

VANCOUVER - The Law Society of British Columbia has moved to require Indigenous cultural competency training for all practising lawyers in the province, in

9 Dec 09:00 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244134490397.html
Bertemu Jokowi, Ahok Ditugasi Tekan Impor Migas

"Pesannya jelas. Tadi dijelaskan, Presiden ingin memperbaiki defisit neraca perdagangan kita. Kunci paling besar sektor petrokimia dan migas"

9 Dec 11:50 detikfinance 4442190002215811574.html
Tiga Pesan Komnas HAM untuk Wapres

Penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran HAM berat; penanganan konflik sumber daya alam (SDA); penanganan masalah intoleransi, diskriminasi, dan ekstrimisme. Komnas HAM. Komnas HAM juga mengusulkan Presiden Jokowi untuk menerbitkan Keppres atau Perppu UU No.39 Tahun 1999 yang substansinya memperkuat kewenangan Komnas HAM.

9 Dec 15:22 hukumonline.com 2042817839001590513.html
Deadly India fire in one of thousands of illegal factories

NEW DELHI (AP) - Day laborers in one of New Delhi's most congested neighborhoods demonstrated against unsafe working conditions on Monday, a day after at least 43 people were killed in a devastating fire at an illegal factory there.

9 Dec 11:44 WFXT 6395891953295746080.html
OnePlus TV gets Netflix app and a redesigned remote controller

In an effort to diversify its product portfolio, OnePlus launched its first-ever smart television, OnePlus Q1 Pro TV a few months back. While OnePlus TV was praised for its vibrant 4K LED panel, integrated soundbar, the lack of Netflix app and the remote control were some of the biggest letdowns of the smart TV. The …

9 Dec 16:24 MSPoweruser 1651641550245688798.html
Teen struck by lightning is IDF soldier

IDF confirms 19-year-old who was struck by lightning Sunday was soldier in middle of training exercise.

9 Dec 16:22 Israel National News 5374683669769179018.html
Prasa placed under administration – minister

Developing story.

9 Dec 10:12 Moneyweb 1092550947675709866.html
Avanti West Coast Begins Painting Over Virgin Trains

There's a new rail franchise dealing with our complaints about the Wi-Fi not working and the toilets oozing piss and bleach out into the corridors today, with Avanti West Coast taking over the business of running what was once the Virgin Trains line between London and Scotland.

9 Dec 13:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001193615024.html
Events can now be moved between calendars using the Google Calendar app

Google Calendar app is gaining the ability to move events between calendars in a server-side update. Previously, users needed to copy or duplicate event details and delete the original event later.

9 Dec 17:02 Neowin 8633418616293112383.html
Even light to moderate alcohol consumption can increase cancer risk

In a study conducted in Japan, even light to moderate alcohol consumption was associated with elevated cancer risks.

9 Dec 15:35 News-Medical.net 4522523030183188651.html
Wonder Woman maakt grandioze terugkeer in nieuwe trailer

Gal Gadot (34) kruipt weer in de superheldenhuid van Wonder Woman voor de nieuwste editie van de film en dat belooft vooral veel vrouwenpower van de actrice. Dit keer speelt het verhaal zich af in 1984 en de DC-heldin lijkt krachtiger dan ooit tevoren.

9 Dec 10:02 RTL Boulevard 1500115270769648333.html
Shareholders in revolt over EOH pay policy

EOH is in the cross-hairs of shareholders over executive pay, with an astonishing 65% of shareholders voting against the group’s remuneration policy and its implementation at Thursday’s AGM.

9 Dec 14:42 TechCentral 724913820415799421.html
Mann stirbt nach gewalttätiger Auseinandersetzung

Im niedersächsischen Emden hat die Polizei zwei Verdächtige festgenommen, die für den Tod eines 27-Jährigen verantwortlich sein sollen. Der Mann hatte schwere Kopfverletzungen erlitten.

9 Dec 13:06 T-Online 5460876211472238381.html
Hong Kongers await Beijing olive branch after rare calm

Hong Kongers have delivered a clarion call for change over the last fortnight with a landslide local election defeat for the government and more ...

9 Dec 15:00 CNA 5644198864162709844.html
Anniversary Mommies Daily ke-10 Ajak Bunda Lebih Peduli Kesehatan Mental

Berdamai dengan masa lalu, berkesadaran penuh dalam mencari pasangan hidup, melewati kehamilan, dan mengasuh anak.

9 Dec 15:45 moms-life 8028540701004013065.html
Kirsten linked with mentorship role at Proteas

Former Proteas coach Gary Kirsten is reportedly set to assist the team in a mentorship capacity.

9 Dec 11:11 Sport 682566035287544973.html
Demonstranten stürmen Amtssitz von Maltas Regierungschef

In Malta haben Demonstranten den Amtssitz von Ministerpräsident Joseph Muscat gestürmt und den Regierungschef im Zusammenhang mit den Ermittlungen zum Mord an der Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia zum sofortigen Rücktritt aufgefordert.

9 Dec 09:45 bz BASEL 5287163743229001318.html
ZOB Crailsheim: Betrunkener bedroht Passanten und Polizisten mit Messer

Ein betrunkener 30-Jähriger hat am Sonntagmorgen am Crailsheimer ZOB mit einem Messer für Unruhe gesorgt.

9 Dec 10:02 swp.de 6929179441603552383.html
John McDonnell promises February budget to end austerity

In the first 100 days of a Labour government, the process of bringing water and energy into public ownership will begin.

9 Dec 12:24 Express & Star 7324224460243384437.html
Lagi, Kiky Saputri Umbar Kemesraan Cubit Jenggot Reza Rahardian

Lagi, Kiky Saputri Umbar Kemesraan Cubit Jenggot Reza Rahardian

9 Dec 09:57 merdeka.com 1998180355048329948.html
Anthony Joshua once again becomes boxing's heavyweight champion

Anthony Joshua of Watford, Great Britain is once again the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. On Saturday at the Diriyah Arena in Diriyah, Saudi Arabia, Joshua beat Andy Ruiz Jr. of Imperial…

9 Dec 16:35 The Sports Daily 5871911276883684906.html
HC takes suo motu notice of snakebite case

The Kerala High Court has ordered to initiate suo motu proceedings in the case of the death of Shehla Sherin, a student of the Government Sarvajana Vocational Higher Secondary School, Sulthan Bathery,

9 Dec 17:54 The Hindu 6679535025903875871.html
Extremsportler überqueren Nordpolarmeer auf Skiern

Mit fast einem Monat Verspätung haben die beiden Extremsportler Mike Horn und Borge Ousland auf Skiern das Nordpolarmeer überquert. Seit dem 12. ...

9 Dec 16:31 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092884333905.html
God Takes Blame for Attacking Brexit Party Advert in Doncaster

Political activists in Doncaster are all off the hook today, after police decided that a mobile Brexit Party banner had not been rammed off the road by an angry local as initially claimed. Blame for the incident has now been placed on the wind.

9 Dec 11:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001307115726.html
Blitzer in Schorndorf: Schweinskopf auf Radarfalle abgelegt

Die Polizei ermittelt wegen unerlaubter Entsorgung von Tierabfällen. Der Kopf wurde auf einem mobilen Blitzer abgelegt.

9 Dec 08:22 swp.de 6929179441543648805.html
OKEx Prepares to Launch USDT-Margined Perpetual Swap Trading, Announces TMMR Risk Management Feature for Spot Margin Trading

OKEx, the leading global cryptocurrency futures exchange platform has announced that it is going to soon launch its USDT Margined Perpetual Swap Trading

9 Dec 08:31 NewsBTC 7232133510857803481.html
Mofalenker von Auto erfasst und schwer verletzt

Ein Mofalenker ist am Sonntagabend an einer Kreuzung in Purgstall an der Erlauf (Bezirk Scheibbs) von einem abbiegenden Pkw erfasst worden.

9 Dec 08:57 NÖN.at 2486998931923228577.html
Nisseposten mandag 9.desember

Bjelleklang, bjelleklang, over skog og hei..

9 Dec 11:58 adressa.no 8417332406290859402.html
Pertarungan Sengit, E-Commerce RI Ada yang Gulung Tikar

Bisnis e-commerce sangat dinamis.

9 Dec 12:48 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213664141352.html
Smart airports: This tech controls aircraft landings from hundreds of miles away

An airport and its air-traffic control tower can be huge distances apart in Norway's remote-control project.

9 Dec 11:13 ZDNet 591556593434997527.html
West Virginians head to Canada to find affordable insulin

A group of West Virginians left the country Sunday in search of affordable insulin -- they went to Canada, where insulin prices are reported to be about a tenth of what it costs people in the United States.

9 Dec 13:05 CTVNews 2422791598826380336.html
Terrifying footage of New Zealand volcano eruption that has killed five

Around 30 people are missing

9 Dec 11:10 PlymouthLive 6373569608660301249.html
Katičeva opozarja na nerazumevanje koncepta boja proti korupciji

Predlog protikorupcijske novele predstavlja napredek na področju boja proti korupciji, je prepričana ministrica Andreja Katič. Kot je opozorila, pa so pri pripravi novele naleteli na veliko nerazumevanja za koncept boja proti korupciji. Predsednik KPK Boris Štefanec meni, da predlagane spremembe ne zagotavljajo bistveno boljših pogojev dela KPK.

9 Dec 16:50 Dnevnik 7671546650498953822.html
How to fix common Chromecast issues

The Google Chromecast is an amazing little streaming device that just works... until it doesn't.

9 Dec 16:00 Android Central 29040144165042573.html
Docente sanmarquino participa de creación de Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Parlamentario

En el marco del Encuentro Iberoamericano de Derecho Parlamentario, que se realizó del 21 al 22 de noviembre en Santiago del Estero (Argentina), el

9 Dec 15:09 Pysnnoticias 6628072006491799934.html
Land Invest Group zette privédetectives in om journalisten Apache te schaduwen

De Antwerpse projectontwikkelaar Land Invest Group heeft privédetectives ingeschakeld om journalisten van de nieuwssite Apache te schaduwen. Dat meldt Apache zelf op zijn website. Land Invest Group zou 60.000 euro hebben uitgegeven aan de privédetectives.

9 Dec 13:28 Site-Knack-NL 6755692568711761407.html
Google Glass, ultimo update per edizione consumer

La Explorer Edition di Google Glass, quella diretta al pubblico, non sarà più supportata dopo un ultimo aggiornamento.

9 Dec 09:43 Webnews 4852331585216727420.html
Microsoft stopt met todo-app Wunderlist

Microsoft stopt met de ontwikkeling van todo-app Wunderlist, die het in 2015 heeft verworven. Het bedrijf geeft de voorkeur aan zijn eigen app To Do die inmiddels allerlei functies van Wunderlist heeft overgenomen.

9 Dec 17:26 Emerce 1354596986607277280.html
How Netflix uses psychology to perfect their customer experience

If there’s a company that’s synonymous with seamless customer experience, it’s Netflix. It has become the defacto entertainment source for many. So much so that 15 percent of the world’s web traffic goes to Netflix. But when your experience is industry-leading, how do you evolve it without disappointing customers? The answer lies in experimentation, built on proven […]

9 Dec 12:30 The Next Web 3990801510680836281.html
Rosanna Davison named newborn daughter Sophia after cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine

The model and her husband Wes Quirke welcomed their adorable daughter via a surrogate last month

9 Dec 13:44 Irish Mirror 2875825628635621690.html
Vurderer gult farevarsel for kraftige vindkast tirsdag kveld

Et meget kraftig lavtrykk i Norskehavet mellom Island og Norge gir uvær i Trøndelag fra sent tirsdag kveld.

9 Dec 11:56 adressa.no 8417332408202465154.html
Gibran dan Bobby Maju Pilkada, PKS Khawatirkan Potensi Penyalahgunaan APBN, Deddy Sitorus: Suuzon!

Ketua DPP PKS Pipin Sopian mengkhawatirkan terbukanya potensi nepotisme dan penyalahgunaan APBN ketika terjadi politik dinasti.

9 Dec 13:05 Tribunnews.com 3323534445884698921.html
Elder Scrolls Legends development put on hold

Elder Scrolls Legends development has been placed on hold, Bethesda said of its card-based title. Find out more inside.

9 Dec 14:24 Stevivor 6108783659204193670.html
Claudia Norberg wohnt wieder bei ihrer Mutter im Kinderzimmer

Nach 29 Jahren war zwischen Claudia Norberg und Michael Wendler Schluss. Als der Wendler mit Laura Müller zusammen kam, war für seine Ex kein Platz mehr im gemeinsamen Haus. Sie lebt jetzt wieder bei

9 Dec 08:19 GMX News 4492287761958326141.html
Anwältin erklärt: Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten rund ums Weihnachtsgeld

Bald ist es wieder soweit: viele Arbeitnehmer erhalten zum Jahresende ihr Weihnachtsgeld. Doch was geschieht, wenn der Arbeitgeber in diesem Jahr kein Weihnachtsgeld zahlt oder nur bestimmte Arbeitnehmer ein Weihnachtsgeld erhalten? Oder wenn das Weihnachtsgeld im neuen Jahr zurückgefordert wird?

9 Dec 10:22 FOCUS Online 4448121230762889865.html
Bamber Bridge man admits having indecent images of children

A man is facing a custodial sentence after admitting making and distributing indecent images of children.

9 Dec 11:48 Lancashire Post 6469275854589988665.html
SPD versetzt CDU in Wartemodus

Die CDU beäugt die neuen SPD-Vorsitzenden Norbert Walter-Borjans und Saskia Esken mit einigem Misstrauen.

9 Dec 15:40 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108856175406.html
Former Ukrainian Lawmaker Handed Two-Year Sentence In Russia For Embassy Attack

Former Ukrainian lawmaker Mykola Rudkovskiy has been sentenced to 2 years in prison in Russia on charges of attacking the Russian Embassy in Kyiv in 2014.

9 Dec 16:00 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163238963225.html
Phishing: il tentativo di frode arriva via email per trafugare dati sensibili

I tentativi di phishing sono ancora molto frequenti e le email tramite cui si diffondono sono sempre diverse ma nonostante ciò alcuni accorgimenti si rivelano sufficienti ed efficaci al fine di evitare la perdita di dati sensibili o denaro.

9 Dec 17:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127572231158.html
Uhapšena kriminalna grupa u Hrvatskoj, trgovali luksuznim vozilima

HAG - Hrvatska policija je u saradnji s Evropolom sprovela istragu u kojoj je otkrivena kriminalna grupa umiješana u utaju poreza, pranje novca, falsifikovanje dokumenata i prevare.

9 Dec 13:18 Nezavisne novine 4209150643073438553.html
Final Bola SEA Games: Selangkah Lagi Indra Sjafri Samai Polosin

Indra Sjafri akan memimpin Timnas U-23 melawan Vietnam pada final SEA Games 2019 besok, Selasa 10 Desember 2019. Ia bisa sehebat Polosin.

9 Dec 09:16 Tempo 6731898378493813807.html
Schweizer Reseller besinnen sich wieder auf ihr Kerngeschäft

Der ICT-Reseller-Index hat sich im November erfreulich entwickelt, hinkt aber weiterhin dem Vorjahr hinterher. Insbesondere dank den Produktkategorien "Computer" und "Verbrauchsartikel" verringerte sich der kumulierte Rückstand zum Vorjahr. Allerdings könnte wohl auch ein gutes Weihnachtsgeschäft die Lücke nicht mehr ganz schliessen.

9 Dec 11:34 www.cetoday.ch 4667961263210485453.html
Slob wil scholen meer vrije ruimte geven

Scholen mogen in de toekomst 30 procent van de onderwijstijd naar eigen inzicht invullen. Dat is volgens verantwoordelijk minister Arie Slob nodig om het lespakket minder overladen te maken.

9 Dec 08:56 RD.nl 6406779842418125820.html
Federal govt's refusal to provide clean needles in prison to be challenged today

TORONTO — An Ontario court is set to hear today a constitutional challenge to the federal ban on needles for drug-using prisoners.

9 Dec 09:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741010412963188.html
Syrian Army, Russian military enter strategic area in northern Raqqa

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:40 P.M.) – Syrian Arab Army (SAA) units, accompanied by Russian military police, entered a new strategic area that overlooks the Aleppo-Hasakah Highway after the withdrawal of the Turkish Army and their militant allies. According to a military report from northern Syria, the Syrian Arab Army and Russian military police entered the strategic silo town of Sharkrak, which is adjacent to the international highway (M-4) in the northern countryside of Al-Raqqa. The reports said that the deployment of the Syrian Army units around the silos came after the withdrawal of the Turkish army and their allied militants in the ‘Ayn ‘Issa District of the Al-Raqqa Governorate. Previously, Sharkrak was under the control of the Turkish Army and their allies after they captured the area from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). However, per an agreement between Turkey and Russia, the Syrian Arab Army and Russian military were given access to this area for the first time in several years.

9 Dec 14:59 AMN 4125648317013795994.html
Wiener Neustadt: Wohnbau muss einer Grünoase weichen

Der Fohlenhof im Akademiepark wird nicht verkauft. Wiener Neustadt will dort eine Begegnungs- und Kommunikationszone schaffen.

9 Dec 12:34 Kurier 208072237729428841.html
Wales schedule Austria friendly for March

The Dragons line-up against Italy, Switzerland and Turkey in Group A this summer.

9 Dec 15:00 Sports Mole 7750663362035110452.html
SPD versetzt CDU in Wartemodus

Die CDU beäugt die neuen SPD-Vorsitzenden Norbert Walter-Borjans und Saskia Esken mit einigem Misstrauen.

9 Dec 15:40 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567644121902.html
Isaiah Berlin, desmontando los nacionalismos

El editor gallego Roberto Ramos publica los ensayos que el pensador dedicó al nacionalismo

9 Dec 10:34 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612103388675.html
Parker Solar Probe Scientists Reveal Jaw-Dropping First Results From the Sun

Last week, scientists released the surprising initial results from the Parker Solar Probe’s first two close encounters with the Sun.

9 Dec 09:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001655022499.html
Chow: Four restoration projects in Penang Hill completed

GEORGE TOWN, Dec 9 — Four repair and stabilisation projects undertaken in Penang Hill following a landslide on November 4, 2017 have been completed, said Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow. He said the projects included the refurbishment and enhancement of three communal septic tanks, landscaping and...

9 Dec 14:10 Malaymail 302165935697930602.html
Online users slam MOE for providing misleading statistics and poor justification on scholarships for foreign students from India

It was reported that scholars from India under scholarships administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE) would be arriving in Singapore this month and next month. They are essentially scholarship holders of A*STAR Youth Scholarship and SIA Youth Scholarship. Some would be going to Sec 3 while others to pre-university 1. Since the announcement, there …

9 Dec 09:25 The Online Citizen 1644049753637672242.html
Strage nella base militare della Florida: vendetta o terrorismo?

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 14:28 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206087915598.html
Call To Halt Deportation Of Two Ethnic Kazakhs To China

Kazakh opposition activists have called on the authorities of the Central Asian nation to halt the deportation to China of two ethnic Kazakhs from China's northwestern region of Xinjiang.

9 Dec 14:15 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162535343228.html
J&K: Pakistan violates ceasefire in Shahpur sector of Poonch district

According to reports, Pakistan Army initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation by firing of small arms and shelling with mortars in Shahpur Sector of J&K's Poonch district.

9 Dec 10:57 Oneindia 2023829370765828057.html
Dubai Airports prepares to cut single-use plastics

UAE – Mubasher: As the clock is ticking towards the self-imposed deadline to ban single-use plastics, Dubai International Airport (DXB) is actively laying the groundwork to eliminate plastic cutlery and drinking straws. In June 2019, Dubai …

9 Dec 16:32 english.mubasher.info 8917853137526798716.html
Police recover body from water in search for missing Perthshire pensioner

The 73-year-old was last spotted leaving his home in North Muirton on Saturday evening and has been reporting missing since.

9 Dec 16:02 dailyrecord 552235480135542060.html
Turkiet skickar tillbaka fler IS-anhängare

Elva franska medborgare som Turkiet har deporterats till Frankrike.

9 Dec 10:06 HD 3336945411698664818.html
E-Tretroller-Sabotage: Extinction Rebellion macht 3600 Trottinettes unbrauchbar

Die Umweltaktivisten von Extinction Rebellion in Frankreich finden Elektrotretroller gar nicht umweltfreundlich.

9 Dec 12:33 heise online 1766193383434600649.html
Baby in Wien misshandelt - Vater beteuert Schuldlosigkeit

Kinderschutzorganisation fordert mehr Unterstützung für Eltern.

9 Dec 17:05 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441282132423.html
Jeremy McConnell Reveals The Name Of His Baby Girl Following Adorable Family Photoshoot

Celebrity Big Brother star Jeremy McConnell has revealed his baby girl's name is Storm.

9 Dec 10:27 SPIN South West 8165439735229971905.html
Casinos-Hauptversammlung berät trotz Abberufung erneut über Sidlo

Beim Eigentümertreffen am Dienstag stehen neue Wege zur Bestellung des Aufsichtsrates auf der Tagesordnung.

9 Dec 15:32 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442119674222.html
Lionel Messi Absen dari Skuad Barcelona dan Tak Berangkat ke Inter

Lionel Messi tak masuk dalam skuad Barcelona yang akan hadapi Inter tengah pekan ini. Bintang Argentina itu bahkan tak ikut berangkat ke kota Milan., Liga Champions

9 Dec 16:28 Gilabola.com 481785381587061178.html
Crisis looms over KSRTC again

31,000 staff get 70% of salary after delay of 10 days

9 Dec 17:46 The Hindu 6679535024427672030.html
Blaze at Blackpool toilet block

Firefighters put out a blaze at a toilet block in Blackpool.

9 Dec 08:22 The Gazette 1828400563779765357.html
Controlli a tappeto nelle discoteche: sanzioni ai gestori e sequestri di droga

IL BILANCIO del servizio interforze con polizia, carabinieri e finanza: tre i locali passati al setaccio a Macerata, Civitanova e Porto Recanati. Trovati hashish, marijuana e cocaina

9 Dec 13:02 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195166226517.html
Pensacola Attack Probed for Terrorism Link. Saudi Suspect Clashed With Instructor.

The investigation into the fatal shooting last week at a Navy training center in Florida was officially characterized as a terrorism inquiry Sunday as new details emerged about the Saudi air force trainee who killed three sailors on the base where he was a visiting student.As the FBI continued to conduct

9 Dec 13:21 Yahoo 7097669638287667847.html
How global cities are promoting sustainability and helping to fight climate change - CityAM

The 2016 Paris Agreement gave the world a sense of hope that politicians could work together to limit temperature rises [...]

9 Dec 10:45 City A.M. 6389894491200201521.html
Director to start operation to sign Norwich City player during next window

Fotomac report Fenerbahce assistant coach Volkan Demirel has urged the Super Lig club to sign Norwich City forward Teemu Pukki in the January transfer window. The Finnish striker has been a key player for Daniel Farke’s side this season and in recent matches he’s rediscovered his scoring touch According to Fotomac, Fenerbahce will try their

9 Dec 15:51 Sport Witness 200001551706926192.html
JNU fee hike: Students lathi-charged by cops during protest march to Rashtrapati Bhavan

Heavy deployment of police was in place ahead of the students' march against the hostel fee hike.

9 Dec 16:48 The New Indian Express 4718288654781687344.html
Kesalnya Jokowi Soal Rest Area Penuh Kopi-Ayam Goreng Asing

Jokowi mendorong pelaku usaha lokal bisa dapat akses di sentra-sentra bisnis seperti rest area.

9 Dec 11:49 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213308830735.html
JNU protest march Highlights: Students lathicharged, detained; refuse to call off protest

JNU students protest Highlights: Police resorted to lathicharge after a clash with protesting Jawaharlal Nehru University students near Bhikaji Cama Place metro station. Police say students were trying to jump over a barricade.

9 Dec 16:42 The Indian Express 2885715104304851562.html
Toscana: Schweres Erdbeben bei Florenz

Ein schweres Erdbeben hat die Menschen in Norditalien aufgeschreckt. Das Epizentrum lag nur wenige Kilometer entfernt von Florenz.

9 Dec 10:45 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221029894642.html
New rule proposed for out-of-state medical marijuana users

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Rhode Island agencies have proposed a new regulation on the sale of medical marijuana that would require out-of-state patients to present identification from their state as proof of residency.

9 Dec 13:38 WFXT 6395891952703573060.html
'Cruel' chimpanzee greeting cards withdrawn from sale

A major greeting card company has stopped selling products featuring captive apes after animal rights activists said the "cruel" pictures fuel the exotic pet trade and inhibit conservation.

9 Dec 15:00 The Telegraph 140598091314414088.html
Women, Children Rescued As Nigerian Army Crushes Boko Haram Insurgents

The Nigerian Army says troops of 68/94 Battalions of Operation LAFIYA DOLE deployed in Malam Fatori, Abadam area of Borno State have crushed Boko Haram insurgents in the area.   

9 Dec 08:31 Concise 5544636822512486695.html
Rundgang in Traismauer: Das Zentrum hat Potenzial

Rund 40 Bürger nahmen mit den Stadträten Grünstäudl und Haas an einem Rundgang teil. Danach diskutierte man über diverse Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Gebäuden.

9 Dec 10:24 NÖN.at 2486998933166422065.html
Anziano disperso cade dall'argine: salvato in extremis

Operazione dei carabinieri di Cologna Veneta

9 Dec 11:27 L'Arena 5479295676948092921.html
Carbonia, auto in fiamme nella notte

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 08:43 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207198764170.html
Devon winery to supply supermarket giants with sparkling wine for Christmas

They will provide sparking wine for Aldi's ‘Exquisite Collection’

9 Dec 15:16 DevonLive 2469244512585403545.html
Man killed in fatal ATV crash identified

The person killed in a fatal ATV crash Saturday has been identified, according to a news release from the Green County Sheriff's Department.

9 Dec 17:46 CHANNEL3000 830332542427744439.html
Annual Christmas carols service at Castlebar's Christ Church

THE annual Christmas carols service at Christ Church, Castlebar, takes place tonight (Monday), December 9, at 8 p.m.

9 Dec 17:11 Connaught Telegraph 8840491535217871853.html
'Bedrijven moeten soms veel meer betalen voor verzekeren zonnepanelen'

De kosten voor het verzekeren van zonnepanelen owrden voor bedrijven zo hoog, dat ze steeds vaker besluiten om dan maar geen zonnepanelen te installeren.

9 Dec 10:10 Blik op nieuws 5468169448092977449.html
Goyal says tit for tat to countries discriminating with Indian cos

"Free and equal access" is the policy adopted by this government two years ago, he said at an event organised by EXIM Bank here

9 Dec 16:55 Business-Standard 1502508925391080054.html
Skoda lanceert het ene succesmodel na het andere

Dertig jaar geleden slaagde Volkswagen erin om het noodlijdende Skoda binnen te lijven, voor de neus van Renault. Sindsdien gaat het steil bergop met Skoda en is het uitgegroeid van een budgetmerk tot een van de meest succesvolle Europese volumemerken met kwaliteitsvolle modellen die het verschil maken.

9 Dec 14:52 Site-Knack-NL 6755692568466728261.html
Asignan FEI al exrepresentante Guillermo Miranda Rivera

El Panel sobre el Fiscal Especial Independiente (PFEI) ordenó que se realice una investigación a fondo contra el exrepresentante Guillermo Miranda Rivera.

9 Dec 16:19 Metro 5130125483559377125.html
Tegeltiji dostavljena imena ministara i zamjenika iz Srpske i HDZ-a

SARAJEVO - Predsjedavajućem Savjeta ministara Zoranu Tegeltiji danas su dostavljena imena ministara i zamjenika ministara iz Republike Srpske i HDZ-a, piše Srna.

9 Dec 15:24 Nezavisne novine 4209150642151234355.html
NOS-journalist Robert Bas stopt volgend jaar

NOS-journalist Robert Bas gaat medio volgend jaar de journalistiek verlaten. Dat vertelt hij in een interview met VillaMedia dat maandag is gepubliceerd. De 53-jarige verslaggever werd eind oktober landelijk nieuws toen de rechtbank in Rotterdam hem gijzelde. Bas weigerde in een lopende strafzaak zijn bronnen te noemen en zat bijna anderhalve dag in de cel.

9 Dec 15:38 RTL Boulevard 1500115272152478137.html
Guelph Police investigating after man struck and killed by train

Police say it happened late Sunday night

9 Dec 13:26 KitchenerToday.com 52741010470806025.html
Flooding reported across Gauteng and Mpumalanga as the rain continues to fall

After persistent rain, parts of Gauteng and Mpumalanga on Monday were affected by flooding according to reports from SAWS and social media.

9 Dec 13:00 Memeburn 7217585438061858221.html
TPS constable accused of Tasering break-and-enter suspect after he surrendered

A 51-year-old Toronto police officer has been charged in connection with an October incident where a break-and-enter suspect was allegedly shocked three times with a conducted energy weapon and kicked after he surrendered.

9 Dec 17:28 CP24 1887544294591777096.html
VA Tech Wabag executes TTRO plant for Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply

This is one of the largest and technologically advanced water reuse plants in India

9 Dec 08:44 BusinessLine 5283602025688267.html
Police horse delights shoppers inside PetSmart store

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Police in Louisiana shared video of a police horse going shopping inside a pet supply store, to the delight of staff and customers.

9 Dec 16:21 UPI 8257973865975072124.html
Un acceso dibattito sulla patrimoniale fa traballare il governo di Angela Merkel

In Germania la Grosse Koalition discute della possibilità di introdurre un'imposta sui grandi patrimoni. E le posizioni di Cdu e Spd sono al momento inconciliabili 

9 Dec 13:22 Agi 2115274225547210634.html
SyncThink’s eye-tracking helps monitor brain health and concussion risk

SyncThink, which uses a virtual reality headset and eye-tracking to evaluate brain health, has partnered with two clinics to help treat patients.

9 Dec 16:00 VentureBeat 6273363636198676910.html
Prabowo Janji Patuhi Perintah Presiden: Saya Berantas Korupsi Pertahanan!

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto menyatakan dirinya akan memberantas praktik korupsi di kalangan pertahanan. Menurut dia, hal tersebut sesuai dengan Perintah Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

9 Dec 12:23 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834458896963.html
Jordan jails man over plot to attack Israel embassy

Man who plotted to attack Israeli embassy in Amman sentencd to 8 years in prison.

9 Dec 15:43 Israel National News 5374683668914931142.html
"Schneebrunzer"-Verfahren um angeblichen Strache-Sager vom Tisch

„Österreich“-Chef Fellner hatte gegen „Heute“ prozessiert - nach einem Bericht der Zeitung, Strache habe Fellner im Ibiza-Video derlei beschimpft. Nun zog Fellner die Klage überraschend zurück.

9 Dec 14:45 Die Presse 6242788855037911776.html
Dazzling line-up revealed for Sunset Veranda

MAGIC, live music, comedians, cabaret and children’s theatre are coming to Scarborough as part of the 2020 Fringe World Festival.

9 Dec 08:27 Community News Group 6769726048094468230.html
Need to mutually solve climate change, strive for holistic growth: Kovind

The President made the remarks at the Lakshmipat Singhania-IIM Lucknow National Leadership Awards ceremony here.

9 Dec 15:30 Business-Standard 1502508924865639779.html
Atomwaffenprogramm: Nordkorea trotzt Trump: "Leichtsinniger alter Mann"

Im Streit um ihr Atomwaffenprogramm und attackiert Nordkoreas Führung den US-Präsidenten erneut verbal.

9 Dec 13:27 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700353043298.html
Amit Shah tables Citizenship Amendment bill in Lok Sabha

Meanwhile, BJP's former ally, Shiv Sena, is yet to clear its stand on the CAB.

9 Dec 08:27 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364252666178.html
DOJ argues Congress can't take non-legislative steps against Trump on emoluments

The Department of Justice argued before a federal appeals court on Monday that the only way for Congress to take action against President Trump over alleged violations of the Constitution’s

9 Dec 16:54 TheHill 355432918353986458.html
Ethereum Developers Are Creating a Revolutionary Open Financial System: Report

To combat failing fiscal policies, currency manipulation and a shadow banking system that continues to feed fee-grabbing financial intermediaries, Ethereum developers are building tools that reimagine how money flows and how financial services are provided.

9 Dec 09:35 The Daily Hodl 7141394324522229977.html
AC Milan-fan neergestoken bij rellen in Bologna

Een fan van AC Milan is zondagavond na afloop van de met 2-3 gewonnen competitiewedstrijd in Bologna neergestoken, zo melden meerdere bronnen.

9 Dec 08:27 De Standaard 2288913869452153994.html
Noël Slangen is nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderarmoedefonds

Ondernemer Noël Slangen is de nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderarmoedefonds. Hij neemt de fakkel over van kinderpsychiater op emeritaat Peter Adriaenssens.

9 Dec 12:28 De Standaard 2288913869086827150.html
DENR wants public, stakeholders to help solve garbage crisis

THE Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) admitted that the government alone cannot solve the garbage problem and called on stakeholders and the public to join hands in addressing the crisis.

9 Dec 10:47 Journal Online 6375127392111291191.html
Hero Electric partners with Punjab government to develop electric infrastructure

Hero Electric has announced a Rs 700 crore investment in its facility in Ludhiana to make the state of Punjab an EV hub. Head here more details.

9 Dec 12:28 Autocar India 1039296990863595214.html
Iran Accuses Israel of Nuclear Missile Test Aimed at Islamic Republic

The Arrow 3 is an exoatmospheric hypersonic anti-ballistic missile, jointly funded, developed and produced by Israel and the United States.

9 Dec 11:24 Breaking Israel News 540123161002693603.html
American Airlines sets record for number of days without a cancellation

Three of those days without a canceled flight came during the Thanksgiving weekend.

9 Dec 15:21 ABC15 Arizona 911680911234050498.html
Raangi Teaser: Trisha Krishnan Intrigues Us With Her Complete Badass Avatar

Gorgeous Kollywood actress Trisha Krishnan will soon be seen on big screens after a gap of over a year. The actress is all set to blow the audience's mind with action thriller Raangi. The makers yeste

9 Dec 11:05 Koimoi 5184275669488518084.html
Scoperte stelle che si muovono lentamente nella Via Lattea

Le stelle della nostra galassia appartengono a due gruppi che hanno caratteristiche differenti in termini di velocità di rotazione e di composizione

9 Dec 15:03 Lega Nerd 8527030506116261181.html
Gwiazdy na gali inauguracyjnej akcji #CharytatywnaChoinka

4 grudnia w Pałacu na Wyspie w Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie odbyła się gala inauguracyjna akcji #CharytatywnaChoinka organizowanej przez Karmimy Psiaki. Na wydarzeniu pojawiły się gwiazdy zaangażowane w działania

9 Dec 10:29 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673213286707053.html
Jadi Dirut, Begini Gaya Royke Tumilaar di RUPSLB Bank Mandiri

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) resmi mensahkan Royke Tumilaar jadi dirut. - Foto 1

9 Dec 11:04 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212705258282.html
Bethesda ceases active development on The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Which shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise given that most have you only just remembered it was a thing after reading that headline.

9 Dec 15:00 Critical Hit 8797780293106761483.html
Pressure mounts on FBI to answer on Florida shooting

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, speaking at a Sunday evening press conference, said he was sure the gunman carried out an act of terrorism. He questioned whether it could have been prevented by better vetting of foreign military officers who train in the United States.

9 Dec 16:34 Deccan Herald 2027555797680147437.html
Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi makes foray into Japanese market

Xiaomi Corp., the world's fourth-largest maker of smartphones, is entering the Japanese market, embarking on a quest to win the hearts of iPhone-loving Jap

9 Dec 09:54 The Japan Times 6673764368088361521.html
Smartphone pericolosi: meglio evitare i modelli di Xiaomi e Apple

Ancora tanti dubbi per le radiazioni che rilasciano gli smartphone, ma secondo questa lista meglio stare lontani da questi modelli targati Xiaomi e Apple.

9 Dec 10:50 tecnoandroid 2573257127059362293.html
Barcelona keep on breaking records in Champions League group stage

Barcelona keep on breaking records in Champions League group stage

9 Dec 09:13 sport 1349897969321635863.html
Our Oceans Are Significantly Losing Oxygen, Threatening Marine Life and Fisheries

Ocean deoxygenation is becoming a grave issue as per an IUCN report. Climate change is driving oceans to lose oxygen, at the peril of fish and marine life.

9 Dec 11:15 Interesting Engineering 7328942540633826019.html
Intel Makes Quantum Computing Leap With 'Horse Ridge' Cryogenic Control Chip

The beauty of Horse Ridge is that it is a RF processor that dispenses with the need for hundreds of connective wires to interface quantum systems with standard computing devices to control/regulate performance.

9 Dec 13:58 HotHardware 6258404624982303090.html
Schiedsgericht nicht für Parteiausschluss zuständig

Ex-FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache hat sich am Montag zu seinem möglichen Parteiausschluss zu Wort gemeldet. Er sei bisher nicht vom Parteischiedsgericht eingeladen worden, sagte er im Interview mit "Österreich". Dieses ist nach Ansicht Straches aber ohnehin nicht zuständig, ausschließen muss ihn seiner Meinung nach der Wiener FPÖ-Chef Dominik Nepp. Die Wiener Partei bestreitet das.

9 Dec 11:35 NÖN.at 2486998931601816629.html
Inchiesta Affidi, nuova ordinanza interdittiva contro Foti. VIDEO

BIBBIANO (Reggio Emilia) – Claudio Foti non potrà esercitare l’attività di psicoterapeuta con minori per sei mesi. Lo ha stabilito il Gip del tribunale di Reggio, che dunque ha decretato una nuova misura cautelare interdittiva nei confronti del professionista di 68 anni, tra gli indagati dell’inchiesta “Angeli e demoni” sugli affidi in Val d’Enza. Foti […]

9 Dec 17:26 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332926145644.html
Dari Menkominfo Jadi Dirut PLN, Ini Profil Rudiantara

Kementerian BUMN memastikan Rudiantara sebagai direktur baru PT PLN (Persero) menggantikan Sofyan Basir. Tugas menuntaskan proyek 35.000 MW.

9 Dec 13:33 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213113619153.html
Exotisches und Seehofers Schoko-Nikoläuse bei der Gautinger Tafel

Die Helfer und Gäste der Gautinger Tafel feierten Nikolaus gemeinsam in Form eines interkulturellen Festes. Entsprechend abwechslungsreich waren auch die Speisen auf dem Buffet-Tisch.

9 Dec 17:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090237986986090.html
Police help pull man out from burning apartment complex in San Bernardino

Police rushed into a burning apartment complex in San Bernardino and helped pull an injured man out from the fire.

9 Dec 12:59 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441432844446.html
Sparkassen-Ausfall: Dutzende Kunden bekommen kein Geld

Die Sparkassen in Deutschland haben massive Probleme mit ihrem Zahlungsdienstleister. Überweisungen kommen deshalb nicht bei den Sparkassen-Kunden an.

9 Dec 13:50 TAG24 4583887874633481575.html
Meet the retired Houston firefighter making the most creative donuts in town

Raymond Pena was a Houston firefighter for 20 years, but his upbringing led to a creative second career in donuts! 🍩

9 Dec 14:35 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441006120949.html
Dube provides another dimension to the team

Shivam Dube walking in at No. 3 wasn’t something many people outside the Indian team management expected at the Greenfield Stadium here on Sunday night.The all-rounder, however, justified the faith in

9 Dec 17:05 The Hindu 6679535025570275408.html
Brian Monteith: This Brexit General Election could undermine trust in politicians even more

No side has been able to wholly convince the electorate of their main campaign claims, writes Brian Monteith.

9 Dec 09:33 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489440662262.html
Walmart apologizes for Santa sweater with drug reference

The sweater has the words 'Let it snow' and includes three white lines in front of Santa.

9 Dec 10:59 KNOE 8 News 9048639191508521629.html
Minister: Polio virus probably brought in from outside Malaysia

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 9 — The polio virus which infected a three-month-old Malaysian boy from Tuaran, Sabah is suspected to have come from outside Sabah, said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dzulkefly Ahmad. He said there were two possibilities how the polio virus, which had been eradicated 27 years ago,...

9 Dec 15:09 Malaymail 302165935225660547.html
Maltempo Campania: in arrivo nubifragi e grandinate. Crollano le temperature

Si apre oggi una settimana abbastanza complicata a livello atmosferico. Sulla Campania e sul resto dell’Italia è previsto un netto peggioramento. Nelle prossime ore arriveranno sul nostro paese vento,  pioggia, temporali, neve, nubifragi e mareggiate. Il team del sito ilMeteo.it avvisa che nella giornata di oggi cominceranno ad affluire venti di Maestrale via via più forti […]

9 Dec 11:48 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382462214068478.html
Viral Balita Dibangunkan Paksa Demi Ulang Tahun, Ini Kata Dokter

Viral seorang balita dibangunkan saat tidur pulas demi ulang tahun. Simak kata dokter.

9 Dec 11:40 Tempo 1441053764164616238.html
Dipercaya Lagi, Rakitic Mulai Tidak Ingin Tinggalkan Barcelona

Gelandang Barcelona, Ivan Rakitic, mulai berubah pikiran soal keinginannya meninggalkan klub tersebut dalam waktu dekat.

9 Dec 14:45 BolaSport.com 4603768436512656102.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

The Law Society of British Columbia has moved to require Indigenous cultural competency training for all practising lawyers in the province, in response to gaps in legal education that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified.

9 Dec 09:39 CTVNews 2422791598108596091.html
Fos in partneriship con Smart Track a sostegno della tecnologia per la sicurezza sul lavoro

La partnership prevede l’integrazione delle competenze di Fos nell’ambito delle piattaforme Internet of Things (IoT) on le capacità di Smart Track nella realizzazione di sistemi “Connected Worker” per la salvaguardia dei lavoratori. Titolo a +2,11%.

9 Dec 09:08 InvestireOggi 7231367743012068240.html
UPDATE: Zulte Waregem schept duidelijkheid over blessure Deschacht

Zulte Waregem moet Olivier Deschacht missen door een schouderblessure. Essevee mist duidelijk de organisatie en balans van de verdediger.

9 Dec 09:28 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215970538998.html
FinalEnduro chiuderà Enduro World Series Electric

La tappa finale della prima serie mondiale di eMTB targata Enduro World Series si aggiunge al lungo weekend di mountain bike e outdoor a fine settembre 2020

9 Dec 10:02 4ActionSport 8533118562919818604.html
Man jailed over plot to attack Israeli embassy

A Jordanian court on Monday sentenced a man to eight years in prison for allegedly plotting to attack the Israeli embassy in Amman last year. The state security court ruled that Khaled Abu Raya ...

9 Dec 14:42 Punch Newspapers 3524240995239658011.html
OEBS upozorio Albaniju da ne blokira slobodu izražavanja preko interneta

Organizacija za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju pozvala je vlasti Albanije da poboljšaju predlog zakona o novom...

9 Dec 14:46 N1 Srbija 7797130867219692955.html
Mteki rejoins Zanu-PF

African roots music singer, sculptor-cum-businessman Bryn Taurai Mteki, popularly known as Sekuru Tau has rejoined Zanu-PF today."I have realised the need to co...

9 Dec 17:46 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540181722320.html
Remember When Russian Diesel Submarines Chased Down A British Nuclear Sub?

Depends if it actually happened.

9 Dec 12:05 Yahoo 7097669638423086243.html
Lenovo lanceert Azure edge-server die je mag mishandelen

Lenovo’s nieuwste Azure edge-hardware hoef je niet in een geklimatiseerde serverruimte te stoppen. Het ding bromt vrolijk weg in een stoffig hoekje van een klassiek kantoor, wat het interessanter moet maken voor kmo’s of bijkantoren zonder veel infrastructuur. Lenovo krijgt Microsofts zegen voor de verscheping van ThinkSystem SE350 edge-server voor Azure Stack HCI. Waar andere […]

9 Dec 08:23 Techzine 1792892596258180109.html
Japanese Trade Minister to discuss RCEP pact with Goyal

Talks may discuss New Delhi’s concerns, suggest ways to make Indian industry more competitive

9 Dec 15:40 BusinessLine 5283602063257157.html
Berkas Belum Lengkap, Sidang Mentan Vs Tempo Kembali Ditunda

Sidang gugatan perdata yang diajukan Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) terhadap majalah Tempo kembali ditunda karena berkas administrasi penggugat belum lengkap.

9 Dec 11:16 detiknews 8793960224316619038.html
Siebte Festnahme nach tödlicher Attacke auf Feuerwehrmann

In Augsburg haben Beamte nach dem Tod eines Feuerwehrmanns auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt eine weitere verdächtige Person in Gewahrsam genommen. Ob es sich um den gesuchten Mann handelt, ist noch unklar.

9 Dec 11:46 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271272968348.html
New Zealand police say no more survivors expected from volcano eruption

WHAKATANE, New Zealand (Reuters) - New Zealand police said early on Tuesday they did not expect to find any more survivors from a volcanic eruption on White Island that killed at least five people and injured up to 20.

9 Dec 11:41 Reuters 8334514180751428576.html
Darum bringt das Selfie mit einem Huawei-Handy Boris Johnson in die Bredouille

Boris Johnson hat ein Selfie mit einem Huawei-Handy aufgenommen. Der britische Premierminister erntet damit eine Menge Kritik, doch ist sie gerechtfertigt?

9 Dec 14:53 futurezone.de 2257170161133910852.html
Russia says it tried everything to resolve its doping scandal

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov said on Monday that Moscow had done everything to try and resolve its doping scandal, after Russia was banned from the world’s top sporting events for four years.

9 Dec 17:02 Reuters 8334514180555940430.html
Tanni Grey-Thompson on attitudes towards pregnant disabled women

Ex-Paralympian Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson speaks to the BBC about the attitudes and issues she encountered during her pregnancy.

9 Dec 08:05 BBC Sport 3883826127509970062.html
Democrats Close to Agreement With White House on New NAFTA

Congressional Democrats and the White House are on the cusp of an agreement on revisions to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

9 Dec 17:53 NY Times 1961078288470038690.html
Maryland cop charged with multiple counts of rape, suspended without pay

Baltimore County Police Officer Anthony Michael Westerman, 25, has been charged with two counts of second-degree rape and three counts of second-degree assault

9 Dec 14:25 New York Post 7654946767596032364.html
Ukraine's security chief, interior minister and chief of General Staff to be Zelensky's advisors at Normandy Four summit

The Ukrainian delegation also includes Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection Oleksiy Orzhel and Executive Director of NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine Yuriy Vitrenko.

9 Dec 14:00 UNIAN 6863008971990761055.html
Rwanda begins vaccinating against Ebola near DR Congo border

Rwanda has started a voluntary Ebola vaccination programme at its border with the Democratic Republic of Congo in a bid to prevent the spread of the deadly virus from its neighbour.

9 Dec 11:49 News24 3752801377926035588.html
Manfaat Ibu Hamil Makan Apel & Ikan untuk Kesehatan Pernapasan Anak

Bunda sedang hamil? Yuk rajin-rajin makan apel dan ikan.

9 Dec 11:21 kehamilan 8028540701540712870.html
Greta Thunberg asks media to focus on other young climate activists

The 16-year-old said people from the global south, especially indigenous communities, need to be heard on how they are affected by climate change.

9 Dec 12:55 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773810507557.html
Queensland's Games bid gets tourism tick

Preliminary costs in May 2019 estimated it would cost $5.3 billion to stage the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics in Queensland, but tourism boss says the bid will give Queensland 'focus'.

9 Dec 11:28 The Age 7967730563099185588.html
European shares flat as China data stokes slowdown worries

(For a live blog on European stocks, type LIVE/ in an Eikon news window)Dec 9 (Reuters) - European stocks were flat on Monday as new data from China signalled a slowdown in the world's second-largest economy, stoking fresh concerns about slowing global growth.The pan-European STOXX 600 index was trading flat at 0803 GMT, after closing more than 1% higher on Friday following a robust U.S. jobs report.

9 Dec 08:32 Successful Farming 8502642054370477594.html
What The Karnataka Bypoll Results Mean For Yediyurappa And Congress

The BJP won 12 of the total 15 seats in the bypolls and Congress only managed to get two. Siddaramaiah resigned as Leader of Congress Legislature Party and Leader of Opposition.

9 Dec 11:00 HUFFPOST 6665507017205202419.html
Sumanahalli flyover: Report points to major distress in bearing support, expansion joints

Distress treatment, repairs to cost the BBMP around ₹40 lakh

9 Dec 15:07 The Hindu 6679535025931808488.html
Viral! Ibu di Bandung Gunakan Keranjang sebagai Helm

Apakah Bunda salah satu pengendara motor? Kalau ya, jangan sampai seperti ibu yang viral di daerah Bandung ini ya.

9 Dec 15:16 moms-life 8028540702882633310.html
Convocan a empleados fiscales chilenos a nuevo paro nacional

La organización considera que las medidas del gobierno criminalizan la movilización social

9 Dec 15:36 Últimas Noticias 6811287210836368696.html
PSG bleibt an Renato Sanches dran

Renato Sanches wird offenbar weiterhin von Paris St. Germain beobachtet. Das berichtet die portugiesische Zeitung ‚Correio da Manhã‘. Die Franzosen waren schon am Portugiesen interessiert, (...)

9 Dec 17:08 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784367140306.html
Nederland grootste afzetmarkt voor Tesla in Europa

Noorwegen was traditioneel gezien de beste Europese afzetmarkt voor Tesla, maar door een eindsprint haalt Nederland het Scandinavische land op de valreep in.

9 Dec 09:21 HLN 8967494996991355279.html
How Blackpool is becoming the ice capital as teenager who trains at Blackpool Pleasure Beach Arena wins third at British Figure Skating Championships

Growing up, Isabella Todd loved watching the Hot Ice show at Blackpool Pleasure Beach Arena.

9 Dec 12:45 The Gazette 1828400563803428824.html
Global financial watchdogs take aim at Big Tech's data dominance

Could be forced to share data on financial services customers with banks.

9 Dec 13:40 iTnews 4425008560106647479.html
Jadi Bos Baru Bank Mandiri, Ini yang akan Dilakukan Royke Tumilaar

Royke Tumilaar sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur Corporate Banking Bank Mandiri.

9 Dec 17:29 liputan6.com 3414318497015443802.html
Extinction Rebellion calls on Government to end over-fishing

The campaign group said the country must put a halt to the practice by January 1 2020 as part of a legal requirement.

9 Dec 14:20 Breaking News 4415806919308201213.html
Gaya Balap Mirip, Quartararo Ingin Lihat Data Lorenzo

Pebalap Petronas Yamaha SRT, Fabio Quartararo, tertarik membaca data Jorge Lorenzo selama membela Yamaha, ketika makin menyadari gaya balap mereka cukup mirip.

9 Dec 11:20 Bola.net 5489959029187863773.html
Woman attacked, seriously injured by tigers she raised at California animal sanctuary

The victim and founder of the animal sanctuary remains hospitalized with several cuts and puncture wounds as officials investigate.

9 Dec 10:50 WVLT 4089046911800813913.html
OKEx to Launch Crypto Options Trading Later This Month

Crypto exchange OKEx on Monday announced its plan to launch a crypto options trading platform.

9 Dec 13:01 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138266737369714.html
Beyonce teases gender-neutral Ivy Park x Adidas collection

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Beyoncé is giving a glimpse of her Ivy Park x Adidas collection.

9 Dec 14:21 UPI 8257973865458941318.html
Chinas Behörden sollen auf ausländische Computer verzichten

Im Zuge ihres Handelskrieges verfolgen die USA eine «Entkoppelung» von China. Auch Peking will seine Abhängigkeit von US-Technologie verringern - und am liebsten alles austauschen. Ist das machbar?

9 Dec 10:50 inFranken.de 1813202630205012966.html
In memoriam Herman Natzijl: dienstbaar in kerkhistorie

„Vriendelijk, innemend, spontaan, bekwaam, hartelijk, werkzaam.” Zo typeerde prof. dr. W. van ’t Spijker in 2002 Herman Natzijl tijdens het symposium in verband met diens afscheid.

9 Dec 11:44 RD.nl 6406779841844695614.html
The role of geopolitics in GCC unity

All current member states are monarchies, two absolute monarchies (Saudi Arabia and Oman), three constitutional monarchies (Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain) and one federal monarchy (United Arab Emirates).

9 Dec 17:47 Saudi Gazette 6913978435820238379.html
Le minacce dell'olgettina a Berlusconi

Berlusconi, racconta un testimone del processo Ruby, è una persona sensibile, aiuterebbe chiunque, pensava di essere moralmente responsabile del fatto che le ragazze fossero rimaste senza lavoro a causa dell'inchiesta e voleva che si rifacessero una vita, trovassero un fidanzato e diventassero autosufficienti. Qualcuna ne ha approfittato

9 Dec 13:45 Agi 2115274224588790266.html
The mood at Manchester United following Man City and Tottenham wins

Man United had their best week yet under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer last week and the mood at Carrington has improved immeasurably.

9 Dec 12:00 men 6694993429602713391.html
Si addormenta mentre guida in autostrada: si schianta fuori dalla carreggiata

E' successo vicino al casello di Santhià

9 Dec 10:41 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271319973681562.html
Sepanas Apapun Kongres PAN, Diyakini Akan Berujung Guyub

Ketua DPP PAN Yandri Susanto tidak khawatir dengan kontestasi perebutan kursi ketua umum partai di Kongres 2020. Keyakinan itu berdasarkan pengalaman PAN, lima tahun sekali kontestasi tanpa perpecahan.

9 Dec 17:21 merdeka.com 1998180355525567260.html
Boston's trauma to be dissected as marathon bomber appeals death sentence

This city's deepest wound - the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings that killed three and injured hundreds more - will be re-examined Thursday when lawyers for bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev seek to have his death sentence lifted because the jury pool was too traumatized to render a fair verdict. The then-19

9 Dec 11:21 Yahoo 7097669638735271658.html
North Korea opens mountain spa, ski resort amid tourism drive

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened a new mountain spa and ski resort that's intended for people to enjoy 'high civilization under socialism' in another...

9 Dec 09:30 DAILY SABAH 8383944809469691508.html
Coca-Cola omaggia Star Wars con etichette OLED

Coca-Cola, in occasione dell'uscita ormai prossima del nuovo film di Star Wars, ha realizzato delle bottiglie con le spade laser OLED che si illuminano.

9 Dec 08:55 Webnews 4852331585749727808.html
Russia banned from major sporting events for four years by anti-doping authorities

Russia has been banned from competing at major international sporting events for the next four ye...

9 Dec 11:02 Newstalk 7635722258217362320.html
Winkeliers sluiten deuren om energie te besparen

Met het overhandigen van de eerste ‘Deuren Dicht’ bordjes aan drie winkeliers in de Oosterstraat, startte wethouder Broeksma maandag de ‘Deuren Dicht-actie’ van Groningen Werkt Slim om geen en

9 Dec 17:33 OOG 303718093799478532.html
Geglückte Generalproben bei Salzburg und Liverpool

Vor dem Treffen in der Champions League am Dienstag befinden sich beide Mannschaften im Hoch. Liverpool-Coach Jürgen Klopp freute vor allem die Tatsache, dass seine Mannschaft beim 3:0 über Bournemouth ohne Gegentor blieb.

9 Dec 09:51 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441841805101.html
LaLiga ya tiene nuevo convenio colectivo

Fue publicado en el BOE el pasado 5 de diciembre y tiene una vigencia hasta el 30 junio del 2021. Es el quinto convenio en la historia de la patronal española

9 Dec 10:34 sport 1349897970996949436.html
Weather Forecast: Mostly Sunny Today

It will be mostly sunny today, but some places in lowlands and valleys will be foggy for most of the day. It will be a fairly calm day, light south wind forecast in eastern Bulgaria.

9 Dec 10:38 novinite.com 4235039572098291469.html
Canadian Pacific crude train derails, causes fire in Saskatoon: media

(Reuters) - A Canadian Pacific Railway train hauling crude oil derailed west of Guernsey, Saskatoon, causing a fire at around midnight local time, the Global News reported on Monday.

9 Dec 13:41 Reuters 8334514181385271740.html
Farbige Säcke zur Wertstofftrennung finden in Bern Anklang

Der Pilotversuch mit farbigen Abfallsäcken zur Wertstofftrennung ist in der Stadt Bern gut angekommen. Als nächstes wird nun eine öffentliche Vernehmlassung durchgeführt zur definitiven Einführung des Systems. Es soll auf Freiwilligkeit beruhen.

9 Dec 09:00 bz BASEL 5287163742541144548.html
Der perfekte Federer-Imitator

Jiro Nosuke ist ein japanisches Tennistalent. Der Sechsjährige feilt bereits jetzt an den Schlägen von Roger Federer.

9 Dec 16:46 20 Minuten 5741369453454234641.html
Los turistas rusos adoran el habanero restaurante Floridita

Los turistas rusos adoran el habanero restaurante Floridita

9 Dec 10:03 cubasi.cu 5416914686687195356.html
Communicate or die in hardcore horror shooter GTFO

This is definitely not the game to pull a Leeroy Jenkins.

9 Dec 14:51 PC Gamer 9149753395106485400.html
Arbroath FC project to stop litter going in North Sea nets environmental award

Arbroath FC added praise for their off-the-pitch environmental efforts to another point bagged in the club’s on-the-park Championship campaign on a wet winter weekend at Gayfield.

9 Dec 08:45 The Courier 4275302767904907689.html
Vieques como tarea

Alexandra Fuentes relata su experiencia en la Isla Nena.

9 Dec 15:45 Primera Hora 5092966654250132881.html
Co-op Refinery transporting staff via helicopter as job action continues

The Co-op Refinery says it is using helicopters to transport staff into the Regina facility as job action continues.

9 Dec 14:01 Regina 3916054153524834904.html
Lee County schools to vote on mental health care in elementary schools

The proposal they're considering would place mental health navigators in local elementary schools.

9 Dec 08:18 Fox 4 8372747778731410553.html
Turkey is blackmailing Greece with Libya Agreement: Greek FM

Greece’s Foreign Minister, Nikos Dendias called out the recent agreement between Turkey and Libya as a product of blackmail, during an interview on Sunday with ANT1 TV.

9 Dec 11:57 Greek City Times 1506177376598580299.html
Berner Gemeinden müssen weiterhin den Kanton fragen

Im Kanton Bern erhalten Gemeinden nicht mehr Autonomie. Sie dürfen keine Bewilligungen für das Gastgewerbe ausstellen.

9 Dec 15:39 SRF 8424707180037641087.html
Konservative in Umfragen vorne: Warum ist Boris Johnson trotzdem unruhig?

Am Donnerstag wählt Großbritannien ein neues Parlament und obwohl die Tories von Premier Johnson in den Umfragen weit vorne liegen, sieht sich BoJo noch nicht als Sieger.

9 Dec 16:17 euronews 4540914626724260263.html
SC partially lifts ban on construction activities in Delhi-NCR region

The apex court perused the affidavit filed by CPCB which said however that no construction should be permitted during 6 PM to 6 AM

9 Dec 12:25 Business-Standard 1502508924807783341.html
Kepercayaan Pasar Terhadap Erick Thohir Dorong Penguatan Rupiah

Upaya Erick Thohir membenahi perusahaan pelat merah membawa sentimen positif terhadap nilai tukar rupiah.

9 Dec 09:55 Katadata News 179777406068166282.html
Magical Winter Lights: America's largest holiday lantern display

Travel the globe at Magical Winter Lights in La Marque, Texas.

9 Dec 12:28 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441472968678.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes 4-year international sports ban on Russia

The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.

9 Dec 15:22 ABC7 New York 7327811148512141645.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes 4-year international sports ban on Russia

Russia's hosting of world championships in Olympic sports also face being stripped after the World Anti-Doping Agency executive committee approved a full slate of recommended sanctions as punishment for state authorities tampering with a Moscow laboratory database.

9 Dec 15:22 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010440872075597.html
A Reality Check: Blockchain and DLT in International Trade

New study jointly conducted by international trade organizations focuses on possibilities and challenges of blockchain tech implementation to the industry.

9 Dec 16:11 Cointelegraph 3050247239641474969.html
A Reality Check: Blockchain and DLT in International Trade

New study jointly conducted by international trade organizations focuses on possibilities and challenges of blockchain tech implementation to the industry.

9 Dec 16:11 Cointelegraph 3050247240136335502.html
Gbadamosi seeks repeal of Land Use Act

A real estate developer, Mr Babatunde Gbadamosi, has called for the repeal of Land Use Act to allow for freehold ownership system in all states across the federation.

9 Dec 17:02 The Guardian 7580308505187768712.html
Podnebna konferenca v drugi polovici z dogodki na ministrski ravni

Podnebna konferenca v Madridu, ki se je začela prejšnji ponedeljek, se bo danes nadaljevala z razpravo pogodbenic o podnebnem financiranju, za torek in sredo pa je napovedano zasedanje pogodbenic na ministrski ravni. V španski prestolnici bo tudi minister za okolje in prostor Simon Zajc.

9 Dec 09:09 Dnevnik 7671546648790534979.html
Bosnia Puts Off Closing Makeshift Migrant Camp 'Until Further Notice'

Bosnian authorities have indefinitely postponed the scheduled closing of a makeshift migrant tent camp in the northwest of the country.

9 Dec 10:16 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162341887512.html
Real Madrid forward Benzema could face trial over sextape allegations Benzema facing possible court date over Valbuena sextape blackmail

Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema may be facing a criminal trial after France's highest court of appeal on Monday dismissed his appeal challenging the legality of a blackmail investigation over a sextape featuring fellow footballer Mathieu Valbuena.

9 Dec 16:50 Pulse Live 3606876836505980722.html
BMA Wealth investors stage protests, demand Karvy-like refund action

Investors said while Sebi acted swiftly in the case of Karvy, it has done nothing to address their problem

9 Dec 14:54 Business-Standard 1502508926256871895.html
TD Healy-Rae treated for smoke inhalation after fire

Kerry Independent TD Michael Healy-Rae has been treated at hospital in Tralee for smoke inhalation after a fire in his office and shop this morning.

9 Dec 11:38 RTE.ie 7595237279311146767.html
Il Comune di Lanciano cerca un istruttore tecnico da assumere tramite concorso

La figura avrà un contratto a tempo indeterminato, con orario pieno e sarà inquadrato come categoria C

9 Dec 14:56 ChietiToday 1729130452401207014.html
The Saudi Aramco IPO Overvaluation Is Overblown

The Saudi Aramco IPO will surpass Alibaba's as the biggest in history.Analysts had made valuation estimates for the company that ranged from $1.1 trillion to $2.5 trillion.The company settled on a val

9 Dec 14:35 Seeking Alpha 5725634558096296434.html
Sisi Baik Minum Teh Tanpa Gula, Bisa Bantu Sehatkan Kulit

Minum teh menjadi tradisi yang berkembang di berbagai negara di penjuru dunia. Manfaat minum teh mulai banyak disadari oleh masyarakat

9 Dec 10:35 Bola.net 5489959029208041417.html
Formia, organizzazione e sfruttamento della prostituzione minorile: assolti due ragazzi

Due ragazzi di Minturno, Pasquale Fabbricatore – arrestato il 31 maggio del 2016 a Formia e S.A denunciato a piede libero – erano stati accusati di organizzazione e sfruttamento della prostituzione minorile, insieme ad un altro uomo di nazionalità marocchina che, stando al racconto di una delle vittime, l’avrebbe sequestrata e poi violentata. La posizione […]

9 Dec 16:09 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338684089586.html
"Der ganze Handlungsablauf hat wenige Sekunden gedauert"

Nach dem tödlichen Angriff auf einen Feuerwehrmann in Augsburg ist gegen siebe Tatverdächtige Haftbefehl erlassen worden.

9 Dec 15:36 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591928771370.html
Child rights panel slaps fine on teachers

Two teachers asked to pay compensation to student for leaving answer script unevaluated

9 Dec 17:56 The Hindu 6679535025030001348.html
Jokowi appoints Rudiantara as PLN president director: Luhut

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has named former Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara as the new president director of state-owned utility company PLN, says an official close to the President.

9 Dec 15:09 The Jakarta Post 7678601104310316247.html
Gumienny, Vandenbempt en Simaeys sparen Preud'homme niet na uitspraken

Michel Preud'homme heeft zich niet populair gemaakt met

9 Dec 10:28 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216601971694.html
Lynas says investing in new plant to extract low-level radiation before shipping ore here

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Lynas Corporation Ltd said today it will open a new cracking and leaching plant in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia to extract low-level radioactivity from materials to be shipped to Malaysia for final treatment. The Australia-based rare earth miner said it has signed an option...

9 Dec 09:18 Malaymail 302165935140342032.html
Tega! TKI di Hong Kong Dilecehkan, Disuruh Bugil Petugas Imigrasi

Pekerja asal RI, Yuli Riswati mengalami hal buruk, dipaksa telanjang saat ditahan oleh imigrasi Hong Kong.

9 Dec 16:10 moms-life 8028540701847878518.html
Dortmund star Witsel has surgery after domestic accident

Borussia Dortmund midfielder Axel Witsel will miss the rest of the year after needing surgery for a facial injury sustained in an accident at home, his club said Monday.

9 Dec 15:15 The Guardian 7580308505615201050.html
Nammen toernoaispilers FRYSK! bekend

Dit wykein is de identiteit bekend wurden fan ’e dammers dy’t har pleatst hawwe op it tredde digitale toernoai FRYSK! op 1 desimber 2019. Der wiene diskear 35 dielnimmers. It toernoai waard wûn tro…

9 Dec 15:18 It Nijs 6358186641737596319.html
Iran US

Iran is ready for more prisoner swaps with the United States, the Cabinet spokesman said Monday even as he reiterated the Iranian leadership's stance that there will be no other negotiations between Tehran and Washington. The remarks by the spokesman, Ali Rabiei, were the first after a prisoner

9 Dec 10:37 Yahoo 7097669637663237692.html
EU Approves State Aid to Develop Car Batteries Industry

The European Union has approved $3.5 billion in subsidies from seven member countries that want to develop the electric battery industry and challenge China's supremacy.

9 Dec 16:06 Courthouse News Service 1799505148979364571.html
Norwegen hat höchsten Entwicklungsstand der Welt

Norwegen ist nach Angaben der UN-Entwicklungsagentur UNDP weiterhin das höchstentwickelte Land der Welt. Österreich rangiert im „Index der ...

9 Dec 17:05 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092791559069.html
Sa porastom temperature u okeanima nestaje kiseonik

Klimatske promene i zagađenost istiskuju kiseonik iz okeana preteći opstanku brojnih ribljih vrsta, zaključili su u...

9 Dec 09:12 N1 Srbija 7797130865314031907.html
Na controverse rond strafkampen: China verdedigt zich voor “opleidingskampen” waar miljoen moslims opgesloten zitten

China heeft maandag zijn controversiële “opleidingskampen” in Xinjiang opnieuw verdedigd, waar meer dan een miljoen moslims opgesloten zouden zijn. De dema...

9 Dec 14:10 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191863489808.html
Cheltenham Festival pointers we learned from the weekend's horse racing action

There was plenty of quality action on Saturday and Sunday

9 Dec 13:40 Irish Mirror 2875825628030346086.html
Kuntzl: Gratulation an Sabine Seidler zum uniko-Vorsitz

SPÖ-Wissenschaftssprecherin Andrea Kuntzl zeigte sich heute erfreut über die Wahl von Sabine Seidler zur Präsidentin der Universitätenkonferenz. „Sabine Seidler wird gemeinsam mit den anderen …

9 Dec 14:32 OTS.at 4182160711948667417.html
Il governo tedesco traballa perch


9 Dec 08:13 DAGOSPIA 6533336739227965418.html
Mick Doohan Akui Sempat Nyaris Jadi Tandem Valentino Rossi

Lima kali juara dunia, Mick Doohan, mengakui dirinya sempat dijadwalkan bertandem dengan Valentino Rossi di Repsol Honda di kelas GP500 2000 silam.

9 Dec 12:10 Bola.net 5489959029033477842.html
Lower Hutt street cleaners receive the living wage

9 December 2019

9 Dec 09:20 SCOOP 5315658998745138008.html
Dortmund-Star Axel Witsel: Sturz und schwere Gesichtsverletzung in den eigenen vier Wänden

Für den Dortmunder Profi Axel Witsel ist die Bundesliga-Hinrunde vorzeitig beendet. Bei einem folgenschweren Sturtz in den eigenen vier Wänden Wie der BVB am...

9 Dec 14:12 RTL.DE 7054729452041007206.html
Nicolas Pepe explains changes Freddie Ljungberg has made at Arsenal since Unai Emery sacking

Ljungberg has taken over from the sacked Spaniard on an interim basis and has already stamped his mark on the club according to Pepe

9 Dec 15:44 mirror 675785259903883155.html
Next Everton manager odds: Duncan Ferguson favourite but Unai Emery reportedly approached by Toffees

Club legend Duncan Ferguson is now favourite to be Everton's next permanent manager despite reports that Unai Emery has been approached about the role.

9 Dec 14:11 Sporting Life 7709795078035912264.html
Deadly India fire in one of thousands of illegal factories

NEW DELHI (AP) - Day laborers in one of New Delhi's most congested neighborhoods demonstrated against unsafe working conditions on Monday, a day after at least 43 people were killed in a devastating fire at an illegal factory there.

9 Dec 11:44 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636855494243.html
People in Xinjiang camps have graduated: China

‘They have jobs and are living happily’

9 Dec 17:01 The Hindu 6679535025752141319.html
Gara-gara Cemburu, Cowok Ganteng di Palembang Bakar Rumah Pacarnya

Tak hanya kediaman Siti, rumah milik keluarganya yang ada di samping rumah korban juga ikut tersulut api dan hanya menyisakan arang.

9 Dec 13:05 Tribunnews.com 3323534446837787067.html
Nonna's minestrone recipe could help fight malaria, study suggests

In a classroom experiment turned research paper, scientists and school children discovered that some soup broths contain properties that may prevent the growth of malaria parasites.

9 Dec 17:32 CTVNews 2422791599051910727.html
SERAP asks state governors to disclose pension paid to ex-governors

The civil society group condemns jumbo payments to former political office holders under the pension laws.

9 Dec 14:23 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300011371494.html
Gottschalks letzte Literatur-Show im BR

Maue Quoten, durchwachsene Kritiken: Gottschalks Literatursendung im Bayerischen Rundfunk galt nicht als der ganz große Wurf. Jetzt ist es nach nur vier Ausgaben auch schon wieder vorbei - und das hat nicht einmal etwas mit dem schwachen Zuschauerinteresse zu tun.

9 Dec 08:16 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220623887521.html
Bijval Kanselier van de Nederlandse Orden Henk Morsink voor Marco Kroon

Chef medailles: 'Een held hoeft geen heilige te zijn'

9 Dec 16:17 ThePostOnline 3048418757105014283.html
Desbaratan banda que se dedicaba a entraderas

Los efectivos policiales detuvieron a cinco malvivientes que consumaban atracos a residentes de casas particulares en el Gran Buenos Aires.

9 Dec 11:28 Crónica 1134283327612038236.html
John McDonnell promises February budget to end austerity

In the first 100 days of a Labour government, the process of bringing water and energy into public ownership will begin.

9 Dec 12:24 Shropshire Star 3480199992697206901.html
Carnival Corporation’s Costa Cruises welcomes LNG-Powered Costa Smeralda to fleet

MIAMI – Costa Cruises, the Italian brand of Carnival Corporation & plc officially took delivery today of Costa Smeralda, the brand’s first ship powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), the marine industry’s most advanced fuel technology. The handover ceremony was held at the Meyer shipyard in Turku, Finland, where the brand’s new flagship was built. Costa Smeralda becomes Carnival Corporation’s fourth new ship of 2019 and its second LNG-powered ship. Costa Smeralda is the first of two new sister ships for Costa

9 Dec 08:44 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788583395917.html
Widersprüche im Bundeshaus

Der Bundesrat spricht sich für eine längere Erwerbstätigkeit im Alter aus, will aber von einer Erhöhung des Rentenalters offiziell nichts wissen. Ein Kommentar von FuW-Redaktor Peter Morf.

9 Dec 10:23 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936646326381.html
Mearns woman offers own wedding dress to brides affected by Perthshire bridal store collapse

A newly-married Mearns woman has offered her wedding dress to brides left without gowns after a Perthshire wedding dress firm collapsed last month.

9 Dec 08:57 The Courier 4275302767934460468.html
U.S. Supreme Court Leaves In Place Kentucky Abortion Restriction

The state law requires that doctors show and describe ultrasound images to women seeking abortions.

9 Dec 15:09 HuffPost 5982769915517271525.html
Laatste boten Schiermonnikoog vervallen vanwege hoog water

Groningers die vandaag (maandag) van of naar Schiermonnikoog reizen moeten dat niet met de laatste boot doen.Die vervalt namelijk zowel vanaf het eiland als van Lauwersoog wegens de verwachte hoge

9 Dec 10:26 OOG 303718094562280591.html
Oceans Losing Oxygen at Unprecedented Rate, Experts Warn

Oxygen in the oceans is being lost at an unprecedented rate, with "dead zones" proliferating and hundreds more areas showing oxygen dangerously depleted, as a result of the climate emergency and intensive farming, experts have warned. From a report: Sharks, tuna, marlin and other large fish species ...

9 Dec 09:05 news.slashdot.org 626091441573980857.html
Krippenfreunde feierten 25 rastlose Jahre

Die Krippenausstellung im Erzbischöflichen Seminar Hollabrunn stand heuer im Zeichen des 25-jährigen Bestehens des Hollabrunner Krippenvereins.

9 Dec 11:40 NÖN.at 2486998932414523372.html
Newcastle United youngster Kell Watts picks up knee injury and returns to Benton

The Magpies are impressed with his efforts so far after joining Stevenage back in the summer

9 Dec 13:48 ChronicleLive 1984146901413839301.html
Two Wolves fans arrested by police for homophobic abuse at Brighton match

Two Wolves supporters were arrested by Sussex Police after homophobic abuse directed at Brighton fans with the club condemning their behaviour

9 Dec 11:18 mirror 675785261796148461.html
Two Wolves fans arrested by police for homophobic abuse at Brighton match

Two Wolves supporters were arrested by Sussex Police after homophobic abuse directed at Brighton fans with the club condemning their behaviour

9 Dec 11:18 Irish Mirror 2875825629941703248.html
Finland får verdens yngste statsminister

34 år gamle Sanna Marin overtar tirsdag som statsminister i Finland og blir verdens yngste regjeringssjef.

9 Dec 17:43 TV 2 8210067770631610525.html
Catat! UKM yang Jualan Online Dijanjikan Urus Izin Pakai KTP

Pemerintah berjanji mempermudah proses izin yang mudah bagi UKM yang berjualan online.

9 Dec 14:09 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214060270587.html
Passive Learning vs Active Learning: Which Is More Effective?

Can active and passive learning impact your learning abilities? What is the best method to learn? Let's find out in this article.

9 Dec 16:00 Lifehack 1334879821787783822.html
Middelkoop over beleggen in grondstoffen: 'Inspelen op toekomstige schaarste'

Willem Middelkoop belegt met zijn Commodity Discovery Fund in bedrijven in de grondstoffensector. De sector doet het erg slecht en zijn fonds is nog maar 58 procent van wat het ooit was. Toch denkt Willem nog steeds dat grondstoffen een goede investering zijn voor de toekomst.

9 Dec 16:18 RTLZ 8052859356289145387.html
Tips Staycation Murah di Hotel Bintang 5 Puncak

Siapa bilang uang pas-pasan nggak bisa liburan mewah? Meski dana mentok, siapapun bisa tidur di hotel bintang lima layaknya anak sultan.

9 Dec 11:20 detikTravel 7712517352443564914.html
Plymouth man denies bleach attack on mother and toddler

Defendant accused of throwing liquid over pair is to face trial in May

9 Dec 16:11 PlymouthLive 6373569607267354511.html
Nokia dangles mediation carrot in front of Daimler over license dispute

Legal action has been paused in the hopes of reaching some form of resolution.

9 Dec 15:20 ZDNet 591556592177044930.html
Jabatan Kajati Akan Dilelang, Jaksa Agung Ingin Sikat Jaksa-jaksa Nakal

Jaksa Agung ST Burhanuddin mengatakan rencana lelang untuk jabatan Kajati di seluruh Indonesia untuk ingin mencari pimpinan yang berkualitas.

9 Dec 11:24 detiknews 8793960223916514207.html
Stay ahead of your competitors with these tips

You will only achieve success if you run your business on your own terms, and not fall prey to chasing after rivals in your industry.

9 Dec 13:31 Nairametrics.com 4741528845911448500.html
#WeWantStargate Movement Gets Support From Former Stars, Showrunner

Former Stargate showrunner Joseph Mallozzi is organizing a Twitter campaign to rally support for the first new Stargate TV series.

9 Dec 12:12 CBR.com 1295516961807831973.html
BMW was reportedly targeted by hackers, foiled their plans

It has been recently reported in German media that BMW along with other car manufacturers were recently targeted by a hacker group. The group, otherwise

9 Dec 14:44 BMW BLOG 8947460770076502301.html
Thousands of homes and businesses left without power following Storm Atiyah

Around 7,000 homes and businesses are without power this morning following high winds from Storm Atiyah which took place last night.

9 Dec 09:16 Buzz.ie 7092425148325234842.html
A Swiss broadband provider offers alternative remote control for your Apple TV

A small Swiss provider has decided to offer its broadband subscribers an alternative Apple TV remote that solves Siri Remote's usability issues and has additional buttons.

9 Dec 16:35 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716083582020.html
Microsoft: Office per Windows Mobile verso la fine

Microsoft ha comunicato che il supporto per Office per la piattaforma Windows Mobile terminerà il prossimo 21 gennaio 2021.

9 Dec 16:49 Webnews 4852331586176349821.html
Momen Tiemoue Bakayoko Lupa Nomor Punggung Ini Kocak

Tiemoue Bakayoko lupa nomor punggung saat AS Monaco mengalahkan Amiens SC dengan skor 3-0, Minggu (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 13:50 Bola.com 1695722604635510794.html
Putin, Zelenskyy to hold first summit on Ukraine conflict

Russian President Vladimir Putin will for the first time hold formal talks with his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskyy over the conflict in Ukraine's east on Monday in a much-anticipated summit in the French capital, Paris.

9 Dec 08:10 Aljazeera 6642629763738367979.html
The Oraifite killings - The Nation Newspaper

Why an intra-communal feud turned bloody in Oraifite community in the Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State last week is a puzzle the authorities

9 Dec 08:29 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900768623051.html
French far-left leader gets suspended jail term for shoving police

A French court on Monday handed a suspended jail term of three months to far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon over his conduct during a raid on his party offices last year, when he shoved a police officer and a prosecutor.

9 Dec 13:30 Digital Journal 4566489172655622809.html
Fishshack owner to sell restaurants in rescue deal

Financial woes forced chain to seek court protection from creditors in August

9 Dec 14:08 The Irish Times 8204772967303325088.html
Beatrice Valli rimanda il matrimonio

Beatrice Valli rivela ai fan che il matrimonio con Marco Fantini sarà rimandato dopo la nascita del figlio: i due convoleranno a nozze la prossima estate

9 Dec 12:44 ilGiornale.it 5019541223898409846.html
House Democrats lay out case for formal Trump impeachment as President tweets his scorn

The House Judiciary Committee received a detailed summing up of the impeachment case against President Donald Trump as both sides of politics began to feel the pressure.

9 Dec 17:32 PerthNow 6839538508581638604.html
Two arrested on suspicion of homophobic abuse after Brighton vs Wolves match

It is the latest in a series of allegedly discriminatory incidents in the Premier League.

9 Dec 16:44 Metro 970161747380898635.html
SSM to offer big discounts on compounds

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 9 — The Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) will offer discounts up to 90 per cent for the settlement of compounds imposed on registered corporations from January 1 to April 30, next year. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said the...

9 Dec 14:30 Malaymail 302165936295229083.html
Verizon reportedly blocks archivists from Yahoo Groups days before deletion [update]

All content on Yahoo Groups since its 2001 launch is disappearing Saturday.

9 Dec 16:32 Ars Technica 5028555107391702004.html
Ubriaca fa scoppiare il caos in discoteca e insulta carabinieri


9 Dec 15:10 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985370231964162.html
TANAP and Turkey's energy ambitions

The December 3-4 NATO summit in London was marked by internal bickering between member states. Yet by the end of the two-day gathering, consensus was reached on one item: that Russia poses a major problem to the alliance.

9 Dec 17:38 Aljazeera 6642629762909319113.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

VANCOUVER — The Law Society of British Columbia has moved to require Indigenous cultural competency training for all practising lawyers in the province, in response to gaps in legal education that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission identified.

9 Dec 09:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741010506428382.html
Witsel raakt mysterieus geblesseerd aan gezicht, Dortmund wil niks zeggen

Axel Witsel kan de rest van dit kalenderjaar niet meer in actie komen voor Borussia Dortmund. De speler liep bij een ‘ongelukje’ in huis een blessure aan zijn gezicht op. De ploeg wil echter niet bekendmaken wat er precies is gebeurd. Vermoedelijk zit er een breuk in het gezicht van de Belg, waardoor hij een…

9 Dec 12:28 Sportnieuws 3602982464618338968.html
SC partially lifts ban on construction in Delhi-NCR

SC partially lifts ban on construction activities in Delhi-NCR, allows it from 6 am to 6 pm (Eds: Adding background) New Delhi, Dec 9 (PTI) The Supreme Court Monday allowed construction activity in the Delhi-NCR region between 6 am and 6 pm, partially lifting its complete ban on it. The apex court perused the report filed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) which said that construction activities should not be allowed between 6 pm to 6 am.

9 Dec 15:43 Deccan Herald 2027555796049992940.html
WADA bans Russia from Olympics for four years for doping

Russia was banned from the Olympics and other major world championships on Monday after sporting officials decided to punish it for tampering with doping-related laboratory data in another blow to Russia's already tarnished sporting reputation. The decision by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), imposed a four-year ban on Russia participating…

9 Dec 11:30 Japan Today 8582716287282206510.html
Kalki Koechlin Talks About The Crazy Fluctuations In Her Content Cravings During Her Pregnancy

Kalki Koechlin is expecting her first child with boyfriend Guy Hershberg. The actress recently got talking about the fluctuations she has been having in her content consumption over the last few months. She says that pregnancy has been surreal for her but it has played a number on her likes and dislikes.

9 Dec 13:10 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243886506346.html
Man appears in court on GBH charge after alleged incident involving his neighbours

He was brought to Nottingham Magistrates' Court

9 Dec 14:40 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702891461875.html
Officers thank Cape Coral man for helping rescue woman from canal

Police have issued a Citizen Commendable Action Coin to a Cape Coral man who helped rescue an elderly woman from a canal last month.

9 Dec 10:01 Fox 4 8372747778250740847.html
Ouders dode baby weg bij rechtszaak

De rechtszaak over de overleden Bredase baby is maandag grotendeels zonder de ouders behandeld. De twee verlieten maandag allebei de rechtszaal. Justitie verdenkt vader Kevin van den B. van doodslag op zijn zeven maanden oude zoon.

9 Dec 15:50 RD.nl 6406779841752623945.html
Geen nieuwe graafactie naar Dost

Er komt geen nieuwe graafactie naar de vermiste Willeke Dost in de tuin van een boerderij in het Drentse Koekange. Dat heeft de Zoekgroep Willeke Dost bevestigd naar aanleiding van een bericht van RTV Drenthe.

9 Dec 11:25 RD.nl 6406779840460441961.html
Better Business Bureau shares tips on how to avoid scams, thefts during holiday season

The Wisconsin Better Business Bureau is sharing tips on how to avoid popular scams and package thefts this holiday season.

9 Dec 17:08 CHANNEL3000 830332543168403811.html
Significant gender pay gap still evident at Solihull Council

Latest figures show that the chasm is narrowing, but the latest averages included in the annual summary are still ahead of what other West Midlands authorities reported last year.

9 Dec 10:35 birminghammail 8288260684955746708.html
Pill testing trial 'successful' at music festival, evaluation finds

An evaluation of an Australian pill testing trial has found that the service improved participants' harm reduction knowledge, their trust in health providers and their stated intentions around drug use.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730561212255587.html
Auch Ständerat sagt deutlich Nein zur Begrenzungsinitiative der SVP

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:54 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774929953810.html
Kejar Target! Mentan SYL Ajak Pelaku Usaha Lipat Gandakan Ekspor Pangan

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo mengapresiasi kinerja eksportasi PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (JFPA) yang telah mampu mencatat nilai lebih dari Rp500 miliar di penghujung tahun 2019.

9 Dec 09:24 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834559371037.html
Airasia sees non-airline segment as top earner

KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia Group Bhd (AirAsia) believes the non-airline businesses under its subsidiary RedBeatVentures have the potential to outperform the airline business in the next two to three years.

9 Dec 13:59 NST Online 3702929171262184385.html
Truk 'Obesitas' Bikin Negara Rugi Triliunan Rupiah Tiap Tahun

"Kalau untuk secara nasional maintenance cost kita Rp 43 triliun per tahun. Kalau di jalan tol saja itu Rp 1 triliun per tahun loh,"

9 Dec 10:50 detikfinance 4442190001244382859.html
Ganduje appoints Sanusi as new Emirate Council chair for two years

Ted Odogwu, Kano Kano State governor, Dr  Abdullahi Ganduje, on Monday appointed Emir Mohammed Sanusi, as the pioneer Chairman of the new State Council of Emirs for a period of two years. The...

9 Dec 10:58 Punch Newspapers 3524240995213149782.html
Democrats agree to sanction Trump's Space Force in exchange for paid federal parental leave

President Trump wants to have a full-fledged Space Force to tout in his re-election bid and Democrats want 12 weeks of paid parental leave for federal workers with newborn or newly adopted children, and if Senate Republicans go along, everyone will get their wish this holiday season, The Washington Post reports. Democratic lawmakers and the White House have tentatively agreed to a deal for a must-pass defense authorization bill that would give Trump his sixth branch of the military and Democrats the biggest expansion in federal benefits since Bill Clinton's presidency. Over several months of negotiations on the defense spending bill, Democrats and Republicans reached agreement on about 1,300 provision, but "the White House cared most about Space Force," a person familiar with the negotiations told the Post. Democrats used Trump's fixation on the topic to get the 2.1 million civilian workforce in line with benefits the military enacted in 2016. About a quarter of private companies in the U.S. offer paid parental…

9 Dec 12:50 The Week 149215355419123202.html
Viral Video Tukang Parkir Masukkan Jaket Pengunjung Parkir ke Helm, Netizen: Ikhlas Banget Mah Kasih Uang Lebih Kalo Kaya Gini

Video yang memperlihatkan seorang tukang parkir sedang melipat jaket-jakat yang berada di kendaraan yang sedang parkir viral.

9 Dec 15:30 grid.id 586386473874201262.html
Parker: CoolIT delivers Direct Liquid Cooling solutions to data centres

A Calgary high-tech company, which is providing Direct Liquid Cooling (DLC) to the world’s most demanding data centres, has recorded 100 new hires this year and is planning for more growth.Co…

9 Dec 15:42 Calgary Herald 1003909010639823459.html
New Zealand police says at least five dead in volcano eruption

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - At least five people have now been confirmed to have died after a volcano erupted off the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island, police confirmed on Monday.

9 Dec 08:39 Reuters 8334514179773924811.html
WATCH: Unbelievable Heart-Rending Scenes Of Flooding As Centurion Goes UNDERWATER In South Africa

Heavy rains have devasted South Africa's Gauteng Province after massive flash floods resulted in parts of the City of Centurion going underwater.

9 Dec 10:02 iHarare News 2755902708185805102.html
Mann wirft Frau aus Rollstuhl

Die Aufnahmen einer Überwachungskamera aus dem US-Bundesstaat Arizona machen einfach nur sprachlos.

9 Dec 17:44 RTL.DE 7054729453352305564.html
Bisa Picu Kontraksi, Amankah Ibu Hamil Menyusui?

Pertanyaan soal menyusui saat hamil yang bisa picu kontraksi bisa jadi salah satu kekhawatiran ibu hamil.

9 Dec 10:44 menyusui 8028540701763513231.html
Tool Illegally Enables Windows 7 Extended Security Updates

A method has been discovered that allows Windows 7 users to bypass eligibility checks and receive Extended Security Updates even if they have not paid for a license.

9 Dec 17:50 BleepingComputer 1217146046613193118.html
Anfragen auf dem Tisch: Rabiot denkt an Winterwechsel

Ein halbes Jahr lang machte Adrien Rabiot wegen einer Suspendierung kein Spiel für Paris St. Germain. Der Wechsel zu Juventus Turin sollte der große Befreiungsschlag sein. Statt Karrierekick heißt (...)

9 Dec 17:50 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784092290803.html
Experts say cancer research is making more progress that people think

The focus on a “cure for cancer” is masking progress made in extending lifespan and making cancer manageable in the long-term.

9 Dec 15:08 News-Medical.net 4522523031380643194.html
La nuova funzione di Snapchat per creare i deepfake

Snapchat presenta Cameo, la funzionalità per creare semplici video simil deepfake in formato gif da condividere con gli amici, si parte dalla Francia

9 Dec 09:50 Wired 7504010958018745326.html
Syrian sisters ask world community to help war victims

Two Syrian siblings have been using social media to call on the international community to help victims of war in their country. Forced by Syrian regime...

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808601470914.html
Finalmente il vero Romagnoli: prestazione da leader contro il Bologna

"Con la giusta cattiveria, in trasferta, altra vittoria! Avanti così!". Così Alessio Romagnoli ha esultato con un post su Instagram dopo la vittoria col Bologna. Il capitano rossonero, dopo un inizio di stagione sotto le aspettative, contro i rossoblu ha fatto vedere il vero difensore che è stato per anni la colonna di un Milan che vive da troppi anni nella mediocrità e che non riesce a raggiungere il suo obiettivo principale, ovvero la Champions League.

9 Dec 16:30 MilanNews.it 6507305921090141521.html
10 Detail Resepsi Internasional ala Citra Kirana-Rezky Adhitya. Modern dalam Nuansa Putih Elegan!

resepsi citra kirana rezky Setelah menggelar akad nikah di Bandung pada Minggu tanggal 1 Desember 2019 lalu, pasangan Citra Kirana atau akrab disapa Ciki dan Rezky Adhitya akhirnya menggelar resepsi.

9 Dec 10:00 Hipwee 8847968230601567521.html
Paragone vota no

La bozza di risoluzione per la riforma del Mes non piace al senatore dissidente. Lannutti freddo, Giarrusso invece dice sì. Ancora 48 ore per evitare che il governo vada sotto

9 Dec 16:40 L'HuffPost 5315551422839854425.html
Thousands Protest In Russia's Northwest Against Becoming Moscow's Dumping Ground

Thousands have rallied in the northwestern Russian town of Kotlas against the construction of a new landfill for waste from Moscow.

9 Dec 10:42 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162570283314.html
Regus ofera gratuit spatii de birouri pentru corporatistii si antreprenorii care lucreaza de sarbatori

Regus, unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori din piata de spatii de lucru flexibile, lanseaza in Romania campania globala #WorkCloser, prin care pune gratuit la dispozitia corporatiilor si antreprenorilor, spatiile de lucru din cele noua centre de coworking ale sale, pentru cei care lucreaza in perioada sarbatorilor.

9 Dec 14:39 Wall-Street 2473040519922050747.html
Keynsham fire station hotel development plan described as 'monstrous carbuncle'

People are not happy with plans to turn the former Keynsham fire station into a hotel, flats, shops and restaurant and a speech from Prince Charles was referenced in the criticism

9 Dec 09:02 BristolLive 4740742018168850908.html
The Morning Show Gets Apple Three Golden Globe Nominations

The Morning Show has earned Apple its first three major Golden Globe nominations.

9 Dec 16:21 iClarified 2561039882495467688.html
Jornada de Trabajo Social y Derechos Humanos

Mañana martes se llevará a cabo en la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNCA una Jornada de Celebración por el Día del Trabajo Social Argentino y el Día de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos.. Está organizada por el Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Facultad, y cuenta con el auspicio del Colegio de Trabajadores Sociales de Catamarca.

9 Dec 13:17 El Ancasti 5864462412473004495.html
Menag: Materi Khilafah di Sekolah Dipindah dari Fikih ke Sejarah

"Hanya dipindahkan dari yang tadinya khilafahnya itu masuk ke fikih dipindahkan ke sejarah ya. Sejarah nggak boleh hilang," kata Menag Fachrul.

9 Dec 15:59 detiknews 8793960224242786842.html
Posisi Bos Pelindo Bakal Diisi Ignatius Jonan, Susi Pudjiastusi Gantikan Ari Askhara Sebagai Dirut Garuda?

Dua mantan Menteri di Kabinet Joko Widodo periode 2014-2019, kabarnya akan diakomodir, yakni Ignasius Jonan dan Susi Pudjiastuti.

9 Dec 17:39 grid.id 6246371060401836997.html
Quake rattles Tuscany, no injuries reported

ROME (AP) - An earthquake struck Tuscany north of Florence on Monday, sending frightened people into the street in the middle of the night, opening up cracks in walls and damaging a church.

9 Dec 13:51 WFXT 6395891953333554095.html
Dutch government moves to ban laughing gas

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch government on Monday announced plans to include nitrous oxide — better known as laughing gas — on its “black list” of forbidden drugs, in response to a rapid increase in usage of the gas among the nation’s youth.

9 Dec 11:59 Reuters 8334514180450546398.html
Nadler: Trump put himself before country

House Judiciary Committee Democrats argued President Trump put himself ahead of the interests of the country by seeking Ukraine’s help investigating Joe Biden and the Democrats.

9 Dec 14:41 Washington Examiner 4625792332846020432.html
New Zealand volcano webcam captures tourists in crater moments before eruption

(Reuters) - A webcam set up on New Zealand’s White Island volcano shows at least one group of tourists were inside the crater moments before it erupted and blanketed the area in a massive ash cloud.

9 Dec 14:00 Reuters 8334514181625401369.html
Mexico rejects US trade deal proposals on steel, aluminum

Mexico's foreign minister said Sunday the country would not accept a US proposal for steel and aluminum production under the new trade deal, saying it would leave Mexico at a disadvantage. During a meeting with senators to discuss details of negotiations for the United States-Mexico-Canada treaty

9 Dec 08:09 Yahoo 7097669637274310770.html
White Castle Frozen Burgers Recalled for Listeria

The White Castle recall is for 6-pack cheeseburgers, 6-pack hamburgers, 6-pack jalapeno cheeseburgers, 16-pack hamburgers, and 16-pack cheeseburgers with best by dates ranging from 04 Aug 2020 to 17 Aug 2020.

9 Dec 12:00 WebMD 4010151888909772963.html
Cerita Ahok Bagi Tugas dengan Dirut di Pertamina

Komisaris Utama (Komut) PT Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok menceritakan pembagian tugas dengan Nicke Widyawati selaku Direktur Utama.

9 Dec 12:16 detikfinance 4442190001582615602.html
Eis van vijf jaar om mishandelen stiefzoontje

Het Openbaar Ministerie in het West-Vlaamse Kortrijk eist vijf jaar gevangenisstraf tegen een Nederlandse twintiger wegens het herhaaldelijk mishandelen van zijn 2-jarige stiefzoontje. De man, inmiddels ex-vriend van de moeder van het kind, zei in de rechtbank spijt te hebben en van zichzelf te walgen.

9 Dec 17:48 RD.nl 6406779842228743197.html
Regali di Natale assurdi: il lucchetto per Nintendo

In occasione del Natale 1989 apparve un malefico lucchetto dedicato a Nintendo Nes che andava a bloccare l'accesso alla slot per le cartucce

9 Dec 16:32 Wired 7504010957186675327.html
Il governo punta al tesoretto degli scontrini telematici

L’esecutivo punta di ricavare un gruzzoletto dal valore di 1,2 miliardi di euro grazie agli scontrini telematici. Ma il tempo stringe e la strada in salita.

9 Dec 15:00 ilGiornale.it 5019541225359948118.html
Hungry bears and a legends parade: Monday's best photos

The Guardian’s picture editors select photo highlights from around the world

9 Dec 14:46 the Guardian 1491978795157528457.html
Experts cite training gaps in accidental shootings by police

Accidental shootings by law enforcement have happened in recent years at agencies small and large and at all levels — city, county, state and federal — across the U.S., an Associated Press investigation found.

9 Dec 16:21 KNOE 8 News 9048639191868876863.html
Aanklager voelt mee met PSV-aanvaller maar acht racisme niet bewezen

De aanklager betaald voetbal acht niet bewezen dat er 'Zwarte Piet' is geroepen naar Jong PSV-aanvaller Sekou Sidibe tijdens de uitwedstrijd tegen Helmond Sport (2-3) op 29 november. Sidibe werd naar eigen zeggen racistisch bejegend in Helmond, maar er zijn geen getuigen die zijn verhaal kunnen bevestigen. De aanklager acht het wel aannemelijk dat de jonge PSV'er te maken heeft gehad met racisme tijdens het betreffende duel in de Keuken Kampioen Divisie.

9 Dec 16:48 Voetbalzone 9096760911489380175.html
Abraham emerges as Chelsea's talisman

Tammy Abraham has emerged as Chelsea's talisman thanks to a breakthrough season that has taken his side to the brink of the Champions League last 16.

9 Dec 11:58 Sport 682566034180196411.html
Jonathan Sexton ruled out of Champions Cup clash against Northampton Saints with knee injury

Jonathan Sexton will not play against Northampton Saints in the Champions Cup on Saturday.

9 Dec 12:39 Independent.ie 5894610845003927878.html
Great British Bamboo invasion: Gardeners urged NOT to grow the marauding oriental plant as it invades neighbours' land and threatens house foundations

The persistent plant, favoured by pandas and conjuring up images of idyllic gardens, led to one gardener in Reading having to excavate the entire garden to get rid of it.

9 Dec 15:39 Mail Online 124328111044465666.html
John McDonnell promises February budget to end austerity

In the first 100 days of a Labour government, the process of bringing water and energy into public ownership will begin.

9 Dec 12:25 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774778787957.html
Diebe auf Drogen geraten mit Tresor in Kontrolle

Kommissar Zufall landete einen Volltreffer: Bei einer Verkehrs-kontrolle gingen der Polizei drei Diebe ins Netz. Der Fahrer war auf Drogen und führte einen gestohlenen Tresor mit.

9 Dec 13:22 20 Minuten 5741369453532412819.html
Filing of nominations begins for poll to rural local bodies

A total of 85 nominations were received on the first day of filing of nominations for 5,462 rural panchayat posts in Thanjavur district on Monday.While election for the post of village panchayat ward

9 Dec 14:18 The Hindu 6679535025642808577.html
Foreign Policy: What the West gets wrong about Russia's intentions in Ukraine

Moscow never wanted an annexation – it just wanted a bargaining chip. Understanding that is the key to settling the conflict once and for all.

9 Dec 16:40 UNIAN 6863008971023712332.html
Coleen Rooney backs Deliveroo after 'misleading' advert ban

Another advert by the delivery service, which aired in March, was also banned two months ago

9 Dec 16:21 Liverpool Echo 7727211174053773041.html
Abe granted brief respite as scandal-hit extraordinary Diet session draws to a close

During the course of the session two ministers resigned, a plan for reforming college English-language tests was withdrawn and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was accused of breaching election campaign laws.

9 Dec 10:57 The Japan Times 6673764367133061098.html
Coalitie: Vertrouwen in steun voor stikstofwet

Coalitiepartijen denken dat het kabinet ervoor kan zorgen dat genoeg partijen de stikstof-spoedwet in de Eerste Kamer steunen. Daarvoor moet het kabinet met alle partijen praten en krijgt het daar ook alle ruimte voor, zeggen coalitieleiders.

9 Dec 12:03 RD.nl 6406779842537391907.html
Marinos mercantes protestan en Veracruz contra supuesta militarización de puertos

Los inconformes solicitaron a los legisladores que se debatan en Parlamento Abierto las iniciativas de ley sobre el manejo de estas zonas.

9 Dec 11:40 EL FINANCIERO 4014025539491955907.html
The Silicon Valley Series Finale Fittingly Rewards Failure as Success

The HBO series did not provide a middle-out for its main characters.

9 Dec 11:41 Paste Magazine 2077921861422214818.html
Indian Parliament's Lower House Passes Bill to Amend Arms Act Aimed at Curbing Illegal Manufacturing

New Delhi (Sputnik): Thousands of people are arrested annually across India for manufacturing and supplying illegal firearms, particularly those who have set up production centres in the country’s Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states, parts of which border Nepal and Bangladesh that have significant markets for such weapons.

9 Dec 17:50 Sputniknews 967333868809527659.html
Merger Arbitrage Mondays - Thoma Bravo's Acquisition Of Instructure Includes A Go-Shop Provision

Merger activity increased with five new deals announced.The acquisition of Audentes Therapeutics by Astellas Pharma.The acquisition of AK Steel Holding Corporation by Cleveland-Cliffs.

9 Dec 14:11 Seeking Alpha 5725634557207768557.html
iCar Asia Raih Break Even Lebih Cepat dari Target

ICar Asia Limited (Icar Asia), marketplace otomotif terbesar di Asia Tenggara, mengumumkan sudah meraih break even EBITDA pada November tahun ini. Hasil ini diraih satu bulan lebih cepat dari targetnya.

9 Dec 16:49 merdeka.com 1998180355732542776.html
Monday's Premier League transfer talk news roundup: Timo Werner, Marouane Fellaini, Arturo Vidal

Here, Sports Mole rounds up the latest transfer talk for the Premier League on Monday, December 9 ahead of the January transfer window.

9 Dec 11:51 Sports Mole 7750663360819164000.html
World-leading animal trainer wows Zoo staff

Hamilton Zoo hosted a training event of a unique kind from 27-29 November, led by internationally renowned animal trainer, Peter Giljam from Zoospensefull, currently based in Sweden.

9 Dec 10:48 SCOOP 5315658998360215737.html
Cristiano Ronaldo 'regrets leaving Real Madrid'

Juventus forward Cristiano Ronaldo allegedly regrets leaving Real Madrid before the start of the 2018-19 campaign.

9 Dec 12:41 Sports Mole 7750663362644237420.html
Tiny phones hidden in Nike sneakers intercepted at Oklahoma detention facility

An Oklahoma inmate’s special Christmas delivery was thwarted last week after prison staff intercepted an early – and illegal – holiday gift: a pair of Nike shoes with six mini cellphones hidden inside a secret cavity.

9 Dec 14:11 Fox News 7362823821240632404.html
Stellt die Post jetzt den Geldtransport ganz ein?

Nach mehreren Überfällen auf Geldtransporter hebt SecurePost den Standort Daillens auf. Trotz Alternativplan kann es zu Engpässen kommen.

9 Dec 14:48 20 Minuten 5741369453771338321.html
Spectacular concert in Two Mile Borris this December

Two Mile Borris National School, in association with the In Tune for Life Orchestra and the McGrath School of Irish Dance, will host an evening of traditional music and dance on Thursday, December 19 ...

9 Dec 16:00 TipperaryLive 1097599577906044657.html
Ayushmann Khurrana in Ratsasan Hindi remake?

Ayushmann Khurrana is likely to step into the shoes of Vishnu Vishal for the Hindi remake of Ratsasan.

9 Dec 14:53 The Indian Express 2885715105628612532.html
Säugling in Wien misshandelt: Vater beteuert Schuldlosigkeit

Der drei Monate alte Bub befindet sich weiterhin in Lebensgefahr. Der Vater, gegen den wegen versuchten Mordes ermittelt wird, fühlt sich von der Mutter des Kindes zu Unrecht belastet. Auch gegen...

9 Dec 12:56 Die Presse 6242788853846425082.html
Caltex indolence invited takeover bid

Dozy oversight of cruising management has all but goaded a bidder out of the woodwork.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487524754902.html
2. Advent in den Schwazer Stadtgalerien

Eingeläutet wurde die zweite Adventwoche mit dem Schwazer Advent am Pfundplatz und dem traditionellen Nikolauseinzug mit Engel und Hirten in der Innenstadt.

9 Dec 16:47 meinbezirk.at 5267640332260869062.html
Pencetak Uang Terbesar di Dunia Kehabisan Uang, Bakal Bangkrut

WE Online, Jakarta - De La Rue, perusahaan yang mencetak uang kertas Inggris dan mata uang 140 negara mengeluarkan peringatan bahwa mereka mungkin akan bangkrut. Perusahaan ini ragu akan masa depannya.

9 Dec 11:54 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835904237702.html
Kalvin Phillips set for Leeds return against Hull

Phillips sat out Leeds’ win at Huddersfield on Saturday through suspension.

9 Dec 16:40 Shropshire Star 3480199991332089463.html
French far-left leader sentenced to suspended prison term

PARIS (Reuters) - French far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon has been sentenced to a suspended three-months prison term and given a 8,000 euros fine for intimidating officials who were investigating him over possible funding irregularities, a Paris suburb court said on Monday.

9 Dec 09:29 Reuters 8334514181481195034.html
BREAKING Man City fan arrested over alleged Manchester derby racial abuse released on bail

Anthony Burke, 41, was arrested after appearing to make a gesture towards Manchester United midfielder Fred during Saturday's clash at the Etihad

9 Dec 16:07 mirror 675785261528700593.html
Erfolgslosigkeit nach Hirscher: Ursachenforschung im ÖSV

Der Riesentorlauf in Beaver Creek brachte das zweitschlechteste Resultat aller Zeiten. Herren-Cheftrainer Andreas Puelacher erbittet Geduld.

9 Dec 11:00 Die Presse 6242788855483520715.html
Ali Milani, Muslim Penantang PM Johnson di Pemilu Inggris

Ali Milani, 25 tahun, menjadi calon legislatif dari Partai Buruh yang akan bertanding dalam Pemilu melawan Partai Konservatif Boris Johnson, 12 Desember nanti. - Foto 1

9 Dec 09:47 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213215499677.html
Brunette Bombshell Katelyn Runck Sizzles In Skimpy White Bikini

Model Katelyn Runck took to Instagram over the weekend to show off her incredible figure in a barely-there bikini. The tiny number featured a classic triangle top that could hardly contain her ...

9 Dec 13:41 The Inquisitr 1745625231978221680.html
La Sampdoria riprenderà domani gli allenamenti

Il tecnico Claudio Ranieri ha concesso un giorno di riposo alla Sampdoria: da domani si inizierà la preparazione per il derby

9 Dec 15:37 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982774409828126.html
How bad leadership, corruption fuel poverty in Africa

More than 70 per cent of Africa’s estimated 1.2 billion people are said to be suffering from high unemployment, inequality and poverty.

9 Dec 09:06 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900411211554.html
TownePlace Suites by Marriott opened in Plano, Texas

PLANO, TX – Marriott International’s TownePlace Suites by Marriott Dallas Plano Richardson is now open for business. The new 86-suite hotel is built for travelers looking for a simple and friendly place where they can settle-in, keep their routine, and easily connect to the area. Located at 545 K Avenue, it will operate as a Marriott franchise, managed by Texas Western Hospitality of Addison, Texas. “We are excited with the continued growth of the TownePlace Suites brand in the Plano area,”

9 Dec 09:02 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788322606224.html
Juice WRLD tracks bestormen de charts

Gisteren kwam de de 21-jarige rapper Juice WRLD om het leven na een beroerte op het Midway vliegveld van Chicago. Terwijl er nog gezocht wordt naar de exacte doodsoorzaak, reageerde fans en collega’s geschokt op het overlijden van de jonge artiest. Zoals het vaak gaat nadat een artiest komt te overlijden wordt zijn muziek in […]

9 Dec 14:43 Puna 5725385641723826956.html
Kosovo, Albania to boycott Nobel Literature award ceremony

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) - Kosovo and Albania say they will boycott the Nobel Literature Prize ceremony Tuesday to protest the award being given to Austrian writer Peter Handke who both countries link to the war in the former Yugoslavia.

9 Dec 11:25 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636716587290.html
Sebenarnya, Apa Masalah dari Manchester City?

Manchester City kian jauh dari trofi Premier League musim ini. Terutama setelah mereka tumbang atas rival sekotanya, Manchester United

9 Dec 09:02 Bola.net 5489959027690573876.html
Vierergipfel sucht Wege für Frieden in der Ostukraine

Erstes Treffen zwischen Selenskyj und Putin in Paris.

9 Dec 09:02 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442208962104.html
Did PM raise persecution issue with Hasina, asks Congress

Bill is a bid to divert attention from NRC failure: MP

9 Dec 16:19 The Hindu 6679535025123340181.html
Partono i mercatini di Natale nel meraviglioso borgo di Quaglietta

Si accendono le luci del Natale nel meraviglioso borgo medievale di Quaglietta. Dopo il successo di pubblico del primo weekend le feste continuano in una realtà suggestiva e affascinante. È come essere trasportati in un mondo dove ogni sogno è possibile, dove le luci e i profumi rendono tutto magico. Soprattutto in un borgo che sembra un piccolo e raccolto presepe che rende tutto più unico e caratteristico.

9 Dec 16:37 AvellinoToday 5452883947988338370.html
Five dead as popular New Zealand volcano erupts

Wellington - The death toll from an eruption at the popular White Island volcano in New Zealand has risen to five with many others injured, police said Monday.

9 Dec 08:51 The Peninsula 1202843882645275622.html
Defeating the HIV epidemic is more about politics than science

Preventive drugs should be widely accessible, but corporate power has left Americans – especially those of color – in grave danger

9 Dec 11:17 the Guardian 1491978796400470269.html
Iraq military complex housing US forces slammed by rockets, says army

Several rockets slammed into an Iraqi military complex that hosts US forces next to Baghdad International Airport on Monday, wounding six Iraqi troops, the military said in a statement. Security forces found launchers with rockets that had not been fired properly, indicating a larger attack was planned, the military said.

9 Dec 14:44 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115440978602.html
Anak-anak Afrika Menangis Sedih Saat Pasukan Garuda TNI Mau Kembali ke Indonesia

Anak-anak Afrika Menangis Sedih Saat Pasukan Garuda TNI Mau Kembali ke Indonesia

9 Dec 14:10 merdeka.com 1998180355298869379.html
BuzzFeed UK threatened with being dissolved over late accounts

The online media business is already more than two months late and risks fines unless it files its 2018 financial information soon.

9 Dec 10:17 Breaking News 4415806918272355025.html
Künstler Holger Hagedorn regt zum Nachdenken an

Daneben herrschte auf dem Nikolausmarkt ein reges Treiben.

9 Dec 08:32 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567682819493.html
Google i maliciozne aplikacije: Veliko spremanje online prodavnice

Vesti o Android ranjivostima i malver aplikacijama iz Google Play Store-a dominirale su u proteklih nekoliko meseci, pa su milioni Android korisnika upozoravani da vode računa o potencijalno opasni…

9 Dec 11:14 PC Press 681412282826877649.html
Campaigners attack Boris Johnson for EU nationals remarks

Prime minister said migrants from Europe have treated the UK like ‘their own’ country for too long

9 Dec 17:43 the Guardian 1491978796294009131.html
Dukung UU HAM Uighur, AS Dicap Bermuka Dua oleh Gubernur Xinjiang

WE Online, Beijing - Gubernur Xinjiang Shohrat Zakir mengecam persetujuan Kongres Amerika Serikat (AS) atas Undang-undang Kebijakan HAM Uighur. Xinjiang adalah wilayah di China, yang ditinggali minoritas Uighur tinggal dan tempat kamp penahanan massal berlokasi.

9 Dec 12:53 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834134593126.html
Streit eines Ex-Liebespaares landet vor Gericht

Der Streit eines ehemaligen Paares landet vor Gericht. Und das schon in der zweiten Instanz. Warum ein ungekürztes Video eine wichtige Rolle spielen könnte.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110581889989.html
Fineco abilita i pagamenti con Fitbit Pay

Tutti i correntisti Fineco possono ora virtualizzare le carte di credito e di debito emesse dalla banca su smartwatch e braccialetti intelligenti di...

9 Dec 16:19 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743995881319.html
Retrasan nuevamente funeral de Fernanda Maciel por nuevos peritajes

La familia de la joven asesinada marchó este fin de semana para pedir justicia. Los funerales serían recién en enero.

9 Dec 13:03 24Horas.cl 793283385964437604.html
Justice Dept. watchdog finds no evidence of bias in Russia inquiry

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The internal watchdog for the U.S. Department of Justice said in a highly-anticipated report Monday efforts by federal authorities to conduct surveillance on a member of President Donald Trump's campaign as part of the Russia investigation were rife with mistakes, but contained nothing improper or illegal.

9 Dec 16:44 UPI 8257973865255238939.html
Live Experience Tour Jadi Strategi Vivo untuk Promosikan S1 Pro

Hadir pada acara tersebut salah satu Product Ambassador Vivo Indonesia, yakni Prilly Latuconsina.

9 Dec 09:30 liputan6.com 3414318496960716386.html
Huddersfield reportedly lead the chase for Tommy Smith signature

Championship club Huddersfield Town lead the chase for the signature of former Ipswich Town favourite Tommy Smith, reports The Telegraph.

9 Dec 12:55 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151095871151.html
Macron positive after Zelenskiy's first face-to-face with Putin

A ceasefire and further prisoner swaps are among the items on the agenda at the summit in Paris.

9 Dec 10:47 euronews 7318238121992123329.html
Bundestag: Seelsorger Martin Dutzmann wünscht sich mehr Anerkennung für Politiker

Seelsorger Martin Dutzmann sieht mit Sorge, wie sich die Arbeitsatmosphäre im Bundestag verändert hat. Dazu habe die AfD beigetragen, sagt er.

9 Dec 17:16 swp.de 6929179442059506803.html
Morrisons giving customers free bags of wonky carrots to help with Rudolph tradition

Morrisons supermarkets across the UK will be giving away 125,000 paper bags of wonky carrots to customers

9 Dec 14:12 Wales Online 7686550517426880855.html
Poolse man doodt drie familieleden met bijl

Een 18-jarige Poolse man is aangehouden op verdenking van het doden van zijn ouders en een broer met een hakbijl, meldt het Poolse persbureau PAP.

9 Dec 10:39 RD.nl 6406779842420754039.html
Geen duel tussen Lionel Messi en Romelu Lukaku

Barcelona-coach Ernesto Valverde heeft Lionel Messi niet opgenomen in de selectie voor de uitwedstrijd van dinsdag bij Inter, op de zesde en laatste speeld...

9 Dec 14:58 De Standaard 2288913868874419583.html
Lebanese sarcasm: A powerful token of defiance

Lebanese sarcasm, during a revolution or even on mundane days, has the ability to bring together the totality of the Lebanese masses.

9 Dec 13:18 An-Nahar 2220466263735562440.html
Meest beruchte kotbaas van België aangehouden

Vader en zoon Appeltans, beruchte huisjesmelkers in Leuven, zijn aangehouden. Dat meldt het Leuvense parket.

9 Dec 11:05 De Standaard 2288913868300458519.html
Marco Rose schafft Historisches mit Gladbach

Seit neun Wochen steht Gladbach mittlerweile an der Tabellenspitze:

9 Dec 10:36 www.laola1.at 837519018347092680.html
Ständerat weist Terrorismusvorlagen an seine Kommission zurück

Der Ständerat entscheidet vorerst weder über härtere Strafen für Terroristen noch über Hausarrest für terroristische Gefährder. Er hat am Montag zwei Vorlagen an seine Kommission zurückgewiesen. Der Grund war die geplante internationale Zusammenarbeit.

9 Dec 17:10 bz BASEL 5287163743260546978.html
Zim police will shoot to kill machete gold miners: Govt

Justice, legal and parliamentary affairs minister, Ziyambi Ziyambi has warned machete-wielding artisanal miners against terrorising mining areas Minister Ziyambi’s comments come after

9 Dec 08:22 ZWNEWS 6090563866168682244.html
Bezorger beroofd van ''kostbare'' lachgasflessen

Het lachgas is binnenkort verboden. Met dit verbod zal diefstal op het gas mogelijk toe gaan nemen.

9 Dec 16:29 Blik op nieuws 5468169449110815116.html
Opera Gandari: A new perspective on a Mahabharata character

Opera Gandari promises an all-embracing art form based on Goenawan Mohamad’s depiction of the Mahabharata character.

9 Dec 16:50 The Jakarta Post 7678601102885073571.html
Nintendo set to broadcast new Indie World Showcase tomorrow

If there is one thing the Nintendo Switch has it's indie games. Hundreds of them, across many different genres from developers all across the world. In 2019, some amazing small studio projects hit the console, from Wargroove to Baba is...

9 Dec 09:30 Destructoid 5545714966428102749.html
Health experts warn of emerging threat of Nipah virus

LONDON: A deadly virus called Nipah carried by bats has already caused human outbreaks across South and South East Asia and has "serious epidemic ...

9 Dec 09:39 CNA 5644198863579682535.html
Eight Servicemen Killed in Southern Afghanistan Due to Car Bomb Explosion - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - According to sources, as cited by the Xinhua news outlet, the bomb was detonated by a suicide bomber.

9 Dec 12:47 Sputniknews 967333868922438812.html
Pasty shop Malcolm Barnecutt opens in Plymouth city centre

It's the company's first outlet in Devon

9 Dec 15:52 PlymouthLive 6373569607698729375.html
5 Gejala Alergi Dingin dan Cara Mengatasinya yang Efektif

Gejala alergi dingin pada setiap orang dapat beragam, dari yang ringan sampai berat

9 Dec 11:30 liputan6.com 5422146879761776430.html
David Livingstone Memorial Primary kids are given a lesson in health

The children learned all about having a healthy diet, healthy mind and a healthy body.

9 Dec 09:00 dailyrecord 552235480461908853.html
Photo: Can you recognize Deepika Padukone in THIS childhood picture

Fans just can't get enough of Deepika Padukone and her Instagram handle updates, they just keep on wanting more. Not just her Insta updates but specia

9 Dec 10:08 The Times of India 6060938663434595431.html
Malta protesters block entry to prime minister's office

Protesters demanding the immediate resignation of Malta's prime minister blocked an entrance to his office on Monday, the latest demonstrations over his handling of a journalist's murder.  The sit-in outside the side entrance of the offices of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat began shortly after 7:00 am and involved about 30 protesters. 

9 Dec 16:23 WION 1570469240335528029.html
Messerstecher in München: Polizist nach Attacke am Hauptbahnhof schwer verletzt

Ein Polizist ist bei einer Messerattacke am Münchner Hauptbahnhof schwer verletzt worden. Zeugen überwältigten den polizeibekannten Tatverdächtigen nach dem Angriff am Montag.

9 Dec 13:57 swp.de 6929179440504749423.html
MRT-KAI Bakal Buat Perusahaan Bersama Kelola Kereta Api di Jakarta

MRT dan KAI akan segera membuat perusahaan bersama untuk mengelola kereta api. Integrasi dilakukan dalam aspek manajemen, rute, hingga ticketing.

9 Dec 09:54 detiknews 8793960223143405101.html
Interesse an Arsenal-Job? Erste Reaktion aus Kovac-Lager

München (dpa) - Niko Kovac will entgegen Medienberichten aktuell nicht Trainer des FC Arsenal werden. Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur sind Spekulationen, wonach der ehemalige Coach des FC Bayern die vakante Stelle beim englischen Fußball-Spitzenclub besetzen möchte, falsch.

9 Dec 12:53 weltfussball.at 3521376371738143839.html
Screams and goodbyes as scores die in devastating India factory fire

Police and fire officials said they had rescued at least 58 people and did not expect to find more bodies.

9 Dec 10:30 Saudi Gazette 6913978435485783096.html
Russia Bielorussia, passi avanti per unificazione. Accordo su gas e petrolio

Nuovi passi avanti nel progetto dell'unione statale tra Russia e Bielorussia

9 Dec 10:27 Affari Italiani 6123405402973008249.html
DPR Nilai Sudah Tepat PKPU Tak Larang Mantan Koruptor Ikut Pilkada

Wakil Ketua Komisi II Yaqut Cholil Qoumas menilai sudah tepat KPU tidak memasukkan larangan mantan koruptor dalam Peraturan KPU untuk Pilkada 2020. Yaqut menilai hal tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang.

9 Dec 14:10 merdeka.com 1998180355861270147.html
Federal govt's refusal to provide clean needles in prison to be challenged today

An Ontario court is set to hear today a constitutional challenge to the federal ban on needles for drug-using prisoners.

9 Dec 09:35 CTVNews 2422791597321867214.html
Video: SPÖ-Budget nach langer Debatte angenommen

Die SPÖ-Führung hat den Anlauf ihrer Kritiker zumindest fürs erste ausgestanden. Das von Bundesgeschäftsführer Christian Deutsch gestaltete Sparbudget wurde am Montagnachmittag bei den Gremiensitzungen mit großer Mehrheit angenommen. Deutsch sprach in einer Pressekonferenz von einem "historischen Tag", Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner von einem Startschuss zur finanziellen Gesundung.

9 Dec 17:19 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084553259460.html
Video: SPÖ-Budget nach langer Debatte angenommen

Die SPÖ-Führung hat den Anlauf ihrer Kritiker zumindest fürs erste ausgestanden. Das von Bundesgeschäftsführer Christian Deutsch gestaltete Sparbudget wurde am Montagnachmittag bei den Gremiensitzungen mit großer Mehrheit angenommen. Deutsch sprach in einer Pressekonferenz von einem "historischen Tag", Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner von einem Startschuss zur finanziellen Gesundung.

9 Dec 17:19 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084508928855.html
Russia banned from global sports for four years over doping

It has been banned from Olympics 2020 and FIFA world Cup 2022

9 Dec 11:50 BusinessLine 5283600907488861.html
Becoming a Great Business Leader: 7 Communication Secrets

Good leaders are excellent listeners and know how to convey their message clearly and confidently.

9 Dec 13:30 Inc.com 8604986417521011163.html
Helmond Sport niet vervolgd na Zwarte Piet-opmerkingen aan adres Jong PSV-speler

De aanklager gaat Helmond Sport niet vervolgen na incidenten op de tribunes tijdens de wedstrijd tegen Jong PSV van afgelopen vrijdag. Jong PSV-speler Sekou Sidibe gaf na de wedstrijd aan racistisch te zijn bejegend door een aantal Helmond-fans. De directeur van Helmond Sport, Leon Vlemmings, haalt opgelucht adem. "Ik ben blij dat dit de conclusie is van een uitvoerig onderzoek", laat hij weten aan het Eindhovens Dagblad. "Helmond Sport is een club die zich sterk en positief inzet voor de maatschappij." Helmondse fans reageren op 'racistisch bejegende' Sidibe: 'Waar ben je mee bezig?'

9 Dec 16:44 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883848782197.html
​Xiaomi lanceert digitale kredietservice in India

Xiaomi’s Mi Credit verbindt smartphonegebruikers met kredietverstrekkers. Daarmee krijgen Indiërs toegang tot snelle leningen tot 100.000 roepies (US $ 1.393,34).

9 Dec 08:30 DutchCowboys 8617317427689539399.html
Princess Beatrice cancels engagement party amid Prince Andrew scandal

Princess Beatrice has reportedly cancelled her engagement party in light of the scandal surrounding her dad, Prince Andrew.

9 Dec 14:25 Channel24 2038030839480490257.html
FOTO: Kalahkan Ganda Malaysia, Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva Raih Emas

Kontingen Indonesia berhasil menambah perolehan medali emas SEA Games 2019 dari cabang bulutangkis nomor ganda campuran. Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva memastikan raihan tersebut setelah mengalahkan ganda Malaysia pada laga final.

9 Dec 14:27 Bola.com 1695722603358460602.html
Kajati Banten Heran: Jayapura Lebih Bagus Dibanding Kota Serang!

Kajati Banten Rudi Prabowo Aji mengaku terheran-heran dengan keadaan Banten termasuk ibu kotanya, Kota Serang.

9 Dec 14:40 detiknews 8793960225108203121.html
Hals- und Beinbruch: Starker Anstieg bei Smartphone-Verletzungen

Vieles im Leben lässt sich bewältigen, wenn man ihn nutzt: Den gesunden Menschenverstand! Wer darüber verfügt, hetzt nicht gegen geflüchtete Menschen, isst keine selbst gesammelten Pilze, die er nicht kennt und hindert Rettungskräfte nicht beim Ausüben ihres Jobs, um nur mal ein paar Beispiele zu nennen. Eigentlich sollte es auch unter gesundem Menschenverstand verbucht werden, dass man sich nicht durch die Gegend bewegt, ohne auf die Umgebung zu achten.

9 Dec 11:00 MobileGeeks Deutschland 7158733816246481598.html
Canopy Growth names veteran Constellation executive David Klein as new CEO

SMITH FALLS, Ont. — Canopy Growth Corp. has named a veteran Constellation Brands executive as its new chief executive.

9 Dec 12:22 KitchenerToday.com 52741010642288499.html
Sesame Street receives Kennedy Center Honors to rare bipartisan cheer

Members of both parties could be seen applauding as show is recognized at America’s most prestigious performing arts awards

9 Dec 13:49 the Guardian 1491978795481982155.html
'Recent spike in retail inflation mainly on costlier food, government taking steps to moderate prices'

India Business News: The recent spike in retail inflation is mainly due to high food prices and the government is taking steps to moderate the volatility in prices, minist

9 Dec 15:24 The Times of India 6060938663741986742.html
New Banksy artwork appears in Birmingham to highlight homelessness

It makes a park bench look like Santa's sleigh.

9 Dec 15:55 Metro 970161747563183404.html
Prediksi Jumlah Penumpang Angkutan Umum Saat Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru

Kereta Api (KA) menempati posisi pertama sebagai angkutan umum yang diminati masyarakat Indonesia saat libur Natal dan Tahun Baru.

9 Dec 17:00 liputan6.com 3414318496644707462.html
Nadler Failed to Swear in Witnesses at Judiciary Impeachment Hearings | Breitbart

Jerry Nadler failed to swear in impeachment witnesses until after opening statements, letting Democrat Barry Berke make dubious claims.

9 Dec 16:00 Breitbart 3148363491101392084.html
Couples break two Guinness records for mistletoe kissing

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Beer company Anheuser-Busch gathered a total of 896 couples at three U.S. locations to kiss under mistletoe and break two Guinness World Records.

9 Dec 15:56 UPI 8257973866006234479.html
Destaca vicepresidenta cubana fortaleza de la unidad en cumbre ACP

"Nuestra fortaleza descansa en la unidad y la solidaridad", afirmó este lunes Inés María Chapman, vicepresidenta del Consejo de Ministros de Cuba, al intervenir en la IX Cumbre de la Asociación de Estados de África, el Caribe y Pacífico (ACP), que se celebra en Nairobi, Kenia

9 Dec 14:40 Trabajadores 1167277447596373283.html
What Continental Resources Should Do Next

Continental Resources reported a profit of $0.54 per share and generated free cash flows of $79.3Mn, even as it realized oil prices of just around $51 a barrel. The company could deliver strong result

9 Dec 15:22 Seeking Alpha 5725634557542559729.html
Freeland heads to Mexico in effort to finalize new NAFTA revisions

OTTAWA — Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is to meet American and Mexican officials in Mexico City on Tuesday amid reports a deal to revise the new North American free-trade agreement is close. . .

9 Dec 10:23 Times Colonist 7617512060766923744.html
Boris Johnson criticised for taking reporter's phone

Boris Johnson took a reporter's phone and put it in his pocket after refusing to look at a photo of a child who had to sleep on a hospital floor.

9 Dec 16:12 RTE.ie 7595237278323988918.html
WADA bans Russia from Olympics over doping scandals

Russia will be barred from competing in next year’s Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Games after the World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday banned the powerhouse from global sports for four

9 Dec 10:56 New York Post 7654946768020185634.html
Ljungberg wants Arsenal to start scoring first

Interim boss Freddie Ljungberg admits it's a real problem for Arsenal that they are always conceding first and are then required to chase games.

9 Dec 10:45 Sport 682566035163169982.html
Russia banned from Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years

The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday. Russia's hosting o

9 Dec 11:02 The Japan Times 6673764366663211903.html
PNP calls for strengthening of anti-corruption agencies

As the world observes International Anti-Corruption Day, the People's National Party (PNP) says it remains committed to promoting integrity and trust in politics. Further, the PNP says it will lead a government that repudiates...

9 Dec 16:29 The Gleaner 1215260529283135332.html
DOJ Argues Trump Can Profit from Foreign Governments Until Congress Passes a New Law

An attorney for the Department of Justice told a judge in Washington D.C. federal court Monday that President Donald Trump may profit from any foreign governments that patronize his private businesses. Defending against a lawsuit filed by more than 200 Congressional Democrats accusing Trump of violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution, attorney Hashim Mooppan argued that the clause, on its own, does not actually forbid the president from accepting such payments, it merely permits Congress to legislate on the matter.

9 Dec 16:21 Law & Crime 7990899037124829538.html
Hayne lambasts Coalition attitude on climate change, urges businesses to act

Kenneth Hayne has warned business leaders they are legally obliged to act on climate change and cannot hide behind the government's "short-termism".

9 Dec 14:30 The New Daily 5848147787264010699.html
Oggi il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e quello ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky si incontreranno per la prima volta per discutere della guerra in Ucraina

Lunedì il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e quello ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky si incontreranno per la prima volta per discutere della guerra in Ucraina, in una riunione organizzata a Parigi e che sarà mediata dal presidente francese Emmanuel Macron e dalla cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel. È la prima volta che ci

9 Dec 09:30 Il Post 6291746504558764762.html
5 Gaya Nabila Syakieb Hadiri Pernikahan Citra Kirana dan Rezky Aditya

Di acara spesial tersebut diketahui Citra Kirana mengundang mantannya Ali Syakieb dan sang kakak Nabila Syakieb.

9 Dec 13:45 liputan6.com 5422146880271441284.html
Teaser Dominated Those Two Trailers?

It is a bonanza of teasers and trailers for the Telugu cinema lovers as the holiday season is on and everybody is in some mood to get to watch really good entertainers and there three the films created their slots for the seasonal watch in audience expectations but one of them totally overpowered the other two with just a teaser according to social media buzz.

9 Dec 08:30 MIRCHI9 6041804859960519973.html
Russia, Ukraine to revive peace process, exchange prisoners

President Vladimir Putin of Russia and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine sat down together for the first time at the French presidential palace along with the leaders of France and Germany for talks focused on reviving a 2015 peace agreement for eastern Ukraine that has largely stalled.

9 Dec 15:06 KNOE 8 News 9048639191499609568.html
Central Java students take to streets to mark International Anticorruption Day

During the rally, students carried posters emblazoned with words of protest such as “Cukup Atiku Sing Ambyar, Negoroku Ojo" (It’s enough that my heart is broken, don’t make my country become so) in the Javanese language.

9 Dec 11:34 The Jakarta Post 7678601104101873419.html
7 Buah yang Baik Dikonsumsi Ibu Hamil, Cukupi Kebutuhan Gizi

Cukupi kebutuhan gizi di masa kehamilan dengan mengonsumsi buah-buahan.

9 Dec 08:16 liputan6.com 5422146881164704652.html
PDP lawmaker begs Buhari to fix roads, electricity in constituency

A member of the House of Representatives, Rep. Francis Otta Agbo, has pleaded Buhari to address the neglect of his constituency.

9 Dec 16:07 Vanguard News 4125100339178878518.html
Kritik an geplanter Abschiebung von in NÖ lebendem Afghanen

Die geplante Abschiebung eines im Kloster der Franziskanerinnen in Langenlois (Bezirk Krems-Land) lebenden Afghanen hat am Montag die Kritik der örtlichen Flüchtlingsinitiative hervorgerufen. Wie Kathpress berichtete, wurde der 22-Jährige in der Nacht auf Sonntag im Klausurbereich des Ordensgebäudes festgenommen. Die Schulschwestern reagierten mit einer Petition an den Bundespräsidenten.

9 Dec 14:56 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084558065752.html
Bukalapak Masuki Era Baru Unicorn, Pendiri Tak Lagi Jadi CEO

Rachmat bukan pendiri Bukalapak. Sebelumnya, Gojek juga menunjuk Kevin dan Andre sebagai co-CEO menggantikan Nadiem. Kevin salah satu pendiri Gojek.

9 Dec 09:50 Katadata News 179777406890597335.html
Adivasis from Telangana send out a clear message in New Delhi

Adivasis from Telangana demand removal of Lambadas from ST list

9 Dec 15:42 The Hindu 6679535024807404203.html
Ghostbusters Afterlife: Hier ist der erste Trailer!

Im Sommer 2020 kommt endlich Ghostbusters Afterlife in die Kinos. Hier ist jetzt der durchaus verheißungsvolle erste Trailer dazu.

9 Dec 14:55 MobileGeeks Deutschland 7158733816290223697.html
Richard Kyle Nekat Naik Motor Meski Dilarang Orang Tua dan Calon Istri

Jessica Iskandar mendapat amanat dari calon ibu mertuanya untuk mengawasi dan melarang Richard Kyle mengendarai motor.

9 Dec 09:30 Tabloidbintang.com 127182696807091162.html
Spazio Sport - Riascolta la diretta con gli amici della band per commentare il buon punto con il Napoli

Ripartire dal buon punto casalingo contro il Napoli. L'Udinese ricomincia a muovere la classifica con una prestazione convincente. Ne parliamo nella puntata odierna con gli amici della band.

9 Dec 10:07 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194147485040.html
China claims it has freed Uighurs and other minorities in Xinjiang

‘All the trainees . . . have completed their studies,’ says governor, without evidence

9 Dec 13:56 The Irish Times 8204772968252695714.html
Nekat Tak Ikuti Firasatnya, Mbak You Sempat Lumpuh hingga Setahun Penuh Gunakan Kursi Roda karena Ototnya Terbakar di Klinik Akupuntur: Karma Akan Datang pada Orang yang Menanamnya

Nekat tak ikuti firasatnya, Mbak You sempat lumpuh hingga setahun penuh gunakan kursi roda karena ototnya terbakar di klinik akupuntur.

9 Dec 15:04 grid.id 586386474444862031.html
Deux trailers pour Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore

Nintendo (Japon) nous dévoile les deux trailers overview de Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore pour en préparer le lancement prévu pour le 17 janvier sur Switch, donnant un peu plus de visibilité à ce titre initialement sorti sur Wii U, sorte de simili-Persona loin d'être inintéressant.

9 Dec 08:06 GAMEKYO 4211360033025729399.html
West Virginians head to Canada to find affordable insulin

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - A group of West Virginians left the country Sunday in search of affordable insulin - they went to Canada, where insulin prices are reported to be about a tenth of what it costs people in the United States.

9 Dec 12:50 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637673648664.html
D66 Lingewaard wil volledig verbod op consumentenvuurwerk

Voor dit jaar komt het niet meer op tijd, maar volgend jaar moet er in Lingewaard geen consumentenvuurwerk meer worden afgestoken. Dat vindt de lokale fractie van D66 die hiervoor eind januari een voorstel indient in de gemeenteraad.

9 Dec 09:34 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615124699259.html
Barr warned Trump for months that Rudy Giuliani was becoming a liability, but the president ignored him because he loves Giuliani's fiery media appearances

Attorney General William Barr became so concerned about Rudy Giuliani’s actions that he warned President Donald Trump that his personal attorney was becoming a liability, three people familiar with the conversations told The Washington Post.

9 Dec 11:18 Business Insider Australia 5575934300288967339.html
Imran urges overseas Pakistanis to invest in Pak, says learn from Indians

He lamented that Pakistani people were unaware of the dire consequences corruption could have on their lives

9 Dec 15:15 Business-Standard 1502508926614667453.html
airBaltic receives the Regional Airline of the Year Award by CAPA

The Latvian airline airBaltic received the CAPA Regional Airline of the Year award in a special ceremony in Malta on December 5, 2019. For the second time, airBaltic has been recognised as the leader of the regional aviation sector by CAPA's Aviation Awards for Excellence which is held annually since 2003 with professionals participating from airlines around the world. Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic said: “We at airBaltic have had yet another year of intense work and successful growth.

9 Dec 10:01 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788288805305.html
Hackerato il profilo Instagram di Stash dei The Kolors

Il leader della band musicale vincitrice di "Amici 14" è apparso sui social per chiedere aiuto ai suoi follower: "Segnalatemi anomalie dal mio account"

9 Dec 10:23 ilGiornale.it 5019541224236616370.html
Kidnappers kill four on Abuja highway - The Nation Newspaper

Kidnappers fleeing a clampdown by men of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command shot and killed four persons along...

9 Dec 13:49 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900775564342.html
Controversial Company at the Centre of Sonko's Woes

As the flamboyant county head unleashed his battery of 12 lawyers, the controversial company behind his woes has been revealed as...

9 Dec 13:38 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154650827150.html
MTIANZ regard ADLS Sale and purchase agreement

MTIANZ welcomes the release of the jointly endorsed Auckland District Law Society and REINZ standard sale and purchase Agreement (10th Edition 2019). The inclusion of a toxicology condition clause (9.5), and new wording for vendor warranties (7.2), establishes certainty and protection for potential purchasers who choose to include a toxicology condition, or if the vendor fails to disclose historical information that may not comply with the New Zealand Standard NZS8510:2017.

9 Dec 16:27 SCOOP 5315658998624477026.html
La historia interminable del dopaje

La RDA fue el precedente a Rusia en más de 100 años de escándalos y sospechas que ya empezaron a principios del siglo XX

9 Dec 14:43 elPeriodico 7291954033498030621.html
Five talking points in European football this weekend

Lionel Messi

9 Dec 15:16 Punch Newspapers 3524240995376686405.html
Putin meets new Ukraine leader for first time

Both leaders met along with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

9 Dec 17:34 Express & Star 7324224459566666700.html
Warum in der Heliosschule ein Elefant im Klassenzimmer steht

Schüler der Heliosschule in Ehrenfeld lernen mithilfe von Augmented Reality. Die App „Inno Class“ macht Wissen erlebbar.

9 Dec 12:47 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568773392789.html
Pertamina offers 20 percent off avtur in eastern Indonesia during holiday traffic

State-owned oil company Pertamina will temporarily slash avtur prices by 20 percent at selected airports in eastern Indonesia ahead of expected heavy traffic during Christmas and New Year.

9 Dec 17:49 The Jakarta Post 7678601103012336994.html
Arsenal board denied three key transfer requests from Unai Emery

This would have drastically improved Arsenal.

9 Dec 08:20 Metro 970161748957040247.html
UPDATE 1-EU sets tariffs on Indonesia biodiesel imports over subsidies

(Adds details of case)By Philip BlenkinsopBRUSSELS, Dec 9 (Reuters) - The European Union confirmed on Monday that it will impose tariffs on imports of biodiesel from Indonesia to counter what it sees as unfair subsidies, concluding a case that has lasted seven years.The duties, normally in place for five years, have been set at between 8 and 18%, the same level as the provisional rates proposed in August.

9 Dec 10:43 Successful Farming 8502642054983359512.html
Mann stach mehrmals auf Frau ein

Kaltblütig rammte ein Mann in Brügg BE einer Frau auf offener Strasse das Messer mehrmals in den Körper. Nun muss er sich vor dem Richter verantworten.

9 Dec 08:43 20 Minuten 5741369453862930263.html
US House Democrat accuses Trump of violating oath of office

WASHINGTON, Dec 9 — The head of a US congressional panel leading the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump today accused him of putting himself before his country and violating his oath of office. In a statement kicking off a hearing in the US House of Representatives to weigh the...

9 Dec 14:50 Malaymail 302165935038513645.html
Impeachment witness: Trump poses election 'danger'

U.S. President Donald Trump's efforts to "cheat to win an election" are a threat to national security, the top Democratic investigator testified Monday as the House Judiciary Committee pushes ahead with articles of impeachment.

9 Dec 11:01 CTVNews 2422791597284644909.html
Nigeria Army says using phone while approaching check points not allowed

Making phone calls close to military checkpoints is not advisable, a senior Nigerian military official said on Monday. “It is a security measure for when you are approaching a checkpoint,” he said, “you don’t make phone calls,” said Major-General Usman Mohammed, Nigerian Army’s head of Civil-Military Affairs said on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Monday. […]

9 Dec 14:55 The Guardian 7580308504472061629.html
Frederika Alexis Cull dan 5 Puteri Indonesia Ini Ukir Prestasi di Miss Universe

Frederika Alexis Cull menorehkan sejarah baru dalam ajang kecantikan tingkat dunia.

9 Dec 11:30 liputan6.com 3414318497219491601.html
Collections feature now available to all Microsoft Edge users in the Canary and Dev channels

Microsoft today announced that Collections feature is now rolling out to all Edge browser users in the Canary and Dev channels. Collections is a general-purpose tool that allows you to collect, organize, export, and share content you find on the web. For example, if you are looking to buy a laptop, you will probably visit …

9 Dec 17:39 MSPoweruser 1651641549356998812.html
Bisa Property and Morris Property Group have lodged applications for Stuart Flats redevelopment

Plans for close to 500 units on the former Stuart Flats public housing site in Griffith have been lodged with the ACT government's planning directorate.

9 Dec 16:00 The Canberra Times 8662394328886192935.html
Milan, settima ammonizione per Bennacer

Contro il Bologna, Ismael Bennacer ha ottenuto la sua settiman ammonizione in questo campionato: su otto presenze dall'inizio, l'algerino ha preso sempre un cartellino giallo tranne che nella prima da titolare contro il Brescia. Per il resto non è stato ammonito a Udine (in campo 14 minuti) e Roma (18 minuti).  

9 Dec 15:00 MilanNews.it 6507305922408734958.html
Jordan jails man over plot to attack Israel embassy

A Jordanian court on Monday sentenced a man to eight years in prison for allegedly plotting to attack the Israeli embassy in Amman last year.

9 Dec 15:22 The Guardian 7580308504874963305.html
Review: 'Bedroom Conversations' pulls the curtain on our primordial instincts

The play takes you on a roller coaste­r ride that lasts for 45 minute­s but stays for much longer­

9 Dec 11:47 The Express Tribune 1105816786921385157.html
Cal Crutchlow Sayangkan Jorge Lorenzo Tak Bertahan Lama di Honda

Cal Crutchlow masih menyayangkan keputusan Jorge Lorenzo pensiun dari MotoGP, meski bisa menghormati keinginan pembalap Spanyol itu.

9 Dec 17:50 BolaSport.com 4603768436422373734.html
Russian forces enter former Islamic State stronghold in Syria after U.S. pullback

Russian forces have entered Raqqa, the former de facto capital of the Islamic State caliphate, in one of the starkest examples yet of how Moscow has filled the vacuum created by President Donald Trump's decision to pull U.S. forces from northern Syria. Russian troops were shown in footage on the

9 Dec 09:52 Yahoo 7097669637067613317.html
Honda Refused To Reveal Stolen Accord's Location

Having your car stolen is one of the worst feelings in the world. The good news is that there are a lot of ...

9 Dec 13:43 CarBuzz 4034462237196818959.html
American Airlines lanza escaneo de pasaporte en el celular

Sería la primera aerolínea en ofrecer este servicio. En Colombia se empieza a implementar.

9 Dec 10:01 El Tiempo 1091719940392205141.html
Maas sieht Moskau am Zug

Vor Beginn des Ukraine-Gipfels in Paris hat Bundesaußenminister Maas an Russland appelliert und ein stärkeres Entgegenkommen Moskaus gefordert. Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj dämpfte die Erwartungen an das Treffen.

9 Dec 17:19 tagesschau.de 5441171426193445517.html
SBCC Staff Takes Care of Students During Wildfire

When flames from the Cave Fire in the Santa Ynez Mountains above Santa Barbara erupted on Monday, Nov. 25, evacuation notices, fluctuating power and poor air quality prompted the closing of all three Santa Barbara City College campuses on the days before Thanksgiving. That didn't stop the staff and counselors of SBCC's Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) from serving their students, however.

9 Dec 09:00 edhat santa barbara 2501874276941138712.html
Four footballers drown in River Nile

The match that was slated for 3:00 PM at Buwenda playground in Mafubira sub-county, Jinja district was promptly cancelled

9 Dec 15:11 New Vision 9103146372938203602.html
China claims everyone in Xinjiang camps has 'graduated'

People who were at vocational training centres in China's far west Xinjiang have all "graduated" and are living happy lives, an official said Monday.

9 Dec 09:44 CTVNews 2422791599149574176.html
Liberals to release fiscal update before Christmas, Morneau says

Finance Minister Bill Morneau says the government will provide an update on federal finances before Christmas.

9 Dec 17:39 CP24 1887544296251994174.html
Intel-CEO legt uit waarom er onvoldoende processors van de band rollen

Bob Swan, de CEO van Intel, verklaart voor het eerst in heldere bewoordingen wat er aan de basis ligt van het aanhoudende productietekort van endpoint-processors. Een culminatie van drie factoren leidde tot het fiasco van vandaag. Bob Swan, CEO van Intel, gaat tijdens de Credit Suisse Technology-conferentie in op de redenen achter het gepruts van […]

9 Dec 10:00 Techzine 1792892596651546933.html
Student fightback sees University beef ban overturned 

Students have fought back against a ban on beef on their University campus as the union voted to reverse the decision.

9 Dec 14:51 The Telegraph 140598092025295637.html
PA Villagers Enraged: Jews Bought Parcels in Arab Development Project

Abu Samra uploaded an ad in Hebrew announcing "A golden opportunity to buy land in Judea and Samaria!" above a map of the land plots available for purchasing from the Arab project.

9 Dec 12:48 The Jewish Press 7246030801286440708.html
Estas son las mejores curiosidades del cerebro humano

Desde el nacimiento hasta el año, se desarrolla el sistema límbico, el área de las emociones como el llanto, la ira o el amor. A partir de los 18 años y hasta los 25

9 Dec 15:31 El Siglo 7954754735356390918.html
#changethestory: Retribution poisons well of freedom | Cape Argus

This year was a traumatic year in which every imaginable political nightmare reared its ugly head, writes Lorenzo Davids.

9 Dec 11:59 www.iol.co.za 17825112488838138.html
Inaugurate le Nuove Gallerie Leonardo, mostra permanente sul genio toscano

E’ stata inaugurata al Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia di Milano, la più grande esposizione permanente al mondo dedicata a Leonardo da Vinci

9 Dec 11:49 Affari Italiani 6123405402535805965.html
Erling Haaland fires warning to Liverpool ahead of crunch Champions League clash

The 19-year-old goal machine is preparing to dump Liverpool out of Europe's top club competition on Tuesday in the final Group E fixture to help Salzburg progress to the knockout stages

9 Dec 14:03 Irish Mirror 2875825628271892060.html
Erling Haaland fires warning to Liverpool ahead of crunch Champions League clash

The 19-year-old goal machine is preparing to dump Liverpool out of Europe's top club competition on Tuesday in the final Group E fixture to help Salzburg progress to the knockout stages

9 Dec 14:03 mirror 675785260743791460.html
Highlights of the day: Memory maker slows fab construction

Although the memory market looks to be heading towards a recovery in 2020, suppliers are cautious about expanding supply. Winbond is building a new plant in Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan, with completion originally slated for year-end 2020 and commerical production for 2021. But now the company has now to January 2022. Meanwhile, ASE reportedly is the one providing semiconductor for packaging Qualcomm's freshly launched Arm-based processors for notebooks.

9 Dec 08:12 DIGITIMES 8411283749058006421.html
Five talking points in European football this weekend

Lionel Messi's delivered a La Liga record 35th hat-trick as Barcelona kept pace with Real Madrid, in-form Lazio inflicted a first defeat of the season on Juventus to muscle their way into the title picture, while Dutch league leaders Ajax slumped to a surprise home loss.

9 Dec 15:10 The Guardian 7580308504952991523.html
Cuerpo General de Delegados: democracia sindical

Entre el 12 y el 13 de noviembre pasados se realizó la reunión del Cuerpo General de Delegados (CGD) Ordinario y Extraordinario 2019. Este año, la participación fue récord.

9 Dec 13:55 La Voz 6237180761838596512.html
Activists storm into Malta PM's office to demand his resignation

Activists have barged into the building that houses the office of Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to demand his immediate resignation amid an investigation into the 2017 killing of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

9 Dec 11:15 Aljazeera 6642629762011227308.html
Rudy Giuliani Is Living the Dream

Don’t let his butt-dials distract from his cunning.

9 Dec 11:00 The Atlantic 100708436997715541.html
Juice Wrld Reportedly Took Multiple Percocets To Evade Police Prior To Death

He was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

9 Dec 14:41 HipHopDX 6054351962374125943.html
Peduli dengan Pengidap HIV AIDS, Atiqah Hasiholan Ditunjuk Sebagai National Goodwill Ambassador UNAIDS

Peduli dengan pengidap HIV AIDS, Atiqah Hasiholan kini ditunjuk jadi National Goodwill Ambassador UNAIDS.

9 Dec 17:20 grid.id 586386474137898410.html
Pump prices on rollback this week

Budget of Filipino consumers for fuel this week will be partly eased, as pump prices will be on a new round of rollback at the scale of P0.40 per liter for gasoline and kerosene; and P0.10 per liter for diesel.

9 Dec 17:45 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351514659778422.html
Minet Wins Insurance Brokerage of the Year Award

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - Insurance brokerage firm, Minet Kenya has been voted the Best Insurance Brokerage Company of the year for 2019 at this year’s Think Business Insurance awards. The firm was also awarded the

9 Dec 13:36 Capital Business 7605153804656592823.html
Versicherungsbroker Neutrass verstärkt Geschäftsleitung

Die zuletzt stark gewachsene Neutrass holt sich Verkaufs- und Digitalerfahrung ins Management. Dafür konnte die Brokerin den Ex-Chef einer Konkurrentin gewinnen. ...

9 Dec 10:03 finews.ch 7270223616968304703.html
Perthshire villagers rally round to save Christmas lights after vandals wreck them

The spirit of Christmas is alive and well in Kennoway despite vandals wrecking the village's festive lights.

9 Dec 08:05 The Courier 4275302768271144119.html
Warum es den Festtagsbraten heuer nicht zum Dumpingpreis gibt

Auch Wurst und Schinken werden bald teurer. Wie China nach Ausbruch der Schweinepest den europäischen Schweine-Markt leerkauft.

9 Dec 17:00 Kurier 208072239398186071.html
Rimborsi Trenitalia anche per terremoto Mugello oggi 9 dicembre

Ecco come ottenere rimborsi Trenitalia per ritardi superiori alle 2 ore o cancellazione viaggi.

9 Dec 15:11 InvestireOggi 7231367744425113592.html
Nakuru MCAs pass bill to promote tourism

The Bill which has been forwarded to Governor Lee Kinyanjui for assent.

9 Dec 14:03 Daily Nation 7421817124627373666.html
Android-Alternative: Huawei will Harmony OS bald weltweit einführen

Der chinesische Hersteller Huawei will im nächsten Jahr eine ganze Reihe weiterer Produkte auf den Markt bringen, auf denen statt Android das hauseigene Linux-Derivat Harmony OS zum Einsatz kommt. Diese sollen dann auch international vermarktet werden.

9 Dec 12:00 winfuture.de 1179223334877720162.html
Bill for regulated recycling of ships passed by Parliament

MPs raise concerns over environmental impact, workers’ safety

9 Dec 16:59 The Hindu 6679535026008588921.html
Tim Soft Tenis Putra Indonesia Gagal ke Final

KBRN, Rizal Memorial:Tim  soft tennis putra Indonesia harus puas meraih medali perunggu nomor beregu putra Dalam Sea games yang berlangsung di lapangan tenis Rizal memorial Complex Filipina, Senin

9 Dec 14:19 RRI News Portal 6700853645482709287.html
Sri Mulyani Minta KPK Ubah Pola Pikir Masyarakat Hingga PNS

Demikian dikatakan Sri Mulyani di gedung KPK, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 12:39 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214161763393.html
Honeypreet meets Sirsa dera chief at Rohtak jail

Honeypreet was granted bail a month ago in connection with the Panchkula violence.

9 Dec 15:40 India Today 4286117814369650693.html
Emerce Update AI: ook fintech klaar voor kunstmatige intelligentie

Nederlandse financiële professionals lijken klaar te zijn voor blockchain en kunstmatige intelligentie. Een ruime meerderheid is gestart met het uitwerken van de eerste ideeën voor de inzet van de technologieën, gaat er op korte termijn daadwerkelijk mee aan de slag. Dit blijkt uit de FinTech Barometer 2019, het jaarlijkse onderzoek dat door fintech-bedrijf Onguard onder ruim 300 financiële professionals wordt uitgevoerd.

9 Dec 09:55 Emerce 1354596986741486991.html
Putin set for landmark Paris talks on Ukraine conflict

Russian leader Vladimir Putin will hold formal talks Monday for the first time with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky over the conflict in Ukraine's east, at a highly anticipated summit in Paris.

9 Dec 12:03 The Guardian 7580308505760929980.html
Alle verdachten groepsverkrachtingen Den Bosch vrij, parket is het oneens en gaat in beroep

Zes van de acht verdachten die nog vastzaten voor groepsverkrachtingen van tienermeisjes in Den Bosch komen ook vrij. De zes zijn maandag voorgeleid aan de...

9 Dec 16:49 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191254778501.html
Rentner kracht in parkendes Auto

Nach eigenen Angaben befuhr ein 83-jähriger Hyundai-Fahrer am Sonntagnachmittag um 16.25 Uhr die L 126 von Wittenberg kommend in Richtung Bülzig. Ungefähr hundert Meter hinter dem Ortseingang Bülzig fuhr er auf einen parkenden Peugeot ...

9 Dec 13:42 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109322026996.html
Young woman's murderer attempts suicide

A murder suspect who stabbed 20-year-old university student Ceren Özdemir to death attempted suicide in a high-security prison in eastern Turkey's Van...

9 Dec 11:52 DAILY SABAH 8383944809648816106.html
Großeinsatz auf Geflügelschlachthof: Alle Mitarbeiter in Klinik versorgt

Alle Mitarbeiter des Geflügelschlachthofs in Mockrehna müssen sich aktuell einer medizinischen Untersuchung unterziehen.

9 Dec 12:33 TAG24 4583887874185010018.html
Teen potheads caught smoking in police car

While most drug users would run away or cringe in fear at seeing a police car, this group of marijuana users in Quezon City turned one into a hotbox for their pot session.

9 Dec 16:50 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200834212240.html
Attacco ransomware contro l'Ospedale Fatebenefratelli di Erba: 35mila radiografie inaccessibili | Tom's Hardware

L'Ospedale Fatebenefratelli di Erba ha subito un attacco ransomware che ha congelato attività informatiche e reso inaccessibili migliaia di radiografie.

9 Dec 13:24 Tom's Hardware 6640147069305628729.html
U.S., Japan military drills include cyberspace coordination

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- U.S. and Japanese forces began engaging in joint exercises on Monday.

9 Dec 14:58 UPI 8257973865847407715.html
FTC bestätigt betrügerische Praktiken von Cambridge Analytica

Die Federal Trade Commission bestätigt, dass Cambridge Analytica betrügerisch gehandelt hat. Zudem verstießen die Praktiken gegen das Datenschutzschild.

9 Dec 12:15 heise online 1766193383825901966.html
Balas Trump, Xi Jinping Larang China Pakai Microsoft-Dell Cs

Pemerintah China melarang kantor pemerintah dan layanan publik menggunakan software dan hardware buatan asing. Pelarangan ini harus dipenuhi dalam tiga tahun.

9 Dec 08:51 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213301776518.html
Kalendar o Beogradu predstavljen u Napulju

NAPULJ - „Beograd - Napulj 2020: u crnom i belom“ prestižni kalendar italijanske kulturne asocijacije „Di Meo vini ad arte“ iz Napulja na čijim su

9 Dec 17:41 Krstarica 4176903989228949486.html
Chairman of Republicans in Israel: Trump Frustrated with Lack of Government in Israel

Only two days are left for Israel's parliament, the Knesset, to put forward a candidate that will be able to form a government. Otherwise, the Knesset will dissolve itself, prompting another general vote, the third in under a year.

9 Dec 10:01 Sputniknews 967333867590141487.html
8 soldiers killed in Afghan suicide bombing

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack.

9 Dec 08:12 The Hindu 6679535024553853019.html
Vader dode baby staat deze week terecht voor doodslag

Maandag is de strafzaak rondom het overlijden van een zeven maanden oude baby van start gegaan. Zijn vader, een nu 26-jarige man, wordt verdacht van het toebrengen van ernstig letsel dat leidde tot de dood. Dit meldt de Telegraaf. 

9 Dec 15:21 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743549015672.html
People share stressful Christmas stories to combat pressure to be perfect

It's not always the most wonderful time of the year.

9 Dec 10:16 Metro 970161747929931979.html
ACP nations will defend multilateral trading systems – Kenyatta

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - President Uhuru Kenyatta today said the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of nations will strongly defend multilateral trading systems in order to protect themselves from unfair trade practices. President Kenyatta said

9 Dec 13:54 Capital Business 7605153803816458660.html
Art-Invest Real Estate

„Gute Bildung ist der Grundstein für ein erfolgreiches Leben – und sollte allen Kindern und Jugendlichen zugänglich sein. Daher freuen wir uns sehr, die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Otto-Hahn-Gymnasiums in Bensberg als Zeitungspaten auf ihrem Bildungsweg begleiten zu können. Angesichts der aktuellen Weltlage ist es heutzutage umso wichtiger, dass die junge Generation über lokale und internationale Geschehnisse informiert ist. Nur so wird sie in der Lage sein, sich den zahlreichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu stellen und entsprechende Lösungen zu entwickeln. Wir sehen es als unsere Pflicht, sie dabei zu ...

9 Dec 17:05 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568779185660.html
In Nobel speech, Japanese winner Akira Yoshino says lithium-ion batteries will play key role in achieving sustainable society

Yoshino underscores that the development of the batteries can be linked with that of AI, the “internet of things” and next-generation wireless networks.

9 Dec 12:16 The Japan Times 6673764366560122351.html
Arema Tak Risau Jalani Dua Laga Tandang Beruntun

Milomir Seslija angkat bicara soal dua laga tandang berturutan yang dijalani anak asuhnya pada laga lanjutan Shopee Liga 1 musim 2019.

9 Dec 13:53 Bola.net 5489959029245492842.html
Finlandia: la premier-millennial Sanna Marin batte tutti i record

La 34enne è stata scelta come leader dal partito socialdemocratico e sarà la premier più giovane al mondo

9 Dec 15:20 euronews 7379718590307514606.html
Editorial: A fair and equitable repeal

As the discussion of Edgewood High School’s interest in expanding its sports field on campus has gone on for the last couple of years we’ve gained a better understanding of the complexities of the relationship between the city, the Monroe Street neighborhood and the three institutions on the campus.

9 Dec 14:19 CHANNEL3000 830332542187266313.html
Mark Howard reflects on the recent jumping action

Top Racing TV analyst Mark Howard reflects on the weekend action and still harbours one doubt over Defi Du Seuil's Betway Queen Mother Champion Chase credentials.

9 Dec 14:31 Sporting Life 7709795077131727965.html
Benik Afobe thankful for support following death of daughter

Afobe’s two-year-old Amora died from complications from a severe infection.

9 Dec 15:48 Express & Star 7324224459218711205.html
Franse bankautomaat speelt sinterklaas en keert meer geld uit dan gevraagd

Een geldautomaat in de Zuid-Franse stad Marseille heeft zaterdag de politie kopzorgen bezorgd. Door een menselijke fout keerde de flappentapper van bank Caisse d’Epargne meer geld uit dan de bedoel...

9 Dec 15:40 HLN 8967494997013329679.html
5 Direksi Dipecat, Garuda Juga Kena Sanksi Kemenhub

Satu yang pasti, penggantinya kelak harus memperoleh restu dari Kementerian Perhubungan lantaran terkait operasional.

9 Dec 10:59 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213344854689.html
Christians call for offensive Christmas cards to be banned

“It is just another sad example of the kind of under the radar discrimination Christians around Europe and currently facing.”

9 Dec 08:23 Wales Online 7686550516238150287.html
Made In Space Europe wins LSA contract to develop inexpensive robotic arm

Made In Space Europe and Luxembourg Space Agency won a European Space Agency contract to develop an inexpensive robotic arm for space applications.

9 Dec 11:00 SpaceNews 7631243600632548392.html
El lanzador Stephen Strasburg acuerda pacto multillonario con los Nacionales

Stephen Strasburg acordó este lunes un pacto multianual y multimillonario con los Nacionales de Washington, a quienes llevó a ganar la última Serie Mundial

9 Dec 17:25 EL DEBATE 4396150894775174423.html
Penelitian Ini Menemukan Ada 36 Ribu Lebih Gaya Berkendara

Belum lama ini, Hyundai melakukan penelitian terkait gaya berkendara. Mengutip dari Auto.ndtv.com, pabrikan asal Korea Selatan itu menemukan 36.750 gaya berkendara yang berbeda.

9 Dec 15:07 liputan6.com 3414318495872037553.html
Benik Afobe thankful for support following death of daughter

Afobe’s two-year-old Amora died from complications from a severe infection.

9 Dec 15:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773597861594.html
Proteste in Kiew vor Friedens-Gipfel in Paris

Deutschland und Frankreich wollen in einem neuen Anlauf den Konflikt in der Ostukraine entschärfen. Zu dem Gipfel am Montag in Paris kommen Frankreichs Staatschef Emmanuel Macron und die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit dem russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und dessen ukrainischem Kollegen Wolodymyr Selenskyj im Élyséepalast zusammen.

9 Dec 14:40 NÖN.at 2486998932923586830.html
Auch Ständerat sagt deutlich Nein zur Begrenzungsinitiative der SVP

Eine der wichtigsten europapolitischen Abstimmungen rückt näher. Nach dem Nationalrat hat am Montag auch der Ständerat die Begrenzungsinitiative zur Ablehnung empfohlen. Die Fronten sind geklärt: Es kämpfen alle gegen die SVP. Diese Ausgangslage gab es schon mehrmals.

9 Dec 15:55 bz BASEL 5287163742744488865.html
Russia, Ukraine to revive peace process, exchange prisoners

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's president are meeting for the first time at a summit in Paris to find a way to end the five years of fighting in eastern Ukraine.

9 Dec 16:38 CTVNews 2422791598395544475.html
Drama Romantic Doctor Kim Musim Kedua Mulai Digarap, Intip Potret Suasana Pembacaan Naskah Perdananya!

Penggemar drama Korea bertema kedokteran, khususnya Romantic Doctor Kim pasti sudah tak sabar menantikan adanya musim kedua bukan?

9 Dec 15:42 grid.id 586386475229970252.html
Putin meets Ukraine's Zelenskiy for first time at Paris peace summit

Russian President Valdimir Putin met his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskiy for the first time on Monday at a summit in Paris that aimed at...

9 Dec 17:06 DAILY SABAH 8383944809481743608.html
Aldi Taher Siap Jadi Gubernur Sumatera Barat

Aldi Taher mengaku siap untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai calon kepala daerah Sumatera Barat periode 2020-2025.

9 Dec 08:30 Tabloidbintang.com 127182696683309079.html
8 Penyebab Diabetes, Kenali Gejala dan Cara Mengatasinya

Berikut adalah penyebab penyakit diabetes, beserta gejala atau tanda-tanda dan cara mengatasinya.

9 Dec 12:20 Bola.com 1695722602600332993.html
Tragis! Pasangan Kakek dan Nenek di AS Tewas Terkubur Salju Tebal

Sepasang kakek dan nenek ditemukan terkubur salju tebal di Arizona, AS. Tragis! Keduanya sudah tak bernyawa saat ditemukan.

9 Dec 09:44 detiknews 8793960223096559086.html
Sponsored Content: Keep it Quiet: Overcoming the Latest Challenges in EMC Regulation

Consumers and companies alike require high quality electronic equipment to support everyday lives and more of these devices are now wireless enabled, writes ROHDE & SCHWARZ.

9 Dec 10:45 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672081329790716.html
Jewish groups criticize Trump for antisemitic stereotypes in speech

Trump urged to appeal to Jewish voters in ways that don’t use ‘money references that feed age-old and ugly stereotypes’

9 Dec 17:24 the Guardian 1491978794358712034.html
Shopping local is part of a vibrant community

Buying locally is an integral part of what it takes to have a healthy and vibrant community. By encouraging our consumers to do their holiday shopping in locally owned businesses it increases the measurable effect that every dollar spent in a local business has on local economies.

9 Dec 09:30 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367079343278.html
Uomini e Donne, Veronica Burchielli: bluffa con Alessandro? La clamorosa segnalazione

Uomini e Donne, clamorosa segnalazione su Veronica Burchielli e Alessandro: è tutto una montatura? Tutti gli indizi sembrano condurre alla fine del trono di Veronica Burchielli a Uomini e Donne. Così almeno sostengono le voci sull’ultima registrazione, ma i riflettori non si spengono mica su di lei e l’ex tronista, Alessandro Zarino. I fan del dating […]

9 Dec 13:20 KontroKultura 2573504972132007723.html
Oddajate stanovanje? Furs napovedal poostren nadzor

Finančna uprava Republike Slovenije (Furs) je na svoji spletni strani objavila opozorila za vse lastnike stanovanj, ki prek portalov Booking in Airbnb oddajajo stanovanja v turistične namene, da so ...

9 Dec 11:45 Slovenske novice 5901956562749577400.html
Sen. Rick Scott Pens Letter Warning of Chinese Influence on Campus | Breitbart

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) penned a letter last week to Florida's public universities to warn them of Chinese government efforts to undermine free expression on American college campuses.

9 Dec 16:20 Breitbart 3148363492534425483.html
Pep Makes Shock Admission

Following Manchester City's home loss to rivals Manchester City in the Premier League this past weekend, manager Pep Guardiola made quite a shock admission about his side.

9 Dec 15:27 Soccer Laduma 3901337371508407715.html
Two Wolves fans arrested for homophobic abuse at Brighton game

Both the Seagulls and Wolves are working with police.

9 Dec 12:38 Sports Mole 7750663360727311296.html
Huawei opens its first premium customer service centre in Malaysia

Huawei Malaysia has officially opened its first premium customer service centre in the country. Located at KL Eco City Mall in Kuala Lumpur, the outlet aims to provide quick repair services for all Huawei products. For greater transparency, Huawei says you can view the overall repair process right in front of you.

9 Dec 14:00 SoyaCincau.com 3698931831064710157.html
Mbalula: Placing Prasa Under Administration Will Get It Back On Track

JOHANNESBURG – Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula said his decision to place Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa) under administration with immediate effect will allow for rapid action to get the parastatal back on track. Mbalula made the surprise announcement at a briefing in Braamfontein on Monday shortly after informing staff about the decision, which […]

9 Dec 17:41 iAfrica 8834711025067408750.html
Reisebus war vollgepackt mit Fälschungen

Einen Reisebus, prall gefüllt mit allerlei Fälschungen diverser Luxus- und Designerwaren, sowie Lebensmitteln und Zigaretten, hat der Wiener Zoll aus ...

9 Dec 12:09 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092494010955.html
Adobe adds AMP for Email support to Adobe Campaign

Google's AMP for Email lets email recipients browse and interact with content without having to click a link and redirect to another webpage outside of the email.

9 Dec 17:00 ZDNet 591556593054601488.html
Israel vor dritter Wahl innerhalb eines Jahres

Kurz vor Ablauf der letzten Frist zu einer Regierungsbildung in Israel nach den Parlamentswahlen im September haben sich die Parteien nun offenbar ...

9 Dec 11:19 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094031987097.html
Joker Lands Four Major Golden Globe Nominations

Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix's Joker film snagged four Golden Globe nominations following a majorly successful run at the worldwide box office.

9 Dec 09:12 CBR.com 1295516961731347430.html
Sowore: WSCIJ suspends award for Osinbajo - The Nation Newspaper

The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism has suspended the presentation of award to the Nigerian Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo ..

9 Dec 09:34 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901826704037.html
Arrests made after deadly New Delhi factory fire

New Delhi police have arrested the owner and manager at a factory where 43 people perished in the Indian capital's deadliest fire in 20 years.

9 Dec 16:40 Newshub 2131266987013050327.html
Europarat drängt Russland auf Zinszahlung

Erst im Sommer erhielt Russland im Europarat das Stimmrecht in der Parlamentarischen Versammlung zurück. Nun droht in der Institution erneut ein Streit mit Moskau.

9 Dec 13:18 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270760291905.html
Google Maps for iOS gets Incognito Mode

It's also easier to delete your location history on Android.

9 Dec 13:09 Engadget 96641515328555885.html
Kim Kardashians Christmas Decorations Aren’t Impressing Anyone

Kim Kardashian's Christmas decorations are deemed boring and "not cheerful" enough for fans.

9 Dec 17:14 College Candy 8831971929580159529.html
Leicester City among clubs keen on Charlton Athletic forward Macauley Bonne?

Leicester City are reportedly among three clubs who are keen on signing Charlton Athletic forward Macauley Bonne.

9 Dec 13:41 Sports Mole 7750663362610556735.html
Lionel Messi ontbreekt in selectie Barcelona voor duel met Internazionale

Barcelona neemt het dinsdagavond zonder Lionel Messi op tegen Internazionale. De aanvoerder van de Catalanen maakte afgelopen zaterdag tegen Real Mallorca nog de negentig minuten vol. Trainer Ernesto Valverde heeft ervoor gekozen om hem rust te geven. Barcelona is al verzekerd van de groepswinst in de Champions League.

9 Dec 14:22 Voetbalzone 9096760911957461228.html
Thai cops' high suicide rates prompt reforms

SHOCKING statistics have revealed a high rate of suicide among the police in Thailand.

9 Dec 11:05 NST Online 3702929171711282315.html
Bijna een op de vijf Rotterdamse kinderen leeft in armoede

Van alle kinderen in Nederland die in armoede leven, wonen naar verhouding de meesten in Rotterdam. 17,5 procent van de Rotterdamse kinderen leeft in een gezin met een laag inkomen.

9 Dec 09:28 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228752848367.html
Keep your audience engaged post holidays

Keep your audience engaged and prepare for the upcoming seasonal peaks

9 Dec 13:00 Google 7122920200954227895.html
Russia banned from next Olympics and World Cup soccer

LAUSANNE/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia was banned from the world’s top sporting events for four years on Monday, including the next summer and winter Olympics and the 2022 soccer World Cup, for tampering with doping tests.

10 Dec 11:39 Reuters 8334514179795611236.html
Fife care worker struck off after after posting Facebook message about dead resident

A Fife care home worker has been struck off after posting an insensitive message on Facebook about a deceased resident.

9 Dec 08:22 The Courier 4275302766982443790.html
Dumbarton council offices turn green for children's charity

Dumbarton Academy building in the town’s Church Street was bathed in green light, to highlight an NSPCC campaign

9 Dec 15:36 dailyrecord 552235480662248121.html
Florida Green Lodging Program awards Hutchinson Shores Resort & Spa a Three Palm Status

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Green Lodging Program has awarded the coastal-inspired Hutchinson Shores Resort & Spa with a Three Palm Status, designating the resort as a facility committed to protecting the state’s natural resources. Hutchinson Shores Resort & Spa scored in the third highest percentile in the fields of sustainable communication and education, waste reduction, reuse and recycling, water conservation, energy efficiency and indoor air quality to achieve this commended award. Launched in 2004, the Florida Green Lodging

9 Dec 09:45 TravelDailyNews International 1304175787625930172.html
Termasuk Persija Jakarta, Berikut Deretan Klub yang Masih Bisa Terdegradasi dari Liga 1

Persija Jakarta bersama enam klub lainnya, masih berpeluang untuk terdegradasi dari Liga 1 yang masih menyisakan tiga pertandingan lagi.

9 Dec 12:35 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549741369661.html
Wildlife conservationist, mauled by tigers, insists they were just playing

A wildlife conservationist and founder of a California animal sanctuary was hospitalized on Saturday after tigers pinned her to the ground and injured her.

9 Dec 15:52 CTVNews 2422791597948661437.html
Aucklanders stuck in traffic due to Govt policy

Todd McClay - Workplace Relations and Safety

9 Dec 10:25 SCOOP 5315658999284216706.html
Aucklanders stuck in traffic due to Govt policy

Todd McClay - Workplace Relations and Safety

9 Dec 10:25 SCOOP 5315658999645096321.html
Turkey's TIKA opens new building at high school in Uganda

The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) have inaugurated a new building at an existing high school complex in the Ugandan capital of...

9 Dec 11:23 DAILY SABAH 8383944809744145149.html
Police in Lancaster close roads following police incident

Police in Lancaster have closed the A6 Caton Road One Way Street at Bulk Road following an incident in the early hours of this morning.

9 Dec 08:11 Lancashire Post 6469275854741939017.html
House Democrats, USTR nearing deal to pass modified USMCA agreement -WSJ

House Democrats and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer are nearing a deal to pass a revised version of the United States-Mexico-Canada ...

9 Dec 11:35 CNA 5644198862998131261.html
Russia escapes complete sporting exile despite Wada's four-year ban

Russia has been hit with a four-year ban from using its flag, anthem and team name at the Olympics and World Cup, but the nation has escaped total sporting exile over fresh doping data breaches.

9 Dec 11:11 The Telegraph 140598091348920490.html
DOTr opens Cavite-Manila ferry route

RESIDENTS of Cavite may now reach Metro Manila faster by water travel, as the Department of Transportation (DOTr) through the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), with the support of the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), formally launched the Cavite-Manila ferry services on Sunday.

9 Dec 10:34 Journal Online 6375127391885504531.html
Hello, citizens: West Java introduces app to facilitate communication with residents

The West Java administration has launched a mobile application that will enable local residents to engage in a two-way communication with administration officials, therefore allowing them to voice their concerns over certain issues and curbing the prevalence of fake news.

9 Dec 17:42 The Jakarta Post 7678601102652406821.html
Sky Sports: Everton wil ontslagen manager terughalen naar Premier League

Everton is in de zoektocht naar een nieuwe manager uitgekomen bij Unai Emery. Dat meldt Sky Sports maandag. De Spanjaard werd onlangs ontslagen bij Arsenal, maar kan snel weer aan de bak in de Premier League.

9 Dec 14:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216581237527.html
Ini 6 Manfaat Kesehatan Bit Merah yang Tidak Pernah Anda Ketahui, Salah Satunya Kurangi Risiko Demensia

Bit mengandung kadar antioksidan dan antiinflamasi yang tinggi yang menurut penelitian dapat membantu mengurangi risiko beberapa jenis kanker.

9 Dec 14:30 grid.id 6246371059470867649.html
Packaging Forum urges Gov support to advance war on plastic

The country’s leading packaging member-based organisation is eager to work with Government to bring an end to plastic waste in New Zealand.

9 Dec 10:42 SCOOP 5315658998677000748.html
Scottish war artist Peter Howson unveils new work to commemorate massacre in Bosnia

The Scottish artist Peter Howson, who is best known for his haunting images of the war in Bosnia, has created a new work depicting a mass genocide which claimed the lives of more than 8000 men and boys.

9 Dec 10:41 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851488895427503.html
Guvernul adopta marti o OUG privind rezidentiatul: Asistam la monopoluri, in doar cateva centre universitare

Guvernul va adopta in sedinta de marti o ordonanta de urgenta privind rezidentiatul, a anuntat vicepremierul Raluca Turcan.

9 Dec 13:45 Ziare.com 1922730287159055327.html
Profil Rachmat Kaimuddin CEO Bukalapak, Suksesor Achmad Zaky

Bukalapak punya CEO baru setelah pendirinya Achmad Zaky resmi mundur. Rachmat Kaimuddin akan menduduki posisi CEO Bukalapak per 6 Januari 2020.

9 Dec 10:23 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214201541306.html
Call for more councils to publish details of donations given to councillors

Councils are being criticised for not publishing details of any political donations given to thei...

9 Dec 12:53 Newstalk 7635722258251831824.html
Ehemalige Grossrätin Villoz-Muamba verstorben

Die ehemalige Grüne Grossrätin Féliciénne Lusamba Villoz-Muamba ist mit 64 Jahren verstorben.

9 Dec 10:52 Berner Zeitung 1248949324401185201.html
Man suffers cardiac arrest in queue to get subsidised onion

With the onion prices touching Rs 180 per kilo in retail market, people have been making a beeline to the Rythu Bazaars where the government is selling onions at a subsidised price of Rs 25 per kilo.

9 Dec 12:03 The New Indian Express 4718288654056613300.html
Rel rond niet-uitgezonden vraaggesprek Assad

De Italiaanse publieke omroep heeft in november een voormalige oproepbaas, Monica Maggioni, naar Syrië gestuurd voor een lang vraaggesprek met de Syrische dictator Bashar al-Assad. Het vraaggesprek is gehouden en zou 2 december door RAI News 24 en een Syrische zender worden uitgezonden. Italiaanse media meldden dat het ’geheimzinnige interview nog steeds niet is uitgezonden en de RAI de Syrische partners al drie keer om uitstel heeft gevraagd.

9 Dec 15:21 RD.nl 6406779841779950585.html
Telford Tigers struck by MK Lightning defeat

Table-topping Telford Tigers suffered a surprise National League defeat at Milton Keynes Lightning.

9 Dec 09:42 Shropshire Star 3480199991638595161.html
Golfus de Badalona

Un espléndido y nuevo yacimiento extramuetos agiganta el pasado romano de Baetulo y la dibuja cada vez más como la vital Roma de Richard Lester

9 Dec 16:29 elPeriodico 7291954035092766195.html
Ad Avellino la festa dello struffolo

La Caritas Diocesana comunica che martedì 10 dicembre, alle ore 17.00, presso il centro Anziani di Via Annarumma si terrà la festa dello struffolo i cui piatti sono realizzati dagli anziani medesimi per l’occasione sarà invitata a giudicare i manufatti una giuria esterna.

9 Dec 12:28 AvellinoToday 5452883947846337880.html
Kidnap suspect commits suicide in Dhaka

Police have recovered the body of a kidnap suspect from a house in Dhaka’s Sutrapur area.

9 Dec 12:10 Bdnews24 8119004129924675222.html
Empress Masako pledges to help emperor more and bring happiness to the people in birthday message

Empress Masako said Monday she is happy to have completed her duties as part of Emperor Naruhito's enthronement rituals, and pledged to continue such work

9 Dec 08:47 The Japan Times 6673764367680792580.html
Golfus de Badalona

Un espléndido y nuevo yacimiento extramuetos agiganta el pasado romano de Baetulo y la dibuja cada vez más como la vital Roma de Richard Lester

9 Dec 16:29 elPeriodico 7291954034008230064.html
Pantai Trianggulasi Kerap Memakan Korban, 3 Bocah yang Hilang Diduga Tak Mematuhi Aturan

Ada dugaan ketiga bocah yang tenggelam melanggar aturan yakni larangan berenang di kawasan pesisir Pantai Trianggulasi, Taman Nasional Alas Porwo.

9 Dec 09:08 Tribunnews.com 3323534446872578048.html
Maldives keen to disentangle from China's debt trap: Nasheed to Venkaiah

The former president of Maldives said his country, amidst claims of huge investment by Beijing, is undertaking an assessment of assets created through debt funding from China.

9 Dec 14:15 Business-Standard 1502508926316821563.html
Amazon startet Last Minute Angebote: Braun Rasierer und Samsung Tablet reduziert

Amazon startet ab heute die Last Minute Angebote für entspanntes Geschenke-Shopping. Wir zeigen die besten Deals mit Produkten von Samsung und Braun.

9 Dec 15:08 T-Online 5460876210755283187.html
ISL: Jamshedpur steal a point from Chennaiyin

Football News: Jamshedpur FC and Chennaiyin FC settled for a point each at the end of a thrilling Indian Super League encounter which ended 1-1 at the JRD Tata Sport

9 Dec 16:46 The Times of India 6060938664331412719.html
Operation Peace Spring aims to preserve Syria's territorial integrity, VP Fuat Oktay says

Turkey aimed to preserve the territorial integrity of Syria with Operation Peace Spring, Vice President Fuat Oktay said Monday. 'A more than...

9 Dec 12:33 DAILY SABAH 8383944809101911739.html
Weather forecaster predicts travel problems as wind and rain warning for Ayrshire is issued

The warning comes after a weekend of heavy rain.

9 Dec 10:33 dailyrecord 552235479155548203.html
Sestu, assalto a una ditta di autotrasporti

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:14 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207213788551.html
Leider van La France Insoumise veroordeeld voor rebellie en provocatie

De correctionele rechtbank in Bobigny heeft maandag de leider van de linkse partij La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, veroordeeld tot drie maanden cel met uitstel voor rebellie en provocatie....

9 Dec 10:55 HLN 8967494997371997848.html
Lithuanian-Born Dingle Goalkeeper Impresses AFL Scouts

Lithuanian-born former Kerry minor Deividas Uosis caught the eye of scouts at the AFL Europe Combine held in UCD this past weekend. 

9 Dec 15:29 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274426965886.html
Natale all'Ospedale Landolfi: in pediatria arrivano i videogiochi

L'associazione culturale di Avellino “Nerderia in compagnia Italian Community”, in occasione delle ormai prossime feste natalizie, è felice di invitarvi, Mercoledì 11 Dicembre 2019, presso il reparto di Pediatria dell'ospedale A.Landolfi di Solofra, per un pomeriggio di giochi e animazione, per i più piccoli. Durante l'evento, verranno distribuiti dei piccoli doni per i piccoli degenti, che giocheranno ai videogiochi e mini giochi, in compagnia dello staff dell'associazione. Un piccolo regalo di Natale, per tutto il reparto pediatrico capitanato dal Primario Dr.ssa Rosa Tedesco insieme al gruppo infermieristico locale. La festa avrà inizio alle 16:30, l'ingresso è aperto a tutti.

9 Dec 14:52 AvellinoToday 5452883946701832158.html
Jharkhand polls: CRPF unit alleges animal-like treatment, claims given drinking water from water canon

An assistant commandant-rank company commander of 222nd battalion of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has written to the state authorities and his headquarters in Delhi.

9 Dec 15:34 India Today 4286117813784988573.html
Russia banned from next Olympics and football World Cup

Russia has been accused of choosing “deception and denial” rather than getting its house in order over drugs.

9 Dec 12:50 Express & Star 7324224459591602849.html
Saudi gunman tweeted against US before naval base shooting

Investigators are trying to establish whether killer, 2nd Lt Mhd Alshamrani acted alone or was part of a larger plot.

9 Dec 11:24 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362883074880.html
Fighting corruption a government priority – Andanar

Fighting corruption remains an utmost priority of the Duterte administration to prevent an abusive culture of extortion and embezzlement as well as oppression of the people, a Palace official said Monday.

9 Dec 11:33 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200855324449.html
The Higgins Hotel New Orleans officially opens December 6

NEW ORLEANS - The National WWII Museum announced the official opening of its landmark hotel property The Higgins Hotel New Orleans, Curio Collection by Hilton. Located in the blossoming Arts and Warehouse District in New Orleans, the Hotel features 230 rooms, four dining outlets - including the city’s newest rooftop bar - and 18,000 square feet of meeting and event space, all set with a tasteful Art Deco design. The Hotel is the first in the state of Louisiana to

9 Dec 08:15 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788854473568.html
Miss Universo 2019 è Zozibini Tunzi: prima regina di bellezza nera

La sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi, 26 anni, capelli cortissimi afro e pelle nera, è stata incoronata Miss Universo 2019, la più votata tra le 90 ragazze in gara. Diritto delle donne all'autodeterminazione, orgoglio afro, canoni di bellezza che devono cambiare sono stati i temi al centro della cerimonia di premiazione negli Stati Uniti, ad Atlanta. In 68 anni di concorso, è la prima volta che una regina di bellezza nera vince l'ambito titolo mondiale. Una giuria femminile di 7 componenti ha assegnato il secondo posto alla concorrente portoricana Madison Anderson e il terzo alla messicana Sofia Aragon. "Sono cresciuta in un mondo in cui una donna come me, con il mio tipo di pelle e di capelli non è mai stata considerata bella - ha detto la Tunzi - Credo che sia giunta l'ora del cambiamento", ha insistito aggiungendo che "la cosa più importante che le ragazze devono imparare è la leadership, l'autodeterminazione. Non è che non vogliano farlo ma la società le ha etichettate. Eppure le donne sono gli esseri più potenti…

9 Dec 12:00 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188363681927.html
Akui IU Sebagai Panutan, Kim Sejeong Kaget Saat Sang Idola Repost Foto Ini

Kim Sejeong mengaku begitu mengagumi sosok penyanyi cantik IU dan menjadikannya sebagai panutan dalam berkarya di industri K-Pop. Namun ia malah terkejut saat idolanya itu merepost fotonya.

9 Dec 15:59 Kanal 247 6444101938626421223.html
Man charged in West Coast homicide investigation

A 36-year-old man has been charged with murder following the death of a West Coast woman this weekend.

9 Dec 08:23 SCOOP 5315658999097383345.html
Bluecoins is a simple-to-use personal finance app with tools for budgeting and account management

Bluecoins is an easy-to-use personal finance manager that can help you manage your expenses, create a budget, and keep a track of your income.

9 Dec 10:07 XDA Developers 7805159869414067967.html
Semana definitiva en proceso contra Donald Trump

Se deben redactar los cargos contra el presidente de EE. UU., y avanzan las deliberaciones.

9 Dec 14:26 El Tiempo 1091719940143437639.html
Presse: Chinas Behörden sollen auf ausländische Computer verzichten

Die bereits vor Monaten erlassene vertrauliche Direktive habe wegen des Zeitplans den Namen "3-5-2" erhalten, schrieb die Zeitung, die sich in dem Bericht auf das Wertpapierhaus China Securities, zwei chinesische Cyber-Security-Firmen und die internationalen Denkfabrik Eurasia berief. Es sei die erste Anweisung mit klaren Zeitvorgaben, von ausländischer auf einheimische Technologie zu wechseln. Das Vorgehen spiegelt amerikanische Bemühungen wider, auf den Einsatz chinesischer Ausrüstung wie zum Beispiel des Telekomriesen Huawei zu verzichten. Die USA unterstellen dem Konzern mögliche Spionage und drängen auch ihre Verbündeten, beispielsweise beim Ausbau des Telekom-Netzes auf den superschnellen 5G-Standard auf Netzwerkausrüstung von Huawei zu verzichten. Die beiden grössten Volkswirtschaften liefern sich seit mehr als einem Jahr einen erbitterten Handelskrieg. Dabei betreiben die USA auch eine "Entkopplung" von China, das seinerseits seine Abhängigkeit von US-Technologie reduzieren will. Die Bemühungen wecken…

9 Dec 08:54 cash 8314500325384139064.html
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs arrives in Riyadh ahead of GCC Summit

Riyadh: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs H E Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi arrived today in Riyadh to chair Qatar's delegation participating in the 145th ministerial preparatory meeting for the GCC 40th Leaders' Summit, hosted by Saudi Arabia.

9 Dec 13:40 The Peninsula 1202843881213455573.html
How to avoid getting food poisoning from your Christmas turkey

It's easier than you think to get sick

9 Dec 17:01 RSVP Live 2434255978830286552.html
Zul Zivilia Dituntut Hukuman Penjara Seumur Hidup

Terdakwa kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba, Zulkifli atau Zul Zivilia dituntut hukuman penjara seumur hidup pada sidang pembacaan tuntutan

9 Dec 13:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182698141927922.html
PPP forum on exporting smart transport infra to be held

A forum on public-private partnerships for the export of smart technology-based public transport infrastructure is set to be held in Seoul on Thursday, the Seoul City government said Monday.  Hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the forum will look at emerging trends in smart transport systems, Seoul’s smart transport policies and the municipality’s support for private companies looking to br...

9 Dec 08:36 Koreaherald 8029273604221783523.html
Buhari jets out to Egypt Tuesday

President Muhammadu Buhari will depart Abuja on Tuesday for Aswan, Egypt to attend the Aswan Forum. The gathering is designed to set an agenda for sustainable peace and development in the continent. In a statement issued on

9 Dec 17:00 LailasNews.com 2090029850476860965.html
Positivo balance del Cluster Quesero tras la visita a Colombia

Días pasados, integrantes de la comisión directiva del Cluster Quesero de Tandil fueron invitados a participar de la “Expo Lácteos 2019”, un evento de gran importancia que tuvo lugar en la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia. La propuesta de concurrir a dicha feria sectorial llegó de la mano de la Cámara de Comercio de Valledupar, una […]

9 Dec 11:05 El Eco 4177735524721873727.html
Chong: Sugar supply liberalisation will benefit consumers in the long run

KUCHING, Dec 9 — The liberalisation policy on sugar supply in Sarawak will not result in an immediate effect to the price of the commodity but will definitely benefit consumers in the long term, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Deputy Minister Chong Chieng Jen said today. He said the policy,...

9 Dec 10:38 Malaymail 302165936444604880.html
Geen teken van leven meer op vulkaaneiland

Op het Nieuw-Zeelandse eiland waar eerder maandag een vulkaan uitbarstte zijn geen mensen, dood of levend, meer aangetroffen. Dat meldt de Nieuw-Zeelandse politie na het uitvoeren van meerdere verkenningsvluchten boven het eiland.

9 Dec 13:02 RD.nl 6406779841616667724.html
7 Potret Seserahan Mewah Citra Kirana dan Rezky Aditya

Citra dan Rezky mengadakan acara resepsi pernikahan di salah satu hotel mewah di Jakarta.

9 Dec 14:25 liputan6.com 5422146879982240340.html
Football: Free-scoring Salzburg pose serious threat to leaky Liverpool

Liverpool travel to Salzburg on Tuesday needing to avoid defeat to the confident Austrian champions to guard against an embarrassing Champions ...

9 Dec 09:56 CNA 5644198863027775187.html
Eurospar Herzogenburg ist neu da

In den letzten Monaten ist in Herzogenburg in der Traismaurerstraße 29, zusätzlich zum bestehenden Spar-Supermarkt, ein großer Eurospar mit rund 1.200m² Verkaufsfläche, einem Sortiment von rund 18.000 Artikeln und 94 Komfort-Parkplätzen entstanden.

9 Dec 10:05 NÖN.at 2486998931799879857.html
Post stellt Geldtransporte nach Raubüberfällen ein

Der Versicherer von SecurePost hat den Versicherungsschutz für Geldtransporte in Daillens aufgehoben. Deshalb wird der Transport nach Daillens eingestellt.

9 Dec 11:33 20 Minuten 5741369452364205720.html
ISL: Jamshedpur’s controversial equaliser denies Owen Coyle winning start as Chennaiyin manager

Isaac’s shot for the goal appeared to have hit Farukh Choudhary’s hand before deflecting into the back of the net.

9 Dec 16:40 Scroll.in 8669301693951751664.html
FIRS Chairman: Nigerians React As Buhari Nominates Fowler’s Replacement

The tenure of Babatunde Fowler as the Chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) ended today, with President Buhari opting not to reappoint him for a second tenure.

9 Dec 15:53 Concise 5544636821793675114.html
Modelo muere al practicarse lipoescultura en Monterrey

De acuerdo con los primeros informes, Elena Carolina Sada Sandoval falleció a causa de un paro cardiorespiratorio cuando se encontraba en el área de recuperació

9 Dec 09:17 Excélsior 859179359311328166.html
FTC confirms Cambridge Analytica were wrong'uns

Face(book) the music

9 Dec 11:28 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887307328106725.html
New footage, new questions over former British officer's death

It has been almost one month since James Gustaf Edward Le Mesurier was found dead outside his residence in Istanbul, but new footage calls to mind more...

9 Dec 14:43 DAILY SABAH 8383944809201979671.html
Claudia Norberg wohnt wieder bei ihrer Mutter im Kinderzimmer

Nach 29 Jahren war zwischen Claudia Norberg und Michael Wendler Schluss. Als der Wendler mit Laura Müller zusammen kam, war für seine Ex kein Platz mehr im gemeinsamen Haus. Sie lebt jetzt wieder bei ihrer Mutter.

9 Dec 08:19 GMX 2011843075052949373.html
Claudia Norberg wohnt wieder bei ihrer Mutter im Kinderzimmer

Nach 29 Jahren war zwischen Claudia Norberg und Michael Wendler Schluss. Als der Wendler mit Laura Müller zusammen kam, war für seine Ex kein Platz mehr im gemeinsamen Haus. Sie lebt jetzt wieder bei ihrer Mutter.

9 Dec 10:13 GMX 2011843076576070804.html
Weeronline: eerste storm van seizoen

Het gaat deze week flink waaien, met donderdagavond en vrijdag kans op de eerste officiële winterstorm van dit seizoen. Met windkracht 9, meldt Weeronline, dat spreekt van meteorologische winter. In de kustgebieden kunnen zware windstoten met snelheden van 100 kilometer per uur voorkomen.

9 Dec 12:04 RD.nl 6406779841868882943.html
Revolutionary Kenya-based Entrepreneur Who Beat World Bank to Global Prize

What made the win even bigger for him was that he had beaten huge players to the top prize, including...

9 Dec 13:24 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153493092391.html
Broad participation of Turkish auto parts suppliers in major Shanghai fair

Turkey, along with Taiwan and Germany, saw the highest turnout at the 15th Automechanika Shanghai, which brought together the world's leading auto parts...

9 Dec 15:51 DAILY SABAH 8383944809905042974.html
Top Irish Christmas traditions that make the season

The Irish love Christmas and all of Ireland takes part in a number of fun traditions over the course of two weeks.

9 Dec 10:00 IrishCentral 7319968744783172995.html
Barr warned Trump for months that Rudy Giuliani was becoming a liability, but the president ignored him because he loves Giuliani's fiery media appearances, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Rudy Giuliani was a key figure in the events that sparked an impeachment probe, and his actions have long concerned Trump administration officials.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 11:18 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755945005739.html
Remembering Juice WRLD's Art Of Freestyling

Rest in peace to one of the game's great freestylers. Yesterday morning, the loss of Jarad Anthony Higgins, known to millions of fans as Juice WRLD, sent a ripple effect through the community. Fellow artists and listeners alike penned eulogies and homages, highlighting the impact of his creativity a...

9 Dec 10:28 hnhh 366195974652062833.html
Johnny Sexton to see a specialist with knee injury

Leinster outhalf will definitely miss return clash against Northampton this weekend

9 Dec 13:29 The Irish Times 8204772968754062206.html
Kelas! Pep Guardiola Hibur Fred yang Jadi Korban Rasisme

Pep Guardiola dikabarkan menemui gelandang Manchester United, Fred yang menjadi korban rasisme.

9 Dec 15:40 Bola.net 5489959027894610815.html
Ondernemer Noël Slangen groeide zelf op in armoede en is nu voorzitter van Kinderarmoedefonds

Ondernemer Noël Slangen is de nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderarmoedefonds. Hij neemt de fakkel over van kinderpsychiater op emeritaat Peter Adriaenssens.

9 Dec 12:35 HLN 8967494997550733134.html
Jumia Technologies to suspend Jumia Foods delivery service in Rwanda

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Online retailer Jumia Technologies said on Monday it would suspend food and drinks delivery service Jumia Foods in Rwanda effective Dec. 9.

9 Dec 16:40 Reuters 8334514180323394480.html
Puji Gerindra, KPK: Partai Ajukan Eks Koruptor tak Pro-Antikorupsi

KPK memuji sikap Partai Gerindra yang tidak akan mencalonkan kadernya yang pernah dibui karena korupsi untuk berlaga dalam Pilkada 2020.

9 Dec 13:59 detiknews 8793960223310420349.html
High Court adjourns Angela Kerins' damages claim over PAC treatment

A damages claim by former Rehab CEO Angela Kerins over her treatment by the Dáil Public Accounts Committee has been adjourned at the High Court to January.

9 Dec 12:07 Breaking News 4415806918928794371.html
White Castle recalls frozen sliders for possible listeria

White Castle on Friday issued a voluntary recall for a number of frozen sliders because they may contain listeria.

9 Dec 15:15 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203175633783.html
Marijuana testing data points to lab shopping in Nevada

When it comes to marijuana testing labs in Nevada, results may vary — wildly — according to an analysis of state data conducted by a Washington-based scientist.

9 Dec 16:17 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648835979396534.html
Srinagar airport remains suspended due to heavy fog

Flight movements in Srinagar for the third consecutive day; 26 flights cancelled

9 Dec 11:26 The Hindu 6679535025473159558.html
Hijo del exgrandesligas Mike Cameron se disfruta su debut en el béisbol invernal

Dazmon Cameron ha sido una de las piezas claves de los líderes Cangrejeros de Santurce

9 Dec 16:48 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310423531210.html
Romeo Beckham enjoys festive trip to Winter Wonderland with dad David and family

The youngster joined his famous family for their annual trip to London's Christmas attraction while he captured the festivities with hilarious upside down snaps

9 Dec 12:47 Irish Mirror 2875825629379585863.html
Hungary’s Central Bank Issues Warning stating that Traditional Lenders Might Be Forced Out of Market Due to Competitive Fintech Firms

Some of Hungary’s financial institutions might be forced to exit the market as they may not be adequately prepared to continue to compete with challengers fro

9 Dec 12:37 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073609978522.html
High-intensity homework lined up for wrestler Vinesh Phogat

Wrestler Vinesh Phogat is expected to compete in the Yasar Dogu tournament slated from January 9 to 12 in Istanbul, Turkey.

9 Dec 08:24 The New Indian Express 4718288653312339498.html
Alasan Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia Tak Berani Lawan Kebijakan Ari Askhara

Ketua Ikatan Awak Kabin Garuda Indonesia (IKAGI) Zaenal Muttaqin mengatakan, terjadi sejumlah masalah saat Ari Askhara menjadi Direktur ‎Utama Garuda, yaitu pengelolaan perusahaan tidak transparan dan melakukan penyalahgunaan wewenang jabatan.

9 Dec 17:49 merdeka.com 1998180354385639858.html
Die Nadel im Heuhaufen

Rund 160.000 Menschen haben sich bei der Deutschen Stammzellspenderdatei (DSD) in Dessau seit ihrer Gründung vor 27 Jahren typisieren lassen. „Doch nur etwa ein Prozent davon hat die passenden genetischen Eigenschaften und kommt damit als Spender und Lebensretter für einen Todkranken in Frage“, sagt DSD-Sprecherin Katja Kluger. „Unsere Arbeit gleicht der Suche nach der Nadel im ...

9 Dec 12:56 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109724858079.html
Amazon is getting free access to NHS medical data

As fear mounts in the UK at the prospect of the NHS being sold in part or in whole to the US, the government has decided to give Amazon access to National Health Service data for free.

9 Dec 09:30 BetaNews 3764252315290622181.html
Pasos para protegerte al vender tu carro

Hay que tener mucho cuidado a la hora interactuar con los posibles compradores

9 Dec 12:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309589619837.html
Former Blackpool loanee Viv Solomon-Otabor victim of racist abuse at Bulgarian club CSKA Sofia

Former Blackpool loanee Viv Solomon-Otabor has been the victim of racist abuse in Bulgaria according to a statement released by his current club CSKA Sofia.

9 Dec 09:14 The Gazette 1828400563436312294.html
Man Utd must change manager despite Ole Gunnar Solskjaer revival, says Simon Jordan

The Norwegian manager has led United to victories over Tottenham and Manchester City in the last week but some are still not convinced he is the best man for the job

9 Dec 09:21 mirror 675785261024738177.html
SPA, ATA sign cooperation MoU

This came during a meeting held at SPA headquarters in Riyadh between Al-Hussein and the ATA director general and her delegation comprising Romelda Rapolari, director of human resources division and Arian Jorgaqi, director of international news division in addition to SPA Vice President Ahmed Bin Ibrahim Al-Awadh, Saudi Press Agency reported.

9 Dec 15:04 Saudi Gazette 6913978435442687312.html
Guardiola admits Man City standards have slipped

Pep Guardiola says Manchester City may no longer be able to match the standards of the best teams after a painful defeat against Manchester United left them 14 points behind Premier League leaders, Liverpool.

9 Dec 10:49 The Guardian 7580308504564989347.html
Shropshire Star comment: True cost of so-called bargains

In recent years, trading standards officers across the region have seized millions of pounds worth of fake goods.

9 Dec 09:17 Shropshire Star 3480199992746411658.html
A Situational Number That Brings Fans Excitement Down

After a bumper mass number to open the musical account, team

9 Dec 17:56 MIRCHI9 6041804859273142608.html
Wenn das Hallenbad zur Konzerthalle wird

300 Kerzen, Wasserglanz, weihnächtliche Atmosphäre. Das Hallenbad Aeschi verwandelte sich zum Lokal eines Livekonzerts. Das Duo Fidel Tasto spielte am etwas anderen Badeerlebnis auf.

9 Dec 16:49 Berner Zeitung 1248949325130244456.html
Russia Banned from Olympics for Four Years over Doping Scandal

Russia has been slapped with a four-year ban from Olympic competition by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

9 Dec 14:52 Breitbart 3148363492585084655.html
Building with algorithms: Looking for the optimal design

How can computers help design optimal buildings? Ph.D. student Koen van der Blom makes algorithms that take into account all kinds of different architectural requirements, in order to reach the best compromise. ...

9 Dec 14:47 Tech Xplore 4945708899776661644.html
Weihnachtsfeier nach Gladbach-Niederlage: Hier lächeln die Bayern die Krise weg

So richtig war den Bayern-Stars nach der 1:2-Pleite bei Borussia Mönchengladbach nicht zum Feiern zumute - trotzdem gings zur großen Weihnachtsfeier.

9 Dec 08:56 RTL.DE 7054729452057994536.html
Bologna bei Ibrahimovic aus dem Rennen

Zlatan Ibrahimovic wird nicht zum FC Bologna wechseln. Dies hat Sportdirektor Walter Sabatini nun öffentlich erklärt.

9 Dec 15:35 4-4-2.com 812646141337523516.html
Popular country pub The Battleaxes given a zero food hygiene rating

The new owners are working to make improvements

9 Dec 13:21 BristolLive 4740742018170534517.html
Turkish football fans sign contract to quit smoking en masse

A football fan group in Turkey hopes to lead the way in an inspiring anti-tobacco drive which they recently inked into reality with a mass contract to quit...

9 Dec 12:10 DAILY SABAH 8383944808066141342.html
Tsunami van roekeloos rijdende en fout parkerende PostNL- en DHL-bezorgers overspoelt Nederland


9 Dec 09:41 ThePostOnline 3048418757572760076.html
Indian Full Service Carrier Vistara Signs Codeshare Pact With German Aviation Major Lufthansa

New Delhi (Sputnik): The aviation sector in India contributes $72 billion to its Gross Domestic Product. The country has 464 airports, of which 125 are owned by the government. According to Indian Commerce Ministry statistics, Foreign Direct Investment in India’s aviation sector reached $1.8 billion between April 2000 and December 2018.

9 Dec 11:57 Sputniknews 967333867638289162.html
MahaMetro suggests Light Metro, Metro Neo for TS

Both can be built quickly to provide for faster public commute and do not require much land acquisition

9 Dec 16:33 The Hindu 6679535024600208258.html
Danny Murphy hammers reports of Everton approaching ex-Arsenal manager Unai Emery

Danny Murphy has told TalkSPORT (Monday, 11:30am) that reports of Unai Emery moving to Everton is “absolutely nonsensical”, following the Spaniard’s sacking at Arsenal last month. Sky Sports have claimed that an ‘informal meeting’ has taken place between Everton and Emery in London of late, and that the former Paris Saint-Germain manager is open to […]Unai Emery has reportedly met with Everton over a potential move to Goodison Park but Danny Murphy has hammered any chance of a move.

9 Dec 12:45 The Boot Room 5717202226863590397.html
Wallsend woman banned from keeping animals after claiming sex change led to her neglecting pets

Julie Ann Greenwood's cats were found covered in fleas by RSPCA inspectors

9 Dec 12:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901484202562.html
Will Finland Get World's Youngest Prime Minister?

If backed by the parliament and the president, Sanna Marin will become not only Finland's but the world's youngest prime minister, besting Ukraine's 35-year-old Oleksiy Honcharuk.

9 Dec 08:19 Sputniknews 967333869617000658.html
Ariel Levy da a conocer importante logro en Estados Unidos

El actor recibió una propuesta para internacionalizar su carrera como luchador.

9 Dec 14:49 AR13 5510785231506022960.html
Elder Scrolls Legends development "on hold for the foreseeable future"

Bethesda no longer making new content for fantasy card battler, but will continue support with monthly rewards and regular events

9 Dec 09:16 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590113874302925.html
Wealth of Canadians divided along racial lines, says report on income inequality

One interesting finding was that racialized men have a higher employment rate than non-racialized men

9 Dec 15:45 Bashaw Star 2864261459545156265.html
Wealth of Canadians divided along racial lines, says report on income inequality

One interesting finding was that racialized men have a higher employment rate than non-racialized men

9 Dec 15:45 North Delta Reporter 5327740411451009705.html
Johnson onder vuur om foto ziek kind

LONDEN (ANP/RTR/BLOOMBERG) - De Britse premier Boris Johnson ligt onder vuur vanwege de wijze waarop hij reageerde op een foto van een ziek kind. De 4-jarige jongen lag in het ziekenhuis op de vloer, naar verluidt omdat geen bedden beschikbaar waren.

9 Dec 17:56 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629904952527.html
Catching Up: NatWest Adds More Features to Banking App

The race to compete with emerging Fintechs is compelling most all banks to up their game. This is good for the consumer. Better service and lower costs (hopeful

9 Dec 14:02 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073689263770.html
Why Toke Makinwa Slammed Nigerians Praising Cardi B

Toke Makinwa has attacked Instagram users who praised American rapper, Cardi B over same things they shade Nigerian celebrities for doing.

9 Dec 10:14 Concise 5544636821783923697.html
Ronnie Liu gives statement over event commemorating Hat Yai Peace Accord

KUALA LUMPUR: Sungai Pelek assemblyman Ronnie Liu has given his statement to police over his attendance at the 30th anniversary of the Hat Yai Peace Accord last week.

9 Dec 17:10 NST Online 3702929170635179594.html
Bayern München vorerst ohne verletzten Cuisance

Neuzugang Michaël Cuisance wird dem FC Bayern vorerst fehlen. Der im Sommer aus Mönchengladbach verpflichtete Franzose erlitt im Training eine Stauchung und Gelenkkapselreizung im rechten Sprunggelenk.

9 Dec 15:05 sport.de 3321967091572108504.html
IBLAM SL Ganti Logo, Begini Makna dan Harapannya

WE Online, Jakarta - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum (STIH) IBLAM SL melakukan rebranding dengan meluncurkan logo baru. Peluncuran logo baru dilakukan di kampus IBLAM SL di Jalan Kramat Raya, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 10:32 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835415392215.html
Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, Marcel Vela: Evaluam intregul Inspectorat General; nu este domnul Arafat centrul universului

Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, Marcel Vela, a declarat, luni, ca exista un audit la nivelul tuturor structurilor MAI, inclusiv la Departamentul pentru Situatii de Urgenta, si a spus ca "aceasta evaluare este la baza unor decizii care pot sa-l implice" si pe Raed Arafat, seful acestui departament, noteaza Agerpres.

9 Dec 12:49 Wall-Street 2473040519898422229.html
Man accused of rehearsing mass shooting, pointing guns at pedestrians outside San Diego hotel

Police arrested the suspect and seized his 14 registered firearms, not wanting to take any chances the rehearsal could become reality.

9 Dec 08:04 WBTV 6439870258939507406.html
Scott Morrison doesn't know the meaning of productivity

Productivity won't save the economy when wages and demand growth have hit the floor.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487177985861.html
Festival Internacional de Cine Latinoamericano rinde tributo a ICAIC

El Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano rinde tributo este lunes al ICAIC por sus 60 años

9 Dec 10:10 Trabajadores 1167277446930981060.html
In the works: PNP-HPG Major Road Crash Investigation Division

THE Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group (PNP-HPG) is on its way to activate its Major Road Crash Investigation Division which will investigate deadly vehicular accidents across the country and recommend scientific measures to prevent them from happening again and again, the Journal Group learned yesterday.

9 Dec 09:31 Journal Online 6375127393286869432.html
Chinas Behörden sollen wohl auf ausländische Computer verzichten

Im Zuge ihres Handelskrieges wollen sich die USA von China "entkoppeln". Auch Peking will sich von US-Technik verabschieden – und am liebsten alles austauschen.

9 Dec 09:36 heise online 1766193383944036194.html
European companies minimise risks from US-China trade war

BEIJING, Dec 9 — European companies in China have been able to minimise the effect from the tariff war between Beijing and Washington, although some are considering relocating their businesses, the EU Chamber of Commerce said today. The world’s two biggest economies have been entangled in a...

9 Dec 10:15 Malaymail 302165934491233010.html
Leonie-Prozess: Stiefvater bestreitet alle Vorwürfe

Im Prozess um den gewaltsamen Tod der sechsjährigen Leonie aus Torgelow hat der angeklagte Stiefvater alle Vorwürfe von sich gewiesen. In seiner Erklärung belastet er Leonies Mutter schwer.

9 Dec 11:21 NDR.de 5356044082064644433.html
How Bayern Munich may line up against Tottenham Hotspur

Ahead of Wednesday's Champions League fixture between Bayern Munich and Spurs, Sports Mole looks at how the German side could line up against the Premier League outfit.

9 Dec 17:27 Sports Mole 7750663361696098297.html
Huawei, HarmonyOS su smartphone? Cresce la confusione

Continuano gli aloni di mistero attorno ad HarmonyOS e al suo possibile utilizzo sugli smartphone Huawei in arrivo nel corso del 2020.

9 Dec 11:30 GizChina.it 3776187095670156985.html
Maguire says top four in sight for improving Manchester United

Football News: Harry Maguire has the top four in his crosshairs after Manchester United's thrilling derby triumph at Manchester City lifted them to fifth in the Prem

9 Dec 10:15 The Times of India 6060938663789591053.html
Aktivisten stürmen Amtssitz von Premier Muscat

In der Affäre um den Mord an der Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia haben Demonstranten den Druck auf Maltas Premier Joseph Muscat erhöht. Vor seinem Büro forderten sie lautstark seinen sofortigen Rücktritt.

9 Dec 11:44 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271739063476.html
Jacqueline Jossa breaks her silence in Instagram video wearing her wedding ring

She told her fans: 'I just want you all to know that I am absolutely fine'

9 Dec 16:45 Wales Online 7686550517537309303.html
Destapan red de empleados indocumentados de Trump

La llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca y su discurso en contra de la inmigración impulsó a quienes habían sido sus empleados a denunciar públicam...

9 Dec 16:51 cubasi.cu 5416914687462451700.html
Crucial week for Trump as impeachment drive heats up in divided Congress

The impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump in a sharply divided US Congress enter a new phase Monday when the House Judiciary Committee convenes a hearing expected to result in specific charges against the Republican leader.

9 Dec 15:26 News24 3752801376782672540.html
Gojković potpisala Memorandum o razumevanju Srbije sa Katarom

Predsednica Narodne skupštine Srbije Maja Gojković sastala se danas u Dohi sa predsednikom Savetodavnog veća Države Katar Ahmadom Bin Abdulom Bin Zaid Al Mahmudom, saopštila je Narodna skupština.

9 Dec 10:28 Dnevni list Danas 649654640881937631.html
The first international week starts at Tomsk Polytechnic on Monday

The first international seminar (International Week’2019) with participation of universities’ representatives from Europe, Asia, the USA start on Monday at TPU; seminar will last a week, scientists and experts will hold open lectures for Tomsk citizens, the head of TPU international programs and grants department Svetlana Rybushkina told RIA Tomsk.

9 Dec 09:54 РИА Томск 8955578945623452391.html
Firea vrea sa modifice Codul Rutier: Autobuzele sa circule pe liniile de tramvai, pentru reducerea aglomeratiei

Gabriela Firea sustine ca va propune Parlamentului sa modifice Codul Rutier, astfel incat in Capitala autobuzele sa poate circula pe liniile de tramvai, pentru fluidizarea traficului.

9 Dec 16:22 Ziare.com 1922730286549462247.html
Kannababu blames Naidu for denial of SCS

‘Telangana agrees to implement majority of panel recommendations on assets distribution’

9 Dec 13:39 The Hindu 6679535025309230845.html
Gaji Dobel Anggota TGUPP Anies, Ini Kata Mantan Staf Ahok

Menurutnya rangkap jabatan tak boleh dilakukan anak buah Anies. Simak alasannya.

9 Dec 09:22 Tempo 8197554464420661296.html
Arab suspected in attack on rabbi in central Israel arrested

28-year-old Arab man arrested after rabbi dragged out of his car, beaten in central Israeli city of Lod.

9 Dec 13:44 Israel National News 5374683670500215520.html
They crammed that cruiser

Generous residents "Crammed the Cruiser" in Lake Country over the weekend.

9 Dec 11:11 Castanet 616068602798486934.html
NSE asks investors to be careful in executing PoA with stock brokers

The latest communication comes against the backdrop of Karvy Stock Broking Ltd unauthorisedly transferring securities worth Rs 2,300 crore of more than 95,000 clients, into its account

9 Dec 12:10 Business-Standard 1502508925443169638.html
Chelsea flop Tiemoue Bakayoko forgets his own shirt number during Monaco match

The midfielder is currently back on loan with the Ligue 1 side and had a comical moment during their 3-0 win over Amiens on Sunday

9 Dec 12:31 mirror 675785261378773320.html
Nati-Trainer Petkovic will bis im Februar Klarheit

Der Schweizer Nationaltrainer Vladimir Petkovic befindet sich mit den Nati-Verantwortlichen in Gesprächen über eine Vertragsverlängerung. Bis spätestens im Februar will der 56-Jährige Klarheit.

9 Dec 14:45 4-4-2.com 812646142776977663.html
New footage, new questions over former British officer Le Mesurier's death

It has been almost one month since James Gustaf Edward Le Mesurier was found dead outside his residence in Istanbul, but new footage calls to mind more...

9 Dec 14:43 DAILY SABAH 8383944809083518879.html
Feuerwehrmann mit einem einzigen Schlag getötet

Eine Gruppe junger Männer hat am Freitagabend zwei Männer auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt angegriffen. Die Polizei hat den Haupttäter und weitere Verdächtige festgenommen.

9 Dec 17:56 20 Minuten 5741369453041127542.html
Wie China alles Ausländische aus Millionen Computern bekommen will

China stellt angeblich seine Computer um: Binnen drei Jahren sollen alle Behörden ausschließlich mit chinesischen Geräten und Programmen arbeiten - eine irrwitzige Vorgabe. Was dafür nötig wäre.

9 Dec 11:42 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271648080109.html
Oculus Quest hand tracking is available as an experimental feature

You won't need controllers in certain VR apps.

9 Dec 13:00 Engadget 96641514486865424.html
Simphiwe Dana show an all-black musical

All-black everything - and this isn't about rapper Jay-Z's celebratory line from the song Run This Town.

9 Dec 08:38 SowetanLIVE 5541808689769914037.html
PFN rejects new marriage certificate law by FG

PFN, has kicked against the newly introduced marriage certificate law by FG and chided Ministry of Interior of imposing such anti-Christian law on church.

9 Dec 13:52 Vanguard News 4125100339554347392.html
Hundreds in B Meanchey survive snake bites

The Banteay Meanchey provincial Department of Health said this year had seen more than 300 people saved from snake bites after seeking timely treatment from state hospitals across the province. As a precaution, department director Keo Sopheatra called on people bitten by snakes to seek treatment from state hospitals rather than private clinics or traditional healers.

9 Dec 16:42 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115033715860.html
Emeri preuzima engleskog velikana?

Fudbalski klub Everton kontaktirao je trenera Unaja Emerija povodom angažmana, preneo je danas Skaj Sport.

9 Dec 17:17 REPUBLIKA 2543998406294379061.html
David Lopez, racconto una generazione sospesa

"C'è questa dimensione dell'essere a metà tra due mondi, sia dal punto di vista geografico, tra la città e la campagna, sia dal punto di vista sociale. I personaggi cercano sempre di capire chi siano ma non sanno mai chi sono. E alla fine questa ricerca della propria identità trova una risposta positiva soltanto nello stare insieme", dice lo scrittore (ANSA)

9 Dec 08:48 ANSA.it 1300837446953334114.html
Related stories about postpartum care:

Business Insider - If you're not going to use refrigerated milk within 4 days, freeze it right away. To avoid wasting milk, freeze 2 to 4 ounces per container.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:58 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757552172468.html
Tempesta Atiyah su Irlanda e Inghilterra

La tempesta atlantica Atiyah ha raggiunto, con venti a oltre 115 chilometri orari, il sud dell'Irlanda e la Cornovaglia, nel sud-ovest dell'Inghilterra, dove la popolazione viene invitata a restare a casa e dove ci sono stati dei blackout elettrici. (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:32 ANSA.it 1300837447890026128.html
Climate change destroyed my home and washed away everything I owned

After the typhoon, fishing was impossible as dead bodies floated in the sea for a long time afterwards.

9 Dec 08:08 Metro 970161747222400500.html
DART security alert system receiving dozens of passenger texts each month

Fireworks being set off on-board, passengers drinking and taking drugs and people urinating on pl...

9 Dec 09:25 Newstalk 7635722258984449280.html
Urbanistica di frontiera: ma su quali confini?

Mentre imperversano le ennesime scaramucce sul territorio tra comitati e interessi particolari sulla città, mi compare in bacheca del social network un post che recita «ABBONDANO URBANISTI DA TASTIERA. MANCANO URBANISTI DI FRONTIERA». Piuttosto pertinente alla gran parte del dibattito sulle trasformazioni, dove pullulano affermazioni di diritti individuali e progetti particolari, ma latita appunto qualunque idea di città, di convivenza, di regole condivise, tutto ciò che a ragione o a torto chiamavamo sino a tempi non remoti urbanistica. Un rapido scambio di battute col profilo di Anna Melone, militante ambientalista con lontani studi di discipline urbane e autrice di quel post fa emergere alcuni temi che riporto tra virgolette di seguito con minimi interventi personali in editing, per rendere comprensibile il testo:

9 Dec 09:29 Today 178378749662286636.html
Roter ORF-Stiftungsrat Lederer kritisiert türkisen "Aktivismus"

Befürchtet ein erneutes Sparpaket in "Nacht - und Nebel-Aktion". Vorladung der ORF-Direktoren "weder sinnvoll, noch produktiv, noch effizient."

9 Dec 12:35 Kurier 208072237956668314.html
Vollebak designs jacket that lets the wearer sleep in space

Experimental clothing brand Vollebak's Deep Sleep Cocoon jacket is designed to allow people to sleep anywhere, including in space.

9 Dec 12:16 Dezeen 1175672639257751424.html
PML-N cannot befool people anymore: Firdous

Opposition leaders are devising a policy to protect their corruption, while sitting in London.

9 Dec 10:24 Dunya News 5863268919627041670.html
An diesen Stellen bessert die Stadt Leverkusen Rad- und Gehwege aus

Zurzeit werden im Leverkusener Stadtgebiet einige Wege erneuert, die mit wassergebundener Decke versehen sind. Professionell ausgeführt, sollen selbst schmale Fahrradreifen keine Spuren hinterlassen und der Fahrwiderstand bei geringer Geschwindigkeit dem auf durchschnittlichen Asphaltdecken vergleichbar sein.

9 Dec 15:05 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568469711646.html
Nicole Scherzinger spotted with X-Factor Celebrity star Thom Evans

Rumours of romance began during his stint on the ITV show

9 Dec 08:42 GOSS.ie 8755536024785392508.html
Suspect chased by Milwaukee police dies in crash

Milwaukee police say a 28-year-old man has died after crashing his car during a police chase.

9 Dec 14:22 CHANNEL3000 830332541647389595.html
Who Exactly Invented Math?

Mathematics is at the center of our modern world, whether we'd like to admit it or not, Math is a scientific principle that seems to predate even science itself.

9 Dec 09:01 Interesting Engineering 7328942540864877723.html
True Wealth: Schweizer Robo-Pionier expandiert ins Ausland

Der digitale Vermögensverwalter wagt den Sprung ins Ausland. Das unternimmt True Wealth allerdings als Software-Anbieter. ...

9 Dec 16:01 finews.ch 7270223616421726659.html
Wijnaldum fit genoeg om bij wedstrijdselectie te zitten voor belangrijk potje

Georginio Wijnaldum is door Jürgen Klopp meegenomen in de 19-koppige selectie voor het belangrijke Champions League-duel met FC Salzburg. De middenvelder ontbrak zaterdag in de wedstrijd tegen Bournemouth wegens een blessure. Adam Lallana is er niet bij. Dinsdag speelt Liverpool de laatste wedstrijd in de groepsfase van de Champions League. Bij een overwinning en gelijkspel…

9 Dec 16:19 Sportnieuws 3602982464640319854.html
Illegal operation: LASG shuts 24 health facilities

The Lagos State Govt has shut at least 24 pharmacies, patent medicine shops and unlicensed premises across the state over illegal operation

9 Dec 11:07 Vanguard News 4125100339794000035.html
Japan’s 2nd-Largest Utility Trials Blockchain for Renewable Energy Credits

The second-largest power utility in Japan is extending its trial of a blockchain-powered system for transacting renewable energy credits.

9 Dec 13:33 Cointelegraph 3050247239195076883.html
Paris Saint-Germain's Herrera cleared of match-fixing accusations

Paris Saint-Germain's Ander Herrera has been cleared of corruption after a match-fixing investigation into a LaLiga match in 2011.

9 Dec 17:30 sportskeeda 1601194027344082694.html
Sanofi vor Milliarden-Zukauf im Krebsgeschäft

Sanofi ist wie auch andere große Pharmafirmen auf der Suche nach neuen Wachstumsbringern und hat ein Angebot für Synthorx angekündigt.

9 Dec 10:03 Die Presse 6242788854522696364.html
Emergency services return to River Tay as search for missing man continues

Emergency services are continuing to scour the River Tay as the search for a missing Perth man continues.

9 Dec 11:58 The Courier 4275302768429482438.html
Wie die Landesbibliothek in Halle historische Bücher rettet

Das wunderschöne Buch aus dem neunten Jahrhundert ist eigentlich in einem sehr guten Zustand. In den handschriftlichen Texten geht es um den heiligen Martin, karolingische Malereien machen das Werk endgültig zu einem ...

9 Dec 11:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110348716087.html
Bruselj prikimal državnim subvencijam za razvoj baterij

Evropska komisija je odobrila več milijard evrov vreden paket državne pomoči, s katero želi sedem držav EU z združenimi močmi nadoknaditi zaostanek pri razvoju baterij za električne avtomobile. Večino baterij, ključnega elementa električnih avtomobilov, trenutno proizvedejo korejska, kitajska in japonska podjetja.

9 Dec 16:15 Dnevnik 7671546649830835445.html
Liberals to release fiscal update before Christmas, Morneau says

OTTAWA — Finance Minister Bill Morneau says the government will provide an update on federal finances before Christmas. Morneau is introducing legislation today to provide a tax break for anyone earning under $147,000 a year.

9 Dec 16:46 KitchenerToday.com 52741009607418547.html
Rihanna And Boyfriend Hassan Jameel Might Have Wedding Bells Ringing

Rihanna is generally not very open about her private life, and she does not seem to be among the celebrities that like to discuss that at length too

9 Dec 08:12 Celebrity Insider 265863475500156070.html
Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland mit mehreren Toten: Video zeigt dramatische Szenen

Auf der Insel White Island in Neuseeland ist der Vulkan Te Puia O Whakaari ausgebrochen. Mindestens fünf Menschen wurden getötet, mehrere werden vermisst.

9 Dec 11:26 https://www.merkur.de 6466090237860097710.html
Kleine verliezen bij opening Wall Street

De aandelenbeurzen in New York zijn maandag licht lager geopend. Beleggers op Wall Street verwerkten tegenvallende cijfers over de Chinese export. De aandacht blijft vooral uitgaan naar de verdere ontwikkelingen aan het Chinees-Amerikaanse handelsfront, terwijl ook wordt uitgekeken naar het rentebesluit van de Federal Reserve en de Britse verkiezingen later deze week.

9 Dec 15:42 RD.nl 6406779841307738728.html
Kleine verliezen bij opening Wall Street

NEW YORK (ANP) - De aandelenbeurzen in New York zijn maandag licht lager geopend. Beleggers op Wall Street verwerkten tegenvallende cijfers over de Chinese export. De aandacht blijft vooral uitgaan naar de verdere ontwikkelingen aan het Chinees-Amerikaanse handelsfront, terwijl ook wordt uitgekeken naar het rentebesluit van de Federal Reserve en de Britse verkiezingen later deze week.

9 Dec 15:03 Nieuws.nl 2419030131242858035.html
Davido Makes Shocking Revelation About Late Juice Wrld

Award-winning Afropop singer Davido has revealed that he was working on a record with late America rapper Juice Wrld. Concise News reports that the Chicago-born rapper died on Sunday at the age of 21, US media reported. The rising artiste, whose real name was Jarad A. Higgins, suffered a medical emergency at Midway International Airport, […]

9 Dec 15:22 Concise 5544636823380217145.html
Aspire Mining signs MoU on Ovoot coking coal project in Mongolia

Aspire Mining has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Sinosteel MECC to develop Mongolia’s Ovoot coking coal project.

9 Dec 10:59 Mining Technology 639193376809390643.html
Kan een katten­allergie afnemen door veelvuldig contact met katten?

Dat zul je altijd zien: heb je eindelijk de ware Jacob gevonden, blijkt hij allergisch voor je kat. En die gaat dus echt niet de deur uit. Maar zou zijn allergie minder kun­nen worden, als hij maar...

9 Dec 11:45 HLN 8967494997057376467.html
Buscan a familiares de abuela extraviada en Corito

Polimaracaibo localizó a una sexagenaria que deambulaba sin orientación la noche del domingo 8 de diciembre, cerca de las 9:30 pm, en el sector 3 de Corito, parroquia Cristo de Aranza.

9 Dec 13:55 Panorama 6052790754218598035.html
Craig Anderson injury update: Ottawa Senators goalie placed on injured reserve

Craig Anderson left Saturday's game against the Philadelphia Flyers with a lower-body injury and will miss at least one week.

9 Dec 17:14 Sporting News 5110653854056598173.html
Ambasador Albanije će bojkotovati dodelu Nobelovih nagrada

STOKHOLM - Albanija je saopštila danas da će njen ambasador u Švedskoj bojkotovati ceremoniju dodele Nobelovih nagrada u znak protesta zbog dobitnika

9 Dec 14:59 Krstarica 4176903989323715142.html
Wo darf man Skitouren gehen?

Mag. Michael Pfleger: Der Winter naht und damit auch die Vorfreude der Tourengeher auf Tiefschneeabfahrten in unberührter Natur. Das Skitourengehen hat sich zu einer beliebten Wintersportart entwickelt. Viele Sportler fragen sich, wo man dem Vergnügen nachgehen darf und welche rechtlichen Grundlagen es dafür gibt.

9 Dec 11:37 NÖN.at 2486998931983951442.html
Snapchat test functie die gezicht gebruikers in video's plakt

Snapchat test een nieuwe functie waarbij het gezicht van gebruikers over gezichten in bestaande video's wordt geplakt.

9 Dec 09:32 Bright.nl 6602863322601413793.html
Santa Barbara Featured in Climate Change Article

Santa Barbara has been featured in a Washington Post article covering climate change in California.

9 Dec 15:35 edhat santa barbara 2501874277395398121.html
Plagiaatzaak Pharrell krijgt staartje: interview toont aan dat hij liegt

De vorig jaar afgeronde plagiaatzaak rond het nummer ‘Blurred Lines’ krijgt nu toch nog een staartje. Hoewel Pharrell Williams en Robin Thicke de nabestaanden van Marvin Gaye al aan het terugbetale...

9 Dec 09:00 HLN 8967494997074284064.html
Justice Dept. watchdog to issue report on claims of Trump spying

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The internal watchdog for the U.S. Department of Justice will release a highly-anticipated report Monday answering accusations by the Trump administration that federal authorities illegally spied on President Donald Trump's campaign while searching for evidence of collusion between it and Russia.

9 Dec 16:44 UPI 8257973865686903972.html
Irvine confronta Hamilton e Schumacher

Il nordirlandese, compagno del tedesco ai tempi della Ferrari, ha provato a paragonare i due piloti più vincenti di tutti i tempi evidenziando pregi e difetti di ognuno

9 Dec 12:30 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655397922613.html
Offiziell: Nikosia entlässt Thomas Doll

Thomas Doll ist nicht mehr länger Trainer von APOEL Nikosia. Das hat der zypriotische Klub am Montag bekanntgegeben. Nach nur vier Monaten ist Doll seinen Job somit schon wieder los. Der (...)

9 Dec 12:08 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608785134133941.html
Wolves confirm two arrests for homophobia in Brighton and Hove Albion match

Wolves had strongly condemned the behaviour of two supporters after two arrests were made for homophobic abuse.

9 Dec 12:42 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906722335211.html
Low business confidence, less Christmas cheer

Paul Goldsmith - Finance

9 Dec 12:24 SCOOP 5315658998758480624.html
Istanbul metro line seeks to improve air quality

Metro Istanbul, which runs the metro services in the city, joined forces with Istanbul municipality's environmental agency to improve air quality in metro...

9 Dec 15:13 DAILY SABAH 8383944808599526865.html
Manchester City to bid for Barcelona defender Samuel Umtiti in January?

Manchester City are reportedly considering whether to launch an approach for Barcelona defender Samuel Umtiti during the January transfer window.

9 Dec 12:17 Sports Mole 7750663362131304691.html
Sky Sports: Brands wil ontslagen manager terughalen naar Premier League

Everton is in de zoektocht naar een nieuwe manager uitgekomen bij Unai Emery. Dat meldt Sky Sports maandag. De Spanjaard werd onlangs ontslagen bij Arsenal, maar kan snel weer aan de bak in de Premier League. Emery sprak de laatste dagen 'informeel' met Everton, dat - vermoedelijk in de persoon van directeur Marcel Brands - speciaal voor de Spaanse manager naar Londen was gekomen. Het ligt niet voor de hand dat er op korte termijn witte rook komt. Emery wil eerst op adem komen na zijn turbulente Arsenal-periode en heeft volgens Sky Sports meer bedenktijd nodig. 'Ontslagen Emery verloor na pesterijen controle over Arsenal-selectie' Everton-held Ferguson is het helemaal kwijt en vliegt ballenjongen in de armen

9 Dec 12:18 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885275511558.html
Former Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge sends strong message to fans after lighters thrown on pitch

Daniel Sturridge departed Liverpool in the summer and signed for Turkish side Trabzonspor as a free agent

9 Dec 16:29 Liverpool Echo 7727211174425889632.html
Couple loses defamation claim against Dublin restaurant whose staff asked them to pay dinner bill

The judge said it was probably Glen McCarthy’s argumentative attitude in the Harbourmaster Bar and Restaurant that had led to the proceedings being taken.

9 Dec 15:51 Irishexaminer 8196011179569873269.html
Promising Nottingham Forest youngster attracting 'concrete interest' ahead of January transfer window

Midfielder Jake Taylor is on loan at League Two Port Vale but that deal is set to run out next month

9 Dec 15:04 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702986410410.html
Snapchat Cameo will allow users to edit their faces onto GIFs

Snapchat is testing a new feature that will allow users to edit their faces into GIFs. Called Cameo, the feature is rolling out to a limited number of users

9 Dec 15:30 MSPoweruser 1651641551246456987.html
Highest ever number of closure and enforcement orders on food businesses last month

The 'highest ever' monthly number of enforcement orders were served on restaurants and other food...

9 Dec 11:27 Newstalk 7635722258338517361.html
Harry Styles gaat naakt

De Britse zanger Harry Styles, voormalig lid van boyband One Direction, poseert volledig naakt op de hoes van zijn nieuwste album ‘Fine Line’. Op de vinylh...

9 Dec 10:12 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192216046738.html
NAS Pensacola Attack: US Defense Secretary Orders Review Of Military Base Security

The call follows a shooting at a naval base in Florida that left three sailors dead.

9 Dec 11:40 Forces Network 3883413829126755647.html
Observers rate Ekiti LG elections free, fair

The Coalition of Civil Society Domestic Election Observer Groups has described the Saturday’s local government elections in Ekiti  as free

9 Dec 17:00 The Eagle Online 1463511648119588630.html
Anaj Mandi fire incident was catastrophe waiting to happen, says NHRC

About 100-150 people were sleeping when the fire broke out and most of the victims choked to death

9 Dec 13:15 Business-Standard 1502508926278558772.html
Google Play Musik: Das Upload-Tool funktioniert derzeit bei vielen Nutzern nicht

Google weiß selber offensichtlich noch nicht so ganz, wie man es mit seinen Musik-Diensten in Zukunft machen wird. Da wirbt man exzessiv ...

9 Dec 09:15 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777575726351114.html
Malaika Arora plays with pop colours while she shines in a mesmerising silver outfit; view pictures

Malaika Arora is sure to impress you with pictures from her latest photoshoot where she is playing with pop colours while she shines in a mesmerising

9 Dec 12:07 The Times of India 6060938664366650572.html
Arjun Suravaram Leads The Second Weekend, Emerges Success

For the second weekend in a row, the

9 Dec 11:56 MIRCHI9 6041804860088554480.html
Israeli fish farmers give peckish migratory pelicans a free lunch

Migratory pelicans have long raided Israeli fish farms, which try to deter them with loudspeakers, laser beams and by firing blank rounds from rifles. In their desperation, they have come up with another way: offering the birds a free lunch.

9 Dec 15:35 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766114502080532.html
Treating sickle cell disease with hydroxyurea therapy - a game changer

news, story, article

9 Dec 14:08 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609442889594.html
Yoga, holistic therapy sessions and posture workshops offered to States police to improve wellbeing

YOGA, holistic therapy sessions and ‘posture’ workshops have all been offered to police officers and staff as part of a drive to improve wellbeing.

9 Dec 08:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774978945890.html
New Thermalright Frost Spirit supercooler Photos Surface

Stay frosty,  Thermalright is to release the Frost Spirit, a huge 1000g dual-tower featuring four 8mm heat pipes, and a nickel-plated pure copper base....

9 Dec 08:19 Guru3D.com 7287651563647270328.html
EU commission to 'correct mistake' on enlargement

The European commissioner for neighbourhood and enlargement, Olivér Várhelyi, said on Monday that Europe "should be able to move ahead and correct the mistake that was committed in October," when three member states (Denmark, France and the Netherlands) o...

9 Dec 10:31 EUobserver 625925299834289823.html
Virtua Partners and Hotel Equities give Houston hotel a fresh look

HOUSTON - Virtua Partners, the Scottsdale, Arizona-based private equity firm, announced the grand reopening of its now 190-room Springhill Suites by Marriott hotel in Houston. The property, managed by Hotel Equities, a leading hotel management firm, features a newly designed interior with spacious suites. This hotel is one of five properties operated through Virtua Partners’ and Hotel Equities’ strategic partnership. “This project shows how working with the right partner, like Virtua enhances the overall execution,” says Joe Reardon, Hotel Equities Chief

9 Dec 09:06 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789116105070.html
Climate protests across Europe as COP25 summit enters second week

Madrid, Paris, Brussels and London are among the European capitals to host climate change protests

9 Dec 12:26 euronews 7318238121636329198.html
Terror Roundup: Two Separate Stabbing Attempts in Hebron

Other terror-related incidents that took place in Israel yesterday included a rabbi who was pulled out of his vehicle and beaten by Arabs in front of his kids in the central city of Lod.

9 Dec 11:10 Breaking Israel News 540123160232608303.html
Nasdem Gak Mau Ikut PDIP Polisikan Rocky Gerung, Nggak Katanya

WE Online, Jakarta - Ketua DPP Partai Nasdem, Willy Aditya menilai pernyataan Pengamat Politik Rocky Gerund yang menyebut Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tidak memahami nilai Pancasila tidak penting.

9 Dec 10:48 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834427437922.html
Wichita Falls Police Offer Tips to Avoid Falling Victim to Thieves

With the increase in shopping during the holiday season, the WFPD has posted a reminder to help citizens protect themselves from thieves.

9 Dec 17:16 NewsTalk 1290 8990645953258329755.html
BI to open departure e-gates to reduce passenger queues

IN order to hasten processing and reduce passenger queues in immigration counters at the country’s premiere port during the holiday rush, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) is launching its electronic gates (e-gates) at the departure area of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

9 Dec 10:26 Journal Online 6375127393343838490.html
Greta asks media to focus on other young climate activists

MADRID — Celebrity environmentalist Greta Thunberg is urging media to pay more attention to other young climate activists. The 16-year-old Swede has drawn huge crowds with her appearances at protests and conferences over the past year.

9 Dec 12:39 KitchenerToday.com 52741010446057872.html
US pharma and biotech lobbyists' documents reveal their plan to gouge Britons in any post-Brexit trade-deal

Both Phrma (the lobby for the global pharmaceutical industry) and Biotechnology Innovation Organization (biotech lobbyists) provided letters to a US-UK government meeting to discuss post-Brexit tra…

9 Dec 14:28 Boing Boing 4601305169993877793.html
Britain faces most history-shaping election since Second World War

Britain is facing the most testing and significant period in its modern history since the Second World War.

9 Dec 09:12 CTVNews 2422791598697385032.html
Disamakan Dengan yang Layang, Tarif Tol Japek Lama Bakal Naik

"Sampai akhir tahun dipastikan masih belum berbayar, meskipun sudah dioperasikan. Kan SK pengoperasian dan SK pentarifan berbeda,"

9 Dec 08:09 detikfinance 4442190001457349420.html
Squirming Boris Johnson repeats promise to lie in front of Heathrow bulldozers

In an awkward grilling the Prime Minister claimed he may honour his promise to stop Heathrow Airport's controversial third runway using his own body 'were the bulldozers to appear'

9 Dec 11:50 mirror 675785261513863668.html
China tech/Lenovo: battle standard

Beijing should remember that all armies depend on their supply lines

9 Dec 13:32 Financial Times 707176889148829460.html
Il governo saudita abolisce le entrate separate in base al sesso nei ristoranti

A partire da oggi, i ristoranti non avranno più l'obbligo di riservare un'entrata alle donne (e alle famiglie) e una agli uomini

9 Dec 11:06 L'HuffPost 5315551422863382043.html
Desy Nurhakiki Meninggal, Nyeri Dada Usia Muda Tanda Serangan Jantung?

Selebgram Desy Nurhakiki meninggal dunia di usia 25 tahun, diduga karena serangan jantung. Pada anak muda, apakah nyeri dada pasti tanda serangan jantung?

9 Dec 08:00 moms-life 8028540702401292179.html
Small, Fast, Versatile: Israeli Defence Firm Presents New Surveillance Drone for Military

The same company earlier presented a prototype tank for the Israeli Defence Ministry's Carmel armoured fighting vehicle project that featured the use of high-tech Iron Vision helmets, designed to give the tank's crew a 360˚ view of the battlefield, as well as launchable drones to provide eagle-eye view of surrounding areas.

9 Dec 15:42 Sputniknews 967333869476176671.html
Waspada Hujan Petir dan Angin Kencang di Lampung Hari Ini

Hujan lebat disertai petir dan angin kencang berpeluang meliputi wilayah Kabupaten Mesuji, Tulangbawang Barat, Way Kanan, dan Pesisir Barat pada sore hari serta wilayah Kabupaten Way Kanan, Lampung Utara, Mesuji dan Tulangbawang Barat pada malam hari.

9 Dec 09:04 merdeka.com 1998180355830460187.html
Stakende Fransen leggen het land plat, maar Macron is platzak

De Franse president van de Europese centrale Bank Christine Lagarde wil dat landen meer gaan uitgeven. Maar als een land dat nou niet zou moeten doen, dan is het wel Frankrijk.

9 Dec 13:18 RTLZ 8052859356832813123.html
Clearwater High School students spread message of unity, create January Unity Walk

Some kids in Pinellas County are hoping to inspire other kids their age.

9 Dec 10:15 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202079358376.html
Reader Forum: They're no longer doubting Maximum Security

Horse Racing news: Reader Forum: They're no longer doubting Maximum Security.

9 Dec 15:05 Horse Racing Nation 6225030534910675501.html
Nirbhaya case: Another convict to file review petition in Supreme Court

Akshay Thakur will file a review petition, a few days after the home ministry recommended President Ram Nath Kovind to reject the mercy plea filed by another accused Vinay Kumar.

9 Dec 10:53 India Today 4286117814267486711.html
National e-commerce policy to lay down terms for treatment of non-personal, commercial data

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) holding stakeholder consultations on the issue, says the official

9 Dec 10:17 BusinessLine 5283600301932410.html
Abraham emerges as Chelsea's talisman

He already has 11 Premier League goals this season

9 Dec 09:08 Daily Nation 7421817124838339582.html
Iran working on improving Zakzaky’s health via diplomatic channels

Iran is constantly working on the case of Nigeria’s top Shia cleric Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky through diplomatic contacts with the Nigerian government.

9 Dec 13:40 Vanguard News 4125100340650233725.html
BVB hat Norwich-Youngster Godfrey auf dem Zettel

Auch wenn Norwich City mit elf Punkten auf dem 19. und damit vorletzten Platz der Premier-League-Tabelle liegt, gibt es Spieler bei den "Canaries", die Begehrlichkeiten wecken. So beispielsweise Ben Godfrey, an dem der BVB interessiert sein soll.

9 Dec 12:57 weltfussball.at 3521376372921218410.html
Besaran Gaji Suami Iis Dahlia, Pilot Senior di Garuda Indonesia

Besaran Gaji Suami Iis Dahlia, Pilot Senior di Garuda Indonesia

9 Dec 12:14 merdeka.com 1998180355925669708.html
Lebanon's exit path from economic woes

The government should aim at restoring confidence through economic sustainability and balanced growth.

9 Dec 14:27 An-Nahar 2220466262944503984.html
5 Obat Pusing Alami Tanpa Efek Samping, Kenali Penyebabnya

Berikut adalah lima obat pusing alami tanpa efek samping, beserta 13 penyebabnya yang perlu diketahui.

9 Dec 16:20 Bola.com 1695722604505561860.html
Terungkap, Ini Alasan Rudiantara Terpilih Jadi Bos BUMN!

Ini alasan Kementerian BUMN memilih Rudiantara jadi Bos PLN 

9 Dec 10:28 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212372088046.html
Politistul care a amenintat-o pe Emilia Sercan, condamnat la 1 an de inchisoare cu amanarea executarii pedepsei

Subinspectorul Gheorghe-Adrian Barbulescu din cadrul Academiei de Politie, judecat pentru ca i-ar fi trimis mesaje de amenintare jurnalistei Emilai Sercan, a fost condamnat luni la 1 an de inchisoare cu amanarea executarii. Decizia a fost data de Tribunalul Bucuresti si nu este definitiva.

9 Dec 15:10 Ziare.com 1922730286982335782.html
Hilda Vitria Ngamuk Disebut Penghuni Neraka oleh Netizen

Lama tak terdengar kabarnya setelah putus dengan Billy Syahputra, Hilda Vitria tiba-tiba muncul menunjukkan amarahnya kepada netizen.

9 Dec 12:59 grid.id 586386474468102889.html
Why health care premiums are higher in rural places

Why do rural patients pay higher health care premiums? New research finds it's not primarily an issue of having too few doctors.

9 Dec 09:02 Futurity 5051862824432478307.html
Harapan China Soal Deal Dagang dengan AS: Semoga Memuaskan Semua Pihak

WE Online, Jakarta - Negosiasi dagang antara AS dan China tidak benar-benar berjalan di tempat. Melalui, Asisten Menteri Perdagangan China, Ren Hongbin, China menyampaikan harapannya untuk dapat mencapai kesepakatan dagang dengan AS sesegera mungkin, paling tidak sebelum AS memberlakukan tarif baru atas produk China pada 15 Desember mendatang.

9 Dec 08:20 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834758546434.html
ISWAP executes two soldiers, policeman in new video

INSURGENTS believed to be members of the Islamic State of West African Province (ISWAP), released a video showing the execution of two

9 Dec 16:08 The ICIR 2244788520322966426.html
Migratory birds are shrinking as the world heats up

As the world warms as a result of climate change, researchers have found that migratory birds are changing size.

9 Dec 09:49 Futurity 5051862824377619357.html
Welt ohne Sinn und Verstand

Viktor Bodó inszeniert Ibsens enigmatisches Dramengedicht "Peer Gynt" am Volkstheater als kurzweilige Irrfahrt eines Psychopathen.

9 Dec 15:00 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441116507054.html
Crisis: Black Lightning Promo Includes Familiar Clues for CW Crossover

Black Lightning may not have a dedicated episode of Crisis on Infinite Earths, but a new promo reveals how the hero joins the Arrowverse crossover.

9 Dec 10:12 CBR.com 1295516962831807529.html
Firemen hailed as heroes in Delhi horror blaze

Two fireman who rescued 27 people were hailed as heroes Monday after Delhi's deadliest fire in decades killed 43, prompting outrage that safety regulations were yet again ignored.

9 Dec 12:08 News24 3752801378476451674.html
Marvin Gaye Family Claims In Court That Pharrell Williams Committed Perjury

Love it or hate it, the "Blurred Lines" case became a signature moment this past decade after Pharrell Williams, Robin Thicke, and a song publisher were ordered to pay nearly $5 million for infringing the copyright to Marvin Gaye's "Got To Give It Up." The 2015 jury verdict, largely upheld last year on appeal, signaled that even an international chart-topper wasn't immune from an allegation of plagiarism in a court of law. Quite a number of musicians have voiced displeasure with an outcome they believed could chill creativity. Pretty much everyone, though, figured the case was over. Well, it's not. On Friday, the Marvin Gaye family filed a motion that proves that no controversy will rest in peace especially when stars live in the public sphere. The filing points a California judge's attention to a Pharrell Williams interview published in early November by GQ Magazine. The hit maker discussed his behind-the-scenes production process and how when he finds something he likes, he "reverse

9 Dec 09:38 Stereogum 5911871584305245374.html
Anak SMK Bertanya Kenapa Koruptor Tak Dihukum Mati, Jokowi Menjawab

Jokowi menggelar tanya-jawab dengan peserta #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi. Jokowi ditanya mengapa negara tidak tegas terhadap koruptor dan tidak menghukum mati.

9 Dec 10:03 detiknews 8793960223485469426.html
Els professors i mestres substituts nomenats aquest desembre no cobraran fins a finals de gener

El departament argumenta que cada any es dona aquesta situació pel tancament pressupostari

9 Dec 15:50 Ara.cat 6070605020457071352.html
Marco Kroon door militaire kamer veroordeeld tot 100 uur taakstraf

Maandag heeft de militaire kamer in Arnhem Marco Kroon veroordeeld voor mishandeling omdat hij een politieagent in functie zonder aanleiding een kopstoot heeft gegeven. Dit meldt de rechtbank Gelderland maandagmiddag.

9 Dec 14:55 Blik op nieuws 5468169448413149675.html
Protest zbog najavljenog poskpljenja odvoza smeća

ZAGREB - Ispred Gradske skupštine na Gornjem gradu u Zagrebu uoči sednice okupili su se građani, koji protestuju protiv planiranog poskupljenja računa za

9 Dec 10:03 Krstarica 4176903989978162174.html
5 Bahaya Polusi Udara bagi Kesehatan Mata dan Cara Mengatasinya

Bahaya polusi udara bagi kesehatan mata ini perlu ditangani dengan serius.

9 Dec 10:45 liputan6.com 5422146881718874001.html
New Zealand volcano eruption leaves at least five dead after tourists seen in crater caught up in explosion

Police Deputy Commissioner John Tims said 23 people had been taken from White Island in the country's Bay of Plenty, some of whom are injured

9 Dec 08:20 DevonLive 2469244511882031440.html
Chinese overheid wil van alle buitenlandse pc's en software af

De Chinese regering wil dat alle overheidsinstanties en publieke instellingen in het land hun pc's en software binnen drie jaar vervangen voor Chinese alternatieven.

9 Dec 08:05 RTLZ 8052859356772192872.html
Composer reveals the real purpose of first PlayStation's jingle

The jingle was designed to be more than just pleasing to the ear

9 Dec 14:05 Wales Online 7686550516024678566.html
Descubren un truco para seguir recibiendo actualizaciones de Windows 7

Todos los detalles del truco descubierto para seguir recibiendo actualizaciones de seguridad extendida gratis de Windows 7

9 Dec 09:01 ADSLZone 3760867498539708063.html
Fred Jadi Korban Aksi Rasialis, Ini yang Dilakukan Pep Guardiola Selepas Laga

Freed menjadi korban rasialis saat Manchester United mengalahkan Manchester City dengan skor 2-1 di Premier League, Minggu (8/11/2019).

9 Dec 09:10 Bola.com 1695722603105653852.html
PA Releases Tortured Jewish Convert Jailed Since Yom Kippur

As punishment, besides the beatings, he was denied food and water, and as a result "I fainted three times and they took me to a hospital.”

9 Dec 11:23 The Jewish Press 7246030799827486914.html
7 Desain Rumah Antimainstream Ini Bikin Geleng Kepala, Tertarik Menempati?

Mulai minimalis hingga sempat menjadi kandidat situs dilindungi oleh UNESCO.

9 Dec 13:25 liputan6.com 5422146880304895433.html
Bukan Cuma Identitas yang Terkuak, Dosa Pramugari yang Diduga Jadi Selir Ari Askhara Makin Kentara: Hancurkan Karir Pejabat Garuda

Mantan Dirut Garuda Indonesia Ari Askhara diduga kuat berselingkuh dengan seorang pramugari bernama Puteri Novitasari Ramli.

9 Dec 15:45 grid.id 586386474942292631.html
With Two Days Left, Deadlocked Israel Faces Repeat Vote

Israel edged closer to a third election within a year Monday as neither the embattled premier Benjamin Netanyahu nor his main rival appeared close to forming a government two days before a deadline. Right-winger Netanyahu and former army general Benn

10 Dec 15:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932537826025.html
Machete wielding thugs raid Nuns’ Convent, steal unspecified money

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kampala Metropolitan Police have launched a hunt for four machete-wielding thugs that raided the convent of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa in Bunamwaya, and robbed an unspecified amount of money. Kampala Metropolitan Deputy Police Spokesperson Luke Owoyesigyire says that the thugs raided the convent at 2 …

9 Dec 13:20 The Independent Uganda: 5099025990814133778.html
Special Kitty Cat Food Recalled

Certain lots of Special Kitty Mixed Grill Dinner Pate that may pose a risk to cats' health have been recalled because they may contain ingredients that don't meet quality and safety standards.

9 Dec 12:00 WebMD 1376445068103400533.html
Amir issues Amiri decisions, decrees

Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, yesterday issued Amiri Decision No. 58 of 2019 appointing Hussain Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim Al Hamid, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Republic of Tanzania.

9 Dec 09:35 The Peninsula 1202843882265237272.html
Hontiveros renews call for hospitals to comply with anti-deposit law

Opposition Senator Risa Hontiveros on Sunday renewed her call for all hospitals to comply with the anti-hospital deposit law, warning that those who continue violating it would be penalized.

9 Dec 08:33 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199249612131.html
Man appears with sickle on highway

A 30-year-old man created a ruckus on Tiruchi-Karur highway at Mayanur by brandishing a veecharuval (a long sickle) on Sunday.According to police sources, Nagaraj, a resident of Pichampatti, came to t

9 Dec 12:35 The Hindu 6679535025360545658.html
Trade war goes digital: countries eye tariffs on Internet economy

Potentially forcing people to pay duties on software and movie downloads.

9 Dec 13:50 iTnews 4425008560748028186.html
Hamas Chief Arrives in Turkey on First Leg of Foreign Tour

During his first trip beyond Egypt since 2017, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is also scheduled to visit Malaysia, Russia, Qatar, Lebanon, Mauritania and Kuwait, Palestinian sources tell Turkish state media.

9 Dec 12:11 Breaking Israel News 540123160545764530.html
Prabhas Being Considered For Yet Another Pan-Indian Movie?

Reports suggest that Prabhas is being considered for yet another pan-Indian movie, which will be produced by Mythri Movie Makers.

9 Dec 12:13 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245423370021.html
Icarus-Computer für Tierbeobachtungen an der ISS angekommen

Moskau (dpa) - Der Computer für das deutsch-russische Projekt Icarus zur Tierbeobachtung aus dem All ist nach gut drei Tagen Flug an der Internationalen Raumstation ISS angekommen. Live-Bilder der russischen Raumfahrtbehörde Roskosmos zeigten, wie das Raumschiff in rund 400 Kilometern Höhe über der Erde an die ISS andockte. Das Manöver sei erfolgreich verlaufen, teilte Roskosmos bei Twitter mit. An Bord seien zwei Tonnen Fracht, darunter neben dem Computer auch Treibstoff, Ausrüstung und Luft.

9 Dec 12:50 DIE WELT 6197693429945517107.html
Doping, Russia esclusa da Olimpiadi per quattro anni

Mosca punita dall'agenzia Mondiale antidoping per recidiva nel falsificare i dati dei controlli sui suoi atleti. La sanzione vale anche per le principali

9 Dec 11:21 Repubblica.it 8208867270272434307.html
China says Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang 'graduated'

People held in camps in China's Xinjiang region have now "graduated" and new trainees will have the freedom to come and go, the regional governor says.

9 Dec 16:20 Newshub 2131266987478677012.html
China claims all Uighur Muslims have happily 'graduated' from its oppressive prison camp system, despite widespread reports that at least 1 million are detained

Xinjiang governor Shohrat Zakir claimed that everyone had "graduated" from "vocational training camps," found employment, and are leading happy lives.

9 Dec 11:10 Yahoo 7097669638780819604.html
Russia banned from next Olympics and football World Cup

Russia has been accused of choosing “deception and denial” rather than getting its house in order over drugs.

9 Dec 12:50 Shropshire Star 3480199992045425313.html
Bak Fashionsita, Kahiyang Ayu Putri Presiden Jokowi Tampil Glamor saat Hadiri Acara Fashion Show

Melihat penampilan glamor Kahiyang Ayu utri Presiden Jokowi bak Fashionista saat menghadiri acara fashion show desainer Biyan

9 Dec 12:36 grid.id 586386474896080794.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

All practising lawyers in B.C. will be required to take a six-hour online course covering these areas

9 Dec 16:00 The Stettler Independent 1209901973597796192.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

All practising lawyers in B.C. will be required to take a six-hour online course covering these areas

9 Dec 16:00 North Delta Reporter 5327740411674310496.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

All practising lawyers in B.C. will be required to take a six-hour online course covering these areas

9 Dec 16:00 Bashaw Star 2864261459768457056.html
Dangers of 'Superbug' Germs Greater Than Believed

There's been an uptick in the number of laboratory studies showing how just one mutation could create highly infectious or "hypervirulent" strains of disease-causing bacteria, fungi and water molds.

9 Dec 17:00 WebMD 4010151888170013611.html
QUI JUVENTUS - Sarri potrebbe recuperare Ramsey e Douglas Costa per la gara contro l'Udinese

Buone notizie dall'infermeria per Maurizio Sarri in vista della prossima gara di campionato contro l'Udinese. Secondo quanto riportato da Tuttosport sia Douglas Costa che Aaron Ramsey non saranno infatti a disposizione per la gara di Champions League contro il Bayer Leverkusen ma potranno essere convocati per la gara all'Allianz Stadium contro i friulani.

9 Dec 14:26 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193409187535.html
Arbeitsmarkt zeigt sich trotz Eintrübung in der Wirtschaft stabil

Die Arbeitslosenquote stieg im November leicht an auf 2,3 von 2,2 Prozent im Oktober, wie das Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (Seco) am Montag mitteilte. Grund dafür ist die Zwischensaison, die etwa im Bau- und Gastgewerbe sowie in der Temporärarbeit die Zahl der Arbeitslosen ansteigen liess. Bereinigt um saisonale Effekte dagegen verharrte die Quote bei 2,3 Prozent. Mehr Stabilität dank Dienstleistungen "Der aktuelle Anstieg für die Zwischensaison ist nicht sehr ausgeprägt", sagte Boris Zürcher, Leiter der Direktion Arbeit beim Seco, an einer Telefonkonferenz. Das liege auch daran, dass die Bedeutung der saisonsensitiven Branchen für die Beschäftigung abgenommen habe. Der Grossteil der Beschäftigten sei heute in den Dienstleistungen tätig. Deshalb entwickle sich der Arbeitsmarkt viel stabiler als früher. Das kommt der Schweiz nun auch angesichts der aktuellen Konjunkturlage zugute: Die Aussichten für die Weltkonjunktur hätten sich zwar weiter eingetrübt, sagte Zürcher. Auf dem Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt sei die…

9 Dec 09:20 cash 8314500325028338208.html
Trans Studio Bali, Taman Rekreasi Paling Menantang di Indonesia

Trans Studio Bali akan dibuka untuk umum pada 12 Desember mendatang. Taman rekreasi indoor keren ini disebut-sebut paling menantang dan memompa adrenalin lho!

9 Dec 16:53 detikTravel 7712517352334358632.html
The big news: Amit Shah claims Citizenship Bill has no political agenda, and nine other top stories

Other headlines: The BJP won 12 out of 15 seats in the Karnataka bye-polls, and Delhi Police baton-charged JNU students protesting against fee hike proposal.

9 Dec 15:01 Scroll.in 8669301692448332317.html
Land Invest Group zette privédetectives in om journalisten Apache te schaduwen

De Antwerpse projectontwikkelaar Land Invest Group heeft privédetectives ingeschakeld om journalisten van de nieuwssite Apache te schaduwen. Dat meldt Apac...

9 Dec 12:49 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192049633559.html
Three Brits missing feared dead on New Zealand volcano

The huge eruption on White Island New Zealand, struck at 2.11pm local time, with more than 20 people still unaccounted for.

9 Dec 14:55 Metro 970161747125664935.html
Bawa Bali United Juara Liga 1, Haudi Abdillah Mulai Bicara Soal Kompetisi Asia

Usai menjadi juara Liga 1, bek Bali United yaitu Haudi Abdillah mulai membicarakan soal kompetisi Asia.

9 Dec 17:00 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549374174355.html
Weerman Piet Paulusma gaat naar Omroep MAX

Piet Paulusma is vanaf 2020 de vaste weerman van Omroep MAX.

9 Dec 14:19 RTV Noord 3728677367352212855.html
Makin Dewasa, Ini 7 Potret Transformasi Shafa Harris dari Kecil hingga Kini

Sudah cantik sejak kecil, kini Shafa Harris tampil makin dewasa.

9 Dec 16:05 liputan6.com 5422146880864220107.html
Nicola Sturgeon condemns 'despicable' Boris Johnson comments on immigration

Nicola Sturgeon has condemned Boris Johnson for resorting to "despicable, dog whistle politics" after the Prime Minister claimed that EU migrants had been able to treat the UK as their own country for too long.

9 Dec 12:00 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490098865076.html
Accused Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Dear indicted by federal grand jury

Prosecutors say Robert Dear, the man accused of shooting and killing three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs in 2015, has been indicted by a federal grand jury on 68 counts.

9 Dec 14:01 Fox 4 8372747776875589617.html
Bitcoin Trading Volume in Argentina Hits New ATH As The President-Elect Announced New Cabinet

Bitcoin trading volume in Argentina has broken the all-time high record again at the start of December. It comes just after the new president-elect has

9 Dec 13:41 CryptoPotato 7087008390253581805.html
"Dies sollte die Bundesregierung ernst nehmen"

Der Handel mit Wildtieren ist ein Milliardengeschäft weltweit. Auch Deutschland und Europa sind längst zu wichtigen Umschlag- und Zielplätzen geworden. Die Grünen fordern konsequentes Handeln von der Regierung. 

9 Dec 14:15 T-Online 5460876211256298947.html
Paula Verhoeven Hamil, Perut Baim Wong Ikutan Membuncit

Paula Verhoeven tengah hamil tua. Perutnya pun semakin membuncit. Tetapi ternyata ia tidak buncit sendirian, lantaran sang suami, Baim Wong, juga ikutan.

9 Dec 14:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087989444908706.html
Setelah Sleman, Produsen Skuter Ini Buka Diler Terbaru di Surabaya Timur

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Piaggio Indonesia meresmikan diler kedua dari PT Smart Mulia Abadi di Jawa Timur, setelah kolaborasi pertama di Juli 2019. Diler terbaru yang diresmikan Jumat (6/12/2019) ini untuk menghadirkan solusi mobilitas premium melalui produk Piaggio dan Vespa di Surabaya Timur.

9 Dec 09:44 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834494609531.html
Comunidades de Concordia piden pavimentación

San Juan de Jacobo es una de las poblaciones más antiguas del municipio de Concordia

9 Dec 13:32 EL DEBATE 4396150893859403274.html
Beaming Michelle Obama and Julia Roberts chat to pupils in Vietnam ahead of conference on girls' education in Malaysia

Julia Roberts is travelling to Kuala Lumpur with Obama for the Obama Foundation's inaugural Leaders: Asia-Pacific convening in the Malaysian capital on Tuesday.

9 Dec 09:18 Mail Online 124328111615584438.html
Verdachte (17) aangehouden voor supermarktoverval Dordrecht

Een 17-jarige jongen heeft zichzelf aangegeven voor een overval op de Gewoon Super aan de Blekersdijk in Dordrecht. Hij wordt ervan verdacht die vorige week te hebben overvallen.

9 Dec 15:57 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228840896096.html
Eskom Predicts Two More Years Of Potential Load Shedding

Despite its efforts to minimise the risk of load shedding and repairing its power systems, Eskom said the country could experience two more years of power cuts. Speaking on the Gushwell Brooks show on Sunday, deputy spokesperson Dikatso Mothae said the power station units haven’t been properly maintained for a number of years. The power utility has […]

9 Dec 13:03 iAfrica 8834711023293766812.html
Sangamo steps up BioMarin chase with haemophilia gene therapy data

Sangamo has been playing catch-up with BioMarin in the race to develop a gene therapy for haemophilia A, but new data reported at the ASH 2019 congress suggest Pfizer-partnered SB-525 could gain ground.

9 Dec 09:30 PMLive 7773534729057106752.html
Lamaran Sudah Diajukan, AC Milan Santai Menunggu Jawaban Ibrahimovic, Kenapa?

WE Online, Milan - Direktur sepak bola AC Milan Ricky Massara membenarkan adanya rencana untuk merekrut Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Saat ini pihaknya sedang menunggu respon dari penyerang asal Swedia itu untuk membahas potensi hadir lagi di San Siro.

9 Dec 15:52 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835601241323.html
Angela Kerins damages case against Dáil adjourned until January

High Court president Mr Justice Peter Kelly tells sides he has received no papers in advance

9 Dec 11:41 The Irish Times 8204772967601383428.html
Duitse handbalsters na zege op Oranje onderuit

KUMAMOTO (ANP) - De Duitse handbalsters hebben de zege op Oranje bij het WK in Japan geen vervolg kunnen geven. De ploeg van bondscoach Henk Groener verloor in Kumamoto met 29-28 van Servië. Kristina Liscevic zorgde 5 seconden voor tijd uit een strafworp voor de beslissing. De uitslag is goed nieuws voor de Nederlandse vrouwen, die later op maandag tegen Denemarken spelen.

9 Dec 08:17 Nieuws.nl 2419030130010882911.html
Defensie onderzoekt VGB van Kroon

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Het ministerie van Defensie onderzoekt of Marco Kroon zijn verklaring van geen bezwaar (VGB) kan behouden. Zo'n procedure wordt automatisch opgestart als een militair veroordeeld is tot een taakstraf van minimaal 40 uur. Zonder VGB kan een militair de meeste functies niet uitoefenen. Het onderzoek zal "enkele weken" in beslag nemen.

9 Dec 13:23 Nieuws.nl 2419030130535906986.html
Ini Sosok Royke Tumilaar, Bos Baru Bank Mandiri

RUPSLB PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) pada Senin siang ini (9/12/2019) resmi melakukan perombakan direksi.

9 Dec 08:36 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213300189821.html
Ariel Tatum Curhat Pernah Dituduh Jadi Simpanan Om-Om

Ariel Tatum mengatakan tudingan ini tak hanya muncul dari warganet.

9 Dec 08:00 liputan6.com 3414318497629727090.html
El exfutbolista Riquelme regresa al Boca Juniors como vicepresidente

El exfutbolista del FC Barcelona y Villarreal Juan Román Riquelme regresará al Boca Juniors como vicepresidente del club argentino, tras la celebración de las...

9 Dec 13:59 Europa Press 4702666148337261899.html
Musk kommer med nya detaljer kring Teslas elektriska fyrhjuling

Tesla Cybertruck är presenterad och den vet vi nu mycket om. Men hur är det med fyrhjulingen som nämndes i slutet på presentationen?

9 Dec 13:08 Ny Teknik 4280928732962000720.html
NVIDIA dimostra che i monitor con refresh rate alto aiutano a giocare meglio

Giocare a 240 Hz conferisce vantaggi competitivi rispetto ai 144 Hz, ma non è facile dimostrarlo. Ecco come ci ha provato NVIDIA

9 Dec 15:41 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332305262633.html
WABC hosts annual party for employees and their kids

Santa Claus made a visit to ABC7NY.

9 Dec 16:21 ABC7 New York 7327811147521262977.html
Inside the Archive of Often Overlooked Street Photographer Shirley Baker

A new book, edited by Lou Stoppard and published by MACK, uncovers the extraordinary and extensive legacy of one of Britain’s most prolific street photographers, Shirley Baker

9 Dec 12:22 AnOther 7947254203151865247.html
GitHub keen to open subsidiary in China

Beijing wants Chinese developers to engage more with open-source software, says executive

9 Dec 13:21 Financial Times 707176889496883625.html
Karnataka bye-polls: Siddaramaiah steps down as leader of Congress legislature party after defeat

The BJP won 12 of the 15 constituencies where bye-polls were held.

9 Dec 12:01 Scroll.in 8669301693658034897.html
Premio Orione, riconoscimento speciale all’Aeronautica militare

Operando dall’aeroporto di Sigonella, è responsabili del servizio di controllo dello spazio aereo (Csa) su tutta la Sicilia Orientale

9 Dec 15:10 Tempostretto 3143171744635445685.html
NATO-China: New relationship challenges

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Last week, leaders of its 29 member states gathered for a two-day summit in London. And for the very first time, the group in its joint statement named and mentioned China. As Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary general, has…

9 Dec 10:47 EJ Insight 7853952859255480658.html
Lazaro kämpft mit Inter um Champions-League-Achtelfinale

Abgesehen von Salzburgs Gruppe E sind in den Dienstagspielen der Fußball-Champions-League weitere vier Plätze für das Achtelfinale der Königsklasse zu vergeben. Im Fokus stehen das Fernduell zwischen Borussia Dortmund und Inter Mailand von Valentino Lazaro bzw. die Gruppe H, in der sich Ajax Amsterdam, Chelsea und Valencia einen Dreikampf um zwei Tickets liefern.

9 Dec 15:27 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084058545533.html
"Schneebrunzer"-Verfahren ist vom Tisch

Die Frage, ob Ex-FPÖ-Obmann Heinz-Christian Strache im Ibiza-Video "Österreich"-Herausgeber Wolfgang Fellner als "Schneebrunzer" bezeichnet hat, bleibt vorerst ungeklärt. Fellner zog seine Klage gegen das Gratisblatt "Heute", die seit Oktober im Wiener Landesgericht behandelt wurde und die den Sachverhalt klären hätte können, zurück. Ein für Montag geplanter Verhandlungstermin wurde abberaumt.

9 Dec 13:47 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085244172098.html
Jeroen Pauw stopt

Jeroen Pauw stopt over twee weken met zijn talkshow Pauw. Op Instagram laat hij weten dat hij in 2020 andere dingen gaat doen.

9 Dec 13:05 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630833636399.html
Marianne Williamson assails Trump for pardoning Charles Manson's corpse (he hasn't)

Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson posted a tweet late Sunday condemning Donald Trump for posthumously pardoning Charles Manson, the cult leader jailed for life after his followe…

9 Dec 13:29 Boing Boing 4601305170279205314.html
Sujetos armados balean a cuatro vigilantes de una unidad habitacional, en Edomex

Ayer por la madrugada, los cuatro hombres vigilaban la entrada de la unidad habitacional Nuevos Paseos de San Juan

9 Dec 15:02 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601047807180.html
Szenarien: So kommt Salzburg ins CL-Achtelfinale

Hier findest du aktuelle Nachrichten, Videos, Interviews, Infos zu Auslosungen und Pressekonferenzen der UEFA Champions League und kannst dir Video Highlights zu allen Spielen kostenlos online anschauen.

9 Dec 08:41 Sky Sport 6321692526890227897.html
Rennie's social media polling figures released by Rugby Australia

Rugby Australia has played down one of its most tumultuous years, preferring to laud the fact that its social media followers approved of the new coach.

9 Dec 10:22 Rugbypass 8668874340464411402.html
Equipe de Guedes animada com o Datafolha

A equipe de Paulo Guedes quer aproveitar o Datafolha para encaminhar as reformas...

9 Dec 08:39 O Antagonista 1037429654817745418.html
Taking shame out of periods for women with disabilities

Lizzie's campaigns aim at making the disabled visible so that their issues can be addressed.

9 Dec 09:00 Daily Nation 7421817125812468368.html
What looming doping ban would mean for Russia

Football and Formula One events in Russia would be exempt.

9 Dec 09:08 Daily Nation 7421817124842861300.html
Schock nach tödlicher Attacke auf Feuerwehrmann in Augsburg: Kripo nimmt zwei Jugendliche fest

Augsburg unter Schock: Zwei Ehepaare geraten mit einer Gruppe junger Männer in Streit. Ein 49-Jähriger stirbt, die Täter entkommen zunächst. Nun trauert die Feuerwehr um einen Kameraden, und die Polizei kann dank moderner Technik einen schnellen Erfolg vermelden.

9 Dec 12:15 GMX 2011843076257100014.html
7 netas del pensamiento creativo

Siete reflexiones para potenciar tus alcances creativos.

9 Dec 13:20 Merca2.0 990348494251504404.html
Police Scotland blasted by councillors over process of top cop's appointment

Police Scotland have been lambasted by Stirling councillors over the appointment of Forth Valley’s new top cop, with one suggesting they may even have broken the law.

9 Dec 17:05 dailyrecord 552235480049839005.html
Prozess nach Schuss aus Schieß-Kugelschreiber

• 63-Jähriger angeklagt wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung • Schuss nach Streit in Gaststätte • Tatwaffe ist so genannter Schießkuli

9 Dec 08:58 www1.wdr.de 5204960547387657805.html
No One Brand Explains Vaping-Related Lung Injuries

As of Dec. 3, 2,291 patients have been hospitalized, with cases in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands due to these particular lung injuries, the CDC reports.

9 Dec 15:30 WebMD 4010151888540266771.html
IDF tank flips over during military drill along Lebanese border

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) – A tank belonging to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was reported to have flipped over during a military drill along the Lebanese border on Monday. According to the website Hamodia, the tank was damaged after being overturned, but no one was hurt. “The tank was traveling on a road along the northern border in heavy fog, along a mountainous,” the publication said, adding “an investigation has been opened into the specific circumstances of the incident. A photo later shared on Hezbollah’s military media Telegram channel showed the alleged overturned tank; they said the photo was taken from uncited Israeli media channel.

9 Dec 08:42 AMN 4125648317678921141.html
MOBO-nominated drill rappers are jailed for total of nine years for running county lines drugs network that shipped heroin and crack cocaine to the Home Counties

Cassiel Wuta-Ofei, 27, known by his stage name, Scribz, and Malki Martin, 24, who goes by ASAP, were sentenced to a total of nine years behind bars for operating a heroin and cocaine drugs network.

9 Dec 11:51 Mail Online 124328111835669627.html
NPB stars no longer shy about expressing MLB aspirations

Kohei Arihara wants to pitch in the major leagues in the near future. Haruki Nishikawa wants to make the move as well. Hayato Sakamoto doesn't want to, but

9 Dec 09:38 The Japan Times 6673764367376972972.html
Thomas Doll bei APOEL Nikosia entlassen

Thomas Doll muss seinen Posten bei APOEL Nikosia räumen, der Klub gibt die Trennung bekannt. Ein Nachfolger ist bereits gefunden.

9 Dec 11:17 Sport1.de 3783641330221933145.html
Locals in northern Syria back Turkey's presence in region

A survey released by Gallup shows that more than half of the locals back Turkey's offensive in northern Syria while expressing willingness to live under Turkish rule

9 Dec 15:51 DAILY SABAH 8383944809215713376.html
Princess Beatrice Cancels Her Engagement Party In the Wake of Prince Andrew Scandal

Princess Beatrice has cancelled her engagement party following Prince Andrew's scandal, involving sex trafficking and Jeffrey Epstein, over paparazzi fears

9 Dec 14:21 Marie Claire 7105575299342635936.html
The Witcher showrunner's original Netflix pitch had Ciri as the protagonist

Inspired by a book where she's hanging out in Camelot.

9 Dec 13:00 PC Gamer 9149753394228853810.html
Arkansas hires Sam Pittman as new football coach

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The University of Arkansas has hired Sam Pittman as its next football coach.

9 Dec 15:38 UPI 8257973865280913766.html
Deontay Wilder Kecam Taktik Anthony Joshua saat Kalahkan Andy Ruiz Jr

Petinju kelas berat, Deontay Wilder mengecam strategi Anthony Joshua yang bermain aman dalam pertandingan ulang kontra Andy Ruiz Jr.

9 Dec 12:15 BolaSport.com 4603768436192037875.html
Energy treaty 'undermines success of Green Deal'

Over 250 civil society organisations and trade unions say that the Energy Charter Treaty is incompatible with the Paris Climate Agreement and the new Green Deal - becoming an obstacle to the clean-energy transition.

9 Dec 08:10 EUobserver 625925298030836906.html
North Korea opens ski resort in effort to boost tourism

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened a new mountain spa and ski resort that’s intended for people to enjoy “high civilization under socialism” in another example of the

9 Dec 17:00 New York Post 7654946767954346187.html
Greta asks media to focus on other young climate activists

Celebrity environmentalist Greta Thunberg is urging media to pay more attention to other young climate activists.

9 Dec 13:31 CTVNews 2422791599010380711.html
Un adolescente investigado por racismo hacia Son

Un hincha de 13 años del Burnley está siendo investigado por la policía por haber hecho un gesto racista hacia el extremo surcoreano de...

9 Dec 16:35 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959025651548.html
Daniel Sturridge posts classy message after lighters thrown on pitch during Trabzonspor win

Positive message in response to unsavoury incident...

9 Dec 08:55 CaughtOffside 8169236757679261113.html
Barr Allows Redacted Deets About Christopher Steele To Be Released In DOJ IG Report

Attorney General Bill Barr approved the release of originally redacted details about former British spy Christopher Steele as part of...

9 Dec 13:02 Talking Points Memo 4598529367474587359.html
Check Out the Latin Music Exhibit at the Grammy Museum

Latin Music is making a major global impact and this Latin Music Exhibit highlights the Latin Grammy Awards!

9 Dec 17:52 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441526062001.html
Manifestantes irrumpen en el edificio de la oficina del primer ministro de Malta

Unos 40 activistas han conseguido irrumpir en el edificio que alberga la oficina del primer ministro de Malta, Joseph Muscat, a primera hora de este lunes...

9 Dec 09:05 Europa Press 4702666148912776320.html
Roy Keane Anggap Anthony Martial tak Layak Berada di MU

Mantan kapten Manchester United, Roy Keane, memberi kritik peda kepada penyerang Anthony Martial.

9 Dec 09:51 Bola.net 5489959028265882731.html
Dagang Online Wajib Daftar Izin Usaha, Bayarnya Berapa? Ini Jawaban Mendag

WE Online, Jakarta - Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag) menetapkan aturan mengenai Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PMSE) yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 80 tahun 2019.

9 Dec 14:36 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834436290295.html
Der Chart des Tages

Wenn der Vorsprung kleiner wird.

9 Dec 09:52 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203937348305924.html
Explained: How govt proposes to regulate the dismantling of ships

Under the proposed law, ships will be recycled only in authorised recycling facilities. An application to authorise such a facility must be submitted to the Competent Authority notified by the central government, along with a ship recycling facility management plan and the prescribed fee.

9 Dec 10:40 The Indian Express 2885715105272131022.html
Ternyata, Inilah yang Membuat AC Milan Bangkit Kembali

AC Milan masih dalam keadaan terpuruk jika berkaca dari klasemen sementara Serie A. Namun belakangan, mereka mulai memancarkan harapan akan kebangkitan

9 Dec 09:21 Bola.net 5489959028162834101.html
Mercedes and Bosch commence self-driving trials in San Jose

Bosch and Daimler's self-driving trials are underway for select users in San Jose.

9 Dec 08:00 Engadget 96641515735064416.html
Coronation Street star heads to Wednesbury for Christmas lights switch-on - in pictures

Crowds flocked to Wednesbury this weekend for Gallagher Park's first Christmas lights switch-on event.

9 Dec 15:10 Express & Star 7324224459011889481.html
Saudi prince's ambitions hinge on triumphant Aramco sale

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Saudi Arabia is expected to set a new record for the largest stock flotation in history on Wednesday with the sale of part of Aramco, the state-owned oil company valued at $1.7 trillion.

9 Dec 17:02 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636308363240.html
White Island survivors describe carnage after New Zealand volcano erupts

'It didn’t dawn on us right away what had just happened or that there were still people were still on the island.'

9 Dec 12:43 Metro 970161747522399967.html
Autohub opens first Ssangyong-Changan dealership in Metro Manila

Visit the new Ssangyong-Changan Otis dealership operated by Autohub Group located in Manila

9 Dec 10:01 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447750922487.html
Second suspect in Syombua murder faces court

Suspect to undergo mental tests before taking plea.

9 Dec 13:26 Daily Nation 7421817124630987083.html
Doping-Hammer! Russland von WM und Olympischen Spielen ausgeschlossen!

Russland wird für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen und Weltmeistersschaften ausgeschlossen. Das entschied die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur.

9 Dec 10:52 TAG24 4583887873496424054.html
Anastasiya Kvitko Leaves Little To The Imagination In String Bikini

Anastasiya Kvitko heated up Instagram with her latest post in which she wore a string bikini that left little to the imagination. The beauty appeared to be on a deck in the update, which consisted of ...

9 Dec 17:41 The Inquisitr 1745625231939883987.html
Hasil dan Klasemen La Liga: Barcelona dan Real Madrid Bersaing Ketat

Persaingan Barcelona dan Real Madrid kian panas pada pekan ke-16 La Liga musim 2019/2020.

9 Dec 08:22 Bola.net 5489959028314399660.html
Arbitre roumain pour PSG/Galatasaray

Pour le match relativement maigre en intérêt entre le PSG et Galatasaray, l'UEFA a choisi un arbitre relativement jeune et d'envergure européenne limitée pour le retour, à savoir le Roumain Istvan Kovacs.

9 Dec 11:38 CulturePSG 4652604847109871227.html
Greta asks media to focus on other young climate activists

MADRID — Celebrity environmentalist Greta Thunberg is urging media to pay more attention to other young climate activists.

9 Dec 12:39 680News 8014034334020127382.html
Jordyn Woods Makes Fun Of Khloe Kardashian After Recent Social Media Meltdown Over Tristan Thompson

Khloe Kardashian is trying to get rid of all the garbage in her life, and she recently made some dramatic posts on social media, where she claimed to

9 Dec 09:37 Celebrity Insider 265863475527956466.html
Raw sewage and rodents account for record food-safety closures

More restaurants closed or sanctioned by watchdog than any time in last 20 years

9 Dec 13:58 The Irish Times 8204772967896279803.html
Joe Edwards ruled out of Plymouth Argyle's Home Park clash against Morecambe

The 29-year-old has been an ever present for the Pilgrims in League Two this season

9 Dec 14:13 PlymouthLive 6373569609269142888.html
Guardiola admits Man City standards have slipped

Guardiola hopes City, who have now lost four of their 16 league games this season, will be able to learn from their setbacks.

9 Dec 12:59 New Vision 9103146371735214516.html
Mastercard Beri Beasiswa Digital Bagi 100 Ribu Siswa hingga Pengusaha

Peserta program beasiswa bakal mendapat pelatihan terkait algoritma, keamanan siber hingga bisnis berbasis digital.

9 Dec 08:32 Katadata News 179777406092237113.html
Medien: Kovac-Umfeld dementiert Interesse an Trainer-Job bei Arsenal

Auf einem Blick alle Nachrichten, Videos, Tabellen, Transfers und Spielpläne der englischen Premier League. Hier kannst du auch alle Highlights zu allen Spielen kostenlos online anschauen.

9 Dec 09:19 Sky Sport 6321692527726672818.html
Schwergewichte vermasseln dem SMI den Start

Der SMI geht mit tieferen Kursen in den Handel. Grund ist die schlechte Performance der gross gewichteten Titel.

9 Dec 09:22 cash 8314500323733274464.html
Russia banned from major sporting events for four years

Euro 2020 not included in ban which does take in 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup

9 Dec 10:34 The Irish Times 8204772969172131814.html
Cheney warns disengagement in Mideast benefits Iran, Russia

Cheney’s backing of a muscular military response in the Mideast starkly contrasts Trump’s promises to pull America from what he calls the Mideast’s “blood-stained sands.”

9 Dec 13:28 An-Nahar 2220466263144483026.html
Dealer mit fünf Kilo Heroin erwischt

In Moosseedorf wurden am Dienstag drei Männer festgenommen, die mutmasslich mit Drogen handeln. Die Polizei stellte über fünf Kilogramm Heroin sicher.

9 Dec 13:15 Berner Zeitung 1248949324293320672.html
Victor Lindelof reveals brave Manchester United tactic that helped them beat Man City

Man Utd defender Victor Lindelof spoke after the win against Manchester City in the derby at the Etihad on Saturday.

9 Dec 09:18 men 6694993428914843657.html
Politie houdt man (53) aan op verdenking brandstichting paardenstallen

Afgelopen zondag heeft de politie een 53-jarige man aangehouden die verdacht wordt van de brandstichting bij paardenstallen op aan de Vinkebrug in Halfweg. Dit meldt de politie maandag.

9 Dec 13:38 Blik op nieuws 5468169448248062251.html
UPDATED: Fowler out as Buhari appoints new chairman for FIRS

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday approved the exit of Babatunde Fowler as the chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service.

9 Dec 15:17 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729301145419995.html
González anticipates new dialogue between the federal and local governments

Washington Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González thinks the end of the tax benefit should be negotiated

9 Dec 12:17 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310222215745.html
Snapchat rende il deepfake a portata di messaggi

Testa nuova funzione per sovrapporre la propria faccia nei video (ANSA)

9 Dec 12:14 ANSA.it 1300837448629662631.html
Manager Explains Clash With Messi

After being involved in a heated argument with FC Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi on Saturday night, Mallorca manager Vicente Moreno has explained his war of words with the six-time Ballon d'Or winner, who went on to score a hat-trick against his side.

9 Dec 08:29 Soccer Laduma 3901337371773129542.html
'Hour of Code' Demystifies Computer Programming for Kids

'Hour of Code' is a fun way to introduce children (and even adults) to the world of computer programming. So, how do you get involved?

9 Dec 13:00 HowStuffWorks 3485010167499938061.html
Segini Jumlah Tiket KA dan Pesawat yang Disiapkan untuk Layani Nataru

Masyarakat bersiap menyambut libur Natal dan Tahun Baru, sebagian berencana pulang ke kampung halaman, berapa tiket kereta dan pesawat yang tersedia?

9 Dec 13:45 detikfinance 4442190001233489621.html
Most foreign funds not massively overweight on India: Ayon Mukhopadhyay, IIFL Securities

Reforms in the NBFC sector can increase the GDP by 1 to 2%, says Mukhopadhyay.

9 Dec 15:16 The Economic Times 7653256038081710533.html
Wealth of Canadians divided along racial lines, says report on income inequality

One interesting finding was that racialized men have a higher employment rate than non-racialized men

9 Dec 15:45 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367165393577.html
No more survivors on New Zealand island after volcano eruption

New Zealand police have said no more survivors were expected to be rescued from an island volcano that erupted suddenly on Monday, suggesting as many as two dozen people could have died.

9 Dec 16:07 The Guardian 7580308504532247908.html
Putin meets new Ukraine leader for first time

Both leaders met along with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

9 Dec 17:34 Shropshire Star 3480199992020489164.html
Climate change: Thousands form a human chain in Brussels

2,400 people in Brussels held hands on Sunday to form a human chain as part of demands for tougher measures to combat climate change.

9 Dec 15:14 Times of Oman 5168079155955387362.html
Russia to discover sporting fate as WADA meets

Russia faces a four-year ban from international sporting competitions, including the Olympic Games, when the World Anti-Doping Agency hold a ...

9 Dec 10:00 CNA 5644198862803431090.html
Watch: Muslim Waqf Chips Away at Temple Mount Increasing Pressure on Retaining Walls

The Herodian engineers constructed the enormous, almost rectangular platform above the slopes of the hill known as the Temple Mount, by building a substructure consisting of a series of vaulted arches in order to reduce pressure on the retaining walls

9 Dec 10:15 Breaking Israel News 540123160742703897.html
FOTO: Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu Sabet Medali Emas Ganda Putri

Ganda putri andalan Indonesia, Greysia Polii dan Apriyani Rahayu berhasil meraih medali emas SEA Games 2019. Keduanya berhasil mengalahkan

9 Dec 17:28 Bola.com 1695722603487253801.html
Strache soll Parlaments-Sitz verhökert haben

Der Auftritt einer vermeintlichen russischen Oligarchen-Nichte im Ibiza-Video kostet FPÖ-Chef Strache Amt und Würde. Nun schildert ein Geschäftsmann, Strache habe schon vorher einen Hang zu Oligarchen gehabt. Für zehn Millionen Euro habe er ein FPÖ-Mandat an einen reichen Ukrainer verscherbelt.

9 Dec 15:58 n-tv 6802689755459183062.html
Friedrich nimmt Revanche 

Francesco Friedrich (Oberbärenburg) hat seine erste Niederlage im Zweierbob seit fast zwei Jahren schnell verdaut.

9 Dec 11:35 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324017731527.html
Hydrogel That Can Self-Heal and Shape-Shift Invented by Scientists

Scientists from the Australian National University have created a jelly that has similar self-healing properties as our human skin and muscles.

9 Dec 09:05 Interesting Engineering 7328942541371899482.html
Investigación periodística detecta seis redes de empresas irregulares que laboran para Sedena | Video

La periodista Zorayda Gallegos presenta la investigación que comprueba irregularidades en las obras que realiza la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, incluyendo: utilizar compañías no estaban en el padrón de contratistas, fueron creadas específicamente para obras con Sedena, direcciones que no corresponden o donde había personas que desconocían cualquier actividad empresarial, lo cual corresponde a comportamientos tradicionales de empresas fantasma. Durante la investigación detectaron seis redes empresas que compartían notarios, apoderados, direcciones y socios, en procesos donde prima la opacidad desde los contratos hasta la realización de los trabajos.

9 Dec 17:00 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496834912752.html
La Cisl boccia il progetto della Regione di una compagnia sarda

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 12:38 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206760938519.html
Google's new depth feature makes its AR experiences more realistic

Seeing virtual objects behind real-world ones makes them more lifelike.

9 Dec 12:00 Engadget 96641515799075693.html
Offene Türen, geschlossene Klodeckel

Jürgen Klinsmann vertraut bei Hertha BSC der Feng-Shui-Lehre. Und auch, wenn das beim Spiel in Frankfurt noch nicht alle total positiv gefühlt haben - vieles wird sich nun ändern.

9 Dec 13:37 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593597786018.html
Estas son las principales características del Galaxy Watch Active2

El reloj inteligente está disponible en Colombia.

9 Dec 15:21 W Radio 7724358831176650661.html
Sonko lawyers want him granted bail because Nairobi has no Deputy Governor

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 – Lawyers representing embattled Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko were at pains to convince the court Monday to free him on bond after - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 12:46 Capital News 7605153804810421367.html
Book burning by Chinese county library sparks fury

Blaze complying with ministry directive meant for schools harks back to Qin dynasty and Nazi Germany, critics say

9 Dec 11:02 the Guardian 1491978794515388245.html
Presidente recibe propuestas de organizaciones contra la impunidad previo a lanzamiento de "agenda antiabusos"

Chile Transparente, Espacio Público y el Observatorio de Gasto Fiscal, presentaron hoy al Mandatario y a sus ministros una serie de medidas en materia anticorrupción y anti-impunidad.

9 Dec 12:01 Emol 3328490601307054291.html
Standard aanvaardt drie weken schorsing voor Mehdi Carcela maar niet voor Paul José-Mpoku

Het bondsparket van de Belgische voetbalbond heeft Standard-spelers Paul-José Mpoku en Mehdi Carcela allebei drie speeldagen schorsing voorgesteld als minn...

9 Dec 16:35 De Standaard 2288913867380897261.html
Impeachment hearings continue with House committee — LIVESTREAM

The House Judiciary Committee received a detailed summing up of the impeachment case against President Donald Trump Monday as Democrats prepare formal charges against him.

9 Dec 13:10 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648835969663207.html
Greta Thunberg asks media to focus on other young climate activists

The 16-year-old said people from the global south, especially indigenous communities, need to be heard on how they are affected by climate change.

9 Dec 13:06 Breaking News 4415806918653107762.html
Greta Thunberg asks media to focus on other young climate activists

The 16-year-old said people from the global south, especially indigenous communities, need to be heard on how they are affected by climate change.

9 Dec 12:54 Shropshire Star 3480199991728926501.html
Lampard challenges young Chelsea players to step up

Frank Lampard has challenged his young Chelsea players to "make a mark" ahead of their crucial Champions League match against Lille.

9 Dec 17:29 Sport 682566034427058349.html
Penonton Membludak, Pelatih Persija Kritik Keras Panpel Badak Lampung

Pelatih Persija Jakarta, Edson Tavares lancarkan kritik keras kepada Panitia Pelaksana Perseru Badak Lampung atas membludaknya penonton.

9 Dec 16:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435924977607.html
Hawaii ice cream company facing potential thaw in business

A Hawaii ice cream company is facing a serious decrease in business after a partner firm declared bankruptcy.

9 Dec 15:12 Hawaii News Now 8225790205990859626.html
Rockets Hit Base Near Baghdad Airport, Six Wounded

An army complex that hosts U.S. forces next to Baghdad International Airport was hit by several rockets, wounding six Iraqi troops, the military said in a statement.

9 Dec 09:34 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163307508664.html
Pornography and poor decision-making: Are they connected?

Pornography, erectile dysfunction, bad effects of Pornography, Pornography causes depression and sexual dysfunctions in men at TheHealthSite.com

9 Dec 10:57 Thehealthsite 4766622849862076428.html
Høyesterett skal gi nye retningslinjer for barnevernssaker

Etter at Norge er domfelt i Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen (EMD) i flere barnevernssaker, skal Høyesterett trekke opp nye retningslinjer.

9 Dec 12:13 TV 2 8210067770435654132.html
You are what you watch: How media consumption is driving impeachment divisions

First Read is your briefing from "Meet the Press" and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter.

9 Dec 14:50 euronews 7318238120553564077.html
DNA der Dinge: Forscher kombinieren 3D-Druck und DNA-Datenspeicher

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 17:36 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776640492792.html
Policeman to stand trial for murder over Dalian Atkinson death

Another officer is accused of assaulting the ex-footballer during an incident in Telford, Shropshire, in August 2016.

9 Dec 12:50 Shropshire Star 3480199992717679824.html
Election 2019: Government adviser in altercation as health secretary visits Leeds General Hospital

A government special adviser has been involved in an altercation at Leeds General Hospital, during a visit by health secretary [...]

9 Dec 16:55 City A.M. 6389894491690758406.html
Baby in Stade ausgesetzt: Polizei sucht Mutter

Die Polizei in Stade sucht nach der Mutter eines ausgesetzten Neugeborenen. Ein Paar hatte das kleine Mädchen auf dem Gelände des Kulturzentrums Stadeum entdeckt.

9 Dec 12:16 NDR.de 5356044083246902237.html
Activision may reveal new Crash Bandicoot game this week

Woah! Activision may be doing what we’ve wanted for years as the company appears to be rearing up to reveal an all-new Crash Bandicoot game. Over the week, a number of large-scale influencers have been receiving Crash-themed figurines from Activision. With the Christmas period coming up the figurines are appropriately festive themed, but is Activision …

9 Dec 16:47 MSPoweruser 1651641550847406656.html
Benik Afobe thankful for support following death of daughter

Afobe’s two-year-old Amora died from complications from a severe infection.

9 Dec 15:48 Shropshire Star 3480199991672533669.html
News regarding joint patrolling by Pak-Iran forces incorrect: ISPR

News regarding joint patrolling by Pak-Iran forces incorrect: ISPR.

9 Dec 15:38 Dunya News 5863268918609491162.html
News regarding joint patrolling by Pak-Iran forces incorrect: ISPR

News regarding joint patrolling by Pak-Iran forces incorrect: ISPR.

9 Dec 15:43 Dunya News 5863268918794416310.html
FOTO: Jalan Panjang Zozibini Tunzi Raih Mahkota Miss Universe

Zozibini Tunzi persembahkan mahkota Miss Universe 2019 untuk Afrika Selatan.

9 Dec 14:16 gaya hidup 6599523172721897973.html
Sidang Gugatan eks Mentan ke Majalah Tempo Ditunda, Ada Berkas yang Belum Lengkap

Pada persidangan kali ini, pengadilan masih melakukan pemeriksaan kelengkapan administrasi dari pihak penggugat dan tergugat. Saat memeriksa kelengkapan tersebut, kuasa hukum dari Tempo selaku tergugat telah melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan.

9 Dec 12:14 merdeka.com 1998180354233705995.html
Supreme Court to hear plea on Hyderabad veterinarian rape and murder accused killing

Chief Justice of India (CJI) Sharad A. Bobde agreed to list on Wednesday a petition seeking an independent probe into the extra-judicial killing of four accused of the rape and murder of a veterinaria

9 Dec 12:19 The Hindu 6679535025322175713.html
Amid flurry of Saudi reforms, mocktails on order in execution square

For decades, criminals in Saudi Arabia were lined up after Friday prayers at a central Riyadh plaza and beheaded by sword in a gruesome public spectacle overseen by the religious police. Such jarring contrasts are accompanying the rapid social changes under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, like lifting

9 Dec 11:00 Yahoo 7097669637860319088.html
Nobel laureate to study high incidence of heart problems in India

Ferid Murad will do joint research with Apollo Hospitals

9 Dec 15:24 BusinessLine 5283600552128127.html
Liga Inggris: Leicester Senang Dianggap Tak Layak Juara

Dalam laga terakhir Liga Inggris, Leicester mampu menang atas Aston Villa. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Jamie Vardy dan kawan-kawan membantai tuan rumah dengan skor 4-1.

9 Dec 15:00 liputan6.com 3414318496663256993.html
Cegah Penuaan Dini Kulit dengan Bikin Krim Anti Kerut Sendiri Pakai Bahan-bahan Rumahan, Mudah Lho Bikinnya!

Dengan menggabungkan bahan-bahan alami ini, Anda dapat membuat sendiri krim anti-kerut yang akan menyehatkan kulit.

9 Dec 15:49 grid.id 6246371060034172310.html
Google Play Music: Die Desktop-App zum Upload eigener Musik funktioniert bei vielen Nutzern nicht mehr

Ohoh, sind die Tage der nach wie vor beliebten Musikplattform nun endgültig gezählt? DAS Killer-Feature von Google Play Music funktioniert bei vielen Nutzern nicht mehr. Gut möglich, dass Google dies im Zuge der Umstellung abschalten wird.

9 Dec 17:39 GoogleWatchBlog 386579017479733495.html
Man captured on video killing jumbo arraigned

Prosecutor requests court to deny the suspect cash bail.

9 Dec 12:35 Daily Nation 7421817125313198085.html
Zodiak: Virgo Suami yang Terbaik, Libra Jangan Main Api

Bunda, simak ramalan zodiak hari ini mengenai keuangan, asmara, karier, hingga peruntungan lainnya yuk!

9 Dec 09:40 moms-life 8028540702160148116.html
QUI PEGLI: Saponara torna ad allenarsi

Saponara non era stato convocato per Lecce causa infortunio. Il Genoa ha iniziato oggi la preparazione in vista del derby di sabato

9 Dec 15:07 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982772791803921.html
Weer code geel vanwege zware windstoten

MIDDELBURG - Het KNMI waarschuwt opnieuw voor zware windstoten. Voor Zeeland, Zuid-Holland en Noord-Brabant is opnieuw code geel afgekondigd. Gisteren gebeurde dat ook al.

9 Dec 11:50 HVZeeland.nl 6787007640811860696.html
Burgenland : Neun defekte Reisebusse aus dem Verkehr gezogen

63 Lkw und Kleintransporter sowie 28 Autobusse wurden unter die Lupe genommen. Insgesamt wurden 218 technische Mängel festgestellt, die zu mehr als hundert Anzeigen führten, zudem wurden 64 Sicherheitsleistungen einkassiert.

9 Dec 11:59 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699082692155.html
Elon Musk's SpaceX warned: Your internet-beaming satellites disrupt astronomy

SpaceX's broadband project could severely disrupt space imaging and astroid detection.

9 Dec 13:06 ZDNet 591556592859154622.html
Game of Thrones star nixes appearance over anti-Semitic effigies

Carice van Houten cancels planned appearance on Belgian show over inclusion of mayor who backed anti-Semitic parade float.

9 Dec 14:59 Israel National News 5374683670351918720.html
Premiati i vincitori dell'AVIC30PHOTOCONTEST

BARD. Più di 100 iscritti provenienti da 9 nazioni diversi e un totale di 919 fotografie inviate: questo il bilancio dell'AVIC30PHOTOCONTEST, concorso fotografico organizzato per i trent'anni del Parco Naturale del Monte Avic con una sezione rivolta ai bambini e altre due dedicate ai cambiamenti climatici e alle fotografie da inserire nel calendario 2020. La cerimonia di premiazione si è svolta nei giorni scorsi a Bard. Il francese Bertrand Muffat-Joly ha vinto il primo premio assoluto nella sezione dedicata ai “Racconti di natura alpina”, fotografando l’adattamento della fauna all’antropizzazione della montagna. Leo Gayola è il primo classificato nella sezione “Racconti di natura alpina”, seguito da Fabien Grebam. Menzioni speciali per Luca Melcarne, Vittorio Ricci e Fabrizio Stefani. Per il tema “La montagna che cambia” il primo premio è andato Fabrizio Moglia, primo, seguito da Giandra De Castro. Per il tema “Ritorni: avvoltoi e grandi predatori delle Alpi” primo posto per Fabien Dubessy e secondo per Massimo…

9 Dec 14:59 Aostaoggi.it 8718172645162594059.html
SC to hear PIL over setting up SIT into Hyderabad encounter case tomorrow

Telangana police said on Friday that the accused were killed in an exchange of fire with police

9 Dec 09:35 Business-Standard 1502508925412064064.html
Is Russia using its frozen-conflict playbook in Ukraine?

As Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's leader Volodymyr Zelenskiy meet for the first time Monday, many wonder what Moscow's long-term goal is in

9 Dec 08:02 The Japan Times 6673764368267496929.html
L'uomo di Workington

Il reportage dalla città al confine con la Scozia. Che si sta spostando a destra

9 Dec 14:27 ilGiornale.it 5019541225384479785.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes ban on Russia for Olympics, major sports events

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from the Olympics and other major sports events for four years by the World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday.

9 Dec 11:15 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637061310007.html
Shots fired into home on Euclid Avenue, outside gas line reportedly hit

DAYTON — Crews are responding to a person’s home on Euclid Avenue after hearing reports of someone shooting toward the residence, according to regional dispatch.

9 Dec 08:27 Whio 8204027953942125833.html
Salzburg Vs Liverpool: Haaland Sanjung The Reds Jelang Duel

Liverpool akan menjalani laga krusial melawan Salzburg di Liga Champions. Persaingan di Grup E semakin ketat.

9 Dec 17:23 Tempo 6731898377609169528.html
Riquelme beats Maradona as Boca Juniors elect new president

Former Argentina playmaker Juan Roman Riquelme has won a three-way battle with bitter rival Diego Maradona and Gabriel Batistuta after his group won the elections at Boca Juniors, striking a big bl...

9 Dec 16:59 Punch Newspapers 3524240995998600531.html
Stationärer Handel: Kundentracking mit Videoüberwachung und WLAN-Router

Im Internet werden Kunden akribisch überwacht, im stationären Handel bleiben sie anonym. Dennoch analysieren Geschäfte die Laufwege von Verbrauchern.

9 Dec 08:54 heise online 1766193382804796079.html
Rapper Juice Wrld voorspelde dat hij jong zou sterven

De Amerikaanse rapper Juice Wrld hield er in zijn nummer Legends al rekening mee dat hij jong zou sterven. De rapper, die eigenlijk Jarad Anthony Higgins heet, overleed zondag nadat hij onwel was geworden op het vliegveld van Chicago.

9 Dec 14:41 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630715953690.html
Cyberattack Hits City of Pensacola After Shooting At Naval Air Station

The city of Pensacola, Florida, has been dealing with a cyberattack since late Friday when a Saudi Air Force trainee killed three sailors at Pensacola Naval Air Station. Officials for the city are unsure whether the incidents are related. CNN reports: The city of Pensacola, Florida, said it has exp...

9 Dec 08:30 it.slashdot.org 306148769942364177.html
Agar Stabil Secara Finansial, Berapa Jumlah Tabungan Ideal Milenial?

Melansir artikel di nabungdibank.id, tabungan milenial ini tak perlu takut lupa menyisihkan uang setiap bulannya karena dana akan langsung terpotong dan masuk ke tabungan.

9 Dec 08:00 grid.id 586386473475587431.html
Giulio Vacilotto, un trevigiano tra i migliori maitre chocolatiers del mondo

SPRESIANO - Da Lovadina a Parigi, il pasticcere trevigiano Giulio Vacilotto finisce nell'élite del cioccolato inserito nella guida francese “Guide Des Croqueurs De Chocolat”

9 Dec 15:03 Oggi Treviso 2529403853073242744.html
Oil prices stumble on weak China exports hangover

Oil prices fell on Monday after data showing China's overall exports of goods and services shrank for a fourth straight month, sending shivers ...

9 Dec 09:45 CNA 5644198863023363002.html
This week: House impeachment inquiry hits crucial stretch

The House inquiry is set to hit a tipping point this week, as Democrats prepare to unveil articles of impeachment against President Trump. 

9 Dec 11:01 TheHill 355432918240251665.html
Police dispersal order in place for Brookfield

A police dispersal order is in place in Brookfield, near Preston, today.

9 Dec 08:32 Lancashire Post 6469275855559367055.html
Oil firms roll back prices

EFFECTIVE at 6 a.m. today, major and independent oil firms will implement a price rollback of their petroleum products in slightly different amounts.

9 Dec 10:26 Journal Online 6375127392568987227.html
Ejecutado a balazos en Huimanguillo

El ahora occiso, tras ser acribillado fue abandonado en un lugar apartado.

9 Dec 15:04 Tabasco Hoy 2099176561885885203.html
Officer shoots, wounds man following traffic stop, chase

HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. — A man was shot and wounded by police over the weekend following a vehicle chase in South Florida, authorities said. An officer attempted to make a traffic stop for a moving violation early Sunday morning in Hallandale Beach, police spokeswoman RaShana Dabney-Donovan told news outlets. The driver refused to stop and …

9 Dec 11:57 City NEWS 1130 5858657120511657797.html
Tamil Nadu Human Rights Commission seeks report on suicide bid by Salem youth humiliated by cops

The SHRC has sought a report from the Salem Superintendent of Police

9 Dec 08:59 The Hindu 6679535024532903575.html
Thistletrack may swerve King George for Paisley Park rematch

Thistlecrack could renew rivalries with Paisley Park in the Marsh Hurdle at Ascot on Saturday week as an alternative to running in the Ladbrokes King George VI Chase.

9 Dec 09:18 Sporting Life 7709795076279861331.html
Controversial World's First Monkey-Pig Hybrids Born in China

Two piglet chimeras with monkey cells were engineered by scientists in China, the first of their kind, but died within a week of being born.

9 Dec 09:46 Interesting Engineering 7328942541554036943.html
Dendias: Napredak po pitanju Severne Makedonije i Albanije

BRISEL - Ministar spoljnih poslova Grčke Nikos Dendias ocenio je susret šefova diplomatija Evropske unije sa kolegama iz Severne Makedonije i Albanije

9 Dec 13:03 Krstarica 4176903988486787335.html
Kejaksaan Agung Segera Pecat 2 Jaksa Kejati DKI yang Peras Saksi Kasus Korupsi

Jaksa Agung Sanitiar (ST) Burhanuddin mengatakan, putusan atas dua jaksa ini akan dipercepat tanpa perlu menunggu hasil sidang di pengadilan.

9 Dec 12:05 liputan6.com 3414318497169126569.html
Israeli parties agree on March 2 election if no government formed

Israel's two biggest parties agreed on Monday on a March 2 election date, barring a last-minute power-sharing deal, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

9 Dec 15:23 DAILY SABAH 8383944808748255109.html
Coruptia ucide inca o data! Cum functiona "Reteaua epoletilor" din dosarul permiselor de port-arma eliberate ilegal

''Clientii'' celebrei fabrici de permise auto de la Pitesti au produs accidente grave soldate cu zeci de raniti si morti, in perioada 2006-2008, potrivit datelor din ancheta DNA de la Serviciul de Permise si Imatriculari Auto Arges. Un caz elocvent in care faptele de coruptie au dus la moartea unor oameni.

9 Dec 09:30 Ziare.com 1922730286870735296.html
Los hinchas del Cruzeiro destrozan el estadio tras descender a segunda

Cabreo monumental de la afición del Cruzeiro, un histórico del fútbol brasileño, tras el partido que ha sellado su descenso a los infiernos de la segunda divisón, donde nunca había estado. El encuentro se suspendió en medio de una batalla campal.

9 Dec 12:21 euronews 2767628994732414928.html
Delhi fire tragedy: A tale of failed regulation and chaotic urbanisation

The political economy encourages vast, largely unregulated industrial activity, in utter violation of labour, safety and environment laws

9 Dec 15:23 BusinessLine 5283600330367605.html
Sri Mulyani: Dulu Orang Menganggap Tak Korupsi, Tak Bisa Hidup

Sri Mulyani mengatakan, pemerintah tak tinggal diam menyaksikan korupsi terjadi. Waktu itu, pemerintah mulai menyusun strategi dengan menginisiasi gerakan antikorupsi yang dimulai dari mengajak seluruh Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) mulai berbenah diri berani melawan korupsi.

9 Dec 11:48 merdeka.com 1998180356225110991.html
Annihilation: Scourge Proves Why Reed Richards Is Marvel's Dumbest Genius

Mr. Fantastic might be one of the smartest men in the Marvel Universe, but Annihilation: Scourge proves that the super-genius can be pretty dumb.

9 Dec 13:12 CBR.com 1295516962186497457.html
Affitti brevi: nasce il contratto standard

La Camera di commercio di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi rivolge la propria attenzione sul fenomeno delle locazioni brevi. Pronto un modello contrattuale che consente di regolare le locazioni turistiche tra privati.

9 Dec 11:15 InvestireOggi 7231367743894748994.html
Terjatuh dan Alami Nyeri Lutut, Organ Vital Pria ini Mengeras Hingga Berubah Menjadi 'Tulang'

Setelah diperiksa, dokter menemukan kondisi alat vital pria ini mengeras bahkan berubah menjadi tulang.

9 Dec 16:00 grid.id 586386475244910646.html
SNP campaign focused on key constitutional issues of Brexit and independence

The SNP leader has sought to portray Boris Johnson as unfit to lead Britain.

9 Dec 09:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773812603261.html
The super-new Aston Villa training ground complex giving fans their fix

Aston Villa training ground news | the club are making strides off the pitch and have invested heavily in improving the academy setup, including building a new mini stadium at Bodymoor Heath

9 Dec 16:30 birminghammail 8288260686745371525.html
Warning after couple buy fake TV from scam salesperson at service station

The seller claimed the TV was brand new and from Costco

9 Dec 11:04 Derbyshire Live 9061707930673140492.html
Congress wins battle in Hunsur

Its candidate H.P. Manjunath romps home with an impressive margin of 39,727 votes

9 Dec 16:32 The Hindu 6679535024668194958.html
Manuel Pellegrini targets West Ham festive cheer - starting by beating Arsenal

The Hammers boss is harking back to Christmas Past ahead of the London derby on Monday night

9 Dec 17:29 football.london 6804128268877726558.html
North Korea opens mountain spa, ski resort in tourism push

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened a new mountain spa and ski resort that's intended for people to enjoy high civilization under socialism in another example of the country using tourism exemptions in sanctions to build revenue for its broken economy.

9 Dec 08:06 WFXT 6395891953220392817.html
Alfonso Ortiz rescinde su contrato con el Obradoiro

El escolta de 1,90 metros y 20 años de edad se encontraba cedido en el Real Murcia de la LEB Plata

9 Dec 16:59 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612852621463.html
Vulcano erutta in Nuova Zelanda, almeno cinque morti. Turisti stranieri coinvolti a White Island

L'eruzione del vulcano Whakaari a White Island, isola della Nuova Zelanda molto frequentata da turisti, ha provocato la morte di almeno cinque persone ma si teme che il bilancio possa aggravarsi. Secondo le autorità locali al momento dell'eruzione circa un centinaio di persone si trovava...

9 Dec 08:48 Il Tempo 2494990960209169853.html
UK election campaign enters final rounds with Brexit on the line

Britain's general election campaign enters its frenetic final stages on Monday, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn ...

9 Dec 11:54 CNA 5644198863473467754.html
Reichkriegsflagge im Austria-Sektor: Übeltäter ausgeforscht

Nachdem beim Wiener Fußball-Derby Rapid gegen Austria am Sonntag bei […]

9 Dec 11:37 Sky Sport 6321692527642367299.html
Russian forces enter former Islamic State stronghold in Syria after U.S. pullback

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian forces have entered Raqqa, the former de facto capital of the Islamic State caliphate, in one of the starkest examples yet of how Moscow has filled the vacuum created by President Donald Trump’s decision to pull U.S. forces from northern Syria.

9 Dec 10:08 Reuters 8334514181378919423.html
Irish weather forecast: Met Eireann issues advisory as strong winds set to batter Ireland after Storm Atiyah chaos

There are fears that trees and structures weakened by Storm Atiyah could be damaged even further

9 Dec 12:49 Irish Mirror 2875825630062968009.html
Delhi unauthorised colonies: How to apply for ownership rights online

Last month, Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri had said residents of unauthorised colonies will be able to apply for ownership rights starting December 16

9 Dec 14:04 Business Today 1145527432469106941.html
New changes are coming to contactless payments that means your card could decline more often

The new rules could make Christmas shopping a lot more stressful

9 Dec 16:26 men 6694993427680550085.html
California church nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees separated in cages

A California church is displaying a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages to draw attention to the conditions faced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States.

9 Dec 12:59 CTVNews 2422791598886272955.html
Penggugat UU KPK Permasalahkan Anggota DPR Saat Pengesahan Banyak Tak Hadir

Penggugat UU KPK Permasalahkan Anggota DPR Saat Pengesahan Banyak Tak Hadir. Dia pun menyinggung soal tidak kuorumnya anggota DPR dalam pembentukan UU 19 Tahun 2019 ini pada sidang paripurna pengesahan.

9 Dec 17:09 merdeka.com 1998180356059341490.html
Nazi-Fahne: Austria forscht Fan aus

Die Austria hat den Fan gefunden, der für den Fahnen-Eklat beim Derby verantwortlich war.

9 Dec 13:32 sport.oe24.at 8086682661794570748.html
Nog veel armoede in Nederland

In 2018 maakten 264 duizend minderjarige kinderen deel uit van een gezin met een inkomen onder de lage-inkomensgrens, net zoveel als het jaar ervoor. Het aantal kinderen in een gezin dat al minstens vier jaar moest rondkomen van een laag inkomen is met bijna 5 duizend gedaald, naar 103 duizend.

9 Dec 16:52 Blik op nieuws 5468169447531050979.html
New rival to Netflix launches offering free movies and TV

There are thousands of free movies and TV shows to watch

9 Dec 08:48 Wales Online 7686550517516224308.html
Toddler who has lived whole life in detention centre faces separation from mum

Huyen Tran arrived in Australia by boat as an asylum seeker in 2011. There she met Paul and the pair decided to start a family together - they now have an 18-month-old daughter

9 Dec 13:34 mirror 675785260620933800.html
All Sony PS5 Games Could Enable Multiplayer With Cloud Controller Sharing

Sony was just recently granted an interesting patent that could potentially turn any single-player game into a multi-player experience

9 Dec 09:35 HotHardware 6258404625431405901.html
Razveo se Aleksandar Kolarov?

Poznati sportista i fudbaler Aleksandar Kolarov navodno se razveo od supruge Vesne posle 12 godina braka, pišu mediji

9 Dec 11:23 Nezavisne novine 4209150642225421039.html
Michael Healy-Rae hospitalised after fire at his Kerry office

KERRY TD Michael Healy-Rae is being treated in hospital for suspected smoke inhalation after a fire was detected at his property.

9 Dec 10:29 Independent.ie 5894610846031816759.html
Aji Santoso: Waktunya Timnas Indonesia Meraih Emas SEA Games

Mantan pemain dan pelatih Timnas Indonesia, Aji Santoso, menegaskan inilah saatnya Tim Garuda kembali meraih emas dari SEA Games.

9 Dec 17:45 Bola.com 1695722602670085971.html
Forgotten Liverpool loanee heads back to Merseyside to resolve future as latest loan deal expires

Brazilian midfielder Allan Rodriguesde Souza has had six loan spells since signing for the Anfield side and the latest one has just come to an end.

9 Dec 17:50 Liverpool Echo 7727211173321009092.html
Credem: con Avvera entra nel capitale di Gruppo Santamaria

Proprio nei giorni scorsi si è perfezionata l’acquisizione del 10% del capitale di Gruppo Santamaria da parte di Avvera, neo società di credito al consumo del gruppo Credem, con l’intento …

9 Dec 11:40 FinanzaOnline 6528634128144364512.html
Australia's Holden Colorado Pickup Spied Testing In Michigan

Spy photographers caught a camouflaged right-hand-drive Colorado pickup near GM's proving grounds in Michigan, identifying it as the new Holden model.

9 Dec 15:40 Motor1.com 1648269240308986035.html
Uomini e topi nella ricerca non sono uguali

Sono stati considerati i migliori amici degli scienziati ed è in dubbio che i topi offrano numerosi vantaggi nella ricerca scientifica: sono piccoli ed economici, facili da allevare, generano u...

9 Dec 10:15 L'HuffPost 5315551423682498130.html
Myanmar leader Suu Kyi departs for genocide hearings amid fanfare at home

YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar leader and Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi departed on Sunday for the U.N’s top court in The Hague to defend the country against charges of genocide of its Rohingya Muslim minority.

9 Dec 16:28 Reuters 8334514181651286375.html
Buhari travels to Egypt Tuesday - Premium Times Nigeria

President Muhammadu Buhari will depart Abuja Tuesday for Aswan, Egypt, to attend the Aswan Forum designed to set “An Agenda for Sustainable Peace

9 Dec 15:47 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299615329140.html
IMSS implementa tratamiento innovador a pacientes con VIH a falta de medicamentos

El IMSS adelantó el implementar un nuevo tratamiento innovador para los pacientes con VIH debido a la falta de medicamentos antirretrovirales

9 Dec 10:17 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622689464643.html
Japan testet Gesichtserkennung in U-Bahnhöfen

In Japan braucht man zum Bahnfahren künftig keine Fahrkarte mehr. Die U-Bahn-Gesellschaft testet in Osaka erstmals den Zutritt per Gesichtserkennung - doch es gibt noch Probleme.

9 Dec 13:37 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271995313546.html
Nairobi Governor Sonko to face accuser in court

Sonko was convicted in 1998 and sentenced to a six-month jail term or a Sh200,000 fine.

9 Dec 08:00 Daily Nation 7421817123951049666.html
Hebrew U Study: Pregnant Smokers at Higher Risk for Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes leads to higher risks for pregnancy and birth complications such as macrosomia (larger than average babies) and caesarean deliveries.

9 Dec 13:41 The Jewish Press 7246030800548853863.html
Johnny Drille pulls stunning performance at sold-out Abuja show

Alternative music singer and songwriter, Johnny Drille pulled a heavyweight performance at his sold-out concert in Abuja on Sunday...

9 Dec 13:41 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901845947037.html
Drukke maandagochtend spits lost weer op

Het was maandagochtend flink druk op de Gelderse wegen door ongelukken. Op de A50 waren de problemen het grootst door een lading stoeptegel die op de snelweg belandde.

9 Dec 08:35 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615728256151.html
Erick Thohir Bakal Tunjuk Darmawan Prasodjo Jadi Wadirut PLN

Beredar kabar, yang bakal mengisi posisi Wakil Direktur Utama PLN ialah Darmawan Prasodjo. Saat ini, Darmawan menjabat sebagai Komisaris PLN.

9 Dec 11:55 detikfinance 4442190000583214793.html
Marin soll Finnlands Regierung führen

Sie ist Sozialdemokratin, 34 Jahre alt, und war zuletzt Verkehrsministerin: Nun soll Sanna Marin Regierungschefin Finnlands werden. Premier Rinne musste nach einem Streit um die Post-Reform zurücktreten.

9 Dec 09:23 tagesschau.de 5441171425056798208.html
Convegno ad Aosta sulla prevenzione dei suicidio

AOSTA. Si svolgerà il prossimo 13 dicembre ad Aosta, nel salone Maria Ida Viglino di Palazzo regionale, il convegno dal titolo "Prevenzione del suicidio: una sfida per la società". L'iniziativa è organizzata dall'Amministrazione regionale insieme all'Azienda Usl della Valle d'Aosta. "Sarà l’occasione per fare un analisi dell’attività svolta dal Dipartimento di salute mentale nell'ambito degli interventi negli atti anticonservativi ", si legge in una nota, "e approfondire la situazione in Valle d’Aosta con i relativi interventi di prevenzione attuabili". Il programma del convegno, che inizierà alle ore 21, prevede gli interventi della direttrice del Dipartimento di salute mentale, Anna Maria Beoni; del dirigente medico psichiatra Valerio Ricci e del Direttore della struttura complessa di psichiatria di Biella, Roberto Merli. Interverranno inoltre per i saluti il presidente della Regione Antonio Fosson, l'assessore alla sanità Mauro Baccega ed il commissario dell'Ausl Claudio Pescarmona. C.R.

9 Dec 17:27 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643493546648.html
Deep Dive: Serving Up Better Customer Service With Enhanced CRM

A data-rich Deep Dive that analyzes how QSRs are embracing AI- and ML-enhanced solutions to boost sales, personalize services and spare workers from monotony

9 Dec 12:10 PYMNTS.com 7357138825006687791.html
Closing arguments begin in hearing for N.B. officers involved in fatal shooting

FREDERICTON — Closing arguments are underway today in an arbitration hearing for two police officers from Bathurst, N.B., involved in a fatal shooting almost five years ago.

9 Dec 14:48 KitchenerToday.com 52741010716664261.html
Chris Cornell's widow suing Soundgarden for alleged unpaid royalties

Vicky alleges that seven recordings were solely authored by her late husband.

9 Dec 16:05 Metro 970161748365178000.html
President Buhari and the rule of law

Eze Onyekpere This is 20 years of Nigeria’s experiment with civil rule which aspires to be a full-blown democracy. The current dispensation is founded on the Constitution of the Federal Republic o...

9 Dec 09:53 Punch Newspapers 3524240995061416455.html
Load Shedding: Tips To Make Sure Your Home Security System Keeps Operating

Home owners have been urged to test their security systems as a matter of urgency and to pay particular attention to the battery back-up systems during load shedding periods, in the wake of Eskom’s announcement of stage 4 load shedding. “Many people are under the incorrect assumption that their home alarm system is deactivated when […]

9 Dec 08:59 iAfrica 8834711023535111376.html
Discussed weather: Ajit Pawar on talk with Fadnavis

In a stunning turn of events, Fadnavis had on November 23 returned as chief minister propped up by Ajit Pawar, who was made his deputy. Both were sworn in a hush-hush early morning ceremony but the government lasted only 80 hours.

9 Dec 17:17 Deccan Herald 2027555797693788645.html
Putin set for landmark Paris talks on Ukraine conflict

Russian leader Vladimir Putin will for the first time hold formal talks with Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky over the conflict in Ukraine's east on Monday, in a much-anticipated summit in Paris.

9 Dec 11:47 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200920589195.html
Government defends R&D law changes

The Coalition will have a second crack at passing R&D reforms in February, but some companies are warning the proposals are insufficient and out of date.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284486387548362.html
QLDC to consider new governance process for QAC SOI

To shift the contentious QLD Airport focus to critical work which will need to take place over the next three months the Council is seeking to adopt an entirely new process around influencing the Queenstown Airport Corporation (QAC) Statement of Intent (SOI) outcomes.

9 Dec 17:04 SCOOP 5315659000093328429.html
Kritik an geplanter Abschiebung von in NÖ lebendem Afghanen

Die geplante Abschiebung eines im Kloster der Franziskanerinnen in Langenlois (Bezirk Krems-Land) lebenden Afghanen hat am Montag die Kritik der örtlichen Flüchtlingsinitiative hervorgerufen. Wie Kathpress berichtete, wurde der 22-Jährige in der Nacht auf Sonntag im Klausurbereich des Ordensgebäudes festgenommen. Die Schulschwestern reagierten mit einer Petition an den Bundespräsidenten.

9 Dec 16:33 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700927092527.html
Kiha Train Bar

It's bad manners to eat and drink on the subways of Tokyo, unless the train is this bar. 

9 Dec 16:15 Atlas Obscura 58081917482541192.html
800 Ribu Demonstran Antipemerintah Kembali Turun ke Jalanan Hong Kong

Demonstran antipemerintah di Hong Kong kembali turun ke jalanan untuk menandai terus berlangsungnya unjuk rasa besar-besaran selama enam bulan terakhir.

9 Dec 12:50 detiknews 8793960223652348378.html
El Consello Galego informa "favorablemente" el anteproyecto de universidad privada

Voto negativo de las instituciones académicas públicas // El rector compostelano cree que la propuesta

9 Dec 10:36 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069476139340669.html
Italijan Orsato sudi duel Olimpijakosa i Zvezde

NION - Italijanski sudija Danijel Orsato deliće pravdu na utakmici Lige šampiona između Olimpijakosa i Crvene zvezde u Atini, saopšteno je danas iz

9 Dec 10:32 Krstarica 4176903989071053402.html
Karnataka Bypolls Effect: Siddaramaiah Resigns As Leader Of Opposition In Assembly After Congress’ Humiliating Defeat

“I express my sincere regret for not being able to give satisfactory results in the bye-elections despite my efforts”

9 Dec 17:25 Swarajya 4977622829288865865.html
Jeff Dunham to play Birmingham show

Record-breaking, global comedy superstar Jeff Dunham will bring his new headline tour to Birmingham next year.

9 Dec 13:13 Shropshire Star 3480199992604116036.html
Ekiti poll: Fayemi tasks police on killing

Fayemi of Ekiti has directed the police to fish out the killers of one Dotun Kosedake who was shot during Saturday’s local government election in the state.

9 Dec 09:03 The Guardian 7580308505412343247.html
AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi tears up copy of Citizenship Bill in Lok Sabha, says Bill makes Muslims stateless

During the discussion on the Citizenship Amendments Bill in Lok Sabha, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi teared up a copy of CAB and accused the BJP Government of targetting and trying to make Muslims stateless.

9 Dec 16:27 newsx.com 5974563062160806553.html
Pemprov DKI akan Revitalisasi Terminal Kampung Rambutan dengan Biaya Rp170 M

Kepala Dinas Perhubungan DKI Jakarta Syafrin Liputo mengatakan Terminal Kampung Rambutan akan dibuat menjadi pusat integrasi transportasi umum.

9 Dec 14:02 merdeka.com 1998180355082847329.html
Nawaz Sharif recommended medical treatment in U.S.

"Mentally paralysed [persons] are doing politics over Nawaz Sharif’s health," she said.

9 Dec 14:14 Dunya News 5863268919081125692.html
Tumore al seno: tinta per capelli e lisciante potrebbero aumentare il rischio

Un nuovo studio americano avrebbe evidenziato un aumento del rischio di tumore al seno nelle donne che utilizzano tinte e liscianti per capelli

9 Dec 11:23 Affari Italiani 6123405401952208258.html
Mit der Landes-App Tirol jederzeit top informiert!

Durch einen Felssturz ist die von Ihnen benutzte Landesstraße über mehrere Tage gesperrt. Die Lawinensituation erhöht sich gravierend und hat ...

9 Dec 09:18 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093552245159.html
Potret 6 Kucing Bergaya Bak Spiderman Ini Bikin Tepuk Jidat

Kucing-kucing ini bergelantungan di berbagai tempat layaknya spiderman.

9 Dec 16:25 liputan6.com 5422146880688458415.html
Waalse Islamleraar toont oproep tot jihad aan scholieren

De Waalse leerkracht deelde een Facebook-video van een imam die opriep tot een jihad tegen de Joden en degenen die "samenzweren" met hen

9 Dec 10:22 SCEPTR 7604357481607372562.html
Google Opinion Rewards adds expiration date for your credits

The ability to see when your Google Opinion Rewards credits will expire has finally rolled out to the app.

9 Dec 17:01 Android Central 29040143002265651.html
The Morning Show earns Apple its first Golden Globe nominations

The Morning Show’s Best Drama nomination is a big win for Apple’s streaming service

9 Dec 13:23 The Verge 1337119304801974594.html
Sah! Royke Jadi Dirut Bank Mandiri, Kartika Jadi Komut

RUPSLB PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) pada Senin siang ini (9/12/2019) resmi melakukan perombakan direksi dan komisaris.

9 Dec 08:22 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212597630833.html
New chief EU diplomat urged to review Palestine stance

BRUSSELS, Dec 9 — Luxembourg’s veteran foreign minister has written to the new head of European Union foreign policy to urge a debate on recognising Palestinian statehood. In a note to Josep Borrell, who took office last week as Brussels’ chief diplomat, Jean Asselborn said a discussion could...

9 Dec 14:57 Malaymail 302165934780965300.html
Umfrage: Ständige Erreichbarkeit setzt Eltern unter Stress

Die kleine Tochter will trotz eisiger Temperaturen ihre Mütze nicht aufsetzen, der zwölfjährige Sohn nur zocken: Mütter und Väter reibt der Alltag zwischen Familie und Beruf häufig auf. Was ist zu tun, damit die Gesundheit nicht auf der Strecke bleibt?

9 Dec 08:05 ka-news.de 5595931858674751281.html
Universal Insurance mulls new capital raising to boost capital base

Universal Insurance Plc is considering raising new equity funds to bolster its operations and strengthen its capital base ahead of deadline for ...

9 Dec 09:01 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900431758530.html
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign itineraries compared

Where have the Tory and Labour leaders been so far – and why?

9 Dec 17:46 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773319047497.html
In Pictures: Fishy encounter and scenic views as parties launch final voter push

The PM visited a fish market while the SNP battle bus took a trip to the Highlands.

9 Dec 17:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774856188287.html
In Pictures: Fishy encounter and scenic views as parties launch final voter push

The PM visited a fish market while the SNP battle bus took a trip to the Highlands.

9 Dec 17:13 Express & Star 7324224460320784767.html
Encounter no solution to sexual assaults on women: Katti Padma Rao

Culture of respecting women should be nurtured: Dalit leader

9 Dec 14:40 The Hindu 6679535025757616544.html
Virat Kohli slams India's sloppy fielding

For someone who often leads by example, India captain Virat Kohli is appalled by the team's sloppy fielding against West Indies and wants them to fix the problem in the build-up to next year's

9 Dec 11:16 Deccan Herald 2027555797437289563.html
Sultan parkeert wagenvloot op Grote Markt, maar een boete krijgt hij wellicht niet

Sultan Qaboos uit Oman voelt zich al helemaal thuis in de Leuvense binnenstad. Omdat de randparking toch net iets te ver lopen is, hebben de sjeik en zijn ...

9 Dec 14:35 De Standaard 2288913868072604908.html
Il Garante vuole censurare il video che esalta i poliziotti

Il filmato di un corso di polizia. Il Garante dei detenuti "preoccupato" per "l'approccio al lavoro". Salvini: "Solidarietà agli agenti"

9 Dec 10:28 ilGiornale.it 5019541224731971033.html
Profil CEO Baru Bukalapak, Si Mantan Bos Bank Bukopin

WE Online, Jakarta - Bukalapak akhirnya mengumumkan pemimpin barunya pengganti sang CEO Achmad Zaky hari ini (9/12/2019). Ialah Muhammad Rachmat Kaimuddin yang akan menahkodai unicorn Indonesia ini terhitung 6 Januari mendatang.

9 Dec 11:31 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835238031915.html
Organizaciones piden al Presidente que autorice aumento al salario mínimo

Integrantes de la Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar a Domicilio y de Maquila y el Sindicato de Trabajadoras Domésticas se pronunciaron este lunes.

9 Dec 14:57 Publinews 8987875303953294867.html
Russia banned from Olympics, World Cup and other big events for cheating over doping

LAUSANNE/MOSCOW: Russia was banned from the world's top sporting events for four years on Monday, a period that includes the next summer and winter Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, for tampering with doping-related laboratory data.

9 Dec 15:12 The Peninsula 1202843881880505048.html
News von heute: Paar findet vor Tagungszentrum ausgesetztes Baby - und rettet ihm wahrscheinlich das Leben

Streiks sorgen für Verkehrschaos in Paris +++ Waffenverkäufe weltweit angestiegen +++ Erdbeben in der Toskana +++ Die Nachrichten von heute im ...

9 Dec 14:58 stern.de 4680145938116445475.html
Deal or no Deal-koffertje Meghan geveild

Lang voordat Meghan Markle een rol in Suits kreeg en voordat ze de hertogin van Sussex werd, was ze model en werkte ze als koffermeisje in het tv-programma Deal or No Deal.

9 Dec 16:08 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048556905276.html
Policeman 'thrashed baton in violent, uncontrolled and dangerous manner' before hitting student on head during London protests leaving him needing emergency surgery, tribunal hears

Alfie Meadows, 29, said he saw an officer 'thrashing around' with the weapon before he was struck exactly nine years ago in London, when he suffered a head injury requiring emergency surgery.

9 Dec 16:16 Mail Online 124328111462746713.html
Deal or no Deal-koffertje Meghan geveild

Lang voordat Meghan Markle een rol in Suits kreeg en voordat ze de hertogin van Sussex werd, was ze model en werkte ze als koffermeisje in het tv-programma Deal or No Deal.

9 Dec 16:08 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048719030687.html
Erste Aufräumaktion im Weltraum geplant

"Sehr große Gefahr"- ausgehend von tausenden inaktiven Satelliten: So bezeichnet es Europas Raumfahrt-Chef Jan Wörner. 2025 wird voraussichtlich die erste Putzmission im All stattfinden. Ein Raketenteil soll als erstes Vorhaben in die Erdumlaufbahn gebracht werden und dort verglühen.

9 Dec 13:06 n-tv 6802689755039175462.html
Familienstreit endet in Schlägerei und Messerstecherei

Zwei Personengruppen sind in der Nähe des Fredenbaumparks in Dortmund aneinander geraten. Die Auseinandersetzung eskalierte schließlich, die Polizei musste hinzukommen.

9 Dec 10:20 T-Online 5460876211499374892.html
SC Order In Dileep Case: Some Pertinent Questions

Seminal question which arose for consideration by the apex court in the appeal preferred with special leave against the Order of a single judge of the High Court of Kerala in P.Gopalakrishnan...

9 Dec 13:23 Live Law 8801531619951171384.html
PSDB busca eleitores de direita arrependidos com Bolsonaro

Em nova estratégia, PSDB busca eleitores de direita arrependidos com Bolsonaro

9 Dec 09:10 R10 3167340812435609536.html
Spende al gioco i soldi evasi dalle tasse: nei guai imprenditore della ristorazione

ROANA - Il comando provinciale della Guardia di Finanza di Vicenza, dopo una serie di controlli fiscali su un imprenditore altopianese, C. C., 34 anni, residente a Roana, ha scoperto che...

9 Dec 10:20 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446640892849.html
Oro para el Taekwondo Iguazuense en el Campeonato Nacional

Se desarrolló este fin de semana en Buenos Aires el Campeonato Nacional de Taekwondo, donde nuevamente los deportistas Iguazuenses se han destacado subiendo al podio, demostrando que todo sacrificio y entrenamiento tienen su recompensa....

9 Dec 15:00 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724492151403.html
Kieran Tierney's Arsenal absence explained as former Celtic star suffers blow

The left back has been left out by Freddie Ljungberg but it isn't down to his quality.

9 Dec 12:48 dailyrecord 552235479137678382.html
Sekeluarga Tumpangi Motor Diseruduk Kereta Api, 1 Meninggal

Kendaraan diduga menerobos palang pintu yang sudah diturunkan. Di saat bersamaan, kereta diesel dari arah Medan menuju Bandara Kualanamu melintas di sana.

9 Dec 17:22 merdeka.com 1998180354736190709.html
Penampakan Rumah Ari Askhara, Mewah dengan Corak Khas Bali, Pilih Menginap di Hotel Saat Pulang

Tetangga ungkap seperti apa sosok Ari Askhara eks Dirut Garuda Indonesia. Intip penampakan rumah mewahnya di Bali.

9 Dec 08:04 Tribunnews.com 3323534444996678578.html
Mermaids at Leinster House as protest calls for end to overfishing

“The oceans are dying before our eyes – we should be doing everything we can to reverse this situation before it is too late.”

9 Dec 14:01 TheJournal.ie 6446904418320684704.html
UPDATE 2-France to ban dozens of glyphosate weedkillers amid health risk debate

* Regulator says lacks evidence to exclude potential health risks* Bayer says will offer further data to French regulator* Debate continues in Europe, U.S. over cancer links* Austria pulls back from outright glyphosate ban from January (Adds details of banned products, background)By Gus Trompiz and Sybille de La Hamaide

9 Dec 17:32 Successful Farming 8502642054690999292.html
Dia Mirza Gets Candid About Managing Her Life Post Separation From Husband Sahil Sangha

It came as a great shocker earlier this year when Dia Mirza called her relation off with her husband Sahil Sangha. She expressed her views on social media and didn't forget to mention that the decisio

9 Dec 10:41 Koimoi 5184275670919125676.html
Cheney Warns Trump Disengagement in Mideast Benefits Iran, Russia

The former vice president mentioned Trump by name only once, but his comments cut to the core of several U.S. policies in the Middle East

9 Dec 11:59 Haaretz 1431421788468640649.html
Autoneum verkommt für Stadler-Rail-Chef Spuhler zum Sorgenkind

Autoneum warnt vor einem satten Jahresverlust. Vorbörslich gerät die Aktie des Automobilzulieferers unter die Räder. Das dürfte auch Stadler-Rail-Chef Peter Spuhler ärgern. Er ist Ankeraktionär.

9 Dec 08:08 cash 8314500324150488281.html
Barcelona vs Inter Milan: Expected starting XI for final group stage match

Barcelona leave some heavy hitters out of their line-up for match against Inter Milan. Ernesto Valverde's Barcelona is set to field a heavily rotated side ...

9 Dec 12:22 Everything Barca 6461635055624902736.html
Mexico President Obrador: Senators have accepted proposed changes to USMCA

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday announced that Mexican senators have accepted the proposed changes to the United States-Mexico

9 Dec 14:52 FXStreet 4480975640124113176.html
Winners of the Digital Sky Challenge announced

BRUSSELS - The winners of the aviation challenge themed as Digital Sky Challenge1 were announced at the awards ceremony as part of the SESAR Innovation Days2 on 4 December in Athens. Jointly organised by the SESAR JU and ACI Europe and hosted by Athens International Airport, the Digital Sky Challenge took place on 2-4 December in a dedicated airside facility of the airport. The event brought together 52 young tech-talents from 11 European countries competing in 12 teams to create breakthrough

9 Dec 10:10 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789413638511.html
L’India vuole regolarizzare i migranti irregolari, ma non quelli musulmani

È un emendamento proposto dal governo nazionalista di Narendra Modi, ma è molto criticato e controverso

9 Dec 08:30 Il Post 6291746504993900965.html
Giuliani says he hopes to present findings of Ukraine trip to GOP this week

Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's personal attorney, said Monday that he expects to complete a report this week detailing his findings from his recent travels to Ukraine to counter the Democrats'

9 Dec 15:43 TheHill 355432918534819597.html
Masih Ada yang Ingin Solskjaer Perbaiki dari Manchester United, Apa Itu?

Dua kemenangan penting yang diraih Manchester United tidak membuat Ole Gunnar Solskjaer selaku pelatih jadi cepat puas. Menurutnya, masih ada yang perlu diperbaiki dari tim asuhannya itu

9 Dec 11:20 Bola.net 5489959028239361225.html
In piazza per ricevere il Cuore di cioccolato di Telethon

Domenica 15, sabato 21 e domenica 22 dicembre, anche nelle piazze di Chieti e della provincia sarà possibile ricevere il Cuore di cioccolato di Fondazione Telethon per supportare la ricerca scientifica sulle malattie genetiche rare. Il Cuore di cioccolato, disponibile nella versione fondente, al latte, e al latte con granella di biscotto, prodotto da Caffarel in esclusiva per Telethon, è un omaggio distribuito in tutte le province d’Italia dai volontari di Fondazione Telethon e UILDM, e di Avis, Anffas e UNPLI, come ringraziamento per una donazione minima di 12 euro. Quest’anno, inoltre, sarà possibile richiedere anche la confezione regalo da nove cuoricini di cioccolato fondente, distribuita nelle piazze con una donazione di 5 euro.

9 Dec 15:33 ChietiToday 1729130452171793923.html
WADA schorst sjoemelend Rusland voor 4 jaar

Het wereldwijde antidopingbureau WADA heeft Rusland zwaar gestraft voor het gesjoemel met met urine- en bloedmonsters. Het land is voor 4 jaar uitgesloten van deelname aan de Olympische Zomer- en Winterspelen én de grote internationale toernooien waaronder het WK voetbal. Het land mag in die periode ook geen grote sportevenementen houden. De onderzoekscommissie van het…

9 Dec 10:37 Sportnieuws 3602982464903221998.html
American Airlines lanza escaneo de pasaporte en el celular

Sería la primera aerolínea en ofrecer este servicio. En Colombia se empieza a implementar.

9 Dec 10:40 El Tiempo 1091719938888729662.html
Ini 6 Manfaat Buah Naga untuk Kecantikan, dari Membantu Kurangi Jerawat Hingga Bisa Jadi Pelembab Alami

Buah ini tidak hanya cantik, tetapi juga merupakan gudang dari banyak manfaat kesehatan. Dari jerawat hingga jadi pelembab alami.

9 Dec 15:00 grid.id 6246371059372878771.html
Reichskriegsflagge bei Derby: Übeltäter ausgeforscht

Die Person hat seit der Saison 2012/13 Hausverbot bei der Austria. Laut Polizei ist der Banner, sofern ohne Hakenkreuz, nicht strafbar.

9 Dec 13:24 Die Presse 6242788855204654715.html
Kurir Tewas Ditembak, 5 Kg Sabu yang Disita dari Tangannya Ternyata untuk Persiapan Malam Tahun Baru

Menurut Yudhiawan Wibisono, pengiriman sabu ke Makassar itu untuk persiapan malam pergantian tahun.

9 Dec 11:58 Tribunnews.com 3323534445716937900.html
Rusia, excluida de JJOO, Mundiales y todas las competencias internacionales

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) tomó la decisión de sacar a los rusos de todas las competencias por cuatro años debido a la manipulación de datos en los laboratorios de Moscú.

9 Dec 11:07 TyC Sports 3239944748762400530.html
ICICI Bank opens new center in Bahrain, offers retail, corporate banking

The bank already has a retail branch at the local Manama Centre, it said in a statement

9 Dec 13:05 Business-Standard 1502508925362245599.html
Stadtmusik Lörrach widmet ihr Adventskonzert dem Fluss der Zeit

Das Strömen der Flüsse und das Fließen der Zeit griff die Stadtmusik in ihrem Adventskonzert auf. Der Gedanke von Heraklit, dass alles fließt und nichts bleibt, fand sich auch in Lesungen wieder.

9 Dec 11:00 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427421616442.html
Prediksi Pertandingan Liga Champions Inter Milan vs Barcelona: Menanti Tuah Giuseppe Meazza

Inter Milan akan menjamu Barcelona pada laga lanjutan Liga Champions Grup F yang akan digelar pada Rabu (11/12/2019) di Giuseppe Meazza.

9 Dec 14:55 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549689374309.html
Essen-Katernberg: Schwerverletzter gibt Polizei Rätsel auf

Ein 22-Jähriger wurde mit massiven Kopfverletzungen vor einem Katernberger Schnellimbiss entdeckt. Hintergründe sind unklar, Kripo ermittelt.

9 Dec 14:36 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220541965849.html
Walmart, Amazon to train MSMEs

E-com giants announce plans to help sector; brick-and-mortar traders peeved

9 Dec 16:15 The Hindu 6679535024772478724.html
Fußballturnier in Crailsheim: Die Hallenmasters stehen vor dem Aus

Die Hallenmasters in Crailsheim gehen demnächst in die 20. Runde. Die Zukunft des Turniers sieht aber nicht rosig aus.

9 Dec 16:43 swp.de 6929179439964316356.html
Wite reklamebuorden op ferskate NS-stasjons

It giet net om in aksje of stil protest, mar om in rjochterlike útspraak.

9 Dec 10:56 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694383347395.html
Dianggap Bagian Eksekutif, KPK Seharusnya Dilibatkan dalam Revisi UU

Karenanya, dia menambahkan, dalam provisi meminta MK memutuskan untuk menunda keberlakuan Undang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2019 tentang perubahan kedua atas Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2002 tentang KPK.

9 Dec 17:03 merdeka.com 1998180356181173770.html
Recipe: Brussels sprouts with walnuts and pomegranate

Roasting brussels sprouts brings out their nutty sweetness and keeps them crisp-crunchy around the edges.

9 Dec 14:45 The Citizen 410802301055620053.html
Puducherry CM V Narayanasamy gifts onions on Sonia Gandhi's birthday

Puducherry CM protested the Central government's failure to control the price of onion

9 Dec 16:33 Business-Standard 1502508925120548419.html
Psst..Ada Investor China Lagi Lirik Investasi Lithium di RI

Lagi, RI dilirik oleh investor China yang hendak bangun pabrik baterai lithium di sini. 

9 Dec 08:31 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213231943821.html
Siptu and Unite members in Virgin Media vote to take industrial action

Virgin Media said it has not received any notification from the unions.

9 Dec 16:33 TheJournal.ie 6446904417753352048.html
Se conocieron los ganadores del concurso Mercosur en la escuela

En un acto que se desarrolló este viernes en el Palacio Municipal, el intendente Miguel Lunghi, la responsable de la Oficina de Vinculación Internacional, Marcela Petrantonio y los integrantes del jurado anunciaron los ganadores del Concurso “Mercosur en la Escuela: de los debates de la integración regional, al abordaje crítico en el aula”. El primer […]

9 Dec 11:28 El Eco 4177735525685803910.html
Telekom baut Glasfaser in der Region Stuttgart aus

Die Telekom sagt, wie es um den Glasfaserausbau in der Region Stuttgart steht. Was wurde im letzten halben Jahr erreicht und was ist in nächster Zeit geplant?

9 Dec 12:01 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535190134949355.html
Lawyer competence includes knowledge of Indigenous-Crown history: B.C. law society

All practising lawyers in B.C. will be required to take a six-hour online course covering these areas

9 Dec 16:00 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367388694368.html
Funke Akindele loses dad

Funke Akindele loses dad: Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele has just announced the death of her father. Taking to her Instagram page, the actress revealed that she did her best to ensure that her father lived, but

9 Dec 11:16 LailasNews.com 2090029849509005824.html
Retail Major Walmart To Help MSMEs In India In Enhancing Capacity, Supply Chain; Launches Support Initiative

Under the initiative, the company aims to train around 50,000 micro, MSME in next five years, across 25 institutes.

9 Dec 15:31 Swarajya 4977622829029304934.html
Dulu Pernah Naksir, Baim Wong Bawa Kado Spesial ke Pernikahan Citra Kirana

Baim Wong ketahuan pernah naksir Citra Kirana (Ciki). Tapi dulu, kini Baim dan Ciki tetap berhubungan baik sebagai teman, bahkan Baim hadir di resepsi pernikahan Ciki dan Rezky Aditya. Mengajak Paula Verhoeven, Baim datang membawa kado spesial. Apakah itu?

9 Dec 08:30 Cumicumi.com 7480087989494308129.html
La tragedia della babysitter Shirley Ortega, morta nell'incidente del filobus a Milano

"Credo che la più vera dimostrazione che fosse una donna splendida sia nelle tante persone che sono venute a salutarla qui in ospedale", ha dichiarato il compagno di Shirley

9 Dec 09:41 L'HuffPost 5315551423401170969.html
Opioid relapse is more likely when risks seem OK

Tolerance for risk may indicate a higher chance for relapse among people getting treatment for opioid addiction, research finds.

9 Dec 10:08 Futurity 5051862826148675022.html
Eastern US in crosshairs for another major storm

A stormy weather pattern has evolved in the eastern United States during the second week of December, and forecasters say it's likely to culminate in a significant weather system later this week.Despite a blast of Arctic air and an episode of wintry precipitation at midweek, temperatures are forecast

9 Dec 17:35 Yahoo 7097669637942584506.html
Urgent reminder to support Roscrea Christmas food appeal

Roscrea Lions club also make food and cash appeal 

9 Dec 17:12 TipperaryLive 1097599577551495590.html
Trump, Saudi crown prince vow to cooperate on Florida base shooting probe

(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Sunday discussed last week’s Florida naval base shooting and vowed to work together on the investigation of the attack, which left three people dead and injured eight others.

9 Dec 13:19 Reuters 8334514181616024211.html
FAI invited to 'emergency meeting' of Oireachtas Sports Committee

The FAI is being invited to an emergency meeting of the Oireachtas Sport Committee on Wednesday....

9 Dec 08:43 Newstalk 7635722258692160955.html
Top CEOs call out CompCom over #DataMustFall

Telkom’s Sipho Maseko and Johan van Zyl of African Rainbow Capital argue that the competition watchdog’s decisions on data prices will do more harm than good.

9 Dec 08:42 ITWeb 642894139680179803.html
China claims everyone in Xinjiang camps has 'graduated'

People who were at vocational training centers in China's far west Xinjiang have all "graduated" and are living happy lives, an official said Monday. But U

9 Dec 08:34 The Japan Times 6673764368331418943.html
Dan Osborne issues Instagram statement after Jacqueline Jossa wins I'm A Celebrity amid controversy

The former EastEnders actress triumphed over Coronation Street's Andy Whyment and radio DJ Roman Kemp

9 Dec 12:49 birminghammail 8288260685977167830.html
Scandalo doping, Russia bandita da Olimpiadi e mondiali per quattro anni

La Russia è ufficialmente bandita dalle Olimpiadi. L'Agenzia Mondiale antidoping (WADA) ha deciso per l’esclusione di Mosca dai Giochi per quattro anni. Lo ha comunicato un portavoce della WADA al termine del Comitato Esecutivo a Losanna. La Russia, pertanto, non potrà essere rap...

9 Dec 11:48 Il Tempo 2494990959963346751.html
Le Sardine nell'Acquario di Aosta

AOSTA. Quello delle Sardine in apparenza è un movimento spontaneo nato dai social, ma se si ha la pazienza di leggere tra le righe, di guardare tra una Sardina e l'altra, si intravede lo zampino di alcuni notabili della Sinistra Italiana. Una Sinistra che ha perso il controllo delle piazze italiane e che cerca di riempirle passando prima in "pescheria". Non possiamo comunque sottovalutare il fatto che quando il Tritone chiama, le Sardine riempiono le piazze. Qui ad Aosta si sono ritrovate sabato scorso, 7 dicembre, in qualche centinaio in piazza Arco d'Augusto. Difficile stimare con esattezza quante fossero. Secondo alcuni, come il consigliere regionale della Lega Andrea Manfrin, circa un centinaio mentre secondo alcuni mezzi di informazione più o meno 500. Di sicuro siamo lontanissimi da un evento simile avvenuto sette anni fa: il comizio di Beppe Grillo (video) all'epoca in cui ancora organizzava i suoi tour nelle piazze grazie al web (così come oggi dicono di fare le Sardine) e non risultava essere legato…

9 Dec 12:28 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643371785146.html
Emergency crews on scene of rollover crash in Dayton

DAYTON — Emergency crews are on the scene of a crash near the intersection of Hoover Avenue and Brooklyn Avenue in Dayton that left an SUV overturned off the road. 

9 Dec 10:22 Whio 8204027955258560200.html
Feestje voor eerste JSF kostte een half miljoen euro

Eind oktober landde de eerste Joint Strike Fighter op Vliegbasis Leeuwarden. Gek genoeg, vond Defensie de komst van het omstreden, want veel te dure,...

9 Dec 16:12 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629323335644.html
Five major industrial fire accidents that shook the nation's conscience

Each of these mishaps snuffed out innocent lives, often due to negligence on the part of the authorities

9 Dec 13:08 Business-Standard 1502508925245380181.html
Los delanteros del Sevilla

Al espectador neutral, a ese que sigue al Sevilla de vez en cuando, alternando algunos partidos completos con resúmenes televisivos, verá que el equipo andaluz ha recuperado su tradicional gen competitivo, pero le falta algo para dar un salto real de calidad, que no es otra cosa que la pegada. En sólo cinco de las 16 jornadas ligueras ha hecho más de un gol y sus delanteros están lejos de asomarse a la lista de los máximos artilleros. El bloque por encima de las individualidades, aunque si éstas apareciesen (o tuvieras la oportunidad de hacerlo) todo sería más sencillo. Apostar por un modelo no debería dejar en la cuneta otos perfiles de atacantes.

9 Dec 10:29 MARCA 5656811531919969351.html
Prohibieron la venta de unos snacks

La Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) prohibió la comercialización de diferentes snacks que no cumplen con las normas alimentarias vigentes, según la Disposición 9383/2019 publicada este lunes el Boletín Oficial.

9 Dec 09:46 El Esquiú 5729181307025014825.html
Jokowi Kesal Rest Area Dipenuhi Waralaba Asing, Solusi Apa?

Waralaba asing ternama sering meramaikan rest area tol, Jokowi mengingatkan UKM dan merek lokal diberi kesempatan juga.

9 Dec 13:56 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212583677834.html
Russlands Sportbann: Vier Jahre und viele Schlupflöcher

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur verhängt eine vierjährige Sperre Russlands und spricht von den "strengstmöglichen Maßnahmen". Doch ganz so hart, wie sie auf den ersten Blick wirken, sind sie nicht.

9 Dec 11:40 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441081475639.html
Destapan red de empleados indocumentados de Trump

La llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca y su discurso en contra de la inmigración impulsó a quienes habían sido sus empleados a denunciar públicamente a

9 Dec 16:05 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536639134653.html
Ad support is bad support

Streaming services outmanoeuvring broadcast television By Amna Khan A girl sipping her tea on a rooftop covered with fairy lights, staring romantically into the skyline d

9 Dec 16:40 Pakistan Today 6621510369696740401.html
Falana insists Sowore was assaulted by DSS inside court

Femi Falana (SAN) on Monday insisted that Sahara Reporters publisher Omoyele Sowore was assaulted inside the court contrary to the claims by the Department of State Service (DSS).

9 Dec 10:08 The Guardian 7580308505625590383.html
Knöchelblessur: Bayern München vorerst ohne Neuzugang Cuisance

Neuzugang Michaël Cuisance wird dem FC Bayern vorerst fehlen. Der im Sommer aus Mönchengladbach verpflichtete Franzose erlitt im Training eine Stauchung und ...

9 Dec 13:57 swp.de 6929179440615638738.html
Experts tell Liberal Democrats to vote Labour in Southport to kick the Tories out

Southport is seen as a three-way marginal and for many years

9 Dec 13:58 Liverpool Echo 7727211172994159935.html
Freeland heads to Mexico in effort to finalize new NAFTA revisions

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is to meet American and Mexican officials in Mexico City on Tuesday amid reports a deal to revise the new North American free-trade agreement is close to completion.

9 Dec 16:42 City NEWS 1130 5858657119560847013.html
Delhi court allows Robert Vadra to travel abroad

The court directed him to submit a fixed deposit receipt (FDR) of Rs 25 lakh and his contact details and address of his stay abroad.

9 Dec 10:54 The Economic Times 7653256036934353763.html
Feuerwehrmann wurde mit einem einzigen Schlag getötet

Gegen sieben Verdächtige wurde Haftbefehl erlassen.

9 Dec 16:57 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567727904747.html
Will Algeria disrupt internet access as election day nears?

With protesters taking to social media to spread information about what is happening on the ground, the Algerian authorities repeatedly resorted to disrupting access to networks and social media platforms.

9 Dec 08:54 Global Voices 982940567731977924.html
Japanese study links even light alcohol consumption with a higher risk of cancer

The increased risk was also found in both men and women and regardless of other drinking/smoking behaviours, and occupational class.

9 Dec 14:59 The Citizen 410802301553497276.html
Malaysia menang Kostum Kebangsaan Terbaik Miss Universe 2019

PESERTA Malaysia, Shweta Sekhon, 22, mencatat kejayaan membanggakan apabila memenangi Kostum Kebangsaan Terbaik buat pertama kali dalam pertandingan Miss Universe 2019 yang berlangsung di Atlanta, Amerika Syarikat, hari ini.

9 Dec 11:53 HM Online 9212632686461023366.html
Schwere Erdbeben-Serie in der Toskana: Auch Deutschland lebt mit dieser Gefahr

Erdbeben in Deutschland sind keine Seltenheit. In der letzten Nacht erschütterte in der Toskana eine Reihe von Beben das Land und riss Menschen aus dem Schlaf.

9 Dec 09:04 futurezone.de 2257170161293340808.html
Infrastructure developers await law on PPP - VietNamNet

The National Assembly is working on an investment law on public-private partnerships (PPP) which investors hope will settle legal conflicts.

9 Dec 13:38 VietNamNet 1879169834752045892.html
Doping: Russlands Sportler für vier weitere Jahre suspendiert

Die Weltantidopingagentur Wada schließt die Russen wie erwartet von Olympia und Weltmeisterschaften aus.

9 Dec 10:29 Kurier 208072237970234603.html
In Paris: Das sagt die internationale Presse zum Ukraine-Gipfel

"Nesawissimaja Gaseta": Demonstranten in Kiew warnen Selenskyj - "Dziennik": Alle brauchen den Erfolg - nur Putin kann warten.

9 Dec 10:07 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700683641105.html
Man dreigde met aanslag bij VDAB na stopzetten uitkering

De 37-jarige Boukhayar A. is maandag voor de Antwerpse strafrechter verschenen voor het toebrengen van slagen aan zijn advocaat en voor het dreigen met een...

9 Dec 14:12 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191037978452.html
Pastor verliert Wette und muss auf Kirchturm klettern

Wenn mehr Spenden zusammenkämen als von ihm vermutet, würde er in den Glockenturm der Kirche klettern, hatte Pastor Christian Kopp gewettet. Er verlor.

9 Dec 10:14 RTL.DE 7054729452966640198.html
Hilfe bei Burnout: Donaupark Klosterneuburg eröffnet

Am Montag, 9. Dezember, eröffnete Landeshauptfrau Johanna Mikl-Leitner das Gesundheitsresort Donaupark in Klosterneuburg, das auf die Behandlung und Prävention von Burnout spezialisiert ist. Im Jänner wird es die ersten Belegungen geben.

9 Dec 13:33 NÖN.at 2486998931999046015.html
Woman tragically dies after going swimming off coast of Ballycastle, Co Antrim

Another lady pulled from the water is being treated for hypothermia

9 Dec 12:05 Irish Mirror 2875825628013265232.html
California nativity scene displaying Jesus in a cage causes stir

Claremont United Methodist church installation shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph as caged immigrant family

9 Dec 16:46 the Guardian 1491978795922475705.html
Heldt kündigt personelle Konsequenzen an

Der 1. FC Köln befindet sich aktuell im freien Fall. Das 0:2 gegen Union Berlin am vergangenen Wochenende war bereits die zehnte Saisonniederlage der Geißböcke und gleichbedeutend mit dem Abrutschen auf den letzten Tabellenplatz. Nun hat FC-Geschäftsführer Horst Heldt nicht nur deutliche Konsequenzen angedroht, sondern auch personelle Verstärkungen im Winter angekündigt.

9 Dec 12:08 weltfussball.at 3521376372154544761.html
Bären machten Winterschlaf in japanischem Krankenhaus

Eine kleine Bärenfamilie hat einen kurzen Winterschlaf erlebt. Sie zog sich in ein Krankenhaus zurück und wurde von einem Jäger geweckt.

9 Dec 08:25 GMX 2011843076720520797.html
Producatorul de conserve Vascar deschide doua noi magazine proprii, in Iasi si Galati

Producatorul de preparate din carne si conserve Vascar a deschis doua noi magazine specializate, in Galati si Iasi, ajungand astfel la o retea de 21 de unitati in regiunea Moldovei.

9 Dec 10:02 Wall-Street 2473040520149873164.html
Lazaro kämpft mit Inter um Champions-League-Achtelfinale

Abgesehen von Salzburgs Gruppe E sind in den Dienstagspielen der Fußball-Champions-League weitere vier Plätze für das Achtelfinale der Königsklasse zu vergeben. Im Fokus stehen das Fernduell zwischen Borussia Dortmund und Inter Mailand von Valentino Lazaro bzw. die Gruppe H, in der sich Ajax Amsterdam, Chelsea und Valencia einen Dreikampf um zwei Tickets liefern. Chelsea, das […]

9 Dec 15:20 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171146669847.html
Feuerwehrmann wurde mit einem einzigen Schlag getötet

Gegen sieben Verdächtige wurde Haftbefehl erlassen.

9 Dec 16:57 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108939958251.html
Remembering Sesame Street Icon Caroll Spinney at the Kennedy Center Honors

A report from the 2019 Kennedy Center Honors, where “Sesame Street” was celebrated on the same day one of its own, Caroll Spinney, died.

9 Dec 15:13 VULTURE 2718750544521686752.html
Delhi HC refuses to pass directions to Centre to link social media with Aadhaar

The Centre apprised the court that the government is under consideration and also got some suggestions from law commission.

9 Dec 13:57 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362670427692.html
Google's Latest ARCore API Needs Just One Camera For Depth Detection

The new ARCore Depth API allows any phone to create a depth map using a single RGB camera.

9 Dec 15:24 HotHardware 6258404625049069710.html
Russia handed four-year ban from international events by WADA

WADA has banned Russia from international sporting events after a panel recomended RUSADA be declared non-compliant again.

9 Dec 11:39 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906925501605.html
PSDB busca eleitores de direita arrependidos com Bolsonaro

Em nova estratégia, PSDB busca eleitores de direita arrependidos com Bolsonaro

9 Dec 10:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699509750121.html
Rohingya refugees demand justice at Myanmar World Court case

Rohingya Muslims demanded Myanmar be held to account at the United Nations' top court in The Hague, where Myanmar leader and Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is set to defend the country against charges of genocide of the minority community.

9 Dec 13:39 Bdnews24 8119004129406834252.html
Schlechtes Signal an die Bürgerinitiative Helios

Zum ersten Spatenstich in Ehrenfeld war die Bürgerinitiative Helios nicht eingeladen. Dabei war sie ein Vorreiter für das Pilotprojekt.

9 Dec 14:43 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567654165057.html
Arcelor Mittal, Patuanelli: ingresso Stato per un nuovo piano

Il ministro dello Sviluppo economico: lo Stato deve essere garante dell'attuazione del piano industriale

9 Dec 14:24 rainews 442831847861774641.html
Festejan posada trabajadores del Congreso Tabasco

En esta ocasión el evento se llevó a cabo a puertas cerradas en el lobby,a diferencia de otros años que rentaban salón.

9 Dec 13:54 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563264126023.html
Amazon-Chef Jeff Bezos warnt vor Gefahr China: Das muss jetzt dringend geschehen

Amazon-Chef Jeff Bezos hat eine nachdrückliche Warnung ausgesprochen: Wenn die USA nicht die Kurve kriegen, werden sie von China überrollt – technologisch.

9 Dec 17:02 futurezone.de 2257170161319415092.html
Ford recalls big pickups; tailgates can open unexpectedly

Ford is recalling nearly 262,000 heavy-duty pickup trucks in the U.S. and Canada because the tailgates can open unexpectedly.

9 Dec 10:04 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202373037087.html
Weihnachtsmarkt Kirchberg: Auch bei Tageslicht sehr reizvoll

Am zweiten Adventswochenende kommen viele Besucher zum Weihnachtsmarkt nach Kirchberg, um das besondere Ambiente in der historischen Altstadt zu genießen.

9 Dec 09:14 swp.de 6929179441584007682.html
Where to find the cheapest PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold membership deals ahead of Christmas

Take your gaming experience to the next level with a PS Plus or Xbox Live Gold membership this December

9 Dec 11:44 dailyrecord 552235480737258010.html
PRF prende homem transportando ouro ilegalmente

Conforme relato policial, o homem estaria transportando junto ao corpo (dentro dos sapatos) uma quantidade de aproximadamente 7.8g de ouro

9 Dec 14:29 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549285457705.html
Ini Dia 7 Manfaat Kesehatan Buah Plum yang Tidak Anda Kira, Salah Satunya Bantu Mencegah Kanker Usus

Plum dikenal untuk membantu mengobati sembelit dan diabetes dan bahkan dapat mencegah penyakit jantung dan kanker.

9 Dec 13:00 grid.id 6246371060194735790.html
Sismo afecta a Florencia, se suspende temporalmente servicio de trenes

Sismo afecta a Florencia, se suspende temporalmente servicio de trenes

9 Dec 10:56 LaPatilla.com 9104603010040075832.html
Officer shoots, wounds man following traffic stop, chase

HALLANDALE BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A man was shot and wounded by police over the weekend following a vehicle chase in South Florida, authorities said. An officer attempted to make...

9 Dec 15:57 The Seattle Times 9121942838149925125.html
La grieta italiana donde nacieron los monstruos

El exmagistrado Giuliano Turone reconstruye de forma trepidante tres años de crímenes y conspiraciones que tiñeron el país de sangre y corrupción

9 Dec 17:00 EL PAÍS 2207347710739193009.html
Danielle Zarb-Cousin splits from Jonny Mitchell and cancels wedding amid cheating fears

EXCLUSIVE: Love Island's Jonny Mitchell has been dumped by his fiancee Danielle Zarb-Cousin just 10 months before their plush wedding

9 Dec 10:49 Irish Mirror 2875825629869615519.html
DC's Dark Multiverse Has Finally Given Us the Perfect Deathstroke

With Deathstroke comes to an end, the last issue of Christopher Priest's run gives us a perfect version of Slade Wilson from DC's Dark Multiverse.

9 Dec 16:12 CBR.com 1295516962138348699.html
Monopoly Nurburgring is the perfect Christmas gift for car guys

Hasbro releases Monopoly Nurburgring 2nd Edition, priced at Eur 44.95 (Php 2,534).

9 Dec 09:27 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447311817722.html
Why Republicans should drag out Trump's Senate trial

Give Democrats what they asked for

9 Dec 15:11 The Week 149215355367219629.html
Indika Beli Lagi Saham di Proyek Awak Mas

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Indika Energy Tbk (Indika Energy) melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Indika Mineral Investindo, telah menandatangani non-binding term sheet (Term Sheet) dengan Nusantara Resources Limited (Nusantara) terkait Proyek Awak Mas (Proyek). Penandatanganan ini merupakan pengembangan lanjutan atas investasi Indika Energy di Nusantara yang telah dilakukan sejak Desember 2018.

9 Dec 11:50 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835872784498.html
City leaders discuss new proposed gun range in Cape Coral in council meeting

City council members will discuss the $8 million proposed gun range planned for Cape Coral

9 Dec 15:46 Fox 4 8372747777125850605.html
New team to tackle stalled public transport services in Khayelitsha | Cape Argus

The Khayelitsha Development Forum has appointed its former chairperson Michael Benu to lead a task team to look into the state of public transport.

9 Dec 12:42 www.iol.co.za 17825110978078778.html
Lavaggio delicato - Claudio Rossi Marcelli

Nella mia famiglia i bambini facevano il bagno tutte le sere, ma la mia compagna pensa che nostro figlio di sette anni non si debba lavare più di due volte alla settimana. Leggi

9 Dec 16:37 Internazionale 3249842261127285306.html
Polman pissig na verlies, Wester heeft spierblessure

Estavana Polman was natuurlijk niet blij na de verliespartij van de Nederlandse handbalsters tegen Denemarken. De topspeelster zag na de matige partij tegen Duitsland dat er wederom niet goed geschoten werd. Ondertussen heeft keepster Tess Wester een blessure opgelopen. Polman en haar teamgenotes kwamen er niet door bij de Deense keeper: “We stonden weer voor…

9 Dec 14:06 Sportnieuws 3602982464826037265.html
Pertama Kali Kemudikan Mobil Segede Toyota Fortuner, Ada 5 Ritual yang Harus Dilakukan

Ada beberapa hal yang harus kamu perhatikan sebelum berkendara dengan mobil berbadan besar sekelas Toyota Fortuner. Apa saja ya?

9 Dec 08:00 grid.id 586386475025508774.html
Hotel pilferers set their sights on MATTRESSES as five-star establishments find luxury 'rain-effect' showers, TVs and artwork are also vanishing along with their bathrobes

The luxury beds are worth so much and are filled with so much technology, like memory foam and temperature controls, that they have become a target for thieves, a survey has revealed.

9 Dec 09:07 Mail Online 124328111017060816.html
READ: Top House Intel Investigator Makes The Ukraine Case In Opening Statement

The House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday released the prepared remarks of Daniel Goldman, the committee’s director of investigations and its...

9 Dec 16:05 Talking Points Memo 4598529367445292249.html
Grote Belgische bussenorder voor VDL

Industrieel concern VDL heeft een opdracht voor tweehonderd hybride bussen gekregen van het Vlaamse openbaarvervoerbedrijf De Lijn. De bussen worden vanaf de tweede helft van volgend jaar geleverd. Financiële details maakte VDL niet bekend.

9 Dec 16:40 RD.nl 6406779841169032777.html
Obofour to name officials of Tema Assembly who received bribes from him

The Founder of Anointed Palace Chapel (APC) Francis Antwi, aka Reverend Obofour has threatened to expose officials of the Tema West Municipal Assembly who took some monies from him as bribes when they inspected progress of his church building in the area. “I will talk when you push me. Anyone who has collected money in connection with the construction of the building will have to vomit it when we get to the court,” he threatened A week ago, there was news that Adwoa Amoako, Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Tema West Assembly, escaped being physically attacked by some agitated members of APC after the MCE and her officers had visited the premises of the church to inspect building permits and also collect property rates. Reacting to the fracas that ensued on the premises of his church in Tema, Rev. Obofour called the TWMA official “liars” and rather accused them of attacking three of his security men on the church premises without any justification. He explained  in a 28-minute 17-seconds video on his YouTube…

9 Dec 15:00 mynewsgh.com 2909200109666059724.html
Elon Musk gaat met zijn Cybertruck op restaurant en kegelt meteen paaltje omver

Moet Elon Musk nog wat oefenen met zijn Tesla Cybertruck of was het de autopiloot die zaterdagavond een signalisatiepaaltje omver kegelde bij het verlaten van de parking van het bekende restaurant ...

9 Dec 17:57 HLN 8967494996778229439.html
Tourist tweets escape from NZ's White Island volcano

Tourist Michael Schade stood at the crater of New Zealand's White Island volcano minutes before it erupted on Monday and shared his terrifying experience in a series of messages and videos posted on

9 Dec 12:41 Deccan Herald 2027555797051432873.html
Salamantex: Niederösterreichisches Crypto-Startup sucht die besten Developer

Das niederösterreichische Startup Salamantex gehört zu den spannendsten [...]

9 Dec 13:38 Trending Topics 3345568775492895151.html
'Geen plannen' voor Huawei-telefoons met eigen software

De Chinese techreus Huawei heeft nog geen plannen om zijn eigen besturingssysteem Harmony OS op smartphones, tablets en computers te installeren.

9 Dec 10:52 Bright.nl 6602863323063699516.html
Gewaltsamer Tod in Augsburg: Sechs Verdächtige festgenommen

Nach dem gewaltsamen Tod eines 49-Jährigen in Bayern sollen mehrere junge Männer dem Richter vorgeführt werden. Die Polizei ermittelt unter Hochdruck. Bayerns Innenminister lobt die Videoüberwachung.

9 Dec 08:05 ka-news.de 5595931856863172086.html
Lettland: Ausstellung zeigt Macht der Gefühle in Deutschland

Deutsche Geschichte im Spiegel der Gefühle: In Lettland zeigt das Lettische Okkupationsmuseum in Riga eine Retrospektive der geschichtlichen Ereignisse in Deutschland in den vergangenen 100 Jahren.

9 Dec 14:29 www.derwesten.de 5765995665629228364.html
Northumbrian Water-an energy mix that delivers for the planet

Embracing a mix of sustainable energy sources, a zero carbon future is high on the agenda for Northumbrian Water...

9 Dec 10:53 ChronicleLive 1984146901467276016.html
Peaceful Hong Kong march marred by fire outside court, police say

Hong Kong: Hong Kong protesters set fire outside court buildings, threw petrol bombs and spray-painted graffiti on government buildings, marring what was otherwise a "generally peaceful" march over the weekend, police said on Monday.

9 Dec 10:24 The Peninsula 1202843882095512872.html
Mexico rejects US trade deal proposals on steel, aluminum

Mexico's foreign minister said Sunday the country would not accept a US proposal for steel and aluminum production under the new trade deal, saying it would leave Mexico at a disadvantage.

9 Dec 16:29 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351513242859904.html
6 Chat Lucu Driver Ojek Online Buat Kesal Penumpang Ini Bikin Cengar Cengir

Banyak pengalaman unik dan absurd yang mereka jumpai selama menjadi pelanggan transportasi yang satu ini.

9 Dec 08:45 liputan6.com 5422146881206454244.html
Rapinoe wins Sports Illustrated's top prize to cap stellar year

NEW YORK : Megan Rapinoe collected another accolade in a stellar year by claiming Sports Illustrated's Sportsperson of the Year honor on Monday for her performance on the U.S. women's World Cup-winning soccer team and for her campaigning off the field.

9 Dec 17:38 The Peninsula 1202843881922799039.html
There are no Reports of Injured Bulgarians in the Volcanic Eruption in New Zealand

There are currently no reports of injured Bulgarian citizens in the eruption of the White Island volcano in New Zealand, as well as in relation with the complicated climatic conditions of the South Island and the capital Wellington. This was announced by the press centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

9 Dec 13:16 novinite.com 4235039570767639973.html
California man arrested after posting YouTube videos appearing to show mass shooting practice

A South California man has been arrested after posting graphic YouTube videos shot at a downtown San Diego hotel in which he appears to be practicing for a mass shooting with assault-style weapons.

9 Dec 17:39 Fox News 7362823821200535909.html
BREAKING New Zealand volcano: Fears for three Brits after eruption kills at least five

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story

9 Dec 13:13 mirror 675785260775230154.html
Obaseki inaugurates EIRS, EDOSACA, Waste Mgt boards

The Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has inaugurated the newly constituted boards for the Edo State Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDs...

9 Dec 16:34 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900329238065.html
A more realistic Bitmoji? Snapchat is rolling out a tool called Cameo that uses deepfake technology

SnapChat is adding a feature that basically allows you to deepfake yourself into a video or GIF for fun.

9 Dec 17:38 Tech Xplore 4945708897953317872.html
Uomini e Donne, Giulia Quattrociocche fa un annuncio inaspettato

Giulia fa un annuncio inaspettato: andrà a convivere con Daniele. Ha rivelato ciò nello studio di Uomini e Donne una settimana dopo la scelta

9 Dec 11:00 KontroKultura 2573504972133993903.html
Masih Dikaji, Bank Mandiri Ngebet Caplok Bank di Filipina

Rencana PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) mengakuisisi bank-bank asal Filipina ternyata masih sesuai dengan rencana.

9 Dec 09:50 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212853905986.html
Erutta un vulcano in Nuova Zelanda: diverse vittime

Sull'isola al momento erano presenti turisti impegnati in escursioni sulla bocca del cratere

9 Dec 10:00 euronews 7379718590250169738.html
Russia banned from international sporting events for 4 years over doping

The World Anti-Doping Agancy (WADA) said on Monday that Russia would not be able to officially compete in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo

9 Dec 12:04 euronews 7318238121606265817.html
Deal or no Deal-koffertje Meghan geveild

Lang voordat Meghan Markle een rol in Suits kreeg en voordat ze de hertogin van Sussex werd, was ze model en werkte ze als koffermeisje in het tv-programma Deal or No Deal.

9 Dec 16:08 RTL Boulevard 1500115271028798331.html
German exports rise in October, defying expectations

BERLIN (AP) - German exports posted a second consecutive month-on-month increase in October, defying economists' expectations of a slight decline.

9 Dec 08:32 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636304132154.html
Okon shows off new unbelievable body transformation

Nollywood actor Okon, whose real name is Ime Bishop Umoh has shown off his new body transformation, after intense workout regime. The actor who used to be known for his signatory pot-belly posted a new photo

9 Dec 10:12 LailasNews.com 2090029849787006168.html
Dalian Atkinson death: police officers to stand trial next September

Benjamin Monk is accused of murder and Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith denies assault

9 Dec 13:49 the Guardian 1491978795389276072.html
OnePlus TV gets Netflix app and new improved remote controller

OnePlus marked its entry into the TV market this September with a pair of TV sets, one of which had a fancy motorized soundbar retracting from its bottom.

9 Dec 14:12 Android Police 6171356414583455086.html
Neue Notruf-App und Rechnungshofs-Kritik für Wiener Rettung

Per Knopfdruck kann in Wien künftig die Rettung gerufen werden. Für die Wiener Rettung gibt es aber auch Kritik vom Rechnungshof: Wegen langer Notarzt-Wartezeiten, geringer Standortanzahl und...

9 Dec 14:33 Die Presse 6242788855281810345.html
Asylwerber in Lehre - Vier-Parteien-Einigung steht

ÖVP, SPÖ, Grüne und NEOS haben sich - im Vorfeld der Plenarsitzung am Mittwoch - über die letzten Details der "Asylwerber in Lehre"-Regelung geeinigt. Dass die Frist für die Ausreiseverpflichtung erst nach Abschluss der Lehre bzw. nach der Lehrabschlussprüfung beginnt war bereits fix. In einem Gespräch am Montag wurde sichergestellt, dass dies schon jetzt - vor Inkrafttreten der Änderung - gilt.

9 Dec 17:22 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083877842283.html
Biden campaign attacks Trump policy on Saudi Arabia, North Korea

Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential campaign launched new attacks on Donald Trump on Sunday, advocating a reevaluation of U.S.-Saudi relations.

9 Dec 12:15 Vanguard News 4125100340067891572.html
Revolving Door Revolves Some More: Head Of Copyright Office Leaves To Join MPAA

For many years we've been covering the rather disturbing revolving door between the US Copyright Office and Hollywood. This...

9 Dec 11:58 Techdirt 1456370858681010773.html
Erstmals Autowaschanlage als Herd für Legionärskrankheit gefunden

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 11:03 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775880896695.html
Arbitro aggredito a Rotella, follia in campo. Fischietto all'ospedale

Ancora violenza contro un giovane fischietto L’episodio nel campionato di Terza Categoria

9 Dec 17:56 il Resto del Carlino 7209657604147315514.html
Designan a nuevo dirigente del PRI en Morelos

Josué Cirino Valdés Huezo fue designado dirigente en el estado tras la separación del cargo de Alberto Martínez González.

9 Dec 17:07 Milenio 4240839408071566562.html
Poznata imena svih HDZ-ovih ministara i zamjenika u Savjetu ministara

SARAJEVO - Aktuelni ministar finansija i trezora BiH Vjekoslav Bevanda, kao i trenutni ministar pravde BiH Josip Grubeša i u ovom mandatu zadržaće se na istim pozicijama u Savjetu ministara.

9 Dec 09:41 Nezavisne novine 4209150641156717482.html
Mayo garda warning over security of Christmas presents

​​​​​​​THINK like Santa and don't put the presents under the tree until Christmas – that's the advice of Superintendent Joe McKenna.

9 Dec 12:35 Connaught Telegraph 8840491534078500774.html
Politia nu se asteapta sa mai gaseasca supravietuitori dupa eruptia vulcanului din Noua Zeelanda

Politia din Noua Zeelanda a anuntat luni ca nu se asteapta sa mai gaseasca supravietuitori dupa eruptia vulcanica de pe White Island, care a facut cel putin cinci victime si a ranit alte 20 de persoane.

9 Dec 16:15 Ziare.com 1922730287182247266.html
Ständerat hält nichts von Begrenzungsinitiative der SVP

Die Personenfreizügigkeit mit der EU kündigen? Nein, empfiehlt auch die kleine Kammer des Parlaments – und zwar klar.

9 Dec 16:19 SRF 8424707179656707904.html
Ryan Cole pleads not guilty in arraignment hearing in Port Charlotte

Ryan Cole, the man accused of stabbing to death 15 year old Khyler Edman had an arraignment hearing today and plead not gu

9 Dec 15:58 Fox 4 8372747778445814750.html
Rapper Juice Wrld voorspelde dat hij jong zou sterven

De Amerikaanse rapper Juice Wrld hield er in zijn nummer Legends al rekening mee dat hij jong zou sterven. De rapper, die eigenlijk Jarad Anthony Higgins heet, overleed zondag nadat hij onwel was geworden op het vliegveld van Chicago.

9 Dec 14:41 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047958604140.html
'Panipat': Post protests, Jaipur theatres stop screening Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon starrer

Several theatres here stopped screening Ashutosh Gowariker's 'Panipat' on Monday, amid criticism by Jat groups over the film's portrayal of Bharatpur'

9 Dec 14:16 The Times of India 6060938663902488569.html
4 Tahun Disimpan Rapat, Ringgo Agus Akhirnya Akui Sempat Tunda Pernikahannya dengan Sabai Morscheck Gara-gara Ruhiyat!

Tak banyak yang tahu, Ringgo Agus dan Sabai Morscheck sempat menunda pernikahan mereka selama setahun.

9 Dec 08:12 grid.id 586386474582329555.html
Gegara Korupsi, Operator Telekomunikasi Ini Kena Denda Miliaran! Waduh!

WE Online, Surakarta - Perusahaan telekomunikasi seluler saingan Huawei, Ericsson, setuju untuk membayar denda senilai US$1 miliar karena tindak korupsi--termasuk menyuap pejabat pemerintah, menurut keterangan Departemen Kehakiman Amerika Serikat (AS).

9 Dec 11:18 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835395443653.html
TIM Party celebra Star Wars regalandovi GB illimitati per un mese

Da diverso tempo TIM ha lanciato il suo programma di fidelizzazione TIM Party che propone a cadenza regolare diversi omaggi ai clienti iscritti. Nelle ulti

9 Dec 11:45 MobileWorld 1731579004590613503.html
Global stocks whacked as China export decline highlights trade war damage

LONDON, Dec 9 — Global equity markets were in a sombre mood today after Chinese export data highlighted the economic damage from the 17-month long trade war and re-focused attention on a crucial December 15 tariff deadline. The only big winner of the day was the British pound which surged to...

9 Dec 13:37 Malaymail 302165936541126522.html
College grad na si Senator Pacquiao!

NGAYON pa lang ay una na tayong babati ng sinserong congratulations kay Senador Manny ‘Pacman’ Pacquiao.

9 Dec 09:28 Journal Online 6375127393807476714.html
Jeff Bezos says employee activists are wrong and Silicon Valley firms should feel comfortable doing business with the US military

Bezos said it was the responsibility of management to push back against employee outrage toward military contracts.

9 Dec 10:52 Business Insider 6060062399304678084.html
How Aaron Wan-Bissaka has impressed Manchester United teammates in training

Man Utd right-back Aaron Wan-Bissaka has impressed since arriving in the summer but Darren Fletcher wants to see him improve in one area.

9 Dec 13:27 men 6694993428677930617.html
Man in Viral Video of Brutal Elephant Killing Pays Dearly

After the shocking video of the man mercilessly hacking the poor animal to death went viral, village elders have finally turned...

9 Dec 17:06 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154889339867.html
Elizabeth Warren Built the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It Became a Revolving Door.

When Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) began staffing up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2010 and 2011, she did something that appeared, at first blush, to be highly counterintuitive. Instead of limiting staff to those with extensive background in consumer activism and regulatory policy, she chose

9 Dec 10:19 Yahoo 7097669637685117661.html
Herfstig weer deze week, gevaar voor rijm- en ijzelplekken morgenochtend

West-Europa hoeft op korte termijn geen winterprik te verwachten. Lagedrukgebieden boven de Atlantische Oceaan trekken geregeld van west naar oost over ons land en brengen naast wind ook geregeld r...

9 Dec 08:05 HLN 8967494996810262741.html
Kano Gov, elders trade words over creation of new Emirates

The creation of four new Emirates of Rano, Karaye,  Bichi and Gaya from the former Kano Emirate has led to an exchange of words between Governor...

9 Dec 16:54 Vanguard News 4125100338903122230.html
DNA der Dinge: Forscher kombinieren 3D-Druck und DNA-Datenspeicher

Mit einem neuen Verfahren können Forschende alltägliche Dinge zu Datenspeichern machen. Als Informationsträger nutzen sie dabei die Erbsubstanz DNA.

9 Dec 16:40 bz BASEL 5287163742430391480.html
Taking flight as Microsoft Flight Simulator returns to the skies

Once a mainstay of Microsoft's gaming business, it's now been 13 years since the last Microsoft Flight Simulator. Now with Asobo Studio at the helm, Microsoft are looking to right that wrong, doing so

9 Dec 14:00 tsa 6447108926317234838.html
Turtle Beach Elite Atlas Aero gaming headset review

The Turtle Beach Elite Atlas Aero is perfect for competitive gaming, but is it well rounded enough to justify the price?

9 Dec 15:13 PC Gamer 9149753394172491498.html
AMD and Intel Could Be Screwed By New Chinese Mandate Forbidding Foreign Technology

Following the U.S. ban that prohibited domestic companies from supplying equipment to Huawei back in May, the technological Cold War between the U.S. and China just got a bit more intense now that Beijing has ordered all Chinese government and public-facing offices to replace any equipment featuring foreign components.

9 Dec 16:20 Gizmodo 461714590086605046.html
Primopredaja mape procesuiranih ratnih zločina u BiH

SARAJEVO - Šef Misije OEBS-a u BiH Ketlin Kavalek i predsjednik Visokog sudskog i tužilačkog savjeta (VSTS) BiH Milan Tegeltija potpisali su danas u Sarajevu memorandum o primopredaji mape procesuiranih ratnih zločina u BiH.

9 Dec 14:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150641428772000.html
Putin sits down for talks with Ukraine leader for first time

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's president are meeting for the first time at a summit in Paris to find a way to end the five years of fighting in eastern Ukraine.

9 Dec 16:38 CTVNews 2422791598148726216.html
Jhunjhunwala likely to withdraw from YES Bank's preferential share offer

Lender’s board may also reject the $1.2-b offer by Erwin Singh Braich, SPGP Holdings

9 Dec 15:12 BusinessLine 5283601653902256.html
Werkstraf voor vervoeren van 2 kilo henneptoppen

Voor het vervoeren van ruim twee kilo henneptoppen is een 23-jarige man uit Uithuizen veroordeeld tot een werkstaf van 60 uur.

9 Dec 15:45 RTV Noord 3728677366881182046.html
Polizei findet in Malters verschlossenen Tresor in Einbrecher-Auto

Bei einer Verkehrskontrolle in Malters hat die Luzerner Polizei am Samstagnachmittag drei Männer festgenommen, die im Auto einen verschlossenen Tresor mitführten. Dieser wurde zuvor aus einer Wohnung gestohlen.

9 Dec 15:35 bz BASEL 5287163742120400217.html
Proces dreigt voor Karim Benzema in zaak rond sekstape

Het Hof van Cassatie heeft het beroep van Real Madrid-aanvaller Karim Benzema verworpen, in het chantageschandaal met een sekstape rond Olympiakos-middenve...

9 Dec 14:27 De Standaard 2288913867894354303.html
Eritrea pull shocker on Burundi in CECAFA

KAMPALA, Uganda, Dec 9 – After returning to the CECAFA Senior Challenge Cup for the first time in almost six years, Eritrea posted a shocking result at Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 12:45 Capital Sports 7605153804691744513.html
Ada Anggota TGUPP Anies Rangkap Jabatan, Bisa Jadi Temuan BPK?

Rangkap jabatan satu anggota TGUPP Anies disebutnya sama dengan penerimaan gaji dobel dari sumber APBD yang sama.

9 Dec 15:24 Tempo 8197554463641023602.html
Warum wir PISA vielleicht nicht so ernst nehmen sollten

Jeden Montag präsentiert die „Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft“ in Kooperation mit der „Presse“ aktuelle Themen aus der Sicht von Ökonomen. Heute: Christoph Kuzmics über Bildung.

9 Dec 09:28 Die Presse 6242788854016882274.html
5 Restaurant Stocks Dominating Holiday Season Foot Traffic

Foot traffic is one of the best indicators of which fast-food restaurant stocks are best navigating the difficult environment.

9 Dec 16:20 InvestorPlace 24614510406494199.html
RuneScape patch updates farming and herblore elements, notes here

A new patch has been released for RuneScape by Jagex that is focused on improving farming and the game's herblore as well as a number of other changes and fixes. These changes apply both to the PC ver

9 Dec 13:40 tsa 6447108927376960566.html
Ustaz Abdul Somad Unggah Puisi Usai Cerai, Cerita Nasib & Kebanggaan

Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS) mengunggah puisi panjang di akun media sosialnya.

9 Dec 14:03 moms-life 8028540701571016604.html
Nuove offerte di lavoro a Biella e Biellese

Mercoledì 11 dicembre sul giornale in edicola altri annunci

9 Dec 08:36 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318450252143.html
Europa bouwt 'stofzuiger' voor ruimteafval

De Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA wil een vaartuig laten bouwen dat satellieten gaat opruimen. Dit moet de hoeveelheid ruimteafval in een baan rond de aarde terugdringen.

9 Dec 11:56 Bright.nl 6602863322655756333.html
Why do smells trigger such vivid memories?

Certain scents can cause a rush of feelings — even if you don't always remember why.

9 Dec 15:03 mnn 1276819565977039710.html
Fusion GPS Chief Saw Russian Lawyer Before and After Her Trump Tower Meeting

Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, admitted in his book he met two times on the same day with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

9 Dec 12:52 Breitbart 3148363491422042658.html
Facebook’s business strategy for the future: Conversational commerce

Facebook explains how they plan to develop commerce across their family of apps, with a focus on helping businesses grow, scale, and compete.

9 Dec 16:23 SoyaCincau.com 3698931831483750291.html
Vader dode baby wilde niet naar huisarts

Ondanks zorgen bij de moeder over koortsstuipen bij de zeven maanden oude baby Rivano, wilde vader Kevin van den B. in november 2017 niet naar de huisartsenpost. Dat bleek maandag bij het begin van de rechtszaak tegen de 26-jarige vader.

9 Dec 11:17 RD.nl 6406779842302626349.html
South Africa hit by massive power cuts as floods disrupt supply

Worst outages in a decade after heavy rains cause power stations to fail

9 Dec 13:07 the Guardian 1491978794758785436.html
Labor Union President Confirms Trump and House Democrats Have Reached Deal on USMCA: Report

The president of the largest federation of unions in the country said Monday that the Trump administration and House Democrats had reached a deal on President Trump’s landmark USMCA trade deal after months of negotiation.AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who represents a key party in negotiations, told

9 Dec 16:33 Yahoo 7097669638490625863.html
Prosecutors Seek Lengthy Prison Terms For Two Former Bishkek Mayors 

Kyrgyz prosecutors in a high-profile corruption trial have asked a court to sentence two former mayors of Bishkek to lengthy prison terms.

9 Dec 10:29 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163481184970.html
Serena O’Dwyer from Cashel receives Gold Gaisce Award

The awards were presented by President Michael D Higgins in a prestigious ceremony hosted by Sinead Burke

9 Dec 10:11 TipperaryLive 1097599578004855384.html
Blackberry-Urteile: Gericht hält Softwarepatente für neu und erfinderisch

Münchner Richter halten ein Verbot von WhatsApp und anderen Facebook-Diensten für angebracht, da Blackberrys Klagepatente den Stand der Technik voranbrächten.

9 Dec 17:28 heise online 1766193383713930430.html
Chipotle has nurses who check if workers are actually sick or just hungover

At a conference last week, the CEO of Chipotle said the restaurant chain now has nurses on call who check whether some workers who call in sick are actually ill or just hungover.

9 Dec 15:59 Fox 4 8372747777936592546.html
The January transfer window headache in-form star has given Cardiff City boss Neil Harris

Bluebirds boss Neil Harris has made it clear that there are likely to be casualties next month and with five senior strikers on the books, something has to give

9 Dec 11:28 Wales Online 7686550517083374122.html
Minvu promueve viviendas de autoconstrucción ciudadana con mayor calidad

Esta modalidad se encuentra en los llamados para el Fondo Solidario de Elección de Vivienda y puede postular quien sea poseedor de un terreno. Hasta el momento ha sido utilizado en planes de reconstrucción principalmente por los incendios forestales en Santa Olga.

9 Dec 13:15 24Horas.cl 793283385631377100.html
WADA imposes four-year ban on Russia

The World Anti-Doping Agency has imposed a four-year ban on Russia using its flag, anthem and team names at Olympic and sports events.

9 Dec 10:33 ESPN 8538773402494178357.html
WADA imposes four-year ban on Russia

The World Anti-Doping Agency has imposed a four-year ban on Russia using its flag, anthem and team names at Olympic and sports events.

9 Dec 10:33 ESPN.com 7331508222151889973.html
Eurozona: fiducia investitori migliora anche a dicembre

Migliora ulteriormente e più del previsto la fiducia degli investitori dell'Eurozona. Secondo il sondaggio Sentix, a dicembre l'indice che misura la fiducia degli investitori nell'Eurozona si è attestata a 0,7 …

9 Dec 11:35 FinanzaOnline 6528634127847819956.html
Conti truccati con le schede del gioco on-line


9 Dec 08:58 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985370733217007.html
Hunsur voters not impressed by promise of a new district

The BJP candidate A.H. Vishwanath’ dream of carving out an area of political sphere for himself by creating a new district of Hunsur by bifurcating Mysuru has failed to enamour the voters. Mr. Vishwan

9 Dec 16:35 The Hindu 6679535025640965453.html
Cuori di cioccolato contro le malattie rare

Cuori di cioccolato di Telethon: anche a Vercelli arriva la distribuzione benefica.

9 Dec 13:59 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734033168082274.html
These five adorable kittens need rehoming in Devon after being abandoned

Warning: There are pictures of ridiculously cute kittens contained in this article

9 Dec 15:56 DevonLive 2469244513420820485.html
The Ten Women After Whom The Modi Government Is Planning To Set Up Chairs In Universities

The list includes Amrita Devi Beniwal, Devi Ahilyabai Holkar, Lal Ded, M S Subbulakshmi and Lilavati among others. 

9 Dec 17:29 Swarajya 4977622830298429267.html
Extremsportler Freddy Nock wegen versuchter vorsätzlicher Tötung angeklagt

Die Aargauer Staatsanwaltschaft hat den Extremsportler aus Uerkheim wegen versuchter vorsätzlicher Tötung, mehrfacher Gefährdung des Lebens und mehrfacher versuchter Körperverletzung angeklagt. Am Mittwoch steht er in Zofingen vor Gericht.

9 Dec 14:59 watson.ch 2253754995430928245.html
Five dead, tourists stranded as New Zealand volcano erupts

Around 50 people, including cruise passengers and foreigners, were believed to be on or around White Island at the time it erupted. Police said 23 have come back.

9 Dec 12:07 Saudi Gazette 6913978435391177704.html
Verdächtiger gestand tödliche Messerattacke auf Frau in Mistelbach

Die 48-Jährige wurde am Sonntagabend tot in einer Wohnung gefunden. Ihr Lebensgefährte, ein 53-jähriger Mann, wurde festgenommen.

9 Dec 14:43 Die Presse 6242788855407277629.html
Mataron a ingeniero durante ritual de limpieza espiritual en Puerto Cabello

En medio de un ritual de limpieza espiritual le quitaron la vida, a golpes, a un ingeniero. Sucedió en Puerto Cabello, estado Carabobo.

9 Dec 10:30 Panorama 6052790754459278109.html
Milly Carlucci: svela il secondo concorrente de Il Cantante Mascherato

Milly Carlucci: la presentatrice rivela un altro concorrente de Il Cantante Mascherato Lungo il cammino che ci condurrà alla prima edizione, escono nuove anticipazioni su Il Cantante Mascherato, l’inedito (almeno in Italia) show di Milly Carlucci previsto a gennaio su Rai Uno il venerdì sera. Tramite i social network, la celebre e amata conduttrice ha svelato […]

9 Dec 09:45 KontroKultura 2573504973316831648.html
England to wear black armbands against South Africa as tribute to Bob Willis

England players will wear black armbands during the first Test of their tour of South Africa in honour of former bowler Bob Willis. Willis, who captained England before turning to punditry after

9 Dec 13:43 The Independent 2511519170549998405.html
Eggenburg: Besinnlicher Abend in hektischer Zeit

Die Musikmittelschule Eggenburg lud zum Adventkonzert „Im Schein der Kerze“ – in den Lindehofsaal, der bis zum letzten Platz besetzt war, ein.

9 Dec 16:34 NÖN.at 2486998932046037273.html
Jeff Bezos says employee activists are wrong and Silicon Valley firms should feel comfortable doing business with the US military

Bezos said it was the responsibility of management to push back against employee outrage toward military contracts.

9 Dec 10:52 Yahoo 7097669637349063950.html
Scenari Ilva: dalle partecipazioni dello stato alla cessione ai cinesi

Sulla trattativa fra ArcelorMittal e lo Stato i dettagli non possono essere svelati, ma una conferma già c’è: nel nuovo assetto dell’ex Ilva entreranno soggetti a partecipazione pubblica. Lo ha confermato il presidente del Consiglio, Giuseppe Conte, parlando con i cronisti sull’andamento dei negoziati. Smentita, invece, l’ipotesi che dal colosso dell’acciaio sia arrivata una proposta da un miliardo di euro per svincolarsi dai precedenti accordi: “smentisco”, ha detto Conte, “con Mittal c’è un negoziato in corso, abbiamo delle controproposte molto efficaci nella direzione che avevamo concordato con il signor Mittal, e cioè avviare una robusta seria transizione energetica, conservare i livelli di occupazione quanto più possibile e investire ancor di più nel risanamento ambientale. Lavoreremo su questo e il negoziato è solo all’inizi”. Partecipazioni pubbliche nell’ex Ilva, la conferma Sull’ingresso dello Stato nella società, invece, è arrivata la conferma: “Non mi fate dire i dettagli, dovete avere pazienza”, ha…

9 Dec 17:59 Wall Street Italia 1518582934230284881.html
Streit um Zigarettenrauch eskaliert – Schwangere verletzt

Am Hauptbahnhof in Dortmund ist ein Streit um eine rauchende Frau eskaliert. Es kam zu einem Handgemenge, bei dem eine Schwangere zu Boden ging. Auch ein Unbeteiligter wurde verletzt

9 Dec 16:34 T-Online 5460876210660231706.html
Antony Catalano, Bruce Gordon reject Seven West Media's takeover bid for Prime Media

Australian Community Media executive chairman and Prime Media shareholder Antony Catalano has confirmed he will vote against Seven West Media's proposal to sw...

9 Dec 09:38 The Canberra Times 8662394328711397604.html
Coats for homeless removed from Dublin's Ha'penny Bridge

Action by city authority for ‘public safety’ reasons provokes social media outcry

9 Dec 13:08 the Guardian 1491978794574205766.html
Fitch: Smoother Italy-EU relations do not remove fiscal uncertainty

Political divisions and differing policy views within Italy's governing coalition are likely to constrain meaningful tax & structural reforms, Fitch R

9 Dec 15:04 FXStreet 4480975639907111503.html
Pantade burkar med falska streckkoder

Två personer åtalas nu för bedrägeri efter att ha pantat importerade burkar som de fäst falska streckkoder på.

9 Dec 16:00 SVT Nyheter 8475792990634369040.html
Trump impeachment hearing: Pro-Trump Infowars host who called for Obama to be lynched thrown out of inquiry

A host on the far-right US conspiracy and disinformation website InfoWars has been removed from the latest impeachment hearing by police, after interrupting House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry

9 Dec 16:32 The Independent 2511519172300242676.html
Salvation Army Angle Tree Program needs help

The Salvation Army Angle Tree Program needs help as many gifts have not been returned and still hundreds of Angels have not been claimed

9 Dec 17:34 Fox 4 8372747778556365700.html
RADA warns farmers about beet armyworm increase arising from rainfall

The Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) is reporting that recent rains have triggered an increase in the pest population of the beet armyworm. RADA says the downpours have facilitated increased plant growth such as...

9 Dec 17:15 The Gleaner 1215260528766962913.html
Juice WRLD: Rapper dies following medical emergency at Chicago airport

Rapper and singer Juice WRLD has died in Chicago, the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office said Sunday.

9 Dec 10:43 Fox 4 8372747778595494668.html
Study: High-Tech Job Growth Overwhelmingly Benefits Three California Cities | Breitbart

High-tech sector job growth is overwhelmingly benefiting three California cities, plus Seattle and Boston, while the rest of the U.S. has been left behind in the dust, according to a new study.

9 Dec 17:39 Breitbart 3148363491050002487.html
How Furniture Fuels AR And Other Retail Innovations

Retailers are turning to visual technologies and new business models to reach more consumers. What's next for the retail consumer experience for furniture?

9 Dec 16:02 PYMNTS.com 7357138825301209125.html
Akibat Sedikit Cekcok, Pria Ini Kemudian Membakar Dirinya Sendiri Di Sebuah Lahan Parkir, Para Pria Pemabuk Ini Harus Melakukan Aksi Heroik, Lihat Bagaimana Aksinya

seorang pria membakar dirinya sendiri di sebuah lahan parkir, hampir tewas jika tidak diselamatkan pria-pria ini

9 Dec 16:00 grid.id 6246371059057278586.html
Biglietti falsi per le partite della Juve, smantellata banda di bagarini

Sono stati arrestati 9 bagarini che vendevano falsi biglietti per le partite della Juventus. Sono ritenuti responsabili a vario titolo e in concorso di truffa e utilizzo di pubblici sigilli contraffatti.

9 Dec 17:00 il BiancoNero 8980755940708408247.html
French-listed behemoth Elis weighs bid for Spotless Laundries

French behemoth Elis is weighing a bid for Spotless' commercial laundries business.

9 Dec 10:32 Australian Financial Review 3974284488169317250.html
Report: Tottenham could send Oliver Skipp and Japhet Tanganga on loan in January

Mauricio Pochettino liked to keep Tottenham's best youngsters at the club.Mauricio Pochettino liked to keep Tottenham's best youngsters at the club.

9 Dec 17:15 The Boot Room 5717202225372772830.html
Bumi Kitiran, Destinasi Warna-warni yang Hits di Batu Malang. Pas Banget Buat Liburan Tahun Baruan!

Tak cuma alamnya yang indah dan udaranya yang sejuk, Batu juga punya banyak wisata buatan yang bisa kamu kunjungi bersama keluarga atau sahabat terdekat. Salah satunya adalah Bumi Kitiran, taman warnawarni dengan ribuan kitiran yang cantik banget. bumi kitiran, bumi kitiran batu

9 Dec 15:30 Hipwee 8847968230110696075.html
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign itineraries compared

Where have the Tory and Labour leaders been so far – and why?

9 Dec 17:44 Express & Star 7324224458783643977.html
Even Attorney General Barr is reportedly warning Trump to dump Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani's late-career taste for wealth led him to lucrative foreign consulting work, and those business ties apparently prevented him from becoming secretary of state after he helped get his old friend Donald Trump elected president in 2016, The Washington Post and The New York Times recount. But Giuliani joined the president as an unpaid personal attorney in 2018, the Times adds, and since then, "step by step, he has escorted President Trump to the brink of impeachment." Without Giuliani's "push for money and frank yearning for relevance, the Trump Ukrainian initiative might never have amounted to much more than presidential tweetstorms," and Trump wouldn't be weeks from impeachment, the Times reports. Yet Giuliani was back in Ukraine last week, still publicly digging for (or trying to will into being) dirt on Democrats. Trump seems on board, but his staunchest allies aren't sure what to make of it. "It's weird that he's over there," Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) told ABC News This Week on Sunday. Rep. Mark…

9 Dec 10:16 The Week 149215355688361297.html
Storytelling platform Wattpad to open office in Halifax in the new year

TORONTO — Storytelling platform Wattpad says it will open what it calls a second headquarters in Halifax to tap into the city's talent pool as the company grows.

9 Dec 14:55 KitchenerToday.com 52741010163800188.html
EZ Air start commerciële vluchten naar Colombia

EZ Air start commerciële vluchten naar Colombia

9 Dec 13:35 Bonaire.Nu 6841721121624404376.html
Telangana HC orders bodies of Hyderabad accused to be preserved till December 13

The Telangana High Court on Monday ordered to preserve the bodies of the accused in the Telangana doctor's rape and murder case till December 13.

9 Dec 10:39 India Today 4286117814177792688.html
Scrooges ban tenants from putting Christmas wreaths on their doors

They have been deemed a fire hazard.

9 Dec 15:22 Metro 970161747538314424.html
Bristol City 'looking closely' at Championship striker also linked with Nottingham Forest and Premier League clubs - reports

Lyle Taylor is reportedly out of contract at the end of the season although his club are hoping to tie him down to a new deal

9 Dec 11:56 BristolLive 4740742017201882846.html
The weekend in pictures including Anthony Joshua, Mohamed Salah, Jose Mourinho

Anthony Joshua became a world champion for the second time.

9 Dec 10:54 Sports Mole 7750663361880112687.html
Wegen Weihnachtsfrieden: Keine Bußgeldbescheide vor Heiligabend

In den Weihnachtsfeiertagen können auch mal Bußgeldsünder kurz durchatmen: In dieser Zeit kommen nämlich keine Verwarnungen aus dem Ordnungsamt an.

9 Dec 13:41 TAG24 4583887874030586951.html
Blockchain: Tim Draper Backs VC Goren Holm Ventures, Firm Rebrands as Draper Goren Holm

Prominent venture capitalist and blockchain proponent Tim Draper has backed LA-based blockchain-focused venture firm. Goren Holm Ventures has received an invest

9 Dec 13:00 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072437974401.html
Firemen hailed as heroes in Delhi horror blaze

NEW DELHI: Two firemen who rescued 27 people were hailed as heroes Monday (Dec 9) after Delhi's deadliest fire in decades killed 43, prompting ...

9 Dec 14:25 CNA 5644198863739778287.html
Comienza el pago de haberes a jubilados nacionales

Cobran beneficiarios hasta 15.991 pesos y DNI terminados en 0.

9 Dec 12:38 La Voz 6237180762354162968.html
Tiroler Vorzeigeprojekt: Gesünder durch Herz-Mobil

In der Altersgruppe „60 plus“ leiden bis zu zehn Prozent der Tirolerinnen und Tiroler an Herzschwäche. Die Folgen können dramatisch sein. Um ...

9 Dec 08:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094234901666.html
Finland ready to elect world's youngest prime minister

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Finland's Sanna Marin could become the world's youngest sitting prime minister this week at 34 after she was elected by her party late Sunday to assume its leadership position.

9 Dec 15:11 UPI 8257973865746358333.html
VIDEO - Suarez Ternyata Sudah Pernah Berlatih untuk Gol Terbaiknya

Striker Barcelona, Luis Suarez, masih ramai dibicarakan karena gol yang ia cetak pada laga melawan Real Mallorca.

9 Dec 13:40 BolaSport.com 4603768435536504498.html
Trump a 'clear and present danger,' says Democratic investigator in impeachment hearing

President Trump's efforts to get Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden was meant to interfere in next year's election and "is a clear and present danger" to fair elections and U.S.

9 Dec 17:14 TheHill 355432919797664257.html
Congrats, Royke Tumilaar! Cek Yuk Formasi Terbaru Pengurus Bank Mandiri

WE Online, Jakarta - Royke Tumilaar resmi ditetapkan sebagai Direktur Utama PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) dalam Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) pada Senin (9/12/2019). Dengan penetapan hasil RUPSLB itu, Royke resmi melepas jabatan sebelumnya sebagai Direktur Corporate Banking dan digantikan oleh Alexandra Askandar.

9 Dec 09:27 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834776884739.html
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot asks Censor Board to take note of opposition to Panipat

The movie is based on the Third Battle of Panipat fought between the Maratha empire and Afghan king Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761. Arjun Kapoor plays the role of Sadashiv Rao Bhau, commander of the Maratha army. Bharatpur king Surajmal is shown as having denied help to the Maratha army.

9 Dec 12:11 The Indian Express 2885715105119179956.html
Caminar en forma sincronizada es un arte

El blogdenoticiasenpositivo nos explica la importancia de esta practic

9 Dec 16:58 Informe21.com 5448175404736653842.html
Pakistani woman dies after being set on fire by husband

The victim, a resident of Kabirwala tehsil, was doused in petrol and set on fire by her husband and others on December 6.

9 Dec 16:04 The New Indian Express 4718288653099955917.html
Disha Patani Raises The Tempertaure With A Sultry Black Bikini Picture

Disha Patani is one of the hottest divas in Bollywood. Not just her acting but Disha has stolen many hearts with her fit body. The actress, who is also a fitness fanatic, often posted her hot pictures

9 Dec 13:42 Koimoi 5184275670667731333.html
Auto rollt Treppe hinunter und kracht in Bank

Ein betagter Lenker fuhr in Saint-Imier BE mit seinem Auto in das Schaufenster einer Bank. Der Fahrer wurde beim Aufprall verletzt und musste ins Spital gefahren werden.

9 Dec 16:45 20 Minuten 5741369453955462510.html
A Catania la presentazione dell'Happening della Solidarietà

Mancano pochi giorni al via della ventesima edizione dell'evento ormai consolidato al Sud Italia sul Terzo Settore. Quest’anno sarà uno degli eventi "Towards" di “Economy of Francesco” l’appuntamento di Assisi con cui il Santo Padre ha invitato 500 giovani economisti e imprenditori a lavorare per costruire un’economia più giusta. Domani la conferenza stampa di presentazione

9 Dec 14:43 VITA 7700876770746495724.html
Safilo tonica in Borsa con operazione Blenders Eyewear, analisti attendono nuovo piano

Avvio d'ottava all'insegna degli acquisti per Safilo a Piazza Affari, dove mostra una crescita di oltre il 3,5% a 1,472 euro (massimi intraday a 1,508 euro). Questa mattina Safilo ha …

9 Dec 10:46 FinanzaOnline 6528634128362983853.html
Thermaltake ToughRAM Z-ONE RGB RAM Released

The best source for tech and gaming news, hardware reviews and daily fix of tech. The latest reviews of motherboards, GPUs and much more!

9 Dec 10:42 eTeknix 2326702696558549691.html
A pesca di voti nelle Midlands. La strategia di BoJo nelle roccaforti laburiste che vogliono Brexit

Il premier in visita al mercato del pesce di Grimsby. Torna il tema dell'immigrazione, con la promessa di un sistema a punti sul modello australiano

9 Dec 13:11 L'HuffPost 5315551423173774740.html
Guardiola admits Man City standards have slipped

Pep Guardiola says Manchester City may no longer be able to match the standards of the best teams after a painful defeat against Manchester United left them 14 points behind Premier League leaders Liverpool.

9 Dec 15:26 The Citizen 410802301369385784.html
Bos Mandiri: Pelan-pelan bank akan Hilang ke Depan

RUPSLB Bank Mandiri resmi menunjuk Royke Tumilaar sebagai direktur utama baru. Salah satu agendanya adalah soal transformasi digital banking.

9 Dec 09:19 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212899163498.html
Clergy Stress Plight of the Priesthood

More than a century ago, waves of Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Poland and Quebec settled in Chicopee and other western Massachusetts mill towns, helping build churches, rectories and schools to accommodate their faith. Today the priests leading those churches are under siege due to stresses, challenges

9 Dec 10:09 Yahoo 7097669637079076621.html
Sligo snap-up journeyman American midfielder Will Seymore

Sligo Rovers have continued building for the 2020 SSE Airtricity Premier Division campaign with t...

9 Dec 15:16 Newstalk 7635722258693850793.html
Guardiola admits Man City standards have slipped

Pep Guardiola says Manchester City may no longer be able to match the standards of the best teams after a painful defeat against Manchester United left them 14 points behind Premier League leaders Liverpool.

9 Dec 10:05 Pulse Live 3606876835961600653.html
Politie schiet verdachte neer in Laren (UPDATE)

Bij een vechtpartij bij het café ’t Bondte Paard in Laren heeft een agent een man neergeschoten. De politieagent gebuikte het dienstwapen nadat hij werd belaagd door een van de vechtende mannen.  De gewonde verdachte is behandeld in het ziekenhuis. Ook de agent raakte gewond en werd overgebracht naar het ziekenhuis. Volgens de Gooi- en […]

9 Dec 08:48 Crimesite 9119866469014327468.html
Novo dispositivo pode controlar tremores relacionados com distúrbios neurológicos

Um tremor é um movimento involuntário e ritmado de parte do corpo, como as mãos, cabeça, tronco ou pernas. Os tremores ocorrem quando os músculos contraem e relaxam repetidamente. Nesse sentido, alguns distúrbios neurológicos, como a doença de Parkinson, podem causar tremores musculares.

9 Dec 08:50 Pplware 5187268352995879523.html
Diaminkan Rekan Artis Setelah Doakan Dua Sahabatnya yang Sedang Hamil Besar, Zaskia Sungkar Berharap Dapat Giliran

Berikan doa untuk dua rekannya lancar proses persalinan, Zaskia Sungkar berharap segera dapat giliran.

9 Dec 08:29 grid.id 586386475015529543.html
Hacia la profesionalización del futuro laboral

La Tecnicatura Superior en Gestión del Sector Eléctrico es una carrera de nivel superior destinada a trabajadores del área eléctrica para achicar la brecha entre un ingeniero y un idóneo.

9 Dec 14:10 La Voz 6237180761703123734.html
Wole Soyinka Centre postpones award to Osinbajo in protest against Sowore’s rearrest

The Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism (WSCIJ) says it haVice President Yemi Osinbajo to protest the treatment of Omoyele Sowore,

9 Dec 08:36 TheCable 7513571674541601976.html
Sowore: APC accuses Atiku of spreading falsehood - The Nation Newspaper

Tony Akowe, Abuja The All Progressives Congress (APC) on Sunday night accused former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar of spreading falsehood about the event leading the rearrest of the founder of #RebolutionNow, Omoyele Sowore by operatives of the Department of State Services in Friday at the Federal High Court in Abuja. National Publicity Secretary of the […]

9 Dec 12:32 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901779143744.html
Beifahrer war nicht angegurtet - schwer verletzt!

Zu einem folgenschweren Auffahrunfall kam es Montagvormittag auf der Südautobahn bei Sinabelkirchen: Ein Kleintransporter fuhr auf ein ...

9 Dec 14:16 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092613776015.html
Mysterious automated calls, vanished relatives, and sinister Facebook comments: How China intimidates Uighurs who don't even live in the country

Though China's brutal campaign is most active in Xinjiang, many Uighurs living abroad say they've been targeted by Chinese agents.

9 Dec 14:48 Yahoo 7097669638368519508.html
Erling Haaland responds to transfer links again amid Manchester United speculation

Man Utd have been linked with Erling Haaland as a result of his impressive start to the season in Austria.

9 Dec 16:26 men 6694993429624743407.html
Woman dies after being set ablaze in Jhang; police register FIR against husband

According to the medical report, the victim had sustained burns across 90 per cent of her body.

9 Dec 13:05 DAWN.COM 4500271766825113542.html
Dreigingsniveau terrorisme terug van 4 naar 3

De kans op een terroristische aanslag in Nederland is afgenomen. De Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV) schroeft daarom het zogeheten dreigingsniveau terug van 4 naar 3.

9 Dec 14:17 RD.nl 6406779840583862563.html
Jadi Dirut, Ini Strategi Royke Tumilaar Untuk Bank Mandiri

Ada sejumlah strategi yang akan dilakukan dirut baru Bank Manditi Royke Tumilaar untuk peningkatan bisnis perseroan ke depan.

9 Dec 11:05 detikfinance 4442190002155534927.html
Masterplan zur Rettung: Deutsche Schwimmbäder sind in schlechtem Zustand

Schwimmbäder sind laut der Deutschen Lebens-Rettungs-Organisation (DLRG) in einem schlechten Zustand.

9 Dec 10:31 swp.de 6929179441124112570.html
Update: Rusland tekent beroep aan tegen WADA-schorsing van vier jaar

Wereldantidopingbureau WADA heeft Rusland gestraft met een internationale verbanning van vier jaar. Hierdoor kunnen de Russen onder andere niet meedoen aan het WK 2022 in Qatar. Eerder werd er al bekend dat het WADA onderzoek deed naar illegale praktijken van Russische sporters. Nu maakt het bureau dus bekend dat men overgaat op passende maatregelen. Dit nadat een onafhankelijke onderzoekscommissie vast heeft gesteld dat er gesjoemeld is met data uit het dopinglaboratorium in Moskou. De onderzoekers hebben geconstateerd dat er zo’n tienduizenden testresultaten zijn gemanipuleerd of verwijderd. Update: 'WADA wil Rusland voor vier jaar schorsen: EK niet, WK wél in gevaar'

9 Dec 11:34 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883293750159.html
KA Kaligung Tabrak Mobil Yaris, 2 Orang Meninggal Seketika

KBRN, Kendal : Mobil Toyota Yaris dengan Nomor Polisi H 8740 BM tertabrak Kereta Api (KA) Kaligung dari arah barat, di perlitasan rel kereta api tanpa palang pintu Desa Brangsong Kecamatan

9 Dec 16:38 RRI News Portal 6700853645477701672.html
Gerrard Bemoans Lack Of Help For Officials After Controversial Celtic Winner

Steven Gerrard has called for more help for Scottish officials after Rangers were defeated by Celtic thanks to a controversial Christopher Jullien goal.

9 Dec 11:09 PUNDIT ARENA 505417275093330720.html
UPDATE: Rusland tekent beroep aan tegen WADA-schorsing van vier jaar

Wereldantidopingbureau WADA heeft Rusland gestraft met een internationale verbanning van vier jaar. Hierdoor kunnen de Russen onder andere niet meedoen aan het WK 2022 in Qatar.

9 Dec 12:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216597767385.html
Das wünschen sich Prinzessin Charlotte und Prinz George zu Weihnachten

Die Kinder der britischen Königsfamilie freuen sich genauso auf Weihnachten wie ihre nicht adeligen Altersgenossen. Prinzessin Charlotte und Prinz George haben dabei die üblichen Wünsche – und ihre E

9 Dec 10:05 GMX News 4492287762699405069.html
Arsenal: Arteta ist Favorit, doch es gibt andere Kandidaten

Der Trainerwechsel bei Arsenal hat nicht den erhofften Schub ausgelöst: Die Gunners sind auch unter Interimstrainer Freddie Ljungberg noch sieglos. Der Name Mikel Arteta geistert weiterhin durchs Emirates Stadium.

9 Dec 14:59 4-4-2.com 812646142493316210.html
The heat builds as the fires burn in Australia

The Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) is forecasting a heatwave across the northern half of the country this week as firefighters continue to battle bushfires.

9 Dec 11:36 Aljazeera 6642629762387550193.html
MDC calls for solidarity for youth assembly leader in court to day

The main opposition political party, MDC has called for solidarity for MDC Youth Assembly Secretary General Gift Ostallos Siziba who is appearing in court today...

9 Dec 09:08 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540505407806.html
La maggioranza proroga ancora agcom e garante privacy: per questo cambia la governance


9 Dec 15:58 DAGOSPIA 6533336739603730280.html
Aphria Is Making the Right Moves to Survive Marijuana Slump

The outlook for cannabis stocks remains challenging. But if anyone can turn it around in 2020, it could well be Aphria.

9 Dec 15:05 InvestorPlace 24614509339385144.html
Compostela Valley tatawagin nang Davao de Oro

Magkakaroon na ng bagong pangalan ang lalawigan ng Compostela Valley.

9 Dec 14:05 Abante News Online 7257070572552012281.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes four-year ban on Russia

Russia’s hosting of world championships in Olympic sports also face being stripped.

9 Dec 11:06 Express & Star 7324224459835654010.html
Embrace healthy habits if you want your brain to tackle stress efficiently

stress, healthy habits, tips for healthy brain, how to manage stress, stress management tips, ways to boost brain health at TheHealthSite.com

9 Dec 10:45 Thehealthsite 4766622850535814967.html
In any other industry, emergency medical billing would be considered fraudulent

Last summer, MD/journalist Elisabeth Rosenthal’s husband had a bike accident and was seriously injured and taken by ambulance to an emergency room.

9 Dec 14:47 Boing Boing 4601305169507494109.html
Cara Pemburu di Riau Membunuh Harimau: Berhadapan Lalu Disetrum Hingga Mati

Tak hanya di Riau, wilayah perburuan para pelaku ini juga sampai ke Sumatra Utara.

9 Dec 08:31 merdeka.com 1998180356087051270.html
Swedish court clears Stora Enso over largest wildfire in decades

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A Swedish district court on Monday acquitted Finnish paper firm Stora Enso of responsibility for causing Sweden’s largest wildfire in 40 years, instead fining a subcontractor.

9 Dec 11:49 Reuters 8334514181775210680.html
Audioprobleme beim MacBook Pro 16-Zoll: Apple will nachbessern

Apple hat das von Besitzern des neuen MacBook Pro 16-Zoll gemeldete Problem mit störenden Pop-Geräuschen bei der Audiowiedergabe bestätigt. Der Hersteller will per Softwareupdate Abhilfe schaffen. Wie bereits hier und hier von uns berichtet, kommt es bei einigen Nutzeraktionen im Zusammenhang mit der Video- und Audiowiedergabe zu lästigen Knack- oder Pop-Geräuschen, im unten eingebetteten Video […]

9 Dec 17:20 ifun.de 6678736053105825446.html
'Invisible Hindu-Muslim partition': Sena raises concern over Citizenship bill

Amit Shah would introduce bill that seeks to grant Indian citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

9 Dec 09:17 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363285321846.html
Vulkanausbruch: Vermutlich Deutsche unter den Opfern!

Bei dem Vulkanausbruch am Montag in Neuseeland sind vermutlich deutsche Touristen verletzt worden.

9 Dec 16:27 TAG24 4583887873858523877.html
Finland's new young female prime minister breaks the mold

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) - Finland's government has a new face, and it is young and female.

9 Dec 16:20 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636672729127.html
Altro che crisi: Soleil Sorge e Jeremias Rodriguez ancora insieme

La coppia continua a tenere banco per la "fantomatica" rottura. In realtà, nonostante i rumors li vogliano ormai lontani, Jeremias e Soleil sono stati filmati insieme in teneri atteggiamenti in un'uscita a quattro

9 Dec 14:38 ilGiornale.it 5019541224702712572.html
American midfielder Seymore joins Sligo Rovers

Liam Buckley says the 27-year-old has all the attributes to succeed in the League of Ireland.

9 Dec 15:41 The42 5369852631297487215.html
iDreamSky in talks to buy Leyou

Mobile publisher would get controlling interest in fellow Chinese outfit with stakes in Digital Extremes, Splash Damage, SNK Playmore

9 Dec 15:38 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590113471976796.html
Leuven: Sultan uit Oman mag parkeren op verkeersvrije Grote Markt

De komst van sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said uit Oman naar Leuven gaat niet onopgemerkt voorbij. Op sociale media duiken beelden op...

9 Dec 12:08 SCEPTR 7604357483601952611.html
Snapchat Cameo Cribs Deepfake Tech To Meld Your Face Into Video Memes

Snapchat has a new feature that will let you take a selfie and use that selfie to put your face into videos and gifs.

9 Dec 14:30 HotHardware 6258404626331707252.html
Universität Gießen komplett lahmgelegt

Internet, Mail-System und Netzwerke der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen können nicht genutzt werden.

9 Dec 14:47 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569549751763.html
Get started with Collections in Microsoft Edge

We’re excited to announce that Collections is now enabled by default for all Microsoft Edge Insiders in the Canary and Dev channels (build 80.0.338.0 or later). Following our initial preview behind a feature flag two months ago, we have been adding in new features and functionality. For those who enabled the feature flag – thank […]

9 Dec 09:07 Microsoft Edge Blog 1423407253724220436.html
Hari Antikorupsi, Iwan Fals Beri 'Selamat' kepada Koruptor

Iwan Fals mengucapkan selamat kepada para koruptor yang tertangkap, selamat menjalani hukuman, dan semoga betah di dalam bui.

9 Dec 14:46 hiburan 6599523172697578654.html
Verkehrschaos am 5. Streiktag in Frankreich

Die anhaltenden Streiks gegen die Rentenreform haben im Pariser Großraum ein Verkehrschaos verursacht.

9 Dec 17:00 euronews 4540914626816524832.html
Playing two day-night Tests against India may backfire: Former Australia skipper Ian Chappell

India last month played its first-ever pink-ball Test at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata where they clinched a domineering victory against Bangladesh.

9 Dec 13:26 The New Indian Express 4718288653899101649.html
Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez say company seeking HIV patent extension 'deceitful and immoral'

Trump is urged to block company from holding back drug, Descovy, from the market

9 Dec 13:24 the Guardian 1491978796413920554.html
Milano, Lacerenza rapinato in un parcheggio vicino al suo locale

Davide Lacerenza, ristoratore e star del web, è stato rapinato di portafoglio e orologio di lusso da due giovani in un parcheggio

9 Dec 13:00 Affari Italiani 6123405402793138521.html
Inseriamo lo spread generazionale come indicatore nella legge di stabilità

Lo spread della condizione sociale per i giovani italiani nel 2018 è stato a 128 “punti base”. La rilevazione cioè del divario generazionale, l’indice che misura i...

9 Dec 12:13 L'HuffPost 5315551422715264749.html
Severnokorejski zvaničnik nazvao Trampa "bezobraznim starcem"

Satelitske fotografije pokazuju da je Severna Koreja testirala novi motor projektila, a visoki dužnosnik Pjongjanga...

9 Dec 14:36 N1 Srbija 7797130866122503277.html
Bald patches in flower beds and lawns are GOOD for garden wildlife like pest-eating spiders and should be left bare, says Royal Horticultural Society

A study by the Royal Horticultural Society has found areas of low vegetation such as bald lawn patches will support some important garden invertebrate - including spiders.

9 Dec 16:25 Mail Online 124328110626972811.html
Altron acquires identity security firm Ubusha for R360m

Once integrated, Ubusha will merge with Altron’s existing Cybertech to form Altron Security Solutions.

9 Dec 08:11 ITWeb 642894139323623665.html
Der Starttermin fürs Dschungelcamp steht

In alter Tradition startet zum Beginn des neues Jahres wieder das Dschungelcamp. RTL hat jetzt das Startdatum für die neue Staffel von "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus" bekannt gegeben. In Sachen Kandidaten darf aber vorerst weiter spekuliert werden.

9 Dec 10:40 n-tv 6802689754575384280.html
House Democrats still studying proposed changes to North American trade pact: aide

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are still studying proposed changes to the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement trade pact, and there was no agreement to announce it yet, a senior Democratic aide said.

9 Dec 17:03 Reuters 8334514181342935892.html
4 Cara Biar Untung Pakai Kartu Kredit

Agar bisa untung, begini cara pakai kartu kredit yang benar.

9 Dec 08:30 liputan6.com 3414318497322599922.html
The jaw-dropping Crusaders stat that favours Robertson's All Black ambitions

As New Zealand grows closer to finding out the next All Blacks coach, broadcaster Scotty Stevenson revealed a stat that favours one hopeful. 

9 Dec 14:14 Rugbypass 8668874340578222683.html
Ingin UMKM Diutamakan, Jokowi: Jangan Waralaba Asing Itu-itu Saja

Jokowi menilai kualitas UMKM tidak kalah dari waralaba asing dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau.

9 Dec 11:53 Katadata News 179777405918406714.html
Does Joker Deserve Its Golden Globe Nominations?

Joker received four Golden Globe nominations, but does it really deserve all of them? Here's the ones it did and didn't warrant.

9 Dec 15:12 CBR.com 1295516963015517737.html
Lib Dems criticised for 'sneaky and misleading' Devon election letter

The party say they have done nothing wrong - what do you think?

9 Dec 14:36 DevonLive 2469244512587907761.html
An impressive BJP and a hopelessly divided Congress: Analysing the Karnataka by-poll

However the fact here is that the Congress has yet proven that in Karnataka no one defeats the party, but it ends up defeating itself.

9 Dec 11:46 Oneindia 2023829371990958280.html
NASA Mission Discovers Mysterious Plumes of Particles Being Ejected From Asteroid’s Surface

The space agency said they launched the mission to study the asteroid Bennu in 2016. Samples from the celestial body would not only shed light on how planets formed and life began, but also give a better understanding of how to protect our planet from an asteroid collision.

9 Dec 10:45 Sputniknews 967333867753045695.html
LG Launches Its Flagship Dual-screen Smartphone in Japan

The South Korean tech giant said its LG G8X ThinQ smartphone was launched through Japan's Softbank and will be sold at some 5,000 stores in major Japanese cities,

9 Dec 17:12 India.com 7150386084070698938.html
Strache: Schiedsgericht nicht für Parteiausschluss zuständig

Ex-FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache hat sich am Montag zu seinem möglichen Parteiausschluss zu Wort gemeldet. Er sei bisher nicht vom Parteischiedsgericht eingeladen worden, sagte er im Interview mit “Österreich”. Dieses ist nach Ansicht Straches aber ohnehin nicht zuständig, ausschließen muss ihn seiner Meinung nach der Wiener FPÖ-Chef Dominik Nepp. Die Wiener Partei bestreitet das. “Die Zuständigkeit […]

9 Dec 10:35 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171407120147.html
WWE Legend The Rock reveals that he's currently unemployed

The Rock recently revealed that at this moment in time he is unemployed

9 Dec 17:37 sportskeeda 1601194027534344488.html
Kebakaran Ponpes Aceh Selatan, Hanguskan 80 Bangunan

KBRN, Tapaktuan : Musibah kebakaran terjadi di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam yang berada di Desa Blang Paroh, Kecamatan Labuhan Haji Barat pada pukul 02. 12 WIB, Senin (9/12/2019).  Dilaporkan

9 Dec 09:38 RRI News Portal 6700853645181103829.html
TikTok slammed for removing same-sex couple's pictures from India and Pakistan

Video-sharin­g site restri­cts posts by users it identi­fies as disabl­ed, fat or LGBTQ+

9 Dec 15:17 The Express Tribune 1105816786103488006.html
Russia doping whistleblower welcomes ban, urges review of Olympic results

The former head of Russia's anti-doping agency, who fled Moscow after turning whistleblower, on Monday welcomed a four-year ban from major sporting...

9 Dec 17:40 Vanguard News 4125100339812647350.html
Penyebab Serangan Panik pada Penyandang Autisme (1)

Inilah faktor pemicu serangan panik bagi penderita autis.

9 Dec 15:00 liputan6.com 3414318497042287941.html
Tayside businessman accuses Mongol Rally team-mate over missing charity money

A global adventure in a good cause has ended up in a court battle over allegations of missing charity money.

9 Dec 14:32 The Courier 4275302768774869106.html
Gobierno chino tendrá que sustituir hardware y software extranjeros con alternativas chinas

Todas las oficinas gubernamentales e instituciones públicas chinas tendrán que reemplazar el hardware y software extranjeros con alternativas chinas en los próximos tres años, una nueva directiva

9 Dec 09:00 WWWhat's new 8390364463133645678.html
Former Oracle Product Manager Claims He Was Forced Out For Refusing to Sell Vaporware

A former Oracle employee filed a lawsuit against the database giant on Tuesday claiming that he was forced out for refusing to lie about the functionality of the company's software. The civil complaint, filed on behalf of plaintiff Tayo Daramola in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, contends tha...

9 Dec 12:34 developers.slashdot.org 7941901329833452951.html
Der Außenminister steht zwischen den Fronten

Zwei Anläufe brauchte Maas, um wieder in den SPD-Vorstand gewählt zu werden. Ein Grund ist: Er tritt für die Nato ein.

9 Dec 17:27 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593090478567.html
Making Pixel more helpful with the first Pixel feature drop

Your Pixel just got more helpful with new camera controls, improved Duo video calls and automatic call screening

9 Dec 14:00 Google 7122920202338240112.html
Supreme Court Weekly Round-Up

Consumer Forums/Commissions Cannot Consider Complaint/Appeal On Merits After Finding That It Is Time Barred [M/S. Singal Udyog V. National Insurance Company Ltd. & Ors.] The Supreme Court...

9 Dec 12:09 Live Law 8801531620452373998.html
U.S. Supreme Court rejects Arizona opioid case against Purdue, Sackler family

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned away a novel case by Arizona seeking to recover billions of dollars that the state has said that members of the Sackler family - owners of Purdue Pharma LP - funneled out of the OxyContin maker before the company filed for bankruptcy in September. The justices

9 Dec 14:51 Yahoo 7097669637059126129.html
U.S. Supreme Court rejects Arizona opioid case against Purdue, Sackler family

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned away a novel case by Arizona seeking to recover billions of dollars that the state has said that members of the Sackler family - owners of Purdue Pharma LP - funneled out of the OxyContin maker before the company filed for bankruptcy in September. The justices

9 Dec 14:54 Yahoo 7097669638961011223.html
Rival manager heaps praise on Bristol Rovers after Southend United comeback

Four second half goals secured all three points against Sol Campbell's Shrimpers after the Gas struggled in the first half

9 Dec 10:50 BristolLive 4740742017296801534.html
Roma, furbetti del cartellino: timbravano al Policlinico Umberto I ma accompagnavano i figli a scuola

I due dipendenti del Policlinico Umberto I che erano stati scoperti dai carabinieri del nucleo Radiomobile, tra marzo e aprile scorso, a timbrare il cartellino e a non lavorare, andranno ora al processo: il pm Carlo Villani ha chiuso le indagini per concorso in truffa ai danni dello Stato.  Secondo quanto ricostruito i dipendenti arrivavano […]

9 Dec 10:12 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337398034790.html
Impeachment witness: Trump poses a danger to fair elections

President Donald Trump’s efforts to “cheat to win an election” are a threat to national security, the top Democratic investigator testified Monday as the House Judiciary Committee pushes ahead with articles of impeachment.

9 Dec 14:12 City NEWS 1130 5858657119731949069.html
Febri Diansyah : Ada Pejabat, Komitmen Anti Korupsinya Pedas Samba Lado

KBRN, Jakarta : Juru Bicara Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK), Febri Diansyah menilai, korupsi politik dan korupsi di penegakan hukum masih menjadikan Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (IPK) Indonesia

9 Dec 08:38 RRI News Portal 6700853646174784425.html
Kidnappers kill four on Abuja highway - The Nation Newspaper

Kidnappers fleeing a clampdown by men of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command shot and killed four persons along Kawli-Kaita highway

9 Dec 13:55 The Nation Newspaper 2658445899958139152.html
In Venezuela per combattere la crisi e fare soldi giocano ai videogiochi

Quando si è in ginocchio si trovano tutti i modi pur di fare soldi per sopravvivere. Con una moneta che vale carta straccia, in Venezuela si sono

9 Dec 13:15 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856259938005038.html
Top 3: Penjelasan Kemenkeu Soal Sepeda Brompton Sri Mulyani

Berikut ini tiga artikel terpopuler di kanal bisnis Liputan6.com pada Selasa 9 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 08:00 liputan6.com 3414318497834519105.html
Soroti Anggaran Komputer Rp 128 M, Politisi PSI Anthony Winza Akan Dilaporkan ke Badan Kehormatan

Politisi PSI Anthony Winza akan dilaporkan ke Badan Kehormatan DPRD DKI Jakarta terkait kritikan anggaran komputer RP 128 miliar di depan media.

9 Dec 11:55 Tribunnews.com 3323534445326974553.html
Former Fed chair Paul Volcker dies

Central banker responsible for ending US inflationary spiral

9 Dec 17:24 The Irish Times 8204772968272347326.html
Come barbara guerra e sorcinelli davano in escandescenze con l'archietto di silvio


9 Dec 14:01 DAGOSPIA 6533336739545729542.html
Setelah Dapat Kontrak Pengamanan Pantai Singapura, Kontrak Anak Usaha BUMN Ini Melejit

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk (WSBP) berhasil membukukan Nilai Kontrak Baru sebesar Rp 5,9 triliun, naik 21% dari periode yang sama di tahun lalu senilai Rp 4,9 triliun.

9 Dec 12:07 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834938141775.html
Karnataka bypolls: Siddaramaiah resigns as CLP leader over Cong' poor show

The Congress, which held 12 of the 15 seats where byelections were held on December five, won only two, in a huge set-back to the opposition party

9 Dec 10:40 Business-Standard 1502508925534276499.html
Magistrado Maikel Moreno se reunió con el Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Provincial de Guangzhou

El Magistrado Maikel Moreno efectuó un recorrido por las instalaciones de la sede tribunalicia, donde conoció las funciones que ejerce dicho juzgado y las causas que allí se conocen, a la par que explicó al Presidente del Tribunal Supremo Provincial de Guangdong las características, estructura y competencias del TSJ y del Poder Judicial venezolano

9 Dec 11:01 Globovisión 5928221752681868200.html
I dividendi delle azioni da non farsi scappare nei prossimi mesi

La politica del dividendo è sempre un’ottima strategia di investimento. Ma quali sono i dividendi delle azioni da non farsi scappare nei prossimi mesi?

9 Dec 14:03 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261916682898.html
Barsa silno oslabljena u Milanu

Osvajač „Zlatne lopte” Lionel Mesi nije otputovao u Milano na meč Lige šampiona između njegove Barselone i domaćeg Intera.

9 Dec 15:55 Sport Klub 42251759806927390.html
Patriots reconoció grabaciones ilegales contra Bengals

El comunicado del equipo de New England para aclarar con las videograbaciones que le fueron confiscadas

9 Dec 15:00 FOX Sports 4183701943697519953.html
India's Sacred Groves Are Disappearing, Taking Biodiversity and Culture With Them

Past the outskirts of Kochi, a teeming south Indian city of 2.1 million, it’s possible to walk a few short minutes and enter another world. Under a leafy green canopy a 90-minute drive from the city’s busy downtown core, the screech of motorcycle engines is slowly replaced by the trilling of birds. The air is cooler here, pleasant with the aroma of leaves and loam.

9 Dec 09:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059001686299177.html
Irish actress Saoirse Ronan nominated for Golden Globe for role in Little Women

The Carlow native is up for Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama

9 Dec 16:52 Irish Mirror 2875825628894120737.html
A protester from the conspiracy site InfoWars interrupted the latest impeachment hearing as soon as it began, shouting 'Trump is innocent!'

"We know who committed the crimes and it wasn't Trump. Trump is innocent!" the pro-Trump InfoWars protester yelled as he was escorted out of the room.

9 Dec 14:34 Yahoo 7097669637108855225.html
Italia: terremoto en Florencia provoca suspensiones en la red de trenes

No se han producido víctimas mortales ni heridos. Hubo daños importantes en construcciones en las localidades de Scarperia San Piero y Barberino del Mugello.

9 Dec 11:56 La Voz 6237180761738933878.html
Managing data, security in a multi-cloud environment

The ITWeb Cloud, Data Centre & DevOps Summit will unpack the latest knowledge about managing multi-cloud environments.

9 Dec 09:57 ITWeb 642894138914747069.html
Finnish minister Sanna Marin to become world's youngest PM

Marin, 34, has been a lawmaker since 2015 and served as until this week as the minster for transport and communications.

9 Dec 11:27 DAWN.COM 4500271767894481441.html
Billie Piper begs voters to reject the Tories with extremely cheeky T-shirt

Singer Billie Piper has shared a snap of herself wearing a T-shirt with an election-themed twist on the 'Tesco' as she encourages voters to cast tactical ballots in the general election

9 Dec 15:17 mirror 675785261651264317.html
Billie Piper begs voters to reject the Tories with extremely cheeky T-shirt

Singer Billie Piper has shared a snap of herself wearing a T-shirt with an election-themed twist on the 'Tesco' as she encourages voters to cast tactical ballots in the general election

9 Dec 15:17 Irish Mirror 2875825628982584115.html
Makedonski dokumentarac "Zemlja meda" film godine po Njujork tajmsu

Makedonski dokumentarni film "Zemlja meda" Tamare Kotevske i Ljubomira Stefanova izabran je za film godine prema...

9 Dec 10:10 N1 Srbija 7797130866420153594.html
3 Essential Tips for Running a Successful Ghostwriting or Copywriting Business

Having good writers isn't enough to build a successful copywriting agency. Here's how to do it.

9 Dec 11:13 Inc.com 8604986417995664168.html
Biden campaign attacks Trump policy on Saudi Arabia, North Korea

(Reuters) - Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential campaign launched new attacks on Donald Trump on Sunday, advocating a re-evaluation of U.S.-Saudi relations and calling North Korea’s apparent weapons test a “rebuke” to the U.S. president in a statement to Reuters.

9 Dec 15:54 Reuters 8334514180056838007.html
Navaz Sherif to be shifted to US from London for better treatment

Navaz Sharif, 69, airlifted to London after the Lahore High Court allowed him to go abroad for treatment.  Considering his doctors’ recommendation the court allowed him four-week time for the treatment in abroad. The time can be extended further if the doctors recommended.

9 Dec 11:23 Reporter 1467643670520408615.html
Barr warned Trump for months that Rudy Giuliani was becoming a liability, but the president ignored him because he loves Giuliani’s fiery media appearances

Attorney General William Barr became so concerned about Rudy Giuliani’s actions that he warned President Donald Trump that his personal attorney was becoming a liability, three people familiar with the conversations told The Washington Post.

9 Dec 11:18 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882529436331.html
Jumeirah Group expandiert mit dem Capri Palace, Jumeirah weiter auf dem europäischen Markt

Mit dem jüngsten Coup fügt die Jumeirah Group seinem Europa-Portfolio von aktuell fünf Hotels eine Ikone der Luxushotellerie hinzu.

9 Dec 16:50 OTS.at 4182160711323439443.html
Geen vrouwelijke regisseurs in de race voor Golden Globe

In een jaar dat gekenmerkt wordt door verschillende hitfilms die geregisseerd werden door vrouwen, van Hustlers tot The Farewell, heeft de organisatie van de Golden Globes opnieuw alleen mannen genomineerd in de categorie beste regie. Onder anderen Martin Scorsese (The Irishman), Quentin Tarantino (One Upon a Time... in Hollywood) en Todd Philips (Joker) wisten een nominatie binnen te slepen.

9 Dec 14:33 RTL Boulevard 1500115271342819258.html
Neues Personal, neue Programmatik: So lief der SPD-Parteitag

Drei Tage Kursbestimmung liegen hinter der SPD. Deutlicher erkennbar will sie künftig sein, linker werden soll das Profil. Dafür ist die Wunschliste des Parteitages lang: Durch Nachverhandlungen mit

9 Dec 11:31 GMX News 4492287762799394560.html
Policeman to stand trial for murder over Dalian Atkinson death

A police officer from Shrewsbury accused of murdering former Aston Villa star Dalian Atkinson will stand trial in September next year alongside a colleague who denies assaulting the ex-footballer.

9 Dec 12:42 Shropshire Star 3480199991370318218.html
Windy weather sets new renewable power record for Britain

Extra power on the network on Sunday meant National Grid paid some households to use electricity.

9 Dec 14:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773306085298.html
Opnieuw alleen mannen in race voor regie-Golden Globe

In een jaar dat gekenmerkt wordt door verschillende hitfilms die geregisseerd werden door vrouwen, van Hustlers tot The Farewell, heeft de organisatie van de Golden Globes opnieuw alleen mannen genomineerd in de categorie beste regie. Onder anderen Martin Scorsese (The Irishman), Quentin Tarantino (One Upon a Time... in Hollywood) en Todd Philips (Joker) wisten een nominatie binnen te slepen.

9 Dec 14:33 RTL Boulevard 1500115272566894788.html
Industriestraße Backnang: Verdacht auf Buttersäure: Weihnachtsbäume stinken

Unbekannte haben sich an einem Christbaumverkaufsstand in Backnang zu schaffen gemacht.

9 Dec 14:55 swp.de 6929179442067556115.html
Disgusting moment creepy marathon runner gropes female TV reporter live on air

Alexandrea Bozarjian was left lost for words after the runner groped her, but later launched a blistering attack on Twitter

9 Dec 13:29 Metro 970161747678226864.html
Universität Gießen komplett lahmgelegt

Internet, Mail-System und Netzwerke der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen können nicht genutzt werden.

9 Dec 14:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110761805267.html
"Concerning that Democrats take position demeaning to Israel"

Rep. Alan Clemmons tells why the term 'occupation' is wrong, expresses concern over 2020 candidates' attempts to de-legitimize Israel.

9 Dec 13:23 Israel National News 5374683669032363665.html
USF names former Clemson assistant Jeff Scott new head football coach

The University of South Florida is reportedly finalizing a deal to bring Clemson offensive coordinator Jeff Scott to USF as the new head coach.

9 Dec 13:36 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203020894757.html
iGym levels playing field for disabled, able-bodied children

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — One Kreps brother uses a wheelchair and the other doesn’t, yet they are able to play sports together on a level playing field thanks to an augmented reality system developed at the University of Michigan. The technology, called iGYM, allows people with mobility disabilities and their non-disabled peers to exercise together …

9 Dec 17:11 City NEWS 1130 5858657120143797896.html
Zigarettenautomat in Askanischer Straße zerstört

Unbekannte Täter haben in der Nacht zum Sonntag einen Zigarettenautomaten in der Askanischen Straße zerstört. Ein Zeuge hatte die Polizei gegen 0.30 Uhr gerufen, nachdem der Mann erst einen lauten Knall vernommen und anschließend in der Askanischen Straße einen beschädigten Zigarettenautomaten festgestellt ...

9 Dec 15:15 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108742608421.html
Finland's new young female prime minister breaks the mold

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Finland's next government is breaking the mold in multiple ways.Sanna Marin, the 34-year-old transport minister, was tapped over the weekend by the ruling Social Democratic Party to be Finland's new prime minister. When she takes the reins of the country, most likely on Tuesday, she will become the world’s youngest sitting head of government.In another unusual development, Marin will head a coalition with four other parties that are all led by women — three of whom are in their early 30s. Her own biography also breaks the mold: Raised by a single mother, she has described feeling discriminated against in Finland when her mother was in a relationship with another woman.

9 Dec 17:49 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762082659595.html
Home For Christmas: Royal Irish Parade On Return From Afghanistan

Hundreds of people cheered on 250 troops in Shropshire on Saturday.

9 Dec 14:48 Forces Network 3883413828024775528.html
Jurnalis Vietnam Penasaran dengan Kebiasaan Timnas Indonesia U-22 Berlatih Pagi Hari

Indra Sjafri mendapatkan pertanyaan dari jurnalis Vietnam terkait kebiasaan Timnas Indonesia U-22 menggelar latihan pagi hari.

9 Dec 15:15 Bola.com 1695722602746390823.html
New Zealand volcano claims at least five lives in first eruption in nearly two decades

A volcano erupted on New Zealand’s White Island earlier today. Early reports indicate that the event has already claimed at least five lives, and emergency recovery efforts are still underway…

9 Dec 15:57 BGR 7505870287937679052.html
Attenti al Mes

Perché il Fondo Salva Stati è un rischio per i nostri risparmi che, stando alla Costituzione, andrebbero invece tutelati

9 Dec 09:40 Panorama 2295580207642913540.html
UBank adopts Basiq's AI-powered tools to help Millennials budget

Open banking will help the NAB subsidiary crunch data to help younger customers save more.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284486903546158.html
Heil warnt vor Unterschätzung von Fachkräftemangel

Arbeitsminister fordert von der Wirtschaft Klarheit über Anwerbestrategie

9 Dec 08:52 DIE WELT 6197693429243860563.html
Proponen atención psicológica a adolescentes mediante redes sociales

Moscú, – Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad Pedagógica y Psicológica Estatal de Moscú, Rusia, propone hoy aprovechar las redes sociales para desarrollar actividades de atención psicológica a adolescentes con conductas autolesivas. De acuerdo con un estudio publicado en la revista Psicología y psiquiatría consultiva, el potencial positivo de la comunicación en línea puede … Seguir leyendo Proponen atención psicológica a adolescentes mediante redes sociales →

9 Dec 14:07 La Demajagua 796151393926921500.html
Chiusura pizzeria "Pomodoro", primo no alla riapertura

Il Tar di Salerno ha rigettato l’istanza di decreto cautelare monocratico

9 Dec 15:26 AvellinoToday 5452883948032349710.html
Two Wolves supporters arrested for homophobic abuse during Brighton & Hove Albion draw

Brighton have announced that two visiting supporters were arrested on suspicion of homophobic abuse during Sunday’s match with Wolves at the Amex Stadium. Two men, aged 46 and 48 from Bridgnorth in

9 Dec 13:09 The Independent 2511519171048516797.html
Google Glass Explorer Edition will get its final update next year

Google has been quiet about the Google Glass project. The last update we featured was about the Glass Enterprise Edition 2 allowing efficiency and speed in production. That was back in May. That la…

9 Dec 11:00 Android Community 7463818293832803803.html
Tesco shares soar as investors salivate over potential sale of Asian division

Analysts believe the sale of the Thailand and Malaysia division could bank Tesco up to £7.2bn.

9 Dec 08:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774848519580.html
Why You Need To Replace Your Surge Protectors

If you’re using surge protectors in your home, you might want to consider replacing them, especially if you can’t remember when you bought the ones currently in use....

9 Dec 10:48 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168500071277.html
Dejan Lovren fit to travel with Liverpool squad to Salzburg

Liverpool defender Dejan Lovren is among Liverpool's travelling party for their UEFA Champions Le...

9 Dec 16:17 Newstalk 7635722259050588306.html
Tank: Chamber blasts Saskatoon budget despite business-friendly taxes

The business lobby group calls city hall's two-year budget 'disappointing' even though the city boasts a favourable commercial tax ratio.

9 Dec 12:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104418311429098.html
'Anderlecht verneemt verschrikkelijk nieuws over Kompany en Sandler'

RSC Anderlecht zag vorige week zowel Vincent Kompany als Philippe Sandler geblesseerd uitvallen. Na enkele scans en onderzoeken is gebleken dat paars-wit de twee centrale verdedigers een tijdje kwijt zal zijn.

9 Dec 15:00 Voetbal24 8097814615078475782.html
Inside the College Football Playoff committee's LSU-Ohio State decision

The four playoff teams were obvious. The order at the top was not. Here's how the committee ended up choosing LSU over Ohio State.

9 Dec 15:00 ESPN 8538773401199424569.html
Turkey repatriates 11 suspected Daesh members to France

Eleven terrorists of French nationality have been repatriated as part of Turkey's newly-introduced process of deporting former Daesh members who have taken...

9 Dec 12:57 DAILY SABAH 8383944809882201159.html
Resmi! Achmad Zaky Lepas Jabatan Bos Bukalapak, Ini Dia Penerusnya

WE Online, Jakarta - Bukalapak hari ini (9/12/2019) mengumumkan perubahan komposisi di level C-Suite terhitung efektif 6 Januari 2020 nanti. Perubahan komposisi meliputi suksesi peran CEO dari Achmad Zaky ke Rachmat Kaimuddin sebagai CEO baru.

9 Dec 10:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835174581299.html
Amid Internet Shutdown in Jammu, Government Employee Caught Making Money Off Water Bills

New Delhi (Sputnik): India's newly-formed union territory Jammu and Kashmir remains cut off from the world as internet, telephone, and mobile services were shut down in the area in August. The Indian government has been receiving international condemnation for the communications clampdown in the area.

9 Dec 10:18 Sputniknews 967333867648912865.html
Donations made at funeral of Walsall wingsuit champion gone 'missing'

Donations made at the funeral of a wingsuit champion who grew up in Willenhall have gone "missing".

9 Dec 11:10 Express & Star 7324224460292149667.html
Juice WRLD Passing: Record Label Releases A Statement

Tragedy has struck the music industry once more, as you probably know by now. Juice WRLD has unfortunately passed away, and this tragic event sent

9 Dec 11:36 Celebrity Insider 265863475209215017.html
Census Bureau head says IT concerns are being remedied

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Information technology problems at the U.S. Census Bureau have been fixed or are in the process of being remedied, despite recent reports raising concerns about the...

9 Dec 11:13 The Seattle Times 9121942838034916164.html
Anti-corruption drive will bring prosperity to Pakistan: PM Imran

Premie­r lauds Punjab govt for launch­ing anti-corrup­tion app

9 Dec 13:41 The Express Tribune 1105816786883102318.html
Diputado UDI Jorge Alessandri asegura que notorio aumento de comercio ambulante es resultado de saqueos

“Debemos sancionar al que compra”, apuntó el parlamentario.

9 Dec 17:45 Publimetro Chile 2498685482815938653.html
Nabila Syakieb Datangi Resepsi Pernikahan Citra Kirana, Ali Syakieb Tak Diundang??

Nabila Syakieb hadir di resepsi pernikahan Citra Kirana dan Rezky Aditya di Jakarta Selatan, Minggu (8/12). Tapi sayangnya sang adik, Ali Syakieb tidak terlihat hadir. PadahalApakah Ciki tidak mengundang sang mantan?

9 Dec 09:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087988780250895.html
Tottenham: Jose Mourinho will angeblich Marouane Fellaini zu den Spurs holen

Tottenham-Trainer Jose Mourinho plant angeblich, seinen früheren Schützling Marouane Fellaini aus China zurück in die Premier League zu holen. Das berichtet die belgische Zeitung La Derniere Heure .

9 Dec 11:03 SPOX 8395423526717451263.html
Siddique Intervenes To Uplift The Ban On Malayalam Actor Shane Nigam By Producers

The intervention of veteran actor Siddique and Edavela Babu, general secretary of AMMA - Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes, appears to have cleared the decks for resolving the issues between you

9 Dec 08:01 Koimoi 5184275671318203860.html
Dell Technologies lança a infraestrutura PowerOne

A Dell Technologies apresentou recentemente a infraestrutura autónoma PowerOne para facilitar a implantação e gestão de TI nas organizações.

9 Dec 09:32 PCGuia 8345134072174159351.html
Raccoon passes out after drinking too much wine at Christmas market

A raccoon was shot dead after getting drunk on mulled wine and passing out at a Christmas market in Germany, according to authorities. The racoon is said to have gotten hold of the alcohol after

9 Dec 17:05 The Independent 2511519170738239704.html
Guida ai rimborsi del treno

Tutti i passi da fare per chi si è trovato nella zona del terremoto con ritardi di oltre due ore

9 Dec 14:02 Repubblica.it 8208867270426832752.html
Opnieuw alleen mannen in race voor regie-Golden Globe

In een jaar dat gekenmerkt wordt door verschillende hitfilms die geregisseerd werden door vrouwen, van Hustlers tot The Farewell, heeft de organisatie van de Golden Globes opnieuw alleen mannen genomineerd in de categorie beste regie. Onder anderen Martin Scorsese (The Irishman), Quentin Tarantino (One Upon a Time... in Hollywood) en Todd Philips (Joker) wisten een nominatie binnen te slepen.

9 Dec 14:33 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048950635778.html
Vigna Clara, autista bus aggredito da branco di giovani

Schiamazzi e urla sul bus. Il conducente ferma il mezzo e rivolgendosi ad un gruppo di giovani scalmanati li invita a calmarsi. Per tutta risposta viene

9 Dec 10:09 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342617429537779.html
Corruption trial of Angolan ex-president's son begins

The son of former Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos has appeared in court, at the start of his trial on corruption charges.

9 Dec 16:51 News24 3752801377710681978.html
Top hotels say guests are stealing mattresses from their rooms

How do you get that in your suitcase?

9 Dec 09:46 Metro 970161747831916593.html
In Ghostbusters Legacy ritroveremo una vecchia conoscenza: Ivo Shandor

Nel trailer uscito oggi di Ghostbusters: Legacy si vedono i protagonisti entrare in una miniera abbandonata di proprietà della Shandor Mining Co. e

9 Dec 16:04 Lega Nerd 8527030505364628358.html
In Ghostbusters Legacy ritroveremo una vecchia conoscenza: Ivo Shandor

Nel trailer uscito oggi di Ghostbusters: Legacy si vedono i protagonisti entrare in una miniera abbandonata di proprietà della Shandor Mining Co. e

9 Dec 16:04 Lega Nerd 8527030506650420463.html
Bizar: ranzige pedoclub Martijn gaat ondergronds, deelt tips over hoe het beste kinderen te verkrachten

Een verbod van de rechter was niet genoeg om een club trieste kindermisbruikers te stoppen in hun poging om niet alleen seks met kinderen te legaliseren, maar ook nog eens actief te bedrijven – of het nu toegestaan is of niet. Ze delen met elkaar zelfs handboeken over hoe je kinderen verleidt en misbruikt. Pet je af voor onderzoeksjournalist Daniël Verlaan, die maandenlang undercover is geweest bij een online voortzetting van de verboden pedofilievereniging Martijn. De club werd ontbonden op last van de rechter, maar enkele “kinderliefhebbende” leden lieten zich niet zoiets als de wet de les lezen, en zijn ondergronds gewoon doorgegaan met hun pro-pedoactiviteiten. Ze sporen elkaar aan om kinderen in te palmen en te misbruiken, en wisselen zelfs tips uit hoe je met behulp van datingsites via alleenstaande moeders bij de kinderen kunt komen. Het is echt te ziek voor woorden: nieuws: ik ging maandenlang undercover bij oud-leden van Martijn, de verboden vereniging voor pedofielen. De mannen gaan in besloten kring…

9 Dec 14:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057644567499.html
Met Office warns of power cuts when high winds hit Derbyshire

Winds could reach up to 60mph

9 Dec 10:57 Derbyshire Live 9061707931047656098.html
Police patrols ramped up after series of break-ins at old psychiatric hospital in Perth

Police are stepping up patrols at an abandoned psychiatric hospital after a spate of thefts.

9 Dec 08:43 The Courier 4275302767685715307.html
Inter e Roma si sono neutralizzate

L'Inter ha avuto diverse occasioni, ma superare la Roma è stato molto difficile.

9 Dec 08:34 L'Ultimo Uomo 1667880052099936835.html
Wind warnings still in place from Storm Atiyah

Weather warnings remain in place for south-west and north-east regions owing to strong winds from Storm Atiyah. And more strong gusts are forecast from a second storm expected to hit the country on Tuesday. The Met Office has forecast England and Scotland will be “windy across all areas” with severe gales possible in the northwest, with wind gusts potentially reaching 100mph. The south-west of England and Wales were buffered overnight by gales of up to 70mph after the storm swept in from Ireland, where it disrupted transport and power networks.

9 Dec 09:30 ITV News 2184971257851389086.html
PM Khan inaugurates Pakistan's first 'Science and Technology Park'

Prime Minister Imran Khan has on Monday said that those people who abandon their vision do not succeed ever. READ MORE: Hospital management suspends medical

9 Dec 08:55 The Nation 8831095137777348846.html
Blackpool and Fleetwood Town to meet once again in Central League reserve fixture

Fresh from this weekend's feisty clash, Blackpool and Fleetwood Town will come face-to-face with one another once again in a reserve fixture on Tuesday.

9 Dec 09:56 The Gazette 1828400563436669853.html
Peebles High School fire: Pupils return to classes after major blaze

HIGH SCHOOL pupils in Peebles have returned to class this morning after their secondary school was badly damaged in a fire. Peebles High School went up in flames on Thursday, November 28 and will r…

9 Dec 11:03 The Scottish Sun 6609127673463840207.html
Sipcam Oxon inaugura in Ghana il suo primo villaggio agricolo in Africa

L’ obiettivo è dare lavoro e rendere autosufficienti una quarantina di famiglie

9 Dec 08:15 Affari Italiani 6123405401615412459.html
Report: West Ham have considered Stoke City goalkeeper Jack Butland

West Ham United have reportedly considered making a move for Stoke City goalkeeper Jack Butland. According to a report from 90min, the Hammers gave thought to making a move for the Championship stopper following the struggles of Lukasz Fabianski’s deputy Roberto. The Spaniard has made an awful start to his London Stadium career after signing […]West Ham United have reportedly considered a move for Stoke City star Jack Butland as an alternative for Darren Randolph.

9 Dec 17:15 The Boot Room 5717202225697712491.html
Bottura: checco zalone


9 Dec 15:39 DAGOSPIA 6533336739643555754.html
How fashion and technology come together with Huawei Smart Life

When it comes to technology, people normally wouldn't associate it with fashion. If anything, the closest thing that most people can think of is perhaps the cool gadgets from the James Bond franchise but the thing is it's already happening now. 

9 Dec 17:13 TechNave 4010909133506113625.html
Freya Anderson strikes gold with freestyle double

Freya Anderson completed a freestyle double with victory in the 200m at the European Short Course Swimming Championships in Glasgow.

9 Dec 10:00 Shropshire Star 3480199991413698376.html
Il primo viaggio di Avanti. Ferrovie dello Stato sbarca in Gran Bretagna

Il gruppo italiano gestisce la linea West Coast che collega Inghilterra, Galles e Scozia

9 Dec 10:46 Il Tempo 4451308643135622225.html
Online booking for ID cards now available in Portugal

A protocol signed Friday in Lisbon will allow the State Booking Centre to operate an online scheduling service via the ePortugal Portal, the Ministry of Justice (MJ) informed.

9 Dec 11:40 The Portugal News Online 5173906808508701088.html
Australia's climate plan earns no credit

If the federal government gets its way on tackling carbon emissions, this will send a very bad signal to other countries that are already trying to twist the rules.

9 Dec 09:26 The Age 7967730561115802841.html
China ordena a oficinas e instituciones estatales eliminar computadoras y software extranjeros

  Tendrán que hacerlo en los próximos tres años y supone un golpe potencial para empresas como HP, Dell y Microsoft. lapatilla.com Pekín ha ordenado […]

9 Dec 10:50 LaPatilla.com 9104603011004540185.html
Vehicle crash causes roadblock in North Fort Myers Monday afternoon

Deputies say a vehicle crash in North Fort Myers is causing roadblock on two roads Monday afternoon.

9 Dec 14:40 Fox 4 8372747777558463380.html
Video: brutal batalla campal entre egresados universitarios de La Plata

La Fiesta de Egreso 2019 quedó opacada por una pelea brutal con golpes de puño y botellas, que dejó varios heridos. Ocurrió pasadas las 6 de la mañana en el patio del edificio de la Facultad de Trabajo Social.

9 Dec 14:02 Diario Registrado 7686014737088266350.html
Spazio Sport - Ora in diretta con gli amici della band per commentare il buon punto con il Napoli

Ripartire dal buon punto casalingo contro il Napoli. L'Udinese ricomincia a muovere la classifica con una prestazione convincente. Ne parliamo nella puntata odierna con gli amici della band.

9 Dec 10:07 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668192741228770.html
Nicola Sturgeon urges SNP activists not to back candidate axed over alleged anti-Semitism

NICOLA Sturgeon has urged SNP members not to back a candidate axed over alleged anti-Semitism. Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath hopeful Neale Hanvey was dropped by the party after comments he allegedly ma…

9 Dec 12:15 The Scottish Sun 6609127674013986450.html
West Herr buys Transitowne Hyundai and moves it

West Herr Automotive Group has acquired Transitowne Hyundai and moved the dealership about 2 miles up Transit Road, to Clarence. Terms of...

9 Dec 15:48 The Buffalo News 2088823987181332614.html
Intelligenza Artificiale, AM e Leonardo insieme per l’innovazione

Firenze, 9 dic. (askanews) – Un approfondimento sulle potenzialità dell’Intelligenza Artificiale applicata ai sistemi aeronautici sarà al centro di AIRtificial intelligence, un evento che si terrà a Firenze l’11 e 12 dicembre 2019 nella sede dell’Istituto di Scienze Militari Aeronautiche. Si tratta di un hackathon, una maratona tecnologica di 48 ore in cui Leonardo e […]

9 Dec 17:11 Askanews 298649740114637606.html
ZF will besser durch die Autokrise kommen als Bosch und Conti

Die Probleme in der Branche verschärfen sich weiter. Dennoch hält ZF-Konzernchef Wolf-Henning Scheider an der im Sommer gesenkten Prognose fest.

9 Dec 17:00 Handelsblatt 4721373940000790482.html
Streit um Hose: Milan-Fan erleidet Stichverletzung

Der Zustand des Anhängers ist immer noch ernst.

9 Dec 13:32 www.laola1.at 837519018201055680.html
Rekor Waktu Tercepat Brio Saturday Night Challenge Pecah di Final

Auddi RG berhasil menjadi juara Brio Saturday Night Challenge sekaligus memecahkan rekor waktu tercepat dengan catatan waktu 18,004 detik.

9 Dec 11:17 Tempo 3519522218279525756.html
North Korea opens mountain spa, ski resort in tourism push

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un opened a new mountain spa and ski resort that's intended for people to enjoy "high civilization under socialism" in another example of the country using tourism exemptions in sanctions to build revenue for its broken economy.

9 Dec 08:06 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636884320704.html
Link Live Streaming Final Bulu Tangkis SEA Games: Greysia/Apriyani vs Chayanit /Phaitamas

Ganda putri Indonesia Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu akan menghadapi Chayanit Chaladchalam / Phataimas Muenwong dari Thailand di final SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 13:10 liputan6.com 3414318496220262752.html
New Zealand volcano tour guide named as first victim of White Island eruption

Hayden Marshall-Inman was an experienced tour guide with White Island Tours and people have described him as a man with a kind nature who died doing what he loved

9 Dec 17:19 mirror 675785261224984499.html
Transfersoap Rohan Dennis komt ten einde met overstap naar INEOS

Na een maandenlange transfersoap is de kogel dan eindelijk door de kerk: Rohan Dennis tekent een contract bij Team INEOS. Hij werd de laatste tijd al vaak in verband gebracht met een overgang naar het sterrenensemble van ploegbaas Dave Brailsford. Op de website van Team INEOS vertelt de Australiër hoe blij hij is met zijn…

9 Dec 11:21 Sportnieuws 3602982464876316564.html
Xiaomijev patent za nevidljivu prednju kameru uklanja potrebu za izrezima, otvorima

Xiaomi će možda pokušati da kreira ekran bez ikakvih izreza i otvora, a sada novi patent otkriva kako bi ovo moglo funkcionisati

9 Dec 16:10 Benchmark 6730898462297069261.html
Geen teken van leven op vulkaaneiland: politie Nieuw-Zeeland vermoedt dat er geen overlevenden meer zijn

Na de uitbarsting van de vulkaan op het Nieuw-Zeelandse eiland Whakaari/White Island vermoedt de politie dat er geen overlevenden meer zijn. 

9 Dec 12:40 HLN 8967494997319555183.html
Sterlina prosegue marcia rialzista, giovedì appuntamento con le elezioni

Prosegue la marcia rialzista della sterlina, che guadagna terreno in avvio di settimana nei confronti del dollaro. Poco prima delle 12, il cambio sterlina/dollaro si muove in rialzo dello 0,24% …

9 Dec 11:44 FinanzaOnline 6528634127161110807.html
Polizisten stossen auf fünf Kilo Heroin

Bei Hausdurchsuchungen in Moosseedorf wurden über fünf Kilogramm Heroin sichergestellt. Die Polizei verhaftete drei Männer wegen Verdacht auf Drogenhandel.

9 Dec 15:22 20 Minuten 5741369452302274987.html
Riad, stop a ingressi separati per donne

L'Arabia saudita ha abolito gli ingressi separati per uomini e donne nei ristoranti, facendo cadere un nuovo tabù sociale del regno ultraconservatore. Lo annunciano le autorità di Riad. (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:58 ANSA.it 1300837447721625919.html
Vijf jaar handelsmissies naar China: wat levert dat nou op voor Overijssel?

Acht keer vertrokken handelsdelegaties vanuit Overijssel en Gelderland naar China de afgelopen vijf jaar. Maar wat leverde dat nou op voor de 126 bedrijven die deelnamen aan die handelsmissies naar het verre oosten? Ruim dertig miljoen werd er de afgelopen jaren door Chinese bedrijven geïnvesteerd in Overijssel. Chinese investeerders creëerden 145 banen in Overijssel.

9 Dec 15:50 RTV Oost 6509131172290401970.html
Investors lay siege to SEBI office, demand Karvy-like action against BMA Wealth

On Monday, SEBI’s office came under siege as a crowd of 40-50 stock market investors blocked the main entrance of the regulator’s BKC office building. The commotion led to police being called to guard

9 Dec 11:31 BusinessLine 5283601923680870.html
One Gift Idea With Mental Health Benefits You Probably Haven't Thought Of

This holiday season, the gift of therapy is now one of the easiest to give.

9 Dec 08:00 mindbodygreen 5822886645062067776.html
8 Potret Rebeca Tavares, Istri Fabinho yang Pensiun dari Sepak Bola demi Sang Suami

Gelandang Liverpool, Fabinho, memiliki istri cantik bernama Rebeca Tavares yang juga pernah berprofesi sebagai pesepak bola.

9 Dec 13:20 Bola.com 1695722602604294037.html
Rustenburg withdraws from R650m mall project over alleged exploitation | IOL News

The Rustenburg municipality in North West has pulled out of a R650 million shopping mall project in Geelhout Park, citing ...

9 Dec 16:28 www.iol.co.za 17825110951637184.html
A desperately-needed result for the West Indies

A confident Windies team will take the field at Mumbai’s Wankhade Stadium for the third T20I

9 Dec 17:03 The Hindu 6679535024938864724.html
Ministerio Público presenta antejuicios contra magistrados del TSE

Son señalados en el caso de supuestas irregularidades en el sistema de conteo de votos durante el proceso electoral.

9 Dec 12:43 Publinews 8987875303799300195.html
Boris Johnson apologises after boy slept on hospital floor

Sarah Williment covered her four-year-old son, Jack, with coats to keep him warm as he waited for a bed at Leeds General Infirmary.

9 Dec 09:16 Express & Star 7324224459666585981.html
Boris Johnson apologises after boy slept on hospital floor

Sarah Williment covered her four-year-old son, Jack, with coats to keep him warm as he waited for a bed at Leeds General Infirmary.

9 Dec 09:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774201989501.html
Number of children arrested in North East drops as police turn to restorative justice

The Howard League for Penal reform has welcomed the drop in youth arrests in the Northumbria Police and Durham Constabulary areas

9 Dec 16:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901633786501.html
Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece reveals a rare glimpse inside stunning Manhattan townhouse as she shares a snap of daughter Princess Olympia decorating a huge Christmas tree

Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece, 51, revealed a rare glimpse inside her Manhattan townhouse in New York, showing off enormous windows, ruched silver blinds and elegant wooden floors.

9 Dec 15:46 Mail Online 124328110693086714.html
Jaguar I-Pace bekommt ein Reichweiten-Update

Die Lernkurve beim Elektroantrieb ist steil, vor allem wenn man sein Knowhow im Rennsport erweitert: Jaguar optimiert nun gut ein Jahr nach ...

9 Dec 13:44 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093043576902.html
Pastor Samuel Green, the little-known but key Underground Railroad figure who helped Harriet Tubman

By day, he was a pastor of a church but by night, he was part of a secret network that helped slaves escaped to freedom. The Reverend Samuel Green, a farmer and a Methodist preacher, was also a key Underground Railroad agent active in Dorchester County, Maryland in the 1850s. In the course of time,...

9 Dec 14:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198129774843772.html
Crypto Price Action Sports Uncanny Resemblance to Bitcoin Bear Market Bottom

After an early 2019 parabolic rally, Bitcoin has spent the last few months locked within a vicious downtrend that’s seen nearly 50% of the crypto asset’s

9 Dec 17:00 NewsBTC 7232133510305866932.html
Mengenal Pesawat Garuda Indonesia yang Bawa Harley & Brompton

Berikut sekilas pandang tentang pesawat baru Garuda Indonesia bertipe A330-900 yang digunakan untuk menyelundupkan moge Harley Davidson dan 2 sepeda Brompton.

9 Dec 17:16 detikTravel 7712517351628373590.html
Junge Deutsche fühlen sich von Schulen in Finanzfragen extrem schlecht informiert

Vor allem die erste Steuererklärung bringt Schüler mit der Welt der Finanzen in Kontakt. Die Schulen vermitteln Finanzwissen aber nicht ausreichend, bemängeln sie.

9 Dec 08:28 Handelsblatt 4721373940479256104.html
Warren says all-women Democratic presidential ticket can beat Trump

* Candidate says she’d consider Kamala Harris as running mate * Warren: Trump has destroyed US leadership – I’ll restore itElizabeth Warren believes an all-women Democratic presidential ticket can beat Donald Trump next year.The Massachusetts senator made her views plain in an interview with the Associated

9 Dec 12:50 Yahoo 7097669637853076234.html
Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif meet Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

Two of the biggest stars of Bollywood, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif were recently in Bangladesh to perform at the Bangladesh Premiere League T20. Performing on some of their chartbuster numbers, their performance was appreciated by the crowd with loud cheer and applause. The actors are now back in town but not before they stopped to meet the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina.

9 Dec 15:35 Filmfare.com 6668806038578866758.html
After toll plazas, govt push for FASTag at Hyderabad airport parking

It has given a major fillip to the Digital India initiative by converting cash toll payments to electronic and brought in an enhanced transparency in entire tolling ecosystem, the ministry said

9 Dec 14:30 Business-Standard 1502508924765128897.html
APOEL Nikosia trennt sich von Trainer Thomas Doll

Der zyprische Fußball-Erstligist APOEL Nikosia und Trainer Thomas Doll (53) haben nach nur vier Monaten die Zusammenarbeit beendet. Das gab der Klub auf seiner Homepage bekannt.

9 Dec 12:30 SPOX 8395423525558529321.html
Dreieinhalb Jahre Haft für Quedlinburger

Ein 34 Jahre alter Mann aus Quedlinburg ist am Montag vom Landgericht Magdeburg zu einer dreieinhalbjährigen Haftstrafe verurteilt worden. Das berichtet Gerichtssprecher Christian Löffler auf Anfrage der MZ. Dem Mann war von der Staatsanwaltschaft 13-facher schwerer sexueller Missbrauch eines Kindes vorgeworfen ...

9 Dec 16:45 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109349907200.html
Rückendeckung für Artner nach Korruptionsvorwurf

VP-Stadtrat Hauptmann betont: „Es gibt Gerücht, doch Anzeige stammt sicher nicht von uns.“

9 Dec 10:25 NÖN.at 2486998933556683919.html
Gary Kirsten open to helping South Africa and add value

Cricket News: With Cricket South Africa (CSA) looking down the barrel, former opener and coach Gary Kirsten could return to help the team in a mentor's role for the

9 Dec 12:47 The Times of India 6060938663706471478.html
Desorganización y desconocimiento de Ley de Contrataciones fomenta la corrupción

En el Día Internacional contra la Corrupción organizaciones señalan puntos a cambiar en el nuevo gobierno.

9 Dec 16:25 Publinews 8987875303661367682.html
Belgien: Magnette hört als Vermittler bei Regierungsbildung auf

Die Regierungsbildung in Belgien kommt weiter kaum voran. Der Sozialist Paul Magnette, der zuletzt mögliche Koalitionen für das Elf-Millionen-Einwohner-Land sondiert hatte, gab diesen Auftrag am Montag an König Philippe zurück.

9 Dec 17:55 bz BASEL 5287163742570282245.html
Turkey says it has deported 11 French terrorist suspects

Turkey said on Monday it had deported 11 French nationals back to France as part of a program to extradite what it says are foreign terrorist fighters. Turkey's Interior Ministry, which made the announcement, gave no details. France's Foreign Ministry declined to comment, but diplomatic sources

9 Dec 09:26 Yahoo 7097669638905988949.html
Höhlen: Magische Anziehungskraft

Weiter als zuvor sind zwei Höhlentaucher vom Blautopf aus ins Herz der Alb vorgedrungen und fanden eine Tropfsteinkammer.

9 Dec 17:02 swp.de 6929179442102066394.html
La grande eruzione in Nuova Zelanda

Almeno cinque turisti sono morti sul vulcano White Island, altri otto risultano dispersi e la polizia non pensa di trovarli vivi

9 Dec 17:49 Il Post 6291746503444139335.html
Alessia Marcuzzi risponde ai rumors sulla possibile gravidanza (VIDEO)

In questi giorni, la conduttrice Alessia Marcuzzi è finita al centro delle polemiche poiché in molti hanno notato un pancino sospetto, che subito ha fatto pensare ad una gravidanza. A fomentare ulteriormente questo dubbio è stata anche la collega Federica Panicucci la quale, durante una puntata di Mattino 5, ha mostrato delle foto alquanto sospette. […]

9 Dec 17:40 KontroKultura 2573504972138787202.html
Experten: Tod im Krankenhaus oft vermeidbar

Zu Hause oder etwa im Hospiz sterben - aber bitte nicht im Krankenhaus. Das zumindest wünschen sich die meisten. Die Realität sieht anders aus.

9 Dec 14:40 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427131877767.html
Woman dies after getting into difficulty while swimming off Antrim coast

A woman has died after a group of swimmers got into difficulty in the sea off the Antrim coast this morning.

9 Dec 15:12 Buzz.ie 7092425148145177775.html
No reason that employment has come down, says Gangwar

In response to remarks on demonetisation and the job cuts it caused these years, Labour and Employment Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar said the government is implementing the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 to mitigate hardships caused by migration.

9 Dec 08:09 The Economic Times 7653256037353319378.html
UN report: Climate, technology could produce 'severe inequalities'

The climate crisis and technological changes could shape a 'new generation of severe inequalities in human development,' according to a U.N. report...

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808657136094.html
See Which Barca Legends Baloyi Recently Rubbed Shoulders With

Former Kaizer Chiefs fan favourite and South African football legend Brian Baloyi was recently seen chilling with two of FC Barcelona's greatest players. Check it out!

9 Dec 16:36 Soccer Laduma 3901337371596289553.html
Tim Cook Celebrates Coding And Computer Science Education Week in Japan

Tim Cook celebrated Computer Science Education Week and the importance of coding with primary school pupils in Japan.

9 Dec 13:18 The Mac Observer 5087532648856620665.html
Marginal Rejig In GST Structure Can Be Combined With Income Tax Cuts

The right thing to do is to accept a slightly higher rate of fiscal deficit in the short run.  

9 Dec 13:21 Swarajya 4977622830457279459.html
Roma, lesione al bicipite femorale della coscia sinistra per Santon

Il terzino era stato costretto ad uscire contro l'Inter e il rientro è previsto per il nuovo anno viste le 3 partite rimaste e la sosta natalizia alle porte

9 Dec 14:17 Forzaroma.info 1065617486856213847.html
Steve Cooper facing the first questions of his Swansea City tenure as West Brom hammering and transfer admission raise concerns

Tom Coleman looks at the key talking points from Swansea City's crushing defeat at West Bromwich Albion on Sunday

9 Dec 09:14 Wales Online 7686550516327418591.html
Deutscher Einzelhandel: Immer mehr Geschäfte überwachen unsere Laufwege mit WLAN-Router und Kameras

In der Weihnachtszeit schieben sich Massen von Menschen durch Kaufhäuser. Dass sie dabei vielerorts gezählt werden, ist den wenigsten Geschenkejägern bewusst.

9 Dec 09:02 FOCUS Online 4448121230019712820.html
Transparentnost Srbija pozvala poslanike da suštinski poboljšaju četiri antikorupcijska zakona

Transparentnost Srbija pozvala je poslanike da na sednici koja počinje danas, na Medjunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije, suštinski poboljšaju četiri antikorupcijska zakona, tako da se, kako je Transparentnost istakla, zaista suzbije mogućnost zloupotrebe javnih resursa i javne funkcije.Kako se navodi u saopštenju, Transparentnost Srbija je ocenila da su predložene izmene Vlade Zakona o Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcijem, Zakona o finansiranju političkih aktivnosti i Zakona o javnim preduzećima "nedovoljni da ispune preporuke medjunarodnih organizacija".Dodala je i da štaviše, te izmene u sadašnjem tekstu "neće rešiti ni probleme koje je sama Vlada prepoznala u antikorupcijskoj strategiji iz 2013 i u Akcionom planu za poglavlje 23 evropskih integracija"."Iako je Vlada prihvatila dva naša predloga da se problemi u izbornom zakonodavstvu rešavaju izmenama zakona i da se o tim izmenama organizuje javna rasprava – većina predloga sa javne rasprave je odbijena bez valjanog ili ikakvog obrazloženja", navodi se u saopštenju.Kada…

9 Dec 10:10 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081074201518.html
Hari Antikorupsi, Jaksa Agung Nonton Film Karya KPK Bareng Siswa SMA

Kejagung menggelar nonton film bersama siswa SMA se-Jakarta. Kejagung ingin mengajak generasi muda untuk tidak melakukan tindakan korupsi melalui film-film itu.

9 Dec 10:29 detiknews 8793960224814893708.html
Exeter Uni 'at the forefront' of research into likes of dementia and schizophrenia with new equipment

The new genome sequencing platform is a significant boost to the university's research capabilities

9 Dec 14:22 DevonLive 2469244513459332393.html
Stopping Messi has become Real Madrid coach Zidane's obsession

Stopping Messi has become Real Madrid coach Zidane's obsession

9 Dec 09:01 sport 1349897969314110112.html
Everton reportedly scouting Jarrad Branthwaite, could he be the next John Stones?

Everton profited massively from bringing in John Stones from the Football League.Everton profited massively from bringing in John Stones from the Football League.

9 Dec 09:15 The Boot Room 5717202226969340666.html
Raccoon shot dead in Germany after being spotted in 'drunken' state

A raccoon became a social media star in Germany after being spotted wandering around near a Christmas market, but was later shot dead by authorities

9 Dec 17:32 euronews 7318238121211297846.html
Mönchengladbach: Zwischen Mythos und Tabellenführung

Sport-Podcast "Und nun zum Sport": Mönchengladbach ist dank Max Eberl der Planungsweltmeister der Bundesliga.

9 Dec 16:30 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592178687837.html
Schlägerei vor Flower Power

Am Sonnabend kam es in den frühen Morgenstunden in der Bürgermeisterstraße zu mehreren Polizeieinsätzen, bei denen Streitereien und körperliche Auseinandersetzungen zwischen mehreren Personen zwischen 16 und 27 Jahren eine Rolle spielten. Es wurden mehrere Strafanzeigen ...

9 Dec 13:45 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109663217301.html
Al Liceo Govone di Alba ritorna l'iniziativa "Bentornato dottore"

Appuntamento sabato 14 dicembre alle ore 10. All'onorevole Paganelli, presidente dell'associazione ex allievi, un riconoscimento in occasione del suo 90° compleanno

9 Dec 09:47 Targatocn.it 7367208848807166994.html
"Die sauberen Sportler sind die Leidtragenden"

Im Manipulationsskandal wurde Russland für vier Jahre gesperrt. Das russische NOK will dagegen Einspruch einlegen. Jurij Ganus, der Chef der russischen Antidopingagentur Rusada, hält das für falsch.

9 Dec 13:01 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271483205023.html
Gobierno chino denuncia interferencia de EEUU en asuntos internos

La Ley de Derechos Humanos y Democracia de Hong Kong 2019 desató la polémica

9 Dec 17:47 Últimas Noticias 6811287211047332092.html
WADA imposes four year ban on Russia over doping data manipulation

Russia was banned from all sporting competitions including the Tokyo 2020 on Monday after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) ruled to punish the country for manipulating laboratory data, the Russian TASS news agency reported. 

9 Dec 14:01 WION 1570469240442764907.html
Benton man arrested on suspicion of fourth OWI

A Benton man was arrested Sunday on suspicion of operating while intoxicated, fourth offense according to a news release.

9 Dec 17:43 CHANNEL3000 830332542971239407.html
Aardbeving in de buurt van Firenze

Een aardbeving met een magnitude van 4,5 heeft deze ochtend de Mugello getroffen, een ruraal gebied in de buurt van Firenze. Dat zegt het Italiaanse geofysische en vulkanologische instituut (INGV) ...

9 Dec 09:55 HLN 8967494997857946742.html
Oud-wielrenner Kittel vader van een zoon

Marcel Kittel heeft nieuw geluk gevonden. De Duitser zegde eerder dit jaar het wielerpeloton vaarwel omdat hij met motivatieproblemen kampte. Privé ging en gaat het hem wel voor de wind. Kittel, een van de beste sprinters van zijn generatie, heeft een relatie met de Nederlandse oud-volleybalster Tess von Piekartz. Nadat hij eerder al via sociale media had gemeld dat zijn vriendin zwanger was, volgde nu op Instagram het blijde nieuws. Kittel is vader geworden van een zoon: Lex.

9 Dec 12:29 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049723616782.html
Mudslides strand hundreds of tourists in New Zealand town

Authorities said road access to Franz Josef is not likely to be restored until Friday.

9 Dec 08:04 Breaking News 4415806918889251468.html
China orders govt offices to remove foreign equipment, software

In the latest salvo to the tech cold war, the Chinese government has ordered all government offices and public institutions to stop using any foreign computer and software equipment, the Financial Times reported, saying all such equipment will have to be removed within three years. The Chinese directive, which could hit companies such as HP, Dell and Microsoft, is the first from Beijing to set specific targets limiting China’s use of foreign technology. 

9 Dec 13:31 Telecompaper 8935969309969460.html
LSU's Joe Burrow named Heisman Trophy finalist

LSU quarterback Joe Burrow has been named a finalist for the Heisman Trophy.

9 Dec 17:43 KNOE 8 News 9048639192701167224.html
Watch Democrats' counsel expertly sum up the Ukraine scandal in just 3 minutes

Well that was easy. Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman wrapped up his opening statement during the House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing Monday by summarizing the entire Ukraine scandal that spurred the inquiry into President Trump. The whole thing took just around three minutes. DANIEL GOLDMAN: "The president's scheme is quite simple and the facts are not seriously in dispute. It can be boiled down to four key takeaways." pic.twitter.com/iohClV27Mr — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 9, 2019 Don't be fooled, though. The rest of the impeachment proceedings — including Monday's hearing, which is expected to last through the afternoon — won't be so concise. Tim O'Donnell

9 Dec 17:32 The Week 149215355430914976.html
XII Encuentro de cubanos residentes en Catar

En la tarde del sábado se celebró el XII Encuentro de la pequeña comunidad de cubanos residentes en Catar, en la residencia del Embajador de Cuba

9 Dec 11:41 Trabajadores 1167277447461845300.html
Disney announces an Aladdin spin-off based on Prince Anders, gets hit with instant internet backlash

Disney is using their new streaming service to create a lot of new spin-off series. Their latest idea though is a pretty stupid one.

9 Dec 14:00 Critical Hit 8797780293265922835.html
Manifestatie inedita la DNA. O femeie imbracata in auriu si legata la ochi intruchipeaza Justitia oarba: Se cere reluarea dosarului Certej (Video)

Mai multi reprezentanti ai comunitatii Declic au organizat, luni, o manifestatie in fata sediului DNA pentru a cere procurorului-sef Calin Nistor reluarea anchetei de la Certej. Membrii comunitatii Declic vor intra in audienta la Nistor pentru a depune memoriul in acest sens.

9 Dec 11:31 Ziare.com 1922730286278124948.html
Cardiff City boss Neil Harris identifies key area he is looking to address in January transfer window

The Bluebirds boss has repeatedly said he wants to streamline the squad, but there is one position in particular in which he is looking to bolster the ranks next month

9 Dec 15:33 Wales Online 7686550515650848268.html
Wiesbadener AWO-Chef tritt ab

Wolfgang Stasche (78), seit 20 Jahren Vorsitzender der Wiesbadener AWO, hat seinen Rücktritt erklärt.

9 Dec 17:22 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323425225904.html
Soziologe Wolfgang Hammer: Weil Beziehung zu eng ist: Jugendamt nimmt alleinerziehenden Müttern die Kinder weg

Scheinbar grundlos werden Mutter und Kind voneinander getrennt. Das Jugendamt greift ein und steckt das Kind in ein Heim. Mehr als 42 Familien sind in Deutschland davon betroffen. Jetzt hat ein Soziologe diese Fälle untersucht. Seine Entdeckungen machen sprachlos.

9 Dec 08:14 FOCUS Online 4448121230322813699.html
Shop workers tied up during terrifying armed robbery in Preston

Detectives are investigating following a robbery in Broughton on Sunday night.

9 Dec 16:29 Lancashire Post 6469275854773726985.html
Darko Banjac podnio ostavku na mjesto potpredsjednika DNS-a?

BANJALUKA - Darko Banjac, potpredsjednik DNS-a, podnio je ostavku na ovu stranačku poziciju javljaju mediji. danas se žestoko protivio odluci da Draško Aćimović bude kandidat za ministra u Savjetu ministara BiH, te je podnio ostravku na mjesto potpredsjednika stranke, nezvanično saznaje Srpskainfo.

9 Dec 15:17 Nezavisne novine 4209150643176583850.html
Champions League: Leipzig will mit Gruppensieg Transfer-Träume realisieren

Mit der Reise zum letzten Gruppenspiel bei Olympique Lyon beginnt für RB Leipzig bereits der Kampf um Verstärkungen für die Rückrunde und das Achtelfinale der ...

9 Dec 12:15 swp.de 6929179440837845227.html
Michelle Obama headlines YouTube's new 'Creators for Change' series

The special will highlight the work Obama’s Girls Opportunity Alliance is doing in Vietnam.

9 Dec 14:29 Engadget 96641516171568411.html
FG planning to charge Sowore with terrorism, says Falana

Femi Falana, human rights lawyer, says the federal government is planning to charge Omoyele Sowore, convener of the #RevolutionNow movement, with terrorism. 

9 Dec 17:57 TheCable 7513571674584208258.html
Flying cars could lure investors away from ground-based services: survey

(Reuters) - Electric air taxis — known colloquially, if somewhat misleadingly, as “flying cars” — could draw millions of investor dollars away from ground-based transportation start-up firms in 2020, according to a study released on Monday.

9 Dec 14:10 Reuters 8334514179729119684.html
Classical Music Board Bonaire, Podium Bonaire, eerste editie

Classical Music Board Bonaire, Podium Bonaire, eerste editie

9 Dec 13:49 Bonaire.Nu 6841721120244677872.html
MIHAN tiger to be captured: Maharashtra Forest Department

“We had sought permission to tranquilise and capture the tiger, which has been granted by Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Wildlife) Nitin Kakodkar,” said Prabhunath Shukla, Nagpur Deputy Chief Conservator of Forest.

9 Dec 08:55 The Indian Express 2885715105483267629.html
Hrvat preuzima Arsenal?

Fredrik Ljungberg se nije ispostavio kao dobro rješenje za "šok terapiju" u Arsenalu, pa "tobdžije" navodno traže novog trenera.

9 Dec 12:43 Nezavisne novine 4209150642022188267.html
Cadillac Live lets you browse the showroom floor without leaving home

Cadillac earlier this year launched a live virtual showroom for Canadian customers. One part personal shopper, one part interactive digital showroom, the feature allows potential buyers to conduct a one-way video chat with a product specialist so they can learn…

9 Dec 16:38 TechSpot 7732733961315515097.html
Mahila court awards life imprisonment to old man

Ramanathapuram The Fast Track Mahila Court has awarded life imprisonment to a 60-year-old man after convicting him on charges of murdering his wife, suspecting her fidelity. Holding that the prosecuti

9 Dec 13:42 The Hindu 6679535024930671732.html
Google Pixel Auto Call Screening, Memory Management Updates Coming With New 'Feature Drop'

Google says that feature drops bring bigger and more impactful updates than the typical security updates and bug fixes.

9 Dec 10:47 HotHardware 6258404625283925596.html
Macron ha deciso di giocare una rischiosa partita con Putin sull'Ucraina

A Parigi andrà in scena un incontro tra il presidente francese, quello russo, alla presenza del primo ministro ucraino Zekensky e Angela Merkel. La strategia del capo dell'Eliseo per rafforzare il suo prestigio personale

9 Dec 13:23 Agi 2115274225673537782.html
Warum Grünkohl unbedingt frieren muss

Grünkohl – auch bekannt als Kale – schmeckt besser, wenn es draussen den ersten Frost gegeben hat. Das ist schon lange klar. Doch warum eigentlich?

9 Dec 13:33 20 Minuten 5741369454246775464.html
Misshandelter Säugling in Lebensgefahr: Vater bestreitet Vorwürfe

Der Vater des schwer verletzten Babys fühlt sich von der Mutter zu Unrecht belastet. Er sagt, er sei unschuldig.

9 Dec 12:19 Kurier 208072239595403723.html
Russia, Ukraine leaders to meet in Paris

French- and German-mediated talks seek to end 5-year conflict in eastern Ukraine

9 Dec 17:13 The Hindu 6679535026174996610.html
WhatsApp dark mode: latest beta release gives us another early glimpse

Icons tucked away in the install files offer a tantalizing hint of what the new layout will look like.

9 Dec 12:43 TechRadar 2111116915666446074.html
Free-scoring Salzburg pose serious threat to leaky Liverpool

LONDON, United Kingdom, Dec 9 - Liverpool travel to Salzburg on Tuesday needing to avoid defeat to the confident Austrian champions to guard against an Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 08:08 Capital Sports 7605153804576083939.html
7 Manfaat Jus Melon untuk Kesehatan dan Kecantikan, Baik untuk Mata Minus

Jus melon merupakan satu di antara minuman sehat yang memiliki ragam manfaat bagi kesehatan dan kecantikan.

9 Dec 14:40 Bola.com 1695722602991243890.html
US continues to block appointment to key WTO body

Washington spurns the draft General Council decision presented by facilitator

9 Dec 15:37 BusinessLine 5283600796085048.html
Peloton's Controversial Ad Wasn't a Total Loss; It Taught Entrepreneurs a Valuable Lesson in Consumer Behavior

The whole Peloton ad debacle will soon be forgotten, but no one should overlook the valuable lessons it teaches entrepreneurs.

9 Dec 14:15 Inc.com 8604986418585901103.html
Marin sets sights on Tokyo Olympic gold

Says the injury-break has actually helped her improve her game

9 Dec 15:20 The Hindu 6679535026009366920.html
No more survivors from New Zealand volcano eruption

As many as two dozen tourists are feared dead.

9 Dec 15:19 Daily Nation 7421817125237924961.html
The Elder Scrolls Legends Development Officially Halted by Bethesda

The Elder Scrolls Legends, the free-to-play collectible card game, has had its development officially halted by Bethesda.

9 Dec 09:45 Wccftech 3677959678939564330.html
Früherer Fed-Chef Volcker gestorben

Paul Volcker war von 1979 bis 1987 Chef der US-Notenbank. Nun ist er im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben.

9 Dec 14:52 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203938466680885.html
Christmas events and activities happening across the south west to enjoy with loved ones

Fill up your festive calendar with a range of celebratory events

9 Dec 17:26 BristolLive 4740742016763700410.html
Perth and Kinross Matters: Volunteers deserve praise for trying to make Christmas special

In Iceland, children count down the days til Christmas with the arrival of 13 troublesome trolls.

9 Dec 10:00 The Courier 4275302768569728306.html
Mobbing er den viktigste saken for barnehageforeldre

Arbeidet mot mobbing og mistrivsel er den viktigste saken foreldre ønsker å være med å påvirke i barnehagen, viser en undersøkelse fra FUB.

9 Dec 14:28 Aftenbladet 8753034802961076388.html
BofA Director Charged in Hong Kong After Scuffle With Police

(Bloomberg) -- A Bank of America Corp. anti-bribery and compliance director in Hong Kong was charged with assaulting a police officer after an altercation in a metro station over the weekend, according to a person familiar with the matter.The director, a 35-year-old American, was released on HK$10,000

9 Dec 10:37 Yahoo 7097669637611233601.html
Rischio volatilità per i mercati emergenti

Le prospettive dei mercati emergenti continuano ad essere positive.

9 Dec 09:32 Trend Online 3268043279603647532.html
Bosz veegt titelkansen resoluut van tafel: 'Uiteindelijk wordt Bayern kampioen'

Peter Bosz is bezig aan een uitstekend seizoen met zijn Bayer Leverkusen. De competitie ligt volledig open, maar Bosz durft niet te denken aan een eventuele landstitel voor Leverkusen en weet wie er wél kampioen wordt. De Bundesliga is dit jaar spannender dan ooit. De volledige top zeven bevindt zich binnen zeven punten van elkaar, met Bayern München op een verrassende zevende plek. "Uiteindelijk zal Bayern kampioen worden. Die hebben met afstand de beste ploeg. En die achterstand van zeven punten? Dat gaat snel hier. Er zijn in de Bundesliga zoveel ploegen die elkaar punten af kunnen pakken", vertelt Bosz resoluut tegenover De Telegraaf. Vlak na de belangrijke zege op Schalke 04 is Bosz duidelijk over de eigen titelkansen. "Daar zijn we helemaal niet mee bezig." 'Gesprekken tussen Bosz en Bayer Leverkusen voorlopig gestaakt' Valencia waarschuwt Ajax met zege in derby, Leverkusen en Bosz doen goede zaken

9 Dec 10:08 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883398834305.html
Storytelling platform Wattpad to open office in Halifax in the new year

Storytelling platform Wattpad says it will open what it calls a second headquarters in Halifax to tap into the city's talent pool as the company grows.

9 Dec 14:55 Atlantic 8060955782982991618.html
For the first time in two decades, steam locomotive operates from Coonoor to Ooty

The chartered train service carried more than 70 foreign tourists from multiple countries

9 Dec 11:20 The Hindu 6679535025304578330.html
UFFICIALE - Maksimovic, distrazione di primo grado al retto femorale destro

Nikola Maksimovic ha avuto dei problemi fisici e ha recentemente effettuato i test medici del caso.

9 Dec 17:03 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080523376232.html
Body discovered in the River Tay

Family of missing Perth pensioner informed

9 Dec 16:29 dailyrecord 552235479026261769.html
Big Bird, Ronstadt, Sally Field celebrated at Kennedy Center

WASHINGTON (AP) - Actress Sally Field, singer Linda Ronstadt and the disco-funk band Earth Wind and Fire shared the spotlight Sunday night as part of the latest group of recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors for lifetime achievement in the arts.

9 Dec 09:19 WFXT 6395891954382369186.html
Mexico may accept US steel trade rule, rejects aluminum

Mexico may accept U.S. requests for greater regional content on steel, as long as there is a five-year phase-in period.

9 Dec 15:26 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637525456601.html
Shiv Sena Monkey Balances On Citizenship Amendment Bill: Announces Support But Says Give No Voting Rights

A move that may embarrass the NCP-Congress-Shiv Sena alliance in Maharashtra, the Sena have decided to back the contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), which the Congress brands as "unconstitutional".

9 Dec 11:13 Swarajya 4977622830292012654.html
Akuapem Poloo finally gets to meet Cardi B

After crying on social media over the failure of Cardi B to meet her and other top Ghanaian celebrities, video vixen, and actress Rosemond Bro

9 Dec 08:30 GHANA PAGE 8986860742204145060.html
Die Muslimbrüder geraten in die Defensive

Auf Druck des NRW-Verfassungsschutzes verliert das Islamistennetzwerk zunehmend an Rückhalt. Selbst bisherige Unterstützer wie Aiman Mazyek vom Zentralrat der Muslime gehen auf Distanz – vorläufig.

9 Dec 12:50 DIE WELT 6197693428183074845.html
FACT CHECK Trump and GOP Allies Deny Reality to Defend Almost-certain Impeachment

Trump misleads in suggesting that Ukraine's Zelenskiy didn’t have any concerns about the call. Nor was the call 'transcribed perfectly;' only a rough transcript was released by the White House

9 Dec 11:31 Haaretz 1431421788533153454.html
ED’s homeboys..Machete terrorists enjoy Mnangagwa protection: Goreraza

If I was the President, there would not be a single Mushurugwi breathing right now. I would have ordered that they not

9 Dec 15:05 ZWNEWS 6090563867276823496.html
La misteriosa intervista della Rai a Bashar al Assad

L'ha fatta Monica Maggioni, ex giornalista oggi manager Rai, e sarà mandata in onda stasera dalla tv del regime siriano, ma in Italia si discute su chi l'abbia autorizzata e se sia opportuno trasmetterla

9 Dec 09:51 Il Post 6291746504393906084.html
Walmart Apologises For Sweater Featuring Santa With Cocaine Habit

The festive season is a busy time for Santa Claus. The whole world, one night, a f*ck-load of presents - how does he keep the energy up?

9 Dec 10:22 UNILAD 6373328986447945111.html
Zustupf für die Kinderbetreuung wird zur Knacknuss

12 Millionen Franken will der Kanton dafür locker machen. Die Regeln dafür sind im Parlament umstritten.

9 Dec 16:22 SRF 8424707180033663391.html
Bantai Arema FC, Pelatih PSIS:Terima Kasih Panser Biru dan Snex

Pelatih PSIS Semarang, Bambang Nurdiansyah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Panser Biru dan Snex usai membantai Arema FC dalam pertandingan Liga 1 2019.

9 Dec 15:11 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549246874360.html
Usai Pecat Ari Askhara, Erick Mau Garuda Benahi Semua Sistem

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir mengatakan, ia tidak akan selesai hanya dengan pencopotan Direktur Utama PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk, I Gusti Ngurah Askhara atau Ari Askhara.

9 Dec 13:49 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834767188457.html
Sporting Life pick out five betting highlights for the week ahead

Every week throughout the year, Sporting Life will pick out five highlights so you never miss a beat.

9 Dec 12:37 Sporting Life 7709795076216967475.html
Man claims he drank broken glass from beer bottle at Metro Vancouver casino

A Surrey man claims he accidentally drank glass from a broken beer bottle at Burnaby’s Grand Villa Casino.

9 Dec 16:26 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958498077373414.html
Jordan: Parliament Refers 2 Former Ministers to Court, Refuses to Waive Immunity of MP

The Jordanian parliament agreed on the judiciary request to refer two former ministers to court on charges of abusing their job jurisdictions, while it refused to waive the immunity of two deputies in two different cases. The Parliamentary Legal Comm

9 Dec 13:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933208978774.html
Viral Image Shows Grey Seal Pup Lounging With A Starbucks Bottle

An amateur photographer has captured an image of a young pup lounging next to a glass Starbucks bottle in the midst of the UK grey pup season in what some

9 Dec 17:17 IFLScience 242791748190677952.html
Evasione fiscale e fatture false: nei guai un imprenditore di Sestu

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 15:51 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206262762440.html
Nevreme paralisalo Bejrut, ulice kao manje reke

BEJRUT - Oluja praćena obilnim padavinama paralisala je delove Bejruta, glavnog grada Libana, pretvorivši ulice u rečice i zarobivši ljude u vozilima.

9 Dec 16:31 Krstarica 4176903988410230311.html
Felicitan a colaboradores de la Salud

Federico Hernández Hernández, primer secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba en Granma, felicitó a colaboradores internacionalistas de Salud Pública por “poner en alto el nombre de Cuba”. El dirigente político dialogó en la mañana de este domingo, 8 de diciembre, con cerca de medio centenar de médicos y otros profesionales granmenses que brindaron solidarios servicios … Seguir leyendo Felicitan a colaboradores de la Salud →

9 Dec 13:43 La Demajagua 796151392384556755.html
Online account linked to Saudi gunman in Pensacola attack quoted Osama bin Laden

The Saudi national who killed three at a Naval base in Florida may have tweeted a quote by al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden prior to the shooting.

9 Dec 16:05 Washington Examiner 4625792331805863346.html
Netflix dominates Golden Globes noms as 'Marriage Story' scoops six

Hollywood disruptor Netflix dominated the Golden Globe nominations Monday as its heart-wrenching divorce saga

9 Dec 14:40 Digital Journal 4566489172106569651.html
Corte buscará conjueces para definir demanda sobre servicio militar

Cinco magistrados se declararon impedidos en una demanda que busca igualar el periodo del servicio militar.

9 Dec 14:31 W Radio 7724358830765334699.html
Five killed, several injured as volcano erupts in New Zealand

Five people have died and several others are injured after a volcano erupted off the coast of New Zealand's North Island

9 Dec 09:37 Buzz.ie 7092425147357824724.html

O governo bateu o martelo: vai propor mesmo a volta do imposto sindical, sob outro nome -- como se tirar a palavra "imposto" do nome mudasse o fato de praticamente ser um roubo institucionalizado...

9 Dec 14:18 O Antagonista 1037429654156198827.html
Amanda Holden wades into Phillip Schofield row as she backs Ruth Langsford

Amanda Holden has waded into the ongoing speculation that Phillip Schofield is difficult to work with.

9 Dec 13:19 Buzz.ie 7092425148291209265.html
Oculus Quest now has hand tracking

The Oculus Quest just got that much more enticing. With update v12, the standalone VR headset now has motion tracking – a taste of it, at least. The functionality is currently limited to

9 Dec 13:30 Destructoid 5545714967127633327.html
Rockets hit military base near Baghdad airport, 6 hurt

Four Katyusha rockets struck a military base next to Baghdad International Airport on Monday wounding "six fighters", a statement from the military said.

9 Dec 13:04 Deccan Herald 2027555797405937677.html
Include Shia Muslims in Citizenship Amendment Bill, Shia Central Waqf Board urges Centre

The board alleged that Shias were persecuted in Sunni-majority countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia.

9 Dec 10:02 Scroll.in 8669301692296688989.html
Almeloër verliest permanent gevoel in kaak na vechtpartij afgelopen zomer

Ze liepen ernstig letsel op, twee Almeloërs die afgelopen zomer betrokken raakten bij een vechtpartij in hun woonplaats. Eén werd neergestoken, de ander zal nooit meer normaal kunnen drinken. Tegen een 52-jarige plaatsgenoot, de vermeende dader, is vanmiddag tweeënhalfjaar cel geëist.

9 Dec 15:48 RTV Oost 6509131172126909532.html
Buhari's aide backs social media regulation - Premium Times Nigeria

President Muhammadu Buhari's spokesman, Garba Shehu, has called for the regulation of social media, saying doing otherwise could lead to "more lawlessness

9 Dec 15:31 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299996075026.html
Gewinnsprung: Jobabbau und weniger Marketing

Ein deutlicher Personalabbau sowie geringe Marketingausgaben haben dem Energydrink-Hersteller Red Bull 2018 einen signifikanten Gewinnanstieg ...

9 Dec 14:20 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092526694037.html
Michael Köhlmeier bekommt Ischler Nestroy-Ring

Der Nestroy-Ring, eine Auszeichnung aus Bad Ischl, geht im kommenden Jahr an den Vorarlberger Autor Michael Köhlmeier („Abendland“, „Die Abenteuer ...

9 Dec 13:30 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094479368274.html
Jack Ross identifies where Hibs could strengthen ahead of January transfer window

Hibees are well stocked for attacking midfielders but could do with more defensive types.

9 Dec 13:07 dailyrecord 552235479257132652.html
Shaun Goater explains how Man City squad will react to Pep Guardiola reality check

Pep Guardiola says Manchester City can't compete with the best teams in the Premier League and Champions League.

9 Dec 13:30 men 6694993428830159299.html
ELA advierte de los recortes en las condiciones laborales y de personal en la variante Supersur

ELA ha advertido que la empresa Transbisa, la concesionaria que gestiona la variante Supersur, está incumpliendo la normativa que regula el núm...

9 Dec 12:12 naiz: 7509038604056635944.html
Schip ramt kraan in Antwerpse haven

In de haven van Antwerpen is maandagmiddag een schip tegen een kraan gebotst. De kraan stortte in en kwam deels in het water terecht. Niemand is gewond geraakt. De schade op de kade is groot.

9 Dec 15:54 RD.nl 6406779840917793556.html
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Elon Musk soll endlich den Warp-Antrieb erfinden

Tesla- und SpaceX-Gründer Elon Musk gilt nicht nur als umtriebiger Ge­schäftsmann, sondern auch als Visionär. Astrophysiker und TV-Erklär­bär Neil deGrasse Tyson meinte nun, dass sich Musk nicht auf belang­losen Kram wie Cybertrucks konzentrieren sollte, sondern auf Relevantes.

9 Dec 08:09 winfuture.de 1179223335210733613.html
Sebastian Pannek und Angelina Heger werden Eltern

Im Sommer 2019 machten sie ihre Liebe offiziell. Ein halbes Jahr später geben Angelina Heger und Sebastian Pannek bekannt: Das Bachelor-Paar erwartet ein Baby!

9 Dec 08:25 T-Online 5460876212342268889.html
Das ist der neue Weihnachtssong der SBB

Mit einem Weihnachtssong sammelt die SBB Spenden. Kommunikationschefin Kathrin Amacker sagt im Interview, wie es dazu gekommen ist.

9 Dec 14:51 20 Minuten 5741369454286638277.html
Abe confirms visit to Japan by Iran's Rouhani under discussion

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said a visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is being considered, the first official confirmation that a trip by him could ta

9 Dec 13:35 The Japan Times 6673764367055362956.html
2K Games has officially confirmed that a new Bioshock game is under development

2K Games today announced the founding of Cloud Chamber, the newest, wholly owned game development studio under the Company’s publishing label. According to the press release, Cloud Chamber has started to work on the next iteration of the globally acclaimed BioShock franchise. This new BioShock game will be in development for the next several years, and will target next-gen platforms.

9 Dec 13:24 DSOGaming 1253419762259524844.html
Vierergipfel sucht Wege für Frieden in der Ostukraine

Ein Vierergipfel bei Frankreichs Staatschef Emmanuel Macron will am Montagnachmittag in Paris einen neuen Anlauf für den Frieden in der Ostukraine nehmen. Macron wird den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin und dessen ukrainischen Amtskollegen Wolodymyr Selenskyj sowie als Vermittlerin an seiner Seite die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel im Elysee-Palast empfangen.

9 Dec 14:07 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699551076427.html
Donald Trump could abuse power again if he is not impeached, Democrats claim

The Democrats have claimed that Donald Trump could abuse his presidential powers again if he is not impeached over the "brazen" Ukraine scandal.  Spelling out their case for removing the US president in detail, a top lawyer for the party argued that what Mr Trump had done was a "big deal

9 Dec 17:18 Yahoo 7097669637391720136.html
El Barack Minta Kado Natal ke Ibunya, Jessica Iskandar Justru Suruh Richard Kyle yang Belikan, untuk Latihan Jadi Bapak?

Jessica Iskandar akan rayakan natal di Australia dengan keluarga besar Richard Kyle, seperti apa persiapannya

9 Dec 15:18 grid.id 586386474355150434.html
Walmart apologises for Christmas jumper of Santa doing coke

He appears to have three lines racked up in front of him.

9 Dec 16:04 Metro 970161748024820030.html
Writings on the Wall: Sharing Accessible Narratives Through Environmental Design

The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra's community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Dead Space: The Iconic Scene

9 Dec 11:22 GAMASUTRA 3313346212573050322.html
SailPoint: Potential Tailwind Ahead, But Expect Some Sales Execution Issues

The broader data privacy trends in particularly US and Europe will drive growth for SailPoint going into FY 2020.We see SailPoint's platform as a painkiller for enterprises to navigate the complexitie

9 Dec 15:28 Seeking Alpha 5725634556999243574.html
Want to live longer? Exercise vigorously every day TheHealthSite.com

Exercise, exercise health benefits, exercise lower risk of heart disease, women's health, running benefits, cardiovascular disease at TheHealthSite.com

9 Dec 12:44 Thehealthsite 4766622850694751561.html
A North Korea Crisis for Christmas

Gordon Chang: "There will be a year-end crisis this year, but it will be one that takes Pyongyang by surprise. All Kim needs to do is ask Xi Jinping what happens when Trump gets frustrated and loses

9 Dec 13:11 The National Interest 7207864702842247425.html
La continuidad del socialismo y una amenaza de muerte

No existe la cobertura legal para protegerse de sus asechanzas. Actúan con total impunidad. Son asesinos en potencia. Gente sin escrúpulos (Cuba)

9 Dec 11:28 Cubanet 2710294110905997970.html
Real Madrid forward Gareth Bale rules out Premier League return?

Real Madrid forward Gareth Bale allegedly rules out the possibility of a return to the Premier League in one of the upcoming transfer windows.

9 Dec 10:15 Sports Mole 7750663362264564140.html
Repartidores denuncian que algunas apps y restaurantes se embolsan sus propinas

Aunque líderes políticos de la Ciudad y el Estado están vigilando las denuncias de cerca, trabajadores, especialmente inmigrantes, insisten en que compañías siguen jugando sucio con su dinero

9 Dec 12:25 El Diario NY 6486144434414612016.html
Defibrillator found after being stolen from outside shop in Co Louth over the weekend

The theft by two young men was captured on CCTV footage that has been given to the gardaí.

9 Dec 12:49 TheJournal.ie 6446904418482460582.html
New Zealand: Two British women injured in hospital as five killed after volcanic island erupts

British nationals are among those missing or injured after a volcanic island in New Zealand erupted, killing at least five people.

9 Dec 13:43 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489501449096.html
Google Calendar finally lets you move events across calendars

Google is finally bringing a long-time desktop feature to the Google Calendar Android app: moving events between calendars.

9 Dec 16:54 XDA Developers 7805159870338566247.html
Chat-Affäre: Beekhuis scheitert vor Gericht

Der aus der SPD ausgeschlossene Abgeordnete Jochen Beekhuis ist mit einem Vorstoß vor dem Landgericht Aurich gescheitert. Die Kammer wies seinen Antrag auf einstweilige Verfügung zurück.

9 Dec 12:54 NDR.de 5356044081795789372.html
ONU otorga Premio de Derechos Humanos a grupo terrorista palestino

La decisión de dar un Premio de Derechos Humanos a la organización palestina Al-Haq, que participa en el boicot a Israel, es indignante. 

9 Dec 13:49 Noticias de Israel 5887715890471467238.html
Auto in bilico sullo strapiombo, tragedia sfiorata in via della Liberazione

Un’auto guidata da un diciannovenne è sbandata prima di schiantarsi contro le ringhiere di fronte all’ex biblioteca regionale rischiando di precipitare in uno strapiombo

9 Dec 08:18 ChietiToday 1729130453026542708.html
Berhentikan Helmy Yahya, Jejak Karier Arief Hidayat Thamrin Top Juga Ya!

WE Online, Jakarta - Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) TVRI telah melayangkan surat penonaktifan sementara Direktur Utama (Dirut) Televisi Republik Indonesia, Helmy Yahya. Surat tersebut ditandatangani oleh Ketua Dewas TVRI Arief Hidayat Thamrin.

9 Dec 10:06 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834796006803.html
Tiga Wakil Indonesia Di Final Bulutangkis Sea Games

KBRN, Muntinlupa : Indonesia berpeluang menambah perolehan medali emas di Sea Games 2019 dari bulutangkis, babak final bulutangkis perseorangan berlangsung di Muntinlupa Sports Complex, pkl 11. 00

9 Dec 10:44 RRI News Portal 6700853645874228691.html
Nearly half of students want a voice assistant to help them study

It's quicker than a visit to the library

9 Dec 08:15 Metro 970161748271969625.html
Consulente finanziario: 6 cose che non dovresti mai dire ai tuoi clienti

Per costruire una relazione duratura con i clienti ci sono alcune frasi che il consulente finanziario non dovrebbe mai dire, ecco quali sono.

9 Dec 13:45 bluerating 6922469336757659499.html
The student movements at the vanguard of Chile's protests are allied with former student leaders now serving in Congress

Chile’s months-long uprising was led by student activists protesting neoliberal reform, galvanized around the seemingly trivial issue of public transit fare-hikes.

9 Dec 17:41 Boing Boing 4601305169124947695.html
Eurozona: a dicembre fiducia dei consumatori vira inaspettatamente in positivo

A dicembre l'indice sentix ha registrato un valore nettamente superiore al calo stimato dal consensus. Qui i dettagli.

9 Dec 10:02 InvestireOggi 7231367742633365563.html
The Subtweet Defense Wins: Elon Musk Cleared In Defamation Case

A little over a year ago when cave diver Vern Unsworth sued Elon Musk for defamation, we noted that (unlike many defamation cases), it...

9 Dec 15:32 Techdirt 1456370858615307145.html
Vodafone e Wind Tre, pesanti multe dall'AGCM per pratiche commerciali scorrette | Agg. con posizione Vodafone

L'autorità ha irrogato multe milionarie a Vodafone Italia e Wind Tre per aver violato due degli articoli del Codice del Consumo, attraverso le offerte winback

9 Dec 17:41 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332394033236.html
Vodafone e Wind Tre, pesanti multe dall'AGCM per pratiche commerciali scorrette | Agg. con posizione Vodafone

L'autorità ha irrogato multe milionarie a Vodafone Italia e Wind Tre per aver violato due degli articoli del Codice del Consumo, attraverso le offerte winback

9 Dec 17:41 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332578459159.html
Warren says all-women Democratic presidential ticket can beat Trump

Candidate says she would consider Kamala Harris as potential running mate and would be ‘open’ to Joe Biden

9 Dec 12:50 the Guardian 1491978795676880048.html
2K Games establishes Cloud Chamber, developing next BioShock

BioShock is an incredible first-person shooter franchise that deals with the collapse of various isolated communities. Many years ago, the previous developer was shut down by parent company 2K Games, but now, another team has emerged to take its place.

9 Dec 14:34 Android Central 29040143611465483.html
ONGAJI: Curbing gender based violence starts with us

We should stop this habit of burying our heads under the sand anytime a person is attacked

9 Dec 08:52 Daily Nation 7421817125154170948.html
Bailey’s BakeFest: Delivering Deliciousness With Baileys’ Delight

Another edition of Baileys BakeFest, Nigeria’s first baking festival took place on December 2nd at Muri Okunola Park, Victoria Island, Lagos.

9 Dec 14:55 The Guardian 7580308505171458056.html
WORLDS - A study of mood and atmosphere

Stunning and atmospheric work by Marco Iozzi. “Worlds” a shortfilm made using old assets i built in the past for different personal projects. Using only procedural materials to keep everything pretty simple, the goal here was to try to convey mood and atmosphere through cinematography and sound, as well stretching my Blender knowledge for futureRead More

9 Dec 10:40 BlenderNation 3769153473386743772.html
Mireya González: Empresas socialmente responsables, nuevas generaciones

Las compañías comienzan el cuidado del medio ambiente como un asunto de mercado y han reconocido que integrar la sostenibilidad en cada área no solo beneficia al ambiente, también las fortalece.

9 Dec 08:22 EL FINANCIERO 4014025541170911358.html
Gamerankings chiude: verrà reindirizzato a Metacritic

Il sito aggregatore dei voti delle recensioni ai videogiochi, considerato un punto di riferimento del settore, chiude i battenti e viene reindirizzato a Metacritic, sito appartenente allo stesso editore

9 Dec 13:41 Hardware Upgrade 6666758056565399242.html
Google Maps i izbegavanje neosvetljenih ulica

Google mape su odlične za snalaženje tokom vožnje i korišćenja javnog prevoza, međutim u ovoj godini gigant je takođe uveo i više funkcija usmerenih na hodanje i pešačenje. Nedavno je kompanija pre…

9 Dec 10:57 PC Press 681412282145892900.html
Saat Trump Murka Gegara Bank Dunia Beri Utangan ke China

Rasa murka itu diungkapkan Trump via akun Twitternya beberapa waktu lalu.

9 Dec 13:28 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214167396611.html
Land Rover Defender By Overfinch Is A Green Gem With Massive Engine

Overfinch creates a custom Land Rover Defender with a GM-sourced V8 and a wood cargo bed. Inside, there's green and tan leather.

9 Dec 09:04 Motor1.com 1648269240639404341.html
PS5: Share-Play auf einem neuen Level? Patent beschreibt Split-Controller-Technologie

Könnte Sony Interactive Entertainment das Share-Play genannte Feature auf der PlayStation 5 auf ein neues Level hieven? Dies lässt zumindest ein aktuelles Patent des Unternehmens vermuten, in dem die sogenannte Split-Controller-Technologie beschrieben wird.

9 Dec 08:35 play3.de 8301165838291740806.html
Zvezdi protiv Olimpijakosa sudi dobro poznati arbitar!

Italijanski sudija Danijel Orsato deliće pravdu na utakmici Lige šampiona između Olimpijakosa i Crvene zvezde u Atini, saopšteno je danas iz UEFA.

9 Dec 12:25 REPUBLIKA 2543998405300779809.html
Court hostage is also part of state capture

Cartels subdue the legislature and pass laws that aim at securing their haven of rotten and unfair advantage to the detriment of the common good.

9 Dec 11:39 Daily Nation 7421817124080413995.html
Trovate impurità in alcuni farmaci usati contro il diabete

L'Agenzia europea per i medicinali rivela la presenza di impurità in un farmaco alla base di quelli usati per il trattamento del diabete di tipo 2

9 Dec 16:29 ilGiornale.it 5019541224747823406.html
Tesco buy

Die Experten der Jefferies & Company Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von Tesco mit buy

9 Dec 10:33 finanzen.at 7258357743441426699.html
Amit Shah tables Citizenship Bill amid protests, blames Congress for Partition over religious lines | Highlights

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was tabled in Lok Sabha on Monday amid violent protests in Assam and other northeastern states over the contentious Bill. Home Minister Amit Shah introduced the Bill and faced protests from Opposition MPs amid a heated debate.

9 Dec 09:23 India Today 4286117813769694982.html
Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta comes up with 6 areas Africa and Caribbean countries need to join hands and put their money in

President Uhuru Kenyatta has outlined six key focus areas that need revamping in order to jump start industrial transformation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) member countries.

9 Dec 09:21 Pulse Live 3606876835664949272.html
Chong Wei congratulates badminton squad on their SEA Games achievements

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Malaysia’s badminton legend Datuk Lee Chong Wei has congratulated the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) and the national squad on their achievements in the 30th SEA Games in the Philippines. In the latest entry in his Instagram account today, Chong Wei acknowledged...

9 Dec 13:44 Malaymail 302165934872069006.html
California church's nativity scene shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph locked in separate cages

A California church is displaying a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages to draw attention to the conditions faced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States.

9 Dec 08:09 Fox 4 8372747777243146327.html
California church's nativity scene shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph locked in separate cages

A California church is displaying a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages to draw attention to the conditions faced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States.

9 Dec 13:09 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202375153751.html
California church's nativity scene shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph locked in separate cages

A California church is displaying a nativity scene depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages to draw attention to the conditions faced by migrants seeking asylum in the United States.

9 Dec 13:09 ABC15 Arizona 911680910192339031.html
Pianist Panos Karan launched Musee Musical Foundation’s Chennai Youth Sinfonietta

Panos Karan believes that music can make the world a better place

9 Dec 12:44 The Hindu 6679535026021434746.html
U.S. Supreme Court rejects challenge to Berkeley cell phone law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a free speech challenge brought by a trade group against a regulation issued by the California city of Berkeley that requires cell phone retailers to tell customers of certain radiation risks. The justices left in place a July 2019 decision by the San Francisco-based

9 Dec 14:46 Yahoo 7097669637466740960.html
School secretaries to hold national one-day strike and escalate their industrial action

The one-day strike in January will be followed by a work-to-rule from the secretaries, trade union Fórsa said.

9 Dec 16:53 TheJournal.ie 6446904418493959253.html
Themen des Tages: Der Nachrichten-Überblick aus der KURIER-Redaktion

Bierlein stoppt Glyphosat-Verbot, Neues zur Austria-Reichkriegsfahne und Russland wird für Olympia und WM gesperrt.

9 Dec 16:03 Kurier 208072239391668639.html
Falhas no Android permitem espionagem e podem travar celular

Problemas foram resolvidos em última atualização do Android. O Google agora alerta fabricantes para que liberem correção para as vulnerabilidades

9 Dec 15:34 Canaltech 6267437388653433528.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes four-year ban on Russia

Russia’s hosting of world championships in Olympic sports also face being stripped.

9 Dec 11:06 Shropshire Star 3480199992289476474.html
DNR Legislature More Aligned With Russia Than Ukraine - Donetsk People's Republic Parl't Speaker

Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation against the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Lugansk People's Republic in April 2014. The two regions declared independence following a coup in Ukraine two months earlier. According to the latest UN data, some 13,000 people have fallen victim to the conflict.

9 Dec 12:00 Sputniknews 967333869017707698.html
Muere Paul Volcker, expresidente de la Reserva Federal

La órbita pública dominó la mayor parte de la trayectoria profesional de Volcker, conocido como Tall Paul por su altura (medía más de dos metros)...

9 Dec 14:29 Expansión 4197779423643343699.html
Ini Beberapa Gejala Awal Kanker, Salah Satunya Mirip Gejala Flu Biasa!

Gejala kanker ada banyak. Ada yang terlihat, ada yang tidak. Namun kita bisa lihat beberapa gejala awal kanker.

9 Dec 10:46 grid.id 586386473824748702.html
Afghan MPs Approve Law on Protection of Children

Afghan MPs have approved the Law on Protection of Child Rights--the Child Protection Act--on Monday after years of wrangling over the legal age of boys and girls.

9 Dec 11:56 TOLO news 5578851438608543151.html
Afghan MPs Approve Law on Protection of Children

Afghan MPs have approved the Law on Protection of Child Rights--the Child Protection Act--on Monday after years of wrangling over the legal age of boys and girls.

9 Dec 11:56 TOLO news 5578851439402222922.html
ESCLUSIVA TU - Petiziol: "Leverkusen un successo storico, ma Margiotta non fece doppietta per caso. Futuro? Bisogna sforzarsi di essere ottimisti"

In occasione del ventesimo anniversario della notte di Leverkusen non potevamo che farci raccontare quella magica giornata da uno dei giornalisti che l'ha vissuta da protagonista, ovvero il nostro amico Lorenzo Petiziol.

9 Dec 16:00 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193184534097.html
Topman slammed for 'glamorising violence' after selling mock stab vests

Anti-knife campaigners say the fashion business is feeding off the knife crime epidemic while a father of a knife crime victim said Topman is glamorising the crime culture

9 Dec 12:34 mirror 675785261222495181.html
Puerto Rico cannot be held hostage to violence

Yesterday's events also show another serious problem in Puerto Rico: the lack of gun control on the island. The recurrent use of assault and automatic weapons in attacks in public places increases the probability of deaths in a single incident.

9 Dec 13:57 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310291769516.html
Video: Rendi-Wagner will Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung

Die SPÖ versucht am Montag einen Neustart. Die zuletzt angeschlagene Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner hat vor Beginn der Gremiensitzungen ein Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung gefordert und sich "kämpferisch wie eh und je" gezeigt. Rückendeckung bekam sie vor allem aus der Wiener Partei.

9 Dec 13:14 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084763261172.html
Video: Rendi-Wagner will Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung

Die SPÖ versucht am Montag einen Neustart. Die zuletzt angeschlagene Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner hat vor Beginn der Gremiensitzungen ein Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung gefordert und sich "kämpferisch wie eh und je" gezeigt. Rückendeckung bekam sie vor allem aus der Wiener Partei.

9 Dec 12:09 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084244309242.html
Health and safety probe rules no action needed after A9 worker crushed by falling cabin

Health and safety chiefs have recommended no further action after a probe into an industrial accident on the A9 near Perth.

9 Dec 08:37 The Courier 4275302766923941157.html
Man Bags Jail Term For Stealing Boxers

For stealing boxers, a 24-year-old man, Tobechukwu Anyanwu has been sentenced to two years imprisonment by a Magistrate Court in Isolo, Lagos.

9 Dec 15:50 Concise 5544636822294169546.html
BioShock will return, but without Ken Levine

Newly formed Cloud Chamber will work on the title "for the next several years."

9 Dec 15:11 Ars Technica 5028555106151628382.html
Argumen Tiga Pimpinan KPK Anggap UU KPK Cacat Hukum dalam Sidang di MK

Tim kuasa hukum KPK juga menyoroti 180 anggota DPR yang menitipkan presensi atau kehadiran saat sidang paripurna pengesahan UU KPK.

9 Dec 12:48 Katadata News 179777407224634430.html
So klimaschädlich sind die Dienstwagen der Politiker

Im Bund ist Verkehrsminister Scheuer, in NRW Innenminister Reul größter Klimasünder. Ausgerechnet Hybrid-Fahrzeuge sind ein Problem.

9 Dec 16:39 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221047013649.html
Condenada la exalcaldesa de Parcent y un aparejador por falsear obras no ejecutadas

?El fallo no ve probado que María del Carmen López se apropiara de las subvenciones de la Diputación ?La sentencia absuelve al exconcejal de Urbanismo

9 Dec 16:19 Diarioinformacion 8979296177052935209.html
Understanding player behavior - What to read

The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra's community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. Understanding player’s behavior and psychology has been a growing concern in the game industry and in the public debate. On the business side many big game companies, especially for service games, have invested in building User Experience Research departments, trying to answer questions such as: Who is our game for? Can players understand our game? Is our game fun? Will players be likely to monetize and so on… Trying to answer these questions is detrimental to the game’s player retention and long-term revenues. In the public debate, video games are usually brought to the table for questions related to public health, the two most common ones being: Do video games make people violent? Can people develop an addiction from playing video games ? Here I suggest a list of five books that can help answer these questions.…

9 Dec 11:17 GAMASUTRA 3313346211605208124.html
Google Maps Incognito mode comes to iOS, Android adding bulk Timeline delete

In recent months, Google has added a number of privacy controlling features to Maps. Google Maps incognito iOS, while Android picks up...

9 Dec 17:50 9to5Google 6197440881586105608.html
In Barcelona: Mitspieler setzten Sancho-Strafe durch

Trotz aller Kritik zeigt sich Jadon Sancho derzeit in blendender Verfassung. Am Wochenende traf der Engländer im vierten Spiel in Folge. Dass er allerdings seine Verhaltensweisen neben dem Platz (...)

9 Dec 14:01 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783346836571.html
Israele, Likud cancella le primarie di lista: Netanyahu resta leader

Verso nuove elezioni il 2 marzo

9 Dec 10:49 Affari Italiani 6123405403457945968.html
Homeoffice: Frauen werden gegenüber Männern benachteiligt

Frauen sind im Beruf benachteiligt: Sie verdienen weniger und besetzen seltener Führungspositionen.

9 Dec 10:04 GMX News 4492287763146416312.html
Kunden bekommen nur zwei Tage Frist: 20 Hoster schalten kurzfristig ab

Im Laufe des heutigen Tages werden Nutzer einer ganzen Reihe von Hostern ihren Online-Auftritt verlieren. Gleich 20 Anbieter, hinter denen wohl immer die gleiche Firma steckt, haben das Aus ziemlich kurzfristig angekündigt.

9 Dec 10:43 winfuture.de 1179223335607605403.html
Trump's shameful deference to Saudi Arabia

His muted response to the Pensacola attack should sound alarm bells

9 Dec 11:00 The Week 149215355371452702.html
Aantal kinderen in armoede gelijk gebleven, langdurige armoede daalde

In 2018 maakten 264.000 minderjarige kinderen deel uit van een gezin met een inkomen onder de lage-inkomensgrens. Dat is net zoveel als het jaar ervoor. Het aantal kinderen in een gezin dat al minstens vier jaar moest rondkomen van een laag inkomen is met bijna vijfduizend gedaald naar 103.000. Dit meldt CBS. 

9 Dec 15:30 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744015050369.html
Russia banned from world sports for 4 years over doping scandal

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) unanimously declared a blanket ban on Russia.

9 Dec 14:12 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363455424147.html
Doctor Manhattan Has Brought Watchmen's Story About Time Full Circle

As a young boy, Watchmen’s Jon Osterman had no idea that he would one day grow up to be the closest approximation of a god that anyone would ever live to see or that he would fundamentally alter the course of history in nearly unimaginable ways. But this week’s episode posits the idea that for all of his...

9 Dec 15:20 Gizmodo AU 3183561248031389791.html
Four killed as car hits roadside banyan tree

Driver dozed off at the wheel, say police

9 Dec 14:28 The Hindu 6679535024753097366.html
Policial militar mata suspeito durante roubo a motel no Pindorama

Três suspeitos entraram armados no quarto do soldado e anunciaram o assalto, com a arma na cabeceira, policial atirou

9 Dec 11:42 O TEMPO 6069683946398234768.html
Three held in Oman for drugs

The Royal Oman Police in Dhofar have arrested three people.

9 Dec 16:47 Times of Oman 5168079154934709255.html
Storm Brendan set to batter Scotland as country hot by two weather warnings

The Met Office has put in the alerts for heavy rain and wind for much of the country on Tuesday.

9 Dec 14:53 dailyrecord 552235480443089362.html
Cal Cructhlow Tak Ingin Alami Nasib Sama Seperti Jorge Lorenzo

Pembalap LCR Honda, Cal Crutchlow, menyebut bahwa dirinya tak ingin bernasib sama seperti Jorge Lorenzo yang pensiun karena cedera.

9 Dec 17:10 BolaSport.com 4603768436998650289.html
Juventus 'open talks with Barcelona' over Man Utd transfer target Ivan Rakitic

The club's sporting director Fabio Paratici in believed to have discussed the prospect of signing Rakitic in a swap deal, with two Juventus players also entering the negotiations

9 Dec 15:05 mirror 675785261292605460.html
Juventus 'open talks with Barcelona' over Man Utd transfer target Ivan Rakitic

The club's sporting director Fabio Paratici in believed to have discussed the prospect of signing Rakitic in a swap deal, with two Juventus players also entering the negotiations

9 Dec 15:05 Irish Mirror 2875825628445922029.html
New Crash Bandicoot Game May Be Announced This Week

A new Crash Bandicoot game may be announced this week, as several happening are suggesting. The announcement may come during The Game Awards

9 Dec 10:44 Wccftech 3677959678089985342.html
Blok wil Gambia steunen in zaak tegen Myanmar

Nederland en Canada willen Gambia steunen in de zaak dat het heeft aangespannen bij het Internationaal Gerechtshof tegen Myanmar vanwege de genocide op de Rohingya. Dat heeft minister Stef Blok (Buitenlandse Zaken) aan de Tweede Kamer laten weten.

9 Dec 16:12 RD.nl 6406779841656122391.html
Goed gevonden: inventieve producten die het thuis zullen maken

Rond de jaarwisseling komen tal van inventieve woonproducten op de markt. Dit zijn drie nieuwkomers die het volgens ons zeker zullen maken.

9 Dec 15:21 HLN 8967494998212191643.html
Saat Erick Thohir Jadi Tukang Bakso & Nadiem Jadi Anak SMA

Tiga menteri kbinet Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) beradu peran dalam drama #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi pada perayaan hari anti korupsi sedunia di SMKN 57 Jakarta

9 Dec 11:32 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212876225116.html
Giacomo Bonaventura, Kartu Joker AC Milan yang Membawa Hoki

Gelandang Giacomo Bonaventura punya peran cukup besar dalam tren positif yang dialami AC Milan akhir-akhir ini.

9 Dec 10:20 BolaSport.com 4603768437084403966.html
Russia banned for four years from global sporting events including the Olympics

The World Anti-Doping Agency announced the suspension this morning.

9 Dec 10:40 The42 5369852630121344168.html
Bingung Cara Aktifkan E-SIM di Handphone? Begini Caranya

WE Online, Jakarta - Seiring berkembangnya teknologi, layanan telekomunikasi pun mulai berkembang. Jika umumnya, layanan telekomunikasi dapat digunakan dengan menggunakan kartu SIM, kini beberapa ponsel sudah dapat menggunakan layanan E-SIM.

9 Dec 10:07 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835753597850.html
Gatchalian urges DTI, DA to closely monitor prices of basic goods

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian has urged the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA) to closely monitor the prices of basic goods and commodities this month as Filipinos celebrate the Yuletide season.

9 Dec 14:50 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200621581682.html
Pasos para controlar el hambre emocional

Expertos indican que esta conducta se va instaurando poco a poco, convirtiéndose en una costumbre comer sin sentido, en comer por comer.

9 Dec 13:36 Informe21.com 5448175405050973181.html
7 Desain Kamar Hotel Tak Biasa Ini Bikin Geleng Kepala

Desain kamar tak biasa ini jadi sorotan netizen.

9 Dec 11:40 liputan6.com 5422146881138082855.html
'Marriage Story' tops Golden Globes nominations with six

"Marriage Story," Netflix's heart-wrenching divorce saga, topped the Golden Globe nominations Monday with six nods including best drama, kicking off the race for the Oscars.

9 Dec 14:00 Digital Journal 4566489172498207951.html
Awaran women arrested last month have returned home, says BNP-M leader

The development comes days after BNP-M chief Akhtar Mengal staged protest in the National Assembly.

9 Dec 17:34 DAWN.COM 4500271768237161784.html
Notz Stucki expandiert ins Hedgefonds-Geschäft

Der Genfer Vermögensverwalter Notz Stucki übernimmt einen Anbieter von Hedgefonds. Dem Kauf dürften weitere folgen. ...

9 Dec 14:06 finews.ch 7270223617132272558.html
Las oportunidades del e-commerce en Colombia

Un evento de AmCham Colombia y EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial.

9 Dec 13:13 El Tiempo 1091719940370040025.html
Colts kicking struggles continue as Vinatieri heads to IR

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Adam Vinatieri kept trying to kick through the pain. Now, he's about to face perhaps the most agonizing decision of his 24-year career. The Indianapolis Colts announced...

9 Dec 16:13 The Seattle Times 9121942838299153737.html
WADA beslist: Rusland uitgesloten van Olympische Spelen in Tokio, Winterspelen in Peking én WK voetbal in Qatar

Rusland mag niet deelnemen aan de komende Olympische Spelen (2020 in Tokio), Winterspelen (2022 in Peking) én het WK voetbal (2022 in Qatar). Dat besliste het Wereldantidopingagentschap WADA. De Ru...

9 Dec 10:23 HLN 8967494998031488487.html
US military aircraft spotted near Russian base in Syria: report

BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) – A U.S. military aircraft was tracked off the coast of Syria this week, as it reportedly traveled through the eastern Mediterranean region. Citing the Twitter account IntelSKy, Avia.Pro reported that a U.S. P-8 military aircraft was tracked near the Russian Hmeimim Airbase, which is located in the southwestern part of the Latakia Governorate. “The American anti-submarine aircraft Boeing P-8 A Poseidon was spotted a few hours ago near the Russian military bases in Syria. A rather remarkable event took place for the first time in many weeks, which raises questions from experts about the Pentagon’s new interest in Russian military bases,” Avia.Pro said. The reason for the close flight is unknown and the U.S. Armed Forces do not comment about these flights. “The purpose of the flight of the American military aircraft was unknown, however, experts previously noticed an interesting detail – often the appearance of American military aircraft near the Russian military bases in Syria are accompanied…

9 Dec 16:43 AMN 4125648317002817846.html
Staff on two Paris metro lines extend strike to Friday

PARIS (Reuters) - Drivers and maintenance staff on two Paris metro lines voted on Monday to extend their strike against the government’s planned pension reforms until Friday, a Reuters witness said.

9 Dec 08:53 Reuters 8334514180815652422.html
Claudia Norberg wohnt wieder bei ihrer Mutter

Seit über einem Jahr sind Claudia Norberg und Michael Wendler mittlerweile getrennt. Während der Schlagerbarde mit seiner neuen Freundin weiterhin in seinem Haus in Florida lebt, wohnt seine Ex-Frau inzwischen wieder bei Mutti.

9 Dec 16:34 T-Online 5460876211737355313.html
Man in court accused of starting major fire at his Plymouth home

John Dangerfield, aged 49, faced a judge charged with arson at the house in Mount Gould last month

9 Dec 15:20 PlymouthLive 6373569607989488485.html
Fighters of the Week

    1. Anthony Joshua: Fought a smart fight, keeping Andy Ruiz at bay with his jab and utterly refusing to let him get inside or get anything going. He certainly took Ruiz more seriously this …

9 Dec 15:59 The Sports Daily 5871911277009322286.html
Brave woman fights FGM in Kwale

Rehema Nandito has campaigned against the illegal practice since 2013.

9 Dec 09:05 Daily Nation 7421817125842932915.html
iTip: Voorkom dat apps steeds om een beoordeling bedelen

Blijft een app maar vragen om een sterbeoordeling? Zo zet je het verzoek voor beoordeling en feedback uit en word je niet meer gestoord.

9 Dec 15:18 iCreate 5140431716891178767.html
Mauricio Pochettino returns home to visit Maradona despite links with United, Arsenal

Mauricio Pochettino paid a courtesy visit to Argentine legend and former international teammate Diego Maradona. The ex-Tottenham manager returned to his country to watch Maradona's side Gimnasia defeat Cordoba at the weekend.

9 Dec 15:38 Legit 3764253650852139727.html
Google adds new photo controls and faster Assistant in first Pixel feature drop

Google is also rolling out an update to its memory management to ‘proactively compress’ background apps.

9 Dec 16:45 Express & Star 7324224460326125203.html
Watch Paul Scholes Go Crazy After Manchester United Won Bragging Rights Vs City

Post the 1-2 win against Manchester City, former Manchester United player - Paul Scholes - can be seen enjoying himself with friends and family in a bar.

9 Dec 13:58 Republic World 1282918856391594824.html
A New Jersey bill would require schoolchildren to be taught cursive handwriting

(CNN) — Should children be required to learn cursive? A New Jersey legislator says so. Assemblywoman Angela McKnight has introduced a bill that would require...

9 Dec 12:09 WSVN 7News 4504855331653677637.html
Vulkan auf Whakaari ausgebrochen: Mindestens 5 Tote

Die Rettungstrupps können aus Sicherheitsgründen derzeit nicht auf der neuseeländischen Insel anlanden.

9 Dec 08:22 euronews 4540914627453354622.html
IRW-News: Sibanye Gold Limited: Kurzfassung der Vornotierungserklärung für Sibanye Stillwater Limited

IRW-PRESS: Sibanye Gold Limited: Kurzfassung der Vornotierungserklärung für Sibanye Stillwater Limited 1. Einführung Im Anschluss an die von der Gesellschaft am 5. Dezember 2019 veröffentlichte Mitteilung über die Veröffentlichung des Scheme Circular und der Sibanye-Stillwater Pre-Listing-Erklärung haben wir nachfolgend die verkürzte Pre-Listing-...

9 Dec 09:28 Börse Express 3714356346960703165.html
Yanga win Chapa Dimba Coast Region title

Both winners took home Sh200,000.

9 Dec 14:19 Daily Nation 7421817124715147970.html
Government moves further changes to Arms (Amendment) Bill

The Bill was tabled in Lok Sabha on November 29. The Bill seeks to enhance punishment for illegally possessing and making prohibited arms besides other changes in the six- decade-old Arms Act.

9 Dec 10:01 The Economic Times 7653256038241480418.html
OPEC reaches deal to cut oil production

The powerful Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies reached a deal Friday to cut production by 500,000 barrels per day in...

9 Dec 12:57 DAILY SABAH 8383944809305633347.html
Jangan Mengelak, Kamu Kenal Rumah Kondang ini, Kan? Ketahui 9 Faktanya Biar Berasa Milik Sendiri

rumah kondang sinetron Sinteron sering memberikan gambaran pada kita seperti apa rumah orang kaya sebenarnya. jokes Twitter, sinetron, fakta, rumah, rumah kondang sinetron, rumah mewah di sinetron, rumah sinetron bidadari, pemilik rumah mewah di sinetron, rumah mewah indosiar

9 Dec 16:00 Hipwee 8847968231528848955.html
Russia banned from all major sporting events for four years

Russia are set to miss the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar after being handed a four-year ban from all major sporting events

9 Dec 10:52 The Standard 5587226195570377972.html
The numbers that matter ahead of Britain's general election on Thursday

Voters head to the polls across Britain on Thursday for the third general election in four and-a-half years. Here are some of the key numbers:

9 Dec 12:35 News24 3752801377895806041.html
Russia banned from Olympic games, other world championships for 4 years

Russia has been embroiled in doping scandals since a 2015 report commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency found evidence of mass doping in Russian athletics

9 Dec 11:07 Business Today 1145527430762877810.html
Humanity above all: This heroic surfer wins gold after saving competitor from drowning

After his impressive gold-medal win and inspiring heroic act, Roger Casugay has also been chosen to be Philippines' flag-bearer for the closing ceremony of Southeast Asian Games.

9 Dec 13:35 The Indian Express 2885715103904238113.html
Jacqueline Jossa and Dan Osborne get very close hours after jungle win despite threesome slurs

Queen of the Jungle Jacqueline Jossa looked very loved-up with Dan as they enjoyed time together on the beach following 'cheating' rumours

9 Dec 10:39 Irish Mirror 2875825629522767832.html
Russia Banned From Olympics And World Cup Over Doping Scandal

Russia has been banned from all major sporting events due to tampering with anti-doping data.  The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) unanimously agreed to ban the country for four years during a meeting in Lausanne today, December 9, meaning they will not be represented at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo or at the 2022 World ...

9 Dec 12:28 UNILAD 6373328987071182418.html
First screenshots and gameplay trailer for Star Wars: Battlefront 3-inspired game, Galaxy in Turmoil

Frontwire Studios has released the first screenshots and an official gameplay trailer for Galaxy in Turmoil.

9 Dec 13:18 DSOGaming 1253419764018584689.html
Auf in die nächste Runde! Das Digital Journalism Fellowship wird fortgesetzt

Die Hamburg Media School und Facebook setzen das Digital Journalism Fellowship, ein berufsbegleitendes Weiterbildungsangebot für Digitalen Journalismus, um ein weiteres Jahr fort. Das von Facebook geförderte Stipendienprogramm wurde im November 2018 als Pilotprojekt gestartet.

9 Dec 08:00 MEEDIA 2574484878128944938.html
Presidente de Cuba intercambia con empresarios argentinos (+video)

El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, agradeció este 9 de diciembre en Buenos Aires al empresariado argentino por su constancia de hacer negocios con la isla pese al bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por Estados Unidos a su país, recrudecido en los últimos meses.

9 Dec 08:46 Escambray 1851904802702862197.html
Former Arsenal manager Unai Emery 'approached for Everton job'

Unai Emery is reportedly being considered for the vacant Everton job but will consider his future this week before making a final decision.

9 Dec 12:35 Sports Mole 7750663361139919778.html
Swiss donor hands Nazi artefacts to Israel warning of anti-Semitism

A wealthy Lebanese-Swiss businessman said Sunday he had bought Adolf Hitler's top hat and other Nazi artifacts to give them to Jewish groups and prevent them falling into the hands of a resurgent far-right.

9 Dec 09:05 THE LOCAL ch 713313324451739168.html
Erstmals Autowaschanlage als Herd für Legionärskrankheit gefunden

Menschen können sich offenbar auch in Autowaschanlagen mit der Legionärskrankheit anstecken. Drei Männer, die ihre Autos alle in der gleichen Waschanlage reinigten, wurden anschliessend befallen und landeten im Spital.

9 Dec 10:05 bz BASEL 5287163743378029640.html
SERAP gives States seven days to disclose payments of pensions to ex-governors, others

The Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project has sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman

9 Dec 10:57 The Eagle Online 1463511649081554952.html
Haudi Abdillah Ungkap Rasanya Bawa Bali United Juara Liga 1

Haudi Abdillah akhirnya merasakan momen sebagai seorang pemain sejati. Pemain 26 tahun ini berhasil membawa tim yang dibelanya, Bali United menjuarai Liga 1.

9 Dec 17:55 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550320668157.html
New Banksy mural features homeless man on bench

The secretive artist’s latest work has been unveiled in Birmingham.

9 Dec 17:07 Breaking News 4415806919744658862.html
Fundraiser in aid of Dundalk's homeless in Punters this Sunday

Homeless Aid

9 Dec 09:54 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709005909505.html
BJP will not indulge in Operation Kamala, says Kateel

Kateel said it was teamwork by BJP leaders that resulted in the party winning the maximum number of seats.  

9 Dec 14:53 Deccan Herald 2027555797615802896.html
Soldat im Missbrauchsfall Staufen vor Gericht – Urteil in Revision erwartet

Ein Kind wird in Staufen bei Freiburg jahrelang missbraucht und an Männer verkauft. In einer Revisionsverhandlung geht es nun um die Frage, Sicherungsverwahrung angeordnet wird.

9 Dec 09:24 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428271714901.html
Miss Universe dan Afrika Selatan Rajai Twitter

Pagi ini pemilihan Miss Universe menjadi perhatian banyak orang. Kontes dan negara pemenangnya merajai trending topic Twitter.

9 Dec 11:30 detikinet 7802439222794316512.html
Una mujer es la primera capricultora de Guarenas

Yesenia Lucena tiene un emprendimiento centrado en la reproducción de 14 cabras

9 Dec 12:21 Últimas Noticias 6811287210677923812.html
Motorcyclist crash in Cape Coral causes roadblock on Country Club Boulevard

Police are on the scene of a traffic crash involving a vehicle and motorcycle that has northbound Country Club Boulevard.

9 Dec 14:31 Fox 4 8372747777031311552.html
Leicester surges up EPL table with eighth straight victory

A club-record eighth successive Premier League victory for Leicester. An eighth straight game scoring for Jamie Vardy. Leicester has rolled the clock back

9 Dec 08:08 The Japan Times 6673764368320887394.html
Jarang Terlihat oleh Netizen, Ternyata Keluarga Hotman Paris Semuanya Lulusan Hukum

Siapa sangka, dibalik ketenaran Hotman Paris, tidak banyak yang tahu tentang keluarga pengacara asal Sumatera Utara tersebut.

9 Dec 15:36 grid.id 586386474158598108.html
SNP campaign focused on key constitutional issues of Brexit and independence

The SNP leader has sought to portray Boris Johnson as unfit to lead Britain.

9 Dec 09:14 Shropshire Star 3480199991731022205.html
Belleza para regalar y cuidarse

Desde un sistema de limpieza facial que minimiza las imperfecciones a una maquinilla de afeitar bajo la ducha, pasando por una depiladora de luz pulsada, la belleza se refuerza con elementos muy prácticos que nos salvan el día a día. Llega el momento de regalar, de buscar con qué mantener la ilusión y la magia […]

9 Dec 11:27 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490037902770505.html
Imposante Coca Cola kersttruck doet ijsbaan op Grote Markt aan

De imposante rode Coca Cola kersttruck deed maandag even Groningen aan bij de ijsbaan op de Grote Markt.Behalve dat de frisdrankfabrikant reclame voor zichzelf wilde maken werd er ook geld ingezam

9 Dec 16:34 OOG 303718094009325396.html
Walmart apologises for Christmas jumper 'showing Santa doing cocaine'

Walmart Canada has issued an apology for selling a jumper on its site that appears to show Santa Claus doing cocaine. The item of clothing shows Saint Nicholas sitting behind a table with three lines

9 Dec 10:09 The Independent 2511519171368795850.html
Presidents Cup outright betting preview and tips from Ben Coley

Ben Coley makes the case for an upset in the Presidents Cup, which gets under way on Thursday at Royal Melbourne.

9 Dec 17:43 Sporting Life 7709795076079159336.html
JNU fee hike row: HRD Ministry unlikely to interfere, won't issue directive

The HRD Ministry may 'facilitate' a resolution but will not issue any 'directive'

9 Dec 15:10 Business-Standard 1502508925795170994.html
Ease of Doing Business: Karnataka to pick lessons from New Zealand

Karnataka aims to see an increase in economic growth and job opportunities with an improvement in ease of doing business. Officials must work towards bringing Bengaluru to the forefront in ease of doing business index.

9 Dec 14:20 The Economic Times 7653256037545473906.html
Iran ready for more prisoner swaps with US, not negotiations

The swap raised hopes of other similar actions and was seen as a rare diplomatic breakthrough between Tehran and Washington after months of tensions.

9 Dec 11:19 An-Nahar 2220466262336778979.html
Des entreprises portugaises en mission d'affaires au Maroc

  La Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et de services du Portugal au Maroc et le groupe de conseil EXUMAS organisent, du 11 au 14 décembre, en partenariat avec la Chambre de Commerce, d’industrie et Services de Casablanca-Settat une mission d’Affaires multisectorielle au Maroc. Cette mission a pour objectif de développer des relations B2B entre les entreprises du Portugal et du Maroc mais aussi de promouvoir les échanges commerciaux et renforcer des partenariats entre les deux pays, indiquent les organisateurs dans un communiqué. Plus de 25 entreprises portugaises œuvrant principalement dans des secteurs à haute valeur ajoutée vont prendre part à cette mission. Il s’agit notamment des secteurs de l’industrie agroalimentaire, transport et logistique, meubles, BTP & matériaux de construction, nouvelles technologies de l’information, énergie, cuir, tourisme et métallurgie. Ainsi, un séminaire est prévu, le 12 décembre à Casablanca, lors duquel les participants traiteront des mécanismes à même d’accélérer les synergies…

9 Dec 16:00 LesEco.ma 3084334527908055279.html
Des entreprises portugaises en mission d'affaires au Maroc

  La Chambre de commerce, d'industrie et de services du Portugal au Maroc et le groupe de conseil EXUMAS organisent, du 11 au 14 décembre, en partenariat avec la Chambre de Commerce, d’industrie et Services de Casablanca-Settat une mission d’Affaires multisectorielle au Maroc. Cette mission a pour objectif de développer des relations B2B entre les entreprises du Portugal et du Maroc mais aussi de promouvoir les échanges commerciaux et renforcer des partenariats entre les deux pays, indiquent les organisateurs dans un communiqué. Plus de 25 entreprises portugaises œuvrant principalement dans des secteurs à haute valeur ajoutée vont prendre part à cette mission. Il s’agit notamment des secteurs de l’industrie agroalimentaire, transport et logistique, meubles, BTP & matériaux de construction, nouvelles technologies de l’information, énergie, cuir, tourisme et métallurgie. Ainsi, un séminaire est prévu, le 12 décembre à Casablanca, lors duquel les participants traiteront des mécanismes à même d’accélérer les synergies…

9 Dec 16:00 LesEco.ma 3084334527290078093.html
Turkey climbs higher in Human Development Index

Turkey made it into the 'very high development' category of UNDP's Human Development Index in 2018, the UN agency announced on Monday, thanks to higher life expectancy and improved standard of living

9 Dec 11:47 DAILY SABAH 8383944809616050538.html
'Enorme toename patiënten met dwarslaesie door lachgas'

Revalidatieklinieken, met name in de regio Amsterdam, krijgen steeds vaker te maken met patiënten die door gebruik van lachgas een dwarslaesie hebben opgelopen. Eén kliniek moest haar deuren openen voor dertien jongeren die (blijvend) verlamd zijn geraakt door overmatig gebruik van lachgas. Dit meldt Nieuwsuur. 

9 Dec 10:24 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743924937951.html
Minister zapowiada kolejne ulgi dla biznesu

Ministerstwo przygotowuje nowe ulgi dla przedsiębiorców. Jadwiga Emilewicz zapowiada, że z ulgi automatyzacyjnej będzie można korzystać wspólnie z dotychczasową ulgą B+R. Ponadto równolegle będzie można korzystać z ulgi prowzrostowej – informuje Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Trwają obecnie prace nad nowymi ulgami dla przedsiębiorców. Minister Emilewicz pytana przez Dziennik Gazetę Prawną, czy celem zapowiedzianych przez nią zmian […]

9 Dec 11:01 MamBiznes.pl 1174741772685325029.html
Call for import duty of fishing equipment to be abolished

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — A Dewan Negara member today proposed the that the import duty on fishing equipment, such as net, fishing line and engines, to be abolished to help ease the burden of traditional fishermen. Senator Datuk Razali Idris said the price of most fishing equipment has increased by...

9 Dec 11:31 Malaymail 302165935373085990.html
Project xCloud: nuovi giochi aggiunti al servizio Microsoft | Game Division

Il servizio dedicato al Cloud Gaming Project xCloud si arricchisce di altri titoli come Wreckfest, Children of Morta ed anche Dead by Daylight

9 Dec 14:48 Tom's Hardware 6640147069552307813.html
Presedintele Klaus Iohannis: Imi doresc ca primarii sa fie alesi in doua tururi de scrutin

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis a afirmat luni ca isi doreste ca primarii sa fie alesi in doua tururi de scrutin si a subliniat ca este necesar un parteneriat real intre administratia publica centrala si cea locala, noteaza Agerpres.

9 Dec 14:51 Wall-Street 2473040521866358989.html
Farmers blockade Tesco in ongoing row about beef prices

IFA president says supermarket’s half-price beef sale is an ‘insult to farmers’

9 Dec 08:33 The Irish Times 8204772967391500218.html
Romanticizing Slave Plantations as Wedding Venues Soon to Be Much Harder as Top Planning Sites Act to Remove Listings

Experiencing a wedding with the Southern backdrop of an Antebellum era-styled plantation could soon become a thing of the past — or at least much more

9 Dec 09:10 Atlanta Black Star 3042160500439082635.html
Carrie Underwood Stuns In Two Plunging Silver Gowns At Kennedy Center Honors

Carrie wowed in two silver dresses. Carrie Underwood put her best fashion foot forward once again as she stunned in not one, but two gorgeous silver gowns while attending the 42nd Annual Kennedy ...

9 Dec 12:01 The Inquisitr 1745625230519866866.html
US Catholic priests beset by overwork, isolation, scandals

CHICOPEE, Mass. (AP) - More than a century ago, waves of Catholic immigrants from Ireland, Poland and Quebec settled in Chicopee and other western Massachusetts mill towns, helping build churches, rectories and schools to accommodate their faith. Today the priests leading those churches are under siege due to stresses, challenges and sex abuse scandals complicating their lives and those of their fellow priests across the United States.

9 Dec 10:09 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637576448801.html
Bill to scrap quota for Anglo-Indians arbitrary, says Ernakulam MP

The government has brought in legislation to discontinue the reservation for Anglo-Indian community in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies without undertaking a factual study of their current economic

9 Dec 17:20 The Hindu 6679535024778847317.html
Hund ist auf dem Weg der Besserung

Eine positive Meldung hat die Besitzerin des aus Rumänien stammenden Fundhundes Attila verbreitet. Die Gesundheitswerte des Tieres hätten sich deutlich gebessert. Der Hund müsse nicht mehr in der Tierklinik bleiben, so Katrin Kümmel. Am Donnerstag werde er erneut ...

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109286446134.html
Dañan juegos especiales para personas con discapacidad en Progreso

Llaman a turistas y ciudadanos a respetar estos espacios

9 Dec 14:00 SIPSE.com 4008460417444440298.html
Minecraft Bedrock Edition hits PS4 tomorrow, cross-play finally enabled

It's taken some time, but the PS4 port of globally-popular build-'em-up Minecraft will be updated to the

9 Dec 11:30 Destructoid 5545714967438853521.html
High-Priced Cosmetics in Rocket League are Causing Outrage Amongst Players

The recent Blueprint update for Rocket League has left players outraged after the price of cosmetics skyrocketed, with some premium items costing more than the game itself.

9 Dec 13:07 TrueAchievements 4775707719834990576.html
Habis Makan Gulai, Orang ini Kaget Ada Gigi Kambing di Piringnya. Cek Makanan Sebelum Masuk Mulut!

Cek makanan sebelum masuk mulut Standar jijik orang saat makan berbeda beda. makanan, curhatan warganet, kejadian apes, restoran, cek sebelum makan, berdoa sebelum makan, kebersihan makanan, makanan kotor, gulai kambing

9 Dec 14:00 Hipwee 8847968230853000259.html
Detenido por efectuar varios disparos con un rifle desde una vivienda en Karrantza

Un hombre ha sido arrestado en el barrio Concha de Karrantza (Bizkaia), acusado de haber realizado varios disparros desde su vivienda. En el incidente no se ...

9 Dec 16:10 naiz: 7509038603250685468.html
Political parties deplore government’s decision to hike APSRTC bus fare

Activists of BJP and TDP stage protests in Kurnool and Chittoor, terming the move ‘anti-poor’

9 Dec 13:50 The Hindu 6679535024600378234.html
Pflegedienst aus Mücheln gesteht Betrug an Kassen

Im Prozess wegen Betrugs in Höhe von rund 50.000 Euro vor dem Landgericht Halle hörten die Richter von den beiden angeklagten Frauen aus Mücheln zwei verschiedene Geständnis-Versionen. Die ehemaligen Betreiberinnen eines Pflegedienstes in der Geiseltalstadt sind angeklagt, in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 in 26 Fällen Leistungen abgerechnet zu haben, die gar nicht oder durch nicht dafür qualifiziertes Personal erbracht ...

9 Dec 15:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108904790704.html
Asaduddin Owaisi alleges citizenship bill seeks to make Muslims stateless, rips copy of proposed law in Lok Sabha

The is an insult to India's freedom fighters, Owaisi retorted, accusing the BJP-led government of working to marginalise Muslims in the country.

9 Dec 15:28 The Economic Times 7653256038135749515.html
Bombero Voluntarios de Mazatlán presenta programa de seguridad

Las estadísticas de los años pasado en incendios de casa habitación, en el mismo operativo fueron de 70 servicios

9 Dec 15:54 EL DEBATE 4396150893528138408.html
Arsenal fans react as Unai Emery linked with vacant Everton job

Everton have reportedly made an approach for Unai Emery and have held a meeting with the Spanish manager in London following his exit from Arsenal – and Gunners fans have predicted Emery to prove a good appointment at Goodison Park. Sky Sports have claimed that Everton have met with Emery and have held talks in […]Unai Emery has been reportedly approached by Everton and has held an informal meeting in London, following his sacking by Arsenal.

9 Dec 11:45 The Boot Room 5717202226364443155.html
FBI now treating investigation into Pensacola naval station shooting as an 'act of terror'

The motive behind a 21-year-old gunman's attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola remains undetermined, but the FBI is treating it as "an act of terror," a member of the agency said.

9 Dec 10:33 Fox 4 8372747776746377409.html
FBI now treating investigation into Pensacola naval station shooting as an 'act of terror'

The motive behind a 21-year-old gunman's attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola remains undetermined, but the FBI is treating it as "an act of terror," a member of the agency said.

9 Dec 15:33 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730201878384833.html
La donna che colleziona McLaren in Colorado

La passione per il costruttore di Woking non si ferma davanti al genere maschile o femminile, come dimostrato dalla storia di Kathy Cargill

9 Dec 16:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656055214103.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill: How Amit Shah Defended Excluding Muslims

The Lok Sabha voted in favour of the introduction of the bill after protests by opposition leaders.

9 Dec 08:24 HUFFPOST 6665507017917547290.html
Cherry blossoms prompt full-blown scandal for Japan's PM

Tokyo,  It might be the most Japanese of political scandals: a furore over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's guest list at a party to mark the annual cherry blossom season.

9 Dec 10:37 The Peninsula 1202843881323896538.html
Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif meet Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

The 'Dabangg 3' actor Salman shared the picture along with Sheikh Hasina and 'Ek Tha Tiger' co-star Katrina Kaif on Instagram on Monday.

9 Dec 12:36 The New Indian Express 4718288653214803808.html
Deutsche Schwimmbäder sind in schlechtem Zustand

Schwimmbäder sind laut der Deutschen Lebens-Rettungs-Organisation (DLRG) in einem schlechten Zustand. Eine von der Organisation gestartete Petition, die einen bundesweiten Masterplan zur Rettung der Badeanstalten fordert, beschäftigt heute den Petitionsausschuss im Bundestag.

9 Dec 10:31 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220462745185.html
French basketball player fined in China for not looking at flag

A French former NBA player has been reprimanded and fined $1,400 by sports officials in China for not looking at the Chinese flag during the national anthem before a game.

9 Dec 08:00 Digital Journal 4566489173038418670.html
Tackling the key issues - our manifesto for West Dunbartonshire

Voters head to the polls this Thursday and the Lennox Herald has identified what we believe are the key issues the successful candidate needs to address.

9 Dec 15:21 dailyrecord 552235480662022635.html
Golden snubs and surprises, including little Cats love

When They See Us, the searing TV series on the plight of the Central Park Five got no nods despite critical acclaim. Show creator Ava DuVernay was also snubbed at the Emmys in the directing and writing categories, although Jharrel Jerome won for best lead actor in a limited series.

9 Dec 15:00 The Indian Express 2885715105425406724.html
Five dead, many injured after New Zealand volcano eruption

Five people were killed, 18 were injured and several more were left stranded after an island volcano popular with tourists erupted unexpectedly in New Zealand on Monday.

9 Dec 12:32 The Guardian 7580308505667706506.html
Senior North Korean official calls Donald Trump 'erratic old man'

It follows Trump making his own statement.

9 Dec 16:07 Newshub 2131266987293425349.html
FOTO: Wajah Serius Timnas Indonesia Jelang Lawan Vietnam

Para pemain Timnas Indonesia U-23 terus melakukan persiapan jelang melawan Vietnam pada final sepak bola SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 11:07 olahraga 6599523173283754427.html
Registration for mountain biking closes today

Registrations for amateurs competing in the 6th edition of MTB (Mountain Bike) Kerala will close on December 10.Organised by the Department of Tourism, the December 20-22 mega mountain biking event in

9 Dec 13:47 The Hindu 6679535025787000827.html
AFN: Shehu-Gusau vows to unravel corrupt practices

Ibrahim Shehu-Gusau, embattled President, AFN, has said that the federation will work diligently to unravel all corrupt practices in the federation.

9 Dec 09:10 The Guardian 7580308503989901589.html
Russian President Vladimir Putin Arrives in French Capital Paris for Normandy Four Talks - Video

The Normandy Format was created in 2014 to resolve the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. The representatives of the Normandy Four states: Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France, will participate in the talks. Their last previous meeting took place three years ago, in October 2016.

9 Dec 16:36 Sputniknews 967333868993508315.html
Cardinal Tagle gets new Vatican post

Pope Francis has named Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle as the new Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

9 Dec 10:19 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199878432087.html
E-Scooter zum Discounter-Preis: Aldi verkauft bald Roller

Sich einen eigenen E-Scooter anzuschaffen, ist oft recht teuer. Discounter-Angebote unter 300 Euro scheinen attraktiv. Nachdem Lidl bereits einen günstigen E-Scooter im Angebot hatte, zieht nun auch Aldi nach: Ab dem 16. Dezember soll es dort einen E-Scooter für 279 Euro geben.

9 Dec 09:04 finanzen.net 2053223363535308288.html
Miley Cyrus Just Got Two More Tattoos With Super Personal Meanings

Miley Cyrus visited celebrity tattoo artist Winter Stone over the weekend, adding two new handwritten tattoos to her collection including a note from Yoko Ono.

9 Dec 11:50 Marie Claire 7105575298998537090.html
Vincent Janssen ondanks blessure mee naar WK voor clubs in Qatar

Het Mexicaanse Monterrey hoopt Vincent Janssen op tijd fit te hebben voor het WK voor clubs in Qatar. De Nederlandse spits viel zaterdag geblesseerd uit tijdens de gewonnen return tegen Necaxa in de halve finales van de play-offs om de Mexicaanse titel (1-0). Desondanks stapte Janssen wel in het vliegtuig naar Qatar, waar Monterrey zaterdag…

9 Dec 09:25 Sportnieuws 3602982465030260886.html
I-League: Aizawl claim first victory of the season as late winner sinks spirited Indian Arrows

With the triumph, Aizawl move to third place in the I-League table with four points while Indian Arrows remain at the bottom

9 Dec 17:18 Scroll.in 8669301692715180717.html
YouTube Music si aggiorna: ecco la nuova funzione per tutti gli utenti

Secondo le ultime indiscrezioni, il colosso Google starebbe per implementare una nuova funzione per YouTube Music, ecco i dettagli

9 Dec 09:40 tecnoandroid 2573257126626282210.html
Incidente filobus Milano | tranviere sotto accusa per il telefonino


9 Dec 14:03 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927921127405.html
Segini Gaji Suami Iis Dahlia Pilot Garuda yang Angkut Harley

Masih ramai soal Garuda Indonesia yang angkut Harley ilegal dari Prancis. Penasaran, berapa sih gaji pilot Garuda?

9 Dec 11:32 detikfinance 4442190000727659345.html
Jose Mourinho makes former Manchester United star "priority" for Spurs' January transfer window

Spurs boss Jose Mourinho has reportedly made one of his former Manchester United stars a priority for his transfer business in the January window

9 Dec 10:53 football.london 6804128268279615904.html
Government debt is not a free lunch

With interest rates on government debt at multi-decade lows, a number of leading economists have argued that almost every advanced economy can allow debt to drift up toward Japanese levels (over 150 percent of GDP even by the most conservative measure) without any great concern about long-term consequences. Advocates of much higher debt might be…

9 Dec 08:41 EJ Insight 7853952858331601519.html
Amid flurry of Saudi reforms, mocktails on order in execution square

RIYADH (Reuters) - For decades, criminals in Saudi Arabia were lined up after Friday prayers at a central Riyadh plaza and beheaded by sword in a gruesome public spectacle overseen by the religious police.

9 Dec 11:20 Reuters 8334514181005888284.html
Direktor bolnice u Kosovskoj Mitrovici: Zdravstveno stanje Silvane Arsović bolje

Posle nekoliko dana boravka u bolnici, u koronarnoj jedinici internog odeljenja, zdravlje Silvane Arsović je stabilizovano

9 Dec 16:13 Вечерње новости 4219870593525485582.html
No Study Shows Indians Immune From Air Pollution: WHO Responds To Prakash Javadekar

Prakash Javadekar had said on Friday that there were not studies done in India to prove air pollution affected the health of people.

9 Dec 09:58 HUFFPOST 6665507018601927851.html
Repubblica - Ottavi Champions ed il colpo a sensazione: si lavora per Ibrahimovic

Ottavi di Champions ed assalto a Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Questa potrebbe essere la strategia del Napoli, secondo quanto racconta l'edizione odierna di Repubblica

9 Dec 10:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080390895775.html
Amazon-owned Ring is preparing its first smart light bulb

It's likely to illuminate would-be thieves.

9 Dec 17:46 Engadget 96641516237785574.html
Fans react as Philip Schofield shares video of Holly Willoughby amid feud

"Any response to the outcry? Are you not ashamed?"

9 Dec 10:34 GOSS.ie 8755536025138787107.html
Paukenschlag: Strache-Vertrauter wurde abgewählt

Karl Baron wurde als Wiener Chef der blauen Wirtschaft und als Spitzenkandidat für bevorstehende Wirtschaftskammerwahl abgesetzt. Seit Wochen wird darüber spekuliert, dass er Strache sein Gemeinderatsmandat überlässt.

9 Dec 17:41 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700170041096.html
Tierquälerei vereitelt - Wasserschildkröten gerettet

Ein Unbekannter wollte die Panzertiere in einen Fluss werfen - die Reptilien sind nun im Wiener Tierschutzverein in Vösendorf untergebracht.

9 Dec 12:43 NÖN.at 2486998933071691753.html
Oculus Quest gets hand tracking this week

The Oculus Quest is a standalone virtual reality headset that has become quite popular in recent months. The press release Android Central received said that the team wanted to "share that we’ll be rolling out an initial version of hand tracking as an early feature for consumers on Oculus Quest."

9 Dec 17:59 Android Central 29040143737427718.html
Donald Trump could abuse power again if he is not impeached, Democrats claim

The Democrats have claimed that Donald Trump could abuse his presidential powers again if he is not impeached over the "brazen" Ukraine scandal.

9 Dec 17:18 The Telegraph 140598092889232336.html
Airlines from three CPLP countries banned from Europe

Airlines from Angola, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea are on the 'black list' of 115 airlines banned from flying to the European Union (EU), released in Brussels on Monday.

9 Dec 12:58 The Portugal News Online 5173906806840838110.html
Ambasadorul Germaniei: Ultimii trei ani in Romania au fost agitati. Salut angajamentul foarte ferm al noului guvern de a pune in aplicare recomandarile europene

Ultimii trei ani au fost agitati in Romania, cu ingrijorari serioase pentru partenerii straini in ceea ce priveste calea urmata de Romania, mai ales in domeniul reformelor justitiei. O spune ambasadorul Germaniei la Bucuresti, intr-un interviu pentru Ziare.com.

9 Dec 12:25 Ziare.com 1922730287369499523.html
Tak Larang Eks Napi Koruptor Ikut Pilkada, KPU Kena Kritik KPK

Dalam Peraturan KPU No. 18 Tahun 2019, hanya terpidana bandar narkoba dan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak yang dilarang ikut pilkada.

9 Dec 08:36 Katadata News 179777407371142115.html
X1 Racing League: Bangalore Racing Stars wins team championship in inaugural season

Strong showing in both rounds help BRS clinch the championship over the Mumbai Falcons

9 Dec 12:11 OVERDRIVE 7781473802674219912.html
Jim Jordan: House Democratic staff not 'accountable to the people'

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan said House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff should be testifying before the House Judiciary Committee instead of lawyers for the two parties arguing over whether or not to impeach President Trump.

9 Dec 15:55 Washington Examiner 4625792332579147528.html
WATCH | Ivorian student creates African emojis

Meet the student from Ivory Coast who has created an award-nominated African emoji app, Zouzoukwa.

9 Dec 12:00 News24 3752801376849813674.html
Less Arctic ice sees polar bears near Russian village

More than 50 polar bears have gathered on the edge of a village in Russia’s far north, environmentalists and residents said, as weak Arctic ice leaves them unable to roam. The Russian branch of the World Wildlife Fund said climate change was to blame, as unusually warm temperatures prevented coastal ice from forming.

9 Dec 15:36 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115373420724.html
Big Bird, Ronstadt, Sally Field celebrated at Kennedy Center

WASHINGTON (AP) - Actress Sally Field, singer Linda Ronstadt and the disco-funk band Earth Wind and Fire shared the spotlight Sunday night as part of the latest group of recipients of the Kennedy Center Honors for lifetime achievement in the arts.

9 Dec 09:19 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636468604656.html
Michael Healy-Rae hospitalised after fire breaks out at Kerry office

Kerry Independent TD Michael Healy-Rae was taken to hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation after a fire in his office and shop this morning.

9 Dec 12:39 Buzz.ie 7092425147138273628.html
Tottenham transfer target Youcef Atal to undergo knee surgery

Supposed Tottenham Hotspur transfer target Youcef Atal is set to have surgery to repair a meniscal injury in his knee (BBC Sport). The Nice full-back will be out for ‘a long time’ after suffering the injury during the 4-1 win over Metz. A Nice statement read: “Bad news for Youcef Atal and the Eagles. The […]Nice full-back Youcef Atal has suffered a serious knee injury and will be out for a long time, meaning Tottenham Hotspur will likely miss out next month.

9 Dec 09:45 The Boot Room 5717202226852092966.html
Why Kelowna remains without a winter shelter

As winter cold deepens around the province, Kelowna is one of the very few cities that has no emergency shelter in place so dozens of homeless people are li

9 Dec 15:00 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245370988252.html
Reasons why Chelsea are considering a move for Wilfried Zaha

Chelsea have been linked to making a move for Crystal Palace striker Wilfried Zaha for some time now and most major UK media outlets are reporting it, including this one from The Telegraph.

9 Dec 13:13 Talk Chelsea 5476634137406909081.html
Grundrente in Deutschland: Kosten-Hammer! Bekommen auch Ausländer die Grundrente?

Streit über die Grundrente in der Großen Koalition: Seit Monaten diskutieren SPD und die Union (CDU und CSU) über die Aufstockung kleiner Renten in Deutschland. 2021 soll die Grundrente nun in Kraft treten. Bis dahin müssen aber noch einige Details im Gesetzgebungsverfahren geklärt werden.

9 Dec 10:27 news.de 5126378979192334757.html
Kuasa Hukum KPK: UU KPK Cacat Prosedur

KBRN, Jakarta : Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) menggelar sidang perdana gugatan uji materi terhadap UU KPK hasil revisi UU nomor 19 tahun 2019, yang diajukan 3 pimpinan KPK, Agus Rahardjo, Laode M

9 Dec 17:20 RRI News Portal 6700853645452917150.html
Club World Cup: Liverpool eye end to intercontinental wait as Flamengo threaten to spoil party

UEFA Champions League holders Liverpool are favourites to win the Club World Cup and claim an intercontinental trophy for the first time.

9 Dec 17:58 sportskeeda 1601194028207212646.html
2 Psychological Tricks That Will Help You Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself

Hardship is inevitable. But self-pity is optional.

9 Dec 08:22 Inc.com 8604986418116798269.html
Abe: Predsednik Irana dolazi u posetu Japanu

Premijer Japana Šinzo Abe izjavio je danas da njegova zemlja priprema posetu iranskog predsednika Hasana Rohanija. Abe je rekao da Japan želi da ima veću

9 Dec 17:30 Krstarica 4176903988764067362.html
Dozens feared dead in eruption of New Zealand volcano

WHAKATANE, New Zealand (AP) — A volcano on a New Zealand island erupted Monday with a towering blast of ash and scalding steam as tourists were exploring the moon-like surface, killing five people and leaving perhaps two dozen others missing and presumed dead. Eighteen others were rescued, some of them severely burned.Police said that the site was still too dangerous hours later for rescuers to search for the missing but that aircraft had seen no signs of life.“Based on the information we have, we do not believe there are any survivors on the island,” police said in a statement.“My god,” Michael Schade tweeted as he posted video of the eruption. “My family and I had gotten off it 20 minutes before, were w

9 Dec 15:35 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761341047946.html
Soon-to-be skyscrapers in Habibie’s Meisterstadt megablock feared to disrupt air traffic

Hang Nadim International Airport has demanded that the apartments have a more reasonable height so as to prevent disruption to air traffic. 

9 Dec 17:29 The Jakarta Post 7678601104361069136.html
Mindestens fünf Tote bei Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 10:16 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776502850578.html
Huge prediction made in Championship race with Leeds United set for promotion in boost for Nottingham Forest and Bristol City

The experts have updated their opinions

9 Dec 09:06 BristolLive 4740742017544491958.html
Frosch verschont das Leben einer kleinen Maus

In der Natur gilt das Gesetz des Stärkeren. Als kleine Maus hat man da oft schlechte Karten. Vor allem, wenn ein Frosch direkt vor einem sitzt und bereit ist...

9 Dec 15:08 RTL.DE 7054729451540878741.html
Russia banned from Olympics, World Cup over doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday banned Russia for four years from major global sporting events including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, over manipulated doping data.

9 Dec 12:40 Digital Journal 4566489171748868708.html
China tells government offices to remove all foreign computer equipment

China has ordered that all foreign computer equipment and software be removed from government offices and public institutions within three years, the Financial Times reports.

9 Dec 15:56 Nehanda Radio 3802011524402678319.html
Cruzarse con una pareja errónea puede generar resultados insospechados

Las hembras de unos peces del lago Moero tienen dificultades visuales para reconocer a los miembros de su propia especie y generan...

9 Dec 11:04 La Vanguardia 8061072699601479911.html
Telangana encounter: High Court asks for bodies of rape suspects to be preserved for four more days

The court ordered that the bodies will have to be transferred to a Hyderabad hospital in air-conditioned ambulances.

9 Dec 12:22 Scroll.in 8669301693720595320.html
Ethiopia’s Peace Prize Challenge

As Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed collects this year’s Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, his country is at a crossroads. In one direction lies a democratic transition, via a successful general election scheduled for May 2020. The other path would lead the country to instability, ethnic violence, and possibly a return to repressive authoritarianism. For the last decade, Ethiopia has experienced strong, broad-based economic growth. The government has built on those gains, investing in infrastructure development and expanding social services, such as health care and education. Moreover, since April 2018, when Ahmed peacefully took power following the unexpected resignation of his predecessor, the government has been restoring political and economic freedoms. Ahmed lifted the country’s state of emergency, ordered the release of thousands of political prisoners, allowed exiled dissidents to return, removed bans on political parties, and unblocked previously censored media.

9 Dec 09:24 EABW Digital 2826306001024662134.html
General Motors pulls out of Russian car assembly business with Avtovaz deal

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s biggest automaker Avtovaz said on Monday it would buy out General Motors (GM.N) from their joint venture producing vehicles in Russia under the Chevrolet brand, effectively ending GM’s presence in car assembling in the country.

9 Dec 13:13 Reuters 8334514181402894261.html
Russian troops enter Raqqa city for first time during Syrian War

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:40 P.M.) – The Russian Armed Forces have entered the city of Raqqa for the first time during this nearly nine-year-long war, a number of activists in northern Syria reported on Monday. According to the reports, the Russian Armed Forces entered Raqqa to distribute humanitarian aid to the people in the war-torn city. The military delivered two thousand food kits to Raqqa residents. Military doctors have also arrived in the city, who are ready to provide assistance to all in need. “The infrastructure in Raqqa was completely destroyed during the liberation process conducted by the US-led international coalition,” an officer at the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Controversial Parties, Vladimir Varnavsky, told reporters. “Thousands of civilians became victims of indiscriminate air and artillery attacks,” Varnavsky added. “The city has not yet finished the work of clearing debris and clearing the area, and there is a shortage of clean water, medicine and food.”

9 Dec 08:05 AMN 4125648318055143514.html
Flight attendants explain the ways you could actually bag a flight upgrade

Flight attendants debunk the myths and explain what it actually takes to bag a free or cheap flight upgrade

9 Dec 15:11 mirror 675785259880594371.html
Kinostarts - Ghostbusters: Afterlife: Erster Trailer zur direkten Fortsetzung der Original-Teile erschienen

Nach dem Ghostbusters-Reboot von 2016 mit durchweg weiblichem Geisterjäger-Cast erwartet uns im nächsten Jahr ein neuer Ghostbusters-Film, der direkter an die alten Teile anknüpft. Nun gibt es den ersten Trailer zum neuen, geisterhaften Abenteuer zu sehen!

9 Dec 17:06 PlayNation 4622181943581034143.html
Shopify: Beware Of Deceleration

Shopify is up 160% year-to-date, crushing the S&P 500's year-to-date performance.While the company continues to put up record revenue each quarter, there are signs that we're seeing even more material

9 Dec 12:58 Seeking Alpha 5725634556575693780.html
Asian stocks pulled higher by Wall Street jobs rally but China caution prevails

Asian stocks edged up on Monday, catching some of Wall Street's momentum after surprisingly strong U.S. jobs data although regional gains were ...

9 Dec 09:50 CNA 5644198862360700963.html
Bundestag will Ergebnisse in Teilen zurückhalten

Wie sich künstliche Intelligenz auf den Staat und die Wirtschaft auswirkt, hat der Bundestag ein Jahr lang untersucht. Union und SPD wollen aber nicht, dass alle Erkenntnisse sofort öffentlich werden.

9 Dec 13:58 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271130103720.html
Russian athletes banned for 4 years on doping charges

WADA confirmed the Russian national team could not take part in the 2022 World Cup soccer in Qatar under the Russian flag

9 Dec 10:36 The Hindu 6679535024258738238.html
Narinder Batra meets Amit Shah, briefs on preparation for Tokyo Olympics

More sports News: Indian Olympics Association (IOA) president Narinder Dhruv Batra on Monday met Home Minister Amit Shah and updated him on India's preparation for the

9 Dec 09:21 The Times of India 6060938663199523611.html
Llama tránsito a extremar precauciones por lluvias

Juárez.- Tránsito Municipal lanza un llamado a la ciudadanía a conducir por las calles de la ciudad con las medidas de seguridad necesarias para prevenir cualquier accidente automovilístico debido condiciones del pavimento mojado por las lluvias que se registran.

9 Dec 14:13 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365557730387067.html
Wenn sich der Nikolaus auf Überraschungen freuen darf

In der Dorfhalle Stübbeken begrüßten die Kinder den Nikolaus mit einem bunten Programm aus Tanz, Musik und Schauspiel.

9 Dec 08:00 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221535628553.html
Chelsea predicted XI for Lille: Basically the first knockout round come early

Frank Lampard has called Chelsea versus Lille a knockout round match come early. The Blues more or less need to win to make the next round. Chelsea has con...

9 Dec 16:00 The Pride of London 1845974875448953899.html
Zelenski en Poetin kijken elkaar voor het eerst in de ogen

De Oekraïense president Volodymyr Zelenski heeft in Parijs voor het eerst zijn Russische collega Vladimir Poetin in de ogen gekeken. De Franse president Em...

9 Dec 15:52 De Standaard 2288913868708099506.html
Random: Remembering When One Company Ruined Christmas For Some NES Owners

A chastity belt, but for your console

9 Dec 11:30 Nintendo Life 5246707018724138887.html
Boxen: Anthony Joshua peilt nächste Titelverteidigung offenbar im Tottenham Stadium an

Nach seiner geglückten Revanche gegen Andy Ruiz am vergangenen Samstag und der Wiedererlangung seiner vier WM-Titel der Verbände IBF, IBO, WBA und WBO will Anthony Joshua für seinen nächsten Kampf offenbar nach England zurückkehren.

9 Dec 10:28 SPOX 8395423524718483969.html
Nyeri Deputy Speaker On The Spot For Assaulting Youth, Police Issue Warrant Of Arrest

A viral video circulated on social media of Nyeri County Deputy Speaker Samuel Kariuki assaulting a youth has angered netizens and prompted the intervention of the police authorities.In the captur

9 Dec 13:57 KahawaTungu 3304128543443615977.html
DUP accuses Boris Johnson of breaking his word on union commitment

The PM is embarking on a blitz of Labour’s heartlands as the election campaign enters its final few days.

9 Dec 10:56 Express & Star 7324224459164694375.html
Datenverlust droht: 20 Webhoster gehen zeitgleich offline!

Haben Sie günstig einen Zugang zu einem Webhoster erstanden? Dann aufgepasst: Möglicherweise steckt dahinter großer Betrug. COMPUTER BILD hat die Details.

9 Dec 12:24 Computer Bild 4944248632144670797.html
Moderate Drinking May Increase Cancer Risk

A new study from Japan found that compared to nondrinkers, people who had two drinks a day for 40 years had a 54% higher risk of cancer.

9 Dec 12:00 WebMD 4010151887836383570.html
Turkey alone on Palestine but will keep supporting oppressed, Erdoğan says

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan underlined that Turkey will continue to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and never stop defending the Palestinian cause

9 Dec 10:14 DAILY SABAH 8383944808118087025.html

El país se desangra por una herida que no cierra: la división

9 Dec 12:59 E-Consulta 8900392812376247429.html
Indonesia Tak Perlu Khawatir Ancaman Resesi Global

Ekonom BNI Ryan Kiryanto menyatakan, Indonesia tidak akan terpapar resesi meskipun keadaan ekonomi global kian mengancam. Ini dikarenakan Indonesia bukan negara berbasis ekspor atau negara yang bergantung pada rantai pasok global atau global supply chain.

9 Dec 17:59 merdeka.com 1998180355565551585.html
Giudice fa sesso a tre con gli avvocati: in cambio trattamenti speciali nei casi in tribunale

Il giudice Dawn Gentry, 38 anni, del Kentucky, negli Stati Uniti è stato accusata di aver costretto alcuni legali ad avere rapporti sessuali con lei, insieme ad altre persone, sfruttando il suo ruolo all'interno del foro: chi si rifiutava, doveva infatti rinunciare ad un trattamento di riguardo nei propri confronti.

9 Dec 17:05 fanpage.it 1517332167887373026.html
Anthony Joshua to join list of sporting legends with waxwork at Madame Tussauds

Joshua will have one of the largest waxworks ever created located in the Sport zone of the London museum alongside new models of Muhammad Ali, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Lewis Hamilton, among others

9 Dec 13:34 mirror 675785261601910762.html
Le nuove classifiche di sostenibilità dei Paesi OCSE

Londra, quando crescita economica non fa rima con inquinamento.

9 Dec 09:40 Trend Online 3268043279469470754.html
Vier woorden ontmaskerden Chris als de moordenaar van zijn vrouw en twee kinderen

Toen zijn vrouw en twee kinderen verdwenen in augustus 2018, deed de toen 33-jarige echtgenoot en vader Christopher Watts nog een emotionele oproep. Maar k...

9 Dec 10:19 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190721878712.html
Von Rolex bis Gucci: Busladung voll Fake-Artikeln in Wien gestoppt

Zollbeamte sind in einem türkischen Reisebus auf Plagiate im Wert von einer Million Euro gestoßen. Die Passagiere wussten nichts von der Ladung, bei ihnen wurden aber Lebensmittel und Zigaretten...

9 Dec 12:35 Die Presse 6242788855568005558.html
Follow your passion to succeed, PM Imran advises youth

Premier lauds Fawad Chaudhry for showing "passion for a ministry that no one cared about".

9 Dec 12:45 DAWN.COM 4500271768517051562.html
Objetos hallados en el yacimiento de Zaldua demuestran la romanización del Pirineo

Ocho años de excavaciones arqueológicas en el yacimiento de Zaldua han sacado a la luz un edificio que identifican con unas termas de la &eacut...

9 Dec 13:15 naiz: 7509038604005220592.html
India, Australia review strategic ties in 2+2 secretarial talks

India and Australi deliberated on prevailing regional security concerns and explored ways for cooperation in field of defence industry and technology, said the Defence Ministry

9 Dec 13:29 The Hindu 6679535026180144864.html
Coppia accusata di aver picchiato una ragazzina, per la Procura non sarebbero i veri genitori

Lo scorso anno la tredicenne aveva chiesto l’aiuto del 112, ma non era la prima volta che finiva in ospedale

9 Dec 15:15 Targatocn.it 7367208849960182602.html
Celtic hero Fraser Forster's Rangers heroics emulate keeper's fantastic display

The Great Wall's display in the Betfred Cup final was incredible, but 24 hours earlier, another goalie was working wonders of his own.

9 Dec 12:41 dailyrecord 552235480424022572.html
All the Liverpool polling stations for the 2019 General Election

Everywhere you can vote in Liverpool on Thursday

9 Dec 13:53 Liverpool Echo 7727211174837080566.html
Conozca algunas historias de arte exclusivas de Miami

En días recientes se publicó una historia sobre un galerista de arte, ya desaparecida, que fue demandado en Miami, Nueva York y Londres por

9 Dec 15:10 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536890041932.html
Selundupkan Harley dan Bromton, Garuda Didenda Maksimal Rp 100 Juta

Kementerian Perhubungan memberikan waktu seminggu untuk membayar denda.

9 Dec 11:24 Katadata News 179777405621265730.html
Olympia und WM: Welt-Antidopingagentur sperrt Russland für vier Jahre

Die Welt-Antidopingagentur (WADA) hat eine Vierjahressperre gegen Russland verhängt. Das wurde in Lausanne einstimmig beschlossen.

9 Dec 11:38 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699830562031.html
Mum accidentally swallows two front teeth while eating mince pie

Angela McGill, 52, was tucking into the festive snack when she swallowed what she thought was a bit of pastry

9 Dec 12:27 birminghammail 8288260686423047386.html
Saudischer Soldat tötet drei Menschen

Auf einem US-Militärstützpunkt hat ein Soldat der saudi-arabischen Luftwaffe, der dort ausgebildet wurde, drei Menschen erschossen. Die Behörden prüfen laut Medienberichten einen terroristischen Hintergrund.

9 Dec 09:15 tagesschau.de 5441171426463731917.html
Tua-tua Keladi! Bintang Real Betis Jadi Pemain Tertua yang Cetak Hattrick di LaLiga Spanyol

Bintang Real Betis, Joaquin berhasil mencatatkan namanya menjadi pemain tertua yang mencetak hattrick di kancah LaLiga Spanyol.

9 Dec 12:38 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548787905330.html
New Premier League plans to improve VAR emerge as football chiefs look to sort current chaos

The system has come in for criticism since it was introduced to the Premier League at the start of the season but it could soon be in for a revamp

9 Dec 11:57 mirror 675785260188994902.html
Israeli clean fuel cells aim to slash diesel pollution

GenCell’s hydrogen-powered generators can provide power to people lacking centralized electricity and do good for the environment at the same time.

9 Dec 08:50 Israel21c 6799675525822413688.html
Rangers flop Eros Grezda admits driving without licence and insurance at Glasgow Sheriff Court

RANGERS flop Eros Grezda has today admitted being behind the wheel of a high-performance car with no licence and no insurance. Albanian winger Grezda, 24, was driving his Audi RS3 last month when h…

9 Dec 15:06 The Scottish Sun 6609127673363628359.html
Dravidian Activists Demand Titan’s Boycott Over Ad Glorifying Tamil-Hindu Culture, Here’s What Happened

India’s leading watch maker Titan recently launched a marketing campaign glorifying the Tamil-Hindu culture which irked various so-called Dravidian activists who as a result called for their boycott.

9 Dec 12:14 Swarajya 4977622830161628781.html
Jokowi skips KPK anticorruption day invitation, delegating Ma'ruf to attend instead

When asked why he did not attend the KPK event, Jokowi said he was merely “delegating”

9 Dec 12:55 The Jakarta Post 7678601104323217419.html
Valencia zonder Jasper Cillessen in CL-kraker tegen Ajax

Jasper Cillessen is niet opgenomen in de selectie van Valencia voor de wedstrijd tegen Ajax. De keeper heeft nog te veel last van een blessure, waardoor hij afgelopen weekend al na 25 minuten van het veld moest. Valencia en Cillessen verkeerden al enkele dagen in onzekerheid over zijn blessure. Ondanks dat de keeper zelf goede…

9 Dec 12:44 Sportnieuws 3602982463349406100.html
Donald Trump Has Toilet Problems

U.S. President Donald J. Trump is having some toilet trouble—extremely normal toilet trouble that happens to all of us on a regular basis. Like how we sometimes have to flush 10-15 times before it all goes down, and that is totally due to wacko liberals demanding environmentally friendly toilets....

9 Dec 08:55 Gizmodo AU 3183561246536409516.html
Betrand Putra Ruben Onsu Duduki Trending di 5 Negara, Seruan Bangga dari Sederet Artis Menggema

Tak hanya menduduki kursi trending di Tanah Air, video klip teranyar Betrand Peto yang bertajuk 'Deritaku' juga berhasil menempati trending di beberapa negara.

9 Dec 12:33 Kanal 247 6444101938304853358.html
Lebih Tinggi dari Polisi dan Jaksa, Gaji Pegawai KPK Mau Dikaji Ulang

"Kepolisian kemudian kejaksaan mereka selalu mengatakan 'gaji saya beda dengan KPK. Padahal kami sama-sama aparat penegak hukum',"

9 Dec 11:11 detikfinance 4442190001538625321.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill Receives Mixed Response in LS | Top Reactions

Introducing the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 in Lok Sabha, Amit Shah said the Bill will not do injustice to anyone and there is no political agenda behind bringing the Bill to the House.

9 Dec 14:09 India.com 7150386082989471156.html
Alleged P&ID Scam: Court dismisses Briton's bail variation application

The Federal High Court in Abuja, on Monday, dismissed the application for bail variation filed by a British national, James Nolan.

9 Dec 17:42 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729301123931750.html
Melalui 7 Kalimat, Begini Cara Deontay Wilder Remehkan Anthony Joshua

Petinju kelas berat, Deontay Wilder, membeberkan alasannya dengan tujuh kalimat meremehkan Anthony Joshua sebagai atlet tinju.

9 Dec 16:30 BolaSport.com 4603768435490643713.html
MSI Announce Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Game Bundle

In announcing their latest promotion, MSI is offering purchasers of qualifying products Monster Hunter World: Iceborne for free!

9 Dec 17:34 eTeknix 2326702695282436440.html
WhatsApp introduce las llamadas en espera en Android

Se trata de una funcionalidad que está disponible en la versión de WhatsApp para dispositivos iOS desde noviembre.

9 Dec 13:29 La Voz 6237180762202356513.html
Amanda Holden's savage jibe at Phillip Schofield as he faces complaint from Ruth Langsford

Amanda has let slip they are still feuding

9 Dec 14:24 Wales Online 7686550516455997264.html
Dinkes DKI Sebut Hubungan Seks Kaum Gay jadi Tren Baru Penularan HIV

Internet menurut dia, menjadi salah satu akses yang mempermudah mengenai informasi pecinta sesama jenis.

9 Dec 08:03 merdeka.com 1998180355726121932.html
Tecnico della Casertana offende l'Avellino: rabbia social contro di lui

Le parole del tecnico prima del match contro la Ternana

9 Dec 11:02 AvellinoToday 5452883947175717626.html
Turkey says it has deported 11 French terrorist suspects

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey said on Monday it had deported 11 French nationals back to France as part of a program to extradite what it says are foreign terrorist fighters.

9 Dec 10:06 Reuters 8334514181264779086.html
South Africa steps up power cuts after flooding hits major plant

JOHANNESBURG — South Africa’s state energy company Eskom is cutting up to 6,000 megawatts (MW) of power from the national grid after heavy rain and flooding triggered failures at its Medupi plant, disrupting supplies to businesses and households across the country.

9 Dec 17:41 Financial Post 2379081493681228342.html
Borussia brauchtnoch einen Euro-Punkt!

Donnerstag (21 Uhr/RTL) kickt Borussia in der Europa League zuhause gegen Basaksehir Istanbul – und braucht da noch einen Punkt

9 Dec 14:34 Bild 8433249908852676223.html
Elon Musk provozao novi Cybertruck

Izgleda da je i sam Elon Musk svom voznom parku priključio i novi Cybertruck, te ga već testirao na ulicama Los Anđelesa. Do pre nekoliko dana ljubitelji Tesla proizvoda mogli su da svedoče samo je…

9 Dec 11:43 PC Press 681412281773973689.html
Leicester City sent official for prolific forward on Friday night – Could be January addition for title challenge

According to Haber Global’s Fenerbahce journalist Yagiz Sabuncuoglu, Leicester City watched Fenerbahce striker Vedat Muriqi in action on Friday night. Sabuncuoglu claims that along with the Premier League side, AS Monaco and Eintracht Frankfurt also sent scouts to monitor the 25 year old, who scored twice during Fener’s 5-2 win over Genclerbirligi. Muriqi’s overall performance

9 Dec 09:46 Sport Witness 200001552658926298.html
Russia tells UK court Ukraine should be forced to pay debt despite disputes

LONDON/KIEV (Reuters) - Russia told Britain’s Supreme Court on Monday that Ukraine should not be allowed to use geopolitical arguments to dispute billions of dollars in debt, after Kiev argued it had been forced to borrow the money from Moscow.

9 Dec 17:02 Reuters 8334514180226722398.html
Krisensitzung bei der WTO - Verband warnt vor 'Herzstillstand'

Der von den USA forcierte schwere Schlag gegen das bislang erfolgreiche Streitschlichtungsverfahren der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) ist praktisch nicht mehr abzuwenden. Die USA lehnten am Montag zum Auftakt der dreitägigen Krisensitzung der WTO-Botschafter ein Ende ihrer Blockadehaltung ab. Die EU kritisierte das. Der Maschinenbauverband VDMA war...

9 Dec 15:13 Börse Express 3714356348255234998.html
More Problems for Pensacola: Mayor Says City Systems Facing Cyber Attack

The mayor of Pensacola, Florida announced Monday that the city has been facing a cyber attack against city systems.

9 Dec 13:53 Law & Crime 7990899037359300868.html
EBRD invests $4m in Turkish bus-ticketing service firm oBilet

Mubasher: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced an equity investment of $4 million in Turkish online bus-ticketing service provider oBilet.

9 Dec 14:51 english.mubasher.info 8917853139504083873.html
DUP accuses Boris Johnson of breaking his word on union commitment

Boris Johnson has been accused of breaking his word over his commitment to protect the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland by the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party. As the Prime Minister faced fresh questions over trade within the UK after Brexit, Arlene Foster said Government officials had told her there would need to be checks. Asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme about the sense of some in the unionist community that Mr Johnson’s deal was a “betrayal”, she said: “I think it is right for the leadership of unionism in Northern Ireland to try to work with the prime minister of the day to get the best deal for Northern Ireland. “We will always do that. We will continue to do that. I think it says more about the person who broke their word than me and the leadership of the… Democratic Unionist Party.”

9 Dec 11:25 ITV News 2184971257083582398.html
Foldable Airplane Seat Aims to Revolutionize Air Travel in Economy Class

Universal Movement has your back. And your neck and shoulders, and general wellbeing. The London-based design firm has unveiled a concept for an airplane seat for economy class that would, for the first time ever, puts the flier’s comfort over everything else.

9 Dec 14:09 autoevolution 6471576453468921573.html
NZ police say no more survivors expected from volcano eruption

WHAKATANE (New Zealand), Dec 10 — New Zealand police said early today they did not expect to find any more survivors from a volcanic eruption on White Island that killed at least five people and injured up to 20. “No signs of life have been seen at any point,” the police said in a statement...

9 Dec 11:42 Malaymail 302165936561577919.html
Hormel: Great Dividend Grower, But Significantly Overpriced

HRL is a dividend aristocrat, with 50+ consecutive years of annual dividend increases.However, the company posted negative EPS growth in 2019 and analysts expect that trend to continue into 2020.HRL h

9 Dec 13:09 Seeking Alpha 5725634557962091551.html
Plymouth Lib Dem candidate denies he is pulling out of General Election

Graham Reed says his name will definitely be on the ballot paper in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport on Thursday

9 Dec 14:52 PlymouthLive 6373569607783869818.html
Beta-talassemia, ecco l'algoritmo che indica i candidati alla terapia genica

Salute - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 08:22 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207119397127.html
Een kerkwinkel voor de buren van Vrederust

Iets hoger dan de omliggende bebouwing aan de Vrederustlaan in Den Haag staat de Shalomkerk. In de voorgevel is een groot kruis aangebracht. Aan de straatzijde staat de klokkentoren op vier betonnen poten, met een stenen engel in top.

9 Dec 10:28 RD.nl 6406779841101808343.html
Trabajadores de Cultura esperan que Lifschitz firme hoy el decreto

Cortaron la calle frente a la sala Lavardén en Sarmiento y Mendoza por la continuidad de 169 contratados..

9 Dec 15:51 La Capital 7472053046306264889.html
Extinction Rebellion protesters in hi-vis jackets GLUE themselves to concrete blocks outside Leicester Square tube station as they campaign against air pollution in the latest of their '12 Days Of Crisis' stunts

As part of the group's latest stunt, a number of activists in gas masks, hard hats and hi-viz jackets have glued themselves to concrete blocks, on Cranbourne Street, in central London.

9 Dec 09:46 Mail Online 124328111309144782.html
Superknipser Werner gibt Entwarnung für Lyon-Endspiel

RB Leipzig will in der Champions League bei Olympique Lyon den Gruppensieg perfekt machen, um sich eine gute Ausgangsposition fürs Achtelfinale zu verschaffen.

9 Dec 13:43 weltfussball.at 3521376371781921797.html
Your Ultimate Load Shedding Cheat Sheet

Nobody loves load shedding. However, you can still keep your bright outlook on life with a few savvy tweaks to your schedule and home even if you don’t have a generator. Here’s MiWay’s cheat sheet to keep you from blowing your fuse during the current bout of load shedding: Keep to a schedule The first […]

9 Dec 10:10 iAfrica 8834711023715741792.html
China will offenbar ausländische IT aus Behörden verbannen

Innerhalb von nur drei Jahren möchte Peking laut Zeitungsbericht nicht-chinesische Computer und Software entfernen. Millionen Geräte müssten getauscht werden.

9 Dec 11:51 Kurier 208072237702271756.html
French basketball player fined in China for not looking at flag

A French former NBA player has been reprimanded and fined US$1,400 by sports officials in China for not looking at the Chinese flag during the national anthem before a game.

9 Dec 08:19 CTVNews 2422791598618804008.html
South Korea to Impose Capital Gains Tax on Crypto

The South Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance has decided to impose capital gains tax on digital currencies.

9 Dec 10:42 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138265715181308.html
Mercedes EQA Spied With Production Body And Lights

The EV high-riding model will ride on the MFA II platform, which will be shared with the combustion-powered GLA.

9 Dec 09:24 Motor1.com 1648269240659738493.html
Kochhar challenges RBI decision to terminate her; HC seeks bank's response

Banking Regulation Act says that prior approval of the RBI is required to terminate the contract of a bank's chairman or managing director

9 Dec 14:52 Business-Standard 1502508925121975858.html
Kosovo files IS terror charges against man, wife and mother

Kosovo prosecutors filed terrorism charges Monday against three ethnic Albanians who returned to the small European country in May after allegedly joining the Islamic State group in Syria. Prosecutors said the three are a man, his wife and his mother.

9 Dec 15:39 Yahoo 7097669638287773517.html
Michel und VAR werden zu Matchwinnern des SC Paderborn

Die beiden Matchwinner des SC Paderborn traten am Sonntagabend gut 300 Kilometer voneinander entfernt in Aktion und kennen sich nicht einmal.

9 Dec 08:05 weltfussball.at 3521376372094007061.html
Kyle Walker sends Liverpool title warning despite huge advantage over Man City

Manchester City have lost four times in the league this season and trail unbeaten Liverpool by a staggering 14 points. But Kyle Walker isn't ready to concede defeat just yet

9 Dec 17:47 mirror 675785261100423835.html
Kyle Walker sends Liverpool title warning despite huge advantage over Man City

Manchester City have lost four times in the league this season and trail unbeaten Liverpool by a staggering 14 points. But Kyle Walker isn't ready to concede defeat just yet

9 Dec 17:47 Irish Mirror 2875825628722781160.html
South Sudan rivals to hold talks in Juba

The two protagonists are expected to discuss issues seen as critical to the realisation of the peace accord signed in September of last year.

9 Dec 17:36 Africanews 6630243978282572809.html
English football legend Harry Redknapp is coming to Dubai

Expect an evening of sporting anecdotes and plenty of laughs

9 Dec 13:54 Time Out Dubai 1956550808336363719.html
Cuneo: questa sera l'incontro tra la commissione sul nuovo ospedale e la Fondazione dedicata

La Fondazione - costituita il 15 ottobre scorso ma già annunciata nel precedente convegno per i 700 anni dell'ospedale Santa Croce e Carle - è composta di 20 membri fondatori totali

9 Dec 12:45 Targatocn.it 7367208848734234677.html
Why I'm a libertarian defeatist about Medicare-for-all

America's health-care system isn't worth defending and a free market alternative is never going to happen. What's a libertarian to do about Medicare-for-all?

9 Dec 10:50 The Week 149215355310026247.html
Iran says ready for more US prisoner swaps

Iran said Monday it was open to more prisoner swaps with the US while stressing an exchange at the weekend was not the result of formal negotiations with its arch-foe.

9 Dec 17:11 Deccan Herald 2027555796585249312.html
Transfersoap is voorbij: Rohan Dennis trekt naar Team Ineos

De transfersoap rond wereldkampioen tijdrijden Rohan Dennis is voorbij. De 29-jarige Australiër trekt naar Team Ineos. Hij ondertekende een contract voor twee seizoenen.

9 Dec 11:04 HLN 8967494998514565244.html
Rudiantara Jadi Dirut, Ini Kata PLN

Menko Luhut sebut Rudiantara bos baru PLN, ini tanggapan perusahaan setrum tersebut. 

9 Dec 08:40 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213656788642.html
Bushfire threat fans the flames of anxiety

As someone with mental health issues, I find myself teetering between staying properly informed about nearby fires and spiralling into a panic.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730563134225398.html
Aston Villa plotting transfer swoop on West Brom - reports

Aston Villa transfer news includes AVFC linked with Albion youngster

9 Dec 08:29 birminghammail 8288260685181117722.html
Laatste beelden van Juice Wrld voor zijn overlijden opgedoken

Er circuleren twee filmpjes op sociale media met beelden van de laatste uren van de Amerikaanse rapper Juice Wrld. De 21-jarige muzikant, die gisterochtend plotseling overleed, grapt in het filmpje...

9 Dec 12:24 HLN 8967494997566128484.html
L’economia globale sta veramente migliorando?

Negli ultimi mesi la narrativa sui mercati azionari è stata quella di un miglioramento dello stato dell'economia globale.

9 Dec 16:00 Trend Online 3268043279859934545.html
Can Avocado Oil Enhance Your Beauty?

Here is how avocado oil helps you glow and get rid of skin problems.

9 Dec 12:38 India.com 7150386084778919413.html
American-style sweet shop opens up in Derby suburb

'I’m making people happy and that’s what I love'

9 Dec 15:41 Derbyshire Live 9061707931472212736.html
Festejaron bajo la lluvia

En el autódromo José Muñiz se desarrolló ayer la última fecha del campeonato anual que organizó el Automóvil Club Río Gallegos y se confirmaron los campeones en todas las categorías. Nuñez, Rogel, Martínez, Ramps y Ortiz levantaron su trofeo.

9 Dec 15:54 TiempoSur 8512931317478350479.html
ICC-Angkor applauds Apsara’s bicycle lane project

The International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor (ICC-Angkor) welcomed the Apsara National Authority’s initiative to construct a bicycle lane at the Angkor Archaeological Park.

9 Dec 16:25 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115469384978.html
Kader Muda PPP Gelar Bedah Buku Musibah Partai Ka'bah

Achmad Baidhowi mengatakan buku tersebut berisi sebuah pelajaran bagi para kader PPP untuk melangkah lebih baik di masa depan.⁣

9 Dec 17:16 liputan6.com 3414318497581292064.html
Manchester United great Jaap Stam makes admission about Liverpool FC defender Virgil van Dijk

Virgil van Dijk has been hugely influential to Liverpool's recent rise and recently placed second in the Ballon d'Or standings.

9 Dec 15:15 men 6694993428588756307.html
Rape-murder victim's relatives to get guns and guards

India has long battle­d a high number of violen­t crimes agains­t women, partic­ularly sexual assaul­t

9 Dec 15:19 The Express Tribune 1105816786847993139.html
Minister Senzo Mchunu announces massive cuts to ministers' perks, expenditure | IOL News

Public service and administration minister Senzo Mchunu announced wide amendments to the ministerial handbook.

9 Dec 16:45 www.iol.co.za 17825110888102696.html
Disaster as Zim high school girl, boyfriend die during sex

A young high school student died on Saturday while having sex with her lover. According to sources, the incident occurred at PamaStones

9 Dec 10:48 ZWNEWS 6090563867165295997.html
Dopingskandal: WADA schließt RUSADA aus und sperrt Russland vier Jahre

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) hat hart durchgegriffen und Russland für vier Jahre der internationalen Sportbühne verwiesen.

9 Dec 13:41 SPOX 8395423526351299629.html
Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign itineraries compared

Where have the Tory and Labour leaders been so far – and why?

9 Dec 17:44 Shropshire Star 3480199991237466441.html
Kim Jong Un Sebut Trump Tua dan Cuma Menggertak?

Perang pernyataan antara Presiden Amerika Trump dan rezim Kim Jong Un kembali terjadi di tengah mandeknya proses negosiasi denuklirisasi.

9 Dec 15:03 Tempo 3082482125537899069.html
Top Northern Senator Vows Never To Contest Election In Nigeria Again

Senator representing Gombe Central in the Nigerian Senate, Muhammad Danjuma Goje, has announced that he will not contest elections in the future.

9 Dec 08:33 Concise 5544636823468278936.html
Regjeringsbygning på Malta stormet av demonstranter


9 Dec 12:57 Document 5102836953639444922.html
Eleventh hour plea for soldiers who fired shots at Ballymurphy to come forward

The call was made during closing submissions at inquests into the disputed shootings of 10 people in west Belfast in August 1971.

9 Dec 16:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774826685634.html
Home sweet home for the Christmas holidays

Arriving home in Dublin Airport, I practically ran off the plane. Knowing I needed to sleep in order to defeat the jetlag and so on and so forth, I had intended on napping en route, but there was absolutely no hope as my flight had the potential to be six hours of total torture. Had I not been so excited...

9 Dec 09:00 IrishCentral 7319968745051789253.html
Getting upwind of Rudolph

Behold, the greening of Santa.

9 Dec 10:00 The Age 7967730562998060620.html
Watchmen HBO episode guide: every new episode explained

Did you catch everything that went down in HBO's Watchmen: Episode 8? Here are the questions that need answering.

9 Dec 14:24 TechRadar 2111116916372959616.html
Watchmen HBO episode guide: every new episode explained

Did you catch everything that went down in HBO's Watchmen: Episode 8? Here are the questions that need answering.

9 Dec 14:24 TechRadar 2111116914694816894.html
Cryptocurrency Exchange - Here are tips to choose the best

The exchange you must have decided to make use of will greatly determine whether your crypto investment will be profitable or not in the long run. There are lot...

9 Dec 10:57 Bulawayo24 News 5565663539216848523.html
Qatar state minister for foreign affairs arrives in Riyadh: QNA

DUBAI (Reuters) - Qatar’s minister of state for foreign affairs arrived in Saudi Arabia on Monday, state news agency QNA said, for a preparatory meeting ahead of an annual summit of Gulf Cooperation Council leaders that could see a thaw in a 2-1/2-year Gulf crisis.

9 Dec 12:04 Reuters 8334514181428890940.html
5 Jenis Ikan Louhan Lokal Terbaik Beserta Harganya, Tak Kalah dari Impor

Jenis ikan louhan lokal tidak kalah cantik dengan ikan louhan jenis impor.

9 Dec 14:35 liputan6.com 5422146881764957639.html
Hoe je als bedrijf innoveert in een wereld van exponentiële groei

Welk bedrijf heeft er vandaag de dag een toekomstplanning voor de komende tien jaar? Dat is onmogelijk geworden met de huidige digitale innovaties. De

9 Dec 14:52 Techzine 1792892596470418140.html
Rohingya refugees demand justice at Myanmar World Court case

COX’S BAZAR (Reuters) - Rohingya Muslims demanded Myanmar be held to account at the United Nations’ top court in The Hague, where Myanmar leader and Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is set to defend the country against charges of genocide of the minority community.

9 Dec 09:18 Reuters 8334514180439736319.html
5 Fakta Mengerikan Teror Ular Kobra di Citayam

Puluhan ular kobra muncul di kawasan perumahan Kecamatan Citayam, Bogor. Kondisi tersebut membuat warga resah dan ketakutan.

9 Dec 11:40 merdeka.com 1998180356284673993.html
Tak Hanya Filipina, Bank Mandiri Bidik Vietnam & Malaysia

manajemen PT Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) juga mengincar perbankan di Vietnam dan Malaysia.

9 Dec 11:01 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213395285008.html
Are Articles of Impeachment Coming As Soon As This Week?

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler wants to get the impeachment ball rolling. So much so that he hinted on "Meet the Press" on Sunday that Congress may introduce their articles of impeachment against President Trump as early as this week.

9 Dec 14:27 Townhall 6083908946947597918.html
Nuchterheid over scheur in vloerconstructie Deventer parkeerdek: "We sporten gewoon door"

Zware halters denderen op het beton, twee verdiepingen boven het afgesloten parkeerdek aan de Deventer Beestenmarkt. Sportschool Fit for Free draait op maandag op volle toeren. "Als het niet veilig is, hadden we het wel gehoord", zegt een sporter.

9 Dec 14:52 RTV Oost 6509131171619675103.html
Streiks: Frankreich: Verkehrschaos im Großraum Paris

Die anhaltenden Streiks Bereits den fünften Tag in Folge wird in Frankreich wegen der anstehenden Pensionsreform gestreikt.gegen die Pensionsreform haben im Pariser Großraum ein Verkehrschaos verursacht. Der Verkehr staute sich Montagfrüh zeitweise auf mehr als 600 Kilometern, wie der Verkehrsdienst Sytadin mitteilte. Normalerweise sind es etwa halb so viele. Auch am Montag wurden die Pariser Metro und die Vorstadtzüge wieder bestreikt.

9 Dec 14:49 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699009455415.html
Lidl und dm eröffnen Preiskampf bei Tampons und Damenbinden

Die Senkung des Mehrwertsteuersatzes auf Menstruationsartikel tritt eigentlich erst 2020 in Kraft. Doch der Handel senkt die Preise bereits jetzt.

9 Dec 08:20 Handelsblatt 4721373940317172113.html
Paso peatonal en Camelinas divide opiniones; fue mal planificado, especialista y autoridad lo defiende

El paso peatonal ubicado en la avenida Camelinas, fue instalado de manera incorrecta, considera el urbanista Salvador García Espinosa

9 Dec 11:35 MiMorelia 5599511490295454195.html
Ennser Innovationskonzept gewinnt weiteren EU-Award für Österreich

Nach dem Gewinn des EU Rural Inspiration Awards in Brüssel dieses Jahr erhält Enns eine zweite Auszeichnung der EU.

9 Dec 14:37 OTS.at 4182160712082407262.html
Bestätigt: Russland droht WM-Ausschluss

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat Russland für vier Jahre von allen sportlichen Großereignissen ausgeschlossen. Die WADA gab am heutigen Montag die Entscheidung der Strafe aufgrund von manipulierten (...)

9 Dec 10:53 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784731282673.html
Don Pasquale reisst im Zürcher Operhaus das Publikum vom Hocker

Die alte Geschichte von Gaetano Donizetti wird im Operhaus frisch und modern inszeniert.

9 Dec 16:02 SRF 8424707179216166705.html
Soldado de las FDI alcanzado por rayo durante entrenamiento

El joven de 19 años que fue alcanzado por un rayo en el norte de Israel, era un soldado de las FDI que estaba realizando un entrenamiento.

9 Dec 15:19 Noticias de Israel 5887715889106741285.html
Kali Pertama, Universitas Pasundan Menjadi Tuan Rumah Pertemuan Internasional GAJE 2019

Untuk kali pertama, Universitas Pasundan, Bandung menjadi tuan rumah perhelatan akbar Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) 2019.

9 Dec 08:30 hukumonline.com 2042817838531434903.html
Na Severnoprimorskem konec tedna huje poškodovani dve mladoletni osebi

Severnoprimorski policisti so konec tedna obravnavali dve hudi poškodbi mladoletne osebe. V soboto je v Goriških Brdih otroka povozil traktor, zaradi hudih poškodb je v oskrbi v UKC Ljubljana. Že v petek zvečer pa je mladoletnik padel z balkona hiše v Godoviču in si huje poškodoval hrbtenico. Tudi njega so na zdravljenje odpeljali v UKC Ljubljana.

9 Dec 15:30 Dnevnik 7671546649885110138.html
Forsberg erklärt seinen verblüffenden Formanstieg

Zwei Tore gegen Benfica, zwei Treffer gegen Köln - Emil Forsberg fühlt sich seit Wochen in Topform und hat großen Anteil am Vorstoß von RB Leipzig auf Platz zwei der Fußball-Bundesliga.

9 Dec 08:54 weltfussball.at 3521376372869871728.html
How Understanding Your Good or Bad Photos Can Improve Your Photography

Landscape photography is an art. That is for sure. It is a way for us to express our emotions when in a location and capture a scene forever. With social media, you could easily be mistaken to think that I good photo is the one with the most likes or comments. Or you may think a good photo is one that wins a competition. But this is somebody else’s interpretation of a good photo. It is missing a key ingredient and that is YOU.

9 Dec 17:55 Petapixel 4288413233845093937.html
Airtel Launches No-expiry Data and Voice Bundles

The new offerings are targeted towards customers who are looking to meet their communication needs with ease and not worry about...

9 Dec 10:17 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154145233619.html
Nadal, Djokovic, and other stars to play at Mubadala World Tennis Championship

Nadal and Djokovic are amongst the stars who will play at the unofficial exhibition tournament.

9 Dec 17:13 sportskeeda 1601194028177481675.html
'Unwell' Pankaja Munde skips regional BJP meet

Maharashtra BJP leader Pankaja Munde, who is reportedly sulking since her defeat in the October 21 Assembly polls, on Monday remained absent for the party's regional level meeting in Aurangabad.

9 Dec 16:33 Deccan Herald 2027555797786560470.html
Damares em segundo lugar

Apesar dos sinais de melhora na economia, Paulo Guedes manteve os mesmos números no Datafolha: 39% de ótimo ou bom...

9 Dec 09:45 O Antagonista 1037429653798943372.html
I Will Declare as a Muslim If Parliament Passes Citizenship Amendment Bill, Says Harsh Mander

Citizenship (Amendment) Bill Citizenship Bill Harsh Mander India Airing anguish against the controversial ​Citizenship Amendment Bill, writer and activist Harsh Mander sa

9 Dec 14:40 DoolNews 6727595480792946831.html
Gaet Yayasan Hang Tuah, Kelas Pintar Sambangi 51 Sekolah

Yayasan Hang Tuah sepakat menggunakan solusi Kelas Pintar dalam proses belajar-mengajar di seluruh sekolah yang ada di bawah naungan yayasannya.

9 Dec 08:25 detikinet 7802439222823528263.html
Real Madrid Bisa Selamat dari Ancaman Sanksi FFP, Begini Solusinya

Real Madrid disebut terancam sanksi Financial Fair Play (FFP) pada akhir musim 2019/2020. Namun, keputusan ini masih belum final

9 Dec 13:26 Bola.net 5489959028282639232.html
Column: Domme beslissingen door tekort aan tijd en geld

„Ruim je spullen eens snel op! Anders doe ik het wel, op mijn manier!” Na een drukke dag komen er vooral bozige woorden uit richting de kinderen. Terwijl ik nog zo van plan was om aardig en rustig te zijn. Het lukt weer niet. Hoe komt dat? Door vermoeidheid en drukte is het lastiger om me te beheersen. Ik kom tijd tekort om uit te rusten en mezelf tot de orde te roepen.

9 Dec 09:55 RD.nl 6406779840931362975.html
Viral! Pernikahan Nenek Asal Makassar Temukan Jodoh di Usia 56 Tahun

Menikah di usia 56 tahun, Nenek ini tampak cantik dengan riasan pengantinnya.

9 Dec 10:10 moms-life 8028540702935396645.html
Zwangere vrouw en twee dochters vermoord vanwege affaire: speurder onthult hoe ze Chris Watts tot bekentenissen dwong

Een schijnbaar perfecte familieman die zijn zwangere vrouw en twee dochters meedogenloos wurgde: de zaak rond Chris Watts lokte over de hele wereld een pak verontwaardiging uit. De Amerikaan ontken...

9 Dec 12:54 HLN 8967494997251297148.html
Jumia Closes Shop In Rwanda Days After Exiting Cameroon, Tanzania

Jumia has closed its shop in Rwanda after six years of operation, days after exiting Tanzanian and Cameroonian market.In a message to its customers the New York-listed e-commerce platform said it

9 Dec 17:44 KahawaTungu 3304128542925472225.html
Rai News, il giallo dell'intervista di Monica Maggioni ad Assad

Ultimatum di Assad: "Trasmettetela o la mando in onda io"

9 Dec 09:44 Affari Italiani 6123405403256915546.html
NASA unveils stunning photo of Geminids Meteor Shower ahead of peak this weekend

NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day is this stunning photo of the Geminids Meteor Shower, which was snapped in Chile in 2013

9 Dec 13:18 mirror 675785260833671794.html
China claims all Uighur Muslims have happily 'graduated' from its oppressive prison camp system, despite widespread reports that at least 1 million are detained

Xinjiang governor Shohrat Zakir claimed that everyone had "graduated" from "vocational training camps," found employment, and are leading happy lives.

9 Dec 12:23 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748273137338.html
Smart Electric Bike Startup Cowboy Set to Launch Equity Crowdfunding Raise on Crowdcube

Cowboy, a Belgium-based smart electric bike startup, has announced plans to launch an equity crowdfunding campaign on Crowdcube later this week. The funding rou

9 Dec 16:48 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072569006863.html
Tesla Model 3 Owner Fails To Understand How Autopilot Works

No matter how advanced, technology is not always perfect. Such is the case of the Tesla Autopilot system. D...

9 Dec 16:30 CarBuzz 4034462236143157515.html
Huge fight breaks out at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park

'Everyone was getting pushed back but there was nowhere to go.'

9 Dec 10:20 Metro 970161748052131407.html
Watchdogs Take Aim at Big Tech's Data Dominance

Google, Alibaba and other “Big Tech” companies could be forced to share data on financial services customers with banks and financial technology firms to prevent unfair competition.

9 Dec 09:34 TOLO news 5578851438891159663.html
Red Dead Online's Trader And Collector Roles Need More Content

Back in September of this year, Rockstar added roles to Red Dead Online. These roles greatly improved the game, giving players something to work towards and also offered players new content and abilities to unlock while earning some in-game cash. But these roles haven’t received equal amounts of love and this has...

9 Dec 17:30 Kotaku Australia 2018810246516074566.html
Red Dead Online's Trader And Collector Roles Need More Content

This isn’t the first time Rockstar has added something cool to one of their online games, only to never really do anything with it.

9 Dec 09:53 Kotaku UK 2577526045633681270.html
Cardi B lits up the stage at her concert in Ghana with stunning performance

Cardi B performance Ghana To end her show, Cardi gave away her beautiful wig by throwing it into the crowd who struggled for it

9 Dec 10:14 GHANA PAGE 8986860742283789710.html
Gauteng's multibillion-rand strategy to end hunger in the province | The Star

MEC Panyaza Lesufi says the strategy will provide solid services that will move them from dependency to independence.

9 Dec 10:20 www.iol.co.za 17825112294644196.html
Gelandang Timnas U-23 Sudah Kenal Permainan Vietnam

Pemain Timnas U-23, Sani Rizki Fauzi, ingin membawa pulang medali emas SEA Games.

9 Dec 14:30 Tempo 6731898376489023370.html
Ketua KOI Puji Peselancar Filipina yang Selamatkan Atlet Indonesia di SEA Games 2019

Aksi peselancar Filipina yang menolong atlet Indonesia di SEA Games 2019 menuai pujian dari banyak pihak.

9 Dec 16:30 Bola.com 1695722603474855996.html
Former 'Islamic State matchmaker' Tooba Gondal deported from Turkey to France as part of repatriation attempt

A former London university student accused of being an Islamic State recruiter has been deported from Turkey to France, alongside her two children, as part of an attempt by the Ankara government to repatriate foreigners who joined the terror group. Tooba Gondal, who lived in Walthamstow before travelling to Syria in 2015, is among four former IS members flown to Paris this morning with their seven children. Gondal is a French citizen but had permanent British residence until the Home Office issued an exclusion order in 2017.

9 Dec 13:18 ITV News 2184971256534713470.html
Werkstraf voor vervoeren van 2 kilo wiettoppen

Voor het vervoeren van ruim twee kilo wiettoppen is een 23-jarige man uit Uithuizen veroordeeld tot een werkstaf van 60 uur.

9 Dec 15:45 RTV Noord 3728677366368550966.html
Der Tag, an dem sich das Schwergewichtsboxen beerdigte

«Kämpfen kann jeder, Boxen nur die wenigsten», lautet ein gängiges Bonmot. Das wurde auch am Samstag klar. Joshua hat sich im Gegensatz zum ersten Kampf im Sommer gegen Ruiz gut vorbereitet, wusste um seine Stärken – und Ruiz’ Schwächen. Der Brite hielt den Mexiko-Amerikaner auf Distanz, machte sich die körperlichen Vorteile und seine Reichweite zunutze und wich dem Infight konsequent aus. Spannung kam während zwölf Runden nie auf. Für Ruiz setzte es in der ersten Runde einen Cut am linken Auge ab, der Höhepunkt des Kampfes war damit bereits erreicht. Joshua war fit, spulte seinen Tanz über die volle Distanz ab. Respekt an dieser Stelle für seine Ausdauer. Der 30-Jährige profitierte auch davon, dass der Ring die grösstmögliche Grösse hatte – ohnehin war der Kampf komplett auf Joshua ausgelegt. Böse Zungen behaupten, der Brite sei vor Ruiz davongerannt. Joshua-Anhänger halten dagegen, dass Boxen eben auch Taktik sei. Recht haben sie.

9 Dec 12:11 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667608828899108.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill an attempt by govt to distract people from its failures on NRC, economy: Congress

Congress leader Gaurav Gogoi said the bill is in violation of many articles of the Constitution and the basic spirit of the Preamble which talks of equality, liberty and fraternity. Claiming that the BJP is "digging a political graveyard" for its NDA allies from northeastern states, Gogoi appealed to those parties to vote with their conscience.

9 Dec 17:39 The Economic Times 7653256038005393564.html
Torino capitale delle nuove armi italiane?

Il Polo dell’industria 4.0 da collocare negli ex stabilimenti Fiat di Mirafiori, poi l’Aerospace & Defense Meetings, infine la concessione della città di Torino a Leonardo dell’uso gratuito di un’area complessiva di 230 mila mq (in parte di proprietà della stessa Leonardo). Il tutto con la collaborazione di Università e Politecnico. Tutto questo per fare cosa? Da Caselle uscirà il primo dei 28 Eurofighter Typhoon ordinati dal Kuwait

9 Dec 10:05 VITA 7700876770849653982.html
YellowScan investit pour sa croissance

Trois ans après sa première levée de fonds, Yellowscan (cartographie par drones) réalise plus de 6 M€ de chiffre d’affaires. Pour accompagner sa croissance et celle de sa maison-mère, l’Avion Jaune, la société héraultaise déménage à Saint-Clément-de-Rivière et recrute 15 personnes.

9 Dec 11:08 La Tribune 1752673655630471993.html
PHX PD: Juvenile accused of firing gun near private police academy

A minor teen is accused of firing shots outside a private police and fire academy in Phoenix.

9 Dec 17:29 ABC15 Arizona 911680911752523989.html
Child rapist who wrote sick book on abuse stories dies of severe heart attack in Edinburgh prison

A CHILD rapist who wrote a book based on his own campaign of abuse was killed by a severe heart attack behind bars, a sheriff has ruled. Hugh Mitchell, 69, was caged for 10 years and 10 months in 2…

9 Dec 11:28 The Scottish Sun 6609127674377500817.html
Ghislaine Maxwell planning TV tell-all about Epstein scandal

Accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell is the latest in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal planning a major TV interview — in part to defend her disgraced pal Prince Andrew, according to a report Monday. The

9 Dec 14:02 New York Post 7654946769440691738.html
Construction of roads in Ugbowo to commence soon, Obaseki assures

The Edo State Governor, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, has reaffirmed his support for the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin...

9 Dec 15:27 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901540630883.html
Libur Natal Dan Tahun Baru, Pertamina Beri Diskon Avtur 20 Persen di Indonesia Timur

Pemilihan bandara-bandara tersebut berdasarkan pada data peningkatan kebutuhan avtur yang cukup tinggi selama masa liburan natal dan tahun baru. Rata-rata kenaikan konsumsi avtur di bandara tersebut mencapai lebih dari 20 persen.

9 Dec 09:33 merdeka.com 1998180355683124218.html
An Industry in Transition: ThinCats Exits P2P Lending to Focus only on Institutional Money

Last week, P2P property lender Landbay announced it would no longer accept retail money as it moved away from the peer to peer lending model. Managing P2P inves

9 Dec 14:27 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072980411211.html
Empleados toman la planta de Materfer en protesta por despidos

Los empleados de la empresa Materiales Ferroviarios SA (Materfer) decidieron tomar la fábrica luego de una asamblea realizada este lunes en protesta contra 21 despidos, informaron voceros de la...

9 Dec 16:40 La Voz 6237180760384086235.html
Mandat verkauft? Geschäftsmann will Verfahren gegen Strache neu aufrollen

Ernst Neumayer wirft dem Ex-FPÖ-Chef vor, ein Nationalratsmandat an Oligarchen verkauft zu haben. Schon einmal strebte er deshalb einen Prozess an – und verlor.

9 Dec 11:23 Die Presse 6242788854604149705.html
Herido mientras manipulaba una escopeta de caza

El suceso tenía lugar en Herencia. La Policía Judicial ya investiga las causas

9 Dec 13:09 Cadena SER 8390941984387387787.html
Kenneth Hayne's climate rebuke 'unfair'

Australia's biggest pure-play coal miner believes the High Court judge's criticism of Australian company directors on climate risk was unfair.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284488168916768.html
Senate approves bill to merge HEART Trust/NTA with NYS and JFLL

A bill which seeks to merge the functions of the HEART Trust/NTA with the National Youth Service (NYS), the Apprenticeship Board and the Jamaican Foundation for Lifelong Learning (JFLL), was approved by the Senate on Friday. The Human Employment...

9 Dec 14:42 The Gleaner 1215260528543328030.html
China claims all Uighur Muslims have happily 'graduated' from its oppressive prison camp system, despite widespread reports that at least 1 million are detained, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Xinjiang governor Shohrat Zakir claimed that everyone had "graduated" from "vocational training camps," found employment, and are leading happy lives.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 11:10 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757167744698.html
Game of Thrones brutally snubbed by Golden Globes in nominations shocker

Hit HBO fantasy drama Game of Thrones has been snubbed by 77th Golden Globe Awards following controversial final season

9 Dec 14:51 mirror 675785260186966207.html
Tantangan IPO Startup Kecil Lebih Berat Ketimbang Unicorn, Solusinya. . .

WE Online, Jakarta - Memperoleh modal usaha dari pasar modal semakin diminati banyak perusahaan rintisan (startup). Hanya saja, tidak setiap perusahaan rintisan memiliki peluang yang sama untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan investor dan mengantongi dana segar melalui initial public offering (IPO).

9 Dec 12:30 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834827064639.html
Brady und New England verloren in NFL erneut

Quarterback-Superstar Tom Brady hat mit den New England Patriots in der amerikanischen Football-Liga NFL die zweite Niederlage in Folge hinnehmen müssen. Der Super-Bowl-Champion unterlag am Sonntag (Ortszeit) den Kansas City Chiefs 16:23. Der 42-jährige Brady verbuchte wie sein Gegenüber, Liga-MVP (wertvollster Spieler) Patrick Mahomes, einen Touchdown und eine Interception.

9 Dec 09:39 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084602949446.html
Dopingskandal: Russland für 4 Jahre ausgeschlossen

Russland ist von der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur Wada für 4 Jahre von sämtlichen Grossanlässen ausgeschlossen worden.

9 Dec 10:32 SRF 8424707180757462560.html
DFB ehrt Siegfried Fester vom SV Karsau

Für seine Vereinsengagement hat der Südbadischen Fußballverband im Namen des DFB Siegfried Fester vom Sportverein Karsau mit dem Ehrenamtspreis 2019 ausgezeichnet.

9 Dec 16:57 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427006691743.html
Im blauen Licht der Blue Church Night

Das Programm mit Lyrik und Musik „Es weihnachtet“ bietet eine zeitgemäße Besinnlichkeit in der „Blue Church“.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108781737915.html
Tiktok reconoció haber ocultado el contenido de usuarios gordos, homosexuales y discapacitados

Si bien TikTok se ha convertido paulatinamente en una de las aplicaciones de mayor uso a nivel mundial con mas de mil millones de descargas, lo cierto es que, a diferencia de otras redes sociales, TikTok parece tener criterios que excluyen el contenido de cierto de tipo de personas en la plataforma. Esto, tras haber reconocido

9 Dec 13:15 eju.tv 4688901771340896885.html
Kinderen doen dementie even vergeten in Zonnehuis Bovenkerk

AMSTELVEEN – De vingers gaan bij buitenschoolse opvang Majest massaal de lucht in als Danny Molenaar aan de kinderen vraagt wie meegaat richting het verzorgingstehuis. Een groep van zes kinderen levert wekelijks een portie energie af bij ouderen met dementie in Zonnehuis Bovenkerk. ”We komen elke woensdag hier naartoe om spelletjes te doen, muziek te maken …

9 Dec 09:49 RTVA 4011379848585983644.html
Ini Dia Dirut Bank Mandiri yang Baru, Royke Tumilaar

KBRN, Jakarta : Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir baru saja menunjuk mantan Direktur Corporate Banking Bank Mandiri Royke Tumilaar, untuk duduk di posisi baru sebagai Direktur

9 Dec 12:04 RRI News Portal 6700853644651592183.html
Task team established to fight congestion at Cape Town port | IOL News

Western Cape MEC for economic affairs David Maynier said he has established a task team to solve ongoing congestion in the Cape Town port.

9 Dec 12:58 www.iol.co.za 17825112790854077.html
NSE raises Sh8.7mn to support cancer control initiatives

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - The Nairobi Securities Exchange raised Sh8.7 Million in cash and in kind in its fifth annual Charity Trading Day bringing the total amount raised over the course of five years

9 Dec 13:47 Capital Business 7605153803781073721.html
Barriere architettoniche e accessibilità: a Milano nasce Craba

Debutta un nuovo servizio, frutto di collaborazione tra Comune di Milano, Fondazione Cariplo e Ledha, per dare supporto tecnico ai cittadini che intendono abbattere le barriere architettoniche nelle proprie abitazioni. Il Comune farà interventi su 10 appartamenti pilota. Ma le barriere architettoniche non solo l'unico focus...

9 Dec 10:28 VITA 7700876770045789787.html
Respons Ketua KPK, Sri Mulyani Mau Seragamkan Gaji PNS?

Demikian disampaikan Sri Mulyani di gedung KPK, Jakarta, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 09:29 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212983940723.html
Gegevensbank ‘terrorist fighters’ wordt uitgebreid

De gemeenschappelijke gegevensbank terrorist fighters, die de opsporing van terrorisme en extremisme door de verschillende overheidsdiensten moet faciliteren, wordt uitgebreid. Dat kondigt viceprem...

9 Dec 10:26 HLN 8967494997867271205.html
Il Paradiso delle Signore, anticipazioni: Marta ha un malore

La storia d’amore tra Marta (Gloria Radulescu) e Vittorio (Alessandro Tersigni), che ha tenuto banco nella passata stagione de Il Paradiso delle Signore, dopo le nozze è passata in secondo piano. Ma per i due il vero lieto fine non è ancora arrivato, dal momento che la ricerca di un figlio creerà alla giovane Guarnieri non pochi problemi, a partire da un malore che si verificherà già questa settimana. I dettagli nelle anticipazioni che seguono.

9 Dec 13:20 DavideMaggio.it 221510838076602777.html
Brady und New England verloren in NFL erneut

Quarterback-Superstar Tom Brady hat mit den New England Patriots in der amerikanischen Football-Liga NFL die zweite Niederlage in Folge hinnehmen müssen. Der Super-Bowl-Champion unterlag am Sonntag (Ortszeit) den Kansas City Chiefs 16:23. Der 42-jährige Brady verbuchte wie sein Gegenüber, Liga-MVP (wertvollster Spieler) Patrick Mahomes, einen Touchdown und eine Interception. Die Patriots bleiben dennoch mit zehn […]

9 Dec 09:35 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170547307404.html
Creating Rent The Runway For Jewelry Lovers

Jewelry rental platform Switch aims to make it easy for consumers to rent, use and return jewelry they might like to wear but not own.

9 Dec 16:00 PYMNTS.com 7357138824859461167.html
Jelang Oscar, Parasite Jadi Film Terbaik LA Film Critics

'Parasite' meraih tiga penghargaan dalam Los Angeles Film Critics Association, salah satunya adalah Best Pictures.

9 Dec 17:52 hiburan 6599523173965050773.html
Hoping to reach trade agreement with US soon: China

Beijing hopes that it can reach a trade agreement with the United States that satisfies both sides as soon as possible, China's Assistant Commerce Minister Ren Hongbin said on Monday. Ren made the

9 Dec 12:45 Deccan Herald 2027555796236813058.html
In Focus: Chelsea's Champions League opponents Lille

Christophe Galtier's side are strong in Ligue 1 but prop up Group H.

9 Dec 17:29 Sports Mole 7750663360642496337.html
Mehrere US-Bundesstaaten wollen Deal verhindern: Showdown in New York: Scheitert T-Mobiles Mega-Fusion mit Sprint vor Gericht?

Seit Jahren versucht die Telekom, ihre Tochter T-Mobile US mit Sprint zusammenzubringen, doch der kartellrechtliche Widerstand in den USA ist groß: Mehrere US-Bundesstaaten wollen den Milliarden-Deal verhindern. Vor Gericht geht es jetzt auch um die Zukunft des US-Mobilfunkmarkts und politische Machtkämpfe.

9 Dec 09:03 FOCUS Online 4448121230816025306.html
Finland's Sanna Marin set to be world's youngest Prime Minister

At 34, Sanna Marin also becomes one of the world's youngest state leaders, ahead of Ukraine's prime minister Oleksiy Honcharuk, who is currently 35.

9 Dec 10:34 The New Indian Express 4718288653111647128.html
The FBI is now investigating the Pensacola Navy base shooting as act of terrorism

Three young troops were killed and eight people were injured when 21-year-old 2nd Lt. Mohammed Alshamrani of the Royal Saudi Air Force opened fire.

9 Dec 12:41 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747165024018.html
Ondo driver: Court remands killer cop in prison

Peter Dada, Akure An Ondo State Magistrates

9 Dec 16:42 Punch Newspapers 3524240995451321662.html
WhatsApp ending support for millions of phones later this month

If you're not using a Windows Phone, you'll probably be alright

9 Dec 09:46 Metro 970161747709136717.html
Northerns name former Titans captain to fill Faul's CEO shoes

Northerns Cricket Union announced the appointment of Pierre Joubert as their interim chief executive officer, effective immediately.

9 Dec 14:18 Sport 682566035912356517.html
Basketball: French player Guerschon Yabusele fined in China for not looking at flag

BEIJING: A French former NBA player has been reprimanded and fined US$1,400 by sports officials in China for not looking at the Chinese flag ...

9 Dec 16:09 CNA 5644198863041254258.html
Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters Shares Selfie With Fellow South African Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi

Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters couldn’t contain her excitement when Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019. The model, who won the same title in 2017, congratulated her fellow South African and ...

9 Dec 11:51 The Inquisitr 1745625231539366679.html
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala voices support for Fortis-IHH deal, says no link to Singh brothers

Expressing shareholders' concerns over lag in IHH's planned open offer for Fortis, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala stressed that the deal was "fair" and IHH should conclude it since the open offer has been pending for a year

9 Dec 08:43 Business Today 1145527431251502210.html
Road linking Timaru and Ashburton reopening midday

Road crews have worked long hours overnight to make progress on reopening a road link between Timaru and Ashburton.

9 Dec 10:41 SCOOP 5315659000341657452.html
Afghanistan, kamikaze su autobomba: 10 soldati morti/ Talebani rivendicano attentato

Afghanistan, kamikaze su autobomba: almeno 10 morti tra militari e paramilitari. L'attentato già rivendicato dai talebani.

9 Dec 09:37 IlSussidiario 495412293040477081.html
Hong Kong protest, largest in weeks, stretches several miles

The huge turnout was a reminder to China’s leader, Xi Jinping, that the monthslong campaign against his authoritarian policies still had broad support in Hong Kong despite a weakening economy and increasingly violent clashes between protesters and police.

9 Dec 08:10 The Indian Express 2885715105813380037.html
Lee County announces Principal of the Year and Assistant Principal of the Year

The School District of Lee County has announced their Principal of the Year and Assistant Principal of the Year for 2019.

9 Dec 14:23 Fox 4 8372747777571566258.html
Winds Might Be Changing For Vestas

The company has grown fast in a favorable market environment, having a 5-year CAGR if 8%.Despite the record-high order backlog in Q3/2019, the company identified the impact of tariffs and increased ex

9 Dec 12:29 Seeking Alpha 5725634556891044291.html
Lampard challenges young Chelsea players to step up

Frank Lampard has challenged his young Chelsea players to "make a mark" ahead of their crucial Champions League match against Lille on Tuesday after a series of poor results took the shine off their season.

9 Dec 15:25 Pulse Live 3606876836592090776.html
Tips Kecantikan: Cara Menghilangkan Noda Hitam di Wajah, Gunakan Cuka Apel hingga Lidah Buaya

Tips Kecantikan: Simak Cara Menghilangkan Noda Hitam di Wajah, Gunakan Cuka Apel hingga Lidah Buaya

9 Dec 12:51 Tribunnews.com 3323534446576032463.html
BREAKING Woman dies after taking early-morning swim in the sea

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story

9 Dec 11:23 mirror 675785261435335157.html
Miss South Africa named Miss Universe as Irish datanaut gives stiff competition

Miss South Africa was crowned this year's winner of the Miss Universe title.

9 Dec 08:54 Independent.ie 5894610845756460166.html
Agencia Mundial Antidopaje expulsa a Rusia de las competiciones internacionales durante cuatro años

La sanción afecta para los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020 y los de invierno 2022, y al Mundial de Fútbol de 2022. Los deportistas inocentes podrán participar bajo bandera neutral.

9 Dec 11:34 24Horas.cl 793283386431817259.html
A look inside Intare Arena in Kigali

The facility was built to spur Rwanda's meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions (MICE) segment

9 Dec 10:59 Daily Nation 7421817125271987965.html
Preis-Skandal um Sondertrikots! BVB-Fans laufen Sturm

Borussia Dortmund begeisterte seine Anhänger beim letzten Bundesliga-Heimspiel gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf (5:0) mit einem Sondertrikot. Unter dem Motto "Kohle & Stahl: Seit 110 Jahren mit unserer Heimat tief verwurzelt" trugen die BVB-Stars ein komplett schwarzes Jersey, welches sowohl bei Spielern als auch bei der Anhängerschaft bestens ankam. Dennoch folgt nun der große Ärger.

9 Dec 12:39 weltfussball.at 3521376372754555540.html
Off-duty police officer due in court to face manslaughter charge in deadly Brooklyn crash

An off-duty officer was arrested and charged after a two-car crash in Brooklyn left a passenger dead and another person seriously injured.

9 Dec 10:46 ABC7 New York 7327811147651501653.html
Regina residents prepare to have their say at city council budget talks

As city council prepares to deliberate the City of Regina’s proposed 2020 general operating budget Monday night, 39 residents are poised and ready to give their thoughts.

9 Dec 12:30 Regina Leader-Post 1297111427170744939.html
Punta Gorda Christmas Parade ready to hit the street this weekend

Southwest Florida residents and visitors are invited to come out and enjoy a Punta Gorda holiday tradition this weekend.

9 Dec 13:00 Fox 4 8372747777596580543.html
Maguire says top four in sight for improving Manchester United

Harry Maguire has the top four in his crosshairs after Manchester United's thrilling derby triumph at Manchester City lifted them to fifth in the EPL table.

9 Dec 09:29 Vanguard News 4125100340036287398.html
A Question of Being and struggle for identity

With the opening of his new body of work at the new Temple Muse, Victoria Island, Lagos, Emeka Udemba has joined the teeming African creative

9 Dec 08:34 Vanguard News 4125100339172531101.html
Orche di Genova, morto il piccolo

Le orche non riprendono il largo, caso più unico che raro nel Mediterraneo, e all'appello ora manca il piccolo che era stato sostenuto a galla dagli adulti nei giorni scorsi

9 Dec 16:02 National Geographic 8909623151412719715.html
Detienen a exbombero acusado de participar en incendios en Rancagua

Michael Contreras fue detenido por la PDI y será formalizado durante este lunes por incendios reiterados.

9 Dec 13:42 24Horas.cl 793283385966734502.html
Abbandonano i rifiuti, beccati e multati due chivassesi

Abbandonano i rifiuti, beccati e multati due chivassesi grazie al controllo con fototrappole  promosso dall'Amministrazione guidata da Claudio Castello. 

9 Dec 11:51 La Nuova Periferia 1387373625556589197.html
Daniel Lopatin On Scoring Uncut Gems

Daniel Lopatin, otherwise known as Oneohtrix Point Never, takes us inside the process behind his second Safdie brothers collaboration.

9 Dec 12:14 Stereogum 5911871584156620824.html
Roma, incidente stradale: donna investita mentre attraversa la strada

Incidente stradale questa mattina, lunedì 9 dicembre, a Roma, nel quartiere Portuense. Secondo quanto ricostruito, il sinistro sarebbe avvenuto intorno alle ore 8,00: un’auto, una Peugeot 107, in transito lungo via Pietro Frattini all’altezza di via Lenin, avrebbe travolto una donna, una trentunenne, mentre stava attraversando la strada. A dare l’allarme i passanti che hanno […]

9 Dec 14:26 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339078179489.html
Eisenbichler sucht den Weg aus dem Tal

Dreifach-Weltmeister Markus Eisenbichler steckt nach einem Null-Punkte-Wochenende in der Krise. Nun naht die Vierschanzentournee.

9 Dec 13:49 sport.de 3321967093041600742.html
Lebensgefährliche Messerattacke in Kelkheim: Deshalb ist der Prozess geplatzt

Der Prozess vor dem Landgericht Frankfurt um eine blutige Messerattacke auf dem Marktplatz in Kelkheim ist geplatzt.

9 Dec 15:43 TAG24 4583887875194511713.html
Lagi-lagi Dilapori Soal Video Anak Angkatnya Sentuh Bagian Sensitif Sarwendah yang Bikin Heboh Netizen, Ruben Onsu Malah Buru-buru Waktu Ingin Dikonfirmasi: 'Makasih Ya!'

Belum lama ini nama keluarga Ruben Onsu sempat menjadi perbincangan dalam media sosial Twitter. Semua itu bermula dari sini.

9 Dec 08:44 grid.id 586386475306034304.html
Scientists Find a Weak Spot In Some Superbugs' Defenses

Researchers have found a new way to attack some of the bacteria behind treatment-resistant infections. An anonymous reader shares a report from Wired: In 2004, a 64-year-old woman in Indiana had a catheter put in to help with dialysis. Soon after the procedure, she came to a local hospital with low ...

9 Dec 10:30 science.slashdot.org 3975130317104419455.html
Incontro pubblico a Pont-Saint-Martin sulla frana di Quincinetto

PONT-SAINT-MARTIN. Venerdì prossimo, 13 dicembre, nel salone polivalente del palazzetto dello sport di Pont-Saint-Martin si svolgerà un incontro pubblico sulla frana di Quincinetto. Il presidente della Regione Antonio Fosson e l'assessore regionale ai trasporti Luigi Bertschy incontreranno la popolazione per fare il punto della situazione sulla viabilità e sugli interventi di messa in sicurezza del traffico tra la Valle d'Aosta ed il Piemonte. "La Frana di Quincinetto - assicurano Fosson e Bertschy - è un dossier sul quale il Governo regionale mantiene la massima attenzione. Il monitoraggio è costante e questo ci permette di ottenere, in tempo reale, dati sul movimento franoso di Quincinetto, consentendoci, qualora necessario, di attivare il piano di viabilità alternativa per continuare a garantire il traffico nazionale e internazionale in Valle d’Aosta". redazione

9 Dec 08:23 Aostaoggi.it 8718172644142112472.html
La piazza di Appignano accoglie il Natale

FESTE - Accese le luci in centro con l'albero alto quasi dieci metri. Prossimi appuntamenti il 14 dicembre con lo spettacolo di Gospel e il 15 con i mercatini a tema

9 Dec 15:21 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196040372195.html
No reason that employment has come down due to demonetisation, says Gangwar

In response to remarks that demonetisation has severely impacted jobs, the Union minister said the government is implementing various schemes for generating more employment.

9 Dec 08:34 The Indian Express 2885715104357276226.html
Bosch präsentiert Features für Smarthome-Heizungsregler

Bosch stellt neue Funktionen für den WLAN-fähigen Heizungsregler von Bosch, Easycontrol, vor. Für 2020 sei die Vernetzung mit dem Sprachassistenten Alexa und eine Anbindung mit Homecom-Pro geplant.

9 Dec 13:53 www.cetoday.ch 4667961262377554168.html
Eerste nominaties TV+ zijn voor The Morning Show

The Morning Show is de eerste serie van Apple TV+ die nominaties voor internationale prijzen heeft binnengesleept. Naar verluidt zou Apple flink lobbyen.

9 Dec 17:36 One More Thing 8814996068198201951.html
Manifestantes irrumpen en el edificio de la oficina del primer ministro de Malta

Unos 40 activistas han irrumpido en el edificio que alberga la oficina del primer ministro de Malta, Joseph Muscat, a primera hora de este lunes para reclama...

9 Dec 10:37 naiz: 7509038604191377633.html
Supreme Court leaves Kentucky’s ultrasound law in place

The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients before abortions

9 Dec 14:46 WVLT 4089046911978323444.html
Efforts to reduce plastic during Paryaya of Admar Mutt

Efforts would be made to reduce the use of plastic during the Paryaya period (2020-22) of Admar Mutt here. M.B. Puranik, President of the Sri Krishna Seva Balaga, told presspersons today that it was t

9 Dec 12:10 The Hindu 6679535025944396117.html
Sturgeon suggests EU vote would take place before indyref

The First Minister reiterated her view that another Scottish referendum should be held towards the end of 2020.

9 Dec 09:40 Express & Star 7324224460103676990.html
New Zealand volcano: British citizens among those missing or injured as five people killed in White Island eruption

The rise of 'volcano tourism' – a disaster waiting to happen Subscribe for just £1 per week - 50% off Families of British tourists are searching for information about their loved ones feared to have been caught up in a volcanic eruption that is believed to have killed 13 people. Jacinda Ardern

9 Dec 15:26 Yahoo 7097669638257091655.html
Salt Debuts Alternative Remote for Apple TV

Swiss TV and internet provider Salt has launched an alternative remote for the Apple TV.

9 Dec 16:46 iClarified 2561039882594574919.html
Police to file SLP on death sentence for child rapist

Warangal Police Commissioner V. Ravinder on Monday stated that they would file a Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court on reducing the death sentence of Polepaka Praveen (26), who was convicted

9 Dec 16:39 The Hindu 6679535025817448980.html
Rocket Internet und United Internet lösen Beteiligungen auf

Die Beteiligung an Rocket Internet hat für United Internet keinen großen strategischen Wert mehr. Die beiden lösen ihre Verbindungen im Wert von einer Viertelmilliarde Euro auf.

9 Dec 12:33 Golem.de 3063982245130816399.html
Vodacom, SAPS power crime prevention via app

MySAPS app is part of Vodacom’s journey towards being a ‘purpose-led’ organisation, says Vodacom Business’ Rudi Matjokana.

9 Dec 10:13 ITWeb 642894139615970225.html
Weihnachtsfilme: Filmklassiker zu Weihnachten: Klassiker auf Netflix, Amazon und Co.

Welche kultigen Weihnachtsfilme ihr unbedingt gesehen haben müsst, welche Neuerscheinungen es 2019 gibt und wo ihr sie anschauen könnt.

9 Dec 10:12 swp.de 6929179441064961479.html
New, fully working Ubuntu Linux images now available for Raspberry Pi

While most Raspberry Pi owners opt for Raspbian as their operating system, the tiny barebones board can run a number of other Linux distros, including Ubuntu.

9 Dec 16:44 BetaNews 3764252315495338679.html
Aluminium firms seek cut in input duties as production costs, imports swell

Industry is dogged by inverted duty structure. While calcined petroleum coke import suffers 10%, finished aluminium attracts 7.5% duty. Caustic soda lye import is taxed at 7.5% versus 5% on alumina

9 Dec 12:57 Business-Standard 1502508924754126446.html
US Catholic priests beset by overwork, isolation, scandals

Weighing on the entire Catholic clergy in the U.S. is the ripple effect of their church’s long-running crisis arising from sex abuse committed by priests.

9 Dec 14:14 WFXT 6395891953788074633.html
Turkey deports 11 French suspected ISIL members

Turkey has deported 11 French nationals who are suspected of being members of the ISIL (ISIS) armed group.

9 Dec 11:14 Aljazeera 6642629763079878045.html
Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn debunks popular Captain America fan theory

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has debunked a popular fan theory linking Chris Pratt’s lead character with Captain America.

9 Dec 09:22 The Independent 2511519172269260511.html
Jaguar upgrades I-Pace with increased range for free

Jaguar used data from the I-Pace eTrophy racing series to increase the production I-Pace's range potential.

9 Dec 13:00 Autoblog 4372976972497505728.html
'The story continues': architect Wiegman en Leeuwinnen verlengen samenwerking

Contractnieuws uit Zeist: Sarina Wiegman blijft voorlopig aan als bondscoach van de Oranje Leeuwinnen. De vijftigjarige Haagse liep in 2020 uit haar contract, maar heeft voor één jaar bijgetekend. Dit heeft de KNVB op de late maandagmiddag laten weten via de officiële kanalen. Wiegman zal dus ook na de Olympische Spelen in Tokio aan het roer van het Nederlands elftal blijven staan. Het Nederlands dameselftal is bezig aan een 'unieke periode', motiveert de bondscoach haar beslissing. "Iedereen wil daar graag zijn of haar steentje aan bijdragen. Dat geeft vertrouwen en waardering, maar ook topfaciliteiten voor het team", laat ze weten aan de KNVB-kanalen. "Het spreekt denk ik voor zich dat ik onwijs veel zin heb om er, samen met m'n staf en de speelsters, weer anderhalf jaar vol voor te gaan." Witte rook Oranje-vrouwen nadert in Zeist: 'De Spelen zijn ook voor mij een droom'

9 Dec 17:20 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883577191456.html
Skattepengene kan komme en uke etter levering

Ny skattemelding kan bety riktigere skatt - og skattepenger raskere på konto.

9 Dec 11:07 Dinside 727432624384333874.html
Valentino Rossi-Hamilton a Valencia, oggi la sfida impossibile

Gli assi della velocità scendono in pista a mezzi invertiti. Interessi commerciali il motore di tutto, come quando Alì affrontò Inoki

9 Dec 11:06 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735187944752133.html
Three things we learned from the Premier League


9 Dec 15:47 Punch Newspapers 3524240994598376605.html
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - Hexergeschichten werden laut Entwickler nicht fortgesetzt

„Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales” wird wohl nicht mit weiteren Geschichten ausgestattet werden. Schuld ist möglicherweise der ausbleibende Erfolg des „Gwent“-Spin-Offs.

9 Dec 11:41 PlayNation 4622181944595135512.html
Aufregung um herrenlosen Koffer in S-Bahn

Am Samstag wurde die Bundespolizei um 9.35 Uhr über ein herrenloses Gepäckstück in einer S-Bahn informiert. Der Zug war zuvor auf der Strecke Zwickau - Halle eingesetzt und befand sich auf dem Hauptbahnhof Halle, Bahnsteig 11. Der Lokführer hatte die schwarze Tasche ...

9 Dec 10:56 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109194363863.html
So trainieren Sie Ihre Stimme für mehr Selbstbewusstsein

RTL-Reporterin Gizem Schumann hat mit Vocalcoach Gerrit Winter ihre Stimme trainiert. Im Video gibt es einfache Übungen zum Nachmachen.

9 Dec 08:09 RTL.DE 7054729452898559304.html
Jacqueline Jossa breaks silence in video with wedding ring back on as she swerves party

I'm a Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa has finally spoken out on social media while wearing her wedding ring again after her marriage was rocked by several cheating claims

9 Dec 13:22 Irish Mirror 2875825628895997282.html
Finlandia Bakal Punya PM Baru Termuda di Dunia Berusia 34 Tahun

Finlandia akan memiliki perdana menteri termuda di dunia. Sanna Marin, pemimpin Partai Sosial Demokratik akan segera dilantik.

9 Dec 11:32 merdeka.com 1998180355011397293.html
Bethesda detiene oficialmente el desarrollo de nuevas actualizaciones para The Elder Scrolls: Legends

En un momento en el que todas las compañías quisieron su tajada en el género de las cartas coleccionables, Bethesda no fue menos. Sin embargo, la jugada...

9 Dec 13:22 Vida Extra 2315661876573661437.html
Publish charges against ex-bank chiefs, Diezani, CSOs tell EFCC

A coalition of society organisations has urged the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to publish the criminal charges against...

9 Dec 10:01 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901054207412.html
Paukenschlag: Strache-Vertrauter Baron wurde abgewählt

Karl Baron wurde als Wiener Chef der blauen Wirtschaft und als Spitzenkandidat für bevorstehende Wirtschaftskammerwahl abgesetzt. Seit Wochen wird darüber spekuliert, dass er Strache sein Gemeinderatsmandat überlässt.

9 Dec 17:41 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699793691013.html
Accuity To Power GoCardless’ Recurring Payments Expansion Into US

GoCardless entered into a collaboration with Accuity to launch a seamless way for businesses to collect payments in the U.S. via an ACH-based debit offering.

9 Dec 11:01 PYMNTS.com 7357138825183329394.html
Pogi points!

Nakalikom na ang Team Philippines ng kabuuang 322 medalya o 127 gold, 95 silver at 100 bronze habang isinusulat ko ang kolum na ito kahapon.

9 Dec 14:22 Abante News Online 7257070572584614970.html
Bankunionsfrågan lever vidare

Ekonomi Gå med eller stå utanför EU:s bankunion?Frågan hänger fortfarande i luften efter att en utredning nu lämnats över till regeringen.Bedömare ser såväl fördelar som uppenbara nackdelar med ett me

9 Dec 16:16 www.unt.se 8922556088134288628.html
Second man in Mountlake Terrace pot shop robbery sentenced

Bradford Johnson was sentenced to 12½ years in prison, for holding up employees at gunpoint.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408318076800.html
Twin male pandas charm Berlin zoo

The cuteness level at Berlin Zoo doubled on Monday when a pair of twin panda cubs made their public debut, with the zoo revealing the cuddly bundles of fur were both boys.

9 Dec 15:26 CTVNews 2422791597628387802.html
Woman held captive, abused at Knoxville motel; man charged with kidnapping

Police arrest man after an alert bulletin out of Oak Ridge, KPD officers were able to locate and arrest a man holding a woman against her will at a Knoxville motel.

9 Dec 15:34 WVLT 4089046910774489557.html
Horse Ridge, Intel svela un chip di controllo criogenico per computer quantistici | Tom's Hardware

Si chiama "Horse Ridge" il chip di controllo criogenico pensato da Intel per creare computer quantistici più potenti, compatti e di più facile progettazione.

9 Dec 17:59 Tom's Hardware 6640147069654653746.html
Cardi B addresses prostitution claims after suing two bloggers for defamation

The ‘baseless accusations about her old career’ continue to follow her.

9 Dec 16:12 Metro 970161749088886382.html
Neues Personal, neue Programmatik: So lief der SPD-Parteitag

Drei Tage Kursbestimmung liegen hinter der SPD. Deutlicher erkennbar will sie künftig sein, linker werden soll das Profil. Dafür ist die Wunschliste des Parteitages lang: Durch Nachverhandlungen mit der Union in zahlreichen Punkten und die Einführung einer Vermögenssteuer soll der Aufbruch in eine neue Zeit gelingen. Was wurde noch beschlossen?

9 Dec 11:31 GMX 2011843075894017792.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife's First Trailer Ain't Afraid of Leaning into Legacy

The long-anticipated first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife has arrive, bringing Paul Rudd, Finn Wolfhard and more into the franchise's family.

9 Dec 08:12 CBR.com 1295516962943105513.html
Godzilla Vs. Kong Leak Shows the Iconic Giants Fighting

A still from Warner Bros.' Godzilla vs. Kong that was leaked online shows the two giant monsters engaged in an epic battle.

9 Dec 11:12 CBR.com 1295516962082644417.html
Nottingham Forest fans have mixed feelings over potential striker transfer

Nottingham Forest transfer news | The Reds have been linked with the Charlton forward ahead of the January transfer window

9 Dec 14:14 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701830064345.html
Early Professor Hulk Concept Reveals A Leaner, More Mark Ruffalo Design

Concept artist Jerad S. Marantz has shared one of his takes on Smart Hulk from Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame, which depicts a leaner Banner.

9 Dec 15:12 CBR.com 1295516962673850749.html
Deze wereldpremières liggen al vast voor het Autosalon van Brussel

Nu het Salon van Detroit niet langer in januari plaatsvindt, ziet ons eigenste Salon van Brussel haar kans schoon om een aantal wereldpremières voor zich te winnen. Onderstaande modellen werden alv...

9 Dec 11:00 HLN 8967494997090458441.html
JNU fee hike: Students baton-charged by police as they march towards Rashtrapati Bhavan

The Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union president said the police attacked the protestors brutally and detained many of them.

9 Dec 12:52 Scroll.in 8669301693119349414.html
Spiel der Kölner Haie nach Notfall abgebrochen: Nachholtermin steht fest

Die Kölner Haie werden ihr Heimspiel gegen Nürnberg Ende Januar nachholen. Dies gab der Verein einen Tag nach dem Spielabbruch wegen eines Notfalls bekannt.

9 Dec 15:39 TAG24 4583887875332143797.html
Boris Johnson takes private jet to avoid drive from Doncaster to Teesside

The prime minister flew the 84 mile journey to target Labour heartlands in the north east of England.

9 Dec 13:44 Metro 970161748879927134.html
iCloud mit Störungen: Viele Apple-Dienste nicht erreichbar

Zahlreiche Apple-Dienste kämpfen seit den Morgenstunden mit Ausfällen. Seit 7:50 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Normalzeit haben vor allem die iCloud-Angebote Cupertinos mit Aussetzern zu kämpfen. Dies dokumentiert auch Apples Systemstatus. Neben dem Online-Speicher iCloud Drive, der Fotoverwaltung und Apples sogenannten „Dokumenten in der Cloud“ sind die iCloud Kontakte, iCloud Notizen, iCloud Backup und die iCloud Lesezeichen betroffen. […]

9 Dec 09:55 ifun.de 6678736054241676563.html
Beverley Walrond: Barbados loses one of its influential attorneys in family and child law

Barbados is one of the populous and prosperous Caribbean islands with political, economic and social stability, as well as, influential people who are impacting lives tremendously. One of such people is Lady Beverley Walrond, QC. She was a qualified Mediator and has quite a number of experiences outside of legal practice as well. She acted...

9 Dec 16:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198131122531189.html
Unai Emery 'targeted three key Arsenal transfers' before downfall

The sacked Arsenal manager oversaw a decent transfer window during the summer but was unsuccessful in his pursuit of his three top targets, including Man Utd's Harry Maguire

9 Dec 09:04 mirror 675785261245644052.html
Smell and health worries over chicken farm plan

Opponents of a proposals to build a 120,000-chicken farm in Llangadfan say the area is already struggling to cope with intensive farming practices.

9 Dec 13:46 Shropshire Star 3480199992586477295.html
Golden Ocean Group: Very Strong Results Despite The Trade War

Golden Ocean Group delivered a phenomenal quarter despite the mixed headline numbers.The dry bulk trade set new records during the third quarter in spite of the escalating trade tensions between China

9 Dec 10:47 Seeking Alpha 5725634557783276310.html
How Celtic beat Rangers to win the Betfred Cup and the Steven Gerrard error that handed them victory

They were second best for most of the game but Neil Lennon's side got the job done.

9 Dec 14:52 dailyrecord 552235480095924373.html
Fantastis, Surat Tulisan Tangan Putri Diana Tentang Kedua Putranya Dijual Nyaris Rp60 Juta

WE Online, Jakarta - Telah lama wafat, tidak menjadikan mendiang Putri Diana hilang dari perhatian banyak orang. Sebab, nyatanya segala yang berhubungan tentang mendiang ibunda Pangeran William dan Pangeran Harry ini masih sukses menyita perhatian.

9 Dec 16:32 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835410370074.html
3 Tim Tertarik Beli Arturo Vidal, Termasuk Manchester United

Arturo Vidal mungkin sudah tidak berada pada periode terbaik dalam karirnya. Akan tetapi, pemain milik klub Barcelona masih diminati banyak klub Eropa

9 Dec 13:53 Bola.net 5489959029199433330.html
Tangisan Thalia Putri Onsu dalam Video Klip Terbaru Betrand Peto Jadi Sorotan, Lagu Terbaru Anak Angkat Ruben Onsu Trending YouTube No 1 di Indonesia

Video klip lagu terbaru Betrand Peto berjudul Deritaku yang dibintangi Thalia Putri Onsu trending satu YouTube Indonesia.

9 Dec 13:19 grid.id 586386473534594405.html
Court remand police officer in prison over alleged murder of truck driver in Ondo

37-year-old trigger happy police sergeant Idowu Omosuyi who murdered a truck driver at a checkpoint in Uso, Owo area of Ondo

9 Dec 13:17 Vanguard News 4125100340662808489.html
Stambios prekybos mokestis galimai prieštarauja Konstitucijai?

Buvęs Konstitucinio Teismo teisėjas profesorius Egidijus Šileikis sako, kad stambios prekybos mokestis galimai prieštarauja Konstitucijai. Daugiausia klausimų jam kyla dėl skubos ir lygiateisiškumo.

9 Dec 09:23 Kauno diena 6825691409095526866.html
Tempesta Atiyah su Irlanda e Inghilterra

La tempesta atlantica Atiyah ha raggiunto, con venti a oltre 115 chilometri orari, il sud dell'Irlanda e la Cornovaglia, nel sud-ovest dell'Inghilterra, dove la popolazione viene invitata a restare a casa e dove ci sono stati dei blackout elettrici. (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:15 ANSA.it 1300837447818907311.html
Inaugurata la nuova edizione di Gardaland Magic Winter, i bambini hanno allestito il grande albero di Natale

Alcuni bambini hanno allestito un grande albero di Natale interamente realizzato con mattoncini LEGO® in attesa dell’apertura di LEGOLAND® Water Park Gardaland Ha avuto ufficialmente inizio la nuova edizione di Gardaland Magic Winter, l’evento che permette agli Ospiti di vivere la magia del Natale senza rinunciare all’adrenalina e al divertimento delle attrazioni del Parco durante il periodo invernale. […]

9 Dec 13:01 KontroKultura 2573504972993217117.html
Catastrophes naturelles : Le Maroc veut souscrire une assurance internationale

Le Maroc se couvre contre les événements catastrophiques. Le pays a décidé de souscrire une assurance internationale.

9 Dec 09:53 Infomédiaire 1551316401859080498.html
China Announces A 3-Year Plan To Remove All Foreign Computer Equipments, Software And Replace With Home-Grown Products

China Announces A 3-Yr Plan To Remove All Foreign Computer Equipments, Software And Replace With Home-Grown Products

9 Dec 10:05 Swarajya 4977622829467579753.html
Bruna Marquezine impressiona ao exibir boa forma em dia ensolarado

Atriz aproveitou o calor para renovar o bronzeado

9 Dec 10:31 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428455482760.html
Watch: Reporter speaks out against man who assaulted her during a live news segment

‘No woman should EVER have to put up with this at work or anywhere!’ said Alex Bozarjian.

9 Dec 11:02 Scroll.in 8669301693924222210.html
2K opens Cloud Chamber to build "another unforgettable BioShock experience"

We speak to the publisher's first female studio head Kelley Gilmore about continuing Ken Levine's acclaimed franchise

9 Dec 13:00 GamesIndustry.biz 1615590115576505939.html
Formas de disfrutar contenido de streaming en tu TV

Hoy en día es muy fácil tener acceso a distintas plataformas en internet que ofrecen un amplio catálogo de contenido y entretenimiento para toda la familia. Una excelente forma de hacerlo es utilizando una pantalla inteligente, también conocida como Smart TV.

9 Dec 13:32 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624007721919.html
Tata Steel asks LGBTQ+ employees to declare partners, avail HR benefits

With its vision to provide equal opportunity to the employees, it has been an endeavour of the company to create an enabling workforce for all diverse groups, respecting and embracing the differences in the individuals, the steel maker said in a statement.

9 Dec 14:49 The Indian Express 2885715105739297420.html
ESA to fund world's first space debris removal mission

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The European Space Agency has agreed to fund a mission to remove a piece of space debris -- the first of its kind -- as part of the agency's new Space Safety program.

9 Dec 17:28 UPI 8257973863893434862.html
Llaman a morelianos a ser guardianes del patrimonio

Morelia, Michoacán (MiMorelia.com).- A 28 años del nombramiento del Centro Histórico de la ciudad de Morelia, como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad, ante la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), autoridades federales y municipales enfatizaron en la necesidad de no perder los valores intangibles. Francisco Vidargas Acosta, […]

9 Dec 09:31 MiMorelia 5599511490063996080.html
Juhor otvorio novi pogon za fermentisanje

JAGODINA - Mesna industrija "Juhor" niz Jagodine, u sastavu Delta Holdinga, danas je otvorila novi pogon za fermentisanje proizvodnje, a ta je investicija

9 Dec 13:55 Krstarica 4176903988841956402.html
Seventh suspect arrested over killing of fireman in centre of Augsburg

A seventh and final suspect was also arrested after a deadly attack on a passer-by in Augsburg on Friday evening.

9 Dec 10:18 Thelocal.de 270941994749432463.html
Snapchat prepara Cameos, unos inofensivos deepfakes en forma de GIF

La nueva característica de Cameos para Snapchat será una de las grandes novedades de la popular aplicación de mensajería y filtros antes de que concluya el año.

9 Dec 15:05 ComputerHoy 3644302763139138166.html
How does the heavyweight division stand after Joshua win?

It may be a while yet before Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder face one another.

9 Dec 14:07 Sports Mole 7750663362002475946.html
Delhi BJP chief Manoj Tiwari drops Jai Prakash as vice president, move surprises many in party

Removal of Prakash has come as a "surprise" for many in the party as he is considered close to Rajya Sabha member Vijay Goel. "The timing of the decision is questionable since Tiwari himself has completed his three-year term as the president of Delhi BJP. Jai Prakash is known for his closeness to Goel," said a top Delhi BJP leader.

9 Dec 17:36 The Economic Times 7653256037113669629.html
Jadi Bos Baru Bank Mandiri, Ini Rencana Kerja Royke Tumilaar

Royke mengungkapkan, saat ini dirinya dalam konteks melanjutkan perjuangan Kartika. Apalagi, dirinya juga merupakan tim yang ikut merumuskan strategi dan rencana bisnis di masa kepemimpinan Kartika.

9 Dec 17:08 merdeka.com 1998180356099497753.html
BitTorrent y uTorrent están siendo detectados como amenazas por múltiples antivirus, incluyendo Windows Defender

No por primera vez desde que TRON comprara BitTorrent, las aplicaciones tanto de uTorrent como de BitTorrent han sido marcadas por múltiples antivirus como...

9 Dec 15:05 Genbeta 6187700363096361042.html
'Situatie bij Anderlecht escaleert, Kompany zorgt voor grote problemen'

Vincent Kompany is sinds de zomer terug bij RSC Anderlecht, maar tot dusver schreef hij geen succesverhaal in het Lotto Park. Integendeel, de jongste tijd lijkt Kompany zich niet bepaald populair te maken binnen zijn eigen club.

9 Dec 11:00 Voetbal24 8097814615622271755.html
Menton: Government and FIFA intervention needed for FAI

Former FAI treasurer and general secretary Brendan Menton believes intervention from the government, FIFA and further support from UEFA is necessary to keep the FAI a going concern.

9 Dec 12:35 RTE.ie 7595237279365805556.html
Inquest opened following death of a man in Swadlincote

The case has now been adjourned

9 Dec 08:18 Derbyshire Live 9061707932091426673.html
Riad, stop a ingressi separati per donne

L'Arabia saudita ha abolito gli ingressi separati per uomini e donne nei ristoranti, facendo cadere un nuovo tabù sociale del regno ultraconservatore. Lo annunciano le autorità di Riad. (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:48 ANSA.it 1300837447543076472.html
SV Werder: Endlich Klartext bei Rashica

Auch wenn Milot Rashica gegen Paderborn nicht wie gewohnt zum Zug kam, ist er Werders bester Offensivspieler. Die Begehrlichkeiten sind groß. Ein vorzeitiger Abschied aus Bremen kommt aber für (...)

9 Dec 09:16 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784337345456.html
Best Christmas Gifts For Sweaty Fitness Freaks

We're weeks out from the barrage of posts and tweets about everyone's New Year's fitness resolutions so it's a perfect time to get your fitness-loving friends and family members the gift of sweat-inducing pastimes to keep them occupied over the break. Here's our roundup of the best Christmas gifts for your active...

9 Dec 13:26 Gizmodo AU 3183561247259955511.html
Gouvernement : Habib Jemli consulte Taoufik Baccar

L’ancien gouverneur de la Banque centrale de Tunisie, Taoufik Baccar , a rencontré, ce lundi, le chef du gouvernement désigné, Habib Jemli

9 Dec 11:51 African Manager 933752095151020936.html
Fortsatt vill vekst for Dagbladet

Dagbladet setter rekord etter rekord digitalt, og det nye finansnettstedet Børsen har allerede blitt en suksess.

9 Dec 14:23 Dagbladet.no 3042595686451921343.html
Terobos Palang Pintu Perlintasan, 1 Keluarga Tertabrak KA Medan-Kualanamu

Satu keluarga ditabrak kereta api jurusan Medan-Kualanamu setelah menerobos palang pintu perlintasan.

9 Dec 10:35 detiknews 8793960223748713628.html
Llegan al país otros cuatro centroamericanos en el marco del acuerdo migratorio

Arribaron a Guatemala en un vuelo procedente de Estados Unidos, en el que viajaban guatemaltecos retornados.

9 Dec 16:25 Publinews 8987875304405492092.html
Corso Francia, in quattro aggrediscono e rapinano un uomo

Arrestati a Corso Francia dai Carabinieri della stazione Ponte Milvio quattro uomini di età compresa fra 36 e 59 anni, cittadini romeni senza fissa

9 Dec 16:42 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342618695867226.html
First set of SC inmates to graduate with associate’s degree through Second Chance Initiative

Five inmates at Evans Correctional Institution in Marlboro County will earn their associate’s degrees. It’s South Carolina’s first in-prison graduation through the Second Chance Initiative with the U.S. Department of Education.

9 Dec 13:02 WBTV 6439870258618661768.html
The ghost and the house of truth mirroring a decrepit society

Twelve-year-old Nike is missing on her way home from school. Her mother, Bola Ogun,a singleparent, is distraught looking for her. She is

9 Dec 08:23 Vanguard News 4125100339179269075.html
Citizenship (Amendment) Bill doesn't violate constitution: Amit Shah

It will give relief to people living a painful life after facing persecution in neighbouring countries, he said.

9 Dec 17:45 Business-Standard 1502508926598936795.html
Asaduddin Owaisi Tears Citizenship Amendment Bill, Says it Will Make Muslims 'Stateless'

Calling the Bill ‘arbitrary in nature’, Asaduddin Owaisi said secularism is the basic structure of the Constitution and the Bill was in violation of fundamental rights.

9 Dec 16:04 India.com 7150386084516705571.html
Achtjähriger wird bei Unfall schwer verletzt

Ein Achtjähriger ist nach einem Verkehrsunfall in Köthen schwer verletzt ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden. Gegen 7.30 Uhr fuhr der Junge mit seinem Fahrrad vom Gehweg der Franzstraße auf die Fahrbahn der Bahnhofstraße. Er wollte auf dem gegenüberliegenden Gehweg ...

9 Dec 14:38 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108958851175.html
New York City sostituisce i classici furgoni per le consegne con e-bike cargo: meno traffico, meno emissioni

In una delle metropoli per eccellenza, parliamo di New York City, parte un'iniziativa che vede la sostituzione dei classici ingombranti furgoni per le consegne con un servizio basato su e-bike cargo: un progetto gestito congiuntamente da Amazon, UPS e DHL

9 Dec 08:01 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332206278754.html
Flood alert in force from Lowestoft to Bawdsey

A flood alert has been issued by the Environment Agency along parts of the Suffolk coast this evening.

9 Dec 11:55 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151679750535.html
El viejo cacaseno Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa, no pierde la oportunidad para hacer noticia atacando a Alan García: "La historia no le va a perdonar los excesos que cometió y sobre Mario Vargas Llosa, no pierde la oportunidad para hacer noticia atacando a Alan García: "La historia no le va a perdonar los excesos que cometió

9 Dec 15:15 Pysnnoticias 6628072006003923536.html
IWBank PI, nuovo advice center nel padovano

IWBank Private Investments amplia la sua presenza in Veneto: dal 3 dicembre è operativo il nuovo Advice Center di Padova.

9 Dec 16:23 bluerating 6922469335333186631.html
Exercise your way to a lower insurance premium

It’s just what your doctor prescribed — stay fit, reduce premium on your health policy

9 Dec 13:49 BusinessLine 5283600939047674.html
SwiftKey Beta gains support for 49 additional languages

Swiftkey Beta for Android now supports 49 more languages, including languages from Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia.

9 Dec 12:37 Android Central 29040142319626216.html
Sabah govt views seriously re-emergence of polio, says Shafie

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 9 — The Sabah government views seriously the re-emergence of polio in the state, the first for the country after almost 30 years, and will do its level best to ensure that it will not spread, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said. He said the re-emergence of the...

9 Dec 10:00 Malaymail 302165936270672695.html
Karnataka bypoll results: Siddaramaiah, Dinesh Gundu Rao resign after Congress poor show

However, the Congress high command in Delhi is yet to take a call on these resignations.

9 Dec 15:33 The Indian Express 2885715104197581496.html
Todesfall: Trauer um verstorbenen US-Rapper Juice Wrld

Mit 21 Jahren und mehreren Hits galt Juice Wrld in der Musikszene als neue Hip-Hop-Hoffnung. Nach seinem überraschenden Tod trauern Kollegen und Fans um den jungen US-Rapper.

9 Dec 12:20 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699142916818.html
Russia banned from Olympics and World Cup for doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency has banned Russia from major international sports events for four years.

9 Dec 10:57 The Age 7967730562665381141.html
Nvidia researchers present a rendering framework that can produce 3D objects from 2D images

Nvidia researchers have created a rendering framework that uses AI to take 2D information and transform it into a 3D object accurately. The system is called DIB-R, short for differentiable interpolation-based renderer and is built on PyTorch, a machine learning…

9 Dec 17:37 TechSpot 7732733960016657897.html
Sweden’s ex-ambassador to China charged after setting up unofficial meetings over detained bookseller

Sweden’s former ambassador to China has been charged with “arbitrariness during negotiations with a foreign power,” over her involvement in a series of unauthorised meetings related to detained boseller Gui Minhai. Anna Lindstedt, Sweden’s former ambassador, led negotiations to release Gui in exchange for his daughter’s silence in January this year. Gui is currently imprisoned in China. […]

9 Dec 09:58 Hong Kong Free Press HKFP 3845645663088596952.html
Robbery suspect pulls knife when confronted by store owner: Oak Bay police

Oak Bay police say a robbery suspect pulled a knife when he was approached just after noon Saturday by the owner of a store at Eastdowne Road and Dalhousie Street. The man had taken food items.. . .

9 Dec 09:40 Times Colonist 7617512060406128685.html
West Dunbartonshire pupils ditch the canteen after school dinner price hike

After raising the price of a school dinner by nine percent — to £2.45 a day — the council has seen income from meals drop by £181,000

9 Dec 16:06 dailyrecord 552235479573887813.html
DUP accuses Boris Johnson of breaking his word on union commitment

The PM is embarking on a blitz of Labour’s heartlands as the election campaign enters its final few days.

9 Dec 11:21 Breaking News 4415806918290154983.html
Where Bicyclists, Doormen and Tourists Battle for Turf

New York City bicyclists say people who walk across bike lanes need to pay attention. But doormen at high-end hotels worry about collisions as lanes expand.

9 Dec 08:00 NY Times 1961078288187941896.html
Los puntajes de River

Franco Armani 6: uno de los pocos lúcidos de la defensa. Como siempre tapando pelotas que lo dejan vivo a River en partidos donde todo sale mal.

9 Dec 10:29 TyC Sports 3239944748663826875.html
Pound-Australian Dollar Forecast: Fresh Three-Year Highs Ahead says Analyst

The Pound-to-Australian Dollar exchange rate trades at a new three-year high on Monday, December 03. amidst an ongoing lift in the broader Sterling complex

9 Dec 08:58 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579508557614003.html
Zozibini Tunzi dari Afrika Selatan Jadi Miss Universe 2019: Ini Perbedaan Miss Universe dengan Miss World atau Miss International?

Zozibini Tunzi dari Afrika Selatan, berhasil menyabet gelar Miss Universe 2019. Ini kali ke 3 wakil Afrika Selatan berhasil menjadi Miss Universe.

9 Dec 11:30 grid.id 6246371058978120825.html
Niente stretta contro finte prime case, Gualtieri dice no

Non entrerà in manovra la paventata stretta sulle prime case fittizie, ossia le doppie abitazioni detenute dallo stesso nucleo familiare al fine di eludere l’IMU. Il ministro dell’Economia, Roberto Gualtieri, …

9 Dec 08:32 FinanzaOnline 6528634129272393061.html
Man rushed to hospital after being assaulted inside flat close in Glasgow

Emergency services swooped the scene at Hawthorn Street during the early hours of Monday morning.

9 Dec 12:46 dailyrecord 552235480096873469.html
Aston Villa fans criticise John McGinn’s performance in home defeat versus Leicester

The midfielder was not on top of his game in the 4-1 defeat.The midfielder was not on top of his game in the 4-1 defeat.

9 Dec 12:15 The Boot Room 5717202226098498640.html
Nasce a Milano il Museo nazionale della Resistenza. Mattarella: "Fondamentale per tramandare la memoria"

L'annuncio del ministro Franceschini e del sindaco Sala: tramonta l'idea di metterlo nella Casa della Memoria, troverà spazio in piazzale

9 Dec 14:45 Repubblica.it 7645374299466226784.html
Oef dat is pech! Aanleg zonnepanelen daalt door dure premies!

De premies van verzekeringen voor zonnepanelen stijgen gigantisch, wat er voor zorgt dat bedrijven behoudender zijn voor de aanleg van nieuwe zonnepanelen. Want hoe rendabel zijn ze nog als de premier gigantisch hoog zijn. Een dilemma uiteraard voor de industrie, maar ja dan moeten die dingen ook niet zo vaak in de fik vliegen… In veel gevallen is de premie maar liefst verdubbeld, vrij logisch dan ook dat bedrijven een paar extra nadenken voordat ze de aanleg van zonnepanelen überhaupt overwegen. Het is zelfs zo triest gesteld dat sommige verzekeraars zonnepanelen niet eens meer verzekeren, dit omdat die o zo duurzame zonnepanelen enorm brandgevaarlijk zijn. In 2018 waren er 23 branden die te maken hadden met zonnepanelen, wat voor verzekeraars de aanleiding was om de premies flink omhoog te gooien. Critici noemen dit onaanvaardbaar en onredelijk, want het brandgevaar zou volgens critici alleen ontstaan bij slecht aangelegde zonnepanelen. De schadeverzekeraars zien het anders, al jaren lijden zijn grote verliezen.…

9 Dec 09:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610059106754823.html
REPORT: NFL Not Interested In Reseeding Playoff Teams Despite Embarrassing NFC East Division

(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images) The NFC East is a dumpster fire that doesn't have a single team above .500.…

9 Dec 17:30 Total Pro Sports 5536572205647354420.html
Türkische Radikale setzen Uni-Professor unter Druck

Die Universität Duisburg Essen stellt sich hinter ihren Erdogan-kritischen Türkei-Experten.

9 Dec 13:09 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569207490798.html
UK Teacher Bans Christmas Cards to Be 'Environmentally Friendly' | Breitbart

A primary school teacher in the United Kingdom came under fire last week over his decision to ban Christmas cards. The teacher argued that Christmas cards have a toxic impact on the environment.

9 Dec 16:30 Breitbart 3148363491254869223.html
El embajador de Mxico en Argentina, investigado por robar un libro en una librera de Buenos Aires

El Gobierno mexicano orden

9 Dec 16:30 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611929571432.html
10 Tempat Wisata di Malang Selatan yang Didominasi Pantai, Cocok untuk Liburan

Ada banyak tempat wisata di Malang selatan yang didominasi pantai.

9 Dec 10:55 liputan6.com 5422146880526436855.html
Warning for new scam

The Penticton RCMP is warning the public about a new phone scam taking place within the South Okanagan.

9 Dec 13:37 Castanet 616068601750642890.html
ICAC hears Huang was conduit for China's Communist Party

The disgraced billionaire offered to pay for a state dinner and sought to have Victoria sign an agreement with a Chinese province.

9 Dec 09:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487925502761.html
KSRTC asked to raise issue of low-floor buses before RTA

Road Transport Authority is meeting on January 4

9 Dec 16:07 The Hindu 6679535024537992563.html
Five dead as volcano erupts in New Zealand

Five people have been killed and many more are missing after a volcanic island in New Zealand erupted in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like surface.

9 Dec 10:54 Lancashire Post 6469275855313002812.html
Okpe Union (North America) donates books to Schools

Members of the Okpe Union in North America have donated textbooks worth thousands of naira to some schools in Sapele and Okpe Local Government Area...

9 Dec 11:13 Vanguard News 4125100340110724392.html
Dozens Feared Dead After New Zealand's Most Active Volcano Erupts

White Island is home to New Zealand’s most active volcano. And on Monday, it erupted while tourists were visiting, and police reports indicate there are “no signs of life.”

9 Dec 15:13 Earther 3276278741783745343.html
Join Dorsett's carnival to raise funds for children in need

Dorsett Hospitality International with its group of hotels is hosting the TLC Carnival Day on Dec 14 and 15 at Dorsett Grand Subang, to raise funds for children in need of long-term medication.

9 Dec 14:07 NST Online 3702929170156208275.html
Tidenes største country-konsert i Trondheim

Neste sommer kommer en av countryens største stjerner til Trondheim og Festningen.

9 Dec 08:59 adressa.no 8417332408179873172.html
DUP accuses Boris Johnson of breaking his word on union commitment

The PM is embarking on a blitz of Labour’s heartlands as the election campaign enters its final few days.

9 Dec 10:56 Shropshire Star 3480199991618516839.html
Tanzania yaadhimisha miaka 58 ya Uhuru

Leo ni siku ya mapumziko, wananchi wa taifa hilo wanaadhimisha kumbukumbu ya miaka 58 ya uhuru kutoka kwa wakoloni wazungu Desemba 9, mwaka 1961.

9 Dec 08:51 RFI 1022736846521633750.html
Turkey deports 11 French suspected IS members

ANKARA, TURKEY (AP) - Turkey has deported 11 French nationals who are suspected of being members of the Islamic State group, the Interior Ministry said Monday.

9 Dec 13:06 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637433721435.html
Kingdom calls on Japan to increase number of direct flights to Siem Reap, Phnom Penh

Cambodia is requesting Japan to increase the number of direct flights from Japanese cities and provinces to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, so as to contribute to increasing cooperation and tourist numbers between the two countries.

9 Dec 16:31 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766114488253887.html
Nach Tod von Feuerwehrmann in Augsburg - Pressekonferenz: Polizei beklagt Anfeindungen im Netz

In Augsburg wurde ein Feuerwehrmann bei einem Streit getötet. Die mutmaßlichen Täter konnten zunächst flüchten. Am Nachmittag gibt die Polizei eine Pressekonferenz.

9 Dec 13:38 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239924630877.html
Valneva: deux nominations au Conseil scientifique

Valneva annonce ce lundi la nomination de deux experts des vaccins à son Conseil Scientifique, le Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin et le Dr. Anna Durbin.'Le Dr. - 09/12/2019 17:50

9 Dec 16:50 ABC Bourse 2538693400279098796.html
SunTrust, BB&T banks complete merger, creating Truist

The merger between Atlanta-based SunTrust and Winston-Salem, N.C.-based BB&T has been completed, creating the nation’s sixth-largest bank, serving about 10 million consumer households, officials of the combined company announced Monday.

9 Dec 14:26 WFXT 6395891953884855196.html
Trümmerteile alter Satelliten: Esa will erstmals Weltraumschrott aus dem All zurückholen

Im All fliegen Zehntausende Trümmerteile alter Satelliten oder Raketen. Sie sind eine Gefahr für Weltraummissionen.

9 Dec 11:19 swp.de 6929179440680440259.html
Energia, ok Ue a progetto su batterie di Italia Germania Francia

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Facilitare la transizione dai combustibili fossili verso un’energia più pulita nel rispetto degli impegni assunti dall’Unione Europa nell’accordo di Parigi. È questo, afferma il ministero dello sviluppo economico, il principale obiettivo del secondo Ipcei nel settore delle batterie, che ha avuto il via libera della commissione europea. Bruxelles ha approvato […]

9 Dec 17:21 Askanews 298649739279718026.html
BREAKING: Buhari sacks Tunde Fowler, names new FIRS boss - Premium Times Nigeria

The president also orders a recomposition of the revenue agency’s board of directors.

9 Dec 15:17 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300861992961.html
'Er is niets geregeld voor Feyenoord-supporters in Porto'

Het uitvak van FC Porto blijft donderdagavond tijdens de Europa League wedstrijd tegen Feyenoord vermoedelijk leeg vanwege een straf van de UEFA. Toch zullen er zo'n tweeduizend fans naar Porto reizen die al een kaartje hadden gekocht. "En er is niets voor die supporters geregeld", zegt Remco Ravenhorst, voorzitter van FSV De Feijenoorder bezorgd.

9 Dec 12:12 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227767833954.html
Mostra sulle grandi chiese d'Abruzzo a Torrevecchia Teatina

Da sabato 7 dicembre 2019 a lunedì 6 gennaio 2020, la parrocchia di San Rocco di Torrevecchia Teatina e l'associazione Penelope organizzano la mostra su grandi chiese d'Abruzzo e il presepio del Gesù Bambino povero in canna dell'artista Francesco Di Natale. La mostra si può visitare nella chiesa di San Rocco.

9 Dec 10:39 ChietiToday 1729130453432729492.html
Premier League to roll out VAR giant screen changes in December

The Premier League hopes supporters will receive more information about VAR decisions on giant screens in time for the festive fixtures.

9 Dec 08:40 Sky Sports 7729859609617345947.html
Homeoffice: Frauen werden gegenüber Männern benachteiligt

Homeoffice kann für viele Arbeitnehmer ein Vorteil sein. Allerdings gibt es laut einer Studie eine ungleiche Behandlung zwischen Männer und Frauen.

9 Dec 10:04 GMX 2011843076241039544.html
Video of when Cardi B told organisers she cannot meet Ghanaian celebrities pops up

Social media for the past 24 hours has been buzzing after some so-called Ghanaian celebrities were snubbed in a supposed ‘meet and greet’ with American rapper, Cardi B at the Kempinski hotel. Over the weekend, some self-acclaimed Ghanaian celebrities including Afia Schwarzenegger, Akuapem Poloo, Moesha Hajia4real, and the likes were subbed by the ‘Press’ hitmaker. […]

9 Dec 11:42 GhBase.com 8689748846231832428.html
The key talking points ahead of this week's crucial Champions League fixtures

Liverpool know defeat away to Red Bull Salzburg would likely see them eliminated.

9 Dec 17:29 Sports Mole 7750663361293998554.html
La settimana dei nodi al pettine

Con il deciso rialzo di venerdì scorso i mercati hanno mostrato l’intenzione di voler archiviare in fretta e furia le perplessità.

9 Dec 09:11 Trend Online 3268043280226068214.html
Guadagnare con gli affitti brevi: i consigli di Trend Online

Affitti brevi: 5 consigli da seguire per guadagnare con gli affitti brevi

9 Dec 14:30 Trend Online 3268043278460120755.html
15 People Were Killed during Protests in Baghdad

Iraqi security and health officials said unidentified gunmen fired shots at protesters at the Khilani square in Baghdad, killing 15 people and injuring dozens, the Associated Press reported. At least two of those killed are police officers.

9 Dec 12:08 novinite.com 4235039571624625339.html
Monsta X to drop all-English album while fans continue global protest over member's departure

K-pop group Monsta X announced their all-English album earlier this month while their global fan base continue to protest member Wonho’s departure from the group due to 'scandal.'

9 Dec 15:47 CTVNews 2422791597615175555.html
Sri Lanka arrives for first test in a decade in Pakistan

Islamabad - Sri Lanka's cricket team arrived in Pakistan on Monday to play two-test series that will be the first test in Pakistan in over a decade.

9 Dec 09:59 The Peninsula 1202843881387777852.html
ARCore phones can now detect depth with a single camera

ARCore is Google's platform of augmented reality available to Android and iOS apps. To allow for more immersive experiences, Google ARCore depth...

9 Dec 17:00 9to5Google 6197440880987757421.html
The father of Tipperary ICMSA president Pat McCormack has died

Council passes vote of sympathy to Thomas McCormack

9 Dec 15:29 TipperaryLive 1097599579051782255.html
Borneo FC Vs Persib Bandung: Robert Alberts Perbaiki Lini Depan

Persib Bandung siap meladeni permainan cepat Borneo FC. Pelatih Robert Alberts optimistis bisa membawa pulang poin.

9 Dec 11:11 Tempo 6731898376780699685.html
River celebra el primer aniversario de la Libertadores

Después de la derrota ante San Lorenzo, River Plate celebró esta madrugada el primer aniversario de la Copa Libertadores lograda el año...

9 Dec 10:53 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959414992673.html
Dreamscaper puts a nightmarish twist on action-RPGs

In the action RPG Dreamscaper, you play as Cassidy, a young woman dealing with difficult issues in her life by battling monsters in her dreams.

9 Dec 12:10 VentureBeat 6273363636560371380.html
Supremo convoca audiência para debater candidaturas avulsas

A Constituição de 1988 coloca a filiação partidária como uma das condições de elegibilidade

9 Dec 15:35 Folha Vitória 4941883426524132366.html
New York Mets krijgen bondscoach Nederland op de bank

Honkbalcoach Hensley Meulens wordt coach bij de New York Mets. Wie zeg je? Meulens is bij grote toernooien ook de bondscoach van Nederland. De 52-jarige Antilliaan verruilt de San Francisco Giants voor een avontuur in New York. Hij wordt daar de rechterhand van de nieuwe manager Carlos Beltran. Bij de Giants was hij voornamelijk actief…

9 Dec 11:30 Sportnieuws 3602982465105452500.html
DNA lets stuff like buttons and glasses store data

"DNA is currently the only data storage medium that can also exist as a liquid, which allows us to insert it into objects of any shape."

9 Dec 15:08 Futurity 5051862825016854175.html
Stimmen zur Russland-Entscheidung: "Totaler Respekt" vs. "Antirussische Hysterie"

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) hat im Skandal um manipulierte Daten aus dem Moskauer Kontrolllabor eine Vierjahressperre gegen Russland verhängt, die sich sowohl auf die Olympischen Spiele (2020, 2022) als auch auf die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft auswirkt. Während DBB-Präsident Ingo Weiss die Entscheidung begrüßt, wittert Premierminister Dmitri Medwedew eine Verschwörung gegen sein Land.

9 Dec 17:00 SPOX 8395423525927401475.html
U.S. Supreme Court rejects inmate's bid for sex reassignment surgery

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear an appeal by a convicted murderer who filed a civil rights lawsuit because Texas prison officials denied her request to be considered for gender reassignment surgery. The justices let stand a lower court's decision to reject the claim by inmate Vanessa

9 Dec 15:56 Yahoo 7097669638904158142.html
Habis Disentil Jokowi, Gerai Ayam Asing di Rest Area Bakal Dibatasi

"Diprioritaskan saja yang lokal, mungkin persentasenya (dibatasi)"

9 Dec 11:27 detikfinance 4442190001840127921.html
Hoger beroep Syriëganger Victor D. opnieuw uitgesteld

Het hoger beroep tegen de zes jaar celstraf van Syriëganger Victor D. (32) uit Heeten is wederom uitgesteld. Volgens de rechter is een zelfstandige terugkeer uit het strijdgebied op dit moment vrijwel onmogelijk. Het gerechtshof wil daarom de zaak in de loop van 2020 opnieuw bekijken.

9 Dec 14:23 RTV Oost 6509131172240336149.html
È morto il cucciolo di orca davanti al porto di Genova. Ora preoccupano le condizioni del gruppo

La madre potrebbe averlo abbandonato nella notte tra venerdì e sabato. Per i biologi si tratta di un caso rarissimo, che potrà raccontare molto sulle abitudini di questa specie

9 Dec 17:59 Agi 2115274224761505019.html
The Quality Of Its Microtransactions Will Decide Ubisoft's Fate

Ubisoft has had a terrible 2019 so far, which I feel has been accurately priced into the share price.In my view, going forward, Ubisoft's success will depend on its ability to implement microtransacti

9 Dec 08:32 Seeking Alpha 5725634556332039617.html
Milan, va migliorata la gestione del finale di partita

In casa rossonera c'è grande soddisfazione per la seconda vittoria consecutiva, ma non tutti i problemi sono risolti. Come spiega il Corriere della Sera, per esempio, il Milan deve migliorare la gestione dei finali di partita: ieri contro il Bologna, il Diavolo ha avuto un calo di tensione e nell'ultima mezz'ora ha lasciato troppo spazio agli avversari. La formazione milanista ha rischiato di buttare via tutto, ma per fortuna alla fine sono riusciti a portare a casa tre punti d'oro.   

9 Dec 16:23 MilanNews.it 6507305921246267351.html
Kölner Politik will Wiener Platz aufwerten

Die Stadtverwaltung soll ein Konzept zur Umgestaltung in Mülheim erarbeiten.

9 Dec 16:27 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569253874815.html
Peace in sight? Paris summit seeks solution for Ukraine war

The summit notably includes the first face-to-face meeting between Zelenskiy, a comic actor and political novice, with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

9 Dec 11:15 An-Nahar 2220466262228154326.html
Russia and Ukraine leaders, in first talks, agree to exchange prisoners

PARIS (Reuters) - The leaders of Russia and Ukraine agreed on Tuesday to exchange all remaining prisoners from the conflict in east Ukraine by the end of the year, but left thorny questions about the region’s status for future talks.

10 Dec 09:21 Reuters 8334514181471652197.html
AIIMS BSc Nursing admission notification released; apply from December 12th

The application process to apply for admission to AIIMS B.Sc(H) Nursing/B.ScNursing(Post-Basic)/B.Sc(ParamedicalCourses)-2020 will go until Jan 16th, 2020.

9 Dec 11:45 Scroll.in 8669301693640698782.html
Asaduddin Owaisi tears copy of Citizenship Bill in Parliament, says it tries to divide India

AIMIM president and MP Asaduddin Owaisi tore a copy of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019, in the Lok Sabha, saying that the Bill tries to divide the country.

9 Dec 16:38 India Today 4286117812981164365.html
Cheyenne Woods pleased with Vipingo stay

VIPINGO RIDGE, Kenya, Dec 9 - Tiger Woods’ niece, Cheyenne Woods -arguably the most popular name among Kenyan fans who followed the Magical Kenya Ladies Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 09:15 Capital Sports 7605153803411503216.html
Igor Levit und Paavo Järvi entstauben Brahms

Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie gastierte im Wiener Konzerthaus.

9 Dec 16:00 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442200306918.html
BJP MP Gautam Gambhir Writes to Delhi Government Over Anaj Mandi Fire Incident

The BJP lawmaker on Sunday had said that he did not want to get into politics, but somebody has to take responsibility for the fire incident.

9 Dec 15:39 India.com 7150386084117080263.html
Public trust in governments is at an all-time low, Australian National University finds

The most comprehensive study of Australians' political beliefs finds management of the economy and taxation are issues that benefited the Coalition at the election.

9 Dec 15:19 ABC News 485384928777937845.html
Manchester City 'preparing for Pep Guardiola exit'

Manchester City are reportedly planning for Pep Guardiola's departure amid fears that he could leave the current Premier League champions at the end of the season.

9 Dec 11:41 Sports Mole 7750663361569982618.html
HC declines to order linking of social media accounts with Aadhaar, PAN

The bench said linking of accounts with social media platforms with Aadhaar, PAN or any other identity document requires framing of policies or amendment in existing laws by the central government

9 Dec 12:40 Business-Standard 1502508924973589502.html
Proponer matrimonio: Tres consejos para analizar sus finanzas antes

¿Sabía que diciembre es el mes más popular para proponer matrimonio? Las luces están brillando, las familias se reúnen y los tórtolos

9 Dec 12:53 Mundo Hispanico 2601846018316349285.html
Senate acquittal would be nothing but a stay of execution for Trump

The Senate may not convict Trump, but he faces big trouble in the court of public opinion.

9 Dec 16:30 TheHill 355432918066460360.html
Los demonios del VAR

La inclusión del VAR en el fútbol ha traído grandes beneficios pero en otras partes del mundo falta perfeccionar el espíritu de

9 Dec 12:29 Diario del Cauca 7368601132371167975.html
Edo crisis: Oshiomhole cannot resolve problems he created - Idahosa

A former political Adviser to former Governor Adams Oshiomhole, Mr. Charles Idahosa, has said that it was laughable for Oshiomhole to s...

9 Dec 14:41 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900389131656.html
Re-run: APC aspirants demand redeployment of REC, top Akwa Ibom INEC officials

APC Aspirants Forum, Akwa Ibom has demanded the redeployment of the Resident Electoral Commissioner, Mr Mike Igini and principal officials at the state INEC

9 Dec 10:28 Vanguard News 4125100340463255250.html
Jim Harbaugh Posts Heartfelt Tribute For Bump Elliott

Many condolences have come out for Bump Elliott, with Wolverines head coach Jim Harbaugh among them.

9 Dec 17:50 The Spun 9122471848245599831.html
TTK Prestige to boost home solutions portfolio, eyes new verticals

While it is launching 30 SKUs in the home cleaning range, other products in the electrical and non-electrical spaces are on the drawing board

9 Dec 14:08 Business-Standard 1502508925550414587.html
Red Wings prospect Joe Veleno to join Canada ahead of world juniors

Hockey Canada has received a boost ahead of the upcoming world junior championship.

9 Dec 12:19 Sportsnet.ca 4293652946579955026.html
Big Hit Entertainment denies 'News Room's claim that BTS sought legal advice regarding profit dispute

BTS is reportedly seeking legal advice against their agency Big Hit Entertainment.According to the December 9 broadcast of JTBC's news program 'News R…

9 Dec 12:53 allkpop 3249686061194990183.html
Russland für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen und WM ausgeschlossen

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat im Skandal um manipulierte Daten aus dem Moskauer Kontrolllabor eine Sperre verhängt. Das Exekutivkomitee folgte damit einer Empfehlung der Prüfkommission.

9 Dec 12:45 T-Online 5460876211017486603.html
Russland für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen und WM ausgeschlossen

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat im Skandal um manipulierte Daten aus dem Moskauer Kontrolllabor eine Sperre verhängt. Das Exekutivkomitee folgte damit einer Empfehlung der Prüfkommission.

9 Dec 10:37 T-Online 5460876211588842606.html
Chris Cornell’s Widow Sues Soundgarden Over Unfinished Songs, Unpaid Royalties

Vicki Cornell, the widow of the late Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell, is suing the surviving members of Soundgarden. TMZ reports that Vicky Cornell has filed legal documents claiming that her husband's bandmates are withholding thousands of dollars in owed royalties and disputing the rights to seven unreleased songs. In the legal documents, Vicky claims that these seven songs were "solely authored by Chris; contain Chris' own vocal tracks; and were bequeathed to Chris' Estate." She wants to release the songs, and she says that she's offered to share the recordings with Soundgarden. She would like to finish the releases in a way that Chris would have wanted, and she claims that the band has refused. The documents call Soundgarden's refusal an "unlawful attempt to strong-arm Chris' Estate into turning over certain audio recordings created by Chris before he passed away." Vicky also claims that Soundgarden guitarist Kim Thayil has falsely claimed that she, Vicky, is the main obstacle

9 Dec 10:20 Stereogum 5911871585251968245.html
Environment is the big winner in latest Council funding

Monday 9 December

9 Dec 09:42 SCOOP 5315658998799173940.html
Bakkt Launches 1st Regulated BTC Options as CEO Enters US Senate

The Intercontinental Exchange’s digital asset platform Bakkt launched the first regulated Bitcoin options and cash-settled futures.

9 Dec 15:29 Cointelegraph 3050247240963691741.html
Documents show US leaders misled public on progress in Afghanistan War: report

Senior U.S.

9 Dec 13:52 TheHill 355432919068262601.html
Regalos ideales para esta Navidad

Las celebraciones de fin de año son un momento para compartir y sorprender a los seres queridos. Regalar tecnología siempre será un motivo de alegría en estas fechas, por eso la firma asiática presenta las siguientes opciones. Smartphones, smartwearables y otras novedades recomendadas para esta época festiva.

9 Dec 11:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543496627808.html
Chanda Kochhar Failed To Disclose Conflict Of Interest With Videocon, ICICI Tells Bombay HC; Court Asks RBI To File Reply

The Bombay High Court on Monday asked the Reserve Bank of India to file an affidavit-in-reply in former ICICI bank CEO and MD Chanda Kochhar's plea challenging ICICI's decision to terminate...

9 Dec 16:31 Live Law 8801531620488092212.html
Barcelona plantea retirar puntos del carné de conducir por infracciones medioambientales

La DGT asegura que no tiene en conocimiento esta propuesta

9 Dec 17:20 Cadena SER 8390941985050023185.html
Einde prehistorie in Saudi-Arabië, middeleeuwen beginnen: aparte man/vrouw-ingangen afgeschaft

Zul je zien dat ze over een jaar of 150 ook nog eens de vrouw als volwaardig aan de man gaan zien

9 Dec 16:32 ThePostOnline 3048418755963081896.html
Sugar Bytes boots up DrumComputer, its new synthetic drum machine plugin

Three synthesis layers, effects, modulation and sequencing

9 Dec 14:51 MusicRadar 4787726361018040141.html
Ada Teror Ular Kobra di Citayam Bogor, Ini Imbauan untuk Warga

"Ular kobra pasti berbisa, yang penting jangan salah penanganan. Kalau ketemu ya dihandle sama orang berpengalaman," kataKomunitas Pecinta Ular SIOUX.

9 Dec 08:44 detiknews 8793960224475748621.html
Prvi sastanak Putina i Zelenskog na samitu u Parizu

PARIZ - Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin sastao se danas u Parizu prvi put sa ukrajinskim predsednikom Volodimirom Zelenskim, na samitu koji ima za cilj

9 Dec 17:09 Krstarica 4176903989868046579.html
Boris Johnson apologises after boy slept on hospital floor

Sarah Williment covered her four-year-old son, Jack, with coats to keep him warm as he waited for a bed at Leeds General Infirmary.

9 Dec 09:16 Shropshire Star 3480199992120408445.html
Fake news probe in Brazil exposes "Office of Hate" within government

Access will be requested to computers that were allegedly used to spread misinformation with taxpayer money.

9 Dec 17:15 ZDNet 591556592807305540.html
As a new breed of global inequality rises, we must unstack the deck holding millions back

In 1964, Dr Strangelove encapsulated Cold War life, unfolding under the constant threat of nuclear fallout.

9 Dec 15:33 The Telegraph 140598091912336414.html
Formula for Success? On the Value of Motorsport Sponsorships

Various brokers have invested their marketing budgets in motorsport sponsorships. Finance Magnates examined whether it was worthwhile

9 Dec 15:15 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138265685758263.html
Augsburg lässt sich nicht aufhetzen

Ein Mann stirbt nach einem Fausthieb. Das ist traurig und tragisch. Nun aber missbraucht die AfD die Tat für ausländerfeindliche Reflexe.

9 Dec 13:17 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592972136592.html
iPhone 12 could deliver another increase in battery capacity

Apple’s upcoming 2020 iPhone refresh could bring a slight increase in battery capacity thanks to a smaller battery protection circuit that eliminates the need for a holder case. The Elec said Monday that Apple’s custom custom battery protection module in...

9 Dec 12:20 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243715480270425.html
Der Traum vom Ende des Albtraums

An der Front in der Ost-Ukraine glauben nur wenige, dass der Pariser Gipfel Frieden bringt.

9 Dec 15:59 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323101896195.html
FC Liverpool: Ein Club muss sich aufteilen

Der FC Liverpool befindet sich nach dem Champions-League-Hit bei Red Bull Salzburg im Vorweihnachtsstress. Ein Team spielt Club-WM in Katar, ein anderes den heimischen Ligacup.

9 Dec 15:06 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084886449631.html
Volantino Unieuro: le offerte e gli sconti fanno impazzire gli utenti

Volantino Unieuro soddisfa le richieste dei consumatori con il lancio di una campagna promozionale davvero promettente.

9 Dec 08:05 tecnoandroid 2573257128120659334.html
Reports: Ex-Arsenal boss Unai Emery contacted by Premier League club over managerial job

It has been reported that Unai Emery, who was sacked by Arsenal just ten days ago, has been contacted by another Premier League side – Everton – who asked him to take over their managerial role if possible.

9 Dec 13:09 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905868342887.html
Fatal US naval base shooting presumed to be act of terrorism, FBI says

The US has sought the assistance of Saudi officials as they try to gather information about the gunman.

9 Dec 08:12 TheJournal.ie 6446904419118156681.html
Turkey Returns 11 Jihadists to France

Turkish authorities have deported 11 French jihadists to France as part of a campaign to repatriate terrorists from the Islamic State group, BTA reported. After they arrive in France, the deportees are expected to be brought to justice in cases of involvement with a terrorist organization.

9 Dec 13:14 novinite.com 4235039571939575302.html
Cherry blossoms prompt full-blown scandal for Japan's PM

It might be the most Japanese of political scandals: a furore over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's guest list at a party to mark the annual cherry ...

9 Dec 16:21 CNA 5644198862395079716.html
Watch This Bridge in Taiwan Collapse in Seconds

This video shows the collapse of a bridge in seconds, which leads to the death and injury of several people.

9 Dec 14:46 Interesting Engineering 7328942541841678812.html
Benefician a las prepagas con reducción de contribuciones patronales

Boletín oficial El Gobierno dispuso incluirles a las empresas de medicina prepaga y mutuales de salud la reducción de las contribuciones patronales que ya rigen para el resto de las entidades del sector, con destino a la seguridad social.

9 Dec 12:37 El Litoral 2624573358166601437.html
EU sanciona a altos funcionarios de Venezuela por venta de pasaportes

Se trata de Gustavo Adolfo Vizcaíno, director general del SAIME y su antecesor, Juan Carlos Dugarte

9 Dec 17:47 El Informador 103545929867999484.html
E-scooter company Unicorn goes bust after spending big on Facebook ads

The Texas-based company reportedly sold just 350 of its $699 commuter scooters.

9 Dec 17:21 BBC News 7821776126634077872.html
Sri Lanka team arrives in Islamabad ahead of Test series

The first match of the series is set to begin in Rawalpindi on Wednesday.

9 Dec 10:13 DAWN.COM 4500271767648633039.html
MPs in RS demand hike in tea workers' wages, universal maternity benefits

Demanding the government protect goldsmiths, BJP leader Kailash Soni said traders of gold and silver are in distress due to "police harassment".

9 Dec 09:55 Business-Standard 1502508926649088024.html
Tourist tweets escape from New Zealand's White Island volcano

(Reuters) - Tourist Michael Schade stood at the crater of New Zealand’s White Island volcano minutes before it erupted on Monday and shared his terrifying experience in a series of messages and videos posted on social media.

9 Dec 10:47 Reuters 8334514181571372961.html
Mundur dari CEO Bukalapak, Achmad Zaky ke Mana?

Bukalapak menggumumkan pergantian kepemimpinan perusahaan. Salah satu pendiri Achmad Zaky memutuskan untuk mundur sebagai CEO perusahaan

9 Dec 12:07 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212540765466.html
Ook Crowded House komt naar TW Classic

Na The Killers en Paul McCartney komt ook Crowded House op zondag 21 juni naar het festivalpark in Werchter voor TW Classic 2020.

9 Dec 10:29 De Standaard 2288913867661598225.html
Agenas, Nieddu: "Il ministro Speranza rispetti le decisioni prese"

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:00 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207317686503.html
Iran ready for more prisoner swaps with US, not negotiations

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran is ready for more prisoner swaps with the United States, the Cabinet spokesman said Monday even as he reiterated the Iranian leadership's stance that there will be no other negotiations between Tehran and Washington.The remarks by the spokesman, Ali Rabiei, were the first after a prisoner exchange over the weekend saw Iran free a Chinese-American scholar from Princeton who had been held for three years on widely criticized espionage charges.The scholar, graduate student Xiyue Wang, was freed in exchange for Iranian scientist Massoud Soleimani who had faced a federal trial in Georgia over charges he violated sanctions by trying to have biological material brought to Iran.

9 Dec 16:40 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760970661277.html
'Vossen kan Club Brugge verlaten voor JPL-club in opmerkelijke ruildeal'

Bij Club Brugge blijkt men voorin zoeken naar een vervanger voor Mbaye Diagne. De Senegalees lijkt op de weg terug naar Galatasaray. Als vervanger werd Igor De Camargo al naar voren geschoven. Die kan ook het 'probleem-Vossen' oplossen bij Club Brugge.

9 Dec 10:43 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217349610362.html
Raucherin löst an Bahnsteig in Dortmund Tumult aus

Eine Niederländerin rauchte noch in der geöffneten Zugtür und löste mit ihrem Verhalten eine tumultartige Auseinandersetzung aus.

9 Dec 14:38 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568208147110.html
Op drift geslagen schip botst tegen havenkraan: enorme ravage in Antwerps dok

In het Deurganckdok in de Waaslandhaven is maandagmiddag een schip op drift geraakt en tegen een kraan gebotst. Dat zegt het Antwerpse Havenbedrijf. Er zou...

9 Dec 14:16 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190763664188.html
Nach Brückeneinsturz: Manager auf Anklagebank

„Es war wie bei einem Erdbeben“ - so schilderten Anrainer damals die bangen Sekunden. Fast fünf Jahre nach dem Brückeneinsturz bei Frohnleiten in der ...

9 Dec 14:53 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093045140101.html
Hermit crabs are confusing plastic for shells and it's killing them

Research teams estimate about 508,000 hermit crabs have been killed in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian Ocean and about 61,000 on Henderson Island in the Pacific after getting stuck in debris such as plastic bottles, which researchers said served as "deadly traps."

9 Dec 17:28 Fox 4 8372747777028414003.html
Gert Verhulst verkozen tot eerste Wondernemer van het jaar

In september dit jaar organiseerden Xerius en SD Worx de eerste populariteitspoll voor ondernemers. Acteur William Boeva mocht die award voor ‘Wondernemer van het jaar 2019’ vorige week komen uitre...

9 Dec 12:50 HLN 8967494998046757429.html
Turquía deporta a once presuntos terroristas franceses de ISIS

Turquía ha deportado a once ciudadanos franceses sospechosos de pertenecer a ISIS, dijo el lunes el Ministerio del Interior.

9 Dec 10:43 Noticias de Israel 5887715888882676427.html
Persipura Lolos ke Final Liga 1 Putri Jika Mengacu Regulasi FIFA, PSSI Keliru?

Manajemen Persipura Putri melayangkan surat protes kepada PSSI terkait rancunya regulasi semifinal leg kedua.

9 Dec 12:39 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549708382485.html
Evropol: Uhapšena kriminalna grupa u Hrvatskoj

HAG - Hrvatska policija je u saradnji sa Evropolom sprovela istragu u kojoj je otkrivena kriminalna grupa umešana u utaju poreza, pranje novca,

9 Dec 13:06 Krstarica 4176903989160700229.html
Il Nuovo Codice della Crisi d’Impresa: opportunità tecnologica per la digitalizzazione

Un roadshow di Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting Italia ha approfondito la nuova normativa. Per l’ecosistema PMI italiano una grande opportunità di sviluppo di business e tecnologico

9 Dec 10:21 Hardware Upgrade 8244528333392183258.html
The best pre-lit artificial Christmas trees

Growing up on a farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains, our Christmas tree came straight from our woods, or if there wasn’t a good candidate that year, we bought from a Christmas tree farm.

9 Dec 16:53 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883789531473.html
SOCIETE GENERALE : propositions de renouvellement et de nomination d'administrateurs

Le Conseil d'administration de Société Générale, sur proposition du Comité des nominations et du gouvernement d'entreprise, lors de sa réunion du 5 novembre 2019, a arrêté les propositions de... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 17:14 Zonebourse 7946574377098769358.html
In difesa della banana di Maurizio Cattelan

Il critico del New York Times spiega perché l'ultima opera – una banana appesa al muro con lo scotch, poi venduta per 120mila dollari – è arte e non solo uno scherzo

9 Dec 14:09 Il Post 6291746504847397276.html
Man shot in Poway attack sues synagogue for lax security

Worshipper shot in shooting at Chabad of Poway sues center for not protecting congregants, plans to sue gunshop where shooter bought weapon.

9 Dec 17:36 Israel National News 5374683670367529419.html
After Steve Harvey’s Apparent Miss Universe Teleprompter Gaffe, No One Knows If Miss Malaysia Or Miss Philippines Won The National Costume

Oh no! It's happened again! Steve Harvey hosted the 2019 Miss Universe and there was a gaffe when it was time to name the winner of the costume

9 Dec 16:08 Celebrity Insider 265863475675271681.html
Five Soldiers Killed in Suicide Attack In Helmand

At least five soldiers were killed and four others were wounded in a suicide attack in southern Helmand province on Monday, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) said in a statement.

9 Dec 10:24 TOLO news 5578851438662784623.html
Sweden’s former China envoy charged over detained HK bookseller

Anna Lindstedt alleged to have held unauthorised negotiations with foreign power

9 Dec 12:40 Financial Times 707176889982339475.html
Conformaron el bloque Cambio Federal : Cuatro diputados abandonaron Cambiemos en la legislatura bonaerense

Los diputados bonaerenses Walter Carusso, Martín Domínguez Yelpo, Fernando Pérez y Guillermo Bardón abandonaron hoy el bloque de Cambiemos en la Cámara baja y anunciaron que conformarán la bancada Cambio Federal, informaron mediante un comunicad...

9 Dec 17:38 PAGINA12 7077267065083415212.html
Mann mit Messer bedroht und bestohlen

In Kerpen wurde ein 21-jähriger Kölner bedroht und bestohlen. Der junge Mann wollte eigentlich sein Smartphone verkaufen.

9 Dec 14:30 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568306788120.html
Hyderabad rape-murder: Watch the CCTV footage that helped police solve crime

CCTV footage from near a toll plaza where a Hyderabad woman doctor was gang-raped was a crucial lead that helped the police identify the four men who brutalised the woman and later killed her.

9 Dec 08:09 India Today 4286117812448492832.html
Persib Tanpa 3 Pemain Utama Saat Menantang Borneo FC di Samarinda

Persib Bandung ke Samarinda tanpa Febri Hariyadi, Achmad Jufriyanto, dan Supardi Nasir.

9 Dec 16:15 Bola.com 1695722603455494228.html
Smartfren Sudah Bikin eSIM Card, Operator Telko Lain?

Dengan hadirnya iPhone 11 yang mendukung teknologi eSIM. Smartfren membuat sebuah gebrakan baru dengan meluncurkan produk eSIM Smartfren.

9 Dec 10:52 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213554260351.html
Michael Healy-Rae treated for smoke inhalation after fire in office

Gardaí are not treating the fire as suspicious.

9 Dec 10:57 Breaking News 4415806918161768220.html
Ilse Warringa terug in satirische show op zondagavond NPO 3

Ilse Warringa keert volgend jaar terug op de zondagavond op NPO 3. Ze heeft een grote rol in de satirische show Nieuw Zeer van de NTR. Hierin komen sketches voorbij over pijnlijke onderwerpen uit de maatschappij. Dat maakte Suzanne Kunzeler, netmanager van NPO 3 bekend.

9 Dec 15:40 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047738971980.html
Paura di essere spiati? Ecco gli smartphone che fanno al caso vostro

Esistono alcuni smartphone che consentono agli utenti di tenersi lontani da qualsiasi tentativo di violazione della privacy: ecco di cosa si tratta

9 Dec 13:05 tecnoandroid 2573257128039272565.html
Daughter claims Australian ex-PM urged silence on alleged rape

The daughter of former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke said he ordered her to keep quiet about her alleged rape by one of his political allies for fear it would damage his career, Australian media has reported. Rosslyn Dillon alleged she was raped three times by a late Labor member of parliament in the 1980s, The New Daily reported Saturday.

9 Dec 09:40 WION 1570469242183632436.html
Canopy Growth shares get lift after Constellation executive named new CEO

Shares of Canopy Growth Corp. got a lift after the cannabis producer named a veteran Constellation Brands executive as its new chief executive.

9 Dec 14:56 CTVNews 2422791598334322470.html
Tesla Model 3 on Autopilot crashes into two cars in Connecticut

On Saturday, a Tesla Model 3 on Autopilot mode crashed into a stationary police car and a disabled vehicle near the area of Interstate 95 in the city of Norwalk, Connecticut, United States.

9 Dec 14:20 Neowin 8633418615783256657.html
Kijk live naar duiding van WADA: Rusland uitgesloten van Olympische Spelen in Tokio, Winterspelen in Peking én WK voetbal in Qatar

Rusland mag niet deelnemen aan de komende Olympische Spelen (2020 in Tokio), Winterspelen (2022 in Peking) én het WK voetbal (2022 in Qatar). Dat besliste het Wereldantidopingagentschap WADA. De Ru...

9 Dec 10:23 HLN 8967494997398525643.html
Piatek, che freddezza dal dischetto: tre rigori trasformati su tre

Su azione continua a fare fatica ad andare in gol (uno solo finora), ma dal dischetto Kris Piatek si sta dimostrando un tiratore perfetto: contro il Bologna, infatti, l'attaccante polacco ha segnato il terzo penalty su tre calciati in questo campionato (gli altri contro Verona e Torino).  

9 Dec 15:36 MilanNews.it 6507305921151236890.html
Iranian Lawmaker Denounces 'Tyranny,' 'Privileges' Of Officials

An outspoken Iranian female lawmaker says "tyranny," as well as "parallel" state institutions and centers of power, are destroying the "republican" element of the country’s political system.

9 Dec 17:11 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163686697249.html
Vijay-Shankar Movie On Cards? Director Opens Up

A film from Vijay-Shankar combo is definitely on cards and the director recently opened up regarding such a possible project

9 Dec 10:21 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243572830389.html
Farage appeared with antisemitic pastor on US web radio show

Brexit party leader gave at least six long interviews to Rick Wiles on the TruNews network

9 Dec 08:00 the Guardian 1491978794859198043.html
Coal Scam: SC Asks SG To Suggest Names To Replace Special Prosecutor

The Supreme Court on Monday did not take kindly to the ED's request for changing certain investigating officers associated with the Coal-gate scam.Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had sought permission...

9 Dec 09:06 Live Law 8801531620972989782.html
Nike Is Pulling Its Products From Amazon

Nike is overhauling its retail strategy and ending the pilot program with Amazon, which brought its sneakers and apparel to the world's most viewed storefront.

9 Dec 16:40 WeRSM 6225594626989430975.html
Vaguada provoca aguaceros en varias localidades; mantiene alerta en tres provincias

Las condiciones del tiempo se encuentran bajo la incidencia de inestabilidad generada por una vaguada en los niveles medios y altos de la troposfera al nor

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956265315968218.html
WireGuard VPN is a step closer to mainstream adoption

WireGuard in the Linux kernel itself means greater availability for the project.

9 Dec 17:38 Ars Technica 5028555107050924801.html
A bold escape from a negative rate world

The Riksbank will be the first central bank in Europe to exit negative rates, which have fostered political and social discontent without any material economic recovery.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487351580094.html
London offers winter warmers with a festive flavour

LONDON - Mulled wine, warm spiced cider and hot toddies have long been British staples during winter.Whiskey expert Ross Dennis at Dewar’s Aberfeldy Distill

9 Dec 13:49 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245589275341.html
Study finds broadcast coverage of the UK election has aligned 'most closely' with Boris Johnson's agenda, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The study's authors found that "in proportional terms, TV coverage has therefore tended to align most closely with the Conservatives' Brexit agenda.". Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 10:52 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755997183122.html
Amazon is diving ever deeper into healthcare 

Amazon is showing an increased interest in healthcare and health-related technology. The latest news is with Amazon announcing it has launched a speech recognition tool for doctors.

9 Dec 15:36 Digital Journal 4566489173116348476.html
Huawei cancels smartphone launch in Taiwan after being temporarily banned - Gizmochina

News emanating from Taiwan indicates that Chinese tech giant Huawei may have been forced to cancel the launch of its flagship phone and smartwatch in Taiwan after Taipei imposed a temporary ban on some of its products for listing the island as part of China. Huawei was billed to launch the flagship Mate 30 Pro …

9 Dec 15:06 Gizmochina 1751854816390773248.html
Huawei to roll out Harmony operating system to more products next year, but not phones and tablets

Huawei unveiled its proprietary OS in August as a possible alternative to Google’s Android, as it copes with trade restrictions by the United States that threatens to cut its access to technology made by U.S. firms

9 Dec 11:19 The Hindu 6679535026346505239.html
Protokolom o saradnji do boljih usluga za penzionere u Srbiji

Povodom sajma penzionera u Nišu Kompanija "Dunav osiguranje" i Banka Poštanska štedionica, 7. novembra, potpisali su u Nišu protokol o saradnji sa Savezom penzionera Srbije, kojim će se najstarijim sugrađanima omogućiti dodatne usluge u ove dve državne kompanije.

9 Dec 14:40 REPUBLIKA 2543998405784285075.html
China prison camps: Govt. says it will continue 'training' Xinjiang people

China on Monday defended its vast network of re-education camps in Xinjiang and said it would continue "training" residents, following explosive government document leaks detailing surveillance and control of the region's Uighur population.

9 Dec 15:23 News24 3752801378313796419.html
SMI-Anleger finden schwer eine Richtung

Am Schweizer Aktienmarkt herrscht zum Start einer ereignisreichen Woche zunächst Zurückhaltung.

9 Dec 11:44 cash 8314500324830908413.html
Satellite images show North Korea tried out rocket engine in 'very important' test: Report

Satellite imagery captured before and after North Korea conducted what it called a "very important" test at its missile launch site suggested it had tested a rocket engine, experts said on Monday. It was the latest of a series of weapons tests and statements from Pyongyang, as its year-end deadline for Washington to soften its stance in denuclearisation talks draws near.

9 Dec 11:12 WION 1570469241634484976.html
Menag dan Mendikbud Sepakat Materi Agama di Sekolah Tak Dihilangkan

Menag dan Mendikbud Sepakat Materi Agama di Sekolah Tak Dihilangkan. Menteri Agama Fachrul Razi mengatakan sudah ada tim untuk merombak buku pelajaran agama Islam. Sementara mengenai penghapusan sejarah khilafah masih terus dikaji.

9 Dec 16:52 merdeka.com 1998180354244408463.html
Frysktaligens folle grutter as tocht wurdt

Skôging Dy’t witte wol hoefolle persint fan de ynwenners fan Fryslân harsels as Frysktalich beskôgje, is noch net jierdei. Dat sit sa: men wit it net. Undersiken binne der by ’t soad, mar oft se al…

9 Dec 09:24 It Nijs 6358186642289628809.html
Gerrard calls for help for officials after Rangers' Scottish League Cup final defeat

While the boss noted that he was conflicted over VAR, he called for change after big decisions cost his side against Celtic.

9 Dec 08:13 The42 5369852629802745556.html
The physics-based firm that helped spawn the IVF revolution

How Research Instruments went from micro-manipulators to IVF and is now backing a brand-new physics-innovation prize, as James McKenzie explains

9 Dec 16:30 Physics World 8721234135143204022.html
Video: Beaver Creek: Schwere ÖSV-Niederlage bei Premierensieg von Tommy Ford im Riesentorlauf

Der zweite Riesentorlauf in diesem Weltcup-Winter der alpinen Ski-Herren hat ein neues Siegergesicht hervorgebracht. Der 30-jährige US-Amerikaner Tommy Ford feierte am Sonntag einen überlegenen Erfolg vor RTL-Weltmeister Henrik Kristoffersen (+0,80 Sek.) und dessen norwegischen Landsmann Leif Kristian Nestvold-Haugen (1,23). Für Österreichs Herren setzte es eine historische Niederlage.

9 Dec 09:37 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083338939153.html
Barangays urged to create ‘Christmas’ social assistance programs

President Rodrigo Duterte has enjoined all Sangguniang Barangays to establish a social assistance program for village officials and employees this Yuletide.

9 Dec 10:46 Journal Online 6375127393167253038.html
Giuseppe Conte: a gennaio il tagliando sul governo

Il presidente del consiglio Giuseppe Conte interpellato dai giornalisti sulla richiesta del Pd di una verifica di Governo a gennaio risponde così. «Io ritengo che ogni cosa abbia il suo tempo. Il governo ora è concentrato sull’approvazione della legge di bilancio. Un attimo...

9 Dec 16:19 Il Tempo 2494990961357265980.html
Tekan NPL, Bank Mandiri Bakal Jual Aset Duniatex

Bank Mandiri menyatakan bakal menjual aset yang dijaminkan milik Duniatex berupa tanah dan bangunan.

9 Dec 10:09 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213388225709.html
Suzuki IGNIS: il SUV ultra Compatto ideale per l'uso quotidiano

Suzuki IGNIS è il SUV ultra compatto progettato per offrire un design inconfondibile e un'eccellente praticità per l'uso quotidiano

9 Dec 12:51 Today 178378750147399192.html
Policía de Zapopan arranca el Operativo Jaguar para prevenir robo a bordo de motocicletas

Para prevenir y combatir los delitos a bordo de motociclistas, la Policía de Zapopan arrancó el operativo Jaguar en centros comerciales y […]

9 Dec 09:34 Notisistema 1929539243650966586.html
Counter Attack Solution for All Problems in AP?

Andhra Pradesh Assembly Sessions began today this morning in Undavalli. The Principal Opposition Party, TDP has announced its intention of raking 13 issues in this session but the Ruling Party, YSR Congress seems to have some other ideas. The Ruling Party has no answers except for counter-attacking TDP with unrelated issues, the Opposition Party alleged.

9 Dec 15:44 MIRCHI9 6041804858890914431.html
All Xinjiang de-radicalization trainees graduate, find jobs, lead happy life: official

Trainees who used to be influenced by extremism have all graduated from the vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang, a senior official with Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region told reporters in Beijing on Monday.

9 Dec 12:06 Global Times 7829414519609152290.html
Russia has been barred from competing in international sports for 4 years after an investigation by the World Anti-Doping Agency

The ban means the country will be unable to compete at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing.

9 Dec 11:40 Business Insider 6060062401271922510.html
'Absolute tragedy' - one women dead and another hospitalised after swimmers got into difficulty off Antrim beach

A WOMAN has died and another is in hospital after a group of swimmers got into difficulty off Ballycastle beach, Co Antrim this morning.

9 Dec 10:42 Independent.ie 5894610845717955254.html
Citra Kirana Malu-malu Saat Digoda Soal Panggilan Sayang, Rezky Adhitya: Dia Gugup

Citra Kirana terlihat malu-malu kucing saat wartawan menanyakannya mengenai panggilan sayangnya kepada sang suami, Rezky Adhitya.

9 Dec 08:10 Tribunnews.com 3323534445558244464.html
Steve Smith wants MCG to retain Boxing Day Test despite pitch concerns

Cricket News: Australia's batting mainstay Steve Smith is confident the Boxing Day Test against New Zealand will be played on a safe, quality pitch at the Melbourne

9 Dec 08:54 The Times of India 6060938663376805831.html
North Korea opens mountain spa, ski resort in tourism push

Tourism is excluded from the heavy sanctions the U.N. Security Council has imposed on the North over its nuclear weapons program.

9 Dec 08:37 An-Nahar 2220466264028279959.html
Policía anuncia bloqueos de carreteras

El Negociado de Patrullas Carreteras de la Policía informó que llevará a cabo bloqueos de carreteras el próximo viernes y sábado en las áreas policíacas de Aibonito, Aguadilla, Fajardo y

9 Dec 13:26 elVocero.com 6318248037194349495.html
Nuova Zelanda, erutta il vulcano Whakaari: cinque morti, molti turisti dispersi

In Nuova Zelanda è eruttato il vulcano Whakaari proprio mentre alcuni gruppi di turisti, soprattutto stranieri, stavano visitando il cratere. Il bilancio è di cinque vittime, anche se si segnala un numero imprecisato di dispersi. La National Emergency Management Agency ha diramato un allarme 4 su una scala di 5.

9 Dec 08:24 fanpage.it 1517332167976492973.html
Raucherin löst an Bahnsteig in Dortmund Tumult aus

Eine Niederländerin rauchte noch in der geöffneten Zugtür und löste mit ihrem Verhalten eine tumultartige Auseinandersetzung aus.

9 Dec 14:38 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109420200614.html
Constituida una plataforma contra las casas de apuestas en el barrio iruindarra de Arrotxapea

Ante la proliferación de estos locales en el barrio iruindarra, cerca de una veintena de colectivos de Arrotxapea ha constituido un plataforma para co...

9 Dec 12:17 naiz: 5941112987992203323.html
US SEC Seeks to Reopen Case Against Bitcoin Fraudster, Seeks Penalties

The U.S. SEC is seeking to reopen a case against Bitcoin fraudster Renwick Haddow, as he has not resolved the regulator’s claims for monetary relief.

9 Dec 15:53 Cointelegraph 3050247240265148062.html
'Nobody should tamper with Constitution's basic spirit'

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday paid tributes to the founding fathers of the Constitution and said nobody should tamper with the basic spirit of the Constitution.

9 Dec 14:41 Deccan Herald 2027555796412841409.html
Putin, Zelenskiy Meet In Bid To Bring Peace To Eastern Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, met in Paris for long-awaited talks on resolving the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.

9 Dec 16:54 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163351653452.html
Kohli asks butterfingers India to get a grip on catching woes

New Delhi - For someone who often leads by example, India captain Virat Kohli is appalled by the team's sloppy fielding against West Indies and wants them to fix the problem in the build-up to next year's Twenty20 World Cup in Australia.

9 Dec 08:41 The Peninsula 1202843882350077507.html
Sepang racing team confident of lifting EWC title with solid trio

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — With the backing of local fans and a solid combination comprising endurance specialist Michael Van der Mark, national racer Hafizh Syahrin Abdullah and MotoGP star Franco Morbidelli, Sepang Racing Team is confident of winning the Endurance World Championship (EWC). The three...

9 Dec 10:47 Malaymail 302165934591865591.html
Can Debt Deal Save Chesapeake Energy Stock?

Seemingly out of nowhere, Chesapeake Energy stock received a lifeline with a debt financing deal. But should contrarians take the bait?

9 Dec 16:51 InvestorPlace 24614509657330751.html
Haftung gegen Cash

Knapp 400.000 Euro soll eine Ausfallbürg- schaft Stadt und Land einbringen. Das Risiko ist trotz der 15 Millionen Euro Kredite gering.

9 Dec 11:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092580169747.html
Sidang Pertama Kasus Pencemaran Nama Baik oleh Trio Ikan Asin Akan Digelar Hari Ini

Galih dinilai menghina Fairuz dalam video tersebut. Hinaan tersebut salah satunya terkait bau ikan asin.

9 Dec 09:13 Tribunnews.com 3323534445602274929.html
The Best Ways To Grow Your Podcast Audience

Launching your podcast is half the battle. Now you have to get people to listen. In the video above, I chat with expert podcasters about the three things you should do to gain listeners and grow your audience.

9 Dec 14:53 Lifehacker Australia 3742423167913379047.html
Los demonios del VAR

La inclusión del VAR en el fútbol ha traído grandes beneficios pero en otras partes del mundo falta perfeccionar el espíritu de

9 Dec 17:29 Hsbnoticias 8316486043637795559.html
Jeroen Pauw is omroepman van het jaar

Jeroen Pauw is uitgeroepen tot omroepman van het jaar 2019. Pauw kreeg maandag in Beeld & Geluid in Hilversum de wisselbeker uit handen van Beau van Erven Dorens, de Omroepman van 2018.

9 Dec 16:57 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048429528275.html
Vecinos de Alborada exigen agua potable; se manifiestan

Los vecinos se posicionaron a la entrada del fraccionamiento y no dejaron que los carros salieran

9 Dec 15:28 EL DEBATE 4396150894255882243.html
Estudiantes pro palestinos en Estados Unidos no conocen los hechos

Los estudiantes pro-palestinos de la Universidad de Berkeley en Estados Unidos son tristemente ignorantes de los hechos.

9 Dec 14:17 Noticias de Israel 5887715888735880829.html
From karate to pepper spray, sexual assaults prompt Indian women to fight back

KOLKATA/BENGALURU (Reuters) - Indian karate teacher Monimala Halder took up the sport in her teens as a way to get fit. "I caught hold of the pillion rider just as he was reaching out for us and we beat them up," said Halder, 35, who has seen a steady rise in the number of women seeking self-defense

9 Dec 15:19 Yahoo 7097669638362604974.html
AFN: Shehu-Gusau vows to unravel corrupt practices

Ibrahim Shehu-Gusau, embattled President, Athletics Federation of Nigeria, AFN has said the body will work diligently to unravel all corrupt practices.

9 Dec 08:20 Vanguard News 4125100340201152846.html
Russia to miss Olympics after WADA ban

Russia­n govern­ment offici­als will also be barred from attend­ing any major events­

9 Dec 11:38 The Express Tribune 1105816785954690919.html
Beyoncé teases first look at collaboration with Adidas

Fans have been patiently waiting for a sneak preview at the collection

9 Dec 13:51 GOSS.ie 8755536025664802059.html
Disagi e rallentamenti per il sisma nel Mugello, scuole chiuse e edifici lesionati

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Disagi e rallentamenti dopo la lunga serie di scosse di terremoto che sono state registrate questa notte in provincia di Firenze, nel Mugello, di cui una di magnitudo 4.5. Scuole chiuse, al momento non ci sono feriti, ma in diversi Comuni qualche edificio è stato danneggiato e molte persone sono […]

9 Dec 09:05 Askanews 298649740167714445.html
Keller relativiert Druck im modernen Profi-Fußball

Der Nürnberger Zweitliga-Trainer Jens Keller kann mit dem Begriff "Druck" in seinem Metier nichts anfangen und verweist auf die privilegierte Stellung heutiger Kicker.

9 Dec 12:14 weltfussball.at 3521376371897147279.html
Sowore Re-arrest: Judiciary fared better under military rule, SANs lament

Sowore: Senior legal practitioners in the country, flayed what they termed as continuous desecration of the judiciary by the President Buhari-led government

9 Dec 17:21 Vanguard News 4125100340700854994.html
Why are Pakistani men so fearful of female sexuality?

Women are still looked upon in relative terms and are seen as custodians of men’s honour

9 Dec 12:30 The Express Tribune Blog 736159585207256033.html
Die Chefetage, das neue Einfallstor für Datendiebe

Deutschlands Unternehmen stehen im Visier von Cyberkriminellen, wie eine aktuelle Studie zeigt. Einfallstor für die Kriminellen ist dabei zunehmend die Führungsetage. Und auch ihr Ziel hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren verändert.

9 Dec 15:39 DIE WELT 6197693429720605934.html
Antonio Conte eyeing reunion with Chelsea ace in January to bolster Inter squad

January move touted by reports in Italy...

9 Dec 09:43 CaughtOffside 8169236756850440794.html
PM Imran Khan inaugurates Pakistan’s first National Science & Technology Park

Prime Minister Imran Khan inaugurated the National Science & Technology Park (NSTP), a flagship project of the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST).

9 Dec 14:22 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131252759182.html
The pictures that prove Rangers defender Filip Helander was not playing Celtic onside

Pictures prove the Celtic winner in the Betfred Cup Final WAS offside.

9 Dec 09:20 dailyrecord 552235480383634829.html
Soal Anggaran Komputer DKI Jakarta Rp 128 Miliar, Cinta Mega Sayangkan Tagline Anthony: Menyesatkan

Kontroversi anggaran komputer Badan Pajak DKI Jakarta yang mencapai Rp 128 miliar.

9 Dec 08:33 Tribunnews.com 3323534445451390463.html
Onion retail trader stock limits cut to 2 tonnes

The Centre on Monday further cut onion stock holding limits imposed on retail traders to 2 tonnes from the recently-revised 5 tonnes as it suspected widespread hoarding by the traders, an official sta

9 Dec 15:53 BusinessLine 5283601533128144.html
Jualan Toko Online Wajib Berizin, di Medsos Juga?

Penjual yang tak kontinyu menjual di media sosial tak ada wajib punya izin usaha.

9 Dec 11:22 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212255433024.html
Macron's France: Fifth Day of Anti-Reform Strikes Cripple Paris

Paris commuters inched to work Monday through massive traffic jams as strikes against retirement plan changes halted trains and subways.

9 Dec 13:35 Breitbart 3148363491781405705.html
Sturgeon suggests EU vote would take place before indyref

The First Minister reiterated her view that another Scottish referendum should be held towards the end of 2020.

9 Dec 09:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774639080510.html
Južnoafrikanka Zozibini Tunzi Mis Univerzum

NJUJORK - Na finalnoj ceremoniji takimčenja za Mis Univerzum sinoć je u Njujorku titulu ponela Južnoafrikanka Zozibini Tunzi, preneo je nedeljnik "Pipl".

9 Dec 12:07 Krstarica 4176903988172961565.html
The Witcher: Meet Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer in New Featurettes

Netflix has released three new featurettes introducing Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg and Ciri from The Witcher.

9 Dec 13:12 CBR.com 1295516961625072931.html
Hayne is the green harbinger of more red tape

Corporate Australia and unelected regulators are a big problem for the Morrison government's ambitions to free the economy.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284486433493432.html
Politiet har avsluttet den generelle bevæpningen

Politiet i Trondheim skal ikke lenger bære våpen uten at det gis ordre om bevæpning.

9 Dec 15:43 adressa.no 8417332406299318629.html
Ida Platano e Riccardo Guarnieri non si sposano, ma restano insieme

Ida Platano ha deciso di non sposare, almeno nell'immediato, Riccardo Guarnieri: la dama del trono over di Uomini e Donne vuole prendersi del tempo

9 Dec 09:40 ilGiornale.it 5019541225110594725.html
Uni Gießen vom Internet abgeschnitten

Unbekannte haben offenbar die Computersysteme der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen lahmgelegt. Die Uni ist seit Sonntagabend vom Internet abgeschnitten. Auch die Seite der Uni-Klinik ist nicht erreichbar.

9 Dec 08:46 hessenschau.de 6403292203263223530.html
De Lijn brengt feestvierders veilig thuis tijdens oud en nieuw

Vandaag maakt De Lijn het openbaar vervoersaanbod bekend voor oudejaarsnacht en nieuwjaar.

9 Dec 16:03 atv 2365892511630960655.html
FTB: Everyone loves Monday

Get to work, everyone, and then slack off by reading the links for a change.

9 Dec 11:00 Pension Plan Puppets 2082242128414217969.html
Fermarsi prima della fine

Il piacere delle cose non concluse, da "Pattinando in Antartide" di Jenny Diski

9 Dec 14:25 Il Post 6291746503468286277.html
Court date for fugitive charged with attempted murder to be set next week

A date for a preliminary inquiry is expected to be set next week for a Quebec man who fled to France two years ago after being charged in Victoria with two counts of attempted murder. Sebastien . . .

9 Dec 13:37 Times Colonist 7617512060569640757.html
Streit um eine Hose! Milan-Fan sticht Milan-Fan nieder

Ein Fan des italienischen Fußball-Traditionsvereins AC Mailand ist nach einem Streit um eine ins Publikum geworfene Hose schwer verletzt worden.

9 Dec 08:11 weltfussball.at 3521376372140075604.html
Serie A outfit contact Wolves and Everton over January transfers - reports

The young star has made just three Premier League starts, with eight appearances off the bench - and has scored twice

9 Dec 16:35 birminghammail 8288260686502919795.html
Your History Book Somehow Missed This: World War II's Failed Cloaking Device

The Allies tried, but couldn't make it work.

9 Dec 17:52 The National Interest 7207864702806784306.html
Miss Myanmar, primera candidata a Miss Universo que se declara abiertamente homosexual

Swe Zin Htet, estudiante de Derecho de 21 años, ha desvelado su identidad sexual horas antes del certamen celebrado este fin de semana en Atlanta Quiero que el mundo acepte a la comunidad LGTBI y su derecho a escoger su camino

9 Dec 12:25 EL PAÍS 2207347711111781220.html
Frank Lampard challenges Chelsea players to show "personality"

The Blues have won just one of their last five matches.

9 Dec 16:40 Sports Mole 7750663362584558542.html
Miliki Hubungan Terlarang dengan Seorang Pria Beristri, Mayat Wanita yang Berprofesi Jadi Tukang Pijat Ini Baru Ditemukan Setelah 5 Bulan Membusuk di Kamar Kos

Jalin asmara terlarang selama bertahun-tahun, mayat tukang pijat yang membusuk 5 bulan di kamar kos ternyata dibunuh oleh kekasihnya sendiri

9 Dec 17:17 grid.id 586386474266288663.html
Abortos legales, pero falta de infraestructura en Oaxaca impide hacerlos

Oaxaca ha legalizado el aborto, pero pese a eso han estado teniendo dificultades para comenzar a implementarlo pues resulta que no hay infraestructura para llevarlos a cabo

9 Dec 11:10 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623845546639.html
Fabian Schar and Christian Atsu back in contention for starts at Burnley this weekend

Newcastle United boss Steve Bruce was counting the cost of playing two games in the space of four days after the weekend

9 Dec 12:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901456034297.html
Waduk PLTA di Riau Dibuka, Warga di Bantaran Sungai Diminta Waspada

Curah hujan yang tinggi, membuat waduk PLTA Koto Panjang Desa Maringin Kecamatan Kuok Kampar, Riau hari ini dibuka.

9 Dec 14:38 detiknews 8793960223936309701.html
Seksueel overschrijdend gedrag tijdens het uitgaan? 'Angela' biedt hulp

Een gezellig avondje stappen, en dan vol in je kruis worden getast. Of die man of vrouw die maar tegen je aan blijft dansen of seksuele toespelingen maakt. Wat doe je? Als het aan GroenLinks ligt, vraag je straks ook in Arnhem aan de bar naar 'Angela'.

9 Dec 15:50 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615461942929.html
Group moves to create market window for rice farmers

The Nigeria Farmers Group and Cooperative Society (NFGCS), has moved to create a larger market window for farmers by aggregating rice paddy across

9 Dec 17:13 Vanguard News 4125100339254327168.html
Telford Tigers hold nerve to net tight win

Telford Tigers held their nerve to claim the NIHL National League spoils against Peterborough Phantoms last night.

9 Dec 09:58 Shropshire Star 3480199993086121505.html
[VIDEO] All'Oncologia di Chieti il Natale che parla al cuore: ecco l'albero con gli addobbi realizzati dai pazienti

Arriva il Natale anche alla Clinica Oncologica di Chieti, dove questa mattina è stato acceso l'albero addobbato con le decorazioni realizzate nelle scorse settimane da pazienti, familiari, tirocinanti e terapisti della riabilitazione. Un lavoro fatto con passione, cura dei particolari e con quello spirito di condivisione assolutamente prezioso per quanti affrontano un percorso lungo e impegnativo come quello oncologico.

9 Dec 17:59 ChietiToday 1729130452260060969.html
Crowley Webb brings blue-collar vibe to renovated digs

Crowley Webb has come a long way since its founding 33 years ago. What started as a small firm with an office on lower Franklin Street in...

9 Dec 14:19 The Buffalo News 2088823986790277129.html
General Election not just about Brexit, says Scottish Labour leader

Richard Leonard has urged voters to also consider issues such as investment in public services.

9 Dec 13:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773576734991.html
U.S. Lobbyists Seek Brexit Deal That Raises Drug Prices, Shreds Consumer Safeguards

The Brexit deal may be a Trojan horse for U.S. corporate interests, from Silicon Valley and American pork to pharmaceuticals.

9 Dec 12:00 The Intercept 3645855241172838421.html
A Natale sosteniamo la ricerca sui tumori pediatrici

Scegliendo i regali e gli auguri di Fondazione Airc è possibile sostenere l’impegno dei ricercatori che lavorano per trovare terapie sempre più specifiche ed efficaci per i piccoli pazienti oncologici

9 Dec 09:24 VITA 7700876770083497317.html
11 red sanders operatives nabbed at two places in Kadapa district

Accused resorted to stone pelting for several hours, say police

9 Dec 14:08 The Hindu 6679535025709779335.html
Watch the moving carol service as campaigners refuse to give up fight over closed Jarrow hospice

Campaigners hoping to return palliative care services to the Primrose Hill site held candles and sang carols under the hospice's Christmas lights

9 Dec 16:40 ChronicleLive 1984146901713117295.html
Kevin Hart viert het leven sinds auto-ongeluk

Kevin Hart is van mening dat het geen zin heeft je te verzetten tegen ouder worden. De 40-jarige acteur, die eerder dit jaar zwaargewond raakte bij een auto-ongeluk, vindt dat je het juist moet vieren.

9 Dec 12:14 RTL Boulevard 1500115271574389441.html
Ready for more United States prisoner swaps: Iran

Iran said Monday it was open to more prisoner swaps with the US while stressing an exchange at the weekend was not the result of formal negotiations with its arch-foe. US President Donald Trump thanked Iran for what he called a "very fair negotiation" after an American scholar was released Saturday in exchange for an Iranian scientist held in the United States.

9 Dec 15:07 WION 1570469241445946618.html
Witte kerst dit jaar uitgesloten

Het duurt nog ruim twee weken voordat het weer kerst is, maar één ding lijkt zeker: Het wordt geen witte kerst.De komende twee weken is het overwegend grijs en herfstachtig weer en vlak voor ker

9 Dec 11:51 OOG 303718094654166796.html
French unions dig in against Macron on fifth day of strikes

PARIS (Reuters) - Drivers on two Paris metro lines voted on Monday to extend a walkout until the end of the week as France grappled with a fifth day of strikes, a sign transport workers will keep up a fight against President Emmanuel Macron’s plans to streamline pensions.

9 Dec 12:17 Reuters 8334514181179698578.html
French unions dig in against Macron on fifth day of strikes

PARIS (Reuters) - Drivers on two Paris metro lines voted on Monday to extend a walkout until the end of the week as France grappled with a fifth day of strikes, a sign transport workers will keep up a fight against President Emmanuel Macron’s plans to streamline pensions.

9 Dec 12:28 Reuters 8334514180185920645.html
Neuer Arsenal-Coach? Kovac tourt durch PL-Stadien

Der Ex-Bayern-Trainer war am Wochenende in mehreren Premier-League-Stadien:

9 Dec 13:57 www.laola1.at 837519019417263414.html
Stitt to speak at OSU graduation Saturday

Gov. Kevin Stitt will speak to roughly 1,800 fall graduates.

9 Dec 17:08 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761935982784.html
Rusija igra EURO jer UEFA nije krovna organizacija

Posle četvorogodišnje zabrane koju je Svetska antidoping agencija izrekla ruskim sportistima ostaje pitanje šta će biti sa ruskim fudbalerima koji predstojećeg leta treba da igraju na Evropskom prvenstvu u fudbalu.

9 Dec 12:13 Sport Klub 42251758419766554.html
History beckons for these brave PH spikers

THE euphoria has not died down after the Philippines ended Thailand’s reign in the Southeast Asian Games men’s volleyball with an epic 17-25, 25-20, 23-25, 27-25, 17-15 victory Sunday night.

9 Dec 11:11 Journal Online 6375127392456170379.html
Cherry blossoms prompt full-blown scandal for Japan's PM

It might be the most Japanese of political scandals: a furore over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's guest list at a party to mark the annual cherry blossom season.

9 Dec 15:33 CTVNews 2422791598135591982.html
Dublin restaurant forced to close after live cockroaches were found on a container of nuts during food safety inspection

November was the worst-month ever for food safety with record numbers of FSAI orders.

9 Dec 13:37 TheJournal.ie 6446904417544099703.html
Study finds broadcast coverage of the UK election has aligned 'most closely' with Boris Johnson's agenda

The BBC and other UK broadcasters have helped Boris Johnson frame the general election on his own terms, according to an academic study of media coverage of the campaign.

9 Dec 10:52 Business Insider Australia 5575934300341144722.html
Una sardina tra altre sardine con la Costituzione nel cuore

Parteciperò a Torino come sardina tra altre sardine. Spinto dall’imperativo etico riassunto nel titolo di un recente libricino di Luciano Canfora: “Fermare l’odio”! Sper...

9 Dec 10:22 L'HuffPost 5315551423317572877.html
Trump, Dems in tentative deal on North American trade pact

The new trade pact would replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, which eliminated most tariffs and other trade barriers involving the United States, Mexico and Canada.

9 Dec 15:31 KNOE 8 News 9048639192346489443.html
One in hospital after crash into pole in Champaign County


9 Dec 12:46 Whio 8204027955650562397.html
Axel Witsel fehlt dem BVB nach Sturz im Haus bis Jahresende

Borussia Dortmund muss bis Ende des Jahres auf Spielmacher Axel Witsel verzichten.

9 Dec 12:29 4-4-2.com 812646142432185785.html
Netflix dominated the Golden Globe movie nominations as it begins to campaign for Oscar glory

Netflix nabbed major movie nominations for "The Irishman," "Marriage Story," "The Two Popes," and "Dolemite Is My Name."

9 Dec 14:53 Business Insider 6060062399647325531.html
Lack of Profitability Is a Significant Risk for Zillow Stock

A lack of profits has kept Zillow stock stuck in neutral for 3 years, and it looks like these profitability issues are here to stay.

9 Dec 12:10 InvestorPlace 24614511222501951.html
Sparkassen-Kunden warten auf Lohn und Kindergeld

Seit Donnerstag regen sich Sparkassenkunden bundesweit auf: Kurz vor Nikolaus fehlte bei vielen Lohn und Kindergeld auf dem Konto!

9 Dec 15:01 Bild 8433249908611216918.html
Grote knal was mega blikseminslag

De knal die zondagavond in een groot deel van de provincie te horen was, werd veroorzaakt door een mega blikseminslag. Dat meldt RTL Nieuws.Er zat zoveel energie in de lucht waardoor het onweer in

9 Dec 13:16 OOG 303718093800008429.html
Mann will in Weihnachtsstimmung in den Knast

Berührt durch die Weihnachtsstimmung hat sich ein 42-jähriger Mann am Hauptbahnhof Bremen verhaften lassen, um im Knast sein Leben neu zu ordnen.

9 Dec 15:32 swp.de 6929179440121376313.html
Wythenshawe finally has its own Screwfix...and it could mean great things for local charities

The new Sharston store could mean a boost for Wythenshawe charities, thanks to the Screwfix Foundation

9 Dec 13:31 men 6694993429289824394.html
Village Love Triangle Turns Fatal After Jealous Man Kills Lover’s Other Boyfriend

A love triangle involving three villagers turned fatal after one of the men killed his rival. He also severely battered the woman at the centre of the

9 Dec 12:35 iHarare News 2755902707119303270.html
SANDF helicopters airlift 70 trapped guests at Centurion Hotel

The South African Weather Service has issued a watch for more heavy rain in Gauteng this evening.

9 Dec 13:48 The Citizen 410802300846159519.html
How a duct-taped banana restored my faith in stupidity

I am in awe of Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, who convinced three rich idiots to cough up between 175,000 and 220,000 dollary-doos for a duct-taped banana on a wall.

9 Dec 11:55 The Age 7967730561781088834.html
Nick Kyrgios ist auch dabei

Nick Kyrgios wird beim ATP-Turnier in Stuttgart auch im kommenden Jahr aufschlagen. Der Weltranglisten-30. gab seine Zusage für das Rasenturnier im Juni.

9 Dec 11:59 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146350877080271.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife’s first trailer channels Stranger Things

Avoid moving into creepy farmhouses

9 Dec 15:23 The Verge 1337119303455750374.html
Welsh rugby's winners and losers as Welsh teen nicknamed 'Speedy' dazzles in Champions Cup while coach masterminds former club's painful defeat

Here are the winners and losers from a busy weekend

9 Dec 11:14 Wales Online 7686550515946403126.html
Die Qual der Wahl am Jessener Gymnasium

Das Jessener Gymnasium feierte seinen Tag der offenen Tür. Dabei konnten sich Grundschüler über die Schule und deren Angebote informieren.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110254008555.html
5 Direksi Garuda Dipecat, 2 Direktur Rangkap Banyak Jabatan!

Demikian disampaikan Dewan Komisaris PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

9 Dec 11:03 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214117740867.html
WhatsApp for Android already includes call waiting - Gizchina.com

WhatsApp for Android already includes call waiting in its own way with the latest version for Android (v2.19.352) that include calls on hold.

9 Dec 17:59 Gizchina 5392375276251909323.html
Neues BioShock: 2K bestätigt Entwicklung offiziell

Sechs Jahre ist es her, dass BioShock Infinite Spieler in die von Fanatikern regierte fliegende Stadt Columbia schickte. Nun hat Publisher 2K angekündigt, dass sich ein neuer BioShock-Titel in der En

9 Dec 15:38 GMX News 4492287762205854975.html
Ftsemib future: livelli chiave per la giornata di oggi

Il Ftse Mib future chiude l'ottava mostrando un'altra seduta combattuta con i compratori protagonisti, attesi oggi ad una nuova prova di forza.

9 Dec 08:04 Trend Online 3268043278730973027.html
Private equity tycoon Guy Hands looks to buy struggling Kier Living

Hands' private equity firm - Terra Firma Capital Partners - is one of the last remaining bidders for Kier Living.

9 Dec 14:24 City A.M. 6389894490636579768.html
Watchmen, la recensione dell'ottavo episodio della serie tv

Infanzia, vocazioni e amori del Dottor Manhattan. L'ottava e penultima puntata di Watchmen ci svela i dettagli della relazione tra il supereroe e Angela Abar e l'origine della prigione in cu vive Ozymandias: leggi la recensione.

9 Dec 08:05 Sky TG24 1131381333314712234.html
Weihnachtsstimmung in Bremen: Aus Reue: Schwarzfahrer aus Heilbronn will Weihnachten im Gefängnis feiern

Berührt durch die Weihnachtszeit hat sich ein 42-jähriger Schwarzfahrer aus Heilbronn am Hauptbahnhof Bremen verhaften lassen – um im Knast sein Leben neu zu ordnen.

9 Dec 16:26 swp.de 6929179440063689116.html
Ooh la la! Hollywood Actress Gwyneth Paltrow Advertises Vibrator in Goop Christmas Ad

In 2008, she launched a weekly lifestyle newsletter and years later this endeavour turned into a company called Goop, which sells products, clothing, accessories and what not for a pretty penny. Paltrow's company has been repeatedly criticized for selling medicinal products with questionable value and was even taken to court for false advertising.

9 Dec 12:53 Sputniknews 967333868073251237.html
Gary Lineker tweets warning to Liverpool but clarifies title comments

It seems Leicester City may be genuine rivals this season. They’re on a brilliant run and should be respected for not only their recent performances but a points tally that could be leading t…

9 Dec 13:13 The Empire of The Kop 4194553100294948762.html
Associazioni animaliste della Granda: una piano di azioni per il benessere degli animali

. Si partirà dalla formazione. Verranno coinvolti le Amministrazioni comunali sulle varie problematiche: dal randagismo, all’allevamento e sofferenze nei macelli. All’incontro ha partecipato il garante dei diritti degli...

9 Dec 12:05 Targatocn.it 7367208849063996108.html
One killed, several injured in New Zealand volcano eruption

At least one person was killed, several injured and others reported missing in New Zealand after a volcano erupted off the east coast of its North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air.

9 Dec 14:20 The Jakarta Post 7678601103919856516.html
Arsenal vs West Ham: Fans Minta Ozil Di Tengah Tim

Arsenal vs West Ham akan terjadi besok di laga Liga Inggris dan fans The Gunners minta Mesut Ozil berada di tengah-tengah tim., Liga Inggris

9 Dec 08:13 Gilabola.com 481785381058631467.html
FC Bayern bei der Chancenverwertung nicht mehr "Bayern-like": Gefangen im Phrasenschwein

40 Schüsse feuerte der FC Bayern bei den Niederlagen gegen Leverkusen und Mönchengladbach auf das gegnerische Tor ab, nur zwei davon saßen. Der Rekordmeister ist vor dem Tor nicht mehr Bayern-like, betreibt Chancenwucher und wird dafür postwendend bestraft. Es wird deutlich, wie viele Offensiv-Probleme Robert Lewandowski in dieser Saison kaschiert hat.

9 Dec 09:48 SPOX 8395423526738069484.html
Former Justice Minister: Aharon Barak a 'judicial pirate'

Haim Ramon slams former Supreme Court president responsible for 'constitutional revolution' says court acts as 'tyrannical' political party.

9 Dec 16:58 Israel National News 5374683669747540219.html
Cinque interventi per rendere Narzole ancora più bella e vivibile

Affidati i lavori relativi al finanziamento del decreto crescita per un importo di 50.000 euro. Con gli interventi sull'ulluminazione, si prevede nei prossimi anni un risparmio economico di circa 40mila euro

9 Dec 08:45 Targatocn.it 7367208849423162110.html
A rarest of rare opportunities

An opportunity to meet and interact with the legendary Milkha Singh is rare. To have him visit you is rarer. But that’s what a young Indian sport climbing team got on Monday at the Sree Kanteerava Sta

9 Dec 15:05 The Hindu 6679535024991390576.html
Sturgeon suggests EU vote would take place before indyref

The First Minister reiterated her view that another Scottish referendum should be held towards the end of 2020.

9 Dec 09:40 Shropshire Star 3480199992557499454.html
I'm A Celebrity result has bookies celebrating after market got it very wrong

Sunday's I'm A Celebrity result stunned bookies after Jacqueline Jossa triumphed in the final

9 Dec 12:07 ChronicleLive 1984146901758552798.html
China to remove foreign tech from government offices amid US trade war

The policy — which reportedly affects both hardware and software — could strike a big blow to American tech companies such as Microsoft, HP and Dell.

9 Dec 13:13 New York Post 7654946768362465458.html
Mendes heads home Bulls' winner

JERSEY BULLS’ winning streak was extended to 18 league matches courtesy of midfield schemer Ruben Mendes, hours after the club received national coverage on Sky Sports Soccer Saturday.

9 Dec 14:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774967983168.html
Barcelona pide que se retiren puntos por circular con coches contaminantes en zonas de bajas emisiones

La DGT descarta por ahora la medida porque asegura que la reducción de puntos solo está prevista para infracciones graves que puedan provocar accidentes

9 Dec 09:38 EL PAÍS 2207347711044183936.html
School bans hoodies as they 'intimidate' younger pupils

A secondary school has banned all of its pupils from wearing hoodies as they claim that younger students are intimidated by them.

9 Dec 15:13 The Telegraph 140598091640548653.html
Nuevas funciones de El Cascanueces

Tras el éxito de las seis funciones anteriores, el clásico de Navidad producido íntegramente por el Parque del Conocimiento tendrá dos nuevas funciones mañana y el miércoles a las 21. Las entradas (valor 50...

9 Dec 09:16 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724374454441.html
WADA president laments 'almost never-ending' Russian doping saga

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (Reuters) - The head of the World Anti-Doping Agency lamented an “almost never-ending” saga on Monday after Russia was banned from the world’s top sporting events for four years for tampering with doping tests.

9 Dec 16:16 Reuters 8334514181446717055.html
Nobelhistorikere: Dette er de mest mislykkede fredsprisene til statsledere

Nobelkomiteen har en rekke ganger tildelt Nobels fredspris til statsledere og topp-politikere. – Et sjansespill, sier nobelhistorikere.

9 Dec 16:36 NRK 3631390764569716459.html
Riflettori sulle isole minori. Nasce l’ufficio di coordinamento regionale

Tra i principali obiettivi dell’ufficio, migliorare e garantire i servizi essenziali come sanità, istruzione e accessibilità.

9 Dec 15:33 Tempostretto 3143171743527497067.html
Gujarat: Congress workers clash with police during protest against recruitment exam ‘irregularities’

Police used water cannons and pushed Congress supporters into buses as they marched towards the Gujarat Vidhan Sabha

9 Dec 08:52 The Indian Express 2885715104891030413.html
These are the African countries with the best 4G internet coverage

Every year, the Global Connectivity Index (GCI) by Huawei ranks 79 nations along an S-curve graph. The S-curve groups countries into three clusters: Starters, Adopters, and Frontrunners based on ICT investment, ICT maturity, and digital economic performance. This year’s GCI research methodology has been expanded to help policymakers understand AI’s growing influence on the global...

9 Dec 09:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198131092015140.html
Electric Car Users May Have Found a Use for Google Assistant

The thing on your phone you only ever open by accident may soon become a thing you occasionally open on purpose, should you be the owner or potential owner of an electric car. This is thanks to EV charge point specialist Zap-Map adding access to most of its database of chargers via the "OK Google" voice search, making it straightforward to find a charge location without getting done or publically shamed for looking at your phone while driving.

9 Dec 10:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059000866524563.html
government bonds launches interest rate options on 10-year government bonds

As per the statement, interest rate options are based on the underlying government 10-year bonds -- the 7.26% 2029 bond and the 6.45% 2029 bond

9 Dec 16:46 Business-Standard 1502508925618086119.html
Met Office issues yellow weather warning, with 'strong winds' expected in Greater Manchester

The warning includes Greater Manchester

9 Dec 13:44 men 6694993428548799722.html
New date set for Blackpool's League One clash against Bolton Wanderers at Bloomfield Road

A new date has been set for Blackpool's rearranged League One clash against Bolton Wanderers at Bloomfield Road.

9 Dec 15:24 The Gazette 1828400565053777702.html
Govt seeks apology from Congress MPs for alleged misbehaviour with Smriti Irani

In the previous sitting of the House on Friday, ruling BJP members had accused Congress MPs Dean Kuriakose and TN Prathapan of charging in an "attacking posture" towards Irani when she was speaking in the House.

9 Dec 09:58 The Indian Express 2885715103779919288.html
FIRS Chairman: Buhari Makes Fresh Appointment As Fowler’s Tenure Ends

President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed Muhammad M. Nami to replace Babatunde Fowler as the chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).

9 Dec 15:06 Concise 5544636822149870173.html
Book containing vulgarities not on MOE's recommended list, chosen by school

SINGAPORE: A novel containing vulgarities was not part of the recommended text list from the Ministry of Education (MOE) but selected by a school ...

9 Dec 17:39 CNA 5644198864243698345.html
Gobernadora del Valle encabezó recibimiento a los campeones de los Juegos Paranacionales

En medio de júbilo, alegría y mucho orgullo fueron recibidos por parte de la gobernadora del Valle, Dilian Francisca Toro, y de un centenar de aficionados, los deportistas que representaron al Departamento en los Juegos Paranacionales y terminaron campeones por primera vez en estas justas. Después de 16 años, en la quinta edición, el Valle del Cauca se coronó campeón de los Juegos Paranacionales realizados en Cartagena. Con 138 preseas de oro, 80 de plata y 66 de bronce la delegación rojiblanca terminó en la punta de la tabla de medallería, seguida por Bogotá — delegación que siempre se había coronado campeona de estas justas— con 114 medallas de oro. Los vallecaucanos hicieron su arribo este lunes en la tarde en el aeropuerto Alfonso Bonilla Aragón, donde fueron recibidos por representantes del departamento en cabeza de la gobernadora Dilian Francisca Toro, y de Carlos Felipe López, gerente de Indervalle.El atletismo fue el deporte en el que el Valle tuvo la participación más victoriosa al colgarse 85 medallas…

9 Dec 10:47 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346698939701.html
Aumenta estado efectividad de cobro de impuestos a trabajadores

Chihuahua.- El gobiero del Estado durante 2019 aumentó los índices de cobro de impuesto sobre nómina, de peaje carretero, prestación de servicios y actos de fiscalización.  De acuerdo a datos...

9 Dec 15:00 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558591789168.html
Pomezia, due associazioni vogliono realizzare un murale per Alba Rosa

L’Associazione Culturale T.E.M.A. e l’Associazione Culturale Hesperia vogliono condividere con la Città di Pomezia il loro prossimo progetto, la cui richiesta è stata protocollata venerdì u.s. – 6 dicembre 2019 – c/o il Comune all’attenzione del Sindaco Adriano Zuccalà, del Vicesindaco e Assessore alle Attività Produttive, Turismo, Cultura Simona Morcellini e dell’Assessore alla Pianificazione del […]

9 Dec 12:38 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338290127272.html
Kalvin Phillips to return for Leeds for Hull clash

Kalvin Phillips sat out Leeds' win at Huddersfield on Saturday through suspension.

9 Dec 17:41 Sports Mole 7750663362088909027.html
Move over, Villanelle! Ruth Wilson's His Dark Materials character steals the crown for most stylish TV villain with her vintage-inspired wardrobe full of jewel-tone dresses and luxurious satin

Viewers of BBC1's His Dark Materials have taken to Twitter to praise the wardrobe of chief baddie Mrs Coulter (Ruth Wilson), hailing it 'the best thing on TV'.

9 Dec 11:05 Mail Online 124328111418403147.html
Cardi B concludes maiden Africa shows but why are Ghanaian celebs unhappy with her?

Harnessing the power of social media, Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, professionally known as Cardi B, became an internet celebrity after several of her posts and videos went viral on Vine and Instagram. Having released her ‘Bodak Yellow’ tune to global acclaim as well as her ‘I Like It’ which is heavily digested in African states including...

9 Dec 17:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198130833919068.html
Anzio, lavori in corso sulla litoranea: in arrivo nuovi marciapiedi, illuminazione artistica, parcheggi, arredo urbano e pista ciclabile

Ad Anzio, lungo la litoranea Ardeatina, questa mattina, sono partiti i lavori per la realizzazione dei nuovi marciapiedi, dell’illuminazione artistica a led, dell’arredo urbano, di una nuova area parcheggio e per il completamento della pista ciclabile, nel tratto compreso tra lo stabilimento Lido Garda e l’inizio di Via Fanciulla d’Anzio. La nuova opera, finanziata dalla […]

9 Dec 15:10 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337480523663.html
Neue Infos zur 0 Prozent iPhone-Finanzierung per Apple Card

Im Oktober hatte Apple-Chef Tim Cook bei Veröffentlichung der Geschäftszahlen gesagt, dass die Apple...

9 Dec 12:45 Apfelnews 5112877753623557837.html
PM Imran to receive Bahrain's highest civil award: PM's special assistant

Premier is going on an official visit to Bahrain in mid-December where he will receive the award, says Zulfi Bukhari.

9 Dec 10:56 DAWN.COM 4500271766475466306.html
San Francisco resident captures astonishing video, photos of New Zealand volcano

A tower of choking ash spewed from the eruption of a volcano on White Island in New Zealand Monday, killing five people and leaving more missing.

9 Dec 14:59 SFGate 6504337519237864395.html
Chinese overheid wil van alle buitenlandse pc's en software af

De Chinese regering wil dat alle overheidsinstanties en publieke instellingen in het land hun pc's en software binnen drie jaar vervangen voor Chinese alternatieven.

9 Dec 08:05 Bright.nl 6602863321971041694.html
Trial date set for businessman Jim Mansfield Jnr on false-imprisonment chanrges

Businessman Jim Mansfield Jnr is to stand trial at the non-jury Special Criminal Court next year on charges relating to false imprisonment and the perversion of justice.

9 Dec 11:35 Breaking News 4415806919556394002.html
Isner sees Saudi tennis superstar in near future

The big-serving American — ranked 19th in the world, and who will touch down in Saudi this next week — is “thrilled” to be one of the eight tennis stars competing in the first ever professional tournament to take place in the Kingdom.

9 Dec 15:55 Saudi Gazette 6913978434215164457.html
Monti Tiburtini, ladri scatenati nel weekend: auto vandalizzate e centinaia di euro di danni

Monti Tiburtini, ladri scatenati nel weekend. «Buongiorno e buon inizio settimana! Non lo sarà sicuramente per quei miei concittadini di Monti Tiburtini che tra ieri e stamattina sono andati a prendere le loro macchine parcheggiate nella zona dietro il mercato Meda con l’accesso da via Durantini e via Filippo Meda. Una decina di auto sono […]

9 Dec 09:11 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339306277645.html
Massif Capital - Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc.

Diamond has been a painful investment for our portfolio.We invested too early in the cycle for offshore equipment, and the trough of the cycle has been extended beyond our modeled scenarios.We will ai

9 Dec 12:37 Seeking Alpha 5725634556028623728.html
Anche le vittime di sfregi al volto avranno diritto a risarcimento: concesso più tempo per chiederlo

Questo quanto previsto dal decreto Milleproroghe, che potrebbe fare il suo ingresso nella manovra finanziaria. Sarà concesso più tempo alle vittime di violenza per chiedere un risarcimento e si amplia la platea per l'accesso al fondo appositamente creato dallo Stato, a cui avrà diritto anche chi ha subito uno sfregio al viso.

9 Dec 16:19 fanpage.it 1517332166728205574.html
Agentia Mondiala Antidoping a exclus Rusia de la Jocurile Olimpice timp de patru ani

Agentia Mondiala Antidoping (AMA/WADA) a decis luni sa excluda Rusia de la Jocurile Olimpice timp de patru ani, pentru a sanctiona astfel falsificarea datelor controalelor efectuate de laboratorul de la Moscova, a declarat un purtator de cuvant al agentiei la finalul sedintei Comitetului Executiv, desfasurata la Lausanne, informeaza AFP, citata de Agerpres.

9 Dec 11:36 Wall-Street 2473040521435499741.html
Haus der Geschichte: Expertenteam für Neubau am Heldenplatz

Ein Expertenteam hält einen Neubau oder „ein vergleichbares Gebäude im Zentrum für Wien“ für die beste Lösung. Der Name sollte bestehen bleiben.

9 Dec 08:13 Die Presse 6242788855487842392.html
Bologna-Sportkoordinator Walter Sabatini: "Zlatan Ibrahimovic wird nicht zu uns wechseln"

Walter Sabatini, Sportkoordinator von Serie-A-Klub FC Bologna, hat verraten, dass der Schwede Zlatan Ibrahimovic nicht zum italienischen Erstligisten wechseln wird.

9 Dec 16:37 SPOX 8395423526740286766.html
Glyphosat-Verbot tritt nun doch nicht in Kraft!

Das im Sommer beschlossene Glyphosat-Verbot kommt nun doch nicht! Bundeskanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein erklärte am Montag, dass das im Nationalrat ...

9 Dec 11:55 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092508289467.html
Star Wars December Figure Reveals Include Two New Troopers

At a convention in Germany this weekend, Hasbro took the time to announce even more Star Wars figures on the way. And a price increase.

9 Dec 16:57 SuperHeroHype 7705098698547952174.html
Kenyan government sued for 'failing to protect' sex trafficking victims | IOL News

A charity group says the government's decision to make the women testify against their alleged traffickers had caused them psychological harm.

9 Dec 17:41 www.iol.co.za 17825112643371761.html
Ring in the festive season at FIVE Palm Jumeirah Dubai

Sponsored: Christmas brunches, fine-dining set menus and some of the best New Year’s Eve parties in the city

9 Dec 08:46 Time Out Dubai 1956550809312025045.html
Appell an Velofahrer von Moderator geht viral

Ein Video des Basler Radio- und Fernsehmoderators Dani von Wattenwyl geht viral: Er appelliert darin an die Vernunft der Velofahrer, in der Dunkelheit mit Licht zu fahren.

9 Dec 17:43 20 Minuten 5741369453323504936.html
Madhuri Dixit Nene to headline a Netflix series

Karan Johar will serve as a creative producer on the series, to be directed by Sri Rao.

9 Dec 12:23 The Indian Express 2885715104120414410.html
BREAKING: Russia banned from all major sporting events for four years

Russia are set to miss the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar after being handed a four-year ban from all major sporting events

9 Dec 10:52 The Standard 5587226194524564576.html
Mourn Reinhard Bonnke’s demise, CAN President directs churches

The President, Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Revd. Samson Ayokunle has directed all churches in the country to mourn Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke...

9 Dec 16:36 Vanguard News 4125100338745203806.html
Stargirl Teaser Reveals ANOTHER New Logo Ahead of DC Universe Show's Launch

DC Universe has revealed a short teaser for Stargirl, and with it, the latest iteration of the upcoming superhero series' title logo.

9 Dec 09:12 CBR.com 1295516963185424473.html
Death of NZ High Commissioner to Cook Islands

New Zealand's High Commissioner to the Cook Islands, Tessa Temata, died in Palmerston North over the weekend, Foreign Minister Winston Peters said today.

9 Dec 11:54 SCOOP 5315658999227169926.html
Amanare in procesul Colectiv: Instanta se va pronunta in 16 decembrie

Tribunalul Bucuresti a amanat pentru 16 decembrie o decizie in dosarul Colectiv. Initial, verdictul era asteptat astazi.

9 Dec 10:59 Ziare.com 1922730287847600738.html
Normalizovan aviosaobraćaj na Međunarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo

SARAJEVO - Nakon što su juče, zbog magle i smoga, otkazani svi letovi sa Međunarodnog aerodroma u Sarajevu, saobraćaj je danas normalizovan.

9 Dec 10:56 Nezavisne novine 4209150641611648569.html
"Mandigos, la Sardegna in tavola": il progetto di educazione alimentare nelle scuole

Salute - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:33 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206213324667.html
Lithuanian-born Kerry goalkeeper shines brightest at AFL Combine in Dublin

20 hopefuls participated in the two-day testing event in UCD.

9 Dec 11:37 The42 5369852630946728442.html
Alta Fox Opportunities Fund - Keywords Studios PLC

KWS was the biggest loser in the portfolio in Q3.The stock declined because of Q3 results, which were deemed disappointing by the market.We remain long as I think the company is well positioned for se

9 Dec 17:10 Seeking Alpha 5725634556420034195.html
Jokowi Apresiasi Peselancar Filipina yang Selamatkan Atlet Indonesia di SEA Games 2019

Presiden Republik Indonesia, Joko Widodo, mengapresiasi peselancar Filipina, Roger Casugay, yang menyelamatkan atlet Indonesia, Arip Nurhidayat di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:15 Bola.net 5489959029450519271.html
African players in Europe: Salah and Keita drive Liverpool towards title

Liverpool's confident march towards a first English title since 1990 continued with Mo Salah and Naby Keita both on target in the 3-0 win at Bournemouth.

9 Dec 12:05 Pulse Live 3606876836446778133.html
LASEMA boss to educate residents on safety at home

Director-General of LASEMA, Dr. Femi Oke-_Osanyintolu, is expected to deliver a lecture on safety at home as management of Radio Lagos Station is holding...

9 Dec 10:47 Vanguard News 4125100339143992190.html
Freweini of Ethiopia named CNN Hero

Freweini Mebrahtu of Ethiopia is named the 2019 CNN Hero of the Year for helping girls stay in schools providing reusable menstrual pads.

9 Dec 13:08 New Business Ethiopia 4287479610715241814.html
What a competitive showing against Ravens would mean for Jets

The Jets pulled out a last-second win over the Dolphins on Sunday when Sam Ficken’s field goal sailed through the uprights as time expired for the 22-21 victory. Here are some thoughts and

9 Dec 17:11 New York Post 7654946769051589045.html
Marauders Revives a Classic X-Men Villain With a Hellish New Role

As the latest incarnation of the Hellfire Club takes shape, a '90s X-Men villain returns in a new role that could spell big trouble for the mutants.

9 Dec 10:12 CBR.com 1295516961556463395.html
U.S. pushed Afghanistan war to the public despite persistent internal doubts, Washington Post investigation reveals

U.S. officials have doubted the war in Afghanistan since its very beginning. Just six months after the longest war in American history began, then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld tellingly wrote in a memo that "we are never going to get the U.S. military out of Afghanistan unless" the U.S. ensured there was "stability ... necessary for us to leave." And for the 18 years since, U.S. officials have been privately relaying the same concerns while publicly touting "progress," documents and interviews obtained and published by The Washington Post reveal. Rumsfeld wrote an estimated 59,000 memos he called "snowflakes" during his tenure, but most of them remained private until now. The Post had filed a lawsuit against the National Security Archive and has since obtained more of those snowflakes, including one from 2003 where Rumsfeld complained that he had "no visibility into who the bad guys are." In interviews with the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction also obtained and published by the Post…

9 Dec 16:07 The Week 149215355626775468.html
Steam Charts der Woche: Konsolen-Giganten erobern den PC

Halo und Red Dead Redemption 2 starten in die Offensive: Die einstigen Konsolen-Giganten erobern die Steam-Verkaufscharts und belegen zig Plätze.

9 Dec 09:53 www.gamestar.de 809832118330674385.html
Washpo: Top US officials misled public about Afghan War

Confidential documents obtained by The Washington Post reveal that top U.S. officials misled the American public about the war in Afghanistan in order to conceal doubts about the likelihood that the U.S. could be successful in the nearly 20-year effort since its earliest days, the paper reported in a major investigation on Monday.

9 Dec 14:45 CHANNEL3000 830332542789873941.html
22 showstopping looks from the Miss Universe pageant over the years, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From daring, nearly-sheer gowns to two-piece ensembles, here are some of the best outfits contestants have worn.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:37 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755811251519.html
Keeping an eye on older loved ones during the holidays

Make sure to connect with those who are getting older as you make your way to relatives homes this holiday season.

9 Dec 09:37 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203122619709.html
Google engineer inspires girls with bestselling children’s book

It all started when Komal Singh’s 5-year-old daughter declared, 'Oh mama, engineers are boys,'

9 Dec 13:04 KitchenerToday.com 52741008961880651.html
MBC-Spieler überraschen Kinder in der Asklepios-Klinik

Eine fröhliche Stimmung herrscht auf der Kinder- und Jugendstation des Asklepiosklinikums in Weißenfels. Die Patienten, Schwestern, Ärzte und Eltern feiern dort eine schöne Weihnachtsfeier und sie ahnen noch nicht, was gleich passieren wird. Jeden Moment kommt prominenter Besuch. Ahnungslos lassen sich die Mädchen und Jungen, die Mitarbeiter und die Gäste an diesem Donnerstagnachmittag die Plätzchen ...

9 Dec 14:53 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109267852355.html
Northern Irish leader says Boris Johnson broke his word on Brexit

The DUP has refused to support the Brexit deal Boris Johnson struck with the EU.

9 Dec 09:49 POLITICO 2584151347031599945.html
Bus-stoning suspects hunted by C. Sur cops

RAGAY, C. SUR- members of the local police are tracking down suspects who were responsible for stoning buses plying the route from Metro Manila to Bicol passing the Andaya Highway in this town.

9 Dec 09:37 Journal Online 6375127393329916749.html
Fünf Tote bei Vulkanausbruch

Beim Ausbruch eines Vulkans auf Neuseeland sind fünf Menschen getötet worden. Rettungskräfte unterbrachen ihre Suche nach weiteren vermissten Touristen. Die Lage sei zu gefährlich.

9 Dec 13:02 tagesschau.de 5441171425277115675.html
Pucci e le offese ai fonnesi: "Scuse pubbliche e risarcimento simbolico"

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 17:43 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206046062613.html
Jeroen Pauw is omroepman van het jaar

HILVERSUM (ANP) - Presentator Jeroen Pauw is uitgeroepen tot omroepman van het jaar 2019. Pauw kreeg maandag in Beeld & Geluid in Hilversum de wisselbeker uit handen van Beau van Erven Dorens, die de prijs vorig jaar won.

9 Dec 17:10 Nieuws.nl 2419030131222268646.html
US SEC Re-Opens Infamous Bitcoin Scammer Case

According to recent documents, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) believes that the case against the serial Ponzi scammer, Renwick

9 Dec 10:45 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936184989441.html
Media-Markt- und Saturn-Filialen werden kleiner

Der neue Interimschef von Ceconomy will die Media-Markt- und Saturn-Filialen interessanter machen und Erlebnisse bieten. Dafür brauche man weniger Fläche.

9 Dec 14:29 Golem.de 3063982244239882730.html
Republican Counsel Stephen Castor Destroys Democrats' Arguments for Impeachment | Breitbart

Stephen Castor, Republican counsel for the House Intelligence Committee, laid out his party's case against Trump's impeachment.

9 Dec 17:29 Breitbart 3148363491152993377.html
Dalian Atkinson death: Two police officers appear in court and will stand trial

Benjamin Monk is accused of the murder of the former Manchester City star and Mary Ellen Bettley-Smith denies assault

9 Dec 15:34 men 6694993429274185035.html
Ganda Campuran Putri Praven/Melati, Raih Emas

KBRN, Muntinlupa : Pebulutangkis ganda campuran Indonesia, Praven Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti, mempersembahkan emas bagi Indonesia setelah menang atas lawannya dari Malaysia Goh Soon

9 Dec 12:18 RRI News Portal 6700853645633535729.html
LIC flying in supplies for flood-hit farmers

The critical spring mating period is underway on most of the country’s dairy farms, but heavy rain, slips and floodwaters have closed key roads in the South Island, making it difficult to reach a number of flood-hit farms and get the cows in-calf.

9 Dec 17:08 SCOOP 5315658998336927776.html
La Albufera, una farmacia natural

Plantas medicinales. Uno de los valores del parque es la cantidad de especies de flora con propiedades curativas que se encuentran en las dunas, acequias, ullals o malla

9 Dec 08:45 Las Provincias 5471838388845486001.html
American singer Katy Perry hits a raw nerve for insinuating K-Pop boyband BTS fans are children

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — American singer Katy Perry has rubbed fans of popular K-Pop boyband BTS the wrong way for insinuating that they were children. Perry reportedly made the remark at KIIS FM Jingle Ball music festival on Saturday, reported Korean pop culture site Allkpop. According to the...

9 Dec 08:36 Malaymail 302165934611491429.html
Tunnel Paterswoldseweg vrijdag ook open voor auto’s

Automobilisten kunnen vanaf vrijdag onder de spoortunnel in de Paterswoldseweg rijden. De tunnel vervangt de spoorwegovergang, die al ruim een jaar dicht is.De tunnel was nodig omdat er tussen Gro

9 Dec 17:02 OOG 303718093910858780.html
Dan banderazo de salida al transporte urbano en Isla Mujeres

El gobernador Carlos Joaquín y el alcalde Juan Carrillo inaguraron las unidades de transporte con las que la ciudadanía isleña será la más beneficiada.

9 Dec 16:47 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624628411651.html
Serena Mollicone Le Iene | testimone inchioda Marco Mottola

Serena Mollicone Le Iene: nella puntata dell’8 dicembre 2019 la trasmissione Mediaset mostra le parole di un dirigente ASL: “I tossici che avevamo in cura erano certi di chi fosse il colpevole”. Serena Mollicone Le Iene. La trasmissione Mediaset continua a parlare del controverso caso relativo alla giovane uccisa il 1° giugno 2001 ad Arce, …

9 Dec 08:33 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927935582534.html
Darmstadt 98 und Wehen Wiesbaden: Durchmogeln zum Ligaerhalt

Darmstadt 98 und der SV Wehen Wiesbaden wollen nach dem 0:0 im direkten Duell das Positive mitnehmen, die negative Kehrseite offenbart für beide aber viel Arbeit.

9 Dec 13:47 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323697399795.html
Gertak Korut dengan Kehilangan 'Segalanya', Ternyata Itu Isyarat Trump Ingin...

WE Online, Washington - Presiden Amerika Serikat (AS) Donald Trump mengatakan, pemimpin Korea Utara (Korut) Kim Jong-un berisiko kehilangan "segalanya" jika ia melanjutkan kembali permusuhan. Dia lalu mendesak Korut harus kembali melanjutkan pembicaraan denuklirisasi dengan AS.

9 Dec 15:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834207356536.html
Crisis on Infinite Earths Makes a Major Legends of Tomorrow Retcon

"Crisis on Infinite Earths" retcons something pretty major from the very first season of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

9 Dec 14:12 CBR.com 1295516961462932784.html
U.S. military trainers describe Afghan security forces as incompetent, unmotivated and rife with deserters

In a trove of confidential government interviews obtained by The Washington Post, U.S., NATO and Afghan officials described their efforts to create an Afghan proxy force as a long-running calamity.

9 Dec 16:30 The Seattle Times 9121942838184534038.html
Verwachting werkgevers: lonen volgend jaar met ruim 3 procent omhoog

Een meevaller, midden in het dure feestdagenseizoen. De lonen stijgen volgend jaar harder dan dit jaar. En dat is opmerkelijk, want de verwachting was dat de lonen juist minder hard zouden stijgen dan de gemiddelde 2,8 procent dit jaar.

9 Dec 09:58 RTLZ 8052859357336982692.html
La sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi es coronada Miss Universo

La representante de Sudáfrica Zozibini Tunzi fue coronada el domingo Miss Universo 2019, con lo que le dio a su país su segundo triunfo en tres años en este certamen, en el que las aspirantes de Puerto Rico, México y Colombia tuvieron un papel destacado

9 Dec 11:11 El Impulso 879547506753907771.html
Goods moving between Britain and North will require checking - Coveney

British Prime Minister claimed over the weekend such checks would not be necessary

9 Dec 16:00 The Irish Times 8204772968075973588.html
Presiden Jokowi Beri Apresiasi Surfer Filipina yang Selamatkan Atlet Indonesia di SEA Games 2019

Presiden Joko Widodo memberikan apresiasi pada surfer Filipina, Roger Casugay, yang menyelamatkan atlet Indonesia, Arip Nurhidayat saat lomba di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 12:45 Bola.com 1695722603504652221.html
Central bankers pay tribute to Paul Volcker

US Fed chairman who tackled 1970s-era inflation has died aged 92

9 Dec 14:24 Financial Times 707176889294211060.html
Facebook ed Amazon apriranno dei nuovi uffici a New York

I due più grandi colossi del momento, Facebook ed Amazon hanno intenzione di aprire dei nuovi uffici nel cuore di New York

9 Dec 13:45 tecnoandroid 2573257128390498205.html
GroupM Media und Marketing Forecast: globales Werbewachstum verlangsamt sich

Die GroupM hat ihren jährlichen "This Year, Next Year" Media und Marketing Forecast veröffentlicht. Darin finden sich erste Prognosen und Zahlen über die weltweiten Werbeausgaben 2019/2020. Insgesamt verlangsamt sich das globale Werbewachstum demnach von 5,7 Prozent in 2018 auf 4,8 Prozent in 2019 und 3,9 Prozent in 2020.

9 Dec 10:57 MEEDIA 2574484879061387505.html
SAB bo za novo kohezijsko ministrico tudi uradno predlagala Angeliko Mlinar

Izvršni odbor SAB se je odločil, da tudi uradno predlaga koroško Slovenko Angeliko Mlinar za novo ministrico za razvoj, strateške projekte in kohezijo. Ta je prejšnji teden že vložila tudi vlogo za slovensko državljanstvo, čeprav od Avstrije dovoljenja za to še ni dobila.

9 Dec 17:45 Primorske novice 8884558925777146771.html
OnePlus werkt aan grote OnePlus 8 Lite, renders verschenen

Ook OnePlus lijkt te werken aan een Lite-variant van haar populaire smartphone. Renders van deze vermeende OnePlus 8 Lite zijn nu verschenen. Gecombineerd met een iets lagere prijs zou OnePlus hiermee de prijsverhogingen van de laatste jaren deels ongedaan kunnen maken.

9 Dec 11:12 www.nieuwemobiel.nl 4530854383489381323.html
These fantastic Xbox One deals have just dropped in price everywhere

These Xbox One deals have landed just in time for the holidays, with big savings on all models.

9 Dec 14:30 TechRadar 2111116915571356836.html
New Images Show Asteroid Bennu Spewing Bits of Itself Into Space

Images taken by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft are helping scientists to understand why small particles are occasionally flying off the surface of Bennu, a nearly spherical asteroid that resembles a spinning top.

9 Dec 13:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001253197359.html
Edmonds-Woodway junior excels in academics and activism

Audrey, 16, is active in theater and started a feminism club. “I’m very vocal, always raising my hand.”

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135409282699848.html
ASOS buy

Die Experten der Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von ASOS mit buy

9 Dec 11:18 finanzen.at 7258357743139552397.html
Incendio nell'autodemolizione, il rogo è doloso

Ascoltato il titolare dell’attività, l’uomo in passato è stato denunciato per ricettazione e detenzione di armi

9 Dec 13:59 AvellinoToday 5452883947973402355.html
Mac Pro

De Mac Pro is Apple's krachtigste Mac, bedoeld voor professioneel gebruik. Een overzicht van alle features, specificaties en prijzen van de Mac Pro 2019.

9 Dec 10:36 iCreate 5140431716861145528.html
Sri Lanka touch down in Pakistan for historic tour

Sri Lanka have touched down in Pakistan for a tour that will see the home country hosting Test cricket for the first time since the 2009 terrorist attack.

9 Dec 16:14 Sport 682566034695427883.html
Chanda Kochhar termination: Bombay HC seeks RBI's reply before next hearing

Earlier, Kochhar had stated that ICICI Bank was under statutory obligation to obtain prior RBI approval to terminate her from service, and claimed that the bank did not seek any such approval.

9 Dec 14:30 Business-Standard 1502508926460593093.html
10 Manfaat Minum Teh Tanpa Gula, Bisa Turunkan Berat Badan

Berikut 10 manfaat minum teh tanpa gula, dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, Jumat(6/12/2019).

9 Dec 08:30 Bola.com 1695722603967569513.html
Tiki Taka, Lotito troppo 'loquace' e Christian Vieri si addormenta per protesta

A Tiki Taka Claudio Lotito parla troppo e gli ospiti in studio borbottano. Chrstian Vieri simula la dormita

9 Dec 11:13 Tvblog 378101970761451971.html
Render shows OnePlus tackling the midrange market with OnePlus 8 Lite

A midrange device from the king of value smartphones? Yes, please.

9 Dec 15:56 Ars Technica 5028555107190491879.html
Stolen ECHO newspaper and plaque on Eleanor Rigby statue to be restored

Parts of the iconic statue were stolen in October

9 Dec 14:42 Liverpool Echo 7727211173757153953.html
Jumia to Cease Operations in Rwanda, Shuts Down Jumia Travel in Nigeria

Jumia is continuing with its optimization moves where they'll cease operations in Rwanda and shut down Jumia Travel in Nigeria

9 Dec 12:45 Techweez 8371727318958981569.html
Stop heating up polity, Bayelsa APC tells Dickson

Daniels Igoni, Yenagoa The All Progressives Congress in Bayelsa State on Sunday called on the state governor, Seriake Dickson, to stop heating up the polity with “wild allegations and inciting com...

9 Dec 08:15 Punch Newspapers 3524240995191464693.html
Bolt of lightning thought to be responsible for fire at Michael Healy-Rae's office

A bolt of lightning may have been responsible for the fire which struck the Kilgarvan commercial complex and office belonging to the Kerry TD Michael Healy-Rae this morning.

9 Dec 16:09 Irishexaminer 8196011179197662640.html
Good window of fine weather this week


9 Dec 12:27 SCOOP 5315658999628906860.html
Crisis: Supergirl Reveals What Gives Her Hope in Powerful Speech

As the Crisis on Infinite Earths began to overwhelm every corner of the Arrowverse, Supergirl told Superman what really keeps her going.

9 Dec 17:12 CBR.com 1295516963569807173.html
Diese Austro-Beauty will sich neuen Bachelor krallen

Birgit aus Niederösterreich will das Herz des neuen Bachelors erobern

9 Dec 11:18 www.oe24.at 1513709912549018878.html
Franse onderzoeksrechter aangesteld in onderzoek naar toewijzing WK 2022 aan Qatar

In Frankrijk is een Parijse onderzoeksrechter aangesteld in het onderzoek naar de omstandigheden bij de toewijzing van het WK 2022 aan Qatar, zo bevestigde het Franse parket maandag aan nieuwsagent...

9 Dec 16:12 HLN 8967494998148179857.html
Mindestens fünf Tote bei Vulkanausbruch

Nach dem Ausbruch eines Vulkans auf der neuseeländischen Insel White Island vermutet die Polizei, dass es dort keine Überlebenden mehr gibt. Nach bisherigen Angaben wurden bei dem Ausbruch am Montag mindestens fünf Menschen getötet. Mehr als 20 werden noch vermisst. Mindestens sieben Touristen wurden schwer verletzt.

9 Dec 13:32 NÖN.at 2486998932495345482.html
Update: Standard gaat akkoord met voorstel voor Carcela, maar niet voor Mpoku

Mehdi Carcela en Paul-José Mpoku kregen afgelopen speeldag een rode kaart na hun charge in de wedstrijd tegen Moeskroen. Het bondsparket stelt drie speeldagen voor als schorsingsvoorstel voor beide spelers.

9 Dec 14:26 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216417245209.html
Fallimento Mercatone Uno: nessun rimborso, beffa per 10mila clienti

Diecimila clienti non riceveranno alcun tipo di rimborso, nonostante i soldi spesi per mobili mai consegnati.

9 Dec 08:07 InvestireOggi 7231367744208031728.html
Google Calendar adds the ability to move events between calendars

Managing multiple calendars just got easier, thanks to the new ability to move events between calendars which is rolling out to the Google Calendar app on Android.

9 Dec 15:47 Android Central 29040142803481657.html
Dominicano en lista Forbes por aplicar inteligencia artificial en brotes de dengue

La revista Forbes estadounidense escogio por segunda ocasion en siete años a un dominicano en su lista 30 menores de 30, a Rainier Mallol, de 28 años, sele

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263312289197.html
Rumänische Autohändler in Lohmar von falschen Polizisten bestohlen

Der Unbekannte ließ sich eine Tasche der Geschädigten zur Durchsuchung reichen.

9 Dec 14:40 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568643658715.html
Chop-your-own Christmas trees: Dutch park makes festive free offer

HOGE VELUWE, Netherlands: A national park in the Netherlands is making an unusual offer to visitors this holiday season: come and chop down your own Christmas tree - for free.

9 Dec 14:54 The Peninsula 1202843880966236079.html
Originelle und klassische Geschenkideen für Frauen zu Weihnachten

Über welche Geschenke freuen sich Frauen eigentlich und wie finden Sie das passende Geschenk? Wir haben für Sie hilfreiche Tipps und schöne Geschenkideen für Frauen recherchiert.

9 Dec 11:37 T-Online 5460876210936285440.html
Google anuncia las Pixel Feature Drops, actualizaciones cargadas de nuevas funciones para los dispositivos Pixel

Google anuncia las Pixel Feature Drops: actualizaciones frecuentes que llegarán a los Pixel con nuevas funciones y características exclusivas.

9 Dec 14:46 Andro4all 8652186059074143127.html
A 'meteor hurricane' caused civilisation collapse and another could wipe us out

Space objects wreaked havoc on Earth and caused a devastating apocalypse which destroyed early societies.

9 Dec 13:21 Metro 970161748499543200.html
Verlieren verboten! Bayern will zurück in die Erfolgsspur

Bei Bayern München ist die Lage vor dem Gruppenfinale in der Champions League kritisch. Die vorweihnachtliche Botschaft lautet: verlieren verboten!

9 Dec 12:46 weltfussball.at 3521376372010530544.html
LDP plans tax breaks to help spread 5G networks

The Liberal Democratic Party's tax panel is planning to give preferential tax treatment to mobile phone carriers and others to help spread fifth-generation

9 Dec 12:32 The Japan Times 6673764367815609407.html
Vizekanzler Stegner? Ex-SPD-Vize fiel auf Telefonscherz rein

Der ehemalige SPD-Vizevorsitzende Ralf Stegner ist vor dem Bundesparteitag auf den Telefonscherz eines Youtubers hereingefallen, der ihm den Posten von Finanzminister Olaf Scholz angeboten hatte.

9 Dec 15:15 ka-news.de 5595931858174682209.html
Addio ad Antonio Monestiroli, l'architetto intellettuale della "scuola di Milano"

E' stato professore e preside della facoltà di Architettura civile del Politecnico, allievo di Aldo Rossi, esponente di spicco della stagione

9 Dec 08:24 Repubblica.it 7645374299126041726.html
Nativity Scene Shows Holy Family Separated, Caged at Border

The Claremont United Methodist Church has erected a Nativity scene showing the Holy Family separated and in cages at the U.S.-Mexico border.

9 Dec 10:23 Breitbart 3148363491719310145.html
The rise and rise of the first African-American woman distiller and operator of a nationally distributed vodka

For almost six years since she released Black Momma Vodka, Vanessa Braxton has been a major force in the spirit industry in the United States. In 2013 when she introduced her ultra-premium vodka brand, she made history as the first African-American woman owner and operator of a nationally distributed vodka. She is also the founder of...

9 Dec 10:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198130173890249.html
La postura del Partido Feminista sobre las leyes trans desata un enconado debate

En un comunicado afirma su rotundo desacuerdo con las leyes en favor del colectivo trans, como la que se ha aprobado en el País Vasco o la que Unidas Podemos ha presentado a nivel nacional en el Congreso; alerta sobre la extensión de la teoría y el lenguaje queer que invisibiliza a las mujeres y su lucha y denuncia que el "lobby gay" quiere legalizar los vientres de alquiler.

9 Dec 17:04 www.publico.es 99190979052710369.html
China verbietet Behörden ausländische PCs und Software

Binnen drei Jahren sollen alle Ämter die ausländische Technik entfernen, berichtet die "Financial Times".

9 Dec 08:56 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592555514113.html
A contact lens that can show when blood glucose levels are high

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the Republic of Korea has developed a contact lens with a tiny LED light that turns on and off to show blood glucose levels. In their paper ...

9 Dec 14:54 Tech Xplore 4945708899354840878.html
Greece Refuses US, French Extradition Requests for Russia's Vinnik - Russian Ombudswoman

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A Greek court has refused to extradite Russian national Alexander Vinnik, who has been in detention since 2017 and is wanted by several countries, to the United States and France, with a decision on Russia's relevant request yet to be made, Russian ombudswoman Tatiana Moskalkova stated.

9 Dec 10:58 Sputniknews 967333869350260305.html
Sederet Fakta Menarik Saddil Ramdani, Pemain Andalan Timnas Indonesia U-22

Timnas Indonesia U-22 telah memastikan diri ke partai final sepak bola SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 09:13 Bola.net 5489959029460280098.html
Prvi sastanak Putina i Zelenskog na samitu u Parizu

Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin sastao se u Parizu prvi put sa ukrajinskim predsednikom Volodimirom Zelenskim, na samitu koji ima za cilj uspostavljanje mira na istoku Ukrajine

9 Dec 17:16 Вечерње новости 4219870592516202557.html
GBPUSD Berpotensi Naik Pada Sentimen Keunggulan Partai Konservati Jelang Pemilu Inggris

GBPUSD berpeluang bergerak naik dalam jangka pendek karena sentimen keunggulan sementara partai Konservatif menjelang pemilu Inggris di tanggal 12 Desember. Setiap berita yang menunjukkan bertahannya keunggulan partai Konservatif akan menjaga penguatan GBPUSD.

9 Dec 11:05 monexnews 4506814618472420752.html
Unternehmensranking: Das sind Essens mächtigste Manager

Laut Magazin „Reviermanager“ landen diese sieben Konzernlenker aus Essen im Ranking der mächtigsten Manager im Ruhrgebiet unter den Top Ten.

9 Dec 16:34 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220977867053.html
NHRC says Delhi Anaj Mandi fire was catastrophe waiting to happen, asks for detailed report

Describing the Anaj Mandi fire incident as a “catastrophe” waiting to happen, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on December 9 issued notices to the Delhi government, the city’s police chief

9 Dec 13:51 The Hindu 6679535025445333800.html
Perhatikan 6 Hal Ini Agar Rumah Nyaman Saat Musim Hujan

Sebagai penghuni rumah, Anda tentu menginginkan rumah tetap nyaman saat musim hujan datang.

9 Dec 15:00 Tabloidbintang.com 6942840719351838525.html
Related stories about birth control:

Business Insider - The longer you wait to take Plan B after unprotected sex, the less effective it is and the greater your chance of possibly getting pregnant.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:02 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756321080088.html
Large turnout for Tree of Light dedication

A congregation of more than 100 attended the Rotary Tree of Light dedication service at St Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury.

9 Dec 10:33 Shropshire Star 3480199992199797375.html
Streit eskaliert: Frau sticht Bekannten in den Bauch

In der Nacht zu Montag ist ein Streit zwischen zwei Bekannten in Brandenburg an der Havel eskaliert.

9 Dec 14:44 TAG24 4583887875101110397.html
Avientan cuerpo carbonizado de joven desaparecida, en Edomex

La víctima yacía boca abajo, cerca de un río de zona boscosa en San Miguel

9 Dec 12:09 EL GRÁFICO 2926497602364446298.html
Shocking moment woman grabs a reveller by her hair and slams her backwards onto the street during furious row outside cocktail bar

The incident took place on Saturday night in Northampton during an altercation between women outside a cocktail bar on Gold Street. A thud is heard as the woman's head hits the tarmac.

9 Dec 11:05 Mail Online 124328112062160146.html
Donne dietro l'obiettivo, fotografarsi dentro prima di guardare fuori

Esiste uno sguardo femminile in fotografia? Come già per la letteratura, la questione oscilla tra il rischio di inciampare in una discriminazione classificatoria per genere e la rivendicazione...

9 Dec 14:15 L'HuffPost 5315551423975988767.html
Old Dominion hires Penn State assistant Rahne as head coach

Old Dominion has hired Penn State offensive coordinator Ricky Rahne as its head coach. Rahne has been offensive coordinator at Penn State the last two seasons and on coach James...

9 Dec 15:25 The Seattle Times 9121942836936560507.html
Netherlands reduces terror threat level after six years

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch national anti-terrorism agency (NCTV) has downgraded the threat of a terror attack in the Netherlands for the first time since 2013.

9 Dec 16:17 Reuters 8334514181233690125.html
Two masked, armed men rob East Washington Avenue business, police say

Two masked and armed men confronted employees of PL$ Check Cashing as they were arriving to work Monday morning and demanded cash, according to an incident report.

9 Dec 17:33 CHANNEL3000 830332542267830618.html
We are placing Prasa under administration – Mbalula

The minister has dissolved the interim board with immediate effect and Bongisizwe Mpondo has been appointed administrator.

9 Dec 10:08 The Citizen 410802300332470839.html
Five Chinese men face lawsuit for assault over car parking

  A case has been opened against five Chinese citizens for attacking local authorities with iron bars and swords while the latter were trying to ask them to move their parked car in front of a house in Hlaingthaya Township.  In connection with the case, Khin Myint, the owner of a flat in FMI City Housing phoned Aung Kyaw Moe, the administrator of Ward No.4 in Hlaingthaya Township, about a parked car in front of her flat. Then, the administrator sought help from the township police station at about 7.45 pm on December 7. 

9 Dec 08:45 Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd 2672168648669682498.html
New free-to-use streaming platform Plex to rival Netflix launches in the UK

Plex offers a range of movies and TV shows

9 Dec 13:53 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702586146351.html
Michail Antonio starts, Sebastien Haller axed - West Ham predicted team vs Arsenal

We think Manuel Pellegrini will opt for a couple of changes for the game against the Gunners

9 Dec 15:30 football.london 6804128268477510372.html
Ausgezeichnet: Netzwerk "Pro Liberis" ist Vorbild für nachhaltige Bildung

Der Kita-Träger "Pro Liberis" wurde von Unesco ausgezeichnet: Das Unternehmen sei in der Kinderbetreuung vorbildlich im Bereich "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" (BNE).

9 Dec 12:32 ka-news.de 5595931858602230953.html
Casinos-Austria-Eigentümer beraten über Sidlo

Am Dienstag befassen sich die Eigentümer der Casinos Austria noch einmal mit ihrem abberufenen Finanzchef Peter Sidlo. In einer außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung auf Initiative des größten Eigentümers Sazka wird darüber beraten und eventuell auch abgestimmt, ob Sidlo noch ihr Vertrauen genießt. Der Aufsichtsrat hat Sidlo aber bereits abberufen und so die Entscheidung vorweggenommen.

9 Dec 14:50 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083705476655.html
Fear over future of disabled people's day centre

Parents have learned of plans to close ROC Creative in Paignton

9 Dec 10:17 DevonLive 2469244512734031119.html
Manny Diaz Announces Update On Miami’s Quarterback Situation

Miami head coach Manny Diaz announced the latest update on the Hurricanes' quarterback situation ahead of the bowl game.

9 Dec 17:22 The Spun 9122471848572073454.html
Leiche in Wohnung entdeckt: Polizei vermutet Gewaltverbrechen

In Augsburg wurde die Leiche eines 46-Jähren in einer Wohnung gefunden.

9 Dec 10:45 TAG24 4583887874172309197.html
James Maddison 'on brink of signing new Leicester deal' amid Man Utd transfer interest

Leicester are hopeful of persuading Maddison to extend his current contract to ward off Man Utd, after manager Brendan Rodgers committed his future to the club

9 Dec 09:35 Irish Mirror 2875825628634350019.html
James Maddison 'on brink of signing new Leicester deal' amid Man Utd transfer interest

Leicester are hopeful of persuading Maddison to extend his current contract to ward off Man Utd, after manager Brendan Rodgers committed his future to the club

9 Dec 09:35 mirror 675785261025938983.html
Lucia Perez stuprata fino alla morte, sotto accusa i giudici che assolsero gli aggressori

Il tribunale penale di Buenos Aires ha deciso di indagare i giudici che hanno assolto dall'accusa di stupro e omicidio gli aggressori di Lucia Perez, la ragazza di 16 anni morta con gravissime lesioni genitali l'8 ottobre 2016, a Mar del Plata, a pochi chilometri da Buenos Aires, in Argentina. Ai tre, che attirarono la ragazza in un appartamento e la stuprarono bestialmente fino alla morte, era stato contestato solo il reato di spaccio di droga.

9 Dec 15:09 fanpage.it 1517332167922291962.html
Tödlicher Angriff in Augsburg: Schlag war wohl Todesursache

Schneller Fahndungserfolg nach der tödlichen Attacke auf zwei Ehepaare in Augsburg: Gegen sieben Verdächtige gibt es Haftbefehle - der mutmaßliche Haupttäter ist polizeibekannt. Auch zur genauen Todesursache haben sich die Ermittler geäußert.

9 Dec 14:37 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220872261345.html
Vontobel: Der Kunde erfindet eine Bank

Die Bank Vontobel will eigentlich keine Bank mehr sein. Sondern ein reines Investment- und Beratungshaus. Kunden und Technologie treiben das Traditionsinstitut zu Veränderungen an – und zu ...

9 Dec 12:52 finews.ch 7270223616867384368.html
Kohli asks butterfingers India to get a grip on catching woes

For someone who often leads by example, India captain Virat Kohli is appalled by the team's sloppy fielding against West Indies and wants them to ...

9 Dec 13:40 CNA 5644198862318817135.html
Optimism abounds among industry players on Industry 4.0

Indonesia has already been in the Industry 3.0 stage where industries have adopted automation especially for tasks that are considered to be dangerous for humans.

9 Dec 14:05 The Jakarta Post 7678601103315203444.html
Evangelische Studentengemeinde Ulm: Stephan Schwarz: Ein Pfarrer, der gern mit Sprache spielt und Kabarett macht

Stephan Schwarz ist evangelischer Studentenpfarrer und macht außerdem Kirchenkabarett. Die Fähigkeit, Schweres mit Leichtigkeit zu präsentieren, nutzt ihm auf beiden Feldern.

9 Dec 13:12 swp.de 6929179441448035586.html
ABD'nin Afganistan'da yaad hezimetin belgeleri ortaya kt

Washington Post'un yaymlad gizli belgelerde, ABD'nin st dzey yetkililerinin, Afganistan'daki 18 yllk savan artk kazanlamayaca gereini arpttklar belirtildi.

9 Dec 16:27 Star 3455060031678358624.html
K'taka poll results message for all states where anyone betrays public mandate: PM

Modi also spoke about the political tussle that the state of Karnataka had witnessed soon after the assembly election results.

9 Dec 12:14 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364222927426.html
Nuova Zelanda, erutta vulcano su White Island: morti e numerosi turisti dispersi

Il vulcano Maha Whakaari si trova a 48 km dalla costa della baia di Plenty in Nuova Zelanda. Numerosi turisti si trovavano sul cratere poco prima dell’esplosione

9 Dec 09:39 ilGiornale.it 5019541224371640857.html
Puerto Rico cannot be held hostage to violence

People have the right to enjoy entertainment spaces as part of the characteristics of a society that aspires to improve its quality of life

9 Dec 14:49 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310128816930.html
Niko Kovac's entourage rubbish rumours he wants to become Arsenal manager

The Croatian was expected to watch Arsenal's clash with West Ham on Monday night.

9 Dec 15:42 Metro 970161747085179625.html
Bobby Duncan agent Saif Rubie banned and fined by FA after Twitter posts

Rubie launched an astonishing attack on Liverpool as Bobby Duncan left the club in the summer

9 Dec 12:38 Liverpool Echo 7727211173332904737.html
Zwei Männer rauben Geldboten in Barmbek aus

Im Hamburger Stadtteil Barmbek haben am Montagmittag zwei Männer einen Geldboten überfallen. Wie viel Geld die Täter dabei erbeuten konnten, ist laut Polizei noch unklar.

9 Dec 13:07 NDR.de 5356044083898308614.html
Britanski lideri u završnici predizborne kampanje

LONDON - Britanski premijer Boris Džonson i opozicioni lideri danas su u završnici kampanje, 72 sata pred glasanje, pokušali da dobiju podršku u što većem

9 Dec 15:41 Krstarica 4176903989326861166.html
Longtime Edmonds resident leaves legacy at new senior center

Rose Mary Specht’s family donated her 25 solar credits from the PUD to the Edmonds Waterfront Center.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408037310614.html
Indian Classical Music’s Californication: Shiv Nadar Hosts Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Concert For Top Silicon Valley Tycoons

Yoga has made its presence felt across continents, now it is the turn of Hindustani music to conquer the world stage

9 Dec 16:03 Swarajya 4977622829935505789.html
Jan Böhmermann verabschiedet seine Show

Am Donnerstag ist "Neo Magazin Royale“ zum letzten Mal zu sehen.  Der deutsche Satiriker ist an der geplanten Verfilmung der Ibiza-Affäre federführend beteiligt.

9 Dec 11:43 Die Presse 6242788855678152132.html
Champions League: Even With Lionel Messi Out, Inter Milan Expecting Tough Barcelona Test

Champions League: While Barcelona have secured qualification to the knockout stages, Inter Milan are level on points with Borussia Dortmund going into the final group stage matches.

9 Dec 15:59 NDTVSports.com 2127367044317859073.html
Jadi Dirut Baru Bank Mandiri, Royke Fokus Perampingan Birokrasi dan Anak Usaha

Royke mengatakan, jumlah anak usaha di bawah Bank Mandiri relatif tidak banyak, hanya 12 perusahaan. Kontribusinya sampai saat ini pun signifikan, tumbuh di atas 10 persen dari total net income perseroan.

9 Dec 16:22 merdeka.com 1998180354586993773.html
Russia banned from international sport for 4 years

Moscow accused of ‘extreme’ cheating and ‘fraud.’

9 Dec 11:16 POLITICO 2584151346190463678.html
Google announces new update with several new features for Pixel phones

Google today announced that it will be delivering new updates called “Pixel feature drops” for Pixel devices from now on. Until now, Google only released regular updates with fixes and improvements. The first Pixel feature drops releasing this month comes with several new features and improvements. Portrait mode for all photos: Google now allows you …

9 Dec 14:31 MSPoweruser 1651641549932374283.html
One dead in New Zealand volcano eruption, more fatalities likely

WELLINGTON: New Zealand police said at least one person was killed and more fatalities were likely, after an island volcano popular with tourists erupted Monday, leaving dozens stranded.

9 Dec 14:15 NST Online 3702929171325154553.html
President Iohannis: I want mayors to be elected in two rounds

President Klaus Iohannis on Monday argued that mayors must be elected in two rounds and stressed that a real partnership between central and...

9 Dec 17:06 Stiri pe surse 4858045012927017504.html
Instantele resping in serie solicitarile lui Radu Mazare de anulare a condamnarii la 9 ani de inchisoare

Curtea de Apel Bucuresti a respins luni o contestatie la executare facuta de fostul primar al orasului Constanta Radu Mazare, condamnat definitiv la 9 ani de inchisoare in dosarul ''Retrocedarilor de pe litoral''. Decizia nu este definitiva.

9 Dec 15:38 Ziare.com 1922730286608965560.html
North Korea calls Trump 'thoughtless' old man over tweets

Seoul, South Korea: North Korea insulted U.S. President Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a "thoughtless and sneaky old man” after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wouldn’t want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders and affect the American presidential election by resuming hostile acts.

9 Dec 11:34 The Peninsula 1202843880957021593.html
Científicos revelan que fumar aumenta el riesgo de diabetes gestacional

Fumar durante el embarazo es uno de los factores de riesgo más significativos para los malos resultados que el riesgo de diabetes aumenta

9 Dec 16:22 Noticias de Israel 5887715890159372210.html
South Korea Financial Markets

Stock markets weakened during European trading on Monday as investors weighed the possibility of more U.S. tariffs on China and the outlook for negotiations on the trade dispute. A Chinese official said that Beijing wants a prompt settlement of its trade war with Washington as another U.S. tariff hike

9 Dec 09:27 Yahoo 7097669637690788754.html
Aisha Buhari, World Bank and the Nigerian condition

About the time First Lady Aisha Buhari was again emerging from 'the other room' to deliver one of her seasonal tirades against the system ...

9 Dec 08:31 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900403205864.html
Künstiche Intelligenz: Glosse auf Knopfdruck

Wegen Künstlicher Intelligenz haben viele Menschen Angst, ihre Arbeit zu verlieren. Auch Journalisten. Wir haben mal versucht, diesen Artikel von einem Automatismus schreiben zu lassen. Die Kolumne „Nine to five“.

9 Dec 11:27 FAZ.NET 1064003317862394606.html
Snel veel geld besparen? Check je risico-opslag van je hypotheek

Huiseigenaren die snel willen besparen op hun woonlasten en bij een andere bank dan Rabobank zitten, moeten even checken hoe hoog de risico-opslag is. Als er flink op de hypotheek is afgelost of het huis meer waard is geworden, kan dat een flinke besparing opleveren.

9 Dec 16:37 RTLZ 8052859356206761176.html
Abe: Predsednik Irana dolazi u posetu Japanu

Premijer Japana Šinzo Abe izjavio je danas da njegova zemlja priprema posetu iranskog predsednika Hasana Rohanija.Abe je rekao da Japan želi da ima veću ulogu u rešavanju spora Irana i SAD oko nuklearnog programa Teherena i u smanjenju tenzija na Bliskom istoku, izvoru više od 80 odsto japanske nafte.Japan, američki saveznik koji tradicionalno ima prijateljske odnose s Teheranom, želi da bude posrednik imedju SAD i Irana, što se očekuje i od medjunarodne zajednice, dodao je Abe.On nije izneo detalje o Rohanijevoj poseti, dok lokalni mediji navode da će ona biti organizovana u drugoj polovini decembra, pre ili posle posete predsednika Irana Maleziji, gde će učestvovati na konferenciji islamskih lidera.

9 Dec 17:30 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081951526354.html
Chocolate lila es la nueva tendencia en tintes para transformar tu cabello

El chocolate lila es la nueva tendencia en tintes que las chicas con cabello oscuro amarán. ¡Descubre por qué!

9 Dec 17:36 Wapa.pe 6757287088463784899.html
Two Held On Suspicion Of Terror Offences In Dover

The pair are to be held for extended questioning after being arrested as part of an "intelligence-led" operation.

9 Dec 12:01 Forces Network 3883413828729422069.html
Shahid Kapoor thought of alternative career when films bombed at box office

After 'Kabir Singh', it feels like 'What will be the right film? What will be the expectations of the audience, says Shaihd Kapoor

9 Dec 12:15 The New Indian Express 4718288654298148742.html
Banda del buco in azione a Sinnai, nel bottino sigarette e Gratta e vinci

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:20 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207509498499.html
Boris Johnson too busy to do Andrew Neil interview, says James Cleverly

Conservative Party chairman James Cleverly has suggested Boris Johnson ducked an interview with the BBC's Andrew Neil because he was too busy.

9 Dec 14:44 Express & Star 7324224459575294036.html
Minecraft on PlayStation 4 getting cross-play tomorrow with a free update

Mojang has announced that the PlayStation 4 version of Minecraft is finally being updated to the Bedrock version, enabling cross-play with other platforms and access to the Minecraft Marketplace.

9 Dec 15:54 Neowin 8633418615058369958.html
Projekt Gesunder Landkreis: Runter vom Sofa, rein in den Verein

Der Landkreis, die Gesundheitsregion Plus und die Krankenkasse AOK wollen den Erdingern Beine machen und Spaß an Bewegung vermitteln.

9 Dec 09:02 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238768708798.html
Compassionate dentist honoured with Caring Dentist of the Year award

A Tipperary dentist who went out of his way to treat a victim of domestic violence has been named Caring Dentist of the Year.

9 Dec 08:21 Irishexaminer 8196011179522094044.html
Contek RI: Malaysia, Thailand, Kolombia Pakai Biodiesel!

Program biodiesel RI mulai dicontek negara-negara lain, mulai dari Malaysia sampai Kolombia 

9 Dec 12:28 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213191669659.html
Amerikaner lieben "Made in Germany"

Das hervorragende Geschäft mit den USA verhilft deutschen Unternehmen zu hervorragenden Exportzahlen. Im Oktober verkaufen Firmen Güter im Wert von mehr als elf Milliarden Euro in die Vereinigten Staaten. Dieser Rekord kann über insgesamt trübe Aussichten dennoch nicht hinwegtäuschen.

9 Dec 11:29 n-tv 6802689754166319973.html
Vivienda vertical: Llega la Arquitectura del futuro a Chihuahua

Chihuahua.- El director general de la Comisión Estatal  de Vivienda, Suelo e Infraestructura (Coesvi), Carlos Borruel Baquera, anunció que se construirán viviendas verticales por primera vez en la historia de Chihuahua, en un complejo habitacional que

9 Dec 17:59 La Parada Digital 5696840779400126025.html
Roy Hodgson hails "superb professional" Jairo Riedewald

The Dutchman made his first Premier League appearance since April 2018 at Watford.

9 Dec 10:40 Sports Mole 7750663362775924104.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill: Protests erupt as India pushes for 'anti-Muslim' law

Bill seeks to amend the Citize­nship Act of 1955 which prohib­its illega­l migran­ts from applyi­ng for Indian citize­nship

9 Dec 16:56 The Express Tribune 1105816787330827130.html
Capotamentos deixam vítimas gravemente feridas na Serra

Os acidentes foram registrados no local, quecom poucos quilômetros de diferença e em pequenos intervalos

9 Dec 12:14 Folha Vitória 4941883427369620119.html
Hebben we nu wel of niet een vitamine D-supplement nodig tijdens de donkere wintermaanden?

Ongeveer 90 procent van de Belgische bevolking heeft een gebrek aan vitamine D, vooral in de winter en het voorjaar. Hoe kunnen we zo'n tekort vermijden?

9 Dec 12:58 Site-Knack-NL 6755692568663228324.html
Gegara Kencing Sembarangan di Negara Ini, 3 Orang 'Dihadiahi' Peluru Tajam Hingga Tewas

WE Online, Mexico City - Empat orang ditembak mati di ibu kota Meksiko pada Sabtu (7/12/2019), hanya berjarak beberapa meter dari pintu masuk ke kediaman resmi presiden, demikian disampaikan pihak berwenang.

9 Dec 12:09 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834809921083.html
Sharjah to host fringe festival next month

The huge event will run from January 16 until February 1, 2020

9 Dec 12:20 Time Out Dubai 1956550809081049967.html
Betrand Peto Sering Gelendotan dengan Sarwendah, Mbak You: Anak Kandung Sendiri Melakukan Seperti Itu Sudah Jarang

Mbak You mengungkapkan pendapatnya mengenai kedekatan antara Betrand Peto dan Sarwendah yang dinilai terlalu berlebihan.

9 Dec 13:00 grid.id 586386474373971087.html
Traditional Christmas desserts with a twist

Try a botanical gin and tonic lemon trifle plus a no-fail pudding roulade.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730563030095082.html
Profeco se lanza contra Zara porque vende ropa desechable

Zara es la marca líder en fast fashion y en la categoría de apparel, donde se encuentra detrás de Nike.

9 Dec 08:21 Merca2.0 990348494562485076.html
CorSera - Il Milan rinasce sulla via Emilia: Pioli sembra aver trovato la quadratura del cerchio rossonero

Il Milan non ha ancora risolto tutti i suoi problemi, ma il lungo periodo negativo sembra essere solo un brutto ricordo: dopo il successo contro il Parma, ieri sera a Bologna è infatti arrivata un'altra vittoria per i rossoneri che finalmente vedono migliorare la loro classifica. Il merito principale della rinascita milanista è certamente di mister Stefano Pioli che, dopo aver preso il posto di Giampaolo sulla panchina del Diavolo, sembra aver trovato la quadra e ora il Milan è vivo, energico, combattivo e cresciuto sotto tutti gli aspetti. 

9 Dec 08:00 MilanNews.it 6507305920932929838.html
Arrests after police stop suspected drug deal taking place in West Bridgford

Five men were arrested

9 Dec 12:44 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702596367293.html
BWF Tour Finals: Hard working PV Sindhu aims at improving consistency

Badminton News: PV Sindhu toiled hard for the last two-and-half weeks and is confident of regaining top form when she competes at the BWF Tour Finals. After winning t

9 Dec 12:45 The Times of India 6060938663320254845.html
Former Tipperary garda station sold at public auction


9 Dec 15:15 TipperaryLive 1097599578461913552.html
Cooper Energy poised to get its Sole, Downer leaves site

Cooper Energy is close to unlocking gas from its Sole project in south-eastern Victoria. 

9 Dec 10:30 Australian Financial Review 3974284488372702589.html
Giammattei acuerda préstamo millonario con empresarios israelíes

El presidente electo Alejandro Giammattei, durante su visita a Israel logró un préstamo con empresarios israelíes.

9 Dec 13:01 Canal Antigua 5059206892450558513.html
Android : Google renouvelle son engagement envers Kotlin

En l’espace de deux ans, le langage Kotlin est devenue la « superstar » du développement des applications pour Android.

9 Dec 10:05 Next INpact 808704268243117361.html
Man suffers 'serious and possible life changing injuries' in Dublin collision

Gardaí said the emergency services attended the scene of a two-car collision on the Corballis Rd at around 6.40am this morning.

9 Dec 11:49 Breaking News 4415806918888258994.html
Rudiger returns for Chelsea's Champions League showdown with Lille

Chelsea manager Frank Lampard's been handed a boost ahead of their Champions League meeting with ...

9 Dec 15:45 Newstalk 7635722257830560647.html
Mahmutbegović: Nedopustiva upotreba policijske sile protiv građana Mostara

MOSTAR - Potpredsjednica Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine Melika Mahmutbegović oštro osuđuje jutrošnju upotrebu specijalnih snaga Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona protiv građana Mostara prilikom deblokiranja deponije "Uborak".

9 Dec 12:25 Nezavisne novine 4209150642291027333.html
Jadi Bos Bank Mandiri, Royke Tumilaar Siapkan Strategi Ini

Manajemen baru PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (BMRI) menegaskan tidak akan banyak mengubah kebijakan lama era dirut sebelumnya.

9 Dec 09:31 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212678677190.html
Neblina provoca accidente en Compuertas, en Los Mochis

Afortunadamente la familia que viajaba en el vehículo resultó ilesa

9 Dec 10:13 EL DEBATE 4396150893305982890.html
AEX begint vrijwel vlak

De Amsterdamse aandelenbeurs is maandag vrijwel vlak begonnen. Ook de andere Europese beurzen openden met kleine koersuitslagen. Beleggers deden het rustig aan na de stevige winsten van afgelopen vrijdag. Een onverwachte sterke daling van de Chinese export in november zorgde daarbij voor enige koersdruk. Ook werd uitgekeken naar de Britse verkiezingen later deze week.

9 Dec 09:16 RD.nl 6406779841802986745.html
Dieter Bohlen teilt gegen Thomas Gottschalk aus

Der Schlagabtausch geht in die nächste Runde: Nach dem Seitenhieb von Thomas Gottschalk gegen Dieter Bohlen schießt der Poptitan jetzt zurück.

9 Dec 16:41 T-Online 5460876211594070970.html
Neuwirths Transgender-Oper «Orlando» bejubelt

Die Vorlage war Virigina Woolfs Roman «Orlando». In Olga Neuwirths Oper wird daraus in Wien ein engagiertes Plädoyer für Selbstbestimmung.

9 Dec 11:14 inFranken.de 1813202629902065954.html
Fortnite Will Show an Exclusive Star Wars Scene This Weekend

I hate Paradise Palms.

9 Dec 11:26 Kotaku UK 2577526046351141502.html
Three things we learned from the Premier League

Liverpool's relentless march to a first English title since 1990 gathered pace with a comfortable win at Bournemouth, while Manchester City's defence of the trophy was hit by a painful defeat against rivals Manchester United.

9 Dec 10:46 The Guardian 7580308503854997684.html
Sky - Il Napoli ha pronto il sostituto di Ancelotti: bloccato Gattuso

Secondo quanto riportato da Sky Sport il presidente De Laurentiis si è cautelato bloccando Gennaro Gattuso garantendogli più dei 6 mesi di contratto proposti inizialmente. La nuova offerta del Napoli prevede un accordo di 18 mesi: i contatti sono stati proficui negli ultimi giorni e Gattuso sembrerebbe pronto ad accettare. La società azzurra, dunque, continua a riflettere sulla posizione del suo allenatore. Le strade del Napoli e di Carlo Ancelotti potrebbero separarsi dopo la sfida contro il Genk, a prescindere dal risultato e dal discorso qualificazione. Molto potrebbe dipendere anche dalla volontà dello stesso allenatore, che potrebbe addirittura decidere di consegnare le dimissioni. Lo stesso Ancelotti non ha escluso questo scenario in conferenza stampa.

9 Dec 16:48 MilanNews.it 6507305921179674043.html
SAS to open direct route to Haneda

Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS) announced a direct route to Tokyo Haneda International Airport from Copenhagen Kastrup. The route gives travelers better access to downtown Tokyo and with All Nippon Airways (ANA), a fellow Star Alliance member, the route will increase connectivity to 30 domestic destinations in Japan. The direct Copenhagen-Haneda route will be served by SAS’ new Airbus A350 aircraft. As the most environmental-friendly airplane on the market, the A350 will reduce emissions by 30 percent compared to earlier generations of similar

9 Dec 09:57 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788314507060.html
Agencia Antidopajes suspende a Rusia por cuatro años de competencias internacionales

Se trata de las sanciones más duras en la historia del deporte de ese país, que lo dejarán fuera de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020, de los de Invierno de Pekín 2022 y del Mundial de Fútbol de Catar en 2022 

9 Dec 12:09 Juventud Rebelde 5332887419541543751.html
Vulkan na Novom Zelandu, raste broj nastradalih

VELINGTON - Najmanje petoro ljudi je poginulo, oko 20 povrijeđeno, a nekoliko nestalo poslije iznenadne erupcije vulkana u blizini istočne obale Sjevernog ostrva Novog Zelanda.

9 Dec 08:49 Nezavisne novine 4209150643209442578.html
The first episode of Crisis On Infinite Earths warped the Arrowverse with tragedy

A farewell to a pillar of TV’s DC universe

9 Dec 17:51 Polygon 3721530541081822708.html
Insulti sessisti su Nilde Iotti, da Bologna parte l'esposto delle donne emiliane

Le avvocate Cathy La Torre e Rita Nanetti presenteranno una denuncia collettiva contro Libero dopo le offese alla ex presidente della Camera e a tutte le sue

9 Dec 09:46 Repubblica.it 3386398727001328229.html
Doping, pugno duro contro la Russia: esclusa da Olimpiadi e Mondiali

Il bando fino al 2023 deciso dalla Wada per il ripetersi delle frodi. Le inchieste dal 2016 e le prove dell'inganno

9 Dec 10:41 Panorama 2295580207437004931.html
Wieken windturbine donderen 42 meter naar beneden in het Henegouwse Ecausinnes

In Ecausinnes, in de provincie Henegouwen, heeft een windturbine gisterennamiddag twee wieken verloren. Als gevolg werd de N57 in beide richtingen afgesloten voor alle verkeer. De afbraakwerkzaamhe...

9 Dec 13:39 HLN 8967494996846673391.html
Elezioni Emilia sondaggio nuovi dati: un candidati avanti di 2 punti. Ecco chi

Elezioni Emilia Romagna sondaggio: Bonaccini avanti di 2 punti sulla Borgonzoni. Elezioni Emilia sondaggio Piepoli

9 Dec 13:02 Affari Italiani 6123405402039612890.html
Five dead as volcano erupts in New Zealand

White Island erupted with a large plume of ash and steam on Monday.

9 Dec 08:30 Express & Star 7324224460114497997.html
Witsel muss sicher bis Ende Jahr pausieren

Axel Witsel zieht sich bei einem unglücklichen Sturz zuhause eine Gesichtsverletzung zu und steht seinem Klub Borussia Dortmund in diesem Jahr nicht mehr zur Verfügung.

9 Dec 13:05 bz BASEL 5287163741373860975.html
Italy's Conte calls for a change in EU competition rules

ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte called on Monday for a change to European Union competition rules, saying current regulations were hindering the growth of European giants.

9 Dec 11:22 Reuters 8334514181632039459.html
Negative campaign did me in, says Vishwanath

He cites ‘shifting’ of JD(S) votes to Cong. as another reason

9 Dec 16:35 The Hindu 6679535025516420806.html
Il sessismo di Libero su Nilde Iotti indigna le emiliane: parte esposto per diffamazione

Le avvocate La Torre e Nanetti presenteranno denuncia collettiva contro il quotidiano "Libero" dopo le offese all'ex presidente della Camera

9 Dec 10:52 L'HuffPost 5315551424198656234.html
Le trattative sull’ex ILVA proseguono

E si discute anche delle condizioni alle quali la multinazionale indiana potrebbe andarsene da Taranto senza (quasi) problemi

9 Dec 09:41 Il Post 6291746504019451701.html
Antonio Valencia tells Manchester United what to do with Paul Pogba

Man Utd midfielder Paul Pogba should soon return from injury and Antonio Valencia has spoken about what the club need to do to keep him happy.

9 Dec 10:36 men 6694993427744511630.html
Rocket League - Petition fordert Teslas Cybertruck

Erst kürzlich hat Tesla den futuristischen Cybertruck enthüllt. Und schon kurze Zeit später fordern die Spieler von „Rocket League“ eine entsprechende Adaption für ihr chaotisches, kompetitives Autorennspiel. 

9 Dec 09:44 PlayNation 4622181944052002136.html
Jeff Bezos Says Big Tech Companies Should Ignore Employee Outcry and Partner With the U.S. Government

The U.S., he says, is 'the good guys.'

9 Dec 13:17 Inc.com 8604986416879671882.html
Elon Musk drove the controversial Tesla Cybertruck near Los Angeles 2 years before its planned release

Photos and videos from TMZ show Tesla CEO Elon Musk in the electric-car maker's Cybertruck at the restaurant Nobu in Malibu.

9 Dec 15:18 Business Insider 6060062399664440853.html
Sonia Gandhi spends quiet 73rd birthday; wishes pour in for Cong president

Gandhi decided not to celebrate her birthday as she was saddened by rape incidents and assaults on women in various parts if the country

9 Dec 13:20 Business-Standard 1502508926088577926.html
Primeras secuelas de la sentencia del Constitucional: Adecco echa a cuatro teleoperadores por enfermar

Una filial de la multinacional en A Coruña afronta la primera huelga contra los despidos por bajas médicas, permitidos tras validarlo el alto tribunal

9 Dec 13:47 EL PAÍS 2207347709914085643.html
Tragische Details zu seinem Tod

Er war eine echte Frohnatur, hatte immer einen flotten Spruch auf den Lippen. Doch wie es in "Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen"-Imbisstester Harry Schulz aussah, das konnte wohl keiner ahnen. Jetzt wurden neue Details zu seinem tragischen Tod bekannt.

9 Dec 13:48 BUNTE.de 2017976498650458453.html
Pengusaha RI Bangun 22 Properti Mewah di Sydney

Pengusaha asal Surabaya sudah membangun 22 proyek properti mewah di Sydney. Begini penampakannya.

9 Dec 12:56 detikfinance 4442190000756154831.html
Cricket: Sri Lankans touch down in Pakistan

First Test tour in the country in 10 years

9 Dec 17:29 The Hindu 6679535025755550844.html
IFF neben Kerry Group wohl im Rennen um Ernährungssparte von DuPont

Die beiden Symrise-Konkurrenten Kerry Group und IFF könnten sich Insidern zufolge einen Kampf um die Sparte für Nahrungszusatzstoffe des US-Chemiekonzerns DuPont liefern.

9 Dec 08:33 finanzen.net 2053223363826291280.html
Blackpool dolls house has raised funds for charity

A dolls house has a new home for Christmas after being sold for £120 and raising funds for charity.

9 Dec 17:00 The Gazette 1828400564612642167.html
Kommentar: Warum die gekippte Malus-Regelung der Grosso-Allianz ein Sieg für die Pressevielfalt ist

Monatelang hatte der Arbeitskreis Mittelständischer Verlage (AMV) für die Beschwerde an das Kartellamt gefeilt, um die Mindestumsatz- oder Malusregelung der Grosso-Allianz zu kippen. Aus Angst, dass die Wettbewerbshüter ein Verfahren anzetteln, haben nun die Großverlage – darunter Burda, Bauer, Gruner + Jahr, Spiegel, Springer & Co. – klein beigegeben und wollen die Handelsverträge neu austarieren.

9 Dec 09:55 MEEDIA 2574484877103101353.html
Handbalsters weten wat ze te doen staat

KUMAMOTO (ANP) - De Nederlandse handbalsters weten wat ze te doen staat om de halve finales van het WK te kunnen halen. "We focussen ons volledig op winnen van Zuid-Korea. Daarna zien we het wel, rekenen heeft toch geen zin", zei Danick Snelder bij de NOS na de tweede nederlaag op rij in Kumamoto, tegen Denemarken (24-27).

9 Dec 13:22 Nieuws.nl 2419030129535031718.html
Enress: escuchar y acortar distancias

Balance de gestión en el Ente Regulador de los Servicio Sanitarios Impuso cambios profundos en dos direcciones: acercarse a los prestadores del interior, que merecían algo más que controles, y a la Casa Gris. La Dra. Rodríguez lo define como “un trabajo en equipo”.

9 Dec 10:09 El Litoral 2624573358736363538.html
Siapa Predator Sejati? Adu Tajam Osvaldo Haay dengan Top Skorer Vietnam!

Laga final SEA Games 2019 yang mempertemukan Timnas U-22 Indonesia kontra Vietnam bakal menjadi laga yang seru.

9 Dec 14:55 BolaSport.com 4603768437321368366.html
Sambangi Istana, Ahok Lapor soal B30 hingga Mandat Khusus dari Jokowi

Jokowi berpesan kepada Ahok agar dapat menurunkan defisit neraca perdagangan melalui jabatan saat ini.

9 Dec 11:53 Katadata News 179777405905255522.html
Kelvynboy finally smokes the peace pipe with Wendy Shay and Bullet as they hug each other in church

Ghanaian singer and Rufftown records signee, Wendy Shay and former Bhim Native, Kelvynboy have quashed their beef that erupted during the Shatta Wale-Stonebwoy peace conference. The two singers got entangled in public fracas after the joint press conference held by Stonebwoy and Shatta Wale at Marriott Hotel in Accra on June 4, 2019, to squash […]

9 Dec 15:15 GhBase.com 8689748846288105454.html
Jo Swinson's voting record revealed as general election looms

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Jo Swinson has been asked many questions about her inconsistent voting record.

9 Dec 16:55 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489703794547.html
El otro clima

Se destruye el tejido de la convivencia mediante la destrucción de los servicios compartidos

9 Dec 12:17 EL PAÍS 2207347711751576315.html
Festival de humor cubano tiene lugar en Granma

El encuentro nacional de humor, Humoráculo 2019, inició en la provincia de Granma. Asisten al evento Cultores del género en Cuba como Rigoberto Ferrera, Kike Quiñones, Carlos Gonzalvo, Venecia Feria y las agrupaciones Pagola la Paga, La Leña del Humor, La Oveja Negra y Caricare

9 Dec 12:12 Granma.cu 7847343384973231724.html
Insólito: compraron una consola en Internet y recibieron cajas con preservativos

Pidieron una Nintendo Switch en Amazon, pero a su casa llegaron cajas con productos que no esperaban. La respuesta de la compañía.

9 Dec 15:10 Todo Noticias 8077539161433735419.html
Starting Strong: Young Farmers Survive on Solid Roots and Innovation

5 young farmers tell their stories of how they are building a solid foundation and a bright future on the farm.

9 Dec 14:50 Successful Farming 8502642055033503154.html
Cape Coral to discuss noise ordinance again

City council members are expected to vote on a noise ordinance Monday night in Cape Coral.

9 Dec 13:39 Fox 4 8372747777761360153.html
Power restored on Westside

UPDATE 4:54 p.m. BCHydro says the power has been restored in West Kelowna.

9 Dec 16:57 Castanet 616068602374664793.html
Yahaya approves additional N550m for payment of gratuities to retirees

Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State has approved the release of an additional N550 million for the payment of gratuities to the state retirees.

9 Dec 13:23 The Guardian 7580308505332029199.html
Desarrollan la primera neurona artificial que ayudaría a curar el Alzheimer

También podría reducir el número de paros cardiácos

9 Dec 15:56 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310299474784.html
NHRC says Delhi's Anaj Mandi fire was catastrophe waiting to happen, asks for detailed report

Describing the Anaj Mandi fire incident as a "catastrophe" waiting to happen, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Monday issued notices to the Delhi government, the city's police chief and the North MCD and sought a detailed report in six weeks.

9 Dec 13:31 The Economic Times 7653256036713407605.html
Russia Ready to Consider Trump's Idea on New Nuclear Disarmament Treaty - Source

Russian President Vladimir Putin previously shared that he had discussed the fate of the bilateral treaty New START, set to expire soon, with his American counterpart Donald Trump during the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan in 2019, but added that what will happen with it remains unknown.

9 Dec 14:16 Sputniknews 967333868028810261.html
La Finlandia ha una nuova prima ministra

Di 34 anni, la più giovane al mondo: e guida una coalizione di cinque partiti tutti guidati da donne

9 Dec 08:01 Il Post 6291746503464854188.html
Rising musical act, Teni Akpata set to serenade fans with a live concert in Lagos

Teni Akpata popularly known as Teni Makanaki & the Entertainer will be live in concert as she thrills fans to an unforgettable experience...

9 Dec 16:11 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900351265652.html
No reason to show that employment has come down: Govt tells Lok Sabha

The Labour and Employment Minister also said the government is implementing various schemes for generating more employment

9 Dec 08:00 Business-Standard 1502508924773093012.html
Attorney General To Law Enforcement Critics: Good Luck Getting A Cop When You Need One

Attorney General Barr to America: Fuck you, you ungrateful bastards. You're on your own. Attorney General Bill Barr...

9 Dec 13:32 Techdirt 1456370858357112643.html
Trio MSG, Monster Gol Milik Barcelona

Barcelona sejauh ini menjadi tim paling produktif di La Liga. Kinerja apik lini depan tentu tidak lepas dari Trio MSG: Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez dan Antoine Griezmann

9 Dec 11:09 Bola.net 5489959028799640401.html
Russia, Ukraine leaders Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky meet for 1st time

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet face-to-face Monday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time, as the leaders hope to end a long standoff in the Donbas region.

9 Dec 14:03 UPI 8257973865231599106.html
Sol Larraya Guidi, eliminada en cuartos del Nacional

La tandilense Sol Larraya Guidi compitió el fin de semana en el Nacional de tenis de categoría sub 12 que se desarrolló en el club Náutico Hacoaj, en la localidad de Tigre. Alcanzó los cuartos de final en el certamen de single, mientras que fue semifinalista en la competencia de duplas. La jugadora que entrena […]

9 Dec 15:48 El Eco 4177735524410198325.html
Are Sugar Substitutes Good for Kids?

Information is limited about the long-term safety of consuming nonnutritive sweeteners.

9 Dec 10:00 NY Times 1961078288983109331.html
Delhaize start test met Deliveroo en Takeaway.com

Consumenten in Brussel en Antwerpen kunnen voortaan gezonde maaltijden van Delhaize Fresh Atelier laten bezorgen door koeriers van Deliveroo en Takeaway.com.

9 Dec 12:29 Emerce 1354596987122996437.html
Mindestens fünf Tote bei Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland

Neuseelands Ureinwohner nennen ihn Whakaari: den «dramatischen Vulkan». Am Montag, als Touristen darauf herumwandern, bricht er plötzlich aus. Mindestens ein Mensch wird getötet. Von etwa zwei Dutzend ist das Schicksal ungeklärt.

9 Dec 09:35 ka-news.de 5595931858217733899.html
L'avvocato dei Democratici: "Prove schiacchianti contro Donald Trump, tre i reati da impeachment"

"Trump non ha abusato del suo potere né ha ostruito il congresso, non c'è alcuna prova", ha ribattuto Stephen Castor, l'avvocato che per conto dei Repubblicani illustra alla commissione giustizia della camera le argomentazioni contro lo stato in messa d'accusa. Il presidente: "Caccia alle streghe"

9 Dec 17:34 rainews 442831847893567396.html
Boris Johnson is an enemy to football and Gary Neville did not go far enough when condemning prime minister

Gary Neville did not go far enough. The Tories are the enemies of football. If Boris Johnson is given a working majority in Parliament on Thursday in the General Election, stadiums across the country

9 Dec 10:57 The Independent 2511519171444590632.html
The tough task of drawing up a structure and norms for a social stock exchange

Social enterprises may have to balance between improving the lives of people and earning returns

9 Dec 15:11 BusinessLine 5283601450480450.html
Waduh, Warga Kota Ini Terikat Aturan Aneh Gak Boleh Sakit atau Sekarat di Akhir Pekan, Kenapa Ya?

WE Online, Paris - La Gresle sebuah komune dengan 900 warga tidak jauh dari Kota Lyon, Prancis telah berhadapan dengan kurangnya profesional medis, yang mengakibatkan penduduknya memiliki akses terbatas ke sistem perawatan kesehatan.

9 Dec 08:27 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833859615775.html
Abbonamenti truffa: il numero unico per disattivare i servizi a pagamento

Arriva il numero verde unico per disattivare i servizi a pagamento non richiesti, disponibile per tutti i clienti degli operatori telefonici.

9 Dec 16:30 tecnoandroid 2573257128020407783.html
Austria Bedeviled With Complaints About Drunk Men Dressed Like The Christmas Demon Krampus

‘If large group of young men in masks roamed the streets on any other night of the year, the police would be called out in an instant,’ said an historian. Austrian authorities are trying, ...

9 Dec 16:13 The Inquisitr 1745625231029265956.html
Huobi US Closes Doors After Weak Demand

The US partner of the Huobi exchange has decided to fold its business, due to low demand and liquidity. The HBUS platform will stop its operations after

9 Dec 16:51 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936523949201.html
Manchester United's firepower enough for Premier League top-four finish, says Maguire

The centre-back has been buoyed by the form of the Red Devils’ attack.

9 Dec 09:53 The42 5369852629305935983.html
How to make Instagram highlight covers for the Stories Highlights on your profile page

It’s possible to post highlights of your Instagram Stories to preserve a selection of your stories, which usually disappear after 24 hours.

9 Dec 15:53 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884039330239.html
Kaum Hoffnung mehr auf Überlebende

Etliche Touristen waren gerade auf oder direkt an der neuseeländischen White Island, als der dortige Vulkan ausbrach. Mindestens fünf Menschen starben, Dutzende werden noch vermisst. Der Schock ist groß. Von Lena Bodewein.

9 Dec 15:38 tagesschau.de 5441171426062395210.html
Witness Spooky Evidence of Snapchat's New Face-Swapping Feature

Sometimes social media dipsomania comes into harsh relief, as it did today when the technology wars manifested themselves as the ability to superimpose your face on a cat: aka, Snapchat’s new social drug “Cameos.” It’s terrifying.

9 Dec 17:10 Gizmodo 461714590996312578.html
Neues Projekt: Rabbiner und Imam wollen gemeinsam an Berliner Schulen Antisemitismus bekämpfen

Ender Cetin und Elias Dray haben sich demonstrativ nebeneinander zu den 20 Schülerinnen und Schülern in den Stuhlkreis gesetzt. Der Imam und der Rabbiner sind am Montagvormittag zu Besuch in der Gemeinschaftsschule Friedenau.

9 Dec 14:30 FOCUS Online 4448121231666613484.html
WADA’s Decision is Stupid and Incomprehensible - Russian Boxing Federation Secretary-General

Earlier today, the WADA Executive Committee unanimously approved a recommendation by its Compliance Review Committee to ban Russia from hosting and competing in major international sporting events for four years after it allegedly tampered with laboratory data.

9 Dec 16:17 Sputniknews 967333868898575758.html
Agradecimiento perpetuo (+Fotos)

Ofrendas florales del Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido, General de Ejército Raúl Castro Ruz, y del Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presidieron el homenaje dedicado este siete de diciembre en la Isla de la Juventud al Lugarteniente General Antonio Maceo Grajales y Francisco (Panchito) Gómez Toro en el aniversario 123 de su caída en combate, y a los combatientes caídos en misiones internacionalistas al cumplirse 30 años de la Operación Tributo.

9 Dec 14:30 VICTORIA 8502773548737609299.html
Riad, niente più ingressi separati per uomini e donne nei ristoranti

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 11:08 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206236778671.html
Europees batterijproject krijgt 3,2 miljard euro van EU-landen

De Europese Commissie wil op het gebied van batterijen minder afhankelijk zijn van Azië en steekt 8 miljard euro in een pan-Europees-batterijproject.

9 Dec 17:53 Bright.nl 6602863322040774663.html
A real looker with an executive feel

In a packed field of stylish competitors, to stand out from the crowd takes a bit of doing.

9 Dec 15:52 Express & Star 7324224460586259319.html
Schwyzer Kantonalbank: Wechsel im Bankrat

Im nächsten Jahr treten drei Bankräte der Schwyzer Kantonalbank nicht mehr zur Wiederwahl an. Der Grund dafür ist in der Politik zu suchen. ...

9 Dec 09:38 finews.ch 7270223617807435798.html
New Zealand: Five dead after volcanic island erupts - British tourist among missing

British nationals are among those missing or injured after a volcanic island in New Zealand erupted, killing at least five people.

9 Dec 13:43 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489118409609.html
Woods looks to draw a line under Reed violation ahead of Presidents Cup

United States captain Tiger Woods attempted to draw a line under Patrick Reed's rules violation at the Hero World Challenge over the weekend when ...

9 Dec 16:20 CNA 5644198862227971838.html
Government moves further changes to Arms (Amendment) Bill

The Arms (Amendment) Bill allows for a person to have a maximum of two firearms, as against the present norm of three.

9 Dec 10:43 The Hindu 6679535025479601715.html
Misteriozna povreda Vitsela veliki problem za "milionere"

Detalji nisu poznati, ali zvuči bizarno...

9 Dec 16:32 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496374498363.html
Consecration of Big Temple likely on February 5

Deputy Inspector General of Police, Thanjavur Range, J. Loganathan said the district police had started preparing detailed security measures to be put in place in and around the world heritage monument in view of the event

9 Dec 14:04 The Hindu 6679535024596537290.html
Kingdom Hearts III ReMIND To Include Final Fantasy Characters; Releases Next Month

A new Kingdom Hearts III ReMIND DLC trailer confirmed that Final Fntasy characters will make an appearance. The release date has also been revealed

9 Dec 11:55 Wccftech 3677959678713548252.html
Preston North End boss Alex Neil discusses the high number of injuries in the Lilywhites squad

Alex Neil thinks Preston North End have been unlucky with their current crop of injuries rather than there being one obvious cause.

9 Dec 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275855662470257.html
Kesal Sering Dimarahi, Pemuda di Klaten Aniaya Ayah Hingga Tewas

Wakapolres Klaten, Kompol Zulfikar Iskandar mengatakan, korban ditemukan tergeletak dengan kondisi membusuk di rumahnya, pada Kamis (05/12) lalu.

9 Dec 14:20 merdeka.com 1998180355183171355.html
Das Schicksal von T-Mobile US liegt in der Hand dieses Mannes

Der US-Richter Victor Marrero entscheidet in New York über die Fusion von T-Mobile und Sprint. Es ist längst nicht sein erster großer Fall.

9 Dec 15:30 Handelsblatt 4721373939491653168.html
Kejati Banten Selamatkan Uang Negara Rp 7,8 dari Perkara Korupsi

Kejaksaan Negeri Banten menyelamatkan uang negara Rp 7,8 miliar dari perkara korupsi.

9 Dec 13:51 detiknews 8793960224502272988.html
Laytown man found not guilty of threatening to murder ex-girlfriend's partner

Following a trial at the Central Criminal Court the jury of seven men and five women took two hours and 40 minutes to find Robert Lawlor not (NOT) guilty on all five charges against him.

9 Dec 12:24 Meath Chronicle 604841991125648829.html
Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle annunciato ufficialmente con un trailer | Game Division

Durante la giornata odierna è stato ufficializzato il ritorno di Bayonetta & Vanquish grazie ad un bundle dedicato che uscirà durante il prossimo 2020.

9 Dec 12:45 Tom's Hardware 6640147070338625771.html
Chaos in Premetrostation Astrid met nieuwe regeling De Lijn

Vanochtend was het één grote chaos in premetrostation Astrid in Antwerpen. Sinds gisteren zijn een aantal tramlijnen gewijzigd en dat leidt, zoals verwacht, tot veel ellende.

9 Dec 08:24 atv 2365892512481016434.html
Chinese government offices told to remove foreign computer equipment

The Chinese government told government offices and public institutions that they need to remove all foreign computer software and equipment within three years. The move could require between 20 and 30 million devices to be replaced in that timeframe.

9 Dec 16:58 Windows Central 7807657681221870067.html
Morecambe rapist Stephen Gilyeat gets extended jail term for attacks on two schoolgirls

A child rapist snared two young victims by chatting to them on a social media app, a court has heard.

9 Dec 15:42 Lancashire Post 6469275854463352184.html
BCB-run teams disregard board's own rules for BPL squad composition

Every team had been asked to pick a 140kph-plus fast bowler and a legspinner in their line-ups | ESPNcricinfo.com

9 Dec 09:38 ESPNcricinfo 4926159650301573890.html
Scientist Replicates Mars' Conditions in Chamber, Finds That Life Thrives

The researcher found that complex organisms could survive well on the Red Planet.

9 Dec 13:18 Interesting Engineering 7328942542331351968.html
HINAPIA unveils official fan club name and signature color

HINAPIA has decided on a name and color for their fandom!On December 9 KST, the girl group announced that the fan club's official name is…

9 Dec 13:31 allkpop 3249686060511414765.html
Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn to shoot with Akshay Kumar for a special song in Sooryavanshi

Akshay Kumar fans have a lot to be excited about since he’s got a pretty interesting line up of films coming up. Films like Good Newwz, Laxxmi Bomb, Prithviraj and Sooryavanshi seem to be projects that are right up his alley and have worked wonders for him in the past. From these films, it is Sooryavanshi that has got us excited the most since we’ll see Akshay return to a cop avatar after Rowdy Rathore. And if that wasn’t enough, we have something even more special in store for you.

9 Dec 16:57 Filmfare.com 6668806038300218628.html
Deze 5 steden mag je niet missen tijdens de kerstvakantie

Tijdens de kerstvakantie is het natuurlijk de uitgelezen tijd om een nieuwe stad te ontdekken. Gezellig samen met je partner, kinderen of een vriendin een dagje of zelfs wat langer weg. Genieten van de kerstmarkten, nieuwe winkels en de gezelligste restaurants en cafeetjes om moe maar voldaan het lekkerste kopje koffie te drinken. Het kiezen van een stad kan dan wel het meest moeilijke zijn. Er zijn zo veel leuke plekken in Nederland om te ontdekken. Wij zetten de meest leuke plekken om in de vakantie te bezoeken voor je op een rijtje.

9 Dec 16:33 Blik op nieuws 5468169449133224067.html
Classmates Make Dana's LAST Wish Come True

30 years after their high school reunion this classmates Bucket list inspired her classmates to make her Disney wish come true!

9 Dec 17:34 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441697804081.html
Aufblähende Akkus im Surface Book entfachen mehr Aufruhr

Es häufen sich die Vorfälle, in denen sich Nutzer über sich ausdehnende Akkus in ihren Surface Books beschweren. Diese sorgen nicht nur für verbogene Displays,

9 Dec 09:34 Golem.de 3063982245745969926.html
Drie dagen grof vuil inleveren in Oosterparkwijk

Van dinsdag 10 t/m donderdag 12 december wordt 's ochtends tussen 9:00 en 12:00 uur en 's avonds tussen 18.00 en 20.00 uur in de Oosterparkwijk een opruimactie georganiseerd.Op deze dagen kan je j

9 Dec 13:31 OOG 303718093990196986.html
Barselona bez Mesija protiv Intera

Najbolji fudbaler sveta Lionel Mesi neće igrati sutra u poslednjoj utakmici grupne faze Lige šampiona protiv Intera u Milanu, odlučio je trener Katalonaca Ernesto Velverde.

9 Dec 15:33 REPUBLIKA 2543998405640692310.html
Europa League: Wann spielt Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Vitoria Guimaraes?

Auch die Europa League geht am kommenden Donnerstag in ihren letzten Gruppenspieltag und hat noch einige spannende Entscheidungen vor sich - unter anderem für Eintracht Frankfurt. Wann die SGE ihr finales Spiel gegen Vitoria Guimaraes antritt und was es sonst dazu zu wissen gibt, erfahrt Ihr hier bei SPOX .

9 Dec 10:29 SPOX 8395423525556923631.html
Witsel geopereerd na ongelukkige val, out voor rest van het jaar

Rode Duivel Axel Witsel heeft bij een ongeval bij hem thuis een kwetsuur in het gezicht opgelopen. Hij is al onder het mes gegaan, meldt zijn Duitse club B...

9 Dec 12:40 De Standaard 2288913868248169076.html
Mann will in Weihnachtsstimmung in den Knast

Bremen (dpa/lni) - Berührt durch die Weihnachtsstimmung hat sich ein 42-jähriger Mann am Hauptbahnhof Bremen verhaften lassen, um im Knast sein Leben neu zu ordnen. Wie die Bundespolizei am Montag mitteilte, war der reuige Sünder am Vortag auf die Beamten zugegangen und hatte gesagt, er werde gesucht. Die Polizisten stellten fest, dass der 42-Jährige aus Heilbronn ein häufiger Schwarzfahrer war mit einer dicken Akte von mehr als 50 Vorgängen bei der Bundespolizei.

9 Dec 16:43 DIE WELT 6197693428618513210.html
Another elephant found dead in Sabah, says Wildlife Dept

LAHAD DATU, Dec 9 — Another elephant was found dead in Sabah today. Lahad Datu Wildlife Department officer Sylvester Saimin said the carcass was found in Bakapit near here at 6.30am by a plantation worker. “We have gone to the scene and investigations are underway. We will give further...

9 Dec 15:56 Malaymail 302165935591664181.html
Champions League: Barcelona in Mailand ohne Messi und weitere Stars - Borussia Dortmund bangt um Achtelfinale

Für Borussia Dortmund geht es am letzten Vorrunden-Spieltag der Champions League um alles oder nichts. Die Schwarz-Gelben müssen zuhause gegen Slavia Prag...

9 Dec 17:01 RTL.DE 7054729452153442572.html
6 reasons why Mikel Arteta is the perfect manager for Arsenal

There are a number of quality candidates in the frame to become Arsenal's next manager following Unai Emery's sacking; here's why ex-Gunners star Mikel Arteta is the best bet

9 Dec 17:36 mirror 675785260869187827.html
6 reasons why Mikel Arteta is the perfect manager for Arsenal

There are a number of quality candidates in the frame to become Arsenal's next manager following Unai Emery's sacking; here's why ex-Gunners star Mikel Arteta is the best bet

9 Dec 17:36 Irish Mirror 2875825628720755663.html
BS Yediyurappa celebrates with son as trends show BJP leading in K'taka by-polls

Earlier Yediyurappa had confidently said that BJP will win at least 13 seats and the government will be 'safeguarded'.

9 Dec 10:24 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363123443795.html
Yahaya approves additional N550m for payment of gratuities to retirees

Gov. Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State has approved the release of additional N550 million for the payment of gratuities to the state retirees...

9 Dec 13:03 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901738433908.html
Finland to get youngest ever PM

Sanna Marin, Finland's youngest prime minister ever has been voted in by her Social Democratic party after the resignation of Antti Rinne.

9 Dec 15:07 The New Daily 5848147785697939358.html
Fechas especiales, excusa para subir la productividad en las empresas

"Las empresas deben buscar y brindar espacios de interacción para participar en las festividades decembrinas", dice experto. | Economía | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 17:05 Portafolio 9142034660941102205.html
Rob Vanstone: Sincere thanks to everyone at Regina General Hospital

Rob Vanstone offers thanks to everyone at Regina General Hospital for the amazing care provided to his mother after a weekend health scare.

9 Dec 13:00 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425238368337.html
China: Concentration Camp Victims 'Graduated' from 'Vocational' School

A Chinese government propaganda newspaper declared that "all" the victims of China's Muslim concentration camps had "graduated."

9 Dec 16:26 Breitbart 3148363491006500292.html
Hope for treating triple negative breast cancer: New drug 'starves' tumor cells by killing off the protein that fuels their growth

Triple negative breast cancer is the hardest form to treat and most fatal version of the disease. Mt Sinai researchers discovered a protein that May fuel the cancer and a drug to stop it in animals.

9 Dec 16:10 Mail Online 124328111677449440.html
Rock collapse at gold mine in South Africa kills four workers

A rock fall at the Village Main Reef’s Tau Lekoa gold mine in Orkney, North West province of South Africa, has claimed the lives of four workers.

9 Dec 11:21 Mining Technology 639193377486236353.html
Democrats poised to unveil 2 impeachment articles vs. Trump

Trump and his allies acknowledge he will likely be impeached in the Democratic-controlled House, but they also expect acquittal next year in the Senate where Republicans have the majority.

9 Dec 09:58 WBTV 6439870258382374067.html
Sony PlayStation 5 Pro Reportedly Possible In Next Console Lifecycle

Come next year, Sony will officially be launching its next-generation PlayStation 5 (PS5) console, thus resetting the console generation once again. Recently though, the Japanese electronics corporation suggested that a "Pro" version of the PS5

9 Dec 13:23 Lowyat.NET 6894342420372536140.html
Ferry boat: passageiros formam grande fila para compra de passagens

Segundo a Internacional Travessias Salvador, responsável pelo transporte, o ferry está funcionando normalmente com quatro embarcações.

9 Dec 12:12 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713366323026.html
A new BioShock game is in development

More BioShock is on the way.

9 Dec 08:45 Engadget 96641514473806335.html
Shooting in the dark; Afghanistan's endless war pits brother against brother

The 19-year-old Taliban deserter is haunted by the memory of the attack on a police checkpoint in northern Afghanistan in August. Kneeling in the blood-soaked sand of the bunker as he and his comrades checked the bodies for weapons and ammunition, the young militant made a terrible discovery – one of

9 Dec 09:42 Yahoo 7097669638848885693.html
We simulated West Ham vs Arsenal to get a score prediction for Premier League clash

Freddie Ljungberg's Arsenal travel to London rivals West Ham in the Premier League on Monday Night Football hoping to end a run of nine games without a win and avoid getting sucked into a relegation battle

9 Dec 13:30 football.london 6804128267762119179.html
Wanted notorious kidnapper arrested for abduction of two teenagers in Katsina

The Katsina State Police Command on Monday says it has arrested a wanted notorious kidnapper, Aliyu Sani in connection with the abduction of two...

9 Dec 17:10 Vanguard News 4125100339141283983.html
Deputy PM Turcan: Romanians could be living 'like abroad', if country development wasn't blocked by corruption

The Government makes a

9 Dec 12:53 Stiri pe surse 4858045012809384219.html
Cervelli in fuga dal vittoriese

Nel Quindicinale in uscita in questi giorni la storia dei cugini Andrea e Matteo.

9 Dec 08:18 Oggi Treviso 2529403854022084061.html
Irish midfielder Forde to leave hospital after suffering four broken ribs and punctured lung

Thankfully, the Limerick-native avoided any long-term damage to his lung.

9 Dec 17:33 Breaking News 4415806918584361378.html
Minister Wiebes te gast bij ontmanteling gaswinningslocatie Ten Post

Eric Wiebes, minister van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, was maandag te gast op de voormalige gaswinningslocatie Ten Post om de ontmanteling er van te zien.Minister Wiebes: “Voor de veiligheid

9 Dec 14:27 OOG 303718093427015223.html
Dalian Atkinson: Policeman to stand trial for murder over ex-Aston Villa star's death

The former striker died in 2016 after being tasered by police in Telford and a police officer will stand trial next September

9 Dec 14:45 mirror 675785259975089765.html
Christmas movies on Airdrie town hall's big screen

Elf, It's A Wonderful Life and Die Hard will all be shown at Sir John Wilson town hall this month.

9 Dec 15:57 dailyrecord 552235480822666341.html
Nederland plaatst zich wél voor olympisch kwalificatietoernooi, ondanks nederlaag

Tóch nog een klein beetje goed nieuws voor de Nederlandse handbalsters na het verlies tegen Denemarken op het WK. Ondanks dat de kans op een plek bij de laatste 4 klein lijkt te zijn, wist de ploeg zich wél te plaatsen voor het olympisch kwalificatietoernooi. Hoe zit dat? De tickets voor het OKT worden verdeeld…

9 Dec 13:23 Sportnieuws 3602982464075651249.html
Beautiful, anticipazioni: Hope e Liam piangono la loro bambina

Le nuove puntate di Beautiful, in onda come sempre nel pomeriggio di Canale 5, ruoteranno attorno al dramma che si è abbattuto sulla vita di Hope (Annika Noelle) e Liam (Scott Clifton): la loro bambina, stando a quanto racconta il dottore Reese (Wayne Brady), è morta durante il parto. Ma, mentre i due elaborano il lutto, con l’appoggio di tutta la loro famiglia, il dottore è minacciato da alcuni malviventi, come si evince dalle anticipazioni che seguono.

9 Dec 12:15 DavideMaggio.it 221510840195676592.html
Bus stuck on Borders Railway line after smash in Galashiels sparking emergency response

A BUS crashed into the Borders Railway line, sparking an emergency response. Pictures online showed the vehicle stuck on the tracks in Galashiels last night. It appeared to have left the road and p…

9 Dec 08:02 The Scottish Sun 6609127673500372139.html
A real looker with an executive feel

In a packed field of stylish competitors, to stand out from the crowd takes a bit of doing.

9 Dec 15:53 Shropshire Star 3480199993040081783.html
«Transmisiora begira, balio asko indartu egiten dira Durangoko azokan»

Atzo itxi zituen ateak Durangoko Azokak. 54. edizio hau azken urtetako jendetsuena izan da, 120.000 bisitari jaso baititu, iaz baino 5.000 lagun gehiago. Iza...

9 Dec 17:05 naiz: 5899264293176328702.html
Watch Video: Rajkummar Rao grooves like Leonardo DiCaprio; leaves fans impressed with his moves

Rajkummar Rao has crafted a niche for himself with giving back to back stellar performances on the celluloid which has been loved by the critics as we

9 Dec 09:18 The Times of India 6060938663488419292.html
World chess champion Magnus Carlsen on the brink of reaching top spot in Premier League Fantasy Football as he climbs to SIXTH in table of over seven million people thanks to Jamie Vardy and Mohamed Salah

The Norwegian's team, named Kjell Ankedal, has risen to sixth out of 7 million players worldwide after a gameweek where captaining Mohamed Salah paid off with a 26-point return.

9 Dec 10:05 Mail Online 124328111910847413.html
Siddaramaiah quits as Cong legislature party leader after K'taka bypoll defeat

'I have submitted my resignation to Sonia Gandhi,' said Siddaramaiah after poor show by Congress in the Karnataka bypolls

9 Dec 13:59 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362829903891.html
New Zealand: Volcano eruption kills five, several missing

At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several were reported missing after a volcano suddenly erupted off the east coast of New Zealand's North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air. More casualties were feared on White Island, where the volcano erupted at about 2:11 pm, police said.

9 Dec 12:50 WION 1570469240971182005.html
Jose Mourinho explains Sir Alex Ferguson talks after Son Heung-min's stunning solo goal

The South Korean forward has been in sensational form since Mourinho's appointment and scored a goal of the season contender in the win against Burnley

9 Dec 13:21 mirror 675785259791259961.html
IPCC Beli Gedung Milik Pelindo II Nilainya Ratusan Miliar

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IPCC) membeli gedung dari induk usaha perseroan PT Pelindo II (IPC) senilai Rp271,28 miliar dari dengan pembelian ini maka perseroan tidak lagi terbebani dengan biaya sewa aset tersebut.

9 Dec 12:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834166540559.html
Pak Jokowi, Jangan Lupa Utang Mata Novel Baswedan, Segera Lunasi!

WE Online, Jakarta - Juru Bicara Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Muhammad Kholid mengingatkan Presiden Joko Widodo agar melunasi utangnya. Ia menyebutkan, Jokowi berutang mata Novel Baswedan.

9 Dec 14:18 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834331892313.html
Impatient Trump might change Kim's views: N.Korea envoy

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may change his views toward U.S. President Donald Trump if he continues making "inappropriate, dangerous" comments, a senior Pyongyang official said on Monday, calling him an "impatient, old man."

9 Dec 15:16 Deccan Herald 2027555796102671808.html
Adiknya Kaya Raya Hingga Miliki Kekayaan Mencapai Rp 28 Miliar, Yuni Shara Justru Hidup Sederhana dan Rela Dandan Sendiri Saat Banting Tulang Cari Nafkah di Surabaya

Berbeda dengan Krisdayanti yang kerap undang MUA ke rumah, Yuni Shara lebih memilih dandan seorang diri meski saat mengais rezeki di Surabaya

9 Dec 17:10 grid.id 586386473594381895.html
Unbekannte überfallen Aral-Tankstelle im Dessauer Süden

Zwei bislang unbekannte Täter haben am späten Freitagabend die Aral-Tankstelle im Dessauer Süden überfallen. Das hat die Polizei am Montag auf MZ-Anfrage bestätigt.

9 Dec 08:50 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109434655842.html
First Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer kicks off a mystery tied to the original movie

Who you gonna call?

9 Dec 14:05 Polygon 3721530541990528469.html
Wake Island Returns to Battlefield V Next Week

Wake Island was the first ever Battlefield map, first appearing in Battlefield 1942. Now, it makes its return to the Battlefield franchise, and has been revamped for Battlefield V.

9 Dec 14:39 TrueAchievements 4775707719858269313.html
JUST IN: Ganduje appoints Emir Sanusi to head Kano Council of Chiefs

The Kano State Governor Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje has appointed His Highness, Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II, Emir of Kano Emirate, as Chairman ...

9 Dec 09:37 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900094741051.html
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice cut content gives context to that moment with Anayama

Anayama's final act had a touching callback most Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice players will never pick up on.

9 Dec 12:41 VG247 6010161594210447297.html
PS Now-Bug lässt Abonnenten möglicherweise Zugriff auf gekaufte Spiele verlieren

Sony Streaming-Aboservice PS Now verträgt sich offenbar nicht so gut mit PS Plus und dem Rest des PlayStation Stores. Ein Lizenz-Problem sorgt aktuell wohl dafür, dass Fans sogar bereits gekaufte Spiele verlieren können.

9 Dec 11:46 www.gamepro.de 3610569833021049180.html
In Finnland übernehmen Frauen die Macht

Sanna Marin wird Finnlands neue Ministerpräsidentin. Auf die 34-jährige Sozialdemokratin warten heikle Aufgaben – und ein überwiegend weibliches Kabinett.

9 Dec 14:12 Handelsblatt 4721373938650676072.html
Bong Go: Manila Water should be held liable for failing to construct sewer, wastewater system

Administration ally Senator Christopher “Bong” Go said on Monday that Manila Water Company, Inc. should be held liable for environmental damage because of their failure to construct a sewerage and wastewater system as stated in their contract.

9 Dec 17:55 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200293395919.html
VSCO Girl Holiday Gift Guide

Metal straws, Birkenstocks and Burt's Bees lip balm are some of the spot on products for this Generation Z subculture.

9 Dec 17:24 WWD 5490910667774558843.html
Primo weekend natalizio, Camerino fa il pieno

AL SOTTOCORTE Village mercatini, spettacoli, l'immancabile casa di Babbo Natale e la novità di quest'anno: la pista di pattinaggio. «Una delle più grandi delle Marche», spiega l'amministrazione

9 Dec 16:32 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196285572716.html
Due morti nello schianto, l'automobilista era ubriaco: arrestato

Era ubriaco, ben oltre il limite di tolleranza, il quarantasettenne di Pettorano sul Gizio che l’altra sera ha travolto e ucciso a bordo della sua jeep Cherokee vecchio modello, padre e figlio...

9 Dec 09:03 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446075474303.html
Essig als Alleskönner!: Frischkosmetik mit Apfelessig

Essig ist mehr als bloß sauer. Wie Sie mit Essig Altersflecken bekämpfen und Hautlotionen einfach selber machen können.

9 Dec 14:20 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700558842099.html
Monday's La Liga transfer talk news roundup: Ousmane Dembele, Arturo Vidal, Gareth Bale

Here, Sports Mole rounds up the latest transfer talk for La Liga on Monday, December 9 ahead of the January transfer window.

9 Dec 11:35 Sports Mole 7750663360875168157.html
Bahn als Konkurrenz für den Flugverkehr - Frankfurt liegt mittendrin

Der Bundesverkehrswegeplan 2030 fordert einen Fernbahntunnel für Frankfurt - weil die dort eingesparten Minuten bundesweit wirken.

9 Dec 11:44 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323949144486.html
Once propped up by Qatari high-rollers, Saudi city prays for truce

Jackhammers and cranes gather dust at half-built Qatari-funded hotel sites in a Saudi city hit hard by an abrupt diplomatic rupture, but signs of thawing cross-border ties are reviving economic hopes.

9 Dec 10:40 Digital Journal 4566489171438596012.html
Ex-Fed Chair Volcker dies, tamed inflation with recession

Paul Volcker, who as Federal Reserve chairman in the early 1980s elevated interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation, has died, according to his office. He was 92.

9 Dec 17:04 KitchenerToday.com 52741010231544145.html
Heracles sluit tussentijds vertrek Dessers en Osman uit: "Willen groep bij elkaar houden"

Het gaat Heracles Almelo voor de wind in de eredivisie. De ploeg van Frank Wormuth staat op een keurige zevende plaats en beschikt met Cyriel Dessers over de topscorer van de eredivisie. Technisch manager Tim Gilissen verwacht de selectie deze winter bij elkaar te kunnen houden.

9 Dec 17:46 RTV Oost 6509131171072819702.html
Apple dominiert Wearables-Markt: AirPods und Apple Watch sorgen für abermaliges Wachstum

Die ungebrochene Popularität der Apple Watch, AirPods und Beats-Kopfhörer hat Apples Marktführerschaft im Wearables-Segment verfestigt, so IDC. Das Unternehmen liegt deutlich weiter vor der Konkurrenz als letztes Jahr.

9 Dec 16:26 MacTechNews.de 1297039198600195086.html
Telangana has become a haven for boozers: Aruna

Uncontrolled sale of liquor reason for growing crime against women: BJP leader

9 Dec 15:59 The Hindu 6679535024394524607.html
Sony Wants to Make Every PS5 Game Multiplayer with Cloud Controller Sharing

So says yet another patent

9 Dec 11:00 Push Square 8538862517768808116.html
Le Vibrazioni, le migliori canzoni

Da “Dedicato a te” a “Così sbagliato”, le migliori canzoni delle Vibrazioni.

9 Dec 15:51 Sky TG24 1131381334050700632.html
What Charlton Athletic have said about the future of striker linked with Bristol City and Nottingham Forest

He is out of contract in the summer

9 Dec 13:13 BristolLive 4740742016906055233.html
Woman dies after being set ablaze by husband in Jhang

JHANG: A case was registered against a suspect and his accomplices after he allegedly set ablaze his wife in Ahmed Sial, a city in Jhang district, police said on Monday.The case was registered b

9 Dec 08:55 Pakistan Today 6621510370366088634.html
La conocida Sala Caracol se disculpa por celebrar un concierto de extrema derecha

Asegura que fueron engañados y que “emprenderán acciones legales contra los organizadores”

9 Dec 11:21 La Vanguardia 8061072698986237884.html
PM Modi Pays Surprise Visit To Former Union Minister Arun Shourie At Hospital In Pune

Former IT minister Shourie has been a ferocious critic of PM Modi’s previous tenure in power.

9 Dec 12:03 Swarajya 4977622830453567446.html
Bo Huawei z novim procesorjem zavladal na trgu mobilnih naprav?

Podjetje Huawei je nedavno presenetilo z novim mobilnim procesorjem, ki je opremljen z oznako Kirin 990 in je v primerjavi z obstoječimi rešitvami dejansko nekaj posebnega.

9 Dec 11:16 Računalniške novice 5784844855579641389.html
Versicherungsschutz für Post-Geldtransporte per sofort eingestellt – jetzt gibt es Bargeld-Engpässe in der Westschweiz

Die Post stellt ihre Wertsachentransporte von und nach Daillens VD ein. Der Versicherer hat den Versicherungsschutz nach dem Überfall von Anfang Dezember per sofort eingestellt. Das führt zu Engpässen bei der Bargeldversorgung in der Westschweiz.

9 Dec 16:15 bz BASEL 5287163742398047041.html
Versicherungsschutz für Post-Geldtransporte per sofort eingestellt – jetzt gibt es Bargeld-Engpässe in der Westschweiz

Die Post stellt ihre Wertsachentransporte von und nach Daillens VD ein. Der Versicherer hat den Versicherungsschutz nach dem Überfall von Anfang Dezember per sofort eingestellt. Das führt zu Engpässen bei der Bargeldversorgung in der Westschweiz.

9 Dec 16:15 bz BASEL 5287163742847624491.html
Indoor cycling guide: how to get started training indoors

Whether you want to grab Strava KOMs or get fit for a sportive, indoor training is the best way to pedal like a pro

9 Dec 08:24 T3 267522092913499999.html
Narendra Modi says Karnataka bye-poll results show voters trust only BJP for stability, development

The prime minister made the remark at an election rally in Jharkhand.

9 Dec 14:21 Scroll.in 8669301692098202623.html
Last minute audio tech for the holidays

Zone out from the chaos around you this holiday season, and tune in to the sounds you want to, or make and manage calls, with this selection of compact and loud audio tech.

9 Dec 17:41 ZDNet 591556591943565857.html
Last minute audio tech for the holidays

Zone out from the chaos around you this holiday season, and tune in to the sounds you want to, or make and manage calls, with this selection of compact and loud audio tech.

9 Dec 17:41 ZDNet 591556593601347900.html
Uno por uno, los ministros que fueron confirmados para integrar el gabinete de Perotti

La conferencia de prensa fue encabezada por el vocero del gobierno, Leo Ricciardino, que también estrenó su cargo y adelantó que el mandatario participará mañana de la asunción de Alberto Fernández.

9 Dec 16:41 La Capital 7472053045864232819.html
Man wearing reindeer slippers tips woman out of wheelchair on train as he tries to steal it

A man has been arrested after a would-be thief tipped a woman out of her wheelchair on a train and attempted to steal it.CCTV footage of the incident shows a man dressed in a red jacket and reindeer slippers, who lept out of his seat and grabbed the handles of the wheelchair as the train approached a

9 Dec 16:12 Yahoo 7097669637392881544.html
Fahrtenbuch ab Januar führen

Fahrten protokollieren oder pauschal versteuern? Wer einen Dienstwagen privat nutzt, sollte sich spätestens am 1. Januar für eine Variante entscheiden - nachträgliche Änderungen sind nicht vorgesehen.

9 Dec 14:49 n-tv 6802689754302969613.html
V naselju Za jezom zaradi previsokih vrednosti plina evakuirali deset oseb in zaprli cesto

V naselju Za jezom v Tržiču je zaradi preseženih mejnih vrednosti pri meritvah plina popolnoma zaprta lokalna cesta od Raven naprej. Omogočen je dostop samo za stanovalce in interventna vozila. Za zdaj so evakuirali deset oseb iz dveh bližnjih objektov. Po prvih podatkih v objektih ni nevarnosti eksplozije, so sporočili s Policijske uprave Kranj.

9 Dec 17:05 Primorske novice 8884558925290274681.html
Six miscreants make vain bid to board cargo ship in Vizag

‘They fled after seeing a coast guard patrol vessel approaching them’

9 Dec 17:09 The Hindu 6679535025988312436.html
Anifah to apply for stay order in Kimanis by-election

KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Seri Anifah Aman's counsel will be applying for an urgent stay order to prevent Election Commission from holding the by-election for Kimanis parliamentary seat.

9 Dec 16:55 NST Online 3702929170637692914.html
Mid Tipp Hillwalkers annual Holly Walk in a lovely loop at Clogheen

Upperchurch annual night hike takes place next Sunday 15/12/19 in Upperchurch village

9 Dec 12:01 TipperaryLive 1097599577703242684.html
«Beizentour» endete im Hotelzimmer – Schweizer Ex-Tennisprofi der Vergewaltigung angeklagt

Vor dem Strafgericht in Siders VS ist am Montag der Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Schweizer Tennisprofi Yves Allegro eröffnet worden. Er ist der Vergewaltigung …

9 Dec 12:30 watson.ch 2253754994502598187.html
Watch: A snake delays start of Ranji Trophy match between Vidarbha and Andhra

Vidarbha captain Faiz Fazal, whose team are chasing a third successive Ranji Trophy crown, won the toss and elected to field in Vijayawada.

9 Dec 08:34 Scroll.in 8669301694049356130.html
Electrician, accomplice, allegedly stab Lagos couple, kill wife

Deji Lambo A yet-to-be-identified electrician on Sunday allegedly attacked the Managing Director of Maersk Nigeria, Gildas Tohouo, at his residence in the Ikoyi area of Lagos State. It was ga...

9 Dec 16:50 Punch Newspapers 3524240995129634957.html
Ditopang Damai Dagang & Data Ekonomi AS, Bursa Asia Menghijau

Mayoritas bursa saham utama kawasan Asia menutup perdagangan pertama di pekan ini, Senin (9/12/2019), di zona hijau.

9 Dec 09:52 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212319040718.html
Cadence Design Systems: Great Prospects, Mostly For The Operations

Cadence Design Systems is an undercovered beneficiary of the continued semiconductor boom.The company is well positioned and has a good track record, yet valuations have gotten a bit out of hand.I lik

9 Dec 15:35 Seeking Alpha 5725634556554181956.html
La cuneese Anna Viada conquista due podi alle finali nazionali di Agility Dog a Cattolica

Per lei due terzi posti nella categoria Under 14 nelle specialità Agility e Jumping

9 Dec 09:15 Targatocn.it 7367208848525687781.html
Vier Gründe, warum Anleger nicht in Saudi Aramco investieren sollten

Am Mittwoch bringt der saudische Erdölkonzern seine Anteilsscheine in den Handel. Wer sich von den Superlativen beeindrucken lässt, könnte sich die Finger verbrennen.

9 Dec 16:40 cash 8314500325056689190.html
Bihar jail asked to make execution ropes, speculation rife it's for Nirbhaya convicts

The Buxar jail, the only prison in the state having the required knowhow, received an instruction to the effect last week, though it was not known where these ropes -- strong with a short shelf-life -- would be dispatched.

9 Dec 09:27 India Today 4286117812593288921.html
Kabinet verbiedt verkoop en bezit van lachgas

Lachgas komt op Lijst II van de Opiumwet te staan

9 Dec 14:05 Glamour 7276994000510699250.html
Crisis: Ralph Dibny Jokingly References Classic DC Superteam in New Footage

A behind-the-scenes featurette for Crisis on Infinite Earths reveals previously unseen footage of Ralph Dibney reacting to the crossover.

9 Dec 11:12 CBR.com 1295516962419785958.html
Sting pays tribute to Juice WRLD

Sting says that Juice WRLD's hit single Lucid Dreams is his all-time favorite reworking of Shape of my Heart, following the emo rapper's death.

9 Dec 17:45 CHANNEL3000 830332541811553144.html
Marcelo Bielsa says he has not decided who Kalvin Phillips will replace in Leeds side

Marcelo Bielsa has told his pre-Hull City press conference – as per Leeds Live – that midfielder Kalvin Phillips will return to the Leeds United side on Tuesday evening to take on Hull City – but has not decided who the midfielder will replace. Phillips, 24, was suspended for Saturday’s excellent 2-0 win away at […]Leeds take on Hull City at Elland Road on Tuesday night and Marcelo Bielsa has said Kalvin Phillips will start, but is yet to decide who he will replace.

9 Dec 13:24 The Boot Room 5717202225988958586.html
Ex-Fed Chair Volcker dies, tamed inflation with recession

Paul Volcker, who as Federal Reserve chairman in the early 1980s elevated interest rates to historic highs and triggered a recession as the price of quashing double-digit inflation, has died, according to his office.He was 92.Volcker took charge of the Fed in August 1979, when the U.S. economy was in the grip of runaway inflation. Consumer prices skyrocketed 13% in 1979 and then by the same pace again in 1980.Working relentlessly to bring prices under control, Volcker raised the Fed’s benchmark interest rate from 11% to a record 20% by late 1980 to try to slow the economy’s growth and thereby shrink inflation.Those high interest rates made it so expensive for people and companies to borrow that the economy

9 Dec 16:48 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762297837773.html
Next step for China, Vatican is to establish diplomatic ties, top-level mutual visits: bishop

Pope Francis has love and confidence in China and China trusts Pope Francis, said a Vatican bishop during a conference held in China, noting that the next step for the two countries is to establish diplomatic relations, which is at the center of the Pope's heart.

9 Dec 16:37 Global Times 7829414521377973953.html
Taxista logra escapar de una pareja de ladrones tras ser baleado y acuchillado, en Edomex

Los hechos ocurrieron en el municipio de Calimaya. Según las autoridades, el hombre y la mujer se hicieron pasar como pasajeros

9 Dec 15:11 EL GRÁFICO 2926497602389313313.html
Maduro lamenta fallecimiento de la periodista Asalia Venegas

Venegas ganó el Premio Nacional en Periodismo de Opinión en 2008

9 Dec 16:39 Últimas Noticias 6811287210606698557.html
Arrestatie in Nederland om 2 ton coke in Antwerpen

De politie heeft maandag naar buiten gebracht dat op woensdag 27 november een 25-jarige Rotterdammer is  aangehouden in verband met de vondst van 2.019 kilo cocaïne in Antwerpen. (beeld uit archief) De man is daarna aangehouden en een loods in Alphen is doorzocht. De container was afkomstig uit Colombia en werd door de Belgische douane […]

9 Dec 12:54 Crimesite 9119866469499679872.html
5-year-old boy killed in accident involving float at SC Christmas parade

Bluffton police say they’re investigating an accident that took place at the end of the Bluffton Christmas parade on Saturday which left a 5-year-old boy dead.

9 Dec 11:33 WVLT 4089046911511624406.html
Favre warnt vor Slavia: Darauf muss der BVB aufpassen

Finale für den BVB: Am Dienstagabend empfängt der BVB den tschechischen Meister Slavia Prag zum letzten Spiel der Champions-League-Gruppenphase. Vor der Partie standen Lucien Favre und Roman Bürki den Journalisten Rede und Antwort. Der Trainer warnte dabei eindringlich vor dem Gegner.

9 Dec 14:08 weltfussball.at 3521376372229260286.html
Trump warns Kim has 'everything' to lose through hostility

"Kim Jong Un is too smart and has far too much to lose, everything actually, if he acts in a hostile way," Trump tweeted in response to the unspecified test at the Sohae space launch center.

9 Dec 10:36 Saudi Gazette 6913978434954901478.html
Xiaomi Is The World's Fourth Largest Smartphone Maker

According to the official introduction, Xiasomi has become the world's foruth largest smartphone maker after Samsung, Apple, and Huawei.

9 Dec 11:35 Gizchina 5392375274666733035.html
Trump tenta manter voto de agricultores

A menos de um ano das eleições, a Casa Branca monta uma ofensiva para manter o voto republicano em Estados predominantemente agrícolas

9 Dec 16:40 Folha Vitória 4941883427152494297.html
Schoolboy hit by car in Oldbury

A schoolboy has been hit by a car in Oldbury.

9 Dec 17:54 Express & Star 7324224459581010151.html
Srbin najspektakularniji basketaš sveta!

Jedan od najboljih na svetu proglašen i za najspektakularnijeg.

9 Dec 13:37 SPORTSKE NET 1397374494837219845.html
Russia facing Olympic and World Cup absence as WADA issues four-year ban

Euro 2020 participation remains unaffected.

9 Dec 11:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774093045963.html
Profuga con 4 figli piccoli rintracciata su un carro merci

TRIESTE - Una donna siriana ed i suoi 4 figli (di età compresa tra i 5 e i 10 anni), migranti irregolari, sono stati rintracciati in questi giorni nei pressi dello scalo ferroviario confinario...

9 Dec 10:20 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446540910376.html
Cloud Stocks: VMware Builds Up With Acquisitions

VMware's third-quarter revenues grew 12% over the year to $2.46 billion versus the Street estimate of $2.41 billion.For the fourth quarter, the company expects license revenue to grow 13% to $1.39 bil

9 Dec 10:51 Seeking Alpha 5725634557753346129.html
Karnataka bypolls: Counting begins to decide BJP's fate

The counting of votes for the by-elections on 15 assembly seats in Karnataka that went to polls on December 5 is underway at 11 centres in the state. The election results will have a bearing on the

9 Dec 08:32 Deccan Herald 2027555796009727423.html
Nigeria, Iran in fresh talks over El-Zakzaky

Nigerian and Iranian governments are holding fresh talks on the leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Ibrahim El-Zakzaky. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Seyed Abbas Mousavi, on Sunday,...

9 Dec 13:13 Punch Newspapers 3524240995015459677.html
FIFA nimmt WADA-Entscheidung "zur Kenntnis"

Der Fußball-Weltverband FIFA will sich nach der Vierjahressperre gegen Russland noch nicht zu möglichen Konsequenzen für die Sbornaja äußern.

9 Dec 14:24 weltfussball.at 3521376373027476865.html
Jokowi Setuju Koruptor Dihukum Mati, KPK Bilang...

Presiden Joko Widodo setuju bila dalam undang-undang ada aturan mengenai hukuman mati bagi para koruptor. Pernyataan ini disampaikan presiden saat menjawab pertanyaan salah seorang siswa dalam acara peringatan Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia yang digelar di SMKN 57 Ragunan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin 9 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 16:54 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833850298253.html
Andrea Luna y los peinados que complementan tus outfits y estilizan tu rostro

Andrea Luna tiene una inclinación por la moda y la belleza que la hace probar diferentes cambios de look.

9 Dec 11:54 Wapa.pe 6757287089138963226.html
Deutschland zahlt 500 Millionen Euro extra

Nach erneuter Atlantik-Überquerung per Segelboot und Zugfahrt Richtung Spanien ist Greta Thunberg nun in Madrid bei der UN-Klimakonferenz eingetroffen. Sie appelliert an die Teilnehmer - derweil erhöht der deutsche Entwicklungshilfeminister die Klimaschutzförderung.

9 Dec 15:15 n-tv 6802689754950078418.html
Partition on basis of religion: Amit Shah's jibe at Congress

Introducing the bill, Shah said the Congress 'divided' the country on the basis of religion that is why it was necessary to bring the bill.

9 Dec 11:27 Oneindia 2023829372069516587.html
Surrey residents are told to keep their windows closed and M3 junction is shut as emergency services deal with chemical spill

Surrey Police said officers were called to a private address in South Farm Lane in Lightwater at around 9am today.

9 Dec 11:42 Mail Online 124328112073411748.html
Nirbhaya rape case: Tihar jail hunts for hangman

With no hangman in Tihar, the jail authorities have approached other prisons in the country to provide them with a hangman.

9 Dec 10:50 India Today 4286117814245295187.html
Outlook Menguatnya Dolar Berpeluang Memicu Penurunan EURUSD Jangka Pendek

EURUSD berpotensi untuk bergerak turun dalam jangka pendek pada outlook menguatnya dolar AS pasca perilisan data tenaga kerja AS yang optimis pada akhir pekan lalu. Selanjutnya pada hari ini para pelaku pasar akan memperhatikan perilisan data neraca perdagangan Jerman pukul 14:00 WIB serta sentimen keyakinan investor zona Euro pukul 16:30 WIB.

9 Dec 10:40 monexnews 4506814616668575589.html
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores emitirá visas para eventos especiales

La Autoridad Migratoria Nacional (AMN) acordó que será el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores quien emita las visas guatemaltecas para eventos especiales.

9 Dec 11:01 Publinews 8987875304827617435.html
Gold Technical Analysis: The set-up seems tilted in favour of bearish traders

Gold regains some positive traction amid persistent trade uncertainty. The upside is likely to remain capped ahead of the FOMC policy update. Gold rem

9 Dec 13:15 FXStreet 4480975639258404732.html
Family of Perth man informed as body recovered from River Tay near town

A body has been recovered from the River Tay near a Fife town.

9 Dec 15:01 The Courier 4275302768618377661.html
WATCH: Ex-model narrates her ordeal in the hands of an abusive husband

When love turns sour, vows are thrown out of the window while the fairytales and cherry topped smiles vanish. Such is the story of former model Priscilla Chigariro who has suffered at the hands of her Russian ex-husband. ...

9 Dec 17:19 Bulawayo24 News 5565663538557553034.html
FG to sign MoU with Russian firm on Ajaokuta

Godwin Isenyo, Kaduna The Federal Government will sign the Memorandum of Understanding with a Russian firm for the resuscitation of the multi-billion naira Ajaokuta Steel Rolling Mill in January...

9 Dec 13:36 Punch Newspapers 3524240994753524487.html
Ben Turok made sacrifices that helped SA attain freedom - Ramaphosa | IOL News

President Cyril Ramaphosa has mourned the loss of Struggle stalwart and former parliamentarian Professor Ben Turok.

9 Dec 12:16 www.iol.co.za 17825110984424074.html
Hari Kesembilan Peluang Medali Indonesia, NOC Indonesia : Jangan Eforia, Dulu!

KBRN, Manila : Kontingen Indonesia kembali berjuang pada hari kesembilan pelaksanaan Sea Games ke 30 di Filipina, pasca pembukaan. 20 cabang olahraga siap diikuti para atlet Indonesia untuk

9 Dec 09:00 RRI News Portal 6700853645441337263.html
Russia banned for 4 years from all global sporting events over doping

Russia has 21 days' time to file an appeal in the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

9 Dec 12:35 sportskeeda 1601194027856704327.html
Apple TV+ Gets First Golden Globe Nominations for The Morning Show

Apple TV+ has only been out for a few months now but it has already received its first Golden Globe nomination for The Morning Show.

9 Dec 15:58 Wccftech 3677959677469120629.html
WATCH: Rain, floods wreak havoc throughout City of Tshwane | Pretoria News

Many roads are flooded causing traffic congestion and frustration among motorists

9 Dec 09:34 www.iol.co.za 17825111523582068.html
Unter Merkels Augen: Selenskyj und Putin reden über Ukraine-Konflikt

In der Ostukraine herrscht seit Jahren ein blutiger Konflikt.  In Paris treffen Ukraines Präsident Selenskyj und sein russischer Kollege Putin erstmals aufeinander – Frankreich und Deutschland wollen vermitteln.

9 Dec 08:12 T-Online 5460876211178679811.html
Transfergerüchte um Erling Haaland: Mino Raiola offenbar in beratender Funktion tätig

Erling Haaland hat sich offenbar prominente Verstärkung geholt, um die Fülle von Angeboten der europäischen Top-Klubs zu sortieren. Wie der kicker berichtet, soll Mino Raiola neben Vater Alf-Inge Haaland dem norwegischen Shootingstar in beratender Funktion unterstützen.

9 Dec 10:09 SPOX 8395423525440895359.html
Kelvin Fletcher's wife addresses her hubby's sexy dances ahead of Strictly final

The Strictly Come Dancing finalist opened up about the competition as his wife revealed the sizzling 'sensual' routine don't bother her

9 Dec 15:00 Irish Mirror 2875825630033781611.html
Himachal Pradesh constable recruitment exam on December 22

All candidates who qualified the physical efficiency test (PET) have been directed to report at the venue by 9 am, the spokesperson said, adding that call letters have been sent to the candidates.

9 Dec 13:41 The Indian Express 2885715105495356041.html
Crisi climatica, in Germania pronti a rinunciare alle luci del Natale

Secondo un sondaggio i cittadini direbbero addio alle luminarie in nome del Pianeta. E in Italia? Crescono i buoni propositi per feste più sostenibili

9 Dec 11:03 Repubblica.it 8208867271200704733.html
Inizia una settimana con vento, neve e nubifragi

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Dopo un avvio di dicembre piuttosto tranquillo, con poche piogge e le prime gelate in pianura al Nord, il tempo comincia a mutare radicalmente. Nei prossimi sette giorni la forza della Natura salirà in cattedra mostrando tutto il suo potenziale. Vento, pioggia, temporali, neve, nubifragi e mareggiate colpiranno l’Italia da […]

9 Dec 08:41 Askanews 298649740303455195.html
Ex-Tennisprofi Allegro vor Gericht: Hat er eine Frau vergewaltigt?

Vor dem Strafgericht in Siders VS ist am Montag der Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Schweizer Tennisprofi Yves Allegro eröffnet worden. Er ist der Ver...

9 Dec 17:15 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667607314589105.html
Rendi-Wagner will Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung

Die SPÖ versucht am Montag einen Neustart. Die zuletzt angeschlagene Parteichefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner hat vor Beginn der Gremiensitzungen ein Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung gefordert und sich "kämpferisch wie eh und je" gezeigt. Rückendeckung bekam sie vor allem aus der Wiener Partei.

9 Dec 11:38 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699812741050.html
Il discorso di Miss Universo sulla forza delle donne ha ricevuto una standing ovation

La neo incoronata si descrive come un’orgogliosa sostenitrice della bellezza naturale, un’attivista impegnata nella lotta contro la violenza di genere

9 Dec 13:59 L'HuffPost 5315551422909179076.html
Kuliti Kelebihan, Pelatih Vietnam: Saya Tidak Setuju Anggapan Pemain Indonesia Miliki Cara Main Keras

Vietnam akan melawan timnas U-22 Indonesia di final di Stadion Rizal Memorial, Manila, Filipina, Selasa (10/12/2019) pukul 19.00 WIB.

9 Dec 16:28 BolaSport.com 4603768435507127553.html
'Brexit referendum would be held before Indyref2' suggests Nicola Sturgeon

The First Minister said that she would like to see the 'whole UK get the chance to stop Brexit', but a second referendum on Europe 'could still see Scotland leaving the union'.

9 Dec 11:13 dailyrecord 552235480353457916.html
Shocking! World Anti-Doping Agency bans Russia from Tokyo Olympics, World Cup Football in Qatar

In a huge development, the World Anti-Doping Agency, also known as WADA, has banned Russia from taking part in all major sporting events.

9 Dec 10:43 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720206946444045.html
Janssen valt geblesseerd uit in halve finale, race tegen de klok richting WK

Vincent Janssen viel zaterdag tijdens de gewonnen halve finale van de play-offs (1-0) uit met een spierblessure. De Nederlander is echter wél vertrokken richting Qatar, waar zijn club komende week begint aan het WK voor clubs. Monterrey plaatste zich dus voor de finale om het landskampioenschap, maar zag Janssen uitvallen met een blessure. De in Heesch geboren spits viel, zo berichten Mexicaanse media, uit met een spierblessure. Door de kwetsuur staat het WK voor clubteams op de tocht. Monterrey probeert om de goalgetter klaar te stomen voor het toernooi in Doha, waar de Mexicanen het komende zaterdag opnemen tegen de winnaar van het duel tussen Al-Sadd en Hienghène Sport. Knap: Janssen wipt bal over tegenstander heen en maakt vijfde treffer in Mexico Janssen vol ongeloof: zéér dubieuze gele kaart voor spits in Mexico

9 Dec 10:50 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884458820810.html
Plex: lo streaming video gratis sbarca in Italia

Plex lancia il suo servizio di streaming gratuito, alimentato dalla pubblicità, anche in Italia: al momento i contenuti sono unicamente in inglese.

9 Dec 17:47 Webnews 4852331585190240476.html
Nederland heeft het niet meer in eigen hand na nieuwe nederlaag op WK handbal

De Nederlandse handbalsters hebben ook hun 2e wedstrijd in de hoofdronde van het WK handbal niet weten te winnen. Oranje keek bijna de hele wedstrijd aan tegen een achterstand, maar kon de inhaalslag niet maken. De wedstrijd eindigde in 27-24 , waardoor voor Nederland alles afhangt van de laatste wedstrijd tegen Zuid-Korea. In het 1e…

9 Dec 10:28 Sportnieuws 3602982464400276345.html
Starwood Property Trust: The Election Means Everything

Barry Sternlicht’s Starwood Property is a professionally managed company and a consistent dividend payer.Of late, the stock has been hit by news of its regional malls not doing well and the possibilit

9 Dec 14:44 Seeking Alpha 5725634557168836845.html
Russia Banned From Olympics and Global Sports for 4 Years Over Doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency’s unanimous decision, if upheld, would exclude Russia from the 2020 Olympics, but many Russian athletes could be unaffected.

9 Dec 10:25 NY Times 1961078288547741313.html
How Does Diabetes Affect Immunity ? How to boost Naturally | Thehealthsite

Diabetes - Easy Natural Ways to boost immunity, tips to control diabetes. Find how does diabetes affect immunity at thheealthSite.com

9 Dec 10:20 Thehealthsite 4766622849808184106.html
22 showstopping looks from the Miss Universe pageant over the years

In the world of pageants, the Miss Universe competition is the pinnacle of achievement, which means the fashions featured in it are no joke.

9 Dec 13:37 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882648654677.html
Firea: Voi supune aprobarii CGMB o noua solicitare catre Guvern de transferare a Centurii Capitalei la PMB

Primarul general, Gabriela Firea, a anuntat ca, la prima sedinta a CGMB, va supune aprobarii consilierilor generali o noua solicitare catre Guvern de a trece Centura Capitalei de la CNAIR la PMB.

9 Dec 14:21 Wall-Street 2473040521432781147.html
#video Na Mednarodno vesoljsko postajo bo poletel robot z zametki čustvene inteligence

V nedeljo bo na Mednarodno vesoljsko postajo poletel robot, katerega glavni namen je preprečevanje občutkov osamljenosti med astronavti. Ti bodo bodo torej božič preživeli v družbi empatičnega robota, ki bi naj bil sposoben razbrati čustveno stanje sogovornika.

9 Dec 13:32 Dnevnik 7671546648614195860.html
Ketidakpastian Kesepakatan Dagang AS - Tiongkok Masih Berpotensi Angkat Harga Emas

Harga emas bergerak naik di awal sesi Senin (9/12) di tengah ketidakpastian kesepakatan dagang AS _ Tiongkok, masih memicu sikap hati-hati pelaku pasar. Kesepakatan dagang AS - Tiongkok yang berlarut-larut dengan kabar-kabar yang memberikan sinyal berlawanan terkait kelancaran penanda-tanganan kesepakatan bilateral tersebut, mendorong sikap hati-hati pasar, menempatkan minat beli di aset aman seperti emas. Di Hari Jumat pekan lalu, data ekonomi tenaga kerja AS yang lebih baik dari estimasi menekan harga emas turun signifikan. Peluang kenaikan harga emas di tengah ketidakpastian kesepakatan dagang AS - Tiongkok, menguji resisten $1463 - $1467. Sebaliknya, sinyak optimisme kesepakatan dagang dan penguatan dolar AS berpeluang menekan harga turun menguji support $1455 - $1458. Level Support : 1458 - 1455 - 1453. Level Resisten : 1463 - 1467 - 1471.

9 Dec 11:28 monexnews 4506814616621729562.html
HC extends date for Centre's reply on plea for drafting Uniform Civil Code

The court allowed the oral prayer of central government standing counsel Anil Soni and listed the matter for hearing on March 2, asking the Centre to file its reply to the petition

9 Dec 12:15 Business-Standard 1502508925605047590.html
HC allows Centre more time to file reply on plea for drafting Uniform Civil Code

Senior advocate Vikas Singh, appearing for Upadhyay, said the government has to make its stand clear, whether it has recommended for drafting a UCC to the Law Commission or not.

9 Dec 12:25 The Economic Times 7653256038484862504.html
Coto a la ilegalidad

Si un tema acapara la atención de los cubanos por estos días es el referido a las nuevas medidas de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S. A. (Etecsa) para la telefonía básica residencial. Su salida a la luz pública en medios de prensa tiene criterios a favor y en contra y entre ellos prevalece el de que ahora, “pagamos justos por pecadores”.

9 Dec 13:15 VICTORIA 8502773548207829685.html
Bra, inaugurato il Presepe artistico ambientato nella chiesa della Croce (FOTO)

Il taglio del nastro è avvenuto domenica 8 dicembre alla presenza di tante autorità

9 Dec 10:15 Targatocn.it 7367208848556695103.html
Devisen: Euro legt zu Dollar und Franken leicht zu

Der Euro hat am Montag etwas zugelegt. Am Mittag notiert die europäische Gemeinschaftswährung bei 1,1073 US-Dollar und damit etwas höher als am Freitagabend. Und auch gegenüber dem Schweizer Franken kostet der Euro mit...

9 Dec 13:23 cash 8314500325590228395.html
Premiere in Österreich : Erstmals "reanimiertes" Spenderherz transplantiert

Üblicherweise werden Organe von hirntoten Organspendern, bei denen das Herz noch schlägt, entnommen und den Patienten transplantiert.

9 Dec 11:30 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700401214779.html
Jokowi soal Tak Hadir di KPK: Masa Setiap Tahun Saya Terus

Presiden Jokowi menyebut memberi kesempatan kepada Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin untuk hadir di acara hari Antikorupsi Sedunia yang digelar di Kantor KPK.

9 Dec 11:36 nasional 6599523174257197236.html
Berlin zoo reveals names and gender of panda twin cubs

There are fewer than 2,000 of the endangered pandas estimated to be alive in the wild today.

9 Dec 12:26 Breaking News 4415806920255887688.html
Berlin zoo reveals names and gender of panda twin cubs

There are fewer than 2,000 of the endangered pandas estimated to be alive in the wild today.

9 Dec 11:56 Express & Star 7324224459806671092.html
Egzit na prvom mestu liste najvećih festivala prema enciklopediji Svetski atlas

Enciklopedija Svetski atlas (World Atlas) postavila je Egzit (EXIT) na prvo mesto svoje nedavno objavljenje liste...

9 Dec 13:50 N1 Srbija 7797130865463837258.html
Polizei in Lörrach: Alleinerziehende Mutter erstochen - Nachbar unter Verdacht

Grausame Bluttat in Lörrach: Am Sonntag hat offenbar ein 38-Jähriger seine Nachbarin mit mehreren Messerstichen getötet.

9 Dec 09:52 swp.de 6929179440876938769.html
Cafarec: una entidad con foco en la seguridad

La Cámara de Fabricantes y Recargadores de Extintores de Córdoba trabaja en la mejora de las herramientas que garantizan la seguridad en el mantenimiento de los matafuegos.

9 Dec 14:31 La Voz 6237180762300699836.html
Vienna West High School / SHIBUKAWA EDER Architects + F+P Architekten

Completed in 2018 in Viena, Austria. Images by Kurt Kuball. A former military barrack was converted into a modern high school. Half of the main building was demolished and extended with a terraced building...

9 Dec 12:00 ArchDaily 6219750954181730729.html
Euskararen ezagutza 7 puntu handitu da hamar urtean EAEko 15 urtetik gorako biztanleen artean

Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoako 15 urtetik gorako biztanleen artean euskararen ezagutza %36,1era iritsi da 2018an, orain dela hamar urte baino ia 7 puntu gehiag...

9 Dec 13:20 naiz: 7509038603990745593.html
Ubriaco alla guida, denunciato e patente ritirata

Ubriaco alla guida, denunciato e patente ritirata nella notte appena trascorsa, tra domenica 8 e lunedì 9 dicembre, dalla Polizia Municipale Torino.

9 Dec 10:22 La Nuova Periferia 1387373626337289945.html
La fantastica Signora Maisel: recensione della terza stagione | Cultura Pop

Arriva la terza stagione de La fantastica Signora Maisel su Amazon Prime Video e noi di Cultura Pop non potevamo tardare con la nostra recensione.

9 Dec 10:03 Tom's Hardware 6640147070378181734.html
Minecraft Switch Players Can Finally Play With Their PS4 Friends From Tomorrow

PS4's version of the game catches up

9 Dec 17:00 Nintendo Life 5246707019297678000.html
Alasan Persebaya Turunkan Pemain U-20 saat Menekuk Bhayangkara FC

Bek muda Persebaya Surabaya, Koko Ari Araya, menjalani laga debutnya di kompetisi kasta tertinggi.

9 Dec 11:30 Bola.com 1695722602853812942.html
Terapias y ejercicios para mejorar la salud de los adultos mayores

Actividades físicas como caminar 30 minutos al día, levantar pesas o jugar sudoku pueden mejorar la calidad de vida de un adulto mayor. Acá le decimos los tipos de terapia y los ejercicios que pueden prolongar su bienestar.

9 Dec 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257181801490.html
Man arrested after woman seriously injured in Newton Mearns house as cops probe 'disturbance'

The 41-year-old woman was raced to hospital.

9 Dec 11:39 dailyrecord 552235479037310103.html
Google adds new photo controls and faster Assistant in first Pixel feature drop

Google is also rolling out an update to its memory management to ‘proactively compress’ background apps.

9 Dec 16:45 Shropshire Star 3480199992779947667.html
European stocks stutter as attention turns to trade deadline, central bank meetings

LONDON, Dec 9 — European stocks fell today as worries about a Chinese economic slowdown and the US-China trade war outweighed Friday’s strong US jobs data, in a quiet start to trading before several big events later in the week. The Federal Reserve meets on Wednesday and new European Central...

9 Dec 09:52 Malaymail 302165935971609269.html
Fare la differenziata, non la differenza

LBCP: Certe mentalità non cambiano anche se siamo UNESCO

9 Dec 11:24 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271319755301814.html
Barcelona 'cannot afford' to lose Vidal in January, says Blaugrana president Bartomeu

Ernesto Valverde opened the door for Arturo Vidal to leave Barcelona, but Josep Maria Bartomeu would rather keep hold of the midfielder.

9 Dec 12:18 sportskeeda 1601194027624175175.html
Alfa Romeo Giulia, la versione elettrica al campionato ETCR | MotorLabs

L’Alfa Romeo Giulia sarà protagonista del nuovo campionato turismo per vetture elettriche che avrà inizio nel 2020, conosciuto anche come ETCR.

9 Dec 14:45 Tom's Hardware 6640147069394298930.html
North Korea calls Trump 'thoughtless' old man over tweets

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea insulted U.S. President Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a "thoughtless and sneaky old man" after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wouldn't want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders and affect the American presidential election by resuming hostile acts.

9 Dec 09:58 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637512483385.html
Customs busts drug trafficking syndicate, seizes RM5m worth of ketamine

NILAI, Dec 9 — The Customs Department believes that an international drug trafficking syndicate has been crippled with the arrest of four men, including a local resident, in two separate raids in Selangor earlier this month. Customs deputy director-general (enforcement and compliance) Datuk Abdul...

9 Dec 12:03 Malaymail 302165936439344465.html
Once propped up by Qatari high-rollers, Saudi city prays for truce

Al-Ahsa (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - Jackhammers and cranes gather dust at half-built Qatari-funded hotel sites in a Saudi city hit hard by an abrupt diplomatic rupture, but signs of thawing cross-border ties are reviving economic hopes. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has downplayed the dispute with

9 Dec 10:33 Yahoo 7097669637213579673.html
Selundupkan Sabu Dalam Paket Biskuit dan Kerupuk, Pengedar Ditembak Mati di Makassar

Sabu itu dikirim pelaku dari Pontianak.

9 Dec 16:29 merdeka.com 1998180354729103312.html
Kenney aims for clear signs of federal action on two-day Ottawa trip

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney set out a dire picture of the economic and social impact of federal policy on Alberta Monday as he embarked on a two-day political trade mission in the capital.

9 Dec 09:27 CTVNews 2422791598704987726.html
Final Euro NCAP results ends with eight five stars

Eight of the 12 models tested earning the maximum five-stars

9 Dec 14:49 The Citizen 410802300618669314.html
Una mujer con movilidad reducida fallece en Albacete al incendiarse su vivienda

Un vecino salvó a la madre utilizando su tractor para arrancar la reja de una ventana

9 Dec 12:22 Las Provincias 5471838390526851155.html
Le migliori app per risparmiare, ecco quali sono per Striscia la Notizia

Marco Camisani Calzolari di Striscia la Notizia ha suggerito una serie di applicazioni sia per Android che iOS grazie alle quali non soltanto sarà possibile tenere sotto controllo le spese ma anche risparmiare. Eccole.

9 Dec 12:05 InvestireOggi 7231367744359791919.html
Tiago Nunes recebe carta branca para decidir jogadores que ficam no Corinthians

O dirigente reconheceu que o clube não fez boas escolhas nas contratações para esta temporada

9 Dec 10:35 Folha Vitória 4941883426710376673.html
Russian Sports Minister Speaks After WADA Decision - Video

The World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Executive Committee has unanimously endorsed a recommendation by its Compliance Review Committee to ban Russia from hosting and competing in major international sporting events for four years after it allegedly manipulated laboratory data handed over to the agency's investigators.

9 Dec 17:28 Sputniknews 967333869397196192.html
Eleventh hour plea for soldiers who fired shots at Ballymurphy to come forward

The call was made during closing submissions at inquests into the disputed shootings of 10 people in west Belfast in August 1971.

9 Dec 16:10 Express & Star 7324224460291282114.html
KDF moves swiftly after Air Force fighter jet lost important piece mid air

Sleepy village woken up by heavy military presence

9 Dec 13:06 Pulse Live 3606876834982081479.html
A Milano nascerà il Museo Nazionale della Resistenza

Franceschini: "Il Paese ne ha assolutamente bisogno". Mattarella: "La memoria di chi ha combattuto per restituire all’Italia la libertà va conservata e trasmessa"

9 Dec 16:28 Adnkronos 2840063643282106144.html
Uni Gießen offline: Hackerangriff vermutet - Staatsanwaltschaft Frankfurt übernimmt

Wurde die Uni Gießen gehackt? Aktuell ist die Hochschule offline. Von einem "schwerwiegenden IT-Sicherheitsvorfall" ist die Rede. 

9 Dec 10:49 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323245160772.html
Nilai Ekspor Barang-barang Jerman Meningkat di Periode Oktober 2019

Nilai ekspor Jerman meningkat untuk periode Oktober, ini menjadi dorongan moral untuk negara dengan tingkat ekonomi terbesar di dunia, yang telah berada di ambang resesi selama beberapa kuartal terakhir.

9 Dec 15:44 monexnews 4506814617596341684.html
Fundraiser launched for children of Bristol mum who died suddenly in her sleep

'Carrie was very loved and a bubbly and outgoing person.'

9 Dec 15:14 BristolLive 4740742017164978747.html
Grandson of late President Bush runs for Congress in Texas

Pierce Bush, a grandson of former President George H.W. Bush, launched a Texas congressional run on Monday and aligned himself with President Donald Trump, who his late grandfather blasted as a “blowhard" and voted against in the 2016 campaign. In an interview with The Associated Press, he pushed

9 Dec 16:56 Yahoo 7097669638802576003.html
Simap-Meldungen Woche 49: Ausschreibungen

Zwei Mal pro Monat aktuell: Die Ausschreibungen der Schweizer IT-, Telekom- und CE-Branche auf Simap.ch.

9 Dec 12:03 www.cetoday.ch 4667961262852126731.html
Pristupni pregovori sa S.Makedonijom i Albanijom na proleće

BRISEL, 9. decembra ( Tanjug) - Komesar za proširenje Oliver Varheji kaže da bi pristupni pregovori sa Albanijom i Severnom Makedonijom trebalo da budu

9 Dec 10:16 Krstarica 4176903988200624436.html
Abyssinia Bank makes one billion birr profit

Bank of Abyssinia, one the private banks in Ethiopia, makes the biggest gross profit in the Bank’s history, 1.02 billion birr (close to $32.8 million at the current exchange rate), for the financial year concluded June 30, 2019.

9 Dec 08:38 New Business Ethiopia 4287479610311577534.html
Liz Weston: How employers help workers save for rainy days

Everyone needs a rainy-day fund — your financial health depends on it. Your employer could help you build one.Many companies offer 401(k)s and other retirem

9 Dec 16:08 iNFOnews.ca 6669504246221033727.html
College Football Playoff can learn a key lesson from the NFL's superior postseason model

The College Football Playoff caught a break this year, but the biggest problem with the four-team model persists. Here is what the CFP can take from the NFL.

9 Dec 16:49 Sporting News 5110653854508251240.html
Costco talk continues Tuesday with Lake Stevens City Council

Last time, there was no vote on the proposed wholesale store. Now the council has another chance.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408030455614.html
Can they really search my phone? Answering your border questions

Buffalo News reporter Tim O'Shei answers some frequently asked questions regarding his

9 Dec 10:00 The Buffalo News 2088823985843437496.html
Higher MSP fosters surge in paddy arrivals in Chhattisgarh's centres

Over 700,000 tonnes of the crop arrived in a week. State has till date disbursed Rs 7,000 cr to farmers, who will be paid Rs 1,815 a quintal for common grade and Rs 1,835 for A-grade produce

9 Dec 09:26 Business-Standard 1502508926111713575.html
Nyaris Tak Pernah ke Zona Merah, IHSG Menguat 3 Hari Beruntun

Per akhir dua, IHSG menguat sebesar 0,11% ke level 6.193,79.

9 Dec 09:38 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212397099194.html
Banksy reveals new art on Instagram with video of homeless man lying on Birmingham bench

The reindeer mural has been painted on a Vyse Street brick wall

9 Dec 15:56 BristolLive 4740742018058229887.html
Vier Szenarien, die den CL-Aufstieg bedeuten

Mit fast jedem Sieg würde Salzburg in die nächste Runde einziehen:

9 Dec 09:54 www.laola1.at 837519018811253865.html
Fuerzas de Rusia ingresan a antigua fortaleza de ISIS en Siria

Las fuerzas de Rusia han entrado en al-Raqqa, la antigua capital de facto del califato del Estado Islámico, en uno de los ejemplos

9 Dec 12:09 Noticias de Israel 5887715889922613871.html
Wa Iria party wants Helb loans waived

Mwangi urges Helb to stop charging interest on student loans.

9 Dec 10:03 Daily Nation 7421817125271165155.html
Apura tareas el Congreso

José Luis Rodríguez dice que el nombramiento del fiscal general, el presupuesto y la ley de planeación local quedan listos esta semana

9 Dec 09:42 El Heraldo de México 438112696096014756.html
Ronaldo regala la maglia della Juve al ministro degli esteri israeliano: bufera sui social FOTO

Nel corso della sua visita istituzionale in Italia il ministro degli Esteri e dell’Intelligence israeliano Israel Katz ha incontrato anche alcuni calciatori della Juventus tra cui Cristiano Ronaldo

9 Dec 11:00 il BiancoNero 8980755940305498174.html
Susanne Grundmann folgt auf Oliver Stroh als CEO von OMD Germany

Susanne Grundmann, 38, ist neue CEO der deutschen Kommunikations- und Mediaagenturgruppe OMD Germany. Sie folgt in der Position auf Oliver Stroh, 52, seit 2015 CEO von OMD Germany, der als Chief Development Officer zu OMD EMEA wechselt.

9 Dec 11:32 MEEDIA 2574484878047374701.html
Musiker von "Rockin Robins" geschlagen und verletzt

Überschattet wurde der Weihnachtsmarkt am Kugelbrunnen am Freitagabend von einem Zwischenfall, bei dem ein Mitglied der Band „Rockin Robins“ verletzt wurde. Die jungen Musiker waren gegen 17.15 Uhr gerade dabei, in der Burgstraße die Instrumente für ihren Auftritt auf der Bühne am Kugelbrunnen auszuladen, als ein Mann zunächst verbalen Streit ...

9 Dec 08:23 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109189517758.html
Schauspielerin Helen Mirren liest Gute-Nacht-Geschichten vor

Die britische Schauspielerin Helen Mirren hat am Londoner Trafalgar Square Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für einen sozialen Zweck vorgelesen.

9 Dec 08:10 bz BASEL 5287163741370798917.html
Eleventh hour plea for soldiers who fired shots at Ballymurphy to come forward

The call was made during closing submissions at inquests into the disputed shootings of 10 people in west Belfast in August 1971.

9 Dec 17:17 Breaking News 4415806919568336255.html
Pixel 4 will automatically screen robocalls and center your Duo videos

Google's first 'feature drop' brings improved robocall screening to the Pixel 4.

9 Dec 10:16 Engadget 96641514773858851.html
ESPN Is Predicting The SEC Will Dominate Bowl Season

ESPN is predicting the Southeastern Conference will dominate college football's bowl season, winning almost every game.

9 Dec 16:18 The Spun 9122471849765010173.html
Amazon, Flipkart planning to help SMEs go digital and grow their businesses

E-commerce giants adopt similar strategy to helps SMEs

9 Dec 15:03 Business-Standard 1502508926161111743.html
Today in Impeachment: Order is Hard to Find

Today's impeachment hearings went off course a number of times.

9 Dec 17:35 Paste Magazine 2077921860230699095.html
Wajibkan E-Commerce Setor Data, idEA: Pemerintah Kompak Dulu!

WE Online, Jakarta - Seiring disahkannya Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 80 tahun 2019 tentang Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PPSE), e-commerce wajib menyetorkan data mereka kepada Kementerian Perdagangan (Kemendag).

9 Dec 11:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834003048345.html
Espectacular muestra de la Escuela de Gimnasia Artística Catamarca


9 Dec 12:28 El Ancasti 5864462411795751559.html
Auto elettriche, via libera agli aiuti di stato per realizzare batterie

Secondo la Ue "sussidi compatibili con le normative sugli aiuti di Stato". Si sbloccano più di 8 miliardi di euro

9 Dec 13:45 Repubblica.it 8208867270744556795.html
El ciclismo y la movilidad sostenible entran en las aulas valencianas

Unos 15.000 alumnos participarán en la primera edición del programa educativo Aula Ciclista

9 Dec 13:53 Levante-EMV 7042984476996005296.html
Five dead as volcano erupts in New Zealand

White Island erupted with a large plume of ash and steam on Monday.

9 Dec 08:30 Shropshire Star 3480199992568320461.html
ACT pushes for national pill-testing after study finds it encouraged people to ditch unsafe drugs

Health and youth minister says all governments should support moves that could reduce the harms of drug use

9 Dec 17:00 the Guardian 1491978796109069528.html
Singen mit Kindern: Zehn Jahre Liederprojekt des Carus-Verlags

In zehn Jahren hat ein von Cornelius Hauptmann initiiertes Benefizprojekt mit fast eine halben Million Euro das Singen mit Kindern gefördert.

9 Dec 17:25 swp.de 6929179441011840645.html
Man rushed to hospital after brutal early morning attack in Glasgow close as cops launch probe

A MAN has been rushed to hospital after a brutal attack in a Glasgow close early this morning. The 35-year-old was assaulted in Hawthorn Street, Springburn, and left badly hurt. Emergency services …

9 Dec 12:12 The Scottish Sun 6609127674414560476.html
Pembiayaan Macet Bengkak, Laba Muamalat Kuartal III Sisa Rp 7 Miliar

OJK memastikan likuiditas Bank Mualamat tetap kuat dan operasional berjalan normal.

9 Dec 11:27 Katadata News 179777405432352010.html
The extent of Ross Moriarty's worrying health issue revealed as Wales and Dragons star loses stone in weight

He has been laid low by Japan virus since the Rugby World Cup and has now seen a specialist to find out exactly what is going on

9 Dec 17:41 Wales Online 7686550515831960319.html
Agent of ex-Liverpool forward Duncan banned and fined for social media posts

Saif Rubie made headlines earlier this year, accusing the club of blocking his client’s transfer.

9 Dec 14:42 The42 5369852631293046002.html
Prefeito Rui Palmeira entrega obras no Benedito Bentes

O prefeito Rui Palmeira entrega nesta segunda-feira (09), a obras da nova rede drenagem, recapeamento e sinalização do entorno da Praça Padre Cícero, no bairro do Benedito Bentes. A obra foi executada pela Secretaria Municipal de Infraestrutura (Seminfra) e faz parte do Programa Nova Maceió. Os serviços começaram no início do mês de novembro e...

9 Dec 14:31 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010897904263.html
Jadi Tukang Bakso, Erick Sindir Eks Dirut Garuda, Pedas Banget Bang!

WE Online, Jakarta - Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir mengubah penampilannya. Tak biasa-biasanya, dia bergaya seperti tukang bakso. Lengkap dengan gerobak dan perlengkapan baksonya. Penampilan Erick memang berubah drastis demi mengisi acara dalam pementasan drama memperingati Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia bertajuk Prestasi Tanpa Korupsi di SMKN 57 Ragunan Jakarta Selatan.

9 Dec 13:03 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834347197702.html
Athletes have better-tuned brains that can block out distractions and 'help them process sounds such as calls from teammates to pass the ball'

Athletes are more able to reduce 'brain noise' to process external sounds. Researchers at Northwestern University said this makes them more aware of their surroundings.

9 Dec 13:28 Mail Online 124328112372536280.html
'Ganvoula mag na vertrek bij Anderlecht hopen op toptransfer in Bundesliga'

RSC Anderlecht besloot afgelopen zomer om definitief afscheid te nemen van Sylvère Ganvoula. Na enkele teleurstellende jaren trok de spits richting VfL Bochum. Een goede beslissing voor Ganvoula zo blijkt. Bij de Duitse club heeft hij zich in de kijker gespeeld van één mooie club in de Bundesliga.

9 Dec 10:12 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216586092508.html
Lastenräder: Sechs Getränkekisten oder zwei Kinder transportieren

Der Kölner Lastenfahrrad-Verleih „Donk-EE“ ist ausgezeichnet worden. Für viele Nutzer ersetzen Cargo-Bikes das Auto in der Stadt.

9 Dec 11:49 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323800604695.html
Arsenal 'will not recall Eddie Nketiah from Leeds United'

Arsenal will reportedly allow Eddie Nketiah to spend the rest of the season on loan at Leeds United, despite his lack of game time at Elland Road.

9 Dec 11:00 Sports Mole 7750663361923886473.html
Vilniuje vienai dienai atidarytas Stepheno Hawkingo knygai skirtas knygynas

Vilniuje vienai dienai duris atvėrė knygynas, kuriame parduodama viena knyga. Knygynas skirtas pernai mirusio mokslininko Stepheno Hawkingo paskutinei knygai „Trumpi atsakymai į sudėtingus klausimus“ (vertė Emilija Ferdmanaitė). Tokia netradicinė parduotuvė veiks tik vieną dieną, gruodžio 9 d., Pamėnkalnio galerijoje, Pamėnkalnio g. 1. Knygyną atidariusios leidyklos „Kitos knygos“ projektų vadovė Aira...

9 Dec 09:35 Made in vilnius 1649469113771374189.html
Na Valjevskim susretima filmovi iz regiona i Evrope

VALJEVO - Valjevski filmski susreti održaće se od 12. do 15. decembra pod sloganom "Van okvira", a na današnjoj konferenciji u Centru za kulturu Grada

9 Dec 13:50 Krstarica 4176903989691500152.html
Saoirse Ronan and Andrew Scott nominated for Golden Globes

Ronan is shortlisted for Best Actress in a Film Drama for her role in Little Women.

9 Dec 13:47 Breaking News 4415806918457209314.html
Der beste Kandidat, um Trump zu schlagen

Als aussichtsreichster demokratischer Präsidentschaftskandidat gilt Joe Biden. Das ist schade, aber notwendig um Trump zu schlagen.

9 Dec 11:05 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592614414874.html
Football: Bala Devi nets brace as India beat Nepal to clinch third straight South Asian Games gold

Bala Devi was the star of the show again as she netted a brace to guide India to a comfortable 2-0 victory over hosts Nepal in the final.

9 Dec 12:29 Scroll.in 8669301693459094937.html
Docs advise Sharif to go to US as health remains weak

Pakistan's ailing former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who is currently undergoing treatment in London, has shown no improvement in his platelet count and the doctors have advised that he be shifted to the US for better medical care, a top PML-N official said on Monday.

9 Dec 17:13 Deccan Herald 2027555796561729149.html
Thieves carry out 'utterly devastating' raid at charity-run farm

The criminals seized a van, cash and equipment from Elm Tree Farm

9 Dec 14:16 BristolLive 4740742016831617411.html
Veinte frases sobre finanzas para ahorrar dinero

Muchas veces, una frase dice más que mil palabras. Por eso, Entrepreneur recopiló las mejores frases financieras que podrán ayudarte a ver errores que, quizás con miles de ejemplos y charlas, aún no eres capaz de detectar: La pasión construye...

9 Dec 12:00 Punto Biz 7504645526176009471.html
WADA banned Russia from international sports event for 4 years

 Russia banned from international sports event for four years by the world Anti-Doping Agencies (WADA). Russia would likely to be banned from international sports events including 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Food ball world cup in Qatar and 2022 winter Olympics in Beijing.

9 Dec 13:03 Reporter 1467643669695827473.html
Cricket match held up by snake on pitch

The start of the match between Andhra and Vidarbha in India was held up thanks to the intruder.

9 Dec 10:01 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775101222435.html
New rules for managing wild horses, burros on horizon

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Federal agents soon might expand methods to manage wild horses and burros on public lands, including unrestricted sales that could lead to slaughter for meat and sterilizing on the range, according to a rule proposed by the Department of Interior.

9 Dec 08:00 UPI 8257973864796579534.html
Politiker-Dienstwagen haben hohen CO2-Ausstoß

Eine Umfrage der Deutschen Umwelthilfe unter Regierungspolitikern zeigt: Ausgerechnet im wohl klimapolitisch wichtigsten Jahr sind die CO2-Emissionen bei Dienstwagen gestiegen. Auch bei mitteldeutschen Politikern.

9 Dec 17:18 MDR 5336324389596987581.html
Carson Lueders Spends Time With Fans After Performing at Macy's National Believe Day Event

Carson Lueders writes a letter to Santa Claus with a young fan during Macy’s National Believe Day event on Friday (December 6) in New York City.

9 Dec 12:49 Just Jared Jr. 3416194174487196196.html
Lawyer Asks Racists To Use Sketchy Millions They Got From UNC To Fund Scholarships For Black Students To Avoid Lawsuit For Bogus Takedown

Last week we wrote about the sketchy, sketchy deal in which UNC gave some racists $2.5 million to settle a lawsuit that was filed after...

9 Dec 09:21 Techdirt 1456370858984819125.html
Woman missing from Castlebar found safe and well

Gardaí said no further action was required.

9 Dec 17:05 TheJournal.ie 6446904419168231013.html
US lies and deception spelled out in Afghanistan papers' shocking detail

The tranche of documents show that in trying to paint the best pictures, those involved delivered the worst

9 Dec 17:10 the Guardian 1491978795409113735.html
Ibu yang Seret Balita di Aceh Ditahan, P2TP2A Ajukan Penangguhan

Ibu balita tersebut diketahui ditahan di Lapas wanita di Lhoknga, Aceh Besar, Aceh.

9 Dec 14:52 detiknews 8793960224355048178.html
Icarus-Computer für Tierbeobachtungen an der ISS angekommen

Moskau - Der Computer für das deutsch-russische Projekt Icarus zur Tierbeobachtung aus dem All ist nach gut drei Tagen Flug an der Internationalen

9 Dec 13:25 stern.de 4680145937797092554.html
Kembali Dikabarkan Hamil Usai Sepakat Tak Punya Anak dari Irwan Mussry, Maia Estianty Bantah Rumor Berbadan Dua Melalui Postingan Ini

Maia Estianty kembali memberi bantahan atas gosip yang menyebut dirinya sedang hamil anak Irwan Mussry

9 Dec 15:18 grid.id 586386474093364845.html
Angelina Heger schwanger: Bachelor-Baby im Anmarsch! SO hat sie ihre Schwangerschaft versteckt

Die Reality-TV-Stars Angelina Heger (27, Dschungelcamp 2015) und Sebastian Pannek (33) freuen sich auf das erste gemeinsame Kind. Die überraschende Babybombe ließ das Paar am Sonntag mit einem identischen Post auf den Instagramseiten platzen.

9 Dec 16:40 news.de 5126378979531150658.html
West Brom to make contact with FIFA as Barcelona maintain Barry blank

West Brom transfer news | Louie Barry left Albion in the summer for a dream move to Barcelona - but the Catalan giants still haven't forked out the compensation

9 Dec 08:00 birminghammail 8288260685460819564.html
Man accused of carving his name on girlfriend's face with knife

A San Antonio man has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend and carving his name on her forehead with a knife.

9 Dec 11:49 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202699315609.html
Apple liegt beim Thema Kundenzufriedenheit von Firmen vorn | iTopnews

Nicht jedes Unternehmen kann oder will sich im Office Macs leisten.

9 Dec 14:15 www.itopnews.de 222669968625646673.html
Apple liegt beim Thema Kundenzufriedenheit von Firmen vorn | iTopnews

Nicht jedes Unternehmen kann oder will sich im Office Macs leisten.

9 Dec 14:15 www.itopnews.de 222669970004302435.html
Jaguar Land Rover sales fall despite hopes for Chinese recovery

Jaguar Land Rover sales fell last month, despite the car maker seeing “green shoots” of a recovery in the all-important struggling Chinese market.

9 Dec 16:34 City A.M. 6389894491826392690.html
Krisensitzung bei der WTO - Es droht der "Herzstillstand"

Die USA blockieren weiterhin die Neuernennung von Berufungsrichtern. Doch ohne effektive Streitschlichtung ist die WTO ein zahnloser Tiger.

9 Dec 15:45 Die Presse 6242788855623734418.html
Tory communities secretary challenged on £16billion spending cuts

The Local Government Association estimates councils have lost almost £16 billion of funding since 2010, equal to 60p in every pound

9 Dec 17:00 DevonLive 2469244513778641527.html
Ponerle colores a cada edad

Este martes 10 de diciembre en el CENESEX se entregarán los lauros a los 13 ganadores entre los 68 adolescentes que participaron en el Concurso Nacional de Dibujo Infantil y Juvenil, convocado por el Ministerio de Educación, el Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX) y la oficina en Cuba del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA)

9 Dec 12:14 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418069581677.html
Netflix dominates Golden Globe nominations with 34 nods

Netflix has secured 34 nominations for this year’s Golden Globe awards, dominating both the TV and film lineups, five years after recieving its first nods.

9 Dec 15:34 City A.M. 6389894491393703855.html
Blaue Flecken müssen sein? Verlag entschuldigt sich für Horoskoptext

Der Bauer-Verlag spricht von einem "fundamentalen Formulierungsfehler" nachdem auf Twitter der Text eines Horoskops der Zeitschrift "Tina" öffentlich wurde, in dem der Leserin Gewalt in der Partnerschaft angekündigt wird.

9 Dec 14:30 euronews 4540914626453675672.html
Iran says ready for more US prisoner swaps

Trump thanke­d Iran for what he called a 'very fair negoti­ation' after an Americ­an schola­r was releas­ed on Saturd­ay

9 Dec 15:26 The Express Tribune 1105816787883092392.html
"Komplett bescheuert"? BVG will Weltkulturerbe werden

Mit einer neuen Imagekampagne greift die BVG nach den Sternen. Die Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe wollen Unesco-Weltkulturerbe werden.

9 Dec 15:24 TAG24 4583887874283884032.html
Bolsonaro promete sancionar em breve Previdência de militares

Em almoço oferecido pela Marinha em sua homenagem, Jair Bolsonaro festejou a aprovação do projeto que reestrutura a carreira de militares...

9 Dec 15:12 O Antagonista 1037429655484775875.html
Amazon India bets on vernacular, voice & videos to help sellers boost sales

Amazon also announced its partnership with CII to conduct awareness workshops and training in pre-identified locations to enable small and medium businesses start their e-commerce journey.

9 Dec 13:50 Business-Standard 1502508924649718574.html
Blitz contro i venditori abusivi, sequestri e sanzioni per 5mila euro

TOLENTINO - Polizia locale e carabinieri hanno effettuato controlli nei parcheggi dei centri commerciali

9 Dec 13:12 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195244707632.html
Il governo cinese smetterà di usare computer e software stranieri

Entro il 2022 tutti gli uffici governativi dovranno convertirsi a prodotti interamente cinesi, ma non sarà facile

9 Dec 09:55 Il Post 6291746504869876643.html
Mysterious automated calls, vanished relatives, and sinister Facebook comments: How China intimidates Uighurs who don't even live in the country

Though China's brutal campaign is most active in Xinjiang, many Uighurs living abroad say they've been targeted by Chinese agents.

9 Dec 16:14 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746842611692.html
Review: Cook's new thriller sheds light on genetic genealogy

"Genesis," Putnam, by Robin Cook

9 Dec 16:30 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638010518732.html
Zidane rings changes for Real Madrid's Champions League game in Brugge

Zidane rings changes for Real Madrid's Champions League game in Brugge

9 Dec 16:59 sport 1349897969333548614.html
Robert Lawlor found not guilty of threatening to murder ex-girlfriend's partner

Robert Lawlor nodded his head and mouthed, 'thank you' in the direction of the jury as the court registrar read out the verdicts one by one.

9 Dec 12:27 Breaking News 4415806919511949535.html
Pakistan eves eye maiden ODI win against England

The Pakistan eves would aim to keep their chances alive for securing direct qualification in the ICC Women's Championship while their England

9 Dec 13:38 The Sentinel 448185206296093846.html
PM criticised by Sturgeon over comments on EU migrants

Scotland’s First Minister branded Boris Johnson’s remarks ‘despicable’ and described them as ‘anti-immigration rhetoric’.

9 Dec 15:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773359143444.html
Thousands Rally in London’s Parliament Square Against anti-Semitism Days Before Election

No speaker directly mentioned Jeremy Corbyn or his Labour Party, which has been accused of institutional anti-Semitism, during the demonstration

9 Dec 17:25 Haaretz 1431421787559746756.html
Google is adding a bunch of features to all supported Pixel phones

Google today announced several new features coming to Pixel phones. You'll now be able to add a portrait effect to existing photos, filter out robocalls, auto-framing in Duo, and more.

9 Dec 16:10 Neowin 8633418615327283720.html
Semana clave para la investidura: ronda de consultas y negociaciones

La semana que comienza se antoja clave para la investidura, ya que a las negociaciones entre partidos se suma la ronda de consultas con el Rey, por lo que se despejarán las incógnitas en torno a la candidatura de Pedro Sánchez. Mientras el PSOE ultima el

9 Dec 10:57 Diariocrítico 5375131904344127799.html
Maximilian-Schell-Ausstellung im Filmmuseum Frankfurt: Von der Alm nach Hollywood und zurück

Das Deutsche Filminstitut & Filmmuseum in Frankfurt zeigt eine Ausstellung aus dem reichhaltigen Nachlass Maximilian Schells.

9 Dec 15:45 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322251599066.html
Basquetbolistas representarán a Michoacán en la Espartaqueada Deportiva

Con miras a la XX Espartaqueada Deportiva Nacional del Movimiento Antorchista, que se realizará en el municipio de Tecomatlán, estado de Puebla,

9 Dec 10:47 MiMorelia 5599511489916395574.html
Preserve bodies till Dec 13: Telangana HC after adjourning Hyderabad 'encounter'

The Court directed the state advocate general to produce documentary evidence as to whether the police fully followed the guidelines of the Supreme Court on the encounter issue. 

9 Dec 16:33 The New Indian Express 4718288654358172815.html
Martin Fuentes aparece en emotiva foto junto a sus hijas mientras Jacky Bracamontes presume figura en Miss Universo

Luego de que Jacqueline Bracamontes reapareciera durante el evento Miss Universo provocando gran conmoción con su figura a pocas semanas de someterse a varias operaciones para mejorar su aspecto, Martín Fuentes no se quedó atrás. El empresario tomó sus redes sociales para compartir una emotiva imagen donde aparece rodeado de sus 5 hijas. Junto a […]

9 Dec 17:00 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490037610722916.html
One-stop-shop: service treats mental illness, neurological, and addiction as 'brain disorders'

A new service that demolishes the “artificial silos” separating mental illness, neurological conditions aims to do for people with “brain diseases” what gold standard comprehensive cancer centres have done for cancer patients.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730563107943453.html
Man appears in court in connection with Dublin robbery

He is accused of using a broken glass bottle to threaten staff at a shop on Andrew Street yesterday.

9 Dec 12:57 Breaking News 4415806919594342121.html
Rellen niet uitgesloten bij Porto-Feyenoord: 'Goed dat fans wel worden toegelaten'

Door een straf van de UEFA blijft het uitvak donderdag vermoedelijk leeg tijdens FC Porto-Feyenoord. Een tegenvaller voor veel Feyenoord-supporters, aangezien het vervoer naar Portugal allemaal al geregeld is. De fans hopen dan ook dat de UEFA de straf uitstelt, zodat ze gewoon naar binnen mogen bij de wedstrijd. "Om ongeregeldheden te voorkomen is het goed als supporters wél worden toegelaten. Dat geeft rust", geeft Remco Ravenhorst, voorzitter van supportersvereniging FSV De Feijenoorder aan tegen RTV Rijnmond. De supporters van de Feyenoord mogen niet naar binnen in het Estádio do Dragão, omdat er tijdens de uitwedstrijd tegen Young Boys vuurwerk werd afgestoken. Feyenoord ontvangt zware UEFA-straf: geen uitsupporters mee naar Porto Feyenoord tekent beroep aan tegen UEFA-straf en wil uitfans meenemen naar Porto

9 Dec 14:15 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885326226530.html
Ramalan Bank Indonesia Jika Pemerintah Naikkan Tarif Listrik di 2020

BI memahami langkah pemerintah dalam memangkas perlahan segala bentuk subsidi.

9 Dec 17:16 liputan6.com 3414318496600615733.html
'Met Vandevoordt heeft Genk nu getalenteerde doelman, maar Vukovic keert terug'

KRC Genk neemt het dinsdagavond op tegen SSC Napoli in het laatste groepsduel van de Champions League. Voor de Limburgers staat er niets meer op het spel behalve de eer. Maarten Vandevoordt kan dan weer

9 Dec 16:38 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217413533525.html
Bansha win Tipperary Cup seven-goal thriller in extra-time

TIPPERARY CUP (1st Round) VEE ROVERS 3 BANSHA CELTIC 4 (after extra-time, 3-3 at full-time) This game was held up from its original date due to Vee Rovers exploits in the FAI Junior Cup, and they...

9 Dec 09:10 TipperaryLive 1097599578862488569.html
Alfredo Morelos receives Rangers vote of confidence as Scott Arfield lifts lid on striker's state of mind

The striker endured a difficult afternoon as Celtic stunned their city rivals in the Betfred Cup Final.

9 Dec 16:09 dailyrecord 552235479466449321.html
El icono de temperatura del clima prepara su regreso a Android Auto

El indicador de temperatura del clima en Android Auto podría volver a hacer acto de aparición tras la importante revisión que ha sufrido este sistema operativo.

9 Dec 10:05 ComputerHoy 3644302763723637848.html
Penguins: The Monogamous Tuxedoed Birds That 'Fly' Underwater

There are up to 26 species of penguins in the world, most of whom mate for life, and while none of them can fly, they swim like Olympic champs.

9 Dec 16:00 HowStuffWorks 8401691734957346707.html
Un universitario muerto y varios heridos dejan ataque armado en una discoteca

Las autoridades adelantan las investigaciones pertinentes

9 Dec 16:55 W Radio 7724358829931613685.html
Ibrahimovic: Bologna aus dem Rennen

Der FC Bologna wird nicht neuer Arbeitgeber von Zlatan Ibrahimović. Dies bestätigt am heutigen Montag Bolognas Sportdirektor Walter Sabatini. „Ibrahimović wird nicht nach Bologna kommen. Er hat eine (...)

9 Dec 15:38 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608785270703701.html
British PM visits Hindu temple, pledges support to Modi's new India mission

Johnson's visit to temple comes ahead of UK's crucial General Election on Thursday where he is seeking re-election.

9 Dec 09:32 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362785343202.html
WADA schorst Rusland voor vier jaar: geen deelname aan WK in Qatar

Het antidopingbureau WADA heeft Rusland voor een periode van vier jaar verbannen van alle grote sportevenementen ter wereld. Het land mag derhalve niet deelnemen aan het WK voetbal van 2022 en de Olympische Zomer- en Winterspelen, zo meldt het Russische persbureau TASS. Reden voor de verbanning is het gesjoemel met urine- en bloedmonsters van Russische atleten.

9 Dec 11:27 Voetbalzone 9096760911247997617.html
Tres buses de Transmilenio chocaron entre sí y dejaron ocho personas lesionadas

La empresa de transporte informó que el accidente entre los vehículos troncales ocurrió cerca de la estación Escuela Militar, sentido oriente-occidente. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 11:56 pulzo.com 8971816787424295109.html
Jeroen Pauw stopt met zijn late night talkshow

Jeroen Pauw (59) stopt met zijn talkshow Pauw. Dat heeft de presentator zojuist bekendgemaakt via Instagram.

9 Dec 12:33 RTL Boulevard 1500115271524581815.html
Video: Fiesta de egresados termina en batalla campal

La batalla campal dejó al menos un estudiante herido

9 Dec 16:59 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563746057792.html
Majority of U.S. kids traveling overseas don't receive measles vaccine

Just over 40 percent of those eligible for the shot actually receive it, despite CDC guidelines urging vaccination.

9 Dec 16:00 UPI 8257973864056216888.html
Salt Remote: Einfache Apple-TV-Fernbedienung für die Schweiz

Schön für unsere Leser in der Schweiz: Der Kommunikationskonzern Salt Mobile (ehemals Orange) bietet eine Fernbedienung für Apple TV an, die auf klassische ertastbare Bedienelemente setzt und somit durchaus ihre Freunde finden dürfte. Auf Siri müsst ihr damit allerdings verzichten, die Fernbedienung verfügt weder über eine Siri-Taste noch das zugehörige Mikrofon. Siri steht für Apple-TV-Besitzer […]

9 Dec 16:25 ifun.de 6678736053609800922.html
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker Has Died | Breitbart

The world's greatest inflation fighter has died. | Economy

9 Dec 14:51 Breitbart 3148363492035110202.html
APC Invented Hate Speech In Nigeria, Ruling Party Chieftain Admits

A chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Joshua Alobo, has claimed that his party originated hate speech. 

9 Dec 10:27 Concise 5544636822318177417.html
Woman who burned co-wife, seven stepchildren alive sentenced to death

The Ebonyi State High Court in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State capital, has sentenced a woman, Agnes Nwefuru, to death.

9 Dec 17:32 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300548800880.html
Joyn startet US-Fiction-Sender Primetime

Nachdem beim Streaming-Anbieter Jony kürzlich das Premium-Abo gestartet ist, gibt es nun weitere Neuigkeiten zu dem Dienst.

9 Dec 09:09 mobiFlip.de 5208441548998324622.html
Who is Lyle Taylor? Lowdown on Charlton striker linked with Nottingham Forest

Nottingham Forest transfer news | The Reds are reportedly interested in signing the prolific forward as the January transfer window approaches

9 Dec 12:05 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702060179534.html
HOLY SMOKES: Marie Osmond on dadaism

That’s some dada right there.

9 Dec 15:41 Boing Boing 4601305168880272699.html
TEM'i kullanacaklar dikkat: Trafik kitlendi

TEM Otoyolu Büyükçekmece mevkiinde meydana gelen kaza nedeniyle trafik adeta kilitlendi. Otoyolda oluşan kilometrelerce araç kuyruğu drone ile havadan görüntülendi.

9 Dec 09:10 Yeni Şafak 1729259404373483947.html
Massive US military convoy arrives base in western Iraq: media

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:20 P.M.) – A massive U.S. military convoy reportedly arrived in western Iraq this week amid recent attacks carried out near their installations inside the country. According to Al-Sumaria TV, the U.S. military convoy consisted of 500 vehicles that entered Iraq from neighboring Jordan. The U.S. military convoy reportedly reached their final destination at the ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base in Iraq’s Al-Anbar province. No further details were released regarding the alleged U.S. military convoy. Last week, a rocket attack was reported near the ‘Ayn Al-Assad Base in the Heet District of Al-Anbar – no one claimed responsibility for the projectile fire.

9 Dec 10:41 AMN 4125648317273548067.html
Messi descansa en la Champions

Valverde no se lleva a la estrella a Italia y también deja en Barcelona a Piqué y Sergi Roberto

9 Dec 13:33 elPeriodico 7291954034267535870.html
Anthony Joshua would love to defend world titles in Nigeria

Anthony Joshua has revealed his desire to defend his world heavyweight titles in Nigeria after his rematch win over Andy Ruiz Jr. on Saturday night.

9 Dec 13:18 Sporting Life 7709795076102533114.html
McDonald's black franchisees are fighting to earn as much as their white counterparts, as dozens leave the company they once considered family

Over the past decade, black franchisees have seen the disparities between them and the rest of McDonald's franchisees grow.

9 Dec 15:33 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748656091694.html
23 Enforcement Orders issued on Irish food businesses last month

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland today reported that during the month of November, 21 Closure Orders, and 2 Prohibition Orders were served on food busine...

9 Dec 13:03 Buzz.ie 7092425147907477540.html
BJP expels rebel MLA Saryu Roy for contesting against Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das

Roy, a former state minister, contested against Chief Minister and incumbent Jamshedpur East MLA Raghubar Das as an Independent candidate after he was denied a ticket by the saffron. He alleges the act was done on the behest of CM Raghubar Das.

9 Dec 16:36 The Indian Express 2885715105139825210.html
Cuore e memoria per non dimenticare il sogno di un giovane prezioso

Fra pochi giorni sarà un anno dal momento in cui uno dei ragazzi della nostra Italia migliore, uno di quelli che io penso spesso non ci meritiamo, è stato ucciso in un mercatino di Stras...

9 Dec 13:49 L'HuffPost 5315551422554510079.html
Prosus verhoogt bod op Just Eat: nieuwe fase strijd met Takeaway

De overnamestrijd tussen Takeaway.com en Prosus om het Britse Just Eat gaat een nieuwe fase in. Prosus verhoogt het bod met ruim 4 procent. Door de koersstijging van Takeaway.com was de waarde van de biedingen van beide bedrijven juist vrijwel op hetzelfde niveau gekomen.

9 Dec 09:04 RTLZ 8052859357285531384.html
Police give update after man on night out with friends left with serious head injury

The 38-year-old victim suffered from the injury during the brutal attack on Sunday morning

9 Dec 09:59 Liverpool Echo 7727211172935882459.html
Pub chain offering everyone free pints for taking part in the General Election

On Friday, December 13, the nation will wake up to a new Government, and now is your chance to have your say - but why not pick up a free beer while you're at it?

9 Dec 17:20 mirror 675785260328111417.html
Hay que administrar la vecindad peligrosa que tenemos con Estados Unidos: Meyer | Entérate

Lorenzo Meyer comenta que la vecindad con Estados Unidos es peligrosa, porque cualquier reacción puede causar serios trastornos a los mercados locales y ninguna organización internacional mediará ante algún conflicto, aunque reconoció que la cercanía representa una ventaja en términos comerciales.

9 Dec 17:32 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495303986355.html
Biden looks to rural Iowa to catch fast-rising Buttigieg

STORM LAKE/OELWEIN, Iowa (Reuters) - As Joe Biden on Saturday finished an eight-day bus tour through the crucial early nominating state of Iowa, one realization loomed large: His biggest challenge to clinching the Democratic presidential nomination may be coming from Pete Buttigieg, a Midwest mayor less than half his age.

9 Dec 15:47 Reuters 8334514179761903373.html
Wiener Zöllner stoppen Reisebus voll mit Fälschungen

Bei der Kontrolle eines Fernreisebusses staunten die Beamten der Zollaufsicht nicht schlecht: Der Laderaum des Fahrzeuges war bis obenhin mit gefälschter Designerware vollgestopft. 570 gefälschte Luxus- und Designerwaren im Originalwert von knapp einer Million Euro wurden beschlagnahmt.

9 Dec 12:20 NÖN.at 2486998933556153530.html
SWV NÖ-Rieger: Airbnb-Urteil bringt mehr Gerechtigkeit im Wettbewerb

Für alle Unternehmen einer Branche müssen die gleichen Regeln gelten: Aktuelles Gerichtsurteil könnte richtungsweisend sein.

9 Dec 14:00 OTS.at 4182160711584510961.html
Der ohne Meinung und der ohne Haltung

Morgen bekommt Peter Handke den Literaturnobelpreis. Was wird er sagen: zu seiner Poesie, zu seinen Jugoslawien-Texten? In der realen Politik bastelt Sebastian Kurz an seiner Koalition, zur Abwechslung mit den Grünen.

9 Dec 09:56 T-Online 5460876210696058952.html
Self-driving Ethiopia PM grants 'crisp interview' ahead of Nobel ceremony

The interview was on the streets of Addis Ababa with the Prime Minister seated behind the wheel of a car with a fellow passenger and the journalist posing questions from outside.

9 Dec 10:56 Africanews 6630243978858186403.html
As AI moves into content creation, researchers aim to battle its biases

As artificial intelligence generates more of the words we read every day, a USC Viterbi research team seeks to better understand and one day help to eliminate bias against women and minorities.

9 Dec 14:47 Tech Xplore 4945708897804468208.html
Indef Sebut Rencana Kenaikan Harga Eceran HPTL 2020 Tak Tepat Sasaran

Esther melanjutkan sama halnya dengan produk-produk lain yang mempunyai dampak lebih baik dari produk konvensionalnya, dengan adanya insentif fiskal, perokok dewasa lebih mampu menjangkau produk yang lebih rendah risiko tersebut.

9 Dec 12:04 merdeka.com 1998180354333853039.html
Notenbank-Think-Tank warnt vor Übertreibungen an Börsen

Nachlassende Spannungen im Handelskonflikt zwischen den USA und China hätten die Stimmung an den Finanzmärkten beflügelt, heisst es bei der Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich. Doch stelle...

9 Dec 10:24 Die Presse 6242788855154246583.html
Natalie Nunn's Husband Moves Out Following Reports She Had A Threesome With Dan Osborne

Chloe Ayling's admission to having a threesome with Natalie Nunn and Dan Osborne has caused a lot of problems.

9 Dec 09:12 SPIN South West 8165439735864092772.html
Health Minister Simon Harris calls on Dara Murphy to return expenses money

The Minister for Health has broken ranks and directly challenged Mr Murphy to give the taxpayer something back

9 Dec 17:22 Irish Mirror 2875825629848599345.html
Jeff Bezos says employee activists are wrong and Silicon Valley firms should feel comfortable doing business with the US military

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos threw his weight behind the US Department of Defence on Friday, saying that unless big tech companies collaborate with the US military, “this country is in trouble.”

9 Dec 10:52 Business Insider Australia 5575934299879881412.html
Jeff Bezos says employee activists are wrong and Silicon Valley firms should feel comfortable doing business with the US military

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos threw his weight behind the US Department of Defense on Friday, saying that unless big tech companies collaborate with the US military, “this country is in trouble.”

9 Dec 10:52 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882120350404.html
Jeff Bezos says employee activists are wrong and Silicon Valley firms should feel comfortable doing business with the US military

Bezos said it's the responsibility of management to push back against employee outrage towards military contracts.

9 Dec 11:58 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746641312452.html
Russia banned from all global sport by World Anti-Doping Agency

Russia has been banned from all global sport for four years, including the 2020 Olympics, by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

9 Dec 12:10 LBC 8547475185376808974.html
Pakistan, Asian Development Bank sign loan agreement worth USD 1.3 billion

On Friday, the bank said it has approved a USD 300 million policy-based loan that will help Pakistan to address financial sustainability, governance, and energy infrastructure policy constraints in country's energy sector.

9 Dec 13:03 The Economic Times 7653256038348403124.html
Report: Arsenal chiefs meet for new coach talks

Arsenal executives will continue to assess candidates for the vacant managerial position after reportedly meeting to discuss the decision over dinner last week.

9 Dec 12:59 Sports Mole 7750663362161861378.html
Handelsverband will den Krypto-Euro - datensichere Alternative zu Bitcoin, Libra und Co.?

Beim Handelsverband Deutschland und dem Bundesverband der Dienstleister für Online Anbieter setzt man sich für die Einführung eines staatlich regulierten digitalen Euros ein.

9 Dec 14:18 finanzen.net 2053223362614439790.html
Thai massage may soon get UNESCO recognition

The massage technique is said to have been originated in India and brought to Thailand some 2,500 years ago by doctors and monks, who passed its secrets to generations.

9 Dec 15:45 The Indian Express 2885715103976266918.html
Roma, arriva la svolta: Pallotta pronto a cedere maggioranza a Friedkin

Secondo quanto riportato da Il Tempo, le prossimo ore saranno decisive per il futuro della Roma.

9 Dec 13:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080584583996.html
Peringatan Hakordia 2019, Mahfud MD Sebut Momentum untuk Menyadarkan Semua

Menko Polhukam Mahfud MD mengatakan, momentum hari anti korupsi sedunia 9 Desember ini, bisa dijadikan untuk semua pihak tersadar.

9 Dec 14:03 merdeka.com 1998180354671290549.html
5 lucruri importante cand recrutezi si vrei sa scalezi rapid

Investitorii finanteaza si investesc in echipe, nu in idei de afaceri. Oamenii buni construiesc produse inovatoare, atrag clienti mari si in cele din urma vor construi companii in crestere. Oricat de simplu pare, sa cresti o echipa in mod corect este incredibil de dificil. Te vei confrunta cu o multime de provocari in faza de startup, iar in perioada de scaleup va fi cu atat va fi mai greu sa-i mentii pe membrii echipei aliniati si implicati. Totusi, care sunt lucrurile de baza pentru un antreprenor din perspectiva dezvoltarii unei echipe?

9 Dec 09:11 Wall-Street 2473040521226577356.html
Glenda Jackson praised for stunning 'masterclass' in Elizabeth Is Missing

Jackson's performance in the one-off BBC drama has earned plenty of plaudits.

9 Dec 17:01 Metro 970161749095789608.html
Discovery may open door to new medicines

Bio-Protection Research Centre scientists and collaborators have made a discovery that potentially opens the door to new medicines and biological pesticides.

9 Dec 10:18 SCOOP 5315658999767971493.html
"Bisogna scomunicare gli inquinatori"

MIANE - I cambiamenti climatici sono sulla bocca di tutti, e se da una parte ci sono gli scettici, dall’altra le fila di chi viceversa imputa all’uomo le responsabilità dei danni ambientali sembrano ingrossarsi di giorno in giorno.

9 Dec 08:14 Oggi Treviso 2529403853911377080.html
Huawei resta con Android: HarmonyOS non andrà sugli smartphone

Il presidente della divisione software di Huawei ha chiarito che HarmonyOS andrà su tutti i dispositivi dell’azienda fatta eccezione per tablet, computer e smartphone.

9 Dec 09:31 DDay.it 3262344771994063619.html
Aunque haya recortes, seguiremos luchando por obras y servicios: arienses

Una comisión representativa de diferentes grupos adheridos al Movimiento Antorchista de distintas colonias y comunidades del municipio de Ario de Rosales,

9 Dec 15:29 MiMorelia 5599511490282845528.html
Why Won't Steam Approve These Games Supporting Hong Kong Protestors?

Last year Valve proclaimed that it would allow virtually any game on its Steam service, so long as the game wasn’t illegal or “straight up trolling”—but activist-minded developers who have made games about the Hong Kong protests have realised that, perhaps, there are other ways to get barred from the gaming...

9 Dec 09:24 Gizmodo AU 3183561246571396435.html
Police and fire crews lead city-wide air and river search for missing Perth pensioner

An air and river search was launched in Perth on Sunday amid growing concern for a missing pensioner.

9 Dec 08:15 The Courier 4275302767381110545.html
Anti-Maritime Piracy Bill introduced in LS, aims to promote safety on water

The proposed law is aimed at promoting the safety and security of India's maritime trade.

9 Dec 14:48 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363659741480.html
Man City 'planning on life without Pep Guardiola' amid uncertainty over his future

The Spanish coach has never spent more than four seasons as manager of one club, and will reach that milestone for Man City in the summer, who are preparing contingency plans

9 Dec 10:16 mirror 675785261475611844.html
Man City 'planning on life without Pep Guardiola' amid uncertainty over his future

The Spanish coach has never spent more than four seasons as manager of one club, and will reach that milestone for Man City in the summer, who are preparing contingency plans

9 Dec 10:16 Irish Mirror 2875825628472749478.html
Disabled freighter loaded with ammonium nitrate in English Channel

Dec 3: KARKLOE, IMO 9518995, dwt 5400, English Channel S of Falmouth, NUC since early Dec 3, from Brunsbuettel to Nouadhibou, Mauritania, ETA Dec 12. Dec 5 Update: According to Lloyd, the ship suff…

9 Dec 14:27 Maritime Bulletin 5669213276452398633.html
Kisah Pengusaha Asal Surabaya Telah Bangun 22 Proyek Hunian Senilai Rp18 T di Sydney

Dalam menggarap gedung atau hunian pihaknya menggandeng Koichi Takada, arsitek pemenang penghargaan yang telah mendesain 3 proyek hunian vertikal Crown Group yaitu Skye by Crown Group, Arc by Crown Group dan Infinity by Crown Group.

9 Dec 17:50 merdeka.com 1998180355210615466.html
Avengers: Endgame Script Reveals What Year Steve Rogers Reunited With Peggy

The newly released script for Avengers: Endgame answers one of the films lingering questions: in what year Steve Rogers returned to Peggy Carter.

9 Dec 11:12 CBR.com 1295516962319503688.html
Christine McGuinness puts up first Christmas tree in years

'I can’t believe my babies are happy around our Christmas tree.'

9 Dec 16:26 Metro 970161747112769731.html
Cinco sombras de sospecha sobre Rusia

Corrupción, tráfico de muestras, falsificación de datos... Varias investigaciones han demostrado el alcance de las trampas para ocultar un sistema de dopaje que implica

9 Dec 15:21 Las Provincias 5471838388775881499.html
Las emocionantes palabras de Carmen Barbieri por la muerte de Santiago Bal

A pesar de las idas y vueltas de los últimos ocho años, las palabras cargadas de dolor y bronca, en los últimos días la enfermedad del actor los unió hasta la muerte.

9 Dec 16:48 Diario Registrado 7686014736616897226.html
Krivična prijava zbog skrnavljenja spomenika na Kalemegdanu

BEOGRAD - Javno preduzeće "Beogradska tvrđava" podnelo je krivičnu prijavu protiv NN lica zbog uništavanja spomenika kulture na prostoru Beogradske

9 Dec 14:15 Krstarica 4176903989926623878.html
That impeachment hearing protester was actually an InfoWars reporter and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist

It took a few weeks, but the impeachment hearings finally saw their first protester.House Judiciary Committee Chair Jarrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) had just gaveled a hearing on the findings of the Intelligence Committee's impeachment investigation into order when a protester silenced his opening statement

9 Dec 15:08 Yahoo 7097669636911234453.html
Europa startet Aufholjagd bei E-Auto-Batterien: Deutschland steuert 1,25 Milliarden Euro bei

Deutschland und Frankreich schieben mit Milliardensummen den Aufbau einer Batterieproduktion an. Die beiden Staaten wollen das Geschäft nicht länger den Asiaten überlassen.

9 Dec 10:40 Handelsblatt 4721373939052551004.html
Garda denies assaulting RTÉ cameraman at Dublin protest

Sean Lucey accused of hitting Colm Hand, who was covering ‘anti-Islamisation’ event

9 Dec 17:47 The Irish Times 8204772967915979009.html
What Pep Told Ole During Manchester Derby

After Pep Guardiola and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer first exchanged words before being seen hugging on the sideline during the Manchester derby, the Spaniard has since revealed what he told his counterpart.

9 Dec 11:39 Soccer Laduma 3901337371520204237.html
Anteprima della Bce: Christine Lagarde, bienvenue!

Il consiglio direttivo della Bce si riunisce questo giovedì 12 dicembre. PIMCO non si aspetta cambiamenti sul fronte della politica monetaria, dato che il quadro economico non è cambiato materialmente negli ultimi mesi. L’attenzione, riporta Konstantin Veit, gestore di Pimco, si focalizzerà sul cambiamento di leadership e il mercato si concentrerà nel monitorare le prestazioni di Christine Lagarde. Ci saranno nuove previsioni macroeconomiche per il personale, che secondo l’esperto saranno leggermente diverse rispetto all’esercizio di settembre. In occasione delle previsioni per il 2022, secondo PIMCO l’IAPC sarà dell’1,7%. Cosa attendersi dalla riunione di giovedì PIMCO prevede inoltre che la Bce si concentrerà da qui in poi sull’orientamento a lungo termine, sui TLTRO e sugli acquisti di attività. Secondo Veit la settimana prossima sarà probabile vedere una Bce in stand-by e per quanto riguarda il 2020 non prevede nessun cambiamento radicale. Tra le priorità della conferenza stampa, chiarisce Veit, ci sarà l’annunciata…

9 Dec 13:36 Wall Street Italia 1518582934364730757.html
Eklat im Derby! Erst beschimpft, dann beschossen

Einen 2:1-Auswärtssieg für United hat das Manchester-Derby in der englischen Premier League gegen City gebracht! Aber auch einen riesigen Eklat ...

9 Dec 08:05 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092882213626.html
Australia vs New Zealand: Steve Smith confident over state of MCG wicket for Boxing Day Test

Australia superstar Steve Smith is confident there will be a "good" wicket at the MCG in time for December 26.

9 Dec 12:04 sportskeeda 1601194028830375450.html
Fabiola Campomanes está recibiendo terapias

La famosa quiere superar la relación tóxica que tenía con su ex pareja Jonathan Islas. Fabiola Campomanes reveló que está recibiendo terapia para poder superar [...]

9 Dec 16:47 LaBotana 7949038499448930441.html
Chuwi UBook Pro, un convertible perfecto para trabajar y estudiar

La era de las tablets está casi terminada, en parte porque los convertibles 2 en 1 son mucho más útiles que estas primeras. Descubre el Chuwi UBook Pro.

9 Dec 14:24 Androidphoria 3647729876772024220.html
Caos a Teheran per Stramaccioni: tifosi dell'Esteghlal in piazza dopo la sua risoluzione contrattuale

Sommossa popolare da parte dei tifosi dell'Esteghlal, inferociti per l'annuncio della risoluzione contrattuale di Andrea Stramaccioni. Questa mattina a Teheran, sotto la sede del ministero...

9 Dec 15:02 FcInterNews.it 7848284892854008511.html
Oliver Pocher: Vertrag mit RTL

Der Comedian wird in Zukunft eigene Shows bei RTL moderieren.

9 Dec 08:00 VIP.de 2239798193918005446.html
Shooting in the dark; Afghanistan's endless war pits brother against brother

KUNDUZ, Afghanistan (Reuters) - The 19-year-old Taliban deserter is haunted by the memory of the attack on a police checkpoint in northern Afghanistan in August.

9 Dec 09:44 Reuters 8334514180945340072.html
NUBL organizuje "Roditeljski sastanak"

BANJALUKA - Nezavisni univerzitet Banjaluka organizuje događaj pod simboličnim nazivom "Roditeljski sastanak", koji će biti održan u četvrtak, 12. decembra sa početkom u 14 časova.

9 Dec 13:59 Nezavisne novine 4209150641954774154.html
Hundreds spend the night in sleeping bags on Times Square

Jim O’Shea and Dan Niland sat atop a bright blue mat inside a secured pedestrian plaza in Times Square on Saturday, playing cards as they prepared for the night ahead.

9 Dec 10:44 Bdnews24 8119004129671847303.html
Haus der Geschichte: Evaluation für Neubau am Heldenplatz

Ein Expertenteam hält einen Neubau oder „ein vergleichbares Gebäude im Zentrum für Wien“ für die beste Lösung. Der Name sollte bestehen bleiben.

9 Dec 08:13 Die Presse 6242788855513490325.html
CO2-Ausstoss von Dienstautos: Scheuer und Müller auf letztem Platz

Die Dienstwagen der Bundesminister stossen viel CO2 aus. Das ermittelte die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH). Die schmutzigsten Autos fahren Verkehrsminister Scheuer und ein weiterer CSU-Minister.

9 Dec 12:01 GMX News 4492287762291190146.html
Neue Aufklärungsdrohne der Schweiz wartet in Emmen LU

Ihre Flügelspannweite beträgt 17 Meter, und sie kann über 24 Stunden lang fliegen: Die neue Aufklärungsdrohne der Schweiz. Eine von sechs israelischen Drohnen, welche die Schweiz anschafft, steht nun auf dem Militärflugplatz Emmen. Vorerst aber hebt sie noch nicht ab.

9 Dec 13:35 bz BASEL 5287163742299724683.html
Football: Only natural for Leicester to be overlooked, says Rodgers

LONDON: Leicester City have largely been ignored in the Premier League title race debate, despite running as the closest challengers to leaders ...

9 Dec 13:05 CNA 5644198864215548481.html
Nedbank notches up 1.7m digitally active customers

The bank witnesses a 30% growth rate across its digital banking platforms, with over one million app downloads.

9 Dec 10:04 ITWeb 642894140149512336.html
Amid protests, Shah to table 'contentious' Citizenship Amendment Bill in Lok Sabha

The Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha earlier this year but lapsed with the term of the previous Lok Sabha in the first term of the Narendra Modi government in the Centre. 

9 Dec 12:13 The New Indian Express 4718288652942128486.html
PBoC to Test Crypto Yuan with Telecom Firms, Commercial Banks

People’s Bank of China is entering another stage of its tests for a crypto payment system. This will be carried out telecom firms and banks.

9 Dec 09:16 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937152580253.html
Terminal bus allo Stadio: trovata l'intesa in Regione

Trasloco anche per il mercato bisettimanale

9 Dec 15:07 AvellinoToday 5452883946624760427.html
Galih Ginanjar, Pablo Benua dan Rey Utami Jalani Sidang Perdana Hari Ini

Galih Ginanjar, Pablo Benua dan Rey Utami akan menghadapi sidang kasus dugaan pencemaran nama baik melalui ITE.

9 Dec 11:00 liputan6.com 3414318496870879232.html
Jurgen Klopp provides injury update on Liverpool trio ahead of Red Bull Salzburg clash

Liverpool had concerns over Dejan Lovren, Gini Wijnaldum and Adam Lallana ahead of the trip to Austria in the Champions League

9 Dec 17:41 Irish Mirror 2875825629626730780.html
Jurgen Klopp provides injury update on Liverpool trio ahead of Red Bull Salzburg clash

Liverpool had concerns over Dejan Lovren, Gini Wijnaldum and Adam Lallana ahead of the trip to Austria in the Champions League

9 Dec 17:41 mirror 675785261729716030.html
Kim a Trump, basta commenti provocatori

Kim Jong-un potrebbe cambiare le sue opinioni se il presidente Usa Donald Trump continuerà ad avere commenti provocatori: è l'avvertimento di Pyongyang all'indomani del tweet con cui il tycoon ha messo in guardia il Paese eremita dal rischio di perdere tut... (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:08 ANSA.it 1300837447871446057.html
Kim a Trump, basta commenti provocatori

Kim Jong-un potrebbe cambiare le sue opinioni se il presidente Usa Donald Trump continuerà ad avere commenti provocatori: è l'avvertimento di Pyongyang all'indomani del tweet con cui il tycoon ha messo in guardia il Paese eremita dal rischio di perdere tut... (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:08 ANSA.it 1300837448149217126.html
CAB not against minorities, Congress divided India on religious lines: Amit Shah in Lok Sabha

"Why do we need this Bill today? After Independence, had Congress not done partition on the basis of religion, then today we would have not needed this Bill. Congress did the partition on the basis of religion," Amit Shah said in the Lok Sabha.

9 Dec 12:22 The Indian Express 2885715104782762489.html
Suaram wants to engage with home minister for human rights, says buck stops with him

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — The home minister should meet and engage with civil society groups on human rights as many related problems fall under his ministry, watchdog Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) said today. Suaram executive director Sevan Doraisamy said this year has been a busy one for the...

9 Dec 09:28 Malaymail 302165935006444009.html
7 Artis Indonesia Ini Pernah Tolak Adegan Ciuman, Ada Nia Ramadhani

Para artis Indonesia ini ternyata amat selektif dalam memilih pekerjaan yang mereka jalani, termasuk di film. Nyatanya, mereka menolak untuk melakukan adegan ciuman di film.

9 Dec 15:19 merdeka.com 1998180355310998853.html
ESPN Releases Score Prediction For Alabama vs. Michigan

ESPN has released its score prediction for the game between Alabama and Michigan, who are set to meet on Jan. 1.

9 Dec 15:11 The Spun 9122471847671928406.html
Schlafmangel: Dieses Hotel bietet Gratisnächte für Jungeltern an

Das "Yotel" in Schottland bietet seinen Kunden ein Erholungs-Special: Frischgebackene Mamas und Papas nächtigen mit etwas Glück umsonst.

9 Dec 15:25 Kurier 208072239007374916.html
Exposure to 5G radio-frequency will be far lower than what guidelines allow

70 years of research shows that the only established adverse health effect of RF energy (above 100KHz) is thermal effect and will not cause cancer or any other diseases

9 Dec 16:21 TechRadar 2111116915913409419.html
Five arrested in Riau as authorities seize four Sumatran tiger fetuses in jar, dried skin

Authorities have arrested five suspected poachers and traders targeting Sumatran tigers, confiscating four fetuses of the endangered species and tiger skin during raids in Riau over the weekend.

9 Dec 13:48 The Jakarta Post 7678601102358113486.html
New WhatsApp feature finally makes it a real alternative to your phone for voice calls

Call waiting lets you see if someone is trying to reach you while you're on a call, and pick up if it's important.

9 Dec 10:05 TechRadar 2111116915445492847.html
Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu Speaks On Sponsorship Of IPOB

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, has debunked rumours that Senator Abaribe is sponsoring his group, Concise News reports. 

9 Dec 09:18 Concise 5544636822250665027.html
ANC Stalwart Ben Turok Dies

African National Congress (ANC) veteran Professor Ben Turok has died. The former anti-apartheid activist was 92. His family said Turok died in the early hours of Monday. “The Turok family are very sad to announce the passing of Ben Turok, their much-loved husband, father, uncle, grandfather and great-grandfather, in the early hours of Monday, 9 […]

9 Dec 17:37 iAfrica 8834711023368047098.html
'Club Brugge is Man City en Celtic te snel af voor Ecuadoriaanse international'

Club Brugge is op weg naar Europese overwintering. Slaagt het in haar opzet, dan krijgt het na de winterstop alweer heel wat drukke weken voor de boeg. Daar wil Club Brugge nu al op anticiperen met extra versterking.

9 Dec 09:57 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216345792833.html
Stolen defibrillator found in Louth; One still missing in Wicklow

A potentially life-saving defibrillator, that was stolen from outside a shop in Co Louth, has been found.

9 Dec 09:38 Breaking News 4415806919481713721.html
Delingpole: Britain’s Political Class Has Surrendered to the Green Blob

The entirety of Britain's political class, left and right, has surrendered to the Green Blob. Why do the Tories pander to the enemy like this?

9 Dec 12:46 Breitbart 3148363492373321907.html
Brewers need a breather after fresh Imps run off with the points

Difficult week for Albion as they take only one point from two home games

9 Dec 10:12 Derbyshire Live 9061707930307463715.html
Curro Swimming Academy puts their best stroke forward at MP Swimming Championships

The academy also gained the Best Master Swimmer trophy via veteran swimmer Michele Esterhuizen.

9 Dec 09:45 Lowvelder 3143322322200128946.html
Unfall zwischen Westerheim und Feldstetten: Auto kollidiert mit Pony - Tier durch Aufprall tödlich verletzt

Tragischer Unfall bei Westerheim: Ein Auto ist am Sonntagabend mit einem Pony zusammenstoßen. Der Fahrer erlitt leichte Verletzungen - Das Tier erlag seinen Verletzungen.

9 Dec 13:28 swp.de 6929179440632444075.html
Ramalan Bank Indonesia Jika Pemerintah Naikkan Tarif Listrik di 2020

Bank Indonesia (BI) menilai kenaikan tarif listrik tersebut tidak akan berpengaruh besar hingga menyebabkan gejolak pada perekonomian. Target inflasi hingga pertumbuhan ekonomi dinilai tak akan terdistorsi.

9 Dec 16:36 merdeka.com 1998180356308431855.html
Accra High School holds 96th Speech and Prize Giving Day

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:46 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610418706353.html
Garda air support on hand in fight against Christmas tree theft

The Garda Air Support unit will liaise with An Garda Síochána on the ground in tackling the theft of trees from Christmas tree farms.

9 Dec 12:52 AgriLand 974043784479655907.html
Saudi Gunman Believed to Have Blasted U.S. Support for Israel on Twitter Before Naval Base Shooting

National security adviser Robert O'Brien says the attack appears to be perpetrated by 'someone who was radicalized'

9 Dec 16:10 Haaretz 1431421788824764079.html
Jose Mourinho gets in touch with Fellaini for possible switch to Tottenham

Jose Mourinho is considering to make a shock move for move for former Manchester United midfielder Marouane Fellaini in January. The Portuguese gaffer returned to management with Tottenham in October.

9 Dec 13:47 Legit 3764253650028024238.html
Conzzeta will bis auf Bystronic alle Geschäftsbereiche verkaufen - Aktie kräftig im Plus

Die Sparten Outdoor mit der Marke Mammut und Chemische Spezialitäten sollen verkauft und der Fokus künftig gänzlich auf das Geschäft mit Maschinen...

9 Dec 10:35 finanzen.ch 7109331834934353676.html
Futuro nero, ma dobbiamo veramente crederci?

Gli analisti vedono un futuro nero per i prossimi cinque anni. E oggi si è aggiunto alla schiera dei gufi anche Paolo Gentiloni, commissario Ue che non

9 Dec 12:08 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261722144425.html
UPDATE: Five dead, many injured after New Zealand volcano eruption

New Zealand police said at least one person was killed and more fatalities were likely, after an island volcano popular with tourists erupted leaving dozens stranded.

9 Dec 09:11 News24 3752801376565488426.html
Prozess gegen Assads Onkel in Paris eröffnet

82-Jähriger in Abwesenheit wegen Geldwäsche und Steuerbetrugs angeklagt

9 Dec 14:55 DIE WELT 6197693429192038452.html
MediaWorld: volantino incredibile con Samsung Galaxy a 1 euro

MediaWorld permette a tutti gli utenti di risparmiare sui propri acquisti, un volantino senza pari con gli sconti migliori del momento.

9 Dec 08:35 tecnoandroid 2573257126557512205.html
Nova stranka: Saopštenje Agencije predstavlja rečenicu sastavljenu u kabinetu predsednika Srbije

Nova stranka navela je da saopštenje Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije o tome da otac ministra policije Branko Stefanović nije ni vlasnik niti zaposlen u privrednom društvu GIM, predstavlja rečenicu sastavljenu "direktno iz kabineta predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića".Ta stranka je navela da je ova ocena agencije predstavljena kao rezultat rada te agencije, koja protiv takvih slučajeva treba da se bori, kako je istakla, svim raspoloživim sredstvima. "Vreme je da se aktivnom, doslednom borbom ovaj režim otera u političku istoriju, gde mu je i mesto, a istraga i pravda vrate u ruke pravosudnih organa kako bi svi navedeni primeri, na čelu sa duboko ukorenjenom korupcijom, zauvek ostali ružna prošlost jedne lepe zemlje kao što je Srbija", navodi se u saopštenju.Nova stranka je istakla da je na Medjunarodni dan borbe protiv korupcije, njihova dužnost da "dignu glas protiv kriminala na svim nivoima" i, kako su naveli, odupru "sistemskom urušavanja države"."Kako stoga apelovati na gradjane, na buduće generacije,…

9 Dec 10:00 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081887164651.html
Absolts els futbolistes implicats en el Llevant-Saragossa

L'expresident del Saragossa Agapito Iglesias ha estat acusat a un any i tres mesos de presó per falsedat documental

9 Dec 10:06 CCMA 3983269928302620274.html
Ripple Director of Product Launches XRP Entertainment Marketplace for Music

Ripple's director or product is rolling out a new digital marketplace that will allow musicians to sell their songs for XRP.

9 Dec 17:00 The Daily Hodl 7141394325568627185.html
Bologna, Sabatini: "Ieri abbiamo affrontato il miglior Milan della stagione"

A margine di una visita al Museo del Bologna FC a Villa delle Rose, Walter Sabatini, dirigente del Bologna, ha parlato anche del match di ieri sera contro il Milan: "Abbiamo affrontato il miglior Milan della stagione, ce la siamo giocata fino all’ultimo e anche i dirigenti rossoneri me lo hanno confermato stamattina. Ci sono stati errori individuali ma ci sono state anche buone cose. Quest’anno non abbiamo mai visto una squadra sottomessa. Solo a Sassuolo non abbiamo fatto bene".  

9 Dec 15:48 MilanNews.it 6507305921124936210.html
Toxic rhetoric and violent threats: U.K. election revives dark past in Northern Ireland

The upcoming election has been called "one of the most toxic, divisive elections" Northern Ireland has seen in recent years.

9 Dec 12:26 euronews 7318238121197007051.html
Angriff von Augsburg löst Entsetzen aus

Der tödliche Angriff auf einen Passanten im Zentrum von Augsburg sorgt bundesweit für Fassungslosigkeit. Die Polizei hat inzwischen sechs Verdächtige gefasst. Eine zentrale Rolle spielte dabei die Videoüberwachung des Tatorts.

9 Dec 13:04 tagesschau.de 5441171425583181595.html
Revelan sospechoso video del presidente de Saludvida sacando cosas de la EPS, de madrugada

Juan Pablo Silva y varios hombres se metieron a las instalaciones de la entidad, que está en liquidación, armaron cajas y se llevaron documentos importantes. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 14:50 pulzo.com 8971816786265152335.html
Rapper Juice WRLD dies after medical emergency in Chicago

CHICAGO (AP) — Rapper Juice WRLD, who launched his career on SoundCloud before becoming a streaming juggernaut and rose to the top of the charts with the Sting-sampled hit “Lucid Dreams,” died early Sunday after a “medical emergency” at Chicago’s Midway International Airport.

9 Dec 11:14 The Birmingham Times 7307868691265717453.html
Fotos satelitales demuestran que Pyonyang probó motor de misiles

Las imágenes obtenidas registraron cambios en el suelo de la base de lanzamientos de Sohae, lo que comprueba lo dicho por Corea del Norte.

9 Dec 10:05 Crónica 1134283326698229703.html
UN-Index: Norwegen hat höchsten Entwicklungsstand der Welt

Österreich rangiert in der Liste auf Platz 20.

9 Dec 17:12 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699673539339.html
Weather chaos: tourists stranded on West Coast for days

Weather chaos: tourists stranded on West Coast for days

9 Dec 09:28 SCOOP 5315658998484919447.html
Medidas cautelares no inquérito da PGR sobre porteiro de Bolsonaro

A investigação tramita em sigilo absoluto na 6ª Vara Federal Criminal

9 Dec 09:02 VEJA.com 4116702197299198947.html
Sanvicente agranda su leyenda en Venezuela

Kerlin Mosquera || @Ker_30 

9 Dec 17:48 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125547888051.html
Reitera Romero Oropeza importancia de nuevo yacimiento en Tabasco

'Es un campo muy importante para el País, por su tamaño y su producción', aseveró el director de la exparaestatal.

9 Dec 10:44 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563744171412.html
Anthony Joshua sends warning to Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder after beating Andy Ruiz Jr

Anthony Joshua is back on top of the heavyweight world and insists he wants to fight and beat Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder as soon as possible

9 Dec 08:29 mirror 675785261315459391.html
Jeremy Guscott slams Premiership Rugby's refusal to switch final in blow to Warren Gatland's Lions prep

The former England player-turned-pundit says it "beggars belief" that Premiership Rugby cannot display any flexibility which would help Gatland in South Africa

9 Dec 17:09 Wales Online 7686550516940668760.html
A2 Milk chief executive resigns

More than a billion dollars has wiped off the value of New Zealand's biggest company this morning following the surprise resignation of A2 Milk's chief executive. In a market announcement, Jayne Hrdlicka said she had not anticipated the amount of travel involved when she took up the role 18 months ago. Jayne Hrdlicka would be replaced by the former chief executive Geoff Babidge, while the company began a global search for her replacement. The company, which is dual listed in New Zealand and Australia, opened sharply lower at the open this morning, wiping more than a billion dollars off its market value. The shares were trading about $14.30 in the first 15 minutes of trading, from $15.17 on Friday, with a market value of $10.52 billion, compared with $11.63b on Friday.

9 Dec 14:22 Newsroom 8356495124174722895.html
Marca y victoria

Javier Aguirre iguala récord de más juegos dirigidos en la liga por un DT americano, en su primer triunfo con Leganés

9 Dec 09:36 El Heraldo de México 438112697579977057.html
Will States relax the rules on busking?

STREET entertainers will be allowed to use amplifiers while performing if proposals to relax Jersey’s busking laws are approved by the States this week.

9 Dec 12:35 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774019014917.html
Day 5 of public transport chaos as French strike bites

President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and senior cabinet ministers met late Sunday to discuss the contentious reform, which the country's powerful labor unions claim will force many to work longer for a smaller retirement payout.

9 Dec 10:42 Saudi Gazette 6913978435815195283.html
Oom Bashar al-Assad voor de rechter in Parijs

De rechtszaak tegen de oom van de Syrische leider Bashar al-Assad is maandag begonnen in Parijs. De autoriteiten verdenken Rifaat al-Assad (82) ervan een greep te hebben gedaan in de Syrische staatskas. Hij zou daarmee een vastgoedrijk hebben opgebouwd.

9 Dec 17:29 RD.nl 6406779841487616119.html
Jacqueline Jossa has gone silent after winning I'm a Celebrity

While her fellow campmates have been interviewed on breakfast shows the Queen of the Jungle has not been seen or heard from

9 Dec 13:31 Wales Online 7686550516759713785.html
Anthony Joshua dreams of future world title defence in Nigeria

Joshua, who is of Nigerian heritage, visited the country earlier this year and was inspired to return in a boxing capacity.

9 Dec 13:02 Express & Star 7324224458986656233.html
Do Andhra Pardesh ration cards carry Jesus Christ's image?

According to the government, the dealer in East Godavari district had been using different images on ration cards while printing them. For example, in 2016 the dealer had printed ration cards with Satya Saibaba on it.

9 Dec 15:01 India Today 4286117812478411150.html
Unbeteiligter greift Polizisten bei Kontrolle am Münchner Hauptbahnhof an - neue Details bekannt

In München wurde ein Polizeibeamter im Rahmen einer Kontrolle mit einem Messer angegriffen. Zeugen des Vorfalls werden gebeten, sich zu melden.

9 Dec 10:44 https://www.tz.de 6573686402629800868.html
Using Kyoto credits to meet Paris agreement 'misses the point': Garnaut

A reliance on "carryover credits" to meet an emissions reduction pledge will ultimately cost the economy more than taking decisive climate action, Ross Garnaut says.

9 Dec 11:00 The Age 7967730561793794858.html
Le attese dei mercati per le prossime riunioni FED e BCE

Tra mercoledì e giovedì arriveranno le ultime riunioni FED e BCE.  Negli ultimi mesi la Banca centrale americana ha tagliato per tre volte i tassi di

9 Dec 09:19 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261786312810.html
Kemenhub Proyeksi 60% Pemudik Libur Natal Gunakan Transportasi Darat

Pergerakan transportasi darat terbesar menggunakan moda transportasi mobil pribadi 48% dan 2% mobil sewa.

9 Dec 13:35 Katadata News 179777406549738500.html
Panoramica buoni fruttiferi postali: tasso, rendimento garantito e interessi

Tutti i rendimenti dei buoni fruttiferi postali di Poste Italiane aggiornati ad oggi 9 dicembre.

9 Dec 09:19 InvestireOggi 7231367743466287121.html
From Their Balloons, The First Aeronauts Transformed Our View Of The World

Near the beginning of the new film “The Aeronauts,” a giant gas-filled balloon called the “Mammoth” departs from London’s Vauxhall Gardens and ascends into the clouds, revealing a bird’s eye view of London. To some moviegoers, these breathtaking views might seem like nothing special: Modern air travel has...

9 Dec 15:30 Gizmodo AU 3183561247662586809.html
Ryan Reynolds Was Almost Crushed After Barricade At Comic-Con Gives Way

Ryan Reynolds made an appearance at Comic-Con in São Paulo, Brazil to promote his latest move Free Guy, but things took an unexpectedly scary turn when a barrier between him and hundreds of ...

9 Dec 17:33 The Inquisitr 1745625231563475335.html
'An outright lie': Ohio lawmaker shown to be linked to group pushing rightwing Christian bills

Timothy Ginter, who said he had ‘no knowledge’ of Project Blitz, was listed as co-chair of state branch of group behind the campaignAn Ohio legislator who said he had “no knowledge” of a rightwing Christian bill mill called Project Blitz is, in fact, the co-chair of the state branch of an organization

9 Dec 10:00 Yahoo 7097669638301617476.html
Asesinatos en Patillas y Barrio Obrero

Una muerte violenta se reportó a eso de la 1:50 a.m. de hoy, frente al colmado El Palomar de Canelo, en Patillas, informó la Policía.

9 Dec 10:25 elVocero.com 6318248036644069318.html
Bericht: Carlo Ancelotti beim SSC Neapel vor der Entlassung - Gennaro Gattuso soll neuer Trainer werden

Carlo Ancelotti ist beim SSC Neapel offenbar nur noch ein Trainer auf Zeit. Der Ex-Coach des FC Bayern soll nach dem Champions-League-Spiel gegen Genk noch in dieser Woche ersetzt werden, berichten italienische Medien. Weltmeister Gennaro Gattuso ist als Nachfolger im Gespräch.

9 Dec 17:47 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776872117689.html
Raketattack mot irakisk militärbas

En militärbas i närheten av Bagdads internationella flygplats har utsatts för raketbeskjutning. Totalt fyra projektiler ska ha träffat anläggningen och sex personer skadats, enligt ett uttalande från den irakiska militären. Ingen grupp eller stat har än

9 Dec 08:58 HD 3336945412915244874.html
Awak Kabin Garuda Datangi Kementerian BUMN Untuk Adukan ‘Dosa-dosa’ Ari Askhara, Eks Dirut Garuda

garuda indonesia Kabar pemecatan Ari ini ternyata disambut dengan gembira oleh awakawak kabin, garuda, pesawat, maskapai, penerbangan, dirut garuda, ari askhara dirut garuda, dirut garuda dipecat, dirut garuda dicopot, skandal dirut garuda, kontroversi dirut garuda, dosa dosa dirut garuda, dirut garuda erick thohir

9 Dec 15:00 Hipwee 8847968231598775603.html
Barca To Discuss Deal For Potential Suarez Replacement?

With Luis Suarez having admitted FC Barcelona should look to sign another striker, it has now been reported that the club could discuss a deal with a certain forward's agents this week.

9 Dec 14:24 Soccer Laduma 3901337371447688237.html
Bosch and Daimler launch self-driving car pilot in San Jose

Bosch and Daimler launched a self-driving car pilot in San Jose, roughly a year after the two jointly announced a plan to do so.

9 Dec 13:00 VentureBeat 6273363635500452353.html
JxCat no descarta que Puigdemont se presente a la Generalitat

Tendría que obtener la inmunidad del Tribunal de Justicia de la UE

9 Dec 16:07 La Vanguardia 8061072700302782589.html
Sky-Bundesliga-Quoten: Mönchengladbach-FC Bayern stellt neuen Samstagnachmittagsrekord auf

Das Bundesliga-Spitzenspiel zwischen Borussia Mönchengladbach und Bayern München war am Wochenende der größte Quotenbringer für den Pay-TV-Anbieter Sky: Mit 810.000 Zuschauern erreichte es nicht nur mehr Leute als die Konferenz, es war auch das erfolgreichste Einzelspiel an einem Samstagnachmittag in der Sky-Historie. Die Flops des Spieltags waren Leipzig-Hoffenheim und Freiburg-Wolfsburg mit kaum messbaren Zahlen.

9 Dec 16:04 MEEDIA 2574484878333882333.html
Julia Roberts joins Michelle Obama in Vietnam to encourage girls' education

'Even if your families don't understand that today, trust me they will, when you go off to college or start your businesses.'

9 Dec 12:36 Metro 970161748100248541.html
Criticism of Handke's Nobel Prize grows over denial of Bosnian war crimes

Ahead of the Nobel Literature Prize ceremony, condemnation grew Monday over the awarding of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature to Austrian writer Peter...

9 Dec 13:18 DAILY SABAH 8383944809628677192.html
Verizon kills email accounts of archivists trying to save Yahoo Groups history

Verizon says the archivists it has blocked breached its terms of service.

9 Dec 11:34 ZDNet 591556593295124727.html
Chiefs Striker Leapfrogs Erasmus And Grobler On Charts

The Absa Premiership goalscoring chart has a new man on top after his hat-trick at the weekend.

9 Dec 15:56 Soccer Laduma 3901337370320835920.html
Ejecutado a a balazos en Huimanguillo

El ahora occiso, tras ser acribillado fue abandonado en un lugar apartado.

9 Dec 13:06 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563062864083.html
NHS recruitment exec, 39, hanged himself four days before Christmas after developing alcohol problem from drinking socially with friends

Steven Davis-D'Cruz, 39, who earned £80,000 a year recruiting NHS staff, developed an alcohol problem while drinking socially with friends,an inquest in Stockport, Greater Manchester heard.

9 Dec 09:07 Mail Online 124328112044922839.html
Release Sowore, others within two weeks or face nationwide protests, CSOs warn FG

CISLAC director, Rafsanjani, urged Nigerians to see the duty of holding government accountable as a collective responsibility.

9 Dec 14:16 The ICIR 2244788520333177224.html
Un motociclista internado al chocar contra un auto en Caucete

Fue trasladado de urgencia al Hospital Rawson. Comisaría 9na trabajó en el lugar.

9 Dec 08:48 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157609337381.html
Conoce el listado con todos los nominados para los Globos de Oro 2020

Revisa todas las categorías que la prensa extranjera de Hollywood premiará en cine y televisión en la ceremonia del próximo 5 de enero.

9 Dec 10:36 Emol 3328490601649323942.html
Google's Finally Ditching Support for Its Explorer Edition of Glass

Google Glass will soon receive the final nail in its coffin – as a consumer-marketed product, that is. The company announced this week it’s rolling out one final update to its Glass Explorer Edition. But don’t worry: The wearable’s more industry-focused yet still equally dorky-looking brethren, the Enterprise Edition, will continue receiving support. And so the Google Glass brand lives on. Praise be.

9 Dec 09:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059002010265832.html
New Zealand volcano: Terrified tourists run for cover as eruption kills five

Dramatic footage shows panic on a tour boat where a man repeatedly yells "go inside" as a volcano on New Zealand's White Island erupts and sends a giant ash cloud billowing over the water

9 Dec 08:28 mirror 675785261538112985.html
Traffic and transportation strategies for the 2020 Games

Innovative traffic and transportation management strategies are being developed to handle the surge in travelers and traffic during the games and the various trial events.

9 Dec 09:16 The Japan Times 6673764366318759613.html
Domino's GPS-powered pizza tracking is available in many more places

The company says approximately a quarter of its stores will have the tech in place by the end of 2019.

9 Dec 15:14 Engadget 96641515836534385.html
10 Manfaat Luar Biasa Aloe Vera untuk Kulit Wajah

Bunda termasuk yang suka menggunakan aloe vera atau lidah buaya sebagai bahan alami untuk perawatan kulit? Yuk simak sederet manfaatnya berikut.

9 Dec 15:00 moms-life 8028540702015889398.html
¿Quieres remodelar un inmueble? Antes de empezar, debes seguir estos pasos fundamentales

Aunque parece sencillo, remodelar un inmueble de hecho es un proyecto bastante complejo que podría tener resultados desastrosos sin los cuidados adecuados

9 Dec 13:55 Merca2.0 990348494654594233.html
Desert to Power Initiative gains momentum in Burkina Faso

AfDB has approved $54 million loan to the government of Burkina Faso for the Yeleen solar plant, which forms part of the Desert to Power Initiative.

9 Dec 10:00 ESI-Africa.com 2679729876733725042.html
Updated: Incessant military air crashes in Nigeria frightening — Gbajabiamila

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabimaila has regretted the incessant military air crashes in the country, describing it as frightening.

9 Dec 16:15 Vanguard News 4125100339277514343.html
Olbia, tutto pronto per la finale del premio letterario

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:43 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207405727525.html
North Korea resumes insults of 'erratic old man' Trump

A senior North Korean official called President Donald Trump a "heedless and erratic old man", resuming insults of the American leader that were set aside during a rare thaw in relations.

9 Dec 12:25 Aljazeera 6642629762752464841.html
Official: China hopes for US trade pact as tariff hike nears

BEIJING (AP) - A Chinese official says Beijing wants a prompt settlement of its trade war with Washington.

9 Dec 12:10 WFXT 6395891953554644399.html
Police latest after woman injured by double decker bus in Torquay

It happened in Torquay on Saturday night.

9 Dec 10:11 DevonLive 2469244513534931324.html
Khawatir Saya, Takut Rocky Gerung Dibacok Orang!

WE Online, Jakarta - Mantan Anggota DPR RI Henry Yosodiningrat mengaku kecewa kepada Bareskrim Mabes Polri lantaran laporan dirinya terhadap Pengamat Politik Rocky Gerung ditolak.

9 Dec 11:29 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833971595213.html
Condenado Agapito Iglesias y absueltos los jugadores por el amaño del Levante-Zaragoza

El exdirectivo Javier Porquera también ha sido condenado a un años y tres meses de prisión

9 Dec 12:07 Diarioinformacion 8979296175402356787.html
MV Werften kündigen Bau weiterer Schiffsreihe an

Die MV Werften haben den Bau einer weiteren Serie von Kreuzfahrtschiffen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern angekündigt. Damit sei man bis 2024 voll ausgelastet, sagte Werft-Chef Fetten.

9 Dec 17:29 NDR.de 5356044083473595158.html
Tokyo Olympics 2020: Russia banned from major sporting championships

The sporting superpower is being punished for tampering with drug-testing data.

9 Dec 15:56 Newshub 2131266986964398265.html
Una Francia paralizada se dirige hacia la segunda jornada de movilización nacional

La huelga de los trabajadores del transporte en las principales ciudades, que se mantiene desde el jueves pasado, da una sensación de paralización en toda Francia. Mientras tanto se prepara la nueva jornada de movilización nacional para este martes, contra la reforma de pensiones de Macron.

9 Dec 16:00 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557629153019010.html
At least five dead, many more missing following eruption of New Zealand volcano

A volcanic island in New Zealand erupted Monday in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like surface, killing five peo

9 Dec 11:38 The Japan Times 6673764367816861940.html
Smeets met handbalsters ondanks nieuwe nederlaag nog kansrijk voor halve finales op WK

Martine Smeets uit Geesteren heeft met de Nederlandse handbalsters ook het tweede duel in de tweede ronde van het WK in Japan verloren. Nadat gisteren Duitsland te sterk was, won Denemarken vandaag met 27-24. Nederland heeft nog wel een reële kans om de halve finales te halen.

9 Dec 10:27 RTV Oost 6509131170661481195.html
WADA bans Russia from Olympics for four years over doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday banned Russia from global sporting events including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics after accusing Moscow of falsifying data from an anti-doping laboratory.

9 Dec 11:48 The Guardian 7580308505605935118.html
Tiger Woods warns Patrick Reed of Australian crowds after penalty controversy

Tiger Woods and the United States aim to put Patrick Reed’s Hero World Challenge controversy behind them at the Presidents Cup.

9 Dec 09:01 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905323351865.html
Scherztombola für den guten Zweck

Die Ortsgruppe des Dübener Heidevereins sammelt 120 Euro. Was mit dem Geld geschehen soll.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110167600620.html
PDP: SNSD da objavi Program reformi

BANJALUKA - Portparol PDP-a Anja Petrović ponovila je zahtjev ove stranke da SNSD objavi Program reformi.

9 Dec 17:28 Nezavisne novine 4209150641216821815.html
Gezocht: talkshow-koning(in)

Echte kijkcijferkanonnen waren het, maar nu moet de NPO het zonder hen doen. Enkele maanden nadat bekend is geworden dat Eva Jinek stopt met haar talkshow, laat ook Jeroen Pauw weten dat zijn talkshow ophoudt. Wisselen Pauw zal niet net zoals Eva Jinek en vele anderen naar de commerciële omroep gaan. Hij blijft bij NPO […]

9 Dec 14:27 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048064590565.html
Democratic candidate Warren discloses details of past legal work, showing $2 million in compensation

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren released information on Sunday about her past legal work, showing nearly $2 million in compensation from dozens of clients, as a dispute intensified with her rival Pete Buttigieg over transparency.

9 Dec 13:27 WION 1570469241948116327.html
Arlene Foster accuses PM of breaking his word over Brexit deal

Arlene Foster says Boris Johnson has betrayed unionist voters in Northern Ireland

9 Dec 10:22 the Guardian 1491978794561874461.html
Drunk raccoon is shot dead after staggering through a German Christmas market and passing out under a bin when it 'helped itself to mulled wine'

At noon on Saturday, amused shoppers at the Erfurt Christmas market in central Germany saw the raccoon stumbling across the tram tracks after drinking from discarded mulled wine mugs.

9 Dec 16:25 Mail Online 124328111829436091.html
Strong Jobs Numbers Boost Bank of America

We want to take advantage of rising long-term interest rates with a put write on Bank of America (NYSE:BAC)

9 Dec 14:10 InvestorPlace 24614511087973956.html
Gabriela Tafur le responde a Steve Harvey por comentario sobre Colombia en Miss Universo

La caleña Gabriela Tafur, quien representó este domingo a Colombia en el certamen de belleza Miss Universo, le respondió al presentador Steve Harvey tras su polémico comentario en medio de la ceremonia. El comediante estadounidense quiso hacer un chiste para dar a conocer el supuesto enfado que hay en Colombia por la equivocación hace dos años con la reina Ariadna Gutiérrez. En esa ocasión, Harvey se equivocó en el veredicto y por varios segundos dio a la colombiana como ganadora. Luego tuvo que retirarle la corona. Tras ese hecho en redes sociales se multiplicaron los mensajes contra Harvey, así como los memes por su equivocación. En la reciente ceremonia de Miss Universo, el presentador recordó lo ocurrido y finalizó con un: "el cartel debe estar molesto conmigo". Su frase es una clara alusión al lamentable pasado de Colombia, donde los carteles de narcotráfico se hicieron celebres y visibles por su crueldad contra la población civil. No obstante, en tiempos actuales, su comentario es inapropiado y ofensivo. Lea…

9 Dec 10:52 www.elpais.com.co 2266963348168737309.html
Cotto e Mangiato, ricetta 9 Dicembre: alici marinate agli agrumi

Nell’attesa dei cenoni e dei pranzi delle feste, scopriamo insieme la ricetta preparata oggi da Tessa Gelisio nella sua cucina. Vediamo come si preparano le alici marinate agli agrumi. La ricetta delle alici marinate agli agrumi Per quel che concerne gli ingredienti, essi sono: 500 grammi di alici 2 limoni 1 arancia Zenzero fresco 200 …

9 Dec 14:30 NewNotizie 1312053896896342522.html
Retired cop killed in QC buy-bust

Anti-scalawag operatives of the Philippine National Police (PNP) killed early Monday morning a recently retired policeman in a buy-bust operation in Quezon City.

9 Dec 09:36 Manila Bulletin News 7849457201177654723.html
Scale model of Springbank dam tests flood diversion impacts, raises critics' ire

While final approval of the Springbank dry dam has been held up by regulatory hurdles, a model has been quietly built, far from prying eyes.It’s a 1/16-scale version of the project — co…

9 Dec 13:41 Calgary Herald 1003909012181585063.html
Teen son accused of fatally stabbing his mother in car on Long Island

Police arrested a man who they say stabbed his mother to death on Long Island.

9 Dec 16:28 ABC7 New York 7327811148052149591.html
Barcelona pide al Gobierno que se retiren puntos por usar coches contaminantes en zonas de bajas emisiones

El concejal Eloi Badia reconoce que el veto a vehículos contaminantes que estrena la ciudad el 1 de enero no será suficiente para cumplir con los niveles que fija la UEEl gobierno municipal está negociando unas alegaciones de ERC que piden exenciones para los conductores de rentas más bajas y autónomos

9 Dec 13:11 eldiario.es 4752673443870394887.html
Assicurazione auto, ecco la RC familiare: come funziona e quanto si risparmia

Una novità nel settore RC auto che gli automobilisti stavano aspettando da un po’: il Decreto di Legge Fisco, che è stato approvato dalla Commissione Finanze alla Camera, ha portato all’introduzione di una piccola rivoluzione attraverso la quale tutti i componenti di una famiglia potranno beneficiare della fascia assicurativa sui veicoli più bassa.

9 Dec 11:00 www.sostariffe.it 4211055173268681301.html
Corso sull’uso del defibrillatore per gli studenti del Liceo La Farina

Lo scorso 27 Novembre gli studenti del Liceo Classico La Farina che frequentano la seconda annualità del percorso “biologia con curvatura biomedica” hanno preso parte al corso di formazione in materia di primo soccorso, svoltosi nella sede dell’Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri di Messina. L’incontro, tenuto dai Dottori Antonio Giovanni Versace e Michele […]

9 Dec 08:28 Tempostretto 3143171744104744273.html
Ericsson to pay $1 billion USD to settle corruption investigation

Ericsson has agreed to pay more than $1 billion USD (approximately $1.3 billion CAD) to resolve U.S. corruption probes.

9 Dec 17:06 mobilesyrup 1267416331106752426.html
Neues BioShock: 2K bestätigt Entwicklung offiziell

Sechs Jahre ist es her, dass BioShock Infinite Spieler in die von Fanatikern regierte fliegende Stadt Columbia schickte. Nun hat Publisher 2K angekündigt, dass sich ein neuer BioShock-Titel in der Entwicklung befindet. Es gibt allerdings einen kleinen Haken.

9 Dec 15:38 GMX 2011843075300478207.html
New Banksy mural features homeless man on bench

The secretive artist’s latest work has been unveiled in Birmingham.

9 Dec 16:16 Express & Star 7324224459631605516.html
AfD-naher Youtuber Kilic: Vizekanzler Stegner? Ex-SPD-Vize fiel auf Telefonscherz rein

Der ehemalige SPD-Vizevorsitzende Ralf Stegner ist vor dem Bundesparteitag auf den Telefonscherz eines Youtubers hereingefallen, der ihm den Posten von ...

9 Dec 10:53 swp.de 6929179440001771474.html
Cate Blanchett donna in crisi di nervi

In sala Che fine ha fatto Bernadette? di Linklater (ANSA)

9 Dec 17:54 ANSA.it 1300837447183650883.html
Unicorn Scooter Company Finds Profit To Be A Mythical Beast

It takes a special kind of audacity for your startup to be successful, and a special kind of audacity to name your startup “Unicorn”. Sadly, the overlapping of those two audacious circles did not spell success for one scooter company....

9 Dec 10:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247916446808.html
Kim Gun Mo's alleged victim participates in a livestream interview with Garo Sero Institute, states that there is a second victim

Kim Gun Mo's alleged sexual assault victim participated in a live stream interview with Youtube channel Garo Sero Institute on December 9. …

9 Dec 17:52 allkpop 3249686061425254509.html
Norza: Medal bounty shows Malaysian badminton has a great future

MANILA, Dec 9 — The national badminton squad’s bounty of three gold, two silver and five bronze at the 30th SEA Games is a proud achievement for the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM), and proves that all is not lost as far as the future of Malaysian badminton is concerned. Its president...

9 Dec 14:50 Malaymail 302165935581522255.html
Nonprofit plans 50-bed homeless shelter in Scranton

SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) - A Pennsylvania nonprofit is proposing to open a 50-bed homeless shelter in Scranton.

9 Dec 16:35 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637750984478.html
Investigators want motorists’ videos of UPS truck shooting

MIAMI (AP) — The Florida Department of Law Enforcement appealed Monday for anyone who witnessed or has video of last week’s shootout between police and...

9 Dec 17:44 WSVN 7News 4504855330670143870.html
Go for quality in consumption stocks: Andrew Holland, Avendus Capital

The auto sector corrected in the past year and that is why we see value and prices rebounding in some cases

9 Dec 11:05 The Economic Times 7653256037022060730.html
W Series sees growing sponsor interest in women's sport

LONDON (Reuters) - The all-female W Series, which announced its first major sponsor at the weekend, is talking to several global brands amid increased interest in women’s sport at boardroom level, according to chief executive Catherine Bond Muir.

9 Dec 14:35 Reuters 8334514179819684722.html
Jewish Journalist Accuses Swedish Police of Enlarging Her Nose on ID Card

While many interpreted what the Jewish journalist claimed to be a doctored photograph as yet another token of age-old hatred of Jews, others saw no trace of anti-Semitism but rather a bad printer.

9 Dec 09:51 Sputniknews 967333869291748758.html
All the times Dia Mirza impressed us with her fashion

As Dia Mirza turns a year older, we take a look at her best fashion moments.

9 Dec 08:10 The Indian Express 2885715104544369270.html
Dan cristalazo a casa de cambio en san felipe

Chihuahua.- El reporte de la activación de una alarma de robo en el local denominado “Divisas la Sierra” generó la movilización de unidades de la policía en la colonia San Felipe. El negocio...

9 Dec 15:36 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365559498666463.html
Subprime lender Amigo’s chief executive and chairman quit

Departures follow move by founder James Benamor to reassert control of the business

9 Dec 10:00 Financial Times 707176888427849614.html
The Newest Star Wars Featurette Is About the Power of Friendship

Some heartwarming news: the cast members of the new Star Wars trilogy seems to really like each other. Which makes the newest Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker featurette a joy to watch.

9 Dec 16:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002211147884.html
Pretnje bombom bolnicama i školama u Sankt Peterburgu

SANKT PETERBURG - Desetak bolnica i nekoliko škola širom Sankt Peterburga primilo je danas pretnje o postavljenom eksplozivu, javio je Tas s, pozivajući

9 Dec 14:27 Krstarica 4176903989869042712.html
Sonko To Spend Two More Days In Police Custody

Nairobi governor Mike Sonko will spend two more days in police custody pending his bail application ruling on Wednesday.Milimani Law Courts Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti ordered that he be remand

9 Dec 14:15 KahawaTungu 3304128543416061720.html
Watch Elon Musk Jump A Red Light In Tesla Cybertruck

The Tesla Cybertruck is not expected to enter production until 2021, which is why residents of Los Angeles ...

9 Dec 14:44 CarBuzz 4034462236642360411.html
Oceans Are Running Out of Oxygen Due to Climate Change

The world’s oceans—and their inhabitants—are being choked to death by climate change and nutrient pollution. Ocean oxygen loss, according to a new report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is […]

9 Dec 14:28 Geek.com 3223109240740663642.html
The Tale of Harriet Tubman's Faith-Based Survival

She remained fearless as she rescued slaves.

9 Dec 11:00 The National Interest 7207864703377574327.html
Rotterdammer aangehouden na onderscheppen 2000 kilo cocaïne

Een 25-jarige Rotterdammer is op 27 november aangehouden in een loods in Alphen (Brabant). De man wordt gelinkt aan een onderschepping van 2019 kilo cocaïne in de haven van Antwerpen.

9 Dec 13:42 RTV Rijnmond 2492430228425692112.html
Trump to meet Russia's foreign minister on Tuesday: Source

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet US President Donald Trump during talks with his US counterpart in Washington on Tuesday, the Interfax news agency cited a Russian foreign ministry source as saying.

9 Dec 16:29 WION 1570469241217522603.html
Football transfer rumours: Marouane Fellaini to Mourinho's Tottenham?

Vitor Pereira to manage Everton? | Marcos Alonso to Internazionale? | Ben Godfrey to Borussia Dortmund or Arsenal?

9 Dec 09:01 the Guardian 1491978795468009471.html
Guns blaze in Ukraine as leaders meet in Paris

Hundreds of explosions and bursts of small arms fire were reported on the contact line in east Ukraine, as France prepares to host the first peace summit on the war in three years.

9 Dec 08:26 EUobserver 625925300057105612.html
Pet osoba poginulo u erupciji vulkana na Novom Zelandu

Pet osoba je poginulo, a više ljudi je povređeno u erupciji vulkana na Vajt Ajlendu na severu Novog Zelanda,...

9 Dec 08:03 N1 Srbija 7797130865993672495.html
Guards who were with Juice Wrld when he died arrested on gun charges

They are both due in court later this month.

9 Dec 17:23 Breaking News 4415806920209795776.html
Guards who were with Juice Wrld when he died arrested on gun charges

They are both due in court later this month.

9 Dec 16:22 Express & Star 7324224459110429137.html
Loewe: dalla bancarotta a un possibile progetto di rinascita con Hisense | Tom's Hardware

La bancarotta di Loewe non è il capitolo finale della nota azienda tedesca: Hisense potrebbe procedere ad acquisizione.

9 Dec 13:49 Tom's Hardware 6640147069415154435.html
Russia e Cina puntano al Polo Nord: Forum Artico a San Pietroburgo

Russia e Cina guardano sempre di più a Nord, al Polo Nord

9 Dec 11:12 Affari Italiani 6123405403692377482.html
Sonko is a fugitive having fled prison, state says in opposing his bail

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s troubled past haunted him on Monday, after the prosecution heavily relied on it to argue its case in - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 09:40 Capital News 7605153804035786106.html
Quack gave consultations at govt. hospital

Had childhood dream of becoming a doctor, Sanjay Singh told police

9 Dec 17:41 The Hindu 6679535026149285755.html
Rendite erzielen mit Megatrends – und Private Equity

Mit der Nullzinspolitik der Notenbanken rücken alternative Anlagen in den Fokus. Unigestion versucht, Anlagetrends und Beteiligungskapital zu vereinen.

9 Dec 15:40 Handelsblatt 4721373939231242500.html
Con piero terracina se ne va uno degli ultimi sopravvissuti di auschwitz-il ricordo di finzi


9 Dec 08:42 DAGOSPIA 6533336739518107341.html
How the Holiday Roster Freeze affects the Leafs

Because we don’t actually care about the rest of you. Oh, except Taylor Hall.

9 Dec 13:00 Pension Plan Puppets 2082242129215636279.html
Michelle Obama, Julia Roberts urge Vietnam girls to stay in school

Former US first lady Michelle Obama and Hollywood A-lister Julia Roberts toured a high school in rural Vietnam on Monday, urging a classroom of teenage girls to stay focused on their education to transform their lives.

9 Dec 12:51 The Guardian 7580308505633617911.html
Bei Sinabelkirchen: Unfall legte Südautobahn zwei Stunden lang lahm

Lkw und Kleintransporter waren bei Auffahrunfall beteiligt. Rettungshubschrauber musste auf Autobahn landen.

9 Dec 14:46 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700214102429.html
Oxford's Anthony Forde to leave hospital this week after nasty injuries

Anthony Forde suffered four broken ribs and a punctured lung.

9 Dec 17:48 Sports Mole 7750663361427090650.html
Gerard Detourbet, creator of the Renault Kwid and Duster, passes away

Gerard Detourbet was a mathematics professor who joined Renault in 1971 and helped bring to life most of firm's successful cars in emerging markets

9 Dec 13:54 OVERDRIVE 7781473804478349561.html
VIDEO: Captan la Cybertruck circulando en las calles

Falta mucho para que la Cybertruck llegue al mercado, pero si quieres saber cómo se ve circulando con normalidad, necesitas ver esto

9 Dec 17:24 unocero 8149134708047369232.html
Els Estats Units repeteixen a l'Afganistan les mentides del Vietnam

Documents confidencials mostren com les diferents administracions han amagat la realitat

9 Dec 17:41 Ara.cat 6070605020191236562.html
DAI Flippens SAI 3 Weeks After Multi Collateral DAI Launch

The total amount of SAI (single collateral DAI) that was converted to DAI has exceeded 50 percent of outstanding supply. At this rate, we could see nearly all SAI migrating to DAI by the end of 2019. Maker has been exceptionally healthy, faring well even as ETH and BAT prices continue to fall, December 9, 2019.

9 Dec 09:00 BTC Manager 8549607152948708450.html
Berlin zoo reveals names and gender of panda twin cubs

There are fewer than 2,000 of the endangered pandas estimated to be alive in the wild today.

9 Dec 11:58 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774342074612.html
A99 bei Kirchheim: Manager von Verena Kerth stirbt mit Ehemann bei tragischem Autounfall

Trauer in der Münchner Promi-Szene: Bei einem Unfall auf der A99 bei Kirchheim sind am Samstagnachmittag der PR-Manager Pedro da Silva und dessen Ehemann ums Leben gekommen. Zu den Klienten des 47-Jährigen zählten zum Beispiel Moderatorin Verena Kerth und Schauspielerin Doreen Dietel.

9 Dec 10:22 FOCUS Online 4448121231922640662.html
Popoknya Tak Diganti Selama 9 Hari Lebih, Bayi 4 Bulan Ini Tewas, Bahkan Ditemukan Belatung di Tubuhnya!

Seorang bayi laki-laki berusia empat bulan bernama Sterling Koehn ditemukan tewas dalam ayunannya di apartemen orangtuanya.

9 Dec 15:15 grid.id 6246371060071730300.html
Presidente del TSJ sostuvo encuentro con su homólogo de china

Ambas autoridades expresaron que tienen como objetivo seguir optimizando el Poder Judicial

9 Dec 16:03 Últimas Noticias 6811287210290808310.html
Israeli Police Searching for Vandals Who Damaged 40 Cars in East Jerusalem - Photo, Video

TEL AVIV (Sputnik) - Israeli police are investigating acts of vandalism that took place in the Arab quarter of Jerusalem, with at least 40 vehicles being damaged, police said on Monday. 

9 Dec 13:32 Sputniknews 967333869228220077.html
Russia hopeful WADA ban will not impact World Cup

Russia are waiting on a response from FIFA after athletes were banned from competing at international sporting events under their flag.

9 Dec 13:27 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905738087491.html
Paderborn gibt die Rote Laterne ab

Er wurde kurz zuvor eingewechselt - und sorgte für den Siegtreffer. Sven Michel hat den SC Paderborn bei Werder Bremen zum ersten Auswärtssieg der Saison geschossen. Der Aufsteiger verlässt so den letzten Tabellenplatz.

9 Dec 10:00 tagesschau.de 5441171424669305105.html
Immigrato, il video in cui Zalone si dimostra bravo ma soprattutto furbo

La canzone del comico pugliese che narra la giornata di un italiano medio alle prese con un immigrato ci fa ridere, ma non si schiera abbastanza da essere ideologicamente onesta

9 Dec 10:25 Wired 7504010958201230770.html
HSBC shakes up senior management after 'unacceptable' third quarter

HSBC has replaced its investment banking boss and group chief operating officer in a raft of changes due to take effect in 2020.

9 Dec 12:35 City A.M. 6389894490550936095.html
Lodi, rapinano la banca prendendo in ostaggio i clienti: vanno via col bottino augurando "Buon Natale"

In tre - due a volto scoperto - sono entrati nella filiale Bpm di Marudo e hanno tenuto in ostaggio per un'ora un bancario e tre clienti. Scappati con

9 Dec 08:07 Repubblica.it 7645374300883125145.html
The old Switch switcheroo – Amazon sends tambourines and toothbrushes to Switch shoppers

Amazon is sending toothbrushes and tambourines to confused Nintendo Switch buyers. Customers have received a wide range of weird stuff in place of a Switch

9 Dec 09:53 Trusted Reviews 12694854387117396.html
Will Your Online Orders Arrive Before Christmas? Find Out Here

We're barely two weeks from Christmas. Those of us looking to get goods delivered in time to put under the tree will need to act very fast. At this time of year, postal and delivery services are working at capacity which can lead to longer than expected delivery times. With that in mind, here are the delivery and...

9 Dec 16:30 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169264856388.html
CL-Showdown: So steigt Salzburg auf

Meister Salzburg brennt auf das Spiel des Jahres und empfängt den Titelverteidiger Liverpool.

9 Dec 09:19 sport.oe24.at 8086682662711535946.html
Lampard challenges young Chelsea players to step up

Frank Lampard has challenged his young Chelsea players to "make a mark" ahead of their crucial Champions League match against Lille on Tuesday after a series of poor results took the shine off thei...

9 Dec 17:29 Punch Newspapers 3524240995036453031.html
Watch an Underwater Photog Swim with a Ginormous Great White

Earlier this year, marine conservationist Ocean Ramsey of One Ocean Diving was diving off the coast of the Hawaiian island of Oahu when the group came across one of the largest great white sharks ever caught on camera. The encounter can be seen in the 3.5-minute video above. The team estimates that the shark was roughly 20 feet long and 8 feet wide. While the average female great white measures 15 to 16 feet, they can reach up to 20 feet (6.1m) and 4,200 pounds (1,900kg).

9 Dec 16:19 Petapixel 4288413232094714873.html
Amundi: point sur le programme Green Credit Continuum

Amundi et la Banque européenne d'investissement (BEI) annoncent ce lundi que le premier millésime du programme Green Credit Continuum a atteint 253 mi - 09/12/2019 12:42

9 Dec 11:42 ABC Bourse 2538693398725342858.html
FIRS: Buhari appoints Nami to replace Fowler (Updated)

President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed Mohammad Nami, a renowned tax consultant to replace the Chairman of Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS....

9 Dec 15:40 Vanguard News 4125100339859476431.html
La Lazio ha vinto come avrebbe fatto la Juventus

La squadra di Inzaghi ha subito il gioco avversario ma ha fatto girare a proprio favore tutti gli episodi decisivi.

9 Dec 14:18 L'Ultimo Uomo 1667880053246887790.html
Boris has fishy start to last few days by campaigning in Labour heartland

The prime minister will spend the final three days targeting voters in traditional Labour strongholds.

9 Dec 08:28 Metro 970161749082802410.html
Geschäftsmann Ernst Neumayer schildert Kauf von FPÖ-Mandat

Ernst Neumayer soll ein FPÖ-Mandat vermittelt haben - und zwar durch ukrainische Oligarchen. Er äußerte sich nun in einem Bericht dazu.

9 Dec 15:35 GMX 2011843075717359385.html
El Consejo de Administración del Deportivo presenta su renuncia

Ha acordado por unanimidad la convocatoria de una Junta General Extraordinaria de accionistas que se celebrará la semana del 13 de enero de 2020 para propiciar el nombramiento de un nuevo equipo de gobierno

9 Dec 13:56 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069477093397499.html
Nokia is getting ready to launch its first ever Smart TV

Style and smarts

9 Dec 14:52 Stuff 1635656039567176860.html
SACA repeats call for CSA board to step down

The South African Cricketers’ Association has repeated its call for the Board of Cricket South Africa to step down.

9 Dec 17:14 Sport 682566034159033384.html
La presentazione del World Energy Outlook - DIRETTA

Giuseppe Conte, Claudio Descalzi ed Emma Marcegaglia parlando delle prospettive del mercato energetico, come sono disegnate dall'Agenzia internazionale per l'energia

9 Dec 12:36 Agi 2115274225300736462.html
PM criticised by Sturgeon over comments on EU migrants

Scotland’s First Minister branded Boris Johnson’s remarks ‘despicable’ and described them as ‘anti-immigration rhetoric’.

9 Dec 15:36 Express & Star 7324224458823739924.html
Ecco app e siti per tracciare Babbo Natale

Si può vederlo in azione, scrivergli lettere o chiamarlo (ANSA)

9 Dec 14:41 ANSA.it 1300837448741868188.html
U.N. expert urges Ethiopia to stop shutting down internet

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) - A United Nations expert on the freedom of expression said he has urged Ethiopian officials to stop shutting down the internet.

9 Dec 13:56 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637205081131.html
U.S. military to shift focus to competing with China and Russia: Esper

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Saturday he still plans to shift the military’s focus to competing with China and Russia, even as security threats pile up in the Middle East. Esper outlined his strategic goals and priorities in a speech at the Reagan National Defense Forum, an annual gathering of government, defense industry and military officials.

9 Dec 14:37 Yahoo 7097669638229073719.html
Eingebürgerte Deutsche: Radmila Stoltmann will Brücken zwischen den Kulturen bauen

Radmila Stoltmann feiert, dass sie vor zehn Jahren eingebürgert wurde. Kroatin stand zuvor in ihrem Pass, aber geboren wurde sie in Gerabronn.

9 Dec 09:39 swp.de 6929179441483043596.html
'Marriage Story' leads Golden Globe nominations

A Netflix wave swept over the 77th Golden Globe nominations, where the streaming company dominated with 34 total nominations, including four films up for best picture and four series nominated for the top television awards.

9 Dec 10:47 CTVNews 2422791597387547492.html
Man and woman arrested in connection with murder of Gerry Hutch's relative Clive Staunton in Leixlip, Co Kildare

The dad-of-one was originally from the Greek Street flats in Dublin’s inner city

9 Dec 14:23 Irish Mirror 2875825629221187640.html
Miss BumBum Suzy Cortez Shows Some Skin In Revealing Peach Ensemble While Sporting Roller Skates

Suzy Cortez dazzled her fans in a tight peach-colored outfit and a pair of roller skates in her latest Instagram photo, which was posted to her account on Sunday night. In the snapshot, the Miss ...

9 Dec 14:06 The Inquisitr 1745625231683256824.html
L'editoria italiana e la sindrome da crisi permanente

Critica semiseria a un mondo dell'editoria che vede dopo anni un aumento stabile delle copie vendute ma spesso è smarrito di fronte alla necessità di comunicare quegli stessi libri in maniera efficace

9 Dec 11:45 Wired 7504010957006919419.html
McDonald's black franchisees are fighting to earn as much as their white counterparts, as dozens leave the company they once considered family, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Over the past decade, black franchisees have seen the disparities between them and the rest of McDonald's franchisees grow.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:05 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757550699054.html
Barselona bez Mesija protiv Intera, Liverpul u Salcburgu

Najbolji fudbaler svijeta Lionel Mesi neće igrati sutra u posljednjoj utakmici grupne faze Lige šampiona protiv Intera u Milanu, odlučio je trener Katalonaca Ernesto Velverde.

9 Dec 15:23 Nezavisne novine 4209150642951087764.html
Cricket match held up by snake on pitch

The start of the match between Andhra and Vidarbha in India was held up thanks to the intruder.

9 Dec 10:01 Express & Star 7324224460565818915.html
ONU advierte aumento de conflictividad por desigualdad en Latinoamérica

América Latina y el Caribe corren el riesgo de sufrir mayores crisis sociales e inestabilidad política por la desigualdad que arrastra, reflejada en la convulsión desatada por protestas sociales en la región, advierte el Informe de Desarrollo Humano de la ONU, divulgado este lunes.

9 Dec 11:00 Panorama 6052790754054721069.html
72 candidates file nominations on first day

Ramanathapuram/Sivaganga A total of 72 candidates filed papers on Monday on the first day for filing of nominations for elections to rural local bodies in Ramanathapuram and Sivaganga districts. While

9 Dec 14:46 The Hindu 6679535024728114302.html
Rapper Juice Wrld Meninggal Dunia di Usia 21 Tahun

Sebelum meninggal dunia, Juice Wrld sempat tiba di Bandara Chicago Midway.

9 Dec 11:16 liputan6.com 3414318495967950533.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill in Lok Sabha: Parties in favour of and against the legislation

While Congress and TMC led the charge against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill inside the Lok Sabha, the MPs of Indian Union Muslim League and All India United Democratic Front demonstrated in the Parliament premises and at Jantar Mantar.

9 Dec 13:48 The Indian Express 2885715105524529868.html
Is this the most exclusive restaurant in Suffolk?

Forage Kitchen has just 20 seats and is conjuring up some of the most inventive food you'll discover in the east of England.

9 Dec 13:31 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152539264473.html
Paket eSIM Smartfren Khusus iPhone Tawarkan Kuota 90GB

Dengan harga Rp180.000, benefit yang akan pengguna dapatkan antara lain kuota 90GB.

9 Dec 17:24 liputan6.com 3414318496813702345.html
OM: geen politieke beïnvloeding proces-Wilders

Het Openbaar Ministerie heeft geen enkel bewijs gevonden dat er sprake is van politieke beïnvloeding in de beslissing om PVV’er Geert Wilders in 2014 te vervolgen. Dat heeft het OM aan het gerechtshof laten weten, meldde het hof maandag tijdens de voortzetting van het hoger beroep tegen de politicus.

9 Dec 09:54 RD.nl 6406779841608243970.html
Muere una mujer de movilidad reducida en Vianos tras incendiarse su casa

Su madre, con la que se encontraba en ese momento, ha tenido que ser trasladada al Hospital de Albacete por inhalación de humo

9 Dec 11:13 ABC.es 6074573462854931307.html
Medvedev: Postoje problemi sa dopingom u ruskom sportu

Premijer Dmitrij Medvedev, nakon odluke Svetske anti-doping agencije (VADA) da ruskim sportistima zabrani učešće na svim međunarodnim takmičenjima na četiri godine, priznao je da postoji problem dopinga u ruskom sportu.

9 Dec 15:39 REPUBLIKA 2543998406174791843.html
TIM, Giga illimitati per un mese totalmente gratis! Ecco come riceverli

TIM ha deciso di premiare la fedeltà dei propri clienti offrendo Giga illimitati gratis per un mese. La promozione è attivabile dagli utenti TIM Party, e non prevede alcun tipo di pagamento o costi fissi

9 Dec 16:21 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332766115246.html
SNC exec driven by greed?

The Crown has begun final arguments in the criminal trial of former SNC-Lavalin executive Sami Bebawi.

9 Dec 13:54 Castanet 616068602227002769.html
Silas chama seis jovens ao treino

Depois da vitória sobre o Moreirense, o Sporting voltou ao trabalho esta manhã, iniciando a preparação para o jogo com o LASK Linz, na Áustria, para a sexta e última jornada da fase de grupos da Liga Europa.Com os titulares da partida com o Moreirense em trabalho de recuperação, Jorge Silas chamou seis jovens aos trabalhos: Hugo Cunha , Gonçalo Costa, Eduardo Quaresma, Dimitar Mitrovski, Joelson Fernandes e Diogo BrásJovane Cabral, na parte final do processo de recuperação de tendinopatia na anca esquerda, realizou trabalho de ginásio na parte inicial da sessão tendo, depois, integrado o treino no relvado sob vigilância médica. Luís Neto, que saiu lesionado frente ao Moreirense, também esteve ausente, encontrando-se internado devido a fratura na grelha costal com pneumotórax associado.

9 Dec 14:18 A BOLA 2278827559016171693.html
Reporter groped by runner on live TV

Reporter Alex Bozarjian was on live TV Saturday morning covering the annual Bridge Run in Savannah, Georgia, when a participant reportedly groped her as he passed by.

9 Dec 09:44 WFXT 6395891953368582845.html
Funke Akindele Loses Dad

Nigerian actress and filmmaker Funke Akindele has lost her dad. The "Jenifa Diary" actress took to her Instagram page today to announce the passing away of her father who is a retired school principal.

9 Dec 12:15 The Guardian 7580308503963802727.html
Senate braces for brawl on Trump impeachment rules

Senators are bracing for a partisan brawl over the rules of President Trump's looming impeachment trial.

9 Dec 11:00 TheHill 355432918817125185.html
Gueye et Verratti incertains pour PSG/Galatasaray, Kimpembe forfait

L'infirmerie parisienne s'est remplie ce week-end à Montpellier, Idrissa Gueye et Presnel Kimpembe quittant prématurément leurs coéquipiers après avoir débuté le match. Le second ne devrait plus rejouer en 2019 quand le premier est incertain pour PSG/Galatasaray de mercredi, comme Marco Verratti.

9 Dec 08:49 CulturePSG 4652604847876029067.html
How to free yourself from your parents money habits, and claim financial independence

If your family avoided financial topics, you may find yourself uncomfortable managing money.

9 Dec 10:01 MarketWatch 8975941548494189804.html
UK election: From cosplaying Football goalie to Barista, Political leaders try to gather votes as Britain enters final stretch of campaign

Britain's main political party leaders are continuing to push their election pledges to voters, as the campaign enters its final stretch.

9 Dec 09:44 WION 1570469241316443274.html
Ministrul Educatiei asteapta sugestii: Cum sa arate viitoare manuale ca sa-i apropie pe copii de situatii reale de viata

Ministrul Educatiei Monica Anisie vrea sa evite situatiile din ultimii multi ani, cand elevii au inceput scoala fara manuale, cartile ajungand pe bancile lor dupa luni bune.

9 Dec 13:08 Ziare.com 1922730287009152225.html
Butterbrot und Peitsche zum Jahresende - Traktandenbericht der glp Fraktion zur letzten Sitzung 2019

Butterbrot oder Peitsche zum Jahresende? Die glp Fraktion vergibt dieses Jahr beides:

9 Dec 14:53 bz BASEL 5287163742699920910.html
WIN: Tickets to Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live in Birmingham

Monster Truck fans will be able to throw themselves into a fully immersive experience as Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live heads to Birmingham - and we're giving two lucky winners the chance to win a family ticket each

9 Dec 11:15 Express & Star 7324224458934991065.html
Why I'm proposing amendments to Electoral Act - Omo-Agege

Deputy Senate President, Ovie Omo-Agege on Monday, said he had introduced a bill for comprehensive amendment of the Electoral Act No. 6 of 2010.

9 Dec 17:08 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299534705184.html
Audios involucran a coronel con sindicado jefe de banda de asaltantes

Manuel Ibárcena Escalante es acusado de brindar protección a Giancarlo Panizo Cotillo, quien sería cabecilla de la banda que asaltaba camiones que salían de los almacenes del Callao.

9 Dec 13:13 Publimetro Perú 5349571043231645059.html
Grampians' top cancer killers might not be what you think

Latest report from Cancer Council Victoria shows top cancer killers and cases

9 Dec 17:30 The Courier 3604583734780772234.html
Loan defaults mainly due to salary delays, biz downturns, says survey

The survey comes months after official data showed that unemployment is at a four-decade high, the pace of economic growth slipping to a six-year low

9 Dec 09:45 Business-Standard 1502508926618960936.html
A Policy Vault Made for Africa - The Nation Newspaper

An exciting idea turned into an interesting organization that will open Africa to development opportunities and investments

9 Dec 09:26 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900904722152.html
Improving your credit score - The Mortgage Gal

As we move into the holiday season, mortgages are not top of mind for most of us.

9 Dec 11:00 Castanet 616068602688635712.html
Fiif miljoen foar restauraasje boerepleatsen, wat bart der?

It jild is bedoeld as lêste triuwke foar eigeners dy't de fergunnings en it grutste diel fan de finansiering al regele hawwe. 

9 Dec 15:47 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694725547563.html
Bombshell review: Nicole Kidman's all-star Fox News harassment drama flirts with danger


9 Dec 14:30 The Telegraph 140598092631191761.html
Chilango confirms plans to launch CVA and exit leases

Embattled Mexican chain Chilango has confirmed that it plans to launch a company voluntary arrangement (CVA) in a bid to secure the future of its business.

9 Dec 14:31 City A.M. 6389894491290614775.html
Ryanair es queda a Girona

Els treballadors de l'aerolínia accepten passar de fixos a fixos discontinus i estar tres mesos a l'any a l'atur

9 Dec 13:41 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479571952917.html
Massive, peaceful march is win-win for protesters, police

Evidently stung by the passage of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act by the United States, the Hong Kong government has made a multi-barreled response: denied that human rights have been eroded, granted permission for a mass rally on Sunday, and castigated political figures who “urged foreign governments or legislatures to interfere with…

9 Dec 09:21 EJ Insight 7853952857815732627.html
Who Is Barry Berke? Judiciary Committee’s Lawyer Will Present Impeachment Case

A New York defense lawyer working for House Democrats, Mr. Berke has been an architect of their impeachment inquiry.

9 Dec 13:00 NY Times 1961078289250645303.html
BI Pede Defisit Transaksi Berjalan Lebih Baik Tahun Ini

WE Online, Jakarta - Bank Indonesia (BI) memperkirakan defisit transaksi berjalan pada tahun ini akan menurun menjadi 2,7 persen dari Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB). Angka ini lebih rendah dibandingkan pada 2018 yang sebesar 2,93 persen PDB.

9 Dec 08:46 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834013320903.html
Huawei to roll out Harmony OS to more products next year, but not phones and tablets

Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies plans to equip more of its products with its Harmony operating system (OS) next year, and will promote them ...

9 Dec 14:56 CNA 5644198863996477663.html
Sudden' volcano eruption in New Zealand kills five, several missing

At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several were reported missing after a volcano suddenly erupted off the coast of New Zealand's North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air.

9 Dec 11:04 Bdnews24 8119004128989569645.html
Daughter claims Australian ex-PM ordered her to keep quiet about rape

The daughter of former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke said he ordered her to keep quiet about her alleged rape by one of his political allies ...

9 Dec 12:43 CNA 5644198863538900214.html
Fast-Paced Arcade Brawler Super Crush KO Blasts Onto Switch Next Month

A beat 'em up, run 'n gun

9 Dec 15:00 Nintendo Life 5246707019468248398.html
Vegan und Leistungssportler - passt das zusammen?

Vegane Ernährung ist längst im Mainstream angekommen. Mittlerweile verzichten auch einige Leistungssportler auf tierische Produkte. Passt extreme körperliche Belastung mit der rein pflanzlichen Nahrung zusammen?

9 Dec 10:52 DIE WELT 6197693429896472523.html
Sabine Seidler neue Präsidentin der Universitätenkonferenz

Die Rektorin der Technischen Universität (TU) Wien, Sabine Seidler (58), ist am Montag zur neuen Präsidentin der Universitätenkonferenz (uniko) gewählt worden. Die Werkstoffwissenschafterin folgt damit auf Eva Blimlinger bzw. Oliver Vitouch. Letzterer war interimsmäßig auf die für die Grünen in den Nationalrat gewählte Ex-Rektorin der Akademie der bildenden Künste an die uniko-Spitze gerückt.

9 Dec 11:39 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699048232807.html
Buhari jets out to Egypt on Tuesday

President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to depart Abuja Tuesday for Aswan, Egypt to attend the Aswan Forum designed to set.

9 Dec 15:54 Vanguard News 4125100339389675455.html
Fire and petrol bombs after 'generally peaceful' Hong Kong march, police say

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong protesters lit a fire outside court buildings, threw petrol bombs and spray-painted graffiti on government buildings, following a “generally peaceful” march at the weekend, police said on Monday.

9 Dec 11:28 Reuters 8334514181405672481.html
Knicks fire head coach David Fizdale, ESPN reports

The New York Knicks have fired head coach David Fizdale after a league-worst 4-18 record to start the season.

9 Dec 12:50 ABC7 New York 7327811148217651158.html
Sask. syphilis outbreak continues as doctors struggle to find patients

Khan said he's worried by a newer trend driving syphilis infections: sex fuelled by crystal meth. 

9 Dec 12:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104418923050162.html
Bakery owner 'devastated' by demolition, says city must police absentee landlords

As Susan Adamucci drove her 12-year-old son to school last Wednesday, she heard on the radio that a building was in peril in downtown Buf...

9 Dec 10:00 The Buffalo News 2088823986724713646.html
Vulkanausbruch auf Neuseeland: 5 Tote, Verletzte und mehrere Vermisste auf White Island

Auf der neuseeländischen Insel White Island, einem beliebten Ziel von Touristen, ist ein Vulkan ausgebrochen. Mindestens fünf Besucher wurden nach Angaben der Behörden am Montag getötet. Die Polizei befürchtet nach Angaben eines Sprechers, dass es noch weitere Todesopfer geben könnte. Mehr als 20 Menschen würden weiterhin vermisst, teilte die Polizei mit. White Island liegt im Nordosten von Neuseelands Nordinsel, etwa 50 Kilometer von der Küste entfernt. Selbst von dort war die riesige Aschewolke zu sehen.

9 Dec 08:24 news.de 5126378978872609919.html
Alan Pardew blames WhatsApp groups for "toxic" dressing room impact

Pardew left his last job at West Brom by mutual consent after an unsuccessful four months in charge, which saw the Baggies win just one league match out of 19 during his reign

9 Dec 12:51 mirror 675785260576261944.html
Latam implementa autoatendimento para despacho de bagagens no Galeão

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 16:34 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645988493770684.html
Madres y esposas, las principales receptoras de remesas

En promedio, un connacional envía 300 dólares, asimismo el 41.3 % de los envíos se realizan por transferencias electrónicas, informó Profeco

9 Dec 14:31 Regeneración 4314126175371116457.html
French Politician Melenchon Sentenced to 3 Months in Prison for Intimidating Officials - Reports

The head of the left-wing La France Insoumise party has faced trial over clashes with police officers during raids on his home and office last October.

9 Dec 12:15 Sputniknews 967333868129041702.html
Bolsonaro deja en duda si enviará representante a investidura en Argentina

Bolsonaro afirmó que está analizando la lista de autoridades invitadas a la investidura de Alberto Fernández antes de decidir si enviará a algún representante

9 Dec 08:26 EL DEBATE 4396150894846943163.html
Conindustria: industria nacional es afectada por productos importados sin permisos ni controles sanitarios

Para el presidente de Conindustria, Adán Celis Michelena, la situación de las empresas venezolanas es cada día mas precaria. “El sector industrial solo opera al 20% de su capacidad. La recesión y la hiper-inflación son procesos que han afectado la operatividad de las empresas”. Lea además:  La inflación en noviembre se situó en 35,8% “La industria […]

9 Dec 14:48 Descifrado 6343485650520567295.html
YouTube Music: Unterbrechungsfreie Wiedergabe wird für die ersten Nutzer ausgerollt – Gapless Playback

YouTube Music unterstützt nun bei vielen Nutzern das Gapless playing, bei dem es keine hörbare Pause zwischen zwei Songs mehr gibt. Der Rollout sollte langsam begonnen haben, es gibt aber einige Voraussetzungen.

9 Dec 17:38 GoogleWatchBlog 386579016392938702.html
Pordenone. Vandali in azione in piazzetta Cavour: denunciati quattro ragazzi di 19 anni

PORDENONE - Sono quattro ragazzi di 19 anni, due residenti a Pordenone e due in provincia di Udine, gli autori dei danneggiamenti e dei vandalismi commessi la notte del 6 dicembre in piazzetta...

9 Dec 16:08 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446069801990.html
PROFILE: Muhammad Nami, a tax consultant, heads Nigeria's FIRS

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday nominated a renowned tax consultant, Muhammad Nami, as the new chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).

9 Dec 15:40 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300741719956.html
Kurioser Unfall: So lange fehlt Mittelfeld-Star Axel Witsel dem BVB

Borussia Dortmund muss für den Rest der Bundesliga-Hinrunde auf Mittelfeld-Star Axel Witsel verzichten. Grund ist ein kurioser Unfall, den der belgische Nationalspieler zu Hause erlitten hat.

9 Dec 13:26 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776937722562.html
Gobierno de Chile anuncia reforma del cuerpo de Carabineros

Esta renovación del cuerpo de Carabineros surge a raíz de las denuncias recibidas por violación a los derechos humanos [1] en las protestas ocurridas en Chile [2].  [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/derechos-humanos [2] https://www.elpopular.pe/tag/chile

9 Dec 14:45 El Popular 1251135763865801992.html
Neuer Supra mit Original-Spoiler vom MKIV

Toyota zeigt mit der Heritage Edition, wie der neue Supra mit dem Heckspoiler und den Rückleuchten des Vorgängers aussieht. 500 PS gibt es obendrauf!

9 Dec 11:15 autobild.de 4230137025539081968.html
Okaya Kaya Shares Endearing Synth-Charged Single "Asexual Wellbeing"

Listen to Okay Kaya's latest endearing single, "Asexual Wellbeing," which arrives with a cryptic video

9 Dec 13:38 Paste Magazine 2077921859547126208.html
How a nuclear plant got hacked

India's Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) publicly admitted they discovered malware on their networks. It likely could have been easily avoided.

9 Dec 11:00 ITworld 4692569784176547415.html
Lightning may have been to blame for Michael Healy-Rae fire, locals say

TD brought to hospital from Kilgarvin for smoke inhalation treatment after small blaze at premises

9 Dec 11:21 The Irish Times 8204772967596387075.html
Jacqueline Jossa wins I'm A Celebrity but leaves viewers heartbroken with 'doormat' comment

Jacqueline Jossa won I'm A Celebrity but left viewers upset with something she said in her interview

9 Dec 13:20 ChronicleLive 1984146900785644131.html
'Marriage Story' review: A somewhat interesting film about the divorce of an uninteresting couple

Noah Baumbach’s 'Marriage Story' gives us a no-holds-barred look at the ugly nature of divorce.

9 Dec 09:53 The New Indian Express 4718288654296177673.html
Creative Sound Blaster G3 USB DAC Amp for Consoles Released

The best source for tech and gaming news, hardware reviews and daily fix of tech. The latest reviews of motherboards, GPUs and much more!

9 Dec 10:52 eTeknix 2326702695478123929.html
Time running out for Trent Boult as New Zealand face Australian challenge

The left-arm quick is recovering from a side strain and is unclear if he will be fit to play the day-night Test in Perth | ESPNcricinfo.com

9 Dec 13:08 ESPNcricinfo 4926159651578987567.html
WhatsApp, come scoprire tutte le chat che il partner ci nasconde

Su WhatsApp tutte le conversazioni sono piene di segreti. Ecco come scovare le chat che il nostro partner tende a nascondere

9 Dec 08:40 tecnoandroid 2573257128189766058.html
Federico Fernandez: 'Newcastle need to build a winning mentality'

The Magpies have claimed seven of the last nine points available to them.

9 Dec 10:51 Sports Mole 7750663361163814563.html
Farm burglar who stole quad bikes and vehicles in 'prolific' spree has found God

Jeffrey Bevan stole quad bikes, tools and pick-ups in a spree of thievery but told a judge he has now found God, and feels ashamed of what he did.

9 Dec 17:38 Wales Online 7686550515677236553.html
Revocata la licenza al tassista che ha aggredito un cliente con un pugno in faccia a Fiumicino

"Episodio intollerabile. Non faremo sconti a nessuno", ha dichiarato la sindaca di Roma Virginia Raggi

9 Dec 14:34 L'HuffPost 5315551422787834063.html
Kommentar: Auch in Serbien ist Handke nicht unumstritten

Im zerfallenen Jugoslawien wird Peter Handke kaum gelesen, sondern vor allem als Freund Serbiens wahrgenommen.

9 Dec 16:58 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700219575808.html
Tamil Nadu Couple Gets Bouquet Of Onion As Wedding Gift, Picture Goes Viral

In a picture that has now gone viral, a married couple can be seen holding the bouquet of onions while being surrounded by their friends.

9 Dec 13:34 India.com 7150386084130814049.html
IeSPA Mengapresiasi Debut Timnas Mobile Legends Indonesia di SEA Games 2019

Timnas Mobile Legends Indonesia meraih medali perak di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 10:00 Bola.com 1695722604646600810.html
Un debate plural sobre derechos humanos en Cuba

Dialogarán en la Universidad de La Habana sobre derechos humanos y su correlato en deberes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional

9 Dec 09:37 Trabajadores 1167277447622632524.html
Delegacija Skupštine na skupu o borbi protiv korupcije

DOHA - Delegacija Narodne skupštine učestvuje na 7. Globalnoj konferenciji parlamentaraca protiv korupcije u Dohi, koja se održava 9. i 10. decembra, a

9 Dec 13:49 Krstarica 4176903988540696394.html
Cadillac will help you shop for cars in a live virtual showroom

But you're still forced to go through a dealership when you want to buy.

9 Dec 09:00 Engadget 96641515618392313.html
Tod im Krankenhaus: Warum so viele Deutsche nicht zu Hause sterben

Viele Menschen sterben dort, wo sie nicht sterben möchten: Im Krankenhaus. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig – von sinnlosen Operationen bis zu schlechter Kommunikation zwischen Arzt und Patient.

9 Dec 09:02 T-Online 5460876210808139247.html
Kraljevo prodaje šest hektara zemljišta privrednicima tog grada

KRALJEVO - Gradsko veće grada Kraljeva formiralo je stručnu komisiju za procenu i prodaju građevinskog zemljišta u svojini grada na lokaciji pored

9 Dec 15:14 Krstarica 4176903988935782882.html
Macy’s Spotlights Women-Owned Businesses With SoGifted

Macy's is partnering with the female-led millennial venture capital fund SoGal Ventures to launch an in-store initiative focused on women-owned businesses.

9 Dec 15:39 PYMNTS.com 7357138826221826810.html
Eleventh hour plea for soldiers who fired shots at Ballymurphy to come forward

The call was made during closing submissions at inquests into the disputed shootings of 10 people in west Belfast in August 1971.

9 Dec 16:10 Shropshire Star 3480199992745104578.html
Teen cited after falling asleep at wheel, crashing vehicle into corn field, deputies say

An Illinois teen was cited after his vehicle was found abandoned in the middle of a corn field, according to a release by the Green County Sheriff's Office.

9 Dec 15:12 CHANNEL3000 830332542771165564.html
Robin van Galen in FC Rijnmond

Robin van Galen is maandagmiddag te gast in FC Rijnmond. De succesvolle waterpolocoach en bestuurslid van Excelsior bespreekt samen met Emile Schelvis en Ruud van Os het afgelopen voetbalweekend.

9 Dec 08:14 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227228449351.html
School adds laundry room to help struggling students, combat absences

An Arizona school has added a laundry room to its campus to help underprivileged students who didn’t want to come to school because they didn’t have clean clothes.

9 Dec 14:25 Fox 4 8372747777747903586.html
Google Chrome: Der Browser bekommt einen integrierten QR-Code-Generator – so wird er aktiviert

Google Chrome kann nun auch QR-Codes zum Teilen von Webseiten verwenden. Aktuell befindet sich die Funktion noch in der Entwicklung, lässt sich aber bereits aktivieren.

9 Dec 11:40 GoogleWatchBlog 386579017611942595.html
Lobeshymne für Manuela Zinsberger

Für ÖFB-Teamtorhüterin Manuela Zinsberger läuft es bei ihrem neuen Klub Arsenal WFC prächtig

9 Dec 14:30 weltfussball.at 3521376372149596238.html
Delhi's Anaj Mandi area fire: Search for missing Bihar teenager ends in morgue

Acquaintances and relatives of the teenager, hailing from Bihar's Samastipur, had been frantically searching for him since Sunday morning, saying he was present inside the ill-fated building.

9 Dec 16:06 The New Indian Express 4718288653656221586.html
Webcam live feed showed tourists inside New Zealand volcano right before it erupted and killed at least 5, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The webcam photograph was taken at 2:10 p.m. local time, just a minute before the eruption started. The fate of the people in the picture is unclear.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 10:15 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757054208149.html
CSJ autoriza apoyo técnico al Consejo de la Carrera Judicial

La Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) autorizó el apoyo técnico al Consejo de la Carrera Judicial, esto para que lleve a cabo las evaluaciones a jueces y magistrados.

9 Dec 13:27 Publinews 8987875303967455012.html
Conor McGregor UFC News: Notorious lifts weights and trains boxing ahead of Cerrone fight

The Irishman returns to the octagon on January 18th

9 Dec 09:34 Irish Mirror 2875825630128282090.html
Could Obesity Alter a Child's Brain Structure?

Overweight and obese children tend to have a thinner prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain associated with decision-making and problem-solving.

9 Dec 15:00 WebMD 4010151887739353645.html
Una Francia paralizada se dirige hacia la segunda jornada de movilización nacional

La huelga de los trabajadores del transporte en las principales ciudades, que se mantiene desde el jueves pasado, da una sensación de paralización en toda Francia. Mientras tanto se prepara la nueva jornada de movilización nacional para este martes, contra la reforma de pensiones de Macron.

9 Dec 16:00 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572730095633538.html
Rutherglen car park sealed off after murder bid

The incident happened on Sunday night

9 Dec 14:56 dailyrecord 552235479996139898.html
Microsoft: 44 Millionen unsichere Kunden-Passwörter

Microsoft hat herausgefunden, dass rund 44 Millionen Passwörter seiner Nutzer unsicher sind. Viele Nutzer müssen jetzt ein neues Passwort vergeben.

9 Dec 09:43 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535189487014330.html
Robredo report on administration’s drug war not meant to disparage anyone

Vice President Leni Robredo has no intention to discredit anyone from the administration upon the release of her findings on the drug war after the 30th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, her spokesperson assured.

9 Dec 13:06 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199765016566.html
Councillors raise whopping £25k for local charities after taking on three peaks challenge

The proceeds were donated to homelessness charity Big Change and the We Love MCR Charity

9 Dec 09:00 men 6694993429649144065.html
Carmen Di Pietro Instagram, allenamento equivoco in palestra: «La mia posizione preferita»

Focosa, per certi versi eccessiva: Carmen Di Pietro riflette alcuni lati della propria personalità nell’allenamento in palestra condiviso su Instagram.

9 Dec 14:41 UrbanPost 2450570492470498077.html
College soccer: Stanford beats North Carolina for women's title

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- No. 1 Stanford won the 2019 women's College Cup soccer title by beating No. 2 North Carolina in a penalty kick session.

9 Dec 14:54 UPI 8257973865229682691.html
Unicredit: Goldman Sachs alza target price

La banca d'investimento americano ha gradito il nuovo piano Team 23, ed ha premiato l'istituto di piazza Gae Aulenti aumentando il tp.

9 Dec 10:37 InvestireOggi 7231367743272326846.html
Opinion: MMA media should not equate criticism with cruelty

MMA media criticism is not only needed, it should be welcomed.

9 Dec 16:00 Bloody Elbow 2261336759571710927.html
Russland für vier Jahre vom Weltsport gesperrt

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat im Skandal um manipulierte Daten harte Sanktionen gegen Russland verhängt.

9 Dec 12:44 Berner Zeitung 1248949325331469100.html
Kyrgios und Zverev sagen beim Stuttgarter ATP-Turnier zu

Nach Topspieler Alexander Zverev hat auch Australiens Nick Kyrgios seine Startzusage für das ATP-Turnier im kommenden Jahr in Stuttgart gegeben.

9 Dec 14:22 sport.de 3321967092268311715.html
Russia hit with four-year Olympic and World Cup ban over doping

Russia was banished from the Olympics and other international competitions for four years on Monday over a persistent doping scandal, a decision that also threatens to turn President Vladimir Putin and top Kremlin officials into global sporting pariahs.

9 Dec 10:56 BNN 3833521688598494902.html
- Positive signaler

Ingrid Martinussen blir trolig løslatt i morgen.

9 Dec 08:50 Dagbladet.no 3042595686585365907.html
Omicidio Sacchi, il testimone oculare squarcia il velo di omertà

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:02 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206497177474.html
DFB-Direktor Oliver Bierhoff befürwortet Russland-Sperre: "Mit Sicherheit konsequent"

Die vierjährige WADA-Sperre gegen Russland betrifft auch den Fußball: Bei der WM 2022 dürfte die russische Nationalmannschaft nicht unter eigener Flagge spielen. DFB-Direktor Oliver Bierhoff hat die Strafe gegen Russland auf SPORTBUZZER-Nachfrage befürwortet.

9 Dec 15:29 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775923382551.html
North Korea calls Donald Trump 'thoughtless', 'sneaky old man' over tweets

Kim has said North Korea will seek a new way if the US maintains its sanctions and pressure, and issued the deadline for the Trump administration to offer mutually acceptable terms for a deal.

9 Dec 10:20 Business-Standard 1502508924809132404.html
Bluttat am Bahnhof Voerde: Mann soll wohl in Psychiatrie

Staatsanwaltschaft geht davon aus, dass der Mann, der Frau am Bahnhof Voerde getötet haben soll, eingeschränkt oder auch ganz schuldunfähig ist.

9 Dec 11:11 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220727388204.html
Arjun Kapoor’s Panipat Faces Protests At Several Places In Rajasthan; CM Ashok Gehlot Urges Censor Board To Intervene

The protest against film Panipat for portraying king Surajmal in bad light escalated when protesters smashed window glasses of the Inox cinema hall here on Monday. Also, the show at Raj Mandir, the re

9 Dec 14:21 Koimoi 5184275670913958436.html
UFFICIALE il Team PES Juve con tre giocatori professionisti: ecco chi sono

E' ufficiale: nasce il team PES Juventus, composto da tre giocatori professionisti. A lanciare la squadra è stata proprio la Juventus tramite i propri account social ufficiali. I bianconeri

9 Dec 11:30 il BiancoNero 8980755941150918725.html
Black Widow: What We Learned From Reading Every Comic She's Appeared In

The Black Widow's long and complicated history hides a lot of details casual readers may have never known.

9 Dec 11:12 CBR.com 1295516962466613814.html
Bitcoin in wait-and-see mode as downward trend persists

With Bitcoin’s wild price swings subsiding over the past week, investors are now looking ahead to its next potential breakout.

9 Dec 16:11 BNN 3833521688168567367.html
VINCENZO MONTELLA ESONERATO?/ Fiorentina in crisi profonda: ultimatum di Commisso

Vincenzo Montella esonerato da Fiorentina? Quarta sconfitta consecutiva: è crisi. "Vado avanti, serve pazienza", dice allenatore. Commisso lancia ultimatum.

9 Dec 12:35 IlSussidiario 495412294791567651.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.

9 Dec 11:13 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636530990265.html
Dr Miriam Stoppard: "HRT benefits could outweigh risk of getting breast cancer"

A report was published saying that HRT increased the risk of breast cancer but little was said about the magnitude of that increase in risk

9 Dec 17:08 Irish Mirror 2875825628137873484.html
Universities great hubs of ideas, but not ivory towers: President Ram Nath Kovind

As Utkal University celebrates completion of 75 years of its existence, President Kovind said, it is time to take stock of its achievements and the areas where further improvements are possible.

9 Dec 08:14 The Indian Express 2885715104096482100.html
Anthony Joshua: Heavyweight champion raps as he show skills outside boxing

Anthony Joshua proves he is more than boxing after the heavyweight champion was seen showing skill in rapping in what in an heartwarming moment defining him as multi-talented ambitious young man.

9 Dec 09:56 Legit 3764253650505450916.html
Keep your villagers content with these Dragon Quest Builders 2 recipes

All the ingredients you need for a happy home.

9 Dec 16:43 PC Gamer 9149753394829083634.html
Spiele-Entwicklung: Das lange Warten auf die Games-Förderung

Weil das Interesse an der Spieleförderung so groß ist, kommt das BMVI mit der Bearbeitung nicht hinterher. Gerade kleine Spielefirmen sitzen auf heißen Kohlen.

9 Dec 12:30 heise online 1766193382374657573.html
Why me? Julius Malema fumes at questions over his lifestyle

EFF leader Julius Malema has slammed critics who question his taste for the good life while claiming to represent the poor.

9 Dec 15:04 TimesLIVE 7950036620075592381.html
De olho na lavanderia do dinheiro de propina

Policiais federais escalados para investigar alvos da Operação Faroeste desconfiam que suspeitos de montar um esquema de grilagem de terras por meio da suposta venda de sentenças usaram as ligações com o corpo diplomático de Guiné-Bissau para lavar di...

9 Dec 12:36 Correio 5185786712053716037.html
Bei Sinabelkirchen: Südautobahn nach Unfall gesperrt

Auch Lkw an Unfall beteiligt. Es gibt bereits Stau.

9 Dec 11:11 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700732602512.html
Minecraft Bedrock Edition out this week with PS4 crossplay

It looks like Sony has finally given in when it comes to crossplay on Minecraft, with a new Bedrock Edition coming to PS4 this week.

9 Dec 09:47 Metro 970161746995245528.html
Smith wants MCG to retain Boxing Day test

Australia's batting mainstay Steve Smith is confident the Boxing Day test against New Zealand will be played on a safe, quality pitch at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and does not want the venue

9 Dec 13:57 Deccan Herald 2027555797744485698.html
Investigating These Grisly Unsolved Murders In America's Heartland Changed My Life

It took the mother of a murdered child to permit me to forgive myself.

9 Dec 14:00 HuffPost 5982769916290630657.html
How people in leprosy colonies are fighting stigma for a life of dignity

While leprosy is curable and early treatment checks disabilities, the stigma associated with the disease continues to run deep. In 2017, there were 2.1 lakh new leprosy cases registered globally — India accounted for over half of them, according to the National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP).

9 Dec 12:39 The Indian Express 2885715104388321879.html
Morosow fixierte mit sieben Mal Gold neuen Rekord

Der Russe Wladimir Morosow hat bei den zu Ende gegangenen Kurzbahn-Europameisterschaften der Schwimmer in Glasgow mit sieben Goldmedaillen einen neuen Rekord aufgestellt. Die Bestmarke an Titeln bei einer der bisher 20 EM-Veranstaltungen hatte bisher die Ungarin Katinka Hosszu mit sechmal Gold und einmal Silber gehalten. Sechsmal Gold gelang diesmal auch Morosows Landsmann Kliment Kolesnikow.

9 Dec 11:41 NÖN.at 2486998931610586472.html
Walmart Chile decide no persistir en recursos de protección contra saqueos

Desde el 18 de octubre pasado, la cadena ha sufrido más de 1.300 incidentes, con 128 locales saqueados, 35 quemados y 18 completamente destruidos, por lo que en total hay 97 supermercados cerrados.

9 Dec 13:14 24Horas.cl 793283384797118309.html
Zootecnia, arriva il veterinario aziendale: più controlli su malattie

AOSTA. La giunta regionale della Valle d'Aosta ha approvato nei giorni scorsi un programma integrato di assistenza veterinaria presentato dall'Anaborava, l'Associazione degli allevatori di bovini di razza valdostana. Il programma prevede l'introduzione del veterinario aziendale. Questa figura, prevista dalla normativa nazionale, consentirà uno scambio di informazioni tra gli allevatori e le autorità del settore veterinario, svolgendo così un ruolo importante nel monitoraggio delle malattie degli animali destinati alla produzione di alimenti. Mauro Baccega, assessore regionale alla sanità, spiega: «è in via di ultimazione da parte del Ministero della Salute un sistema informativo, denominato ClassyFarm, con cui si intende effettuare a livello nazionale una categorizzazione standardizzata degli allevamenti in base al rischio. Pertanto, è importante che anche in Valle d’Aosta il veterinario aziendale possa accedervi inserendo informazioni relative all'allevamento seguito e attraverso cui poter effettuare l'elaborazione…

9 Dec 09:45 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643362478762.html
Webcam live feed showed tourists inside New Zealand volcano right before it erupted and killed at least 5

A photograph from a webcam operated by the New Zealand geological hazards agency GeoNet shows a group of people inside the crater of the White Island volcano moments before it erupted.

9 Dec 10:15 Business Insider Australia 5575934301398169749.html
Viscontis Nazidrama „Die Verdammten“ als groteskes Puppenspiel

Schnee fällt, kaum dass sich der schwere Vorhang im Kölner Depot 1 geöffnet hat, auf alle Lebenden und Toten und alle lebenden Toten. Schnee bedeckt Tannen links und rechts der nächtlichen Villa, von der nur noch eine aufgebrochene Ruine übrig geblieben ist. Bedeckt folglich auch deren Galerie, deren Treppenstufen und Mobiliar, hat als Lawine die Fenster durchbrochen und den größten Teil eines Konzertflügels unter sich begraben. Eulen heulen, Winde wehen, Gewitterlichter flackern ahnungsvoll. Die Toten liegen vor der Szene, auch sie völlig eingeschneit. Jetzt erheben sie sich zombiehaft, bucklige Gruselgestalten, halb Geisterbahnerschrecker, halb Droogs aus Kubricks „A Clockwork ...

9 Dec 17:30 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567932800852.html
Tödlicher Ausflug: Taumelte auf Weihnachtsmarkt herum: Betrunkener Waschbär in Erfurt erschossen

Ein vermutlich alkoholisierter Waschbär hat seinen Ausflug auf den Erfurter Weihnachtsmarkt mit dem Leben bezahlt. Ein Jäger habe das taumelnde Tier getötet, sagte der Sprecher der Stadt, Daniel Baumbach, am Montag.

9 Dec 17:03 FOCUS Online 4448121229986293231.html
Amazon's NHS Collaboration Will See the US Company Get Access to Medical Data for Free

It turns out that the government's deal with Amazon to provide medical date for Alexa to parrot at people is a bit shit for the NHS.

9 Dec 12:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001413150723.html
Book prize judge alleges co-jurors did not finish reading shortlist

Lesley McDowell was one of five judges for the Saltire Scottish fiction book of the year, but claims gender bias slanted decision against Lucy Ellmann

9 Dec 14:48 the Guardian 1491978794678141391.html
7 Gaya Iis Dahlia dan Sang Suami saat Liburan, Selalu Mesra

Beberapa waktu belakangan ini, suami Iis Dahlia jadi sorotan.

9 Dec 10:15 liputan6.com 5422146881600271026.html
Experts to use AI to finish Beethoven's unfinished 10th symphony

An international team of musicologists, the pianist Robert Levin and computer experts are to use Beethoven's fragmentary notes for his unfinished 10th...

9 Dec 09:53 DAILY SABAH 8383944808714919716.html
Hessische Ministerin soll Klinik-Betriebsräte hören

Verdi kritisiert den Umgang Angela Dorns mit der Belegschaft der privatisierten Uniklinik Gießen-Marburg. Sie rede nur mit der Geschäftsleitung.

9 Dec 17:22 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323546069834.html
FIRST PICTURE Of Legendary Singer Lata Mangeshkar Post 28 Days Of Hospitalisation

After recovering from pneumonia, the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar was back home on Sunday. Today a picture of the singer was shared on the social media surrounded by the nurses who took care of her during her treatment for 28 days. The singer definitely looks hale and hearty!

9 Dec 13:30 SPOTBOYE 1547816856717443898.html
Manchester teacher reveals what it's really like to work in a secondary school

Joshua Griffiths has been helped along the way by the Chartered College of Teaching

9 Dec 09:41 men 6694993428830091456.html
Sabet Pemeran Utama Pria Terbaik Piala Citra 2019, Muhammad Khan Dapat Apresiasi Shah Rukh Khan

WE Online, Jakarta - Muhammad Khan berhasil mengalahkan aktor-aktor besar dalam kategori Pemeran Utama Pria Terbaik Piala Citra 2019 dalam Festival FIlm Indonesia. Dalam pidato kemenangannya, Muhammad Khan mempersembahkan kemenangannya untuk sang idola, Shah Rukh Khan.

9 Dec 13:37 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835869034888.html
Surf+Yoga+Sup: PETTIROSSO camp a Lanzarate

SURF+YOGA+SUP: dal 5 al 12 Gennaio 2020 Pettirosso Surf School ha organizzato un camp esclusivo a Lanzarote, nelle isole Canarie: pacchetto base da 140 euro

9 Dec 12:05 4ActionSport 8533118563034078316.html
Netflix lo vuole pi


9 Dec 12:50 DAGOSPIA 6533336738803814427.html
Elevan a juicio una causa contra el saliente intendente de Valle Hermoso

Fue resuelto por la Fiscalía de Cosquín. Una denuncia por presuntas irregularidades en ese municipio de Punilla había sido presentada por miembros del Tribunal de Cuentas. También está imputado el...

9 Dec 15:14 La Voz 6237180761042283256.html
Google homenajea lotería mexicana con doodle interactivo

El buscador muestra un gráfico compuesto por las cartas del árbol, corazón, mundo y la chalupa

9 Dec 16:45 El Informador 103545928029596966.html
Last van een losliggende stoeptegel? Stuur een foto naar de gemeente

Wie in Arnhem een losse stoeptegel, afvaldumpingen of een kapotte lantaarnpaal ziet, kan voortaan een stuk eenvoudiger een melding maken. De gemeente gebruikt daarvoor een nieuwe app: Fixi.

9 Dec 15:30 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614352834563.html
Sorry Jake Gyllenhaal, but the British musical is alive and kicking

With shows such as Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, Six and The Boy in the Dress, the musical is in rude health in this country – whether Broadway knows it or not

9 Dec 15:20 the Guardian 1491978794618213478.html
Wiener mit zwölf Pythons im Kofferraum gestoppt

Nicht schlecht gestaunt haben Beamten bei einer Polizeikontrolle am Wochenende bei Kittsee im Burgenland, als sie in den Kofferraum des Autos eines ...

9 Dec 11:33 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092590560267.html
Vienas iš Portugalijos futbolo vadovų dalijosi patirtimi su Lietuvos specialistais

Vilniuje surengtoje futbolo konferencijoje dalyvavęs dabartinis Portugalijos futbolo techninis direktorius Jose Couceiro taip pat apsilankė ir Lietuvos futbolo federacijoje, kur su federacijos techninio departamento darbuotojais bei nacionalinių rinktinių treneriais aptarė futbolo vystymo gerąją patirtį.

9 Dec 17:14 EURO FOOTBALL 925125274094195727.html
SMS und Email: Vorsicht beim unüberlegten Einsatz von Emojis

Kleine Bildchen bringen schon lange Farbe in die Bleiwüsten vieler E-Mails. Doch Vorsicht: Es gibt es auch eine Schattenseite? FOCUS-Online-Rechtsexperte Tobias Klingelhöfer erklärt, die Grenzen der Emoji Nutzung.

9 Dec 09:42 FOCUS Online 4448121230506800557.html
Maddison bliski podpisania nowego kontraktu z Leicester City

Jak informują angielskie media, James Maddison jest o krok od podpisania nowej umowy z Leicester City. Angielski pomocnik jest przymierzany między innymi do Manchesteru United.

9 Dec 11:12 DevilPage.pl 5381987153676246003.html
Russia has been banned from competing in international sports for 4 years after an investigation by the World Anti-Doping Agency

The ban means the country will be unable to compete at the 2020 Olympics in Toyko, the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing.

9 Dec 14:35 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748608556878.html
Russia has been banned from competing in international sports for 4 years after an investigation by the World Anti-Doping Agency

Russia has been banned from competing in international sports for four years after an investigation from the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) was concluded.

9 Dec 11:40 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884087594830.html
Dengue fever claims another life in Karachi

KARACHI: Dengue fever has claimed another life in Karachi city in a private hospital during the last 24 hours, taking the death toll from this mosquito-borne disease to 46 since January 01, 2019.

9 Dec 17:37 Pakistan Today 6621510368838261598.html
Lulu Hypermarket's annual pet show is back

Paws and Tails is taking place at the Al Barsha branch in Dubai

9 Dec 15:32 Time Out Dubai 1956550808660535573.html
„Schweden-Studie“ falsch: E-Auto-Batterien erzeugen weniger Emissionen als bisher angenommen

Die kontrovers diskutierte „Schweden-Studie“ ist falsch: Die beiden [...]

9 Dec 14:57 Trending Topics 3345568774642367723.html
Diners barred for life over video showing them 'snorting drugs' at city restaurant

Police are investigating after the video was circulated on social media

9 Dec 17:25 Liverpool Echo 7727211173072955722.html
Huelga por pensiones paraliza el tráfico parisino

Los parisinos trataban de llegar a trabajar este lunes pese a los extraordinarios atascos de tráfico, mientras la huelga para defender las pensiones paralizaba trenes y metro por quinto día

9 Dec 11:53 El Universo 8365175796812836566.html
Senior N.Korean official warns Trump to quit abusive language that may offend N.Korean leader

SEOUL, Dec 9 — A senior North Korean official said in a statement today that US President Donald Trump should stop using abusive language that may further offend North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Ri Su Yong, a vice chairman of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, said Trump should think twice if...

9 Dec 13:44 Malaymail 302165936553470946.html
African governments struggle to turn around loss-making airlines

However, Ethiopian Airlines has bucked the trend.

9 Dec 12:33 Moneyweb 1092550946221025577.html
Algeria Youth Scorn 'Dinosaur' Old Guard Ahead of Polls

Algeria's contentious presidential election campaign is highlighting the deep gulf between young people at the heart of a street protest movement and an aging elite they see as clinging to power. The poll, set for Thursday, will see five candidates,

9 Dec 15:30 Asharq AL-awsat 7659934027893108.html
Rev. Obofour hints to name TMA officials who took bribe from him

The leader and founder of Anointed Palace Chapel Rev. Obofour has hinted that he will in the coming days list the name of some corrupt officia

9 Dec 16:51 GHANA PAGE 8986860742335301320.html
Double defeat for Bristol Flyers in opening weekend of the league

A disappointing weekend for the Flyers, who couldn't replicate their recent cup form

9 Dec 16:08 BristolLive 4740742017206126433.html
Balz Muller, la danza del Wing

Il nuovo video di Balz Muller mentre danza con il suo wing in Brasile.

9 Dec 15:09 4ActionSport 8533118561477306581.html
Celtic player a reported target for English clubs and is also wanted by England national team

Celtic youngster Armstrong Okoflex is being monitored by a string of English clubs, according to reports.

9 Dec 09:50 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489203290507.html
Medvedev: Postoje problemi sa dopingom u ruskom sportu

GORKI - Premijer Dmitrij Medvedev, nakon odluke Svetske anti-doping agencije (WADA) da ruskim sportistima zabrani učešće na svim međunarodnim takmičenjima

9 Dec 14:03 Krstarica 4176903988201359852.html
Bloqueo del transporte marca la quinta jornada de huelga en Francia por reforma previsional

Según relatan los transeúntes, la situación es peor que la semana pasada, cuando comenzaron las movilizaciones en contra del proyecto presentado por el Presidente Emmanuel Macron.

9 Dec 12:15 Emol 3328490601626038887.html
After knife attack on Appalachian Trail, Canadian hiker shares plan to finish trek

MONCTON, N.B. - Kirby Morrill has loved sports since she was a young girl. At the University of New Brunswick, she was a rugby star, celebrated for her "off

9 Dec 09:00 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244258722404.html
Falling Rail Traffic Makes Union Pacific A Sell

UNP warned Q4 rail traffic could fall by double digits. Revenue could decline slightly less.UNP expects its 2020 operating ratio to remain below 60%, which is stellar.Cost cutting may not fully protec

9 Dec 16:40 Seeking Alpha 5725634557303420055.html
Armato di estintore tenta di rapinare un distributore di benzina: in manette 29enne

La scorsa notte, i Carabinieri del Nucleo Radiomobile di Roma hanno arrestato, per tentato furto aggravato e continuato, un 29enne originario di Pisa, già noto alle forze dell’ordine. Il ladro dopo aver infranto con un estintore la vetrata dell’ufficio ha cercato di impossessarsi del fondo cassa del distributore di carburante, di via Gasparri in quel […]

9 Dec 16:22 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338737109998.html
Russia has been barred from competing in international sports for 4 years after an investigation by the World Anti-Doping Agency, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The ban means the country will be unable to compete at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, and the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 11:40 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757503164238.html
Hunsur win: Siddaramaiah's clout works only in Mysuru

The victory of Congress candidate HP Manjunath in the bypoll in the Hunsur Assembly constituency emerged as the victory of ex-chief minister Siddaramaiah. However, this lone victory for the Congress

9 Dec 16:44 Deccan Herald 2027555795965732294.html
Europaabgeordnete: Apple untergräbt Völkerrecht mit "russischer" Krim

Apple müsse die Zuordnung der Krim zu Russland in seinem Kartendienst zurücknehmen, fordern mehrere Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments.

9 Dec 17:44 Mac & i 1766193382973086036.html
Webcam live feed showed tourists inside New Zealand volcano right before it erupted and killed at least 5

The webcam photograph was taken at 2:10 p.m. local time, just a minute before the eruption started. The fate of the people in the picture is unclear.

9 Dec 10:15 Yahoo 7097669638624121073.html
10 Forgotten Rankin/Bass Christmas Specials

'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' and 'Frosty the Snowman' are Christmas classics, but history hasn't been as kind to all of Rankin/Bass's television specials.

9 Dec 15:00 Mentalfloss 5757864790431985298.html
Germania, Merkel traballa sulla patrimoniale. Ma nessuno può votare adesso

All'orizzonte si profila un ulteriore scontro con la Cdu di Angela Merkel che rischia di scuotere ancora di più la già traballante Grosse Koalition

9 Dec 09:53 Affari Italiani 6123405402470161889.html
Messi will be impossible to replace, says Barcelona president Bartomeu

Josep Maria Bartomeu will offer Lionel Messi a lifetime contract at Barcelona and knows it will be difficult to replace the talisman.

9 Dec 10:47 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907053032480.html
AC Milan make approach for Barcelona defender Jean-Clair Todibo?

AC Milan allegedly hold an interest in signing Barcelona defender Jean-Clair Todibo during the January transfer window.

9 Dec 13:42 Sports Mole 7750663361443237886.html
Directeur Bologna: Zlatan komt niet naar ons

Zlatan Ibrahimovic gaat niet bij Bologna voetballen. De club uit de Italiaanse Serie A was een van de zeer geïnteresseerde partijen die de 38-jarige Zweedse spits wilden inlijven. "Hij heeft andere keuzes gemaakt", zegt Walter Sabatini, directeur van Bologna, tegen Tuttomercatoweb.

9 Dec 16:06 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654047709692977.html
Wie ist der Stand bei der Heliosschule in Ehrenfeld?

Die inklusive Universitätsschule mit ihren offenen Lernlandschaften ist das ambitionierteste unter allen Kölner Schulbauprojekten.

9 Dec 14:43 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569481843071.html
NZ Volcano Erupts: At Least Five Dead, Authorities Warn to Brace for More

A volcano erupted in New Zealand on Monday, leaving five people dead and 50 more more unaccounted for, local police said.

9 Dec 12:24 Breitbart 3148363491959995052.html
Day 5 of public transport chaos as French strike bites

PARIS: French commuters and tourists braced for a fifth day of public transport chaos Monday (Dec 9) as the government prepared to respond to ...

9 Dec 10:46 CNA 5644198863521817882.html
IAEA Got No Invitation From North Korea to Visit Nyongbyon Nuclear Test Site - Grossi

VIENNA (Sputnik) - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has not received any invitation from Pyongyang to visit the Nyongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Centre, the new director-general of the organisation, Rafael Grossi, has said in an interview.

9 Dec 13:06 Sputniknews 967333868284158322.html
Natalie Nunn begs husband to return amid Dan Osborne sex slurs after I'm A Celeb concludes

Natalie Nunn has posted a declaration of love addressed to her husband, who reportedly dumped her after claims she had a threesome with Dan Osborne

9 Dec 12:31 Irish Mirror 2875825629814744364.html
Fire near Gallagher's

UPDATE: 2:00 p.m. Platoon captain John Kelly confirmed the homeowner was present at the time of the fire.

9 Dec 14:00 Castanet 616068603377446687.html
Anuncia coesvi plan de construcción vertical en pleno centro

Chihuahua.- Carlos Borruel Baquera, titular de la Comisión Estatal de Vivienda Suelo e Infraestructura anunció el inicio en breve de la construcción de vivienda vertical en el Centro, donde comenzará un plan piloto junto con Fovissste. 

9 Dec 16:12 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558735687744.html
Lance McDaniel, executive director of Oklahoma's deadCenter Film, announces plans to step down

In accordance with best practices, deadCenter is opening up the executive director position to all interested applicants.

9 Dec 13:34 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760470404372.html
Our Oceans Are Losing Oxygen At A Shocking Rate

The world’s oceans are becoming parched of oxygen at an unprecedented rate. A new IUCN report, released this weekend at the UN's Conference of the Parties

9 Dec 12:46 IFLScience 242791748785278667.html
Campo petrolero Quesqui superó expectativas de reservas petroleras | Entérate

Octavio Romero Oropeza, director de Petróleos Mexicanos, afirmó que el campo petrolero Quesqui, en Tabasco, tenía perspectivas de almacenar 40 millones de barriles, pero tras perforar un pozo exploratorio comprobaron reservas por 500 millones de barriles, por lo cual el yacimiento ya se puede calificar como gigante.

9 Dec 15:07 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496040107570.html
Olimpiadi | Doping, Russia squalificata per quattro anni

Sanzione pesantissima contro Mosca, giudicata recidiva nel falsificare i dati dei controlli antidoping sui suoi atleti. L'esclusione riguarda i Giochi estivi di Tokyo 2020 e quelli invernali di Pechino 2022

9 Dec 11:20 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655610243095.html
Procreate 5 brings Animation Assist, rich brush customizations & more

The graphics editor and digital painting app Procreate for iPad by Savage Interactive was bumped to version 5.0 on App Store today, with several new iPad features available in this edition including Animation Assist, Brush Studio and the ability to...

9 Dec 15:36 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243715638520956.html
SunTrust, BB&T banks complete merger, creating Truist

The merger between Atlanta-based SunTrust and Winston-Salem, N.C.-based BB&T has been completed, creating the nation’s sixth-largest bank, serving about 10 million consumer households,...

9 Dec 14:26 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636780654465.html
Insta Love Pours In For Nurkovic After Hat-Trick Heroics

It is highly unlikely that there is a more loved man in Mzansi than Serbian striker Samir Nurkovic following his weekend heroics.

9 Dec 13:30 Soccer Laduma 3901337371705833459.html
Challenges Faced by Running Mining Operations and How to Mitigate Against it  

Whenever bitcoin mining is mentioned, it is normal for the mind to drift towards pickaxes, and getting oneself messed up with dirt while striking it big. Such thoughts aren’t far fetched from the actual meaning of bitcoin mining. 

9 Dec 14:16 BTC Manager 8549607152539398893.html
Schielt Kovac aufden Arsenal-Job?

Sehen wir Niko Kovac schon bald wieder auf der Trainer-Bank? Der Ex-Trainer hat wohl sein Interesse am Job beim FC Arsenal bekundet.

9 Dec 11:54 Bild 8433249907666646959.html
Dopo il colpaccio a Brindisi, la Dinamo pensa al primato

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:49 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206091250726.html
Persib Bidik 3 Poin Melawan Borneo FC

Persib Bandung membidik tiga poin dalam lawatan ke markas Borneo FC.

9 Dec 17:30 Bola.com 1695722603718597225.html
Apple Pay: Commerzbank vor dem Start

Offensichtlich möchte die Commerzbank zeitnah mit Apple Pay durchstarten. Die App ist jedenfalls vorbereitet, tönt davon, dass Apple Pay ...

9 Dec 10:49 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574959306971.html
Ten Hag komt met vervelend nieuws voor Ajax: Promes ontbreekt tegen Valencia

Quincy Promes ontbreekt dinsdag bij Ajax tijdens de wedstrijd tegen Valencia in de Champions League. De aanvaller is niet voldoende hersteld van zijn spierblessure en moet het duel met de Spaanse club laten schieten. Dat meldt Erik ten Hag op de persconferentie voor de wedstrijd. Promes heeft nog teveel last van een spierblessure aan zijn onderbeen. Hij miste hierdoor ook al de wedstrijd tegen Willem II van afgelopen weekend, die resulteerde in een 0-2 nederlaag. "Neres en Labyad waren zeker al weg, Promes zal er morgen zeker niet bij zijn", vertelt Ten Hag. "Het is zoals het is, we hebben nog steeds een selectie met spelers die dit kunnen opvangen."

9 Dec 15:31 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884985040379.html
Robbie Williams nach Überraschung von Ehefrau Ayda Field sprachlos

Ayda Field war inkognito auf einem Kölner Weihnachtsmarkt unterwegs und überraschte ihren Ehemann mit einem Weihnachtsgeschenk.

9 Dec 15:19 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569253012195.html
Não há sobreviventes dizem autoridades neozelandesas

O anúncio foi feito após a realização de vários voos de reconhecimento sobre o vulcão em erupção

9 Dec 10:17 euronews 5294993274130050686.html
Invite Home-Based Players To Eagles, Eguavoen Tells Gernot Rohr

A former Nigerian star Austin Eguavoen has faulted the non-inclusion of home-based players in the Super Eagles team by coach Gernot Rohr.

9 Dec 08:30 Concise 5544636823300306430.html
Doping, Russia fuori dalle Olimpiadi per 4 anni

Russia esclusa delle Olimpiadi: la sanzione choc Wada

9 Dec 10:50 Affari Italiani 6123405403504096030.html
Minecraft PS4 cross-play is finally real as Sony joins Bedrock Edition

Sony PlayStation are finally joining in on Microsoft’s cross-platform version of Minecraft. That’s right, Minecraft PS4 cross-play is no longer a dream! Starting tomorrow, installed versions of Minecraft on PlayStation 4 systems will update to the unified Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Connecting players across Xbox One, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android mobile devices, Gear …

9 Dec 16:22 MSPoweruser 1651641549776225586.html
Hazard knackt Bundesliga-Rekord - Sancho schreibt Geschichte

Mit seinem Treffer zum 2:0 ebnete Thorgan Hazard Borussia Dortmund den Weg zum klaren 5:0 gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf. Doch dieses Tor war für den Spieler des BVB nicht irgendeiner, denn er stellte damit auch einen neuen Bundesliga-Rekord auf.

9 Dec 08:54 weltfussball.at 3521376371168756538.html
Why a journalist’s murder is shaking the Maltese government

The investigation into journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder inspired protests against Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who will resign in January.

9 Dec 13:22 Yahoo 7097669637280681352.html
Rapper Juice WRLD Meninggal Dunia di Usia 21 Tahun

Rapper Juice WRLD meninggal dunia pada Minggu (8/12) setelah dilarikan ke pusat medis usai mendarat di Bandara Internasional Midway Chicago, AS.

9 Dec 10:34 hiburan 6599523173354969329.html
Can a WhatsApp message lead to a binding contract?

An associate unpacks the legal implication of contracts set up via social outlets and what this means to South African law.

9 Dec 10:26 The Citizen 410802300679750567.html
How to make Instagram highlight covers for the Stories Highlights on your profile page, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - It's possible to make Instagram highlight covers for the Stories Highlights displayed on your profile page. Here's how to do it.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:53 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757454899647.html
Tory chairwoman 'tells Muslim shopper her hijab is "offensive" outside Asda'

Barnet Tory chairwoman Fiona Bulmer was asked to stand down after she allegedly made the comments to the Muslim mum - who had asked if she supported Boris Johnson's 'letterbox' niqab comparison

9 Dec 12:59 mirror 675785260887309911.html
White Sox eyeing Castellanos, Ozuna

After an up-and-down 2019 season that featured a slow start in Detroit followed by a white-hot stretch in Chicago, Nicholas Castellanos is testing the free-agent market. Below is a list of the latest news and rumors surrounding the 27-year-old outfielder, who is a free agent this offseason.

9 Dec 17:38 MLB.com 4380584919358770760.html
Presidente de Cuba se reúne con sector empresarial argentino

Presidente de Cuba se reúne con sector empresarial argentino

9 Dec 09:37 cubasi.cu 5416914687058117591.html
Marriage Story and The Irishman deserve awards love, but no Greta Gerwig is heart-sinking

The all-male directors nomination list is dismaying in an awards announcement that has done well by the wonderful Marriage Story

9 Dec 16:11 the Guardian 1491978794484733176.html
After creating new emirates, Ganduje appoints Sanusi as head of Kano chiefs

Abdullahi Ganduje, governor of Kano state, has appointed Muhammadu Sanusi II, emir of Kano, as the head of the council of chiefs. In November, a high court in the state sacked four

9 Dec 08:54 TheCable 7513571674092822708.html
Ravens have far loftier goal than merely making playoffs

OWINGS MILLS, Md. (AP) — A year ago, the Baltimore Ravens earned a trip to the playoffs by squeezing past Cleveland on the final day of the regular season. The...

9 Dec 16:24 The Seattle Times 9121942838185701813.html
Nieuwe BioShock in de steigers!

2K stampt voor de volgende BioShock een nieuwe studio uit de grond. Die heet Cloud Chamber en wij spraken met Kelley Gilmore. Een doorwinterde videogameveterane die het ontwikkelingsteam zal leiden...

9 Dec 15:45 HLN 8967494998565634433.html
Christian Bale nominated for Golden Globe after playing Birmingham racing icon Ken Miles in Le Mans 66

Olivia Colman, Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Helena Bonham Carter are among the other British nominees ahead of the 77th Golden Globe Awards

9 Dec 14:01 birminghammail 8288260685186766072.html
Gentiloni azzarda e va sui giornali tedeschi a parlare male del patto di stabilit


9 Dec 13:54 DAGOSPIA 6533336738651002966.html
The Russian Navy Has Some Problems

Yes, they received 23 new ships this year. That's where the good news ends. 

9 Dec 12:19 The National Interest 7207864704048850297.html
Onderzoek naar mogelijke discriminatie van 13-jarige tegen Son

Haat is blijkbaar iets van alle leeftijden. In Engeland wordt onderzoek gedaan naar een mogelijk racistisch gebaar van een 13-jarige supporter aan het adres van Tottenham Hotspurs-ster Heung-Min Son. Het joch werd in elk geval het stadion uitgegooid door Burnley. Burnley en Spurs doen nu samen met de politie onderzoek naar het incident van afgelopen…

9 Dec 15:19 Sportnieuws 3602982464634739189.html
Deze Mini is duurder dan een Porsche

Een uiterst zeldzame Mini Beach Car is geveild voor 230.000 pond, oftewel 273.000 euro. Voor dat bedrag koop je ook een gloednieuwe Porsche 911.

9 Dec 14:38 HLN 8967494998271049395.html
Cetara: inaugurata la nuova illuminazione permanente della Torre Vicereale / Foto

E’ stata inaugurata ieri, in occasione delle celebrazioni per l’Immacolata, la nuova illuminazione permanente della Torre Vicereale a Cetara. Uno dei simboli del borgo marinaro della Costiera Amalfitana che potrà essere visto sotto una nuova luce da tutti residenti e turisti. Costruita in età angioina con funzioni di avvistamento e di prima difesa, nel corso dei secoli […]

9 Dec 10:49 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382462473688375.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.

9 Dec 10:52 CTVNews 2422791598870440627.html
Rifiutato dai compagni di classe, prende un treno e cerca di scappare in Sicilia

Ad accorgersi della fuga del 15enne il capotreno

9 Dec 17:27 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318190320244.html
Anthony Joshua aims dig at Andy Ruiz Jr after partying admission

Andy Ruiz Jr claimed he was overweight and spent too much time partying after being beaten by Anthony Joshua in their world heavyweight title rematch

9 Dec 09:03 Irish Mirror 2875825628363671071.html
Anthony Joshua aims dig at Andy Ruiz Jr after partying admission

Andy Ruiz Jr claimed he was overweight and spent too much time partying after being beaten by Anthony Joshua in their world heavyweight title rematch

9 Dec 09:03 mirror 675785260281134183.html
Ashfield residents on what is influencing how they will vote in the General Election

'I live in Kirkby-in-Ashfield and that gets virtually nothing'

9 Dec 13:54 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701753504173.html
Jokowi Keluhkan Merek Kopi dan Ayam yang Sering Ada di Rest Area

Presiden Jokowi mengeluhkan sejumlah brand makanan dan minuman ternama yang sering muncul di tempat peristirahatan di jalan tol.

9 Dec 08:46 Tempo 6909074029330165644.html
Amazon acusa a Trump de presiones para negarle un contrato

En una queja formal presentada este lunes ante la Corte Federal de Reclamaciones, en Washington, la compañía que dirige Jeff Bezos acusó al mandatario de haber ejercido "presión inapropiada" sobre el

9 Dec 17:02 Informe21.com 5448175405484937208.html
Troppo smog, a Bologna e dintorni scattano le misure d'emergenza

Dal 10 al 12 dicembre, per il superamento dei livelli di guardia delle pm10

9 Dec 12:17 Repubblica.it 3386398727322387093.html
I'm A Celebrity's Jacqueline Jossa first winner to cancel live TV interviews

I'm A Celebrity winner Jacqueline Jossa will be missing from TV screens after her win on Sunday night

9 Dec 10:50 ChronicleLive 1984146901563549163.html
Supreme Court to hear DMK plea challenging validity of local bodies’ poll notification

It deserves to be set aside for defying reservation procedure, Apex Court told

9 Dec 13:39 The Hindu 6679535024748233421.html
Sonko Suffered Chest Complications, Rib Fractures During Arrest – Lawyer

Nairobi governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko developed serious chest complications after his dramatic arrest on Friday, his lawyer told the court on Monday.Appearing before the anti-corruption court in Nairo

9 Dec 12:03 KahawaTungu 3304128543445970084.html
5 current WWE Superstars who can be excellent announcers just like Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe's stint with commentary has been widely appreciated by the WWE fans. Which other Superstar can follow in his footsteps?

9 Dec 17:39 sportskeeda 1601194029066730392.html
Filipino boxers rule the ring in SEA Games finals

The fifth and final day of the boxing program climaxed with 13 medal bouts at the Philippine International Convention Center Forum in the capital, and the boxing-mad host nation was not disappointed.

9 Dec 16:30 Saudi Gazette 6913978434074697549.html
Trump critica incluso a Fox News por la cobertura del impeachment

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha criticado este domingo a la cadena de televisión Fox News por tratar de complacer al Partido Demócrata al llevar tertulianos de "extrema izquierda"

9 Dec 08:20 Cubadebate 7978633341695673522.html
Alfredo Morelos 'will be haunted' by Rangers miss as Andy Walker questions penalty decision

Former Celtic star was baffled by the striker's choice as Fraser Forster saved his Betfred Cup Final penalty.

9 Dec 17:06 dailyrecord 552235478924257869.html
Auftakt zur Heim-WM geglückt: Die Schweizerinnen schlagen Finnland und Deutschland

An der Heim-WM in Neuenburg darf die Schweizer Unihockey-Nati der Frauen auf einen gelungenen Start zurückblicken. Nach dem 12:1 gegen Deutschland am Samstag schlägt sie am Sonntag Mitfavorit Finnland mit 7:4 und bringt sich in eine gute Ausgangslage.

9 Dec 08:15 bz BASEL 5287163742531194145.html
Factory owner, manager arrested after Indian capital's deadliest fire in 20 years

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Police in New Delhi have arrested the owner and manager of a factory where 43 people died in the Indian capital’s deadliest fire in 20 years, a spokesman said on Monday.

9 Dec 11:43 Reuters 8334514180592945681.html
Modi’s New India Citizenship Law Sparks Panic and Protests

(Bloomberg) -- India’s parliament is set to approve legislation preventing Muslim migrants from neighboring countries from receiving citizenship -- the next step in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s hardline Hindu nationalist program and one that’s seen to go against the nation’s secular constitution.The

9 Dec 09:56 Yahoo 7097669637137036868.html
Los ministros de Macri presentaron su renuncia para la llegada del Gabinete de Fernández

Todos los ministros del presidente Mauricio Macri presentaron hoy sus respectivas renuncias, las cuales se harán efectivas a partir de mañana, para allanar el camino a la llegada del equipo del presidente electo, Alberto Fernández.    Las renuncias fueron publicadas este lunes en el Boletín Oficial.    Entre los firmantes, están el ministro de Agroindustria Luis Miguel Etchevehere, la ministra de Seguridad Patricia Bullrich, de Justicia, Germán Garavano, Defensa, Oscar Aguad, Educación, Alejandro Finocchiaro, Producción y Trabajo, Dante Sica, Cancillería, Jorge Faurie, Transporte, Guillermo Dietrich, Interior, Rogelio Frigerio y Salud y Desarrollo Social, Carolina Stanley.    A partir de este martes asumirán los 21 ministros que Alberto Fernández anunció desde sus oficinas en Puerto Madero.

9 Dec 11:20 El Esquiú 5729181307115773481.html
La Turchia ha rimpatriato 11 sospettati per terrorismo in Francia

La Turchia ha detto di aver rimpatriato 11 sospetti terroristi di nazionalità francese in Francia, parte dei 2.500 stranieri detenuti nelle carceri turche

9 Dec 09:51 Il Post 6291746503127556322.html
Lake Louise ist "Schmidis" neuer Lieblingsort

Österreichs Damen nach Übersee-Tour die Nummer 1 in der Nationenwertung.

9 Dec 15:09 www.laola1.at 837519017971024351.html
Mehr Haushaltsgeräte, weniger Stromverbrauch

Laut einer vom Bundesamt für Energie durchgeführten Analyse gibt es in der Schweiz mehr Elektrogeräte pro Haushalt als noch vor einigen Jahren. Dank technologischen Fortschritten, Förderprogrammen und Mindestanforderungen verbrauchen sie jedoch 914 Millionen Kilowattstunden weniger Strom als 2002.

9 Dec 14:50 www.cetoday.ch 4667961262422088309.html
Pelosi gets standing ovation at Kennedy Center Honors

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received a standing ovation at a Trump-less Kennedy Center Honors late Sunday, which largely stayed away from political talk but had moments that alluded to the tense

9 Dec 11:02 TheHill 355432917931401164.html
Segera Melangkah ke Pelaminan, Boy William Beberkan Konsep Pernikahannya Seperti Film Twilight

Segera melangkah ke pelaminan dengan Karen Vendela, Boy William beberkan konsep pernikahannya akan seperti film Twilight

9 Dec 13:36 grid.id 586386474004252004.html
Homenagem a Moro

Sergio Moro, nesta segunda-feira, é homenageado na Câmara dos Deputados, onde recebe a medalha patriótica ao ritmo de Michael Jackson, em sessão solene para comemorar o Dia Internacional contra a Corrupção...

9 Dec 09:52 O Antagonista 1037429655092623404.html
Japan PM Abe says visit by Iran's Rouhani being arranged

TOKYO — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday his country is arranging a visit by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani because it wants to play a greater role in resolving a nuclear impasse between Tehran and Washington and in relieving tensions in the Middle East, the source of more than 80% of Japan’s oil.

9 Dec 12:27 680News 8014034333738032464.html
Govt limits stock holding for onion retailers to 2 tonnes to curb hoarding

Retail onion prices have risen in the past two months due to short supply owing to fall in production of kharif (summer) crop after heavy rains.

9 Dec 15:30 Business-Standard 1502508924772980583.html
Can you take dogs into polling stations?

Get ready for #dogsatpollingstations.

9 Dec 12:30 Metro 970161748680320264.html
Whopping 550-home development in Plymouth is getting underway

The site clearance follows the removal of the industrial buildings which was given permission in March

9 Dec 17:13 PlymouthLive 6373569607972947284.html
Cavendish confident of getting back to his best with Bahrain-McLaren

The 30-time Tour de France stage winner has joined the newly-branded team.

9 Dec 17:22 Express & Star 7324224459115391407.html
How To Thrive During The Holidays As An Empath, According To A Psychiatrist

During this holiday season, give yourself the gift of quiet spaces.

9 Dec 10:00 mindbodygreen 5822886643619177281.html
Lista de los juegos disponibles en Project xCloud

Project xCloud es uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos de Microsoft de cara a los próximos años. De un modo independiente al desarrollo de la próxima consola, la compañía está trabajando en el servicio basado en la nube, llamado Project xCloud, que todavía se encuentra en su fase beta, pero que pronto pasará a su fase pública.

9 Dec 11:06 SomosXbox 4635940033814765312.html
Terrifying moment huge wheel breaks off a tractor and bounces into the windscreen of a passing car in Russia

The incident took place in Belgorod, southern Russia as the tractor navigated icy roads at a moderate speed. An unlucky car passes the tractor just as the tractor's wheel breaks free from the axle.

9 Dec 15:38 Mail Online 124328111650099582.html
Liverpool Fans, please: Stop point-scoring over the racist Manchester City incident

On Saturday evening, a Manchester City fan was filmed making a monkey gesture at Manchester United’s Fred, with his side 2-0 down at the Etihad. We’ve all seen it. It’s as plain a…

9 Dec 08:14 The Empire of The Kop 4194553101221381542.html
Bergomi: "Bonaventura giocatore fondamentale per il Milan"

Giuseppe Bergomi, intervenuto a Sky Sport, ha parlato di Giacomo Bonaventura, decisivo anche a Bologna: "E' rimasto fuori tanto tempo, è un giocatore fondamentale per questa squadra, fa il centrocampista, arriva, fa gol. Dà equilibrio a tutto il reparto, è un giocatore fondamentale".

9 Dec 16:11 MilanNews.it 6507305920968744379.html
Modi govt's centralised nature doesn't work well for economic reforms, says Raghuram Rajan

Rajan pointed out that extreme centralisation, coupled with lack of empowered ministers and a coherent guiding vision meant reforms picked up steam only when PMO focused on them and lost pace when its attention switched to other pressing issues

9 Dec 10:02 Business Today 1145527431505442485.html
Byte Shop, Toko Pertama yang Menjual Komputer Apple Dibuka 44 Tahun Lalu

Makemac - Sebanyak 50 unit Apple-1 pertama yang dibuat oleh Steve Jobs dan Steve Wozniak dititipkan ke Byte Shop saat itu.

9 Dec 11:00 grid.id 2219816954707603890.html
A Misleading Take on Immigrant, Veterans Health Care

A long-circulating headline on social media misleadingly tells users that Democrats chose to "vote down" a health records system for veterans while approving the same for immigrants who cross the border illegally. The bill in question did not affect veterans.

9 Dec 17:15 FactCheck.org 5460849093334377024.html
China says Uighur Muslims have 'graduated' from camps

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- China claimed ethnic Uighurs once held in detention centers in the western region of Xinjiang have all been released, while criticizing the United States for "attacks and smears."

9 Dec 17:52 UPI 8257973865752340875.html
After knife attack on Appalachian Trail, Canadian hiker shares plan to finish trek

A Canadian woman who was brutally attacked and left for dead on the Appalachian Trail in May has a story of determination, survival, and inspiration.

9 Dec 09:17 CTVNews 2422791598602705874.html
Anglican Church bans use of Aso Ebi at Funerals

The Anglican Church in Obosi, Anambra State has banned ceremonial dresses, popularly referred to as Aso Ebi and printing of brochures during funerals in the church. Ven. Ikechukwu Ihemtuge, Vicar in charge of St. Andrew’s Church, Obosi, disclosed

9 Dec 12:03 LailasNews.com 2090029849572170008.html
Chat-Affäre: Beekhuis wehrt sich vor Gericht

Das Landgericht Aurich verhandelt heute über eine Unterlassungsklage des Landtagsabgeordneten Jochen Beekhuis. Sie richtet sich unter anderem gegen Johanne Modder, Chefin der SPD-Fraktion.

9 Dec 10:43 NDR.de 5356044083107608935.html
Dengue fever in the Cayman Islands: More local cases reported

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews Health officials with the Cayman Islands Public Health Department continue to report locally transmitted dengue fever cases, according to local media.  Three additional autochthonous dengue cases have been reported during the last two weeks, bringing the total number of confirmed dengue cases since in October that were contracted locally to seventeen, with nine …

9 Dec 16:29 Outbreak News Today 5860951887678784539.html
10 Manfaat Daun Kelor untuk Anak, Bisa Mencerdaskan Otak

Daun kelor bisa bantu mencegah dan meredakan penyakit pada anak.

9 Dec 12:55 liputan6.com 5422146879863817329.html
MENA's public, private sectors foster female entrepreneurs' inclusion – Arabnet Report

Mubasher: The proportion of female entrepreneurs across the region stabilised at 14% during the period from 2013 and 2018 despite the governments' initiatives to involve more females in the labour force, according to the 4th edition of the “State …

9 Dec 14:29 english.mubasher.info 8917853138223404116.html
Las cataratas Victoria se quedan sin agua

Esta maravilla natural muestra un descenso en su caudal sin precedentes, alimentando los temores del cambio climático

9 Dec 09:29 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613437398973.html
A University’s Betrayal of Historical Truth

The University of North Carolina agreed to pay the Sons of Confederate Veterans $2.5 million—a sum that rivals the endowment of its history department.

9 Dec 15:15 The Atlantic 100708437350740790.html
Pergi Kalian, Teriak Megawati: Pergi dari Indonesia!

WE Online, Jakarta - Ketua Dewan Pengarah Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri menantang kepada para pengusung ideologi khilafah untuk berdialog di DPR RI. Ia menegaskan jika pengusung khilafah memilih untuk merusak, maka ia meneriakan pergi dari Indonesia.

9 Dec 11:09 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834858843644.html
Biolinky, para agrupar todos nuestros enlaces en solo uno

Si queremos divulgar todos los enlaces de nuestras redes sociales de una sola vez, o todas las webs de nuestros clientes, o trabajos que hayamos realizado, tendremos que usar un agrupador de enlaces, y biolinky es una buena opción. Se trata de una herramienta gratuita en la que podemos crear una página con un grupo

9 Dec 13:33 eju.tv 4688901770155706918.html
Voto Gb: Johnson glissa su dimissioni

Un sondaggio del weekend getta ombre sull'obiettivo Tory di una maggioranza assoluta di seggi alle elezioni britanniche del 12 dicembre, ma il premier Boris Johnson, intervistato dal talk-show di Sophy Ridge su Sky News non si impegna necessariamente a dim... (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:26 ANSA.it 1300837447016744534.html
Reichskriegsflagge: Übeltäter ist ausgeforscht

Die Wiener Austria hat bereits ein Stadionverbot beantragt.

9 Dec 13:33 www.laola1.at 837519018833988399.html
Netherlands reduces terror threat level after six years

AMSTERDAM, Dec 9 — The Dutch national anti-terrorism agency (NCTV) has downgraded the threat of a terror attack in the Netherlands for the first time since 2013. The NCTV said it had reduced the threat level by one notch, to 3 on a scale of 1 to 5, meaning an attack is “conceivable”. The...

9 Dec 14:53 Malaymail 302165934917126430.html
Ap og Sp ber staten overta ansvaret for ambulanseflyene

Arbeiderpartiet mener Babcock har sviktet og er bekymret for beredskapsnivået i Finnmark og Nord-Norge. Senterpartiet ber regjeringen heve kontrakten med selskapet.

9 Dec 10:02 NRK 3631390765757150560.html
FG recording successes in fight against corruption — TUGAR

The Technical Unit on Governance and Anti-Corruption Reforms, TUGAR, Monday, stated that despite the slow judicial process in Nigeria, the...

9 Dec 17:56 Vanguard News 4125100339323829488.html
5 doden en 22 mensen vermist na vulkaanuitbarsting Nieuw-Zeeland


9 Dec 11:52 FunX 667513811826729063.html
Several nuns have stories of abuse: Sister Lucy

Nun’s memoir, Karthavinte Namathil launched in Kochi

9 Dec 17:50 The Hindu 6679535025431974055.html
Vicepresidente viajó a Catar para buscar inversiones y fortalecer relación bilateral

El vicepresidente Otto Sonnenholzner prevé arrancar hoy lunes 9 de diciembre una agenda de actividades en Catar, el octavo país que visita desde que asumió el cargo hace un año. Sonnenholzner viajó

9 Dec 16:07 El Universo 8365175797157990944.html
Man bags two-year jail term for stealing boxers

One Tobechukwu Anyanwu has been sentenced to two years imprisonment for stealing 34 pieces of boxers. According to reports, the 24-year-old was arraigned for stealing male underpants. He was sentenced by A Magistrate Court in Isolo,

9 Dec 14:01 LailasNews.com 2090029850459878077.html
Sindicato francés pide retirar proyecto de reforma de las pensiones

La reforma busca ahorrar dinero a costa de asalariados expresó el secretario de la CGT

9 Dec 15:52 Últimas Noticias 6811287209334710733.html
Friskmelder norsk kjøttdeig

Bare to av 308 prøver norskprodusert kjøtt- og karbonadedeig av storfe inneholdt den farlige varianten av E. coli-bakterier (STEC), ifølge Mattilsynet.

9 Dec 17:00 Dinside 727432623907974634.html
Datenschützer warnt nach Gewalttat vor mehr Videoüberwachung

Nach der Gewalttat in Augsburg warnt ein Datenschützer vor mehr Überwachungskameras.

9 Dec 10:56 TAG24 4583887875356456985.html
BREAKING: Civil society gives FG 14-day ultimatum over Sowore

Friday Olokor, Abuja A coalition of over 200 civil rights organizations on Monday issued a 14-day ultimatum within which President Muhammadu Buhari should show commitment to the rule of law face...

9 Dec 11:43 Punch Newspapers 3524240995924197973.html
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Part 3 Returns The Fourth Week In January

Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina returns for its third season on January 24th.

9 Dec 09:56 SPIN South West 8165439735544308774.html
Dos personas fallecieron en el volcamiento de un bus en el norte de Pichincha

Dos personas fallecieron y otras veinte resultaron heridas esta madrugada en el volcamiento de un bus en la vía Panamericana norte, en el sector de Tanda, cantón Pedro Moncayo, ubicado en el norte de

9 Dec 13:17 El Universo 8365175798476901845.html
Tesco shares jump on possible sale of Asian business

Share price soars as grocery chain announces review of its Asian operations

9 Dec 09:37 The Irish Times 8204772968140905892.html
Estos son los nominados a unos Globos de Oro revolucionarios 

Las plataformas tuvieron un gran protagonismo entre los opcionados.

9 Dec 09:50 El Tiempo 1091719938980967554.html
Kode Nih! Ending Dagang Absurd, China Malah Borong Kedelai AS

Impor kedelai China pada bulan November 2019 melonjak tajam dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun lalu

9 Dec 09:10 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212822893644.html
Johnson busca el voto de la clase trabajadora en los antiguos feudos laboristas

El líder conservador quita el móvil a un periodista que quería mostrarle la foto de un niño en el suelo del hospital de Leeds por falta de camas

9 Dec 17:56 elPeriodico 7291954034922649751.html
Matteo Renzi vuole le elezioni anticipate, ma prima che il taglio dei parlamentari sia effettivo

Pare che Matteo Renzi incominci a cambiare idea sull'elezioni anticipate: potrebbe piacergli come soluzione. Soprattutto se bloccassero la legge sul taglio dei parlamentari... More

9 Dec 17:19 UrbanPost 2450570492402491114.html
Operasi Lebih dari 3.000 Pasien yang Terinfeksi HIV, Dokter Ini Akhirnya Juga Terinfeksi HIV

Mereka memungkinkan orang yang terinfeksi untuk melihat harapan hidup dan menikmati hak dan penghormatan yang sama.

9 Dec 16:13 grid.id 6246371060366144378.html
Tips & inspiratie voor je decembermailing [white paper]

Tips & inspiratie nodig voor je decembermailing? Het maakt niet uit of je iets leuks doet met de arreslee of met die jaarlijkse goede voornemens.

9 Dec 10:15 DutchCowboys 8617317426841514351.html
Hotel occupancy law not designed to tax Imo citizens arbitrarily —Ihedioha

Gibson Achonu, Owerri Governor Emeka Ihedioha of Imo State has said that one of the three bills he signed into law recently is not designed to  tax Imo citizens arbitrarily. Rather, he said, ...

9 Dec 15:24 Punch Newspapers 3524240994518090607.html
Prima opacidad en obras que realiza Sedena: Gallegos | Entérate

La periodista Zorayda Gallegos afirma que la opacidad es el común denominador en los convenios que firma Sedena para realizar obras públicas, pues los documentos no son públicos y las contrataciones se pueden hacer por procedimientos restringidos que no se presentan en los portales de transparencia.

9 Dec 16:52 Aristegui Noticias 7224289494748415775.html
Marouane Fellaini to Spurs: Jose Mourinho makes former Manchester United star 'January priority'

Spurs boss Jose Mourinho has reportedly made former Manchester United star Marouane Fellaini a priority for his transfer business in the January window

9 Dec 12:15 football.london 6804128268297957620.html
Gender neutral debate after mum slammed for calling Santa 'Father Christmas'

The mum said she was 'shamed' on social media for not using a gender neutral term

9 Dec 09:49 Wales Online 7686550515603332539.html
Schlecht für den BVB? FC Barcelona verzichtet bei Inter Mailand auf Lionel Messi

Der bereits für das Achtelfinale qualifizierte FC Barcelona verzichtet zum Ausklang der Champions-League-Gruppenphase auf den Einsatz mehrerer Spieler, darunter auch Superstar Lionel Messi. Das könnte auch Folgen für Borussia Dortmund haben, das nur mit Schützenhilfe der Katalanen in die nächste Runde einziehen kann.

9 Dec 15:59 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775408557512.html
Ukraine reports seven enemy attacks in Donbas on Dec 8

There were no Ukrainian army casualties in the past day.

9 Dec 09:20 UNIAN 6863008971307808433.html
Trivandrum Bar Association expresses ‘regret’ for ruckus

Police seek permission to file case against magistrate

9 Dec 17:47 The Hindu 6679535025389924530.html
Citizenship Bill: Asaduddin Owaisi tears up copy in Lok Sabha, says it will cause another Partition

The AIMIM chief said that the proposed legislation is ‘worse than Hitler’s laws’, and aimed at making Muslims stateless.

9 Dec 17:36 Scroll.in 8669301694239165714.html
Taranto, il piano: sgravi totali per chi assume i lavoratori dell'ex Ilva

Un fondo "straordinario" da 50 milioni per i lavoratori ex Ilva in amministrazione straordinaria con incentivi rafforzati e sgravi che arriverebbero al 100% per un triennio, per chi assume lavoratori in esubero del polo tarantino: solo un'ipotesi per adesso

9 Dec 08:16 Today 178378750118016741.html
Procreate 5: Populäre Zeichen-App mit etlichen neuen Funktionen

Die Zeichen-App Procreate ist eine der herausragenden Ausnahme-Anwendungen auf dem iPad. Von Apple als App des Jahres ausgezeichnet, online durch unzählige Zeitraffer-Videos talentierter iPad-Künstler bekannt und bei fast allen Anwendern beliebt, die Apples Tablet vor allem als Leinwand und weniger zum Unterzeichnen digitaler Dokumente nutzen, steht jetzt die generalüberholte Version 5 der Zeichen-Anwendung zum Download […]

9 Dec 11:05 ifun.de 6678736053431133352.html
Nach Trainerkritik: Iraschko-Stolz entschuldigt sich für ihren verbalen Fehltritt

Daniela Iraschko-Stolz' Trainerkritik ist nach ihrer schwachen Leistung in Lillehammer gar nicht gut angekommen. Mittlerweile hat sich die Steirerin für ihre unüberlegte Aussage entschuldigt.

9 Dec 13:27 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699011701649.html
3 Klub Besar Saling Sikut, Berikut Hitungan Peluang Lolos dari Grup H Liga Champions

3 Klub besar, Chelsea, Ajax Amsterdam dan Valencia bersaing ketat untuk lolos dari grup H ke babak 16 Liga Champions 2019/20.

9 Dec 15:00 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549244952761.html
Una giornata con MCLAREN GT

McLaren a maggio 2019 ha lanciato la nuova GT, modello completamente nuovo, diverso da tutti gli altri già presenti in gamma. La precedente generazione GT era una derivazione del modello 570 adattato per le esigenze di chi volesse un prodotto […]

9 Dec 11:55 Andrea Galeazzi 1394027500601400894.html
Heat praying rain stays away from Durban

Durban Heat coach Gary Kirsten admits that their MSL fate is out of their hands heading into their final regular-season encounter against Jozi Stars.

9 Dec 13:40 Sport 682566034066411387.html
Municipio Chacao cuenta con telemedicina desde este lunes

El alcalde de Chacao, Gustavo Duque y el presidente de la Fundación Venemergencia, Andrés Simón González informaron que a través de una llamada el paciente podrá ser atendido en un promedio de 20 a 30 segundos, de tal manera que, bajen los riesgos y la atención sea inmediata

9 Dec 17:31 Globovisión 5928221752190922733.html
Chat-Affäre: Gericht lehnt Antrag des Ex-SPD-Abgeordneten ab

Aurich (dpa/lni) - Der aus der SPD-Landtagsfraktion ausgeschlossene Abgeordnete Jochen Beekhuis ist in der sogenannten Chat-Affäre mit einem Vorstoß am Landgericht Aurich gescheitert. Die Kammer wies am Montag einen Antrag des Politikers auf einstweilige Verfügung zurück. Der aus Ostfriesland stammende Beekhuis wollte einen Unterlassungsbeschluss gegen Äußerungen erreichen, er habe sich bei Chats in sozialen Medien sexistisch, frauenfeindlich und homophob geäußert.

9 Dec 12:51 DIE WELT 6197693428249558047.html
The Internet Roasted Kanye West’s Entirely Silver Look

Kanye West was entirely silver from head to toe (including his skin) for the Mary Opera. The internet could not hold back their hilarious reactions and memes!

9 Dec 16:22 College Candy 8831971929476087082.html
Surrey to get 2nd hospital

The fast-growing city of Surrey is getting a second hospital.

9 Dec 12:31 Castanet 616068602830434019.html
Hyd rape case: SIT to probe killing of four accused

The Telangana government has constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the killing of four accused in the rape and murder of a woman veterinarian in "retaliatory" firing by police last

9 Dec 09:51 Deccan Herald 2027555797074733326.html
Is Dakota Johnson Sick Of Gwyneth Paltrow?

Is Dakota Johnson sick of Gwyneth Paltrow? A new report by Star magazine suggests that things aren't as wonderful between Dakota and Gwyneth as they

9 Dec 13:49 Celebrity Insider 265863475118510140.html
Mikel Arteta 'first choice for Arsenal job'

Arsenal reportedly identify Manchester City assistant Mikel Arteta as their priority target to replace Unai Emery.

9 Dec 10:38 Sports Mole 7750663361504145015.html
Varios antivirus identifican uTorrent y BitTorrent como amenaza de seguridad ¿Por qué?

Todos los detalles sobre la identificación de uTorrent y BitTorrent como amenaza de seguridad por varias soluciones antivirus

9 Dec 11:00 ADSLZone 3760867497362226614.html
India makes modest progress in Human Development Index, fares poorly in gender equality

In India, 27.1 crore people were lifted out of poverty from 2005-06 to 2015-16. The steady progress was due to nearly three decades of rapid development, which had seen a dramatic reduction in absolute poverty, along with gains in life expectancy.

9 Dec 10:19 The Indian Express 2885715105053633049.html
Une victoire en fusillade

Les Tigres 2 de Victoriaville, dans la catégorie novice 4, ont remporté le tournoi de Bécancour. Dans le match ultime, les protégés de Tommy Lafontaine et de Dominic Rondeau ont…

9 Dec 13:41 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068147035209216.html
Larangan Transfer Dicabut, Chelsea Siapkan Rp2,5 Triliun untuk Belanja

Chelsea sudah menyiapkan rencana besar setelah larangan transfer mereka resmi dicabut oleh Federasi Sepak Bola Internasional (FIFA).

9 Dec 15:10 BolaSport.com 4603768435578277154.html
Henry Gabay and Mel Morris: What a new investment partnership will mean for Derby County

The club is in advanced talks with Henry Gabay, the co-founder and chairman of Duet Group, over an investment partnership, and a deal is expected to be completed this month

9 Dec 08:45 Derbyshire Live 9061707931199401178.html
Cetara, Blue Economy: la pesca sostenibile deve diventare settore di eccellenza

La pesca sostenibile è stata al centro della tavola rotonda che si è svolta questa mattina a Cetara e alla quale hanno preso parte le più alte istituzioni politiche del territorio europeo, nazionale e locale.

9 Dec 16:30 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460707394289.html
Hintergründe unklar: Mitten in Augsburger Innenstadt: 46-Jähriger tot in Mehrfamilienhaus gefunden

Am Sonntagmorgen wurde in der Augsburger Innenstadt ein toter 46-Jähriger in einem Mehrfamilienhaus aufgefunden. Das teilte die Polizei am Montag mit.

9 Dec 10:42 FOCUS Online 4448121230632009616.html
Uomini e Donne, Armando Incarnato snobba i fan? Piovono critiche

Armando Incarnato si intrattiene con i fan sui social network Le polemiche non fermano il Trono Over di Uomini e Donne, anzi. Nella settimana appena andata in archivio le puntate con protagonisti dame e cavalieri hanno toccato picchi stratosferici di ascolti. Un vero fenomeno e presto i telespettatori si gusteranno un altro scoppiettante show, in […]

9 Dec 08:45 KontroKultura 2573504973101187538.html
24 ore di sciopero del trasporto pubblico locale: gli autobus circoleranno nelle fasce di servizio garantito

Dalle ore 5.00 alle ore 8.00 e dalle ore 13.00 alle ore 16.00

9 Dec 15:29 Targatocn.it 7367208849801272189.html
Zelensky, Putin to have bilateral meeting following Normandy Four talks – media

A meeting of the four leaders is scheduled for Monday evening.

9 Dec 11:20 UNIAN 6863008972097293570.html
Survivor of attack by Joseph McCann tells of long wait for therapy

Woman with PTSD symptoms had to go private as NHS wait was at least eight months

9 Dec 17:11 the Guardian 1491978794721284259.html
Absuelven al Ex Secretario de Finanzas, Luis Miranda Contreras

El Magistrado Lic. Víctor Barragán Benítez determino absolver al Ex Secretario de Finanzas Luis Miranda Contreras; dictan auto de libertad

9 Dec 08:06 MiMorelia 5599511490326795496.html
Drei Geschwister ertrinken in Teich: Bürgermeister im Fadenkreuz

Im Juni 2016 ertranken drei 5, 8 und 9 Jahre alte Geschwister beim Spielen in einem Löschteich. Im neuen Jahr beginnt der Prozess.

9 Dec 12:59 TAG24 4583887875298391549.html
Top-Events im Bezirk Krems

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Krems und dem Bezirk Krems. Fotos, Eventtipps und Informationen aus der Wachau.

9 Dec 11:07 NÖN.at 2486998932494409643.html
Tak Dibiasakan Menyikat Gigi Setelah Minum Susu dengan Dot, Balita Malang ini Harus Kehilangan 18 Giginya

Kebiasaan menyikat gigi bukan hanya berlaku bagi orang dewasa, tapi juga harus mulai diajarkan sejak anak-anak.

9 Dec 10:30 grid.id 586386475300760260.html
5 Reasons to Buy Aphria Stock Before Pot Stocks Start Moving Again

Aphria stock has taken a beating in recent months, but there are at least five reasons why Aphria shares could be headed higher soon.

9 Dec 12:29 InvestorPlace 24614509554800722.html
Factbox: Previous volcanic eruptions in New Zealand

(Reuters) - At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several were reported missing after a volcano suddenly erupted off the east coast of New Zealand’s North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air.

9 Dec 14:00 Reuters 8334514181645696610.html
Watchmen Recreates an Iconic Comic Moment, With a New Twist

In the latest episode of Watchmen, the HBO series recreates an iconic moment from the original comic book with an updated twist.

9 Dec 14:12 CBR.com 1295516963321871463.html
Zoff um DTM-Kalender: Auftakt in Zolder wackelt

Warum der FIA-Weltrat den DTM-Kalender für die Saison 2020 wegen einer Terminkollision mit der WEC nicht freigegeben hat und die Situation verzwickt ist

9 Dec 17:51 sport.de 3321967092921692622.html
White House Absent as Counsel Makes Case to Impeach Trump

Calling out the White House’s conspicuous absence from a hearing to make the case for impeachment, Representative Jerry Nadler asserted Monday that President Donald Trump may have spurned the proceedings for lack of a defense.

9 Dec 15:06 Courthouse News Service 1799505149124950007.html
Trump to meet Russia's foreign minister on Tuesday: Ifax

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will meet U.S. President Donald Trump during talks with his U.S. counterpart in Washington on Tuesday, the Interfax news agency cited a Russian foreign ministry source as saying.

9 Dec 14:32 Reuters 8334514180746392323.html
Hampir Meregang Nyawa karena Kecelakaan Dahsyat, Begini Kondisi Terkini Dylan Carr Usai Koma dan Tempurung Kepalanya Dioperasi

Pasca kecelakaan yang menimpanya kini Kondisi Dylan Carr berangsur membaik. Seperti apa ya penampilan terkininya?

9 Dec 14:59 grid.id 586386474762784823.html
Indian Lawyer Lauded in NYC for his Work of Cleaning Beaches in Mumbai

New Delhi (Sputnik): Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Mission is a nationwide campaign to clean up the streets, roads, and infrastructure of India's cities, towns, urban, and rural areas launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a tribute to the father of the nation Mahatama Gandhi on the anniversary of his birthday.

9 Dec 08:00 Sputniknews 967333868419442473.html
Royals im News-Ticker: Das wünschen sich Prinz George und Prinzessin Charlotte zu Weihnachten

Von Queen Elizabeth über William, Kate, Harry und Meghan bis hin zu Schwedens Kronprinzessin Victoria und König Felipe von Spanien. Hier auf FOCUS Online erfahren Sie die aktuellen Nachrichten und exklusive Storys aus den europäischen Königshäusern.

9 Dec 10:25 FOCUS Online 4448121230035713348.html
Justice League: Gal Gadot Further Explains Her Stance on the Snyder Cut

Gal Gadot, who stars in the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984, has clarified her stance on the Snyder Cut of Justice League.

9 Dec 14:12 CBR.com 1295516963186065592.html
Lender Amigo's chief executive quits after less than five months in charge

The chief executive of high interest rate lender Amigo, Hamish Paton, has resigned this morning after less than five months in the job.

9 Dec 08:21 City A.M. 6389894490917632676.html
Jokowi Setuju Koruptor Dihukum Mati, Menkum HAM Bilang Sudah Diatur UU

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) setuju koruptor dihukum mati bila rakyat berkehendak. Menteri Hukum Dan HAM Yasonna Laoly menyebut hal itu sudah diatur dalam undang-undang bila korupsi dana bencana alam.

9 Dec 17:24 merdeka.com 1998180354224914535.html
Faith Guitars launches its first ever nylon model, The Lyra

A guitar designed for classical newcomers with a slimmer neck but a solid wood build all players should appreciate

9 Dec 09:52 MusicRadar 4787726360540151024.html
Chevrolet Camaro Discounts Are Even Better This Month

Despite being a fantastic muscle car, the Chevrolet Camaro still lags behind its chief rival, the Ford Must...

9 Dec 15:20 CarBuzz 4034462236912808022.html
Traumweiher gibts nun zum Schnäppchenpreis

Ein Weiher mit Bootssteg, Fischerhaus und Bäumen stand in Emmen LU zum Verkauf. Erst wurde er für 850'000 Fr. angeboten, jetzt für 600'000 Fr. Doch bisher griff niemand zu.

9 Dec 12:57 20 Minuten 5741369452183534124.html
Teacher in court for killing pupil, baby

Eric Otieno was facing charges for defiling the 13-year old girl.

9 Dec 13:07 Daily Nation 7421817124003343778.html
Wechsel noch in dieser Saison? Berater von Werder-Star Milot Rashica macht klare Ansage

Milot Rashica ist in dieser Saison der wohl begehrteste Profi im Kader von Bundesligist Werder Bremen. Zuletzt gab es Gerüchte um eine 40-Millionen-Offerte aus der Premier League. Dazu hat Altin Lala, Rashicas Berater, jetzt klar Stellung bezogen.

9 Dec 15:25 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776081820427.html
Polio returns to haunt Malaysia after almost 30 years

Malaysia has reported its first polio case in 27 years, health authorities said Sunday, announcing a three-month-old baby had been diagnosed on Borneo island.

9 Dec 14:03 The Jakarta Post 7678601103941784541.html
l'm A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa cancels live TV gigs in historic first after threesome slurs

EXCLUSIVE: I'm A Celebrity 2019 winner Jacqueline Jossa will skip all live TV interviews amid denied rumours surrounding husband Dan Osborne

9 Dec 08:28 Irish Mirror 2875825628946766553.html
Wet and windy weather forecast for polling day

An area of low pressure will bring outbreaks of rain to all parts of the UK throughout Thursday.

9 Dec 14:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775034715270.html
Wet and windy weather forecast for polling day

An area of low pressure will bring outbreaks of rain to all parts of the UK throughout Thursday.

9 Dec 14:18 Express & Star 7324224460499311750.html
There won’t be increased bus service during the SkyTrain shutdown tomorrow

Coast Mountain Bus Company has announced that it will not be increasing bus service in response to the planned SkyTrain strike by CUPE 7000.

9 Dec 11:31 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958498327461155.html
Shweta Basu Prasad Officially Announces Her Split With Husband, Rohit Mittal, Exactly A Year after Marriage

While B-town has been witnessing a lot of break-ups and separations, yet another marriage has come to an end. Makdee actress Shweta Basu Prasad who tied the knot with fiancé Rohit Mittal in December last year took to her social media to officially announce her split

9 Dec 15:22 SPOTBOYE 1547816857442480835.html
"Only the Labour Party can truly fight Britain's youth mental health crisis"

Jonelle Awomoyi is a 20-year old-student, a member of the National Council of Women, and an ambassador for the #iwill campaign - she also serves on the Youth Parliament in Croydon, south London

9 Dec 17:34 mirror 675785260362841291.html
Park Ji Hoon shows his distaste for broccoli in funny tweet

Park Ji Hoon is not a fan of broccoli!On December 8 KST, as part of his official Twitter account's ongoing 'Too Muchoon (Today's TMI)' recu…

9 Dec 08:17 allkpop 3249686060368491884.html
SC Issues Notice On TMC MP Mahua Moitra's Plea To Direct ECI To Publish Final Vote Counts Of General Elections

Supreme Court today issued notice to the Election Commission of India on a plea by TMC MP Mahua Moitra seeking directions to the poll body to publish details of voter turnout and final vote counts on...

9 Dec 10:48 Live Law 8801531619361175041.html
Balance de los Concejos Deliberantes

Finalizado el año legislativo, los Concejos Deliberantes hicieron un balance de los temas tratados durante el 2019; entre estos se destacaron las problemáticas con las tierras. Asimismo, el problema en el transporte urbano fue...

9 Dec 10:20 Primera Edición 6803897641864198091.html
Motociclista es perseguido y asesinado en Cancún

Durante la tarde del domingo, asesinaron a un motociclista tras perseguirlo por diferentes calles de la ciudad de Cancún, reportaron las autoridades.

9 Dec 09:38 Diario de Yucatán 261200018696742301.html
With No Revenue or Approved Treatments, Ocugen Stock Is a Clear Sell

Because if you do, you’ll probably lose all your principal and a tax deduction would then be the only benefit to owning OCGN stock.

9 Dec 13:12 InvestorPlace 24614510197071743.html
Lo strano caso del teaser della seconda stagione di The Boys

È comparso brevemente sul web prima del weekend per poi essere ritirato. Ora è finalmente online. E anticipa che la seconda stagione di The Boys sarà sempre più splatter e dissacrante, tra scene di violenza e assurdità senza precedenti

9 Dec 10:30 Wired 7504010958183839204.html
Früherer US-Notenbankchef Paul Volcker ist tot

Paul Volcker ging als der Mann in die Geschichte ein, der die Inflation besiegte. Dafür trieb er die Zinsen Anfang der Achtzigerjahre auf mehr als 20 Prozent. Nun ist der frühere Notenbankchef im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben.

9 Dec 15:42 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270383096570.html
New studio flats to be built in Bolton town centre

Nine new apartments will be built at the site of an empty warehouse

9 Dec 14:37 men 6694993429235099654.html
Mulher sofre tentativa de estupro durante assalto em Vila Velha

Após recolher todo dinheiro ele falou que a vítima deveria entrar no banheiro e tirar a roupa

9 Dec 10:03 Folha Vitória 4941883426462619716.html
Spectre of coalition still hangs over Lib Dems nine years on

The agreement nine years ago could prove to be the party’s downfall in this year’s General Election.

9 Dec 12:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773709199207.html
Protestan en San Sebastián Tutla, Oaxaca; exigen elecciones municipales

Pobladores de San Sebastián Tutla bloquearon carreteras para exigir que el alcalde lance la convocatoria para renovar autoridades municipales.

9 Dec 09:34 Diario de Yucatán 261200018134891770.html
Flamengo, Gabigol celebra la vittoria del Brasileirao: "Indimenticabile"

Sconfitta indolore nell'ultima giornata del Brasileirao per il Flamengo di Jorge Jesus, travolto 4-0 dal Santos nelle ore in cui la mente dei rossoneri è rivolta...

9 Dec 10:00 FcInterNews.it 7848284893917669177.html
Belinda regresa a los escenarios teatrales

La cantante se encuentra concentrada en su nuevo proyecto,la obra musical ‘Hoy no me puedo levantar’. Belinda se encuentra concentrada en su nuevo proyecto, y [...]

9 Dec 17:27 LaBotana 7949038498837752090.html
Pesadelo na Cozinha

Ljubomir Stanisic foi ele próprio em mais um episódio de Pesadelo na Cozinha, da TVI. A VIP mostra-lhe cinco frases marcantes deste domingo, 8 de dezembro

9 Dec 13:30 Revista VIP 3507812780454071900.html
Pakistan’s population growth rate highest among neighboring Countries

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The National Assembly was told that with population of 218.326 million (projected) in 2019, Pakistan has become the 5th most Populous Country in the world, and its population growth rate is the highest among the neighboring Countries. In reply to a question by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz’s (PML-N) MNA Ms. Mehnaz Akber Aziz, the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination told that in 2017, Pakistan was the 6th Most Populous Country in the world. The minister told that according to Housing & Population Census Report 2017, Pakistan’s population was 208.7 million, with population growth rate of 2.4% per annum. The national health services minister further told that on basis of the World Bank (WB) Report ‘Pakistan@100-Sharing the Future 2047’ published during March 2019, the Country Director World Bank claimed that with the present growth rate, Pakistan’s population will be 376 million after next 28 years, i.e. in 2047. Also Read: About 200,000 Pakistani pilgrims to perform…

9 Dec 13:11 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131416676482.html
Juletreprodusenter sliter med konkurransen fra store kjeder

Billige juletrær hos store kjeder fører til at små produsenter ikke lenger klarer å leve av salget, ifølge organisasjonen Norsk Juletre.

9 Dec 11:57 NRK 3631390764539610016.html
Parcheggi "selvaggi" a Chieti, traffico bloccato in piazza Matteotti

Ordinarie scene di inciviltà in piazza Matteotti a Chieti. La foto è stata inviata da un cittadino che sabato pomeriggio, poco dopo le 14, si è ritrovato imbottigliato a causa del solito incivile che ha deciso di parcheggiare l'auto in divieto di sosta.

9 Dec 12:50 ChietiToday 1729130452521939327.html
Volunteers pull 33 shopping trolleys, three bikes and two scooters from Rival Almond

Forth Rivers Trust's Riverside Project is engaging with the local community to clean up the River Almond.

9 Dec 15:51 dailyrecord 552235479280069855.html
Iris Moreira critica e diz que prefeita teria enviado documentos com erros

Ao invés de destinar a vigência para 2020, a prefeita colocou 2019

9 Dec 15:30 R10 3167340813483326370.html
La CNMC autorizó seis operaciones de concentración en noviembre

La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) autorizó seis operaciones de concentración a lo largo del mes de noviembre, de las cuales...

9 Dec 10:24 Europa Press 4702666149248221629.html
Roger Daltrey Recalls Horror of Who Fan Stampede

Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend took part in a December 2019 documentary about a 1979 fan stampede in which 11 Who fans died.

9 Dec 13:53 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989687295060283.html
Häuslicher Unfall! Witsel fehlt Borussia Dortmund

Der Belgier fällt nach einem Missgeschick für den Rest des Herbstes aus:

9 Dec 13:54 www.laola1.at 837519018908860921.html
Verdacht auf Hackerangriff: Uni Gießen nach „schwerwiegenden IT-Sicherheitsvorfall“ lahmgelegt - LKA ermittelt

Die Universität Gießen ist womöglich durch einen Hackerangriff lahmgelegt worden. Nach einem „schwerwiegenden IT-Sicherheitsvorfall“ seien die Server aus Sicherheitsgründen heruntergefahren worden, teilte die mittelhessische Hochschule am Montag mit.

9 Dec 16:44 FOCUS Online 4448121230199709311.html
Solange Knowles to Be Awarded Inaugural Lena Horne Prize for Artists Creating Social Impact

On Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, Solange Knowles will be the very first recipient of the Lena Horne Prize for Artists Creating Social Impact when it's given to

9 Dec 16:00 Atlanta Black Star 3042160499561448718.html
Festival de Sintra nomeado nos Iberian Festival Awards

O Iberian Festival Awards atribui prémios aos melhores intervenientes na área da música em Portugal e Espanha.

9 Dec 13:21 Sintra Notícias 7807008822785646309.html
Unfall bei Westerheim: Polizei und Feuerwehr in Westerheim: Pony stirbt nach Zusammenstoß mit Auto

Ein Pferd wurde am Sonntag auf einer Straße bei Westerheim von einem Auto angefahren und tödlich verletzt. Auch die Feuerwehr war nach dem Unfall im Einsatz.

9 Dec 14:14 swp.de 6929179441606116965.html
Volcano eruption in New Zealand kills five, several missing

Police say more casualties were feared as about 50 people were nearby minutes before the eruption.

9 Dec 12:32 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300628869923.html
Sanofi stellt sich neu auf und stärkt Onkologie

Für 2,5 Mrd.$ kauft der französische Konzern den US-Krebsspezialisten Synthorx. Aufgegeben wird die Diabetes-Forschung.

9 Dec 15:55 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203937329018433.html
Police: Tesla on Autopilot When It Hit Connecticut Officer's Cruiser | Breitbart

A Tesla vehicle on autopilot reportedly hit a state police cruiser on the highway in Connecticut over the weekend, according to authorities.

9 Dec 17:49 Breitbart 3148363492846846994.html
Leggere prima di addormentarsi - Guido Vitiello

Ho passato la vita intera a leggere un po’ tutte le sere prima di dormire, in un flusso che poteva portarmi al crollare di sonno con il libro sulla faccia. Con terrore da settembre non riesco più a leggere nulla. ​ Leggi

9 Dec 14:15 Internazionale 3249842260937387951.html
Polizei sucht mit Hund und Hubschrauber

Raubüberfall auf einen Geldboten in Hamburg-Barmbek! Zwei Männer attackierten den Mann unter einer U-Bahn-Brücke.

9 Dec 13:01 Bild 8433249907503948616.html
Geen idee wat te doen met je overgebleven kruidnoten? 5 simpele ideetjes

De cadeautjes zijn uitgepakt en de Sint is naar huis. Met deze tips hoef je de kruidnoten die je na Sinterklaas over hebt niet weg te gooien.

9 Dec 09:53 HLN 8967494997950447507.html
Warum Stadt und Versicherung nicht zahlen

Erzieherin Francesca (31) parkte unter einem Baum. Der stürzte um, zerstörte das Auto – und die junge Frau bleibt auf den Kosten sitzen

9 Dec 12:59 Bild 8433249909323762920.html
Ryanair mantiene su base en Girona tras imponer un recorte a los trabajadores

La aerolínea 'low cost' abandona su plan para dejar de prestar servicio desde la capital gerundense

9 Dec 12:59 elPeriodico 7291954033583057438.html
Shrewsbury Town verdict: Hard-earned point is among best of season

As an isolated result this was an impressive point for Shrewsbury Town.

9 Dec 09:56 Shropshire Star 3480199991255559477.html
Manager flies into London – Arsenal and Everton pushed forward as possibilities

Duncan Ferguson was appointed Everton’s caretaker manager following Marco Silva’s dismissal and helped the Toffees clinch a 3-1 victory over Chelsea on Saturday. On December 4th, we covered claims made by Marca that Everton are interested in Marcelino, and Arsenal have also been repeatedly linked. The Spaniard is without a job since he was relieved

9 Dec 09:39 Sport Witness 200001552488726891.html
New Age Beverages Stock Remains a High-Risk, High-Reward Situation

NBEV stock could rise by seven-fold from here, but it's far more likely that shares remain weak thanks to glaring profitability issues.

9 Dec 10:16 InvestorPlace 24614509585430459.html
Tata Altroz review, test drive

The Altroz is Tata Motors'''' answer to the Maruti Baleno, Hyundai i20 and Honda Jazz. Click here for the full Autocar India Altroz review.

9 Dec 09:00 Autocar India 1039296990876491913.html
Look-a-like Adele gaat viral met klap

Afgelopen zondag verscheen er een filmpje op Twitter, met wel twee opvallende momenten. Op het filmpje is een uitgaansavond in de Britse stad Northampton te zien. Waarbij een dubbelganger van de zangeres Adele (31) te zien is tijdens het uitgaan. Hierbij vindt een korte opstoot plaats, waarna de Britse lookalike keihard naar achter getrokken wordt. […]

9 Dec 12:05 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048637660101.html
Extremsportler: Freddy Nock wegen versuchter vorsätzlicher Tötung angeklagt

Freddy Nock soll versucht haben, seine Ehefrau zu töten.

9 Dec 16:19 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700020388837.html
Five dead, many injured after New Zealand volcano eruption

Five people were killed, 18 were injured and several more were left stranded after an island volcano popular with tourists erupted unexpectedly in New Zealand on Monday. Police said some 50 peop...

9 Dec 12:40 Punch Newspapers 3524240994252807761.html
LATEST: Russia Banned From Global Sports for 4 Years Over Doping

The World Anti-Doping Agency’s unanimous decision, if upheld, would exclude Russia from the 2020 Olympics, and the Winter Games and World Cup in 2022. Global antidoping leaders agreed unanimously on Monday to banish Russia from international sports — including next summer’s Olympic Games in Tokyo — for four years, the latest and severest punishment yet connected to a yearslong cheating scheme that has devastated global sport. The World Anti-Doping Agency’s board convened on Monday for a special meeting close to the International Olympic Committee’s headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. The decision is unlikely to surprise many given the scale of Russia’s attempt to conceal, obfuscate and frustrate attempts to unmask the beneficiaries of a state-powered doping program, remarkable for its sophistication and scope. Confirmation of the penalties, which includes specific bans on Russian sports and government officials and prohibits the country from hosting international events, comes four years after the first details…

9 Dec 12:12 Chronicle 6294247026501715648.html
Star-Trek-Darsteller René Auberjonois ist tot

Star-Trek-Fans kennen ihn als Odo, in Boston Legal spielte er den Anwalt Paul Lewiston, zudem hatte er Rollen in mehreren Filmen des Regisseurs Robert Altman: Der US-amerikanische

9 Dec 09:09 Golem.de 3063982244842387799.html
Trump warns North Korea's Kim has 'everything' to lose through hostility

US President Donald Trump has warned that North Korea's Kim Jong Un had 'everything' to lose through hostility towards the United States, after Pyongyang said it had carried out a major new weapons test.

9 Dec 13:50 News24 3752801376636449514.html
What Pep Guardiola did after Man Utd ace Fred received alleged racist abuse

Class touch from City boss, but action needed...

9 Dec 10:23 CaughtOffside 8169236756371444565.html
Strange Academy, il fumetto spin-off di Doctor Strange

Strange Academy è la serie spin-off di Doctor Strange. La serie arriverà a marzo 2020 e nell'attesa Marvel ha dissufo alcune tavole del primo numero

9 Dec 15:04 Lega Nerd 8527030506610821195.html
Très Bien and SNEEZE Magazine Team up on Material-Focused Capsule Collection

Featuring unexpected SNEEZE logo placements.

9 Dec 16:52 HYPEBEAST 3806037270121515856.html
Tom Brady focused more on Patriots' miscues rather than referees

Patriots QB Tom Brady wasn't focused on miscues by the referees as much as on the ones by his own team after Sunday night's loss to the Chiefs.

9 Dec 15:07 ESPN.com 7331508221336272171.html
Health Ministry springs to action after first confirmed polio case in nearly 30 years

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — The Health Ministry has mobilised available measures to contain the possible re-emergence of the polio virus that was eradicated in Malaysia almost three decades ago. After confirming the infection of a three-month-old boy in Tuaran, Sabah, the ministry tested 661 people in...

9 Dec 08:13 Malaymail 302165935860775682.html
Call for papers opens, several top international keynote speakers announced for Security Summit 2020

Several top international keynote speakers will speak at the summit, from 23 to 25 June next year.

9 Dec 09:14 ITWeb 642894140054789646.html
Golden Globes snubs: Female directors miss out as does Robert De Niro

The Golden Globes take place in January.

9 Dec 15:15 Express & Star 7324224460723503966.html
Golden Globes snubs: Female directors miss out as does Robert De Niro

The Golden Globes take place in January.

9 Dec 15:03 Breaking News 4415806920186016973.html
Siddharth Shukla pokes fun as Arhaan Khan makes extraordinary claim about Rashami Desai, says she was bankrupt with no money

Siddharth Shukla has poked fun as Arhaan Khan made extraordinary claims about his girlfriend Rashami Desai sayig that she was bankrupt with no money.

9 Dec 14:36 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720208475918659.html
Wheely' hungry burglars break into Market Drayton pub to steal cheese

Hungry burglars broke into a pub in Market Drayton and stole a wheel of cheese.

9 Dec 10:49 Shropshire Star 3480199991856617582.html
Thunder Child II ready for testing ahead of world record attempt

A boat designed and built in east Cork is now fully fitted and ready for testing prior to attempting a new world record transatlantic crossing next summer.

9 Dec 16:56 Irishexaminer 8196011179525914463.html
Police dismantle kidnappers’ camps, arrest suspect in FCT

The Police Command in the Federal Capital Territory on Monday said it has dismantled kidnappers camps and arrested a suspect

9 Dec 14:27 The Eagle Online 1463511648740048157.html
Finland picks world's youngest PM, women-led cabinet

Finland's new prime minister - the world's youngest premier - will have a finance minister two years her junior in a new women-led coalition cabinet after a political shake-up, party officials said on Monday.

9 Dec 16:09 Bdnews24 8119004130226797662.html
Apple Card’s new Monthly Installments feature may be about to launch

According to Apple's description of the feature in the Wallet app, the launch of the monthly installments option in the United States appears imminent.

9 Dec 11:56 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243715736470709.html
Specman the only Blitzbok in Dubai Dream Team

Springbok Sevens speedster Rosko Specman is the only Blitzbok named in the Dream Team for the Dubai Sevens.

9 Dec 08:06 Sport 682566035918602332.html
Mumbai: Chopped-up remains of girl found in suitcase. Father was the murderer

Foul smell emanating from the suitcase of a man traveling in an auto in Thane near Mumbai, led to the revelation of a spine-chilling crime. Choosing to stay with the man of her choice, cost a woman her life - once again.

9 Dec 15:45 India Today 4286117812851849511.html
“Gemeente moet achter bewoners versterkingswoningen staan”

De gemeente Groningen moet achter de bewoners van versterkingswoningen gaan staan. Met die oproep komt de SP maandag waarbij de partij gesteund wordt door het CDA, de Stadspartij en de Partij voor de

9 Dec 16:54 OOG 303718092865582909.html
Seduced and abandoned: tourism and climate change in the Alps

Rising temperatures have contributed to the decline of hundreds of ski resorts on Italian slopes

9 Dec 15:51 the Guardian 1491978794723268507.html
Goldman raises oil forecast on Opec output cuts

The bank revised its Brent spot price forecast to $63 per barrel for 2020.

9 Dec 11:44 The Economic Times 7653256036916404333.html
Police hunting for Deputy Speaker after he was caught beating up a young man at Ruto's event

The speaker is said to have left the country last night

9 Dec 13:34 Pulse Live 3606876836670835865.html
SOS Gaztelugatxe finaliza la ronda de contactos con los partidos de las Juntas Generales

La plataforma SOS Gaztelugatxe ha dado por finalizada, con una valoración «positiva», la ronda de contactos con los partidos políti...

9 Dec 13:23 naiz: 7509038604400737781.html
Avioneta con cocaína siniestrada en Guatemala iba un piloto venezolano

Avioneta siniestrada en Guatemala cargada con presunta cocaína iba un venezolano, fue piloto de la Fanb de donde presuntamente lo expulsaron ...

9 Dec 14:55 LaPatilla.com 9104603011044003425.html
UFC News: Jairzinho Rozenstruik happy with Francis Ngannou's response, vows to knock him out

The Surinamese is happy with Francis Ngannou's response!

9 Dec 11:58 sportskeeda 1601194027429844857.html
Liam Payne: Keine One Direction-Freunde

Der Sänger gibt zu, dass seine ehemaligen Bandkollegen keine echte Freunde für ihn waren.

9 Dec 08:00 VIP.de 2239798194455096224.html
Letter to BS: Judicial system needs procedural overhaul, attitudinal change

It is high time the higher judiciary admits that the main cause is not simply the vacancies of judges

9 Dec 16:47 Business-Standard 1502508925564086355.html
Tom Brady Posts Simple Message After Loss To The Chiefs

Patriots' star QB Tom Brady offers an optimistic message after New England's ugly loss to the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.

9 Dec 15:49 The Spun 9122471847838693512.html
Tom Brady focused more on Patriots' miscues rather than referees

Patriots QB Tom Brady wasn't focused on miscues by the referees as much as on the ones by his own team after Sunday night's loss to the Chiefs.

9 Dec 15:07 ESPN 8538773401678560555.html
Real Madrid’s Benzema set to face trial over sextape scandal after French court rejects his appeal

France’s highest court dismissed Benzema’s appeal challenging the legality of a blackmail investigation over a sextape featuring fellow footballer Valbuena.

9 Dec 17:22 Scroll.in 8669301693846170395.html
Halbe-halbe wird auf Liste sichtbar

Nach der VP (die „Krone“ berichtete) haben jetzt auch die Sozialdemokraten in Mödling ihre Kandidatenliste für die Gemeinderatswahl am 26. Jänner ...

9 Dec 16:22 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092741425395.html
Why Klopp never doubted Keita's quality

Klopp said he never questioned the player's quality.

9 Dec 10:46 Daily Nation 7421817123766795328.html
Wiener mit zwölf Königspythons im Kofferraum gestoppt

Mit zwölf Königspythons im Kofferraum ist ein 30-jähriger Wiener am Wochenende bei Kittsee (Bezirk Neusiedl am See) in eine Polizeikontrolle geraten. Der Mann befand sich am Rückweg aus der Slowakei, wo er nach Angaben der Landespolizeidirektion Burgenland bereits Pythons verkauft hatte. Für den 30-Jährigen setzte es aufgrund von Verstößen mehrere Anzeigen, die Reptilien wurden ihm abgenommen.

9 Dec 10:15 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084243274213.html
UnitedHealth : accord pour l'acquisition de Diplomat

UnitedHealth Group annonce un accord par lequel sa filiale OptumRx va acquérir Diplomat, un fournisseur de services de soins de spécialité, pour un prix de quatre dollars par action, auquel s'ajoutera... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 14:07 Zonebourse 7946574378665214396.html
Who set fire to Stanley Park? Hunt on for Blackpool arsonist after firefighters douse flames in toilet block

The gent's toilet block inside Blackpool’s Stanley Park was torched deliberately, investigators believe.

9 Dec 13:11 The Gazette 1828400565375669554.html
Three things we learnt from EPL

This was undoubtedly Solskjaer's best week as permanent United boss.

9 Dec 08:36 Daily Nation 7421817123792797919.html
Three things we learnt from EPL

This was undoubtedly Solskjaer's best week as permanent United boss.

9 Dec 08:36 Daily Nation 7421817125212977131.html
Qatar Petroleum announces implementation of ICV Policy from January ’20

Qatar Petroleum (QP) has announced the implementation of the In-Country Value (ICV) Policy  in the Energy Sector starting from January 2020 through Tawteen, the localization programme for services and industries in Qatar’s energy sector.  

9 Dec 08:17 The Peninsula 1202843881641243215.html
In Irpinia un museo speciale a livello nazionale

Sono esposti modelli che ripercorrono la storia del carro funebre

9 Dec 12:01 AvellinoToday 5452883946737699654.html
'I hope Liberman comes to his senses and prevents elections'

Min. Regev praises Petah Tikva conference, expresses hope that Yisrael Beytenu will join right-wing coalition and prevent elections.

9 Dec 15:02 Israel National News 5374683670122368346.html
Deontay Wilder blasts 'hesitant' Anthony Joshua, dismisses unification talk

Anthony Joshua was a comfortable victor in his rematch with Andy Ruiz Jr, but WBC champion Deontay Wilder says he is

9 Dec 12:49 Sporting News 5110653854581292153.html
PM criticised by Sturgeon over comments on EU migrants

Scotland’s First Minister branded Boris Johnson’s remarks ‘despicable’ and described them as ‘anti-immigration rhetoric’.

9 Dec 15:36 Shropshire Star 3480199991277562388.html
PlayStation 5 - Neues Patent deutet auf DualShock 5-Controller mit einem eigenen Multiplayer-Modus hin

Offenbar wird der DualShock 5-Controller der kommenden PlayStation 5 mit einigen Features ausgestattet sein, um nicht nur die Immersion des Spielers zu verstärken, sondern auch die Interaktivität zwischen mehreren Spielern zu unterstützen.

9 Dec 13:50 PlayNation 4622181945463390934.html
White Island eruption: Previous volcanic explosions in New Zealand

It's not the first time White Island has erupted.

9 Dec 16:49 Newshub 2131266986135545731.html
Smartphone, la notte porta disastro: ecco i rischi della ricarica ad oltranza

Gli smartphone possono diventare dei veri e propri killer se non utilizzati nel modo corretto. I rischi sono enormi per coloro che ricaricano ad oltranza.

9 Dec 09:50 tecnoandroid 2573257128082883750.html
Non rispetta l'obbligo di firma: arrestato

NERVESA DELLA BATTAGLIA – I carabinieri di Nervesa della Battaglia hanno arrestato un ghanese di 33 anni domiciliato a Giavera del Montello, in esecuzione di un’ordinanza di custodia cautelare emessa dal gip del Tribunale di Treviso

9 Dec 11:36 Oggi Treviso 2529403854265322166.html
5 Buah Langka! Ada Kiwi hingga Pisang yang Warnanya Merah

Jangan kaget jika melihat pisang, mangga atau kiwi berwarna merah. Buah-buahan ini tumbuh secara alami namun langka dan sulit ditemukan.

9 Dec 12:00 detikfood 4586606519366475684.html
Almeida acepta las disculpas de Javier Bardem y lamenta que el actor no hiciera un reconocimiento a la ciudad

El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, ha manifestado este lunes que acepta las disculpas de Javier Bardem por haberle llamado "estúpido" en la...

9 Dec 17:47 Europa Press 4702666149130362193.html
Review: Mo Gilligan at the LoungeFest Xmas Special, Impossible

The Lounge wrapped up 2019 with their biggest show to date - and it certainly didn't disappoint

9 Dec 13:08 men 6694993428055855189.html
Turismo e cultura, il Sulcis fa rete e lancia un unico brand

Economia - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 12:16 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206898287525.html
Ingeteam inaugura una nueva planta en Ortuella

Ingeteam ha inaugurado esta mañana una nueva planta en la localidad vizcaina de Ortuella. En estas instalaciones se fabricarán convertidores de...

9 Dec 16:37 naiz: 7509038603933146417.html
Verbale ruzie Noord-Korea - VS escaleert

Noord-Korea uitte maandag opnieuw forse kritiek op de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump. De Noord-Koreaanse regering verwijt de VS te bluffen en noemde de Amerikaanse president „een oude man zonder geduld”.

9 Dec 12:09 RD.nl 6406779841990334854.html
Year of Return: "Joseph" movie premieres with the Late Obetsebi-Lamptey remembered

news, story, article

9 Dec 13:47 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610047042300.html
Poslanici NS RS u utorak o nacrtu zakona o javno-privatnom partnerstvu

BANJALUKA - Poslanici Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske sutra će u nastavku sjednice razmatrati nacrt zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o javno-privatnom partnerstvu u Srpskoj.

9 Dec 08:24 Nezavisne novine 4209150641681117618.html
Je huis verbouwen: 4 manieren om dat te financieren

Een groter, comfortabeler of energiezuiniger huis is natuurlijk prettig. Verbouwen maakt dat mogelijk. Lees over vormen van financiering van je verbouwing.

9 Dec 10:14 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747204324214.html
WhatsApp agrega una función para enviar alertas a familiares en casos de emergencia

Heredada de Facebook y Messenger, la característica sirve para ofrecer o pedir ayuda en situaciones de crisis, por ejemplo durante catástrofes naturales.

9 Dec 16:46 Todo Noticias 8077539162417647557.html
Zo serveer je het meest sappige stukje parelhoen deze feestdagen

Aangeboden door Lidl

9 Dec 11:00 HLN 8967494997101150269.html
Gully Boy producer Ritesh Sidhwani hopes to bring home an Oscars this year

Gully Boy, directed by Zoya Akhtar and produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar has been one of the finest films of the year. The much acclaimed film starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh is India's official entry in the International Feature Film category at the 92nd Academy Awards and the makers of films are leaving no stone unturned to ensure their film makes a mark at the Oscars this year.

9 Dec 17:15 Filmfare.com 6668806037067085732.html
Kalah di Tangan Malaysia, Ruselli Hartawan Rebut Medali Perak

Pebulu tangkis tunggal putri Indonesia, Ruselli Hartawan merebut medali perak dalam laga final nomor perorangan SEA Games 2019 pada Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 13:50 Bola.net 5489959027587815486.html
Boris Johnson criticised after pocketing reporter’s phone

ITV journalist Joe Pike tried to show PM photograph of child lying on coats in hospital

9 Dec 14:19 The Irish Times 8204772968156164121.html
Zoveel kostte de nieuwe naam van het Orkest van het Oosten

De kosten voor het invoeren van Phion, orkest van Gelderland & Overijssel, de nieuwe naam van Het Orkest van het Oosten en Het Gelders Orkest, bedragen 73.000 euro. Dat antwoordt gedeputeerde Roy de Witte op vragen van de PVV.

9 Dec 14:39 RTV Oost 6509131172250782282.html
A researcher who interviewed 45 millionaires and billionaires found that they all shared a similar trait: a problem with authority

Many ultra-wealthy people are great leaders, but that doesn’t mean they’re good at being led.

9 Dec 14:40 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882586379991.html
Ahead of Normandy Four summit, Ukraine's Foreign Minister names "main red line" for Ukraine

The talks on Donbas settlement will be held in Paris today.

9 Dec 09:00 UNIAN 6863008970568955379.html
Bertemu 20 Menit, Jokowi Minta Kapolri Ungkap Kasus Novel

Isi pertemuan dijelaskan Kepala Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat Polri Irjen M Iqbal kepada awak media.

9 Dec 13:09 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213415215676.html
Anti-doping agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - Russia was slapped Monday with a four-year ban from international sports events, including next summer's Tokyo Olympics, over a longstanding doping scandal, although its athletes will still be able to compete if they can show they are clean competitors.

9 Dec 14:33 WFXT 6395891953278681961.html
Bluebird bio’s sickle cell gene therapy shows early-study benefit

Bluebird bio’s gene therapy for sickle cell disease (SCD), LentiGlobin, has demonstrated significant benefit in a small group of patients treated in a phase 1/2 study. 

9 Dec 09:58 PMLive 7773534729069043298.html
Maroc Telecom : Nouvelle nomination au Conseil de surveillance

Réuni le vendredi 6 décembre 2019, Le Conseil de surveillance de Maroc Telecom annonce avoir coopté Monsieur Obaid Bin Humaid Al Tayer, en qualité de Vice-Président du Conseil, en remplacement de Monsieur Eissa Mohamed Ghanem Al Suwaidi. Le Conseil de Surveillance signale également avoir...

9 Dec 16:27 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398350870731921.html
Hallan a hombre muerto, al parecer lo atropellaron

Nuevo Casas Grandes.-Un hombre sin vida fue localizado ayer en la madrugada en calles de la colonia Reforma y por las primeras investigaciones se presume que la víctima fue atropellada. Entre las pertenencias...

9 Dec 15:19 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365557596227420.html
Handwerker und Künstler wieder in der Marienkirche

Endspurt in der Marienkirche: Dort bauen seit einigen Tagen die Händler ihre Stände auf und schmücken das Kirchenschiff mit Tannengrün und Lichterketten. Denn ab Dienstag, 10. Dezember, wird es ernst: Einer der schönsten Adventsmärkte Mitteldeutschlands öffnet am Nachmittag um 16 Uhr seine ...

9 Dec 10:57 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109063643133.html
Ander Herrera en 40 anderen vrijgesproken van matchfixing

In Spanje is na 8 jaar eindelijk uitspraak in de veronderstelde matchfixingzaak naar aanleiding van de verdachte pot tussen Real Zaragoza en Levante. Paris Saint-Germain-middenvelder Ander Herrera was 1 van de verdachten, maar is vrijgesproken. De club Real Zaragoza en spelers als Herrera, Atletico Madrid-aanvoerder Gabi, Vicente Iborra en trainer Javier Aguirre (toen coach van…

9 Dec 17:41 Sportnieuws 3602982463862564606.html
Javier Aguirre respira tranquilo en Leganés

El Leganés volvió al trabajo en la Instalación Deportiva Butarque después de imponerse por tres goles a dos al Celta de Vigo en una sesión en la que el técnico mexicano Javier Aguirre centró gran parte de las miradas.Aguirre, que celebró el domingo su primer triunfo al frente del conjunto blanquiazul, recibió además horas antes la feliz noticia de su absolución del delito de corrupción deportiva por un supuesto amaño en el partido de la temporada 2010-2011 que enfrentó al Levante contra el Zaragoza. De esta manera vivió con tranquilidad una jornada marcada por el buen ambiente en el césped, tras la conquista de tres puntos importantes en la lucha por la salvación, y también en la grada con la presencia de aproximadamente cincuenta personas que quisieron apoyar a los suyos aprovechando el día festivo.Algunos de ellos les dieron gritos de ánimo durante la carrera continua con la que comenzó el entrenamiento. Posteriormente los futbolistas entraron en contacto con el balón antes de que los titulares en el último…

9 Dec 15:21 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125965575468.html
Showdown in New York: Besteht T-Mobiles Mega-Fusion vor Gericht?

Es gibt Widerstand gegen die Fusion von T-Mobile US mit Sprint. Es geht um Milliarden Dollar, die Zukunft des US-Mobilfunkmarkts und politische Machtkämpfe.

9 Dec 08:25 heise online 1766193382281893910.html
Tercer tormenta invernal, marcado descenso de temperatura

Tormenta invernal, No, 3, por el frente frío 21, masa de aire ártico, vórtice de núcleo frío y fuerte ingreso de humedad procedente del Pacífico

9 Dec 13:41 Regeneración 4314126175443827830.html
Pesquisa apresenta alternativa para tratamento de câncer

Uma pesquisa desenvolvida pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), em parceria com a Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) e a Ulster University (Irlanda do Norte), tem avançado nos estudos sobre tecnologia farmacêutica no que diz respeito ao combate do câncer de mama. Após um ano e meio de trabalho, um grupo de 10 pesquisadores, incluindo um […]

9 Dec 16:59 MaisPB 6493363727824193.html
Molly-Mae Hague teases the launch of a mysterious new brand

"Can't believe I can finally start talking about it."

9 Dec 08:58 GOSS.ie 8755536024455200215.html
Airtel scraps expiry dates on data, voice as subscriber numbers continue to grow

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9 - Airtel Kenya has launched no expiry data and call rates that will allow customers to spend as low as 1 bob for 5MB data and to make calls at 2bob

9 Dec 14:10 Capital Business 7605153803068584619.html
Netanyahu: No chance for unity with Gantz, Lapid

PM says Blue and White leaders leave no chance for unity government, urges Avigdor Liberman to join coalition in last 48 hours.

9 Dec 17:18 Israel National News 5374683670086437339.html
Mindestens 19 Tote bei Explosionen im Süden Afghanistans

Bei zwei Vorfällen in der südafghanischen Provinz Helmand sind mindestens 17 Sicherheitskräfte und zwei Zivilisten getötet worden. Das teilten lokale Behördenvertreter und Parlamentsmitglieder am Montag mit. Am Montag detonierte bei einem Militärstützpunkt eine Lkw-Bombe. Die radikal-islamischen Taliban reklamierten den Angriff für sich. Am Sonntag wurden in Helmland neun Polizisten getötet.

9 Dec 12:18 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084834368335.html
Pregnancy has been surreal for me, says Kalki Koechlin

She announced that she is pregnant with her first child, with due date in December.

9 Dec 15:14 The New Indian Express 4718288654444477300.html
Brottsofferjouren höll utbildning i Mora

Måndagen den 2 december, samlades ett antal frivilliga som arbetar som volontärer i Brottsofferjouren Norra Dalarna, med dess ordförande Ulf S Wallin som kursledare till en internutbildning.

9 Dec 12:38 dt.se 7773114078597426100.html
First Humble Choice bundle launches featuring Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Blasphemous and more

Choices, choices, choices...

9 Dec 11:45 Eurogamer.net 1957885126570447714.html
TIM, a Natale finalmente arriva questo servizio a lungo atteso dai clienti

Le eSIM sono in arrivo con TIM. Dopo una lunga attesa, il gestore di telefonia italiana rilascia questo servizio per molti clienti

9 Dec 09:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126516182399.html
Cagliari, testa alla Lazio: registrare la difesa per vincere lo scontro diretto

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:36 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206990444991.html
30 Personen gegen einen Pfannenbrand

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 11:18 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774681126123.html
uniko – Hammerschmid gratuliert Sabine Seidler

Die ehemalige uniko-Präsidentin und jetzige SPÖ-Bildungssprecherin Sonja Hammerschmid gratuliert Rektorin Sabine Seidler zur Wahl an die Spitze der Universitätenkonferenz. „Jemand, der jahrelang …

9 Dec 14:24 OTS.at 4182160710911155808.html
Francia destinará millones de euros al desarrollo de infraestructuras en Santiago de Cuba

El organismo financiero estatal francés Bpifrance ofrecerá a medio y largo plazo garantías por hasta 150 millones de euros para las empresas francesas que exporten a Cuba.

9 Dec 16:19 CiberCuba 8213836170596568654.html
Doctors have advised shifting Nawaz to US for treatment: PML-N

Party spokes­person says transp­orting ex-PM to US will be an immens­e challe­nge for medica­l team

9 Dec 08:23 The Express Tribune 1105816786951833618.html
Orient Express da Venezia a Londra, una festa in stile Grande Gatsby

Un viaggio da Venezia a Londra e indietro nel tempo: a marzo 2020 il Venice Simplon-Orient-Express ospiterà un favoloso party anni Venti

9 Dec 14:22 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189415788069.html
Darrell Clarke's challenge to Walsall strikers

Walsall boss Darrell Clarke has challenged his strikers to improve their play with their backs to goal after his side’s 1-0 win away at Port Vale.

9 Dec 10:10 Express & Star 7324224459142678976.html
Europas Mut bei der Batterieherstellung ist ungewöhnlich – aber richtig

Die EU-Staaten fördern den Ausbau einer Batterieproduktion. Der Testlauf ist sinnvoll, denn das Feld darf nicht länger den Asiaten überlassen werden.

9 Dec 14:47 Handelsblatt 4721373938536914761.html
Boost For Waterford Camogie As Dan Shanahan Appointed As Coach

Waterford camogie have received a huge boost with the news that county legend Dan Shanahan will take up the reins as head coach.

9 Dec 08:46 PUNDIT ARENA 505417273899460719.html
Salzburgs Hee-chan Hwang: Vom untröstlichen Teenager zum Van-Dijk-Bezwinger

Als Teenager war Hee-chan Hwang in Liefering sehr emotional. Heute ist er ein Star bei Red Bull Salzburg und hat sogar Virgil van Dijk düpiert.

9 Dec 15:32 SPOX 8395423525382721420.html
'An outright lie': Ohio lawmaker shown to be linked to group pushing rightwing Christian bills

Timothy Ginter, who said he had ‘no knowledge’ of Project Blitz, was listed as co-chair of state branch of group behind the campaign

9 Dec 10:00 the Guardian 1491978794613108206.html
China's Massive Microsoft Gut-Punch Won't Hurt MSFT Bull Run

Government agencies in China have to replace foreign software and equipment. That means, no more Microsoft for public offices by 2022.

9 Dec 10:32 CCN.com 4886348521831620412.html
Lionel Messi to miss Barcelona’s Champions League tie against Inter Milan

Barca are already through to the last 16 after the six-time Ballon d’Or winner scored in a convincing 3-1 victory against Borussia Dortmund.

9 Dec 14:18 Scroll.in 8669301692796820339.html
2K's Cloud Chamber Developing New BioShock Game

Cloud Chamber, a new studio founded by 2K, is currently developing a new installment in the fan-favorite BioShock series.

9 Dec 14:12 CBR.com 1295516961761490595.html
Ensure your safety and security while Christmas shopping

These safety tips are aimed at contributing to the safety and security of people during the holiday season.

9 Dec 10:00 South Coast Sun 4417269127343781869.html
MediaMarkt und Saturn: Veränderungen geplant

Bei MediaMarkt und Saturn wird sich in den kommenden Jahren ein bisschen was ändern. Dazu gehört, dass einige Filialen wohl etwas kleiner werden.

9 Dec 15:35 mobiFlip.de 5208441548052733216.html
BREAKING : Generations star Zoe Mthiyane arrested

Generations star Zoe Mthiyane arrested after she was busted by cops driving under the influence of alcohol.The actress spent the weekend behind bars

9 Dec 12:33 iHarare News 2755902708201978361.html
Cavendish confident of getting back to his best with Bahrain-McLaren

The 30-time Tour de France stage winner has joined the newly-branded team.

9 Dec 17:25 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774266678826.html
Was Männer wollen: Originelle Geschenke zu Weihnachten

Geschenkestress adé! Sie suchen nach originellen Geschenkideen für Ihren Ehemann, Bruder oder Vater zu Weihnachten? Unsere Empfehlungen von ausgefallen bis nützlich.

9 Dec 11:25 T-Online 5460876212268422594.html
Doping, Russia bandita per 4 anni da Olimpiadi, Mondiali e tutte le competizioni sportive

Un provvedimento senza precedenti, una stangata pesantissima. La Russia è stata bandita per quattro anni da tutte le principali competizioni sportive internazionali. Il motivo? La manipolazione e falsificazione dei dati di laboratorio sui test anti-doping consegnati agli investigatori, nell'ambito delle indagini del Comitato di controllo della conformità (Crc) dell'agenzia antidoping mondiale (Wada). La bandiera e l'inno della Russia non saranno dunque ammessi in occasione di eventi come le Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 e la Coppa del Mondo di calcio del 2022 in Qatar.

9 Dec 10:39 fanpage.it 1517332168526445946.html
Doping, maxi squalifica per la Russia: fuori da olimpiadi e mondiali

La Wada ha stabilito una squalifica storica per la Russia: il Paese est europeo non potrà partecipare a competizioni internazionali per 4 anni.

9 Dec 11:35 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928371128658.html
L'audio in chat che fa litigare i grillini Giarruso e Cancelleri

La questione è quella della nomina a vice ministro di Giancarlo Cancelleri. L'europarlamentare si lamenta del fatto che nessuno obiettasse l'abbandono della carica elettiva in Sicilia

9 Dec 10:56 ilGiornale.it 5019541224549162251.html
Guatemala abre en Bangkok y Yakarta sus primeras embajadas en sureste de Asia

Con vistas a tener más lazos comerciales las autoridades guatemaltecas abrieron dos nuevas embajadas en Bakngkok, Tailandia y Yakarta, Indonesia.

9 Dec 13:01 Prensa Libre 5433015256832940549.html
Will give stable, pro-development govt, asserts CM BSY

Jubilant after the BJP's stellar performance in the byelections, Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Monday asserted that he would give a stable and pro-development government for the next three-and-half years

9 Dec 14:51 Deccan Herald 2027555797552512025.html
Oil slips as weak China exports highlight trade war impact

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil prices fell on Monday after data showed Chinese exports declined for a fourth straight month, sending jitters through a market already concerned about damage to global demand by the trade war between Washington and Beijing.

9 Dec 17:56 Reuters 8334514180624254885.html
Penumpang Udara Masa Nataru Diprediksi Drop, Beralih ke Tol

Angkutan nataru diprediksi turun tahun ini.

9 Dec 14:43 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213262083200.html
A researcher who interviewed 45 millionaires and billionaires found that they all shared a similar trait: a problem with authority, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The ultra-wealthy's inability to do things "by the book" may be part of what makes them successful, according to German researcher Rainer Zitelmann.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:40 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756001949399.html
North Korea Resumes Insults of 'Erratic Old Man' Trump

Kim Jong Un has warned he may take a 'new path' if the United States fails to address his demands

9 Dec 11:01 Haaretz 1431421787409942659.html
Watch: Dhoni sings classic Bollywood number at event to applause

In the video, Dhoni is seen singing the classic Bollywood number 'Main pal do pal ka shayar hoon' from the film 1976 film Kabhie Kabhie. The audience is heard clapping as the former Indian captain sings.

9 Dec 08:28 The Indian Express 2885715103733493094.html
J.Y. Park reveals that he failed while auditioning for SM Entertainment in the past

J.Y. Park revealed his unlikely relationship with SM Entertainment.The popular label head and artist appeared on the December 7th broadcas…

9 Dec 17:26 allkpop 3249686061151235222.html
Vicepresidenta cubana llama a la unidad en Cumbre de la ACP

Nuestra fortaleza descansa en la unidad y la solidaridad, afirmó este 10 de diciembre Inés María Chapman,  vicepresidenta del Consejo de Ministros de Cuba, al intervenir en la IX Cumbre de la Asociación de Estados de África, el Caribe y Pacífico (ACP), que se celebra en Nairobi, Kenia.

9 Dec 16:05 Escambray 1851904802595669535.html
US-Amerikaner lieben "Made in Germany"

Das hervorragende Geschäft mit den USA verhilft deutschen Unternehmen zu hervorragenden Exportzahlen. Im Oktober verkaufen Firmen Güter im Wert von mehr als elf Milliarden Euro in die Vereinigten Staaten. Dieser Rekord kann über insgesamt trübe Aussichten dennoch nicht hinwegtäuschen.

9 Dec 11:29 n-tv 6802689754608901681.html
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy Find a Dinosaur Theme Park Occupied By Villains

DC presents a preview of Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #4, by Jody Houser, Adriana Melo and Mark Morales.

9 Dec 08:12 CBR.com 1295516962217889897.html
Neues Bioshock ist offiziell in Arbeit, aber es wird noch lange dauern

Lange war es nur ein Gerücht, aber jetzt haben wir Gewissheit. Publisher 2K hat ein neues Bioshock auf dem Plan.

9 Dec 13:45 www.gamepro.de 3610569834301186245.html
Banco Macro se suma al panel de Gobierno Corporativo de BYMA

Contenido patrocinado Banco Macro informa que ingresó al Panel de Gobierno Corporativo de BYMA –Bolsas y Mercado Argentinos-. De ahora en más, la entidad forma parte del panel diferencial que incluye acciones de empresas ya listadas que cumplen voluntariamente con prácticas de buen gobierno y transparencia adicionales a las requeridas por la regulación argentina.

9 Dec 15:25 El Litoral 2624573357117676500.html
Soziales Netzwerk gibt Diskriminierung von „besonderen Nutzern“ zu

Das chinesische soziale Netzwerk TikTok hat bestätigt. Die Video-Reichweite von Menschen mit Behinderung wurde bewusst eingeschränkt.

9 Dec 14:02 RTL.DE 7054729453113858419.html
Anthony Joshua dreams of future world title defence in Nigeria

Joshua, who is of Nigerian heritage, visited the country earlier this year and was inspired to return in a boxing capacity.

9 Dec 13:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991440478697.html
China Orders All Government Offices, Public Companies To Replace Foreign PCs, Software

Beijing retaliates for Huawei blockage

9 Dec 16:19 Infowars 1950426313661089487.html
Updates to Incognito mode and your Timeline in Maps

These tools help you manage your Location History in Google Maps—an optional setting that make Maps more useful and personalized to your needs.

9 Dec 17:00 Google 7122920201682268611.html
CP Rail train derails near Lanigan, Sask., sparking fire that closes highway

A Canadian Pacific freight train hauling crude derailed overnight sparking a fire that forced the closure of part of a major highway south of Humboldt, Sask.

9 Dec 12:50 CTVNews 2422791598619090654.html
Alberto Fernández asume este martes como presidente de Argentina

Con la llegada a Buenos Aires de los primeros invitados internacionales y los preparativos de la ciudad para acoger la celebración, Argentina inició la cuenta atrás para que hoy Alberto Fernández sea investido como jefe de Estado.La asunción del peronista en medio de una severa crisis económica culmina así la transición iniciada el 27 de octubre pasado, día en que Fernández y su compañera de fórmula para la Vicepresidencia, la exmandataria Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, ganaron las elecciones con el 48,24 % de los votos, frente el 40,28 % obtenido por el actual mandatario, el conservador Mauricio Macri.El comienzo de los actos está previsto a las 10.30 hora local, cuando arrancará en el Congreso de la Nación la sesión del traspaso de mando, en la que, tras diversos trámites protocolarios, se llevará a cabo la juramentación y el discurso del nuevo presidente.Ayer, operarios públicos terminaron de engalanar con banderas argentinas las zonas en las que transcurrirán los festejos. De madrugada, y como había pedido…

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347941745837.html
Alasan di Balik Batalnya Tol Japek Layang Dibuka 15 Desember

Kementerian Perhubungan membeberkan alasan tol Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) layang baru bisa dibuka 20 Desember, bukan 15 Desember. Apa alasannya?

9 Dec 16:00 detikfinance 4442190002018822876.html
Chrissy Teigen answers all our questions on celebs and their lavish lifestyles

What do they do with all those rooms in their mansions?

9 Dec 10:01 Metro 970161747214952850.html
Business leaders in their own words on policy

Australian business leaders reveal what they want from government - and the big opportunity Australia missed in the past decade.

9 Dec 11:43 Australian Financial Review 3974284487594600828.html
Cheaper And More Expensive Land Rover Defenders Are Coming

When it goes on sale in the US next spring, the 2020 Land Rover Defender will initially only be available i...

9 Dec 17:20 CarBuzz 4034462237138002887.html
Pope names Tagle to Vatican post

POPE Francis has named Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle to the top Vatican post of Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

9 Dec 11:06 Journal Online 6375127392144165656.html
Neuseeland: Eruption des Vulkans Whakaari tötet Touristen auf White Island

Es ist 14:11 Uhr Ortszeit, als sich über White Island plötzlich der Himmel verdunkelt und Menschen verschwinden. Der "dramatische Vulkan" in Neuseeland sorgt für eine dramatische Szenerie.

9 Dec 11:31 GMX 2011843075356074266.html
La WADA esclude gli atleti russi dalle competizioni internazionali per 4 anni

Le agenzie hanno appena battuto una breaking news che riguarda lo sport russo: la WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) ha imposto un ban di quattro anni alla Russia “from all global sport, including the 2020 Olympics and the 2022 World Cup”. La durissima decisione viene dall’accertamento delle politiche scorrette messe in opera dallo sport russo nel […]

9 Dec 12:14 Live Tennis 3913669896958930676.html
Pakai Tank Top, Vanessa Angel Joget Lagu 'Terdiam Sepi' Tuai Sorotan: Lumayan Bikin Keringatan

Kali ini, perhatian publik tertuju pada Vanessa Angel yang memamerkan jogetannya dengan diiringi lagu 'Terdiam Sepi'.

9 Dec 12:57 Tribunnews.com 3323534445501539138.html
Namen stehen fest: Berliner Panda-Zwillinge sind Jungs

Am Montag hat der Berliner endlich die Namen und das Geschlecht der beiden niedlichen Panda-Zwillinge bekannt gegeben.

9 Dec 11:03 TAG24 4583887874063383593.html
Studie "Vergeudete Talente": Migrantinnen in Deutschland kämpfen um Anerkennung ihrer Bildung – was helfen kann

„Ich habe studiert. Ich werde in Deutschland keine Putzfrau sein!“, sagt Youma (Name von der Redaktion geändert) entschlossen. Viele Jahre hat die junge Senegalesin als Lehrerin an einem Gymnasium in ihrem Heimatland in Westafrika Deutsch unterrichtet.

9 Dec 12:29 FOCUS Online 4448121231253875835.html
Ciclista morre atropelado por motorista embriagado na Dutra

O condutor embriagada e sem habilitação fugiu sem prestar socorro à vítima, mas foi preso depois de uma perseguição

9 Dec 11:00 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700555828161.html
Naughty Boy Kisses Nicole Scherzinger Under Fur Blanket In Cozy Photo

Nicole Scherzinger and Naughty Boy are currently both working on The X Factor: The Band and have taken cozy photos together. Scherzinger shared two images within one post to her Instagram account ...

9 Dec 11:29 The Inquisitr 1745625231238448380.html
Experten für Neubau am Heldenplatz und gegen Namensänderung

Expertenteam legt den von Ex-Kulturminister Blümel beauftragten Evaluationsbericht vor.

9 Dec 09:12 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440904073416.html
10 of 31 local authorities publish political donations given to councillors

Fingal and South Dublin County Councils are the most transparent in the country, while Kerry and Westmeath are the worst performing.

9 Dec 12:50 Breaking News 4415806919127777213.html
El jutge absol els futbolistes acusats de pactar el resultat del Llevant-Saragossa

Dos directius del club aragonès, condemnats a un any i tres mesos de presó

9 Dec 17:14 Ara.cat 6070605020775263177.html
Samy Vellu's son seeks court order to determine his father's mental health

KUALA LUMPUR: Former MIC president Tun S. Samy Vellu’s son has filed a legal proceeding to determine his father's mental health which allegedly has been deteriorating over the last two years.

9 Dec 15:46 NST Online 3702929170006455733.html
Big claim from France that PSG could swoop for Liverpool star

This week’s edition of France Football has a special feature on potential PSG transfers. It’s mostly about players who could leave the club and there’s nothing hugely dramatic. There’s also a small section on potential incomings, and that’s where Sadio Mane gets a mention. Ahead of the last summer transfer window the Liverpool star was

9 Dec 17:20 Sport Witness 200001553309258579.html
WADA schliesst Russland für vier Jahre von Olympia und WM aus

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 12:31 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774816712021.html
New Nintendo Indie World showcase happening on Tuesday

Tune in on Tuesday December 10th at 18:00 UK time / 19:00 CET for a new Indie World showcase live stream, featuring roughly 20 minutes of information on some upcoming indie games for…

9 Dec 15:06 My Nintendo News 1055834754288315073.html
Ending right to block private schools hailed as a win over 'red tape'

Residents will lose the right to object to the building of new private schools under planning laws designed to "fast-track" development in the independent sector.

9 Dec 12:45 The Age 7967730561851467198.html
Termasuk Liverpool, 3 Klub Besar Ini Terancam Gagal Lolos ke Babak 16 Besar Liga Champions

Liverpool, Inter Milan dan Borussia Dortmund masih terancam gagal lolos ke babak 16 besar Liga Champions 2019/20 meski memiliki nama besar.

9 Dec 14:43 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550148510392.html
Perchezitii DNA la PSD Arad si in locuintele a doi parlamentari. Deputatul Florin Tripa, dus la audieri UPDATE

Procurorii DNA fac perchezitii la sediul PSD Arad, la locuintele unor parlamentari PSD si la sediul Directiei Regionale de Drumuri si Poduri Timisoara.

9 Dec 09:57 Ziare.com 1922730286679378319.html
6 Meme Kocak Isi Dompet Ini Bikin Geleng Kepala

Dompet memang bukan benda mistis, namun apa yang ada di dalamnya terkadang menakutkan.

9 Dec 09:02 liputan6.com 5422146880561288362.html
Come cancellare l'account Amazon in pochi minuti

Come cancellare account Amazon in pochi minuti? Ecco la semplice procedura da portare a termine senza fatica per dire addio al portale ecommerce una buona volta

9 Dec 13:23 Wired 7504010957965714376.html
Man buried in Alaska mountain avalanche saved by other hiker

An Alaska hiker is lucky to be alive after he was buried during an avalanche and another hiker saw his feet and freed him, officials said. The hiker was alone on Flattop Mountain around 1 p.m. Saturday when an avalanche buried him, the Chugach National Forest Avalanche Information Center said. Alex

9 Dec 14:35 Yahoo 7097669638741295769.html
Volcano Leaves No Survivors On New Zealand's White Island, Police Say

New Zealand police say they don't believe there are any survivors on an island where a volcano has erupted.

9 Dec 12:52 SPIN South West 8165439736002387507.html
No proposal for education loans waiver, says govt

The government on Monday said there is no proposal under consideration for waiver of education loans. In the last three years from 2016-17 to March 2019, the amount of outstanding education loans

9 Dec 13:40 Deccan Herald 2027555795887314232.html
Crean un lector de huella que utiliza dos dedos para desbloquear la pantalla

Snapdragon ha desarrollado un lector de huella que utiliza dos dedos de la mano

9 Dec 11:14 sport 1349897969615197429.html
Elon Musk Hits Traffic Pylon With New Cybertruck

Billionaire tech icon Elon Musk turned a lot of heads in the US city of Malibu, California on Saturday night when he showed up to a swanky restaurant in his new Tesla Cybertruck. But Musk’s night on the town included at least one embarrassing hiccup. The founder of Tesla and SpaceX hit a traffic pylon with his shiny new vehicle that some Twitter users joked was roughly the height of a small child.

9 Dec 16:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001867131072.html
Cheltenham hero Sizing John set to return after two-year absence

Jessica Harrington’s 2017 Cheltenham Gold Cup hero Sizing John is set to make his return from a two-year absence at Punchestown on New Year’s Eve after pleasing connections in a post-racing workout at the County Kildare circuit on Sunday.

9 Dec 12:50 Breaking News 4415806919219884871.html
Letter to BS: NEFT system a step closer to achieving financial inclusion

The facility to transfer money through NEFT transaction on a round-the-clock basis will benefit many customers

9 Dec 16:39 Business-Standard 1502508925865584936.html
Sosta selvaggia, autobus bloccato nel centro. Scoppia il caos

Alla fine è rimesto bloccato nel centro cittadino a piazza dei Martiri l'autobus turistico fermato dalla sosta selvaggia Borrelli si rivolge alla polizia municipale.

9 Dec 09:50 ilGiornale.it 5019541225821680207.html
Google Pixel: Feature-Updates eingeführt

Google hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass die Pixel-Smartphones in Zukunft nicht nur Bugfixes und monatliche Sicherheitsupdates bekommen sollen, sondern auch unabhängig vom großen Android-Release neue Features kommen.

9 Dec 14:37 mobiFlip.de 5208441549412888011.html
Si apre una voragine in via Carmine, chiuso un tratto di strada

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:31 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206489959836.html
Kini Melatih di Liga 3, Eks Persebaya Rindu Ingin Kembali

Para pencinta Persebaya mungkin tak asing dengan sosok Ibnu Grahan. Eks pemain dan kini menjadi pelatih dengan segudang pengalaman.

9 Dec 14:02 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549767263623.html
Atletica, premiati Zullo e Pedditzi: "Serve una pista a Maracalagonis"

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:44 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206858453795.html
New Zealand volcano eruption: One dead, more fatalities feared

New Zealand police said at least one person was killed and more fatalities were likely, after an island volcano popular with tourists erupted Monday, leaving dozens stranded. "I can confirm there is one fatality," said deputy commissioner John Tims. "There is a number still remaining on the island who are currently unaccounted for," he added, "at this stage, it is too dangerous for police and rescue services to go to the island."

9 Dec 09:58 WION 1570469240549652603.html
Rockets hit military base near Baghdad airport, six wounded

Four Katyusha rockets struck a military base next to Baghdad International Airport on Monday wounding "six fighters", a statement from the military said. Security forces found a rocket launcher and several rockets in a search of the area, the statement said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. It was the latest in a spate of rocket attacks on military installations this past week. On Thursday, two Katyusha rockets landed inside Balad air base, but there were no casualties or damage reported from the attack.

9 Dec 13:35 WION 1570469240765030407.html
Webcam live feed showed tourists inside New Zealand volcano right before it erupted and killed at least 5

A photograph from a webcam operated by the New Zealand geological hazards agency GeoNet showed a group of people inside the crater of the White Island volcano moments before it erupted.

9 Dec 10:15 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883638638741.html
Am 8. November in Gleisdorf: Unbekannte stahl Handtasche und wollte gleich danach Geld abheben

Unbekannte stahl im Supermarkt die Handtasche einer Kundin und wollte dann Geld abheben. Dabei wurde sie gefilmt.

9 Dec 17:17 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150701033101836.html
Hitna pomoć u Smederevu dobila defibrilator

Grad Smederevo je preko Saveta za bezbednost saobraćaja na putevima na teritoriji grada Smedereva obezbedio mobilni aparat defibrilator, čija vrednost iznosi oko 600.000 dinara

9 Dec 16:56 REPUBLIKA 2543998406593496600.html
Arquidiócesis condena violencia contra la mujer

A través del Semanario Desde la Fe que en un ambiente de deterioro social cotidiano, se han suscitado actos de ‘terrible agresión’ y de ‘vergonzosa impunidad’

9 Dec 17:34 Excélsior 859179359341134058.html
Fechenheim: Bahnhof ohne Klo und Licht

Die Bürgerinitiative Zukunft Fechenheim hat zur Station Mainkur eine ganze Liste von Mängeln notiert. Schüler und Kindergärten könnten die Haltestelle aufpeppen, regt die Bahn an.

9 Dec 14:12 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323279550420.html
1 transported after SUV crashes into Miami Gardens cellphone store

MIAMI GARDENS, FLA. (WSVN) - Rescue crews have transported a person to the hospital after an SUV made a smashing stop into a Metro PCS...

9 Dec 16:18 WSVN 7News 4504855331763939474.html
Un bambino su 4 ha un rapporto problematico con lo smartphone

Lo rivela uno studio del King's College di Londra. I ricercatori, tuttavia, hanno ammesso di non avere ancora in mano prove sufficienti per affermare che lo strumento possa fare male al bimbo

9 Dec 12:34 Agi 2115274224711101766.html
Golf tourism encouraged as Namanya, Maraka win Kenya Day Golf

Playing off handicaps 28 and 30 respectively, the two emerged with the best net scores from the rain-soaked course to add more prizes in their budding golfing careers....

9 Dec 11:53 New Vision 9103146373634520164.html
UN-Klimakonferenz: Greta und Luisa lassen die sprechen, die sonst nicht gehört werden

Die Klimakrise ist ernst – das zeigt sich alleine schon daran, dass sich in Madrid derzeit die Anführer der Welt treffen, um über Gegenmassnahmen zu …

9 Dec 14:46 watson.ch 2253754996119263155.html
KRC Genk-goalie Vandevoordt kan Svilar en Casillas achter zich laten tegen Napoli

Maarten Vandevoordt kan zich in de Champions League tegen Napoli in de recordboeken keepen. Hij kan de jongste doelman ooit worden in het kampioenenbal.

9 Dec 08:45 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216016752413.html
Fiscalía de Delitos electorales pide retirar inmunidad a magistrados del TSE

Los magistrados del Tribunal Supremo Electoral son denunciados por supuestamente haber "incumplido" su deber.

9 Dec 15:42 Prensa Libre 5433015257601364236.html
Mbappe With Ronaldo-Like Reaction To Substitution, Coach Responds

It seems Cristiano Ronaldo is not the only player who reacts with frustration to being substituted in recent times, with Kylian Mbappe visibly annoyed when he was replaced on the weekend, and his coach has since commented on the incident.

9 Dec 17:35 Soccer Laduma 3901337371868583939.html
EOTB-Alisa ondergaat 'bizarre ingreep'

Bizarre beautytrends blijven zich opstapelen en hoeveel mensen eraan meedoen al helemaal. Dit keer is het de beurt aan Alisa uit Ex On The Beach: Double Dutch. De blondine heeft zichzelf zogenaamde 'devil lips' aan laten meten en toont het resultaat op Instagram.

9 Dec 11:52 RTL Boulevard 1500115271728728598.html
Miss Universe host Steve Harvey apparently mixes up Miss Malaysia and Miss Philippines

It's a case of déjà vu when he also infamo­usly wrongl­y named Columb­ia as the 2015 winner of the beauty pagean­t

9 Dec 08:00 The Express Tribune 1105816787832701115.html
Pferd mit Messer in Pfullingen angegriffen : Unbekannter sticht mehrmals zu - Blutendes Tier wurde von Besitzerin gefunden

Ein Unbekannter hat in Pfullingen ein Pferd mit mehreren Messerstichen verletzt. Die Besitzerin habe am Samstagmittag ihr zugerichtetes Tier ...

9 Dec 13:16 swp.de 6929179441530505798.html
Wow! Bos Sawit Ini Jadi Orang Terkaya Paling Muda di Indonesia

WE Online, Jakarta - Daftar orang terkaya di Indonesia kembali dirilis oleh Forbes. Di antara 50 orang yang masuk ke dalam daftar, ada satu nama yang dinobatkan sebagai yang terkaya sekaligus yang termuda. Siapa dia?

9 Dec 08:21 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834843205668.html
JNU Protest: 'Call Off Strike, Stop Exam Boycott,' JNU Admin Tells Agitating Students

The police had already heightened security arrangements and deployed additional forces on every gate of JNU, sealing the varsity from protesting students to leave the premises.

9 Dec 17:23 India.com 7150386083798179119.html
Highland secondary school sends kids home after 15 teachers struck down with illness

A HIGHLAND secondary school sent kids home after 15 teachers were struck down with an illness. Nairn Academy confirmed that S1-S3 pupils will be off today and tomorrow after more than a dozen teach…

9 Dec 15:04 The Scottish Sun 6609127673783653788.html
Reggie's Game Awards Appearance With Xbox And PlayStation Bosses Almost Didn't Happen

"I thought it had fallen apart"

9 Dec 10:30 Nintendo Life 5246707018981792088.html
How the heavyweight division stands after Joshua’s win

It may be a while yet before Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder face one another.

9 Dec 11:52 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774168793253.html
Look inside the Carlton pub grotto with own ice kingdom and Christmas train

Advance tickets to the festive pop-up sold out in a matter of days

9 Dec 16:53 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702487458781.html
NDDC: N’Delta Assembly warns against moves to shortchange Delta of MD position

NDDC: THE Niger Delta Peoples Assembly, NDPA, a pressure group in the Niger Delta region, has warned that any attempt to shortchange Delta State from...

9 Dec 14:03 Vanguard News 4125100339322331076.html
Gazzetta - Ibrahimovic resta obiettivo, ADL ha parlato con Zlatan e Raiola

La pista Zlatan Ibrahimovic è tornata di grande attualità nelle ultime ore. A parlarne è anche l'edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport

9 Dec 12:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080385119114.html
UMTA in the dog house

Proposed common ticket card, urban transport development fund remain on paper

9 Dec 14:45 The Hindu 6679535024925927584.html
Rusland vier jaar lang uitgesloten van deelname aan Olympische Spelen en WK’s

Het Wereldantidopingagentschap (Wada) heeft maandag besloten dat Rusland vier jaar lang niet mag deelnemen aan Olympische Spelen en WK’s. De sanctie volgt ...

9 Dec 10:32 De Standaard 2288913867607869893.html
Uomini e Donne, anticipazioni: Armando chiude con Veronica

Durante l’ultima registrazione del trono over Armando ha deciso di non frequentare più Veronica. Ecco che cosa è successo Uomini e Donne, anticipazioni: Armando chiude con Veronica Nell’ultima puntata andata in onda su Canale 5 del trono over di Uomini e Donne abbiamo visto che Armando Incarnato stava portando avanti la conoscenza con Veronica. Il […]

9 Dec 12:20 KontroKultura 2573504973316498744.html
Uncle of Syria's Assad faces money laundering trial in Paris

Syrian regime leader Bashar Assad's uncle went on trial in Paris Monday on charges of pilfering Syrian state coffers and using the spoils to build a...

9 Dec 15:51 DAILY SABAH 8383944809891687346.html
Kraljevo prodaje 6 hektara zemljišta privrednicima tog grada

KRALJEVO - Gradsko veće grada Kraljeva formiralo je stručnu komisiju za procenu i prodaju građevinskog zemljišta u svojini grada na lokaciji pored

9 Dec 15:13 Krstarica 4176903988713964269.html
Student who nearly died after fall from Bristol club roof in emotional reunion with stranger who saved his life

“It’s not often you get to meet the person who saved your life and say thank you."

9 Dec 14:36 BristolLive 4740742017777978993.html
Tanpa Hazard, Trio RBV Real Madrid Jadi Alternatif Pengganti Trio BBC

Meski tanpa Eden Hazard, Zinedine Zidane disebut telah menemukan pengganti Trio BBC (Gareth Bale, Karim Benzema, Cristiano Ronaldo) di Real Madrid.

9 Dec 12:46 BolaSport.com 4603768436752054059.html
Firenze, si apre il portellone del furgone e la bara finisce in mezzo alla strada

Lo spiacevole episodio è avvenuto venerdì scorso: il feretro era diretto alle Cappelle del Commiato di Careggi per il funerale ma è precipitato in strada dopo che il portellone del furgone che lo trasportava si è aperto per un guasto meccanico oppure per una manovra errata da parte del personale delle pompe funebri.

9 Dec 10:57 fanpage.it 1517332167214637769.html
Jadwal Siaran Langsung Final Badminton SEA Games 2019

Tiga wakil Indonesia akan berlaga di final badminton SEA Games 2019. Berikut jadwal siaran langsung laga tersebut.

9 Dec 08:31 olahraga 6599523174214719189.html
Vier Jahre Doping-Sperrefür Russland

Russland wird für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen und Weltmeisterschaften ausgeschlossen. Das entschied die Wada in Lausanne.

9 Dec 11:06 Bild 8433249909306318378.html
GZ-Weihnachtsaktion: Dank Reparatur: Im Schlachthof muss im Winter niemand frieren

Obwohl sie ihre Heizung reparieren ließen, statt eine neue zu kaufen, haben die Vereine der „Initiative Schlachthof“ an den Kosten zu knabbern.

9 Dec 09:04 swp.de 6929179441363814511.html
Finland's Sanna Marin to become world's youngest PM

Finland's former transport minister Sanna Marin, 34, will become the world's youngest sitting prime minister when she is sworn in by the Finnish parliament.

9 Dec 15:38 RTE.ie 7595237278621104398.html
Pensacola Shooter Sent Anti-U.S. Tweets Before Naval Base Attack

Mohammed Alshamrani, a member of the Royal Saudi Air Force, killed three Americans when he opened fire at Naval Air Station Pensacola.

9 Dec 16:27 HuffPost 5982769914561986035.html
Guardiola: City have to improve

City are 14 points behind leaders Liverpool.

9 Dec 10:22 Daily Nation 7421817125703205280.html
Dahil sa sunud-sunod na kalamidad Disaster Dept. madaliin—Go

HINILING ni Senador Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go sa Kongreso na madaliin ang paglikha ng Department of Disaster Resilience (DDR) dahil madalas magkaroon ng lindol at iba pang kalamidad sa bansa tulad ng pananalasa ng bagyong Tisoy kamakailan.

9 Dec 09:33 Journal Online 6375127392314848004.html
Withings fitness trackers can now sync sleep data w/ Google Fit

The Withings Health Mate app for Android is adding support for syncing sleep data with Google Fit in its latest update, available now.

9 Dec 15:12 9to5Google 6197440880800248953.html
Tassia Rescue Missions Ends as Children's Bodies Found

Rescue mission at the Tassia Tragedy has come to an end with fresh findings involving the...

9 Dec 10:05 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153628267580.html
Here’s how TransLink says you can prepare for the SkyTrain shutdown tomorrow

TransLink is preparing customers after CUPE 7000, the union representing 900 SkyTrain workers, announced that it would forward with withdrawal of services.

9 Dec 15:59 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496612887737.html
Scarlet Witch Will Finally Get Her Big Title In WandaVision

This weekend is CCXP, Comic Con Experience São Paulo, and during a recent panel there MCU head honcho Kevin Feige dropped some fascinating details about Marvel’s upcoming slate of programming and movies. Alongside some exclusive footage that hasn’t yet been released online, there was some interesting conversation...

9 Dec 10:11 Gizmodo AU 3183561247588210709.html
Labour's Thangam Debbonaire hits back after Greens claim they are the only Remain party in Bristol West

Ms Debbonaire also implied a vote for the Greens was a vote for a 'protest party' that would keep the Tories in power

9 Dec 16:44 BristolLive 4740742016939732898.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.

9 Dec 11:17 KitchenerToday.com 52741010548345521.html
The Open Rights Group wants answers on General Election data use

Privacy of the ballot box

9 Dec 14:31 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887307576511049.html
Wuchtige Darbietung für den guten Zweck

In St. Johannes Baptist traten zwei Chöre und ein Orchester auf.

9 Dec 17:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569243342536.html
Kranke Tauben benötigen neues Zuhause

Der Verein Straßentaube sucht dringend etwa 50 Quadratmeter Fläche im Raum Stuttgart für ein Taubenhospiz.

9 Dec 17:14 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146349460800787.html
New Zealand volcano: No survivors left on island after eruption kills at least five

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story

9 Dec 11:27 mirror 675785259903056026.html
Duel Pakai Celurit, Tangan Siswa SMK di Bekasi Putus

Perkalihan antarsiswa terjadi di Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Akibatnya, pergelangan tangan korban, TH (20), putus.

9 Dec 08:32 detiknews 8793960224129244368.html
Slowdown only cyclical, India's growth potential not lost: Chief Economic Advisor

Subramanian said that there was, needless to say, a slowdown in the economy but it needs to be assessed whether it was structural or cyclical in nature. Indias GDP growth in Q1 of the current financial year, fell to a 6-year low of 5%, while Q2 slowed down further to 4.5%. The Reserve Bank of India has also lowered its GDP forecast for 2019-20 from 6.1% to 5%.

9 Dec 10:39 The Economic Times 7653256036429369490.html
Condenado Agapito Iglesias y absueltos los jugadores por el amaño del Levante-Zaragoza

El exdirectivo Javier Porquera también ha sido condenado a un año y tres meses de prisión

9 Dec 11:44 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578731050932.html
WhatsApp ya permite crear notas y recordatorios

WhatsApp ya permite gestionar recordatorios y tareas dentro de su plataforma

9 Dec 17:34 El Universal 4964748197156600702.html
Eagles’ Miles Sanders rapidly approaching these notable franchise rookie records

PHILADELPHIA -- Miles Sanders’ first season with the Eagles could set a new bar for all future rookie playmakers who arrive in Philadelphia after him.

9 Dec 12:04 Msn 1509165515121785003.html
Awkward moment Miss Universe host names wrong winner 4 years after last blunder

Miss Universe host Steve Harvey was left red-faced yet again as Miss Malaysia Shweta Sekhon corrected him when he wrongly named the winner of the national costume category

9 Dec 16:59 mirror 675785260525457296.html
WADA Revokes Russia's Right to Take Part or Host Int'l Sporting Events for Four Years

In November, WADA’s Compliance Review Committee recommended to the Executive Committee several punitive measures against the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), saying that Russia should not have the right to host any editions of major sports events for four years.

9 Dec 13:13 Sputniknews 967333868154610855.html
Bericht: Chinas Behörden sollen auf ausländische Hard- und Software verzichten

Chinesischen Regierungsbehörden sollen einem Bericht der Financial Times zufolge, ausländische Hard- und Software innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahre mit heimischen Produkten ersetzen.

9 Dec 16:21 ZDNet.de 5091086699293785493.html
Man pleads not guilty to murder by reason of insanity

A 20-year-old Egyptian man has pleaded not guilty to murdering a Japanese national in Dundalk nearly two years ago by reason of insanity.

9 Dec 13:36 RTE.ie 7595237278619446780.html
Elon Musk appears to have mowed down a traffic sign in Tesla's new Cybertruck over the weekend

The billionaire chief executive took out a "right turn only" sign while turning left out of Nobu, a sushi restaurant in Malibu.

9 Dec 14:27 Yahoo 7097669637710905202.html
Elon Musk Hits Traffic Pylon With New Cybertruck After Dinner in Malibu

Billionaire tech icon Elon Musk turned a lot of heads in Malibu, California on Saturday night when he showed up to a swanky restaurant in his new Tesla Cybertruck. But Musk’s night on the town included at least one embarrassing hiccup. The founder of Tesla and SpaceX hit a traffic pylon with his shiny new vehicle that some Twitter users joked was roughly the height of a small child.

9 Dec 11:45 Gizmodo 461714590804140819.html
Mac Pro en Pro Display XDR verschijnen morgen

De Mac Pro en de Pro Display XDR zijn vanaf morgen (dinsdag 10 december) verkrijgbaar. Dat heeft Apple bekendgemaakt via een mail aan consumenten.

9 Dec 11:18 iCreate 5140431717458492430.html
El gran gesto de Estudiantes de la Plata en la presentación de Javier Mascherano

El club platense inauguró su nuevo estadio hace poco y en la presentación del "jefecito" tuvieron un gran gesto.

9 Dec 12:22 Publinews 8987875305546168675.html
Ini Penyebab Jebloknya Performa Arema FC pada Pengujung Musim 2019

Asisten Pelatih Arema FC, Kuncoro, membeber analisisnya soal penyebab timnya gagal menampilkan permainan terbaik mereka pada pengujung kompetisi Shopee Liga 1 musim 2019 ini.

9 Dec 17:14 Bola.net 5489959027900526088.html
Freddie Flintoff reveals real reason he won't watch Top Gear

The former cricketer, 42, told the PA news agency that he finds it too embarrassing to watch anything he does for TV with his wife Rachael Wools Flintoff and their three children

9 Dec 12:46 birminghammail 8288260685993157814.html
Lazaro kämpft mit Inter um Achtelfinale

Abgesehen von Salzburgs Gruppe E sind in den Dienstagspielen der Fußball-Champions-League weitere vier Plätze für das Achtelfinale der Königsklasse zu vergeben. Im Fokus stehen das Fernduell zwischen Borussia Dortmund und Inter Mailand von Valentino Lazaro bzw. die Gruppe H, in der sich Ajax Amsterdam, Chelsea und Valencia einen Dreikampf um zwei Tickets liefern.

9 Dec 16:20 NÖN.at 2486998931650078374.html
Google Play Movies may soon add support for Dolby Vision HDR content

According to a teardown of the Play Movies app, it looks like Google's service is preparing long-awaited Dolby Vision HDR support.

9 Dec 15:24 9to5Google 6197440880414717345.html
At least one dead, several missing after volcano erupts on New Zealand's White Island

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- At least one person is dead and several others are missing after a volcano on a small New Zealand island erupted Monday, authorities said.

9 Dec 08:09 UPI 8257973865372796396.html
Is Boris Johnson telling the truth on Northern Ireland border checks?

The UK prime minister has been called out as wrong for saying there will be no checks on goods between Britain and Northern Ireland after Brexit.

9 Dec 15:27 euronews 7318238121906127456.html
Twitch - MontanaBlack vergleicht Frauen mit Hunden, großer Shitstorm auf Twitter

Der Streamer MontanaBlack gehört weltweit zu den größten Persönlichkeiten auf der Streamingplattform Twitch. Regelmäßig polarisiert er mit seinen des Öfteren eher speziellen Aussagen auf Plattformen wie Twitter und Co. Nun hat er erneut für Aufsehen gesorgt, da er in einem Stream Frauen mithilfe einer Metapher mit Hunden verglich. Während einige darüber nur den Kopf schütteln können, weisen andere auf den wahren Kern dieser Aussage hin.

9 Dec 16:25 PlayNation 4622181945519868569.html
Doppia chiusura notturna al tunnel di Tenda per lavori di manutenzione

Dalle 22 di martedì 10 alle 6 di mercoledì 11 dicembre e dalle 22 di mercoledì 11 alle 6 di giovedì 12 dicembre

9 Dec 16:03 Targatocn.it 7367208848912591488.html
Her havner flest i Nidelva

Politiet har kartlagt hvor folk har havnet i vannet nær Trondheim sentrum de siste fem årene. Flere tiltak er iverksatt for å sikre områdene.

9 Dec 08:21 adressa.no 8417332406365115327.html
December Indie World direct will be tomorrow to show new Nindies

Nintendo’s new Nindies will be shown off tomorrow in an all-new December Indie World direct. Starting tomorrow at 18:00 UK time / 19:00 CET, Nintendo will be showing off roughly twenty minutes of new indie games for Nintendo Switch. The Indie World – 10.12.19 livestream will, like always, be livestreamed on the official Nintendo Switch …

9 Dec 15:17 MSPoweruser 1651641550160601383.html
Just In: Gunmen attack business man, murder wife in Lagos

A business mogul has been critically wounded and the wife murder in a suspected armed robbery attack in their highbrow Lagos home. The victim is...

9 Dec 15:51 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901622661095.html
Dois adeptos do Wolves detidos por comportamento homofóbico

Dois adeptos do Wolverhampton foram retirados do estádio do Brighton no encontro entre as duas equipas no domingo por comportamento homofóbico. O incidente acontece num fim de semana em que as equipas da Premier League se associaram à luta contra a homofobia, usando a bandeira arco-íris em vários momentos nos estádios.

9 Dec 11:43 A BOLA 2278827559173686883.html
Former ace Jamie Milligan emerges as favourite to become Bamber Bridge’s next boss

Former Everton midfielder Jamie Milligan is understood to be the frontrunner to replace Joey Collins as the new manager of Bamber Bridge.

9 Dec 11:19 Lancashire Post 6469275855361113540.html
Russia facing Olympic and World Cup absence as WADA issues four-year ban

Euro 2020 participation remains unaffected.

9 Dec 11:18 Shropshire Star 3480199991448843287.html
Ayodhya verdict: Hindu Mahasabha files review petition over 5-acre land to Muslims

"There is no material to prove that the 'disputed structure' on the Ayodhya plot was a Mosque, as claimed by the Muslim parties. It is urged that references to the same as a 'mosque' or as a masjid must be expunged," the Hindu Mahasabha petition said.

9 Dec 14:13 The Indian Express 2885715104114340417.html
Megan Thee Stallion steekt haar grootste hits in een nieuw jasje voor Tiny Desk concert

Megan Thee Stallion was te gast bij NPR voor een Tiny Desk concert. Hot Girl Meg had er zin in en deed in een half uur al haar grootste hits als Hot Girl Summer, Freak Nasty en Big Ole Freak.

9 Dec 11:04 Puna 5725385641189094208.html
Ciudadanos incluye en su paquete de medidas anticorrupción que los partidos devuelvan lo que roben sus dirigentes

Piden que los partidos tengan "responsabilidad civil subsidiaria" para que devuelvan el dinero que roben o malversen sus dirigentes condenados por corrupciónEn un paquete con media docena de medidas incluyen otra propuesta para que se prohíban los indultos a los corruptos Edmundo Bal ha recordado todos los casos de corrupción que "durante 40 años" han protagonizado PP y PSOE, a los que ha acusado de "no hacer nada" para combatirla

9 Dec 12:14 eldiario.es 4752673443932252747.html
Malaysia Vaccinating for Polio After First Case in 27 Years

Malaysia began a vaccination campaign in a rural town on Borneo island after a 3-month-old boy was confirmed to have polio in the country's first case of the highly infectious virus in 27 years.

9 Dec 16:09 Courthouse News Service 1799505150548198887.html
DFB bestätigt: Deutschland absolviert Testspiel gegen die Schweiz

Bundestrainer Joachim Löw kann mit einem weiteren Testspiel planen. In der Vorbereitung auf die EM 2020 trifft das DFB-Team im Mai auf die Schweiz.

9 Dec 15:45 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776885985336.html
A Dicembre tornano i Prestiti a sorpresa della biblioteca di Aosta

AOSTA. Dal prossimo 16 Dicembre alla biblioteca regionale di Aosta faranno la loro ricomparsa i Prestiti a sorpresa: pacchi natalizi a disposizione degli utenti in cui trovare romanzi, saggi, Dvd e Cd scelti dai bibliotecari e adatti a tutti i gusti. Quest’anno la frase che accompagnerà i pacchetti e da cui gli utenti potranno farsi ispirare nella scelta è: "Per te che…". "Occorrerà leggere attentamente l’etichetta - si legge nella nota di presentazione dell'iniziativa - facendosi ispirare dai suggerimenti che, oltre ad essere simpatici e invitanti, saranno a tratti ironici, stuzzicanti, audaci, ma anche credibili e attuali per andare incontro ai desideri, agli stati d’animo, agli interessi più vari con il fine di soddisfare anche i lettori più esigenti. Tantissimi e diversi gli argomenti contenuti in ciascun pacco: non solo narrativa, ma anche arte, storia, filosofia, salute, viaggi, e tanto altro ancora. Il tutto rigorosamente "a scatola chiusa", con l'opportunità di vivere e scoprire strade diverse rispetto…

9 Dec 14:54 Aostaoggi.it 8718172643200461097.html
ISL: Jamshedpur FC Score Late to Steal a Point From Chennaiyin FC

With this draw, Jamshedpur are in the fourth position with 12 points while Chennaiyin are still ninth with six points from seven games.

9 Dec 17:55 India.com 7150386082908031825.html
'Youth minister' slaps reporter's bum while running race leaving her 'violated'

A participant slapped WSAV reporter Alex Bozarjian on her bum while she was reporting on the Enmarket Savannah Bridge Run - now he's been banned from future events

9 Dec 14:55 mirror 675785260678538709.html
Guards who were with Juice Wrld when he died arrested on gun charges

They are both due in court later this month.

9 Dec 16:22 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773645832657.html
Decenas de posibles fallecidos por la erupción del Whakaari

Se calcula que unas 50 personas visitaban la isla White en el momento de la erupción. Se ha confirmado la muerte de al menos 5. Las autoridades no tienen esperanzas de encontrar supervivientes.

9 Dec 17:20 euronews 2767628994254208825.html
UK PM Johnson on Heathrow: might be difficult to lie before bulldozers

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday he would try to find a way to honor his promise to oppose Heathrow airport expansion by lying down in front of bulldozers but that it might be difficult for him. The British parliament has approved an expansion plan for Heathrow, including building

9 Dec 08:49 Yahoo 7097669637674210013.html
Buhari to spend three days in Egypt

President Muhammadu Buhari will depart Abuja on Tuesday for Aswan, Egypt to attend a meeting designed to set “an agenda for sustainable peace and development in Africa.” Femi Adesina, presidential

9 Dec 17:36 TheCable 7513571674427070292.html
Weihnachtsmarkt am Bahnhof Honau: Kleiner, aber dafür etwas feiner

Das neue Weihnachtsmarkt-Konzept des Fördervereins Bahnhof am Kulturdenkmal ging voll auf: Weniger Stände, die aber auf hohem Qualitätsniveau.

9 Dec 08:37 swp.de 6929179440851313471.html
Brahmaputra and Barak Valley are the only CAB included area of Northeast: Amit Shah

various organizations in Assam and Northeast, the Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday while initiating a debate on the Citizenship Amendment Bill

9 Dec 13:57 The Sentinel 448185206064745956.html
Court rejects Minnesota’s renewal of US Steel mine permit

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Monday reversed a decision by state regulators to renew a wastewater discharge permit for U.S. Steel's giant Minntac iron ore mine...

9 Dec 11:23 The Seattle Times 9121942837441248824.html
Steve Harvey announces wrong Miss Universe category winner and we're all wincing

There he goes again.

9 Dec 09:45 Metro 970161749094511859.html
Fans van Cruzeiro reageren met geweld nadat ze voor het eerst degraderen in Brazilië

Cruzeiro is voor het eerst in de geschiedenis gedegradeerd in Brazilië. De laatste wedstrijd van het seizoen, het thuisduel met Palmeiras, ging met 2-0 verloren. Het duel werd vlak voor tijd gestaa...

9 Dec 08:14 HLN 8967494998045407058.html
Russia banned from Olympics and football World Cup 

Anti-doping agency excludes country from big sporting events for four years

9 Dec 11:32 Financial Times 707176888242943735.html
Man City stars put Man Utd defeat behind them to celebrate Raheem Sterling's birthday

Raheem Sterling celebrated his 25th birthday with a lavish Great Gatsby themed bash as his Manchester City team-mates put their Manchester derby disappointment behind them

9 Dec 08:05 mirror 675785260725833855.html
Man City stars put Man Utd defeat behind them to celebrate Raheem Sterling's birthday

Raheem Sterling celebrated his 25th birthday with a lavish Great Gatsby themed bash as his Manchester City team-mates put their Manchester derby disappointment behind them

9 Dec 08:05 Irish Mirror 2875825629280302838.html
Gino D'Acampo drops X-rated expletive in pronunciation struggle


9 Dec 12:50 Metro 970161749000344958.html
The FINAL two contestants for Dancing With The Stars have been revealed

It brings the total number of contestants for the show to 11

9 Dec 15:55 GOSS.ie 8755536025121929330.html
South Park Takes Major Shots at Streaming Services - Especially Disney+

South Park's Season 23 just took major shots at streaming services, including Disney+, with the town's cable guys having a personal vendetta.

9 Dec 12:12 CBR.com 1295516963310811557.html
Trial of garda accused of assaulting RTÉ cameraman hears protestors became 'extremely aggressive'

The trial has started of a garda charged with the assault of an RTÉ cameraman who was reporting on demonstrations by an “anti-Islamisation” group and “anti-racism” groups.

9 Dec 17:32 Breaking News 4415806918593446617.html
Witchfire se muestra en un nuevo tráiler gameplay con bastantes novedades

Gracias a este nuevo adelanto podemos ver como Witchfire introduce barras de vida y puntos de daño, y con un tono más oscuro lo cierto es que luce espectacular.

9 Dec 17:00 Generación Xbox 4040846039324749451.html
Should I buy from Kickstarter?

You can find many interesting things on Kickstarter. We explain why it's not like normal online shopping, and the things to watch out for before you spend any money.

9 Dec 09:47 Tech Advisor 6450858317939166994.html
Trump reportedly uses unsecured phone lines. Cybersecurity experts explain why those are 'so easy to hack it's scary.'

Business Insider spoke with cybersecurity experts about how hackers gain access to phone conversations on unsecured devices.

9 Dec 17:42 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746839220582.html
Compostela Valley is now Davao de Oro

DAVAO CITY - The Province of Compostela Valley will soon have its new name after majority of its constituents agreed to ratify Republic Act 11297 renaming it to Davao de Oro.

9 Dec 11:54 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200700053076.html
Union geht auf die Barrikaden

Das neue SPD-Spitzenduo Esken und Walter-Borjans will mit den Koalitionspartnern aus CDU und CSU nachverhandeln. Die Union ist dagegen!

9 Dec 13:47 Bild 8433249909324444013.html
Workers to have legal right to tips paid by credit or debit cards, says Minister

Regina Doherty to expand scope of planned legislation governing payment of wages

9 Dec 16:37 The Irish Times 8204772968790644022.html
Scottish Labour out to defy polls once again

The party picked up seven MPs in the 2017 General Election against expectations.

9 Dec 11:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775044278626.html
Scottish Labour out to defy polls once again

The party picked up seven MPs in the 2017 General Election against expectations.

9 Dec 11:28 Express & Star 7324224460508875106.html
Los ocho motivos por los que discuten las parejas

Son el producto de actitudes que solo traen turbulencias a una relación

9 Dec 11:51 EL PAÍS 2207347710014990345.html
Madison woman found slumped over wheel of running car, arrested on OWI charges, police say

A Madison woman was arrested on suspicion of fourth-offense OWI after she was found slumped over the wheel of a running car, police said.

9 Dec 17:28 CHANNEL3000 830332541754287461.html
4 Zodiak yang Disebut Paling Penyabar, Anda Termasuk?

Beberapa zodiak memang terlahir dengan tingkat kesabaran yang lebih tinggi dibanding yang lain.

9 Dec 08:30 Tabloidbintang.com 6942840717776837124.html
Se acerca votación sobre acusaciones contra Donald Trump

La Comision de Asuntos Juridicos de la Camara de Representantes se apresta el lunes a recibir las conclusiones de la investigacion sobre si el presidente D

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264152917002.html
The jubilant moment cult hero heads into crowd to celebrate with fans after big win for Welsh region

Springboks star Uzair Cassiem has become a real fans' favourite at the Scarlets

9 Dec 13:10 Wales Online 7686550516318444224.html
Jharkhand Assembly election | Congress subverted mandate in Karnataka; people taught it a a lesson: PM Modi

PM Modi claimed that the Congress-JMM-RJD alliance in Jharkhand would plunge the State into “instability and uncertainty” if voted to power

9 Dec 13:17 The Hindu 6679535025478022616.html
'Emmanuel Dennis verlaat Club Brugge per direct en versiert toptransfer'

Tot nader order is hij nog steeds een speler van Club Brugge, maar het ziet er ondertussen naar uit dat Emmanuel Dennis in januari andere oorden gaat opzoeken. Er zou een transfer in de maak zijn voor de Nigeriaanse aanvaller.

9 Dec 08:30 Voetbal24 8097814615850471887.html
Mutane miliyan 9 na fuskantar tsananin yunwa a Afrika -Rahoto

Wani rahoton masana kan kamfar abincin da nahiyar Afrika ke fuskanta ya nuna cewa, kimanin mutane miliyan 9 da dubu dari 4 na tsananin bukatar agajin abinci a kasashen nahiyar musamman na yankin Sahel.

9 Dec 13:44 RFI 6057628069521268525.html
Greek fighter jet locks in on Turkish warships near Cyprus: photos

BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:30 P.M.) – A Greek fighter jet locked in on a Turkish frigate that was traveling off the coast of Cyprus on December 8, 2019, the Aviationist reported. Citing photos from the Twitter profile of journalist Yannis Nikitas, the Aviationist reported that a Greek Mirage 2000 jet targeted the Turkish frigate with Exocet anti-ship missiles during a show of force over the weekend. “In the photos we can see the HUD of a Mirage 2000, recognizable also by the characteristic Mirage refueling probe, as it gets a lock on a ship which, according to the caption, could be a Turkish frigate. On the left side of the HUD we can see a “M39” label, showing that the pilot selected the AM-39 Exocet anti-ship to perform the lock on the ship,” the publication said. Relations between Greece and Turkey have been rocky this year after Ankara began drilling for oil off the coast of Cyprus. This move by Ankara prompted Cyprus, Greece, and Egypt to issue a joint statement condemning Turkey for violating international law.…

9 Dec 12:54 AMN 4125648316801842736.html
Anatomy of an epidemic: How measles took hold of Samoa

More than 63 children in Samoa have died from measles. After a mass vaccination campaign, authorities are hopeful the spread of the highly contagious virus has been contained, but remain on edge. How did it come to this?

9 Dec 09:54 ABC News 485384927165686174.html
Will govt seek a middle path via an independent review panel?

Six months after the launch of the extradition bill-related protest movement, Hong Kong continues to grapple with large-scale street demonstrations and elevated public anger toward the establishment. Although there have been mounting calls within society for an independent commission of inquiry (COI) into all the recent events, the government has continued to dig in its…

9 Dec 10:32 EJ Insight 7853952858931432605.html
5 Steps to Perfecting Social Media, According to an Early Employee of Twitter

Here's exactly how to stand out on social media.

9 Dec 10:15 Inc.com 8604986418093571112.html
Frau auf offener Straße erstochen: Haftbefehl gegen mutmaßlichen Täter erlassen

Nach Bluttat am Sonntagnachmittag in Stuttgart: Haftbefehl gegen 37-Jährigen erlassen.

9 Dec 16:17 TAG24 4583887874161914096.html
Wie sich die Schweizer Top-Banker online präsentieren

Schweizer Banker entdecken erst langsam die Kraft ihres Online-Auftritts. Wie gut schneiden die Top-Shots in der Selbstvermarktung auf dem sozialen Netzwerk Linkedin ab, und welches sind die ...

9 Dec 09:09 finews.ch 7270223616085412807.html
Burnley supporter, 13 ejected for racially abusing Tottenham's Son Heung-Min

Burnley have announced a 13-year-old supporter was ejected from the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Saturday for racially abusing Spurs' Son Heung-Min.

9 Dec 14:23 ESPN 8538773402921850417.html
Global watchdogs urge ‘vigilant monitoring’ as big tech companies shift into financial services

Google and other big tech companies may have to share data on financial services customers with banks and fintech firms to prevent unfair competition.

9 Dec 11:27 VentureBeat 6273363635477549217.html
Prabhas To Shelve Jaan And Announce A New Movie? Shocking Rumour Goes Viral

According to a leading website, Prabhass well-wishers have asked him to drop the Hindi-Telugu bilingual Jaan and take up a new project.

9 Dec 13:11 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245386826586.html
Bajas tasas y competencia impulsan a las Fibras

La Nueva Bolsa institucional es más apetitosa para los participantes del mercado, por ser más inclusiva y transparente, señalan; el índice Fibra de la BMV ha registrado rendimientos importantes este año, de 35.34 por ciento

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060637102028072.html
AC Milan and Barcelona in talks over the potential sale of starlet

Jean-Clair Todibo has been touted as a potential Superstar but ever since his arrival at Camp Nou, the youngster has struggled to find enough play-time. As...

9 Dec 12:50 Everything Barca 6461635055549911901.html
Cyclist creates festive art by riding reindeer route

Anthony Hoyte cycled nearly 80 miles to trace out the route on the streets of London.

9 Dec 14:28 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775028332952.html
Hochschule Esslingen: Kampf um die Mechatronik an der Hochschule in Göppingen

Landrat Edgar Wolff, OB Guido Till und IHK-Präsident Wolf Ulrich Martin wollen den Abzug der Fakultät aus der Hochschule nicht hinnehmen. Till schlägt einen Alternativ-Plan vor.

9 Dec 16:47 swp.de 6929179440441011897.html
Ciencia contra el cambio climático

Nuevos catalizadores nos permiten trasformar el CO2 en productos con multitud de aplicaciones. Estos descubrimientos nos permiten soñar con un proceso circular, en el que este residuo se utilice como la materia prima

9 Dec 09:24 EL PAÍS 2207347711230307267.html
M2 Is Bringing Toaplan's Back Catalogue To Modern Consoles

Arcade lovers, rejoice!

9 Dec 12:30 Nintendo Life 5246707017783571550.html
Delhi pollution: SC partially lifts ban on construction, allows work only during day time

Earlier in November, the apex court imposed a ban on all kinds of construction work in view of the rising pollution levels in Delhi. This is the longest construction ban that has been enforced in winter months for the past few years.

9 Dec 10:19 The Indian Express 2885715103790167147.html
CCTV Captures Moment Driver Plunged into Indian Ocean at High Speed [VIDEO]

The incident was reported to have occurred at 4:20 a.m. with the Kenya Ferry Services (KFS) management stating that the...

9 Dec 08:26 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153420554418.html
Safilo acquisisce il 70% della californiana Blenders Eyewear

Milano, 9 dic. (askanews) – Safilo ha acquisito il 70% di Blenders Eyewear dal fondatore e proprietario dell’azienda californiana. La partecipazione di controllo è stata acquisita sulla base di una valutazione complessiva della società (in assenza di cassa e debiti finanziari) pari a 90 milioni di dollari. Fondato a San Diego nel 2012 da Chase […]

9 Dec 10:13 Askanews 298649740973979659.html
AC Milan fan stabbed in fight over players' shorts

An AC Milan supporter was stabbed outside Bologna's stadium on Sunday in a fight over who had caught a players' shorts, according to media reports in Italy

9 Dec 09:38 The Japan Times 6673764368124482685.html
Öffentlichkeit wurde systematisch über Afghanistan-Einsatz getäuscht

Zwei Jahre lang war Bob Crowley als Oberst der US-Armee für die Niederschlagung von Aufständen in Afghanistan zuständig. Als er nach seiner Heimkehr 2016 behördenintern befragt wurde, schilderte der Offizier den Einsatz in ungeschönten Worten: „Jeder Datenpunkt wurde verändert, um das bestmögliche Bild zu erzeugen. Die Bestandsaufnahmen waren völlig unzuverlässig, aber bestätigten, dass alles, was wir machten, richtig war.“ Das amerikanische Militär, so Crowley, habe sich permanent selbst ...

9 Dec 15:50 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110182491084.html
Els mestres substituts contractats al desembre no cobraran fins a finals de gener

El personal docent que ha començat a treballar aquest desembre no cobrarà abans de dos mesos, a finals de gener. Els mestres afectats han rebut un mail del Departament d'Educació on se'ls informa d'aquesta situació.

9 Dec 12:57 CCMA 3983269928654179057.html
EH Bildu pide explicaciones sobre las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores de la pista de patinaje

EH Bildu Bilbo ha solicitado al concejal de Desarrollo Económico, Xabier Otxandiano, que comparezca para dar explicaciones sobre las condiciones labor...

9 Dec 12:34 naiz: 117472235835709403.html
Esselunga: un volantino inaspettato con un prodotto a solo 1 euro

Esselunga stravolge il mercato della rivendita di elettronica con il lancio di una campagna promozionale davvero speciale.

9 Dec 09:10 tecnoandroid 2573257128022678311.html
Por estar falsamente rotulados: La Anmat prohibió varios snacks

La <a href="https://www.argentina.gob.ar/anmat" target="_blank">Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) prohibió la comercialización y distribución en todo el país varios snacks por no cumplir co...

9 Dec 15:59 PAGINA12 7077267065716222835.html
Budapest, dove è "costituzionale" confiscare i materassi ai senzatetto

Dalla fine di novembre già otto senza casa sono morti nella sola capitale ungherese

9 Dec 17:49 euronews 7379718589699492974.html
Sun salutations! Lemurs' hilarious yoga-like pose as they welcome the morning sun wins National Geographic's children’s photography award

Amelia Jane Balls, eight, from Norfolk, won the top prize with her photograph Lemurs Doing Yoga. The winner of the People category is Athina Whetstone, 11, for Every Drop in the Ocean Counts.

9 Dec 17:04 Mail Online 124328111491028047.html
5 Hal yang Memudahkan Ibu-Ibu Milenial Galau Saat Urus Anak

Kegalauan dalam megurus anak dirasakan ibu-ibu milenial

9 Dec 08:00 liputan6.com 3414318496901901012.html
Supermarket upskirter who was pinned down by victim’s boyfriend gets jail

SINGAPORE: A man who took upskirt videos of a woman at the supermarket was caught in the act and pinned down on the floor by the victim’s boyfriend.

9 Dec 17:52 CNA 5644198864000560433.html
Fife railway enthusiasts to bring UK’s oldest industrial locomotive back into use

A locomotive which was the oldest in industrial use in the UK will be back on the tracks next year after being gifted to Fife railway enthusiasts.

9 Dec 08:04 The Courier 4275302767744389290.html
Jarang Terekspos, Ini 6 Potret Gavin Anak Bungsu Irgi Fahrezi yang Tekuni Sepak Bola

Gavin Fahrezi, anak bungsu Irgi Fahrezi yang beranjak dewasa.

9 Dec 17:50 liputan6.com 5422146880177705628.html
Kasus Garuda Dinilai 'Kecil', Erick Thohir Diminta Usut Skandal Rp 16 T di BUMN Diduga Mirip Century

Arya Sinulingga, menegaskan fokus pembenahan yang dilakukan saat ini adalah 'perbaikan manajemen dan penguatan fungsi komisaris'.

9 Dec 08:04 Tribunnews.com 3323534444875734515.html
I Ronin in concerto al Black House Blues

Martedì 10 dicembre, al Black House Blues, c’è il secondo appuntamento live della rassegna “SHEEP, music for flocks” nata dalla collaborazione tra il nuovo Black House Blues di Davide Laucella con il Godot Art Bistrot di Luca Caserta; a supporto, con la funzione di factotum, Paolo Spagnuolo (direzione artistica BHB).

9 Dec 11:40 AvellinoToday 5452883946538246889.html
Exclusive Star Wars Rise of Skywalker clip to air inside Fortnite

An exclusive Star Wars Rise of Skywalker clip will be shown inside a virtual theatre in Fortnite, it was recently confirmed.

9 Dec 09:21 Stevivor 6108783659097051979.html
TV crew laugh at Ted Cruz in live interview after he endorses Trump's baseless conspiracy theory

Ted Cruz was laughed at by a TV crew during a live interview after he endorsed Donald Trump’s baseless conspiracy theory about Ukraine.The Texas senator, who challenged Mr Trump to be the Republican nominee in 2016, was mocked for saying he believed there was “considerable evidence” that Ukraine meddled

9 Dec 09:53 Yahoo 7097669638175199669.html
Centre Proposes Rs 33 Crore Grant For Project NETRA To Secure Its Satellites And Other Assets In Space

India must have the same capability as the US and Russia to assess threats from space debris and other hazards

9 Dec 13:32 Swarajya 4977622830341986681.html
With many having opted to work from home last week and only now returning to the workplace, this week will test public support for the strike

France's transport chaos deepened Monday on the fifth day of a nationwide strike over pension reforms, ramping up tensions at the start of a crucial week in President Emmanuel Macron's battle with trade unions. With only two of the Paris metro's 16 lines running as normal and suburban trains

9 Dec 10:11 Yahoo 7097669637967053438.html
Falschgeld auf Facebook? 23-Jähriger sitzt in Untersuchungshaft

Weil er bei Facebook und zudem auch im sogenannten Darknet mit Falschgeld gehandelt haben soll, ist ein 23 Jahre alter Mann nun in Untersuchungshaft.

9 Dec 15:25 TAG24 4583887875225137449.html
Farm-Labor Reform Bill Heads For House Vote This Week

The House is scheduled to vote on a bipartisan bill to provide legal status to undocumented farmworkers and to modernize the H-2A guestworker program.

9 Dec 14:36 Successful Farming 8502642054919010785.html
Tips para tener tu diabetes en control en esta dulce Navidad

  Las posadas están por comenzar y con ellas se inaugura una de las épocas más felices del año en donde los buenos deseos abundan, así como la comida alta en hidratos de carbono, azúcar y grasas, lo que podría poner en riesgo el control de las personas que viven con diabetes.

9 Dec 15:52 Panorama 6052790755184766012.html
Öffentlichkeit wurde systematisch über Afghanistan-Einsatz getäuscht

Zwei Jahre lang war Bob Crowley als Oberst der US-Armee für die Niederschlagung von Aufständen in Afghanistan zuständig. Als er nach seiner Heimkehr 2016 behördenintern befragt wurde, schilderte der Offizier den Einsatz in ungeschönten Worten: „Jeder Datenpunkt wurde verändert, um das bestmögliche Bild zu erzeugen. Die Bestandsaufnahmen waren völlig unzuverlässig, aber bestätigten, dass alles, was wir machten, richtig war.“ Das amerikanische Militär, so Crowley, habe sich permanent selbst ...

9 Dec 15:50 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568970437580.html
Southampton student feared she would die during rape, jury told

Jozef Janczura, 33, allegedly strangled victim ‘to the point she was in and out of consciousness’

9 Dec 14:35 the Guardian 1491978794836326692.html
INL urges govt. not to implement NRC in State

Party to take out a march to Raj Bhavan

9 Dec 17:48 The Hindu 6679535024835772226.html
Police found not negligent in tragic OD death of Metro Vancouver teen

The Independent Investigations Office of B.C. says police officers were not negligent when they were initially unable to locate a Langley teenager as he overdosed from drugs.

9 Dec 14:34 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496937882201.html
Fox News Host Pete Hegseth Suspended from Twitter for Tweeting Saudi Terrorist's Motivations | Breitbart

Fox News Host Pete Hegseth became the latest journalist to be suspended from Twitter after attempting to draw attention to the tweeted motivations of Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, the Saudi Arabian national responsible for the Pensacola terror attack.

9 Dec 17:32 Breitbart 3148363490888018147.html
Mom 'killed toddler by slapping her to stop seizure caused by abusive boyfriend'

Scarlett Newsom is said to have been killed by her mom Sarah Newsom and Newsom's boyfriend Joshua Fulbright, with Fulbright set to stand trial Monday

9 Dec 13:59 Metro 970161748493844513.html
Dialogue de sourd au Liban

Les dernières annonces du président libanais n'ont pas calmé les contestataires, loin de là. Les consultations parlementaires pour choisir un nouveau premier ministre ont été reportée d'une semaine.

9 Dec 09:55 euronews 7357749755044171949.html
Mariano Arcioni asumió su segundo mandato como gobernador de Chubut

El gobernador de Chubut asumió su segundo mandato al frente del estado provincial. Minutos antes había jurado Ricardo Sastre y tomó su lugar como presidente de la Legislatura. "Siento un enorme compromiso de transformar la provincia y recuperar el lugar que Chubut y los chubutenses se merecen", dijo.

9 Dec 17:53 El Patagónico 8565457046832420338.html
This lowest-ever price on Sennheiser Momentum wireless earphones makes them a perfect Christmas gift

The Sennheiser Momentum Free earphones are back at their Black Friday pricing, until December 22.

9 Dec 09:07 TechRadar 2111116914632692101.html
Yakut Shaman Resumes March To Moscow 'To Drive Putin Out Of Kremlin'

Yakut shaman Aleksandr Gabyshev has resumed his march to Moscow from his native far-eastern region of Yakutia "to drive [President Vladimir] Putin out of the Kremlin."

9 Dec 09:47 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794162944808189.html
Arnab Goswami Vs Lutyens Media: India’s Largest News Media Association Elects Republic TV Chief As President

Republic TV’s editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami has been elected as the president of News Broadcasters Federation (NBF)‘s governing board, The Hindu has reported.

9 Dec 14:50 Swarajya 4977622829749527648.html
Erdbeben lässt Toskana erzittern

In Mittelitalien werden viele Menschen zum Wochenstart noch früher geweckt als üblich: Als am Morgen plötzlich die Erde bebt, fliehen viele Bewohner nach draußen. Diesmal aber kommt die Region glimpflich davon.

9 Dec 10:38 n-tv 6802689755462745654.html
Terremoto Firenze | traffico ferroviario paralizzato | la situazione


9 Dec 10:46 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927827515725.html
State AGs To Fight T-Mobile-Sprint Merger In Federal Trial

Antitrust News: A group of state attorneys general are getting set to fight against the T-Mobile and Sprint merger in an unprecedented federal trial.

9 Dec 10:28 PYMNTS.com 7357138826084261253.html
Mayo garda appeal issued over missing person

Gardai in Mayo are appealing for information to help them trace a missing person.

9 Dec 15:01 Connaught Telegraph 8840491533670595141.html
Reports: Barcelona ready to exchange out-of-favour star for Juventus duo

The latest word around the rumour mill is that La Liga giants Barcelona are ready to offload Ivan Rakitic in exchange for the Juventus duo of Daniele Rugani and Merih Demiral, during the upcoming January transfer window.

9 Dec 10:38 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905991062502.html
Caren Siebold und Norbert Schmidt-Banasch bilden neue Geschäftsführung der dpa mediatechnology

Caren Siebold, 57, und Norbert Schmidt-Banasch, 49, übernehmen zum 1. Januar 2020 die Geschäftsführung der dpa mediatechnology GmbH.  Siebold ist in der dpa-Gruppe derzeit verantwortlich für den  Bereich Portale und Marktplätze, während Schmidt-Banasch als  Geschäftsführer der mecom GmbH und als CTO (Chief Technology Officer) für die Unternehmensgruppe tätig ist.

9 Dec 11:23 MEEDIA 2574484878547156939.html
La Principessa Beatrice annulla il party di fidanzamento. Il Palazzo in allarme

Dopo lo scandalo di suo padre Andrea, Beatrice di York rinuncia al ricevimento per il fidanzamento con Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Cresce la preoccupazione.

9 Dec 13:44 DiLei 6707305200753329745.html
Calls to Scots domestic abuse helpline rise by a quarter in last year

CALLS to a domestic abuse and forced marriage hotline in Scotland have risen by a quarter in the past year. The helpline, managed by Scottish Women’s Aid, dealt with 3,191 requests for assist…

9 Dec 11:05 The Scottish Sun 6609127674614062269.html
Policías Locales protestan contra la interinidad ante la Generalitat

Acusan a la consellera de «autoritarismo y ruptura con las formas participativas que imperaban hasta ahora»

9 Dec 12:05 Las Provincias 5471838390512241758.html
Logement abordable: une campagne publicitaire provocatrice

Les groupes de défense des locataires misent sur un message cru dans leur nouvelle campagne, qui sera lancée sur le web et à la radio lundi.

9 Dec 10:00 Le Journal de Montréal 7948189831255447056.html
Nahrungsmittelknappheit: Globale Hitzewellen und Dürren gefährden Kornkammern der Welt

Das Risiko für gleichzeitige Missernten in mehreren "Kornkammern der Welt" ist laut Forschern viel größer als vor 50 Jahren. Sie berechneten, dass bestimmte Muster im Jetstream ein zwanzigfach erhöhtes Risiko für gleichzeitige Hitzewellen in den wichtigen Anbaugebieten bringen.

9 Dec 17:00 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700398750777.html
Apple Pay: Volksbank-Kunden ziehen aus peinlichem Grund weiter den Kürzeren

Kunden warten: Wann wird Apple Pay bei der Volksbank eingeführt? Die Wahrheit ist: Es sieht schlecht aus. Und der Grund dafür ist ganz schön peinlich.

9 Dec 10:22 futurezone.de 2257170159646542592.html
Bisa Ngopi dan Jajan Mie Aceh, Bebek Bakar, hingga Soto Kudus Sore Ini

Awali hari Senin lebih semangat dengan aneka rekomendasi makan enak dari para jawara makanan. Ada mie Aceh hingga soto Kudus yang selalu bikin laper.

9 Dec 10:00 detikfood 4586606519234039247.html
Australian Model Olivia Mathers Sizzles On The Beach In Cheeky, Mesh Bikini

Olivia Mathers is showing off her incredible bikini body again on Instagram, much to the delight of her fans. On Monday, the Australian model shared a sizzling new snap to her feed that was an ...

9 Dec 14:16 The Inquisitr 1745625231289544032.html
Hucknall Fire Station closes after 75 years as firefighters move to new base

Members of the public were concerned they were losing their fire station when the Watnall Road station closed

9 Dec 14:02 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701898499922.html
Michelle Obama visits Vietnam, tells girls to stay in school

Former US first lady Michelle Obama and Hollywood A-lister Julia Roberts toured a high school in rural Vietnam on Monday, urging a classroom of teenage girls to stay focused on their education to t...

9 Dec 16:27 Punch Newspapers 3524240995212353710.html
Bagdad po obsodbi napada na protestih poklical na pogovore štiri zahodne diplomate

Iraško zunanje ministrstvo je danes poklicalo na pogovore veleposlanike Nemčije, Francije, Velike Britanije in Kanade, ker so v svojih izjavah obsodili petkov napad med protesti v Bagdadu, v katerem je bilo ubitih 20 protivladnih protestnikov in štirje policisti. Po mnenju ministrstva je šlo za nesprejemljivo vmešavanje v iraške notranje zadeve.

9 Dec 17:35 Dnevnik 7671546649252969055.html
Cristiano Ronaldo 'regrets' leaving Real Madrid and makes Ballon d'Or claim

The Portuguese forward joined Juventus from Madrid in 2018 and helped his side win the Serie A last season but reportedly wishes he had stayed at the Bernabeu

9 Dec 14:35 Irish Mirror 2875825629214412762.html
Cristiano Ronaldo 'regrets' leaving Real Madrid and makes Ballon d'Or claim

The Portuguese forward joined Juventus from Madrid in 2018 and helped his side win the Serie A last season but reportedly wishes he had stayed at the Bernabeu

9 Dec 14:35 mirror 675785261204120017.html
La respuesta de LaLiga a la sentencia del Levante-Zaragoza

Tras conocerse la sentencia del caso sobre el supuesto amaño del duelo entre el Levante y el Zaragoza en 2011 LaLiga ha dado su opinión al respecto

9 Dec 17:31 sport 1349897971042788100.html
iPhone 12 Could Get Another Battery Boost Due To This Important Hardware Upgrade

Both Apple and Samsung are sourcing smaller battery protection modules from the same company, ITM Semiconductor, with smaller circuitry to potentially pave the wave for bigger capacity batteries.

9 Dec 11:35 HotHardware 6258404625900429022.html
5 talking points in European football this weekend

Lionel Messi's delivered a La Liga record 35th hat-trick as Barcelona kept pace with Real Madrid in just some of the action in European football this weekend.

9 Dec 15:47 Sport 682566035712063258.html
Ungkap Kasus Ari Askhara yang Tak Berlanjut, Eko Rahmawanto Dibuat Heran: Dia Pasti Tak Sendiri

Anggota Dewan Redaksi Media Indonesia, Eko Rahmawanto buka suara soal kasus penyelundupan spare part motor Harley Davidson oleh Ari Askhara.

9 Dec 12:50 Tribunnews.com 3323534446177949139.html
Google Fi Beefs Up With Wi-Fi Calling, Spam Protection For Non-Pixel Devices

Today, Google announced that all smartphones that are supported on Google Fi will receive a number of features previously reserved for a select few.

9 Dec 15:41 HotHardware 6258404625812409994.html
Five People Were Killed and Many are still Missing after the New Zealand Volcano Eruption

Five people were killed in the eruption of a volcano in New Zealand. There are foreigners among the blocked tourists on White Island, but their nationality is still unknown.

9 Dec 13:12 novinite.com 4235039571526103260.html
CECyTE y CBTIS participan en la feria de Sustentabilidad Energética y

Estudiantes de Escuelas del Nivel Medio Superior, de Bachilleratos CECyTE y CBTIS de varios municipios del estado de Guanajuato participaron en la Primera Feria

9 Dec 08:22 Milenio 4240839409803814954.html
Mehika zavrača predlog ZDA o oskrbi z jeklom in aluminijem

Mehiški zunanji minister Marcelo Ebrard je zavrnil predlog dela prostotrgovinskega sporazuma med ZDA, Kanado in Mehiko (USMCA), ki se nanaša na oskrbo z jeklom in aluminijem. Med drugim določa, da naj bi 70 odstotkov jekla za avtomobilsko industrijo prišlo iz Severne Amerike, kar Mehiko po Ebrardovih besedah postavlja v zelo neenakopraven položaj.

9 Dec 11:03 Dnevnik 7671546649760108506.html
Liverpool motivated by 'negative and wild' media coverage as Reds eye new signings

Liverpool Women fought back to draw 1-1 with West Ham on Sunday

9 Dec 11:42 Liverpool Echo 7727211173563226442.html
Grabner siegte mit Arizona im NHL-Auswärtsspiel in Chicago

Ein Erfolgserlebnis hat es für Michael Grabner mit den Arizona Coyotes in der nordamerikanischen Eishockey-Profiliga NHL gegeben. Die “Koyoten” siegten am Sonntag bei den Chicago Blackhawks nach 1:3-Rückstand nach dem Penaltyschießen mit 4:3. Grabner stand 9:27 Minuten auf dem Eis, schoss drei Mal aufs Tor, konnte aber keinen Scorerpunkt beisteuern. Arizona liegt damit nach 32 […]

9 Dec 08:52 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170811181321.html
Demonstration of high-speed SOT-MRAM memory cell compatible with 300 mm Si CMOS technology

Researchers at Tohoku University have announced the demonstration of a high-speed spin-orbit-torque (SOT) magnetoresistive random access memory cell compatible with 300 mm Si CMOS technology.

9 Dec 16:55 Tech Xplore 4945708898556354869.html
Nestala pripadnica OSH zaposlena na Pantovčaku

ZAGREB - Hrvatska civilna i vojna policija nastavljaju potragu za Jandrakom Skender (51), pripadnicom Počasno-zaštitne jedinice Oružanih snaga, koja je

9 Dec 10:20 Krstarica 4176903989346420633.html
Ashkelon under Water, Residents Sail in Kayak on Hanamer Street

“There was water in the closets, in the beds, in the downstairs unit. Objects were floating."

9 Dec 09:29 The Jewish Press 7246030800750197297.html
Berlin zoo reveals names and gender of panda twin cubs

There are fewer than 2,000 of the endangered pandas estimated to be alive in the wild today.

9 Dec 11:56 Shropshire Star 3480199992260493556.html
A warning to consume alcohol moderately this festive season

The South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) launched a campaign that urges ordinary citizens not to overindulge during this festive season.

9 Dec 14:36 Lowvelder 3143322320772581143.html
The Irishman führt Nominierungen an

Der Scorsese-Film könnte bei den 'Critics Choice Awards' ordentlich abräumen.

9 Dec 10:00 VIP.de 2239798193787546623.html
Three things we learned from the Premier League

LONDON, United Kingdom, Dec 8 - Liverpool's relentless march to a first English title since 1990 gathered pace with a comfortable win at Bournemouth, Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 08:29 Capital Sports 7605153803827298965.html
De soap rondom Wilders gaat pas weer verder in februari! Het OM weet zogenaamd van niks over de politieke beïnvloeding

De soap rondom de vervolging van Wilders krijgt nu toch zijn winterreces, vandaag werd bekend gemaakt in de rechtszaal dat de rechtszaak op 5 februari weer zal worden vervolgd. Grapperhaus kreeg de taak om te zoeken naar bewijs, maar heeft meer tijd nodig. Wilders en zijn advocaat ontbraken vandaag bij de rechtszaak.  Op 5 februari gaat men kijken wat er boven tafel is gekomen rondom enige politiek beïnvloeding van de zaak. In februari gaat men het materiaal van het OM en het ministerie van Justitie bekijken, wanneer we nu eindelijk een uitspraak gaan krijgen is nog onduidelijk. De zaak duurt sowieso al jaren, en nu er steeds meer bewijs ten tafel komt dat er sprake is van politieke beïnvloeding lijkt het einde voor nu nog niet in zicht. Het meest komische aan deze rechtszaak is dat het OM geen enkel bewijs kan vinden dat er sprake is geweest van een politieke vervolging. Dit lieten ze vandaag weten aan de rechter. Maar wie neemt het OM nog serieus in deze kwestie? Grapperhaus heeft zelf aangegeven begonnen te…

9 Dec 13:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057358143489.html
Photographer Nearly Killed by Passing Train that Got so Close it Tore Her Coat

A video released by local authorities in Carland, Michigan captured the scary moment when a photographer was nearly hit by a passing train she was photographing. Fortunately, the train “only” tore a piece off of her coat, leaving her unscathed… if shaken and (hopefully) wiser.

9 Dec 16:54 Petapixel 4288413232830710199.html
SMBs’ Late Payments Pain Spreads Across Borders

Kenya, South Africa, Romania, the U.K. and Australia are all struggling with late invoice payments to small businesses, new data reveals.

9 Dec 13:00 PYMNTS.com 7357138825040623528.html
FG to sign MoU with Russian firm on Ajaokuta January - Minister

The Federal Government will sign the Memorandum of Understanding with a Russian firm for the resuscitation of the multi-billion naira Ajaokuta Steel Rol...

9 Dec 12:56 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900417662348.html
The First Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer Presents a Solemn, Stranger Things-Esque Look at the Past

Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside. The first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife takes the spectral hunting out of the city and into a small town, where a family with surprising connections to the original Ghostbusters is forced to return to their roots and bust some rural ghosts.

9 Dec 14:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059001964479812.html
Is THIS Banksy getting into the Christmas spirit? CCTV shows 'elusive artist making festive reindeer mural on Birmingham wall'

The reindeer mural, painted on a brick wall in Birmingham's Jewellery Quarter, is thought to be the work of Banksy. It is designed to draw attention to homelessness.

9 Dec 17:50 Mail Online 124328110990367634.html
Joe Biden Claims No One Told Him About Potential Conflict of Interest With Hunter's Job at Burisma

Former Vice President Joe Biden said no one told him about the appearance of conflict of interest when his son Hunter took a job at Ukrainian gas company Burisma during his interview with NPR.

9 Dec 17:05 Townhall 6083908947185727718.html
7 Best Ways of Learning Effectively

Learning how to learn is one of the most essential metaskill you can learn. Here're 7 ways of learning to help you learn more effective and maximize retention.

9 Dec 14:00 Lifehack 1334879822950676128.html
Haaland hetaste tonåringen i Europafotbollen

Fotboll Europas bäste tonåring just nu på att spela fotboll?Norrmannen Erling Braut Haaland – om statistiken får avgöra klassen på en spelare.På tisdagskvällen kan 19-åringen spela bort Liverpool i Ch

9 Dec 17:11 www.unt.se 8922556088522767438.html
San Vito al Tagliamento. Infermiera accoltellata da un paziente

SAN VITO AL TAGLIAMENTO (PORDENONE) - Infermiera accoltellata da un paziente al Centro di Salute Mentale di San Vito al Tagliamento. Il fatto è accaduto nella mattina di lunedì 9...

9 Dec 15:12 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447234933742.html
OnePlus TV now supports Netflix, existing users can get the new remote

When the OnePlus TV Q1 series was announced, Netflix support was supposed to be added at a later date. That changes today.

9 Dec 10:48 TechRadar India 2111116915184072418.html
Prihatin atas Perceraian Ustaz Abdul Somad dengan Mellya Juniarti, April Jasmine: Ustaz juga Manusia

Istri Ustaz Solmed, April Jasmine turut prihatin atas perceraian yang terjadi dalam rumah tangga Ustaz Abdul Somad dengan Mellya Juniarti

9 Dec 16:03 grid.id 586386474974042526.html
Anthony Joshua could fight at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in next bout

Anthony Joshua could fight at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in his next bout, according to his promoter, Eddie Hearn.

9 Dec 08:29 ESPN 8538773402456337801.html
Directorul DRDP Timisoara a fost adus la audieri, la sediul DNA

Directorul DRDP Timisoara, Cristian Ispravnic, a ajuns la audierile de la DNA Timisoara, luni dupa-amiaza, in timp ce dupa cateva ore de audieri, senatorul Ioan Chisalita a parasit sediul audierilor, ambii fiind retinuti in declaratii date presei.

9 Dec 16:07 Ziare.com 1922730285964282363.html
La intelectualidad del continente puede contar siempre con Cuba para enfrentar los desafíos actuales

El Presidente Díaz-Canel se reunió en la mañana de este lunes con intelectuales y luchadores argentinos, quienes, dijo, “han contribuido durante todos estos años al sostén moral de este gran país y su pueblo

9 Dec 16:12 Granma.cu 7847343385615767763.html
Flowhaven erhält von Global Founders Capital angeführte Seed-Finanzierung in Höhe von 5,2 Mio. USD, um Beziehungsmanagement im Markenlizenzgeschäft zu modernisieren

Flowhaven, die einzige Markenlizensierungslösung, die auf der weltweiten Nummer Eins unter den CRM Plattformen Salesforce aufbaut, gibt heute den Abschluss einer Seed-Finanzierung in Höhe von 4,75 …

9 Dec 17:45 OTS.at 4182160712088284854.html
UK parties in final campaign push for Thursday election - The Nation Newspaper

THE main political party leaders are continuing to push their election pledges to voters, as the campaign enters its final few days...

9 Dec 08:33 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900052402935.html
Uomini e Donne over: Gemma in lacrime per la segnalazione su Juan Luis, spuntano chat compromettenti

Momento di crisi tra Gemma Galgani e Juan Luis: ecco che cosa è successo nell’ultima registrazione del trono over Uomini e Donne, anticipazioni: Gemma in lacrime per Juan Luis La storia di Gemma Galgani con Juan Luis stava procedendo a gonfie vele fino a questa settimana. Infatti, il pubblico del trono over di Uomini e […]

9 Dec 09:30 KontroKultura 2573504973610373231.html
Isil 'matchmaker' who lured British teen bride to Syria is deported to France

Turkey has deported to France the “Islamic State matchmaker” who lured a British teen bride to Syria as part of a drive to send foreign fighters back to their countries of origin. Tooba Gondal, 25, is among 11 French nationals that Turkey repatriated early on Monday, according to France's Centre

9 Dec 16:51 Yahoo 7097669637060262221.html
Jonny Evans: Leicester inspired by last-gasp Liverpool defeat

The Foxes have won eight straight games, a club record in the top flight.

9 Dec 17:47 Breaking News 4415806918861933470.html
Jonny Evans: Leicester inspired by last-gasp Liverpool defeat

The Foxes have won eight straight games, a club record in the top flight.

9 Dec 17:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775428382775.html
Jonny Evans: Leicester inspired by last-gasp Liverpool defeat

The Foxes have won eight straight games, a club record in the top flight.

9 Dec 17:28 Express & Star 7324224459406537077.html
Russia banned from Tokyo Olympics, other major sports events for 4 years

The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.

9 Dec 11:46 Fox News 7362823821361225826.html
Government nickel ore export ban to hit newly listed company

From its exports in 2018, Ifishdeco earned Rp 365 billion (US$26 million), more than double the Rp 140 billion pocketed from domestic sales.

9 Dec 13:40 The Jakarta Post 7678601103415508551.html
Segun Arinze allegedly attacks houseboy for using his car without permission (video)

Nollywood actor, Segun Arinze, has made the news after a man identified as @CloakedAdonis called him out on Twitter for allegedly attacking his domestic staff who had driven his car without permission.

9 Dec 17:18 Legit 3764253650395634769.html
Epic Games Store permetterà agli sviluppatori di guadagnare con gli acquisti in-game | Game Division

il CEO di Epic Tim Sweeny, ha dichiarato che gli sviluppatori avranno più controllo sui guadagni all'interno dell'Epic Games Store.

9 Dec 13:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147070025392027.html
Ex-NBA-Star: Nowitzki fehlt der Profi-Basketball

Der zurückgetretene Basketball-Star Dirk Nowitzki vermisst den Leistungssport nach 21 Jahren bei seinen Dallas Mavericks.

9 Dec 14:06 swp.de 6929179440712981653.html
Quais garotos se destacaram contra o CSA

UOL O São Paulo venceu ontem o CSA por 2 a 1 e encerrou sua participação no Campeonato Brasileiro com uma equipe formada só por garotos, quase todos formados na base do clube. O time terminou na sexta colocação e classificado para a fase de grupos da Libertadores. Mas quem aproveitou melhor a chance dada por Fernando Diniz? Os […]

9 Dec 09:06 SPNet 4856363012539378100.html
Sicurezza stradale, Marzetti a Pettinari: «Investa anche a Civitanova»

APPELLO del consigliere di maggioranza al presidente della Provincia, soprattutto per il ripristino delle rotatorie di via Costamartina e della Celeste

9 Dec 17:11 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196080179028.html
Marseille make it six in a row against Bordeaux to stay with PSG

Jordan Amavi, Morgan Sanson and Nemanja Radonjic hit the decisive goals in front of a raucous crowd of around 52,000 as Andre Villas-Boas' side maintained a hot streak that has seen them rise to second in the French top flight.

9 Dec 13:42 Saudi Gazette 6913978434751888354.html
China's 3 Greatest Dynasties

What can Chinese history tell us about China today?

9 Dec 08:00 The National Interest 7207864703301501451.html
T-Mobile, Sprint head to court to defend merger

Attorneys general from more than a dozen states are flexing their legal muscles in a landmark trial that could block T-Mobile's $26 billion merger with Sprint.

9 Dec 16:42 CHANNEL3000 830332542990492399.html
Carolina Stramare ricorda sua madre: le toccanti parole di Miss Italia

Con un post su Instagram Carolina Stramare ricorda sua madre, scomparsa prematuramente lo scorso anno. Le toccanti parole di Miss Italia.

9 Dec 14:11 Novella 2000 6951116780933892484.html
20-jähriger afghanischer Drogendealer in Haft

Der junge Mann wird beschuldigt an öffentlichen Orten in Rohrbach und Linz gewinnbringend Cannabiskraut verkauft zu haben. Über eine ...

9 Dec 17:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094400818960.html
'Middle-class' carriages: Rail passengers offered 'premium economy' fares

Three classes of travel will be introduced to Britain's railways for the first time in 60 years, the chief executive of the new West Coast mainline has announced.

9 Dec 16:32 The Telegraph 140598092177107733.html
NCTV stelt dreigingsniveau naar beneden bij van 4 naar 3

De Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV) heeft het actuele dreigingsniveau in Nederland vastgesteld op niveau 3 van de 5. 'Dat betekent dat de terroristische dreiging aanzienlijk is', zo laat de NCTV maandagmiddag weten.

9 Dec 14:03 Blik op nieuws 5468169448325757328.html
Why Europe will choose the US over China

America’s allies are belatedly heeding its warnings about the Chinese technology threat

9 Dec 11:56 Financial Times 707176888626298017.html
Diane Russet clears the air about her kissing scene with Iyanya

2019 Big Brother Naija ex-housemate, Diane Yashim fondly referred to as the 'Queen of the North' has opened on her viral kissing scene with singer, Iyanya Mbuk.

9 Dec 12:25 Legit 3764253649528678715.html
Paese vecchio e famiglie sole, questa la vera sfida

Ieri e oggi sono accaduti due eventi che hanno portato a due notizie: il primo è la diffusione del rapporto di Eucoop sui dati raccolti dall’ispettorato del lavoro in merito alle motivazi...

9 Dec 10:09 L'HuffPost 5315551422719092122.html
You can now get your name engraved on a Harry Potter wand at intu Trafford Centre

And seven other gifts that have your name written all over them this Christmas...

9 Dec 16:16 men 6694993429121072401.html
The best Zwift setup for every budget

New to Zwift? Here’s what you need to get started, whatever your budget

9 Dec 08:24 T3 267522094536782646.html
Si avvicina il debutto della prima soluzione Xe, la GPU Intel per il datacenter

Raja Koduri conferma lo stato dei lavori per il debutto, nel corso del 2020, della prima scheda video Intel della famiglia Xe. La prima soluzione, sviluppata in India, sarà presumibilmente destinata al mondo dei datacenter

9 Dec 09:41 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332411944719.html
Isil 'matchmaker' who lured British teen bride to Syria is deported to France

Turkey has deported to France the &ldquo;Islamic State matchmaker&rdquo; who lured a British teen bride to Syria as part of a drive to send foreign fighters back to their countries of origin.

9 Dec 16:51 The Telegraph 140598091326874034.html
Journalists will be safe under the next NDC government – John Mahama assures

Former President John Dramani Mahama has marked the 2019 International Anti-corruption Day (which is today December 9, 2019) with an assurance that journalists will be safe thus none will be killed, live in fear or flee the country because of their investigative reporting on corruption. “We shall protect the rights of our people to expose corruption and undertake to investigate credible allegations that come to our attention. No journalist will be killed, live in fear or flee the country because of their investigative reporting,” a press statement to mark the day read in part. In the press statement signed on his behalf by his special aide, Joyce Mogtari, the former President Mahama further noted that the fight against corruption requires genuine and collective efforts, especially from political leadership, and the NDC has demonstrated that in the past when it governed and will continue the fight in future when it forms the government. “Fighting corruption requires genuine and collective efforts, particularly…

9 Dec 14:19 mynewsgh.com 2909200110014217112.html
After knife attack on Appalachian Trail, Canadian hiker shares plan to finish trek

MONCTON, N.B. — Kirby Morrill has loved sports since she was a young girl. At the University of New Brunswick, she was a rugby star, celebrated for her "off-the-charts" tackling.

9 Dec 09:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741010182227896.html
Picchiato a sangue per strada: le condizioni del ferito restano gravissime. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – Un lieve miglioramento, ma le condizioni restano molto gravi. E’ ancora in terapia intensiva all’ospedale Maggiore di Parma l’uomo di 39 anni di nazionalità ucraina pestato a sangue a Santa Croce di Boretto da un 19enne moldavo. La prognosi rimane riservata: ha riportato lesioni alla testa, al volto oltre che al torace. L’uomo […]

9 Dec 10:42 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334061341981.html
Internes Papier der Regierung aufgetaucht: Auch 8,4 Millionen Ausländer haben Anspruch: Grundrente könnte noch viel teurer werden

Weniger als zwei Milliarden Euro pro Jahr soll die neue Grundrente kosten, so plant es jedenfalls die Große Koalition. Viel zu wenig, sagen Experten. Was noch hinzukommt: Auch Ausländer hätten Anspruch auf die Grundrente.

9 Dec 16:14 FOCUS Online 4448121231412409355.html
Supreme Court's five-judge Constitution bench to begin hearing on pleas against abrogation of Article 370

A 5-judge Constitution bench headed by Justice N V Ramana will commence the hearing on a batch of petitions including that of private individuals, lawyers, activists and political parties like National Conference, Sajjad Lone-led J&K Peoples Conference and CPI (M) leader Mohd Yousuf Tarigami.

9 Dec 15:17 The Economic Times 7653256036753701688.html
Kanye West covers self in silver paint for opera

American rapper, Kanye West, on Sunday covered himself in silver paint for his opera performance, Mary, which he showed in Miami. The 42-year-old rapper was spotted wearing a baggy silver outfit...

9 Dec 13:33 Punch Newspapers 3524240995443406548.html
Des brise-glaces inarrêtables

Les brise-glaces de la Garde côtière canadienne ont commencé ce mois-ci à fendre les eaux sur la côte Est du pays.

9 Dec 11:00 Le Journal de Québec 6825713738979557644.html
Transportistas marcharán este martes contra del BRT en Santa Cruz

El sector transporte de micros y trufis, anunciaron que este martes marcharán en la ciudad en contra de BRT en Santa Cruz. Criticaron a la alcaldía por firmar aprobaciones del nuevo transporte en los días de paro cívico. Fuente: Unitel

9 Dec 16:06 eju.tv 4688901770751559682.html
Those who abandon vision don't succeed ever: PM Imran

Those who abandon vision don

9 Dec 14:45 Dunya News 5863268918326552590.html
BVB gegen Slavia Prag live im TV und Online-Stream sehen

Live im TV und im Online-Stream: So seht ihr das Königsklassen-Duell zwischen Borussia Dortmund und Slavia Prag. Vor dem Finale der Champions-League-Gruppenphase ist noch alles offen. Schießt sich Dortmund gegen Prag ins Achtelfinale?

9 Dec 11:58 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776543776425.html
Jorge Masvidal names fight preference out of Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor

Mayweather and McGregor are both returning to action in 2020 after extended periods away from their respective sports, and Masvidal has pinpointed which of the pair he wants to fight most

9 Dec 16:13 mirror 675785260897213848.html
Siapa Saja Transfer Terbaik dan Terburuk Barcelona Sejak 2009?

Barcelona sudah meraih kesuksesan besar selama satu dekade terakhir.

9 Dec 09:33 Bola.net 5489959027518782238.html
Mesa de Unidad Social inicia nueva protesta e instala campamento frente al Palacio de Tribunales

Representantes de la orgánica levantaron lo que denominaron "campamento por la dignidad", como una forma de "hacerse escuchar".

9 Dec 15:24 Emol 3328490602847960237.html
Funke Akindele Loses Dad

Award-winning Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele-Bello has been thrown into mourning, as she loses her dad, Concise News reports.

9 Dec 11:27 Concise 5544636822423593983.html
«Opfern droht Ersticken oder Verbrennen»

Vor vulkanischen Asche-Gas-Strömen kann man fast nicht fliehen, sagt ETH-Vulkanologe Peter Ulmer. Er klärt über die Gefahren bei Vulkanausbrüchen auf.

9 Dec 13:31 20 Minuten 5741369452399269612.html
Heldt kündigt Konsequenzen an

Es war ein stiller Montagmorgen am Geißbockheim, nicht ein Fan hatte sich zum Training der FC-Profis eingefunden. Dabei hätte es durchaus etwas zu sehen gegeben, jedenfalls mehr als sonst. Üblicherweise lockert das FC-Personal nach Bundesligaspielen die Muskeln bei einer Runde auf dem Fahrrad im Grüngürtel oder geht ein wenig joggen. Am Montag jedoch, keine 20 Stunden nach dem 0:2 bei Union Berlin, schickte Markus Gisdol seinen beinahe vollständigen Kader auf den Trainingsplatz und ließ über auf vier Kleintore spielen. Das als Strafe zu bezeichnen, ginge wohl etwas weit, nach dem schlimmen Auftritt in Berlins Osten wären drastischere Maßnahmen denkbar gewesen als etwas Fußball auf perfekt gepflegtem ...

9 Dec 17:33 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567864828885.html
Indonesia’s export ban can boost nickel exports from the Philippines to China, says GlobalData

Nickel is mined from many sources around the world and is presently used for stainless steel, nonferrous alloys, electroplating, alloy...Read More...

9 Dec 09:06 Mining Technology 639193376780784890.html
Ya puedes probar la nueva app Adobe Photoshop Camera en algunos Android

Se trata de una versión de pruebas, por lo que por ahora es solo compatible con algunos dispositivos.

9 Dec 12:00 Pisapapeles 2605212968833065348.html
Deepika Padukone's Chhapaak's Trailer To Release Tomorrow On World Human Rights Day

The Deepika Padukone starrer Chhapaak is a true-life story based on acid attack survival and has already created a buzz before its release! The trailer of the movie is all set to release tomorrow i.e., December 10, 2019.

9 Dec 08:11 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244255381278.html
48-Jährige starb nach Messerattacke im Bezirk Mistelbach

Die Frau wurde am Sonntagabend tot in einer Wohnung gefunden. Ein ebenfalls anwesender 53-Jähriger gilt als tatverdächtig, er wurde festgenommen.

9 Dec 08:28 Die Presse 6242788853835325131.html
Se fuga paciente del hospital de salud mental

Chihuahua.-Intensa movilización policiaca ocurrió ayer en la noche al oeste de la ciudad, debido a que un interno se escapó del Hospital de Salud Mental. A la policía le reportaron ayer en la noche...

9 Dec 14:20 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558472784542.html
China: Regierung verbietet ausländische PCs & Software in Behörden

China macht ernst: Die Regierung hat einen vollständigen Verzicht auf jedwede Computer-Technik und -Software von ausländischen Herstellern bei staatlichen Stellen und Behörden angeordnet. Innerhalb von drei Jahren müssen die Produkte von Dell, HP, Microsoft & Co ersetzt werden.

9 Dec 11:05 winfuture.de 1179223335252079816.html
Eno sporočilo lahko povsem onesposobi vašo napravo Android

Nedavno smo poročali o resni varnostni ranljivosti v kodi mobilnega operacijskega sistema Android, ki spletnim kriminalcem omogoča, da se dokopajo do zaupnih bančnih informacij.

9 Dec 12:46 Računalniške novice 5784844854905849149.html
SoCal weather: Rain ending, Monday morning commute should be dry

The storm system that slammed Southern California moved out of the area by Monday morning, bringing sunshine and seasonable temperatures after several days of rain and snow.

9 Dec 16:24 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441183204280.html
Turns Out A Wild Geoengineering Plan To Refreeze Arctic Sea Ice Isn't The Best Idea

As the world spins closer to climate catastrophe, fringe ideas are inching toward the mainstream. Geoengineering is among the topics that were once verboten but are now finding traction. And that includes some pretty out-there ideas, including ones focused on saving polar ice by pumping massive amounts of seawater...

9 Dec 08:32 Gizmodo AU 3183561247967321420.html
New BioShock game in development under new studio, 2K confirms

2K today confirmed that the BioShock series is returning under a new studio. The game is being developed by Cloud Chamber, a newly set up studio with teams in San Francisco and Montreal.

9 Dec 13:36 Neowin 8633418615323011840.html
Mona Lisa

W najnowszej odsłonie swojego autorskiego cyklu felietonów Piotr Czerkawski wyciąga z lamusa film Neila Jordana pt. "Mona Lisa". Sprawdźcie, co jest w nim takiego...

9 Dec 11:02 Filmweb 809087860974654179.html
Nicolas Bourbaki: One of the greatest mathematicians of 20th century never really existed

When an editor of the journal ‘Mathematical Reviews’ wrote that Bourbaki was a pseudonym, he was refuted by Bourbaki himself.

9 Dec 15:00 Scroll.in 8669301693166666812.html
Psychic Training: How to become a psychic?

Did you know that everyone has innate psychic abilities? Every living creature operates in all dimensions, whether they aware of all of them or not! But psychic...

9 Dec 10:05 Bulawayo24 News 5565663539177282352.html
Kano gov, Ganduje appoints Emir Sanusi chairman Council of chief

The Governor of Kano, Abdullahi Umar Ganduje has appointed Ganduje Muhammadu Sanusi II, Emir of Kano Emirate, as Chairman Kano State Council of Chiefs. 

9 Dec 09:11 Vanguard News 4125100339392011655.html
Serial rapist Joseph McCann given 33 life sentences

"Classic psychopath" Joseph McCann has been handed 33 life sentences and a minimum term of 30 years for a string of horrific sex attacks on 11 women and children.

9 Dec 16:31 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489944345000.html
Tarif Listrik Bukan Prioritas Rudiantara Saat Jadi Dirut PLN

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arifin Tasrif mengatakan, penyesuaian tarif listrik bukan tugas prioritas Rudiantara jika sudah resmi menjadi orang nomor satu di perusahaan milik negara tersebut. Sebab, masih ada program pengadaan listrik 35.000 megawatt yang harus diselesaikan.

9 Dec 16:31 merdeka.com 1998180355595627163.html
I-League: Real Kashmir FC's two home games postponed after closure of Srinagar airport

Flight operations at Srinagar airport were disrupted since Sunday due to dense fog.

9 Dec 10:37 Scroll.in 8669301693623155837.html
Tis Hazari clash: SC seeks placing of HC orders related to lawyers-Delhi police tiff

The bench, also comprising Justice Indira Banerjee, said it would like to see what orders have been passed by the high court which is dealing with the issue.

9 Dec 14:52 The New Indian Express 4718288653856844163.html
Sexton's Six Nations worry as Leinster confirm out-half will miss Northampton game

Sexton was forced off in Leinster's 43-16 win at Franklin's Gardens on Saturday after falling awkwardly while being tackled. 

9 Dec 12:41 Rugbypass 8668874340128936351.html
Diputada del partido de Piñera llama "resentidos" a familiares de detenidos desaparecidos

La diputada chilena del partido de derecha Renovación Nacional, Erika Olivera, hizo el comentario esta mañana, previo al día internacional de los derechos humanos. Repudio en las redes sociales.

9 Dec 14:18 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731890206223.html
400 Ribu Pelanggan Smartfren Pengguna iPhone

Smartfren mengklaim punya banyak pelanggan yang menggunakan iPhone. Jumlahnya mencapai ratusan ribu.

9 Dec 15:29 detikinet 7802439222241231094.html
Over 9 million facing food shortages in African Sahel: Sources

The number of people requiring urgent food aid in 16 countries across Africa's Sahel region more than doubled this year to some 9.4 million amid an increase in violence and insecurity, officials and experts said Monday. Three countries, Nigeria, Niger and Burkina Faso, are facing crisis conditions, at phase three of five on the scale used by the Food Crisis Prevention Network, which includes government and United Nations representatives as well as NGOs.

9 Dec 16:04 WION 1570469240969700539.html
Kvyat waarschijnlijk onder neutrale vlag in de F1

De dopingstraf voor Rusland heeft mogelijk ook gevolgen voor de Formule 1. Het lijkt erop dat de Grand Prix in Sochi wel door kan gaan, maar Danili Kvyat mag wellicht niet meer met de vlag van zijn vaderland rijden. Net als alle andere atleten uit Rusland mag Kvyat niet meer de wit-blauw-rode vlag voeren de…

9 Dec 16:56 Sportnieuws 3602982464186109273.html
I titoli di stato nell’Eurozona fanno ingresso nella settimana clou

Il mercato obbligazionario nell'Eurozona è entrato in una settimana decisiva con oggi. I rendimenti nei prossimi giorni potrebbero subire grosse variazioni nell'una o nell'altra direzione, in base ad alcuni eventi chiave.

9 Dec 10:04 InvestireOggi 7231367743463254633.html
As top women step aside, the notorious juggle is again in the spotlight

These heavy hitting women have plenty in common with the next working mother struggling with the ongoing intensity of 'the juggle'.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730561464881721.html
Alia Bhatt Gets Slammed Post The Video Of Taking Star Screen Award Even Before The Function Goes Viral

The very talented and gorgeous actress Alia Bhatt recently won Best actor female popular choice for Gully Boy. Alia Bhatt who did full justice to her character of Safeena was ecstatic to receive the h

9 Dec 08:09 Koimoi 5184275669839878772.html
Iberdrola presenta una denuncia en la Fiscalía de Bilbao para que investigue un "supuesto documento interno"

La empresa ha subrayado que ha realizado una búsqueda de dicho documento y que "ha sido totalmente imposible localizarlo". Asimismo,...

9 Dec 15:30 Expansión 4197779423265839354.html
Diamonds for a cause

Are you looking to indulge in something sparkly this holiday season and give back while doing so?

9 Dec 12:00 Castanet 616068601845523269.html
The best pre-lit artificial Christmas trees, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Pre-lit artificial Christmas trees come in a variety of sizes, colors, and themes. These are the best high-quality pre-lit artificial trees online.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:53 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757205100881.html
Johansson Explains Why Now is the Right Time for Black Widow's Solo Movie

Scarlett Johannson revealed why a Marvel Studios Black Widow couldn't have been made before now, and it's all about Natasha.

9 Dec 11:12 CBR.com 1295516963145817373.html
Hinten kaum Gegentore, vorn harmlos: Beim VfL Wolfsburg stimmt die Balance nicht

Die Spieler des VfL Wolfsburg zeigten sich nach der Niederlage beim SC Freiburg unzufrieden mit dem eigenen Offensivspiel. "Unser Spiel nach vorn müssen wir verbessern", forderte Kapitän Josuha Guilavogui.

9 Dec 10:12 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775607651207.html
Blackpool's star man Liam Feeney named in EFL team of the week alongside Leeds United, Sheffield Wednesday and Hull City men

Blackpool's Liam Feeney has been named in the EFL's team of the week following his impressive display in the 3-1 win against Fleetwood Town on Saturday.

9 Dec 10:53 The Gazette 1828400563438228842.html
UK apprenticeship levy’s low take-up highlighted by survey

Two years after its launch, half of the companies covered by the scheme have yet to spend anything

9 Dec 16:06 Financial Times 707176888800372592.html
Megan Hazel has struck a balance with Regina goldsmithing business

“I feel like with the custom work and the connections with people … this is feels like what (I’m) really meant to do,” said Megan Hazel.

9 Dec 15:29 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425531616525.html
Zaev: Postoji spremnost i volja za borbu protiv korupcije

SKOPLJE - Premijer Zoran Zaev rekao je da u Severnoj Makedoniji postoji ozbiljna politička volja i spremnost za suočavanje sa korupcijom. On je na svom

9 Dec 11:09 Krstarica 4176903988822894547.html
Zelfrijdende auto's Mercedes en Bosch de weg op in VS

De zelfrijdende auto's van Mercedes en Bosch rijden voortaan in het Amerikaanse San Jose rond voor praktijktests.

9 Dec 15:31 RTLZ 8052859356769384871.html
Schorsing Rusland: wat houdt het concreet in?

Wereldantidopingbureau WADA heeft maandag de Russische sport voor 4 jaar geschorst voor grootscheepse dopingfraude. De belangrijkste maatregelen op een rij. Volgens de Nederlandse Dopingautoriteit is de schorsing alleen maar logisch. WADA-voorzitter Craig Reedie zegt ‘eigen schuld dikke bult’ tegen de Russen. “Te lang heeft Russische doping afbreuk gedaan aan schone sport. Rusland heeft de kans…

9 Dec 13:32 Sportnieuws 3602982464021997380.html
Vehicle hits shed, comes to rest against tree after crash in Lafayette County, deputies say

One person was injured after a crash where a vehicle hit a shed and tree in Lafayette County, deputies said.

9 Dec 14:50 CHANNEL3000 830332542680400740.html
12 high profile Lawyers Sonko has hired to represent him

His bail hearing is on going

9 Dec 11:03 Pulse Live 3606876836163865006.html
South Asian Games: Bala Devi brace powers India to third straight gold

Bala Devi, who ended as the top-scorer of the competition, netting five goals in four matches, scored twice to guide India to a comfortable 2-0 victory over Nepal in the final.

9 Dec 12:50 The Indian Express 2885715105598482564.html
Corbyn's Labour 'Worst Global anti-Semitic Incident,' Simon Wiesenthal Center Says

'No one has done more to mainstream anti-Semitism' than Corbyn, the Jewish human rights group says

9 Dec 08:57 Haaretz 1431421788984937471.html
Zo ziet Matthias Schoenaerts eruit als heilige Petrus

Er zijn nu al beelden gelekt van ‘The Last Planet’, de nieuwe film van Matthias Schoenaerts, waarin de Vlaamse acteur een apostel speelt. Een foto van Matthias als de heilige Petrus doet de ronde o...

9 Dec 13:30 HLN 8967494998435999279.html
SC to hear BCCI cases in January

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to list before an appropriate Bench the main BCCI case and connected applications to be heard in January 2020.A Bench led by Chief Justice S.A. Bobde acceded to an o

9 Dec 17:14 The Hindu 6679535024818322272.html
These Stunning Clicks Of Kajal Aggarwal Are A Treat For Her Fans

Here is some sweet news for Kajal Aggarwal fans. In an exciting development, a couple of clicks from the Mersal star’s Goa vacation are going viral for all the right reasons. In them, she seen having a blast and living life to the fullest.

9 Dec 12:04 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243871480496.html
Iliad stupisce ancora a colpi di Giga e minuti: due promo segrete disponibili

Grazie a Iliad gli utenti possono avere ancora altre promo oltre alla solita Giga 50, ecco sul sito ufficiale cosa potete trovare a partire da 4,99 euro

9 Dec 09:25 tecnoandroid 2573257127785354519.html
Roche: zehnte Fristverlängerung

Der Pharmakonzern verlängert die Frist für die geplante Übernahme von Spark Therapeutics bis zum nächsten Montag.

9 Dec 08:10 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203937639888696.html
WIN: Tickets to Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live in Birmingham

Monster Truck fans will be able to throw themselves into a fully immersive experience as Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live heads to Birmingham - and we're giving two lucky winners the chance to win a family ticket each

9 Dec 11:15 Shropshire Star 3480199991388813529.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill has endorsement of India's 130 crore citizens: Amit Shah

Trying to allay apprehensions of people of the Northeast, Shah said the Narendra Modi Government is committed to protect the customs and culture of people of the region and informed that Manipur will be brought under Inner Line Permit regime, where the proposed law will not be applicable.

9 Dec 13:05 The Economic Times 7653256038174657900.html
The Age Year in Review: Call for leadership on the climate crisis

Group executive editor James Chessell said climate change was now the biggest cause for anxiety in the community.

9 Dec 10:31 The Age 7967730561357936959.html
Sacerdote en Nigeria confunde GASOLINA con AGUA BENDITA y seis personas mueren

Un terrible accidente se vivi&oacute; en Nigeria cuando un sacerdote confundi&oacute; gasolina con agua bendita y quem&oacute; vivo a un creyente.

9 Dec 15:00 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622576474406.html
Kubu Zulkifli Hasan Tak Mau Dibenturkan dengan Amien Rais di Kongres PAN

Ketua DPP PAN sekaligus pendukung Zulkifli Hasan, Yandri Susanto meminta tidak dibenturkan dengan pendiri dan Ketua Dewan Kehormatan PAN Amien Rais dalam kontestasi Kongres 2020. Yandri enggan menanggapi apakah restu Amien Rais masih bertaji dalam pemilihan ketua umum.

9 Dec 17:04 merdeka.com 1998180354664703331.html
White House, Democrats close to USMCA trade deal: report

The White House and House Democrats are on the verge of a new North American trade deal in what would give President Trump a signature legislative victory. The Washington Post

9 Dec 15:15 TheHill 355432918760512275.html
El elogio de Petro a Gabriela Tafur por mensaje en Miss Universo

El senador celebró que Tafur hizo una referencia a las jornadas de protesta que vive Colombia.

9 Dec 10:07 El Tiempo 1091719939304388541.html
Die Green Forest Rovers sind der erste vegane Fußballklub der Welt

Kennen Sie die Green Forest Rovers? Sollten Sie aber, dieser Klub ist grandios. Das Stadion aus Holz, die Trikots aus Bambus, das Essen vegan.

9 Dec 14:19 wetter.de 1060100769471952181.html
Nine-year-old girl in hospital after being hit by car in Plymouth

The crash happened on Haye Road in Elburton

9 Dec 17:46 PlymouthLive 6373569607851794171.html
Female youth group running 30-day cleaning campaign in Preah Sihanouk

Youth group, Girl Volunteers for Society (GVS), is running a “30-day cleaning campaign in Preah Sihanouk” to raise awareness among people in the province on proper waste disposal and management. The campaign which started on November 29 will end on December 29.

9 Dec 16:34 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116178654338.html
I migliori SUV sportivi Made in Italy

I più interessanti SUV realizzati nel nostro Paese, ad alte prestazioni e dallo stile aggressivo

9 Dec 10:48 Today 178378749665033045.html
Sebut sang Istri Sebagai Korban Tarik Ulur, Ringgo Agus Dipuji Pintar Oleh Netizen!

Hubungan pasangan suami istri Ringgo Agus Rahman dan Sabai Dieter Morscheck memang kerap bikin netizen geleng-geleng kepala.

9 Dec 14:51 grid.id 586386475296629366.html
La prioridad de Benzema es probar su inocencia tras el dictamen del Supremo

La prioridad de Karim Benzema es probar su inocencia en el caso en el que está imputado en Francia por su presunta implicación en un...

9 Dec 17:25 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958644829662.html
size? Adds Heritage Fox Brothers Materials to adidas Originals Campus 80

Featuring three different flannels.

9 Dec 09:28 HYPEBEAST 3806037268597638394.html
Alan Shearer makes emphatic title prediction after Man City lose to Man Utd

City are 14 points off league leaders Liverpool following the weekend's results and their chances of retaining the title for a third season in a row look slim

9 Dec 11:25 mirror 675785261066013740.html
Blac Chyna Worries Fans Following A Recent Post On Social Media

Blac Chyna managed to worry some of her fans following a post that she shared on her social media account. In the recent message that Chyna posted,

9 Dec 17:03 Celebrity Insider 265863475127232650.html
Code Yellow Warning for Fog in 5 Bulgarian Regions

A Code Yellow warning for fog has been issued for five Bulgarian regions, the National Institute of Metrology and Hydrology (NIMH) said in its website. The forecast was issued at 11:25 amThe warning is in place for the regions of Sofia - city, Sofia - district, Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil and Pernik.

9 Dec 15:27 novinite.com 4235039570388621054.html
PROBABILI FORMAZIONI INTER BARCELLONA/ Diretta tv, Messi e Piqué non convocati

Probabili formazioni Inter Barcellona: diretta tv, le scelte dei due allenatori per la partita che si gioca a San Siro per il gruppo F di Champions League.

9 Dec 15:49 IlSussidiario 495412294752258851.html
Rode Duivels krijgen geen uitvalsbasis in Rusland: "Basiskamp zal in Tubeke zijn"

Roberto Martinez heeft de plannen van de voetbalbond uit de doeken gedaan in aanloop naar het EK 2020. De Rode Duivels zullen geen basiskamp oprichten in Sint-Petersburg en krijgen als voorbereiding op het eindtoernooi (idealiter) enkele stevige tegenstanders voor de kiezen.

9 Dec 16:01 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215486970521.html
Concerto per launeddas, suona il Maestro Luigi Lai

I Sardi Nel Mondo - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 16:33 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206792109677.html
Conozca las razones por las cuales solo dos ministros han subsistido al gobierno de Jimmy Morales

Por el gabinete de Jimmy Morales, durante cuatro años, han transitado 31 funcionarios, de los cuales solo dos han logrado mantenerse en el cargo.

9 Dec 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015255848158820.html
Miss Universe contestants put on a colourful display in the swimsuit segment before Miss South Africa is crowned winner and admits 'people with my skin and hair were never considered beautiful growing up'

Miss South Africa, Zozibini Tunzi, has been crowned the Miss Universe 2019 winner after beating runners-up Puerto Rico's Madison Anderson and Mexico's Sofia Aragon in the final three.

9 Dec 13:47 Mail Online 124328111826984189.html
Magistrate declines dismissing Bajjo’s case

The prosecution alleges that during the month of June 2019 in various places such as Masaka, Mbarara, Ibanda and Kampala, Bajjo incited members of the public.

9 Dec 14:31 New Vision 9103146373188260149.html
Delhi Anaj Mandi fire: Police conducts 3D laser scan of building to recreate scene

A team from the Forensic Science Laboratory also visited the site and collected samples from the four-storey Anaj Mandi building.

9 Dec 11:56 The Hindu 6679535024783918575.html
Imbas Penyelundupan Harley, Kemenhub Beri Denda Hingga Rp100 Juta ke Garuda Indonesia

Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara Kemenhub, Polana B Pramesti mengatakan, surat pelanggaran diberikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Nomor PM 78 Tahun 2017 tentang Pengenaan Sanksi Administratif Terhadap Pelanggaran Peraturan Perundang-undangan di Bidang Penerbangan.

9 Dec 16:23 merdeka.com 1998180355630825419.html
Elden Ring News Possibly Teased For The Game Awards By New Trailer

A new trailer released for this year's edition of The Game Awards show features sequences from Elden Ring, teasing news related to the game

9 Dec 11:06 Wccftech 3677959679039467182.html
YCSO: Man arrested after man with head trauma dies in Cornville

Officials were dispatched to a Cornville home around 6:30 p.m. on Saturday where a 22-year-old man was suffering from a severe head injury.

9 Dec 16:53 ABC15 Arizona 911680910916632668.html
Il cuore grande dei reggiani: donati nuovi televisori al Core

REGGIO EMILIA – Nuovi televisori a disposizione dei pazienti del reparto di Chirurgia a indirizzo oncologico del Core. Lo stesso era già accaduto nei mesi scorsi nel reparto di terapia semintensiva post operatoria. Merito della generosità delle famiglie Gherpelli, Fava e Spallanzani, una presenza costante al fianco dei volontari e del personale dei reparti. “E’ […]

9 Dec 17:32 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332692384720.html
Das Schweizer Atomkraftwerk Beznau ist seit 50 Jahren in Betrieb

Nur wenige Atomreaktoren weltweit sind noch älter als Block I von Beznau nahe der Grenze bei Waldshut-Tiengen. Nun gibt es ihn seit 50 Jahren &#8211; allerdings mit einer längeren Unterbrechung.

9 Dec 13:15 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426561048783.html
Peter Navarro: Bloomberg News, WSJ Spreading 'Chinese Propaganda'

"If you see a story breaking in either Bloomberg News or the Wall Street Journal, you really need to heavily discount that," Navarro said.

9 Dec 16:44 Breitbart 3148363491671493067.html
Collective Voice: My internet persona was nothing like me

To most people in real life, I would be that sweet little kid they always knew, but to others online, I would be the opposite.

9 Dec 12:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104418711244572.html
Plans to privatise BPCL suicidal for nation, says PSU officers' union

The officers union was not opposed to private competition but they should not be handed on a platter assets set up over years.

9 Dec 13:55 Business-Standard 1502508926629028583.html
Fca-Psa, Dongfeng inizia le manovre per scendere da Peugeot

L'intera partecipazione del 12,2% vale 2,36 miliardi di euro. Una quota sotto il 5% eviterebbe di avere un membro in cda, passando sotto traccia ai...

9 Dec 11:00 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336744567438127.html
Student leaders’ tour plan draws flak

Govt. initiative to reform campus politics by taking elected student leaders to Cardiff varsity

9 Dec 14:51 The Hindu 6679535025165009750.html
UFC News: Colby Covington reveals how nearly getting fired led to his controversial "personality"

Colby Covington was on the verge of getting fired just a few years ago!

9 Dec 11:49 sportskeeda 1601194028324758610.html
The 13 most memorable college basketball teams of the decade, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Squads stacked with one-and-dones, surprising Cinderellas, and undefeated teams defined the decade in college basketball.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:39 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756210562501.html
WWE releases Luke Harper, Sin Cara and The Ascension

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Luke Harper, Sin Cara and tag team The Ascension consisting of Konnor and Viktor have been released by WWE.

9 Dec 14:27 UPI 8257973865780415150.html
Former Leeds United defender hits out at on-loan Arsenal striker linked with Bristol City

Danny Mills said Eddie Nketiah has been the worst Leeds United player this season, with the on loan Arsenal striker rumoured to be nearing a recall from his spell with the Whites

9 Dec 09:43 BristolLive 4740742016997666400.html
Inquest into death of drowned schoolgirl Shukri Yahye Abdi could look into claims she was bullied - and 'coerced' into going to the River Irwell

Shukri, 12, died after being pulled from the river in Bury in June

9 Dec 14:39 men 6694993428837608239.html
Huawei usará menos componentes de Samsung

Huawei usará menos componentes de Samsung. Descubre más sobre la decisión de la marca china de reducir su dependencia de Samsung.

9 Dec 08:00 Profesional Review 7952487448303891743.html
Adorable pictures show bear teaching its young how to scratch its back

A photographer has captured remarkable images of a mother grizzly bear teaching its young cub how to scratch its back in Canada.

9 Dec 13:47 Fox News 7362823821018388462.html
Report: One-third of daycare subsidies goes to kollel families

Daycare subsidies no longer serving original purpose of encouraging women to work in addition to their husbands, report says.

9 Dec 11:00 Israel National News 5374683669693936706.html
Chris Ramsey exits Strictly Come Dancing and wife Rosie has a cheeky message for him

Chris Ramsey bowed out of Strictly Come Dancing in the semi-final and wife Rosie can't wait for him to get home

9 Dec 11:17 ChronicleLive 1984146901408286756.html
Serial rapist Joseph McCann given 33 life sentences

"Classic psychopath" Joseph McCann has been handed 33 life sentences and a minimum term of 30 years for a string of horrific sex attacks on 11 women and children.

9 Dec 13:07 Lancashire Post 6469275855239202784.html
Jacqueline Jossa and Dan Osborne tipped to land their own reality TV show

The star took home the crown as the winner of I'm A Celeb

9 Dec 14:27 GOSS.ie 8755536025966506087.html
Autism Awareness Roscrea open new community hub at Rosemary Square 

AAR was recently honoured with a Civic Reception by Thurles Templemore Municipal district of Tipperary County Council

9 Dec 17:37 TipperaryLive 1097599578718881492.html
Feuer bei C&A: Ausgerechnet zum verkaufsoffenen Sonntag

Am verkaufsoffenen Sonntag kam es in der Dresdner C&A-Filiale zu einem Schwelbrand.

9 Dec 08:57 TAG24 4583887874458731374.html
Factory owner, manager nabbed after Indian capital's deadliest fire in 20 years


9 Dec 11:53 Msn 1509165515424094409.html
Irish winger Forde hospitalised with four broken ribs and a punctured lung

The Limerick native suffered the injuries in Oxford United’s League One game over the weekend.

9 Dec 17:00 The42 5369852630634971752.html
Why people across the world gathered to spend one night out on the streets

In Chennai, about 500 people braved the rain and gathered in Besant Nagar as part of The World’s Big Sleep Out, raising funds to tackle homelessness

9 Dec 12:56 The Hindu 6679535025932982309.html
Rebensburg holt sich ersten Sieg der Saison

Viktoria Rebensburg hat im kanadischen Lake Louise den ersten Sieg der Saison eingefahren. Die 30-Jährige verwies die Südtirolerin Delago und die Schweizerin Suter auf die Plätze.

9 Dec 08:31 tagesschau.de 5441171425600023934.html
Live Doppler 7 Radar

Track the storms as they move into the area with our Interactive Radar.

9 Dec 16:42 Whio 8204027955515717623.html
EPL: What Pep Guardiola Told Players After Man United Defeat

Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola told his players to take the positives following their 2-1 loss to Manchester United in a Premier League tie, Saturday. 

9 Dec 11:10 Concise 5544636823074865994.html
'The forgotten Bletchley Park': How genteel spa town of Malvern helped win WWII with experimental radar able to spot Hitler's night-time bombers

It's not entirely fanciful to suggest that if the Second World War was won from anywhere, it was won from the Worcestershire town of Malvern, writes BRIAN VINER.

9 Dec 11:57 Mail Online 124328112434865085.html
Castel Volturno, il report del club: Allan in gruppo, due azzurri lavorano a parte

Gli azzurri preparano il match contro il Genk per la sesta giornata di Champions League in programma domani al San Paolo alle ore 18.55.

9 Dec 17:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080930407427.html
Arranca semana clave para posible "impeachment" contra Trump

"Caso sólido" contra un procedimiento de destitución "falso". Dos conceptos que muestran que demócratas y Donald Trump están en las antípodas sobre la apertura el lunes, en un Congreso profundamente dividido, de una audición que podría acabar con un acusación formal contra el presidente de Estados Unidos. 

9 Dec 12:00 Panorama 6052790754203899386.html
Alla Galleria Barbera si inaugura la mostra dedicata a Felice Canonico

Felice Canonico: 60 anni di Arte è il titolo della mostra antologica, organizzata dal Servizio Cultura della Città Metropolitana

9 Dec 13:20 Tempostretto 3143171742974180966.html
Steve Bruce plays down Newcastle United's achievements so far and looks at the bigger picture

The Toon head coach does not feel that it is the time to get carried away - despite being in the Premier League best form since 2014

9 Dec 08:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901990007847.html
Comerse la taza tras beberse el café para cuidar el medioambiente

La compañía aérea Air New Zealand sirve las bebidas en un recipiente comestible para reducir sus desechos

9 Dec 10:27 EL PAÍS 2207347710049289644.html
Detenido un hombre en Oion por agredir sexualmente a una mujer tras amenazarla

Un hombre de 43 a&ntilde;os ha sido detenido en la madrugada de este lunes acusado de agredir sexualmente a una mujer conocida y con la que desde hac&iacute;...

9 Dec 14:33 naiz: 7509038604414375863.html
What do the leading parties think will swing your vote online?

Polling day looms and the political parties are stepping up their online campaigns to encourage as many voters to back them on Thursday.  What is fascinating about this campaign is that parties have followed very different campaigns online, some staying consistent throughout while others shifted on a daily or weekly basis.  But, at this late stage, it is fairly safe to assume that the parties have finalised their online strategies. So what do the leading parties think will swing your vote online?

9 Dec 14:10 ITV News 2184971257126927006.html
New survey finds that 50% of travelers felt happier after doing something kind for a fellow traveler

SAN FRANCISCO – Dignity Health, one of the largest health systems in the US, released the results of a national survey conducted to uncover how kindness can impact our health when traveling. While it’s no surprise that most people experience stress while traveling, the survey revealed that kindness can have an outsized effect on our wellbeing while in transit.  Dignity Health was inspired by one of their latest advertisements that features real video footage of a toddler greeting his fellow passengers

9 Dec 09:39 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788810079627.html
Jacob Markstrom re-joins Canucks after leave for father’s memorial

Vancouver Canucks goaltender Jacob Markstrom has rejoined the team after taking a leave of absence last week to attend his father’s memorial service.

9 Dec 13:40 Sportsnet.ca 4293652947171042500.html
Uni Gießen offline und lahmgelegt – Cyber-Ermittler eingeschaltet

Nichts geht mehr an der Universität Gießen, alle Server stehen still. Die Ursachensuche läuft auf Hochtouren, ein Hackerangriff ist nicht auszuschließen.

9 Dec 14:55 heise online 1766193383148342306.html
Klassieke Aston Martin DB5, met machinegeweren in de koplampen, keert terug in nieuw James Bond-avontuur

De makers van de nieuwste James Bond-film No Time To Die hebben een officiële trailer gepubliceerd die verraadt dat 007 hierin inderdaad in zijn oude dienstauto terugkeert: de Aston Martin DB5. 

9 Dec 13:28 HLN 8967494998152229049.html
Uvær skaper trafikkproblemer

Kraftig vind skaper trøbbel for trafikken på Vestlandet. På fjellovergangene kan det bli innført kolonnekjøring på kort varsel.

9 Dec 12:52 rbnett.no 7665098091612610787.html
The Offload: Television backlash for Rory Best

Former Ireland captain criticised for Schmidt quotes, Nucifora review unacceptable

9 Dec 11:00 The Irish Times 8204772968325463856.html
Film Marriage Story s šestimi nominacijami za zlati globus

Ločitvena saga Marriage Story v režiji Noaha Baumbacha in v produkciji Netflixa vodi v tekmi za nagrade zlati globus, saj si je prislužil šest nominacij, med drugim za najboljšo celovečerno dramo. Po pet nominacij za prestižne nagrade sta prejela še filma Irec (The Irishman) Martina Scorseseja ter Bilo je nekoč...v Hollywoodu Quentina Tarantina.

9 Dec 15:10 STA.si 4977224363458848630.html
Film Marriage Story s šestimi nominacijami za zlati globus

Ločitvena saga Marriage Story v režiji Noaha Baumbacha in v produkciji Netflixa vodi v tekmi za nagrade zlati globus, saj si je prislužil šest nominacij, med drugim za najboljšo celovečerno dramo. Po pet nominacij za prestižne nagrade sta prejela še filma Irec (The Irishman) Martina Scorseseja ter Bilo je nekoč...v Hollywoodu Quentina Tarantina.

9 Dec 17:00 Dnevnik 7671546648856471844.html
Factory owner, manager nabbed after Indian capital's deadliest fire in 20 years

Police in New Delhi have arrested the owner and manager at a factory where 43 people perished in the Indian capital's deadliest fire in 20 years, a spokesman said on Monday.

9 Dec 09:58 Bdnews24 8119004129796199252.html
Veselji odletio u Hag

PRIŠTINA - Predsjednik Demokratske partije Kosova Kadri Veseli trebalo bi sutra da bude saslušan u Specijalnom sudu u Hagu, a on je već odletio za Hag, javlja RTS.

9 Dec 12:32 Nezavisne novine 4209150643020440034.html
Crypto Is Money: Dai Stablecoin Support Arrives on Coinbase Debit Card

If you can spend cryptocurrency in mainstream society, then crypto is money -- at least so says the tech's biggest proponents.

9 Dec 10:50 Blockonomi 7720215217990196400.html
How to Keep Your Solo Business Successful Without You

Solo entrepreneurs are notorious for not having a succession plan. If you want impact, you need to design for success without you. Here's how to start

9 Dec 09:27 Inc.com 8604986416974145148.html
Anderlecht begaat enorme blunder op transfermarkt: "Dit is onbegrijpelijk"

RSC Anderlecht realiseerde tijdens de voorbije transferperiodes tal van transfers. De ene was al meer geslaagd dan de andere, zo bleek achteraf.

9 Dec 08:00 Voetbal24 8097814617073246315.html
COP 25: India calls for speedier expansion of international solar alliance

Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar said there was a need to speed up this alliance to trap solar energy in a big way

9 Dec 17:40 Business-Standard 1502508924897598080.html
Zozibini Tunzi y su poderoso mensaje tras ganar Miss Universo

En un tiempo a la sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi le dijeron que no era bonita, hoy porta la corona de Miss Universo 2019

9 Dec 11:25 EL DEBATE 4396150894306701322.html
‘IDB membership can help project exporters penetrate LAC market’

The Export Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) has urged the the government to consider taking membership in Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). This could provide opportunities for Indian project exp

9 Dec 15:51 BusinessLine 5283600680326041.html
Another earthquake registered in Faial

An earthquake of magnitude 3.1 on the Richter scale was felt at dawn on Faial Island on 9 December, in an area that since the beginning of November has seen an increase in seismic activity.

9 Dec 10:33 The Portugal News Online 5173906807095269782.html
Barcelona leave Lionel Messi out of squad for Inter clash

Barcelona have left Lionel Messi and Gerard Pique out of their squad for Tuesday’s Champions League clash with Inter in San Siro.

9 Dec 14:06 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905400354683.html
Riquelme arrasa en las elecciones de Boca Juniors y desata la locura

El exjugador Xeneize, que formaba parte de la candidatura de Jorge Ameal, logra la victoria entre el delirio de los hinchas

9 Dec 17:52 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612827417335.html
Deadline looms for comments on plan to expand paid street parking in Cape Town | Cape Argus

Cape Town residents have been reminded to comment on a proposal to expand the areas subjected to paid street parking.

9 Dec 10:08 www.iol.co.za 17825112616217449.html
"Niet verwachten dat Kompany Duivels helpt als hij niet speelt bij Anderlecht"

Nu Vincent Kompany opnieuw in de lappenmand ligt, zijn derde blessure van het seizoen alweer, rijst de vraag of het wel zo verstandig zou zijn om de verdediger mee te nemen naar het EK van komende zomer. Roberto Martinez laat al wat in zijn kaarten kijken.

9 Dec 17:43 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215717951019.html
Cinco consejos para cambiar de área profesional

En este sentido, el sitio web Gestión comparte cinco recomendaciones que te pueden ayudar a reinventarte de manera efectiva: 1 - Lo primero que se sugiere es investigar el mercado para identificar ¿cuáles son los sectores y...

9 Dec 11:30 Punto Biz 7504645525537699029.html
Norberto Fuentes no oculta su nostalgia por el castrismo

Añora su tiempo en la corte verde olivo, cuando se codeaba con los pejes gordos, con los que compartía privilegios, juergas y festines (Cuba)

9 Dec 14:00 Cubanet 2710294110032114707.html
Jinek presenteert 3 januari eerste show bij RTL

Talkshowhost Eva Jinek presenteert op 3 januari haar eerste show bij RTL. Dat maakte de zender maandag bekend in RTL Boulevard. Haar programma zal te zien zijn na het populaire The Voice.

9 Dec 17:54 RTL Boulevard 1500115272240437360.html
Fifa Club World Cup: Hienghene Sport - a boarding school manager and beach soccer specialists

Who are Hienghene Sport, the New Caledonian football team who could meet European champions Liverpool in the Fifa Club World Cup?

9 Dec 15:29 BBC Sport 3883826128819998965.html
City of Pensacola has fallen victim to a cyber attack, mayor says

The mayor of Pensacola announced Monday that the city is under a cyber attack. He said it's unknown if it's connected in any way to the recent naval base shooting.

9 Dec 12:53 Fox 4 8372747776788235266.html
City of Pensacola has fallen victim to a cyber attack, mayor says

The mayor of Pensacola announced Monday that the city is under a cyber attack. He said it's unknown if it's connected in any way to the recent naval base shooting.

9 Dec 17:53 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730201920242690.html
WATCH: Lionel Messi humiliates Barcelona teammates during training leaving fans in awe

Barcelona would never sell Lionel Messi, and the reason is quite simple – it is because even they have not yet figured out a way to stop the Argentine genius when he is in his element.

9 Dec 14:37 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905353012150.html
TC conoce en audiencia pública acciones contra leyes que prohíben el transfuguismo

El Tribunal Constitucional conocio este lunes en audiencia publica dos acciones directas de inconstitucionalidad que procuran la nulidad de las disposicion

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956265367907468.html
This Ford Ranger is dressed up in carbon fiber

This carbon fiber upgrade trim for the Ford Ranger may cause you an arm and a leg

9 Dec 10:40 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465448074672150.html
Stephen Amell Shares a Heartfelt Message Following Crisis' Big Tragedy

Arrow star Stephen Amell has a message for fans following the shocking ending to part one of the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths.

9 Dec 12:12 CBR.com 1295516963142306753.html
The Real Test for the GCC: Dealing with Qatar's Crisis Skilfully

This is a Gulf week par-excellence, as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which was founded in 1981 with security as its primary concern, will hold it fortieth summit under exceptional circumstances. The Saudi capital Riyadh is considered the Counci

9 Dec 11:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933806121121.html
Kansen van Lukaku op volgende ronde stijgen, Messi ontbreekt met Barça tegen Inter

Lionel Messi ontbreekt in de wedstrijdselectie van FC Barcelona voor de Champions League-wedstrijd tegen Internazionale. De ploeg is al zeker van een plek in de knock-outfase en lijkt de Argentijnse vedette rust te gunnen.

9 Dec 16:11 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216183008819.html
Il Roma - Burrasca Insigne, capitano travolto dagli eventi: rischio panchina con Genk

Il mare azzurro in burrasca, il capitano travolto dagli eventi e vittima di se stesso e delle sue incertezze

9 Dec 12:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080824533636.html
"Lavorerai in Vaticano": si finge un maresciallo e deruba famiglia dell'ex

Si era finto maresciallo dei carabinieri anche con quella che è stata la sua ex fidanzata. E proprio alla famiglia della ragazza ha rubato oltre 20 mila euro.

9 Dec 12:42 ilGiornale.it 5019541224638998992.html
"Las mujeres de Tumaco necesitan especialmente ayuda psicosocial"

Mientras que las cifras de feminicidios entregadas por diferentes organizaciones no concuerdan, lideresas como Dora Landázuri siguen luchando por sus derechos en medio del conflicto.

9 Dec 11:46 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542626651314.html
TikTok settles child data class-action one day after lawsuit was filed

Firm didn't leave the clock tik-tocking

9 Dec 09:28 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887306720370081.html
MS Dhoni To Produce TV Series On Army Officers: Report

Indian cricket icon Mahendra Singh Dhoni will be producing an anthology telling stories of decorated army officers.

9 Dec 15:30 NDTVSports.com 2127367043832288845.html
Plymouth Argyle Loan Watch: Alex Fletcher and Mike Peck make Tiverton Town debuts

The Pilgrims now have six young professionals on loan to Southern League Premier South sides

9 Dec 09:27 PlymouthLive 6373569608477257299.html
Coastguard stand down search for missing Gourock man on Firth of Clyde as Police continue to scour

A FRANTIC search for a dad missing in the Firth of Clyde has been stood down. The 55-year-old boatsman, known locally as David Wilson, vanished after leaving his car parked at Cardwell Bay in Gouro…

9 Dec 16:01 The Scottish Sun 6609127672626728935.html
Intel CEO Blames Company's Obsessive Focus on Capturing 90% CPU Market Share For Missing Out on Other Opportunities

Intel chief executive Bob Swan says he's willing to let go the company's traditional dominance of the market for CPUs in order to meet the rising demand for newer, more specialized silicon chips for applications such as AI and autonomous cars. From a report: Intel's Bob Swan blames being focused on ...

9 Dec 11:03 hardware.slashdot.org 2733814149589873185.html
Rivaal van Jitse Groens Takeaway verhoogt bod op overnameprooi Just Eat - maar beleggers denken dat er nóg meer in het vat zit

Belangrijk is dat Prosus aandeelhouders van Just Eat in contanten wil betalen. Takeaway mikt daarentegen op een fusie via een aandelendeal.

9 Dec 09:51 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747015088641.html
Photos: Sara Ali Khan flaunts her infectious smile as she sizzles in a black and white shimmery babycon dress with a bow

Sara Ali Khan might be just two films old but the diva has already carved a niche for herself in the industry with her spectacular performances on the

9 Dec 12:40 The Times of India 6060938663074364981.html
Daniel Batty will have a point to prove to Leeds United after boyhood release

Leeds United face off with Hull City in the Championship this week.Leeds United face off with Hull City in the Championship this week.

9 Dec 09:45 The Boot Room 5717202227143657994.html
Temperaturi mult mai ridicate fata de normal - prognoza meteo pe doua saptamani

In urmatoarele doua saptamani vom avea parte de vreme calda, cu temperaturi peste normalul perioadei, conform prognozei meteorologilor pentru perioada 9 - 22 decembrie.

9 Dec 15:58 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414642494841008.html
'Rapist prison guards forced female inmates to have threesome with them'

Guards at Coleman Federal Correctional Complex in Wildwood, Florida, are accused of inflicting horrific sexual abuse against female inmates

9 Dec 15:24 Metro 970161747736757567.html
30 great reader Christmas trees from Newcastle and the North East

Over 1000 readers shared photographs of their Christmas pride and joy and we picked 30 to feature here - and another 20 in our video!

9 Dec 16:18 ChronicleLive 1984146902001727297.html
Israeli Election to Be Held March 2 if Knesset Dissolves, Netanyahu, Gantz Agree

New date is eight days earlier than the original - March 10 - and alters a tradition enshrined in law, which stipulates that elections in Israel be held on Tuesday

9 Dec 09:21 Haaretz 1431421789114430176.html
New Zealand volcano eruption kills 5

The island volcano eruption also left 18 injured and several others stranded.

9 Dec 13:00 Daily Nation 7421817125300334533.html
CALCIOMERCATO INTER/ Ultime notizie: Marcos Alonso il nome nuovo per Conte

Calciomercato Inter, ultime notizie: incontro per Vidal col Barcellona, ma i nerazzurri cercano anche Marcos Alonso, terzino del Chelsea

9 Dec 13:03 IlSussidiario 495412293217592768.html
La lettera-sfogo dei poliziotti: "Soli contro degrado e violenze"

Cresce la violenza nei confronti dei poliziotti in servizio a Catania, il sindacato di polizia interviene con una lettera aperta

9 Dec 14:00 ilGiornale.it 5019541225370473499.html
Passengers on board Australia's biggest cruise liner caught up in New Zealand's volcano tragedy describe the horror of watching the injured be brought back to the ship

Australians are believed to be among the visitors on Whakaari from a nearby cruise ship, the Ovation of the Seas, which originated in Sydney.

9 Dec 15:25 Mail Online 124328112438433218.html
Millie Bobby Brown sorprende con look de sombras azules para resaltar ojos oscuros

Millie Bobby Brown nos demostró que las sombras azules son ideales para darnos un look diferente y resaltar nuestro color de ojos.

9 Dec 14:45 Wapa.pe 6757287087821732714.html
Halting demands for indyref2 once again at the heart of Scottish Tory campaign

Mr Carlaw says the Tories are getting a ‘fantastic response in certain key seats’.

9 Dec 10:16 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774774532750.html
Turn Your Face Into a GIF With Snapchat Cameos

Snapchat is reportedly testing a feature that essentially lets users insert themselves into GIFs. The social network’s video alternative to Bitmoji, Snapchat Cameos uses selfies to replace other people’s faces in animations. Following […]

9 Dec 13:15 Geek.com 3223109241030971360.html
Klaus Iohannis confirmă înghețarea salariilor demnitarilor

”Da, mi se pare un lucru potrivit. Daca vrem sa fim politicieni responsabili, trebuie noi care stam in varful piramidei sa dam semnalul ca intelegem ca nu toata lumea poate sa beneficieze de cresteri salariale si e un moment potrivit ca o crestere salariala trebuie sa fie si o oportuna. I-am incurajat sa mearga mai departe cu aceasta masura”, a zis Iohannis.

9 Dec 13:33 www.antena3.ro 6332542757806627179.html
Asus announces more powerful ROG Phone 2 Ultimate Edition and STRIX Edition

Republic of Gamers is ready to blow your gaming socks off with two suped-up smartphones: ROG Phone 2 Ultimate Edition and ROG Phone 2 STRIX Edition

9 Dec 09:10 MSPoweruser 1651641550526749954.html
'Nothing supernatural happened': RUSADA reacts to WADA ban

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency CEO reacted after the World Anti-Doping Agency imposed 4-year ban imposed on Russia on Monday.

9 Dec 17:27 euronews 7318238122162039654.html
The falsehood at the heart of Amit Shah’s defence of the Citizenship Amendment Bill

Shah not only wants to rewrite history, he is doing so in a manner that fully embraces Jinnah’s two-nation theory, while blaming his own actions on Congress.

9 Dec 12:30 Scroll.in 8669301693750574086.html
Do you dare look upon this horse-wolfpack hybrid?

I haven’t read the later books in the Southern Reach series, but I imagine if the phenomena had eventually extended past the swamp to interact with horses and wolves the result would have loo…

9 Dec 14:15 Boing Boing 4601305169597041530.html
Sayangkan Ducati Lepas Lorenzo, Dall'Igna Ragu Bakal Comeback

General Manager Ducati Corse, Gigi Dall'Igna, mengaku sedih Jorge Lorenzo memutuskan pensiun dari MotoGP akhir musim ini akibat cedera punggung berkepanjangan.

9 Dec 10:55 Bola.net 5489959027672965165.html
El SAT impondrá sanciones a contribuyentes que no cumplan con sus obligaciones fiscales

El experto Javier Zepeda dice que el SAT está cerrando el camino para que el contribuyente se porte bien, pague sus impuestos, no intente defraudar al fisco y no intente engañarlo

9 Dec 12:34 El Mañana 6247220757550276364.html
Man dreigt met vuurwapen in Winterswijk, arrestatieteam onderweg

Een man zou maandag iemand in Winterswijk hebben bedreigd met een wapen. Dat meldt de politie.

9 Dec 12:49 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615639709110.html
How Christmas in Uganda has changed over the years

A section of Ugandans born in the 90s who used to feel the Christmas excitement have struggled to relive it today since some of the special things they once regarded...

9 Dec 15:14 New Vision 9103146373277027593.html
Ex-Boston Celtics player fined for not looking at Chinese flag during national anthem

Guerschon Yabusele now plays for Nanjing Tongxi Monkey King.

9 Dec 10:29 The42 5369852629578841072.html
US, Taliban Not Agreed on Reduction of Violence: Sources

Sources close to the Doha talks said the United States and the Taliban negotiators—on their third day of negotiations--have yet to agree on the terms of a reduction of violence, ceasefire a

9 Dec 16:00 TOLO news 5578851438341240713.html
Ex-participante da 'Banheira do Gugu' sugere avenida com nome do apresentador

Ela relembrou a generosidade do artista, que morreu aos 60 anos: 'digno de todas as homenagens'

9 Dec 09:13 Folha Vitória 4941883426421300567.html
Las luces navideñas son las grandes ausentes en los comercios ribenses

Para los habitantes del municipio José Félix Ribas, continuar con la tradición de decorar sus viviendas y sitios de trabajo con las icónicas luces

9 Dec 11:32 El Siglo 7954754736128914512.html
Dukung Erick Thohir Berhentikan Semua Direksi Garuda soal Harley, Fadli Zon: Jangan Jadi Sapi Perah

Fadli Zon, memberikan apresiasi terhadap langkah Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Erick Thohir.

9 Dec 08:22 Tribunnews.com 3323534446577465602.html
Schauffele making a name for himself with his golf

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) - Steve Stricker cared only about securing a spot in the first U.S. Open in his home state of Wisconsin. Still, there was something about the PGA Tour rookie in his group during a 36-hole qualifier that intrigued him.

9 Dec 08:05 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637595823231.html
Barack and Michelle Obama Just Bought a Beachfront Mansion on Martha’s Vineyard

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are two of the latest residents of Martha’s Vineyard, which is located off the coast of

9 Dec 10:00 Atlanta Black Star 3042160500296071259.html
113 nominations received on day one in Thoothukudi district

THOOTHUKUDIAs nomination for various positions in the rural local bodies commenced on Monday, 113 persons filed their nominations on the first day.For the 3,537 positions in the rural civic bodies in

9 Dec 14:55 The Hindu 6679535024451630894.html
Appell des Armutsnetzwerks: "Saniert das Budget nicht zu Lasten des Sozialbudgets!"

16 Prozent der Steirer sind armutsgefährdet, sieben Prozent leben in manifester Armut. Die Lobby der Menschen in der Armutsfalle fordert die künftige Landesregierung auf, nicht bei Investitionen in die soziale Infrastruktur zu sparen.

9 Dec 17:47 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700241619476.html
Ancam Blokir Kalau Nge-Chat, Giliran Didiemin Malah Ngambek. Girls, Nuntut Peka Nggak Gini Caranya!!!1

Cewek nuntut peka menyendiri ialah momen terbaik untuk menuntaskan kegalauan. cowok, cewek berengsek, hubungan rumit, curhatan warganet, viral Twitter, cewek ingin dimengerti, cowok mesti peka, cowok peka, minta waktu sendiri, cewek labil

9 Dec 11:00 Hipwee 8847968231295769086.html
Z otrokom v avtu krepko pijan divjal pred policisti in zapeljal s ceste

V sklopu akcije Slovenija piha 0,0 je bil v noči iz 7. na 8.12.2019 na območju PU Murska Sobota izveden poostren nadzor nad psihofizičnim stanjem voznikov. Odrejenih je bilo 145 preizkusov alkoholiziranosti, pri 5 je bilo ugotovljeno, da vozijo pod vplivom alkohola in en primer odklona alkotesta. Najvišja ugotovljena ...

9 Dec 13:54 Prlekija on net 5500439797306604551.html
England women win first ODI against Pakistan after huge opening stand

Openers Tammy Beaumont and Danni Wyatt hit one-day international hundreds as England made a winning start against Pakistan in Malaysia

9 Dec 12:18 the Guardian 1491978795423959449.html
UNIS Flyers fierstente sterk foar Mechelen Golden Sharks

De Feansters wûnen it duel yn de BeNe League mei mar leafst 9-2.

9 Dec 14:00 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694941407701.html
Rauchverbot: Shisha-Wirte hoffen auf Machtwort aus Straßburg

Betroffene Unternehmer hoffen auf Einlenken der Politik. Zudem findet am Freitag in Wien die erste Shisha-Demo statt.

9 Dec 17:00 Kurier 208072238683005268.html
Grecia, riforma della discordia: flat tax per ultra-ricchi dall'estero

Atene offrirà una tassa forfettaria, senza aliquote sul patrimonio, agli ultraricchi che sposteranno il domicilio fiscale e investiranno in Grecia. "Riforma ispirata da Roma". Ma è polemica

9 Dec 15:35 euronews 7379718590320112393.html
Bez reprezentacji Rosji na igrzyskach i na mundialu

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa nałożyła na Rosję czteroletni zakaz udziału w największych sportowych imprezach. Chodzi m.in. o igrzyska olimpijskie i mundial.

9 Dec 11:43 TVN24 8936112741844588809.html
You Comment On Your Player Of The Week

Based on the performances of the players from this past weekend's ABSA Premiership league fixtures, there were certain players that stood head and shoulders above the rest. We’d like you to comment on your outstanding performers.

9 Dec 15:21 Soccer Laduma 3901337370227541979.html
Scientists create world’s first pig-monkey hybrid in China

If there’s one thing sci-fi movies have taught us over the years, it’s that combining one animal with another animal almost always ends badly. Scientists in China aren’t trying to create mutant

9 Dec 15:51 New York Post 7654946767855315848.html
Ölpreise bauen Verluste etwas aus

Die Ölpreise sind am Montag nach kräftigen Gewinnen der Vorwoche gefallen. Bis zum Mittag haben sie die leichten Verluste aus dem frühen Handel ein Stück weit ausgebaut. Ein Barrel (159 Liter) der Nordseesorte Brent...

9 Dec 13:17 cash 8314500324618078506.html
Another woman set on fire in Bihar

She resisted rape bid by neighbour

9 Dec 17:40 The Hindu 6679535026164801098.html
Willem-Alexanders Cousin zeigt seine niedlichen Kids

Wie süß! Prinz Carlos von Bourbon-Parma präsentiert auf neuen Fotos stolz seine Familie. Besonders an seinen drei Kindern können wir uns gar nicht satt sehen.

9 Dec 12:42 BUNTE.de 2017976499466096930.html
China claims all Uighur Muslims have happily ‘graduated’ from its oppressive prison camp system, despite widespread reports that at least 1 million are detained

Chinese authorities claimed Monday to have released all Uighur Muslims from the country’s oppressive prison camps in Xinjiang, contradicting widespread reports that at least 1 million are locked up in its vast system.

9 Dec 11:10 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883752175290.html
Google’s ARCore Depth API enables AR depth maps and occlusion with one camera

An addition to Android will enable over 200 million devices to sense depth, augmenting reality with digital objects that appear behind real objects.

9 Dec 17:00 VentureBeat 6273363635221577699.html
Human rights advocates are fighting to overturn laws which allow 10-year-olds to be locked away

Current laws allow children just 10 years old to be locked away in the ACT.

9 Dec 16:00 The Canberra Times 8662394329458360124.html
Tödlicher Angriff in Augsburg: Feuerwehrmann von Jugendlichen umringt, Schlag kam von der Seite!

Nach der tödlichen Gewalttat von Augsburg hat ein Richter Haftbefehle gegen die sieben Verdächtigen erlassen. Mehrere seien bereits polizeibekannt gewesen.

9 Dec 14:48 TAG24 4583887873902528912.html
Grand remaniement chez les dirigeants de HSBC

HSBC a annoncé lundi un remaniement de sa direction avec notamment le départ du directeur opérationnel et de celui de l'activité de banque d'investissement, alors que le... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 10:55 Zonebourse 7946574377553929498.html
Gunung Api di Selandia Baru Erupsi, 1 Orang Tewas dan Belasan Luka

Sebuah gunung api di Selandia Baru mengalami erupsi. Sedikitnya satu orang tewas dan belasan orang lainnya luka-luka atau menghilang.

9 Dec 13:38 detiknews 8793960223446328490.html
Will Apple kill off the Lightning charging port on its iPhones?

First, Apple "killed" headphone jacks in 2016, then Touch ID fingerprint scanning went away in 2017 with the iPhone X. Could the lightning cable be next to go?

9 Dec 17:37 Tech Xplore 4945708899406117690.html
Serial rapist given 33 life sentences after UK rampage while wrongly free

A convicted burglar who assaulted and raped women and children during a two-week rampage across Britain while wrongly free from jail was given 33 life sentences on Monday, with the judge saying he would never cease to be a danger to society. Joseph McCann, 34, was convicted of 37 offences relating to

9 Dec 15:59 Yahoo 7097669638727206265.html
RB Salzburg star Erling Haaland ready to 'live the dream' against Liverpool

Norwegian forward Erling Haaland has spoken prior to the matchday six fixture in the Champions League, with Liverpool preparing to face the in-form hotshot.

9 Dec 16:55 Liverpool Echo 7727211173000245316.html
Napoli: Ancelotti-Rauswurf wäre kostspielig

Der Trainerstuhl von Carlo Ancelotti beim SSC Neapel wackelt gehörig. Dass der 60-Jährige überhaupt noch im Amt ist, hat er wohl auch den Anstellungsbedingungen zu verdanken.

9 Dec 13:31 4-4-2.com 812646141283105353.html
Ibrahimovic, la decisione a metà settimana: spunta un misterioso club inglese

I tifosi di diverse squadre sognano sempre Zlatan Ibrahimovic, il quale però non sembra intenzionato ad anticipare i tempi della sua decisione

9 Dec 13:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079754981859.html
Nick Cannon Hints At His Black Squad Wanting To Battle Eminem

Cannon seems to be open to his Wild 'N Out cast battling Eminem on the show.

9 Dec 14:55 AllHipHop 727666871755404019.html
Hassan Ali walks ramp with fractured ribs, fans lambast him

Hassan Ali was ruled out of the Pakistan Test squad against Sri Lanka on November 30th due to cortical rib fractures. He had also missed out on the T20I series in Australia due to a back problem.

9 Dec 14:33 The Indian Express 2885715104551860574.html
Comisión de Seguridad del Senado rechaza lo aprobado por diputados y acuerda cambiar proyecto antisaqueos con el Gobierno

Los parlamentarios de oposición concordaron con el Ejecutivo elaborar una nueva propuesta. El proyecto debería despacharse esta semana a la Sala.

9 Dec 12:34 Emol 3328490601510095378.html
Tesla House Concept Looks Sleek, Shows "Puzzle" Garage

While the debate on the design of the Tesla Cybertruck continues to keep the Internet on its toes, the Palo Alto automaker is enjoying extra exposure. For instance, Tesla's philosophy is now being applied to various fields where the company is not active, with these efforts coming from independent artists who render dreams such as the Tesla House we have here.

9 Dec 12:26 autoevolution 6471576453388049240.html
Waarom je nu al met je sportieve voornemens moet beginnen

Januari is traditioneel de maand waarin de meeste mensen zich een fitnessabonnement aanschaffen en met hun sportieve voornemens beginnen. Toch stellen experts dat je eigenlijk vroeger zou moeten be...

9 Dec 15:57 HLN 8967494996834845602.html
Hat es auch was gebracht?: In die Erfolge von Thunbergs Klimabewegung mischt sich eine bittere Wahrheit

Als in Deutschland die Bewegung gegen die Klimakrise langsam größer wird, sitzt eine junge Schwedin 32 Stunden lang im Zug zurück in ihre Heimat. Auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos hat sich das Mädchen drei Wochen nach seinem 16. Geburtstag soeben die politische und wirtschaftliche Elite der Welt vorgeknöpft.

9 Dec 09:37 FOCUS Online 4448121230543199694.html
Dan Murphy's looks to Netflix, Spotify for algorithm advice

Launches new Discovery Engine.

9 Dec 13:52 iTnews 4425008559888707933.html
La polémica rodea a Wargroove por escoger a actores blancos para interpretar a personajes negros

El estudio Chucklefish se disculpa públicamente por una decisión que consideran que fue desacertada. Hace unos días que Chucklefish anunció el casting de voces del último DLC de Wargroove y, a raíz de eso,...

9 Dec 10:45 3DJuegos 3383023118757402402.html
Video: Salzburg sieht gegen Liverpool "magische Möglichkeit"

Mit dem "Wunder von Wals-Siezenheim" will sich Salzburg am Dienstag (18.55 Uhr, live DAZN und Sky/Konferenz) ins Achtelfinale der Fußball-Champions-League katapultieren. Nur ein Heimsieg gegen Titelverteidiger Liverpool bringt den Aufstieg in Gruppe E, am Selbstvertrauen der "Bullen" soll es nicht mangeln. "Wir sind bereit für einen großartigen Moment", betonte Trainer Jesse Marsch.

9 Dec 15:19 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083736119767.html
Grenzbeamte fanden zwölf Königs-Pythons im Kofferraum

Da staunten die Beamten des Grenzübergangs Kittsee (Bezirk Neusiedl) nicht schlecht: Als sie am Sonntagnachmittag einen 30-jährigen Wiener bei der Einreise auf der A6 kontrollierten, entdeckten sie zwölf (!) Schlangen im Kofferraum des Mannes.

9 Dec 09:00 NÖN.at 2486998933399560252.html
Police seal off Rutherglen car park after two men seriously assaulted in murder bid

Two men, aged 51 and 25, were rushed to hospital after the incident on East Kilbride Road on Sunday night.

9 Dec 14:13 dailyrecord 552235480554629970.html
INS: 1pct growth in average gross nominal earnings in October

The average gross nominal earnings increased in October compared to September by 1 per cent, up to 5,090 lei, while the average net nominal...

9 Dec 12:50 Stiri pe surse 4858045011914138537.html
Delhi BJP sets up panel to probe Anaj Mandi fire, exchange barbs with AAP

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday announced Rs 10 lakh for the deceased and Rs 1 lakh for the injured in the incident.

9 Dec 15:15 Business-Standard 1502508926187960479.html
Nicht nur Lema: Sturm Graz verleiht wohl auch Tobias Koch

Am Wochenende berichtete die Kleine Zeitung , dass Sturm Graz Offensiv-Talent Michael John Lema zum TSV Hartberg verleihen wird. Nun bahnt sich ein zweites Leihgeschäft an.

9 Dec 10:20 SPOX 8395423525411516259.html
Schiedsrichter-Kolumne zum 14. Spieltag: "Selten einen klareren Elfmeter gesehen"

Während man beim FC Bayern München einen spielentscheidenden Elfmeter gegen sich beim Spiel in Mönchengladbach vollauf akzeptiert, gibt es in den sozialen Netzwerken längliche Debatten darüber. Auch über einen strittigen Strafstoß für den FC Augsburg wird diskutiert.

9 Dec 14:02 GMX 2011843076512327813.html
Lookin' for puppy love? Canadian photographer creates 'online dating profiles' for dogs on Instagram to help them get adopted by showcasing their unique personalities

Rachael Rodgers, 36, from Canmore, Alberta, takes dogs from shelters and foster homes and has outdoor photo shoots with them.

9 Dec 17:26 Mail Online 124328111498329237.html
NK tried out rocket engine in 'very important' test

Satellite imagery captured before and after North Korea conducted what it called a "very important" test at its missile launch site suggested it had tested a rocket engine, experts said on Monday.

9 Dec 14:07 Deccan Herald 2027555795903390985.html
Gunung Api di Selandia Baru Erupsi, 1 Orang Tewas dan Belasan Lain Luka

Sebuah gunung api di Selandia Baru mengalami erupsi. Sedikitnya satu orang tewas dan belasan orang lainnya luka-luka atau menghilang.

9 Dec 13:38 detiknews 8793960224552159793.html
Boris Johnson says he will stop immigrants treating Britain 'as their own country'

Prime minister Boris Johnson says EU migrants had been able to treat the UK as their own country for too long.

9 Dec 10:52 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746949180308.html
Brooklyn gets New York's biggest battery park from Italy's Enel

MILAN (Reuters) - Italy’s Enel has installed New York City’s biggest battery storage system, which it said on Monday will help power the Brooklyn area during periods of peak demand.

9 Dec 15:36 Reuters 8334514180298600711.html
Ronaldo, La Troublante Confession

Guère à la fête à la Juventus Turin depuis le début de saison, Cristiano Ronaldo regretterait son départ du Real Madrid. Cristiano Ronaldo a beau avoir affiché son plus beau sourire, lundi dernier, lors du Grand Gala du football italien, le Portugais a évidemment mal vécu le triomphe, dans le même temps, de Lionel Messi […]

9 Dec 12:23 Senegal Direct 7490802906059429937.html
Förbundskaptenen: MFF-spelare tackade nej till landslaget

Men backen Anel Ahmedhodzic får resa till Qatar i januari.

9 Dec 15:05 Sydsvenskan 2976531145152537720.html
Anarchists vandalise Alexander the Great and 1821 Greek War Hero

Anarchists vandalised the newly erected statue of Alexander the Great and that of 1821 Greek War of Independence hero, Theodoros Kolokotronis in central Athens last night, in what has become a routine occurrence in the Greek capital for decades.

9 Dec 11:16 Greek City Times 1506177378098865192.html
Watch: Wiz Khalifa Takes Latest DayToday Episode Into His Photo Shoot Goals + Wardrobe Changes

Taylor Gang leader Wiz Khalifa is keeping fans updated on his daily grinds. The hip-hop star has come through with his latest "DayToday" episode showing the beh

9 Dec 13:00 SOHH 6970791089782412176.html
Cento anni fa il Mugello fu distrutto da un terremoto

Nel 1919 un sisma colpì la zona di Vicchio e uccise un centinaio di persone un un'area vasta e impervia

9 Dec 08:23 Agi 2115274224870292146.html
Trump accused of anti-Semitism after saying Jewish Americans will vote for him so they can avoid a wealth tax

"You're brutal killers," President Donald Trump told those in real estate. "Not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me you have no choice."

9 Dec 13:17 Yahoo 7097669639031113651.html
Iliad contro tutti: campagna pubblicitaria cessata perchè ritenuta ingannevole.

Iliad è stato costretta a cessare la campagna pubblicitaria della sua nuova offerta perchè ritenuta ” pubblicità ingannevole”. Cosa è successo? Si tratta dell’offerta in cui Iliad propone 50 GB – minuti illimitati – SMS illimitati al prezzo di 7,99 […]

9 Dec 12:44 Andrea Galeazzi 1394027500102581174.html
Democrat Counsel Barry Berke Plays Deceptively Edited Video of Trump at Impeachment Hearing | Breitbart

Barry Berke played the same deceptively-edited video clip of Trump that Democrats had used in last week's impeachment hearing.

9 Dec 15:23 Breitbart 3148363492071102523.html
As Tihar hunts for hangman, Tamil Nadu cop applies for executioner’s job to ensure justice for Nirbhaya

After reading about a lack of executioner in Tihar jail to hang the Nirbaya case convicts, S Subash Srinivasan volunteered to take up the role.

9 Dec 15:34 India Today 4286117813873592529.html
Sectores de la construcción colombiano y venezolano se unen para reconstrucción de Venezuela

Con el propósito de impulsar proyectos de infraestructura de transporte, potenciar la competitividad, el desarrollo económico y el fortalecimiento de las empresas y los sectores de infraestructura  de Colombia y Venezuela, Mauricio Brin Laverde, presidente de la Cámara Venezolana de la Construcción, CVC y Juan Martín Caicedo Ferrer, presidente de la Cámara Colombiana de la […]

9 Dec 12:47 Descifrado 6343485651407470120.html
Livermore, con la cultura si mangia

Il regista di Tosca, gravissimo tarpare le ali, gli artisti devono avvicinare la gente (ANSA)

9 Dec 08:55 ANSA.it 1300837446885700266.html
Capturado hombre que presuntamente habría abusado sexualmente de una menor en Cali

Según la denuncia instaurada por el padre, el hombre accedía a la menor después de que esta salía del colegio.

9 Dec 12:15 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827453059202.html
Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif meet Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif were in Bangladesh to perform at the inaugural session of Bangladesh Premier League (BPL), the T20 cricket championship.

9 Dec 09:06 The Indian Express 2885715103743086342.html
Trials of Mana: Durand und die Prinzessin Angela im ersten Charakter-Trailer vorgestellt

Zum Start in die neue Woche zeigt sich das Remake "Trials of Mana" in einem frisch veröffentlichten Charakter-Trailer. In den Mittelpunkt rücken der Schwertkämpfer Durand und die Prinzessin Angela.

9 Dec 15:50 play3.de 8301165838446699762.html
Jobs of the future are clustering in a handful of US cities: Study

A new analysis of where "innovation" jobs are being created in the United States paints a stark portrait of a divided economy where the industries ...

9 Dec 13:11 CNA 5644198863198987469.html
Benefician a las prepagas con reducción de contribuciones patronales

El Gobierno dispuso este lunes incluir a las empresas de medicina prepaga y mutuales de salud en la reducción de las contribuciones

9 Dec 12:45 Primera Edición 6803897641724025177.html
Boris Johnson pockets journalist's phone instead of looking at photo of child sleeping on hospital floor

Johnson then took the phone and said it is a “a terrible, terrible photo”.

9 Dec 16:11 TheJournal.ie 6446904417563676183.html
Am besten lebt es sich in Norwegen

Lebenserwartung, Bildungssystem, Wirtschaftsleistung: All das hat Norwegen erneut den ersten Platz im "Index der menschlichen Entwicklung" eingebracht. Auch Deutschland schneidet gut ab.

9 Dec 12:24 tagesschau.de 5441171424621516016.html
Porsche testa sistema de quatro motores para SUVs elétricos

Nova tecnologia vai dar a 'agilidade de um carro esportivo' a um SUV

9 Dec 16:11 Olhar Digital 416591715962317337.html
Take Five: Euphoria to despair and back again


9 Dec 09:33 Reuters 8334514180068353147.html
Johnson to Introduce 3 Types of Work Visas for Foreigners on the Island

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that he will introduce three types of work visas if he wins the upcoming December 12th parliamentary elections. The first category of visas - "exceptional talent" - will be issued to scientists, geniuses from start-ups and people who will contribute to the growth of the UK economy.

9 Dec 15:22 novinite.com 4235039570905042744.html
Scores killed in India factory fire - The Nation Newspaper

At least 100 people were sleeping inside the factory, which mainly makes school bags, when the fire started. More than 60 have been rescued...

9 Dec 08:40 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901607292320.html
Stikstofuitstoot bij 88 bedrijven? De provincie weet het niet

Bij 88 bedrijven waar de provincie bevoegd gezag is, ontbreekt een natuurvergunning. De provincie schrijft geen idee te hebben of die bedrijven stikstof uitstoten en 'zo ja, hoeveel dat is.'

9 Dec 12:01 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615897930015.html
SPÖ-Gremiensitzung: Rendi-Wagner fordert Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung

Die SPÖ demonstriert Rückendeckung für ihre angeschlagene Parteichefin, vor allem aus Wien. Heute soll das Sparbudget beschlossen werden.

9 Dec 10:59 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699960862524.html
What Christmas at Sandringham is REALLY like: From 'viciously competitive' board games to Prince Philip's 'very strong' cocktails, experts reveal how the royal celebrations are 'wonderfully relaxed'

Sandringham: The Queen at Christmas, which aired last night on Channel 5, revealed that royal celebrations at the Norfolk estate are a lot more relaxed than you might imagine.

9 Dec 10:42 Mail Online 124328111953967586.html
Deputatul PSD Florin Tripa, dupa audierile la DNA: Am calitatea de suspect pentru trafic de influenta

Deputatul de Arad Florin Tripa (PSD), a declarat, luni, la iesirea de la audieri din sediul DNA Timisoara, ca are calitatea de suspect de trafic de influenta in legatura cu angajarea unei persoane la Directia Regionala de Drumuri si Poduri (DRDP) Timisoara.

9 Dec 11:41 Ziare.com 1922730286307700386.html
Un calendario dell’avvento ricco di sconti e promozioni per il tuo shopping online

Sei in crisi per i tuoi acquisti di Natale? Ecco dove trovare tante idee e anche il brivido di una sorpresa ogni giorno

9 Dec 09:00 Today 178378751207358825.html
Elon Musk Spotted with His Wild Cybertruck in Malibu

Elon Musk hit the road with his cool and new vehicle Cybertruck with his friends.

9 Dec 12:46 Interesting Engineering 7328942541123220508.html
Don't have magic wand to revive Pakistan cricket instantly: Misbah-ul-Haq

Cricket News: Pakistan's head coach and chief selector Misbah-ul-Haq has hit back at criticism of the under-performing national team, saying he does not have a magi

9 Dec 08:14 The Times of India 6060938664337486825.html
Best GHD Deals for Christmas

Spectacular GHD bundle deals and discounted straighteners, curlers and dryers. We've rounded up all the best GHD deals for Cyber Monday.

9 Dec 09:26 Tech Advisor 6450858317861398070.html
Scare as Kenya Airforce Fighter Jet Part Falls From Sky

The stunned residents convened at the scene of the crash but were stopped dead on their heels the moment...

9 Dec 14:16 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154131252622.html
Universal Studios Prepares for an Epic Race Weekend in February

Participants in the 5K and 10K events will meet familiar characters along the course.

9 Dec 15:30 Runner's World 1237141769218223445.html
La sorprendente ausencia del Barcelona para la Champions

Una de las grandes figuras del Barcelona estará ausente en el partido de Champions League ante el Inter de Milán por decisión técnica.

9 Dec 13:38 Futbol Sapiens 6108039831225379249.html
Photo: The SEC Championship Trophy Has Arrived At LSU

A photo from the LSU football facilities show that the SEC Championship trophy has been delivered to the school.

9 Dec 15:56 The Spun 9122471847702166212.html
Malaysia announces first case of polio in the country for 27 years

Malaysia health officials have reported the first case of polio in the country for 27 years.

9 Dec 15:24 News-Medical.net 4522523030234525432.html
SOS de las entidades sociales por los impagos de la Generalitat

La deuda de la Direcció General d’Atenció a la Infància i l’Adolescència supera los 13 millones de euros

9 Dec 16:00 La Vanguardia 8061072699317096075.html
Mallika Sherawat beats Monday blues with a difficult yoga pose; fans say 'sexy feets'

With millions of followers on social media, Mallika Sherawat has crafted a route to connect with her fans. The diva might be away from all the limelig

9 Dec 10:58 The Times of India 6060938664414253831.html
Luka Doncic iguala recorde de Michael Jordan

Esloveno continua a bater recordes na NBA. Desta vez ajudou os Dallas Mavericks a vencer os New Orleans Pelicans (130-84),

9 Dec 11:59 DN 8445869957456052473.html
AMLO y el cuestionario Proust

Las noticias más relevantes de Jalisco, México, Deportes, Entretenimiento & Tecnología

9 Dec 09:31 El Informador 103545929117890593.html
Vy vant kontrakten om togtrafikk på Bergensbanen og Vossebanen

Vy skal fortsette å kjøre tog på Bergensbanen og Vossebanen. Mandag vant de den tøffe anbudsrunden mot to andre aktører.

9 Dec 11:53 Aftenbladet 8753034803157860681.html
Bern prüft generelle Einführung von Trennsystem

Ein Jahr lang hat die Stadt Bern ein Farbsack-Trennsystem getestet. Die Bilanz fällt positiv aus.

9 Dec 08:49 SRF 8424707179843681539.html
Geschenke in Hülle und Fülle: Tausende Besucher auf dem Benediktbeurer Christkindlmarkt

Großer Andrang herrschte am Sonntag erwartungsgemäß beim altbayerischen Christkindlmarkt in Benediktbeuern. Schon um 10 Uhr, als es los ging, waren die Stände gut besucht.

9 Dec 12:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239345296951.html
Richard posta mensagem de agradecimento após temporada no Vasco

O volante Richard postou uma mensagem de despedida de São Januário, mesmo sem saber ser continuará no Vasco para 2020.

9 Dec 09:29 Vasco Notícias 1167013064686879597.html
Halfnaakte André maakt Bridget gek

De afgelopen weken is er veel te doen geweest over de nieuwe relatie van zanger André Hazes (25) met de presentatrice Bridget Maasland (45). Ook nu kan niemand om hen heen. Het is weer duidelijk dat André en Bridget gek zijn op elkaar. Wanneer de zanger een foto post met ontbloot bovenlijf, in de sportschool, kan Bridget […]

9 Dec 13:26 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048403377025.html
Might Bite may go back over hurdles after Aintree mishap

Nicky Henderson looking at going back to smaller obstacles after early exit in the Many Clouds Chase on Merseyside

9 Dec 16:42 Liverpool Echo 7727211173633212678.html
Golden Globes snubs: Female directors miss out as does Robert De Niro

The Golden Globes take place in January.

9 Dec 15:15 Shropshire Star 3480199993177326430.html
Bayonetta and Vanquish anniversary bundle is coming to PS4 and Xbox One next year

Bayonetta and Vanquish are slated to reappear as part of a new anniversary bundle from developer Platinumgames and publisher Sega.

9 Dec 16:32 VG247 6010161592315868671.html
General Election seats to watch: Wales

There are opportunities – and risks – for all parties on December 12.

9 Dec 12:13 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773667329561.html
Kentucky police seize air fryer containing 20 pounds of meth

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - It may be the holiday season, but police in Kentucky confiscated an unusual gift being delivered to a Kentucky man's home - a package with about 20 pounds (9 kilograms) of meth that was shipped through the mail inside of an air fryer.

9 Dec 13:50 WFXT 6395891954018293364.html
Lasitskene critica a Rusia y seguirá compitiendo como neutral

La campeona mundial de salto de altura, la rusa María Lasitskene, criticó este lunes a las autoridades rusas por la exclusión de cuatro años dictaminada por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA), que tachó de "vergüenza" para el país, y adelantó que seguirá compitiendo como neutral."No dudaba de dicho desenlace. No me creía los cuentos de que todo irá bien. Lo que ha pasado hoy es una vergüenza", escribió en su cuenta de Instagram.Lasitskene, que se proclamó en septiembre pasado en Doha campeona mundial por tercera vez consecutiva, un hito sin precedentes, ha sido en los últimos años muy crítica con el presidente de la Federación Rusa de Atletismo, Dmitri Shliajtin, que dimitió recientemente tras un nuevo escándalo de dopaje."¿Mis planes de futuro? Luchar por mí misma y competir. Nunca tuve intención de cambiar de ciudadanía y no lo haré ahora. Demostraré en la pista que los deportistas rusos están vivos, aunque sea en calidad de neutrales. Es lo que hice durante los últimos años", señaló.La saltadora, una de las…

9 Dec 11:37 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125839912877.html
WADA: Vier Jahre Sperre für Russland

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur WADA schliesst Russland für vier Jahre von sportlichen Grossereignissen wie Olympischen Spielen oder Weltmeisterschaften aus.

9 Dec 11:28 GMX News 4492287762959955855.html
Lezione di Mattarella agli studenti: evasione fiscale problema grave e indecente

Monito del presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella: "l’evasione fiscale è un problema grave e indecente". Scuola-Quirinale. Il Capo dello Stato sbotta parlando in maniera esplicita davanti una delegazione di studenti romani, abruzzesi, milanesi, calabresi e marchigi...

9 Dec 17:44 Il Tempo 2494990959701024998.html
New Zealand police say number of missing people on tourist island hit by volcano in double digits

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand police say number of missing people on tourist island hit by volcano in double digits.

9 Dec 08:19 WFXT 6395891953770171491.html
Spitting volcano keeps search parties off New Zealand island, death toll rises to six

WHAKATANE, New Zealand (Reuters) - Fearing a volcano could erupt again, search parties were unable to set foot on New Zealand’s White Island for eight people still missing on Tuesday, as police raised the death toll to six from the eruption a day earlier.

10 Dec 11:55 Reuters 8334514179810804002.html
Five-try Reds made to work hard by Hartpury grafters

JERSEY REDS confirmed their place in the quarter-finals of the Championship Cup at Stade Santander on Saturday, with a bonus-point Pool 2 victory over a spirited Hartpury University.

9 Dec 09:34 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773429308622.html
Indian Army To Honour 30 Bangladeshi Freedom Fighters Ahead Of Vijay Diwas

India to honour Bangladeshi freedom fighters who helped liberate their country 

9 Dec 12:32 Swarajya 4977622830016399395.html
Die besten Last-Minute-Geschenke im Überblick

Der Vorteil von Online-Shops: Sie haben noch geöffnet, wenn andere sich schon in die Feiertage verabschiedet haben. Hier sind Tipps für die besten Last-Minute-Geschenke an Weihnachten.

9 Dec 16:41 T-Online 5460876211246954834.html
Police say City Road alleged stabbings in Cardiff are 'not linked'

There have been two incidents in less than a month

9 Dec 15:24 Wales Online 7686550515544870654.html
Salvini a Ferrara, Fabbri gli regala il panettone spalmabile. Sardine in piazza coi libri

Il comizio con la Borgonzoni in Galleria Matteotti: "Qui avete fatto in pochi mesi quello che la sinistra non ha fatto in 30 anni"

9 Dec 12:40 il Resto del Carlino 7209657603065590919.html
Halo: Master Chief Collection erobert Pole-Position der Steam-Charts

Die Begeisterung der Fans für Halo bleibt ungebrochen: Die Halo-Master-Chief-Collection marschiert direkt auf Platz Eins der Steam-Charts.

9 Dec 13:43 PC Games Hardware 8254427258102885308.html
Manuel Pellegrini insists West Ham's position is not "critical" ahead of Arsenal clash

The Hammers have won just one of their last ten games heading into Monday's meeting in Stratford

9 Dec 14:10 football.london 6804128267531036152.html
Airtel Announces Out of Bundle Rates, Revamps Amazing Data Bundles

Airtel has announced No Expiry Bundles and revamped Amazing Bundles which is good news for their customers

9 Dec 09:01 Techweez 8371727319744358296.html
Gibran Jajan Es Teh di PKL, Andre Rosiade Bilang Rakyat Sudah Tak Terpukau Pencitraan

Andre menyerahkan publik menilai aksi Gibran tersebut.

9 Dec 17:14 merdeka.com 1998180355740447459.html
Banksy denuncia la falta de vivienda con un nuevo mural

Un dibujo de dos renos simulando tirar de un trineo ha aparecido en la ciudad inglesa de Birmingham

9 Dec 17:53 La Vanguardia 8061072700325257830.html
Chris Panayiotou's father shot dead in Uitenhage, assistant raped | IOL News

Uitenhage police are investigating after the father of convicted murderer Christopher Panayiotou was shot dead in the early hours of Monday morning.

9 Dec 08:57 www.iol.co.za 17825111379137426.html
Estela Grande defiende a Diego Matamoros ante los rumores de infidelidad

La última expulsada de Guadalix de la Sierra ha tenido que enfrentarse a una dura situación en el plató tras su salida

9 Dec 08:13 Hola.com 2035212431557320941.html
Senate approves bill granting night pay to gov't workers

Senate Bill No. 643, which proposes to grant additional pay to all government employees who work beyond regular hours, is approved on final reading

9 Dec 08:40 Rappler 1882105642094540294.html
Two arrested for murder of gangster Ashok Rathi: Police

Residents of Alipur village in Gurgaon, both the accused Narendra and Rohit, revealed that they held a grudge against the gangster because of a property dispute and family friction, and so they plotted his murder.

9 Dec 11:02 The Indian Express 2885715105815256098.html
'Schorsing Mata brengt Club in nauwe schoentjes, kaarsje branden voor Deli'

Club Brugge kan zich woensdag verzekeren van een Europese lente in een galaduel met Real Madrid. Dan zal Philippe Clement nog wel enkele knopen moeten doorhakken. Vooral in de achterhoede dringen zich moeilijke keuzes op.

9 Dec 16:21 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216305483583.html
At-Cn, Chiara Gribaudo: mio pressing sul ministro per arrivare quanto prima a una soluzione

La parlamentare democratica all’incontro albese con la titolare delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti Paola De Micheli: "A33 oggi al pre-Cipe, speriamo si possa ripartire presto su binari sicuri"

9 Dec 17:23 Targatocn.it 7367208848940767257.html
Guinea-Bissau's president backs ex-PM Sissoco Embalo in run-off vote

The campaign for the second round is scheduled to start on December 13 and end on December 27.

9 Dec 14:31 Africanews 6630243979922609006.html
MARKET MOVERS: Ketidakpastian Kesepakatan Dagang, Pemilu Inggris dan Suku Bunga Bank Sentral Jadi Faktor Penggerak

Kesepakatan dagang AS - Tiongkok masih menjadi fokus pasar, di tengah ketegangan politik kedua negara, masih nampak ada upaya untuk mencapai kesepakatan dagang baik dari AS maupun Tiongkok, tetapi tanpa tanggal penandatanganan yang jelas, pelaku pasar masih bersikap hati-hati. Data suku bunga acuan 3 bank sentral besar akan diumumkan pekan ini. Diawali The Fed pada dini hari Kamis, diikuti oleh Swiss National Bank dan European Central Bank di sore dan malam harinya. Bersamaan dengan itu, Inggris dijadwalkan memulai pemilihan umum parlemen di tanggal yang sama, yang menjadi petunjuk pasar bagi kejelasan Brexit. Di hari Senin (9/12) ini, data Neraca Perdagangan Jerman untuk bulan Oktober, dan Indeks Tingkat Kepercayaan Investor versi Sentix di sore hari. Lalu malam harinya data sektor perumahan dan ijin bangunan Kanada juga menjadi faktor penggerak hari ini.

9 Dec 09:10 monexnews 4506814618671328592.html
The Toasted Coconut will make you feel like you're at the beach

Put the tiki in your drinky! 🍹The Toasted Coconut will make you feel like you're on an island vacation. 🏝️

9 Dec 17:18 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010439906856410.html
Kraan valt neer na contact met een boot

Bij DP World aan Kaai 1700 is een kraan neergevallen. Een boot is er losgeslagen en maaide de kraan neer. Of er slachtoffers zijn, is nog niet geweten.

9 Dec 14:35 atv 2365892512276875411.html
Atlético blitzte bei James Rodriguez ab

Atlético Madrids Präsident Enrique Cerezo hat jetzt verraten, dass der Verein im Sommer mit seinen Bemühungen um James Rodriguez abgeblitzt ist.

9 Dec 16:50 4-4-2.com 812646142105210435.html
Designan a Francisco Javier al frente de Comisión de Estrategia de Gonzalo Castillo

Francisco Javier Garcia fue designado como coordinador de la Comision de Estrategia de la Campaña de Gonzalo Castillo, candidato presidencial del Partido d

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264248875420.html
This render of a droptop Supra is drop-dead gorgeous

Digital artist Jonsibal reveals his take on a convertible A90 Supra

9 Dec 11:14 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447982897399.html
Nick Cannon's Eminem Diss Track "The Invitation" Features Suge Knight

Nick Cannon is hammering this home until Eminem responds. Last week, Nick Cannon pondered whether or not he should even respond to Eminem's diss bars on Fat Joe's new record 'Lord Above.' The comedian took to his radio platform to mock the legendary Detroit rapper, telling him to bring his wheelchai...

9 Dec 11:11 hnhh 366195972825212462.html
Bocconi al terzo posto tra le Business School migliori d'Europa (secondo il Financial Times)

Nella speciale classifica anche l' ESCP Europe di Torino, il Politecnico di Milano School of Management e l'Università Luiss di Roma

9 Dec 14:59 L'HuffPost 5315551423946140479.html
Hydropower industry awarded $20 million in EU funds

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A consortium of 19 hydropower companies and organizations said it will receive European Union funding of 18 million euros ($20 million) to research the green energy form’s role, as the 28-member bloc seeks to become carbon neutral by 2050.

9 Dec 16:02 Reuters 8334514180540069313.html
Outgoing Rushcliffe MP Ken Clarke to talk about his life and career on Nottingham stage

The 79-year-old will be open to questions from the audience

9 Dec 11:08 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701271108198.html
Bei Besiedlung des Weltalls dabei sein: Galaktische Gewinne und ein Ufo-ETF: Mit diesen Weltraumaktien verdienen Sie richtig

Der uralte Traum von der Besiedlung des Weltalls wird wahr – nicht nur für Superreiche. Privatanleger können über Aktien kräftig mitverdienen. Besonderer Clou: ein Ufo-ETF!

9 Dec 16:02 FOCUS Online 4448121231671522474.html
Serial rapist given 33 life sentences after UK rampage while wrongly free

A convicted burglar who assaulted and raped women and children during a two-week rampage across Britain while wrongly free from jail was given 33 life sentences on Monday, with the judge saying he would never cease to be a danger to society. Joseph McCann, 34, was convicted of 37 offences relating to

9 Dec 15:55 Yahoo 7097669637653655124.html
Emergency services race to tackle double decker bus fire near to Dunfermline’s Queen Anne High School

EMERGENCY services have raced to put out a double decker bus blaze near a Dumfermline secondary school. Scottish Fire and Rescue bolted to the scene as the bus went up in flames near Queen Anne Hig…

9 Dec 17:49 The Scottish Sun 6609127674654004751.html
Paris Saint-Germain’s Ander Herrera cleared of match-fixing accusations

Paris Saint-Germain’s Ander Herrera has been cleared of corruption after a match-fixing investigation into a LaLiga match in 2011

9 Dec 17:41 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906916155822.html
Cinco preguntas para Lagarde ante su primera rueda de prensa al frente del BCE

Mercados y analistas esperan los mensajes de la banquera francesa, que este jueves celoebrará su primera conferencia de política monetaria tras la reunión del Consejo de Gobierno de la entidad.

9 Dec 14:41 www.publico.es 99190978351767151.html
Beatrice Valli parla della gravidanza e rimanda le nozze: il motivo

Dopo aver rivelato di essere incinta, Beatrice Valli parla della gravidanza e spiega il motivo per cui rimanda le nozze con Marco Fantini.

9 Dec 10:34 Novella 2000 6951116780122971117.html
Record Black Friday for Livingston Designer Outlet as sales hit highest levels in 19-year history

A West Lothian shopping centre has cheered a record-breaking Black Friday weekend following a multi-million-pound refurbishment and re-brand.

9 Dec 12:49 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490596132099.html
Borse europee aprono poco mosse, la guerra commerciale pesa sulla Cina

Le principali Borse europee hanno aperto poco sotto la parità nei primi scambi di giornata. In avvio l'indice Eurostoxx 50 scivola dello 0,12%. A Francoforte il Dax è piatto con …

9 Dec 09:05 FinanzaOnline 6528634128447866713.html
Azerbaijan's secret to long life? Mountain air

There are a number of destinations around the world famed for the longevity of their residents.

9 Dec 15:50 CHANNEL3000 830332541216608440.html
WhatsApp: truffa di Natale agli utenti TIM, Vodafone, Wind e Iliad

Secondo le ultime indiscrezioni, in chat su WhatsApp si sarebbe diffusa una nuova truffa incredibile: questa avrebbe addirittura tirato in ballo i senzatetto e i bambini bisognosi

9 Dec 10:10 tecnoandroid 2573257126880394148.html
Minori stranieri: Save the Children, necessario superare una legge ormai obsoleta

Urgente cambiare una legge che impedisce a migliaia di bambini e adolescenti nati e/o cresciuti in Italia di ottenere la cittadinanza prima della maggiore età

9 Dec 16:54 VITA 7700876769790097132.html
Ex Ilva, il governo conferma il piano per l'ingresso dello Stato

Patuanelli. "Dentro per controllare cosa fa il privato". Utilizzati il Tesoro ma anche, dice Conte, "aziende pubbliche". Altoforno 2, parere favorevole dei pm a una proroga nell'utilizzo

9 Dec 15:12 Repubblica.it 8208867269426778640.html
Se alla Patrimoniale ci arrivano pure in Germania…

È notizia di questi ultimi giorni che la Spd in Germania stia proponendo al governo di Angela Merkel una patrimoniale dell′1% sui patrimoni superiori ai 2 milioni di euro. Si badi bene, p...

9 Dec 15:45 L'HuffPost 5315551422947291375.html
Muere menor arrollada por varios vehículos en Carretera Nacional, Monterrey

Apartemente el accidente sucedió después de que se bajara de un camión urbano

9 Dec 08:19 EL DEBATE 4396150893213177373.html
USD/JPY Technical Analysis: Turns vulnerable below 50-DMA, ascending trend-line confluence support

The USD/JPY pair extended last week's pullback from six-month tops and remained depressed for the third consecutive session on Monday, also marking it

9 Dec 14:06 FXStreet 4480975638844703135.html
SC asks States for report on Food Security Act

The order came on a petition on the starvation death of a girl in Jharkhand in 2017

9 Dec 16:40 The Hindu 6679535025010121337.html
Hoy juran los nuevos concejales y el Tribunal de Cuentas

A las 19, en el auditorio del Centro Cultural, el Tribunal Electoral Municipal entregará los diplomas a todos los funcionarios electos y luego comenzará la sesión especial para la jura.

9 Dec 14:31 El Patagónico 8565457045698424060.html
Estudiantes se burlan del árbol de navidad de su escuela y son expulsados

Los estudiantes afirman que el árbol parece un elote por lo que decidieron crear algunos divertidos memes, sin embargo la institución educativa no lo tomó de la mejor manera

9 Dec 11:32 EL DEBATE 4396150894253097925.html
JxCat pide al PSOE un relator internacional y hablar sobre autodeterminación

Carles Puigdemont y Quim Torra se han reunido en Bruselas, aunque finalmente ha sido la diputada de JxCat en el Congreso, Laura Borràs, la que ha hablado con los medios de comunicación

9 Dec 15:47 Cadena SER 8390941985536763235.html
Juice WRLD's "Legends" Is Prophetic And Bittersweet

Juice WRLD's introspective and darkly prophetic track hits different now. The year was almost set to end on a high note. And yet yesterday, news broke that Chicago rapper Juice WRLD had passed away after suffering from a seizure at an airport. The sudden shock sent the entire music industry into dis...

9 Dec 10:32 hnhh 366195973253889112.html
Michael Healy-Rae 'hospitalised after fire at his office' in Kilgarvan, Co Kerry

Danny Healy-Rae has confirmed his brother was taken to hospital

9 Dec 11:07 Irish Mirror 2875825628100842505.html
A new Crash Bandicoot game may be revealed this week

Activision may once again be teasing a new Crash Bandicoot game reveal.

9 Dec 09:34 VG247 6010161592480600217.html
Man fighting for life after 'setting himself on fire' outside London pub

Three drinkers and a bouncer managed to put out the flames after the horrifying incident in Chislehurst, south east London

9 Dec 09:47 mirror 675785259832210942.html
Nigeria set to open extractive industry ownership register -- Here's how it will work

This week, Nigeria will launch the Beneficial Ownership Register in the extractive industries in line with the global EITI standards.

9 Dec 09:37 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300060891725.html
Emak-emak Kejar Jambret yang Ambil Tasnya, Dua Orang Meninggal Dunia, Begini Nasib Si Penjambret

Dua emak-emak nekat kejar jambret yang ambil tas keduanya, sayangnya aksi dua orang ini menyebabkan pengguna jalan lainnya meninggal dunia.

9 Dec 08:20 Tribunnews.com 3323534445856932666.html
Turquía deporta a Francia a otros once "combatientes terroristas extranjeros"

El Gobierno de Turquía ha anunciado este lunes la deportación a Francia de once "combatientes terroristas extranjeros", en el marco de su programa de...

9 Dec 10:31 Europa Press 4702666147529817315.html
'Read the First Amendment': Bloomberg criticized for attacking own reporters about 2020 coverage rules

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg faced criticism over the weekend for comments he made about reporters at his own news publication, Bloomberg News.

9 Dec 14:32 Washington Examiner 4625792333144277766.html
Eddie Nketiah recall latest, Henrikh Mkhitaryan's return - How Arsenal's loan stars are faring

Arsenal news includes a look at how the club's loanees are getting on at their current clubs

9 Dec 15:03 football.london 6804128269026326092.html
HART aims to start bus rapid transit between USF and Downtown Tampa

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit is considering rapid bus service along Florida, Nebraska and Fowler avenues, between USF and downtown Tampa. Now, transportation leaders are looking for feedback from the public.

9 Dec 11:05 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202229074615.html
World Chess Champion On the Verge of Topping Fantasy Football Table

Magnus Carlsen, the world's best chess player for the last decade, is on the brink of reaching the top in another game -- fantasy football. From a report: The grandmaster is enjoying his best season ever in the Fantasy Premier League (FPL) game and after Sunday's results he climbed to the sixth posi...

9 Dec 11:43 entertainment.slashdot.org 6456299620083189094.html
Regtech: Centenal, CustomerXP, Dathena, IDfy, Merkle Science are the Top 5 Asian Regulatory Tech Firms according to Regtech100

Regtech100 recently published its latest list of the world’s top or best 100 regulatory technology (Regtech) firms. There were five Regtechs on the list that

9 Dec 16:48 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073947816585.html
Bill Hemmer chosen as Shepard Smith's permanent replacement on Fox News

Bill Hemmer, currently a co-anchor on Fox News' "America's Newsroom," has been chosen as Shepard Smith’s permanent replacement on the network, according to a statement from Fox News on Monday.

9 Dec 17:44 TheHill 355432918148497274.html
Allow citizenship, should not permit voting right for next 25 years, Sanjay Raut

Shiva Sena supported the citizenship amendment bill with some stipulations. Sena leader Sanjay Raut said that his party backs the bill pertaining to the voting rights of the persons included in the bill. He urged in Lok Sabha Amit Shah to allow citizenship to the deserved refugees but should not permit right to vote for the next 25 years.

9 Dec 10:30 Reporter 1467643669772660965.html
Wet and windy weather forecast for polling day

An area of low pressure will bring outbreaks of rain to all parts of the UK throughout Thursday.

9 Dec 14:18 Shropshire Star 3480199992953134214.html
How Much Foreign Equity Exposure Do Investors Need? (Podcast Transcript)

With U.S. equities outperforming their foreign counterparts by 170% over the past decade, it's not surprising that large numbers of investors continue to fall into the home bias trap.Looking at the hi

9 Dec 15:00 Seeking Alpha 5725634557907382645.html
Angelina Heger schwanger: Baby-Überraschung! SO hat sie ihre Schwangerschaft versteckt

Die Reality-TV-Stars Angelina Heger (27, Dschungelcamp 2015) und Sebastian Pannek (33) freuen sich auf das erste gemeinsame Kind. Die überraschende Babybombe ließ das Paar am Sonntag mit einem identischen Post auf den Instagramseiten platzen.

9 Dec 08:57 news.de 5126378979054016006.html
WalkMe raises $90 million to help people navigate user interfaces with on-screen prompts

WalkMe, a digital adoption platform that helps companies integrate on-screen product walkthroughs into their software, has raised $90 million.

9 Dec 15:09 VentureBeat 6273363636819173128.html
Pedro da Silva tot: Beliebter Promi-Manager bei Autounfall getötet

Die MünchnerPromi-Szene trägt Trauer. Wie die "Bild"-Zeitung berichtet, kam es bereits am Samstagnachmittag auf der A99 bei Kirchheim zu einem tödlichen Auto-Crash. Demnach sei ein Wagen auf der A99 kurz vor München mit einem anderen Auto zusammengestoßen, als er von der mittleren auf die rechte Spur wechselte. Dabei sei das Auto von der Straße abgekommen, habe sich überschlagen und sei auf dem Dach liegen geblieben. Das traurige Resultat: zwei Tote.

9 Dec 12:35 news.de 5126378978604213789.html
Er wurde erschossen! Betrunkener Waschbär vom Weihnachtsmarkt ist tot

Der betrunkene Waschbär vom Erfurter Weihnachtsmarkt ist tot. Wie die Stadt bekannt gab, wurde das Tier erschossen.

9 Dec 13:01 TAG24 4583887875133100714.html
Hundreds of democrats and district councillors urge Hong Kong gov’t to scrap police pay rise plans

Hundreds of pro-democracy lawmakers and district councillors have urged the government to scrap a proposed pay rise for the embattled police force. Hong Kong has seen six months of large-scale protests. Initially against the now-withdrawn extradition bill, protesters are now focused on wider demands including an independent investigation of the police force for alleged brutality. […]

9 Dec 08:06 Hong Kong Free Press HKFP 3845645663655050281.html
Calci e pugni in testa: ragazzini ubriachi pestano l'autista dell'Atac

Il conducente di un bus Atac della linea 301 è stato preso di mira sabato sera da un gruppo di ragazzi, forse ubriachi, in zona Ponte Milvio. È la seconda aggressione in una settimana

9 Dec 11:32 ilGiornale.it 5019541224274641776.html
Judd Gregg: Send them home

OPINION: The excesses of President Trump and his opponents in the Democratic Party need to be curbed.

9 Dec 11:00 TheHill 355432919334105695.html
Mourad Boudjellal lorgne le Sporting Club de Toulon

De l'ovalie au ballon rond ? Parmi les personnages les plus médiatiques du monde du rugby, Mourad Boudjellal vient de vendre le RC Toulon à Bernard Lemaître et a indiqué à Var-Matin qu'il allait quitter la présidence du club en juin prochain au plus tard. S'il est pressenti pour briguer la présidence de la Ligue nationale de rugby l'an prochain, il a cependant affirmé au quotidien régional que ce n'était pas sa priorité, avant de donner un indice sur son avenir, qui pourrait s'inscrire dans un sport avec un ballon plus rond, sport dans lequel le club de sa ville évolue en National : « Jeune, je suivais deux clubs : le RCT et le Sporting de Toulon, a affirmé l'homme d'affaires. Le premier, c'est fait ! Le second, c'est une piste... Je rêverais d'une affiche Toulon - PSG ! Et comme je ne fais pas de différence entre mes rêves et mes ambitions... »

9 Dec 12:24 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252409983318.html
Como fazer convite online para enviar no WhatsApp

O app Canva permite fazer convites online gratuitamente e compartilhá-los com seus amigos em redes sociais como o WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram. Saiba como!

9 Dec 17:00 Canaltech 6267437388007473444.html
MS Dhoni To Produce TV Series Dedicated to Brave Indian Armed Forces: Report

The episodic show will bring to life the story of brave army officers, who have been honoured with the Param Vir Chakra and Ashoka Chakra.

9 Dec 16:39 India.com 7150386084136035457.html
Seksi 1 Tol Manado-Bitung Bakal Dibuka Fungsional saat Nataru

"Manado-Bitung kami sendiri hanya merekomendasikan untuk fungsional yang seksi 1 bagian dari pemerintah. Kalau yang lain belum dan juga jaraknya pendek,"

9 Dec 12:06 detikfinance 4442190001254305225.html
Fox News dedicated a segment to QAnon, and supporters of the conspiracy theory are happy for the attention

On "Watters' World," the Fox News host Jesse Watters told a political-science professor that one of his good friends was a QAnon supporter.

9 Dec 11:51 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746782326523.html
Ingen rysk flagga under fotbolls-VM

Fotboll Fotbolls-EM nästa år påverkas inte av internationella antidopningsorganisationen Wadas beslut att stänga av Ryssland från mästerskap i fyra år framåt. Däremot påverkas VM i Qatar 2022.

9 Dec 16:30 www.unt.se 8922556088480392557.html
Mourinho likens Son to Ronaldo after stunning solo goal

Tottenham Hotspur FC coach Jose Mourinho says his team's ace winger Son Heung-mins sensational solo goal against Burnley reminded him of a goa

9 Dec 13:35 The Sentinel 448185207394024434.html
Sara Corrales se puso en modo cachorra

La modelo colombiana derrochó sensualidad en más redes sociales con una foto que se presta para el ratoneo. ¡Miralá!

9 Dec 08:02 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157606114131.html
McDonald’s black franchisees are fighting to earn as much as their white counterparts, as dozens leave the company they once considered family

Many black McDonald’s franchisees say they consider the fast-food giant to be a sort of McFamily. They have “ketchup in their veins,” dreaming of passing locations of the fast-food chain down to the next generation.

9 Dec 13:05 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884135129646.html
Preview: Bayern Munich vs. Tottenham Hotspur - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole provides team news, predicted lineups and a full preview of Wednesday's Champions League fixture between Bayern Munich and Tottenham Hotspur.

9 Dec 16:58 Sports Mole 7750663361020739408.html
In rural Jharkhand, Aadhaar has become a hurdle in providing food security

The state saw 23 deaths due to starvation and non-availability of subsidised food grains in the past four years.

9 Dec 08:00 Scroll.in 8669301693079500363.html
Salzburg sieht gegen Liverpool "magische Möglichkeit"

Mit dem "Wunder von Wals-Siezenheim" will sich Salzburg am Dienstag (18.55 Uhr, live DAZN und Sky/Konferenz) ins Achtelfinale der Fußball-Champions-League katapultieren. Nur ein Heimsieg gegen Titelverteidiger Liverpool bringt den Aufstieg in Gruppe E, am Selbstvertrauen der "Bullen" soll es nicht mangeln. "Wir sind bereit für einen großartigen Moment", betonte Trainer Jesse Marsch.

9 Dec 14:29 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084466477522.html
4 Unconventional Tips From a Wall Street Veteran That Will Help Women Get Ahead

Sallie Krawcheck may not have meant these to be the highlights of her book, but they stick nontheless.

9 Dec 08:30 Inc.com 8604986417517924420.html
Marcus Rashford and his agent ask Premier League to count goal vs Aston Villa

Marcus Rashford's goal vs Aston Villa earlier this month was given as a Tom Heaton own goal.

9 Dec 09:11 men 6694993427667932920.html
Anderlecht én Club Brugge willen STVV-spits Yohan Boli

Anderlecht en Club Brugge zijn in hun jacht op een scorende spits beland in Limburg, meer bepaald in Sint-Truiden. Daar willen ze Yohan Boli halen. Die sco...

9 Dec 12:23 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191094116067.html
Russia confident UK's top court to rule in its favor in Eurobond case vs Ukraine

The Russian finance ministry said on Monday it remained confident that the UK Supreme Court would rule in Moscow's favor in a Russia-Ukraine $3 billion Eurobond case, it said in a statement. The debt was borrowed six years ago by a pro-Russian president months before he was toppled in a popular

9 Dec 15:50 Yahoo 7097669638968554353.html
Champions League live sehen: Diese Spiele zeigt DAZN am Dienstag live

Der letzte Spieltag der Gruppenphase in der Champions League steht auf dem Programm. SPOX verrät Euch, welche Spiele am Dienstag stattfinden und welche davon DAZN überträgt.

9 Dec 16:12 SPOX 8395423524990919828.html
Germany’s relations with Qatar not limited to business: Envoy

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the State of Qatar, H E Hans-Udo Muzel said that friendship and cooperation between the two countries is not limited to business, as Berlin is partnering with Doha in many other fields to jointly tackle the challenges of the future, saying that Qatar is an important partner for his country during its non-permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council in 2019-2020, sharing a common vision of a multilateral framework based on a rules-based world order.

9 Dec 08:53 The Peninsula 1202843880904668537.html
Karnataka bypoll: Hunsur bucks the trend, hands out defeat to BJP

Popularity of Cong. candidate H.P. Manjunath and absence of chemistry between BJP’s A.H. Vishwanath and the electorate are said to be the chief reasons for the defeat

9 Dec 09:06 The Hindu 6679535024724270264.html
Source: Adam Vinatieri to undergo season-ending knee surgery

Colts veteran kicker Adam Vinatieri will undergo season-ending knee surgery and will be placed on injured reserve, a source told ESPN's Adam Schefter.

9 Dec 15:20 ESPN.com 7331508220991339565.html
Nazionale, test con Inghilterra e Repubblica Ceca per preparare l'Europeo

La gara contro i Tre Leoni si disputerà a Wembley, il 27 marzo, quattro giorni prima della sfida alla Germania, mentre con i cechi si giocherà in

9 Dec 12:54 Repubblica.it 8208867270530279243.html
Tata Steel Asks LGBTQ+ Employees To Declare Partners, Avail HR Benefits

In a unique move, Tata steel on Monday asked their employees from LGBTQ+ community to declare their partners and avail HR benefits

9 Dec 13:59 Republic World 1282918857941104631.html
Incidenti v Piranskem zalivu se nadaljujejo vsakodnevno

Incidenti v Piranskem zalivu se tudi praktično dve leti po sicer enostranski slovenski implementaciji arbitražne odločitve o meji s Hrvaško nadaljujejo vsakodnevno, so danes sporočili iz vladnega urada za komuniciranje (Ukom). Letos je bilo celo za četrtino več vplutij hrvaških policijskih čolnov v slovensko morje kot lani.

9 Dec 17:50 Dnevnik 7671546650439432559.html
Potret Kemeriahan Peringatan Hari Ibu Tahun 2019 Bersama BRI di GBK

Bank BRI turut sukseskan Jalan Sehat Keluarga dalam rangka Peringatan Hari Ibu ke 91 Tahun 2019 di Plaza Timur Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta.

9 Dec 14:17 liputan6.com 3414318497099809414.html
WADA schliesst Russland für vier Jahre von Olympia und WM aus

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur schliesst Russland wegen der Manipulation von Labordaten für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen, Weltmeisterschaften und allen anderen Sportgrossereignissen aus.

9 Dec 11:35 bz BASEL 5287163743432946982.html
Minecraft Bedrock Edition uscirà domani su PS4 insieme al supporto cross play | Game Division

Tramite il PlayStation Blog è stato annunciato che domani uscirà su PS4 Minecraft bedrock Edition che permetterà di giocare in cross play.

9 Dec 15:05 Tom's Hardware 6640147070393631490.html
Daughter’s Christmas presents reported stolen from vehicle in Butler County

— Oxford police received a report Nov. 30 of toys valued at approximately $200 taken from the trunk of a car parked in a driveway on Kelly Drive.

9 Dec 12:46 Whio 8204027955687177424.html
El contrabando golpea al agro en Colombia y se intensifica en Navidad

En Trocha (Ipiales) incautan 10 toneladas de carne de pavo y cerdo que iban a ser ingresados al país

9 Dec 09:38 El Tiempo 1091719938673097375.html
St Helens Council won't reopen Sutton pool after closure of Parr Baths

Over a thousand people opposed the original closure of the site

9 Dec 13:24 Liverpool Echo 7727211174215384092.html
New South Wales bushfires turn Sydney beach black with ash – video

Swimmer posts footage showing ash that has turned Balmoral beach sludgy and black

9 Dec 08:45 the Guardian 1491978794394393703.html
Shocking photo of a colony of huntsman spiders living together found in Australia

A rare photo has emerged of a colony of huntsman spiders living together in nest boxes originally built for pygmy possums.

9 Dec 12:40 Fox News 7362823820207170952.html
Pandorini e Vin Brulè il Leo Club scende in piazza a sostegno degli Enti di Primo Soccorso

Sabato 14 e domenica 15 dicembre vicino al Battistero a Biella

9 Dec 09:34 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271320247595030.html
BypassESU, uno strumento per continuare ad aggiornare Windows 7 senza pagare | Tom's Hardware

Gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza di Windows 7 non saranno più disponibili gratuitamente a partire dal 14 gennaio 2020. Le imprese potranno continuare a riceverli pagando il servizio ESU. La community di My Digital Life ha tuttavia ideato uno strumento per permettere di installare i futuri aggiornamenti gratuitamente.

9 Dec 08:53 Tom's Hardware 6640147070380990150.html
Buttigieg, in Search of Black Support, Looks Homeward

The mayor of South Bend, Ind., has some local black leaders vouching for him. But that hasn’t stopped his opponents from criticizing his record.

9 Dec 11:00 NY Times 1961078288706095958.html
Bad news for Sonko as court hands him more days behind bars

Just in

9 Dec 13:54 Pulse Live 3606876836207650870.html
Mother tells inquest of moment she was told her daughter, 14, wouldn't survive MRI scan anaesthetic hours after they happily played cards together

Alice Sloman had the scan at the Torbay Hospital in Devon. But when it became clear something was wrong during the procedure Alice was rushed to Bristol Children's Hospital for critical care.

9 Dec 17:42 Mail Online 124328112006967531.html
„Safari Kinderhaus“ im Betty-Essinger-Weg: Crailsheimer Kita schließt ab Januar am Freitagnachmittag

Wegen akuten Personalmangels schließt die Kindertagesstätte „Safari Kinderhaus“ im Crailsheimer Stadtteil Kreuzberg ab Januar vier Stunden früher.

9 Dec 16:41 swp.de 6929179441448413378.html
Marikina celebrates Rehiyon-Rehiyon Festival 2019

It was a festive Sunday in Marikina City as the “shoe capital of the Philippines” celebrated its Rehiyon-Rehiyon Festival 2019.

9 Dec 17:19 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200985334417.html
Father of ex-police minister granted bail over alleged hit-and-run

The father of former police minister Troy Grant has been granted bail after allegedly killing a pedestrian while drink driving.

9 Dec 13:16 The New Daily 5848147786839829115.html
Golden snubs and surprises, including little 'Cats' love

NEW YORK (AP) - Some Golden Globe nominations seemed like locks: Joaquin Phoenix, Tom Hanks, Adam Driver and Eddie Murphy. But others were happy shocks, like Awkwafina nabbing a best actress nomination for musical or comedy. Other notable snubs and surprises:

9 Dec 14:14 WFXT 6395891953734983981.html
So gut wie Reus! Unions Andersson begeistert die Liga

Torjäger Sebastian Andersson ist maßgeblich am guten Lauf von Union Berlin beteiligt. Auch gegen den 1. FC Köln avancierte der Angreifer zum Matchwinner.

9 Dec 14:01 weltfussball.at 3521376371277499986.html
La Importancia del Canal de Distribución

Es totalmente v&aacute;lido decir que la Distribuci&oacute;n es el eslab&oacute;n m&aacute;s importante en la cadena de suministro. Despu&eacute;s de haber estudiado la elaboraci&oacute;n del producto, estimado gastos y costos de elaboraci&oacute;n y elaborarlo, hacerlo llegar al cliente en forma efectiva y eficiente es importante.

9 Dec 11:43 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622736945457.html
Carcela suspendu trois matches, le Standard refuse la proposition de transaction pour Mpoku

Le parquet de l'Union Royale Belge de Football (URBSFA) a requis ce lundi une suspension de trois matches et une amende de trois mille euros à l'encontre des milieux de terrain du Standard Paul-José Mpoku et Mehdi Carcela, exclus dimanche à Mouscron...

9 Dec 14:40 RTBF Sport 2262420856113253535.html
Anthony Joshua says Islam plays huge role in his life after beating Ruiz

British professional boxer Anthony Joshua has admitted that Islam has played a big role in his boxing career after beating Mexican-American opponent Andy Ruiz in Saudi Arabia.

9 Dec 15:16 Legit 3764253649233137834.html
Watch | Snake entry delays Vidarbha vs Andhra Ranji game

The official Twitter handle of BCCI Domestic posted a video in which the snake can be seen gliding on the field while seven to eight groundsmen trying to ensure that it slithers away.

9 Dec 08:17 The Hindu 6679535026196857551.html
Ontmanteling gasput Ten Post: 'We staan hier als boeren met kiespijn'

De Groninger Bodem Beweging houdt gemengde gevoelens over aan de sloop van de gasput bij Ten Post.

9 Dec 16:31 RTV Noord 3728677366630859556.html
Hvorfor snakker vi ikke mer om lukkede kristne menigheter?

Hvert år ber 500 mennesker om hjelp til å komme seg ut av strenge kristne miljøer i Norge. Halvparten av dem sliter med angst og depresjon. Hvorfor snakker vi så lite om dette?

9 Dec 11:12 TV 2 8210067770545833699.html
How history and status shape what you eat

A new book on the history of food contains provocative arguments about authenticity and status, big agriculture, and what's "healthy."

9 Dec 08:25 Futurity 5051862825444930939.html
Nach Sieg gegen Bayern: Rose will Zakaria halten

Obwohl das Weihnachtsfest erst in knapp zwei Wochen ansteht, macht sich die Borussia aus Mönchengladbach bereits vorzeitig Geschenke.

9 Dec 14:07 weltfussball.at 3521376372486586808.html
Former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker dies aged 92

Paul Volcker, the Federal Reserve chairman who slayed rampant US inflation in the 1970s and 1980s, has died aged 92.

9 Dec 15:41 City A.M. 6389894491481009569.html
Re-signing prop Waller tipped for England duty

Warriors loosehead prop Ethan Waller has described his decision to sign a two-year contract extension as one of the easiest he has had to make.

9 Dec 16:52 Rugbypass 8668874338882187419.html
Utility work to close two Marco Island roads next week

The City of Marco Island is warning drivers of two road closures that begin next Monday.

9 Dec 12:43 Fox 4 8372747777818945993.html
Des foyers et restaurants universitaires sont en cours de construction

19 projets de construction de foyers, de terrains de sport, de centres culturels et des restaurants, sont en cours de réalisation dans

9 Dec 12:51 African Manager 933752094923314231.html
St Andrews luxury hotel and golf course sold to Hong Kong investors

Fairmont St Andrews, one of Scotland’s most prestigious hotels, has been sold to a new Hong Kong property company targeting global investments in the golf and hospitality industries.

9 Dec 15:43 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490222943037.html
Banco San Juan alerta a sus clientes por incremento de estafas telefónicas

A raíz de la cantidad de personas que fueron víctimas de delitos informáticos, desde la entidad bancaria brindaron recomendaciones para evitar que caigan en la trampa.

9 Dec 12:40 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157924118084.html
Pachelbel's Canon as performed by train horns

What happens when you get a mash a bunch of train horn recordings together to produce “Pachelbel’s Canon”? MAGIC. Sweet, sweet magic, I tell ya! (Hang around long enough and you&#…

9 Dec 13:45 Boing Boing 4601305169228479510.html
In a spot of trouble! Nerve-racking moment photographer finds himself face to face with a hissing leopard cub after it comes to take a closer look

Game ranger Dillon Nelson was filming mother and daughter leopards in Sabi Sands nature reserve, South Africa, when the cub spotted his boot and approached to investigate.

9 Dec 15:23 Mail Online 124328110937421515.html
The new BioShock game is nearly half a decade into development

This morning, when 2K Games revealed the existence of a new studio, Cloud Chamber, it also took the opportunity to unveil the developer's first title. It's the fourth BioShock game, a series that has been largely dormant since Bio...

9 Dec 16:15 Destructoid 5545714967736876159.html
Nature & You: Making sense of last-minute Christmas gift choices can be bewildering

For that nature-lover on your Christmas gift-buying list, nothing can be more confusing than trying to make sense of all the specifications on binocular choices. I’ll attempt to present you with a brief tutorial on how to make heads and tails of all the confusing information when you initiate your comparison shopping. First off, you’d be wise to buy binoculars that are in the mid-range of the pricing scale. The inexpensive binoculars are just too flimsy, and one errant bump can jar them out of focus. On the other end of the spectrum are those mega-expensive models that are best suited to professional scientists who spend all day, everyday in pursuit of flighty quarry.

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760631858590.html
Aus unserer großen Liebe ist Freundschaft geworden

Der erfolgreiche TV-Star Oliver Mommsen ist seit 24 Jahren glücklich mit Ehefrau Nikola. In BUNTE erzählt er außergewöhnlich offen, wie sich ihre Beziehung verändert hat

9 Dec 08:44 BUNTE.de 2017976499162505778.html
Klopp says he never doubted Keita's quality

Keita has been confined to a bit-part role since his £52.75 million ($69 million) move from RB Leipzig in July 2018 and before Saturday had played just 14 minutes of Premier League football this season.

9 Dec 13:54 Saudi Gazette 6913978434213758937.html
North Korea calls Trump 'erratic' old man over tweets

North Korea insulted U.S. President Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a "heedless and erratic old man" after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wouldn't want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders.

9 Dec 09:48 CTVNews 2422791598482004040.html
Zozibini Tunzi dari Afrika Selatan Raih Mahkota Miss Universe 2019

Terlihat wajah tegang pada tiga finalis Miss Universe 2019, Meksiko, Afrika Serikat serta Puerto Rico.

9 Dec 10:14 liputan6.com 3414318496180169675.html
Sowore: NBA under fire over impeachment call - The Nation Newspaper

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) came under fire on Monday for calling for President Muhammadu Buhari’s impeachment over the re-arrest of...

9 Dec 15:24 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900580775361.html
Wiener mit zwölf Königspythons im Kofferraum gestoppt

Mit zwölf Königspythons im Kofferraum ist ein 30-jähriger Wiener am Wochenende bei Kittsee (Bezirk Neusiedl am See) in eine Polizeikontrolle geraten.

9 Dec 10:19 GMX 2011843076576737974.html
TNPSC Group I Main exam results released; final results on December 31

The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has released results of 363 successful candidated online

9 Dec 11:58 The Hindu 6679535026308121045.html
Zarif: Iran spreman za potpunu razmenu zarobljenika sa SAD

TEHERAN - Ministar spoljnih poslova Mohamad Džavad Zarif izjavio je danas da je Iran spreman za potpunu razmenu zarobljenika sa Sjedinjenim Američkim

9 Dec 13:43 Krstarica 4176903988918868453.html
Goldman Plans To Launch Robo Adviser Next Year

Goldman Sachs is planning to launch digital wealth management services to clients with as little as $5,000 in 2020 in the form of a robo adviser.

9 Dec 10:54 PYMNTS.com 7357138826765053955.html
Mysteriöser Sturz: Witsel fehlt dem BVB bis Jahresende

Mittelfeldspieler Axel Witsel von Borussia Dortmund fällt nach einem folgenschweren Sturz im eigenen Zuhause bis Weihnachten aus. Der belgische Nationalspieler habe bei dem Zwischenfall eine Gesichtsverletzung erlitten und sei bereits operiert worden, teilte der BVB am Montag mit.

9 Dec 12:56 sport.de 3321967091948381005.html
Freddie Ljungberg Must Change Lack of Commitment in Arsenal’s DNA

Perhaps it was unfair to accuse Unai Emery of having no vision for Arsenal. On the contrary, he had dozens of them. Three at the back, four at the back. Two up front, one upfront. A diamond midfield, three in midfield, nobody in midfield (or Granit X

9 Dec 15:30 Asharq AL-awsat 7659934004875746.html
Volantino Expert: sconti da far girare la testa a MediaWorld (foto)

Volantino Expert davvero da non perdere, i prezzi sono tra i migliori del momento con gli sconti pensati per gli acquisti.

9 Dec 10:05 tecnoandroid 2573257127503745140.html
Koenigsegg's New Design Boss Just Launched a Social Media Challenge and It's Lit

Back in August, when Sasha Selipanov was appointed as Head of Design for Koenigsegg, it became obvious that we'll be in for an adventure. After all, the man who penned the Bugatti Chiron would now work for the Swedes who grabbed multiple production car speed records from Molsheim. So, here we are in December, with the 36-year-old penning master having launched a social media challenge.

9 Dec 16:51 autoevolution 6471576454440038220.html
Risk rooted in colonial era weighs on Bahamas’ efforts to rebuild after Hurricane Dorian

It's now officially the end of hurricane season, but the rebuilding of the Bahamas continues, slowed by the risks imposed by a history of colonialism and class division.

9 Dec 13:43 The Conversation 6012421226600472031.html
Le nostre attese perenni, immobili in un luogo fratturato

C’è un luogo, che esiste, che c’è. Un luogo senza nome, senza residenza, senza somiglianza. Questo luogo è una città, che saremo tentati di immaginare piccola,...

9 Dec 13:52 L'HuffPost 5315551424113702061.html
Guida ubriaco, abbatte i cartelli e alla fine si ribalta

Tasso alcolemico 5 volte oltre il limite

9 Dec 10:16 L'Arena 5479295677253594116.html
Canopy Growth-Aktie steigt zweistellig: Neuer CEO bei Canopy Growth lässt Anleger zugreifen

Cannabisunternehmen Canopy Growth erhält ab Mitte Januar einen neuen CEO.

9 Dec 15:44 finanzen.net 2053223362777854507.html
Redmibook live images reveal thin and lightweight design - Gizmochina

Redmi will be holding the launch event for the Redmi K30 series tomorrow, 10th December 2019. It is not strictly a smartphone conference and will also feature the new products from the company like its new notebook computer, RedmiBook. However, prior to the official announcement, the live images of the RedmiBook have already surfaced online. …

9 Dec 10:26 Gizmochina 1751854815425823746.html
FAI, Shane Ross and Sport Ireland called to emergency meeting

Ex-president of FAI says association’s liabilities could be ‘close to €80 million’

9 Dec 11:07 The Irish Times 8204772968112458167.html
Wirbel bei Napoli: Folgt Gattuso auf Ancelotti?

Der krisengeschüttelte SSC Neapel sorgt weiter für viel Gesprächsstoff. Italienische Medien berichten, dass Ex-Sion- und Milan-Coach Gennaro Gattuso noch in dieser Woche den bisherigen Cheftrainer Carlo Ancelotti ablösen könnte.

9 Dec 17:41 4-4-2.com 812646142122141040.html
Indian Army Fires American Origin Ammunition from M-777s Near Pakistan Border

New Delhi (Sputnik): The 155 mm satellite-guided artillery rounds for Howitzers were ordered from the US following the February 2019 military standoff between India and Pakistan, which erupted following a suicide attack on an Indian military convoy killing at least 40 soldiers.

9 Dec 17:22 Sputniknews 967333869285662281.html
Travolta da un'auto in viale Poetto, muore in ospedale

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:54 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207822761365.html
Mum speaks of horrific moment she was told her daughter was going to die

'It had been nine hours since she was playing Lego cards with me'

9 Dec 16:00 BristolLive 4740742017271151435.html
GZ-Weihnachtsaktion: Preise spenden für die GZ-Tombola beim Weihnachtsmarkt in Geislingen

Noch haben Unternehmen aus Geislingen und Umgebung die Chance, Preise für die GZ-Tombola zugunsten der GZ-Weihnachtsaktion zu spenden.

9 Dec 16:56 swp.de 6929179440998982172.html
FLYAMBULANSEKRISEN:Første flylege sier opp jobben

- Jeg ser lysere på å eventuelt hente pasienter ut av en krigssone, enn å fly ambulansefly nærmeste måneder i Nord-Norge. Dette skriver flylegen i oppsigelsesbrevet sitt.

9 Dec 16:02 TV 2 8210067770112232338.html
Stanca delle uscite serali del marito, una moglie ha costruito un pub nel giardino di casa

È l'idea di una donna inglese, che ha deciso di costruire un locale nel giardino dietro casa per passare più tempo con suo marito. E la genialità è tutta nel nome...

9 Dec 15:08 L'HuffPost 5315551422418279301.html
Mann wird von Straßenbahn in Vauban lebensgefährlich verletzt

Im Freiburger Stadtteil Vauban ist ein Mann am Montagmorgen lebensgefährlich von einer Straßenbahn verletzt worden. Er missachtet wohl eine rote Ampel, die Polizei bittet um Zeugenhinweise.

9 Dec 16:12 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428229769430.html
Honduras y EEUU implementarán plan de acuerdo migratorio

Equipos técnicos de Honduras y Estados Unidos se reúnen hoy para trabajar en el plan de aplicación del acuerdo.

9 Dec 15:43 Diario La Prensa 7797091974882926844.html
La solitudine di Stefano Landi: nessuno vuole la Pallacanestro Reggiana

REGGIO EMILIA – Sette mesi e nulla si è mosso. Tanto bella e ricca di fascino la Pallacanestro Reggiana, quanto priva di pretendenti. Il 20 maggio scorso il patron Stefano Landi ha annunciato la volontà di ridurre il suo impegno. Lo ha detto con un anno di anticipo, annunciando l’ultima stagione da socio di riferimento, […]

9 Dec 15:56 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332274413516.html
Burnley supporter, 13, ejected from Spurs stadium for alleged racist gesture

Burnley have confirmed that a 13-year-old supporter was ejected from the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium following an alleged racist gesture towards Son Heung-min

9 Dec 17:28 the Guardian 1491978796141687811.html
North Korea calls Trump 'erratic' old man over tweets

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea insulted U.S. President Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a heedless and erratic old man after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wouldn't want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders and affect the American presidential election by resuming hostile acts.

9 Dec 13:42 WFXT 6395891953049920220.html
Unconfirmed reports say an army commander is killed in a Borno bomb attack

An improvised explosive device (IED) reportedly killed a Nigerian Army commander after it exploded near his vehicle during a military patrol in Marte, Borno state. The incident was said to have occurred on Saturday, December 7.

9 Dec 12:54 Legit 3764253650283251538.html
Unga kvinnor på tunga ministerposter i Finland

Finland Det finländska regeringspartiet Centern har beslutat att utnämna sin ledare, 32-åriga Katri Kulmuni, till finansminister i den nya regeringskonstellation som väntas tillträda på tisdag, rapporterar nyhetsbyrån SPT.

9 Dec 10:12 www.unt.se 8922556088510175824.html
25 Nama Bayi Laki-laki Terinspirasi dari Perayaan Natal

Lihat nama bayi laki-laki yang terinspirasi dari hari Natal berikut ini ya, Bun.

9 Dec 10:33 nama-bayi 8028540701823468929.html
Kentucky police seize air fryer containing 20 pounds of meth


9 Dec 13:51 KitchenerToday.com 52741008931916107.html
Willem Dafoe wanted to be left alone while filming Togo

Rumors from the locals in Nordegg, Alberta would have it that while filming Togo last year, Willem Dafoe stayed at the Goldeye Centre: a wilderness lodge around 30 minutes of hard driving west of t…

9 Dec 13:30 Boing Boing 4601305168977050628.html
Katze liegt zum Schlafen in Waschmaschine: Dann beginnt der Vollwaschgang

Am Dienstag geriet die Baby-Katze Posey versehentlich in eine Waschmaschine in Liverpool. Wie durch ein Wunder überlebte das Tier den Waschgang.

9 Dec 11:15 TAG24 4583887874278558690.html
Messi to miss Barca's Champions League trip to Inter

Barcelona star Lionel Messi will not make the trip to Italy for the Champions League game against Inter Milan, the Spanish club has confirmed.

9 Dec 16:09 Sport 682566034194070753.html
Essen Motorshow: Die Polizei legt 78 frisierte Autos still

Tagelang kontrollierte die Polizei Autos rund um das PS-Festival in Essen. 460 Wagen wurden genauestens überprüft und heftige Verstöße geahndet.

9 Dec 16:22 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221110094682.html
Timnas Rusia Dilarang Berlaga di Piala Dunia 2022 Gegara Kasus Doping

Timnas Rusia tak akan berlaga di Piala Dunia 2022, bahkan Olimpiade 2020, setelah dijatuhi larangan bermain selama empat tahun akibat terbukti doping.,

9 Dec 11:13 Gilabola.com 481785381505986164.html
ETF tematici, il gioco vale la candela?

Nonostante l’altissimo tasso di “mortalità”, i replicanti che cavalcano uno specifico trend presentano caratteristiche che piacciono agli investitori.

9 Dec 13:00 Trend Online 3268043279053240226.html
NASA Deteksi 3 Asteroid Pembunuh Kota Menuju Bumi Besok

Asteroid yang mendekat ini dapat menghancurkan wilayah besar seperti kota besar jika menabrak Bumi.

9 Dec 08:01 Tempo 8962756050031508220.html
Rusia es suspendida por cuatro años de las competencias internacionales, incluidos los Juegos Olímpicos

El dopaje ruso ha ultrajado el deporte durante demasiado tiempo, y la flagrante violación de las autoridades rusas exige una respuesta enérgica

9 Dec 09:12 Granma.cu 7847343384512557064.html
Verwirrt! Monaco-Star vergisst eigene Rückennummer

Tiemoue Bakayoko trug praktisch sein ganzes Leben die Nummer 14. Bei Milan, bei Chelsea und auch bei seinen vorigen französischen Klubs hatte er ...

9 Dec 11:29 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094370308953.html
Unsere The Legend of Zelda-Themenwoche ist da! Hier gibt's alle Infos

In dieser Woche gibt's auf GamePro.de jeden Tag Listen, Meinungen und Specials zum Thema The Legend of Zelda.

9 Dec 11:00 www.gamepro.de 3610569833985974398.html
Princesa Charlotte surpreende no pedido do presente de Natal

O presente de Natal desejado pela princesa Charlotte de Inglaterra está a deixar os seguidores da realeza britânica espantados.

9 Dec 17:30 N-TV 4368043452119613959.html
Sydney's Bushfire Smoke Pollution Is Now The Worst In NSW's History

Sydney has once again found itself facing some of the worst air pollution in the world due to bushfire smoke drifting in from one of the most devastating bushfire seasons Australia has ever faced....

9 Dec 09:35 Gizmodo AU 3183561247313721902.html
Liverpool boss sends transfer message to Aston Villa, Leeds United and Bristol City after links to striker

A number of clubs are said to be interested

9 Dec 09:40 BristolLive 4740742017765226149.html
Ericsson will pay a yard to settle bribery charges

The judge could not be Swede into letting them off

9 Dec 10:26 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887307192138588.html
Ericsson pays $1bn to settle corruption probe

Networking giant reaches settelement following accusations of corruption by US authorities

9 Dec 12:28 TechRadar 2111116914836684016.html
Arcandra Tahar Bakal Jadi Bos PGN?

Nama Arcandra Tahar santer disebut-sebut bakal jadi bos salah satu BUMN, yakni PT PGN Tbk 

9 Dec 12:55 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213396813309.html
What lies beneath the surface? The pitfalls of facial eczema

By Julie Roberts, Ravensdown Animal Health Area Manager Western North Island

9 Dec 11:19 SCOOP 5315658999223192218.html
Schwerkranke Frau bekommt von Jobcenter nur 4,24 Euro im Monat: Betreuer mit drastischen Schritten

Keine fünf Euro bekommt eine psychisch und körperlich kranke Starnbergerin vom Jobcenter. Der Fall zeigt dramatisch, wie jemand durch das Sozialsystem fallen kann.

9 Dec 10:40 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239059143283.html
NZa grijpt in om einde te maken aan ruzie tussen Parnassia en VGZ

Als het aan de Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa) ligt, komt er snel een eind aan het gesteggel tussen zorgverzekeraar VGZ en ggz-aanbieder Parnassia dat honderden patiënten raakt. Bij Parnassia geldt namelijk en patiëntenstop voor VGZ-verzekerden wegens een ruzie over miljoen euro’s. Bij Parnassia klopten dit jaar veel meer verzekerden van VGZ aan dan vooraf werd geanticipeerd. Inmiddels staan drieduizend van de verzekerdengroep op de wachtlijst. Dit melden Algemeen Dagblad en Volkskrant. 

9 Dec 10:28 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705742777988008.html
The Wait Is Over: DOJ Inspector General Report On Alleged Obama-Era FISA Abuses Against Trump Team Drops Today

Well, the day has arrived. The long-awaited report from Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice’s inspector general, on the alleged FISA abuses that occurred under the Obama administration will be released. We already have some tidbits that this report doesn’t corroborate the allegation that the Obama White House spied on the Trump campaign, but it will conclude that there were deviations from department policy concerning the process in obtaining these warrants. Okay, let’s play on that for a minute. That’s still not good. The liberal media will chalk this up as a win for them because President Trump’s accusation won’t be legitimized or something. There’s still an ongoing pattern of FBI officials going off the reservation in order to get what they want. We know they didn’t want Trump to be president. We know disgraced former FBI Director James Comey took memos he had about the meeting she had with the president and gave them to a friend who leaked them to The New York Times. This was done on purpose; it was…

9 Dec 15:25 Townhall 6083908947518585319.html
Líder estudiantil insiste en desmonte del Esmad; presidente Duque defiende su existencia

El Jefe de Estado señaló que en 100 países del mundo existen escuadrones antidisturbios y que estos no deben verse como fuerzas de la muerte.

9 Dec 17:43 W Radio 7724358829461149211.html
'Once bitten twice shy': Arlene Foster warns Boris Johnson he may not be able to count on DUP support after the election as she demands written guarantees there will not be customs checks between the UK and Northern Ireland after Brexit

Arlene Foster has warned Boris Johnson he may not be able to count on the DUP's support unless he provides them with cast iron guarantees relating to his Brexit deal.

9 Dec 10:43 Mail Online 124328112220814571.html
Treuren om de tien van Renesse

Op 10 december 1944, dinsdag 75 jaar geleden, speelde zich een drama af in Renesse. Op die datum hingen de Duitsers tien inwoners van het eiland Schouwen-Duiveland op. De wonden zijn nog steeds niet geheeld bij Will Matsinger-Jonker.

9 Dec 16:56 RD.nl 6406779842565033831.html
Boy is thrown head-over-heels when sewer EXPLODES under his feet after he sticks a match down a manhole

The boy in China's Hebei Province escaped serious injuries after being blown into the air and flung 360 degrees by the force of an exploding sewer. He had ignited trapped methane from the sewer.

9 Dec 17:36 Mail Online 124328111786919591.html
Elisabetta Canalis stratosferica: via il reggiseno, i fan impazziscono [Foto]

Elisabetta Canalis lascia poco spazio all’immaginazione in una fotografia condivisa sui social Per molti resta ancora lei la velina più bella ad aver mai ballato sul bancone di Striscia la Notizia. Anche se da allora sono passati tanti anni (e non poche novità hanno movimentato la sua vita), Elisabetta Canalis rimane ancora oggi nel cuore […]

9 Dec 11:20 KontroKultura 2573504973045333345.html
Meghan Markle chose the white borders on photos and the exact shade of blue for the Sussex Royal Instagram account and knew all about algorithms from her blogging days, expert reveals

Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 38, have a 'hands on approach' to the Sussex Royal Instagram page, royal reporter Omid Scobie has claimed.

9 Dec 15:10 Mail Online 124328111373951215.html
Identifican tres cadáveres sepultados en el vertedero de La Bonanza

Identifican tres cadáveres sepultados en el vertedero de La Bonanza

9 Dec 10:00 LaPatilla.com 9104603010140870098.html
Aplicativo do Banco Itaú apresenta instabilidade nesta segunda-feira

Usuários relatam problemas ao tentar acessar os serviços do banco pelo aplicativo

9 Dec 17:18 Olhar Digital 416591714500241264.html
Larsson, Ayoub en Narsingh trefzeker op weg naar duel met FC Porto

Jong Feyenoord heeft zich maandagmiddag geplaatst voor de kampioenspole na een 4-2 overwinning op Jong SC Cambuur. Hoofdtrainer Dick Advocaat zag op het trainingscomplex 1908 verschillende spelers uit de hoofdmacht in actie komen. Jan-Arie van der Heijden, Renato Tapia, Sam Larsson, Yassin Ayoub en Luciano Narsingh begonnen vanuit de basis en de drie laatstgenoemden waren trefzeker.

9 Dec 16:35 Voetbalzone 9096760910689758233.html
No plans to hold Commonwealth Shooting Championship during 2022 CWG, says federation CEO

According to the CGF Constitution, a Commonwealth Championships may not be held in any country three months prior to or after the CWG.

9 Dec 12:47 Scroll.in 8669301693386929156.html
A school for food

Dhivya Vasudevan spreads awareness about pesticide-free agriculture to classrooms

9 Dec 12:02 The Hindu 6679535024897800168.html
Cuba consolida vínculos con pueblos del Caribe

Cuba consolida vínculos con pueblos del Caribe

9 Dec 10:16 cubasi.cu 5416914686789598152.html
BMO joins $6m FlexPay funding round

FlexPay, a Montreal-based startup using AI to help merchants recover lost revenues from declined transactions, has raised $6 million in a funding round led by Impression Ventures and joined by BMO Capital Partners.

9 Dec 13:15 Finextra 6000504750284266849.html
Vasco participa de festival carioca de Polo Aquático

O Vasco da Gama participou do II Festival-Puulu de Polo Aquático realizado no Parque Aquático Júlio Delamare, no sábado.

9 Dec 10:46 Vasco Notícias 1167013066600986579.html
Serial rapist Joseph McCann given 33 life sentences for horrific attacks

He must serve a minimum term of 30 years.

9 Dec 13:20 Shropshire Star 3480199991404201641.html
North Korea calls President Trump 'erratic old man' over tweets

North Korea insulted U.S. President Donald Trump again on Monday, calling him a “heedless and erratic old man” after he tweeted that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wouldn’t want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders.

9 Dec 11:30 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202904314108.html
Cyclist creates festive art by riding reindeer route

Anthony Hoyte cycled nearly 80 miles to trace out the route on the streets of London.

9 Dec 14:24 The Irish News 993065411497783.html
Jedan od pokretača protesta: Propast demonstracija bila predvidljiva

Aleksandar Stanojković, jedan od pokretača protesta protiv vlasti Aleksandra Vučića, gostujući u Danu uživo je...

9 Dec 17:20 N1 Srbija 7797130865774749649.html
I camion Ford sbarcano in Italia

La nuova società Ford Trucks Italia mira a conquistare il 6% della quota totale di mercato dei mezzi pesanti nel nostro Paese

9 Dec 08:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654429686260.html
Agressores mandaram jogadores tirar a camisola do Sporting, contou Wendel

O médio Wendel relatou hoje em tribunal que os elementos que invadiram o balneário na academia de Alcochete disseram que os atletas não eram futebolistas para o Sporting e ordenaram que despissem as camisolas.

9 Dec 16:18 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842840732027.html
Death Come True is an FMV game from the creator of Danganronpa

The cast will start to be unveiled tomorrow.

9 Dec 11:37 PC Gamer 9149753394187892918.html
Screams and goodbyes as scores die in devastating India factory fire

At least 43 people were killed Sunday in a devastating fire that ripped through a bag factory in the congested old quarter of the Indian capital New Delhi, with survivors describing the screams of workers trapped inside.

9 Dec 14:35 Nehanda Radio 3802011523309490437.html
Startup Ini Tawarkan Traveling Gratis, Rekrut 500 Anggota dalam 2 Minggu

WE Online, Jakarta - Virtuoso Luxury Traveller melaporkan 66% milenial menjadikan traveling sebagai hal yang penting untuk hidup mereka. Meski suka traveling, mereka biasanya tidak ingin mengeluarkan uang banyak.

9 Dec 13:42 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834228947161.html
Tom Brady Reacts To Getting Booed By Patriots Fans

Tom Brady has reacted to getting booed by New England Patriots fans at home at Gillette Stadium on Sunday evening.

9 Dec 14:52 The Spun 9122471848587669811.html
Human skull and skeleton dredged up from the depths of the Thames 'belonged to convict thrown overboard from 18th century prison ship'

Lara Maiklem, 48, discovered the skull and partial skeleton next to mudflats in the Thames. The remains are thought to be from a convict thrown overboard from an 18th-century prison ship.

9 Dec 10:01 Mail Online 124328111913054528.html
"Halbzeit" auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Frankfurt: Polizei zieht Bilanz

Auch in diesem Jahr lockt der Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt zahlreiche Besucher an. Die Polizei zog am Montag ein Zwischenfazit zum bisherigen Verlauf.

9 Dec 11:18 TAG24 4583887873604190336.html
Tonto Dikeh Reveals How American Rapper Juice Wrld Predicted His Death

Nollywood screen diva, Tonto Dikeh has reacted to the death of American rapper, Juice Wrld who died on Sunday, December 8, at the age of 21.

9 Dec 11:54 Concise 5544636822660831733.html
Ontmanteling gasput Ten Post: 'Ze staan hier als boeren met kiespijn'

De Groninger Bodem Beweging houdt gemengde gevoelens over aan de sloop van de gasput bij Ten Post.

9 Dec 16:31 RTV Noord 3728677366121234640.html
Zoologischer Garten Berlin: Panda-Babys: Zoo gibt Namen bekannt

100 Tage nach der Geburt der beiden Panda-Zwillinge hat der Berliner Zoo die Namen der beiden Männchen bekannt gegeben - und die sind „traumhaft“.

9 Dec 12:04 swp.de 6929179440654899855.html
Indian Film on Third Battle of Panipat Evokes Row, Indian State Chief Asks Censor Board to Act

New Delhi (Sputnik): Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt star in “Panipat”, which depicts a battle that occurred between the Marathas and the then-Afghan King Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1761. It’s a creation of National Awardee Director Ashutosh Gowariker, known for his 2001 release “Lagaan”.

9 Dec 16:30 Sputniknews 967333868389172545.html
Innovationsquartier im Frankfurter Nordend soll tausende Bäume gefährden

Bürgerinitiative „Grüne Lunge“ widerspricht Stadt. Im geplanten Innovationsquartier seien keineswegs nur einige wenige Bäume erhaltenswert.

9 Dec 14:20 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322434525269.html
Son Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) Banpresto Figure Colosseum | Cultura Pop

Son Gohan Super Saiyan 2 è la nuova statica di Banpresto che abbiamo analizzato nel dettaglio direttamente dal mondo di Dragon Ball Z.

9 Dec 15:17 Tom's Hardware 6640147069288812462.html
Vanquish- & Bayonetta-Remaster offiziell angekündigt

Im Microsoft Store sind Einträge zu Remastered-Version von Bayonetta und Vanquish aufgetaucht. Release soll im Februar 2020 sein.

9 Dec 16:31 www.gamepro.de 3610569833395680625.html
Redmi lancerà il suo spioncino con campanello smart, fotocamera e flash

Il postino suona sempre due volte...e voi lo riconoscerete grazie al nuovo campanello/spioncino smart di Redmi, super tech e molto IoT.

9 Dec 09:42 XIAOMI today 2748202437087136071.html
'Lionel Messi zet licht op groen voor absolute supertransfer'

FC Barcelona staat op het punt om een supertransfer af te ronden. Het gaat niet om een inkomende, maar wel om een uitgaande transfer.

9 Dec 13:00 Voetbal24 8097814615698880518.html
Sperrung am Pfuhler See: Biber schlagen zu: Neu-Ulm muss Rundweg sperren

Am Wochenende hat die Stadt Neu-Ulm den westlichen Teil des Rundwegs am Pfuhler See aus Sicherheitsgründen gesperrt. Biber haben dort zahlreiche Bäume angenagt.

9 Dec 16:37 swp.de 6929179440161553092.html
Presidente realizará esta noche cadena nacional para anunciar agenda "antiabusos"

Finalmente, el Mandatario dará a conocer a las 21:00 horas las medidas para evitar eventuales excesos por parte del Estado y empresas privadas.

9 Dec 16:10 Emol 3328490602886606420.html
Frame up your perfect Christmas gift!

Stettler framing and art supplies dealer has solutions to the trickiest gift questions

9 Dec 14:00 The Stettler Independent 1209901974574411399.html
Sp.a en Groen schieten klimaatplan Vlaamse regering af: “Maken van Vlaanderen ecologisch ontwikkelingsland”

Het energie- en klimaatplan van de Vlaamse regering schiet schromelijk tekort. Dat vindt Vlaams parlementslid voor sp.a Bruno Tobback. "Schrijnend dat men daar een heel weekend over moest nadenken....

9 Dec 10:42 HLN 8967494997790874742.html
New Banksy mural features homeless man on bench

The secretive artist’s latest work has been unveiled in Birmingham.

9 Dec 16:16 Shropshire Star 3480199992085427980.html
Bethesda: Elder Scrolls Legends development "on hold for the foreseeable future"

Bethesda has recently announced on Reddit that development on their Elder Scrolls themed card title Elder Scrolls Legends is currently on hold for the foreseeable future. The team will still contin…

9 Dec 09:43 My Nintendo News 1055834754356287427.html
Hotels and restaurants in East of England 'at heightened risk of insolvency'

The East of England's agricultural sector is healthier than most other parts of the UK - but construction, hotel and restaurant businesses are at heightened risk, a report suggests.

9 Dec 10:31 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151065960419.html
Bashar al-Assad's uncle faces embezzlement trial in Paris

Rifaat al-Assad is accused of embezzling Syrian funds to buy property worth at least €90m in France

9 Dec 11:24 the Guardian 1491978796449424372.html
Bandera neutral, la esperanza para los deportistas rusos

Los atletas que demuestren que no tienen implicación con la trama de dopaje podrán competir bajo bandera neutral

9 Dec 11:05 ABC.es 6074573462659445337.html
PD: Phoenix woman stabs Uber car used by boyfriend to escape assault

A woman chased her boyfriend and stabbed the Uber car he used to escape from her.

9 Dec 17:54 ABC15 Arizona 911680909949919006.html
American rapper TI and wife spotted clubbing in Ghana (VIDEO)

This year, Ghana has seen a lot of superstars who have visited as part of its "Year of Return" initiative. American rapper T.I together with h

9 Dec 15:18 GHANA PAGE 8986860742425829797.html
Brandweer huldigt gevechtsvliegtuig in Nederland in met blusschuim in plaats van water: feestelijk onthaal kost 500.000 euro

In Nederland heeft Defensie 500.000 euro betaald voor het feestelijke onthaal van de eerste F-35 in het land. Eind oktober landde het gloednieuwe gevechtsvliegtuig, ook wel bekend als de Joint Stri...

9 Dec 16:27 HLN 8967494997599062245.html
Zidane perfila las rotaciones antes de viajar a Brujas

El Real Madrid completó este lunes su último entrenamiento en la Ciudad Deportiva de Valdebebas antes de viajar el martes a Brujas (Bélgica), para disputar el miércoles (21:00 horas CET) el último partido de la fase de grupos de la Liga de Campeones, estando ya clasificado como segundo, y para el que el francés Zinedine Zidane prepara rotaciones y pruebas ante los próximos compromisos ligueros.El conjunto madrileño no se juega nada en este encuentro ya que tiene asegurada la clasificación como segundo de grupo, por lo que el técnico francés aprovechará para dar minutos a los menos habituales, y para intentar quitarse las dudas de cara a quién ocupará el lateral izquierdo en Mestalla contra el Valencia.La lesión de Marcelo y la expulsión de Mendy contra el Espanyol dejan a Zidane sin lateral izquierdo en la primera plantilla, por lo que Nacho Fernández, que no juega desde el pasado 1 de octubre precisamente frente al Brujas, o Álvaro Odriozola, que no lo hace desde el 19 de ese mismo mes, podrían ocupar el puesto.Además…

9 Dec 11:04 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125772513829.html
Absuelven a la sargento que acusó a un subordinado de colaborar con furtivos

En una sentencia hecha pública este lunes, el tribunal subraya que la sargento Gloria Moreno denunció a su compañero en un documento interno, cuyo "contenido puede no ser certero, pero tampoco cabe tildarlo de inveraz.

9 Dec 17:52 www.publico.es 99190977647417927.html
Identifican adolescente asesinada en Nagua; hay dos jóvenes detenidos

Fue identificada como Grisel Muñoz Frias, la adolescente de 17 años ultimada la mañana de este lunes en su vivienda en la comunidad El Yayal de este munici

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956265377049405.html
Obese children have a thinner region of their brain which controls decision-making as scientists warn it may 'make them less likely to say no to junk food'

Eighteen different regions of the cortex - including the prefrontal cortex (purple) - were thinner in overweight children, according to the results of the University of Vermont study.

9 Dec 16:00 Mail Online 124328111004930852.html
Eiza Gonzalez se atreve a juntar dos prints diferentes en un solo outfit

Muchos entendidos de la moda dicen que no se pueden combinar dos estampados, pero Eiza González con este outfit nos demostró que sí.

9 Dec 15:39 Wapa.pe 6757287089657441046.html
Tres detenidos en Quinindé por movilidad de municiones y droga

Por transporte ilegal de marihuana, municiones y dinero no justificado la Policía de Quinindé detuvo a tres personas, entre ellas un menor de edad, durante los operativos de control que se realizaron

9 Dec 15:03 El Universo 8365175796672333325.html
Andy Ruiz can never live down his failed approach to Joshua rematch

Anthony Joshua came into the rematch ready and in shape. Andy Ruiz failed in his preparation. There's much to learn from the Clash at the Dunes.

9 Dec 16:45 ESPN 8538773401272145273.html
Nydöpta tvillingpandor charmar Berlin

Det blev två pojkar! Det avslöjade djurparken i Berlin när ett av deras senaste tillskott, två små tvillingpandor, höll sin första presskonferens. Pandorna föddes i slutet av augusti, men i enlighet med kinesisk tradition är det först efter hundra dagar

9 Dec 15:28 HD 3336945412421257506.html
Pertagas Target Proyek Gresem Alirkan Gas ke Konsumen Pertengahan 2020

Sembari menunggu proyek JTB beroperasi, Pertagas akan mencari sumber pasokan gas lain dari Jawa Timur untuk dialirkan lewat pipa gas Gresik-Semarang.

9 Dec 12:10 Katadata News 179777406587587321.html
Payday lenders have embraced installment loans to evade regulations – but they may be even worse

Use of installment loans has grown dramatically in recent years – all without the regulatory scrutiny that tamped down on abuses in the payday loan market.

9 Dec 13:42 The Conversation 6012421226797085430.html
World Anti-Doping Agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

Russia was slapped Monday with a four-year ban from international sports events, including next summer’s Tokyo Olympics, over a longstanding doping scandal, although its athletes will still be able to compete if they can show they are clean competitors.

9 Dec 10:09 WVLT 4089046912067180815.html
"Kitchen Impossible"-Neuling landet im Krankenhaus

Neuer Gegner für Tim Mälzer: Sternekoch Nenad Mlinarevic tritt zum ersten Mal bei 'Kitchen Impossible' gegen den TV-erfahrenen Gastgeber an. Einer von beiden landete während der kulinarischen Reise im Krankenhaus.

9 Dec 08:50 T-Online 5460876211047608713.html
La seconda primavera araba - Pierre Haski

Dall’Algeria al Libano al Sudan, e passando per l’Iran, non esistono più due blocchi contrapposti, ma una frattura che attraversa ogni paese e ogni società. Leggi

9 Dec 10:40 Internazionale 3249842260807592961.html
Kennedy Center Honors celebrates Sally Field, 'Sesame Street'

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The 42nd annual Kennedy Center Honors took place on Sunday in Washington, D.C., to celebrate Sesame Street, Sally Field, Earth, Wind & Fire, Linda Ronstadt and Michael Tilson Thomas.

9 Dec 13:09 UPI 8257973864165292137.html
Vermisste Sofie (22) wollte zum Weihnachtsmarkt

Seit Ende letzter Woche wird die in Udligenswil LU wohnhafte Sofie Krummenacher vermisst. Nun sucht die Polizei nach ihr.

9 Dec 14:37 20 Minuten 5741369454207589604.html
Suspenden a embajador señalado de robar libro en Argentina

El canciller Marcelo Ebrard resaltó que de comprobarse que es veraz el video donde Oscar Ricardo Valero Recio Becerra es exhibido robando un libro, será separad

9 Dec 17:39 Excélsior 859179360412510654.html
Martires: One out of 40 households has had experience with corruption

Ombudsman Samuel Martires has revealed that one out of every 40 households in the country has had an experience with corruption activities.

9 Dec 11:41 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200215927309.html
MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries uscirà domani su Epic Games Store, ecco il trailer di lancio | Game Division

A sorpresa è stato rilasciato il trailer di lancio di Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries, titolo che uscirà domani su Epic Games Store.

9 Dec 15:51 Tom's Hardware 6640147070629816521.html
Russia's Response to Olympic Ban: 'Chronic Anti-Russian Hysteria'

The World Anti-Doping Agency said clean athletes from Russia may compete in the 2020 Olympic games but not under the Russian flag or any other symbols of the Russian state.

9 Dec 17:38 POLYGRAPH.info 4290135094754559487.html
Deontay Wilder Attacks Anthony Joshua After His Win At 'Clash On The Dunes'

According to Deontay Wilder, Anthony Joshua did nothing impressive in his last fight against Andy Ruiz Jr at 'Clash on the Dunes'. Read on for more information.

9 Dec 15:42 Republic World 1282918857544232274.html
Elizabeth Warren reveals she earned $2 million from 30 years of private legal work as she feuds with Pete Buttigieg over financial transparency

Buttigieg's campaign has honed in Warren's previous private legal work, seeking to cast her as a "corporate lawyer" at odds her campaign message.

9 Dec 14:52 Yahoo 7097669638340666940.html
Scottish Labour out to defy polls once again

The party picked up seven MPs in the 2017 General Election against expectations.

9 Dec 11:28 Shropshire Star 3480199992962697570.html
Fife teen who sent naked photos of himself to young girls given unpaid work order

A Dunfermline man who sent naked photos of himself to young girls has been ordered to carry out unpaid work.

9 Dec 15:19 The Courier 4275302767559815370.html
Amazon Last Minute Angebote zu Weihnachten: Nerf-Guns und mehr reduziert [Anzeige]

Bei Amazon gibt es ab sofort jeden Tag Last Minute Angebote zu Weihnachten. Die besten Deals am Montag gibt es mit Nerf-Guns und Spielzeug.

9 Dec 15:06 www.gamepro.de 3610569833176436027.html
FOTO: Maquillan a tierno perrito para hacerlo MEME y desatan controversia

Un tierno e inocente perrito fue maquillado por sus due&ntilde;os para convertirlo en un meme pero esto gener&oacute; controversia entre los internautas enfurecidos.

9 Dec 17:19 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623109359033.html
One man killed after vehicle rolls on Erastus Durbin Road in Mercer County

MERCER COUNTY — One person was killed after a single-vehicle crash on Erastus Durbin Road near state Route 119 early this morning.

9 Dec 15:08 Whio 8204027954319254475.html
Unga kvinnor på tunga ministerposter i Finland

Det finländska regeringspartiet Centern har beslutat att utnämna sin ledare, 32-åriga Katri Kulmuni, till finansminister i den nya regeringskonstellation som väntas tillträda på tisdag, rapporterar nyhetsbyrån SPT. Hon byter därmed ministerpost med den

9 Dec 11:12 HD 3336945412402619537.html
In a Chinese school, a ‘mind-reading’ headband tells teachers when their students are distracted

Neuroscience-based pedagogy might have unintended consequences.

9 Dec 16:00 Scroll.in 8669301693596863469.html
MacKenna On Monday: Blame Must Also Lie With Those That Supported John Delaney

Picture the scene. Better again, consider the mindset. Last Tuesday night, three of our elected repr

9 Dec 08:01 PUNDIT ARENA 505417273681137710.html
MacKenna On Monday: Blame Must Also Lie With Those That Supported John Delaney

Picture the scene. Better again, consider the mindset. Last Tuesday night, three of our elected repr

9 Dec 08:01 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274711527221.html
GamePro startet große Themenwoche zu The Legend of Zelda

Unsere Kollegen bei der GamePro widmen vom 9. bis 13. Dezember voll und ganz der beliebten Zelda-Reihe!

9 Dec 14:15 www.gamestar.de 809832118184042954.html
Football Talk. Deli klaargestoomd voor Real, Duitse ref moet match leiden - Lukaku moet Messi niet vrezen

Romelu Lukaku en Inter moeten morgen Lionel Messi niet vrezen in de laatste wedstrijd van de groepsfase van de Champions League. De Argentijn krijgt rust van coach Ernesto Valverde en reist niet me...

9 Dec 13:07 HLN 8967494997685542180.html
Innovador aporte: estudiantes de Trujillo diseñan modelo de hogar de refugio temporal

El Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP) destacó la propuesta de modelo de hogar de refugio temporal diseñado por dos estudiantes de Arquitectura de Trujillo, y que fue presentado como una propuesta en la lucha contra la violencia de género.

9 Dec 15:26 andina.pe 9054036849904184492.html
Man dies after being hit by school bus on main road between Aberdeen and Dundee

A man has died after being struck by a bus on the main road between Aberdeen and Dundee.

9 Dec 12:30 The Courier 4275302767655111676.html
Top 3: Tentara Jepang Minta Ratusan Geisha saat Perang Dunia II Jadi Sorotan

Simak ketiga artikel paling populer di kanal Global Liputan6.com edisi Senin, 9 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 09:29 liputan6.com 3414318496537537959.html
Stephanie Cayo tiene el look perfecto sacar tu diva interna

Stephanie Cayo cautiva con look lencero empoderador. Atrévete a sacar a tu diva interna.

9 Dec 11:30 Wapa.pe 6757287089764221055.html
Bologna, Sabatini: "Ieri abbiamo il miglior Milan della stagione"

A margine di una visita al Museo del Bologna FC a Villa delle Rose, Walter Sabatini, dirigente del Bologna, ha parlato anche del match di ieri sera contro il Milan: "Abbiamo affrontato il miglior Milan della stagione, ce la siamo giocata fino all’ultimo e anche i dirigenti rossoneri me lo hanno confermato stamattina. Ci sono stati errori individuali ma ci sono state anche buone cose. Quest’anno non abbiamo mai visto una squadra sottomessa. Solo a Sassuolo non abbiamo fatto bene".  

9 Dec 15:48 MilanNews.it 6507305921309005849.html
ZG: Protest zbog najavljenog poskpljenja odvoza smeća

ZAGREB - Ispred Gradske skupštine na Gornjem gradu u Zagrebu uoči sednice okupili su se građani, koji protestuju protiv planiranog poskupljenja računa za

9 Dec 10:04 Krstarica 4176903989674484316.html
Gualtieri di nuovo infilzato dalla de romanis sulla bufala del 'conto del papeete'


9 Dec 13:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336739072925471.html
Munster must now muster something special on the road in Europe

Johann van Graan’s men are away to Saracens and Racing 92 in the next two rounds.

9 Dec 09:12 The42 5369852629975686607.html
Schwarzes Loch zerreißt einen Stern - Forscher beobachten zerstörerisches Ereignis

Ein schwarzes Loch ist so massereich, dass es alles anzieht, was ihm zu nahe kommt. Nun haben Forscher erstmals beobachtet, wie ein schwarzes Loch einen Stern zerreißt.

9 Dec 11:00 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323370799080.html
Marco zeigt Christina seine sanfte Seite

Marco ist er sehr nachdenklich und still. Das fällt Christina auf. Endlich öffnet er sich und trifft eine erstaunliche Aussage.

9 Dec 09:31 RTL.DE 7054729452972763266.html
Zemljotres pogodio i Italiju, epicentar bio u ovom delu

Zemljotres jačine 4,8 stepeni Rihterove skale pogodio je okolinu Firence na severu Italije, saopštio je Evropski mediteranski seizmološki centar.

9 Dec 09:26 REPUBLIKA 2543998405129510062.html
Serviciile medicale private prin ochii romanilor: de ce sunt mai cautate decat serviciile medicale de stat

Piata serviciilor medicale private este inca in continua crestere, mai ales datorita tinerilor care beneficiaza de asigurari private din partea angajatorilor. Alte motive pentru care sunt preferate clinicile private includ curatenia, confortul, timpul scurt de investigatie si faptul ca pacientii se simt mai respectati, arata un studiu realizat de Reveal Marketing Research in luna noiembrie.

9 Dec 11:23 Wall-Street 2473040520163196039.html
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Are "So Hands On" with the Sussex Royal Instagram Account

"[Meghan] even knew about Instagram algorithms."

9 Dec 17:24 Harper's BAZAAR 9032339116317572136.html
WATCH: Death toll rises after sudden volcano eruption in New Zealand

'Whakaa­ri', as it is known in Maori, is New Zealan­d’s most active cone volcan­o

9 Dec 09:14 The Express Tribune 1105816787830527137.html
This world is just not designed for women

Andrew Hill: ‘Pink it, shrink it and make it a bit crap’

9 Dec 12:44 The Irish Times 8204772968517823464.html
Il terremoto di oggi in provincia di Firenze

Alle quattro del mattino, con epicentro nel Mugello: ci sono danni ma nessun ferito, sembra; alcuni treni sono ancora fermi e le scuole della zona sono state chiuse

9 Dec 09:49 Il Post 6291746503592635886.html
23 hauntingly beautiful photos of abandoned churches around the world, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From Italy to Romania and the Czech Republic, these hauntingly beautiful "houses of God" are usually unreachable to the average explorer.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:08 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757134758218.html
23 hauntingly beautiful photos of abandoned churches around the world, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From Italy to Romania and the Czech Republic, these hauntingly beautiful "houses of God" are usually unreachable to the average explorer.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:08 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757526704378.html
Vodafone Rolling out Half-Sized SIMS as Part of New Plastic Reducing Policy

Vodafone has announced a new initiative to cut down on the amount of plastic it uses, and the half-sized SIM holder is part of that.

9 Dec 15:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001971218646.html
Georgie Navarro no contesta si dio comienzo a un tratamiento

La semana pasada, el representante asguró que iba a enfocarse en tener un control total y garantizó iba a ser completamente diferente.

9 Dec 09:32 Primera Hora 5092966654994977312.html
Georgie Navarro no contesta si dio comienzo a un tratemiento

La semana pasada, el representante asguró que iba a enfocarse en tener un control total y garantizó iba a ser completamente diferente.

9 Dec 09:32 Primera Hora 5092966655076474088.html
Eight-year-old climate activist climbs lamp post to protest outside COP25

Greta Thunberg may have found her successor.

9 Dec 17:48 euronews 7318238122576724712.html
Buhari names Nami to replace Fowler as FIRS boss

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buharion Monday approved the composition of a new board for the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) subject to Senate

9 Dec 17:10 The ICIR 2244788521387380379.html
Marina interviene submarino con dos toneladas de droga

Cuatro tripulantes de embarcación fueron detenidos. Operativo se realizó a 175 kilómetros de la costa de Talara, en Piura [1]. [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/piura-0

9 Dec 14:00 El Popular 1251135763546316780.html
Frank Lampard sends message to Chelsea fans over January transfers

Chelsea supporters are demanding new signings after a poor run.

9 Dec 14:23 Metro 970161747624065725.html
Vrouw stuurt haar overleden vader e-mail en krijgt plots antwoord

Een Amerikaanse schrijfster stuurt al een tijdlang e-mails naar haar overleden vader. Daar kreeg ze – uiteraard – nooit een antwoord op. Tot onlangs… Enkele jaren geleden kwam de papa van Rax King te overlijden. Om de pijn van het gemis te verzachten, stuurt de schrijfster, die tevens werkt in de restaurantketen ‘The Cheesecake Factory’

9 Dec 15:00 Zita 7484176339895351346.html
Big Bout Boxing League: Kavinder, Boora star in Bombay Bullets’ win against Bengaluru Brawlers

It was the first win in two matches for the Bombay Bullets while the Brawlers faced their third successive defeat.

9 Dec 16:18 Scroll.in 8669301693453862637.html
International Breweries opens N164b rights issue - The Nation Newspaper

International Breweries has opened application list for its N164 billion right issue, in a major recapitalisation that will see the Belgian core ...

9 Dec 08:59 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901900261997.html
La Fauci chiede lo scuolabus per i bimbi spostati dall’ Istituto Radice

MESSINA – I bambini della pluriclasse I-II e della terza classe dell’Istituto Radice sono stati trasferiti presso la scuola Vann’Antò Radice , per problemi strutturali legati a mancata manutenzione, assenza del sistema di riscaldamento e condizioni generali che necessitano di lavori da effettuare. Il consigliere comunale di Ora Messina Giandomenico La Fauci chiede all’amministrazione comunale […]

9 Dec 09:53 Tempostretto 3143171743588652896.html
La Poste suspend ses transports de fonds depuis Daillens

Les conséquences des attaques de fourgons motivent cette décision qui risque de perturber momentanément l’approvisionnement des postomats en Suisse romande.

9 Dec 16:20 Allnews 678771718203751622.html
Manipur Declares Holiday For Govt Schools, Offices as MHA Clears ILP For Implemention; to be 'Exempted' From Centre's CAB

Amid a high-tension debate on the contentious bill in the Parliament, BJP president and Union Home Minister Amit Shah had assured Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh that the permit will be introduced in the state.

9 Dec 15:05 India.com 7150386082704204887.html
Atenas vuelve con todo al ruedo

Atenas buscará cerrar el año de la mejor manera, escalando en las posiciones de la Liga Nacional de Básquetbol. Al Verde le quedan cuatro compromisos para completar el 2019, y pueden resultar...

9 Dec 12:30 Mundo D 5646459531718356590.html
JNU protests: Students take out demonstration march, traffic hit in South Delhi

JNU students took out the protest march to the Rashtrapati Bhavan demanding an appointment with the president, who is also the visitor of the university, to seek his intervention in the hostel fee hike issue

9 Dec 12:09 Business Today 1145527431358238317.html
Labor leader: We're holding elections because of one man only

MK Amir Peretz says elections are due to MK Liberman's 'racist hatred of Arabs and haredim.'

9 Dec 15:36 Israel National News 5374683669545529409.html
Simon Harris says former TD Dara Murphy should pay back some of his expenses

Questions still hang over who will carry out the review into Murphy’s expense claims.

9 Dec 15:05 TheJournal.ie 6446904417470911841.html
Los cincos escollos de las negociaciones de la cumbre del clima

En el marco de la fase final de este foro mundial, los principales escollos son los siguientes:1. Cómo articular los mercados de carbono a nivel...

9 Dec 12:06 Expansión 4197779424862169259.html
Petitie voor naambehoud Schöndeln 1800 keer ondertekend

De petitie om de naam van Lyceum Schöndeln in Roermond te behouden is door 1800 mensen ondertekend.

9 Dec 16:39 1limburg 5437278403665554083.html
Rumah Tinggal di Kembangan Jakbar Terbakar, 15 Unit Damkar Dikerahkan

Rumah tinggal di Kecamatan Kembangan, Jakarta Barat terbakar. Sebanyak 15 unit mobil pemadam kebakaran (damkar) dikerahkan ke lokasi.

9 Dec 09:38 detiknews 8793960223571974287.html
Hearing into death of man shot by police near Bristol to be held this week

Spencer Ashworth, 29, was shot by firearms officers on the A369 Portbury Hundred on September 27, 2017

9 Dec 12:32 BristolLive 4740742017840180283.html
Experten-Gremium für Neubau am Heldenplatz

Das noch von der türkis-blauen Bundesregierung mit der Evaluation des Hauses der Geschichte Österreich (hdgö) betraute Expertenteam hält einen Neubau ...

9 Dec 10:06 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092488481444.html
Kijana Wamalwa's Son Dies

William was a second-year student at the University of Nairobi at the time of his death...

9 Dec 08:53 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838152979957895.html
El gobierno local de Sagunt rechaza la escala del barco saudí cargado con armas

PSPV, EU y Compromís emiten una declaración conjunta a un día de la llegada del buque donde piden a la Autoridad Portuaria y a Defensa que desvíen al carguero 'en caso de ser cierta' la información ya confirmada por Levante-EMV sobre el material que transporta el Bahri Abha

9 Dec 12:48 Levante-EMV 7042984477957491430.html
Djokovic-Trainer Ivanisevic teilt aus: «Raonic braucht einen Psychologen»

Als Trainer von Marin Cilic hat sich Goran Ivanisevic einen Namen in der Tennisszene gemacht. Der Kroate machte seinen Landsmann zu einem der besten Spieler auf der Tour, die Zusammenarbeit gipfelte 2014 in dem sensationellen Triumph bei den US Open.

9 Dec 11:11 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667607428972997.html
El juzgado archiva la causa contra la exasesora de Dalmau por el mapa escolar

La decisión era previsible después de la retirada del PP como acusación popular

9 Dec 14:07 Las Provincias 5471838390375749871.html
Kembali Kepincut Brondong, Ely Sugigi: Kapok, Apa Salahnya Coba Lagi

Ely Sugigi kembali kepincut brondong tampan, Adit, yang usianya beda 18 tahun. Diakui janda dua anak itu, dirinya kapok dan trauma kepincut brondong. Tetapi kegagalan tidak membuatnya patah semangat, bahkan mau mencoba lagi sampai mendapatkan laki-laki yang betul-betul sayang dengannya.

9 Dec 11:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087988981441414.html
Nydöpta tvillingpandor charmar Berlin

Tyskland Det blev två pojkar! Det avslöjade djurparken i Berlin när ett av deras senaste tillskott, två små tvillingpandor, höll sin första presskonferens.

9 Dec 14:28 www.unt.se 8922556088928063264.html
DOOM Slayers Collection: data di uscita svelata? | Game Division

Stando alla catena inglese GAME durante la settimana in corso DOOM Slayers Collection diventerà ufficialmente disponibile per PS4 ed Xbox One.

9 Dec 08:40 Tom's Hardware 6640147070048222480.html
SA’s planned online porn block met with stiff resistance

The Internet Service Providers’ Association has criticised a proposal by the Law Reform Commission to require ISPs to block adult Web content, saying similar efforts have not worked elsewhere in the world.

9 Dec 09:16 TechCentral 724913819581300799.html
"KG" kommt: Klosterneuburg erhält doch eigenes Kfz-Kennzeichen

Nach zwei Jahren Kampf bekommt die Stadt vor den Toren Wiens ihren Willen - und damit eine eigene Nummerntafel.

9 Dec 14:02 Kurier 208072238660116375.html
Darshan’s historical film is now titled 'Raja Veera Madakari Nayaka'

The title of Darshan’s upcoming historical drama has been changed by the production house to Raja Veera Madakari Nayaka.

9 Dec 09:07 The New Indian Express 4718288655011353910.html
Hope to reach trade agreement with US as soon as possible: China

China said on Monday that it hoped to make a trade deal with the United States as soon as possible, amid intense discussions before fresh US tariffs on Chinese imports are due to kick in at the end of the week. Beijing hopes it can reach a trade agreement with the United States that satisfies both sides, Assistant Commerce Minister Ren Hongbin told reporters on Monday.

9 Dec 11:21 WION 1570469241857836177.html
Former Celtic star Gary Mackay-Steven thought he was on golf course day after infamous Glasgow river plunge

The footballer had to be rescued from the River Kelvin after falling into it during a drunken night out in August 2017.

9 Dec 11:21 dailyrecord 552235479496487293.html
UK weather: Storm Atiyah brings high winds and power cuts

Blustery weather prompts two yellow alerts and warning of disruption to election voting

9 Dec 15:14 the Guardian 1491978794434644760.html
UK PM Johnson on Heathrow: might be difficult to lie before bulldozers

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday he would try to find a way to honor his promise to oppose Heathrow airport expansion by lying down in front of bulldozers but that it might be difficult for him.

9 Dec 08:49 Reuters 8334514181210607220.html
Novi brskalnik Opera za Android vas bo zagotovo navdušil!

Čeprav spletni brskalnik Opera nima kaj veliko privržencev med uporabniki osebnih računalnikov (pred njim so Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome in Safari), to ne drži za Android.

9 Dec 08:59 Računalniške novice 5784844855889608614.html
Eerste aflevering Jinek bij RTL komt 3 januari

Talkshowhost Eva Jinek presenteert op 3 januari haar eerste show bij RTL. Dat maakte de zender maandag bekend in RTL Boulevard. Haar programma zal te zien zijn na het populaire The Voice.

9 Dec 17:54 RTL Boulevard 1500115271409808581.html
Snapchat working on 'deepfake' feature which is not as sinister as it sounds

The new tool lets users quickly edit their face into videos.

9 Dec 10:40 Metro 970161748776564536.html
Three takeaways from 49ers-Saints thriller: Jimmy Garoppolo makes statement; New Orleans slips in playoff picture

The best game of the NFL season was played Sunday in New Orleans. Here is what we learned from the 49ers' big win over the Saints.

9 Dec 12:15 Sporting News 5110653854360747556.html
HC declines to order linking of FB, Twitter, WhatsApp accounts with Aadhaar, PAN

​​A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice C Hari Shankar said linking of accounts with social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp, with Aadhaar, PAN or any other identity document requires framing of policies or amendment in existing laws by the central government and this exercise cannot be done by the court.

9 Dec 13:20 The Economic Times 7653256036468703206.html
Räuchern zur Wintersonnwende am 21.Dezember

Die Wintersonnenwende ist der Zeitpunkt der tiefsten Dunkelheit. Die längste Nacht und der kürzeste Tag kennzeichnen diese Zeit. Die Sonne hat an Kraft verloren. Es ist ein Fest der Dunkelheit, aber auch gleichzeitig ein Fest des Lichtes.

9 Dec 16:58 meinbezirk.at 5267640332902149570.html
Amazon says Donald Trump sidestepped contract rules to block $10 billion Pentagon bid

Amazon has outlined its case for reversing the Pentagon’s decision.

9 Dec 16:00 The Verge 1337119303605610424.html
Neues Crash Bandicoot-Spiel könnte noch vor Weihnachten enthüllt werden

Erfahren wir schon sehr bald etwas über ein komplett neues Crash Bandicoot-Spiel? Die Hinweise werden immer deutlicher.

9 Dec 09:51 www.gamepro.de 3610569833218824693.html
Russia, Ukraine leaders agree on cease-fire, prisoner exchange by year's end

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky agreed to a cease-fire Monday, moving the two countries closer to ending a standoff in the Donbas region.

9 Dec 14:03 UPI 8257973864393063708.html
VIDEO - Palestra per Gagliardini, Sensi lavora da solo con il pallone

In attesa dell'arrivo del gruppo al completo, due assenti di domani sera hanno iniziato in anticipo a lavorare. Si tratta di Roberto Gagliardini, impegnato in palestra, e di Stefano Sensi, che ha...

9 Dec 14:33 FcInterNews.it 7848284892565261410.html
Ubriaco stupra la cugina. Dopo due anni finisce in carcere

Per questa vicenda, il ragazzo era già agli arresti domiciliari. Ora dovrà scontare 4 anni in cella

9 Dec 14:29 Agi 2115274225118378034.html
Pagelle Tuttosport: Bonaventura il migliore, Calhanoglu pericoloso. Theo fa e disfa

Per Tuttosport, Giacomo Bonaventura si merita il voto più alto in pagella dopo la vittoria del Milan contro il Bologna: grande prestazione di Jack, che ha segnato anche il terzo gol rossonero e per questo ha preso un bel 7. 6,5, invece, per Bennacer e Calhanoglu (quest'ultimo è stato spesso pericoloso con le sue conclusioni), mentre la sufficienza piena (6) è stata data a Donnarumma, Musacchio, Romagnoli, Suso e Piatek. Infine, Conti, Hernandez e Kessie hanno preso 5,5: il primo ha sofferto Sansone, il secondo ha fatto bene in fase offensiva, ma non in quella difensiva, mentre l'ivoriano è entrato a fatica nel gioco rossonero.   

9 Dec 11:24 MilanNews.it 6507305922502259557.html
Il futuro del cambio euro/dollaro è nelle mani della politica

I mercati valutari appaiono sonnolenti in questa fine anno. Il cambio euro dollaro resta incollato intorno a 1,10. Fed e Bce questa settimana non...

9 Dec 10:57 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336742926212349.html
IDEG Launches 2 Bitcoin Trusts in Asia

Digital asset management firm IDEG Investment on Sunday announced the launch of two crypto trusts - Asia Bitcoin Trust I and Atlas Mining Trust I.

9 Dec 09:09 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138266506605017.html
[Update: Now live] Google Opinion Rewards set to warn you when Play Store credits are expiring

The popular Google Opinion Rewards app is now set to warn you when your Play Store credit balance is about or close to expiring.

9 Dec 10:01 9to5Google 6197440881105451245.html
I'm A Celebrity winner Jacqueline Jossa puts her wedding ring back ON and quaffs champagne after insisting she's 'absolutely fine' amid Dan Osborne cheating claims

Jacqueline Jossa put her wedding ring back on in a defiant display on Monday after her husband Dan Osborne's alleged cheating scandal.

9 Dec 13:56 Mail Online 124328110762045438.html
Rusija suspendovana sa svjetskih takmičenja, ni na OI ni na Mundijal

Izvršni komitet VADA suspendovao je ruske sportiste sa učešća na Olimpijskim igrama u naredne četiri godine, javila je agencija AFP.

9 Dec 10:54 Nezavisne novine 4209150641793988415.html
Unai Emery ante un nuevo horizonte

El entrenador español era cesado hace unos días como técnico del Arsenal, en la que ha sido su tercera experiencia lejos de la Liga. El viernes 29 de noviembre se terminaba la etapa de Unai Emery (...)

9 Dec 13:11 Fichajes 157935406021100447.html
Guards who were with Juice Wrld when he died arrested on gun charges

They are both due in court later this month.

9 Dec 16:22 Shropshire Star 3480199991564251601.html
Using the web to help young people find work

Meet Allan van der Meulen, co-founder of Zlto, a web app tackling youth unemployment in Cape Town and creating real change in the community

9 Dec 16:00 Google 7122920202257789564.html
Carroll's slide tackle and Saint-Maximin's warm up: Newcastle United moments you might have missed

Here are the Newcastle United moments you might have missed as the Magpies took a 2-1 win against Southampton to move into the top ten

9 Dec 12:44 ChronicleLive 1984146901821429374.html
Photos: Best of 2019 by StarPhoenix photographer Owen Woytowich

Browse through the best pictures of 2019 by Saskatoon StarPhoenix photographer Owen Woytowich.

9 Dec 16:35 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104419207557370.html
From avocados to Instagram: the decade in food

The 2010s brought seismic change to the UK’s culinary landscape says critic and restaurateur Tim Hayward

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978794429883979.html
Russia anti-doping chief says 'no chance' of winning ban appeal

More sports News: The head of Russia's anti-doping agency said on Monday that his country had "no chance" of winning an appeal against a four-year international sportin

9 Dec 12:31 The Times of India 6060938664175853486.html
A new North American trade deal looks like it's close

Impeachment hearings don't look like they're getting in the way of Congress hammering out a new trade deal for North America. Richard Trumka, the president of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, said Monday that there's a deal in place. He added that he'll meet with his executive committee in the afternoon to discuss it, but he hinted that he feels optimistic about it. "We have pushed them hard and have done quite well," he said. The AFL-CIO is a key player in the negotiations, since it's the largest federation of unions in the U.S. The organization opposes the existing North American Free Trade agreement between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada, which it blames for the decline in manufacturing jobs with good wages, so its support likely means the potential agreement includes stronger labor protections than NAFTA or the replacement agreement signed by President Trump in 2018. Republicans in both chambers are expected to support the new deal overwhelmingly, and the AFL-CIO stamp…

9 Dec 15:51 The Week 149215356339643809.html
Le pagelle dei quotidiani sportivi: Criscito il migliore, giornata da dimenticare per Agudelo

Criscito oltre a segnare il rigore del 2-0 ha offerto un buon rendimento in campo. L'attaccante non punge e viene anche espulso

9 Dec 10:46 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982774092147186.html
Men in khaki to soon don khadi! Para-military forces to use hand-woven fabric in uniforms

Home Minister Amit Shah also instructed the DGs of all para-military forces to use village industries products such as pickles, papad, honey, soaps and detergents, shampoos, phenol, tea, mustard oil etc. in their canteens

9 Dec 09:41 Business Today 1145527431779429781.html
Sorpreso con 320 chili di rame sospetto, camionista di Brescello denunciato

BRESCELLO (Reggio Emilia) – Deve rispondere di ricettazione un autotrasportatore fermato a Sorbolo Levante dalla polizia locale. Il controllo è scattato al termine di un breve inseguimento, cominciato quando gli agenti hanno visto il conducente di un camion svoltare bruscamente su una strada laterale per sottrarsi a un controllo. Una volta raggiunto e fermato il […]

9 Dec 14:34 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333047331661.html
Macron has failed to lift France's gloom

A nation distrustful of change cannot bring itself to look at the facts.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487383794754.html
Tullow’s timely lesson for bets on battered energy stocks

The search for unfairly undervalued energy investments is peppered with difficulties

9 Dec 17:59 Financial Times 707176889181208883.html
New BioShock game in development at Cloud Chamber

BioShock is an incredible first-person shooter franchise that deals with the collapse of various isolated communities. Many years ago, the previous developer was shut down by parent company 2K Games, but now, another team has emerged to take its place.

9 Dec 14:29 Windows Central 7807657681139797771.html
Presidentes russo e ucraniano têm primeiro encontro bilateral em Paris

Vladimir Putin e Volodimir Zelenski participam de cúpula sobre guerra na Ucrânica nesta segunda-feira

9 Dec 16:32 Correio do Povo 8875535436604113540.html
They Call Me Rocket: Drunken Raccoon Revels at Christmas Market in Germany - Video

Everybody needs to relax sometimes and crack open a cold one with friends, but alcohol might be tricky for those who lack stamina or for those drinking for the first time.

9 Dec 10:09 Sputniknews 967333868316022778.html
Ada Anggota Rangkap Jabatan, Anggaran TGUPP Rp 19,8 Miliar Disoal

TGUPP bentukan Anies Baswedan kembali diperbandingkan dengan tim Gubernur Ahok.

9 Dec 11:32 Tempo 8197554463210585962.html
Szanghaj: wyjątkowy koncert muzyki z polskich gier komputerowych

Symfoniczne aranżacje muzyki z polskich gier komputerowych zabrzmią w poniedziałek w prestiżowej sali szanghajskiego Oriental Arts Center. Gry komputerowe tworzone przez polskie firmy stały się w Chinach rozpoznawalną marką.

9 Dec 15:22 Polskie Radio 2539990557327743363.html
The OnePlus TV just crossed a key milestone

Netflix support is finally coming to these Android-powered TVs. Anyone who already owns a OnePlus TV set should get access through the latest update.

9 Dec 17:39 Trusted Reviews 12694854488739418.html
The yoga link between China and Chennai

How the meditative cultures of China and India inspired Joshna Ramakrishnan to set up her own yoga studio, Atma Yoga Shala, in Guangzhou

9 Dec 12:37 The Hindu 6679535024399289613.html
'Some stuff we receive is disgraceful': Charity asks public to stop donating soiled or dirty items

Members of the public who donate to homeless charities this Christmas are asked to refrain from handing in soiled duvets and underwear or blankets which have previously been used by dogs and are covered in hair.

9 Dec 14:08 Irishexaminer 8196011179586446399.html
Semana clave para el presidente de Chile y su ex ministro de Interior

Esta semana será clave para el presidente Sebastián Piñera y su ex ministro del Interior Andrés Chadwick, pues sobre ambos pesan sendas acusaciones constitucionales en el Congreso de la República.

9 Dec 10:43 Escambray 1851904802785919255.html
Trainerumfeld: Kovac-Interesse an Arsenal-Trainerjob „absoluter Quatsch“

Niko Kovac will entgegen Medienberichten aktuell nicht Trainer des FC Arsenal werden. Nach Informationen der Deutschen Presse-Agentur sind Spekulationen, ...

9 Dec 11:36 swp.de 6929179440332616333.html
Turns Out a Wild Geoengineering Plan to Refreeze Arctic Sea Ice Isn't the Best Idea

As the world spins closer to climate catastrophe, fringe ideas are inching toward the mainstream. Geoengineering is among the topics that were once verboten but are now finding traction. And that includes some pretty out-there ideas, including ones focussed on saving polar ice by pumping massive amounts of seawater onto the surface of ice, where it will refreeze quicker and strengthen all icepack against melting.

9 Dec 14:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001560440775.html
Ayudia Bing Slamet Memaknai Hari Ibu 22 Desember

22 Desember dirayakan sebagai Hari Ibu. Bagaimana Ayudia Bing Slamet memaknainya

9 Dec 16:00 liputan6.com 3414318497186268701.html
WhatsApp, arriva l’avviso di chiamata su Android ma niente telefonate in attesa | MobileLabs

WhatsApp ora ci notifica l'arrivo di una seconda chiamata mentre siamo già impegnati in una telefonata. Non c'è però la possibilità di mettere in attesa la chiamata.

9 Dec 13:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147070725269341.html
160 Palestinian cars vandalised in suspected hate crime: Police

More than 160 cars were vandalised in a Palestinian neighbourhood of Jerusalem with anti-Arab slogans scrawled nearby, Israeli police said Monday, in a suspected hate crime.

9 Dec 16:26 WION 1570469241691215000.html
Comisión Estatal de Elecciones certifica al Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana

El partido ahora podrá participar en las próximas elecciones

9 Dec 14:05 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309454569758.html
3 Monate Haft auf Bewährung für Frankreichs Linkspolitiker Mélenchon

Der französische Politiker hatte Polizisten bei einer Hausdurchsuchung bedroht.

9 Dec 10:20 euronews 4540914626393300867.html
Exeter's fondly remembered 'celebrity' hairdresser passes away in husband's arms

Such was her talent that she was asked by Ford Motors to design a hairstyle – The Capri – to coincide with the launch of the Ford Capri in 1969

9 Dec 10:01 DevonLive 2469244511913112147.html
Filipino boxers set the standard in SEA Games finals

CLARK, Dec 9 — Thirteen boxing gold medals were up for grabs at the South-east Asian Games today, and it was Filipino fighters who set the pace in the early bouts. The fifth and final day of the boxing programme climaxed with the 30th SEA Games’ very own Thrilla in Manila in front of a raucous...

9 Dec 12:06 Malaymail 302165936489346396.html
Stay away from YES Bank till fund raising takes place: Gurmeet Chadha

There is news that YES Bank may deny Erwin Singh Braichs offer. My sense is while the board recommended it, it is probably having a rethink on how it is going to work out with RBI. My advice to investors is to stay away from YES Bank till the fundraise actually happens. The frequent flip-flop is fast becoming a joke.

9 Dec 12:16 The Economic Times 7653256037925774497.html
Turkiet skickar tillbaka fler IS-anhängare

Turkiet Elva franska medborgare som Turkiet beskriver som "utländska terrorister" har deporterats till Frankrike, enligt ett uttalande från det turkiska inrikesdepartementet.

9 Dec 09:06 www.unt.se 8922556088649629390.html
Girl, 12, allegedly knocked unconscious outside school gates

Ordeal was filmed and circulated on Instagram

9 Dec 12:10 BristolLive 4740742016655771087.html
Os melhores programas de download de torrent para Windows e Android

Saiba quais são os melhores clientes para fazer o download de arquivos torrent no PC ou no celular

9 Dec 13:50 Olhar Digital 416591716357734624.html
FC Salzburg's Erling Haaland 'living the dream' ahead of Liverpool clash

Erling Haaland has said he is "living the dream" as he attempts to score in a sixth successive Champions League game this week against Liverpool.

9 Dec 15:31 ESPN 8538773403103734650.html
Mysteries van het eindejaar: waarom zijn we laat (met kerstinkopen)?

We stellen uit, onze planning valt in duigen - mensen zijn niet geneigd hun deadlines te halen. Waarom is dat zo?

9 Dec 09:14 Site-Knack-NL 6755692568884363599.html
Firea amana vinieta pentru Bucuresti cu doua luni: Cetatenii sa aiba timp de informare si constientizare

Primarul Gabriela Firea a anuntat, luni, ca programul Oxigen privind vinietele nu va mai intra in vigoare din ianuarie 2020, ci din luna martie a anului viitor.

9 Dec 16:08 Ziare.com 1922730286581035226.html
Díaz-Canel sostiene amplio diálogo con intelectuales argentinos

Díaz-Canel sostiene amplio diálogo con intelectuales argentinos

9 Dec 14:28 cubasi.cu 5416914686373648506.html
'Hilarious': Iraq leaders laugh off new US sanctions

An Iraqi paramilitary leader and a politician have laughed off financial sanctions Washington recently placed on them for alleged corruption and human rights abuses.  "They should have given us this honour a long time ago," said Qais al-Khazali, one of the newly-sanctioned figures, in sardonic remarks to an audience of supporters on Sunday. Khazali heads Asaib Ahl al-Haq, a pro-Iran armed faction that makes up part of the broader Hashed al-Shaabi security force tied to the Iraqi state. 

9 Dec 08:42 WION 1570469240478526436.html
Austria: Government declines to implement glyphosate ban for 2020

Austria's government said Monday it would not implement a ban on the controversial herbicide glyphosate, despite MPs having voted for it to come into effect on January 1. In a letter to the speaker of parliament, Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein said the European Commission had not been given the necessary notification about the measure and it therefore could not enter into force.

9 Dec 16:40 WION 1570469241771666310.html
Politics in Morocco Difficult, Government Doesn’t Rule: Benkirane

Morocco's former Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane said Saturday his country is not experiencing an ideal democracy, and “its government doesn’t rule.” He stressed that politics is difficult in the country but not impossible. “I have been away for a

9 Dec 15:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932991179331.html
Cloud Chamber Taking Care of the Next BioShock Game, 2K Reveals

2K announced the foundation of Cloud Chamber, a studio based in Novato, California, and Montréal, Quebec. They are working on a new BioShock.

9 Dec 13:34 Wccftech 3677959679281000762.html
Tuttosport - ADL può fare eccezione sui diritti d'immagine per avere Ibrahimovic: la situazione

Si infiamma la strada che porta a Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Sul possibile approdo al Napoli dell'attaccante svedese scrive così Raffaele Auriemma

9 Dec 08:12 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081035930987.html
Le Sardine arrivano a Olbia, sabato il flash mob

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:21 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205858698712.html
Jelang Umroh, Ely Sugigi Ingin Ketemu dan Minta Maaf ke Anak

Awal pergantian tahun nanti, Ely Sugigi bakal menjalankan ibadah umroh bersama pacar brondong barunya, Adit. Sebelum berangkat beribadah, ia mengaku ingin sekali ketemu dengan putri kecilnya, Ulfi dan meminta maaf.

9 Dec 12:00 Cumicumi.com 7480087990855985156.html
Incidenti v Piranskem zalivu se nadaljujejo vsakodnevno

Incidenti v Piranskem zalivu se tudi praktično dve leti po sicer enostranski slovenski implementaciji arbitražne odločitve o meji s Hrvaško nadaljujejo vsakodnevno, so danes sporočili iz vladnega urada za komuniciranje (Ukom). Letos je bilo celo za četrtino več vplutij hrvaških policijskih čolnov v slovensko morje kot lani.

9 Dec 17:28 Primorske novice 8884558926418597406.html
Doping, Russia esclusa dalle Olimpiadi per 4 anni

Russia esclusa delle Olimpiadi: la sanzione choc Wada

9 Dec 10:50 Affari Italiani 6123405402943764797.html
Hevder at Dorsin erstatter Bjørnebye

Den mangeårige Rosenborg-backen Mikael Dorsin (38) blir klubbens nye sportslige leder, ifølge Adresseavisen.

9 Dec 09:33 TV 2 8210067770077024545.html
NBA Above the Break: Die Knicks und ihre Coaches, Bostons junge Stars und die Dominanz der Lakers

Die New York Knicks haben ihren Head Coach David Fizdale entlassen, die Los Angeles Lakers pflügen weiter durch die Liga. Bei den Boston Celtics entwickeln sich zwei junge Wings zur gleichen Zeit und die Miami Heat haben ihren eigenen MIP-Kandidaten.

9 Dec 08:49 SPOX 8395423525893948736.html
Senate passes amendments to 10 articles of trade union law

The Senate on Monday approved draft amendments to 10 articles of the Law on Trade Unions at the fourth session of the fourth legislature. It did so without modification, following its approval by the National Assembly last month. The 10 articles comprise Articles 3, 17, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 54, 55 and 59 of the Law on Trade Unions, which was promulgated in 2016.

9 Dec 16:20 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766114830414003.html
Boom in seahorse poaching spells bust for Italy’s coastal habitats

Ocean species endangered as black market trade devastates marine life across Puglia region

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978795209226751.html
Semana clave para el presidente de Chile y su ex ministro de Interior

Santiago de Chile, -Esta semana será clave para el presidente Sebastián Piñera y su ex ministro del Interior Andrés Chadwick, pues sobre ambos pesan sendas acusaciones constitucionales en el Congreso de la República.   Los dos son señalados por su responsabilidad política en la desmedida represión policial contra manifestaciones mayormente pacíficas tras el estallido social … Seguir leyendo Semana clave para el presidente de Chile y su ex ministro de Interior →

9 Dec 13:26 La Demajagua 796151393867670319.html
Ponzio y Bertolo fueron declarados inocentes en España

La Justicia española absolvió a los jugadores del Zaragoza y del Levante. Estaban acusados de haber arreglado el resultado de un partido disputado en 2011.

9 Dec 16:51 Mundo D 5646459531627825354.html
Jonny Evans: Leicester inspired by last-gasp Liverpool defeat

The Foxes have won eight straight games, a club record in the top flight.

9 Dec 17:28 Shropshire Star 3480199991860359541.html
American seen wrestling with ID-less off-duty cop in viral video charged with assault

An American banker seen in a now-viral video grappling with a man who turned out to be an off-duty police officer in an MTR station was charged with common assault and assaulting an officer today The incident happened on Saturday at Causeway Bay...

9 Dec 11:24 Coconuts 8871564984145515903.html
Diritti dei bambini: la primaria Rosa Stampa celebra l’acqua

Diritti dei bambini: la primaria Rosa Stampa di Vercelli ha celebrato la giornata dedicata con un focus sull’acqua, bene di primaria importanza.

9 Dec 10:17 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734033439333706.html
'Thomas Cook crash almost ruined my marriage proposal'

First, the tour firm's failure risked a surprise marriage proposal, now Corryn Banham is trying to get her money back.

9 Dec 16:54 BBC News 3883826128026184770.html
Event Highlight: World-Renowned Dr. Dan Siegel speaks on The Science and Practice of Presence

World-renowned researcher, author, and speaker Dr. Dan Siegel has spoken for the King of Thailand, Pope John Paul II, The Dalai Lama, Google University, London’s Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and millions of others. Now he's speaking for you in Santa Barbara at The Consciousness Network’s event on Friday, December 13, to be held in Hahn Hall at The Music Academy of the West. Tickets can be purchased here.

9 Dec 08:28 edhat santa barbara 2501874276148533124.html
Natale a Castelvetere: il programma

Dopo il weekend che ha visto il taglio del nastro di Natale a Castelvetere gli eventi riprenderanno il 13 Dicembre, con il workshop “L’inclusione attraverso il cinema” rivolto ai bambini e alle famiglie a cura di Laceno d’oro e dell’associazione Materia. La giornata del 20 dicembre vedrà protagonista l’associazione sportiva degli “Arcieri del Vecchio Castello”, che da 20 anni ha fatto conoscere la piccola realtà di Castelvetere sul Calore in tutto il mondo a suon di successi di prestigio nazionale ed internazionale e che intratterrà gli ospiti prima con il “Tombolarco”, una tombola a premi e poi con “20 anni di centri”, una cerimonia di premiazione al merito sportivo.

9 Dec 11:28 AvellinoToday 5452883948286479772.html
Ada 95 Aduan Terkait Zonasi PPDB, KPAI Minta Pemerintah Tambah SMP-SMAN

Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) menerima 95 pengaduan terkait kebijakan sistem zonasi dalam Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB).

9 Dec 13:44 detiknews 8793960224720696061.html
Guardiola: Puede que no estemos para competir contra los mejores

Pep Guardiola, entrenador del Manchester City, dejó caer que su equipo no está para competir con los mejores de Europa y que tienen que aceptarlo, mejorar y seguir adelante.Después de perder ante el Manchester United, lo que le aleja a catorce puntos del Liverpool y a seis del Leicester City, Guardiola alabó el nivel de los equipos en Europa."El United tiene la calidad para defender y la calidad para el contraataque y hay que aceptar eso. Ese es el nivel al que te enfrentas contra United, Liverpool, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus... Eso son los que equipos contra los que hay que jugar y la realidad es que quizás no estemos preparados para competir contra ellos", explicó el técnico español."Tenemos que aceptarlo y mejorar", añadió.Pese a los cuatro trofeos domésticos conquistados la temporada pasada, el Manchester City parece lejos de repetir la Premier League por tercer año consecutivo, aunque su camino en el resto de competiciones está siendo tan exitoso como en la campaña anterior. EFE

9 Dec 12:40 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124405958261.html
Finland's Sanna Marin, world's youngest PM

At 34, Sanna Marin will become the world's youngest sitting prime minister when she is sworn in by the Finnish parliament on Tuesday, but she is far from lacking in political experience.

9 Dec 15:20 Digital Journal 4566489172345645917.html
Cincinnati Zoo, Miami Valley Gaming expanding in Warren County

TURTLECREEK TWP. — The Cincinnati Zoo and Miami Valley Gaming racino are both moving forward with big expansions in Warren County.

9 Dec 17:23 Whio 8204027955365249669.html
Kisah di Balik Penemuan Mayat Perempuan, Dibunuh Pria yang Dipacari Selama 7 Tahun, Sudah Membusuk Selama 5 Bulan di Kamar Kos

Sosok mayat perempuan tersebut ditemukan membusuk di indekos di Gang 16 RT 005/003, Kelurahan Sidomoro, Kecamatan Kebomas, Gresik.

9 Dec 15:45 grid.id 6246371058752440223.html
Ghostbusters: Erster Trailer für Afterlife

Im Sommer 2020 kommt ein neuer Ghostbusters-Film in die Kinos, der den Titel „Afterlife“ trägt und heute wurde wie erwartet der erste Trailer veröffentlicht.

9 Dec 14:27 mobiFlip.de 5208441548035434309.html
Fahrzeuge in Death Stranding: Alle Typen freischalten - so geht’s

Welches Modell darf’s sein? In diesem Guide erklären wir euch, wie ihr alle Fahrzeuge in Death Stranding freischalten könnt.

9 Dec 10:15 www.gamepro.de 3610569832874428829.html
Vinzi-Bett steht vor dem Abriss

Die Einrichtung Vinzi-Bett der Vinzi-Werke sucht dringend ein neues Quartier. 2021 wird das Gebäude abgerissen, 50 Menschen stünden dann wieder vor der Obdachlosigkeit.

9 Dec 13:00 Die Presse 6242788855629760629.html
LHC disposes of Maryam's ECL plea, directs govt to resolve matter in seven days

LHC disposes of Maryam's plea for removal of name from ECL

9 Dec 16:53 Dunya News 5863268917702884533.html
WADA ta haramtawa Rasha shiga wasanni tsawon shekaru 4

Hukumar yaki da shan kwayoyin karin kuzari ta duniya WADA, ta haramtawa Rasha shiga dukkanin nau’ikan wasanni a matakin duniya tsawon shekaru 4, saboda samun gwamnatin kasar da laifin boye gaskiyar sakamakon bincike kan batun tu’ammuli da kwayoyin...

9 Dec 17:45 RFI 6057628068233456396.html
CBN: Unconventional monetary policies needed to grow and diversify the economy  

The CBN has disclosed that the need to grow and diversify the country’s economy led to the adoption of its unconventional monetary policy.  

9 Dec 14:16 Nairametrics.com 4741528846348623948.html
Opernhaus Zürich: "Don Pasquale" von Gaetano Donizetti

No Videos! Oper funktioniert auch so. Dank grossartiger Sängerdarstellern, durchdachter Regie und elegant reduzierter Ausstattung. Die aktuelle Zürcher Produktion "Don Pasquale" von Gaetano Donizetti zeigt, wie.

9 Dec 14:05 bz BASEL 5287163742597047198.html
'No great panic' says Clough after Pirelli disappointment

Manager praises effort, admits tiredness was a factor but backs players all the way

9 Dec 10:27 Derbyshire Live 9061707931099309639.html
The Truth About a Hamas Supporter that Might Become England’s Prime Minister on Thursday

On Thursday, December 12, Great Britain will hold their general elections. The leader of the Labour Party (England's version of the Democrats) is a man named Jeremy Corbyn. In the following tongue in cheek video, the Israel Advocacy Movement breaks down why his rise in the polls is so dangerous.  

9 Dec 10:40 Breaking Israel News 540123161342417482.html
EFF to expand using alternative funding models – Shivambu

Shivambu said the party does not want to be reliant on private donors who would want to dictate EFF policy and positions.

9 Dec 17:06 The Citizen 410802300445509117.html
West Bengal one of the least corrupt states: Mamata

West Bengal has emerged as one of the least corrupt states in the country, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said on Monday citing a recent survey conducted in 20 states.

9 Dec 13:56 Deccan Herald 2027555797239760759.html
Mexicano busca lugar en la NFL a través de programa internacional

El liniero ofensivo Isaac Alarcón tendrá la oportunidad de ser visto por cazatalentos de la liga.

9 Dec 15:52 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073372480925.html
City sees big margin gains for BJP

Results will have a bearing on the BBMP council and standing committees

9 Dec 17:01 The Hindu 6679535025522320406.html
World time trial champion Rohan Dennis signs for INEOS

Rohan Dennis split from Bahrain-Merida under a cloud, but the Australian is looking to a bright future after joining Team INEOS.

9 Dec 15:08 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907079289941.html
Pensacola Shooting Suspect Mohammed Alshamrani Was Purportedly’Infuriated’ By An Instructor’s Nickname For Him

The instructor purportedly called him ‘Porn Stash’ in reference to his mustache. The suspect in the Pensacola, Florida Naval Air Station shooting, a flight student identified as Mohammed ...

9 Dec 17:42 The Inquisitr 1745625231128617041.html
Checks on goods needed to protect EU market - Coveney

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has said that there will be a need for checks on goods moving from Britain into Northern Ireland in order to protect the EU Single Market.

9 Dec 13:29 RTE.ie 7595237278279938779.html
Ingreso de divisas por remesas familiares debería financiar proyectos

Guatemala debe crear las condiciones y reglas para garantizar inversiones, y los envíos de dinero podrían financiar proyectos, sobre todo de infraestructura, señala banquero.

9 Dec 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015256423786184.html
Toyota Raize Laris Manis, Lihat 6 Fitur Unggulannya

Resmi dijual untuk pasar otomotif Jepang, Toyota Raize hadir dengan desain SUV compact. Menggunakan basis mobil konsep Daihatsu DN-Trec, mobil diproduksi Daihatsu Motor Company dan dibangun di atas platform DNGA (Daihatsu New Global Architecture).

9 Dec 13:20 liputan6.com 3414318496441782154.html
Shopping-Deal mit FOCUS Online: Mit dem DNA Rasse- und Gesundheitstests von vetevo die Abstammung und Erbkrankheiten Ihres Hundes frühzeitig erkennen - jetzt bestellen und 50 Euro Preisvorteil sichern!

Jeder Tierhalter wünscht sich ein langes und gesundes Leben seines Hundes. Dabei ist die Tiergesundheit kein Zufall. Mithilfe des innovativen DNA-Tests von vetevo können Sie Ihren Hund schnell und einfach auf über 175 Erbkrankheiten testen lassen und gegebenenfalls frühzeitig die richtige Behandlung einleiten. Im FOCUS Online Shopping-Deal erhalten Sie den DNA-Test für nur 149 statt 199 Euro. Sie ermöglichen Ihrem vierbeinigen Freund somit eine gesunde Zukunft – dieser wird es Ihnen danken.

9 Dec 13:44 FOCUS Online 4448121230974225675.html
23-Jähriger randaliert und verletzt Polizisten schwer

Polizei und Feuerwehr in Leverkusen – Wir notieren, was in der Stadt passiert.

9 Dec 11:49 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568921300863.html
A clarion call for today

Pavana Gowda shares what it takes to choose the right film and how she gives every film her best shot

9 Dec 08:17 The Hindu 6679535025266595282.html
Battle of Ohio: Browns win third straight over Bengals

The Cleveland Browns won their third straight game over the Cincinnati Bengals, scoring a 27-19 victory Sunday at FirstEnergy Stadium.

9 Dec 11:10 Whio 8204027954557149084.html
Israel Vallarta solicitó que Loret de Mola testificara en juicio; el periodista se amparó: Guadalupe Vallarta | Entérate

Guadalupe Vallarta informó que su hermano Israel Vallarta solicitó que el periodista Carlos Loret de Mola presentara su testimonio ante las autoridades sobre la cobertura mediática que realizó al operativo en que supuestamente fue capturado junto a la francesa Florence Cassez Florence, pero el comunicador se amparó para evitar la diligencia judicial.

9 Dec 12:23 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495644859943.html
Parco Majella, al via il progetto europeo life arcprom per la convivenza con l’orso bruno

Nota - Questo comunicato è stato pubblicato integralmente come contributo esterno. Questo contenuto non è pertanto un articolo prodotto dalla redazione di ChietiToday

9 Dec 16:52 ChietiToday 1729130452195669412.html
Christmas Comes Early With These 28 Upcoming Dividend Increases

All stocks have at least five fiscal years of dividend growth history and come from the U.S. Dividend Champions List.28 increases for next week (up from 5 last week).An average increase of 5.77%, medi

9 Dec 14:44 Seeking Alpha 5725634557256633605.html
Tres errores que cometemos al relacionar inteligencia y éxito

Superado cierto umbral de cociente intelectual, son mucho más importantes las habilidades de gestión emocional o nuestra determinación

9 Dec 08:39 EL PAÍS 2207347709822048340.html
Leo Ponzio fue absuelto en el juicio por arreglo de partidos

También resultaron inocentes otro par de jugadores argentinos: Nicolás Bertolo (hoy en Banfield) y el arquero ya retirado Leo Franco.

9 Dec 12:25 ESPN 7718891767372698047.html
"Friesenhof": Schließung war rechtswidrig

Das Verwaltungsgericht Schleswig hat entschieden, dass die Schließung von Kinder- und Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen des "Friesenhofs" 2015 rechtswidrig war. Das Land will das Urteil prüfen.

9 Dec 17:24 NDR.de 5356044083814640536.html
Plastics NZ to ‘Make Best Practice Standard Practice'

Plastics NZ Endorses Plan to ‘Make Best Practice Standard Practice’

9 Dec 09:17 SCOOP 5315658998357997207.html
Govt further caps stock limit on onion retailers to 2 tons to check hoarding

Last week, govt had reduced the stock holding limit for retailers to 5 tonnes from 10 tonnes while that on wholesalers to 25 tonnes from 50 tonnes as onion prices were ruling high up to Rs 150 per kg. Retail onion prices have risen in the past two months due to short supply owing to fall in production of kharif (summer) crop after heavy rains.

9 Dec 15:41 The Economic Times 7653256036764562417.html
Hija de Eduardo Palomo conmueve a Mauricio Ochmann con emotivo mensaje

Mauricio Ochmann y Fiona Palomo expresan cuánto se estiman por Instagram.

9 Dec 17:39 Wapa.pe 6757287087913201297.html
Actress Gong Hyo Jin celebrates 20 years since her debut and personally visits her subway ad by fans

Actress Gong Hyo Jin is celebrating 20 years since her debut, and her loving fans got her a subway ad to celebrate.The actress came to visit the a…

9 Dec 16:38 allkpop 3249686060808008882.html
Inilah Para Juara Anugerah Adikarya Wisata 2019

Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan DKI Jakarta kembali menggelar Anugerah Adikarya Wisata 2019. Penghargaan ini diberikan pada bidang usaha dan jasa pariwisata.

9 Dec 15:40 detikTravel 7712517351426007045.html
Frankfurter Immobilie Squaire für 940 Millionen Euro verkauft

Die ikonische Gewerbeimmobilie am Frankfurter Flughafen wechselt den Besitzer. Es ist der teuerste Einzelverkauf des Jahres in Deutschland.

9 Dec 13:09 Handelsblatt 4721373938690853973.html
Consulenti, il digital banking non è vostro nemico

Digital banking nemico dei bancari? Semplicemente una fake news, almeno secondo quanto risulta dal report  della First Cisl.

9 Dec 10:58 bluerating 6922469335779923072.html
I-League: Chennai City favourites against Punjab, East Bengal search for first win of season

Punjab FC have registered just one point from their opening two fixtures, having lost 0-3 to Churchill Brothers, followed by a 1-1 draw against East Bengal.

9 Dec 14:10 Scroll.in 8669301693276065261.html
If Rangers scored offside winner Celtic would want foreign refs and a public inquiry - Ibrox blogger

Jamie Currie was left gutted by the result at Hampden but believes his side showed they are ready to win trophies.

9 Dec 10:13 dailyrecord 552235480677712076.html
Beyoncé Just Unveiled Her Debut Unisex Ivy Park x Adidas Collection

She spoke to Elle about what's next for the brand's new partnership

9 Dec 16:11 NYLON 2502378729142078104.html
Beyond cricket and curry: India could be the next big thing

The India-Australia relationship has been a bit stuck - but it doesn't have to be that way.

9 Dec 13:01 The Age 7967730562540621207.html
Anti-doping agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

The Russian flag and national anthem were banned from next year's Tokyo Olympics and other major sports events for four years on Monday.

9 Dec 10:52 CTVNews 2422791598651879600.html
Diese Weihnachtsplätzchen gelingen immer!

Jetzt geht es wieder an die Öfen! Zur Adventszeit gehört es einfach dazu, selber Plätzchen zu backen. Hier sind fünf leichte Rezepte.

9 Dec 08:50 Bild 8433249909086922685.html
'They took everything' - Mario Rosenstock's warning after burglary gang ransacked home as he watched TV

MARIO Rosenstock has told of his shock after raiders ransacked his home while he and his family were watching TV downstairs.

9 Dec 09:08 Independent.ie 5894610845056411370.html
Poison Fairies - La Guerra dei Moryan: la recensione della trilogia urban fantasy italiana | Cultura Pop

Poison Fairies - La Guerra dei Moryan è la trilogia completa dell'urban fantasy scritto da Luca Tarenzi e ambientato in una discarica popolata da piccoli esseri magici.

9 Dec 13:11 Tom's Hardware 6640147070494257280.html
Atacada por moscas negras en la isla

Aparecen junto al río Un paseo en la naturaleza puede terminar con una rauda huida, ronchas, ardor y lastimaduras.

9 Dec 09:59 El Litoral 2624573358936667163.html
Watch: First trailer for anticipated sequel 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife,' set in Oklahoma, features lots of callbacks and Tulsa native Tracy Letts

Most of the original cast have committed to returning as their beloved characters, although it’s not clear exactly what their part will be in the new story.

9 Dec 14:35 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762021160525.html
Russland für vier Jahre gesperrt

Die Würfel sind gefallen: Die WADA suspendiert Russland für vier Jahre. Das heißt, russische Sportler dürfen an bestimmten sportlichen Events nicht...

9 Dec 10:22 RTL.DE 7054729453091093101.html
SACP set to rally behind Ramaphosa's ANC leadership | IOL News

The SACP looks set to rally behind President Cyril Ramaphosa's leadership of the ANC.

9 Dec 13:23 www.iol.co.za 17825111196840216.html
Afghanistan, autobomba uccide 10 soldati

Un furgoncino-bomba è stato fatto saltare in aria da un guidatore kamikaze, uccidendo almeno 10 militari e paramilitari governativi di stanza presso una base militare del distretto di Nad Ali, nella provincia afghana meridionale di Helmand. (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:42 ANSA.it 1300837447740430983.html
Wenn das Streben nach Perfektion tödlich ist

Immer wieder nehmen sich Stars des K-Pop-Business das Leben, allein in den letzten zwei Monaten zwei. Warum?

9 Dec 16:15 SRF 8424707180577232302.html
'Hazard zorgt voor chaos bij Real Madrid, directe transfer is enige oplossing'

Eden Hazard verhuisde afgelopen zomer voor 100 miljoen euro van Chelsea naar Real Madrid. Een droomtransfer voor de Rode Duivel, maar wie weet wel een nachtmerrie voor Real.

9 Dec 11:30 Voetbal24 8097814616116155502.html
Ferrol: Armas ya tiene sus primeros tilos

La futura fisonomía de la plaza toma forma con la plantación de cuatro ejemplares arbóreos llegados de Holanda en una delicada operación de transporte y descarga

9 Dec 17:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613101658220.html
Jamie Redknapp explains impact Fred has had on Man Utd- and why he finally deserves credit

The Brazilian midfielder's performances have improved greatly this season following a difficult start to life at Old Trafford

9 Dec 08:29 mirror 675785261185650078.html
CBS’ harassment and misogyny allegations extend to local stations, report says

CBS parted ways with ex-CEO Les Moonves amid sexual misconduct claims over a year ago but the network’s local affiliates continue to face allegations of past harassment and misogyny, according to a new report.

9 Dec 15:42 Fox News 7362823820828069888.html
Secuestran a mujer en taxi robado pero delincuentes se vuelcan y termina prensada, Morelos

El vehículo se impactó de frente contra un poste, después dio algunas vueltas y en los giros arrastró a una motocicleta, hasta que finalmente quedó estampado en el estacionamiento de un comercio

9 Dec 16:13 EL GRÁFICO 2926497602240199072.html
No let-up in Macron's duel with unions on fifth day of strikes

Trade unions called for more street protests after nationwide strikes aimed at forcing President Emmanuel Macron to abandon his pension reforms caused chaos on France's transport networks for a fifth day on Monday. The week ahead will test whether Macron can deliver the social and economic change

9 Dec 12:17 Yahoo 7097669638389454153.html
Guatemala denunció ante autoridades de EE. UU. el caso del adolescente migrante fallecido

El presidente Jimmy Morales refirió que desde que se conoció sobre el deceso del guatemalteco se pidió realizar las investigaciones pertinentes.

9 Dec 17:52 Publinews 8987875304786717968.html
Les Parisiens se replacent dans les classements annexes

Avec ses trois attaquants buteurs du côté de Montpellier ce samedi, les joueurs du PSG se replacent peu à peu dans le haut des classements annexes de la L1.

9 Dec 17:55 CulturePSG 4652604846192851533.html
A Pomezia la proiezione del nuovo documentario di Michele Santoro: viaggio nella trap e dibattito con gli studenti

Si è conclusa poco fa a Pomezia la proiezione del nuovo documentario di Michele Santoro «Volare», un viaggio dentro il fenomeno della trap music. All’evento, tenutosi presso il teatro dell’IC Via della Tecnicna, sono state invitate le classe quarte del Liceo Pablo Picasso di Pomezia. Al termine della proiezione, a cui hanno preso parte Luca […]

9 Dec 12:20 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337607058406.html
Diese 3 Sternzeichen sind ohne Partner glücklicher

Viele halten es einfach nicht aus, alleine zu sein. Sie stürzen sich von einer Beziehung in die nächste. Jedoch gibt es auch Menschen, lieber single sind.

9 Dec 13:14 miss 1375730021055725457.html
South Korea: Gov’t Seeks to Tax Crypto Transactions as Capital Gains

South Korea's government plans to tax capital gains returns on cryptocurrency transactions.

9 Dec 09:00 Cointelegraph 3050247241154568257.html
Sexton ruled out for Leinster but extent of knee injury uknown

Johnny Sexton has been ruled out of Leinster's Heineken Champions Cup meeting with the Northampto...

9 Dec 12:13 Newstalk 7635722257942083433.html
Wolenberg asumió como intendente de Leandro N Alem

En la mañana del lunes se realizó el acto de asunción de las nuevas autoridades municipales en Leandro N Alem. El flamante intendente tomó juramento a sus nuevos secretarios en un acto colmado por...

9 Dec 11:39 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724864086717.html
Prosus hikes hostile bid for Just Eat

LONDON, Dec 9 — Prosus, Europe’s largest consumer-tech company, said today it has hiked its hostile takeover bid for Just Eat, in an attempt to derail the latter’s merger deal with peer Takeaway.com. Prosus announced in a statement that it has lifted its bid to £74 pence per share or about...

9 Dec 12:13 Malaymail 302165935578018660.html
Les produits du terroir marocains vedettes du Salon international au Moyen-Orient

Le Salon International de l’Alimentation SIAL pour sa 10ème édition a ouvert ses portes du 09 au 11 Décembre à Abu-Dhabi. Initiée pour la septième année co

9 Dec 16:55 EcoActu 4324246081350270783.html
I ragazzi della Petrassi sul palco dell’Auditorium Due Pini

Con l’approssimarsi delle festività natalizie in ogni scuola gli studenti, piccoli e grandi, preparano i loro messaggi d’auguri a genitori, parenti ed

9 Dec 12:00 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342617830520748.html
Haniyeh Arrives in Turkey on 1st Leg of Long Tour

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh arrived in Turkey on Sunday as part of a tour abroad, his first since assuming power in May 2017. Haniyeh heads a large delegation including the deputy chief of the Hamas politburo, Saleh Arouri, head of Hamas Diaspora Off

9 Dec 08:15 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933582792131.html
FC Barcelona | Italia ofrece acomodo a Jean-Clair Todibo

El AC Milan ha sido el último conjunto en posicionarse en la carrera por el central francés que no ha terminado de hacerse con un hueco en el FC Barcelona. Continúan sucediéndose las especulaciones (...)

9 Dec 09:25 Fichajes 157935406054312800.html
Barcelona vs Real Madrid, Siapa Lebih Buruk di Pertahanan?

Barcelona dan Real Madrid bersaing ketat di La Liga musim 2019/2020. Kedua tim bersaing di posisi paling atas klasemen

9 Dec 11:01 Bola.net 5489959029490006901.html
Doping-Skandal: Russland für vier Jahre gesperrt

Wie erwartet: Russland wurde für Olympia 2020 und 2022 gesperrt, russische Athleten dürfen aber unter neutraler Fahne starten. Ist damit der seit Sotschi 2014 schweldende Skandal rund um...

9 Dec 11:37 Die Presse 6242788854571782124.html
PIC OF THE DAY:Temptation On The First Day Of Marriage

The picture below is doing rounds on social media, Imagine your wife’s bridesmaids showing some serious leg game and you as the unfortunate groom have to avoid looking at all costs and concentrate on your bride. These are indeed ‘Hostile’ Conditions. To View and Apply for the latest Jobs and Vacancies in Zimbabwe, Please Visit …

9 Dec 17:04 iHarare News 2755902708036474631.html
Big knit energy: how the statement sweater killed the Christmas jumper

From Chris Evans’s Aran in Knives Out to Bond’s tight-fitting one in No Time to Die, the new era of attitude jumpers has begun

9 Dec 16:04 the Guardian 1491978795878743345.html
Abdullah’s Team Sees No Outcome from Election Meeting

Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah’s campaign team at a news conference on Monday said the meeting about the elections in Kabul was politically-motivated, which could not lead to a solution.

9 Dec 15:55 TOLO news 5578851437800975821.html
Abdullah’s Team Sees No Outcome from Election Meeting

Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah’s campaign team at a news conference on Monday said the meeting about the elections in Kabul was politically-motivated, which could not lead to a solution.

9 Dec 15:55 TOLO news 5578851438773240931.html
Erdbeben in der Toskana reißen Menschen aus dem Schlaf

Rom (dpa) - Eine Serie von Erdbeben hat in Mittelitalien am frühen Morgen viele Menschen aus dem Schlaf gerissen. Schäden und Verletzte wurden zunächst nicht gemeldet. Das Zentrum lag in der Nähe von Borgo San Lorenzo in der Toskana nördlich von Florenz. Das stärkste der Beben mit einer Stärke von 4,5 ereignete sich um 04.37 Uhr, wie das Nationale Institut für Geophysik und Vulkanologie mitteilte. Viele Menschen verließen ihren Häuser. Zahlreiche Zugverbindungen wurden wegen nötiger Kontrollen des Schienennetztes unterbrochen, darunter auch die Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke Florenz-Bologna.

9 Dec 08:51 DIE WELT 6197693428502289056.html
Leinster rule Sexton out of Aviva date with Saints due to knee injury

The captain had to be helped from the field early in the second half of the win in Franklin’s Gardens.

9 Dec 13:34 The42 5369852630551477840.html
The Pros and Cons of Standard vs. Itemized Tax Deductions

It shields a portion of your earnings from income tax. While the standard deduction is the government's built-in subtraction that you can take while preparing your taxes, itemizing is composed of individual deductions that, together, can help lower the amount of taxable income you pay. Read on to

9 Dec 15:14 Yahoo 7097669638414924510.html
Alimentos que son negativos para tu salud y también para el medio ambiente

Nueve de los quince principales factores de riesgo para la morbilidad global son el resultado de una mala calidad de la dieta alimentaria. Situación que se vincula también con el deterioro del planeta.

9 Dec 12:10 Wapa.pe 6757287089157515808.html
Ekonomi Melambat, Harta Orang Terkaya RI Malah Tancap Gas!

WE Online, Jakarta -

9 Dec 09:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835401208921.html
Derby-Pleite: Pep kann Titel abhaken

Pep Guardiola kann mit Manchester City die Titelträume wohl begraben - schon 14 Punkte Rückstand.

9 Dec 13:37 sport.oe24.at 8086682661251534134.html
Record number of domestic abuse incidents reported in North

Officers respond to domestic abuse incident every 17 minutes, PSNI says

9 Dec 08:00 The Irish Times 8204772967435378865.html
Basta il codice fiscale per scoprire chi ha chiesto un prestito a Findomestic

La procedura per monitorare la pratica di prestito con la banca sfrutta il codisce fiscale. Un'informazione che potrebbe essere usata per campagne di phishing

9 Dec 10:20 Wired 7504010957252613448.html
PROBABILI FORMAZIONI NAPOLI GENK/ Diretta tv, chi al fianco di Mertens in attacco?

Probabili formazioni Napoli Genk: diretta tv, le scelte dei due allenatori per la partita dello stadio San Paolo che si gioca in Champions League.

9 Dec 15:48 IlSussidiario 495412294312238566.html
From avocados to Instagram: the decade in food

The 2010s brought seismic change to the UK’s culinary landscape says critic and restaurateur Tim Hayward

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978794611508819.html
Video: le pusieron la marcha peronista a los macristas que dejaban la plaza

Este grupo de amigos pasó en un auto y no tuvieron mejor idea que poner la marcha peronista a todo lo que da, mientras los macristas dejaban las inmediaciones de la Casa Rosada. Esta fue su reacción.

9 Dec 12:08 Diario Registrado 7686014737459614584.html
Get this UNMISSABLE Amazon Instant Pot Christmas gift deal NOW as it ends TODAY

Amazon Instant Pot deals like this are rare, so bag it now before it sells out — it is the ideal Christmas gift

9 Dec 09:05 T3 267522093551499289.html
Recent cut in corporate tax rate was done to boost investments: CEA

"Private investment is the driver of economic growth. Steps that we are taking, be it corporate tax rate cut, be it code on wages and industrial relations, is to try and create a more favourable environment for investment," Chief Economic Adviser KV Subramanian said at the FICCI Young Leaders Summit. He said investment is required for a sustained economic growth.

9 Dec 09:07 The Economic Times 7653256037849091812.html
Oberösterreich steht bei Rating weiter sehr gut da

Oberösterreich steht im Urteil der internationalen Ratingagentur Standard & Poor’s (S & P) weiter gut da. Trotz gewisser Unwägbarkeiten durch die ...

9 Dec 10:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092747023812.html
Actress in Peloton's viral holiday commercial says she is 'shocked and overwhelmed' by the response, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "To say I was shocked and overwhelmed by the attention this week (especially the negative) is an understatement," the actress said in a statement.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:12 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756563578293.html
Übeltäter ausgeforscht: Austria findet den Fahnen-Hisser

Es handelt sich dabei um eine Person, die seit der Saison 2012/13 bei den Favoritnern Hausverbot hat.

9 Dec 10:54 Kurier 208072239597314401.html
Trendwende offiziell! FC Bayern steigt in neues Riesen-Projekt ein

FC Bayern goes eSports! Wie der deutsche Rekordmeister bekannt gibt, steigt der Verein nun auch in den eSports ein und geht mit einem eigene Team an der Start. Allerdings mit einer Voraussetzung.

9 Dec 17:17 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239903012925.html
Letter of the Day: Youth need suicide prevention now

Letter to the editor from Karen Leis

9 Dec 16:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104418993576060.html
Han descubierto una forma de extender las actualizaciones de seguridad de Windows 7 en todos los sistemas

BypassESU es la herramienta que se salta la verificación de licencia para permitir a cualquiera instalar las actualizaciones de seguridad extendidas de...

9 Dec 11:12 Genbeta 6187700361976639848.html
Villa Park in salute to legend Ron Saunders

Villa fans paid tribute to legendary manager Ron Saunders during yesterday’s Premier League clash with Leicester.

9 Dec 09:55 Express & Star 7324224458975976614.html
CorrSport – Ritiro comunicato tramite whatsapp e mail, il Napoli si difende in vista del collegio arbitrale

L’edizione odierna puntualizza i dettagli sulla bagarre legale che coinvolgerà il Napoli e i suoi calciatori. Al centro del dibattito l’ammutinamento del 5 novembre e le successive multe che ne sono derivate. 24 collegi arbitrali, uno per ogni calciatore. Il Napoli – riporta sempre il quotidiano – chiarisce fin da subito la sua posizione: il […]

9 Dec 10:01 Spazio Napoli 1933866184590133294.html
Greta Thunberg cedió el protagonismo a otros activistas en cumbre del clima en Madrid

La crisis climática "no es un problema futuro, sino algo que ya nos afecta", dijo este lunes la popular Greta Thunberg durante una breve intervención en la cumbre del clima en Madrid, en la que la joven cedió el protagonismo de este acto con jóvenes al resto de activistas medioambientales.Era la primera vez que Thunberg intervenía en esta cumbre de la ONU, que ya había visitado el viernes pasado poco después de llegar a Madrid tras viajar toda la noche en tren desde Lisboa para unirse a la Marcha por el Clima, organizada por diversas organizaciones de jóvenes activistas ambientales.También se ha estrenado en esta cumbre el movimiento juvenil Fridays For Future (FFF), surgido a raíz de "las sentadas" cada viernes de la joven sueca ante las puertas del Parlamento de su país para protestar por la inacción de los gobiernos contra el calentamiento global.Muy delgada, con su tradicional trenza a un lado y vestida con pantalones grises de deporte y una camiseta de manga larga, Thunberg centró el foco de sus palabras…

9 Dec 11:19 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347663918289.html
Mellon: Referee 'bottled' Tranmere penalty shouts in Accrington Stanley stalemate

The Rovers boss has hit out at the officials after Saturday's 1-1 draw

9 Dec 10:50 Liverpool Echo 7727211174839524217.html
U.S. Confirms Lavrov To Visit Washington, Meet With Pompeo

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will travel to Washington to meet for talks with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on December 10, the U.S. State Department has said in a brief statement.

9 Dec 09:20 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 5891794163529041842.html
Markets surge on jobs, trade

By Michael McCarthy (chief market strategist, CMC Markets and Stockbroking)

9 Dec 11:47 SCOOP 5315659000176839368.html
10 patéticos influencers que hicieron publicaciones indignantes

Todos hemos tenido un momento “influencer” en el que posamos como modelos para nuestras redes sociales. Pero como todo en la vida, hay límites, y existen personas que NO respetan la naturaleza, las reglas o la convivencia con tal de seguir inflando su popularidad digital.

9 Dec 09:00 De10 2223489867896135914.html
'I Medici', le anticipazioni della terza puntata

Lunedì 9 dicembre, in prima serata Rai1, altri due episodi della terza stagione

9 Dec 14:11 Today 178378751251171237.html
PSD will attack at CCR laws assumed by Gov't if Parliament has same topics drafted

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) will attack at the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) any law the Government assumes responsibility on if...

9 Dec 14:47 Stiri pe surse 4858045013324371439.html
Dagboek van high class escort Tess: mijn moeder ontdekt mijn geheim

"Ik blijf mama strak aankijken, maar ik voel het bloed uit mijn gezicht stromen. 'Sorry?' vraag ik. 'Werk jij als escort?' vraagt ze opnieuw"

9 Dec 15:49 Glamour 7276994001251854394.html
Time to Remodel Your Portfolio With Home Depot Stock

Home Depot stock is finally finding some support after a sharp 10% drop. HD should begin to head higher over the coming weeks.

9 Dec 14:47 InvestorPlace 24614511087186051.html
Ancelotti: La maleta de un entrenador siempre debe estar lista

Carlo Ancelotti, técnico que vive un momento de profunda crisis al frente del Nápoles, aseguró este lunes que "la maleta de un entrenador siempre debe estar lista", al comentar la posibilidad de que nuevos resultados negativos puedan provocar su eventual despido.Ancelotti explicó que su prioridad es sacar al Nápoles de su crisis de resultados, pues su equipo no gana desde hace nueve partidos, y que no está preocupado por una posible destitución, en la rueda de prensa previa al trascendental partido de Liga de Campeones contra el Genk, en el que busca el billete para los octavos de final."La maleta de un entrenador siempre debe estar lista, no puedes vaciarla. Creo que estar en una situación delicada es absolutamente normal en este momento. Estoy preparado y es una experiencia que ya he vivido en el pasado", dijo Ancelotti."No me asusta ni me preocupa que un día el club pueda destituirme o yo irme. Si se dan determinadas condiciones, hay que seguir juntos. Si no, es correcto por ambos que cerremos nuestro vínculo"…

9 Dec 13:31 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852126072185324.html
Niño extraviado fue asesinado y enterrado en una barranca de Juchitepec, Edomex

Declaraciones de familiares y testigos refieren que el menor sali&oacute; de su vivienda la ma&ntilde;ana del s&aacute;bado, minutos despu&eacute;s de que su madre saliera con rumbo a su trabajo, y despu&eacute;s de un operativo de b&uacute;squeda dieron con el cuerpo semienterrado del menor.

9 Dec 17:14 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623402513991.html
England to wear black armbands in tribute to Bob Willis

England players will wear black armbands during the first Test of their tour of South Africa in honour of former bowler Bob Willis.

9 Dec 13:49 Sporting Life 7709795076926375778.html
Angel Lelga Tiding Vicky Prasetyo Gelapkan Uang Sebesar 900 Juta

Angel Lelga mengatakan Vicky Prasetyo telah menggelapkan uang milik rekan bisnisnya.

9 Dec 12:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182697968403953.html
Grandiose Bilder aus Skandinavien: Ein Winter zum Träumen in Lappland

Wie schön kann bitte der Winter sein? Diese Bilder aus Lappland sind einfach grandios. Ein Weihnachtsmarkt im tiefen Schnee ist halt doch etwas ganz anderes.

9 Dec 09:43 wetter.de 1060100769108477076.html
J&K declares 2 detention locations as subsidiary jails

One is for three former chief ministers – Farooq Abdullah, his son Omar and Mehbooba Mufti. 

9 Dec 16:22 Deccan Herald 2027555796255315392.html
Impresiones: Verdun lanza una increíble actualización gratuita que remasteriza el juego

Verdun es un shooter multijugador basado en la primera guerra mundial y especializado en las trincheras que se acaba de remasterizar con una mega-actualización.

9 Dec 11:42 Generación Xbox 4040846038565276073.html
Saoirse Ronan and Andrew Scott nominated for Golden Globe awards

Irish actress Saoirse Ronan and actor Andrew Scott have been nominated for Golden Globe awards.S...

9 Dec 13:49 Newstalk 7635722257946081528.html
Per gli investitori ci sarà una crisi finanziaria globale nei prossimi cinque anni

Nei prossimi cinque anni ci sarà una crisi finanziaria globale. Così pensa l’83% dei partecipanti, soggetti che gestiscono complessivamente un patrimonio pari a 15 trilioni di dollari, all’indagine condotta a livello globale da Natixis Investment Managers globale su 500 investitori istituzionali tra cui fondi pensione aziendali, fondazioni, fondi pensione pubblici o statali, società di assicurazione e fondi sovrani in Asia, Europa, Nord America, America Latina e Medio Oriente. I cinque principali rischi per i portafogli nel 2020 Nove investitori su dieci, guardando al 2020, inoltre si dicono preoccupati per i livelli record raggiunti dal debito pubblico. Oltre la metà (52%) degli investitori istituzionali ne prevede un aumento in ambito valutario nel 2020, mentre oltre i tre quarti (77%) prevedono un incremento della volatilità dei mercati azionari. Il 62%, infine, prevede una maggiore volatilità dei mercati obbligazionari. Questi fattori possono essere il motivo per cui gli istituzionali classificano la volatilità…

9 Dec 09:53 Wall Street Italia 1518582935345125064.html
The Best the GOP Has? Republicans Put Adam Schiff on Milk Carton at Impeachment Hearing

House Judiciary Committee Republicans put House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s face (D-Calif.) on a milk carton and brought it to a public impeachment hearing on Monday.

9 Dec 12:23 Law & Crime 7990899036889293169.html
James and Aishling finally tie the knot in Cahir wedding of the year

The Saturday night entertainment will go down in history as one of the best shows Cahir GAA and the Cahir Ladies Football Club have ever staged when James and Aisling finally tied the knot in a mock w...

9 Dec 15:29 TipperaryLive 1097599577515844387.html
Alta Fox Opportunities Fund - Koru Medical

KRMD was the biggest winner in the portfolio in Q3.The company currently has ~80% market share of the PIDD subcutaneous market.I believe the company is undervalued.

9 Dec 16:38 Seeking Alpha 5725634557479033152.html
SEGA Games' CEO models the new Sonic Puma trainers

Puma has been busy working alongside SEGA to make some hip and stylish Sonic trainers. The end result is fairly impressive given some of the wacky ideas they could have gone with. The Sonic the Hed…

9 Dec 09:34 My Nintendo News 1055834752971040852.html
Natale nel V municipio: addobbi, laboratori, canti natalizi e 2 fantastici alberi

Un weekend all’insegna dell’ambiente e del Natale, nel V Municipio. Dopo la pedonalizzazione e gli eventi che si sono susseguiti sabato a via Marcianise, domenica l’Amministrazione ha aiutato ben due Comitati del territorio ad allestire e abbellire due alberi di Natale posizionati, rispettivamente, al parco Don Cadmo Biavati e al Parco Giordano Sangalli.  Nel corso […]

9 Dec 16:48 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338813881828.html
Lisa Armstrong hints she's been watching ex Ant McPartlin on I'm A Celebrity

Lisa Armstrong, who is in the process of divorcing Ant McPartlin on the grounds of his adultery, let slip she's been watching the jungle show

9 Dec 14:06 Irish Mirror 2875825628546057724.html
Mga dayuhang delegado, napa-wow sa SEAG hosting sa Pinas

Dangan kasi, habang ang iba nating kababayan ay walang tigil sa pagpuna at pamba-bash sa SEA Games, patuloy naman ang pag-ani ng papuri at pasasalamat ng Pinas sa pagho-host ng 30th SEA Games mula sa mga sports officials at atletang dayuhan.

9 Dec 09:21 Journal Online 6375127391859489119.html
Las remasterizaciones de Bayonetta y Vanquish son toda una realidad

Se han anunciado oficialmente las remasterizaciones de Bayonetta y Vanquish son toda una realidad para consolas actuales.

9 Dec 16:14 Atomix 6373322943608749780.html
Geschäftsmann schildert Kauf von FPÖ-Mandat

Der niederösterreichische Geschäftsmann Ernst Neumayer, der seinen Aussagen zufolge den Kauf eines FPÖ-Mandats durch ukrainische Oligarchen vermittelt haben will, hat am Montag gegenüber dem "Ö1-Morgenjournal" seinen Beitrag geschildert. Er habe damals den Kontakt hergestellt und die Summe auf zehn Mio. Euro hinaufverhandelt. Um die vereinbarte Provision von zwei Mio. sei er dann aber umgefallen.

9 Dec 11:14 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085212958390.html
Trump avisa que Corea del Norte puede perder todo tras anuncio de prueba de Pyongyang

"Kim Jong Un es demasiado listo y tiene mucho que perder, todo en realidad, si actúa de manera hostil", dijo Trump en Twitter.

9 Dec 10:43 CiberCuba 8213836170456598400.html
The 13 most memorable college basketball teams of the decade

John Calipari assembled what was, at the time, considered one of the most stacked college basketball squads in the history of the game for the Kentucky Wildcats in 2014. The Harrison twins ran the backcourt while future NBA stars like Willie Cauley-Stein, Karl Anthony Towns, Trey Lyles, and Devin Booker lit up scoreboards and dominated opponents throughout the season. The Wildcats were ranked first in the AP Poll for the entire year and entered the NCAA tournament with a perfect 34-0 record. Still, the heavy favorites to survive March Madness hit a roadblock against Frank Kaminsky and the Wisconsin Badgers in the Final Four, and the Duke Blue Devils went on to cut down the nets.

9 Dec 17:39 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882794993093.html
India rape-murder victim’s relatives to get guns and guards

Indian police on Monday deployed round-the-clock protection and promised a weapons licence to the family of an alleged rape victim who died after being set on fire on the way to testify in court.

9 Dec 16:06 The Guardian 7580308504583601476.html
Ipsen: Barclays dégrade sa recommandation

Barclays dégrade sa recommandation sur Ipsen de 'surpondérer' à 'pondérer en ligne' et ramène son objectif de cours de 130 à 90 euros, mettant en avan - 09/12/2019 10:38

9 Dec 09:38 ABC Bourse 2538693399826990791.html
Blog ambasadora Erika Nelsona: Građani BiH se s korupcijom bore svakodnevno

Nijedna zemlja nije imuna na korupciju. Razliku, međutim, čini način na koji se neka zemlja bori protiv nje. Stanovnici Bosne i Herecgovine, poput ljudi širom svijeta, zaslužuju dobru vlast i vjeru da se javna sredstva – novac koji je proizvod njihovog napornog rada – ulažu u poboljšanje njihovog svakodnevnog življenja.

9 Dec 15:56 Nezavisne novine 4209150642141429034.html
Maguire says top four in sight for improving Man Utd

Harry Maguire has the top four in his crosshairs after Manchester United's thrilling derby triumph at Manchester City lifted them to fifth in the Premier League table.

9 Dec 10:05 Pulse Live 3606876836115249654.html
Why Eagles are betting question mark against the Giants

While many fans, bettors and media pundits are focused on rusty Eli Manning getting an emergency start for the New York Giants on Monday night in Philadelphia against the Eagles (8:20 p.m., ESPN, Ch.

9 Dec 17:00 New York Post 7654946768464239758.html
Pawan’s Harsh Comments on Fans: Need Some Introspection

The other day, Janasena President

9 Dec 12:18 MIRCHI9 6041804859730428697.html
Cuba presente en el Foro Mundial de Abogados en China

Cuba participa hoy en el Foro Mundial de Abogados, abierto en la ciudad de Guangzhou, sur de China, con el propósito de servir de plataforma para profundizar los intercambios y ampliar la cooperación en la esfera legal

9 Dec 12:12 Granma.cu 7847343384827108411.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer Shows The Return Of Ecto-1 Cadillac

The new trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife shows the return of the iconic Ecto-1 Cadillac. The movie arrives in theaters next summer.

9 Dec 09:38 Motor1.com 1648269240472487293.html
NHS promises from all major parties are 'not physically possible'

Leading public health officials say the manifesto pledges of the Lib Dems, Labour and Tories are misleading or impossible.

9 Dec 10:02 Metro 970161748137002511.html
Milan, Piatek non segnava dalla prima di Pioli contro il Lecce

Una partita non può certamente bastare per cancellare la lunga crisi che ha avuto nelle ultime settimane, ma ieri contro il Bologna si è visto un Kris Piatek diverso. Come riferisce La Gazzetta dello Sport, il numero 9 milanista ha rialzato la testa: il polacco non segnava dalla prima di Pioli contro il Lecce.   

9 Dec 17:12 MilanNews.it 6507305920937215998.html
Un menor viola a otro en primaria de Huimanguillo; padres protestan

Las autoridades escolares pretendieron ocultar la presunta agresión sexual, señalan, por lo que cerraron la escuela.

9 Dec 10:18 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562300579225.html
Warum Kleingärtner auch im Winter anpacken müssen

Nachdem das Laub im Herbst gefallen ist, werden sie sichtbar: zusammengesponnene Blätter an den Triebspitzen von Bäumen entlang der Straßen. Diese Nester schimmern in der Sonne glänzend-silbern.

9 Dec 12:42 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110165782339.html
Actress in Peloton's viral holiday commercial says she is 'shocked and overwhelmed' by the response

The hunt for the actress in Peloton’s viral holiday commercial is officially over.

9 Dec 16:12 Business Insider Australia 5575934300907539893.html
11 Ciri Khusus Burung Hantu dan Fungsinya yang Unik

Ada beberapa ciri khusus burung hantu yang masih jarang diketahui.

9 Dec 12:05 liputan6.com 5422146881685938876.html
India’s Bollywood Borrows Plot from the Life of a Daredevil Civil Servant

New Delhi (Sputnik): An elite Indian civil servant was caught up in a political debate in 2013 when she was suspended for allegedly ordering the demolition of a wall that formed part of a mosque in the communally sensitive northern state of Uttar Pradesh.

9 Dec 11:53 Sputniknews 967333868695130661.html
Netflix reveals Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 3 will return next January

What's up witches, Netflix have revealed Chilling Adventures of Sabrina will return for its third season on January 24. Just 46 days to go.

9 Dec 10:43 Buzz.ie 7092425147018040263.html
Juan Williams: Pelosi is my politician of the year

OPINION: The Speaker has guided the impeachment process masterfully and outmaneuvered Trump.

9 Dec 11:00 TheHill 355432919363334753.html
How to Make Sure Your Communication Is Effective and Doesn't Add to the Noise

Whether you're writing an email, conducting a meeting, or networking, learn to get to the point quickly.

9 Dec 11:28 Inc.com 8604986418640825818.html
Football Talk. Cuesta haakt af voor duel tegen Napoli - Deli klaargestoomd voor Club-Real, Duitse ref moet match leiden

Geen Carlos Cuesta in de selectie van RC Genk voor het Champions League-duel tegen Napoli van dinsdag. De 20-jarige Colombiaan haakt geblesseerd af. De verdediger werd door Hannes Wolf gebruikt als...

9 Dec 16:08 HLN 8967494997901210857.html
Doping Scandal: WADA Bans Russia From All Major Sporting Events Including Olympics, FIFA World Cup For Four Years

athletes who’ll be able to prove that they are untainted by the scandal will be able to compete under a neutral flag.

9 Dec 17:47 Swarajya 4977622829685246789.html
Lessons learned from man’s death have improved safety, inquest hears

Tony McDermott died during loading incident at warehouse in Co Kildare

9 Dec 15:43 The Irish Times 8204772968766891410.html
The no-flush movement: the unexpected rise of the composting toilet

We squander masses of clean water flushing away our own waste instead of using it as fertiliser. But a lavatorial eco revolution has now begun

9 Dec 08:00 the Guardian 1491978795751343545.html
This brand needs sex toy testers to join their 'MasturbaTEAM'

'For science.'

9 Dec 14:18 Metro 970161747718907243.html
Receita Federal exigirá CPF/CNPJ nas encomendas internacionacionais

A Receita Federal do Brasil exigirá, a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2020, que todas as encom...

9 Dec 17:27 UOL Noticias 8892198859715954355.html
Saugroboter: Was Sie beim Kauf beachten sollten - und die besten Geräte aller Preisklassen

Bei welchen Gerät stimmt das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis? Und welche Funktionen braucht der Saugroboter, damit er zu Ihrer Wohnung passt? Hier gibt es die Antwort

9 Dec 17:42 RTL.DE 7054729451975918943.html
Senyum Lionel Messi untuk Bocah Ajaib Jepang, Apa Artinya?

Masih tersisa cerita menarik dari pertemuan Lionel Messi dan Takefusa Kubo saat Barcelona menjamu Mallorca pada pekan ke-16 Liga Spanyol 2019-2020.

9 Dec 17:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436839356580.html
BJP, AAP war of words over Azad Mandi fire continues

Union Minister announces probe into accident, demands higher compensation

9 Dec 16:32 The Hindu 6679535026012995793.html
Whatsapp: Uralt-Funktion wieder da! Das kannst du jetzt mit deinem Smartphone tun

Nutzer von Whatsapp dürfen sich über eine neue Funktion freuen. Die Änderung in der Messenger-App dürfte bei vielen nostalgische Gefühle hervorrufen.

9 Dec 12:55 www.derwesten.de 5765995666957112964.html
England to play Italy in friendly at Wembley in March

England will play a friendly against Italy at Wembley on 27 March as part of their preparations for Euro 2020.

9 Dec 10:29 BBC Sport 3883826127126942156.html
Comienza la XIII Conferencia de Estudios Caribeños

La XIII Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Caribeños abrirá sus puertas desde hoy a expertos de la región en un evento que propone dialogar sobre los diferentes desafíos en el contexto internacional para los países insulares de esta parte del continente

9 Dec 10:39 Trabajadores 1167277447235383873.html
Geschäftsmann schildert Kauf von FPÖ-Mandat

Niederösterreicher will Deal mit russischen Oligarchen ermöglicht haben.

9 Dec 11:42 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440490207980.html
Toronto Film Critics Association names Parasite the year's best movie

The Body Remembers When The World Broke Open, Antigone and Firecrackers are nominated for the best Canadian film prize

9 Dec 14:55 NOW 7434691885950755219.html
Garavaglia smaschera i giallorossi: "Tasseranno perfino l'acqua"

Massimo Garavaglia mette in luce il piano targato M5S-Pd: "Aumenterà tutto: dall'energia alla benzina passando anche per il gasolio".

9 Dec 10:09 ilGiornale.it 5019541224065561819.html
Ford Ranger Sales Are Creeping Up On Chevrolet And Toyota

Ford has rightly fixed a wrong by bringing back its midsize Ranger pickup truck to the North American marke...

9 Dec 14:18 CarBuzz 4034462235898055001.html
Santa Tecla y Sonsonate confirman sede y hora para juegos de semis

Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa Tecla recibirá al FAS el jueves, por la ida de semifinales del Apertura 2019.Los cocoteros jugarán este miércoles ante Alianza y el Santa…

9 Dec 15:37 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190294168835.html
Söder: Einen neuen Koalitionsvertrag gibt es nicht

München (dpa) - Nach dem Führungswechsel bei der SPD hat CSU-Chef Markus Söder die Sozialdemokraten vor überzogenen Forderungen gewarnt. «Einen neuen Koalitionsvertrag gibt es nicht», sagte er vor einer CSU-Vorstandssitzung in München. Verträge müssten eingehalten werden: «Pacta sunt servanda.» Gleichwohl signalisierte Söder Gesprächsbereitschaft: Natürlich könne man über Dinge sprechen, die über den Koalitionsvertrag hinausgingen. Einen Anspruch auf Realisierung dieser Punkte gebe es aber nicht.

9 Dec 10:50 DIE WELT 6197693428920303349.html
Monday's papers: Chris Smalling, Eddie Nketiah, Jadon Sancho

Chris Smalling could be switching Premier League clubs.

9 Dec 11:01 Sports Mole 7750663362508032309.html
Meteo, neve anche in pianura in arrivo in Veneto

Meteo a Nordest: nei prossimi sette giorni l'Italia sarà colpita da vento, pioggia, temporali, neve, nubifragi e mareggiate, da Nord a Sud. Il team del sito ilMeteo.it avvisa che...

9 Dec 10:42 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447886471497.html
China will weiter Uiguren in umstrittenen Lagern “ausbilden”

Trotz weltweiter Kritik will die chinesische Regierung weiterhin die Bevölkerung der Unruheprovinz Xinjiang in umstrittenen Lagern “ausbilden”. “Mit Hilfe der Regierung” hätten Schüler “sichere Arbeitsplätze” erlangt und “ihre Lebensqualität verbessert”, sagte der Vorsitzende der Provinz, Shohrat Zakir, am Montag bei einer Pressekonferenz. Derzeit hätten alle Menschen in den Lagern “ihre Lehrgänge abgeschlossen”, sagte Zakir. Menschen […]

9 Dec 09:03 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170789427057.html
Campaign highlights: DUP attacks Boris Johnson while Labour reveals budget plans

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said he will deliver a budget on February 5 that will end austerity ‘once and for all’.

9 Dec 17:30 Express & Star 7324224460101822527.html
Campaign highlights: DUP attacks Boris Johnson while Labour reveals budget plans

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said he will deliver a budget on February 5 that will end austerity ‘once and for all’.

9 Dec 17:30 Shropshire Star 3480199992555644991.html
The Best STEM Christmas Gifts For Kids

It can feel like the holiday toy-buying gets a little out of hand this time of year. We want to see our kids’ faces light up on Christmas morning, but we don’t want to drown in a sea of plastic to make it happen. That’s why adding a couple of STEM toys into the mix can be such a great middle ground. Kids are...

9 Dec 10:25 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169407245105.html
Boris Johnson says he will stop immigrants from treating Britain 'as their own country'

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to stop European Union migrants from treating Britain “as their own country” if he wins this week’s general election.

9 Dec 09:47 Business Insider Australia 5575934300187749268.html
Južnokorejski Parazit favorit ameriških filmskih kritikov

Losangeleško Združenje filmskih kritikov je v nedeljo naznanilo najboljše filme v letu 2019, med katerimi je izstopal južnokorejski film Parazit režiserja Bong Joon-hoja. S cannsko zlato palmo ovenčani film, zaznamovan s črnim humorjem in družbeno kritiko, je prejel nagradi za najboljši film in režijo.

9 Dec 11:20 Primorske novice 8884558925821531614.html
Irán: Estamos listos para un intercambio total de prisioneros con Estados Unidos

El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Irán, Mohammad Javad Zarif, dijo el lunes que la República Islámica está lista para Estados Unidos

9 Dec 15:50 Noticias de Israel 5887715888632140329.html
S'infuria per l'albero di Natale e picchia la moglie

Arrestato dai carabinieri un uomo residente a Scandiano

9 Dec 09:42 il Resto del Carlino 7209657602194251057.html
Los mejores signos del zodiaco para casarse

Hay algunas personas que son mucho más leales y que se entregan al 100% en un compromiso. Aquí te presentamos a los hombres del zodiaco que serán los mejores esposos.

9 Dec 10:30 Radio Corazón 5615254963578036264.html
How Audio Design Enhances Diablo 2

The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra's community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. The following excerpt comes from author David L. Craddock's Stay Awhile and Listen: Book II - Heaven, Hell, and Secret Cow Levels, available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle ahead of its December 10, 2019 publication date.

9 Dec 11:16 GAMASUTRA 3313346213246305951.html
A Nobel Prize winner dispels myths about retirement, real-estate investing tips, and advice for family-estate planning

Investing Insider is your one-stop shop for high-profile investor interviews, trade recommendations, and actionable analysis.

9 Dec 16:48 Business Insider 6060062401254151885.html
Prediksi West Ham United Vs Arsenal: Duel Inkonsistensi

Arsenal akan menghadapi West Ham United pada laga pekan ke-16 Premier League. Arsenal wajib menang agar mental tim tak makin merosot.

9 Dec 10:30 Bola.com 1695722603558062951.html
WATCH: SA struggling to keep calm in December as load shedding takes its toll | Cape Argus

From the serious to the lighthearted, many South Africans have been sharing their often disgruntled feelings as they endure Eskom's load shedding.

9 Dec 09:12 www.iol.co.za 17825112762728099.html
Prova a separare due ragazzi che stanno litigando per strada: mamma di 25 anni muore accoltellata

Levi Davis, 25 anni e mamma di due bambine, è morta colpita da un coltello dopo essere intervenuta per sedare una discussione scoppiata tra due uomini a Rushden. È probabile che i due, entrambi fermati con l'accusa di omicidio e tentato omicidio, stessero discutendo a causa di un incidente stradale che si era verificato poco prima: 'Stiamo facendo il possibile per consegnare i responsabili alla giustizia'.

9 Dec 14:43 fanpage.it 1517332168386193415.html
Shopping-Deal mit FOCUS Online: Sichern Sie Ihr Portemonnaie mit einer einzigen Blocker-Karte vor Datenklau - jetzt besonders günstig!

Durch NFC-Chips in Bankkarten können Sie kontaktlos bezahlen. Die Datenübertragung erfolgt schnell und komfortabel. Jedoch birgt diese Technologie auch das Risiko des Datenklaus. Mit einer Blocker-Karte können Sie sich genau dagegen schützen. Im FOCUS Online Shopping Deal erhalten Sie die RFID NFC Blocker-Karte von MakakaOnTheRun bis zu 15 Prozent günstiger!

9 Dec 08:17 FOCUS Online 4448121230565890937.html
City Stars maintain lead in NSL

City Stars beat AP 3-1 at the weekend.

9 Dec 15:02 Daily Nation 7421817124304836955.html
Denis Clemente firma con los Capitanes

El gerente general de Arecibo viajó a México para asegurar la firma, reunirse con el dirigente Pachy Cruz y procurar nuevas firmas, como la de David Huertas y algún refuerzo.

9 Dec 15:09 Primera Hora 5092966655114344551.html
Acusan a un grupo de hackers vietnamitas de intentar robar tecnología y secretos comerciales a BMW y Hyundai

Los medios de comunicación alemanes acusan a un grupo de hackers (a quienes se les relaciona con el gobierno de Vietnam) de haber hackeado la red de dos...

9 Dec 09:16 Genbeta 6187700363110441360.html
InPost uruchamia swojego ChatBota w Asystencie Google

ChatBot InPostu, dostępny w Asystencie Google, pomoże nam w odszukaniu naszej przesyłki lub zlokalizowaniu najbliższego Paczkomatu.

9 Dec 16:15 Tabletowo.pl 3941365662809746968.html
Meryl Streep breekt eigen record met 34e Golden Globe-nominatie

Meryl Streep heeft haar eigen record gebroken met de 34e nominatie voor een Golden Globe in haar carrière. Ze maakt dit jaar kans op een beeldje voor haar rol in de serie Big Little Lies.

9 Dec 16:21 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049739993681.html
Sonko no-show in Voi

Sources at the Voi court also said they were expecting Sonko to appear and face charges

9 Dec 10:05 Daily Nation 7421817123863085020.html
Francia, en alerta por huelga de transporte

Se espera que hoy circulen sólo 20% de los trenes de alta velocidad (TGV) y casi 30% de los regionales; las líneas que conectan con España e Italia, seguirán totalmente suspendidas

9 Dec 09:48 El Informador 103545929496055623.html
N. Korea believed to test new rocket engine to provoke US

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - A day after North Korea said it had performed a "very important test" at its long-range rocket launch site, there is wide speculation that it involved a new engine for either a space launch vehicle or a long-range missile.

9 Dec 09:22 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637770290215.html
Geschäfte verlaufen sehr gut

Durchwegs positiv sind die Reaktionen des burgenländischen Handels auf den Verlauf des Weihnachtsgeschäftes. Besonders reges Treiben herrschte im ...

9 Dec 12:16 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093984586409.html
Fuller House's Rocket League episode ranked from most- to least-believable moments

There is a new episode of Fuller House where Rocket League is prominently featured. It's much more than a cameo; it's a major plot device that drives the primary narrative.  With that sort of spotlight shone on Rocket League,...

9 Dec 13:00 Destructoid 5545714966403704631.html
Acusaciones constitucionales contra Piñera y Chadwick marcan la semana del Congreso y el Gobierno

Las acciones en contra del Presidente y el ex ministro del Interior, más una variada agenda de proyectos, obligaron a que el Senado y la Cámara convoque nuevamente a sesiones extraordinarias.

9 Dec 08:10 Emol 3328490602654671831.html
Qatar’s Emir Unlikely to Attend Gulf Summit in Riyadh

(Bloomberg) -- Qatar’s emir isn’t likely to attend the Gulf Cooperation Council heads of state summit starting Tuesday in Saudi Arabia, according to people familiar with the matter who confirmed progress toward mending a drawn-out regional rift while tempering expectations of a breakthrough this week.Sheikh

9 Dec 11:31 Yahoo 7097669638505898921.html
China golpea a Microsoft y HP al retirar los PC y el software de empresas extranjeras

Pekín ha ordenado a todas las oficinas gubernamentales y a las instituciones públicas retirar los ordenadores y el software extranjeros en el plazo...

9 Dec 08:59 Expansión 4197779424878741836.html
RitaVPN: la tua sicurezza online viene prima di tutto, scopriamola insieme

Navigare al sicuro con una VPN non è mai stato così semplice come con RitaVPN, un'app disponibile per pc e smartphone che cambierà completamente il nostro comportamento online

9 Dec 15:00 tecnoandroid 2573257128157535957.html
I giallorossi "riscrivono" il Mes. Ma resta la trappola per l'Italia

La maggioranza prova a trovare un'intesa sul Mes. Ma il voto di mercoledì può far saltare tutto

9 Dec 17:24 ilGiornale.it 5019541225214969453.html
Jacqueline Jossa's parents praise her for I'm A Celebrity win but leave Dan out

Jacqueline's proud mum and dad gushed as she won the reality show, but her husband Dan Osborne was nowhere to be seen in the pictures

9 Dec 08:26 Irish Mirror 2875825629704310721.html
Gobernador a los milicianos: Manténgase en alerta

A propósito de conmemorarse el pasado  8 de diciembre el Día de la Lealtad al Comandante Hugo Chávez; el gobernador Omar Prieto Fernández junto al General Alfredo Morales Hernández, comandante de la Milicia en la región y del G/D Carlos Ríos Urbano, comandante de la Zona Operativa de Defensa Integral (Zodi) Zulia, juramentaron a 281 mil milicianos.

9 Dec 09:18 Panorama 6052790753654640571.html
Fife man to stand trial accused of harassing women and handing them lewd drawings

A Newport man will stand trial accused of harassing women and giving them lewd drawings.

9 Dec 08:22 The Courier 4275302767586283186.html
Destiny 2 season pass holders can skip the grind with unloved characters

If you have the Destiny 2 season pass and have reached level 100 then you may not know you can use it to skip a huge amount of grind with a second and third character.This is because the Season Pa

9 Dec 10:25 tsa 6447108927559826866.html
Airbus stock outperforms Boeing as 737 uncertainty continues

Some expect Airbus’s shares to continue to benefit from the confusion in 2020.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408634598879.html
David Beckham treats Harper, Romeo and Cruz to Winter Wonderland fun

All the festive fun.

9 Dec 14:25 Metro 970161748261343354.html
Compagnie telefoniche: con l’attivazione dei VAS il credito residuo finisce

Attraverso l'attivazione dei servizi VAS le compagnie telefoniche svuotano il credito residuo degli utenti, lasciando in loro un senso di rabbia e frustrazione. Ecco come fare per difendersi e farvi rimborsare in maniera semplice e immediata.

9 Dec 11:25 tecnoandroid 2573257127765498453.html
Kalonzo's Little-Known Job in Museveni's Backyard

Musyoka has been serving in that capacity since 2013 and had his tenure extended in 2017, ensuring that he would serve until...

9 Dec 09:13 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838153185464661.html
Bachelor braucht sich endlich keine Namen mehr merken

„Liebe Jenny, willst du diese Rose annehmen?“ „Welche von uns jetzt?“ Das sind die Kandidatinnen des neuen Bachelors Sebastian Preuss.

9 Dec 13:48 Bild 8433249908973840128.html
Angel Lelga Ungkap Vicky Prasetyo Gelapkan Uang Rp 900 Juta

Angel Lelga mengungkap fakta baru di balik kasusnya dengan Vicky Prasetyo.

9 Dec 15:00 liputan6.com 3414318496539000444.html
R. Kelly's Ex-Tour Manager Spoke To Prosecutors About Marriage To Aaliyah

It looks like Demetrius Smith, a former tour manager for R. Kelly, is set to take the stand in one of the singer's forthcoming federal trials.

9 Dec 11:03 AllHipHop 727666872897173560.html
Premium economy to be launched on Britain’s railway

Avanti West Coast is developing plans to introduce a middle tier between standard class and first class.

9 Dec 13:04 Express & Star 7324224459280367036.html
Premium economy to be launched on Britain’s railway

Avanti West Coast is developing plans to introduce a middle tier between standard class and first class.

9 Dec 13:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773815770556.html
Salzburg sieht gegen Liverpool "magische Möglichkeit"

Mit dem "Wunder von Wals-Siezenheim" will sich Salzburg am Dienstag (18.55 Uhr, live DAZN und Sky/Konferenz) ins Achtelfinale der Fußball-Champions-League katapultieren. Nur ein Heimsieg gegen Titelverteidiger Liverpool bringt den Aufstieg in Gruppe E, am Selbstvertrauen der "Bullen" soll es nicht mangeln. "Wir sind bereit für einen großartigen Moment", betonte Trainer Jesse Marsch.

9 Dec 15:23 NÖN.at 2486998931678887553.html
Brilla la inclusión en torneo de basquetbol

Competencia en la Unidad Deportiva “Adalberto Ramón Sosa Muñoz”

9 Dec 15:10 SIPSE.com 4008460417332725838.html
Factcheck: a Labour government would not mean an extra murder a week

Tory research claims party’s opposition to stop and search would lead to a crime surge

9 Dec 11:56 the Guardian 1491978796440407771.html
'Ajax in spanning: Onana en Promes onderworpen aan uitgebreide test'

Ajax bekijkt maandag of Andre Onana en Quincy Promes fit genoeg zijn voor de beslissende Champions League-kraker tegen Valencia. Dat meldt het Algemeen Dagblad. De keeper en aanvaller kampen met fysieke ongemakken. Onana liep zaterdag op de training, één dag na het verlies tegen Willem II, een hamstringblessure op. Promes moest vorige week bij FC Twente afhaken met een spierblessure aan zijn onderbeen. Het duo wordt maandagmiddag aan een uitgebreide fysieke test onderworpen. Op basis daarvan wordt vermoedelijk besloten of Onana en Promes in actie kunnen komen tegen Valencia. 'Race tegen de klok: Ajax mogelijk zonder Onana tegen Valencia'

9 Dec 09:58 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884692214943.html
Police ask for help to identify unconscious elderly woman found in St Annes

An elderly woman who has been unconscious after falling in St Annes has yet to be identified by the police.

9 Dec 16:35 The Gazette 1828400564891429941.html
FIFA in contact with WADA to clarify Russia ban

With Russia banned from major international sporting events – seemingly including the 2022 World Cup – FIFA has contacted WADA.

9 Dec 14:28 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906177620385.html
Juventus loss opens title race as Lazio enters the fray

MILAN (AP) — A two-team battle for the Serie A title has suddenly become a three-team race.Before last weekend, Inter Milan was trying to prevent Juventus from winning a record-extending ninth straight league title. But Lazio handed Juventus its first loss of the season to enter the fray.Lazio recovered from an early goal from Cristiano Ronaldo to win 3-1 and move to within three points of second-place Juventus. The Rome club is five points behind Inter after the league leaders were held to a 0-0 draw by Roma.“We were focused and perfect, and managed to beat a great team,” Lazio coach Simone Inzaghi said after Saturday’s match. “But we have been doing well for the past four years, qualifying for Europe and

9 Dec 14:21 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761169591296.html
Inside New York retreat the Scribner’s Catskill Lodge

A tried 1960s motor lodge gets a new lease of life

9 Dec 17:57 The Spaces 7523533615549413066.html
Graft trial for Syrian President Assad’s uncle opens in Paris

Brussels: European Union foreign ministers debated Monday how to respond to a controversial agreement between Turkey and Libya that could give Turkey access to a contested economic zone across the Mediterranean Sea. The maritime border deal, endorsed by the Turkish parliament last week, has fueled tensions in Turkey’s long-running dispute with Greece, Cyprus and Egypt over oil

9 Dec 10:47 Arab News 8912634263336692546.html
Improvizațiile guvernului liberal

Plasa de relații și afaceri necurate este țesută în aproape toate instituțiile statului. De la președinție, guvern și ministere pînă la serviciile secrete și coborînd pînă la primării și consilii comunale.

9 Dec 10:04 Cotidianul 8452212683225892997.html
Bolji i od Harlemovca: Veliko priznanje za Buluta!

Reprezentativac Srbije u basketu "tri na tri" Dušan Domović Bulut izabran je danas za najspektakularnijeg basketaša ove sezone u izboru navijača na sajtu FIBA.

9 Dec 16:49 REPUBLIKA 2543998405475332093.html
Deputados do PS-M querem ajudar a resolver problemas de financiamento da UMa

Carlos Pereira e Olavo Câmara, deputados do PS-Madeira à Assembleia da República, estiveram reunidos esta tarde com a reitoria da Universidade da Made...

9 Dec 09:54 dnoticias 6968432066696144416.html
Australia quiere instalar tecnología militar en la Antártida

Una fuerza expedicionaria australiana quiere instalar tecnología militar en el continente helado

9 Dec 11:38 sport 1349897970444001814.html
Google sorprende a todos al iniciar la semana con Doodle muy mexicano

Además, es interactivo y seguramente pasarás un rato muy divertido

9 Dec 15:36 El Diario NY 6486144433189797974.html
Rusia, excluida cuatro años de todas las competiciones deportivas por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje

El país se perdería los próximos Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020 y los de invierno de Pekín 2022. Peligra también el Mundial de fútbol de Qatar 2022, pero no la Euro 2020. Aún cabe recurso a esta sentencia y en algunos casos los deportistas podrían competir bajo bandera neutral.

9 Dec 11:06 Cadena SER 8390941985264954950.html
Udes kod petlje Obrenovac: Saobraćaj se odvija usporeno

Saobraćajna nezgoda se dogodila na autoputu E-763, 1 kilometar posle petlje Obrenovac u smeru ka Čačku.

9 Dec 13:30 REPUBLIKA 2543998406618071735.html
Palestinian PM Calls Jesus a “Palestinian Guerrilla Fighting Occupation”

Shtayyeh conveyed the greetings of President Mahmoud Abbas to the people of Birzeit, saying “The tree that we light today is our tree, as Maryam Al-Batool (Mary the virgin) is the only woman mentioned in the Qur’an by name so she is our lady.”

9 Dec 15:37 Breaking Israel News 540123161551284718.html
El mensaje de agradecimiento de Gabriela Tafur por el apoyo en Miss Universo

La señorita Colombia, la caleña Gabriela Tafur Nader, agradeció este lunes el apoyo brindado por sus compatriotas durante la competencia de Miss Universo, cuya velada de elección y coronación se llevó a cabo este domingo."Gracias a todos por el apoyo. Un honor haber representado a Colombia. Lo hice con muchísimo cariño, entrega y compromiso", escribió Tafur en sus redes sociales. Tafur llegó hasta el penúltimo filtro, el top-5, pero no logró clasificar entre las tres que definieron la corona.

9 Dec 09:16 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347757331083.html
Here is the reason Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria is trending on social media

Most beautiful girl in Nigeria and Nigeria's representative at the 2019 Miss Universe pageant, Oluwatosin Araromi is trending on social media. Araromi won the hearts of viewers of the pageant when she celebrated Miss South Africa.

9 Dec 16:15 Legit 3764253649175484018.html
Amerikanen weten hoe avocado’s twee keer zo lang goed blijven

Wie al eens graag een avocado eet, weet dat het moment dat de vrucht op zijn best is snel voorbij is. Daar heeft een Amerikaans bedrijf iets op gevonden, e...

9 Dec 10:27 De Standaard 2288913868779219461.html
Optane essentials, Part 2: Memory modes and optimal workloads

Maximizing Optane impact hinges on software, especially in settings such as virtualized cloud, AI/analytics, and HPC. Understanding memory and modes is key.

9 Dec 15:55 VentureBeat 6273363635872140333.html
Daddy Yankee luego del tiroteo al coliseo: son nuestros hermanos y les perdonamos

El cantante puertorriqueño Daddy Yankee se refirio hoy en su cuarta funcion, de un total de diez en el Coliseo de Puerto Rico, que los autores de los mas d

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264625320824.html
Kicillof se encuentra con intendentes para hablar de los primeros cien días de Gobierno

El encuentro se desarrollará en Esteban Echeverría, distrito conducido por el presidente del PJ Bonaerense Fernando Gray. Además les adelantaría los miembros del Gabinete

9 Dec 08:16 Diagonales 4932342256698920967.html
40 Jahre alter Lastwagen an Waldrand entsorgt

Seit fast einem Jahr steht am Waldrand in Mülheim TG ein verwahrloster Lastwagen. Der Besitzer holte diesen nie ab. Nun kommt Bewegung in die Sache.

9 Dec 17:04 20 Minuten 5741369453147214245.html
England: Niko Kovac hat Interesse daran, Arsenal zu trainieren

Der frühere Bayern-Coach und "Co" bei Salzburg Niko Kovac könnte möglicherweise doch früher auf die Trainerbank zurückkehren als ursprünglich geplant.

9 Dec 10:03 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699916130959.html
‘Congress Partitioned Nation On Religious Lines’: Amit Shah Tables Citizenship Amendment Bill In Lok Sabha

The Home Minister also said that the Bill did not violate any article of the Constitution.

9 Dec 14:28 Swarajya 4977622829495889115.html
Progressive group putting $45M behind battleground turnout effort

The liberal Progressive Turnout Project (PTP) is putting $45 million behind an effort to turn out voters who did not cast ballots in 2016 in more than a dozen key battleground states.

9 Dec 11:00 TheHill 355432918781672013.html
Schweiz fürchtet um ihr Geschäftsmodell

OECD und G20 wollen Konzerne anders besteuern - zulasten von Ländern mit niedrigen Steuersätzen wie etwa der Schweiz. Deren Regierung will das verhindern - und setzt auf die Hilfe eines umstrittenen Staates. Von Mathias Zahn.

9 Dec 08:00 tagesschau.de 5441171425518569088.html
Il Mattino - ADL, presenza non ancora confermata: la Questura attende notizie

Marek Hamsik presente al San Paolo per la sfida al Genk, ma si attendono conferme ufficiali. Lo scrive l'edizione odierna de 'Il Mattino'

9 Dec 14:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081398138852.html
Zipse: Looking like a serious horse, Bodexpress back in stakes

Horse Racing news: Zipse: Looking like a serious horse, Bodexpress back in stakes.

9 Dec 09:55 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535797258301.html
New BioShock game confirmed as 2K opens new studio Cloud Chamber

There's going to be a brand new game in the BioShock series, 2K has confirmed. The next game is early in development at a brand new studio opened by the publisher called Cloud Chamber, which will have

9 Dec 13:12 tsa 6447108927035615185.html
Witten: Rathaus und Gericht nach Buttersäureangriff geräumt

In Witten ist am Montag (9.12.) ein Doppelanschlag mit Buttersäure verübt worden. Neben dem Rathaus war diesmal auch das Amtsgericht betroffen.

9 Dec 11:55 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221448556615.html
Manipur declares holiday on December 10 to celebrate inclusion in ILP system

Speaking on the Citizenship Amendment Bill, Union Home minister Amit Shah announced in Parliament Monday that Manipur would be brought under the purview of the Inner Line Permit system.

9 Dec 15:12 The Indian Express 2885715105326198582.html
Epilépticos en riesgo por falta de anticonvulsivos

Epilépticos en riesgo por falta de anticonvulsivos

9 Dec 10:07 LaPatilla.com 9104603011150739225.html
Mike Pompeo se intalneste, marti, cu ministrul de externe rus, Serghei Lavrov

Secretarul de stat american Mike Pompeo il va primi, marti, la Washington pe ministrul de externe rus Serghei Lavrov, a anuntat Departamentul de Stat.

9 Dec 08:55 Ziare.com 1922730287755763133.html
Brennende Müllcontainer in Feldkirchen gelöscht

Zwei Müllcontainer sind am Sonntagabend in Feldkirchen in Brand aufgegangen. Die Einsatzkräfte der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr konnten ein Übergreifen der ...

9 Dec 09:01 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094052454572.html
Gang who planned major organised crime involving guns in Glasgow jailed for more than 18 years

Richard Carty, Ezekial Aremu and Cade Johnson were found in possession of pistols, fake council uniforms and counterfeit cash after they were arrested in a dramatic armed swoop outside the Forge shopping centre

9 Dec 12:35 dailyrecord 552235480218308510.html
OnePlus finally ditches its terrible TV remote for a new design

In September, weeks before launching its first TV, OnePlus‘ CEO Pete Lau tweeted the picture of its remote. The design confused the hell out of me. It had volume buttons on the side like a smartphone, and no mute button.

9 Dec 12:09 Plugged | The Next Web 3990801510139991116.html
Polizei hofft auf Hinweise zu maskiertem Räuber

Nach dem Überfall auf die Shell-Tankstelle am Südstadtring in Halle am 9. November um 7.05 Uhr sucht die Polizei jetzt mit Fotos nach einem unbekannten maskierten Täter. Dieser soll eine Kassiererin mit einem pistolenähnlichen Gegenstand bedroht und Bargeld gefordert haben. Mit dem Geld floh er anschließend unerkannt. Die Kassiererin erlitt einen ...

9 Dec 13:21 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109814958451.html
Nottingham charity given green light to move from 'decrepit' home after 60 years

Nottingham Mencap has been in consultation to move into the Edwards Lane Community Centre

9 Dec 09:32 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702122709976.html
Giovane scomparso, ha telefonato e sta bene

Ha telefonato e sta bene il giovane scomparso ieri, domenica 8 dicembre da Pecetto. Numerose le persone che si sono adoperate nelle ricerche.

9 Dec 10:33 La Nuova Periferia 1387373625786181007.html
Gini Wijnaldum returns to training ahead Liverpool’s trip to Salzburg

Liverpool prepared for their Champions League game with Salzburg with a training session at Melwood in front of the cameras. A make-or-break tie in Austria sees the Reds needing a draw to guarantee progression, while a win would seal top spot in the group. Jurgen Klopp would love to have his entire squad available for such a crucial encounter, but the Reds are without Fabinho and Joel Matip for the entirety of the Christmas fixture list. A couple of injury scares at the weekend added to that concern, but Dejan Lovren—who went off in the first half—and Gini Wijnaldum—who missed the game entirely—were both in training with the squad at Melwood on Monday afternoon. Adam Lallana, who also missed the trip to Dean Court, seemed to train apart from the main group, however, making it unlikely he features in the squad in Austria.

9 Dec 13:57 This Is Anfield 7550115575279220915.html
Centro tenta captar apoio

Movimento encabeçado por Rodrigo Maia, o "Centro" lançou uma plataforma digital para captar apoio...

9 Dec 10:09 O Antagonista 1037429654526527023.html
Microsoft Surface Book 3 could come with a radical new design

Microsoft could be planning a radical redesign of the Surface Book 3.

9 Dec 11:51 TechRadar 2111116914994706558.html
Pertama Kali Minum Pil KB, Coba Metode Hari Pertama dan 3 Lainnya

Cara minum pil KB tergantung dari jenis pil KB yang dipilih untuk dikonsumsi.

9 Dec 13:46 Tempo 6965386207673606241.html
Festival de Cine Latinoamericano expone poético tributo a La Habana

La Habana, 9 dic (Prensa Latina) La exhibición hoy de la película Habana Selfies en el 41 Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano deviene un tributo poético a esta capital en plena jornada de celebración de sus 500 años de fundada.

9 Dec 10:56 VICTORIA 8502773549273435899.html
Die Hintertür bleibt offen

Die Welt-Antidopingagentur verbannt Russland für vier Jahre vom Weltsport, eine Teilnahme unter neutraler Flagge ist jedoch weiter möglich. Auch die Fußball-WM ist betroffen

9 Dec 15:48 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323654964090.html
Baby in Stade ausgesetzt!

Das Baby lag einsam und verlassen auf einer Wiese im niedersächsischen Stade. Doch es hatte Glück: Ein Paar hatte das Mädchen am Montag bemerkt.

9 Dec 13:57 RTL.DE 7054729452954264960.html
Juice Wrld Allegedly Consumed Pills on Plane Before His Death, 70 Pounds of Marijuana Seized: Report

Details here.

9 Dec 15:46 XXL Mag 2522554274129870123.html
Trócaire appeals to Louth for support for families living in war zones this Christmas

Trócaire reimagines iconic John Lennon peace campaign on 50th anniversary.

9 Dec 10:11 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709765742222.html
Ministrul Muncii, despre cumularea pensiei cu salariul: Lucrez la un proiect; propunerea va tine cont de situatia celor cu pensii mici

Ministrul Muncii, Violeta Alexandru, a adus precizari legate de proiectul de lege privind interzicerea cumularii pensiei cu salariul la stat, spunand ca se va tine cont de situatia celor cu pensii mici si ca masura va respecta deciziile Curtii Constitutionale.

9 Dec 09:10 Wall-Street 2473040520380301265.html
Investors Should Buy Amazon Stock While It Keeps Treading Water

Worries about Amazon's declining AWS growth and rising content spending appear to be overblown. Amazon stock has got plenty of life in it.

9 Dec 17:45 InvestorPlace 24614509333877140.html
Sarkodie, Shatta Wale, and Patoranking failed to perform at Cardi B’s concert

Cardi B has finally left the shores of Ghana but news about her concert keeps coming every second. According to what we gathered, some top art

9 Dec 12:05 GHANA PAGE 8986860742447601510.html
Feyenoord-fans mogen tóch naar Porto; club doet dringende oproep

Feyenoord wordt aanstaande donderdag in Porto gesteund door een vol uitvak! Dat maakten de Rotterdammers via de eigen kanalen bekend. De UEFA heeft de straf voor een wedstrijd zonder publiek teruggedraaid naar een voorwaardelijke, met een proeftijd van 1 jaar. Wel blijft de boete van 55.000 euro die de ‘UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary body’…

9 Dec 16:27 Sportnieuws 3602982465037484199.html
Nuova centralina idroelettrica sul Meschio a Vittorio Veneto, scatta la polemica: "36 impianti sono abbastanza"

VITTORIO VENETO - “Basta centraline sul Meschio: solo nel territorio di Vittorio Veneto ci sono 36 impianti. La Regione bocci la nuova richiesta della Serika Srl, salute dei residenti e tutela ambientale vengono prima degli interessi del privato”.

9 Dec 14:41 Oggi Treviso 2529403853189828703.html
Ciri iba a ser la protagonista de la serie de The Witcher originalmente

La fecha de estreno de la serie de The Witcher de Netflix se aproxima y sus responsables no dejan de dar detalles sobre cómo ha sido el proceso de creación y cómo ha cambiado con el paso del tiempo. En ese sentido, Lauren S. Hissrich, showrunner de la ficción televisiva, ha hablado recientemente sobre que originalmente Ciri iba a ser la protagonista, al menos en el modo de narrar la historia. «Cuando empecé a escribir esa versión me di cuenta de que Geralt no aparecía lo suficiente porque estaba contando la historia a través de Ciri. Así que me llevó un tiempo, hubo varias revisiones», ha comentado Hissrich en la MCM Comic-Con.

9 Dec 17:51 SomosXbox 4635940035665187346.html
Boris Johnson Takes Aim at Pro-Brexit Labour Seats Across UK in Last Push Before National Vote

Polling stations across Britain will open on 12 December, with voters expected to throw their weight behind one of the listed candidates. The biggest stumbling block still surrounds how they (and their electorate) view Britain’s future in or outside the EU.

9 Dec 10:21 Sputniknews 967333867563031719.html
Tesla’s Cybertruck Might Be Cursed as Second Showing Comes With Another Blunder

Since its launch in November, Tesla’s Cybertruck has managed to divide the automotive world into two big categories. Everyone agrees though that with its completely atypical style, whether you like it or not, the futuristic-looking electric pickup turns heads.

9 Dec 16:30 autoevolution 6471576454239357940.html
Barcelona demana que es retirin punts del carnet per circular en vehicles contaminants

L'Ajuntament admet que la Zona de Baixes Emissions no serà suficient per assolir els objectius de la Unió Europea

9 Dec 09:35 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480399646895.html
"Que haya mujeres tomando decisiones no significa que exista una mirada feminista"

La eurodiputada por Unidas Podemos, Sira Rego, denuncia la “relación simbiótica entre patriarcado y capital" en un acto de la Cumbre Social del clima sobre pobreza energética desde un análisis feminista. También han participado la activista ecofeminista Laura Laguna y la asesora del Gobierno de Cádiz en políticas energéticas Alba del Campo.

9 Dec 14:22 www.publico.es 99190978907692014.html
Russia out of Olympics, World Cup after 4-year sporting ban for doping violations

WADA handed a four-year suspension to the Russian Athletics Federation from all major sporting events, which includes the 2020 Olympics, 2021 World Championships, and 2022 FIFA World Cup. 

9 Dec 13:48 The Indian Express 2885715105742108978.html
Market Pulse on December 6th

S&P 500 3145,91 +28,48.

9 Dec 08:09 Allnews 678771719826223198.html
The case against Mike Sonko

A breakdown of the specific charges the Nairobi governor faced.

9 Dec 10:38 Daily Nation 7421817124409141457.html
John McDonnell confirms date of first Labour Budget as February 5

Despite the election polls, the Shadow Chancellor outlined the details as he voted to set up a major fund before Christmas and start nationalising water and energy within 100 days of entering 10 Downing Street

9 Dec 11:15 mirror 675785260778817920.html
Bank Mandiri Rem Target Kredit Tahun Depan, Dirut: Berat

"Berusaha untuk capai 10%, tapi kayaknya berat, mungkin sekitar 9% sudah bagus,"

9 Dec 12:00 detikfinance 4442190002164212026.html
iPhone Tahun 2020 Dilengkapi Modul Pelindung Baterai Baru, Lebih Tipis!

Makemac - Apple dikabarkan akan menggunakan modul pelindung baterai terbaru untuk iPhone tahun 2020. Desainnya lebih tipis dan ringan hingga 50 persen.

9 Dec 15:58 grid.id 2219816953914890932.html
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Auch die Steam-Version leidet unter Rockstar-Launcher-Problemen

Im November erschien die PC-Umsetzung von „Red Dead Redemption 2“ im Epic Games Store. Kürzlich folgte eine Steam-Fassung, die jedoch manch ein überwunden geglaubtes Problem mit dem Rockstar Games Launcher wieder aufleben lässt. Entsprechend durchwachsen fallen bisher die Nutzerwertungen aus.

9 Dec 14:36 PlayNation 4622181943731169742.html
Free Windows 7 Extended Security Updates Can Be Enabled For Anyone With This Bypass Tool

Microsoft is charging between $25 to $200 per workstation (per year) for Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESUs).

9 Dec 13:57 HotHardware 6258404625541614678.html
Cricket match held up by snake on pitch

The start of the match between Andhra and Vidarbha in India was held up thanks to the intruder.

9 Dec 10:34 Breaking News 4415806919468952828.html
Spoilers: Killer Robert saves David from death in Neighbours?

Metro.co.uk: News, Sport, Showbiz, Celebrities from Metro

9 Dec 14:01 Metro 970161747187114633.html
China to replace all foreign hardware and software at government and public institutions by 2022

Among several developments in the US-China trade war has been the latter's push to make itself technologically independent of the US semiconductor industry. A major step in this direction is an order passed by the Chinese Communist Party, to push&hellip;

9 Dec 13:20 TechSpot 7732733960543884163.html
Inside Wazito FC’s Troubled Paradise

Wazito FC was to be the yardstick for measuring sound management and success in club football in Kenya after the club was acquired by businessman Ricardo Badoer through Badoer Investment Limited in Oc

9 Dec 12:47 KahawaTungu 3304128542933426778.html
Red Dead Redemption 2 New Mod Allows Changes To Difficulty

The Red Dead Redemption 2 Difficulty Scaler mod allows players to change the damage weapons do in the game for both player and AI enemies

9 Dec 14:30 Wccftech 3677959678186045603.html
Amundi : point sur le programme Green Credit Continuum

Amundi et la Banque européenne d'investissement annoncent ce lundi que le premier millésime du programme Green Credit Continuum a atteint 253 millions d'euros à la fin novembre 2019.Ce programme a... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 11:51 Zonebourse 7946574378315570793.html
This was supposed to be the climate crisis election. So what happened?

With the Tories obsessed with Brexit, the issue hasn’t gained traction in the media, says London-based writer Stephen Buranyi

9 Dec 10:50 the Guardian 1491978795282366801.html
Betis legend sets new La Liga record

The previous record had stood for 55 years.

9 Dec 08:37 Daily Nation 7421817125447847163.html
Norsk ekonomi bromsar in

Ekonomi Tillväxten i Norge jämfört med kvartalet före bromsade in till 0,3 procent under tremånadersperioden augusti–oktober. Det kan jämföras med en tillväxt på 0,8 procent för perioden maj–juli, enligt den norska statistikbyrån SSB.

9 Dec 08:30 www.unt.se 8922556088620629132.html
Realizan tope de control a boxeadores en Playa del Carmen

Tope de control de la disciplina de box con miras al estatal a 50 atletas

9 Dec 12:35 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624554464036.html
Rathaus und Amtsgericht in Witten wegen üblen Geruchs geräumt

Feuerwehr findet in den Aufzügen der Gebäude Buttersäure

9 Dec 14:55 DIE WELT 6197693429325534950.html
Rumah Dibakar Pacar, Vije Disebut Sering Main Tangan ke Siti Zulaiha

Rumah Siti Zulaiha yang ada di Kertapati, Palembang, habis setelah dibakar kekasihnya Vije (25). Vije ternyata dikenal sebagai sosok temperamental.

9 Dec 13:45 detiknews 8793960224486636986.html
Smalling rallenta sul riscatto: lo United chiama e va al rilancio

Il difensore prende tempo. Tante offerte dalla Premier per lui, ma l’inglese piace anche a Juventus, Milan e Inter

9 Dec 08:46 Forzaroma.info 1065617485936093793.html
Pot Noodles urgently recalled by Food Standards Agency alongside Asda and Tesco supermarket products

Do NOT eat these items

9 Dec 09:20 BristolLive 4740742017684251886.html
En negociaciones del TLCAN y T MEC es indispensable el outsourcing: Expertos

El doctor en derecho constitucional Oscar Valdés habla sobre el outsourcing y la reforma a las leyes Federal del Trabajo y del Seguro Social relacionado con el outsourcing y la subcontratación

9 Dec 15:07 Fernanda Familiar 8155233565570565357.html
Football: Man City not on par with European elite, says Guardiola

Manchester City must accept that they may not be able to compete with the top teams in Europe at the moment, manager Pep Guardiola has said.

9 Dec 12:00 CNA 5644198864267393118.html
Cancelan actividad en la COP que denunciaba a empresas responsables del cambio climático

La policía de Madrid (España) apresó a dos activistas y obligó a suspender el Toxic Tour de la COP25, una actividad realizada que pretende visibilizar la responsabilidad de las empresas patrocinadoras de la COP en la crisis climática.

9 Dec 14:51 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543637196412.html
Anderlecht ligt zwaar onder vuur: "Dit is pure competitievervalsing"

RSC Anderlecht wil zich in januari extra wapenen om sterker te staan in de race om play-off 1 te halen. Eén van de spelers die paars-wit in het vizier heeft, is Yohan Boli.

9 Dec 17:00 Voetbal24 8097814616679040531.html
L'Osservatorio Antifascista Vittoriese contro quel patrocinio che fa discutere: "Il comune lo ritiri e non conceda la sala"

VITTORIO VENETO - “Chiediamo al sindaco di Vittorio Veneto che ritiri la concessione sia della sala comunale che del patrocinio”: la richiesta arriva dall’Osservatorio Antifascista Vittoriese, dopo la concessione – da parte del comune di Vittorio Veneto – del patrocinio ad un evento previsto per il 13 dicembre.

9 Dec 15:47 Oggi Treviso 2529403852490880856.html
The father of a missing 1-year-old girl was arrested on weapons charges in Connecticut 4 days after the baby's mother was found dead, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Police say Jose Morales' arrest is not related to the disappearance of his daughter, Venessa, and that he has been cooperative with investigators.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:51 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756620610870.html
Emmas Einwurf: Auch ohne Fiel die alten Probleme bei der SGD

Als Profi war Jörg Emmerich ein Gesicht des Fußballs in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen. In der Kolumne "Emmas Einwurf" blickt er auf das aktuelle Fußball-Geschehen. Heute: Die missliche Lage bei Dynamo Dresden.

9 Dec 09:15 MDR 5336324388530509230.html
Katy Perry e Orlando Bloom rimandano il matrimonio: ecco che accade

Secondo fonti vicine alla coppia, pare che Katy Perry e Orlando Bloom abbiano deciso di rimandare il matrimonio. Ecco cosa sta accadendo.

9 Dec 11:36 Novella 2000 6951116781810822756.html
Comunes pone en duda permanencia en acuerdo constituyente y llama a la oposición a formar nueva mesa técnica

El partido del Frente Amplio envió una carta al resto de partidos del sector en la que hace una autocrítica por no asegurar inclusión de indígenas, mujeres e independientes.

9 Dec 10:22 Emol 3328490601396472364.html
French basketballer fined in China for not looking at flag

BEIJING, China, Dec 9 - A French former NBA player has been reprimanded and fined Sh1.4mn by sports officials in China for not looking at the Chinese flag Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 08:17 Capital Sports 7605153804366189768.html
Suraksha Realty confident of acquiring Jaypee Infra, voting from Dec 10

Suraksha Realty is owned by Sudhir Valia, the brother-in-law of Sun Pharma promoter Dilip Shanghvi

9 Dec 13:10 Business-Standard 1502508924992232109.html
Hijo de Camilo Sesto sigue sumido en las adicciones

Su propia madre Lourdes Ornelas hizo la revelación, quien confesó estar muy preocupada. Camilo Blanes, hijo del fallecido Camilo Sesto, ha recaído en las adicciones, [...]

9 Dec 17:02 LaBotana 7949038499408091696.html
Rohan Dennis ficha por el Ineos para dos temporadas

El australiano, doble campe&oacute;n mundial contrarreloj, ha corrido este a&ntilde;o en el Bahrain, siendo casi m&aacute;s protagonista fuera de las carrete...

9 Dec 14:12 naiz: 7509038602733003326.html
Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina Returns For Season 3 In January

Hell hath no fury like a teenage witch absolutely ready to wreck shop.

9 Dec 08:24 Gizmodo AU 3183561245989897571.html
Francia, indagine sull'ex ministro Jack Lang: troppi vestiti in regalo

Jack Lang in Francia è indagato per i tanti vestiti ricevuti in regalo da alcune case di moda

9 Dec 10:57 ilGiornale.it 5019541225642589626.html
Bericht: Ex-Bayern-Coach Niko Kovac an Job beim FC Arsenal interessiert

Seit seiner Entlassung beim FC Bayern ist Niko Kovac ohne Job. Einem Bericht zufolge soll er sich jedoch gut vorstellen können, den angeschlagenen englischen Topklub FC Arsenal zu übernehmen.

9 Dec 08:51 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776181641946.html
Mattarella: 'Evasione fiscale indecente, sfrutta chi paga'

Presidente a studenti, servono controlli ma è problema cultura (ANSA)

9 Dec 16:26 ANSA.it 1300837448087616187.html
Forests bathed in shades of red are an enchanting autumn destination for visitors to Japan

Urabandai in the Fukushima Prefecture is a place that’s become very popular for nature sightseeing - and it’s at its best during autumn.

9 Dec 15:30 euronews 7318238122485743231.html
Herpes labiale, come si riaccende

L’herpes labiale si riaccende quando si abbassano le difese: in momenti di tensione intensa o durante il ciclo mestruale. Da scartare i rimedi fai da te.

9 Dec 11:35 DiLei 6707305201071647350.html
Katowice nie odebrały projektu nowego stadionu miejskiego

Samorząd Katowic nie odebrał od projektanta dokumentacji kompleksu nowego stadionu miejskiego. Powodem jest zbyt wysoka cena założona w kosztorysie – zgodnie z umową miało to być 184,5 mln zł, a kosztorys projektowy opiewa na 561 mln zł.

9 Dec 16:56 Portal Samorządowy 740157207418308863.html
Almada em movimento

É como se voltássemos ao salão indiano do Grand Café de Paris: o jovem que um dia ficou fascinado com os assombros de Georges Méliès recoloca-nos perante o cinema como “coisa nova”, geradora das maiores esperanças e de resignadas desilusões.

9 Dec 16:47 PÚBLICO 2228264897456677012.html
Straße zwischen Wittnau und Ebringen mehrere Tage gesperrt

Die Gemeindeverbindungsstraße zwischen Wittnau und Ebringen ist vom 9. bis voraussichtlich 17. Dezember für den Verkehr gesperrt. Unebenheiten und Schlaglöcher sollen ausgebessert werden.

9 Dec 16:44 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428206796090.html
FG Hopeful Of Securing $500M AFDB Fund For Technology Innovation

The federal government is optimistic of securing a $500 million AFDB fund for technology innovation in the country, Trade and Industry Minister, Richard Adebayo has said.

9 Dec 14:22 Concise 5544636822998333808.html
Ekspresni povratak, Unai Emeri u Premijer ligi?

Španac bi mogao da odmeri snage sa svojim doskorašnjim klubom.

9 Dec 14:16 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495607673101.html
US-Tourist bedient Navi und begeht kapitalen Fehler, dann kracht's

Am Morgen des 2. Adventssonntages bemerkten Anwohner einen in einem Feld steckengebliebenen Mercedes. Dahinter steckt eine kuriose Geschichte.

9 Dec 08:34 TAG24 4583887874578411491.html
Hazel Miller grants 11 scholarships

Hazel Miller grants 11 scholarships

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135407936413993.html
Model dies hours after liposuction, nose job at Mexico clinic, reports say

At some point in her recovery, the mother of two suffered cardiorespiratory failure, reports say.

9 Dec 15:10 Fox News 7362823820259701585.html
Are We Heading Towards a Cashless Economy?

Asia, Canada, and parts of Europe are already on their way.

9 Dec 11:56 Inc.com 8604986417432035374.html
Tussenring weer open na aanrijding

Bij een ernstige aanrijding op de Tussenring in Almere zijn volgens de politie twee gewonden gevallen. Zeker twee auto's zijn maandagochtend rond 9:00 uur op elkaar gereden.

9 Dec 09:02 omroep flevoland 658614617274944242.html
Reos de la CDMX crean marca propia

En talleres del Reclusorio Norte hacen sus uniformes y chalecos de trabajadores de limpia

9 Dec 10:10 El Heraldo de México 438112696466098049.html
PICTURES and FULL list of winners at Zimbabwe Young Achievers Awards UK

By Lance Guma Varaidzo Kativhu (Miss Varz), a 21-year-old Zimbabwean student who is studying Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Oxford University and has amassed over 91 000 subscribers on her YouTube channel, was among various young Zimbabweans who were honoured in the UK. Upmarket Zimbabwean restaurant eKhaya, in Dudley, West Midlands was the setting for the Zimbabwe Young Achievers Awards on Saturday which honoured people like musician and actor John Falsetto, footballer Marvelous Nakamba, graphic designer David Zinyama and others.

9 Dec 10:11 Nehanda Radio 3802011523473304193.html
El juez absuelve a Javier Aguirre

El juez del caso Levante-Zaragoza ha absuelto a Javier Aguirre y a los 36 futbolistas acusados de corrupción deportiva para condenar únicamente a dos directivos del Zaragoza, Agapito Iglesias y Javier Porquera a un año y tres meses de cárcel por falsedad documental. No ha considerado suficientes su señoría las pruebas aportadas por el fiscal (que pedía dos años de cárcel para todos y seis de inhabilitación) y con esta sentencia se cierra un episodio histórico en la lucha contra los amaños en el fútbol español.

9 Dec 11:26 MARCA 5656811533559779638.html
Oxolife: Los accionistas originales toman el relevo a Kern

Los accionistas originales toman el relevo a Kern y abre un ‘crowdfunding’ de 1,5 millones

9 Dec 08:10 La Vanguardia 8061072699847324839.html
Full Video: Reporter Arrested After Calling Impeachment Hearings a Scam

Exclusive: Owen Shroyer booked in Washington, D.C.

9 Dec 15:13 Infowars 1950426314220382834.html
Batterie di nuova generazione: al via il progetto europeo, investimento da 3,2 miliardi

La Commissione europea ha approvato oggi un investimento di circa 3,2 miliardi di euro per progetti comuni di ricerca e innovazione e di prima produzione industriale per la realizzazione di …

9 Dec 16:18 FinanzaOnline 6528634128656528914.html
BVB-Hiobsbotschaft: Witsel fällt aus

Borussia Dortmund ereilt am heutigen Montag eine schlechte Nachricht: Axel Witsel wird in diesem Kalenderjahr nicht mehr zum Einsatz kommen. Grund ist ein häuslicher Unfall. Borussia Dortmund (...)

9 Dec 11:53 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784044263048.html
Georgia reporter responds after being groped by runner on live TV: 'Do better'

A Georgia reporter called out the runner who groped her while she was reporting on a running event in Savanah over the weekend.

9 Dec 16:42 Fox 4 8372747778283432064.html
ADM Adria med TOP 10 ponudniki rešitev za upravljanje identitet in dostopov v Evropi

ADM Adria med TOP 10 ponudniki rešitev za upravljanje identitet in dostopov v Evropi

9 Dec 16:00 Računalniške novice 5784844856571491732.html
Nobelfestligheter leder till stökig trafikdag i Stockholm

Den som ger sig ut i stockholmstrafiken under Nobeldagen får räkna med trängsel. Polisen ger rådet att lämna bilen hemma.

9 Dec 10:32 DN.SE 398730694843316984.html
"Se avete ginecologi o pediatri li assumiamo domani mattina"

VITTORIO VENETO - L’Ulss 2, tramite il direttore generale Francesco Benazzi, replica alle critiche arrivate dal Comitato per la difesa della sanità pubblica dell’Alta Marca. L’accusa era quella di privatizzare la sanità pubblica.

9 Dec 08:57 Oggi Treviso 2529403853732975110.html
Man Utd could offer swap deal to Euro giants to land key signing for Solskjaer

Red Devils tipped to put swap deal on table...

9 Dec 08:00 CaughtOffside 8169236756260955685.html
RB Leipzigs Emil Forsberg in Topform: "Jetzt spiele ich befreiter"

Jeweils zwei Tore gegen Benfica und Köln, überzeugend gegen Hoffenheim: Emil Forsberg trägt großen Anteil daran, dass RBL in der K.o.-Phase der Champions League steht und in der Bundesliga nur ein Punkt zur Spitze fehlt.

9 Dec 10:30 MDR 5336324389875388808.html
Minister tekent voor verbreden A2 Limburg

MAASTRICHT (ANP) - Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen van Infrastructuur heeft maandag haar handtekening gezet onder de verbreding van 18 kilometer A2 in Limburg. De weg wordt dan in beide richtingen drie- in plaats van de huidige tweebaans, met vluchtstroken. Het gaat om het traject tussen knooppunt Het Vonderen bij Maasbracht en Kerensheide bij Geleen. De geraamde kosten zijn 292 miljoen euro.

9 Dec 17:27 Nieuws.nl 2419030131137687906.html
Nicole Sherzinger cuddles Thom Evans close as he's spotted with overnight bag

We thought the Pussycat Doll was 'too busy'

9 Dec 11:48 Metro 970161748275920697.html
Comienza la XIII Conferencia de Estudios Caribeños

La Habana, 9 dic (ACN) La XIII Conferencia Internacional de Estudios Caribeños abrirá sus puertas desde hoy a expertos de la región en un evento que propone dialogar sobre los diferentes desafíos en el contexto internacional para los países insulares de esta parte del continente.

9 Dec 13:14 www.acn.cu 4590417276467811053.html
Things Are Going from Bad to Worse for Aurora Stock

Does Aurora Cannabis stock offer an intriguing, compelling trade? Yes. However, realistically getting to that point is a major problem.

9 Dec 13:19 InvestorPlace 24614509437638269.html
Dorsin klar for Rosenborg: Blir klubbens nye sportslige leder

Mikael Dorsin er enig med Rosenborg om å bli ny sportslig leder. Han vil bli presentert i løpet av den nærmeste tiden.

9 Dec 09:09 adressa.no 8417332406667167516.html
Taufkirchener Landwirte machen auf sich aufmerksam: Gemütliche Atmosphäre für ungemütliche Themen

Landwirte fühlen sich missverstanden. Mit einem Mahnfeuer wollen sie auf ihre Situation aufmerksam machen. Eines davon wurde in Taufkirchen entzündet. 

9 Dec 12:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239775917689.html
Gifts for musicians: affordable Christmas present ideas for music-makers (which they'll actually use)

Buying gifts for musicians can be a hard task. Whether you're shopping for a guitarist, drummer, Dj or producer, we've selected some great gift ideas that won't break the bank.

9 Dec 17:18 MusicRadar 4787726360047274514.html
Terkoreksi di Awal Sesi, Pasar Obligasi RI Ditutup Menguat

Harga obligasi rupiah pemerintah ditutup positif hari ini, setelah dibuka terkoreksi di awal perdagangan.

9 Dec 12:35 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213388479345.html
X Factor: The Band first look as Nicole Scherzinger and Simon Cowell judge hopefuls

X Factor: The Band auditions first look as hopefuls, including reality star Tallia Storm, aim to impress judges Nicole Scherzinger and Simon Cowell

9 Dec 11:09 Irish Mirror 2875825629897282822.html
Romania, a 7a piata din UE in privinta consumului de bere. Statistici si tendinte europene in materie de bere

Romania ramane in top 10 piete de bere din Europa, fiind pe locul 7 din punctul de vedere al volumului pietei. In ceea ce priveste productia, Romania este al 8lea producator de bere din UE si se situeaza pe locul 16 in clasamentul exportartorilor, arata Asociatia Berarii Romaniei care anunta statisticile si tendintele in materie de bere la nivel european.

9 Dec 12:27 Wall-Street 2473040521836827828.html
Kicillof con intendentes: les comunicaría su Gabinete y principales ejes de Gobierno

Será una “reunión de trabajo” con los jefes comunales del justicialismo, que reportan a las diferentes tropas, desde peronistas hasta ultra-k. Los une la expectativa por conocer el detalle del esquema de Gobernador electo

9 Dec 11:16 Infocielo 6573250471469069821.html
Microsoft ha creado la aplicación definitiva para mejorar en matemáticas

En ocasiones una aplicación que resuelve cálculos nos puede ayudar a mejorar en matemáticas. Esta aplicación de Microsoft es capaz.

9 Dec 17:56 El Androide Libre 196740460452912934.html
Müllabfuhr im All - Esa will Weltraumschrott einsammeln

Die Europäische Raumfahrtorganisation Esa sorgt sich wegen Weltraumschrott und will aktiv werden: die Mission „ClearSpace-1“ soll „Müllabfuhr“ im All spielen.

9 Dec 16:10 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323482093376.html
Calcio dilettanti: le squadre reggiane sorridono dalla D alla Promozione

REGGIO EMILIA – L’en plein in Serie D mentre in Eccellenza arrivano tre vittorie in cinque partite per le squadre reggiane, in un weekend che ha regalato tantissimi gol e colpi di scena sui nostri campi. Tre derby tra Eccellenza e Promozione e tutti con risultati sorprendenti, che hanno animato una tre giorni di calcio […]

9 Dec 09:23 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332473977535.html
These Homes for Mentally Ill Adults Have Been Notoriously Mismanaged. Now, One Is a Gruesome Crime Scene.

Oceanview Manor Home for Adults, a psychiatric group home at the center of a yearslong legal battle over the rights of people with mental illness, is now the scene of a criminal investigation involving the death of a resident and the arrest of another.

9 Dec 17:55 ProPublica 7866676282129117267.html
Lelang Jabatan Kajati dan Kajari Dimulai 2020 di Tujuh Kejaksaan Tipe A

Jaksa Agung Sanitiar (ST) Burhanuddin mengatakan, lelang jabatan Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kajati) rencananya akan dilakukan pada 2020.

9 Dec 13:50 merdeka.com 1998180355585669034.html
Díaz-Canel sostiene amplio diálogo con intelectuales argentinos

El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, sostuvo es un enriquecedor intercambio con destacadas figuras de la intelectualidad de Argentina, devenido momento de reflexión en medio del complejo escenario que caracteriza al continente

9 Dec 14:56 Trabajadores 1167277446390266596.html
Milliarden für E-Auto-Batterien: EU erlaubt Förderungen

Der große E-Auto-Boom steht in Europa noch bevor. Um dafür gewappnet zu sein, dürfen einige EU-Staaten nun heimischen Firmen Milliardensummen zur Batterien-Entwicklung zuschießen. Konkrete Projekte sollen rasch umgesetzt werden.

9 Dec 16:41 DIE WELT 6197693429618593852.html
Google: iOS tiene 6 vulnerabilidades y deja el control de dispositivos a terceros

El gigante del internet ha descubierto seis fallas en el sistema de seguridad del SO m&oacute;vil de Apple, con lo que se puede comprometer la seguridad y el uso de los dispositivos de la manzana, situaci&oacute;n que pone en riesgo el control de la informaci&oacute;n de los usuarios

9 Dec 10:16 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622979474821.html
Soal Pencopotan Helmi Yahya, Orang Nasdem Bilang...

WE Online, Bandung - Pemberhentian Helmi Yahya sebagai Direktur Utama Lembaga Penyiaran Publik (LPP) TVRI oleh Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) menuai kontroversi.

9 Dec 09:39 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834203839831.html
The Legend of Zelda - Alle Hauptableger im großen GamePro-Ranking

Mit The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild wurde die Frage nach dem besten Zelda-Teil aller Zeiten wieder aktuell. Die GamePro-Redaktion nutzt die Gelegenheit und stellt ihr (streitbares) Ranking von Links besten Abenteuern zusammen.

9 Dec 11:00 www.gamepro.de 3610569833252266305.html
Avocados with edible coating to go on sale in Europe for first time

US technology allows fruits to stay ripe for twice as long and reduces plastic packaging

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978794434706836.html
1 extricated after car collides with tree in SW Miami-Dade

SOUTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. (WSVN) - Rescue crews have transported a driver to the hospital after their car crashed into a tree in Southwest Miami-Dade. Miami-Dade...

9 Dec 17:14 WSVN 7News 4504855331498530365.html
Democracy NGO casts doubts over Orban's 2018 supermajority in Hungary

NGO Unhack Democracy Europe heard reports of vote buying, intimidation, forged logs, and voters being brought in from neighbouring countries during Hungary's 2018 election

9 Dec 16:40 euronews 7318238120503658279.html
Rok za dostavljanje prijava za finansiranje inovacija 31. decembar

Inovativna preduzeća i naučnoistraživačke organizacije mogu do 31. decembra ove godine da konkurišu za bespovratna sredstva Fonda za inovacionu delatnost u ukupnom izbnosu od čest miliona evra, saopštio je danas Fond.

9 Dec 10:54 Dnevni list Danas 649654640563250484.html
Etro, capsule collection dedicata a Jerry per l'anno del Topo

Realizzata in collaborazione con Warner Bros, la collezione reinterpreta in chiave divertente la simbologia del topo per celebrare il Capodanno Cinese

9 Dec 12:01 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189367215547.html
Steve Smith wants MCG to retain Boxing Day Test despite pitch concerns

Cricket Australia said a different pitch had been earmarked for the second Test against New Zealand starting on December 26 but they will still work with MCG curator to ensure it's standards.

9 Dec 09:14 The Indian Express 2885715104898025306.html
Court remand police officer in prison over alleged murder of truck driver in Ondo

37-year-old police officer, Idowu Omosuyi, has been remanded in Olokuta Correctional Service, for allegedly killing a truck driver, Ade Saleh, along Uso/Owo in Owo Local Government Area of the state. The 37-year-old officer was arraigned on

9 Dec 14:35 LailasNews.com 2090029850726151379.html
Paddy Clancy column: Leaving coats for the homeless on the Ha'penny Bridge is wonderful, but it's not enough

"Every politician in Leinster House must accept some blame"

9 Dec 15:29 Irish Mirror 2875825630052945747.html
The best online deals and sales happening now

We rounded up the 10 best sales and deals happening online today, with savings on the Nintendo Switch, Adidas sneakers and clothing, home goods at Target, and Anker charging accessories.

9 Dec 17:22 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883996625968.html
No threat of job losses in auto sector: Minister tells RS

There is no threat of job losses in the automobile sector and no reason for worry, Minister of State for Heavy Industries Arjun Ram Meghwal said in Rajya Sabha on Monday. “The automobile sector is pre

9 Dec 10:00 BusinessLine 5283601643531535.html
L’esercito e il governo statunitense hanno mentito per anni sulla guerra in Afghanistan

Lo ha scoperto lo stesso governo in una indagine interna, ora rivelata dal Washington Post

9 Dec 16:39 Il Post 6291746504844924146.html
Test your skills and win prizes when you take the new Developer Economics survey!

Where is the developers’ world heading in 2020 and beyond? Take the Developer Economics survey Q4 2019 to share your thoughts and you could win one of many awesome prizes!

9 Dec 13:35 Android Central 29040143030685519.html
Russia's four-year ban from all major sporting events branded as 'not enough' by WADA vice-president

Russia has been banned from the 2020 Olympics and the 2022 football World Cup.

9 Dec 10:47 Independent.ie 5894610845130935269.html
Rebensburg verzückt sich selbst

Viktoria Rebensburg gelingt im Super-G von Lake Louise der erste Saisonsieg. Ihre Lieblingsdisziplin soll dennoch der Riesenslalom bleiben.

9 Dec 11:21 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323593613654.html
Recidente pide paz al estilo urbano

Radical Mestizo Festival Internacional de Música del Mundo cerró ayer en el Zócalo capitalino, con una asistencia de 135 mil personas

9 Dec 15:35 Excélsior 859179360246855262.html
Manja proizvodnja i prodaja šumskih sortimenata

BANJALUKA - U Republici Srpskoj je za deset mjeseci ove godine proizvedena ukupno 1,64 miliona metara kubnih raznih šumskih sortimenata, što je manje za 5,3 odsto nego u istom periodu prošle godine, podaci su Republičkog zavoda za statistiku.

9 Dec 10:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150641799105201.html
Real Kashmir’s two home matches postponed due to Srinagar airport closure

Real Kashmir's first two home matches against Gokulam Kerala on December 12, and Churchill Brothers on December 15 are postponed due to poor weather conditions in Srinagar.

9 Dec 12:11 The Indian Express 2885715104514550339.html
In pics: Ranbir Kapoor is obsessed with making this heart emoji for the paps

Actors have their particular gestures to make whenever they step out for a public appearance. Sara Ali Khan greeting paps with a namaste, Alia Bhatt s

9 Dec 12:24 The Times of India 6060938664883593545.html
Dollar holds ground as central bank meetings loom, pound jumps

LONDON, Dec 9 — The dollar held its ground today thanks to last week’s stronger-than-expected jobs data, although worries about US/China trade talks kept gains in check, while Britain’s pound jumped on the latest polls ahead of this week’s election. Sterling hit a fresh 2-1/2 year high...

9 Dec 10:29 Malaymail 302165935752289488.html
La rivolta irachena entra in una nuova fase - Zuhair al Jezairy

I manifestanti chiedono elezioni anticipate, una nuova costituzione, e mettono in discussione la legittimità del sistema di quote confessionali in vigore dal 2003. Leggi

9 Dec 15:35 Internazionale 3249842260889752133.html
Rapper Zlatan begs Anthony Joshua to leave DJ Cuppy alone

Popular Nigerian rapper Zlatan Ibile has called on Nigeria's talented professional boxer, Anthony Joshua, to leave billionaire's daughter Ifeoluwa Florence Otedola, popularly known as DJ Cuppy, alone.

9 Dec 12:49 Legit 3764253649375734585.html
Trump, Pelosi on shortlist for Time Person of the Year

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and President Trump have both made the shortlist to be named 2019’s Time Person of the Year, "Today" revealed Monday. 

9 Dec 14:18 TheHill 355432918078943476.html
UK serial rapist Joseph McCann given 33 life sentences for horrific attacks

Convicted burglar McCann (34) had been freed after a UK probation service error.

9 Dec 14:01 TheJournal.ie 6446904417361949887.html
Memorial services set for KNOE investigative reporter Ken Booth

Memorial services have been set for longtime KNOE investigative reporter Ken Booth.

9 Dec 16:26 KNOE 8 News 9048639191904092851.html
Google's first Pixel 'feature drop' brings Portrait Blur, automatic call screen, and more

In addition to monthly security updates, Google’s latest Pixel phones will get bigger updates in ‘feature drops’ starting this month.

9 Dec 15:45 Android Central 29040142369867280.html
Kartik Aaryan Feels It Is Not Cheating If You Find Someone Else Attarcted While In A Relationship

Kartik Aaryan is soaring high as his latest release Pati Patni Aur Woh is successfully entertaining the audience in theatres. The film is based on the lines of cheating and from what Kartik Aaryan has

9 Dec 10:13 Koimoi 5184275669913560164.html
Frank Lampard confirms Antonio Rudiger is 'ready' to return against Lille

Big boost for the Blues!

9 Dec 14:06 Metro 970161748760350100.html
Hate speech bill meant to stop criticisms against corruption – Falana

Femi Makinde Human rights activist, Mr Femi Falana (SAN), has said the hate speech bill being considered by the Senate is an attempt to gag Nigerians from speaking against the alleged massive corr...

9 Dec 17:10 Punch Newspapers 3524240995058667158.html
Reports: Ronaldo Tells Friends His Big Regret

With things not going very well for superstar Cristiano Ronaldo at Juventus this season, the former Real Madrid talisman has reportedly opened up to his friends about a major regret of his.

9 Dec 16:26 Soccer Laduma 3901337370288864647.html
Amy Birks and Moulettes complete Summer's End line-up

This year's annual prog event headlined by Antimatter and Pallas...

9 Dec 15:14 Prog 2174237039369803710.html
SNL's NATO Cafeteria Cold Open Gives Donald Trump the Cold Shoulder

The cast took advantage of the NATO drama on their show Saturday night.

9 Dec 16:40 Paste Magazine 2077921859463183178.html
Salta il Villaggio di Natale a Ponte Milvio

Una trentina di stand per la vendita di prodotti tipici natalizi alimentari e non, una baita con punto di ristoro, una casetta di Babbo Natale, un’area

9 Dec 17:35 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342616770385181.html
Cyclist creates festive art by riding reindeer route

Anthony Hoyte cycled nearly 80 miles to trace out the route on the streets of London.

9 Dec 14:26 Shropshire Star 3480199992946751896.html
[OPINION] Dancing onstage while on the autism spectrum

Sometimes, I do odd stuff such as stomping my feet loudly or rubbing my hands to combat my nervousness. I wish that one day, I get to really control this stage fright and rediscover my talents anew.

9 Dec 12:20 Rappler 1882105641800234847.html
Un mecenas para sufragar los costos del centro de acogida a migrantes de Baiona

La ausencia de compromiso de la parte del Estado para sufragar los costos de funcionamiento del centro Pausa de Baiona, al que acuden migrantes, en su mayor&...

9 Dec 10:25 naiz: 7509038603371558312.html
De Wever over formatie: 'Er is heel veel schade aangericht'

Bij N-VA stelde voorzitter De Wever dat hij eventueel wel aan zet wil komen, maar benadrukt hij dat de 'schade' die de Open VLD-top heeft aangericht 'gigantisch' is.

9 Dec 12:43 Site-Knack-NL 6755692570229975609.html
Candidatos al Congreso por Arequipa plantean pena de muerte

En el marco de las elecciones para el Congreso [1], dos candidatos representantes de *Unión por el Perú* plantean la *pena de muerte* para violadores y asesinos. [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/actualidad-y-policiales/congreso-del-peru

9 Dec 16:00 El Popular 1251135763989407800.html
Strictly Come Dancing judge Motsi Mabuse's own relationship 'curse'

She left her husband for a dancer on another show

9 Dec 13:54 Entertainment Daily 8392972516504839214.html
As New Zealand volcano erupted, a tourist captured images and videos of the disaster

"My God, White Island volcano in New Zealand erupted today for first time since 2001. My family and I had gotten off it 20 minutes before, were waiting at our boat about to leave when we saw it," the tourist tweeted.

9 Dec 14:00 The Indian Express 2885715105778338337.html
London Bridge terror attack: Ex-convict sprayed fire extinguisher into Usman Khan's eyes so that man with narwhal tusk could stab him

A former convict who tackled the London Bridge terrorist has revealed how he used a fire extinguisher in an attempt to blind Usman Khan so that a man wielding a narwahl tusk could stab him.

9 Dec 10:27 The Telegraph 140598091960686310.html
Rio Grande do Sul Jockey Club / Kiefer Arquitetos

Completed in 2019 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Images by Fábio del Re. The project for the new Vila Hípica (equestrian center) has been developed to bring the stables, which used to be at the other side of the Cavalhada...

9 Dec 16:00 ArchDaily 6219750954239439743.html
Rio Grande do Sul Jockey Club / Kiefer Arquitetos

Completed in 2019 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Images by Fábio del Re. The project for the new Vila Hípica (equestrian center) has been developed to bring the stables, which used to be at the other side of the Cavalhada...

9 Dec 16:00 ArchDaily 6219750955549454501.html
Juice WRLD and the Tragic End of the SoundCloud Rap Era

The death of the 21-year-old rapper, which comes after those of Lil Peep and XXXTentacion, marks the unsatisfying, rapid conclusion of the decade’s most promising musical movement.

9 Dec 16:58 NY Times 1961078289686949699.html
Delusione Bellocchio, "Il traditore" fuori dai Golden Globe

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 11:04 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206220879605.html
Cavernous, 106-yr-old Burnaby reservoir exposed during demolition

Neighbours living near South Burnaby’s Alta Vista Park have gotten their last glance of a reservoir that has lain beneath their neighbourhood for 106 years.

9 Dec 17:23 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958498194572809.html
WADA imposes four-year Olympic ban on Russia – media

WADA's executive committee took the decision after it concluded that Moscow had tampered with laboratory data by planting fake evidence.

9 Dec 14:20 UNIAN 6863008971177974241.html
Power sector privatisation, grand scheme to defraud Nigeria ― Lawan

The Nigerian Senate President, Ahmad Lawan stated that the privatization of the power sector was a grand scheme conceived with intention to defraud Nigeria.

9 Dec 16:58 Vanguard News 4125100339831605397.html
Miranda Lambert, Brendan McLoughlin enjoy romantic Maui vacation

Miranda Lambert and husband Brendan McLoughlin soaked up the sun in Maui this weekend.

9 Dec 14:37 Fox News 7362823820888320541.html
World anti-doping agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

LAUSANNE, Switzerland - Russia was slapped Monday with a four-year ban from international sports events, including next summer's Tokyo Olympics, over a

9 Dec 17:00 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244694342561.html
Marcelo Odebrecht confirma intervención directa de Lula en puerto de Mariel

Sería la primera vez que el Gobierno hiciera semejante solicitud a la empresa brasileña, confesó el empresario a la prensa brasileña

9 Dec 13:22 CiberCuba 8213836168849134804.html
General Election seats to watch: Wales

There are opportunities – and risks – for all parties on December 12.

9 Dec 12:12 Shropshire Star 3480199991585748505.html
Falcons’ Ridley, Trufant suffer season-ending injuries

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — Falcons receiver Calvin Ridley and cornerback Desmond Trufant will miss the rest of the season after getting hurt in a win over Carolina. Coach Dan...

9 Dec 16:07 The Seattle Times 9121942836629305383.html
Governo apresenta proposta de aumentos salariais na quarta-feira

O Governo remeteu para a próxima quarta-feira a apresentação da proposta de aumentos salariais para 2020 aos sindicatos da administração pública, disse esta segunda-feira a presidente do Sindicato dos Quadros Técnicos do Estado (STE), Helena Rodrigues.

9 Dec 17:25 JN 6956494303524511565.html
Brexit civil war will not be over by Christmas

The trench fighting has only begun.

9 Dec 15:51 POLITICO 2584151345665727370.html
Gobernador Rodríguez visita Turquía para fortalecer economía mirandina

Tienen previsto suscribir un Acuerdo entre la Gobernación de Miranda y Estambul

9 Dec 16:16 Últimas Noticias 6811287210080130228.html
Arlene Foster says Boris Johnson 'broke his word' on preventing an Irish Sea border

Foster says government officials have told her there would need to be checks.

9 Dec 13:18 TheJournal.ie 6446904417770198683.html
Pep Guardiola names FIVE teams Man City can't compete with

Surely an exaggeration from Pep.

9 Dec 12:47 Metro 970161748422235423.html
Lifeguard's spy cam for boys

Warning: The contents of this story may be disturbing to some readers.

9 Dec 16:58 Castanet 616068601879436358.html
Upcoming Galaxy A51 will get quarterly security updates

Even though the Galaxy A51 is yet to go official, Samsung has listed the device in its Android security update bulletin and scheduled it for quarterly security updates. Yes, the Galaxy A51, despite be

9 Dec 09:54 SamMobile 1601131851184833150.html
'Marriage Story' tops Golden Globes nominations with 6

The nominations traditionally see the stars and movies destined for awards success start to break away from the competition — the Globes are seen as a key bellwether for February's Academy Awards.

9 Dec 17:45 Saudi Gazette 6913978435995971595.html
Replacing the board won't fix crisis at Prasa, says Mbalula | IOL News

Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula said the crisis at Prasa could not be solved by replacing the current board with a new one.

9 Dec 12:00 www.iol.co.za 17825111303955716.html
Marianne Williamson falls for fake news story about Trump pardoning Charles Manson

Marianne Williamson seemingly fell for a fake news story Sunday night that involved President Trump pardoning Charles Manson, the murderous cult leader who died in 2017.

9 Dec 11:13 Fox News 7362823820335429822.html
Tonight's dinner: Smoky baked beans with cheese and onion toast

A real rib-sticker of a dish.

9 Dec 16:06 The Telegraph 140598092983092551.html
Troops kill eight Boko Haram terrorists, rescue 31 hostages in Borno

The troops of Operation Lafiya Dole deployed at Malam Fatori in Abadam local government area of Borno State have killed eight Boko Haram insurgents

9 Dec 08:20 Vanguard News 4125100340271175062.html
Telekom startet mit 5G in Hamburg

Die Telekom hat kommuniziert, dass man ab sofort die ersten Gehversuche in Sachen 5G in Hamburg macht. 18 5G-Antennen habe man bereits in ...

9 Dec 17:00 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574063213063.html
FTC: Facebook-användare lurades av Cambridge Analytica

Enligt beslutet måste företaget radera all data som otillåtet samlats in.

9 Dec 14:23 PC för Alla 2857345068242252037.html
2K launches Cloud Chamber game studio to make the next BioShock game

Take-Two Interactive's 2K publishing label announced the founding of Cloud Chamber, a new wholly owned game studio that will make a BioShock game.

9 Dec 13:00 VentureBeat 6273363635203731889.html
Limit your daily sugar intake, love your body

Sugar – it is a craving most of us have. How could we not? It’s sweet and makes basically everything taste better. If you have ever tried to cut back on sugar, you know how difficult it can be. Some people could even experience withdrawal symptoms.

9 Dec 10:21 The Guardian 7580308503944231637.html
Lok Sabha passes Arms (Amendment) Bill

Lok Sabha passes bill for stringent punishment to those possessing illegal arms, indulging in celebratory gunfire

9 Dec 15:03 The Hindu 6679535026258154684.html
Emmerdale viewers confused as Arthur bullies Archie in front of Laurel and Jai

Laurel and Jai are oblivious to what Arthur's doing

9 Dec 13:21 Entertainment Daily 8392972516435778575.html
France's EDF to accelerate growth in renewable projects

PARIS (Reuters) - State-controlled utility EDF is targeting around 30% of the French solar power market by 2035 and aims to develop around 1 gigawatt (GW) of solar capacity per year from next year, the head of the company’s renewables business said on Monday.

9 Dec 16:45 Reuters 8334514180288848546.html
Joyner Lucas Criticizes 'Rappers Who Glorified Drugs' Following Juice Wrld's Death

"Gone too soon," he said of the late rapper.

9 Dec 16:50 HipHopDX 6054351962856740226.html
Familiares piden a aseguradora atienda afectados por accidente en la Siglo XXI

Familiares de afectados por la volcadura de la pipa en la Autopista Siglo XXI, denunciaron la aseguradora Quálitas condicionó apoyo

9 Dec 15:47 MiMorelia 5599511490545540667.html
Good news for Liverpool as Klopp could get double fitness boost vs RB Salzburg

Timely boost for Klopp possible...

9 Dec 11:28 CaughtOffside 8169236756620515020.html
5 dead, others missing after volcano erupts in New Zealand

Desperate efforts are underway to locate any additional survivors of a deadly volcanic eruption on New Zealand's White Island Monday, which killed at least five people and injured at least a dozen more.

9 Dec 12:58 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203849227545.html
Nintendo Switch: Morgen werden neue Spiele gezeigt

Die große Nintendo Direct mit den neuen Highlights für das erste Halbjahr 2020 findet vermutlich erst wieder Anfang 2020 statt.

9 Dec 15:40 mobiFlip.de 5208441548547400013.html
Aumenti benzina, RC auto, bollette e autostrade: ecco la stangata della manovra

Si continua a dibattere di aumenti e sconti, il Governo cerca di far quadrare i conti in vista dell’approvazione della Manovra di bilancio ma fa fatica a trovare le coperture. Soluzione? Aumentare una tassa di qua, diminuirne una da un altro lato. Il tutto inoltre va fatto cercando di mantenere salda una maggioranza piuttosto ballerina. Il maxi emendamento doveva arrivare oggi in Senato, ma sabato il Governo Conte ha annunciato che la discussione è slittata al 12 Dicembre.

9 Dec 08:00 www.sostariffe.it 4211055172987977104.html
DGAP-Stimmrechte: Instone Real Estate Group AG (deutsch)

Instone Real Estate Group AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung DGAP Stimmrechtsmitteilung: Instone Real Estate Group AG Instone Real Estate Group AG: Veröffentlichung gemäß § 40 Abs. 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung 09.12.2019 / 15:04 Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung über...

9 Dec 15:05 Börse Express 3714356347916570809.html
Wages killer: Skilled visa pay crashes below Aussie average

In the years leading up to the May federal election, the Morrison Government and its supporters used Australian Taxation Office (ATO) data to lobby against Labor’s policy changes to negative gearing, claiming that those earning $80,000 were ‘middle-income earners’.

9 Dec 13:06 MacroBusiness 6890797930591309774.html
Verizon blocks archivists from preserving 20 years of Yahoo Groups history

Who do Yahoo think you are

9 Dec 13:22 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887308362527347.html
Libri, Pier Francesco Grasselli sotto la lente di Francesca Codeluppi

REGGIO EMILIA – Lo scrittore reggiano Pier Francesco Grasselli intervistato da Francesca Codeluppi, operatrice culturale e organizzatrice di eventi e presentazioni letterarie. L’appunamento è per mercoledì 11 dicembre alle 20 negli spazi del locale Rebell di via Monzermone, in centro storico. Grasselli presenterà i suoi nuovi libri “Tromba Daria” e “Uno scrittore all’inferno”, e si racconterà, stimolato […]

9 Dec 09:18 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334112393416.html
Meryl Streep breekt eigen record met 34e Golden Globe-nominatie

Meryl Streep heeft haar eigen record gebroken met de 34e nominatie voor een Golden Globe in haar carrière. Ze maakt dit jaar kans op een beeldje voor haar rol in de serie Big Little Lies.

9 Dec 16:21 RTL Boulevard 1500115271754994982.html
De duivellip, helemaal hot of flop?

Er is een bizarre Amerikaanse trend op het gebied van plastische chirurgie. In Nederland waren we wel bekend met sommige vormen van plastische chirurgie. Maar nu is er toch wel een heel aparte plastische chirurgische ingreep: The devil lips. Wisselende reacties Onder andere de Ex on the Beach-deelnemer, Alisa Megastar (22), plaatst op haar Instagram […]

9 Dec 11:49 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048137591723.html
A primeira lista

Tenho dito repetidas vezes que Avaí e Figueirense precisam fazer uma limpa em seus elencos.

9 Dec 16:59 NSC Total 4216767908842294313.html
Phase 2 Study to Evaluate Possible Oral Treatment for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s

Aptinyx initiates Phase 2 trial for new NDMA receptor modulator designed to treat Parkinson's-related cognitive impairment.

9 Dec 14:30 Parkinson's News Today 2509734586810792493.html
'Unfortunately' - Nottingham Forest boss Sabri Lamouchi reveals injury latest

Reds head coach with the latest injury news on Samba Sow, Yuri Ribeiro and Carl Jenkinson ahead of Middlesbrough clash

9 Dec 16:59 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701728667607.html
Le (solite) chiacchiere sul Mes e il terremoto nel Mugello

Idee e spunti per sapere quello che succede nel mondo selezionati per voi da Giuseppe De Filippi

9 Dec 17:00 IL FOGLIO 7601335405621182616.html
Renzi col suo partitino rischia di sparire e cos


9 Dec 10:08 DAGOSPIA 6533336738539886544.html
Trudeau says UN vote not a shift in Canada's "steadfast" support Israel

OTTAWA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says a recent vote by Canada to support a UN resolution endorsing Palestinian self-determination is not a shift in Canada’s policy against singling out Israel for criticism on the international stage. Trudeau made the remarks at a menorah lighting on Parliament Hill Monday, where about 100 parliamentarians gathered to mark the …

9 Dec 12:41 City NEWS 1130 5858657120230951905.html
Bonami, la banana di cattelan divorata da datuna e la mancanza di umorismo del mondo dell'arte


9 Dec 10:56 DAGOSPIA 6533336739698892018.html
Ryanair : Berenberg remonte sa cible

Tout en réitérant sa recommandation 'vente' sur Ryanair, Berenberg remonte son objectif de cours de 9,6 à 11 euros, estimant que la compagnie irlandaise à bas coûts va continuer de profiter d'une... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 12:27 Zonebourse 7946574378072452067.html
Gospel Star, Diana Antwi-Hamilton Shows Off Twin Children As They Mark 9th Birthday

Gospel musician, Diana Antwi-Hamilton has shared a photo of her twin children as they mark their 9th birthday today- December 9. The award winning artists penned a heartfelt message to express her profound gratitude for having such rare species in her life while bestowing onto them all the good things life has to offer. She […]

9 Dec 13:08 GhBase.com 8689748846796209596.html
Currys PC World reveals this year’s top tech Christmas gifts

The top gifts of the year were decided by the brand’s new customer testing initiative, the Customer Collective

9 Dec 09:41 dailyrecord 552235479636708187.html
Kim Kardashian threatens to FIRE sister Kourtney from Keeping Up With the Kardashians

"She has too many f*cking boundaries, she's out."

9 Dec 12:30 GOSS.ie 8755536024725538651.html
Ex-Bayern-coach Niko Kovac toont geen interesse om Emery op te volgen bij Arsenal

Berichten dat Niko Kovac de nieuwe coach van Arsenal wordt, zijn “klinkklare onzin”. Dat heeft de entourage van de 48-jarige Kroaat, die begin november na ...

9 Dec 12:59 De Standaard 2288913868927091481.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer resurrects the Ecto-1, sees the return of Slimer

Sony Pictures Entertainment on Monday published the first official trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife, the next film in the storied Ghostbusters franchise. A true sequel to the first flicks, this new movie (technically the fourth in the series) follows a family&hellip;

9 Dec 17:09 TechSpot 7732733960104512041.html
Toxica nivel: No te puedes casar e interrumpe boda en CDMX

Una mujer entro gritando para interrumpir la boda entre Richard y su novia, el momento fue grabado en video y se volvió viral

9 Dec 12:58 EL DEBATE 4396150894252048134.html
Cuba asiste a Foro Mundial de Abogados en China

Beijing, – Cuba participa hoy en el Foro Mundial de Abogados, abierto en la ciudad de Guangzhou, sur de China, con el propósito de servir de plataforma para profundizar los intercambios y ampliar la cooperación en la esfera legal.   El ministro de Justicia, Oscar Silvera, representa a la isla en el encuentro de dos … Seguir leyendo Cuba asiste a Foro Mundial de Abogados en China →

9 Dec 13:30 La Demajagua 796151391893919461.html
EXCLUSIVE: Adam22 and Vlad Discuss the Ethics of Paying for Interviews

In this clip, Adam22 and Vlad continue their discussion of Lil Reese and the ethics of paying for an interview. Adam22 also recounted almost interv...

9 Dec 12:30 VLADTV 1404406305925422531.html
One person, one gun: Govt moves further changes to Arms Amendment Bill

The further amendment to the Bill seeks to provide special status for sportspersons. 'Many suggestions were received. I have moved an official amendment in this regard also,' he said. The Bill was tabled in Lok Sabha on November 29.

9 Dec 10:20 Oneindia 2023829370695027105.html
Take your cereal on the road with this innovative combo cup

The bummers of adulthood are too many to count, but one of our least favorites is the inability to sit down and enjoy a nice bowl of cereal. When you’ve got a long commute ahead, let’s …

9 Dec 13:30 Boing Boing 4601305169294671493.html
Onze animais apreendidos por brucelose em Torres Vedras

A Direção-Geral de Alimentação Veterinária identificou a doença em animais oriundos da exploração, já no circuito comercial e pediu a intervenção da GNR.

9 Dec 17:46 SÁBADO 5711459692800014446.html
WhatsApp faz parceria com Any.do e ganha lembretes

Apesar de interessante, função só está disponível para usuários premium da plataforma de produtividade

9 Dec 15:40 Mundo Conectado 6456876366281257835.html
Lara Molino e Franco Arminio protagonisti di "Educare a Scuola: una sfida possibile"

In occasione delle giornate umanistiche organizzate dal polo liceale Pantini-Pudente di Vasto, dal titolo "Educare a Scuola: una sfida possibile - Per una educazione alla Bellezza", la cantautrice Lara Molino incontrerà gli studenti e si esibirà con le sue canzoni in dialetto abruzzese, accompagnata dalla sua chitarra e dall'armonica a bocca. Mercoledì, 11 dicembre, alle ore 11 circa, sarà al fianco del poeta e "paesologo" Franco Arminio e curerà gli intermezzi musicali.

9 Dec 11:03 ChietiToday 1729130453331345640.html
Sultne isbjørner truer russisk landsby

Avmagrede isbjørner har trukket så langt inn mot en landsby i jakt på mat at innbyggerne holder seg innendørs. - Vi må tilpasse oss, sier forskere

9 Dec 09:58 Dagbladet.no 3042595687599570022.html
BREAKING: Ondo sacks 51 workers who shunned screening exercise

Peter Dada, Akure The Ondo State Government said it has removed names of 51 workers from its payroll following the failure of the affected workers to show up for the recently conducted screening...

9 Dec 16:15 Punch Newspapers 3524240994745959578.html
Geschäftsmann schildert Kauf von FPÖ-Mandat

Der niederösterreichische Geschäftsmann Ernst Neumayer, der seinen Aussagen zufolge den Kauf eines FPÖ-Mandats durch ukrainische Oligarchen vermittelt haben will, hat am Montag gegenüber dem “Ö1-Morgenjournal” seinen Beitrag geschildert. Er habe damals den Kontakt hergestellt und die Summe auf zehn Mio. Euro hinaufverhandelt. Um die vereinbarte Provision von zwei Mio. sei er dann aber umgefallen. 2016 […]

9 Dec 10:58 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171628102208.html
Das sind die Sanktionen für Russland im Einzelnen

Das Exekutivkomitee der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat am Montag in Lausanne einen Katalog von Sanktionen gegen Russland wegen der Manipulation von ...

9 Dec 15:52 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094434198063.html
Critical Comparison: Standard Chartered (OTCMKTS:SCBFF) & Hanmi Financial (OTCMKTS:HAFC)

Hanmi Financial (NASDAQ:HAFC) and Standard Chartered (OTCMKTS:SCBFF) are both finance companies, but which is the superior investment? We will contrast the two businesses based on the strength of their analyst recommendations, valuation, institutional ownership, dividends, profitability, earnings and risk. Profitability This table compares Hanmi Financial and Standard Chartered’s net margins, return on equity and return […]

9 Dec 13:16 The Cerbat Gem 3142837109680153727.html
Princess Margaret's Love Affair with the Island of Mustique

On Mustique, the Princess could be wild and unrestrained—and truly herself.

9 Dec 14:32 Harper's BAZAAR 9032339115946338812.html
Berlin-based Jambl announces €450K investment, to become largest music social media platform

London-based Gismart, a leading developer and publisher of entertainment-focused apps and games, today announced a €450K investment into Jambl, a Berlin-based music startup aspiring to become the largest social media platform for beat making music creators.

9 Dec 16:19 EU-Startups 1488873444620998507.html
L’ASI protagonista della prima Expo dello spazio a Roma

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Tre giorni dedicati alla nuova economia dello spazio. Roma ospita dal 10 al 12 dicembre nei padiglioni della Fiera Roma la prima edizione della Expo dello spazio. A Fiera Roma convergeranno i vertici delle principali Agenzie spaziali per ragionare sulle nuove potenzialità dell’economia del sistema spaziale anche alla luce della […]

9 Dec 17:07 Askanews 298649740583831984.html
Ruth Langsford throws pen in fury after Phillip Schofield cuts her off

The unearthed clip sees the star far from impressed with Phillip cutting her off.

9 Dec 12:42 Metro 970161748360703381.html
Murder accused told psychiatrist he heard 'voices', jury told

Gavin Collins also spoke about a female voice which suggested good chess moves

9 Dec 15:41 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701866023535.html
Steve Bruce responds to criticism of Joelinton, and reveals he's been given training ground mentor

Former Liverpool and West Ham man is helping striker Joelinton feel his way through his difficult spell

9 Dec 10:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901484583108.html
West Brom boss Slaven Bilic's message for Hal Robson-Kanu after starring role against Swansea City

The West Brom winger has spoken of potentially representing Wales again

9 Dec 14:00 Wales Online 7686550516817946744.html
Viorel Morari a contestat decizia lui Stoianoglo de a face controale la PA

Şeful Procuraturii Anticorupție, Viorel Morari, suspendat din funcţie, a atacat în instanţa de judecată decizia procurorului general Alexandr Stoianoglo de a verifica activitatea procuraturii specializate, dar și decizia de a-l delega pe Morari într-o sub

9 Dec 15:05 PUBLIKA 1679939814744410682.html
Gefahrguteinsatz auf A10

Auf der A10 bei St. Michael läuft seit 12 Uhr ein Gefahrguteinsatz. Zahlreiche Feuerwehrleute sind an den Löscharbeiten beteiligt.

9 Dec 15:15 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092927775541.html
APA-Campus-Workshop „Die Mechanismen der Skandalisierung“ mit Florian Klenk

Kommunikationsprofis erfahren, wie Skandale entstehen und wie man diesen am besten begegnet; Workshop am 11. Dezember 2019 von 9:30 bis 13:00 Uhr

9 Dec 15:47 OTS.at 4182160710215571899.html
Woman set on fire in Bihar after failed rape bid

A young woman was allegedly set on fire by a neighbour after she resisted his attempt to rape her, a police officer said here on Monday.

9 Dec 10:57 Deccan Herald 2027555796224728345.html
NVIDIA Is Using Machine Learning To Transform 2D Images Into 3D Models

Researchers at NVIDIA have come up with a clever machine learning technique for taking 2D images and fleshing them out into 3D models.

9 Dec 14:15 HotHardware 6258404625759629325.html
Billionaire Phones4U founder John Caudwell warns that 'every wealthy person in the UK' will LEAVE if Labour wins general election as he savages John McDonnell's 'frightening' tax hikes

John Caudwell said 'nearly every wealthy person I know is thinking of leaving the UK including me if Labour get in' as he challenged John McDonnell during a face-to-face meeting.

9 Dec 13:23 Mail Online 124328111363320654.html
Pensiile speciale sau colapsul României

O societate în care unii cetățeni sunt favorizați prin încălcarea aplicabilității legii nu poate merge decât în direcție greșită.

9 Dec 10:50 Cotidianul 8452212681936854609.html
No Commonwealth Shooting Championships in India during 2022 CWG

The CGF said there was no formal proposal made to the ISSF to conduct a Commonwealth Shooting Championships when its heads met the top brass of the world body on Friday.

9 Dec 15:11 The Indian Express 2885715105126869034.html
Ayodhya case: Hindu body opposes land to Muslims, two review pleas in SC

Separately, 40 persons, including rights activists, have jointly moved the top court seeking review of its verdict in the Ayodhya case claiming that the judgement "errs in both fact and law"

9 Dec 14:10 Business-Standard 1502508924612680003.html
Rückenschmerzen müssen nicht sein

Ein Baby nah am Körper zu tragen, tut Mutter und Kind gut. Die Nähe fördert die wichtige Bindung und gibt dem kleinen Menschen Geborgenheit.

9 Dec 16:47 meinbezirk.at 5267640333103043881.html
Im Velo-Taxi zum Frankfurter Frühlingsball

Die Palmengarten-Gala kommt im April mit verändertem Konzept zurück: Nachhaltiger soll es werden. Der Tigerpalast ist neu dabei - lukullisch und artistisch.

9 Dec 17:15 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322873996813.html
Chris Cornell’s Widow Is Suing Soundgarden

Vicky Cornell sued Soundgarden over unreleased songs by her late husband Chris Cornell in December 2019.

9 Dec 14:30 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989688458649656.html
Leafs Notebook: Playoff odds, Leafs drawing inspiration from the Seahawks, lineup notes

Approaching the halfway point of the season, the Toronto Maple Leafs own a rather mediocre 14-13-4 record with a minus-three goal differential. Naturally, people are beginning to wonder if they will even make the playoffs. Let’s take a deeper look. In the Eastern Conference, the lowest point totals to qualify for the playoffs the last […]

9 Dec 12:03 Maple Leafs Hotstove 4267478699317904881.html
Serial rapist Joseph McCann given 33 life sentences

Joseph McCann to serve minimum of 30 years after two weeks of attacks in England

9 Dec 15:09 the Guardian 1491978794552709945.html
Deutscher Streamer-Star MontanaBlack: "Frauen sind wie Hunde"

Internet-"Persönlichkeiten" wie YouTuber und Influencer sind heutzutage nicht nur Stars, sondern vielfach auch Vorbilder. Die dazugehörige Vorbildwirkung lässt bei so manchem aber zu wünschen übrig, wie nun der deutsche Twitch-Streamer Marcel "MontanaBlack" Eris beweist.

9 Dec 13:05 winfuture.de 1179223335033871198.html
Chris Aalberts – Soms is het moeilijk te geloven dat FvD-aanhangers fatsoenlijke mensen zijn 

Een afsluitende overdenking bij mijn onderzoek naar Forum voor Democratie  

9 Dec 10:42 ThePostOnline 3048418756547281360.html
1 dead as NZ volcano erupts, more fatalities likely

Around 100 people were near New Zealand's White Island volcano when it erupted suddenly on Monday, leaving authorities scrambling to treat the injured and find those unaccounted for.

9 Dec 08:50 Deccan Herald 2027555796178741548.html
34-Jährige dürfte Regierungschefin in Finnland werden

Sanna Marin ist Vize-Chefin der Sozialdemokraten und bislang Verkehrs- und Kommunikationsministerin in Finnland.

9 Dec 08:08 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061592388676590.html
Tekken 7 Adding Sumo Wrestler Favorite Ganryu and New Muay Thai Fighter Fahkumram

Tekken 7 reveals and dates a handful of new DLC characters. Check out trailers for Ganryu, Leroy Smith, and the mysterious Fahkumram!

9 Dec 16:55 Wccftech 3677959679040278117.html
Garda on trial charged with assault of RTÉ cameraman

A garda has gone on trial charged with assaulting an RTÉ cameraman and causing damage to his camera.

9 Dec 14:58 RTE.ie 7595237278076724887.html
Amianto nas escolas motiva queixa da Fenprof nos tribunais e em Bruxelas

A Fenprof vai queixar-se aos tribunais portugueses e à Comissão Europeia por ainda não ter tido resposta do Governo ao pedido oficial de divulgação da...

9 Dec 17:05 dnoticias 6968432066978123687.html
Safap y FPF darán charla informativa para erradicar dobles contratos en clubes

Con la intención de erradicar los doble contrato para las próximas temporadas, la Agremiación de Futbolistas Profesionales del Perú (SAFAP) y la Federación Peruana de Fútbol realizarán por primera vez una charla informativa sobre los contratos laborales en el fútbol profesional y la campaña "No al doble contrato", que se realizará este martes (mañana), a partir de 10 de la mañana, en el auditorio principal de la Videna.

9 Dec 16:56 Ovación 4766812596555193266.html
Vogelwarte gibt Empfehlungen zum Füttern von Vögeln im Winter

In der Regel finden die einheimischen Vögel hierzulande auch im Winter genug Futter. Wer allerdings trotzdem eine Futterstelle bieten möchte, sollte vor allem auf Hygiene achten, betont die Vogelwarte Sempach.

9 Dec 14:40 bz BASEL 5287163742721156150.html
Vladimir Tarasenko injury update: St. Louis Blues GM confident forward will return for playoff run

The 27-year-old underwent surgery on his shoulder in October, but Doug Armstrong says Tarasenko's recovery timetable has him on pace to return in early April.

9 Dec 16:07 Sporting News 5110653854462375469.html
Nu kliver programledarna in i glasburen

Musik Det har blivit dags för programledarna att kliva in i buren på Stora torget i Västerås för att leda årets "Musikhjälpen".Man är lite nervös inför det tekniska. Det är ju som att styra

9 Dec 15:34 www.unt.se 8922556089437064097.html
Heartbreaking video shows 'suicidal' deaf pensioner, 77, describe his desperate loneliness as he watches other residents talk and laugh at care home where he cannot make himself understood

John Skinner, 77, wants to be sent to a specialist homes for deaf OAPs in the UK but his local council have refused the request to move him from Oak Court Residential Care Home, Wolverhampton.

9 Dec 12:33 Mail Online 124328112268367809.html
Was Mieter wissen müssen

Wenn Mietwohnungen in Eigentumswohnungen umgewandelt werden, sorgt das für Unruhe unter den Bewohnern. Doch bei diesem Geschäft gibt es klare Spielregeln für Eigentümer, potenzielle Käufer und Mieter.

9 Dec 12:20 n-tv 6802689754067375309.html
Water problem could lead toWorld War III, says expert

‘Disaster will strike India if governments do not heed the wake-up call’

9 Dec 17:58 The Hindu 6679535025393422322.html
Tiago Nunes escolherá jogadores que ficam no Corinthians

Andrés Sanches reconheceu que o clube não fez boas escolhas nas contratações para esta temporada

9 Dec 10:40 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699666497492.html
Ethiopia's internet shutdowns, hate speech bill worries U.N. expert

Ethiopia has shut down the internet nine times in 2019, mostly during national exams and public protests, he said.

9 Dec 14:56 Africanews 6630243980059177389.html
Wer Vater wird, soll den Dienst verschieben dürfen

Die Armee will frisch gebackenen Vätern entgegenkommen und die Regeln, wann sie einrücken müssen, präzisieren.

9 Dec 15:14 SRF 8424707178902319813.html
ESA will im Weltall aufräumen

Die Europäische Weltraumbehörde plant eine erste Mission zur Bekämpfung von Weltraumschrott

9 Dec 10:42 SRF 8424707179612497936.html
Troops rescue 31 women, children from Boko Haram terrorists in Borno

Army says its troops have rescued 31 persons comprising 14 women and 17 children at Mantari, Malam Masari and Gabchari Villages in Bama Local Government Area (LGA) of Borno.

9 Dec 09:33 The Guardian 7580308503736875387.html
Appeal launched to find missing Renton cat, Yoda

The little hairless moggy went missing from the Dalquhurn area on Saturday.

9 Dec 15:55 dailyrecord 552235479035545489.html
Trony: un volantino ricco di sconti coglie di sorpresa gli utenti

Trony non ha pietà delle dirette concorrenti del mercato della rivendita di elettronica, in arrivo una serie di sconti davvero da non perdere.

9 Dec 09:35 tecnoandroid 2573257126390381859.html
„Leichtsinniger und unberechenbarer alter Mann“

Nach Donald Trumps Warnung im Streit über das Atomwaffenprogramm schießt Nordkoreas Führung verbal zurück. Man werde sein Tun nicht nach einem Mann richten, der womöglich bald ein „dementer Greis“ sei, hieß es.

9 Dec 16:43 DIE WELT 6197693428937807670.html
Reps decry eight NAF crashes in four years, grill CAS

Leke Baiyewu, Abuja The House of Representatives has criticised the Nigerian Air Force for the incessant crashes recorded recently, leading to the loss of lives and aircraft. The Chief of Air...

9 Dec 16:46 Punch Newspapers 3524240995522082718.html
Jennifer Aniston Accepts She Might Get Another Pet Dog After Losing Dolly, She Had With Justin Theroux

Jennifer Aniston and ex-husband Justin Theroux lost beloved pet dog 'Dolly' in July. Recently in an interview, ‘The Morning Show’ actress accepted that she might get another pet dog after losing her dearest Dolly

9 Dec 14:35 SPOTBOYE 1547816858217588067.html
Roma, autista Atac preso a pugni da un gruppo di ragazzi

L'uomo alla guida di un bus della linea 301 si trovava in via Nemea quando ha rimproverato un gruppo di passeggeri che per tutta risposta lo hanno aggredito

9 Dec 16:18 Repubblica.it 5753059094717246409.html
Musk hace una incorporación irregular con un Tesla Cybertruck

Elon Musk ha sido visto al volante de un Tesla Cybertruck por las calles de Los Ángeles, toda una novedad dado que la pick-up eléctrica no entrará en fase de producción hasta finales del año 2021.

9 Dec 17:55 SoyMotor 3778996021306306761.html
Barselona bez Mesija protiv Intera, Liverpul u Salcburgu

BARSELONA - Najbolji fudbaler sveta Lionel Mesi neće igrati sutra u poslednjoj utakmici grupne faze Lige šampiona protiv Intera u Milanu, odlučio je

9 Dec 14:21 Krstarica 4176903988335578379.html
Asia Argento irriconoscibile sui social: il nuovo look è angelico

Dopo una lunga assenza dai social, la camaleontica attrice è apparsa su Instagram con un look meno dark del solito, conquistando fan e follower

9 Dec 09:28 ilGiornale.it 5019541224533763851.html
Paul Finebaum Reacts To Arkansas’ Hiring Of Sam Pittman

SEC Network's Paul Finebaum offers his reaction to the Arkansas Razorbacks' hiring of Georgia assistant Sam Pittman.

9 Dec 15:36 The Spun 9122471848904160562.html
Un anno di Fondazione Carima: 1,5 milioni investiti sul territorio

MACERATA - Beni culturali, sanità e volontariato i principali ambiti di intervento. “Sicurezza alimentare e agricoltura di qualità” e “ Protezione e qualità ambientale” i due nuovi settori introdotti che consolidano il rapporto di collaborazione con la Fondazione Giustiniani Bandini

9 Dec 10:16 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195646422065.html
Bigg Boss 13: Himanshi Khurana Finally SPEAKS About Her Relationship With Asim Riaz

Last week’s weekend ka vaar at Bigg Boss 13 house made some big revelations and host Salman Khan lost his cool not once but twice. This weekend Salman revealed some secrets about Arhaan Khan to Rash

9 Dec 10:00 Koimoi 5184275671401819647.html
Global warming is robbing world’s oceans of oxygen

The amount of oxygen in the world's oceans decreased by 2 percent between 1960 and 2010 and is expected to go down by a further 3-4 percent by the year 2100 as a result of global warming, something that will have an effect on habitats and the coastal economies that depend on them.

9 Dec 11:51 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200833783929.html
Police investigate 13-year-old Burnley fan over Son Heung-Min racist abuse

Burnley have confirmed they are looking into an incident from Saturday’s defeat at Tottenham in which a minor directed racist abuse to Spurs forward Son He...

9 Dec 15:21 Buzz.ie 7092425148659343265.html
Marinos' faith in Teruhito Nakagawa pays off

Just over five years ago, Yokohama F. Marinos showed their faith in then-22-year-old Teruhito Nakagawa when they announced they would sign the Senshu Unive

9 Dec 09:39 The Japan Times 6673764367184902885.html
Sardine indigeste al Pd in crisi di idee. Dai Girotondi in poi solo flop

Se la sinistra avesse buona memoria dovrebbe guardarsi dal pericolo d’indigestione da sardine. E invece niente. Ancora ieri Repubblica apriva la prima pagina con un titolo-strillo che pareva un tragicomico presagio: «Sorpresa Sardine. Tentato un elettore su 4». Succede sempre cos&i...

9 Dec 12:03 Il Tempo 2494990960844691326.html
Brady und New England verloren in NFL erneut

Quarterback-Superstar Tom Brady hat mit den New England Patriots in der amerikanischen Football-Liga NFL die zweite Niederlage in Folge hinnehmen müssen.

9 Dec 10:35 NÖN.at 2486998931581447447.html
Andy Ruiz Jr.'s trainer critical of fighter's preparation for rematch with Anthony Joshua

Asked about Andy Ruiz Jr's preparation for his rematch with Anthony Joshua, Manny Robles said:

9 Dec 12:50 Sporting News 5110653853340261692.html
Jeremy Corbyn refuses to say if he will quit if Tories win General Election

The Labour leader said voters have a 'very clear choice' on Thursday.

9 Dec 17:17 Metro 970161747314317346.html
Gadis “Si Kaki Kaleng” asal Suriah Akhirnya Bisa Berjalan ke Sekolah dengan Kaki Palsu

"Ada banyak anak yang dalam kondisi seperti dialami anak perempuan saya di Suriah. Mereka juga membutuhkan prostesis ini. Saya harap pemerintah Turki akan membantu orang-orang ini juga"

9 Dec 09:20 Hidayatullah.com 5252784003214890044.html
Zu hohe Strahlung beim iPhone? Sammelklage gegen Apple | iTopnews

Apple sieht sich mit einer neuen Sammelklage in den USA konfrontiert.

9 Dec 14:55 www.itopnews.de 222669968194447905.html
Ravage en twee gewonden na frontale botsing in Beek

Op de N325 bij Beek zijn maandag twee auto's frontaal op elkaar gebotst. De weg vanaf en naar de Duitse grens was tijdelijk dicht.

9 Dec 16:42 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615944897996.html
Steve Bruce has taken Newcastle United to the 'next level' - according to former Magpies' defender

Steven Caldwell believes Steve Bruce has built upon Rafa Benitez's legacy at Newcastle United

9 Dec 17:39 ChronicleLive 1984146902733745513.html
Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis discusses top bank accounts for children

Martin also told parents which method not to bother with

9 Dec 11:38 Liverpool Echo 7727211173165558102.html
Das gab's noch nie! Zwillinge buhlen um Bachelor Sebastian Preuss

Die neue Staffel des Bachelor geht im Januar los. Nun hat RTL die Kandidatinnen veröffentlicht. Diesmal kommen fünf aus dem Ländle.

9 Dec 11:30 TAG24 4583887873423565710.html
General Election seats to watch: North-west England

The Tories are eyeing a dozen gains in this battleground region.

9 Dec 14:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773510270035.html
Sst... Ada Cara Baru untuk Ukur Umur Galaksi

Tim ilmuwan yang dipimpin peneliti dari ASTRO-3D, Australia, mendapati bahwa cakram tebal Galaksi Bima Sakti telah berusia 10 miliar tahun. Hal itu diketahui lewat penelitian terbaru yang menggunkan metode asteroseismologi.

9 Dec 14:42 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835777997035.html
OnePlus 8 Lite will bring OnePlus back into the midrange market

OnePlus really isn’t much of a budget-friendly or midrange brand anymore. When the phones originally launched they were priced well below the flagship category, but that’s slowly crept …

9 Dec 17:24 TalkAndroid 1612121026098932217.html
In praise of slow gaming

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a game that my MacBook can’t even look at sideways with it it turning into a steaming slagheap of aluminum and silicon. The RPG, in it’s PC and Mac iteration…

9 Dec 14:00 Boing Boing 4601305168862900081.html
[Video] Gunung Berapi di Selandia Baru Meletus, Lima Turis Tewas dan Lainnya Hilang

Polisi mengatakan lima orang tewas dan 23 orang yang diselamatkan dari White Island beberapa dari mereka diduga sebagai wisatawan dari kapal pesiar Ovation of the Sea. Gunung berapi itu meletus sekitar pukul 14:11 waktu setempat.

9 Dec 16:44 merdeka.com 1998180354274426637.html
Keep it Quiet: Overcoming the Latest Challenges in EMC Regulation

Demystifying EMC will take place on Monday 10 February 2020 at the Silverstone Wing.

9 Dec 11:01 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672079767967499.html
18 Tahun Berlalu, Ini Potret Terbaru 7 Pemain Sinetron Pernikahan Dini

Perubahan penampilan para pemain Pernikahan Dini menjadi sorotan.

9 Dec 08:55 liputan6.com 5422146880915407218.html
Baby: Säugling ausgesetzt! Polizei sucht nach Mutter

Schlimmer Fund in Stade (Niedersachsen). Ein Ehepaar hat am Freitagabend ein neugeborenes Baby auf einer Wiese gefunden – mutterseelenallein.

9 Dec 17:22 Thüringen24 7206317295842902062.html
Charlize Theron Knows a Monster When She Sees One

The making of Bombshell and the eerie similarities between Roger Ailes and Harvey Weinstein

9 Dec 12:00 The Atlantic 100708436503936070.html
Top 5 programas de Adobe gratuitos

Para que pases el mínimo tiempo buscando programas gratuitos de Adobe, decidí presentar todas las formas posibles de conseguirlos sin violar la ley. Mis compañeros fotógrafos revelaron algunos métodos para obtener programas de Adobe de forma gratuita, mientras que otras opciones que descubrí en la red. De todos modos, todos ellos son fiables, legales y fáciles de repetir.

9 Dec 08:43 Panorama 6052790753691219386.html
Yamaha Tekad Pertahankan Maverick Vinales di MotoGP 2021

Managing Director Yamaha Motor Racing, Lin Jarvis, sangat puas melihat peningkatan performa Maverick Vinales di MotoGP musim ini.

9 Dec 13:45 Bola.net 5489959028703333779.html
Barcelona niega la venta de Vidal en enero

El presidente del Barcelona, Josep María Bartomeu, cerró la puerta para salida de Vidal en enero.

9 Dec 16:15 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073025106565.html
Aung San Suu Kyi heads to The Hague for Myanmar genocide case

Nobel laureate will defend government at court hearing on Rohingya crackdown

9 Dec 12:11 Financial Times 707176888549492211.html
Flight MH17 families seek answers as suspects face trial in absentia

The Dutch government believes Russia carries primary responsibility for the downing of flight MH17.

9 Dec 14:11 Times of Oman 5168079154924611753.html
Apple Pay bei der Sparkasse: Start wohl morgen

Die Sparkassen wollen Apple Pay auf jeden Fall noch in diesem Jahr anbieten und aktuell sieht es so aus, als ob morgen der Startschuss ist.

9 Dec 15:10 mobiFlip.de 5208441548776869379.html
Trinity College the highest entrant on FT’s business school rankings

TCD back in the rankings for first time since 2007 as IMI and UCD Smurfit School also rise

9 Dec 09:10 The Irish Times 8204772967768535024.html
Man, 33, arrested after allegedly threatening to shoot Waikiki workers | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

A 33-year-old man was arrested early Saturday after threatening to shoot employees at a Waikiki store if he didn’t get the items he wanted, according to the Honolulu Police Department.

9 Dec 08:00 Star-Advertiser 3439335388849081169.html
Cientistas criam pele artificial que se cura como a de verdade

Cientistas da Universidade Nacional da Austrália criaram um hidrogel que funciona como a pele de verdade, com a mesma força e durabilidade

9 Dec 12:44 HypeScience 818708096780103849.html
Adrian, le confessioni dello storico batterista di Celentano

Gianni Dall’Aglio, storico batterista di Celentano, svela i retroscena di Adrian e il vero motivo del flop. Ma promette che Adriano sorprenderà ancora.

9 Dec 10:21 DiLei 6707305201388886201.html
A doctor and son missing in Mawlamyaing

A doctor and his three-year-old son have been missing for four days and their family had reported it to the police.

9 Dec 09:00 Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd 2672168647170857423.html
SC achieves new health and safety milestones at Qatar 2022 construction sites

The Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) recently celebrated health and safety milestones at two FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 infrastructure projects: Al Thumama Stadium and the training sites being developed for the tournament.

9 Dec 12:50 The Peninsula 1202843882519599786.html
Festa con Dylan al Centro commerciale Tremestieri: emozione e doni VIDEO

Un pomeriggio di festa ed emozioni. Il libro di Dylan, i doni, i giri in slitta, le foto con Babbo Natale e....

9 Dec 10:36 Tempostretto 3143171743763779187.html
Campina sedia Feira Estadual do Mel e Mostra de Agricultura Familiar

Campina sedia Feira Estadual do Mel e Mostra de Agricultura Familiar

9 Dec 10:24 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905172313838.html
The art of Kelly Corbett

Landscapes and wildlife of British Columbia

9 Dec 15:30 The Stettler Independent 1209901974208989750.html
The art of Kelly Corbett

Landscapes and wildlife of British Columbia

9 Dec 15:30 Bashaw Star 2864261460379650614.html
Valverde da descanso a Messi en la Champions

El argentino no viaja a Milán y ya piensa en los partidos ante la Real Sociedad y el Madrid

9 Dec 14:57 La Vanguardia 8061072700718917411.html
Sister of missing Trevor Deely says online speculation is 'outrageous'

The sister of missing Kildare man Trevor Deely has described some of the online speculation about her brother's disappearance as “outrageous” and she called for it to be toned down “several notches.”

9 Dec 11:08 Irishexaminer 8196011179364847384.html
Sister of missing Trevor Deely says online speculation is 'outrageous'

The sister of missing Kildare man Trevor Deely has described some of the online speculation about her brother's disappearance as “outrageous” and she called for it to be toned down “several notches.”

9 Dec 11:08 Breaking News 4415806918346425650.html
Castillejo dopo la vittoria di Bologna: "Un gruppo, una famiglia"

Samu Castillejo, entrato in campo ieri sera a Bologna negli ultimi minuti di partita al posto di Calhanoglu, ha pubblicato questo messaggio su Instagram dopo la fine del match: "Un gruppo, una famiglia".

9 Dec 14:03 MilanNews.it 6507305922694471929.html
Wanted man in Vernon

Vernon RCMP are seeking the public's assistance in their search for a man wanted on outstanding warrants.

9 Dec 12:09 Castanet 616068602421910685.html
Galicia lidera un proyecto europeo para transformar el dióxido de carbono en un carburante ecológico

La nueva tecnología de fotosíntesis artificial, impulsada por la Universidade de Santiago, también permite en una fase inicial purificar aguas residuales para obtener hidrógeno

9 Dec 15:39 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612027726767.html
‘Outstanding’: Garth Crooks raves about Liverpool workhorse Jordan Henderson

Jordan Henderson provided the assist for Liverpool's opener.Jordan Henderson provided the assist for Liverpool's opener.

9 Dec 12:45 The Boot Room 5717202227370556475.html
OnePlus adds Netflix to its TVs

Thanks to an update, OnePlus TVs will come with Netflix preinstalled.

9 Dec 13:24 Engadget 96641516101916875.html
A Duel on a Sinking Ship

Foreign observers find it difficult to understand the developments of the Lebanese situation and its sudden turns. This is not surprising. Lebanon is not a normal democracy, to which the known rules of such system apply. Lebanon’s democracy is bizzar

9 Dec 10:45 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933182237163.html
Caroline Kennedy christens new aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy

JFK's daughter christened the new US Navy aircraft carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy, at a ceremony on Dec 7. 

9 Dec 09:55 IrishCentral 7319968743655822253.html
Condena a Rusia: Cuatro años fuera de competiciones internacionales

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales.La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió hoy expulsar al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones…

9 Dec 13:59 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189306730288.html
Boris Johnson pledges to 'look at' abolishing BBC licence fee

Boris Johnson has said he is "looking at" abolishing the BBC licence fee.

9 Dec 16:55 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489722555408.html
Ryanair mantendrá la base en Girona tras acordar con los empleados cambiar las condiciones laborales

Así lo ha explicado a Europa Press la portavoz de Usoc en Ryanair Lidia Arasanz: "Hubo una reunión a finales de noviembre y se dijo a los...

9 Dec 15:14 Expansión 4197779423993276810.html
Whakaari/White Island: The science of the eruption, and why there was no warning

We don’t normally see these eruptions coming, no matter how much we would like to. Many systems are already 'primed' for such events, but the triggers are poorly understood, writes Shane Cronin of the University of Auckland. As of Monday night five people have been confirmed dead, 18 had been res

9 Dec 12:16 The Spinoff 7256195146318086249.html
Donn McClean reflects on the week's action in Ireland

Our columnist dissects Sunday's John Durkan Memorial Chase at Punchestown and there are plenty of horses who caught his eye elsewhere.

9 Dec 14:30 Sporting Life 7709795077472491551.html
Chiefs coach Middendorp unhappy with defence despite Celtic win

Kaizer Chiefs beat Bloemfontein Celtic 5-3 in a league encounter over the weekend but coach Ernst Middendorp wasn’t pleased with his defence.

9 Dec 10:02 The Citizen 410802301585914732.html
Beyoncé opens up about miscarraiges in rare personal interview

The singer is notoriously private about her personal life

9 Dec 15:06 GOSS.ie 8755536024397391563.html
Prelates hail Tagle’s appointment to a Vatican post

Catholic prelates welcomed the appointment of Cardinal Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle of Manila to a Vatican post, saying it was a

9 Dec 09:27 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199738170113.html
WhatsApp News 2019: Gericht will Instagram, Whatsapp und Facebook verbieten

Bis zu 1,5 Milliarden Menschen benutzen den Messenger-Dienst WhatsApp weltweit. Der Messenger ist aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Alle Infos über aktuelle Entwicklungen, Updates und News finden Sie hier.

9 Dec 09:46 news.de 5126378977799408003.html
Works of 27 Arab artists on display at Diriyah expo

The exhibition was opened on Sunday by Hamid Bin Mohammed Fayez, vice minister of culture, in the presence of art and culture enthusiasts.

9 Dec 16:50 Saudi Gazette 6913978434293394717.html
Passionate Swansea City boss Steve Cooper explains Bersant Celina situation and what he told players at frank West Brom meeting

The head coach spoke with passion following the heavy defeat at The Hawthorns and vowed to turn things around at the Liberty Stadium

9 Dec 14:29 Wales Online 7686550515631861931.html
Inside the estate where 'hundreds of kids are starving and mums live off energy drinks'

Charity says 600 people in small community in Wales are relying on food bank parcels to eat

9 Dec 10:27 PlymouthLive 6373569607462555845.html
BPPT Innovator Award 2019 Digelar, Ini Pemenangnya

Penganugerahan BPPT Innovator Awards 2019 merupakan yang kedua kali digelar setelah sukses dilaksanakan yang pertama pada Agustus 2018 lalu.

9 Dec 09:29 Tempo 8962756049875715731.html
India, matrimonio choc: ballerina smette di ballare, gli invitati le sparano in faccia

La giovane sarebbe stata colpita al mento: portata subito in ospedale, ora fortunatamente sta meglio. Si stava esibendo ad un matrimonio in India, paese dove le “sparatorie celebrative” sono spesso finite in tragedia. Le immagine dell'accaduto sono state condivise sui social media.

9 Dec 14:05 fanpage.it 1517332168778405605.html
This waterproof smartphone has a little feature that every phone should have

Wireless charging, big battery, triple camera, the whole lot

9 Dec 15:48 TechRadar 2111116916127735150.html
Große Zustimmung für neuen Militärkommandant

Landesregierung unterstützt Ernennung von Oberst Dieter Muhr zum neuen Heereschef in Oberösterreich

9 Dec 17:00 Kurier 208072237883114722.html
Barrio Queen owners sell Paradise Valley luxury home

The owners of the Barrio Queen chain of restaurants found a buyer for their luxury home in Paradise Valley.

9 Dec 15:12 ABC15 Arizona 911680910060454151.html
Presidente de Cuba se reúne con empresarios de Argentina en desayuno de trabajo

Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez se reúne en Argentina con una representación de empresarios, que apuestan por el fortalecimiento de las relaciones mutuas.

9 Dec 17:11 Vanguardia 5132246904429559372.html
Digital Foundry muestra lo bueno y lo malo del remaster de Halo Reach

Se ha publicado el vídeo en el que podemos ver el vídeo análisis de Digital Foundry del remaster de Halo Reach en la Master Chief Collection de PC y Xbox.

9 Dec 09:26 Generación Xbox 4040846038510984672.html
LANDR releases a free sample pack inspired by the Pantone Colour Of The Year

Congratulations to Classic Blue!

9 Dec 12:00 MusicRadar 4787726361882517078.html
Madrid-based Fintech StudentFinance Raises $1.27 Million in Seed Round Led by Seedcamp

StudentFinance, a Fintech firm launched by the founders of Uniplaces, recently revealed that it had secured €1.15 million (appr. $1.27 million) in seed fundin

9 Dec 13:47 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072113285800.html
PS5-Patent: DualShock 5-Controller hat eigenen "Multiplayer-Modus"

Ein neues Sony-Patent deutet auf einige ganz besondere SharePlay-Funktionen hin, die der PS5-Controller bieten könnte. Möglicherweise könnt ihr euch die Steuerung einzelner Figuren teilen oder jeweils nur einzelne Knöpfe bedienen.

9 Dec 10:46 www.gamepro.de 3610569833544486590.html
"Hrvatska Vikipedija izvor dezinformacija, relativizuje broj žrtava Jasenovca"

ZAGREB - Hrvatska "Vikipedija" puna je nacionalizma i uređuje je klerikalna hrvatska desnica, a najbolji primjer je Jasenovac - tema kojom se autori bave relativizujući broj žrtava, a ustaške zločine "peru" prebacujući krivicu na "propagandu socijalističke Jugoslavije", navodi portal "Index".

9 Dec 15:07 Nezavisne novine 4209150642776149807.html
Man fietst uren in de regen om fiets voor dochtertje te kopen


9 Dec 16:45 FunX 667513811029932389.html
A gin company already made a sequel to that dystopian Peloton ad

Looks like “Grace from Boston” has fallen on some hard times. It’s not clear if she’s pounding back that smooth Aviation gin during her year-long exercise binge, or after sh…

9 Dec 08:01 Boing Boing 4601305169581531442.html
Oculus Quest gets hand tracking this week

The Oculus Quest is a standalone virtual reality headset that has become quite popular in recent months. The press release Android Central received said that the team wanted to "share that we’ll be rolling out an initial version of hand tracking as an early feature for consumers on Oculus Quest."

9 Dec 17:59 Windows Central 7807657681265760006.html
"L'ho sentito ieri sera", Ancelotti in conferenza conferma il contatto con Ibrahimovic

Carlo Ancelotti è stato interrogato anche sui rumors su Zlatan Ibrahimovic con cui ha un rapporto molto stretto sin dagli anni al PSG.

9 Dec 14:37 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079805221676.html
China vai banir softwares e equipamentos estrangeiros de prédios do governo

Ideia é que operações oficiais estejam completamente livres de produtos externos até 2022, em projeto que também prevê investimento em desenvolvimento local

9 Dec 16:05 Canaltech 6267437387987912012.html
Camiones serán prohibidos en Utuado

Buscan prohibir temporalmente el tránsito de vehículos pesados de carga por varias carreteras estatales del municipio.

9 Dec 15:52 Primera Hora 5092966654459793434.html
Boris Johnson pockets reporter's phone to avoid picture of 4-year-old on hospital floor

Prime Minister forced to apologise and return phone

9 Dec 13:13 Liverpool Echo 7727211173547054992.html
Rosja wykluczona z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i zimowych w Pekinie

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku w związku z aferą dopingową w tym kraju - poinformował rzecznik prasowy WADA.

9 Dec 11:45 sport.dziennik.pl 2589674919844247637.html
Final two celebs confirmed for Dancing with the Stars as full line-up revealed

Mary Kennedy and Aidan Fogarty have been confirmed as the final two celebrities for Dancing with the Stars as the full line-up is revealed.

9 Dec 16:00 Buzz.ie 7092425147555136275.html
China says people held in Xinjiang camps have 'graduated', condemns US bill | IOL News

People held in camps in China's Xinjiang region have now "graduated" and new trainees will have the freedom to come and go, the regional governor said

9 Dec 14:04 www.iol.co.za 17825111538196903.html
Exclusive: PR software firm exposes data on nearly 500k contacts

iPRSoftware exposed data on 477,000 media contacts, including 35,000 user password hashes, to the public internet via an Amazon Web Services repository.

9 Dec 14:30 CyberScoop 4040234470621951318.html
Rosja wykluczona z igrzysk olimpijskich i mundialu

W związku ze skandalem dopingowym, Komitet Wykonawczy Światowej Agencji Antydopingowej (WADA) na cztery lata wykluczył Rosję ze światowych zawodów sportowych.

9 Dec 10:18 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525053495650.html
China: In drei Jahren werden 20 Millionen bis 30 Millionen Hardwarekomponenten ausgetauscht

Bislang hat China ausländische Hardware eingesetzt und unter anderem auch eine eigens erstellte Windows 10 Version (Chinese Government Edition). Aber durch den Handelskrieg beflügelt will die Regie…

9 Dec 14:48 Deskmodder.de 1317701988638068473.html
White Island Volcano Erupted, One Dead, Several Missing

The eruption of White Island volcano, also known as Whakaari, in New Zealand, killed one person, the number is expected to rise, and several others are missing.

9 Dec 08:01 Interesting Engineering 7328942542353086434.html
Shoppers go wild for Lidl's melting dark chocolate and salted caramel cottage

Christmas treats don't come much better than this!

9 Dec 13:11 Entertainment Daily 8392972516545657461.html
Vorhang zu: Gottschalks letzte Literatur-Show im BR

Am Dienstag (10.12., 22.00 Uhr) endet eine kleine Ära im Bayerischen Rundfunk: Nach nur vier Ausgaben tritt Thomas Gottschalk als „Literaturkaplan“ schon ...

9 Dec 09:34 swp.de 6929179440606592374.html
Ds. Lammers doet intrede in hervormd Nijkerk

Ds. J. H. Lammers is zondagmorgen bevestigd als predikant van de hervormde gemeente Nijkerk (wijk 1). Hij kwam uit Ridderkerk (herv., wijk Drievliet en Oostendam).

9 Dec 08:40 RD.nl 6406779842023220917.html
Cardinal Tagle pinuwesto ni Pope Francis sa Vatican

ITINALAGA ni Pope Francis si Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle bilang bagong Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

9 Dec 12:51 Abante News Online 7257070571375863859.html
Dikritik DPR, Kemenperin Akui Pakai Jasa Asing Bikin Ide 4.0

Kemenperin mengaku dibantu oleh perusahaan konsultan  AT Kearney.

9 Dec 09:14 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213757493273.html
Aemet pronostica el regreso de las lluvias a la Comunitat

Las temperaturas bajarán un par de grados durante este martes

9 Dec 17:44 Las Provincias 5471838388877365507.html
Take on Fuchsia Urban Thai new spice challenge before the New Year

Chef Sangwon’s Spice Challenge will have a mixture of spices from UAE and Thailand

9 Dec 13:03 Time Out Dubai 1956550809091125967.html
Tiago Nunes escolherá jogadores que ficam no Corinthians

Andrés Sanches reconheceu que o clube não fez boas escolhas nas contratações para esta temporada

9 Dec 09:15 R10 3167340813079011564.html
Kovac vor Top-Trainer-Job in England

48-jähriger Niko Kovac ist an Trainer-Job bei Arsenal interessiert.

9 Dec 10:11 sport.oe24.at 8086682662899015075.html
Investor Cari Posisi Aman, Wall Street Dibuka Melemah Tipis

Bursa AS melemah tipis pada pembukaan Senin (9/12/2019), setelah investor mengambil jeda aksi pembelian setelah 3 hari berturut-turut.

9 Dec 14:52 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212624497791.html
Obligan a cerrar una carnicería por el ruido que provoca al partir carne

Si el propietario del establecimiento no soluciona este problema, le podrían cerrar el negocio de forma definitiva

9 Dec 08:22 Cadena SER 8390941984204605358.html
Child hit by vehicle in Immokalee Monday morning

Troopers say a child was seriously injured Monday morning when they were hit by a vehicle.

9 Dec 09:23 Fox 4 8372747777006018143.html
AICF crisis could blow the lid off its dark side

The crisis in the All India Chess Federation (AICF) is showing no sign of abating.President P.R. Venketrama Raja and secretary Bharat Singh Chauhan have been involved in an ugly battle, through mails,

9 Dec 17:27 The Hindu 6679535024559293357.html
Da oggi si paga nuovamente sui bus Amt

Dalle ore 5 si dovrà nuovamente avere il biglietto per usufruire del servizio pubblico sui bus e il metrò Amt

9 Dec 08:01 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982772695134590.html
Hallan calcinados a dos dentro de un auto, en Macuspana

El auto con placas de la CDMX fue incendiado intencionalmente dejando en su interior los cuerpos de dos personas.

9 Dec 13:07 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562743475594.html
Kanselleres: Bethesda har avsluttet arbeidet med "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" - ITavisen

"The Elder Scrolls: Legends" er offisielt satt på vent, og uoffisielt kansellert.

9 Dec 10:54 ITavisen 7865444158718098787.html
Preston woman hosting bumper raffle in aid of Lostock Hall hospice that cares for her dad

A Preston woman is hosting a raffle with more than £1,300 worth of prizes in aid of the Lostock Hall hospice that cares for her dad.

9 Dec 14:47 Lancashire Post 6469275854732138698.html
Prognose - Hessens Bevölkerung driftet auseinander

Das Statistische Landesamt in Wiesbaden stellte am Montag (09.12.2019) seine Berechnungen zur Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Hessen vor. Die Entwicklung ist eindeutig: in den Städten wächst die Bevölkerung und wird jünger, während die entgegengesetzte Entwicklung in vielen Landkreisen zu erwarten ist.

9 Dec 16:41 HNA 2656573665574434858.html
Videospiel "Mega Man" für Rekordsumme in USA versteigert

Ein original verpacktes und daher nie bespieltes Computerspiel der Reihe „Mega Man“, kam in den USA unter den Hammer. Es ist damit das teuerste Spiel aller Zeiten.

9 Dec 10:05 Die Presse 6242788855207167079.html
Lufthansa kocht nicht mehr selbst

Der Lufthansa-Konzern will sich auf sein Airline-Geschäft konzentrieren. Das Catering gibt er deswegen an den Weltmarktführer ab.

9 Dec 17:41 Bild 8433249907479843231.html
Four-year-old with suspected pneumonia slept on hospital floor due to lack of beds

This photograph shows a four-year-old from Leeds sleeping on the floor of the Leeds General Infirmary due to a lack of beds.

9 Dec 13:15 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489208499109.html
Kovac gerät ins Visier des taumelnden FC Arsenal

Medienberichten zufolge knüpfte Niko Kovac Bande zum FC Arsenal. Der Londoner Klub ist auf Trainersuche. Dazu passte, dass er sich Spiele der Premier League angeschaut hatte. Sein Umfeld reagierte nun.

9 Dec 12:44 DIE WELT 6197693429461355899.html
Boris takes reporter's phone after being shown picture of boy on hospital floor

'Look, sorry, it's a terrible terrible photo and I apologise obviously to the families and all those who have terrible experiences in the NHS.'

9 Dec 14:42 Metro 970161749040692461.html
Tesla-Autos: Für bisher kostenlose Funktionen müssen Tesla-Fahrer jetzt zahlen

Bei Tesla-Autos ist der Preis oft entscheidend. Das macht Tesla-Fahrern jetzt noch mehr zu schaffen. Denn für einige Funktionen zahlen sie jetzt zusätzlich.

9 Dec 12:10 futurezone.de 2257170160973421990.html
WADA verhängt lange Dopingsperre gegen Russland

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat im Skandal um manipulierte Daten eine Vierjahressperre gegen Russland verhängt. Das Land darf damit nicht an den Olympischen Spielen und Weltmeisterschaften teilnehmen.

9 Dec 12:50 NDR.de 5356044083400839956.html
Concerto di Natale a Sommariva del Bosco con la Banda Musicale Verdi

Appuntamento sabato 14 dicembre alle ore 21

9 Dec 08:16 Targatocn.it 7367208848845829081.html
Surgen los ganadores del Serial Nacional BMX

Después de dos intensos días de competencia, finalizó la décima fecha y final del serial nacional de ciclismo BMX coronando a los ganadores de la jornada y del campeonato.

9 Dec 16:06 planodeportivo.com 1337713461499884902.html
Engineer Claims to Have Discovered Possible Location of MH370

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 with 239 passengers and crew disappeared from radars on 8 March 2014, and its fate continues to remain unknown. Several scientists and plane hunters have been putting forward their theories about what could have happened to the craft and where it could be currently located.

9 Dec 11:36 Sputniknews 967333869623360438.html
Darren Randolph could be on his way back to the Premier League in January

Republic of Ireland international Darren Randolph could be on his way back to West Ham to solve the Hammers recent woes between the sticks.

9 Dec 13:32 Buzz.ie 7092425147770522862.html
Amanda Holden addresses 'issues' with Phillip Schofield amid This Morning row

'There is a tin opener and there’s a can somewhere and other people have found the tin opener.'

9 Dec 11:50 Metro 970161748857457085.html
Genk, i convocati per la trasferta di Napoli: out Cuesta per infortunio

Il Genk ha diramato la lista dei convocati per la partita di domani contro il Napoli, valevole per l'ultima giornata della fase a gironi di Champions League

9 Dec 17:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080587474196.html
Massachusetts lab to pay $26M for scheme with Texas doctors

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Boston Heart Diagnostics Corporation agreed to pay nearly $27 million to settle claims that it allegedly paid doctors in Texas and waived patient co-payments in exchange...

9 Dec 15:34 The Seattle Times 9121942838559764961.html
Police seal off Dalmuir Park in Clydebank after body of man found in water

The man's body was discovered this morning.

9 Dec 14:39 dailyrecord 552235479788284188.html
Spesialnya Emas SEA Games 2019 bagi Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu

Pasangan ganda putri Indonesia, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu, sukses merebut medali emas SEA Games 2019 dari cabang olahraga bulu tangkis untuk Indonesia.

9 Dec 16:15 Bola.net 5489959029399207150.html
Mattarella: "Evasione fiscale indecente, problema culturale"

Il presidente parlando con gli studenti: "Si calcola sia di 119 miliardi, una somma enorme. Se scomparisse aumenterebbero pensioni e stipendi e si abbasserebbero le tasse"

9 Dec 15:21 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188859296799.html
Fortnite: novità sugli acquisti tramite Google Play, la risposta del colosso

Sembra proprio che Google abbia deciso di dare gli ultimi chiarimenti sulla questione della fatturazione su Fortnite tramite il Play Store

9 Dec 16:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127505656451.html
Las lluvias torrenciales dejan 26 muertos en Uganda

Algunas personas fallecieron en los distritos montañosos de Sironko y Bududa en el este, donde también había riesgo de aludes de lodo que podían destruir poblados enteros

9 Dec 11:40 EL DEBATE 4396150893442550613.html
2 muertos, 3 hospitalizados en aparente sobredosis en hogar de Nueva Jersey

Una persona de 35 años y una de 29 años fueron declarados muertos en un hogar de Red Bank, mientras que otras tres fueron hospitalizadas.

9 Dec 14:37 Telemundo 47 1660974753823948602.html
Artista cria figurino com materiais reciclados e vence campeonato de cosplay na CCXP

Final da competição encerrou o evento geek neste domingo (8)

9 Dec 11:00 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514214539095550.html
Everton auf Trainersuche: Emery oder Arnie-Coach?

Die "Toffees" suchen fieberhaft einen Cheftrainer:

9 Dec 17:36 www.laola1.at 837519018646939010.html
WADA suspendovala Rusiju sa svih takmičenja na 4 godine

MONTREAL - Izvršni komitet Svetske anti-doping agencije (WADA) zabranio je učešće sportistima Rusije na svim međunarodnim takmičenjima u naredne četiri

9 Dec 11:02 Krstarica 4176903988566439401.html
L'esport rus, expulsat quatre anys dels grans esdeveniments esportius per haver encobert casos de dopatge

La decisió afecta els Jocs Olímpics i el Mundial de futbol

9 Dec 15:45 Ara.cat 6070605019694247464.html
Barça schont Lionel Messi gegen Inter

Der FC Barcelona schont in der Champions League gegen Inter Mailand mehrere Spieler – darunter auch Kapitän Lionel Messi.

9 Dec 15:07 4-4-2.com 812646142009254933.html
Column: Some brief chilly periods in this week's forecast, but no prolonged cold

Our next quick hit of arctic air will arrive Tuesday and last through Thursday. While it won’t be extreme cold, it will be sufficient to s

9 Dec 17:21 The Buffalo News 2088823986642922633.html
Ice Bucket Challenge inspiration Pete Frates dead at 34

Pete Frates, whose battle with ALS inspired the Ice Bucket Challenge that raised millions for research, died on Monday at age 34 after a seven-year battle with the disease, Boston College said. The former BC baseball captain, died at his home in Beverly, Massachusetts. He had been diagnosed with the…

9 Dec 17:10 Japan Today 8582716286249625386.html
Chhapaak Trailer Out Tomorrow: Watch Out For Deepika Padukone's Gritty Portrayal Of An Acid-Attack Survivor

Deepika Padukone took to Instagram and announced the release date of the film’s trailer. Brace yourselves, the much-anticipated trailer will be out tomorrow!

9 Dec 08:18 SPOTBOYE 1547816858256340078.html
Ronaldo Jr Wins Tournament, Named Best Striker

Cristiano Ronaldo's son seems to be following in his famous father's footsteps, and he has now won a youth tournament with Juventus' U9 side and was named the best striker.

9 Dec 10:51 Soccer Laduma 3901337370445304093.html
Antidopaje: Rusia fue suspendida por cuatro años de todas las competencias internacionales

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió expulsar al país por manipular la base de datos deportivos del Laboratorio de Moscú. Rusia no podrá participar de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020, los de Invierno de Pekín 2022 y el Mundial de Catar 2022. Dichas manipulaciones hacen imposible comprobar si 145 de los 298 deportistas rusos

9 Dec 13:23 eju.tv 4688901770754063113.html
Tiger Woods and how he became the Presidents Cup captain so soon

Usually, captains of team events are older. Tiger Woods is only 43. So why is he the captain of this week's U.S. Presidents Cup team? It all started with one text.

9 Dec 13:54 ESPN 8538773403120724617.html
EU approves 3.2 billion euro state aid for battery research

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission approved on Monday 3.2 billion euros ($3.53 billion) of state aid from seven European Union countries for research and innovation in battery technology.

9 Dec 10:05 Reuters 8334514181793577397.html
Rocket League’s new blueprint system catches a tonne of flak despite getting rid of loot boxes

Rocket League players have not received the game’s new blueprints system well. Rocket League developer Psyonix recently rolled out the big blueprints update to the game. The patch mainly overhauls how rewards are doled out. The most significant change in this update is the removal of loot boxes and their associated keys. Rocket League now […]

9 Dec 11:13 VG247 6010161593648917207.html
Sky - Ancelotti, non si escludono dimissioni dopo un confronto col club: i dettagli

Non sarebbe da escludere l'ipotesi dimissioni per Carlo Ancelotti. A riferirlo è Gianluca Di Marzio, esperto di mercato Sky

9 Dec 17:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081221735142.html
Photos: Ranbir Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur And Abhishek Bachchan Party Together

Bollywood heartthrobs Ranbir Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur and Abhishek Bachchan were seen partying together at an intimate dinner on Sunday night.

9 Dec 10:10 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244507323482.html
Hong Kong braces for wave of store closures after protests: HKRMA

HONG KONG (Reuters) - More than one in 10 retailers in Hong Kong could close down in the next six months as social unrest and sometimes violent protests deter tourists, threatening the survival of smaller operators, the city’s main retailing group said on Monday.

9 Dec 12:43 Reuters 8334514180679536129.html
Body pulled from water in Dalmuir Park near Clydebank as Cops lock down area

THE body of a man has been found in Dalmuir Park. Police have confirmed that the body was found in water in the Clydebank park this morning. A spokesperson from the cops said: “Police Scotlan…

9 Dec 14:40 The Scottish Sun 6609127673155421915.html
For Growth Stocks, Profits Are The New Normal

Profitable companies outperform by a wide margin over time, even among high-growth companies, which often post losses early in their lifecycles.This year's equity market landscape is littered with hig

9 Dec 11:15 Seeking Alpha 5725634556121417981.html
Repubblica - Milan, Ibra deciderà probabilmente a metà settimana: su di lui anche un club inglese ancora misterioso

I tifosi milanisti sognano sempre Zlatan Ibrahimovic, il quale però non sembra intenzionato ad anticipare i tempi della sua decisione che probabilmente arriverà a metà settimana. Lo riferisce questa mattina Repubblica che spiega che, oltre al Milan, sullo svedese ci sono anche Bologna, Napoli e anche un club inglese ancora misterioso.  

9 Dec 10:10 MilanNews.it 6507305921706952626.html
Everybody wants results, but I will give Stimac more time: Bhutia

Football News: Sports is all about the final outcome and going by new India football coach Igor Stimac's statistics so far, he has managed the team in 9 internationa

9 Dec 11:46 The Times of India 6060938663422060299.html
Interceptan un submarino en Perú que transportaba dos toneladas de droga

Las autoridades también informaron sobre la captura de los cuatro tripulantes del bote

9 Dec 16:44 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309628105728.html
Who is Henry Gabay, Derby County's potential new investor?

The London-based businessman is in advanced talks with the Rams about an investment partnership with current club owner Mel Morris

9 Dec 09:00 Derbyshire Live 9061707931159651324.html
IBA Basel lanciert einheitliche Informationstafeln an 14 Bahnhöfen

In der trinationalen Region Basel werden im Rahmen der Internationalen Bauaustellung 14 Bahnhöfe mit einheitlich gestalteten Informationstafeln ausgerüstet. Im Badischen Bahnhof in Basel wurde das neue Konzept erstmals umgesetzt.

9 Dec 13:14 bz BASEL 5287163743446052372.html
Milan, altri segnali positivi da Ibra: ha detto no al Bologna

Il direttore sportivo rossoblù Sabatini: "Non verrà da noi, ma non è una questione di soldi". Aspettando risposte dallo svedese,

9 Dec 15:59 Repubblica.it 8208867270330079993.html
Opel Insignia facelift – primele imagini oficiale

Opel a publicat primele imagini oficiale cu faceliftul adus modelului Insignia.Detalii complete despre noul model vor fi dezvăluite în luna ianuarie a anului viitor.Modificările aduse la nivel de design sunt...

9 Dec 09:28 B1 TV 3840305876395948578.html
Ortsgeschichten in der Hofgalerie Mörfelden

„Blickpunkt“-Galerie zeigt rund 100 geschichtsgeträchtige Fotos aus beiden Stadtteilen.

9 Dec 16:32 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322704128186.html
Cyclist was saved by good Samaritans when he collapsed and 'died' for a moment

He says having a defibrillator machine nearby was vital

9 Dec 11:40 Derbyshire Live 9061707931564331939.html
Music review: The Libertines, Barrowland, Glasgow

There was a time, between 2004 and 2010 to be exact, when the thought of Pete Doherty and Carl Barat reuniting The Libertines seemed about as likely as Mike and Bernie Winters getting back together (there&#8217;s one for the teenagers).

9 Dec 14:06 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851488952631693.html
Recoba ricorda: "Ricevetti due proposte dalla Spagna, ma Moratti non mi faceva andare via"

L'ex interista Alvaro Recoba, intervistato da Perform, ha ricordato di essere stato vicino ad approdare nella Liga spagnola, dove il Barcellona lo avrebbe voluto fortemente: "Ricevetti due...

9 Dec 15:43 FcInterNews.it 7848284892840350698.html
Mum of teen who died after MRI scan reveals moment she was told her daughter couldn't be saved

Alice Sloman passed away on October 19 last year after a three-day battle, an inquest heard today.

9 Dec 14:07 DevonLive 2469244513721442412.html
NHRC seeks report in 'catastrophic' Delhi fire, issues notices to govt

About 100-150 people were sleeping when the fire broke out and most of the victims choked to death.

9 Dec 17:15 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363259472791.html
Gentiloni: 'Sul Mes non ci serve fiammata di autolesionismo'

'Il patto di stabilità risale alla crisi, adeguarlo. Oggi sfide sono cambiamento climatico e bassa crescita' (ANSA)

9 Dec 14:07 ANSA.it 1300837448635097321.html
Mau Makan Roasted Chicken yang Empuk Gurih? Mampir Saja ke 5 Tempat Ini

Roasted chicken atau ayam panggang punya sensasi rasa yang berbeda dengan ayam bakar. Aromanya sedap dan teksturnya juga lebih juicy. Cocok buat bersantap malam

9 Dec 10:20 detikfood 4586606520457545480.html
Pool slacht drie familieleden af met bijl, in Polen

Beide ouders en broer doodgehakt

9 Dec 10:07 ThePostOnline 3048418757228834543.html
'Death by Shooting': Pakistan PM Imran Khan's Supporters Call Against Nawaz Sharif in London

One protester called loudly for Sharif's death by shooting while another called for Taliban-style bombing of the Avengield apartment.

9 Dec 15:59 India.com 7150386083601157283.html
Mit FIFA-Konkurrent PES: FC Bayern steigt in den eSport ein

Bayern München ist wie angekündigt in den eSport eingestiegen. Wie der Klub am Montag mitteilte, werde sich der FC Bayern ab sofort in der Fußball-Simulation eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) engagieren und zusammen mit neun weiteren Klubs in der sogenannten eFootball.Pro League antreten. Der Verein unterhält seit diesem Jahr eine Sponsoring-Partnerschaft mit dem japanischen Spielehersteller Konami, der PES herstellt.

9 Dec 11:59 SPOX 8395423525688148606.html
Il Mattino svela l'atto sulle multe: ritiro ampiamente comunicato da 2 dirigenti, la rivolta di Mertens e Insigne e la furia di Allan contro Edo

La notizia che cambia le convinzioni su quell’accaduto è quella di una mail inviata da Cristiano Giuntoli alla squadra la mattina del 3 novembre

9 Dec 08:26 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079818074181.html
Frank Lampard: Lille clash can be defining occasion for Chelsea youngsters

Chelsea face a huge clash with Lille in the Champions League on Tuesday and Frank Lampard is confident his side will be at their best.

9 Dec 15:52 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905952691070.html
Elon shows off his cybertruck, hits a pylon

Who's driving @ElonMusk or the Auto-Pilot?$TSLA pic.twitter.com/xvmyHPG8Ol— GuruLeaks (@Guruleaks1) December 8, 2019 If at first you do not succeed just tell people you have. The truck r…

9 Dec 16:01 Boing Boing 4601305169938262951.html
Finnish minister set to become country's youngest prime minister at age of 34

Sanna Marin will also become the world’s youngest sitting PM, according to Finland’s biggest newspaper.

9 Dec 09:07 TheJournal.ie 6446904417545990726.html
Watchmen: Did Doctor Manhattan Create... ANOTHER Doctor Manhattan?

In Watchmen's latest episode, "A God Walks Into Abar," Doctor Manhattan hints he could give his powers to someone else - if he hasn't done so already.

9 Dec 12:12 CBR.com 1295516963573284066.html
Na beogradskom aerodromu počeo pilot projekat olakšanog povraćaja PDV putnicima

Realizacija pilot projekta "Unapređenje digitalizovanog sistema povraćaja PDV putnicima'' počela je na beogradskom...

9 Dec 11:08 N1 Srbija 7797130866767734809.html
Bayinya Diletakkan di Dadanya, Ibu Ini Mulai Sadar Setelah Koma Selama 23 Hari, Tim Medis Tak Kuasa Menahan Tangis

Amanda da Silva mulai sadar dari koma setelah Vcitor kecil diletakkan di dadanya. Tim medis tak kuasa menahan tangis.

9 Dec 10:39 grid.id 586386475376787432.html
Gunmen attack MD of Maersk Line, Gildas Tohouo, kill wife

Gunmen reportedly invaded the residence of the managing director of Maersk Line, Gildas Tohouo, in Ikoyi, Lagos, killing his wife in the process. Mr Tohouo is a Cameroonian while his late wife, Bernadett Kurucz, was from

9 Dec 17:51 LailasNews.com 2090029849856115273.html
Navijači Kruzeira divljali posle ispadanja iz Serije A

Posle ispadanja nekadašnjeg šampiona Brazila Kruzeira iz prvog ranga navijači te ekipe su čupali stolice na stadionu i bacali dimne bombe. Policija je odgovorila suzavcem pa je meč poslednjeg kola protiv Palmeirasa prekinut u 85. minutu.

9 Dec 09:34 Sport Klub 42251759757953103.html
Absueltos los jugadores del Zaragoza y Levante del presunto amaño y condenados dos directivos del club aragonés

El Juzgado de lo Penal número 7 de Valencia ha absuelto a los juzgadores del Zaragoza y del Levante del presunto amaño del partido disputado en el estadio...

9 Dec 11:02 Europa Press 4702666148584420519.html
Freighter contacted bottom, breached, Norway

General cargo ship FEED RANA ran aground at around 2330 UTC Dec 8 in Rorvik area, central Norway, while en route from Kristiansund to Stokmarknes, Norway. According to track, the ship refloated by …

9 Dec 11:21 Maritime Bulletin 5669213276962239223.html
A former Chelsea soccer player tried to substitute himself off after forgetting his own shirt number

Bakayoko is in his second spell at AS Monaco, however, has since swapped shirt numbers — something he forgot against Amiens on Saturday.

9 Dec 11:25 Business Insider 6060062400138420812.html
Joe Biden gambles that 'No Malarkey' tour found foothold in Iowa

The former vice president wasn't setting crowds on fire during Iowa bus trip but he's betting fears of a second Trump term and his personal touch is enough.

9 Dec 11:37 euronews 7318238121567287859.html
Luxemburgo deve definir seu futuro no Vasco nesta semana

O técnico Vanderlei Luxemburgo já está negociando com o Vasco da Gama e deve definir se permanece ou não nesta semana.

9 Dec 17:19 Vasco Notícias 1167013066424296927.html
Global weapons sales up; US leads market

The global arms industry continues to grow with total sales up 4.6% last year, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released Monday.

9 Dec 13:31 CHANNEL3000 830332541939056634.html
Crowe, Blanchett, Kidman score Golden Globe nods

Crowe, who has not had a major Hollywood awards nod for more than a decade, was nominated for portraying controversial Fox News boss Roger Ailes in The Loudest Voice.

9 Dec 14:38 The Age 7967730561347728994.html
The Upcoming OnePlus 8 Series Could Feature a Budget Lite Model

Next year might see OnePlus return to offering consumers a low cost handset alongside its flagship smartphones.

9 Dec 13:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002534772269.html
"Star Trek"-Schauspieler René Auberjonois gestorben

Der aus der Kultserie "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" bekannte US-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist tot. Er sei am Sonntag gestorben, hiess es auf seiner Homepage und auf seinem Twitter-Profil.

9 Dec 10:17 GMX News 4492287761926927334.html
Woods looks to draw a line under Reed violation ahead of Presidents Cup

MELBOURNE (Reuters) - United States captain Tiger Woods attempted to draw a line under Patrick Reed’s rules violation at the Hero World Challenge over the weekend when his team touched down in Australia on Monday for this week’s Presidents Cup.

9 Dec 09:06 Reuters 8334514181191522075.html
April Hunter has big ambitions in boxing and fears no woman, especially not Cecilia Braekhus

April Hunter speaks about her big ambitions in boxing after making history in her debut on the Lewis Ritson Utilita Arena card

9 Dec 17:55 ChronicleLive 1984146902135225460.html
Ex-drugs gang member and former homeless man team up to help people living rough at Christmas

One of them was once locked up for his part in a sophisticated plot to pour £40,000 worth of cocaine into central Lancashire.

9 Dec 17:17 Lancashire Post 6469275855104107577.html
Firmino abre consulta pública sobre mobilidade urbana em Teresina

Foto: Rômulo Piauilino Uma consulta pública sobre transportes e trânsito em Teresina foi aberta nesta segunda(09) no auditório do Sebrae. O prefeito Firmino Filho participou da abertura e enfatizou a necessidade de planejar a cidade para as futuras gerações. “Quase metade da população de Teresina se desloca pela cidade nos transportes coletivos, é justo que tenham espaços reservados para transportar essas pessoas”, afirmou ao se referir ao planejamento das vias com corredores exclusivos para ônibus. Firmino falou que é necessário se planejar a cidade para o futuro e que seja com acessibilidade e sustentabilidade.A consulta pública é parte da elaboração do Plano Diretor de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável de Teresina (PDMUS). Nesta quarta-feira(09), às 14h, na sala 205 do Sebrae, será discutido o tema transporte público urbano. O superintendente da Strans, Weldon Bandeira, diz que a toda a população de Teresina está convidada. “Já enviamos convites para entidades, instituições, empresas, órgãos públicos e todos são…

9 Dec 13:01 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419757572859.html
Heung-Min Son: Police, Tottenham and Burnley investigating alleged racial abuse by 13-year-old

Tottenham and Burnley are investigating alleged racial abuse aimed at Heung-Min Son by a 13-year-old spectator on Saturday.

9 Dec 16:05 Sky Sports 7729859610254219218.html
Engeland en Italië treffen elkaar in aanloop naar EK

Engeland en Italië gaan in de aanloop naar het EK van volgend jaar de strijd met elkaar aan. De twee Europese toplanden, die in de kwalificatie beide als eerste eindigden in hun poule, treffen elkaar op vrijdag 27 maart op Wembley. De beste voetballers van Engeland en Italië namen het op 27 maart vorig jaar ook al tegen elkaar op in de Londense voetbaltempel, toen eindigde het duel in 1-1.

9 Dec 13:29 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048379184893.html
Ferrocarriles lo admite: El Espirituano está como para no circular

Si alguien todavía duda de la utilidad de la prensa revolucionaria a la hora de ejercer el periodismo crítico, objetivo y de denuncia, Escambray acaba de vivir una experiencia cuando, a raíz del comentario “¡Novosti, dame andén!”, publicado el pasado mes de noviembre, la Dirección Provincial Transporte y el Grupo de Inspección Estatal Transporte Ferroviario Centro, radicado en Santa Clara, in-mediatamente atendieron el problema —proceder que no siempre ocurre— y realizaron un levantamiento técnico al confort de los coches de la formación del Tren No. 7-8 Habana-Sancti Spíritus-Habana.

9 Dec 08:36 Escambray 1851904803187036489.html
34-year-old lawmaker set to become Finland's prime minister

Finland's ruling Social Democratic Party council voted to name Marin over rival Antti Lindtman to take over the government's top post.

9 Dec 13:49 euronews 7318238120593316724.html
Containerschip slaat op drift door harde wind en ramt havenkraan bij DP World

In het Deurganckdok in Doel is maandagmiddag een grote havenkraan ingestort na een aanvaring. Het ongeval gebeurde bij DP World. Een containerschip was op drift geslagen aan de overkant van het dok...

9 Dec 13:48 HLN 8967494997023595504.html
Conte a InterTV: "I calciatori vogliono vivere partite così. Diamo tutto quello che abbiamo"

Antonio Conte, tecnico dell'Inter, ha espresso le sue sensazioni sul match di domani contro il Barcellona anche ai microfoni di Inter Tv: "Sarà assolutamente una grande notte, i...

9 Dec 13:08 FcInterNews.it 7848284892981962256.html
UK government to skip EU summit

Boris Johnson won’t attend or send a representative in his place.

9 Dec 14:45 POLITICO 2584151346236751372.html
Trump family member to kick off re-election campaign in Butler County

HAMILTON — Butler County Republicans will set the stage in February for President Donald Trump’s re-election bid at the county GOP’s biggest fundraiser of the year by featuring a member of the Trump family.

9 Dec 13:57 Whio 8204027955284163413.html
Rai-Assad, ecco i passaggi clou della 'misteriosa' intervista

Accuse a Obama, alla Francia e all'Europa in genere per la guerra in Siria, e la ferma negazione dell'uso di gas nei bombardamenti nel suo Paese

9 Dec 14:57 Adnkronos 2840063643099049227.html
'Sellers Set Their Price, We Don't Interfere,' Amazon India Retorts to Deep Discounting Accusation

The assertions come at a time when the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has approached the government for its intervention regarding the "deep" discounts offered by e-commerce majors like Amazon and Flipkart during festival sales.

9 Dec 16:44 India.com 7150386084079156278.html
At least 5 killed after New Zealand volcano suddenly erupts

At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several were reported missing after a volcano suddenly erupted off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island on Monday, spewing a plume of ash thousands of feet into the air. More casualties were feared on White Island, where the volcano erupted at about 2:11…

9 Dec 09:01 EJ Insight 7853952859265197893.html
Obligationen à la carte: nachhaltig, flexibel und kostengünstig

Wenn Investoren beim Obligationen-Investment drei Wünsche frei hätten, welche wären das? «Mehr Flexibilität, um Chancen rasch nutzen zu können. Geringere Kosten, um von den Erträgen mehr zu behalten – und nachhaltig soll das Investment auch sein», sagt Beat Frühauf, Head ETF & Index Business Institutional Clients bei BlackRock Schweiz. Und er stellt auch gleich die neueste Innovation aus dem Bereich der ESG-Bond-ETFs vor: einen nachhaltigen ETF auf Hochzinsobligationen von iShares.

9 Dec 12:00 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936742295054.html
Dos hombres y una mujer fueron capturados tras asaltar en un bus en Antiguo Cuscatlán

Dos hombres y una mujer fueron capturados esta mañana mientras asaltaban a los pasajeros de un autobús cerca de la iglesia Ceiba de Guadalupe, en Antiguo Cuscatlán, en La Libertad, informaron autoridades policiales. Los detenidos fueron identificados como Yesenia Marisol Alvarado Artiga, de 42 años, Melvin Roberto Cortez, de 30, y Allan Desmeth Albares Bercian, de 34. Según el informe policial, los capturados venían asaltando a los pasajeros y un ciudadano alertó a los agentes policiales. Los detenidos, a quienes se les incautó seis celulares, serán remitidos a las autoridades correspondientes para ser acusados de los delitos de hurto y agrupaciones ilícitas. Foto cortesía PNC La Policía pidió a los ciudadanos que hayan sido víctimas de estos sujetos se acerquen a interponer su denuncia. A los imputados se les incautaron 6 celulares presuntamente de sus víctimas, uno de ellos ya es reincidente debido a que semanas atrás fue capturado. Hacemos el llamado a interponer la denuncia a los

9 Dec 17:24 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772943074298339.html
Watch: Steve Harvey Rolls His Eyes After Reading Climate Change Question at Miss Universe Pageant

Comedian and TV host Steve Harvey rolled his eyes after reading a question about climate change to one of the contestants at the 2019 Miss Universe Pageant on Sunday.

9 Dec 14:52 Breitbart 3148363491305585089.html
Accommodating Restaurant Serves Single Banana Slice With a Candle in It Instead of Birthday Cake

Happy birthday?

9 Dec 15:14 Time 8826237233707808213.html
The First Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer Presents a Solemn, Stranger Things-Esque Look at the Past

Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside. The debut trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife takes the spectral hunting out of the city and into a small town, where a family with surprising connections to the original Ghostbusters is forced to return to their roots and bust some rural ghosts.

9 Dec 14:10 io9 4262154052731556085.html
Owaisi rips the Citizenship bill in LS saying it seeks to make Muslims ‘stateless'

AIMIM MP Asaduddin Owaisi on Monday launched a blistering attack on the Union government in Lok Sabha over the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, saying it was aimed at making Muslims 'stateless' and will lead to another partition. Invoking Mahatma Gandhi, Owaisi said he was called Mahatma after he tore the discriminatory

9 Dec 17:18 Oneindia 2023829371563584729.html
Armi all'Arabia, i pacifisti sardi: "La Rai non trasmetta la finale di Supercoppa"

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 17:24 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206487837228.html
Finland's Marin to become world's youngest prime minister at 34

Finland's Social Democrats elected Sunday a 34-year-old former transport minister to the post of the prime minister, making her the youngest head of...

9 Dec 10:31 DAILY SABAH 8383944808244123632.html
Cetus Puan: Percuma Banyak Koruptor Dipenjara, Kalau...

WE Online, Jakarta - Ketua DPR RI Puan Maharani menyatakan keberhasilan gerakan anti korupsi tidak dapat diukur dengan banyaknya koruptor yang telah ditangkap. Menurutnya, selain penindakan, perlu juga upaya pencegahan terhadap perilak korupsi

9 Dec 08:41 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834638219732.html
Vico Sotto's politics: Open to compromise but never to corruption

As with any battle, preparation is key, says the young mayor of Pasig City as he tries to overhaul decades of rigid bureaucracy and patronage politics in his hometown

9 Dec 14:28 Rappler 1882105643752753617.html
Cape Town Sevens tickets still on sale

Tickets for this weekend's Cape Town Sevens at Cape Town Stadium are still available.

9 Dec 13:30 Sport 682566034640924151.html
Una noche loca en Argentina

Boca y River tuvieron extrañas derrotas en la fecha de cierre de año en el fútbol argentino.

9 Dec 16:15 Antena 2 310632179935021382.html
Cyclist takes nine hours to create reindeer outline on fitness app

A keen cyclist has brought some festive cheer to the streets of north London by using his fitness app to map out a reindeer. Cheltenham-based Anthony Hoyle creates art using Strava, a GPS tracking app which follows the performance of athletes before uploading it online. Mr Hoyte pedalled more than 80 miles around the capital, starting in Hammersmith in west London, went north as far as Edgware before heading south again and east through Hampstead Heath and Wood Green. Finally he returned south through Kilburn and Maida Vale before finishing along Euston Road in central London. It took him more than nine hours to compete the cycle - and it wasn't the first time he completed such a feat.

9 Dec 16:40 ITV News 2184971258289713940.html
Ontsteltenis bij Van Hanegem: 'Ongelooflijk, die gozer doet echt helemaal niets'

Willem van Hanegem heeft zondag met stijgende verbazing naar Feyenoord - Vitesse gekeken. Hij zag dat de Arnhemmers er volledig doorheen zaten na het laatste fluitsignaal. 'Vitesse dacht met een trainer uit Rusland een geniale zet te hebben gedaan, maar toen ik die ploeg gisteren in de slotfase tegen Feyenoord zag spelen, kreeg ik het idee dat er een paar bejaarden bij liepen', aldus Van Hanegem in zijn wekelijkse Algemeen Dagblad-column.

9 Dec 09:20 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884984272360.html
Riecco Bonaventura, un anno dopo: dall'operazione al ruolo di trascinatore del Milan

Quante cose sono cambiate in un anno per Giacomo Bonaventura: il 27 novembre 2018, il giocatore era stato infatti operato a Pittsburgh per la riparazione della cartilagine del ginocchio sinistro, mentre ora, a distanza di 365 giorni, è tornato ad essere un perno fisso del Milan. Nella scorsa stagione, la sua assenza si è sentita parecchio e forse con lui in campo la Champions League non sarebbe sfuggita ai rossoneri.

9 Dec 14:30 MilanNews.it 6507305921508747437.html
Natale e Capodanno al Wellington di Paesana con un rapporto qualità-prezzo mai visto

Due menù ricchi e golosi. Prenotazioni al numero 377.3598255

9 Dec 08:00 Targatocn.it 7367208849826645277.html
Riquelme, vicepresidente de Boca

Victoria de Ameal en las elecciones a la presidencia del club xeneize

9 Dec 13:09 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958250842781.html
Ask PolitiFact: Does a video show Joe Biden confessing to bribery? No

A reader asked,

9 Dec 12:59 PolitiFact 6170930823032371750.html
Goodbye, Sun: Vancouver forecast calling for rain nearly every day this week

While the Metro Vancouver weather forecast called for a chance of flurries at the start of December, the upcoming week calls for a great deal of rainfall.

9 Dec 09:49 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497075124397.html
Sobresalto por unas obras de madrugada junto al Parque del Oeste

Un grupo de operarios inicia trabajos con un martillo hidráulico a las 3.35 horas de este lunes.

9 Dec 16:02 Levante-Emv 7042984476925197861.html
Marcelo Bielsa praises Jack Harrison and Philippe Sandler's 'urgent' surgery - Man City loan round up

Manchester City loanee Jack Harrison has been praised by Leeds manager Marcelo Bielsa for his improvement this season.

9 Dec 11:41 men 6694993427586492499.html
LUVYA full weekend line-up schedule revealed

Find out when your favourite artists are playing at the huge three-day festival

9 Dec 17:33 Time Out Dubai 1956550808665626252.html
People fuming about 'over the top' noise from Creamfields Steel Yard heard six miles away

"I can hear what tunes you're playing. I live in Seaforth. Stop taking the p***"

9 Dec 17:20 Liverpool Echo 7727211173835048006.html
At least 5 killed as New Zealand volcano erupts on tourist island

New Zealand's most active volcano erupted on Monday killing at least five people with many trapped on the popular tourist spot, White Island, as conditions were too dangerous for search-and-rescue teams.

9 Dec 11:43 Aljazeera 6642629762208970042.html
Pixel feature drops to bring new tricks to Google’s smartphones

There are a few key selling points for Google’s Pixel smartphones. They tend to have great cameras. They get security and software updates delivered straight from the company that makes the Android operating system that powers most of the world’s smartphones. And they have some unique features that aren’t widely available on other phones. From […]

9 Dec 15:55 Liliputing 5607980592894928178.html
Legenda Arsenal: Aaron Wan-Bissaka 'Arogan' dan Brilian

Legenda Arsenal, Martin Keown memberi pujian kepada bek kanan Manchester United, Aaron Wan-Bissaka.

9 Dec 09:48 Bola.net 5489959028460826163.html
Sebelum Berlaga di Final, Indra Sjafri Sampaikan Satu Pesan Penting kepada Penggawa Timnas U22

WE Online, Manila - Pelatih Timnas Indonesia U22 Indra Sjafri, menyampaikan pesan kepada anak-anak asuhnya jelang bertemu Vietnam di final SEA Games 2019, Selasa (10/12/2019) malam WIB. Indra mengaku sudah mengungkapkan segala strategi yang akan digunakan di laga kontra Vietnam kepada anak-anak asuhnya.

9 Dec 10:26 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835545407937.html
Tommy Fury strips off to tease his bulging muscles in cheeky snap

The topless hunk stripped off to a pair of designer swim shorts and posed for pictures to show off his extremely toned physique, while catching the attention of his blonde bombshell girlfriend

9 Dec 10:56 Irish Mirror 2875825628682907861.html
Que no haya linchamiento, AMLO sobre Embajador de Argentina

AMLO pidió darle su justa dimensión al hecho para que "no se afecte, no se destruya la dignidad de las personas" y enfatizó que "todos cometen errores"

9 Dec 15:17 Regeneración 4314126174802911140.html
Kevin Hart: ouder worden reden voor feestje

Kevin Hart is van mening dat het geen zin heeft je te verzetten tegen ouder worden. De 40-jarige acteur, die eerder dit jaar zwaargewond raakte bij een auto-ongeluk, vindt dat je het juist moet vieren.

9 Dec 12:14 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049741073817.html
Uma reforma tributária seletiva aumentaria a informalidade

Diretor da Casa Flora Importadora, uma das líderes nacionais no segmento de alimentos e bebidas, Adilson Carvalhal Júnior dividiu os últimos dez anos de sua agenda de empresário com a de presidente da Associação Brasileira de importadores e Exportadores de Bebidas e Alimentos. Desde que assumiu o cargo institucional, vem sendo reeleito pelos associados a […]

9 Dec 12:30 ISTOÉ Dinheiro 4352259918154468424.html
La Generalitat debe 13 millones de euros a las entidades que atienden menores tutelados

Según la Confederació del Tercer Sector, la mitad de facturas impagadas son anteriores a septiembre

9 Dec 13:23 elPeriodico 7291954033630191032.html
"El abordaje del paciente siempre es mejor que sea multidisciplinario"

FUNDACIÓN OSDE La dermatóloga pediátrica Laura Brufau brindará una charla junto a la médica pediatra, Carolina Fessia en el Auditorio de la Fundación OSDE. La charla está dirigida a padres de niños que padecen la enfermedad.

9 Dec 13:57 El Litoral 2624573357617733496.html
If You See Someone Driving a Tesla Cybertruck Around Los Angeles, It's Elon Musk

A leaked video proves Cybertruck is street legal, but maybe a little difficult to maneuver.

9 Dec 15:45 Inc.com 8604986416584986993.html
Chiude la zia in ospizio e vende tutti i suoi beni: denunciata la nipote

Dopo un ricovero in ospedale, la nipote ha chiesto il trasferimento della zia in casa di riposo. Poi avrebbe venduto l'auto e portato via dei preziosi

9 Dec 10:49 ilGiornale.it 5019541224704697702.html
HP's Pocket Printer Is Let Down By Its Photo Quality And Location Data

The HP Sprocket Select is a pocket photo printer that prints sticker photos via a bluetooth phone app. It's adorable. Fun, even. But it's also a device you're likely to use a handful of times, and then hide away in a bedroom drawer until the end of time....

9 Dec 16:18 Gizmodo AU 3183561247645485523.html
Pakistani Analyst Hints at Ninja Turtles on Country’s Political Scene, Gets Trolled

New Delhi (Sputnik): Pakistani analyst Shahid Masood Khan has brought up the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles while discussing the political scene in the country. Masood Khan is a Pakistani columnist and political analyst.

9 Dec 12:32 Sputniknews 967333869016447867.html
Blues recall Kyrou, Poganski from San Antonio

Jordan Kyrou, getting his first call-up of the season, and Austin Poganski, getting his second, could make their 2019 St. Louis Blues debuts this week.

9 Dec 17:06 FOX Sports 4135141642867117451.html
23-jarige dochter van Madonna zoent erop los en gaat bijna naakt tijdens eerste modeshow

Lourdes Leon, de 23-jarige dochter van Madonna (61) heeft een bewogen weekend achter de rug. Lourdes liep haar eerste modeshow en daar ging het behoorlijk hitsig aan toe. 

9 Dec 14:32 HLN 8967494997262283229.html
Hitzewellen und Dürren gefährden Kornkammern der Welt

Der Klimawandel macht Dürren und Hitzewellen weltweit häufiger. Daher ist das Risiko für gleichzeitige Missernten in mehreren "Kornkammern der Welt" viel größer als vor 50 Jahren, so Forscher des Internationalen Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse (IIASA) im Fachjournal "Nature Climate Change". Dann würden Grundnahrungsmittel massiv teurer, Hungersnöte, politische Unruhen sowie Migration drohen.

9 Dec 16:04 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084679155023.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

New Zealand's most continuously active volcano White Island has erupted, killing five people and leaving many more unaccounted for. Police said "no sign of life" could be seen on the island following the tourist attraction's latest eruption, so the death toll is likely to rise. The eruption sent huge plumes of smoke and ash into the air when it erupted on Monday afternoon. The threat level was raised last month following an increase in activity - meaning eruptions are more likely than normal and can happen with little or no warning. White Island last erupted three years ago.

9 Dec 15:53 ITV News 2184971256794901568.html
Il cinema dei giusti - dal cinepanettone al cinecannolo: arriva il film natalizio di ficarra e picon


9 Dec 16:21 DAGOSPIA 6533336739668937002.html
Newly Engaged Couple Emma Stone and Dave McCary Hold Hands During Sweet NYC Date

Emma Stone and Dave McCary have the look of love! On Dec. 7, the newly engaged couple cozied up while heading to a Saturday Night Live afterparty in New York

9 Dec 15:38 POPSUGAR Celebrity 1694745613611379872.html
Apple TV+: Dynamisches HDR-Format Dolby Vision kehrt zurück

Apples Flatrate-Videodienst bietet seit dem gestrigen Sonntag wieder alle Inhalte mit dynamischem HDR-Bild an.

9 Dec 09:02 c't Magazin 1766193383256250252.html
Transportadores de medicamentos querem acesso a vias "BUS"

A Associação de Distribuidores Farmacêuticos (ADIFA) propôs ao Governo dez medidas para melhorar o acesso aos medicamentos em Portugal, devido às faltas nas farmácias. Uma das propostas é que as viaturas de transporte de medicamentos, devidamente identificadas, possam circular em vias de trânsito reservadas, como por exemplo em faixas "BUS".

9 Dec 17:12 JN 6956494302770029461.html
Jordania arresta a hombre que planeaba ataque contra la embajada de Israel

Un tribunal de Jordania condenó el lunes a un hombre a ocho años de prisión por presuntamente conspirar para atacar la embajada de Israel.

9 Dec 15:32 Noticias de Israel 5887715889348069927.html
La Sindicatura de Comptes detecta que Hisenda no ha emés l'informe favorable dels llocs de treball de Vaersa

L'organisme assegura que els procediments de contractació de personal "no garanteixen el compliment dels principis d'igualtat, mèrit, capacitat i publicitat"

9 Dec 11:33 Diari La Veu 8769648854839761965.html
Vy vant kontrakten om togtrafikk på Bergensbanen og Vossebanen

Vy skal fortsette å kjøre tog på Bergensbanen og Vossebanen.

9 Dec 11:03 TV 2 8210067770191124064.html
My Favourite Witcher 3 Quest Has No Fighting, Just Drunken Shenanigans

‘No Place Like Home’ makes even the baddest of Witchers feel a whole lot more human.

9 Dec 16:11 Kotaku UK 2577526046064978672.html
WhatsApp introduce las llamadas en espera en Android

WhatsApp ha introducido las 'llamadas en espera' en su aplicación para Android, una función ya disponible en iOS, junto otras novedades y mejoras presentes en...

9 Dec 11:56 Europa Press 4702666148386781790.html
Sberbank Banjaluka donirala pet računara Medicinskoj školi u Banjaluci

Sberbank Banjaluka nastoji da što više bude uključena u aktivnosti zajednice u kojoj posluje i da učestvuje u društveno odgovornim projektima.

9 Dec 08:33 Nezavisne novine 4209150642190194532.html
Leeds boss Marcelo Bielsa has plenty of praise for Hull City attacker Jarrod Bowen

Leeds United manager Marcelo Bielsa has told his pre-Hull City press conference – as per Leeds Live – that Tigers star Jarrod Bowen is a “great attacker” amid rumours over the winger’s future at the KCOM Stadium. Bowen, 22, is once again in incredible form this season – improving his numbers on what was a […]Leeds boss Marcelo Bielsa has raved over Hull City star Jarrod Bowen ahead of Tuesday night's Championship fixture at Elland Road.

9 Dec 13:46 The Boot Room 5717202226781599198.html
Crimea appears to be thriving under the control of Putin’s Russia

Russia is now in charge and it is evident the country is committed to turning Crimea around.

9 Dec 17:45 The Citizen 410802300428291387.html
Gazzetta - Milan, Piatek mai così bene inserito nel gioco della squadra rossonera

Dopo una lunga serie di partite negative e deludenti, ieri a Bologna si è finalmente rivista un'ottima prestazione di Kris Piatek, mai così bene inserito nel gioco della squadra rossonera. Lo riferisce l'edizione della Gazzetta dello Sport in edicola questa mattina.   

9 Dec 08:59 MilanNews.it 6507305922777704960.html
Xander Schauffele, US golf's rising star, opens up about his cosmopolitan roots and desire for equality as a proud American

Growing up surrounded by fanatical Arsenal supporters or being at the receiving end of a stern telling off in German is not exactly the childhood that might be imagined for the next great hope of American golf.

9 Dec 08:00 The Telegraph 140598092892426185.html
Female youth group running 30-day cleaning campaign in P Sihanouk

Youth group, Girl Volunteers for Society (GVS), is running a “30-day cleaning campaign in Preah Sihanouk” to raise awareness among people in the province on proper waste disposal and management. The campaign which started on November 29 will end on December 29.

9 Dec 16:34 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116095606781.html
Taiwan KMT justifies shoving of 'strange auntie' cop

Taiwan KMT blames female police officer's appearance for incurring wrath of lawmaker

9 Dec 09:30 Taiwan News 4737573344119000633.html
Playstation firar kvartssekel: Tio spelklassiker vi minns

Den legendariska spelkonsolen Playstation fyller 25 år. Proletären har dykt ner i spelkofferten och fiskat upp sina favorittitlar till konsolen.

9 Dec 14:56 Proletären 1804847513231501284.html
Anti-doping agency imposes 4-year ban on Russia

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Russia was slapped Monday with a four-year ban from international sports events, including next summer's Tokyo Olympics, over a longstanding doping scandal, although its athletes will still be able to compete if they can show

9 Dec 16:02 KitchenerToday.com 52741008753452566.html
Meloni a Bruxelles: noi voce libera contro la 'Trappola del Mes'

Missione europea per Giorgia Meloni questa mattina in piazza a Bruxelles per portare la "voce dell'Italia libera e sovrana che non vuole farsi...

9 Dec 17:48 Affari Italiani 6123405401729213702.html
Almarai names Majed Nofal as CEO

Riyadh – Mubasher: The Board of Directors of Almarai Company announced the appointment of Majed Mazen Nofal as the company’s new CEO. The decision will be effective starting from the beginning of January 2020, according to a company statement to …

9 Dec 10:49 english.mubasher.info 8917853137542217646.html
Messi meilleur joueur d'Europe cette saison

Les hommes mentent, pas les chiffres. Mais faut-il toujours croire aveuglément les chiffres ?

9 Dec 13:48 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251969067272.html
Pd irritato per il rinvio di 6 mesi della riforma Orlando sulle intercettazioni. Ministero: "Disponibili a un accordo"

I dem sostengono che la decisione sia stata frutto di una scelta unilaterale dei 5 stelle: "Così rischiano di complicare il dialogo"

9 Dec 16:40 L'HuffPost 5315551424057302751.html
Edible oil gets costlier due to kharif crop damage, global price rise

Floods in key producing regions resulted in major damage to standing kharif soybean crop

9 Dec 17:39 Business-Standard 1502508926126825003.html
Auf dem E-Highway in Schleswig-Holstein ist der O-Lkw los

In Schleswig-Holstein ist auf der A1 erstmals ein Lkw gefahren, der Fahrstrom von einer Oberleitung bezogen hat. Damit ist das Pilotprojekt für Elektromobilität startklar.

9 Dec 10:46 Golem.de 3063982245124424833.html
Plenty of Fish 'boyfriend from hell' threatened to kill woman in campaign of abuse

Dennis Beastall and Julie Emms met on a dating website and he moved into her flat in Leicestershire a week after they started talking - but he soon turned violent

9 Dec 11:45 mirror 675785259822717590.html
TRS opposes Citizenship Amendment Bill in Lok Sabha and will do so in Rajya Sabha too

Their opposition could make the arithmetic slightly tricky for the BJP in the Upper House but still doesn't threaten the passage of the bill.

9 Dec 17:15 The Hindu 6679535026213894124.html
Swedish #MeToo activist told to pay damages to man she accused of rape

A Swedish journalist has been ordered to pay thousands of kronor in damages to a man she claimed raped her, in a series of social media posts that got the #MeToo movement under way in Sweden.

9 Dec 14:04 THE LOCAL se 5989194981058458342.html
Anggun Bak Bangsawan, Intip Penampilan Nabila Syakieb dalam Balutan Batik dan Tenteng Tas Hermes Seharga Rp 182 Juta di Resepsi sang Mantan Calon Adik Ipar, Citra Kirana

Anggun, intip penampilan Nabila Syakieb dalam balutan batik dan tenteng tas Hermes seharga Rp 182 juta di resepsi Citra Kirana dan Rezky Aditya.

9 Dec 10:27 grid.id 586386473516721397.html
The top four is within reach for United, says Maguire

In the wake of Manchester United's 2-1 victory over local rivals Manchester City, Harry Maguire has set his sights on the top four.

9 Dec 09:27 Sport 682566035700887536.html
Messina. Restauro Badiazza, domande per la progettazione entro il 28 gennaio

Verranno individuati cinque progettisti per partecipare alla seconda fase, che decreterà il progetto vincitore

9 Dec 10:18 Tempostretto 3143171744304415013.html
Amazon claims Trump's 'personal vendetta' cost it $10 billion Pentagon contract

Amazon says it lost a $10 billion contract because of President Trump's "personal vendetta."

9 Dec 13:52 Engadget 96641515512184295.html
Photos and videos show the huge volcanic eruption in New Zealand which killed at least 5 people, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - New Zealand's White Island volcano erupted on Monday, killing several people near the crater. Dramatic images show ash spewing into the sky.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 10:14 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755602967748.html
Factbox: Some of the world's youngest national leaders

(Reuters) - Finland’s Sanna Marin is about to become the world’s youngest serving prime minister at the age of 34.

9 Dec 16:50 Reuters 8334514181401184879.html
8 Horas de cola deben hacer habitantes de Acarigua para echar gasolina

Los usuarios denunciaron para Elimpulso.com que tanto en Páez como Araure, municipio pertenecientes al estado Portuguesa

9 Dec 09:47 El Siglo 7954754735221114882.html
Rifaat al-assad, zio del dittatore siriano, a processo a parigi: nel mirino il patrimonio milionario


9 Dec 12:30 DAGOSPIA 6533336738676802575.html
Delhi Court Accepts Robert Vadra’s Plea To Travel Abroad For Medical Treatment 

A Delhi Court on Monday (9 December) allowed Robert Vadra, businessman and Congress interim Chief Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law, to travel to Spain for medical treatment and business purposes.

9 Dec 15:33 Swarajya 4977622829648868298.html
Handball-WM: Dank Schützenhilfe: DHB-Frauen erreichen erstes Etappenziel

Zu später Stunde war der Frust der deutschen Handballerinnen über den bitteren Last-Minute-K.o. gegen Serbien verflogen.

9 Dec 14:04 swp.de 6929179441385310827.html
How a Risky Court Decision Can Give China the Lead in 5G Technology

In spite of the lingering trade discrepancy in advanced technology products, the United States stays as the worldwide trendsetter for telecommunications and networking. U.S. firms are presently battling against Chinese state-influenced companies such as Huawei, for one, that will identify if the American dominance continues into this 5G technology generation.

9 Dec 09:24 Tech Times 4011848567191583805.html
Trivić: PISA rezultati putokaz za unapređenje obrazovanja

BANJALUKA - Ministarstvo prosvjete i kulture Republike Srpske smatra da su veoma korisni objavljeni rezultati PISA testiranja jer mogu da posluže kao putokaz za unapređenje obrazovnog sistema, rekla je Srni ministar prosvjete i kulture Natalija Trivić.

9 Dec 14:46 Nezavisne novine 4209150641607257996.html
Klinsmann glaubt nicht an Köpke-Verbleib

Jürgen Klinsmann hat dem Verbleib von Bundestorwarttrainer Andreas Köpke bei Hertha BSC über den 1. Januar 2020 hinaus wenig Chancen eingeräumt.

9 Dec 16:46 weltfussball.at 3521376370985387270.html
Rupee firms up to five-month high against dollar; strengthens by 15 paisa today


9 Dec 11:33 Dunya News 5863268917857589133.html
Montagem no cabelo: mude a cor de suas mechas usando apps gratuitos

Se você quer fazer uma montagem em seu cabelo e aplicar cores diferentes às suas mechas, tem apps gratuitos que garantem um bom serviço. Conheça alguns deles

9 Dec 11:47 Canaltech 6267437388007756932.html
Atitude feminina parte 2

Meus papos com mulheres que fazem parte da cena hip hop no sul do nosso Brasil, segue "firmão". Desta vez, fui encontrar guerreiras que moram na Vila Aparecida, lado continental de Floripa. Ká Alves, Mana Moa Mc e Janaína Palavra Feminina acumulam juntas mais de duas décadas de dedicação à arte das rimas. Ambas levam em suas letras e videoclipes, o dia dia da mulher e suas mazelas que perduram desde os primórdios.

9 Dec 08:50 NSC Total 4216767908379606769.html
Complete list of the Golden Globe nominations

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Nominations for the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards:

9 Dec 15:05 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636300027950.html
Il Genoa butta via una vittoria in venti minuti di follia

Il Genoa butta via due punti in trasferta a Lecce con venti minuti di follia nel secondo tempo. Esagerate le critiche al solo Thiago Motta

9 Dec 08:00 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982772549963129.html
Conor McGregor UFC news: Notorious wants Jorge Masvidal fight, says Dana White

The Crumlin fighter will make his long-awaited return against Cerrone on January 18

9 Dec 09:32 Irish Mirror 2875825628442134515.html
FC Goa back to winning ways

Manvir Singh came off the bench to score the match-winner as FC Goa edged past Hyderabad FC 1-0 in the Hero Indian Super League clash at the GMC Balayogi

9 Dec 13:37 The Sentinel 448185207017586916.html
Minst fem omkom i vulkanutbruddet på New Zealand

Minst fem personer er døde etter vulkanutbruddet på New Zealand, ifølge Sky News. En gruppe cruiseturister var på øya der utbruddet skjedde.

9 Dec 08:18 Bergens Tidende 6643873499556473147.html
Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Olga Neuwirth

Komponistin Olga Neuwirth wurde am Montag im Teesalon der Wiener Staatsoper mit der höchsten Auszeichnung der Republik für Wissenschaft und Kunst geehrt. Am Tag nach der Uraufführung ihres “Orlando” am selben Ort freute sich Neuwirth über die Auszeichnung, “weil sie von Künstlern entschieden wurde”. Das Österreichische Ehrenzeichen wird auf Vorschlag der bisherigen Träger vergeben. “Nur […]

9 Dec 15:32 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170292658563.html
Rotterdam School of Management uit top 10 beste Europese business schools

De Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) staat niet meer in de top tien beste zakenscholen van Europa. De business school van de Erasmus Universiteit staat dit jaar op de twaalfde plek in de ranglijst van zakenkrant Financial Times jaarlijks publiceert.

9 Dec 17:48 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227408709198.html
Saturn's moon Enceladus' 'tiger stripes' mystery explained

Saturn's moon Enceladus has been shrouded in mystery since its discovery in the late 18th century, but now researchers believe they have solved what causes the moon's "tiger stripes," according to a new study.

9 Dec 16:45 Fox News 7362823820894928327.html
Birthday Special! Times Dia Mirza proved that she is a woman of Substance

DiaMirza won millions of hearts with her debut movie Rehna Hain Tere Dil Mein. The actress over the years have managed to make a name for herself not only with her acting chops but with her consistent efforts towards a number of social causes. Whilst supporting a number of campaigns for working towards the environment and climate change issues, the actress was also named UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador in 2017. 

9 Dec 15:26 Filmfare.com 6668806038643673146.html
Ryan Tannehill is doing MVP-like things during the Titans' winning streak

Tennessee is a factor in the NFL playoff picture thanks in part to the play of its quarterback, who is doing things only Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson have done in the league.

9 Dec 12:21 Sporting News 5110653854127576351.html
Domingo Alberto Rangel: En el Zulia vuelven las barcazas

Segundas partes nunca son aconsejables y aún siendo similar la situación en que termina el año la oposiciòn con la del ejército nacional español que […]

9 Dec 09:50 LaPatilla.com 9104603010852171818.html
Therese Svanström ny TCO-bas

Arbete Therese Svanström heter TCO:s nya ordförande. Nu har hon formellt svurits in på tjänstemannaorganisationens extra kongress.

9 Dec 14:08 www.unt.se 8922556088281750343.html
Reports: Library in China burned 'illegal' books

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Reports in China that a library staff burned dozens of "illegal" books is drawing controversy in the country, but the articles and social media posts on the matter have been removed.

9 Dec 16:41 UPI 8257973863934280072.html
Climate change policies are going to be costly, says U.N.-backed report

Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to $2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers, an investor group warned in a report. Rules aimed at lowering carbon emissions are expected to accelerate in the coming years as countries scramble to meet obligations under the 2015 Paris climate agreement limiting global warming. "As the realities of climate change catch up, social pressure mounts, and low car

9 Dec 09:30 Autoblog 4372976971926221004.html
Alerta: tu cuchara te podría estar envenenando

BERLÍN, diciembre 7.- Científicos advirtieron que artículos plásticos para cocina de uso diario como cucharas, espátulas y batidores podrían estar dañando el hígado o tiroides de usuarios en todo el mundo.

9 Dec 11:43 VICTORIA 8502773549206280051.html
Live coverage: Democrats, Republicans seek to win PR battle in final House impeachment hearing

The House Judiciary Committee on Monday will hold its first hearing since Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced last week that the relevant committees would begin drafting impeachment articles

9 Dec 13:00 TheHill 355432919335404179.html
IU and Sung Si Kyung collaborate on modern Christmas song 'First Winter' MV

IU and Sung Si Kyung have come together to release a special holiday song!On December 9 KST, the two singers dropped the music video for the song &quo…

9 Dec 10:21 allkpop 3249686060958083637.html
Waschbär in Erfurt: Betrunkenes Tier torkelt über Weihnachtsmarkt und wird erschossen

In Erfurt ist am ein offenbar betrunkener Waschbär über den Weihnachtsmarkt getorkelt. Für das Tier endete der Ausflug tödlich.

9 Dec 08:27 swp.de 6929179441171727203.html
Municipal park to be reopened after 5 years

Nagampadam facility renovated at ₹2.07 crore

9 Dec 17:52 The Hindu 6679535024271151129.html
IOA president Narinder Batra seeks government support for hosting 2026 Youth Olympics in India

The IOA chief met Home Minister Amit Shah to discuss the issue and various other matters including hosting the 2023 session of IOC.

9 Dec 11:27 Scroll.in 8669301693974114289.html
Elizabeth Warren reveals she earned $2 million from 30 years of private legal work as she feuds with Pete Buttigieg over financial transparency

Buttigieg's campaign has honed in Warren's previous private legal work, seeking to cast her as a "corporate lawyer" at odds her campaign message.

9 Dec 14:52 Business Insider 6060062399289377615.html
All of the craziest things that went down at Art Basel Miami

Highlights include a £91,000 banana taped to the wall, which was eaten by a performance artist.

9 Dec 11:01 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773536587848.html
Eggenburger Konzert als Advent-Stunde für die Seele

Der Chor St. Stephan und Gast-Musiker bereiteten abwechslungsreiches Advent-Konzert.

9 Dec 12:45 NÖN.at 2486998931803796015.html
Angelina Jolie lästert über Nachfolgerin

Die Schauspielerin kann einfach nicht loslassen. Sie hetzt nun gegen die neue Freundin ihres Ex-Mannes.

9 Dec 13:30 VIP.de 2239798193589469650.html
Buk Buk Southern Hot

Nashville-style hot chicken from the former owners of 127 Days.

9 Dec 11:49 Broadsheet 1032174912603554156.html
"Bewusst dazu entschieden": FC Bayern steigt in eSports ein

Der FC Bayern München beteiligt sich zusammen mit anderen internationalen Vereinen künftig an einer eSports-Liga in "Pro Evolution Soccer".

9 Dec 11:51 sport.de 3321967092686953625.html
Dieser No-Name-Konzern mit Top-Marken ist ein echter Börsenstar

VF Corporation ist ein „hidden Champion“: Kaum jemand kennt das Unternehmen, dabei vereint es Marken wie Vans, Timberland, North Face oder Eastpak unter seinem Dach. Europa soll von der Schweiz aus erobert werden – eine Wahl, die nicht zufällig fiel.

9 Dec 08:00 DIE WELT 6197693429035076007.html
Hijo de AMLO y secretaria presumen video en concierto de Residente

José Ramón López Beltrán e Irma Eréndira Sandoval acudieron al Zócalo, en donde cantó el puertorriqueño

9 Dec 16:26 El Universal 4964748195971137162.html
Severe cold wave continues in J-K, Ladakh

The mercury climbed several notches across Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh due to overcast conditions on Monday even as the region braces for a fresh spell of snow and rainfall in the next couple of days, a meteorological department official said.

9 Dec 17:12 Deccan Herald 2027555797367465422.html
Tributes paid to 'real gentleman' found dead in Aberdeen

Alan Geddes, 56, was found dead in Ruthrieson Crescent just after 5.30am on Saturday.

9 Dec 12:32 dailyrecord 552235480473535851.html
Clovis Oncology: Best In Class

From the fundamental front, Rubraca is procuring about $147.0M in annual sales even as a second-line drug. That robust growth is powered by a 38.7% year-over-year sales growth.Not satisfied with good,

9 Dec 16:51 Seeking Alpha 5725634556958216642.html
El Dorado vuelve a la normalidad después de cierre intermitente de puertas

Varios policías dijeron que les informaron sobre una manifestación cerca de la terminal aérea, por lo que tomaron medidas de prevención en el aeropuerto. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 12:11 pulzo.com 8971816786293798358.html
Vietjet begins direct flights connecting Delhi to Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi

The Hanoi-headquartered airline had announced these flights in August and had been planning to connect India first in 2017 and then in 2018

9 Dec 11:50 Business-Standard 1502508925865481486.html
Metà degli italiani controllano lo smartphone come prima o ultima cosa del giorno

Lo scorso anno ha segnato un traguardo storico: il numero degli smartphone nelle case degli italiani ha per la prima volta superato quello delle automobili

9 Dec 15:10 MobileWorld 1731579004113643750.html
BioShock is returning, but it's still several years away

A new studio has been formed to resurrect the series

9 Dec 14:13 PC Gamer 9149753395779040567.html
RUSADA pide cambiar a los dirigentes del deporte ruso

El director de la Agencia Antidopaje Rusa (RUSADA), Yuri Ganus, llamó hoy al presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, a cambiar a los dirigentes del deporte ruso después de que la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) le castigara con cuatro años de sanción."Está el presidente, del que esperamos decisiones firmes", dijo Ganus en rueda de prensa en Lausana, según informan las agencias rusas.Ganus, enfrentado al Ministerio de Deportes por sus críticas a la gestión de la crisis del dopaje en Rusia, llamó a sustituir, en particular, a los dirigentes del atletismo, deporte que está apartado desde los Juegos de Río y cuyo presidente, Dmitri Shliajtin, dimitió recientemente en medio de otro escándalo de dopaje.Eso sí, exculpó al presidente del Comité Olímpico Ruso, Stanislav Pozdniakov, al que consideró que no le convenía en ningún caso contribuir a la manipulación de la base de datos del Laboratorio de Moscú, motivo de la sanción."Es necesario lanzar una investigación en detalle. Hay que encontrar, de una vez por todas, la base…

9 Dec 15:25 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125040799149.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer reveals a surprisingly classy 2020 sequel

Ghostbusters: Afterlife comes from director Jason Reitman, son of Ivan Reitman, the movies' original director.

9 Dec 14:39 TechRadar 2111116916247521019.html
Harte Doping-Strafe: Wada schließt Russland für vier Jahre von den Olympischen Spielen aus

Russland darf nicht an den beiden kommenden Olympischen Spielen in Tokio 2020 und Peking 2022 teilnehmen. Der Ausschluss gilt auch für Weltmeisterschaften.

9 Dec 11:17 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324152373049.html
Boks Penjualan Redmi K30 Beredar di Internet

Informasi tentang Redmi K30 semakin banyak beredar menjelang pengumumannya pada 10 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 11:00 liputan6.com 3414318495825570481.html
'Hopefully' - How the Aston Villa dressing room reacted to heavy Leicester City defeat

Aston Villa news includes social media reaction from AVFC players following Sunday's loss

9 Dec 09:38 birminghammail 8288260684788165827.html
Cantora que sofreu com atitude de Silvio Santos se pronuncia

A cantora que sofreu com uma atitude de Silvio Santos em seu programa, exibido neste domingo (8), decidiu se pronunciar. Em rede social, Jennyfer Oliver abriu o jogo sobre a polêmica envolvendo o apresentador, que está sendo acusado de racismo.

9 Dec 15:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212041103916.html
Calabria, Occhiuto non aspetta il Cdx. Via alla raccolta firme."Sono in campo"

Calabria: Occhiuto non aspetta il C.destra, "Raccolta firme" - "Sono in campo, gia' da tempo, con un progetto inclusivo, aperto ai...

9 Dec 16:57 Affari Italiani 6123405402385561547.html
Samsung Executives Jailed For Two Years Following $3.9 Billion Fraud Case

Korean tech giant Samsung is in trouble with the law once again as three executives have been sentenced to prison today. Take a look here!

9 Dec 17:31 Wccftech 3677959678223411730.html
Langnaus Verteidiger Glauser bis zu zwei Monate out

Die SCL Tigers müssen für längere Zeit auf den an der Schulter verletzten Verteidiger Andrea Glauser (23) verzichten.

9 Dec 13:05 bz BASEL 5287163741479239727.html
L'eruzione di un vulcano in Nuova Zelanda ha fatto strage di turisti

Cinque morti - ma la stima è per difetto - nell'esplosione di una caldara sull'isola Whakaari

9 Dec 14:25 Agi 2115274225058372429.html
Marvin Miller, Ted Simmons elected to Baseball Hall of Fame

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Marvin Miller and Ted Simmons have been elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame as part of the class of 2020.

9 Dec 13:47 UPI 8257973865973229334.html
From Anarkali to A-line: Every time Karisma Kapoor impressed in a suit

When in doubt go traditional like Karisma Kapoor. Click to see her best ethnic looks.

9 Dec 12:20 The Indian Express 2885715105695989101.html
Beyonce Flaunts Her Booty In A High-Cut Bodysuit

Beyonce’s latest Instagram upload didn’t leave too much to the imagination. Beyonce put her world-famous curves on full display in a jaw-dropping new shot posted to her Instagram account ...

9 Dec 13:32 The Inquisitr 1745625231382652756.html
Exigen libertad de presos políticos en Hong Kong

Quieren que se investigue a la Policía y se otorgue sufragio universal

9 Dec 09:37 El Informador 103545929116532223.html
Especuladores se aprovechan de la escasez de unidades de Ring Fit Adventure en Japón

Como todos sabéis, los especuladores son aquellos usuarios que adquieren cierto productos o productos y se aprovechan de la falta de stock o escasez de los mismos para revenderlos a un precio habitualmente muy superior ante la desesperación por intentar conseguirlos por parte de otros usuarios. Hoy os traemos una muestra más de elo y […]

9 Dec 09:39 Nintenderos 2555436001946149691.html
FBI: Pensacola base shooting 'act of terror'

The motive behind a 21-year-old gunman's attack on Naval Air Station Pensacola still remains undetermined, but the FBI is treating it as an act of terror, a member of the agency said.

9 Dec 09:22 CHANNEL3000 830332542986947576.html
Netflix Announces 'Chilling Adventures of Sabrina' Season 3 Release Date

“Welcome to Hell.”

9 Dec 09:51 HYPEBEAST 3806037268643470746.html
Joshua v Ruiz does little to gloss over fight for rights in Saudi Arabia

Some locals say things are changing but evidence suggests they are doing so slowly

9 Dec 10:11 The Irish Times 8204772968976129444.html
Börsen fortsatt runt nollstrecket

Börs Stockholmsbörsen inleder veckan med små rörelser. Börsindex pendlade större delen av dagen runt nollstrecket. Vid 15.45-tiden noteras det breda OMXS-indexet marginellt på plus. De större Europabörser backar svagt, där Londonbörsen går sämst.

9 Dec 14:53 www.unt.se 8922556089861479599.html
Chris Cornell’s Widow Is Suing Soundgarden Over Missing Royalty Payments

Vicky Cornell is suing the remaining members of Soundgarden over missing royalty payments.

9 Dec 15:49 Kerrang! 370418007927413197.html
British judge gives 'classic psychopath' rapist 33 life sentences

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Serial British rapist Joseph McCann was sentenced Monday to 33 life sentences for a two-week run of sex crimes and abductions earlier this year that targeted 11 victims, including a young boy.

9 Dec 17:53 UPI 8257973865705362128.html
The next booster shot to revive economy may not be far away

Going by what the indicators are showing so far, third quarter doesn't hold any hopes of revival.

9 Dec 09:48 The Economic Times 7653256036597981790.html
Xbox Forza Horizon 4 with LEGO Speed Champions Christmas gift bundle deal

Get both Forza Horizon 4 and its Lego Speed Champions DLC for Xbox or PC for crazy cheap in this Christmas gift mega deal

9 Dec 16:15 T3 267522093630691898.html
Nasconde droga e armi in casa: Carbonia, arrestato un 39enne

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 08:49 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206978765240.html
Niger: Ex-Boko Haram combatants complete re-integration programme [Morning Call]

110 former members of the jihadist group Boko Haram undergo de-radicalization programme.

9 Dec 08:55 Africanews 6630243979275736289.html
James Maddison 'on verge of new Leicester City deal'

Leicester City are reportedly ready to hand midfielder James Maddison a new long-term contract at the King Power Stadium.

9 Dec 10:01 Sports Mole 7750663362160664686.html
Nass und windig: "Nikolaus-Tauwetter" im Norden

Winterwetter-Fans werden in Norddeutschland weiter auf eine Geduldsprobe gestellt: Es bleibt relativ warm und nass. Dazu weht der Wind vor allem an den Küsten stürmisch.

9 Dec 12:28 NDR.de 5356044082427681329.html
Nuoto: Quadarella regina, Italia chiude Europei da star

Azzurra oro anche sui 400 sl, argento 4X50 mista con baby Pilato (ANSA)

9 Dec 09:33 ANSA.it 1300837446762013077.html
Nowi marszałkowie kontra dyrektorzy

Kadencje dyrekcji w krakowskiej operze i filharmonii mają być przerwane. Odbędą się konkursy.

9 Dec 17:03 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525961787243.html
Supreme Court to Hear Today Pleas Against Revocation of Article 370

The development comes after the top court had in November said it would hear all the pleas related to Article 370.

9 Dec 17:46 India.com 7150386084199260151.html
Indonesian Actor Muhammad Khan Bags Best Actor Award At Piala Citra; REVEALS Shah Rukh Khan Is The Reason He Is An Actor Today

Shah Rukh Khan is a global superstar and everyone is well aware about his fan following spanning even across the remote countries. We have came across several occasions, where the actors from foreign

9 Dec 14:02 Koimoi 5184275671290779371.html
Reader’s comment: Pakistan’s movement to revive Punjabi culture faces no viable threat

The writer responds.

9 Dec 10:30 Scroll.in 8669301693515023793.html
Falls and Poor Bone Health Top Reasons for High Fracture Risk in Parkinson’s, Study Says

A study traced the elevated risk of hip and other fractures in Parkinson’s patients to falls and weak bones, and recommends assessing this risk regularly.

9 Dec 13:00 Parkinson's News Today 2509734586886220696.html
Ice bucket challenge inspiration Pete Frates dies at 34

BOSTON — Pete Frates, a former college baseball player whose battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease helped inspire the ALS ice bucket challenge that has raised more than $200 million worldwide, died Monday. . .

9 Dec 11:07 Times Colonist 7617512061882821506.html
Labour's 'red wall' creaks as loyal voters consider other parties

West Bromwich, United Kingdom - Something unusual is stirring in this red-brick market town, and Ed Renyard senses it.

9 Dec 11:53 Aljazeera 6642629762562664151.html
Ostia, crociata per cambiare il nome all'ospedale Grassi

"Ospedale di Ostia santo subito nel nome di Sant'Agostino". Riparte la battaglia per cambiare il nome all'ospedale di via Passeroni, da quello del medico comasco Giovanni Battista Grassi a Sant’Agostino». Ovvero: dallo scienziato (1854-1925) che a cavallo tra i due secoli ...

9 Dec 15:37 Il Tempo 2494990960773790026.html
Un muerto y dos personas heridas tras dos salidas de camino en Guasave

Ambos accidentes ocurrieron la noche del domingo, en las afueras de la ciudad, tras perder el control del volante de sus respectivas unidades

9 Dec 10:52 EL DEBATE 4396150894673697537.html
Norsk ekonomi bromsar in

Tillväxten i Norge jämfört med kvartalet före bromsade in till 0,3 procent under tremånadersperioden augusti–oktober. Det kan jämföras med en tillväxt på 0,8 procent för perioden maj–juli, enligt den norska statistikbyrån SSB. På månadsbasis sjönk tillv

9 Dec 09:30 Sydsvenskan 2976531143609405404.html
L’enorme progetto per mettere al sicuro una diga nei Paesi Bassi

Intorno alla Houtribdijk saranno ammassati 10 milioni di metri cubi di sabbia, per metterla in sicurezza dagli effetti del cambiamento climatico

9 Dec 08:21 Il Post 6291746503813656453.html
Pokémon could soon hide behind your couch thanks to an ARCore update

A new Google ARCore update helps your phone understand the depth that real-world objects have, helping virtual characters and objects feel a lot more realistic.

9 Dec 17:00 Android Central 29040143109510414.html
NAB prepares BRT, Malam Jabba references, says chairman NAB

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman retired justice Javed Iqbal said on Monday that the accountability watchdog has tightened its noose around plunderers of

9 Dec 08:02 The Nation 8831095138195705296.html
Review: Kylie Minogue at Dubai Rugby Sevens

The Australian pop star wowed the crowds

9 Dec 13:13 Time Out Dubai 1956550809408823678.html
2 guards with rapper Juice WRLD arrested on gun charges

Chicago (AP) - Two security guards who were with rapper Juice WRLD when he died after suffering a medical emergency at Chicago's Midway International Airport have been arrested on gun charges.

9 Dec 15:59 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636729607310.html
How to treat your money well

India Business News: NEW DELHI: Regret is tough to deal with.

9 Dec 09:06 The Times of India 6060938664481123608.html
Schweizer Bank-CEO erhält Ritterorden

Der frühere UBS-Banker Werner Peyer durfte unlängst aus den Händen von Fürst Albert II. von Monaco den Ritterorden Saint-Charles entgegennehmen. Der Schweizer, bis vor kurzem noch CEO der ...

9 Dec 13:50 finews.ch 7270223616156420030.html
Imputan a un abogado de Álvaro Uribe por sobornar a testigos para exonerar al expresidente de Colombia

Este lunes se ha presentado en el Centro de Servicios Judiciales de Paloquemao la solicitud de audiencia de imputacion de cargos contra Diego Javier Cadena

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264489599617.html
Mexico president says senators OK’d changes to USMCA trade pact

MEXICO CITY, Dec 9 — Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said today that the country’s senators have accepted proposed changes to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement as US lawmakers mull ratifying the trade pact. Speaking during his regular morning news conference, Lopez Obrador...

9 Dec 15:46 Malaymail 302165936467749075.html
Ceren zdemir'in katil zanlsnn yeni grntleri ortaya kt

Ordu'nun Altnordu ilesinde niversite rencisi Ceren zdemir'i ldrd gerekesiyle tutuklanan zgr Ardu'un, cinayet gn bir av bayisindeki grntleri ortaya kt.

9 Dec 16:30 Star 3455060032566402354.html
Army fires US precision guided Excalibur rounds for first time using M777 howitzers

The firing of the Excalibur rounds took place as part of the armys training procedure. A precision guided kit was also tested.

9 Dec 16:33 The Economic Times 7653256037049987063.html
Juara Liga 1, Yabes Tanuri Buka-bukaan Soal Status Teco di Bali United

Usai membawa Bali United menjadi juara Liga 1, Yabes Tanuri selaku Chief Executive Officer (CEO) buka-bukan mengenai status Stefano Cugurra Teco.

9 Dec 15:29 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550768074944.html
Hallan un ejecutado encobijado en Tarímbaro

Un hombre ejecutado y con un letrero fue encontrado en el municipio de Tarímbaro; el contenido del mensaje no lo revelaron las autoridades policiales

9 Dec 09:00 MiMorelia 5599511489048295318.html
2 arrested after fight breaks out at Jewel Changi Airport

SINGAPORE: Two men were arrested on Sunday (Dec 8) after a fight broke out outside the A&W restaurant at Jewel Changi Airport.  In response to ...

9 Dec 17:14 CNA 5644198864251583562.html
"Le Sommelier", equilibristi e comici arrivano in Sardegna con sei tappe

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:46 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207514382754.html
Don Aniello attacca: "Saviano illude giovani, Gomorra li rovina"

Don Aniello contro Saviano e Gomorra: "Il telefilm rovina intere generazioni, Saviano illude i ragazzi, a loro servono soldi e soluzioni"

9 Dec 13:55 ilGiornale.it 5019541224007605985.html
Partizan žestoko oslabljen protiv Lokomotive!

Andrea Trinkijeri za meč sa Lokomotivom (sreda, 18.00) iz Krasnodara neće moći da računa na Ognjena Jaramaza i Novicu Veličkovića.

9 Dec 16:06 REPUBLIKA 2543998405459797063.html
Svolta sulla morte di Alessandro Sartor: i fratelli Stella non sono più accusati di omicidio

CISON DI VALMARINO – I fratelli Francesco ed Alberto Stella non sono più accusati di omicidio preterintenzionale per la morte del 45enne Alessandro Sartor, dello scorso 30 maggio.

9 Dec 15:09 Oggi Treviso 2529403853823596714.html
KLM-vloot krimpt ten gunste van Air France

KLM moet eerder dan gepland een Boeing 747 uit de vloot halen zodat de verhoudingen tussen de vloten van de Nederlandse luchtvaartmaatschappij en zusterbedrijf Air France weer in orde zijn. Dat bevestigt pilotenvakbond VNV naar aanleiding van berichtgeving in De Telegraaf. De vakbond is niet te spreken over de ingreep.

9 Dec 17:22 RD.nl 6406779841156847699.html
El termostato y cabezales para radiadores de Tado están todos de oferta por tiempo limitado en Amazon

Consigue que la temperatura de todas tus habitaciones sea la misma con este termostato y kits para radiadores de Tado, ahora en oferta en Amazon España.

9 Dec 15:10 ComputerHoy 3644302764971080329.html
Jeremy Corbyn had his beard trimmed in a Carmarthen barber shop

Big Mel's barbershop gave the UK Labour leader a trim

9 Dec 11:56 Wales Online 7686550516587151535.html
The art of Kelly Corbett

Landscapes and wildlife of British Columbia

9 Dec 15:30 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367999887926.html
Extra Time maakt gasten en analisten bekend voor vanavond

Naar goede gewoonte staat er vanavond om 22u15 op Canvas weer een Extra Time op het programma.

9 Dec 12:28 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215456736088.html
Vellinge rekryterar kritiserad chef från Kristianstad

Anställde sin släkting på kommunal chefspost.

9 Dec 14:15 Sydsvenskan 2976531144620305263.html
Indignación en redes sociales: abogados rompen piñata feminista

Dicha acción a generado miles de reacciones y comentarios negativos en redes sociales.

9 Dec 14:16 SIPSE.com 4008460417503640252.html
Flixbus: ADAC-Mitglieder verreisen jetzt noch günstiger

Mit Flixbus oder Flixtrain reisen Sie in viele Städte günstig, bequem und umweltfreundlich. ADAC-Mitglieder profitieren jetzt zusätzlich und sparen durch die Aktion noch mal 10 Prozent auf alle Tickets.

9 Dec 11:05 Computer Bild 4944248632067485722.html
A weird glitch all but confirms Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's battle royale mode

Rumors have been swirling for quite some time now that Activision eventually plans to add a battle royale mode to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. There are two pillars supporting this rumor, each steeped in their own sort of logic. First, las...

9 Dec 15:00 Destructoid 5545714966066551211.html
Peter Andre's message to Katie Price after she goes bankrupt

His ex-wife was declared bankrupt last month

9 Dec 15:27 Liverpool Echo 7727211173333844310.html
"Systemsprenger" nicht für Golden Globe nominiert

Die Golden Globes zählen zu den wichtigsten Filmpreisen. Diesmal ist jedoch kein deutscher Film nominiert. Mehrfache Chancen haben dagegen "Marriage Story", "The Irishman" und "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood".

9 Dec 15:06 MDR 5336324388140187629.html
Parts of Assam tense as Amit Shah gears up to table CAB

We are ready to die but will never accept the Bill, one of the protesters shouted in front of television cameras in Dhemaji district. 

9 Dec 10:46 Deccan Herald 2027555796308874406.html
Watchdog report: FBI’s Russia probe justified, no bias found

A watchdog report on the Russia probe finds no evidence of political bias, despite performance failures, according to a summary obtained by The Associated Press.

9 Dec 17:09 WVLT 4089046910281169677.html
Anthony Joshua ready to take career down new path

It's not all about the devastating knockout for Anthony Joshua anymore. He's not going to go desperately chasing Deontay Wilder for the elusive belt in his

9 Dec 08:07 The Japan Times 6673764368158604507.html
Trump Officials Block U.N. Meeting on Human Rights Abuses in North Korea

The U.S. is trying to preserve a diplomatic opening with Kim Jong-un, even as North Korea dismisses President Trump as a “heedless and erratic old man.”

9 Dec 13:31 NY Times 1961078288011068634.html
El ofensivo comentario de Steve Harvey sobre Colombia en Miss Universo

Al inicio de la ceremonia, el presentador intentó ser gracioso con un comentario sobre narcotráfico.

9 Dec 16:18 El Tiempo 1091719939946312301.html
Child poverty figures show much more needs to be done

The New Zealand Maori Council has called the latest childhood poverty statistics released by the Children’s Commissioner as appalling for a first world nation and has called upon the Government to do more. Matthew Tukaki, the Councils Executive Director has also indicated that a good per head of population proportion within the data shows that Maori and Pacific communities are most affected.

9 Dec 11:04 SCOOP 5315658999387788057.html
Novo Bioshock está em desenvolvimento. Conhece detalhes

O 2K Games, estúdio responsável pelo franchise Bioshock, anunciou o desenvolvimento de um novo título na saga. A maioria do staff envolvido nos jogos...

9 Dec 14:51 4gnews 1809086878265955935.html
Kingsland, Soul Tree to form JV, UK set for bulk wine imports from India

We believe there is a clear market opportunity for Indian wine, especially in the Indian restaurant sector, said Ed Baker, managing director at Kingsland Drinks

9 Dec 16:50 Business-Standard 1502508925361657972.html
Vanaf woensdag stakingen in verschillende gevangenissen: “Actie is onvermijdelijk”

De christelijke en socialistische vakbonden roepen op tot een 24 urenstaking in alle gevangenissen vanaf 11 december 22 uur. De vakbonden hadden vorige wee...

9 Dec 14:13 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191909777966.html
Prügelorgie gegen Freundin

„Wenn er dich wieder verprügelt, schrei sofort meinen Namen. Dann rufe ich die Polizei!“ Diese Hilfe bot eine Nachbarin einer jungen Frau an, die von ...

9 Dec 16:17 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092949381453.html
Caring alone for two small girls, Texas father grapples with loss

SEGUIN, Texas (Reuters) - Zak Tiemann picked up his daughters from school early this Halloween. Zayleeana, 3, and Zoey, 5, were beaming with excitement as they donned their “Frozen” costumes and went trick-or-treating in their small hometown of Seguin, Texas.

9 Dec 15:52 Reuters 8334514181087263758.html
Brasil cancela viaje a Buenos Aires para jura de Fernández

Rompiendo con la tradición de que la máxima autoridad viaje a la ceremonia de jura de un presidente de Argentina

9 Dec 13:55 El Informador 103545929721010179.html
Suiza devolverá a Conmebol dinero incautado por pago de sobornos

La fiscalía suiza se prepara para devolver a la Confederación Sudamericana de Fútbol (Conmebol) dinero incautado en cuentas bancarias locales durante una investigación global de corrupción que involucra a dirigentes de todo el mundo.

9 Dec 16:35 Panorama 6052790753698793355.html
Johnson casts net for votes at fish market

Boris Johnson posed for selfies and watched a fish auction as cod and haddock were sold at Grimsby Fish Market.

9 Dec 11:34 Express & Star 7324224459319852744.html
Kult-Imbiss-Tester Harry Schulz ist tot

Sat.1-Kult-Imbiss-Tester Harry Schulz ist im Alter von 59 Jahren überraschend verstorben.

9 Dec 09:18 VIP.de 2239798195317553064.html
Sony launches α9 II full-frame professional camera in South Africa

Sony are making an impressive mark in the world of professional photography. They’ve just launched the Alpha A9 II in South Africa, which holds true to its promise of being built for speed. The A…

9 Dec 15:30 Critical Hit 8797780291840616214.html
Turska deportovala 11 Francuza pripadnika ID

ANKARA - Turska je deportovala 11 državljana Francuske za koje se sumnja da su članovi grupe Islamska država, saopštilo je danas Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova.

9 Dec 08:30 Nezavisne novine 4209150641645396536.html
Tak Cuma Produk Lifestyle dan Digital, Harbolnas 2019 Tawarkan Produk Hasil Bumi

WE Online, Jakarta - Hari Belanja Online Nasional atau Harbolnas 2019 tidak hanya akan menjual produk-produk lifestyle atau perangkat digital saja. Harbolnas tahun ini rencananya akan menjual komoditas hasil bumi ke dalam rangkaian diskon tahunan tersebut.

9 Dec 08:44 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835118984157.html
Timnas Esports Mobile Legends Indonesia Sumbang Perak di SEA Games 2019

Berlangsung di Filoil Flying V Centre, San Juan, Metro Manila, Filipina, Minggu (8/12/2019), tim pemain terbaik di Tanah Air ini harus puas dengan perolehan medali perak.

9 Dec 08:44 liputan6.com 3414318497845556937.html
A Natale regalate un libro di poesia

Gli italiani sono “un popolo di poeti di artisti di eroi/di santi di pensatori di scienziati/di navigatori di trasmigratori”, è scolpito sul palazzo della Civiltà italiana de...

9 Dec 09:43 L'HuffPost 5315551424080671747.html
Fostering a new era in the climate change space

Sangam Ventures provides seed and early-stage funding to start-ups in the cleantech sector

9 Dec 15:05 BusinessLine 5283600636058725.html
What the General Election outcome will mean for the pound - and your travel money

As we head into the final week of campaigning, the Pound is currently trading at a 31-month high against the euro - here's what you need to know if you're about to swap your cash

9 Dec 17:54 mirror 675785259887900626.html
STVV baalt: "Gelijkspel was juistere uitslag geweest tegen Club Brugge"

Sint-Truiden was dicht bij een stunt tegen Club Brugge. In de slotminuten trok Blauw-Zwart alsnog de winst over de streep. Ook Chris Durkin baalt.

9 Dec 15:30 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217054680212.html
El juez absuelve a los jugadores por el amaño del Levante-UD-Real Zaragoza y condena dos directivos por falsedad documental

La sentencia condena a un año y tres meses por un delito de falsedad documental al expresidente Agapito Iglesias y Javier Porquera

9 Dec 11:48 Levante-EMV 7042984477635384251.html
Municipalidad de Quillota nivelará los salarios de auxiliares, administrativos y técnicos

La medida fue aprobada en el presupuesto 2020 del municipio. La medida aplicará tanto para personal a contrata como de planta con un piso mínimo de $410 mil.

9 Dec 15:25 24Horas.cl 793283386265695884.html
Paul Magnette (PS) gooit handdoek in de ring, koning Filip houdt beslissing in beraad en plant consultaties

Informateur Paul Magnette (PS) heeft gevraagd van zijn opdracht te worden ontheven. De koning houdt zijn antwoord in beraad en start consultaties met de pa...

9 Dec 14:46 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191241754548.html
Barr 'warns Trump that Giuliani has become a liability'

Donald Trump’s attorney general has repeatedly briefed the president that Rudy Giuliani has become a liability to his administration, it has been reported, as opposition to the former New York mayor continues to swell within the White House.Mr Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, has become increasingly

9 Dec 09:48 Yahoo 7097669637325377266.html
Samsung plant wohl neue Galaxy Watch

Samsung scheint eine neue Galaxy Watch für 2020 geplant zu haben, die wir vielleicht (Vermutung von mir) mit dem Galaxy S11 im Februar sehen werden.

9 Dec 12:10 mobiFlip.de 5208441547824711841.html
Ampelphasen in der Merseburger Straße bleibt unverändert

Die Phasen der Fußgängerampel am ehemaligen Kaffeehaus in der Merseburger Straße werden nicht verändert. Diese Antwort hat Siegfried Hofmeister, sachkundiger Einwohner im Ausschuss für Stadtentwicklung des Weißenfelser Stadtrates, auf eine Anfrage erhalten. „Die Überquerung der Merseburger Straße ist bei Grün für ältere Personen kaum zu schaffen“, sagt Hofmeister. Mehrere Bürger aus der Neustadt hätten ihn mittlerweile darauf aufmerksam gemacht. Die Ampelphase zur Überquerung des Heuweges sei hingegen zu lang geschaltet. Deshalb sollte die Stadtverwaltung die Einstellung der Ampel ...

9 Dec 15:10 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110123284507.html
LHC to hear Maryam Nawaz's petition for removal of name from ECL today

December 09: Prime Minister Imran Khan, while reiterating commitment to the Charter of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation on Sunday, said that Pakistan was a firm believer in the strength and potential of regional cooperation for individual, national and regional development. Read More

9 Dec 08:05 Arab News 8912634263085415639.html
Prysmian: la struttura tecnica di breve termine è migliorata

Nel corso delle ultime la situazione tecnica di Prysmian è migliorata. Il titolo ha infatti compiuto un veloce balzo in avanti ed è...

9 Dec 08:15 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743954137963.html
Scherma Pro Vercelli: migliaia di giovani per la prova nazionale

Scherma Pro Vercelli: grande affluenza al polo fieristico per la prima prova nazionale di spada del Gran Premio dei Giovanissimi, “Gran Prix Kinder Joy of Moving”.

9 Dec 09:27 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734032618782886.html
Survivors Of Volcano Eruption Being Treated Across New Zealand, Police Say

Police in New Zealand believe no one has survived the volcanic eruption on the White Island, which erupted at around 2.11pm local time

9 Dec 14:02 UNILAD 6373328985963275268.html
Mirhan Smith is this week's Local Hero

The Centre, Livingston, welcomed Mirhan Smith (19) into the mall to collect her well-deserved award.

9 Dec 15:51 dailyrecord 552235479687912141.html
Intel Pentium: historia del siguiente procesador al 486

Intel puede afirmar sin miedo que es uno de los padres del procesador moderno y sobre todo con su clásico Intel Pentium. Con una historia que comienza a

9 Dec 16:00 Profesional Review 7952487448887870650.html
CBS' Historic New York Headquarters to Be Sold

The office building, located at 51 West 52nd St. at the corner of Sixth Avenue, has served as CBS’ headquarters since it was completed in 1964.

9 Dec 17:37 The Hollywood Reporter 121801344528444376.html
Trials of Mana trailer shines the spotlight on Angela and Duran

Square Enix has released a brand new trailer for Trials of Mana which looks at two of the game's characters, with those being Angela and Duran. Duran is a soldier from Valsena who is looking to get re

9 Dec 15:19 tsa 6447108926712453027.html
Chelsea: Lampard and Mount targeted by a paint-by-numbers agenda

The knives are out again as Chelsea falter under the stewardship of Frank Lampard. Those who, last season, sat firmly behind Maurizio Sarri are targeting M...

9 Dec 08:30 The Pride of London 1845974874931850614.html
China to Lead World in 5G Scale: Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon

According to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, 5G technology is expected to create more than 8 million jobs by 2030.

9 Dec 17:08 India.com 7150386084779876060.html
Freenet Mobile streicht Anschlusspreis für LTE-Tarife

Freenet Mobile bietet bekanntlich verschiedene Mobilfunktarife an. Der Anbieter gewährt in seinen Tarifen auch den Zugang zu LTE-Netz (max. 21,6 Mbit/s) von Vodafone.

9 Dec 12:47 mobiFlip.de 5208441549408809576.html
Christmas starter: Thomasina Miers' recipe for buckwheat blinis with ricotta and salmon

A delicious festive starter that can be adapted to serve with a sweet topping for the kids

9 Dec 14:00 the Guardian 1491978795739615429.html
AEX levert nipt in op rode beursdag

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De Europese aandelenbeurzen zijn maandag overwegend in het rood geëindigd. Ook de AEX-index in Amsterdam leverde in, zij het maar nipt. Beleggers deden het rustig aan na de stevige winsten van afgelopen vrijdag. Een onverwachte sterke daling van de Chinese export in november zorgde daarbij voor enige koersdruk.

9 Dec 17:03 Nieuws.nl 2419030130440157096.html
Eurowings-Flugzeug kreist stundenlang über Dresden: Das ist der Grund

Am Dresdner Flughafen werden gerade Eurowings-Piloten trainiert. Dafür landen sie mehrfach und starten direkt wieder durch.

9 Dec 13:17 TAG24 4583887874628540651.html
Azioni: si gioca ora il rally di Natale. I driver hot nel breve

Per le Borse la settimana iniziata oggi sarà cruciale e decisiva visti i numerosi e importanti appuntamenti in agenda.

9 Dec 16:58 Trend Online 3268043278701961597.html
Ativista Greta Thunberg diz que indígenas foram assassinados por tentar proteger florestas

A declaração vem um dia após um ataque a tiros ter deixado duas mortes e dois feridos no Maranhão

9 Dec 13:39 Folha Vitória 4941883426935007868.html
Film sedmice: Irac

Novi film Martina Skorsezija (Martin Scorsese) uvijek je događaj. "Irac" (The Irishman) tim prije jer je na male ekrane (riječ je o produkciji "Netfliksa") došao u osvit Skorsezijeve kritike superherojskih filmova, te "Džokera" (Joker), superherojskog filma koji je svoj uspjeh u velikoj mjeri postigao zahvaljujući Skorsezijevoj matrici na kojoj se zasniva i kojom se služi. Samim tim, uzbuđenje oko premijere novog Skorsezijevog filma, novog nakon "Tišine" (Silence) iz 2016. godine, očekivana je stvar. Međutim, sa velikim očekivanjima obično dolaze i razočarenja.

9 Dec 08:10 Nezavisne novine 4209150642223279700.html
A Nobel Prize winner dispels myths about retirement, real-estate investing tips, and advice for family-estate planning

Dear Readers,

9 Dec 16:48 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884069824205.html
Lavori Italgas, chiusa per 10 giorni via Prati della Farnesina

Senza alcun preavviso, da questa mattina via Prati della Farnesina è stata chiusa al traffico per lavori Italgas, come si legge sulla rete arancione che

9 Dec 14:07 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342618265202152.html
Woods looks to draw a line under Reed violation ahead of Presidents Cup

MELBOURNE, Dec 9 — United States captain Tiger Woods attempted to draw a line under Patrick Reed’s rules violation at the Hero World Challenge over the weekend when his team touched down in Australia today for this week’s Presidents Cup. Reed received a two-stroke penalty for improving his...

9 Dec 09:35 Malaymail 302165935842254176.html
Mooar please! Five reasons why Scarlets fans are falling for Brad Mooar

There’s another Kiwi coach in west Wales and he’s proving a big hit with the fans. RugbyPass takes a look at why Brad Mooar is so popular at Scarlets.

9 Dec 10:55 Rugbypass 8668874340113171929.html
Jovem electrocutado em Palmela tem prognóstico reservado

Jovem de 18 anos que sofreu queimaduras graves ao tocar na catenária de uma linha numa estação ferroviária em Pamela.

9 Dec 12:48 PÚBLICO 2228264898178778802.html
Mario Delgado descarta revisar Ley de Amnistía

La bancada del PAN pide discutir la Ley de Amnistía; Mario Delgado descarta la opción

9 Dec 16:27 EL DEBATE 4396150893885209918.html
The Man Behind the Right Wing’s Favorite Conspiracy Theories

Meet David Booth, the fake news peddler who is helping Russia spread its lies.

9 Dec 11:00 The New Republic 7071196525720495933.html
Over-egg-cited! Restaurant diner tries her hand at egg flipping trick - and brings the ceiling crashing down

Claire Logan, 30, enthusiastically attempts the trick and manages to shoot the egg straight into the ceiling, causing a panel to fall down, at the Japanese restaurant Hanahana in Newcastle.

9 Dec 17:05 Mail Online 124328112623630990.html
Therese Svanström ny TCO-bas

Therese Svanström heter TCO:s nya ordförande. Nu har hon formellt svurits in på tjänstemannaorganisationens extra kongress. Hon efterträder Eva Nordmark som tidigare i höstas av statsminister Stefan Löfven rekryterades som ny arbetsmarknadsminister.

9 Dec 15:08 Sydsvenskan 2976531145094492071.html
SkyTeam abre Sala Vip no Aeroporto de Istambul

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 15:26 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645986491183419.html
WhatsApp am Steuer!Autofahrer fährt Radlerin tot

Offenbar weil er WhatsApp-Nachrichten schrieb, fuhr ein Autofahrer eine Mutter (37) tot. Jetzt hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Paderborn hat ihn angeklagt.

9 Dec 13:56 Bild 8433249908027763977.html
Death Come True is a new FMV game from Danganronpa creator

This past weekend, Izanagi Games revealed the existence of Death Come True, a mysterious new project written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka, the wild mind behind the dark Danganronpa series.Details at this juncture are quite sparse, but th...

9 Dec 09:00 Destructoid 5545714967207733677.html
George Soros perde (per ora) la scommessa GAM. Ma per qualcuno titolo troppo depresso promette bene

George Soros ha acquistato una partecipazione in GAM, gruppo svizzero di asset management per un valore di 18,3 milioni di franchi svizzeri circa.

9 Dec 12:09 FinanzaOnline 6528634127135216238.html
Schon wieder eine rote Selbstfindung und schon wieder eine ORF-Reform: Der Montag im Rückblick

Wir lassen den Tag Revue passieren, geben Tipps für den Abend und blicken auf das Wochenende.

9 Dec 16:44 Die Presse 6242788855027790659.html
Preview: Shakhtar Donetsk vs. Atalanta BC - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews Shakhtar Donetsk's meeting with Atalanta in the Champions League, including a prediction, team news and predicted lineups.

9 Dec 14:54 Sports Mole 7750663362115208676.html
Arsenal fight back for win at West Ham to end winless run

Arsenal scored three goals in nine second-half minutes as they came from a goal down to beat West Ham United 3-1 away on Monday to end a seven-match winless run in the Premier League. The Hammers took the lead seven minutes before the break, with Angelo Ogbonna charging into a…

9 Dec 17:10 Japan Today 8582716286758642355.html
Vandali pričinili štetu na vozilima u arapskom kvartu istočnog Jerusalima

Izraelska policija je danas saopštila da su vandali probušili gume na 160 vozila i ispisali sprejom poruke "Arapi jednako neprijatelji" u palestinskom kvartu u anektiranom istočnom Jerusalimu.U medjuvremenu su u podeljenom gradu Hebronu na Zapadnoj obali palestinski stanovnici organizovali opšti štrajk u znak protesta zbog izgradnje novog jevrejskog naselja.Maskirani ljudi su oštetili vozila u kvartu Šuafat i ispisali poruke na hebrejskom jeziku, rekao je policijski portparol Miki Rozenfeld.On je izjavio da vlasti taj incident smatraju kriminalnim, a da su motivi nacionalistički jer je izmedju ostalog bilo ispisanih poruka "Nema mesta za neprijatelje u ovoj zemlji".Gradonačelnik Jerusalima Moše Lion je osudio incident, označivši ga "zločinom iz mržnje" i pozvao policiju "da nadje kriminalce što je moguće pre i izvede ih pred lice pravde".Izraelski nacionalisti čvrstorukaši izvode napade na Palestince, izmedju ostalog, u znak odmazde za napade palestinskih ekstremista ili onoga što smatraju nastojanjima izraelskih…

9 Dec 17:55 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081149146360.html
Échanges militaires avec Riyad compromis

Après la mort de trois personnes, abattues en Floride par un officier de l'armée saoudienne, la formation de militaires saoudiens aux États-Unis est remise en cause.

9 Dec 09:26 L'essentiel 554828747389481734.html
Claudia Leitte surpreende ao aparecer com as madeixas mais escuras

Claudia Leitte, conhecida justamente por suas madeixas loiras, surpreendeu seus fãs ao aparecer com o cabelo completamente castanho.

9 Dec 08:30 RD1 – Terra 4501125211233595206.html
540 kilogram in beslag genomen aardappelen en uien geschonken aan Leger des Heils

De Antwerpse politie heeft maandag zo’n 540 kilogram aan in beslag genomen aardappelen en uien geschonken aan het Leger des Heils. Een man probeerde de goe...

9 Dec 11:50 Gazet van Antwerpen 7356764476602192343.html
GOP leader Kevin McCarthy falsely insists a president has 'never' been impeached in their 1st term

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) doesn't quite have his impeachment facts straight. "In modern history, we've never gone after impeaching a president in the first term," McCarthy said in a Monday appearance on Fox News ahead of the House Judiciary Committee's second public impeachment hearing. McCarthy then claimed longtime impeachment advocate Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) had once said "we have to impeach [Trump] because we cannot beat him." Green specifically said he was "concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected" and "say he has been vindicated." "In modern history, we've never gone after impeaching a president in the first term" -- Kevin McCarthy argues that there's a precedent against impeaching presidents before their second term pic.twitter.com/lPJMJGlIQy — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) December 9, 2019 McCarthy didn't specify what he meant by modern history, but seeing as it's generally accepted to include the entire time the U.S. has existed, his statement is just false.…

9 Dec 14:18 The Week 149215354455945689.html
I titoli dei quotidiani sportivi: un tempo da leone per il Genoa, poi il calo

I titoli di Gazzetta dello Sport, Tuttosport e Corriere dello Sport sulla gara dello stadio di via del Mare Lecce-Genoa 2-2

9 Dec 10:20 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982774429384436.html
Rusia se queda sin Juegos Olímpicos por encubrir el dopaje

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje decide por unanimidad expulsar al deporte ruso de todas las competiciones internacionales

9 Dec 10:19 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613848006437.html
Trabajadores de cdmx destruyen mercancía de vendedores indígenas (VIDEO)

Cdmx.- A través de un par de videos difundidos en redes sociales, se logró captar cómo trabajadores del gobierno de la Ciudad de México, al frente de la morenista Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, despojaron de su mercancía a artesanos y vendedores ambulantes de origen indígena con cierto grado de agresividad y violencia.

9 Dec 17:52 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365559251174228.html
UPDATED: Court sentences fake doctor to 10 years imprisonment

 Hindi Livinus, Yola A High Court in Yola on Monday sentenced a fake medical doctor, Ibrahim Mustapha, to 10 years imprisonment for using forged medical certificate to practice. Mustapha stoo...

9 Dec 11:41 Punch Newspapers 3524240995131102523.html
There's still time to grab these amazing iPad deals before the holidays

There's still time to bag a cheap iPad deal from the leftovers of the Cyber Monday sales and we've rounded up all the discounts still going.

9 Dec 16:27 TechRadar 2111116915832995798.html
Procuraduría cuestiona a los concejos de Chitaraque y Guatavita, Boyacá

Los cabildos habrían firmado contratos con la firma Solución planificada grupo empresarial Solidario.

9 Dec 10:59 W Radio 7724358830929510826.html
What Charity Should You Give To?

Rewarding charities that scrimp is less strategic than it sounds. 

9 Dec 11:00 The National Interest 7207864703727097325.html
Panipat Box Office Day 3: Arjun Kapoor Starrer Has A Low Weekend; Deserved Better

Panipat Box Office: Though as a film Panipat deserved better, collections stayed low right through the weekend. On Sunday too the film couldn't touch the double figures and that is disheartening for a

9 Dec 09:28 Koimoi 5184275670391887127.html
Apple gets FCC approval for Mac Pro tower, and rack-mount version

The Federal Communication Commission has given the all-clear for the Mac Pro, with both the tower and rack-mounted version of the Mac workstation clearing regulatory checks for radio frequency emissions.

9 Dec 15:55 AppleInsider 3257742453641849657.html
Kim Kardashian has shared her 'whimsical' Christmas decorations and we have many questions.

Those are definitely giant sanitary products.

9 Dec 08:53 Mamamia 1081827192029270675.html
Das Seilziehen um die Ausgaben des Kantons Zürich hat begonnen

Der Kantonsrat kürzt bei der Justizdirektion rund zwei Millionen Franken. Die umstrittensten Brocken folgen am Dienstag.

9 Dec 10:55 SRF 8424707180392503095.html
Court slams N1m bail on estate agent over alleged fraudulent property sale

 A 59-year-old man, Agbomabini Kolawole, who conspired with others and obtained N8 million under false pretences from a woman to sell a building to her....

9 Dec 14:10 Vanguard News 4125100340804818323.html
Trump accused of anti-Semitism after saying Jewish Americans will vote for him so they can avoid a wealth tax

"You're brutal killers. Not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me you have no choice," Trump told the Israeli American Council conference.

9 Dec 14:22 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746983898312.html
Tuttosport - ADL studia il ribaltone: primo tempo di Udine ha lasciato ammutolita la società

Ma perché una squadra reputata ad inizio stagione inferiore solo alla Juventus, si ritrova in una tale condizione di mediocrità ed a -17 dal primo posto dell’Inter dopo soltanto 15 giornate di campionato? L'interrogativo nasce spontaneo sulle pagine di Tuttosport, che cerca di riproporre anche la posizione del patron azzurro: "Se lo sta chiedendo anche Aurelio De Laurentiis, convinto che il peggio fosse ormai alle spalle dopo l’1-1 di Liverpool celebrato con due tweet di elogio e di difesa a squadra ed allenatore. Poi, di nuovo il silenzio, perché il presidente ora sta riflettendo, analizzando ed incontrando i suoi più stretti collaboratori per decidere cosa fare con l’allenatore. Quel primo tempo di Udine ha lasciato ammutolita la dirigenza azzurra: dopo tre giorni di ritiro, si aspettavano di vedere una squadra avvelenata dal primo minuto. Invece così non è stato e De Laurentiis sta studiando se e come dare vita al ribaltone

9 Dec 12:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079912253488.html
Crisis Showrunner Explains Why [SPOILER] Died So Early

Showrunners from the Arrowverse explained the decision to kill off that key character in the first episode of Crisis on Infinite Earths.

9 Dec 09:12 CBR.com 1295516963067042576.html
LEGO, la rete neurale che cataloga i pezzi dei set

Un ingegnere ha realizzato una macchina in grado di classificare e smistare i pezzi LEGO al posto di un essere umano.

9 Dec 10:46 Webnews 4852331585735425675.html
A child loses their home every 8 minutes despite parents 'doing everything they're supposed to'

Penny Walster, a hub manager at Shelter, says many families and individuals are caught in a 'perfect storm' of homelessness, which has seen people who work in schools and hospitals turn to the charity for help

9 Dec 09:58 mirror 675785260102458996.html
Ghostbusters Legacy si mostra nel suo primo trailer ufficiale! | Cultura Pop

Warner Bros. Italia ha pubblicato il primo trailer ufficiale di Ghostbusters Legacy su tutti i suoi canali social. Manca ancora poco per il debutto.

9 Dec 14:28 Tom's Hardware 6640147070784020405.html
Neues Silent Hill: Hideo Kojima & Konami angeblich wieder in Gesprächen

Laut einem Nutzer auf Reddit tun sich die im Streit auseinander gegangen Parteien für ein neues Silent Hill wieder zusammen. Achtung: Gerücht!

9 Dec 14:38 www.gamepro.de 3610569833343549241.html
Linke erhebt Anspruch auf Superministerium - Grüne für Umbildung

Linke und Grüne in Thüringen diskutieren über die Vergabe der Ministerposten in der neuen Regierung. Die Linken-Vorsitzende Susanne Hennig-Wellsow sagte, ein Superministerium stehe eher dem Wahlgewinner zu.

9 Dec 11:14 MDR 5336324388626591059.html
James Jordan kicks off over Kelvin Fletcher's perfect Strictly score

James claims Kelvin didn't deserve a 10 for his Paso Doble.

9 Dec 17:23 Metro 970161748602692570.html
The first Nokia-branded smart TV launches tomorrow

Gadgets 360 reports that the Nokia television boasts a 55-inch 4K screen (16:9) with a 60Hz refresh rate and an Android-based operating system. Its sound quality could be the TV’s biggest draw as it features JBL audio tech and 24-watt speakers.

9 Dec 10:20 TechSpot 7732733961295733913.html
Geschäftsmann schildert Kauf von FPÖ-Mandat

Der niederösterreichische Geschäftsmann Ernst Neumayer, der seinen Aussagen zufolge den Kauf eines FPÖ-Mandats durch ukrainische Oligarchen vermittelt haben will, hat am Montag gegenüber dem "Ö1-Morgenjournal" seinen Beitrag geschildert. Er habe damals den Kontakt hergestellt und die Summe auf zehn Mio. Euro hinaufverhandelt. Um die vereinbarte Provision von zwei Mio. sei er dann aber umgefallen.

9 Dec 12:10 NÖN.at 2486998932552906879.html
Geschäftsmann schildert Kauf von FPÖ-Mandat

Der niederösterreichische Geschäftsmann Ernst Neumayer, der seinen Aussagen zufolge den Kauf eines FPÖ-Mandats durch ukrainische Oligarchen vermittelt haben will, hat am Montag gegenüber dem "Ö1-Morgenjournal" seinen Beitrag geschildert. Er habe damals den Kontakt hergestellt und die Summe auf zehn Mio. Euro hinaufverhandelt. Um die vereinbarte Provision von zwei Mio. sei er dann aber umgefallen.

9 Dec 12:04 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700487560802.html
Eddie Mair's Election Call with Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi

Eddie Mair's Election Call is live at 6pm. You can watch it here.

9 Dec 12:55 LBC 8547475186621949933.html
Revisiting 5 Of The Best Star Trek Movies

From Klingon-spoken wedding vows to 'live long and prosper' tattoos, it's impossible to ignore the lasting and fervent adoration that fans of the Star Trek franchise continue to exude.

9 Dec 17:15 Gizmodo AU 3183561246325761552.html
Parliament Live: Congress divided country on basis of religion, says Amit Shah in Lok Sabha

Citizenship Bill in Lok Sabha Live Updates: Out of the present 375 MPs, 296 voted in favour of its introduction and 82 against it in the Lower House. 

9 Dec 08:20 The Financial Express 1288289579832896597.html
12 workers hurt in Pasir Gudang chemical factory fire

JOHOR BAHRU: A total of 12 chemical factory workers in Jalan Nibong 1, Tanjung Langsat Industrial area near Pasir Gudang sustained burns on Sunday ...

9 Dec 14:42 CNA 5644198862735076582.html
Lagos pide que nueva Constitución incorpore preocupaciones ambientales por el cambio climático

En el marco de la COP25 en Madrid, el ex Presidente presentó el libro de la Fundación Democracia y Desarrollo, la cual creó al finalizar su mandato, donde se recopiló las opiniones de los chilenos para combatir el calentamiento global.

9 Dec 11:21 Emol 3328490601975661394.html
Former student tells hearing of 'excruciating pain' at hands of police

Alfie Meadows had more than 100 staples in head after being hit by baton at 2010 protest

9 Dec 15:39 the Guardian 1491978795024597134.html
«Eine Besucherlimite an Spitzentagen ergibt total Sinn»

Ist das Maximum von 17'800 Besuchern ein PR-Gag? Nein, sagt Schweiz Tourismus und begrüsst die Pläne der Jungfraubahnen.

9 Dec 10:33 SRF 8424707179295897492.html
5 dead, many more missing or injured after New Zealand volcano erupts

A volcanic island in New Zealand erupted Monday in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like surface, killing five people and leaving many more missing. Police said the site was still too dangerous hours later for rescuers to search for the missing. Police…

9 Dec 08:30 Japan Today 8582716287021140845.html
Hintergrund: Die von der WADA-Exekutive verhängten Strafen für Russland

Lausanne - Das Exekutivkomitee der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat am Montag in Lausanne einen Katalog von Sanktionen gegen Russland wegen der ...

9 Dec 11:32 stern.de 4680145937646247333.html
Kellyanne Conway: Americans are not 'buying' impeachment this holiday season

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, said Monday, “For all the incredible buying power in this Trump economy, you know what Americans are not buying this holiday season? Impeachment.”

9 Dec 14:04 Fox News 7362823820350397235.html
An Apparel, Footwear Group is Pushing for Amazon's Inclusion on Government's Annual "Notorious Markets" List

The U.S. Trade Representative’s 2019 blacklist of intellectual property abusers might include a striking new name: the $1 trillion e-commerce goliath that is Amazon. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Trump administration is considering adding some of the foreign offshoots of Jeff Bezos’ e-c

9 Dec 17:02 The Fashion Law 1920848952806552351.html
Barcelona'da Merih Demiral sesleri!

Barcelona'da Merih Demiral sesleri!

9 Dec 15:24 Milli Gazete 9062198365352572608.html
So zählen und analysieren Geschäfte ihre Kunden

Für Geschäfte ist es entscheidend, so viel wie möglich über ihre Kunden zu wissen.

9 Dec 10:16 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568172539660.html
Madness tickets to go on sale this week as Gloucester date is announced

The venue is under an hour from Bristol

9 Dec 13:56 BristolLive 4740742016280490174.html
Dos rinocerontes blancos del sur fueron asesinados por cazadores furtivos en reserva natural de Kenia

Dos rinocerontes blancos del sur fueron asesinados por cazadores furtivos en la reserva keniana de Lewa, en el norteño condado de Neru, según un comunicado publicado este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 por el propio parque.

9 Dec 15:52 El Comercio 2865024641399927858.html
A Milano il Museo della Resistenza. Franceschini: "Diamo un segnale forte"

Il governo annuncia l'apertura del Museo nazionale della Resistenza. Franceschini: "È naturale che sia a Milano"

9 Dec 16:09 ilGiornale.it 5019541224674857679.html
Reports from Italy suggest that the ideal man to take over at Arsenal is about to become available

Ancelotti would be the ideal man to help turn Arsenal around

9 Dec 17:30 CaughtOffside 8169236757212606158.html
Klub Milik Orang Indonesia Kalah Telak, Legenda Liverpool Bersuara

Klub milik kelompok usaha asal Indonesia, Grup Bakrie ini dibantai Sydney FC pada lanjutan Liga Australia 2019-2020, Sabtu (7/12/2019).

9 Dec 12:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436923945436.html
"Che vestito metto?", Ceppitelli e Sau consigliano Barella

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 15:41 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207716995021.html
Hitzewellen und Dürren gefährden Kornkammern der Welt

Der Klimawandel macht Dürren und Hitzewellen weltweit häufiger. Daher ist das Risiko für gleichzeitige Missernten in mehreren "Kornkammern der Welt" viel größer als vor 50 Jahren, so Forscher des Internationalen Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse (IIASA) im Fachjournal "Nature Climate Change". Dann würden Grundnahrungsmittel massiv teurer, Hungersnöte, politische Unruhen sowie Migration drohen.

9 Dec 17:00 NÖN.at 2486998932354675096.html
Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Reacts to IG Report, Slams Trump for Accusing Her of Treason

Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who together with former FBI agent Peter Strzok became household names due to President Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on them for their anti-Trump texts, reacted on Monday to the release of the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report.

9 Dec 17:56 Law & Crime 7990899037508402727.html
Für seine Freundin wollte er die Sucht besiegen

Am Sonntag ist Juice Wrld im Alter von nur 21 Jahren verstorben. Ein Blick zurück auf das bewegte Leben des US-amerikanischen Rappers.

9 Dec 12:13 20 Minuten 5741369453431761285.html
Messi to miss Barcelona’s Champions League trip to Inter Milan

Barcelona star Lionel Messi will not make the trip to Italy for Tuesday

9 Dec 15:28 Punch Newspapers 3524240995092937359.html
Lenker flüchtet nach Unfall auf drei Reifen

Bei einem Selbstunfall in Malters fuhr ein Autofahrer eine Böschung hinauf und verlor dabei einen Reifen. Danach fuhr er kurzerhand auf drei Reifen weiter.

9 Dec 16:54 20 Minuten 5741369452385411574.html
Delhi Anaj Mandi fire: Owner of gutted floor AAP worker, says Manoj Tiwari

Manoj Tiwari has claimed that Rehan, owner of the floor of the building which was engulfed by a massive fire in Anaj Mandi area, is said to be an Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) worker.

9 Dec 13:09 India Today 4286117814084120005.html
UNIQLO's Latest Artist Series Taps Into the 40-Year History of Star Wars

Deepen your connection to the Force.

9 Dec 15:32 HYPEBEAST 3806037269115817345.html
All we want for Christmas is... for politicians to commit to helping disabled workers

As we hurtle towards the polls this week, my thoughts are turning to how disabled people can make their voices [...]

9 Dec 10:29 City A.M. 6389894490578990932.html
Dewan Negara observes moment’s silence for late senators

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — The Dewan Negara today observed a minute of silence and extended its condolences to family members of senator Datuk M. Sambanthan and senator Datuk Ong Chong Swen who died recently. Sambanthan who was also Indian Progressive Front (IPF) president died of a heart attack on...

9 Dec 09:48 Malaymail 302165934586418753.html
Policjanci przy pomocy drona szukali zaginionego wędkarza na Zalewie Zemborzyckim

W poniedziałek rano policjanci przy pomocy drona prowadzili poszukiwania zaginionego wędkarza na Zalewie Zemborzyckim. Do chwili obecnej mężczyzny nie odnaleziono.

9 Dec 13:18 lublin112.pl 6583157891872601706.html
Doping, Russia fuori da Olimpiadi per 4 anni

La decisione dell'agenzia mondiale antidoping (Wada) legata a ripetute irregolarità nella gestione dei controlli antidoping: delegazione esclusa da Tokyo 2020 e Pechino 2022

9 Dec 11:36 Adnkronos 2840063644053213705.html
Matt Damon Prevents Jennifer Garner From Taking Custody Away From Ben Affleck?

A tabloid claims Matt Damon has convinced Jennifer Garner not to take custody of her kids away from Ben Affleck. The story is completely made-up. Gossip Cop can correct it. According to Woman’s Day, Affleck and Garner got into a huge fight over Thanksgiving after the actress threatened to take full custody of their three …

9 Dec 17:52 Gossip Cop 3271979388873677149.html
Remember who you are, U.S. senator tells Nigerians, other Africans

New York State senator Robert Jackson, at the weekend told Nigerians and other black people around the world that “Africa is waiting”

9 Dec 11:42 Vanguard News 4125100338891380962.html
Amazon: nuove offerte per Natale, il trucco per trovare i codici sconto

Il lunedì non sarebbe potuto partire meglio di così: Amazon ha lanciato altre offerte con tanti codici sconto, se li volete tutti ecco il trucco per averli

9 Dec 10:25 tecnoandroid 2573257128411540536.html
Ciolacu: Eliminarea pensiilor speciale, un discurs electoral

Președintele interimar al PSD, Marcel Ciolacu, a declarat, luni, după ședința conducerii partidului, că desființarea pensiilor speciale reprezintă doar un discurs electoral. Ciolacu spune că social-democrații au propus un proiect de lege pentru impozitarea progresivă a veniturilor, informează Mediafax.

9 Dec 11:51 Europa FM 545007291436986747.html
Colpo di sonno al volante: auto fuori strada

Colpo di sonno al volante: l’auto finisce fuori dalla carreggiata lungo la A4 a Santhià.

9 Dec 08:52 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734033026109217.html
CSOs give Buhari 14-day ultimatum to release Sowore

A coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs) have given President Muhammadu Buhari a 14-day ultimatum to release Omoyele Sowore, convener of #RevolutionNow

9 Dec 11:32 TheCable 7513571675813472108.html
Video: Priceless Jurgen Klopp reaction as reporter’s phone rings during Liverpool press conference

As you would expect from the ever-jovial Reds boss...

9 Dec 14:08 CaughtOffside 8169236757673776241.html
Tampil di Film 'The Irishman', Ini 5 Restoran Tempat Para Mafia Berkumpul

The Irishman dinobatkan sebagai film terbaik 2019. Menceritakan tentang mafia, banyak restoran jadi latar tempat berkumpulnya para penjahat terorganisir ini.

9 Dec 09:05 detikfood 4586606520366844056.html
Se trezește Occidentul? Hackerii serviciilor secrete rusești, inculpați de FBI

In ultimii 5 ani, zeci de dovezi au aparut in spatiul occidental despre razboiul cibernetic si alte componente ale unui conflict hibrid declansat de Rusia la adresa Occidentului. Acest lucru a fost de altfel conceptualizat in noua doctrina militara a Rusiei, prezentata oficial in 2013 de generalul Valeri Gherasimov, seful Statului Major General.

9 Dec 09:41 www.antena3.ro 6332542758663202529.html
Karnataka bypoll results: 'Voters have given verdict; we will give good administration,' says CM Yediyurappa

Karnataka bypoll results: 'I will give a good administration in the next three-and-half years with the help of our ministers and MLAs,' an upbeat Yediyurappa told reporters in Bengaluru

9 Dec 10:03 Business Today 1145527431263723141.html
'Sudden' volcano eruption in New Zealand kills five, several missing

WHAKATANE, New Zealand (Reuters) - At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several reported missing after a volcano that is a tourist attraction suddenly erupted off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island on Monday.

9 Dec 11:42 Reuters 8334514180492665806.html
'Sudden' volcano eruption in New Zealand kills five, several missing

WHAKATANE, New Zealand (Reuters) - At least five people were killed, up to 20 injured and several reported missing after a volcano that is a tourist attraction suddenly erupted off the coast of New Zealand’s North Island on Monday.

9 Dec 11:42 Reuters 8334514179908657454.html
Boris Johnson criticised as row over four-year-old’s hospital treatment deepens

Jack Williment-Barr had to be covered with coats by his mother Sarah Williment to keep warm as he waited for a bed.

9 Dec 17:13 Express & Star 7324224460298765884.html
Leyland community hub reopens to public with free Christmas dinners for the over 65s

A group of Leyland charity trustees are celebrating the revival of a vital community hub by serving up free Christmas dinners for the over 65s.

9 Dec 10:00 Lancashire Post 6469275855340359409.html
Nativity scene shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph in cages

A nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as refugees in cages.

9 Dec 15:36 WVLT 4089046911753288213.html
Cambios en Ley de Aduanas nos acercan a estándares internacionales y elevan competitividad

Los cambios dispuestos hoy por el Gobierno en la Ley General de Aduanas nos acercarán a los estándares internacionales registrados en las operaciones de comercio exterior, lo cual elevará la competitividad del sector.

9 Dec 17:46 andina.pe 9054036848765870630.html
Wendel avisou colegas da chegada dos invasores e foi agredido com chapada

Wendel, jogador do Sporting, relembra, esta segunda-feira, no Tribunal de Monsanto, em Lisboa, o que aconteceu na tarde de 15 de maio de 2018. "Estava no ginásio quando ouvi uma multidão a chegar e dirigi-me ao balneário para avisar os meus colegas de que estavam a chegar adeptos", disse Wendel

9 Dec 14:56 JN 6956494302923546501.html
People urged to stay off the ice after vehicles break through on Lake Winnipeg

The Rural Municipality of St. Clements is urging people to keep their vehicles off the ice after five vehicles, including a truck and camper trailer, broke through the ice on Lake Winnipeg Sunday near Balsam Bay.

9 Dec 14:44 Winnipeg 1929576524360900470.html
Electric Picnic tickets sell out in less than three hours

Electric Picnic tickets have sold out after going on sale at noon.

9 Dec 15:40 Breaking News 4415806919787694858.html
SEA GAMES 2019 : Beban Pekerjaan Berat, Tim Medis Kontingen Indonesia Tetap Enjoy Jalankan Tugas

KBRN, Manila :  Kesuksesan Kontingen Indonesia melampuai target perolehan medali pada SEA Games XXX Filipina 2019 tidak terlepas dair peran berbagai pihak termasuk dukungan penuh dari Tim Medis

9 Dec 15:00 RRI News Portal 6700853645994292192.html
DHB-Pokal: Kiel im Halbfinale gegen Lemgo, Hannover trifft auf Melsungen

Der deutsche Rekordmeister und Titelverteidiger THW Kiel trifft im Halbfinale des DHB-Pokals auf TBV Lemgo Lippe. Die MT Melsungen und TSV Hannover-Burgdorf spielen den zweiten Finalisten aus.

9 Dec 13:10 SPOX 8395423526237113029.html
Imitirao majmuna pred fudbalerom, dan kasnije uhapšen

Britanska policija uhapsila je muškarca koji je tokom mančesterskog derbija na rasnoj osnovi vrijeđao fudbalere Mančester junajteda, imitirajući majmuna.

9 Dec 10:20 Nezavisne novine 4209150642287938615.html
Walmart’s Santa Sweater Scandal (And The Challenges Of Marketplace Operation)

Walmart finds itself issuing an apology after its site featured an adults-only Christmas sweater that features Santa about to snort what looks to be cocaine.

9 Dec 16:20 PYMNTS.com 7357138825898091859.html
Stoltenberg: NATO does not define Russia as "enemy"

At the same time, the Alliance will not turn a blind eye to Russian aggression.

9 Dec 10:00 UNIAN 6863008972464622218.html
Ekspor Tembus Rp500 M, Japfa Makin Bentangkan Sayap ke Pasar Global

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk (Japfa) mencatatkan nilai ekspor lebih dari Rp500 miliar sepanjang tahun ini. Pencapaian ini ditutup Japfa dengan mengirimkan kembali produk perunggasan ke Republik Demokratik Timor Leste (RDTL) yang disaksikan langsung oleh Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Minggu (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 08:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834189400027.html
Polizei-Einsatz in Aalen: Verbotener Hitlergruß und Attacke im Rathaus

Aufregung im Rathaus von Aalen: Ein 41-Jähriger zeigte den verbotenen Hitlergruß und wurde aggressiv.

9 Dec 15:02 swp.de 6929179440854445719.html
Boris Johnson faces backlash over refusal to look at photo of child on NHS hospital floor

Boris Johnson has refused to look at a picture of a four-year-old boy forced to lie on the floor in an NHS hospital, eventually taking the phone of a reporter attempting to show it to him and putting

9 Dec 16:08 The Independent 2511519171273227359.html
Marchegiani: "il Milan si sta riprendendo, crescita sotto tanti aspetti"

Luca Marchegiani, intervenuto a Sky Sport, ha detto la sua in merito alla possibile rincorsa Champions del Milan: "Ci sono diverse squadre che stanno andando bene, ma 9 punti non sono tanti se pensiamo alla situazione di tre settimane fa. Il Milan è una squadra che si sta riprendendo bene. La crescita del Milan la vedo sotto tanti aspetti, a me è piaciuto a Bologna".

9 Dec 15:24 MilanNews.it 6507305921314149899.html
Samsung Tap View may be introduced, may only work via NFC

Samsung isn’t only busy with smartphones. The South Korean tech giant also has a smart TV business that competes with a lot of other OEMs. We don’t mention Samsung smart TVs as much but…

9 Dec 13:06 Android Community 7463818292193342119.html
Ditemukan Tewas Bersedekap di Pojok Kamar Rumah Kosong, Penemuan Mayat Pria 71 Tahun Menggegerkan Warga Surabaya, Gelas Hijau Jadi Bukti Kunci

Penemuan sesosok mayat di sebuah rumah kosong pada Minggu (08/12/2019) menggegerkan warga.

9 Dec 16:19 grid.id 586386475012484949.html
WADA izbacila ruske sportiste na četiri godine

Izvršni odbor Svetske antidoping agencije je prihvatio predlog nezavisnog komiteta te Agencije koja je predložila da se zbog kršenja antidoping pravila ruski sportisti odstrane sa svih takmičenja u naredne četiri godine.

9 Dec 11:37 Sport Klub 42251759567320452.html
Google Assistant now lets you create lists, search for podcasts and share photos

Google on Friday added a range of new features to the Google Assistant in an effort to simplify voice-enabled productivity.

9 Dec 10:45 Memeburn 7217585437996943046.html
The Lesser-known Walsh: Hayden banks on deception and not intimidation

After an impactful performance against India, the 27-year-old leg-spinner is confident that deceptive googlies will be discussed more than lethal bouncers.

9 Dec 10:17 The Indian Express 2885715104787961231.html
Attaque de fourgon: La Poste suspend ses transports de fonds depuis Daillens

Après l'attaque d'un fourgon début décembre, La Poste a décidé de suspendre ses transferts de fonds depuis Daillens (VD). Les conditions de sécurité ...

9 Dec 12:36 Arcinfo 560090596478480265.html
El invento definitivo contra los ladridos y lloros de los perros es obra de un valenciano

Sergio Sánchez es el creador de Sp Voice, que detecta los ruidos más habituales y responde de forma personalizada

9 Dec 11:06 Levante-EMV 7042984478743822104.html
Prosus increases its offer for Just Eat, with a new twist

The latest offer makes more sense and increases the chance of success.

9 Dec 12:38 Moneyweb 1092550947036597509.html
Moment 'drunken' British tourist steals a coach in Benidorm and goes on a wild two-mile, high-speed wrecking spree

The vehicle was taken from a depot on the outskirts of Benidorm where it had been left for the night before being driven at speed through the holiday resort.

9 Dec 10:45 Mail Online 124328112249961661.html
Segnaletica a rischio crollo: chiusa la strada di collegamento tra Elmas e la 130

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:46 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206314317976.html
How Blue Jays are impacted by Strasburg’s new contract with Nationals

SAN DIEGO – There is fallout for the Toronto Blue Jays from the Washington Nationals’ reported $245-million, seven-year agreement with Stephen Strasburg, and not simply in the way the deal should drag prices up in an already pricey free-agent class.

9 Dec 15:37 Sportsnet.ca 4293652947925000584.html
World Club's Cup di karate, oro per il sardo Emanuele Melis

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 16:47 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205882993012.html
Buhari fails to renew Fowler’s tenure, names new FIRS chairman

President Muhammadu Buhari has appointed Muhammad Nami to replace Babatunde Fowler as chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)

9 Dec 14:42 TheCable 7513571675923211900.html
Boeing is promising 3 fixes to the faulty system behind the 737 Max crashes to let pilots stop it from forcing the plane into an unstoppable nosedive

MCAS, which was designed to automatically push the plane's nose down to stabilize it, was identified as a key factor in both 737 Max crashes.

9 Dec 13:12 Yahoo 7097669637879575671.html
Ancelotti in bilico, ADL vuole le dimissioni del tecnico: ha chiamato Allegri e Spalletti

Ancelotti-De Laurentiis alla resa dei conti. Si apre così la pagina sportiva de ‘Il Mattino’, che lancia un’indiscrezione piuttosto clamorosa

9 Dec 08:04 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079590427693.html
Shoe could help ID body

The coroner's service and the RCMP are asking for the public's help in identifying a man whose body was found Nov. 1 near Moberly Lake, in Northern B.C.

9 Dec 14:02 Castanet 616068602038617856.html
40th GCC summit: The beginning of reconciliation?

Doha, Qatar - As leaders prepare to convene the 40th Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit on Wednesday, a possible resolution to the blockade on Qatar that has lasted more than two years will dominate discussions, analysts say.

9 Dec 09:52 Aljazeera 6642629762646117410.html
WADA: Vier Jahre Sperre für Russland

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur WADA schließt Russland für vier Jahre von sportlichen Großereignissen wie Olympischen Spielen oder Weltmeisterschaften aus.

9 Dec 11:28 GMX 2011843076054579087.html
S-a schimbat conducerea Administrației Penitenciarelor

A fost împuternicit un nou director general al Administrației Naționale a Penitenciarelor.

9 Dec 17:26 Europa FM 545007291534861826.html
Martyr’s family of Assam Movement opposes Citizenship Bill

The family members of the first martyr of the Assam Movement have shown solidarity with the people of Assam and lent support the region-wide movement

9 Dec 08:10 The Sentinel 448185208060663408.html
While you were still using Airbnb to spend a weekend in a stranger's home, the company was quietly expanding into boutique hotels and entire Airbnb-branded buildings, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From building branded hotel-condo towers to buying hotel room booking app HotelTonight, Airbnb has quietly been moving deeper into the hotel industry.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:01 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756263726183.html
Nigeria’s insistence on keeping journalist behind bars brings to mind Buhari’s time as a military ruler

On Friday, Nigeria’s Department of State Security (DSS), the country’s intelligence agency, rearrested Omoyele Sowore, the publisher of a US-based online news platform only hours after a court had granted him bail. Sowore, who is also an American, owns Sahara Reporters, a publication that focuses on Nigerian politics with a particular focus on corruption. He...

9 Dec 16:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198131290960549.html
Maguire says top four in sight for improving Man Utd

Harry Maguire has the top four in his crosshairs after Manchester United's thrilling derby triumph at Manchester City lifted them to fifth in the Premier League table.

9 Dec 11:12 The Guardian 7580308504643056486.html
Kartoffel-Schock in Nordamerika: Experte warnt vor „Schrumpflation“: Warum Restaurants plötzlich mit Pommes geizen

In Nordamerika müssen sich Pommes-Liebhaber auf schwere Zeiten gefasst machen, zumindest auf Mehrkosten. Grund ist der entfesselte Appetit auf Kartoffelgerichte – vor allem aber eine historisch schlechte Ernte, die Pommes-Fans gleich doppelt trifft.

9 Dec 17:56 FOCUS Online 4448121230061905837.html
Telekom startet 5G in weiterer Großstadt

In Hamburg geht die Telekom dorthin, wo die Datennutzung hoch ist. 5G startet in der Hansestadt heute offiziell. Auch andere haben dort ein starkes Festnetz als Backhaul.

9 Dec 16:38 Golem.de 3063982244516687270.html
First Normandy Four summit in three years: what we know so far

For the first time in three years, the leaders of Ukraine, Germany, France, and Russia will sit down at a negotiating table to move from a standstill the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

9 Dec 12:40 UNIAN 6863008972102859729.html
Senador de Farc pide perdón por masacre a funcionarios judiciales

Este lunes, la corporación Fasol entregó a la JEP informe sobre la masacre de Usme, de 1991.

9 Dec 15:10 El Tiempo 1091719939159197686.html
Spese pazze, indagato Mifsud. Cosa faceva davvero coi soldi?

Joseph Mifsud, il docente scomparso al centro dello Spygate, è iscritto nel registro degli indagati dalla Procura di Agrigento

9 Dec 12:54 ilGiornale.it 5019541225959739671.html
Dinilai Terlalu Bule saat Perankan Gadis Lokal, Cinta Laura Kena Tegur...

WE Online, Jakarta - Cinta Laura Kiehl berkesempatan tampil di film horor Tanah Air. Kali ini, Cinta mendapat peran sebagai gadis lokal asal Bogor bernama Wulan dalam film Jeritan Malam.

9 Dec 08:40 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835384862574.html
Firmo contro il Mes e sto lontano dallo stress: molti dei partecipanti firmano sulla fiducia

Durante un'intervista di un'inviato Rai ai partecipanti della raccolta firme contro il Mes è emerso come molti firmino senza sapere di cosa si tratta.

9 Dec 16:13 NewNotizie 1312053896818538595.html
La advertencia de Diego Maradona: se va de Gimnasia si Gabriel Pellegrino no gana las elecciones

El actual presidente será candidato por el oficialismo. En el Lobo se vota el próximo sábado y hay tres listas.

9 Dec 12:52 Todo Noticias 8077539161726103608.html
China eliminará toda la tecnología extranjera de los organismos estatales

Ante las acusaciones de espionaje de EEUU, la guerra comercial abierta y el impedimento a sus empresas a mantener acuerdos comerciales con otras compañías occidentales, China ha tomado una decisión drástica: prohibir toda tecnología extranjera en todas las oficinas gubernamentales.

9 Dec 10:22 elEconomista.es 9051559959236522864.html
Professor: Why Should the World Bank Take Orders from the United States?

US President Donald Trump criticized the World Bank’s decision to lend more money to China and said it needs to stop giving it loans after the international financial institution approved a new plan to aid China with $1 billion to $1.5 billion in low-interest loans annually through June 2025.

9 Dec 13:28 Sputniknews 967333869609308404.html
Capturados dos miembros del ELN en Arauca señalados de organizar bloqueos y paro armado

En las últimas horas, la Dijin de la Policía capturó en los municipios de Saravena y Arauquita, Arauca, a dos miembros del ELN. Se trata de alias ‘El Gordo Murillo o Checho’, cabecilla político del Frente de Guerra Oriental y el ‘Flaco Niño' o 'Chicharito’ coordinador político y de masas del Frente Domingo Laín Sáenz.De acuerdo con la información policial suministrada, ‘Gordo Murillo’ y ’El Flaco’ son requeridos por los delitos de concierto para delinquir, terrorismo, rebelión y obstrucción de vías públicas que afectan el orden público y secuestro. Ambos cabecillas tenían al menos 15 y 20 años de actuar delictivo.Para dar con la captura de ‘Gordo Murillo’, las autoridades probaron que sería el articulador de la línea estratégica ordenada por ‘Pablito’, cabecilla militar del ELN, en aras de consolidar los movimientos sociales revolucionarios y políticos subversivos regionales, utilizando la organización de masas populares del centro oriente de Colombia.

9 Dec 10:56 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347455174583.html
Man United's Paul Pogba is back from injury, but does Ole Gunnar Solskjaer even need him?

Paul Pogba is closing in on a return to the Man United squad after injury, but does he fit into Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's tactical framework?

9 Dec 12:35 ESPN 8538773402520674080.html
Adventskonzert in der Martinskirche Münsingen: Die „Gute Zeit“ herbeigesungen

Mit alten und neuen Adventsliedern eroberten Kinderchöre, Jugend- und Projektchor am Samstag die Herzen der Zuhörer in der Münsinger Martinskirche.

9 Dec 16:18 swp.de 6929179441009969236.html
Súmula consta copo arremessado no gramado pela torcida do Vasco

O árbitro relatou na súmula que um copo foi arremessado pela torcida do Vasco durante a comemoração do gol da Chapecoense.

9 Dec 11:16 Vasco Notícias 1167013065148856572.html
Rinden tributo a agente Swat ultimado en Los Rosales; destacan rol de buen padre y oficial

Decenas de personas se congregaron este lunes en el velatorio del teniente Juan Mercedes Vasquez, el agente Swat que murio durante un operativo en el secto

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264283101165.html
Villagers armed with flare guns try to scare off 63 polar bears invading town

A video shows rangers using flare guns to scare off polar bears near Ryrkaypiy, Russia, and the village is on lockdown over fears the hungry animals might 'eat' residents

9 Dec 13:11 mirror 675785261144655535.html
Doping: Federcalcio Russia, al sicuro Europei e Champions

(ANSA) - MOSCA, 09 DIC - La UEFA non annullerà le partite del campionato europeo di calcio 2020 e della finale della UEFA Champions League a San Pietroburgo. Lo ha detto il presidente onorario...

9 Dec 13:33 MilanNews.it 6507305922795451399.html
Former Sunday Times columnist Kevin Myers admits he 'hasn't had a full night's sleep for two years' since being fired over anti-Semitism row involving Claudia Winkleman and Vanessa Feltz

Journalist Kevin Myers has spoken about the impact being fired from his role at the Sunday Times and the backlash surrounding his column has had on his life. 

9 Dec 16:58 Mail Online 124328111961541132.html
Hunt for ex-Sydney man over child abuse

A global hunt is on involving police from three countries for a high-profile man accused of abusing boys at a refuge he ran in Sydney in the 1980s.

9 Dec 13:48 The New Daily 5848147785772986289.html
Can Buy Now Pay Later Solutions Cut Through The Holiday Noise?

U.S. consumers are expected to spend roughly $149 billion online this holiday season — but many are still paying off credit card bills from last year's splurge. Getting consumers to spend, without making them feel overextended, may require new methods. In the inaugural Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) Tracker, Nick Kaplan, president of fashion brand Fashion To Figure, explains how BNPL solutions are becoming key to giving consumers financial flexibility and merchants more sales.

9 Dec 12:15 PYMNTS.com 7357138826556485556.html
TIM: per Natale, Giga illimitati per un mese

Per Natale, TIM ha deciso di regalare un mese di Giga illimitati a tutti i suoi clienti iscritti al programma TIM Party.

9 Dec 08:05 Webnews 4852331585909446316.html
One in seven adults are now smokers, says survey

ANTI-SMOKING campaigns have reduced the proportion of smokers in Jersey to around one in seven adults, new figures show.

9 Dec 14:00 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775276985562.html
Ant McPartlin looking happy as larry following end of I'm A Celebrity

He did it!

9 Dec 12:52 Metro 970161748928082053.html
Incendios en Australia dejan unos 2 mil koalas muertos

Los incendios forestales que arden en el este de Australia desde principios de noviembre han matado más de 2.000 koalas, una especie ya clasificada como "vulnerable", indicaron a Efe este lunes fuent

9 Dec 08:31 Cubadebate 7978633340330488542.html
Why five college basketball teams were overhyped, why five were undervalued

With just over a month of the college basketball season behind us, it's time to examine the reasons behind the pundits' worst predictions.

9 Dec 15:00 ESPN 8538773401726528012.html
China says hopes to reach trade deal with US as soon as possible

China said it hopes to make a trade deal with the United States as soon as possible, Reuters reports. “On the question of China-US trade talks and negotiations, we wish that both sides can, on the foundation of equality and mutual respect, push forward negotiations, and in consideration of each others’ core interests, reach an…

9 Dec 08:06 EJ Insight 7853952858183724335.html
The Bachelorette Alum Ashley Hebert And Husband J.P. Rosenbaum Reveal He Has Guillain-Barré Syndrome

The Bachelorette alum Ashley Hebert and her husband J.P. Rosenbaum has revealed he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Herbert used

9 Dec 17:54 Celebrity Insider 265863476253975712.html
Exportaciones chilenas caen 12% durante el agitado mes de noviembre

Por su parte, según las cifras entregadas por el Banco Central, las importaciones también registraron un descenso.

9 Dec 10:50 Emol 3328490602593770354.html
Finlândia elege primeira-ministra mais jovem do mundo

O Parlamento da Finlândia elegeu a mais jovem primeira-ministra da história. Sanna Marin, de 34 anos...

9 Dec 10:45 O Antagonista 1037429655661701231.html
Vitória Strada estaria namorando atriz Marcella Rica, diz colunista

Novo casal no pedaço! Vitória Strada estaria namorando a atriz Marcella Rica, informou a colunista Fábia Oliveira. O romance das duas já dura oito meses. Tudo teria começado no Carnaval deste ano, quando foram apresentadas pela amiga Anna Rita Cerqueira. As duas já viajaram juntas com um grupo de amigos para a Disney, nos Estados...

9 Dec 10:48 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011084925038.html
Ryanair mantendrá la base en Girona a cambio de empeorar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores

La plantilla pasará así de ser fija a lo que se conoce como fija-discontinua, lo que equivale a que durante tres meses al año y de forma rotatoria quedará en situación de paro

9 Dec 16:41 www.publico.es 99190977050879970.html
'Bachelorette' alum J.P. Rosenbaum diagnosed with rare autoimmune disorder

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Former Bachelorette contestant J.P. Rosenbaum has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder.

9 Dec 16:14 UPI 8257973865794390214.html
Installing A Video Card: The Kotaku Review

Long ago, when I was much younger and had more free time, I would pull apart old PCs and build new ones. It was fun. I didn’t know what I doing and over time I learned what RAM was and what a motherboard is. Then I stopped doing that, bought some consoles and only bought pre-made PCs at Walmart that I would use...

9 Dec 09:00 Kotaku Australia 2018810246844710449.html
Promes doet niet mee bij Ajax in de Champions League

Quincy Promes is niet fit genoeg om met Ajax mee te doen tegen Valencia. Dat maakte Ajax maandag bekend. André Onana is wel beschikbaar om de goal te verdedigen in de superbelangrijke Champions League-pot. Erik ten Hag maakte op de persconferentie bekend dat verder iedereen fit genoeg is, afgezien van de langer geblesseerden. Promes ligt…

9 Dec 14:30 Sportnieuws 3602982465040679914.html
Are Iggy Azalea & Playboi Carti Expecting Their First Child?

There are now reports that "Fancy" rapper Iggy Azalea is pregnant with the "Magnolia" rhymer Playboi Carti's child.

9 Dec 13:55 AllHipHop 727666872548971615.html
Tödliche Attacke in Augsburg: Feuerwehrmann getötet – Siebter Verdächtiger festgenommen

Im Falle des bei einem Streit getöteten 49-Jährigen in Augsburg, hat die Polizei nun einen Hauptverdächtigen, sowie einen mutmaßlichen Mittäter festgenommen.

9 Dec 09:38 swp.de 6929179440240527313.html
Wissenschaft schlägt Alarm: 700 Meeresregionen mit zu wenig Sauerstoff

Auch die Ostsee und das Schwarze Meer haben zu wenig Sauerstoff. Das bedroht das Leben in den Regionen.

9 Dec 12:59 wetter.de 1060100767830317711.html
Vuelca tras chocar contra muro en el periférico De la Juventud

Chihuahua.- Un vehículo de la marca Chevrolet de la línea Sonic se impactó contra el muro luego de que su conductor perdiera el control por exceso de velocidad para finalmente volcar sobre el carril central

9 Dec 15:18 La Parada Digital 5696840777658496729.html
No, la Juve non sbagliava a pensare a Simone Inzaghi per il post-Allegri

A maggio il tecnico era stato bloccato per un paio di settimane dai bianconeri. Poi è arrivato Sarri. Ma la vittoria della Lazio di sabato sera dimostra che l'intuizione iniziale di Nedved e Pa...

9 Dec 08:40 IL FOGLIO 7601335405538122819.html
East of England nuclear contracts top £650m as Hinkley C contractors turn their attention to Sizewell C

More than £650m worth of nuclear contracts have been awarded to East of England companies for a nuclear power plant project which is set to provide the template for Sizewell C, it has been revealed.

9 Dec 16:16 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152455499306.html
25 innovative and cool iPhone accessory gifts for Apple lovers

One of the great things about the iPhone is that, since it’s been a staple smartphone for so long, there is a veritable ton of iPhone accessories for all sorts of budgets. Naturally, you have your high-end wireless headphones, speakers and even charging cases, but there are also straight cases, long-lasting Lightning cables and phone grips for as low as $10.

9 Dec 14:27 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882692679216.html
25 innovative and cool iPhone accessory gifts for Apple lovers

iPhone accessories can add to the new phone you got for the holidays because they can be both practical and fun. Here are 25 great iPhone gifts.

9 Dec 16:11 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747213641264.html
Cofetaria Casa Victoria deschide a treia locatie in Bucuresti

Cu o experienta de 18 ani pe piata produselor dulci din Romania, cofetaria Casa Victoria continua procesul de extindere cu o noua locatie in Bucuresti, pe Bulevardul Ion Mihalache 47-49. Investitie de peste 100.000 de euro, cea de-a treia cofetarie a brandului continua traditia retetelor originale si a ingredientelor de origine controlata.

9 Dec 13:39 Wall-Street 2473040521541457522.html
realme Buds Air Revealed; Supports BlueTooth 5.0 And Instant Pairing

As we’ve previously reported last week, realme had announced of expanding its product range to include devices such as wearables and true wireless audio. Debuting soon in Indian markets, the company revealed its first ever

9 Dec 13:50 Lowyat.NET 6894342419978468425.html
De scenario's: Ajax kan absolute topclubs ontlopen, maar moet op tellen passen

Na de driepunter tegen Lille OSC is de Champions League-situatie een stuk overzichtelijker geworden voor Erik ten Hag en zijn mannen. VoetbalPrimeur blikt vooruit op het allesbeslissende groepsduel met Valencia: wat kan er dinsdag gebeuren voor Ajax? En hoe ziet de eventuele route na de groepsfase eruit? De stand van zaken:1. Ajax 5-102. Valencia 5-83. Chelsea 5-84. Lille OSC 5-1 Valencia klaar voor Ajax: "Het is de belangrijkste wedstrijd van het seizoen" 'Ajax in spanning: Onana en Promes onderworpen aan uitgebreide test' Valencia komt met bevestiging: Cillessen ontbreekt tegen Ajax

9 Dec 14:50 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883274754307.html
Laute Musik als unterschätzte Gefahr im Straßenverkehr

Überhören von Signalen und Ablenkung erhöhen das Unfallrisiko!

9 Dec 11:24 NÖN.at 2486998931856414458.html
Reporter groped by runner on live TV speaks out: 'You violated, objectified and embarrassed me

Reporter Alex Bozarjian was on live TV Saturday morning covering the annual Bridge Run in Savannah, Georgia, when a participant reportedly groped her as he passed by.

9 Dec 08:32 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637122338029.html
Photos and videos show the huge volcanic eruption in New Zealand which killed at least 5 people

New Zealand's White Island volcano erupted on Monday, killing several people near the crater. Dramatic images show ash spewing into the sky.

9 Dec 11:18 Business Insider Nederland 7680839746708360388.html
Nikolaus-Sonderauslosung: Neuer Lotto-Millionär in Sachsen-Anhalt!

Bei der bundesweiten Nikolaus-Sonderauslosung, bei der drei Mal eine Million Euro extra verlost wurden, gewann ein Spieler aus dem Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz.

9 Dec 15:20 TAG24 4583887874958644111.html
Polizisten schießen auf Geflüchtete - Kinder erfrieren: Die Wirklichkeit an den Grenzen der EU

Polizisten schießen auf Geflüchtete, die Menschen frieren in Lagern. So sieht die Wirklichkeit an Europas Grenzen aus. Was tut die EU? Der Gastbeitrag.

9 Dec 08:57 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323429387279.html
Coronation Street SPOILERS: Norris Cole returns TONIGHT!

The Corrie legend is back for a brief stint

9 Dec 16:55 Entertainment Daily 8392972517265946823.html
City of Glendale: Matt's Big Breakfast, Portillo's expanding to the West Valley

Attention, foodies in Glendale: Chicago hot dogs, Italian beef sandwiches, and a Phoenix breakfast hot spot are apparently headed your way.

9 Dec 17:01 ABC15 Arizona 911680909803068958.html
Jairzinho over samenwerken met vrouwen: “Ze zijn meer onzeker en ook wisselvallig soms”

Afgelopen vrijdag verscheen het Gate 19 album van Rotterdam Airlines. Op de plaat werkt Jairzinho samen met Sharon Doorson en bij First onthult hij dat het zijn eerste samenwerking met een vrouw was. In de uitzending vertelt hij hoe dat komt en wat voor plannen hij heeft.

9 Dec 16:05 Puna 5725385641488252572.html
Spurring International Action to Remember the ‘Forgotten’ Mideast Jewish Refugees

“For many reasons, awareness of our communities’ history is not at the level it should be. We welcome any opportunity to educate and engage diplomats and foreign dignitaries on the story of the ignored and forgotten Jewish refugees,” said JIMENA board member Nathaniel Malka.

9 Dec 11:21 The Jewish Press 7246030800028772849.html
Carola Rackete: Die Stimmen des Südens bleiben beim Klimagipfel in Madrid ungehört

Während in Madrid der Klimagipfel in die entscheidende Woche geht, findet in Chile der People’s Summit statt. Umweltaktivistin und Kapitänin Carola Rackete ist vor Ort.

9 Dec 17:28 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322773520995.html
Insólito: los jugadores del Mineiro subieron un video burlándose del descenso del Cruzeiro

Sería impensado que los jugadores de Boca grabaran un video burlándose en el vestuario del descenso de River, sin embargo en Brasil son más picantes y lo hicieron.

9 Dec 17:16 Diario Registrado 7686014735743960217.html
Watford have asked about signing – Hornets only want January loan deal

Watford maintained their interest in Barcelona’s Jean-Clair Todibo after failing to sign him before the start of the season. On November 21st, we carried a report from Sport, who explained the La Liga winners already have an offer from the Hornets for the centre-back. Monday’s edition of the same newspaper claims Barca technical secretary Eric

9 Dec 11:33 Sport Witness 200001551803747841.html
Filhos em guarda conjunta mantém o mesmo regime fiscal no IRS depois da maioridade

As despesas e deduções atribuídas aos dependentes são consideradas no IRS dos pais enquanto aqueles não tiverem mais de 25 anos, nem aufiram anualmente rendimentos superiores ao da remuneração mínima mensal garantida.

9 Dec 17:44 SÁBADO 5711459692877813137.html
Middendorp Reveals Inspiration For Chiefs’ Eight-Goal Thriller

Kaizer Chiefs coach Ernst Middendorp has revealed what was said at half-time during their clash with Bloemfontein Celtic, leading to a 5-3 victory for Amakhosi.

9 Dec 13:44 Soccer Laduma 3901337371912966841.html
Attaque de fourgon: La Poste suspend ses transports de fonds depuis Daillens

Après l'attaque d'un fourgon début décembre, La Poste a décidé de suspendre ses transferts de fonds depuis Daillens (VD). Les conditions de sécurité ...

9 Dec 12:36 La Côte 469155178587350897.html
‘Lelystad zorgt voor groeiruimte op Schiphol’

Het overgrote deel van de toekomstige vakantievluchten op Lelystad Airport, maakt op Schiphol ruimte vrij voor overstapverkeer. Nieuwkomers die geen plaats maken op Schiphol, zullen 10 tot 20 procent van de beschikbare capaciteit opeisen. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek in opdracht van minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (Infrastructuur).

9 Dec 16:45 RD.nl 6406779842126306090.html
De fazendeiro a advogado: veja os profissionais que fazem mais sexo

Levantamento também perguntou aos entrevistados como eles se avaliam na cama.

9 Dec 10:18 R10 3167340813846621106.html
Timing may be key for SIDS risk, study suggests

Dec. 9 -- New research suggests that a baby's age may offer clues to sudden unexplained infant death, or SUID -- formerly known as SIDS.

9 Dec 15:04 UPI 8257973865692446405.html
Franse rechter aangesteld in onderzoek naar toewijzing WK 2022 aan Qatar

In Frankrijk is een Parijse onderzoeksrechter aangesteld in het onderzoek naar de omstandigheden bij de toewijzing van het WK 2022 aan Qatar, zo bevestigde...

9 Dec 15:53 De Standaard 2288913868492716694.html
Sora from Kingdom Hearts is not in Smash Bros. claims leaker

Leakers have ruled out a host of popular picks for the fifth Smash Bros. DLC character, including Lloyd Irving and Master Chief.

9 Dec 11:10 Metro 970161749008819018.html
Province likely won't remove stolen pick-up abandoned in Lac du Bois park near Kamloops

A pick-up truck that was spotted balancing on a cliff&rsquo;s edge in a protected park near Kamloops is now resting with a handful of other cars at the base

9 Dec 14:30 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245572637926.html
Smartphone: Motorola bringt das one hyper mit Pop-up-Kamera

In seiner Smartphone-Serie one, die eine native Android-Version und garantierte Updates bietet, bringt Motorola jetzt das neue Modell one hyper.

9 Dec 09:07 PCtipp.ch 1321585802470168039.html
Netflix dominates Golden Globes nominations as ‘Marriage Story’ scoops six

LOS ANGELES, Dec 9 — Netflix dominated the Golden Globe nominations today as its heart-wrenching divorce saga Marriage Story grabbed six nods including best drama, kicking off the race for the Oscars. The streaming giant secured a whopping 17 film nominations unveiled at a Beverly Hills ceremony,...

9 Dec 15:30 Malaymail 302165935317081206.html
TikTok To Pay $2 Million To Settle Lawsuit Alleging It Collected And Exposed Children's Data

TikTok and its parent company ByteDance have agreed to pay $US1.1 ($2) million to settle a proposed class action alleging that the app Musical.ly violated children’s privacy laws by collecting their data and operating the app “in a reckless and unlawful manner for commercial gain.”...

9 Dec 09:38 Gizmodo AU 3183561247379142468.html
Onion Prices Ease In Delhi As Produce Arrives From Afghanistan, Turkey Along With Local Crop

Wholesale prices of onion were quoted in between Rs 50-75 per kg at Delhi’s Azadpur mandi on Monday.

9 Dec 15:00 Swarajya 4977622829811440347.html
Bill on extension of SC, ST quota in LS, Assemblies introduced

It also proposes scrapping of nomination of Anglo-Indians

9 Dec 17:18 The Hindu 6679535025172383944.html
Grande Fratello VIP: svelati i nomi dei primi due concorrenti maschi

Grande Fratello VIP: iniziano a scoprirsi i nomi dei prossimi concorrenti del reality, oggi svelati i primi due maschi della prossima edizione.

9 Dec 15:27 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927197187065.html
Weinviertel: Frau mit Küchenmesser tödlich attackiert

Mordverdacht in Neudorf: Im Zuge von Streitigkeiten soll ein 53-jähriger Mann eine 48-jährige Frau erstochen haben. Beamte der Polizeiinspektion Laa wurden am Sonntagabend gegen 20 Uhr zum Tatort gerufen

9 Dec 08:23 NÖN.at 2486998933186766838.html
Confirmed Barcelona squad vs Inter: No Messi, quartet ruled out due to injury

Catalan giants missing string of key players...

9 Dec 13:45 CaughtOffside 8169236757509971114.html
Atleticano, Djonga fica alucinado ao comemorar rebaixamento do Cruzeiro

Após rebaixamento do Cruzeiro para a Série B de 2020 no futebol brasileiro o rapper mineiro Djonga, torcedor do Atlético Mineiro, foi às ruas. Veja o vídeo.

9 Dec 14:33 Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos! 1228046711032574211.html
mh:n Medien verkauft Verlagskontor Schleswig‐Holstein GmbH an Falkemedia in Kiel

Die mh:n Medien verkauft die Verlagskontor Schleswig‐Holstein GmbH (VKSH) an die Falkemedia Beteiligungs GmbH in Kiel. In der VKSH erscheinen Special‐Interest‐Magazine wie das Lifestyle‐Magazin "Lebensart im Norden", das Familienmagazin "Tipps für Kids" sowie das Berufsstarter‐Magazin "geht los!".

9 Dec 16:05 MEEDIA 2574484878520397749.html
Sweden: Multiple Dead as Gang-Related Shootings Continue

Two people were fatally shot outside a nightclub in Norrköping, Sweden, as gang violence continues to plague the country

9 Dec 12:28 Infowars 1950426315078978830.html
Goje ya yi murabus daga siyasar tsaya wa takara

Lamarin yazo cike da ban mamaki,. Tsohon Gwamnan jihar Gomeb kuma Sanata mai wakiltar jihar Gombe ta tsakiya, Muhammad Danjuma Goje ya sanar da murabus dinsa a siyasar tsaya wa takara. Ya yi hakan ne don ba wa sauran 'yan siyasar

9 Dec 08:51 Legit 7368782177331131942.html
Polri Tangkap 4 Orang Penyelundup 37 Kg Sabu Lewat Laut dari Malaysia

Polri menggagalkan penyelundupan narkoba jenis sabu via laut dari Malaysia menuju Selat Malaka. Ada 37 Kg sabu yang disita dari 4 tersangka yang ditangkap.

9 Dec 11:39 detiknews 8793960224437309803.html
Jeroen Pauw stopt met talkshow

Jeroen Pauw stopt met zijn talkshow. Het programma wordt nog twee weken uitgezonden. Daarna gaat hij andere dingen doen. „Zonder tafel of met tafel maar dan niet in een studio. Andere gesprekken en reportages met iets meer lengte en diepte dan het gesprek van de dag en de waan van de week”, schrijft Pauw op Instagram.

9 Dec 13:46 RD.nl 6406779842568880765.html
Jeroen Pauw stopt met talkshow

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - Jeroen Pauw stopt met zijn talkshow. Het programma wordt nog twee weken uitgezonden. Daarna gaat hij andere dingen doen. "Zonder tafel of met tafel maar dan niet in een studio. Andere gesprekken en reportages met iets meer lengte en diepte dan het gesprek van de dag en de waan van de week", schrijft Pauw op Instagram.

9 Dec 12:45 Nieuws.nl 2419030130700550711.html
Pep Guardiola's message to Man City players after falling 14 points behind Liverpool

Manchester City were beaten 2-1 by rivals Manchester United on Saturday, leaving the champions a staggering 14 points behind Premier League title favourites Liverpool

9 Dec 16:09 mirror 675785261886240306.html
Buscan en Europa desarrollo de baterías de litio

Bruselas, -La Comisión Europea (CE) confirmó hoy una alianza entre varias naciones para desarrollar la investigación e innovación de baterías de iones de litio.   Un comunicado oficial señala que Bélgica, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Polonia y Suecia quieren destinar tres mil 200 millones de euros para apoyar este proyecto, que mucho tiene que ver … Seguir leyendo Buscan en Europa desarrollo de baterías de litio →

9 Dec 13:23 La Demajagua 796151393486296267.html
Sanofi kauft US-Krebsspezialisten für 2,5 Milliarden Dollar

Der Pharmakonzern Sanofi verstärkt sein Geschäft mit Krebsmedikamenten und schluckt das kalifornische Biotechunternehmen Synthorx für rund 2,5 Milliarden Dollar. Die Franzosen wollen 68 Dollar je Aktie in bar zahlen, wie Sanofi am Montag mitteilte.

9 Dec 11:35 bz BASEL 5287163741657206230.html
StartersHub, micro VC from Istanbul and San Francisco, to invest in 60 startups from central and eastern Europe

StartersHub, an early-stage tech investment fund based in Istanbul and San Francisco, will back 60 eastern European startups over the next four years in an effort to bridge the gap between pre-seed and seed funding. Arda Aşkin, managing director at StartersHub, explained: “Despite the fact that a record €0.7 billion was invested in CEE startups […]

9 Dec 11:59 Tech.eu 1356465906136178706.html
Nintendo 'Indie World' Presentation Announced For Tuesday 10th December

It's Nindie Direct time!

9 Dec 15:05 Nintendo Life 5246707017888578322.html
These are the sad reasons Nigerian airlines struggle and fail 

The CEO of AMCON, Mr Ahmed Kuru, has listed out the factors responsible for the failure of airlines in Africa’s largest economy.

9 Dec 15:05 Nairametrics.com 4741528847114547758.html
ESPN’s Score Predictions For The College Football Playoff

ESPN's score predictions for the College Football Playoff games between Oklahoma-LSU and Ohio State-Clemson.

9 Dec 14:12 The Spun 9122471848629578074.html
You too could have your nest egg looked after by Goldman Sachs

Bank to offer wealth management services to individuals with as little as $5,000

9 Dec 13:32 The Irish Times 8204772969294135229.html
Heidi Klum zeigt sich mit XXL-Lippen

SO haben wir Topmodel Heidi Klum (46) noch nie gesehen! Frisch vom OP-Tisch überrascht sie mit einer XXL-Oberlippe.

9 Dec 09:17 VIP.de 2239798195257678765.html
Tributes to 'much loved' member of staff who died during 'traumatic' day for Swansea primary school

A book of condolence will be placed at the school this week for people to leave their memories of Carol Watts

9 Dec 16:40 Wales Online 7686550517406811421.html
Da Emerson Palmieri a Paredes: il punto sul mercato in entrata

La sconfitta con la Lazio come campanello d'allarme. Paratici ha detto che difficilmente la Juventus farà qualcosa sul mercato in entrata per gennaio. Siamo sicuri? Sulle fasce la coperta è

9 Dec 08:30 il BiancoNero 8980755940217112179.html
Sponsored: Elegant modern Mediterranean with magnificent 180-degree views from almost every room

This elegant Berkeley home delivers beautiful wood floors, large windows, grand views, good flow, a stunning wood and wrought iron staircase, and flexible space to suit your needs.

9 Dec 16:00 The Mercury News 2692247973157969975.html
Taapsee Pannu Is Definitely Running: May Now Star In The Hindi Remake Of Run Lola Run- EXCLUSIVE

If all goes well, you will see Taapsee Pannu essaying the lead role in the Hindi remake of the German flick, Run Lola Run

9 Dec 14:01 SPOTBOYE 1547816857948127638.html
GRUPOS DE PARRANDA / Guariqueños se deleitan cantando y bailando villancicos

Con la llegada de la época decembrina, muchos grupos de parranda en Guárico inician su cronograma de presentaciones para deleitar al público.....

9 Dec 13:47 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529484110982.html
'iPhone 12' could get bigger battery because of smaller circuitry

A reduction in the size of an essential battery protection circuit for the iPhone could mean that Apple has room to include bigger batteries in the 2020 "iPhone 12" series.

9 Dec 11:41 AppleInsider 3257742452606650649.html
Corruption trial of Angolan ex-president’s son begins

The son of former Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos appeared in court on Monday, at the start of his trial on corruption charges.

9 Dec 14:30 The Guardian 7580308505003856257.html
Motiv unklar: Bluttat in Lörrach: Nachbar tötet Frau mit mehreren Messerstichen

Brutale Tat am zweiten Advent: Im badischen Lörrach tötete ein 38-jähriger Mann am Sonntag seine 37-jährige Nachbarin mit mehreren Messerstichen.

9 Dec 10:29 FOCUS Online 4448121229970112396.html
Shane MacGowan will perform Fairytale of New York live on this week's Late Late Show

RTE will also pay a tribute to the Pogues singer, 61, with friends and family joining Shane in the studio

9 Dec 11:08 Irish Mirror 2875825630110139505.html
Zoff um Hose eines Fußballers: AC-Mailand-Fan mit Messer angegriffen

Einmal ein Trikot oder eine Hose fangen, die die Fußballer nach einem Sieg zu den Anhängern im Stadion auf die Tribünen werfen - für viele Fans ein Traum,...

9 Dec 09:46 RTL.DE 7054729451568324083.html
Photos and videos show the huge volcanic eruption in New Zealand which killed at least 5 people

Shocking pictures and videos show the minutes after a volcano in New Zealand erupted Monday, killing at least five and injuring many more.

9 Dec 10:14 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882187398340.html
Ford Recalls Explorer, Lincoln Aviator, F-Series Super Duty Over Safety Risks

The Explorer may be all-new for the 2020 model year, but it’s recalled once again, for the umpteenth time. Vehicles built at the Chicago Assembly Plant between January 18th and July 17th are involved in this campaign, along with the Lincoln Aviator from January 15th to July 17th.

9 Dec 12:55 autoevolution 6471576454691783022.html
IHF vurderer Russland-tiltak i VM

Beslutningen om å utestenge Russland fra idrettsmesterskap spiller ikke inn på håndball-VM for kvinner. Der er russerne den største gullfavoritten.

9 Dec 14:47 TV 2 8210067770280792523.html
Turkey deports 11 French relatives of 'terrorist' suspects

Turkey has sent 11 French relatives of suspected "terrorist fighters" back home, the Turkish interior ministry said Monday, the latest in the country's renewed push to deport foreign jihadist insurgents. "Eleven French citizens have been deported to their home country," it said in a statement.  A judicial source in France confirmed that four women and their seven children had arrived in France early on Monday.

9 Dec 14:58 WION 1570469240424386907.html
Maak je met deze drie ingrediënten het ultieme drankje tegen een kater?

Met de feestdagen en toekomstige katers in het verschiet, denken wetenschappers eindelijk de ideale formule gevonden te hebben om neveneffecten te behandel...

9 Dec 12:04 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192538545579.html
Myrtle Beach officers capture lost mini-pig, working to reunite pet with family

A mini-pig that was separated from its vacationing family has been located.

9 Dec 17:34 WBTV 6439870257590955649.html
Großer Wirbel um erstes Bachelor-Baby

Angelina Heger und 'Bachelor' Sebastian Pannek werden bald Eltern.

9 Dec 12:02 www.oe24.at 1513709913298985810.html
Badia demana que es retirin punts del carnet per circular en vehicles contaminants

El regidor de Transició Energètica i Emergència Climàtica de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona admet que la ZBE no serà suficient

9 Dec 09:35 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480253022909.html
Augsburg in Bayern: Jugendliche prügeln Feuerwehrmann tot – schreckliches Detail kommt ans Licht

Bei einer hinterhältigen Attacke in Augsburg in Bayern ist ein Mann ums Leben gekommen. Die Tat gibt bislang noch viele Rätsel auf.

9 Dec 11:42 www.derwesten.de 5765995666991180910.html
Burst water main at Dumbarton Common described as 'mini geyser'

It's left a large hole in the grass.

9 Dec 15:57 dailyrecord 552235479680277720.html
Sri Lanka Reach Pakistan For First Test Series In Country Since 2009 Attack

Sri Lanka arrived for the first Test cricket tour of Pakistan in 10 years on Monday following the deadly 2009 attack on their team that plunged Pakistan into sporting isolation.

9 Dec 08:48 NDTVSports.com 2127367044477421463.html
Des chefs d’entreprises portugais attendus au Maroc

La Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Services du Portugal au Maroc (CCISPM) et le groupe de conseil EXUMAS organisent, du 11 au 14 décembre, une mission d’Affaires multisectorielle au Maroc.

9 Dec 16:02 Le Site Info 5160764339997759000.html
Brick thrown through bus window misses passenger 'by inches'

It happened on the number three bus near Shirehampton

9 Dec 17:24 BristolLive 4740742017091125263.html
Why your boss should let you work from home

Lancashire has one of the lowest percentage of employees working from home and it is about time the county’s businesses had a rethink argues CEO Toby Harper

9 Dec 17:00 Lancashire Post 6469275855567098620.html
Nordkorea schießt wieder gegen Trump

Nordkoreas Führung trotzt den Warnungen Trumps im Streit um ihr Atomwaffenprogramm und attackiert den US-Präsidenten erneut verbal.

9 Dec 14:50 Bild 8433249907842281252.html
Netflix-Filme "Marriage Story" und "The Irishman" sind Golden-Globes-Favoriten

Der Streamingriese Netflix dominiert bei den Nominierungen mit seinen Produktionen "Marriage Story", "The Irishman" und "Die zwei Päpste". Die Verleihung der...

9 Dec 16:24 Die Presse 6242788854443421412.html
Woman set on fire by neighbour in Bihar after failed rape bid

According to the complaint, the woman was alone at home on Saturday, when the accused, who lived close by, sneaked into her house and tried to rape her.

9 Dec 12:01 The New Indian Express 4718288655014555126.html
Britain’s young people are radicalised and registered. Will this be our election?

Our generation is even more politicised than in 2017, and the spike in registration is a reason to hope that change is coming, says gal-dem opinions editor Micha Frazer-Carroll

9 Dec 15:51 the Guardian 1491978794687703970.html
Finland is about to get the world’s youngest Prime Minister

At just 34 years old, Sanna Marin is about to make history as she becomes the world’s youngest prime minister.

9 Dec 11:12 The Peninsula 1202843882573375921.html
Kendall Jenner cautiva en redes con su increíble vestido nude con diamantes

Kendall Jenner se coronó como la mejor vestida de Miami gracias a este vestido nude con diamantes del diseñador David Koma.

9 Dec 12:37 Wapa.pe 6757287088635957138.html
Correios exigirão CPF de clientes em compras internacionais

A exigência dos Correios para compras internacionais passará a vigorar em 1º de janeiro e já faz algumas lojas pedirem o CPF de clientes.

9 Dec 16:09 Tecnoblog 3321359744649616701.html
Las fuerzas de Rusia entran por primera vez en Raqqa tras la retirada de las fuerzas de EEUU

Las fuerzas de Rusia han entrado este lunes por primera vez en la ciudad siria de Raqqa, antigua 'capital' del califato proclamado por grupo yihadista...

9 Dec 11:00 Europa Press 4702666147568465081.html
Postino fa finta di notificare la multa al destinatario... e finisce in guai seri

La società per la quale lavora lo ha incaricato di notificare un avviso di pagamento per una multa ad un automobilista, ma lui quella notifica non l'avrebbe mai eseguita. O meglio, avrebbe...

9 Dec 14:12 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446049745376.html
Ungheria, la nuova legge che permette a Orban di controllare la cultura: è scontro

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 11:04 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207057902080.html
Dash Investors’ Missing Funds Returned, Moocowmoo Resurfaces

After months of speculation as to the whereabouts of Moocowmoo and the location of Dash investors’ funds, it seems he’s finally woken up.

9 Dec 14:41 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937751359033.html
Dear Parents, Tolong Perhatiin Jangan Ucapkan 4 Kata Ini kepada Anak, Ya!

WE Online, Jakarta - Membesarkan anak, berapapun usianya adalah pekerjaan sensitif dan rumit yang membutuhkan upaya konstan untuk mempersiapkan mereka menuju dunia nyata.

9 Dec 11:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835176837972.html
Five famous people you probably didn’t know were of Tanzanian descent

Tanzania is the largest country in eastern Africa. It is known as the highest point in Africa with the Kilimanjaro and its beautiful islands such as Zanzibar, Pemba, and Mafia. The country which was formed by merging Tanganyika and Zanzibar became independent in 1964. Until resigning as president in 1985, independence leader Julius K. Nyerere...

9 Dec 14:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198130364020431.html
SEA Games 2019: Indonesia President praises Philippines surfer Roger Casugay for act of sportsmanship

On Monday, Indonesia President Joko Widodo showered praises on Filipino surfer Roger Casugay for heroically saving a rival competitor Arip Nurhidayat at the SEA Games 2019, despite knowing that doing so would cost him a much-deserved gold medal.

9 Dec 09:40 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905469812856.html
Kölner Musiker erfüllt sich Lebenstraum in Nashville

Der Musiker hat aus der „Music-City“ das kölsche Country-Album „Kopp voll Dräum“ mit dem Untertitel „Kopp voll Dräum“ mitgebracht.

9 Dec 11:23 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567591909647.html
Destaca ministro cubano esfuerzo de vegueros en actual campaña tabacalera (+Fotos)

Gustavo Rodríguez Rollero, ministro de Agricultura, resaltó en Pinar del Río el esfuerzo de los vegueros de toda Cuba en la actual campaña tabacalera, marcada por atrasos en las siembras a causa de la tardanza en la entrega de suministros y de combustible; y en la cual deberán plantar unas 30 mil 284 hectáreas

9 Dec 09:30 Trabajadores 1167277446665009818.html
Kina navodno uklanja stranu tehnologiju iz državnih ureda

PEKING/LONDON - Kina je navodno naredila da se iz svih državnih ureda uklone strani hardveri i softveri u roku od tri godine, što je potez koji bi mogao

9 Dec 11:23 Krstarica 4176903988518085857.html
Premier League best & worst: Alex Keble's pick of the weekend including analysis of the Manchester derby, Liverpool & Everton tactics

Alex Keble is back with his pick of the weekend's tactical analysis, including good news for Man Utd and praise for both Liverpool and Everton.

9 Dec 09:30 Sporting Life 7709795077812853809.html
Uncertainty over FIRS boss reappointment, as his tenure ends 

The tenure of Babatunde Fowler as the Chairman of the FIRS ended last weekend and his special adviser has been announced as his replacement.

9 Dec 13:46 Nairametrics.com 4741528846300994122.html
CL: Lazaro kämpft mit Inter um Achtelfinaleinzug

Valencia hat in Amsterdam die wohl schwerste Aufgabe vor sich.

9 Dec 16:28 www.laola1.at 837519019265433098.html
Some of the world's most vital fresh water reserves are DRYING UP as scientists predict climate change and population growth will to lead to a 30 per cent increase in demand over the next 30 years

More than 30 of the world's leading scientists say mountain regions, which supply a quarter of the world's population - around 1.9 billion people - with freshwater, are drying up.

9 Dec 16:52 Mail Online 124328112132483327.html
Heavy traffic faced motorists in Bristol this morning - this was why

Emergency roadworks were party to blame

9 Dec 11:39 BristolLive 4740742016797879005.html
South African Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019

The brief biography of the 26-year-old winner who is from Tsolo read: "Zozibini Tunzi is a passionate activist and engaged in the fight against gender based violence.

9 Dec 10:10 Africanews 6630243978888847408.html
No injuries after a reported vehicle crashed into a building on Brandt Pike


9 Dec 10:24 Whio 8204027953797476004.html
Reprimen a familia en Santiago de Cuba por pertenecer a la UNPACU

"Me dijeron que sería acusado de delito de atentado, que iré a prisión, mi familia también y mis nietos serán enviados a un centro de Internamiento" (Cuba)

9 Dec 17:21 Cubanet 2710294110995708866.html
Riquelme vence a Macri y a Maradona en elecciones del Boca Juniors argentino

Una lista opositora en las elecciones del club argentino Boca Juniors, que llevó entre los candidatos al ídolo y exfutbolista Juan Román Riquelme, se impuso a la que apoyaron el presidente argentino Mauricio Macri y el excapitán de la Albiceleste Diego Maradona, según cifras oficiales.

9 Dec 09:44 Panorama 6052790753516978592.html
Semi Ajayi describes West Brom star Matheus Pereira in one word

West Brom news | Semi Ajayi, who scored the first goal in Albion's 5-1 win over Swansea City on Sunday, claims that Pereira is the best player in the Championship

9 Dec 15:09 birminghammail 8288260684859848241.html
Partial list of the Golden Globe nominations

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Nominations for the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards:

9 Dec 14:29 WFXT 6395891953666949911.html
Yanga, Kwale win Chapa Dimba Coast titles

MOMBASA, Kenya, Dec 9 – Yanga FC from Malindi and Kwale Ladies are the newly crowned boys and girls Chapa Dimba Na Safaricom Coast Region champions. Yanga Get the latest local and international sports updates, football, rugby, athletics, golf, cricket and more

9 Dec 08:39 Capital Sports 7605153804691730089.html
Immobilienexperten: "Kaufen, wenn die Kanonen donnern"

Warum sich jetzt ein Wohnungskauf in Berlin rechnet, in Wien aber nicht, erklären Alexander Neuhuber und Michael Mitterdorfer.

9 Dec 13:30 Kurier 208072237848835466.html
Kisah Dua Mercy Tua Bawa Tujuh WNI keliling 49 Negara di Tiga Benua

Tujuh orang anggota Mercedes Benz Club Banten melakukan perjalanan menempuh 87.000 kilometer, melintasi 49 negara di tiga benua. Mereka mengendarai dua Mercy tua buatan tahun 1983 dan 1995. Ketujuh orang tersebut menamai perjalanannya dengan Mengembara Lintas Benua (MLB).

9 Dec 11:46 merdeka.com 1998180354793239591.html
New Bioshock game confirmed, as 2K sets up new development studio

The Bioshock franchise is set to get a new instalment, but can Cloud Chamber make a game worthy of the series?

9 Dec 15:10 TechRadar 2111116915970177554.html
Streiks in Frankreich – Verkehrschaos im Großraum Paris

Die anhaltenden Streiks gegen die Pensionsreform haben im Pariser Großraum ein Verkehrschaos verursacht. Der Verkehr staute sich Montagfrüh zeitweise auf mehr als 600 Kilometern, wie der Verkehrsdienst Sytadin mitteilte. Normalerweise sind es etwa halb so viele. Auch am Montag wurden die Pariser Metro und die Vorstadtzüge wieder bestreikt. Es ist bereits der fünfte Tag in […]

9 Dec 13:49 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170622090543.html
Google dedica il doodle alla "Loteria Mexicana"

È anche interattivo e permette di giocare in maniera istantanea (ANSA)

9 Dec 12:05 ANSA.it 1300837448678445146.html
You hired a helicopter just to make Cardi B recognize you – Archipalago to Shatta Wale

Archipalago aka Palago Mufasa has attacked Shatta Wale for hiring a chopper just to get Cardi B's attention.

9 Dec 10:53 GHANA PAGE 8986860743005049883.html
'Kind of lacking:' Injured Bronco wonders why Canada won't fund spinal surgery

CALGARY - A hockey player paralyzed in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says it feels good to be home after spending five weeks in Thailand, where he underwen

9 Dec 15:30 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244943655210.html
The best photos as Wijnaldum returns to training ahead Liverpool’s trip to Salzburg

Liverpool prepared for their Champions League game with Salzburg with a training session at Melwood in front of the cameras. A make-or-break tie in Austria sees the Reds needing a draw to guarantee progression, while a win would seal top spot in the group. Jurgen Klopp would love to have his entire squad available for such a crucial encounter, but the Reds are without Fabinho and Joel Matip for the entirety of the Christmas fixture list. A couple of injury scares at the weekend added to that concern, but Dejan Lovren—who went off in the first half—and Gini Wijnaldum—who missed the game entirely—were both in training with the squad at Melwood on Monday afternoon. Adam Lallana, who also missed the trip to Dean Court, seemed to train apart from the main group, however, making it unlikely he features in the squad in Austria.

9 Dec 13:57 This Is Anfield 7550115576437840775.html
Revealed: Juice Wrld died after 'swallowing painkillers to HIDE them from cops' after private jet pilot alerted Chicago police that rapper was flying in with 70 pounds of marijuana, hand guns and armour-piercing bullets

Police and federal agents had been waiting inside the Atlantic Aviation hangar for the 21-year-old's flight to arrive from Los Angeles at 1:30am Sunday, following claims drugs and guns on board.

9 Dec 17:56 Mail Online 124328112052737121.html
Las Vegas Valley spotty rain clears, dry week expected

Up to .08 inches of rain fell in the mountains south of Henderson as parts of the Las Vegas Valley received precipitation Sunday night.

9 Dec 12:01 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648837764694887.html
Billiards: Singapore's Peter Gilchrist retains SEA Games gold

Singapore’s Peter Gilchrist won the English Billiards singles competition at the SEA Games on Monday (Dec 9), defending his 10-year claim on the ...

9 Dec 16:23 CNA 5644198862684639401.html
We came to Bali to stop using drugs, Australian men tell court hearing

Melbourne nightclub figures William Cabantog, 35, and David Van Iersel, 38, face charges of cocaine possession, or alternative charges of abusing drugs for personal use.

9 Dec 11:41 The Age 7967730562129995880.html
Trike sinalpok ng kotse, 8-anyos todas

PATAY ang 8-taon batang lalaki habang malubhang nasugatan ang tatlo pa matapos suwagin ang sinasakyan nilang tricycle ng isang kotse sa nationa­l road ng Brgy. Gen. Priam West, Bangar, La Union noong Linggo.

9 Dec 13:48 Abante News Online 7257070571047502221.html
It's Official: Stress Is Making Us Age Faster

Centennials often cite a low-stress, carefree lifestyle as the secret to their longevity. We now know that stresses can make your body clock break into a sprint at a molecular level. Here's what you need to know....

9 Dec 09:20 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168902396969.html
Ernesto Belloni llegará por primera vez a la Quinta Vergara

El humorista será parte de la parrilla del certamen este 2020.

9 Dec 15:22 AR13 5510785230280407201.html
Lichaam in Wezelse Plas in Wijchen: geen misdrijf

De dode persoon die donderdagmiddag werd aangetroffen in de Wezelse Plas, is niet door een misdrijf om het leven gekomen. Dat meldt de politie. Dat is het enige wat een woordvoerder van de politie over de zaak kwijt wil. Het blijft dan ook onduidelijk of het aangetroffen lichaam van een man of een vrouw is. Bron: [&hellip

9 Dec 14:32 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807535259707972.html
Najnowszy zwiastun Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot to przede wszystkim nostalgia

W sieci pojawił się nowy aktorski zwiastun prezentujący nadchodzącą grę z legendarnego uniwersum Dragon Ball, czyli Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.

9 Dec 13:48 Gram.pl 2394057653292350727.html
Rafael Piña Pérez: Las universidades asediadas pero en resistencia

Las universidades venezolanas cuya autonomía tiene rango constitucional, además de estar contemplada en la Ley de Universidades; es decir, la carta magna por encima de […]

9 Dec 09:43 LaPatilla.com 9104603010393336734.html
How To Heal A Yoga Butt Injury, According To A Physical Therapist

Picture this yogi: You're in your flow, moving through asanas with ease, and having an om-azing time on your mat . Then, just as the Zen starts to really kick in, you pull your hips up into your umpteenth downward-facing dog, and suddenly you feel one of the telltale symptoms of (dramatic sound effect): yoga butt. This is most likely a burning, discomfort, cramping, or pinching high up in the hamstrings, close to the pelvis, says Ariele Foster , DPT, a physical therapist and yoga teacher based in Washington, DC.

9 Dec 12:04 Pulse Live 3606876834920817423.html
Ancelotti sul centrocampo: "Difficoltà con due giocatori tecnici, Allan dà equilibrio fondamentale"

Con Fabian e Zielinski titolari al centro della mediana il Napoli fa fatica perché perde equilibrio, avendo due calciatori tecnici e non di quantità

9 Dec 16:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081453512396.html
Zelfrijdende auto's Mercedes en Bosch de weg op in VS

De zelfrijdende auto's van Mercedes en Bosch rijden voortaan in het Amerikaanse San Jose rond voor praktijktests.

9 Dec 14:31 Bright.nl 6602863321782544096.html
Senado pode votar Pacote Anticrime ainda neste ano

Na reta final dos trabalhos antes do recesso parlamentar, senadores tentam um acordo para conseguir votar o Pacote Anticrime ainda neste ano.

9 Dec 08:00 Jornal do Brasil 5999783740647351654.html
Priyanka Lambasts Centre Over Rising Petrol, Onion Prices, Says Govt is in Sleeping Mode

"The inflation has made the life of common man worse, prices of onion have crossed Rs 200 in some parts and petrol has crossed Rs 75, but the BJP government is in sleeping mode", stated Priyanka.

9 Dec 08:17 India.com 7150386083811914806.html
Comment: Why Is There Only One Woman Training To Become A Royal Marine?

A former Royal Marine shares with Forces News his opinion on the news that there is only one female in Marines training.

9 Dec 17:02 Forces Network 3883413828075917665.html
Belgen verkiezen één vervoersmiddel bij verplaatsingen, en dat is meestal de auto

Zo goed als alle verplaatsingen binnen België gebeuren met één vervoersmiddel, in veel gevallen de wagen. Amper 2 procent van alle verplaatsingen in ons land gebeurt met meer dan één vervoersmiddel...

9 Dec 10:44 HLN 8967494997178596666.html
Amazon, le offerte e le migliori promozioni di Natale in tutte le categorie

Amazon ha dato il via a una nuova mandata di offerte per celebrare l'avvicinamento al Natale. Le promozioni saranno attive a partire da oggi e proseguiranno fino a domenica 22 dicembre 2019....

9 Dec 16:51 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447048622602.html
Ayacucho apuesta por obras de infraestructura de cara al Bicentenario del Perú

El Alcalde de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huamanga, Yuri Gutiérrez, anunció la construcción de obras emblemáticas para la ciudad de Ayacucho, en el marco del Bicentenario de nuestro país y que para ese fin se invertirá más de 341 millones de soles.

9 Dec 08:15 andina.pe 9054036850024158514.html
Nach Derby-Skandal: Flagge gegen die Flagge zeigen

Die Austria forschte den Übeltäter aus. Die Hintergründe zum Nazi-Banner.

9 Dec 17:00 Kurier 208072237656879045.html
Moscú, reportan amenaza de bombas en catedral y centro comercial

en San Petersburgo más de 12 escuelas, hospitales y edificios judiciales recibieron las amenazas de explosivos.

9 Dec 12:20 Milenio 4240839409277299135.html
La Bolsa Mexicana abre la semana con ligero avance

El IPC inicia operaciones con 79.96 puntos más respecto al cierre del viernes

9 Dec 15:16 El Informador 103545929845328145.html
Conti correnti, stangata di fine anno

Solo Unicredit applica tassi negativi per alcuni, ma ci sono tanti balzelli che hanno lo stesso effetto. MF Milano Finanza suggerisce come fare.

9 Dec 09:53 bluerating 6922469337218339875.html
Animal Planet presenta sus programas más destacados de diciembre

Los amantes de la vida animal estar&aacute;n de pl&aacute;cemes con el marat&oacute;n &ldquo;Lo mejor de Veterinarios, todos los lunes, a partir del lunes 23 de diciembre hasta el 13 de enero, a partir de las seis de la tarde, as&iacute; como otras atractivas propuestas para el &uacute;ltimo mes del a&ntilde;o.

9 Dec 14:58 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623990180910.html
Hawke sisters divided over will fight

BOB Hawke’s eldest daughter hopes claims the former prime minister dissuaded her sister from reporting an alleged rape by a Labor MP in the 1980s don’t change the way Australians view him.

9 Dec 09:05 Community News Group 6769726048537264187.html
Maryland mom, grandmother charged after 9-month-old baby dies from drug overdose, officials say

A Maryland mom and grandmother are facing multiple charges after a 9-month-old Orchard Beach boy died from a drug overdose in July, authorities said.

9 Dec 14:20 WFXT 6395891953956086920.html
Nach nur vier Monaten: Ex-96-Trainer Thomas Doll bei APOEL Nikosia entlassen

Das war's schon wieder für Thomas Doll: Nach nur vier Monaten ist der ehemalige Trainer von Hannover 96 seinen Job beim zypriotischen Rekordmeister APOEL Nikosia schon wieder los - obwohl er mit dem Traditionsklub den Einzug in die Zwischenrunde der Europa League geschafft hat.

9 Dec 09:32 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776228288539.html
Trump accused of anti-Semitism after saying Jewish Americans will vote for him so they can avoid a wealth tax, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "You're brutal killers," President Donald Trump told those in real estate. "Not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me you have no choice.". Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:17 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755878505672.html
Jackie Chun S.H.Figuarts di Tamashii Nations | Cultura Pop

Jackie Chun è l'attesissimo personaggio appena annunciato dalla compagnia Tamashii Nations per la sua linea S.H.Figuarts.

9 Dec 08:55 Tom's Hardware 6640147069032644156.html
Ecto-1 Still Runs in First Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer

Now, this is how you make a sequel. The first trailer for the highly anticipated Ghostbusters: Afterlife has dropped, and it promises to reboot the franchise in a way that does justice to the original two installments.

9 Dec 14:48 autoevolution 6471576454991301828.html
37-Jährige in eigener Wohnung erstochen – Beschuldigter in Psychiatrie eingeliefert

Eine 37-jährige Mutter ist am Sonntagnachmittag in Lörrach erstochen worden. Tatverdächtig ist ein 38 Jahre alter Nachbar des Opfers. Er wurde in das Zentrum für Psychiatrie in Emmendingen...

9 Dec 17:03 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428446021774.html
37-Jährige in eigener Wohnung erstochen – Beschuldigter in Psychiatrie eingeliefert

Eine 37-jährige Mutter ist am Sonntagnachmittag in Lörrach erstochen worden. Tatverdächtig ist ein 38 Jahre alter Nachbar des Opfers. Er wurde in das Zentrum für Psychiatrie in Emmendingen...

9 Dec 17:03 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428191682819.html
General Election seats to watch: North-west England

The Tories are eyeing a dozen gains in this battleground region.

9 Dec 14:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991428688979.html
Aim is to boost private investment, says CEA

‘Corporate tax rate cut will help’

9 Dec 16:09 The Hindu 6679535024445810915.html
Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije: Branko Stefanović nije ni vlasnik niti je zaposlen u GIM-u

Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije saopštila je danas da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića, nije ni vlasnik ni zakonski zastupnik, niti zaposlen po bilo kom osnovu u privrednom društvu GIM, kao i da nije bio angažovan u tom preduzeću na bilo koji način od njegovog osnivanja.Nakon izvršene provere, zaključeno je i da kupovina naoružanja Кrušika od strane privrednog društva GIM ne predstavlja sukob interesa ministra Nebojše Stefanovića, da ne može da utiče na nepristrasno i nezavisno vršenje javne funkcije ministra, te da ne postoji odnos zavisnosti koji funkcioner mora da izbegava pri vršenju javne funkcije, navodi se u sapštenju.Agencija je, kako se navodi, izvršila prethodnu proveru ispunjenosti uslova za pokretanje postupka zbog povrede odredaba Zakona o Agenciji za borbu protiv korupcije. Ustanovljeno je i da Branko Stefanović nije bio osiguranik privrednog društva GIM, navodi se u saopštenju.U postupku provere Agencija je pribavila je informacije od privrednog društva…

9 Dec 09:45 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081207842588.html
The GOP wall: Why Republicans won't walk away from Trump

Analysis: Politics and the media have changed since the time a group of GOP lawmakers went to the White House to tell Nixon he was finished.

9 Dec 10:53 euronews 7318238120819666802.html
Primeiro Move moda Picos

O evento propõe reunir setores do comércio e impulsionar o mercado de Picos e macrorregião.

9 Dec 10:36 R10 3167340813273126654.html
UFC News: Jorge Masvidal plans to cash-in on "lottery ticket" Conor McGregor but says Floyd Mayweather is a bigger money fight

Jorge Masvidal is seriously chasing a Floyd Mayweather fight now!

9 Dec 12:06 sportskeeda 1601194027601951143.html
Android Auto dice addio agli Smartphone: ecco tutte le novità

Una nuova versione di Android Auto sembra annunciare un’imminente dismissione dell’app per Smartphone. Scopriamo di seguito i dettagli.

9 Dec 11:50 tecnoandroid 2573257127107500619.html
EEUU sancionó a director y exdirector del Saime por enviar dineros de pasaportes a sus cuentas

Este lunes, el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, sancionó a representantes del régimen de Nicolás Maduro del Servicio Administrativo de Identificación, Migración y Extranjería (Saime) al incluirlos a la lista de La Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros.

9 Dec 17:09 El Carabobeño 125457439322351643.html
Inquest into death of Somali schoolgirl, 12, could probe whether she was forced into river where she drowned

Shukri Yahya Abdi, who was born in Somalia before moving to the UK, drowned in the River Irwell in Bury, Greater Manchester, on June 27 this year.

9 Dec 17:47 Mail Online 124328111262009764.html
Consulenti, parla un giovane che ha fatto strada

Una laurea da 110 e lode alla Cattolica in Finanza nel cassetto, un’esperienza in Oliver Wyman e una passione smisurata per la professione di consulente finanziario. È l’identikit di Tommaso Faina, 28 anni, giovane professionista milanese delle rete di Fineco. Il giorno seguente alla laurea era già assunto: “In Oliver Wyman è stata un’esperienza molto

9 Dec 08:00 bluerating 6922469336213639518.html
The anti-lit fest

Almost Island Dialogues presents their annual literary event of readings and conversations among Indian writers and writers from abroad

9 Dec 12:46 The Hindu 6679535024997850537.html
Come il Vaticano investe i soldi delle offerte e donazioni: l’inchiesta della Gabanelli

Ammonta a circa 700 milioni di euro, tra offerte e donazioni,  il cosiddetto Obolo di San Pietro, destinato a mandare avanti la complessa macchina vaticana e per i più bisognosi. Ma una rendicontazione non c’è dice la giornalista Milena Gabanelli in un’inchiesta realizzata sul Corriere della Sera in cui mette in luce come i soldi dell’Obolo andrebbero gestiti seguendo un certo criterio morale e non in operazione speculative o quantomeno azzardate. A gestirlo l’Ufficio affari generali della segreteria di Stato vaticana. Il Vaticano e l’affaire Londra L’inchiesta della giornalista risale al 2012 quando a Monsignor Giovanni Angelo Becciu, a capo all’epoca dell’Obolo “gli appare attraente” investire 200 milioni di euro nella compagnia petrolifera dell’Angola. Ma mentre studia le carte si presentò l’allora semisconosciuto Raffale Mincione che propone agli uomini del Vaticano, al fine di raddoppiare i soldi in cassa, di acquistare un suo palazzo a Londra attraverso il fondo Athena. Di questi 2100 milioni che Monsignor…

9 Dec 11:51 Wall Street Italia 1518582936237454946.html
Juice Wrld’s Security Guards Arrested for Having Guns at Airport: Report

Details here.

9 Dec 15:22 XXL Mag 2522554274947713746.html
Piden trabajar en conjunto reformas de "outsourcing"

La bancada del PRD en San Lázaro propone que la Cámara de Diputados y el Senado analicen y trabajen en conferencia los cambios

9 Dec 10:13 El Informador 103545929033024288.html
Birds of Prey Is Not Connected to Suicide Squad, Says Producer

The DCEU is definitely changing course, as producer Sue Kroll states the upcoming Birds of Prey is not connected to 2016's Suicide Squad.

9 Dec 17:12 CBR.com 1295516962731502821.html
Zo veel kinderen in jouw regio groeien in armoede op

In Enschede groeien procentueel (12,7 procent) gezien de meeste Overijsselse kinderen in armoede op. In Tubbergen is dat percentage met drie procent het laagst van de provincie. Dat blijkt uit CBS-cijfers over 2018.

9 Dec 09:23 RTV Oost 6509131171644683373.html
Out on Bail, Honeypreet Insaan Meets Dera Chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim In Sirsa Jail

The meeting between Honeypreet Insaan and Gurmeet Ram Rahim in Sirsa jail continued for about one and a half hours.

9 Dec 11:02 India.com 7150386083228972872.html
Mann soll Mädchen vergewaltigt haben

Im baden-württembergischen Tübingen soll ein Mann zwei Mädchen im Alter von 13 und 16 Jahren vergewaltigt haben.

9 Dec 15:42 TAG24 4583887874419669181.html
Bruce fordert Weihnachts-Bonus für Magpies-Fans

Gerade einmal 42.303 Zuschauer verfolgten im St James' Park die Partie Newcastle gegen Southampton FC

9 Dec 10:30 weltfussball.at 3521376372422528294.html
Malaysians spend 70pc of monthly income on goods, housing and transport, says minister

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Almost 70 per cent of Malaysians’ monthly income are spent on goods, housing and transport, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said. Based on a World Bank Group report, the cost of living shouldered by Malaysians was mainly...

9 Dec 10:25 Malaymail 302165936142504691.html
Social Media Companies Aren’t Even Close to Fixing Their Bot Problem, Report Finds

Researchers with the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence released a report last week showing that – shocker! – it remains as easy as ever to buy followers and engagement on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

9 Dec 11:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001178709679.html
Toter Feuerwehrmann nach Streit in Augsburg – Haftbefehl gegen fünf Verdächtige erlassen

In Augsburg kommt es zum Streit zwischen zwei Ehepaaren und einer Gruppe junger Männer. Ein Mann stirbt. Alle Verdächtigen sind gefasst.

9 Dec 14:40 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323373052075.html
Govt further caps stock limit on onion retailers to 2 tons to check hoarding

As per the ministry's data, maximum retail prices are ruling at Rs 165 per kg on Monday, while modal price was at Rs 100 per kg. In most cities, onions are quoted over Rs 100 per kg in retail markets, pinching hard on consumers' pocket.

9 Dec 17:01 The Indian Express 2885715105027323735.html
Graft trial for Syrian President Assad’s uncle opens in Paris

PARIS: The uncle of Syrian President Bashar Assad is going on trial in Paris, accused of illegally using Syrian state funds to build a French real estate empire. Rifaat Assad, a former Syrian vice president and brother to longtime leader Hafez Assad, has lived in Europe since his exile from Syria following a failed coup attempt in the 1980s. Watchdog organizations filed a

9 Dec 10:58 Arab News 8912634264082724538.html
La corruzione è questione di territorio. E il Lazio vanta un triste successo

152 casi di corruzione con arresti eseguiti in tre anni, ovvero uno a settimana, considerando solo quelli scoperti e indagati dalla magistratura. Sono pochi? Sono tanti? Ad eccezione del Friuli Venezi...

9 Dec 17:24 L'HuffPost 5315551422238961983.html
Professora e mais duas são indiciadas por agulhas compartilhadas em escola

Teste de glicemia foi realizado em, pelo menos 47 pessoas, sendo usadas apenas oito agulhas

9 Dec 16:04 O TEMPO 6069683947968483411.html
Rescatan a 7 excursionistas en zona montañosa de Esmeraldas

Comuneros y brigadas de socorristas localizaron a siete excursionistas del grupo Boy Scouts, que se extraviaron en una zona montañosa de la laguna de Timbre, ubicada a unos 20 kilómetros de la ciudad

9 Dec 14:45 El Universo 8365175797988803780.html
Mapping South Australia’s big mines and new projects

We profile South Australia's largest and most ambitious mining operations, from significant uranium projects to the world’s largest zircon mine.

9 Dec 11:00 Mining Technology 639193377329486087.html
Taotronics SoundSurge 46 Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling Headphones review – Best bang-for-your buck Noise Cancelling

Overall, it’s a great set that offers a wonderfully exuberant listening experience. It’s built to last, has excellent battery life that’s bolstered by fast-charging, and has Active Noise Cancelling…

9 Dec 10:30 Critical Hit 8797780292853437334.html
Hallan un hombre muerto en el interior de una casa de Los Mochis

Vecinos se percataron que en el interior de la vivienda se escuchaba música y se les hizo raro que el individuo no saliera

9 Dec 15:43 EL DEBATE 4396150894099872437.html
Flooding closes the A82 in Dumbarton for three hours causing "absolute chaos"

Heavy rain caused disruption on Sunday.

9 Dec 15:49 dailyrecord 552235478935879845.html
Tommaso Paradiso annuncia le date del suo primo tour da solista

10 date a partire da ottobre 2020 sui palchi dei palazzetti italiani

9 Dec 13:54 Today 178378749718081021.html
Ryanair again ranked among Europe’s worst polluters

Airline included in top 10 of continent’s biggest carbon emitters

9 Dec 12:44 The Irish Times 8204772968265524644.html
Consulenti finanziari: Azimut, raccolta netta in novembre positiva per 292 milioni

Il gruppo Azimut ha registrato nel mese di novembre 2019 una raccolta netta positiva per ca. € 292 milioni, raggiungendo così ca. € 4,3 miliardi da inizio anno. Il totale delle masse comprensive del risparmio amministrato si attesta a fine novembre a € 58,4 miliardi, di cui 45 miliardi fanno riferimento alle masse gestite. Inoltre, il gruppo Azimut ha reso noto di avere ricevuto dall’autorità di vigilanza lussemburghese, l’approvazione per la nuova metodologia di calcolo delle commissioni variabili (“performance fees”) sui fondi lussemburghesi, in linea con quanto indicato dai principi Iosco. Il nuovo metodo entrerà in vigore gradualmente dal 01/01/2020 sui fondi comuni lussemburghesi del Gruppo, e come già annunciato si baserà su un calcolo annuale a benchmark più uno spread collegato alle diverse categorie di prodotto. Pietro Giuliani, presidente del gruppo, commenta: “Ci avviamo alla chiusura dell’anno con un risultato complessivo di raccolta netta che raggiunge i 4,3 miliardi di euro, a conferma dell’apprezzamento…

9 Dec 13:57 Wall Street Italia 1518582935959699549.html
Testimonios de amor y fidelidad a la Madre Morena

Durante el cierre de las fiestas en honor a la Inmaculada Concepción en su advocación del Valle, y el inicio del Año Jubilar Diocesano y Año Mariano Nacional, emotivos testimonios brindaron los peregrinos que acompañaron a la bendita Imagen de la Virgen Morena de Catamarca, en la multitudinaria Procesión.

9 Dec 17:27 El Ancasti 5864462412040645615.html
Takeover bids intensify for Just Eat food app

Prosus increases its cash offer for the food delivery firm.

9 Dec 08:15 Moneyweb 1092550947822192805.html
Futebolista partilha mensagem emocionante após morte da filha de dois anos

"Todos vocês nos deram esperança e mostraram que o mundo se pode unir em momentos como este", escreveu Benik.

9 Dec 13:35 SÁBADO 5711459692554285612.html
Mother left in agony for SIX MONTHS after giving birth discovers she'd been walking around with a fractured SPINE due to a condition that weakened her bones (but now she's swimming the Channel)

EXCLUSIVE: Heather Clatworthy, 37, from Warwickshire, fractured her back when in labour with her first child, Lilly, but didn't find out until she had an MRI scan six months later.

9 Dec 13:59 Mail Online 124328111943705569.html
Testimonios de amor y fidelidad a la Madre Morena

Durante el cierre de las fiestas en honor a la Inmaculada Concepción en su advocación del Valle, y el inicio del Año Jubilar Diocesano y Año Mariano Nacional, emotivos testimonios brindaron los peregrinos que acompañaron a la bendita Imagen de la Virgen Morena de Catamarca, en la multitudinaria Procesión.

9 Dec 12:42 El Esquiú 5729181306304072587.html
Tighter climate policies could erase $2.3 trillion in companies value: report

LONDON (Reuters) - Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to $2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers, an investor group warned in a report.

9 Dec 10:59 Reuters 8334514180523335622.html
Liverpool vs Leicester: How the Premier League top two compare... and is there cause for Leicester optimism in title chase?

Leicester have pulled six points clear of Manchester City and have the best goal difference in the Premier League after eight consecutive wins.

9 Dec 12:42 The Telegraph 140598092259909748.html
NASA’s Parker probe reveals new solar oddities

The first observations from NASA's Parker Solar Probe "will fundamentally change our understanding of the sun," researchers say.

9 Dec 08:37 Futurity 5051862825507013013.html
Guardiola: 'Zijn misschien niet in staat onszelf te meten met top van Europa'

Het zelfvertrouwen bij Manchester City is momenteel niet bijster hoog. Pep Guardiola denkt dat zijn team misschien niet in staat is om te knokken met de beste teams in Europa.

9 Dec 11:27 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215320831803.html
WWE star Sami Zayn stands up to 'homophobic moron' in heated altercation

The SmackDown star was performing at a WWE house show in Daytona Beach, Florida when a row broke out on Sunday night

9 Dec 12:33 mirror 675785260029065788.html
ProSiebenSat1 Media SE Hold

Die Experten der Deutsche Bank AG bewerten in ihrer Analyse vom 09.12.19 die Aktie von ProSiebenSat1 Media mit Hold

9 Dec 13:34 finanzen.at 7258357742448703003.html
UPDATED: Civil society gives FG 14-day ultimatum over Sowore

Friday Olokor, Abuja A coalition of over 200 civil society organisations on Monday issued a 14-day ultimatum within which President Muhammadu Buhari should show commitment to the rule of law fac...

9 Dec 11:43 Punch Newspapers 3524240994679162508.html
IIB Board of Directors in Budapest Summed up the Results of 2019:  Successful Completion of Relocation to Europe, Record Growth of Loan Portfolio and Key Performance Indicators

On December 6, 2019, IIB Board of Directors met in Budapest. The meeting summed up the results of the outgoing year, which became not only very successful but to a large degree marked a turning point in recent IIB history.

9 Dec 17:07 novinite.com 4235039570120317041.html
Manipur to be included in Inner Line Permit system to gain ‘exemption’ from Citizenship Bill

The state government ordered offices to celebrate by putting up pictures of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah.

9 Dec 12:12 Scroll.in 8669301693193252992.html
Automobilist zwaargewond door ongeluk op N375 tussen Zwartsluis en Meppel, weg dicht

Een automobilist is vanmiddag zwaargewond geraakt, toen hij met zijn voertuig tegen een vrachtwagen botste. Dat gebeurde op de N375 tussen Wanneperveen en Meppel.

9 Dec 13:16 RTV Oost 6509131171860661879.html
Guardiola: 'Zijn misschien niet in staat onszelf te meten met top van Europa'

Het zelfvertrouwen bij Manchester City is momenteel niet bijster groot. Pep Guardiola denkt dat zijn team misschien niet in staat is om te wedijveren met de beste teams in Europa. The Citizens verloren afgelopen weekend in eigen huis van aartsrivaal Manchester United (1-2), waardoor de titel dit jaar verder weg lijkt dan ooit. "We moeten onszelf verbeteren en vooruitgaan. Manchester United heeft de kwaliteiten om goed te verdedigen en ons pijn te doen op de counter, dat moet je accepteren. Dat is gewoon het niveau wat we tegenkomen tegen teams als Liverpool, Manchester United, Barcelona, Real Madrid en Juventus. Het is de realiteit dat we misschien niet in staat zijn om onszelf te meten met hen", briest Guardiola tegenover BBC. United is de baas in Manchester-derby en deelt City dreun uit in titelstrijd Racisme tijdens Manchester-derby: City komt met verklaring

9 Dec 10:26 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885196230573.html
Rod Stewart told to leave Loose Women on-air by wife Penny after awkward blunder

Music legend Rod Stewart didn't realise Loose Women was live on air, when he headed to join wife Penny Lancaster and the panel

9 Dec 13:11 mirror 675785260636072991.html
Rod Stewart told to leave Loose Women on-air by wife Penny after awkward blunder

Music legend Rod Stewart didn't realise Loose Women was live on air, when he headed to join wife Penny Lancaster and the panel

9 Dec 13:11 Irish Mirror 2875825629107694342.html
Crawford hofft auf Liebes-Aus bei Kaia und Pete

Sie sind sooooo verliebt und wollen das auch der ganzen Welt zeigen! Seit einigen Wochen turtelt Model-Schönheit Kaia Gerber mit ...

9 Dec 12:20 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094520997755.html
Torquay United's mid-season 'shuffle' under way as striker Manny Duku departs

'It's a tough period but it will show the ones who can handle adversity. You always come out of it, but not always with the same people'

9 Dec 10:39 DevonLive 2469244512523649531.html
Vivendi: Tribunale Milano accoglie richiesta Mediaset, ogni decisione dopo assemblea 10/01

Il Tribunale di Milano ha accolto la richiesta di Mediaset di riservare ogni decisione dopo l'assemblea convocata per il prossimo 10 gennaio. Lo rende noto il gruppo di Cologno Monzese …

9 Dec 14:17 FinanzaOnline 6528634129085370125.html
Storm Brendan to batter Britain with 100mph winds from tomorrow

It comes after Storm Atiyah ripped through the UK last night.

9 Dec 09:16 Metro 970161748627641713.html
'Kind of lacking:' Injured Bronco wonders why Canada won't fund spinal surgery

CALGARY - A hockey player paralyzed in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says it feels good to be home after spending five weeks in Thailand, where he underwen

9 Dec 17:02 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244603010278.html
Pošta Slovenije objavila ponudbo za prevzem Intereurope

Pošta Slovenije, ki je 72,13-odstotna lastnica Intereurope, je danes objavila ponudbo za nakup še preostalega deleža koprske logistične družbe. Za delnico Intereurope je pripravljena plačati 1,45 evra, ponudba pa bo veljavna od torka do vključno 13. januarja 2020, razen če se je prevzemnik ne odloči podaljšati.

9 Dec 09:21 Dnevnik 7671546649210685636.html
Capturan a implicado en retención de alcalde municipal de Patzicía

Se le señala de instar a la población a retener al jefe edil de la localidad en 2018.

9 Dec 09:59 Publinews 8987875304400988555.html
MediaTek may supply Samsung with 5G chips for low-end smartphones - Gizmochina

According to a new report, MediaTek might be supplying Samsung with 5G chipsets for its low-end range of smartphones in the near future. The former has already formed partnerships with various other brands like Oppo, Vivo, and Xiaomi and may now also supply the South Korean tech giant for its affordable range of smartphones. MediaTek …

9 Dec 08:41 Gizmochina 1751854815374370946.html
UPDATE: ‘Club Brugge wil stokje steken voor transferplannen Anderlecht’

RSC Anderlecht is druk bezig om zich in de wintermercato te versterken. Volgens Het Laatste Nieuws zou paars-wit ook willen shoppen in de Jupiler Pro League. Yohan Boli van STVV moet de aanval komen versterken.

9 Dec 12:10 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215734923239.html
UK Labour’s McDonnell: Markets realize PM Johnson's promises on Brexit are not implementable

"There wouldn't be a run on the pound under a Labour government, " opposition Labour Party’s Finance Policy Chief and the second most powerful man, Jo

9 Dec 11:40 FXStreet 4480975638390950606.html
Il Paradiso delle Signore, anticipazioni puntata di martedì 10 dicembre: Silvia accecata dalla gelosia

Appuntamento del martedì con Il Paradiso delle Signore 4 Daily  Ben ritrovati con un nuovo spazio dedicato a Il Paradiso delle Signore 4 Daily, la serie che è ritornata sul piccolo schermo da quasi due mesi. Cosa vedrà il pubblico nel primo episodio settimanale trasmesso domani pomeriggio, martedì 10 dicembre 2019 su Rai Uno? Ricordiamo […]

9 Dec 15:00 KontroKultura 2573504973027574130.html
Gasoductos: Acuerdo disminuye costo de electricidad en las penínsulas

Manuel Bartlett dijo que se abatirán los precios de electricidad, gracias a la alza en la producción de combustóleos y a la constricción de gasoductos

9 Dec 17:30 Regeneración 4314126175061666422.html
Barcelona-México: quinta libertad para Emirates

La aerolínea de Dubái consigue una autorización especial para una linea largamente deseada

9 Dec 09:00 La Vanguardia 8061072699193529980.html
Potenza, cacciatore scivola nel bosco: gli parte un colpo e muore

Il fatto è accaduto in provincia, a Forenza. La vittima era un uomo di 61 anni originario di Casola, un Comune in provincia di Napoli. Il cacciatore si era recato nel Potentino insieme agli amici

9 Dec 15:03 ilGiornale.it 5019541223991371687.html
How to avoid a massive holiday health care bill when OHIP out-of-country coverage ends

If you are an Ontario resident planning to travel outside of Canada in the new year, make sure you have adequate travel health insurance coverage or risk dealing with a crippling medical bill should a medical emergency arise. CTVNews.ca has all the details.

9 Dec 15:46 CTVNews 2422791599215813549.html
Consejos para que tus hijos superen la ansiedad en los exámenes finales

Muchas veces nuestros hijos están condicionados a nuestras altas expectativas. ¡Aquí algunos consejos!

9 Dec 11:14 Wapa.pe 6757287089759971132.html
Elon Musk's win over Vernon Unsworth was a miscarriage of justice, according to Unsworth's lawyer

The lawyer for British cave diver Vernon Unsworth has tweeted his indignation after Elon Musk won a defamation case on Friday for calling Unsworth “pedo guy.”

9 Dec 14:47 Business Insider Australia 5575934301218460968.html
Sowore: NBA denies calling for Buhari’s impeachment

Nigerian Bar Association has denied calling for the impeachment of the country’s president over the poor handling of the prosecution of a former presidential candidate Omoyele Sowore by the secret police. Media reports over the weekend said the lawyers’ body wanted the National Assembly to commence impeachment proceedings against Buhari if he did not sack […]

9 Dec 08:39 The Guardian 7580308504303706502.html
Whisky, all'asta una collezione privata da capogiro: attesa una bottiglia da 2 milioni

Evento straordinario per 3.900 liquori appartenuti a un uomo d'affari americano

9 Dec 09:21 Repubblica.it 8208867271391800917.html
Gazzetta - Costo dell'esonero frena ADL, patron può resistere per poi pagare penale ad Ancelotti

L'aspetto economico nel rapporto tra il Napoli ed Ancelotti è sicuramente rilevante. Lo scrive l'edizione odierna della Gazzetta dello Sport,

9 Dec 08:55 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080487561719.html
Kim Kardashian threatens to sack sister Kourtney from KUWTK

There's no love lost between these two sisters

9 Dec 17:27 Metro 970161747885752959.html
Koalicja Obywatelska pyta o relacje między Antonim Macierewiczem a Edmundem Jannigerem

Posłowie Koalicji Obywatelskiej zażądali od ministra kultury informacji o wydatkach Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej na wyjazd do USA 20-letniego Edmunda Jannigera. To doradca ówczesnego szefa MON Antoniego

9 Dec 14:49 wiadomosci.wp.pl 9060673212966713590.html
Family's fury over M&S Christmas tree that's getting scathing reviews

Marks and Spencer advertises the £35 tree as a “sparkling surprise”

9 Dec 14:36 PlymouthLive 6373569608522145872.html
Dubai Festival City to host big Christmas Santa Run

Dress as Santa and win top prizes on this 5k run

9 Dec 13:33 Time Out Dubai 1956550808301068619.html
Industry Insider: LX Music Founder Tiago Nabais

Learn about throwing a festival in the winter, the magic of Lisbon and how to best become a promoter.

9 Dec 15:45 Magnetic Magazine 5123414666231234480.html
'Mati Kw', Tulisan Bertinta Darah Pembunuh Wanita di Kos Medan

Pembunuh AH alias Bian, wanita muda yang tinggal di kos Jl Punak, Medan Petisah, Medan, meninggalkan jejak tulisan di dinding kamar kos. T

9 Dec 13:44 detiknews 8793960223967012298.html
N. Korea believed to test new rocket engine to provoke US

While no rocket or weapons launch from North Korea was detected over the weekend, many foreign experts speculate that North Korea tested a new high-thrust engine, which is needed to launch bigger, more powerful rockets.

9 Dec 09:55 An-Nahar 2220466262331242014.html
Elon Musk's win over Vernon Unsworth was a miscarriage of justice, according to Unsworth's lawyer

Jurors ruled that Elon Musk calling British cave diver Vernon Unsworth "pedo guy" on Twitter did not qualify as defamation.

9 Dec 16:16 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747979892008.html
Drei Menschen in Polen mit Axt getötet

Ein 18-jähriger Schüler aus Polen wird verdächtigt, seine Eltern und seinen kleinen Bruder mit der Axt getötet zu haben. Die Tat ereignete sich laut Nachrichtenagentur PAP in der Nacht auf Montag in dem Ort Zabkowice Slaskie in Niederschlesien.

9 Dec 09:28 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085241084714.html
Turquia expulsa 11 franceses suspeitos de serem jiadistas

Onze franceses suspeitos de serem jiadistas combatentes do grupo extremista Estado Islâmico, e que estavam detidos na Turquia, foram esta segunda-feira expulsos para a França.

9 Dec 12:05 JN 6956494302733719463.html
Toyota, occhio di riguardo per la Cina

Il marchio giapponese opererà una scissione tra le sue operazioni asiatiche e quelle cinesi, atto che darà grande importanza al mercato interno alla Grande Muraglia

9 Dec 14:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654958382422.html
Automovilista arrolla a dos peatones en calles de Tláhuac

El accidente ocurrió ayer por la madrugada en la colonia Zacatenco. Eran casi las 3:00 horas, cuando los dos hombres caminaban por el cruce de la avenida San Rafael Atlixco y Las Torres

9 Dec 14:41 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601477263335.html
Bombshell review – Fox News abuse drama pulls its hardest punches

Roger Ailes’ victims fight back in a film where the odious media mogul looms large … before Rupert Murdoch saves the day

9 Dec 14:30 the Guardian 1491978796290016380.html
Toverland in winter 2020 doordeweeks dicht

Attractiepark Toverland gaat volgend jaar winter enkele weken op doordeweekse dagen volledig dicht. Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van het park zijn dan ook de indoorwerelden gesloten.

9 Dec 08:43 1limburg 5437278401777706551.html
Sanna Marin al pride finlandese è il simbolo dei diritti civili arcobaleno

Sanna Marin, 34 anni, è la più giovane premier del mondo e ora si candida ad essere il simbolo dei diritti civili europei

9 Dec 10:49 L'HuffPost 5315551422252910066.html
Maroc Telecom : Nomination au Conseil de Surveillance

Le Conseil de Surveillance de Maroc Telecom, réuni le vendredi 6 décembre 2019, a coopté Obaid Bin Humaid Al Tayer, en qualité de Vice-Président du Conseil, en remplacement de Eissa Mohamed Ghanem Al Suwaidi.

9 Dec 17:33 Infomédiaire 1551316400366826793.html
DRHV braucht Kraftakt für Derbysieg gegen Bernburg

Radek Sliwka hat sich am Samstagnachmittag für die bequeme Variante der Anreise entschieden. „Ich bin mit dem Auto gekommen“, erzählte der Handballer vom SV Anhalt Bernburg, der bis zum Sommer 2018 vier Jahre lang für den Dessau-Roßlauer HV gespielt ...

9 Dec 14:20 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109207229677.html
Watchdog report: FBI’s Russia probe justified, no bias found

A watchdog report on the Russia probe finds no evidence of political bias, despite performance failures, according to a summary obtained by The Associated Press.

9 Dec 12:09 KNOE 8 News 9048639191083629325.html
En Acarigua esperan hasta 8 horas de cola para surtir combustible

Entre seis y ocho horas deben permanecer los acarigueños en las colas para surtir de combustible su vehículo, ante la aguda escasez de gasolina ...

9 Dec 16:43 LaPatilla.com 9104603011585672900.html
Raih Juara Umum SEA Games 2019, Tim Bowling Indonesia Melampaui Target

Tim bowling Indonesia merebut gelar juara umum SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 11:15 Bola.com 1695722603855850506.html
Epson legt am meisten zu auf dem Druckermarkt

Die Auslieferungen im globalen Druckermarkt haben um 1,1 Prozent zugenommen. Im dritten Quartal 2019 liegt der Markt bei 11,6 Milliarden US-Dollar. Von den Top-5-Herstellern legte Epson am stärksten zu.

9 Dec 14:15 www.cetoday.ch 4667961263319546403.html
Neu in Wien: Die Rettung mit der Handy-App rufen

Kann eine Person nicht mehr sprechen, kann sie Symbole auf der App drücken.

9 Dec 09:02 Kurier 208072238774126845.html
Dramatic footage captured of an Audi Q7 crashing into a van in Preesall

A dramatic crash in Preesall has been captured on a dash camera

9 Dec 10:11 The Gazette 1828400564199477944.html
Colts Kicker Adam Vinatieri To Undergo Knee Injury, Miss Rest Of Season

Colts kicker Adam Vinatieri will reportedly miss the rest of the season after undergoing surgery on his knee.

9 Dec 15:08 The Spun 9122471848631765563.html
Sana Marin najmlađi premijer u svijetu

HELSINKI - Sana Marin (34) postaće najmlađi premijer u svijetu kao predvodnik nove koalicione vlade u Finskoj.

9 Dec 08:54 Nezavisne novine 4209150641753325978.html
Perdasdefogu, via ai test con i droni nell'Isola

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 14:27 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206936335078.html
4-Year-Old Twins Survive Car Crash By Freeing Selves, Climbing To Safety

The girls' father, Corey Simmons, 47, died when the vehicle with his daughters in the backseat crashed Friday evening.

9 Dec 16:20 HuffPost 5982769915896589511.html
Watchmen: The End Is Nigh in Season Finale Promo

HBO has released the promo for the season finale of Watchmen, "See How They Fly," which teases every thread from the series is coming together.

9 Dec 11:12 CBR.com 1295516963432075261.html
GALLERY: Aston Martin DBX SUV at St Athan factory

As you've probably read by now, Aston Martin has opened its doors to its new factory in St Athan, Wales, and yours truly was there to provide you with

9 Dec 09:06 Paul Tan's Automotive News 7862472106753251291.html
Asian markets subdued ahead of key US-China tariff deadline

Asian stocks edged up on Monday following surprisingly strong US jobs data, but gains were subdued amid concerns over the [...]

9 Dec 08:32 City A.M. 6389894490495148096.html
On Sonia Gandhi’s birthday, Puducherry CM distributes onions to party workers

In a tweet, the Puducherry chief minister is seen offering prayers at a temple for the long life of Congress chief. He also said that "she has made immense sacrifices for the country".

9 Dec 11:41 The Indian Express 2885715105689311906.html
Presidente Piñera realizará anuncios esta noche en cadena nacional

A eso de las 21 horas el mandatario se dirigirá a todo el país, desde el Palacio de La Moneda, donde presentaría una agenda antiabusos y delitos económicos.

9 Dec 08:00 24Horas.cl 793283386037823269.html
Readers’ comments: Justice for rape victims lost amidst politics of the Left and Right

Responses to articles on Scroll.in.

9 Dec 08:00 Scroll.in 8669301694025232128.html
In Pictures: Fishy encounter and scenic views as parties launch final voter push

The PM visited a fish market while the SNP battle bus took a trip to the Highlands.

9 Dec 17:12 Shropshire Star 3480199992774607231.html
Tragedy strikes 49-year-old Filipino maid who is killed after driver loses control at Farrer Road

Tragedy strikes 49-year-old Filipino maid who is killed after driver loses control at Farrer Road

9 Dec 16:20 The Independent 5308065342338461110.html
Nyderlandų futbolo legendos apsilankys Lietuvoje

Gruodžio 11-12 d. legendiniai Nyderlandų futbolininkai Davidas Mendesas da Silva, Michaelas Molsas, Dyanne'as Bito ir kiti dalyvaus specialiuose NATO priešakinių pajėgų bataliono „Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Lietuva (EFP BG LTU)“ karių mokymuose šaltuoju metų laiku.

9 Dec 14:11 EURO FOOTBALL 925125276098420759.html
Autoridade norte-coreana chama Trump de 'velho impaciente'

Seul, 9 dez 2019 (AFP) - Uma importante autoridade norte-coreana acusou, nesta segunda-fei...

9 Dec 17:30 UOL Noticias 8892198861571216488.html
Star Wars: arredamento "galattico" per una casa stellare | Cultura Pop

Star Wars: idee per la casa dalla cucina alla sala da pranzo passando dal bagno. Idee regalo e gadget per accontentare ogni appassionato di jedi e Sith!

9 Dec 08:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147069412963988.html
Man Turns Into ‘Chimera’ After Bone Marrow Transplant Fully Replaces His Semen DNA

A team from Nevada’s Washoe County Sheriff’s Department is currently looking into how changes in DNA following certain medical procedures could influence criminal cases and forensic work.

9 Dec 13:37 Sputniknews 967333868897712379.html
Seven blankets to keep you warm when the winter chill arrives

The Beast from the East is coming.

9 Dec 13:09 Metro 970161747522488573.html
Post-Salisburgo, Insigne intimò ad Edo di andare via dallo spogliatoio: "State sempre contro di noi"

"Dai andiamo via, andiamo a casa, qui non c'è nulla da parlare più". Così si sarebbe chiusa la concitata notte del 5 novembre

9 Dec 09:16 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081551405485.html
Christmas tech: Five activity trackers to watch

Garmin, Samsung and Fitbit do battle

9 Dec 15:46 The Irish Times 8204772967497134954.html
Nintendo Indie World: ecco data, orario e link della nuova presentazione | Game Division

Nintendo Indie World di dicembre 2019 andrà in onda domani, ecco l'orario preciso e i link per seguire l'evento dedicato alle opere indipendenti.

9 Dec 14:33 Tom's Hardware 6640147069402293021.html
Biden says no foreign business for family if he wins White House

Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden says his family members would not engage in any business abroad if he were to win the White House next year, citing the activities of Donald Trump

9 Dec 09:21 Punch Newspapers 3524240995020640542.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer: Who Ya Gonna Reboot?

In the first trailer for “Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard star as the “Ghostbusters” franchise is rebooted.

9 Dec 15:25 VULTURE 2718750544180750907.html
113 nominations received in Virudhunagar district

Virudhunagar A total of 113 nominations, seven for panchayat presidents and 106 for panchayat ward members, were filed on Monday, the first day for filing papers for the rural local body elections.Aft

9 Dec 15:40 The Hindu 6679535025498013545.html
Basketball: LaMelo Ball fehlt mehrere Wochen mit Fußverletzung

LaMelo Ball zählt im kommenden Draft zu den Top-Kandidaten auf den Nummer-Eins-Pick. Nun verletzt er sich und fällt mehrere Wochen aus.

9 Dec 08:20 Sport1.de 3783641331080479657.html
Linssen zorgt voor verbazing: stilstaan in dying seconds Vitesse - Feyenoord

Vitesse voorkwam in dying seconds van het thuisduel met Feyenoord een goal van Orkun Kökcü, maar aan Bryan Linssen lag dat zeker niet. De aanvoerder stopte met rennen en deed niets, zo blijkt uit de beelden. Vitesse-back Julian Lelieveld is de reddende engel door zich voor de inzet van Kökcü te werpen. Het competitieduel tussen Vitesse en Feyenoord eindigde zondag in een doelpuntloos gelijkspel.

9 Dec 12:27 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884706019335.html
Shah defends Citizenship Amendment Bill, says has backing of 1.3 bn people

"We will have to differentiate between intruders and refugees. Citizenship amendment bill does not discriminate against anyone and does not snatch anyone's rights," he said.

9 Dec 11:45 Business-Standard 1502508925118067577.html
Bolsonaro diz estar 'analisando a lista de convidados' para posse na Argentina

Para a posse de Bolsonaro, em 1º de janeiro de 2019, não foram convidados os presidentes de Cuba e da Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

9 Dec 12:50 Folha Vitória 4941883427158172394.html
Facebook ha una black list per le emoji. Ecco quelle 'pericolose'

Non si tratta di un divieto tout court ma di un’attenzione che verrà rivolta nei confronti di certe emoticon e dell’utilizzo che ne facciamo

9 Dec 13:17 Agi 2115274225268514484.html
First Distribution and Veeam – an African partnership

Through First Distribution’s African footprint, Veeam is now available across SADC countries, as well as Central, East and West African countries.

9 Dec 09:02 ITWeb 642894139952808661.html
Gov. Yahaya approves additional N550m for payment of gratuities to retirees

Gov. Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State has approved the release of an additional N550 million for the payment of gratuities to the state retirees

9 Dec 14:06 Vanguard News 4125100340159595181.html
Quante novità per i Pixel: Google annuncia ufficialmente nuove funzionalità in arrivo

Google ha recentemente sviluppato Pixel Tips, i suggerimenti che vengono proposti alle varie generazioni di Pixel attraverso le impostazioni di...

9 Dec 17:20 AndroidWorld 1488441783208157268.html
Tekken 7 presenta en trailer a sus tres nuevos luchadores

Bandai Namco ha presentado tres trailers de Tekken 7 con el nuevo personaje Fahkumram y anuncia fecha de llegada para Ganryu y Leroy Smith.

9 Dec 14:11 Generación Xbox 4040846039100892380.html
Fisch gehört in Weißenfels zur Familientradition

Schon jetzt herrscht ein Kommen und Gehen in der Fischerei am alten Saalearm in Weißenfels. Im Firmengebäude sortiert Annett Schemat die Matjesheringe in Plasteboxen und Steffen Reichardt belegt sie mit Röstzwiebeln. Dann werden sie mit Öl übergossen und kommen in den Verkauf. Matjes wird ebenso wie Bismarck- und Brathering von der Firma Ostseefisch geliefert. Laut Hubert Reichardt, Geschäftsführer wie sein Bruder Steffen, ist es das ganze Jahr über ein Standbein und nicht nur in der ...

9 Dec 17:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109590627002.html
Amateuristische NPO maakt potje van opvolging Eva en Pauw, komt met ingewikkelde wisselende duo’s

De NPO heeft echt een ratjetoe gemaakt van de opvolging van Eva Jinek en Jeroen Pauw. Die laatste kondigde aan ook per het einde van het jaar te vertrekken. De oplossing van Hilversum is nu om met een heel ingewikkeld rooster te gaan werken met vijf presentatieduo’s, één van elke omroep. Omroep MAX graaft wat oude lijken op, zoals Charles Groenhuijsen, en BNNVARA komt met die vervelende ‘jakhaks’ Erik Dijkstra aanzetten. Dat wordt lachen, man. Quantumfysici staan voor een raadsel: hoe kunnen er in Nederland zoveel zwarte gaten staan, maar het land tóch nog overeind blijven? Heel de landmassa, alle inwoners en ál hun financiële middelen hadden allang weggezogen moeten worden in het niets. Of naar een andere dimensie. Hoe dan ook: hoe staat dit land nog overeind, dan?! De NPO heeft die verbazingwekkende waarheid vandaag weer eens eer aangedaan, door nog weer eens te laten zien dat ze dagelijks miljoenen kijkers trekken, ondanks hun tenenkrommende gestuntel. Want aan de inzet van de publieke omroep ligt het niet:…

9 Dec 16:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610058832314404.html
A former Chelsea soccer player tried to substitute himself off after forgetting his own shirt number

Tiemoue Bakayoko had a difficult time in England with Chelsea FC.

9 Dec 11:25 Business Insider Australia 5575934300713624140.html
Mercato Roma, interesse dalla Cina per Pastore

I giallorossi per evitare una minusvalenza dovrebbero incassare un'offerta da 18 milioni

9 Dec 10:06 Forzaroma.info 1065617487340258749.html
Cincuenta disparos impactan en un recinto de conciertos horas después de que actuara Daddy Yankee

Se investiga otro tiroteo en las oficinas del representante del cantante puertorriqueño

9 Dec 13:06 Las Provincias 5471838390423526807.html
Jennifer Whalen Breaks Down Baroness Von Sketch Show

Catch up with the showrunner of everybody's favorite Canadian all-woman sketch comedy show.

9 Dec 13:45 Paste Magazine 2077921861426592404.html
Brayan Angulo sería pretendido por Santos Laguna

Sanna Marin es la primera ministra más joven del mundo.

9 Dec 14:09 Ecuavisa 4017571651249602394.html
Serial rapist Joseph McCann handed 33 life sentences after attacking 11 women and children

McCann embarked on a 'fortnight of terror'

9 Dec 14:31 Liverpool Echo 7727211172851382456.html
Schuhe in der Waschmaschine waschen: Mach ja nicht diese 5 Fehler

Du willst deine Schuhe in der Waschmaschine waschen? Dann solltest du einige Tipps und Fehler beachten. Vor allem, wenn du Turnschuhe aus Stoff wäschst.

9 Dec 15:59 futurezone.de 2257170160290083081.html
'Como enfrentei e mudei empresas poluidoras que deixaram meus filhos doentes'

John Kieti sempre verificou se as janelas e cortinas do seu apartamento estavam fechadas.E...

9 Dec 10:34 UOL Noticias 8892198861369023728.html
North Korea insults Trump as 'heedless and erratic old man' as tension rises

Pyongyang responds to tweets on denuclearization and says ‘the time when we cannot but call him a ‘dotard’ again may come’

9 Dec 13:33 the Guardian 1491978795958139664.html
Medir el deporte: El equipo imprescindible para mantener el control

La pregunta: ¿Para qué sirve un tensiómetro?

9 Dec 09:50 Informe21.com 5448175405736506453.html
EQC funds $1 million of research to reduce disaster risk


9 Dec 14:01 SCOOP 5315658998844755096.html
Baustart für Anbau an der Jahn-Grundschule in Leuna hat begonnen

In Zukunft sollen keine Lehrer mehr in den Klassenzimmern stehen, sondern Roboter und die Kinder müssen sich auch nicht mehr bewegen, sondern sitzen auf fliegenden Stühlen, die Türen öffnen sich automatisch. Überhaupt wird es in der Zukunft, wie sie sich die Kinder der Jahn-Grundschule in Leuna in 100 Jahren ausmalen, keine Hausaufgaben mehr geben und lernen muss man auch nicht mehr, weil es ein Gerät geben wird, wodurch das Wissen einfach so in den Kopf geht. Ganz so fortschrittlich wird es wohl in dem Anbau, dessen Grundsteinlegung am Freitag stattfand, nicht werden. Sicher ist, dass es dort mehr Platz geben ...

9 Dec 15:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110229175612.html
Boris Johnson criticised as row over four-year-old’s hospital treatment deepens

Jack Williment-Barr had to be covered with coats by his mother Sarah Williment to keep warm as he waited for a bed.

9 Dec 17:12 Shropshire Star 3480199992752588348.html
Reclaiming the city... Another win for the Thawra

Since October 17, Lebanon has been witness to the largest popular movement in its history, a revolution seeking to bring down a corrupt political...

9 Dec 14:10 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733140897644768.html
Corren en honor a la Guadalupana

Otilio Contreras Castro con 33.55 minutos fue el ganador de la XV Carrera de la Guadalupana de 10 kilómetros

9 Dec 15:16 SIPSE.com 4008460419122625820.html
Le pagelle di Piatek - Pum Pum trascina. Partita da giocatore vero

Il Pistolero è tornato? Se lo augurano i tifosi del Milan, rinfrancati dalla prestazione dell'attaccante polacco nella sfida del Dall'Ara. Piatek sblocca la partita su rigore, poi fa tanto lavoro per la squadra e dimostra di poter essere utile alla causa rossonera. Il fantasma di Ibrahimovic continua ad aleggiare su Milanello, l'ex Genoa risponde da trascinatore, da giocatore vero. I voti in pagella non possono che essere alti e spaziano dal 6 al 7.

9 Dec 17:36 MilanNews.it 6507305921716452437.html
Bürovermieter WeWork und weitere überreizte Einhörner

Milliarden Dollar für Startups ohne Gewinne? Dramatische Wertverluste bei WeWork und dem Vision Fund von Softbank bringen die Wagniskapitalgeber zum Umdenken.

9 Dec 11:00 Technology Review 1766193382866681351.html
Svenskmöten i tyska cupens semifinaler

Vinnaren kan höja pokalen i Hamburg. Fyra lag är kvar och semifinalparen precis lottade inför finalhelgen i DHB-pokal, skriver Handball-world. Kampen om den näst bästa tyska titeln får sin upplösning den 4-5 april. Regerande mästaren THW Kiel som slagit ut HSG Wetzlar och TBV Stuttgart bland likvärdiga ligakonkurrenter ställs då mot TBV Lemgo Lippe i […]

9 Dec 13:45 Handbollskanalen 1208046728488593331.html
Rai, di cosa parla l'intervista della Maggioni ad Assad

Tra gli argomenti principali: attacchi chimici, ricostruzione e accuse a Francia e Stati Uniti di sostenere il terrorismo islamico

9 Dec 15:13 ilGiornale.it 5019541224841010509.html
5 Zodiak Ini Diprediksi Mendapat Keberuntungan di 2020

Beberapa zodiak ini akan mendapatkan keberuntungan yang sudah didambakan.

9 Dec 17:40 liputan6.com 5422146881603115653.html
Esta app para móviles Xiaomi habilita las funciones secretas de MIUI

Por medio de una sencilla app es posible activar varias funciones secretas para móviles de Xiaomi funcionando con MIUI.

9 Dec 17:30 MovilZona 3711352297309811299.html
Five Sainik schools enroll girls, rest to join league

Government has made a provision of 10 per cent reservation for girls in such schools. The minister added, if any state felt the need for Sainik Schools they can send the proposal to the Centre.

9 Dec 12:19 The Indian Express 2885715104354754379.html
2K games establishes a new studio to create Bioshock games

There's a new caretaker of Bioshock at 2K Games.

9 Dec 13:09 VG247 6010161592635775163.html
Hallan en Londres empresa ligada a Emilio Lozoya

Lozoya, participó como accionista mayoritario en una empresa de Londres, durante 2012, cuando fungía como coordinador de vinculación internacional del EPN

9 Dec 16:30 La Razón 7608060637302092905.html
Joaquin becomes La Liga's oldest hat-trick hero, Sevilla held

At 38 years and 140 days old, Joaquin hit his first ever hat-trick and surpassed Real Madrid great Alfredo Di Stefano, whose record as the oldest scorer of one in La Liga had stood for 55 years.

9 Dec 13:37 Saudi Gazette 6913978434193373992.html
Percy Pig Advent Calendars Are Filled With Chocolate and We Might as Well Just Give Up on Life

The legendary Percy Pig has a spiffy looking advent calendar that might as well be filled with nothing.

9 Dec 17:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059000921036897.html
Verdächtige nach tödlichem Angriff in Augsburg in Haft

Nach der tödlichen Gewalttat von Augsburg hat ein Richter Haftbefehle gegen die sieben Verdächtigen erlassen. Mehrere der Verdächtigen seien bereits polizeibekannt gewesen, sagte der leitende Oberstaatsanwalt Rolf Werlitz am Montag. Gegen den Hauptverdächtigen werde wegen Totschlags und gefährlicher Körperverletzung ermittelt, sagte Werlitz.

9 Dec 14:19 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084470948061.html
Geger Penyelundupan Mobil-mobil Mewah, Modusnya buat. . .

WE Online, Jakarta - Ketua Fraksi Partai NasDem di DPR, Ahmad M Ali meminta polisi menindak tegas pelaku penyelundupan mobil mewah dengan modus baru, yakni pura-pura untuk pameran mobil.

9 Dec 15:10 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834397420924.html
Wenn die Grübelfalle uns den Schlaf raubt

Schlafen ist immer noch ein geheimnisvolles Phänomen, das man nicht allein mit Disziplin in den Griff bekommt. Es gibt handfeste Regeln, die helfen, besser zu schlafen.

9 Dec 13:28 T-Online 5460876210658468513.html
Immer betrouwbaar OM blijft er bij: écht geen politieke beïnvloeding Wilders-proces

Ondertussen, in de Bananenrepubliek Nederland

9 Dec 09:33 ThePostOnline 3048418757127608686.html
Marcus/Kevin Komentari Hasil Undian BWF World Tour 2019: Kami Siap Perbaiki Hasil Tahun Lalu

WE Online, Guangzhou, China - Ganda putra andalan Indonesia, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo memberikan komentarnya terkait hasil undian BWF World Tour Final tahun ini. Berbicara mengenai peta kekuatan lawan, Marcus menilai persaingan kali ini tidak akan berlangsung mudah, terlebih para pemain yang turun berada di level top dunia.

9 Dec 15:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834662809321.html
Mogelijk Israëlische verkiezingen op 2 maart

De twee grootste politieke partijen van Israël zijn het erover eens geworden dat op 2 maart weer vervroegde verkiezingen moeten komen als het land dan nog geen nieuwe regeringscoalitie heeft. Dat ziet er niet naar uit. Volgens de regels moet er uiterlijk woensdag om 23.00 uur (onze tijd) een meerderheidsregering zijn gesmeed, anders volgen nieuwe verkiezingen binnen negentig dagen.

9 Dec 14:54 RD.nl 6406779840807193468.html
Nets pilots pay by face

With the tagline ‘Hungry? Face it’, Nets has launched a pilot programme testing facial recognition at a cafeteria in Denamrk.

9 Dec 11:08 Finextra 6000504749582413186.html
Shuttler Kisona seals surprise gold in Sea Games

S. KISONA was only named for the Sea Games women’s singles event when defending champion Goh Jin Wei had to withdraw from the Philippines edition following a surgery.

9 Dec 15:08 NST Online 3702929169931210326.html
Virat Kohli gestures angrily as MS Dhoni chants follow Rishabh Pant’s dropped catch

Virat Kohli was not impressed when the Thiruvananthapuram crowd reacted to a missed catch by wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant by chanting MS Dhoni's name in the 2nd T20I on Sunday.

9 Dec 09:12 The Indian Express 2885715105799763203.html
Jury sworn in for trial of man accused of murdering infant son

Yusif Ali Abdi charged with killing Nathan Baraka Andrew Ali in Clane 18 years ago

9 Dec 14:25 The Irish Times 8204772967888152229.html
A former Chelsea soccer player tried to substitute himself off after forgetting his own shirt number

Bakayoko is in his second spell at AS Monaco, however, has since swapped shirt numbers — something he forgot against Amiens on Saturday.

9 Dec 12:32 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747475055180.html
A former Chelsea soccer player tried to substitute himself off after forgetting his own shirt number

Tiemoue Bakayoko had a difficult time in England with Chelsea FC.

9 Dec 11:25 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882954093132.html
El Gobierno prepara un plan para aliviar las deudas de familias con créditos UVA

El inminente gobierno de Alberto Fernández prevé aliviar la situación de las familias endeudadas en créditos ajustables por UVA, aplicando una extensión de plazos y una baja de tasas de interés, en el marco de un programa de shock destinado a fortalecer el consumo. La medida, que sería anunciada en los primeros días de la […]

9 Dec 09:00 El Eco 4177735523846050043.html
Guide: All PS4 Games with Cross-Play Compatibility

Making friends

9 Dec 09:00 Push Square 8538862518905235650.html
Curiosidade natalícia

Descubra a verdadeira história do Pai Natal.

9 Dec 15:00 Revista VIP 3507812778854212418.html
Mamangam actor Prachi Tehlan: Mammootty suggested me to watch The Crown

Television actor Prachi Tehlan is all set to make her Malayalam debut with Mammootty starrer Mamangam. The film releases on December 12.

9 Dec 12:03 The Indian Express 2885715103987756019.html
Golden snubs and surprises, including little 'Cats' love

NEW YORK (AP) - Some Golden Globe nominations seemed like locks: Joaquin Phoenix, Tom Hanks, Adam Driver and Eddie Murphy. But others were shocks, like Lupita Nyong'o not getting a nomination for "Us." Other notable snubs and surprises:

9 Dec 14:52 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636691924208.html
Akshay Kumar was the first person to know about Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s relationship

Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan were recently in the capital to promote their upcoming film Good Newwz. At the event, Akshay revealed that Kareena and Saif’s love story began almost a decade ago on the set of Tashan, where the three actors were working together and he was the first one to know about their romance.

9 Dec 17:03 Filmfare.com 6668806038000579242.html
Google Fi brings spam warnings and Wi-Fi calling to more phones

Google Fi features are rolling out to more devices

9 Dec 17:00 Google 7122920201463823394.html
The 2020s could be an apocalyptic decade for Wall Street as artificial intelligence takes over the most popular jobs in finance

The financial services industry is a popular place for job seekers, but artificial intelligence could wipe away a million banking jobs.

9 Dec 15:39 Business Insider 6060062400503628805.html
DPP GMNI Sesalkan RUU Pertanahan Masuk Prolegnas RUU Prioritas 2020

Salah satu dari RUU dalam Prolegnas 2020 ialah RUU Pertanahan yang diusulkan Partai Golkar, PPP dan PKB.

9 Dec 13:03 Tribunnews.com 3323534445241484019.html
Localizan con vida a dos de los tres jóvenes desaparecidos el viernes en Veracruz

Los jóvenes Astrid Carolina Rocas Castañeda, de 21 años y David Nieva Arizmendi, de 25 años, quienes fueron reportados desaparecidos el 6 […]

9 Dec 15:38 Notisistema 1929539244047974019.html
Le FNS recommande de nouvelles approches économiques

Le potentiel d'énergie hydraulique peut encore être valorisé. Mais le secteur est tiraillé entre les objectifs de la Stratégie énergétique 2050 et les obligations liées à la protection de la nature. Les chercheurs du Fonds national suisse (FNS) proposent des pistes.

9 Dec 17:56 www.rjb.ch 7386238341833385371.html
WATCH: OAN Begins Posting The Tinfoil-Hatted Fruits Of Giuliani’s Trip To Ukraine

We&#8217;re getting a first look at the fruits of Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani&#8217;s mission to Ukraine. One America News began...

9 Dec 15:14 Talking Points Memo 4598529367064093395.html
Retired Cop Claims NYPD Rewarded Officers for Arresting More Black Men While Avoiding ‘Soft Targets’

New York City officers were rewarded more overtime if they arrested African-American men, a bombshell declaration submitted by a former NYPD cop alleges.

9 Dec 16:45 Atlanta Black Star 3042160500644511685.html
Live-Ticker: Borussia Dortmund kämpft um letzte Chance aufs Champions-League-Achtelfinale

Borussia Dortmund gegen Slavia Prag: Es ist die letzte Chance des BVB auf das Achtelfinale in der Champions League. Verfolgen Sie das Spiel hier im Live-Ticker.

9 Dec 17:33 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238896060208.html
10 Tempat Wisata di Berlin Jerman, Penuh Nilai Sejarah

Tempat wisata di Berlin Jerman didominasi tempat yang penuh nilai sejarah.

9 Dec 13:55 liputan6.com 5422146881478213998.html
Man who threw tear gas in Wajir gets bail

His three accomplices are still at large.

9 Dec 12:55 Daily Nation 7421817124289541608.html
Sara Cerdas aborda questões do turismo, mobilidade e agricultura no Porto Santo

A eurodeputada socialista Sara Cerdas promoveu, hoje, a segunda edição do Roteiro Geração Madeira, no Porto Santo, tendo como temas “Turismo, Mobilida...

9 Dec 11:34 dnoticias 6968432066744220206.html
George & Charlotte: Die Weihnachtswünsche der Mini-Royals

Prinz George und Prinzessin Charlotte im Weihnachtsfieber.

9 Dec 13:30 www.oe24.at 1513709912369462589.html
Guardiola ya bayyana kungiyoyin da suka yiwa City zarra

Kocin Manchester City Pep Guardiola, ya bayyana wasu kungiyoyi guda 5 wadanda ya ce ko shakkah babu, tasa kungiyar ba za ta iya yin gogayya da su ba.

9 Dec 17:58 RFI 6057628069544846112.html
¿Es posible instalar temas no oficiales en el teclado Swiftkey?

El teclado Swiftkey ofrece muchas novedades como, por ejemplo, los temas originales. Aquí te contamos la verdad de los temas no oficiales.

9 Dec 10:35 Androidphoria 3647729878096098948.html
Organismos que 'comem' meteoritos podem nos ajudar a encontrar vida alienígena

Pesquisadores usaram a bactéria 'M.sedula' para revelar 'impressões digitais' microbianas, que podem ajudar na busca por vida alienígena

9 Dec 13:51 Olhar Digital 416591714755429844.html
Organismos que 'comem' meteoritos podem nos ajudar a encontrar vida alienígena

Pesquisadores usaram a bactéria 'M.sedula' para revelar 'impressões digitais' microbianas, que podem ajudar na busca por vida alienígena

9 Dec 13:51 Olhar Digital 416591714865441861.html
Angespitzt von Ulrich Reitz: Flüchtlinge, Sicherheit: SPD ignoriert Anliegen ihrer Wähler und macht großen Fehler

Saskia Esken werden inzwischen alle kennen. Aber kennen sie auch Hans-Joachim Fuchtel? Nein? Ein Fehler. Denn Fuchtel hat Esken besiegt, und zwar gleich drei Mal hintereinander.

9 Dec 13:11 FOCUS Online 4448121229962883605.html
Absuelven a los futbolistas acusados del amaño y condenan a dos exdirectivos

Hasta 36 jugadores de los clubes Levante y Zaragoza han sorteado las acusaciones por fraude deportivo por el partido disputado en mayo de 2011 

9 Dec 11:10 La Información 5328999780950045278.html
Johnson casts net for votes at fish market

Boris Johnson posed for selfies and watched a fish auction as cod and haddock were sold at Grimsby Fish Market.

9 Dec 11:34 Shropshire Star 3480199991773675208.html
Mystery Surrounds Sudden Death Of Kijana Wamalwa’s Son As Family Rubbishes Drug Abuse Claims

The late vice president Kijana Wamalwa's son, William Makali, is dead.Robert Wamalwa, the deceased's uncle, confirmed the reports saying Makali died on Sunday evening at their Milimani home in Kit

9 Dec 09:35 KahawaTungu 3304128542073343170.html
Why did the Sun publish a far-right conspiracy theory?

The tabloid swiftly deleted its dubious exclusive linking Labour to a shadowy ‘network’ of postmodern hard-left extremists, says author Daniel Trilling

9 Dec 17:29 the Guardian 1491978796053004247.html
Llegan las heladas y los incendios a territorio colombiano

El Ideam advirtió sobre la llegada de la temporada seca a mediados de diciembre. En varias regiones del país ya se registran descensos fuertes de temperaturas en las madrugadas y altas probabilidades de incendios en Guajira, Magdalena, el norte del Cesar, Bolívar y Atlántico.

9 Dec 08:43 Llegan las heladas y los incendios a territorio colombiano 830980552965657325.html
Bournemouth must face up to relegation battle, says Howe

LONDON, Dec 9 — Bournemouth have to accept they are battling to avoid relegation but are unlikely to be in a position to freshen up the squad in January despite an injury crisis at the club, manager Eddie Howe has said. Bournemouth are 15th in the Premier League on 16 points, one point above the...

9 Dec 09:32 Malaymail 302165935862772136.html
Different types of neighbors you are likely to meet in your neighborhood

Nisaidie na chumvi kidogo, yangu imeisha tu sahii!

9 Dec 12:48 Pulse Live 3606876836163856112.html
Tiga Alasan PKB Dukung Gibran Rakabuming Raka Maju Pilkada Solo 2020

Menurut Faisol, ada beberapa point alasan mengapa PKB jatuh hati kepada Gibran Rakabuming Raka

9 Dec 11:58 Tribunnews.com 3323534445377789207.html
Caen los hermanos Castillo con presunta droga y un arma en Comayagua

La Policía los señala de asesinato, tenencia ilegal de arma y tráfico de drogas.

9 Dec 09:13 Diario La Prensa 7797091974294953701.html
Ostia, volontari ripuliscono la spiaggia dai rifiuti: «Ecco l’albero di Natale della spazzatura»

Nella giornata di domenica 8 dicembre 2019 i volontari dell’Organizzazione di Volontariato per la difesa diretta della flora e fauna acquatica Care The Oceans si sono impegnati a pulire in tratto di spiaggia a Ostia, dando appuntamento alle ore 10.00 a tutti i cittadini attenti il temi ambientali e marini presso il Cippo Italcamble. La […]

9 Dec 09:28 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338722758851.html
How To Break Out Of Apple's Walled Garden

Apple has always been good at keeping people within its own little bubble. The company has strived for an insular ecosystem which can certainly make it tricky for those on the inside looking to break out. But it's by no means impossible....

9 Dec 10:40 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169550303567.html
"Powerful case" for inquiry into Birmingham pub bombings - Prime Minister

"I will look very hard at what we can do," he tells campaigns

9 Dec 13:27 birminghammail 8288260685521534230.html
Brände an Bord der ISS: Ist die Internationale Raumstation in Gefahr?

Ein Feuer auf der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS) hätte katastrophale Folgen. Daher sollen Astronauten nun mögliche Gegenmaßnahmen untersuchen.

9 Dec 08:30 futurezone.de 2257170161046283907.html
Oväntat tyskt exportlyft

Ekonomi Den tyska exporten ökade med 1,2 procent i oktober, vilket ökar sannolikheten för att Tysklands ekonomi kan växa under årets fjärde kvartal.

9 Dec 09:00 www.unt.se 8922556089585003466.html
Polícia Civil prende Major da PM condenado por produzir pornografia infantil

Policiais civis da Delegacia Municipal de Macaíba prenderam, neste domingo (8), um homem de 54 anos, major da reserva da Polícia Militar do Rio Gran

9 Dec 11:01 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061657559263.html
Barcelona pide una regulación que quite puntos por circular con vehículos contaminantes

Pere Navarro recuerda que sólo se pueden restar por conductas que pongan en peligro la seguridad vial

9 Dec 08:46 elPeriodico 7291954033300324256.html
Volcano Erupts in New Zealand, Tourists are Missing (VIDEO)

Hundreds of tourists were near New Zealand's island when a volcano erupted there, the Associated Press reported, citing country's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Some people have been injured and others are still missing.

9 Dec 10:41 novinite.com 4235039570091043879.html
Guerrero: "Estoy muy agradecido con Inter por siempre darme su apoyo"

El delantero Paolo Guerrero dedicó un conmovedor mensaje a los dirigentes e hinchas del Internacional de Porto Alegre y también llenó de elogios a sus compañeros de equipo. "En primer lugar, quiero agradecer al Club Internacional y sus funcionarios por la temporada que tuvimos. Fueron altos y bajos pero nunca desistimos y por eso estoy orgulloso de cada uno de mis compañeros por que siempre lucharon hasta el final sin excepción alguna, con mucha garra y actitud", expresó Guerrero en redes sociales.

9 Dec 15:06 Ovación 4766812596709116275.html
X Factor’s Nicole Scherzinger looks amazing as Scots rugby hunk Thom Evans supports her with cuddle amid romance rumours

NICOLE Scherzinger and Scots rugby ace Thom Evans added fuel to romance rumours as he was spotted embracing her while supporting her musical show last night. The 41-year-old X Factor judge was spot…

9 Dec 09:25 The Scottish Sun 6609127673045444433.html
Antonella Clerici parla del suo futuro in tv

Antonella Clerici parla del suo futuro in tv dopo Lo Zecchino d’Oro e i gossip sul ritorno alla Prova del Cuoco al posto della Isoardi.

9 Dec 12:18 DiLei 6707305201978015871.html
YouTube Supercuts Were All Queer Kids Had Until The L Word

The L Word was a groundbreaking show because it was the first time a show centered almost entirely around LGBTQ folks. Before that, the best option was YouTube supercuts about queer characters. The L Word: Generation Q reboot comes out this week.

9 Dec 14:00 VULTURE 2718750545043457804.html
The inside story of Germany’s biggest scandal since the Hitler diaries

The furore surrounding Der Spiegel journalist Claas Relotius is back, with a book by the colleague who exposed him

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978795811117845.html
Update auf Windows 10: Was tun bei Datenverlust? 5 Tipps, damit beim Windows-Update nichts verloren geht

Bei einem Windows-Update kann Vieles schiefgehen. Das musste jüngst auch die Berliner Polizei leidvoll erfahren. Der Daten-Profi und IT-Experte Jan Bindig erklärt, wie Sie sich vor dem Super-GAU schützen und was zu tun ist, wenn es bereits zu Datenverlust gekommen ist.

9 Dec 14:28 FOCUS Online 4448121231498855410.html
Couple conned in 'bargain' television scam at M6 services car park

Embarrassed pair said the man claimed to be a delivery driver from a discount store and the TV was well-packed and looked to be the real deal

9 Dec 08:52 birminghammail 8288260685267601657.html
Grandes empresas brasileiras que traem o Brasil, por Andre Motta Araujo

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 11:52 GGN 1188436353082457076.html
Boris Johnson says he is looking at abolishing the TV licence

The prime minister said it is not in his plan to get rid of all TV licence fees - but he is 'certainly looking at it'.

9 Dec 15:43 Metro 970161749109826223.html
Scherpe reacties op Vlaams klimaatplan: ‘Demir maakt van ons ecologisch ontwikkelingsland’

De oppositie is allerminst onder de indruk van het klimaatplan dat de Vlaamse regering maandag presenteerde. Groen noemt het ‘geheel ondermaats’, volgens S...

9 Dec 13:58 De Standaard 2288913868182560453.html
Andhra govt cancels Rs 3 crore work orders at CM's residence to ward off criticism

BJP leader Lanka Dinakar welcomed the cancellation of the order pertaining to the expenditure.

9 Dec 08:57 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362926578766.html
INS: Crestere cu 1% a castigului salarial mediu nominal brut, in octombrie

Castigul salarial mediu nominal brut a crescut, in luna octombrie fata de septembrie, cu 1%, pana la valoarea de 5.090 de lei, in timp ce salariul mediu net s-a majorat cu 1,1%, raportat la perioada de referinta, arata datele Institutului National de Statistica (INS), publicate luni.

9 Dec 09:25 Wall-Street 2473040520762272244.html
Moment an out-of-control car screeches off the road before smashing into a wall and barrel-rolling into a front yard - but the driver escapes with only minor injuries

A black Ford Focus skidded off the road, flipping through the air before landing in a garden on a 30mph residential street in Redhill, Surrey, on Saturday. Witnesses are asked to come forward.

9 Dec 12:55 Mail Online 124328112188314244.html
Il bluff delle sardine: "Non diventeremo mai un partito"

Il leader delle sardine, Mattia Santori, però si contraddice: va in piazza per Bonaccini e vorrebbe diventare assessore allo Sport nella sua città.

9 Dec 09:28 ilGiornale.it 5019541224878272239.html
Unbekannte entführen Schneekönigin in Salzwedel

Unbekannte Diebe haben die „Schneekönigin“ vom Salzwedeler Weihnachtsmarkt gestohlen. Wie die Polizei mitteilte, wurde die 1,80 Meter große und rund 70 Kilo schwere Figur in der Nacht zum Sonntag von einem Glühweinstand ...

9 Dec 14:35 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110484723720.html
Fed’s repo action for year-end crunch point oversubscribed

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s operation to inject cash into the financial system over the end of the year was oversubscribed on Monday, indicating that participants are still hungry for funding to take them into 2020.

9 Dec 16:50 BNN 3833521688593701702.html
Nemac napustio ekipu, srpska "kolonija" ostala bez trenera!

Kiparski klub će morati da potraži novo rešenje na klupi.

9 Dec 16:44 SPORTSKE NET 1397374494608179828.html
L'entrepreneur Charles Beigbeder se lance dans le coliving

Après Poweo et Navya, l'homme d'affaires lance Audacia Elévation, un fonds immobilier uniquement dédié au coliving. Son objectif: lever 50 millions d'euros d'ici à fin 2020 et ériger quatre à cinq résidences de ce genre dans les grandes métropoles.

9 Dec 16:01 La Tribune 6570267672429109924.html
Pure quel vecchio marpione di jack lang ha perso smalto - l'ex ministro francese indagato


9 Dec 11:14 DAGOSPIA 6533336738442312270.html
Alessandra Rampolla revela porqué las mujeres se quedan sin energía tras tener intimidad

Alessandra Rampolla respondió una polémica pregunta sexual formulada por una de sus seguidoras a través de su cuenta en YouTube.

9 Dec 12:45 Wapa.pe 6757287088185807211.html
Punya Rencana Naik Kapal Pesiar, Ini yang Terbaik 2019

Anda sudah berencana berlibur dengan kapal pesiar? Inilah rekomendasi kapal pesiar terbaik untuk tahun 2019.

9 Dec 09:20 detikTravel 7712517352443512601.html
Super Size Me creator Morgan Spurlock is about to ruin chicken for you forever

A food revolution is coming, and it's coming one chicken sandwich at a time.

9 Dec 11:07 Metro 970161748233746797.html
BRT, Malam Jabba references are ready: NAB chairman

The bureau

9 Dec 12:51 Dunya News 5863268919201633459.html
Panda mother rocks her two-month-old cub to sleep by simply jiggling her belly

The adorable footage shows female cub Cheng Feng lying on her stomach on top of her mother Cheng Da while dozing off in the steady rhythm at a breeding centre in Chengdu, China.

9 Dec 11:08 Mail Online 124328111146589559.html
Tolv spennende elbiler som kommer neste år

Større utvalg, flere størrelser og ulike prisklasser.

9 Dec 09:45 adressa.no 8417332407699502133.html
Here's Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's Safi'jiiva armour set bonuses

Jeff's got a nice armor set.

9 Dec 13:57 Eurogamer.net 1957885127737154574.html
Crossword blog: the New Yorker's cryptic puzzles

The New Yorker has retrieved from its archives some puzzles from its cryptic series. What do you think of them?

9 Dec 10:38 the Guardian 1491978795565844335.html
Stripper had sex with boyfriend's disabled Star Wars fan son then beheaded him

Roena Mills has been ordered to spend life behind bars after murdering boyfriend James White's son Bo

9 Dec 14:45 Metro 970161747264694566.html
Whom Does President Trump Remind You Of?

Uncouth he may be, but he’s not unfamiliar.

9 Dec 16:00 NY Times 1961078287916542581.html
Ashley Tisdale Admits She Didn't Get Along With High School Musical Co-Star Lucas Grabeel

High School Musical's Ashley Tisdale says she and co-star Lucas Grabeel didn't get on during filming the first movie.

9 Dec 11:06 SPIN South West 8165439735684531271.html
"Squadra avvisata da Giuntoli e De Matteis il giorno prima di ADL": il retroscena de Il Mattino

Interessante novità rivelata dal quotidiano 'Il Mattino' sulla famosa notte del 5 novembre, quella dell’ammutinamento dei calciatori contro il ritiro voluto dalla società

9 Dec 08:45 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079878679595.html
'Crisis' Showrunner Explains Why That Big Moment Happened Way Earlier

"Crisis on Infinite Earths" ended its universe-spanning first part with a moment that many viewers were probably expecting to happen closer towards the end.

9 Dec 11:26 TheWrap 2361432282285690183.html
Liverpool confirm 19-man squad for Champions League trip to Salzburg

Dejan Lovren and Gini Wijnaldum have been included in Liverpool’s 19-man squad for their final Champions League group game at Salzburg. The Reds need a point at least to seal a last-16 spot, while a win guarantees top spot. They’ll have to do without Fabinho and Joel Matip, who were already injured, while Adam Lallana will miss the match too after picking up a knock before the weekend. With Wijnaldum and Lovren back, Jurgen Klopp still has a strong squad to pick from, though there will be decisions to take at centre-back and in central midfield, in particular. Curtis Jones is included in the squad, however, and the young midfielder will be on the bench for the second game in succession, with third-choice goalkeeper Caoimhin Kelleher the travelling player who will not be in the matchday squad.

9 Dec 15:54 This Is Anfield 7550115575091474587.html
Amianto motiva queixa da Fenprof em Bruxelas

Sindicato acusa o Governo de não cumprir directiva comunitária. Também vão ser apresentadas acções nos tribunais nacionais.

9 Dec 14:18 PÚBLICO 2228264897496437545.html
Russia, UN, Syria Rebuild Pagan Temple of Baal in Palmyra: Third Pre-Messiah Gateway

The site hosted many monumental projects including the Temple of Bel (or Ba’al). The temple was built on the site of a prior pagan temple dating back to the third millennium BCE.

9 Dec 13:15 Breaking Israel News 540123160634738236.html
The Boys finally releases new blood-splattered trailer for season 2 after leak

The trailer accidentally came out last week ahead of schedule, but now the action-packed preview clip is here to stay.

9 Dec 11:31 Metro 970161747348028105.html
IIT-Hyderabad launches short course on ‘Nonlocal Mechanics Approaches for Modelling’, applications open

The classes will be held from February 19 to 21 and the applications for the same will be closed on December 15. The course will be co-taught by IIT-Hyderabad faculty along with renowned international faculty.

9 Dec 10:38 The Indian Express 2885715105473278408.html
Low-Res Galaxy S11 Live Images Pay Close Attention to Large Rear-Mounted Camera Hump

The Galaxy S11 live images have apparently leaked out by a tipster and given that person’s track record, it could be the real deal

9 Dec 11:42 Wccftech 3677959677965856370.html
Puppy Giorgio kwam met z’n pootjes tussen Amstelveense roltrap

AMSTELVEEN – Puppy Giorgio (zeven maanden) had vorige week zondag vreselijke pech: hij kwam met zijn pootjes in de roltrap terecht. “Zijn poten en buik zaten onder het bloed.”  De baasjes van de hond waren aan het shoppen in een warenhuis in Amstelveen. Ze liepen met Giorgio van de roltrap naar beneden. Er onstond grote …

9 Dec 10:07 RTVA 4011379848395053850.html
Nach tödlichem Angriff in Augsburg: 7 Haftbefehle

Dem 17 Jahre alten Hauptverdächtigen werden Totschlag und gefährliche Körperverletzung vorgeworfen.

9 Dec 09:44 euronews 4540914625590616439.html
Zidane da descanso a Sergio Ramos y Kroos en el partido de Champions ante el Brujas

Dos de los más habituales en las alineaciones blancas no viajarán a Bélgica para el último partido de la fase de grupos de la Liga de Campeones.

9 Dec 16:23 Cadena SER 8390941985481879063.html
Dramatischer Unfall auf der A23: Fahrzeug mit vier Insassen landet auf Dach

Bei einem Unfall auf der A23 zwischen Tornesch und Pinneberg wurden am Montagvormittag vier Männer leicht verletzt. Das Fahrzeug blieb auf dem Dach liegen.

9 Dec 13:19 TAG24 4583887874207837995.html
Militares venezolanos que se alzaron contra Maduro dejan la embajada panameña

16 militares venezolanos que se encontraban como “huéspedes” en la embajada de Panamá en Venezuela, tras participar en un fallido alzamiento en abril contra el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, abandonaron la sede diplomática, informó este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 el gobierno panameño.

9 Dec 17:11 El Comercio 2865024642011926965.html
Turkey Not in Hurry to Buy Fighters From Russia, Hopes to Get Them From US - Turkish Defence Minister

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated in November after a meeting with his US counterpart Donald Trump in Washington that Ankara might purchase US Patriot systems, but it considers the US requests to get rid of Russia's air defence systems S-400 an infringement of its sovereignty.

9 Dec 12:24 Sputniknews 967333868698026210.html
Bela Gibran, Sindir Demokrat: Gerindra Sekarang Gak Kaya yang Dulu, Cemen!

WE Online, Jakarta - Politikus Partai Demokrat Panca Cipta Laksana menyoroti dukungan Partai Gerindra kepada putra Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gibran Rakabuming Raka yang berencana mencalonkan diri di Pilkada Solo 2020.

9 Dec 08:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835854916226.html
Auch Bayern-Fussballer steigen in E-Sport ein - Fokus auf PES

Schalke 04 und andere Vereine haben es vorgemacht - jetzt steigt auch der FC Bayern München in den E-Sport ein. Auf dem virtuellen Rasen der Fussballsimulation "Pro Evolution Soccer" will der Verein k

9 Dec 11:28 GMX News 4492287763574108416.html
MASSIVE: WADA Bans Russia From All Major Sporting Events Including Olympics For 4 Years

The World Anti-Doping Agency has handed Russia a four-year ban from all major sporting events including upcoming Tokyo Olympics and 2022 FIFA Men's World Cup

9 Dec 16:52 Republic World 1282918858004042974.html
Tiba di KPK, Wapres Ma'ruf Amin Hadiri Acara Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia

Berbeda dengan Wapres Ma'ruf, Presiden Jokowi lebih memilih memperingati hari antikorupsi sedunia dengan berkunjung ke SMKN 57 Jakarta.

9 Dec 09:35 merdeka.com 1998180354279533760.html
Dragon of the sea

On December 13, 1577, Sir Francis Drake set sail on an adventure — the kind that we read about in books.

9 Dec 11:06 The Hindu 6679535026281005852.html
Afghanistan: kamikaze a bordo di furgone-bomba fa strage di soldati, 10 morti

Almeno 10 morti tra militari e paramilitari governativi è il bilancio delle vittime dopo l'attacco di un kamikaze a bordo di un furgone-bomba in Afghanistan

9 Dec 08:16 Affari Italiani 6123405402101495127.html
Agnes C. Bennett

Agnes Christine Bennett, of Poynette, passed away on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at the age of 84.

9 Dec 14:29 CHANNEL3000 830332541449514309.html
El juez absuelve a los jugadores acusados de amañar el Levante-Zaragoza

Han sido condenados dos exdirectivos del club aragonés a un año y tres meses de prisión por un delito de falsedad en el partido que se disputó en la última jornada de la temporada 2010-2011.

9 Dec 11:02 www.publico.es 99190979032667676.html
Deux orpailleurs mauritaniens tués dans une course poursuite par le Polisario

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 16:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389339070155.html
Deux orpailleurs mauritaniens tués dans une course poursuite par le Polisario

Deux orpailleurs mauritaniens ont trouvé la mort, dimanche soir, après le renversement de leur véhicule pourchassé par des éléments du Polisario, a appris APA lundi de source sécuritaire à Zouerate, dans le nord mauritanien.Les victimes faisaient partie d’un groupe de Mauritaniens qui pratiquait l’exploitation artisanale de l’or dans une zone contrôlée par le Polisario, à […]

9 Dec 16:18 Journal de Brazza 8990092585474037894.html
Deux orpailleurs mauritaniens tués dans une course poursuite par le Polisario

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 16:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388913113222.html
Taxista se mete con todo y carro a negocio

Lo chocan y se proyecta contra el inmueble; termina con lesiones

9 Dec 17:55 El Mañana 6247220757858270573.html
Netflix Releases Trailer for Ryan Reynolds & Michael Bay's Upcoming Action Flick '6 Underground'

Arriving on Netflix December 13.

9 Dec 17:01 HYPEBEAST 3806037270391463938.html
Mattarella: l'evasione fiscale è indecente, problema culturale

"L'evasione fiscale &egrave; l'esaltazione della chiusura in s&eacute; stessi, dell'individualismo esasperato. &Egrave; un problema...

9 Dec 15:19 Affari Italiani 6123405403568904971.html
Policía dispersa y detiene a mujeres que representaban la performance feminista de LasTesis en Turquía

Centenares de personas llegaron a una plaza de Estambul a representar la obra del colectivo chileno. Las participantes fueron disgregadas por las fuerzas policiales y arrestadas por el delito de "insultar al Presidente y degradar a las instituciones del Estado".

9 Dec 13:38 Emol 3328490601379535552.html
Saudijska Arabija ukinula odvojene ulaze za žene i muškarce u restoranima

Restorani u Saudijskoj Arabiji više neće morati da imaju odvojene ulaze za žene i muškarce, saopštilo je...

9 Dec 14:00 N1 Srbija 7797130865383700493.html
George H.W. Bush grandson to enter Texas congressional race

Pierce Bush, the grandson of the late President George H.W.

9 Dec 13:30 TheHill 355432918743374571.html
El difícil panorama que enfrenta la UC con sus candidatos para reemplazar a Gustavo Quinteros

Entre los nombres que tiene en carpeta la UC, la mayoría exhibe obstáculos para llegar a San Carlos. Complican la dura competencia y los contratos vigentes.

9 Dec 10:00 Publimetro Chile 2498685481810732886.html
Ant McPartlin and Anne-Marie Corbett enjoy date in Oz ahead of I'm A Celeb final

The I'm A Celeb presenter enjoyed a well-deserved afternoon away from the jungle as he treated his girlfriend Anne-Marie to a takeaway lunch date

9 Dec 15:04 Irish Mirror 2875825628483205258.html
'Manchester City draait vierkant, maar bij De Bruyne loopt het net beter dan ooit'

Wat is er toch aan de hand met Manchester City? Na puntenverlies tegen Newcastle United (2-2) ging de Engelse landskampioen zaterdag onderuit tegen stadsrivaal Manchester United (0-2). Daardoor bedraagt de achterstand op koploper Liverpool FC nu al veertien punten. Het draait vierkant bij City, al komt dat niet door Kevin De Bruyne.

9 Dec 16:55 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216435032322.html
Se incendia Hotel en Valle de Bravo

El accidente ocurrió esta mañana

9 Dec 08:39 Milenio 4240839409504966759.html
Peter Purves left 'stunned' after being dropped as commentator for Channel Four's Crufts

The former Blue Peter presenter spoke on Good Morning Britain about the decision to let him go and admitted "I was very shocked."

9 Dec 11:06 Wales Online 7686550517260794920.html
Herzogin Meghan spendete Essen vom "Suits"-Set

Ein bislang unbekanntes Foto zeigt Herzogin Meghan in einer Küche für Obdachlose in Toronto. Damals stand sie noch für die Anwaltsserie "Suits" in Kanada vor...

9 Dec 12:22 VIP.de 2239798195002932749.html
Fest: Asch feiert neues Zentrum mit Hülenzauber

Asch feiert neues Zentrum mit Hülenzauber

9 Dec 17:56 swp.de 6929179441834205879.html
Contre la surveillance génomique

Il suffit d'avoir accès aux profils génétiques de 2 à 5 % d'un groupe de population pour espérer pouvoir déployer une forme de surveillance génétique de ce groupe, rappelle Yves Moreau, professeur de bio-informatique et spécialiste de la génétique à l'université catholique de Louvain, dans Nature.

9 Dec 10:05 Next INpact 808704267606860026.html
Homens armados assaltam pizzaria e ameaçam clientes

De acordo com informações de pessoas que estavam no local, os assaltantes eram de origem venezuelana e estavam de bicicleta

9 Dec 16:07 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549147052380.html
Ulta Beauty: A Truly Beautiful Story For Investors

The company's financial performance was solid during the quarter, driven by new product management.Skincare and fragrance were particularly strong, in our view.With shares reacting well to the earning

9 Dec 13:00 Seeking Alpha 5725634557547435174.html
La Agencia Antidopaje excluye a Rusia de las competiciones internacionales durante 4 años

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) ha excluido a Rusia de las competiciones internacionales, incluido los Juegos Ol&iacute;mpicos, durante un plazo de ...

9 Dec 12:41 naiz: 7509038603513490553.html
Fabiana Britto sposata? Chi è il misterioso marito imprenditore

La showgirl Fabiana Britto si sarebbe sposata in gran segreto: chi è il misterioso marito imprenditore, l'identikit tracciato dalla moglie.

9 Dec 16:36 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927379553311.html
Mondovì: il CFP CeMon presenta il nuovo corso tecnico specializzato in ospitalità turistica (FOTO e VIDEO)

L'iniziativa, che scatterà a gennaio 2020, è rivolta a un numero massimo di 18 iscritti ed è gratuita, poiché finanziata mediante il Fondo Sociale Europeo 2014-2020 dalla Regione Piemonte

9 Dec 17:45 Targatocn.it 7367208849693147783.html
5 gadget imperdibili a tema The Joker | Cultura Pop

The Joker: gadget ed accessori perfetti per gli appassionati di uno dei nemici di Batman più conosciuti ed iconici! Dallo scalda collo alla felpa passando per l'action figure dedicata!

9 Dec 12:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147068994222980.html
All northbound lanes of Highway 73 at Tobacco Road open after of vehicle crash

All northbound lanes of Highway 73 at Tobacco Road outside Cambridge are open after a vehicle crash, according to a news release.

9 Dec 14:21 CHANNEL3000 830332542528513618.html
Middle East’s popular singing trio performs at DECC

Doha: Three of the Middle East’s most popular singers — Rahma Riad, Fahad Al Kubaisi, and Omar Al Abdallat — continued the Qatar Live series of concerts last night with a glittering performance at Doha Exhibition and Convention Center (DECC) to hundreds of residents and visitors.

9 Dec 08:04 The Peninsula 1202843883000767069.html
Ligan objeciones en TMEC por EU-China

El vecino del norte pretende evitar la llegada de acero de otras regiones del mundo, sobre todo de Asia; México en desventaja por no ser productor de aluminio, afirman

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060638753054810.html
PUBG is testing a new system to stop safe zone camping

That act of camping may be technically legal in PUBG, but it makes for a boring game overall. The PUBG team is looking to nip that problem in the bud, as they’ve begun testing a new mode called Blu…

9 Dec 16:00 Critical Hit 8797780292650722163.html
Blessure buiten het veld: Witsel is geopereerd aan zijn gezicht na een val

Axel Witsel komt dit jaar niet meer in actie voor Borussia Dortmund. De middenvelder is geopereerd aan zijn gezicht na een val bij zijn thuis.

9 Dec 13:26 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217122822577.html
Senado pode votar Pacote Anticrime ainda neste ano

Agência Brasil Na reta final dos trabalhos antes do recesso parlamentar, senadores tentam um acordo para conseguir votar o Pacote Anticrime (Projeto de Lei 10.372/18) ainda neste ano. Aprovado pela Câmara dos Deputados na última quarta-feira (4), o pacote reúne parte da proposta apresentada no i

9 Dec 09:30 Terça Livre TV 3346245884179199171.html
‘Gamified learning’: Game-based pilot for young farmers launched

A gaming pilot programme to raise co-operative awareness among young farmers through "gamified learning" resources .

9 Dec 17:24 AgriLand 974043784461905892.html
Caicedo citado este lunes a audiencia de imputación de cargos por megabiblioteca

La audiencia está prevista para las 2:00 de la tarde en el tercer piso del edificio Galaxia.

9 Dec 15:38 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586197441987.html
Amazing Spider-Man 2 Concept Art Reveals Early Version of Peter's Suit

Ironhead Studio has revealed early art for an early version of Peter Parker's suit from 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

9 Dec 09:12 CBR.com 1295516961793023617.html
US-Präsident Donald Trump will ans WEF fliegen

Bereits zum zweiten Mal will Donald Trump am World Economic Forum in Davos teilnehmen – wenn die Innenpolitik nicht dazwischenkommt.

9 Dec 11:00 20 Minuten 5741369452509626214.html
Kindergarten in Modulbauweise: Pfiffikus lebt an neuer Stelle wieder auf

Der Bad Boller Kindergarten lebt in Raummodulen an neuer Stelle wieder auf. So wurde kurzfristig auf den steigenden Bedarf reagiert.

9 Dec 17:11 swp.de 6929179440247100787.html
EUR/USD keeps highs as Eurozone Dec Sentix Investor Confidence beats estimates with +0.7

Investor confidence in the Eurozone improved sharply in December amid looming US-China trade tensions and German recession, the latest data published

9 Dec 09:32 FXStreet 4480975639170249092.html
Cate Blanchett, 10ma nomination ai Golden Globe

A tre giorni dall’uscita nelle sale italiane di 'Che fine ha fatto Bernadette?' di Richard Linklater, Cate Blanchett ha ottenuto la nomination come Miglior Attrice Protagonista in una Commedia/Musical ai Golden Globe 2020. L’attrice due volte Premio Oscar, ha ottenuto nella sua carriera dieci nomination ai Golden Globe, vincendo per ben tre volte l'ambito premio assegnato dalla giuria della Hollywood Foreign Press Association (Elizabeth, Io non sono qui, Blue Jasmine).

9 Dec 16:33 Adnkronos 2840063643756144193.html
It may not be HQ2 but AOC declares victory and trolls Amazon over New York expansion

Can we call it HQ1/2?

9 Dec 17:37 Tech Xplore 4945708898156613109.html
My father is not Courtney Walsh, says leg-spinner Hayden Walsh

Cricket News: "People, my father is not Courtney Walsh," is what Hayden Walsh has to keep reminding anyone who thinks that he is a progeny of one of West Indies' pa

9 Dec 08:24 The Times of India 6060938663532244061.html
Sowore: APC Blasts PDP, Atiku For Condemning Activist’s Re-Arrest

The APC has berated the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for attacking the Department of State Services (DSS) over a court invasion. 

9 Dec 08:03 Concise 5544636823554581273.html
Igralski svet pretresla smrt igralca: To je strahotna izguba

V 80. letu starosti je v soboto umrl ameriški igralec Rene Auberjonois, znan predvsem po vlogi v televizijski seriji Zvezdne steze. Kot je za portal Entertainment Weekly sporočil igralčev sin Remy ...

9 Dec 11:22 Slovenske novice 5901956562035853132.html
Francesco Renga in concerto a Trieste: info e scaletta

Le informazioni e la scaletta del concerto di Francesco Renga al Politeama Rossetti di Trieste.

9 Dec 15:29 Sky TG24 1131381333628067280.html
The Apple TV remote is so bad that a Swiss TV company developed a normal replacement

A Swiss TV company made a replacement Apple TV remote with normal buttons.

9 Dec 15:19 The Verge 1337119304947620844.html
E-Mobilitätszentrum in Salzburg eröffnet

In der Mooncity können sich Besucher über alles rund ums Elektroauto informieren.

9 Dec 16:56 auto.oe24.at 242456959972607577.html
Bollywood Freak DJ Bravo Confesses His Love For Shah Rukh Khan & Deepika Padukone

West Indies cricketer-turned-musician Dwayne John Bravo -- aka DJ Bravo -- who is in India for a multi-city musical tour with his Champion team and for his new track "The Chamiya Song" says that he ca

9 Dec 14:22 Koimoi 5184275670204538753.html
Google impide que Fortnite llegue de forma oficial a la Play Store

La “guerra” entre Epic Games y Google continua, y esta vez es Google el que “golpea”.

9 Dec 14:45 unocero 8149134707597786705.html
Kartik Aaryan: I Have Been In A Relationship And Got Attracted To Someone Else

Kartik Aaryan is indeed in a happy place as both his work and love life are in the headlines! In his recent tete-a-tete with a media portal, when Kartik was quizzed if he has been attracted to someone else, while being in a relationship, he actor rather gave a startling reply and said Yes.

9 Dec 10:02 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244308857490.html
Statul chinez va elimina toate echipamentele informatice străine

China a ordonat ca toate echipamentele informatice şi software-urile străine să fie eliminate din birourile guvernamentale şi instituţiile publice în următorii trei ani, potrivit Financial Times.

9 Dec 17:17 adevarul.ro 4510521626147278092.html
BMW Group Romania are un nou CEO

BMW Group Romania are un nou director general, pe Dr. Josef Reiter, care a preluat functia la inceputul lunii decembrie.

9 Dec 15:32 Wall-Street 2473040520686522403.html
Fibra, líquidos y ejercicio contra las hemorroides

El estreñimiento, el alcohol y las comidas especiadas empeoran la inflamación de las venas del ano.Y ante el sangrado hay que descartar siempre que la causa no sea únicamente las almorranas

9 Dec 16:18 elPeriodico 7291954034854532049.html
Big change in number of children arrested in Lancashire

Arrests of children in Lancashire have been reduced by 81 per cent in eight years.

9 Dec 11:45 Lancashire Post 6469275855846668971.html
Lutz Hiller: "The Voice Senior"-Kandidat erleidet Herzinfarkt während Vorbereitung auf Show

Am Sonntagabend haben die ´Sing Offs´ der Sat1-Castingshow ´The Voice Senior´ stattgefunden - nicht dabei: Punkrocker Lutz Hiller aus Verden. Der 62-Jährige, der in der Show von Sänger Sasha gecoacht wird, erlitt während der Vorbereitung auf die Show einen Herzinfarkt.

9 Dec 12:09 FOCUS Online 4448121230634435652.html
Top 5 gift ideas in the Amazon Last Minute Christmas deals event

Amazon's Last Minute Christmas deals are live now and these are the best ones if you are looking for a Christmas gift

9 Dec 12:54 T3 267522093203712606.html
SEA Games 2019: Tim Bowling Indonesia Melampaui Target dan Jadi Juara Umum

Tim bowling Indonesia menjadi juara umum SEA Games 2019 dengan meraih empat medali emas, dua perak, dan satu perunggu.

9 Dec 13:35 liputan6.com 3414318496301627610.html
Nordman till Vara konserthus

Nordman är tillbaka – i år firar de 25 år med albumet ”Tänk om” som släpptes i oktober. I vår väntar en omfattande Sverigeturné med konserter där Mats Wester och Håkan Hemlin berättar sin händelserika historia varvat med musik. Den 18 mars kommer de till Vara konserthus.

9 Dec 11:03 Skövde Nyheter 3976647604021939592.html
'Discussed weather': Ajit Pawar on public chat with Fadnavis post BJP-NCP fall

Fadnavis had on November 23 returned as chief minister propped up by Ajit Pawar, who was made his deputy.

9 Dec 17:56 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363521233547.html
China's Pig Herd Rises for First Time in a Year in November

China's pig herd increased by 2% in November compared with the prior month, the agriculture ministry said on Monday, the first increase in a year.

9 Dec 10:47 Successful Farming 8502642053375192393.html
Polizei sucht Zeugen nach Überfall auf Bäckerei-Mitarbeiter in Freiburg

Ein Unbekannter überfällt in Freiburg einen Bäckerei-Mitarbeiter mit einem Messer &#8211; und erbeutet Tageseinnahmen mehrerer Filialen. Der Überfall endete erst in Emmendingen. Die Polizei sucht...

9 Dec 12:01 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426438655187.html
Wall Street starts new week on back foot

Wall Street's main indexes started the first day of the week in with modest losses as investors refrain from making large bets while waiting for fresh

9 Dec 14:43 FXStreet 4480975639438887567.html
The goals keep coming for the Irishman who's the top scorer in English football

Eoin Doyle took his tally of goals to 18 in just 17 League Two games this season for Swindon Town.

9 Dec 12:13 The42 5369852629846783616.html
You need to watch Netflix's Norwegian rom-com series Home For Christmas

We are obsessed.

9 Dec 10:08 Metro 970161749069695640.html
Google kündigt neue Funktionen für Pixel-Smartphones an

Google hat neue Funktionen für  Smartphones der Google-Pixel-Familie bekannt gemacht. Von einigen habt ihr bestimmt schon gehört, da sie ...

9 Dec 15:38 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574511611553.html
BVB-Schock! Witsel fällt nach kurioser Verletzung aus

Mittelfeldspieler Axel Witsel von Borussia Dortmund fällt nach einem folgenschweren Sturz im eigenen Zuhause bis Weihnachten aus. Der belgische Nationalspieler habe bei dem Zwischenfall eine Gesichtsverletzung erlitten und sei bereits operiert worden, teilte der BVB am Montag mit.

9 Dec 12:56 sport.de 3321967093102882851.html
Immobili non residenziali: compravendite verso la svolta?

In Italia esistono 4,1 milioni di immobili per attività direzionali, terziarie e produttive sui 64 milioni presenti sul territorio. Con questi numeri

9 Dec 15:21 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260604762118.html
Pep Guardiola encourages Man United star Fred after being racially abused

Pep Guardiola offers Man United star Fred words of encouragement. The Brazilian was racially abused during Red Devils' victory over Man City. English FA are investigating the matter in a bid to punish the offender.

9 Dec 12:44 Legit 3764253649400976553.html
Japdeva prepara un segundo recorte de 400 trabajadores para diciembre

Unos 800 empleados postergaron decisión de salida para agotar posibilidades de quedarse. Entidad portuaria acordó que operará a futuro con apenas 300 funcionarios de los 1.200 que tenía

9 Dec 16:13 La Nación 504134874612005595.html
Germania, pompiere aggredito e ucciso da una banda di ragazzi: tra loro un 17enne italiano

Un vigile del fuoco di 49 anni è rimasto ucciso ad Augusta, in Baviera, in una rissa mentre tornava con la moglie e una coppia di amici da un mercatino di Natale. Dagli sviluppi delle indagini è emerso che anche un giovane italiano sarebbe coinvolto nella vicenda. Si tratta di Alessio L., 17 anni.

9 Dec 16:43 fanpage.it 1517332168205922147.html
'Great player' - Nottingham Forest fans issue transfer statement after Jack Colback development

Nottingham Forest transfer news | Jack Colback's Newcastle future looks decidedly bleak as the winter transfer window edges closer, and Reds fans have been having their say

9 Dec 12:51 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701686861094.html
El cambio importante que sufriría la Superliga colombiana

Presidente del América habló del tema.

9 Dec 16:05 El Tiempo 1091719938660976101.html
Rick and Morty Recap: Bros Rescue Dragons

Morty makes a simple deal with Rick, which gets decidedly more complicated once a vindictive wizard enters the picture. A recap of “Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty,” episode four of season four of “Rick and Morty” on Adult Swim.

9 Dec 16:52 VULTURE 2718750543766173939.html
Xiaomi Youpin teases product launch, possible new alarm clock - Gizmochina

Xiaomi Youpin is teasing a new device launch, and from the poster, it seems like it's going to be some sort of alarm clock.

9 Dec 08:40 Gizmochina 1751854816318015580.html
Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019 winner

"I want children to look at me and see my face and see theirs reflected in mine," Miss South Africa Zozobini Tunzi said before her win.

9 Dec 16:52 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441668133607.html
Vendita alcolici, torna l’obbligo di denuncia fiscale

MACERATA - Un recente decreto legge ha ripristinato la disposizione che era stata abrogata nel 2017

9 Dec 13:45 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195035037791.html
El Tribunal Supremo francés rechaza el recurso de Karim Benzema sobre su imputación

La decisión judicial podría conducir a Benzema a sentarse en el banquillo de los acusados por su presunta implicación en un intento de chantaje a su entonces compañero de selección Matthieu Valbuena.

9 Dec 13:46 Cadena SER 8390941985768556121.html
JxCat amaga con un retorno de Puigdemont a España si la Justicia europea le reconoce la inmunidad

El expresident y Quim Torra evitan dar una rueda de prensa, tal y como había anunciado el partido, y comparecen Laura Borràs, Albert Batet y Eduard Pujol

9 Dec 15:10 eldiario.es 4752673445847698945.html
Suaminya 'Tersangkut' Kasus Dirut Utama Garuda, Iis Dahlia Beberkan Fakta Lewat Instagram, Ini Kata Pengamat Penerbangan

Tercatat, suami Iis yang bernama Satrio Dewandono adalah pilot pesawat Airbus A330-900 Garuda Indonesia pembawa barang diduga selundupan itu.

9 Dec 17:41 grid.id 586386474691578075.html
A gigantic asteroid will fly over the Earth during the Holidays

Asteroid collisions happen only once very 100000 years

9 Dec 11:44 Wales Online 7686550517194475875.html
Kremlin spreekt van ‘anti-Russische hysterie’ na dopingschorsing Rusland

De beslissing van het Wereldantidopingagentschap (Wada) om Rusland vier jaar uit te sluiten van belangrijke internationale sportevenementen getuigt van een...

9 Dec 15:22 De Standaard 2288913868881730603.html
Musso: "Scelto Udine perchè la proposta bianconera mi piacque molto, De Paul inoltre mi parlò benissimo di questa piazza e aveva ragione"

Attraverso i canali ufficiali dell'Udinese Juan Musso ha risposto alle domande arrivate per lui dai tifosi bianconeri:

9 Dec 17:05 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194411514323.html
Kena Mobile: ritorna la promo del primo mese gratis nei punti vendita

Kena Mobile ha lanciato di nuovo la promo del primo mese gratis per i nuovi clienti nei punti vendita Kena aderenti

9 Dec 16:10 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461749218290248.html
Drugssmokkelaar op station Bad Bentheim met ruim 5000 euro aan marihuana gepakt

Een 25-jarige Duitser is zaterdag in de trein van Nederland naar Duitsland door de grenspolitie op het station van Bad Bentheim gepakt. In de rugzak van de smokkelaar zat een plastic zak met ongeveer 520 gram marihuana.

9 Dec 10:34 RTV Oost 6509131170659227901.html
Ankara: Zahvaljujući Rusiji broj napada Kurda je manji

MOSKVA - Rusija nastoji da se smanji broj napada kurdskih snaga u bezbednosnoj zoni na severu Sirije, saopštio je danas turski ministar obrane Hulusi

9 Dec 10:16 Krstarica 4176903988705943862.html
Lanzan temporada de verano de Expediciones Yabotí

La alternativa turística “Expediciones Yabotí” que nació el año pasado en la localidad de San Pedro y tiene como finalidad ofrecer a los turistas la posibilidad de conocer en profundidad las maravillas naturales que...

9 Dec 17:45 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724688520386.html
Wifi: router o modem, ecco la differenza

Wifi. La connessione serve ormai a tutti senza differenze, anche se ne esiste una. Modem o Router. Nell'articolo vi spieghiamo cosa sono e quale device è più appropriato.

9 Dec 16:45 tecnoandroid 2573257128259781825.html
Preview: Dinamo Zagreb vs. Manchester City - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews Dinamo Zagreb's meeting with Manchester City in the Champions League, including a prediction, team news and predicted lineups.

9 Dec 16:00 Sports Mole 7750663362416924585.html
Dem Counsel in Impeachment Hearing Begins with 'My Young Son' Story

Berke invoked his young son as he began his opening statement in the House Judiciary Committee's second impeachment hearing.

9 Dec 15:36 Breitbart 3148363491702765582.html
Tassi negativi, di chi è la colpa? La risposta in un grafico che mostra una correlazione sbalorditiva

Sono aumentati dai minimi registrati ad agosto i rendimenti delle obbligazioni sovrane della zona euro ma rimangono fermamente in territorio negativo. Di chi è la colpa? E’ opinione diffusa puntare …

9 Dec 16:24 FinanzaOnline 6528634128384080028.html
Jean-Talon et ses contradictions

Les politiciens sont parfois prompts à attribuer une victoire électorale à un projet en particulier.

9 Dec 10:00 Le Journal de Québec 6825713738550961544.html
Neuer EU-Aussenbeauftragter wirbt für "Sprache der Macht"

Selbst spielen oder lieber das Spielfeld bieten? Nach Ansicht des neuen EU-Aussenbeauftragten Josep Borrell müssen die EU-Staaten entscheiden, welche Rolle Europa in der Weltpolitik einnehmen soll. Er selbst plädiert für mehr Machtbewusstsein.

9 Dec 14:25 bz BASEL 5287163742436339875.html
Johnson's Brexit fight and NHS waiting times 'cover up' lead the papers

The future of Brexit and last-ditch voting drives for the leaders of the major parties dominate the front pages of most of the nation’s newspapers to kick-off election week. The Daily Mail and The Daily Telegraph lead off with Boris Johnson’s rallying cry to Leave voters ahead of Thursday’s election.

9 Dec 08:06 ITV News 2184971258340909795.html
Sjajne vesti, Danska bolja od Holandije!

Odlična igra Dankinja i pobeda protiv Holandije.

9 Dec 11:51 SPORTSKE NET 1397374494668182548.html
Los Arreola responden a Elena Poniatowska

El 23 de noviembre, Excélsior publicó una entrevista con la escritora respecto de su libro El amante polaco.

9 Dec 17:14 Excélsior 859179359681740953.html
Video tutorial on how to play retro video games with a Raspberry Pi

In this video from Pi My Life Up you’ll learn how to install and use software called RetroPie on a Raspberry Pi. RetroPie lets you emulate a bunch of different game platforms, like Atari 2600…

9 Dec 17:33 Boing Boing 4601305169006344215.html
"Marriage Story" arrasa con seis nominaciones a los Golden Globes 2020

La lista completa de nominados a los Golden Globes 2020 ya fue rebelada y el filme dramático "Marriage Story" es el favorito a llevarse 6 estatuillas.

9 Dec 11:44 Publinews 8987875304106484470.html
Rangers vs Celtic: Ex-Hoops ace Stephen Crainey accuses Gers of lack of sportsmanship

EX-CELTIC ace Stephen Crainey has accused Rangers of a lack of sportsmanship during yesterday’s Betfred Cup Final. The former Hoops left-back – now Fleetwood Town’s U-23 coach – t…

9 Dec 12:59 The Scottish Sun 6609127673962154848.html
Este mapa interactivo te muestra la historia del plano del Metro de Nueva York como nunca antes la habías visto

Los mapas de metro suelen esconder multitud de detalles. Son fascinantes para quienes aman los mapas en general y, sobre todo, para los que abordan el...

9 Dec 09:00 Genbeta 6187700363058866666.html
Bis 2025 erste schadstoff-neutrale Hauptstadt der Welt

Kopenhagens ehrgeizige Umweltziele: bis 2025 erste schadstoff-neutrale Hauptstadt der Welt

9 Dec 13:00 euronews 4540914626930996257.html
How to set up a smart home security camera

Keeping tabs on what's going on in your home is easier than ever these days thanks to the proliferation of Wi-Fi security cameras. We explain how to set one up and get notifications and video on your phone - wherever you are.

9 Dec 12:25 Tech Advisor 6450858318157047515.html
Greta Thunberg, Megan Rapinoe, and Rudy Giuliani made Time magazine's Person of the Year shortlist for 2019, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Time magazine's 2019 Person of the Year will be announced Wednesday on the "Today" show. Last year's winner were a group of journalists.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:16 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757452139321.html
Ruby ter: "Barbara Guerra minacciava Berlusconi. Diceva che avrebbe mostrato video se non avesse pagato"

In aula parla l'architetto Ivo Redaelli, che si definisce amico dell'ex premier

9 Dec 12:20 L'HuffPost 5315551422365474923.html
Rate cap: Who between governor and banks will blink first?

Njoroge has a tough task of ensuring that in post rate capping regime, Wanjiku is protected from ravenous lenders

9 Dec 12:17 Daily Nation 7421817125598543137.html
The Amazing Story Of How One Man's Fib Created A Nintendo Empire

The lie that gave birth to Bergsala

9 Dec 16:30 Nintendo Life 5246707019799202243.html
Brnabić: Argentina ne menja stav o Kosovu

BEOGRAD - Argentina neće mijenjati svoj principijelni stav kada je riječ o nepriznavanju jednostrano proglašene nezavisnosti Kosova, rekao je argentinski šef diplomatije Felipe Sola na sastanku sa premijerom Srbije Anom Brnabić u Buenos Ajresu.

9 Dec 17:58 Nezavisne novine 4209150642098223447.html
Vlasnici postavili skrivenu kameru pa se iznenadili šta radi njihov pas

Sigurni smo da se svaki vlasnik pita što to radi njegov pas kada kod kuće ostane sam.

9 Dec 14:48 Nezavisne novine 4209150642427133248.html
Netflix Has Scrapped Its Free 30-Day Trials Because You're a Cheap Arsehole

Netflix is either making another seemingly anti-consumer move, or there's enough people playing silly buggers to warrant the decision.

9 Dec 10:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001807989920.html
Paddy McGuinness stuck in a rut in BTS look at Top Gear Christmas special

The team are headed to the Himalayas.

9 Dec 14:14 Metro 970161747323761730.html
Mattress thieves: why light-fingered hotel guests are now a very big problem

Luxury hotels have always had to contend with toiletries and even the odd bathrobe being pilfered. But now thieves are suddenly much more ambitious

9 Dec 13:17 the Guardian 1491978795294293919.html
NHS staff in Wales can get free Uber rides or Uber Eats meals this Christmas

The offer is available during Christmas week (December 23-27) when doctors, nurses and support staff continue to work around the clock

9 Dec 13:13 Wales Online 7686550516183717344.html
A Gas Explosion in an Apartment Building Killed Seven People in Slovakia

At least seven people were killed and more than 40 were injured in yesterday's gas explosion in a 12-floor apartment building in the Slovak town of Prešov, police and fire officials said. One person is still missing.

9 Dec 11:13 novinite.com 4235039570896634999.html
The two Man City stars Solskjaer told his Man Utd side to target at the Etihad

A tactical masterclass...

9 Dec 16:58 Metro 970161748404451451.html
Lebanon’s Greek Orthodox Archbishop: Country Ruled by One Person, Armed Group

Sharp remarks by Greek Orthodox Archbishop Elias Aude on Sunday sparked a wave of counter reactions among Lebanon’s political and religious figures.   Aude celebrated a mass in downtown Beirut, marking the 14th anniversary of the assassination of law

9 Dec 08:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932799754037.html
Ayushmann Khurrana & Karan Johar To Team Up For Dharma Productions' Next?

Ayushmann Khurrana is reportedly all set to team up with Karan Johar, for Dharma Productions next venture. Read on...

9 Dec 11:59 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245377089263.html
Mann ersticht Frau auf offener Straße in Stuttgart

Eine Frau ist in Stuttgart auf offener Straße niedergestochen worden. Sie kam mit lebensgefährlichen Verletzungen in eine Klinik , wo sie wenig später starb. Der mutmaßliche Täter wurde festgenommen.

9 Dec 09:56 T-Online 5460876210899723934.html
Handy anonym orten? Diese Optionen gibt es und so kannst du dich schützen

Handys orten geht auch anonym. Welche Methoden es gibt und wie es dabei um die rechtliche Lage steht, verraten wir dir.

9 Dec 13:48 futurezone.de 2257170159448360443.html
Tassia collapse building death toll rises to 10 after 4 more bodies found

NAIROBI, Kenya, Dec 9- The death toll from the building that collapsed in Tassia Estate in Embakasi Constituency has risen to 10 after more bodies were - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 08:58 Capital News 7605153804271827870.html
Crane collapsed after being hit by APL container ship in Antwerp VIDEO

Container ship APL MEXICO CITY broke off her mooring at Doel, Antwerp, in the afternoon Dec 9, drifted across harbor and contacted DP World pier crane. Crane, thankfully unmanned at the time, colla…

9 Dec 15:49 Maritime Bulletin 5669213277253204285.html
Sacerdote oficia misa BORRACHO en Veracruz y ofrende a los feligreses (VIDEO)

En redes sociales circula un video en el que un sacerdote ofici&oacute; una misa en aparente estado de ebriedad que trat&oacute; mal a una ni&ntilde;a durante la misa y ofendi&oacute; a los feligreses (VIDEO).

9 Dec 12:20 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624360526869.html
Mum accused of giving son Tyler Peck drugs claims witnesses 'bribed' to tell lies

Holly Strawbridge, aged 34, said in interview that the 15-year-old friend's were offered money after his death

9 Dec 17:05 DevonLive 2469244512255549500.html
La huelga del transporte vuelve a bloquear Francia en pleno pulso por la reforma de las pensiones

Los paros provocaron hasta 600 kilómetros de atascos en las rutas de entrada a París en plena hora punta de la mañana

9 Dec 11:41 EL PAÍS 2207347711194421589.html
Tampil Cetar Membahana Saat Hadiri Event GUCCI Bergengsi di Jepang, Luna Maya Kenakan Outfit Senilai Rp 157 Juta dari Ujung Rambut sampai Kaki

Selain dikabarkan sedang bertemu dengan teman dekatnya, Ryochin, Luna Maya juga tampak menghadiri event bergengsi milik brand kenamaan GUCCI.

9 Dec 15:58 grid.id 586386474055346266.html
Mirante torna giovedì nella lista Uefa

La Roma, l’11 novembre scorso, ha inviato la documentazione  chiedendo la sua sostituzione con Fuzato, in panchina il 28 novembre a Istanbul nella sfida contro il Basaksehir

9 Dec 08:12 Forzaroma.info 1065617487272625138.html
Nintendo: Neue Indie-World-Präsentation am Dienstag

Fans der Nintendo Switch - oder von Indie-Spielen aufgepasst! Am Dienstag, den 10. Dezember um 19:00 Uhr, wird eine neue ...

9 Dec 16:31 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574948324970.html
Dugo nošenje visokog repa ima posljedice

Visoki rep je frizura za ležerne i svečanije prilike. Iako izgleda dobro, te je kosa zategnuta, često i nije najbolji izbor zbog težine koja može uzrokovati glavobolju.

9 Dec 08:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150641481936607.html
Kim Kardashian isn’t changing her Christmas decorations so chill

The cotton wool Christmas trees are staying put.

9 Dec 16:16 Metro 970161748869315326.html
Saudi gunman complained about nickname ‘Porn Stash’ given by Pensacola flight instructor

The Saudi national who opened fire at a Navy base in Florida was outraged at his peers who slapped him with the nickname “Porn Stash.”

9 Dec 15:27 Washington Examiner 4625792331727530547.html
US, Saudi Arabia try to throw off 'Wahhabi-linked' mess they created

Desperate times call for desperate measures, as the saying goes. The phrase is thought to have originated from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates'...

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808148350315.html
Francia sigue sumida en el caos por el conflicto de las pensiones

El país se prepara para una nueva jornada de paros y movilizaciones tras un lunes negro en el transporte parisino

9 Dec 09:42 elPeriodico 7291954035068838945.html
Los obispos celebraron la solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción

El domingo 8 de diciembre, los obispos argentinos celebraron la solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción en sus respectivas diócesis. Asimismo, los prelados dieron inicio al Año Mariano Nacional que se extenderá hasta el 8 de diciembre de 2020, con motivo de los 400 años del hallazgo de la sagrada imagen de la Virgen del Valle en Catamarca....

9 Dec 12:48 aica.org 5568670711629016360.html
Reconocimiento de imágenes para contar chistes sobre lo que vemos

Cuando parece que ya lo hemos visto todo en el mundo de las apps, llega una como PhotoJoke, una aplicación para móviles que usa un sistema de reconocimiento de imágenes para contar chistes de lo que

9 Dec 17:00 WWWhat's new 8390364462167856075.html
Puigdemont baraja un adelanto electoral para impedir el pacto de ERC con Sánchez

La previsión entre los fieles a Puigdemont de JxCAT consultados es que ERC no aguantará esta presión y se plegará a sus designios. La convocatoria sería después del 19 de diciembre

9 Dec 14:48 El Confidencial 6129807548759760274.html
Tasse su zucchero, plastica, IMU e cuneo fiscale: governo Conte allo sbando totale

Manovra di bilancio scritta, riscritta e ancora rivista. Non si capisce più nulla su chi e cosa pagherà e da quando nel 2020. Il governo Conte è in totale stato confusionale.

9 Dec 14:34 InvestireOggi 7231367744064718513.html
Real Madrid Krisis Bek Kiri, Siapa 'Dikorbankan'?

Kemenangan atas Espanyol menyisakan pekerjaan berat bagi pelatih Real Madrid, Zinedine Zidane. Sebab, Zidane harus menemukan solusi dari krisis pemain di posisi untuk posisi bek kiri

9 Dec 15:01 Bola.net 5489959028632624179.html
Tahun Depan, BI Mau Pangkas Lagi Suku Bunga Acuan?

WE Online, Labuan Bajo - Bank Indonesia (BI) menyatakan siap menurunkan suku bunga acuannya BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate demi mendongkrak perekonomian di tengah tantangan ketidakpastian ekonomi global di tahun depan.

9 Dec 08:51 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834879091872.html
Pollak: Airman Mohammed Haitham, Muslim-American Patriot and Hero | Breitbart

Airman Mohammed Haitham, who died saving others at NAS Pensacola, was the best of America, a Muslim patriot. He will not have died in vain.

9 Dec 13:23 Breitbart 3148363491580069935.html
Acusados de torturar y matar a una menor discapacitada, cerca del juicio

Por Carlos Cardozofojacero@elterritorio.com.ar Según determinó la investigación, antes de ser asesinada Raquel Dos Santos (17) fue torturada: la ataron de pies y manos, la golpearon y hasta la quemaron con cigarrillos. La joven, quien era...

9 Dec 16:00 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724942152982.html
Boris Johnson Ready For 12 December Elections

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was nervous about his narrowing lead in opinion polls ahead of Thursday’s election but pledged to deliver a “transformative” Brexit on Jan. 31 that would allow lower immigration. The 12 December election will decide the fate of Brexit and the world’s fifth largest economy with a stark choice […]

9 Dec 09:20 iAfrica 8834711025086914256.html
Inside the I'm A Celebrity wrap party: Chloe Madeley steals Jacqueline Jossa's crown as husband James Haskell calls Caitlyn Jenner his 'jungle wife' while stars let their hair down at boozy bash

The festivities were underway at this year's I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! as the cast popped bottles of champagne and partied as their time in the jungle came to an end.

9 Dec 12:25 Mail Online 124328110756531635.html
Camila Cabello deleita en Instagram con CANDENTE fotografía

Camila Cabello, se prepara para su nueva gira "Romance Tour", y ya tiene listas un gran n&uacute;mero de sorpresas para sus admiradores

9 Dec 16:40 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623126172059.html
Roy Keane aims dig at Tottenham after Man United’s derby triumph

Roy Keane has aimed a dig at Tottenham Hotspur after Manchester United's 2-1 victory over Manchester City in the derby at The Etihad on Saturday. The Red

9 Dec 08:00 The Sport Review 4306357846803923707.html
Sportitalia - Gattuso molto vicino al Napoli: possibile accordo già dopo il Genk, i dettagli

Il Napoli può puntare su Rino Gattuso nel caso in cui dalla proprietà dovessero decidere per un cambio allenatore.

9 Dec 14:29 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080598781351.html
'Blue and White are acting like amateurs'

Former Kadima minister Haim Ramon criticizes Blue and White for 'amateurism,' says they 'failed twice,' 'need to separate.'

9 Dec 08:49 Israel National News 5374683669729612990.html
13 Great Car Modifications of Terrible Taste

These car modifications might have been a good idea in someone's head, but they were definitely not meant to be on the highway.

9 Dec 15:30 Interesting Engineering 7328942541456799328.html
Napoli-Genk, giornata decisiva per la vendita: al momento gremita solo la Curva B

Prosegue a ritmo molto lento la vendita dei biglietti per Napoli-Genk che si disputerà al San Paolo domani alle ore 18.55.

9 Dec 11:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080592907298.html
Aramco erreicht Emissionsvolumen von 29,4 Milliarden Dollar

Der Börsengang des weltgrößten Ölkonzerns Saudi Aramco erreicht den Angaben einer der begleitenden Banken zufolge das Weltrekord-Gesamtvolumen von 29,4 Mrd. Dollar (26,50 Mrd. Euro).

9 Dec 13:32 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083157004978.html
Aston Martin annonce une collaboration avec Airbus

Aston Martin Lagonda et Airbus dévoileront début janvier le fruit d'un an de travail de collaboration. Le géant de l'aéronautique et la branche luxe d'Aston Martin, Lagonda, n'en disent pas plus, mais Aston Martin avait déjà dévoilé des travaux sur un véhicule volant en juillet 2018.

9 Dec 10:40 Caradisiac.com 930406529483988719.html
'Brahmastra': Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Amitabh Bachchan starrer gets postponed yet again; here's the new rumoured release date

Filmmaker Ayan Mukerji is all set to treat the audiences to a fantasy-action drama 'Brahmastra', starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan

9 Dec 12:07 The Times of India 6060938662860357075.html
"Star Trek"-Star erliegt Lungenkrebs

Seine Dauerfehde mit dem Ferengi Quark ist bei "Star Trek"-Fans legendär. In der Reihe "Deep Space Nine" mimt René Auberjonois den Formwandler und Sicherheitschef der Station Odo. Doch auch aus zahlreichen anderen Serien und Filmen kennt man den Schauspieler. Nun ist er mit 79 Jahren gestorben.

9 Dec 10:39 n-tv 6802689755598851756.html
Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2 verzögert sich

Die Pipeline Nord Stream 2 soll russisches Erdgas durch die Ostsee nach Deutschland befördern. Eigentlich sollten die Leitungen bis Jahresende verlegt werden. Doch nun verzögert sich das Projekt.

9 Dec 15:00 n-tv 6802689755249896540.html
Knallhardt kjør mot Høie i luftambulansesaken

Helseminister Bent Høie (H) kjente til tekniske utfordringer med luftambulansens fly i august, men sier det ikke var disse problemene som skapte helgens krise.

9 Dec 15:47 TV 2 8210067769773117753.html
You Choose Your Team Of The Week

The match of the weekend was played in Durban, between Kaizer Chiefs and Bloemfontein Celtic. A frantic end-to-end encounter saw Serbian sharpshooter, Samir Nurkovic, score the first hattrick of the season. The Glamour Boys maintained their 10 point lead

9 Dec 13:46 Soccer Laduma 3901337371174279987.html
Nokia Does Smart TVs Now

While terms like '3310' and 'Snake' come to mind when Nokia is mentioned, that may be about to change. The smart phone company is getting into the smart TV game. Well, it's letting its name be slapped on one at the very least....

9 Dec 10:13 Gizmodo AU 3183561246702579261.html
Yellow Cake Is A Lower Risk Investment In The Uranium Industry

Yellow Cake is trading at a discount to net asset value and the company has communicated it will rely on share buy-backs if the discount persists.The annual holding cost is expected to be relatively l

9 Dec 14:30 Seeking Alpha 5725634556280417737.html
10 Video YouTube Terpopuler di Indonesia

Berikut ini 10 video yang paling banyak ditonton, dikomentari, dan dibagikan oleh orang Indonesia pada tahun 2019.

9 Dec 12:00 liputan6.com 3414318496519005654.html
Upon Further Review: Jones, Packers keep momentum going with win over Washington

What we learned from the Green Bay Packers' 20-15 win over the Washington Redskins on Sunday.

9 Dec 16:34 FOX Sports 4135141643171708452.html
Pace fiscale, ultimo giorno per saldare il debito con rottamazione ter e saldo e stralcio

Lunedì 9 dicembre è l'ultimo giorno per pagare la rata in scadenza della pace fiscale: il termine riguarda sia la rottamazione ter che il saldo e stralcio. La scadenza, in realtà, era fissata al 30 novembre, ma essendo un sabato e grazie alla proroga di cinque giorni per i ritardatari, si è arrivati così al 9 dicembre.

9 Dec 12:55 fanpage.it 1517332168289396647.html
Tommy Ford cruises in giant slalom for first career World Cup win

Tommy Ford cruised across the finish line, glanced up at the scoreboard and immediately pumped his right glove. It was simply the start of the celebration

9 Dec 10:43 The Japan Times 6673764366596524293.html
Asosiasi Proyeksi Aturan Teknis PP E-Commerce Rampung Awal 2020

Pembahasan PP e-commerce melibatkan banyak kementerian seperti Kemendag, Kemenkeu, Kominfo hingga Kemenko Perekonomian.

9 Dec 08:00 Katadata News 179777405711074014.html
Find The Best Exits Along Your American Road Trip With This App

I’m a tremendous fan of a good road trip. I’ve driven across the U.S. on three separate occasions, and love the experience of taking in all the oddities and experiences you get to have along the way....

9 Dec 09:20 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168473205095.html
Lizzo Twerked In A Thong At A Lakers Game

Lizzo sat courtside at a Lakers game and twerked in a thong.

9 Dec 14:38 College Candy 8831971930953438480.html
In First Meeting With Putin, Zelensky Plays to a Draw Despite a Bad Hand

The presidents of Ukraine and Russia met face-to-face for the first time, seeking to end the war in their border region. It appeared to be a draw, rather than the Putin domination some had feared.

9 Dec 12:48 NY Times 1961078288524262073.html
Sanna Marin of Finland to Become World’s Youngest Prime Minister

At 34, Ms. Marin will head a coalition made up of five parties, in a government led by women.

9 Dec 10:36 NY Times 1961078289119403690.html
Regionalliga: TSG Balingen unterliegt mit 0:4 gegen den FC Astoria Walldorf

Enttäuschte Kreisstädter machten sich in Walldorf auf den Weg Richtung Kabine, begleitet von nasskaltem Dauerregen. Das Wetter bildete aus TSG-Sicht den passenden Rahmen zur 0:4-Pleite in der Kurpfalz.

9 Dec 08:44 swp.de 6929179440456538584.html
Netflix revela tráiler de la cinta de Pedro Infante protagonizada por Omar Chaparro

Este lunes la plataforma Netflix reveló el tráiler de “Como caído del cielo”, cinta mexicana que se basa en la vida y temas de Pedro Infante, pero que causó gran controversia tras darse a conocer que sería Omar Chaparro quien protagonizaría el proyecto. En la trama, Chaparro personifica a Pedro Guadalupe Ramos, un imitador de […]

9 Dec 12:13 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490038339159912.html
Il salasso di Natale della Raggi: strisce blu a pagamento anche per i residenti

Le nuove regole per i parcheggi sulle strisce blu entreranno in vigore in via sperimentale dal 13 dicembre al 6 gennaio su viale Libia e viale Eritrea, nel II Municipio. Ma i residenti sono già sulle barricate: "Una vergogna"

9 Dec 13:45 ilGiornale.it 5019541225107318559.html
La verdadera disuasión militar de Israel son sus misiles

Cuando el ex jefe de personal de las FDI, Gadi Eisenkot, dijo que “Israel es un país imbatible”, es seguro que se refería a sus misiles.

9 Dec 12:15 Noticias de Israel 5887715890054187148.html
RM164m monsoon aid allocation to be distributed to rubber smallholders, tappers

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — An allocation of RM164 million will be distributed to 274,639 rubber smallholders comprising 255,997 business owners and 18,642 rubber tappers through the 2019 Monsoon Season Aid programme. According to Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, aid of RM600 per...

9 Dec 14:22 Malaymail 302165935913765766.html
Realističniji Bitmodži? Snapchat Cameo koristi Deepfake tehnologiju

SnapChat će uskoro dodati novu mogućnost koja će vam omogućiti da se realistično, kao nikada do sada, ubacite u neki video ili GIF. Cameo je u stvari alat koji vaš lice lepi na digitalizovano telo.…

9 Dec 14:38 PC Press 681412282306715880.html
Did Ford Make A Mistake Killing America's Focus?

The Ford Focus Active was going to be the last variant of the Focus available on the US market, but the Tru...

9 Dec 16:00 CarBuzz 4034462236197883105.html
Kaleidoskop: 5 Kasus Kematian Bayi Paling Mengenaskan Tahun 2019

Berikut ini beberapa kasus penganiayaan bayi hingga tewas pada tahun 2019.

9 Dec 08:40 parenting 8028540700944329889.html
Abraham emerges as Chelsea’s talisman

Tammy Abraham has emerged as Chelsea's talisman thanks to a breakthrough season that has taken his side to the brink of the Champions League last 16.

9 Dec 11:02 The Guardian 7580308504601375125.html
Indian women's football team clinches third successive SAG gold, beats Nepal 2-0

Football News: The Indian women's football team won its third consecutive gold medal at the South Asian Games after beating hosts Nepal 2-0 in the summit clash on Mo

9 Dec 12:55 The Times of India 6060938664260651378.html
Dure aankoop Club Brugge overtuigt maar niet: 'Mogen we niet meer verwachten?'

Ondanks de leidersplek in de competitie en de mogelijke Europese overwintering zit men bij Club Brugge niet zonder zorgen. De Bruggelingen lijken met een spitsenprobleem te zitten. Zo kan vooral topaankoop David Okereke amper overtuigen.

9 Dec 11:15 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216005613710.html
Girl trafficked 25 years ago urges police to trace her parents

She settled at Kanchivanam in Tamil Nadu, and attended ‘Spandana’ programme

9 Dec 15:40 The Hindu 6679535026207751281.html
Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije: Branko Stefanović nije ni vlasnik niti je zaposlen u GIM-u

Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije saopštila je danas da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića, nije ni vlasnik ni

9 Dec 09:45 Krstarica 4176903989531312847.html
NEW DATA: Behind The Consumer’s Surging Interest In Mobile Card Apps

The Bridging The Gap: Mobile Card App Adoption Report examines how consumers are turning to smartphone apps and features to track and manage their account use.

9 Dec 09:02 PYMNTS.com 7357138825328912583.html
Minecraft adds PlayStation 4 cross-play, joins Xbox One and other platforms

Minecraft Bedrock has expanded to PlayStation 4 consoles, welcoming cross-platform multiplayer, purchases, and progression with Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, mobile, and more.

9 Dec 15:36 Windows Central 7807657680648172316.html
Paul Volcker, the towering former Fed chairman and economist, has died at age 92, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker has died. Volcker helped to rein in the US's persistent inflation problem and reset the economy.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:59 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757091557878.html
Danilo Barcelos não deve permanecer no Vasco

O lateral-esquerdo Danilo Barcelos, que pertence ao Atlético-MG, não deve permanecer no elenco do Vasco da Gama para 2020.

9 Dec 11:09 Vasco Notícias 1167013066084529279.html
Brief Battles Brings Butts, Pants And A Cast Of Indie Stars To Switch In February

Crossovers with Yooka-Laylee, World of Goo and more

9 Dec 13:00 Nintendo Life 5246707019042452432.html
Mona Singh To Exchange Wedding Vows With An Investment Banker In December; Puts Shoot Schedule On Fast Track To Avail Shaadi Ki Chutti

Known to keep her personal life under wraps, actress Mona Singh finally reveals that she is tying the knot to a South Indian, investment banker. Jassi Jaissi Koi Nahin fame actress will be taking the plunge in December and hence is busy finishing her shoot for her ongoing TV show, Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain

9 Dec 08:20 SPOTBOYE 1547816858023355988.html
Jenke von Wilmsdorff privat: Was denkt seine Frau über die Extrem-Experimente im TV?

Bekannt wurde Jenke von Wilmsdorff durch die Sendung "Extra", wo er für Birgit Schrowange als Reporter und Autor tätig ist. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehörte es, in außergewöhnliche Berufe zu schlüpfen, weltweite Krisengebiete zu bereisen und tragische Geschichten zu dokumentieren. 2012 wurde er für sein Projekt, in dem Jenke in die Rolle einer alleinerziehenden Mutter schlüpft, mit dem Medienpreis ausgezeichnet. Heute sorgt er vor allem mit seinen waghalsigen, teils verrückten Experimenten für Aufsehen.

9 Dec 17:25 news.de 5126378978011694324.html
Jest decyzja WADA. Rosja wykluczona z rywalizacji na cztery lata

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku w związku z aferą dopingową w tym kraju - poinformował rzecznik prasowy WADA. Rosyjska reprezentacja nie wystąpi też podczas piłkarskich mistrzostw świata w Katarze.

9 Dec 11:40 Polskie Radio 2539990556974761253.html
The cult of Hideo Kojima

Death and Stranding in Singapore.

9 Dec 08:00 Eurogamer.net 1957885127295952755.html
Monza, esordio in campionato per l'ex Milan Gabriel Paletta

Ha vestito la maglia del Milan in due parentesi: nel 2014-2015 collezionando 14 presenze e dal 2016 al 2018 registrando 30 presenze, 2 gol e la vittoria della Supercoppa Italiana. Stiamo parlando di Gabriel Paletta, ex difensore rossonero e della nazionale italiana. Dopo l'esperienza al Jiangsu Sunig, il difensore italo-argentino è tornato in Italia, al Monza con cui ieri ha esordito in campionato nella vittoria contro la Giana Erminio.

9 Dec 15:12 MilanNews.it 6507305922584384274.html
"Original Play" mit Chance aufs "Goldene Brett"

Der Verein "Original Play", in dessen Kursen fremde Erwachsene mit Kindern rangeln, hat Chancen auf das "Goldene Brett vorm Kopf". Auf der am Montag bekannt gegebenen Shortlist für den "Negativpreis für den größten unwissenschaftlichen Unfug des Jahres" stehen weiters die deutsche Homöopathie-Firma Hevert und der deutsche Lungenfacharzt Dieter Köhler. Verliehen wird der Preis am Freitag in Wien.

9 Dec 10:55 NÖN.at 2486998932552831281.html
Barcellona, Messi non convocato per la sfida con l'Inter

Con la qualificazione agli ottavi e il primo posto già al sicuro il tecnico Valverde lascia a casa il fuoriclasse argentino

9 Dec 14:33 Repubblica.it 8208867270083792259.html
As the Founders Depart, There’s a Real Opportunity in Alphabet Stock

With the company's founders stepping back, CEO Sindar Pichai could have more freedom to unlock some of the underlying value in Alphabet stock.

9 Dec 14:11 InvestorPlace 24614510679515934.html
Conte a Inter Tv: "I calciatori vogliono vivere partite così. Diamo tutto quello che abbiamo"

Antonio Conte, tecnico dell'Inter, ha espresso le sue sensazioni sul match di domani contro il Barcellona anche ai microfoni di Inter Tv: "Sarà assolutamente una grande notte, i...

9 Dec 13:08 FcInterNews.it 7848284892345727684.html
Campur Aduk Perasaan Ruselli Hartawan Setelah Raih Medali Perak SEA Games 2019

Ruselli mengaku kecewa, tapi juga bersyukur setelah kalah di final bulutangkis perorangan SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:22 Bola.com 1695722603586278144.html
Celtic-Amsterdammer Frimpong gaat viral met ontwapenend interview: "Oh my days!"

Graag jullie aandacht voor Jeremie Frimpong: de geboren Amsterdammer spendeerde een aantal jaren in de jeugdopleiding van Manchester City, vertrok deze zomer naar Celtic en is blijkbaar al prima ingeburgerd in Schotland. Zondag won hij zijn eerste prijs met The Bhoys, die aartsrivaal Rangers FC versloegen in de League Cup-finale. Met zijn ontwapenende interview na afloop veroverde de rechtsback vele voetbalharten. "I'm over the moon, oh my days!" Heerlijk! Frimpong veroorzaakte na een uur spelen - vlak nadat Christopher Julien Celtic aan een voorsprong had geholpen - een strafschop en kreeg rood. Doelman Fraser Forster stopte de inzet van Alfredo Morelos echter en Celtic trok de voorsprong over de streep.

9 Dec 17:07 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883320425840.html
Don't have magic wand to revive Pak cricket: Misbah

Pakistan's head coach and chief selector Misbah-ul-Haq has hit back at criticism of the under-performing national team, saying he does not have a magic wand to revive its fortunes instantly and will

9 Dec 12:14 Deccan Herald 2027555797921138135.html
Alleged Samsung Galaxy S11 leaks in especially grainy hands-on images

The first hands-on image leak of the Galaxy S11 has now surfaced with plenty of .jpg being added to really get you second guessing what it could be.

9 Dec 10:36 9to5Google 6197440879866863193.html
How to watch Gremlins for free

How to watch Gremlins online, on TV or on any mobile device - and for free!

9 Dec 16:16 Tech Advisor 6450858318631045895.html
Marsch witzelt über Haaland-Hype

Der US-Amerikaner spricht über die Transfer-Gerüchte des Wunderknaben:

9 Dec 16:42 www.laola1.at 837519017891701431.html
Darum sorgt Martinez' klares Foul für Streit

Ein spielentscheidender Elfmeterpfiff in Gladbach gegen den FC Bayern samt Platzverweis wird von den Münchnern klaglos akzeptiert, während es abseits des Platzes ausufernde Debatten darüber gibt. Derweil kursiert während des Spiels in Berlin das Gerücht, die Torlinientechnologie sei ausgefallen.

9 Dec 09:16 n-tv 6802689755085262319.html
Some online speculation about Trevor Deely's disappearance is "outrageous", sister says

The sister of Trevor Deely has said some of the online speculation about her brother's disappeara...

9 Dec 10:34 Newstalk 7635722259707053265.html
Defectors transferred votes to BJP in a big way

Through the campaign for bypolls in Karnataka, strategists kept their fingers crossed over transfer of votes. For, in several constituencies, there had to be significant transfer of votes in favour of

9 Dec 16:45 The Hindu 6679535024374060660.html
Trascinata per i capelli, presa a sprangate e derubata: incubo per la 24enne

Sedriano, colpi di spranga e furto dell'auto, incubo di una 24enne sotto casa: nel veicolo sangue e siringhe. Il responsabile sarebbe un albanese

9 Dec 15:50 ilGiornale.it 5019541225921082437.html
China ataca ahora a Trump con HP, Dell y Microsoft para evitar nuevos aranceles

Pekín y Washington parecen cerca de un pacto, pero la desconfianza entre sus gobiernos les lleva a adoptar medidas para protegerse por si fallan.

9 Dec 11:38 La Información 5328999782882972151.html
Vandali pričinili štetu na vozilima u arapskom kvartu istočnog Jerusalima

Izraelska policija je danas saopštila da su vandali probušili gume na 160 vozila i ispisali sprejom poruke "Arapi jednako neprijatelji" u palestinskom

9 Dec 17:55 Krstarica 4176903988555638886.html
4-year-old twins free selves, climb to safety after crash in Washington

SEATTLE - Washington state authorities say 4-year-old twins freed themselves from their car seats and climbed an embankment seeking help following a car cra

9 Dec 16:00 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244184265550.html
Demand for climate action at heart of Scottish Greens’ campaign

The Scottish Greens’ manifesto has also put a Green New Deal at its centre.

9 Dec 13:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773418689150.html
Derby County have been linked with these 12 players ahead of January transfer window

Latest Derby County transfer news | A regularly updated list of all the players linked with a move to Pride Park ahead of the fast-approaching January transfer window

9 Dec 17:55 Derbyshire Live 9061707930389498143.html
Jokowi Sentil Basuki: Ayam di Rest Area Kok Itu-itu Lagi

"kita lihat kalau rest area itu pasti isinya kalau kopi ya kopi itu, kalau ayam ya ayam itu, nggak usah saya sebutkan saya kira Bapak Ibu tahu semuanya"

9 Dec 09:36 detikfinance 4442190000886679136.html
Aya Kanai Replaces Anne Fulenwider as Marie Claire Editor

Anne Fulenwider is stepping down at the end of the year to launch a women’s health business. 

9 Dec 16:35 WWD 5490910668597618627.html
Susanna Reid drives viewers wild with her busty display on Good Morning Britain

"She knows how to keep the male viewers!"

9 Dec 14:49 Entertainment Daily 8392972517111075645.html
Meet life-size models of Waipara’s giant penguins

9 December 2019

9 Dec 14:19 SCOOP 5315658999796372053.html
Small business hiring slow, likely to remain so, reports say

NEW YORK (AP) - Two reports last week show that small business hiring still lags behind the strong job growth reported at larger companies, and that owners are unlikely to increase their staffs significantly in 2020.

9 Dec 15:33 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637198081105.html
Falleció la profesora y periodista Asalia Venegas

Roberto Malaver informó la muerte de la profesora

9 Dec 14:52 Últimas Noticias 6811287210640944557.html
Hechos para vivir solo en la Tierra

El premio Nobel de Física, Didier Queloz, da sus razones para pensar así

9 Dec 15:45 Primera Hora 5092966653996920029.html
14-jarige kleindochter van Eddy Merckx moet twee jaar chemotherapie ondergaan

Athina Merckx, de 14-jarige kleindochter van ex-wielrenner Eddy en dochter van Axel, moet twee jaar lang chemotherapie ondergaan. Dat schrijft haar moeder ...

9 Dec 14:28 Gazet van Antwerpen 7356764476748555681.html
El acusado del asesinato de Ana Enjamio niega haberla matado

Afirma que se enteró por sus compañeros de la muerte y que se quedó

9 Dec 12:57 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069476194165294.html
Elon Musk cleared in 'pedo guy' defamation trial

Tesla CEO said his faith in humanity is restored.

9 Dec 13:15 Fox News 7362823819762798642.html
Cong, JDS disqualified in people's court: BJP

Expressing joy over BJP's stellar performance in the Assembly by-elections in Karnataka, the party's state chief Nalin Kumar Kateel on Monday said Congress and JD(S) have been "disqualified" in the people's court.

9 Dec 15:04 Deccan Herald 2027555797888799332.html
Presidente de Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel prosigue visita a Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, -El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, cumple hoy una visita a Argentina, a donde llegó la víspera para participar en la asunción de Alberto y Cristina Fernández.   ‘Ya llegamos a la amada Argentina, primera Patria del Che, para asistir a la toma de posesión de Alberto y Cristina Fernández. Viva Latinoamérica unida’, … Seguir leyendo Presidente de Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel prosigue visita a Buenos Aires →

9 Dec 13:50 La Demajagua 796151392088256763.html
Atlantis Attacks: Jeehyung Lee Variant Teases a Cold War (Exclusive)

CBR presents an exclusive first look at Jeehyung Lee's variant cover for Marvel's Atlantis Attacks #1, by Greg Pak and Ario Anindito.

9 Dec 13:12 CBR.com 1295516962772247368.html
How to Use a Camera to Measure Foot-Candles of Light for Houseplants

Do you love both photography and houseplants? If so, did you know that you can easily use your camera to measure the intensity of the light falling on your plants? In the United States, optimal light intensity for houseplants is often discussed in foot-candles (and for those of you more familiar with lux, 1 foot-candle is about 10.76 lux).

9 Dec 17:44 Petapixel 4288413232748382609.html
Los beneficios que entrega la billetera digital a las pymes

Es rápida, segura y ayuda a cuidar el medioambiente, pues reduce el uso de papel.

9 Dec 12:14 La Cuarta 7037280507209554908.html
Leonardo Ponzio fue absuelto en el juicio por arreglo de partidos en España

El juez condenó a dos directivos acusados de ofrecer dinero a sus rivales del Levante para que se dejen perder y eviten el descenso del Zaragoza. Qué pasó con los otros argentinos involucrados.

9 Dec 11:22 Todo Noticias 8077539162050206856.html
AEX levert nipt in op rode beursdag

De Europese aandelenbeurzen zijn maandag overwegend in het rood geëindigd. Ook de AEX-index in Amsterdam leverde in, zij het maar nipt. Beleggers deden het rustig aan na de stevige winsten van afgelopen vrijdag. Een onverwachte sterke daling van de Chinese export in november zorgde daarbij voor enige koersdruk.

9 Dec 17:46 RD.nl 6406779840748338672.html
SAS tar i bruk bredere flytype

Her er det nye langdistanseflyet til SAS. Flyet ble avduket i København i dag og SAS tar med dette opp konkurransen med selskaper som flyr Boeings Dreamliner.

9 Dec 15:39 NRK 3631390765735254433.html
Fiumicino, la licenza è sospesa ma il tassista picchiatore continua a lavorare

Intanto il tassista violento continua a lavorare. I colleghi fanno sapere che dal giorno della rissa si è visto poco. Ma affermano: “È una testa calda”

9 Dec 14:22 ilGiornale.it 5019541224445430564.html
La movilización persiste en Irak tras asesinato de un activista

El asesinato de una figura del movimiento de protesta el domingo 8 de diciembre del 2019 por la noche en Irak no frenó las movilizaciones populares contra el poder y la influencia iraní, en las que han muerto ya más de 450 personas desde el primero de octubre.

9 Dec 10:32 El Comercio 2865024641042022724.html
Luca Argentero derubato in casa, i ladri rubano il Telegatto. Lo sfogo su twitter

Luca Argentero ha denunciato sui social di essere stato derubato. «I ladri che mi sono entrati in casa e mi hanno rubato il Telegatto meritano una giustizia karmica esemplare. Perché il...

9 Dec 09:50 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447417770773.html
Jaipur: Several cinemas stop screening ‘Panipat’ after protests over Maharaja Surajmal’s portrayal

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said people’s sentiments should not be hurt.

9 Dec 16:06 Scroll.in 8669301692528749019.html
Lost your spare car key? Your claim might just get rejected

You insure your vehicle so that you can get financial assistance in case of repair services, an accident or any such eventuality. However, there are some situations wherein the insurer can reject your vehicle insurance claim. One of the major ones is the absence of all keys

9 Dec 15:57 Business Today 1145527432786611201.html
24 urenstaking in gevangenissen vanaf woensdagavond “onvermijdelijk”

De christelijke en socialistische vakbonden roepen op tot een 24 urenstaking in alle gevangenissen vanaf woensdag 11 december 22 uur. De vakbonden hadden vorige week al gedreigd met de actie, maar ...

9 Dec 14:10 HLN 8967494997423559972.html
2019 Science Forum shines spotlight on local tech

The science and innovation ministry wraps up 5th Science Forum, which focused on taking local innovations to market.

9 Dec 08:27 ITWeb 642894138496262544.html
China ordena remoção de computadores e software estrangeiros

Decisão do Governo chinês sobre escritórios governamentais e instituições públicas surge após medida dos EUA de banirem aquisição de equipamentos da Huawei.

9 Dec 10:56 SÁBADO 5711459690948739923.html
"Marriage Story" geht als Favorit ins Rennen

Vor gut zwei Wochen kam es in Deutschland in die Kinos, inzwischen läuft das Drama bereits bei Netflix: "Marriage Story" ist für sechs Golden Globes nominiert. Überhaupt könnte Netflix zum großen Gewinner werden.

9 Dec 13:27 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270263636407.html
Centrales obreras esperan que anuncio de ZESE no quede en promesas en Norte de Santander

Una de las bondades de esté régimen es la simplicidad para que las empresas puedan acceder al beneficio de ZESE

9 Dec 11:01 W Radio 7724358829631258825.html
Diablo 4: Blizzard sta provando nuovi interessanti approcci al PvP | Game Division

Durante una recente intervista il co-fondatore di Blizzard ha affermato che il team di sviluppor sta provando nuovi approcci al PvP di Diablo 4.

9 Dec 14:26 Tom's Hardware 6640147068989437949.html
Blow for Man Utd as touted transfer target could pen new contract with PL rivals

Red Devils linked with swoop for star man...

9 Dec 11:01 CaughtOffside 8169236757815009819.html
Brasileiro consome o dobro de sal recomendado pela OMS

Ingestão excessiva provoca hipertensão, uma das principais desencadeadoras de doença renal crônica

9 Dec 08:09 Folha Vitória 4941883426692340878.html
DVB T2: italiani costretti ad acquistare nuove televisioni e decoder

Il nuovo standard di digitale terrestre sta per arriva in Italia, ma alcuni consumatori non sembrano essere contenti.

9 Dec 10:55 tecnoandroid 2573257126417963236.html
China Fires Another Salvo as the Trade War Kicks into High Gear – Orders Government Offices to Purge Western Tech

China is planning to purge all public offices of foreign-sourced technology in a policy that has come to light only recently.

9 Dec 15:34 Wccftech 3677959678508423854.html
King of Cards Adds a Fun Card Game on Top of Everything That Already Makes Shovel Knight Great

Shovel Knight: King of Cards is the perfect reason to jump back into Yacht Club Games’ ever-expanding shovel-verse.

9 Dec 15:20 Kotaku UK 2577526045520627033.html
Comparecerá fiscal ante congreso por la tarde

Chihuahua.- En punto de las 17 horas, el fiscal César Peniche Espejel, estará compareciendo ante el congreso del estado. La comparecencia será en el piso 18 del congreso del estado, y por el momento...

9 Dec 15:07 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558441902134.html
Apple Maps Crimea controversy continues with European Parliament letters

There's no sign yet of the Apple Maps Crimea controversy dying down anytime soon. Apple last month started showing Crimea as Russian territory ...

9 Dec 13:36 9to5Mac 8219339160684920929.html
Drei Menschen in Polen mit Axt getötet

Ein 18-jähriger Schüler aus Polen wird verdächtigt, seine Eltern und seinen kleinen Bruder mit der Axt getötet zu haben.

9 Dec 09:14 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567902369325.html
3 Healthcare Stocks to Buy and Never Sell

A holding period of forever sounds perfect for these top-tier businesses.

9 Dec 11:06 The Motley Fool 2231313659050892935.html
Gatuzo na sastanku sa De Laurentisom, menja Anćelotija?

Italijanski mediji pišu da će Napoli uskoro promeniti trenera jer iskusnom Karlu Anćelotiju trenutno ne ide na klupi ovog tima.

9 Dec 13:55 Sport Klub 42251759052947679.html
Rapid-Legende Jan Aage Fjörtoft gibt Red Bull Salzburgs Erling Haaland Karrieretipps

Bisher äußerte sich gefühlt die halbe Fußballwelt zur Situation von Red-Bull-Salzburg-Senkrechtstarter Erling Haaland. Nun gesellte sich auch Landsmann und Rapid-Legende Jan Åge Fjörtoft dazu.

9 Dec 09:53 SPOX 8395423525260466763.html
World's 'largest collection' of rare whiskies on sale

Lovers of very expensive whisky will get the chance to bid on nearly 4,000 rare bottles acquired by a late US soft drink bottling company executive.

9 Dec 14:20 Digital Journal 4566489173233124567.html
Telekom startet 5G in Hamburg

Die Telekom hat aktuell die ersten 5G-Antennen in Hamburg aktiviert. Immerhin 18 5G-Antennen funken damit im Live-Betrieb. In den „nächsten Wochen“ soll die Zahl auf über 40 Antennen verdoppelt werden.

9 Dec 15:06 mobiFlip.de 5208441547883756748.html
Australia and coal: If the supply is reduced, renewables look better

Age readers discuss federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese backing the case for Australian coal exports.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562190691487.html
Carles Puigdemont y Quim Torra presiden hoy una reunión de JxCat en Bruselas

En el encuentro, el cual fuentes de JxCat se enmarca en las reuniones que el grupo celebra periódicamente, se abordarán las negociaciones sobre la...

9 Dec 08:04 Expansión 4197779424466631956.html
Huawei, ecco gli smartphone che avranno la nuova modalità Always-On-Display | MobileLabs

La nuova modalità Always-On-Display basata sullo stile Morandi introdotta con EMUI 10 debutterà su alcuni smartphone nel primo trimestre del 2020.

9 Dec 09:41 Tom's Hardware 6640147070582380680.html
Bei Pferderennen: Frau drischt mit Rosenstrauß auf zig Kerle ein

Schlägereien unter Fans kennt man ja sonst eher vom Fußball. Die Bilder, die uns von einem Pferderennen in der Nähe der australischen Stadt Sydney erreichten...

9 Dec 15:47 RTL.DE 7054729452584024445.html
Bei Pferderennen: Frau drischt mit Rosenstrauß auf zig Kerle ein

Schlägereien unter Fans kennt man ja sonst eher vom Fußball. Die Bilder, die uns von einem Pferderennen in der Nähe der australischen Stadt Sydney erreichten...

9 Dec 15:47 RTL.DE 7054729453094331338.html
Grande Provence Rings In The Festive Season

Treat friends and family this festive season to a Franschhoek fine-dining feast at Grande Provence Heritage Wine Estate.    Embrace the Christmas spirit by singing along to carols by candlelight on Christmas Eve before tucking into a sumptuous dinner. The Restaurant at Grande Provence offers guests a lavish six-course festive menu on Christmas Day. To welcome […]

9 Dec 10:17 iAfrica 8834711023671271689.html
Mantan Pemain Malaysia Prediksi Vietnam Menang 2-0 atas Timnas U-22 Indonesia

Selanjutnya, Shebby Singh menganalisis, Vietnam menghadapi peluang besar untuk meraih medali emas SEA Games ke-30.

9 Dec 17:48 BolaSport.com 4603768436654088624.html
Proceso de destitución del presidente Trump entra en una semana clave en el Congreso

Comité Judicial de la Cámara Baja evalúa las pruebas del caso y podría redactar cargos contra el mandatario

9 Dec 16:29 La Nación 504134873766741041.html
Muerte de la gata Lil Bub sacude internet

Tienen millones de seguidores en Instagram: Lil Bub y Grumpy Cat son gatos que han brillado en internet, algunas veces como defensores de causas nobles y siempre como generadores de enormes ganancias financieras.

9 Dec 16:49 Panorama 6052790753896918850.html
Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks mock AEW and WWE NXT Wednesday Night Wars

It's not a sprint! #AEW #AEWonTNT #BeingTheElite

9 Dec 17:33 sportskeeda 1601194028804962225.html
406 patients waiting for admission to hospital bed

The HSE says there are 406 patients waiting in hospital emergency departments for admission to a hospital bed today, excluding the children's hospitals.

9 Dec 09:52 RTE.ie 7595237277415819468.html
Poachers kill 2 southern white rhinos

This comes after six years of successfully keeping all rhinos in the conservancy safe.

9 Dec 15:50 Daily Nation 7421817125307052125.html
Keysight Reports A Strong Quarter

Keysight Technologies reported a fiscal fourth quarter that beat analyst expectations.Fiscal 2019 saw adjusted operating income more than double from 2018.The valuation is attractive as the company's

9 Dec 08:04 Seeking Alpha 5725634557879242633.html
Policía halla un cuerpo calcinado tras incendio en vivienda rural en Imbabura

La noticia sobre un inmueble incendiado de la comunidad Rocafuerte, provincia de Imbabura, ubicada en el norte de Ecuador, alertó al Cuerpo de Bomberos de Ibarra. Los socorristas de la Estación San Jerónimo, situado en la carretera Ibarra-San Lorenzo, concurrieron al lugar a las 07:13 de este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019. También se movilizó una unidad de la Policía Nacional.

9 Dec 11:10 El Comercio 2865024640070324676.html
Mafia-Epos "The Irishman" führt bei wichtigen US-Kritikerpreisen

14 Nominierungen bei Critics' Choice Awards für die Netflix-Produktion, 12 Nominierungen für Tarantinos "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood".

9 Dec 08:40 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441771764701.html
Governo chinês bane compras de computadores e 'software' estrangeiros

O Governo chinês ordenou que todos os escritórios governamentais e instituições públicas removam computadores e 'software' estrangeiros, ao longo dos próximos três anos, depois da decisão de Washington de banir aquisição de equipamentos da Huawei.

9 Dec 09:54 DN 8445869957691138387.html
Kerkhofjes zien Ajax stuntelen: 'Ajax was heel matig, dit biedt perspectief'

De gebroeders Van de Kerkhof hebben genoten van het afgelopen weekend. PSV boekte een klinkende 5-0 zege op Fortuna Sittard, terwijl Ajax in eigen huis met 0-2 onderuit ging tegen Willem II. René van de Kerkhof is tegenover Omroep Brabant lyrisch over de prestatie van de Tilburgers in Amsterdam. "Een mooie mijlpaal voor Willem II. Ze verdienen alle credits voor wat de club afgelopen weekend presteerde. Willem II staat nu mooi op de vierde plaats", jubelt de oud-vleugelaanvaller. Willy van de Kerkhof sluit zich aan bij zijn broer. "Het was een fantastische wedstrijd. Ajax was heel matig, dit biedt perspectief voor PSV", constateert hij, waarop René met een knipoog aanvult: "Drie punten en zeven doelpunten ingelopen op Ajax... Wat wil je nog meer in zo'n weekend?"

9 Dec 11:59 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883223846803.html
UK Digital Security Platform Smartlands Will Tokenize Own Equity. Offering to be Sold in the US via Broker Dealer

UK based Smartlands will be tokenizing its own equity selling a 3.5% equity stake in the platform, according to a note from the company. Smartlands is a digital

9 Dec 17:09 Crowdfund Insider 6834688072330595182.html
Plymouth family's Christmas 'ruined' as mice run riot in their home

Residents of Lofoten Close say they've caught over 20 mice in the building but PCH have not resolved the problem

9 Dec 16:58 PlymouthLive 6373569608653218748.html
Concrete pour with 150 trucks closes streets overnight in downtown Oklahoma City

More than 1,500 cubic yards of concrete slurry, delivered by 150 trucks, was poured overnight Friday for the foundation of a new entrance and exit ramp tower that will provide access to structured parking as part of the redevelopment of First National Center. Demolition of the 1971 First National annex facing Broadway started in July 2018 and wrapped over the summer. Developer Gary Brooks said the late-hour pour was scheduled to avoid traffic hassles and other inconveniences to downtown workers, visitors and residents as a result of the large line-up of trucks. The new tower will connect to the 1957 annex facing Park Avenue that is being converted into parking. The first two floors will be rebuilt as a retail gallery.

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761878743857.html
Marriage Story: whose fault is it anyway? Discuss the film with spoilers

Noah Baumbach’s divorce comedy has hit Netflix, polarising viewers into those who back Adam Driver’s Charlie and those who support Scarlett Johansson’s Nicole

9 Dec 14:00 the Guardian 1491978795362358691.html
Why These 2 Natural Gas Stocks Are Soaring Today

Antero Resources and Antero Midstream are working together to enhance their outlook.

9 Dec 17:32 The Motley Fool 2231313659242801263.html
Rangers and Celtic target Jarrad Branthwaite struggling with weight of £1m interest

The defender is wanted in Glasgow and in the Premier League as interest hots up.

9 Dec 10:54 dailyrecord 552235480396272085.html
Finlanda bate toate recordurile: Va avea cel mai tanar premier din lume, intr-un guvern condus de 5 femei sef de partid

Aflata la presedintia rotativa a Uniunii Europene, Finlanda va avea din aceasta saptamana cel mai tanar premier din lume - o proaspata mamica in varsta de doar 34 de ani. Mai mult, si celelalte 4 partide din coalitia de guvernare sunt conduse toate de femei.

9 Dec 11:03 Ziare.com 1922730285979574070.html
Soal Rocky Gerung, Andi Arief: PDIP Cuma Dikuasai Otot!

WE Online, Jakarta - Politisi Demokrat Andi Arief ikut merespons aksi Kader PDIP yang melaporkan ke pihak Kepolisian Pengamat Politik Rocky Gerung terkait pernyataannya yang menyebut Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tidak mengerti Pancasila.

9 Dec 13:11 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833924912460.html
Sydafrikansk klassiker om tidlös rasism

Kultur Sydafrikanska "Woza Albert!" spelades under brinnande apartheid av två svarta skådespelare. Men där finns flera paralleller till dagens rasism. Klassikern blir teaterkompaniet The Nat

9 Dec 09:24 www.unt.se 8922556088306799169.html
FPÖ – Kickl: Nichtkundmachung des Glyphosat-Verbots hat fahlen Beigeschmack

Sollte tatsächlich ein neuer Anlauf im Parlament notwendig sein, muss jedwede formale Sabotagemöglichkeit von vornherein ausgeschlossen werden

9 Dec 14:46 OTS.at 4182160711840865865.html
UND Finishes Fantastic First Half

Raise your hand if you thought the University of North Dakota hockey team would finish the first half of the 2019-20 season 14-1-2 (.882). Keep your hands up if you thought the UND hockey team woul…

9 Dec 12:00 The Sports Daily 5871911277968210455.html
Rafael Villeda anuncia lo que viene para Olimpia: fichajes, renovaciones y futuro de Pedro Troglio

El presidente del Olimpia aseguró que trabajarán para reforzar el equipo pensando en la Concachampions.

9 Dec 11:57 Diario La Prensa 7797091974994386624.html
John Fogerty celebra medio siglo sobre los escenarios

El excantante de Creedence Clearwater Revival enloquece al público en la escala en Las Vegas de la gira de 50º aniversario de su carrera

9 Dec 15:45 elPeriodico 7291954034049904315.html
BJP retains Karnataka, set to win 12 bypoll seats under CM Yeddiyurappa

The BJP's good show in 12 seats comes as a morale booster for the saffron party after it's setback in Maharashtra

9 Dec 08:30 Business-Standard 1502508925098753090.html
Medio Rural publica la orden de ayudas para contratación de seguros agrarios

El límite en las pólizas agrícolas está en el 65 % del recibo de la prima

9 Dec 08:29 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612658205374.html
Executive explains why Snapdragon 865 skips integrated 5G modem and 7nm EUV manufacturing process - Gizmochina

Qualcomm has recently officially unveiled its flagship chipset, the Snapdragon 865 SoC, alongside its mid-range Snapdragon 765G/ 765 processor which are manufactured using TSMC 7nm and Samsung’s 8nm processes. But questions arise as to why Qualcomm used two different processes and why the SD865 chip didn’t feature an integrated 5G modem, unlike the SD765G. And …

9 Dec 12:01 Gizmochina 1751854814306643284.html
Idee originali per creare il perfetto cesto natalizio!

Il Natale è ormai alle porte e già fanno capolino un po’ ovunque cesti alimentari di ogni tipo, pensati come possibili regali pronti da consegnare e gustare e il più delle volte già assemblati e confezionati.  La comodità di queste proposte è innegabile, non sempre però una simile scelta si affianca all’elevata qualità del prodotto … More

9 Dec 14:15 UrbanPost 2450570493983317181.html
Senza pudore - La vita dei nostri figli sullo smartphone

Pose provocanti, sesso in pubblico, ricatti psicologici, violenza di ogni tipo. Viaggio nei telefonini dei nostri figli che stanno rovinando una generazione

9 Dec 16:19 Panorama 2295580207633596252.html
Europa tampoco se libra de las tensiones de liquidez que sufrió EEUU en septiembre

El mercado europeo de 'repos' (u operaciones de recompra) puede haber escapado de la agitación que envolvió el sistema financiero de Estados Unidos hace tres meses, pero eso no significa que todo esté en calma. El banco central norteamericano tuvo que tomar una serie de medidas de urgencia en septiembre para controlar los tipos. Y algunos expertos temen que esto pueda repetirse, pero ahora en este lado del Atlántico.

9 Dec 12:23 elEconomista.es 9051559959031975073.html
Vardy hits double in Leicester’s 8th straight victory

LAUSANNE: The World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday banned Russia for four years from major global sporting events including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, over manipulated doping data. WADA's executive committee, meeting in Lausanne, handed Russia the four-year suspension after accusing Moscow of falsifying laboratory doping data handed over to

9 Dec 14:01 Arab News 8912634264052870230.html
Ministro de Educación condena seccional ADP que anunció inicio de vacaciones una semana antes de lo establecido

El ministro de Educacion, Antonio Peña Mirabal, deploro este lunes a varias seccionales de la Asociacion Dominicana de Profesores (ADP) que pretenden inici

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263791570042.html
Kerstboom staat op Grote Markt: 'Er komen vijfduizend lampjes in'

Hij staat. De zeventien meter hoge kerstboom is aangekomen op de Grote Markt en staat fier overeind. Afgelopen vrijdag werd de Nordmann-spar uit de tuin van mevrouw Panman uit Winschoten getakeld.

9 Dec 10:18 RTV Noord 3728677366298783648.html
Former Rangers footballer has grave restored 125 years after he first signed for club

Rangers supporters and Larkhall residents turned out to mark the re-dedication service for Neilly Gibson.

9 Dec 09:00 dailyrecord 552235479204465367.html
Kad telefon ne zvoni, Poketino Murinjovim stopama?

Bio je nestrpljiv, ali želeo prestižnu klupu, za sada se stvari ne razvijaju kako je očekivao...

9 Dec 10:48 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495965414286.html
Especial Final de Ano: Festas Corporativas

Regras para um socializar na festa da empresa sem perder o emprego

9 Dec 16:58 ACidade ON 9132734526503717116.html
Microsoft adds ‘campaign views’ phishing intel to Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection

Microsoft has launched 'campaign views' as part of Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection, to give companies more visibility into phishing campaigns.

9 Dec 17:01 VentureBeat 6273363636068171513.html
Buat Lelucon Soal Penonton BTS di Jingle Ball 2019, Katy Perry Langsung Diserbu ARMY

Katy Perry membuat sebuah lelucon usai BTS tampil di Jingle Ball 2019. Sayangnya ARMY (sebutan untuk fans BTS) malah ngamuk karena guyonan itu dianggap malah mengejek mereka.

9 Dec 16:17 Kanal 247 6444101939892100194.html
Clarks announces loss of 170 jobs just weeks before Christmas

A spokeswoman confirmed 170 staff members will be made redundant and 80 of these workers are based at its Somerset headquarters in Street

9 Dec 15:45 Wales Online 7686550517183207608.html
CdS - San Paolo gelido per il Genk: appena 20mila biglietti venduti

Un San Paolo con tanti spazi vuoti in vista della sfida in Champions League contro il Genk

9 Dec 16:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079661215283.html
E-uropäische Union

EU fördert mit 3,2 Milliarden Euro den Aufbau einer europäischen Batteriezellen-Fertigung. Die Arbeiterkammer fordert eine Ökobilanz der E-Autos.

9 Dec 15:30 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441911453761.html
16 Days of Activism: The effects of intimate partner violence | Cape Argus

Physical abuse at the hands of an intimate partner is the most common form of violence experienced by South African women.

9 Dec 12:35 www.iol.co.za 17825111896795202.html
'Top four in sight for Manchester United'

United are unbeaten in five Premier League matches.

9 Dec 10:13 Daily Nation 7421817124683921099.html
Este sería el primer fichaje del Junior

El club barranquillero pasa la hoja, tras perder el título con América.

9 Dec 12:13 El Tiempo 1091719938725211751.html
Giulio Scarpati e Valeria Solarino nel Misantropo di Molière

LO SPETTACOLO in scena al teatro Vaccaj di Tolentino alle 17 di domenica. Venerdì alle 21 sarà anche all'Auditorium Benedetto XXIII di Camerino

9 Dec 16:31 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194483597081.html
Paul Magnette (PS) gooit handdoek in de ring, koning Filip houdt beslissing in beraad

Informateur Paul Magnette (PS) heeft gevraagd van zijn opdracht te worden ontheven. De koning houdt zijn antwoord in beraad en start consultaties met de pa...

9 Dec 15:11 Gazet van Antwerpen 7356764476378052481.html
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Will Have You Login to an Xbox Account on Your PS4

Update: Now officially confirmed

9 Dec 16:45 Push Square 8538862518403569735.html
Reporter groped by runner on live TV speaks out: 'You violated, objectified and embarrassed me

Reporter Alex Bozarjian was on live TV Saturday morning covering the annual Bridge Run in Savannah, Georgia, when a participant reportedly groped her as he passed by.

9 Dec 08:53 WFXT 6395891953201326952.html
The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: A Grand Entrance

We need Kenya and the unmitigated gall she brings to the table because NeNe sure isn’t bringing it anymore. A recap of “Where There’s a Wig There’s a Way,” episode six of season 12 of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” on Bravo.

9 Dec 16:26 VULTURE 2718750544646421339.html
Game Set Match For Yediyurappa Government: BJP To Get Simple Majority In Karnataka As Party Sweeps Bypolls

BJP leads in 12 out of 15 seats, Congress-JD(S) routed

9 Dec 12:34 Swarajya 4977622829484535077.html
Denuncian abogados campaña en su contra por piñata feminista

Chihuahua.- Luego de que usuarias de redes sociales criticaron al despacho Soto Polanco, Asociados Abogados Psicólogos, con sede en Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, por romper una piñata con la figura de una feminista de la Marea Verde, este lunes al despacho aclaró la situación.

9 Dec 16:08 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365557909275118.html
Watch: Jim Jones Turns His Hotel Stay Into A Massive Late Night Workout Session

New York rapper Jim Jones doesn't believe in days off. The hip-hop veteran went online this week to share footage of himself working up a massive sweat at his h

9 Dec 14:28 SOHH 6970791088966783119.html
Dundee United striker Nicky Clark keen to sign new deal

Nicky Clark is hoping to become the latest Dundee United player to get his long-term Tannadice future sorted out.

9 Dec 09:00 The Courier 4275302768500250280.html
US lied about Afghan war all along: report

Secret govt docume­nts reveal senior US offici­als knew the war was unwinn­able but kept the truth from their public­

9 Dec 16:52 The Express Tribune 1105816786149263236.html
Va padrón nacional de agresores

El proyecto prevé medidas cautelares oficiosas y obliga a fiscalías estatales a tomar en cuenta denuncias anónimas. lo avalan todos los grupos

9 Dec 10:39 El Heraldo de México 438112697777148081.html
Banca IMI lancia sul mercato 22 nuovi Cash Collect Protetto su azioni italiane ed europee

Si amplia ulteriormente la gamma degli strumenti di investimento emessi da Banca IMI, grazie a 22 nuovi Cash Collect Protetto che, a partire da oggi 9 dicembre, sono quotati sul …

9 Dec 09:44 FinanzaOnline 6528634127710382930.html
Birds of Prey Will Be Much More Than Harley Quinn's Team, Director Promises

Birds of Prey director Cathy Yan promises the upcoming film won't just be Harley Quinn's story but rather an ensemble.

9 Dec 16:12 CBR.com 1295516961963129022.html
Cerita Kesuksesan Greysia/Apriyani Rebut Emas SEA Games 2019, Oh Mereka Sudah Pahami Ini

WE Online, Manila - Ganda putri Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu sukses mengantongi medali emas ketiga bulu tangkis untuk Indonesia di SEA Games 2019 Filipina. Sebelumnya dua emas sudah diraih oleh beregu putra dan ganda campuran Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti.

9 Dec 16:03 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834493714587.html
München Hauptbahnhof: Messer-Attacke gegen Polizisten – Klinge im Körper abgebrochen

München: Hinterhältiger Angriff auf einen Polizisten am Hauptbahnhof. Polizei veröffentlicht neue Erkenntnisse.

9 Dec 12:38 Thüringen24 7206317294582331328.html
Coronation Street SPOILERS: Geoff and Yasmeen return to Weatherfield with bombshell news TONIGHT!

Geoff has been controlling Yasmeen!

9 Dec 11:16 Entertainment Daily 8392972516838011862.html
Three teams enter College football's playoff undefeated

The semifinals of the college football playoff in the National Collegiate Athletic Association were decided on Sunday, with three teams currently undefeated. They are the first ranked Louisiana Sta…

9 Dec 17:24 The Sports Daily 5871911278375895424.html
Pjöngjang wettert gegen "alten Mann" Trump

Trotz aller bilateralen Gespräche herrscht zwischen den USA und Nordkorea derzeit Eiszeit. US-Präsident Trump twittert eine Warnung an Machthaber Kim. Dieser lässt seinen Gesandten über den Leichtsinn und die Unberechenbarkeit des Amerikaners schimpfen.

9 Dec 13:59 n-tv 6802689755176262473.html
HDZ: Nećemo dozvoliti prebacivanje migranata na područje HNK

MOSTAR - Predsjednik HDZ-a BiH i predsjedavajući Doma naroda Parlamentarne skupštine BiH Dragan Čović prisustvovao je danas sjednici Kantonalnog odbora ove stranke u Mostaru.

9 Dec 16:16 Nezavisne novine 4209150641136378547.html
How to change your screen resolution in Windows 10 to customize your display, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - You can easily change your screen resolution in Windows 10 at any time via the Display Settings menu.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:43 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756707705306.html
La percepción rítmica en humanos tiene fuertes raíces evolutivas

l ritmo es un aspecto fundamental de la música, la danza y el lenguaje. Sin embargo, no sabemos hasta qué punto nuestras habilidades rítmicas dependen de mecanismos evolutivamente antiguos que pueden estar presentes en otros animales. Un estudio de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra ha comparado el comportamiento de roedores y humanos para estudiar cómo reaccionan ante la detección del ritmo.

9 Dec 10:45 www.publico.es 99190978225265761.html
Doug Ford goes back to the well on water bottling ban

The province has extended a moratorium on water bottling operations, but is it just a stall tactic?

9 Dec 10:17 NOW 7434691885836272822.html
Casal tem casa incendiada enquanto batizava a filha

Vítimas suspeitam que o incêndio seja criminoso. Tudo que estava na casa foi perdido; polícia investiga o caso

9 Dec 08:56 ACidade ON 9132734527823109549.html
Enel: Enel X e Related Companies installano il più grande accumulatore di energia di New York

L’impianto di storage si trova presso il Gateway Center di Related a East New York, Brooklyn, e supporterà la rete locale della società elettrica di New York -Con Edison- nei periodi di picco della domanda,

9 Dec 13:57 InvestireOggi 7231367743311222530.html
Scott Arfield: 'Alfredo Morelos will bounce back from cup final defeat'

Rangers striker Alfredo Morelos missed a penalty and failed to find the net from another eight shots at goal in the Betfred Cup final.

9 Dec 14:38 Sports Mole 7750663360922861506.html
Gabriel Soto e Irina Baeva tienen fuerte pelea por culpa de Vanessa Guzmán

Mientras se encontraban a la espera en la sala de abordar del aeropuerto de Acapulco, Gabriel Soto e Irina Baeva mantuvieron una fuerte discusión por culpa de Vanessa Guzmán

9 Dec 16:24 EL DEBATE 4396150894916579934.html
Jorge Jesus eleito melhor treinador do Brasileirão

O técnico português Jorge Jesus, que se sagrou campeão da liga brasileira de futebol ao serviço do Flamengo, venceu hoje o prémio “Bola de Prata” da ESPN Brasil para melhor treinador, sendo o primeiro estrangeiro a vencer a categoria. “O troféu faz parte da estrutura do Flamengo, que tem um grupo de jogadores sensacionais e apaixonados pelo que fazem. Quero dar parabéns aos nossos advesrários. O Flamengo é o vencedor, mas tivemos rivais que nos obrigaram a ter um empenho muito grande”, realçou Jorge Jesus após receber o prémio das mãos do histórico treinador brasileiro Joel Santana. Jesus chegou ao Flamengo em meados de julho, estreando-se na 10.ª jornada do Brasileirão, com a equipa carioca com oito pontos de desvantagem para o Palmeiras, mas o ‘Mengão’ iniciou uma caminhada imparável até ao título brasileiro, terminando o campeonato com 16 pontos de vantagem sobre o Santos e o Palmeiras, e tornando-se apenas o segundo estrangeiro a ser campeão no Brasil. Antes do português, só o argentino Carlos Volante tinha…

9 Dec 17:05 O Minho 154418196961632382.html
Quinto dia de greve nos transportes provoca engarrafamentos na França

Na manhã desta segunda-feira foram registrados mais de 600 quilômetros de congestionamento na região de Paris

9 Dec 12:37 VEJA.com 4116702197745371661.html
Šarec posjetio bazu Butmir u Sarajevu

SARAJEVO - Predsjednik Vlade Slovenije Marjan Šarec posjetio je bazu Butmir u Sarajevu te se sreo s osobljem Glavne komande EUFOR-a, kao i slovenačkim vojnicima koji se nalaze u misiji u BiH.

9 Dec 16:38 Nezavisne novine 4209150642779052262.html
Social Media without regulation ‘ll result to lawlessness, violence — Presidency warns

THE Presidency on Monday warned that leaving the social media to operate without regulation could result in more lawlessness, violence and deaths.

9 Dec 16:04 Vanguard News 4125100340039651770.html
Laurence Vincent-Lapointe joue son avenir

MONTRÉAL — L’heure de vérité a sonné pour la canoéiste Laurence Vincent-Lapointe.

9 Dec 09:00 leNouvelliste 2761106012275946862.html
U Smederevu edukacija protiv nasilja nad ženama

Nasilje nad ženama predstavlja najčešći oblik kršenja ljudskih prava i veliki problem današnjice.

9 Dec 17:30 REPUBLIKA 2543998405229374303.html
Dart text alert system receives 145 messages in three months

Fireworks being set off on trains, passengers drinking and taking drugs, and people urinating on platforms are some of the issues raised with Dart security staff.

9 Dec 09:23 Breaking News 4415806919908171729.html
Latest on armed police response to 'gunman on the street' report

Police received an anonymous call about 'someone with a gun in the street'

9 Dec 13:57 BristolLive 4740742016672261528.html
Oppo Reno3 Pro 5G, design e possibili specifiche

Il nuovo Oppo Reno3 Pro 5G avrà una cover in vetro, schermo OLED dual edge, fotocamera frontale in-display e quattro fotocamere posteriori.

9 Dec 12:32 Webnews 4852331584678266618.html
Tödliche Attacke in Augsburg: Feuerwehrmann (49) totgeschlagen: Polizei nimmt weiteren Verdächtigen fest!

Der Fall des bundesweit Aufsehen erregenden Tötungsdelikts von Augsburg steht vor der Aufklärung. Der Haupttäter sei ermittelt und festgenommen worden, teilte das bayerische Innenministerium am Sonntag mit. Außerdem sei ein Mittäter festgenommen worden, hieß es ergänzend. Am Montag identifizierte die Polizei auch den siebten und letzten Verdächtigen. Er wurde bereits verhaftet.

9 Dec 10:36 news.de 5126378978851851978.html
'Classic psychopath' and serial rapist Joseph McCann given 33 life sentences

Over 15 days, he abducted, raped and assaulted victims aged between 11 and 71 in Watford, London and the North West on England.

9 Dec 13:43 Breaking News 4415806919534945297.html
Natale: meno regali, consumi in calo. Decresce potere d'acquisto

Consumi natalizi in calo: trend potere d'acquisto in calo. Ecco quanto spenderanno in media gli italiani per fare i regali.

9 Dec 14:30 Trend Online 3268043278417105624.html
'Kind of lacking:' Injured Bronco wonders why Canada won't fund spinal surgery

A hockey player paralyzed in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says it feels good to be home after spending five weeks in Thailand, where he underwent spinal surgery.

9 Dec 09:21 CTVNews 2422791597615328649.html
Frederika Alexis Cull dan 6 Fakta Sang Finalis Miss Universe 2019 Asal Indonesia

Frederika Alexis Cull sebelumnya memenangkan ajang Puteri Indonesia 2019.

9 Dec 17:30 liputan6.com 3414318497523477250.html
The Pirate Bay tiene nuevo dominio en la Dark Web

El popular portal de descargas The Pirate Bay tiene nuevo dominio .onion en la Dark Web con un nombre mucho más sencillo de recordar

9 Dec 15:00 ADSLZone 3760867498384147241.html
Oilers In Need Of Scoring Help

Give credit to Joakim Nygard and Riley Sheahan. They both played solid games on Sunday night and found their way into the goal column. Their contributions were part of a terrific second period by E…

9 Dec 16:02 The Sports Daily 5871911277690529266.html
Useful tips and tricks to deal with load shedding | IOL News

As South Africans brace for a dark festive season, experts have offered useful tips and tricks to help deal with ongoing load shedding.

9 Dec 10:07 www.iol.co.za 17825112347060026.html
VW Caddy Spied Playing In The Snow Again

New spy photos of the Volkswagen Caddy show the bite-sized van completing cold weather testing as development on the revamped model continues.

9 Dec 12:39 Motor1.com 1648269240945017357.html
Paragon case: Court extends Saad Rafique, Salman Rafique's judicial remand till Dec 23

Judge Jawadul Hassan also allowed former railways minister Saad Rafique to attend NA

9 Dec 11:11 Dunya News 5863268919237092050.html
Valencia viaja a Ámsterdam tendra que ganar para poder avanzar

El Valencia visita este martes al Ajax, en la última jornada de la fase de grupos de la Liga de Campeones, con la necesidad de ganar al equipo holandés

9 Dec 16:00 El Siglo 7954754735550131471.html
Activist: How many classes must we skip for world to know we're suffering? | IOL News

Youths from developing countries are concerned about the planet's future and their respective governments' inadequacy at combating climate change.

9 Dec 14:22 www.iol.co.za 17825110776960235.html
Els comandaments policials de l'1-O van decidir un dia abans en quines escoles de Barcelona actuarien

Les acusacions particulars critiquen l'expulsió de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona de la causa

9 Dec 14:48 Ara.cat 6070605020262040879.html
Preview: Brentford vs. Cardiff City - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews Brentford's meeting with Cardiff City in the Championship on Wednesday, including a prediction, team news and predicted lineups.

9 Dec 12:57 Sports Mole 7750663362370512090.html
Inter Mailand führt Gespräche wegen Vidal & Rakitic

Inter Mailand interessiert sich gleich für zwei Mittelfeldspieler des FC Barcelona: Arturo Vidal und Ivan Rakitic stehen beide im Fokus der Nerazzurri.

9 Dec 13:03 4-4-2.com 812646142516340724.html
Lo strano caso di Palazzo Palano: colpo di mano al condominio

Un "blitz" di 3 estranei ha portato, dall'estate 2018, ad un colpo di mano nella gestione del complesso residenziale. Inutili le denunce. Ecco cosa è accaduto

9 Dec 08:32 Tempostretto 3143171743899155896.html
Lata Mangeshkar Is Back Home, Hale And Hearty!

Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar who was admitted to hospital from the past 28 days, has finally returned home.

9 Dec 12:02 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244674499653.html
Bergneustädter für Legal-High-Handel verurteilt

Zwei Angeklagte zu jeweils einem Jahr und neun Monaten verurteilt.

9 Dec 17:47 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568434197163.html
Man held for raping, smashing head with stone of 5-year-old tribal girl in Maharashtra's Nagpur

The body of the girl, who was missing since December 6, was found on an agriculture farm in Linga village in Kalmeshwar taluka, some 25 kms away from Nagpur.

9 Dec 09:00 Oneindia 2023829370601642344.html
Battlefield 5 Wake Island, custom games coming this week

Battlefield 5 will be updated to include Wake Island and support custom games later this week, EA and DICE have advised.

9 Dec 14:32 Stevivor 6108783658905609192.html
BREAKING Lucky UK EuroMillions winner still not claimed whopping £40m jackpot

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story

9 Dec 14:58 mirror 675785260021634137.html
El Valencia obligado a ganar al Ajax para no depender del Chelsea

Los valencianistas se enfrentarán mañana en Ámsterdam al equipo de Erik ten Hag

9 Dec 15:33 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957708080202.html
Clash Over Titan: Ad For New Watch Collection That Celebrates Tamil Culture Runs Into ‘Dravidian’ Trouble

For sometime on Saturday, the hashtag #boycottitanwatches trended on Twitter, forcing Titan to withdraw the ad.

9 Dec 14:01 Swarajya 4977622829996952844.html
Kenedy Agyapong is still on the watchlist of US security – Kevin Taylor

Broadcast journalist Kevin Ekow Taylor has stated that loudmouth politician and the Member of Parliament for Assin Central Hon. Kennedy Agyap

9 Dec 17:30 GHANA PAGE 8986860743353650258.html
Börsen runt nollstrecket

Börs Stockholmsbörsen inleder veckan sidledes. Vid klockan 13 är OMXS-index oförändrat. Ledande Europabörser backar svagt.

9 Dec 12:12 www.unt.se 8922556089416598878.html
Wapres Ma’ruf Amin Hadiri Peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2019 di Gedung KPK Jakarta

KBRN, Jakarta : Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) hari ini mengelar acara puncak peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia (Harkordia) 2019. Acara digelar di Gedung penunjang KPK lantai III yang

9 Dec 10:12 RRI News Portal 6700853644798854557.html
Via libera al Mes. A una condizione

La bozza di risoluzione della maggioranza: "Ok ma solo dopo le modifiche delle clausole sulla ristrutturazione del debito". Così è più facile per i 5 Stelle votarla

9 Dec 15:05 L'HuffPost 5315551424180665363.html
Lilia Cabral surpreende ao invadir o Popstar e se declarar para participante

Nany People chegou na edição do Popstar, da Globo, deste domingo (8), imune. Mas ela não deixou de se apresentar e ainda recebeu uma declaração de Lilia Cabral, que invadiu o palco do programa.

9 Dec 15:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125211489800179.html
Polícia aguarda laudo para concluir inquérito sobre radiologista baleado

O 9° Distrito Policial aguarda o laudo cadavérico do técnico em radiologia Rudson Vieira Batista, 32 anos, baleado na semana passada em uma casa de shows na zona Norte de Teresina. Hudson ficou internado por mais de cinco dias e morreu no sábado (7) em um hospital particular de Teresina.“O inquérito aqui está praticamente concluso. Já ouvi as testemunhas que e solicitei exames periciais nos equipamentos que poderiam gravar as imagens no local do fato e hoje eu estou dependendo do laudo de exame cadavérico que vai ser expedido pelo IML uma vez que a vítima veio a falecer”, disse o delegado nesta segunda-feira (9).Três pessoas que estavam no bar, dois seguranças e o dono do estabelecimento foram ouvidos. Com a morte do técnico, o inquérito passa a investigar um caso de homicídio. Um policial militar identificado como Max Kellysson Marques Marreiro é o principal suspeito de ter efetuado o disparo. Ele foi preso em flagrante e responde ao crime em liberdade.Internado e consciente, Rudson chegou a gravar um áudio…

9 Dec 16:07 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419102878348.html
Oude foto onthult: Epstein én Weinstein waren te gast op 18de verjaardag van Beatrice, de dochter van prins Andrew

Prins Andrew probeerde in zijn interview met de BBC te ontkennen dat hij hecht bevriend was met de veroordeelde pedofiel Jeffrey Epstein, maar uit oude foto’s blijkt iets heel anders. Niet alleen E...

9 Dec 12:19 HLN 8967494997438334210.html
McWilliams Arroyo no descarta a nadie

McWilliams Arroyo es consciente de que está más cerca de su anhelada oportunidad de título mundial.

9 Dec 09:00 elVocero.com 6318248036643546924.html
Special edition: Beyond education: helping girls believe in themselves 

This Special Edition is available in our electronic magazine format. Please click here to download the pdf format. Etenesh Abera Bishoftu, December 09/2019 – Netsanet Alemayehu and Rediate Tibebu, both fifteen, are student trainees; and Abebech Yetebarek, one the female teachers, is a trainer. There is one common thing that ...

9 Dec 14:53 Addis Standard 929763680454294954.html
'Kind of lacking:' Injured Bronco wonders why Canada won't fund spinal surgery

CALGARY — A hockey player paralyzed in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says it feels good to be home after spending five weeks in Thailand, where he underwent spinal surgery. "It feels good.

9 Dec 17:02 KitchenerToday.com 52741010556586413.html
Review: Adam Lambert releases outstanding version of Cher's 'Believe' 

International pop music star Adam Lambert released his stunning version of Cher's

9 Dec 16:14 Digital Journal 4566489172452980110.html
Special edition- Beyond education: helping girls believe in themselves 

This Special Edition is available in our electronic magazine format. Please click here to download the pdf format. Etenesh Abera Bishoftu, December 09/2019 – Netsanet Alemayehu and Rediate Tibebu, both fifteen, are student trainees; and Abebech Yetebarek, one the female teachers, is a trainer. There is one common thing that ...

9 Dec 14:53 Addis Standard 929763681501491357.html
Se acopla a la EEI nave espacial rusa Progress

Se trata de la operación de recarga de suministros vitales, equipos y provisiones

9 Dec 17:27 El Informador 103545928262454807.html
Santa Fe mueve la bolsa de jugadores

Bajo la presidencia de Eduardo Méndez, Santa Fe ha comenzado una verdadera depuración de la nómina lejos de sentimentalismos y c

9 Dec 12:27 Diario del Cauca 7368601130395308126.html
Santa Fe mueve la bolsa de jugadores

Bajo la presidencia de Eduardo Méndez, Santa Fe ha comenzado una verdadera depuración de la nómina lejos de sentimentalismos y c

9 Dec 17:27 Hsbnoticias 8316486041661935710.html
Liverpool to visit China next summer, but no Asian pre-season tour

Liverpool’s visit to Asia next summer will consist of just one match in China and not a full pre-season tour, it is reported. The Reds didn’t visit the continent last summer, with Jurgen Klopp having been disappointed after the trip to Hong Kong in 2017 was beset by problems due to waterlogged pitches. That meant Klopp requested a return to America last summer, rather than alternating between heading west and east as has been the norm for the club over recent history. So with a new kit deal with Nike also in the pipeline and their massive distribution in Asia, the club decided to grant Klopp’s wish and delay their return to the continent. It’s now reported, by the Athletic‘s David Ornstein, that Liverpool will only play one game though rather than a full pre-season ‘tour’.

9 Dec 09:01 This Is Anfield 7550115576196882915.html
Diretta/ Pescara Bologna Primavera (risultato finale 3-1): bella vittoria abruzzese!

Diretta Pescara Bologna Primavera streaming video e tv: risultato finale 3-1 della partita del campionato 1, valida per la 11^ giornata.

9 Dec 15:29 IlSussidiario 495412294257158087.html
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Returns For Season 3 in January

Hell hath no fury like a teenage witch absolutely ready to wreck shop.

9 Dec 15:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001284988234.html
Milan, la soddisfazione di Bonaventura: "Bella vittoria!! Mai mollare!"

Autore di una grande prestazione e anche di un gol, Giacomo Bonaventura ha manifestato tutta la sua soddisfazione su Instagram dopo il match vinto dal Milan contro il Bologna: "Bella vittoria!! Mai mollare!".

9 Dec 12:25 MilanNews.it 6507305922924920299.html
Falana says Nigerian authorities offered Sowore ‘death warrant’ deal

The lead counsel to embattled former Nigerian presidential candidate and journalist Omoyele Sowore said that the Nigerian authorities reached out for a deal during Sowore’s first 45 days in detention. “They went to a court behind us and got an order to detain Sowore for 45 days to investigate his alleged terrorism,” Femi Falana said […]

9 Dec 09:29 The Guardian 7580308505114358273.html
Amazon acusa a Trump de presionar para que no lograra contrato con el Pentágono

Amazon acusa al presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, de haber presionado para que el Pentágono cerrara en octubre un contrato de almacenamiento de datos en línea de 10.000 millones de dólares a su rival Microsoft, según un documento judicial publicado este lunes. 

9 Dec 17:11 Panorama 6052790754826101068.html
5 dead, many more missing in New Zealand volcano eruption

A volcanic island in New Zealand erupted Monday in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like surface, killing five people and leaving many more missing.

9 Dec 11:17 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648836445677658.html
Ten Hag dacht aan opvallende naam als aanvaller: 'Zitten dun in buitenspelers'

Met het wegvallen van Quincy Promes zit Erik ten Hag dun in zijn vleugelaanvallers tijdens de Champions League-wedstrijd tegen Valencia. Noa Lang kreeg door de blessuregevallen van Zakaria Labyad, David Neres en Promes de kans van de Ajax-trainer. "Er is geen reden om Lang morgen niet op te stellen", aldus Ten Hag op de persconferentie. "Diepgang, acties, combinaties en gevaar. Zoals we dat in Enschede van hem hebben gezien. Je moet goed zijn in de pressie én in de omschakeling." De trainer merkt dat zijn spelers toe zijn aan de winterstop. "In topvoetbal voel je altijd wat van fysieke en mentale vermoeidheid. Een mens kan ongelofelijk veel en we verleggen onze grenzen. Ze moeten nog vier keer gas geven dit jaar. Iedereen is daar nadrukkelijk van bewust", vertelt de coach. Ten Hag komt met vervelend nieuws voor Ajax: Promes ontbreekt tegen Valencia Van de Beek zit niet te wachten op Real Madrid-vragen: 'Totaal niet mee bezig' Swart baalt van Ajax-duo en bespreekt 'uitdagers' AZ en PSV: 'Hou op zeg!"

9 Dec 16:20 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883891261878.html
Navios poluem tanto como as oito cidades portuguesas com mais carros

Associação ZERO exige limites de emissão de dióxido de carbono para navios que atracam em portos europeus e alerta que transporte marítimo deve integrar regime de comércio de licenças.

9 Dec 09:45 SÁBADO 5711459692864834671.html
Novi krovovi za bolje uslove rada

BANJALUKA - Škola učenika u privredi i Centar "Zaštiti me" za desetak dana dobiće nove krovove, u okviru obnove obrazovnih ustanova kojim će biti riješeni višegodišnji problemi s prokišnjavanjem ovih objekata.

9 Dec 12:27 Nezavisne novine 4209150641776068181.html
2K's New Studio Cloud Chamber has Started Work on a New Bioshock Title

2K Games announced today the establishment of a new studio called Cloud Chamber which has already begun work on a new Bioshock title.

9 Dec 13:50 TrueAchievements 4775707719614884303.html
Una nave en ruinas se desploma en el Cabanyal

La edificación, en Eugenia Viñes, ya estaba protegida con redes

9 Dec 10:53 Las Provincias 5471838389243351336.html
Diese 3 Sternzeichen nehmen kein Blatt vor den Mund

Es gibt Menschen, die einfach schonungslos ehrlich sind. Sie nehmen dabei keine Rücksicht auf die Gefühle der anderen. So auch diese drei Sternzeichen.

9 Dec 08:08 miss 1375730021847189200.html
Merck & Co übernimmt Krebsspezialisten

Der US-Pharmakonzern verstärkt sich für 2,7 Mrd. $ in der Krebsmedizin und sichert sich den Zugriff auf ein vielversprechendes Medikament zur Blutkrebs-Behandlung.

9 Dec 13:36 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203937670207015.html
Another Summer Walker Show Turns Into A Flip Flop!

A club promoter in Jersey is very upset that Summer Walker did not uphold to her contractual agreement.

9 Dec 11:53 AllHipHop 727666871976170002.html
Blog Erika Nelsona: Građani BiH se s korupcijom bore svakodnevno

Nijedna zemlja nije imuna na korupciju. Razliku, međutim, čini način na koji se neka zemlja bori protiv nje. Stanovnici Bosne i Herecgovine, poput ljudi širom svijeta, zaslužuju dobru vlast i vjeru da se javna sredstva – novac koji je proizvod njihovog napornog rada – ulažu u poboljšanje njihovog svakodnevnog življenja.

9 Dec 15:56 Nezavisne novine 4209150642151168083.html
Un seul commissaire pour Alitalia

La compagnie aérienne Alitalia ne sera plus supervisée que par un seul administrateur au lieu de trois, le gouvernement espérant que la nomination d'un homme connu du secteur permettra une « rela

9 Dec 08:00 Air Journal 8905078462028150589.html
Auto slaat over de kop en raakt te water

Op de A7 ter hoogte van de afrit Kolham is een auto van de weg geraakt en vervolgens in het water beland.

9 Dec 15:35 RTV Noord 3728677367611006354.html
Neue Runde, alter Streit: Wie geht es nun weiter mit dem Artenschutz?

Mit einem millionenschweren Versöhnungsgesetz hat die Staatsregierung Bayerns Bauern vom Artenschutz überzeugt. Die Fronten sind weiterhin verhärtet.

9 Dec 16:19 TAG24 4583887874358255365.html
Filhos em guarda conjunta mantêm regime fiscal no IRS depois da maioridade

O regime fiscal atribuído aos filhos de pais separados com guarda conjunta mantém-se quando estes atingem a maioridade, mesmo que o acordo de regulação de responsabilidades parentais tenha sido feito quando eram menores.

9 Dec 17:34 JN 6956494303702204029.html
Explora las profundidades del océano en tu navegador

Para muchos expertos allá afuera, las profundidades del mar representan la verdadera «última frontera». Nuestros avances tecnológicos nos han ayudado a alcanzar el punto más profundo del planeta, sin embargo, con cada expedición exitosa se aprende algo nuevo, y necesitamos saber más. Hace poco compartimos un vídeo de Kurzgesagt, pero hoy es el turno del […] More

9 Dec 15:53 NeoTeo 7619663852791388145.html
Israel: Parteien einigen sich auf Neuwahlen im März

Frist für Regierungsbildung endet am Mittwoch.

9 Dec 10:59 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700672979063.html
Omfattande åldersdiskriminering på svenska arbetsmarknaden

Åldersdiskrimineringen på den svenska arbetsmarknaden är omfattande. Redan i 40-årsåldern minskar chansen att bli kontaktad vid rekrytering, enligt en ny rapport.

9 Dec 09:12 Ny Teknik 4280928731961085154.html
Reporter toont Boris Johnson foto zieke kleuter, premier pakt telefoon af en steekt hem in zijn zak

De Britse premier Boris Johson heeft tijdens een interview de gsm van de journalist voor hem afgenomen en in zijn jaszak gestoken. Johnson weigerde te kijken naar een foto van een vierjarige jongen...

9 Dec 14:22 HLN 8967494997677975141.html
Muere persona atropellada cerca a hospital de Ponce

El conductor se detuvo en la escena.

9 Dec 16:13 Primera Hora 5092966654498987036.html
Google déploie BERT dans plusieurs langues

Le déploiement dans d'autres langues est annoncé pour la technologie BERT qui doit améliorer la compréhension du moteur de recherche Google.

9 Dec 16:10 GNT 654660094187810990.html
Jason Derulo muestra sus partes en explícita foto en ropa interior e Instagram lo censura

Después de que Instagram censurara la foto donde el miembro de Jaron Derulo estaba prácticamente expuesto, el cantante alegó "no puedo evitar mi tamaño".

9 Dec 13:01 Publinews 8987875304729637324.html
Ditolak Mertua Karena Mahar Kurang, Calon Pengantin Pria Sebar Video Panas Kekasih

Seorang calon pengantin wanita berinisial AE kaget bukan kepalang saat tahun video panasnya viral.

9 Dec 09:10 Tribunnews.com 3323534444938660674.html
WATCH: Year of Return: The African Americans moving to Ghana

1619 marks the year of the first documented arrival of enslaved Africans in what’s today the United States of America. The West African country of Ghana – which was a major hub during the transatlantic slave trade - declared 2019 the year of return and is encouraging the African diaspora to visit the country. According to the country’s tourism board from January to June this year, there was a 20 per cent increase in the number of Americans visiting the country and an 11 per cent increase in visitors from the UK. But some young African Americans have decided to return for good....

9 Dec 16:47 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540146717595.html
Jeder fünfte Empfänger dauerhaft im Hartz-IV-System

Die SPD will Hartz IV abschaffen und tritt so eine neue Debatte los.

9 Dec 15:08 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109936019979.html
20 years since discovery, still no drugs to fight Nipah, scientists warn of potential epidemic

Since its discovery in Malaysia and Singapore in 1999, a number of deadly Nipah outbreaks have occurred in South and Southeast Asian countries. In Kerala, 16 of the 18 infected had died.

9 Dec 16:38 The New Indian Express 4718288653163245424.html
Adam Schiff Fails to Show Up at Impeachment Hearing | Breitbart

Adam Schiff failed to show up at the presentation of his own committee's impeachment report at the House Judiciary Committee on Monday.

9 Dec 14:43 Breitbart 3148363492073197744.html
UK Labour would deliver first budget on February 5: McDonnell

LONDON (Reuters) - The man who would be Britain’s finance minister if the opposition Labour Party takes power after Thursday’s election said on Monday he would deliver his first tax-and-spending budget statement on Feb. 5.

9 Dec 11:53 Reuters 8334514180121589283.html
Atropellan a hombre que intentó cruzar la México-Puebla

Esta madrugada un hombre murió atropellado mientras supuestamente hablaba por celular y cruzaba la autopista México-Puebla.

9 Dec 09:15 Milenio 4240839410152667018.html
Struggling to Find the Perfect Job Candidate? How to Overcome the Vicious Circle of 'Experience Inflation'

A survey of 90,000 jobs found that 61 percent of entry-level jobs required 3 years experience. It's no wonder that 700,000 IT jobs are unfilled.

9 Dec 10:30 Inc.com 8604986416972078246.html
Yair Lapid: Jeremy Corbyn es antisemita y racista

Yair Lapid, uno de los cuatro líderes del partido Azul y Blanco, denunció al presidente del Partido Laborista del Reino Unido, Jeremy Corbyn.

9 Dec 12:00 Noticias de Israel 5887715889510893655.html
"Agenda antiabusos": Las propuestas que se han deslizado ante la iniciativa que presentará hoy el Gobierno

Se espera que el Presidente Sebastián Piñera junto al ministro de Economía, Lucas Palacios, den a conocer las primeras medidas para evitar abusos tanto del Estado como de empresas privadas.

9 Dec 09:08 Emol 3328490602450498343.html
Temperatures set to soar into 40s in NSW heatwave

Firefighters are trying to contain dozens of bushfires across NSW before temperatures soar later this week.

9 Dec 09:43 The New Daily 5848147785761225394.html
Il leader della sinistra radicale francese Jean-Luc Mélenchon è stato condannato per intimidazione di pubblico ufficiale

Il leader della sinistra radicale francese Jean-Luc Mélenchon è stato condannato a tre mesi di carcere e a una multa di 8mila euro per intimidazione di

9 Dec 13:21 Il Post 6291746503310855185.html
«Die Kirche Wiggen wird in unseren Herzen weiterleben»

Nach 76 Jahren wird die reformierte Kirche in Wiggen abgerissen. Die Reaktionen auf diesen Entscheid gehen auseinander.

9 Dec 17:09 SRF 8424707179185065497.html
5-Year-Old Carries Baby in Subzero Cold After They Are Abandoned, Police Say

A 5-year-old, wearing just socks and light clothing, carried an 18-month-old through subzero temperatures in the Yukon Flats of Alaska after the power went out at the home where they had been left alone, according to the authorities.The power failure scared the older child, who then carried the baby

9 Dec 13:17 Yahoo 7097669637324148225.html
Minecraft Bedrock edition will launch tomorrow on PS4, adds cross-play

Sony has confirmed that Minecraft Bedrock edition will be released tomorrow on PS4, with this version of the game unifying the code across all versions of the game. This means that PS4 players will be

9 Dec 16:15 tsa 6447108927378328356.html
Causando malestar en los consumidores: El queso va para arriba y nadie lo detiene

En la ciudad de La Victoria, municipio Ribas, los ciudadanos están comprando el mínimo de queso duro, debido al alto precio en que es vendido. Y es que el

9 Dec 11:26 El Siglo 7954754735052189241.html
Alleged P&ID scam: Court dismisses Briton’s plea for bail variation - The Nation Newspaper

The Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday, dismissed the application for bail variation filed by a British man, James Nolan. Justice Okon Abang, who dismissed the prayer, said the application was lacking in merit and adjourned the case till Tuesday for continuation of trial. He gave the ruling after he had taken the arguments of […]

9 Dec 14:30 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901260013414.html
How we fast-tracked Kalu's, others' trials, by Justice Bulkachuwa

The President of the Court of Appeal (PCA), Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa has given hints on how the Judiciary was working to eradicate delay...

9 Dec 17:48 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900984981088.html
Fall in England: Kind (4) muss mehr als neun Stunden auf ein Krankenhausbett warten

Der vierjährige Jack aus Leeds (England) musste wegen einer Lungenentzündung in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden. Doch kurz nach seiner Ankunft, musste der kleine Junge sein Bett für einen anderen Patienten freimachen. Was folgte war eine Tortur für Jack und seine Mutter.

9 Dec 13:33 FOCUS Online 4448121230899775296.html
Land Rover estrena en Chile exclusivos modelos de súper lujo

La marca británica incorporó los nuevos Range Rover SVAutobiography y el Range Rover Sport SVR, que destacan por su equipamiento y performance.

9 Dec 11:05 Publimetro Chile 2498685482440556042.html
Motsi Mabuse understands Strictly curse - as she left husband for dance partner

Motsi married Evgenij Voznyvk in 2017.

9 Dec 08:31 Metro 970161747298310286.html
Buffalo City: SA's rarest tourist bouquet | IOL News

Little explored by fellow nationals and citizens from the rest of the world, Buffalo City is arguably one of South Africa’s rarest tourist bouquets.

9 Dec 15:07 www.iol.co.za 17825110793988324.html
New BioShock game announced, still "several" years away


9 Dec 13:21 Eurogamer.net 1957885126391921425.html
Justizministerin Lambrecht erhöht den Druck auf „Patenttrolle“

Patentaufkäufer machen mit Lizenzgebühren und Schadensersatz gute Geschäfte. Nun fordert die Union eine Art Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung durch die Richter.

9 Dec 15:26 Handelsblatt 4721373939569953588.html
Angelina Heger reicht es: Sie wehrt sich gegen fiese Behauptungen

Angelina Heger und Sebastian Pannek überraschen mit der Nachricht über ihren Nachwuchs. Seither hagelt es Spekulation und Kritik. Jetzt reicht es dem Paar.

9 Dec 13:46 Promipool 1765956130148190087.html
Stefano De Martino spiega il no a Sanremo e come vive il gossip con Belen

In un'intervista Stefano De Martino si confida e spiega perché non vuole condurre Sanremo e come vive il continuo gossip con Belen.

9 Dec 08:59 Novella 2000 6951116781474966028.html
North Korea Calls Trump 'Erratic' Old Man Over Tweets

Former nuclear negotiator Kim Yong Chol said North Korea wouldn’t cave in to U.S. pressure because it has nothing to lose.

9 Dec 11:36 HuffPost 5982769915024563397.html
MEC estabelece diretrizes para Ensino Médio em tempo integral

O EMTI terá duração de 10 anos, considerando a adesão, implantação, acompanhamento e análise dos resultados

9 Dec 15:00 O TEMPO 6069683947448355737.html
Jeder fünfte Empfänger dauerhaft im Hartz-IV-System

Die SPD will Hartz IV abschaffen und tritt so eine neue Debatte los.

9 Dec 15:08 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568723966475.html
LSU QB Joe Burrow Reveals What Nebraska Told Him

In a recent interview with ESPN's Tom Rinaldi, Burrow revealed that he initially wanted to go to Nebraska.

9 Dec 16:24 The Spun 9122471849163228627.html
Decidirá SRE sobre embajador en Argentina AMLO

El canciller Marcelo Ebrard informó que Valero fue llamado a México para explicar los hechos

9 Dec 11:49 Fernanda Familiar 8155233565075705998.html
Tanti club su Smalling: stop alle trattative

Il centrale inglese è finito nel mirino di Arsenal, Everton e Leicester e chiede tempo per riflettere sul suo futuro

9 Dec 09:35 Forzaroma.info 1065617487354863527.html
Ericsson pays over USD 1 bln to resolve bribery charges in the US

Ericsson has agreed to pay USD 520.6 million and USD 458.4 million (plus pre-judgement interest of USD 81.5 million) to settle bribery charges brought by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), for a total of over USD 1 billion. CEO Borje Ekholm said the Ericsson can move forward and build a stronger company. 

9 Dec 08:54 Telecompaper 8935968349381066.html
Labour's 100-day plan to take Britain back to the Seventies: John McDonnell boasts party will trigger £200billion mass nationalisation of water, energy, rail and broadband within WEEKS of entering government

John McDonnell is pledging that kicking off huge plans for the state to take ownership of water, energy, rail and even broadband will be a key priority in the party's first 100 days.

9 Dec 09:31 Mail Online 124328111322423745.html
Ser du hvilken Samsung-mobil som er fotografert her? - ITavisen

Samsungs neste flaggskipmodell i Galaxy S-serien kan ha blitt fotografert ute i offentligheten.

9 Dec 12:36 ITavisen 7865444158327575516.html
Marlborough: Kids campaign sees 40km school speed limit plan

Kids campaign leads to proposed 40kmh speed limit outside school

9 Dec 12:00 SCOOP 5315658998681913810.html
Stadia's store will support trials and demos, gifting, wishlists, pre-orders, and tons of other lists

Stadia launched in what what most would consider a very unfinished state, missing many plenty of the announced features like family sharing and

9 Dec 14:32 Android Police 6171356413850790746.html
Knallhardt kjør mot Høie i luftambulansesaken

Helseminister Bent Høie (H) kjente til tekniske utfordringer med luftambulansens fly i august, men sier det ikke var disse problemene som skapte helgens krise.

9 Dec 15:52 Aftenbladet 8753034804166085593.html
Regalo di Natale: due materassi alla casa di riposo

SAN SEVERINO - Le mamme dell'associazione 108 "Una scuola per la vita" hanno consegnato la donazione al personale della struttura

9 Dec 08:59 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196036856893.html
Deutsche Exporte legen überraschend zu

Der deutsche Aussenhandel hat sich im Oktober stärker als erwartet entwickelt. Die Exporte erhöhten sich gegenüber dem Vormonat um 1,2 Prozent, wie das Statistische Bundesamt am Montag in Wiesbaden mitteilte....

9 Dec 09:02 cash 8314500324866232227.html
Hari Antikorupsi, Jokowi Hadiri Pentas #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi di SMK 57

Presiden Jokowi menyaksikan pentas #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi di SMK Negeri 57 Jakarta di momen peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) 2019.

9 Dec 08:56 detiknews 8793960225007439703.html
"Financial Times" schießt gegen Wirecard

Die Vorwürfe gegen Wirecard stammen immer aus derselben Quelle: Erneut wirft die "Financial Times" dem Dax-Unternehmen aus Bayern Trickserei bei den Bilanzen vor. Darauf bricht der Kurs des Online-Zahlungsabwicklers ein. Wie schon früher dementiert Wirecard - und der Kurs erholt sich wieder.

9 Dec 16:22 n-tv 6802689755851960862.html
Halo: The Master Chief Collection se acerca a vender dos millones de unidades en Steam

343 Industries y Xbox han demostrado que Halo sigue teniendo un espacio notable en la industria de videojuegos, con Halo: The Master Chief Collection, el...

9 Dec 10:58 MÁSGAMERS 2563978790803635479.html
Profeco advierte sobre el aumento de ropa desechable y de mala calidad

Marcas como Bershka, Bestseller, Boohoo, C&A, Charlotte Russe, Cotton On, Esprit, Fashion Nova, Five Foxes, Forever 21, Gap, Uniqlo, Victoria’s Secret y Zara, son las que ofrecen este tipo de prendas

9 Dec 16:23 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601221696829.html
Welche Vereine sich über Geld der Volksbank freuen dürfen

Die Volksbank Zeitz hat jetzt 8.000 Euro an Vereine und gemeinnützige Institutionen ausgereicht. Das Geld stammt aus den Reinerträgen

9 Dec 09:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108990998257.html
Nobelkonsert med genuin högtidlighet utan pompa

Miah Perssons sopranstämma är fullständigt fri och fräsch och DN:s Camilla Lundberg fröjdas åt att följa den i Stenhammars och Griegs sånger.

9 Dec 09:01 DN.SE 398730694535994259.html
How Do You Become a Porn Star? Webcam Model Thanks Journo For Career Motivation

In March 2019, Vice journalist Graham Isador wrote an article outlining the costs and profits of being a webcam model. He could not predict, however, what effect his story would have on the life of an ordinary American boy.

9 Dec 16:02 Sputniknews 967333869457801323.html
Versicherung bockt nach Überfällen – Post liefert kein Geld mehr nach Daillens VD

Der Versicherer für die Geldtransporte der Post hat den Versicherungsschutz für Geldtransporte nach Daillens VD nach dem Überfall von Anfang Dezember per …

9 Dec 11:11 watson.ch 2253754996145733945.html
The Lazy Man's Guide To Losing Fat And Building Muscle

Like most guys of a certain vintage, I have mixed feelings about my body. Staying lean and not surrendering to the siren’s call of the dreaded 'Dadbod' is a key concern. But then so is building and maintaining enough muscle so that I can keep up with the young bucks on the soccer field or in the gym. One of the...

9 Dec 10:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168642063001.html
Human Fall Flat Will Have a Separate Windows 10 Achievement List

The Human Fall Flat team confirm that the game will have a separate Windows 10 achievement list when it arrives to Xbox Game Pass for PC.

9 Dec 16:58 TrueAchievements 4775707719821299220.html
5 Cryptocurrency Trading Tips (By a Trader)

The difference between an unprofitable or slightly profitable trader, and a wildly profitable cryptocurrency trader, are often just a few tiny tweaks to the trader’s mentality and strategy.

9 Dec 08:05 Invest In Blockchain 417486446976912400.html
Salen volando de juego mecánico al fallar cinturón de seguridad

El video del aparatoso accidente, que esta circulando ha dejado impresionados a los usuarios de redes, ya que en el clip se puede ver como salen volando los participantes del juego

9 Dec 15:11 EL DEBATE 4396150893514005756.html
OnePlus 8 Lite: Nächstes Jahr kommt wieder ein Mittelklasse-Modell

OnePlus hat sich bereits einmal an einem Mittelklasse-Smartphone versucht, das OnePlus X war aber ein Flop. Nächstes Jahr dürfte der chinesische Hersteller einen zweiten Versuch in diese Richtung starten, vom OnePlus 8 Lite sind nun erste Renderbilder aufgetaucht.

9 Dec 11:26 winfuture.de 1179223335386329385.html
Tunberg: Saslušati djecu pogođenu klimatskim promjenama

Švedska tinejdžerska aktivistkinja Greta Tunberg pozvala je danas svjetske lidere da se manje fokusiraju na njenu priču i da više pažnje posvete pričama djece koja su pogođena aktuelnim klimatskim promjenama.

9 Dec 13:05 Nezavisne novine 4209150641220171752.html
Nawazuddin Siddiqui Redefines Success; Says ‘Successful Films’ May Not Be Remembered Over Time

Nawazuddin Siddiqui thinks movies which are successful at the box office do not rule the business of cinema anymore. The films which are recognized for their content, have an international audience and eventually make money on digital platforms. The real success of films depends on whether they will be remembered.

9 Dec 15:34 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243948196147.html
Aktualni predsednik KPK Štefanec ponovno kandidira za ta položaj

Predsednik Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije (KPK) je danes razkril, da ponovno kandidira za ta položaj. Kot je pojasnil na novinarski konferenci, za takšno odločitvijo stojijo tako njegova družina kot sodelavci, sam pa je prepričan, da je "bistveno boljši kandidat" za predsednika KPK, kot je bil pred šestimi leti, saj ima že šest let izkušenj.

9 Dec 13:05 Dnevnik 7671546649294713491.html
Novak Djokovic Fools Fans With "We Are The Champions" Piano Performance. Watch Video

Novak Djokovic is not one to shy away from a new challenge, though this one was a little bit of a twist.

9 Dec 12:28 NDTVSports.com 2127367043872352925.html
Anggota DPRD DKI Sepakat akan Laporkan Anthony Winza ke BK, Buntut Tanya Anggaran Komputer 128,9 M

Anggota DPRD Fraksi PSI kembali dilaporkan ke Badan kehormatan DPRD DKI Jakarta karena dituding sebarkan materi rapat terkait pengadaan komputer.

9 Dec 09:12 Tribunnews.com 3323534446335258858.html
L'apertura del CorSport: "Il Milan riparte, Bologna piegato"

"Il Milan riparte, Bologna piegato": spazio in taglio alto della prima pagina del Corriere dello Sport anche alla vittoria del Milan sul campo del Bologna per 2-3 grazie ai gol di Piatek, Bonaventura e Hernandez.

9 Dec 09:35 MilanNews.it 6507305922140246799.html
Tesla Premium: Abo-Modell für neue Fahrzeuge kommt

Landkarten mit Live-Meldungen und Musik gehören für Sie im Tesla einfach dazu? Dafür zahlen Sie in Zukunft jeden Monat Gebühren im Abonnement.

9 Dec 09:33 Computer Bild 4944248632196167351.html
El Movimiento Activista Animal reclamó que se investigue la mortandad en Sierra del Tigre

La asociación civil Movimiento Activista Animal realizó una presentación ante el doctor Alcides Fortunato, a cargo de la delegación Tandil de la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, por la muerte de 18 animales en la Reserva Natural Sierra del Tigre. La denuncia se basó en la publicación que realizó este Diario […]

9 Dec 10:16 El Eco 4177735525446905122.html
How BBNaija Mike Edwards bite more than he could chew

BBNaija Mike is so much loved that the gangling dude could get away with just about anything but on a certain occasion last week.

9 Dec 09:05 Vanguard News 4125100339688526721.html
Famosos peruanos se unen a campaña de pirotecnia cero para cuidar a las mascotas

Carlos Bruce, Alberto de Belaunde, Jessica Newton y otras personas conocidas en nuestro país se muestran preocupados por pirotecnia que afecta a las mascotas.

9 Dec 10:00 Wapa.pe 6757287089633873507.html
Police called to sudden death of man

Police were called to the sudden death of a man in Bury St Edmunds this morning.

9 Dec 13:22 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152378196572.html
John Lennon's sons post throwback family photos on 39th anniversary

Sean and Julian Lennon paid tribute to their dad

9 Dec 15:56 Metro 970161748412757525.html
Bohuslav: "Jede Frau hat Recht auf gewaltfreies Leben"

Anlässlich der Kampagne "16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen" sprach Landesleiterin der Wir Niederösterreicherinnen-ÖVP Frauen und Landesrätin Petra Bohuslav gemeinsam mit Frauen-Landesrätin Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister, Gewaltschutzzentren Geschäftsführerin Michaela Egger und Polizei-Bezirkskommandantin Sonja Fiegl über Präventions- und Überzeugungsarbeit.

9 Dec 17:03 NÖN.at 2486998932430140501.html
Secret love story between Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin takes place in North Korea

The new tvN drama “Crash Landing on You,” starring seasoned actors Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin, features a secret romance across the border between South and North Korea. The fantasy-romance drama begins as Yoon Se-ri, heiress of a South Korean conglomerate, accidently lands in North Korea while paragliding, and meets Lee Jung-hyuk, a North Korean commissioned officer.  Yoon, played by Son, soon falls in...

9 Dec 08:42 Koreaherald 8029273602837215995.html
HSBC COO to Step Down, Amid Senior Management Changes

There’s been a number of changes to the senior management team at HSBC, which have been made as part of the next phase of the bank’s strategy.

9 Dec 11:27 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138266539492287.html
Angus man, 44, assaulted his ex after she finished their relationship on Valentine’s Day

Neil Wares, 44, of Peffers Place, Forfar, was placed on a nine-month community payback order with supervision, and made the subject of a one-year non harassment order.

9 Dec 08:28 The Courier 4275302767429779318.html
Henry Cavill confiesa cuál es su personaje favorito de Overwatch

No cabe duda de que el actor que interpreta al Superman moderno como es Henry Cavill, es actualmente una de las figuras más importantes en el panorama videojueguil gracias a su papel como Geralt de Rivia en la serie The Witcher de Netflix, la cual se estrenará este más que próximo 20 de diciembre.

9 Dec 12:22 SomosXbox 4635940035618586770.html
Election campaign turns nasty: Labour activist 'PUNCHES Matt Hancock's adviser at Leeds hospital where sick boy, four, was pictured lying on floor' - hours after Boris Johnson was confronted with the image by ITV reporter

An aide to Matt Hancock was alleged punched by a Labour activist as the Health Secretary visited a hospital at the centre of a storm about a sick child who was forced to lie on the floor.

9 Dec 16:53 Mail Online 124328111893049517.html
Govt given a week's time by LHC to decide on Maryam's request to be removed from ECL

High court disposes of Maryam's petition; directs the government to decide on the matter as per the law.

9 Dec 13:37 DAWN.COM 4500271768259513131.html
Bang Energy Girl Nina Serebrova Soaks Up The Sun In Neon Orange Bikini

Nina Serebrova started off her week by soaking up some sun in a tiny little bikini while in Miami, Florida. The Bang Energy model shared the photo and a video for her Instagram fans to enjoy on ...

9 Dec 17:19 The Inquisitr 1745625231532852591.html
The Dubai Mall is holding a huge sale this weekend

Expect up to 75 percent off at the three-day super sale

9 Dec 15:37 Time Out Dubai 1956550808972023643.html
Crisis: Watch Every DC Cameo from Part 1 of the Arrowverse Crossover

The cameos start rolling immediately in the first chapter of the Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover on Supergirl.

9 Dec 10:12 CBR.com 1295516962059698431.html
SEA Games: Indonesia sees Vietnam as last hurdle to soccer gold

Indonesia will look to seek revenge for a group stage loss when it plays Vietnam in the soccer final of the 30th Southeast Asian Games in the Philippines on Tuesday.

9 Dec 08:17 The Jakarta Post 7678601102706942144.html
ESPN Releases Score Prediction For Iowa vs. USC

For the first time in over a decade, the Iowa Hawkeyes and USC Trojans will clash with a bowl game trophy on the line.

9 Dec 15:24 The Spun 9122471849239476709.html
References in Peshawar BRT, Malam Jabba land scams ready, says NAB chief

ISLAMABAD: National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal on Monday said that the accountability watchdog has prepared references against alleged malfeasance in Peshawar Bu

9 Dec 09:05 Pakistan Today 6621510369122553475.html
Cicpc detiene a supuesto implicado en asesinato de general Ruiz Zerpa

El general retirado del Ejército fue reportado como desaparecido desde el pasado 9 de octubre, cuando salió de su vivienda en Calabozo y su familia denunció el hecho

9 Dec 10:58 Globovisión 5928221751309458038.html
Traducteurs-interprètes, quand la justice devient l'otage du communautarisme

À peine a-t-on laissé Oscar à la porte du café, fait quelques pas sur le boulevard pour prendre la mesure de sa stupéfiante confession, qu'il envoie ce SMS : « J'espère que l'anonymat sera total. » Nous l'assurons, encore une fois, de notre discrétion. On rassure à tout-va les traducteurs-interprètes et avocats que nous avons interrogés ces derniers jours, car tous ont exprimé cette même inquiétude.

9 Dec 09:41 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230248343380582.html
Formula Regional | Novità sui punti per la Superlicenza

Il Consiglio Mondiale della FIA conferma per il 2020 i 25 punti Superlicenza per la Formula Regional, mentre i campionati similari non superano i 15 punti. Formula Regional e Asian F3 insieme raggiungono i 43 punti

9 Dec 14:15 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655861757471.html
Trump accused of anti-Semitism after saying Jewish Americans will vote for him so they can avoid a wealth tax

Progressive Jewish groups have accused President Donald Trump of spreading anti-Semitic smears when he spoke on Saturday night in an appeal to Jewish voters at an Israeli American Council conference.

9 Dec 13:17 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882462936264.html
LHC to hear Maryam Nawaz's petition for removal of name from ECL today

December 09: Russian company Gazprom is set to initiate the feasibility study in the first quarter of 2020 for laying down undersea pipeline starting from Persian Gulf to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh initially that will ultimately end to China after touching Myanmar and Thailand, a senior official of the Petroleum Division privy to the development told The News.

9 Dec 08:04 Arab News 8912634263813238540.html
160 Arab cars vandalized in Jerusalem

Cars in Arab neighborhood of Shuafat in Jerusalem vandalized with anti-Arab slogans, have their tires slashed.

9 Dec 14:55 Israel National News 5374683670225709755.html
Doug Collins Lets Loose on Dems: 'This May Become Known As the Focus Group Impeachment'

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, used his opening statement to blast the ongoing impeachment inquiry on Monday.

9 Dec 15:20 Townhall 6083908947898607987.html
Volton: Stalno guramo Bjelicu da bude agresivniji

Trener Sakramento Kingsa Luk Volton je hvalio Nemanju Bjelicu posle njegove najbolje ovosezonske partije. Bivši igrač Crvene zvezde je ubacio 30 poena u pobedi nad Dalasom čime je izjednačio svoj NBA rekord.

9 Dec 09:54 Sport Klub 42251758623108719.html
Drivers on busy Ayrshire road affected as car hits sheep on A76

A driver is believed to have struck a sheep on the busy A76 and ended up overturning the vehicle, which has caused major tailbacks.

9 Dec 17:48 dailyrecord 552235479135972083.html
Samsung Reportedly Has Some Major Camera Upgrades Planned For The Galaxy S11

Almost a year ago, Samsung acquired mobile camera developer Corephotonics, and now, if reports are true, Samsung might finally be ready to add some of the company’s fancy new photography tech on the upcoming Galaxy S11....

9 Dec 09:11 Gizmodo AU 3183561247226711627.html
Nagrađen radnik Parking servisa

Radnik "Parking servisa" Bore Rujević bio je danas u Starom dvoru gost zamenika gradonačelnika Beograda Gorana Vesića, koji mu je zahvalio za human gest kada je u četvrtak, 5. decembra, na Međunarodnom terminalu u Bloku 43, pronašao deset hiljada funti, prijavio ih svom rukovodiocu, a potom vratio novac vlasniku. Direktor „Parking servisa“ Andrija Čupković je Rujevića, kao primernog radnika, nagradio stimulacijom na platu. Prijemu je prisustvovao i Predrag Marković, rukovodilac službe "Parking servisa" na Međunarodnom terminalu.

9 Dec 15:51 REPUBLIKA 2543998404753474072.html
Iliad, stop ai problemi internet: ecco come migliorare la qualità delle reti

Ancora nelle scorse settimane sono continuati i problemi in casa Iliad per le connessioni di rete. Ecco come migliorare la qualità delle linee

9 Dec 08:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127003689452.html
Importaciones de bienes durables sufren una brusca caída en noviembre

El total de las importaciones cayeron un 8,3% al registrar US$ 5.171 millones.

9 Dec 15:27 T13 7836926439658597513.html
Marcas como Zara o Berska ofrecen ropa con baja durabilidad: Profeco

El organismo llama a verificar calidad de prendas antes de adquirirlas

9 Dec 15:30 SIPSE.com 4008460417943777828.html
Coens wil dat De Wever aan zet komt

Nieuwbakken CD&V-voorzitter Joachim Coens is duidelijk: N-VA-voorzitter Bart De Wever moet aan zet komen. “We moeten toch kijken wat de positie van de grootste Vlaamse partij is. En wat de positie is van de Vlaamse regering tegenover een nieuwe federale regering”, verklaarde Coens tegenover Radio 1-programma ‘De Ochtend’. Vandaag brengt informateur Paul Magnette (PS) verslag […]

9 Dec 11:45 SCEPTR 7604357482507794984.html
Sport und Spiel im Kinderhaus K19 in Geislingen

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der baden-württembergischen Stadt Geislingen der Geislinger Zeitung.

9 Dec 10:28 swp.de 6929179440337629804.html
Unemployment high on list of Arab youth’s major concerns

DUBAI: The Arab world will face three major shifts in the next decade, adding fresh urgency to the task of tackling corruption and extremism across the region, the UAE’s minister of Cabinet affairs and the future said on Monday at the 12th Arab Strategy Forum (ASF) in Dubai. The three shifts will include a new economic reality, a revolution in information production, and an

9 Dec 13:13 Arab News 8912634262591820439.html
SIPA uhapsila funkcionera Parlamenta FBiH i policajca zbog afere "lažne diplome"

BIHAĆ - U okviru nastavka akcije "Pero", koja je usmjerena na razbijanje organizovane grupe koja se bavila nezakonitim izdavanjem i prodajom diploma, pripadnici Državne agencije za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA) uhapsili su danas predsjednika Kluba poslanika A-SDA u Skupštini USK Rasima Pajića i policijskog službenika iz Sektora kriminalističke policije u MUP-u USK Alagu Čauševića.

9 Dec 09:56 Nezavisne novine 4209150641348758016.html
Ethereum Istanbul Upgrade Goes Live: Here’s Why its Important

Ethereum Instanbul brings a number of improvements to the network and brings the chain one large step closer to the implementation of Serenity

9 Dec 11:01 Blockonomi 7720215218208056635.html
Pres. Genk: "Solo col Napoli abbiamo giocato bene, vogliamo ripeterci! Berge? Difficile trattenerlo"

Peter Croonen, presidente del Genk, alla vigilia della sfida di Champions League con il Napoli è intervenuto ai microfoni di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli

9 Dec 17:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081625433389.html
Attaque de fourgon: La Poste suspend ses transports de fonds depuis Daillens

Après l'attaque d'un fourgon début décembre, La Poste a décidé de suspendre ses transferts de fonds depuis Daillens (VD). Les conditions de sécurité ...

9 Dec 12:36 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802460178444169.html
ALBANIJA USTALA PROTIV HANDKEA: Bojkotovaće ceremoniju dodele Nobelove nagrade (FOTO, VIDEO)

Albanija je saopštila danas da će njen ambasador u Švedskoj bojkotovati ceremoniju dodele Nobelovih nagrada u znak protesta zbog dobtnika nagrade za književnost za 2019. Petera Handkea.

9 Dec 16:17 kurir.rs 6515665028693352485.html
Blut-Abstieg in Brasilien

Blutige Randale in Brasilien. Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte musste absteigen, die Fans drehten daraufhin durch, die Polizei griff massiv ein.

9 Dec 08:48 Bild 8433249907432324650.html
Blut-Abstieg in Brasilien

Blutige Randale in Brasilien. Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte musste absteigen, die Fans drehten daraufhin durch, die Polizei griff massiv ein.

9 Dec 08:48 Bild 8433249909121842395.html
Tod von Juice Wrld: Video vom letzten Flug aufgetaucht!

Rapper Juice Wrld starb am gestrigen Sonntag im Alter von 21 Jahren. Nun gibt es erste Videos aus dem Todes-Flugzeug und Rap-Kollegen nehmen Abschied.

9 Dec 14:57 TAG24 4583887874739951396.html
Nagrade, plakete i povelje najuspešnijim u privredi Srbije

BEOGRAD - Na svečanoj sednici Skupštine Privredne komore Srbije, danas su uručene godišnje nagrade najuspešnijim kompanijama i pojedincima koji su

9 Dec 15:21 Krstarica 4176903989555922421.html
Haaland: Transfer-Wirbel "kein Problem"

Stürmertalent Erling Haaland geht mit dem Wirbel um seine Person entspannt um. Ich konzentriere mich nur auf meinen Job und genieße jeden Tag den Moment, das ist mein Fokus, auf Salzburg, das ist überhaupt kein Problem, sagte der norwegische Fußball-Nationalspieler vor dem Endspiel um den Achtelfinal-Einzug in der Champions League mit RB Salzburg am Dienstag (18.55 Uhr live auf DAZN ) gegen Titelverteidiger FC Liverpool.

9 Dec 14:56 SPOX 8395423526707259397.html
Robin Tax, un altro freno per lo sviluppo della Sardegna

Economia - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 14:47 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205871796584.html
These Bills have shown the ability to bounce back from defeats

If they can do it again after their fourth loss – which came Sunday at New Era Field to the Baltimore Ravens – the Bills will be headed

9 Dec 16:20 The Buffalo News 2088823987405948553.html
Mpengesi All Smiles As Record-Breaking Chippa Surge

Record Breaking Chippa United Move Up The Log Table

9 Dec 14:42 Soccer Laduma 3901337371637369943.html
Three takeaways from Chiefs vs. Patriots: Red-hot Kansas City makes Tom Brady, New England go cold in playoff picture

The Chiefs beat the Patriots on Sunday in a game that significantly impacted the NFL playoff picture. Here is what we learned about both teams.

9 Dec 12:16 Sporting News 5110653853458235578.html
Fanno la grigliata e si portano le braci in casa per scaldarsi: 6 intossicati

VENEZIA - Questa mattina presto a Cavarzere, intorno alle 5.30, paura per 6 persone rimaste intossicate in casa dal monossido di carbonio. Si tratta di un gruppo di bengalesi: una quindicina di...

9 Dec 15:19 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446443062623.html
Laut Forschern: Ökosysteme in Böden schaffen Anpassung an Klimaerwärmung nicht

Forscher zeigen anhand von natürlichem Experiment in Island, dass sich unter diesen Umständen zwar ein neues Gleichgewicht, nicht aber eine echte Anpassung einstellt.

9 Dec 17:00 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700579539461.html
Super Bowl-or-bust Saints have plenty to improve on

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Saints coach Sean Payton had no interest in emphasizing the positives in a thrilling 48-46 loss that came down to the final seconds against the team...

9 Dec 16:29 The Seattle Times 9121942837416094383.html
Elecciones en Boca: apabullante victoria de la lista de Ameal, Pergolini y Riquelme

El último escrutinio se dio cerca de las 4 de la madrugada y ganó con más del 50 porciento. Román presentaría a mediodía del lunes el nuevo DT.

9 Dec 08:47 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158645552816.html
Recent cut in corporate tax rate was done to boost investments: CEA

"Private investment is the driver of economic growth. Steps that we are taking, be it corporate tax rate cut, be it code on wages and industrial relations, is to try and create a more favourable environment for investment," Subramanian said at the FICCI Young Leaders Summit

9 Dec 09:47 The Indian Express 2885715104448854162.html
Shah Rukh Khan fears being lonely and sad if he directs movies

Despite his absence from the big screen for a year now, Shah Rukh Khan continues to be one of the most loved superstars not just in India but across the globe. Just recently he appeared on Tom Brook's chat show, Talking Movies, where he discussed a variety of subjects including his career, films, his recent setbacks on the big screen, the #MeToo movement and the new wave of the mid-level Indian films.

9 Dec 17:13 Filmfare.com 6668806038763164999.html
Preview: Wigan Athletic vs. West Bromwich Albion - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews Wigan Athletic's clash with West Bromwich Albion in the Championship, including a prediction, team news and predicted lineups.

9 Dec 16:35 Sports Mole 7750663361836709270.html
Total Tank Simulator announced and it’ll have physics based WWII battles

505 Games has partnered with Noobz from Poland to announce Total Tank Simulator, a physics-based WWII battle title. In the game, players will assume the role of Commander who direct tanks, which is ob

9 Dec 15:59 tsa 6447108926440987395.html
La follia del dirottatore del bus: "Tutta colpa di crimini di Salvini"

Adesso Ousseynou Sy si scaglia contro Salvini: "Responsabile delle morti nel mar mediterraneo e di crimini contro l'umanità". L'autista imputato per strage

9 Dec 16:04 ilGiornale.it 5019541224048180979.html
Eminem Angrily Responds To Nick Cannon's Gay Sex Allegations

You don't want to mess with Shady...

9 Dec 17:50 HipHopDX 6054351961105906000.html
Karnataka bypolls: BJP wins Yellapur seat by 31k votes

BJP candidate from Yellapur Arabail Shivaram Hebbar became the first candidate to register a victory in the by-polls to 15 assembly constituencies in Karnataka

9 Dec 11:47 Deccan Herald 2027555797037593984.html
Rund jeder fünfte Empfänger dauerhaft im Hartz-IV-System

Mehr als 5 Millionen Menschen sind auf Hartz-IV-Leistungen angewiesen. Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zeigen: Viele kommen aus dem System kaum mehr heraus.

9 Dec 16:43 DIE WELT 6197693428613113985.html
Justiça extingue processo contra brasileiro que foi espancado por aplicar golpes com bitcoin

Justiça de Brasília decidiu extinguir sem resolução de mérito uma das ações miovidas por investidor contra o empresário que aplicava golpes com Bitcoin.

9 Dec 14:56 Portal do Bitcoin 7973962971484131252.html
Ranveer Singh Kisses Shahid Kapoor On The Cheek And Shuts Down Rumours Of Cold War!

When Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor worked together in Sanjay Leela Bhansalis magnum opus Padmaavat, there was rumours about their on-screen rivalry spilling into real life as well.

9 Dec 09:51 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244907548721.html
Tre emissioni obbligazionarie in Egitto entro giugno dopo il successo dell’eurobond

Green bond, Sukuk e cedole variabili per le prossimi emissioni in Egitto. Il Cairo alletta i mercati internazionali con rendimenti reali ancora nettamente positivi e un cambio in rafforzamento.

9 Dec 14:49 InvestireOggi 7231367744414135580.html
Der teuerste Weihnachtsbaum der Welt kostet 12 Millionen Euro

Luxuriöse Weihnachten gibt es im Kempinski Hotel Bahia in Marbella. In der Lobby des Luxus-Hotels steht der wohl extravaganteste Weihnachtsbaum der Welt:...

9 Dec 16:05 RTL.DE 7054729452983090687.html
Alagoano morre em atentado a bala no Mato Grosso

O alagoano de Junqueiro, Valdeanderson da Silva, de 25 anos, foi assassinado a tiros na madrugada de sábado (7), na cidade de Nova Mutum, no Estado do Mato Grosso. O rapaz estava em sua residência, acompanhado de uma garota de 18 anos, cuja identidade será mantida em sigilo, quando os criminosos chegaram e abriram fogo....

9 Dec 15:38 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011510755604.html
Ucciso pompiere, nella gang un italiano

Un vigile del fuoco di 49 anni è rimasto ucciso ad Augusta (in Baviera) venerdì scorso in una rissa, e dagli sviluppi delle indagini emerge che anche un giovane italiano sia coinvolto nella vicenda. (ANSA)

9 Dec 15:44 ANSA.it 1300837447488270656.html
Omicidio Yara, parla Bossetti: "I pm mi impediscono di difendermi"

Massimo Bossetti si sfoga: "Tutto questo è scandaloso: mi hanno negati di fare ulteriori accertamenti e dovute indagini sui reperti consentiti".

9 Dec 10:34 ilGiornale.it 5019541225640465728.html
Patch Tuesday alert! Protect your machine by pausing updates

If you’re running Win10 1903 or 1909, setting up a temporary patching pause is quick and easy. Other versions, not so much. Opt out of cannon-fodder mode with these simple steps.

9 Dec 15:44 Computerworld 8450890022830302515.html
Orbassano, una donna ha ucciso la figlia disabile a martellate, poi ha tentato il suicidio


9 Dec 16:46 DAGOSPIA 6533336738809750519.html
Alleged P&ID scam: Court dismisses Briton’s plea for bail variation

The Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday, dismissed  the application for bail variation filed by a British man, James Nolan.Justice

9 Dec 17:15 The Eagle Online 1463511649333952358.html
Champions League: Showdown: Schießt Salzburgs Haaland Liverpool raus?

28 Tore in 21 Pflichtspielen - die Hinrunden-Bilanz von Erling Haaland ist beeindruckend. Die österreichische „Kronen Zeitung“ bezeichnete den 19 Jahre alten ...

9 Dec 12:17 swp.de 6929179441848239171.html
Las dudas del once de cara al Lokomotiv

El Atlético de Madrid comenzó a preparar el choque que le medirá este miércoles con el Lokomotiv de Moscú en la Liga de Campeones. Un...

9 Dec 16:16 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958384768262.html
DocuSign: Time To Lock In Profits

Shares of DocuSign soared nearly 10% after reporting Q3 results, extending a recent win streak ever since the company warned of sales execution issues in Q1.Revenue growth of 35% y/y beat Wall Street'

9 Dec 15:27 Seeking Alpha 5725634556968832242.html
One of the country's best forwards stars at first-ever women's AFL Europe Combine

Donegal star Geraldine McLaughlin caught the eye, as did recently-retired Kerry ace Sarah Houlihan and Dublin’s Lauren Magee.

9 Dec 13:04 The42 5369852629341237186.html
El tren Sancti Spíritus-Habana constituye un peligro para su circulación

"En los momentos actuales es altamente peligroso que circule un tren con los coches en estas condiciones”, indicó el informe.

9 Dec 17:14 CiberCuba 8213836169323242445.html
OnePlus TV has a new remote with a dedicated Netflix button; will be free for existing customers - Gizmochina

OnePlus has announced a new TV remote for the OnePlus TV Q1 and OnePlus TV Q1 Pro. The new remote is called the Netflix Remote and that is because it has a dedicated Netflix button, unlike the one that currently ships with the TVs. It also has a completely new design. The good news is …

9 Dec 11:59 Gizmochina 1751854815129022655.html
Dad blogger who had the Christmas number one last year with a charity single about sausage rolls is making ANOTHER bid for the top spot with a second tribute to the pastry treat

Mark Hoyle, 31, AKA LadBaby, from Nottingham, is back with a new single I Love Sausage Rolls, set to the tune of I Love Rock 'n' Roll, and he hopes to hit the number one spot again.

9 Dec 15:45 Mail Online 124328111843544957.html
Michael Clifford: Is Boris Johnson the man for the moment?

Mike Sutcliffe thinks Boris is the man for the moment.

9 Dec 14:07 Irishexaminer 8196011180223014281.html
Arranca semana clave para posible "impeachment" contra Trump

Los republicanos acusan a los demócratas de ir muy rápido con el único objetivo de destituir a Trump para no enfrentarse a él en las presidenciales del año próximo. Mientras que el mandatario promete vengarse en las urnas

9 Dec 13:10 Globovisión 5928221752523138501.html
Sicarios asesinaron a joven mientras departía con su hermano y unos amigos en Palmira

Sicarios acabaron con la vida de Carlos Enrique Núñez Motoa, de 24 años, la noche de este domingo en el sector de La Emilia, comuna 3 del municipio de Palmira.Según indicaron las autoridades, el crimen se presentó hacia las 9:30 de la noche, en la Carrera 36 con Calle 41 del mencionado sector, cuando dos individuos, al parecer, en una motocicleta arribaron y sin mediar palabra dispararon contra la víctima que se encontraba departiendo con su hermano y dos personas más.

9 Dec 09:51 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346531080055.html
POLITICO Pro Sustainability Insights: Circular batteries boost — Chemicals leaks — COP update

Visit the post for more.

9 Dec 16:30 POLITICO 2584151345985344242.html
Unsichere Passwörter: 44 Millionen Microsoft-Konten sind unsicher: Das müssen Nutzer jetzt tun

Zwischen sensiblen Daten und Hackern steht oft nur ein Passwort. Dass es in vielen Fällen keine wirklich hohe Hürde darstellt, hat Microsoft bei einer Überprüfung herausgefunden. Rund 44 Millionen Microsoft-Konten verwenden unsichere Passwörter. Nutzer müssen diese jetzt ändern.

9 Dec 12:53 FOCUS Online 4448121230582231041.html
Hamas administra influyente página de Corbyn en Facebook

Funcionarios de Hamas tanto en Gaza como en Londres están trabajando en apoyo del Partido Laborista de Jeremy Corbyn.

9 Dec 15:59 Noticias de Israel 5887715889074106016.html
Barça ohne Messi nach Mailand

Der FC Barcelona hat den Kader für das anstehende Champions League-Duell gegen Inter Mailand (Dienstag, 21 Uhr) bekanntgegeben. Dabei fällt vor allem auf, dass Lionel Messi die Reise nach Mailand (...)

9 Dec 13:55 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784659405955.html
Staggering moment Boris Johnson takes ITV reporter's phone to avoid picture of boy, 4, on hospital floor

ITV reporter Joe Pike has said Boris Johnson took his phone off him when he showed him a picture of Jack Williment-Barr, the four-year-old with suspected pneumonia forced to lie on a pile of coats on the floor of a Leeds hospital

9 Dec 13:26 birminghammail 8288260686606193115.html
Un nou restaurant Burger King se deschide in Romania

AmRest, una dintre cele mai mari platforme europene de restaurante si servicii alimentare, deschide al doilea restaurant Burger King in Romania, in data de 13 decembrie. HOME OF THE WHOPPER® se va afla in incinta AFI Cotroceni si va avea o echipa de 40 de angajati.

9 Dec 13:17 Wall-Street 2473040520317257459.html
Dueños de Sucre aplican tratamiento para reanimar Farmacias Santa Lucía

La empresa robusteció el portafolio de su nuevo negocio, cerró y movió locales, así como pretenden fortalecer la atención a domicilio y plataforma web

9 Dec 13:30 La Nación 504134873356975940.html
Sekuel Shazam Dipastikan Mulai Digarap Medio 2020, Ada Keterkaitan Black Adam?

WE Online, Los Angeles - Warner Bros. memastikan DC Films akan kembali menggarap sekuel film Shazam. Kepastian itu diumumkan distributor film itu dalam perhelatan Comic Con Experience (CCXP) di Sao Paulo, Brasil, pada Minggu (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 13:16 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835299474759.html
Gardaland Magic Winter: allestito l'albero di Natale fatto di Lego! | Cultura Pop

In attesa di LEGOLAND Water Park, Gardaland Magic Winter si prepara alle feste natalizie con l'allestimento di un albero fatto interamente di Lego.

9 Dec 14:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147069441730008.html
Volkswagen, al via la prevendita della nuova Golf

L’ottava generazione della bestseller della casa tedesca arriverà nelle concessionarie italiane a marzo del 2020 con prezzi a partire da 25.750

9 Dec 11:26 Repubblica.it 8208867269578730120.html
OFAC toma medidas contra Gustavo Adolfo Vizcaino Gil y Juan Carlos

El Departamento del Tesoro de EEUU publicó nuevas sanciones para funcionarios por corrupción y apoyo material a las re

9 Dec 12:15 Informe21.com 5448175405643957390.html
Congestión vehicular en Panamericana Norte por incendio de camión

La emergencia fue controlada por los Bomberos. El conductor de la unidad de carga fue trasladado a la comisaría del distrito.

9 Dec 13:15 Publimetro Perú 5349571042183926058.html
Yara Massimo Bossetti, Procura si oppone ad analisi reperti e lui si infuria: «Mi impediscono di difendermi»

Omicidio Yara Gambirasio News oggi

9 Dec 17:17 UrbanPost 2450570492686075977.html
IMSS guarda silencio sobre negligencia médica contra una recién nacida

En Puebla una menor de edad y reci&eacute;n nacida fue v&iacute;ctima de una terrible negligencia m&eacute;dica por parte de los m&eacute;dicos del IMSS quienes ahora guardan silencio sobre el caso

9 Dec 14:09 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622606330386.html
Ex-Celtic and Aberdeen star Mackay-Steven thought he was on golf course after Glasgow river plunge

FORMER Celtic and Aberdeen star Gary Mackay-Steven has revealed he woke up in hospital after his infamous river plunge thinking he was on a golf course. The 29-year-old was rescued from the River K…

9 Dec 12:39 The Scottish Sun 6609127673454705351.html
Brummies in a Banksy! Crowds pose on bench next to iconic artwork in Jewellery Quarter

Crowds flock to have their picture taken next to mystery artist's stunning mural in Vyse Street

9 Dec 16:43 birminghammail 8288260685349198303.html
Here's What to Get Everyone in Your Work Life for the Holidays

Giving gifts that are meaningful to the individual receiving them is one of the most effective ways to enhance the workplace during the holidays.

9 Dec 15:31 Inc.com 8604986418087814445.html
Las mascotas de Kylie Jenner tienen una extravagante mansión que cuenta con su aire acondicionado

La mayoría de los famosos están acostumbrados a una vida llena de lujos, y estos privilegios son compartidos con sus mascotas. Algunas hasta cuentan con sus propios perfiles de instagram,...

9 Dec 14:24 Pagina 7 4371131344337306372.html
Golden Globes nominations 2020: streaming on top as Killing Eve, Fleabag and The Crown recognised

The 2020 Golden Globes nominations celebrated British talent such as Pheobe Waller-Bridge, Andrew Scott, Olivia Colman and Andrew Lloyd-Webber, but sounded a death knell for terrestrial British television with no non-streamed television shows earning recognition.

9 Dec 15:34 The Telegraph 140598092217713362.html
Garth Crooks lauds Tottenham star Son Heung-min after ‘extraordinary’ moment

The 27-year-old netted a tremendous individual effort in a resounding win over Burnley on Saturday.BBC Sport pundit Garth Crooks has compared the goal scored by Son Heung-min on Saturday to George Weah's famous solo effort back in 1996.

9 Dec 12:15 The Boot Room 5717202226728968374.html
Mit einem Dreirad ein Stück Freiheit zurückgewinnen

Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen sorgen dafür, dass eine Frau ihr geliebtes Radeln nur mit Spezialgerät, einem Elektro-Behindertenrad mit drei Rädern, wieder aufnehmen könnte. Doch das ist teuer.

9 Dec 15:56 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567427153569346.html
Schönheit zum Schnäppchenpreis? Selbsttest von "Akte"-Reporterin Alin schockiert

Ein gutes Aussehen spielt für viele Menschen eine große Rolle. Oftmals sollen kleine oder größere Eingriffe helfen, dem eigenen Ideal noch näher zu kommen.

9 Dec 16:52 TAG24 4583887874408192739.html
Phillip Schofield ignores ‘complaint allegations’ on This Morning

It was Phil's first time on television since allegations arose.

9 Dec 12:37 Metro 970161747603817330.html
Er kan makkelijk een grotere batterij in de iPhone 12

iPhone 12 krijgt mogelijk een veel grotere batterij.

9 Dec 16:06 Apparata 308905379077518183.html
Un governo poco furbo contro i furbetti dell'imu - gualtieri disconosce la norma


9 Dec 11:42 DAGOSPIA 6533336739616841124.html
"Original Play" für größten unwissenschaftlichen Unfug nominiert

Der bis vor kurzem in Kindergärten tätige Rangel-Verein hat Chance auf den Negativpreis „Goldenes Brett“, der jährlich von der Gesellschaft für kritisches Denken vergeben wird.

9 Dec 11:25 Die Presse 6242788854335485043.html
Cesare Bocci e Tiziana Foschi portano "Pesce d'aprile" a Ortona e Atessa

Giovedì 12 al Teatro Tosti di Ortona e venerdì 13 al teatro Di Iorio di Atessa arriva lo spettacolo "Pesce d'aprile", dall'omonimo romanzo autobiografico scritto da Daniela Spada e Cesare Bocci.. È il racconto di un grande amore che la malattia ha reso ancora più grande: un’esperienza di vita reale, toccante, intima e straordinaria di un uomo e di una donna che non si danno per vinti quando all’improvviso il destino sconvolge la loro vita.

9 Dec 15:07 ChietiToday 1729130453162279887.html
Disabled mother, 51, and her nine-year-old autistic son face a homeless Christmas after Hoover tumble dryer blaze destroyed their flat

Lisa Camilleri, 51, from Shenley, Hertfordshire, was waiting for the three-year-old Hoover dryer to finish its cycle last month when she heard a 'loud bang' and her electricity tripped.

9 Dec 10:27 Mail Online 124328110847268980.html
Africa's Nobel Prize winners: A list

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Tuesday will receive the 2019 Nobel Prize for Peace for his "decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighbouring Eritrea".

9 Dec 16:02 Aljazeera 6642629763312079526.html
Devon council facing £6million overspend on children's social care

Residential placements for children in care are costing Torbay Council around £5,000 a week each, it has emerged

9 Dec 14:18 DevonLive 2469244513159627178.html
Shovel Knight: King Of Cards Review (Switch eShop)

The closing chapter of five years of shovelry

9 Dec 14:00 Nintendo Life 5246707017880467175.html
Dirk Nowitzki über seine Verbindung zu Werder Bremen, ein Leben ohne Basketball und seine Zukunft

Im Rahmen des Leadership-Festivals des DFB sprach Basketball-Legende Dirk Nowitzki über ihre Zukunftspläne, Erziehung und eine mögliche Rückkehr nach Deutschland 

9 Dec 16:35 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775471636951.html
Gustavo Sastre asumió en la Intendencia de Puerto Madryn

Este domingo se realizó el acto de asunción de Gustavo Sastre a la Intendencia de Puerto Madryn. Se desarrolló en un colmado Gimnasio Municipal Nº 1 de la ciudad y el gobernador Mariano Arcioni acompañó la ceremonia.

9 Dec 12:29 El Patagónico 8565457046318425194.html
Tutino può tornare in Campania: all'azzurro pensano Salernitana e Benevento

Sul taccuino del direttore sportivo Fabiani c'è finito anche Gennaro Tutino, di proprietà del Napoli ma in forza all'Hellas.

9 Dec 13:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079616282779.html
Airtel Launches Non-expiry Data Bundles, 5MB To Sell At Ksh1

Kenya's second-largest telco Airtel has launched non-expiry data, months after its rival Safaricom launched a similar product.In the new plan, 5MB of data will cost Ksh1, and a Ksh2 call rate acro

9 Dec 08:50 KahawaTungu 3304128542224621840.html
Sizing John to make long-awaited return on New Year's Eve

The nine-year-old completed the rare treble of the Irish, Cheltenham and Punchestown Gold Cups in 2017

9 Dec 13:21 Irish Mirror 2875825629714345782.html
VIDEO: 3 NPP executives suspended for hooting at MP

Three(3) Executives of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in Atwima Nwabiagya North constituency of the Ashanti Region have been suspended for hooting at the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Hon Benito Owusu Bio. Kwabena Owusu Denkyira(Amando), Youth Organizer at Atwima Koforidua L/A Middle School, Prince Boakye, Organizer at Atwima Koforidua CAC “A” and Prince Adu Gyamfi, Organizer at Koforidua Market Square “B” were each handed an indefinite suspension by the party following a recommendation from the disciplinary committee. They were said to have misconducted themselves and therefore found guilty by the disciplinary committee according to a letter dated 29th November, 2019 and signed by Isaac K Dawuni the constituency secretary It would be recalled that Hon Benito Owusu Bio was last month humiliated, hooted at and chased out of a gathering by youth belonging to the NPP. The Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources had gone to Atwima Koforidua, a town in his constituency to engage members of the community…

9 Dec 15:22 mynewsgh.com 2909200111226384918.html
Ready To Pop Lisa Haydon Sets Fitness Goals; Hits The Gym In Her Last Trimester- Pictures Inside

Actress Lisa Haydon is setting fitness goals with her recent Instagram post. Inching closer to welcome her second kid, the actress continues to follow her fitness regime thoroughly. Posing in a gym, the diva inspired all the soon-to-be-mommies to adopt a healthy routine during their pregnancy

9 Dec 12:53 SPOTBOYE 1547816857443414226.html
I'm a Celebrity's James Haskell explains the incredibly sweet reason he met Caitlyn Jenner on the bridge

Ruby star James Haskell was determined to make sure Caitlyn Jenner felt loved after she left the jungle

9 Dec 08:41 ChronicleLive 1984146901867060139.html
Lemos: Parte de O Incio tendrá que resintonizar sus televisores esta semana

Por la adaptación para la cobertura de móviles mediante 5G de la antena reemisora de O Hospital

9 Dec 09:30 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613057220895.html
Azimut, raccolta positiva e cambio in vista per le fee

Flussi netti a novembre di 292 milioni di euro. Via libera dalle authority lussemburghesi alla nuova metodologia di calcolo delle commissioni di performance

9 Dec 14:51 bluerating 6922469335972726902.html
Amichevole di prestigio per l'Italia a marzo: a Wembley gli azzurri sfideranno l'Inghilterra

Adesso è ufficiale: l'Italia affronterà l'Inghilterra il 27 marzo in amichevole. Teatro della sfida sarà Wembley. Per gli azzurri sarà la prima di due amichevoli di prestigio, la seconda sarà contro la Germania il 31 marzo a Norimberga.

9 Dec 10:14 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193105935109.html
Man jailed for 14 sexual offences after police seize his computer and iPhone

Thomas Inglis admitted the charges

9 Dec 14:15 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701582881700.html
President Akufo-Addo attends ACP summit in Nairobi, Kenya

news, story, article

9 Dec 09:26 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609444490722.html
LIFE BY LOUIS: The high school pep-talk

I have been trying to encourage my friend that the school is quite good and the boy will turn out just fine

9 Dec 16:26 Daily Nation 7421817125742727127.html
Fake Nigerian doctor sentenced to 54 years in prison

A high court sitting in Yola, Adamawa State, has sentenced one Ibrahim Mustapha, a fake medical doctor to 54 years in prison. The judge Justice Nathan Musa gave the judgements following Mustapha’s admittance of guilt in a 9-count charge against him. Justice Nathan said the verdict was in consideration of the plea by Mustapha’s lawyer. […]

9 Dec 13:28 The Guardian 7580308505310366453.html
Vulkan na Novom Zelandu: Raste broj nastradalih

Reuters Jedna osoba je poginula u erupciji vulkana na Novom Zelandu, saopštila je policija.Policija je potvrdila da su 23 osobe spašene, ali kažu da će bro

9 Dec 08:15 Dnevni list Danas 649654640839419978.html
Valencia klaar voor Ajax: "Het is de belangrijkste wedstrijd van het seizoen"

Ajax kan een tot op het bot gemotiveerd Valencia verwachten, dinsdagavond in de Johan Cruijff Arena. Het wordt volgens uitblinker Ferrán Torres 'de wedstrijd van het jaar' voor de Spaanse club. Torres leidde Valencia zondag met een doelpunt en assist langs stadgenoot Levante (2-4) en liet zien klaar te zijn voor Ajax-uit. In Amsterdam staat een ticket voor de achtste finales van de Champions League op het spel. "Het is de belangrijkste wedstrijd van het seizoen", zegt Torres (19) tegen VCFMedia.

9 Dec 08:33 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885039126012.html
Zarco firma con Ducati y el Reale Avintia para correr en MotoGP

El equipo Reale Avintia Racing ha anunciado que Johann Zarco será el piloto que acompañará a Tito Rabat en el próximo Campeonato del Mundo de MotoGP 2020

9 Dec 17:00 sport 1349897970049048355.html
Riyadh Gears up to Host 40th GCC Summit on Tuesday

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz will chair in Riyadh on Tuesday the 40th Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit. Riyadh has previously hosted the GCC summit on eight occasions. GCC Secretary General Dr. Abdullatif Al-Zayani

9 Dec 11:00 Asharq AL-awsat 7659932795731404.html
Brit arrested after 'two-mile wrecking spree' with 'stolen coach' in Benidorm

CCTV footage shows the coach smashing into mopeds and cars at the side of the road in Benidorm, Spain, after it was allegedly stolen from a depot by a British man

9 Dec 10:47 mirror 675785260793820893.html
Sainsbury's, Asda and Tesco are urgently recalling these items

These supermarkets are recalling food items due to health concerns and the list includes Pot Noodle, Oxfordshire Tea Co and Oumph!

9 Dec 17:12 ChronicleLive 1984146902339353340.html
Cagliari, dramma sulla statale 131: Gabriele muore nello scontro tra furgone e trattore

L'incidente stradale si è consumato alle prime luci dell'alba, intorno alle 6, lungo la strada statale 131. La vittima è Gabriele Trincas, 48enne originario di Cagliari ma da tempo residente a Santa Giusta dove il giorno del funerale ci sarà il lutto cittadino. Al volante del furgone con cui effettuava le consegne si è schiantato contro un trattore.

9 Dec 15:31 fanpage.it 1517332167082985630.html
Exclusive: Hyundai's $1.8 billion shipbuilding deal with Daewoo faces full EU probe - sources

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - World No. 1 shipbuilding group Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings Co Ltd’s (267250.KS) $1.8 billion merger with rival shipbuilder Daewoo (042660.KS) will face a full-scale investigation in Europe due to serious EU antitrust concerns, two people familiar with the matter said on Monday. 

9 Dec 15:30 Reuters 8334514181289946070.html
La humilde historia de vida de Zozibini Tunzi, nueva Miss Universo

Su cara pintada de colores, bailando y cantando en Xhosa, así se define la nueva Miss Universo 2019, Zozibini Tunzi, una historia que viene para impactar a todos, sobre los estereotipos de reinas de bellezas proveniente de etnias:

9 Dec 14:58 Diario La Prensa 7797091976306365081.html
Cum dezvolti un business profitabil in HoReCa - 5 sfaturi de amenajare a unui bar

Termenul HoReCa este folosit in industria turistica pentru a defini domeniul de activitate care ofera atat servicii de cazare, cat si de hranire, prin intermediul restaurantelor sau prin catering. In aceasta categorie se inscriu si barurile, business care poate sa porneasca de la nevoile si preferintele antreprenorului. Afla, din articolul de mai jos, care sunt cele mai importante sfaturi de amenajare a unui bar de la experti, prin intermediul carora orice afacere poate sa aiba succes.

9 Dec 15:21 Wall-Street 2473040521174095545.html
How to Save a Dying Language

The Hawaiian language nearly went extinct. Now it’s being taught in dozens of immersion schools.

9 Dec 17:47 The Atlantic 100708437058169180.html
It's so cold in China an entire river has frozen over

The cold weather in the country has also moved towards upper Thailand, claiming three lives yesterday in three provinces.

9 Dec 15:29 Metro 970161747693568914.html
Here Is How Much Cardi B Pocketed After Performance In Ghana, Nigeria

According to a report by Africa Facts Zone, US rapper Cardi B who performed in Nigeria and Ghana in a spate of 72-hours took home a whopping $1.8M. She took $1M for her Nigeria performance and $800,000 for her show in Accra which was preceded and plagued with much drama last night. Cardi B was […]

9 Dec 13:54 GhBase.com 8689748847377380296.html
Crime Stoppers Crime of the Week: Aggravated Robbery

Crime Stoppers could use your help solving a recent aggravated robbery.

9 Dec 16:39 NewsTalk 1290 8990645953701424570.html
Negatieve rente: kan het nóg lager? Ja, want de trend is nog altijd neerwaarts

Obligatiebeleggers verkeren in een bizarre situatie. De aanhoudend dalende rente levert een waardestijging op voor obligaties, maar brengt ook risico's mee.

9 Dec 09:01 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747338956040.html
IN PICTURES: Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s day in court

- Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today | Capitalfm.co.ke

9 Dec 13:16 Capital News 7605153804942780935.html
Sucamec no supervisará evaluaciones médicas para licencia de armas

Esta medida se ejecutará a partir el próximo año

9 Dec 17:13 canalN.pe 1595273586801149156.html
Warszawa: Radny Lasocki złoży zawiadomienie do prokuratury na prezydenta Trzaskowskiego

Stołeczny radny PiS Dariusz Lasocki złoży zawiadomienie do prokuratury o możliwości poświadczenia nieprawdy przez prezydenta Rafała Trzaskowskiego. Chodzi o odpowiedź na interpelację, w której urząd miasta zapewnił, że nie wydatkował środków na realizację deklaracji LGBT.

9 Dec 14:32 Portal Samorządowy 740157208867366704.html
How to clear your Google search history on your Android phone or tablet

What you search for on your Android phone or tablet is your own private business, but if someone were to go through your Google search history on your device, that private stuff could become all too public. That’s the main reason you should regularly clear your Google search history on your Android, but it’s not the only reason.

9 Dec 17:35 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883733255320.html
Kina skal styrke egen tilstedeværelse: fjerner utenlandsk maskin- og programvare - ITavisen

Kinesiske institusjoner og organisasjoner som ikke er private foretak må innen tre år erstatte utenlandsk teknologi med lokale alternativer.

9 Dec 10:50 ITavisen 7865444158765976882.html
Sara Carbonero se escapa para una noche de concierto con sus amigas

Con un ‘look’ muy rockero, la pareja de Iker Casillas ha bailado al son de Bryan Adams en la ciudad de Braga

9 Dec 11:09 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958834479023.html
A New BioShock Has Been Announced, Almost Certainly a PS5 Game

Won't be out for a long while

9 Dec 13:30 Push Square 8538862518793273529.html
Gun gang nicked by armed cops at Glasgow Forge with fake money and Royal Mail and council disguises jailed for 18 years

MEMBERS of a gang which was planning a major crime in Glasgow involving guns and Royal Mail uniforms were today jailed for a total of 18 years and three months. Ezekial Aremu and Cade Johnson were …

9 Dec 12:16 The Scottish Sun 6609127673352231381.html
Lotito: "Milinkovic-Savic patrimonio della Lazio, nessuno lo ha messo sul mercato"

Incalzato da Wanda Nara sul valore di Sergej Milinkovic-Savic, il presidente della Lazio Claudio Lotito esclude la possibile cessione del serbo, faro del cenrocampo laziale:...

9 Dec 11:42 FcInterNews.it 7848284894149856352.html
Asesinato en Villa San Francisco: el homicida confeso fue enviado al Penal de Chimbas

Esta orden fue dada por el juez del Segundo Juzgado de Instrucción, el doctor Eduardo Raed.

9 Dec 14:01 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158594649311.html
Celtic keeper Forster admits he owed Betfred Cup Final performance to Lennon

FRASER FORSTER grabbed the Betfred Cup for Celtic and beamed: I OWED it to Lenny. On-loan keeper Forster saved Alfredo Morelos’ penalty in a Hampden masterclass as ten-man Celts won a tenth straigh…

9 Dec 08:39 The Scottish Sun 6609127674145161516.html
NS-Raubkunst geht an Erben zurück

Bilder, die durch die Hände des Kunsthändlers Hildebrand Gurlitt gingen, finden zu den Nachfolgen in der Schweiz zurück.

9 Dec 10:48 SRF 8424707180743273101.html
Il vescovo Camisasca su Telereggio ospite speciale a Palle e Palloni. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – “Quest’anno ho visto una Reggiana messa bene, ci sono un mister col senso della squadra e ragazzi che hanno il senso di questa storia che gli è stata affidata”. A parlare, in diretta su Telereggio, è monsignor Massimo Camisasca, ospitato a Palle e Palloni. Il vescovo segue regolarmente la Reggiana. Tra un […]

9 Dec 17:30 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333919210708.html
Google's billionaire cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page dropped a surprise visit on a Ph.D. student who sits in Page's old office at Stanford

The tech billionaires swung by Larry Page's old office at Stanford to take "a trip down memory lane," the student said.

9 Dec 12:58 Business Insider 6060062401081060948.html
Con la bandera de la estadidad

El ex comisionado residente Pedro Pierluisi radicó oficialmente su candidatura a la gobernación por el Partido Nuevo Progresista (PNP) y aprovechó la ocasión para lanzar algunas indirectas contra su posible

9 Dec 08:05 elVocero.com 6318248037065662750.html
Plaatjes draaien op Radio Rijnmond: welke kies jij?

Een uurtje vinyl vanavond op Radio Rijnmond! En jij bepaalt wat er gedraaid wordt: Abba of Lou Reed? Beatles of Steely Dan? Black Uhuru of Anneke Grönloh?

9 Dec 08:35 RTV Rijnmond 2492430229010222078.html
Iranian Foreign Minister Says Tehran Ready for Prisoner Swap, 'Ball is in US Court' - Reports

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted on 7 December that Iran and the United States were conducting an exchange of US-held Iranian scientist Massoud Soleimani and Chinese-American Xiyue Wang detained in Iran.

9 Dec 16:03 Sputniknews 967333867776349170.html
Werder Bremen: Bloß kein Weihnachtsfest im Keller!

Werder Bremen hängt in der Bundesliga im unteren Tabellendrittel fest. Das Wort "Abstiegskampf" nehmen die Grün-Weißen noch nicht in den Mund. Von Europa reden sie aber auch nicht mehr.

9 Dec 14:01 NDR.de 5356044082328151237.html
Dos presuntos asesinatos 'sacuden' Mérida

Descubren cuerpos de mujer y hombre en la colonia Emiliano Zapata Sur II y en el fraccionamiento Francisco de Montejo.

9 Dec 08:41 SIPSE.com 4008460418704668236.html
14 punten achter op Liverpool, maar cijfers Kevin De Bruyne zijn beter dan ooit

Het is de grote contradictie. Statistieken vertellen slechts een deel van het verhaal en hebben altijd context nodig, maar in bijna alle cijfertjes scoort Kevin De Bruyne beter dan in zijn beste se...

9 Dec 11:21 HLN 8967494997769722585.html
JxCat s'obre a presentar Puigdemont a unes eleccions catalanes si el TJUE li reconeix la immunitat

Borràs reclama al PSOE i ERC que els tinguin en compte per trobar una solució política a Catalunya

9 Dec 13:57 Ara.cat 6070605020028251413.html
J. Joksimović sutra na Međuvladinoj konferenciji u Briselu

BRISEL - Ministar za evropske integracije Jadranka Joksimović predvodiće delegaciju Srbije na Jedanaestoj međuvladinoj konferenciji u Briselu, na kojoj će

9 Dec 12:11 Krstarica 4176903989451350392.html
Jacqueline Jossa 'left in dark' about Dan Osborne threesome claims before I'm A Celeb win

New I'm A Celebrity 2019 winner Jacqueline Jossa appears to have been left to find out about her husband Dan Osborne's alleged cheating after she came out of the jungle

9 Dec 08:20 Irish Mirror 2875825629407387225.html
Limone Piemonte loves Andy Warhol: dal 7 dicembre al 15 marzo in esposizione la mostra al Grand Palais Excelsior

La cultura come strumento per la valorizzazione e promozione del territorio: una formula che a Limone Piemonte ha fatto centro.

9 Dec 08:47 Targatocn.it 7367208849663309822.html
Des entreprises portugaises en mission d’affaires au Maroc

La Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et de Services du Portugal au Maroc (CCISPM) et le groupe de conseil EXUMAS organisent en partenariat avec la Chambre de Commerce, d’industrie et Services […]

9 Dec 15:38 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981375973056.html
NK TikTok: wedstrijdje rond razend populaire app

Misschien zegt het u iets, misschien zegt u het niets. De app TikTok. Museumpark Orientalis in Heilig Landstichting organiseert tijdens hun jaarlijkse Feest van Licht het eerste Nederlands Kampioenschap TikTok.

9 Dec 10:11 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615304033043.html
Reggio Emilia: picchia la moglie davanti ai figli perché non gradisce l’albero di Natale

L'episodio è avvenuto a Scandiano, in provincia di Reggio Emilia, dove un uomo probabilmente ubriaco ha riversato la sua rabbia nei confronti della moglie dopo aver visto l'albero di Natale che la donna aveva allestito ieri pomeriggio insieme ai figli. L'uomo è stato arrestato dai carabinieri, subito intervenuti.

9 Dec 11:43 fanpage.it 1517332166827852494.html
Jaguar's I-Pace software update boosts the range by 12 miles

Your luxury EV has learned something from its time on the track.

9 Dec 14:10 Engadget 96641515908766069.html
Natal dan Tahun Baru, Jumlah Penumpang Pesawat Diprediksi Capai 5,3 Juta Orang

Kementerian Perhubungan memproyeksikan jumlah penumpang udara pada saat periode Natal 2019 dan Tahun Baru 2020 (Nataru) bakal tembus mencapai 5,3 juta orang. Jumlah tersebut lebih rendah dari kapasitas tempat duduk yang disediakan sejumlah maskapai yang mencapai 8,9 juta orang.

9 Dec 15:02 merdeka.com 1998180354336090843.html
ERC descarta el acuerdo con el PSOE antes de Navidad y lo visualiza en enero

Vilalta hacía referencia a las diversas decisiones judiciales que se tienen que dar en los próximos días como la eventual inhabilitación del...

9 Dec 13:27 Expansión 4197779423467791686.html
UPDATE: Five dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano | IOL News

A volcanic island in New Zealand erupted Monday in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like ...

9 Dec 10:50 www.iol.co.za 17825111935555966.html
The Kapil Sharma Show: Dipannita Sharma Slams Kapil For Joking About Sanjay Dutt's 300 Girlfriends

The Kapil Sharma Show: Actress and model Dipannita Sharma slammed Kapil Sharma for joking about Sanjay Dutts 300 girlfriends. Tweeple agreed with the actress and lashed out at both Kapil and Sanjay for their insensitive jokes.

9 Dec 12:32 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244970987342.html
Pictured: Tour leader killed in New Zealand volcano horror as questions are raised over whether tourists should have been allowed onto island – and fears grow for second guide

The victim's brother, Mark Inman, confirmed his death and said Mr Marshall-Inman had 'passed away doing the one thing he loved' after the New Zealand eruption.

9 Dec 17:32 Mail Online 124328112631827218.html
Maia marca sessão para votar novo marco do saneamento hoje

Rodrigo Maia pautou para hoje a votação do projeto de lei que institui novo marco do saneamento básico...

9 Dec 10:57 O Antagonista 1037429655467988617.html
FBI presume que el ataque en Pensacola fue un acto terrorista

El saudí que mató a tres personas en la base naval de Pensacola aparentemente recurrió a Twitter poco antes de la balacera para criticar el apoyo de Washington a Israel y acusar […]

9 Dec 13:15 LaPatilla.com 9104603010679064856.html
Pakistan vs Sri Lanka Tests: Suranga Lakmal Out with Dengue;' Ashitha Fernando Named Replacement

Fernando's last international appearance came in 2018 against Zimbabwe in an ODI and ever since he has been playing age-group cricket

9 Dec 08:55 India.com 7150386082907992807.html
Mes, Meloni a Bruxelles contro la riforma "a queste condizioni"

La leader di Fdi: "Enorme errore dare il via libera senza il resto, approviamo tutto il pacchetto insieme"

9 Dec 13:54 Adnkronos 2840063644098581253.html
2K confirms next BioShock game is in development at new studio

Cloud Chamber, which is based in Novato, California, and Montréal, Québec, is headed up by Kelley Gilmore, who worked at 2K studio Firaxis—the company behind the XCOM and Sid Meier's Civilization games. She’s being hailed as the "first woman in&hellip;

9 Dec 14:35 TechSpot 7732733961139234689.html
'non crediamo ci sia alcun sopravvissuto' – spaventosa eruzione vulcanica sull’isola white island


9 Dec 15:11 DAGOSPIA 6533336739056995689.html
Demand for climate action at heart of Scottish Greens’ campaign

The Scottish Greens’ manifesto has also put a Green New Deal at its centre.

9 Dec 13:06 Shropshire Star 3480199991337108094.html
Rusia expulsada por 4 años de competiciones internacionales

Por manipular la base de datos deportivos del Laboratorio de Moscú.

9 Dec 12:28 Primera Hora 5092966654501149833.html
Prediksi Pertandingan Liga Champions Borussia Dortmund vs Slavia Praha: Menang atau Turun ke Liga Europa

Berikut prediksi pertandingan antara Borussia Dortmund vs Slavia Praha dalam lanjutan grup F Liga Champions 2019-2020

9 Dec 12:46 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549362436776.html
El actor Josh Brolin se quema al intentar broncearse el ano

El estadounidense Josh Brolin ha experimentado la última moda de las redes sociales y, escaldado, desaconseja la experiencia en instagram con una foto: «Probé el broncea

9 Dec 08:21 Las Provincias 5471838390280074619.html
Olimpiadi Milano-Cortina 2026, costituita la Fondazione

E' nata la 'Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026' che sara' il 'Comitato Organizzatore per i Giochi Olimpici e Paralimpici Invernali 2026'

9 Dec 16:07 Affari Italiani 6123405401868686681.html
Southeast Asian Games (SEA) 2019 Philippines Grand Opening Ceremony!

Stay tuned for more news updates on TechNave.com!

9 Dec 14:15 TechNave 4010909133292670990.html
Herrera Ahuad presentó a los titulares de organismos del Estado

A través de su cuenta oficial de twitter, el electo gobernador de Misiones, Oscar Herrera Ahuad dio a conocer hoy a los funcionarios del nuevo gabinete que lo acompañará durante su gestión de gobierno...

9 Dec 16:30 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724277084840.html
Game Freak, responsable de Pokémon, elimina a Creatures Inc de su lista de socios principales

Aquí os traemos una sorprendente noticia procedente de Japón. Esta se relaciona con Game Freak, desarrolladores de los juegos principales de Pokémon. De acuerdo con lo compartido en el sitio web oficial de la compañía, Creatures Inc ya no se encuentra entre los principales socios comerciales del estudio. Anteriormente, Creatures Inc estaba en esta lista […]

9 Dec 14:53 Nintenderos 2555436002639481362.html
Concesionario Infiniti consigue un Tesla para un cliente que quería un eléctrico

Bien es sabido que muchos concesionarios miman a sus clientes para fidelizarlos, pero pocos llegarían tan lejos como éste que nos ocupa. Se trata de un centro de Infiniti en Quebec, que ha anunciado

9 Dec 16:30 SoyMotor 3778996021823572931.html
Kendall Jenner Sizzles In A Tiny Red-Hot Bikini On A Yacht

Kendall’s showing off her model body in a skimpy red bikini. Kendall Jenner seriously sizzled as she slipped into a skimpy bikini for a new photo posted to Instagram. The gorgeous supermodel ...

9 Dec 11:09 The Inquisitr 1745625231945860905.html
Turkey hopes to still receive F-35 stealth fighters from US

It is premature to talk about Turkey’s purchase of Russian fighter jets as Ankara still expects to receive American F-35 aircraft, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar stated. “We must wait and see how things develop. Turkey is an independent state and it will do what it sees fit. If the US refuses to fulfil its obligations on the supply of F-35s, we can find other suppliers. Many planes are manufactured in the world, and finding an option is not a problem. But we want to cooperate with the United States because it is our partner”, Akar said on the television channel NTV. He added that Ankara has explained the situation to its American partners many times, and US President Donald Trump admits that it is the right thing. Earlier in December, US Senators Lindsey Graham and Chris Van Hollen sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo telling him that patience with Turkey had long expired and asking the administration to apply Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) sanctions. Last month…

9 Dec 12:22 AMN 4125648316609726767.html
3 Tax Mistakes You're Probably Making Today

If you're falling victim to these blunders, you're throwing money away or opening the door to problems you really don't need.

9 Dec 13:18 The Motley Fool 2231313657280248792.html
PNUD advierte que desigualdad en Latinoamérica y el Caribe genera conflictos sociales

El director del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), Luis Felipe López destacó que "la desigualdad es uno de los problemas estructurales más importantes de Latinoamérica, sin duda, y cuando interactúa con otros elementos se vuelve uno de los factores de desestabilización"

9 Dec 16:55 Globovisión 5928221751646594578.html
Omar Chaparro sorprende como Pedro Infante en trailer de su película

Omar Chaparro emocion&oacute; a sus fans con el lanzamiento del trailer oficial de 'Como ca&iacute;do del cielo' la pel&iacute;cula de Pedro Infante.

9 Dec 17:18 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624057779006.html
Job richtig auswählen: Fünf Fragen, die Sie Ihrem zukünftigen Chef im Vorstellungsgespräch stellen sollten

Es sind ja vor allem die Bewerber, die im Vorstellungsgespräch ausgefragt werden. Allerdings sollten auch die Kandidaten für den Job sich nach ein paar Dingen erkundigen, um zu erfahren, ob der Arbeitgeber wirklich der richtige für sie ist.

9 Dec 09:00 FOCUS Online 4448121231262618265.html
Skradzione we Francji BMW, odzyskane na granicy w Polsce

Funkcjonariusze z Nadbużańskiego Oddziału Straży Granicznej odzyskali skradziony we Francji samochód marki BMW. Pojazdem o wartości ćwierć miliona złotych podróżował obywatel Rosji.

9 Dec 11:25 lublin112.pl 6583157891046891818.html
How to clear your Google search history on your Android phone or tablet, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - You can clear your Google history on your Android device from the last hour, the last day, the last month, or forever.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:35 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757148824728.html
La implantación del 5G exige un despliegue racional en el territorio

En tres años debe desplegarse la red de telecomunicaciones 5G en toda Europa. Si bien se conoce la nueva tecnología, en cambio, su puesta en...

9 Dec 09:30 La Vanguardia 8061072699107416309.html
Strictly: Kelvin Fletcher's wife addresses his sexy routines with Oti ahead of final

He's in the final this weekend…

9 Dec 16:01 Entertainment Daily 8392972515906779034.html
Amnistia Internacional afirma que el buc saudita que fa escala a Sagunt carregarà autobusos i contenidors

L'ONG ha rebut una comunicat de la delegació del govern espanyol que no especifica el contingut dels contenidors, malgrat que assegura que no estan dirigits a l'Aràbia Saudita

9 Dec 11:35 Diari La Veu 8769648854588717585.html
Here's A Well-Proven Strategy to Help You Make a Really Big Decision

It might surprise you, but it works.

9 Dec 16:58 Inc.com 8604986416900700627.html
Bartomeu: The door is always open for Guardiola at Barcelona

Bartomeu: The doors are always open for Guardiola at Barcelona

9 Dec 08:58 sport 1349897971175214428.html
Nell Gifford, owner of Giffords Circus, dies of breast cancer

Despite her illness, co-founder appeared in shows over the summer before her death at 46

9 Dec 09:49 the Guardian 1491978795143291548.html
Match-fixing: Spanish court clears 36 players

A Spanish court cleared 36 players of wrongdoing Monday in a high-profile match-fixing case related to a 2011 game between Real Zaragoza and Levante.

9 Dec 16:34 Vanguard News 4125100338823969799.html
Polemiche a Vipiteno per un video sulla sfilata dei 'Krampus'

E' polemica a Vipiteno, in Alto Adige, per un video pubblicato su Facebook che riprende la sfilata dei 'Krampus', ovvero i diavoli che si aggirano per il paese e, da tradizione, si avventano contro gli spettatori colpendoli con delle scope in legno. (ANSA)

9 Dec 11:05 ANSA.it 1300837447667901279.html
Manateq awards QR1.5bn project to GWC

Manateq (Economic Zone Company-Qatar) announced yesterday at a press conference that it has awarded the Al Wukair Logistics Park development project to Gulf Warehousing Company (GWC), Qatar’s leading logistics provider.

9 Dec 08:30 The Peninsula 1202843881935060444.html
Nintendo condivide i dietro le quinte del trailer di Breath of The Wild 2 | Game Division

Nintendo ha pubblicato alcune immagini che ritraggono le fasi preliminari del trailer del seguito di The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild.

9 Dec 12:33 Tom's Hardware 6640147070662718981.html
Contraloría: CCSS invierte recursos sin saber si atiende las necesidades reales de la población

Órgano contralor advierte de que ausencia de un diagnóstico integral podría propiciar el uso ineficiente de los recursos, menor calidad del servicio e inequidad en la atención

9 Dec 16:44 La Nación 504134874046596707.html
Father calls driver of car that fled scene in Brooklyn of daughter's death 'cowardly'

An off-duty officer was arrested and charged after a two-car crash in Brooklyn left a passenger dead and another person seriously injured.

9 Dec 14:51 ABC7 New York 7327811147802443711.html
Pagelle Gazzetta: Jack e Piatek i migliori, bene anche i centrali di difesa

Nelle pagelle della Gazzetta dello Sport, Giacomo Bonaventura e Kris Piatek sono i rossoneri che si sono meritati i voti più alti dopo la gara sul campo del Bologna, cioè 7: Jack ha giocato una partita di grande qualità, mentre il polacco ha finalmente fornito una prestazione positiva dopo diverse prove deludenti. Mezzo voto in meno, ma gara assolutamente positiva, anche di Musacchio, Romagnoli, Bennacer e Suso. Sufficienza piena per tutt gli altri, tranne che per Kessie, il quale non ha inciso più di tanto e per questo si è meritato 5,5.  

9 Dec 10:22 MilanNews.it 6507305922956482008.html
Wrestling: Baliyan, Sheoran win gold on final day as India end South Asian Games with perfect record

India achieved a unique feat with its grapplers finishing at the top of the podium in all 14 categories.

9 Dec 14:44 Scroll.in 8669301693812305482.html
Indian tennis: Manas Dhamne wins Eddie Herr international Under-12 title

The 11-year-old beat third seed Maxwell Exsted 3-6, 6-0, 10-6 in the singles final and was the runner-up in the doubles event as well.

9 Dec 08:18 Scroll.in 8669301692384832221.html
La guerra de Turquía contra los kurdos y el destino del proyecto europeo

Mientras los kurdos en Rojava (Siria) siguen enfrentándose a una campaña genocida llevada a cabo abiertamente por el ejército de Turquía

9 Dec 12:40 Noticias de Israel 5887715888867275374.html
Daillens: La Poste suspend ses transports de fonds

La Poste suspend ses transferts de fonds depuis Daillens (VD). L'assureur ne garantit plus la couverture des convois après l'attaque début décembre d'un fourgon. Cela complique l'approvisionnement en Suisse romande.

9 Dec 12:29 www.rjb.ch 7386238342441639738.html
'You can cut the atmosphere with a knife!' This Morning viewers accuse Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield of acting 'awkward' as they appear on TV for the first time amid feud claims

This Morning viewers have suggested hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby seemed 'awkward' as they appeared on TV for the first time amid feud claims.

9 Dec 12:50 Mail Online 124328111140011044.html
How to clean grime off your car this winter

In the colder months ridding your car of grit and dirt is essential

9 Dec 15:45 Express & Star 7324224460849345881.html
I-League: Punjab faces an uphill task against CCFC

The latter eyes its second consecutive victory

9 Dec 17:35 The Hindu 6679535025761975889.html
Pošta Slovenije objavila ponudbo za prevzem Intereurope

Pošta Slovenije, ki je 72,13-odstotna lastnica Intereurope, je danes objavila ponudbo za nakup še preostalega deleža koprske logistične družbe. Za delnico Intereurope je pripravljena plačati 1,45 evra, ponudba pa bo veljavna od torka do vključno 13. januarja 2020, razen če se je prevzemnik ne odloči podaljšati.

9 Dec 09:20 Primorske novice 8884558925700100343.html
Karelys Rodríguez responde: el comunicado de la amiga de Cayetano Rivera

La abogada tinerfeña emprenderá acciones legales para frenar la catarata de informaciones sobre ella que se han vertido a raíz de sus fotografías con el diestro

9 Dec 15:27 El Confidencial 2244370860596402452.html
Insoliti culti dei morti: tribù di cannibali affumica i corpi degli avi per preservarli

Un fotografo italiano ha svelato alcuni culti di una tribù indonesiana, tra cui quello di affumicare i copri degli avi per preservarli.

9 Dec 15:38 NewNotizie 1312053896768392491.html
Community sports roundup: Locals lift WWU women’s soccer

The Western Washington University women’s soccer team is on to the NCAA Division II national semifinals, and a pair of Snohomish County products played significant roles in the Vikings getting there.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408754784720.html
Yes Bank yet to approve Blackstone's buyout of Coffee Day's tech park

Shares of Coffee Day extended decline to as much as 14.5% in Mumbai, which is the biggest drop since July 31.

9 Dec 10:04 Business-Standard 1502508924739704434.html
Un vulcan din Noua Zeelanda a erupt: cinci persoane au murit, iar zeci de oameni sunt raniti sau dati disparuti

Cel putin cinci persoane au murit, circa 20 au fost ranite, iar altele sunt date disparute, luni, dupa eruptia ''neasteptata, dar nu neobisnuita'' a vulcanului de pe White Island (Insula Alba) din nordul Noii Zeelande, informeaza luni Reuters, citata de Agerpres.

9 Dec 09:53 Wall-Street 2473040521816012064.html
Marrakech accueille un nouveau musée de musique

La diversité des traditions musicales au Maroc y est exposée dans plusieurs espaces où l'on peut retrouver la musique amazighe, la tradition juive, la daqqa marrakchia, la musique gnawa, la musique arabo-andalouse. En présence du gouverneur de la préfecture de Marrakech Karim Kossi-Lahlou, cette nouvelle fondation culturelle qui est située dans la médina de la ville ocre a été inaugurée en présence d'une pléiade d'artistes. Située au cœur de la médina de Marrakech, dans le Musée Mouassine, cette nouvelle structure culturelle vient mettre en lumière le multiculturalisme musical qui caractérise le Maroc, dont la culture artistique s’est imprégnée de multiples traditions musicales . Le Musée de la Musique a pour vocation de s'imposer comme un vecteur de promotion de la diversité musicale au Maroc, tout en garantissant une capitalisation des compétences acquises à travers la conservation d'archives et d'informations sur la musique au Maroc. Le Musée présente aussi des instruments, des photographies et des vidéos.…

9 Dec 17:32 LesEco.ma 3084334526681311332.html
Marrakech accueille un nouveau musée de musique

La diversité des traditions musicales au Maroc y est exposée dans plusieurs espaces où l'on peut retrouver la musique amazighe, la tradition juive, la daqqa marrakchia, la musique gnawa, la musique arabo-andalouse. En présence du gouverneur de la préfecture de Marrakech Karim Kossi-Lahlou, cette nouvelle fondation culturelle qui est située dans la médina de la ville ocre a été inaugurée en présence d'une pléiade d'artistes. Située au cœur de la médina de Marrakech, dans le Musée Mouassine, cette nouvelle structure culturelle vient mettre en lumière le multiculturalisme musical qui caractérise le Maroc, dont la culture artistique s’est imprégnée de multiples traditions musicales . Le Musée de la Musique a pour vocation de s'imposer comme un vecteur de promotion de la diversité musicale au Maroc, tout en garantissant une capitalisation des compétences acquises à travers la conservation d'archives et d'informations sur la musique au Maroc. Le Musée présente aussi des instruments, des photographies et des vidéos.…

9 Dec 17:32 LesEco.ma 3084334526512878909.html
What’s driving capital market developments in South Africa and Namibia? - CityAM

South Africa - the second-largest economy in Africa after Nigeria - has considerably higher GDP than its sub-Saharan neighbours.

9 Dec 09:20 City A.M. 6389894490635938311.html
Australien: 2.000 Feuerwehrleute gegen Buschfeuer

Es ist ein Wettlauf gegen die Uhr, fast 2.000 australische Feuerwehrleute versuchen, die rund 100 Buschfeuer im südöstlichen Bundesstaat New South Wales in den Griff zu kriegen, bevor die Temperaturen gegen Ende der Woche steigen

9 Dec 12:55 euronews 4540914625604481107.html
BVB-Trainer Lucien Favre vor Champions-League-Spiel empört: "Niemand redet von Slavia Prag"

Für Borussia Dortmund geht es am Dienstag in der Champions League gegen Slavia Prag um den Einzug ins Achtelfinale. BVB-Trainer Lucien Favre ärgerte sich bei der Pressekonferenz darüber, dass Prag in der Öffentlichkeit zu schlecht wegkommt - und fand deutliche Worte.

9 Dec 14:11 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775597143303.html
WATCH: Rescue operation underway after 700 shacks swept away in Mamelodi flood | Pretoria News

Acting MEC for Social Development Panyaza Lesufi said they are assisting with emergency vehicles, food and blankets

9 Dec 14:10 www.iol.co.za 17825110963937774.html
Messi, Piqué y Sergi Roberto, ausentes en una lista del Barcelona para la Champions con seis jugadores del filial

El equipo azulgrana ya no se juega nada en su visita al Inter de Milán y Ernesto Valverde apuesta por una lista de convocados con numerosas novedades.

9 Dec 13:29 Cadena SER 8390941984686089997.html
WandaVision vai colocar o nome Feiticeira Escarlate no MCU

Segundo o chefe criativo da Marvel, Kevin Feige, será a primeira vez que Wanda receberá seu nome como heroína. Seriado terá cara de sitcom dos anos 1950.

9 Dec 14:57 Canaltech 6267437389553422931.html
Echad un vistazo a este curioso accesorio que se usaba para evitar que los usuarios jugaran a NES

Apenas quedan unas semans para la Navidad, tiempo de reuniones con amigos, comidas con familiares y por supuesto tampoco pueden faltar los regalos. Seguro que uno de los regalos estrella de esta época serán las videoconsolas, como Nintendo Switch. Sin embargo, como todo en la vida, el exceso de horas de juego puede ser un […]

9 Dec 12:10 Nintenderos 2555436001571193346.html
MACC needs to explain officer’s placement, says Perlis MB

KANGAR, Dec 9 — The Perlis government has urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to come up with a detailed explanation if it wants to place a senior MACC officer in the state, said Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azlan Man. He said he needed to look at the suitability and response given...

9 Dec 14:01 Malaymail 302165936194628500.html
DGS estipula que todas pessoas internadas sejam avaliadas quanto ao risco de queda

Últimos dados da Direcção-Geral da Saúde apontam para uma estabilização do número de quedas dos doentes nos hospitais, com uma média anual de oito mil casos notificados.

9 Dec 13:45 PÚBLICO 2228264897161248913.html
Lozoya se hizo dueño de empresa en Londres con recursos obtenidos de Odebrecht

Mexicanos contra la Corrupción detectó que el exdirector de Pemex compró una compañía en Reino Unido

9 Dec 13:11 Nación321 6372481147215600860.html
Möglicher Hackerangriff legt Uni Gießen lahm

Die Universität Gießen ist nach einem möglichen Hackerangriff offline. Auch die Seite der Uni-Klinik war zeitweise nicht erreichbar. Inzwischen hat sich das Landeskriminalamt eingeschaltet, die Universität selbst hat eine Ersatz-Homepage eingerichtet.

9 Dec 08:46 hessenschau.de 6403292204188913629.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

The threat level was raised last month following an increase in activity.

9 Dec 13:04 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773910292294.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

The uninhabited and privately owned volcanic island is about 50 kilometres off the mainland in the Bay of Plenty.

9 Dec 17:19 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773656455622.html
Im Alter von 92 Jahren: Ehemaliger Fed-Chef Paul Volcker ist tot

Der frühere US-Notenbankchef Paul Volcker ist am Sonntag im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben. Der Namensgeber einer wichtigen Wall-Street-Reform starb am Sonntag in New York an den Folgen von Prostatakrebs, wie US-Medien am Montag unter Berufung auf seine Tochter berichteten.

9 Dec 16:00 FOCUS Online 4448121230107264260.html
Did someone GLUE them on? 'Cowboy' pigeons sporting tiny stetsons are spotted in Las Vegas parking lot

Footage of the stetson- wearing pigeons, filmed in Parkway Villas, Las Vegas, was shared with the caption 'just another day in the neighborhood'. The hats do not move as the pigeons peck around.

9 Dec 16:28 Mail Online 124328112564627494.html
Call Blocker: l’app che blocca i numeri indesiderati

Call Blocker è l'applicazione che vi permettere di divedere i numeri in due liste: la lista nera in cui metterete tutti i numeri indesiderati di operatori, call center e la lista bianca con tutti i contatti che invece siete consapevoli non recarvi disturbo.

9 Dec 17:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126539225269.html
Arrestatieteam houdt man (38) aan die hulpverleners bedreigt met wapen

Een arrestatieteam heeft maandagmiddag een man uit een woning in Winterswijk gehaald. Hij zou hulpverleners hebben bedreigd met een steekwapen.

9 Dec 15:18 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614471177950.html
Emigrados cubanos en EE.UU. rechazan agresiones contra país natal

Miembros de la Alianza Martiana, que reúne a organizaciones de emigrados de Cuba en Miami, Estados Unidos, rechazaron acciones agresivas de la adminis...

9 Dec 17:18 cubasi.cu 5416914686260657711.html
11th-hour plea made for soldiers who fired shots at Ballymurphy to give evidence at inquests

A lawyer for the victim’s families told the court today: “It is not too late to tell the truth.”

9 Dec 17:28 TheJournal.ie 6446904417574273853.html
Füchse Berlin gehen entspannt in die Partie gegen THW Kiel

Berlin (dpa/bb) – Die Füchse Berlin gehen angesichts ihrer Verletzungsmisere die nächste Aufgabe gegen den THW Kiel gelassen an. «Gegen Kiel ist es ein Bonus-Spiel, da können wir ganz entspannt reingehen», sagte Füchse-Manager Bob Hanning nach der 28:31-Niederlage beim TSV Hannover-Burgdorf am Sonntag.

9 Dec 11:01 DIE WELT 6197693429569666484.html
La BC de Schwytz doit remplacer trois membres du conseil de banque

La Banque cantonale de Schwytz va au devant d'un changement important au sein de son conseil. Trois membres de l'organe de surveillance - Karl Roos, Peter Jeitler et Max Ronner - sur neuf ne pourront... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 10:42 Zonebourse 7946574377230088676.html
Good morning, Kitchener!

Good chance of rain in the morning

9 Dec 10:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741008786607951.html
2K confirma el regreso de Bioshock

2K anuncia la creación de un nuevo estudio de desarrollo que se encargará de traer de vuelta una de las franquicias más populares: BioShock.

9 Dec 16:38 El Output 1685150382018204799.html
Nike Customizes Dog-Inspired Cleats for Odell Beckham Jr.

A nod to OBJ's support for a local animal rescue shelter in Cleveland.

9 Dec 16:18 HYPEBEAST 3806037268836717421.html
Handwerk setzt mehr um - Gute Geschäfte im Sommer

Wiesbaden (dpa) - Handwerksbetriebe in Deutschland haben auch im dritten Quartal gute Geschäfte gemacht. Der Umsatz des zulassungspflichtigen Handwerks stieg von Juli bis Ende September gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum um 5,2 Prozent, wie das Statistische Bundesamt mitteilte. In allen Gewerbegruppen stiegen die Erlöse. Die größten Zuwächse erzielte das Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe mit einem Plus von 7,7 Prozent. Einen Anstieg von jeweils mehr als 5 Prozent verbuchten auch das Gesundheitsgewerbe, das Lebens- sowie das Bauhauptgewerbe.

9 Dec 10:53 DIE WELT 6197693429565796680.html
Suspenden a alumnos por burlarse en redes del árbol-elote de Navidad

Las redes sociales se han vuelto locos por el &aacute;rbol-elote de Navidad, sin embargo reportan la suspensi&oacute;n de varios alumnos por compartir memes y burlarse de la decoraci&oacute;n.

9 Dec 13:49 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623976163319.html
Reports: Chelsea star in talks to reunite with former manager at Serie A giants

According to reports, Chelsea star Marcos Alonso is being targeted by his former manager Antonio Conte, who is currently the boss of Serie A club Inter Milan.

9 Dec 12:37 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906353139140.html
China says people held in Xinjiang camps have 'graduated', condemns U.S. bill

BEIJING (Reuters) - People held in camps in China’s Xinjiang region have now “graduated” and new trainees will have the freedom to come and go, the regional governor said on Monday.

9 Dec 10:32 Reuters 8334514180218407026.html
Diputados en el exilio entregan informe y pruebas sobre masacre de Óscar Pérez ante la Corte Penal Internacional

Este lunes 9 de diciembre los diputados Wilmer Azuaje y Franco Casella presentaron un informe ante la Corte Penal Internacional en su sede de La Haya,

9 Dec 14:42 LaPatilla.com 9104603010993476463.html
Disney Spotlights 12-Year-Old Transgender Girl in Latest Marvel Series

The new Disney+ streaming service is spotlighting the activism of a 12-year-old transgender girl as part of the new Marvel unscripted series "Hero Project," which profiles young individuals who are trying to make a difference in their communities.

9 Dec 15:42 Breitbart 3148363491917484839.html
Neue Bar eröffnet am Wiener Naschmarkt

Mitte Jänner eröffnet mitten am Naschmarkt eine neue Bar: Das LVDWIG. Laut Szene-Gastronom Paul Rittenauer ein „Zentrum für Connaisseurs, ...

9 Dec 12:23 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092978122389.html
Heidi Klum zeigt sich mit XXL-Lippen

SO haben wir Topmodel Heidi Klum (46) noch nie gesehen! Frisch vom OP-Tisch überrascht sie mit einer XXL-Oberlippe.

9 Dec 09:10 RTL.DE 7054729453475535789.html
Sacaron las rejas de Plaza de Mayo

Una cuadrilla de unos diez hombres inició el trabajo durante la noche del domingo, que continuó el lunes por la mañana, mientras al mismo tiempo se monta el escenario donde el Frente de Todos celebrará la asunción del presidente electo.

9 Dec 13:14 El Patagónico 8565457045772431285.html
Wurde nach Black Friday alles wieder teurer?

Sind die Preise der Black-Friday-Schnäppchen nach den Rabatt-Tagen gestiegen? Die Preis-Experten von Idealo haben den Check gemacht.

9 Dec 08:31 Bild 8433249909093949969.html
Giants injury update: Daniel Jones will miss more than just Eagles game with ankle injury | Latest prognosis

Giants rookie quarterback Daniel Jones was already ruled out for Monday night’s game in Philadelphia against the Eagles on Saturday, but Jones’ absence could be prolonged due to a right high-ankle sprain.

9 Dec 13:19 Msn 1509165514684486493.html
Android: regalate 4 app e giochi, il Play Store di Google impazzisce oggi

Il meglio di Android è certamente sul Play Store dove oggi gli utenti possono trovare alcuni titoli molto interessanti e senza pagare neanche un centesimo

9 Dec 09:05 tecnoandroid 2573257127261367915.html
This Red Dead Redemption 2 mod lets you spawn a flyable hot air balloon

Take to the skies in Rockstar's cowboy epic.

9 Dec 11:58 PC Gamer 9149753395925039893.html
La frustración que produce la desigualdad

A pesar de que cada vez más personas en el mundo salen de la pobreza, acceden a educación, salud, internet o un teléfono inteligente, la frustración está llevando a que los ciudadanos se tomen las calles buscando más y mejores oportunidades.

9 Dec 11:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067544292467608.html
“In jedem Text lauert eine Relotius-Gefahr”: Warum Lead Awards-Macher Peichl ein Umdenken bei den Medien vermisst

Heute Abend werden in Hamburg die Lead Awards verliehen. Ein großes Thema auf der Veranstaltung ist der Fälschungsskandal um den früheren "Spiegel"-Reporter Claas Relotius. Im MEEDIA-Interview erklärt Lead Awards-Organisator Markus Peichl, warum die Medien seiner Meinung nach aus dem Fall nichts gelernt haben – und wie der neue Eigentümer der "Berliner Zeitung", Holger Friedrich, aus seiner Glaubwürdigkeitskrise kommen könnte.

9 Dec 14:25 MEEDIA 2574484877238219802.html
Aspley man appears in court to face charge of burgling a house in the Broxtowe estate

The address of the house involved is Denewood Crescent on the Broxtowe estate

9 Dec 15:02 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703282217040.html
Mayo GAA officer rounds on critics over 'torrent of abuse'

MAYO GAA secretary Dermot Butler has rounded on his critics, and those of his fellow officers, for what he described as the 'torrent of abuse' they have been subjected to in recent months.

9 Dec 14:54 Connaught Telegraph 8840491534228173494.html
Nächster S-Bahn-Halt Gateway Gardens

Feierstunde für die neue Station, die erst am Sonntag für das Publikum eröffnet. Die Fahrgastlobby warnt davor, nur in Frankfurt zu investieren.

9 Dec 17:14 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322432374563.html
Frida Karlsson stoppas efter hälsokontroll

Skidor Svenska skidstjärnan Frida Karlsson måste dra ned på såväl träning som tävling framöver efter resultat på en hälsokontroll förra veckan.Nu talar mycket för att 20-åringen missar Tour de Ski vid

9 Dec 17:36 www.unt.se 8922556088628731510.html
Wieder soll eine riesige Wohnbebauung kommen: Pläne sorgen in Rottach für Frustration

Zwei kleine Einfamilienhäuser an der Auenstraße in Rottach-Egern sollen durch eine riesige Wohnanlage ersetzt werden. Ein altbekanntes Problem für die Gemeinde. Dort macht sich Frustration breit.

9 Dec 12:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239048255300.html
Los candidatos activan sus campañas en fin de semana

Los candidatos a la Presidencia de la Republica no aflojaron esfuerzos y durante este fin de semana realizaron actividades politicas en varias localidades.

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264889768610.html
Talent gulf: Lack of depth in badminton women’s doubles worries Ashwini Ponnappa and Sikki Reddy

Even though Indian badminton has scaled new heights in the last few years, not much has moved on the women’s doubles front.

9 Dec 13:15 Scroll.in 8669301693312035608.html
Genk-doelman Vandevoordt overladen met lof: "Heeft echt wel lef"

Maarten Vandevoordt mocht afgelopen weekend zijn competitiedebuut maken bij KRC Genk. De jonge zeventienjarige doelman kon opnieuw overtuigen en wist te winnen van Cercle Brugge. De doelman krijgt ook heel wat lovende commentaar.

9 Dec 11:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330217260343049.html
A former Chelsea soccer player tried to substitute himself off after forgetting his own shirt number, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Bakayoko is in his second spell at AS Monaco, however, has since swapped shirt numbers &mdash; something he forgot against Amiens on Saturday.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 11:25 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756369662540.html
Simmons hits 67 as Windies register series-levelling win

West Indies on Sunday recorded a comprehensive 8-wicket win over India in the second T20I between the two sides at Thiruvananthapuram's Greenfield

9 Dec 13:42 The Sentinel 448185207566359804.html
WWE News: Alexa Bliss slaps Superstar after he shows up at her house shirtless (VIDEO)

Do not get on Alexa Bliss' bad side! #WWE #NXT

9 Dec 12:11 sportskeeda 1601194029002303322.html
The UK’s First Ever Yorkshire Pudding Festival Launches Next Year

The ‘first ever’ Yorkshire pudding festival is coming to the UK, and you don’t even need to pay anything for the privilege

9 Dec 12:33 UNILAD 6373328987298467858.html
Apple Jack And Bénédictine Make The Perfect Holiday Cocktail

Apples do a lot of heavy lifting around the holidays. We bake them in pies, drink their fermented juice, and sip on spiced cider. Apple brandy is my favourite vehicle for this particular flavour, and when paired with Bénédictine liqueur, it makes a drink that tastes like a more alcoholic version of your favourite...

9 Dec 08:18 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169902940445.html
Diego Cadena fue citado a audiencia de imputación de cargos

El abogado, junto a su socio Juan José Salazar, deberán comparecer el próximo 18 de febrero.

9 Dec 13:41 W Radio 7724358831273129940.html
Ryanair: La plantilla de Girona pacta un acuerdo para evitar el cierre

La empresa cambia los contratos de los empleados para que trabajen 9 meses al año y 3 meses vayan al paro

9 Dec 14:04 La Vanguardia 8061072699573117062.html
Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney dies at age 85

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Caroll Spinney, who gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl for nearly 50 years on Sesame Street, died Sunday at the age of 85 at his home in Connecticut, according to the Sesame Workshop.

9 Dec 09:25 WFXT 6395891953888042995.html
Kim Kardashian Threw a 4th Birthday Party for Saint West and Gave Out Yeezy Party Favors

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's son, Saint, just turned four, and the Kardashian-Wests threw a dinosaur-themed party to celebrate—complete with Yeezy party favors.

9 Dec 12:32 Marie Claire 7105575298417350617.html
Tariff hikes likely to double telcos operating profit in FY21: Report

The Supreme Court order on the AGR puts a burden of Rs 1.47 lakh crore on the industry that has been bleeding for years and sitting on a debt pile of close to Rs 4 lakh crore

9 Dec 15:00 Business-Standard 1502508925503165575.html
Apple Beli Film Dokumenter Billie Eilish $25 Juta, Tayang di Apple TV+

Makemac - Apple membeli hak siar untuk memproduksi film dokumenter Billie Eilish, penyanyi yang tengah naik daun dan dominasi Apple Music

9 Dec 12:00 grid.id 2219816954490935783.html
[Rumor] Kojima y Konami en negociaciones por un nuevo Silent Hill

Un reciente rumor afirma que Konami y Kojima Productions estarían negociando la llegada de una nueva entrega de la mítica saga Silent Hill.

9 Dec 16:23 Generación Xbox 4040846039545679978.html
Se filtran nuevas imágenes del prototipo de Playstation 5

Seguimos conociendo nuevos detalles de Playstation 5, la nueva consola de Sony que fue anunciada de manera oficial hace unas semanas.

9 Dec 09:56 MARCA 5656811533708552987.html
Beyoncé revealed the first look at her Adidas collaboration in a series of viral posts, and it shows the massive advantage she will bring to the brand

Beyoncé teased new items from her forthcoming collection with Adidas in a series of viral posts on Instagram on Monday morning.

9 Dec 15:47 Business Insider 6060062400009443749.html
Desaparecen CUATRO jóvenes en Veracruz, sus familias piden ayuda

Una menor y cuatro j&oacute;venes desaparecieron en calles de Veracruz, sus familiares temen por ellos y los buscan con desesperaci&oacute;n tras no tener ning&uacute;n tipo de noticias sobre ellos

9 Dec 08:28 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623017616196.html

Fudbalski klub APOEL saopštio je danas da Tomas Dol nije više trener tog kiparskog kluba.

9 Dec 17:18 kurir.rs 6515665027463816540.html
Dalla Spagna: 'Ronaldo chiama i compagni del Real, pentito della Juve'

Cristiano Ronaldo si è pentito della scelta di andare alla Juventus e lo ha comunicato ad alcuni ex compagni di squadra del Real Madrid. A svelarlo è il giornale spagnolo ABC che parla dei

9 Dec 13:00 il BiancoNero 8980755942010997108.html
Nigel Slater’s meat-free Christmas recipes

A centrepiece of a golden pumpkin, pomegranate-jewelled basmati rice, and a mouthwatering apple and mincemeat tart

9 Dec 08:00 the Guardian 1491978796364240207.html
Basura y aguas piches corren por la calle Juan Pipa

La suciedad ha generado algunas enfermedades

9 Dec 12:24 Últimas Noticias 6811287209086478529.html
Insulti sessisti per Nilde Iotti, parte l’esposto contro Libero da parte delle donne emiliane

Una denuncia collettiva da parte delle donne emiliane, che si potrà allargare a tutte le donne che si sono sentite offese dalle parole utilizzate dal giornalista di Libero contro Nilde Iotti: 'Sono centinaia le persone che mi hanno contattato -ha detto l'avvocato Cathy La Torre - voglio chiedere anche alla candidata della Lega, Lucia Borgonzoni, che è una donna emiliana, se a lei questa presentazione va bene. Altrimenti la aspettiamo a firmare il nostro esposto'.

9 Dec 12:16 fanpage.it 1517332167272165203.html
'Heartless' Boris Johnson takes reporter's phone after refusing to look at photo of child on hospital floor

Boris Johnson has been accused of being "heartless" after refusing to look at a photo of a child sleeping on a hospital floor because of a lack of beds.

9 Dec 15:26 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490353601592.html
White Island volcano: All you need to know

New Zealand's most active volcano erupted violently on Monday with at least five people killed and many still trapped on White Island with rescuers unable to reach them.

9 Dec 09:12 Aljazeera 6642629762264299189.html
Next-Generation Nissan GT-R Rendered, Looks Like a Mid-Engined Supercar

Ah, what a fine C8 Chevrolet Corvette competitor this mid-engined Nissan GT-R would make! Then again, while the GM halo car is as real as they get, even with the $20,000 loss expected on the base $60,000 model, the next-generation Nissan halo car sitting before us comes in the form of a rendering.

9 Dec 14:16 autoevolution 6471576453732169101.html
De Maggio: "Mi arrivano conferme sulle indiscrezioni Ancelotti-Gattuso, sono amareggiato..."

Valter De Maggio, direttore di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli, dopo le tante indiscrezioni sul cambio di panchina in casa Napoli si è espresso così

9 Dec 15:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081437741552.html
World's 'largest collection' of rare whiskies on sale

Lovers of very expensive whisky will get the chance to bid on nearly 4,000 rare bottles acquired by a late U.S. soft drink bottling company executive.

9 Dec 15:37 CTVNews 2422791598723141816.html
Multi-Asset Solutions de J.P.Morgan Asset Management

Les principaux marchés d’emprunts d’État ont fortement baissé. Le dollar américain s’est largement renforcé.

9 Dec 13:42 Allnews 678771719301255605.html
Congress Opposes Citizenship Amendment Bill in Lok Sabha, Terms it ‘Unconstitutional’

Congress leader Manish Tewari said the foundation for the two-nation theory was laid in 1935 in Ahmadabad by Savarkar in a Hindu Mahasabha session and not the by Congress.

9 Dec 12:56 India.com 7150386084803934281.html
Beautiful photos of Davido's brother Adewale Adeleke with his family at his wedding introduction

Adewale Adeleke, the brother of Nigerian singer David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has done his wedding introduction in Calabar, Cross River state. The ceremony took place on Saturday, December 8.

9 Dec 08:01 Legit 3764253650137902154.html
Neuer Joyn-Sender "Primetime" mit US-Serien-Highlights

Die Streaming-Plattform Joyn nimmt einen neuen eigenen Sender ins Programm. "Primetime" bringt ab 20 Uhr Serien- und Film-Highlights aus US-Produktion.

9 Dec 13:31 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535189502033417.html
Tensioni nella maggioranza. E Conte: "Serve una verifica di governo"

Il piddì Bettini: "Serve una verifica di governo". E Conte: "Dopo la manovra cronoprogramma per arrivare al 2023"

9 Dec 15:15 ilGiornale.it 5019541224897511001.html
Miss Myanmar è la prima concorrente di Miss Universo apertamente gay

Swe Zin Htet spera con il suo coming out di porre sotto i riflettori le discriminazioni che subiscono gli omosessuali nel suo Paese, dove essere gay è ancora un crimine

9 Dec 13:57 L'HuffPost 5315551423559920170.html
How Small Giant Games got acquired by Zynga and lived to tell the tale

Zynga's acquisition of Finland's Small Giant Games last year followed an usual template designed to avoid the mistakes that derail most such deals.

9 Dec 14:05 VentureBeat 6273363636457990381.html
Di Maio: illegittima l’intesa turco-libica su acque territoriali

Bruxelles, 9 dic. (askanews) – Il memorandum di intesa firmato il 27 novembre scorso dal presidente turco Recep Tayyp Erdogan e dal capo del governo di accordo nazionale libico, Fayez al Sarraj, che delimita i confini marittimi dei due Paesi nel Mediterraneo orientale, “non è assolutamente legittimo”. Lo ha detto oggi a Bruxelles il ministro […]

9 Dec 15:41 Askanews 298649740279198977.html
Champions League permutations: What results Liverpool and Chelsea need to reach the last 16

Liverpool head to Red Bull Salzburg needing a result to avoid dropping down to the Europa League, while Chelsea face Lille at Stamford Bridge.

9 Dec 16:28 City A.M. 6389894492064135142.html
Spesifikasi Empat Kamera Galaxy A51 Terungkap

Kehadiran penerus Galaxy A50 sudah terdengar sejak bulan lalu. Kini bocorannya mencuat lagi dan mengungkap lebih banyak soal spesifikasinya.

9 Dec 08:56 detikinet 7802439223236160727.html
The Good Phight’s Winter Meetings preview

The 2019 Winter Meetings are upon us! It’s the baseball rumor-mongerer’s favorite time of year. The good people at MLB Trade Rumors are perhaps stocking up on Red Bull and coffee as we speak, knowing the refreshing button on many web browers will be smashed over the next few days. It all began Sunday night with the announcement that Marvin Miller (!) and Ted Simmons were finally voted into the Hall of Fame.

9 Dec 13:30 Msn 1509165515458461840.html
Watch: Horses go out of control with carriage, motorbike riders try to stop it, fall under it

One person has been injured in the extraordinary incident in Pune.

9 Dec 12:30 Scroll.in 8669301693610553267.html
Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn wird 100 Jahre alt

Promi-Fotografin Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn rückte Romy Schneider, Luciano Pavarotti oder Prinzessin Caroline von Monaco vor ihrer Linse ins rechte Licht. Heute feiert "Manni mit dem Fotoapparat

9 Dec 14:04 GMX News 4492287762879671823.html
Il difesa del Cardellino, il film flop che vi consiglio di vedere

Stroncato alla critica, ignorato dal pubblico, disponibile in streaming ma non in sala, questo film è una raffinata riflessione sulla fragilità dell'esistenza e la potenza dell'arte messa in scena da un grande cast

9 Dec 10:54 Wired 7504010958250716499.html
Lo que tienes que saber si te interesa trabajar en el servicio de limpieza de una empresa

¿Cuál sería tu chamba?, ¿Qué herramientas de trabajo utilizarías?, ¿Qué perfil piden? Aquí te resolvemos tus dudas

9 Dec 17:59 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601397217309.html
Musacchio: "Continuiamo a lavorare, a migliorare e a crescere!"

Attraverso il proprio profilo di Instagram, Mateo Musacchio ha pubblicato questo messaggio dopo la vittoria per 3-2 in casa del Bologna: "Continuiamo a lavorare, a migliorare e a crescere!".

9 Dec 13:14 MilanNews.it 6507305920842278812.html
Aseguran narcosubmarino con dos toneladas de droga y cuatro tripulantes; se dirigían a Europa

En Per&uacute;, uno de los pa&iacute;ses donde tiene presencia el C&aacute;rtel de Sinaloa, que en su momento dirigi&oacute; Joaqu&iacute;n &lsquo;El Chapo&rsquo; Guzm&aacute;n, fue de donde sali&oacute; la droga con destino a pa&iacute;ses de Europa, pero se desconoce si este cargamento les pertenece.

9 Dec 12:37 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624201404120.html
A2 Milk wanted a change agent but was rattled by Hrdlicka's speed

The sudden departure of a2 milk chief executive Jayne Hrdlicka has shocked investors but the discord between her and the board rendered the CEO continuing in the job impossible.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562522560610.html
Evite el hackeo de su smarTV - Estas son las recomendaciones del FBI

El Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI, por sus siglas en inglés) aprovechó el reciente Black Friday para llamar la atención acerca de los riesgos de seguridad asociados a la compra de Smart TV.

9 Dec 09:20 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997874035406713.html
Muere el expresidente de la Reserva Federal

Paul Volcker falleció por complicaciones asociadas al cáncer de próstata

9 Dec 17:48 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309449832544.html
Sangue encontrado em estrada e viatura é de pedreiro desaparecido em Campo Alegre, aponta perícia

O Laborat&oacute;rio de Gen&eacute;tica Forense da Per&iacute;cia Oficial do Estado de Alagoas divulgou na manh&atilde; de hoje (09), o resultado dos exames de DNA do caso do pedreiro desaparecido em Campo Alegre, ap&oacute;s abordagem de guardas municipais. As manchas encontradas e recolhidas pelos...

9 Dec 13:22 TNH1 3684351752645020168.html
Flamengo adota cautela sobre Mundial e evita falar em jogo com Liverpool

O Flamengo tenta manter os pés no chão quando o assunto é o Mundial de Clubes. Dominante na premiação do Bola de Prata, que elegeu os melhores do Campeonato Brasileiro, os jogadores evitaram falar sobre um possível duelo com o Liverpool na final. O discurso é de que antes há uma semifinal a ser disputada. Foto: Alexandre Vidal / Flamengo"É importante, mas temos que pensar no que vem antes, a gente tem uma semifinal contra o Al Hilal e o Espérance. O Al Hilal é um time muito forte, o próprio Jorge que montou esse time, então temos respeito máximo ao Al Hilal", disse o goleiro Diego Alves."É claro que a final é algo esperado por todos, essa segunda final contra o Liverpool, mas como a gente fez até agora, a prioridade total é voltada ao jogo da semifinal", completou.Mesmo sendo apenas uma provável final, a disputa entre Flamengo e Liverpool é comentada até mesmo na Inglaterra. Em entrevista recente, o goleiro Alisson brigou que faria de tudo para "não ter gol do Gabigol" na decisão. Questionado sobre a declaração…

9 Dec 17:01 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420422152492.html
Maana Dil From Good Newwz: Akshay Kumar-Kareena Kapoor Khan & Diljit Dosanjh-Kiara Advani’s Goof Up Just Got Emotionally Hard-Hitting!

Good Newwz starring Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Diljit Dosanjh & Kiara Advani is making all the right kind of noises. The trailer and the first two songs from the film - Chandigarh Mein and

9 Dec 14:13 Koimoi 5184275669900039385.html
A War with North Korea Would Bring Chaos to Millions. There Is Another Option.

Maximum pressure has failed and the cost of a military option is unacceptably high. A peace agreement is the only option. 

9 Dec 12:31 The National Interest 7207864703690132800.html
Esgoto escorre pelas ruas de bairro e revolta moradores

Moradores da cidade de Arapiraca reclamam de transtornos causados por um esgoto aberto na Rua Ercília Brandão Silva, no bairro Verdes Campos. Conforme dados do morador Gilson Rodrigues, o esgoto escorre pelas ruas do bairro causando incômodo à população, além de risco à saúde. “Baratas, escorpião, rato aparecem. Isso (esgoto) está a céu aberto. A...

9 Dec 17:58 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089009799555083.html
Barra del Colorado tiene nueva área marina de pesca responsable

Barra del Colorado en Limón tiene una nueva área marina de pesca responsable y un plan de ordenamiento, con el fin de aprovechar mejor el recurso pesquero en la zona y favorecer las labores de conservación.

9 Dec 12:16 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997874650091526.html
I'm A Celebrity's Roman baffled as Lorraine asks saucy question about girlfriend


9 Dec 10:01 Metro 970161748964010993.html
Uno por uno, los integrantes del gabinete de Omar Perotti

12 Ministerios y una Secretaría de Estado

9 Dec 15:18 El Litoral 2624573358227729828.html
Storie Italiane, Simona Ventura sorprende su Nadia Toffa

Simona Ventura sorprende da Eleonora Daniele raccontando del suo legame con Nadia Toffa. E a proposito del figlio aggredito afferma: “Sono miracolata”.

9 Dec 14:29 DiLei 6707305202545029713.html
La Cina vuole fare a meno di pc e software stranieri

Pechino ha imposto l’obbligo di sostituire nei prossimi tre anni tutti i pc e i software di produzione straniera in uso nella pubblica amministrazione con prodotti locali

9 Dec 11:51 Wired 7504010958661597171.html
Millions of Nigerians not bothered about Sowore’s rearrest —Presidency

Eniola Akinkuotu, Abuja The Presidency has said that millions of Nigerians are not bothered about the rearrest of SaharaReporters Publisher, Omoyele Sowore, at the Federal High Court in Abuja la...

9 Dec 10:33 Punch Newspapers 3524240994455907883.html
Nintendo Switch: una versione con 64GB di memoria potrebbe arrivare a breve? | Game Division

Stando ad un particolare Tweet di Chinese Nintendo la compagnia nipponica potrebbe rilasciare una nuova Nintendo Switch con 64GB di memoria.

9 Dec 09:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147069554789595.html
Gunlord X: Launch-Trailer zum 2D-Action-Plattformer veröffentlicht

Der 2D-Action-Plattformer "Gunlord X" erscheint in Kürze für die PlayStation 4. Ein Launch-Trailer stellt den Titel noch einmal vor, wobei einige Verbesserungen im Vergleich zur Originalversion vorgenommen wurden.

9 Dec 14:48 play3.de 8301165839021541516.html
What To Remember From Ulta Beauty's Q3 Earnings

Ulta Beauty reported numbers that exceeded expectations and show that the growth deceleration is stabilizing.Ulta is outperforming its competitors significantly by improving customer satisfaction and

9 Dec 13:40 Seeking Alpha 5725634556932731228.html
EE.UU. sancionó a altos funcionarios del gobierno de Maduro en Venezuela por venta de pasaportes

Estados Unidos acusó a estos altos funcionarios del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela de recibir miles de dólares por la emisión de pasaportes.

9 Dec 17:14 canalN.pe 1595273587945526891.html
Ragatzu, il fenomeno cresciuto a Is Arenas: "Ha realizzato i sogni della sua famiglia"

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 17:41 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205884242219.html
Moonday Mornings: IRS readies to tax your cryptocurrency — no matter what

It's the start of another week and that means it's time for Hard Fork's wrap-up of the weekend's top cryptocurrency and blockchain headlines.

9 Dec 10:17 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801510414085081.html
Cárcel para tres ladrones de pisos de Barcelona

Los Mossos les detuvieron cuando salían de robar de un domicilio en Castelldefels

9 Dec 12:16 elPeriodico 7291954034592441056.html
Thalaivar 168: Keerthy Suresh To Play The Female Lead Opposite Superstar Rajinikanth

It’s official now! Actress Keerthy Suresh has been roped in to share screen space with Superstar Rajinikanth in ‘Thalaivar 168’.

9 Dec 12:18 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244506826973.html
‘Businesses in South that use old PCs face productivity loss, security breach’

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) in South India, using older PCs, are likely to experience reduced workplace productivity and security vulnerabilities, according to a Microsoft study.SMBs using comp

9 Dec 15:27 BusinessLine 5283601803939999.html
Sophie Turner: Busenblitzer! DIESES Kleid verrät zu viel

Beim Serien-Hit "Game of Thrones" verzauberte sie über acht Staffeln lang als Sansa Stark, räumte zum Serienfinale sogar den Königstitel im Norden von Westeros ab. Die Britin wuchs in der Rolle von 2011 bis 2019 von der Teenagerin zur Frau heran, ist mittlerweile dank ihrer Auftritte in den "X-Men"-Streifen ("X-Men: Apocalypse" und "X-Men: Dark Phoenix")auch abseits von "Game of Thrones" auf der großen Kinoleinwand zu sehen.

9 Dec 11:52 news.de 5126378978126193077.html
Misión china dispondrá de laboratorio del MOP para certificar calidad de materiales de proyectos que se implementarán en El Salvador 

La delegación de China hizo la visita al Laboratorio del Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP) este lunes, luego de arribar el sábado pasado a El Salvador para conocer las condiciones de infraestructura con que cuenta el país. La visita se da como parte de la cooperación no reembolsable que China dará para financiar seis proyectos, entre ellos un estadio nacional. La delegación de China hizo la visita al Laboratorio del Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP) este lunes, luego de arribar el sábado pasado a El Salvador para conocer las condiciones de infraestructura con que cuenta el país. La visita se da como parte de la cooperación no reembolsable que China dará para financiar seis proyectos, entre ellos un estadio nacional. La delegación de China hizo la visita al Laboratorio del Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP) este lunes, luego de arribar el sábado pasado a El Salvador para conocer las condiciones de infraestructura con que cuenta el país. La visita se da como parte de la cooperación no reembolsable que China dará…

9 Dec 16:02 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189950592370.html
No utilices esta VPN, sólo quiere colarte troyanos para robar tus datos

Descubren que Inter VPN es una falsa VPN que no debemos utilizar por peligro de troyanos CryptBot y Vidar para robar datos

9 Dec 13:00 ADSLZone 3760867498339655887.html
Boy on the floor photo prompts Boris to add larceny to mendacity

Faced with evidence of NHS overcrowding by a reporter, the PM simply pocketed it

9 Dec 17:41 the Guardian 1491978795528993639.html
Caramba, que en el deporte hay trampas

La expulsión de Rusia de las competiciones internacionales tiene también derivadas políticas

9 Dec 17:01 EL PAÍS 2207347710421944154.html
'A leftist course': Merkel's CDU wary as coalition partner seeks concessions

Chancellor Angela Merkel's party on Sunday reacted coolly to concessions sought by the new leaders of the Social Democrats in return for keeping their fragile coalition afloat

9 Dec 08:03 Thelocal.de 270941995944855303.html
Pete Buttigieg asked if taking big money out of politics includes not taking money from billionaires, he responds: 'No'

Pete Buttigieg implied that he would take money off billionaires and closed-door fundraisers during a terse exchange with a student activist, amid growing criticism of the Democratic candidate’s fundraising strategy.The 2020 presidential candidate has come under scrutiny for his decision to take money

9 Dec 11:18 Yahoo 7097669637287681121.html
La finlandesa Sanna Marin se convierte en la primera ministra más joven del mundo

Marin puede dejar de ser la líder más joven próximamente, ya que Sebastian Kurz, que se convirtió en canciller austriaco a los 31 años, está liderando las negociaciones para formar un nuevo Gobierno y es diez meses más joven que la finlandesa

9 Dec 10:35 ABC.es 6074573462667975202.html
5 things you need to know about the planned SkyTrain shutdown

Here's what you need to know right now about the planned SkyTrain strike scheduled to begin early Tuesday morning.

9 Dec 13:53 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497845877605.html
Adressa: Han erstatter Bjørnebye

Den mangeårige Rosenborg-backen Mikael Dorsin (38) blir klubbens nye sportslige leder, ifølge Adresseavisen.

9 Dec 09:26 Dagbladet.no 3042595687649039309.html
Gianmarco Onestini torna al Gf Vip spagnolo e si prende un due di picche da Adara

Due di picche per Gianmarco Onestini: tornato al Gf Vip spagnolo per fare una sorpresa ad Adara Molinero, ha assistito al bacio tra quest'ultima e il fidanzato Hugo

9 Dec 09:36 ilGiornale.it 5019541225782394476.html
Man Turns Into ‘Chimera’ As Bone Marrow Transplant Fully Replaces His Semen DNA

A team from Nevada’s Washoe County Sheriff’s Department is currently looking into how changes in DNA following certain medical procedures could influence criminal cases and forensic work.

9 Dec 13:37 Sputniknews 967333869491156537.html
Perth pub closes doors after nearly 50 years

PUNTERS can take home a piece of a Perth pub which has closed its doors after nearly 50 years.

9 Dec 09:26 Community News Group 6769726049556458061.html
Auto sector is in transition phase, no threat of job losses: Govt in RS

Union Heavy Industries Minister Prakash Javadekar said no closure of any automobile or ancillary manufacturing units has been reported in the past three years

9 Dec 09:55 Business-Standard 1502508926573322513.html
Patti Clare shares throwback picture from her days on the West End

Life before Corrie 25 years ago

9 Dec 14:39 Entertainment Daily 8392972517504175644.html
While you were still using Airbnb to spend a weekend in a stranger’s home, the company was quietly expanding into boutique hotels and entire Airbnb-branded buildings

Airbnb may be on its way to becoming a hotel company.

9 Dec 14:01 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882848156775.html
La canasta familiar frenó su incremento en noviembre

De acuerdo al relevamiento de precios que realiza mensualmente Centro Socialista de Tandil, la tasa de aumento de los precios de la canasta familiar ha disminuido en noviembre a 3,31 por ciento (un 46 por ciento). Sin embargo, advirtieron que continúa siendo excesivamente alto para cualquier parámetro de inflación razonable. El incremento se verificó en […]

9 Dec 10:08 El Eco 4177735525642330367.html
Ghani Calls for Regional, Int’l Support for Afghan Peace

President Ashraf Ghani on Monday addressed the eighth ministerial conference of the “Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process” in Turkey and emphasized the need for a political solution to the confli

9 Dec 16:19 TOLO news 5578851437403340679.html
Ghani Calls for Regional, Int’l Support for Afghan Peace

President Ashraf Ghani on Monday addressed the eighth ministerial conference of the “Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process” in Turkey and emphasized the need for a political solution to the confli

9 Dec 16:19 TOLO news 5578851439423657955.html
Come installare Windows su un Mac | Tom's Hardware

Installare Windows su Mac è possibile ed esistono almeno due modi per farlo, di cui uno fornito dalla stessa Apple. Ecco una guida passo - passo che vi spiega come gare.

9 Dec 09:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147069829993637.html
30 ace bloggers to promote Kerala

Maiden Domestic Kerala Blog Express in March 2020

9 Dec 17:48 The Hindu 6679535024872521867.html
Welcome To The Black Parade In The Style Of Avenged Sevenfold

Listen to My Chemical Romance's Welcome The Black Parade in the style of metal heavyweights Avenged Sevenfold

9 Dec 13:08 Kerrang! 370418008544603797.html
Potvrđena optužnica protiv trojice carinika zbog uzimanja mita

SARAJEVO - Sud Bosne i Hercegovine potvrdio je optužnicu protiv Tina Kapetana, Dejana Damjanovića i Aleksandra Tucikešića koja ih tereti da su kao službena lica u institucijama BiH počinili krivično djelo primanje dara i drugih oblika koristi.

9 Dec 14:27 Nezavisne novine 4209150642133416632.html
Intesa SanPaolo, adesso è possibile pagare gli acquisti con Google Pay

Google Pay sembra adesso supportare le carte Intesa SanPaolo. Si estende il supporto a nuove banche.

9 Dec 14:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127808351363.html
Grösste virtuelle Spielwelt in Bern eröffnet

Mit einer Hightech Brille taucht man in das Abenteuer ein. Im Wankdorf Center gibt es eine Virtual Reality Spielwelt.

9 Dec 17:39 SRF 8424707179116539690.html
La prioridad invernal del Atlético de Madrid

La falta de gol que está exhibiendo la escuadra rojiblanca ha activado la búsqueda de una nuevo delantero que de un impulso a la parcela ofensiva en la segunda mitad de campeonato. Delicada (...)

9 Dec 09:53 Fichajes 157935405562203834.html
Keerthy Suresh to romance Rajinikanth in Thalaivar 168

Keerthy Suresh will share screen space with Rajinikanth in director's Siva upcoming film, which is tentatively titled Thalaivar 168.

9 Dec 11:40 The Indian Express 2885715105363321044.html
La Zona de Bajas Emisiones será insuficiente, vaticina Barcelona

Un informe del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona vaticina que la Zona de Bajas Emisiones, que entrará en vigor en enero de 2020 y que restringirá el acceso a la ciudad a aquellos coches sin etiqueta de la

9 Dec 10:40 SoyMotor 3778996023122071858.html
Eskom announces stage 6 loadshedding from 6pm | IOL News

Eskom announced on Monday that the power utility will move to stage 6 loadshedding from 6pm.

9 Dec 15:52 www.iol.co.za 17825112686448785.html
Borel pozvao na veće jedinstvo unutar EU

BRISEL - Šef diplomatije Evropske unije Žosep Borel pozvao je zemlje članice Unije da poboljšaju međusobno jedinstvo i razvijaju partnerske odnose. Borel

9 Dec 11:02 Krstarica 4176903989583987962.html
Marcus Fernaldi Gideon Waspadai Lawan di BWF World Tour Finals 2019

Marcus Fernaldi Gideon tak memandang enteng para calon lawannya di Grup A BWF World Tour Finals 2019.

9 Dec 15:45 BolaSport.com 4603768436466141188.html
ERC retrasa un posible acuerdo con el PSOE para investir a Sánchez

El líder del partido socialista contemplaba la idea de ser investido el próximo 27 de diciembre pero en la formación catalana consideran que tendrá que esperar, por lo menos, hasta enero de 2020

9 Dec 17:27 euronews 2767628994410900313.html
Al via "Asso" dedicato agli studenti

Giunge alla terza stagione il progetto "A Scuola di Soccorso" delle Misericordie toscane. Nelle scorse edizioni sono stati formati 40mila ragazzi. L'iniziativa ha il sostegno dell'Ufficio scolastico regionale della Toscana. Coinvolte le primarie e le secondarie di primo e secondo grado

9 Dec 10:07 VITA 7700876771319243546.html
Menang Mudah dari Pasangan Thailand, Greysia / Apriyani Raih Emas SEA Games 2019

Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu meraih kemenangan mudah 21-3 dan 21-18 atas pasangan Thailand, Chayanit Chaladchalam/Phataimas Muenwong di final ganda putri SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:56 Bola.com 1695722604575703647.html
Cuatro bajas en Juntos por el Cambio ponen en jaque el liderazgo de Vidal

Se trata de legisladores alineados con Gustavo Posse y Emilio Monzó, que pasarán a conformar la bancada Cambio Federal dentro de la Cámara Baja bonaerense.

9 Dec 13:45 Infocielo 6573250471345818527.html
Verhaftung in Tübingen: Mutmaßlicher Vergewaltiger und Räuber in Haft

Ein 28-Jähriger soll in Tübingen zwei minderjährige Jugendliche vergewaltigt und zwei weitere beraubt haben. Nun wurde er verhaftet.

9 Dec 14:55 swp.de 6929179441094451928.html
Black women at high risk of getting cancer by using hair dyes and relaxers – Study reveals

Women always love to look good and one major thing women invest in to look and feel beautiful is their hair. A new study has found some rather disturbing links between hair dyes and chemical straighteners or relaxers. The common denominator here is these beautifying products can increase one’s risk of getting breast cancer. According...

9 Dec 15:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198131307389236.html
Japan, Australia still hopeful of India’s rethink on RCEP

Despite India’s decision to walk out of the ASEAN-led 15-nation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Free Trade Agreement last month, officials from India’s Indo-Pacific partners Austral

9 Dec 17:12 The Hindu 6679535026065171020.html
England to honour Bob Willis by wearing black armbands during first Test in South Africa

England players will wear black armbands during the first Test of their tour of South Africa in honour of former bowler Bob Willis.

9 Dec 13:59 Sky Sports 7729859610239486793.html
Alexandra ist 18 Jahre alt und hat das Rett-Syndrom

Die 18 jährige Alexandra hat das Rett-Syndrom. Sie kann nicht gehen und auch nicht sprechen.

9 Dec 14:46 Kurier 208072238357962382.html
La AMA vuelve a equivocar el tiro con Rusia

La decisión de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje de pasar de nuevo de puntillas ante lo que verdaderamente podría provocar un ejemplo internacional culmina el periodo pusilánime que ha vivido este organismo bajo la presidencia de Craig Reedie. Incluso se podría entender que se extralimita en sus funciones sancionando al país, que acudirá a los grandes eventos sin himno ni bandera, y no a su Comité Olímpico que es el verdadero signatario del Código Mundial Antidopaje y el que es invitado a participar en los Juegos.

9 Dec 15:38 MARCA 5656811532482715813.html
Opozvan meksički ambasador, ukrao knjigu?

Meksiko je opozvao svog ambasadora u Argentini nakon što se pojavio video snimak koji sugeriše da je pokušao da ukrade knjigu iz jedne knjižare u Buenos Airesu.

9 Dec 17:31 Nezavisne novine 4209150642106728885.html
Adara vuelve a coger la rotonda

Le aconsejó Joao que no diera bruscos giros. Mejor esperar a coger la rotonda para cambiar de carril y salir en una dirección diferente, si hace...

9 Dec 08:30 telecinco 3240952630834686999.html
Falleció Santiago Bal

El actor, comediante y director de cine, teatro y televisión Santiago Bal falleció esta tarde a los 83 años en el Instituto Médico de Alta Complejidad (IMAC), donde se encontraba internado desde principios de julio por problemas respiratorios. Bal, padre de Federico, Mariano y Julieta y ex marido de Carmen Barbieri, había entrado en coma […]

9 Dec 09:58 El Eco 4177735524793524086.html
Este es el nuevo y complicado mecanismo que ha ideado Xiaomi para ocultar la cámara bajo la pantalla

Xiaomi acaba de patentar un nuevo mecanismo para ocultar la cámara bajo la pantalla. Así podrían ser algunos de los futuros smartphones de la firma.

9 Dec 11:01 Andro4all 8652186059201187292.html
Mediaset: Tribunale di Milano proroga udienza su MFE a dopo l’assemblea

Il Tribunale di Milano ha rinviato la discussione sul caso MFE al 21 gennaio, in quanto è stato ritenuto rilevante l'esito dell'assemblea straordinaria dei soci

9 Dec 13:19 InvestireOggi 7231367742630908667.html
Gantz to Netanyahu: Give up on immunity, go for unity

Blue and White head to PM: If you publicly announce you are giving up on  'immunity bloc' we can have immediate direct negotiations.

9 Dec 15:55 Israel National News 5374683670692753290.html
Gobierno inició entrega de bono Navidades Felices

El Gobierno nacional inició la entrega de una nueva bonificación a través del Carnet de la Patria.

9 Dec 15:45 Panorama 6052790754236684152.html
Kosovo y Albania boicotearán la ceremonia de entrega del Premio Nobel de Literatura a Peter Handke

El escritor ha sido cuestionado por oponerse a los ataques aéreos de la OTAN contra Serbia en la guerra de 1990 y por ser cercano al líder serbio Slobodan Milosevic, apodado "el carnicero de los Balcanes" por estas naciones.

9 Dec 11:47 Emol 3328490602372574085.html
Aston Martin anuncia una nueva colaboración con Airbus

Aston Martin y Airbus han anunciado un acuerdo de colaboración cuyo primer resultado se presentará el día 3 de enero de 2020 en Courchevel, en los Alpes franceses.

9 Dec 17:41 SoyMotor 3778996021635864800.html
Kazakhstan plans more than $1 billion in fresh aid to banks: Sources

Kazakhstan plans to provide more than $1 billion in aid to at least four local banks after an asset quality review revealed holes in their balance sheets that require capital injections, two sources familiar with the plans told Reuters.

9 Dec 13:16 WION 1570469240515111151.html
Tommaso Paradiso: come va oggi con i Thegiornalisti e il nuovo tour

Dopo la separazione, Tommaso Paradiso svela come vanno oggi le cose con i Thegiornalisti, e poi annuncia il nuovo tour. Le sue parole.

9 Dec 09:02 Novella 2000 6951116781073840436.html
What a difference, a year makes

A Piazza Affari nel frattempo gli indici mettono a segno un confortante rally.

9 Dec 13:02 Trend Online 3268043279663003291.html
Lionel Messi afuera de los convocados de Barcelona ante Inter

La Pulga no está en la lista de citados por el conjunto Culé para su visita al Nerazzurro por la última fecha de la fase de grupos de la Champions League, donde ya están clasificados a octavos como líderes.

9 Dec 13:50 TyC Sports 3239944748350858903.html
Drunk raccoon stumbles around German Christmas market, then shot by local hunter

A drunk raccoon stumbled around a Christmas market in Germany on Saturday, according to police, who said the furry creature tripped around until it eventually fell asleep — before it was shot by a local hunter. 

9 Dec 12:36 Fox News 7362823821485191351.html
No se vayan

En el grado de la USM, emocionaron hasta las lágrimas las palabras del director Enrique Ginnari recordando a su papá quien como él dedicó toda su vida a la educación universitaria en una demostración que lo de nuestro profesores y profesoras es más un apostolado

9 Dec 09:24 Globovisión 5928221751526088651.html
Behemoth to release Tour Edition of I Loved You At Your Darkest

New release of Behemoth’s 11th studio album will include BBC Radio 1 session and documentary - check out studio video for Wolves Ov Siberia

9 Dec 11:58 Metal Hammer 2174237038613674487.html
Italia, amichevoli con Inghilterra e Repubblica Ceca in vista dell’Europeo

l’Italia di Mancini proseguirà la sua marcia di avvicinamento alla massima competizione continentale per nazioni con due amichevoli di rilievo

9 Dec 12:03 Forzaroma.info 1065617486275794053.html
[Update: Now available] OnePlus TV update brings Netflix along w/ further fixes

The second OnePlus TV update is now rolling out with support for the streaming service Netflix, while also bringing a number of other fixes.

9 Dec 09:15 9to5Google 6197440880353235093.html
I Medici 3, anticipazioni (e riassunto ultima puntata). Magnifico contro Savonarola

Su Raiuno due nuovi episodi della serie dedicata alla più nota e potente famiglia fiorentina del Rinascimento

9 Dec 16:17 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189765413561.html
‘Time is ticking for action on antimicrobial resistance’

PYEONGCHANG, Gangwon Province -- Korea is hosting an international meeting to fight the rising public health threat of drug resistance.The seventh session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission task force on antimicrobial resistance kicked off Monday in Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, to be held for five days through Friday.In 2015, the World Health Assembly adopted a global action plan to tackle the trend of antimicrob...

9 Dec 08:20 Koreaherald 8029273604079116384.html
Secretaria Anticorrupción rinde versión en caso Coopera

La secretaria nacional Anticorrupción (SNA), Dora Ordóñez, acudió la mañana de este lunes a la Fiscalía General del Estado, en Quito, para rendir su versión dentro del denominado caso Coopera en el

9 Dec 15:16 El Universo 8365175796773284247.html
Billie R. Schoepp

Billie was a loving wife and mother. She loved children and enjoyed animals, gardening, nature, traveling, swimming, and wine making. She enjoyed many years of affiliation with her church, the Alter Society and Homemakers Club. She was always thankful for the many wonderful friends God gifted to her. Billie spent many years as an X-ray technician at Milwaukee Children's Hospital. She was a...

9 Dec 14:28 CHANNEL3000 830332541983611190.html
Vier Jahre Gefängnis für Ex-Tennisprofi gefordert

Yves Allegro ist wegen Vergewaltigung und/oder sexueller Nötigung angeklagt. Der Anwalt des Tennis-Trainers plädiert auf Freispruch.

9 Dec 17:02 20 Minuten 5741369453948126258.html
Futbolistas sanjuaninas se denominaron 'violadoras': una jugadora pidió disculpas

Una de las involucradas en la polémica se mostró arrepentida, después de que compartiera un posteo que se burlaba de la violencia de género. En la Liga Sanjuanina evaluarán el caso y habrá un dictamen.

9 Dec 14:55 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158123907128.html
Inter-Barça: Candreva in dubbio, Asamoah non convocato. Ballottaggio tra Biraghi e Lazaro

Il grande dubbio che Antonio Conte deve sciogliere in vista della sfida da dentro o fuori contro il Barcellona si chiama Antonio Candreva, in bilico tra una maglia da titolare sulla fascia destra e un...

9 Dec 14:47 FcInterNews.it 7848284893902855138.html
Deltan Dallagnol processa Gilmar Mendes por danos morais

O procurador cita entrevistas concedidas por Gilmar Mendes nas quais, segundo ele, é ofendido pelo ministro do Supremo

9 Dec 15:47 CartaCapital 2483507008653223346.html
Sudan ta janye dakarunta dubu 10 daga yakin Yemen

Gwamnatin Sudan ta sanar a hukumance cewa ta janye dakarunta dubu 10 da ke yaki a Yemen, inda adadinsu ya dawo dubu biyar maimakon 15.

9 Dec 08:53 RFI 6057628068297215030.html
In his absence and on his comeback, striker Tammy Abraham shows why he is so important to Chelsea

Abraham stands as the undisputed leader of Chelsea’s attack, with his powerful presence and predatory instincts to find the back of the net.

9 Dec 10:19 Scroll.in 8669301692799443863.html
Con tutela ante la Corte Constitucional buscan revivir iniciativa de 16 curules para víctimas en el Congreso

En manos del magistrado de la Corte Constitucional, Alejandro Linares, está la tutela que instauró el senador Roy Barreras, con la que busca revivir la iniciativa que otorgaba las 16 curules que debían entregarse a las víctimas y que quedó estipulado en el acuerdo de paz, pero que se hundió en una votación en el Congreso de la República.Las víctimas en más de una ocasión han solicitado tales curules que se mencionaron en el mandato de Juan Manuel Santos, luego de que se llegara a un acuerdo con las extintas Farc.Ahora, será la Corte la que decida el polémico caso que tuvo que llegar a instancias judiciales luego de que en el Congreso se hundiera y en el Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca no diera el aval al considerar que existían otros medios para solicitar tal acción.En vista de ello, lo que solicita Barreras es la protección de los derechos de igualdad, al debido proceso y la participación en política para las víctimas, que a su juicio le fueron vulnerados a la Mesa Nacional de Víctimas, quienes acordaron…

9 Dec 10:11 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347159112013.html
Miss Universe's first openly gay contestant is from a country where same sex relationships are illegal, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Despite having to return to a country where homosexuality is criminalized, Swe Zin Htet hopes her story will empower more Burmese people to come out.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:37 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755844601562.html
Ander Herrera y Javier Aguirre, absueltos en el caso del supuesto amaño del Levante-Zaragoza

El Juzgado de lo Penal n&uacute;mero 7 de Valencia ha condenado a dos exdirectivos del Zaragoza por un delito de falsedad documental a un a&ntilde;o y tres m...

9 Dec 14:04 naiz: 7509038602605730593.html
Ecco la prima smart tv a marchio Nokia

Lanciata da una società indiana, ha schermo da 55 pollici (ANSA)

9 Dec 12:15 ANSA.it 1300837446723481823.html
Usina Energisa recebe honraria por fomentar a cultura na Paraíba

Usina Energisa recebe honraria por fomentar a cultura na Paraíba

9 Dec 14:00 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543904944013177.html
In een leeg huis is plaats voor: Marie Kondo

Opruimen: Opruimgoeroe Marie Kondo leert ons liefdevol opruimen. Maar ze verkoopt je ook graag nieuwe spullen, ziet Milou van Rossum

9 Dec 14:14 NRC 5923869434054981414.html
Kiss Kiss - Nessun riscontro dalla Ssc Napoli sul cambio allenatore: c'è una sola certezza

Non ci sono riscontri ufficiali dalla SSC Napoli sulle voci di un addio di Carlo Ancelotti e di un approdo di Gennaro Gattuso

9 Dec 16:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081368554164.html
Shakti Pumps hits 52-week low as CARE downgrades bank facilities

The outlook for the long-term rating of the company has been revised from 'Stable' to 'Negative'.

9 Dec 08:53 Business-Standard 1502508926032828738.html
Una ambulancia atropella a un peatón que cruzaba la avenida de Jijona de Alicante indebidamente

El hombre, de 63 años, ha sido arrollado por el SVB cuando circulaba por el carril reservado a la altura del ADDA

9 Dec 16:19 Diarioinformacion 8979296176471461424.html
1 taken to Miami Valley after motorcycle crash on Blaine Street

DAYTON — UPDATE @ 7:17 p.m.:

9 Dec 10:27 Whio 8204027954273697833.html
These are the watches worn by some of the most powerful businessmen and CEOs in the world, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - A luxury timepiece is an essential accessory for a CEO. Here is a list of watches worn by some of the world's most powerful executives.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:02 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755522904220.html
Jennifer Lopez Brought Her Versace Jungle Dress Back *Again* For Her SNL Monologue

Jennifer Lopez wore her iconic Versace jungle-print dress on Dec. 7, when she hosted Saturday Night Live on NBC for the third time.

9 Dec 15:10 POPSUGAR Fashion 1694745613627548952.html
Cyn Santana Is Forced To Explain Why She Said Black Men Prefer Latinas Over Black Women

Cyn Santana had some serious explaining and apologizing to do after making some rather bizarre comments about Black men preferring Latinas over Black

9 Dec 10:08 Celebrity Insider 265863476678466803.html
Auriemma: "ADL oggi incontra Gattuso che ha fretta, occhio all'ipotesi Reja"

"Oggi Aurelio De Laurentiis dovrebbe incontrare Rino Gattuso nel suo ufficio a Roma, per sentire l’ex allenatore del Milan

9 Dec 09:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081156706365.html
U porastu povrede povezane s korišćenjem mobilnih telefona

Nemojte pisati poruke dok hodate, lajkovati fotografije pasa, ili gledati video sadržaje - povrede povezane s korišćenjem mobilnih telefona su u porastu, posebno kod mladih, pokazala je analiza povreda zbog kojih su ljudi tražili ljekarsku pomoć u SAD.

9 Dec 16:57 Nezavisne novine 4209150642231239469.html
Troops recover 8 NPA high-powered firearms

BALER, Aurora - Eight high-powered firearms and assorted materiel belonging to a unit of the New People’s Army (NPA) were recovered Saturday in a joint Army-Police operation in barangay Punglo, Maria Aurora town.

9 Dec 09:36 Journal Online 6375127392907453366.html
Lo Show Dei Record: quando inizia, puntate, conduttore e streaming

Tutto sulla nuova edizione de Lo Show Dei Record, da quando inizia, alle puntate, al conduttore, a dove seguirlo in streaming.

9 Dec 16:21 Novella 2000 6951116780114939622.html
La regionalización enfrenta a los partidos con el presidente de Portugal

El Partido Comunista y el derechista CDS proponen un referéndum, pese al fracaso de una consulta anterior en 1998

9 Dec 09:32 EL PAÍS 2207347710041639160.html
Eight fascinating things you probably didn't know about Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral is one of the most iconic and well-visited buildings in Germany. And it has an incredible history to match the name.

9 Dec 10:38 Thelocal.de 270941996575199114.html
Ella Balinska Wore Miu Miu To The British Independent Film Awards — Charlie’s Angels Actress Is Stunning

Ella Balinska wore Miu Miu to the British Independent Film Awards and the Charlie's Angels actress was absolutely stunning. Celebrity makeup artist

9 Dec 11:12 Celebrity Insider 265863476242064436.html
Mes, Gualtieri: "Accordo non ancora finalizzato"

Il ministro dell’Economia: "Nessun meccanismo automatico di ristrutturazione del debito"

9 Dec 13:10 Adnkronos 2840063643268370575.html
Nzioki wins Chairman's Prize at Machakos

Nzioki carded an impressive score of 37 points.

9 Dec 15:23 Daily Nation 7421817124797127726.html
Don’t rush into bad law: Giving India the data protection law it deserves

The process to develop a data protection law has been slow and opaque, and the rumours coming out of the government are not encouraging that the bill will deliver the privacy protections that Indians need and deserve.

9 Dec 08:19 The Indian Express 2885715104123562208.html
Un estudio confirma la eficacia de la Aspirina en el tratamiento de la migraña

En dosis de 900 a 1.300 miligramos, puede ser una opción eficaz y segura para la mayoría de las personas que sufren migrañas, y en dosis más bajas para prevenir las crisis

9 Dec 08:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613654130608.html
Bayi 3 Bulan Terjangkit Polio, Kasus Pertama di Malaysia dalam 27 Tahun

Seorang bayi berumur tiga bulan di Malaysia dikonfirmasi menderita penyakit polio. Dia menjadi kasus polio pertama di negeri itu dalam kurun waktu 27 tahun.

9 Dec 12:47 detiknews 8793960224174498452.html
Aus Angst vor Paparazzi: Lässt Prinzessin Beatrice ihre Verlobungsparty platzen?

Eigentlich wollte Prinzessin Beatrice am 18. Dezember auf ihre Verlobung anstoßen. Nun heißt es jedoch, sie habe die Feier platzen lassen. Wegen Prinz Andrew?

9 Dec 11:20 VIP.de 2239798194016007509.html
Verhaltensweisen: Welcher Frage-Typ sind Sie? Was es über Sie aussagt, wie Sie anderen eine Frage stellen

„Sage mir, welcher Typ Du bist, und ich sage Dir, wie du fragst“ – Sind Sie eher der dominant, intuitiv, stetig oder gewissenhaft? Und was sagt das überhaupt aus über unsere Persönlichkeit und unsere Beziehung zu anderen? FOCUS Online-Experte Andreas Patzrek klärt auf.

9 Dec 13:55 FOCUS Online 4448121231104242047.html
Neue Notruf-App für Wiener Rettung verfügbar

Bei gesundheitlichen Notfällen entscheiden oft Minuten über Leben und Tod. Um die Wartezeit bei Rettungseinsätzen zu verkürzen, gibt es in Wien nun eine sogenannte Notruf-App, mit der man per Handy einen Krankenwagen rufen kann. Sie wurde am Montag präsentiert. Gleichzeitig sieht sich die Berufsrettung in der Bundeshauptstadt mit Kritik des Rechnungshofs konfrontiert.

9 Dec 13:11 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083991659711.html
China contraatacă în problematica Huawei. Beijingul a început eliminarea tuturor echipamentelor electronice americane din instituţiile de stat

Partidul Comunist Chinez a transmis tuturor instituţiilor de stat o directivă prin care li se solicită să elimine din uz toate echipamentele electronice străine, precum şi software-urile utilizate pentru operarea echipamentelor electronice

9 Dec 09:54 B1 TV 3840305877888708576.html
FIRS: Buhari fails to renew Fowler’s tenure, names successor

President Muhammadu Buhari has approved the composition of a new board for the Federal Inland Revenue Service, subject to Senate

9 Dec 15:27 The Eagle Online 1463511649689947123.html
Real Madrid | Esperando a Luka Jovic

El delantero serbio fue a priori una de las grandes apuestas ofensivas del cuadro blanco para esta temporada, pero no ha encontrado su lugar. Mientras Mariano Díaz sigue sin tener minutos y (...)

9 Dec 08:02 Fichajes 157935405277866049.html
Cina, vietati PC di produttori stranieri dagli uffici. Via Windows, Intel e AMD

La direttiva emanata dal governo di Pechino segna un punto di non ritorno nelle relazioni fra Cina e Stati Uniti. Entro il 2022 tutti i PC della pubblica amministrazione cinese potranno montare solo componenti e software cinesi

9 Dec 11:57 DDay.it 3262344772852562549.html
Pau D'arco | Romeiros participam encerramento dos festejos de Nossa Senhora

Esta caminhada faz parte  da celebração em homenagem à Nossa Senhora da Conceição.

9 Dec 08:45 R10 3167340814410700971.html
Golden Globes 2020: full list of nominations

Marriage Story tops nominations with six as Saoirse Ronan and Andrew Scott get nods

9 Dec 15:05 The Irish Times 8204772969308652251.html
Lizzo Heads To Southern University For "Good As Hell" Video

Stream Lizzo's new video. Lizzo may have released her 'Good As Hell' track back in 2016 but she's here again to show love it to the single with a tasteful Alan Ferguson-directed video. The Cuz I Love You singer paid a visit to Southern University to perform with the school's talented band that backe...

9 Dec 15:02 hnhh 366195973338236745.html
Quemaron una camioneta en el norte de Santa Fe

Durante la madrugada Ocurrió en la zona de Urquiza al 7600. En el lugar trabajaron los bomberos y se sospecha que fue intencional.

9 Dec 12:51 El Litoral 2624573357508616367.html
Preminuo legendardni Zvonko Vujin!

Jedan od najfinijih izdanaka nekada čuvene jugoslovenske škole boksa, Zvonimir Zvonko Vujin preminuo je danas u rodnom gradu.

9 Dec 17:02 REPUBLIKA 2543998406570204735.html
Gavin Cowan tells AFC Telford to find ruthless streak

Boss Gavin Cowan bemoaned AFC Telford United for lacking a killer instinct in their defeat to Farsley Celtic.

9 Dec 09:31 Shropshire Star 3480199991876111516.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

The threat level was raised last month following an increase in activity.

9 Dec 13:46 Breaking News 4415806919896516896.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

The uninhabited and privately owned volcanic island is about 50 kilometres off the mainland in the Bay of Plenty.

9 Dec 17:18 Express & Star 7324224459121052102.html
Ex Ilva, ok dei pm alla richiesta di proroga per l'Altoforno2

C'è l'ok dei pm di Taranto alla richiesta di proroga presentata dai commissari dell'Ilva in As sull'uso dell'Altoforno 2, sequestrato e dissequestrato più volte...

9 Dec 14:50 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143448012302673.html
Chris Cornell’s Widow Vicky Sues Soundgarden Over Royalties

Chris Cornell's widow is at legal odds with the musician's former band. RELATED: Chris Cornell's 15-Year-Old Daughter Toni Releases First Single, 'Far Away Places' According to TMZ, Vicky Cornell has filed a lawsuit against Soundgarden over alleged unpaid royalties. Vicky claims that the band's surviving members are withholding hundreds of thousands of dollars owed to her…

9 Dec 11:27 ET Canada 6735490619758227118.html
Sophie Turner: Busenblitzer! Dieses Kleid verrät zu viel

Beim Serien-Hit "Game of Thrones" verzauberte sie über acht Staffeln lang als Sansa Stark, räumte zum Serienfinale sogar den Königstitel im Norden von Westeros ab. Die Britin wuchs in der Rolle von 2011 bis 2019 von der Teenagerin zur Frau heran, ist mittlerweile dank ihrer Auftritte in den "X-Men"-Streifen ("X-Men: Apocalypse" und "X-Men: Dark Phoenix")auch abseits von "Game of Thrones" auf der großen Kinoleinwand zu sehen.

9 Dec 10:24 news.de 5126378978138050979.html
Desarrolla presidente cubano amplia jornada en Argentina (+ Fotos y Videos)

Además de tomar parte en la ceremonia de cambio de mando presidencial, el jefe de Estado cubano da cumplimiento a una agenda que incluye visitas a sitios de interés histórico, así como el encuentro con numerosos anfitriones

9 Dec 10:01 Juventud Rebelde 5332887419562195509.html
Zidane da descanso a Sergio Ramos y Kroos para el viaje a Brujas

Las ausencias de Sergio Ramos y Toni Kroos y la vuelta de Gareth Bale son las principales novedades en la lista anunciada por el entrenador del Real Madrid,...

9 Dec 16:24 Europa Press 4702666148879814262.html
More than 150 jobs lost as Rondo Food closes Arklow plant

More than 150 jobs are to go in Co. Wicklow with the closure of a dog food manufacturer.

9 Dec 17:54 Breaking News 4415806919912033852.html
Empresario israelí presenta una solución sencilla para reducir los residuos plásticos

A menudo se dice que la necesidad es la madre de la invención, pero ¿qué pasa con la simplicidad?Según la Fundación residuos plásticos

9 Dec 14:41 Noticias de Israel 5887715890476391968.html
López Obrador pide no descalificar iniciativas como el Teletón

El Presidente reconoció que el Gobierno no tiene instalaciones suficientes de rehabilitación para atender a las personas que padecen una discapacidad

9 Dec 16:33 El Informador 103545929310263229.html
Aktualni predsednik KPK Štefanec ponovno kandidira za ta položaj

Predsednik KPK Boris Štefanec je danes razkril, da ponovno kandidira za ta položaj. Kot je dejal na novinarski konferenci, za takšno odločitvijo stojijo tako njegova družina kot sodelavci, sam pa je prepričan, da je “bistveno boljši kandidat” za predsednika KPK, kot je bil pred šestimi leti, saj ima že šest let izkušenj. Mandat mu izteče marca.

9 Dec 14:39 Primorske novice 8884558925306426991.html
Homem tenta se jogar de cima de poste

O Corpo de Bombeiros está negociando para que o homem desça do poste

9 Dec 14:28 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548772453491.html
Sacramento vence a Dallas de la mano de Nemanja Bjelica

Sacramento Kings mostró su mejor cara en la visita a Dallas para derrotar a unos Mavericks que habían vencido en 10 de sus últimos 11 partidos. Con Nemanja Bjelica en el papel protagonista, los de California cimentaron su triunfo en una primera parte en la que maniataron a su rival hasta el punto de lograr una renta de 20 puntos que supieron hacer valer, no sin apuros, para llevarse la victoria por 106-110.

9 Dec 08:32 nbamaniacs 7542071042589654826.html
Une innovation suisse pour un vignoble connecté

Le spécialiste du sécateur FELCO investi dans le digital. L’entreprise neuchâteloise lance Digivitis, un boîtier numérique pour optimiser la gestion du vignoble.

9 Dec 16:20 RTN 7627697627948581713.html
Home of the Week: Getting creative in Clarence

Buffalo native Alycia Ripley has a lot of nice things to say about the home that her mother, Maria Rizzo, has created in Clarence.

9 Dec 12:54 The Buffalo News 2088823986060397946.html
A formerly vegan influencer followed the meat-only carnivore diet for 30 days and her fans are not happy

Alyse Parker grew her 728,000-strong following by posting about veganism under the name "Raw Alignment." She's now performed a complete U-turn.

9 Dec 16:47 Yahoo 7097669638911471958.html
Review: Author keeps tension high in `Trace of Evil'

"Trace of Evil" by Alice Blanchard (Minotaur)

9 Dec 15:31 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636471434940.html
Previsioni Meteo: neve in arrivo da mercoledì, le regioni colpite

La neve è in procinto di arrivare sull'Italia e anche a bassa quotata: quali sono le regioni più colpite da questo vortice di aria fredda.

9 Dec 10:42 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927236094055.html
Minecraft para PlayStation 4 recibe la actualización Bedrock con soporte para el juego cruzado

La versión de Minecraft para PlayStation 4 recibirá finalmente el juego cruzado y será posible jugar junto a los usuarios de Xbox One, Switch y PC

9 Dec 15:19 ElOtroLado.net 609764229435832090.html
Death Come True es el nuevo juego del creador de Danganronpa

Mañana se revelarán más detalles del proyecto

9 Dec 17:56 LevelUp 3760720892657701229.html
Gabe Nandez Reconnects with Ibekelia for New "Scroll" Visual

The final video in support of his debut album.

9 Dec 16:36 HYPEBEAST 3806037270067779500.html
Maradona se desequilibra e cai ao lamentar gol perdido pelo Gimnasia; veja

Diego Maradona protagonizou uma cena inusitada durante o jogo do Gimnasia y Esgrima contra o Central Córdoba, na noite deste domingo, pelo Campeonato Argentino. Ao lamentar um gol perdido pelo seu...

9 Dec 11:22 Extra Online 8149543649182651308.html
Zendaya didn't receive a Golden Globes nod for 'Euphoria,' and fans have already begun to riot online, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The former Disney Channel star took on the most mature role of her career, portraying a teenage drug addict on the acclaimed HBO drama.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:31 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756022774149.html
ULAZE U NATO, A BOJE SE LAŽNIH VESTI: Dramatično upozorenje predsednika Severne Makedonije Steve Pendarovskog!

Predsednik Severne Makedonije Stevo Pendarovski upozorio je danas da njegova zemlja uoči ulaska u NATO može da bude predmet kampanje političke propagande i lažnih vesti.

9 Dec 17:59 kurir.rs 6515665027904695606.html
Díaz-Canel con empresarios argentinos: Encuentro sincero y lleno de propósitos

El primer día de la agenda del Presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en Argentina, amaneció con un intercambio entre el mandatario y la delegación que le acompaña, y empresarios del país sureño  

9 Dec 17:16 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418445720973.html
I Quattro sorgten mit ihrem Jubiläumsprogramm «GLANZLICHTER» für stimmungsvolle Momente

Seit 10 Jahren sind Matthias Aeberhard, Simon Jäger, Daniel Camille Bentz und Damian Meier alias I Quattro – die «vier Schweizer Tenöre» – ein fester Bestandteil der Schweizer Musikszene. Mit zahlreichen erfolgreichen Tourneen sind sie jedes Jahr in der ganzen Schweiz unterwegs. Auch dieses Jahr verschönerten uns die Musiker wieder die Vorweihnachtszeit. Am 8. Dezember gastierten die Vier in der Stadtkirche Olten und sorgten für Standing Ovations. I Quattro verzauberten das Publikum mit bekannten Hits aus ihren Alben «Passione», «Emozione» und «Deheim» sowie einzigartigen Versionen der beliebtesten Advents- und Weihnachtsklassiker. Fünf weitere Konzerte folgen noch.

9 Dec 17:22 bz BASEL 5287163742290906576.html
Talles, Kaio e Ricardo estiveram no camarote do Nosso CT com torcedores

Revelações do Vasco da Gama, Talles Magno, Kaio Magno e Ricardo Graça estiveram no camarote do Nosso CT com vascaínos.

9 Dec 10:53 Vasco Notícias 1167013066716736192.html
Santiago Cafiero: Tenemos que resolver, no echar culpas y mirar para adelante

El futuro Jefe de Gabinete Santiago Cafiero hizo pública este lunes la consigna con la que arrancará mañana el gobierno Alberto Fernández: “Tenemos que resolver, no echar culpas y mirar para...

9 Dec 13:25 La Voz 6237180761034805985.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

La Russie est exclue pendant quatre ans des Jeux olympiques, suite à une décision prise lundi par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage. ...

9 Dec 11:32 Arcinfo 560090597726016874.html
Wo ist die weiße Spitze geblieben?

Halle besitzt einen Weihnachtsbaum der Spitzenklasse. Da sind sich wohl fast alle Hallenser einig. Aber eines fehlt ihm. In den vergangenen Wochen fragten wiederholt Leser in der Lokalredaktion nach, wo denn die weiße Spitze geblieben ist, die in den vergangenen Jahren immer ganz oben auf dem Baum gethront hatte. Dieses Jahr ziert kein Weihnachtsschmuck das oberste Ende der 14 Meter hohen Blaufichte, die Spitze bleibt in ...

9 Dec 08:15 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109436241870.html
Air France KLM renforce sa coopération avec Qantas

Air France KLM se développe en Australie via le renforcement de sa collaboration avec le Groupe Qantas...

9 Dec 15:42 Boursier.com 7351227821273939268.html
Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019 winner

Miss South Africa, Zozobini Tunzi, won Miss Universe 2019 at the pageant hosted by Steve Harvey Sunday night in Atlanta, Georgia.

9 Dec 16:33 ABC7 New York 7327811149308199655.html
Ekonom: Masyarakat Kerap Khawatir Lihat Utang RI Rp5.000 Triliun, Ini Salah Persepsi

Ryan menjelaskan batas rasio utang yang diizinkan ialah sebesar 60 persen dari produk domestik bruto (PDB), di mana posisi Indonesia saat ini baru sekitar 29 persen.

9 Dec 09:42 merdeka.com 1998180355555379857.html
Corrie's Julie Hesmondhalgh says fans mistake her for someone working in her local bank

Also says one fan has a Hayley tattoo!

9 Dec 17:46 Entertainment Daily 8392972516099901288.html
Vulkanausbruch in Neuseeland – SPÖ-Gremien tagen – Mann ersticht in Mistelbach Frau mit Küchenmesser

Wir starten mit Ihnen live in den Nachrichtentag und geben Ihnen einen schnellen Überblick über die wichtigsten Themen des Morgens.

9 Dec 08:50 Die Presse 6242788855338021031.html
Stray Kids transport to another dimension in dynamic MV for 'Levanter'

Stray Kids is back with a new single!On December 9 KST, the JYP Entertainment boy group revealed the music video for their new single &quot…

9 Dec 09:26 allkpop 3249686061987676984.html
Bella Hadid: Heiße Nippelshow am Palmenstrand

Eigentlich ist Instagram ja eine Brustwarzen-freie Zone. Dass die Stars aber dennoch Mittel und Wege gefunden haben, ganz viel zu zeigen, das beweist ...

9 Dec 10:25 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094236111470.html
Ini Adalah 20 Saham Yang Mencatat Prestasi Paling Memberangsangkan Dalam Tempoh 1 Dekad!

Hanya tinggal beberapa belas hari sahaja lagi tahun 2019 akan melabuhkan tirai. Berikut admin ingin kongsikan 20 saham yang menunjukkan […]

9 Dec 15:47 INTRADAY 6806088668225261394.html
Dennis seals 'dream move' to Team Ineos

World individual time trail champion Rohan Dennis has signed a deal with Team Ineos, the British cycling outfit announced.

9 Dec 14:27 Sport 682566035232674061.html
Alberto Fernández anunciará un paquete de medidas de shock apenas asuma

Así lo aseguró Victoria Tolosa Paz, quien adelantó la posible vuelta de Precios Cuidados y ratificó el lanzamiento de una tarjeta alimentaria

9 Dec 12:44 BAE Negocios 6030502150287802011.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a décidé d'exclure Moscou des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans, annonce lundi 9 décembre son porte-parole. Les Russes sont accusés d'avoir falsifié des données d...

9 Dec 10:25 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368637132050.html
Il "navigator" Di Maio piazza l'amico d'infanzia

Sistemato anche De Falco alla corte di Fraccaro. Compenso in via di definizione

9 Dec 08:16 ilGiornale.it 5019541225140397597.html
MZ: treść projektu ustawy o zawodzie ratownika medycznego oraz samorządzie ratowników medycznych

Ministerstwo Zdrowia opublikowało zapowiadany i oczekiwany przez środowisko projekt ustawy o zawodzie ratownika medycznego oraz samorządzie ratowników medycznych.

9 Dec 17:21 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135116518180401.html
Sieben Festnahmen nachtödlicher Prügel-Attacke

Festnahme nach dem tödlichen Schläger-Angriff! Die Kriminalpolizei hat den mutmaßlichen Haupttäter (17) und fünf Kumpanen gefasst.

9 Dec 09:44 Bild 8433249908674229384.html
La W revela videos de presidente de Saludvida sacando a la madrugada cajas de la EPS

La Eps Saludvida, que cuenta con más de un millón de usuarios afiliados, se encuentra intervenida y en liquidación.

9 Dec 17:19 W Radio 7724358830545516760.html
Rugby union: talking points from the weekend’s Champions Cup action

It was a difficult weekend for English clubs in the Champions Cup, with Irish provinces picking up a triple crown of victories over Premiership sides

9 Dec 09:57 the Guardian 1491978794903602232.html
Bares für Babys: So will Griechenland den Bevölkerungsschwund stoppen

Griechenlands massiver Bevölkerungsschwund hat drastische Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt und die Sozialsysteme. Mit einer Babyprämie will der Premier nun gegensteuern.

9 Dec 10:51 Handelsblatt 4721373938508547906.html
"Punschen" und Lenken immer trennen!

Auffällig: Der Anteil alkoholisierter Zweiradlenker steigt.

9 Dec 09:40 NÖN.at 2486998931869985611.html
Il Primo Natale, il trailer del film

Ficarra e Picone tornano al cinema dopo due anni. Dal 12 dicembre in sala c’è Il Primo Natale, che vede i due comici viaggiare nel tempo.

9 Dec 13:48 Sky TG24 1131381334763226681.html
Assurance: NSIA recapitalise ses filiales

Le groupe NSIA se met au diapason avec les nouvelles dispositions de capital minimum de la Conférence interafricaine des marchés de l’Assurance (CIMA). Ainsi, une vaste recapitalisation a été…

9 Dec 14:22 Financial Afrik 5951482564059913811.html
El embajador mexicano en Buenos Aires, obligado a dejar Argentina por robar un libro

El presidente de México pide evitar "linchamiento" contra el diplomático

9 Dec 16:21 elPeriodico 7291954033018029902.html
Sad Moment For Kumaraswamy: JD(S) Fails To Win A Single Seat In Karnataka Bypolls

Breaking away from its former coalition alliance partner Congress, the JD-S contested separately 

9 Dec 16:09 Swarajya 4977622829223015557.html
Bewezen: mensen in dure auto’s zijn vaker narcistisch en egoïstisch

Als een auto je afsnijdt, vlak achter je blijft rijden of veel te hard langs scheurt, is het niet zelden een BMW, Audi of...

9 Dec 10:31 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629719925170.html
Myanmar wins bronze in women’s football

Myanmar beat Philippines to win third place in women’s football at the 2019 Philippines SEA Games, sources said.

9 Dec 09:00 Eleven Media Group Co., Ltd 2672168647323669826.html
Fiks! iPhone versi Murah Dijual Tahun Depan, Catat Infonya!

WE Online, Surakarta - Masih ingat kabar yang menyebutkan Apple bakal merilis iPhone SE 2 alias iPhone dengan harga miring? Jika benar, perangkat itu akan meluncur tahun 2020 yang artinya tinggal menghitung minggu!

9 Dec 13:10 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835852270872.html
Aficionados de los Patriots se pelean entre sí tras derrota de su equipo

Tras la derrota de los Patriots en casa ante los Chiefs un par de aficionados se enfrentaron a golpes en las gradas

9 Dec 12:45 EL DEBATE 4396150892954724963.html
'Ghostbusters: Afterlife': A small town becomes haunted in first trailer

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- A small town is taken over by supernatural forces in the first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife.

9 Dec 15:33 UPI 8257973865596704741.html
Vincent Janssen se baja del Mundial de Clubes con Rayados

El Club Monterrey dio a conocer el parte médico del delantero neerlandés

9 Dec 17:42 FOX Sports 4183701941991206575.html
Conti indica la strada: "Avanti senza sosta, siamo il Milan"

Questo il post pubblicato da Andrea Conti su Instagram dopo la vittoria contro il Bologna: "Un altro piccolo passo in avanti, un altro gradino conquistato. Avanti senza sosta, siamo il Milan".

9 Dec 13:38 MilanNews.it 6507305921941864932.html
Catarina Martins relativiza críticas internas no BE

A coordenadora bloquista, Catarina Martins, considerou, esta segunda-feira, natural que se apresentem várias moções à convenção do partido e defendeu que o BE é o "partido mais plural da sociedade portuguesa", relativizando críticas de falta de debate interno

9 Dec 12:27 JN 6956494303021588826.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

La Russie est exclue pendant quatre ans des Jeux olympiques, suite à une décision prise lundi par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage. ...

9 Dec 11:32 La Côte 469155179313157482.html
Estados Unidos sanciona a altos funcionarios de Nicolás Maduro por venta de pasaportes

Estados Unidos sancionó a un alto funcionario del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela y a su predecesor, a quienes acusó de recibir miles de dólares por la emisión de pasaportes, informó este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 el Departamento del Tesoro en el Día Internacional contra la Corrupción de la ONU.

9 Dec 11:50 El Comercio 2865024641755688993.html
Palace cites Miss Universe PH bet for bringing ‘pride and glory to Filipino nation’

Miss Philippines Gazini Ganados has brought pride and glory to the Filipino nation despite failing to bag the Miss Universe crown, Malacañang said Monday.

9 Dec 12:41 Manila Bulletin News 7849457201134508852.html
If the Witnesses Could Exonerate Trump, Why Aren’t They Testifying?

Trump’s defenders suggest that White House aides could exculpate the president—but the evidence suggests otherwise.

9 Dec 17:17 The Atlantic 100708436694228509.html
Muhimman batutuwa 11 game da Muhammad Nami, sabon shugaban hukumar FIRS

Shugaban kasa Muhammadu Buhari ya nada Muhammad M Nami a matsayin sabon shugaban hukumar tattara haraji ta Najeriya, FIRS, biyo bayan karewar wa’adin tsohon shugaban hukumar, Mista Babatunde Fowler.

9 Dec 16:16 Legit 7368782176444733517.html
Challenge to prison-needle ban postponed to Dec. 17

A court hearing to challenge the federal government's ban on needles for drug-using prisoners has been postponed to next week.

9 Dec 09:35 CTVNews 2422791597459533308.html
Baker Mayfield calls out Cleveland Browns' medical staff for handling of Odell Beckham Jr. injury

The Browns can't even win without some kind of theatrics. And, once again, Odell Beckham is in the middle of the latest drama.

9 Dec 12:21 Fox News 7362823820671604875.html
William Levy le dedica unas emotivas palabras de agradecimiento a su mamá

El actor cubano sorprendió al hablar de estos temas de su vida privada

9 Dec 15:54 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309970481807.html
'Close' - Birmingham City star reveals Aston Villa transfer breakdown

The 26-year-old made his first Blues start in Saturday’s 3-2 win at Reading, beginning a game for the first time since February

9 Dec 12:27 birminghammail 8288260686320673695.html
Admiral’s Cup Sailing Regatta begins

25 foreign teams and two from India vie for the trophy

9 Dec 15:05 The Hindu 6679535026044486007.html
Boris Johnson took a reporter's phone to avoid looking at a picture of a four-year-old lying on a hospital floor

The Prime Minister had to be reminded to give the phone back

9 Dec 14:34 Wales Online 7686550516972073238.html
Brasil: familiares de nueve víctimas de tragedia en favela piden justicia

Parientes de las víctimas exigieron justicia, una investigación exhaustiva y sanciones ejemplares en caso de que se compruebe que las muertes fueron provocadas por la policía.

9 Dec 11:05 Crónica 1134283327047558646.html
In the New Year, Try These 8 Things to Stay Constantly Improving at Work

The new year brings with it new resolutions, goals, and attitudes; bring that energy into the work place and stay constantly improving throughout the year with these 8 tips.

9 Dec 08:00 Inc.com 8604986416954144275.html
Arsenal Vs West Ham: Time to ring the changes

Arsenal travel to West Ham United on Monday night. With their season almost over already, it is time for Freddie Ljungberg to ring the changes. At this sta...

9 Dec 16:00 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845313507622178.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje sanciona a Rusia por cuatro años

Rusia fue sancionada por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje, en lo que significa la mayor medida disciplinaria en la historia del deporte.

9 Dec 11:43 Mundo Hispanico 2601846017870610041.html
El Arsenal resucita diez partidos después para vencer al West Ham

El Arsenal resucitó este lunes y diez partidos después volvió a encontrarse con la victoria, al superar por 1-3 al West Ham

9 Dec 16:05 EL DEBATE 4396150894793004467.html
Las desoladoras imágenes de las cataratas Victoria sin agua

La región entre Zimbabue y Zambia sufre una de las peores sequías del siglo

9 Dec 11:50 La Vanguardia 8061072700926200624.html
Saoirse Ronan and Andrew Scott Golden Globe nominees

Irish actors Saoirse Ronan and Andrew Scott are among the nominees for next month's Golden Globes in the US.

9 Dec 11:21 RTE.ie 7595237278500813958.html
Thunberg: “Kijk niet alleen naar mij, focus op de kinderen die nu al getroffen worden door klimaatverandering”

De Zweedse klimaatactiviste Greta Thunberg heeft de media op de klimaatconferentie in Madrid gevraagd om niet te veel aandacht te besteden aan haar verhaal, maar wel te focussen op de verhalen van ...

9 Dec 13:11 HLN 8967494998523082097.html
Dicari usai Lompat ke Laut, Saldi Ngumpet di Kolong Jembatan Pelabuhan Semayang

Orang tersebut menolak dievakuasi tim SAR.

9 Dec 15:58 merdeka.com 1998180355897349587.html
Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ:MGTA) Receives Neutral Rating from Goldman Sachs Group

Goldman Sachs Group reaffirmed their neutral rating on shares of Magenta Therapeutics (NASDAQ:MGTA) in a research note issued to investors on Friday, BenzingaRatingsTable reports. The brokerage currently has a $18.00 price objective on the stock. MGTA has been the subject of several other reports. ValuEngine cut Magenta Therapeutics from a hold rating to a sell […]

9 Dec 13:21 Markets Daily 6922190227850616612.html
Marvin Rees calls councillors' plan to complain a 'fake debate'

“I feel that we’re being ignored," an opposition councillor said

9 Dec 11:31 BristolLive 4740742017627075102.html
Zemljotres magnitude 4,8 pogodio oblast Firence

Zemljotres magnitude 4,8 pogodio je jutros oblast severno od Firence što je izazvalo otkazivanje ili kašnjenje vozova širom Italije.

9 Dec 08:46 Dnevni list Danas 649654640591873688.html
Und "Star Wars" kommt erst noch

Das Filmstudio Disney hat 2019 bereits jetzt 10 Milliarden Dollar mit Ticketverkäufen umgesetzt - dabei ist Kinojahr noch gar nicht vorbei.

9 Dec 17:43 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593314892095.html
Sebastian Panneks wird Papa: So reagieren seine Bachelor-Mädels

Seine Ex-Kandidatinnen freuen sich für Ex-Bachelor Sebastian Pannek.

9 Dec 08:26 VIP.de 2239798194713185964.html
Eric Dier: 'Jose Mourinho has special mentality'

Eric Dier claims that Jose Mourinho has a special mentality after Tottenham beat Burnley 5-0 in the Premier League to make it four wins out of five since his arrival.

9 Dec 12:37 Sports Mole 7750663361249254362.html
Calvet diu que per facilitar la investidura de Sánchez cal reconeixement de presos i exiliats com a interlocutors

El conseller de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Damià Calvet, ha explicat que la reunió de dilluns de JxCat a Brussel·les servirà per "orientar" les negociacions amb el PSOE però ha afirmat que no en s...

9 Dec 09:45 RacoCatalà 3132953076062729905.html
Rusia condenada a estar 4 años por fuera de competiciones internacionales

Rusia fue expulsada por la AMA y no participará en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020 y en los de Invierno de Pekín 2022.

9 Dec 14:36 Colombia.com 1213910712137152669.html
Fracasó el intento del Surrbac para evitar la intervención

La Justicia federal decidió seguir adelante con los pedidos de intervenir el gremio de recolectores y la mutual. También con la suspensión de los descuentos sobre los sueldos de los afiliados.

9 Dec 17:00 La Voz 6237180761939220038.html
AWS Wavelength: The Cloud Comes to Your 5G Network

What is AWS Wavelength? One of the most-hyped announcements at Re:Invent 2019, AWS Wavelength is a bid to bring the cloud right to the telco edge. But...

9 Dec 10:31 Computer Business Review 8072376452334882397.html
Sony Xperia: Neues Flaggschiff mit viel RAM gesichtet

Aktuell macht ein Eintrag von Geekbench die Runde, denn das Modell PM-1310 sorgt für Aufsehen. Es könnte von Sony stammen, denn auf deren Webseite findet man diese Modellbezeichnung.

9 Dec 14:10 mobiFlip.de 5208441549498161881.html
Gunakan Modus Penelitian Disertasi S3, Oknum Guru SMP Cabuli 18 Murid Laki-lakinya

Seorang oknum guru honorer di sebuah SMP di Kabupaten Malang cabuli 18 murid laki-lakinya dengan modus penelitian disertasi S3

9 Dec 08:12 Tribunnews.com 3323534445174842610.html
Repubblica – Rabbia negli spogliatoi dopo Udinese-Napoli: Manolas guida il gruppo per salvare Ancelotti!

ULTIME NOTIZIE CALCIO NAPOLI – L’edizione odierna de “La Repubblica” parla del post Udinese-Napoli e di come parte del gruppo azzurro sia vicina a Carlo Ancelotti e prema per la permanenza del tecnico di Reggiolo. Questo gruppo sembra essere guidato in prima linea da Kostas Manolas, il difensore greco crede nel progetto del tecnico e […]

9 Dec 08:44 Spazio Napoli 1933866183663196393.html
Cassis veut des standards sur la protection de données humanitaires

La Suisse veut que des 'standards' pour protéger les données humanitaires soient décidés cette semaine à Genève. En ouvrant la Conférence de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, Ignazio Cassis a appelé lundi à dialoguer et à innover pour faire avancer l'humanitaire.

9 Dec 17:49 www.rjb.ch 7386238340978470166.html
The excessive pressure on him is unnecessary: Pietersen, Lara back under-fire Pant to come good

The 22-year-old is enduring a woeful run of form and has struggled to make an impact both with the bat and behind the stumps.

9 Dec 08:01 Scroll.in 8669301693958113229.html
Watch: A voice for Xinjiang detainees

Zumrat Dawut, a Uighur woman who spent time in one of China's detention camps, has spoken out about her experience on behalf of those still in camps. They "do not have a voice... Now I have the chance. And I choose to be their voice."

9 Dec 17:00 ICIJ 6264027067891246126.html
P3.4-million shabu seized from street-level pusher

Some P3.4 million worth of shabu was seized from a woman drug peddler in a buy-bust operation in Quezon City Sunday night.

9 Dec 13:02 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200986856281.html
Paolo crepet: quattro milioni di italiani usano psicofarmaci? mi sembrano anche pochi…


9 Dec 09:03 DAGOSPIA 6533336740064895837.html
Boeing is promising 3 fixes to the faulty autopilot behind the 737 Max crashes to let pilots stop it forcing the plane into an unstoppable nose-dive, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The faulty MCAS software, which was designed to push the plane's nose down to stabilize the jet, was a key factor in both 737 Max crashes.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:12 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756977295994.html
Pakistan: Lahore HC to hear Maryam's petition for removal of name from ECL today

Maryam urged the LHC to declare the order of putting her name on the ECL as null and void and terming it illegal.

9 Dec 12:21 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362476958211.html
Man Utd Star On Being Racially Abused, Thrown With Object

After being an alleged target of racial abuse from Manchester City supporters at the Etihad, where he was also hit with an object, Manchester United star Fred has discussed the shocking events from this weekend.

9 Dec 09:28 Soccer Laduma 3901337372163445056.html
Tunggal Putra Bulu Tangkis di SEA Games 2019 Gagal Penuhi Ekspektasi

Sektor tunggal putra Indonesia dipastikan gagal meraih medali dari nomor perorangan bulu tangkis SEA Games 2019. Kegagalan itu diakui di luar prediksi tim pelatih

9 Dec 08:40 Bola.net 5489959028835332390.html
El martes, día internacional de los derechos humanos, salimos a las calles

En contra del asesinato de luchadores sociales, por el derecho a la protesta y contra la Guardia Nacional.

9 Dec 14:17 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557629221417922.html
Hyderabad vet murder: Parents of accused rapists claim 2 of them were minors

Yes, I agree that my son committed a heinous offence, but the police cannot kill,” said Rajanna, Shiva's father.

9 Dec 17:20 The Hindu 6679535024248638247.html
Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney dies at age 85

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Caroll Spinney, who gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl for nearly 50 years on "Sesame Street," died Sunday at the age of 85 at his home in Connecticut, according to the Sesame Workshop.

9 Dec 09:25 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637262989955.html
Nach Bundesliga-Spiel: Mann stürzt aus einem fahrenden Zug

Ein Mann wurde aus einem Zug geschmissen. Drei tatverdächtige Anhänger von Borussia Dortmund wurde daraufhin festgenommen. 

9 Dec 13:35 T-Online 5460876210771549477.html
Thüringen: Schwerer Unfall auf Kreuzung – drei Menschen im Krankenhaus

Bei einem schlimmen Unfall in Thüringen haben sich am Montagmorgen drei Menschen verletzt. Wie es zu dem Unglück in Nordhausen kommen konnte, liest du hier.

9 Dec 12:07 Thüringen24 7206317295609502017.html
Come funziona la plastic tax fuori dall’Italia

Il provvedimento che ha fatto più discutere nella manovra 2020 è sicuramente la tassa sulla plastica monouso, una misura che – in forme diverse – esiste nella maggior parte dei paesi europei

9 Dec 16:06 Wired 7504010957111904089.html
ABC: Chavistas y opositores planearon un gobierno sin Maduro ni Guaidó

Con suma cautela y discreción, el brazo fuerte del chavismo y algunos miembros de la oposición democrática exploraron durante los últimos meses una nueva vía para desalojar a Nicolás Maduro del poder. A cambio, el actual presidente interino, Juan Guaidó, también sería sacrificado. Los contactos se mantuvieron entre los meses de abril y octubre pasados, y tuvieron lugar […]

9 Dec 10:38 Descifrado 6343485650458840325.html
BAPE & GOD SELECTION XXX Join Forces on a Graphic-Heavy Collection

The exclusive capsule releases this weekend.

9 Dec 10:35 HYPEBEAST 3806037269362461243.html
Pixel 4 & Co: Google kündigt zahlreiche Neuerungen und Verbesserungen für alle Pixel-Smartphones an

Pixel-Nutzer dürfen sich freuen: Ab sofort bringt Google mit regelmäßigen Feature Drops immer wieder neue Funktionen auf die Pixel-Smartphones - und das auch die älteren Generationen. Der erste Schwung wird ab sofort ausgerollt.

9 Dec 16:04 GoogleWatchBlog 386579017275515715.html
Jewellery, watch and bank card stolen in village burglary

A number of items - including a bank card, jewellery and a watch - were stolen following a burglary in a village near Sudbury.

9 Dec 15:58 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152471341405.html
Greta diz que indígenas foram assassinados por proteger florestas

"Os povos indígenas estão sendo literalmente assassinados por tentar proteger as florestas do desmatamento. Repetidamente", disse após ataques no Maranhão

9 Dec 15:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699260766993.html
Bob Bajington: Filmovi Emira Kusturice su mi promenili život

BEOGRAD - Festival nezavisnog američkog filma "Indie Belgrade" biće održan od 12. do 15. decembra u Domu omladine Beograda, a gost festivala nagrađivani

9 Dec 12:51 Krstarica 4176903988470277200.html
Will never allow NRC, CAB in Bengal; no one will lose citizenship: Mamata

Her comments come on a day when Shah after introducing the bill in Lok Sabha said it is not against minorities but against infiltrators

9 Dec 12:25 Business-Standard 1502508926346149366.html
Obamacare back at the high court — with billions for insurers on the line

More than $12 billion is at stake for the nation's health insurers Tuesday when the Supreme Court hears another Affordable Care Act case.

9 Dec 13:26 News-Medical.net 4522523030324897021.html
Turquía oprimió la importancia del Himno feminista chileno

Están representando "Un violador en tu camino", la coreografía creada por el colectivo chileno Las Tesis para denunciar la violencia de género. Los

9 Dec 09:42 El Siglo 7954754735282802394.html
The US, like China, has about one surveillance camera for every four people, says report

One billion cameras will be installed globally by 2021, says IHS Markit.

9 Dec 15:48 The Verge 1337119304845417352.html
Jose Mourinho reveals why he took the match ball off Son Heung-min

A class gesture from Mourinho.

9 Dec 08:55 Metro 970161748636035577.html
ABJD se solidariza com Aluízio Palmar e repudia processo movido por torturador contra o jornalista

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 14:45 GGN 1188436353716754511.html
Companies can track your phone — unless you change these security settings

For big tech companies, data is money. Their goal is to collect as much info about you as they can, and try as we might, there’s no surefire way to shut them out entirely.

9 Dec 12:16 Fox News 7362823820449624699.html
Paul Volcker, former Federal Reserve chairman, dies at 92

The economic statesman's greatest historical mark: shocking the US economy out of a cycle of inflation and setting the stage for a generation of prosperity.

9 Dec 15:23 Australian Financial Review 3974284486842095308.html
Carlos Cisneros ya realizaría pretemporada con Toluca

El delantero sería el primer refuerzo de los Diablos Rojos tras varios meses de inactividad en Chivas debido a una lesión

9 Dec 16:42 RÉCORD 4614294661758716958.html
Sociaal plan Proximus goedgekeurd door twee van de drie vakbonden: 1.341 banen sneuvelen

De christelijke vakbond ACV-Transcom heeft maandag tijdens een bijeenkomst van het paritair comité het sociaal plan over een herstructurering bij Proximus ...

9 Dec 11:02 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191263065544.html
Facelift für den Mitsubishi Space Star

Mitsubishi Space Star bekommt mit dem Facelift nun auch den typischen Marken-Grill.

9 Dec 10:58 auto.oe24.at 242456961453766318.html
Vierfache Mutter soll vier Brände gelegt werden

Gleich viermal brannte es von Dezember 2018 bis Jänner 2019 in einem beschaulichen Ort in der Oststeiermark im Umkreis von 150 Metern. Die Polizei ...

9 Dec 17:46 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094332017054.html
Bus kracht in Wohnhaus – drei Personen verletzt

Bei einem Unfall in Regensdorf sind am Montagnachmittag drei Personen verletzt worden. Ein Bus ist in eine Hausmauer geprallt.

9 Dec 16:37 20 Minuten 5741369453347472698.html
Nigerian Striker Speaks On African Player Of The Year Award Chances

Super Falcons of Nigeria striker, Asisat Oshoala has said she would not be disappointed if the 2019 African Women's Footballer of the Year doesn't come to her.

9 Dec 17:47 Concise 5544636823464855095.html
Citizenship Bill: Why Assam Can’t Afford To Throw Out Hindu Migrants From Bangladesh Even If They’re Paperless

The Bangladeshi Muslim migrants have fraudulently obtained citizenship documents; the Hindu migrants have not.

9 Dec 11:01 Swarajya 4977622829425649897.html
Nowy BioShock oficjalnie w produkcji

Firma 2K Games oficjalnie ogłosiła, że powstaje kolejna część kultowej serii BioShock. W komunikacie prasowym napisano, że odpowiedzialne za produkcję jest Cloud Chamber - nowo powstałe studio pod kierownictwem Kelley Gilmore.

9 Dec 14:29 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309831091115.html
Ebrard y Seade alistan mensaje para dar a conocer avances del T-MEC

La Secretar&iacute;a de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) indic&oacute; que se encuentran alistando mensaje para dar a conocer avances del T-MEC, aunque a&uacute;n no se sabe la hora

9 Dec 16:18 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623437540809.html
3 Big Stock Charts for Monday: Hanesbrands, Canada Goose, and Ball Corporation

Monday's big stock charts, including GOOS stock, highlight three names looking for direction and hoping for help from the broad market.

9 Dec 12:43 InvestorPlace 24614511102210136.html
Wapres Ma'ruf Puji Kinerja Pencegahan KPK Selamatkan Uang Negara Rp60 T

Wakil Presiden Ma'ruf Amin mengatakan Indeks Persepsi Korupsi atau Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) Indonesia pada 2018 naik satu poin menjadi 38.

9 Dec 12:01 merdeka.com 1998180355569588816.html
TV Wrap - Neville calls out Boris Johnson in high point for Sky's football coverage

The British Prime Minister also bewilderingly claimed that a World Cup co-hosted in Ireland would be ‘bringing football home.’

9 Dec 17:00 The42 5369852630449882891.html
Frames per second: Killing Gandhi, again

Neither the mahatma's murder, nor the Babri demolition was a result of madness. Astute men and women planned both, funded them, and provided logistical and ideological support

9 Dec 12:21 Business-Standard 1502508925594909816.html
'No impact of BJP's tactics on Shivajinagar voters'

Congress leader Rizwan Arshad, who has secured a total of 40, 481 votes so far, thanked the voters, saying they did not fall prey to the Bharatiya Janata Party's tactics. 

9 Dec 12:41 Deccan Herald 2027555796229273528.html
Pasutri Tewas usai Mobil Ditabrak Kereta di Perlintasan Tanpa Palang Pintu di Kendal

Dua orang tewas seketika dalam kejadian tersebut yakni H Rokani (59) dan Hj Rikana (61), warga Dukuh Indah 1/9 Magelung, Kaliwungu Kendal.

9 Dec 16:48 merdeka.com 1998180355756382426.html
Kate Middleton e il difficile protocollo di Corte: l’inchino alla Sovrana e al Principe Carlo

Dal 2011 sono state riformulate alcune regole di corte e ora Kate Middleton si trova nella difficile posizione di rispettare il protocollo sotto l'occhio attento della regina

9 Dec 09:32 ilGiornale.it 5019541224750771617.html
Jelang Laga Kontra Timnas Indonesia U-22 vs Vietnam, Indra Sjafri Ejek Hang-seo

WE Online, Manila - Pelatih Tim Nasional (Timnas) Indonesia U-22, Indra Sjafri, mengejek juru taktik Vietnam, Park Hang-seo. Indra menyebut ada hal yang membedakan antara timnya dan Vietnam. Hal yang membedakan adalah dirinya belum terkena kartu kuning, sedangkan Park sudah menerima dua kali kartu peringatan di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 08:41 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834306177813.html
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’s Safi’jiva Siege brings transforming armor and Awakened weapons to the game

Alongside the new Siege comes new armor for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne players as well as three new weapons.

9 Dec 12:52 VG247 6010161592424997329.html
Marun organiza almoço de Temer com deputados

Fora da política, mas não aposentados

9 Dec 11:20 VEJA.com 4116702197202171152.html
FG targets $500 AfDB loan to boost technological innovation

The Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Richard Adebayo, said the Federal Government has initiated moves to secure a $500 millon (AfDB) fund

9 Dec 15:40 Vanguard News 4125100340723542643.html
Deontay Wilder: WBC champ rates atop Joshua in Metro's heavyweight ranking

Deontay Wilder, WBC champion, has beaten Anthony Joshua to first spot in the recent heavyweight ranking that has the Brit reduced to third.

9 Dec 08:44 Legit 3764253651159807696.html
Mum with scratched up skin says this is what anxiety looks like

'Anxiety isn’t just feeling nervous. It’s picking your skin raw.'

9 Dec 11:22 Metro 970161747576739426.html
I’m A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa and Dan Osborne kiss before she reunites with her children at Versace hotel

I’M A Celebrity winner Jacqueline Jossa and husband Dan Osborne kissed outside the Versace hotel before being whisked away for crisis talks. The former EastEnders actress, 27, beat Corrie sta…

9 Dec 09:09 The Scottish Sun 6609127674383835344.html
The 27 wildest national costumes from the 2019 Miss Universe pageant, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - During the national costume portion of the 2019 Miss Universe pageant, contestants wore outfits that represented the culture of their home country.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:27 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757186389990.html
Advierte semanario de Uruguay de campaña contra médicos cubanos

El semanario Caras y Caretas de Uruguay advirtió hoy del inicio de una campaña contra el Hospital de Ojos José Martí por parte de quienes quieren expu...

9 Dec 16:59 cubasi.cu 5416914686399770835.html
"Sind im Spitzenfeld“: Wiener Rettung wehrt sich gegen Kritik

Rechnungshof-Bericht: Das Problem unnötiger Einsatzfahrten kennt auch die Wiener Patientenanwältin.

9 Dec 17:00 Kurier 208072238972394635.html
North Korea tells Donald Trump it has 'nothing to lose'

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- North Korea warned the United States on Monday that it has "nothing to lose," following a tweet from President Donald Trump.

9 Dec 13:41 UPI 8257973865300847366.html
Gara de Nord ar putea fi modernizată - S-a semnat contractul pentru elaborarea studiului de fezabilitate

Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate “CFR” SA și Consis Proiect S.R.L au semnat contractul pentru elaborarea studiului de fezabilitate, prima etapă a programului de modernizare a Gării de

9 Dec 16:15 HotNews 6169202161721956930.html
Maria, Giuseppe e Gesù in gabbia come migranti al confine col Messico

California, reverendo dedica il presepe ai rifugiati dal Messico, che vengono divisi dalle loro famiglie: Maria, Giuseppe e Gesù in tre gabbie separate

9 Dec 13:04 ilGiornale.it 5019541224118138743.html
Mesut Ozil dan Misi Kebaikan: Mengubah Hidup 1000 Anak yang Membutuhkan

Pemain Arsenal, Mesut Ozil berencana menabur benih kebaikan di dunia. Yakni dengan cara melakukan operasi kepada 1000 anak yang membutuhkan

9 Dec 13:27 Bola.net 5489959027636816452.html

Confira dicas e saiba se é possível substituir os modelos originais por outros mais modernos, mesmo em carros mais antigos

9 Dec 17:58 Auto Esporte 6461698429561913414.html
BioShock: nuovo capitolo confermato, ecco tutti i dettagli | Game Division

BioShock è una delle serie più amate dai giocatori che chiedevano insistentemente un nuovo capitolo; ora, il desiderio è stato esaudito.

9 Dec 12:24 Tom's Hardware 6640147069490176255.html
Sin agua desde el jueves en al menos cuatro colonias de Parral

Hidalgo del Parral.- Debido a reparaciones de un pozo del verano la JMAS anunció un corte de dos días lo cual afectaría a 20 colonias de la ciudad, ya pasaron cuatro días y aún continúan

9 Dec 14:03 La Parada Digital 5696840777698872985.html
Tariff hikes can double telcos operating profit in FY21: Report

India Business News: The steep tariff hikes, effected earlier this month by the battered telcos which held prices at rock bottom levels for nearly five years, can help mor

9 Dec 15:13 The Times of India 6060938663545061747.html
Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn: Die Promi-Fotografin macht die 100 voll

Promi-Fotografin Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn rückte Romy Schneider, Luciano Pavarotti oder Prinzessin Caroline von Monaco vor ihrer Linse ins rechte Licht. Heute feiert "Manni mit dem Fotoapparat" 100. Geburtstag.

9 Dec 14:04 GMX 2011843075974295055.html
Trans Adriatic Pipeline nearly completed, will be operational in October 2020, says official

Over 90% of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the European leg of the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), is completed and will start delivering Azerbaijani gas...

9 Dec 09:55 DAILY SABAH 8383944809394158819.html
First polio case in 30 years reported in Malaysia

First polio case in 30 years reported in Malaysia

9 Dec 16:30 The Independent 5308065341544788599.html
Encuentran en Londres empresa vinculada a Emilio Lozoya, exdirector de Pemex acusado de corrupción

La organización Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción dio a conocer los resultados de una investigación que dio como resultado el hallazgo de una empresa asentada en Londres, Inglaterra, vinculada a Emilio Lozoya, exdirector de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) acusado de corrupción actualmente prófugo.

9 Dec 17:13 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559651206222.html
NPO gaat voor minder maar beter drama

HILVERSUM (ANP) - De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep gaat flink minder dramaseries maken. Het geld dat daarmee vrijkomt, moet ten goede komen aan de kwaliteit van de series. Dat zegt Suzanne Kunzeler, genrecoördinator drama bij de NPO.

9 Dec 15:30 Nieuws.nl 2419030129625869612.html
NPO gaat voor minder maar beter drama

De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep gaat flink minder dramaseries maken. Het geld dat daarmee vrijkomt, moet ten goede komen aan de kwaliteit van de series. Dat zegt Suzanne Kunzeler, genrecoördinator drama bij de NPO.

9 Dec 16:13 RD.nl 6406779841884258601.html
MS Dhoni to produce TV show on Army officers

The show, bankrolled by MS Dhoni, will bring to life the story of brave army officers, who have been honoured with the Param Vir Chakra and Ashoka Chakra.

9 Dec 14:25 The Indian Express 2885715105380736381.html
Nove feridos em despiste de carrinha em Marco de Canaveses

Um acidente de viação provocou esta segunda-feira nove feridos ligeiros, em Constance, Marco de Canaveses, todos trabalhadores de construção civil que seguiam numa viatura que se despistou.

9 Dec 10:46 JN 6956494304387878021.html
Ursula Bennardo figli, foto di famiglia emozionante: «Quanti capolavori», poi la domanda scomoda

La piccola principessina di famiglia ha colorato di rosa il quadro composto dai figli di Ursula Bennardo: l'immagine è emozionante ma...

9 Dec 11:31 UrbanPost 2450570493084877621.html
Pengguna Smart Battery Case iPhone 11 Harus Update ke iOS 13.2 Terbaru

Makemac - Apple meminta para pengguna Smart Battery Case iPhone 11 series untuk mengunduh iOS 13.2 atau lebih baru. Apa alasannya?

9 Dec 11:03 grid.id 2219816954536654392.html
I'm A Celebrity winner Jacqueline Jossa 'cancels' all TV interviews

Comes amid fierce speculation about her personal life

9 Dec 11:55 Entertainment Daily 8392972516843152614.html
Thorgan Hazard fait tomber un record vieux de treize ans

Recordman, une fois ! Il n'y a pas de petit accomplissement, ni de petit record. Et celui qu'a fait tomber Thorgan Hazard, samedi dernier contre le Hertha Berlin (1-2) a beau être assez symbolique, il tenait mine de rien depuis treize ans. En marquant son 34e but en Bundesliga (son troisième avec Dortmund, auxquels s'ajoutent 31 inscrits avec Mönchengladbach), le frangin Hazard est devenu le meilleur buteur belge de l'histoire de la BuLi. Il dépasse Emile Mpenza, 33 banderilles sous les couleurs de Schalke 04 et Hambourg entre 1999 et 2006.

9 Dec 13:12 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251807500038.html
Anthony Joshua flaunts his adorable daughter after winning against Andy Ruiz

Anthony Joshua has flaunts his little daughter during the bout against Mexican boxer Andy Ruiz Jnr. After winning unanimously, Joshua brought over his daughter to the boxing ring, carrying her on his shoulder during interview.

9 Dec 13:49 Legit 3764253650442868157.html
WWE's Shawn Michaels Reacts to Joker/HBK Theme Mash-Up

WWE legend Shawn Michaels gave a clip of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker dancing to his theme music the HBK seal of approval.

9 Dec 10:12 CBR.com 1295516963137130670.html
Meghan Markle e Harry: nessuno sa dove siano davvero

Meghan Markle e Harry sono spariti. Qualcuno dice che siano in Canada, altri che stiano cercando casa a Malibu. E intanto la Monarchia vacilla.

9 Dec 16:53 DiLei 6707305202160531482.html
18 Tahun Nikah, Iis Dahlia & Suaminya Pilot Garuda Tetap Mesra

Menikah selama 18 tahun, Iis Dahlia dan Satrio Dewandon tetap mesra. Intip potret pasangan ini yuk. - Foto 1

9 Dec 11:40 moms-life 8028540702350277467.html
Trovato con droga 11 cellulari, armi e manette: arrestato

I carabinieri di Rovigo hanno arrestato per «detenzione ai fini di spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti e porto di armi ed oggetti atti ad offendere» un 38enne della Bassa veronese. I militari operanti hanno fermato l’uomo mentre era a bordo della propri

9 Dec 11:45 L'Arena 5479295678011530078.html
Winterswijker (38) aangehouden na bedreiging

Een arrestatieteam van de politie heeft maandagmiddag een 38-jarige man in zijn woning in Winterswijk aangehouden na een melding van bedreiging.

9 Dec 17:09 RD.nl 6406779840939244304.html
Contempt: IGP, Kyari appeal against order, apply for stay of execution

The Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, and a Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Intelligence Response Team, Abba Kyari, on

9 Dec 17:22 The Eagle Online 1463511648281544834.html
Zarif: Iran fully ready for prisoner swap, ball in US court

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said Tehran was "fully ready" for a full prisoner exchange with the United States.

9 Dec 16:31 Aljazeera 6642629763315669862.html
Oil bulls gearing up for a rally, but Trump may play spoilsport

Oil traders should remain cautious and not get too carried away by the Opec+ saga​.

9 Dec 13:38 The Economic Times 7653256036673407695.html
Help reform children in conflict with law – LRC

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:26 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610268429770.html
Ombudsmen Vacancy At Tripura

State MGNREGA, Cell Rural Development Department, Government of Tripura invites application from eligible candidates for appointment of Ombudsmen under MGNREGA for six districts (West Tripura,...

9 Dec 17:03 Live Law 8801531621100714847.html
Grootste privéverzameling van whisky ter wereld gaat onder de hamer

De grootste private verzameling van whisky, die bestaat uit meer dan 3.900 flessen, wordt volgend jaar geveild in de Schotse stad Perth. De veiling zou mog...

9 Dec 13:39 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191002593452.html
Tutti con il naso all'insù in piazza Erbe I pompieri omaggiano la Madonna

Tutti con il naso all'insù ieri in piazza Erbe. In un toloneo gremito di persone, e alla presenza del comandante dei Vigili del fuoco Nicola Micele e del sindaco, i vigili del fuoco, con alcuni operatori SAF, hanno omaggiato con una corona di fiori l

9 Dec 09:44 L'Arena 5479295676230857759.html
Amanti ad Auschwitz, si ritrovano 72 anni dopo: storia di un amore sopravvissuto alla Shoah

David Wisnia e Helen 'Zippi' Spitzer si sono conosciuti in un forno crematorio ad Auschwitz. Erano entrambi 'prigionieri speciali' nel famigerato campo di sterminio nazista. Anche per questo motivo il loro destino è stato diverso rispetto a quello di altri milioni di persone. 3 anni fa si sono incontrati di nuovo. L'ultranoventenne David aveva una importante domanda da porre alla sua ex amante...

9 Dec 12:23 fanpage.it 1517332167709321452.html
(VIDEO) JVR alerta sobre otra conspiración contra la economía venezolana apoyada por los gobiernos de Curazao y Panamá

8 Dic. 2019 - El periodista venezolano José Vicente Rangel alertó este domingo sobre otra posible conspiración contra la economía venezolana, originada en el seno del poder económico, la dirig...

9 Dec 13:24 Aporrea 8480488501648129008.html
[Graphic News] Majority of Americans see North Korea as enemy: poll

 A majority of Americans view North Korea as an enemy, a recent survey showed, putting the communist nation atop a list of countries in terms of enemy perceptions. The poll of 1,500 people, carried out last month by the London-based research data group YouGov and the Economist magazine, showed that 56 percent of Americans consider North Korea to be an enemy of the United States, up from 51 percent in August.  The ...

9 Dec 09:10 Koreaherald 8029273604601593830.html
Apparently women paying for 'virtual boyfriends' exists now, here's how

Do you believe that the presence of a boyfriend in a digital world is enough for some women? For these women, they just need their other half to be comforting and encouraging them through other forms instead of physically being with them. In China, there are women who are paying for sweet and caring messages from a ‘virtual boyfriend’. Let’s find out how!

9 Dec 11:38 TechNave 4010909134788545460.html
Nacionalinio saugumo lozungai padeda gerai uždirbti


9 Dec 09:03 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887587321648884.html
Nemački izvoz porastao u oktobru drugi mesec uzastopno

BERLIN - Nemački izvoz je porastao u oktobru drugi mesec uzastopno, uprkos očekivanjima ekonomista koji su predviđali blagi pad. Federalni zavod za

9 Dec 11:00 Krstarica 4176903989355849110.html
Democrats' December debate lineup could be all white, but diversity isn't only about race

The fact that no black candidate has qualified for the Los Angeles debate is no reflection on a diverse party that made Barack Obama president.

9 Dec 09:00 Yahoo 7097669637849396872.html
Government works for women’s rights, says Hasina

The government is working to translate feminist thinker and activist Begum Rokeya’s dream to establish women’s rights into reality, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

9 Dec 13:48 Bdnews24 8119004129324550787.html
John Oliver Says No-No-No to SantaCon in a Web Exclusive Last Week Tonight Episode

SantaCon is perhaps the most traumatizing part of an otherwise jolly holiday.

9 Dec 15:45 Paste Magazine 2077921860219936336.html
Disney Plus is live: sign up here for cheap and start streaming

Everything you need to know about Disney Plus, including price, movies, shows, channels and best deals

9 Dec 11:36 T3 267522092744603474.html
No pain, no fame: Thai massage could get UNESCO status

From upscale Bangkok spas and Phuket beach fronts to modest street-side shophouses, "nuad Thai" -- or Thai massage -- is ubiquitous across the kingdom, where an hour of the back-straightening discipline can cost as little as $5.

9 Dec 17:32 Deccan Herald 2027555797166207243.html
Rep. Scalise: Democrats 'insulting voters' with impeachment push

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise pushes back on Monday against the House Democrats' call for impeachment, saying that it’s an insult to the voters as they decide on the president on November 2020.

9 Dec 13:43 Fox News 7362823821140509929.html
This birding season, walk down Chennai’s Akkarai wetland

Akkarai, where the Buckingham Canal overflows into wetlands, is a biodiversity hotspot in the middle of an extended city. But will it survive the frenetic construction of villas?

9 Dec 13:06 The Hindu 6679535024776280420.html
Lions mit zu vielen Fehlern in Nördlingen

Die Gelegenheit wäre günstig gewesen. Kaum fünf Meter hinter dem Feld in der Nördlinger Hermann-Kessler-Halle hatte der gastgebende Basketball-Erstligist am Sonntag einen Stand mit Fanutensilien aufgebaut. Mit dabei: Trikots der Spielerinnen. Einen Dress zu ergattern, wäre für die Gisa Lions aus Halle nach der Partie also ein Leichtes gewesen. Wollte verständlicherweise aber keine. Schließlich hatten die Angels den Hallenserinnen eine 78:60-Abreibung ...

9 Dec 09:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109804175264.html
El Gobierno de Colau plantea retirar puntos del carné de conducir por cuestiones ambientales

Ha planteado que la Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) regularice nuevos delitos en el código de tráfico.

9 Dec 13:10 www.publico.es 99190977051554908.html
Monday Masala: Why is Bigg Boss so addictive?

Why do so many of us love watching Bigg Boss? We try and dissect the 10.30 pm phenomenon in this week's Monday Masala.

9 Dec 14:04 India Today 4286117814241109358.html
Mundo Deportivo - Inter-Barcellona occasione per parlare di Vidal, ma i blaugrana aspettano l'Inter. E c'è sempre la tentazione Lautaro

Inter-Barcellona sarà l'occasione per un incrocio di mercato. A sostenerlo è il Mundo Deportivo, secondo cui "i nomi di Vidal e Lautaro Martinez saranno protagonisti a...

9 Dec 08:45 FcInterNews.it 7848284893292178762.html
We Do Not Recommend Looking at This Photo of Silver Kanye West

Introducing Silver Kanye West, a new kind of Kanye West, made just for his opera “Mary,” which debuted on a barge in Miami.

9 Dec 16:58 VULTURE 2718750543720944386.html
Worst still to come on day of heat, fire danger for Victoria

A total fire ban remains in place for Victoria's north and north-west regions as Melbourne's temperature climbs up to 38 degrees.

9 Dec 13:21 The New Daily 5848147786248152022.html
Russia says 'no chance' of winning ban appeal

"This is a tragedy," said Ganus.

9 Dec 12:22 Daily Nation 7421817123830289417.html
Agradece Díaz-Canel apoyo del empresariado argentino a Cuba

El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Díaz Canel inició su primera jornada Argentina con un encuentro con casi medio centenar de empresarios de ese país austral, a quienes agradeció su apoyo a Cuba

9 Dec 09:27 Trabajadores 1167277447082016372.html
THE C64 a grandezza naturale, uscita imminente

THEC64 è la nuova edizione del mitico Commodore 64, ma a grandezza naturale, con una tastiera funzionante e molto altro.

9 Dec 12:20 Webnews 4852331586370378481.html
Boris Johnson sparks outrage by flying 90 miles in a plane instead of taking his bus

The Prime Minister took a plane for around two-thirds of the 156-mile journey between Grimsby and Washington - weeks after allies claimed his general election manifesto would be the greenest in history

9 Dec 16:14 mirror 675785261850853117.html
EFCC Uyo Zone secures over 60 convictions - The Nation Newspaper

The Uyo Zonal Office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) said it has secured over 60 convictions in Court against corrupt...

9 Dec 14:26 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900809187535.html
Don't have any desire to sit and watch Pakistan cricket go to pieces: Coach Misbah slams critics

Misbah said he wouldn’t preside over Pakistan’s decline and would do his best to make things right.

9 Dec 09:38 Scroll.in 8669301692526911186.html
Berlin's Mayor Michael Mueller with "Meng Yuan"

The cuteness level at Berlin Zoo doubled on Monday when a pair of twin panda cubs made their public debut, with the zoo revealing the cuddly bundles of fur were both boys. The little ones were born at the zoo on August 31 but in keeping with Chinese tradition they were only named after 100 days. Speaking

9 Dec 11:28 Yahoo 7097669638205058868.html
Maura Higgins explains why she might not be tuning into Love Island next year

The reality TV star also revealed that the Dancing On Ice contestants share a WhatsApp group.

9 Dec 17:30 Express & Star 7324224459588934332.html
Thalapathy 64: Vijay Mania Runs Wild In This Awesome Video From Shoot Location

In an exciting development, a superb video from the shoot location of Vijays eagerly awaited film Thalapathy 64 is going viral for all the right reasons. In it, the Mersal star is seen greeting his well-wishers, giving them a reason to rejoice.

9 Dec 08:16 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243353051786.html
Rishabh Pant needs time to mature, says Kevin Pietersen

Virat Kohli had earlier asserted that Rishabh Pant can't be isolated to such an extent that he starts feeling nervous on the field and Kevin Pietersen feels the young wicketkeeper has a long way to go.

9 Dec 08:05 The Indian Express 2885715103973805388.html
Cyclisme: Rohan Dennis rejoint Ineos

Et un rouleur de plus dans l'équipe Ineos! L'Australien Rohan Dennis, double champion du monde de contre-la-montre, rejoint la formation de Christopher Froome, a annoncé cette dernière lundi sur son site.

9 Dec 12:56 Challenges 1086714996146905992.html
Herrera Ahuad confirmó a los integrantes de su Gabinete

Finalmente, hace instantes el gobernador electo de la provincia de Misiones confirmó a los integrantes de su Gabinete. A través de su cuenta de Twitter dio a conocer los nombres de los funcionarios que...

9 Dec 14:34 Primera Edición 6803897641919783529.html
Fabrizio Corona è uscito dal carcere: che cosa succede ora

L'ex re dei paparazzi trascorrerà 4 anni in una casa di cura per tossicodipendenti. Tutti i dettagli

9 Dec 12:50 Today 178378749701103354.html
Mercedes GLA pred premijerom - dizajnerski crtež otkriva nove detalje

Druga generacija Mercedesovog kompaktnog krosovera debitovaće 11. novembra.

9 Dec 09:41 Nezavisne novine 4209150642204265345.html
Helene Fischer und Thomas Seitel: Papa plaudert über intime Liebes-Details

Was planen Helene Fischer und Thomas Seitel aus Eppertshausen? Papa Günter Seitel spricht über Hausbau, Hochzeit und Kinder.

9 Dec 11:33 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239911428951.html
Entenda por que ficamos tontos quando nos levantamos de repente

Não é algo que aconteça sempre, mas está associado a situações concretas

9 Dec 15:50 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699935659365.html
Miss Universo è Zozibini Tunzi, la prima a sfilare con capelli afro al naturale

L'attivista 26enne è anche la prima sudafricana di colore ad essere eletta Miss Universo: "Per molto tempo la società ha identificato la bellezza con uno stereotipo di razza: il bello era bianco"

9 Dec 11:14 L'HuffPost 5315551423807817807.html
Fraser Forster's Celtic future up in the air as Neil Lennon weighs up permanent deal

The goalkeeper is on loan from Southampton and played a starring role in yesterday's Betfred Cup win.

9 Dec 16:28 dailyrecord 552235479365016571.html
Oroscopo Branko 9 dicembre: le previsioni di oggi per tutti i segni

L’oroscopo di Branko del 9 dicembre è pronto a rivelare come andrà la vostra giornata d’inizio settimana. Successo professionale e finanziario per i nativi del Toro. Giornata di gloria per i nati sotto il segno del Cancro. Nel dettaglio, le previsioni dei pianeti e delle stelle della giornata di lunedì per i 12 segni zodiacali. […]

9 Dec 09:18 KontroKultura 2573504972106729306.html
CdS - Ancelotti, no alle dimissioni: per il tecnico non è una questione economica

"No alle dimissioni". Questo il pensiero di Carlo Ancelotti riassunto dall'edizione odierna del Corriere dello Sport

9 Dec 09:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079598326075.html
Se arrepintieron: Walmart retiró recursos de protección contra el Estado

"En ningún caso pretendió recibir un trato preferencial respecto a otros actores de la industria, ni tampoco responsabilizar al Estado por los daños ocurridos en sus locales", explica la firma.

9 Dec 13:59 Publimetro Chile 2498685482794955318.html
Wartime love story: Donetsk woman meets man from Right Sector unit

Viktoria and Anatoly Kotelenets have told UNIAN their story of love during wartime that strives among the ongoing hostilities. When the two met, "Romeo" was a fighter with the "Right Sector group, while "Juliet" was a Donetsk native.

9 Dec 16:20 UNIAN 6863008971668674473.html
Oroscopo Paolo Fox Oggi Lunedì 9 Dicembre: previsioni segno per segno

Siamo nella prima parte del mese di Dicembre e se siete curiosi di sapere cosa riserveranno gli astri per questa giornata di Lunedì 9 Dicembre 2019? Non ci resta che scoprirlo leggendo

9 Dec 09:30 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460506411547.html
Cisco Stock May Be a Great Value Name

Cisco stock offers many compelling features. CSCO stock is one or two pieces away from being great for growth and income investors.

9 Dec 11:36 InvestorPlace 24614509967146725.html
Emery contactado para a sucessão de Marco Silva

Pouco menos de duas semanas após ter deixado o Arsenal, o treinador espanhol Unai Emery foi contactado por responsáveis do Everton para suceder a Marco Silva no comando da equipa.Segundo noticia a estação televisiva Sky,  a reunião entre as partes decorreu em Londres, com Emery a pedir alguns dias para ponderar a possibilidade de continuar a trabalhar em Inglaterra.O treinador não quer estar muito tempo no desemprego, mas encara também com bons olhos voltar a Espanha, assim como gostaria de trabalhar em Itália.A Sky salienta ainda que, além de Emery, os responsáveis do Everton têm marcado o nome do português Vítor Pereira, que está ligado ao Shanghai SIPG, da China.

9 Dec 12:44 A BOLA 2278827558515426210.html
Drømmeresultat for Norge: Fikk hjelp av Danmark og Serbia

Alt har gått i Norges favør i håndball-VM mandag. Både Serbia og Danmark vant sine kamper og dyttet det norske laget et langt steg mot semifinale.

9 Dec 10:38 Aftenbladet 8753034802662126821.html
Drømmeresultat for Norge: Fikk hjelp av Danmark og Serbia

Alt har gått i Norges favør i håndball-VM mandag. Både Serbia og Danmark vant sine kamper og dyttet det norske laget et langt steg mot semifinale.

9 Dec 10:38 Bergens Tidende 6643873499642199984.html
Uit de boekenkast van mr. Dirk Vergunst: Citaten die zich vastschroeven in je hart en je leven

Hij groeit op tussen de klassieken van een eenvoudig refo-gezin: van Hotze Hiddes tot Simon Gieke en van Van de Hulst tot Norel. De vader van Dirk Vergunst las ze voor. „Boeken met een grote plaats voor God, Nederland en Oranje en een vertekend beeld van de werkelijkheid van die dagen.”

9 Dec 14:58 RD.nl 6406779840656957195.html
READERS’ LETTERS: Many factors go into sentencing criminals

Sir, – As a person who was concerned with the Scottish criminal justice system for some 50 years as defence counsel, advocate depute, sheriff and part time High Court judge, I think that I am entitled to comment on the editorial The Courier story entitled “Disappointing term for sexual abuser” (December 5).

9 Dec 09:08 The Courier 4275302768197503547.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

La Russie est exclue pendant quatre ans des Jeux olympiques, suite à une décision prise lundi par l'Agence Mondiale Antidopage. ...

9 Dec 11:32 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461425980778.html
Kelly Marie Tran sought therapy after 'Star Wars' backlash

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Kelly Marie Tran says she sought therapy after backlash to her Star Wars casting.

9 Dec 15:57 UPI 8257973865182426392.html
Real Madrids Juwel Takefusa Kubo: "Verdiene die Buh-Rufe der Barca-Fans"

Takefusa Kubo, aktuell von Real Madrid an RCD Mallorca ausgeliehen, glaubt, die Buh-Rufe der Fans des FC Barcelona während des Auswärtsspiels von Mallorca bei den Katalanen (2:5) verdient zu haben. Ich habe meine Entscheidung getroffen und sie haben das Recht, mich auszupfeifen, erklärte der 18-Jährige im Gespräch mit Movistar.

9 Dec 09:23 SPOX 8395423525448312324.html
Beziehungsdrama «Marriage Story» ist grosser Favorit

Sechs Mal ist das Beziehungsdrama «Marriage Story» mit Scarlett Johansson und Adam Driver in den Hauptrollen nominiert.

9 Dec 14:45 SRF 8424707180281821059.html
Ajer: 'Fraser Forster had best performance I've ever seen from a goalkeeper'

The keeper produced a string of saves to keep out Rangers.

9 Dec 17:30 Sports Mole 7750663362442181828.html
12 days of school choice begins in Hillsborough County

Hillsborough County kicked off 12 Days of School Choice on Monday as they prepare to launch the most new programs in the district's history.

9 Dec 17:30 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202863196927.html
Presidente de Cuba es el primero en llegar a Argentina para investidura de Fernández

Sebastián Piñera también estará presente en la ceremonia y viajará este martes, en el primer viaje que realizará fuera de Chile desde el inicio del estallido social, el pasado 18 de octubre.

9 Dec 15:20 La Nación 6855788058263021331.html
Twin 4-year-olds freed themselves from a car crash that killed their father and climbed to safety, police say

Police said that on Friday, Corey Simmons of Langley, Washington, was driving with his twin daughters when their car careened down an embankment.

9 Dec 17:12 Yahoo 7097669637199016264.html
Finlandia elige a la primera ministra más joven del mundo para un Gobierno liderado por mujeres

El país nórdico está gobernado por una coalición de cinco partidos, de los cuales cuatro están dirigidos por mujeres.

9 Dec 11:17 www.publico.es 99190977427747358.html
Las nuevas revelaciones sobre las esclavas sexuales reclutadas para el Ejército Imperial de Japón

La agencia japonesa de noticias Kyodo accedió a documentos clasificados del gobierno japonés que muestran que el Ejército Imperial pidió tener una mujer de confort, eufemismo para esclava sexual, cada 70 soldados en 1938.

9 Dec 08:41 T13 7836926439194738355.html
Smartfren Bidik Pengguna E-SIM Hingga 200 Ribu Tahun Depan

WE Online, Jakarta - Operator telekomunikasi Smartfren menggandeng Apple untuk mempromosikan produk E-SIM atau embedded SIM. E-SIM merupakan kartu layanan telekomunikasi, hanya saja tidak memiliki bentuk fisik seperti kartu SIM kebanyakan.

9 Dec 09:03 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834638716844.html
Messi Akhirnya Kalahkan Rekor Hat-trick Ronaldo di Liga Spanyol

Kapten Barcelona, Lionel Messi, berhasil melampaui salah satu catatan dari mantan megabintang Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo.

9 Dec 11:30 BolaSport.com 4603768437202901300.html
Nuevo comercial europeo de Overwatch: Legendary Edition para Nintendo Switch

Overwatch causó sensación en el mundo de los videojuegos por su acción cooperativa allá por 2016 y desde el pasado 15 de octubre también está disponible en Nintendo Switch. Pues bien, Nintendo está poniendo toda la carne en el asador para promocionar los títulos más destacados de la consola híbrida lanzados este año de cara […]

9 Dec 12:37 Nintenderos 2555436003161405174.html
NASA says core stage of next Moon rocket now ready

NASA has completed the giant rocket that will take US astronauts back to the Moon, the space agency's head announced Monday, pledging the mission would take place in 2024 despite being beset by delays. The Space Launch System (SLS) is the tallest rocket ever built at a towering 212 feet (65 meters

9 Dec 16:05 Yahoo 7097669638465042362.html
Business : Des entreprises portugaises sondent le marché marocain

La Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Services du Portugal au Maroc (CCISPM) et le groupe de conseil EXUMAS annoncent l'organisation, en partenariat avec la Chambre de Commerce, d’industrie et Services de Casablanca-Settat (CCIS), d'une mission d’Affaires multisectorielle au Maroc du 11 au...

9 Dec 10:37 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398352253916475.html
Fineco: dopo l’addio ad Unicredit arriva una stangata per i clienti

La nota banca Fineco ha modificato i termini contrattuali del proprio costo di gestione del conto corrente. Vediamo quali sono le nuove modifiche per gli utenti.

9 Dec 09:45 tecnoandroid 2573257127654765466.html
Tutti i numeri di T3 Innovation per due anni di piena operatività

Un lavoro continuativo, volto a diffondere la cultura dell’innovazione e una politica strutturale di supporto agli investimenti, per aziende, ricercatori e nuove imprese

9 Dec 14:32 Today 178378749592546603.html
Xajay deslucidos, dejan sin trofeos la sexta; Planeador levanta lo poco

Castella, esperado, atrevido sin mano; Ureña, gris, frío sin que torear tampoco; El Payo, alegre, maduro, con el único toro con valía; El Galo confirma alternativa buscando palenque en la tarde de ayer

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060636728380570.html
Klart: Sveriges trupp till januariturnén

Fotboll Fotbollförbundet väljer att lägga herrlandslagets januariturné 2020 i Qatar, precis som man gjorde 2019.

9 Dec 13:56 www.unt.se 8922556089489419847.html
Cashel allocated funding through new €15.5m Fáilte Ireland Destination Towns Scheme

In Cashel the funding will help create an extension to the existing Main Street Plaza

9 Dec 14:37 TipperaryLive 1097599578577581401.html
Adriana Betancur recomienda y habla de beneficios del veganismo, desde su experiencia

La presentadora, que sufre de insuficiencia renal, compartió cómo fue adaptarse a la dieta vegana y los aspectos positivos que esta ha traído a su vida. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 08:53 pulzo.com 8971816786111941910.html
Dirk Nowitzki ganz old-school: Schluss mit dem Handy-Wahnsinn

Als Dirk Nowitzi mit dem Basketball anfing, waren Handys noch so groß wie Dinoknochen - gefühlt brauchte man einen oder gar mehrere Helfer, um sie ans Ohr zu...

9 Dec 14:27 RTL.DE 7054729453161205072.html
Explained: The WTO’s dispute settlements mechanism is all but dead. This is why India should worry

Trump sees the WTO -- which seeks to ensure equal treatment for all its members -- as standing in the way of "America First", tying its hands when it tries to protect American workers or seeks to effectively employ the advantages of being the world's most powerful economy.

9 Dec 12:59 The Indian Express 2885715104223495110.html
Jovem ferido com gravidade após despiste de mota em Barcelos

Um jovem, com 17 anos, sofreu ferimentos considerados graves, esta segunda-feira, na sequência do despiste da mota que conduzia, na freguesia de Fornelos, em Barcelos. De acordo com dados da Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (ANEPC), o alerta foi recebido cerca das 16:03. A vítima foi assistida no local e transportada para o Hospital de Braga, pelos Bombeiros Voluntários de Barcelinhos. A GNR tomou conta da ocorrência.

9 Dec 17:35 O Minho 154418198059712977.html
Oroscopo Paolo Fox Domani Martedì 10 Dicembre: classifica dei segni

La giornata di oggi vi è andata bene o male astrologicamente parlando? Qualunque sia la risposta adesso non vi resta che scoprire in anteprima cosa vi riservano gli astri per la giornata di domani.

9 Dec 16:46 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460541207172.html
Russia are banned from all international sport for next four years over doping failures... but they could still farcically be allowed to compete at Qatar 2022 as 'NEUTRALS'

Russia have been banned from the world's top sporting events for four years, including next summer's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Qatar World Cup, for tampering with doping tests.

9 Dec 10:19 Mail Online 124328111312122182.html
Watch: Painful footage of Lood de Jager injury is released

The 26-year-old Springbok left the pitch clutching his left shoulder after 21 minutes of the Rugby World Cup final against England in Yokohama.

9 Dec 16:49 Rugbypass 8668874340546160404.html
Romagnoli dopo Bologna: "Con la giusta cattiveria, altra vittoria!"

Anche Alessio Romagnoli, dopo il successo contro il Bologna, ha pubblicato un post su Instagram. Ecco il suo messaggio: "Con la giusta cattiveria, in trasferta, altra vittoria! Avanti così!".

9 Dec 12:01 MilanNews.it 6507305921902575886.html
Metro Vancouver’s best Chinese BBQ spot finally re-opens after renovation

HK BBQ Master finally was able to welcome the public back into their now-expanded space as of Sunday, December 8. 

9 Dec 13:13 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496774320768.html
Nu kliver programledarna in i glasburen

”Man är lite nervös inför det tekniska. Det är ju som att styra ett rymdskepp.”

9 Dec 16:34 Sydsvenskan 2976531144786101823.html
'Club Brugge maakt Anderlecht het leven zuur en meldt zich ook bij Boli'

RSC Anderlecht staat op het punt om al een tweede wintertransfer af te ronden. Paars-wit gaat Yohan Boli (26) weghalen bij STVV.

9 Dec 13:30 Voetbal24 8097814615671919064.html
'Eigenwijze' Van Bommel kijkt secondenlang naar boven: 'Strijdje bezig bij PSV'

Mark van Bommel keek zaterdagavond na de goals van PSV tegen Fortuna Sittard secondenlang naar de tribune. De vraag is op wie de trainer zijn oog had laten vallen. Pierre van Hooijdonk ziet dat er in elk geval een 'strijdje' gaande is in het Philips Stadion. Van Bommel keek na de goals van PSV telkens een tijdje omhoog en niemand begreep waarom. De trainer stond onder flinke druk en er moest vanuit zijn ploeg een antwoord komen na twee maanden sportieve ellende. Na afloop zei Van Bommel dat hij naar een scorebord keek, terwijl zijn vader ook op de tribune zou hebben gezeten. Van Bommel over 'heksenketel' bij PSV: "In één keer ging het alle kanten op"

9 Dec 08:17 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884649351404.html
Defeat in Johor is a clear message to Pakatan, says Anwar

Defeat in Johor is a clear message to Pakatan, says Anwar

9 Dec 12:00 The Independent 5308065342036404577.html
Swedbanks vd julstädar i ledningen

Ekonomi Swedbank presenterar en ny ledning för banken som ska återupprätta det skamfilade anseendet efter penningtvättsskandalen.

9 Dec 12:13 www.unt.se 8922556089196325518.html
U.S.-Taliban talks resume, raising prospect of an end to America's longest war

A Western official told NBC News that Washington had "ambitious timelines" for the talks and was pushing to secure a deal by the end of December.

9 Dec 15:27 euronews 7318238121903063083.html
GOP counsel Steve Castor brought a reusable grocery bag instead of a briefcase to an impeachment hearing

At the Monday hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, Republican counsel Steve Castor raised some eyebrows with his unique choice of a bag to transport his documents.

9 Dec 17:22 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882371236836.html
GOP counsel Steve Castor brought a reusable grocery bag instead of a briefcase to an impeachment hearing

At the Monday hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, Republican counsel Steve Castor raised some eyebrows with his unique choice of a bag to transport his documents.

9 Dec 17:22 Business Insider Australia 5575934300130767844.html
Dortmund's Witsel out for rest of the year after suffering freak injury at home

The Belgian midfielder needed facial surgery after a fall.

9 Dec 14:27 The42 5369852630329554781.html
Vodafone e Wind Tre ricevono 10 milioni di multa, ecco il motivo

Gli operatori Vodafone Italia e Wind Tre hanno ricevuto 10 milioni di euro di multa a causa delle proprie offerte winback

9 Dec 12:00 tecnoandroid 2573257127420077519.html
Como fazer a sua retrospectiva do ano no Instagram

Aplicativo para celulares ajuda você a encontrar as postagens mais curtidas do ano em seu perfil do Instagram. Veja como usá-lo!

9 Dec 15:12 Olhar Digital 416591714746729572.html
Shah Rukh, I love you: Indonesian actor dedicates award to superstar. Gets a million-dollar reply

An Indonesian actor dedicated his best actor award to Shah Rukh Khan at an event. Khan has responded to him.

9 Dec 12:54 India Today 4286117813262074131.html
EFCC secures 84 convictions in Edo - The Nation Newspaper

The Benin Zonal office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) said it has secured 84 convictions from January...

9 Dec 11:04 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901798031096.html
Mit neuen Sträuchern und Tulpenbäumen ein Zeichen setzen

Die Familie von Wattenwyl pflanzt beim Schlossgut Oberdiessbach Hecken und eine Baumreihe.

9 Dec 11:28 Berner Zeitung 1248949324269263814.html
Evaldo Gomes busca apoio de Ciro para indicar vice na chapa de Firmino

Deputado afirmou que tem o nome de uma mulher, mas só irá anunciar ano que vem

9 Dec 09:25 R10 3167340813057205382.html
Se imaginássemos animais de hoje com base em ossos como fizemos com dinossauros

O palaeoartista C. M. Kosemen decidiu reimaginar como seriam os animais que conhecemos hoje se tivéssemos que imaginá-los com base apenas em seus ossos, como fizemos com os dinossauros. O resultado nos leva a questionar sobre a maneira como os grandes lagartos são representados atualmente - e é justamente este o objetivo do ilustrador. [caption…

9 Dec 08:24 Hypeness 2377999435025969325.html
Feuerwehrmann totgeprügelt: "Der Schlag war unvermittelt, mit voller Wucht und tödlich"

Die Augsburger Polizei hat die Gruppe junger Männer gefasst, die für den Tod eines Feuerwehrmannes in Augsburg verantwortlich sein sollen. Auf der...

9 Dec 13:15 RTL.DE 7054729452014857206.html
Cougar mauls dog, eats cat

The B.C. Conservation Officer Service is advising the public to keep their pets on a leash after a dog was mauled by a cougar Saturday afternoon in Penticton.

9 Dec 11:49 Castanet 616068602558546899.html
Rod Stewart 'absolutely shattered' when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer

He thanked his wife Penny Lancaster for helping him through it.

9 Dec 13:45 Metro 970161748094440010.html
Fortnite emitirá escena exclusiva de Star wars

La escena que transmitirá Fortnite será la de "El Ascenso de Skywalker"

9 Dec 13:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418801210631.html
Ryanair mantendrá la base en Girona a cambio de recortar las condiciones laborales del personal

El sindicato USO anuncia que llevará el nuevo contrato a la Inspección de Trabajo para saber si cumple la legalidad

9 Dec 12:51 EL PAÍS 2207347710561397907.html
Ecco perché il vostro credito Opinion Rewards scade, e perché non ve ne siete mai accorti prima

Ricorderete che qualche giorno fa abbiamo parlato a più riprese della scadenza del credito Google Play accumulato tramite i sondaggi...

9 Dec 12:44 AndroidWorld 1488441783196036204.html
The 9 best airline credit cards for earning miles to book free flights, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The best airline credit cards from American Airlines, Delta and more, plus more versatile options including the Chase Sapphire Preferred.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:38 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756238534475.html
Pordenone: paziente accoltella infermiera del Centro Salute Mentale di San Vito

Un'infermiera del Centro di Salute Mentale di San Vito al Tagliamento, in provincia di Pordenone, è stata accoltellata questa mattina da un paziente.

9 Dec 15:49 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927591374931.html
UK CMA Decision Looms Over Amazon’s Quest For Deliveroo Stake

UK Antitrust News: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will decide if Amazon's quest to acquire a stake in Deliveroo (and its user data) can move forward.

9 Dec 11:29 PYMNTS.com 7357138825757470155.html
Dependencias "chocan" por posible falla en Superman de Six Flags

Six Flags y Protección Civil señalaron que el juego “presentó una condición que provocó la detención de uno de sus carros”; la policía capitalina afirmó que una persona realizó una inspección de rutina

9 Dec 17:05 El Universal 4964748197228661822.html
ACTIE: Wie gun jij een kerstboom?

Sinterklaas is het land uit; de donkere dagen voor Kerstmis komen er aan. Maar wij zorgen graag voor wat verlichting door liefst 20 prachtige, compleet versierde kerstbomen weg te geven. Wie gun jij aan het eind van het jaar een mooie boom?

9 Dec 16:31 RTV Rijnmond 2492430227240035946.html
Berlin zoo reveals names, gender of their 2 panda twin cubs

Berlin Zoo’s giant panda twins finally have names: Meng Xiang and Meng Yuan — desired dream and fulfilled dream. According to Chinese tradition, the two cubs were given their names on Monday, 100 days after they were born in the German capital. Their gender was also revealed: the two are both boys. The names were …

9 Dec 11:23 City NEWS 1130 5858657120107623383.html
Zauberhafte Weihnachtsmärkte im Bergischen Land

Weihnachtsmärkte im Bergischen Land sind besonders stimmungsvoll: Bergisch Gladbach, Bergneustadt, Leichlingen, Much, Engelskirchen, Hückeswagen, Lindlar, Bensberg

9 Dec 08:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569306406403.html
People banned from keeping cars at 'fire trap' flats but they can still live there

EXCLUSIVE: The Decks development is fitted with the same material that contributed to the devastating fire at The Cube student block in Bolton last month

9 Dec 12:12 Liverpool Echo 7727211172994662298.html
Saiba quais aplicativos ajudam a cumprir as metas de Ano Novo

Com um novo ano se aproximando, existem aplicativos que podem ajudar

9 Dec 09:48 Folha Vitória 4941883428165560781.html
Court orders Sokha to stand trial on January 15 for treason

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has set January 15 as the trial date for Kem Sokha, the former president of the Supreme Court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) who is under court-supervised bail on a treason charge. In a press release issued on Monday, the municipal court said Sokha will stand trial on the conspiracy charge under Article 443 of the Criminal Code.

9 Dec 16:40 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115902251344.html
Joyner Lucas Thinks Drug Culture in Hip-Hop Led to Juice Wrld's Death

Joyner Lucas took to Twitter to share his thoughts on Juice Wrld's untimely death, which he believes was brought on by aspects of hip-hop culture t...

9 Dec 14:57 VLADTV 1404406307098742864.html
Jorge Jesus eleito melhor treinador do Brasileirão

O treinador que levou o Flamengo ao título de campeão é o primeiro estrangeiro a receber a distinção da ESPN Brasil.

9 Dec 17:00 JN 6956494303852272732.html
This Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Trick Lets You Defeat Calamity Ganon With Just One Hit

Just one expertly timed arrow

9 Dec 10:00 Nintendo Life 5246707017881544234.html
Capable of hitting six on any ground: Shivam Dube

Shivam Dube is confident that he can "clear any ground" in the world after providing a demo of his six-hitting prowess against the West Indies in the second T20 International, albeit in a losing

9 Dec 10:31 Deccan Herald 2027555795999904950.html
Campaña anticorrupción busca cambiar 'chip' de ecuatorianos hacia la honestidad

Honestidad Criolla es la campaña anticorrupción que promueven organizaciones de la sociedad civil liderada por la Comisión de Integridad y Anticorrupción de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional (ICC),

9 Dec 16:47 El Universo 8365175798488762383.html
Netflix land a HUGE number of 2020 Golden Globe nominations

The streaming service garnered 17 nominations

9 Dec 14:33 GOSS.ie 8755536025898067513.html
There Was Almost A Version Of Netflix's Witcher Where Ciri Was The Lead Star

The nature of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Witcher books being more focused on a collection of time-strewn short stories than it is actual linear novels makes the particular trial of adapting them for television a struggle. It was one Lauren Schmidt Hissrich wrangled with when she helped bring Geralt to life for...

9 Dec 09:25 Gizmodo AU 3183561247809983589.html
Shah Rukh Khan Gives Sweetest Reply to Indonesian Actor Who Thanked Him After Grabbing Best Actor Award - Watch Viral Video

Shah Rukh Khan is winning hearts on the internet with his sweetest reply to the Indonesian actor.

9 Dec 13:47 India.com 7150386082989852680.html
Fotos indican que Corea del Norte probó un motor para misiles

Con estas pistas, algunos expertos no descartan que Corea del Norte incluso haya podido probar el sábado un motor de combustible sólido, más peligroso que uno que use combustible líquido, ya que permite cargar los proyectiles más rápido y mantenerlos almacenados así durante largas temporadas.Con estas pistas, algunos expertos no descartan que Corea del Norte incluso haya podido probar el sábado un motor de combustible sólido, más peligroso que uno que use combustible líquido, ya que permite cargar los proyectiles más rápido y mantenerlos almacenados así durante largas temporadas.Con estas pistas, algunos expertos no descartan que Corea del Norte incluso haya podido probar el sábado un motor de combustible sólido, más peligroso que uno que use combustible líquido, ya que permite cargar los proyectiles más rápido y mantenerlos almacenados así durante largas temporadas.Con estas pistas, algunos expertos no descartan que Corea del Norte incluso haya podido probar el sábado un motor de combustible sólido, más peligroso…

9 Dec 08:08 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189277064825.html
"Star Trek"-Fans in Trauer: Serienliebling stirbt an Lungenkrebs

"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"-Star René Auberjonois, der beliebte Darsteller von Sicherheitschef Odo, ist im Alter von 79 Jahren an Lungenkrebs verstorben.

9 Dec 13:15 futurezone.de 2257170160954355111.html
Journée solidaire pour réchauffer Timahdite

Interpellés par la souffrance des habitants de la montagne en cette période de grand froid, des étudiants de lycée Al Khansa lancent une action humanitaire solidaire. «Nous comptons collecter un maximum de dons tout en sensibilisant les étudiants par rapport à l’importance du travail...

9 Dec 09:51 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398352131438519.html
Poll: Donald Trump Edges Out Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg in Arizona

A new poll shows President Trump is in a virtual statistical tie with Democrat White House contenders Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg in Arizona. 

9 Dec 13:47 Breitbart 3148363490743544444.html
We Must Learn To Promote Ghana To The World Instead Of Dwelling On Negative Things – James Gardiner Advises

In the wake of the controversy surrounding Cardi B’s visit to Ghana, handsome Ghanaian actor James Gardiner has called on the general public to stop promoting Ghana in a negative way to the outside world. According to James Gardiner, even though the essence of “The Year Of Return” initiative has not been properly explained to […]

9 Dec 15:21 GhBase.com 8689748845998717032.html
Hacienda coge al triunfador de San Isidro: el torero Ferrera pierde un pleito contra el fisco

Antonio Ferrera se une a la lista de famosos que pierden por usar sociedades para tributar. El TSJ extremeño da la razón al fisco. En primavera, fue rescatado tras saltar de un puente

9 Dec 16:09 El Confidencial 6129807548921179669.html
Golferin Esther Henseleit gewinnt in Kenia

Die Golferin Esther Henseleit hat am Wochenende in Kenia ihr erstes Turnier auf der Ladies European Tour gewonnen. Die junge Hamburgerin ist erst seit einem Jahr als Profi unterwegs.

9 Dec 15:00 NDR.de 5356044083321186297.html
DC-Cam returns records, photos of Khmer Rouge cadre to family

The Documentation Centre of Cambodia (DC-Cam) on Monday brought a 220-page document and photographs of a former Khmer Rouge cadre killed at the Tuol Sleng S-21 detention centre to his daughter in Kampong Speu province. Sek Say, 52, said that since the fall of the Khmer Rouge, she had been searching for information about her father, not knowing that he had been killed at Tuol Sleng.

9 Dec 16:24 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115846439373.html
Basketball: Es ist die perfekte Saison für die TSG Reutlingen

In der Regionalliga Baden-Württemberg siegt die TSG Volksbank Reutlingen bei der SG EK Karlsruhe mit 89:79. Der zwölfte Sieg im zwölften Spiel.

9 Dec 16:26 swp.de 6929179440474103555.html
Acusan de ofensas a feministas turcas por cantar "Un violador en tu camino"

Siete de las más de 300 activistas que reprodujeron el cántico en turco y en español, están acusadas de "insultos al presidente" y de vulnerar el artículo 301 del código penal, que castiga la ofensa pública a la nación turca, al Estado, al Parlamento, al Gobierno y a los cuerpos judiciales".

9 Dec 14:31 www.publico.es 99190977432689136.html
Ritrova gatto e posta foto online, insultata dal gestore del canile: “Voi gattare dovete morire”

Il ritrovamento di un gatto in strada è diventato un vero e proprio caso a Lecce tra insulti a mezzo social, minacce di querele, richieste di intervento al sindaco e controrepliche con altre minacce di denuncia. Tutto è nato per una foto postata su un gruppo facebook dedicato agli animali smarriti ma in realtà il gatto non era scappato ma gironzolava poco lontano da casa come è abituato a fare.

9 Dec 14:54 fanpage.it 1517332168435841093.html
‘No other survivors’ in New Zealand volcanic eruption tragedy on White Island

New Zealand police do not expect to find any more survivors of a volcanic eruption on White Island that killed at least five people.

9 Dec 14:11 PerthNow 6839538509397225378.html
Zozibini Tunzi: la historia de la reina que rompe los estereotipos de Miss Universo

Emocionada hasta las lágrimas la surafricana Zozibini Tunzi, de 26 años y 1.78 metros de altura, recibió su título como la mujer más bella del universo, para sorpresa de muchos reinólogos que no la tuvieron entre sus pronósticos.Sin embargo, no cabe duda de que gracias a su belleza, su porte, su don de gente, su calidez, liderazgo y postura frente a la belleza natural y al empoderamiento femenino, logró el triunfo a pulso, como todo lo que ha obtenido en su vida.La actual Miss Universo nació el 18 de septiembre de 1993 en Tsolo, Eastern Cape. Es la tercera mujer de Sudáfrica en ganar el título universal y la primera mujer negra, desde la coronación de Leila Lopes en 2011. Habla inglés y xhosa, idioma bantú que forma parte de las once lenguas oficiales de Sudáfrica. Se crió en el pueblo de Sidwadweni, con sus padres Philiswa Nadapu y Lungisa Tunzi y sus dos hermanas. Luego se mudó a Ciudad del Cabo, al suburbio de los Jardines, para asistir a la Universidad Tecnológica de la Península del Cabo a estudiar Relaciones…

9 Dec 14:40 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347372904441.html
La carpetica de yarey llegará al Teatro Principal

El escenario del Teatro Principal de Sancti Spíritus se prestigiará este martes y miércoles a las nueve de la noche al acoger la obra La carpetica de yarey, interpretada por elguiñol Polichinela, de Ciego de Ávila.

9 Dec 14:10 Escambray 1851904802364332493.html
'It was horrible': CP Rail train derails in Sask., sparking fire that closes highway

The fiery derailment of a Canadian Pacific (CP) freight train overnight left a large swath of highway in Saskatchewan closed Monday morning.

9 Dec 11:25 Saskatoon 2258376080743685326.html
A new medical examiner will explain death to the living

Snohomish County’s top autopsy doctor will soon be J. Matthew Lacy. Dr. Daniel Selove is retiring.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408815214050.html
Rätsel um Bachelor-Baby: Angelina Heger platzt der Kragen

Die Katze ist aus dem Sack. Angelina Heger und Ex-Bachelor Sebastian Pannek bekommen ein Kind.

9 Dec 10:20 TAG24 4583887873650914260.html
The FBI Is Warning That Your Smart Home Devices Aren't Secure. Here's What You Should Do About It

A string of warnings about smart home vulnerability means that its time for a refresher course on keeping your network and devices safe.

9 Dec 09:25 Inc.com 8604986417534734641.html
EN VIVO: Se acerca votación sobre acusaciones contra Trump

WASHINGTON — La Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos de la Cámara de Representantes se apresta hoy a recibir las conclusiones de la investigación sobre si el presidente Donald Trump presionó a

9 Dec 14:14 elVocero.com 6318248037441672887.html
Giallo a Sanremo, 33enne trovato morto in uno yacht

Il 33enne non dava più sue notizie da un paio di giorni. I carabinieri lo hanno trovato morto, riverso sul pavimento della cucina, si pensa a un infarto, m non si esclude l'overdose. Sarà, comunque, l'autopsia a stabilire le cause

9 Dec 10:08 ilGiornale.it 5019541225469962619.html
39-Jähriger attackierte Großvater mit Messer: Festnahme

In Niederösterreich hat sich am Sonntag nicht nur im Weinviertel, sondern auch im Bezirk Wiener Neustadt-Land eine Messerattacke zugetragen.

9 Dec 14:19 NÖN.at 2486998932618478630.html
Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney dies at 85

Puppeteer Caroll Spinney, who brought Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch to life on the iconic children’s television show Sesame Street for half a century, died on Sunday at the age of 85.

9 Dec 15:26 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115667893955.html
Greta Thunberg cede a los activistas el protagonismo en la cumbre del clima

La crisis climática "no es un problema futuro, sino algo que ya nos afecta", dijo este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 la popular Greta Thunberg durante una breve intervención en la cumbre del clima en Madrid, en la que la joven cedió el protagonismo de este acto con jóvenes al resto de activistas medioambientales.

9 Dec 15:29 El Comercio 2865024640898597033.html
Marvel's Multiverse is the Next Stage of the MCU's Evolution, Feige Says

Kevin Feige promises the Multiverse will become an integral part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and shape the future of the superhero franchise.

9 Dec 16:12 CBR.com 1295516963409048599.html
Tony's Chocolonely komt met een nieuwe limited edition kerstreep

En hij kan ook weer de boom in.

9 Dec 09:41 Glamour 7276994001000967520.html
No citizen will be allowed to turn refugee due to NRC, Citizenship (Amendment) Bill: Mamata

West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said the NRC and Citizenship (Amendment) Bill will not be allowed in Bengal as long as the TMC is in power

9 Dec 09:50 The Hindu 6679535025515817714.html
American Airlines apologizes to passenger booted over 'Hail Satan' T-shirt

"He said, ‘Our crew has found your shirt to be offensive,’" the passenger stated.

9 Dec 13:59 Fox News 7362823820240387056.html
At Least 16 People Dead in Uganda Floods

Kampala - Flooding in Uganda has claimed at least 16 lives, the Red Cross said, as the region reels from weeks of rain.

9 Dec 09:13 The Peninsula 1202843882029612972.html
God Mode: New Game Allowing Users to Play as Jesus Christ Splits Netizens - Video

Sometimes games are really violent and depict dark magic, drawing criticism from religious people, but what if they literally allow you play God?

9 Dec 08:18 Sputniknews 967333868626080463.html
El juez absuelve a los futbolistas en el juicio del amaño del Levante-Zaragoza y condena a dos directivos

El magistrado impone un año y tres meses de cárcel a Agapito Iglesias y a Javier Porquera por falsedad en documento mercantil

9 Dec 11:04 ABC.es 6074573463566347299.html
Alessandro Preziosi è Van Gogh, spettacolo al Lauro Rossi

MACERATA - Appuntamento giovedì e venerdì alle 21 con la pièce diretta da Alessandro Maggi

9 Dec 13:39 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194355881802.html
When Discord's Down, All Hell Breaks Loose

Google’s suite of cloud computing services were hit with some technical difficulties most of the day Saturday that caused connectivity problems on at least one of the services dependent on it: Discord, a chat and voice platform geared towards gamers (don’t worry, it’s back up now).

9 Dec 17:30 Gizmodo UK 8363059000533988489.html
Atropellan y matan a un hombre cerca de Lo de Reyes, Navolato

Según el hermano de Ignacio, el hombre muerto tras se atropellado en Navolato, había salido a convivir la noche anterior.

9 Dec 08:35 EL DEBATE 4396150893173759217.html
Wechselgerüchte: Alario will häufiger spielen

Lucas Alario ist mit seiner aktuellen Rolle bei Bayer Leverkusen unzufrieden. „Ich hatte dieses Jahr wieder die Chance bei der Nationalmannschaft, und dann will man natürlich auch im Blickfeld des (...)

9 Dec 12:46 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784030441193.html
Todo lo que necesitas saber para la consulta ciudadana de este fin de semana

Tras el estallido social del 18-O, 225 comunas decidieron realizar esta consulta ciudadana que busca reflejar el sentir de la poblacion.

9 Dec 16:45 Rock&Pop 4910011591069714943.html
Angkut Harley Ilegal, Garuda Terancam Denda Rp 100 Juta

Pemerintah menjatuhkan denda kepada Garuda Indonesia gara-gara angkut Harley Davidson dan sepeda Brompton ilegal. Denda yang dijatuhkan maksimal Rp 100 juta.

9 Dec 10:20 detikfinance 4442190001437144253.html
Skjuter på reformering av Arbetsförmedlingen

Politik Regeringen, Centern och Liberalerna är överens om att skjuta fram reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen i ett år.Reformen ska inte heller vila på lagen om valfrihetssystem (LOV), uppger arbetsma

9 Dec 10:33 www.unt.se 8922556088302777391.html
Microsoft resuelve tus problemas de matemáticas con su nueva aplicación para Android y iOS

El smartphone nos ha resuelto un sinfín de problemas diarios, tanto visibles como invisibles. Desde la incomunicación a no tener algo a mano con lo que...

9 Dec 12:53 Xataka Móvil 8693411058927647390.html
Google announces Assistant integration with Keep to-dos and lists, for the fifth time (Update: Rolling out)

Google Assistant's ability to manage lists has been... less than ideal. When Assistant first went live in 2016, it could add items to a shopping list,

9 Dec 12:26 Android Police 6171356415464611241.html
Samsung prepara una cámara para competir con iPhone

La pelea entre los dos colosos del segmento mobile, Samsung y Apple, está a poco de escribir un nuevo capítulo. Como suele ocurrir en los primeros meses del año, la compañía surcoreana prepara el lanzamiento de su próximo buque insignia, Galaxy S11, que...

9 Dec 11:30 Punto Biz 7504645526525732072.html
Zo leert West Betuwe écht luisteren naar jongeren

Jeugdlintjes, kinderburgemeesters, bezoekjes aan de gemeente en heel veel foto's: jongeren mogen in de meeste Gelderse gemeenten op de een of andere manier meepraten. Volgens het Nederlandse Jeugdinstituut (NJI) is het hiervan belang ingedaald. Maar hoe zorg je dat het niet alleen blijft bij een leuke foto?

9 Dec 14:15 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615055455920.html
UK's former most wanted handed 33 life sentences for sex attacks

A huge manhunt was launched to find Joseph McCann, who had embarked on a string of horrific attacks after being released from prison.

9 Dec 15:23 euronews 7318238121413478211.html
Davi Wornel, intervista esclusiva: «Sogno di duettare con Eros Ramazzotti»

Davi Wornel, cantautore, compositore e produttore, per festeggiare i suoi 13 anni di carriera, ha scelto di raccontarsi in un'intervista esclusiva.

9 Dec 10:56 UrbanPost 2450570492947020232.html
Incidente | Andrea Pasini non rientra | la madre lo trova morto in strada


9 Dec 09:10 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927077575151.html
Boris Johnson audience told not voting for Jeremy Corbyn 'doesn't make you a Tory'

The Conservative Party leader took part in a question-and-answer session with employees at Ferguson's Transport in Washington as the final week of campaigning got under way

9 Dec 17:45 ChronicleLive 1984146902429692917.html
Kraken Adds GBP Support for U.K.; What This Means for Crypto Market

Crypto asset exchange Kraken has added two new options for GBP deposits and withdrawals in attempts to speed up the exchange of funds for users. Related

9 Dec 17:53 NewsBTC 7232133510995389886.html
Nach SPÖ-Bundesparteivorstand – Rendi-Wagner: Startschuss für finanzielle Gesundung der Partei

Deutsch: „Ziel ist Schuldenabbau bis Ende 2025“ - Matznetter: „Brauchen stabilisierende Maßnahmen“

9 Dec 17:13 OTS.at 4182160710414902930.html
Megaharde knal was onweer, 'alsof ze aan het carbidschieten waren in de woonkamer'

De 'megaharde knal' die zondagavond door de hele provincie gehoord is, is onweer geweest. Wel was de ontlading een stuk zwaarder dan normaal.

9 Dec 16:00 RTV Noord 3728677366828928048.html
Suteikta pagalba sunegalavusiam tanklaivio jūreiviui


9 Dec 12:59 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586152621419.html
Russland reagerer kraftig på utestengelse: - Anti-russisk propaganda

Det internasjonale antidopingbyrået utestenger Russland fra OL og VM.

9 Dec 10:15 Bergens Tidende 6643873498714536535.html
Femi Adesina: Millions of Nigerians not bothered about Sowore’s rearrest

Femi Adesina, presidential spokesman, says millions of Nigerians are not bothered about the rearrest of Omoyele Sowore, convener of Revolution Now. Adesina spoke on Sunrise Daily, a Channels Television programme,

9 Dec 13:28 TheCable 7513571674529599187.html
Experten: Sannolikt kommer fler förtalsdomar

Brott Cissi Wallin är den senaste i raden av kvinnor att dömas för förtal efter utpekande namnpubliceringar i samband med metoorörelsen.Domen var väntad och sannolikt lär fler följa, enligt juristen Ä

9 Dec 17:26 www.unt.se 8922556089262680663.html
Ranji Trophy newsfile: M Vijay fined for dissent

Keep this page handy to follow all the latest news updates ahead of the 2019-20 Ranji Trophy season | ESPNcricinfo.com

9 Dec 15:36 ESPNcricinfo 4926159650436103761.html
El criticado homenaje de Ally Brooke a Selena en Miss Universe

No es el primer tributo que la exintegrante de Fifth Harmony realiza a su compueblana, pero el de anoche disgustó a usuarios de redes sociales

9 Dec 17:56 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310682020846.html
"High-tech was a supreme toys-for-the-boys moment"

Continuing our high-tech architecture series, Catherine Slessor looks at how the women in Team 4 helped shape the narrative of the movement.

9 Dec 11:50 Dezeen 1175672637973502575.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife – first trailer for new supernatural comedy with Bill Murray

Long-awaited fourth instalment of the much-loved comedy, which is due to bring back stars of the original 1984 hit for cameo appearances

9 Dec 14:01 the Guardian 1491978796183617248.html
Di maio fa il navigator per gli amici: dario de falco e' stato riciclato nello staff di fraccaro


9 Dec 15:22 DAGOSPIA 6533336739476714548.html
Jeremy Corbyn launches a vicious attack on Donald Trump at a mass rally in Bristol as the Labour leader desperately tries to repeat his 2017 general election surge

Jeremy Corbyn desperately tried to get his campaign back on track today with a vicious attack on Donald Trump as the Labour leader looked to repeat the party's 2017 general election surge.

9 Dec 17:05 Mail Online 124328112670537048.html
NFL coach hot seat tiers: Cowboys' Jason Garrett, Browns' Freddie Kitchens could be fired next

Who will be the next NFL coach to get fired in 2019?

9 Dec 12:22 Sporting News 5110653853037094316.html
Kevin/Marcus Bongkar Kesulitan Jelang Turun di BWF World Tour Final 2019

Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo mengungkap tantangan terbesarnya sebelum tampil di BWF World Tour Finals, Rabu (11/12/19), di Tianhe Gymnasium.

9 Dec 12:40 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550923445336.html
Roberto Verdugo se proclama campeón nacional interino de la Fecombox

Roberto Verdugo venció por decisión dividida a Jesús 'Diamante' Pérez para consagrarse como campeón nacional interino de peso ligero de la Fecombox.

9 Dec 16:21 EL DEBATE 4396150893687031522.html
Black Mask in Birds of Prey: Neue Charakter-Poster & Trailer-Infos der Comic-Con

Auf der Comic-Con in Brasilien wurde der DC-Film mit Margot Robbie als Harley Quinn vorgestellt. Fans vor Ort bekamen einen neuen Trailer zu sehen.

9 Dec 14:50 www.gamestar.de 809832117797403193.html
Grand Solmar at Rancho San Lucas Resort Golf & Spa announces opening of 18-Hole Greg Norman Golf Course

CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO – Grand Solmar at Rancho San Lucas Resort Golf & Spa announce the official opening date of its highly anticipated 18-hole Greg Norman golf course will be February 2020. Located within the exclusive community of Rancho San Lucas, a sprawling seaside 834-acre resort and residential enclave just 15 minutes from Cabo San Lucas’ downtown area, the golf course is set along the areas famed desert landscape with ocean views from every hole for a picturesque and

9 Dec 08:29 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789045556540.html
The Quiet Joys Of ASMR Porn

I am watching a video of the outward crevice of a human’s large intestine. The cavity, exposed in the cold light of day, is isolated from the owner’s body; it pulsates to what sounds like wet dog food squishing in the palm of a hand. It is, at turns, grotesque, then abstract, suggestive of the hungry mouth of a...

9 Dec 13:28 Gizmodo AU 3183561247159212829.html
Motociclista morre após ser atropelado em cruzamento no Santo Eduardo

Um motociclista morreu na madrugada desta segunda-feira (9), ap&oacute;s ser atropelado em um dos cruzamentos na Avenida Capit&atilde;o Marinho Falc&atilde;o, no conjunto Santo Eduardo, bairro do Po&ccedil;o, em Macei&oacute;. O tr&acirc;nsito foi bloqueado nos dois sentidos da via at&eacute; &agrav...

9 Dec 09:21 TNH1 3684351753873399915.html
Orji Kalu will receive full salaries, allowances in prison – Senate

The convicted Chief Whip of the Senate, Orji Kalu, according to the Senate, will continue to receive his salaries and all other allowances, even while serving in prison. The spokesperson of the Senate, Godiya Akwashiki made

9 Dec 12:51 LailasNews.com 2090029849079002550.html
Miguel Díaz-Canel prosigue visita a Buenos Aires

El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, cumple este lunes una visita a Argentina, a donde llegó la víspera para participar en la asunción de Alberto y Cristina Fernández.

9 Dec 13:15 Invasor 6887282889371321662.html
Policisti med varovanjem meje na Ilirskobistriškem zasegli pištoli in nunčake

Policisti so v soboto pri varovanju državne meje na območju Ilirske Bistrice opravili 23 identifikacijskih postopkov. Po poročanju Primorskih novic so obravnavali pripadnike Štajerske varde. Ob tem so zasegli dve pištoli, teleskopsko palico, električni paralizator v obliki boksarja in nunčake.

9 Dec 13:49 Dnevnik 7671546650340621580.html
The mystery of 'murdered' Blackpool man Jason Goldrick - who is classed as a fugitive and may still be alive

He's been classed as missing, found, missing, and murdered in the past month, and now Blackpool man Jason Goldrick is being classed as a missing fugitive.

9 Dec 09:07 The Gazette 1828400564764152900.html
E-Commerce Wajib Pakai Domain .id, Asosiasi: Mahal

WE Online, Jakarta - Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 80 Tahun 2019 tentang Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PPSE) dikritik oleh Asosiasi E-Commerce Indonesia (idEA) pada sejumlah poin di dalam aturan tersebut. Salah satu aturan yang dikritik oleh idEA adalah kewajiban platform menggunakan domain .id pada platform mereka.

9 Dec 10:40 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835105130027.html
Auf Bewährung

Sie wollen sich nicht trennen, nur reden: Die Große Koalition hat den SPD-Parteitag tatsächlich überstanden. Doch weder das neue SPD-Duo noch die CDU-Chefin haben viel Spielraum. Von Wenke Börnsen.

9 Dec 12:39 tagesschau.de 5441171425153636760.html
Den yngste jenta er utenfor livsfare

Den yngste jenta som ble hentet opp av vannet i Tromsø, er utenfor umiddelbar livsfare.

9 Dec 13:54 Dagbladet.no 3042595688337876213.html
DHB-Pokal: "Recken" gegen Melsungen, Kiel gegen Lemgo

Die Halbfinalpaarungen im DHB-Pokal stehen fest. Die TSV Hannover-Burgdorf trifft beim Final Four in Hamburg auf die MT Melsungen, der THW Kiel hat den TBV Lemgo Lippe zum Gegner.

9 Dec 11:06 NDR.de 5356044082689004204.html
Dos delincuentes actuaron sin piedad en un asalto a una pareja de jubilados y uno fue detenido tras volcar

Ocurrió en el barrio La Loma de La Plata. Los ladrones se metieron en el departamento de un edificio a las 5 de la madrugada. Despertaron, ataron y lesionaron a los damnificados. Se llevaron dinero, joyas y un auto. Hay un adolescente detenido

9 Dec 17:18 Infocielo 6573250471615825739.html
Neu al vessant nord del Pirineu

A la resta predominarà el sol Ratxes fortes de vent a molts punts del país

9 Dec 13:30 El Punt Avui 4496725669854166171.html
Abuelas orca menopáusicas ayudan a la supervivencia de sus nietos ballenatos

Exministro fue sentenciado en mayo a 10 años de prisión por lavado de activos.

9 Dec 17:33 Ecuavisa 4017571651147360782.html
Forbes Rilis Daftar Musisi Terkaya Dunia, Taylor Swift Masih Mejeng di Nomor 1 dengan Kekayaan...

WE Online, Los Angeles - Taylor Swift kembali memuncaki daftar musisi berpendapatan tertinggi 2019 versi majalah Forbes. Penyanyi 29 tahun itu tercatat mengantongi pendapatan bruto senilai USD185 juta atau setara Rp2,5 triliun sepanjang periode Juni 2018-Juni 2019.

9 Dec 12:39 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835488760373.html
7 of the Craziest Water Slides around the World

Do you think you are brave? Then why not test your grit on these 7 crazy water slides from around the world.

9 Dec 12:36 Interesting Engineering 7328942540786751799.html
Otwarta droga do budowy siedziby GUM w Kielcach

Podpisana została dziś umowa zamiany nieruchomości przy ul. Wrzosowej i Langiewicza pomiędzy miastem Kielce, a Narodowym Funduszem Zdrowia. Ponad hektarowa działka, do tej pory będąca własnością Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia, stała się własnością stolicy regionu świętokrzyskiego, a nieruchomość obok dawnego szpitalika dziecięcego – własnością NFZ.

9 Dec 15:56 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535299511950.html
Newcastle United transfer news: Magpies said to be 'ahead' of the queue for Macauley Bonne

All the Newcastle United rumours as the Magpies look ahead to the winter window under Steve Bruce

9 Dec 14:45 ChronicleLive 1984146901288670400.html
Heroes Deal with an Important Loss in Crisis on Infinite Earths Episode 2 Promo

Crisis on Infinite Earths Episode 2 will air on December 9.

9 Dec 16:41 SuperHeroHype 7705098697300063619.html
Recensione Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T

Uguale ma diverso questo Redmi Note 8T, rispetto al Redmi Note 8 che ho provato qualche settimana fa migliora leggermente nell’uso quotidiano, diventa un po’ più veloce e aggiunge l’NFC.

9 Dec 12:32 Andrea Galeazzi 1394027501147978335.html
Shocked Bulwell residents speak out about living on the same street as a 'deconstructed meth lab'

Residents described the estate as 'quiet' for families

9 Dec 13:20 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701758252076.html
Neun Jahre nach Fund von Babyleiche: Wer kennt diese Frau?

Im Januar 2011 wurde in einem Altkleidercontainer in Schwarzenberg ein totes Baby gefunden. Nun hat die Polizei ein Phantombild einer Frau veröffentlicht.

9 Dec 11:09 TAG24 4583887873958766783.html
Kim Kardashian, en plan Jurásico

La última excentridad de Kim Kardashian ha sido montar una especie de Parque Jurásico en su propia casa para celebrar el cuarto cumpleaños de su hijo Saint. Una cabeza d

9 Dec 08:30 Las Provincias 5471838389339595494.html
Airport Stuttgart: Acht Minuten für den Abschiedskuss: Flughafen führt Schranke ein

Der Flughafen Stuttgart verlängert die kostenlose Parkdauer für Fahrzeuge auf der Abflugebene.

9 Dec 09:31 swp.de 6929179440461687989.html
Shirley, la baby sitter morta nell'incidente tra un bus e un camion dei rifiuti

Chi era la vittima del tragico schianto di sabato mattina in viale Bezzi a Milano tra un filobus Atm e un camion Amsa

9 Dec 10:53 Today 178378750108666578.html
Temui Ma'ruf Amin, Menag Fachrul Razi Laporkan Kesiapan-Kendala Haji 2020

Menteri Agama Fachrul Razi bertemu dengan Wapres Ma'ruf Amin. Menag melaporkan soal upaya penambahan kuota haji bagi jemaah Indonesia.

9 Dec 12:39 detiknews 8793960223409097191.html
Sempat Melipir ke Zona Merah, Harga SUN Tak Jadi Koreksi

Naiknya harga SUN itu seiring dengan apresiasi yang terjadi di pasar surat utang pemerintah negara lain.

9 Dec 11:00 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213330455292.html
Ramalan Zodiak Cinta Hari Ini Senin 9 Desember 2019, Aries Tenang,Cancer Dengarkan Intuisi Hatimu

Berikut ramalan kehidupan asmara 12 zodiak untuk yang berpasangan Senin 9 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 08:13 Tribunnews.com 3323534445561161392.html
- Den største idrettsskandalen noensinne

Wada har kommet fram til en beslutning. Russland blir utestengt fra alle store konkurranser de neste fire åra.

9 Dec 10:12 Dagbladet.no 3042595686906548380.html
Freilassung von allen Kölnern in der Türkei gefordert

Mit der Erklärung, die etwa Schriftsteller Günter Wallraff und Politiker Jörg Detjen unterschrieben haben, wird die Bundesregierung zum Handeln aufgefordert.

9 Dec 14:06 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569006556717.html
Reggio Calabria, storia del Musaba, parco museo di Santa Barbara [foto]

Reggio Calabria, la storia del Musaba, museo di Santa Barbara, patrimonio della Calabria e dell'Italia

9 Dec 15:47 Tempostretto 3143171742951596168.html
House Judiciary GOP: Where’s the impeachable offense?

House Republicans argued President Trump has not conducted an impeachable offense and said Democrats are trying to eject him for political reasons.

9 Dec 15:12 Washington Examiner 4625792331898244752.html
Microsoft to help Office 365 customers track entire phishing campaigns, not just lone emails

Microsoft rolls out Campaign Views in public preview for Office 365 ATP customers.

9 Dec 17:00 ZDNet 591556593276040030.html
Il duello a distanza tra Gualtieri e Salvini, dal Mes agli asili nido

Il ministro dell'Economia e il leader leghista si sono avvicendati nello studio di "Mezz'ora in più". Ma il 12 gennaio potrebbero sfidarsi in un botta e risposta sui temi economici 

9 Dec 08:58 Agi 2115274224886327414.html
Auto/Recht im Verkehr: Bei Abschleppkosten kann Gericht Höhe schätzen

Wenn das Auto abgeschleppt wurde, kann das sehr teuer werden. Glauben Betroffene, dass ihnen zu viel Geld berechnet wurde, dann lohnt sich der Gang vor ein Gericht.

9 Dec 09:49 Sport1.de 3783641329404311809.html
Brasil assume conselho de entidade que combate a tuberculose no mundo

A presidência do Conselho da Stop TB Partnership, instituição internacional que busca eliminar a tuberculose no mundo, passa a ser do Brasil, a partir desta segunda-feira (9), quando o ministro da Saúde, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, assume o comando do conselho da entidade por um período de três anos.

9 Dec 12:06 Diário dos Campos 7202937203164678033.html
Start Forging Your Own Beskar'gam And More Of The Most Metal Toys Of The Week

Welcome back to Toy Aisle, Gizmodo's regular round up of the best things we’ve seen on the internet this week that aren’t Baby Yoda, because we’ve already blogged those. This week, Hot Toys finds another Spider-Man costume to gorgeously replicate, Lego adds to its line of modular buildings, and at last there’s...

9 Dec 08:43 Gizmodo AU 3183561246411857221.html
‘Threatening’ behaviour towards Smriti Irani: Apologise flatly, govt tells two Congress MPs

They face suspension for five days

9 Dec 17:07 The Hindu 6679535026205061269.html
Pagalba sunegalavusiam tanklaivio jūreiviui


9 Dec 12:59 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887585822561089.html
Problemas con la búsqueda en Google Play: la tienda esconde las aplicaciones nuevas

Tener una tienda de aplicaciones tan enorme como la Google Play Store, con más de 2.870.000 apps listadas (datos de AppBrain), supone una enorme cantidad de...

9 Dec 09:40 Xataka Android 8206963585449942950.html
Miljković izvodio svoja i djela drugih autora

BIJELJINA - Profesor kontrabasa iz Beograda Aleksandar Miljković pokazao je bijeljinskoj publici da ovaj instrument može da bude i solistički, izvodeći na sceni Centra za kulturu "Semberija" repertoar sastavljen od njegovih kompozicija, ali i svima poznatih tema filmske muzike.

9 Dec 14:45 Nezavisne novine 4209150643153593067.html
Uhuru is for us all, Ruto tells Kieleweke

Ruto asks Jubilee leaders to reject politics of hate, chaos and division.

9 Dec 12:19 Daily Nation 7421817123887019617.html
4 Cybersecurity Stocks to Buy for Long-Term Gains

Secular tailwinds underpinning the cybersecurity market remain as favorable as ever, meaning these four cybersecurity stocks are good buys.

9 Dec 13:01 InvestorPlace 24614510834912738.html
The Parable of the Sick Pig and the Lonely Rooster

I still believe that living gently on the land will produce an ecological paradise. I also fear the global collapse of agriculture.

9 Dec 16:00 NY Times 1961078288155227236.html
FDI: Las cifras de alistamiento ultraortodoxo son erróneas debido a tecnicismos

El General de División Moti Almoz, habló del escándalo que rodeaba a las falsas cifras de las FDI sobre el alistamiento ultraortodoxo.

9 Dec 12:46 Noticias de Israel 5887715889436362263.html
Los jóvenes protagonizan la Cumbre del Clima

Grupos de jóvenes piden la palabra en los actos principales de la octava jornada de la COP25 que, en teoría, estaba dedicada oficialmente a las finanzas

9 Dec 10:17 Cadena SER 8390941985627639354.html
Vijf duo's in nieuwe NPO-talkshow Op1

De publieke omroep komt vanaf 6 januari met de nieuwe talkshow Op1 op NPO 1. De presentatie hiervan is in handen van vijf duo's, die ieder een dag van de week voor hun rekening nemen. Op dit moment is duidelijk dat in elk geval Erik Dijkstra en Willemijn Veenhoven, Carrie ten Napel en Charles Groenhuijsen en Sophie Hilbrand en Hugo Logtenberg een presentatiekoppel vormen. De combinatie Giovanca Ostiana en Tijs van den Brink is bijna rond, zei NPO-baas Frans Klein.

9 Dec 13:29 RTL Boulevard 1500115272084785736.html
Cocaina nascosta in auto e in casa, denunciato un operaio di Castelfranco

VEDELAGO – Quando l’hanno fermato in macchina è stato trovato in possesso di 1,5 grammi di cocaina.

9 Dec 11:31 Oggi Treviso 2529403852609511839.html
Photos: Shah Rukh Khan, Karan Johar, Kajol, Vaani Kapoor & other Bollywood celebs attend Rani Mukerji's daughter Adira's birthday

Rani Mukerji and Aditya Chopra were blessed with a daughter in on December 09, 2015. The coupled named their sweet daughter Adira. And today, as their

9 Dec 17:16 The Times of India 6060938664869272951.html
Der VW T2-Bulli als Elektroauto

EV West rüstet einen T2-Bulli aus 1972 zum Elektroauto um.

9 Dec 08:00 MobileGeeks Deutschland 7158733817383539723.html
Quinn finds plenty to like in win, but job status unchanged

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. (AP) — With his job status in limbo, Falcons coach Dan Quinn has no choice but to move ahead as if he will be back next year....

9 Dec 16:26 The Seattle Times 9121942837036365327.html
News des Tages: Meghans Weihnacht ohne die Queen / TV-Koch im Krankenhaus / Bachelor-Baby versteckt

Meghan Markle pfeift auf royale Traditionen und feiert das erste Weihnachtsfest von Sohn Archie so wie ihr beliebt. Wie ihr perfektes Fest ohne Queen Elizabeth II. aussehen soll, hat sich Herzogin Meghan vor langer Zeit überlegt. >> zum Artikel

9 Dec 10:44 news.de 5126378978817126221.html
Oh Jadi Ini Alasan Gerindra Gak Pilih Fadli Zon Jadi Jubir? Terlalu...

WE Online, Jakarta - Juru Bicara Partai Gerindra Ahmad Muzani mengatakan bahwa lima juru bicara partai yang ditunjuk khusus Ketua Umum Prabowo Subianto ialah untuk menyuarakan kepentingan rakyat.

9 Dec 09:20 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834549246439.html
Will protect Northeast, new law won't apply there: Amit Shah on Citizenship Bill in Lok Sabha

Seeing the opposition to the Bill in the Northeast region, the BJP-led government has decided to exempt parts of the area which are under the sixth schedule of the Constitution.

9 Dec 17:33 The New Indian Express 4718288654800855664.html
Aramco erreicht Emissionsvolumen von 29,4 Milliarden Dollar

Der Börsengang des weltgrößten Ölkonzerns Saudi Aramco erreicht den Angaben einer der begleitenden Banken zufolge das Weltrekord-Gesamtvolumen von 29,4 Mrd. Dollar (26,50 Mrd. Euro). Neben den eigentlich angebotenen Anteilen im Volumen von 25,6 Mrd. Dollar würden sämtliche für die Mehrzuteilungsoption (“Greenshoe”) reservierten Papiere verkauft. Wie ist Ihre Meinung?

9 Dec 13:27 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973171484564865.html
National Bid from Ethio Telecom

Invitation to National Competitive Bid (NCB) for the procurement of UR Connector and UY2 connectorFloating Date: As of December 09,2019 RFQ.NO3681901 and 3681902Closing Date: January 9,2019

9 Dec 14:08 New Business Ethiopia 4287479609073341109.html
Destacado músico estadounidense ofrecerá concierto único en Cuba

El músico y pedagogo cubano americano Salomon Mikowsky ofrecerá un presentación única, en La Habana, junto al joven pianista cubano Ahmed Alom en el T...

9 Dec 16:43 cubasi.cu 5416914687999102608.html
Donald Trump ve un progreso con sindicatos en el T-MEC

Muchos progresos en las últimas 24 horas (con los sindicatos), dijo Trump este lunes durante un evento en la Casa Blanca

9 Dec 15:50 EL DEBATE 4396150894420912409.html
Pampering with purpose: How a small B.C. business is helping arctic animals

A small skin care company based out of Mission, B.C. is part of a new set of products for which proceeds go to support arctic environmental causes - Canada's snowy north and its beautiful inhabitants that need help in the face of climate change.

9 Dec 12:34 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497328659603.html
Massive line-up confirmed for Abu Dhabi’s first Ultra Music Festival

Eric Prydz, Major Lazer, DJ Snake and more are coming to the capital

9 Dec 14:46 Time Out Dubai 1956550808504127503.html
Panceta de cerdo asada y marinada con chirimoya y especias

Proponemos un asado rápido elaborado con un corte humilde de cerdo -aunque podemos prepararlo con otra pieza-, lleno de sabores navideños que funciona perfectamente como plato principal.

9 Dec 11:43 El Comidista 5707917588610882514.html
Malanni di stagione: sintomi, cure, prevenzione. I consigli dell’esperto

Il medico di base Cinzia Maria Zurra di MioDottore ci spiega come combattere raffreddore, tosse, mal di gola e febbre: dalla dieta ai vaccini.

9 Dec 11:02 DiLei 6707305200688595631.html
Omplacering av eleverna redan igång

Utbildning Skolinspektionens beslut att stänga Safirskolan innebär att Göteborgs stad snabbt måste hitta nya skolor till de 450 berörda eleverna.Vi har full beredskap, säger utbildningsdirektör Bengt

9 Dec 16:20 www.unt.se 8922556088267703952.html
Glyphosat-Verbot verzögert sich um drei bis 18 Monate

Staatsrechtler Bußjäger spricht von einem "ordentlichen Fehler, der da passiert ist". Umwelt-NGOs sind verärgert, die Landwirtschaftskammer erfreut. Die SPÖ stellt einen neuen Gesetzesantrag im Parlament.

9 Dec 13:00 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442012800564.html
Financial sector clean-up: Government of Ghana waiting on Parliament's approval for GH¢15.6billion bailout

The government of Ghana says it is on course to secure Parliamentary approval for GH¢15.6 billion bailout for the financial sector clean-up.

9 Dec 09:42 Pulse Live 3606876835663915366.html
How the cloud, an army of drones, and 3D mesh is saving the world's vital infrastructure

Bridges in major cities are crumbling and in desperate need of inspection. Technology convergence offers a light at the end of a rickety tunnel.

9 Dec 12:00 ZDNet 591556592833863768.html
AirPlay 2 è stato bucato. Audio multiroom da iPhone anche sui RaspberryPi

Dopo mesi di lavoro un gruppo di sviluppatori è riuscito a fare il reverse engineering del protocollo AirPlay 2: a breve si potrà trasformare un Raspberry in un player compatibile AirPlay 2

9 Dec 09:21 DDay.it 3262344772159343248.html
Rosja wykluczona z letnich i zimowych igrzysk oraz z mundialu w Katarze!

Cztery lata dyskwalifikacji - to kara dla Rosji za gigantyczną aferę dopingową. Decyzja Światowej Agencji Antydopingowej (WADA) sprawia, że sportowcy pod flagą swojego kraju nie wystąpią m.in. podczas igrzysk w Tokio i Pekinie czy piłkarskich MŚ.

9 Dec 11:41 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968169979121.html
Harte Strafe: WADA sperrt Russland für vier Jahre - Keine Teilnahme bei Olympia und WM

Das Exekutivkomitee der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur hat harte Sanktionen gegen Russland verhängt. Grund dafür ist die Manipulation von Doping-Daten aus dem Moskauer Labor. In den nächsten vier Jahren dürfen Athleten des Landes nur unter neutraler Fahne bei Olympia oder WM starten.

9 Dec 11:59 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775609725237.html
Principe Carlo: ecco come reagì alla notizia della morte di Diana

La morte di Lady Diana Spencer avvenne il 31 agosto 1997. Un evento tragico che sconvolse non solo il Regno Unito, ma tutto il mondo. Sono passati più di 22 anni dalla morte della Principessa del popolo, il cui decesso avvenne a Parigi a soli 36 anni. Con lei perse la vita anche l’amante Dodi […]

9 Dec 08:15 KontroKultura 2573504973579655678.html
Tres consejos de seguridad para evitar ataques al comercio electrónico

La Cámara de Comercio de Santiago desarrolló una guía con una serie de recomendaciones. Nosotros le dejamos las que consideramos fundamentales.

9 Dec 12:19 La Cuarta 7037280507479149104.html
China contra ataca e bane uso de tecnologia americana no governo

De acordo com o Financial Times, a China emitiu uma ordem que proíbe utilização de tecnologia americana em todas as instituições governamentais. Todos os...

9 Dec 14:10 4gnews 1809086878306032733.html
Medupi is a fitting symbol of the importance of our SOEs – Ramaphosa

The problems with the construction of Medupi and Kusile power stations account for much of the financial crisis at Eskom, says President Cyril Ramaphosa, but they are a fitting symbol of the importance of the country’s state-owned enterprises.

9 Dec 11:58 CityPress 437075751196717741.html
Monday's Formula 1 news roundup: Lewis Hamilton, Helmut Marko, Daniel Ricciardo

Here, Sports Mole rounds up the latest Formula 1 news on Monday, December 9.

9 Dec 11:39 Sports Mole 7750663361771655532.html
Tensión entre Corea del Norte y Estados Unidos crece por las negociaciones de programa nuclear coreano

Un alto funcionario norcoreano acusó este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 al presidente estadounidense Donald Trump de “farolear” y lo llamó “anciano impaciente” y “errático” en un nuevo pico de tensión alrededor de las estancadas negociaciones sobre el programa nuclear norcoreano.

9 Dec 12:50 El Comercio 2865024640038429124.html
Macri decretó reducción de las contribuciones patronales en la medicina privada

La decisión se tomó por medio de un decreto del Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social.

9 Dec 16:11 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204483446027730.html
La huelga del transporte vuelve a bloquear Francia en pleno pulso por la reforma de las pensiones

Los paros provocaron hasta 600 kilómetros de atascos en las rutas de entrada a París en plena hora punta de la mañana

9 Dec 12:57 Globovisión 5928221752657939467.html
TNPSC Group I Services Main exam result declared at tnpsc.gov.in

The candidates who have cleared the exam are now eligible to appear for the Oral Test, details of which will be released in the near future.

9 Dec 14:36 Scroll.in 8669301693217911501.html
Padre e hijo fueron detenidos por realizar maniobras peligrosas y chocar a otro vehículo en Alem

Se trata de Yonathan A. de 30 y Ricardo A. de 45, quienes además lesionaron a un policía cuando iban a ser alojados en la Comisaría Primera Todo ocurrió en las primeras horas de este...

9 Dec 11:05 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724343051724.html
Silvertips goalie to represent U.S. at World Juniors

Dustin Wolf was selected to the roster that will compete Dec. 26-Jan. 5 in the Czech Republic.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408454608836.html
Spiele zu Weihnachten: 7 coole Geschenkideen für Gamer

Weihnachten steht vor der Tür und Sie wissen noch nicht, was Sie Ihren Liebsten schenken möchten? Wie wäre es mit Spielen, Konsolen oder Laptops?

9 Dec 14:22 RTL.DE 7054729452035098155.html
Broadway hit 'Chicago' coming to Penticton's events centre

The longest running Broadway musical in history is coming to Penticton&rsquo;s South Okanagan Events Centre.The Tony Award winning musical Chicago is coming

9 Dec 15:37 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244828343807.html
Intenso entra e sai caracteriza cargos de confiança do governo federal

Para o presidente do Enap, a alta rotatividade pode levar os servidores a preferirem dar atenção aos contatos políticos do que entregar resultados

9 Dec 15:53 O TEMPO 6069683946359003664.html
Poutine et Zelensky dialoguent mais actent leurs divergences à Paris

Les présidents russe et ukrainien, Vladimir Poutine et Volodymyr Zelensky, sont convenus lors de leur première rencontre lundi à Paris d'une série de mesures pour relancer le processus de paix en Ukraine, mais ont surtout acté leur désaccord sur son volet politique, se donnant rendez-vous dans quatre mois pour tenter de le surmonter.

9 Dec 11:23 FranceSoir 2214281691347598288.html
Kans Bertahan di Liga 1 Besar, PSIS Punya Misi Khusus dalam 3 Laga Terakhir

PSIS Semarang hanya butuh satu kemenangan lagi untuk bisa memastikan diri bertahan di Liga 1.

9 Dec 11:45 Bola.com 1695722604180892755.html
Todos los funcionarios que integrarán el gabinete de Perotti

Asumirán el próximo 11 de diciembre y acompañarán al gobernador electo los próximos cuatro años.

9 Dec 12:38 Punto Biz 7504645527001634500.html
Flyambulansekrisen:– Frykter vi snart opplever dødsfall

Kommunelege Hanne Heszlein-Lossius frykter dødsfall som følge av manglende ambulansefly.

9 Dec 15:54 TV 2 8210067768678017361.html
Sunday Morning Fever? California toddlers hit the dance floor at Baby Rave

OAKLAND, Dec 9 — The dance floor is packed, the disco lights are flashing and the DJ is spinning R&B and pop beats. But this is no sweaty, late-night club. It’s 10 a.m. on a Sunday; the only drinks are in sippy cups, and the energetic dancers have to leave before nap time. This is Baby...

9 Dec 13:45 Malaymail 302165935284850379.html
How to clean grime off your car this winter

In the colder months ridding your car of grit and dirt is essential

9 Dec 15:45 Shropshire Star 3480199993303168345.html
Sardine, Fico: "Spero Movimento resti libero dai partiti"

"L'unico consiglio non richiesto che mi sento di dare" al movimento delle Sardine "è che in questa fase storica è bene che ci sia un movimento che rimanga libero, lontano dai partiti e soprattutto da una sirena che a volte è molto più grave, che è quella della comunicazione a tutti i livelli". Lo ha affermato il presidente della Camera, Roberto Fico, incontrando l'Associazione stampa parlamentare per gli auguri natalizi.

9 Dec 17:06 Adnkronos 2840063645034079969.html
Russland reagerer kraftig på utestengelse: - Anti-russisk propaganda

Det internasjonale antidopingbyrået utestenger Russland fra OL og VM.

9 Dec 10:15 adressa.no 8417332406435088740.html
Review: Tools Up

If I have time to kill on a lazy weekend and I come across a local co-op game in the style of Overcooked, chances are high I'm gonna want to take it for a whirl. That's exactly how I fell into Tools Up, a team-building – and potential...

9 Dec 16:00 Destructoid 5545714967670487569.html
Herrera Ahuad dio a conocer los nombres de su gabinete

El gobernador electo Oscar Herrera Ahuad dio a conocer vía twitter los nombres que integrarán su gabinete 'Informó a la comunidad los nombres de quienes tendrán responsabilidad institucional a cargo de Ministerios y Secretarias...

9 Dec 08:03 El Territorio Misiones 4290701725209550192.html
Setores menos produtivos ganham espaço no PIB brasileiro, por Paulo Gala

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 17:43 GGN 1188436354343896399.html
Juventus entra nos eSports com multicampeão mundial Ettorito; Nedved apresenta time de PES

Pro player italiano lidera trio bianconero completado por Distruttore e Loscandalo. Vídeo de apresentação conta com presença de ídolo da Velha Senhora e hoje vice-presidente do clube

9 Dec 15:28 Globoesporte 3611676019702409539.html
L'invitation au voyage d'Isabel Marant

Un défilé Isabel Marant est toujours l'occasion de prendre le pouls de l'époque. De voir ce qui fait vibrer les filles - et les garçons, depuis...

9 Dec 11:47 lesechos.fr 7327529003220056775.html
Napoli, Ancelotti: ''Valigia allenatore sempre pronta, esonero non mi spaventa''

Contro il Genk al San Paolo gli azzurri cercano il pass per gli ottavi di Champions, a tenere banco però è il futuro del tecnico:

9 Dec 14:17 Repubblica.it 8208867269519994754.html
16 Intense Historical Photos That Made the Whole World Hold Its Breath

Our parents and grandparents had lots of unforgettable moments in the past. Fame, victory, hard work, and fighting for their rights were intense but worthy. In this article, you can see some of these episodes of their lives that became not just memories, but history.

9 Dec 11:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263656627792138.html
NZD momentum finally reflected in positioning – ING

As per the CFTC data for the week between 27 Nov-3 Dec, the New Zealand dollar net speculative positions dropped by 13% of open interest, and is now a

9 Dec 14:25 FXStreet 4480975638701069070.html
Comienzan a definirse los campeones de los Juegos Intermedios del Valle del Cauca

Avanza con éxito la edición 2019 de los Juegos Intermedios del Valle del Cauca que se realizan de manera simultánea en Cali, Palmira y Cartago.En fútbol sala, el equipo de Indervalle se coronó campeón del torneo luego de vencer este domingo  2-0  Cali TV,  sub campeón a la postre, mientras que Maxí Noticias se ubicó tercero al ganar por W a Tiempo del Hincha.En billar pool, la periodista Ana Milena García Domínguez, Deporte en Común TV, Revista Maratón y Contacto Deportivo, se hizo a la medalla de oro al vencer en la final a Nicol Trujillo de Magazín del Valle, quien se colgó la presea de plata.El metal de bronce le correspondió a Patricia Acosta, Magazín del Valle, quien ganó a Clara Inés Yucumá de ESPN.En billar carambola libre la medalla de oro fue para Silvio Zamora Ramírez, de Dinas Sports, El Súper Combo del Deporte y Contacto Deportivo, quien venció en la final a Pool Andrade del programa Logros.John Jairo Orrego, ganó el bronce tras vencer a Alex Gómez Salinas del programa El Punto Deportivo Este lunes…

9 Dec 08:00 www.elpais.com.co 2266963348083913135.html
Eine Sperre, über die Russland lacht

Die Welt-Doping-Agentur sperrt Russland für vier Jahre von allen Sportevents. Ein wichtiger Fingerzeig - aber mehr auch nicht. Die Kompromisslösung erlaubt Athleten unter neutraler Fahne weiterzumachen und Staatsdoping in Russland dürfte so ein neues Schlupfloch finden.

9 Dec 14:32 n-tv 6802689754171348948.html
Rosalía y el look de maquillaje natural que le ayuda a resaltar sus facciones

Rosalía ama experimentar con sus outfits y looks de belleza, pero hay un estilo de maquillaje que siempre suele usar, y ese es el no makeup-makeup look que se caracteriza por tener un acabado radiante y natural.

9 Dec 10:29 Wapa.pe 6757287088730001984.html
Russland reagerer kraftig på utestengelse: - Anti-russisk propaganda

Det internasjonale antidopingbyrået utestenger Russland fra OL og VM.

9 Dec 10:15 Aftenbladet 8753034802920777418.html
M&S shares jump after Goldman Sachs hikes rating

Shares in Marks & Spencer jumped this morning after investment bank Goldman Sachs hiked its stock rating following improvement in the retailer’s troubled clothing and home division.

9 Dec 12:15 City A.M. 6389894491671737789.html
Burna Boy, Stefflon Don share passionate kiss on the street

'African Giant' and Grammy Award-nominee, Burna Boy and his girlfriend who he said in an interview is his wife are not letting off steam of their romance.

9 Dec 09:53 Vanguard News 4125100340192965029.html
Unless Honda provide a good engine it won't be enough for Verstappen next season

Honda proved many critics wrong in 2019, but Jacques Villeneuve has been critical of their engine power. The Canadian believes Honda will lose power if they try to make their engines last more than seven races.

9 Dec 11:00 GPblog.com 9117728199967869386.html
Encuentran 16 cadáveres en fosa clandestina en Irapuato, Guanajuato

Autoridades del estado realizan las investigaciones correspondientes para determinar la causa del deceso, tiempo que llevan muertos y la identidad de las 16 v&iacute;ctimas.

9 Dec 13:34 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623141203369.html
The Government Has Taken At Least 1,100 Children From Their Parents Since Family Separations Officially Ended

Border Patrol agents, untrained in child welfare, decide that some parents are unfit to stay with their children based on brief interactions in detention.

9 Dec 15:56 The Intercept 3645855240537520402.html
Actor Okon Lagos shows off unbelievable body transformation

Nollywood comic actor Okon Lagos, has taken his fans and followers on social media by surprise after sharing a photo of his massive body transformation.

9 Dec 12:19 Legit 3764253649547545598.html
Dozens of States Want to Keep America’s Broken Climate Promise

States still aiming to meet U.S. climate commitments will reduce emissions 20 to 27 percent below their all-time high by 2025, a new report card shows.

9 Dec 15:13 The Atlantic 100708437375403467.html
Two Members of Juice Wrld’s Entourage Arrested For Carrying Guns

Two bodyguards protecting the rapper Juice Wrld at the time of his dramatic death Sunday have been arrested on gun charges, police said.The 21-year-old rising star, whose real name was Jarad Anthony Higgens, died after suffering a “medical emergency” while making his way through Chicago’s Midway International

9 Dec 11:23 Yahoo 7097669638854223258.html
Paris-based Ankorstore, the B2B marketplace redefining retail, raises €6 million to expand across Europe

Just two weeks after ​Ankorstore’s official launch, the Paris-based startup has closed their first round of funding at €6 million, led by Global Founders Capital, Alven and Aglaé Ventures. Over the next few months, Ankorstore ​plans to triple its workforce​, by hiring developers, business developers and customer support.

9 Dec 13:20 EU-Startups 1488873443490649819.html
ERC descarta el acuerdo con el PSOE antes de Navidad y lo visualiza en enero

La portavoz y secretaria general adjunta de ERC, Marta Vilalta, ha descartado este lunes en rueda de prensa que puedan llegar a un acuerdo con el PSOE para...

9 Dec 12:34 Europa Press 4702666148998761202.html
National Crafts Museum: Away from Delhi’s chaos, history in all its glory

One of the hidden gems of Delhi, National Crafts Museum stands out for its collection of rich handicrafts, textiles, sculptures and large village abodes.

9 Dec 11:24 The Indian Express 2885715105037194853.html
Pitso: A Beautiful Game Like This Deserves Goals

Pitso Mosimane has revealed his assessment of their 0-0 draw against Wydad Casablanca, saying that a game of that quality was worthy of goals.

9 Dec 12:10 Soccer Laduma 3901337371956821385.html
Shah Rukh Khan speaks about the impact of the #MeToo movement

The film industry has continued to render its support to the Me Too Movement ever since it started over a year ago. While the movement has been around longer, it impacted the Indian film industry only a while back. Talking about how the West influenced victims to speak up, superstar Shah Rukh Khan shared his thoughts over the movement and its impact. He said, “It started from there… in the West and it gave voice to women to come out and talk about something that may have happened some years back… It gave them enough support to come out with their stories.”

9 Dec 12:05 Filmfare.com 6668806039130296198.html
Rosenblatt spews specs for six 'iPhone 12' models while reiterating Sell rating on AAPL shares

Rosenblatt Securities said Monday it believes Apple is working on as many as six different "iPhone 12" models -- including 'Plus' and 'Max' size variants of its 'Pro' series -- but nonetheless reiterated its sell rating on the company's shares, predicting impending share losses in China that won't be helped by a so-called 'iPhone SE 2.'

9 Dec 13:50 AppleInsider 3257742452469617353.html
BoA lives a New York City life in teaser for upcoming single 'Starry Night' featuring Crush

BoA is gearing up to release a new song with R&B singer Crush!On December 10 at midnight KST, SMTOWN released a music video teaser for her upcomin…

9 Dec 15:22 allkpop 3249686060870812323.html
Centurion Floods: What You Need To Know

JOHANNESBURG – Torrential rains and flooding in Gauteng on Monday led to the closure of several roads in Centurion and Mamelodi in Tshwane. The province has been experiencing heavy downpours since last week, with the South African Weather Service warning at the weekend that the rainfall would continue at least until Wednesday. **HERE’S WHAT WE […]

9 Dec 17:55 iAfrica 8834711024565408267.html
FAES detuvo a dos hombres con 40 panelas de marihuana

Fueron capturados Jonny Jonjairon Acosta Gaitán y José Antonio Acosta Barreto

9 Dec 15:49 Últimas Noticias 6811287209968080938.html
1 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

The eruption sent a plume of steam and ash about 12,000 feet (3,660 meters) into the air.

9 Dec 08:32 An-Nahar 2220466263783710956.html
‘Our Beaches Are Not Ashtrays’ Anti-Litter Campaign Launched On Cape Town Beaches

“Our Beaches are not Ashtrays” is the message of a public awareness drive targeting Cape Town beachgoers over the busy festive season. The campaign is an initiative of tobacco company Philip Morris SA, and is supported by the City of Cape Town and the Clean C NGO, which runs regular beach-clean-ups along the coastline on […]

9 Dec 12:21 iAfrica 8834711024295303950.html
Bellerín se lesiona en el calentamiento

El lateral español Héctor Bellerín se lesionó este lunes en el calentamiento previo al encuentro de Premier League ante el West Ham United.El español partía de titular en el duelo disputado en el Estadio Olímpico, pero tuvo que ser sustituido por Ainsley Maitland-Niles antes de que comenzara el partido.Bellerín está teniendo una temporada marcada por los problemas físicos, debido a que comenzó el año fuera por la lesión en el ligamento cruzado que sufrió la campaña pasada. EFE

9 Dec 17:30 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124712442280.html
Paco Gento: Demanda de paternidad contra la veterana leyenda del Real Madrid

Se trata de una mujer de 59 años, que vive en Andalucía y que, según su testimonio, jamás fue reconocida por el futbolista

9 Dec 13:32 La Vanguardia 8061072700077164872.html
Exiled Bangladeshi Writer Derides ‘Conservatives’ Enjoying Bollywood Stars’ Erotic Songs

New Delhi (Sputnik): Controversial writer and feminist Taslima Nasreen, who was expelled from Bangladesh for taking on “fundamentalist Islam” through her writings, is currently living in exile in India.

9 Dec 16:40 Sputniknews 967333869649092739.html
Asia Argento: altezza, figli, news e Instagram dell'attrice

Scopriamo qualcosa in più su Asia Argento: l'altezza, i figli, le news che la riguardano e il profilo Instagram dove seguire l'attrice.

9 Dec 14:39 Novella 2000 6951116781249142067.html
The unappealing fate of the WTO’s Appellate Body

Unless there is a massive U-turn by the US, the institution will grind to a halt

9 Dec 11:38 Financial Times 707176889772019361.html
Olympic swim champ Schooling vows to 'fix' physique after SEA Games flop

The 24-year-old Singaporean famously beat his idol, US legend Michael Phelps, at the Rio 2016 Olympics in the 100m butterfly final, but finds himself out of form and out of shape just seven months away from Tokyo.

9 Dec 14:04 Saudi Gazette 6913978434933123496.html
Verbijstering in België door Preud'homme: 'Schandalig, hoe kan je dit goedpraten'

Michel Preud'homme heeft voor ontzetting gezorgd in België. Standard Luik kreeg zondag in de uitwedstrijd tegen Royal Excel Moeskroen (2-2) twee rode kaarten, maar de trainer nam het na afloop op voor 'daders' Paul-José Mpoku en Mehdi Carcela. De twee aanvallers van Standard Luik gingen zwaar over de schreef, maar Preud'homme vond het allemaal wel meevallen. "Dat zijn aanvallers die gefrustreerd waren, omdat ze in de omschakeling elke keer neergehaald werden", reageert de Standard-trainer tegenover Sporza.

9 Dec 13:53 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884960170507.html
I'm A Celeb queen Jacqueline Jossa puts wedding ring back on

The Eastenders star's win was overshadowed by accusations her husband had cheated on her.

9 Dec 15:35 Metro 970161748282351881.html
Pound-New Zealand Dollar Forecast: Fighting to Hold 2.0 Level

There is a distinct possibility that GBP/NZD does in fact go lower as foreign exchange markets engage in 'buy the rumour, sell the fact' behaviour on the election result.

9 Dec 12:35 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579506825457417.html
'Hats off to KCR, cops': Jagan Reddy lauds Telangana encounter

In some countries, the Andhra CM claimed, perpetrators of such crimes would be instantly shot dead.

9 Dec 16:56 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363042248394.html
Sherina Munaf Temani Baskara Mahendra di FFI 2019

Ini bukan kali pertama Sherina Munaf dan Baskara Mahendra terlihat bersama.

9 Dec 16:00 liputan6.com 3414318497756765009.html
Mulheres sauditas já podem entrar em restaurantes pela mesma porta que os homens

Estabelecimentos eram obrigados por lei a terem uma entrada para "famílias", ou seja, mulheres que estivessem sozinhas ou com homens que fizessem parte da sua família e crianças, e outra para "homens solteiros".

9 Dec 16:58 SÁBADO 5711459692832193615.html
Receita exigirá CPF/CNPJ nas encomendas e remessas internacionais

A partir de 1º de janeiro de 2020, a Receita Federal do Brasil vai exigir que todas as encomendas e remessas internacionais possuam a identificação do CPF/CNPJ/Número do Passaporte do destinatário para ter o despacho aduaneiro iniciado. As informações são da Agência Brasil. A falta dessa informação poderá acarretar a proibição da entrada da encomenda e sua devolução ao exterior ou destruição, nos ...

9 Dec 16:59 Campo Grande News 7902463001744393072.html
IPTV: regalo di Natale con prezzi pazzeschi su Sky e DAZN ma ci sono le multe

Il mondo IPTV è ritornato alla grande con tanti sconti ma soprattutto con tantissimi problemi per gli utenti che si fanno beccare in flagrante

9 Dec 10:20 tecnoandroid 2573257128311773238.html
Trabajador muere tras caele poste en la cabeza, en Mazatlán

El hombre fue identificado como Ramón Genaro N. de 43 años y es trabajador de una empresa de instalaciones eléctricas

9 Dec 14:39 EL DEBATE 4396150893613042848.html
Finlandia elige a la primera ministra más joven del mundo, con un gabinete liderado por mujeres

Sanna Marin, de 34 años y perteneciente al partido Social Demócrata, fue nominada al cargo el domingo

9 Dec 11:12 Granma.cu 7847343384489827460.html
Revelan primer tráiler de "Ghostbusters: Afterlife"

Ha salido a la luz el primer tráiler de "Ghostbusters: Afterlife", la secuela dirigida por Jason Reitman, hijo del director de la versión original

9 Dec 12:23 EL DEBATE 4396150894599313479.html
Reasons to say Bah Humbug! at Christmas

Ebenezer Scrooge had it right. There is so much palaver about Christmas these days that we should just skip it altogether.

9 Dec 08:15 IrishCentral 7319968745322006243.html
Rosanna Davison reveals meaning behind baby Sophia’s name

The model recently welcomed her first child with husband Wes Quirke

9 Dec 10:56 GOSS.ie 8755536025491217477.html
Finse Sanna Marin (34) de jongste regeringsleider ter wereld


9 Dec 14:32 FunX 667513810956962661.html
World Anti-Corruption Day: Graft masters rake in Sh300 trillion annually

Kenya has been plagued by a long list of corruption scandals which are yet to be resolved

9 Dec 11:11 The Standard 5587226195747573120.html
Temperaturi mult mai ridicate fata de normal - prognoza meteo pe doua saptamani

In urmatoarele doua saptamani vom avea parte de vreme calda, cu temperaturi peste normalul perioadei, conform prognozei meteorologilor pentru perioada 9 - 22 decembrie.

9 Dec 14:46 Ziare.com 1922730286152699092.html
How long it takes for condoms, birth control pills, and other types of birth control to expire

Using birth control beyond its expiration date puts you at risk of an unexpected pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection.

9 Dec 15:39 Business Insider Australia 5575934301872420068.html
Russia banned from Olympics, World Cup through 2022 in doping scandal

WADA handed down a four-year ban to Russia from international sporting events after a panel recommended RUSADA be declared non-compliant again.

9 Dec 12:09 Sporting News 5110653854237225740.html
Descartan que haya supervivientes tras erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

"Con la información que tenemos, no creemos que haya ningún superviviente en la isla", indicó la policía; al menos cinco personas murieron por la erupción del volcán Whakaari

9 Dec 16:07 El Universal 4964748197854688651.html
Gran fiesta de River por la conmemoración de la Libertadores ganada en Madrid

El Millonario festejó con todo la final ganada a Boca en 2018. River vivió una gran fiesta al cumplirse un año de la obtención de la CONMEBOL Libertadoers 2018. Con todo el plantel de auqella epopya finalizada en Madrid, incluso el Pity Martínez. Además, Gallardo le habló a los hinchas y contó junto a ellos.

9 Dec 13:18 eju.tv 4688901770126210167.html
Nuevos testigos declaran en el proceso de destitución de Trump

Los demócratas trabajan en la formulación de los cargos para el juicio político contra Trump.

9 Dec 10:28 Diario La Prensa 7797091975616329146.html
Evidence of New X17 Particle Reported, but Scientists Are Wary

Could the mysterious particle be our window into studying dark matter?

9 Dec 11:45 Scientific American 532798824890821956.html
Tanwir: I would marry Hazara girls to Pashtoon men if I was in power

Afghan politician Mohammad Halim Tanwir has said in a gathering, if he was in power he would have married Hazara girls to Pashtoon men for the social equality.

9 Dec 09:16 The Khaama Press News Agency 6015320584374507928.html
Link Live Streaming Final Bulutangkis SEA Games 2019

Saksikan final bulutangkis perorangan SEA Games 2019. Ada tiga wakil Indonesia yang tampil di final.

9 Dec 10:06 Bola.com 1695722603201016081.html
Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia 2019, Ketua KPK Sorot UU Hasil Revisi

KBRN, Jakarta : Memanfaatkan momentum Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia 9 Desember, Mantan Kepala Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) yang saat ini duduk sebagai Ketua Komisi

9 Dec 10:28 RRI News Portal 6700853645675893134.html
5 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

Both New Zealanders and overseas tourists were among those who were dead, missing or injured.

9 Dec 12:00 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203947221311.html
Sterlina dollaro: scenario rialzista per i prossimi mesi

Fra giorno 11 e 12 dicembre le principali Banche centrali (FED e BCE) decideranno sui tassi. Non si  attendono sorprese ma frattanto l'euro, di breve

9 Dec 14:59 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261102290496.html
Erdogan critica a Israel y pide a los musulmanes que se unan contra Occidente

En un discurso ante la Organización de Cooperación Islámica, el presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, criticó a Israel y llamó

9 Dec 16:47 Noticias de Israel 5887715890017812933.html
I sacchetti Esselunga per il pane dove si buttano? Nella plastica, nella carta, nell’organico o nell’indifferenziato? La scelta di Coop

Dove si buttano i sacchetti utilizzati nei supermercati per il pane? La loro peculiarità è che hanno

9 Dec 12:18 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737331355028243.html
Trabajadores dejan en ridículo al secretario de Transporte de Macron en la TV francesa

El jueves 5, tras la histórica jornada de huelga general en Francia contra la reforma previsional de Macron, un trabajador ferroviario y una trabajadora del metro enfrentaron y dejaron en ridículo y sin argumentos al ministro de Transporte en uno de los programas de televisión más vistos de la tarde.

9 Dec 08:45 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557630401995109.html
Mallorca - Die vielfältige Perle

Ob zum Segeln, Golf spielen oder einfach nur die Seele baumeln lassen: Mallorca ist die ideale Destination für kurze und auch längere Ausflüge in wärmere Gefilde.

9 Dec 12:05 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325085264813334.html
Hanno un nome i panda gemelli di Berlino

Cento giorni dopo la nascita, in linea con la tradizione cinese, hanno un nome i due panda gemelli nati nello zoo di Berlino il 31 agosto scorso: si chiamano Meng Xiang, che significa "sogno desiderato", e Meng Yuan, "sogno realizzato", e sono stati presen... (ANSA)

9 Dec 11:17 ANSA.it 1300837447368998239.html
Things to consider to avoid falling for a car recall scam

If there is a genuine recall, a car manufacturer won’t collect your car themselves, as the liability and risks are too high.

9 Dec 11:17 Lowvelder 3143322320199084880.html
Doubles joy makes it triple gold for Malaysia’s badminton campaign

MANILA, Dec 9 — National doubles pair Aaron Chia and Soh Wooi Yik completed a memorable day on the courts for the 30th SEA Games Malaysian badminton team after delivering the gold medal in the men’s doubles final here today. What was even more sweeter was that their 18-21, 21-15 and 21-16 win...

9 Dec 13:27 Malaymail 302165934797206241.html
Strafsenat sperrte St. Pöltens Luan für zwei Spiele

Der Strafsenat der Fußball-Bundesliga hat St. Pöltens Verteidiger Luan für zwei Spiele gesperrt. Ein weiteres Match ist der Brasilianer bedingt gesperrt, wie die Liga am Montag bekannt gab. Luan fehlt den Niederösterreichern damit in der letzten Runde vor der Winterpause zuhause gegen Altach sowie in der ersten im Frühjahr erneut daheim gegen die Admira.

9 Dec 17:06 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083974090561.html
Birds of Prey Is Bringing Together More Than the Iconic Girl Gang From the Comics

Harley Quinn just wants some fucking coleslaw.

9 Dec 17:00 io9 4262154051090060241.html
Caroll Spinney, puppeteer behind Big Bird, Oscar, dies

Caroll Spinney, the puppeteer who created Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch during 50 years on the children's television show Sesame Street has died aged 85

9 Dec 09:06 The New Daily 5848147785898891994.html
Hospital Loayza: 220 madres con VIH tuvieron hijos sanos gracias a antirretrovirales

Más de 220 gestantes portadoras del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) lograron tener hijos sanos en el hospital Arzobispo Loayza en los últimos ocho años, gracias al tratamiento antirretroviral que permite embarazos sin riesgo de transmisión, informó el Ministerio de Salud (Minsa).

9 Dec 10:41 andina.pe 9054036848575681906.html
The US has become one of the lowest-taxed countries in the world. Here are the 6 other nations with the smallest tax burdens.

The US tax burden slid to among the lowest for major global economies in 2018. It now sits above just Ireland, Chile, and Mexico, according ...

9 Dec 16:16 Business Insider 3364799146959478249.html
Kontrowersyjne polskie mapy w serialu Netflixa. Stowarzyszenie grozi sądem

Stowarzyszenie Patria Nostra wezwało Netflixa, by w serialu historycznym usunął błędy dotyczące lokalizacji niemieckich nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych i zagłady. Stowarzyszenie żąda, by Netflix zamieścił informację, iż wspomniane obozy zakładane były przez Niemców na terenie okupowanej Polski.

9 Dec 15:58 Polsat News 9031932297000188372.html
Legislación, terapias y hoguera de libros

Las noticias más relevantes de Jalisco, México, Deportes, Entretenimiento & Tecnología

9 Dec 09:00 El Informador 103545929359770646.html
1:3-Heimniederlage: Black Bears Freising rutschen auf Rang neun ab

Keine Punkte gab‘s am Sonntag für die Black Bears Freising: Sie verloren ihr letztes Heimspiel in der Landesliga-Hauptrunde gegen Bayreuth mit 1:3.

9 Dec 12:47 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239649238154.html
Story to be told

Teenager Sonia Srinivasa’s autobiography on living with albinism is being made into a film

9 Dec 12:22 The Hindu 6679535025639637387.html
La odisea del Deportivo Abanca: nueve horas en autocar y directas a entrenar

Varias jugadoras de la Primera Iberdrola todavía sufren una alarmante falta de recursos mientras luchan por un convenio

9 Dec 11:00 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958476791414.html
First 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' trailer entrusts Ecto-1 to Egon's grandkids

'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' finally gets a full-length trailer.

9 Dec 11:14 Engadget 96641515487823867.html
Syrian president's uncle stands trial over 'ill-gotten gains' empire in France

The uncle of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stood trial in Paris on Monday accused of pumping tens of millions of pounds of &ldquo;ill-gotten gains&rdquo; into a vast property empire for himself and his extended family.

9 Dec 17:59 The Telegraph 140598092775762317.html
Dielnimmers Liet International 2020 yn Noard-Sleeswyk

De 20 dielnimmers fan de 13e edysje fan Liet International 2020 op 3 en 4 april 2020 yn it Deenske Apenrade/Aabenraa binne bekend. 45 lieten binne ynskreaun foar Liet International 2020, it sjongfe…

9 Dec 08:37 It Nijs 6358186641782425424.html
Luca Parmitano dallo spazio: «Venezia patrimonio di arte, storia e cultura»

 Dopo aver parlato con i premi Nobel lo scorso fine settimana, Luca Parmitano torna a pubblicare foto della Terra. Questa volta l'astronauta dell'Agenzia spaziale europea (Esa) rende...

9 Dec 14:17 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446309782722.html
Amour peut vraiment rimer avec toujours

Thérapeute conjugal depuis trente ans, le Québécois Yvon Dallaire donne ses clés pour faire durer le couple et le faire durer joliment

9 Dec 08:44 Le Temps 2634224218167680194.html
Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije: Branko Stefanović nije ni vlasnik niti je zaposlen u GIM-u

Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije saopštila je danas da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića, nije ni vlasnik ni zakonski zastupnik, niti zaposlen po bilo kom osnovu u privrednom društvu GIM, kao i da nije bio angažovan u tom preduzeću na bilo koji način od njegovog osnivanja.

9 Dec 08:18 Dnevni list Danas 649654640830258778.html
Usai Periksa Ade Armando, Polisi akan Gelar Perkara Kasus Joker Anies Baswedan

Saat ini, Yusri mengatakan, kepolisian tengah menyelidiki unsur-unsur di pasal yang dikenakan pada Ade Armando. Setelah nantinya gelar perkara selesai, polisi akan menghadirkan saksi ahli terkait dengan kasus tersebut.

9 Dec 17:15 merdeka.com 1998180355255657188.html
EU unveils €3bn research fund to develop batteries

Seven member states to invest in the project which is set to run until 2031

9 Dec 10:18 Financial Times 707176889546927849.html
Rusia es vetada por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje de toda competición deportiva

Todo el deporte ruso se encuentra suspendido de toda competición deportiva por 4 años incluyendo Juegos Olímpicos y Mundial de Qatar 2022 por manipulación de resultados en  pruebas de antidoping así lo informó la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje. 

9 Dec 10:56 EL DEBATE 4396150894063847317.html
Spesialis Runner-Up, Berapa Kali Timnas Indonesia ke Final SEA Games?

Timnas U-22 Indonesia kini tinggal selangkah lagi untuk mengunci medali emas sekaligus menjadi jawara di ajang SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:04 BolaSport.com 4603768437207793102.html
Spieler aus Mansfeld-Südharz wird zum Millionär

Sachsen-Anhalt hat einen neuen Lotto-Millionär. Bei der bundesweiten Nikolaus-Sonderauslosung, bei der drei Mal eine Million Euro extra verlost wurden, gewann ein Spieler aus dem Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz, wie Lotto-Toto Sachsen-Anhalt am Montag in Magdeburg ...

9 Dec 13:03 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109642698408.html
Napoli-trainer Carlo Ancelotti: “Tegen Genk moeten we onze negatieve spiraal doorbreken”

Napoli moet dinsdag op de zesde en laatste speeldag van Champions League-groep E, thuis tegen KRC Genk, nog vol aan de bak om zijn plek in de achtste final...

9 Dec 14:03 De Standaard 2288913867673258368.html
L’intervista a marco saletta, general manager di sony interactive italia


9 Dec 12:17 DAGOSPIA 6533336739291572562.html
Paolo Guerrero, mensaje de agradecimiento y ¿despedida?

El delantero peruano compartió un posteo en sus redes sociales donde se dirigió a la hinchada del Inter de Porto Alegre para agradecer el apoyo de siempre. ¿Jugará en Boca?

9 Dec 12:15 TyC Sports 3239944749683492889.html
WADA: Rosja wykluczona z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i zimowych w Pekinie

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku w związku z aferą dopingową w tym kraju - poinformował rzecznik prasowy WADA.

9 Dec 11:36 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696134770663247.html
Anziano uccide la moglie malata e si toglie la vita a La Spezia

Genova, 9 dic. (askanews) – Dramma della disperazione nel centro di La Spezia. Un pensionato di circa 75 anni ha sparato alla moglie, uccidendola e poi si è tolto la vita, rivolgendo l’arma contro se stesso, in un appartamento di corso Nazionale. Secondo una prima ricostruzione, i corpi senza vita dei due coniugi, entrambi gravemente […]

9 Dec 14:41 Askanews 298649739803483602.html
Aide of former King provides a ‘tonne’ of historical documents

Documentation Centre of Cambodia (DC-Cam) director Youk Chhang considers the new documents on contemporary Cambodian history, especially during Pol Pot’s Democratic Kampuchea regime provided by Julio A Jelres as very valuable.

9 Dec 16:06 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115610813740.html
El secreto de Leonardo da Vinci

El secreto de Leonardo da Vinci

9 Dec 08:53 cubasi.cu 5416914688098225516.html
Will Lyft Stock Be Boosted by Lyft’s Spectacular Performance?

The performance of LYFT, at least relative to expectations, has been spectacular in recent quarters. But Lyft stock has struggled badly.

9 Dec 15:24 InvestorPlace 24614510563300243.html
A dos días de la asunción de Kicillof, los legisladores bonaerenses toman su juramento

Con la puja por la elección de autoridades latente, la legislatura bonaerense renueva hoy sus bancas

9 Dec 14:35 Diagonales 4932342256877394724.html
Nuova viabilità a La Giustiniana: incontro pubblico in XV

In merito a quanto sta accadendo in Via della Cappelletta della Giustiniana e dintorni, il Presidente del Municipio XV, Stefano Simonelli, informa che

9 Dec 13:50 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342618121884687.html
India: Analysing the fiscal impact of income tax cuts – Standard Chartered Bank

Economist at Standard Chartered Bank offered their take on the fiscal impact of an expected personal income tax cut – aimed at boosting consumption de

9 Dec 08:29 FXStreet 4480975638633712257.html
Tanzania to free 5,500 inmates from overcrowded prisons

President John Magufuli on Monday ordered that around 5,500 inmates be freed from Tanzania's overcrowded prisons at a ceremony to mark the anniversary of the country's independence from colonial rule. The populist president, who has publicly expressed both sympathy and derision for the country's prison population, announced the mass pardon at an event marking Tanzania's national day. 

9 Dec 17:43 WION 1570469242128986296.html
Rosja wykluczona z igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i w Pekinie

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku. Ma to związek z aferą dopingową w tym kraju.

9 Dec 11:46 RMF24 3758900158379322288.html
K'taka bypolls: With 12 seats Yediyurappa retains govt, Cong sees fallout

Modi called the by-polls in Karnataka "extraordinary", one which would decide whether the BJP government would stay or go.

9 Dec 13:25 Business-Standard 1502508926338892023.html
LA film critics name Parasite year’s best film

The critics group convened Sunday in Los Angeles and announced their awards on Twitter, a few days after their New York counterparts chose The Irishman as their best film of 2019. The LA critics selected Martin Scorsese’s mafia epic as their runner-up.

9 Dec 12:42 The Indian Express 2885715104733157222.html
Risky business: Why gov’t made sure Manila Water, Maynilad would earn

Part 2: What is 'onerous' now was logical before. Rappler looks at the history of how government enticed the private sector to take over water services.

9 Dec 13:32 Rappler 1882105643677197136.html
Kit Harington was the only 'Game of Thrones' star nominated for a Golden Globe, and Emilia Clarke fans are outraged, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The final season of HBO's hit fantasy show was snubbed in all other categories, sparking debate among people who watched the divisive series' ending.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:51 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756078940537.html
Trabajadores dejan en ridículo al secretario de Transporte de Macron en la TV francesa

El jueves 5, tras la histórica jornada de huelga general en Francia contra la reforma previsional de Macron, un trabajador ferroviario y una trabajadora del metro enfrentaron y dejaron en ridículo y sin argumentos al ministro de Transporte en uno de los programas de televisión más vistos de la tarde.

9 Dec 08:45 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731344609637.html
Away Warns Employees Not To 'Like' Or 'Fave' Article Detailing Execs' Psycho Behaviour

If we’ve learned nothing else this year, it’s that behind every breezy inspirational lifestyle brand advertising vast sunny horizons lurks a demon tyrant draining the sweat and blood of Millennial urbanites slaving day and night in the miserable dungeons of Slack....

9 Dec 08:39 Gizmodo AU 3183561247469456872.html
Exjefa de Familia se lanza por alcaldía de Aguadilla

Cuenta con el apoyo de figuras como su exjefe Luis Fortuño, quien envió un mensaje en video.

9 Dec 11:27 Primera Hora 5092966653654281061.html
Dietitians Say to Meal Prep These 3 Plant-Based Proteins on Sunday to Lose Weight All Week

A dietitian recommends these three plant-based sources of protein to meal prep on Sundays.

9 Dec 13:05 POPSUGAR Fitness 1694745613734438367.html
Peregrine Ventures raises more than €103 million for its fourth fund, to invest in MedTech startups

Peregrine Ventures, an Israeli MedTech venture capital fund, just closed its fourth fund, Peregrine 4, raising €103 million. Their partners include some of the leading institutional and private equity investors from Israel, the United States, Europe and Australia. 

9 Dec 11:24 EU-Startups 1488873442809405634.html
Se registra explosión de material pirotécnico en San Juan Sacatepéquez

Cuerpos de socorro trasladaron a un hospital a por lo menos tres personas.

9 Dec 12:39 Publinews 8987875304415798117.html
Španci oslobodili krivice 36 fudbalera, srpski reprezentativac izbegao zatvor!

U čitavu priču je uključen i nekadašnji fudbaler Partizana.

9 Dec 15:45 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496445522420.html
"KG" statt "TU": Klosterneuburg erhält eigenes Kennzeichen

Die Einspruchsfrist des Verkehrsministers endete - die Umsetzung soll ab April 2020 erfolgen.

9 Dec 14:31 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440368103870.html
Wall Street consolide avec la Chine

Wall Street hésite ce lundi, sur fond d'inquiétudes relatives notamment à l'économie chinoise et à l'impact de la guerre commerciale...

9 Dec 17:00 Boursier.com 7351227820277838268.html
ECB to leave the interest rates unchanged this week – Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank analysts suggest that the market is expecting no changes in interest rates from the ECB this week but the meeting will be closely watche

9 Dec 10:50 FXStreet 4480975639131288395.html
Eight things you probably didn’t know about new FIRS chairman, Nami

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday approved the composition of a new board for the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), subject to...

9 Dec 17:23 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901099861456.html
Administración de EPN favoreció con contratos de la L3 a dos grupos empresariales

La administración del ex presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, marcada por escándalos de corrupción, favoreció con contratos de la Línea Tres del Tren […]

9 Dec 14:02 Notisistema 1929539245373016203.html
Leïla Slimanis Beichte einer Sex-Süchtigen

In "All das zu verlieren" erzählt die französische Autorin von einer traurigen Antiheldin.

9 Dec 09:00 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440600270740.html
New Zealand volcano: Island too 'dangerous' for rescuers | IOL News

New Zealand police said they did not expect to find any more survivors from a volcanic eruption that killed at least five people.

9 Dec 12:32 www.iol.co.za 17825112205937743.html
Microsoft encerra suporte ao Windows 10 Mobile

Empresa não irá mais desenvolver atualizações para o sistema operacional, nem mesmo de segurança. Loja de aplicativos segue funcionando

9 Dec 13:40 Olhar Digital 416591715138363480.html
Maura Higgins explains why she might not be tuning into Love Island next year

Maura also revealed that the Dancing On Ice contestants share a WhatsApp group.

9 Dec 17:52 Breaking News 4415806919514281531.html
Departamento del Tesoro de EEUU sanciona a Gustavo Vizcaíno y Juan Carlos Dugarte, director y ex-director del Saime

09-12-19.-El Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos sancionó este lunes a Gustavo Vizcaíno Gil y Juan Carlos Dugarte vinculados al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y acusados de una supuesta tr...

9 Dec 17:48 Aporrea 8480488500725107378.html
Grease, Rob Beckett, Romesh Ranganathan and more: New shows announced at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre for 2020

Wolverhampton Grand Theatre has announced nine new shows, including Grease, Rob Beckett, Romesh Ranganathan and more.

9 Dec 15:08 Express & Star 7324224460214076252.html
Marian sale de La Voz Kids y su mensaje de despedida conmueve a Lucero

Tras haberse ausentado luego de haber sufrido un terrible accidente que le desprendió el cuero cabelludo, Marian no pudo pasar a la siguiente ronda y así se despidió de sus compañeros y su coach, Lucero

9 Dec 11:56 EL DEBATE 4396150893209034203.html
Rai - Milan, la Roma fiuta il possibile colpo Bonaventura a costo zero

In casa Milan sta tenendo banco la questione legata al rinnovo di Giacomo Bonaventura, in scadenza al termine della stagione e per cui ancora non è arrivata un’offerta concreta. Come riportato da Rai Sport, in caso di mancato rinnovo con i rossoneri ci sarebbe la Roma, che ha già fiutato il possibile colpo a costo zero.

9 Dec 13:26 MilanNews.it 6507305922127554376.html
Bergomi ottimista: "Napoli può passare girone come prima, per Liverpool non sarà facile"

"Il Napoli passa il turno? Secondo me sì e credo anche che potrà farlo da primo del girone".

9 Dec 10:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079608016022.html
Einwallner erfreut über Vier-Parteien-Einigung bei „AsylwerberInnen in Lehre“

Erfreut zeigt sich SPÖ-Sicherheitssprecher Reinhold Einwallner über die Vier-Parteien-Einigung betreffend „AsylwerberInnen in Lehre“. „Dieses Ergebnis, wonach AsylwerberInnen in Österreich eine …

9 Dec 14:42 OTS.at 4182160712258524115.html
Family's tribute to 'wonderful' father as they honour his last wish

Tributes have been paid to a

9 Dec 16:38 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151179463267.html
Strache: "Partei­basis soll über mein Schicksal entscheiden"

Das Schiedsgericht dürfe nicht als „Beratungsgremium missbraucht" werden, kritisiert Ex-FPÖ-Chef Strache. „Das wäre so, wenn der Vollstrecker sich vorher von der zweiten Instanz beraten...

9 Dec 11:59 Die Presse 6242788854331447926.html
Watch: Olga Tokarczuk’s powerful Nobel Lecture

In it, she touched upon her childhood, the need to narrate a story well and the problem that we are facing now.

9 Dec 08:47 The Indian Express 2885715105205903828.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

The threat level was raised last month following an increase in activity.

9 Dec 13:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991828711238.html
White Island: Tourist hotspot and New Zealand’s most active volcano

The uninhabited and privately owned volcanic island is about 50 kilometres off the mainland in the Bay of Plenty.

9 Dec 17:18 Shropshire Star 3480199991574874566.html
'Jelle Vossen neemt deze beslissing over transfer naar KV Mechelen'

Jelle Vossen (30) zit al een tijdje op een zijspoor bij Club Brugge. Het is daarom niet uitgesloten dat de spits in januari andere oorden opzoekt.

9 Dec 16:00 Voetbal24 8097814616367185136.html
Daniel Craig Helped Design the Omega Watch James Bond Wears in No Time to Die

Omega has been making watches for James Bond for the past 25 years, ever since producers ruled that a partnership with Rollex made less sense than one with Omega, and they switched it up. To mark the occasion, the latest installment, No Time to Die, will see the debut of a watch Daniel Craig helped design.

9 Dec 13:06 autoevolution 6471576454238831812.html
Commerzbank: Neues Update der App bringt Apple Pay | iTopnews

Neben der Sparkasse warten vor allem auch Commerzbank-Kunden auf Apple Pay.

9 Dec 10:38 www.itopnews.de 222669968649986568.html
UBook Chuwi è stato aggiornato: l'alternativa economica a Microsoft Surface Go | MobileLabs

Uu Chuwi 2 in 1 è appena stato aggiornato, ottenendo una nuova CPU, scheda grafica, più RAM e memoria interna: ecco il rivale conomico di Surface Go.

9 Dec 13:09 Tom's Hardware 6640147069808566962.html
100 uur taakstraf voor oorlogsheld Marco Kroon

Wegens kopstoot en 'schennis van de eerbaarheid' tijdens carnaval

9 Dec 12:37 ThePostOnline 3048418757356720387.html
South Asian Games: Ankit Khatana, Kalaivani Srinivasan lead India to six boxing gold medals

While Manish Kaushik settled for a silver medal, Vinod Tanwar (49kg), Sachin (56kg) and Gaurav Chauhan (91kg) won gold medals. In the women's category, Parveen (60kg) took the gold too.

9 Dec 15:39 The Indian Express 2885715104387308715.html
Trennung nach vier Monaten: Thomas Doll verliert Trainer-Job

Thomas Doll hat nach nur vier Monaten beim zyrischen Rekordmeister Apoel Nikosia verloren.

9 Dec 13:07 TAG24 4583887874858397529.html
Radna grupa Vlade za Poštu apelovala na radnike da prihvate ponudu

Radna grupa Vlade Srbije za "Poštu Srbije" apelovala je na radnike u tom javnom preduzeću da prihvate ponudu o...

9 Dec 16:06 N1 Srbija 7797130865983962421.html
Berlim ignora demanda para batizar filhotes de panda de Hong e Kong

Apesar de preferência popular por nomes em apoio a protestos de Hong Kong, pandas nascidos no Zoológico de Berlim são batizados de Meng Xiang e Meng Yuan. "Não fazemos política com animais", diz prefeito da capital.

9 Dec 17:49 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514212791839254.html
La sociedad Anthony Davis-LeBron James dispara a los Lakers

Davis anotó 50 puntos ante los Timberwolves y James le secundó con 32 para dejar al equipo de Los Angeles con la mejor marca de la...

9 Dec 09:25 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959400278794.html
When They See Us misses out on Golden Globe nominations and fans are fuming

What were they thinking?

9 Dec 17:21 Metro 970161748979536140.html
Got a Showoff in the Office? Here's How to Manage Their Behavior

It doesn't always happen just because of an overactive ego.

9 Dec 09:29 Inc.com 8604986416644064302.html
Feuerwehrmann totgeprügelt! Kripo-Chef: "Der Schlag war unvermittelt, mit voller Wucht von der Seite und tödlich"

Die Augsburger Polizei hat die Gruppe junger Männer gefasst, die für den Tod eines Feuerwehrmannes in Augsburg verantwortlich sein sollen. Auf der...

9 Dec 13:15 RTL.DE 7054729451965381921.html
A partir del 16 de diciembre venezolanos necesitarán visa para entrar a República Dominicana

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Mirex) informa que, a partir del dia 16 de diciembre de 2019, a los nacionales de la Republica Bolivariana de Venez

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264753611845.html
NK Tik Tok: wedstrijdje rond razend populaire app

Misschien zegt het u iets, misschien zegt u het niets. De app TikTok. Museumpark Orientalis in Heilig Landstichting organiseert tijdens hun jaarlijkse Feest van Licht het eerste Nederlands Kampioenschap Tik Tok.

9 Dec 10:11 Omroep Gelderland 9177932614622644915.html
Russia banned from 2020 Tokyo Olympics for doping scandal

The World Anti-Doping Agency executive committee banned Russia from competing for the next four years, which will leave them out of the next two Olympic Games.

9 Dec 13:54 Washington Examiner 4625792332226781163.html
Umjesto markama, zaprežna kola platili dinarima

SRBAC - Policijski službenici Policijske stanice Srbac uhapsili su N.A. iz Vukosavlja za kojeg se sumnja da je prilikom kupovine zaprežnih kola umjesto 150 KM, vlasniku prevarom platio 150 dinara.

9 Dec 10:01 Nezavisne novine 4209150642168432617.html
Umjesto markama, zaprežna kola platili dinarima

SRBAC - Policijski službenici Policijske stanice Srbac uhapsili su N.A. iz Vukosavlja za kojeg se sumnja da je prilikom kupovine zaprežnih kola umjesto 150 KM, vlasniku prevarom platio 150 dinara.

9 Dec 10:01 Nezavisne novine 4209150641903918477.html
Freddie Ljungberg: Arsenal boss insists club can finish in top four despite poor form

Freddie Ljungberg, Arsenal interim manager, has exuded confidence the side can still make top four despite a poor run of results in recent weeks.

9 Dec 09:38 Legit 3764253649538951770.html
Audiometria é indispensável no diagnóstico e tratamento de problemas auditivos

A avaliação audiológica determina a integridade do sistema auditivo e identifica tipo, grau e configuração da perda auditiva em cada orelha

9 Dec 08:43 Folha Vitória 4941883426821556595.html
Das Warten auf den ganz großen Durchbruch

Diese Woche startet die Darts-WM in London. Die Erwartungen der Fans an Max Hopp sind hoch, der Idsteiner geht vor dem großen Turnier allerdings auf Tauchstation.

9 Dec 14:32 hessenschau.de 6403292204593530653.html
PHOTOS: You won’t believe What South Africa Miss Universe Winner Was Up Against

SA Miss Universe Winner Zozibini Tunzi made history after beating other beauties from around the world to become Miss Universe for 2020.

9 Dec 10:17 iHarare News 2755902708075383150.html
Woman opens shop selling black dolls as a way to cope with grief

She's hoping to make male dolls too.

9 Dec 10:33 Metro 970161747832108314.html
Las pymes catalanas pierden peso como motor de la contratación indefinida

Las pymes catalanas han reducido la contratación indefinida en los diez primeros meses de 2019, cambiando la tendencia de los últimos años, aunque se mantienen como motor de los contratos fijos, ya que representan el 81,34% del total, según el IV Informe de la situación económica y laboral de la pyme catalana, elaborado por Fepime, la patronal de las pymes integrada en Foment del Treball.

9 Dec 12:04 elEconomista.es 9051559959527603860.html
Sanna Marinin valinta Suomen pääministeriksi on otsikoissa ympäri maailman

Suomen liikenne- ja viestintäministeri Sanna Marinin valinta sosiaalidemokraattien pääministeriehdokkaaksi herättää huomiota kansainvälisessä mediassa. Kun eduskunta lähipäivinä äänestää Sanna Marinin pääministeriksi, tulee 34-vuotiaasta poliitikosta todennäköisesti maailman nuorin istuva pääministeri.

9 Dec 09:23 SVT Nyheter 8475792989847537471.html
Jika Bisa Kalahkan Vietnam di Final, Katanya Timnas U22 Bisa Ulangi Sejarah

WE Online, Manila - Kapten Timnas Indonesia U22, Andy Setyo, Nugroho, siap mengulangi sejarah di Stadion Rizal Memorial. Sejarah yang dimaksud adalah membawa Timnas U22 meraih medali emas SEA Games 2019 di yang sama, layaknya para senior mereka yang pernah dibuat pada 1991.

9 Dec 13:49 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834241624445.html
Honig-Check: Bei 84 Prozent kein Hersteller

Die Landwirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich nahm die Herkunftskennzeichnung von 55 Honigen aus dem Supermarkt unter die Lupe. Johannes Schmuckenschlager, Präsident der LK NÖ, und Josef Niklas, Obmann-Stellvertreter des NÖ Imkerverbandes, fordern mehr Transparenz und eine lückenlose Herkunftskennzeichnung der Produkte.

9 Dec 15:32 NÖN.at 2486998931682105650.html
Syriëganger Victor D. vandaag in hoger beroep tegen zes jaar cel

In de beveiligde rechtbank van Rotterdam begint vandaag het hoger beroep tegen de veroordeling van Syri&euml;ganger Victor D. (32) uit Heeten. D. kreeg in 2018 een zesjarige gevangenisstraf opgelegd vanwege onder meer lidmaatschap van een terroristische organisatie, volgen van een gevechtstraining en het voorhanden hebben van wapens.

9 Dec 12:00 RTV Oost 6509131170502135621.html
Frank Cuesta arremete contra Greta Thunberg y sus seguidores:

El presentador de ‘Wild Frank’ critica de nuevo a la activista sueca tras bautizarla como “Gretus Amargatus”

9 Dec 09:27 La Vanguardia 8061072700196795944.html
Japan PM Abe says visit by Iran’s Rouhani being arranged

Abe, who has developed friendly ties with Trump, traveled to Iran in June in an unsuccessful effort to encourage Iran and the U.S. to hold talks to reduce tensions.

9 Dec 13:24 An-Nahar 2220466262079061040.html
Primabalerina Neli Beliakaitė laukiasi pirmosios atžalos

Baleto žvaigždė, balerina Neli Beliakaitė su vyru, verslininku Vytu Brusoku gyvena džiugiomis nuotaikomis. 41-erių metų gimtadienį atšventusi moteris visai netrukus susilauks pirmosios atžalos.

9 Dec 17:27 Žmonės 2740718164163282558.html
Endesa da otra oportunidad al uso de biocarburantes en la central de As Pontes

La eléctrica reevaluará con Xunta y Concello los resultados de las últimas pruebas

9 Dec 16:18 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612591494561.html
Lo nuevo de Microsoft es una app para Android que resuelve operaciones matemáticas por ti

Así puedes resolver operaciones matemáticas usando solo la cámara del móvil gracias a la nueva app de Microsoft: ya puedes descargar Microsoft Math.

9 Dec 15:01 Andro4all 8652186060299118763.html
Eintracht-Trainer Adi Hütter holt die Feile raus

Adi Hütter, Coach von Eintracht Frankfurt, arbeitet intensiv an den Schwachstellen und will gerade im Offensivspiel seiner Mannschaft einiges verändern.

9 Dec 15:30 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322170316456.html
House of mafia:1 solo indirizzo a londra per tutte le mafie-dagli eredi di riina ai colletti bianchi


9 Dec 12:02 DAGOSPIA 6533336739527994454.html
Tariff hikes to double telcos' Ebitda: Crisil

In the last few weeks, Airtel, Vodafone and Jio have increased their tariff- a first since 2016.

9 Dec 15:09 The Economic Times 7653256037677179908.html
SMCP: Oddo abaisse son objectif de cours

SMCP a annoncé la révision de son objectif 2019 de marge d'Ebitda ajusté principalement en raison de la forte détérioration du marché à Hong Kong.SMCP - 09/12/2019 11:44

9 Dec 10:44 ABC Bourse 2538693399097281541.html
How to share a YouTube channel on desktop or mobile, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - You can share a YouTube channel easily on your computer and mobile device. The easiest way is to simply copy and paste the channel's URL.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:49 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757602707742.html
"Star Trek"-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist gestorben

Der aus der Kultserie ' Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' bekannte US-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist tot. Er sei am Sonntag gestorben, hieß es auf seiner Homepage und auf seinem Twitter-Profil.

9 Dec 11:52 T-Online 5460876211662903980.html
Se desata la controversia por video viral de mujer aventando la silla de ruedas de un hombre

Al final del video viral se puede observar como el hombre baja de la banca con ayuda de sus brazos y va tras su silla de ruedas, la cual estaba a una distancia considerable.

9 Dec 09:09 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623727897189.html
Haití y RD investigan estatus de vehículo incautado a jefa de consulado haitiano

Haiti y Republica Dominicana estableceran el estatus del vehiculo que fue detenido en el fin de semana, en el que viajaba la jefa del consulado haitiano en

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264582802854.html
WhatsApp revueva sus llamadas y ahora lucirán de esta forma

WhatsApp cambiará la forma de hacer llamadas en los dispositivos Android. Desde ahora todos los usuarios disponen de las famosas llamadas en espera y así puedes activarlo en la aplicación.

9 Dec 14:10 Publimetro Perú 5349571042420138332.html
Rifiuti all’ingresso della chiesa di Gesù e Maria: depositati cumuli di immondizia

Il problema degli sversamenti abusivi in città ha assunto proporzioni emergenziali e oramai non c’è rispetto neanche per i luoghi di culto

9 Dec 10:50 ilGiornale.it 5019541225120539099.html
Espire 1: VR Operative review

Despite having all the right gadgets, this VR stealth game is no superspy.

9 Dec 13:03 PC Gamer 9149753394665466002.html
It was vintage Malcolm Turnbull on Q&A as Tony Jones bowed out

The show was a fitting nostalgia trip for Tony Jones and the show’s creator Peter McEvoy on their last run on the Q&A paddock.

9 Dec 17:19 The Age 7967730562197951866.html
Ulang Tahun Ke-30, Ryana Dea Dapat Kado Dibungkus Kresek Hitam dari Suami

Usia Ryana Dea Genap 30 tahun pada Sabtu (7/12) lalu. Di hari kelahirannya, Ryana mendapat hadiah yang sangat mengejutkan. Ada sebuah barang yang dibungkus kantong kresek hitam dari sang suami, Puadin Redi.

9 Dec 11:30 Cumicumi.com 7480087988834438208.html
Nearly 1,000 tourists stranded in New Zealand town following landslides

Authorities say road access to Franz Josef is not likely to be restored until Friday

9 Dec 08:31 The Irish Times 8204772969260878601.html
Mike Pompeo: Europa debe poner la seguridad en primer lugar con el 5G

Los ministros de comunicaciones de la UE se reunirán en Bruselas el martes 1 para debatir cómo proteger las redes inalámbricas emergentes de

9 Dec 16:25 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536137879985.html
Quieren transformar una polémica zona pegada al Centro Cívico

Ya hay financiamiento para el proyecto de la Municipalidad de la Capital que buscará en la próxima gestión crear un concentrado de restaurantes donde hoy está la ex Villa Ferroviaria.

9 Dec 10:24 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157408452779.html
Los Arreola responden a Poniatowska, carta desde Guadalajara

El 23 de noviembre, Excélsior publicó una entrevista con la escritora respecto de su libro El amante polaco.

9 Dec 17:14 Excélsior 859179359991692683.html
DOJ watchdog finds no bias in launch of Trump-Russia probe, but uncovers ‘significant’ FBI errors

The Justice Department’s inspector general, in a long-awaited review concerning the origins of the Russia investigation, determined that the FBI complied with policies in launching the politically explosive probe -- but also flagged "significant concerns with how certain aspects of the investigation were conducted and supervised."

9 Dec 17:41 Fox News 7362823820047241830.html
Plusieurs arrestations en Corse après les attentats du printemps

Onze personnes ont été interpellées en Corse dans le cadre des attentats commis au printemps, en marge de la visite d’Emmanuel Macron

9 Dec 11:38 www.20minutes.fr 6446520674938178091.html
Droga, Lamorgese: «In consiglio dei ministri inasprimento delle pene per i pusher»

Giro di vite nei confronti dei pusher. Lo annuncia il ministro dell'Interno Luciana Lamorgese, a Torino per la firma dell'Accordo per la sicurezza integrata. «Noi siamo per la certezza...

9 Dec 17:31 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447391331977.html
Estudo permite reflectir sobre desenvolvimento de programas de intervenção nas crianças

No âmbito da realização de um estudo sobre habilidades pessoais, sociais e emocionais em crianças da ilha do Porto Santo, levado a cabo pelo Investiga...

9 Dec 08:10 dnoticias 6968432065710474736.html
Jovem guarda-redes descreve clima de terror na Academia de Alcochete 

Luís Maximiano, guarda-redes do Sporting com 20 anos, presta esta segunda-feira depoimento no julgamento da Academia de Alcochete. Através de vídeoconferência a partir do Tribunal do Montijo, o jogador disse que assim que teve início a invasão, houve uma tentativa de fechar as portas dos balneários, mas os agressores conseguiram entraram.

9 Dec 11:20 JN 6956494302605167328.html
Rotes Kreuz Basel neu für Koordinationsstelle des Kantons zuständig

Für die Koordinationsstelle Freiwillige für Flüchtlinge des Kantons Basel-Stadt (KOFF) und der Christoph Merian Stiftung (CMS) ist ab dem 1. Januar 2020 das Schweizerische Rote Kreuz Basel zuständig. Dieses löst in dieser Funktion die Offene Kirche Elisabethen ab.

9 Dec 12:22 bz BASEL 5287163742592902083.html
Darum haben am Samstag in vielen Orten die Sirenen geheult

Im Dezember 2019 wurden in vielen Orten in NRW Sirenen getestet. Was es zu beachten gibt und was die Töne im Ernstfall bedeuten, lesen Sie hier.

9 Dec 08:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569563393909.html
'Nieuwe' Van Gogh vanaf volgende week in het Drents Museum te zien

De Van Gogh die het Drents Museum onlangs samen met het Van Gogh Museum heeft gekocht, is vanaf volgende week dinsdag voor het publiek te zien. Het museum is die dag langer open. De toegang is die dag voor iedereen gratis.

9 Dec 15:22 RTV Noord 3728677367494230057.html
Eén op de vijf bedienden overweegt lager loon in ruil voor droomjob

De Belgische bediende is over het algemeen erg tevreden met zijn job. Dit komt voornamelijk door de jobinhoud en de goede sfeer en relaties met de collega’s. Loon komt pas op de derde plaats voor het bepalen van het werkgeluk. Dat blijkt uit een grootschalige enquête door rekruteringsbedrijf Robert Half bij de Belgische bedienden. Dé

9 Dec 08:00 Zita 7484176338852974634.html
Netflix's 'Marriage Story' Leads Golden Globe Nominations With 6

Other films that will compete in the best drama category are war drama '1917,' comic book villain film 'Joker,' 'The Irishman' and papal story 'Two Popes'

9 Dec 13:50 Haaretz 1431421788701517448.html
"I figli della frettolosa", sul palco una riflessione sul tema della diversità

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 15:23 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206237013834.html
Here’s why Ranveer Singh has shifted from his house

Ranveer Singh is currently flying high on success. The last few years have simply been outstanding for the actor both in terms of performances as well as the box-office numbers. In his last release Gully Boy, the actor played a boy from the slums who dares to dream big and also backs himself to achieve that dream. Ranveer has now began shooting for his Yash Raj project. Jayeshbhai Jordaar. A source close to the project informed us that he has also shifted base while he shoots for the film. As Jayeshbhai Jordaar will be shot at Goregaon Film City in Mumbai, Ranveer has shifted from his Prabhadevi home where he stays with his superstar wife Deepika Padukone and is staying at his Goregaon home until he wraps up his schedule of the film.

9 Dec 17:00 Filmfare.com 6668806038176871624.html
Come fare per non pagare il canone Rai senza violare la legge

Visto che alcuni modi per non pagare il canone RAI esistono e siamo noi a dover informare il Fisco, vediamo come fare per risparmiare i nostri soldi.

9 Dec 10:45 tecnoandroid 2573257127107092282.html
Bachelet asegura que informe de la ONU por derechos humanos en Chile está "a punto" de ser entregado al Gobierno

Así lo señaló la alta comisionada tras ser consultada al respecto en Madrid, en el marco de la COP25.

9 Dec 15:28 Emol 3328490602789217636.html
Lizzo Twerks In A Thong At LA Lakers Game And Sparks Controversy — See The Revealing Video

Is Lizzo going too far with her message of body-confidence? Some say yes after she twerked in a thong and revealed a good portion of her backside at

9 Dec 14:48 Celebrity Insider 265863475482350060.html
La Consob oscura 4 nuovi siti

Sale così a 98 il numero dei siti oscurati da luglio scorso, da quando cioè Consob ha acquisito il potere di ordinare l'oscuramento dei siti.

9 Dec 10:14 Trend Online 3268043280268102003.html
Gentiloni: "Patto di stabilità risale agli anni della crisi, ora va adeguato"

Gentiloni da Bruxelles: “Il patto di stabilità risale alla crisi, oggi bisogna cambiarlo”

9 Dec 10:04 Affari Italiani 6123405402849049563.html
Amanda Holden hails This Morning presenters for 'taking on' Phillip Schofield in new swipe at her TV foe

She's spoken out on the latest round of tabloid allegations

9 Dec 15:47 Entertainment Daily 8392972516760371721.html
Opinion: Who will be crowned the Lucia of the Brexit election?

Does a Swedish symbol of light herald the end of the saga of Brexit, asks British writer and PhD student Sarah Campbell in this opinion piece for The Local.

9 Dec 13:10 THE LOCAL se 5989194980968369340.html
Se acaba el tiempo: Semana clave para definir el futuro de Jorge Valdivia en Colo Colo

En estos días debería quedar resuelta la situación del 10 para bien o mal. La duración de su nuevo contrato asoma como la única traba.

9 Dec 12:18 Dale Albo 4082402098863003686.html
FableStreet raises ₹21 crore in Series A led by Fireside Ventures

FableStreet, a premium work wear brand for women, has raised ₹21 crore in Series A led by Fireside Ventures.Industry honchos, including Pradeep Parameswaran, President for Uber India and South Asia; D

9 Dec 15:02 BusinessLine 5283600497718342.html
Boris Johnson takes reporter’s phone after refusing to look at photo

The Prime Minister tried to steer the focus of the interview on to Tory NHS funding.

9 Dec 14:12 Express & Star 7324224460795549868.html
Russia sporting ban: World Anti-Doping Agency confirm Russia ban from major events including Olympics and World Cup but not Euro 2020

Russia has been banned from major international sporting events for four years after being found guilty of manipulating laboratory doping data.

9 Dec 11:31 Sporting Life 7709795076410234118.html
Un médico resume en nueve consejos cómo actuar ante una parada cardiorrespiratoria

En un hilo de Twitter, el pediatra Alberto García analiza una escena ejemplar de reanimación cardiopulmonar.

9 Dec 12:23 Verne 1524630731243247176.html
‘Uomini e Donne’, dopo i rumours di un ritorno di fiamma con Giordano Mazzocchi, Nilufar Addati fa chiarezza sulla sua situazione sentimentale!

Nelle ultime settimane si sono fatte sempre più insistenti le voci secondo le quali l’ex tronista Nilufar Addati e la sua scelta Giordano Mazzocchi, dopo essersi separati quasi un anno fa, fossero tornati nuovamente insieme.

9 Dec 12:00 Isa e Chia 8427750812477843565.html
Conte: a gennaio la verifica, serve chiarezza

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – A gennaio la maggioranza di governo dovrà fare una ‘verifica’ su “cronoprogramma” e “priorità”, perchè l’obiettivo dell’esecutivo è il 2023. Lo ha detto il premier Giuseppe Conte, parlando con i giornalisti al Tempio di Adriano a Roma. “Ritengo – ha spiegato – che ogni cosa abbia il suo tempo. In […]

9 Dec 17:48 Askanews 298649740819735001.html
Kanye West Glows Up In Silver Body Paint For "Mary" Opera

Kanye West painted himself silver for his new opera "Mary" during a performance in Miami

9 Dec 16:00 AllHipHop 727666872228339285.html
How long breast milk can sit out on the counter versus how long you can store it in a refrigerator or freezer

Being hooked up to a breast pump is a reality for many new mums. But like any other milk in the fridge, your breast milk can, and will, go bad.

9 Dec 15:58 Business Insider Australia 5575934301124077199.html
United of Manchester, los hijos descontentos del Old Trafford

United of Manchester es un equipo que nació en 2005 tras el descontento de aficionados del Manchester United tras la compra del club por los Glazer

9 Dec 10:26 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830850203258.html
Unzufriedene Kunden: Salt mit neuer Fernbedienung für den Apple TV

Die einen mögen sie, die anderen hassen sie: Die Rede ist von der Fernbedienung für den Apple TV. Ich nutze sie selbst und kann die Kritik verstehen.

9 Dec 15:55 mobiFlip.de 5208441547965943551.html
Boy, two, is regularly mistaken for a DOLL because of a rare condition that causes his skin to shed every day

WARNING, GRAPHIC IMAGES: Michal Winton, from Derby, has harlequin ichthyosis which causes plates of thick dry skin. His mother said strangers are surprised to see he is a real boy when he moves.

9 Dec 11:02 Mail Online 124328112371056099.html
Hero MotoCorp to hike motorcycle, scooter prices from January 1

Hero MotoCorp's portfolio includes affordable motorcycles like Splendor, HF Deluxe, as well as premium offerings like Xtreme 200S and Karizma ZMR. The company also markets scooters including Maestro Edge 125, Pleasure, Destini 125 and others

9 Dec 16:16 Business Today 1145527432019669288.html
Lata Mangeshkar’s photos from her recovery go viral as she returns home hale and hearty

After battling with Pneumonia for almost a month, legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar was discharged from the hospital on Sunday.

9 Dec 15:22 The Times of India 6060938663493607414.html
Lunga vita alla salsiccia di Bra, celebrata nel Festival Bra’s

Grande soddisfazione nelle parole del sindaco Gianni Fogliato e del direttore Ascom Luigi Barbero per il successo della manifestazione andata in scena al Movicentro dal 6 all’8 dicembre, dedicata alla regina del food braidese

9 Dec 15:46 Targatocn.it 7367208849681344249.html
Saudi International Motor Show 2019 begins today

Saudi Arabia’s newly merged bank is reaffirming its commitment to inclusivity to mark UN’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities, observed globally on Dec. 3. For more than 10 years, Alawwal Bank and SABB have helped thousands of disabled people in the Kingdom, now as one bank, it aims to take new steps to further this legacy of support. 

9 Dec 13:09 Arab News 8912634262829797554.html
Quarter of world's arms sales from European companies: SIPRI

The UK, France, Italy, and Germany were Europe's biggest arms sellers last year but remain behind Russia and the US.

9 Dec 17:41 euronews 7318238121760601730.html
Sociaal plan Proximus goedgekeurd: 1.341 banen sneuvelen

De christelijke vakbond ACV-Transcom heeft tijdens een bijeenkomst van het paritair comité het sociaal plan over een herstructurering bij Proximus goedgeke...

9 Dec 12:31 De Standaard 2288913867533707235.html
Bernie Sanders Staff Member Who Posted anti-Semitic, Homophobic Tweets ‘No Longer With Campaign’

The Republican Jewish Coalition in a statement issued on Friday afternoon called on the Sanders campaign to fire Darius Khalil Gordon

9 Dec 11:52 Haaretz 1431421787703574281.html
5 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

The island has seen an uptick in volcanic activity in the past few weeks

9 Dec 15:45 North Delta Reporter 5327740411070568860.html
5 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

The island has seen an uptick in volcanic activity in the past few weeks

9 Dec 15:45 Bashaw Star 2864261459164715420.html
KMT leads DPP in Taiwan legislator-at-large election

Han Kuo-yu trails Tsai Ing-wen by 4.7 percentage points based on poll of 7,000 Taiwanese netizens.An online poll revealed by Yahoo News on Dec. 9 showed that Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) leads the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) by 4.7 percentage points in the January election.

9 Dec 09:53 Taiwan News 4737573344195137848.html
Oroscopo della settimana dal 9 al 13 dicembre: cosa dicono i segni zodiacali

Oroscopo settimanale: amore, lavoro, salute e segni favoriti. Le previsioni dell’oroscopo della settimana da lunedì 9 dicembre a domenica 13 dicembre

9 Dec 09:11 Affari Italiani 6123405401678303984.html
Cumbre climática

Las noticias más relevantes de Jalisco, México, Deportes, Entretenimiento & Tecnología

9 Dec 08:45 El Informador 103545928782182770.html
Eltern müssen während Sanierung dennoch zahlen

Die Volkssolidarität Saale-Kyffhäuser (VS) saniert derzeit sechs Kitas und einen Hort in Halle. Laut der pädagogischen Leiterin Kerstin Kreße hatte die Stadt die Auflage erteilt, in allen Häusern bis zum Ende des Jahres den Brandschutz auf den aktuellen Stand zu bringen. „Als wir die Einrichtungen 2017 übernommen haben, befanden sich viele Gebäude in einem schlechten Zustand“, sagt ...

9 Dec 09:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109880057162.html
SPÖ-Chefin fordert ein "Ende der öffentlichen Selbstbeschädigung"

Geht es nach Pamela Rendi-Wagner sollen die Personaldebatten in der Partei beendet und stattdessen die Finanzen saniert werden.

9 Dec 09:55 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441374848868.html
Cae en San Pedro Sula supuesto cabecilla de la pandilla 18

El presunto marero fue capturado en posesión de 17 armas de fuego e indumentaria policial.

9 Dec 16:13 Diario La Prensa 7797091974890217925.html
4 quemados con pólvora durante fin de semana de velitas en municipios del Magdalena

Tres de los lesionados son menores de edad. Secretaría de Salud del departamento hizo un llamado a los padres de familia para prevenir estos hechos lamentables.

9 Dec 15:23 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898585570045611.html
Load shedding escalates to Stage 6 for first time in SA history

Eskom's spokesperson says ongoing rain, the inability to replenish water and diesel resources and units failing to come back online mean load shedding will endure.

9 Dec 16:00 The Citizen 410802301416740829.html
PDeCAT: Dos exdiputados apuestan por facilitar la investidura de Pedro Sánchez

Jordi Xuclà duda que el partido pueda mantenerse “en harmonía” en un futuro

9 Dec 09:15 La Vanguardia 8061072700852423108.html
Banca Sella contribuisce alla produzione del nuovo film di Natale di Ficarra e Picone

La pellicola “Il Primo Natale” uscirà nelle sale il 12 dicembre

9 Dec 12:14 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318886963542.html
Repórteres da Globo relatam homofobia em hotel

Erick Rianelli e Pedro Figueiredo solicitaram um quarto de casal e receberam camas de solteiro. A troca só foi feita depois que a polícia foi envolvida

9 Dec 14:57 VEJA.com 4116702197494914499.html
Offiziell: Stefan Kuntz verlängert als U21-Nationaltrainer beim DFB

Stefan Kuntz sieht seine Zukunft bei der U21-Nationalmannschaft. Wie der DFB am Montag bekanntgab, hat der Verband den im Sommer 2020 auslaufenden Vertrag vorzeitig um drei Jahre verlängert.

9 Dec 11:10 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776493812183.html
Mercato : Mino Raiola maintient le suspense pour Ibrahimovic

Toute l’Italie ne parle que de ça. Depuis son départ du Los Angeles Galaxy, Zlatan Ibrahimovic (38 ans) est disponible pour relever un nouveau challenge. Et ces derniers jours, le géant suédois a (...)

9 Dec 08:20 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900181107550088.html
Nova finska premijerka najmlađa na svetu

HELSINKI - Finska političarka Sana Marin (34) postaće, ako bude izabrana za novu predsednicu vlade, najmlađa premijerka na svetu. Socijaldemokratska

9 Dec 12:48 Krstarica 4176903989838725591.html
Absueltos los jugadores de Zaragoza y Levante por el presunto amaño pero condenan a dos directivos del club maño

El Juzgado de lo Penal número 7 de Valencia ha absuelto a los juzgadores del Zaragoza y del Levante del presunto amaño del partido disputado en el estadio Ciutat de València en 2011 entre ambos equipos en la última jornada de liga y en el que los aragoneses lograron evitar el descenso de categoría.

9 Dec 11:28 elEconomista.es 9051559958414274785.html
El Supremo bendice la inmersión

Marchena impuso un sobresaliente en Lengua Castellana a los procesados sometidos a la inmersión en catalán, y un muy deficiente en Comportamiento

9 Dec 17:56 elPeriodico 7291954033289010889.html
Where to buy last minute Christmas gifts online: last delivery dates

Find out when the last delivery dates for Amazon, John Lewis, Currys PC World and more are this Christmas.

9 Dec 17:12 Tech Advisor 6450858317016046655.html
OPPO Enco Q1 Wireless Noise-Cancelling Earphones Review — Accurate Marketing

The OPPO Enco Q1 wireless earphones feature a neckband design, but also boast of active noise cancellation (ANC). Are they worth the marketing hype?

9 Dec 09:00 XDA Developers 7805159868825614898.html
Nazi-Banner: Austria Wien hat Derby-Übeltäter bereits ausgeforscht

Die Führung von Austria Wien distanzierte sich in einer Aussendung vom Vorfall rund das Transparent im Fansektor der Violetten.

9 Dec 12:45 SPOX 8395423526036869898.html
Femminicidio, il presidente Inps Tridico: «Anche mia sorella uccisa dal marito. Quelle orfane non pagheranno»

Ha fatto discutere il caso dei risarcimenti chiesti dall'Inps a due ragazzine orfane, figlie di Cristina Biagi, uccisa a 38 anni dal marito Marco Loiola nel 2013: il presidente...

9 Dec 10:17 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446191652151.html
Michael Healy-Rae brought to hospital after fire in his shop in Co Kerry

Kerry TD Michael Healy-Rae has been brought to hospital following a fire in his shop.The blaze i...

9 Dec 11:58 Newstalk 7635722257604971677.html
Evelyn Burdecki lässt ihr "schlaues Jahr" Revue passieren

Im großen Jahresrückblick bei Günther Jauch zieht Evelyn Burdecki ihre Jahresbilanz. Wie schlau war 2019 bei der Dschungelkönigin?

9 Dec 16:38 RTL.DE 7054729452523530528.html
2K Games funda Cloud Chamber y anuncia una nueva entrega de la saga BioShock

2K Games anuncia la creación de Cloud Chamber, un nuevo estudio interno, y lo pone a trabajar en una nueva entrega de BioShcok

9 Dec 13:39 ElOtroLado.net 609764229803197102.html
Iohannis spune despre Capitala ca nu este "un oras bine pus la punct". Firea il invita sa candideze la Primarie

Primarul municipiului Bucuresti, Gabriela Firea, i-a dat replica presedintelui Klaus Iohannis, care a spus luni, despre Capitala, ca ''nu este un oras bine pus la punct''. Firea l-a invitat pe Klaus Iohannis, proaspat castigator al celui de-al doilea mandat de presedinte al Romaniei, sa candideze la Primaria Generala.

9 Dec 17:56 Ziare.com 1922730287034405304.html
Eltern steigen in Zug und vergessen Sohn (3) am Bahnsteig

Am Hamburger Hauptbahnhof wurde am Wochenende ein kleiner Junge von seinen Eltern getrennt. Die Familie fuhr im Zug davon, das Kind stand noch am Bahnsteig.

9 Dec 11:17 TAG24 4583887874589434825.html
Satélite mexicano llega a la Estación Espacial Internacional

Permitirá mejorar las comunicaciones satelitales globales de la Universidad Popular Autónoma de Puebla

9 Dec 08:34 El Informador 103545929461826557.html
Hasil Undian Ganda Campuran BWF World Tour Finals 2019 Tak Untungkan Indonesia

Indonesia harus mendapatkan hasil undian yang tidak menguntungkan di nomor ganda campuran pada ajang BWF World Tour Finals 2019.

9 Dec 13:15 BolaSport.com 4603768435891469584.html
Kein einziges Politikerauto hält den CO2-Grenzwert ein

Die Dienstwagen deutscher Politiker werden immer klimaschädlicher. Das zeigt eine Studie der Deutschen Umwelthilfe. Der größte Sünder ist Verkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer.

9 Dec 12:33 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199271077606788.html
UFFICIALE - I convocati per il Genk: rientrano Milik e Allan, in tre andranno in tribuna

Carlo Ancelotti ha diramato la lista dei convocati per la partita di domani contro il Genk, decisiva per il passaggio agli ottavi di Champions League

9 Dec 17:01 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080671707085.html
Así puedes enviar texto copiado de Chrome en el ordenador al móvil Android

Manual paso a paso sobre cómo enviar texto copiado de Chrome en el ordenador al móvil Android activando un ajuste flag

9 Dec 17:00 ADSLZone 3760867497132995828.html
A national emergency: Eskom moves to stage-6 load shedding

Eskom has implemented stage-6 load shedding as the problems at the failed state-owned utility keep mounting.

9 Dec 16:07 TechCentral 724913819599816639.html
The Phantom Metric: What Really Drives U.S. Equity Valuations?

Investors continue to question whether US equity valuations are too high, particularly for growth companies and versus other global markets.The risk premium is a good gauge of market sentiment.Valuati

9 Dec 12:32 Seeking Alpha 5725634557553257458.html
Latinoamérica calienta motores para las fiestas de Navidad

Suenan campanas de fiesta en toda Latinoamérica. Al igual que en Europa, al otro lado del Atlántico calientan motores para los festejos navideños.

9 Dec 11:22 euronews 2767628995801781920.html
Dr Mahathir to look into ‘deep state’ sabotaging the Pakatan government

Dr Mahathir to look into ‘deep state’ sabotaging the Pakatan government

9 Dec 12:30 The Independent 5308065342710897703.html
AMLO, a favor de que Marina controle puertos

El Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador dijo estar a favor de que la Marina controle los puertos del país.

9 Dec 12:16 Milenio 4240839408665739536.html
Modo Escuro do WhatsApp tem mais detalhes mostrados em novo beta

Nova versão para testes do Whatsapp revela versões “escuras” de seus ícones em seu sistema; novo modo de visualização deve contribuir para a economia de energia

9 Dec 14:25 Canaltech 6267437387989534031.html
Why Your Budget Needs 'Sinking Funds'

In last week’s post on How to Budget for Unexpected Expenses, I described sinking funds as “one of the best budgeting hacks ever,” which means it’s time for me to tell you how they work....

9 Dec 08:08 Lifehacker Australia 3742423168316646760.html
TMW - Bonaventura ha cambiato il Milan: due gol in tre partite

Vince, convince e risale posizioni in classifica. Il Milan di Stefano Pioli, dopo aver sfiorato l'impresa contro Napoli e Juventus, coglie due importantissimi successi in trasferta, entrambi sulla Via Emilia, contro due squadre che in passato sono state allenate dal tecnico di Parma. E domenica prossima può chiudere il trittico battendo in casa il Sassuolo, che ha guidato nel 2009-10 in Serie B. Al di là del dato puramente statistico, i rossoneri sembrano aver imboccato la strada giusta, grazie soprattutto al lavoro di Pioli, bravo a superare il momento difficile e a dare sicurezza alla squadra, che ora sembra davvero consapevole dei propri mezzi. Sono tante le buone notizie arrivate dalla sfida del Dall'Ara: dalla conferma del bomber Theo Hernandez alla crescita di Bennacer, fino al recupero totale di Bonaventura e alla grande prestazione di Piatek. Il centrocampista italiano, in particolare, è diventato subito il fulcro della manovra, un elemento imprescindibile, che garantisce diverse soluzioni offensive e…

9 Dec 15:59 MilanNews.it 6507305922238790974.html
7 Potret Liburan Titi Kamal di Labuan Bajo, Rayakan Ultah ke-38

Titi Kamal terlihat makin memesona di usianya yang ke-38 tahun.

9 Dec 13:35 liputan6.com 5422146881331033069.html
Exitosa muestra de fin de año de la Universidad Barrial

Se llevó a cabo en la sede de la Universidad Barrial, Nigro y Darragueira la muestra de fin de año de cursos y talleres dictados a lo largo del 2019 en el mencionado Centro de Capacitación, Cultura y Deportes. Formaron parte de la muestra los cursos de Carpintería, Cerámica Originaria, Crochet, Elaboración de Chacinados, Telares […]

9 Dec 10:42 El Eco 4177735524783737678.html
Maggie Smith explica por qué no se siente satisfecha por su trabajo en Harry Potter

Por Girnalda

9 Dec 12:36 Humor en Serie 183789314857182394.html
Former Federal Reserve Chief Paul Volcker dead at 92

Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chairman who tamed US inflation in the 1980s and decades later inspired tough Wall Street reforms in the wake of the global financial crisis, died on Monday at the age of 92, according to the New York Times, which quoted his daughter.

9 Dec 17:54 WION 1570469242116826688.html
In Finland zijn (jonge) vrouwen de baas

De 34-jarige Sanna Marin werd door de Finse sociaaldemocraten aangeduid om haar vorige week afgetreden partijgenoot Antti Rinne op te volgen. Ze wordt daar...

9 Dec 12:56 De Standaard 2288913868570914389.html
Come funziona la Lotería mexicana a cui puoi giocare con il doodle di Google

Google fa riscoprire un gioco tradizionale messicano trasformandolo in un doodle. Quattro utenti potranno ora scontrarsi in un accanita ricerca di carte dai nomi spagnoli

9 Dec 09:16 Wired 7504010957895978680.html
Tips de belleza para un mejor cuidado del cabello en este verano

Profesionales de la belleza recomiendan realizar un tratamiento de preparación para que el cabello pueda resistir los diversos factores del verano como el sol, la sal del mar y el cloro de la piscina.

9 Dec 16:20 Wapa.pe 6757287088340109642.html
Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019

Miss Australia Priya Serrao said she has an “incredible appreciation” for the Miss Universe competition after an ‘inspiring’ winner was chosen in the pageant's finale just hours ago.

9 Dec 08:55 PerthNow 6839538509443023548.html
Personeel Proximus vreest “donkere dag” en voert actie met zwarte ballonnen

Een vijftigtal personeelsleden van Proximus heeft vanochtend met zwarte ballonnen postgevat voor de inkom van het Proximusgebouw in Brussel, waar om 11 uur een cruciaal paritair comité plaatsvindt....

9 Dec 08:51 HLN 8967494998269879796.html
Jimmy John’s Launches Loyalty Program

Sandwich chain Jimmy John's announced Monday (Dec. 9) the nationwide launch of its first customer-loyalty program.

9 Dec 14:30 PYMNTS.com 7357138824934299807.html
Unofficial port of Notepad++ pops up on the Microsoft Store again

Popular text/code editor Notepad++ is making its way back to the Microsoft Store. Back in the spring of 2018, an unofficial port of Notepad++ showed up

9 Dec 11:30 MSPoweruser 1651641550271480554.html
Explainer: Your rights in a PSV

As a PSV passenger you have rights that are enforceable

9 Dec 09:18 Daily Nation 7421817124502239957.html
VP-voetbalkantine: 'UEFA moet straf uitstellen en Feyenoord-fans toelaten'

De voetbalkantine is de ideale plek om na de wedstrijd met je vrienden nog even lekker bij te praten en wat te drinken. De VP-voetbalkantine is een offtopic rubriek waar elk onderwerp mag worden besproken. Stelling 1: 'Zonder Onana en Promes verliest Ajax van Valencia'

9 Dec 17:10 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884916185628.html
Anuncian lista de nominaciones a los Globos de Oro liderada por "Marriage Story"

Netflix y su desgarrador filme sobre divorcio "Marriage Story" lidera con seis nominaciones a este galardón

9 Dec 14:57 NTN24 8482749625099484334.html
In Italia tra i 149 naufraghi: arrestato per omicidio un trafficante 22enne

La Squadra mobile di Agrigento ha arrestato un extracomunitario ritenuto responsabile di gravissimi crimini, causò la morte dei migranti nel corso di un naufragio

9 Dec 15:25 ilGiornale.it 5019541225432339173.html
P&ID: Court dismisses Briton’s plea for bail variation

The Federal High Court, Abuja, on Monday, dismissed the application for bail variation filed by a British man, James Nolan.

9 Dec 14:46 Vanguard News 4125100340087701145.html
QCY T5: earbud wireless in offerta

Ecco un altro paio di cuffiette true wireless che potete procurarvi per saziare i vostri bisogni musicali. Eccovi le QCY T5.

9 Dec 13:16 Androidiani.com 8834294956781858287.html
286 avvik registrert siden Babcock overtok

Det er registrert 286 avvik siden Babcock overtok ansvaret for ambulanseflytjenesten, viser en fersk rapport fra Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge.

9 Dec 15:56 TV 2 8210067770501327661.html
Brasil assume comando de conselho que combate a tuberculose no mundo

Brasil assume comando de conselho que combate a tuberculose no mundo

9 Dec 11:17 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543906075379944.html
Polizei Köln nimmt zwei Männer nach Drogendeal am Wiener Platz fest

Dank der neuen Videoüberwachung konnten Beamte der Leitstelle die beiden Männer bei ihrem Deal auf ihren Monitoren beobachten.

9 Dec 16:28 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568494755136.html
Lizzo Shared Some Ultra Sexy Behind the Scenes Photos from the 'Hustlers' Set

Lizzo posted some photos on Instagram from behind the scenes of 'Hustlers,' in which she made a scene-stealing cameo wearing a fishnet bodysuit and fluffy hat.

9 Dec 13:00 Marie Claire 7105575297610059761.html
L'Agence mondiale antidopage exclut la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

L'AMA punit une nouvelle fois Moscou pour avoir récidivé en falsifiant des données de contrôle.

9 Dec 10:20 Franceinfo 1060532879919138449.html
I’m A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa returns to social media for the first time with Dan Osborne

"I cannot quite believe that it's happening"

9 Dec 11:32 GOSS.ie 8755536025145336014.html
Torrential rains in Uganda, 26 killed, says Red Cross

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - At least 26 people have been killed in floods unleashed by heavy rains in different parts of Uganda, the Red Cross said on Monday as authorities urged people in affected areas to relocate.

9 Dec 10:07 WFXT 6395891953813303992.html
Ruby ter, teste:da ragazze minacce a Cav

'Guerra parlava di video a giornalisti, Berlusconi era triste' (ANSA)

9 Dec 12:57 ANSA.it 1300837448344162705.html
Man City fan's bitter rant against Liverpool after Pep Guardiola's side fall 14 points behind

One Man City fan is not happy with the VAR decisions that he feels have gone against his team this season

9 Dec 11:01 Liverpool Echo 7727211174208916355.html
'Het ging mis toen Buijs zei: Memisevic speelt altijd'

'Het is één grote chaos, er is geen lijn in te ontdekken.' Dat zegt William Pomp, sportverslaggever van het Dagblad van het Noorden, die zich verbaasde over het spel van FC Groningen in het met 0-1 verloren duel tegen FC Utrecht.

9 Dec 09:22 RTV Noord 3728677365795429663.html
Localizada Katy, la joven desaparecida en San Gabriel (Alicante)

La adolescente ha sido encontrada sana y salva y ya se encuentra en su casa

9 Dec 10:12 Diarioinformacion 8979296175231490673.html
NRW: Kopftuch im Kindergarten? Land trifft Entscheidung

Dürfen Mädchen in NRW ein Kopftuch in Kitas und Grundschulen tragen oder nicht?

9 Dec 12:03 www.derwesten.de 5765995666640891933.html
W3C klassar Webassembly som ny webbstandard

Tack vare nya specifikationer ska Webassembly bli både snabbare och säkrare, något som ska bidra till att öka intresset för formatet ytterligare.

9 Dec 13:40 TechWorld 327047706509365259.html
Garuda Diberi Waktu 7 Hari Bayar Denda Gara-gara Angkut Harley Ilegal

Garuda Indonesia terancam denda Rp 100 juta gara-gara mengangkut motor Harley Davidson dan sepeda Brompton ilegal dan wajib membayar dalam waktu 7 hari.

9 Dec 10:57 detikfinance 4442190001167474342.html
Al master universitario a lui intititolato, l’insegnamento di Michele Ferrero: «Informatevi, non date nulla per scontato e pensate 'diverso'»

Questa mattina ad Alba la cerimonia conclusiva del corso post laurea in "Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari per la Nutrizione Umana", giunto alla sua settima edizione (FOTOGALLERY)

9 Dec 13:01 Targatocn.it 7367208848520559370.html
Angelina Heger & Sebastian Pannek werden Eltern: Bachelor Baby

Ex-Bachelor-Kandidatin Angelina Heger und Ex-Bachelor Sebastian Pannek erwarten ein Baby. Über Instagram verkünden die werdenden Eltern ihr Glück.

9 Dec 14:42 miss 1375730020390104441.html
Morta Anna Bravo, addio a 81 anni alla studiosa e militante femminista

È morta ieri nel suo appartamento di Torino la studiosa e militante femminista Anna Bravo. Una vita spesa per la ricerca e i diritti delle donne, era docente all'Università di Torino, dove ci ha lasciati a 81 anni per un infarto. Di recente aveva contribuito alla discussione sul #metoo nel nostro Paese portando in dote la sua immensa capacità di analisi.

9 Dec 08:21 fanpage.it 1517332167961992517.html
"I Giardini di Marzo di Venditti". Diletta Leotta colleziona un'altra gaffe in diretta

Dopo la gaffe con il portiere dell'Inter Handanovic, la conduttrice "cade" sul celebre brano di Lucio Battisti

9 Dec 12:57 L'HuffPost 5315551424100580648.html
Check out Forbes top five earning African American musicians in 2019

Musicians are known for their contributions to the music industry and one would think with the release of Forbes world top earning musicians of 2019, their wealth would stem only from their music. However, most of these top earning musicians have capitalised on their fame, success in the industry and their esteemed brands to venture...

9 Dec 10:35 Face2Face Africa 5878198130710739703.html
Settimese rifiutato dai compagni di classe, prende un treno e cerca di scappare in Sicilia

Settimese rifiutato dai compagni di classe, prende un treno e cerca di scappare in Sicilia dove abitano i nonni. E' stato trovato dalla polizia a Genova.

9 Dec 17:33 La Nuova Periferia 1387373626259312771.html
Jovens que cumprem medida socioeducativa veem no Enem chance de mudar

336 adolescentes que cumprem medida socioeducativa na Fundação Casa vão fazer as provas do Enem PPL, terça e quarta-feira próximas (10 e 11)

9 Dec 09:30 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699637870416.html
Man faces trial over death of boy in hit-and-run outside school

Harley Watson died in hospital after a vehicle ploughed into children who were leaving Debden Park High School in Loughton on December 2.

9 Dec 10:58 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774279216522.html
Lura-ulykken: Kvinne fraktet til Haukeland - bilisten har fortsatt ikke meldt seg

SANDNES: Kvinnen som ble alvorlig skadet i påkjørselen på Lura er fraktet til Haukeland universitetssjukehus med alvorlige bruddskader. Politiet jakter fortsatt på bilisten som lørdag kveld kjørte på kvinnen i 30-årene.

9 Dec 08:39 Aftenbladet 8753034803216345188.html
Novozelandska policija izgubila svaku nadu: Nema više preživelih!

Policija Novog Zelanda saopštila je da veruje da nema više preživelih posle erupcije vulkana na ostrvu, u kojoj je najmanje pet osoba poginulo, a 20 povređeno.

9 Dec 15:58 REPUBLIKA 2543998404931669732.html
N.Zelanda: 5 morti per eruzione vulcano

Sono almeno 5 i morti per l'eruzione del vulcano Waakari nella piccola White Island in Nuova Zelanda. Lo rende noto la polizia locale, aggiungendo che i dispersi potrebbero essere decine. (ANSA)

9 Dec 10:03 ANSA.it 1300837448620141156.html
Anunciado un nuevo Indie World Showcase para mañana

Tras un tiempo sin novedades, ahora Nintendo ha anunciado un nuevo directo para sus seguidores. No se trata de un Nintendo Direct, sino de una nueva presentación en directo bajo el nombre de Indie World Showcase. Como bien sabéis, esta es la denominación que la compañía ha estado dando a estos directos en Europa desde […]

9 Dec 15:04 Nintenderos 2555436002125501765.html
A Malta è in gioco la democrazia, il premier deve andarsene

Il leader dell'opposizione maltese Adrian Delia denuncia a #euronews una situazione da dittatura, i poteri sono concentrati in una sola persona, ossia il premier che può interferire nelle indagini in corso e nel regolare corso delle istituzioni

9 Dec 08:12 euronews 7379718589085564010.html
Minor snow, but big time cold on the way

Drivers need to plan a little extra time for their Monday morning and evening commutes. An area of low pressure will move across southern Wisconsin Monday, bringing precipitation for most of the day. Dense fog and light rain is expected to continue through the morning. Showers will change to light snow in the afternoon.

9 Dec 14:28 CHANNEL3000 830332542945396696.html
Jogadores do Sporting começam a ser ouvidos sobre ataque a Alcochete

Esta segunda-feira são ouvidos, por videoconferência, os três primeiros atletas: Luís Maximiano, Wendel e Mathieu. Os futebolistas encontravam-se na academia do clube quando a equipa do Sporting foi atacada por elementos da Juve Leo.

9 Dec 10:09 SÁBADO 5711459692832235673.html
Ryanair no tancarà la base de Girona després que els treballadors accepten passar a ser fixos discontinus

Els empleats de la infraestructura hauran d'estar a l'atur tres mesos a l'any

9 Dec 11:03 Diari La Veu 8769648854604364059.html
Man and woman arrested in connection with murder of man in Leixlip last year

A man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the murder of a man in Co Kildare over a ...

9 Dec 14:07 Newstalk 7635722259216706393.html
Corrado Formigli si arrabbia con Matteo Renzi: "Gli ho parlato in privato di una questione sulla mia casa e l'ha resa pubblica"

L'ex premier gli esprime solidarietà su Facebook: "Una porcheria pubblicare le foto di case private sui social"

9 Dec 17:15 L'HuffPost 5315551423197377011.html
Real Bo Duke Reveals 5 Most Common Mistakes On General Lee Clones

Watch as Bo Duke actor John Schnieder lists the top five mistakes he sees on 1969 Dodge Charger General Lee clones.

9 Dec 15:10 Motor1.com 1648269240485652391.html
Jelang Lawan Timnas U-22 Indonesia, Vietnam Ternyata Punya Masalah

Masalah ini terkait kiper dan timnas U-22 Vietnam pun khawatir persoalan ini akan terjadi saat final SEA Games 2019 kontra timnas U-22 Indonesia.

9 Dec 16:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436191695906.html
Sapporo budgets ¥700 million in road repairs for Olympic events

Sapporo proposed on Monday an additional supplementary budget of ¥700 million ($6.5 million) to its city assembly for road repair expenses, in pre

9 Dec 11:50 The Japan Times 6673764366520251087.html
Video: Digital Foundry Says The Touryst Is "A Revelation" On Switch

'On par with the best from Nintendo'

9 Dec 13:30 Nintendo Life 5246707019162193759.html
Manuel Calvo y Natalia de la Sota, lanzados

Fuentes del PJ provincial aseguran que el año que viene se sumarán dos actores que se lanzarán para comenzar a armar sus estructuras políticas provinciales pensando en el futuro. Más información...

9 Dec 10:08 La Voz 6237180761451640777.html
5 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

The island has seen an uptick in volcanic activity in the past few weeks

9 Dec 15:45 The Stettler Independent 1209901972994054556.html
Kondisi Fisik Bisa Jadi Penentu Kesuksesan Timnas Indonesia U-22 di Final SEA Games 2019

Mantan pelatih fisik PSIS, Budi Kurnia, melihat kondisi fisik bisa jadi penentu keberhasilan Timnas Indonesia di final SEA Games 2019 melawan Vietnam.

9 Dec 09:30 Bola.com 1695722603826776661.html
Madhuri Dixit To Debut On OTT With Karan Johar’s Family Drama

Madhuri Dixit is all set to make her OTT debut with Netflix show - a family drama, which will be produced by Karan Johar. The actress says that she is extremely excited about it.

9 Dec 08:14 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244280438879.html
6 chefs dream up their perfect Christmas

What if the day could be rearranged so you and your loved ones actually enjoyed it?

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487164717450.html
The Roomba That Won Black Friday Is Now Even Cheaper

Amazon has just dropped the price of the iRobot Roomba 671 down to $195, in its Gold Box Deal of the Day today. This brings it even lower than the Roomba

9 Dec 14:35 Android Headlines 8385692877693694568.html
Tutti i pasticci coi soldi vaticani - la gestione dell'obolo per i poveri nell'era becciu


9 Dec 16:08 DAGOSPIA 6533336739415555717.html
Calviño insiste en la necesidad de un Gobierno "cuanto antes" tras descartar ERC un acuerdo antes de Navidad

La ministra de Economía y Empresa en funciones, Nadia Calviño, ha insistido este lunes en la necesidad de que España cuente "cuanto antes" con un Gobierno...

9 Dec 14:58 Europa Press 4702666149109402572.html
Carolina Gómez pide a medios rectificarse por falsa historia sobre su hijo

La exreina se despachó especialmente contra El Tiempo por haber dicho que Thomas tenía algún “tipo de afectación neurológica” que impidió su desarrollo físico. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 16:01 pulzo.com 8971816786233708850.html
The Elder Scrolls: Legends has played its final hand

In a post on Legends’ official subreddit, Bethesda has confirmed it will stop rolling out new content releases for its strategy card game.

9 Dec 12:24 Trusted Reviews 12694855375457376.html
Se reanuda la búsqueda del cuerpo de Marta Calvo por las localidades de Manuel y alrededores

Las labores de b&uacute;squeda del cuerpo de la joven Marta Calvo se han reanudado este lunes por el municipio valenciano de Manuel y en los alrededores, seg&uacute;n han...

9 Dec 12:35 RTVE.es 8332346888478080019.html
Duitser Stieler leidt clash tussen Club Brugge en Real Madrid

De Duitser Tobias Stieler fluit woensdag de wedstrijd tussen Club Brugge en Real Madrid, op de zesde en laatste speeldag van Champions League-groep A. Dat ...

9 Dec 12:37 De Standaard 2288913867719656031.html
Alcaldesa de San Juan se reúne en Miami con Florida Caribbean Cruise

La alcaldesa de San Juan, Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto, asistirá hoy en Miami a la reunión de la Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA, por sus siglas en inglés) que preside

9 Dec 12:31 elVocero.com 6318248037035418283.html
La Spezia, uccide la moglie malata e si toglie la vita

Ha ucciso la moglie sparandole con un'arma legalmente detenuta e poi si è tolto la vita. Omicidio - suicidio in un appartamento nel centro della Spezia. L'uomo è un carrozziere in pensione di circa 75 anni, la moglie coetanea sarebbe stata malata. Al momento del gesto in casa c'era una assistente familiare ora sotto choc.

9 Dec 12:24 fanpage.it 1517332167350090685.html
Maledetti amici miei, l'ultima puntata su Rai 2: ospiti e anticipazioni

Maledetti Amici Miei, ultima puntata su Rai 2 in prima serata.

9 Dec 12:27 Tvblog 378101971767825315.html
Minecraft is finally getting PS4 cross-play support

Minecraft can now be played across every major console and mobile OS

9 Dec 15:04 The Verge 1337119304996403034.html
“Squeezing Spacetime” –LIGO Researchers End-Run Nature to Detect Gravitational Waves

MIT and Caltech researchers end-run nature with a new instrument that extends LIGO’s reach “squeezing” out quantum noise.

9 Dec 15:17 The Daily Galaxy 1567111748998271736.html
Vlaams Minister van Sport Ben Weyts over uitsluiting van Rusland van Olympische Spelen en WK: “Juiste beslissing”

“Dit is de juiste beslissing”, zo reageert Vlaams minister van Sport Ben Weyts (N-VA) op de beslissing van het Wereldantidopingagentschap (WADA) om Rusland...

9 Dec 12:08 De Standaard 2288913868535729539.html
Schianto tra auto, una finisce fuori strada: tre feriti

PIEVE DI SOLIGO – Schianto tra auto, tre persone restano ferite. L’incidente si è verificato in via Roma a Solighetto.

9 Dec 10:10 Oggi Treviso 2529403853409106649.html
FNV: ‘Sluiting Hoenderloo en Juzt tekenend voor toestand jeugdzorg’

Het omvallen van jeugdzorginstellingen als de Hoenderloo Groep en eerder al Juzt, is volgens vakbond FNV exemplarisch voor hoe het met de jeugdzorg in Nederland is gesteld. Inmiddels stijgt de woede en zijn de zorgen bij jeugdzorgmedewerkers in het hele land groot. Dit meldt FNV. 

9 Dec 14:13 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705743341440945.html
The George Cooper conundrum for Plymouth Argyle manager Ryan Lowe to try and solve

The talented Peterborough United loan signing has been on the bench for the last five games

9 Dec 10:12 PlymouthLive 6373569609236045142.html
Bürgerbegehren Wäschenbeuren: Bürgermeister trommelt für neues Baugebiet

Rathauschef Vesenmaier appelliert an die Bürger, sich vor der Unterzeichnung zu informieren.

9 Dec 09:53 swp.de 6929179440258813598.html
Extraordinary scenes in court as woman who was drugged and raped while she was asleep is called 's**t' by her attacker's girlfriend

A woman who was drugged and sexually assaulted by her flatmate in her Gold Coast unit was called a s**t in court by her attacker's girlfriend on Monday. 

9 Dec 10:46 Mail Online 124328112068899129.html
Lo sciopero di 5 giorni per le pensioni manda in tilt la Francia

Lo sciopero per le pensioni manda in tilt la Francia. Ingorgo di 600 km nella regione parigina

9 Dec 15:23 euronews 7379718588858783059.html
Obras irregulares em imóveis podem gerar multas em Teresina

De janeiro a novembro deste ano 261 obras irregulares foram notificadas e 150 foram multadas pela Superintendência de Desenvolvimento Urbano SDU Centro Norte. A principal causa das notificações em Teresina é o desconhecimento do Código de Obras, lei que determina as regras para construção e ampliação de imóveis no município. Em entrevista ao Acorda Piauí, Enéas Costa, Gerente de Controle e Fiscalização (GCF) da SDU Centro Norte, explica quais os requisitos devem ser seguidos para evitar infrações na hora da reforma. Ouça na íntegra:  

9 Dec 08:58 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419598274301.html
Ilona y las estrellas

Margarita sueña con un pájaro de muchos colores que canta una canción como si tuviera lengua humana y supiera de algo que nadie más sabe: “Estrellita, estrellita, bonita, bonita, bonita”. Y la niña despierta inquieta.

9 Dec 14:04 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067544131662930.html
Zerreißprobe im Vielvölkerstaat Äthiopien

Premier Abiy Ahmed bekommt heute in Oslo den Friedensnobelpreis – Anerkennung für die demokratischen Reformen, die er umgesetzt hat. Doch zu Hause hat er starke Gegner: ethnisch-nationalistische Gruppen, die mehr Macht für ihre Provinzen wollen.

9 Dec 15:29 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322316171705.html
EXCLUSIVE: Get off my man! Moment Raheem Sterling's fiancée Paige Milian SHOVES woman out the way as she twerks against Man City star at his Great Gatsby-themed 25th birthday

The England footballer was seen enjoying a 'twerk' with a mystery woman wearing a black dress until his fiancee Paige Milian barged the woman out of the way and danced with him herself.

9 Dec 12:22 Mail Online 124328111273794428.html
Giulia De Lellis, la foto senza veli in spiaggia manda in delirio i fan

Giulia De Lellis colpisce nel segno: l’influencer pubblica uno scatto senza veli in spiaggia e manda in delirio i suoi fan. Non sempre le protagoniste di ‘Uomini e Donne‘ riescono ad emergere negli anni successivi alla partecipazione al programma di Maria De Filippi. Tra le poche che hanno avuto la fortuna di utilizzare la trasmissione …

9 Dec 08:26 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927967755340.html
Bluttat in Niederösterreich: 48-jährige Frau erstochen aufgefunden

Am Sonntagabend ist es in im Bezirk Mistelbach zu einer Bluttat gekommen.

9 Dec 08:12 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699317088727.html
Coronation Street's Andy Whyment reunites with wife and kids after leaving I'm A Celebrity jungle

Andy Whyment, who plays Kirk Sutherland on Coronation Street, has reunited with his wife and kids after competing in I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here 2019.

9 Dec 15:54 Entertainment Daily 8392972516612883018.html
Restructuration chez Proximus: des dizaines de membres du personnel mènent une action avant la commission paritaire

Une cinquantaine de membres du personnel de Proximus ont mené, lundi matin devant le siège de l’entreprise, une action symbolique avant le début de la commission paritaire.

9 Dec 10:57 sudinfo.be 344139276354340026.html
Domingo gaitero: Con todo y lluvia, los caraqueños disfrutaron

La lluvia no impidio para que el público se acercara a disfrutar de lo mejor de la gaita, en la cuarta jornada del festival Suena Caracas.  Unos

9 Dec 15:05 El Siglo 7954754735160165653.html
Cherry Blossoms Prompt Full-Blown Scandal for Japan’s PM

It might be the most Japanese of political scandals: a furore over Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's guest list at a party to mark the annual cherry blossom season.

9 Dec 16:04 Courthouse News Service 1799505149118635183.html
Premier League: Three things we learned from Matchweek 16

Premier League: Liverpool's relentless march to a first English title since 1990 gathered pace with a comfortable win at Bournemouth, while Manchester..

9 Dec 16:08 Vanguard News 4125100340277591260.html
Rusia excluido de Juegos Olímpicos por no entregar datos antidoping

Por negarse a entregar datos antidoping, los deportistas de Rusia no podrán participar de los Juegos Olímpicos ni en mundiales por cuatro años

9 Dec 15:54 Rock&Pop 4910011590700789541.html
Rusland kan onder neutrale vlag deelnemen aan WK voetbal 2022

De vierjarige schorsing die het Wereldantidopingagentschap (WADA) Rusland maandag oplegde, raakt ook het voetbal. Rusland mag deelnemen aan de kwalificatie...

9 Dec 15:08 De Standaard 2288913868837145262.html
Algumas mentiras que Hollywood nos conta

Com frequência acusam Hollywood de tratar episódios históricos com pouco rigor. A desculpa é sempre a mesma: precisam entreter e não contar verdades.É mentira que se escutem as explosões no espaço de Star Wars. Nos contaram que as explosões de Star Wars no espaço são tão barulhentas quanto seu fogaréu. O que realmente acontece - No espaço não há oxigênio nem som. Isso inviabiliza que algo ali ex...

9 Dec 09:30 Campo Grande News 7902463001969364291.html
Alcaldesa de San Juan a reunirse hoy en Miami con líneas de crurceros

El Municipio asiste al menos desde el 2013 a la reunión anual de la Florida Caribbean Cruise Association.

9 Dec 12:29 Primera Hora 5092966655464438659.html
Courtois krijgt geen gezelschap van Hazard in Brugge, Bale is er wél bij

Real Madrid heeft haar selectie prijsgegeven waarmee het Club Brugge zal bekampen. Zoals eerder al bekend werd gemaakt, reist Eden Hazard niet mee af naar West-Vlaanderen. Vanwege een blessure zit 2019 erop voor de Rode Duivel. Thibaut Courtois is er vanzelfsprekend wel bij.

9 Dec 17:10 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215326125643.html
Vor diesen Berufsgruppen haben die Deutschen am wenigsten Respekt

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hat eine repräsentative Studie in Auftrag gegeben, um genauer herauszufinden, ob der Respekt und die Wertschätzung für bestimmte Berufsgruppen gesunken ist.

9 Dec 12:39 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110375033423.html
Study finds broadcast coverage of the UK election has aligned ‘most closely’ with Boris Johnson’s agenda

The BBC and other UK broadcasters have helped Boris Johnson frame the general election on his own terms, according to an academic study of media coverage of the campaign.

9 Dec 10:52 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882581613714.html
Starke Torhüter sorgen bei Lilien und SVWW für Stillstand

Beim torlosen Hessenderby zwischen dem SV Wehen Wiesbaden und Darmstadt 98 stehen die Torhüter im Mittelpunkt. In der Tabelle verpassen beide Teams dadurch den ganz großen Sprung.

9 Dec 10:17 hessenschau.de 6403292203140034160.html
Archaeologists discover 'amazing' 4,000 year old carved stones on Orkney

Archaeologists have discovered nine 'very rare' carved stones on Orkney - thought to be 4,000 years old.

9 Dec 11:45 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489137749344.html
Los números finales de ingreso de peregrinos durante las fiestas marianas

A las 08:00 de la mañana de hoy, en la Sala de Situación de la Jefatura de Policía, se llevó a cabo una reunión de trabajo, durante el cual el Sr. Jefe de Policía de la Provincia, Crio. Gral. Lic. Orlando Antonio Quevedo, junto al Sr. Subjefe de Policía, Crio. Gral. Carlos Alfredo Kunz, al Sr. Inspector General, Crio. Gral. Félix Marcos Salazar y a miembros de la Plana Mayor Policial, evaluaron el operativo de seguridad diagramado por el Comando de la Institución, a través del Departamento Operaciones Policiales de la Policía de la Provincia, con motivo a las Festividades Marianas.

9 Dec 17:18 El Esquiú 5729181307503983354.html
Créditos hipotecarios tienen su tercera semana seguida de alzas

Por su parte, los créditos Comerciales tuvieron su segunda semana consecutiva de alzas y están a 5,28%.

9 Dec 15:35 T13 7836926440231973165.html
Boris Johnson Snatches Reporter’s Phone to Avoid Looking at Photo of Sick Child

There are hundreds of ways Boris Johnson could have handled this interview—and he may well have picked the worst one.Days ahead of Thursday’s general election, when the Conservative prime minister is hoping to secure a majority to be able to force through his Brexit project at the start of next year,

9 Dec 14:49 Yahoo 7097669637557351050.html
Ponitka zbog potresa mozga možda propusti Zvezdu

Poljski košarkaš Mateuš Ponitka je doživeo potres mozga zbog čega će odsustvovati sa terena oko tri sedmice. Zato će možda propustiti meč sa Crvenom zvezdom u Evroligi koji je na programu 27. decembra.

9 Dec 10:41 Sport Klub 42251757990880400.html
Nuevos aranceles para tramitar los distintos visados de Chile en Venezuela

La visa de responsabilidad democrática tiene un precio de 1.260.739 bolívares; la visa consular turismo venezolano se ubica en 2.101.232 bolívares

9 Dec 12:14 Globovisión 5928221751907157088.html
Supermodel Bella Hadid Puts on Eye-Popping Display Going Braless in Sheer Top – Photo

The supermodel has no intention of leaving the spotlight. She recently made headlines after she and her friend and star of reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kendall Jenner appeared on the beach wearing bikinis.

9 Dec 16:11 Sputniknews 967333869419432031.html
Bolsonaro está 'analisando lista de convidados' para posse na Argentina

Bolsonaro afirmou que está analisando a "lista de convidados" para a cerimônia de posse de Alberto Fernández

9 Dec 14:45 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700738769756.html
Totti superstar, dalla Roma al sogno del quarto figlio

Il Capitano a Più libri, la fiction? Potrei interpretarla io (ANSA)

9 Dec 08:50 ANSA.it 1300837447594440180.html
Jharkhand polls: CRPF unit alleges ‘animal-like treatment’, claims given drinking water from water cannon

An assistant commandant-rank company commander of 222nd battalion of CRPF has complained to state authorities and his headquarters in Delhi.

9 Dec 14:10 The Indian Express 2885715105618821070.html
Star Trek Actor Rene Auberjonois Loses Battle With Cancer

Star Trek and Benson actor Rene Auberjonois have passed away. He was 79.The "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" regular lost his battle with cancer on Sunday, December 8, at his home here.Born in N

9 Dec 09:20 Koimoi 5184275671232588663.html
More than 30 feared dead with 'no more survivors' of New Zealand volcano eruption

It's too dangerous for rescue teams to reach the island

9 Dec 12:48 PlymouthLive 6373569607450074228.html
Bennet visita a nuevos soldados de las FDI en base de reclutamiento

El ministro de Defensa Naftali Bennett visitó a los nuevos reclutas de las FDI junto con el general de División Moti Almoz.

9 Dec 14:36 Noticias de Israel 5887715888921201223.html
Darum steigen jetzt in Blankenheim die Abfallgebühren

Für die Beseitigung ihrer Abfälle müssen die Bürger von Blankenheim und Hellenthal im kommenden Jahr deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen als bisher.

9 Dec 08:31 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568420654185.html
Inflated haredi draft numbers: 'The orders came from the top'

Former officer in IDF's manpower directorate who was involved in inflating of haredi draft numbers says orders 'came from the top.'

9 Dec 09:29 Israel National News 5374683670650518652.html
Catania, fermano una moto senza targa. Agenti aggrediti da 40 persone

Due agenti di polizia sono stati aggrediti da una quarantina di persone dopo aver rincorso e fermato un giovane motociclista che viaggiava senza targa.

9 Dec 13:27 NewNotizie 1312053895873145262.html
Falleció la periodista y docente Asalia Venegas

09-12-19.-Este lunes falleció la periodista y profesora Asalia Venegas, quien ganó el Premio Nacional en Periodismo de Opinión en 2008 y en Docencia e Investigación, en el año 2000. La comunic...

9 Dec 16:07 Aporrea 8480488500980791642.html
Portal da Competitividade lançado para democratizar acesso dos fundos às empresas

Empresários e empreendedores poderão consultar de forma intuitiva quais os melhores incentivos para candidatar os seus projetos. Iniciativa é uma ideia do embaixador de Portugal na União Europeia que quis tornar os apoios mais acessíveis.

9 Dec 13:26 PÚBLICO 2228264898199655597.html
‘General Hospital’ Monday Scheduling Scoop: ABC Executive Details Plans For December 9 Episode

A new week of drama in Port Charles is about to kick into gear and General Hospital fans are wondering whether they will face any schedule interruptions this week. ABC and many other networks are ...

9 Dec 14:39 The Inquisitr 1745625232281419974.html
Colle Umberto, schianto fra due auto, una finisce sul fianco in mezzo alla pista ciclabile Foto

COLLE UMBERTO (TREVISO) - Incidente stradale alle 15 del 9 dicembre a Colle Umberto, in via Roma, sulla Sp42. Due auto si sono scontrate, una vettura è finita su un fianco in mezzo alla pista...

9 Dec 17:39 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447935982695.html
Trending conversations today - December 9

The new week is here! Are you wondering what is happening on social media today? Here are the top trending topics in Uganda.

9 Dec 14:24 New Vision 9103146371843196492.html
cityStories Adventskalender : Weihnachtsmarkt Ulm: Gewinne Gutscheine für den „CMC Puzzles“-Stand

Der cityStories-Adventskalender ist wieder da: In unserem großen Gewinnspiel könnt ihr Gutscheine für den Weihnachtsmarkt Ulm gewinnen.

9 Dec 09:19 swp.de 6929179441870961390.html
TS – Incontro De Laurentiis-Gattuso! Reja la possibile alternativa

ULTIME NOTIZIE CALCIO NAPOLI – Raffaele Auriemma, sulle colonne dell’edizione odierna di “Tuttosport“, parla del momento di riflessione in casa Napoli sulla guida tecnica di Carlo Ancelotti e sui dubbi di Aurelio De Laurentiis. Pare infatti che il patron azzurro abbia perso fiducia nel tecnico di Reggiolo e che nella giornata di oggi sia pronto […]

9 Dec 08:01 Spazio Napoli 1933866184235683325.html
PMI: Nigeria’s manufacturing sector gains momentum in November 

Nigeria’s manufacturing sector has continued to gain momentum as it rallied to build on the growth recorded in the third quarter of 2019.

9 Dec 15:29 Nairametrics.com 4741528846687651833.html
Adorable tot lights up the internet as real-life Elf on the Shelf

One-year-old Parker McShane causes all sorts of mischief at his home in Coatbridge.

9 Dec 10:03 dailyrecord 552235479105417366.html
Massimo bossetti scrive a vittorio feltri: come e’ possibile che la corte trasmetta ai miei legali..


9 Dec 09:35 DAGOSPIA 6533336740144923350.html
Anti-Semitism stokes fear and election angst in UK's 'bagel belt'

Labour party candidate Holly Kal-Weiss sums up the mood of Jewish constituents she's met on the election campaign trail in the "bagel belt" ...

9 Dec 13:22 CNA 5644198863743249622.html
Kommunalwahl 2020: Ein Italiener will Eurasburger Bürgermeister den Chefsessel streitig machen

Mathias Petito will Bürgermeister von Eurasburg werden. Er überraschte mit seiner Bewerbung in der Aufstellungsversammlung der Grünen. Aber es gibt ein Problem.

9 Dec 11:03 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238565260506.html
Akui Sudah PantauTimnas Indonesia, Pelatih Vietnam Bicara Begini

Pelatih Timnas U-22 Vietnam, Park Hang-Seo tampak percaya diri usai mengaku telah menganalisa permainan Timnas U-22 Indonesia.

9 Dec 15:27 BolaSport.com 4603768436963506383.html
BJ estrena 2 canchas de basquetbol

El alcalde Santiago Taboada inauguró los espacios deportivos; aseguró que el deporte es una herramienta fundamental para la disminución de la violencia en país

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060636844610675.html
Tsauni mai aman wuta ya halaka mutane da dama a New Zealand

‘Yan Sandan New Zealand, sun ce babu wani karin mutum da ake sa ran cetowa da rai, daga wani tsibiri a kasar da tsauni yayi aman wutar bazata a yau litinin, yayinda kuma suka ce sama da mutane 20 ake fargabar sun halaka.

9 Dec 17:30 RFI 6057628069689733782.html
Unemployment high on list of Arab youth’s major concerns

ANKARA: Turkey sent 11 French “foreign terrorist fighters” back to France on Monday, the Turkish interior ministry said. “Eleven French citizens have been deported to their home country,” it said in a statement. Ankara has lambasted Western countries for refusing to take back their citizens who left to join the Daesh group in Syria and Iraq. It says it has some 1,200 foreign

9 Dec 08:15 Arab News 8912634263745983351.html
This Morning's Gino D'Acampo accidentally drops multiple X-rated expletives live on air

He couldn't quite get it right

9 Dec 16:43 Entertainment Daily 8392972515864610765.html
We are in a fix: teachers complain over strike

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:44 ghananewsagency.org 5074937609173284110.html
Nederlander riskeert 5 jaar cel voor mishandeling Vlaamse peuter: “Hallucinant wat die man een weerloos kind aandeed”

Voor het meermaals mishandelen van een peuter van 2,5 jaar heeft een twintiger uit Nederland zich moeten verantwoorden op de Kortrijkse rechtbank. De bekla...

9 Dec 11:51 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190734122625.html
Radna grupa Vlade Srbije za Poštu apeluje na radnike da prihvate ponudu i prekinu obustavu rada

Radna grupa Vlade Srbije za "Poštu Srbije" apelovala je danas na radnike u tom javnom preduzeću da prihvate ponudu o povećanju zarada i da prekinu

9 Dec 17:40 Krstarica 4176903988921234290.html
Iris Varela: Cárceles se administran con nuevo régimen penitenciario

La ministra explicó que en las cárceles no hay armas de ningún tipo ni líderes negativos

9 Dec 15:41 Últimas Noticias 6811287209358000209.html
Erling Braut Haaland: 'Liverpool rematch the biggest game of my career so far'

The Norway international has been linked with a host of clubs following a prolific start to the season with Red Bull Salzburg.

9 Dec 16:29 Sports Mole 7750663362473465895.html
Alan Parsons announces Turn Of A Friendly Card 40th anniversary tour

Alan Parsons has announced a string of European dates, with more show to be added

9 Dec 12:37 Prog 2174237038549660873.html
“Belegger Drenth houdt vast aan koop Pepergasthuis”

Belegger Jan Berry Drenth uit Roden wil nog steeds het Pepergasthuis kopen. Dat zei zijn advocaat tijdens de hoorzitting over het Pepergasthuis in het Cascadegebouw maandagmiddag.Over de verkoop v

9 Dec 16:47 OOG 303718093810586836.html
16. Türnitzer Adventzauber im Scharbachtal

Der Türnitzer Adventzauber findet heuer am Samstag den 14. Dezember bereits zum 16. Mal statt.

9 Dec 11:28 NÖN.at 2486998932288967254.html
Sancionan a un jugador por no prestar atención al himno chino

Guerschon Yabusele, ex de los Celtics, recibió una advertencia y una multa de 10.000 yuanes por no mantener la mirada alta durante la...

9 Dec 17:48 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959300672655.html
2 4-year-olds escape deadly crash by unhooking seats, climbing to safety

Washington State Patrol says two young girls are alive after they managed to unhook themselves from their booster seats and climb to safety to escape an accident.

9 Dec 10:45 Fox 4 8372747778181875475.html
2 4-year-olds escape deadly crash by unhooking seats, climbing to safety

Washington State Patrol says two young girls are alive after they managed to unhook themselves from their booster seats and climb to safety to escape an accident.

9 Dec 15:45 ABC15 Arizona 911680911131068179.html
Uhuru appointed to lead 79 countries

Leader of leaders

9 Dec 12:51 Pulse Live 3606876836201784224.html
China ordena reemplazar toda tecnología extranjera en organismos oficiales en un plazo de tres años

Las autoridades chinas han ordenado a todos los organismos públicos que reemplacen toda la tecnología extranjera, incluido el software y los equipos...

9 Dec 16:02 Europa Press 4702666148918182156.html
Google mejora las actualizaciones de los Pixel y se distancia más de Android

Los Google Pixel comienzan una nueva era de actualizaciones, y es que además de las actualizaciones de Android y seguridad ahora tenemos las feature drops.

9 Dec 15:34 El Androide Libre 196740462216014833.html
Nike & Mbappe Release Exclusive Signature Boot Range

Having a signature boot range as a footballer is considered a dream to many. Paris Saint-Germain star Kylian Mbappe is the latest to launch his very own boot range, with Nike. Check it out!

9 Dec 10:58 Soccer Laduma 3901337370706485939.html
Here’s how Rani Mukerji is celebrating Adira’s fourth birthday today

Rani Mukerji and Aditya Chopra's little baby girl, Adira turns four today and the doting parents have left no stone unturned to celebrate her big day in a grand way. Rani is hosting a birthday party for all of Adira's friends from the industry and outside. The Yash Raj Studios have been decorated and turned into a happening party venue for baby Adira's special day. 

9 Dec 15:58 Filmfare.com 6668806038027698942.html
Panipat: Kriti Sanon Has A Legit Answer On The Lengthy Duration Of Period Dramas!

Arjun Kapoor-Kriti Sanon-Sanjay Dutt starrer Panipat has received decent reviews from round the corners. But despite all such appreciation, the movie failed to show any miraculous growth during the we

9 Dec 14:01 Koimoi 5184275671428701687.html
AnotherBrain, Un Morceau De Cortex Aux Grandes Ambitions

Le rayonnement mondial de la France en termes d’innovation remonterait-il à la Belle Epoque ? Les expositions universelles de la fin du XIXème siècle...

9 Dec 12:00 Forbes France 3079663225489554566.html
Immobiliare turistico: i prezzi delle case in montagna in calo soprattutto in Abruzzo

L'immobiliare turistico, soprattutto quello in montagna, fatica a riprendersi. E' ciò che emerge dall'ultimo studio realizzato dall'ufficio studi di Tecnocasa. Nel primo semestre del 2019 si è registrata una flessione …

9 Dec 16:10 FinanzaOnline 6528634127992420932.html
JUST IN: Buhari names Nami to replace Fowler as FIRS boss

PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buharion Monday approved the composition of a new board for the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) subject to Senate

9 Dec 17:10 The ICIR 2244788521546028082.html
Bestätigt: Nati testet vor EM gegen Deutschland

Die Schweizer Nati testet im kommenden Frühjahr vor der EM im Sommer gegen Deutschland und Liechtenstein.

9 Dec 14:26 4-4-2.com 812646140904872255.html
'We demand proof, not promises': Papuans urge Jokowi to bring justice to Paniai tragedy

Five people, including four high school students, were allegedly shot and killed by Indonesian Military (TNI) soldiers on Dec. 8, 2014, during a protest in Paniai.

9 Dec 15:12 The Jakarta Post 7678601103487507906.html
Ben Greenhalghs irre Geschichte: Per TV-Casting zu Inter, später CR7-Double

Ben Greenhalgh gewann im Rahmen einer Castingshow einen Vertrag bei Inter Mailand. Ein Fluch für die Karriere, wie sich später herausstellen sollte.

9 Dec 12:27 SPOX 8395423525870833255.html
Kim otvorio novo skijaško odmaralište

PJONGJANG - Severnokorejski lider Kim Džong Un otvorio je novo skijalište i planinsko odmaralište Jangdok koje je namenjeno za, kako je rekao, uživanje u

9 Dec 09:02 Krstarica 4176903988109811662.html
Im dichten Schneetreiben: Von der Straße abgekommen und in Leitschiene geknallt

Bei einem Verkehrsunfall auf der Salzkammergut-Bundesstraße wurden Montagmittag zwei Personen unbestimmten Grades verletzt.

9 Dec 15:56 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700130399578.html
In Ecuador, no one can act outside the law

Letter: In response to a report that a Hindu guru had a established his own island off the coast of Ecuador, Ambassador Jaime Marchan Romero clarifies that no individual would ever be allowed to annex off land from a sovereign state

9 Dec 17:41 the Guardian 1491978794407828617.html
Inter-barcellona come una finale-messi non c'e',incasso record- il tesoro champions


9 Dec 16:35 DAGOSPIA 6533336740020971669.html
'No chance' of winning WADA ban appeal: Russian anti-doping chief

Russia's anti-doping agency chief on Monday said that his country has ''no chance'' of winning an appeal against a four-year international sporting ban. "There is no chance of winning this case in court," RUSADA chief Yury Ganus told AFP after the World Anti-Doping Agency imposed the ban that will rule Russia out of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

9 Dec 16:55 WION 1570469240862796990.html
Man and woman arrested in connection with murder of man in Kildare last year

Clive Staunton (50) was shot outside a house on Glen Easton Way on 15 November 2018.

9 Dec 14:30 TheJournal.ie 6446904418311319470.html
Museo del I Frente Oriental José Martí recibe toques constructivos finales en Santiago de Cuba

En la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba avanzan las obras de reanimación de su anillo fundacional, donde se dan los toques finales a la edificación que acogerá el Museo del I Frente Oriental José Martí, comandado por el líder de la Revolución, Fidel Castro

9 Dec 14:12 Granma.cu 7847343385447949797.html
Diagnose bei Jüngsten: Haltungsschwäche

Der Bericht des Fachdienstes Gesundheit geht auf Probleme von Kindern und Jugendlichen ein. Rund 20 Prozent der Sechstklässler müssen zum Orthopäden.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110177785758.html
Tras reunirse con los intendentes, Kicillof dará a conocer su equipo

El gobernador electo mantiene un encuentro clave con los jefes comunales

9 Dec 16:26 Diagonales 4932342255796217127.html
Bartomeu verschaft duidelijkheid: ‘Dat kunnen we ons niet veroorloven’

Arturo Vidal wordt de voorbije weken nadrukkelijk in verband gebracht met een vertrek bij Barcelona. Internazionale zou de voornaamste kandidaat zijn om de Chileense middenvelder over te nemen, daar hij trainer Antonio Conte nog kent van hun gezamenlijke tijd bij Juventus. Josep Maria Bartomeu, president van Barcelona, verzekert in gesprek met La Repubblica dat zijn club in januari echter geen spelers kwijt wil.

9 Dec 10:57 Voetbalzone 9096760912239715719.html
Cristiano Ronaldo Jr named best striker after Under-9 tournament win; Juventus star posts message of support

On Monday, Juventus superstar Cristiano Ronaldo’s son Cristiano Ronaldo Jr won a football tournament with the Juventus Under-9 team, thereby showing all signs of following in his famous father’s footsteps.

9 Dec 12:02 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907223855673.html
Inside Abandoned Death Row Prison Where Inmates’ Bodies Found At Bottom Of Well

Chilling photos taken by an urban explorer show an abandoned Thai prison where a number of inmates are said to have taken their own lives

9 Dec 15:51 UNILAD 6373328986926375000.html
Poznat put Srbije do polufinala SP, pobeda protiv Danske za siguran plasman na kvalifikacioni turnir za OI

Srbija je savladala Nemačku 29:28, Danska nadigrala Holandiju 27:24, a Norveška Koreju 36:25

9 Dec 13:29 Вечерње новости 4219870592217342150.html
Los celulares pueden causar cortes en el rostro y fracturas

Investigadores estadounidenses registraron 2.500 pacientes con lesiones relacionadas a la cabeza y el cuello, por negligencia al usar dispositivos móviles, entre 1998 y 2017, en 100 hospitales

9 Dec 15:03 Globovisión 5928221752546754272.html
Para concretizar o Brexit, Boris Johnson se lança em ofensiva em redutos da esquerda

O primeiro-ministro britânico Boris Johnson lançou nesta segunda-feira (9) uma última ofen...

9 Dec 17:28 UOL Noticias 8892198861427265359.html
Bucs Fail To Dance Past Baroka :Caltex Havoline Pic Of The Week

This week's image features Orlando Pirates goalscorer, Linda Mntambo, celebrating with teammates, Vincent Pule, Fortune Makaringe, Ben Motswari, and Abel Mabaso as the Buccaneers were only able to gain a point against Baroka FC, in a 2-2 draw over the wee

9 Dec 10:35 Soccer Laduma 3901337371345146870.html
Dear Therapist: My Son Is Angry About the Way He Was Treated Last Christmas

He returned home a year ago feeling sad and anxious. We tried to be supportive, but he felt slighted and he’s not over it.

9 Dec 12:00 The Atlantic 100708436870557166.html
Edinburgh-based Cyan Forensics, the crime-busting startup, raises €1.5 million to target new markets

Cyan Forensics, the Edinburgh-based startup whose technology helps police investigators to find evidence faster, has secured a further €1.5 million from a consortium of investors.

9 Dec 15:39 EU-Startups 1488873443519400287.html
SEA Games: Vietnam surpass gold target with 9th day haul - VnExpress International

Vietnamese athletes won 14 gold medals in various disciplines Monday to go past the target of 65-70 gold medals at the 30th SEA Games.

9 Dec 15:55 VnExpress International – Latest news, business, travel and analysis from Vietnam 7631321454263160020.html
Thiago Neves revela que Cruzeiro cogitou escalá-lo contra o Palmeiras, na rodada final do Brasileiro

Contato teria sido feito pelo diretor de futebol Marcelo Djian

9 Dec 17:21 Superesportes 5498560375326917613.html
Netflix usa a psicologia para manter seus usuários; entenda

Reciprocidade e a aversão à ociosidade são algumas das chaves da empresa de streaming para manter sua base de assinantes

9 Dec 17:30 Olhar Digital 416591715217154660.html
Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Sega has officially confirmed the Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle. The two remastered games are coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 early next year with various enhancements.

9 Dec 17:18 Neowin 8633418615149022739.html
Detienen a dos personas por maniobras peligrosas con un vehículo

Todo ocurrió en las primeras horas de este lunes, cuando los nombrados circulaban en un automóvil Mercedes Benz por la avenida Libertador de la localidad de Leandro N. Alem, ocasionando disturbios y maniobras peligrosas....

9 Dec 13:59 Primera Edición 6803897642613620596.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife Trailer Lights Up the Proton Packs!

Sony Pictures has revealed the first Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer for the direct followup to 1989's Ghostbusters 2 from director Jason Reitman.

9 Dec 16:02 SuperHeroHype 7705098698023047081.html
Zweieiige Zwillinge: Bei Geburt sorgen sich Eltern um ihre Tochter wegen Trisomie, dann stirbt der Sohn

Renate und ihr Mann erwarten Zwillinge, ein Mädchen und einen Junge. In der Schwangerschaft sorgen sich die Ärzte um Emily, eine Trisomie steht im Raum. Doch als die beiden geboren werden, schlägt das Pendel plötzlich um: Emily geht es gut, Elian hingegen wird lebensbedrohlich krank - und schafft es nicht.

9 Dec 08:03 FOCUS Online 4448121230888735753.html
Ryan Tannehill, Zach Pascal among top fantasy football free-agent finds for Week 15

Need an impact player others might be overlooking? Here are the top options available on waiver wires in most ESPN fantasy leagues.

9 Dec 17:07 ESPN 8538773401361016681.html
Tinashe Dances In The Streets Of Tokyo For "Save Room For Us" Video

Stream Tinashe's 'Songs For You' visual. Tinashe dropped off her latest album Songs For You just last month that came equipped with 15 songs and features by 6LACK and G-Eazy. The offering was an independent release by Tinashe following her drop from RCA records and seemingly was a bit of a redemptio...

9 Dec 17:10 hnhh 366195973967724244.html
Still no news on man 'unaccounted for' after huge house fire - one week after it happened

His next-of-kin have been informed, but the property still cannot be accessed

9 Dec 15:23 DevonLive 2469244512586356431.html
Ron Lauder Pledges $25 Million for Campaign Against Anti-Semitism

Mr. Lauder, a billionaire and longtime Republican contributor, cast the effort as more aggressive than that of other Jewish advocacy groups, outlining plans to air television and radio ads.

9 Dec 11:00 NY Times 1961078289034436040.html
Ogier se estrena a los mandos del Toyota Yaris WRC

Sébastien Ogier ha conducido el Toyota Yaris WRC por primera vez en un test del próximo Rally Montecarlo. Ott Tanak ya probó el Hyundai i20 WRC la semana pasada

9 Dec 15:49 sport 1349897969909941529.html
Emirates inauguró su vuelo Dubai-Mexico con escala en Barcelona

Emirates Airlines firma convenio con Interjet que permitirá conectar sus rutas internacionales desde México con varias ciudades del país, pese a los amparos para frenar la llegada de la aerolínea con sede en Dubái de Aeroméxico

9 Dec 16:12 El Universal 4964748197475459472.html
Pirâmides são os golpes mais comuns nos investimentos com criptomoedas

Cerca de 11 por cento dos brasileiros já entraram em algum sistema não-lucrativos e que lhe deram algum problema seja financeiro. Leia mais, clique aqui

9 Dec 17:47 Guia do Bitcoin 1083723510278443784.html
Pirâmides são os golpes mais comuns nos investimentos com criptomoedas

Cerca de 11 por cento dos brasileiros já entraram em algum sistema não-lucrativos e que lhe deram algum problema seja financeiro. Leia mais, clique aqui

9 Dec 17:47 Guia do Bitcoin 1083723509114376358.html
Piloto roraimense conquista dois títulos no Kart

Rafael Lucena foi campeão em duas competições no Distrito Federal

9 Dec 11:29 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103550115878837.html
Unicredit e le altre, i titoli da monitorare oggi a Piazza Affari. Impostazione grafica rialzista per il Ftse Mib

Conto alla rovescia ormai iniziato per la fine del 2019 e Piazza Affari nelle ultime sedute sembra aver ritrovato la via dei rialzi, con l’ultima importante sponda arrivata venerdì dai …

9 Dec 10:01 FinanzaOnline 6528634128230747290.html
Xiaomi Redmi K30 kommt morgen: Flaggschiff-Killer oder morscher Kutter?

Mit dem Xiaomi Redmi K30 kommt der nächste Flaggschiff-Killer aus China. Die bisherigen Gerüchte klingen vielversprechend.

9 Dec 14:19 CURVED 5947652462829031976.html
Una carga mantener las áreas verdes

Alcaldes confirman que DTOP no se mueve a dar mantenimiento a muchas vías estatales

9 Dec 15:45 Primera Hora 5092966653547786781.html
Virtuoso reveals the hottest hotel opening of 2020

NEW YORK - Global luxury travel network Virtuoso® is sharing its list of the most exciting properties around the world debuting over the next six months. From the eternally popular such as France and Mexico to the more exotic, including Japan and Botswana, these hotels and resorts are setting new standards in the ultra-competitive luxury space. On Virtuoso’s must-see list, historic icons meet sleek beach resorts while lodges nestled in nature complement city retreats. The common thread amongst them is

9 Dec 08:09 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789297382396.html
Lord Grinch: Hombre ROBA luces navideñas y se vuelve video VIRAL en Cuernavaca

Un hombre fue nombrado como Lord Grinch por robar las luces navide&ntilde;as de una casa ubicada en Cuernavaca, Morelos y los hechos quedaron grabados en un video que se hizo viral.

9 Dec 08:18 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624586800222.html
At least 700 shacks destroyed by floods, people trapped in Mamelodi

Communities across the city are in dire need of help after being affected by the flooding.

9 Dec 16:46 The Citizen 410802302471474515.html
Cape couple go from Mr and Mrs to Dr and Dr Bam at PhD graduation ceremony | Cape Argus

It’s an all-round celebration for Doctors Wouter and Louzanne Bam, a husband and wife couple who received their PhD degrees in Engineering.

9 Dec 13:26 www.iol.co.za 17825111077422489.html
Bezos recrudece su batalla con Trump por el contrato del Pentágono

Según acusa Amazon en una demanda interpuesta en un tribunal federal de Washington, Trump presionó "de manera impropia" para evitar que el...

9 Dec 16:41 Expansión 4197779424541368280.html
Tribunal quer acesso a lista de espera por cirurgias eletivas

O Poder Judici&aacute;rio quer propor a elabora&ccedil;&atilde;o de projeto de lei que estabele&ccedil;a regula&ccedil;&atilde;o do sistema p&uacute;blico de sa&uacute;de de Mato Grosso do Sul de...

9 Dec 12:00 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490570551471.html
Documentos oficiales revelan que el Gobierno lleva años mintiendo sobre la fracasada guerra de Afganistán

“No teníamos la menor idea de lo que estábamos emprendiendo”, dijo un general. “Somos lamentablemente deficientes”, admitió un secretario de Defensa. Estas son las mentiras al pueblo estadounidenses incluidas en los Papeles de Afganistán

9 Dec 10:45 Telemundo 1787883393498614516.html
Lionel Richie komt naar de Lokerse Feesten

Lionel Richie komt naar de Lokerse Feesten. Dat maakte de organisatie net zelf bekend. De zanger van monsterhits  als ‘All Night Long’, ‘Hello’ en ‘Say You, Say Me’ komt op vrijdag 31 juli naar de ...

9 Dec 15:30 HLN 8967494997698410731.html
Relator do caso Eduardo Bolsonaro protege acusados no Conselho de Ética

Igor Timo votou a favor do arquivamento em dois casos de quebra de decoro

9 Dec 14:06 VEJA.com 4116702196482052127.html
Birds of Prey: How Harley Quinn Will Evolve in the Film

Birds of Prey director Cathy Yan and producer Sue Kroll spoke on the exploration of Harley Quinn's psyche in the film.

9 Dec 17:12 CBR.com 1295516961721093662.html
Las protestas y otros puntos que inquietan sobre la economía colombiana

Analistas se muestran preocupados por las costosas promesas que asumiría el Gobierno con tal de apaciguar el malestar social.

9 Dec 12:08 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542451766925.html
Monopolies don't just threaten the future of America — they change how we watch TV, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "If you want a vision of the future of show business, imagine Mickey Mouse's giant yellow shoe stamping on a human face &mdash; forever.". Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:00 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756964930392.html
OnePlus 8 Lite, smartphone di fascia media?

OnePlus 8 Lite dovrebbe essere uno smartphone di fascia media con schermo da 6,4 o 6,5 pollici, fotocamera frontale in-display e dual camera posteriore.

9 Dec 09:20 Webnews 4852331586117338055.html
DOJ: Gov’t ready to run water supply if water concessionaires bail

Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra assured the public on Monday that the government is ready to take over the water supply duties for Metro Manila in the event that the two water concessionaires Manila Water Co., Inc. and Maynilad Water Services decide to halt their services.

9 Dec 16:34 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199694552991.html
Registrado roubo de mais duas motos no fim de semana em Campina Grande

Registrado roubo de mais duas motos no fim de semana em Campina Grande

9 Dec 09:26 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905689140892.html
BioShock: 2K gründet neues Studio Cloud Chamber für die Entwicklung einer neuen Erfahrung

2K Games hat ein neues Studio gegründet, das an einem neuen "BioShock" arbeiten soll. Demnach wird zukünftig Cloud Chamber für die Entwicklung der Marke verantwortlich sein.

9 Dec 13:50 play3.de 8301165838564238560.html
North America e Mega Travel promovem capacitação sobre Disney em Campinas

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 08:36 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987867980547.html
Tegeltija: PDV se ne može mijenjati bez konsenzusa

BANJALUKA - Predsjedavajući Savjeta ministara BiH Zoran Tegeltija hovoreći o tvrdnjama opozicije u Srpskoj da se zalaže za povećanje stope PDV-a, rekao je da kada neko traži izgovor da nešto ili nekoga ne podrži, onda pokušava da nađe problem ili opravdanje za svoje reakcije.

9 Dec 09:51 Nezavisne novine 4209150642740819699.html
Omicidio Luca Sacchi: l’analisi dei cellulari di Anastasiya e Princi

Continuano le indagini investigative sull'omicidio di Luca Sacchi: in questi giorni sotto analisi i cellulari dei ragazzi coinvolti, e le loro proprietà.

9 Dec 13:58 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926758132433.html
Trainer-Verschleiß ohne Ende – ist dieses Team untrainierbar?

Auch im dritten Spiel als FC-Trainer kann Markus Gisdol mit dem Kader keinen Sieg holen.

9 Dec 17:21 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569307795283.html
Samferdselsministeren: Staten vil spare fire milliarder på Vy-kontrakt for tog i vest

Staten vil spare 4 milliarder kroner på at Vy betaler for å kjøre tog på strekningene i vest, sier samferdselsminister Jon Georg Dale (Frp).

9 Dec 11:44 rbnett.no 7665098090768385153.html
Why Europe will side with the US over China for 5G

America’s allies are belatedly heeding its warnings about the Chinese technology threat

9 Dec 17:17 The Irish Times 8204772968893471683.html
Biden sier mot seg selv om Burisma og Hunter

Joe Biden flyter på at han skal klare å avskrekke pressen fra å grave. Men velgerne tier ikke stille og Biden endrer story fra dag til dag. Dette bildet er nok til å torpedere hans versjon: Far og sønn Biden sammen med Burisma-folk på golf i USA: Foto: Tucker Carlson.

9 Dec 15:38 Document 5102836954129712173.html
Verbale ruzie escaleert opnieuw: Noord-Korea noemt Trump “instabiele, oude man zonder geduld”

Noord-Korea uitte vandaag opnieuw forse kritiek op de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump. De Noord-Koreaanse regering verwijt de VS te bluffen. De Noord-Koreaanse topdiplomaat Kim Yong-chol noemde ...

9 Dec 11:31 HLN 8967494998593326537.html
Dear Parents, Tolong Jangan Ucapkan 4 Kata Ini kepada Anak, Ya!

WE Online, Jakarta - Membesarkan anak, berapapun usianya adalah pekerjaan sensitif dan rumit yang membutuhkan upaya konstan untuk mempersiapkan mereka menuju dunia nyata.

9 Dec 11:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834141715990.html
Ameal y Riquelme arrasaron en las elecciones de Boca

La lista que apoyó el máximo ídolo de la historia del xeneize, Juan Román Riquelme, se impuso ante la lista oficialista encabezada por Christian Gribaudo por más de 20 puntos de diferencia. José Beraldi quedó en el tercer puesto de unos comicios que fueron históricos ya que sufragaron más de 38.000.

9 Dec 12:16 El Patagónico 8565457047105901412.html
Sabrina Becomes the Queen of Hell in the Official Plot Synopsis for “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” Season 3

Announced over the weekend, the third season of “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” will be hitting Netflix on January 24, 2020, and we’ve got the official plot synopsis today. Part Three finds Sabrina reeling from the harrowing events of Part Two. Though she defeated her father Lucifer, the Dark Lord remains trapped within the human prison […]

9 Dec 16:14 Bloody Disgusting 5613834126934021768.html
"drüber&drunter" im weihnachtlichen Retz

Die Menschenmassen fürchteten sich nicht, als die Perchten beim Advent "drüber&drunter" den Retzer Hauptplatz heimsuchten. Vom Rathausturm bis in den Erlebniskeller reichte das weihnachtliche Angebot.

9 Dec 14:29 NÖN.at 2486998932291642707.html
iCloud-Störung: Einige von Apples Diensten sind zurzeit nicht verfügbar (Aktualisierung: Störung ist behoben)

Seit einigen Stunden stehen etliche von Apples Cloud-Diensten nicht oder nur eingeschränkt zur Verfügung. Betroffen von der Störung sind vor allem iCloud-Services, darunter auch die Backup-Funktion.

9 Dec 10:45 MacTechNews.de 1297039196777371553.html
Andy Ruiz Jr. vs. Anthony Joshua 2 results: Joshua delivers boxing clinic to reclaim heavyweight belts

The British boxer jabbed his way to the sweet, tactical victory, returning to the upper echelon of the heavyweight class after the embarrassing upset earlier in 2019.

9 Dec 12:48 Sporting News 5110653854693207605.html
Ranji Trophy: Centuries From Shubham Rohilla, Shivam Chauhan Help Haryana Rule Day 1 Against Maharashtra

Ranji Trophy: Shubham Rohilla and Shivam Chauhan added 221 runs for the third wicket to resurrect Haryana's first innings after they were reduced to 24/2 in the 8th over.

9 Dec 15:21 NDTVSports.com 2127367044635392288.html
Imagens reais do Samsung Galaxy S11 confirmam rumores de design!

Antes de mais, vale a pena frisar que as imagens do alegado Samsung Galaxy S11 são de terrível qualidade. Ainda assim, dado ao histórico do conhecido...

9 Dec 11:40 4gnews 1809086877796168004.html
Karnataka By-polls Results: 11 rebels labelled defectors by their parties win again on BJP seats

Congress won two seats, Janata Dal Secular (JDS) drew a blank while a BJP rebel won as an Independent candidate.

9 Dec 10:29 Oneindia 2023829371730078909.html
Philips Hue in sconto su Amazon: starter kit, strisce LED e tanto altro

Philips Hue è in sconto su Amazon. Le offerte vedono una moltitudine di prodotti in offerta, a partire dagli starter kit per arrivare alle singole luci.

9 Dec 10:05 iPhone Italia 4721978890937575494.html
Iconic Cork restaurant one of 23 food outlets forced to close

An iconic Cork restaurant was one of a record 23 food outlets forced to close in November over hygiene concerns.

9 Dec 14:03 Irishexaminer 8196011178685312102.html
'Minecraft' will finally support cross-platform play on PS4

The update will arrive Tuesday morning.

9 Dec 11:36 Engadget 96641515820477778.html
Arsenal: Everyone needs to pump the brakes on Joe Willock

Joe Willock was not good for Arsenal against Brighton, but that doesn't mean that he has disqualified himself as a Premier League player. I don't know why ...

9 Dec 11:00 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845313707292005.html
Der UBS-Fonds, aus dem 6 Milliarden Dollar raus wollen

Für einen milliardenschweren Immobilienfonds der UBS in den USA gibt es eine lange Warteliste – von Investoren, die ihr Geld abziehen wollen. Doch das ist leichter gesagt als getan. ...

9 Dec 14:43 finews.ch 7270223617353881078.html
Feel nervous to match the love and expectations after Kabir Singh: Shahid Kapoor

Shahid Kapoor was speaking at the red carpet of Star Screen Awards on Sunday. The Kabir Singh actor will soon begin shooting for Jersey.

9 Dec 08:11 The Indian Express 2885715105720861408.html
Muere padre frente a su hijo cuando colgaban luces navideñas

Los hechos ocurrieron en Texas la tarde del sábado, cuando Felipe Gallegos, de 39 años, y su hijo Kaymin, de 17 años, colocaban luces de Navidad para un vecino

9 Dec 16:13 EL DEBATE 4396150893066186587.html
Berlusconi: “Grazie alle vittorie del Milan, sono il presidente di club che ha vinto di più a livello mondiale"

Attraverso il profilo Twitter del Milan, il club rossonero ha pubblicato un video con queste dichiarazioni rilasciate da Silvio Berlusconi, ex presidente rossonero, in vista del 120° anniversario della società milanista: "Gli obiettivi che ci eravamo prefissati erano traguardi a cui nessuno credeva e quindi sono assolutamente soddisfatto di quello che abbiamo fatto. Grazie alle vittorie del Milan, sono il presidente di club che ha vinto di più a livello mondiale".

9 Dec 12:40 MilanNews.it 6507305922058460348.html
Ex-cop na tulak todas sa buy-bust

PATAY ang isang retiradong pulis na tulak ng iligal na droga nang maki­pagpalitan ng putok sa Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group (IMEG) na nagsagawa ng buy-bust operation sa Novaliches, Quezon City kahapon nang madaling-araw.

9 Dec 14:06 Abante News Online 7257070570881523419.html
Watch The Hilarious Moment Akuapem Poloo’s Wig Fell Off While Dancing With Cardi B (+Video)

Controversial Screen goddess Rosemond Brown popularly known as Akuapem poloo finally had her prayers of meeting with American pop star Cardi B answered when the latter was in Ghana yesterday 8th December 2019. Cardi B was slated to have a  meet and greet session with some Ghanaian celebrities at 2:30 pm yesterday ahead of her […]

9 Dec 10:23 GhBase.com 8689748847577292101.html
Watch Tesla boss Elon Musk take his Cybertruck out for a spin

Outspoken Tesla boss Elon Musk has yet again used his celebrity status to promote his latest product, taking the controversial Cybertruck out for a night on the town in Malibu.

9 Dec 09:53 City A.M. 6389894490406954363.html
El Supremo francés rechaza el recurso de Benzema

El Tribunal Supremo francés rechazó este lunes el recurso del delantero del Real Madrid Karim Benzema con el que esperaba enterrar la acusación que le persigue desde 2015, por su presunta implicación en un intento de chantaje a su entonces compañero de selección Matthieu Valbuena.Los magistrados de la más alta instancia judicial consideraron que los investigadores no traspasaron los límites legítimos para obtener pruebas de su implicación, en contra de lo pretendía el jugador.Eso significa que se mantiene la validez de todas esas pruebas recopiladas por la acusación, lo que podría conducir a Benzema a sentarse en el banquillo al término del procedimiento de instrucción.La defensa del madridista argumentaba que estuvo viciada la acción de un policía infiltrado, que se hizo pasar por un emisario de Valbuena para intentar identificar a quienes estaban detrás del chantaje del que era objeto con un vídeo de contenido sexual.Sin embargo, el Supremo afirmó que ese agente "que tuvo un papel de intermediario se insertó…

9 Dec 13:03 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125565400072.html
Cops accused of flouting laws by sourcing unlawful R6.9m donations | The Star

SAPS allegedly received Police Day gifts and sponsorships with the national commissioner’s approval

9 Dec 08:03 www.iol.co.za 17825112663507336.html
Nissan likely to be fined $22 million by Japan's markets watchdog

Japan's markets watchdog will likely recommend soon that the financial regulator fine Nissan Motor Co Ltd about 2.4 billion yen ($22 million) over false reporting on its financial statement, public broadcaster NHK reported on Sunday. Nissan's former Chairman Carlos Ghosn was arrested in Tokyo in November last year over allegations of financial misconduct, including understating his salary by around 9.1 billion yen ($84.71 million) over a period of nearly a decade and temporarily transferring pe

9 Dec 08:24 Autoblog 4372976971819460031.html
Boris Johnson takes reporter’s phone after refusing to look at photo

The Prime Minister tried to steer the focus of the interview on to Tory NHS funding.

9 Dec 14:12 Shropshire Star 3480199993249372332.html
Supersport: Super team MV Agusta, resta Raffaele De Rosa

MV Agusta conferma Raffaele De Rosa, che affiancherà l'iridato Randy Krummenacher e Federico Fuligni. Supersport in gran rilancio

9 Dec 17:49 Corsedimoto 8217505416950592790.html
Baby miss, i concorsi di bellezza per bambine spopolano anche in italia - l'allarme del garante


9 Dec 12:10 DAGOSPIA 6533336740028712646.html
Tuttosport - Milan, l'ottimismo di Pioli: la strada intrapresa è quella giusta

Prima Parma e poi Bologna: il Milan fa un altro passo fuori dal momento difficile grazie a due vittorie di fila, cosa che non succedeva da inizio campionato, cioè dai successi consecutivi contro Brescia e Verona. Tra questi due mini-filotti, i rossoneri hanno vissuto una crisi lunga che però ora finalmente sembra essere solo un brutto ricordo. Ieri al Dall'Ara, la squadra di Pioli ha dato continuità alla vittoria del Tardini di una settimana fa, portando a casa tre punti d'oro per la classifica, che piano piano inizia a sorridere ai rossoneri. 

9 Dec 10:00 MilanNews.it 6507305921634611704.html
EXCLUSIVE: Nick Cannon: The Hood Doesn't Listen to Eminem, Whites are Guests in Hip Hop

In this flashback, Nick Cannon shared his thoughts on Conway's reaction to Lord Jamar saying that white people, including Eminem, are guests in the...

9 Dec 16:41 VLADTV 1404406305587031124.html
CCXP 19: New details revealed for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, and WandaVision

Marvel’s Kevin Feige spilled some beans on the stories for upcoming Disney+ shows The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and WandaVision and how they will tie into the future of the MCU. Plus, som…

9 Dec 13:30 Critical Hit 8797780292465681533.html
'No mother should have to deal with this' says mom after Grainger Co. toddler dies in crash

A Grainger County two-year-old was hit and killed after running into the street Friday night, according to a report from Tennessee Highway Patrol.

9 Dec 15:19 WVLT 4089046911132939100.html
«Idretten skjuler seg bak frykten for kollektiv avstraffelse av uskyldige»

– Man kommer aldri til å venne seg til å være nøytral, sa en russisk friidrettsstjerne under VM i Doha i høst. Det burde de også ha sluppet. Men WADA ville det annerledes.

9 Dec 17:51 NRK 3631390764542268331.html
Tras reunirse con los intendentes, Kicillof dio a conocer su Gabinete

El gobernador electo mantuvo un encuentro clave con los jefes comunales

9 Dec 16:26 Diagonales 4932342256390296236.html
How to get fit fast at home with indoor cycling

Short on time? Indoor cycling is your fast-track route to fitness

9 Dec 08:25 T3 267522093085606956.html
La sorprendente agonía del Deportivo

Colista de Segunda División y a ocho puntos de la salvación, el equipo coruñés lleva ya 18 partidos sin conocer la victoria, la peor racha...

9 Dec 10:53 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959430809866.html
New Zealand police confirm 5 dead in volcanic eruption

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand police confirm 5 dead in volcanic eruption.

9 Dec 08:15 WFXT 6395891953022060251.html
Disfruta esta navidad con un ponche crema de cacao ¡Exquisito!

Ponche crema de cacao Ingredientes:

9 Dec 09:39 Informe21.com 5448175405635210719.html
Diskriminierung in Österreich hoch: Das zeigt “Social Justice Index”

Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Österreich zwar europaweit allgemein den 17. Platz belegt hat, in Fragen der Diskriminierung jedoch weit zurückfällt.

9 Dec 11:04 miss 1375730021925946171.html
Report: Everton and Newcastle ponder £4.2m January swoop for Matchoi Bobo Djalo

Juventus also want Djalo.Juventus also want Djalo.

9 Dec 12:15 The Boot Room 5717202226898360370.html
Man in tux 'repeatedly punched in the face' during late-night town assault

A MAN in a tuxedo suffered injuries to his face after being repeatedly punched during a late-night assault in St Helier.

9 Dec 13:22 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775444837579.html
How to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation for free

Join the Griswald family for Christmas in the classic festive comedy. We show you how to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation online, on TV or on any mobile device - and for free!

9 Dec 16:52 Tech Advisor 6450858318115269387.html
Tebas: "No estoy defraudado, no me alegro por condenas justas nunca, ni por absoluciones que dejan tantas dudas"

Javier Tebas, hoy "expresidente" de LaLiga hasta que se formalicen las elecciones a la patronal ha comentado en MARCA el resultado del juicio por el Levante-Zaragoza, un caso en el que él es el denunciante y que ha sido uno de sus principales caballos de batalla.

9 Dec 11:19 MARCA 5656811531913988374.html
Shoppers blast M&S for 'mugging' them over Percy Pig Advent calendars

The high street giant is renowned for selling Percy Pigs - but the Advent calendar has sparked controversy

9 Dec 09:36 Wales Online 7686550515730261835.html
Cristiano Ronaldo's son wins Cavour Trophy with Juventus' U9 side

Juventus forward Cristiano Ronaldo will be proud of his son after winning youth tournament with the Old Lady's Under 9 team where he was also named the best striker.

9 Dec 14:39 Legit 3764253649911886457.html
Talking Horses: Sandown seven either failed to see the flag, or ignored it

Jockeys’ appeals against bans for racing despite a yellow flag has brought under scrutiny the approach to stopping a race

9 Dec 12:40 the Guardian 1491978796337168076.html
Christmas Fund: How I Can For Kids feeds hungry children when school is out

There are children in Calgary who depend on school nutritional programs to stay fed throughout the week, but when school is out for the summer they lose access to food.That’s when I Can For K…

9 Dec 14:00 Calgary Herald 1003909010614419145.html
‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife' trailer released

Slimer is back and has an afterlife again.

9 Dec 15:08 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638332936178.html
Tiene Guerrero alta ocupación hotelera

Este domingo se alcanzó una ocupación hotelera en el estado de 87.7 por ciento, en promedio en los destinos turísticos de Acapulco, Ixtapa y Taxco; el mayor número de visitantes se concentró en el puerto en sus tres zonas, en el llamado Acapulco Dorado, con 93.2%; seguido de Diamante, con 82.3% y Náutico, con 79.4%

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060636910538479.html
What is X Factor The Band and how will it work? Simon Cowell launches new talent search on ITV

X Factor: The Band starts on ITV on Monday night with Simon Cowell at the helm of the new talent search

9 Dec 14:48 ChronicleLive 1984146902529311475.html
Kollege Jaecki Schwarz traurig: "Wolfgangs Tod war absehbar"

"Polizeiruf 110"-Star Wolfgang Winkler erlag im Alter von 76 Jahren seinem Krebsleiden. 17 Jahre lang stand er gemeinsam mit Jaecki Schwarz vor der Kamera. Dieser trauert nun in einem Interview um seinen langjährigen Kollegen und guten Freund.

9 Dec 11:36 BUNTE.de 2017976498693026610.html
Venezuela pierde a uno de sus grandes activos: Pedro Nikken

El ilustre abogado venezolano y expresidente la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Pedro Nikken, murió la tarde de este lunes. La muerte de Nikken deja al país sin uno de sus más importantes activos de pensamiento y reserva moral, especialmente en tiempos de crisis como los actuales en los que el diálogo, una de las fortalezas de Nikken, es una necesidad urgente.

9 Dec 17:30 Panorama 6052790754028285732.html
Why the holidays are a prime time for elder abuse, and what you can do to thwart it

People often associate the holidays with children, leaving older adults out of mind, but there's reason to pay attention to them at this time of year. They are a prime target for financial scammers.

9 Dec 13:43 The Conversation 6012421227559223672.html
Opernhaus Zürich: «Don Pasquale» von Gaetano Donizetti

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 15:02 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000774830308647.html
Un joven murió tras ser baleado desde una moto en Granadero Baigorria

El ataque, que se registró esta madrugada, tuvo como blanco a un grupo de jóvenes.

9 Dec 12:37 La Capital 7472053045595328559.html
Angels Of The North's Sammyjo wants her mental health battle to inspire others

She's now a proud girlboss and wants to inspire others.

9 Dec 11:38 Metro 970161747901118790.html
Meralco bills go up this month

ELECTRIC consumers will pay again higher electricity bills this December as the Manila Electric Company (Meralco) will implement a power rate increase.

9 Dec 10:27 Journal Online 6375127393211787328.html
Seil über Radweg gespannt: Mann verletzt

Wegen eines gespanntes Seils über einem Radweg bei Zell im Wiesental (Kreis Lörrach) ist ein Pedelec-Fahrer gestürzt und hat sich verletzt.

9 Dec 17:17 swp.de 6929179441403625417.html
Noelia al estilo de Victoria’s Secret presume adelanto de su pasarela en lencería

Noelia la sexy cantante puertorrique&ntilde;a, sigue rob&aacute;ndose suspiros en las redes sociales con sus candentes publicaciones en Instagram; la famosa cautiv&oacute; a sus fans con un ardiente video.

9 Dec 11:42 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624520125274.html
Two more cheated in QR code scam

More cases of people losing money after falling prey to QR code scamsters are coming to light. Two city-based software engineers were allegedly cheated of ₹1.17 lakh in separate incidents when they we

9 Dec 16:27 The Hindu 6679535026102369481.html
Boris Johnson takes reporter’s phone after refusing to look at photo

The Prime Minister tried to steer the focus of the interview on to Tory NHS funding.

9 Dec 15:32 Irishexaminer 8196011179878242355.html
Un barbat a sarit zidul "pe care nu te poti catara" al lui Trump cu ajutorul unei banale scari (Video)

Trei barbati au reusit sa cucereasca zidul ''pe care nu te poti catara'' de miliarde de dolari construit de presedintele american Donald Trump la granita cu Mexic, ajutandu-se de o scara.

9 Dec 08:42 Ziare.com 1922730286756176187.html
Messi no entra en la convocatoria del Barcelona para jugar contra el Inter

Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter-Barcelona, que mañana martes se jugará en Milán

9 Dec 08:40 EL DEBATE 4396150893094380043.html
Violenza sulle donne: attivato un nuovo banner sul sito di Roma Capitale con una lista di centri attivi per chiedere aiuto

Sul sito di Roma Capitale è stato attivato un nuovo banner contro la violenza sulle donne, che porta direttamente alla lista di tutti i centri anti violenza attivi sul territorio per richiedere aiuto e assistenza.  Ad annunciarlo con un post su Facebook è stata Veronica Mammì, l’assessore alla Persona, scuola e comunità solidale di Roma: […]

9 Dec 16:21 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339220365495.html
Para Rodolfo Pizarro solo existe Europa en su futuro

La prioridad en la carrera del internacional mexicano, Rodolfo Pizarro, es dar el salto europeo. El volante de Monterrey por lo tanto no regresaría a Chivas

9 Dec 15:21 Futbol Sapiens 6108039829834974585.html
23 creative and unexpected gifts for 'Strangers Things' fans, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Here are 23 items from the "Stranger Things" series any fan would love.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:53 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756273693173.html
Rangers vs Celtic: Sutton blasted by Thompson over ‘disgraceful and misleading’ Morelos analysis

DAVID THOMPSON has branded Celtic legend Chris Sutton’s analysis of the flashpoint between Rangers’ Alfredo Morelos and Christopher Jullien as a ‘disgrace and misleading’. T…

9 Dec 11:52 The Scottish Sun 6609127674623361598.html
Europa y la OMC

Estados Unidos fuerza el fin del Comité de Apelación y genera inseguridad

9 Dec 17:52 EL PAÍS 2207347711137551235.html
[Pankaj Mishra] India’s problems bigger than Modi

A new narrative about India is suddenly emerging. Until very recently, India appeared to be a great democracy as well as a rising economic power, a potential partner of the West in its policy of containing China. Writing in Time magazine in 2015, no less a moral and political authority than Barack Obama hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as India’s “reformer-in-chief” who “reflects the dynami...

9 Dec 10:48 Koreaherald 8029273604770355281.html
Stellan Skarsgård Golden Globe-nominerad

Film Stellan Skarsgård nomineras till en Golden Globe för sin skådespelarinsats i HBO-serien "Chernobyl", som även den har chans på en gyllene glob.Det är oerhört roligt, säger Stellan Skars

9 Dec 14:53 www.unt.se 8922556089495087085.html
JUST IN: Nollywood actress Funke Akindele loses dad

Nollywood star, Funke Akindele Bello, has announced the death of her father, a retired school principal through her Instagram and Twitter accounts...

9 Dec 12:20 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901674727739.html
Groza, parkeljni so se znesli nad obiskovalci (VIDEO)

V italijanskem Vipitenu v bližini Bolzana se je letošnje miklavževanje sprevrglo v pretep. Ljudje so se zbrali, da bi si napasli oči na Miklavžu, predvsem pa na parkeljnih, ki spremljajo prvega o...

9 Dec 12:35 Slovenske novice 5901956561847665953.html
Karnataka bypolls: BJP wins in KR Pet, creates history

The saffron party created history by breaking into the JD(S) bastion and winning the bypolls in the K R Pet segment.

9 Dec 08:49 Deccan Herald 2027555795943669369.html
Concern for Man City as doubts emerge over Pep Guardiola’s future

Athletic report suggests contingency plan being put in place...

9 Dec 13:30 CaughtOffside 8169236757455691776.html
Google Fi brings Wi-Fi calling to more phones, adds spam call warnings

Devices that aren't "Designed for Fi" miss out on some features, but now Google is bringing some of those extras features to more devices.

9 Dec 13:32 XDA Developers 7805159869333788277.html
Xbox Gameplay Chart: Halo MCC Soars up the Ranks

The popularity of Halo Reach is clear; it only joined the Master Chief Collection last week, but has already caused the MCC to soar up into the top five.

9 Dec 16:00 TrueAchievements 4775707719960113417.html
Skjuter på reformering av Arbetsförmedlingen

Beslut från regeringen och samarbetspartierna Centern och Liberalerna.

9 Dec 08:10 HD 3336945412757495634.html
Polarización se apoderó del grito feminista Un violador en tu camino de Venezuela

"Un violador en tu camino", el contagioso grito feminista que ha inspirado multitudinarias concentraciones en varios países, ha tenido un eco moderado en Venezuela, donde las diferencias entre activistas "chavistas" e "independientes" atomizaron las convocatorias.

9 Dec 08:20 Panorama 6052790754022265242.html
Bh. karatisti pokorili Balkan

Reprezentacija BiH u karateu vratila se sa Balkanskog prvenstva za kadete, juniore i U-21 u Brežicama (Slovenija) sa čak 36 medalja, od kojih je 12 zlatnih, čime je postala najuspješnija zemlja prvenstva.

9 Dec 13:27 Nezavisne novine 4209150642646432981.html
Wann verlängert Manuel Neuer beim FC Bayern? Noch keine Entscheidung gefallen

Der Vertrag von Torhüter Manuel Neuer beim FC Bayern läuft im Sommer 2021 aus. Einem Medienbericht zufolge soll der DFB-Keeper kurz vor einer Vertragsverlängerung stehen. Nach SPORTBUZZER-Informationen ist eine baldige Verlängerung jedoch nicht konkret geplant.

9 Dec 14:16 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775465166032.html
Hühnchen oder Sex für gute Noten: Perversem Lehrer wird Schlimmes vorgeworfen

Der indische Lehrer Rajesh Kumar Bhardwaj soll seine Schüler zu sexuellen Handlungen aufgefordert haben, damit er sie nicht durch die Prüfungen fallen lässt.

9 Dec 16:59 TAG24 4583887873589712907.html
'Devastating' fire at Alberta dealership leaves 35 employees out of work

Fire destroyed the Edson Chrysler Dodge Jeep dealership early Monday morning, leaving dozens of employees out of work.

9 Dec 15:07 Edmonton 2483052956128248944.html
Mara Venier richiama all’ordine il pubblico ed è subito polemica

Poco prima dell’interruzione di Domenica In Mara Venier richiama all’ordine il pubblico e scattano le polemiche In ogni puntata di Domenica In, trasmissione condotta da Mara Venier su Rai uno, ci sono numerosi ospiti. Anche questa domenica la puntata è stata divisa in due parti per consentire di mandare in onda lo speciale del Tg1. […]

9 Dec 17:50 KontroKultura 2573504972479445812.html
Cardi B Makes History As First Female Rapper To Cover American 'Vogue'

Kulture joins her for the iconic Annie Leibowitz photos

9 Dec 16:50 NYLON 2502378729793243222.html
Wasim Jaffer makes record 150th Ranji appearance

Cricket News: Wasim Jaffer achieved another first-class milestone as he made his 150th appearance in Ranji Trophy. Featuring for Vidarbha, Jaffer is playing his 150

9 Dec 10:44 The Times of India 6060938663097662537.html
Hasta una cierta hora realizan cesáreas en esta maternidad

Las puertas principales conservan aún su fachada original. Blancas y de gran tamaño, permanecen cerradas, incluso, a plena luz del día.

9 Dec 15:55 El Siglo 7954754734879607769.html
Greysia/Apriyani Ogah Jemawa Jelang Final Bulu Tangkis SEA Games 2019

Pasangan ganda putri Indonesia, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu berhasil mengamankan tiket final bulu tangkis nomor perorangan SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 08:56 Bola.net 5489959028298961190.html
La Navidad y sus ferias llegaron a las regiones

Plazas y avenidas fueron iluminadas para dar realce a la festividad

9 Dec 11:10 Últimas Noticias 6811287209543021150.html
Pijan s šestletnikom v avtomobilu bežal pred policisti in pristal na njivi

Lendavski policisti so v soboto okrog polnoči med nadzorom prometa ustavljali voznika, ki se na znake policistov ni ustavil, ampak je nadaljeval vožnjo. Med begom je zapeljal na njivo, pri tem pa je bil z njim v avtu tudi šestletni otrok. Alkotest je vozniku pokazal 1,15 miligrama alkohola v litru izdihanega zraka.

9 Dec 12:38 Dnevnik 7671546650569775370.html
Schumer says FAA study on legroom, seat width late - calls for mandates

A study on whether to mandate additional legroom and seat width on airplanes is late on arrival.

9 Dec 12:11 ABC7 New York 7327811147336535798.html
Polizei in Deggingen: Zweiter Diebstahl auf Hof in Deggingen

Ein Unbekannter hat von Samstag auf Sonntag in Deggingen sechs Gitterboxen von einem Hof gestohlen. Die Polizei sucht nach dem Dieb.

9 Dec 14:44 swp.de 6929179440365747926.html
Ava Maxs erstes Album ist fast fertig!

Die Musikerin wird bald ihr Debutalbum veröffentlichen. Die Schönheit schaffte es im Vereinigten Königreich und in weltweit mehr als 14 Ländern auf den ...

9 Dec 13:30 VIP.de 2239798195201847781.html
In der Schweiz lebt es sich am zweitbesten – Deutschland auf Rang vier

Deutschland zählt zu den Staaten mit der höchsten Lebensqualität &#8211; das ergibt sich aus einem Index der Vereinten Nationen. Noch beschaulicher ist es allerdings bei unseren Nachbarn. Und im...

9 Dec 08:05 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426970398058.html
#OnionPrices: Funny Bollywood Memes On Hiked Onion Prices That Will Literally Leave You In ‘Tears’

#OnionPrices: Bollywood is an absolutely amazing source for memes and people never miss the opportunity to make the best of it. Stars like Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Anushka Sharma, Ranveer Singh have

9 Dec 14:05 Koimoi 5184275670791078834.html
As a Facebook moderator I saw the worst of humanity. We need to be valued

Murder, torture, child abuse: each day we see things that keep us awake at night. Yet Mark Zuckerberg calls us ‘overdramatic’, says former Facebook moderator Chris Gray

9 Dec 08:00 the Guardian 1491978796314930384.html
Plagiaatzaak rond ‘Blurred lines’ krijgt staartje: Pharrell verraadt zich in interview

Amerikaanse zanger en muzikant Pharrell Williams heeft zich in een interview op vervelende wijze in de nesten gewerkt. Hij verspreekt er zich per ongeluk over hoe wereldhit ‘Blurred Lines’ tot stand kwam. De plagiaatzaak met de familie van zanger Marvin Gaye, die in 2018 werd beslecht, krijgt zo nog een staartje. De nabestaanden van Gaye

9 Dec 08:08 Zita 7484176338724792429.html
How to share a YouTube channel on desktop or mobile

Your YouTube channel is your home base on YouTube. It’s where people can find all the videos you’ve posted, see what other channels you follow, check out your playlists, and much more.

9 Dec 15:49 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046884187138334.html
Police get three days’ custody of gang-rape accused

The All Women Police Station (West) on Monday got three days custody of P. Manikandan, 30, suspected to be the main accused in the gang-rape of a class XI girl in Coimbatore. The Mahila Court-cum-Spec

9 Dec 16:43 The Hindu 6679535025486556966.html
Australia braces for heatwave as more than 100 fires burn

An estimated two million hectares have burned -- the size of some small countries -- across a region spanning hundreds of kilometres.

9 Dec 14:47 The Citizen 410802301937374571.html
Tak Penuhi Undangan KPK, Jokowi Pilih Hadiri Acara di SMK 57

Acara di SMK 57 itu menampilkan pentas drama bertajuk #PrestasiTanpaKorupsi

9 Dec 09:52 suara.com 6194626178804702253.html
I'm A Celeb's Jacqueline Jossa snubs interviews after Dan Osborne drama

The I'm A Celebrity winner is keeping a low profile today.

9 Dec 09:16 Metro 970161748404506699.html
Top stocks to watch: YES Bank, Hero MotoCorp, ICICI Bank, Tata Motors and others

Shares of YES Bank will remain in focus after report suggested that the lender will reject an investment proposal of $1.2 billion from SPGP Holdings and Canada's Erwin Singh Braich

9 Dec 16:59 Business Today 1145527432555659405.html
Govt to recruit over 500 health workers

Joyce Moriku Kaducu, the state minister for primary healthcare, says the ministry has been understaffed

9 Dec 10:23 New Vision 9103146372213905285.html
Fifa 20: con questi trucchi è impossibile perdere le partite

I players con questi trucchetti di Fifa 20 possono vincere qualsiasi partita; eccovi svelati tutti i dettagli a riguardo.

9 Dec 10:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126893875021.html
Pulseras y brazaletes, las joyas de las novias que no quieren llevar pendientes

Hay novias que, en su gran día, lucen joyas con algún significado especial; piezas que forman parte de la tradición familiar o regalos llenos de valor sentimental. Sin embargo, otras suman a la tarea de encontrar un vestido perfecto, la de dar con los accesorios más adecuados. ¿El mejor consejo? Dejarse guiar por el instinto y elegir la pieza que mejor encaje con la personalidad de cada mujer. Y, aunque la mayoría optan por los pendientes, hay opciones también para las novias que quieran prescindir de ellos, como las pulseras o los brazaletes.

9 Dec 09:05 Hola.com 2035212430314555678.html
El trailer de 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' propone un regreso nostálgico a la mítica saga de investigadores paranormales

'Ghostbusters' no ha sido una franquicia con demasiada suerte, más allá de la primera entrega, símbolo absoluto del cine comercial de los años ochenta. Las...

9 Dec 14:45 Xataka 4719855497473802521.html
7 Fantastic Gifts For the 3D Printing Craftsman In Your Life

If you are looking for something to buy the 3D printing enthusiast or craftsman in your life, then look no further than any of these 7 great gift ideas.

9 Dec 14:16 Interesting Engineering 7328942541099429248.html
Bekuk Thailand, Greysia/Apriyani Rebut Emas SEA Games 2019

Pasangan ganda putri Indonesia, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu, meraih medali emas SEA Games 2019 dari nomor perorangan bulu tangkis usai membekuk Thailand.

9 Dec 15:45 Bola.net 5489959027818807671.html
Huawei e AOD a colori: ecco i modelli che avranno l’aggiornamento

Ecco quando Huawei inserirà la funzionalità di Always-On Display a bordo della EMUI 10 su alcuni dei propri smartphone in circolazione.

9 Dec 16:30 GizChina.it 3776187096428783268.html
Will China Be First to Track Signal From Aliens Far Away in Universe?

China put the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope, which is 500 metres wide, into operation in 2016. Three years later, the testing period is drawing to an end. But the development of the unique object, called the Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) and is hoped will find extraterrestrial intelligence, continues.

9 Dec 14:27 Sputniknews 967333868321749806.html
Absueltos los jugadores del Levante - Zaragoza en el primer juicio por amañar un partido de Primera

La Fiscalía pedía cárcel para las plantillas de ambos clubes por arreglar el encuentro

9 Dec 09:41 EL PAÍS 2207347710178021657.html
UDAN 4.0: Govt invites bids for airports in Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep

The list of water aerodromes up for bidding in Andaman & Nicobar are Hutbay, Long Island, Neil Island and Havelock, while Minicoy and Kavaratti are in Lakshadweep

9 Dec 17:05 Business-Standard 1502508925394288720.html
Amanda Holden lashes out at This Morning’s Phillip Schofield amid ITV feud

Amanda and Philip are known to have a strained relationship

9 Dec 15:35 GOSS.ie 8755536024773884305.html
Chay Hugged & Thanked Me

It’s all in front of us to see how caring and loving

9 Dec 10:40 MIRCHI9 6041804858790964841.html
Piet Paulusma aan de slag bij Omroep MAX

HILVERSUM (ANP) - Piet Paulusma is vanaf 2020 de vaste weerman van Omroep MAX. Dat hebben Jan Slagter, baas van Omroep Max, en netmanager Remco van Westerloo van NPO 1 bevestigd na berichtgeving door het AD. Vanaf 1 januari is Paulusma elke doordeweekse dag rond de klok van 17.55 uur te zien op NPO 1.

9 Dec 14:33 Nieuws.nl 2419030130595890178.html
Accident grav in Arges: O persoana a murit si patru sunt ranite dupa ce o masina a intrat intr-un tir

O persoana a murit si patru sunt ranite, dupa ce o masina a intrat intr-un tir, in judetul Arges.

9 Dec 08:03 Ziare.com 1922730286142266444.html
Desmanes de hinchas del Cruzeiro por descenso del club | VIDEO

El encuentro de despedida de Cruzeiro en el Brasileirao fue interrumpido por los disturbios, que continuaron en las calles de Belo Horizonte.

9 Dec 14:08 Publimetro Perú 5349571043871172398.html
Presidente de Barcelona descarta salida de Vidal: "No podemos permitirnos perder a alguien"

Josep María Bartomeu dijo que el volante chileno no sería cedido a fin de año, pero no descarta que pueda ocurrir a fin de la temporada 2019-20.

9 Dec 16:38 Publimetro Chile 2498685481848310484.html
Nach tödlichem Bus-Unfall in Wiesbaden: Der Fahrer schweigt 

Bei einem Unfall mit einem Bus am Hauptbahnhof Wiesbaden stirbt ein Mann, viele Menschen werden verletzt. Der Fahrer schweigt zur Ursache.

9 Dec 11:09 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323302969844.html
Onrust Den Haag: 200 brandmeldingen

DEN HAAG (ANP) - De brandweer van Den Haag is ruim 200 keer uitgerukt voor autobranden, containerbranden en buitenbranden sinds het vreugdevuur in Duindorp werd afgeblazen. Dat zijn er ongeveer evenveel als oud en nieuw van vorig jaar, inclusief de week daarvoor. Dat blijkt uit gegevens die door Alarmeringen.nl zijn verstrekt.

9 Dec 15:06 Nieuws.nl 2419030129959149449.html
Onrust Den Haag: 200 brandmeldingen

De brandweer van Den Haag is ruim 200 keer uitgerukt voor autobranden, containerbranden en buitenbranden sinds het vreugdevuur in Duindorp werd afgeblazen. Dat zijn er ongeveer evenveel als oud en nieuw van vorig jaar, inclusief de week daarvoor. Dat blijkt uit gegevens die door Alarmeringen.nl zijn verstrekt.

9 Dec 15:13 RD.nl 6406779840804649448.html
Gwent expansion Merchants of Ofir out now along with patch 5.0

CD Projekt RED has released a new expansion for its Witcher based card game Gwent, with the Merchants of Ofir dropping today with over 70 cards on PC and iOS. Along with the over 70 cards there are ne

9 Dec 12:58 tsa 6447108927014999797.html
Germania, la sindaca sfida la legge: "Non stringo la mano ai consiglieri di estrema destra"

Succede ad Eisenach, in Turingia, dove Patrick Wieschke, consigliere di estrema destra dell'Npd ha portato la sindaca, Katja Wolf, in tribunale per obbligarla a stringergli la mano

9 Dec 17:30 ilGiornale.it 5019541225577143700.html
South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019

Indian contestant Vartika Singh crashed out of the world's biggest beauty pageant after securing a place in the top 20.

9 Dec 11:02 The New Indian Express 4718288653490306017.html
DOJ Inspector General’s Report on FBI ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ Investigation Released

The long-awaited report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz was released as expected on Monday. Also as expected, the 400-page report said that the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation ultimately had a proper and legal factual basis — despite numerous procedural shortcomings at the bureau, and despite a criminal referral related to low-level ex-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s alleged alteration of an email used in an application to surveil former Trump adviser Carter Page.

9 Dec 13:28 Law & Crime 7990899036897915849.html
Oliver Pocher bekommt Exklusivvertrag und neue Formate bei RTL

Moderator Oliver Pocher, 41, und RTL gehen gemeinsame Wege. Man habe einen Exklusivvertrag über zwei Jahre geschlossen, teilte der Sender am Sonntag auf seinem Portal RTL.de mit. Pocher könne in dieser Zeit "seine Talente in verschiedensten Genres ausspielen".

9 Dec 10:20 MEEDIA 2574484878722051022.html
2K presenta Cloud Chamber, el nuevo estudio encargado del próximo Bioshock

Cloud Chamber, así se llama el nuevo estudio de desarrollo de 2K que tendrá responsabilidad con Bioshock.

9 Dec 14:01 Generación Xbox 4040846040187275189.html
Weihnachtsbäckerei: Einfach und schnell! Rezepte für Plätzchen und Kekse zu Weihnachten

Oreo Cookies selbst machen

9 Dec 09:54 swp.de 6929179440332722312.html
Battle of Britain hero Maurice Mounsdon of Lichfield dies aged 101

One of the last surviving members of The Few – the pilots who defended the country in the Battle of Britain during World War II – has died.

9 Dec 15:08 Express & Star 7324224459199788703.html
Letter to BS: Delhi fire tragedy shows how lethargic govt officials are

This is also the reason for frequent deaths in the national capital in public buildings

9 Dec 16:43 Business-Standard 1502508925802760819.html
Dos partidos cierran la fecha

Argentinos Juniors, protagonista en los primeros puestos de la Superliga, recibirá hoy desde las 21.10 a Estudiantes de La Plata, en el cierre de la fecha 16. El equipo dirigido por Diego Dabove es la gran sorpresa del torneo argentino con una campaña parcial de ocho victorias, cinco empates y dos derrotas, que no registra […]

9 Dec 10:07 El Eco 4177735525628222724.html
El Volkswagen Nivus se asoma: esto sabemos del hermano del T-Cross para Latinoamérica

Volkswagen está dispuesta a explotar al máximo el potencial de su plataforma MQB en el segmento subcompacto. Además del lanzamiento de Polo, Virtus y T-Cross,...

9 Dec 14:00 Motorpasión México 7792827235631281012.html
Holding on to The Catches Would Have Changed Everything, Says Half-Centurion Shivam Dube

India dropped three catches - two in one over - that too of the eventual Man of the Match Lendl Simmons and fellow opener Evin Lewis

9 Dec 08:41 India.com 7150386083133437879.html
CAS Suceava a suplimentat bugetul pentru servicii medicale și medicamente cu aproape 30 milioane de lei

Bugetul alocat pentru anul 2019 pentru servicii medicale si medicamente a fost suplimentat de Casa Naționala de Asigurări de Sănătate, ca urmare a rectificării bugetare, cu suma de 28,8 milioane lei, valoarea totala a creditelor de angajament pentru acest an depășind 555 milioane lei. Potrivit Președintelui Director General al CAS Suceava, Dr. Claudiu Cobuz, sume …

9 Dec 13:29 NewsBucovina 8694244033471602653.html
17 habits of self-made millionaires who retired early, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Early retirees tend to share the same habits when it comes to growing wealth, living their ideal lifestyle, and having a positive frame of mind.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:47 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757215234917.html
PDP wins all 21 chairmanship seats in Adamawa LG election

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has won big in Adamawa state as all its candidates in the just concluded local government election recorded victory.

9 Dec 08:55 Legit 3764253649287321491.html
OnePlus: Kommt ein kabelloser Kopfhörer?

OnePlus dürfte momentan mit Hochdruck an der kommenden Generation für 2020 arbeiten, die wohl aus drei Modellen bestehen wird. Neben dem OnePlus 8 und OnePlus 8 Pro ist auch ein Mittelklasse-Smartphone für 2020 geplant.

9 Dec 12:40 mobiFlip.de 5208441547775888994.html
"I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sothoth" and other Cthulhuian Yuletide classics

Oh tidings of madness and woe. Gather ’round the Necronomicon, little cultists, and let’s all sing these beloved holiday odes to Elder Gods. All the classics are here: “I Saw Momm…

9 Dec 12:00 Boing Boing 4601305168485180580.html
Nakon velikog zagađenja tokom vikenda vazduh u Sarajevu jutros čistiji

Nakon izrazito zagađenog vazduha koji je tokom vikenda bio prisutan u Sarajevu, u ponedjeljak je nivo lebdećih čestica u vazduhu nešto niži, ali i dalje štetan.

9 Dec 09:09 Nezavisne novine 4209150643159173003.html
Erdogan Desak Negara OKI Bantu 350 Juta Warga Miskin

WE Online, Ankara - Presiden Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, mendesak negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Kerja Sama Internasional (OKI) membantu 350 juta warga miskin.

9 Dec 08:04 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834133996920.html
Une nouvelle technique pourrait révolutionner la chirurgie du cancer du sein

L'Institut Gustave-Roussy achève sa phase de tests cliniques pour la chirurgie du cancer du sein par robot-assisté. Cette méthode permet de combiner ablation du sein et pose d'un implant mammaire en une seule opération, en laissant très peu de cicatrice. 

9 Dec 10:30 Pourquoi Docteur 1560376484981039830.html
Upcoming film Free Guy stars Ryan Reynolds as a rogue NPC stuck in a GTA-style game

GTA Offline.

9 Dec 17:23 PC Gamer 9149753395918183219.html
Confirman que son al menos cinco los muertos por erupción del volcán Whakaari en Nueva Zelandia

La Policía advirtió que las personas que aún están en la isla permanecen incomunicadas y que debido al alto riesgo "los equipos de emergencia no pueden acceder" a la zona afectada.

9 Dec 08:53 Emol 3328490601392158601.html
Reeling from four-year sporting ban, Moscow blames ‘chronic anti-Russia hysteria’ for Wada decision

World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday banned Russia from international competitions including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

9 Dec 16:24 Scroll.in 8669301692499667565.html
Latin American Church Calls for ‘Incisive’ Action Against Climate Change

The president of the Latin-American Catholic Bishops’ Conference said it is time for Europeans to start battling climate change effectively.

9 Dec 16:37 Breitbart 3148363492096187088.html
Presidente Duque firmará Acuerdo de Escazú

Este es el primer acuerdo internacional que reconoce como deber de los estados la protección de defensores de derechos humanos y ambientales en Latinoamérica. Firmarlo es el primer paso. El siguiente es ratificarlo.

9 Dec 15:33 Presidente Duque anuncio la firma del Acuerdo de Escazú 830980553723744672.html
Jameda muss Ärzte-Profile unter bestimmten Umständen löschen

Müssen Ärzte es hinnehmen, auf dem Onlineportal Jameda bewertet zu werden? Das Landgericht München beantwortete diese Frage mit einem "Ja, aber...".

9 Dec 16:25 GMX News 4492287761687834647.html
Notz Stucki reprend le gérant alternatif JAM Research

«Ce rapprochement a pu se concrétiser très rapidement car nous avons de nombreux points en commun», indique Damiano Paternó Castello.

9 Dec 08:00 Allnews 678771718239820926.html
Moria sorprendió al felicitar a Juana Viale por su embarazo

La diva lo publicó en Twitter y estallaron las redes. La nieta de Mirtha está de novia con un arquitecto.

9 Dec 11:13 La Capital 7472053046196676211.html
Silicon Labs Executing On Its IoT Opportunity, With Infrastructure Likely To Get Better In 2020

IoT continues to drive Silicon Labs' growth, and particularly its strong wireless portfolio, which saw better than 20% growth in the third quarter. Infrastructure is being held back by weakness in the

9 Dec 12:27 Seeking Alpha 5725634557798591822.html
Lil' Red Robin Hood panto hits all its targets

The clever and funny Ross Petty show feels right at home the intimate Winter Garden Theatre

9 Dec 16:42 NOW 7434691886017631753.html
Download The SL Social App And Starting Earning This Festive Season!

From Kaizer Chiefs making light work of Stellenbosch FC in midweek, Arsenal sacking Unai Emery, to Bidvest Wits and Mamelodi Sundowns starting well in their group stages in the CAF Champions League and Confederation Cup respectively, football locally and

9 Dec 09:09 Soccer Laduma 3901337371657600718.html
‘DSD Talent Experience’ van de Dance Sensation Dansschool

'DSD Talent Experience' van de Dance Sensation Dansschool

9 Dec 17:50 Bonaire.Nu 6841721121269582845.html
A Trump hay que tolerarlo porque no hay nadie que lo controle: Aguayo | Entérate

Sergio Aguayo comenta que México tiene que tolerar al presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, pues no hay quien tenga la capacidad de controlarlo y sigue siendo un huracán berrinchudo que se mete por todos lados. Sostuvo que México puede reaccionar con más diplomacia para convencer a diferentes audiencias de Estados Unidos sobre temas clave para nuestro país.

9 Dec 17:18 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496049089519.html
Adityanath govt clears Rs 1,600 cr Ballia Link Expressway project

The four-lane expressway will connect UP-Bihar border district with Purvanchal Expressway; It is expected to be 35-40 km long and is likely to cost Rs 40 crore per km

9 Dec 10:09 Business-Standard 1502508925102644476.html
The 9 best airline credit cards for earning miles to book free flights

If you want to book free flights, a credit card from an airline or a bank that partners with frequent flyer programs is a must. Not only will you earn miles on every purchase you make, but you can also earn a welcome bonus that can jump-start your frequent flyer account balance and help you book an award flight sooner than you’d think.

9 Dec 14:38 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882822965067.html
Wolverhampton Wanderers v Besiktas: TV details, form, betting odds

Nuno Espirito Santo's men are in Europa League group action against Turkish opposition at Molineux

9 Dec 17:13 birminghammail 8288260686246895015.html
Chile Vamos insta a la oposición a respetar acuerdo de mesa técnica y poner en marcha proceso constituyente

Desde el oficialismo llamaron a "honrar" la palabra, luego que desde el otro bloque surgiera la idea de modificar lo zanjado el viernes.

9 Dec 15:00 Emol 3328490602005560861.html
Zadic/Anschober: Unermüdlicher Einsatz hat sich gelohnt: 800 Asylwerber*innen in Lehre dürfen bleiben

Vier-Parteien-Einigung wurde erzielt

9 Dec 16:53 OTS.at 4182160711915259550.html
'A coach's suitcase is always ready,' says under-pressure Ancelotti

Under-pressure Napoli coach Carlo Ancelotti said "a coach's suitcase is always ready" ahead of Tuesday's crunch final Champions League group game against Genk.

9 Dec 16:05 Pulse Live 3606876836671690289.html
Hot Tickets: What to watch this week in prep sports

Among the highlights is an MP-Jackson boys basketball clash of defending Wesco champions.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135409391870559.html
Personal fehlt – dramatische Situation der Altenpflege in Köln

In der Stadt fehlen Tausende Plätze und Mitarbeiter bei der Versorgung von Pflegebedürftigen. Und die Lage spitzt sich immer weiter zu.

9 Dec 17:07 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568441266996.html
A formerly vegan influencer followed the meat-only carnivore diet for 30 days and her fans are not happy, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Alyse Parker grew her 728,000-strong following by posting about veganism under the name "Raw Alignment." She's now performed a complete U-turn.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:47 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757025815988.html
Oltra y Mazón pactan iniciar con la Teleasistencia el traspaso de competencias sociales a cinco años vista

La Diputación dejará de dedicar más de un millón de euros a este servicio para invertirlo en la atención básica de los pequeños municipios

9 Dec 14:27 Diarioinformacion 8979296175185304051.html
ERC descarta el acuerdo con el PSOE antes de Navidad

"Nosotros no tenemos prisa", ha afirmado la portavoz y secretaria general adjunta de ERC, Marta Vilalta.

9 Dec 12:40 www.publico.es 99190977632117475.html
Palace lauds Gazini for winning Miss U’s Best in National Costume

Even if Gazini Ganados, the country’s Miss Universe 2019 bet, did not make it to the top 10, she gave the nation “pride and glory” by winning the Best in National Costume and presenting the unique inspiration from the Philippine Eagle.

9 Dec 10:39 Journal Online 6375127392406740000.html
Paul Volcker, the towering former Fed chairman and economist, has died at age 92

Paul Volcker, the legendary economist who served as the 12th chairman of the US Federal Reserve, died Sunday at the age of 92.

9 Dec 13:59 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883675988470.html
Live Streaming SCTV Miniseri Guru Rock n Love Episode Perdana, Senin 9 Desember 2019

Guru Rock n Love tayang mulai pukul 15.25 WIB.

9 Dec 15:20 liputan6.com 3414318496356735730.html
Bankunionen kan ge Sverige utländsk banknota

Tillsynen av svenska storbanker skulle flyttas från landet om Sverige går med i EU:s bankunion.

9 Dec 15:02 DN.SE 398730694145126727.html
Brasil assume conselho de entidade que combate a tuberculose no mundo

A tuberculose tem cura e tanto o diagnóstico como o tratamento são ofertados no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), sem custos aos cidadãos. Mas, para alcançar a cura, é preciso completar o tratamento que dura, em média, seis meses.

9 Dec 11:26 Folha Vitória 4941883426294938861.html
Preview: Club Brugge vs. Real Madrid - prediction, team news, lineups

Sports Mole previews Club Brugge's meeting with Real Madrid in the Champions League on Wednesday, including a prediction, team news and predicted lineups.

9 Dec 17:44 Sports Mole 7750663362359706027.html
Luego de una larga puja, el Senado bonaerense tomó juramento y renovó autoridades

Luego del cuarto intermedio, los senadores juraron y designaron las autoridades

9 Dec 16:11 Diagonales 4932342257191760811.html
I Medici 3: le anticipazioni della terza puntata

Tutto sul penultimo episodio della serie di Rai 1 con Daniel Sharman e Francesco Montanari, in onda lunedì 9 dicembre. Buoni ascolti per I Medici 3

9 Dec 15:23 Panorama 2295580208031952862.html
Salvini dice che può andare bene pure il proporzionale

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – “Io sono laico. Non ho pregiudizi. L’ importante è che chi vince poi possa governare”. Matteo Salvini, leader della Lega, in un’intervista al Corriere della Sera non chiude al proporzionale anche se spiega chiaramente che “la legge elettorale non interessa a nessuno”. Salvini sottolinea che “abbiamo raccolto le firme per […]

9 Dec 08:38 Askanews 298649741019714661.html
Violences faites aux femmes : les congolaises brisent le silence

Elles étaient une centaine à être sorties dans les rue de Brazzaville, dimanche 08 décembre 2019. Les congolaises ont décidé à travers une marche

9 Dec 14:37 Journal de Brazza 8990092584719942104.html
Ekonomi RI Loyo, Kredit Ditaksir Cuma Tumbuh 8%

Kredit sektor perbankan tahun ini ditaksir hanya tumbuh 8%, padahal tahun lalu masih bisa tembus 12%.

9 Dec 09:59 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212446016162.html
Sehari Jelang Bertemu Vietnam, Indra Sjafri: 20 Pemain Semuanya Fit!

Pelatih timnas U-22 Indonesia, Indra Sjafri memberikan update terkini pada Senin (9/12/2019) jelang laga final SEA Games

9 Dec 11:00 BolaSport.com 4603768436773109758.html
"May Backfire": Ian Chappell Warns Australia On Playing 2 Day/Night Tests vs India

Ian Chappell believes Cricket Australia's plan of playing two Day/Night Tests against India in the 2020-21 tour Down Under "may backfire".

9 Dec 08:20 NDTVSports.com 2127367044766700833.html
Hong Kong police defuse bombs designed 'to kill and to maim'

Hong Kong police say they have defused two large homemade bombs packed with nails and designed “to kill and to maim people.” Police say the bombs found Monday evening were “complete, fully functional and ready to be used.” The bombs were radio-controlled, to be triggered with mobile phones. Police said they were made with a …

9 Dec 13:31 City NEWS 1130 5858657119509847457.html
Choque de camión complica el tránsito en ruta Interamericana

El vehículo se empotró en el arriate central. Hay dos carriles cerrados.

9 Dec 09:17 Publinews 8987875303548348972.html
Il Grande Fratello Vip vira al trash. Ecco Antonio Zequila e Aristide Malnati

Il promo recita: “Siete pronti? Il Grande fratello Vip sta tornando”. A gennaio 2020, tra meno di un mese Alfonso Signorini aprirà le porte della casa di Cinecittà al cast più vip di sempre (ipse dixit). Il direttore del settimanale “Chi” è riuscit...

9 Dec 10:31 Il Tempo 2494990960473254035.html
5 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

The island has seen an uptick in volcanic activity in the past few weeks

9 Dec 15:45 Barriere Star Journal 4297514366784952732.html
Binotto: Rivals used cheating accusations "to put us under pressure"

Ferrari team principal Mattia Binotto thinks the accusations of his team cheating around the United States Grand Prix was a mere ploy to increase the pressure on the Italian side.

9 Dec 17:11 GPblog.com 9117728199253732543.html
Armed men kill Maersk MD’s wife at Ikoyi residence

Gildas Tohouo, managing director of Maersk Line, was attacked at his residence in the Ikoyi area of Lagos on Sunday night. Maersk is the world’s biggest shipping company. A source

9 Dec 16:00 TheCable 7513571675526825985.html
Axel Witsel ruled out for rest of year after being hospitalised by fall at home

Axel Witsel has been a regular for Borussia Dortmund this season but will miss at least four matches after undergoing facial surgery.

9 Dec 15:56 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906333635797.html
Dorfener Bier in Berlin: Bräu z‘Loh beliefert Bayerische Vertretung

Derzeit wird den Gästen der Bayerischen Vertretung in Berlin Bier aus Dorfen vom Bräu z’Loh ausgeschenkt.

9 Dec 09:07 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239312564973.html
‘Aathmeeyudu’ owns up improvement of hostels in Narayanpet

Officials from other departments deputed to find gaps and find solutions to bridge them

9 Dec 12:39 The Hindu 6679535025783822608.html
Pagamento rottamazione-ter entro il 9 dicembre 2019 per non perdere i benefici

Il 9 dicembre 2019 è l’ultimo giorno utile per i ritardatari per pagare le cartelle saldo e stralcio e rottamazione-ter. Tutte le modalità di pagamento.

9 Dec 16:24 InvestireOggi 7231367743120414609.html
Caso Valbuena: Tribunal Supremo francés desestima recurso de Benzema

Karim Benzema pensaba poner fin a la acusación en la que está involucrado desde 2015, por ello introdujo un recurso, pero el Tribunal Supremo francés rechazó la medida este lunes y el caso seguirá abierto

9 Dec 11:01 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830884527749.html
Pemerintah Sebut Utang Nambah Tidak Apa, Asal...

Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) meminta agar utang tidak di-stigmatisasi alias dilabeli secara negatif.

9 Dec 15:00 detikfinance 4442190001163170171.html
Rohan Dennis, double champion du monde du contre-la-montre, rejoint Ineos

L'Australien de 29 ans Rohan Dennis, double champion du monde du contre-la-montre, a paraphé un contrat de deux ans en faveur d'Ineos. L'équipe cycliste britannique WorldTour l'a annoncé lundi par voie de communiqué. En septembre dans le Yorkshire lors...

9 Dec 11:34 RTBF Sport 2262420856286335625.html
Si Trump ofende a Ucrania puede perder la reelección

Alrededor de 100 mil viven en Pensilvania, donde el magnate ganó en 2016 con menos de 45 mil votos; hay más ciudadanos con herencia de Kiev en Nueva York, California y la republicana Florida

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060637896018557.html
People are paying hundreds of dollars a night to go on meditation retreats where speaking is banned, and it shows just how far the ‘wellness generation’ is taking things

Modern life is stressful.

9 Dec 16:48 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882983650232.html
Bennett: Israel actuará contra los terroristas de Gaza en el momento oportuno

El Ministro de Defensa de Israel, Naftali Bennett, advirtió a terroristas de la Franja de Gaza que las FDI actuarán en el momento oportuno.

9 Dec 11:00 Noticias de Israel 5887715890653904872.html
Ook tweede keuze FC Groningen onderuit tegen FC Utrecht

De tweede keus van FC Groningen verloor maandagmiddag met ruime cijfers van de reserves van FC Utrecht: 4-0.Bart Ramselaar, die zondag als invaller bij het eerste het winnende doelpunt tegen FC Gr

9 Dec 16:19 OOG 303718093653776566.html
Oppo Reno3 Pro: rivelate le specifiche tecniche | MobileLabs

Rivelate le specifiche tecniche di Oppo Reno3 Pro, il prossimo dispositivo in cui troveremo il 5G e il nuovo processore Snapdragon 765G.

9 Dec 08:13 Tom's Hardware 6640147070149072378.html
New Zealand volcano erupts: 5 dead, many missing after eruption on White Island, officials say

At least five people are dead after a volcano erupted Monday on New Zealand’s White Island, officials said.

9 Dec 10:23 WFXT 6395891953898322614.html
NBA News: Carmelo Anthony hatte Chris Paul vor den Houston Rockets "gewarnt"

Carmelo Anthony und Chris Paul sind seit vielen Jahren gut miteinander befreundet, zudem sind sie dadurch geeint, dass beide eine eher unglückliche Trennung von den Houston Rockets erlebten. Im Rahmen des Duells zwischen den Portland Trail Blazers und den OKC Thunder hat Anthony nun darüber gesprochen.

9 Dec 09:14 SPOX 8395423526214847764.html
"Sulle nuvole", Tommaso Paradiso lancia il nuovo tour

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:36 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206160933508.html
Boeing is promising 3 fixes to the faulty autopilot behind the 737 Max crashes to let pilots stop it forcing the plane into an unstoppable nose-dive

Boeing is promising three fixes for the faulty autopilot system widely attributed as a cause of two deadly crashes by the 737 Max plane, CBS News reported Sunday.

9 Dec 13:12 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883561726586.html
L’intelligenza artificiale un giorno distruggerà l’uomo come Terminator?

Se vogliamo sopravvivere dobbiamo controllare l'evoluzione dell'intelligenza artificiale o, almeno, cercare di non lasciarcela sfuggire di mano.

9 Dec 12:30 tecnoandroid 2573257127807420715.html
Leven op Mars: hoeveel weten we nu van de rode planeet?

De fascinerende zoektocht naar buitenaards leven is meestal gericht op de planeet Mars. Niet voor niets spraken we vroeger over Marsmannetjes als het synoniem...

9 Dec 12:30 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629275665162.html
4-yr-old twins free selves, climb to safety after crash

Washington state authorities say 4-year-old twins freed themselves from their car seats and climbed an embankment seeking help following a car crash that killed their father.

9 Dec 12:40 Deccan Herald 2027555796262750874.html
Tercera derrota consecutiva de los Raptors de Ibaka y Marc Gasol

El hispano-congoleño logró 12 puntos, pero el pívot de Sant Boi no anotó en 30 minutos y los vigentes campeones perdieron ante los Sixers,...

9 Dec 09:52 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958568251935.html
CPI slams Centre, State Government over ‘adamant’ attitude on CAB

The Lakhimpur district council of the Communist Party of India (CPI) once again came down heavily against the BJP-led Union and State

9 Dec 08:22 The Sentinel 448185206881073835.html
Santiago Wanderers levanta la copa de la Primera B en Valparaíso

El equipo “caturro” no pude celebrar con su gente por motivos de seguridad, pero de todos modos recibió el trofeo que lo corona como el mejor de la temporada 2019 en el fútbol del ascenso y le da un lugar en la Primera División.

9 Dec 17:36 T13 7836926439126375452.html
Colombianos recibieron unos 17 millones de llamadas Spam al mes

Según reporte de la app Truecaller, el país está en el top 10 mundial de mayor acoso telefónico.

9 Dec 12:30 El Tiempo 1091719940312857034.html
Muere Paul Volcker, expresidente de la FED

Fue reconocido por las medidas para atajar la inflación y evitar la especulación de los bancos.

9 Dec 12:16 El Tiempo 1091719938945861752.html
Homens são flagrados desmanchando carreta roubada com carga de aço

O flagrante aconteceu em uma metalúrgica na Serra. O veículo e a carga roubados pertencem a uma empresa de Viana

9 Dec 16:02 Folha Vitória 4941883428057544834.html
Poškodovani delavec s helikopterjem v klinični center

V Štalcerjih v občini Kočevje se je malo pred pol deseto uro v gozdu poškodoval delavec. Gasilci PGD Kočevje so skupaj z reševalci NMP Kočevje poškodovanca na kraju oskrbeli ter ga prenesli do kraja pristanka helikopterja in ta kraj tudi zavarovali. V UKC Ljubljana je poškodovanca nato s helikopterjem prepeljala dežurna posadka helikopterja Slovenske vojske skupaj z dežurno ekipo helikopterske nujne medicinske pomoči na Brniku in dežurnim reševalcem-letalcem GRS Ljubljana.

9 Dec 17:40 Dolenjski list 119924279751127417.html
10 CLSA India employees may join Jefferies: ET NOW

CLSA analysts Mahesh Nandurkar and Ashish Agrawal are among those employees who are making the switch.

9 Dec 10:47 The Economic Times 7653256037137542588.html
How the demise of the headphone jack led to a ear buds boom

Ear buds, or hearables, are driving a boom in wearable devices, according to IDC data. It all started as vendors started dropping the headphone jack en masse.

9 Dec 14:49 ZDNet 591556593368649961.html
Economie et pluviométrie au menu des quotidiens marocains

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 13:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388386535614.html
2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class and electric EQA spied with minimal camouflage

2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA-Class subcompact luxury crossover and EQA subcompact electric car spied. The EQA appears to be the EV version of the GLA-Class.

9 Dec 15:25 Autoblog 4372976973549974262.html
Ex-midwife who died after 25 falls 'blamed for attention seeking' by care staff

Frail pensioner Audrey Allen, 80, had suffered from dementia.

9 Dec 17:21 Metro 970161747398817330.html
2K launches new studio focused on the next BioShock

There’s no word yet on a release date.

9 Dec 13:40 The Verge 1337119305018819247.html
Preso injustamente, jovem diz que foi torturado por militares

Um mototaxista contou seu drama na prisão após ser confundido com um traficante

9 Dec 12:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699611492964.html
Mal comienzo de fiestas: 5 quemados en Barranquilla

El alcalde informó que los adultos resultaron con quemaduras leves y una menor presentó intoxicación por fósforo blanco. Cuatro de los afectados fueron atendidos en MiRed IPS. ...

9 Dec 16:17 El Heraldo 8273144986664280336.html
Skandal: Rusija isključena sa Olimpijskih igara!

Svetska antidoping agencija (VADA) uzburkala je sportsku javnost pošto je Rusiju isključila sa svih velikih takmičenja u naredne četiri godine.

9 Dec 12:05 REPUBLIKA 2543998406341277363.html
Perché la vita degli statunitensi si sta accorciando

Una nuova analisi dell’aspettativa di vita nel più ricco tra i grandi paesi del mondo dipinge un quadro inquietante. Leggi

9 Dec 12:23 Internazionale 3249842260357749857.html
Clan: Mitglied sieht Polizist mit Sohn in Fitnessstudio – dann wird's brenzlig

Clan: Ein Polizist trifft ein kriminelles Clan-Mitglied im Fitnessstudio. Es kommt zur Konfromntation. Pikant: Der Polizist hatte seinen Sohn dabei.

9 Dec 10:07 Thüringen24 7206317295742163655.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill: 293 votes in favour, 82 votes against introduction of controversial bill

Citizenship Amendment Bill: AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi called the bill a violation of rights of the country's people and said Shah will be remembered in the league of Hitler

9 Dec 08:42 Business Today 1145527431392914051.html
Countdown Inter-Barça, il club nerazzurro carica: "Tutto in una notte"

Mancano ormai poche ore alla partitissima di domani sera tra Inter e Barcellona, decisiva per il passaggio agli ottavi di finale di Champions League. E il club nerazzurro, attraverso i propri profili...

9 Dec 11:57 FcInterNews.it 7848284894212146290.html
Trump rips ‘Do Nothing Democrats’ on Twitter as impeachment hearings resume

After firing off more than 100 tweets or re-tweets on Sunday — mostly attacking Democrats and the impeachment proceedings targeting him — President Trump picked up where he left off on Monday as

9 Dec 16:45 New York Post 7654946767919494215.html
Tories urge pro-UK voters to unite and back them in Scotland

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw made the plea as he said the election is ‘on a knife edge’.

9 Dec 11:58 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774523621534.html
CIO : Les DSI se rassemblent pour parler collaboratif

Le 3 décembre 2019, CIO a organisé la conférence « Digital Workplace - Du Digital Workplace au travail collaboratif ubiquitaire » en partenariat avec Fujitsu, Fuze, Insight, Klee Group / Jalios, LogMeIn, Nexthink, NFON, Poly et Sennheiser.

9 Dec 08:20 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148322900539.html
Incredible picture shows lion cub letting out its first roar

A wildlife photographer has captured the moment a lion cub bellowed its first roar, reminiscent of a famous scene in the Disney movie "The Lion King."

9 Dec 14:57 Fox News 7362823821277157454.html
Ricardo Pontes explica mudanças da reforma da Previdência do Estado

A proposta de reforma da Previdência do Governo do Piauí tem gerado uma acalorada discussão. Em entrevista ao Notícia da Manhã, desta segunda-feira (09),  o presidente da Fundação Piauí Previdência, Ricardo Pontes, explicou alguns pontos da proposta que deveria ser votada hoje em regime de urgência na Assembleia Legislativa do Estado (Alepi), mas foi suspensa pelo desembargador Raimundo da Costa Alencar, do gabinete do Plantão Judiciário.Sobre a idade mínima para a aposentadoria, Ricardo Pontes explica que será mantida a mesma da proposta aprovada no Congresso Nacional: homens- 65 anos e mulheres-62 anos. "Estamos fazendo uma adequação da reforma nacional promulgada recentemente à nossa Constituição Estadual. Nela mantivemos o mesmo regramento nacional. Fizemos poucas adequações, mas as idades de homens e mulheres iguais a do Governo Federal e é voltada para todos os servidores públicos estaduais civis", esclareceu Pontes. O presidente da Piauí Previdência explicou ainda sobre as regras de transição voltadas…

9 Dec 08:11 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419014955350.html
AMCON takes over oil firm over N29b debt, appoints manager

The Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) on Monday took over Cedar Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Limited over N29 billion bad debt...

9 Dec 16:28 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901448672164.html
Crowded House to bring first European tour in 10 years to Birmingham

Crowded House has reunited for the band's first European tour in more than 10 years - and it's coming to Birmingham.

9 Dec 10:12 Express & Star 7324224458791093600.html
"Zingaretti è come Stalin". Bufera sulla deputata del Pd

Bruno Bossio attacca Zingaretti

9 Dec 10:52 ilGiornale.it 5019541224951889430.html
N. Korea blasts Trump's warning, says it has nothing more to lose

North Korea has nothing more to lose, a senior Pyongyang official said Monday, after U.S. President Donald Trump warned that the communist nation could lose everything if it engages in hostile acts.Kim Yong-chol, a former North Korean nuclear negotiator, made the remarks in a statement carried by the North's Korean Central News Agency, stressing that the U.S. should think about how to keep the two countries from clas...

9 Dec 09:00 Koreaherald 8029273603254737741.html
Dulu Tembak Tikus, Ahmad Rifqi Kini Rebut Emas SEA Games 2019

Ahmad Rifqi Mukhlisin membuat gebrakan dengan sukses menyabet medali emas cabang olahraga menembak SEA Games 2019 pada nomor mixed metallic silhoutte air rifle putra.

9 Dec 09:31 Bola.net 5489959029480983671.html
AEX maakt pas op de plaats

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De Amsterdamse aandelenbeurs maakte maandag een pas op de plaats. De andere Europese beurzen gingen licht omlaag. Beleggers namen wat gas terug na de stevige winsten van afgelopen vrijdag. Een onverwachte sterke daling van de Chinese export in november zorgde daarbij voor enige koersdruk. Ook werd uitgekeken naar de Britse verkiezingen later deze week.

9 Dec 08:15 Nieuws.nl 2419030131152342633.html
Verkehr in Paris staut sich auf 600 Kilometern

Die Streiks der Bahngewerkschaften werden auf die neue Woche ausgeweitet. Rund um Paris herrscht Chaos auf den Strassen.

9 Dec 08:25 20 Minuten 5741369453526640475.html
Govt's Ksh400 Million Gamble That Backfired

A report tabled in Parliament from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reveals an extra...

9 Dec 13:18 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838155063536277.html
1.9 billion people at risk from mountain water shortages, study shows

Rising demand and climate crisis threaten entire mountain ecosystem, say scientists

9 Dec 16:00 the Guardian 1491978796054281433.html
Golden Globes: Brad Pitt und Jen Aniston nominiert

Da werden die Fans im Jänner wohl ganz genau hinschauen, wenn Jennifer Aniston und Brad Pitt bei den 77. Golden Globes am roten Teppich aufeinander ...

9 Dec 15:09 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092404625908.html
Perchè la Russia è stata esclusa da Olimpiadi, Mondiali e tutte le competizioni sportive

La Russia è stata esclusa per quattro anni da tutte le competizioni sportive internazionali con una sentenza emessa dal comitato esecutivo del Wada, l'Agenzia Mondiale antidoping. Il tutto nasce dallo scandalo doping russo del 2014, che coinvolse servizi segreti (FSB), il ministero dello sport, il laboratorio antidoping moscovita (Rusada) e le federazioni sportive.

9 Dec 11:49 fanpage.it 1517332168513061528.html
Eisige Ehe: Union verteilt keine Begrüßungsgeschenke an neue SPD-Führung

CDU und CSU geben sich bei den Kernanliegen der SPD unnachgiebig: Über Mindestlohn, Schulden oder Vermögensteuer soll nicht verhandelt werden.

9 Dec 16:00 Handelsblatt 4721373938481873982.html
Bordeaux und Co.: Die vier großen Lippenstift-Trends im Winter

Die Devise für Lippenstifte diesen Winter: markant, verführerisch und elegant. Das sind die vier größten Farbtrends der Saison.

9 Dec 14:06 VIP.de 2239798193553991351.html
Bordeaux und Co.: Die vier großen Lippenstift-Trends im Winter

Die Devise für Lippenstifte diesen Winter: markant, verführerisch und elegant. Das sind die vier größten Farbtrends der Saison.

9 Dec 14:06 VIP.de 2239798195204746530.html
Predstavljen novi sistem liječenja bubrežnih bolesnika u UKC RS

BANJALUKA - Deset godina postojanja prvog Centra za peritoneumsku dijalizu u RS i uvođenje ove metode liječenja bolesnika sa terminalnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom, obilježeno je danas u prostorijama Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra RS (UKC RS).

9 Dec 12:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150641876318207.html
Emergenza a centrocampo: Sarri costretto a inventare, rompe i compromessi e fa sua la Juve

Maurizio Sarri sfoglia la margherita, cerca la soluzione giusta, l’intuizione vincente per far fronte a un’emergenza che rischia di danneggiare la Juve. Fuori fino a marzo Sami Khedira, contro

9 Dec 15:00 il BiancoNero 8980755941186359795.html
El Winter Festival llegará con muchas sorpresas a PUBG Mobile

Conoce la fecha de lanzamiento y el espacio que ocupará el próximo update

9 Dec 17:09 LevelUp 3760720893686917553.html
Jugendlicher beraubt und verletzt 65-jährige Bonnerin

Ins Gesicht geschlagen: Jugendlicher beraubt und verletzt 65-jährige Bonnerin. Ein Rettungswagen brachte die Verletzte in ein Krankenhaus.

9 Dec 11:23 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568925921244.html
Declara el primer testigo del juicio y la defensa de Cristina se queja por la difusión de preguntas

Un ex diputado nacional por la Coalición Civica ratificó hoy las supuestas irregularidades por las cuáles se denunció a la ex presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, ex funcionarios de su...

9 Dec 15:46 La Voz 6237180761272671668.html
Paddy McGuinness: There was a lot of negativity around Top Gear

The BBC Two motoring show is returning for a Christmas special.

9 Dec 12:27 Breaking News 4415806919917575664.html
Štefanec ponovno kandidira: Sem bistveno boljši kandidat

Predsednik Komisije za preprečevanje korupcije (KPK) Boris Štefanec je danes razkril, da ponovno kandidira za ta položaj. Kot je pojasnil na novinarski konferenci, za takšno odločitvijo stojijo n...

9 Dec 12:51 Slovenske novice 5901956562687612926.html
Diese Musik hört man beim PCtipp

Wir schreiben über Streaming, testen Anbieter und Bewerten sie. Aber was hören wir eigentlich beim Testen? Wir geben Auskunft.

9 Dec 13:03 PCtipp.ch 1321585803579275302.html
Hinteregger wieder in "kicker"-Elf des Tages

Martin Hinteregger wird für seine Leistung beim 2:2 von Eintracht Frankfurt gegen Hertha BSC, bei dem der ÖFB-Verteidiger den Gastgebern mit einem Tor und einer Vorlage einen Punkt rettete, mit einer Einberufung in die Elf des Tages des "kicker" belohnt

9 Dec 16:53 weltfussball.at 3521376372096119503.html
'Divorce tourism' laws could be scrapped following seven-year legal battle between Scottish aristocrat and his wife after she brought her £10,000-a-month claim to a 'more favourable' English court

The UK Government has been granted permission to intervene in a row over maintenance involving Scottish aristocrat Charles Villiers (pictured with his new partner Heidi Innes), 56, and his wife Emma.

9 Dec 09:18 Mail Online 124328111197462389.html
In migliaia a Treviso per l’accensione dell’albero di Natale, una folla in piazza dei Signori

TREVISO - Il conto alla rovescia per l’accensione dell’albero di Natale in piazza dei Signori a Treviso è stato visto da migliaia di persone e ripreso da centinaia di telefonini,

9 Dec 08:18 Oggi Treviso 2529403853754004241.html
Força Tática apreende moedas e joias supostamente roubadas

A Polícia ainda não conseguiu identificar o suspeito, bem como a origem do material apreendido

9 Dec 09:38 R10 3167340813002711355.html
Barcelona'da Merih Demiral sesleri!

İtalya Serie A ekiplerinden Juventus forması giyen temsilcimiz Merih Demiral'ın ismi Barcelona ile anılıyor.

9 Dec 11:24 Hürriyet 609739079759979747.html
WhastApp und Instagram womöglich rechtswidrig – Facebook könnte Apps nach Patent-Urteil ändern müssen

Einige Funktionen von Facebook-Apps verletzen dem Münchner Landgericht zufolge Patente des Smartphone-Pioniers Blackberry. Facebook könnte dadurch gezwungen sein, die App des Online-Netzwerks, der Chatdienste WhatsApp und Messenger sowie der Fotoplattform Instagram zu ändern, um sie in Deutschland weiter anbieten zu können.

9 Dec 10:36 MEEDIA 2574484877561896734.html
Titoli e aperture: la battaglia sull'Imu nella maggioranza sui quotidiani in edicola

Il ministro dell’Economia Roberto Gualtieri si schiera contro la stretta sull’Imu e l’emendamento sulle false prime case che è stata avanzata da Pd e M5S. Pronto anche un decreto che mette al riparo dall’aumento dell’Iva in caso ci fosse una crisi di governo. Nel frattempo spunta un asse Renzi-Salvini sulla legge elettorale.

9 Dec 08:30 Agi 2115274225427865574.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer is here and who you gonna call?

Who you gonna call?

9 Dec 15:09 Metro 970161747740938411.html
Lori Harvey Knows Better Than Her Mom, Marjorie Harvey, According To This Video; And Future, Diddy, And Trey Songz Are Happy About That

An old video clip showing Lori Harvey, the daughter of Marjorie and Steve Harvey, talking to her mother, regained popularity after some events in her

9 Dec 10:39 Celebrity Insider 265863476813928204.html
Wada verhängt Dopingsperre gegen Russland bis 2023

Die Sperre gilt für die Olympischen Spiele und Weltmeisterschaften.

9 Dec 17:45 euronews 4540914626623499950.html
180 Ribu Rumah Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Dibangun Tahun 2020

KBRN, Jakarta : Real Estate Indonesia (REI) menargetkan membangun sebanyak 180 ribu unit rumah untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di tahun 2020 mendatang. Sementara kebutuhan nasional terhadap

9 Dec 16:28 RRI News Portal 6700853644354542342.html
Germania, vigile del fuoco ucciso in una rissa: arrestato anche un 17enne italiano

Anche un giovane italiano di 17 anni sarebbe coinvolto nella rissa in cui un vigile del fuoco è rimasto ucciso ad Augusta in Baviera (Germania).

9 Dec 17:29 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926927030042.html
Com reforma, brasileiro revê renda para aposentadoria

Com a aprovação da reforma da Previdência, 33% dos brasileiros com acesso à internet afirmam ter mudado seus hábitos de poupança, de olho no capital que terão quando chegar a hora da aposentadoria. É o que diz uma pesquisa encomendada pelo C6 Bank ao Ibope Inteligência. Foram entrevistadas 2 mil pessoas com acesso à web, e a margem de erro é de dois pontos porcentuais para mais ou para menos.Os jovens até 34 anos são maioria entre os que já mudaram de comportamento e passaram a poupar mais. Desse universo, 39% têm entre de 16 a 24 anos e 37%, de 25 a 34 anos. A classe social também é um recorte importante: 41% dos que mudaram seus hábitos são da classe A, de maior poder aquisitivo.Já entre os que ainda não tomaram decisão alguma - e eles representam 31% do resultado da pesquisa -, 41% têm mais de 55 anos. Neste caso, as classes sociais estão mais bem distribuídas, mas a maioria (34%) é da classe C, a mais pobre incluída na sondagem. "O grupo de mais de 55 anos é o mais resistente a mudanças em qualquer levantamento.…

9 Dec 13:09 Diário dos Campos 7202937204151606180.html
Data Dive, Early Fireworks Edition: Alphabet, Postmates, Costco And H&M

While there are still roughly three weeks to go until the new year starts and the fireworks go off, it seems some firms wanted to get a jump on the action.

9 Dec 17:18 PYMNTS.com 7357138824810216286.html
Hombre arrestado por vandalismo en galeria Art Basel Miami

Comentó la policía de Miami Beach que fue arrestado un hombre de Massachusetts por vandalizar  la pared de la obra valorizada en 120 mil dólares. El domingo en la tarde […]

9 Dec 13:08 LaPatilla.com 9104603011470827054.html
Get ready to binge-watch as the Netflix app arrives on OnePlus TV in India

If you own a OnePlus TV and live in India, you can now stream Netflix's hit shows like Stanger Things and The Crown natively on the device.

9 Dec 08:06 The Indian Express 2885715104561251490.html
Microsoft Surface Book: Berichte über aufblähende Akkus

Beschwerden über aufblähende Akkus in Microsofts Surface Books der ersten Generation häufen sich; die Garantie dürfte häufig schon abgelaufen sein.

9 Dec 17:40 heise online 1766193384259471004.html
Quem rejeita Moro?

Sergio Moro, segundo o Datafolha, é considerado ruim ou péssimo por apenas 21% dos eleitores. Entre os apoiadores do PT, esse número sobe para 40%...

9 Dec 09:09 O Antagonista 1037429653656365582.html
Sidang Kasus Ikan Asin: Pablo Benua, Rey Utami dan Galih Ginanjar Dikenakan 3 Dakwaan

Trio ikan asin, Pablo Benua, Rey Utami dan Galih Ginanjar mengadapi sidang perdana dengan agenda pembacaan dakwaan oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum

9 Dec 13:30 Tabloidbintang.com 127182698153347783.html
Wuppertal: Defekt in Stellwerk stört Bahnverkehr für Stunden

Technische Störungen in Wuppertal haben am Montagmorgen Probleme im Bahnverkehr ausgelöst. In Solingen gab es zudem eine Weichenstörung.

9 Dec 10:26 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221000229820.html
Camila Cabello Feels Lonely & Wants Boyfriend Shawn Mendes Back To Perform Senorita

Singer Camila Cabello says performing the hit song "Senorita" without her boyfriend and co-singer Shawn Mendes is "lonely".The 22-year-old performed the song solo in Inglewood, California, on Friday

9 Dec 08:34 Koimoi 5184275671258239334.html
Left 4 Dead VR verrà ufficialmente annunciato durante i Game Awards? | Game Division

Stando a quanto riportato da Tyler McVicker, Left 4 Dead VR sa verrà annunciato durante il prossimo Game Awards Show da Valve stessa.

9 Dec 13:00 Tom's Hardware 6640147068963186502.html
The Conjuring 3: Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson returning for sequel

The third installment will arrive in September 2020.

9 Dec 12:08 Metro 970161747108259385.html
Shirley, la baby sitter 49enne morta nell'impatto del bus

Nell'incidente del filobus con il camion dei rifiuti a Milano ha perso la vita Shirley Calangi, una baby sitter 49enne, arrivata dalle Filippine nel 2007

9 Dec 10:40 ilGiornale.it 5019541224280235068.html
Scottish Labour say Section 30 order for IndyRef2 will not be granted should Jeremy Corbyn become PM

Scottish Labour insists a Section 30 order for a referendum on Scots independence will not be granted should Jeremy Corbyn become prime minister on Friday.

9 Dec 11:28 The Courier 4275302766816252124.html
Did Watchmen Really Just Kill Off [SPOILER]?

HBO's Watchmen picks up right after the previous episode's massive reveal -- but did it really end with the death of that major character?

9 Dec 09:12 CBR.com 1295516962905671292.html
Big European firms ‘dodging China-US tariffs by shifting supply chains’

European companies are ‘settling in’ to the trade war, Chamber president says

9 Dec 09:26 The Irish Times 8204772968219278428.html
Monsenhor Gil | Prefeito faz entrega de nova ambulância para comunidade

A ambulância visa trazer muitos benefícios para os moradores da comunidade e da região.

9 Dec 12:19 R10 3167340812952119301.html
Outgoing papal nuncio asks Filipino faithful to give Tagle to ‘Universal Church’

Outgoing Papal Nuncio Archbishop Gabriele Caccia on Monday asked Filipinos to give Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle to the Universal Church with open arms.

9 Dec 17:32 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199195590530.html
Natural Gas - Something Needs To Happen Soon

The January contract displays an oversold condition.Stocks are slowly dropping.It is too early for carnage on the downside, but time is running out.The spring of 2020 could be ugly - an opportunity.U.

9 Dec 11:30 Seeking Alpha 5725634557402601267.html
Get a Glimpse Under the Mandalorian's Helmet With These Pictures of Pedro Pascal

For now, pictures of actor Pedro Pascal are about as close as we're going to get to seeing what the titular character of The Mandalorian looks like. Famously,

9 Dec 12:00 POPSUGAR Entertainment 1694745614829935037.html
4,5 Erdbeben in Italien legt Zugverkehr um Florenz lahm

Nach einem Erdbeben hat die Bahn in Norditalien den Zugverkehr gestoppt

9 Dec 08:59 euronews 4540914626406278094.html
Ubs: l'impeachment Usa non ci preoccupa, le elezioni sì

Secondo Ubs una condanna di Trump è improbabile, ma le prossime elezioni Usa porteranno volatilità. Settori come quelli della tecnologia, energia e...

9 Dec 15:57 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336742847364216.html
Sonakshi Sinha's Cute Birthday Wish For Father Shatrughan Sinha Proves She's A Daddy's Girl!

Veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha turns a year older today. On his 73th birthday, his daughter Sonakshi Sinha dropped a cute birthday wish for him on her Instagram page.

9 Dec 10:06 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243427839995.html
"Ganz klar!" Rose spricht über die ungeliebte Titelfrage

Marco Rose, der Erfolgscoach von Bundesliga-Tabellenführer Borussia Mönchengladbach, hat sich erneut darum bemüht, die hervorragende Ausgangssituation nach dem gewonnen Topspiel gegen den FC Bayern München (2:1) richtig einzuordnen.

9 Dec 08:45 weltfussball.at 3521376373090552107.html
West Ham United v Arsenal betting preview: Premier League predictions, best bets and stats for Monday Night Football clash

Arsenal will be hoping to end a torrid run as they make the short trip to West Ham for Monday Night Football. George Pitts previews the action.

9 Dec 08:19 Sporting Life 7709795078054335641.html
Furs poziva k prijavi za DDV ob oglaševanju prek Airbnb ali Bookinga

Zavezanci, ki oddajajo stanovanja v turistični najem, se čedalje pogosteje registrirajo za oddajanje dejavnosti, so zadovoljni v Finančni upravi RS (Furs). Opozarjajo pa, da se morajo tisti, ki svojo dejavnost oglašujejo na tujih platformah, kot sta Airbnb ali Booking, identificirati za namene DDV. Furs bo nadzor poostril v začetku leta 2020.

9 Dec 10:11 Primorske novice 8884558925419507662.html
Reso: come farlo in maniera sicura su Amazon, Ebay e sui siti di ecommerce

Scoprite insieme a noi in questo articolo quali sono le politiche di reso per i due store online più famosi, Amazon e Ebay, e come tutelarsi in fase di compravendita su un qualsiasi altro sito ecommerce.

9 Dec 09:55 tecnoandroid 2573257126285756291.html
Netflix: abbonati infuriati, la lista dei contenuti in scadenza si allunga

Netflix aggiorna nuovamente la lista dei contenuti multimediali in scadenza nel mese di Dicembre, ma gli utenti non sembrano prenderla bene.

9 Dec 13:10 tecnoandroid 2573257126825049191.html
Eurodžast: Krijumčarima kokaina suditi u Hrvatskoj

ZAGREB - U okviru dogovora s predstavnicima nadležnih tijela svih zemalja koje su učestvovale u akciji ''Familia'' i Eurodžasta, ocijenjeno je da se kazneni postupak protiv krijumčara 600 kilograma kokaina iz Južne Amerike u Evropu i Daleki istok treba voditi uglavnom u Hrvatskoj, saopštio je Uskok.

9 Dec 11:50 Nezavisne novine 4209150642380830480.html
Una Vita, anticipazioni puntata di martedì 10 dicembre: Rosina e Susana minacciate

Appuntamento del martedì della popolare soap opera spagnola di Canale 5 Ben ritrovati con nuovo spazio dedicato alla soap opera spagnola di Canale 5, Una Vita. La seguitissima soap opera ambientata ad Acacias, sembra proprio che per il momento non andrà in onda in prime time. Cosa  vedremo nel prossimo episodio che andrà in onda […]

9 Dec 14:00 KontroKultura 2573504972093524720.html
Mulberry announces launch of 'first 100% sustainable leather bag'

Mulberry has launched a new handbag, the Portobello Tote, which it claims is 100 per cent sustainable. The bag, which retails at £795, was produced in the luxury fashion label's carbon-neutral

9 Dec 12:17 The Independent 2511519171115076471.html
Una sudafricana se convirtió en la nueva Miss Universo

La representante de Sudáfrica Zozibini Tunzi fue coronada la noche de este domingo 8 de diciembre del 2019 como Miss Universo 2019. La sudafricana fue elegida de entre un grupo de 90 representantes de distintos países del mundo y sucederá a la filipina Catriona Gray, Miss Universo 2018.

9 Dec 11:54 El Ancasti 5864462411722170159.html
EU gir grønt lys til storstilt batteri-satsing


9 Dec 14:34 Document 5102836953226009032.html
Samoubistvo na Novom Beogradu: Prolaznici zatekli muškarca u lokvi krvi

Jutros se na Novom Beogradu desilo samoubistvo. Muškarac je skočio sa petog sprata zgrade u Ulici Džordža Vašingtona.

9 Dec 09:59 REPUBLIKA 2543998406686284160.html
Wanlov Kuborlor Finally Explains The Reason Why He Will Never Wear Underwear Despite Sitting On His “Balls” Twice (+Video)

Ghanaian-Romanian musician, film director and cultural icon Emmanuel Owusu-Bonsu, known by his stage name Wanlov the Kubolor has finally explained why he still refuses to put on underwear despite sitting on his balls twice. Speaking in a recent interview on Peace FM, Kuborlor disclosed how he almost fainted while he accidentally sat on his balls […]

9 Dec 16:37 GhBase.com 8689748846842839688.html
La vestimenta tradicional no está vetada en Bolivia, aclara la Cancillería

El expresidente Evo Morales había advertido de que "están tratando de desmantelar el Estado Plurinacional y restaurar el Estado colonial" en Bolivia

9 Dec 11:25 EL DEBATE 4396150895052992290.html
Nova hapšenja na tribinama Premijer lige, "pali" zbog homofobičnih uzvika

Nastavljaju se ispadi širom Ostrva.

9 Dec 16:15 SPORTSKE NET 1397374494956456101.html
Sorprenden en Vigo a una pareja con varios juguetes robados

La Policía Local les retiró también un bolso valorado en 125 euros

9 Dec 14:51 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577524341824.html
Iberdrola contrata seis bufetes 'top' para defenderse en el 'caso Villarejo'

Iberdrola no va a escatimar medios en la batalla jurídica del caso Villarejo, en la que el grupo se está viendo envuelto. La compañía, presidida...

9 Dec 17:13 Expansión 4197779423526902512.html
Il gioiello sardo da 750mila euro che inguaia l'ex premier malese

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 15:07 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207601368580.html
Significado de soñar con Estrellas

Si tienes sue&ntilde;os que te desconciertan porque crees que no tienen nada que ver contigo, no sabes d&oacute;nde buscar, aqu&iacute; te damos la respuesta a ese sue&ntilde;o

9 Dec 15:17 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624409918507.html
***Live Updates*** House Judiciary Committee Holds Second Impeachment Hearing | Breitbart

The House Judiciary Committee will hold its second impeachment inquiry hearing on Monday. Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern. | Politics

9 Dec 13:43 Breitbart 3148363492060274873.html
I'm A Celebrity viewers ask why reunions with loved ones was cut in final

Different to previous finals

9 Dec 10:00 Entertainment Daily 8392972516796132583.html
Chile: alto costo de medicinas desata la ira contra farmacéuticas

La falta de medicamentos o los tiempos de espera en las abarrotadas boticas de los centros de salud han desembocado en el hastío general de la población

9 Dec 14:16 Publimetro Perú 5349571042872964337.html
Keita's ability has never been in question, says Klopp

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has made it clear that he never doubted the talent of industrious midfielder Naby Keita.

9 Dec 10:00 Sport 682566034355349747.html
Pakistan set for first real 'home' test in a decade

There is a lot more at stake than World Test Championship points for Pakistan when they host Sri Lanka in a two-match series this month as the ...

9 Dec 16:30 CNA 5644198863709752586.html
I monopattini possono finalmente circolare a Milano: ecco dove e cosa c'è da sapere

È adesso possibile circolare legalmente e in sicurezza a Milano con monopattini e tutti i tipi di veicoli di micro-mobilità. Nella pagina trovate tutte le indicazioni e cosa è necessario per farlo

9 Dec 15:01 Hardware Upgrade 1066557697676600942.html
Banda A Loba anuncia nova contratada após desligamento de Mel Rios

A direção da Banda A Loba, oficializou o desligamento da cantora Mel Rios

9 Dec 11:56 R10 3167340813713507840.html
Human trafficking reducing in Edo – NAPTIP

The Edo Zonal Command of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons says human trafficking in the

9 Dec 12:11 The Eagle Online 1463511650136464946.html
Dalat Hasfarm said to have raised $70m from Lombard Investments

International private equity firm Lombard Investments said to have invested $70 million in Vietnamese floriculture company Dalat Hasfarm in lieu of a majority stake.

9 Dec 15:07 Nhịp Cầu Đầu Tư 7727671810042623826.html
Grave incidente sul lavoro a Vidor: travolto da una balla di fieno, finisce in ospedale in condizioni serie

VIDOR – Grave incidente sul lavoro questa mattina a Vidor: un quarantenne è stato travolto da una balla in fieno ed è rimasto ferito.

9 Dec 14:36 Oggi Treviso 2529403853615167339.html
New entry fees for visitors to Oman’s Damaniyat Islands

If you&rsquo;re planning to visit Damaniyat Islands in Oman, you need to pay an entrance fee.

9 Dec 16:09 Times of Oman 5168079155826272819.html
Maura Higgins explains why she might not be tuning into Love Island next year

The reality TV star also revealed that the Dancing On Ice contestants share a WhatsApp group.

9 Dec 17:30 Shropshire Star 3480199992042756796.html
Raúl Jalil ya es el nuevo gobernador de Catamarca

Tal como estaba programado, esta mañana en la Sala Julio Sánchez Gardel del Cine Teatro Catamarca se llevó a cabo la ceremonia de traspaso de mando de las nuevas autoridades del gobierno provincial.

9 Dec 10:16 El Esquiú 5729181307187698628.html
Roma, ancora paura sul bus: autista Atac aggredito da un gruppo di giovani

L’ennesima aggressione ai danni di un autista Atac è avvenuta durante la serata di sabato scorso intorno alle 22,30: il mezzo della linea 301 stava transitando lungo via Nemea, nei pressi di Ponte Milvio, quando il conducente ha chiesto a un gruppo di giovani ragazzi di fare meno chiasso. I ragazzi, a quanto pare, non […]

9 Dec 09:59 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337936720211.html
Ancelotti in bilico, Cesarano: "Semplicistico pensare al cambio allenatore, il problema è più grave"

Il giornalista Rino Cesarano ha parlato ai microfoni di Canale 21, commentando il momento del Napoli dopo il pareggio di Udine.

9 Dec 10:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080748776512.html
Premier League table: Liverpool maintain leadership with 8 points over Leicester City

Premier League table after matchday 16 shows Liverpool are runaway leaders of the table. The Reds have opened an eight points lead over Leicester City who are second on the log. Man United have risen to fifth on the table

9 Dec 12:07 Legit 3764253649445338061.html
Is Sangathamizhan A Hit Or Flop? Box Office Verdict Is Out!

Sangathamizhan, starring Vijay Sethupathi in lead role was one among the major releases of November. According to reports, the movie has not had a good outing at the box office.

9 Dec 11:24 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245231022175.html
La Unión Europea sugiere abordar la crisis desde Chile hasta Venezuela

El nuevo alto representante de la Unión Europea (UE) para la Política Exterior, Josep Borrell, afirmó este lunes 9 de diciembre que es necesario abordar la actualidad de América Latina porque su situación es “más crítica” que hace unos meses, en especial en países como Bolivia, Chile o Venezuela.

9 Dec 10:40 Panorama 6052790754889997709.html
Ericsson riskerar bli USA:s spionverktyg mot Kina

Ericsson har inte haft något val annat än att foga sig efter USA:s villkor i korruptionsuppgörelsen. Men nu riskerar svenskarna att i tre år bli ett amerikanskt spionverktyg mot Kina – samma USA som i åratal kastat en liknande anklagelse mot Huawei.

9 Dec 15:29 Dagens industri 3921815211714086032.html
Golden Globes: "Marriage Story" als Favorit

Das Beziehungsdrama hat sechs Nominierungen, Scorseses „The Irishman“ und Tarantinos „Once Upon a Time in Hollywood“ je fünf.

9 Dec 14:07 Kurier 208072237886443228.html
More than 500 drivers caught by Gateshead bus lane camera in three days

A camera on South Shore Road, on Gateshead Quayside, caught 529 drivers within three days but the council warned drivers will now be fined

9 Dec 11:30 ChronicleLive 1984146901005262773.html
Teresa Rivero, el desahucio de su casa y otras tragedias de la familia Ruiz Mateos

Sus seis hijos varones están en la cárcel, una hija murió de leucemia y otra se enfrenta a sus hermanos porque afirma que han ocultado dinero y siguen ejerciendo el control de sociedades heredadas

9 Dec 12:39 EL PAÍS 2207347711180299875.html
English judges deciding Scottish divorce cases is “recipe for chaos”, Supreme Court hears

English judges deciding Scottish divorce cases is a &ldquo;recipe for chaos&rdquo;, the Supreme Court has heard in a landmark case between an aristocrat and his estranged wife.

9 Dec 17:58 The Telegraph 140598092624135172.html
Jumlah Pesawat Operasi Nataru 2019 Turun, Penumpung Juga Loyo

Pada musim Nataru 2019 ditaksir jumlah penumpang akan turun, saat bersamaan jumlah penumpang turun.

9 Dec 10:54 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214076082019.html
Penampilan Menawan Zozibini Tunzi, Miss Universe 2019 dari Afsel

Miss South Afrika 2019 Zozibini Tunzi terpilih menjadi Miss Universe 2019. - Foto 1

9 Dec 10:58 moms-life 8028540702483141316.html
Roche: nouvelles données sur les lymphomes

Roche annonce de nouvelles données sur les nouvelles immunothérapies anticancéreuses bispécifiques CD20-CD3 chez les personnes atteintes de lymphomes - 09/12/2019 09:46

9 Dec 08:46 ABC Bourse 2538693398557129476.html
Zollstreit bremst US-Börsen aus

Die Furcht vor den Folgen des Zollstreits zwischen den USA und China dämpft die Kauflaune der US-Anleger. Merck macht mit einem vielversprechenden Zukauf Schlagzeilen.

9 Dec 16:07 cash 8314500325298615994.html
Es momento de aprobar el T-MEC dice AMLO

El presidente López Obrador pidió a la presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes de EU, Nancy Pelosi, que se apruebe el tratado antes de que inicie en Estados Unidos la campaña política para la Presidencia

9 Dec 15:25 El Universal 4964748197716962893.html
ASOS accused of 'laughing at plus size bodies' with ballerina fat suit game

'Why isn't there one place we can go without feeling fear of being fatshamed?'

9 Dec 16:08 Metro 970161748826138273.html
AIMA MAT December phase 2 exam postponed: Check revised dates, exam pattern

AIMA MAT December phase 2: The PBT and CBT exams were to be conducted on December 8 and 14, respectively and now will be held on December 14 and 15 instead.

9 Dec 15:55 The Indian Express 2885715104265725503.html
Con este video, acusan a embajador de robarse un libro

Óscar Ricardo Valero, diplomático mexicano en Argentina, fue grabado por las cámaras de seguridad de la librería

9 Dec 16:33 Noticias Caracol 4063533508050414092.html
Im Naturschutzgebiet: Vandalen zerstörten mit mehreren Autos zwei Hektar Wiesen

Mehrere Fahrzeuge zerstörten in Fehring systematisch sensible Wiesenflächen im Naturschutzgebiet. Die Ermittlungen laufen.

9 Dec 16:00 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699741310489.html
Bertemu Jokowi, Ahok & Bos Pertamina Bahas CAD & Subsidi BBM

Ahok dan Bos Pertamina bertemu Jokowi di Istana sore ini, bahas CAD & Subsidi BBM

9 Dec 13:16 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212824866375.html
No sueltan prenda sobre contrato de privatización de muelles de San Juan

El presidente de la Unión de Empleados de Muelles Turísticos dijo que “no hay ninguna garantía para la empleomanía como sucedió en el pasado en el Aeropuerto”.

9 Dec 08:36 Primera Hora 5092966653839823869.html
Collezionare opere d’arte in Italia: criticità legali e fiscali

a cura dello studio legale Ludovici Piccone & Partners   Il mercato dell’arte in Italia continua a caratterizzarsi per dimensioni e numeri molto modesti rispetto ai principali Paesi UE e, in confronto ad altri settori dell’economia (come la moda e il design), non sembra fino ad oggi riuscito a sfruttare pienamente il brand “Italia” e il […]

9 Dec 09:07 Wall Street Italia 1518582935904407058.html
Blow job is abnormal – Babcock VC on why school expelled student

Vice-Chancellor, VC of Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Prof. Ademola Tayo, reportedly mentioned that giving blow job is abnormal, while stating the reason why a student in a viral sex tape was expelled by the school. Last month

9 Dec 09:00 LailasNews.com 2090029850256975653.html
NBA Rumors: Nuggets Could Acquire Kevin Love For Paul Millsap Or Gary Harris, Per Sean Deveney

With the Cleveland Cavaliers now willing to listen to trade offers for veteran big man Kevin Love, a new report suggests that the Denver Nuggets could be among the teams that could benefit the most ...

9 Dec 08:48 The Inquisitr 1745625231923172079.html
Presidente de Cuba deposita ofrenda floral a San Martín en Argentina

Presidente de Cuba deposita ofrenda floral a San Martín en Argentina

9 Dec 11:16 cubasi.cu 5416914687257418685.html
Stakes winners Tap Back, Been Studying Her lead Los Al nominations

Horse Racing news: Stakes winners Tap Back, Been Studying Her lead Los Al nominations.

9 Dec 10:31 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535939227625.html
Jóvenes armados intentan intimidar a policía pero terminan baleados, en Iztapalapa

Los hechos se registraron en la calle Casimiro Chovel, colonia La Era, al oriente de la capital

9 Dec 15:41 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601997403416.html
Fa un selfie con Salvini: insulti contro il giallista. E il noir vola in classifica

Il noir Il Mostro di Milano scala la classifica di Amazon dopo una fotografia dello scrittore Fabrizio Carcano con Matteo Salvini. E scoppiano le polemiche

9 Dec 12:42 ilGiornale.it 5019541225547327510.html
La hora del diablo

“Mi señor Lucifer Rey de Reyes sea cual sea mi destino solo tu lo sabes y lo acepto como uno de tus hijos mas fieles cobija con tus alas negras a mis amadas mascotas ya nos volveremos a ver se los prometo (sic)”, escribió en su muro de Facebook Óscar García Guzmán, El Feminicida de Santín.

9 Dec 10:38 El Universal 4964748195967615587.html
Osttirol: 53 Verletzte bei Krampus und Klaubauf

Die Krampus- und Klaubauf-Saison ist vorbei, die Bilanz ernüchternd: 53 Verletzte. Das sind zwar um acht weniger als im Vorjahr, aber mit Strassen fand heuer auch ein großer Umzug nicht statt.

9 Dec 15:00 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700081347676.html
GLORIA DEPORTIVA DE GUÁRICO / Bruno Carrasquel un ejemplo para la juventud

Este peculiar ser humano logró posicionarse como...

9 Dec 11:09 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529004012879.html
Policiais penais do RN fazem caminhada e entregam funções de chefia nesta segunda

Os policiais penais do Rio Grande do Norte continuam com a mobilização iniciada na quarta-feira (4). A categoria, que vem realizando apenas serviço

9 Dec 10:33 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060552194441.html
A new generation ain’t afraid of no ghosts in Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer

"Call it fate. Call it luck. Call it karma. I believe everything happens for a reason."

9 Dec 17:06 Ars Technica 5028555107940407488.html
OZY Media sees "exponential growth" from MENA in entertainment, media

Mubasher: The global media pioneering company, OZY Media, said it will increase its focus on the entertainment and media industry across the MENA region.

9 Dec 16:06 english.mubasher.info 8917853138604195763.html
Plötzlich ganz bunt – Willy-Brandt-Haus mit Farbe beschmiert

Mit gelber, roter und grüner Farbe haben Unbekannte die SPD-Parteizentrale in Berlin beschmiert. Betroffen ist der Haupteingang. Es ist nicht der erste Vorfall dieser Art am Willy-Brandt-Haus.

9 Dec 12:58 DIE WELT 6197693430033714913.html
PS5: un brevetto suggerisce che si potrà giocare in multigiocatore anche ai single-player | Game Division

Spunta in rete un nuovo brevetto di PS5 che sembra suggerire la possibilità di giocare in multigiocatore anche ai giochi single player. Ecco i dettagli.

9 Dec 13:15 Tom's Hardware 6640147069538330453.html
Anthony Joshua ‘definitely’ wants to defend heavyweight titles in Nigeria after defeating Andy Ruiz

Anthony Joshua has confirmed he would “definitely love” to defend his heavyweight titles in Nigeria after defeating Andy Ruiz in their rematch. The IBF, WBO and WBA champion recovered from a

9 Dec 13:53 The Independent 2511519171938206375.html
28-year-old atop one of world's oldest fortunes faces backlash

Hugh Grosvenor, the seventh Duke of Westminster, is the U.K.’s third-richest person and considered by some its most eligible bachelor.

9 Dec 09:02 BNN 3833521687790979253.html
Ce firme vor fi afectate de interzicerea articolelor din plastic?

Nu mai puțin de cinci grame de plastic ajung săptămânal în organismul fiecărui locuitor al planetei prin aer, apă sau hrană. Acesta este principalul motiv pentru care Consiliul Uniunii

9 Dec 11:22 HotNews 5099222562063846933.html
18-Jähriger soll Eltern und Bruder mit Axt erschlagen haben

Der Schüler berichtete der Polizei im polnischen Niederschlesien zunächst von Einbrechern im Haus. Später soll er dann aber die Tat gestanden haben.

9 Dec 10:16 Die Presse 6242788855268710058.html
The Conjuring 3 is officially titled The Devil Made Me Do It

The third installment of the popular horror movie franchise is called The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. It is slated to be released on September 11, 2020.

9 Dec 08:34 The Indian Express 2885715104129405784.html
Contestazioni alla Brigata Ebraica al corteo del 25 Aprile, chiesto il processo per 4 antagonisti: "Fu odio razziale"

La procura di Milano chiede il rinvio a giudizio per le offese al passaggio della Brigata Ebraica. Tra gli indagati anche il neobrigatista Claudio Latino

9 Dec 13:02 Repubblica.it 7645374300721830943.html
NFL star Khalil Mack pays off 300 holiday layaway accounts at Walmart in his hometown

Chicago Bears star linebacker Khalil Mack is spreading Christmas joy by paying off all the holiday layaway accounts at a Walmart in his hometown of Fort Pierce, Florida.

9 Dec 11:03 Fox 4 8372747776773935478.html
NFL star Khalil Mack pays off 300 holiday layaway accounts at Walmart in his hometown

Chicago Bears star linebacker Khalil Mack is spreading Christmas joy by paying off all the holiday layaway accounts at a Walmart in his hometown of Fort Pierce, Florida.

9 Dec 16:03 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730201905942902.html
Vodafone, sfida di Natale ad Iliad con la rinnovata offerta da 50 Giga

Vodafone inizia la lunga battaglia natalizia contro Iliad. E' confermata anche in queste settimane la ricaricabile con 50 Giga

9 Dec 11:00 tecnoandroid 2573257128226576307.html
La legge anti-moschee è solo una questione di islamofobia, non di illegalità

Pochi giorni fa, per la seconda volta in pochi anni, la Consulta ha dichiarato incostituzionale alcuni passaggi della legge urbanistica lombarda riguardanti la costruzione di luoghi di culto. Nel cors...

9 Dec 11:52 L'HuffPost 5315551422257583601.html
Don't give voting rights for 25 years, Shiv Sena on Citizenship Bill

Participating in the debate on the bill, Vinayak Raut (SS) said there is no clarity yet on how and in which state these people would be rehabilitated. He said framing laws is not enough and there is a need to implement them properly.

9 Dec 13:49 The Economic Times 7653256038276996438.html
Japan: Diese Pinguine treiben es so wild, dass nun sogar Karten helfen müssen, das Chaos zu sortieren

Unter ihnen befinden sich Herzensbrecher, treue Seelen und (hoffnungslos) Verliebte: Die Pinguine zwei japanischer Aquarien führen abenteuerliche ...

9 Dec 16:33 stern.de 4680145938311366197.html
Fertigstellung von Nord Stream 2 verzögert sich

Ein Großteil der Leitungen für Nord Stream 2 sind bereits verlegt – auf den finalen Metern verzögert sich das Projekt nun aber. Ein Datum für die Fertigstellung kann derzeit nicht genannt werden.

9 Dec 13:37 T-Online 5460876211330564549.html
Hanno un nome i panda gemelli di Berlino

Cento giorni dopo la nascita, in linea con la tradizione cinese, hanno un nome i due panda gemelli nati nello zoo di Berlino il 31 agosto scorso: si chiamano Meng Xiang, che significa "sogno desiderato", e Meng Yuan, "sogno realizzato", e sono stati presen... (ANSA)

9 Dec 11:13 ANSA.it 1300837447796290897.html
Pieter du Toit: Four years on and Zuma’s dismissal of Nene still grates

If there’s anything that the government and party of former president Jacob Zuma will be remembered for – apart from corruption, mismanagement and theft – it will be the brazen manner in which the capture clique attempted to hijack National Treasury on December 9, 2015, writes Pieter du Toit.

9 Dec 17:39 News24 3752801377086072010.html
'We're on to you': Harris says flavoured e-cigarettes target children and he wants them banned

Some vaping packaging is trying to make it attractive to children, according to the health minister.

9 Dec 17:41 TheJournal.ie 6446904417982798321.html
8 tips to help your firstborn adjust to a new sibling

Encourage your child to observe the baby closely with you. Get your older one to describe the baby's actions or watch the baby when sleeping.

9 Dec 08:51 The Indian Express 2885715105331965274.html
Prizmo 5: The Pro Scanner with Powerful Editing Tools for the iPhone and iPad [Sponsor]

Prizmo 5 is the premier solution for fast, streamlined scanning and powerful, accurate OCR on the iPhone and iPad. The app’s hallmark is the efficiency of its capture workflow, which is driven by an elegant and intuitive UI coupled with the latest iOS and iPadOS features. Creaceed, the maker of Prizmo 5, has been refining

9 Dec 12:46 www.macstories.net 3442799202800455654.html
Rosja wykluczona z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i zimowych w Pekinie

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku w związku z aferą dopingową w tym kraju - poinformował rzecznik prasowy WADA.

9 Dec 14:14 Polsat News 9031932296515128856.html
Cuatro detenidos por circular por Sagunto cargados con dos fardos de hachís

La Guardia Civil descubrió en el interior de uno de los vehículos un doble fondo con dos paquetes

9 Dec 12:25 Las Provincias 5471838389415936963.html
El proyecto Inventario crea un corazón a partir de los nombres de emigrados cubanos etiquetados en #TodosSeVan

El proyecto cubano de datos "Inventario" formó un corazón a partir de los nombres más mencionados en Twitter en los listados particulares que recuerdan a cubanos emigrados.

9 Dec 11:10 CiberCuba 8213836169425107839.html
Anthony Forde On The Mend After Suffering Broken Ribs & Punctured Lung

Former Irish U19 and U21 international Anthony Forde suffered four broken ribs and a punctured lung in Oxford 0-0 draw against Shrewsbury at the weekend.

9 Dec 17:02 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274176308022.html
Hongkoneses en masa elevan apuesta a Pekín

Al cumplirse seis meses de protestas, jóvenes, adultos y niños se aglutinan en la mayor movilización desde agosto; confían en que insistencia les dé más victorias

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060638457473701.html
'It's all down to sheer laziness' - Your opinions on parking chaos outside Stanley School in Blackpool

Blackpool Council has drafted in civil enforcement officers to patrol outside Stanley Primary School on Wordsworth Avenue, Marton due to ‘illegal and inconsiderate’ parking at school drop-off and pick-up times.

9 Dec 15:49 The Gazette 1828400563707315579.html
GM Enters $2.3B JV To Further Production Of Electric Vehicles

EV Partnership News: General Motors announced that it is partnering with LG Chem to mass-produce battery cells for future battery-electric vehicles.

9 Dec 11:45 PYMNTS.com 7357138825523556113.html
Pierwszy trailer Ghostbusters Afterlife. Znamy datę premiery

Wytwórnia Sony Pictures udostępniła pierwszy zwiastun filmu Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Trzecia (czy raczej czwarta) część Pogromców duchów zadebiutuje w połowie przyszłego roku.

9 Dec 16:34 GRY-Online.pl 5357342308987201030.html
Presepe in gabbia: l’installazione funge da denuncia per la politica d’immigrazione di Trump

Una chiesa metodista di Claremont (Los Angeles) ha installato un presepe in gabbia come atto di protesta contro la politica d'immigrazione di Trump.

9 Dec 14:54 NewNotizie 1312053897486276025.html
WRC | Tanak, nessun risentimento con Toyota

Il neo campione del mondo ha spiegato i motivi che lo hanno portato ad accettare l'offerta di Andrea Adamo e ad iniziare una nuova avventura con la Hyundai

9 Dec 08:15 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655373898323.html
Michael Healy-Rae TD brought to hospital after fire at Kerry shop

Healy-Rae is understood to be okay but is being checked due to the potential effects of smoke inhalation.

9 Dec 11:06 TheJournal.ie 6446904418032777916.html
No more second chances – Conte wants Inter to thrive under Champions League pressure

Inter must be proud of their efforts in the Champions League, but Antonio Conte says there are no more second chances for his team.

9 Dec 15:03 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907109353458.html
Vejas as vagas ofertadas pelo Sine-PI nesta segunda-feira

O horário de atendimento é das 7h30 às 13h30, no Sine Centro, na Rua Areolino de Abreu.

9 Dec 11:27 R10 3167340814212444116.html
NFL ICYMI: Jimmy G's defining performance; calls hurt Pats

Jimmy G. seems to be heating up just as Tom Terrific appears to be slowing down

9 Dec 08:03 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637078066669.html
Labour’s pledge to cut rail and bus fares would benefit the whole country

Millions can’t afford to run a car but have to, simply because the public transport system near them is so appalling, says author Lynsey Hanley

9 Dec 09:59 the Guardian 1491978795884598932.html
Fatal accidente en la vía la Cordialidad: hombre muere aprisionado entre dos carros

Uno de los vehículos que se encontraba parqueado, se descolgó y golpeó al conductor que estaba descargando mercancía....

9 Dec 16:24 El Heraldo 8273144986251214870.html
EXCLUSIVE: Luenell Shoots Her Shot at Colin Kaepernick: Hit Me in My DM, I'll Answer

In this clip, Luenell opined on the Colin Kaepernick situation and called it a "racist travesty." Luenell said the NFL owners and executives deserv...

9 Dec 14:00 VLADTV 1404406306126165626.html
Google’s billionaire cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page dropped a surprise visit on a PhD student who sits in Page’s old office at Stanford

A PhD student at Stanford got a big surprise on Friday night.

9 Dec 12:58 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883896733268.html
Liberals move on tax cut for the middle-class in the Commons

Finance Minister Bill Morneau has tabled a motion in the House of Commons to move on the Liberal's promised tax cut for the middle class.

9 Dec 16:43 CTVNews 2422791597529016518.html
Ministerio de Seguridad restringirá permisos de portación de armas

Persona solo podrá comprar arma con la cual pasó la prueba técnica, como ocurre con los vehículos; el examen teórico será más riguroso

9 Dec 13:45 La Nación 504134874102511079.html
Raheem Sterling’s emotional speech at Great Gatsby themed 25th birthday party

It looks like no expenses were spared.

9 Dec 11:11 Metro 970161748465250943.html
Judenburg: Opfer vor eigener Wohnung mit dem Messer attackiert

Tat im Suchtmittelmilieu: 32-Jähriger fügte 29-Jährigem Stichwunde zu, Opfer konnte in seine Wohnung flüchten.

9 Dec 09:23 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150701041269298.html
Lograr consensos donde todos ganen en el Lago de Tota: Nuevo director de Corpoboyacá

Dice que se ha avanzado con productores de cebolla y trucha en término de mejores prácticas.

9 Dec 17:58 W Radio 7724358830159299615.html
Welche Kommunen 2020 mehr Geld weiterreichen

Der Landkreis muss im kommenden Jahr höchstwahrscheinlich mit deutlich weniger Kreisumlage aus den Städten und Gemeinden kalkulieren als in diesem Jahr. Wie aus dem Entwurf des Haushaltsplans hervorgeht, nimmt der Kreis aus der Umlage mehr als 3,1 Millionen Euro weniger ein als zuletzt. Dennoch erhält der Kreis im kommenden Jahr aus der Kreisumlage rund 96,5 Millionen ...

9 Dec 10:30 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109462580358.html
Naik 3 Hari Beruntun, Ini Tanda-Tandanya Besok IHSG Bisa Naik

IHSG mencatatkan penguatan ke-3 dengan naik 0,11% ke 6.193, atau mendekati level penutupan akhir tahun 2018 lalu di level 6.194.

9 Dec 11:29 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212780595917.html
Esta multa deben pagar las empresas que no den aguinaldo

La fecha límite para recibir esta prestación es el 20 de diciembre.

9 Dec 16:01 SIPSE.com 4008460418283826118.html
El Ayuntamiento se disculpa por las letras sobre drogas de un cantautor junto a la Casa de Papá Noel

En un concierto en el Panteón de Quijano los niños escucharon frases como «la droga es una cosa peligrosa y divertida»

9 Dec 09:12 Las Provincias 5471838390113102380.html
Artistas de Yucatán exigen ser incluidos en las fuentes de trabajo del gobierno

En representaci&oacute;n de mas de 2 mil artistas de 40 municipios de Yucat&aacute;n, un grupos de actores, actrices, cantantes, bailarines y m&uacute;sicos entre otros acusaron que las dependencias del gobierno de Yucat&aacute;n les cierran las puertas y prefieren entregar millonarios contratos a supuestos artistas desconocidos en la regi&oacute;n.

9 Dec 11:56 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623950572714.html
Dos meses de rebelión: los chilenos repudian a Carabineros y la negociación parlamentaria

Un nuevo estudio de la encuesta Cadem reveló que la popularidad de los Carabineros se encuentra en su nivel más bajo desde septiembre de 2015. Un 68% no quiere que decaigan las movilizaciones si no hay cambios.

9 Dec 15:00 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572730170178947.html
Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia 2019, Amerika Serikat Merosot

KBRN, Jakarta : Seperti dikutip dari Transparency International (TI) melalui Metro dalam rilis 2019, Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (IPK) 2018, Denmark dinyatakan sebagai negara paling bersih dari

9 Dec 12:01 RRI News Portal 6700853645524755004.html
Del Cerro Grande pitará el trascendental Dinamo Zagreb - Manchester City

El equipo croata se juega este miércoles el segundo puesto del grupo C. Debe ganar y que no lo haga en Shakhtar Donetsk ante el Atalanta

9 Dec 12:33 sport 1349897969556936775.html
Lesley Riddoch: Brexit won’t get done if Boris wins, an SNP-backed Labour government is safer bet

&#8216;Getting Brexit done&#8217; will simply continue to overshadow everything else, says Lesley Riddoch.

9 Dec 09:23 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489700079571.html
Chelsea injury news: Key boost for Lampard vs Lille, but duo ruled out

Blues boss gets mixed news on injury front...

9 Dec 14:37 CaughtOffside 8169236755794410202.html
FOTO&VIDEO TN - Napoli in campo per la rifinitura: Allan e Milik in gruppo

Subito dopo la conferenza stampa di Ancelotti e Meret, il Napoli è sceso in campo per la consueta rifinitura della vigilia delle partite di Champions League

9 Dec 15:09 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080511448045.html
Mattarella: evasione indecente, è problema culturale

L’evasione fiscale è un problema grave ha detto il presidente della Repubblica. Senza evasione ci sarebbero più soldi per stipendi e pensioni.

9 Dec 17:00 InvestireOggi 7231367744386410437.html
Confirman remasterizaciones de Bayonetta y Vanquish; conoce su fecha de estreno

El paquete tendrá una edición física con caja metálica

9 Dec 16:01 LevelUp 3760720892913908198.html
Arabian Gulf Cup: Football, blockade and an 'historic' win

Doha, Qatar – The curtain has fallen on the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup in Qatar, with a new regional football champion crowned.

9 Dec 14:39 Aljazeera 6642629763878542547.html
Not a single citizen will be allowed to turn a refugee due to NRC, CAB: Mamata

Giving assurances that NRC and CAB will be never allowed in Bengal as long as the TMC is in power, Banerjee said NRC and CAB are both two sides of a coin.

9 Dec 09:10 Oneindia 2023829372656811775.html
Bristol City's Championship rivals Leeds United set for huge £120m cash injection in promotion boost - reports

It could play a big part in the January transfer window

9 Dec 12:30 BristolLive 4740742016286501835.html
Vilmorin: contrat de licence pour Crispr-Cas9

Vilmorin annonce la signature d'un contrat de licence non exclusif en matière de techniques d'édition du génome, avec Corteva Agriscience et le Broad - 09/12/2019 10:22

9 Dec 09:22 ABC Bourse 2538693399009857531.html
Huawei will Harmony OS 2020 auf mehr Produkte bugsieren

Laut einem aktuellen Bericht der Kollegen von Reuters wolle Huawei sein eigenes Betriebssystem Harmony OS 2020 auf mehr Geräte schieben. ...

9 Dec 17:30 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574881311370.html
Pirâmides e outras fraudes financeiras afetam um em cada dez brasileiros, diz pesquisa do SPC

Pesquisa CNDL/SPC Brasil, em parceria com Sebrae, mostra que vítimas de pirâmides respondem por 55% dos afetados por esquemas financeiros fraudulentos

9 Dec 12:19 Portal do Bitcoin 7973962972189950762.html
Brytyjska policja szkoli przez internet, jak zachować się podczas ataku terrorystycznego

Brytyjska policja w poniedziałek udostępniła po raz pierwszy darmowe, dostępne dla wszystkich kursy internetowe, jak zachować się w przypadku ataku terrorystycznego.

9 Dec 16:16 RMF24 3758900157527407248.html
"How the Irish Became White" is a history book that fails the history test

Title of Noel Ignatiev's book "How the Irish became White" is a shoddy attempt to conflate Irish suffering with slavery.

9 Dec 09:51 IrishCentral 7319968743906911880.html
'Real Madrid heeft hand overspeeld en moet voor 100 miljoen euro verkopen'

Real Madrid heeft zich in de financiële nesten gewerkt, meldt Marca. De Koninklijke sloot afgelopen zomer meerdere grote transfers af, maar zal binnenkort drastisch in de selectie moeten gaan snijden. De transferuitgaven tijdens de zomerstop kwamen boven de 300 miljoen (!) euro uit: onder meer Eden Hazard, Luka Jovic, Éder Militão, Ferland Mendy en Rodrygo Goes kwamen voor fikse bedragen naar het Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Real Madrid verkocht weliswaar voor ruim honderd miljoen euro aan spelers, maar dat kan de negatieve transferbalans niet verbloemen. Marca: Real-naamgenoten komen samen tot negen minuten en mogen verkassen 'Real Madrid maakt werk van Van de Beek en wil door Ajax gevraagde som betalen' Van de Beek zit niet te wachten op Real Madrid-vragen: 'Totaal niet mee bezig'

9 Dec 17:55 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884434254787.html
Courtois ya no ve Brujas

No hace mucho, mientras se disipaba el chaparrón de dudas sobre su rendimiento, Courtois reconocía "yo sé lo que valgo, nunca dudé de mí". Sin embargo, ni el Courtois más optimista podía imaginar que la tarde de Brujas en la que tuvo que retirarse al descanso, entre pitos, por problemas estomacales sería el comienzo de su mejor puesta en escena desde su llegada al conjunto blanco. Lo que ha servido para zanjar todo tipo de debates y hacer olvidar, de una vez por todas, a Keylor Navas.

9 Dec 14:38 MARCA 5656811533334930482.html
Revelan VIDEO donde policía de CDMX mata a balazos a hombre desarmado

Un hombre muri&oacute; a manos de un polic&iacute;a de CDMX quien le dispar&oacute; en el rostro, este hecho caus&oacute; gran controversia pues hay quienes aseguran que se trat&oacute; de una ataque directo

9 Dec 14:45 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624076384846.html
'Spider's web' of cycle paths in Swansea is leading the way forward, say campaigners

The council has secured £5.5 million this year alone to create more cycling and walking facilities

9 Dec 16:21 Wales Online 7686550517121413079.html
Vanquish and Bayonetta revealed for PS4 and Xbox One, out in February

It was last week when a leak occurred on the Microsoft Store that basically confirmed a re-release of SEGA's fast-paced shooter Vanquish, and witch based action game Bayonetta. Today, SEGA has reveale

9 Dec 16:29 tsa 6447108927850426793.html
Have-a-go hero tries to stop shop robbery gang as they make their getaway - only to learn they were ACTORS making a film

Actors pretending to rob a store in Dorset were 'chased' by a resident who believed the scenes were real. Producers were filming action scenes in the village for the new indie horror film 'Perran'.

9 Dec 11:56 Mail Online 124328110936638301.html
Universität Gießen offline: War es ein Hacker-Angriff?

Die Universität in Gießen ist derzeit offline. Die Verantwortlichen der Hochschule schließen nicht aus, dass es sich um eine Cyber-Attacke handeln könnte.

9 Dec 11:36 TAG24 4583887875150214770.html
Le minacce di sicurezza prendono di mira anche Android 10: l’obiettivo preferito sono i conti bancari e dati personali (video)

Nel mondo Android non sono mai mancate le minacce di sicurezza, come ‘è anche lecito aspettarsi dato la vastità del...

9 Dec 17:07 AndroidWorld 1488441782710451640.html
Hombre mata otro de varias puñaladas tras discusión tras roce de motores

Un hombre mato a otro de varias puñaladas tras presuntamente producirse un roce entre un motor y una pasola la tarde de este lunes, en San Juan de la Magua

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264930028518.html
Balance del Gobierno: Reportan segundo día sin eventos graves desde el inicio de la crisis social

El reporte entregado por la Subsecretaría del Interior, detallo que no se registraron saqueos ni ataques a cuarteles de policiales en todo el territorio nacional.

9 Dec 12:21 24Horas.cl 793283385071900550.html
Las orcas viven más cuando tienen abuela

La alta mortalidad de las crías huérfanas de abuela sugiere una función familiar para la menopausia

9 Dec 15:05 EL PAÍS 2207347710077324521.html
Boscaiolo taglia un albero e viene travolto, è grave

RECOARO TERME - Paura e apprensione nella tarda mattinata di oggi all'interno di un bosco in Contrada Caile, nel comune di Recoaro Terme. Attorno alle 11.30 il Soccorso alpino di...

9 Dec 14:30 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446965687677.html
Mandat für Strache?: Strache-Vertrauter soll heute demontiert werden

Karl Baron dürfte heute als Wiener Chef der blauen Wirtschaft und als Spitzenkandidat für bevorstehende Wirtschaftskammerwahl abgesetzt werden. Seit Wochen wird darüber spekuliert, dass er Strache sein Gemeinderatsmandat überlässt.

9 Dec 13:15 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699765286618.html
Rusia se queda sin Juegos de Tokyo ni Mundial de Catar por dopaje

Rusia ha sido sancionada con 4 años sin que sus deportistas puedan participar en competiciones internacionales, con lo que no podrán disputar los Juegos...

9 Dec 11:29 Europa Press 4702666148962528470.html
Emapag sancionará a Interagua por demoras en el restablecimiento de agua potable en la vía a la costa

Un proceso sancionatorio iniciará Emapag EP contra la concesionaria Interagua por supuestamente cometer una infracción por la demora en el restablecimiento del servicio de agua potable en la vía a la

9 Dec 17:19 El Universo 8365175797870577092.html
Toko Kue Mungil di Italia Ini Sudah Berusia 127 Tahun

Mempertahankan eksistensi di dunia kuliner memang tidaklah mudah. Sebuah toko kue kecil di Italia bahkan berhasil eksis lebih dari 120 tahun. Keren!

9 Dec 12:30 detikfood 4586606520434803307.html
Peter Kay 'in talks with BBC bosses on new project' after long break from showbiz

Peter Kay is reportedly in talks with the BBC about a new project following his extended break from our screens

9 Dec 10:06 Irish Mirror 2875825629728868847.html
Vroča kolesa za Guinnessa

Joey Logano, lanski prvak ameriških avtomobilističnih dirk Nascar, se ne znajde le na asfaltu, ampak tudi na drugačnih dirkaških stezah. Natančneje, na oranžnih stezah Hot Wheels, tistih, po kat...

9 Dec 17:48 Slovenske novice 5901956562330050719.html
Guardiola: "Quizás no estemos para competir contra los mejores"

Después de perder ante el Manchester United, lo que le aleja a catorce puntos del Liverpool y a seis del Leicester City, Guardiola alabó el nivel de los equipos en Europa.

9 Dec 12:36 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073064184885.html
Guardiola: "Quizás no estemos para competir contra los mejores"

Después de perder ante el Manchester United, lo que le aleja a catorce puntos del Liverpool y a seis del Leicester City, Guardiola alabó el nivel de los equipos en Europa.

9 Dec 12:36 ESPN 7718891766083443765.html
REGALI DI NATALE 2019/ I cesti di prodotti DOP dal Prosciutto San Daniele al Parmigiano Reggiano

Tra i regali di Natale apprezzati i cesti di Natale con prodotti DOP: prosciutto san daniele, parmigiano reggiano, aceto balsamico di modena, pecorino.

9 Dec 17:48 IlSussidiario 495412294073970552.html
Body found in search for Perth pensioner Michael McGannon missing overnight as cops treat death as ‘unexplained’

A BODY has been found in the search for Perth pensioner Michael McGannon – who disappeared overnight in torrid conditions. Cops launched a search for the 73-year-old, who had last been seen a…

9 Dec 15:20 The Scottish Sun 6609127673209092936.html
Child Poverty Figures show need for tax relief

Today’s child poverty figures, revealing that nearly 150,000 children are living in material hardship in New Zealand, show the need for tax relief says the Taxpayers’ Union.

9 Dec 16:29 SCOOP 5315658999309761932.html
Österreichs EM-Fahrplan steht mit Tests in Wales und Tschechien

Neben den Heimspielen gegen England und die Türkei wird das ÖFB-Team vor der Endrunde in Wales und Tschechien testen.

9 Dec 12:03 Die Presse 6242788854620300207.html
Amazon Accuses Trump of ‘Improper Pressure’ on JEDI Contract

In a legal complaint, Amazon said that the president attacked the company behind the scenes to harm its C.E.O., Jeff Bezos, “his perceived political enemy.”

9 Dec 16:20 NY Times 1961078288494424407.html
Se disolvió Carta Abierta: "No queremos quedar como pensionistas de la historia"

El grupo de intelectuales K se despidió a dos días de la asunción de Alberto Fernández, "orgullosos de haber cumplido un largo período de compromisos junto a los gobiernos kirchneristas y durante la resistencia al macrismo".

9 Dec 17:11 Todo Noticias 8077539162455834816.html
Amazon Prime Video announces launch of original series ‘Hostel Daze’

Amazon Prime Video today announced the launch of its latest Amazon original series ‘Hostel Daze’, created by The Viral Fever (TVF). Marking the first association with Indian youth’s much loved content provider, TVF, the five-part comedy-drama brings to life the adventures of four hostel wing-mates, Ankit, Chirag, Jaat and Jhaatu as they embark on an […]

9 Dec 09:09 BizAsia 5200304999243513909.html
Wattpad to open second headquarters in Halifax in early 2020

The storytelling platform said Monday that starting early next year it will have a team based out the 60,000-square-foot Volta innovation hub in the city's downtown core to better integrate with the local tech community.

9 Dec 16:09 BNN 3833521688776651319.html
Il piano del governo per salvare ilva: portare cassa depositi e prestiti, snam e arvedi a...


9 Dec 08:41 DAGOSPIA 6533336739964882544.html
Phones 4U billionaire John Caudwell tells John McDonnell he may leave the UK if Labour wins the election

Billionaire Phones 4U founder John Caudwell told shadow chancellor John McDonnell today that he was considering leaving the country if the Labour Party wins Thursday’s General Election.

9 Dec 12:09 City A.M. 6389894491230544276.html
R. Karbauskis ragina Seimo valdybą vadovautis STT rekomendacijomis

Po skandalingo Seimo valdybos sprendimo grąžinti Seimo nariams privilegijas į Specialiųjų tyrimų tarnybą (STT) kreipęsis Lietuvos valstiečių ir žaliųjų sąjungos (LVŽS) frakcijos seniūnas Ramūnas Karbauskis ragina atsisakyti kenksmingų valstybei veiksmų, vadovautis STT rekomendacijomis ir priiminėti skaidrumą Seimo veikloje užtikrinančius sprendimus.

9 Dec 14:46 Kauno diena 6825691409100043314.html
World anti-doping body bars Russia from 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Athletes were barred Monday from competing under the Russian flag during the 2020 Summer Olympics under a four-year ban handed down by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

9 Dec 12:25 UPI 8257973866007665075.html
Arcioni asume su segundo mandato en la gobernación

La ceremonia será a partir de las 13 horas en la Honorable Legislatura del Chubut.

9 Dec 12:24 El Patagónico 8565457045682013054.html
Sowore: What Top Yoruba Leader Said About Activist’s Re-Arrest By DSS

The Aare Onakakanfo of Yorubaland Gani Adams has described the re-arrest of activist Omoyele Sowore as a national tragedy. 

9 Dec 12:13 Concise 5544636823043482987.html
Jaguar I-Pace Gets 12 More Miles Of Range From New Software Update

Jaguar I-Pace owners can go to their local dealer for a software update that improves a variety of things, including the regenerative braking.

9 Dec 10:35 Motor1.com 1648269240519906268.html
UK general election 2019: What each party are offering to football fans in London

Football has been on the agenda for the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats this election but which political party is offering what to fans ahead of polling day on December 12?

9 Dec 16:04 football.london 6804128267787252132.html
"Bijeli kombiji" sa Facebooka u kojima siluju i ubijaju žene izazvali strah

BALTIMOR - Neprovjerene glasine na "Facebooku" dovele su do zastrašujućih priča o bijelim kombijima u američkom gradu Baltimoru u kojima otmičari siluju i ubijaju žene, a zatim prodaju njihove organe.

9 Dec 15:39 Nezavisne novine 4209150642338207057.html
Dundee scooter rider, 39, jailed for ploughing into girl, 4, banned from his vehicle after another incident

A drug addict who drove a mobility scooter while high just months after mowing down a child with the vehicle has avoided jail but been told to stay off his vehicle for a year.

9 Dec 11:34 The Courier 4275302768535968195.html
Mes, Governo verso il compromesso. La bozza che tiene insieme Pd-5S

&ldquo;Assicurare l&rsquo;equilibrio complessivo dei diversi elementi al centro del processo di riforma dell'Unione economica e monetaria (la cosiddetta...

9 Dec 15:48 Affari Italiani 6123405403578689851.html
South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019

ATLANTA (AP) - South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019, giving the country its second title in in three years in a pageant that also saw strong showings from contestants from Puerto Rico and Mexico.

9 Dec 15:38 WFXT 6395891953299413550.html
'You guys are based in California, not Ukraine, right?' — an analyst mocked Trump's CrowdStrike conspiracy on the firm's earnings call

An analyst mocked Donald Trump's false claim that CrowdStrike is a Ukrainian company, during the American cybersecurity firm's latest earnings c...

9 Dec 16:51 Business Insider 3364799146364467454.html
Frau in Lörrach erstochen: Verdächtiger muss in Psychiatrie

Eine Frau ist in einem Mehrfamilienhaus in Lörrach erstochen worden. Ein 38 Jahre alter Nachbar werde verdächtigt, die Frau getötet zu haben, teilten Polizei ...

9 Dec 16:36 swp.de 6929179441907863668.html
Turkish Airlines se pose en Laponie

La compagnie aérienne Turkish Airlines a inauguré sa nouvelle liaison entre Istanbul t Rovaniemi, sa deuxième destination en Finlande après Helsinki. Depuis le 5 décembre 2019 et jusqu'au 20 mars

9 Dec 13:00 Air Journal 8905078461955030645.html
The Creator of Google Voice on How 5G Will Change the Way You Work

Fifth-generation wireless technology will untether workers from their desks.

9 Dec 15:54 Inc.com 8604986417141600888.html
Putin og Zelenskyj møttes ansikt til ansikt i Paris

Volodymyr Zelenskyj og Vladimir Putin møttes mandag for første gang i et forsøk på å gjenopplive fredsprosessen om Øst-Ukraina.

9 Dec 14:57 TV 2 8210067769423744710.html
Alia Bhatt left frightened after Dad Mahesh Bhatt snaps at reporter, mother Soni Razdan cringes and sister Shaheen’s desperate ‘Papa’ plea falls on deaf ears

Alia Bhatt was left frightened after Dad Mahesh Bhatt snapped at reporter leaving her mother Soni Razdan to cringe as sister Shaheen's desperate 'Papa' plea fell on deaf ears

9 Dec 14:14 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720207646034377.html
Cina, Ft: "Stop a software e pc stranieri. Piano triennale di Pechino"

Secondo il Financial è un "colpo ad Hp, Dell e Microsoft" in risposta al sabotaggio dell'amministrazione di Trump all'uso di tecnologia cinese negli Usa

9 Dec 12:36 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188103599359.html
China and America: A political war!

This news reminded me of the American writer George Friedman, who said that America’s strategy with China would not be direct confrontation, but would be rooted in the spirit of democracy and economic liberalism as opposed to the political weight of central decisions made in Beijing.

9 Dec 11:50 Saudi Gazette 6913978434199743729.html
Delhi pollution: SC allows construction activities to resume in Delhi-NCR from 6 am to 6 pm

The bench of Justices Arun Mishra and Deepak Gupta directed the governments of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana to submit the updated report on stubble burning up to December 11

9 Dec 11:36 Business Today 1145527431966261628.html
1&1 muss Millionenstrafe zahlen

Die Datenschutzgrundordnung soll Kundendaten schützen. Wer das nicht ausreichend macht, muss mit hohen Geldstrafen rechnen. Jetzt hat es einen Internetanbieter getroffen.

9 Dec 13:19 T-Online 5460876211109503048.html
1&1 muss Millionenstrafe zahlen

Die Datenschutzgrundordnung soll Kundendaten schützen. Wer das nicht ausreichend macht, muss mit hohen Geldstrafen rechnen. Jetzt hat es Internetanbieter 1&1 getroffen.

9 Dec 16:26 T-Online 5460876212278994052.html
Pretresi u BiH i Holandiji zbog droge, jedna osoba uhapšena

BANJALUKA - U toku su pretresi na pet lokacija (kuće i firme) na području BiH, a jedno lice je uhapšeno u okviru međunarodne policijske akcije "Madagaskar" koja je usmjerena na razbijanje organizovane kriminalne grupe koja se bavi neovlaštenom proizvodnjom i prometom opojnih droga, rekla je Srni načelnik Odjeljenje za odnose sa javnošću MUP-a Srpske Mirna Miljanović.

9 Dec 08:58 Nezavisne novine 4209150642054119065.html
Greta Thunberg sorprende al ceder la palabra a otros jóvenes activistas

Primera intervención de la activista sueca en la Cumbre del Cambio Climático (COP25) que se celebra en Madrid

9 Dec 10:29 elPeriodico 7291954033457489451.html
Chrissy Teigen Poured A Gallon Of Tea About Celebrity Life In Her Latest Twitter Q&A

We stan a candid queen.

9 Dec 10:34 Pedestrian TV 5961900146301831442.html
Vekst i norsk spillbransje

69 millioner spilte norskproduserte spill i fjor.

9 Dec 15:39 PressFire.no 6595538697218473449.html
South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi Crowned Miss Universe 2019

South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi won the 2019 Miss Universe pageant on Sunday (December 8) night, beating out 90 contestants in the competition. Miss ...

9 Dec 09:43 VLADTV 1404406305952477919.html
How to use Google Drive on iPhone, iPad

Most iOS Files users rely on a range of different storage services, not just iCloud.

9 Dec 14:45 Computerworld 8450890021251755859.html
Bande annonce au ton très surprenant pour la suite de Ghostbusters

Une première bande annonce qui a un petit parfum de "Stranger Things". Finn Wolfhard joue d'ailleurs dedans et la série avait rendu hommage au célèbre film dans sa saison 2. Par contre, il faudra encore patienter pour voir Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd,...

9 Dec 15:01 Pure 2262420855642294853.html
Woon jij straks op kosten van Burger King een jaar lang in dit appartement?

De Amerikaanse fastfoodketen Burger King geeft een appartement weg voor één jaar in hartje Leuven. De enige vereiste? De winnaar moet net als de iconische ...

9 Dec 17:06 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359190711436531.html
Australia's Queensland state will bid for 2032 Olympics

BRISBANE, Australia - Australia's Queensland state will bid to host to the 2032 Olympic Games and Paralympics, state premier Annastacia Palaszczuk told repo

9 Dec 14:55 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245709705199.html
Beijing orders Chinese government to dump all Windows PCs by 2022

China replace all Windows PCs for government use for security reasons by 2022 due to a new government directive to "uncouple" for western technology

9 Dec 13:41 MSPoweruser 1651641550418049919.html
Peduli Banten, Askrindo Latih 260 Guru PAUD

WE Online, Jakarta - PT Askrindo (Persero) hadir dengan Program Askrindo Peduli di Baduy Luar, Desa Kanekes (Baduy Luar), Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten serta Pelatihan 260 guru PAUD dan peresmian operasional Mobil Pintar (MoPi) di Gedung PGRI Rangkasbitung, Senin (9/12).

9 Dec 12:49 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835407121465.html
Video: Here Are The Weapons You'll Find In Bite The Bullet, A New Contra-Inspired RPG

RPG + food = yes please!

9 Dec 14:30 Nintendo Life 5246707017890966612.html
Stone Sour launch live video for Whiplash Pants

Stone Sour’s live video showcases their Hyrdograd track Whiplash Pants - song features on the upcoming album Live In Reno

9 Dec 16:00 Metal Hammer 2174237039952386382.html
Babcock’s VC Finally Speaks Out About Girl’s Sex-Tape Scandal

Early last month, the news that broke the net was the sex tape scandal of a Babcock lady. This generated lots of opinions from people.

9 Dec 13:46 The Guardian 7580308504951509891.html
Wielkopolska stawia na wodór

Chcemy być w awangardzie zielonego ładu - stwierdził Marek Woźniak, marszałek województwa wielkopolskiego. Wodór ma być podstawą działań regionu w walce z niską emisją. Szczegółowe rozwiązania ma zaproponować powołana właśnie Wielkopolska Platforma Wodorowa. W jej skład weszli m.in. przedstawiciele samorządów.

9 Dec 13:55 Portal Samorządowy 740157207385554214.html
Furs poziva k prijavi za DDV ob oglaševanju prek Airbnb ali Bookinga

Zavezanci, ki oddajajo stanovanja v turistični najem, se čedalje pogosteje registrirajo za oddajanje dejavnosti, so zadovoljni v Finančni upravi RS (Furs). Opozarjajo pa, da se morajo tisti, ki svojo dejavnost oglašujejo na tujih platformah, kot sta Airbnb ali Booking, identificirati za namene DDV. Furs bo nadzor poostril v začetku leta 2020.

9 Dec 10:15 Dnevnik 7671546649541190507.html
The Christmas Chronicles 2: So geht es weiter mit Kurt Russell und Goldie Hawn als Santa Claus und Mrs. Claus

The Christmas Chronicles 2 ist in Arbeit. Nach dem Erfolg von The Christmas Chronicles mit einem supercoolen Kurt Russell als Santa legt Netflix nach.

9 Dec 16:16 futurezone.de 2257170160304629187.html
Recognize this shoe? Coroner asks for help identifying body found in B.C. field

Officials are asking for the public's help to identify a body found in a field in northeastern B.C. based on the dead man's footwear.

9 Dec 16:51 British Columbia 8448044035083600165.html
Aplicativo Hand Talk recebe loja para personalização do personagem

O aplicativo utilizado para a comunicação em Libras apresenta a possibilidade de personalizar as roupas usadas por seu assistente virtual, o Hugo

9 Dec 12:07 Olhar Digital 416591715242502916.html
Unibet zet in op verantwoord spelen

Zoals elke topper in de geschiedenis zet Unibet keer op keer de toon. De bookmaker zette doorheen de jaren enkel en alleen grote stappen vooruit en wil dat blijven doen.

9 Dec 11:15 Voetbal24 8097814616682325065.html
Deep Dive CleanTech #15: einhorn – Nachhaltigkeit als Unternehmensstruktur

einhorn setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit, sowohl bei Produkten, als auch in der Unternehmensstruktur. Welche Rolle spielen Purpose und politischer Aktivismus dabei?

9 Dec 09:00 digital kompakt 8042782512411627065.html
A Busca la festa di fine anno del gruppo Ana

Domenica 8 dicembre benedizione del monumento agli Alpini e il pranzo sociale

9 Dec 14:47 Targatocn.it 7367208848376891456.html
Modelo negra vence Miss Universo e critica racismo e machismo

'Quero que crianças olhem para mim e vejam seus rostos refletidos no meu', disse Zozibini Tunzi

9 Dec 15:35 CartaCapital 2483507008906539176.html
“Jullie zullen sterven”: twee mannen bedreigen gelovigen in Basiliek van Koekelberg, parket opent onderzoek

Op 30 november hebben twee mannen in de Basiliek van Koekelberg gelovigen bedreigd. De politie neemt de zaak zeer ernstig. Dat meldt La Dernière Heure. Het Brusselse parket bevestigt dat er een voo...

9 Dec 14:45 HLN 8967494996786234601.html
Ex-MP Glyn Davies predicts Tory gains in Wales

Former Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies has said he expects the Conservatives to win four more seats in Wales on Thursday.

9 Dec 15:39 Shropshire Star 3480199991479558175.html
Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Festival Film Indonesia 2019, Wah Film Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku Dapat...

WE Online, Jakarta - Festival Film Indonesia telah menyelenggarakan Malam Penganugerahan Piala Citra 2019. Sebanyak 22 kategori pun telah dimenangkan oleh para nominator terpilih.

9 Dec 08:00 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835095716806.html
Death Come True è il nuovo gioco del creatore di Danganronpa | Game Division

Death Come True è il nuovo gioco FMV di Kodaka, meglio noto come il padre di Danganronpa, la serie di visual novel molto amata dai giocatori.

9 Dec 08:25 Tom's Hardware 6640147070062944713.html
WADA bans Russia for four years from all major sporting events, including the 2022 FIFA World Cup

Will Russia get their ban revoked?

9 Dec 11:31 sportskeeda 1601194027774525922.html
CO2-Ausstoß von Dienstautos: Scheuer und Müller auf letztem Platz

Die Dienstwagen der Bundesminister stoßen viel CO2 aus. Das ermittelte die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH). Die schmutzigsten Autos fahren Verkehrsminister Scheuer und ein weiterer CSU-Minister.

9 Dec 12:01 GMX 2011843075385813378.html
Tammy Beaumont and Danni Wyatt hit centuries for England in 75-run ODI win over Pakistan

Openers Tammy Beaumont and Danni Wyatt hit one-day international hundreds as England made a winning start against Pakistan in Malaysia.

9 Dec 13:06 The Telegraph 140598092591878535.html
Agencija: Branko Stefanović nije zaposlen u GIM-u, nema sukoba interesa ministra

Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije saopštila je da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše...

9 Dec 09:22 N1 Srbija 7797130866803716522.html
Aston Villa möchte Pedro übernehmen

Der spanische Flügelstürmer Pedro hat unter dem neuen Chelsea-Trainer Frank Lampard einen schweren Stand. Bereits im Januar könnte es für ihn weitergehen.

9 Dec 15:44 4-4-2.com 812646140911118706.html
Rushden stabbing: Levi Davis 'killed after car crash'

Mother-of-two Levi Davis died during an argument after a collision on Saturday, police say.

9 Dec 17:50 BBC News 3883826127066930064.html
Harry Schulz gestorben: Trauer nach plötzlichem Tod! Weshalb starb der Sat.1-Imbiss-Tester?

Große Trauer nach der Schock-Nachricht vergangene Woche: Der kultige Sat.1-Gastro-Tester Harry Schulz ist tot. Doch warum musste der 59-Jährige sterben? Immer mehr Details über seinen plötzlichen Tod gelangen mittlerweile an die Öffentlichkeit.

9 Dec 16:43 news.de 5126378978968356936.html
Un clochard diventa Babbo Natale: il video di Banksy è pura poesia

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 16:29 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207187726251.html
Været skaper trøbbel for helikoptertrafikken til Nordsjøen

Sterk vind fører til utsettelser og kanselleringer av helikoptertrafikk til og fra Nordsjøen.

9 Dec 08:12 Aftenbladet 8753034804646498602.html
Ibarrondo, excoach del Tri, imparte cursos en Chivas

El ex psicólogo del Tri acompañó a los jugadores que realizaron exámenes en las instalaciones de Verde Valle.

9 Dec 14:27 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073481953375.html
iPhone 12 and Samsung Galaxy S11 may have bigger batteries for the same reason

Samsung and Apple may be able to introduce larger batteries on the next line-up of flagship devices.

9 Dec 08:36 TechRadar 2111116914537137128.html
Lazada’s millennial-friendly credit card is finally in Singapore - and it's offering a year's free shipping, plus tons of points, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - It includes free shipping on RedMart and Lazada for a year.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:23 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756154186849.html
Severe drought — Once mighty Victoria Falls dries to a trickle

The worst drought in a century in south-central Africa has slowed the world's largest waterfalls - situated across the Zimbabwe and Zambia border - down to a trickle.

9 Dec 16:40 Digital Journal 4566489171624331927.html
Veliki spektakl na Vembliju, stižu Italijani!

Zanimljiv meč pred početak Evropskog prvenstva.

9 Dec 14:58 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496477309794.html
Michael Wendlers Ex auf der Suche nach einem neuen Job

Michael Wendlers Ex Claudia Norberg fängt nochmal von vorne an. Nach 29 Ehejahren mit dem Schlagersänger muss sie nun neue Wege einschlagen.

9 Dec 17:30 Promipool 1765956128508102868.html
Meet the "Blue Magpie": Taiwan's New Domestically-Made Fighter?

Here's what we know.

9 Dec 14:40 The National Interest 7207864703607258127.html
Bruna Marquezine protagoniza vídeo sexy para divulgar linha de biquínis

Bruna Marquezine voltou a colocar sua sensualidade pra jogo nas redes sociais. A atriz, de modo a divulgar sua nova linha de biquínis, publicou um vídeo no Instagram em que aparece usando uma das peças da coleção.

9 Dec 14:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125212349479783.html
Police Seize 70 Pounds Of Marijuana From Jet After Death Of Juice Wrld

Cops Say Juice Wrld's private jet was loaded with drugs just before the rap star's shocking death.

9 Dec 15:39 AllHipHop 727666871608766374.html
Vodafone, Wind Tre e TIM: tutte le offerte da attivare subito

Vodafone, Wind, Tre e TIM, ecco quali sono le offerte da consigliare agli utenti per cercare di spendere il meno possibile e godere di tanti contenuti.

9 Dec 11:40 tecnoandroid 2573257126737470582.html
Agencija: Nebojša Stefanović nije u sukobu interesa

BEOGRAD - Potpredsjednik vlade Srbije i ministar unutrašnjih poslova ove države Nebojša Stefanović nije u sukobu interesa zbog trgovine oružjem, saopštila je Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije.

9 Dec 09:04 Nezavisne novine 4209150642475918827.html
Wada utestenger Russland fra internasjonale konkurranser: – Ikke noen straff som svir

LAUSANNE/OSLO (NRK): Verdens antidopingbyrå (Wada) har besluttet å utestenge Russland fra de største idrettskonkurransene de neste fire årene. Russiske idrettsutøvere kan likevel få delta under nøytralt flagg.

9 Dec 10:06 NRK 3631390765925149263.html
SPÖ-Gremiensitzung: SPÖ beschloss Sparbudget - keine "direkte Kritik" an Rendi-Wagner

Die SPÖ hat heute als Schritt zur finanziellen Sanierung ein Sparbudget beschlossen. Nun wird auch über eine Solidaritätsabgabe für Funktionäre diskutiert.

9 Dec 17:31 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699363708154.html
Kasur 5 Seleb Ini Harganya Ditaksir Fantastis, Ada yang Rp 350 Juta

Harga kasur selebriti ini bisa buat DP rumah lho.

9 Dec 17:25 liputan6.com 5422146880787130548.html
Elon Musk: con il Cybertruck si reca ad una cena

Elon Musk e il Cybertruck. La nuova invenzione di Elon è stata scelta per recarsi in un noto ristorate a Malibù, il Nobu. In poche ore le foto hanno fatto il giro dei social.

9 Dec 13:00 tecnoandroid 2573257126667822846.html
Russia Can Play In 2022 World Cup Qualifiers, Says WADA-Linked Official

WADA said Russia can participate in 2022 World Cup qualifiers despite receiving a four-year ban which stops them from taking part in major global sporting events.

9 Dec 15:55 NDTVSports.com 2127367044480580643.html
Cork to meet Tipperary in Munster Ladies Football semi-final

Holders Cork will play Tipperary in the 2020 TG4 Munster Senior Championship semi-final, with Kerry to play 2019 runners-up Waterford on the other side of the provincial draw.

9 Dec 11:55 Irishexaminer 8196011178544958201.html
Petrobras inicia processo para arrendar terminal de regaseificação

Terminal na Bahia tem vazão 20 milhões de metros cúbicos por dia

9 Dec 14:30 Correio 5185786714064753051.html
Margazhi Kutcheri Season 2019: Top artists to perform at The Music Academy

Here is a list of A-listers who will be performing at The Music Academy this Margazhi season.

9 Dec 12:01 The Indian Express 2885715105209160840.html
Cumbre en París para reactivar el proceso de paz en Ucrania

Cumbre en París para reactivar el proceso de paz en Ucrania

9 Dec 11:44 euronews 2767628993708235625.html
Celaá anuncia una nueva materia educativa sobre cambio climático y sostenibilidad

La ministra de Educación en funciones, Isabel Celaá, ha anunciado su intención de implantar una nueva materia educativa centrada en el cambio climático y el desarrollo sostenible. Lo ha hecho dentro de la Cumbre del Clima (COP25).

9 Dec 15:45 RTVE.es 8332346889168523489.html
Prevén votar esta semana cargos para juicio político contra Trump

Jerry Nadler, el demócrata que encabeza el Comité Judicial de la Cámara, dijo que la comisión podría votar sobre los artículos del proceso de destitución contra el presidente Donald Trump esta semana

9 Dec 11:01 El Mañana 6247220759076271631.html
Marco Togni, il "Forrest Gump" italiano arriva in Sardegna

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:33 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206223585424.html
Watch: PnB Rock Announces He Has A Baby On The Way

East Coast rapper PnB Rock is getting ready for some fresh daddy duties. The hip-hop entertainer has announced he's expecting a baby girl with his girlfriend. W

9 Dec 14:07 SOHH 6970791090863779127.html
Is the FDA's Speedy Approval of New Drugs Putting Us at Risk?

The Food and Drug Administration's rapid approval of drugs may be a blessing in disguise, potentially putting life-threatening drugs into the marketplace.

9 Dec 09:31 Interesting Engineering 7328942542002619512.html
EU godkänner statligt batteristöd

Ekonomi EU-kommissionen ger klartecken för statligt stöd till batteriforskning. Sju länder, däribland Sverige, har bidragit med sammanlagt 3,2 miljarder euro, motsvarande 34 miljarder kronor, till ett konsortium bestående av 17 företag i flera EU-länder.

9 Dec 11:23 www.unt.se 8922556089947278759.html
Datenschutzbeauftragter verhängt Millionenbußgeld gegen 1&1

Hat 1&1 die Daten seiner Kunden nicht gut genug geschützt? Die Telekommunikationsfirma soll ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 9,55 Millionen Euro bezahlen - und will dagegen nun juristisch vorgehen.

9 Dec 13:53 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270021930007.html
Florida authorities arrest girl, 12, for posting kill list

Florida authorities arrested a 12-year-old girl after discovering at least two social media posts that threatened to kill fellow students at her middle school.

9 Dec 12:36 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202845207107.html
Identifican el cuerpo de una mujer hallado en la Col. Emiliano Zapata Sur III

El cuerpo de una mujer asesinada, que fue hallado la mañana del domingo en la colonia Emiliano Zapata Sur III, corresponde a Silvia E. O. O.

9 Dec 13:15 Diario de Yucatán 261200017577835131.html
Dustin Jeffrey ab nächster Saison im Berner Dress

Der SC Bern verpflichtet für die kommenden zwei Saisons den Kanadier Dustin Jeffrey. Der 31-jährige Center spielt seit der Saison 2016/17 für Lausanne HC.

9 Dec 13:35 bz BASEL 5287163742100950782.html
Huawei announces that more devices will get HarmonyOS in 2020

Huawei has announced that it plans to bring HarmonyOS to more devices in 2020. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the firm said that it has no plans to ship it with smartphones and tablets at this time.

9 Dec 13:12 Neowin 8633418616451841502.html
Coronation Street's Peter Ash shares a photo of son as he wins medals at swimming festival

Peter has a son named Ayden

9 Dec 14:54 Entertainment Daily 8392972516999262798.html
Oficial mata a hombre luego de disputa doméstica en Sarasota

Una disputa doméstica terminó con un tiroteo mortal durante la mañana del sábado en el Condado Sarasota, según fue reportado por las autoridades. Por Telemundo […]

9 Dec 17:32 LaPatilla.com 9104603010130451516.html
Teslin Model 3 se sa uključenim Autopilotom zabio u policijski auto

Teslin Model 3 udario je u policijsko vozilo dok je bio uključen Autopilot.

9 Dec 16:52 Nezavisne novine 4209150642054161002.html
Stuttgart Messerattacke: Frau auf offener Straße erstochen – Täter psychisch krank

Am Sonntag ist eine 77-Jährige in Stuttgart niedergestochen und getötet worden. Der mutmaßliche Täter hat ein Geständnis abgelegt.

9 Dec 12:41 swp.de 6929179439983903515.html
Culmina el Tour del Adivino

Tres días de recorrido por las carreteras del sur de Yucatán

9 Dec 13:57 SIPSE.com 4008460417291891774.html
Pakistan vs Sri Lanka: Pakistan set for first real 'home' Test in a decade

Cricket News: This month Pakistan will host its first Tests on home soil since the 2009 militant attack on Sri Lanka's team bus in Lahore. With the country's cricke

9 Dec 08:01 The Times of India 6060938663291968446.html
Rocket League fans are so upset with the game’s microtransaction pricing that they’d rather have lootboxes back

Last week, Psyonix released the Blueprint update for Rocket League. It’s a notable update in that it’s the one that completely removes blind lootboxes, in favour of a much more transparent system.…

9 Dec 12:30 Critical Hit 8797780292396522505.html
Novo Star Wars pode causar ataques epilépticos, avisa Disney

Empresa está trabalhando em conjunto com a Epilepsy Foundation e alertando cinemas sobre algumas cenas que incluem luzes fortes piscando constantemente

9 Dec 15:16 Olhar Digital 416591715422645631.html
USV Jena holt keine Punkte gegen Hoffenheim

Wieder nichts: Der USV Jena wartet auch nach dem 12. Spieltag weiter auf den ersten Saisonsieg. Gegen Hoffenheim wurden die Hoffnungen auf einen möglichen Dreier schon früh zunichte gemacht.

9 Dec 09:19 MDR 5336324389632283184.html
10 things to know about new FIRS chairman, Muhammad Nami

Sodiq Oyeleke President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday nominated Muhammad Nami as the new chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service. Subject to Senate confirmation, Nami is expected to repla...

9 Dec 17:31 Punch Newspapers 3524240995291326365.html
I taught at a 'for-profit' college. They're predatory disasters

Students rack up debt for worthless diplomas – debt they default on at twice the rate of their peers at traditional colleges

9 Dec 11:15 the Guardian 1491978796075221420.html
Con música y el CicloFoto, lanzaron todas las propuestas culturales de Tandil en Verano

El sábado por la noche se realizó el lanzamiento de la temporada de Tandil en Verano 2019/2020,  el ciclo que reúne una gran cantidad de propuestas culturales y recreativas de acceso libre y gratuito en diferentes espacios públicos de la ciudad. El evento, encabezado por el intendente Miguel Lunghi, comenzó poco después de las 19, […]

9 Dec 10:14 El Eco 4177735524074683892.html
Protesta de trabajadores en los aeropuertos de Mérida y Cancún

Trabajadores del aeropuerto de Mérida realizan una manifestación pacífica en contra de las violaciones al contrato colectivo de trabajo

9 Dec 08:22 Diario de Yucatán 261200017172622334.html
Mattarella, senza evasione fiscale più soldi per pensioni e stipendi

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – “L’evasione fiscale è l’esaltazione della chiusura in sé stessi, dell’individualismo esasperato. È un problema serio in molti Paesi. Lo è nel nostro. Vi sono Paesi in cui è molto più grave, vi sono Paesi in cui invece il senso civico di ciascuno lo ha quasi azzerato.È un problema grave perché […]

9 Dec 15:26 Askanews 298649740712236238.html
Neue Überzeugung: Rose will Zakaria halten

Marco Rose will mit sich mit Borussia Mönchengladbach in der Bundesligaspitze etablieren, um Spieler wie Denis Zakaria eine Perspektive zu bieten. „Es ist wichtig, dass wir ambitionierte Ziele (...)

9 Dec 08:01 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783875636186.html
Xinyuan Real Estate: The News Is Not Good

Results from the last quarter are disappointing.Almost every financial indicator is negative.The ongoing liquidation of TPG's holdings exerted further downward pressure on the stock price.

9 Dec 15:45 Seeking Alpha 5725634558060723538.html
Diablo 4: Blizzard verspricht regelmäßige neue Informationen zum Spiel

Jubel bei den Fans: Auf der BlizzCon 2019 hat Blizzard endlich „Diablo 4“ vorgestellt! Die Spieleschmiede will quartalsweise Updates zum Entwicklungsstatus liefern.

9 Dec 16:24 Computer Bild 4944248631696274867.html
I have so many questions about this new video game where you play as Jesus

Yes, this is real. Someone actually made a first-person shooter for the New Testament. From the game’s Steam page: “I am Jesus Christ” is a realistic simulator game inspired by st…

9 Dec 11:00 Boing Boing 4601305169764645281.html
EU za novi režim sankcionisanja kršenja ljudskih parava

BRISEL - Šefovi diplomatija EU na sastanku u Briselu zatražili su danas od Evropske službe za spoljne poslove da počne sa pripremom Evropskog globalnog

9 Dec 16:23 Krstarica 4176903989733610191.html
Tlo se ne smiruje: Dva nova zemljotresa u Albaniji za nekoliko minuta

Tlo u regionu se ne smiruje, te su tako zabilježena dva nova zemljotresa u Jadranskom moru u blizini Albanije i to u samo nekoliko minuta.

9 Dec 17:45 Nezavisne novine 4209150641887279025.html
Con acusación contra Trump, inicia audiencia para enjuiciarlo

El jefe del Comité Judicial del Congreso de EU, Jerrold Nadler, acusó este lunes al presidente Trump de presentarse ante su país y violar su juramento

9 Dec 15:48 La Razón 7608060637567261449.html
Atascos infernales en el quinto día de huelga en Francia

En la región de París suman 600 kilómetros. Trenes y metros funcionan al mínimo en el paro contra la reforma de las pensiones, cuyo cerebro, Jean Paul Delevoyé se reunirá este lunes con los líderes sindicales.

9 Dec 14:57 euronews 2767628995616758645.html
I sit on the Purple seat cushion while I work — it helps improve my posture and makes sitting much more comfortable, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - My Purple seat cushion has made sitting through the workday a much more pleasant exercise, and thanks to its effect on my posture, it's also improved my time spent standing up.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:36 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757208133579.html
Ds. Van Zetten neemt afscheid van gg Benthuizen

Ds. H. A. van Zetten heeft zondagmiddag afscheid genomen van de gereformeerde gemeente te Benthuizen.

9 Dec 08:39 RD.nl 6406779841362522592.html
Surgem as primeiras imagens reais do Samsung Galaxy S11

À medida que se aproxima a apresentação oficial do Samsung Galaxy S11, os rumores intensificam-se. Depois de termos conhecido já diversas especificações deste smartphone, foram agora partilhadas as primeiras imagens reais do mesmo!

9 Dec 10:39 Pplware 5187268352289312685.html
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Infinity Ward möchte verlorene Spieler zurückgewinnen

Noch nicht einmal zwei Monate sind ins Land gezogen, da scheint „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare“ bereits ein Problem mit wachsendem Spielerschwund zu haben. Damit bald nicht nur noch vertrocknete Steppenläufer über die Straßen von Crash und Co. kullern, versucht Entwickler Infinity Ward herauszufinden, wie man die verlorenen Kinder wieder zurück ins Nest holen könnte. Warum viele in der Community nur noch den Kopf schütteln können, erfahrt ihr hier.

9 Dec 17:10 PlayNation 4622181944225771177.html
Flughafen Frankfurt: Helikopter muss notlanden – und ausgerechnet ER ist an Bord

Notlandung am Flughafen Frankfurt! Ein Hubschrauber musst nur Minuten nach dem Start wieder zum Flughafen zurück. Sein bekannter Insasse erlebte Momente des Schreckens:

9 Dec 17:13 Thüringen24 7206317296419514734.html
BA: encapuzados invadem casa e matam homem a tiros na frente de namorada

Luis Matheus Pereira Silva foi morto a tiros na casa da namorada no munic&iacute;pio de Jeremoabo, no interior da Bahia, no fim da noite do &uacute;ltimo s&aacute;bado, 7. Segundo informa&ccedil;&otilde;es da pol&iacute;cia, Maria Cleide Silva de Oliveira, companheira da v&iacute;tima, aci...

9 Dec 11:45 TNH1 3684351752606433294.html
L1mburg Centraal: Verbreding A2 beklonken

Maandag in L1mburg Centraal: Elle Hollis opent Pinkpop 2020, de talentvolle handbiker Chantal Haenen, Toverland niet meer elke dag geopend en meer Limburgs nieuws...

9 Dec 17:19 1limburg 5437278403335692271.html
Diablo 4 promete un acercamiento muy interesante al PvP, y ya están con prototipos para probarlo

El videojuego de rol y acción de Blizzard busca marcar un elemento diferenciador con el jugador contra jugador. "Llevamos tiempo pensando en el PvP". Así de claros se han mostrado en Blizzard para hablar sobre un aspecto que...

9 Dec 08:25 3DJuegos 3383023118332600748.html

Importanta mobilierului este resimtita de toata lumea. Unul dintre principalele lucruri care completeaza casa este mobilierul. Aceste elemente de amenajare devin o necesitate cruciala in proiectarea unui spatiu interior, astfel mobila bucat

9 Dec 11:25 romaniatv.net 4505369228696906542.html
Samsung Galaxy A51: svelate le specifiche tecniche | MobileLabs

Rivelate le specifiche tecniche e il design di Samsung Galaxy A51, il nuovo smartphone di fascia media che sarà annunciato il 12 dicembre.

9 Dec 08:14 Tom's Hardware 6640147070128797762.html
Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 plummet to cheapest price ever

The price of the Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones has been slashed, making them cheaper than ever before.

9 Dec 17:35 TechRadar 2111116915942704832.html
Liberato ha appena annunciato un concerto a Milano nel 2020

Il rapper napoletano ha appena annunciato un nuovo concerto su uno dei palchi più importanti del Bel paese. Scopriamo insieme tutti i dettagli sulla data milanese di Liberato.

9 Dec 11:01 Sky TG24 1131381333403930756.html
Too 'chubby' to play Bond: the impossible body standards of the modern action hero

As Henry Cavill’s body-shaming revelations show, being a male lead in Hollywood requires incredible levels of self-punishment

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978796337953798.html
Witte rook Oranje-vrouwen nadert in Zeist: 'De Spelen zijn ook voor mij een droom'

De KNVB en bondscoach Sarina Wiegman naderen een akkoord. Het contract van Wiegman loopt af na de Olympische Spelen van 2020 in Tokio, maar een verlenging lijkt dichtbij. De trainster van de Oranje Leeuwinnen is nog altijd gelukkig bij het Nederlands elftal en wil dus graag door. "Ik werk graag met ambitieuze mensen. Dit team bestaat uit heel ambitieuze vrouwen. Datzelfde geldt voor mijn staf. We hebben één doel, daar werken we keihard voor. We willen nu allemaal naar het EK", vertelt Wiegman tegenover De Telegraaf. De Oranje-vrouwen zijn inmiddels dichtbij het bereiken van dat doel. Wiegman in Eredivisie 'compleet onzin': 'Is ook ongeloofwaardig' 'Sarina Wiegman heeft eerder een Eredivisie-club dan Seedorf en Kluivert' 'Een mannenteam? Ik zou er wel over nadenken, maar zit nu bij de Oranje Vrouwen'

9 Dec 11:10 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883573902847.html
Faustão choca Aline Riscado com pergunta sobre Gabigol ao vivo

Aline Riscado foi surpreendida com uma pergunta um tanto quanto inusitada de Fausto Silva. No Domingão do Faustão, da Globo, neste domingo (8), o apresentador causou ao questioná-la sobre Gabigol.

9 Dec 11:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125211257354072.html
Kriminelle Clans schüchtern Polizisten ein

Gezielte Einschüchterung; Sie verfolgen Beamte, die zu Clan-Kriminalität ermitteln, nach Hause, tauchen plötzlich vor Wohnungen auf.

9 Dec 10:47 Bild 8433249907711735150.html
Jay Glazer Says Odell Beckham Jr. is Talking to Other Teams to Leave Browns

Fox Sports' Jay Glazer is reporting that Odell Beckham Jr. wants out of Cleveland, and he's allegedly been talking to opposing coaches and players ...

9 Dec 11:54 VLADTV 1404406306289606977.html
Iran dismisses Israeli threats as ‘sign of weakness’

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Monday dismissed the recent Israeli anti-Iran threats as a sign of weakness. “We consider the threats from Jerusalem’s occupying regime (Israel) as a sign of weakness,” Mousavi said in a statement. Israeli threats are also “desperate attempts to cover up the crises and domestic problems of its leaders,” he added. Highlighting Iran’s ability to protect its national security, the spokesman said his country “will give a crushing regretful response to any act of aggression or stupid action.” On Sunday, the Israeli defense minister warned Iran against continued presence in Syria, saying Israel will “work tirelessly” to prevent the establishment of a stable Iranian military presence in the Arab country.

9 Dec 14:45 AMN 4125648316463654165.html
Rats, a dead mouse and pigeon faeces: Record 23 enforcement orders in November

It is the highest number of Enforcement Orders in one month since the legislation was introduced in 1998.

9 Dec 11:36 Breaking News 4415806918492292054.html
Aclarado el misterio del oso polar pintado con el nombre de un mítico tanque ruso

Esa marca no tiene nada que ver con el tanque y la hicieron con pintura segura un grupo de científicos para tenerlo vigilado

9 Dec 13:05 La Vanguardia 8061072699181914403.html


9 Dec 09:03 Affari Italiani 6123405403046912652.html
Espen Egil Hansen ferdig som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten

Slutter som sjefredaktør.

9 Dec 08:50 Dagbladet.no 3042595686503812420.html
Meet Ghana’s Victor Lawrence who made the internet faster in the U.S

A few Ghanaians and indeed Africans know of his exploits but Victor B. Lawrence is as formidable as they come. He is among a select few inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his exploits. He was part of those inducted at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery on...

9 Dec 15:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198131088413779.html
'My job is to defend my client': Giuliani teases his own report on Ukraine findings

President Trump’s personal attorney claimed he would have a report on his own findings in the Ukraine saga ready by the end of the week.

9 Dec 17:49 Washington Examiner 4625792332135594917.html
Beethoven'in 10. Senfonisini yapay zeka tamamlayacak

Alman besteci Beethoven'in 250. doğum yılına özel, hayattayken tamamlayamadığı 10. Senfonisi, yapay zeka tarafından bitirilecek.

9 Dec 11:22 Yeni Çağ Gazetesi 8586579532139572743.html
Capturan asaltante de camión de pasajeros en Playa

Personal de vigilancia del Programa de Parqu&iacute;metros logr&oacute; capturar a un sujeto que momentos antes asalt&oacute; un autob&uacute;s de transporte urbano en pleno centro de la ciudad.

9 Dec 17:29 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624186017442.html
PA 212 Sebut Khilafah & Jihad Ajaran Islam, Tak Boleh Dihapus

Materi jihad dan khilafah dalam pelajaran agama Islam untuk madrasah, akan direvisi. PA 212 berharap pemerintah bisa meluruskan makna dua materi itu.

9 Dec 13:32 nasional 6599523174356544492.html
Niederösterreich: 39-Jähriger ging mit Messer auf Schwiegervater los

Ein 39-Jähriger ging mit einem Klappmesser auf seinen Schwiegervater los. Der Mann wurde operiert und befindet sich auf der Intensivstation.

9 Dec 14:26 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700730542977.html
On This Day: Senate report on CIA calls torture tactics 'deeply flawed'

On Dec. 9, 2014, a U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee report said the CIA's interrogation of terror suspects after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks was more brutal than it told the White House or public. The so-called "CIA torture report" called CIA tactics "deeply flawed."

9 Dec 08:00 UPI 8257973864157383680.html
Months after hype, Mahathir says Malaysia shouldn't have called its big drone a 'flying car', Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "The mistake was in calling it a flying car. It is actually a big drone.". Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:35 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757229655908.html
Video: Fan’s Reaction To LeBron Cursing Is Going Viral

One fan at the Lakers-Timberwolves game seemed especially peeved to see Los Angeles Lakers megastar LeBron James cursing.

9 Dec 16:52 The Spun 9122471848337441170.html
Brexit? New referendum? What's at stake in UK vote

Britai­n will have until Decemb­er 31, 2020, to strike a new agreem­ent to replac­e decade­s of integr­ation

9 Dec 08:16 The Express Tribune 1105816787297915554.html
German Advent word of the day: Das Christkind

This traditional German figure can be surprisingly controversial during Christmastime.

9 Dec 09:06 Thelocal.de 270941996411999795.html
Ausgewogene Ernährung bald nur mehr für Reiche

Forscher untersuchten Kalorienbedarf der Welt, der durch wachsende Bevölkerung und schwerere Menschen steigt.

9 Dec 09:32 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441663726632.html
22yo Woman Accidentally Swallows 30cm Long Tube After Using it To Make Herself Vomit to Lose Weight

A 22-year-old woman makes herself vomit by inserting a tube into her stomach through her mouth in order to lose weight. This has been an unhealthy trend that's been going on in China where a community of girls actually discuss the 'tips and tricks' they can use to lose weight,…

9 Dec 09:07 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116579960099858.html
Atlético: Abgeblitzt bei James

Atlético Madrid wollte James Rodríguez unter Vertrag nehmen. „Wir haben im Sommer und zu Beginn der Saison versucht, ihn zu verpflichten. Aber am Ende platzten die Verhandlungen und er blieb bei (...)

9 Dec 16:19 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783968127454.html
Miss Universe’s first openly gay contestant is from a country where same sex relationships are illegal

Miss Universe’s first openly gay contestant strutted down the runway on Sunday night despite coming from a country where homosexuality is criminalized.

9 Dec 13:37 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882429032154.html
Los Thunder ganan en Portland y se cuelan en puestos de playoffs

Los Oklahoma City Thunder dieron inicio a su gira de cuatro encuentros a domicilio con una victoria por 96-108 en el Moda Center ante los Blazers. Este triunfo, décimo de los de Donovan en lo que va de curso, les permite dar un salto hasta la séptima plaza de la Conferencia Oeste, lugar en el que no muchos esperaban verlos tras las salidas de el pasado verano. El balance que les ha hecho escalar hasta dicha posición es de 10-12, idéntico al de Suns y Timberwolves, octavos y novenos respectivamente.

9 Dec 08:11 nbamaniacs 7542071043194799913.html
Ourense: Pagaban en los bares con billetes falsos y con las vueltas compraban droga que después revendían

Tres detenidos en Ourense por falsificación y distribución de moneda falsa

9 Dec 09:13 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613210791930.html
Pensionados en Turmero a la expectativa por bono de medio Petro

Las ansias se apoderan de pensionados y hasta empleados públicos ante el anuncio de pago de medio petro de aguinaldos extra, como parte de las "sorpresas"

9 Dec 11:40 El Siglo 7954754734994526830.html
China’s Central Bank to Lead Real-World Pilot of Digital Yuan: Report

A limited debut of China’s long-touted central bank digital currency is set to begin in the city of Shenzhen by the end of 2019, according to a media report.

9 Dec 09:43 Cointelegraph 3050247239320643053.html
Flailing Boris Johnson struggles to explain his 'made up' crime and HS2 figures

Boris Johnson was challenged live on LBC over "made up" figures from Home Secretary Priti Patel about an alleged violent crimewave that would follow a Labour victory in this week's general election

9 Dec 09:55 mirror 675785259832393453.html
Menino morre eletrocutado em MG após usar o celular durante recarga

Vítima tinha 13 anos e residia em Montes Claros: segundo as informações divulgadas, ele teria colocado o celular para carregar, mas usou-o para ouvir música

9 Dec 15:13 Canaltech 6267437387914592077.html
La Casa de Papel seizoen 4 vanaf april op Netflix

De populaire Spaanse serie La Casa de Papel keert vanaf 3 april 2020 terug op Netflix met een nieuw seizoen. En daarna mogen we seizoen 5 en 6 verwachten!

9 Dec 08:15 DutchCowboys 8617317427206094096.html
Vereador recebe o gerente executivo do INSS no Piauí

Ajudando na liberação de benefícios

9 Dec 10:25 R10 3167340812514079135.html
Experiência e talentos da radiofonia

MARCO DE COMUNICAÇÃO REGIONAL – Exatos 70 anos de Rádio Cultura, atual ‘Rádio Hora’ neste 9 de dezembro. A segunda mais antiga de Mato Grosso do Sul tem existência marcada pela revelação de muitos talentos da radiofonia local. ANTES TARDE – Valeu a observação de seguidores da rede social. Ausência de Ciro de Oliveira na relação de premiados pelo ‘Dia do Radialista’, na Assembleia Legislativa foi c...

9 Dec 16:38 Campo Grande News 7902463001616162014.html
KPK Gagal Paham Eks Koruptor Boleh Maju Pilkada 2020

Mantan terpidana kasus korupsi tidak dilarang mencalonkan diri dalam Pilkada 2020. KPK menilai hal ini sebagai suatu kemunduran.

9 Dec 14:31 detiknews 8793960225163144597.html
Aston Martin inaugura una fábrica en Gales para construir el nuevo DBX

El nuevo coche representa el cuarto modelo del plan estratégico Second Century y se fabricará en 2020

9 Dec 13:20 Levante-EMV 7042984477438521645.html
Aston Martin inaugura una fábrica en Gales para construir el nuevo DBX

El nuevo coche representa el cuarto modelo del plan estratégico Second Century y se fabricará en 2020

9 Dec 13:20 Diarioinformacion 8979296175785326768.html
Originalpitchen för Netflix-Witcher hade Ciri i den tyngsta rollen

Den vita valpen.

9 Dec 16:18 FZ.se 109758246828040996.html
Orchid Island Capital: In A Coma

Orchid Island Capital (ORC) has paid $10.705 as total dividend per share since its IPO in 2013.The company reported a disappointing Q3 2019 and was hit by analyst downgrades.For now, it’s a risky risk

9 Dec 14:58 Seeking Alpha 5725634556566927713.html
EXTRA: Kano resident changes name to Muhammadu Buhari

A 38-year-old man in Kano state has changed his name to Muhammadu Buhari, the name of the president.

9 Dec 08:17 TheCable 7513571674536055015.html
Il Mattino - Allegri e Spalletti hanno detto 'no' ad ADL, Gattuso verso la Fiorentina

Aurelio De Laurentiis, presidente del Napoli, sta vivendo una grande fase di tumulto e riflessione, spiega Il Mattino oggi in edicola

9 Dec 10:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080638545657.html
WM 2022 ohne Russland: Fragen und Antworten zur Dopingsperre

Der russische Dopingskandal hat auch Auswirkungen auf den Fußball. Russland kann bei der WM 2022 in Katar nicht an den Start gehen, nur eine Teilnahme als neutrales Team ist möglich. Hier gibt es die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zur Entscheidung der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur.

9 Dec 15:57 SPOX 8395423526406720917.html
Bulls host redemption-seeking Raptors: Preview, start time, and more

Kyle Lowry wants the bull to stop. Toronto has dropped three straight games for the first time in over a year, and a matchup with the young Bulls could be just what the doctor ordered.

9 Dec 15:00 Raptors HQ 1825824261720246197.html
Anya iz grozljivk v romantični film

Ljubitelji romanov Jane Austen, pozor! Na velika platna prihaja nova uprizoritev romantične zgodbe izpod peresa slovite pisateljice, ki je svetu dala novo upanje v romantiko, ljubezen, zvestobo v zak...

9 Dec 12:22 Slovenske novice 5901956562216347491.html
NTV to air acclaimed 'Top Story' show

The show returns for its third season this December

9 Dec 11:50 Daily Nation 7421817124588199685.html
I fatti e le opinioni, dopo un anno di Friday for future

Greta si lamenta: nonostante gli sforzi, non &egrave; ancora cambiato niente

9 Dec 14:01 IL FOGLIO 7601335406435332166.html
CHRISTMAS: FRSC deploys 1,700 personnel on Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, other Ogun roads

The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) will deploy 1,700 personnel to control traffic on highways across Ogun State during the Christmas festival.

9 Dec 17:48 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300457934864.html
Double trouble! Grandmother, 93, and her grandson, 27, take Instagram by storm with hilarious costume scenes including Toy Story and Ancient Rome

Pauline 'Granny' Kana and Ross Smith, from Ohio, have amassed 2.7million Instagram followers and 892,000 YouTube subscribers thanks to their amusing matching costumes.

9 Dec 11:05 Mail Online 124328112654173431.html
Vermeintlicher Masseur bestiehlt 100-Jährige

Mainz (dpa/lrs) - Ein vermeintlicher Masseur hat eine 100-Jährige in Mainz um Goldschmuck und Bargeld betrogen. Der Mann habe sich zunächst als Nachbar ausgegeben und die Einkäufe der Seniorin in deren Wohnung im vierten Stock getragen, teilte die Polizei am Montag mit. Nachdem sie den Betrüger in die Wohnung gelassen hatte, gab er sich als zudem Masseur aus und massierte die Hände der Frau. Dazu hatte die Seniorin laut Polizei sämtlichen Schmuck, darunter mehrere Goldringe, abgelegt. Erst als der Mann die Wohnung am Samstagvormittag wieder verlassen hatte, bemerkte die Frau das Fehlen von Schmuck und Bargeld. Die genaue Schadenshöhe war zunächst unbekannt.

9 Dec 14:51 DIE WELT 6197693428465024225.html
Cuánto tiempo pasan los argentinos en las redes sociales

Un reciente estudio de Comscore y Shareablee informó que los usuarios digitales en la Argentina hicieron 2,7 millones de publicaciones en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram durante 2018 y que consumen 400 millones de videos de YouTube al día.

9 Dec 11:00 Punto Biz 7504645526654793860.html
MS Dhoni is a legend, won't impose himself on Team India: Ravi Shastri

India Today Inspiration: In the latest teaser of the much-anticipated episode with Ravi Shastri, the India head coach opens up about MS Dhoni's future which has become a subject of intense speculation.

9 Dec 14:28 India Today 4286117814324540232.html
Jair Bolsonaro deja en duda si enviará representante a investidura de Fernández en Argentina

El presidente brasileño, Jair Bolsonaro, afirmó este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 que está analizando la lista de autoridades invitadas a la investidura de Alberto Fernández como jefe de Estado de Argentina antes de decidir si enviará a algún representante en su nombre a la ceremonia.

9 Dec 09:21 El Comercio 2865024641075922812.html
“Prins Andrew met familie mee naar kerstdienst”

Het lijkt erop dat prins Andrew zich over 2,5 week niet zal verstoppen als de Britse koninklijke familie kerstmis viert op het landgoed Sandringham. Net als andere jaren zal hij vermoedelijk gewoon...

9 Dec 16:30 HLN 8967494998422215076.html
Gabriel Schurrer no sigue más en Aucas

Un policía mató al agresor, según las autoridades.

9 Dec 12:56 Ecuavisa 4017571649782454225.html
Kenya: le gouverneur de Nairobi plaide non coupable de corruption

Le gouverneur de Nairobi, Mike Sonko, a plaidé non coupable lundi de plus de 30 chefs d’accusation pour blanchiment d’argent, conflit d’intérêt et pour avoir accepté des pots-de-vin, lors d’une audience dans un tribunal de Nairobi qui s’est déroulée sous très forte protection policière. Plus récent haut responsable politique ou administratif à tomber pour corruption […]

9 Dec 09:51 Journal de Brazza 8990092586043254470.html
Hasil Bulu Tangkis SEA Games 2019 - Greysia/Apriyani Juga Sumbang Emas

Ganda putri Indonesia, Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu berhasil mengamankan emas dari nomor ganda putri bulu tangkis perorangan SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 15:05 BolaSport.com 4603768436424397120.html
Berlin Travel Festival 2020 will take place for the third time in succession

BERLIN – From 6 to 8 March 2020 the official partner event of ITB Berlin (4 to 8 March) will take place for the third time in succession. Taking as its slogan ‘Where is Paradise’ the festival targets visitors in search of adventure, with a new perspective on travel and who are looking for inspiration. Tickets are on sale now on the website. Why not take advantage of our Early Bird ticket prices which apply until 31 December 2019. At the

9 Dec 09:16 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788143919025.html
Recoleta implementa iniciativa con paneles solares para que vecinos no paguen por sus cuentas de la luz

Una nueva iniciativa llamada “Energía popular” es impulsada por la municipalidad de Recoleta y tiene como finalidad que vecinos de la comuna

9 Dec 13:23 CHV Noticias 8401001652558036816.html
His mum showed him nothing but unconditional love... he terrorised her for years to feed his drug habit

'I can't keep living like this'

9 Dec 09:32 men 6694993429476646690.html
Atentie! Care sunt cele mai vizate domenii din tehnologie de către atacatorii cibernetici

În 2020, atacatorii cibernetici care urmăresc câştigul financiar vor viza aplicaţii de investiţii, sisteme online de procesare a datelor financiare şi criptomonede viitoare, precum şi asigurarea accesului plătit la infrastructurile băncilor, precum şi malware pentru mobile banking, anunţă Kaspersky.

9 Dec 11:30 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917860808726.html
Woman surprises mum when long lost friends appear in mirror as she has a haircut

Keanna's mum looked in the mirror at her hair - but behind her were two friends she hadn't seen in years.

9 Dec 14:34 Metro 970161747408603781.html
Naseem Shah May be Replaced From Pakistan U-19 WC Squad After Being Named For SL Tests

The ICC U-19 World Cup will clash with the Pakistan vs Bangladesh two-match Test series and three T20 International contest in January.

9 Dec 12:29 India.com 7150386084809413310.html
Xiaomi Founder Lin Bin had a role in naming Qualcomm's new Processors - Gizmochina

According to a new report, the Co-founder and President of Xiaomi Group, Lin Bin, played a role in naming Qualcomm’s new mobile chipset. Earlier today, the senior executive also reposted Lu Weibing’s (CEO and Co-founder) Weibo post on the Redmi K30, which features Snapdragon 765G SoC, that launches tomorrow (10th December 2019). On the Chinese …

9 Dec 09:44 Gizmochina 1751854815015415329.html
Pratica di Mare: la protezione civile a lezione presso il 15° Stormo S.A.R. dell’Aeronautica Militare

Il Nucleo Operativo Speciale di Soccorso (NOSS) del Gruppo Comunale di Protezione Civile, accompagnato dal coordinatore Silviano Valenti e dall’istruttore Ivan Del Mastro, è stato oggi ospitato presso il 15° Stormo S.A.R. dell’Aeronautica Militare nella base di Pratica di Mare per una lezione tenuta dagli Aereosoccorritori con una dimostrazione a terra delle procedure da adottare […]

9 Dec 17:25 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338770574259.html
Motorista que se envolveu em acidente com VLT pode pagar por danos, diz CBTU

O motorista que se envolveu numa colis&atilde;o com VLT neste fim de semana, em Rio Largo, pode ser responsabilizado pelos danos causados. A informa&ccedil;&atilde;o foi passada &agrave; reportagem pela assessoria da Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos (CBTU), nesta segunda-feira, 09. O acidente a...

9 Dec 12:03 TNH1 3684351752658909910.html
Frauenzeitschrift normalisiert häusliche Gewalt: “Knall” soll Beziehung retten

Eine deutsche Frauenzeitschrift hat in einer Ausgabe, die im September dieses Jahr erschienen ist, in einem Horoskop häusliche Gewalt normalisiert.

9 Dec 12:05 miss 1375730020509915336.html
Policías se hicieron pasar por equipo de fútbol para ingresar a torneo y desbaratar una banda

Fue en González Catán y hay cinco detenidos. La organización criminal se dedicaba a apuestas clandestinas al realizar torneos deportivos y venta de drogas. Incautaron 200.000 pesos, una pelota con el dibujo con una hoja de marihuana y un arma, entre otros elementos. Mirá el video

9 Dec 14:06 Infocielo 6573250471383877915.html
QS: "Milan-Piatek che risveglio"

"Milan-Piatek che risveglio". Questo il titolo d'apertura per il QS in riferimento alla vittoria di ieri sera del Milan sul Bologna per 2-3. Seconda vittoria consecutiva per la squadra di Pioli: ieri a segno Piatek, Hernandez e Bonaventura. Non sono bastati al Bologna l'autogol e il rigore Sansone per acciuffare il pareggio.

9 Dec 09:11 MilanNews.it 6507305922946141207.html
Kara Tointon dons dressed down look on date night with fiancé

The former EastEnders actress looked worlds away from her usual glam as she enjoyed a date night in Soho with fiancé Marius

9 Dec 17:46 mirror 675785260519291955.html
Netz spottet über Krisen-Bayern

Der FC Bayern steckt in der Krise. Mit Tabellenplatz sieben steht man so schlecht da wie vor 25 Jahren.

9 Dec 13:53 sport.oe24.at 8086682661116414358.html
GBP positioning higher ahead of election – ING

According to CFTC data for the week between 27 Nov-3 Dec, speculative investors have trimmed some GBP shorts with latest polls keep cementing the pros

9 Dec 11:59 FXStreet 4480975638041236073.html
¿Pendiente de viajar a Chile? Estos son los nuevos aranceles para tramitar las visas de venezolanos

El consulado de Chile en Venezuela publicó, en su cuenta oficial en la red social Twitter, los nuevos aranceles para que venezolanos tramiten

9 Dec 11:56 LaPatilla.com 9104603010671491223.html
El mejor simulador de vuelo disponible se usa en el ámbito militar

El ejército de los Estados Unidos dispone del mejor simulador de vuelo creado

9 Dec 11:26 sport 1349897969195893944.html
China hopes for US trade deal 'as soon as possible'

China and the United States are negotiating a so-called "phase one" deal aimed at de-escalating their prolonged trade dispute.

9 Dec 16:25 Newshub 2131266986604562854.html
Analizar rol del Esmad, uno de los compromisos de Colombia con la OCDE

En medio de la polémica generada por su accionar en el paro nacional, El Espectador conoció un documento del Ministerio de Trabajo que señala que el Estado colombiano se comprometió a analizar críticamente el rol de esta fuerza de choque.

9 Dec 11:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543621015585.html
Maduro le dio gracias a Dios por los dólares, pero sigue generando pobreza en Venezuela

El mandatario venezolano dijo que la dolarización podría ser una “válvula de escape” para recuperar la economía del país, pero su estrategia estaría fracasando. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 11:10 pulzo.com 8971816786951450954.html
Los promotores de Porto Cabral abren una "reflexión" sobre el futuro del proyecto tras el rechazo del Concello

Confiesan su 'profunda decepción' por el carpetazo de Urbanismo y reconocen que el macrocentro se sume en un momento 'crítico'

9 Dec 14:10 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577777182164.html
SAD: Odbor za pravosuđe danas o dokazima protiv Trampa

VAŠINGTON - Odbor za pravosuđe Predstavnickog doma američkog Kongresa održaće danas javni pretres na kojem će biti razmatrani dokazi prikupljeni tokom

9 Dec 10:43 Krstarica 4176903989088091416.html
Table Manners, a Video Game About Very Bad Tinder Dates

Finally, a game that lets you thrust fish in a date's face before setting everything on fire.

9 Dec 10:27 Kotaku UK 2577526046451182291.html
This epic food tour features Vancouver’s best coffee, brunch, donuts and BEER

Dine Out Vancouver Festival, the annual 17-day food and drink extravaganza, takes place from January 17 through February 2 across Metro Vancouver.

9 Dec 10:00 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958496613840560.html
Venezuela entregó Presidencia Pro tempore de OPEP

Venezuela entregó la Presidencia de la Conferencia de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (Opep) con logros y productividad, afirmó el ministro de Petróleo, Manuel Quevedo, en Viena, Austria. Durante la séptima reunión de la OPEP y los países productores independientes, el también presidente de Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., (Pdvsa), expresó: “En Venezuela nos […]

9 Dec 08:06 Descifrado 6343485650948746959.html
Milan, le condizioni di Ibrahimovic: 18 mesi subito

Zlatan vuole il contratto di un anno e mezzo: la società rossonera punta ai sei mesi più rinnovo in caso di Champions

9 Dec 10:02 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188132757813.html
The best sniper games you can play right now

There’s seldom a shot that’s as satisfying as a headshot from a sniper rifle, though it’s rare to find a game that pulls off the mechanic well. Sniper rifles are often much slower to reload and set up, and while they can inflict massive damage, they aren’t the usual go-to weapon in a PvP match. […]

9 Dec 11:15 VG247 6010161593605450915.html
Addio Carlo Ceschel per oltre 30 anni regista in Arena


9 Dec 17:19 L'Arena 5479295676125098087.html
Toke Makinwa drags Yomi Black after he dared her to explain how she affords her lifestyle

Media personality, Toke Makinwa, has dragged filmmaker Yomi Black, after he dared to question the source of her income on social media. Read more about this on Legit.ng.

9 Dec 16:34 Legit 3764253650556270699.html
Acribillan a hombre en Misión del Valle, en Morelia

A balazos fue acribillado un hombre cuando estaba en el interior de su domicilio, ubicado en el fraccionamiento Misión del Valle de Morelia

9 Dec 10:29 MiMorelia 5599511488528216091.html
Im Jodlerclub Gäu folgt ein Co-Präsidium auf Werner Surer

Zu seiner letzten GV als Präsident konnte Werner Surer fast alle Aktivmitglieder des Jodlerklubs Gäu Egerkingen begrüssen und führte nach dem Nachtessen gekonnt durch die GV. Nach 10-jährigem Wirken, davon 8 Jahre als Präsident, will sich Werner Surer auf das Singen konzentrieren und tritt ab. Seine menschliche und doch bestimmte Art hat den Verein über all die Jahre geprägt. Unser Ausdruck der Dankbarkeit ist die Ehrung als Ehrenpräsident.  Katrin Kissling und Stefan Buchmüller führen gemeinsam den Verein und zählen auf die erfahrenen Vorstandmitglieder Heini Limacher (Aktuar) und Beat Gaugler, sowie den neugewählten Toni Schneider. Mit der DV des MWSJV im Januar startet ein arbeitsreiches Jahr. Sehr gut besuchte Unterhaltungsabende in Rickenbach, Auftritt in Entlebuch und in der Kirche Tenniken, Jodlerreise und Umgang in Egerkingen bestimmten den Jahresablauf. Am NWSJV-Jodlerfest in Mümliswil konnte einmal mehr die Bestnote erzielt werden. Die Organisation des Passiveinzug und die Raclette-Stube im Ruttiger…

9 Dec 12:34 bz BASEL 5287163742280410719.html
MP diz que envolvidos em selvageria no Mineirão serão responsabilizados

O órgão afirma que adotará todas as medidas cabíveis para responsabilizar cível e criminalmente todos os envolvidos

9 Dec 14:34 O TEMPO 6069683947203021232.html
Google Fi brings Wi-Fi calling, VPN, spam warnings to non-Pixel phones

The best Google Fi experience and full functionality is unsurprisingly on Pixel devices. Google Fi non-Pixel features like...

9 Dec 17:26 9to5Google 6197440879682671371.html
Two expected Samsung Galaxy S11+ upgrades that would make power users happy

It’s not easy to introduce a new flagship smartphone every year. For 2020, Samsung appears to be going all out with significant upgrades on its upcoming Galaxy S11+. Ahead of its expected launch in Q1 2020, reliable leakster Ice Universe has dropped a couple of juicy details for the upcoming flagship smartphone.

9 Dec 11:40 SoyaCincau.com 3698931832612145338.html
Hanno minacciato corrado formigli! - matteo renzi rivela su facebook...


9 Dec 17:08 DAGOSPIA 6533336738823180158.html
Hanno minacciato corrado formigli! - matteo renzi rivela su facebook...


9 Dec 17:08 DAGOSPIA 6533336740183237407.html
Langer edges Team Goosen in dramatic 3-way playoff

Bernhard Langer and son, Jason clinched victory on the first hole of sudden death over Team Goosen and Team Lehman at the Father Son Challenge.

9 Dec 09:40 Sport 682566035674764984.html
Rents up again as Government’s poor policies bite

Simon Bridges - Leader of the Opposition

9 Dec 14:13 SCOOP 5315658999834578645.html
ERC retrasa hasta enero la posibilidad de un pacto para investir a Pedro Sánchez

La portavoz republicana, Marta Vilalta, echa un jarro de agua fría a las expectativas de PSOE y UP de tener gobierno en la última semana del año

9 Dec 12:24 La Información 5328999782035034413.html
China says it will continue ‘training’ Xinjiang people

China on Monday defended its vast network of re-education camps in Xinjiang and said it would continue

9 Dec 16:55 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200483968505.html
Skjuter på reformering av Arbetsförmedlingen

Beslut från regeringen och samarbetspartierna Centern och Liberalerna.

9 Dec 08:10 Sydsvenskan 2976531144759549778.html
Holly and Phil take selfies as they brush off 'complaints' row

Holly and Phil had all the fun at the fair on This Morning.

9 Dec 15:32 Metro 970161747034570571.html
Yes Bank likely to reject $1.2 bn offer from Canadian tycoon Erwin Braich

At a meeting on Tuesday, the board is expected to reject an offer from Canada's Erwin Singh Braich and Hong Kong-based SPGP Holdings to contribute $1.2 billion toward the fund raising

9 Dec 10:03 Business-Standard 1502508926211361226.html
Descubre de dónde vienen las personas que Facebook sugiere como amigos

Esta sección en la red social se creó con la finalidad de conectar a los usuarios para que se mantengan en contacto. Las sugerencias se realizan basándose en las coincidencias notables entre ambos perfiles

9 Dec 15:22 Globovisión 5928221752954312660.html
Tirotean coliseo de Puerto Rico donde horas antes se había presentado Daddy Yankee

El artista se pronunció al respecto en su última presentación.

9 Dec 14:51 Colombia.com 1213910710802755515.html
Meghan e Kate

Estudo revela que Meghan Markle e Kate Middleton são as personalidades que mais impacto financeiro têm através das redes sociais.

9 Dec 10:00 Revista VIP 3507812778457107479.html
John McDonnell joins Arlene Foster in attack on PM 'you can't trust'

Shadow chancellor backs DUP leader’s criticism of Boris Johnson as Labour vows to end austerity in February

9 Dec 14:55 the Guardian 1491978795545988332.html
Who’s Leading The Democratic Primary In The First Four States?

More than just the four early states will decide the 2020 Democratic primary. After all, Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina only make up about 4 per…

9 Dec 11:15 FiveThirtyEight 6485396906476163855.html
Who’s Leading The Democratic Primary In Super Tuesday States?

And beyond.

9 Dec 11:00 FiveThirtyEight 6485396907600376300.html
Defender la soberanía de poderes es un asunto de oficio: Cristina Portillo

Para la diputada local, Cristina Portillo, el ejecutivo local invadió la competencia del legislativo con la extinción de la Junta de Caminos,

9 Dec 17:59 MiMorelia 5599511489667506165.html
Joe Biden says he would consider Elizabeth Warren as a running mate, wonders if she'd pick him

Axios' Mike Allen sat down with former Vice President Joe Biden for Sunday's Axios on HBO, and he noted that when asked about potential running mates recently, Biden mentioned several women but didn't name Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Biden said sure, he would add Warren to the list, but even talking about vice presidential picks is "presumptuous" at this point. "The question is, would she add me to her list?" he added. Allen also addressed the elephant in the room, asking Biden what he believed his son Hunter was doing "for an extraordinary amount of money" on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma while he was vice president. "I don't know what he was doing," Biden said. "I know he was on the board, I found out he was on the board after he was on the board. And that was it." "Isn't this something you want to get to the bottom of?" Allen asked. "No, because I trust my son," Biden said. "There's nothing on its face that was wrong. Look, if you want to talk about problems, you know, let's talk about Trump's…

9 Dec 11:36 The Week 149215356265814355.html
Nouveau rebondissement dans le feuilleton des tours Hermitage de La Défense

EXCLU - Le promoteur russe Emin Iskenderov a signé un accord de principe avec un groupe coréen pour lancer le financement de ses tours Hermitage, à La Défense.

9 Dec 17:00 Challenges 1086714998002545518.html
Daftar Biaya Servis Rutin Wuling Confero S

Mobil LMPV masih memiliki banyak penggemar di Indonesia. Salah satunya yang cukup menarik dilirik adalah Wuling Confero S yang dibanderol mulai Rp 146 juta hingga Rp 195,3 juta on the road Jakarta.

9 Dec 10:03 liputan6.com 3414318496655786157.html
Analysis: 4 enough for now to keep CFP expansion talk quiet

College football always needs an argument when it comes to the postseason. This year, it was whether LSU or Ohio State should be the top seed in the four-team playoff.

9 Dec 08:00 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637508782825.html
Just weeks until WhatsApp will stop working on these phone models

If your model is on the list, which includes iPhone, Android and Nokia devices, you're being urged to change phones if you'd like to keep WhatsApp

9 Dec 09:58 BristolLive 4740742016950826684.html
Jojo Toddynho vai processar digital influencer que a comparou com uma porca

"Minha referência foi a isso: gordinha e gostosa! Pq é isso que Jojo é aos meus olhos, aos olhos de muitas pessoas", disse kamila em sua defesa

9 Dec 12:30 Folha Vitória 4941883427380761478.html
The Hill's Morning Report - Sponsored by AdvaMed - A crucial week on impeachment

A crucial week on impeachment

9 Dec 11:26 TheHill 355432919026395389.html
I'm Frustrated that My Company Won't Hire My Husband

Can I get them to reconsider?

9 Dec 09:15 Inc.com 8604986417244367548.html
Četiri rakete pogodile bazu američkih vojnika u Bagdadu

Četiri rakete pogodile su vojnu bazu kod aerodroma u Bagdadu gde se nalaze američki vojnici, a u napadu je šest...

9 Dec 08:34 N1 Srbija 7797130867294966291.html
Paulo Da Silva, Stuani y Leo Franco encabezan jugadores absueltos por amaños

El goleador de la Segunda División y el actual director técnico ya no enfrentan cargos por corrupción deportiva.

9 Dec 14:52 ESPN.com.mx 3914278074088171737.html
Tras las rejas madre por presuntamente quemar a su pequeña hija

Tras una denuncia interpuesta por los directivos de la Escuela Básica Nacional Luisa Cáceres de Arismendi de la ciudad de La Victoria, los oficiales

9 Dec 11:52 El Siglo 7954754735902305633.html
Pijany szop pracz zastrzelony na Jarmarku Bożonarodzeniowym

Szop pracz stał się sensacją Jarmarku Bożonarodzeniowego w Erfurcie. Jak informują naoczni świadkowie, zataczał się i przewracał - prawdopodobnie był pod wpływem alkoholu. Zwierzę przypłaciło jednak wyprawę na jarmark życiem. Odstrzelił je łowczy miejski.

9 Dec 17:41 fakty.interia.pl 3878966316660388084.html
Este libro enseña a los mercadólogos a investigar con Excel

El mercado es una fuente inagotable de datos, por lo que su uso correcto se convierte en una tarea indispensable para entender al consumidor y advertir lo que puede ocurrir a futuro.

9 Dec 12:59 Merca2.0 990348493546337711.html
Bauhaus Reutlingen: Neueröffnung am 27. Dezember im Industriegebiet Mark West

Am 27. Dezember wird das neue Bauhaus im Industriegebiet West eröffnet. Das nicht tarifgebundene Unternehmen investiert nicht nur einen zweistelligen Millionenbetrag, sondern schafft auch 25 neue Stellen.

9 Dec 10:34 swp.de 6929179440848048436.html
Primeiras defensoras populares já estão aptas a atuarem nas comunidades

Foto: Ccom Em solenidade realizada no auditório da Casa de Núcleos da Defensoria Pública, 26 lideranças femininas da região do Itararé receberam, em clima de grande emoção, o diploma de concludentes do Curso Defensoras Populares.  A formatura foi presidida pelo defensor público geral do Piauí, Erisvaldo Marques dos Reis, e pela subdefensora pública geral, Carla Yáscar Bento Feitosa Belchior, que é a responsável pela implantação do Projeto Defensoras Populares no estado, contando ainda com a presença da deputada federal Rejane Dias, defensores públicos, representantes de instituições parceiras e familiares das formandas.Durante o lançamento, teve apresentação artística do Grupo de Teatro Flagelo do Itararé que retrarou a realidade feminina no enfrentamento às várias formas de violência.A  embaixadora da campanha “Não é Não”, que visa o combate ao assédio a mulheres, jornalista Luana Sena, falou sobre a proposta e convidou todas as presentes a aderirem à iniciativa. “Foi maravilhoso participar de um evento que…

9 Dec 09:22 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419522847473.html
Turismo en Espacios Rurales y Naturaleza: un viaje para los cinco sentidos

Los días ya comenzaron a ser más cálidos, el rebrote de los árboles y las flores ahora forman parte del paisaje, el aire se llena del canto de las aves. ¡Es primavera! Tiempo ideal para salir a disfrutar de la naturaleza, estancias y establecimientos rurales. Uruguay, en sus cinco regiones, cuenta con diversos destinos turísticos en los que el visitante podrá realizar típicas tareas de campo o bien acercarse a actividades productivas en zonas de mucha biodiversidad.

9 Dec 15:19 LARED21 5602862990106815104.html
Lo Stato spende più per il reddito di cittadinanza che per la giustizia

Provare a far ragionare i fautori e i sostenitori dell’abrogazione della prescrizione, sugli effetti nefasti che avrà sui tempi processuali, è impresa ardua. È come voler ra...

9 Dec 16:08 L'HuffPost 5315551423078356988.html
Warren made at least $1.9 million for past private legal work

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Sunday night released new details about her time doing corporate legal work, a period going back more than 30 years in which she made at least $1.9 million from private clients.

9 Dec 13:37 CHANNEL3000 830332543254543681.html
Sempat Bikin Jantungan, Praveen / Melati Bangga Sumbangkan Emas SEA Games 2019

Praveen Melati/Melati Daeva Oktavianti mengakui tak menyuguhkan permainan terbaik saat merebut medali emas SEA Games 2019 bulutangkis nomor perorangan.

9 Dec 12:55 Bola.com 1695722603007048975.html
Il presidente dell'Inps: "Le due orfane non devono pagarci nulla"

Il presidente dell'Inps: "Le due orfane non devono pagarci nulla.

9 Dec 10:12 ilGiornale.it 5019541224097426521.html
Presidente Vizcarra: "Nuestro legado serán las reformas"

El presidente Martín Vizcarra aseguró hoy que el mayor legado de su gobierno serán las reformas emprendidas, y aseguró no temer una eventual investigación de denuncias ya archivadas y que no le sorprenden los ataques que recibe su gestión.

9 Dec 12:26 andina.pe 9054036849052543172.html
Odo-Darsteller René Auberjonois gestorben, wird in Star Trek Online geehrt

René Auberjonois, der durch seine Rolle des Odo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine bekannt wurde, ist verstorben.

9 Dec 16:38 PC GAMES 4564788042966484769.html
Eskom Announces Implementation Of Stage 4 Load Shedding On Monday

The situation on the electricity front is not getting any better with Eskom now announcing it will implement stage 4 load shedding again from 10 am on Monday morning. The overwhelmed utility had planned to roll out stage 2 until 11 pm. But it said it lost additional units at some of its power stations. Eskom has […]

9 Dec 09:48 iAfrica 8834711024118052686.html
Preston North End left-back Andrew Hughes hoping his injury woes are at an end

If injuries come in threes, Preston North End left-back Andrew Hughes has surely had his quota for the season and can look forward to a run of games.

9 Dec 17:00 Lancashire Post 6469275854423172841.html
Gaat OnePlus weer op de prijs letten? [renders]

Met de OnePlus 8 Lite zou men de reputatie van prijsvechter weer op willen poetsen.

9 Dec 09:55 Apparata 308905379700161008.html
A Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker scene is to be shown in Fortnite

Fortnite players will be able to view an exclusive scene from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker next weekend. The scene, the contents of which have not been revealed, will play at 7pm UK time on Saturd

9 Dec 11:32 tsa 6447108927849791091.html
E' morto Paul Volcker, ex presidente Fed: la legge per limitare la speculazione delle banche porta il suo nome

Una lunga carriera, da Carter a Obama. Alla Federal Reserve ha affrontato il problema della super-inflazione

9 Dec 16:55 Repubblica.it 8208867270745958817.html
2K have launched a new studio to develop a BioShock sequel

BioShock is coming back! 2K Games have launched a new game development studio called Cloud Chamber. They're going to make a new BioShock game.

9 Dec 17:40 Trusted Reviews 12694854205391087.html
5 Gaya Seksi Vicky Vette Pamerkan Jersey Tim Kesayangannya, Salah Satunya Indonesia

Bintang film dewasa asal Norwegia, Vicky Vette sering menampilkan kemolekan tubuhnya saat menggunakan jersey tim sepak bola kesayangannya.

9 Dec 12:54 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549381491666.html
K. Michelle Gets Vulnerable In New Photo Where She Shows Off Her Post-Surgery Body And Speaks About The Healing Process

It looks like K. Michelle is back on track to being healthy and happy, and she is now entirely comfortable in her body -- or at least, more than she

9 Dec 11:12 Celebrity Insider 265863475319624660.html
Jameda muss Ärzte-Profile unter bestimmten Umständen löschen

Müssen Ärzte es hinnehmen, auf dem Onlineportal Jameda bewertet zu werden? Das Landgericht München beantwortete diese Frage mit einem "Ja, aber...".

9 Dec 16:25 GMX 2011843074782457879.html
Monopolies don't just threaten the future of America — they change how we watch TV

"If you want a vision of the future of show business, imagine Mickey Mouse's giant yellow shoe stamping on a human face — forever."

9 Dec 14:00 Business Insider 6060062400733688664.html
Ha aparecido en Steam un Simulador de Jesucristo y todo el mundo está flipando

Ya sabemos que el catálogo de Steam es capaz de lo mejor y de lo peor. En esta ocasión os queremos hablar de I Am Jesus Christ, un simulador del mismísimo Jesús que se ambienta desde su bautizo hasta su resurrección. Perdonadme por los spoilers.

9 Dec 15:02 Vrutal 199584610271381413.html
Soal Polemik Pengadaan 1 Set Komputer Rp 128 Miliar yang Libatkan Kadernya, PSI: Tak Ada yang Salah

PSI tanggapi soal kadernya yang akan dilaporkan oleh Komisi C DPRD terkait dengan rapat anggaran pengadaan komputer bernilai fantastis.

9 Dec 13:01 Tribunnews.com 3323534445033674104.html
Kiara Advani Says NO To Two Big Telugu Films Due To This Reason?

Post starring in Karan Johar’s short from Lust Stories and Shahid Kapoor led Kabir Singh, Kiara Advani has become a household name. Grapevine has that, the actress who has a kitty full of films has

9 Dec 11:21 Koimoi 5184275671098847447.html
Fährt der Stadtbus bald Schmieheim an?

Schmieheims Ortsvorsteher Michael Hartmann hat eine Zusammenarbeit angestoßen. Die Verwaltung geht von 20 000 Euro Kosten aus. Der Vorschlag kommt jetzt in den Ortschaftsrat.

9 Dec 09:33 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567428487968385.html
La policía los sorprendió robando vinos y una registradora

Fue esta madrugada en una distribuidora del barrio Industrial. Dos delincuentes ingresaron por el techo y, utilizando una manguera de agua, descendieron a un sector del local. Se llevaban un pack de ocho cajas de vino y una caja registradora, pero fueron sorprendidos por la Policía.

9 Dec 13:58 El Patagónico 8565457045646188471.html
World’s first human composting site to open

The world’s first funeral home dedicated to composting human beings is set to open in 2021 – allowing those left behind to turn their dearly departed into soil. US ‘deathcare’ company Recompose will

9 Dec 14:30 The Independent 2511519171350110650.html
Medvedev ne poriče: Postoje problemi sa dopingom

Predsednik ruske Vlade Dmitri Medvedev je govorio u Gorkom o odluci Svetske antidoping agencije da izbaci sve ruske sportiste sa takmičenja u naredne četiri godine.

9 Dec 14:29 Sport Klub 42251758468832339.html
WARNING | UFC star's lip explodes in gruesome TKO

Suriname's Jairzinho Rozenstruik claimed a shock TKO victory over Dutch star Alister Overeem in the dying seconds of their heavyweight UFC bout.

9 Dec 12:53 Sport 682566034431582746.html
Striscione della Nord fuori dal Meazza: "Chi ti ama non ti fischia, martedì una bolgia interista"

"Chi ti ama non ti fischia, martedì una bolgia interista". Reca questa scritta lo striscione appeso ai cancelli dello stadio Meazza e firmato dalla Curva Nord, sul cui organo...

9 Dec 08:15 FcInterNews.it 7848284893686368300.html
''Aus allen Wolken gefallen'': Baby mit Schütteltrauma: Vater beteuert Schuldlosigkeit

Der Vater des Säuglings, gegen den die Staatsanwaltschaft wegen versuchten Mordes ermittelt, fühlt sich von der Mutter des Kindes zu Unrecht belastet.

9 Dec 12:40 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699868131165.html
When you deal with history, difficult to cut things: Kriti Sanon on 'Panipat' length

The actor said a period love story is comparatively easier to trim as the story revolves around just those characters.

9 Dec 11:40 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363251528945.html
Norges EM-tropp: Myrhol med tross sykdom

10. januar starter Norge EM i Trondheim mot Bosnia. Her er troppen til mesterskapet.

9 Dec 14:23 TV 2 8210067770438180098.html
North Korea Has 'Nothing More to Lose', Slams Trump's Warnings Over Missile Tests - Official

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - North Korea is a country that has nothing to lose, a senior official remarked on Monday in a statement published by state media, slamming US President Donald Trump's warning to leader Kim Jong-un not to engage in any hostile activities.

9 Dec 17:14 Sputniknews 967333868042909036.html
Serafini: “Molto importante il ritorno di Bonaventura”

Luca Serafini è stato intervistato da Milan TV, ha parlato del percorso dei rossoneri che stanno sicuramente crescendo, si è espresso anche su Bonaventura

9 Dec 14:46 IlMilanista.it 3960926760115274951.html
Intervienen más de 19.000 kilos de productos alimentarios con irregularidades en la provincia de Alicante

Estas incautaciones son fruto de inspecciones llevadas a cabo por la patrulla del Seprona de la Guardia Civil en mercados, lonjas y restaurantes por infracciones en el etiquetado, la temperatura de conservación, la fecha de consumo, la trazabilidad y las tallas mínimas

9 Dec 16:31 Diarioinformacion 8979296175331611326.html
Ministra timorense explica discussão com vice-ministro que se tornou viral na Net

A ministra interina da Saúde timorense considerou um "desentendimento normal" uma discussão com o vice-ministro para o Desenvolvimento Estratégico da Saúde e cuja gravação foi divulgada nas redes sociais no país.

9 Dec 10:43 JN 6956494304384102621.html
FC-Bayern-Legende Roque Santa Cruz schießt Olimpia zur vierten Meisterschaft in Folge

Roque Santa Cruz hat in seiner Heimat Paraguay den Traditionsklub Olimpia zum erneuten Titel geschossen. Der frühere Bayern-Profi (38) erzielte am vorletzten Spieltag beim 2:2 (0:1) gegen Guarani beide Treffer, durch den Punkt hat der Klub aus der Hauptstadt Asuncion die Halbserie Clausura gewonnen. Für Olimpia war es der vierte Titel in Folge (Apertura 2018, 2019 und Clausura 2018, 2019).

9 Dec 09:36 SPOX 8395423525471886940.html
10 stunning photographs of the Sea of Galilee

From sunup to sundown, this historic freshwater lake in northern Israel is a shimmering jewel.

9 Dec 09:00 Israel21c 6799675525400362577.html
Meet the "Blue Magpie": Taiwan's New Domestically-Made Fighter?

Here's what we know.

9 Dec 09:40 Yahoo 7097669637268508998.html
De Martino rifiuta Sanremo e si confessa su Belen

Stefano De Martino dice “no” a Sanremo con Amadeus dopo i gossip delle ultime settimane e torna a parlare di Belen Rodriguez.

9 Dec 11:45 DiLei 6707305200547992494.html
L'80% degli acquisti di beni di lusso viene influenzato dal digitale. Uno studio Facebook-Ipsos

I luxury shoppers, rivela l'indagine statistica, sono molto attivi sui social media e, in Italia, il 96% utilizza Facebook, Instagram, Messenger e WhatsApp ogni giorno

9 Dec 15:27 Agi 2115274224071555510.html
Finnish leader Sanna Marin, 34, becomes world's youngest prime minister

Finland prime minister: The new PM Marin was the former transport minister. At the age of 27, Marin was elected the head of the city council in her hometown of Tampere

9 Dec 11:50 Business Today 1145527432720742589.html
Boy oh boy! Twin male pandas charm Berlin zoo

Little ones were born at the zoo in August but in keepin­g with Chines­e tradit­ion they were only named after 100 days

9 Dec 12:43 The Express Tribune 1105816787633501079.html
‘Toxic’ Mueller Impeachment Article Threatens to Split Dems

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that House Democrats would proceed with articles of impeachment, she did so in the language of duty, history, and the Constitution. “This has nothing to do with politics,” she said. “It’s about the Constitution of the United States.”In almost the same breath

9 Dec 10:21 Yahoo 7097669637376708627.html
Ricos e pobres aprovam Moro

A Folha de S. Paulo, citando o Datafolha, diz que Sergio Moro tem "alta aprovação entre os ricos e baixa entre os pobres"...

9 Dec 13:09 O Antagonista 1037429653749283164.html
Spotify Says It Still Has No Plans for Nintendo Switch Support and It Wouldn't Tell You if It Did

Two years after a forum thread on having Spotify support on the Nintendo Switch, the music streaming app still isn't on there.

9 Dec 16:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059001272111579.html
Saobraćaj u Parizu paralisan zbog štrajkova

Štrajkovi u Francuskoj zbog najavljene penzione reforme zaustavili su vozove i podzemnu železnicu peti uzastopni...

9 Dec 10:35 N1 Srbija 7797130867293743972.html
Sicherheit? Ist gut. Sagen alle.

Warum wird nicht mehr getan, um Diebstähle aus Museen zu verhindern? Einer der Gründe: Sicherheit hat kein gutes Image.

9 Dec 14:05 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591817835080.html
Video: How angry fans threw bottles on stage at Cardi B’s concert

There was and still an uproar on social media following the so-called Ghanaian celebrities who were snubbed by American female rapper, Cardi B during her visit to Ghana over the weekend. It wasn’t her inability to meet the so-called celebrities which were the disappointment of the day, the show also experienced some glitches and this […]

9 Dec 10:40 GhBase.com 8689748846875456816.html
India moves up one spot in human development index: UNDP report

India is ranked 129 out of 189 countries according to a report by the United Nations Development Programme.

9 Dec 10:07 The Hindu 6679535024979104957.html
Eamonn Holmes impresses fans with 'stunning' portrait for his 60th birthday

Fans of Eamonn Holmes were deeply impressed when the presenter shared snaps of a stunning portrait an artist painted for his 60th birthday.

9 Dec 13:39 Entertainment Daily 8392972515727850917.html
Gentiloni: "Il patto di stabilità risale agli anni della crisi, ora va adeguato"

Il patto di stabilità è stato pensato in un momento di crisi, e ora va rivisto. Lo dice il commissario europeo Paolo Gentiloni, in un'intervista alla Sueddeutsche Zeitung. "Dobbiamo mettere in chiaro che queste regole sono nate in un momento particolare, nel contesto di una crisi. Ora però da questa crisi siamo fuori. E abbiamo altre sfide davanti a noi: la lotta al cambiamento climatico e il pericolo di avere, per un lungo periodo, una crescita bassa e una bassa inflazione". "In questo contesto le regole europee devono essere gradualmente adeguate". Il commissario vuole agire rapidamente. E spiega innanzitutto di voler valutare i vantaggi e gli svantaggi delle regole. "Ci saranno consultazioni su questa base e nella seconda metà del 2020 potremmo presentare proposte", dichiara ancora l'ex premier italiano.  

9 Dec 10:44 rainews 442831847290473212.html
Europa geeft 3,2 miljard steun voor productie batterijen elektrische auto’s

De Europese Commissie geeft groen licht voor 3,2 miljard euro overheidssteun in een samenwerkingsproject voor de productie van batterijen voor elektrische auto's. Zeven landen willen er de komende ...

9 Dec 10:51 HLN 8967494998404751914.html
Modern-Day Fashion Inspired by Greta Gerwig's 'Little Women' Redux

Prairie dresses, ruffles, and midi skirts—the fashion found in 'Little Women,' the new movie based off of Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel, is surprisingly modern.

9 Dec 15:00 Marie Claire 7105575298381038192.html
LEVENSGEVAARLIJK: Automobilist beleeft schrik van zijn leven op snelweg wegens… dekzeil (video)

Straffe beelden uit Hanoi, Vietnam. Daar reed eind vorige maand bovenstaande bestuurder vlotjes op de snelweg. In eerste instantie lijkt het een aangenaam ritje te worden. Maar een vrachtwagen waarvan het dekzeil nogal losjes ligt te wapperen, gooit roet in het eten. ‘t Stuk plastic schiet namelijk niet veel later los en bedekt in geen

9 Dec 09:50 Zita 7484176338575368859.html
Homeless man who used to sleep in airport now on his way to becoming aircraft engineer

Lawrence, a man whose life was upside down, and without home, has triumphed over all odds to training to become an aircraft engineer.

9 Dec 13:10 Legit 3764253649392636075.html
A Reggio e in altri quattro comuni saranno demoliti 31 km di vecchie linee elettriche

REGGIO EMILIA – Tavole, cartine e progetti saranno a disposizione di tutti i cittadini interessati all’imponente progetto che porterà all’ammodernamento della linea degli elettrodotti che attraversa il nostro territorio. Nei mesi scorsi è stato raggiunto l’accordo tra il comune di Reggio e Terna, proprietario principale della rete di trasmsissione italiana dell’elettricità, al quale hanno aderito anche […]

9 Dec 09:02 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333313824663.html
France ready to take Trump’s tariff threat to WTO

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Finance has kicked off a tour for foreign investors in Riyadh today ahead of the 2020 Budget Forum on Dec. 10. Twenty two international investment companies from Taiwan, the US, the UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Hong Kong, Germany and France have been invited to visit some of the Kingdom’s top non-oil based companies. The group includes a

9 Dec 14:11 Arab News 8912634263215919354.html
Prime Minister Boris Johnson 'looking at' getting rid of the BBC licence fee

Could it be under threat?

9 Dec 17:23 Entertainment Daily 8392972515723652934.html
Tesla Model 3 envolvido em acidente contra polícia enquanto usava o Autopilot!

Mais uma vez, a Tesla está envolvida em mais uma polémica graças à teimosia dos seus utilizadores, que continua a utilizar a tecnologia Autopilot de forma...

9 Dec 11:27 4gnews 1809086878516970692.html
UNILORIN, firm sign 21-year land lease agreement

The MOU was signed by Mr Indimi and Vice-Chancellor of UNILORIN, Jubril Oyelekan, at the Maiduguri office of OER Farm Ltd last week.

9 Dec 08:14 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299449220716.html
Istvan Kovacs arbitre de PSG / Galatasaray

Istvan Kovacs sera l'arbitre de la rencontre entre le PSG et Galatasaray, sixième et dernière journée de la phase de poules de C1.

9 Dec 11:50 Canal Supporters 3482366733599514306.html
ANEF anuncia paro nacional para este 10 de diciembre

La ANEF convocó un paro nacional para este martes. Buscan demostrar su rechazo a la ley antisaqueos y al despido reciente de funcionarios.

9 Dec 14:03 Rock&Pop 4910011591478340903.html
Duarte Gomes avalia casos do Sporting-Moreirense

Antigo árbitro internacional e atual colunista de A BOLA, Duarte Gomes faz a análise ao trabalho da arbitragem no jogo entre Sporting e Moreirense, que terminou com a vitória dos leões por 1-0.

9 Dec 14:14 A BOLA 2278827557781501669.html
Kanye West Steps Out Dripping In Silver (Photos)

Kanye West showcased his creative side as he steps out painting his entire Body silver for his Opera show, "Mary" which took place at Miami Marine Stadium.

9 Dec 16:39 Concise 5544636822698466826.html
Preminuo jedan od omiljenih glumaca iz "Zvjezdanih staza"

Glumac Rene Oberženoa, koji je najpoznatiji po ulozi Odoa u seriji "Star Trek - Deep Space 9", umro je u nedjelju u 79. godini.

9 Dec 08:06 Nezavisne novine 4209150642346600281.html
1971 War Veteran hero Lt Colonel Muhammad Suleiman passes away

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan: Lt Colonel Muhammad Suleiman, veteran hero of 1971 War, breathed his last in Lahore on Monday, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said. Known as “Suleiman the magnificent” the Officer was originally from the Special Services Group (SSG). The ISPR said that Lt Colonel Muhammad Suleiman under challenging environment rescued his injured companion Major PD Khan from battlefield in the face of enemy and brought him back safely. In a statement, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa has expressed heartfelt grief on his demise while paying tribute to his matchless bravery.

9 Dec 16:13 Dispatch News Desk 1078940130371981890.html
Compensan a soldados que en 1975 resistieron el ataque montonero contra un cuartel en Formosa

El gobierno nacional oficializó este lunes su decisión de otorgar una compensación económica a los soldados heridos y a los familiares de aquellos que fallecieron durante el enfrentamiento contra...

9 Dec 12:11 La Voz 6237180760576846651.html
Ruby Ter: Teste: ragazze in villa Cav, lo minacciavano anche

Lo ha raccontato, testimoniando nel processo milanese sul caso 'Ruby ter', a carico tra gli altri dello stesso ex premier, l'architetto Ivo Redaelli 

9 Dec 14:18 rainews 442831847829354452.html
Police detain 2 FETÖ suspects on Turkey-Greece border

Turkish security forces apprehended two suspects with links to the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) in northwestern Turkey's Edirne province Monday as the pair...

9 Dec 14:03 DAILY SABAH 8383944808562473336.html
Colas para obtener la tarjeta para la zona azul de Arrotxapea, mientras se pide más información

Siguen las colas en la caseta de informaci&oacute;n instalada por el Ayuntamiento de Iru&ntilde;ea para obtener la tarjeta de residente de cara a la pr&oacut...

9 Dec 16:49 naiz: 5941112988390442277.html
How to Watch the 2020 Golden Globe Nominations Announcement Live

Awards season kicks into full gear with the Golden Globes nominations Monday morning

9 Dec 13:55 TheWrap 2361432282956296328.html
Just eight people turn up to get a free cash handout in Ilkeston

It was available to pensioners living in a certain area

9 Dec 09:28 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701344084446.html
Riksrättsutredning inne på upploppet

USA Finns det tillräckliga bevis för att ställa president Donald Trump inför riksrätt? Representanthusets justitieutskott lyssnar nu till vad som kan liknas vid "slutpläderingar" från både r

9 Dec 15:27 www.unt.se 8922556088995330733.html
Schweizer Börse schliesst leicht im Minus - Kurssprünge bei Nebenwerten

Die Schweizer Börse ist mit leichten Kursverlusten in die Handelswoche gestartet. Die Adecco-Papiere gaben mit über einem Prozent am meisten Wert ab.

9 Dec 17:40 cash 8314500324439132887.html
Plans for new homes in East Neuk village ‘essential to ensure its vitality’

Plans for 86 new homes in the East Neuk village of St Monans have been hailed as "essential to ensure its vitality".

9 Dec 08:25 The Courier 4275302768277543692.html
Corsa contro il tempo per chiudere la manovra (e non solo)

Deputati e senatori mobilitati anche nei fine settimana per portare a termine entro Natale un'agenda fittissima che include, oltre alle legge di bilancio, quattro importanti decreti in scadenza

9 Dec 09:00 Agi 2115274224337368907.html
Honey, I Grew the Economy

Innovation experts have long overlooked where a lot of innovation actually happens. The personal computer, the mountain bike, the…

9 Dec 12:01 Medium 1216870975038512741.html
La vita è meravigliosa torna su Rai1 con Vira Carbone: ospiti (Anteprima Blogo)

Il charity show della Fondazione Cuore Domani dovrebbe andare in onda il 6 gennaio prossimo.

9 Dec 13:40 Tvblog 378101971566200107.html
Proces Geert Wilders uitgesteld tot februari 2020

Gerechtshof wil net als PVV-leider eerst alle stukken boven water

9 Dec 10:48 ThePostOnline 3048418757355455133.html
Hvem skal bygge landet?

Det er nå i ferd med å bli unntaksvis at norsketablerte entreprenører kan være med å konkurrere om store infrastrukturprosjekter.

9 Dec 08:22 adressa.no 8417332407695919202.html
Felipe Calderón pagó MILLONES a Televisa y Tv Azteca para disfrazar sus ATROCIDADES

Felipe Calder&oacute;n Hinojosa, ex presidente de M&eacute;xico, pag&oacute; millones de pesos a Televisa y Tv Azteca para enga&ntilde;ar a los mexicanos; disfrazaron la sangrienta guerra contra el narcotr&aacute;fico.

9 Dec 14:53 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623374346562.html
JxCat aborda amb Torra i Puigdemont la investidura de Sánchez

Diputats, senadors i membres del Govern es reuneixen a Brussel·les en una setmana determinant per les negociacions a Madrid

9 Dec 11:45 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479160839972.html
Georgia jogger seen slapping TV reporter’s butt on-air banned from races

A male jogger who appeared to smack a female television reporter’s butt as she was covering a race in Georgia Saturday has now been banned from all of the organizer’s future events, officials say.

9 Dec 12:41 Fox News 7362823820555307632.html
Trafikkuhell mellom vogntog og personbiler på E6

Kjøretøyene er ute av veibanen.

9 Dec 10:56 adressa.no 8417332408042240338.html
'Extend and upgrade the Metro': Planning expert's plea to politicians vying for Number 10

James Hall said improving the Metro should be a key manifesto commitment from the main political parties

9 Dec 12:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901215076726.html
Ministro de la Presidencia: Audio entre Pumari y Camacho debe ser investigado

En conferencia de prensa, la autoridad gubernamental señaló que “es un tema delicado”. En la reproducción se oye hablar a Camacho de $us 250.000 y las aduanas de Oruro y Potosí  en favor de los potosinos. Pumari hace referencia a la entrega de ministerios por parte del gobierno de Jeanine Añez. Foto: Prensa Palacio  

9 Dec 15:53 eju.tv 4688901769770861208.html
OnePlus might finally introduce a mid-range phone next year

OnePlus has increasingly grown every year with better and more flagship models. But with that growth, prices of their phones have increased too. The company hasn’t released a mid-range phone since launching the OnePlus X in 2015.

9 Dec 09:23 Plugged | The Next Web 3990801510432034761.html
A tale of two Carols: Dickens's festive feast served with a twist

This year, the tried-and-tested tale at London’s Old Vic is up against subversive surprises at Wilton’s Music Hall, where Scrooge’s sister takes the lead

9 Dec 17:15 the Guardian 1491978794815313638.html
Pacifiers can be harmful for your child. Here are tips to help them quit the habit

Pacifiers may help to calm your child but if used for a very long time, they can impact your child's health negatively.

9 Dec 10:46 The Indian Express 2885715105176736672.html
Incêndio diante de tribunal marca protesto inicialmente pacífico em Hong Kong, diz polícia

Por Farah Master e Jessie Pang HONG KONG (Reuters) - Manifestantes de Hong Ko...

9 Dec 13:00 UOL Noticias 8892198860878873452.html
Angus McDondald’s diners shocked at seeing drug-driver, 55, careering airborne on busy street

A drug-driver who sped off from an Angus McDonalds restaurant and went airborne after careering through a bollard in the middle of busy street had been put off the road for 21 months.

9 Dec 08:42 The Courier 4275302768097975819.html
Na Bahia, CDR discute estratégias para dinamizar economia solidária

A Comissão de Desenvolvimento Regional e Turismo (CDR) fez nesta segunda-feira (9) na Assembleia Legislativa da Bahia, em Salvador, a primeira reunião de um ciclo de debates sobre economia solidária promovido pelo colegiado. Proposto pelo senador Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), o ciclo tem como objetivo aprofundar a discussão de estratégias para dinamizar o setor. 

9 Dec 17:12 Senado Federal 7939265266176282382.html
Red Dead Redemption 2 bei Spielerzahlen auf Steam deutlich hinter GTA 5

Red Dead Redemption 2 hat auf Steam einen eher durchwachsenen Verkaufsstart hingelegt.

9 Dec 11:43 PC Games Hardware 8254427256365609191.html
Pentagon's Concern About Rising Support for Russia Among US Troops 'Runs Deep' - Report

The trend is not limited to the US - in February polling revealed the average German holds Russia and China in higher regard than the US, with which their government is allied.

9 Dec 16:13 Sputniknews 967333869448582449.html
Rusia queda fuera de Juegos Olímpicos y Mundial de Futbol por escándalos de dopaje

Rusia no podrá participar en los principales eventos deportivos mundiales durante cuatro años, un lapso que incluye los próximos Juegos Olímpicos de verano e invierno y el Mundial de fútbol 2022 en Qatar, por manipular datos de laboratorio de pruebas contra el dopaje.

9 Dec 13:53 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559721306146.html
Sushmita Sen Announces Her Comeback In Films After 10 Long Years With A Heartfelt Note

Former Miss Universe, Sushmita Sen has announced her comeback to the silver screen after a hiatus of almost 10 years. Sushmita was last seen in Anees Bazmee’s No Problem in 2010 alongside Anil Kapoo

9 Dec 13:35 Koimoi 5184275671402409236.html
Elezioni Uk 2019 ultimi sondaggi: Corbyn accorcia su Johnson, Boris nervoso

Con i nazionalisti scozzesi del Snp possibilisti su una coalizione con i laburisti di Jeremy Corbyn, c'è l'eventualità che BoJo non ottenga la guida del governo

9 Dec 11:02 Affari Italiani 6123405403435005391.html
Elezioni Uk 2019 ultimi sondaggi: Corbyn accorcia su Johnson, Boris nervoso

Con i nazionalisti scozzesi del Snp possibilisti su una coalizione con i laburisti di Jeremy Corbyn, c'è l'eventualità che BoJo non ottenga la guida del governo

9 Dec 11:02 Affari Italiani 6123405402930207668.html
Elezioni Uk 2019 ultimi sondaggi: Corbyn accorcia su Johnson, Boris nervoso

Con i nazionalisti scozzesi del Snp possibilisti su una coalizione con i laburisti di Jeremy Corbyn, c'è l'eventualità che BoJo non ottenga la guida del governo

9 Dec 11:02 Affari Italiani 6123405403283286020.html
La Justicia Federal dictó el procesamiento de Luis Spahn

Por evasión impositiva...

9 Dec 15:46 El Litoral 2624573356959474024.html
Clamoroso, Il Mattino: "ADL vuole le dimissioni di Ancelotti, ha chiamato Allegri e Spalletti"

Ancelotti-De Laurentiis alla resa dei conti. Si apre così la pagina sportiva de ‘Il Mattino’, che lancia un’indiscrezione piuttosto clamorosa

9 Dec 08:04 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080883289797.html
BREAKING: Ranbir Kapoor To Team Up With Tiger Shroff For A Yash Raj Film?

Yash Raj Films is all set to complete 50 years in the Bollywood industry and names of Ranbir Kapoor, Tiger Shroff are already started to get linked with their upcoming sets of films. Yash Raj Films wa

9 Dec 11:58 Koimoi 5184275670918784656.html
Jorge Ameal es el nuevo presidente de Boca Juniors

Jorge Amor Ameal se impuso en las elecciones de Boca Juniors con el 52,84 % del electorado (20.045 votos) y se convirtió en el nuevo presidente del club xeneize, informaron este lunes a Efe fuentes del equipo.Ameal se impuso en la votación al oficialista Cristian Gribaudo, que cosechó el 30,60 % de los votos (11.607) , y a José Beraldi, tercero con el 16,41 % (6.225 votos).Con una presentación récord para unos comicios de un club en Argentina y 38.363 socios que emitieron su voto -de los cuales 59 fueron imputados-, el xeneize decidió que Jorge Amor Ameal vuelva a ser el presidente, un cargo que ya había ocupado interinamente por el fallecimiento de Jorge Pompillio entre 2008 y 2011.Este empresario gastronómico e inmobiliario de 71 años será acompañado por Mario Pergolini, locutor y empresario de medios, como vicepresidente primero y Juan Román Riquelme, máximo ídolo xeneize, como vicepresidente segundo.En una extensa jornada electoral que comenzó a las 9 de la mañana del domingo y se extendió hasta las 18 horas…

9 Dec 15:17 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125446987794.html
Disney Unveils First Stills From 'Falcon and Winter Soldier' & 'WandaVision'

Both series will tie in directly to the movies.

9 Dec 10:01 HYPEBEAST 3806037269562703464.html
EU gets another female leader with 34-year-old Finnish PM

Appointment means all leaders of parties in Finland’s ruling coalition are women.

9 Dec 13:35 POLITICO 2584151345690920813.html
Novio infiel fue delatado por una pulsera que marca el ritmo cardíaco

Su objetivo era implementar junto a su novia un estilo de vida fitness por lo que decidió comprar para ambos una pulsera "fitbit". Sin embargo jamás imaginó que su decisión acabaría con su relación. Por increíble que parezca, el uso de ese gadget lo desenmascaró frente a su novia exponiendo su infidelidad. Todo sucedió cuando Jane Slater y su novio infiel sincronizaron sus pulseras "fitbit" con el propósito de motivarse mutuamente a practicar sus entrenamientos. Gracias a una aplicación ambos podían ver el registro de actividad cardíaca o física de cada uno. Al principio parecía buena idea, pero el hombre infiel lo olvidó por completo. Fue de esa forma que su novia notó una inusual, pero intensa actividad física a las cuatro de la madrugada y según relató, su novio no estaba inscrito en ese horario en el gimnasio. La mujer engañada, al descubrir la mala conducta de su novio contó la historia a través de su cuenta de twitter. Y debido a que fue una forma poco común de descubrir la

9 Dec 15:27 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772944680223589.html
Embajador de México en Argentina mete en problemas a AMLO por robarse un libro

En redes sociales comenzaron a criticar la forma en que AMLO justificó los hechos

9 Dec 11:09 Nación321 6372481147104614907.html
Harry Schulz verstorben: Trauer nach plötzlichem Tod! Woran starb der Sat.1-Imbiss-Tester?

Große Trauer nach der Schock-Nachricht vergangene Woche: Der kultige Sat.1-Gastro-Tester Harry Schulz ist tot. Doch warum musste der 59-Jährige sterben? Immer mehr Details über seinen plötzlichen Tod gelangen mittlerweile an die Öffentlichkeit.

9 Dec 13:13 news.de 5126378977884794850.html
Firmen halten Korruption in der EU für "weit verbreitet"

Korruption ist aus Sicht von Firmen weiter in der Mehrheit der EU-Staaten ein großes Problem. Eine Umfrage zeigt dabei einen deutlichen Unterschied zwischen Österreich und Deutschland.

9 Dec 16:36 Die Presse 6242788855707305408.html
Papi-Ferien auch für Soldaten: Bundesrätin Viola Amherd will Herz zeigen

Vater werden ist explizit kein Grund, um einen Militärdienst verschieben zu können. Unter Verteidigungsministerin Viola Amherd könnte sich das bald ändern.

9 Dec 16:24 bz BASEL 5287163743380927854.html
Nove sankcije SAD, na listi i pojedinci i pravna lica iz Srbije

VAŠINGTON - Ministarstvo finansija SAD uvelo je sankcije za 17 pojedinaca i 29 pravnih lica iz Srbije, Letonije, Venecuele i Kipra.

9 Dec 17:04 Nezavisne novine 4209150643130217320.html
Alan Pulido no se reportó al inicio de pretemporada de Chivas

Alan Pulido estaría viviendo sus últimos momentos como jugador de las Chivas, pues el equipo inició la pretemporada para el Clausura 2020 y el delantero no se reportó.

9 Dec 16:58 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830021159634.html
Primer quemado con pólvora en Santander

Una mujer migrante manipuló un artefacto pirtotécnico y estalló mientras lo usaba.

9 Dec 13:05 W Radio 7724358829511179086.html
Yudi Tamashiro surpreende com revelação envolvendo sua vida sexual

Yudi Tamashiro fez uma revelação nesta semana que deixou seus fãs um tanto quanto surpresos. A novidade foi anunciada pelo ex-apresentador do Bom Dia e Cia em entrevista ao site F5.

9 Dec 13:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125211856238427.html
Formalfehler: Kein Glyphosat-Verbot mit 1. Jänner in Österreich

Das vom Nationalrat beschlossene Verbot des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat wird nicht wie vorgesehen am 1. Jänner 2020 in Kraft treten. Das Gesetz wird von Kanzlerin Brigitte Bierlein wegen eines Formalfehler nicht kundgemacht.

9 Dec 15:58 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700746375946.html
Berlusconi: "Storia meravigliosa con il Milan. Sacchi era la persona giusta per noi. Su Van Basten..."

Attraverso il profilo Twitter del Milan, il club rossonero ha pubblicato un video con queste dichiarazioni rilasciate da Silvio Berlusconi, ex presidente rossonero, in vista del 120° anniversario della società milanista:

9 Dec 12:20 MilanNews.it 6507305920860933988.html
U.S. General: Space Is Where Russia and China Are Most Dangerous

The greatest threat that Russia and China pose to the United States is in space, Gen. David Goldfein, the U.S. Air Force’s chief of staff, said at an event in California in early December 2019.

9 Dec 09:00 The National Interest 7207864704348510411.html
Leararetekoart set skoallen mei de rêch tsjin de muorre

Ek yn Fryslân fernimme basisskoallen hieltyd faker de gefolgen fan it leararetekoart.

9 Dec 11:27 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694314261810.html
Bosques Nublados de Udima, bello lugar del norte peruano

En la zona sierra del norte del Perú tenemos al Área Natural Protegida Bosques Nublados de Udima, un espacio para disfrutar de la naturaleza, colchones de nubes y de la flora y fauna propia de nuestro país. Foto 1

9 Dec 16:20 Peru.com 935882419013184657.html
Sowore: Groups seek US visa ban on AGF, DSS boss

Tobi Aworinde, Abuja A coalition of civil society organisations has petitioned the United States to protest the rearrest of the convener of the #RevolutionNow protests, Omoyele Sowore, by armed ...

9 Dec 14:38 Punch Newspapers 3524240994907923993.html
The HUAWEI Y9s with 48MP AI Triple Camera and Stunning Design is now available for Pre-Order

HUAWEI Y9s uses a glass-made back panel to fully exploit the charms of craftsmanship and aesthetics. The dazzling back panel is crafted with nano-texture

9 Dec 14:41 Vanguard News 4125100338731371969.html
WhatsApp: Diese Geräte werden bald nicht mehr unterstützt

Der beliebte Messenger erhält auf gewissen Geräten bald keinen Support mehr. Dies, um die Entwicklung gewisser Features nicht zu bremsen.

9 Dec 09:05 PCtipp.ch 1321585803362831714.html
Nouveaux noms pour le Corbak

Raul Midòn, Renan Luce, Delgres ou encore Sanseverino s’ajoutent à l’affiche de la 26ème édition du festival de La Chaux-du-Milieu. La chanteuse béninoise Angélique Kidjo avait déjà été annoncée.

9 Dec 17:00 RTN 7627697628569500809.html
WhatsApp on Android gets Call Waiting with new update: Here’s what it means

WhatsApp on Android is now getting the much awaited and useful call waiting feature. The call waiting feature was earlier added to the iOS version of the app, back in November.

9 Dec 14:06 The Indian Express 2885715105349247728.html
Madison Anderson Berríos llega a Puerto Rico

Yo no solamente fui a ganar la corona, sino fui a poner el nombre de Puerto Rico en alto. Yo gané el corazón de mi pueblo, señaló Anderson.

9 Dec 09:58 Primera Hora 5092966653439023340.html
Il Cantante Mascherato, Mostro è la quarta maschera (video)

Mostro è la quarta maschera rivelata della prima stagione de Il Cantante Mascherato, il video

9 Dec 11:33 Tvblog 378101970065019105.html
NTMA to borrow less next year as repayments in focus

Agency sold €15.4bn of long-term bonds this year, at the lower end of its full-year target

9 Dec 10:27 The Irish Times 8204772969040356032.html
SANA MARIN IZABRANA JE ZA PREMIJERKU FINSKE: Postala je najmlađi predsednik vlade ove zemlje! (VIDEO)

Socijaldemokratska stranka, koja predvodi koalicionu vladu sastavljenu od pet partija, izabrala je ministarku saobraćaja Sanu Marin za novog premijera Finske i ona će postati najmlađi predsednik vlade te zemlje.

9 Dec 09:02 kurir.rs 6515665028540596161.html
China says it will continue ‘training’ Xinjiang people

China on Monday defended its vast network of re-education camps in Xinjiang and said it would continue “training” residents, following explosive government document leaks detailing surveillance and control of the region’s Uighur population. Rights groups estimate more than a million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim minorities are held in the facilities, which reports describe as …

9 Dec 09:15 The Online Citizen 1644049753567831545.html
Fiscalía imputará a abogado del expresidente colombiano Álvaro Uribe por supuesto soborno a testigos

Diego Cadena, abogado del expresidente de Colombia Álvaro Uribe, fue citado por un fiscal a una audiencia de imputación por un caso que se le sigue al exmandatario en la Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) por fraude procesal y soborno a testigos, informaron este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 fuentes judiciales.

9 Dec 17:41 El Comercio 2865024641045100483.html
China retirará de las instituciones públicas los dispositivos y software informáticos extranjeros en tres años

El partido comunista chino ordena que los equipos de firmas como HP, Microsoft o Dell sean reemplazados

9 Dec 13:11 EL PAÍS 2207347711061980655.html
Rússia banida do desporto mundial devido a esquema de doping

Agência Mundial Antidopagem decide castigar o desporto russo devido à manipulação de testes de doping

9 Dec 11:35 euronews 5294993274087265431.html
Tecnologia e mudança climática impulsionam novas desigualdades no mundo, diz ONU

Por Ellen Wulfhorst NAÇÕES UNIDAS (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Uma nova ger...

9 Dec 12:57 UOL Noticias 8892198860943670147.html
16 cases of E. coli illnesses reported in Canada linked to Fresh Express brand lettuce

After an investigation, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is recalling Fresh Express brand sunflower crisp chopped kit due to an E coli outbreak in five Canadian provinces.

9 Dec 11:48 Montreal 8735609773151196539.html
SDS pokrenuo peticiju da se Program reformi BiH dostavi u NS RS

BANJALUKA - Omladina SDS-a je danas pokrenula građansku inicijativu "Imam pravo da znam!" sa ciljem prikupljanja potpisa peticije za podršku inicijativi da se dokument Program reformi BiH, koji je usvojilo Predsjedništvo BiH, odmah objavi i da, prije slanja u sjedište NATO-a, o tom dokumentu svoje mišljenje da Narodna skupština Republike Srpske.

9 Dec 13:01 Nezavisne novine 4209150642494723003.html
GOG's Galaxy 2.0 game launcher is available without an invitation

It promises to unify all your games and friends lists under one roof.

9 Dec 16:01 Engadget 96641515828338773.html
Regland ima novi klub!

Košarkaš koji je prošle godine igrao za Crvenu zvezdu mts ove sezone će nastupati u Italiji.

9 Dec 10:13 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495102346033.html
Patriots fans have the right to boo, says Brady

The New England Patriots were jeered at home on Sunday, and Tom Brady accepted the criticism.

9 Dec 17:06 sportskeeda 1601194029004377111.html
Ankit, Kalaivani lead India to six boxing gold medals at SAG

Boxing News: National champion Ankit Khatana (75kg) and rising star Kalaivani Srinivasan (48kg) led India to six boxing gold medals even as World Championships bro

9 Dec 15:47 The Times of India 6060938664740265027.html
Labour’s plans to nationalise services: Everything you need to know

The party’s manifesto said it would like to take mail, water and train operators, among other things, back under public ownership.

9 Dec 15:49 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773399788824.html
“Hai il peccato originale da espiare, il peccato di aver vinto le elezioni”: Moscarola difende Corradino

In un post il Vice- Sindaco parla delle accuse contro il Primo Cittadino

9 Dec 15:13 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271319218885850.html
Jury would convict Trump 'in 3 minutes flat,' says key lawmaker

US presid­ent has repeat­edly blaste­d the House inquir­y as a partis­an attack by House Democr­ats

9 Dec 08:16 The Express Tribune 1105816787522372997.html
Dudes, This Is How You Clean Your Junk

Growing up, most males are never given a rundown on how or what they should do to keep their penis clean. Beyond washing it with water, is there anything else you need to be doing?...

9 Dec 14:40 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169819302777.html
I'm A Celebrity winner Jacqueline Jossa doing 'fine' after 'tough time' in jungle

I'm A Celebrity runner-up Andy Whyment has praised his co-star and series winner Jacqueline Jossa for how she coped in the jungle

9 Dec 10:08 Irish Mirror 2875825629650483851.html
Grazi Massafera abusa da sensualidade em foto e Caio Castro comenta

Os dois estão levantando suspeitos de estarem vivendo um romance

9 Dec 14:40 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428211187495.html
iPhone 2020: circuiti piccoli, batterie capienti

Dopo i condensatori, Apple chiede ai partner la produzione di controller iPhone sempre più piccoli, per incorporare delle batterie più capienti.

9 Dec 12:12 Webnews 4852331585254032644.html
Artificial intelligence could wipe out 13,000 legal sector jobs

The adoption of new technologies such as artificial intelligence could lead to the UK legal sector shedding 13,000 jobs, according [...]

9 Dec 13:31 City A.M. 6389894490171732163.html
Kanye West Arrives At His Opera Dressed As What I Can Only Assume Is A Fkn Weather Balloon

Kanye West is currently in Miami ahead of the debut of his second opera 'Mary', but nobody is quite sure why he's dressed in head-to-toe silver.

9 Dec 12:09 Pedestrian TV 5961900146016656345.html
Toya Wright And Robert Rushing Tour Amsterdam And End Up In The Red Light District And The Museum Of Prostitution – Check Out The Pics And Videos!

During the past week, Toya Wright, Robert Rushing, Reginae Carter, and more pals spend some fantastic days in Dubai. This was just after Nae

9 Dec 13:09 Celebrity Insider 265863475868598755.html
Gratie voor 5500 Tanzaniaanse gevangenen

De Tanzaniaanse president John Magufuli heeft maandag opdracht gegeven om 5500 gedetineerden vrij te laten uit de overvolle gevangenissen in zijn land. Hij maakte dit bekend tijdens een ceremonie ter gelegenheid van de 58e verjaardag van de onafhankelijkheid.

9 Dec 15:19 RD.nl 6406779842063817780.html
Advanced Petrochemical proposes SAR 0.65/shr dividends

Riyadh – Mubasher: The board of Advanced Petrochemical Company has recommended the distribution of cash dividends to shareholders for the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2019 at SAR 0.65 per share, equivalent to 6.5% of the share’s par value. During a …

9 Dec 11:01 english.mubasher.info 8917853139316447334.html
La Russia è stata squalificata dalle Olimpiadi per 4 anni

Bando dell'Agenzia mondiale antidoping dagli eventi globali, tra cui Tokyo 2020 e Pechino 2022. L'accusa è di aver falsificato i risultati di laboratorio

9 Dec 12:05 Agi 2115274223786993175.html
Naufrage d'une embarcation de migrants : Nathalie Yamb tacle Macky Sall

Blacklistée par la France et expulsée de la Côte d'Ivoire suite à sa déclaration incendiaire contre la France à Sotchi, lors du sommet Russie-Afrique, la Suisse d'origine camerounaise, Nathalie Yam...

9 Dec 08:42 Setal.net 3770417606787471830.html
Lil Baby Shows off Dance Moves and Luxury Cars in "Woah" Video

Ahead of his new album's forthcoming release.

9 Dec 17:40 HYPEBEAST 3806037270471506406.html
Mehr Rückrufe bei Lebensmitteln

Listerien im Käse, Folienreste in Ravioli - die Zahl der Lebensmittelrückrufe ist im laufenden Jahr gestiegen. Grund zur Sorge? Ruth Schulz, WDR 2 Wissenschaft, wertet es - im Gegenteil - positiv: "Immer mehr Firmen trauen sich zu warnen, wenn bei ihnen etwas schief gegangen ist. Das ist ein gutes Zeichen." Die meisten Rückrufe bei Lebensmitteln betreffen Bakterien, Pilze, Allergene oder Fremdkörper. "Insgesamt sind Lebensmittel sehr sicher."

9 Dec 13:11 Mediathek 5204960547514699997.html
Sears targets Town's visit to Portsmouth for his senior return following successful Under 23 outing

Freddie Sears has targeted a first-team return when Ipswich Town travel to Portsmouth later this month.

9 Dec 17:20 East Anglian Daily Times 681138152503306992.html
Las tres medidas que prepara Fernández

Para reactivar el consumo Se trata del congelamiento de tarifas, el relanzamiento del programa Precios Cuidados y créditos para pymes.

9 Dec 16:28 El Litoral 2624573359006164853.html
Finland's new 34-year-old prime minister is the world's youngest

Finland's leading party has nominated a 34-year-old prime minister, making her the world's youngest premier in a women-led coalition cabinet after a political shake-up.

9 Dec 13:07 The Telegraph 140598092527273772.html
Champions League im Live-Stream + TV: So sehen Sie Borussia Dortmund vs. Slavia Prag am Dienstag live

6. Spieltag in der Champions League: Am Dienstag empfängt Borussia Dortmund im letzten GruppenspielSlavia Prag. Der BVB braucht dringend einen Sieg, um weiter in der Königsklasse zu verweilen. Um das Achtelfinale noch zu erreichen, benötigen die Schwarz-Gelben jedoch Schützenhilfe vom FC Barcelona im Parallelspiel gegen Inter Mailand. Können die Dortmunder das letzte CL-Gruppenspiel für sich entscheiden?

9 Dec 17:29 news.de 5126378977792497125.html
Delhi Anaj Mandi fire: After victims’ families object, bodies of Bihar residents to be taken home by road

Bowing to pressure from families of those killed in the Anaj Mandi fire on December 8, the Bihar government has decided to send the bodies of the State’s residents home by road instead of train.Earlie

9 Dec 17:31 The Hindu 6679535024923245666.html
Oväntat tyskt exportlyft

Den tyska exporten ökade med 1,2 procent i oktober, vilket ökar sannolikheten för att Tysklands ekonomi kan växa under årets fjärde kvartal. Exportökningen, som lyfte Tysklands säsongsjusterade handelsöverskott till 20,6 miljarder euro i oktober, var ov

9 Dec 10:00 HD 3336945413079056782.html
Netflix revela fecha de estreno de La Casa de Papel, cuarta temporada

Llama la atención la reaparición del personaje de Nairobi.

9 Dec 15:20 El Tiempo 1091719939415670562.html
2K's Newly-Formed Studio is Working on the Next Bioshock Game

But it's still "several years" from release.

9 Dec 13:27 Kotaku UK 2577526046612027403.html
Harry Schulz verstorben: Trauer nach plötzlichem Tod! Woran starb der Sat.1-Kultstar?

Große Trauer nach der Schock-Nachricht vergangene Woche: Der kultige Sat.1-Gastro-Tester Harry Schulz ist tot. Doch warum musste der 59-Jährige sterben? Immer mehr Details über seinen plötzlichen Tod gelangen mittlerweile an die Öffentlichkeit.

9 Dec 10:04 news.de 5126378977865583495.html
Con 2 ausencias claves: los convocados del Real Madrid para su partido contra Brujas

Real Madrid, con el pase asegurado a los octavos de final de Champions League, afrontará el partido ante Brujas sin la presencia de dos habituales titulares.

9 Dec 17:56 RPP 3819340343199300128.html
Gold clings to modest gains above $1460 level, lacks follow-through

Gold edged higher on the first day of a new trading week and recovered a part of Friday's post-NFP slide to multi-day lows. The latest US monthly jobs

9 Dec 10:26 FXStreet 4480975638462398042.html
Luca Madonia: "La Piramide esprime il bisogno della musica"

Il nuovo album del cantautore catanese, ispirato alla “Piramide dei bisogni” di Maslow, è composto da duetti con Franco Battiato, Enrico Ruggeri, Morgan, Carmen Consoli, Decibel e Mario Venuti

9 Dec 09:02 Panorama 2295580207478164116.html
El coste de importar carbón: Greenpeace denuncia violaciones de los derechos humanos en Colombia, Rusia, Indonesia y Sudáfrica

Las minas de carbón están cerradas por orden Europea desde el 31 de diciembre de 2018, pero algunas centrales siguen operativas e importan el carbón para funcionarEl carbón que se consume en España, que produce aún un 14,1% de la electricidad, viene principalmente de Colombia, Rusia, Indonesia y SudáfricaGreenpeace denuncia que el carbón se extrae en estos países con un coste inasumible: para la salud de las comunidades locales, medioambiental, en derechos humanos y con amenazas y violencia contra la población

9 Dec 09:05 eldiario.es 4752673444538115857.html
Fireworks at 4am mark 10 years since quad bikers killed on on rail tracks fleeing Go Outdoors burglary

Trevor Davies and David Cooper were killed instantly when they were struck by a train

9 Dec 11:23 Wales Online 7686550515896153875.html
FC Bayern zieht nach: Rekordmeister steigt in eSport ein - Fokus liegt auf PES

Zahlreiche Bundesliga-Konkurrenten sind bereits in den eSport eingestiegen, nun hat auch der FC Bayern nachgezogen. "Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf die Duelle gegen andere europäische Top-Teams", sagte der Vorstandsvorsitzende Karl-Heinz Rummenigge.

9 Dec 14:47 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775285851446.html
Cuadrado, il rosso divide ancora, Sacchi: 'Troppo severo'

Continua a far discutere il cartellino rosso sventolato in faccia a Juan Cuadrado da Fabbri in Lazio-Juve. Il colombiano è entrato ha bloccato l'azione di contropiede di Lazzari che non aveva

9 Dec 10:30 il BiancoNero 8980755941881534597.html
Corpo de homem aguarda por familiares no IML

O corpo de Francisco Ramos da Silva, de 58 anos, deu entrada na sede do órgão no dia 1º de dezembro

9 Dec 11:53 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548166418355.html
Kleinkind auf Socken trägt Baby durch Alaskas Kälte

Das Kind suchte Hilfe, weil der Strom ausgefallen war. Die Polizei brauchte mehr als zwölf Stunden, um die Kinder zu erreichen.

9 Dec 16:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109541682703.html
Corrupción en fútbol: Absueltos los jugadores del Levante-Zaragoza

La justicia condena al expresidente de Zaragoza Agapito Iglesias y al consejero Francisco Javier Porquera a un año y tres meses de prisión...

9 Dec 11:51 La Vanguardia 8061072700688259436.html
Società e cristianesimo: la presentazione del libro di Giaccardi e Magatti

Società e cristianesimo al centro dell’incontro in programma per mercoledì 11.

9 Dec 11:00 Notizia Oggi Vercelli 8251734033524398481.html
Benzema será investigado por el 'caso Valbuena' tras ser rechazado su recurso

El delantero francés Karim Benzema será investigado por el 'caso Valbuena' que estudia su presunta implicación en un intento de chantaje en junio de 2015 a...

9 Dec 16:35 Europa Press 4702666148676848693.html
Crônica de um rebaixamento merecido

&Eacute; assim a imperman&ecirc;ncia da vida. Disse, l&aacute; no quando o calend&aacute;rio ainda era BC, Her&aacute;clito de &Eacute;feso, o pai da dial&eacute;tica: &ldquo;a &uacute;nica constante &eacute; a mudan&ccedil;a&rdquo;. Ou seja, o que hoje &eacute;, amanh&atilde; sei l&aacute;, entende...

9 Dec 08:00 Correio 5185786713712430888.html
Funnet skyldig i ærekrenkelse

Cissi Wallin funnet skyldig i å ha ærekrenket medieprofilen Fredrik Virtanen.

9 Dec 13:04 Dagbladet.no 3042595686294986675.html
Verkoper noemt lachgasverbod ‘lachwekkend’

De Amsterdamse lachgasverkoper Deniz Üresin vindt het besluit van het kabinet om lachgas als roesmiddel te verbieden „lachwekkend en verbijsterend”.

9 Dec 17:11 RD.nl 6406779841741298747.html
5 inspiring quotes from Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi

There is no doubt that Queen Zozibini Tunzi’s pearls of wisdom earned her the world’s respect.

9 Dec 14:29 Channel24 2038030839972667787.html
Guten Gewissens in den Hörsaal – Unis basteln am autofreien Campus

Universitäten sollen autofrei und emissionsfrei werden. Wissenschaftler erproben neue Formen der Fortbewegung – mit Shuttles, E-Scootern und Solaranlagen.

9 Dec 09:54 heise online 1766193382479529133.html
Bayonetta and Vanquish Remasters Confirmed for PS4, Launching February 2020

Celebrating a decade

9 Dec 16:15 Push Square 8538862518687798115.html
Renault e Ford nei guai: clienti furiosi per motori e batterie difettosi

Le due case automobilistiche sono state travolte da uno scandalo di dimensioni colossali, di cui si sono peraltro rese esse stesse responsabili

9 Dec 09:20 tecnoandroid 2573257127770986382.html
Michelle Bachelet fue increpada en la COP25

Fue un dirigente de pueblos atacameños e increpó a la ex mandataria por la crisis en Chile.

9 Dec 17:55 Futuro 2617238418102700851.html
Star Wars' Kathleen Kennedy On The Long Road To Ending The Skywalkers' Story

Before Star Wars belonged to Disney, it belonged to Kathleen Kennedy. George Lucas himself picked the legendary producer to run his beloved namesake, Lucasfilm, before Mickey Mouse swooped in and bought it all up. And at that time the plan was always this: A new trilogy of films, which ends later this month in Star...

9 Dec 09:32 Gizmodo AU 3183561246435589948.html
BMW: distingué comme employeur par Universum

BMW Group affirme figurer une nouvelle fois parmi les employeurs les plus attractifs du monde, se fondant sur diverses études cette année, et notammen - 09/12/2019 11:42

9 Dec 10:42 ABC Bourse 2538693399191448228.html
Neues Bad: Acht Bahnen sind Muss!

Vier Schwimmbahnen sind genug? Ertrinken ist die häufigste tödliche Unfallursache bei Kindern bis fünf Jahren, die zweithäufigste bei älteren Kindern. Das Erlernen des Schwimmens ist ein lebensrettender Bildungsauftrag gegenüber unseren Kindern.

9 Dec 15:28 NÖN.at 2486998933023438029.html
Apple Has Added an Interest-Free Way to Buy an iPhone and Pay For It Over Time

A simpler (and cheaper) way to buy?

9 Dec 11:33 Inc.com 8604986417226953546.html
4 Crunchy Treats You Can Make With Bread Crumbs at Home (Recipes Inside)

Bread crumbs are commonly used as a coating for that crunchy hit but you must know that they can be put to use in ways more than one.

9 Dec 12:34 NDTV Food 1871000931283131805.html
Se incendia hotel en Valle de Bravo; hay un bombero herido

Esta madrugada se registró un incendio en el Hotel Santuario Resort, ubicado en la zona turística del Valle de Bravo, en el Estado de México

9 Dec 09:47 EL DEBATE 4396150893289397964.html
Wonder Woman Spinoff? Patty Jenkins Has One 'All Mapped Out'

Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins revealed she developed a spinoff film focused on the DC Extended Universe's Amazons of Themyscira.

9 Dec 14:12 CBR.com 1295516962267386979.html
The 49ers are a revelation but the NFL's ridiculous seeding could kill them

San Francisco have been excellent throughout the season but could still end up as a lower seed than the woeful Cowboys due to the league’s stubbornness

9 Dec 08:30 the Guardian 1491978796166283275.html
Beyoncé Gives "Zero F*cks" About Her Fluctuating Weight and Feels "More Womanly"

"Are you pregnant? Get off my ovaries!"

9 Dec 15:11 Harper's BAZAAR 9032339117642859486.html
Corregedoria se instala no TJ-BA, investigado por suposta venda de sentenças

Inspeção vai até a próxima sexta (13) para verificar o funcionamento dos setores administrativos e judiciais

9 Dec 14:09 Correio 5185786713161048365.html
Juice Wrld 'took unknown pills' on flight before fatal seizure

Juice has died aged 21.

9 Dec 15:23 Metro 970161748695889809.html
Gabriel Schurrer no sigue más en Aucas

Las autoridades aún evalúan los daños por estas lluvias.

9 Dec 17:51 Ecuavisa 4017571649548312044.html
Khiry Shelton returns to Sporting KC on three-year deal

Forward Khiry Shelton, a contributor to Sporting Kansas City's Western Conference championship in 2018, has returned to the club.

9 Dec 17:37 FOX Sports 4135141642756799161.html
iPhone SE 2, emergono le prime indiscrezioni sul nome: potrebbe essere iPhone 9

Il nuovo "iPhone economico" dovrebbe arrivare a primavera: fino ad oggi è stato chiamato iPhone SE 2, ma in realtà Apple potrebbe usare un brand più tradizionale

9 Dec 11:41 Hardware Upgrade 8244528333155437479.html
Nintendo Switch günstig bei Media Markt

Auch nach dem Cyber Monday und Black Friday gibt es noch Schnäppchen – die Nintendo Switch gibt es noch bis kurz vor Weihnachten mit Rabatt.

9 Dec 14:10 Computer Bild 4944248632094054943.html
Samsung pode receber os chipsets 5G da MediaTek

A MediaTek já tem parcerias com diversas marcas, como Oppo, Vivo e Xiaomi. Agora pode suceder-se a Samsung. Boa notícia para os chipsets 5G da MediaTek

9 Dec 12:11 Leak 8782954486868517505.html
Melania Urbina y su hija provocan suspiros en Instagram con increíble parecido [FOTOS]

En Instagram, la popular actriz Melania Urbina roba corazones de sus seguidores al lado de su hermosa hija.

9 Dec 10:00 Wapa.pe 6757287089826171953.html
Wall Street recule prudemment sur fond de craintes économiques

Wall Street perd du terrain avant bourse ce lundi, sur fond d'inquiétudes relatives notamment à l'économie chinoise et à l'impact de la guerre...

9 Dec 15:00 Boursier.com 7351227820800885430.html
Interurbanos: tras las asambleas de este lunes, Aoita las repetirá este martes

Amenaza de paro por 24 horas para el viernes.

9 Dec 17:41 La Voz 6237180760319047007.html
MSV Duisburg: Detlef Pirsig gestorben! Große Trauer um Vereinslegende

Der MSV Duisburg trauert um eine große Vereinslegende. Detlef Pirsig starb am Montag im Alter von 74 Jahren, wie der Verein mitteilte.

9 Dec 17:06 www.derwesten.de 5765995665238261619.html
Natalia Barulich, ex de Maluma, rompe el silencio sobre los rumores de romance con Neymar

Natalia Barulich ha explicado que relación tiene ahora con Maluma tras su ruptura.

9 Dec 15:58 CiberCuba 8213836170200279562.html
Kariera asystenta. Z baru serwującego kurczaki do gabinetu Glińskiego

<p style="margin-bottom:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;line-height: normal">Asystent polityczny wicepremiera Piotra Glińskiego wymienia w swoim CV w rubryce doświadczenie tylko pracę w jednej z warszawskich restauracji KFC – informuje "Rzeczpospolita".

9 Dec 11:10 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100668867844710.html
Pontina, traffico completamente in tilt, oltre 10km di coda: si transita in una sola corsia verso Roma

Caos più totale da almeno un’ora sulla statale Pontina in direzione Roma. A causa di un incidente, avvenuto intorno alle 6.30 all’altezza di Castel di Decima, la circolazione risulta completamente paralizzata con i veicoli che procedono letteralmente a passo d’uomo. Al momento si circola peraltro su una sola corsia ed è stata istituita un’uscita obbligatoria […]

9 Dec 08:14 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339064080477.html
Julia Louis-Dreyfus blasts 'Saturday Night Live' for 'sexist' environment when she worked there

Julie Louis-Dreyfus is opening up about her negative experience working on "Saturday Night Live" years ago.

9 Dec 13:10 Fox News 7362823819706819275.html
Premier League: Manchester City can’t compete with top clubs at the moment, says coach Pep Guardiola

The Sky Blues are a whopping 14 points behind league leaders Liverpool after losing the derby against United at Etihad.

9 Dec 13:03 Scroll.in 8669301692367537036.html
Nvidia trains AI to transform 2D images into 3D models

Nvidia Research and others collaborated to create the DIB-R framework that can predict 3D properties from 2D images to create 3D models.

9 Dec 14:00 VentureBeat 6273363636264322136.html
WhatsApp, trucco per sapere con chi chatti di più

All'interno dell'app di WhatsApp c'è una funzione che permette di dedurre quali sono le chat più frequentate.

9 Dec 15:52 Webnews 4852331586336323729.html
Is een 16-jarige jongen uit Enschede wel of niet met een bijl geslagen?

Een 36-jarige Enschede&euml;r zou afgelopen zomer geprobeerd hebben om een 16-jarige jongen met een bijl te slaan. De strafzaak tegen de Enschede&euml;r en zijn vriendin stond vandaag voor inhoudelijke behandeling op de agenda, maar werd aangehouden omdat de nieuwe advocaten van het stel nog getuigen willen horen.

9 Dec 13:01 RTV Oost 6509131170668433368.html
Șeful Procuraturii Anticorupție, Viorel Morari, delegat procuror la PCCOCS

Șeful Procuraturii Anticorupție, Viorel Morari, va fi delegat timp de o lună procuror la Procuratura pentru Combaterea Criminalității Organizate și Cauze Speciale.

9 Dec 08:50 Jurnal.md 3315832233383806547.html
We’ve crunched the numbers – nationalisation would be a bargain

Our research shows nationalisation would pay for itself in seven years, says David Hall, visiting professor at the University of Greenwich

9 Dec 09:47 the Guardian 1491978796386565954.html
Repubblica – Ottavi di Champions per arrivare ad Ibra: il colpo dal triplice effetto

NOTIZIE CALCIO NAPOLI – L’edizione odierna de “La Repubblica” torna a parlare del forte interesse del Napoli per Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Secondo i colleghi del quotidiano, se il Napoli dovesse riuscire a passare agli ottavi di Champions, Aurelio De Laurentiis potrebbe regalare alla piazza lo svedese. Un colpo di mercato di questo livello avrebbe un triplice […]

9 Dec 08:34 Spazio Napoli 1933866183893673155.html
Regno Unito, l’orco di Harrow condannato a 33 ergastoli: decine le vittime dello stupratore

Joseph McCann, 34 anni, è stato riconosciuto colpevole di ben 37 episodi criminali e di una lunga lista di capi d'imputazione di fronte alla giuria di un tribunale britannico e si è visto infliggere 33 ergastoli dai giudice. “L’orco di Harrow” è stato capace di aggredire sessualmente 11 donne e diversi bambini nel giro di due settimane.

9 Dec 14:40 fanpage.it 1517332166964820983.html
Valfaris free ‘Full Metal Mode’ update is now available for download

Big Sugar has announced that the free 'Full Metal Mode' update for heavy metal action-platformer Valfaris is now live on the PC.

9 Dec 10:59 DSOGaming 1253419763137105612.html
Lost your kid at an event? This Sydney couple may have the answer

Youngsters gone wandering at an event or theme park? This Sydney startup is looking to go global with a solution.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562843884993.html
El Valencia llega en cuadro a la hora decisiva

El Valencia se jugará este martes su futuro europeo a una carta en el Johan Cruyff Arena de Ámsterdam (21.00), donde jugará mermado por las bajas y sabiendo...

9 Dec 17:17 Europa Press 4702666148591598990.html
Guarda civil morre ao fazer trilha em cachoeira; mãe continua desaparecida

O corpo da vítima, que não teve o nome divulgado, foi encontrado e retirado da cachoeira pela aeronave, na altura do km 81 da Rodovia Mogi-Bertioga

9 Dec 10:55 Folha Vitória 4941883427776843672.html
De Silk Road a la operación "Kampuzo": las incautaciones de criptomonedas más importantes para perseguir al crimen organizado

En marzo de 2018, la Policía española inauguraba su cuerpo especializado en la lucha contra el uso ilícito de las criptomonedas, con un equipo de 400...

9 Dec 10:00 Xataka 4719855496586811360.html
Saudi Aramco will exercise 15% greenshoe option in whole or part during first 30 days of trading: statement

RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Aramco will exercise its 15% greenshoe option in whole or part during the first 30 days of its trading period, its lead managers said.

10 Dec 11:25 Reuters 8334514181272444472.html
Ministro-astronauta dispara mensagens em busca de dinheiro para sua área

Marcos Pontes pede a dirigentes de entidades científicas que pressionem relator do orçamento

9 Dec 16:35 VEJA.com 4116702196531284606.html
Acai bowls look pretty and delicious, but are they good for you?

Instagrammable Acai bowls are yummy and can be loaded with your favourite fruits and nuts. Read more to know if they are actually healthy for you.

9 Dec 10:42 The Indian Express 2885715105737956099.html
Golden snubs and surprises, including little 'Cats' love

Some Golden Globe nominations seemed like locks: Joaquin Phoenix, Tom Hanks, Adam Driver and Eddie Murphy. But others were happy shocks, like Awkwafina nabbing a best actress nomination for musical or comedy. Here's a roundup of the biggest surprises.

9 Dec 14:39 CTVNews 2422791598532968505.html
Non si hanno ancora notizie di Luigi, il 68enne scomparso

Sparito il 7 novembre scorso

9 Dec 10:42 AvellinoToday 5452883946568445379.html
The Ultimate Sit-Stand Desk Costs Less Than You Think

Autonomous is a company making high-quality standing desks, and the SmartDesk 2 Home Office is more affordable than you might expect.

9 Dec 09:00 XDA Developers 7805159869126986905.html
Swedbank städar i toppen

Swedbank kapar antalet personer i koncernledningen från 17 till 14.

9 Dec 09:54 SVT Nyheter 8475792989425879417.html
Death toll in Ukraine's Odessa college fire rises to 10

Ten people have been killed and eight others are still missing as a result of a fire.

9 Dec 14:29 Times of Oman 5168079155047895506.html
Want to be fit for spring? Here’s why winter training is key to summer success

Building and maintaining your fitness throughout the winter months can be an arduous and appreciably tough exercise but if you stay motivated you’re sure to come out the other side a stronger and fitter rider

9 Dec 08:25 T3 267522093556845976.html
WRC | Meeke pensa al ritiro

Il pilota britannico ha ancora tanta voglia di correre, ma le possibilità di rivederlo in macchina anche nel 2020 sono piuttosto remote

9 Dec 10:45 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655966499682.html
Accidental house fire warning as more than 500 blazes reported in Scotland

More than 500 accidental house fires were recorded across Scotland during the festive season last year, according to new figures.

9 Dec 16:48 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489383527069.html
Kenya: le gouverneur de Nairobi plaide non coupable de corruption

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 09:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389482329798.html
Table Manners, A Video Game About Very Bad Tinder Dates

This is Table Manners, a video game in which you sit down across from your date, pour them a glass of wine, thrust fish in their face, spill food all over the table then set everything on fire....

9 Dec 11:30 Kotaku Australia 2018810247738952911.html
SEA Games: Indonesian Maria Londa considers retiring after almost 20 years of competing

The 2019 Philippines Games was Maria’s sixth SEA Games, and the gold was her 12th SEA Games medal.

9 Dec 13:30 The Jakarta Post 7678601103278380803.html
Video / El ofensivo comentario de Steve Harvey sobre Colombia en Miss Universo

El domingo 8-D, en Atlanta, Estados Unidos, se llevó a cabo la edición número 68 del certamen Miss Universo. Noventa mujeres de distintos países compitieron por hacerse con la corona y suceder a la filipina Catriona Grayr.Este año, por quinta vez consecutiva, el presentador y comediante estadounidense Steve Harvey estuvo a cargo de la conducción del evento.El diario El Tiempo, de Bogotá, indicó que en esta ceremonia, Harvey volvió a referirse al error que cometió en 2015, cuando, en un primer momento, le dio la corona a la señorita Colombia de ese año, Ariadna Gutierrez, y minutos más tarde se la arrebató, asegurando que había cometido un error. 

9 Dec 15:10 Panorama 6052790755024056794.html
La policía turca dispersa a centenares de mujeres que cantaban 'un violador en tu camino'

Seis manifestantes han sido detenidas

9 Dec 08:47 La Vanguardia 8061072700038547233.html
John Kiely: Video Assistance Would Be 'Very Positive Move' For GAA

Limerick manager John Kiely believes the introduction of video assistance into GAA would be a "very positive move" for the games. 

9 Dec 16:14 PUNDIT ARENA 505417273340037622.html
From KCS Paniker to Laxma Gouda — works of master artists on display in Chennai

Gallery Veda’s ongoing exhibition features an unusual collection by master artists, which focuses on the human figure

9 Dec 11:01 The Hindu 6679535025627181035.html
Audiencia en comité de Cámara Baja analizará evidencias contra Trump

Según adelantó ese panel legislativo, abogados del Comité de Inteligencia, tanto de la parte demócrata como de la republicana, testificarán y responderán preguntas acerca de los hallazgos sobre los tratos del mandatario con Ucrania.

9 Dec 11:13 VICTORIA 8502773548565819336.html
Sanna Marin, la primera ministra más joven de la historia de Finlandia

Tras apenas seis meses en el Ejecutivo de Helsinki, donde ocupaba la cartera de Transporte y Comunicaciones, Marin fue la primera persona en...

9 Dec 12:41 Expansión 4197779424739284198.html
Dupa luni de tacere, Ion Iliescu a acordat primul interviu pentru o agentie de presa din Rusia. TASS: A facut o exceptie pentru noi

Dupa doi ani de tacere, timp in care Ion Iliescu nu a dat declaratii sau interviuri pentru presa din Romania, fostul presedinte a acordat un interviu pentru agentia guvernamentala de presa din Rusia, TASS, in care, printre altele, a vorbit despre importanta normalizarii relatiilor dintre cele doua tari, noteaza Digi24.ro.

9 Dec 15:06 Wall-Street 2473040520736303131.html
Vitesse-fans fluiten invaller uit: 'Zeer pijnlijk, je maakt zo'n jongen kapot'

Vitesse-trainer Josep Oosting is niet te spreken over de fluitconcerten aan het adres van Jay-Roy Grot. De 21-jarige spits moest het zondag tegen Feyenoord ontgelden bij de supporters van de Arnhemse club. Oosting hekelt het gefluit en vraagt de steun van het publiek voor de spelersgroep. "Wij hebben geweldig publiek. Dan moet je spelers dragen", verklaart de interim-trainer na het doelpuntloze gelijkspel tegen Feyenoord aan de Gelderlander. "Jay-Roy is een jonge speler. Die verdient alle steun van onze supporters." Onduidelijkheid bij Vitesse - Feyenoord: "Ik had geen idee wat er gebeurde"

9 Dec 08:51 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883958467426.html
Schianto a Colle Umberto, l'auto si ribalta su un fianco

COLLE UMBERTO - Incidente intorno alle 15 lungo viale Roma a Colle Umberto: per cause da chiarire un’auto è finita fuori strada, ribaltandosi su un fianco.

9 Dec 14:54 Oggi Treviso 2529403852583152992.html
A Free Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Dynamic Theme Steps Out of the Shadows on PS4

Holiday theme available now

9 Dec 10:15 Push Square 8538862519362468076.html
Musto, el jugador que Coudet quiere llevar a Brasil

El mediocampista fue dirigido por el Chacho en Rosario Central y Tijuana y actualmente no tiene mucho lugar en Huesca, su actual club de la Segunda de España. Ya hay gestiones para que firme en Inter de Porto Alegre.

9 Dec 16:15 TyC Sports 3239944748461000809.html
En el Día Internacional contra la corrupción la OFAC sanciona a Gustavo Vizcaino y Juan Carlos Dugarte

La corrupción es un problema global. Socava las capacidades de los gobiernos para cuidar adecuadamente a sus ciudadanos; erosiona el tejido legal, moral y ético de la sociedad; y facilita el crimen transnacional. Hoy, en el Día Internacional contra la Corrupción, la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC) del Departamento del Tesoro de los […]

9 Dec 12:38 Descifrado 6343485651497838542.html
Gerücht: BVB-Interesse an Godfrey

Erst vor kurzem debütierte Ben Godfrey für die englische U21-Nationalmannschaft. Bei seinem Stammverein Norwich City überzeugt der Innenverteidiger mit starken Leistungen. Einem Medienbericht (...)

9 Dec 16:30 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608783987874074.html
USD/JPY: Bears losing their grip as market attempts to bottom

USD/JPY is trading on the bid in the US session following a rise from 108.42 the low to a high of 108.66. The US dollar is holding up despite a strong

9 Dec 17:55 FXStreet 4480975639501346977.html
Dee Snider: New AC/DC album will feature tracks recorded by Malcolm Young

Former Twisted Sister frontman says a new AC/DC album is on its way and will feature tracks recorded by the late Malcolm Young along with "all four surviving members”

9 Dec 09:59 Classic Rock 2174237038645855108.html
Val Badia, sciatore si schianta contro il gatto delle nevi. E' grave

L'incidente sulla pista di Coppa del Mondo 'Gran Risa', verso le 17, dopo la chiusura delle piste. Ricoverato un ragazzo bellunese di 27 anni

9 Dec 17:56 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189836097885.html
Google Glass Explorer Edition får sista uppdateringen

Google hade stora ambitioner för ”Glass” som presenterades redan våren 2012. Företaget riktade sig till konsumenter och introducerade en ny produktkategori – en uppkopplad HUD med integrerad kamera som gav användare datoriserade glasögon. Relativt snabbt bytte dock Google fokus från konsumentmarknaden till företag. Sedan dess har det varit ganska tyst om projektet. Nu har den …

9 Dec 09:15 Swedroid 8066085914823780304.html
Irish woman and wife’s struggle to bring their baby home to Ireland

‘My mum is going to Mass every morning to pray Sofia gets home for Christmas ... but our daughter is stateless’

9 Dec 13:17 The Irish Times 8204772968296759679.html
NHS data is a goldmine. It must be saved from big tech

Health datasets play a vital role in medical research. The UK could be losing a valuable public resource, says James Meadway, associate fellow of the Institute for Public Policy Research

9 Dec 14:14 the Guardian 1491978796369112968.html
Wieso Hartz ein Segen war - und jetzt die Zukunft gefährdet

"Man muss all das nicht gut finden, aber es hat zweifellos gewirkt": Ökonom Enzo Weber erklärt den Arbeitsmarktboom seit 2005 - und warum Deutschland künftig dringend bessere Jobs mit höheren Löhnen braucht.

9 Dec 14:29 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270276675904.html
Un titolo bancario da comprare subito per guadagnare il 50%

C'è un titolo bancario da comprare subito a Piazza Affari nonostante la tendenza in corso sia ribassista e non si intravedono, almeno nel breve,

9 Dec 08:46 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261998001223.html
Dämpfer für Handballerinnen

Die deutschen Handballerinnen verpassen durch das 28:29 gegen Serbien vorerst ihr Mindestziel bei der WM in Japan. Trotzdem gibt es weiter die Chance auf Olympia – und es ist sogar noch mehr möglich

9 Dec 11:29 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323990418504.html
Tommaso Paradiso annuncia il tour: date, biglietti e dove vederlo live

Sulle Nuvole Tour Tommaso Paradiso: dove vedere il cantante live in concerto, cosa sapere sulla scaletta, le date e i biglietti.

9 Dec 11:07 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927242985868.html
Marvel Phase 4: more revealed on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Black Widow and The Eternals

Over the weekend, Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige revealed more about its Phase 4 plans.

9 Dec 11:26 TechRadar 2111116916416244700.html
Un terremoto causa graves daños en Italia

La agencia geofísica nacional informó que el movimiento fue de magnitud 4.5 y tuvo como epicentro el poblado de Scarperia, al norte del país

9 Dec 16:09 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309611194192.html
Grant Duncan: Ardern still has much work to do

Grant Duncan, Massey University

9 Dec 11:13 SCOOP 5315658998930955879.html
John Barrowman 'so proud' of Dancing On Ice's first same-sex couple

The Scots entertainer who is replacing Jason Gardiner on the ITV ice-skating show's judging panel, urged the LGBT+ community to get behind dancers Ian "H" Watkins and Matt Evers - but only if they are good.

9 Dec 17:29 dailyrecord 552235480667213233.html
Death Come True: Neues Full Motion-Videospiel von „Danganronpa“-Schöpfer Kazutaka Kodaka angekündigt

Der "Danganronpa"-Schöpfer Kazutaka Kodaka hat gemeinsam mit Izanagi Games ein neues Projekt namens "Death Come True" angekündigt. Konkrete Details lassen bisher noch auf sich warten.

9 Dec 09:28 play3.de 8301165839432356334.html
Werder Bremen vs. Paderborn verpasst?: 0:1! Werder Bremen geht gegen Paderborn im eigenen Stadion unter

Am 14. Spieltag kam es in der Bundesliga zum Match zwischen SV Werder Bremen und SC Paderborn 07. Sascha Stegemann war der Schiedsrichter der Partie. Die Partie endete mit 0:1 für SC Paderborn 07.

9 Dec 10:49 news.de 5126378979535920454.html
Gaetz Slams Dems’ Call for Impeachment Hearing Recess to Talk to Press

Rep. Matt Gaetz slammed Democrats' call for a recess in the middle of the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment inquiry hearing on Monday.

9 Dec 17:40 Breitbart 3148363492612486180.html
Galilea Montijo se muda de televisora ¿ya no la complace Televisa?

Unas fotos de Galilea Montijo visitando las instalaciones de Univisi&oacute;n han abierto nuevamente los rumores sobre la posible renuncia de la conductora en Televisa.

9 Dec 12:16 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623241262428.html
Ninguno de los coches de los altos cargos de la Comunidad tiene etiqueta cero

Solo 20 coches de la flota oficial cuentan con la etiqueta ECO

9 Dec 16:29 EL PAÍS 2207347711484037286.html
Erick Thohir Mau Tarik Mantan Wamen Jadi Bos BUMN

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir berencana menarik eks Wakil Menteri menjadi pimpinan BUMN.

9 Dec 11:23 detikfinance 4442190002264480582.html
Kleinkind auf Socken trägt Baby durch Alaskas Kälte

Das Kind suchte Hilfe, weil der Strom ausgefallen war. Die Polizei brauchte mehr als zwölf Stunden, um die Kinder zu erreichen.

9 Dec 16:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568329629199.html
This stretched, bulletproof Rolls-Royce Phantom costs $3.3 million

So you thought the Rolls-Royce Phantom is the best Roller you can get? You thought it's also quite expensive, didn't you? Well, I'm about to rock your

9 Dec 14:38 BMW BLOG 8947460769940871853.html
NSW fires: state faces 'lethal' conditions as temperatures forecast to soar past 40C

RFS commissioner says despite lower wind speed on Tuesday, high temperature and low humidity will make it a ‘difficult day’ with the New South Wales bushfires

9 Dec 10:07 the Guardian 1491978796457932750.html
Pixelated Galaxy S11 hands-on images give us another look at the new camera layout

Alleged hands-on images showing the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S11 have been leaked online, corroborating the leaked CAD-based renders of the phone.

9 Dec 13:59 Android Central 29040142297965033.html
Cuéntemelo todo

Se tenga o no una historia para contar, uno es muy tonto en su primera juventud al considerar valiosas nuestras propias opiniones

9 Dec 14:46 EL PAÍS 2207347711591478560.html
The Canon EOS R Mark II is Already in Testing, Announcement at Photokina: Report

Canon’s got big plans for 2020. According to the most recent reports, the company will release not one but two new full-frame mirrorless cameras in the first half of next year: the ultra-high-resolution Canon EOS Rs we reported on last week, and the EOS R Mark II.

9 Dec 17:31 Petapixel 4288413232457127586.html
WhatsApp vai parar de funcionar em alguns celulares; veja quais

Aplicativo vai perder a compatibilidade com sistemas operacionais mais antigos

9 Dec 13:42 Olhar Digital 416591715051723924.html
O du Hässliche! Das Deko-Grauen im Advent

Die Vorweihnachtszeit ist eine Zeit der Besinnlichkeit, der Beschaulichkeit und, immer öfter, der Geschmacklosigkeit. Früher war mehr Lametta, heute hängen schon mal grinsende Rentiere in winzigen St

9 Dec 10:55 GMX News 4492287763448015545.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje expulsó a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos

La medida del organismo también incluye a competencias internacionales. Es por el caso de la manipulación de la base de datos deportivos del Laboratorio de Moscú

9 Dec 11:25 Diario Popular 7191573466158792820.html
My 10-Year-Old Picks Starbucks For Her Dividend Duchess Portfolio

My 5th grade daughter chose Starbucks as the 2nd purchase for her Dividend Duchess portfolio.We fund this custodian account exclusively with my Seeking Alpha Contributor earnings.  All dividends will

9 Dec 17:39 Seeking Alpha 5725634556760521702.html
"Alguns partidos são como autarquias e empresas estatais", diz Marina Silva

Vídeo com declaração de ex-senadora foi reproduzido durante audiência pública sobre candidaturas avulsas

9 Dec 17:47 Correio do Povo 8875535435819481159.html
Greta diz que indígenas foram mortos por tentar proteger florestas

Ataque a tiros deixou dois mortos e dois feridos no Maranhão, no sábado (7)

9 Dec 10:45 Correio 5185786712931057748.html
Suraj Narredu — shining bright in the racing firmament

Suraj, fond of riding since childhood, finished his apprenticeship in a record time of seven months to become a full-time jockey

9 Dec 16:57 The Hindu 6679535025748510015.html
Non si ferma all'Alt dei Carabinieri: 35enne nei guai

L'accusa è di "resistenza a pubblico ufficiale"

9 Dec 13:04 AvellinoToday 5452883947226196973.html
Poznat put rukometašica Srbije do polufinala

Pobjedom Norveške nad Južnom Korejom poznat je put kojim će rukometašice Srbije morati da idu do polufinala Svjetskog prvenstva.

9 Dec 14:11 Nezavisne novine 4209150641697367745.html
Messerattacke auf Polizisten (30) in München: Motiv unklar

Am frühen Morgen um 6.30 Uhr hat ein Mann bei einer Kontrolle am Haputbahnhof in München einen Polizisten von hinten angegriffen.

9 Dec 12:04 euronews 4540914627028440970.html
Rangers vs Celtic: Hartson dismisses Gers complaints over offside Jullien goal with ‘sour grapes’ throwback pic

JOHN HARTSON has dismissed Rangers’ complaints over Celtic’s offside goal with a throwback to his own disallowed strike. The Hoops legend wrongly had a goal chopped off for offside in t…

9 Dec 12:59 The Scottish Sun 6609127674265352793.html
Ketua KPK Terpilih 2019-2023 Berharap Tidak Ada Lagi Peringatan Hakordia

KBRN, Jakarta : Ketua Komisi Pemberatansan Korupsi (KPK) Terpilih periode 2019-2023, Firli Bahuri harap Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia tidak lagi diperingati di negara manapun khususnya Indonesia.

9 Dec 10:29 RRI News Portal 6700853645280959993.html
En vilo, eliminación de apoyos fiscales; se requiere mayoría calificada en el Senado

De cara al cierre del periodo de sesiones, la reforma constitucional no tiene el respaldo de la oposición

9 Dec 17:32 Excélsior 859179358801880008.html
Benzema será juzgado por tentativa de chantaje y reunión de malhechores

El Supremo francés rechaza el recurso del jugador del Real Madrid sobre su imputación

9 Dec 13:28 ABC.es 6074573462716687089.html
2K anuncia nuevo estudio que estará desarrollando el próximo Bioshock

Hace algún tiempo 2K Games había informado que se estaban preparando para continuar franquicias legendarias de la distribuidora, y que tenían ya varios

9 Dec 14:09 CDB 7387411224218125309.html
Apokalypse nå igjen, fortsatt fantastisk

I anledning 40-årsdagen til «Apokalypse Nå» har Francis Ford Coppola redigert en ny versjon av en av tidenes beste filmer.

9 Dec 10:30 adressa.no 8417332407327772250.html
RAMUŠ OPTUŽIO SRBIJU ZA UBISTVO BRATA: U Envera nisu pucali zbog krvne osvete, Haradinajevi nisu ubijali Albance

Pedsednik Alijanse za budućnost Kosova (ABK), Ramuš Haradinaj tvrdi da je njegov brat Enver tokom sukoba na Kosovu i Metohiji ubijen po scenariju koji je pripremila Srbija.Mislim da je njegovo ubistvo bilo deo tog scenarija, rekao je Haradinaj gostujući u ...

9 Dec 14:00 kurir.rs 6515665028549300609.html
SpaceX nails first Falcon 9 booster launch debut in months [photos]

On December 5th, SpaceX pulled off a flawless Falcon 9 booster debut in support of the Cargo Dragon spacecraft’s CRS-19 space station resupply mission, marking the first launch of a new booster in months. More specifically, the last time SpaceX launched a new Falcon 9 booster was on June 25th, 2019 during STP-2, Falcon Heavy […]

9 Dec 17:55 Teslarati 613467573738372519.html
Zo blijven avocado’s twee keer zo lang goed

Wie al eens graag een avocado eet, weet dat het moment dat de vrucht op zijn best is snel voorbij is. Daar heeft een Amerikaans bedrijf iets op gevonden, e...

9 Dec 10:27 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192133650889.html
Zum Geburtstag wurde Uwe Kröger in die Wüste geschickt

Um Kinder in Namibia zu unterstützen, reiste Musicalstar Uwe Kröger gemeinsam mit seinem Partner Kiko nach Afrika.

9 Dec 14:09 Kurier 208072239596718238.html
Manualidades de Navidad: 11 ideas para hacer un Portal de Belén DIY utilizando elementos reciclados

La Navidad está cada día más cerca, y una manera de pasar tiempo en casa disfrutando de esta entrañable época del año es haciendo manualidades con los niños,...

9 Dec 12:00 Bebesymas 5193070611808305497.html
El Rayo Vallecano acusa de "prácticas torticeras" al Flat Earth y de "actitud chulesca" a su presidente Javi Poves

El partido de Tercera División madrileña entre el Rayo Vallecano B y el Flat Earth fue suspendido este fin de semana por un brote de gastroenteritis en el conjunto terraplanista. Ahora, los vallecanos dan su versión con un durísimo comunicado.

9 Dec 14:51 Cadena SER 8390941985893221142.html
Opozvan meksički ambasador, ukrao knjigu?

MEKSIKO SITI - Meksiko je opozvao svog ambasadora u Argentini nakon što se pojavio video snimak koji sugeriše da je pokušao da ukrade knjigu iz jedne

9 Dec 15:47 Krstarica 4176903989381663334.html
Preview: Lightning riding high heading into matchup against visiting Islanders

The Tampa Bay Lightning ready for a clash with Mathew Barzal, Barry Trotz, and the New York Islander Monday night at Amalie Arena.

9 Dec 15:00 FOX Sports 4135141641870935042.html
Rennfahrer Florian Alt stellt sich im Video vor

Bis zum 16. Dezember können Sie entscheiden, wer den „Viktor“ gewinnt.

9 Dec 16:50 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568654520387.html
Offese a Brigata ebraica, in 4 finiscono a processo: "Fu odio razziale"

La procura di Milano rinvia a giudizio i 4 antagonisti che il 25 aprile 2018 minacciarono e offesero la Brigata ebraica: riconosciuto l'odio razziale

9 Dec 17:24 ilGiornale.it 5019541223903003512.html
Best Samsung Galaxy Watch apps of 2019: All the top options for your smartwatch

Whether you have the Samsung Galaxy Watch or a Galaxy Watch Active 2, the list of apps for you to download is vast and improving all the time. However, discovering which apps are worth your time can be challenging. And that's why we've done the hard work for you by selecting the best from the…

9 Dec 12:32 Wareable 1195871719558261752.html
Delhi Fire tragedy: Court sends property owner, manager to 14-day police custody

The police have booked the two accused under section 304 and 308 of IPC at Sadar Bazar police station.

9 Dec 16:56 The Indian Express 2885715104945812606.html
Aggredito in discoteca a Cagliari, il 33enne è fuori pericolo

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:00 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205796912875.html
Continua la guerra entre China y EEUU, el Gobierno chino dejará de usar equipos informáticos extranjeros

China planta cara a Estados Unidos y da la orden de eliminar todos los sistemas y dispositivos tecnológicos extranjeros que se usen en la administración pública.

9 Dec 11:38 ComputerHoy 3644302763210662083.html
DST switch 'reckless'

It’s late December, 6 a.m., and you hop in the shower. Dark.

9 Dec 17:25 Castanet 616068602375355039.html
Nottingham Forest boss Sabri Lamouchi's pledge to 'amazing' Lewis Grabban

The Reds' top scorer made it 10 goals so far this season with a brace at Millwall on Friday night

9 Dec 17:30 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701432195217.html
Happy Birthday Dia Mirza: Alia Bhatt, Sonali Bendre and others shower wishes for the actress on her special day

Dia Mirza might be away from the silver screen, but the actress often makes headlines for raising her voice against environment and wildlife issues. N

9 Dec 10:35 The Times of India 6060938663603778982.html
Alia Bhatt’s Multi-Hued Saree Is The PERFECT Fit For Your Reception Night!

Alia Bhatt is on cloud nine as her character, Safeena from Zoya Akhtar's Gully Boy has won the best actress award at Star Screen Awards 2019. Gully Boy won 11 awards last night and the team has not ju

9 Dec 14:01 Koimoi 5184275669469192352.html
Woman, 24, died after battling with anorexia for ten years while being treated by the NHS, inquest hears

Maria Jakes (pictured), 24, who died last September, was one of five anorexia patients in the east of England to die during NHS treatment between 2012 and 2018.

9 Dec 16:02 Mail Online 124328112374371136.html
Muere Paul Volcker, expresidente de la Fed y leyenda de las finanzas

Paul Volcker, expresidente de la Reserva Federal y eminencia de las finanzas en Estados Unidos, murió el domingo a los 92 años, informó la prensa local.

9 Dec 10:35 Panorama 6052790755262369659.html
Swedbank städar i toppen

Swedbank kapar antalet personer i koncernledningen från 17 till 14. "I dag presenterar jag en ny ledning för att utveckla Swedbank och stärka förtroendet. Som ett led i detta lämnar också ett antal personer banken. Jag startar även en utvärdering av kul

9 Dec 08:26 Sydsvenskan 2976531145041211873.html
Kata Indra Sjafri soal Rivalitas Indonesia dengan Vietnam Akan Medali Emas SEA Games 2019

Pelatih timnas U-22 Indonesia, Indra Sjafri berbicara mengenai persaingan Indonesia dengan Vietnam soal perebutan medali emas SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:26 BolaSport.com 4603768435369317512.html
Cómo funciona BERT, la inteligencia artificial con la que Google quiere conseguir que su motor de búsqueda nos entienda mejor

Google lleva indexando y ordenando la web más de 20 años, configurándose como el motor de búsqueda con mayor cuota de mercado en occidente gracias a unos...

9 Dec 10:30 Xataka 4719855496493392351.html
Pastor Kanyari: Plant a seed in order to be blessed

He tells congregation that the rich are blessed because they know how to give.

9 Dec 08:00 Daily Nation 7421817125425093165.html
Aston Villa's relegation odds slashed after heavy defeat to Leicester City

Aston Villa news | Dean Smith's men currently sit in 17th place after the comprehensive defeat to the Foxes at Villa Park

9 Dec 17:26 birminghammail 8288260685050399318.html
Ludovic Orban, premierul României, despre proiectul PNL de eliminare a pensiilor speciale: Singura excepţie vizează militarii

Premierul Ludovic Orban a declarat, luni, referitor la proiectul PNL privind eliminarea pensiilor speciale, că singura excepţie vizează pensiile de serviciu ale militarilor, nu şi pensiile magistraţilor. Şeful Executivului îndeamnă parlamentarii să voteze inişiativa PNL.

9 Dec 17:29 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918008778679.html
Strictly Come Dancing, semi-final - the body language: do Anton and Emma have the chemistry to win?

Strictly Come Dingle

9 Dec 15:23 The Telegraph 140598092226522374.html
Police hunt missing man deemed to be 'risk to public'

An appeal has been launched for information that may lead police to the whereabouts of Derek Mackay, who was reported missing on Monday.

9 Dec 09:45 dailyrecord 552235480769524168.html
Finalmente Piatek: gol e prestazione. E apre le porte a Ibra: "Possiamo giocare insieme"

Dopo una serie di partite  molto deludenti e in attesa di capire se alla fine Zlatan Ibrahimovic tornerà davvero al Milan, ieri a Bologna si è rivisto finalmente il vero Kris Piatek: oltre al gol su rigore, il polacco ha fornito un'ottima prestazione in quanto si è mosso tanto e bene, ha dialogato con i compagni come mai aveva fatto finora e ha fatto sentire la sua presenza in attacco, lottando su ogni pallone contro i difensori rossoblù. 

9 Dec 12:00 MilanNews.it 6507305921256479325.html
Updated: Amnesty Int’l, SERAP threaten mass action over Sowore’s rearrest

Following the 'combative' rearrest of Convener of RevolutionNow movement, Omoyele Sowore, by the Department of State Services, DSS, at the....SERAP

9 Dec 16:44 Vanguard News 4125100340144603844.html
Here's why Saudi Aramco's stock is unlikely to plunge on its debut

From bonus shares to a fat dividend, there's a lot to underpin the price, at least initially

9 Dec 10:17 Business-Standard 1502508925721725269.html
Inside Video: What Break Up? Kartik Aaryan & Sara Ali Khan Are All Comfy At The Star Screen Awards

While no body knows the exact relationship status of Kartik Aaryan and Sara Ali Khan, these latest inside videos from the Star Screen Awards will surely leave you rooting for them.

9 Dec 12:40 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244454697138.html
Why it’s easy for people like Daisy Ridley to stay ignorant of privilege

Daisy Ridley doesn’t see herself as privileged because, as an upper middle-class white woman, she is protected from seeing how privilege works.

9 Dec 15:46 Metro 970161747131632143.html
Evo Morales pide renta vitalicia para familias de víctimas del Golpe de Estado en Bolivia

Morales también solicita una "justa indemnización a los heridos fruto de las masacres del golpe de Estado de Añez, Camacho y Mesa"

9 Dec 09:24 Globovisión 5928221751071655734.html
Orban, despre proiectul PNL de eliminare a pensiilor speciale: Singura excepţie vizează militarii

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 17:32 Gândul 5586965504013793991.html
Audi e-tron: Mehr Reichweite & neues Einstiegsmodell

Audi e-tron wird nach nicht einmal einem Jahr verbessert; neues Einstiegsmodell senkt Basispreis.

9 Dec 13:27 auto.oe24.at 242456960524511346.html
700 Euro im Monat: Italienische Region lockt Zuwanderer

Die süditalienische Region Molise kämpft gegen Abwanderung und lockt mit monatlichen Geldspritzen. Über 600 Bewerbungen eingetrudelt.

9 Dec 11:51 Kurier 208072239539246267.html
Diego Maradona protagonizó aparatosa caída en juego de Gimnasia y Esgrima

El técnico argentino se emocionó tanto en una jugada de ataque del equipo de La Plata que terminó en el suelo

9 Dec 12:41 Noticias Caracol 4063533508011250902.html
Donna uccisa a coltellate vicino a casa: i vicini ricordano Levi Davis

Proseguono le indagini sulla donna uccisa a coltellate vicino a casa sua a Leicester, una città in Regno Unito. I vicini la ricordano con affetto.

9 Dec 15:48 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928059341739.html
iN VIDEO: 5 dead, many more missing in eruption of New Zealand volcano

WHAKATANE, New Zealand - A volcanic island in New Zealand erupted Monday in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like s

9 Dec 17:30 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244433118536.html
Stronger US dollar curbs demand for ringgit

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — The ringgit closed lower against the US dollar today as the positive sentiment for the greenback curbed interest for local currency. As at 6pm, the local note was quoted at 4.1590/1630 against the US dollar compared with Friday’s close of 4.1580/1610. A dealer said the...

9 Dec 11:11 Malaymail 302165935675064216.html
Medartis bildet Rückstellung von 3 Mio Fr. für Rechtskosten in Brasilien

Die Untersuchung der brasilianischen Behörden richtet sich gegen den Vertriebspartner Extera, den Medartis im Jahr 2017 übernommen hat. Im Zentrum stünden mögliche Preisabsprachen der ehemaligen Besitzer bei Ausschreibungen im Jahr 2012, hiess es weiter. Medartis arbeite in der Sache mit den brasilianischen Behörden zusammen. Umsatzwachstum von 8 bis 10 Prozent erwartet In der Folge werde ein Betrag von 1 Million Franken an ausstehenden Zahlungen für die Akquisition von Extera einbehalten, schreibt Medartis weiter. Ausserdem würden weitere Schritte geprüft, um Entschädigungen von den ehemaligen Eigentümern von Extera einzufordern. Die aktuellen Geschäftsaktivitäten von Medartis in Brasilien seien jedoch nicht betroffen, und es werde weiterhin mit einer dynamischen Wachstumsrate von 25 Prozent gerechnet. Unter Ausklammerung der Rückstellung bestätigt Medartis die Prognose für 2019. Gemäss dem Ausblick vom August erwartet das Unternehmen ein Umsatzwachstum von 8 bis 10 Prozent in Lokalwährungen und eine EBITDA…

9 Dec 12:25 cash 8314500323796396402.html
Indra Sjafri Berharap Timnas Indonesia U-22 Vs Vietnam di Final SEA Games 2019 Menghibur

Timnas Indonesia U-22 dan Vietnam kembali bertemu di final sepak bola SEA Games 2019, Selasa (10/12/2019).

9 Dec 13:15 Bola.com 1695722603659997633.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje excluye a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) ha decidido excluir a Rusia de las grandes competiciones internacionales durante cuatro años más, lo que incluye los Juegos Olímpicos 2020, por la falsificación de los informes sobre los controles a sus deportistas.

9 Dec 15:45 RTVE.es 8332346889478712214.html
'Devastating' fire at Alberta dealership leaves 60 out of work

Fire destroyed the Edson Chrysler Dodge Jeep dealership early Monday morning, leaving dozens of employees out of work.

9 Dec 15:07 Edmonton 2483052957148491271.html
Florida mother, father and teenage son all battling cancer at the same time

(CNN) — It’s difficult enough to have one loved one experience cancer, but three at one time? Unimaginable. But that’s reality for the Desclefs family....

9 Dec 17:21 WSVN 7News 4504855330322909784.html
Hasil Lengkap dan Klasemen Liga Italia - Juventus Terpeleset, Inter Ambil Alih Puncak

Hasil berbeda diraih oleh Juventus dan Inter Milan yang pada pekan ke-15 Liga Italia sama-sama harus melawan klub dari Roma.

9 Dec 08:30 BolaSport.com 4603768437194623752.html
Review: 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 3': All about Marvelous Ms Brosnahan

"The Marvelous Mrs Maisel 3"; Cast: Rachel Brosnahan, Alex Borstein, Michael Zegen, Marin Hinkle, Tony Shalhoub, Kevin Pollak; Direction: Amy Sherman-Palladino; Rating: *** (three stars)

9 Dec 12:00 The Peninsula 1202843881583645405.html
Britain’s parties in final hunt for votes

Conservatives and Labour are mounting a desperate bid to turn from apathetic voters four days out from an election that will change the face of politics.

9 Dec 08:40 The New Daily 5848147786069255479.html
BBC goes to war with Boris Johnson after the Prime Minister hints the TV licence fee could be SCRAPPED as he says it doesn't 'make sense in the long term'

Boris Johnson said he was looking at whether it made long-term sense to impose a £154.50 annual levy on all homes with TV sets. Dominic Cummings is leading a review of the BBC's funding.

9 Dec 08:03 Mail Online 124328111040526197.html
'Football has not created an environment where anyone would ever feel comfortable saying, 'I am gay''

A brilliant clip of Graeme Souness on a weekend where LGBT inclusion in football was pushed – though Everton are now investigating reports of homophobic chants.

9 Dec 09:37 The42 5369852631000866357.html
Michelle Obama tells Jenna Bush Hager that Trump's impeachment is 'surreal' but says the country will 'come back from it'

"We've seen tough times in this country ... and we've always come out stronger," she said in an interview with former first daughter Jenna Bush Hager.

9 Dec 16:00 Yahoo 7097669638124741115.html
A formerly vegan influencer followed the meat-only carnivore diet for 30 days and her fans are not happy

A formerly vegan influencer has divided her followers by following the carnivore diet for 30 days.

9 Dec 16:47 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883610246580.html
Jury sworn in for trial of man (20) accused of murdering Japanese national in Dundalk

A 20-year-old man has pleaded not guilty to murdering a Japanese national in Dundalk nearly two years ago by reason of insanity.  Mohamed Morei, of no fixed abode is charged with murdering Yosuke...

9 Dec 13:38 Dundalk Democrat 5738461709080916610.html
Abogados rompen piñata con forma de mujer feminista y las redes arden

En Chihuahua, integrantes de un despacho de abogados se ganaron críticas por romper una piñata de mujer feminista

9 Dec 17:34 Nación321 6372481147716981073.html
Els comuns urgeixen ERC a facilitar la investidura abans d'acabar l'any

El portaveu de Catalunya en Comú, Joan Mena, insta els republicans a col·laborar en clau programàtica a l'acord amb el PSOE

9 Dec 11:47 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479553770484.html
Cosel adds four lower power options to LHA PSU series

Cosel has announced four series of open frame, low profile, compact power supplies covering the range of 30W to 100W and UL/EN62368-1 certified.

9 Dec 15:03 Electronics Weekly.com 6636672081140545358.html
El RACE y Goodyear estrellan un coche en este vídeo que demuestra lo peligroso de viajar con los pies en el salpicadero

El RACE y Goodyear han realizado en la sede de Cidaut, Valladolid, un crash test para mostrar el peligro que suponen algunos hábitos comunes para millones de...

9 Dec 13:00 Motorpasion 3731799125824205960.html
Kommt es im Kanton Zürich zu einer Steuersenkung?

FDP und SVP wollen die Steuern um ein bis zwei Prozent senken. Die meisten anderen Parteien halten aber dagegen.

9 Dec 10:55 SRF 8424707178832073931.html
Joaquín Sánchez bricht uralten Liga-Rekord in Spanien

Mit drei Toren binnen 18 Minuten hat der frühere spanische Fußball-Nationalspieler Joaquín Sanchez einen jahrzehntealten Rekord in der Primera División gebrochen.

9 Dec 08:17 weltfussball.at 3521376371315909207.html
Paddy McGuinness: There was a lot of negativity around Top Gear

The BBC Two motoring show is returning for a Christmas special.

9 Dec 11:15 Shropshire Star 3480199992404551604.html
Bordeaux, Rosenholz und Co.: Die vier großen Lippenstift-Trends im Winter

Die Devise für Lippenstifte diesen Winter: markant, verführerisch und elegant. Das sind die vier größten Farbtrends der Saison.

9 Dec 14:06 RTL.DE 7054729451935872930.html
Boris Johnson apologises after boy, 4, slept on hospital floor

Sarah Williment covered her four-year-old son, Jack, with coats to keep him warm as he waited for a bed at Leeds General Infirmary.

9 Dec 09:43 Breaking News 4415806918560488701.html
How common abusing parent spaces is in car parks - and how much it could cost you

A snapshot revealed just how often people are willing to break the rules and risk an expensive penalty

9 Dec 08:10 Wales Online 7686550517508483798.html
How to Watch Love Actually Free Online

16 years on Love Actually is still the ultimate Christmas romcom. Here's how to watch Love Actually for free online or on any device.

9 Dec 16:21 Tech Advisor 6450858317673225189.html
De lentes de seguridad a chalecos amarillos: las compras de los municipios en medio de la crisis

A 51 días de iniciado el estallido social en Chile, diferentes han sido los siniestros que han afectado en diferentes ciudades en el país. Estaciones de metro quemadas, edificios gubernamentales,...

9 Dec 15:01 Pagina 7 4371131344473736974.html
Cecafa – Harambee Stars Coach Francis Kimanzi Banned For ‘Unsporting Behaviour’

Harambee Stars coach Francis Kimanzi has been handed a two-match ban by the Organizing Committee of the Cecafa Senior Challenge Cup for "unsporting behaviour."His deputy Zedekiah "Zico" Otieno, on

9 Dec 08:31 KahawaTungu 3304128543072602750.html
El importante anuncio de Pancho Saavedra para los seguidores de "Lugares que hablan"

El sábado en la noche Canal 13 emitió el último capítulo de la temporada 2019 de "Lugares que hablar", conducido por Pancho Saavedra.

9 Dec 16:39 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355133473777.html
Polícia prende homem acusado de arrombar veículos

Agentes da Operação Policial Integrada Litorânea (Oplit) prenderam neste domingo (8) um homem acusado de arrombar veículos. Darlan da Silva Oliveira foi detido em sua residência, localizada na rua Jardim João Paulo VI, quadra B, n° 46, no bairro do Village 2, no Tabuleiro dos Martins. Imagens do circuito de segurança mostraram um automóvel Gol,...

9 Dec 12:03 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011679663509.html
Warum der CDU-Parteitag ein Erfolg für den rechten Flügel war

Ohne Jackett, mit hochgekrempelten Hemdsärmeln hat sich CDU-Landeschef Holger Stahlknecht zum Abschluss des CDU-Parteitags in Magdeburg gezeigt. Zupackend sollte das aussehen, nach Aufbruch. Tatsächlich kann Stahlknecht froh sein, dass er dieses Treffen ohne weitere Blessuren überstanden hat. Die blamabel gescheiterte Berufung von Rainer Wendt zum Staatssekretär wurde nicht debattiert. Nach zwei knapp überstandenen Vertrauensabstimmungen in Fraktion und Partei und diesem Richtungsparteitag kann Stahlknecht vorerst durchatmen: Das Schlimmste ist ...

9 Dec 09:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110707671083.html
Romania, ironizata alaturi de Donald Trump in episodul despre culisele NATO al show-ului "Saturday Night Live" (Video)

Reprezentantul Romaniei este personaj secundar intr-un nou episod al show-lui ''Saturday Night Live'' (SNL) in care, de obicei, este ironizat presedintele SUA, Donald Trump. Episodul face trimitere la culisele reuniunilor NATO, pornind de la un incident de saptamana trecuta.

9 Dec 12:44 Ziare.com 1922730285961955835.html
Article 370: 5-judge SC bench to hear pleas against abrogation tomorrow

The bench also asked the parties to prepare a common compilation of all the documents so that hearing of the matter becomes easier.

9 Dec 14:35 Business-Standard 1502508925560152088.html
Colau crea una nueva tasa sobre la recogida de residuos

El equipo de gobierno que lidera la alcaldesa, Ada Colau (BComú), pretende extender a los hogares la tasa que, en la actualidad, abonan los...

9 Dec 17:33 Expansión 4197779424238855929.html
Diputados entregaron a la Corte Penal Internacional fotos de la masacre de Óscar Pérez

Los diputados Wilmer Azuaje y Franco Caselloa quienes se encuentran en el exilio, presentaron este nueve de diciembre ante la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), en La Haya, un total de 400 fotografías de la llamada “La masacre del Junquito”, donde murió el inspector Óscar Pérez junto a un grupo rebeldes al régimen de Nicolás Maduro.

9 Dec 15:39 El Carabobeño 125457437868417838.html
NBA Round-up: Bucks are the hottest team in the NBA

We're already through the first quarter of the season!

9 Dec 12:51 sportskeeda 1601194028945879854.html
Patrick Harvie outlines importance of ‘climate election’

The Scottish Greens co-leader said it is important to have Green voices at Westminster to push other parties into taking strong climate action.

9 Dec 08:08 Express & Star 7324224460565059166.html
Nuove rimodulazioni Vodafone: le tariffe aumentano di 2,99 euro al mese

L’aumento di Dicembre 2019 sembra che non coinvolga i clienti che hanno già subito la rimodulazione del contratto a settembre, ma bisogna verificare.

9 Dec 11:45 tecnoandroid 2573257127108087847.html
21-Jährige wird bei Unfall in Piethen schwer verletzt

Zwei verletzte Frauen und rund 17.000 Euro Sachschaden sind am Montagmorgen die Bilanz eines Verkehrsunfalls bei Piethen.

9 Dec 14:04 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110670377326.html
Jetstreams, Blitzdürren, Hochwasser: Klima-Peitschenschläge heizen globale Erwärmung an - und die Schuld trägt der Mensch

Nur zwei Länder waren 2018 stärker von Extremwetterphänomenen betroffen als Deutschland. In der ganzen Welt finden sich Anzeichen, die auf den Klimawandel hindeuten. Und Jetstreams, Blitzdürre und Wetterpeitschen sind erst der Anfang.

9 Dec 11:39 FOCUS Online 4448121231504997773.html
Patrick Harvie outlines importance of ‘climate election’

The Scottish Greens co-leader said it is important to have Green voices at Westminster to push other parties into taking strong climate action.

9 Dec 08:10 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775100462686.html
Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Dezember-Roadmap enthüllt – Neues Update, Terminator-Event, Änderungen am Battle Reward-System und mehr

Ubisoft hat zusammengefasst, was euch im Dezember 2019 im Taktik-Shooter "Ghost Recon Breakpoint" erwartet. Dazu zählt unter anderem ein neues Update, zu dem der Termin enthüllt wurde.

9 Dec 08:14 play3.de 8301165838292823914.html
Aktuelle Analyse: Charttechnik: Das Wichtigste für Dax und Dow Jones bis zum Jahresendspurt

Chartanalysen für Aktien, Indizes, Währungen und den Goldpreis. Bei Finanzen100, dem Börsen-Portal von FOCUS Online, finden Sie täglich alle wichtigen News inklusive der aktuellsten Auswertungen der besten Experten.

9 Dec 08:53 FOCUS Online 4448121230539477321.html
PT sem lastro

“Integrantes do PT e de movimentos de esquerda já discutem internamente os possíveis efeitos políticos de uma melhora da economia em 2020”, diz a Folha de S. Paulo...

9 Dec 08:02 O Antagonista 1037429655117020112.html
Derrumbe en València: Un edificio de la Malva-rosa se viene abajo

Los bomberos confirman que el derrumbe no causó ningún herido

9 Dec 09:55 Levante-EMV 7042984477074145045.html
DFB testet vor der EM gegen die Schweiz

Die deutsche Fußball-Nationalmannschaft wird eines ihrer zwei abschließenden Vorbereitungsspiele auf die EM am 31. Mai 2020 gegen die Schweiz bestreiten. Austragungsort der Begegnung ist Basel.

9 Dec 14:43 SPOX 8395423525818865382.html
Finland’s Sanna Marin to become world’s youngest prime minister

At just 34, the Finnish social democrat will be confirmed as the new leader on Tuesday

9 Dec 09:17 The Irish Times 8204772967296555354.html
Joven indígena fue asesinado en el norte del Cauca

Las comunidades indígenas rechazaron la muerte violenta de Jimmy Alberto Pacué en medio de un hecho delictivo registrado en la vía que comunica Santander de Quilichao con Caloto, al norte del departamento del Cauca.“Siendo las 6:00 de la tarde del domingo cuando el comunero Jimmy se transportaba en su motocicleta junto a su esposa Rocío Montoya y su hijo de dos meses de nacido, fue alcanzado y abordado por hombres armados, quienes lo asesinaron con arma de fuego y procedieron a robarle su moto”, denunció el Tejido Defensa de la Vida y los Derechos Humanos de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca.

9 Dec 09:39 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346666186216.html
Kaget dengan Pekerjaan Rey Utami Sebagai Presenter, Ketua Majelis Hakim: Kok Saya Nggak Pernah Lihat?

Di sidang perdana kasus vlog ikan asin, Ketua Majelis Hakim mengaku tak pernah lihat Rey Utami sebagai presenter.

9 Dec 17:38 grid.id 586386473485717320.html
Pieve Torina, prima pietra per la palestra. "Grazie ai lettori di Qn Carlino"

Ricostruzione e solidarietà: la posa con la Fondazione Rava e il nostro giornale. Brambilla: "Dove non arriva lo Stato arriva il cuore della gente"

9 Dec 12:04 il Resto del Carlino 7209657603033326681.html
Business : Mission d’affaires portugaise au Maroc

La Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et de Services du Portugal au Maroc (CCISPM) et le groupe de conseil EXUMAS organisent, du 11 au 14 décembre, en partenariat avec la Chambre de Commerce, d’industrie et Services de Casablanca-Settat (CCIS) une mission d’Affaires multisectorielle au Maroc.

9 Dec 16:57 Infomédiaire 1551316401291048805.html
Por medio de un decreto que alude a "la situación de emergencia sanitaria": Benefician a las prepagas con la reducción de contribuciones patronales

El Gobierno dispuso hoy incluirle a las empresas de medicina prepaga y mutuales de salud la reducción de las contribuciones patronales que ya rigen para el resto de las entidades del sector, con destino a la seguridad social.La decisión se tomó ...

9 Dec 12:59 PAGINA12 7077267065943468646.html
Pace fiscale cartelle 2020, i rumors sono davvero martellanti

Pace fiscale delle cartelle esattoriali nel 2020, fare cassa sarà la priorità? Rottamazione cartelle esattoriali anche nel 2020, ci sono due indizi.

9 Dec 17:05 Trend Online 3268043278603839547.html
Pelaku Usaha Online Siap Bikin Izin, Tapi....

Asosiasi E-commerce Indonesia (idEA) memastikan bahwa seluruh pelaku usaha perdagangan elektronik siap melakukan pendaftaran ulang ke Kemendag. Tapi...

9 Dec 08:40 detikfinance 4442190001750888319.html
La ricerca Google si prepara a fornire un nuovo utilissimo servizio (foto)

Con un post sul suo blog dedicato ai webmasters, Google ha annunciato l'arrivo di una funzione davvero utile: il tracciamento dei pacchi direttamente nei r

9 Dec 17:47 MobileWorld 1731579004026324380.html
Enfermedades de transmisión sexual más comunes en mujeres mexicanas

&iquest;Sabes c&oacute;mo detectar una infecci&oacute;n de transmisi&oacute;n sexual (ITS)? Conoce sus s&iacute;ntomas y cu&aacute;les son las m&aacute;s comunes entre las mujeres mexicanas.

9 Dec 15:38 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622922600760.html
‘Sesame Street’ Stars Wear Yellow Feathers As They Remember Caroll Spinney At Kennedy Center Honors Ceremony

The late Big Bird puppeteer died on the same day ‘Sesame Street’ became the first TV series ever to receive the award for lifetime achievement in the arts. Caroll Spinney was remembered ...

9 Dec 10:17 The Inquisitr 1745625232357266134.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje excluyó a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos y el Mundial de Qatar

Es por haber falsificado datos de los controles entregados a la entidad. Moscú podría recurrir la decisión ante el TAS.

9 Dec 10:49 Todo Noticias 8077539162563479738.html
Arrimadas es mou per recuperar espai enmig de la negociació ERC-PSOE

Amb un grup reduït a deu escons al Congrés i en ple procés de transició interna, el marge de maniobra del partit taronja és mínim

9 Dec 17:00 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479379653577.html
Tories hold 10-point lead over Labour three days before election

Party leaders have launched a final push to get voters to back them as election week begins.

9 Dec 10:50 Metro 970161748739281613.html
La sardina pascale finisce sott'aceto - ''sappi che non tollerer


9 Dec 10:31 DAGOSPIA 6533336739000663417.html
Presidente de Cuba es el primero en llegar a Argentina para investidura de Fernández

Díaz-Canel arribó el domingo a Buenos Aires para asistir el martes a la toma de posesión del peronista de centro-izquierda Alberto Fernández

9 Dec 17:32 NTN24 8482749624727993062.html
Witsel es baja en Borussia Dortmund por un accidente doméstico

El volante belga no va a poder jugar los últimos partidos de este año debido a una herida en la cara que lo hizo pasar por el quirófano.

9 Dec 16:03 DIRECTV Sports 8893643038325187757.html
Bolton Muslim Girls School can expand to take extra 150 pupils

It's already the best-performing school in the district

9 Dec 10:22 men 6694993429602767224.html
Want to buy an old fire station? South Florida county has one on auction block

Officials from a South Florida county are preparing to auction several parcels of real estate -- including an old firehouse.

9 Dec 14:36 WFXT 6395891953305650183.html
Nutrition myths that we stopped believing in 2019, including the carnivore diet and 'superfoods', Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From calorie counting to detoxes, here are 10 dead-wrong ideas about diet and nutrition that we threw out for good in 2019.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:14 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756696213671.html
Controlli a Mentana e Fonte Nuova: scattano 2 arresti e una denuncia

Nelle ultime ore, i Carabinieri della stazione di Mentana hanno eseguito due provvedimenti dell’autorità giudiziaria. Il primo è stato emesso dal Tribunale di Roma nei confronti di un 45enne del posto, il quale deve scontare 3 anni e 6 mesi di reclusione per la detenzione di più di 2 kg. di cocaina a gennaio del […]

9 Dec 16:09 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338907349013.html
MSD: Begić se nije udostojio izviniti Banjalučanima

BANJALUKA - Organizacija Mladih socijaldemokrata Banjaluka (MSD) saopštila je danas da se predsjednik Mladih PDP-a Ivan Begić nije udostojio izviniti Banjalučanima zbog sramnog skrnavljenja spomenika žrtvama zemljotresa u ovom gradu.

9 Dec 13:02 Nezavisne novine 4209150643060308423.html
Disabled man dies in Franklin Parish fire

Authorities have identified the victim of a fatal fire in Franklin Parish.

9 Dec 15:52 KNOE 8 News 9048639192579999027.html
Pesa el apellido de Daz Cameron

El prospecto de los Tigres de Detroit, hijo del exgrandesliga Mike Cameron, vino por su cuenta a trabajar con su juego en la liga invernal boricua.

9 Dec 15:45 Primera Hora 5092966653464291624.html
Laudo aponta que filho com paralisia foi morto a facadas pelo pai

A conclusão desmente o suspeito que falou que David Lucca teve convulsão e morreu; a mãe da criança também foi assassinada pelo homem

9 Dec 13:43 O TEMPO 6069683948369898980.html
Schönheit ist nicht mehr genug

Markus Peichl über die Neuausrichtung der "Lead Awards" und den Zeitgeist der Ernsthaftigkeit.

9 Dec 10:06 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061593253796371.html
Quinto dia de greve deixa Paris sem transporte público e congestionada

Há 620 quilômetros de filas de automóveis nos acessos a Paris

9 Dec 11:50 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700495681195.html
Durante gala de Miss Universo, Gabriela Tafur habló sobre Paro Nacional en Colombia

La caleña hizo referencia a los diferentes puntos por los cuales los colombianos están saliendo a marchar al interior del país.

9 Dec 12:33 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827381409079.html
Peißenberg überwindet die Ergebniskrise

Die Voraussetzungen vor dem Heimspiel gegen Bayernliga-Tabellenführer Waldkraiburg waren für die „Eishackler“ denkbar schlecht. Dann aber sorgten die Peißenberger für eine faustdicke Überraschung.

9 Dec 16:09 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238562787984.html
Biggest mumps outbreak in a decade continues with 103 new cases last week

Worst affected part of the State is the greater Dublin area, which accounted for 1,126 cases so far this year

9 Dec 17:37 The Irish Times 8204772968661638126.html
SEA Games a golden revival for Jinq En

NEW CLARK CITY, Dec 9 — Winning two golds and one bronze at the 30th SEA Games here was a revival of sorts for the sporting career of national women’s elite swimmer Phee Jinq En. The 18-year-old said she was happy with her achievement as she had failed to show any improvement in international...

9 Dec 14:48 Malaymail 302165935697976099.html
Lo mejor del béisbol de RD estuvo en Juego de Leyendas

Lo mejor del beisbol dominicano en su historia estuvo ayer concentrado en el legendario Estadio Quisqueya Juan Marichal. Claro, con algunas ausencias de

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264358464767.html
adidas Football Throws It Back to 2002 With BOOST-Equipped Predator Mania Pack

Shoes for both on and off the pitch.

9 Dec 15:18 HYPEBEAST 3806037269621269922.html
Meteo pazzo, venerdì neve su Torino e Milano

La situazione meteo in Italia vedrà una settimana di tempo variabile tendente al maltempo specialmente giovedì e venerdì quando nevicherà in pianura al Nord.

9 Dec 11:25 ilGiornale.it 5019541224240094174.html
Globos de Oro: Solo Tarantino planta cara a Netflix que lidera nominaciones con Historia de un matrimonio y El irlandés

'Historia de un matrimonio', el drama producido por Netflix dirigido por Noah Baumbach, lidera las nominaciones a los Globos de Oro que celebrarán su 77.ª...

9 Dec 16:03 Europa Press 4702666147891964780.html
Enjaulan a la Sagrada Familia, como Trump a los migrantes

Una iglesia coloca a la Sagrada Familia en jaulas separadas, evocando la situación que viven miles de inmigrantes en EU

9 Dec 13:26 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562548664947.html
Realizan el primer campeonato de bofetadas de América Latina en Perú

El ganador fue un venezolano quien se llevó un premio de 300 dolares 

9 Dec 10:46 EL DEBATE 4396150894356799045.html
Síndica de Escuinapa denuncia represión a su labor de fiscalización

La Síndica Procurador presenta su primer informe de actividades

9 Dec 16:15 EL DEBATE 4396150893424413684.html
Menteri ESDM: Tugas Berat Rudiantara di PLN 35 Ribu MW

Menteri ESDM sebut tugas berat Rudiantara di PLN adalah menuntaskan mega proyek 35 ribu mw 

9 Dec 10:04 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213053168467.html
Moreno Merlo risponde a Paola Caruso dopo le sue parole: il duro sfogo

Dopo le parole di Paola Caruso a Domenica Live, Moreno Merlo risponde sui social. Il duro sfogo del deejay alle dichiarazioni dell'ex.

9 Dec 13:28 Novella 2000 6951116781063651832.html

Nakon spektakularnih koncerata u Splitu i Beogradu, u sklopu velike turneje ‘The Magic Tour’,u subotu se i Zagreb naklonio najvećoj regionalnoj zvezdi – Severini. Iako dupke puna, Arena je bila premala za sve one koji su uživo hteli doživivsti spektakl o kojem se mesecima priča i nedjeljama traži karta više, ali i za one koji

9 Dec 13:29 Scandal! 7263437856415081992.html
Comet mette il Turbo: nuovo volantino Tasso Zero con risparmio super

Comet mette il Turbo con il lancio di un volantino davvero molto interessante e ricchissimo di opportunità per gli utenti.

9 Dec 12:35 tecnoandroid 2573257126908469031.html
Customers Can Order Apple's Mac Pro And Its Killer Display This Week

Apple’s much-anticipated beast of a machine, the Mac Pro, and its corresponding badass new display, the Pro Display XDR, will be available to order on December 10, per a promo the company emailed to U.S. customers....

9 Dec 08:20 Gizmodo AU 3183561246554676718.html
Sri Lanka arrive for first Test in Pakistan since 2009

Sri Lanka arrived for the first Test cricket tour of Pakistan in 10 years on Monday following the deadly 2009 attack on their team that plunged Pakistan into sporting isolation. "The arrival of Sri

9 Dec 14:01 Deccan Herald 2027555797659537602.html
Propuestas de alza al salario mínimo se 'destapan' esta semana

Hoy empieza la tercera reunión de la mesa de concertación salarial y la gran expectativa está en que se logren solucionar las discrepancias de las centrales obreras sobre los resultados de la productividad para que se pueda avanzar en la discusión concertada del alza del salario mínimo para el 2020.Las centrales obreras no comparten la metodología que utilizó el Dane para calcular la productividad laboral y por lo tanto se niegan a creer que fue de 0,21% este año.Voceros de esas organizaciones señalan que hasta el año pasado se hablaba de una cifra superior al 1,0%. Sin embargo, el presidente del Consejo Gremial Nacional, Jorge Enrique Bedoya, opinó que las explicaciones que dio el Director general del Dane sobre dicha metodología fueron concretas y completas.

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347606988700.html
Elena Morali Instagram, top aderente senza reggiseno: «Sei disarmante!»

Il look di Elena Morali su Instagram è disarmante. I jeans strappati e il top aderente hanno lasciato davvero poco spazio all'immaginazione

9 Dec 09:56 UrbanPost 2450570494096657231.html
Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo Prihatin Eks Napi Koruptor Boleh Maju di Pilkada 2020

Agus menyayangkan koruptor masih dipertahankan untuk mencalonkan diri sebagai pemimpin. Dia pun menyarankan KPK agar pencalonan koruptor itu tegas dilarang.

9 Dec 15:07 merdeka.com 1998180354577316269.html
Erling Haaland zu RB Leipzig? Jetzt spricht sein Trainer über die Transfergerüchte

Der Transfer-Wirbel rund um Starstürmer Erling Haaland geht in die nächste Runde. Sein Trainer beim RB Salzburg sprach nun seine Empfehlung aus. 

9 Dec 12:45 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238624431836.html
Los diferentes usos de los perfiles metálicos

Experto explicó las diversas funciones que cumplen estos fierros en la construcción. Además, enseñó la forma correcta de unirlos y cortarlos.

9 Dec 12:46 La Cuarta 7037280507493476151.html
HT-Jahreskalender 2020: Mit Stadtansichten durch das neue Jahr


9 Dec 10:54 swp.de 6929179441964464249.html
Tony Goldwyn to star in 'The Inheritance' on Broadway

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Tony Goldwyn is returning to Broadway in The Inheritance.

9 Dec 16:58 UPI 8257973864768671364.html
Buhari zai ziyarci Masar tare da gwamnoni 3 da ministoci 2 a ranar Talata

Ana sa ran shugabannin kasashen nahiyar Afrika, shugabannin daga kungiyoyi da hukumomin duniya, masana da kwararru daban-daban zasu halarci taron domin tattauna wa a kan damarmaki, fargaba da kalubalen da nahiyar Afrika ke fuskant

9 Dec 17:05 Legit 7368782176790120013.html
Of fantasy and earth: A ceramic show at Meşher

For the inaugural show at Meşher, an art space at the former Arter location on İstiklal Avenue, 'Beyond the Vessel' unearths the twin genesis of early life and timeless imagination

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808963528322.html
'There must be gay and bisexual players in the Premier League' - Ex-Rangers boss says more must be done to stamp out homophobia in football

Graeme Souness believes more must be done to stamp out homophobia in football before any active gay players feel comfortable about coming out.

9 Dec 10:22 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489221675232.html
Congress’ Stand On CAB Hypocritical; This Act Passed By Nehru Government In 1950 Had Similar Provisions

The CAB only makes the 1950 Act more robust and explicit.

9 Dec 11:40 Swarajya 4977622829110133438.html
La mejor manera de jugar a juegos de Android en tu PC

Si quieres jugar en tu PC a tus juegos para Android favoritos, LDPlayer se presenta como el mejor emulador del mercado: Gratis y fácil de usar.

9 Dec 11:25 El Androide Libre 196740461252937849.html
Completa comparativa gráfica y de rendimiento de Halo: Reach entre PC y Xbox One

Halo: Reach aterrizó el pasado día 3 de diciembre, convirtiéndose en todo un fenómeno de ventas en Steam. Su llegada a través de Xbox Game Pass, tanto en PC como en consola, no ha parecido ser el único aliciente de una comunidad que estaba deseosa de volver a ver al Jefe Maestro. Pero mas allá de todos estos detalles que denotan el gran éxito de 343 Industries en este remaster, hay que ahondar en su labor para actualizar técnicamente Halo: Reach. Un juego que vio la luz en Xbox 360 y que regresa por todo lo alto. Con ello, atendemos a Digital Foundry que ha expuesto una completa comparativa gráfica y de rendimiento de Halo: Reach entre PC y Xbox One.

9 Dec 15:25 SomosXbox 4635940034778186606.html
Torrential rains in Uganda, 26 killed, says Red Cross

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) - At least 26 people have been killed in floods unleashed by heavy rains in different parts of Uganda, the Red Cross said on Monday as authorities urged people in affected areas to relocate.

9 Dec 10:34 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637130606223.html
Jamaican stars Chris Martin, D Major and Future Fambo light up Nairobi in a fun filled Concert [Photos]

Not even rain could stop them!

9 Dec 10:06 Pulse Live 3606876834729376965.html
Jo Swinson reveals she has been advised to wear 'lower cut tops' amid fears that the Lib Dem campaign is failing to win over voters

Jo Swinson said the extraordinary tip was among a welter of 'unsolicited advice' she has received on how to revive her flagging campaign.

9 Dec 10:17 Mail Online 124328111448054974.html
Chelsea's youngsters face their biggest test against Lille - can they do it when the pressure is on and they're expected to win?

Jose Mourinho struck a nerve when he declared himself &ldquo;worried&rdquo; about the performances of his former club Chelsea in the big games.

9 Dec 17:20 The Telegraph 140598092824904249.html
Safilo compra in California, operazione da 90 milioni

Blenders Eyewear guarda in particolare ai giovani

9 Dec 10:17 Repubblica.it 8208867269607587328.html
Rush hour delays on A5 near Shrewsbury after crash

Commuters faced rush hour delays on the A5 near Shrewsbury today following a two-vehicle crash.

9 Dec 09:06 Shropshire Star 3480199993041304005.html
Conzzeta s'envole après le recentrage sur Bystronic

Le titre Conzzeta s'envolait lundi matin à la Bourse suisse, après avoir annoncé la cession de toutes ses activités, exception faite de la division Bystronic. Les... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 08:45 Zonebourse 7946574376854986044.html
La música toma las calles en una multitudinaria caravana de protesta

La música toma las calles en una multitudinaria caravana de protesta en Colombia. Durante seis horas, miles de personas marcharon en Bogotá unidas por la música de decenas de artistas y las reivindicaciones al gobierno de Iván Duque

9 Dec 11:14 euronews 2767628994950911424.html
Corte Suprema de EE.UU. apoya ley que obliga a médicos mostrar latidos del feto a pacientes que quieren abortar

Las autoridades del estado de Kentucky, de donde proviene la normativa, han justificado la medida por la necesidad de recabar "consentimiento informado" de las mujeres antes de cualquier interrupción del embarazo.

9 Dec 17:15 Emol 3328490602048397161.html
Benchmark Lowers Harvard Bioscience (NASDAQ:HBIO) to Buy

Harvard Bioscience (NASDAQ:HBIO) was downgraded by analysts at Benchmark to a “buy” rating in a research note issued to investors on Monday, The Fly reports. HBIO has been the subject of several other research reports. ValuEngine cut Harvard Bioscience from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Tuesday, October 22nd. Zacks […]

9 Dec 13:42 Markets Daily 6922190226901216471.html
Vi är fortfarande inga maskiner

Idag är mycket sig likt från tiden före gruvstrejken. Men liksom för 50 år sedan kan det plötsligt bara brista en dag.

9 Dec 10:10 Proletären 1804847514290731238.html
Don't give up in tough moments - Esther Cobbah

news, story, article

9 Dec 17:28 ghananewsagency.org 5074937610697091868.html
El obispo de El Alto denuncia que hubo un "plan de desestabilización" para Bolivia de los sectores duros del MAS

El obispo de la diócesis de El Alto, monseñor Eugenio Scarpellini, ha apuntado a un "plan de desestabilización" orquestado por Evo Morales y los sectores...

9 Dec 17:19 Europa Press 4702666149355709607.html
'Rampscenario voor Coucke en Anderlecht door financiële problemen'

Het is momenteel allesbehalve het seizoen van RSC Anderlecht. De Brusselse topclub dreigt voor het eerst in zijn bestaan play-off 1 mis te lopen. In januari voor een correctie zorgen met enkele grote transfers zit er bovendien niet in.

9 Dec 15:30 Voetbal24 8097814615794565186.html
Millonaria inversión para mejorar la productividad agropecuaria

El Ministerio de Agricultura anunció la designación de $2,87 billones para el Plan Nacional de Riego a 2022. | Gobierno | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 14:50 Portafolio 9142034660212540809.html
Gran inversión para fuerzas armadas para lucha anticrimen

Revela informe que se han invertido 483.8 millones de pesos y 870 mil d&oacute;lares en equipo, armas y uniformes para los elementos de la Marina; adquiere Sedena solo 3 veh&iacute;culos y uniformes

9 Dec 13:45 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624346449606.html
Tatiana Nault championne au Texas

De passage au US Paralympics Swimming Championship à Lewisville au Texas, la représentante du Club de natation des Bois-Francs, Tatiana Nault, a profité de l’occasion pour s’illustrer sur la scène…

9 Dec 14:31 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068145553421713.html
Chris Soules Reveals Relationship Status With Ex Andi Dorfman After Their NYC Dinner Date

Chris Soules revealed the status of his relationship with Andi Dofrman after they were spotted on a dinner date together in November.

9 Dec 13:52 Hollywood Life 1852895045485919451.html
Harrowing warning of mum after son, 17, died from Tramadol overdose

William Horley, 17, died last year, after overdosing on the painkiller Tramadol

9 Dec 16:49 mirror 675785259825605877.html
Sting till Sverige i sommar

Musik Sting gör ett stopp i Göteborg på Trädgårdsföreningen den 21 juni med turnén "Sting: My songs".

9 Dec 09:06 www.unt.se 8922556088237618986.html
Filippa Lagerbäck sulla depressione e le difficoltà di Daniele Bossari

Ospite a Che Tempo Che Fa, Daniele Bossari parla della depressione che l'ha colpito, e Filippa Lagerbäck svela le difficoltà vissute.

9 Dec 10:42 Novella 2000 6951116780190625135.html
A Cuneo la presentazione del libro "Dal Rosa al Viso"

Appuntamento presso il Museo Casa Galimberti, giovedì 12 dicembre

9 Dec 17:16 Targatocn.it 7367208848341039843.html
SEA Games 2019 : Kans All Indonesia Finals Billiar Bola 9 Ganda Putri Bisa Terwujud

KBRN, Manila : Usai memastikan meraih satu medali perunggu di nomor bola 10 tunggal melalui Ismail Kadir, Tim Biliar Indonesia masih memiliki harapan untuk mendulang emas dari cabang olahraga

9 Dec 16:59 RRI News Portal 6700853645704232256.html
Adamawa fake doctor to spend 10 years in jail - The Nation Newspaper

A secondary school leaver who admitted to working for several years as a medical doctor has been sentenced to 44 years and six months in jail...

9 Dec 11:44 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901698747049.html
Kasashen Afrika 10 da suka yi dacen da samun gwamnati ta gari

Babban kalubalen da kasashen Afrika ke fuskanta shine na shugabanci, nahiyar Afrika ta gaza samar da shugabannin da za a yi alfahari da irin nagartarsu kuma a yaba da salon mulkinsu. Amma, duk da hakan, gwamnatocin wasu kasashen

9 Dec 15:30 Legit 7368782176111164229.html
Antidopaje condena a Rusia a 4 años fuera de competiciones internacionales

Los atletas rusos serán afectados por la decisión que les podrá interrumpir su participación en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020 y los de invierno 2022, además del Mundial de Futbol 2022.

9 Dec 12:13 Prensa Libre 5433015256157669106.html
Team bonding exercise for u-19 players

The World Cup-bound squad spend time at Nagarhole National Park

9 Dec 17:31 The Hindu 6679535025639422883.html
Tories urge pro-UK voters to unite and back them in Scotland

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw made the plea as he said the election is ‘on a knife edge’.

9 Dec 11:56 Shropshire Star 3480199992442040478.html
Bosch cree que les negociaciones ERC-PSOE deben incluir la situación de los presos

El conseller cree que los socialistas deben poner encima de la mesa una propuesta para hacer posible su salida de la cárcel

9 Dec 10:37 La Vanguardia 8061072698848960283.html
Reactions: US rapper, Cardi B in Ghana

There is furore in Ghana after American rapper Cardi B failed to meet local celebrities who had gathered at her hotel in the capital, Accra, on Sunday

9 Dec 13:40 Vanguard News 4125100340191081576.html
Conservative scorecard now a factor in race for NY-27

The state Conservative Party's new legislative scorecard gives Sen. Rob Ortt bragging rights while putting Sen. Chris Jacobs a bit on the de

9 Dec 10:00 The Buffalo News 2088823987063297208.html
Pide AMLO no linchar al Embajador de México en Argentina acusado de robo

El presidente López Obrador defendió la trayectoria de Ricardo Valero Recio Becerra.

9 Dec 17:00 SIPSE.com 4008460418419091262.html
Michelle Obama y Julia Roberts se unen para alentar la educación adolescente

La exprimera dama de EEUU y la actriz han visitado una escuela para aprender de la realidad a la que se enfrentan los jóvenes del Sudeste Asiático

9 Dec 16:21 elPeriodico 7291954034617938912.html
‘Cabinet sub-committee willsubmit report on PPAs soon’

41 were signed with terms in favour of IPPs, says Buggana

9 Dec 15:40 The Hindu 6679535024636584387.html
Mike Sonko gets 2 more nights in cell

Ahead of a bond ruling, prison authorities will confirm his claims of being sick.

9 Dec 14:50 Daily Nation 7421817124435263921.html
Fornecedores de multinacionais poluem 5,5 vezes mais

Estudo mostra que se empresas da cadeia de abastecimento das multinacionais usarem mais 30% de energia renovável podem evitar-se emissões poluentes equivalentes às do Brasil e México combinadas.

9 Dec 09:30 DN 8445869957661836371.html
Yoko Ono describes 'hollowing experience' of losing John Lennon

'It is always good to cry. Tears gives you immense health.'

9 Dec 10:12 Metro 970161748961963345.html
Document signed by Robert the Bruce 700 years ago which changed fortunes of Scots city goes on show

An original document signed 700 years ago by Robert the Bruce which granted a Scottish city&#160;powerful rights&#160;in return for its loyalty to the King of Scot is&#160;to go on show.

9 Dec 17:00 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490554223711.html
Vrees voor saaie JPL: 'Club Brugge kan voor jaren vertrokken zijn'

Club Brugge kon zaterdag niet overtuigen tegen STVV, maar wist toch opnieuw te winnen. Het heeft inmiddels al zeven punten voorsprong op eerste achtervolger KAA Gent, met een wedstrijd minder gespeeld. Is de nieuwe kampioen al bekend?

9 Dec 11:44 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216611172689.html
Leandro Karnal ministra palestra em Goiânia sobre diversidade e tolerância nas escolas

O evento é gratuito, aberto ao público, mas é preciso fazer inscrição

9 Dec 11:20 Jornal O Popular 4481033767916584814.html
South Africa announces stage 6 load shedding : This is what it means

Eskom pulled a shocker and announced stage 6 load shedding effectively at 6 pm today plunging the whole of South Africa into darkness.

9 Dec 16:52 iHarare News 2755902707560701417.html
Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney dies at age 85

He gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl

9 Dec 15:45 Bashaw Star 2864261459414222554.html
Caitlyn Jenner celebrates 'sweet friend' Jacqueline Jossa's I'm A Celebrity win

These two!

9 Dec 09:24 Metro 970161746995177586.html
Cricket U-19 World Cup: Hopes as Team Nigeria departs Lagos for South Africa

The Nigeria Cricket Federation on Sunday presented players that will represent the country at the ICC U-19 Cricket World Cup 2020

9 Dec 08:43 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300546618650.html
Hacen memes del árbol de navidad de su escuela y los expulsan

Aseguran que no es la primera vez que la Universidad intenta censurar la opinión se sus alumnos.

9 Dec 17:26 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562085429020.html
'Hats Off,' Andhra CM Reddy Lauds 'Encounter Killings' in Telangana Rape, Murder Case

Reddy, who is a close friend of KCR, said that the brutal incident was a shame on part of the society that needs to be questioned.

9 Dec 14:29 India.com 7150386083348987100.html
Barcelona viaja a Milán sin la presencia de Leo Messi

El club catalán visitará al Inter de Milan en la última jornada de la fase de grupos de la Champions League.

9 Dec 15:56 Publinews 8987875305608896936.html
Combate Americas’ Tito vs. Alberto PPV debut was exactly what we expected

It’s been a while since Tito Ortiz was an elite fighter, yet he still has all the pieces we expect to see from someone in a starring role. He’s willing to say outrageous, sometimes absurd things....

9 Dec 16:00 MMA FIGHTING 2898528043707112775.html
How to use Apple Music on Xbox One

Access Apple Music streaming on Xbox One via "AirServer" with any iPhone, iPad or other AirPlay-compatible devices.

9 Dec 13:00 Windows Central 7807657679892089193.html
Kultūros paveldo remontas baigėsi baisia tragedija

Savaitgalį keičiant langus viename iš Kęstučio gatvėje esančio buvusio carinės tvirtovės administracijos komplekso pastate, įvyko tragedija. Iš antro aukšto iškrito ir užsimušė 40-metis darbininkas.

9 Dec 14:38 Kauno diena 6825691408684858324.html
Equipo de Escalada triunfó en Ecuador de la mano de Bancamiga

Laura Santaella sobresalió del grupo llevándose una medalla de plata en el Campeonato Panamericano Juvenil de Escalada Deportiva, celebrado en Ibarra, Ecuador

9 Dec 13:56 LaPatilla.com 9104603010209783641.html
10 nanometri, modem e mercato: il CEO di Intel spiega presente e futuro dell'azienda

Bob Swan, CEO dell'azienda, spiega le cause dei problemi di produzione insufficiente che hanno caratterizzato l'attività di Intel nel corso degli ultimi 12 mesi. Cambio di prospettiva per il futuro: non solo processori ma componenti di silicio

9 Dec 13:01 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332938541138.html
Patriots Losing At Home To Chiefs Had The Fan Base Fighting Each Other In the Stands (VIDEO)

The New England Patriots lost to the Kansas City Chiefs 23-16 on Sunday, which was the Pats' first loss at…

9 Dec 14:56 Total Pro Sports 5536572205182649046.html
Harry e Meghan a Natale da soli: ecco cosa si perdono a Corte

I Sussex festeggeranno il Natale negli Usa, lontani dalla Royal Family che si riunisce come ogni anno a Sandrigham House, e sono tanti gli obblighi di corte che non saranno costretti a seguire

9 Dec 15:42 ilGiornale.it 5019541225395042760.html
7 Fakta Zozibini Tunzi, Peraih Mahkota Miss Universe 2019 Asal Afrika Selatan

Zozibini Tunzi pemenang Miss Universe 2019 merupakan Miss Universe kedua dari Afrika Selatan.

9 Dec 12:15 liputan6.com 5422146881765280230.html
Ryanair mantindrà la base a Girona a canvi d'empitjorar les condicions laborals dels treballadors

La plantilla passarà de ser fixa al que es coneix com a fixa discontínua, el que equival al fet que durant tres mesos l'any i de forma rotatòria quedarà en situació d'atur. Des que va aterrar a Catalunya, l'aerolínia irlandesa ha rebut desenes de milions d'euros públics en ajudes.

9 Dec 17:58 www.publico.es 99190978640785263.html
Giurì della Pubblicità contro Iliad per uno spot

Il Giurì della Pubblicità ha bloccato una pubblicità di Iliad in quanto non conforme al Codice di Autodisciplina.

9 Dec 11:55 Webnews 4852331585287925251.html
The 10 best prog guitarists in the world today

The progressive players that take the cake

9 Dec 12:45 MusicRadar 4787726360528508698.html
Microsoft will shut down to-do app Wunderlist on May 6th

Microsoft hopes users will make the leap to its own To Do app.

9 Dec 13:35 Engadget 96641515975325790.html
Giardino delle Luci a piazza Cairoli. Rimosso il telone della discordia. FOTO

Verifica in corso sulle concessioni. Intanto biglietto ridotto a 2,50 euro

9 Dec 11:37 Tempostretto 3143171744471072396.html
DF: Nova metodologija proširenja EU sprečava manipulacije

BRISEL - Šef poslaničkog kluba Demokratskog fronta u skupštini Crne Gore Milutin Đukanović pohvalio je na sastanku Odbora za spoljne poslove EP novu

9 Dec 13:59 Krstarica 4176903988554390683.html
A dos asciende cifra de quemados con pólvora en Santa Marta

Se trata de un adulto que resultó quemado por manipular pólvora en el corregimiento de Bonda.

9 Dec 17:09 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586074041848.html
This update is the last you’ll see of Google Glass Explorer Edition

Google has announced one final update before it pulls the plug on the Explorer Edition of its Google Glass smart glasses.

9 Dec 12:31 Trusted Reviews 12694855489077700.html
AWO-Vorsitzender wirft hin: "Vorwürfe größtenteils berechtigt"

Nicht nur bei der Arbeiterwohlfahrt in Frankfurt sind höchst auskömmliche Gehälter drin. Jetzt erschüttert ein Bericht über die Einnahmen der Geschäftsführung in Wiesbaden den Sozialverband. Ein zerknirschter Vorsitzender wirft die Brocken hin.

9 Dec 15:41 hessenschau.de 6403292203770497705.html
Sudar na Vidikovcu, povređen motociklista

U udesu koji se dogodio na raskrsnici ulica Kneza Višeslava i Pilota Mihaila Petrovića na Vidikovcu nešto pre podneva povređen je motociklista, prenose mediji.

9 Dec 13:39 REPUBLIKA 2543998405918106297.html
The busy shipping season is here; How to ensure your gifts arrive on time

— As the holiday season is upon us, mail carriers and delivery drivers are working longer and longer hours, and lines at the post office are getting longer and longer. 

9 Dec 10:22 Whio 8204027954438820669.html
Sempre meno bimbi nelle Marche, nascite in picchiata dal 2008

RICERCA promossa dal Forum delle associazioni familiari e finanziata dal Consiglio regionale, i risultati hanno certificato un crollo costante dalla crisi economica: 30% in meno di figli nati tra il 2012 e il 2018. Il presidente dell'assemblea Mastrovincenzo: «In prima linea per sostenere politiche a favore della famiglia»

9 Dec 16:18 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195527282022.html
Explozie puternica in Galati. Cel putin 4 masini au fost avariate, dintre care una aflata in miscare

O explozie puternica a avut loc luni dupa-amiaza la o fosta statie PECO din cartierul Tiglina 3, din Galati. Cel putin patru masini au fost avariate, dintre care una se afla in miscare, iar doua persoane au suferit atacuri de panica, informeaza Digi24.ro.

9 Dec 13:47 Wall-Street 2473040520127759489.html
Belmont winner Sir Winston to return on Fair Grounds' turf

Horse Racing news: Belmont winner Sir Winston to return on Fair Grounds' turf.

9 Dec 13:15 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535114228285.html
Los muertos que ahora financian campañas políticas

Así lo reveló informe de Transparencia por Colombia sobre elecciones en 2015 y 2018.

9 Dec 11:31 El Tiempo 1091719939115662250.html
TIKEHAU CAPITAL : recrute son Directeur des relations extérieures chez Image Sept

Tikehau Capital a annoncé l’arrivée de Grégoire Lucas en tant que Directeur des Relations Extérieures. Sous la responsabilité d’Antoine Flamarion et Mathieu Chabran, co-fondateurs du groupe de gestion... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 17:16 Zonebourse 7946574378296054426.html
Only Bella Hadid can wear a sheer top and white jeans to the beach

Party up top, business on the bottom.

9 Dec 16:56 Metro 970161748896593757.html
Ziemlich praktisch: Wir präsentieren dir 3 Varianten für deine iPad-Halterung

Eine iPad-Halterung macht dir die Nutzung deines Tablets noch viel einfacher. Für jeden Anlass gibt es das passende Gestell. Wir stellen dir drei Varianten vor.

9 Dec 17:37 futurezone.de 2257170159924860023.html
Mihajlović: Završetak Ipsilon kraka do kraja godine

Ministarka građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture Zorana Mihajlović razgovarala je sa predstavnicima Кoridora...

9 Dec 12:05 N1 Srbija 7797130866490339395.html
Bonus airbag moto: l’emendamento è stato bocciato alla camera

Il cosiddetto “bonus airbag” è destinato a rimanere inattuato. Per la Commissioni Bilancio alla Camera mancherebbero le coperture.

9 Dec 17:58 InvestireOggi 7231367744598118327.html
Fotos indicam que Pyongyang testou um motor de projétil no fim de semana

Seul, 9 dez (EFE).- Fotos de satélite analisadas nesta segunda-feira mostraram indicações ...

9 Dec 10:34 UOL Noticias 8892198860076100539.html
Kasus Harley, Erick Pecat 5 Direksi: Ari Askhara & 4 Direktur

Hal itu disampaikan Staf Khusus Menteri BUMN Bidang Komunikasi Publik Arya Sinulingga di kantor Kementerian BUMN, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 10:30 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213687438229.html
Prosus, dal Sudafrica si alza l'offerta ostile per Just Eat: supera 6 miliardi

La mossa è per bloccare le nozze tra l'app britannica e l'olandese Takeaway.com

9 Dec 10:30 Repubblica.it 8208867270813873103.html
N4.8bn contract fraud: I’ll not shield my appointees from investigation and prosecution ― Ortom

Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue has stated that he would not shield any of his appointees accused of corrupt practices from investigation and prosecution.

9 Dec 16:33 Vanguard News 4125100339269271917.html
El rugby español, pendiente de la exclusión de Rusia de los eventos internacionales

Las consecuencias de la exclusión de Rusia de los eventos internacionales durante los próximos cuatro años, entre ellos Juegos Olímpicos y Mundiales, pueden tener muchas ramificaciones. Entre ellas, las que posiblemente afecte al rugby español, que ahora debe estar pendiente de cómo transcurre esta sanción y el posible recurso que presente Rusia ante el TAS.

9 Dec 12:05 MARCA 5656811532764999219.html
'A Moment is All it Took'! Deepika Padukone Shares Gripping Chhapaak Teaser, Trailer to be Out Tomorrow

Deepika Padukone's Chhapaak trailer to be out tomorrow - Watch teaser.

9 Dec 13:13 India.com 7150386084172871372.html
Dos conferencias sobre Vox y presos de ETA enfermos topan con el muro de la censura en Euskadi

Un centro municipal de Bilbao se niega a acoger una charla del eurodiputado Miguel Urbán sobre la formación ultraderechista. En Vitoria, el delegado del Gobierno, COVITE y el PP quieren que se prohíba la intervención de un ex preso en el campus universitario de esa ciudad.

9 Dec 15:49 www.publico.es 99190978252699408.html
Europäischer Green Deal: Sonderplenarsitzung des Europäischen Parlaments mit Ursula von der Leyen am Mittwoch, den 11. Dezember

Informationen zu Livestream und Übertragungsmöglichkeiten

9 Dec 14:24 OTS.at 4182160710980350607.html
Supremo recusa recurso e Benzema pode ir a julgamento no caso Valbuena

O caso data de 2015 e o avançado do Real Madrid foi vetado na seleção

9 Dec 14:30 O Jogo 3218673679168760336.html
Requiem for Russell Chatham: Artist, writer, rogue

Russell Chatham, who died in California on Nov. 10 at 80, was a talented artist, writer, fly fisherman and chef, fond of drink and better at making and spending money than managing it.

9 Dec 15:32 CHANNEL3000 830332543054440426.html
Cómo conseguir una suculenta sopa de pescado

El chef Martín Berasategui, que ya suma 12 estrellas Michelín, responde a las dudas cotidianas de los oyentes de 'Hoy por hoy'

9 Dec 09:16 Cadena SER 8390941985490822261.html
Toa Baja se prepara para recibir a Madison Anderson Berríos

El alcalde de Toa Baja, Bernando "Betito" Márquez expresó su apoyo a la representante de Puerto Rico en el certamen de Miss Universe 2019.

9 Dec 12:06 Metro 5130125483578424859.html
Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney dies at age 85

He gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl

9 Dec 15:45 The Stettler Independent 1209901973243561690.html
What the final Welsh poll of the General Election 2019 campaign shows as Labour faces historic shock

It could be a historic night for the Conservatives

9 Dec 17:08 Wales Online 7686550517159440636.html
Stanje na putevima: Magla u kotlinama, moguća poledica

BANJALUKA - U Republici Srpskoj i Federaciji BiH u večernjim časovima ima magle i niske oblačnosti u kotlinama, duž riječnih tokova i u višim predjelima, a na putevima u višim predjelima i preko planinskih prevoja tokom noći moguće je i formiranje poledice.

9 Dec 17:49 Nezavisne novine 4209150642402831523.html
You are not a cheap celebrity – Cardi B tells Afia Schwar

Award-winning rapper Cardi B born Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar has begged controversial presenter and self-acclaimed queen of comedy Afia Schwar

9 Dec 09:13 GHANA PAGE 8986860742621132948.html
TS - Lukaku sfida il Barcellona: Conte vuole il belga in versione Praga

Tanta voglia d'Europa per Romelu Lukaku, che torna a calcare il palcoscenico della Champions nel match contro il Barcellona dopo aver trascinato l'Inter contro lo Slavia con un gol,...

9 Dec 08:00 FcInterNews.it 7848284894198393043.html
Court orders meeting with foreigners in church amid ‘crisis’

All parties were also ordered to file reports by 09.00am on Friday so the court could understand how the matter was being resolved.

9 Dec 14:39 The Citizen 410802302011504674.html
Harry Anand & Kaviczar Come Together for A Party Track Naach Nachaniya

Singer-composer-music director Harry Anand and singer Kaviczar have teamed up for a party song titled "Naach Nachaniya"."'Naach Nachaniya' is a very close song to me and Kaviczar. We have really wor

9 Dec 08:16 Koimoi 5184275670532038772.html
Elf Kinderbücher für die Weihnachtszeit

Neue Kinderbücher für die kalte Advents- und Weihnachtszeit zum Vorlesen und Selberlesen.

9 Dec 17:34 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569065491672.html
Fünfjähriges Kind schleppt Baby durch Alaskas klirrende Kälte

Als plötzlich der Strom ausfällt, bekommt es ein fünfjähriges Kind im Örtchen Venetie in Alaska mit der Angst. Es ist mit einem Baby allein daheim. Das Kind schnappt sich den 18 Monate alten Nachwuchs und macht sich bei minus 35 Grad Celsius auf den Weg zu den Nachbarn.

9 Dec 14:07 GMX 2011843074954654383.html
Comenzó la temporada de premios: estos son los nominados a los Globos de Oro 2020

"El irlandés", "Jocker" y "Los dos papas" son algunas de las cintas que postulan a la categoría "Mejor drama" en los Globos de Oro.

9 Dec 13:59 Publimetro Chile 2498685482447278576.html
The first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife ain’t afraid of no ghost!

Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Have you or any of your family have seen a spook, spectre or Ghost? If …

9 Dec 16:36 Critical Hit 8797780292102713149.html
(VIDEO) PRESUŠUJU VIKTORIJINI VODOPADI: Uglavnom svuda go kamen, posledice po živi svet katastrofalne!

Iako se količina vode u reci Zambezi uobičajeno smanjuje tokom sušne sezone, stručnjaci upozoravaju da je ove godine došlo do nezamislivog pada nivoa vode.

9 Dec 14:48 REPUBLIKA 2543998405226848974.html
WATCH: A Small Act of Kindness Brightens an Amazon Worker's Day

The Christmas season is one of the busiest – and arguably one of the most stressful – times for delivery drivers. Not only do they have a heavier workload, with more people shopping online for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, but these drivers are also working in wet, snowy and icy conditions.

9 Dec 12:30 Townhall 6083908948491226613.html
Dali iO-6, estos auriculares daneses harán las delicias de los sibaritas del sonido

Si hablamos de Dali probablemente en lo primero que piense sea en el artista catalán, sin embargo, esta marca no tiene nada que ver con el genio de Figueres sino que su nombre es un acrónimo de Danish Audiophile Loudspeaker Industries (industrias danesas de altavoces para audiófilos), lo que da una primera pista del especial desarrollo que vamos a encontrar en la calidad de sonido.

9 Dec 08:37 elEconomista.es 9051559959318176990.html
Final SEA Games 2019: Vietnam Bertekad Kalahkan Indonesia

Pelatih Timnas U-23 Vietnam, Park Hang Seo, merasa bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan gelar juara SEA Games 2019 bagi rakyat Vietnam.

9 Dec 10:21 Tempo 6731898376753738633.html
Bologna fc mercato, no di Ibrahimovic. Arriverà Dominguez

Sabatini: "Ha fatto altre scelte. Il mercato di gennaio? Faremo due cosine creative, la proprietà in estate ha già fatto un sforzo importante"

9 Dec 14:43 il Resto del Carlino 7209657602633036178.html
This is how Xiaomi plans to hide the Mi Mix 4 camera under the screen

This is how Xiaomi plans to hide the Mi Mix 4 camera under the screen, this photos reveal the first details of a patent in which this mechanism appears

9 Dec 17:38 Gizchina 5392375275064330993.html
Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije: Stefanović nije u sukobu interesa

BEOGRAD - Potpredsednik vlade i ministar unutrašnjih poslova Nebojša Stefanović nije u sukobu interesa zbog trgovine oružjem između privrednog društva GIM i Krušika, u koju je navodno umešan njegov otac, Branko Stefanović, saopštila je danas Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije.

9 Dec 09:22 tanjug.rs 2690210340097787917.html
The Fed's recent repo crisis was the fault of big banks and hedge funds, new study finds

September's repo-rate spike was driven by big banks and hedge funds, the Bank for International Settlements wrote in a report released Sunday. T...

9 Dec 13:12 Business Insider 3364799146403703447.html
Com reforma, brasileiro revê renda para aposentadoria

Os jovens até 34 anos são maioria entre os que já mudaram de comportamento e passaram a poupar mais

9 Dec 10:40 Folha Vitória 4941883427737133326.html
Lutto nel mondo della musica, Juice Wrld muore in aeroporto a 21 anni

L’astro nascente della musica rap americana, Juice Wrld è morto nelle scorse ore a causa di un malore avvertito mentre si trovava in aeroporto. Jarad Anthony Higgins, artista nato il 2 dicembre del 1998 a Chicago, si era appena affacciato nel mondo della musica. Cresciuto nella periferia della capitale dell’Illinois, il giovanissimo rapper si era …

9 Dec 09:19 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927612843679.html
Mutmaßlicher Autodieb flüchtet vor Polizei, zwei Personen verletzt

Ein Autodieb aus Halle raste auf der Flucht vor der Polizei in eine Leitplanke und verletzte zwei seiner Mitfahrer beim Zusammenstoß.

9 Dec 09:14 TAG24 4583887874061158469.html
Corte falla contra AFP Habitat por actuar ilegal en entrega de pensión

En fallo unánime, la Primera Sala de la Corte de Apelaciones de Punta Arenas declaró el actuar ilegal y arbitrario de la AFP, tras establecer que el afiliado que presentó el recurso cumple con las exigencias legales para el devengamiento de la pensión a partir del día siguiente al del retiro laboral

9 Dec 17:08 La Nación 6855788058409052076.html
Ya tenemos fecha de lanzamiento para Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris en PC, PS4 y Xbox One

Aquria y Bandai Namco nos permiten saber ya cuándo jugaremos al título de rol oriental de la conocida saga. En Bandai Namco han lanzado hoy mismo un nuevo tráiler de Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, uno en el que...

9 Dec 13:30 3DJuegos 3383023118545395486.html
SRBIN IZBEGLICA IZ SARAJEVA IMA NAJBOLJI RESTORAN NA SVETU! A na burek redovno svraćaju Kristijano Ronaldo i Madona!

U tradicionalnom izboru prestižnog britanskog magazina Monocle za 2017. godinu restoran iz Lisabona proglašen je za najbolji na svetu, a vlasnik i glavni šef ovog restorana je Srbin, izbeglica iz Sarajeva, Ljubomir Stanišić, koji se jednog dana iz iznajmljenog ...

9 Dec 12:33 kurir.rs 6515665028482850907.html
Barcelona ułatwia zadanie Interowi. Messiego do Mediolanu nie zabiera

Barcelona bez Lionela Messiego w Mediolanie. Argentyńczyk nie znalazł się w kadrze na mecz 6. kolejki fazy grupowej Ligi Mistrzów z Interem.

9 Dec 16:22 TVN24 8936112740223815079.html
Bitcoin - Correction Soon To Be Over

Bitcoin has been stuck in a bear market since December 17th, 2017.Its weekly chart is oversold and probably close to a trendchange.Professional money has not yet fully positioned for a new rally.There

9 Dec 14:50 Seeking Alpha 5725634556277853534.html
Deschamps erklärt: Darum verzichtete ich auf Leroy Sané

Didier Deschamps hat über die Gedankenspiele berichtet, Leroy Sané zum französischen Nationalspieler zu machen.

9 Dec 12:09 weltfussball.at 3521376371691401099.html
The decaying HDB lease, myth or reality?

The decaying HDB lease, myth or reality?

9 Dec 09:20 The Independent 5308065341572558414.html
This is how Cassper Nyovest is bringing back his popular #FILLUP concert before the end of the year

South African Hip Hop sensation, Cassper Nyovest is set to fill up another stadium this year.

9 Dec 17:25 Channel24 2038030839792032149.html
ST Poll: More than half of students who receive tuition begin at age 7 or even younger

ST Poll: More than half of students who receive tuition begin at age 7 or even younger

9 Dec 16:00 The Independent 5308065342659144858.html
Schlank durch die Weihnachtszeit: Geht das überhaupt?

Über Weihnachten nicht zunehmen - geht nicht? Geht doch! Ernährungsexpertin Dr. Alexa Iwan verrät die besten Tipps und Tricks.

9 Dec 11:12 VIP.de 2239798195329964052.html
Audi e-tron: Kritische Meinung von einem der ersten Käufer

Der Audi e-tron ist das erste Elektroauto von Audi und der SUV wird seit ein paar Monaten verkauft. Vor ein paar Tagen gab es dann die Meldung, dass Audi die Reichweite des e-tron um 25 Kilometer steigern konnte.

9 Dec 11:40 mobiFlip.de 5208441547866457697.html
Lunghi confirmó a los funcionarios que lo acompañarán en las Subsecretarías y Direcciones

Luego de anunciar la conformación del Gabinete que lo acompañará en su próxima gestión, el intendente Miguel Lunghi dio a conocer los nombres de los funcionarios que lo acompañarán en las subsecretarías y direcciones. Lunghi se aferró a su círculo cercano para definir al Gabinete que lo acompañará en otro mandato El jefe comunal destacó […]

9 Dec 08:57 El Eco 4177735524086730376.html
Ha il volto di Liliana Segre l’Italia del futuro che vogliono i sindaci

Cara Liliana,domani scenderanno in piazza oltre 600 sindaci con la fascia tricolore e migliaia di cittadini sfileranno a Milano per manifestare che il Paese è al tuo fianco, contro l’odio...

9 Dec 15:22 L'HuffPost 5315551422897398839.html
Primele imagini cu fiica Anamariei Prodan după accidentul suferit

Anamaria Prodan a postat ieri prima fotografie cu fiica ei după accidentul pe care aceasta l-a avut. Tânăra este în afara oricărui pericol, însă are

9 Dec 11:45 Cancan.ro 636482384888821825.html
El Barcelona cuenta con Arturo Vidal hasta junio: "Es el único centrocampista de fuerza del plantel"

Ante la arremetida de otros clubes europeos por conseguir los servicios del King, la directiva azulgrana que no tienen pensado desprenderse de él en enero, sostuvo el diario Sport.

9 Dec 12:58 Dale Albo 4082402099310572503.html
Kipyego rips up pacemakers' code to leave marathon field in his wake

(Reuters) - The world’s elite athletes may think twice before employing Reuban Kipyego as a marathon pacemaker again, after the Kenyan had a late change of heart in a recent race and kicked on for a bizarre victory.

9 Dec 15:59 Reuters 8334514180576132628.html
Rechazaron recurso extraordinario y Buzzi y Di Pierro irían a juicio

El pasado 2 de diciembre los miembros de la Sala Penal del Superior Tribunal de Justicia (STJ) de la Provincia dieron a conocer la Sentencia Interlocutoria referida al recurso extraordinario, presentado por la defensa de Martín Buzzi y Néstor Di Pierro, para ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJN) en contra de la Sentencia que declaró procedente la impugnación de la querella, y resolvió el reenvío del caso a la Oficina Judicial de Comodoro para la sustanciación del juicio oral del caso. El recurso extraordinario para ante la Corte por parte de los imputados Buzzi y Di Pierro fue presentado por el Defensor General de la Provincia, Sebastián Daroca.

9 Dec 13:46 Crónica 1134283328405390880.html
Roma, controlli ad «alto impatto» dei Carabinieri: blitz nelle piazze di spaccio, 36 arresti

Proseguono i servizi di controllo straordinario ad “Alto Impatto” nella Capitale da parte dei Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Roma, nel corso del piano di intervento approvato nell’ambito del Comitato Provinciale per l’Ordine e la Sicurezza pubblica del 15 novembre scorso, nei quartieri dove maggiore è presente lo spaccio di stupefacenti. Nel corso della settimana appena […]

9 Dec 12:54 Il Corriere della Città 1420617339024779369.html
Viel Wasser trinken lohnt sich: Diese 3 Trink-Apps machen mehr aus deinem Körper

Trink-Apps lohnen sich mehr als du denkst. Schließlich strahlt dein Körper erst richtig, wenn du viel Wasser trinkst. Diese 3 können wir empfehlen.

9 Dec 17:23 futurezone.de 2257170160334491238.html
Memori Kas Hartadi di SEA Games 1991: Sengsara Membawa Nikmat

Kas Hartadi masih ingat benar kerasnya latihan yang diterapkan pelatih Anatoli Polosin. Namun, semua terbayar dengan medali emas SEA Games 1991.

9 Dec 09:15 Bola.com 1695722603054170425.html
Imbulzeala la bilete pentru Revelionul Pensionarilor. Primul la coada a fost un barbat de 82 de ani: Eu sunt dornic de dans

Aproximativ 200 de persoane s-au imbulzit, luni dimineata, la ghiseele Teatrului Muzical ''Nae Leonard'' din Galati, unde s-au pus in vanzare biletele pentru Revelionul Pensionarilor, organizat de primarie.

9 Dec 15:24 Ziare.com 1922730286895461359.html
2K forms new BioShock 3 studio called Cloud Chamber to create new game

BioShock publisher 2K has formed an all-new studio to create BioShock 3. Am I dreaming?! It feels like I'm dreaming... Oh my.

9 Dec 13:13 MSPoweruser 1651641549378080675.html
Review of the Week 14 action in the NFL including another AFC West title for Kansas City Chiefts

The Kansas City Chiefs beat the New England Patriots 23-16 to secure a fourth consecutive AFC West championship.

9 Dec 08:45 Sporting Life 7709795077067311644.html
Garlando: "Pioli il Potenziatore: ha rialzato il Diavolo"

Luigi Garlando, sulle pagine della Gazzetta dello Sport, ha commentato così il momento del Milan dopo la vittorie contro Parma e Bologna: "'O bej! O bej!',festeggiano i milanisti, finalmente allegri, il giorno dopo Sant’Ambrogio. Belli i 3 punti, belli i 3 gol, bello un Milan sicuro e straripante, quasi irriconoscibile. La squadra che aveva segnato la miseria di 13 gol in 14 giornate (peggio solo 4 club di A), si è messa a costruire in serie. In città c’è un altro ottimo allenatore, oltre ad Antonio Conte. Stefano Pioli, quando arrivò all’Inter, precisò: «Normalizzatore? No, Potenziatore». Che significa non risolvere soltanto una crisi, ma rendere più forti tutti. Al Milan lo sta facendo. Ha cominciato trasmettendo una solida idea tattica che ha dato sicurezza, dopo la confusione precedente: Hernandez avanzato (4 gol), costruzione a 3, eccetera. Le linee di gioco che ieri erano sentieri tortuosi oggi sono autostrade. Poi ha lavorato sui singoli. Con il recupero del miglior Conti, ha messo a posto la difesa. La…

9 Dec 13:02 MilanNews.it 6507305921712182761.html
Twin 4-year-olds freed themselves from a car crash that killed their father and climbed to safety, police say, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Police said that on Friday, Corey Simmons of Langley, Washington, was driving with his twin daughters when their car careened down an embankment.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:12 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755796926497.html
Aseguran que "Alberto va a anunciar un paquete de medidas de shock"

La Presidenta del Consejo Federal de Políticas Sociales, Victoria Tolosa Paz, adelantó hoy que el presidente electo, Alberto Fernández, "va a anunciar un paquete de medidas de shock" ni bien asuma al frente del gobierno.    "Seguramente se vaya a relanzar el programa precios cuidados. Vamos a crear una tarjeta alimentaria apenas lleguemos al gobierno, va a estar dentro de las primeras medidas de shock que adoptará Alberto Fernandez", aseguró la dirigente.    En diálogo con el programa de radio Crónica Anunciada, Tolosa Paz aseguró que "el hambre no puede esperar", por lo que "la implementación de la tarjeta tiene que ser rápida".    En este sentido, remarcó: "La convocatoria de Argentina Contra el Hambre ha reunido el compromiso de todos los sectores de la sociedad", y subrayó: "A nadie le sirve una Argentina con 16 millones de pobres".    "La tarjeta Alimentar tiene que lograr terminar con la inseguridad alimentaria en Argentina", concluyó Tolosa Paz.

9 Dec 11:42 El Esquiú 5729181306697243184.html
Conte fa subito sponda a Zingaretti: "Sì alla verifica di governo a gennaio"

Il premier: "Cronoprogramma fino al 2023"

9 Dec 15:22 Affari Italiani 6123405403260715667.html
Benzema seguirá imputado en el caso Valbuena: el Supremo rechaza su recurso

La más alta instancia judicial considera que los investigadores no traspasaron los límites legítimos para obtener pruebas de su implicación, en contra de lo pretendía el jugador

9 Dec 14:25 El Confidencial 6129807548674788794.html
Junta Nacional de Justicia: Resultados de prueba de confianza se darán hoy

Con los resultados de las pruebas de confianza los postulantes podrán realizar el descargo o aclaración correspondiente

9 Dec 12:56 canalN.pe 1595273587594497414.html
Maia acredita que Câmara não enfraqueceu pacote anticrime

Em São Paulo, Rodrigo Maia negou que a Câmara tenha enfraquecido o pacote anticrime que recebeu de Sergio Moro...

9 Dec 15:49 O Antagonista 1037429655064558219.html
Har sikret lyd­opptak fra toget

Havarikommisjonen skal gå gjennom lydopptak fra toget som var involvert i dødsulykka i Rana lørdag ettermiddag.

9 Dec 17:32 Dagbladet.no 3042595686732974404.html
Numerologija otkriva: Vaš broj pokazuje kako da se obogatite

Ova oblast numerologije pokazuje na koji način dolazite do novca i koji su vaši talenti koje možete da unovčite. Istovremeno pokazuje i vaše slabosti kada je u pitanju novac koje bi trebalo što pre da prevaziđete.

9 Dec 08:48 REPUBLIKA 2543998406687505115.html
Prosigue la búsqueda del cuerpo de Marta Calvo en el municipio valenciano de Manuel

El operativo de localización del cadáver de la joven descuartizada se paralizó el pasado sábado debido al estado del terreno por las lluvias de los últimos días

9 Dec 08:33 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612760405599.html
Nederman acquires Gasmet Technologies Oy , the world leader in FTIR gas analysis and emissions monitoring systems

Nederman has today signed and completed a deal to acquire 100% of the shares in Gasmet Technologies Oy, a world leading supplier of FTIR gas analysis solutions for both continuous emission and mercury monitoring systems and portable gas analysers. Based in Helsinki, Finland the company also operates globally through entities in Germany, UK, Canada, Hong Kong and Austria.

9 Dec 15:45 Dagens industri 3921815213336702237.html
El hijo de Camilo Sesto rompe su silencio sobre su estado de salud

La madre de Camilo Sesto Ornelas lanzó un mensaje de alarma, preocupada por el ritmo de vida de su hijo y su estado anímico tras la muerte del cante

9 Dec 13:27 ABC.es 6074573463462466206.html
Let Us Tell You Why White Island Erupted (And Why There Was No Warning)

In this age of technology and instrumental monitoring, it seems irrational that there should be little or no warning for such eruptions. The eruption is not caused by magma, but by steam, and this is

9 Dec 14:31 The National Interest 7207864702471750953.html
Questi porcellini sono ibridi di maiale e scimmia. Ed è la prima volta che gli scienziati riescono a crearne

I porcellini con qualche cellula di macaco, che però sono deceduti entro una settimana dalla nascita, sono il primo passo lungo il percorso che potrebbe portare a “fabbricare” organi umani per i trapianti

9 Dec 13:16 Wired 7504010957918013796.html
Giftalarm in sächsischem Geflügelbetrieb ausgelöst

In Sachsen sind bei einem Geflügelbetrieb ersten Berichten zufolge Giftstoffe ausgetreten. Mehrere Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens in Mockrehna wurden verletzt. Der Katastrophenschutz ist im Einsatz.

9 Dec 13:23 T-Online 5460876210529043615.html
Prisión sin fianza para el hombre que este domingo causó un muerto en Madrid al conducir en sentido contrario

Los investigadores se encuentran a la espera de conocer los resultados de las pruebas de alcohol y drogas

9 Dec 10:24 EL PAÍS 2207347710253467374.html
La Fondation Entreprenarium fête ses cinq ans

En marge du sommet mondial sur le genre, tenu à Kigali du 25 au 27 novembre 2019, la Fondation Entreprenarium a célébré ses cinq ans. Quelque 300 invités de marque et bénéficiaires ont fait le dépl…

9 Dec 11:28 Financial Afrik 5951482563812419410.html
Berita Timnas - Rapor Indonesia dan Vietnam hingga Nazar Indra Sjafri

Berita timnas kali ini akan membahas soal rapor timnas U-22 Indonesia dan Vietnam di SEA Games 2019, hingga nazar Indra Sjafri jika raih medali emas.

9 Dec 15:48 BolaSport.com 4603768435849529487.html
Crisis: Why Flash Must Die, Despite Oliver's Deal With the Monitor

Although Oliver Queen made a deal with the Monitor last year to spare the lives of The Flash and Supergirl, he didn't read the small print.

9 Dec 16:12 CBR.com 1295516961605908900.html
Blockchain Technology And Mobile Apps In 2020

Blockchain technology has the power to revolutionise all corners of tech and the future of blockchain and mobile apps in the future is promising.

9 Dec 08:01 Android Headlines 8385692877854639339.html
Probe underway into $3.3M fraud at Telenor bank

Several employees at Telenor’s Pakistan-based Microfinance Bank were accused of helping scam the operation out ...

9 Dec 10:17 Mobile World Live 2109488009797025600.html
Natale, 78% italiani fa la spesa sostenibile

Soprattutto durante le feste piace origine etica e responsabile (ANSA)

9 Dec 11:52 ANSA.it 1300837448007969518.html
LTA awards S$210 million contract for Jurong West, Bahar Junction MRT stations

SINGAPORE: Two Jurong Region Line stations will be designed and constructed by the Singapore branch of China Railway 11 Bureau Group, the Land ...

9 Dec 10:58 CNA 5644198862723449040.html
Com reforma, brasileiro revê renda para aposentadoria

Os jovens até 34 anos são maioria entre os que já mudaram de comportamento e passaram a poupar mais

9 Dec 11:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628698921867043.html
Axel Witsel na val thuis geopereerd aan het gezicht: “Hij lag zelfs even op intensieve zorgen”

Axel Witsel heeft bij een ongeval bij hem thuis een blessure in het gezicht opgelopen, waarvoor hij intussen al onder het mes is gegaan. Hij lag zelfs even op intensieve zorgen, maar heeft het ziek...

9 Dec 12:16 HLN 8967494997950695449.html
'Give citizenship to immigrants, but no voting rights for 25 years': Sanjay Raut

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was introduced in LS on December 9 by Union Home Minister Amit Shah.

9 Dec 12:52 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364217777962.html
La BC de Schwytz doit remplacer trois membres du conseil

Trois membres de l’organe de surveillance - Karl Roos, Peter Jeitler et Max Ronner - sur neuf ne pourront pas briguer de nouveau mandat et devront être remplacés.

9 Dec 10:47 Allnews 678771718921229627.html
Latinoamérica desaprovecha a Asia por barreras comerciales, dice el BID

Las exportaciones de América Latina y el Caribe hacia Asia podrían crecer hasta 27% a mediano plazo si se reducen los costos asociados a aranceles, transporte y logística, según un informe del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) divulgado este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019.

9 Dec 17:45 El Comercio 2865024640773539799.html
Embarazada debió sentarse en su novio porque nadie le cedió la silla

Mientras la pareja esperaba por su cita en el hospital, su novio debió hacer de 'silla' para ella.

9 Dec 15:30 El Tiempo 1091719940567195706.html
Julieta Nair Calvo le puso el pecho a la tarde

La modelo argentina aprovechó el solcito para mostrar su escultural figura.

9 Dec 08:16 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157660551614.html
Resistenza, nascerà a Milano il museo nazionale. Franceschini: "Il Paese ne ha assoluto bisogno"

Il titolare del Mibact: "Ci pare giusto che, in un momento come questo, sia dato un segnale forte"

9 Dec 14:31 L'HuffPost 5315551422282526622.html
These Irish stars have nabbed Golden Globe nominations

Two Irish actors are among the distinguished class to receive Golden Globe nominations this year.

9 Dec 17:39 IrishCentral 7319968745038032412.html
‘Justitie deelt samenzwering Trump niet’

Er lijkt geen aanwijzing te bestaan dat er bij justitie in de VS in 2016 opzettelijk is geprobeerd toenmalig presidentskandidaat Trump zwart te maken. Een onafhankelijke inspecteur-generaal van het ministerie van Justitie heeft volgens The New York Times naar het zich laat aanzien geconcludeerd dat er wel van alles misging bij de FBI in het onderzoek naar Russische contacten van de entourage van Trump. Van opzet om de Republikeinse kandidaat te beschadigen, is geen sprake.

9 Dec 16:06 RD.nl 6406779841190062373.html
Luna Sobrino presenta su marca personal pero casi se le "escapa" un detalle entere las fotos

La talentosa modelo española muestra su inigualable figura en su nueva campaña publicitaria pero hay algo que no tiene en cuenta a la hora de hacer fotos mojadita.

9 Dec 10:37 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157624707644.html
Prohibición de viajes de EE.UU. a Cuba viola los derechos humanos

Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, ministro cubano de Relaciones Exteriores, expresó este 9 de diciembre su rechazo a la prohibición de vuelos desde Estados Unidos hacia Cuba, excepto a La Habana, que entrará en vigor este martes, justo cuando se celebra el Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos.

9 Dec 14:51 Escambray 1851904803606465885.html
Alba Parietti: all'Italia per Natale regalerei l'umanità

L'attrice critica i social: "Servono ai politici per parlare alla pancia"

9 Dec 11:31 Il Tempo 2494990961215414533.html
Ryan Reynolds is on a quest to save his world in the action-comedy Free Guy

A bank teller who discovers he is actually a background player in an open-world video game decides to become the hero of his own story…one he rewrites himself. Now in a world where there are no lim…

9 Dec 11:00 Critical Hit 8797780291538110720.html
Kirk Herbstreit’s Message For Fans Of Oregon, Wisconsin

ESPN college football analyst Kirk Herbstreit has a message for fans of Oregon and Wisconsin heading into the Rose Bowl.

9 Dec 14:42 The Spun 9122471848214552363.html
'Les vêpres siciliennes' apre stagione Opera di Roma, Gatti sul podio

Non solo la Scala di Milano con la 'Tosca'. Tre giorni dopo Sant'Ambrogio, infatti, tocca all'Opera di Roma, che domani stende i tappeti rossi della prima e alza il sipario su 'Les vêpres siciliennes' di Giuseppe Verdi. Oltre quattro ore e mezzo di 'grand-opera' in francese (è la prima opera scritta da Verdi appositamente per Parigi, con tanto di balletto nel terz'atto) con Daniele Gatti, direttore musicale della Fondazione lirica, sul podio di Orchestra e Coro (preparato da Roberto Gabbiani) del Teatro dell'Opera di Roma e Valentina Carrasco che firma la regia.

9 Dec 17:10 Adnkronos 2840063643844033102.html
Proceso de destitución de Trump entra en una semana clave en el Congreso EEUU

Demócratas afirman tener un “caso sólido” contra el mandatario estadounidense.

9 Dec 11:01 Crónica 1134283327403449458.html
Marko Milić podprl športnike invalide

Nekdanji košarkarski as Marko Milić nadaljuje sodelovanje z ligo NBA, ki bo v Evropi organizirala tekmovanje za otroke, tudi v Sloveniji. Letos pa so šli sposobni in podjetni Američani še korak d...

9 Dec 15:01 Slovenske novice 5901956563156810627.html
Libur Natal dan Tahun Baru, Kemenhub Siapkan 55 Bus Mudik Gratis

Sejauh ini dari beberapa bus yang disediakan baru terisi sekitar 75 persen. Dia berharap jelang keberangkatan tingkat keterisian bus gratis yang disiapkan pihaknya akan mencapai 100 persen.

9 Dec 17:45 merdeka.com 1998180354685688903.html
Efia Odo’s unclad dress she wore to Cardi B’s concert in Ghana causes outrage online

Efia Odo dress Cardi B Wearing a skimpy white cloth that barely covered her a$s and pu$$y, Efia Odo matched it with a tiny brazier

9 Dec 09:29 GHANA PAGE 8986860742341128531.html
Universidade de Coimbra e Tilray vão desenvolver produtos médicos de canábis

Foi assinada "uma parceria estratégica inédita para investigação e novos conhecimentos para o desenvolvimento de produtos médicos derivados de canábis", que deverá estender-se até 2024.

9 Dec 15:30 SÁBADO 5711459692095144815.html
Android, Google and free content licenses. Who is to blame and what can be done?

The story of another ban. Have you heard about bans on apps and developers in Google Play? This is just such a story. It’s also an attempt to collect similar c...

9 Dec 10:23 Habr 2793430254050476634.html
Anwar’s party faces full-blown schism

Anwar’s party faces full-blown schism

9 Dec 12:10 The Independent 5308065342814560042.html
Mau Beli vivo Y19? Inilah Promo yang Ditawarkan oleh vivo

vivo secara resmi telah memboyong smartphone barunya, vivo Y19 ke pasar Indonesia. Bagi kalian yang tertarik meminang smartphone ini, vivo menawarkan beberapa promo menarik.

9 Dec 08:00 DroidLime 2345565948284112368.html
Upon Further Review: Hunter, Vikings lull Detroit to sleep

What we learned from the Minnesota Vikings’ 20-7 win over Detroit.

9 Dec 17:51 FOX Sports 4135141642464710084.html
Ftse Mib prossimo ad un'inversione storica. BTP: alla larga ora?

Il Ftse Mib a marzo prossimo "festeggerà" 20 anni di ribassi, ma con il superamento di area 24.500 cambierà faccia. La view di Davide Biocchi.

9 Dec 10:16 Trend Online 3268043278917397135.html
Apple App Store: Pause für neue Apps und Updates über die Feiertage

Apple verordnet dem App Store bzw. den zuständigen Mitarbeitern aber auch den externen Entwicklern die jährliche Zwangspause: Im Klartext ...

9 Dec 10:00 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777575025578158.html
If you thought HP was stopping deals after Cyber Week, think again

It’s pretty unbelievable how much amazing tech you can get during the weeks leading up to and right after Thanksgiving. Because, let’s be honest, while you’re spending time with y…

9 Dec 12:11 BGR 7505870287725630432.html
Lizzo prende juego de los Lakers con intenso 'perreo' (video)

La rapera Lizzo se llevó la noche del juego de los Lakers vs Minnesota Timberwolves con un atrevido "perreo"

9 Dec 11:51 EL DEBATE 4396150894684838326.html
8 conseils pour apaiser les conflits au bureau

Vous laissez parfois des situations s'enliser, au risque de perdre en légitimité et en productivité ? Voici neuf mots ultraconcrets qui vous aideront à sortir de l'ornière. , DÉBATTandis qu'un conflit

9 Dec 10:19 Capital.fr 2641485282275008283.html
Mediengruppe RTL lädt im März erstmals zum “International Streaming Summit”

Die Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland lädt die internationale Streaming- und Broadcasting-Branche zum erstmals ausgerichteten "International Streaming Summit" ein. Die Verantwortlichen weltweit führender Medien-Unternehmen kommen am 18. März 2020 an den Hauptsitz der Mediengruppe RTL nach Köln, um ihre Expertise in Werkstattgesprächen auszutauschen und Trends zu diskutieren.

9 Dec 11:35 MEEDIA 2574484877606883293.html
Grifols toca nuevos máximos históricos tras mostrar la efectividad de su fármaco contra el Alzheimer

El desarrollo y la investigación farmacéutica tiene premio en bolsa. Grifols es uno de los valores más alcistas de la primera sesión de la semana después de presentar importantes avances en su proyecto AMBAR.

9 Dec 09:50 elEconomista.es 9051559959022412060.html
Pięć medali na MP w strzelaniu pneumatycznym

Od piątku do niedzieli we Wrocławiu odbywały się Mistrzostwa Polski w strzelaniach pneumatycznych. Legioniści indywidualnie wywalczyli dwa medale - w konkurencji karabinu pneumatycznego złoto zdobył Tomasz Bartnik, a Maciej Wojtasiak srebro. W klasyfikacji indywidualnej, Legia dzięki tym wynikom była druga. Trzy kolejne medale w rywalizacji drużynowej sprawiły, że w niej ostatecznie Legia została sklasyfikowana na miejscu trzecim. Legioniści triumfowali w karabinie pneumatycznym mężczyzn w składzie Kraskowski, Bartnik, Wojtasiak. Srebro wywalczyła kobieca drużyna w pistolecie pneumatycznym, w składzie Katarzyna Klepacz, Marta Szulżycka, Wioletta Kotynia. Brąz Julia Grzybowska i Tomek Bartnik w karabinie pneumatycznym mix.

9 Dec 11:52 Legioniści 3895148504483227322.html
James, otra vez suena como moneda de cambio en el Real Madrid

El volante colombiano está en la fase final de su recuperación. ¿Se irá del equipo?

9 Dec 10:45 El Tiempo 1091719939723469825.html
Video: 48-Jährige im Bezirk Mistelbach mit Messer getötet

Eine 48 Jahre alte Einheimische ist am Sonntagabend nach einer Messerattacke in der Gemeinde Neudorf im Bezirk Mistelbach ums Leben gekommen. Die Frau wurde von Beamten mit mehreren Stichverletzungen im Bauch in einer Wohnung gefunden, berichtete die Polizei. Ein ebenfalls anwesender 53-Jähriger gilt als tatverdächtig, er wurde festgenommen und soll am Montagvormittag befragt werden.

9 Dec 12:13 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083445263724.html
Proiectul de lege ce prevede ratificarea Scrisorii privind avansul BIRD pentru Cartierul Justiţiei a fost adoptat în Senat

Senatul a adoptat, luni, în unanimitate, în calitate de for decizional, proiectul de lege ce prevede ratificarea Scrisorii de înţelegere privind avansul de la Banca Internaţională pentru Reconstrucţie şi Dezvoltare, pentru proiectul „Cartierul pentru Justiţie”, în valoare de 2,5 milioane de dolari.

9 Dec 15:47 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918117714813.html
Pijan s šestletnikom v avtomobilu bežal pred policisti

Lendavski policisti so v soboto okrog polnoči med nadzorom prometa ustavljali voznika, ta pa se ni zmenil zanje in je nadaljeval vožnjo. Med begom je zapeljal na njivo, pri čemer je bil z njim v av...

9 Dec 13:00 Slovenske novice 5901956561889521550.html
Cinco muertos y decena de atrapados tras la erupción del volcán Whakaari en Nueva Zelanda

La Policía señaló que el número de personas que quedan en la isla tiene por lo menos "dos cifras" aunque indican que desconocen la...

9 Dec 08:39 Expansión 4197779424173093423.html
Victoria’s top cop claims Lawyer X ignorance

Victoria Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton claims he only learned this year that lawyer Nicola Gobbo was a police informer more than once.

9 Dec 14:12 The New Daily 5848147785231109302.html
Betonbunker im Pazifik bricht auf - Atommüll droht, das Meer zu verseuchen

Seit dem Kalten Krieg lagern die USA Atommüll in einem Betonbunker auf den Marshallinseln. Der droht nun den Ozean zu verseuchen - Schuld ist der Klimawandel.

11 Dec 17:09 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687324061675236.html
Sveriges trupp till januariturnén

Rutinerade spelare som Alexander Kacaniklic, Marcus Danielson och Robin Söder. Men också flera unga skrällar i form av Anel Ahmedhodzic, Gustav

9 Dec 14:08 DN.SE 398730693568201794.html
Christmas sides: Yotam Ottolenghi’s recipe for harissa and gruyere gratin

Gratin is a traditional side for roast dinners, but this make-ahead version cleverly uses fiery harissa and the savouriness of anchovy and gruyere

9 Dec 12:00 the Guardian 1491978794978394315.html
Indígenas exigen recuperar mercancía que les quitaron en CdMx

Comerciantes indígenas piden recuperar la mercancía sustraída por autoridades de la CdMx.

9 Dec 11:53 Milenio 4240839409844729048.html
JxCat pide no quedar fuera de la negociación PSOE-ERC

Borràs y Batet coquetean de nuevo con la candidatura de Puigdemont

9 Dec 13:21 elPeriodico 7291954034186491690.html
Fondi indicizzati, arrivano le prime “nuove” medaglie

Sono state attribuite dal team di ricercatori di Morningstar secondo la metodologia di Analyst rating aggiornata lo scorso 31 ottobre.

9 Dec 14:00 Trend Online 3268043278543234936.html
Seat, a Francia en patinete

El objetivo de la marca española es ofrecer motos eléctricas y otros vehículos sostenibles en el 2020 en localidades como Orléans, Burdeos, Toulouse o Aviñón

9 Dec 17:37 elPeriodico 7291954034465528760.html
5 Anzeichen, dass er die Liebe deines Lebens ist

Jeder fragt sich im Laufe seiner Beziehung: Ist er die Liebe meines Lebens? Diese fünf Anzeichen können dir weiterhelfen.

9 Dec 14:04 miss 1375730021228691176.html
Corruption: EFCC recovers N217.2m in Benin Zonal office

Benin Zonal Office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has recovered about N217,268,236 million between January and December.

9 Dec 13:43 The Guardian 7580308505582366888.html
First batch of NFCP deployment will be awarded in January 2020

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has announced that the NFCP 1 will be awarded to successful licensees that have been selected through a tender process in early January 2020. The NFCP 1 will cover a total of 153 locations which consists of 94 mukim in 8 states such as Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, Terengganu and Sabah.

9 Dec 15:18 SoyaCincau.com 3698931831437532675.html
What to do if your lover says something awkward during sex

'Three years ago, I slept with a guy who told me, and I quote, he "likes when he hits the cervix",'

9 Dec 16:11 Metro 970161748198752468.html
Conte è stanco delle polemiche: “Il Paese vuole chiarezza. Basta alle dichiarazioni contrastanti”

'Il Paese vuole chiarezza: non possiamo permetterci di proseguire con dichiarazioni su differenti sensibilità, sfumature e diversità di accenti. Però questo va fatto a gennaio, adesso parliamo della manovra': Giuseppe Conte dice basta alle polemiche e afferma che dal prossimo anno si dovranno rivedere gli obiettivi della coalizione giallorossa e le priorità delle forze politiche. Poi passa alla questione Arcelor Mittal, di nuovo al centro dell'attenzione mediatica a causa di alcune indiscrezioni di stampa.

9 Dec 15:15 fanpage.it 1517332168558273594.html
Lok Sabha passes Arms (Amendment) Bill 2019, exempts sportspersons

Shah said that there is a provision for life imprisonment for those who snatch or loot arms and ammunition from police or defence forces.

9 Dec 13:15 Business-Standard 1502508926454268859.html
El Ayuntamiento de Barcelona crea una nueva tasa de residuos

El Ayuntamiento prevé que 557.000 hogares, un 73,3% del total, paguen entre 27 y 51 euros, lo que supone entre 2,25 y 4,25 euros mensuales

9 Dec 13:19 La Vanguardia 8061072699615990919.html
Le Coliche: "Dopo la parodia dei Thegiornalisti, occhio alle Sardine"

Dissacranti sull’attualità, prendono in giro la loro Roma e soprattutto la scena musicale italiana. Claudio e Fabrizio Colica con il regista Giacomo Spaconi, portano con il progetto Le Coliche sul Web l'ironia pura

9 Dec 10:42 ilGiornale.it 5019541225562725761.html
Tras aumento de tarifas de pasaporte, Estados Unidos sanciona a jefes del SAIME

Gustavo Adolfo Vizcaíno Gil y Juan Carlos Dugarte Padrón, son los nuevos miembros de la lista de sancionados por la OFAC, por presuntos tratos irregulares relacionados a la venta de pasaportes

9 Dec 16:28 NTN24 8482749625232117910.html
Asegura Memo Ochoa que el verdadero triunfo es la copa

Luego del triunfo ante el Morelia, Memo Ochoa les record&oacute; a su equipo que el verdadero triunfo es la copa

9 Dec 13:07 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623116459934.html
Liderul PSD: Eliminarea pensiilor speciale, un discurs electoral. PSD propune impozitarea progresivă

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 11:43 Gândul 5586965502961974234.html
A Oderzo arriva il nuovo macchinario per le Tac, accorcerà le liste d'attesa

ODERZO - In arrivo all’ospedale di Oderzo una nuova Tac: l’Usl per questo progetto investirà 540 mila euro.

9 Dec 08:29 Oggi Treviso 2529403853601504066.html
Senator Danjuma Goje says he won’t contest election at any level again

A serving Nigerian senator, Muhammadu Danjuma Goje, has announced that he will not contest for any elective office in the future. Goje, a former governor of Gombe state, made the disclosure on Sunday, December 8.

9 Dec 15:35 Legit 3764253650066821474.html
Doumbouya und Schulz treffen wieder: 96-Reserve feiert dritten Sieg in Folge

Nach langer Durststrecke läuft es bei Hannover 96 II. Am Samstag feierte der Regionalligist gegen den Heider SV seinen dritten Sieg in Folge - wie in der Vorwoche trafen Moussa Doumbouya und Christian Schulz.

9 Dec 14:08 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775633907714.html
Wada bekrefter: Russland utestenges i fire år

Dopingskandalen i Russland vokser i omfang. Nå blir russiske utøvere utestengt fra de største arrangementene i idrettsverdenen de fire kommende årene.

9 Dec 10:13 TV 2 8210067770271434624.html
'Now I have to check your hymen': the shocking persistence of virginity tests

In the US, it is still perfectly legal to doctors to perform ‘hymen checks’ as proof of virginity

9 Dec 09:45 the Guardian 1491978795963936884.html
Fayemi tasks police to fish out ‘killers’ during council poll

Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi, has directed the police to fish out the killers of one Dotun Kosedake who was shot dead ...

9 Dec 11:34 Vanguard News 4125100340361802455.html
NVIDIA Registers Hopper GPU Trademark – A Next Generation MCM GPU?

The folks over at Videocardz have verified a rumor we published almost a month back about NVIDIA's upcoming GPU, called Hopper. This is now no longer a rumor and strictly in leak territory, although the only thing confirmed at this point is the codename: Hopper. I will say this right at the start that its …

9 Dec 14:56 Wccftech 3677959678010710190.html
'No point waiting' - Dean Smith has been urged to make this difficult Aston Villa decision

Aston Villa news | After back-to-back defeats against Chelsea and Leicester, pressure is mounting on several of AVFC's starting Xi

9 Dec 16:17 birminghammail 8288260684909934102.html
Masih 15 Tahun, Atlet Panahan Indonesia Sabet Rebut Emas SEA Games 2019

Atlet panahan Indonesia yang masih berusia 15 tahun, Arif Dwi Pangestu, mengaku tak menyangka dirinya berhasil membawa pulang medali emas di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 09:55 Bola.net 5489959028780457016.html
‘The government is strangling cinema’: Brazil film industry fights for survival

Film expo will open Monday with a smaller program after Bolsonaro slashed public funding for the arts earlier this year

9 Dec 09:00 the Guardian 1491978794531466916.html
C&A: La moda sustentable una gran oportunidad para México

Kelly Kroger, CEO de C&A en M&eacute;xico, habla sobre la gran oportunidad que enfrentan dise&ntilde;adores y marcas nacionales sobre la moda sustentable

9 Dec 17:41 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623108414893.html
Coctel de la muerte se cobra su quinta víctima en Aragua

En el Hospital Militar Coronel Elbano Paredes Vivas, ubicado en el municipio Girardot del estado Aragua, falleció la quinta víctima en un lapso de quince

9 Dec 12:19 El Siglo 7954754735360033787.html
Inter-Barça: Candreva in dubbio, Asamoah non convocato. Ballottaggio tra Biraghi e Lazaro

Il grande dubbio che Antonio Conte deve sciogliere in vista della sfida da dentro o fuori contro il Barcellona si chiama Antonio Candreva, in bilico tra una maglia da titolare sulla fascia destra e un...

9 Dec 14:47 FcInterNews.it 7848284892835277664.html
Bombay HC seeks RBI's response on plea against Chanda Kochhar's termination as ICICI MD

A division bench of justices Ranjit More and SP Tavade directed the Reserve Bank of India to submit its reply by December 16. The bench will hear the matter next on December 18

9 Dec 14:41 Business Today 1145527431102703402.html
Kabaddi: Indian men’s and women’s teams win gold to extend their dominance at South Asian Games

The men’s team won their tenth gold medal at the South Asian Games while the women’s team recorded their third straight success.

9 Dec 14:01 Scroll.in 8669301692244960352.html
Promueve góber apoyo para el agro

Francisco Domínguez Servién refrendó su compromiso con el sector para seguir inyectando desarrollo y prestigio a la ganadería nacional; en la Feria Internacional Ganadera de Querétaro congregó a ganaderos de todo el país

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060637833955416.html
Un nuevo gran estudio desmiente que nacer por cesárea aumenta el riesgo de que los niños padezcan obesidad

En Bebés y más hemos hablado en distintas ocasiones acerca de los riesgos que conlleva el tener una cesárea, tanto para la madre como para el bebé, a corto y...

9 Dec 08:00 Bebesymas 5193070612039391817.html
I migliori giochi da tavolo da giocare a Natale... sul Natale | Cultura Pop

I migliori giochi da tavolo per Natale a tema natalizio o invernale. Una selezione adatta al gioco in famiglia, per due giocatori o per i veri esperti del mondo dei giochi in scatola

9 Dec 16:00 Tom's Hardware 6640147070310001122.html
Abstiegskampf – warum das Wort bei Werder auf dem Index steht

Bremen – Es gehört bei Werder Bremen zum Service, seit vielen Jahren schon, und auch nach dem Heimspiel gegen den SC Paderborn machte der Verein keine Ausnahme.

9 Dec 09:01 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239089939684.html
Clan: Mitglied sieht Polizist mit Sohn in Fitnessstudio – dann wird's brenzlig

Es scheint, als wären sie allgegenwärtig. Immer wieder werden Polizisten von Mitgliedern krimineller Clans eingeschüchtert. Nicht nur im Ruhrgebiet - sondern auch im ländlichen Raum wie etwa in Osnabrück.

9 Dec 10:07 www.derwesten.de 5765995665800870133.html
Durante 4 años no podrá participar de compentencias internacionales: Rusia fue excluida de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio por dopaje

La sanción la impuso la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje. Los atletas rusos tampoco podrán competir en los Juegos de Olímpicos de Invierno Pekín 2022.

9 Dec 11:58 PAGINA12 7077267066332453745.html
Touching video is a love letter to Irish emigrants at Christmas

Cathal Kenna, a Dublin documentary filmmaker, made a moving video wishing Irish emigrants around the world a Happy Christmas. Posting the beautiful clip to YouTube, he wrote, “For those who would like to but can't make it back to Ireland this Christmas, please enjoy this short whistle-stop tour of Ireland clip.”

9 Dec 08:10 IrishCentral 7319968744003053396.html
Game of Thrones' Iwan Rheon joins American Gods

Leagues away from Ramsay Bolton.

9 Dec 17:00 Metro 970161747388926795.html
Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge Turns You Into a Resistance Spy, Complete with Real X-Wings

Note: This articles contains spoilers for the Disney World ride Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge When Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opened at Disneyland and Disneyworld earlier this year, attendance was lower than expected, with […]

9 Dec 16:11 Geek.com 3223109242183263400.html
Amazon says Trump's obsession with screwing over Jeff Bezos is reason company lost $10 billion Pentagon contract, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Amazon recently lost out to Microsoft on a $10 billion contract, called JEDI, to help the Department of Defense move its sensitive data to the cloud.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:28 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757605697061.html
La Casa de Papel ya tiene fecha de estreno para su cuarta temporada

En la Comic Con de Brasil de este fin de semana, Netflix dio a conocer la fecha para el estreno de la cuarta temporada de La Casa de Papel.

9 Dec 13:07 Rock&Pop 4910011592113919196.html
Aktualu: nepritarta automobilio registracijos ir stambios prekybos mokesčiui

Seimo Ekonomikos komitetas pirmadienį nepritarė automobilio registracijos mokesčio ir stambios prekybos apmokestinimo pasiūlymams ir grąžino iniciatoriams juos tobulinti.

9 Dec 16:25 Kauno diena 6825691410238912764.html
Stiefvater behauptet: Leonie (†6) ist die Treppe heruntergefallen

Hat der Stiefvater die sechsjährige Leonie aus Torgelow vor ihrem Tod schwer misshandelt? Im Prozess sprach erstmals der Angeklagte.

9 Dec 13:52 TAG24 4583887874339797809.html
Michelle Obama tells Jenna Bush Hager that Trump's impeachment is 'surreal' but says the country will 'come back from it'

"We've seen tough times in this country ... and we've always come out stronger," she said in an interview with former first daughter Jenna Bush Hager.

9 Dec 16:00 Business Insider 6060062400416218434.html
Si sono accorti dell’errore e se lo sono ripreso– argentero derubato del telegatto, ironie social


9 Dec 12:20 DAGOSPIA 6533336738494511346.html
Dorcas Ajwang's burial set for December 20

The ceremony will take place at her home in Waondo, Suba North.

9 Dec 12:50 Daily Nation 7421817125046307637.html
Garth Crooks praises ‘amazing’ Everton ace Mason Holgate

The 23-year-old was a standout performer as the Toffees shocked Chelsea.BBC Sport pundit Garth Crooks has hailed Everton defender Mason Holgate as 'amazing' during their shock 3-1 victory over Chelsea at the weekend.

9 Dec 09:45 The Boot Room 5717202227149084403.html
Absuelven a Javier Aguirre en juicio por el amaño de partidos

El técnico mexicano tenía una investigación abierta por el supuesto arreglo de un jugo Levante-Zaragoza de la última jornada de la Liga española de futbol 2010-11

9 Dec 12:16 El Informador 103545928983716779.html
‘No More Survivors Expected’ Among Dozens of Tourists Caught in New Zealand Volcano

At least five people have died and more than 20 are still unaccounted for after the White Island/Whakaari volcano off the coast of New Zealand erupted without warning Monday as tourists hiked around the rim and walked inside the crater. Authorities say an estimated 30 to 38 of those on the island when

9 Dec 11:01 Yahoo 7097669636973778717.html
Fotsvamp sänkte läkemedelsbolag

Börs Stockholmsbörsen inledde veckan med blygsamma rörelser. Börsindex pendlade större delen av dagen runt nollstrecket och det breda OMXS-indexet stängde på minus 0,1 procent.

9 Dec 16:53 www.unt.se 8922556089161147475.html
Estados Unidos pide a Honduras la renovación de la Maccih

La misión 'desempeña un papel fundamental en la lucha contra la corrupción', manifiesta el gobierno de EEUU.

9 Dec 15:33 Diario La Prensa 7797091974493889268.html
IIHF: Rusija će organizovati svetska prvenstva u hokeju

Premeštanje muškog, ženskog i juniorskog prvenstva sveta iz Rusije u neku drugu zemlju je nemoguć, uprkos odluci Izvršnog odbora Svetske antidoping federacije (VADA), izjavio je Švajcarac Rene Fasel, predsednik Međunarodne hokejaške federacije (IIHF).

9 Dec 17:48 Sport Klub 42251759239929429.html
Militar da GNR que apontou arma a chefe com pena suspensa

O tribunal criminal de São João Novo, no Porto, condenou esta segunda-feira a dois anos de prisão, pena suspensa, uma militar da GNR de Mondim de Basto por ameaçar um superior hierárquico com a pistola de serviço.

9 Dec 16:07 JN 6956494303531288821.html
Alejandro Fernández y Christina Aguilera con tremendo beso ¿confirman romance?

Con un apasionado beso sobre el escenario y frente a miles de espectadores Alejandro Fern&aacute;ndez y Christina Aguilera dejaron entrever que en ellos existe algo m&aacute;s que una amistad.

9 Dec 12:58 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624204175066.html
Samuel Rosa, do Skank, se revolta com rebaixamento do Cruzeiro

Em post no Instagram, o cruzeirense Samuel Rosa, vocalista e guitarrista do Skank, falou sobre "velhas práticas" do futebol e pediu por um novo Brasil.

9 Dec 13:20 Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos! 1228046712168052113.html
Sri Lanka begin first Pakistan Test tour since 2009 attack

Islamabad, Sri Lanka embarked on the first Test cricket tour of Pakistan in 10 years on Monday following the deadly 2009 attack on their team that plunged Pakistan into sporting isolation.

9 Dec 11:07 The Peninsula 1202843882320691872.html
California fines CVS $3.6 million for failing to recycle

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California is fining the nation's largest pharmacy health care provider a record $3.6 million for failing to redeem deposits on bottles and cans at some of...

9 Dec 16:30 The Seattle Times 9121942836952603111.html
Body and Soul part ways with Electric Picnic after 16 years

Tickets for next year’s festival sold out this afternoon.

9 Dec 17:33 TheJournal.ie 6446904418605919002.html
Salvini continua la sua campagna contro il Mes, ma non conosce il Fondo salva-stati

Il leader della Lega, Matteo Salvini, continua la sua battaglia contro il Mes. Ma parlando del Fondo salva stati in una trasmissione televisiva commette una serie di inesattezze sui dettagli tecnici del Meccanismo europeo di stabilità: gli errori riguardano il capitale versato dall'Italia, il tipo di fondo, la sua composizione e la ristrutturazione del debito.

9 Dec 12:10 fanpage.it 1517332166815731801.html
Produtores fecham plantio da soja com atraso de duas semanas no Estado

Com atraso de 14 dias em relação ao ano passado, a safra de soja de Mato Grosso do Sul está 100% plantada. A semeadura terminou no dia 6, segundo dados do Siga/MS (Sistema de Informação Geográfica do Agronegócio). A expectativa de produção foi mantida em 9,9 milhões de toneladas está mantida. Os números foram apresentados pela Aprosoja/MS (Associação dos Produtores de Soja de MS) ao secretário Jai...

9 Dec 16:21 Campo Grande News 7902463002096524778.html
Niedrige Löhne sind Teil des Problems, nicht der Lösung

Eine sinkende Lohnquote bedeutet Verzicht auf Wohlstand.

9 Dec 12:51 Die Presse 6242788855511424393.html
'Did they not watch Arsenal?' - Fans can't believe Everton have 'made contact' with Unai Emery

Reports state that Everton have made contact with former Arsenal manager Unai Emery about potentially taking over at Goodison Park, and fans of both sides cannot believe it

9 Dec 11:30 football.london 6804128269190643813.html
We broke down the differences between credit card points and frequent flyer miles — here’s why you should be collecting both

Even though a ton of credit cards offer “points” or “miles” for every dollar you spend, those points can be very different things. Each bank and frequent flyer program has its own rewards currency that can be used in different ways. That makes it complicated when you’re trying to choose a credit card; two different cards could offer double points on purchases, but those points could have different values, and could be best for two different things.

9 Dec 14:38 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882238272011.html
Apple's first CES appearance in 28 years is all about privacy

It's on a panel, not the show floor.

9 Dec 16:58 Engadget 96641515523461370.html
STAR Screen Awards 2019: After Mocking Urvashi Rautela's Style Statement, Taapsee Pannu Finds Herself Seated Next To The Actress- EXCLUSIVE

SpotboyE.com has been bringing to you all the goss from inside the STAR Screen Awards 2019, which unfolded last night. Here's another one about Urvashi Rautela and Taapsee Pannu

9 Dec 10:15 SPOTBOYE 1547816857138459141.html
#MondayMotivation: Rani Mukerji’s This Dialogue Is A Lesson To Learn!

Continuing the legacy of #MondayMotivation, we are here with yet another motivational dialogue ft. Rani Mukerji. She has Mardaani 2 coming up this week and the prequel did very well at the box office.

9 Dec 13:39 Koimoi 5184275669774937902.html
An yi yunkurin kashe wani Hadimin Ovie Omo Agege a Jihar Delta

Wani Hadimin Sanata O. Omo Agege, E. Ugbarugba ya sha da kyar bayan an yi yunkurin kashe shi a Delta. An harbi Mai ba babban Sanatan na APC shawara ne cikin dare kamar yadda ya shaidawa Manema labarai.

9 Dec 16:23 Legit 7368782176909444803.html
Edison Flores analizará si continúa en Monarcas Morelia

"Todavía no sé qué me depara el futuro", indicó tras la eliminación ante América

9 Dec 17:03 canalN.pe 1595273588757322735.html
Man in ‘serious’ condition after being hit by car on busy Dunfermline road

A man is said to be in a "serious" but not life threatening condition after being struck by a car on a busy Dunfermline road on Sunday evening.

9 Dec 13:15 The Courier 4275302768489923915.html
Organizaciones sociales marchan por el centro de Posadas

Organizaciones sociales concentran en el Mástil de la ciudad de Posadas para marchar hasta la sede de la Administración Nacional de Seguridad Social (ANSES), ubicada por calle 3 de Febrero 1940, para reclamar por...

9 Dec 11:45 Primera Edición 6803897641536345554.html
Caos circulatorio en París en la quinta jornada de protestas por la reforma de las pensiones

Se mantienen totalmente suspendidas las líneas que conectan Francia con España e Italia.

9 Dec 11:56 www.publico.es 99190977602231234.html
Schwerer Unfall auf B12: Peugeot-Fahrer schneidet Gegenverkehr - Frontal-Crash

Ein schwerer Unfall auf der B12 löste am Montagmorgen einen Großeinsatz aus. Ein Peugeot-Fahrer geriet in den Gegenverkehr - und prallte frontal in einen VW Polo.

9 Dec 11:50 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238515042604.html
Un titolo azionario storico nel settore auto con dividendi al 6,7%

Non sono tante le aziende che pagano dividendi elevati. C’è un titolo azionario storico nel settore auto che oltre ad avere prospettive interessanti, può

9 Dec 10:51 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260277382671.html
Mercedes e Bosch, test guida autonoma a San José

I test si svolgeranno nella città della Silicon Valley utilizzando delle speciali Classe-S implementate con la tecnologia self-driving

9 Dec 17:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656290074631.html
Las obras de Glòries interrumpirán Rodalies durante toda la Navidad

Las líneas R3 y R4 interrumpirán su servicio entre Arc de Triomf y Sant Andreu Arenal del 21 de diciembre al 5 de enero para garantizar la...

9 Dec 11:31 La Vanguardia 8061072700791627962.html
Mujer embarazada y otras dos personas fallecen en accidente en Pan de Azúcar

El vehículo en el que se trasladaban las víctimas cayó a un canal ubicado en el Camino Cruz de Cañas.

9 Dec 13:55 24Horas.cl 793283384484813707.html
Davido on daddy duties, feeds baby Ifeanyi (Video)

27 year-old father and super star, Davido has been filmed while he feeds his son, Ifeanyi. In the video, the DMW boss, Davido could be seen carrying his baby boy feeding him and at same time

9 Dec 17:25 LailasNews.com 2090029850863795605.html
Agarrate Catalina, este viernes en el Gran Rivadavia de Floresta

Yamandú Cardozo, fundador y director de La Catalina, se refirió al deseo de que la situación argentina mejore. Cruzar con arte y humor no soluciona, pero ayuda a pelear, sostuvo

9 Dec 14:17 Diario Popular 7191573466857574032.html
Radish Farmers Lose RM177K After Neighbours Spread Rumour They Were Giving Crops For Free

Generosity went wrong. This is the kind of event none of us could've ever predicted. Three farmers who were kind enough to share some of their crops with their neighbours realised quickly that they would regret their generosity as their business faced RM177K worth of loss. Thousands of strangers came…

9 Dec 11:35 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116579600687774.html
Kranjec tik pod stopničkami

Američan Tommy Ford je novi zmagovalec veleslalomov za svetovni pokal alpskih smučarjev v Beaver Creeku v Koloradu. V boju za stopničke je bil tudi najboljši slovenski veleslalomist Žan Kranjec, ki je dramatično tekmo končal na četrtem mestu.

9 Dec 08:10 Primorske novice 8884558926110250429.html
Volcano Erupts in New Zealand; 5 Dead, Many Missing

A volcanic island in New Zealand erupted Monday in a tower of ash and steam while dozens of tourists were exploring the moonlike surface, killing five people and leaving many more missing.

9 Dec 11:27 Courthouse News Service 1799505150211619112.html
Pas D’Intelligence Artificielle Intelligente Sans Humanités

Dans un monde toujours plus digital, il est urgent de reconsidérer la place des humanités et des sciences sociales. Ces disciplines sont déterminantes...

9 Dec 09:00 Forbes France 3079663226783772681.html
Gobierno ingresa proyecto que entrega bono extraordinario de $50 mil para apoyo familiar

La iniciativa será analizada por la Comisión de Hacienda. La iniciativa busca otorgar un bono de $50.000 por cada causante de subsidio familiar o de asignación familiar que el beneficiario tenga al 30 de septiembre de 2019.

9 Dec 09:47 24Horas.cl 793283384588176272.html

Najava predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića da će za tri, najkasnije četiri godine, početi da se gradi brza saobraćajnica od Bačkog Brega do Kikinde od izuzetnog je značaja, kako za Somborce, tako i za stanovnike Zapadno-Bačkog okruga.Reč je o brzoj saobraćajnici ...

9 Dec 10:03 kurir.rs 6515665027080576863.html
In ospedale non ci sono letti: bimbo di 4 anni costretto a dormire su un capotto sul pavimento

Quando il piccolo Jack è arrivato al Leeds General Infirmary con una sospetta polmonite non c'erano letti disponibili. Così è stato adagiato sul pavimento, poi sua mamma gli ha messo un paio di piumini addosso per proteggerlo dal freddo. La foto del bimbo ha fatto il giro del web, finendo per scatenare anche un dibattito politico alla vigilia di una tornata elettorale molto importante per il futuro del Regno Unito.

9 Dec 09:42 fanpage.it 1517332167030417807.html
Patrick Harvie outlines importance of ‘climate election’

The Scottish Greens co-leader said it is important to have Green voices at Westminster to push other parties into taking strong climate action.

9 Dec 08:08 Shropshire Star 3480199993018881630.html
Habitação invadida em Queluz por homens armados

Um ajuste de contas estará na origem desta ocorrência.

9 Dec 14:36 Sintra Notícias 7807008822474020224.html
Moratti: "Ronie il mio miglior acquisto, Ibra-Eto'o operazione più intelligente. Iniesta? Sogno irrealizzato"

Dici Inter-Barcellona e la mente corre subito alla semifinale Champions 2010, penultimo atto prima del leggendario Triplete di Madrid. Quello che incoronò Massimo Moratti come...

9 Dec 09:00 FcInterNews.it 7848284893191881413.html
Homem desmaia ao ser açoitado por fazer sexo antes do casamento

O castigo físico é a pena para uma série de infrações à lei islâmica.

9 Dec 16:02 R10 3167340813970184641.html
Comment les pays islamiques peuvent intégrer les chaînes mondiales

L'échéance 2030 des Objectifs de Développement Durable avance à pas de géant. Les pays islamiques sont ainsi confrontés à d'importants défis. Dans ce silla

9 Dec 14:18 EcoActu 4324246079735695712.html
La Nazionale di calcio giocherà due amichevoli contro Inghilterra e Repubblica Ceca in vista degli Europei 2020

Il 27 marzo e il 4 giugno 2020 la Nazionale di calcio maschile giocherà due amichevoli in preparazione degli Europei itineranti del 2020: la prima contro

9 Dec 13:32 Il Post 6291746504826692084.html
Dietro front, Sony annuncia il cross-play di Minecraft su PS4

Phil Spencer ha apertamente diffuso la notizia che Sony non permetterà il cross-play del famoso gioco Minecraft sulla sua console.

9 Dec 16:00 WindowsBlogItalia 40484818788780256.html
Diez consejos de los expertos para ahorrar en la declaración de la renta

1. Realizar aportaciones a planes de pensiones o planes de previsión asegurados, hasta un máximo de 8.000 euros, siempre que no supere el 30 % de...

9 Dec 09:04 Expansión 4197779424763374522.html
How to watch Home Alone online

Here's how to watch Home Alone (and 2, 3, 4, 5) this Christmas.

9 Dec 16:09 Tech Advisor 6450858317252006448.html
Sorpresa: Lionel Messi no fue convocado por el Barcelona para el partido contra Inter de Milán

Barcelona tendrá su último partido de la fase de grupos de la Champions League contra Inter de Milán y lo disputará sin la presencia de Lionel Messi.

9 Dec 14:20 RPP 3819340341594687142.html
Smartphone Gadgets 2019: Die smartesten Devices des Jahres

Smarte Gadgets, die das Leben mit dem Smartphone noch besser machen, gibt es viele. Wir haben ein paar Favoriten für euch gesammelt.

9 Dec 15:04 CURVED 5947652463368773847.html
A cultura como alvo, por Marcello Rollemberg

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 17:22 GGN 1188436353467708901.html
Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney dies at age 85

He gave Big Bird his warmth and Oscar the Grouch his growl

9 Dec 15:45 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367034459866.html
Anthony Joshua: heavyweight champ vows to beat Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury

Anthony Joshua, heavyweight champion, has relished the challenge of fighting Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury after his victory over Andy Ruiz.

9 Dec 11:22 Legit 3764253650895488534.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

L'Agence mondiale antidopage a décidé de très lourdes sanctions contre la Russie, soupçonnée de dopage organisé. 

9 Dec 10:41 Sport24 5477485821074202585.html
Suez : Bruelles autorise le rachat conjoint d'EDCO

La Commission européenne a approuvé l'acquisition de Environment Development Company Limited ("EDCO"), par Suez, Itochu Corporation et Saudi Fransi...

9 Dec 12:35 Boursier.com 7351227821332881818.html
Sampaoli diz ter reunião para ouvir projeto do Santos

A reunião citada por Sampaoli será um encontro provavelmente decisivo entre o treinador e o presidente José Carlos Peres

9 Dec 16:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699424846501.html
Severna Koreja: Nemamo šta da izgubimo

SEUL - Severna Koreja nema šta da izgubi, poručeno je danas iz Pjogjanga nakon što je američki predsednik Donald Tramp upozorio da bi lider Kim Džong Un

9 Dec 10:13 Krstarica 4176903989705121941.html
Cidade de Tochigi inicia serviço de aluguel gratuito de carro para vítimas de desastres naturais

Um serviço de empréstimo gratuito de veículos em regiões que sofreram com desastres naturais foi iniciado na província de Tochigi, no leste do Japão. O governo da cidade de Tochigi iniciou o serviço no domingo (8). A região foi bastante afetada pela passagem do tufão n°19, que deixou muitas regiões alagadas e danificou muitos carros. No domingo foram emprestados um total de 5 veículos. Os moradores receberam instruções sobre o seguro do carro e logo depois já puderam sair dirigindo os veículos alugados. O novo serviço pode ser utilizado por meio de telefone ou internet. Ele permite alugar um carro de graça durante o período de um mês, desde que o cliente comprove os danos sofridos por seu carro por conta de uma catástrofe. Não é a primeira vez que um serviço deste tipo é introduzido em uma região do país, mas eles ainda são reduzidos.A quantidade deve aumentar nos próximos anos, por conta do aumento natural do mercado de carros de aluguel.

9 Dec 12:30 ipc.digital 5639997092163414898.html
Tiergarten Schönbrunn: Entzückendes Video: Eisbär-Junges kuschelt mit Mama

Vor kurzem gab es im Tiergarten Schönbrunn Nachwuchs bei den Eisbären. Ein Video zeigt das Junge beim Kuscheln mit der Eisbär-Mama.

9 Dec 09:55 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699730156139.html
Tras conflictos, llega Emirates a México

Después de un proceso complejo, debido a un litigio iniciado por Aeroméxico, aterraiza hoy, el vuelo Dubái-Barcelona-Ciudad de México, de la aerolínea árabe

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060638210531538.html
Sv. Miklavž obdaril otroke v Radoslavcih

Množica otrok v spremstvu staršev je v nedeljo, 8. decembra popoldne, v gasilskem domu v Radoslavcih nestrpno in z velikim pričakovanjem, pričakovalo sv. Miklavža. Čas pričakovanja so jim z glasbenimi nastopi krajšali Nejc in Nuša Cimerman, Eva Zmazek in Hana Filipič. Ob spremljanju programa so se radovedne ...

9 Dec 14:10 Prlekija on net 5500439795950173700.html
I'm A Celebrity's Jacqueline Jossa becomes the FIRST winner to cancel ALL live TV interviews amid reports husband Dan Osborne had a 'threesome' (so will this be the end of the road for the couple?)

l'm A Celeb's Jacqueline Jossa has become the first winner to EVER cancel live TV interviews after Chloe Ayling's claims she had a threesome with her husband in 2018.

9 Dec 08:26 Mail Online 124328111770538884.html
Cusco: colapsa puente de ingreso a Camino Inca hacia Machu Picchu [video]

El puente provisional Qorihuarachina, uno de los ingresos del Camino Inca a Machu Picchu, ubicado a la altura del kilómetro 88 de la vía férrea a la ciudad de Machu Picchu Pueblo, colapsó a causa de la crecida del río Vilcanota y las intensas lluvias que amenazaban la infraestructura.

9 Dec 08:58 andina.pe 9054036848153654993.html
EU godkänner statligt batteristöd

EU-kommissionen ger klartecken för statligt stöd till batteriforskning.

9 Dec 12:31 Ny Teknik 4280928731630741453.html
Umrl je ameriški igralec Rene Auberjonois

V 80. letu starosti je v soboto umrl ameriški igralec Rene Auberjonois, znan predvsem po vlogi v kultni televizijski seriji Zvezdne steze. Kot je po pisanju nemške tiskovne agencije dpa za portal Entertainment Weekly sporočil igralčev sin Remy Auberjonois, je bil za igralca usoden pljučni rak.

9 Dec 11:15 Dnevnik 7671546649676431444.html
Londres: Un hombre se prendió fuego a las afueras de un bar tras discutir con una persona

El hombre se encuentra en condición crítica en el hospital. Se desconocen las razones detrás del atentado contra su vida. 

9 Dec 14:51 RPP 3819340341862159839.html
England announce glamour friendly in Euro 2020 preparation

England will host four-time World Cup winners Italy as they step up their preparations for the Euro 2020 finals.

9 Dec 11:09 TEAM talk 6412178963926560675.html
The Battle Over New York Fashion Week Continues, as IMG Files Suit Against Fashion Week, Inc.

Behind the scenes of the bi-annual New York Fashion Week shows, which play host to the offerings of esteemed brands like Oscar de la Renta, Marc Jacobs, and Proenza Schouler to an array of exciting younger names, an ugly legal battle has been underway. For a half-a-decade, an escalating fight over t

9 Dec 13:33 The Fashion Law 1920848953236121554.html
Eden Hazard ontbreekt, maar deze 19 namen neemt Real-coach Zidane wél mee naar Brugge

Real Madrid-coach Zinedine Zidane neemt 19 spelers mee naar de laatste wedstrijd van de groepsfase van de Champions League in Brugge. Zoals geweten ontbreekt Eden Hazard met een blessure, maar hij ...

9 Dec 16:40 HLN 8967494998456848707.html
Silent Hill: il dominio web è in vendita a circa diecimila dollari

Il dominio web di Silent Hill è in vendita. Che Konami abbia deciso definitivamente di abbandonare il franchise? Konami sembrerebbe non esser più

9 Dec 09:25 Lega Nerd 8527030507064552938.html
Una multitud volvió a salir a las calles de Hong Kong

Al cumplirse seis meses del inicio de las protestas contra la ley de extradición a China y contra el Gobierno de Carrie Lam, una multitud de 800.000 personas volvió a tomar las calles mostrando que las protestas siguen vivas.

9 Dec 13:30 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557630897945615.html
El nuevo Boca de Riquelme quiere romper el mercado con dos refuerzos de categoría

Mientras define los últimos detalles para anunciar al próximo entrenador, el ídolo buscará cerrar las primeras incorporaciones.

9 Dec 17:12 Todo Noticias 8077539161869760767.html
Morto Paul Volcker, guidò la Federal Reserve negli anni Ottanta: aveva 92 anni

L'economista statunitense guidò la Federal Reserve nell'era Carter-Reagan. Famoso per la aver sconfitto l'inflazione negli anni '80, era risalito alla ribalta durante la presidenza Obama quando fu messo a capo dell’Economic Recovery Advisory Board, creato dal Presidente per rilanciare l’economia.

9 Dec 14:21 fanpage.it 1517332167515406728.html
(AUDIO) Hallan calcinado cuerpo de general Manuel Olivo Ruiz Díaz secuestrado en Guárico

09-12-19.-Funcionarios del Comando Antiextorsión y Secuestro hallaron el cuerpo calcinado de un general de brigada retirado perteneciente al ejército venezolano, quien se encontraba secuestrado d...

9 Dec 16:40 Aporrea 8480488500437638248.html
Se espera que los peluches de Wooloo y Corviknight de los Pokémon Center se agoten en su lanzamiento

Como sabéis si hay un país donde Pokémon sea una auténtica locura, ese es Japón. Prueba de ello es la brutal cantidad de merchandise que se puede encontrar de esta exitosa franquicia. Hoy os traemos una muestra más de ello, ya que la semana pasada, el sitio web oficial de Pokémon Center Online en Japón […]

9 Dec 09:53 Nintenderos 2555436002002601799.html
Sources: The New BioShock Has Been in the Works For Years

This project has already been in the works since at least 2015, although it’s been rebooted since then.

9 Dec 16:42 Kotaku UK 2577526046317712165.html
Protesto agora é gratuito para credores e devedor pode parcelar dívida

Seis em cada 10 títulos de dívida, cobrados via cartórios de protesto, são quitados em até três dias. A estatística já comprovava a eficácia do serviço extrajudicial, mas neste ano a vantagem ficou bem maior. Agora, os serviços de protestos de títulos são gratuitos para os credores. Provimento número 86 do CNJ (Conselho Nacional de Justiça) passou a vigorar em novembro em todo País, contribuindo p...

9 Dec 10:30 Campo Grande News 7902463001504928220.html
Man found not guilty of attempted murder of love rival’s mother

Robert Lawlor acquitted of threatening ex-partner’s boyfriend and shooting a dog

9 Dec 13:01 The Irish Times 8204772969235293908.html
California fines CVS $3.6 million for failing to recycle

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California is fining the nation’s largest pharmacy health care provider a record $3.6 million for failing to redeem deposits on bottles and cans at some of its locations, regulators said Monday. The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, better known as CalRecycle, said its investigation found that 81 of CVS Pharmacy’s …

9 Dec 12:31 City NEWS 1130 5858657120301406117.html
Los investigadores se abren a otras hipótesis sobre la desaparición de Wafa

La joven fue vista por última vez a escasos kilómetros de donde desapareció Marta Calvo

9 Dec 15:45 La Vanguardia 8061072700858417545.html
Colapsada la N-634 a la altura Zornotza por un accidente que ha provocado cuatro heridos

Un accidente ha obligado a cortar la N-634 a la altura de Zornotza. Cuatro personas han tenido que ser evacuadas por los equipos de emergencia.

9 Dec 08:34 naiz: 7509038602665154217.html
Daniela Castro se lanza contra Isidora Urrejola por apoyar a Pascual Fernández

Siguen las repercusiones tras los dichos de Daniela Castro sobre su romance con Pascual Fernández, sobre la que aseguró que fue una "relación tóxica".

9 Dec 16:02 LIMALIMÓN 8855094354665252905.html
Malte: les bureaux du Premier ministre bloqués par des manifestants

Une trentaine de manifestants ont bloqué lundi, avant d'en être extraits manu militari, l'accès aux bureaux du Premier ministre maltais Joseph Muscat, réclamant sa démission en raison de son attitude dans l'enquête sur le meurtre de la journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia.

9 Dec 13:54 Challenges 1086714996648157880.html
EE UU sancionó a director del Saime por "negocios corruptos" con pasaportes

Estados Unidos sancionó a un alto funcionario del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y a su predecesor, a quienes acusó de recibir miles de dólares por la emisión de pasaportes, informó el Departamento del Tesoro en el Día Internacional contra la Corrupción de la ONU.

9 Dec 15:40 Panorama 6052790754155714763.html
Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Elton John, Randy Newman Nominated For Golden Globes

This morning, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced its nominations for next year's Golden Globes. Once again, Thom Yorke didn't get nominated for anything. Instead, in the nominations for Best Original Song, you'll find three big centrist pop stars. Taylor Swift's song "Beautiful Ghosts," from the horrifying-looking forthcoming Cats musical is up for Best Original Song. (Swift co-wrote the song with Andrew Lloyd Webber, and the Golden Globe way is to simply name the songs themselves rather than the performers or songwriters.) She's competing against fellow heavyweight Beyoncé, also up for a track from a feline-themed musical. Beyoncé is up for the Lion King song "Spirit," which she co-wrote with Ilya Salmanzadeh and Timothy Lee McKenzie. A one-decade-later Kanye West stage-crash is not likely, but it's not impossible, either. Swift and Beyoncé's fellow nominees include Elton John, up for "I'm Gonna Love Me Again," from the Elton John biopic Rocketman. (John co-wrote that

9 Dec 09:04 Stereogum 5911871585299772693.html
Inicia proceso de destitución de Donald Trump, demócratas y republicanos en conflicto

Donald Trump enfrenta un proceso de &ldquo;impeachment&rdquo; o proceso de destituci&oacute;n desde este lunes por lo que est&aacute; en juego su cargo como Presidente de Estados Unidos

9 Dec 14:43 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624468658415.html
La banana di Cattelan da 120mila dollari sparisce in un boccone

Alla fiera d'arte di Miami la mangia l'artista David Datuna. Pochi minuti per divorare una banana da 120mila dollari (ANSA)

9 Dec 12:04 ANSA.it 1300837448149632571.html
Claudia Bard asumió en Defensoría del Pueblo

En una ceremonia que tuvo lugar en el Salón Auditorio de la Legislatura prestó juramento Claudia Susana Bard, quien tuvo acuerdo legislativo para asumir en la Defensoría del Pueblo de la Provincia del Chubut, sucediendo al doctor Héctor Simionati cumpliendo el mandato correspondiente.

9 Dec 14:35 El Patagónico 8565457046763909258.html
Angus man threatened to put girlfriend in ‘shallow hole’ when she changed her mind about having KFC

An Angus man who threatened to put his girlfriend “in a shallow hole” when she changed her mind about wanting a KFC has been fined for the threat which sounded the death knell in their “volatile” relationship.

9 Dec 08:32 The Courier 4275302767753702146.html
Dois nomes despontam para disputar a Prefeitura de JP pelo grupo aliado de Azevêdo

Dois nomes despontam para disputar a Prefeitura de JP pelo grupo aliado de Azevêdo

9 Dec 15:01 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905306166602.html
Link hat noch immer keine Stimme, aber das ist mir egal!

Der Zelda-Hauptcharakter ist seit jeher stumm. Kein Problem, findet Tobi. Denn diese Tatsache ermöglicht dem Spieler in seinen Augen etwas ganz wichtiges.

9 Dec 17:00 www.gamepro.de 3610569832829299032.html
Garuda Buka Suara soal Pramugari Terbang 18 Jam PP JKT-Melbourne

Manajemen PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk buka suara mengenai pramugari yang kerja 18 jam terbang pergi pulang (PP) Jakarta-Melboune.

9 Dec 10:02 detikfinance 4442190002432815493.html
Clara-Elisen-Stift zu Köln

„Wir das Clara-Elisen Stift hier in der Kölner Südstadt sind seit diesem Jahr das erste Mal dabei. Warum werden Sie denken? Klar wir sind ein Seniorenpflegeheim und unsere Bewohner lesen Tag täglich die Zeitung oder wir haben sogar Zeitungsrunden wo man sich mit dem Tagesaktuellen beschäftigt. Doch wir als Einrichtung merken zunehmend bei unseren Auszubildenden dass die Welt bzw. der Tag nur noch aus Handys und Apps besteht. Fragen sie einen Auszubildenden nach dem was in der Welt geschehen ist so kann dieser Ihnen meist keine Antwort geben. So kam uns das Projekt sehr gelegen und wir dachten damit unseren zukünftigen Pflegekräften die Welt wieder ein Stück näher zu bringen oder sich zumindest mit den Tagesaktuellen Themen in und rund um Deutschland zu ...

9 Dec 16:59 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568348740012.html
Va all'asta la prima auto volante al mondo

Costruita nel 1954, aveva ottenuto la duplice omologazione. Verrà venduta a Scottsdale, Arizona, dall'11 al 19 gennaio 2020

9 Dec 15:58 Wired 7504010956559691789.html
Windows 10 Mobile is over: Prepare for final security patches as support ends

No more Windows 10 Mobile security updates after December 2019's Patch Tuesday.

9 Dec 13:50 ZDNet 591556593487110861.html
O vestido fashionista de Gio Ewbank promete inspirar seu look de Réveillon

A atriz e youtuber Giovanna Ewbank escolheu um vestido branco cheio de tendências de moda para curtir a Ceia de Natal da Swarovski em São Paulo. Curtinho e com manga bufante, o modelo é a inspiração f...

9 Dec 15:03 Purepeople 5674914089615951989.html
You won't need to be techy to work in tech

The top 15 emerging jobs say LinkedIn shows the rise of tech jobs that are open to anyone, as soft skills rise in importance alongside technical ability.

9 Dec 13:00 Australian Financial Review 3974284487660146759.html
Neuer EU-Aussenbeauftragter wirbt für «Sprache der Macht»

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 15:20 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775726785696.html
Phoenix Point is MIA on Xbox Game Pass

Developer Snapshot Games have basically had to admit “we dropped the ball”.

9 Dec 09:24 Kotaku UK 2577526046464875118.html
Ilary Blasi presenta l'ultima arrivata in famiglia, ​i follower non gradiscono: "Sembra un pipistrello"

In casa Totti - Blasi è arrivato un nuovo animale domestico, ma la presentazione ufficiale sui social non ha convinto tutti i fan della bella presentatrice

9 Dec 10:55 ilGiornale.it 5019541224264054886.html
Tories are safe bet for clean sweep in Shropshire and to win big majority

The Tories are set for a clean sweep across Shropshire in next week’s election, according to the bookies – helping propel Boris Johnson to a healthy majority.

9 Dec 09:01 Shropshire Star 3480199992345234145.html
Les victimes de violences domestiques ont deux fois plus de risque de souffrir de maladie longue durée

Une nouvelle étude anglaise menée sur plus de 18 000 femmes montre que les victimes de violences conjugales présentent deux fois plus de risques de développer des maladies chroniques telles que la fibromyalgie et le syndrome de fatigue chronique. 

9 Dec 12:00 Pourquoi Docteur 1560376484126873539.html
Imelda Histeris Saat Gagal Melepas Tali yang Menjerat Leher Anaknya yang Gantung Diri di Sikka

Ignasius menjadi korban ke-17 mengakhiri hidup dengan gantung diri di Kabupaten Sikka.

9 Dec 09:00 Tribunnews.com 3323534445709719019.html
Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle: Offiziell mit Termin und Details angekündigt

Nach den eindeutigen Hinweisen der vergangenen Tage wurde das "Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle" heute endlich offiziell angekündigt. Ein Termin und Details dürfen im Rahmen der Ankündigung natürlich nicht fehlen.

9 Dec 16:39 play3.de 8301165839007837705.html
Fibrillation atriale : quelles en sont les causes ?

Si la fibrillation atriale est souvent présente comme complication d'une maladie cardiovasculaire, elle peut aussi toucher des personnes dont le coeur est parfaitement sain. Ses causes : l'abus d'alcool, des dérèglements glandulaires, voire le stress.

9 Dec 15:30 Pourquoi Docteur 1560376485396536914.html
Jorge Ameal gana las elecciones y es el nuevo presidente de Boca Juniors

Jorge Amor Ameal se impuso en las elecciones de Boca Juniors con el 52,84 % del electorado (20.045 votos) y se convirtió en el nuevo presidente del club 'xeneize'

9 Dec 11:49 EL DEBATE 4396150893108963680.html
Panned 'Joan of Arc' film wins top French prize

Maverick director Bruno Dumont picked up France's most prestigious film prize Monday for a movie which was thrashed by English-speaking critics. "Joan of Arc" is the second part of his rock musical retelling of the life of the virgin French martyr. It was dismissed as "patience-testing" by the Hollywood Reporter…

9 Dec 16:55 Japan Today 8582716287423877160.html
La RUSADA pide a Putin cambiar a los dirigentes del deporte ruso

Ganus, enfrentado al Ministerio de Deportes por sus críticas a la gestión de la crisis del dopaje en Rusia, llamó a sustituir, en particular...

9 Dec 16:03 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959313934158.html
Video: Falla cinturón de seguridad y salen volando de juego mecánico

Al menos seis personas resultaron lesionadas, entre ellos dos menores

9 Dec 16:49 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562310803951.html
Japan stars in Hong Kong racing; Maximum Security wins Grade I Cigar Mile

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Japan won three of the four Group 1 races in Hong Kong on Sunday, while a potential new superstar blazed through the Group 1 Hanshin Juvenile Fillies back home in top weekend horse racing action around the globe.

9 Dec 15:18 UPI 8257973864561852008.html
Il Roma - Contatti ADL-Raiola per Ibrahimovic: se Napoli vuole può battere le rivali

Ancelotti l’ha invocata: serve una scintilla per questo Napoli inguaiato. Ammesso che l’allenatore resti al suo posto fino a gennaio, il presidente De Laurentiis sta riflettendo se questa scossa possa arrivare dal mercato. Sono due situazioni legate: perché con la conferma dell’allenatore la famosa “scossa” potrebbe arrivare con un colpo di genio sul mercato. Un acquisto che possa sparigliare e scuotere l’ambiente, dare entusiasmo alla tifoseria e ricompattare il gruppo, o quantomeno dare una forte segnale. Questo colpo si chiama Zlatan Ibrahimovic

9 Dec 11:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080939533520.html
Xiaomi crowdfunds the Chuangmi Smart Cat Eye Doorbell with a 5-inch display - Gizmochina

Xiaomi has launched a new product under the Youpin crowdfunding platform. It is a smart cat eye with a 5-inch IPS display. The device comes with a 369 yuan ($52) price tag and will start shipping on January 16, 2020. The design of the Chuangmi Smart Cat Eye Doorbell comes in two different parts; one …

9 Dec 13:43 Gizmochina 1751854814588834045.html
‘The Morning’ Show Earns Golden Globes Nominations

Apple has received its first Golden Globes nominations for 'The Morning Show' in the Best Drama Series and Best Actress categories.

9 Dec 15:33 The Mac Observer 5087532648854632370.html
SwiftKey Beta gains support for 49 additional languages

Swiftkey Beta for Android now supports 49 more languages, including languages from Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia.

9 Dec 12:37 Windows Central 7807657679847958504.html
Video de alto impacto: conductor siembra el caos en plena autopista

En días de efervescencia y tensión social, a veces los ánimos se disparan. Así lo muestra este espeluznante registro de una carretera en Estados Unidos.

9 Dec 11:05 Publimetro Chile 2498685482891955179.html
Tragedia sfiorata: 20enne perde il controllo dell'auto e si ritrova in bilico sullo strapiombo

La vettura si è arrestata pochi centimetri prima di cadere nel vuoto. Il giovane, patentato da nemmeno un mese, è uscito illeso. I fatti ieri sera a Chieti

9 Dec 12:00 Today 178378749544284041.html
Ada Kemiripan Perjalanan 10 Tahun Silam, Sejarah Pahit Vietnam di Final SEA Games Terulang Lagi?

Ada kesamaan road to final yang dilakoni Vietnam di SEA Games 2009 dan 2019. Tanda sejarah pahit terulang dan emas jadi milik Timnas Indonesia U-22?

9 Dec 15:45 Bola.com 1695722603780215240.html
HOLLYWOOD'S HOT METER: Nick Jonas, John Legend, Dwayne Johnson Or Gerard Butler - Sexy In Suits

It's time to talk about the hot and happening men of Hollywood. Men in suits are irresistible and in case you want to ogle at some, here we have Nick Jonas, John Legend, Dwayne Johnson and Gerard Butler making it to our Hollywood's Hot Meter

9 Dec 11:22 SPOTBOYE 1547816858401239533.html
San Isidro y Leitariegos disfrutan del mejor puente de diciembre en años a pesar del tiempo

Entre las dos estaciones sumaron 13.400 esquiadores

9 Dec 17:39 Cadena SER 8390941985919898474.html
Letzte Chance auf Final-8: Waspo-Sieg gegen CN Terrassa ist Pflicht

Nur ein Sieg zählt, das ist Waspo-Coach Karsten Seehafer bewusst. Am Montagnachmittag muss der Wasserball-Bundesligist in der Champions League gegen CN Terrassa gewinnen, wenn noch eine realistische Chance auf das Final-8-Turnier bestehen soll.

9 Dec 12:34 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776192152778.html
Apple feiert mit Apple Park Nachbarn, Spielzeug-Spenden für arme Kinder | iTopnews

Apple hat in Cupertino Nachbarn des Apple Park zu einer Veranstaltung eingeladen.

9 Dec 11:43 www.itopnews.de 222669968131385298.html
H&M gaat online aankopen op de fiets bezorgen

H&M Nederland zet voortaan fietskoeriers in om online bestellingen te bezorgen. Nederland is het allereerste land waar het modehuis deze leveringsoptie aan klanten aanbiedt.

9 Dec 11:00 Emerce 1354596985635088436.html
Feeling 'smushed' helps some people switch off, so I tried it

New products, such as weighted blankets, are claiming to help those with anxiety feel safe. Wellbeing writer Sarah Berry tried one out.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562898914000.html
Los editores reclaman un pacto de Estado sobre el libro y la lectura

El fenómeno fan, el procés y el cambio climático arrastran al sector, que crece un 2% en 2019 con una facturación de 2.350 millones de euros

9 Dec 12:59 EL PAÍS 2207347711494426925.html
Kangana Ranaut’s Sister Blasts Alia Bhatt For Taking Her Star Screen Awards Before The Award, Hints At Fixing The Same

The Star Screen Awards 2019 function was held in Mumbai last night. A lot of stars attended the award show, like Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Taapsee Pannu, Ayushmann Khurrana, Sara Ali Khan, Shah

9 Dec 09:28 Koimoi 5184275669972952636.html
¡Shazam! - Anunciada oficialmente la secuela con Zachary Levi

Tras la buena acogida que tuvo en todo el mundo ¡Shazam! era de esperar que Warner Bros le diera una secuela, pero no ha sido anunciada hasta ahora.

9 Dec 10:52 HobbyConsolas 1883507644305603666.html
Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson: Somebody suggested I should wear lower cut tops

Ms Swinson said she believes UK politics ‘can be better’.

9 Dec 09:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774080018509.html
SEA Games 2019 - Pelatih Nilai Kegagalan Tunggal Putra Tak Sesuai Kehendak

BOLASPORT.COM - Pelatih tunggal putra nasional, Hendry Saputra Kho, merasa kegagalan dua wakil Indonesia pada bulu tangkis perorangan SEA Games 2019 tidak sesuai kehendak.

9 Dec 17:30 BolaSport.com 4603768436147083919.html
AC Milan hold meeting with Barcelona as they consider swoop for €10m-rated starlet

Catalan giants could opt to offload talented youngster...

9 Dec 10:01 CaughtOffside 8169236757811257078.html
Mathew Horne calls upcoming Gavin and Stacey 'best episode ever'

The actor behind Gavin told Chris Moyles he's 'so proud' of the Christmas special

9 Dec 15:13 Metro 970161747306556311.html
Boris Johnson says he will stop immigrants from treating Britain ‘as their own country’

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to stop European Union migrants from treating Britain “as their own country” if he wins this week’s general election.

9 Dec 09:47 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882428218260.html
Falleció Santiago Bal

Santiago Bal murió este lunes a los 83 años. El actor, autor y director estaba internado desde principios de julio en el Instituto Médico de Alta Complejidad por problemas respiratorios y circulatorios, luego fue trasladado a la Clínica de Rehabilitación Alcla y cuando se salud se agravó lo derivaron al Instituto Médico de Alta Complejidad (IMAC). En las últimas horas, su estado de salud se debilitó aún más cuando entró en coma farmacológico a causa de una neumonía. El ex marido de Silvia Pérez y Carmen Barbieri, y padre de Mariano, Julieta y Federico Bal, sufría de EPOC (Enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica) y pasó 18 operaciones de un cáncer que le detectaron a los 39 años. Además en los últimos tiempos debió atravesar cuadros de bronquitis y diversas infecciones urinarias.

9 Dec 17:03 El Ancasti 5864462411856651215.html
Održana projekcija filma o životu i delu Nikolaja Krasnova

BEOGRAD - Projekcija dokumentarnog filma o životu i delu ruskog arhitekte Nikolaja Krasnova pod nazivom "Od dužnosti i zakletve ne odstupaj", održana je

9 Dec 17:19 Krstarica 4176903989044176511.html
Nine years on, graft case at CBI door

It took over nine years for complaints of massive corruption by the then Director and other officials of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Agartala to be processed through various governme

9 Dec 16:50 The Hindu 6679535024721192035.html
Machine learning : Netflix bascule sa bibliothèque Metaflow en open source

La bibliothèque Python Metaflow de Netflix permet de gérer les projets data science de bout en bout. Elle fonctionne avec n'importe quelle bibliothèque ML et s'intègre avec les services cloud d'AWS.

9 Dec 14:27 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148587701602.html
VP11: LZ7 bij Antwerp, Perica maakte het Standard moeilijk

Op speeldag 18 zijn de plekjes in Play-Off 1 weer serieus verschoven.

9 Dec 13:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215421287166.html
14 sugarol timbog sa Bulacan

NASAKOTE ng pulisya ang siyam na mananabong at limang nagto-tong its makaraang magsagawa ng ng anti-illegal gambling operation sa magkahiwalay na lugar sa Malolos City at Norzagaray, Bulacan kamakalawa nang hapon.

9 Dec 13:32 Abante News Online 7257070572442714253.html
Indra Sjafri Punya Satu Nazar Bila Indonesia Raih Emas di SEA Games 2019

Indra Sjafri memiliki satu nazar andai timnas U-22 Indonesia berhasil mempersembahkan medali emas di ajang SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 13:27 BolaSport.com 4603768435199812387.html
En la Ocde, Colombia se comprometió a examinar el rol del Esmad

En medio de las jornadas de protestas se conoció un documento con dicho compromiso.

9 Dec 14:57 El Tiempo 1091719939268392451.html
Tres detenidos en Ourense por falsificación de dinero y tráfico de drogas

Los arrestados son dos hombres y una mujer, todos ellos de origen sudamericano

9 Dec 10:33 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578343437854.html
PM refuses to look at picture of boy forced to sleep on hospital floor

Boris Johnson accused of not caring after refusing reporter’s requests several times

9 Dec 14:47 the Guardian 1491978795607722584.html
Onana, duda para el partido contra el Valencia

El portero del Ajax abandonó el entrenamiento del sábado con molestias en los isquiotibiales. Junto a Onana, también serán baja Promes, Neres y Labyad

9 Dec 08:23 sport 1349897970424377541.html
Penny Lancaster forced to Google Rod Stewart's age after mixing him up with her dad

Loose Women star Penny Lancaster was joined by husband Rod Stewart on the show on Monday, but things got pretty awkward

9 Dec 13:55 Irish Mirror 2875825629119914845.html
Golden Globes 2020: Netflix dominates the nominations

Marriage Story and The Irishman lead a decent list of nominees that sadly doesn't include Greta Gerwig or Lulu Wang in the writing or directing categories

9 Dec 11:18 NOW 7434691885353112850.html
Met Office says 'potential for snow' on Dartmoor and Exmoor this week

On Wednesday the Met Office says there is a potential for sleet or snow on the moors, including in Princetown

9 Dec 14:40 DevonLive 2469244512171505983.html
Waffenverkauf boomt: Rüstungsunternehmen verbuchen 4,6 % Zuwachs

Die weltweit größten Unternehmen für Waffen und militärische Dienstleistungen müssen sich keine Sorgen um ihren Markt machen: Im vergangenen Jahr machten sie 420 Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz.

9 Dec 11:08 euronews 4540914626948969821.html
Trois Creusoises victimes de violences conjugales racontent leur parcours du combattant

À Intermède 23, à Guéret, les femmes viennent partager leurs expériences. Motivées par la libération de la parole, trois d’entre elles acceptent de témoigner. Toutes ont une histoire différente mais décrivent de longues procédures et des mentalités qui peinent à évoluer.

9 Dec 13:00 La Montagne 1201252479826109527.html
Il primo festival del Sociale italiano si farà a Biella

A volerlo l'assessore regionale Chiara Caucino

9 Dec 14:32 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271319957842882.html
Ruby ter, il teste: "Due ville di Berlusconi in comodato d'uso a Guerra e Sorcinelli"

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 11:00 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206681957213.html
Praveen/Melati Bangga Rebut Emas Bulu Tangkis SEA Games 2019

Pasangan ganda campuran Indonesia, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti, menyabet medali emas di laga final bulu tangkis nomor perorangan SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:30 Bola.net 5489959028752855747.html
UP Cabinet gives nod for setting 218 fast-track courts for rape, crimes against minor

At present, the state has 81 fast-track courts to hear cases related to women, Pathak told PTI.

9 Dec 15:08 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362547696389.html
Minecraft: Bedrock-Update mit Crossplay erscheint morgen für PS4

Für die PS4-Version von "Minecraft" wird morgen das Bedrock-Update veröffentlicht. Damit findet das Crossplay den Weg auf die Konsole von Sony. Hinzu kommt der Zugriff auf den Shop.

9 Dec 15:31 play3.de 8301165837664683406.html
Yash Receives 'The Sensation of South Indian Cinema' Award, Netizens Can’t Contain Their Excitement

New Delhi (Spuntik): Having started his career in Kannada television, Yash made his debut in cinema in 2013 with the film "Googly" and delivered some commercially successful films like "Mr and Mrs Ramachari", "Gajakesari", and "Santhu Straight Forward".

9 Dec 09:40 Sputniknews 967333867841593543.html
Flere vogntog sliter på glatte veier

Vegtrafikksentralen melder om stengte veier og vogntog som sliter på glatt føre.

9 Dec 15:01 adressa.no 8417332407797953426.html
‘Ghost ship' of Sutton Hoo to sail again: Anglo-Saxon vessel found in Suffolk 80 years ago will be rebuilt from 3D computer models to explore the origins of English seafaring

In its Suffolk-based burial mound - thought the resting place of King Rædwald - only the impression of the ship and its iron rivets remained, the timber having long rotted away.

9 Dec 10:59 Mail Online 124328110770067512.html
La Navidad, el agosto de las tiendas

Temporada representa una tercera parte de las ventas de todo el año

9 Dec 10:15 El Heraldo de México 438112696308627610.html
People accepted defectors, we accept defeat: Shivakumar on K’taka bypolls

Bypolls were for 15 of 17 seats left vacant by MLAs who resigned in July, causing collapse of Cong-JD(S) and BJP's takeover.

9 Dec 09:01 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364209547327.html
Labour’s plans to nationalise services: Everything you need to know

The party’s manifesto said it would like to take mail, water and train operators, among other things, back under public ownership.

9 Dec 15:48 Express & Star 7324224458864385304.html
Wild Koala Population ‘Will Never Recover’ From Australian Bushfires

An expert fears Australia's wild koala population will never recover after the crippling bushfires tore through their habitat

9 Dec 08:16 UNILAD 6373328987859439558.html
Florida girl arrested for posting ‘death list’ on Snapchat

A 12-year-old Florida girl was arrested after posting a “death list” on Snapchat of students from her middle school, authorities said. The girl, who was not identified, was taken into custody late

9 Dec 17:44 New York Post 7654946768319574132.html
Tarif prosumer: le ministre Henry obtient un report de 4 mois

(Belga) Le ministre wallon de l'Energie, Philippe Henry (Ecolo), a obtenu un report de 4 mois de l'entrée en vigueur du tarif prosumer, cette ...

9 Dec 14:25 RTL Info 5478130074987465505.html
NC teacher knew beating of disabled teen was coming, and didn’t stop it, lawsuit says

More than a year later, according to the complaint, the victim has not returned to his classes in Gaston County.

9 Dec 16:39 WBTV 6439870258882118593.html
Duran Duran return to Ireland to play St. Anne's Park next summer

Duran Duran are making a return to Ireland next summer when they play at St. Annes Park in Raheny. Tickets go on sale this Friday

9 Dec 15:33 Buzz.ie 7092425147751014564.html
Un voleur s'empare du coffre-fort d'un organisme communautaire

Un organisme communautaire du Vieux-Hull est privé de milliers de dollars à la suite du vol de son coffre-fort, survenu dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi.

9 Dec 16:13 leSoleil 6002915704766819427.html
'Twin Peaks VR' trailer offers a dive into David Lynch's mind

The trailer for 'Twin Peaks VR' is as strange and cryptic as the TV series.

9 Dec 09:23 Engadget 96641516078517340.html
Le trafic des trains restera perturbé mardi

LUXEMBOURG/METZ - Moins de trains que d'habitude circuleront mardi entre la France et le Luxembourg, du fait du mouvement de grève en France, a indiqué la SNCF.

9 Dec 16:57 L'essentiel 554828746304383069.html
Is Now the Right Time for a US-Israel Mutual Defense Pact?

U.S President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promoted the idea of a Mutual Defense Treaty between their countries in September, with Netanyahu branding such a pact as being “historic” should it be achieved. The idea is now back in the headlines in Israel. Energy Minister and security cabinet minister Yuval Steinitz stated…

9 Dec 08:00 Breaking Israel News 540123160613774262.html
Torna sabato "Natale in corso Giolitti", a Cuneo

Sotto i portici 80 espositori provenienti da Piemonte, Lombardia e Liguria, che esporranno oggetti artigianali manufatti

9 Dec 14:00 Targatocn.it 7367208848503239548.html
Semana clave para los líderes independentistas en prisión

Esta semana las Juntas de tratamiento de las tres cárceles dónde están ingresados los presos independentistas decidirán sobre su situación...

9 Dec 13:28 La Vanguardia 8061072700764248210.html
FBI: Saudijac djelovao sam u napadu na bazu

PENSAKOLA - Istražitelji vjeruju da je pripadnik saudijske ratne avijacije djelovao sam u petak kada je ubio tri osobe i ranio osam u američkoj mornaričkoj bazi u Pensacoli na Floridi prije nego što ga je usmrtila policija, objavio je u nedjelju FBI.

9 Dec 08:28 Nezavisne novine 4209150641831645330.html
Las deudas y los fondos que deja Giubetich

Mañana el intendente de Río Gallegos dejará su mandato al electo mandatario municipal, Pablo Grasso. Las cuentas pendientes a pagar con proveedores y el saldo positivo para obras nacionales.

9 Dec 11:46 TiempoSur 8512931318546680487.html
Court seeks clarification before approving €2.9m debt write-off for Frank McNamara and Theresa Lowe

Further information sought by High court judge on musician’s financial affairs

9 Dec 17:10 The Irish Times 8204772969028094425.html
La gente se olvidó de comprar tomates

El precio del kilogramo de tomate, además de ser muy caro, es vendido a diferentes precios en cada comercio, ante lo cual los consumidores optan por los

9 Dec 10:59 El Siglo 7954754735159782034.html
Yanina y Diego Latorre fueron juntos a un casamiento tras confirmar su separación

La panelista confirmó que ya no viven bajo el mismo techo pero que tienen una buena relación.

9 Dec 11:23 La Capital 7472053046668196377.html
Martin Hinteregger - Wadenbeißer mit Stürmerblut

Martin Hinteregger entwickelt immer mehr Torgefahr - Eintracht Frankfurt ist darauf angewiesen.

9 Dec 13:02 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322977016171.html
Former Federal Prosecutor: Barr’s Warning to Trump About Giuliani May Be ‘Wink and Nod’ About Coming Indictment

Attorney General William Barr has reportedly cautioned President Donald Trump on multiple occasions that he is “not being well served” by his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, advising the President that the former New York City Mayor has become a liability for the administration. According to one former federal prosecutor, Barr, who oversees the U.S. Attorney’s office currently investigating Giuliani on multiple fronts, may be attempting to warn the White House about Giuliani’s dire legal straits.

9 Dec 11:05 Law & Crime 7990899036986940007.html
Detienen dominicanos en España por falsificación y distribución de moneda falsa y tráfico de drogas

Agentes de la Policia Nacional de Ourense, España, detuvieron a dos mujeres y un hombre por la comision de un supuesto delito de falsificacion y distribuci

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263598784644.html
Tobacco stolen from Booker Cash and Carry was a 'gift for a friend'

'He realises it was a stupid thing'

9 Dec 14:51 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703103514312.html
Augsburg: Drama in Bayern – Jugendliche prügeln Feuerwehrmann tot +++ Polizei nimmt Verdächtige fest

In Augsburg hat eine Gruppe einen Feuerwehrmann totgeschlagen. Seine Frau musste die schreckliche Tat mitansehen. Jetzt hat die Polizei einen Verdächtigen festgenommen. Hier mehr dazu.

9 Dec 08:35 Thüringen24 7206317296005557319.html
iPhone 11 Resmi Masuk Indonesia, iPhone 8 hingga XS Max Turun Harga

Makemac - Produk iPhone 11 series akhirnya resmi dijual di Indonesia. Kini semua perangkat iPhone generasi sebelumnya mengalami penurunan harga.

9 Dec 16:14 grid.id 2219816955129979681.html
Džonson na udaru kritika zbog fotografije bolesnog dečaka

LONDON - Britanski premijer Boris Džonson našao se danas na udaru kritika zbog svog odgovora kada mu je prikazana fotografija bolesnog deteta kako leži na

9 Dec 17:48 Krstarica 4176903988677414541.html
Embajador de México en Argentina es suspendido por robarse un libro

El embajador de México en Argentina, Oscar Ricardo Valero, fue sorprendido cuando intentaba robarse un libro de una librería en Argentina

9 Dec 09:47 MiMorelia 5599511489925825272.html
Thalia-Stück zeigt Absurdität des Nahost-Konflikts

In "Vögel" löst eine jüdisch-arabische Liebesbeziehung einen Familienkonflikt aus. Am Sonntag feierte das Stück seine Premiere am Thalia Theater in der Gaußstraße in Hamburg.

9 Dec 16:29 NDR.de 5356044082905084958.html
Design Week’s Christmas gift guide for designers

From books and stationary, to tech and experiences, here’s a selection of everything the design enthusiast in your life could possibly want for Christmas.

9 Dec 11:52 Design Week 9211635614781836474.html
Comité de lo Jurídico examina la evidencia recopilada en contra de Trump

Tan pronto como esta semana puede llevar a votación los cargos de destitución en contra del presidente de Estados Unidos

9 Dec 14:42 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311194781459.html
Nuova McLaren 620R, dedicata agli sportivi

Addolcendo la 570S GT4 da corsa, MSO presenta la macchina definitiva per intimidire gli avversari durante i trackday

9 Dec 11:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656009339608.html
New Zealand is a far more multicultural place today – its mainstream media is not

Commercial media, a business that requires public trust and goodwill, is in a tough financial position right now. Gaurav Sharma says that's in part because of its poor job of reaching immigrant communities, in the first of a new monthly column for The Spinoff. Let's start with a test, about refer

9 Dec 16:01 The Spinoff 7256195145188180890.html
Decision on six bus companies in Dhaka by March, says Mayor Khokon

Dhaka South Mayor Sayeed Khokon says a decision could be made by March to bring the buses operating in Dhaka under six companies as part of an effort to discipline public transports.

9 Dec 14:12 Bdnews24 8119004128622579478.html
Klarmobil: Mehr Datenvolumen für weniger Geld

Bei klarmobil gibt es jetzt mehr Datenvolumen in zwei von drei Allnet-Flat-Tarifen. Besonders der 3-GB-Tarif lohnt sich, denn hier wird das Volumen verdoppelt.

9 Dec 11:16 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535188931976351.html
Vladimir Putin y Vladimir Zelenski se reunirán por primera vez en medio de cumbre de líderes

Luego de tres años sin reuniones directas entre Rusia y Ucrania, ambos mandatarios se verán por primera vez las caras este lunes en el Palacio del Elíseo.

9 Dec 10:14 Emol 3328490601931370774.html
Golden Globes 2020: Saoirse Ronan nominated for best actress

Irish actor picks up fifth nod, for Little Women. Andrew Scott named for Fleabag

9 Dec 13:18 The Irish Times 8204772968296588320.html
Samih Sawiris speaks out on personal & business habits during RiseUp

By: Ingy ElSafy Cairo – Mubasher: A lot of people lack the presence of a role model or mentor in their lives to take after and aspire when it comes to both personal and business matters. The Egyptian billionaire Samih Sawiris has opened up before …

9 Dec 16:44 english.mubasher.info 8917853138560109514.html
Autoconstrucción ciudadana por 650 UF: La nueva modalidad de viviendas del Minvu

Esta modalidad se encuentra en los llamados para el Fondo Solidario de Elección de Vivienda y puede postular quien sea poseedor de un terreno.

9 Dec 16:29 Publimetro Chile 2498685483635831438.html
Abba-Konzerte: Die Lumberjacker sind zurück

An zwei ausverkauften Abba-Tribute-Abenden begeistert die LumberjackBigband mit ihren Gästen das Publikum in der Stadthalle Göppingen.

9 Dec 16:59 swp.de 6929179440415798654.html
Por doping, suspendieron a Rusia de competencias deportivas por 4 años

Rusia fue excluida de los Juegos Olímpicos y otras competiciones deportivas importantes como el Mundial de Fútbol por los próximos cuatro años, como consecuencia del escándalo por los casos de doping de atletas.    La decisión fue tomada este lunes por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (WADA, por sus siglas en inglés), según informó el servicio de prensa de la entidad.    A partir la medida, Rusia no podrá albergar y participar en Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos, así como en ningún campeonato mundial o competición importante organizados por los firmantes del Código Antidopaje de la AMA, entre los que se encuentra el Mundial de Fútbol de Catar en 2022.    En tanto, los deportistas rusos que no cuenten con antecedentes de doping podrán participar en esos eventos bajo la bandera olímpica, mientras no deberán llevar ningún distintivo o símbolo que contenga la bandera rusa, mientras que los equipos llevarán en nombre de "atletas neutrales autorizados".    La AMA ha concluyó que datos de laboratorio enviados por Moscú…

9 Dec 09:38 El Esquiú 5729181306950650687.html
Animal park gets first African elephant born in the UK this year and he's a cuti

He doesn't have a name yet though.

9 Dec 17:48 Metro 970161747246162973.html
Dall'Ue alla Nuova Zelanda, le donne al potere

La decana resta Angela Merkel ma il trend è in crescita ovunque (ANSA)

9 Dec 17:07 ANSA.it 1300837446869439542.html
Foute trui van kerstman die cocaïne snuift (even) te koop bij Walmart

Een trui met daarop de kerstman die cocaïne snuift? Veel gekker hoeft het niet meer te worden. Het blauwe hebbeding werd even te koop aangeboden op de site van Walmart in Canada, maar is intussen o...

9 Dec 15:09 HLN 8967494998441909928.html
Highlands man Derek Ray Mackay ‘danger to public’ missing as cops launch frantic manhunt

A HIGHLANDS man considered to be a danger to the public is missing – with cops launching a manhunt to find him. Derek Ray Mackay, 33, from Invergordon, has failed to comply with conditions of…

9 Dec 08:40 The Scottish Sun 6609127673342912865.html
Cruel thieves steal a litter of six three-week-old American bulldog puppies worth around £6,000 from the home where they lived with their mother

The six pooches - who are just three weeks old - are too young to be away from their mother and will become ill without her. They were snatched from a property in Rochester, Kent, on Friday.

9 Dec 11:34 Mail Online 124328111642743783.html
17 habits of self-made millionaires who retired early

It takes a lot of diligence and dedication to retire early as a self-made millionaire.

9 Dec 13:47 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883799665509.html
"Der Bachelor": Diese Single-Ladys wollen sich den begehrten Rosenkavalier schnappen

Der Bachelor 2020 Sebastian Preuss darf ab Januar wieder zwischen 22 Schönheiten seine Traumfrau auswählen.

9 Dec 08:13 TAG24 4583887875083589799.html
CAPA's World Aviation Outlook Summit heads to London Stansted in 2020

CAPA – Centre for Aviation (CAPA) announced London Stansted Airport as the host of the CAPA World Aviation Outlook Summit in 2020 during this year’s Summit proceedings in Malta. To be held on 2-3 Decεμβερ 2020, the Summit will welcome over 200 aviation executives to analyse the industry’s performance over the year, discuss the current state of play and forecast the outlook of the aviation market. Covering all regions - Europe, Asia, Middle East, Americas and beyond - expert speakers will

9 Dec 09:51 TravelDailyNews International 1304175788571165649.html
Doping. Wada squalifica per 4 anni la Russia da Olimpiadi. Mosca: "Sfideremo sentenza al Cas"

Il Comitato Olimpico Internazionale già nelle scorse settimana ha annunciato di "sostenere sanzioni severe contro tutti i responsabili della manipolazione dei dati antidoping del laboratorio analitico di Mosca". Medvedev, decisione della Wada va contestata 

9 Dec 12:30 rainews 442831847775777362.html
Uttar Pradesh to set up 218 fast-track courts for crimes against women and children

Currently 42,389 cases of sexual offences against children and 25,749 cases of rape and sexual crimes against women are pending in the courts.

9 Dec 08:18 Scroll.in 8669301692643200603.html
KRAJ TURBULENTNE LJUBAVI POSLE 12 GODINA?! Razvodi se Aleksandar Kolarov, a evo uz kakvu lepoticu UTAPA TUGU (FOTO)

Fudbaler Aleksandar Kolarov navodno se razveo od supruge Vesne posle 12 godina braka. Vesna i Aleksandar imaju dvoje dece, a po priči neimenovanog izvora, razlog za razvod braka su afere koje su pratile fudbalera, kao i udaljenost.Činilo se da će njihov brak ...

9 Dec 09:35 kurir.rs 6515665027223470878.html
Of fantasy and earth: A ceramic show at Meşher

For the inaugural show at Meşher, an art space at the former Arter location on İstiklal Avenue, 'Beyond the Vessel' unearths the twin genesis of early life and timeless imagination

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944810094989490.html
Evo Morales dice que Gobierno interino pidió intervención militar israelí

“El Gobierno de facto pide ayuda al Gobierno sionista de Israel para combatir a la izquierda”, afirma exmandatario boliviano.

9 Dec 11:03 Crónica 1134283326705907082.html
Bragarnik podrá traer a Angelice al Elche

El grupo del expresidente de Boca no gana las elecciones y tiene vía libre para recalar en el club ilicitano

9 Dec 13:10 Diarioinformacion 8979296177068201782.html
Cardi B on forgiving Offset: 'Everybody has issues'

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Cardi B is giving insight into her decision to forgive her husband, Offset, after his cheating scandal.

9 Dec 17:26 UPI 8257973865490636588.html
Ryan Reynolds Is a Non-Playable Character in 'Free Guy'

The film also stars Taika Waititi, Lil Rel Howery and Jodie Comer.

9 Dec 11:11 HYPEBEAST 3806037269769127121.html
How Do You Justify This Super-Pricey Smart Mug

An average mug costs between £2 and £5, while a nice travel mug goes for around £10-£20, or maybe a little more if you’re feeling fancy. So how on earth does a company justify a smart mug that costs well over £100?

9 Dec 12:00 Gizmodo UK 8363059001197504813.html
9 dicembre 1990: il Milan conquista l'Intercontinentale battendo l'Olimpia

Il nove dicembre 1990 il Milan vince la Coppa Intercontinentale battendo 3-0 l'Olimpia Asuncion, squadra paraguaiana. Per la seconda volta consecutiva i rossoneri diventavano così campioni del mondo (l'anno precedente avevano battuto il Nacional di Medellin). La gara si rivelò più semplice del previsto (peraltro la squadra milanista doveva pure fare a meno di Ancelotti ed Evani), con un Gullit in formato super, affiancato da un Van Basten in forma smagliante. Nel primo tempo, a due minuti dalla fine, l'azione di Gullit propiziò la prima rete: cross perfetto dalla sinistra e a centro area, Rijkaard si elevò su tutti spedendo in rete alla sinistra del portiere Almeida. Nella ripresa (dopo che Maldini si era infortunato, clavicola rotta) al sedicesimo Van Basten colpì il palo e Stroppa fu rapido ad infilare la palla in rete. Van Basten fu di nuovo protagonista in occasione della terza rete: con un pallonetto dal limite dell'area colpì ancora il palo e stavolta Rijkaard in tuffo di testa chiuse il match. E a fine…

9 Dec 17:00 MilanNews.it 6507305920926382129.html
Le terrificanti avventure di Sabrina 3: nuovo trailer e data di debutto | Cultura Pop

Attraverso un breve video, è stata svelata la data destinata al debutto del capitolo 3 de Le terrificanti avventure di Sabrina, serie televisiva Netflix.

9 Dec 08:51 Tom's Hardware 6640147069212626441.html
Paty Manterola enciende las redes con un video desnuda en la bañera

A sus 47 años de edad, Paty Manterola enamoró a sus seguidores al subir varios videos donde aparece sin ropa tomando un baño.

9 Dec 14:44 Publinews 8987875304468701067.html
Marko: "We have not reached our potential"

2019 was a mixed season for Red Bull as they finished third in the Constructors' Championship but Max Verstappen led them to three race wins. Helmut Marko believes the team are yet to reach their potential.

9 Dec 09:26 GPblog.com 9117728198153086512.html
Kazutaka Kodaka (DanGanRonPa) lève doucement le voile sur son nouveau projet

Comme prévu, Kazutaka Kodaka (créateur de la franchise DanGanRonPa) a annoncé son nouveau projet via le label Izanagi Games mais il ne faudra pas pour l'heure courir après les informations puisqu'on se contentera d'un nom, Death Come True, un premier visual key ci-dessous, et le fait que l'on tournera vers le FMV dans un genre évidemment narratif avec choix et conséquences.

9 Dec 08:25 GAMEKYO 4211360034447263249.html
‘Spin waves’ could keep your phone from overheating

Researchers have a new way to make electronic devices faster, less power-hungry, and less liable to overheat.

9 Dec 09:57 Futurity 5051862825879540606.html
As Onion Price Reaches Rs 200 Per kg, Centre Reduces Stock Limit For Retailers

For wholesalers, the stock limit remains 25 MT, while for retailers, is has further been reduced to 2 MT from the earlier 5 MT.

9 Dec 16:40 India.com 7150386083872793047.html
Cisco renforce ses liens avec le cloud hybride d'AWS

Pour simplifier la mise en place des politiques réseau et de sécurité pour les charges de travail multicloud et accroître leur cohérence, Cisco va encore plus loin dans l'intégration avec l'environnement de cloud hybride d'AWS.

9 Dec 09:48 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148610840937.html
Acude AMLO a entrega de Premios de Artes y Ciencia

*Concepción Company aseguró que su galardón es la conclusión de tres variables: la vida personal, las instituciones y el acceso a una verdadera educación pública Con el compromiso de mantener el apoyo a una educación pública de calidad que permita la movilidad social, se llevó a cabo la ceremonia de entrega de los Premios de […]

9 Dec 17:09 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490036891810859.html
V Rijadu pokazal vso znanost boksa

LJUBLJANA – Britanski boksarski šampion Anthony Joshua (23 zmag, 21 s k. o., 1 poraz), čigar oče in mati sta po rodu Nigerijca, se je vrnil na prestole združenj IBF, WBA in WBO, potem ko je na ...

9 Dec 10:20 Slovenske novice 5901956563394641028.html
Manzara seyreder gibi hortumu izlediler

Adana'nın Karataş ilçesinde, denizde çıkan hortumu manzara seyreder gibi izleyen kişiler, sosyal medyanın ilgisini çekti.

9 Dec 08:22 Haberler.com 5407785901326043836.html
MDR ändert Programm für verstorbenen Schauspieler

Der MDR erinnert heute mit umfangreichen Programmänderungen an Wolfgang Winkler (2. März 1943 - 7. Dezember 2019). So wird um 20.15. Uhr der erste gemeinsame Fall der Kommissare Herbert Schmücke und Herbert Schneider – „ Der Pferdemörder“ aus dem Jahr 1996 – ...

9 Dec 13:55 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109930499773.html
Rosja umacnia wpływy w Algierii przed wyborami prezydenckimi

W Algierii 12 grudnia odbędą się wybory prezydenckie. Duża część społeczeństwa je odrzuca, jako przewidzianą z góry kontynuację rządów ekipy długoletniego prezydenta Boutefliki. Na szczytach władzy w Algierii odbywają się jednak przetasowania, w których poważną rolę odgrywa armia, a w niej… wpływy Moskwy.

9 Dec 14:30 Najwyższy Czas! 1611902979415116278.html
Nowitzki blickt mit Wehmut auf die NBA: "Es kribbelt schon"

Dirk Nowitzki empfindet beim Anblick der Spiele in der NBA wider Erwarten doch etwas Wehmut: Es kribbelt schon wieder seit die neue Saison losgegangen ist, sagte der 41-Jährige im Rahmen des Leadership Festivals des Deutschen Fußball Bundes (DFB): Es ist schon etwas anderes, jetzt plötzlich nicht mehr dabei zu sein. Ich hoffe, das wird sich mit der Zeit etwas legen.

9 Dec 14:37 SPOX 8395423525200005065.html
R Kelly’s former manager set to testify about the singers marriage to Aaliyah

The singer is reportedly set to be prosecuted for bribery

9 Dec 12:13 GOSS.ie 8755536024760237893.html
VIDEO - Terlampau Dahsyat, Dampak Pukulan Petarung UFC Ini Bikin Alistair Overeem Terpaksa Lakukan Operasi Plastik

Ajang UFC on ESPN 7 menjadi sorotan kala duel kelas berat antara Jairzinho Rozenstruik kontra Alistair Overeem terjadi di ibu kota Amerika Serikat

9 Dec 15:04 BolaSport.com 4603768436566606611.html
Javier Mascherano (ex-Barcelona) keert op zijn 35ste terug naar Argentinië

Na bijna twee jaar bij het Chinese Hebei China Fortune verlaat de Argentijn Javier Mascherano de Chinese Super League. De 35-jarige voormalige internationa...

9 Dec 09:34 De Standaard 2288913867402324378.html
Weshalb treten Sienoch an, Frau Jung?

Obwohl CDU, Grüne und FDP sich bereits auf Barbara Meyer-Gluche (35) festgelegt haben, schickt die SPD Christine Jung (37) ins Rennen.

9 Dec 15:37 Bild 8433249907439633588.html
Miyabi Dukung Timnas, Ajak Nobar Final Sepak Bola Sea Games 2019

Miyabi turut senang Indonesia bisa berlaga melawan Vietnam di final yang diselenggarakan pada Selasa, 10 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 09:35 Tempo 6299881074351698043.html
Jorge Jesus eleito o melhor treinador do Brasileirão

Técnico português levou o Flamengo ao título nacional.

9 Dec 16:18 DN 8445869957143665389.html
Zulhas Didukung 30 DPW, Bara: Ada Semangat PAN Bebas Dominasi 1 Orang

Waketum PAN Bara Hasibuan berbicara soal semangat membawa PAN bebas dari belenggu dominasi 1 orang.

9 Dec 15:59 detiknews 8793960223120339279.html
Uthappa ton helps Kerala to a good position

Rahul, who gave the team a a solid start, narrowly misses century

9 Dec 15:19 The Hindu 6679535025332135524.html
Giorgia meloni: blocchiamo il mes.


9 Dec 09:25 DAGOSPIA 6533336740100887844.html
White Island volcano: All you need to know

Volcano popular with tourists erupts in northern New Zealand leaving at least five dead and 10 trapped.

9 Dec 13:34 News24 3752801378092729329.html
‘No one bothers about rules’: NHRC sends notice to Delhi government after Anaj Mandi fire

The Delhi Police had on Sunday evening arrested the owner, identified as Rehan, and his manager Furkan.

9 Dec 13:38 Scroll.in 8669301693306463171.html
Fire and petrol bombs after ‘generally peaceful’ Hong Kong march, police say

Hong Kong protesters lit a fire outside buildings, threw petrol bombs and spray-painted graffiti on buildings, following a “generally peaceful” march

9 Dec 10:55 Vanguard News 4125100339299917916.html
Texas man accused of carving name into girlfriend’s face

SAN ANTONIO — A Texas man is behind bars after police said he repeatedly punched his girlfriend, then used a knife to carve his name into her face.

9 Dec 16:44 Whio 8204027954491155697.html
Anderlecht veut renforcer son secteur offensif: les Mauves foncent sur l’attaquant de Saint-Trond Yohan Boli

Le Sporting veut faire de l’attaquant ivoirien son deuxième transfert hivernal après Murillo

9 Dec 11:59 sudinfo.be 344139277225883946.html
EH Bildu cree que Podemos ha firmado "un contrato de permanencia al servicio de PNV" que le pasará factura electoral

El parlamentario de EH Bildu Iker Casanova cree que Elkarrekin Podemos, con su acuerdo presupuestario con el Gobierno Vasco, ha suscrito ''un contrato de permanencia al servicio de PNV'' que le pasará factura electoral y creará ''una marejada'' dentro del partido morado porque ''lo que ha firmado no es lo que está vendiendo''. En su opinión, detrás de ''un paso tan arriesgado, tiene que haber un cálculo de que en la siguiente legislatura va a formar parte'' del Ejecutivo.

9 Dec 09:06 elEconomista.es 9051559959291368567.html
Why I Prefer Music To Friends- Adunni Ade

Adunni Ade has taken to Instagram handle to shower praises on Cardi B, while stating that she will choose her music over foolery of some friends.

9 Dec 09:39 Concise 5544636822999708958.html
Protecció Civil activa l'alerta pel fort vent a les comarques de Tarragona

El vent també podrà afectar, tot i que amb menys incidència, a les comarques de Lleida i les Terres de l’Ebre així com les cotes altes del Pirineu i Prepirineu

9 Dec 12:46 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479278492079.html
Mythos Einzelkind: Sind sie wirklich so verwöhnt und egoistisch?

Sind Einzelkinder wirklich so verwöhnt? So selbstbezogen? So unfähig, zu teilen? Nö, sagt Buchautorin Julia Müller, die ohne Geschwister aufgewachsen ist. Im BUNTE.de-Gespräch berichtet sie über böse Klischees sowie Vor- und Nachteile – und warum Einzelkinder die besseren Freunde sind.

9 Dec 13:00 BUNTE.de 2017976500483914212.html
Live Streaming SCTV Sinetron Anak Langit Episode Senin, 9 Desember 2019

Anak Langit episode Senin malam ini bercerita tentang apa?

9 Dec 16:20 liputan6.com 3414318495983789602.html
Streik in Frankreich: Verkehrschaos im Großraum Paris - 620 Kilometer Stau

Die Wut in Frankreich über die Rentenpläne hält an: Der Streik wird am Montag fortgesetzt, für Dienstag sind Massenstreiks geplant. 

9 Dec 11:07 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239551388108.html
Indonesia Cari Peluang Sektor Industri 4.0 di Hannover Messe 2020

Pemerintah Indonesia terus mematangkan persiapan sebagai negara mitra resmi (official partner country) pameran Hannover Messe 2020 di Jerman. Ajang bergengsi tersebut menjadi kesempatan besar untuk menunjukkan kemampuan sektor manufaktur Indonesia di mata dunia, terutama dalam bertransformasi menuju era industri 4.0.

9 Dec 15:48 merdeka.com 1998180355805268658.html
Facts About Harmanpreet Kaur, The First Indian Woman Cricketer to Play 100 T20 Matches

Harmanpreet Kaur was the the first woman for India to score a century in women's T20 and She was also awarded the Arjuna Award for Cricket.

9 Dec 13:17 TopYaps 3728443510459806340.html
Phoenix Point Is MIA On Xbox Game Pass

Phoenix Point, the latest strategy game from XCOM creator Julian Gollop, was released last week on the Epic Games Store. It was also supposed to be out on the Microsoft Store and Xbox Game Pass, but it’s not, and Snapshot Games have basically had to admit “we dropped the ball”....

9 Dec 10:30 Kotaku Australia 2018810246824249465.html
Roku will stream the first season of 'Game of Thrones' for free

'Billions' and 'Ray Donovan' seasons will also be gratis during Roku's Stream-a-thon.

9 Dec 12:37 Engadget 96641516308955299.html
Mantiene SSM atención a lesionados por derrame de amoniaco en la Siglo XXI

La Secretaría de Salud de Michoacán (SSM), a través del Centro Regulador de Urgencias Médicas (CRUM), coordinó el traslado aéreo de dos personas a Morelia

9 Dec 10:00 MiMorelia 5599511489993877284.html
V štirih gorenjskih občinah dovoljen odstrel petih volkov

Z namenom preprečiti resno škodo na premoženju ljudi je Agencija RS za okolje (Arso) prejšnji teden v sredo izdala dovoljenje za odstrel petih volkov na območju občin Železniki, Gorenja vas - Poljane, Cerkno in Bohinj. Dovoljenje je že pravnomočno in velja do konca januarja prihodnje leto.

9 Dec 15:15 Dnevnik 7671546648810760579.html
We have to look to play-offs now, admits Dundee striker Kane Hemmings

Kane Hemmings believes the Champiosnhip title is now beyond Dundee.

9 Dec 09:00 The Courier 4275302768481383203.html
Los pensionistas vizcaínos alcanzan 100 concentraciones entre gritos de 'unidad'

Reclaman que las pensiones mínimas se complementen hasta los 1.080 euros, entre otras medidas

9 Dec 17:03 Cadena SER 8390941984555552200.html
Sandra Sepúlveda fue llamada a declarar por falso testimonio

La mujer y su novio, Mauricio Paz Martínez, serán indagados por los delitos de falsa denuncia y falso testimonio el próximo 16 de diciembre.

9 Dec 16:22 Diario Popular 7191573467974230044.html
Huawei sigue sin llevar Harmony OS a sus smartphones

La compañía china Huawei planea extender su sistema operativo Harmony a más productos el próximo año y promocionarlos tanto en su país de...

9 Dec 10:14 Europa Press 4702666149339301055.html
Amazon says Trump's 'vendetta' lost it $10bn Pentagon contract

Company said ‘personal vendetta’ against Bezos, Amazon and the Washington Post cost it the cloud computing contract

9 Dec 17:30 the Guardian 1491978794892399597.html
Witold Waszczykowski: Atuty Władimira Putina

Paryscy rozmówcy rosyjskiego prezydenta są albo osłabieni politycznie, albo są nowicjuszami w dyplomatycznych grach – mówi były szef MSZ, eurodeputowany PiS Witold Waszczykowski.

9 Dec 17:49 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525872716678.html
Nell Gifford who co-founded Giffords Circus dies from breast cancer aged 46 - leaving behind nine-year-old twins

Circus creator Nell Gifford, from Wiltshire, passed away on Sunday 8th December surrounded by family 'both immediate and circus'at the age of 46 after a longstanding battle with breast cancer.

9 Dec 10:08 Mail Online 124328111563201026.html
El PNV advierte al PSOE: también es "importante" que avancen las conversaciones con ellos

En declaraciones a Televisión Española recogidas por Servimedia, Esteban señaló que tiene una "importancia fundamental" la posición que...

9 Dec 10:03 Expansión 4197779425174403123.html
Diego Godín: It doesn't matter if Barcelona are already qualified

Diego Godín: It doesn't matter if Barcelona are already qualified

9 Dec 14:05 sport 1349897970612003878.html
Messer-Attacke in München: Polizist (30) am Münchner Hauptbahnhof niedergestochen

Ein Polizist (30) ist am Münchner Hauptbahnhof mit einem Messer angegriffen und schwer verletzt worden. Ein 23-Jähriger habe den Beamten bei einer Personenkontrolle unerwartet von hinten attackiert, teilte die Polizei am Montag mit. Zeugen hätten den Tatverdächtigen überwältigt. Der Mann sei festgenommen worden. Der "schwerwiegend" verletzte Beamte sei in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden.Er wird in einer Klinik notoperiert.

9 Dec 10:52 news.de 5126378978685958129.html
eufyCam 2C: Doppelpack startet mit 60-Euro-Nachlass

Erstmals gesichtet haben wir die neue Eufy-Lösung zur Heimüberwachung am Montag vergangener Woche. Heute nun startet die eufyCam 2C offiziell in den deutschen Markt. Das Doppelpack der drahtlosen Überwachungskamera, die bald auch den Apple-Standard „HomeKit Secure Video“ beherrschen wird, setzt auf lokalen Speicher und wird im Rahmen der Markteinführung noch bis 16. Dezember mit einem […]

9 Dec 11:59 ifun.de 6678736053039870305.html
ELA acusa a Podemos de «abandonar reivindicaciones que la izquierda debería liderar»

A juicio del secretario general de ELA, Mitxel Lakuntza, la firma del pacto presupuestario con el Gobierno de Lakua, supone que Podemos &laquo;ha abandonado ...

9 Dec 17:21 naiz: 7509038604112273939.html
Valentino Rossi Sebut 2020 Akan Menjadi Musim Krusial untuk Yamaha

Pembalap Monster Energy Yamaha, Valentino Rossi, menilai bahwa musim 2020 akan menjadi musim yang penting bagi timnya.

9 Dec 14:00 BolaSport.com 4603768435724827813.html
John Barrowman hails Dancing On Ice’s first same-sex couple

The TV star is replacing Jason Gardiner on the judging panel.

9 Dec 16:00 Express & Star 7324224460524333729.html
Feyenoord-fans toch welkom in Estádo do Dragão: club tekent met succes beroep aan

Feyenoord-fans zijn toch welkom in het Estádo do Dragão tijdens de Europa League-wedstrijd van aanstaande donderdag. Feyenoord tekende met succes beroep aan tegen die straf.

9 Dec 17:52 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215509470490.html
'The Morning Show' earns three Golden Globe nominations for Apple TV+ [u]

The Apple TV+ drama series about an early morning TV news show has been nominated for best television drama series and has two nods for best actress. It's the first Apple TV+ show to gain award nominations.

9 Dec 13:33 AppleInsider 3257742453723547517.html
Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 - Nintendo veröffentlicht Behind-the-Scenes-Bilder zur Entwicklung

Nintendo gewährt offiziell Einblicke, wie eine Szene aus „The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2“ entstand. Es handelt sich um eine Szene mit Link aus dem Debüt-Trailer.

9 Dec 15:23 PlayNation 4622181944045052292.html
Wishu, the app that lets businesses book creative freelancers on demand, launches in the UK with €535K raised

London-based Wishu, the marketplace for creative freelancers, has today announced the launch of its app across the UK. Wishu (founded in 2019) is the world’s first social marketplace app that allows creative freelancers and businesses to negotiate, book and pay for services within the app. Wishu lanches with a total investment of €535K, and a host of major players already on board: Y-Combinator, TechStars, and Momo.

9 Dec 10:41 EU-Startups 1488873444079340006.html
Twins, 4, free selves and climb to safety after crash

Washington state authorities say 4-year-old twins freed themselves from their car seats and climbed an embankment seeking help following a car crash that killed their father.

9 Dec 12:51 CTVNews 2422791598381434052.html
Sri Lanka begin first Pakistan Test tour since 2009 attack

Sri Lanka embarked on the first Test cricket tour of Pakistan in 10 years following the deadly 2009 attack on their team.

9 Dec 10:08 Sport 682566034412611331.html
Oman vs Dubai: How does the cost of living compare?

Oman and Dubai may offer very different experiences

9 Dec 09:32 Times of Oman 5168079155809958703.html
Govt funds $100k for weather-hit communities

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Minister of Civil Defence Peeni Henare have today confirmed initial Government support of $100,000 for communities affected by the severe weather that swept across the South Island and lower North Island over the weekend.

9 Dec 16:12 SCOOP 5315658999743194729.html
Messi ontbreekt in Barça-selectie voor duel met Inter, De Jong wel mee naar Italië

Lionel Messi ontbreekt in de wedstrijdselectie van FC Barcelona voor de Champions League-wedstrijd tegen Internazionale. De ploeg is al zeker van een plek in de knock-outfase en lijkt de Argentijnse vedette rust te gunnen. Barcelona kan niet meer achterhaald worden en is al zeker van de eerste plek in Groep F. Met elf punten staat de club vier punten los van tegenstander Internazionale en Borussia Dortmund. Voor de Italianen staat er dinsdag nog genoeg op het spel, aangezien Borussia Dortmund het in het eigen Signal Iduna Park opneemt tegen Slavia Praag en de tweede plek nog over kan nemen.

9 Dec 14:41 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885000197146.html
6 astuces pour avoir les dents blanches

Le blanchiment dentaire fait par un professionnel a un certain prix. Heureusement, il existe de nombreuses astuces pour effecteur un blanchiment des dents de manière simple et efficace...

9 Dec 15:35 aufeminin 2484972059977160151.html
High school football: Big 10 Conference announces 2019 All-Conference selections

The Big 10 Conference announced Monday its selections for the 2019 All-Conference football team.Putnam North was named conference champion, and coach Ryan Laverty was named Coach of the Year.

9 Dec 16:58 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761522488682.html
Who will be Christmas No 1? Why the pop charts are weirdly more relevant than ever before

LadBaby and his charity single, I Love Sausage Rolls, could reap the benefits of recent rule changes to top the singles chart this Christmas

9 Dec 16:38 the Guardian 1491978795629744957.html
Mum wet herself after Vue staff refused to let her use the toilet

Camille James, 36, said she ‘bared her life out’ to four workers at the Vue Acton Park in west London, but they still refused to let her use their toilet.

9 Dec 14:18 Metro 970161748811424580.html
Åländska sopranen Sofie Asplund uppträder vid utdelningen av Nobelprisen

På tisdagen delas årets Nobelpris ut i Konserthuset i Stockholm, inför drygt 1 500 gäster. Kung Carl XVI Gustaf delar ut medaljerna och förutom pristagarna och deras familjer närvarar den övriga kungafamiljen, representanter från de prisutdelande institutionerna, regeringen, riksdagen och diplomatkåren.

9 Dec 11:37 HBL 7222309291885071654.html
Delegação da Madeira da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa realiza Bazar de Natal

De hoje até o próximo dia 13 de Dezembro, realiza-se o tradicional Bazar de Natal, organizado pelas Voluntárias do Apoio Geral da Delegação da Madeira...

9 Dec 09:51 dnoticias 6968432066283366693.html
Netflix Lands First Best Picture Golden Globe Noms for 'Irishman,' 'Marriage Story,' 'Two Popes' and 'Dolemite'

The awards-hungry streamer landed a leading 17 nominations, more than double that of its nearest rival.

9 Dec 13:52 The Hollywood Reporter 121801342727327669.html
Boneß & Euteneuer Partnerschaft mbB

„Wenn Schlagworte wie „Lügenpresse“ und „Fake-News“ in den Köpfen junger Leute tief verankert sind, muss deutlich werden, wie wichtig „echtes“ Lesen ist. Nicht nur, weil es bildet, sondern das eigenständige Denken anregt. Ob es sich dabei um Nachrichten aus Politik und Wirtschaft handelt oder um Mitreißendes aus anderen Bereichen: Wichtig ist, dass es sich um fundierte, recherchierte Geschichten handelt, nicht um eine beliebige Meinung. Noch besser, wenn sie auf Papier gedruckt sind. Deshalb freuen wir uns als Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater, mit unserer Patenschaft den Schülern des Hildegard-von-Bingen-Gymnasiums Tag für Tag das Zeitunglesen zu ...

9 Dec 17:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567577444874.html
China aims to replace up to 30 million pieces of foreign tech in government offices with Chinese tech by 2022

The move by Beijing is to increase China's use of domestically made tech, and could affect companies like Dell, HP, and Microsoft.

9 Dec 15:58 Business Insider 6060062400748489036.html
Ojeda: "No podemos dejar pasar esta oportunidad"

En diálogo con 'Hora Punta' de Radio Ovación, el polifuncional futbolista del Deportivo Binacional y autor del empate transitorio ante Alianza Lima, Ángel Ojeda, indicó que no son solo un "equipo de altura" y anhelan dedicarle el título de Juan Pablo Vergara.

9 Dec 15:59 Ovación 4766812597137135972.html
Un herido tras una pelea de estudiantes en el patio de la Facultad de Trabajo Social en La Plata

Fue en una fiesta de egreso en el predio de 9 y 63. La Policía actuó de oficio. Hubo un joven internado. Botellazos, piñas, patadas y descontrol. Los vecinos se quejan por los ruidos molestos

9 Dec 16:38 Infocielo 6573250471625804997.html
Banda MS hace historia por tercera vez en Arena Ciudad de México

La Banda originaria de Mazatlán, Sinaloa logra un lleno total en el recinto de la capital del país al cantar ante 18 mil almas la noche del sábado

9 Dec 13:17 EL DEBATE 4396150894998382631.html
Editorial cartoons for Monday, Dec. 9

A sketchy look at the day in politics.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135409365084742.html
Bildu cree que Podemos ha firmado "un contrato de permanencia al servicio de PNV"

No solo se compromete apoyar los Presupuestos de esta legislatura, sino de las próximas también, ha añadido Iker Casanova, en una entrevista concedida a Onda Vasca

9 Dec 09:26 El Confidencial 6129807549349166804.html
FC Bayern: Zwangspause für Cuisance

Mickaël Cuisance wird dem FC Bayern in nächster Zeit fehlen. Wie der Rekordmeister mitteilt, zog sich der französische Neuzugang am Sonntag im Training eine „Stauchung und Gelenkkapselreizung im (...)

9 Dec 13:25 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784991657457.html
Überbesetzt, Bremse kaputt

Zwölf statt der erlaubten acht Personen im Wagen, hinten dran ein Anhänger mit wirkungsloser Auflaufbremse - das konnte nicht gutgehen. Auf der A 21 ...

9 Dec 12:21 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092772928719.html
Dua Film Ini Raih Penghargaan KPK Anti-Corruption Film Festival 2019, Kenapa Ya?

WE Online, Jakarta - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mengumumkan pemenang terbaik dan terfavorit dalam Anti Corruption Film Festival (ACFFest) 2019. Penyerahan penghargaan diselenggarakan pada Minggu (8/12/2019) di kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.

9 Dec 09:32 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835082958883.html
PS5 z patentem na nowy rodzaj trybu wieloosobowego

Jak informuje redakcja serwisu LetsGoDigital Sony Japan pracuje nad metodami, które ulepszą rozgrywki wieloosobowe. Nowa generacja konsol będzie różnić się od poprzedniej nie tylko kwestią mocy obliczeniowej. Zyska ona również dodatkowe funkcje, dzięki którym gry staną się bardziej interaktywne i społecznościowe. Jak informuje redakcja serwisu LetsGoDigital Sony Japan pracuje nad metodami, które ulepszą rozgrywki wieloosobowe. W połowie 2018 roku Sony Interactive Entertainment złożyło wniosek w amerykańskim biurze ds. patentów i znaków towarowych na „rozszerzenie wspólnej gry i przekazywaniu kontroli w grach wideo”. Patent zatwierdzono 5 grudnia br. Kluczowym rozwiązaniem opisywanym w dokumentacji jest technologia pozwalająca przekształcić każdą grę typu single player w grę wieloosobową. Bardzo możliwe, że trafi ona do konsoli PS5. Każdy gracz miałby inne zadanie Pierwszym z pomysłów jest możliwość podziału funkcjonalności kontrolera na kilka osób, zarówno w formie lokalnej jak i przez internet. Na przykład pierwszy…

9 Dec 13:41 CHIP 4252840420154743631.html
El pésimo chiste que hizo Steve Harvey en Miss Universo sobre Colombia

El presentador relacionó el percance del 2015 con un tema poco agradable. 

9 Dec 16:52 Colombia.com 1213910711952991947.html
Bregamos por un sector eléctrico cada vez más eficiente

Tras dar los primeros pasos en materia de capacitación con cursos de formación profesional y el Plan de Finalización de Estudios Secundarios (FES), nuestra organización gremial consideró que ya...

9 Dec 14:17 La Voz 6237180761641586342.html
Comment Qualcomm repousse les limites photographiques avec son Snapdragon 865

Prise en charge de modules caméra de 200 mégapixels, encodage et décodage de la 8K, jusqu'à deux milliards de pixels traités par seconde : le Snapdragon 865 de Qualcomm est une bête de puissance qui porte un rude coup à la concurrence... et aux appareils photo & vidéo.

9 Dec 11:54 01net 1000433501888750427.html
Upgraded Chuwi UBook goes for Surface Go’s throat

Chinese hardware manufacturers CHUWI have surprisungly upgraded their Chuwi UBook 2-in-1 to create a more cost-effective Surface Go alternative. Originally unveiled through the company’s Kickstarter for the 2-in-1 system, which raised an impressive $450,000, the UBook has always been pitched as a competitor to Microsoft’s Surface Go. With a smart change in components, Chuwi is …

9 Dec 11:32 MSPoweruser 1651641550435006082.html
Roßlauer Geschäftsmann bittet erneut Bedürftige zu Tisch

Roßlauer Geschäftsmann und Ortschaftsrat Jörn von der Heydt bittet erneut Bedürftige zu Tisch.

9 Dec 10:43 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108762019947.html
Burglars cause 'horrific' damage at Market Drayton pub - to steal a wheel of cheese

Burglars ripped out the alarm system to a pub in Market Drayton before prying open doors with a spade.

9 Dec 14:06 Shropshire Star 3480199993178228344.html
Dode in Apeldoorns Kanaal is inderdaad vermiste man (80) uit Wapenveld

De dode die zondagmiddag in het Apeldoorns kanaal in Wapenveld is gevonden, blijkt de 80-jarige man die zaterdagochtend vermist raakte. De politie meldt dat er geen sprake is van een misdrijf.

9 Dec 09:40 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615897717401.html
Lord & Taylor returning to New York with pop-up store

Lord & Taylor is reopening in New York less than a year after shuttering its flagship department store. But the new store will only be open for a limited time.

9 Dec 15:21 CHANNEL3000 830332542203660739.html
LadBaby to release new novelty sausage roll song in bid for second Christmas No. 1

The Nottingham-born dad blogger is going up against bookies' favourite Robbie Williams

9 Dec 11:55 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701208631865.html
Volvió a vivir: directivos presentaron un positivo balance sobre recuperación del HUV

Con un trabajo sin descanso se logró evitar la liquidación del HUV, convirtiéndolo en un hospital de alta complejidad.

9 Dec 14:36 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827126283994.html
Politique et économie font les choux gras des journaux camerounais

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 12:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389050604584.html
Micrsoft lanceert begin 2020 het nieuwe Dynamics 365 Human Resources

Microsoft neemt zijn bestaande human resources-apps op de schop. De Dynamics 365 Talent Attract and Talent Onboard-apps is vanaf februari 2022 niet langer leverbaar. De softwarereus lanceert daarom in februari 2020 alvast het nieuwe Dynamics 365 Human Resources. Dat blijkt uit een aantal blog-berichten die Microsoft afgelopen vrijdag publiceerde en aanpassingen op zijn Dynamics-website. Attract […]

9 Dec 10:55 Techzine 1792892595478551235.html
Road accident claims 12 lives in Niger

FRSC in Niger says 12 people have died in an accident on Sunday at Sawmill village along Mokwa -Makera road in Mokwa Local Government Area of the state.

9 Dec 10:21 The Guardian 7580308504023524333.html
Resmi Menjadi Pasangan Suami Istri, Citra Kirana Masih Malu-malu Ungkap Pangilan Sayang kepada Suaminya, Rezky Aditya

Baru seminggu menikah, Citra Kirana tampak malu-malu ungkap panggilan sayang pada suami, Rezky Aditya.

9 Dec 15:48 grid.id 586386475172767646.html
30 beauty gifts under $25 — including Le Labo lip balms, customizable Glossier sets, Givenchy makeup sponges, and more, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - There are tons of cheap beauty gifts that won't disappoint, like Le Labo lip balms and Givenchy makeup sponges. Here are 30 beauty gifts under $25.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:37 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755924336811.html
Praznici produžavaju radno vrijeme banjalučkih ugostitelja

BANJALUKA - Ugostiteljski objekti u Banjaluci, osim u stambenim zgradama, od sutra do 15. januara mogu raditi jedan čas duže u odnosu na uobičajno radno vrijeme.

9 Dec 11:15 Nezavisne novine 4209150642530811975.html
Bette Midler faces a backlash for sharing a snap of three teenage girls looking at their phones in an art gallery - and told she's being 'creepy' for trying to shame them

Hocus Pocus star Bette Midler, 74, shared an image to Twitter of three girls sitting on a bench at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, saying 'What's wrong with this picture?'.

9 Dec 15:18 Mail Online 124328110978966331.html
BBC ad accused of bias over turkey wearing "I love vegan" jumper

Farmers have complained of BBC bias after a Christmas advert featuring turkeys wearing jumpersprocliming "I love vegans".

9 Dec 08:37 LBC 8547475186446688814.html
Snapchat creará Gifs locos con tu cara, llegan los nuevos Cameos

Ahora que se avecinan los excesos navideños, y que nuestros móviles arderán con la enorme cantidad de mensajes que enviaremos durante los últimos días del...

9 Dec 17:26 Xataka Móvil 8693411057779173002.html
Slutsky steekt draak met zichzelf: 'Kort over mijn seizoen bij Vitesse'

Leonid Slutsky wint maandagochtend het internet met een geniale video op Instagram. Een schoonspringer en bevroren vijver staan symbool voor het seizoen van Vitesse, grapt de Russische trainer. Slutsky stapte vorige week op bij Vitesse, dat onder zijn leiding compleet van de leg was. In de eerste weken van het seizoen roken de Arnhemmers nog aan de koppositie. Joseph Oosting heeft hem voorlopig opgevolgd in het Gelredome.

9 Dec 09:45 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883310667808.html
Malattie rare, ecco Agathos: rendi unica la tua rarità, sii straordinario

Neurofibromatosi e spettro autistico spesso sono "invisibili" all'opinione pubblica perchè malattie rare. Agathos a Messina nasce per superare tutte le barriere

9 Dec 13:19 Tempostretto 3143171743345292123.html
Fowler out, Muhammad Nami in – here are few things you need to know about the new head of Nigeria's revenue-generating agency, FIRS

The Nigerian government has appointed Muhammad M. Nami as the new chairman of the country's revenue-generating agency, Federal Inland Revenue Service.

9 Dec 15:38 Pulse Live 3606876835121039074.html
Star Wars 9: Adam Driver verstört Fans mit Hinweisen auf Kylo Rens bitteres Ende

Star Wars 9: Der Aufstieg Skywalkers bringt auch die Geschichte von Kylo Ren zum Ende. Doch das wird kein positives Ende, wie Adam Driver Fans verrät.

9 Dec 14:12 futurezone.de 2257170159732151294.html
NTMobile, non abbonarsi è meglio. Un grave problema di sicurezza mette a rischio i clienti

L'operatore virtuale NTMobile ha lanciato una offerta molto interessante: 7.99 euro al mese per chiamate e SMS illimitati e 50 GB di dati 4G. Il nuovo sito, tuttavia, ha un gravissimo problema di sicurezza non ancora risolto che potrebbe mettere a rischio i clienti.

9 Dec 17:34 DDay.it 3262344773131272030.html
It's like they want to do something to him - Jowie's mother worried after he could not be found at Kamiti

Where is my son? - Jowie Irungu's mother

9 Dec 12:02 Pulse Live 3606876836540731366.html
China retirará dispositivos y software informáticos extranjeros en

La directriz adoptada por el Gobierno de China asestará probablemente un varapalo a empresas multinacionales de Estados Unidos, como HP, Microsoft o Dell, trasladando el conflicto comercial que actu

9 Dec 09:28 Informe21.com 5448175404981480654.html
Thüringer Tierarzt-Notruf startet - zunächst nur in Erfurt

In Erfurt gibt es jetzt den Tierarzt-Notruf. In der Pilotphase werden zunächst nur Tierhalter der Landeshauptstadt im Notfall über eine Telefon-Hotline zum diensthabenden Tierarzt vermittelt. Mehr Regionen sollen folgen.

9 Dec 14:31 MDR 5336324389237043034.html
Woman seeks help to bring back husband’s body

She suspects mystery over his sudden death

9 Dec 13:03 The Hindu 6679535025075502379.html
Huawei anuncia 'Assistant' no Brasil e não descarta vinda de outros celulares

Anúncio foi feito durante o Huawei Developer Day Brasil

9 Dec 15:10 Olhar Digital 416591715235544676.html
Opinión | Riquelme, un outsider inteligente

Después de 24 años de continuidad y por influencia directa y determinante del jugador más idolatrado por el sentimiento xeneize que protagonizó la campaña electoral, en Boca perdió el oficialismo que responde a los contenidos políticos del macrismo y triunfó la oposición.

9 Dec 13:36 Diario Popular 7191573466296398046.html
Johnny Depp in Oberhausen – das sagt die Arena zur Nachfrage

Johnny Depp kommt mit Alice Cooper und Joe Perry nach Oberhausen. Die König-Pilsener-Arena wundert sich über manche Fragen der Fans.

9 Dec 09:26 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220284674863.html
Noureddine Bhiri, président du groupe parlementaire d’Ennahdha

Le chef du mouvement Ennahdha, Rached GHannouchi, a nommé le député Noureddine Bhiri en tant que président du groupe parlementaire du parti

9 Dec 14:43 African Manager 933752093909977552.html
Schweiz übernimmt die Führung beim Aufräumen im Weltall

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 12:21 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776752877103.html
Bola de Ouro sem Messi? O modelo sugerido por Fabio Capello

Entre elogios ao astro argentino, o experiente técnico sugeriu uma "divisão" na atribuição da Bola de Ouro.

9 Dec 12:53 O Jogo 3218673677587321769.html
Roger Torrent y Pere Aragonès, dos nombres en disputa para una posible sucesión de Junqueras

El pasado mes de septiembre ERC cerró en falso el debate de la candidatura a la Generalitat con unas elecciones internas

9 Dec 11:01 ABC.es 6074573461823015148.html
Juice Wrld: US-Rapper mit 21 Jahren gestorben

Wie ein Polizeisprecher in Chicago bekannt gab, ist US-Rapper Jarad Anthony Higgins gestern infolge eines Krampfanfalls gestorben.

9 Dec 10:06 miss 1375730020214376354.html
BTS tease new music on the way

LOS ANGELES, Dec 9 — The seven-member boy band — which is comprised of J-Hope, Jimin, Suga, RM, Jungkook, Jin and V — has recently announced that they are in the middle of creating material for a forthcoming new album. The K-pop sensation broke the news during Variety’s Hitmakers brunch at...

9 Dec 11:40 Malaymail 302165935678173155.html
Miljonböter efter storbranden i Västmanland

Samhälle Fem år efter den stora skogsbranden i Västmanland har ansvarsfrågan fått ett svar. En underentreprenör får betala 2,5 miljoner kronor i böter – medan skogskoncernen Stora Enso frias helt.Dome

9 Dec 15:54 www.unt.se 8922556089900446216.html
C1: PSG-Galatasaray, tribunes sous surveillance

Les supporters du Paris SG et de Galatasaray se retrouvent mercredi sous haute surveillance au Parc des Princes, théâtre de violentes échauffourées lors des précédentes rencontres entre les deux clubs. De tristes souvenirs qui incitent les autorités à la vigilance vingt ans plus tard.

9 Dec 16:50 Challenges 1086714996627683043.html
Batteries: La Commission autorise une aide publique de 3,2 milliards d'euros

BRUXELLES (Reuters) - La Commission européenne a autorisé lundi une aide publique de 3,2 milliards d'euros accordée par sept pays dont la France pour financer un projet paneuropéen dans le secteur des batteries électriques.

9 Dec 11:05 Boursier.com 7351227821932411379.html
Kinostarts - Free Guy: Deadpool-Star Ryan Reynolds wird zur NPC-Spielfigur im Trailer zur Action-Komödie

Regisseur Shawn Levy hat eine Action-Komödie gedreht, in der „Deadpool“-Star Ryan Reynolds eine fiktive Figur in einem Open-World-Spiel darstellt. Im Trailer nimmt er als NPC dem Kampf gegen sein Schicksal auf.

9 Dec 14:29 PlayNation 4622181945323616369.html
In giro per l’Italia su uno scooter elettrico: 5mila km contro le emissioni

CIVITANOVA - La manifestazione del Green Days Tour, per l'emergenza ambientale, fa tappa in città. Giovedì a partire dalle 11,30, in piazza XX settembre, saranno presenti tanti personaggi del mondo dello sport e dello spettacolo per appoggiare l'iniziativa

9 Dec 13:14 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196134969315.html
Rusia, expulsada de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio y del Mundial de Catar por los casos de dopaje

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) ha decidido este lunes excluir a Rusia de todas las competiciones internacionales durante los próximos cuatro años, con lo que no podrán participar en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio que se celebrarán en 2020 ni tampoco en los JJOO de invierno de Pekín o en el Mundial de fútbol de Qatar de 2022.

9 Dec 10:55 elEconomista.es 9051559958881953054.html
Abatidos en el sur 2 implicados en un hurto en aeropuerto La Chinita

Dos presuntos delincuentes resultaron abatidos, a las 12:30 pm de este lunes 9 de diciembre, en el sector Los Girasoles del barrio Los Arenales, asentado en San Francisco. El balance lo ofreció la Mancomunidad  Policial del Eje Metropolitano-Zulia.  

9 Dec 14:48 Panorama 6052790754399572031.html
El Corte Inglés no Porto notificado por incumprimento

O vereador do Urbanismo da Câmara do Porto revelou esta segunda-feira que, no âmbito do Pedido de Informação Prévia (PIP), apresentado para o projeto do El Corte Inglés na Boavista, houve "uma primeira interação negativa", por não cumprimento das cérceas existentes.

9 Dec 16:25 JN 6956494303501025931.html
Bologna, Sabatini: "Ibrahimovic non verrà: ha fatto altre scelte"

Intervenuto a margine della mostra di Villa delle Rose, il direttore sportivo del Bologna Walter Sabatini ha annunciato che non sarà Zlatan Ibrahimovic il rinforzo invernale per l'attacco del Bologna: “Ibrahimovic non verrà a Bologna: ha fatto altre scelte”, sono le parole raccolte dall'inviato di tuttomercatoweb.com.

9 Dec 14:53 MilanNews.it 6507305921437168164.html
Bologna, Sabatini: "Ibrahimovic non verrà: ha fatto altre scelte"

Intervenuto a margine della mostra di Villa delle Rose, il direttore sportivo del Bologna Walter Sabatini ha annunciato che non sarà Zlatan Ibrahimovic il rinforzo invernale per l'attacco del Bologna: “Ibrahimovic non verrà a Bologna: ha fatto altre scelte”, sono le parole raccolte dall'inviato di tuttomercatoweb.com.

9 Dec 14:53 MilanNews.it 6507305921231856043.html
Liz Hurley gets ready for the holidays by wrapping up as a Christmas present

Is it called Chinese red or Valentine red?

9 Dec 16:23 Metro 970161748807370565.html
Cash in transit robbery in Trim.

The driver of a cash security vehicle was confronted on the forecourt of Circle K, Navan Road, Trim

9 Dec 17:10 Meath Chronicle 604841992658905933.html
Concejal chileno acusa a Cuba y Venezuela de protestas en su país

El castrochavismo estaría buscando en Chile "prosperidad”, dado que los regímenes de los Castro y Maduro “necesitan recursos" (Cuba)

9 Dec 15:20 Cubanet 2710294110132511852.html
Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt Starrer Brahmastra Delayed Again, Film to Release in Winter 2020

Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt's film Brahmastra Delayed Again Due to VFX Work.

9 Dec 14:31 India.com 7150386084397311874.html
BVB-Newsletter: Was der Witsel-Ausfall für den BVB bedeutet

„Das Herz des deutschen Fußballs schlägt im Ruhrgebiet“, musste selbst Bayern-Legende Franz Beckenbauer einmal zugeben. Und für uns bei DER WESTEN ist Fußball ohnehin pure Leidenschaft. Deshalb wollen wir dich jetzt noch besser zu einem der wichtigsten Klubs Deutschlands informieren: Borussia Dortmund. Und das bieten wir dir:

9 Dec 14:44 www.derwesten.de 5765995665214525009.html
7 mitos sobre la comida Nikkei que debes olvidar

La comida Nikkei es la fusión entre la gastronomía japonesa y peruana. Esta nació hace más de un siglo en el país, pero a pesar de ello todavía existen mitos a su alrededor que hacen que muchas personas no tomen el ‘riesgo’ de probarla.

9 Dec 15:05 Perú.com 935882420382750063.html
Call for a return of more Halloween horror tales at Christmas

Until the Irish brought Halloween to the shores of America, horror stories were best associated with the run-up to Christmas time.

9 Dec 13:09 IrishCentral 7319968745036112350.html
Sommer, Schär und Xhaka kommen in die Südostschweiz

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 15:30 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776197560629.html
Finland’s Sanna Marin becomes world’s youngest serving PM

Former transport minister to head leftwing coalition after Antti Rinne’s resignation

9 Dec 08:06 Financial Times 707176889466034350.html
Po symulowanym ataku terrorystów w Barczewie olsztyńska policja publikuje oświadczenie

Po ćwiczeniach dotyczących reakcji na atak terrorystyczny wystraszeni uczniowie z Barczewa trafili pod opiekę psychologów, a dyrektorka szkoły straciła posadę. Do mediów na początku trafiła informacja, że policja nie wiedziała o planowanej akcji. Teraz rzecznik KMP w Olsztynie przygotował oświadczenie, w którym przyznaje, że funkcjonariusze z Barczewa zostali poinformowani o ćwiczeniach, ale nie poproszono ich o udział w działaniach.

9 Dec 14:29 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040252548393647.html
Padre, abuelo, bisabuelo y religioso: El director de AICA, hermano mercedario

En una celebración que tuvo lugar el viernes 6 de diciembre en la basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Buenos Aires, fue declarado hermano de la primera Orden de la Merced el director de AICA, Miguel Woites....

9 Dec 11:50 aica.org 5568670712512974332.html
ERC descarta un acord amb el PSOE abans de Nadal

La portaveu d'ERC ha recordat que el seu partit no està treballant en una "negociació tradicional", sinó que vol trobar una solució democràtica i política per a Catalunya i l'Estat.

9 Dec 08:49 Diari La Veu 8769648854288266252.html
‘Unwell’ Pankaja Munde skips regional BJP meet in Aurangabad

"I have spoken to Pankaja Munde before coming to Aurangabad for the meeting. She is ill. Moreover, preparations are going on for the December 12 rally. She remained absent with a prior permission," Patil told reporters.

9 Dec 11:18 The Indian Express 2885715104510861770.html
Ag. Lasagna: "Napoli? Se fosse così sarebbero già andati dall'Udinese per prenderlo"

Massimo Briaschi, agente di Kevin Lasagna, è intervenuto ai microfoni di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli per commentare le voci di un possibile apprezzamento del Napoli per il suo assistito: “Da quanto tempo non parlo con Giuntoli di Lasagna? Da sabato. Ci siamo visti dopo la partita e ci siamo scambiato due battute. Se il Napoli vuole un giocatore va dall’Udinese si mettono d’accordo e prendono un giocatore, se così non accade vuol dire che non interessa”.

9 Dec 13:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079706489309.html
Appello medici-docenti a governo: ricerca unica ‘cura’ per malanni Ssn

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Non una semplice denuncia di carenze ma una vera e propria proposta di possibili soluzioni per risolvere i problemi che affliggono la sanità italiana. Puntare su ricerca e innovazione: questa l’unica “cura” per “guarire” i malanni del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale. La “ricetta”, inviata al Governo dalle colonne di “The Lancet […]

9 Dec 11:18 Askanews 298649739922386605.html
Principalele partide din Israel au ajuns la un acord privind organizarea alegerilor anticipate, dacă Parlamentul ţării va fi dizolvat

Principalele două partide din Israel au ajuns luni la un acord potrivit cărora vor fi organizate noi alegeri anticipate la data de 2 martie în situația în care Knessetul va fi dizolvat. Astfel, alegerile...

9 Dec 16:01 B1 TV 3840305877248717827.html
Packed to the Rafters reboot pays off for Rebecca Gibney as star reportedly scores $300k pay cheque

Rebecca Gibney appears to have solidified her status as Australia’s soap queen with a hefty pay cheque for her Packed to the Rafters return.

9 Dec 11:17 PerthNow 6839538508940183742.html
Filippa Lagerback: "Mi sono sentita in colpa per non aver capito quanto stesse male Daniele. È stato difficile"

Il marito Daniele Bossari ha lottato contro la depressione. La coppia, ospite del programma "Che tempo che fa", ha ricordato quel periodo

9 Dec 09:57 L'HuffPost 5315551423977303440.html
Former Corrie star Lucy-Jo Hudson says co-parenting with ex-husband Alan Halsall is 'difficult'

She's currently expecting a baby with her new man

9 Dec 15:58 Entertainment Daily 8392972516390980093.html
Marta Calvo murió durante la segunda cita con el detenido

El primer contacto entre la víctima y el presunto asesino había sido dos semanas antes. La madre de Jorge Ignacio P. J. llegó el mismo día de la muerte a Manuel procedente de Mallorca, donde reside

9 Dec 09:55 Diarioinformacion 8979296176644002692.html
Feyenoord-fans toch welkom in Estádo do Dragão: club tekent met succes beroep aan

Feyenoord-fans zijn toch welkom in het Estádo do Dragão tijdens de Europa League-wedstrijd van aanstaande donderdag. Feyenoord tekende met succes beroep aan tegen die straf. Dat meldt de club via officiële kanalen. De straf is door de UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary body' omgezet in een voorwaardelijke straf met een proeftijd van een jaar. De geldboete van 55.000 euro vanwege het wangedrag van de supporters blijft wel staan.

9 Dec 17:29 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883479942893.html
Here’s what the PS5 controller could look like

Design mock-ups of the DualShock 5 are starting appear.

9 Dec 15:23 VG247 6010161593663229121.html
Aposentados estão pegando mais empréstimos consignados

Aposentados estão pegando mais empréstimos consignados

9 Dec 11:24 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905579227117.html
Brave 4-year-old twins escape Washington state crash that killed dad, search for help

Brave 4-year-old twin girls escaped a Washington state car wreck and went looking for help in the dark after their father was killed in the crash, according to a new report. Corey Simmons, 47, of

9 Dec 17:13 New York Post 7654946767880921234.html
Holandija: Snižen nivo opasnosti od terorističkog napada

AMSTERDAM - Holandska nacionalna agencija za borbu protiv terorizma smanjila je nivo opasnosti od terorističkog napada u zemlji, prvi put od 2013. godine.

9 Dec 16:49 Krstarica 4176903989760867388.html
Ancelotti: "La maleta de un entrenador siempre debe estar lista"

El Nápoles de Carlo Ancelotti atraviesa una crisis tanto institucional como de resultados que pone en entredicho la continuidad del técnico italiano al frente del conjunto napolitano. A pesar de ello

9 Dec 17:48 sport 1349897969562072096.html
A British oil stock tanked 60% after the shock resignation of the CEO and head of exploration, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Tullow Oil plunged after the CEO and the exploration director suddenly quit. The company also halted its dividend and reduced its production guidance.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 10:16 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756613466246.html
Evaluation hält Neubau am Heldenplatz für beste Lösung

Das von der vorigen Bundesregierung mit der Bewertung des Hauses der Geschichte (hdgö) betraute Expertenteam hält einen "Museumsneubau am Heldenplatz" für die beste Lösung.

9 Dec 09:50 NÖN.at 2486998932493296597.html
Počeo pilot projekat olakšanog povraćaja PDV putnicima

BEOGRAD - Realizacija pilot projekta "Unapređenje digitalizovanog sistema povraćaja PDV putnicima" počela je na Aerodromu "Nikola Tesla", a od početka

9 Dec 09:48 Krstarica 4176903989018401720.html
Muere el expresidente de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos, Paul Volcker

Uno de sus últimos empleos en la Administración pública fue la presidencia del Consejo Asesor de Recuperación Económica.

9 Dec 14:42 La Información 5328999780841312025.html
Homem diz ter sido agredido em casa por PMs após soltar bomba durante jogo

Morador de Contagem, ele registrou boletim de ocorrência e diz que militares ameaçaram jogá-lo no lixo por causa da comemoração após a queda do Cruzeiro

9 Dec 15:32 O TEMPO 6069683946538264595.html
LIVE - Conte: "Barcellona con tanti assenti? Pensiamo a noi"

Ultima partita nel Gruppo F di Champions League, ultima chiamata per raggiungere gli ottavi di finale della competizione. Con le solite, numerose assenze l'Inter domani sera affronterà...

9 Dec 12:30 FcInterNews.it 7848284893404850663.html
Astra Lost in Space, l'avventura spaziale firmata Star Comics! | Cultura Pop

Edizioni Star Comics ha annunciato che Astra Lost in Space debutterà ufficialmente nelle migliori fumetterie il prossimo 18 dicembre.

9 Dec 16:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147070504097939.html
Alberto Fernández recibió a un enviado especial de Xi Jinping

El presidente electo, Alberto Fernández, recibió hoy en sus oficinas al vicepresidente del Comité Permanente de la Asamblea Popular Nacional de China, Arken Imirbaki.

9 Dec 17:53 El Ancasti 5864462413010552786.html
This guy photocopied water so you don't have to

I’ve got to admit, I didn’t expect the results to be quite so beautiful.

9 Dec 13:48 Boing Boing 4601305168720357189.html
Actor de Rebelde Way vive calvario tras perder un ojo en accidente

Famoso actor de Rebelde Way narró la difícil etapa que vive tras perder la vista.

9 Dec 16:00 Wapa.pe 6757287088268976798.html
Like Mother, Like… Madonna’s Daughter Lourdes Leon Participates in Mock Orgy at Art Basel

When the singer’s oldest daughter became a teenager, journalists and music fans quickly noted that Lourdes looks almost exactly like her mother. Now, Lourdes is 23-years-old and she not only bears a striking resemblance to Madonna, but it seems she can be as provocative as her mom.

9 Dec 08:58 Sputniknews 967333869114650562.html
EU Failing to Fight Against Illegal Migration is a Big Problem for Italy - Lega Party's MP

Italy’s Lega party still has high ratings despite the break-up of the ruling coalition. Italy's previous government collapsed in August when Matteo Salvini, then-deputy prime minister, called for a no-confidence vote on the government and the prime minister in pursuit of a snap general election.

9 Dec 14:48 Sputniknews 967333869346216012.html
In Amselwaldsiedlung sind Kanäle und Straßen erneuert worden

Nummer 48 ist fertig. Die Amselwaldsiedlung in Aken. Die größte zusammenhängende Hochwassermaßnahme. Und eine der historisch umfangreichsten Tiefbauvorhaben in der Stadt. Straßen, Kanäle - alles ist neu. Für rund 3,72 Millionen ...

9 Dec 11:14 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109850185232.html
Zahl der Einbrüche in NRW steigt um zehn Prozent

Auch in anderen Feldern stieg die Kriminalitätsrate in NRW.

9 Dec 13:21 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568599360353.html
O arriscado movimento: A crise dos direitos humanos e o profundo embate democrático hemisférico, por Renata Peixoto de Oliveira

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 17:00 GGN 1188436354284360991.html
Boko Haram: Troops rescue 31 women, children in Borno

The Nigerian Army has said that its troops have rescued 31 persons comprising 14 women and 17 children at Mantari, Malam Masari and Gabchari Villages in Bama Local Government Area of Borno State. ...

9 Dec 09:54 Punch Newspapers 3524240995375227518.html
Jason Kelce gave a “passionate and emotional speech” during Eagles team meetings this week

Well, you can’t accuse the Philadelphia Eagles of keeping things entirely status quo after losing to the Miami Dolphins.

9 Dec 13:47 Msn 1509165514361957655.html
Christmas done cheaper with everything you need under £100- including food and booze

Get everything you need for Christmas in one quick swoop for MUCH less than your usual splurges

9 Dec 11:54 Wales Online 7686550517254716029.html
Migrationsverket får rätt om asylfartyg

Flyktingkrisen Rederiet som skulle driva asylboende på kryssningsfartyget Ocean Gala får inget skadestånd av Migrationsverket.

9 Dec 14:08 www.unt.se 8922556090037938816.html
Dos personas lesionadas y una bebé de 15 meses afectada por incendio en Palmira

Dos personas lesionadas, además de una bebé de quince días de nacida afectada por inhalación de humo, dejó un incendio estructural que se presentó hacia la medianoche de este domingo, al oriente del municipio de Palmira.Según la información suministrada por la comandante del Cuerpo de Bomberos, capitán Ayda Elena Córdoba, la emergencia se registró en la Calle 40 con Carrera 9, en el barrio La Libertad hasta donde se desplazaron tres máquinas del organismo para sofocar las llamas.Cuando llegaron al sitio, explicó la oficial, ya el fuego estaba declarado y la vivienda prácticamente había sido consumida por las llamas.En el incidente se presentaron dos lesionados, el primero de ellos identificado como Manuel Alejandro Viveros, quien sufrió quemaduras en la cara, manos y un codo.Lea también: Aumentan a 18 casos de quemados por pólvora en el Valle, en Cali se registran la mayoríaAsimismo, otro hombre cuando quiso ayudar e ingresó al lugar pero fue golpeado accidentalmente por uno de los bomberos que debió violentar…

9 Dec 09:48 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347326153142.html
Acquistare un titolo sottovalutato per guadagni oltre il 30%

In questo articolo parleremo di come acquistare  un titolo sottovalutato per guadagni oltre il 30%. Pierrel (MIL:PRL) azienda sita a Capua ma con sede

9 Dec 17:01 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260383892569.html
Infobae: Líderes evangélicos desconocen al movimiento de pastores que respaldó a Maduro

La Iglesia Evangélica en Venezuela, aglutina en su mayoría a las Pentecostales y Bautistas. Sus líderes o pastores son conocidos o tienen relación entre ellos. Dos de ellos le dijeron a Infobae que no saben quienes integran ese “Movimiento Cristiano Evangélico por Venezuela” que asistió a un evento con Nicolás Maduro,

9 Dec 13:53 El Carabobeño 125457438197597727.html
Nirbhaya Case: Tihar Jail Says 'Have No Hangman' As Convict Asks For Mercy Plea Withdrawal

With the recent national outrage over the Hyderabad gangrape and the Unnao rape victim attack, the demand for speedy hanging of convicts of the Nirbhaya case

9 Dec 10:18 Republic World 1282918856930757454.html
Esports SEA Games 2019 : Gagal Raih Emas, Timnas AOV Indonesia Pulang dengan Kepala Tegak

TImnas AOV Indonesia gagal meraih medali emas di SEA Games 2019. Mereka kalah dari Thailand.

9 Dec 15:08 Bola.com 1695722603111486844.html
Laga Final SEA Games 2019 Melawan Timnas Indonesia U-22 Jadi Pertaruhan Harga Diri Vietnam

Vietnam ingin mencetak sejarah dengan merebut medali emas SEA Games 2019. Pada final, mereka akan menantang Timnas Indonesia U-22.

9 Dec 16:00 Bola.com 1695722603075973294.html
Fed unlikely to move policy this week – Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank analysts suggest that the US Fed is not expected to move policy by anyone this week and is likely to maintain status quo. Key Quotes “Th

9 Dec 11:55 FXStreet 4480975638842269635.html
Revelan angustias que vivía hombre de tragedia en SDE

Depresion, problemas personales y economicos llevaron a Cristian Eugenio Medina Mendez, de 40 años de edad, a retener a su familia y matar al jefe de la U

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956265008537084.html
Los 4 nombres propios en las conversaciones entre FC Barcelona e Inter de Milán

Rivales en Liga de Campeones mañana, ambas escuadras han hablado de la situación de algunos jugadores que están en sus respectivas agendas. Inter de Milán y FC Barcelona se verán mañana las caras en (...)

9 Dec 10:09 Fichajes 157935405896425859.html
One Million Tiny Plays About Britain review – a nation speaks

Craig Taylor’s jumble of micro-playlets – some just a few seconds long – coalesce into a layered, comic, moving portrait of everyday life in the UK

9 Dec 14:32 the Guardian 1491978796308757672.html
Messi to miss Barca’s Champions League trip to Inter

Barcelona star Lionel Messi will not make the trip to Italy for Tuesday's Champions League game against Inter Milan, the Spanish club confirmed on Monday.

9 Dec 14:30 Vanguard News 4125100340212200269.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe crown

Miss South Africa was crowned Miss Universe on Sunday in Atlanta after a lavish ceremony filled with glitter and heartfelt speeches about female empowerment. Zozibini Tunzi, 26, finished first ahead

9 Dec 09:49 Deccan Herald 2027555796571140588.html
Vercauteren reageert op woeste RSCA-fans: "Daar moeten ze mee leren omgaan"

Frank Vercauteren kreeg tijdens en na de competitiewedstrijd tegen Sporting Charleroi de wind van voren. De supporters van RSC Anderlecht waren én zijn niet te spreken over de keuzes van hun T1 en maakten dat ook duidelijk.

9 Dec 09:00 Voetbal24 8097814616043522590.html
Emas SEA Games 2019 Jadi Modal Emilia Nova ke Olimpiade

Pelari Emilia Nova akan fokus pada pemulihan usai merebut medali emas di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:04 Tempo 2196297218473508231.html
Casal é suspeito de jogar ovos em vizinho após rebaixamento do Cruzeiro

À polícia, suspeitos negaram e acusaram vizinho de danificar porta de apartamento

9 Dec 10:24 O TEMPO 6069683947048523527.html
SPÖ beschließt Sparkurs, doch es brodelt weiter

Ex-Kanzler Alfred Gusenbauer kontert Burgenlands Landeshauptmann Hans-Peter Doskozil.

9 Dec 17:10 Kurier 208072239354183932.html
When Allu Arjun Said Pawan Kalyan Fans Didn’t like It!

That one thing that many were cribbing about for years about his own fans, Pawan Kalyan realized it now finally. But that is too late already as they are out of hands now. As you might have guessed, it is about how crazy and annoying Pawan Kalyan fans get sometimes like shouting and creating nuisance at various events.

9 Dec 09:15 MIRCHI9 6041804859319351240.html
Have you been the victim of a burglary in Ireland?

Share your stories about your house being broken into or car being stolen

9 Dec 13:45 The Irish Times 8204772968362725802.html
Mere Paas Tum Ho: Fans rejoice at Savera Nadeem’s dramatic entry

Ayeza Khan hersel­f terms it ‘slap of the centur­y’

9 Dec 11:20 The Express Tribune 1105816786100839116.html
Einbrecher im Kreis Göppingen: Viele Einbrüche in der Region

Trotz verstärkter Kontrollen der Polizei steigt die Zahl der Wohnungseinbrüche in der dunklen Jahreszeit wieder an.

9 Dec 12:59 swp.de 6929179441263446997.html
Russia banned from 2022 FIFA World Cup and 2020 Olympics following doping decision

Russia have been hit with a four-year doping ban from all major sporting events which will see them miss the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

9 Dec 10:35 mirror 675785260719248545.html
Miss USA, Miss America, Miss Teen USA and now Miss Universe are all black women

For the first time, top beauty pageants — Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, Miss America and now, Miss Universe — have crowned black women as their winners at the same time.

9 Dec 16:45 Fox 4 8372747777754654559.html
20 hours delay in FIR, no witness: Court lets off Delhi doctor accused of raping patient

The court said that the victim, who had alleged that the incident took place on December 4, 2012, lodged a complaint next day after about 20 hours, to which there was 'no explanation'.

9 Dec 14:01 The New Indian Express 4718288653466813022.html
Lo sciopero dei trasporti di oggi a Roma e nel Lazio

Riguarderà i dipendenti di ATAC e COTRAL, ma con orari diversi: le cose da sapere

9 Dec 14:09 Il Post 6291746504519777777.html
O esquema usado pela Rússia: um agente secreto disfarçado de canalizador

Os esquemas que levaram Agência Mundial Antidopagem a banir a Rússia das competições Olímpicas e mundiais durante quatro anos.

9 Dec 14:47 DN 8445869957341915436.html
Panneaux photovoltaïques: le tarif prosumer est reporté de quatre mois

Le ministre wallon de l'Energie, Philippe Henry (Ecolo), a obtenu un report de 4 mois de l'entrée en vigueur du tarif prosumer, cette ...

9 Dec 15:43 RTL Info 5478130074094786152.html
Eruzione vulcano Whakaari, polizia: "Non ci sono segni di vita"

Sull'isola al momento erano presenti molti turisti. In uno screenshot della webcam che registra l'attività vulcanica, si vede un gruppo di persone nel cratere, una manciata di secondi prima dell'eruzione

9 Dec 09:00 euronews 7379718589645793864.html
Il 2020 dei mercati asiatici: investire oltre Trump e Greta

Il 2020 sarà probabilmente un altro anno in cui la politica e i titoli dei giornali avranno un certo impatto sui mercati azionari.

9 Dec 10:58 Trend Online 3268043279030143134.html
Fed to reiterate its comfort with policy as it is, with little change in the projections – ABN AMRO

Previewing this week's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, "the Fed is widely expected to keep policy rates on hold at the conclusion of the

9 Dec 17:38 FXStreet 4480975639328056926.html
New Google Chrome feature means no more emailing notes to yourself – here's how to use it

The new shared clipboard means you can simply text on your computer and paste it on your phone – no emails necessary.

9 Dec 12:47 TechRadar 2111116916152839111.html
Estos son los bancos que más comisiones cobran por remesas de Estados Unidos

EsEl Gobierno de México comenzó este lunes a publicar la lista mensual de instituciones financieras que más cobran en las remesas que mandan los mexicanos que viven en Estados Unidos a sus familiares,

9 Dec 13:24 Fernanda Familiar 8155233566222274755.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

La Russie ne sera donc pas présente à Tokyo en 2020 et à Pékin en 2022.

9 Dec 11:27 Le Soir 5236108148390156631.html
European Parliament members ask Apple to reverse its decision on Crimea

Apple's Crimea problem continues to get attention with 15 members of the European Parliament writing to the company. They want it to reconsider its stance on the country appearing as Russian in Apple Maps.

9 Dec 15:52 iMore 3803412790553721031.html
Così il Vaticano investe 700milioni di euro di donazioni e offerte

Dal palazzo di Londra agli occhiali di Lapo Elkann: ecco come il Vaticano ha investito 700milioni della Segreteria di Stato

9 Dec 12:58 ilGiornale.it 5019541225547924588.html
Jokowi Ungkit OTT Pejabat, Katanya KPK Harus. . .

WE Online, Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo mengusulkan evaluasi menyeluruh strategi pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia. Termasuk di dalamnya, mengenai operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) yang kerap masif dilakukan oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

9 Dec 12:17 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834178497913.html
Anthony Joshua Says 'home Calling', Likely To Fight Next At Tottenham's New Stadium

Anthony Joshua is set for a match in London to defend his heavyweight title against Andy Ruiz Jr, with the match likely to be fought at Tottenham's new stadium.

9 Dec 17:49 Republic World 1282918857981528460.html
Confira dez maneiras de bloquear um site em seu PC

Se você deseja bloquear um site, existem diversas opções para fazê-lo, que incluem a instalação de extensões ou alterações nas configurações do PC. Confira!

9 Dec 17:45 Canaltech 6267437389001823344.html
Let's discuss BBI, not fight

Many Kenyans are simply intolerant of ideas outside their tribal ideology and act on the slightest information.

9 Dec 09:16 Daily Nation 7421817125455674628.html
Ousmane Sonko dément toute rivalité ou antagonisme avec Idrissa Seck

Dans un communiqué transmis à PressAfrik ce lundi, Ousmane Sonko a démenti toute rivalité ou antagonisme avec le parti Rewmi de Idrissa Seck dans l’opposition. Ce, après la publication d’un articl...

9 Dec 13:25 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368523013163.html
Hats off to KCR and Telangana police officers: Jagan Reddy on Hyderabad ‘encounter’

"If the hero in a movie kills someone in an encounter, we all clap and say the movie is good. If a daring person does that in real life...someone will come down from Delhi in the name of National Human Rights Commission and say this is wrong," Jagan Mohan Reddy said.

9 Dec 16:42 The Indian Express 2885715104006200366.html
¡Más motivados para aprender! Tres beneficios de incluir la tecnología educativa en la enseñanza de tus hijos

Un error común es asociar la tecnología solo con momentos de distracción. Si la vemos como herramienta educativa, brinda muchos beneficios, pues permite respetar los ritmos de aprendizaje y asimilar mejor los contenidos.

9 Dec 14:30 RPP 3819340342734801348.html
Vy vant: Dette blir nytt

Trafikkpakke Vest, som omfatter flere populære og trafikkerte togstrekninger, er tildelt Vy. De lover en rekke forbedringer i togtilbudet til de reisende.

9 Dec 11:39 Dinside 727432624406865480.html
Streit um Grünstreifen im Dorf

Vor Gericht gelandet ist ein erbitterter Streit zwischen einer Hausbesitzerin und der Gemeinde Mischendorf. Anlass dazu waren Mäharbeiten auf einem ...

9 Dec 08:16 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092993342463.html
Leave It To Peter Wherrett To Explain How The 1970s Transformed Cars

After the large V8s and bulky shapes of the 1960s, times got tougher for automakers. The market got more competitive and challenges like safety concerns and fuel shortages drove manufacturers to think harder about what cars should be like. It was a complicated process, but Peter Wherrett is here to coach us through...

9 Dec 11:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247946956195.html
Razvela se i doživela neverovatnu transformaciju: Od domaćice do lepotice (video)

Bivši je sada sigurno neće prepoznati (video)

9 Dec 13:11 Krstarica 4176903988954562967.html
Reactivan la causa contra el Madoff catalán por estafar a cientos de personas de la alta sociedad

Se da la circunstancia de que algunos de los estafados tienen la doble condición de perjudicado y querellado al impulsar la estafa captando a otros inversores

9 Dec 10:34 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613010982364.html
Haaland vor Liverpool: "Ich lebe einen Traum"

Salzburgs Jungstar Erling Haaland schickt die Transfergerüchte ins Abseits und sagt: "Ich genieße jeden Tag in Salzburg."

9 Dec 14:30 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700306549246.html
Discussões por futebol deixam homem ferido no rosto e casa toda quebrada

As duas confusões foram registradas logo após o término da partida que confirmou o rebaixamento do Cruzeiro à série B do Brasileirão

9 Dec 12:01 O TEMPO 6069683947696541558.html
Mercedes-Benz et Bosch déploient leur pilote de robot taxi en Californie

Mercedes-Benz et Bosch déploient un service de robot taxi à San José, en Californie (Etats-Unis). Ce déploiement n'est pas une surprise puisque les partenaires avaient affiché leur volonté de réaliser un tel pilote dès juillet 2018. Le nombre de véhicules autonomes déployés par les intéressés n'est pas précisé, et seuls quelques heureux élus pourront profiter de ce service.

9 Dec 17:29 L'Usine Digitale 1522718387569927823.html
Qual o provedor de nuvem ideal para minha empresa?

Migrar para a nuvem é importante e aumenta a competitividade dos negócios no mercado. Mas o processo começa bem antes, na escolha do provedor ideal.

9 Dec 12:19 Canaltech 6267437389534734262.html
Terralba, un abete da 30 metri illumina il Natale

Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 16:25 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206724369892.html
Boja noktiju otkriva kakvo je vaše zdravstveno stanje

Možda će vam zvučati blesavo, ali čudna boja noktiju može da ukazuje da imate neki zdravstveni problem koji morate da rešite što pre.

9 Dec 15:54 Krstarica 4176903989733082458.html
Ineos anuncia otro crack mundial: Rohan Dennis, actual campeón mundial de crono

El Team Ineos ha anunciado este lunes en sus redes sociales la llegada de Rohan Dennis. El ex del Bahrain Merida termina así con uno de los culebrones del verano al firmar por el equipo de Froome, Carapaz, Bernal y compañía. Movistar mostró interés por firmarle, pero el 'aussie' no dudó en irse al cuadro inglés.

9 Dec 11:12 MARCA 5656811532006224226.html
Robo de libro es un incidente menor, pero se magnifica porque se trata del representante de México: Meyer | Entérate

El historiador Lorenzo Meyer afirma que el robo de un libro es un incidente menor, pero al tratarse del embajador de México en Argentina el hecho se magnifica y se saca de proporción porque se trata del representante de un país.

9 Dec 12:26 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496456178401.html
5 dead, many missing in eruption of NZ volcano; search ops yet to begin

Police said the site was still too dangerous hours later for rescuers to search for the missing

9 Dec 15:35 Business-Standard 1502508925288845746.html
Philippines record their best-ever overall medal haul in SEA Games history

On Day 9 of the SEA Games 2019, hosts Philippines scripted history by recording their best-ever overall medal haul in the history of the SEA Games. They bested their own numbers from the SEA Games held in 2005, when they had won 290 medals overall.

9 Dec 11:20 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905477304122.html
Claudia Raia renova votos com Jarbas Homem de Mello na Bahia. Aos detalhes!

Claudia Raia renovou os votos de casamento com o marido, Jarbas Homem de Mello, em cerimônia íntima no interior da Bahia. Para a ocasião, a atriz usou um vestido com body justo e decote além de um buq...

9 Dec 12:47 Purepeople 5674914089009972097.html
Qu'est-ce que la stimulation ovarienne pour tomber enceinte ?

La stimulation ovarienne est une technique qui aide les femmes dont le taux d'ovulation est faible et qui ont des difficultés à tomber enceinte...

9 Dec 09:59 aufeminin 2484972060193054950.html
Jose Luis Zambrano: El apremio por el último tren

No es fácil estar metido hasta el cuello en una responsabilidad complicada y no arriesgar hasta el pellejo. Por eso he considerado desde el inicio, […]

9 Dec 10:07 LaPatilla.com 9104603011090399634.html
Jokowi Setuju Koruptor Dihukum Mati, Tapi. . .

WE Online, Jakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) setuju jika dalam undang-undang diatur hukuman mati untuk koruptor.

9 Dec 13:19 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835622383088.html
Díaz-Canel se reúne con empresariado argentino en Buenos Aires

Esta mañana se desarrolló en Buenos Aires un desayuno de trabajo del empresariado argentino con el presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez. El sector turístico representado por los turoperadores más importantes que venden el destino Cuba estuvo presente.

9 Dec 10:29 VICTORIA 8502773550007171303.html
Fela No Smoke Weed Pass Me, Charley Boy Boasts

Popular entertainer, Charley Boy has bragged about his expertise in smoking weed, saying he is a better smoker than late Fela Kuti and Naira Marley.

9 Dec 10:41 Concise 5544636823238935204.html
Xiaomi Pocket AR printer and Baseus ENCOK E09 on sale - Gizchina.com

Xiaomi eco-chain of products has really a vast range of available gadgets, so how about Xiaomi Pocket AR printer or Baseus ENCOK E09 alarm clock ?

9 Dec 17:29 Gizchina 5392375275789952477.html
Court sentences fake doctor to 54 years in jail

The State High Court 1 in Yola, Adamawa State, has sentenced a fake medical doctor, Ibrahim Mustapha, to 54 years in jail.

9 Dec 15:05 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729299626720203.html
Yolandita abre una cuarta función en el Centro de Bellas Artes

La intérprete regresará en febrero a la Sala de Festivales con su espectáculo “Por ti”

9 Dec 16:43 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309092034993.html
Le Havre tente le coup Wilfried Bony

Le mercato d’hiver approche et Le Havre compte bien frapper fort. Wilfried Bony, libre de tout contrat, discute actuellement avec les Normands et va s’entraîner sous les ordres de Paul Le Guen à (...)

9 Dec 08:35 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900179321140145.html
Seis de nueve oftalmólogos cubanos suspenden reválida en Uruguay

El grupo de médicos cubanos que suspendió el examen ya había operado en el Hospital de Ojos por dos años. "Les creíamos que sabían qué hacer” (Uruguay)

9 Dec 13:44 Cubanet 2710294110299042520.html
Mr. Kenney goes to Ottawa and income inequality; In The News for Dec. 9

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of De

9 Dec 09:18 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245941681123.html
Excluyen a Rusia de todas las competencias por cuatro años

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) excluyó este lunes a Rusia de las competiciones internacionales, incluido los Juegos Olímpicos, durante un plazo de cuatro años debido a la manipulación de los datos del Laboratorio de Moscú....

9 Dec 12:19 Primera Edición 6803897641108168216.html
Microsoft to kill off support for its Windows 10 Mobile Office apps

Way back in July 2017, Microsoft officially pulled the plug on the Windows Phone, and its focus on Windows 10 Mobile was waning rapidly. The inevitable happened in January this year, when the Redmond firm said free support for all&hellip;

9 Dec 13:55 TechSpot 7732733961131131326.html
SAG 2019: Bala Devi's Brace Powers Indian Women's Football Team to Third Successive Gold

Bala Devi was the star of the show again as she struck a brace on either side of the half time to guide India to a comfortable victory over the home side in the final.

9 Dec 13:16 India.com 7150386084041032566.html
Lavrov y Pompeo se reúnen mañana para analizar el estado de las relaciones entre Rusia y EEUU

"Durante las conversaciones en la capital estadounidense está previsto un intercambio de opiniones sobre problemas internacionales clave y...

9 Dec 08:57 Expansión 4197779423390640206.html
Na obzorju nova ministrica, a še nima dovoljenja od Avstrije

Izvršni odbor SAB se je odločil, da tudi uradno predlaga koroško Slovenko Angeliko Mlinar za novo ministrico za razvoj, strateške projekte in kohezijo. Ta je prejšnji teden že vložila tudi vlog...

9 Dec 16:37 Slovenske novice 5901956562342336409.html
Sanofi va acquérir la biotech américaine Synthorx

Le groupe pharmaceutique français Sanofi a annoncé lundi l'acquisition de la biotech américaine Synthorx pour 2,5 milliards de dollars (quasiment autant en francs) en numéraire, une opération lui permettant de se conforter dans l'immuno-oncologie.

9 Dec 11:35 www.rjb.ch 7386238341843343501.html
Asesinan a un indígena en Colombia frente a su esposa e hijo

El hecho ocurrió en el convulso departamento del Cauca, que desde hace meses vive una ola de violencia por las disputas territoriales entre grupos armados ilegales

9 Dec 08:35 EL DEBATE 4396150894097208106.html
El Concello multará a las empresas que se publiciten con carteles en las farolas

Caballero: 'No queremos una proliferación de carteles colgados por todas partes'

9 Dec 15:09 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577228864898.html
AG Barr Made Last-Minute, ‘Highly Unusual’ Decision to Alter OIG Russia Report

Attorney General William Barr intervened in the construction of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG) report on the genesis of the Russia investigation in order to include de-classified information about a well-known British spy. Barr’s out-of-the-blue push for additional transparency is decidedly out of character and being viewed with askance eyes as “highly unusual.”

9 Dec 12:46 Law & Crime 7990899036906358132.html
Neugeborenes liegt hilflos in der Kälte: Wo ist die Mutter?

Am Freitag wurde in Stade ein Neugeborenes gefunden, dass hilflos auf dem Gelände eines Kulturzentrums abgelegt worden war. Die Polizei fahndet nach der Mutter.

9 Dec 13:05 TAG24 4583887874520377576.html
19-year-old shot in leg during Everett-area invasion robbery

Two males reportedly entered the victim’s home and demanded money. Then shots were fired.

9 Dec 17:30 HeraldNet 3867135407692024735.html
Trägerverein Biosphärengebiet Schwäbische Alb: Reumann und Münzing im Amt bestätigt

Die Mitgliederversammlung des Trägervereins des Biosphärengebietes Schwäbische Alb blickte auf die Veranstaltungen zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des Biosphärengebietes zurück und hielt Wahlen ab. Eine neue Wanderkonzeption wird erarbeitet.

9 Dec 16:04 swp.de 6929179442003372055.html
Criai pede explicações ao Nucria sobre casal preso suspeito de agredir filho adotivo

A Comissão de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança, do Adolescente, do Idoso e da Pessoa com Deficiência (Criai) da Assembleia Legislativa do Paraná (Alep) enviou um ofício, nesta segunda-feira (09), à delegada do Núcleo de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente Vítimas de Crimes (Nucria) de Londrina, Lívia Pini, pedindo explicações no caso em que uma mãe e um pai são suspeitos de agredir o filho adotivo

9 Dec 14:36 Manchete do Povo 2045280388341501289.html
No corrupt individual will be allowed in my cabinet — Wike

The Governor of Rivers State, Chief Nyesom Wike, has stated that no corrupt individual would have a position in his cabinet, restating the state govt...

9 Dec 14:21 Vanguard News 4125100338776947807.html
Silver Jews members & more playing David Berman tribute show at Union Pool

The music and spirit of Silver Jews/Purple Mountains frontman David Berman will be celebrated at Union Pool on January 4, which would've been his 53rd birthday. Performers will include members of both bands...

9 Dec 10:00 BrooklynVegan 7574135798178463899.html
Acusan de ofensa a las feministas turcas por cantar 'Un violador en tu camino'

unas 300 mujeres interpretaron en turco y en español la canción del grupo chileno Las Tesis, que ya es el himno feminista en medio mundo.

9 Dec 11:43 La Información 5328999782053331486.html
IFJ: Ove godine ubijeno manje novinara

Međunarodna federacija novinara (IFJ) saopštila je danas da je ove godine ubijeno mnogo manje novinara nego prethodne ali i upozorila da je to delom posledica toga što manje medijskih radnika može da ode u najopasnija područja.

9 Dec 16:46 Dnevni list Danas 649654641249638580.html
Citizenship bill introduced; Bill is not 0.001% against minorities, Amit Shah

He said Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will not be benefited from the bill as ‘they have not faced religious prosecution’.

9 Dec 11:50 Reporter 1467643669323522054.html
Technically Speaking For 12/9: The Weekly Charts Are Bullish

Hedge fund activity might be a partial reason for the spike in money market yields this fall.Tech companies face increasing pressure.The weekly charts are positive.

9 Dec 17:15 Seeking Alpha 5725634556915079353.html
bettini: a gennaio serve una verifica, non possiamo stare sospesi tra di maio e renzi


9 Dec 13:51 DAGOSPIA 6533336739499745336.html
Se viene una semana a puro calor: hay alerta por temperaturas extremas

Se esperan máximas de entre 36 y 40 grados. Consultá el pronóstico extendido.

9 Dec 11:06 La Voz 6237180760582300205.html
Rapid und Austria nach Derby-2:2 im Zwiespalt

Das 2:2 im 330. Wiener Fußball-Derby hat am Sonntag sowohl bei Rapid als auch bei der Austria zwiespältige Gefühle ausgelöst. Beide Clubs entgingen in einer teilweise dramatischen Partie vor 26.100 Zuschauern im ausverkauften Allianz Stadion einer Niederlage, trauerten aber auch einem möglichen Sieg nach.

9 Dec 08:02 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699116433746.html
Meet Ali, 25. Boris Johnson's biggest challenger

The 25-year-old candidate for the main opposition Labour party is trying to unseat the prime minister in his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency in west London.

9 Dec 12:14 Saudi Gazette 6913978435739324265.html
Gana la lotería, se compra un terreno y encuentra un tesoro enterrado

Este hombre encontró una vasija que contenía 2.595 monedas que datan de finales del siglo XIX

9 Dec 11:42 ATV.pe 8560155075605303135.html
New Mercedes-Benz GLA: fresh sketch drops ahead of full reveal…

Mercedes-Benz has released a sketch of its new GLA ahead of the second-generation model's full reveal on 11 December.

9 Dec 09:55 CARmag 8756669822461512707.html
Shirley Ortega Calangi, chi è la babysitter morta nell’incidente a Milano

Shirley Ortega Calangi è il nome della baby sitter vittima del tragico incidente tra il filobus ed il camion dei rifiuti avvenuto a Milano. Sabato mattina Shirley Ortega Calangi, donna di 49 anni che da diverso tempo lavorava come baby sitter a Milano, stava andando a trovare un’amica. Quel giorno, infatti, era libera da impegni …

9 Dec 10:38 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928097887078.html
Schmolz+Bickenbach obtient gain de cause auprès de la Finma

Le groupe Schmolz+Bickenbach (S+B) a obtenu gain de cause auprès de l'Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers (Finma). Deux de ses actionnaires devront soumettre une offre.

9 Dec 11:44 www.rjb.ch 7386238342064571454.html
Guatemala designará a Hezbolá como organización terrorista

El presidente electo de Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, dijo el lunes que designaría a Hezbolá como organización terrorista

9 Dec 10:32 Noticias de Israel 5887715890742967340.html
VA Tech Wabag, Ion Exchange rally over 15% after NGT grim report on water pollution

Va Tech Wabag is a multinational player in the water treatment industry.

9 Dec 09:16 The Economic Times 7653256037150094938.html
Amit Shah introduces Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019 in Lok Sabha amid uproar

“This bill is not even .001 per cent against minorities. It is against infiltrators,” said the Home Minister.

9 Dec 10:23 The Hindu 6679535024376611076.html
Schweiz übernimmt die Führung beim Aufräumen im Weltall

Der Orbit ist voll ausgedienter Satelliten und Trümmer - eine Gefahr für die Infrastruktur im Weltall. Ein Schweizer Start-Up hat nun von der europäischen Weltraumorganisation ESA den Auftrag erhalten, eine Abfallbeseitigungs-Mission auszuarbeiten.

9 Dec 11:25 bz BASEL 5287163741734961722.html
Dvojica uhapšeni zbog homofobije na meču Premijer lige

Dvojica ljudi uhapšeni su zbog homofobičnih uzvika na meču Brajtona i Vulverhemptona u Premijer ligei, saopštili su Vulvsi.

9 Dec 14:43 Sport Klub 42251759679475926.html
Dudak dolgusunda dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalar

Dudak yapısı insanın yüz ifadesine doğrudan etki ettiği için burun estetiğinden sonra en çok yapılan işlemlerden biri dudak dolgusudur.

9 Dec 08:38 Mynet Kadın 3212732939124528858.html
Michael Kozak: Seguimos apoyando a los venezolanos en su búsqueda para vencer la corrupción

Kozak aseguró que continuarán apoyando a los venezolanos en su búsqueda para vencer la corrupción y devolver Venezuela a una democracia que represente a todos.

9 Dec 16:12 LaPatilla.com 9104603010580400421.html
Bigg Boss 13 Day 64 - Will Madhurima And Vishal Give A Second Chance To Their Broken Relationship?

Bigg Boss 13 - Post the entry of season 11’s mastermind Vikash Gupta, housemates are trying to bond to him. Vikash reveals to Sidharth and Shehnaz that their friendship is adored by viewers and the hashtag given to them is ‘Sidnaz’.

9 Dec 14:44 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244812722302.html
Des chercheurs téléphonent aux grenouilles

Comment recenser les grenouilles à distance? Simplement en leur téléphonant, répondent des chercheurs qui ont créé un outil pour veiller sur les amphibiens en temps réel.

9 Dec 14:43 L'essentiel 554828746677548170.html
Citu: PSD nu avea nicio intentie sa aplice legea pensiilor in 2020; voi publica un document, daca Teodorovici continua acuzatiile

PSD nu avea nicio intentie de a aplica legea pensiilor in 2020, a afirmat, luni, ministrul Finantelor, Florin Citu, precizand ca va publica un document din care reiese acest lucru, in cazul in care fostul ministru, Eugen Teodorovici, continua cu acuzatiile.

9 Dec 13:18 Wall-Street 2473040521249462009.html
Unos 2 000 koalas murieron durante los incendios forestales en Australia

Los incendios forestales que arden en el este de Australia desde principios de noviembre mataron a más de 2 000 koalas, una especie ya clasificada como "vulnerable", indicaron a EFE este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 fuentes académicas.

9 Dec 09:11 El Comercio 2865024639991426859.html
Labour’s plans to nationalise services: Everything you need to know

The party’s manifesto said it would like to take mail, water and train operators, among other things, back under public ownership.

9 Dec 15:48 Shropshire Star 3480199991318207768.html
AB'den batarya teknolojilerine milyarlarca euroluk yardıma onay

Avrupa Birliği (AB) Komisyonu, Avrupa'da batarya teknolojisinde araştırma ve üretim için 7 AB ülkesinin 3,2 milyar euroluk devlet yardımına onay verdi.

9 Dec 13:58 euronews 9035311894869366486.html
Rodríguez Aguiló arremete contra secretario del DTOP

Le dejó saber su malestar hoy a la gobernadora Wanda Vázquez Garced.

9 Dec 10:37 Primera Hora 5092966654588657518.html
„Dementer Greis“: Nordkorea attackiert Donald Trump

Die Beziehung zwischen Donald Trump und Nordkorea ist sehr zwiespältig. Nun greift Nordkoreas Führung den US-Präsidenten verbal scharf an.

9 Dec 12:33 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323883669478.html
Rosja wykluczona z igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i w Pekinie

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku. Ma to związek z aferą dopingową w tym kraju.

9 Dec 11:46 RMF24 3758900159026563912.html
Padres de familia denunciarán a expresidente Funes por uso de imágenes de menores, a quienes acusó de sicarios

Colegio militar santaneco respalda a padres de estudiantes de bachillerato y piden el acompañamiento de las instituciones para protección de integridad de menores señalados por Mauricio Funes.Colegio militar santaneco respalda a padres de estudiantes de bachillerato y piden el acompañamiento de las instituciones para protección de integridad de menores señalados por Mauricio Funes.Colegio militar santaneco respalda a padres de estudiantes de bachillerato y piden el acompañamiento de las instituciones para protección de integridad de menores señalados por Mauricio Funes.Colegio militar santaneco respalda a padres de estudiantes de bachillerato y piden el acompañamiento de las instituciones para protección de integridad de menores señalados por Mauricio Funes.Colegio militar santaneco respalda a padres de estudiantes de bachillerato y piden el acompañamiento de las instituciones para protección de integridad de menores señalados por Mauricio Funes.Colegio militar santaneco respalda a padres de estudiantes de bachillerato…

9 Dec 15:50 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190151202761.html
Kate Moss posiert oben ohne am FKK-Strand von Miami

Supermodel Kate Moss ist mittlerweile 45 und hat nichts von ihrer Schönheit eingebüßt. Das beweisen neuste Aufnahmen vom Strand von Miami.

9 Dec 14:32 VIP.de 2239798193599568584.html
Auguri di Buon Natale 2019 da inviare ad amici e parenti su WhatsApp: frasi, aforismi e citazioni divertenti

Auguri di Buon Natale 2019 a tutti i lettori de Il Corriere della Città! In questo articolo frasi, aforismi e citazioni divertenti da inviare ai propri amici e parenti per augurare buone feste di Buon Natale 2019. A poche ore dal cenone del 24 dicembre, inoltre, la redazione de Il Corriere della Città ha pensato […]

9 Dec 16:40 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337679217565.html
River-PI suspende atividades após morte de torcedor fanático do clube

A apresentação do elenco profissional do River que seria realizada hoje, será remarcada.

9 Dec 10:53 R10 3167340812506262089.html
‘Goede relatie Bridget en Rachel pijnlijk voor Monique’

Rachel kan het goed vinden met haar kersverse schoondochter Bridget Maasland. Ze lijkt niet rouwig te zijn om de breuk tussen haar zoon André en Monique.

9 Dec 10:22 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654048154171054.html
FC Barcelona | El esperado estreno de Neto

Fichado en verano por la misma cantidad que dejaba Jasper Cillessen en lo que fue un trueque encubierto, el brasileño no ha podido debutar todavía. Se esperaba en el verano de 2019 la salida de (...)

9 Dec 11:03 Fichajes 157935406310135298.html
Pesaing Berat Osvaldo Haay Menuju Top Scorer Siap Comeback di Laga Final Kontra Timnas U-22 Indonesia

Vietnam akan menghadapi Timnas U-22 Indonesia di final SEA Games 2019 dengan angin segar di mana satu penyerangnya dikabarkan sudah pulih dari cedera.

9 Dec 17:09 BolaSport.com 4603768436969257552.html
Lester spremio nove ugovore za Medisona i Sojundžua

Vezista Lestera Džejms Medison (23) uskoro će potpisati novi ugovor sa Lesterom.

9 Dec 13:11 Sport Klub 42251758284080368.html
Google Maps terá recurso para destacar ruas mais iluminadas

Recurso foi descoberto em uma versão de testes do aplicativo, o Google Maps v10.31.0 beta

9 Dec 13:36 Mundo Conectado 6456876365452206170.html
Yon de Luisa tomará medidas para evitar problemas de pagos en clubes

El Presidente de la Federaci&oacute;n Mexicana de Futbol (FMF) dejar&aacute; en claro las reglas e ingresos que cada club debe de tener para que se pueda manejar de buena manera en la Liga Mx.

9 Dec 16:22 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622584033831.html
Several injured, about 100 people in the area as New Zealand's White Island volcano erupts

WELLINGTON: About 100 people were near New Zealand's White Island volcano when it erupted suddenly on Monday (Dec 9), leaving authorities ...

9 Dec 10:52 CNA 5644198863844350780.html
Montpellier : trois Clermontais se font tirer dessus par des revendeurs de shit

Les policiers du commissariat central planchent actuellement sur une affaire de tentative d'homicide commise, samedi 7 décembre peu après 21 h, rue de la Croix-Verte à Montpellier. Une affaire qui met aux prises trois...

9 Dec 15:47 Midi Libre 3150507209396520950.html
Sanofi to acquire US biotech firm Sythorx $2.5bn

Mubasher: Sanofi on Monday said it will take over US biotechnology company Synthorx in a cash deal that valued the latter at $2.5 billion.

9 Dec 12:31 english.mubasher.info 8917853138270254354.html
Verkehrspolizei führte Lärmmessungen durch

Am Samstag und Sonntag haben Beamte in Wals und in der Stadt Salzburg den Lärm von Kraftfahrzeugen gemessen. Ein Salzburger (17) und ein Syrer (29) ...

9 Dec 13:30 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093204983433.html
Iceta 'culpa' a Junqueras de su cambio de opinión respecto a los indultos

El secretario general del PSC, Miquel Iceta ha dejado de defender la concesión del indulto a los líderes independentistas condenados por el procés, y lo ha hecho después que el líder de ERC, Oriol Junqueras se pronunciase al respecto. En una entrevista en

9 Dec 11:46 Diariocrítico 5375131906034364124.html
General Election 2019: Johnson and Sturgeon both accused of 'running scared'

Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon have both been accused today of avoiding scrutiny.

9 Dec 15:55 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851488761332894.html
Rete Internet: ecco la classifica dei paesi con la connessione più veloce

Il continente che ha più nazioni nella Top 50 della rete internet più veloce è l'Europa con 37 paesi, ma l'Italia è solo al 47° posto.

9 Dec 11:35 tecnoandroid 2573257127594160465.html
Banca MPS corre con rumor su più fronti. Cruciale il nodo NPL

Banca MPS scatta in avanti sulla scia delle indiscrezioni relative all'interesse di alcuni fondi per un asset che resta appetibile.

9 Dec 11:47 Trend Online 3268043279110308015.html
Netflix es el gran ganador en las nominaciones al Globos de Oro

HBO mantuvo un sólido desempeño con 15 nominaciones, sólo detrás de las 17 de Netflix en el apartado televisivo.

9 Dec 16:18 Primera Hora 5092966654351836371.html
Giulia De Lellis Instagram, senza veli e ricoperta di sabbia: «Paradisiaca!»

Questa volta la bellissima Giulia De Lellis su Instagram si è davvero superata pubblicando una sua foto decisamente "bollente". Senza veli è paradisiaca

9 Dec 10:55 UrbanPost 2450570494266141593.html
“Meer kans op succes met Vercauteren-aanpak dan Kompany-filosofie”

Frank Vercauteren is de hoofdtrainer van RSC Anderlecht en hanteert een voorzichtigere aanpak dan Vincent Kompany. Volgens Peter Vandenbempt heeft die aanpak meer kans op slagen.

9 Dec 15:15 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215646106842.html
Be a freewheeler! It's 50 years since Easy Rider, but the route the characters rode, from LA to New Orleans, still offers a unique insight into the soul of America

Easy Rider turned actors Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper into the coolest superstars on the planet in 1969. Jeremy Taylor hops on a Harley and rides the road their characters took - the epic Route 66.

9 Dec 10:09 Mail Online 124328111206710656.html
Tornen a casa els veïns desallotjats a causa de l'enderrocament de l'edifici de Badalona

Les companyies han restablert els subministres de llum, gas, aigua i telefonia aquest dilluns al matí

9 Dec 16:54 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478741416716.html
Crece escándalo de reventa de boletas; Federación demanda a Perdomo

Instauraron denuncia penal en su contra por falso testimonio.

9 Dec 17:26 El Tiempo 1091719940506666819.html
Esperance Shire owed nearly $40k in unpaid rates

The Shire of Esperance is set to take its pursuit of unpaid rates to the next stage, with more than $39,000 owing. According to the December, 2019 council ag...

9 Dec 08:00 The Esperance Express 1581298859927969768.html
Not Work Commitment, Alia Bhatt & Ranbir Kapoor’s Wedding Has Hit THIS Roadbloack?

Lovebirds Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor are going really strong in their relationship. The duo is often spotted spending quality time together and the fans are eagerly waiting for the couple to get hit

9 Dec 11:16 Koimoi 5184275670703019221.html
Endlich bestätigt: "Paradise Hotel" geht in eine neue Runde

« Paradise Hotel » geht in eine zweite Runde. 2020 startet die 2. Staffel des TVNOW-Originals.

9 Dec 11:09 RTL.DE 7054729452061222480.html
Cardi B Is Ready to Talk About Why She Stayed With Offset After He Cheated

"When you cheat, you’re betraying the person that has your back the most. Why would you do that?"

9 Dec 14:06 Elle 1578996229020092148.html
Damiani: "Non credo che il Milan sia pronto a lottare per la Champions"

Ospite negli studi di Rai Sport, Oscar Damiani ha commentato così dopo la vittoria del Milan contro il Bologna: “Non credo che il Milan sia pronto per lottare per i primi quattro posti. Ha una buona rosa, sta migliorando, ma secondo me gli manca ancora qualcosa per poter competere per la Champions League”.

9 Dec 16:35 MilanNews.it 6507305922945047171.html
Perth firm prepares to auction off record-breaking whisky ‘library’

A record-breaking whisky collection that goes under the hammer next year has been unveiled in Perthshire.

9 Dec 08:07 The Courier 4275302767421808557.html
Una multitud volvió a salir a las calles de Hong Kong

Al cumplirse seis meses del inicio de las protestas contra la ley de extradición a China y contra el Gobierno de Carrie Lam, una multitud de 800.000 personas volvió a tomar las calles mostrando que las protestas siguen vivas.

9 Dec 13:30 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 8447572731840560143.html
Schneller Zukauf bei Krebsmitteln: Pharmakonzern Merck & Co will Spezialisten Arqule übernehmen – Aktie schießt hoch

Der US-Pharmariese Merck & Co will sein Krebsgeschäft mit einer Übernahme ausbauen. Je Aktie des Krebsspezialisten Arqule werden 20 US-Dollar in bar geboten, teilte Merck & Co am Montag in Kenilworth mit. Die Offerte liegt damit doppelt so hoch wieder Schlusskurs des Arqule-Papiers vom Freitag.

9 Dec 15:41 FOCUS Online 4448121231921322824.html
Bolsonaro dice que la llegada de Fernández a la Casa Rosada no afectará al comercio entre Brasil y Argentina

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, ha afirmado este lunes que el comercio entre el país y Argentina se mantendrá sin cambios una vez que jure el...

9 Dec 14:24 Europa Press 4702666149039283582.html
Dopo mattarella, pure tridico interviene sulla richiesta di 120mila € alle orfane di femminicidio


9 Dec 17:04 DAGOSPIA 6533336739588642008.html
LCD vs. OLED: Das Ende des Fights der Fernseher - wer geht als Gewinner hervor?

LCD vs. OLED-Fernseher: Nur eines der beiden TV-Geräte kann das ewige Duell für sich entscheiden. Wir verraten dir, welches es ist.

9 Dec 17:23 futurezone.de 2257170160387416190.html
Petrer es el municipio más seguro de la provincia según el Ministerio del Interior

Es la segunda localidad con menos delincuencia de la Comunidad Valenciana de entre las ciudades con más de 30.000 habitantes

9 Dec 12:10 Diarioinformacion 8979296175563691379.html
Radni doručak šefova diplomatija EU za Skoplje i Tiranu

SKOPLJE - U organizaciji Grčke, danas će u Briselu biti održan neformalni radni doručak šefova diplomatija zemalja-članica EU i šefova diplomatija Severne

9 Dec 10:01 Krstarica 4176903988862197728.html
Rus askerleri Rakka'da

Rus askerleri, Suriye Demokratik Güçleri'nin (SDG) Ekim 2017'de DEAŞ'tan kurtardığı Rakka'ya ilk kez girdi. Bu hamle, Türkiye'nin harekatı sonrasında SDG ile Şam yönetimi arasında yapılan anlaşma kapsamında geldi.

9 Dec 13:52 OLAY 7935247625097272949.html
Reino Unido celebrará este jueves una de las elecciones más importantes de su historia moderna

En las elecciones generales del Reino Unido que se celebran este jueves los británicos decidirán si se regalan el “brexit” por Navidad, en un intento decisivo por sacar al país de un tedioso laberinto ante el que han mostrado su hartazgo.

9 Dec 11:39 El Carabobeño 125457438538065982.html
Per chef Iannaccone il sale è solo un ricordo

Parte il corso di cucina del cuoco atripaldese

9 Dec 08:16 AvellinoToday 5452883947449424180.html
Putevi Srbije: Oprez zbog vlažnih kolovoza, magle i poledice

Na putevima u Srbiji vozače tokom noći očekuju vlažni kolovozi, magla i poledica mestimično, pa je neophodna pažljiva vožnja uz prilagodjenu brzinu,

9 Dec 17:20 Krstarica 4176903989244362909.html
Bologna, Sansone: "Presi gol stupidi, ma ci abbiamo creduto"

Il giocatore del Bologna Nicola Sansone è intervenuto in zona mista dopo il ko subito in casa contro il Milan:

9 Dec 10:32 MilanNews.it 6507305921158383432.html
¡Orgullo colombiano! Egan Bernal, elegido mejor deportista del año por El Espectador

El campeón del Tour de Francia en este 2019 fue seleccionado entre decenas de deportistas. Robert Farah y Juan Sebastián Cabal también fueron destacados. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 13:06 pulzo.com 8971816786860764031.html
eufyCam 2C: HomeKit-Kamera startet mit 60-Euro-Nachlass

Erstmals gesichtet haben wir die neue Eufy-Lösung zur Heimüberwachung am Montag vergangener Woche. Heute nun startet die eufyCam 2C offiziell in den deutschen Markt. Das Doppelpack der drahtlosen Überwachungskamera, die bald auch den Apple-Standard „HomeKit Secure Video“ beherrschen wird, setzt auf lokalen Speicher und wird im Rahmen der Markteinführung noch bis 16. Dezember mit einem […]

9 Dec 11:59 ifun.de 6678736054471499957.html
Gin Tonic Coffee: Das ist unser Lieblingsdrink zu Weihnachten

Gin Tonic und Kaffee - unsere zwei liebsten Getränke zusammengemischt? Das kann nur gut schmecken! Gin Tonic Coffee ist der neue Trend-Drink zu Weihnachten.

9 Dec 14:08 miss 1375730021791004552.html
Wettbewerb: Höhepunkt sind Lego-Roboter

Landkreis schickt zwei Teams ins europäische Halbfinale der „First Lego League“. „Heldele Robotics“ und „HogyBots“ qualifizierten sich in Süßen.

9 Dec 08:53 swp.de 6929179440028997052.html
Game of Thrones' John Bradley admits the show gave left him with stammer

John suffered playing Samwell Tarly

9 Dec 17:25 Metro 970161748223797541.html
Landerretche dice que evadir impuestos es "parecido" a instalar barricadas: "Están atentando contra la paz social"

El economista y ex presidente de Codelco llamó a imponer castigos más duros para quienes incurran en delitos económicos.

9 Dec 12:14 Emol 3328490602443937875.html
For a brief moment I forgot this amazing 1975 Pontiac Firebird is a 1975 Pontiac Firebird

I found myself actually considering this Pontiac Firebird. Bring a Trailer: The 400ci L78 V8 reportedly was rebuilt to stock specs in 2015, and the car is said to have accumulated less than 500 mil…

9 Dec 16:17 Boing Boing 4601305168819035900.html
Bru starvation deaths: ‘Why were ration supplies stopped?’ Supreme Court asks Centre

A bench headed by Chief Justice of India SA Bobde asked the government counsel to respond to the court’s directive within two weeks.

9 Dec 09:42 Scroll.in 8669301692182850546.html
Auto rutscht Hang hinunter und überschlägt sich

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 16:41 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000776799213705.html
Will the pound go up in value if Labour wins the general election?

We examine John McDonnell’s claim that Labour’s spending plans could boost sterling

9 Dec 17:53 the Guardian 1491978795582131985.html
How Phil Collins Shaped Robert Plant’s Solo Career

Led Zeppelin singer praises the drummer’s “enthusiasm, unending energy and lots of humor.”

9 Dec 13:34 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989686664059775.html
New Google Assistant on Pixel 4 will soon support English in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Singapore, and the UK

Google's Assistant newest iteration, which launched with the Pixel 4, has a few tricks up its sleeve, but accessing it has been restricted by some

9 Dec 14:58 Android Police 6171356415008039658.html
Pijany szop pracz zastrzelony na Jarmarku Bożonarodzeniowym w Erfurcie

Szop pracz stał się sensacją Jarmarku Bożonarodzeniowego w Erfurcie. Jak informują naoczni świadkowie, zataczał się i przewracał - prawdopodobnie był pod wpływem alkoholu. Zwierzę przypłaciło jednak wyprawę na jarmark życiem. Odstrzelił je łowczy miejski.

9 Dec 17:50 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100669984206502.html
Deadly shooting under investigation in St. Pete

Police in St. Petersburg are investigating a deadly shooting that happened early Monday morning.

9 Dec 14:25 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202840130018.html
Free Mobile : Une nouvelle MAJ pour la messagerie sous Android

Et c’est la deuxième en moins d’une semaine.

9 Dec 16:41 freenews 2666143900152212707.html
Divulgado resultado final do concurso da Prefeitura de Jaicós; Confira!

O candidato nomeado deverá apresentar os documentos constantes no edital

9 Dec 16:21 R10 3167340813337002888.html
Ministra Isabel Plá y performance del colectivo LasTesis: "Yo creo que Chile no es un macho violador"

La titular de la Mujer y Equidad de Género abordó la intervención artística del colectivo feminista LasTesis, replicada en varias partes del mundo.

9 Dec 10:51 Emol 3328490601672013464.html
'If Congress Hadn't Done Partition on Basis of Religion..': Shah Attacks Oppn in LS as War of Words Ensue on Citizenship Bill

"Why do we need this Bill today? After independence, if Congress had not done partition on the basis on religion, then, today we would have not needed this Bill. Congress did partition on the basis of religion," Shah fumed in Parliament.

9 Dec 09:11 India.com 7150386082913931393.html
"Enttäuschend": DHB-Frauen verlieren Krimi gegen Serbien

Die deutschen Handballerinnen haben im zweiten WM-Hauptrundenspiel einen Rückschlag erlitten.

9 Dec 09:10 sport.de 3321967091664993239.html

Bivša ministarka spoljnih poslova Austrije Karin Knajsl prisetila se plesa sa ruskim predsednikom Vladimirom Putinom, rekavši da ruski lider ima veoma dobre manire stare škole.

9 Dec 15:49 kurir.rs 6515665027430517576.html
Imaginea zilei: Camion militar, suspendat pe un pod

„Am fost solicitați să intervenim cu o autospecială cu modul de descarcerare, alături de un echipaj SAJ, în urma unui eveniment rutier

9 Dec 10:24 Cotidianul 8452212682528262932.html
Ex Dundee United star Gary Mackay-Steven says he thought he was on golf course when he woke up in hospital after river plunge

Former Dundee United footballer Gary Mackay-Steven has revealed he woke up in hospital after his infamous river plunge thinking he was on a golf course.

9 Dec 11:59 The Courier 4275302767750470317.html
Ha riaperto il Moulin Rouge, il bar dell’omicidio della giovane Hui Zhou

REGGIO EMILIA – Ha riaperto in via Fratelli Manfredi il bar dove lo scorso 8 agosto la barista 23enne Hui Zhou è stata uccisa da un cliente che si era presentato armato di coltello. Sull’insegna è rimasto il nome Moulin Rouge, lo stesso che inevitabilmente è rimasto legato alla cronaca cittadina del delitto. L’omicida, Hicham […]

9 Dec 10:47 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334189855110.html
10 alimentos que te ayudan a adelgazar

Una dieta adecuada y ejercicio constante ayuda a que bajar de peso sea una tarea más rápida

9 Dec 11:45 EL DEBATE 4396150894645623917.html
La agencia Antidopaje suspendió a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos y el Mundial de Qatar

Las sanciones son consecuencia de la falsificación de datos de los controles antidopaje.

9 Dec 11:45 La Capital 7472053046874123149.html
Seksafera w Olsztynie. Wyrok w sprawie Małkowskiego odroczony

Do 13 grudnia Sąd Okręgowy w Olsztynie odroczył w poniedziałek ogłoszenie wyroku w apelacyjnej sprawie byłego prezydenta Olsztyna Czesława Małkowskiego.

9 Dec 11:55 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100668756730308.html
Dit is wanneer je Samsung-telefoon Android 10 krijgt

Samsung heeft bekendgemaakt wanneer zijn telefoons de upgrade naar Android 10 krijgen. Niet iedereen is dit jaar aan de beurt.

9 Dec 08:55 Bright.nl 6602863322826852256.html
I'm A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa breaks down as she's reunited with daughters

The mum-of-two had been desperate to get back to her girls.

9 Dec 08:33 Metro 970161747035770307.html
Joyn schickt mit Primetime einen neuen Sender für US-Filme und -Serien ins Rennen

Mal wieder was Neues von Joyn: Das TV-Streaming-Angebot von ProSiebenSat.1 und Discovery, ist laut den Betreibern bisher ein voller Erfolg. ...

9 Dec 16:19 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777575710111217.html
Over 750,000 applications for US birth certificate copies exposed online

An online company that allows users to obtain a copy of their birth and death certificates from U.S. state governments has exposed a massive cache of applications — including their personal information. More than 752,000 applications for copies of birth certificates were found on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) storage bucket. (The bucket also had […]

9 Dec 10:00 TechCrunch 3713145562885168713.html
‘Boy Meets World’ Star Maitland Ward Celebrates Earning 1 Million Instagram Followers In Electric Blue Dress

Maitland Ward hit a huge Instagram milestone over the weekend, hitting over 1 million followers. The former Boy Meets World star celebrated the accomplishment with a set of sexy new photos, which she ...

9 Dec 13:49 The Inquisitr 1745625231495477333.html
What a grateful Whitley Bay couple are doing to say thanks for IVF on the NHS

Frank Bailey and Bianca Lockey have been given three rounds of IVF on the NHS and Frank is raising £3,500 for the Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Charity - the cost of one round of IVF - with a sponsored beard shave

9 Dec 08:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901367882581.html
Hospital Regional alega “falha pontual” e culpa antiguidade dos elevadores

Com a troca de elevadores em fase de estudo, o HR (Hospital Regional) Rosa Pedrossian culpa a antiguidade dos equipamentos pelos problemas de funcionamento, que penalizam a rotina de funcionários e pacientes. Ontem, o Campo Grande News divulgou que há 15 dias apenas um elevador é utilizado. Por meio da assessoria de imprensa, o hospital informou que equipe da empresa terceirizada responsável pela ...

9 Dec 14:10 Campo Grande News 7902463002583207659.html
Pasajera denuncia que fue picada por escorpión en vuelo de United

La mujer sufrió múltiples picaduras en la pierna, mientras viajaba hacia la ciudad de Atlanta

9 Dec 15:14 viveUSA 1300580453537156885.html
tromsø-tragedien:Ettåringen er utenfor livsfare

Tilstanden til ettåringen som ble funnet livløs i vannet i Tromsø sammen med sin mor og to søsken er stabil.

9 Dec 14:34 TV 2 8210067770247082172.html
Sistema sanitario: El Síndic habla sobre los pacientes del estado en Catalunya

Ribó recibe críticas por señalar que el coste de ciudadanos que acuden a la comunidad a operarse explican “uno de los déficits” del sistema...

9 Dec 13:37 La Vanguardia 8061072699642117963.html
El defensor del pueblo catalán culpa a los pacientes del resto del Estado de los problemas de la sanidad de Catalunya

"Uno de los déficits que tiene la sanidad pública de Cataluña es que tiene un sobrecoste con la gente que viene a intervenirse", ha apuntado en una entrevista con Josep Cuní

9 Dec 12:09 Cadena SER 8390941984847729346.html
Nick Cannon Suggests His Eminem Gay Sex Diss Lyrics Are True


9 Dec 16:47 HipHopDX 6054351961489007408.html
Kartik Aaryan Gets Trolled For Sporting Fake Abs In A Commercial; Check Out The Users’ Reactions

Kartik Aaryan has been through a huge makeover ever since he became a household name as a Punchnama boy. He surprised everyone with Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety through a transformation of being a chocolate

9 Dec 14:25 Koimoi 5184275669889859350.html
19-Jähriger schrottet Maserati auf Kreuzung

Am Sonntagabend kam es in St. Margrethen zu einer Kollision, an der zwei junge Autofahrer beteiligt waren. Zwei Personen wurden beim Unfall leicht verletzt.

9 Dec 12:03 20 Minuten 5741369453767211448.html
O du Hässliche! Das Deko-Grauen im Advent

Die Vorweihnachtszeit ist eine Zeit der Besinnlichkeit, der Beschaulichkeit und, immer öfter, der Geschmacklosigkeit. Früher war mehr Lametta, heute hängen schon mal grinsende Rentiere in winzigen Strickpullovern an Christbäumen.

9 Dec 10:55 GMX 2011843076542638777.html
China aims to replace up to 30 million pieces of foreign tech in government offices with Chinese tech by 2022

The Chinese government has instructed its offices to phase out technology made outside of China, including hardware and software, by 2022, according to the Financial Times.

9 Dec 15:58 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883564161356.html
Inside Edge 2 Actress Richa Chadha On Pay Disparity: “Women Are Still Paid Lesser Than Their Male Counterparts”

Actress Richa Chadha says women are still paid lesser than their male counterparts in the film business across the world despite all the talk on discrepancies."We have been discussing the discrepanc

9 Dec 11:07 Koimoi 5184275671538797741.html
Los mejores sacaleches eléctricos del mercado para alimentar a tu bebé

Sacaleches manuales, eléctricos... ¿sabes cuáles son los más completos? Aquí tienes una guía práctica para acertar con tu compra

9 Dec 10:10 El Confidencial 6129807549020754439.html
Luego de un show de Daddy Yankee, atacaron a tiros el Coliseo de Puerto Rico

Según un comunicado de la Policía, cerca de 50 disparos impactaron en la estructura y ocasionaron daños en los cristales del estadio.

9 Dec 13:49 Todo Noticias 8077539162721870943.html
Gungrave GORE attendra aussi l'année prochaine

Après le déjà oublié Gungrave VR, la licence tentera sa véritable résurrection avec Gungrave GORE même s'il faudra attendre un peu plus que prévu (et on s'en doutait vu l'absence de nouvelles) : normalement prévu pour ce mois de décembre, cette exclusivité PlayStation 4 patientera finalement pour un vague 2020, sur l'ensemble des territoires.

9 Dec 09:41 GAMEKYO 4211360033012387817.html
No Politics in Balayya’s Ruler

Balayya’s upcoming movie ‘

9 Dec 12:00 MIRCHI9 6041804860038468490.html
Muere el actor valenciano Pep Cortés

Hombre de cine y teatro, alcanzó la popularidad en la Comunitat Valenciana gracias a series como 'Herència de sang', 'Unió Musical Da Capo' y 'Senyor retor'

9 Dec 15:42 Levante-EMV 7042984477746846535.html
Sanna Marin Appointed As Finland’s Youngest Prime Minister Aged 34

A 34-year-old transport minister and lawmaker will become Finland’s youngest ever prime minister and its third female government leader

9 Dec 11:19 UNILAD 6373328986159744246.html
Suede llega al Teatro Caupolicán

El concierto de Suede, originalmente programado para el 12 de marzo en el Teatro Teletón, mantiene su fecha, pero cambia su recinto.

9 Dec 12:50 Rock&Pop 4910011592067202412.html
Tres cantones de El Oro nuevamente sin agua hasta este miércoles 11 de diciembre

Dos nuevas roturas en acueducto, que se registraron la tarde y noche del domingo, en la parroquia Casacay del cantón Pasaje y en la Hacienda Celia María en el cantón El Guabo dejan sin el servicio de

9 Dec 16:03 El Universo 8365175797353302480.html
Why Russia's four-year global sporting ban doesn't apply to Euro 2020 despite Olympic and 2022 World Cup suspension

Russia have been banned from competing in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar - but are free to participate in next summer's European Championships

9 Dec 11:45 Wales Online 7686550516359628454.html
Vier Verletzte bei Unfall auf der A14

Bei einem Unfall auf der A14 sind am Montagmorgen vier Menschen verletzt worden. Zwischen den Anschlussstellen Schönebeck  und Magdeburg-Reform kam es gegen 6.30 Uhr zum Zusammenstoß zweier Autos, berichtet die Polizei. Ein 66-Jähriger hatte zu spät gemerkt, dass der Verkehr vor ihm stockte und fuhr so auf den vorausfahrenden Pkw auf. Die Wucht war so groß, dass er den Pkw auf zwei davor fahrende Autos ...

9 Dec 15:31 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109225747468.html
The week's fastest horses: A new top for Maximum Security

Horse Racing news: The week's fastest horses: A new top for Maximum Security.

9 Dec 14:35 Horse Racing Nation 6225030536100871450.html
Baja de peso con LICUADOS de proteína

&iquest;Alguna vez te preguntaste por qu&eacute; los licuados tienen beneficios para la salud? Pues aqu&iacute; te platicamos al respecto para que puedas BAJAR DE PESO

9 Dec 17:11 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624088964395.html
THW Kiel i efterlängtad serieledning

Äntligen framme. THW Kiels täta schema har gjort att man halkat efter konkurrenterna i antal spelade matcher. Segern mot GWD Minden uppfyllde dock ett delmål för zebralaget – Kiel leder Bundesliga för första gången på två år. Det var ingen enkel match, Kiel hade dock stålkontroll i balansgången direkt efter paus med två-tre bollars försprång. […]

9 Dec 09:30 Handbollskanalen 1208046728263516119.html
Suzi Godson's Sex Advice: My wife wants us to watch porn together?

My wife and I are in our fifties and she has just started using porn. She thinks it will enhance our sex life if we watch it together, but I find the idea a total turn-off.

9 Dec 17:54 Irishexaminer 8196011178154844394.html
Zelfs één glas wijn vergroot kans op kanker

Moet je nu ook dat laatste glaasje wijn laten staan? Als het aan Japanse wetenschappers ligt wel. Hun grote studie toont opnieuw aan dat...

9 Dec 14:11 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575630736972148.html
NBRU says nearly 1,000 anti-social incidents on Dublin Bus services

Most incidents concentrated in about ‘half a dozen hotspots’ around the city

9 Dec 12:49 The Irish Times 8204772969300459958.html
In Pictures: Rei Kawakubo’s Sublime Costumes for Orlando, the Opera

The final act of Rei Kawakubo’s Orlando-themed trilogy from Comme des Garçons – costumes for the Olga Neuwirth-composed opera based on Virginia Woolf’s 1928 novel – debuted last night

9 Dec 14:52 AnOther 7947254202112616718.html
Cele mai arzătoare chestiuni, dezbătute de Nistorescu și Hoandră

Directorul Cotidianul Cornel Nistorescu a fost invitatul lui Octavian Hoandră vineri seara la Realitatea Plus. Vezi dialogul antrenant pe temele zilei.

9 Dec 10:40 Cotidianul 8452212683030625537.html
Analysis: FCMB is running out of time

Despite some of the transformations currently being recorded in the bank, success and consistency seem to be eluding it.

9 Dec 12:53 Nairametrics.com 4741528847134433473.html
Ipak nije napravila pauzu zbog porodice: Otkriven pravi razlog zbog kojeg Slavica Ćukteraš godinama nije pevala!

Obelodanila sve!

9 Dec 16:58 REPUBLIKA 2543998406336589643.html
Brexit? New referendum? What's at stake in UK vote

Britain is voting in a crucial general election that will determine whether the country leaves the European Union next month or sets out a path to potentially reverse Brexit.

9 Dec 16:50 News24 3752801378018908153.html
FIL de Guadalajara sufre las CONSECUENCIAS de la situación geopolítica del mundo

La edici&oacute;n 33 de la FIL de Guadalajara 2019, rompi&oacute; r&eacute;cord con 840 mil personas asistentes, pero 800 profesionales del libro dejaron de visitarla, debido a la situaci&oacute;n geopol&iacute;tica del mundo.

9 Dec 08:56 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624474721865.html
Kourtney Kardashian Reportedly ‘Begged’ Scott Disick Not To Marry Sofia Richie

Kourtney Kardashian reportedly does not support the idea of her ex, Scott Disick, 36, marrying his girlfriend, Sofia Richie, 21. A source allegedly told Radar Online this week that Kourtney has been ...

9 Dec 17:00 The Inquisitr 1745625231970844326.html
AXA Investment Managers, nel 2020 conviene continuare a investire in azioni

Nel 2019 il mercato italiano ha sorpreso, facendo meglio delle attese. Le large cap più legate al mercato domestico hanno beneficiato della discesa del...

9 Dec 15:20 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743226790678.html
Primeiros híbridos de macaco e porco nascem na China

Em um estudo inédito, pesquisadores do Laboratório de Células-Tronco e Biologia Reprodutiva (SRLab) criaram as primeiras quimeras de porco e macaco em Pequim, na China

9 Dec 12:10 HypeScience 818708097672320702.html
Funcionários do IBGE ficam feridos após capotamento em Cajueiro

Três funcionários do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) ficaram feridos, na tarde desta segunda-feira, 09, após o veículo oficial capotar em uma rodovia que corta a cidade de Cajueiro. Segundo informações da assessoria de comunicação do IBGE, o condutor do automóvel, modelo Uno de placa: NMD-4501, de cor branca, perdeu o controle da direção em uma curva e...

9 Dec 16:21 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011596156894.html
Paul Volcker, Former Federal Reserve Chairman, Dies At 92

He led the country's central banking system in the late 1970s and 1980s.

9 Dec 14:54 HuffPost 5982769914784306960.html
Minst 26 personer har omkommet i oversvømmelser i Uganda

Minst 26 personer har omkommet i oversvømmelser etter kraftig regn i ulike deler av Uganda, opplyser Røde Kors.

9 Dec 10:51 TV 2 8210067770527322232.html
Music review: RSNO, John Mauceri and Alan Cumming (narrator), Usher Hall, Edinburgh

It was The Nutcracker, all right, but not as anybody knew it. Except conductor John Mauceri, whose brainchild The Nutcracker and the Mouse King was, and who conducted the world premiere performance with the RSNO and one Alan Cumming as narrator.

9 Dec 13:11 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490390206426.html
Asalto feroz: un comerciante y un ladrón fueron baleados

En Santo Tomé Ambos fueron trasladados con urgencia al hospital Cullen. Hay otros dos delincuentes prófugos

9 Dec 15:17 El Litoral 2624573358161232108.html
Pound Sterling hits Fresh 31-Month High vs. Euro on Survation Poll

The British Pound hit a fresh 31-month high against the Euro Monday after two polls showed gains for the Conservative Party

9 Dec 10:11 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579506709464661.html
Exit na vrhu liste najvećih muzičkih festivala

Enciklopedija World Atlas postavila je Exit na prvo mjesto svoje nedavno objavljenje liste najvećih muzičkih festivala na svijetu, saopštili su iz Exita.

9 Dec 12:18 Nezavisne novine 4209150641577921898.html
El Aeropuerto Metropolitano Santa Fe cumple 64 años e incorpora servicios

Años de experiencia y un futuro promisorio En un nuevo aniversario de la base aérea de Sauce Viejo, se presentó un flamante servicio de correos y encomiendas. Mayor conectividad con el país, un trabajo pendiente.

9 Dec 15:34 El Litoral 2624573358291598516.html
Lugo: Detenido un conductor que cuadruplicaba la tasa de alcohol y agredió a los agentes tras un accidente

La Policía Local también intervino este fin de semana un hacha y un puñal de un vehículo y recuperó la bicicleta robada a un niño en A Milagrosa

9 Dec 08:09 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613175806786.html
La Guardia Civil reanuda este lunes la búsqueda del cuerpo de Marta Calvo

Jorge Ignacio P.J. no ha admitido que matara a la joven, ya que mantiene que fue algo accidental en el transcurso de un episodio de sexo y cocaína

9 Dec 08:46 La Información 5328999781018503981.html
This Yoga Video For Stress Uses Pillows, and It's Just What I Needed on a Sunday

Adriene Mishler just released a "Yoga to Heal Stress" flow. This gentle video actually has moves that will target your booty, and you'll end using

9 Dec 17:33 POPSUGAR Fitness 1694745614646039319.html
Gerrit Cole watch, big spenders and more: Passan answers 20 winter meetings questions

From the ace in the spotlight to why this year's meetings could actually produce some major moves, here's what you need to know as the hot stove's main event begins.

9 Dec 14:49 ESPN 8538773401414596901.html
Leaked OnePlus 8 Lite renders give us our first look at the company's upcoming mid-ranger

CAD-based renders of the OnePlus 8 Lite have been leaked online, giving us an early look at OnePlus' first mid-range smartphone in four years.

9 Dec 08:09 Android Central 29040143176912189.html
Ecco una delle prime foto dal vivo di Galaxy S11, o forse riuscite solo a immaginarlo? (foto)

I nuovi top di gamma Samsung arriveranno ufficialmente entro i primi mesi del 2020, in almeno tre varianti della serie...

9 Dec 10:11 AndroidWorld 1488441781923854338.html
New York City subway fall leaves woman dead, another injured: 'You could hear bones crunching'

One woman was killed and another was injured after falling in between train cars at a New York City subway station early Sunday in what one person described as a "terrible" thing to witness.

9 Dec 16:33 Fox News 7362823820198738102.html
Filippenzen 4:6 meest gelezen in Bijbelapp

Filippenzen 4:6 is dit jaar de meest gelezen tekst in Bijbelapp YouVersion.

9 Dec 09:41 RD.nl 6406779842117591798.html
Catalyst Pharmaceuticals: A Potential Double In 2020

Firdapse is expected to be approved outside the U.S.Profitability is expected this year, and the P/E is only about 4.6.Catalyst's lawsuit against the FDA has a decent shot at success.The primary compe

9 Dec 10:51 Seeking Alpha 5725634556878007521.html
Tornen a destrossar la guillotina contra la monarquia espanyola de Celrà

Diversos veïns l'havien reconstruït després que un grup de persones el fessin malbé la matinada del 14 d'octubre, el dia que es va conèixer la sentència del procés

9 Dec 10:11 El Punt Avui 4496725670033958889.html
Hasil Shopee Liga 1: Bali United Ditahan Imbang Persipura Jayapura 1-1

Bali United meraih hasil imbang pada laga pekan ke-31 Shopee Liga 1 2019. Menghadapi Persipura Jayapura di Stadion Kapten I Wayan Dipta, Gianyar, Minggu (8/12), Bali United mengakhiri laga dengan hasil imbang 1-1.

9 Dec 09:13 merdeka.com 1998180354441970135.html
The Golden Globes' biggest snub was women. Again.

2019 was a banner year for female directors — until the Golden Globes

9 Dec 16:02 The Week 149215354492311058.html
Miranda Lambert Slays In Low-Cut Fringe Top & Funky Gold Belt

Miranda Lambert is killing the fashion game once again in her most recent social media share. As those who follow the country superstar on Instagram know, Lambert regularly takes to her page to share ...

9 Dec 13:50 The Inquisitr 1745625230741451030.html
"MasterChef Celebrity": Conoce a los famosos que el 13 quiere enfrentar en la cocina

Ya es sabido que Canal 13 prepara una nueva temporada de su programa de cocina "MasterChef", la que en esta - su quinta temporada - tendrá un ingrediente bastante especial. Todos los participantes serán reconocidos rostros del mundo del espectáculo local y deberán complacer el paladar de Chris Carpentier, Fernanda Fuentes y Jorge Rasch para […]

9 Dec 11:59 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355630951467.html
Grind London Drops Monochromatic Graphic-Heavy "Testing Waters" FW19 Part 2 Collection

Full to the brim with unique repeat prints and graphics.

9 Dec 10:38 HYPEBEAST 3806037270603000377.html
Wife Spies On Husband During Uber Shifts By Getting In Boot With Son

It's always interesting to hear how far people would go to find out if their significant other is getting up to no good

9 Dec 17:56 UNILAD 6373328986424923891.html
Royal Family's Instagram shares archive footage of the Queen's first televised Christmas speech in 1957 as fans marvel over 'how young' she looked

The Royal Family's Instagram account has shared a throwback to the Queen's first televised speech in 1957. 

9 Dec 11:55 Mail Online 124328110735548584.html
¿No sabe la letra? Grabaron a Pergolini balbuceando un tema de Boca

El conductor se mostró feliz por la victoria de Ameal, y luego de convertirse en vicepresidente del club xeneize. Aunque parece que todavía tiene que familiarizarse un poco con las canciones de cancha.

9 Dec 15:06 Diario Registrado 7686014737571546513.html
Bill Hader and Brad Pitt among Golden Globe Awards nominees

The three-hour telecast hosted by Ricky Gervais will air live on NBC at 7 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 5.

9 Dec 13:55 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761467483400.html
¿Se reconciliaron? Pedro Gallese y Claudia Díaz se volvieron a seguir en Instagram

La pareja también fue captada hace unos días realizando compras. ¿Habrá perdonado la infidelidad del arquero?

9 Dec 11:12 ATV.pe 8560155077112289090.html
New documentary tells tale of how Brian Kerr led a team of Bohs and Pat's players to Gaddafi's Libya

In League with Gaddafi is on RTÉ One tonight at 9.35pm.

9 Dec 08:45 The42 5369852629564468187.html
El joven talento del piano cubano Ahmed Alom Vega en concierto único en La Habana

El músico interpretará piezas de Fréderic Chopin y será acompañado por la Orquesta de Cámara de la Habana, dirigida por la Maestra  Daiana García

9 Dec 10:30 Juventud Rebelde 5332887418551736696.html
Maluma enloquece a fans cantando al ritmo de una cumbia (VIDEO)

El cantante colombiano Maluma, caus&oacute; sensaci&oacute;n en las redes sociales al compartir un nuevo video en sus historias de Instagram.

9 Dec 12:44 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624566202700.html
Gobierno de Caibarién investiga queja de damnificado por «Irma»

Al transcurrir el tiempo y no aceptar desde el primer momento las facilidades temporales que se les entregó gratuitamente a la mayoría de los damnificados, pues su aspiración era que le cambiaran la vivienda por un nuevo local, su reclamación no tuvo una solución inmediata debido a la magnitud de las afectaciones en un municipio donde todavía quedan pendientes otros casos.

9 Dec 17:57 Vanguardia 5132246905479411644.html
Reggio per la ricerca: muore e gli eredi donano il suo appartamento al Grade

REGGIO EMILIA – Un appartamento donato per finanziare la ricerca. Una storia nobile, che arriva da Reggio. Gli eredi del signor Claudio Bartoli, venuto a mancare il 21 dicembre 2017, sosterranno così la ricerca scientifica onco-ematologica e la formazione di medici specialisti per la lotta contro i tumori, attraverso il progetto Grade-No-Limits. “Il signor Bartoli – […]

9 Dec 09:41 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334220272675.html

Le Directeur général de l’Autorité de régulation des télécommunications et des postes, Abdoul Ly était à Matam, dans le cadre d’une tournée nationale. Sur place, il a fait part de son ambition d’offrir une qualité des services des Postes et des Télécommunications, en construisant l’équité pou...

9 Dec 14:23 Leral.net 5178746015589354833.html
Unglaublich, wie die Designerin früher aussah

Nanu, die sieht doch irgendwie anders aus? Genau das dürfte sich wohl der ein oder andere Zuschauer gefragt haben, als Sarah Kern jetzt bei "Goodbye Deutschland" auftauchte. Tatsächlich, ein Blick auf alte Fotos zeigt, wie krass sich die Designerin verändert hat.

9 Dec 10:40 BUNTE.de 2017976499738624326.html
U Parizu počeo samit o okončanju rata na istoku Ukrajine

Lideri Ukrajine, Rusije, Nemačke i Francuske okupili su se danas na dugo očekivanom samitu u Parizu u pokušaju da nađu način za okončanje petogodišnjeg rata na istoku Ukrajine u kojem je poginulo 14.000 ljudi.

9 Dec 16:38 Dnevni list Danas 649654640828904377.html
Ascencio pide citar a declarar a almirante (r) González por sus dichos sobre "agentes extranjeros" como activistas

Mediante su cuenta de Twitter, el excomandante en Jefe de la Armada, indicó que se ha logrado la "detención de más de 2.000 milicianos activistas venezolanos, cubanos, colombianos y chilenos que promovían una insurrección en nuestro país”.

9 Dec 08:20 24Horas.cl 793283385716309993.html
La pelota del Mundial de Clubes, un homenaje a los Supercampeones

El modelo que se utilizará en Qatar 2019 se llama Tsubasa y tiene un diseño inspirado en el animé futbolero japonés.

9 Dec 17:52 TyC Sports 3239944749031247424.html
Procreate 5 : assistant d'animation et nouveaux outils de dessin

C'est à une grosse mise à jour que Savage Interactive, l'éditeur de Procreate sur iPad, invite ses utilisateurs. Cette version 5 comprend des « centaines de nouveautés » et les plus curieux auront

9 Dec 09:45 iGeneration 6685218358463285105.html
Gabriela Tafur despertó admiración por hablar del Paro en plena gala de Miss Universo

La colombiana mencionó la situación que se vive actualmente en Colombia y criticó la corrupción.

9 Dec 15:40 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898585265206765.html
49ers vs. Saints final score: Highlights from San Francisco's thrilling win in New Orleans

We're provided live scoring updates and highlights from 49ers vs. Saints in New Orleans today, and it might have been the game of the year in the NFL.

9 Dec 12:13 Sporting News 5110653854723741602.html
UK PM Johnson questions BBC’s licence fee funding

LONDON, Dec 9 — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson today questioned why the BBC should continue to be supported by an annual fee paid by all viewing households, one of the biggest hints to date that the funding of Britain’s main news provider could be upended. The BBC, funded by what is in...

9 Dec 15:39 Malaymail 302165935780863716.html
Justiça mantém prisão de professor que matou motociclista atropelado

A Justiça em Campo Grande determinou a conversão do flagrante em prisão preventiva do professor de História, Ricardo Alle Fantinato, 38 anos, que atropelou e matou Bolivar Ferreira de Andrade Junior, 42 anos. O acidente aconteceu às 2h30, no sábado (7), no cruzamento das avenidas Júlio de Castilho e Tamandaré, na Vila Alba. Fantinato passou por audiência de custódia esta manhã. De acordo com bolet...

9 Dec 13:47 Campo Grande News 7902463002728483746.html
Don’t have magic wand to revive Pakistan cricket instantly: Misbah-ul-Haq

Pakistan's head coach and chief selector Misbah-ul-Haq has hit back at criticism of the under-performing national team, saying he does not have a magic wand to revive its fortunes instantly and will step aside if he fails to deliver after some time.

9 Dec 09:31 The Indian Express 2885715104116762759.html
Crac Banca Marche, Cesarini ai giudici: «Era Bianconi a decidere tutto»

IL PROCESSO - In aula ad Ancona, presente anche l'allora direttore generale, la testimonianza dell'ex componente del cda tra il 2012 e il 2013: «I vice direttori avevano poca autonomia rispetto ai vertici generali e nel consiglio di amministrazione non c'era dialettica»

9 Dec 17:59 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195607401957.html
Israeli FM vows ‘hundreds of Tomahawk missiles at Tehran’ if Iran crosses red line

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:00 P.M.) – Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz threatened a military operation against Iran if they crossed a “red line” in the region. Katz told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera Saturday on the sidelines of the Mediterranean Dialogues (MED) conference in Rome.that a potential Israeli attack on Iran was “an option.” “If Iran crosses the red line, it will discover a unified front between Saudi Arabia, UAE and the United States, which will launch hundreds of Tomahawk missiles at Tehran,” he said. By the red line, Katz meant, “We will not allow Iran to acquire or stockpile nuclear weapons. If that is the last option – we will act militarily.” Iran has repeatedly enunciated its nuclear program as exclusively civilian, subject to the most intensive UN supervision ever.

9 Dec 11:19 AMN 4125648317255528022.html
Inflación en Venezuela casi se duplica respecto a octubre

Subió hasta el 35,8, según cifras que dio a conocer el parlamento de ese país.

9 Dec 11:39 El Tiempo 1091719939188703889.html
La carte-cadeau plus populaire qu'avant

La carte-cadeau semble plus populaire qu’avant comme solution pour gâter ses proches pour Noël, selon un nouveau sondage.

9 Dec 16:10 TVA Nouvelles 5024407711540359209.html
Sinopsis Film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Tayang di Big Movies GTV Malam Ini Pukul 22.00 WIB

Sinopsis Film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes yang Tayang di Big Movies GTV Malam Ini Pukul 22.00 WIB

9 Dec 12:00 Tribunnews.com 3323534445162245596.html
Migrationsverket får rätt om asylfartyg

Rederiet som skulle driva asylboende på kryssningsfartyget Ocean Gala får inget skadestånd av Migrationsverket. Bolaget krävde runt 190 miljoner kronor för avtalsbrott. Kryssningsfartyget var 2016 tänkt att inhysa närmare 1 800 flyktingar, men Migration

9 Dec 15:08 Sydsvenskan 2976531145095986556.html
SEA Games 2019: Esports, Tim AOV Indonesia Juga Hanya Raih Perak

Timnas esports Indonesia nomor Arena of Valor (AOV) gagal meraih emas SEA Games 2019 usai dikalahkan Thailand 0-3 dalam grand final di Manila, Senin.

9 Dec 16:42 Tempo 2196297219710669352.html
Ethiopian Group CEO named ‘Airline Executive of the Year’ by CAPA

ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam has been recognized as ‘Airline Executive of the Year’ at the annual Global Aviation Awards for Excellence organized by Centre for Aviation (CAPA) in Malta on 5th December 2019. Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam won the title for his commendable individual influence on the aviation industry, demonstrating outstanding strategic thinking and innovative direction for the growth of Ethiopian Airlines and the aviation industry at large. Commenting on the accolade, Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam said,

9 Dec 08:21 TravelDailyNews International 1304175789386683271.html
From In/Spectre to Plunderer: Your Winter 2020 Anime Preview Guide

A preview guide with staff, streaming platform, studio, premise, and release date information on the anime titles premiering in Winter 2020.

9 Dec 15:12 CBR.com 1295516962808743276.html
Barcelona demana a l’Estat que circular en vehicles contaminants comporti la retirada de punts del carnet

El regidor de Transició Energètica i Emergència Climàtica de l'Ajuntament reclama al govern espanyol que reguli les sancions agreujades per motiu de salut L'estudi ambiental de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona admet que la ZBE no serà suficient

9 Dec 08:41 El Punt Avui 4496725670321487762.html
Holandés que dejó Audax por supuesto episodio de racismo fue acusado de estafa en Dinamarca

El club Viborg FF de Segunda División lo despidió luego de sus primeros entrenamientos.

9 Dec 10:42 alairelibre.cl 7508323594941004863.html
Omicidio suicidio | spara alla moglie e si uccide sotto agli occhi di altri


9 Dec 13:22 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926648595596.html
Deputy Allegedly Told Woman to ‘Lift Her Bra and Shake,’ Was Sexually Aroused During Another Search

A deputy in Bexar County, Texas is accused of executing a spate of sexually abusive searches. Floyd Berry Jr., 49, is charged with three count of a official oppression, a class A misdemeanor, according to KSAT. At least five alleged victims, each between the ages of 26 and 56, made allegations, authorities said. Two other claims remained under investigation.

9 Dec 16:44 Law & Crime 7990899038244561824.html
Olwethu Leshabane’s 5 tips on surviving the holidays as a parent

From signing up to reading clubs to letting them draw on the walls, check out the television host's unique suggestions.

9 Dec 14:29 The Citizen 410802302114105289.html
Fortnite estrenará esta semana en exclusiva una escena de Star Wars: El Ascenso de Skywalker

El battle royale de Epic Games continúa mimando su relación con el cine a través de su soporte postlanzamiento. El exitoso Fortnite sigue mezclando con éxito cine y videojuegos y este fin de semana ha anunciado que habrá un...

9 Dec 09:00 3DJuegos 3383023118960191457.html
La Policía investiga el hallazgo de un feto cerca de un contenedor en Madrid

Un vecino lo encontró sobre las 22.30 horas del sábado y avisó a la Policía

9 Dec 11:02 ABC.es 6074573463507834536.html
Fact check: Did it really use to snow more often in December in Germany?

For most people, a white Christmas is the ideal. However, snow is quite rare during the holidays in most of Germany. Some say it used to snow more often, but is that really true?

9 Dec 10:46 Thelocal.de 270941994940056888.html
Cucinotta social warrior - ''hanno strappato ai genitori un ragazzino disabile di 13 anni''


9 Dec 10:07 DAGOSPIA 6533336740154040263.html
HCO verliert nach Pausenführung!

Landhockey Herren NLA,  Halle 3. Runde

9 Dec 14:00 bz BASEL 5287163741886646631.html
YouTube unveils top Indian ads watched in 2019

 Google India recently announced its annual YouTube advertisement leaderboard for India, which highlighted the ads that have received the maximum views and shares from audiences across the country.Whi

9 Dec 10:21 BusinessLine 5283600433270078.html
Rusia queda excluída de los JJOO y mundiales por dopaje de Estado

La sanción de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje ha caído este lunes castigando a Rusía por sus casos de dopaje y el posterior encubrimiento

9 Dec 10:35 euronews 2767628993750736704.html
No reprieve as Samoa measles toll hits 70

A devastating measles outbreak continued to spread in Samoa, data released Monday showed, as the death toll from the epidemic climbed to 70, ...

9 Dec 09:51 CNA 5644198863421572110.html
Le monde en cause - les Britanniques aux urnes

Reportage avec deux anciens députés conservateurs avant les élections législatives prévues jeudi.

9 Dec 09:52 www.rjb.ch 7386238341790901700.html
Data dan Fakta Liga Champions: Inter Milan vs Barcelona

Inter Milan akan menjamu Barcelona pada matchday pemungkas Grup F Liga Champions 2019/20, Rabu (11/12/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Stadio San Siro - Giuseppe Meazza ini

9 Dec 16:04 Bola.net 5489959027731005104.html
Bigg Boss 13: Sidharth Shukla And Paras Chhabra Enjoy The Show, Save Mahira Sharma; Know The Other 4 Nominated

As Bigg Boss 13 contestants Sidharth Shukla and Paras Chhabra are inside the secret room, the boys enjoy the nominations show as contestants name each other. Shehnaaz Gill, Madhurima Tuli, Mahira Sharma, and Hindustani Bhau face the wrath of the fellow inmates

9 Dec 15:13 SPOTBOYE 1547816857731981062.html
Russia to miss Tokyo 2020 Olympics after four-year ban from major sporting events by Wada

Athletes who can prove they are untainted by the doping scandal will be able to compete at the Olympics under a neutral flag.

9 Dec 10:53 Scroll.in 8669301692202785544.html
Corrie's Lucy-Jo Hudson says co-parenting with ex Alan Halsall 'can be difficult'

Coronation Street's Lucy-Jo Hudson and Alan Halsall have split, but continue to co parent together, and Lucy says it's not easy

9 Dec 09:15 Irish Mirror 2875825628610853060.html
Owaisi tears copy of Citizenship Amendment Bill , says it aims to make Muslims ‘stateless’

Owaisi’s act invites sharp reactions from treasury benches which described his act an ‘insult’ to Parliament.

9 Dec 15:20 The Hindu 6679535024994808287.html
Korean Economy Media reports the outfit worn by BTS’ Jungkook is Sold Out in a flash after Shutterstock's photos of him were released

Jungkook's sold out another outfit! After the release of Shutterstock's pics of Jungkook, his charcoal shirt was found to be sold out at the…

9 Dec 15:10 allkpop 3249686061606930782.html
Davis scores season-high 50 points as Lakers beat Timberwolves

In Miami, rookie Tyler Herro helped the Heat to victory over the Chicago Bulls.

9 Dec 10:27 The42 5369852631010825896.html
Lo que le podría pasar a Epa Colombia por seguir usando redes sociales

A cambio de no enviarla a prisión en caso por vandalismo, juez le ordenó alejarse de las redes.

9 Dec 12:48 El Tiempo 1091719938886443098.html
Michelle Hunziker, le figlie Sole e Celeste le assomigliano sempre di più. E Aurora commenta

Sole e Celeste, le figlie di Michelle Hunziker, sono cresciute e sono identiche alla loro famosissima mamma.

9 Dec 15:28 DiLei 6707305201743618441.html
Globo de Ouro anuncia lista dos indicados: Coringa, O Irlandês e Dois Papas entre os favoritos

O longa de Karim Aïnouz, A Vida Invisível, grande aposta como representante do cinema brasileiro na categoria de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, ficou de fora da lista

9 Dec 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883426609496915.html
Nueva bronca en la comisión de presupuestos que se suspendió la semana pasada

El Botànic aprueba la enmienda sobre las bonificaciones a la empresa familiar pero se divide en la de la Policía Local, que no ha prosperado por el voto en contra de Unides Podem

9 Dec 12:36 Levante-EMV 7042984477227193150.html
Engagements for December 10

RELIGIONGita: Satyavratananda, Kesari High School, Pondy Bazaar extension, T. Nagar, 6 p.m. Sundarakaandam: B. Sundarkumar, Sastra Sathsang, Karnan street, Rangarajapuram, Kodambakkam, 6.30 p.m. Thiru

9 Dec 16:53 The Hindu 6679535026289309066.html
Netflix Has Bugger All Content This Week

This week's Netflix highlights include Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch, a Christmas comedy special from Jack Whitehall and the family film A Family Reunion Christmas. And, er, that's about it....

10 Dec 09:00 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169682483361.html
5 perfect gifts for bakers

From the perfect rolling pin to a 100-year-old sourdough starter

9 Dec 10:55 The Week 149215355848976261.html
Phoenix Point debía llegar a Xbox Game Pass pero sólo ha aparecido en Epic Games Store. Esto es lo que han dicho sus creadores

Viniendo de la mano de Jullian Gollop, creador de XCOM, la expectación respecto a Phoenix Point era enorme. Después ha demostrado contar con buenas ideas y...

9 Dec 09:38 Vida Extra 2315661876659184648.html
La AMA condena a Rusia a 4 años fuera de competiciones internacionales

En su veredicto, votado por unanimidad, el AMA señaló que ha seguido las recomendaciones del Comité de Revisión de Cumplimiento, órgano independiente de la agencia, en el que se señalaba que los datos entregados por la parte rusa no eran completos ni auténticos.

9 Dec 16:02 Correo del Caroní 4452451017586309141.html
Twin 4-year-olds freed themselves from a car crash that killed their father and climbed to safety, police say

Twin 4-year-old girls in Washington freed themselves from their car seats and climbed out of an embankment after being involved in a car crash that killed their father.

9 Dec 17:12 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882381357089.html
Još jedan zemljotres u okolini Krita

ATINA - Zemljotres jačine 4,4 stepena po Rihteru osjetio se sjeverozapadno od grčkog ostrva Krit.

9 Dec 09:10 Nezavisne novine 4209150642560829935.html
Estudiantes de Eafit diseñan un vehículo ecológico para recicladores

El vehículo cuenta con asistencia de un motor eléctrico que permite, junto con la locomoción del reciclador, desarrollar una velocidad promedio de 8 km/h permitiendo a los recicladores reducir hasta en un 50% los tiempos de recolección.

9 Dec 11:54 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543670890193.html
Armed with new data, BMS plans filings for Celgene CAR-T liso-cel

Shortly after closing its takeover of Celgene, Bristol-Myers Squibb has reported a positive trial for liso-cel, one of the 

9 Dec 09:48 PMLive 7773534728132015328.html
John Barrowman hails Dancing On Ice’s first same-sex couple

The TV star is replacing Jason Gardiner on the judging panel.

9 Dec 16:00 Shropshire Star 3480199992978156193.html
Hati-Hati...! Aksi Jual Emas Belum Akan Berakhir

Data tenaga kerja AS yang impresif menjadi pemicu anjloknya emas pada Jumat lalu.

9 Dec 08:30 CNBC Indonesia 4806483212677498269.html
Bongino rips Biden for response to Ukraine allegations: Why does he think he's 'immune' from questions?

Fox News contributor Dan Bongino asked Monday why former Vice President Joe Biden seems to believe he's "immune" from having to answer tough questions over his son's business dealings with a Ukrainian gas company. 

9 Dec 12:54 Fox News 7362823821135277762.html
Piazza Dell'Ufficio won interior project of the year at Dezeen Awards 2019 for teaching children “the power of design”

Piazza Dell'Ufficio by Branch Studio Architects, which was named interior project of the year at Dezeen Awards 2019, teaches children about the power of design says judge Eva Jiricna in this movie. Located in a suburb of Melbourne, the renovation of the administration offices of Caroline Chisholm College attempts to reduce visual barriers between staff

9 Dec 11:13 Dezeen 1175672639610253308.html
Carlo cottarelli: ''il mes? meglio andare avanti con questa proposta che non firmare''


9 Dec 10:44 DAGOSPIA 6533336739968778684.html
Peter Sarsgaard Has Been Cast in The Batman in an Unknown Role

Though fans have a guess… or two.

9 Dec 10:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059002419804771.html
En cola de gasolina en Barquisimeto, FAES recuperó vehículo robado

Un hecho irregular se presentó la mañana de este lunes en la estación de servicio del Centro Comercial Churún Merú de Barquisimeto, cuando efectivos policiales de las Fuerzas de Acciones Especiales (FAES) intentaron interceptar a un presunto delincuente que se disponía a surtir el tanque de gasolina de un vehículo el cual era robado.

9 Dec 16:28 El Impulso 879547507230953035.html
Herbarium Frisicum op in bysûndere ekspedysje yn Perû

Dat Fryske herbarium is ek ambassadeur wurden fan de Universiteit fan Lima yn Perû.

9 Dec 17:48 Omrop Fryslân 8239175696025703971.html
"Wir sind wütend": SP-interner Aufstand in Ludwigs Heimatbezirk

Die Sektion 20 in Floridsdorf fordert Rendi-Wagners Rücktritt und "Leistungskriterien statt Freunderlwirtschaft" bei der Jobvergabe.

9 Dec 14:40 Kurier 208072239470159595.html
Bigg Boss 13: Himanshi Khurana Feels Rashami Desai CANNOT Be Trusted As A Player!

Himanshi Khurana just got evicted from Bigg Boss 13 house and she’s spilling some beans on fellow housemates. While she was in the house, Asim Riaz confessed his feelings for her but she politely re

9 Dec 14:45 Koimoi 5184275671559338722.html
Number of victims of Odesa college fire grows to 12

Four people are still missing.

9 Dec 10:40 UNIAN 6863008971391837633.html
Met Office issues yellow weather warning - predicting 60-70 mph winds across Lancashire

Weather experts at the Met Office have issued a yellow weather warning of high winds for Lancashire and the North West tomorrow (Tuesday, December 10, 2019).

9 Dec 10:55 Lancashire Post 6469275854998828536.html
Photo: ‘AFTV Out’ graffiti spotted on wall near Emirates as Arsenal fan channel faces backlash

Graffiti hits out at popular fan channel

9 Dec 11:53 CaughtOffside 8169236757808021113.html
Kastes ikke ut av VM

Russland er utestengt fra all idrett, men håndballandslaget får fortsette i VM. Stine Bredal Oftedal er rystet av WADAs beslutning om å kaste Russland ut av idretten.

9 Dec 14:16 Dagbladet.no 3042595688121038347.html
Schuldgefühle und ein Oldtimer: Was in den Dailys los ist.

Viel Herz, viel Schmerz und jede Menge Intrigen: Tag für Tag ziehen Daily-Serien wie "Sturm der Liebe", "Unter uns" oder "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" die TV-Zuschauer in ihren Bann. Das sind die H

9 Dec 10:09 GMX News 4492287763412211153.html
Donald Trump Mengatakan Dirinya Teman Terbaik Yahudi – ‘Israel’

"Tapi tidak seperti presiden lain, saya menepati janji saya," kata Trump

9 Dec 09:52 Hidayatullah.com 5252784002445336284.html
Picchia la moglie e distrugge l’albero di Natale dei figli: arrestato. VIDEO

SCANDIANO (Reggio Emilia) – E’ tornato a casa, ubriaco. e ha scaraventato a terra l’albero di Natale che i due figli piccoli con la loro mamma avevano appena finito di allestire. Poi se l’è presa con la moglie, minacciandola e colpendola al volto. Ha cercato di impedire ai carabinieri di entrare in casa e non senza […]

9 Dec 13:17 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333780393524.html
'Amit Shah's name will be featured with Hitler, David Ben-Gurion': Owaisi on CAB

AIMIM leader also said that the Bill is in violation of the SC verdict in Sarbanan Sounwal case.

9 Dec 15:57 Deccan Chronicle 7881006364486117291.html
Why are people on Tinder swiping right on Kombucha and 'realness'?

For all of the seemingly strange new online dating trends, mating in the 21st century is surprisingly similar to what it’s always been

9 Dec 11:43 the Guardian 1491978795311144588.html
Shehnaaz Gill, aka Punjab’s Katrina Kaif, betrays Siddharth Shukla in Bigg Boss 13, says sorry to Rashami Desai

In more dramatic developments inside the Bigg Boss house, Shehnaaz Gill has apologised to Rashami Desai soon after Siddharth Shukla was moved to a secret room.

9 Dec 09:26 Janta Ka Reporter 5554720207442012442.html
SMCP : Oddo abaisse son objectif de cours

SMCP a annoncé la révision de son objectif 2019 de marge d'Ebitda ajusté principalement en raison de la forte détérioration du marché à Hong Kong.SMCP anticipe désormais pour 2019 une marge d'Ebitda... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 10:53 Zonebourse 7946574378228747063.html
Google Opinion Rewards ya te avisa cuando expira tu crédito

La aplicación de Google Opinion Rewards se ha actualizado para añadir la característica que todo el mundo pedía, poder saber cuando expira el crédito.

9 Dec 16:54 El Androide Libre 196740461985259692.html
Meet Ali, 25, Boris Johnson's biggest challenger

Ali Milani didn't speak English when he came to Britain from Iran at the age of five. Twenty years later, he's the biggest individual threat to Boris Johnson at this week's election. The 25-year-old

9 Dec 09:12 Deccan Herald 2027555797764325906.html
Muere Paul Volcker, expresidente de la Fed

Es recordado por sus esfuerzos para controlar la 'Gran inflación' en la década de 1980 en Estados Unidos

9 Dec 16:10 El Informador 103545929775940653.html
Doi hackeri romani au fost condamnati la inchisoare in Statele Unite, dupa ce ar fi atacat mii de calculatoare din lume

Doi hackeri romani au fost condamnati la inchisoare de catre un judecator federal din Statele Unite, dupa ce au lansat o serie de atacuri cibernetice in urma carora mii de calculatoare au fost afectate in intreaga lume, relateaza site-ul de stiri Cleveland.com, citat de Mediafax.

9 Dec 12:28 Wall-Street 2473040521777846721.html
Axed BBC Christmas tree 'to be replaced soon'

The 7m tree was removed less than two weeks after being put up outside Broadcasting House.

9 Dec 12:39 BBC News 3883826127496173813.html
Good Morning Britain 'shake-up' as Piers Morgan works Friday for General Election coverage

Joked he will be putting in a shift on Friday as a 'national duty'

9 Dec 11:36 Entertainment Daily 8392972517103003539.html
Avianca completó su restructuración de deudas

La aerolínea anunció este lunes que finalizó con éxito este proceso de reperfilamiento con sus proveedores clave. | Negocios | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 17:16 Portafolio 9142034660840268815.html
W Sofii powstała eparchia greckokatolicka

W Sofii, stolicy Bułgarii, została utworzona eparchia greckokatolicka (odpowiednik diecezji w obrządku łacińskim). Bullę papieską o utworzeniu Eparchii Św. Jana XXIII odczytał podczas Boskiej Liturgii

9 Dec 14:57 eKAI 4704869672440704005.html
L'alcaldessa de Girona s'exhibeix com a actriu al Mercat Medieval de Vic

Marta Madrenas participa en una de les escenes de "L'Assalt d'Altarriba"

9 Dec 12:21 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479833050006.html
BVB-Schock: Axel Witsel verletzt sich bei Sturz im Gesicht und fällt aus

Borussia Dortmunds Axel Witsel wird seinem Verein bis nach Weihnachten fehlen. Der Belgier zog sich bei einem häuslichen Unfall eine Gesichtsverletzung zu.

9 Dec 12:57 TAG24 4583887874648432599.html
La desigualdad enturbia el tímido avance de América Latina en desarrollo humano

Argentina, Venezuela y Nicaragua registran retrocesos en el indicador de la ONU. En el resto de la región las mejoras son escasas, con la inequidad penalizando sistemáticamente

9 Dec 12:05 EL PAÍS 2207347710977572252.html
Skjuter på reformering av Arbetsförmedlingen

Regeringen, Centern och Liberalerna är överens om att skjuta fram reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen i ett år. Reformen ska inte heller vila på lagen om valfrihetssystem (LOV), uppger arbetsmarknadsminister Eva Nordmark.

9 Dec 09:25 Lag & Avtal 576972090819615553.html
Timnas U-22 Indonesia Vs Vietnam - Indra Sjafri Buka Suara soal Kualitas Pemain Inti dan Cadangan, Merata?

Jelang lawan Vietnam, Indra Sjafri buka sura soal kulitas pemain inti dan cadangan di skuat timnas U-22 Indonesia.

9 Dec 16:15 BolaSport.com 4603768435937723975.html
Jack Black improvises farting song to tune of You Give Love A Bad Name

He left co-star Karen Gillan in fits of laughter.

9 Dec 14:57 Breaking News 4415806918140622580.html
Jack Black improvises farting song to tune of You Give Love A Bad Name

He left co-star Karen Gillan in fits of laughter.

9 Dec 15:00 Express & Star 7324224460309516061.html
Play it cool! Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield put on united front at launch of Dancing On Ice – after viewers claimed they looked ‘awkward’ on This Morning following feud rumours

The This Morning hosts, 38 and 57, put on a united display during the Dancing On Ice launch at Bovingdon Airfield on Monday, just hours after viewers accused them of acting awkward on TV.

9 Dec 16:51 Mail Online 124328111574177161.html
Frozen 2 again tops North America box office

In a rare show of box-office stasis, the top five films in North American theaters were unchanged this weekend from last, led again by Disney blockbuster Frozen 2, industry watcher Exhibitor Relations said Sunday.

9 Dec 15:27 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115277953745.html
Ziektes uit Rijksvaccinatieprogramma kwamen in 2018 weinig voor

In de eerste zes maanden van 2019 daalde het aantal gevallen van meningokokken type W in bijna alle leeftijdsgroepen, na een aanhoudende stijging sinds 2015. Ook andere ziektes uit heet Rijksvaccinatieprgoramma kwamen in 2018 weinig voor door de hoge vaccinatiegraad in de afgelopen decennia. Dit meldt RIVM. 

9 Dec 09:43 www.nationalezorggids.nl 6627705744039492359.html
La Russie exclue des deux prochaines éditions des Jeux olympiques

L’agence mondiale antidopage a décidé de sévir contre la Russie. Le pays a été carrément exclu des Jeux olympiques pour une durée de quatre ans. …

9 Dec 11:26 25Stanley 9144656699444361290.html
Creches municipais de Lagoinha do Piauí realizam formatura do ABC

Formatura foi organizada pelas creches municipais com apoio da Prefeitura

9 Dec 11:45 R10 3167340813174394026.html
Pamela Fiori on Her New Book, How Journalism Has Changed and the Hearst Union

Pamela Fiori, former editor in chief of Town & Country has penned a new tome charting the rise and fall of Holiday magazine.

9 Dec 13:30 WWD 5490910668453485324.html
Realizan protesta en el aeropuerto internacional de Cancún 

Trabajadores del aeropuerto internacional de Cancún realizaron una protesta pacífica esta mañana por las condiciones en las que realizan sus labores.

9 Dec 08:43 Diario de Yucatán 261200017737793164.html
La Russie exclue des JO pour quatre ans

La sanction était plus ou moins attendue. Elle est tombée ce matin. Elle est lourde. L'Agence mondiale antidopage a décidé d'exclure la Russie des Jeux olympiques pour quatre ans. Elle punit ainsi l…

9 Dec 10:29 Libération.fr 4160113239774016904.html
La ANMAT prohibió el consumo de una marca de snacks

En todo el territorio nacional La disposición fue publicada este lunes en el Boletín Oficial.

9 Dec 10:30 El Litoral 2624573357373947415.html
Red Bull: Weniger Personal - mehr Gewinn

Ein deutlicher Personalabbau sowie geringe Marketingausgaben haben dem Energydrink-Hersteller Red Bull 2018 einen signifikanten Gewinnanstieg beschert.

9 Dec 12:45 Kurier 208072238822806413.html
Bolsonaro culpa entressafra para alta da carne e diz que preço vai diminuir

'A arroba já baixou pro produtor e agora precisa abaixar na gôndola', disse uma representante do ministério da Agricultura

9 Dec 15:30 O TEMPO 6069683946487102234.html
Dânia Neto revela primeira fotografia do batizado do filho

Dânia Neto revelou as primeiras fotografias do batizado e festa de aniversário do filho, Salvador, celebrados no domingo.

9 Dec 10:30 N-TV 4368043451947158204.html
Tesla To Charge $10 Per Month For "Premium Connectivity" Features

Tesla announces that they will charge $10 for its "Premium Connectivity" features by the end of this year.

9 Dec 16:40 Interesting Engineering 7328942542611462280.html
Finlandia tendrá la primera ministra más joven del mundo

El Partido Socialdemócrata de Finlandia ha elegido a la vicepresidenta de la formación, Sanna Marin, para suceder en la Jefatura del Gobierno del país nórdico a Antti Rinne

9 Dec 10:37 Cadena SER 8390941985439180430.html
OTS: Alvarez & Marsal / Alvarez & Marsal: Technologieunternehmen als ...

Alvarez & Marsal: Technologieunternehmen als zukünftiges Ziel für aktivistische Investoren in Europa / Aktueller A&M Activist Alert analysiert die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen N.Y./München (ots) - Alvarez & Marsal (A&M), eines der weltweit führenden Consulting-Unternehmen, veröffentlicht in seinem aktuellen A&M Activist...

9 Dec 11:14 Börse Express 3714356348210196729.html
Oppo Reno 3 looks set to drop the series' most distinctive feature

Oppo has teased the Reno 3 phone – and it's missing the most interesting feature of previous Reno handsets.

9 Dec 17:16 TechRadar 2111116915232159344.html
Stocks slip as investors weigh outlook for US-China trade

Tokyo (AP) - Stock markets weakened during European trading on Monday as investors weighed the possibility of more U.S. tariffs on China and the outlook for negotiations on the trade dispute.

9 Dec 13:10 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636968783163.html
Hideo Kojima y Konami volverían a unirse para lanzar un nuevo Silent Hill

Para nadie es indiferente lo que pasó con P.T. (Playable Trailer), el cual fue liberado casi por sorpresa en la plataforma de Playstation Network en 2014,

9 Dec 15:14 CDB 7387411224916583811.html
Keyfi Görevden Almalar Okul İdarecilerini Tedirgin Ediyor

Okullarda okul idarecililerine yönelik çeşitli uygulamaların okullarda kaygıyla izlendiğini ifade eden Eğitim Bir Sen Kayseri 1 Nolu Şube Başkanı Aydın Kalkan, asılsız iddialarla, özensiz ve kamu yararı gözetilmeden yürütülen soruşturmalar idarecileri tedirgin etmektedir ifadelerini kullandı.

9 Dec 12:16 KamuAjans 8088785671443676194.html
Google Stadia review: This could be big (Update: Three weeks later)

Cloud gaming isn't a new idea. Companies like OnLive (RIP) have been trying to make it work for the better part of a decade. Google's effectively

9 Dec 15:15 Android Police 6171356415676203443.html
Was tun, wenn eine überaktive Blase zum Problem wird?

Viele Menschen verspüren den überfallartigen und besonders häufigen Drang verspürt, zur Toilette gehen zu müssen. Für die Betroffenen, darunter vor allem Frauen, ist ein normales Leben oft nicht mehr möglich. Der Mediziner Magnus Heier rät in seiner Kolumne vor allem zu zwei Dingen. Lesen Sie hier auch weitere Folgen der wöchentlichen Kolumne.

9 Dec 13:30 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569505589733.html
Victoria’s Secret’s Lorena Rae Rocks Plunging Blue Bikini In Miami

Lorena wore a seriously plunging bikini top at the beach. Victoria’s Secret model Lorena Rae showed some serious skin in a very plunging bikini in a seriously hot new shot recently shared to ...

9 Dec 14:13 The Inquisitr 1745625231031865015.html
Reggio Emilia, gli indicatori economici sono tornati ai livelli pre-crisi. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – E’ stato presentato oggi nella sede della Camera di Commercio il Rapporto annuale sulla Coesione sociale in provincia di Reggio. Un’analisi socio-economica del nostro territorio realizzato proprio dalla Camera di Commercio in collaborazione con il Comune di Reggio. Un quadro confortante nel quale, tuttavia, ci sono anche alcuni campanelli d’allarme. *** Gli […]

9 Dec 17:31 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332833933334.html
Gabriela Firea cere modificarea Codului Rutier. Pe unde ar putea circula autobuzele STB

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 13:45 Gândul 5586965504252811082.html
Das willst Du nicht erleben: Einbrecher in der Wohnung!

Die Zahl der Einbrüche in Nordrhein-Westfalen hat zugenommen. Zuvor hatte die Polizei mehrere Jahre einen Rückgang verbucht.

9 Dec 09:45 TAG24 4583887874363276902.html
4.5 magnitude earthquake hits Tuscany, no victims

A 4.5 magnitude earthquake hit the central Italian region of Mugello on Monday, sending panicked residents into the streets but causing minimal damage to buildings.

9 Dec 13:13 The Guardian 7580308505630844683.html
'Peloton wife' Monica Ruiz speaks out for the first time to say she feels 'really lucky' that people have been 'so nice' since the controversial ad aired as she says the SNL skit that mocked the 'sexist' commercial was 'hilarious'

California-based actress Monica Ruiz was seen walking her dog in Los Angeles on Sunday, left. She played the wife in the controversial Peloton holiday commercial, right.

9 Dec 16:15 Mail Online 124328112592594079.html
FLIP Fluids Tutorial! Episode #7: Buoyancy Tricks [$]

Learn how to achieve amazing effects with the popular Flip Fluids add-on. Blenderphysics writes: Welcome to episode 7 in our learning series. We will teach you in how to fake buoyancy with some clever tricks. The are three different concepts for you: using keyframes using rigid bodies using both

9 Dec 14:50 BlenderNation 3769153474105727577.html
La double peine de ceux qui habitent loin

L’étalement urbain n’a pas permis de juguler l’augmentation des prix de l’immobilier. Et les investissements dans les transports publics ont surtout profité aux classes aisées. Une impasse sociale e…

9 Dec 17:06 Libération.fr 4160113238538415109.html
Rusia expulsada de los Juegos Olímpicos y del Mundial por dopaje

El Comité Ejecutivo de la organización anuncia su exclusión de las competiciones internacionales durante cuatro años

9 Dec 11:37 La Vanguardia 8061072699589010062.html
Počeo pilot projekat olakšanog povraćaja PDV putnicima

Realizacija pilot projekta "Unapređenje digitalizovanog sistema povraćaja PDV putnicima'' počela je na beogradskom Aerodromu "Nikola Tesla", a od početka naredne godine očekuje se primena tog digitalizovanog sistema u većem obimu, saopštilo je danas Ministarstvo finansija Srbije.

9 Dec 10:03 Dnevni list Danas 649654640930566805.html
Francia bloqueada en quinto día de huelga que pone a prueba al gobierno de Emmanuel Macron

Cientos de kilómetros de atascos y una pesadilla con el transporte público en París marcaron este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 el quinto día de la huelga en Francia contra la reforma de las pensiones impulsada por el presidente Emmanuel Macron, que enfrenta una prueba de fuego para su proyecto.

9 Dec 09:57 El Comercio 2865024641561986219.html
Anthony Joshua defends Saudi Arabia after ‘expecting to step off the plane see something like a war zone’

Newly-crowned heavyweight world champion Anthony Joshua defended Saudi Arabia following his rematch against Andy Ruiz in Diriyah. In what was the first heavyweight title fight to take place in the

9 Dec 13:55 The Independent 2511519171154125460.html
A magia do bordado

Durante todo o ano elas se empenharam em produzir peças lindas. Agora, querem mostrar pra todo mundo sua arte, numa exposição muito especial. Falo de 10 bordadeiras de Florianópolis que participam da mostra “A Magia do Bordado”, que poderá ser conferida no  hall de entrada da Biblioteca Pública de Santa Catarina, no centro da Capital, de 12 de dezembro a 31 de janeiro, com entrada gratuita.

9 Dec 09:45 NSC Total 4216767907518258670.html
Crianças que vivem perto de fast-food têm maior probabilidade de serem obesas

Estudo do Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto aponta que 30% dos jovens portugueses têm excesso de peso ou obesidade.

9 Dec 08:39 SÁBADO 5711459692548764314.html
Probe-Rammungen können für erheblichen Lärm sorgen

Im Roßlauer Hafen sind ab Montag Probe-Rammungen für die neuen Spundwand geplant. Das hat Dessau-Roßlaus Stadtverwaltung angekündigt. „Die Arbeiten werden tagsüber unter Einsatz moderner Technik und Technologien durchgeführt“, erklärte Stadtsprecher Carsten Sauer. Geräuschbeeinträchtigungen seien in den angrenzenden Gebieten nicht auszuschließen. „Hierfür wird um Verständnis ...

9 Dec 08:34 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110708224550.html
China retirará dispositivos y software informáticos extranjeros en tres años

China ha ordenado retirar en el plazo de tres años cualquier dispositivo informático y software extranjero de oficinas gubernamentales e instituciones públicas en ese país, según informa este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 el diario británico Financial Times (FT).

9 Dec 09:03 El Comercio 2865024640697646332.html
Norge-stjernene hyller lagvenninnen. Nå mener de hun fortjener gjev utmerkelse.

Medspillerne var samstemte. Stine Bredal Oftedal går utenpå dem alle sammen. Hun fortjener en tittel.

9 Dec 17:48 Bergens Tidende 6643873499052438723.html
Ron Lauder Launches $25 Million Effort to Fight Anti-Semitism

World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder is pledging $25 million of his own money to launch a new organization aimed at...

9 Dec 17:08 Breitbart 3148363492654909300.html
Corte Suprema de EEUU aprueba ley que obliga a madres que van a abortar a escuchar los latidos de su bebé

La legislación se aplicará en el estado de Kentucky, uno de los más conservadores del país, y contempla además poner el conocimiento de las progenitoras las imágenes de ultrasonido. Las autoridades locales aseguraron que es una medida para recabar "consentimiento informado" de las mujeres.

9 Dec 09:27 24Horas.cl 793283386140549559.html
SMCP, il dato rosso che fa tremare i polsi

 SMCP (EURONEXT:SMCP), di proprietà del colosso cinese di Shandong Ruyi, non se la passa bene. Da due anni quotato sulla piazza azionaria di  Parigi, ora

9 Dec 09:59 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261871894648.html
Timnas U-22 Indonesia Vs Vietnam - Indra Sjafri Buka Suara Kualitas Pemain Inti dan Cadangan, Merata?

Jelang lawan Vietnam, Indra Sjafri buka sura soal kulitas pemain inti dan cadangan di skuat timnas U-22 Indonesia.

9 Dec 16:15 BolaSport.com 4603768435361914923.html
Should we start asking our friends if they're in the right 'headspace' to chat?

Are you in the right headspace to read an 900-word feature?

9 Dec 11:10 Metro 970161748899706499.html
VIDEO: Cocodrilo aparece por la Zona Hotelera de Cancún y es grabado por los asustados turistas

El cocodrilo decidi&oacute; salir de la laguna por la Zona Hotelera de Canc&uacute;n y visitantes que en ese momento pasaban por el lugar decidieron tomar un video.

9 Dec 11:32 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623415393866.html
Reports: Cristiano Ronaldo regrets Juventus move after Ballon d’Or snub

The latest word around the rumour mill is that Cristiano Ronaldo regrets moving to Juventus from Real Madrid, after he lost out on winning the Ballon d’Or award in both 2018 and 2019.

9 Dec 14:02 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905857920019.html
All’asta la casa di Pino Daniele. E il fratello rischia di rimanere senza un tetto

Rischia di essere sfrattato il fratelli di Pino Daniele Salvatore La casa del cantautore napoletano è stata messa all'asta.

9 Dec 11:22 ilGiornale.it 5019541224365112675.html
Ibrahimovic, altro indizio pro-Napoli. Sabatini: "Non verrà a Bologna, ha fatto altre scelte"

Un altro indizio di un possibile approdo di Zlatan Ibrahimovic al Napoli?

9 Dec 14:55 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080782542556.html
I Wanna Be Yours review – a love story with heady chemistry

Ragevan Vasan and Emily Stott star as a couple pulled apart by their backgrounds in this play by slam poet Zia Ahmed

9 Dec 14:44 the Guardian 1491978796154790549.html
Prasad’s goat curry is a taste of India for the Dunfermline-based chef

Prasad, chef patron of Dhoom Indian Streetery and Cocktail Bar in Dunfermline, shares some of his favourite dishes and ingredients from his homeland of India.

9 Dec 08:00 The Courier 4275302767123059600.html
Revelan que Jorge del Castillo buscó archivar investigación por pago a trabajadora

El excongresista aprista habría querido evitar un posible desafuero, según reporte periodístico

9 Dec 14:58 canalN.pe 1595273588837157298.html
All The Nerdy Books We're Reading This Summer

Summer is officially here. For me that means butchering countless mangos with my trash knifeskills and playing Daryl Braithwaite's One Summer on repeat. Summer break is also a time where my fellow colleagues and I like to catch up on some of the books that have been piling up on our shelves and e-readers for...

9 Dec 15:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247032301193.html
Zozibini Tunzi, la Miss Universo negra y africana que lucha contra el machismo y la discriminación

"Crecí en un mundo en el que una mujer como yo, con mi tipo de piel y mi tipo de pelo, nunca era considerada linda".

9 Dec 13:44 Todo Noticias 8077539161308636122.html
Tausende iPhones werden unnötig zerstört – Apple muss nun handeln

Wurde dein iPhone gestohlen? Ziemlich ärgerlich. Noch ärgerlicher ist aber, dass Diebe damit nichts anfangen können und das führt zu einem Problem.

9 Dec 10:21 futurezone.de 2257170159460337633.html
Dormir con antifaz, la moda antiaging más sofisticada

Es un gesto lleno de glamour, pero además puede ayudarte a despertar con mejor cara

9 Dec 10:16 El Confidencial 2244370861687088459.html
7 mannen over het moment dat ze verliefd werden op hun vriendin

Een kijkje in het brein van de man, heerlijk

9 Dec 15:54 Glamour 7276994001619273675.html
Dos catamarqueños consiguieron el cinturón negro en Judo

Días atrás se realizó en Tucumán, específicamente en el Ahualli Gym, el Seminario Nacional de Arbitraje, Educación y Entrenamiento de la Confederación Argentina de Judo, organizado por la Federación Tucumana de Judo.

9 Dec 13:36 El Ancasti 5864462413736808144.html
De la mano de Riquelme, Ameal es el nuevo presidente de Boca

Con casi el 47% de los votos

9 Dec 10:36 El Litoral 2624573357866883727.html
PCP recorda a repressão do fascismo na Madeira

O PCP organizou nesta tarde uma iniciativa de debate sobre a repressão do fascismo na Madeira, tendo como orador João Lizardo. A iniciativa teve por o...

9 Dec 12:43 dnoticias 6968432066045106444.html
Sanna Marin : Diese 34-Jährige wird neue Regierungschefin in Finnland

Die Sozialdemokraten haben nach dem Aus der bisherigen Regierung mit Sanna Marin eine Nachfolgerin gefunden. Die 34-Jährige will den bisherigen ...

9 Dec 11:31 stern.de 4680145938913143698.html
Accident pe strada Socoleni din Chişinău. Momentul, surprins de camerele VIDEO

Accident pe strada Socoloni din Capitală. Momentul impactului a fost surprins de camerele video, instalate în preajmă. Imaginile au fost publicate pe Facebook. Din imagini se vede că unul dintre şoferi nu s-a isprăvit cu conducerea automobilului şi a prov

9 Dec 12:59 PUBLIKA 1679939814540338369.html
Nuove tasse per slot e lotterie, la grande abbuffata del fisco sui giochi

Un emendamento alla manovra 2020 prevede più tasse su lotterie e slot machines. E dal 2021 potrebbero aumentare ancora.

9 Dec 08:10 InvestireOggi 7231367742708114603.html
Mums forced to 'live on energy drinks so kids can eat' on estate

Residents of an estate in North Wales are facing heartbreaking decisions

9 Dec 08:42 Liverpool Echo 7727211172879350585.html
Jovem morre após cair de cavalo em propriedade da família

Um jovem de apenas 18 anos morreu após sofrer uma queda de cavalo neste domingo (8) em uma propriedade rural no Povoado Bom Jardim, zona rural de Traipu. A jovem, que residia em Arapiraca, tinha ido passar o fim de semana na propriedade de familiares. A vítima foi identificada como Jackeline Silva de Melo e...

9 Dec 11:42 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010939477433.html
Miss Universe winner says her skin and hair were ‘never considered beautiful’ when growing up

South African beauty pageant contestant Zozibini Tunzi delivered stirring words about female leadership, climate change and beauty as she was crowned Miss Universe 2019 on Sunday evening. Ms Tunzi,

9 Dec 16:07 The Independent 2511519170532282286.html
Aprueban en Comisiones presupuesto de Egresos 2020 para Tabasco

El presupuesto general de Egresos del año 2020 para la entidad, será por 52 mil 964 millones 276 mil 279 pesos.

9 Dec 13:13 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562386863818.html
Noi audieri in cazul Caracal. Fostul iubit al Luizei Melencu, citat pentru prima data in dosar

Rudele Luizei Melencu, tanara de 19 ani din Dolj disparuta fara urma de mai bine de opt luni, sunt audiate, luni, la IPJ Dolj. Bunicul tinerei spune ca pana acum familia a fost intrebata numai ''anomalii'', in timp ce mama ei crede ca anchetatorii vor sa intimideze.

9 Dec 13:16 Ziare.com 1922730286881477411.html
OnePlus 8 Lite busca conquistar la gama de entrada

Es una buena opción para los bolsillos menos abultados

9 Dec 12:59 sport 1349897970841107568.html
Malaysia reports first case of polio since 1992

A three-month-old Malaysian infant has been diagnosed with polio, the first case reported in the country in nearly three decades, a top health official said on Sunday.

9 Dec 11:48 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200196581194.html
Mujer cae de edificio de cinco pisos en Cancún y sobrevive

Una mujer sobrevivió a una caída de cinco pisos en un complejo de departamentos de Cancún, pero está delicada por las lesiones que sufrió.

9 Dec 09:29 Diario de Yucatán 261200017463109700.html
Asesinan a tiros a dos hombres en Patillas y San Juan

Con estos incidentes las muertes violentas aumentaron a 564 en lo que va de año

9 Dec 10:27 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309407568882.html
Brandneues Smartphone auf dem Markt – ausgerechnet ER steckt hinter dem dubiosen Angebot

Auf dem Smartphone-Markt geht es Schlag auf Schlag. Schon seit einiger Zeit bringen die beiden Top-Hersteller Samsung und Huawei faltbare Modelle heraus, auch Apple will 2020 ein Faltmodell anbieten. Nun erscheint eine neue Falt-Version auf dem Markt.

9 Dec 14:22 www.derwesten.de 5765995666584268795.html
Latest Samsung Galaxy S11 Plus leaks point to a new camera sensor and bigger battery

Three new leaks detail the camera specs, design and battery size of the Samsung Galaxy S11.

9 Dec 12:03 TechRadar 2111116915452711063.html
Capable of hitting six on any ground, says Shivam Dube

Promoted up the order at No 3, Shivam Dube smashed 54 off 30 balls with four sixes, three of which came in one over from rival skipper Kieron Pollard.

9 Dec 10:59 The Indian Express 2885715104676765539.html
Jorge Sampaoli casi caído y Racing apunta a Diego Dabove

Eduardo Coudet dejará de ser el entrenador de La Academia y su reemplazante es una incógnita. El exDT de la Selección Argentina era el principal candidato, pero se complicó y ahora van por el técnico de Argentinos Juniors.

9 Dec 14:40 TyC Sports 3239944749624102665.html
Un vulcan a erupt in Noua Zeelanda: Cinci morti si mai multi disparuti (Video) UPDATE

Cinci oameni au murit si mai multi sunt disparuti in urma eruptiei unui vulcan din Noua Zeelanda.

9 Dec 10:29 Ziare.com 1922730287094757604.html
SC partially lifts ban on construction in Delhi-NCR, allows It from 6 am to 6 pm

SC perused the report filed by CPCB which said that construction activities should not be allowed between 6 pm to 6 am.

9 Dec 14:24 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363643463044.html
«Da stehst du unmittelbar am Vulkankrater»

Rund 30 Touristen wurden auf einer neuseeländischen Insel vom Ausbruch eines Vulkans überrascht. White Island ist ein beliebtes Reiseziel – auch bei Schweizer Touristen.

9 Dec 17:17 20 Minuten 5741369452525841273.html
Rusia, por problemas de dopaje, fue excluida de toda actividad deportiva por cuatro años

Bajo el impulso de Vladimir Putin, Rusia había hecho del deporte un escaparate diplomático, acogiendo los Juegos Olímpicos de invierno en 2014 en Sochi y el Mundial de fútbol en 2018. 

9 Dec 12:41 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067544233103723.html
Free Guy: ecco il trailer del film Disney con Ryan Reynolds

Ecco il trailer del nuovo film con Ryan Reynolds protagonista. L'attore, interprete di Deadpool, è al centro di un film di fantascienza e avventura.

9 Dec 15:03 Lega Nerd 8527030507144748156.html
The world's first Warner Bros Hotel is opening on Abu Dhabi’s Yas Island

The hotel will be open in 2021

9 Dec 14:01 Time Out Dubai 1956550809255841338.html
Rusia fue excluida de Juegos Olímpicos y del Mundial de Qatar por la AMA

El gigante euroasiática es acusado por la Agencia de manipular datos de dopaje.

9 Dec 08:08 alairelibre.cl 7508323595280152101.html
Gensight : une 1ère Autorisation Temporaire d'Utilisation de Lumevoq en France

"Le programme d'ATU en France est un moyen unique pour offrir aux patients atteints de NOHL avec la mutation ND4, une solution thérapeutique que constitue la thérapie génique Lumevoq"...

9 Dec 16:45 Boursier.com 7351227820287375328.html
Suspeito de arrombar carro em estacionamento de shopping é preso em Maceió

Darlan da Silva Oliveira, suspeito de arrombar ve&iacute;culos em Macei&oacute;, foi detido na resid&ecirc;ncia onde morava, no Conjunto Village Campestre II, em Tabuleiro do Martins. A pris&atilde;o aconteceu nesse domingo (8) e foi feita por agentes da Opera&ccedil;&atilde;o Policial Integrad...

9 Dec 13:55 TNH1 3684351754712184277.html
"Ali nere", al cagliaritano Alberto Melis il premio letterario "Laura Orvieto"

Cultura - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:56 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206338550964.html
Renault K-ZE: Kommt der günstige Elektrowagen von Dacia?

Wird aus der Not eine Tugend? Renault plant mit seiner Marke Dacia offenbar die Markteinführung eines Autos, das eigentlich nur für China gedacht war.

9 Dec 10:14 Computer Bild 4944248631033324210.html
Pequim proíbe computadores e software estrangeiros na administração pública

Decisão é um golpe para norte-americanas como a HP, Dell ou Microsoft. Até 2022, todas as entidades governamentais devem mudar para tecnologia caseira.

9 Dec 11:11 PÚBLICO 2228264896463934653.html
PlayStation 5 aparece com design 'elegante' em novo conceito; confira

Projeto foi renderizado pela Concept Creator após imagens vazadas do kit de desenvolvimento

9 Dec 12:51 Olhar Digital 416591715422195783.html
La pop-couture de Lucien Murat

Mélanges de points de croix et de pixels, les barbares du jeune artiste hackent la tradition de la tapisserie.

9 Dec 17:06 Libération.fr 2169660206537810742.html
Rusia fue excluido de los Juegos Olímpicos y el Mundial de Qatar

Fue por el dopaje descubierto en 2015 

9 Dec 13:59 BAE Negocios 6030502151002250602.html
You Better Believe This Is Another Witcher 3 Art Post

Andrzej Dybowski is a freelance artist who has recently worked on stuff like League of Legends, The Witcher 3 and Metro Exodus.

9 Dec 13:30 Kotaku Australia 2018810246321740741.html
Respons Kevin / Marcus Setelah Dapat Undian Sulit di BWF World Tour Finals 2019

Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon mengaku akan menjaga fokus supaya tak bisa lolos ke babak selanjutnya di BWF World Tour Finals 2019.

9 Dec 15:25 Bola.com 1695722602522084617.html
Expert: Brott mot rikets säkerhet ytterst ovanligt

Sveriges före detta ambassadör i Peking, Anna Lindstedt, är skäligen misstänkt för att ha agerat självsvåldigt gentemot Kina. – Det är ytterst ovanligt att någon anklagas för brott mot rikets säkerhet, säger Iain Cameron, professor i internationell rätt vid Uppsala universitet.

9 Dec 13:24 SVT Nyheter 8475792988923563291.html
Finland’s Sanna Marin to become world’s youngest head of government

At 34, Sanna Marin will become Finland and world's youngest sitting prime minister when she is sworn in by the Finnish parliament on Tuesday.

9 Dec 17:44 Vanguard News 4125100338969121169.html
Alex Duval Smith, former Guardian journalist, dies at 55

Tributes paid to former Africa correspondent, who died in Paris after sudden infection

9 Dec 15:43 the Guardian 1491978796033467145.html
Sinopsis Cinta Karena Cinta SCTV Hari Ini Senin 9 Desember 2019

Sinopsis Cinta Karena Cinta SCTV Hari Ini Senin 9 Desember 2019

9 Dec 11:00 Tabloidbintang.com 127182696130421841.html
Why Disney's 'The Lion King' remake is nominated in the animation category for Golden Globes — even though it probably shouldn't be, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Disney's remake isn't "live action," but its mix of live-action, virtual reality, CGI, and photoreal digital imagery doesn't make it animated either.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:06 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756100209567.html
Metacritic has removed over 6,000 negative Death Stranding ratings

The change was first reported by Redditor argandg, who noted that while there were 78 new positive ratings between the 4th and 5th of December, the number of negatives dropped by 6,429—from 9,335 to just 2,906. At the time of&hellip;

9 Dec 12:01 TechSpot 7732733960243843087.html
Election 2019: BBC licence could be scrapped, Boris Johnson hints

Boris Johnson has hinted he may scrap the licence fee that funds the BBC during an unscripted question and answer [...]

9 Dec 14:13 City A.M. 6389894490637735426.html
Bolsonaro sobre carne: estamos na entressafra e preço vai diminuir

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro disse nesta segunda-feira, 9, que o preço da carne no mercado brasileiro deve cair. Bolsonaro justificou a alta pela

9 Dec 15:23 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061189802743.html
Man, 53, stabbed multiple times over theft of his cell phone in Oshawa

A 26-year-old Ajax man has been charged with attempted murder after a male victim was stabbed numerous times outside an Oshawa convenience store last Saturday, in what investigators say started as a cell phone theft.

9 Dec 15:25 CP24 1887544296538630219.html
Boris Johnson snatched a reporter's phone when he tried to show him a photo of a 4-year-old boy forced to lie on a hospital floor

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was urged by the reporter to look at a picture of a boy who had been left to lie on a pile of coats on a hospital floor.

9 Dec 13:41 Yahoo 7097669637198178548.html
Vermoedelijke opstelling Ajax – Valencia: Lang én Onana in de basis

Erik ten Hag zal het bij het maken van de opstelling van Ajax - Valencia moeten stellen zonder de geblesseerde Quincy Promes, David Neres en Zakaria Labyad.

9 Dec 16:12 Ajax1.nl 8900331527767613503.html
Capturan a sujeto que habría participado en un robo a una mujer en Babahoyo

La madrugada de este lunes la Policía logró la captura de un ciudadano que de acuerdo a los videos de las cámaras de seguridad, de la avenida Segunda y calle 37 de Babahoyo, estaría involucrado en el

9 Dec 16:57 El Universo 8365175798622730769.html
Conzzeta veut vendre toutes ses activités sauf Bystronic

Le conglomérat diversifié Conzzeta veut se séparer de toutes ses activités, à l'exception de la plus importante, l'usinage de tôle Bystronic. L'équipementier sportif Mammut est à vendre.

9 Dec 08:13 www.rjb.ch 7386238341408898311.html
This is why you should start massaging your baby

It's good for your baby

9 Dec 13:49 Pulse Live 3606876835010913536.html
Ferran Adrià y Ferran Centelles lanzan una nueva entrega de la Bullipedia

El tercer volumen sobre vino profundiza en el mundo de la distribución

9 Dec 17:51 La Vanguardia 8061072699680546869.html
Ancelotti sul suo futuro: "Normale essere messo in discussione, ma sento ADL tutti i giorni"

Alla vigilia di Napoli-Genk si parla più del possibile esonero di Carlo Ancelotti che dell'obiettivo di approdare agli ottavi di finale di Champions League

9 Dec 15:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079812193869.html
Bike-borne miscreants loot 50 kg onions from rickshaw puller in UP’s Gorakhpur

The incident took place on Sunday afternoon when the rickshaw puller was going to deliver the onions to a hotel. "Police is checking the CCTV footage and action will be taken on the basis of investigation," Superintendent of Police (city) Kaustabh said.

9 Dec 15:35 The Indian Express 2885715103754775335.html
Workshop ensina como descobrir e trabalhar o seu nicho

Moara Albuquerque possui um canal com dicas de decoração na Tv Folha e é autora da coluna Decore+ BV

9 Dec 17:27 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548272068935.html
Michelle Obama Calls Trump Impeachment Probe ‘Surreal’

Michelle Obama described the ongoing impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump and his activities regarding Ukraine as "surreal."

9 Dec 17:19 Breitbart 3148363492183379330.html
Reinhard Bonnke, Christian evangelist called 'the Billy Graham of Africa,' dead at 79

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, a German-born preacher nicknamed "the Billy Graham of Africa" for his record-setting crusades, died Saturday at 79.

9 Dec 14:41 Fox News 7362823820378673073.html
L'incroyable reconversion de Camille Raymond, alias Justine Girard de Premiers Baisers (photos)

Elle vient de fêter ses 43 ans, et c'est une tout autre vie que celle d'actrice qu'elle mène aujourd'hui.

9 Dec 10:46 RTL People 5478130075424414713.html
Statistiques/HCP : Visite d’experts britanniques au Maroc

Dans le cadre de son projet de coopération statistique avec le Royaume-Uni, en partenariat avec l’Ambassade du Royaume-Uni à Rabat, le Haut-Commissariat au Plan a reçu, du 2 au 5 décembre 2019, une mission d’experts de haut niveau dans le domaine de la statistique destinée à identifier les axes de collaboration pour en préparer le programme au cours des prochains mois.

9 Dec 17:24 Infomédiaire 1551316400793568335.html
La policia espanyola va planificar amb antelació les intervencions de l'1-O

Comandaments del cos admeten que es van visitar alguns centres de votació per veure si seria factible actuar-hi el dia del referèndum

9 Dec 13:30 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480775025037.html
Lebanese entrepreneurs think digitally if given space to grow – Arabnet Report

Mubasher: Lebanon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem flourished making the country among the major assets for digital innovation across the MENA region, following the implementation of Circular 331 of the Central Bank of Lebanon back in August 2014. …

9 Dec 14:23 english.mubasher.info 8917853138747864896.html
Initiative présidentielle imminente pour changer le système politique !

La décision a été prise de lancer une initiative législative pour changer le système politique au travers d’un projet de loi qui

9 Dec 12:51 African Manager 933752095241214829.html
QOTD: Hello, Winter

Starting around this time of year, shovelling, bundling up, and generally cursing at cold weather is a daily occurrence for most of the masthead.

9 Dec 15:18 The Truth About Cars 8594295342229794755.html
Mann (23) sticht von hinten auf Polizist ein

Ein Polizist wurde am Münchner Hauptbahnhof attackiert und verletzt. Der Täter konnte verhaftet werden.

9 Dec 10:40 20 Minuten 5741369453371428384.html
Jogadores começaram a ser ouvidos por videoconferência

Decorre esta segunda-feira, no tribunal de Monsanto, a 10.ª sessão do julgamento do processo relacionado com o ataque à Academia do Sporting, tendo como destaque as primeiras audições de jogadores.As audições são feitas através de videoconferência, sob pedido expresso por parte do Sporting. O guarda-redes Luís Maximiano é o primeiro a ser ouvido, através de uma ligação feita desde o tribunal do Montijo.

9 Dec 11:23 A BOLA 2278827557876381828.html
Bayern so schlecht wie seit 25 Jahren nicht

Vor 25 Jahren waren die Bayern das letzte Mal so schlecht platziert wie in dieser Spielzeit.

9 Dec 09:28 www.laola1.at 837519019133252296.html
Ivanka Trump Once Spoke with Author of ‘Steele Dossier’ About Working for the Trump Org: Report

Years prior to authoring the Steele Dossier at the center of Republicans allegations that federal authorities improperly “spied” on the Trump campaign, Christopher Steele and Ivanka Trump had been in talks about the former British intelligence officer potentially working for the Trump Organization, according to ABC News.

9 Dec 14:10 Law & Crime 7990899037159776795.html
Prozessbeginn in Potsdam: Tochter flehte ihn an aufzuhören: 37-Jähriger vor Gericht, weil er auf Frau einstach

Mit einem weitgehenden Geständnis des Angeklagten hat vor dem Landgericht Potsdam der Prozess gegen einen Familienvater begonnen, der versucht haben soll, seine schlafende Partnerin zu ermorden.

9 Dec 14:02 FOCUS Online 4448121230665310640.html
Boxing: Khatana, Kalaivani lead the way as India bag six gold medals at South Asian Games

Surprisingly, World Championships bronze medallist Manish Kaushik could only win a silver medal at the event.

9 Dec 16:13 Scroll.in 8669301693741570250.html
31 rescued from B'Haram's den in Borno forest - The Nation Newspaper

Again troops have rescued thirty-one persons including fourteen women and seventeen children from a Boko Haram hideout in Malam Masari and Gabchari

9 Dec 10:16 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901605934333.html
EP emir launches ‘ZADK’ Saudi Culinary Academy

In his speech after cutting the ribbon formally inaugurating the academy, Prince Saud said: “The Saudi youth have become an example to be followed in their creativity in many fields. The Saudi citizen is capable of transferring the Kingdom’s culture to the world with professionalism and competence. There are vast opportunities before the Saudi youth with the food sector witnessing considerable development. Investment in this field is promising, provided high quality standards are followed in all aspects."

9 Dec 15:22 Saudi Gazette 6913978436112346611.html
Mohammed Alshamrani: Saudi pilot who killed three sailors was ‘left infuriated after being called ‘pornstache’’

The Saudi air force trainee who killed three sailors at a US navy base last week reportedly made an official complaint about being called “pornstache” by one of his instructors. Mohammed Alshamrani

9 Dec 15:52 The Independent 2511519171474659830.html
Acilia: grave incidente tra auto e moto, interviene l’eliambulanza

Gravissimo incidente stradale ad Acilia nel weekend appena trascorso. Nella mattinata di sabato, intorno alle ore 13.00, un'autovettura...

9 Dec 10:47 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337193289667.html
Walmart retira seis recursos de protección que presentó contra el Estado por saqueos e incendios

Desde la empresa indicaron que con las acciones judiciales buscaban "contar con la protección del Estado para evitar ser víctimas de nuevos ataques y que obedecían a una situación puntual en las que habíamos detectado riesgos para la seguridad de nuestros locales".

9 Dec 10:13 CHV Noticias 8401001652784029627.html
AMLO fue acusado de robarse un libro en Gandhi

AMLO confes&oacute; en la conferencia matutina en Palacio Nacional, que e alguna ocasi&oacute;n, lo acusaron de robarse un libro en sucursales de Gandhi, pero al aclararse todo, le ofrecieron disculpas.

9 Dec 11:03 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624586979446.html
James Gallagher urges Nick Diaz to stay retired after 'scary' comeback vow

Diaz called out Jorge Masvidal last month.

9 Dec 17:52 Metro 970161748417002462.html
Mai più brutte sorprese: ora potete bloccare i servizi a sovrapprezzo direttamente nell’app MyTIM (foto)

Con la nuova versione dell'applicazione MyTIM, la numero 5.4.4, gli utenti potranno finalmente disabilitare in autonomia tutti i servizi a sovrapprezzo, sp

9 Dec 17:53 MobileWorld 1731579004025728733.html
Se reanuda la búsqueda del cuerpo de Marta Calvo

La Guardia Civil vuelve al terreno tras suspender el operativo tras las intensas lluvias

9 Dec 09:15 La Vanguardia 8061072698866838208.html
Cenazeye giden ailenin evini soydular

Sakarya’da cenazeye gidenlerin evlerini soyan 2’si kadın, toplam 4 kişilik hırsız çetesi jandarma ekiplerince çökertildi.

9 Dec 12:39 Türkiye Gazetesi 2932623216883817943.html
Cash doubt over £13m Arbroath dual-carriageway scheme

A divide over Arbroath active travel proposals to transform the town-splitting A92 dual carriageway has seen a bid to halt the multi-million pound scheme blocked.

9 Dec 08:32 The Courier 4275302766779321778.html
Vojsci Srbije uskoro će biti predati modernizovani avioni "orao" i "galeb"

BEOGRAD - Proces modernizacije aviona "orao" i "galeb G-4" daleko je odmakao i očekujem da će uskoro biti predati Vojsci Srbije na upotrebu, izjavio je danas ministar odbrane Srbije Aleksandar Vulin.

9 Dec 15:28 Nezavisne novine 4209150641710397224.html
EXCLUSIVA: Iñaki Urdangarin recibe una visita familiar en prisión, a punto de obtener su primer permiso penitenciario

Imágenes de la llegada en coche a la cárcel de Brieva, en Ávila, para visitar al marido de la Infanta Cristina

9 Dec 13:06 Hola.com 2035212431832840697.html
Is Fukrey 3 On The Cards? The Fun Banter Between Pulkit Samrat & Ritesh Sidhwani Confirms So!

Are you fans of Hunny, Choocha, Bholi Punjaban and Zafar from Fukrey? Then there's good news for you. The comedy franchise has been renewed for yet another instalment.The successful series had the f

9 Dec 13:31 Koimoi 5184275669491932686.html
Nova mudança de treinador

Herói da permanência na época passada, Manuel Monteiro voltou à AD Oliveirense há poucas semanas, para render o espanhol Manuel Crespo, mas o seu reinado também durou pouco, saindo durante a última semana por, alegadamente, não encaixar no projeto da SAD.

9 Dec 12:03 A BOLA 2278827558826009216.html
PKR sec-gen says SPV 2030 dinner did not violate party discipline

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 9 — The ‘Shared Prosperity Vision’ dinner which was attended by several PKR leaders yesterday, did not violate the party discipline, said PKR secretary-general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail. However, he said, the content of the speech delivered during the dinner was...

9 Dec 15:50 Malaymail 302165934448201844.html
Voleibolista brasileño renuncia al MVP y lo entrega al cubano Yoandy Leal tras ganar el Mundial de Clubes

El gesto fue agradecido por el cubano.

9 Dec 14:34 CiberCuba 8213836169892632601.html
Netflix grote slokop bij nominaties Golden Globes

Vandaag werden de genomineerden voor de Golden Globes bekendgemaakt. De Hollywood Foreign Press Association, die de beeldjes uitreikt, blijkt dit jaar vooral fan te zijn van Netflix. De streamingdi...

9 Dec 14:55 HLN 8967494998625406198.html
Uno de los mayores desafíos de Overwatch 2 tiene que ver con su contenido endgame

En Blizzard quieren sacar partido de la experiencia de sus creativos con juegos como World of Warcraft o Diablo. En Overwatch 2 tienen muchos frentes abiertos, y la prometedora presencia de un modo PvE para acompañar a su ya...

9 Dec 09:30 3DJuegos 3383023118443415628.html
Har ansatt Dorsin: Her er dommen over RBKs nye sportssjef

RBKs spisskjempe Gøran Sørloth og Nardo-bauta Tormod Bjerkeset gjester Rasmus&Saga.

9 Dec 12:28 adressa.no 8417332407557409754.html
'Mrs Fletcher': Owen Teague on Filming Sex Scene With Intimacy Coordinator

"Mrs Fletcher" star Owen Teague said his sex scene was treated "like choreography, like a dance, or a choreographing a fight, and made it feel very safe."

9 Dec 11:30 TheWrap 2361432283210337984.html
Lizzo Shares NSFW ‘Hustlers’ Photos & Jennifer Lopez Receives Golden Globes Nomination

Lopez was last nominated in 1998.

9 Dec 13:57 HipHopDX 6054351961670051547.html
First 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' Trailer Sees the Ecto-1 Back in Action

The film stars Paul Rudd, Finn Wolfhard, McKenna Grace and OG cast members Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson.

9 Dec 13:59 HYPEBEAST 3806037269863687066.html
Corporate appetite in MENA grows in 5 years – Arabnet Report

Mubasher: The entrepreneurial ecosystem across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has been grabbing global and regional attention, with higher investor appetite and interest in the region’s startups, according to Arabnet report. The “State of …

9 Dec 15:25 english.mubasher.info 8917853137923337961.html
Após assassinato de marido, Flordelis assume papel discreto na Câmara

O marido da deputada, Anderson do Carmo, foi assassinado a tiros na garagem de casa em Pendotiba

9 Dec 17:42 R10 3167340813607260041.html
Eveniment astronomic. "Vizitator" interstelar observat cu telescoape mici

O cometă care provine din afara Sistemului Solar a trecut duminică prin cel mai apropiat punct al orbitei sale de Soare (periheliu) şi a putut fi observată chiar şi cu ajutorul unor telescoape de cameră, informează Space.com.

9 Dec 09:46 Stirileprotv.ro 940005310015594074.html
Alpes : service minimum mardi à Manosque

Alpes : service minimum mardi à Manosque

9 Dec 15:57 LaProvence 1839381421746932049.html
Resident Evil 3 Remake: data di uscita indicata da un negozio inglese? | Game Division

Un negozio inglese ha indicato una possibile data di uscita per Resident Evil 3 Remake, l'attesissimo capitolo della serie survival horror di Capcom.

9 Dec 13:46 Tom's Hardware 6640147069747617659.html
Man (28) arrested over double ATM theft in Antrim

A 28-year-old man has been arrested over the theft of a double ATM from a Tesco supermarket in Antrim town last week.

9 Dec 16:00 The Irish News 993065224258535.html
Per Svensson: En kvinna som statsminister? Aldrig i Sverige

Finland har fått en kvinna som statsminister, Sanna Marin. Sverige är nu det enda landet i Norden som varken haft en kvinnlig stats- eller regeringschef.

9 Dec 17:00 DN.SE 398730695006859542.html
Julio Borges desde Israel: Nicolás Maduro es un protector del terrorismo mundial #9Dic

La mañana de este lunes el comisionado presidencial de Relaciones Exteriores, Julio Borges, informó que encuentra en Israel denunciando el apoyo que brinda el régimen de Nicolás Maduro a grupos terroristas.

9 Dec 14:36 El Impulso 879547508303240710.html
Karnataka Bypolls: BJP In Commanding Position As It Leads In 11 Out Of 15 Seats; Congress Admits Defeat

The B S Yediyurappa led Karnataka BJP has put itself in a commanding position in the Karnataka by-polls by leading in 11 out of the 15 assembly by-poll seats, News18 Kannada has reported.

9 Dec 10:54 Swarajya 4977622830046669007.html
Meet Emily Dickinson, Apple TV+’s Complicated Heroine

In a new video posted over the weekend, 'Dickinson' showrunner Alena Smith, and star Hailee Steinfield let us meet Emily a little bit more.

9 Dec 12:38 The Mac Observer 5087532649728176505.html
Claims girl, 12, 'coerced' into river where she drowned could be probed

Tragic Shukri Yahye-Abdi, 12, was allegedly bullied before her body was pulled from the River Irwell near Bury town centre in June, a pre-inquest hearing into her death was told

9 Dec 17:31 mirror 675785261026833134.html
Encuentran carbonizado el cadáver del general Manuel Ruiz Zerpa

En calabozo- El militar se encontraba desaparecido desde el 9 de octubre, cuando salió de su casa en Calabozo en su vehículo y desde entonces no supieron

9 Dec 12:34 El Siglo 7954754735305266697.html
Tödliche Attacke in Augsburg: Feuerwehrmann (49) durch Schlag gegen Kopf getötet, Verdächtige in U-Haft

Der Fall des bundesweit Aufsehen erregenden Tötungsdelikts von Augsburg steht vor der Aufklärung. Der Haupttäter sei ermittelt und festgenommen worden, teilte das bayerische Innenministerium am Sonntag mit. Außerdem sei ein Mittäter festgenommen worden, hieß es ergänzend. Am Montag identifizierte die Polizei auch den siebten und letzten Verdächtigen. Er wurde bereits verhaftet.

9 Dec 16:24 news.de 5126378979670505621.html
To the Surprise of No One, PS5 Will Have Exclusive Games

Titles not playable on PS4

9 Dec 11:15 Push Square 8538862518192759748.html
Hallan cadáver de un hombre acribillado y golpeado en Metepec, Estado de México

Vecinos reportaron que el cad&aacute;ver presentaba impactos de arma de fuego y golpes hechos con un palo o un tubo.

9 Dec 17:20 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624451902352.html
CBRE marketing UPMC's never-occupied Freight House Shops space as available for sublease

UPMC may not move into the Freight House Shops at Station Square after all.

9 Dec 14:23 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638021089460.html
2020 Hyundai Creta to don Palisade inspired design

The 2020 model update from the Hyundai Creta will push the segment forward, say sources

9 Dec 14:44 OVERDRIVE 7781473804454615589.html
Campeche, el destino que debes visitar si vives en México

Si eres mexicano no te puedes perder de Campeche; aqu&iacute; te decimos qu&eacute; lugares puedes visitar.

9 Dec 15:21 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622590762546.html
'Mother helped 3 men rape daughter', father tells cops

Three persons were arrested in Gujarat's Bhavnagar district for allegedly raping a minor girl repeatedly over a year, while the victim's mother, who abetted the crime, is absconding, said police on

9 Dec 09:35 Deccan Herald 2027555795965381624.html
Participação social, democracia e respeito aos idosos

Passadas mais de três décadas, o texto do parágrafo único do artigo 1º da Constituição Federal continua atual e precisa sempre ser lembrado, citado e usado. “Todo o poder emana do povo, que o exerce por meio de representantes eleitos ou diretamente”. Como presidente da Frente Parlamentar em Defesa dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa, temos discutido, junto com mais 40 instituições governamentais e não go...

9 Dec 16:00 Campo Grande News 7902463002098081450.html
I Will Bring Home Grammy- Burna Boy

While fans of Burna Boy expressed fears amidst joy about him winning a Grammy award, he has showed optimism that he would move past the nomination level.

9 Dec 12:24 Concise 5544636822687351309.html
Cusco: Colapsó puente de ingreso a Camino Inca a Machu Picchu

La crecida del río Vilcanota e intensas lluvias afectaron la infraestructura

9 Dec 14:41 canalN.pe 1595273588192193323.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje deja fuera a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020

El país también quedó excluido de otras competencias internacionales por cuatro años por la manipulación de datos del Laboratorio de Moscú

9 Dec 10:57 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310066129127.html
Pablo Picasso’s muse lives in Devon - and says the artist was a teetotal perfect gentleman

But French-born model Sylvette David declares that far from the alcohol-fuelled rumours that have previously overshadowed his life, the surrealist painter was in fact teetotal

9 Dec 13:49 DevonLive 2469244513389412675.html
Lemos: Los sospechosos del robo de 1.670 cajetillas de tabaco en Taboada se libran por falta de pruebas

9 Dec 17:35 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612349606445.html
Huawei lanza una placa base para ordenadores de sobremesa con procesador ARM a 7 nm

Huawei ha anunciado una placa base para ordenadores personales de sobremesa con una CPU integrada basada en un diseño ARM a 7 nm

9 Dec 10:18 ElOtroLado.net 609764229422399974.html
Ancelotti: 'La valigia di un allenatore è sempre pronta'

Il tecnico del Napoli: 'Giusto chiudere se non ci sono condizioni' (ANSA)

9 Dec 14:10 ANSA.it 1300837447397197555.html
Familia de joven fallecido desmiente a Petro, que atribuyó su desaparición al Esmad

El senador de la Colombia Humana, desde Twitter, había dicho que este había sido un caso de desaparición forzada y posterior asesinato por parte del escuadrón. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 10:57 pulzo.com 8971816786747017820.html
Aung San Suu Kyi è all'Aja per difendersi sui Rohingya

La leader birmana deve rispondere alle accuse di genocidio nei confronti della minoranza musulmana

9 Dec 15:12 Agi 2115274223816048949.html
Filhote de 18 mil anos congelado pode ser o cachorro mais antigo

O animal estava em uma região remota na Sibéria e pode ser considerado o cão mais velho já encontrado

9 Dec 16:30 MegaCurioso - As curiosidades mais interessantes estão aqui 8201156211051268098.html
Gigantfusjon i trøndersk næringsliv

Havbruksmilliardær Helge Gåsø fra Frøya slår sammen familiens selskap Frøy Gruppen med Namdal-konsernet NTS.

9 Dec 14:29 adressa.no 8417332408121965979.html
Los hombres que saben cocinar y lavar trastes enamoran más rápido a las mujeres

Muchas mujeres buscan un hombre que las enamore por el estomago degustando una rica comida preparada por el amor de su vida.

9 Dec 12:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418031712496.html
Santi Burgoa escribe una carta de amor a Alba Carrillo

La concursante de ‘GH VIP 7’ ha recibido mensajes de ánimo por parte de sus seres queridos.

9 Dec 14:42 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958256381300.html
Las remasterizaciones de Bayonetta y Vanquish llegarán juntas a PS4 y Xbox One en febrero

Hace unos días se filtró la existencia de unas remasterizaciones de Bayonetta y Vanquish, dos de los títulos más emblemáticos que Platinum Games lanzó en la...

9 Dec 16:48 Vida Extra 2315661877111530437.html
Cardi B reportedly received N1.8b to perform in Nigeria and Ghana

Reports which has since surfaced on the internet suggests that American rap star, Cardi B was reportedly paid a whooping N1.8 billion to perform both in Lagos, Nigeria and Ghana.

9 Dec 08:48 Legit 3764253649307265449.html
La AMA excluye a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos y los Mundiales por dopaje de Estado

La sanción es de cuatro años, pero los atletas que demuestren no tener implicación podrán competir bajo bandera neutral

9 Dec 10:39 ABC.es 6074573463719454209.html
Starling Home Hub, un boîtier qui rend les accessoires Nest compatibles HomeKit

Les appareils de domotique Nest appartiennent à Google et ils ne sont pas compatibles avec HomeKit. En tout cas, pas par défaut, mais il existe des solutions pour contrôler le thermostat connecté, le

9 Dec 15:30 iGeneration 6685218357074080254.html
Auto in brand op de Ring in Dreischor

DREISCHOR - In Dreischor is in de nacht van zondag op maandag een personenauto in vlammen opgegaan.

9 Dec 11:41 HVZeeland.nl 6787007639635005149.html
Maurizio Sarri slams Juventus players after disappointing defeat to Lazio

Maurizio Sarri blames his players for disappointing defeat to Lazio. Cristiano Ronaldo scored his seventh goal of the season. A goal each from Felipe, Milinkovic-Savic and Caicedo handed the Old Lady their defeat of the season.

9 Dec 09:19 Legit 3764253649299440153.html
Informal y sencilla: Kate Middleton llevó tendencia de calzado que probablemente tienes en tu clóset

Kate Middleton es una de las integrantes más famosas de la realeza británica, destacando siempre por su elegancia y fabulosos outfits. En este sentido, un look en el que poca...

9 Dec 13:34 Pagina 7 4371131344520558823.html
Los Lakers recuperaron la mejor marca de la NBA

Anthony Davis se destapó con 50 puntos en la victoria ante Minnesota.

9 Dec 10:20 alairelibre.cl 7508323593500706575.html
Colby revela que estava para ser demitido do UFC antes de chamar brasileiros de "animais imundos"

Desafiante ao cinturão dos pesos-meio-médios contra Kamaru Usman no UFC 245, americano afirma que provocação em São Paulo foi ponto de virada em sua carreira na organização

9 Dec 14:48 Globoesporte 3611676019450112127.html
Comeback der Lumberjacker beim Auftaktkonzert für „Gute Taten“

Aktuelle Nachrichten aus der baden-württembergischen Stadt Göppingen der Neuen Württembergischen Zeitung.

9 Dec 13:49 swp.de 6929179441808477900.html
Repubblica - Nasce il gruppo dei combattenti per salvare Ancelotti, a guidarlo è Manolas: ecco da chi è composto

 “Un partito dei combattenti”. Così scrive l'edizione odierna di Repubblica

9 Dec 11:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080273257882.html
Valais: nouveau litige autour du point Tarmed

La Société médicale valaisanne demande au Conseil d’Etat valaisan que la CSS assurances et ses sociétés affiliées revoient la valeur du point Tarmed ...

9 Dec 12:00 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461023562508.html
Cerkveno sodišče bivšega ljutomerskega župnika spoznalo za krivega spolnega nasilja

Zadeva v zvezi s sumom spolnega nasilja, katerega naj bi bil aprila lani osumljen zdaj že bivši ljutomerski župnik Andrej Zrim in zaradi tega bil s strani murskosoboškega škofa Petra Štumpfa tudi odpoklican iz župnije Ljutomer, je v teh dneh dobila svoj epilog.Na spletni strani Župnije Ljutomer je namreč z dne ...

9 Dec 14:43 Prlekija on net 5500439796967722278.html
Seahawks’ Penny to miss remainder of season after knee injury

The second-year running back injured his ACL early in Sunday night’s loss to the L.A. Rams.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135409437060722.html
Des citoyens font une macabre découverte aux environs de Marrakech

Les éléments de la gendarmerie royale de Tahannaout (province Al Haouz) ont ouvert une enquête après la découverte, samedi dernier, du corps d'un quinquagénaire, père de trois enfants, dans un canal d'irrigation au douar M'kassam.

9 Dec 15:52 Le Site Info 5160764341651664643.html
Para Cafiero, "tenemos que resolver, no echar culpas y mirar para adelante"

El futuro Jefe de Gabinete Santiago Cafiero hizo pública este lunes la consigna con la que arrancará mañana el gobierno Alberto Fernández: “Tenemos que resolver, no echar culpas y mirar para adelante”.

9 Dec 11:27 El Esquiú 5729181306121484158.html
"Selbst ist die Braut 2": Darum gibt es keine Fortsetzung und Marvel ist schuld

"Selbst ist die Braut 2", eine Fortsetzung zu der profitablen romantischen Komödie, wäre früher kein Thema gewesen. Darum wird es aber nie ein Sequel geben.

9 Dec 15:11 futurezone.de 2257170159733396702.html
Atención con Guerrero: Ameal y Riquelme ganaron las elecciones en Boca Juniors

Jorge Ameal se consagró. con la presidencia del poderoso Boca Juniors de Argentina tras totalizar el 52,8 % de las elecciones (20, 045 votos). El nuevo gobierno xeneixe, que tendrá como vicepresidentes a Mario Pergolini y Juan Román Riquelme, será hasta el 2023. Por su parte, el candidato oficialista Christian Gribaudo quedó en el segundo lugar tras obtener el 30,6 % de votantes, mientras que el tercer puesto se lo llevó José Beraldi con un 16, 1 %. Fueron 38.363 socios que participaron en las elecciones del club argentino.

9 Dec 17:00 Ovación 4766812596487742884.html
Erupcionó un volcán en Nueva Zelanda: hay al menos cinco muertos y decenas de atrapados

Un grupo de excursionistas se encontraba cerca del cráter minutos antes de la erupción.

9 Dec 12:00 La Voz 6237180762108610334.html
Busca: tutto pronto per la presentazione del nuovo libro sui Biazaci di Mirella Lovisolo

Appuntamento alle ore 21 in Casa Francotto

9 Dec 12:14 Targatocn.it 7367208848214933168.html
Bei Einsatz Schlägerei: Polizei muss in Karben zweimal in einer Nacht ausrücken

Gleich zweimal musste die Polizei am Samstag in Karben ran. An zwei Orten fanden Schlägereien unter Jugendlichen statt. Bei einer traf es einen Unschuldigen.

9 Dec 13:01 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323306684439.html
Após assassinato de marido, Flordelis assume papel discreto na Câmara

A deputada foi a mulher mais votada no Rio de Janeiro e, até a morte de Anderson do Carmo, um dos nomes fortes da bancada evangélica

9 Dec 16:24 O TEMPO 6069683948220188033.html
Q&A: What are the political parties saying about crime during the election?

The parties differ in their approach to law and order.

9 Dec 13:28 Express & Star 7324224459894240832.html
Colombia mejora su IDH, pero la desigualdad sigue siendo el principal reto

Colombia mejoró su Índice de Desarrollo Humano, IDH, y ascendió en el informe del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Pnud; sin embargo, la desigualdad sigue siendo el principal desafío al que se enfrentan el país y la región.Según el documento, Colombia pasó de un IDH de 0,746 en 2003 a 0,761 en 2018 y ascendió, en el mismo periodo, del puesto 95 al 79. Así mismo, entre 1990 —año en que inició la medición— y 2018, el índice ha crecido de 0,600 a 0,761 (26,9% más), la expectativa de vida creció 7,4 años y los años de escolaridad, 2,9. Además, el promedio de escolaridad aumentó 5,5 años y el ingreso per cápita se elevó 74,5%."Colombia, uno de los países más dinámicos de la región, y sede por primera vez del lanzamiento global en América Latina, ha tenido grandes transformaciones en las últimas décadas, evidenciado en la reducción a la mitad de su incidencia en pobreza monetaria, la cual pasó de 49% en 2002 a 27% en 2018. Esto sin lugar a duda es un avance que se confirma con el Índice de Desarrollo…

9 Dec 08:31 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346887161823.html
Detenidos en el alcoholímetro deberán ir a curso sobre adicciones

Para sacar los vehículos del corralón será obligatorio asistir a las pláticas.

9 Dec 08:05 SIPSE.com 4008460418812426460.html
Andrea Damante punge Giulia De Lellis, ma il web non approva: "Le corna non fanno ridere"

Andrea Damante ha pubblicato un post in cui si mostra con le corna, chiaro riferimento a Giulia De Lellis, ma il web non ha approvato la sua ironia

9 Dec 10:34 ilGiornale.it 5019541224053237946.html
El Valencia se la juega ante el Ajax con ocho bajas

Los de Celades deben, al menos, calcar el resultado del Chelsea, que recibe al Lille

9 Dec 17:36 EL PAÍS 2207347711130118359.html
Wöber verrät Bus-Geheimnis von Bullen-Star Haaland

Die Spannung steigt! Fast jeder Sieg reicht Salzburg am Dienstag (18.55 Uhr) zu Hause gegen Liverpool zum erstmaligen Einzug in die K.o.-Phase der ...

9 Dec 11:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093359488907.html
La cuarta temporada de La casa de Papel ya tiene fecha de estreno en Netflix

Por Bilt

9 Dec 12:28 Humor en Serie 183789314212479090.html
Floods, landslide in Uganda claims 26 lives - Red Cross

Some there have resisted the government’s attempts to have them relocated to lowlands elsewhere, saying they find it hard to vacate their ancestral lands.

9 Dec 10:25 Africanews 6630243978173497256.html
Bayer 04: Daran hakt der Todibo-Transfer

Vor wenigen Wochen war Bayer Leverkusen intensiv mit dem Transfer von Jean-Clair Todibo vom FC Barcelona in Verbindung gebracht worden. Dann wurde es still um den jungen Franzosen. Offenbar hakt (...)

9 Dec 15:17 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608785307129604.html
"Keine Abmontage der Vorsitzenden": SPÖ-Präsidium tagt

Das Präsidium bespricht heute die „finanzielle Genesung“ und „inhaltliche Erneuerung“ der SPÖ. Parteichefin Rendi-Wagner gibt sich kämpferisch und will „die öffentliche Selbstbeschäftigung“ beenden.

9 Dec 10:53 Die Presse 6242788855815747185.html
Erzincan'da bir yolcu otobs arampole yuvarland 20 kii yaraland

Erzincan-Erzurum Karayolunun Karakaya mevkiinde bir yolcu otobs, otomobille arpt ve arampole yuvarland. Kazada 20 kii yaraland.

9 Dec 15:53 Star 3455060033273036312.html
Ledare: Regeringen backar om AF-reform. Nya nederlag hotar.

Reträtten från regeringen och dess samarbetspartier är välkommen.

9 Dec 17:12 Sydsvenskan 2976531143939240350.html
Harmony OS – Huawei wird nächstes Jahr mehr Geräte und weltweit anbieten

Das Harmony OS (Hongmeng OS) wird im nächsten Jahr auf weitere Geräte von Huawei eingesetzt werden. So Reuters heute. Geplant sind vordergründig Smart TVs (Honor Vision). Aber auf Tablets und Handy…

9 Dec 17:13 Deskmodder.de 1317701989526360953.html
Así fue el romántico matrimonio al atardecer de Gabriel Peralta

La fiesta incluyó mucho baile, y hasta una coreografía.

9 Dec 15:05 AR13 5510785231004322633.html
AMLO teme que el caso de Ricardo Valero pueda ser un LINCHAMIENTO MEDIÁTICO

El Presidente de M&eacute;xico, AMLO, solicit&oacute; que no se le realice un "linchamiento medi&aacute;tico" a Ricardo Valero, embajador mexicano que se dice, rob&oacute; un libro en Argentina.

9 Dec 11:47 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623817104726.html
I am Jesus Christ - PC-Spiel angekündigt, spielt als Sohn Gottes

Auf Steam wurde ein neues PC-Spiel angekündigt, das den Titel „I am Jesus Christ“ trägt und den Spieler tatsächlich in die Rolle von Jesus Christus schlüpfen lässt.

9 Dec 11:58 PlayNation 4622181945245053577.html
V Savdski Arabiji odpravili ločene vhode za moške in ženske v restavracijah

Moški in ženske bodo poslej v Savdski Arabiji v restavracije in kavarne lahko vstopali skozi isti vhod. Savdsko ministrstvo za občinske in podeželske zadeve je v nedeljo sporočilo, da so odpravili dolgoletni sistem ločenih vhodov. Nova ureditev bo veljala tudi za prizorišča za poroke ter zabaviščne centre.

9 Dec 08:36 Dnevnik 7671546649993417199.html
Plataforma Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack obtém classificação AAA da SE Labs

Na perspectiva dos atacantes, o verdadeiro valor da sua acção reside naquilo que pode alcançar após entrar numa rede ou num dispositivo: seja eliminar/encriptar ficheiros, roubar dados confidenciais para manchar a reputação das organizações, entre outros.

9 Dec 15:31 PCGuia 8345134072548324970.html
Oroscopo di oggi 9 dicembre 2019: previsioni astrali segno per segno

Oroscopo 9 dicembre: amore, lavoro, salute. Le previsioni dell’oroscopo del giorno lunedì 9 dicembre 2019 segno per segno

9 Dec 08:40 Affari Italiani 6123405403006551504.html
Ranbir Kapoor And Tiger Shroff To Come Together For Yash Raj Film’s Next?

Yash Raj Films is gearing up for its golden jubilee anniversary next year. The production house is lining up a string of star-studded movies as a part of its 50-year celebrations. According to a report by Bollywood Hungama, Aditya Chopra may also be planning a big-budget action movie with Ranbir Kapoor and Tiger Shroff

9 Dec 15:36 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244907667853.html
Budapest: Ungarn dominiert Teqball-WM 2019

Die Gatsgeber holten die Titel im Einzel und Doppel. Fußball-Nation Brasilien blieb zumindest der Triumph im Mixed-Wettbewerb.

9 Dec 11:15 euronews 4540914627131607947.html
Asalta a mujer y la arroja al suelo en Iztapalapa

Un sujeto amaga a la víctima con un arma de fuego y por la fuerza la despoja de su bolso de mano en la colonia Tepalcates

9 Dec 09:55 Excélsior 859179358519764721.html
ONU adverte que desigualdade aumenta risco de conflitos na América Latina

De acordo com o relatório do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano, a região registra a maior perda em desenvolvimento humano por desigualdade

9 Dec 10:31 CartaCapital 2483507009308997984.html
First Trust New Opportunities MLP & Energy Fund: Our Top Pick Among MLP CEFs

FPL has presented a strong performance in 2019 despite continued weakness in MLPs and the midstream energy industry.We think the fund has value considering current discount to NAV  and potential rebou

9 Dec 09:43 Seeking Alpha 5725634556175596141.html
La casa di carta 4, il trailer che annuncia l'uscita ha una sorpresa

Netflix rivela che la pubblicazione in streaming avverrà il 3 aprile e aggiunge una rivelazione inaspettata

9 Dec 11:27 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188872967708.html
Repubblica: "Hernandez goleador per caso. Il Milan mette all’angolo la crisi"

All'indomani della vittoria del Milan in casa del Bologna, Repubblica titola così: "Hernandez goleador per caso. Il Milan mette all’angolo la crisi". Il terzino francese è andato ancora in gol ed è sempre il capocannoniere rossonero insieme a Piatek, anche lui in gol ieri sera al Dall'Ara (di Bonaventura la terza rete milanista). Con questo successo, il Diavolo fa un altro importante passo fuori dalla crisi.   

9 Dec 10:34 MilanNews.it 6507305921916838441.html
Italia: Un terremoto de magnitud 4,5 sacude Florencia

No ha habido víctimas ni heridos

9 Dec 10:22 La Vanguardia 8061072699898367898.html
Le monde en cause - les Britanniques aux urnes

Reportage avec deux anciens députés conservateurs avant les élections législatives prévues jeudi.

9 Dec 09:52 RTN 7627697626940008372.html
Vivo V17 review: Good cameras, slick design but competition is tough

Vivo V17 review: Does Vivo V17 offers great value for its price? We take a look at the new phone with 48MP quad-camera and 32MP front camera.

9 Dec 11:24 The Indian Express 2885715104883058452.html
Father, 66, and daughter, 33, enjoy pint together minutes after judge spares pair jail over alcohol-fuelled pub brawl

Robert Stott, 66, and Anne-Marie (pictured), 33, had their celebratory drink in a bar near a Manchester court after they apologised to a judge for threatening a publican who had barred them in Stockport.

9 Dec 09:50 Mail Online 124328112366767150.html
Ministrul Fondurilor Europene: Am trimis spre decontare către Comisia Europeană 378 milioane de euro

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

9 Dec 12:54 Gândul 5586965504399294954.html
Chance The Rapper, Lil Uzi Vert and Gucci Mane pay tribute to Juice WRLD

Key figures from the hip-hop community have paid their respects.

9 Dec 11:55 FACT Magazine 7458605277100695571.html
Embajador mexicano puede ser cesado por robarse libro de 189 pesos

Video muestra a Óscar Ricardo Valero Recio Becerra, embajador de México en Argentina, robando un libro en la famosa librería El Ateneo Grand Splendid, en Buenos Aires

9 Dec 10:30 El Universal 4964748197724511061.html
Ledare: Regeringen backar om AF-reform. Nya nederlag hotar.

Reträtten från regeringen och dess samarbetspartier är välkommen.

9 Dec 17:12 HD 3336945411937186206.html
Médicos cubanos en Brasil pagaban con su trabajo el puerto del Mariel

Aseguró Marcelo Odebrecht, el dueño de la compañía, quien dijo además que Lula da Silva fue el pidió a Odebrecht desarrollar un proyecto en Cuba

9 Dec 13:07 Cubanet 2710294110179445864.html
Građani Mostara poručuju da ne odustaju, oglasila se policija

MOSTAR - Jake snage MUP-a Hercegovačko-neretvanskog kantona su uz primjenu sile rano jutros deblokirale deponiju Uborak u Mostaru. Deponiji je prošle sedmice istekla ekološka dozvola, a građani okolnih naselja je drže blokiranom od srijede.

9 Dec 14:41 Nezavisne novine 4209150641158383257.html
ERC enfría las expectativas de una investidura antes de Nochevieja: "Si el PSOE tiene tanta prisa, que se mueva"

Los republicanos vuelven a alejar la investidura de Sánchez hasta enero, pese a que los socialistas contemplaban Fin de Año, porque creen que necesitan tiempo para concretar suficientemente la mesa de negociaciónLa portavoz evita vincular la situación de los presos con la investidura, pero asegura que el PSOE debe "hacer gestos" que demuestren que ha abandonado la judicialización de la políticaERC reclama que la Fiscalía no "interfiera" si la prisión propone un tercer grado para Junqueras

9 Dec 13:37 eldiario.es 4752673444108764205.html
Haden Triplets share new song & video ft. Nick Offerman, announce tour

The Haden Triplets' new album features songs from all across the very musical Haden family's songbook, and a Kanye West cover.

9 Dec 09:30 BrooklynVegan 7574135798343209441.html
"Torres del Paine", un libro del fotógrafo Francisco Espíldora que retrata el parque en los silenciosos y blancos meses de invierno

Pumas, guanacos y aves nativas son algunas de las especies que se pueden observar en este volumen de 140 páginas. Para su realización el autor estuvo 45 días viviendo en el lugar.

9 Dec 16:46 Emol 3328490601632243985.html
Sharmila Tagore's 75th Birthday Celebrations: Saif, Kareena & Taimur Take Her On A Tiger Safari

Bollywoods diva Sharmila Tagore celebrated her 75th birthday yesterday (Sunday) with her family in a rather unique way. The actress rang in her special day in Ranthambore with a jungle safari and we bring you some pictures from the fun trip.

9 Dec 10:17 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245204050666.html
Odzvonilo mu: Kadri Veselji pozvan kao osumnjičeni u Hag

Iako predsednik DPK Kadri Veselji nije rekao u kom svojstvu je pozvan u Hag, bivši agent ŠIK-a Naim Miftari, kaže da je predsednik kosovskog parlamenta pozvan kao osumnjičeni.

9 Dec 17:31 REPUBLIKA 2543998406452703459.html
Greve continua e franceses se preparam para uma segunda-feira caótica

Sindicalistas afirmaram que só vão ceder se o governo francês voltar atrás na proposta da reforma da Previdência

9 Dec 12:31 CartaCapital 2483507008275835083.html
Foi libertado por engano e violou oito mulheres e crianças

Joseph McCann foi colocado em liberdade condicional por um erro e em duas semanas violou oito pessoas no Reino Unido. A vítima mais nova foi um rapaz de 11 anos e a mais velha uma mulher de 71.

9 Dec 16:42 SÁBADO 5711459690853077656.html
Send Us Your Holiday Photos!

Send us your photos and we might put them on the air!

9 Dec 15:11 KNOE 8 News 9048639190862973203.html
Nezapamćen skandal u svetu sporta: Rusija izbačena sa Olimpijskih igara, ali ne i Evropskog prvenstva u fudbalu

Izvršni komitet VADA suspendovao je ruske sportiste sa učešća na Olimpijskim igrama u naredne četiri godine, javila je agencija AFP

9 Dec 10:48 Вечерње новости 4219870592961971827.html
Jelang Final SEA Games 2019, Indra Sjafri Resmi Ditunjuk sebagai Anggota Komite Teknik AFC

Pelatih timnas U-22 Indonesia, Indra Sjafri dinobatkan menjadi salah satu anggota komite teknik AFC untuk periode 2019-2023.

9 Dec 13:01 Tribunnews.com 3323534446004759142.html
China busca resultado "satisfatório" em negociações comerciais com EUA

Ao ser perguntado se a China pretende retaliar se os EUA forem adiante com o plano de impor tarifas a mais produtos chineses no domingo

9 Dec 10:00 Folha Vitória 4941883426382044340.html
En liten och svag vänsterregering

LEDARE. Regeringen och samarbetspartierna backar i frågan om Arbetsförmedlingen. Och Vänsterpartiet återkallar sitt misstroendehot, liksom M och KD. Det står nu klart att Vänsterpartiet har inflytande över politikens inriktning, trots att motsatsen påstås i Januariöverenskommelsen.

9 Dec 13:03 Dagens industri 3921815213290864251.html
Insólito. Pedra, papel ou tesoura para decidir quem marca livre no Vasco

Três jogadores queriam cobrar falta perigosa junto à área da Chapecoense. Como não se entendiam, foi preciso um sorteio em pleno relvado

9 Dec 14:22 DN 8445869955940923105.html
The next BioShock game is in development at new 2K studio

Take-Two Interactive publishing arm 2K Games officially announced the studio today

9 Dec 14:25 Polygon 3721530541768472433.html
Uni Gießen Opfer von Hackern?

Die Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen ist seit Sonntagabend komplett vom Internet abgeschnitten. Was dazu geführt hat, ist noch unklar.

9 Dec 13:35 Bild 8433249908657556597.html
FOTOS: En Cancún aumentan imágenes sexuales de mujeres en los grupos de Facebook

Las fotos de mujeres en Facebook en los grupos de Canc&uacute;n son cada vez m&aacute;s atrevidas y en algunos casos hasta pornogr&aacute;ficas.

9 Dec 15:03 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624416541513.html
Hong Kong protesters lead in popular choice for TIME Person of the Year 2019

The demonstrators with 89% votes polled as 'yes' have emerged the current favourite among people across the world who are voting to validate them as the people wielding the most influence in the past 12 months.

9 Dec 08:16 The Indian Express 2885715105329541633.html
Neue Notruf-App für Wien

Automatische Standortübermittlung soll Einsatzabwicklung beschleunigen.

9 Dec 15:42 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441692686569.html
More than half of NHS devices are still running Windows 7

And 20 per cent of Trusts have no plans to upgrade

9 Dec 10:48 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887306734087004.html
Shopify Stock Will Continue to Amaze Investors in 2020

Shopify stock, which is up 165% this year, still has more upside opportunities like the one from last week. The triggers are close.

9 Dec 15:53 InvestorPlace 24614510353035805.html
Martín Vizcarra: Que investiguen todo, no hay nada que esconder

El mandatario dio un discurso desde San Borja por el Día del Ejército Peruano

9 Dec 16:28 canalN.pe 1595273587455766649.html
Rusia prohibida de participar en los Juegos Olímpicos y el Mundial de Fútbol

La bandera y el himno nacional de Rusia fueron prohibidos el lunes en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio y otros eventos deportivos.

9 Dec 13:35 Noticias de Israel 5887715890338345467.html
Sport - Barcellona, incontro con l'agente di Vidal prima di Natale. E intanto i dirigenti sono a Milano da venerdì

Il Barcellona deve lavorare per accelerare alcune uscite milionarie nel mercato invernale. Stando a quanto riferisce Sport, quotidiano catalano vicino alle vicende dei blaugrana,...

9 Dec 08:30 FcInterNews.it 7848284892097091420.html
The Children of ISIS Don’t Belong in Cages, Either

The world is failing innocent victims of the war on terrorism.

9 Dec 11:20 NY Times 1961078287904300801.html
Comment le géant Ant a conquis des centaines de millions de micro-emprunteurs chinois

La gigantesque activité de microcrédit d’Ant Financial a explosé en offrant de minuscules prêts, souvent sans intérêt, aux masses en Chine

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695067811424559.html
Murió una mujer tras un aborto clandestino

Una mujer de nacionalidad paraguaya de 34 años murió en el hospital San Martín de La Plata (Buenos Aires) tras someterse a un aborto clandestino, informaron este lunes fuentes policiales y médicas.

9 Dec 13:20 El Esquiú 5729181306404805674.html
Stop Bully Ari Askhara, Stop!! Pinta Bang Sandi

WE Online, Jakarta - Eks Cawapres Sandiaga Uno meminta publik untuk menilai kasus eks Dirut Garuda Indonesia I Gusti Ngurah Askhara atau Ari Askhara secara proporsional.

9 Dec 12:08 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835380688540.html
Protección Civil informa que cuatro bombas surten gasolina en la Gran Valencia

El Sistema Integrado Protección Civil y Bomberos informó la mañana de este lunes 9 de diciembre sobre las estaciones de servicio de gasolina

9 Dec 14:58 El Carabobeño 125457438611029870.html
Serie A, la classifica aggiornata: Udinese sempre a più quattro sulla zona retrocessione

Seconda vittoria consecutiva per il Milan, che dopo aver battuto il Parma si impone per 3-2 anche sul Bologna. La formazione rossonera sale a quota 20 punti in classifica, agganciando il Torino e portandosi a -1 dalla coppia Parma-Napoli. I felsinei restano invece a 16 punti appaiati alla Fiorentina. Inter 38 Juventus 36 Lazio 33 Cagliari 29 Roma 29 Atalanta 28 Napoli 21 Parma 21 Torino 20 Milan 20 Verona 18 Bologna 16 Fiorentina 16 Lecce 15 Udinese 15 Sassuolo 15* Sampdoria 12 Genoa 11 Brescia 10* SPAL 9

9 Dec 09:55 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193327027875.html
How early is too early for holiday decor? Poll puts hot topic to rest

In an attempt to put the hotly debated question to rest, pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson, host of Fox Nation's "What Are the Odds?" shared the findings of a recent poll in Fox Nation's Christmas special "All American Christmas on Fox Square."

9 Dec 15:10 Fox News 7362823820728299558.html
PRIMA PAGINA - Tuttosport: "Terapia d'urto per la Juve"

Taglio alto dell'edizione odierna di Tuttosport dedicato alla Juventus ed al suo tecnico Maurizio Sarri

9 Dec 09:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079720487741.html
Conte: "Assenze nel Barcellona? Hanno 20 titolari, dovremo dare tutto"

"Stiamo parlando del Barcellona, di una delle squadre più forti al mondo, con una rosa di giocatori molto forte. Sono tra le 4-5 che partono con l'obiettivo di vincere tutto e se questo è l'obiettivo la rosa deve essere composta da 20 giocatori tutti potenziali titolari". Così l'allenatore dell'Inter, Antonio Conte, alla vigilia del match con il Barcellona, valido per l'ultima giornata del gruppo F di Champions League. I catalani hanno già matematicamente vinto il girone e faranno a meno di Leo Messi, mentre ai nerazzurri serve un successo per garantirsi la qualificazione.

9 Dec 17:38 Adnkronos 2840063644288037327.html
10 things you need to know before the opening bell, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - This is what traders are talking about.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 12:26 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756980204198.html
Joven motociclista muere al chocar con un poste en la autopista Medellín-Bogotá

La importante vía estuvo con paso restringido durante algunos minutos, mientras levantaban el cadáver de la víctima

9 Dec 15:27 Noticias Caracol 4063533508201812377.html
El zasca de Carlos Bardem a Javier Maroto tras la polémica de su hermano

La polémica generada después de que Javier Bardem llamase "estúpido" a José Luis Martínez Almeida, el alcalde de Madrid, tiene un nuevo capítulo. A pesar de que el actor se disculpó después, Javier Maroto quiso defender a su compañero de partido atacando al protagonista de 'Mar Adentro' pero no se esperaba que el hermano de Bardem entrase en el intercambio de mensajes.

9 Dec 10:16 MARCA 5656811532300840368.html
AMLO pide a los bancos sumarse a "dispersar fondos" de sus programas sociales

El presidente de M&eacute;xico, Andr&eacute;s Manuel L&oacute;pez Obrador (AMLO), hizo un llamado a los bancos para suparse a "dispersar fondos" de sus programas sociales.

9 Dec 13:53 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623084432613.html
De releasedatum van La Casa de Papel seizoen 4 is bekend

Dit is alles wat we tot nu toe weten

9 Dec 09:48 Glamour 7276994001975277077.html
Labantwana Ama Uber: Check Out Akpeyi’s Uber Ride

While he has been thrust into the spotlight since joining Kaizer Chiefs, Daniel Akpeyi lives a quiet life away from the field. This could not be more evident than with his choice of car. Check it out.

9 Dec 09:43 Soccer Laduma 3901337370271739605.html
I'm A Celebrity: Kate Garraway reveals female campmates 'blocked the cameras' as they showered

They were 'nervous' and 'embarrassed'

9 Dec 15:17 Entertainment Daily 8392972516757226794.html
Araraquara registra aumento de 28% no aparecimento de enxames

Uma comissão para atender estes casos está sendo instituída; enxames aparecem por toda a cidade

9 Dec 11:59 ACidade ON 9132734526724876648.html
Fibrillation atriale : information et dépistage dans 10 sites en France

Le 12 décembre, 10 grands établissements de soins participeront, en France, à la Journée Nationale de la Fibrillation Atriale. Une maladie souvent asymptomatique et qui est un facteur de risque majeur pour l'AVC. Objectif de cette journée : informer les patients et développer le dépistage.

9 Dec 14:20 Pourquoi Docteur 1560376485048865763.html
Odžić: Budućnost Vojvodine ne može se graditi na antievropskim vrednostima i nacionalizmu

Predsednik Vojvodjanske partije Aleksandar Odžić ocenio je danas kao "više nego zabrinjavajuću činjenicu" da vlast u Srbiji i deo "samozvane" opozicije sve manje spominju Evropsku uniju, a sve više Rusiju i Evroazijsku uniju, dok je Vojvodina nešto što se za njih "podrazumeva".Odžić je u saopštenju naveo da se budućnost Vojvodine ne može graditi na antievropskim vrednostima, nacionalizmu i netoleranciju."Kao zaokružena prirodna, istorijska i administrativna zajednica autonomna pokrajina, Vojvodina po svemu predstavlja Evropu u malom, iz čijeg vrednosnog sistema je niko ne može udaljiti ili premestiti u nešto što iskonsko vojvodjansko biće ne može prihvatiti kao pripadajući model za budućnost", naveo je Odžić u saopštenju.Dodao je da je Vojvodina specifična višenacionalna, višekonfesionalna, politička, ekonomska i sociokulturna celina, nastala na temelju sopstvenog istorijskog razvoja, te procesa koji su vekovima bili suštinski drugačiji od uslova u ostalim delovima današnje države Srbije."U Vojvodini živi više…

9 Dec 13:10 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081837614369.html
Paolo Guerrero a Boca Juniors: prensa argentina informa así mensaje del Depredador [FOTOS]

Luego de publicar un emotivo mensaje en tono de despedida del fútbol brasileño [1], medios de Argentina abordaron la noticia de la futura llegada de Paolo Guerrero [2] a Boca Juniors [3]. [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/brasileirao [2] https://www.elpopular.pe/deportes/paolo-guerrero [3] https://www.elpopular.pe/deportes/boca-juniors

9 Dec 15:45 El Popular 1251135763297401365.html
La MAP lance trois nouveaux portails régionaux

L'Agence Marocaine de Presse vient de lancer les portails de ses pôles régionaux de Guelmim-Oued Noun “www.mapguelmim.ma”, Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab “www.mapdakhla.ma” et Drâa-Tafilalet “www.maperrachidia.ma”, accomplissant ainsi son objectif de 12 sites web d'information régionaux. Dédiés aux informations régionales à caractère politique, social, économique, sportif, environnemental, culturel ..., ces nouveaux portails digitaux donnent accès à un contenu diversifié et exhaustif en langues arabe et française, sous forme de dépêches, capsules vidéos, photographies et infographies. Le contenu des sites est rehaussé par les divers réseaux sociaux . À l'image des portails régionaux précédemment lancés, ces sites web disposent d'une rubrique "Agenda", listant les événements prévus au niveau des régions respectives, une rubrique "MAPBusiness", qui est le prolongement du service disponible sur le site “www.mapbusiness.ma”, offrant un accès privilégié aux entreprises locales, leur permettant de promouvoir leurs projets en…

9 Dec 14:44 LesEco.ma 3084334527784109437.html
Tom Brady injury update: Patriots QB says he's 'fine' despite elbow being heavily wrapped

Brady assumes he will be on the injury report this week with an elbow injury, but he claims he will play in Week 15 against the Bengals.

9 Dec 12:22 Sporting News 5110653854681786432.html
Wilders gaat helemaal los tegen aanklagers: “Wat een schorriemorrie zeg!”

PVV-leider Wilders heeft op Twitter vandaag hard uitgehaald naar het Openbaar Ministerie, dat gewoon wilde doordenderen met het hoger beroep van de strafzaak tegen het Kamerlid. Ondanks dat het onderzoek over beïnvloeding van het strafproces nog niet klaar is. Daar had de politicus geen goed woord voor over. Het “Minder Marokkanen”-proces tegen Geert Wilders blijft voortduren. Een uitspraak in het hoger beroep had eigenlijk al klaar moeten zijn, maar het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie blijft treuzelen met het afronden van een onderzoek naar zichzelf: over de vraag of ambtenaren het strafproces tegen Wilders een handje hebben geholpen of niet. Grapperhaus zegt dat het nu pas in februari wordt afgerond, maar het Openbaar Ministerie wilde er niet op wachten. De Telegraaf berichtte er over: “Het Openbaar Ministerie wil verder met het hoger beroep in de zaak-Wilders. Het OM vindt het niet nodig om te wachten op de zoektocht van minister Grapperhaus naar mogelijke bewijzen van politieke beïnvloeding van de vervolging…

9 Dec 17:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610059000295500.html
Una mujer murió en Morona Santiago tras desplomarse su vivienda

Zoila Marín falleció este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 en el sector La Merced, perteneciente al cantón Limón Indanza de la provincia de Morona Santiago. La mujer de la tercera edad fue encontrada bajo los escombros de su vivienda que se desplomó por la fuerza de un alud.

9 Dec 17:20 El Comercio 2865024640642649900.html
Les Sardines italiennes, le mouvement anti-Salvini qui rate sa cible

Né en réaction au populisme de droite, ce tout récent mouvement de la société civile fait concurrence... aux partis de gauche

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695067266406668.html
Le Cameroun mobilise ses partenaires autour du Plan de reconstruction et de relance des régions anglophones en crise

Le Premier ministre camerounais, Joseph Dion Ngute, a annoncé sur son compte tweeter avoir récemment réuni « une quinzaine » de représentants de

9 Dec 13:53 Investir au Cameroun 6397460053693736582.html
Il CorSera titola: "Risveglio Milan"

"Risveglio Milan". Titola così a pagina 38-39 il Corriere della Sera sulla vittoria dei rossoneri a Bologna per 2-3: "Piatek su Rigore, Theo Hernandez e Bonaventura: rossoneri ok a Bologna. Il Milan rinasce sulla via Emilia, dopo Parma vince anche a Bologna e se domenica a San Siro riuscirà a batterà il Sassuolo, completerà la resurrezione d'autunno e comincerà a colorare il suo sin qui modesto campionato".

9 Dec 08:24 MilanNews.it 6507305921997740432.html
RUSKI KOSMONAUTI ĆE TRAŽITI NAFTU IZ SVEMIRA: Razvili su posebnu tehnologiju za taj poduhvat

Kompanija Ruski kosmički sistemi (deo Roskosmosa) saopštila je da pravi infracrveni radiometar za pronalaženje ruda sa Međunarodne kosmičke stanice.

9 Dec 12:16 kurir.rs 6515665028555112079.html
Doppel-Interview: Orlando Bloom und Cara Delevingne für mehr Empathie

Die Schauspieler Cara Delevingne (27) und Orlando Bloom (42) hoffen auf mehr Verständnis in gesellschaftlichen Diskussionen.

9 Dec 09:59 swp.de 6929179440143153625.html
Boutique owner is stunned to receive an order for a £111 blue vegan scarf from Buckingham Palace - after it emerged the Queen has shunned fur

Jenny Mason, who runs 100 per cent vegan, PETA approved, The Haven Home Interiors in Cheshire, was thrilled to receive the order from the Palace for the £111 blue faux fur stole.

9 Dec 09:37 Mail Online 124328111998756653.html
La sud-africana Zozibini Tunzi s'emporta el títol de Miss Univers

La guanyadora del certamen ha fet una reivindicació de la lluita contra el racisme en el torn de preguntes

9 Dec 12:26 Ara.cat 6070605021245226366.html
Representação brasileira no Parlasul elege presidente nesta quarta-feira

A representação brasileira no Parlamento do Mercosul (Parlasul) se reúne nesta quarta-feira (11), às 14h, para eleger seu presidente e dois vice-presidentes. A representação é composta por 10 senadores e 27 deputados.

9 Dec 12:01 Senado Federal 7939265266119965017.html
El Supremo francés rechaza el recurso de Benzema sobre su imputación

El Tribunal Supremo francés rechazó este lunes el recurso Karim Benzema con el que esperaba enterrar la acusación que le persigue desde 2015...

9 Dec 15:59 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958586030199.html
Greece and Turkey in War of Words over accusations of Greek army ‘war crimes’

Turkey’s constant efforts to distort historical facts are regretful and sadly expose it. As does its use of inappropriate expressions. We will not follow suit.

9 Dec 12:39 Greek City Times 1506177378328214549.html
Obrazi nevladnikov: Lana Gobec, Društvo informacijski center Legebitra - »Ustvarjati varne prostore, povsod in za vse«

&#187;Vedno sem opažala krivice, vedno so me motile in zgodaj sem se odločila, da bom sodelovala pri spremembi na bolje,&#171; nekje med pogovorom reče Lana Gobec, vodja Društva informacijski center Legebitra. Društvo je danes eden najpomembnejših zagovornikov pravic LGBTI-oseb pri nas z razvejano mrežo dostopnih, zaupnih in strokovnih programov in storitev v podporo posameznicam in posameznikom, skupnostim LGBTI in osebam z virusom HIV.

9 Dec 12:56 Dnevnik 7671546648624998057.html
EXPLOTAN las redes contra abogados por romper piñata femenista

Las redes sociales han explotado, debido a que un bufette de abogados rompi&oacute; una pi&ntilde;ata feminista, aparentemente, el d&iacute;a de su posada

9 Dec 17:39 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622646249485.html
Sheinbaum requiere mejorar seguridad para que se aprecie un avance en su gobierno: Núñez | Video

El periodista Ernesto Núñez explica que Claudia Sheinbaum ha emprendido una serie de acciones para mejorar la calidad de vida en la Ciudad de México, muy en la línea de la 4T, pero sus logros serán difíciles de apreciar si su gobierno no logra abatir los niveles de inseguridad y violencia que actualmente se perciben, en particular en materia de género.

9 Dec 17:37 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495760828308.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe crown

ATLANTA (AFP) - Miss South Africa was crowned Miss Universe on Sunday in Atlanta after a lavish ceremony filled with glitter and heartfelt speeches about female empowerment.

9 Dec 09:58 Journal Online 6375127393012185016.html
Pesebre de iglesia en California ilustra la separación de familias migrantes en la frontera

Una iglesia en el sur de California aprovecha las festividades de fin de año para enviar un mensaje sobre la situación de las familias migrantes deten...

9 Dec 08:42 cubasi.cu 5416914686861116727.html
'What coup! It was a change of administration' said SADC - sheer folly, let coup gene out, again

For the last 39 years the country has drifted like a log, with ordinary people hang on to the log for dear life, in the flood Zambezi River, totally at the merc...

9 Dec 11:09 Bulawayo24 News 5565663540442041548.html
¿Investigas sobre apicultura? Aquí puedes pedir una ayuda

El Ministerio de Agricultura convoca subvenciones para mejorar las condiciones de producción y comercialización de productos apícolas

9 Dec 09:03 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612938752236.html
Cómo mover Google Authenticator a tu nuevo teléfono

Si te vas a cambiar de teléfono y necesitas usar Google Authenticator para la verificación en dos pasos, descubre cómo mover la aplicación al nuevo móvil.

9 Dec 12:37 El Androide Libre 196740461381714220.html
5 dead, 8 missing in New Zealand volcano eruption

A volcano off the New Zealand coast erupted Monday with a towering blast of ash and scalding steam as dozens of tourists were exploring the moon-like surface, killing five people and leaving eight ...

9 Dec 11:17 Las Vegas Review-Journal 8640648837506744731.html
Integrazione alunni stranieri: dopo 28 mesi il bando PON vede la luce

18 luglio 2017 – 28 novembre 2019: tanto c’è voluto per valutare i progetti per l’integrazione e l’accoglienza degli alunni stranieri, unico bando PON a rimanere fermo mentre per tutti gli altri i progetti partivano e i bandi venivano riproposti. Sono più di 2.300 i progetti finalmente approvati, per 50 milioni di euro

9 Dec 11:09 VITA 7700876770377137244.html
A new children's book based on Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos aims to inspire kids to 'dare to dream big without being afraid to fail'

He might no longer be the richest person in the world, but Jeff Bezos can at least brag that he’s the subject of a children’s book.

9 Dec 15:37 Business Insider Australia 5575934300108539962.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe crown

Miss South Africa was crowned Miss Universe on Sunday in Atlanta after a lavish ceremony filled with glitter and heartfelt speeches about female empowerment. Zozibini Tunzi, 26, finished first ahead of the Puerto Rican and Mexican finalists in a flashy televised event, hosted by American comic turned TV personality Steve Harvey.

9 Dec 15:24 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766115935740544.html
El creador de Friends explica por qué Phoebe y Joey nunca fueron pareja

Por Rigrats

9 Dec 12:32 Humor en Serie 183789314292617657.html
Finnish minister, 34, to become youngest PM

Sanna Marin will become the world’s youngest sitting prime minister, according to Finland’s biggest newspaper.

9 Dec 08:10 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774503398364.html
Bolsonaro culpa entressafra para alta da carne e diz que preço vai diminuir

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido) afirmou nesta segunda-feira (9) que a alta do preço da carne no Brasil se deve a uma entressafra e disse que isso vai ser revertido. 

9 Dec 16:11 Jornal do Brasil 5999783740140364924.html
PLJAČKA VEKA! ALBANCI OTIMAJU SRPSKO BLAGO I FALSIFIKUJU ISTORIJU: Žele da se pokažu kao najstariji narod na Balkanu

Pljačkaši arheološkog blaga pustoše Srbiju i jeftino krčme kulturnu baštinu koja se sa falsifikovanim poreklom prodaje po basnoslovnim cenama u velikim evropskim aukcijskim kućama, tvrdi arheolog dr Adam Crnobrnja.On se problematikom nelegalnih iskopavanja ...

9 Dec 09:16 kurir.rs 6515665028630992857.html
Recursul compensatoriu și pensiile speciale - principale cauze identificate de PSD care au dus la pierderea alegerilor europarlamentare. Cum vrea PSD să crească electoral

Social democrații s-au certat luni în ședința grupurilor parlamentare pe tema pensiilor speciale. O parte dintre parlamentarii PSD nu sunt de acord cu noua conducere a partidului și nu susțin

9 Dec 17:57 HotNews 5099222560963218637.html
Bigg Boss 13: Arhaan Khan Says Rashami Desai Had Zero Balance in Her Account When he Met Her

Bigg Boss 13: Arhaan Khan talks Ill about Rashami Desai?

9 Dec 17:25 India.com 7150386083063085792.html
Allakos Does It Again; bluebird And Sunesis Data: The Good, Bad And Ugly Of Biopharma

Allakos has spiked on sales chatter, despite being only in Phase 2 stage.bluebird bio reported positive data from the KarMMa trial.Vecabrutinib, a BTK inhibitor from Sunesis, produced disappointing da

9 Dec 15:15 Seeking Alpha 5725634556713083241.html
Por una moto, un prefecto murió tras tirotearse con ladrones delante de su novia

El integrante de la fuerza de seguridad tenía 38 años. El hecho se produjo en la localidad bonaerense de Merlo. El suboficial fue reducido por tres ladrones y los enfrentó con su pistola. Uno de los asaltantes está internado y perdió la vida

9 Dec 13:26 Infocielo 6573250472809319345.html
Doping: niente Olimpiadi né Mondiali per la Russia, per 4 anni

La Wada ha condannato per recidiva nella falsificazioni dei dati la Rusada. Mosca ha ora 21 giorni per ricorrere al TAS, ma le possibilità di vincere l'appello sono scarse

9 Dec 10:48 euronews 7379718590787397723.html
Internetkriminalität nimmt zu

Schon lange nimmt die Internetkriminalität zu. Oft sind Privatpersonen betroffen, doch immer häufiger legen Erpresser auch ganze Unternehmen, Krankenhäuser oder Kommunen lahm.

9 Dec 13:00 NDR.de 5356044082307272597.html
Šta to rade naša deca?! Maloletnik ukrao kutiju sa dobrovoljnim prilogom

Novosadska policija podneće krivičnu prijavu protiv maloletnika iz Temerina, zbog postojanja osnova sumnje da je učinio krivično delo krađa.

9 Dec 16:15 REPUBLIKA 2543998405651951911.html
Un hospital de Barcelona realiza el primer bioimplante para reparar el tejido del corazón después de un infarto

Un equipo de médicos españoles ha desarrollado un bioimplante capaz de regenerar el tejido cardiaco tras un infarto.

9 Dec 12:00 Hipertextual 4371181172994275474.html
Poszukiwania biblioteki Cara Iwana Groźnego

Gościem audycji "Wybieram Dwójkę" będzie Maciej Jastrzębski - wieloletni korespondent Polskiego Radia w Moskwie, autor książki "Przekleństwo Cara Iwana".

9 Dec 14:15 Polskie Radio 2539990556135509717.html
La producción orgánica se diversifica ante el aumento de la oferta y la demanda en el partido de Tandil

Ayer cerró la Semana de los Alimentos Orgánicos, una iniciativa de la Secretaría de Alimentos y Bebidas del Ministerio de Agricultura que incluye ferias y actividades en todo el país. Y en ese marco, se llevó a cabo en Tandil un taller regional sobre “Diversificación de la producción orgánica”, que generó un encuentro con productores, […]

9 Dec 10:15 El Eco 4177735525028370409.html
Iohannis a promulgat Legea prin care pădurarii vor putea fi dotați cu armament de serviciu

Președintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat, luni, Legea care prevede că pădurarii cu atribuţii de pază vor putea fi dotați cu armament de serviciu, letal sau neletal, transmite Mediafax.

9 Dec 16:48 HotNews 5099222561041236284.html
El primer intento no logra desencallar el 'Blue Star', pero lo mueve

Los trabajos han logrado desplazar la popa de barco unos ocho metros a babor

9 Dec 10:02 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069477451829503.html
Chakib Benmoussa expose rôle et fonctionnement de la commission sur le nouveau modèle de développement

Dans une premier rencontre, dimanche 8 décembre, avec la presse marocaine écrite et digitale, Chakib Benmoussa, président de la Commission sur le nouveau modèle de développement, a exposé les grande...

9 Dec 16:47 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981237238144.html
Agente balea a jóvenes que lo amagaron con arma en Iztapalapa

Carlos y Jorge intentaron intimidar al agente de investigación porque realizaba entrevistas en la colonia La Era

9 Dec 16:19 El Universal 4964748195910286560.html
What to Do If You Want More Purpose, Passion, and Meaning

You don’t find your purpose; you create it by doing these three things. If you follow these steps, you'll experience far more meaning and passion.

9 Dec 08:15 Tiny Buddha 4635596292266458744.html
Telefonia: quanti Giga in Italia con 10 euro? Una panoramica del settore nella prima era del 5G

L'ammontare di Giga consumati dagli italiani continua ad aumentare, con una disponibilità di Giga a prezzi più bassi rispetto alla media UE

9 Dec 16:36 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461750323957481.html
Dschungelcamp 2020: Starttermin steht fest

Das Dschungelcamp geht wieder los. Wie nun bekannt wurde, geht es für zwölf deutsche Promis ab dem 10. Januar 2020 in den australischen Busch.

9 Dec 14:55 miss 1375730021182686505.html
Indra Sjafri: Apa Saya Bilang, Kami Lawan Vietnam di Final!

Timnas Indonesia U-22 dan Timnas Vietnam U-22 akan kembali berhadapan di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 17:16 Bola.net 5489959029028551399.html
Vlasnici tvrde da njihovi psi predosećaju ove dve stvari

Imaju šesto čulo

9 Dec 13:36 Krstarica 4176903988074211282.html
Ladri entrano in casa di Luca Argentero e rubano il Telegatto. "Meritano giustizia karmica"

Diversi utenti hanno testimoniato la propria solidarietà all'attore che ha raccontato la vicenda su Twitter. Tra i commenti, si sono scatenati anche gli hater

9 Dec 11:01 L'HuffPost 5315551422851830693.html
Politie neemt rijbewijs Middelburger (35) in

MIDDELBURG - De politie heeft maandagochtend vroeg het rijbewijs van een 35-jarige Middelburger ingenomen.

9 Dec 11:47 HVZeeland.nl 6787007639301322302.html
Ayuso anuncia una ofensiva a la política estatal: bajar impuestos de "tres en tres"

La presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid ha reclamado deudas al Estado y ha valorado que "el Gobierno de España no quiere que nos cuadren las cuentas"

9 Dec 10:58 La Información 5328999782125646090.html
Si deseas atraer la abundancia y la fortuna, mira esta cábala

Con esta cábala podrás lograr atraer la fortuna en el 2020.

9 Dec 16:32 Wapa.pe 6757287089172633861.html
L'apertura della Gazzetta su Piatek: "Pum Pum"

La Gazzetta dello Sport oggi in edicola apre con il titolo: "Pum Pum". Titolo dedicato all'attaccante polacco del Milan Krzysztof Piątek, tornato al gol ieri sera. "Piatek torna a segnare, il Milan torna a sognare", il sottotitolo della rosea. Per i rossoneri arriva un'altra vittoria in trasferta, questa volta sul campo del Bologna e per 3 a 2. Apre Piatek su rigore, poi Theo Hernandez e Bonaventura.

9 Dec 08:12 MilanNews.it 6507305922901890055.html
Aerodrom se probudio u Fair Play Zlatnoj ligi

Ekipa Belgrade Airport prvi trijumf zabeležila je tek u 4. kolu 11. sezone Fair Play Zlatne lige u malom fudbalu.

9 Dec 12:39 REPUBLIKA 2543998405395245081.html
Police bust alleged $1.6M car theft ring that exported high-end vehicles out of Canada

Four people have been charged after police busted a $1.6-million car theft ring that spanned across southern Ontario and allegedly exported high-end stolen vehicles out of Canada.

9 Dec 17:01 Toronto 5211060989149255201.html
L’aperitivo si tinge di rosa: Maria Pia Timo al Politeama

TOLENTINO - L'attrice presenterà il suo spettacolo "Doppio Brodo Show" sabato alle 21,15, in occasione della rassegna dedicata al cabaret

9 Dec 12:23 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195208969064.html
Trump exige la cabeza de El Mencho y pide a El Menchito

El gobierno de Estados Unidos y su predidente Donal Trump, ha decidido ir a la &ldquo;cacer&iacute;a&rdquo; de El Mencho, adem&aacute;s a solicitado lo m&aacute;s pronto posible la extradici&oacute;n de El Menchito

9 Dec 11:04 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623008181682.html
Q&A: What are the political parties saying about crime during the election?

The parties differ in their approach to law and order.

9 Dec 13:31 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774429644352.html
GTD’s role comes under the scanner

The role of former Minister G.T. Deve Gowda, who had vowed to remain neutral in the by-elections from Hunsur constituency, has come under the scanner.While the losing BJP candidate A.H. Vishwanath has

9 Dec 16:33 The Hindu 6679535026159173675.html
Primul centru metropolitan pentru victimele violenţei domestice din România a fost deschis la Cluj

Primul centru metropolitan pentru victimele violenţei domestice din România care oferă servicii pentru 200 de persoane a fost deschis la Cluj.

9 Dec 16:01 Mediafax.ro 1869610968914342473.html
Därför utvecklar Porsche en drivlina med fyra motorer

Med en motor för varje hjul kan Porsches mjukvara fördela vridmomentet exakt och blixtsnabbt. I deras snötest rullade bilen som på räls, i 80 km/h.

9 Dec 09:30 Ny Teknik 4280928732667761224.html
Verso il convegno “La Macroregione del sud e il ruolo dello stretto di Messina”

L’evento è organizzato dalla Fidapa sez. di Messina e Duo Onlus, in collaborazione con l’Ordine degli Architetti e l’Ordine degli Ingegneri di Messina e il patrocinio della Città Metropolitana, Comune di Messina e Ars

9 Dec 12:27 Tempostretto 3143171744885123368.html
Milo, the cat who went missing at Dulles airport in October, is reunited with owner

"Guess who’s home for the holidays!" wrote Molly McFadden, who has been reunited with Milo the cat, who went missing at Dulles Airport in October.

9 Dec 16:09 Yahoo 7097669638781429846.html
Anufotogirl promoting Nigeria’s tourism potentials @ LABAF 2019

The first time I met Anufotogirl  was at the just concluded Lagos Book and Arts Festival, LABAF, held at Freedom Park, Lagos. Anuoluwapo Adedeji, being her

9 Dec 08:15 Vanguard News 4125100338750145550.html
PICTURES: More than 600 Santas take to streets of Perth for charity run

A sea of red and white flowed through the streets of Perth at the weekend as hundreds took part in the annual Santa run.

9 Dec 12:52 The Courier 4275302768241512561.html
Cile, incendio danneggia “Casa Italia”, patrimonio architettonico della città

Un incendio ha causato gravi danni al secondo piano e al tetto della 'Casa Italia' a Viña del Mar, edificio che nel secolo scorso ha ospitato la grande comunità italiana che si stabilì in Cile. Negli ultimi anni, dopo essere stata utilizzata come centro scolastico privato, era stata abbandonata e occupata da senzatetto.

9 Dec 09:47 fanpage.it 1517332167584189200.html
Trikratni umor čaka tretjo sodbo

Alexander Žlender se bo soočil še s tretjo izrečeno prvostopenjsko sodbo zaradi domnevne vloge v okrutnem beograjskem zločinu pred več kot 26 leti.

9 Dec 17:20 Dnevnik 7671546650279038686.html
Saif Ali Khan On Mean Comments During His First Few Auditions: 'People Felt I Looked Like A Girl'

In his latest interview with a leading entertainment portal, Saif Ali Khan opened up about how he had to battle different perceptions which were created for him during his initial days in the film industry.

9 Dec 12:22 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244706915044.html
Vieira e vice-presidente representaram Benfica no funeral de Rogério Pipi

Antiga glória do clube da Luz faleceu aos 97 anos.

9 Dec 10:47 O Jogo 3218673677830455125.html
Flamencos y mestizos despide el año en la Sala Berlanga

El ciclo ofrece sus últimos espectáculos de 2019 esta semana, con Antonio Lizana, La Fabi, La Piñona, Naike Ponce y Paquete, María Marín y la guitarrista Antonia Jiménez

9 Dec 10:40 ABC.es 6074573461744789160.html
Russia banned for four years from all major sporting events over doping scandal - but can still compete in Euro 2020

Russia has been hit with a four-year ban from all major sporting events by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

9 Dec 11:00 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490285864927.html
L’opposition flamande fustige le plan Energie-Climat du gouvernement Jambon

Le sp.a et Groen, tous deux dans l’opposition en Flandre, ont fustigé lundi les manques du plan Energie-Climat dévoilé par le gouvernement flamand. «Il est navrant qu’ils aient dû passer tout le week-end à y réflechir», a commenté le député Bruno Tobback (sp.a).

9 Dec 13:50 sudinfo.be 344139276950183970.html
Dschungelcamp 2020: Sendetermine bekannt! Neue IBES-Staffel startet im Januar

Mutige Promis, Seelenbeichten, Campzicken und Ekel-Alarm! Lange müssen Fans nicht mehr auf die neue Staffel der RTL-Erfolgsshow "Ich bin ein Star - Holt mich hier raus!" warten.

9 Dec 16:36 news.de 5126378978619634189.html
JxCat revifa el retorn de Puigdemont si obté la immunitat a Europa

La formació situa l'expresident com a "candidat permanent" a la Generalitat i avisa Sánchez que ha de plantejar una "solució política" més enllà de la investidura

9 Dec 14:05 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480264253125.html
Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, known as inflation buster, dies at 92

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Paul Volcker, a towering figure in the history of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank who took tough measures to battle inflation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, has died. He was 92.

9 Dec 15:26 UPI 8257973864919699395.html
Calls for ‘Compulsive Liar’ AG Barr to Resign Swell After Misleading Statement About DOJ’s FBI Report

Attorney General William Barr was widely accused of lying, dishonesty and being an all around hack for President Donald Trump on Monday afternoon over his reaction to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Officer of Inspector General (OIG) report on alleged abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) leading up to the Russiagate investigation started by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

9 Dec 15:46 Law & Crime 7990899037675296052.html
Conte a SM: "Serve coraggio. Buon percorso in un girone difficile: ora l'ultimo step col Barça"

"Serve una grande impresa, serve giocare una partita con grande coraggio e cercare di andare oltre l'ostacolo bello alto". Parola di Antonio Conte, intervistato da Sport Mediaset a poche...

9 Dec 12:53 FcInterNews.it 7848284892336423544.html
Premierul Orban este categoric în privinţa pensiilor speciale: Susţinem calculul pe principiul contributivităţii

Premierul Ludovic Orban a făcut apel la parlamentari să susţină proiectul de lege privind eliminarea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia pensiilor de serviciu ale militarilor, pe care Partidul Naţional Liberal l-a depus &icirc;n Parlament.

9 Dec 17:17 romaniatv.net 4505369227482580843.html
Ex-Rep. Scott Taylor to seek old Virginia seat

Former Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Va.) will drop his challenge to Sen.

9 Dec 15:37 TheHill 355432918485092227.html
Por "DENIGRAR" con tacones imagen de Emiliano Zapata, la familia demandará al INBA

Familiares de Emiliano Zapata ya est&aacute;n procesando la demanda en contra el INBA, as&iacute; como del autor del cuadro en el que aparece el caudillo con cuerpo de mujer montado en un caballo, luciendo un sombrero rosa

9 Dec 17:11 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623302234645.html
El mensaje de la señorita Colombia sobre el aborto en Miss Universo

Tafur dijo que las mujeres son las únicas que pueden tomar decisiones sobre su cuerpo.

9 Dec 08:31 El Tiempo 1091719939647448056.html
Ligue 1: Nigeria’s Taye Taiwo Returns To Marseille

Former Super Eagles of Nigeria international, Taye Taiwo on Sunday returned to erstwhile club, Olympique de Marseille to watch them play Bordeaux in the Ligue 1.

9 Dec 16:29 Concise 5544636823164500330.html
Video: Check out this custom-made BMW M3 CS Touring

Check out this extremely cool BMW M3 CS Touring, made by combining a crashed M3 CS with a regular 3 Series Touring body style.

9 Dec 16:12 BMW BLOG 8947460770072598325.html
Weihnachtsmarkt Ulm 2019: Der letzte Glühwein und Security: So wird der Weihnachtsmarkt nachts bewacht

Alle Infos zur letzten Glühweinrunde und den nächtlichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Ulm.

9 Dec 10:03 swp.de 6929179441449162154.html
Lotito e la luna: 'lazio da scudetto? niente voli pindarici. milinkovic mai in vendita'


9 Dec 13:19 DAGOSPIA 6533336738581670541.html
Christmas puddings: Rachel Roddy’s recipe for chocolate, chestnut and prune cake

Try this luxuriantly rich alternative to Christmas pud, heavy with buttery nuts, prunes and dark chocolate

9 Dec 11:00 the Guardian 1491978795689256996.html
Galderma: statut de percée thérapeutique aux Etats-Unis pour Nemolizumab

Le laboratoire de dermatologie Galderma a obtenu de l'Agence américaine des médicaments le statut de percée thérapeutique pour son médicament en...

9 Dec 10:41 Zonebourse 7946574378657551527.html
Richard Hammond nearly gets blown up in new trailer for solo TV show BIG

It's going to be, er, BIG.

9 Dec 15:31 Metro 970161748959001491.html
Kovac: Das ist dran am England-Gerücht

48-jähriger Niko Kovac dementiert Arsenal-Gerüchte und will Abstand bekommen.

9 Dec 10:11 sport.oe24.at 8086682663208198486.html
Tief hängende Witzfrüchte

Comedian Ricky Gervais sollte sich wieder mehr über sich selbst lustig machen, statt über Tabuthemen, die er als Krücke für Lacher verwendet.

9 Dec 16:02 Süddeutschen Zeitung 7623061591926621670.html
Gali Embung, Warga Bekasi Temukan Koin 'Prize Jewellery Modern Flower 1899'

Warga dihebohkan dengan penemuan sisa bangunan dan koin yang diduga bagian situs bersejarah di Kabupaten Bekasi. Hal itu ditemukan warga saat menggali embung.

9 Dec 12:41 detiknews 8793960223915639925.html
Presidente del Barcelona confirma que Arturo Vidal se queda: "No está previsto ningún movimiento para enero"

Josep María Bartomeu confirmó al formado en Colo Colo en el plantel pese a la insistencia del Inter de Milán por quedarse con él.

9 Dec 15:08 Dale Albo 4082402097572184610.html
No holiday truce with NPA — Lorenzana

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana has rejected the idea of declaring a ceasefire with the New People's Army (NPA) in the spirit of the Christmas season.

9 Dec 14:48 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199212627020.html
Anthony Davis scores 50 as NBA-leading Lakers beat Timberwolves

Anthony Davis had a season-high 50 points and the Los Angeles Lakers improved to a league-best 21-3 with a 142-125 win over the Minnesota Timberwolves on S

9 Dec 10:50 The Japan Times 6673764368084059727.html
10 questions to ask yourself before buying Christmas gifts this year to guarantee outside-the-box thinking

Like everything else in modern society, Christmas shopping is complicated.

9 Dec 09:23 Independent.ie 5894610845147751489.html
140 anni della fondazione dell'antica scuola enologica De Sanctis 1879

La manifestazione rappresenta il dovuto riconoscimento da conferire all'irpino Francesco De Sanctis

9 Dec 11:20 AvellinoToday 5452883947384065308.html
Un terremoto de magnitud 4,5 ha sacudido Florencia

Aunque no ha causado víctimas, ha provocado daños en algunos edificios y miedo entre la población

9 Dec 10:53 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613847455409.html
Vuelve la campaña para que el Rey Baltasar no sea pintado

El objetivo es llegar a todos los pueblos de Catalunya para hacer una cabalgata "más inclusiva"

9 Dec 11:32 elPeriodico 7291954033179222617.html
F1-wereldkampioen Lewis Hamilton: “Nieuw dieet bezorgde mij een boost”

Lewis Hamilton vertelt tegenover het Maleisische ‘The Edge’ hoe hij dankzij zijn veganistische levensstijl een paar gezondheidsproblemen heeft overwonnen.

9 Dec 11:38 De Standaard 2288913867644206355.html
Peter Kay 'in talks with the BBC' following break from showbiz

Car Share co-star Sian Gibson has previously teased sitcom could return

9 Dec 16:06 Entertainment Daily 8392972516071631532.html
El método anticonceptivo con el que tienes más probabilidad de quedar embarazada

Conoce cuál es el método anticonceptivo con el que tienes más probabilidad de quedar embarazada. Aquí te mostramos todos los detalles para que lo tengas en cuenta.

9 Dec 13:00 Radio Corazón 5615254962947982859.html
(VIDEO, FOTO) HOROR NA NOVOM ZELANDU: Proradio vulkan sa sve turistima unutra, jedan nastradao, više nestalih...

Jedna osoba je poginula, nekoliko se vodi kao nestalo, dok je najmanje jedna osoba prebačena na kopno sa teškim povredama u erupciji vulkana na novozelandskom Belom ostrvu, saopštili su zvaničnici.

9 Dec 09:04 REPUBLIKA 2543998406402257875.html
Bologna: Zlatan kommer inte hit

Zlatan kommer inte att spela för Bologna i vår. Det blir inget av klubbens intresse, säger klubbchefen Walter Sabatini.

9 Dec 15:11 DN.SE 398730694908414278.html
Volcamiento de vehículo deja dos fallecidos en sector Pan de Azúcar de Coquimbo

El automóvil cayó a un canal de regadío por causas que se investigan. Fiscalía informó que las víctimas fatales son un hombre y una mujer.

9 Dec 12:33 Emol 3328490602568711996.html
«Hier gibts Tageskarten von toten Bäumen»

Die Skilifte Springenboden im Diemtigtal BE parodieren in einem Videoclip den legendären Spot der Fischer Bettwarenfabrik. Das Skigebiet will damit neue Gäste anlocken.

9 Dec 12:03 20 Minuten 5741369453393714610.html
Jovens são atingidos por tiros enquanto conversavam

As vítimas foram socorridas com vida para um hospital da região. Ainda não se sabe sobre o estado de saúde delas

9 Dec 10:37 Folha Vitória 4941883427189571014.html
Tradire, a Natale siamo più infedeli: come scoprire se il partner ha l'amante

Durante il periodo di Natale, le più grandi società di servizi si propongono di assistere tutti coloro che hanno un dubbio sulla fedeltà del proprio partner,...

9 Dec 13:34 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447555381330.html
Push it to the Limit: Southeast Asian Games Kick Off in Philippines

Push it to the Limit: Southeast Asian Games Kick Off in Philippines. For more great photos, visit the Sputnik International website

9 Dec 16:00 Sputniknews 967333868495416934.html
Police looking for suspects in Kitchener robbery (3 photos)

It happened Sunday at a convenience store on Doon Village Road

9 Dec 15:00 KitchenerToday.com 52741010404576286.html
Meet The McLaren 620R: The Most Powerful Sports Series Yet

If you thought the McLaren 600LT was the most hardcore Sports Series model, wait until you see the new McLa...

9 Dec 10:15 CarBuzz 4034462235692830237.html
- Stengingen av veien har ødelagt det sosiale livet for oss

Beboerne i Smistadgrenda har måttet kjøre flere mil omvei hver eneste dag siden Smistadvegen ble stengt i sommer. Nå frykter de for fremtiden.

9 Dec 17:08 adressa.no 8417332407755581404.html
The 27 wildest national costumes from the 2019 Miss Universe pageant

At just 20 years old, Silva is launching her career in landscape architecture, as well as working to fight climate change through the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.

9 Dec 17:27 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883770820582.html
Rusia es excluida de Juegos Olímpicos y Mundial de Fútbol debido al dopaje de Estado

El deporte ruso ya había quedado fuera de los Juegos de Río 2016.

9 Dec 11:47 CiberCuba 8213836170610876799.html
Após assassinato de marido, Flordelis assume papel discreto na Câmara

O marido da deputada, Anderson do Carmo, foi assassinado a tiros na garagem de casa em Pendotiba, Niterói, região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro

9 Dec 16:40 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700498224123.html
A gift with a view: health-care students give back with a bench - Campus Life - Kamloops

Taking care of people isn’t for the faint of heart, and a group of recently graduated health-care assistants are showing their gratitude to their program instructors, with a gift. Kamloops’s Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Memorial Hospice Home now has a new bench, with a beautiful view of the valley. The bench is dedicated to TRU’s health-care assistant instructors, and a gift from the graduating class of April 2019. Graduate Melissa Zimmerman now works at the Overlander Residential Care facility. Looking back at her time at TRU, it was important to her to show instructors how inspiring and encouraging they were during her journey as a student. “My success has a health-care assistant has been because my instructors encouraged me to be myself. They encouraged me to bring the sparkle that I carry into the lives of everyone I meet and to every life I touch, including the families and coworkers. I try to treat everyone I care for like they are my own parents or family,” Zimmerman said. Her decision to return to school…

9 Dec 16:04 Castanet 616068602827578774.html
Pele de tigre protegido e quatro fetos encontrados na Indonésia

A pele de um tigre-de-sumatra, uma espécie protegida na Indonésia, e quatro fetos num frasco foram encontrados naquele país. Cinco pessoas foram detidas por caça ilegal. A espécie de tigres é extremamente ameaçada, com menos de 400 animais selvagens.

9 Dec 15:48 JN 6956494302693430923.html
Airtel, Vodafone-Idea remove limit on calls to other networks: Here’s what it means

Airtel, Vodafone-Idea New Unlimited Prepaid Calling Plans: Bharti Airtel and Vodafone-Idea have removed the FUP on off-net calls, which means all calls are now unlimited on their networks.

9 Dec 13:36 The Indian Express 2885715105582197928.html
Keberhasilan Timnas Indonesia U-22 Lolos ke Final SEA Games 2019 Milik Semua Pemain

Timnas Indonesia U-22 akan menghadapi Vietnam di final SEA Games 2019, Selasa (10/12/2019).

9 Dec 14:30 Bola.com 1695722603467413846.html

le Directeur général de l’Autorité de régulation des télécommunications et des postes, Abdoul Ly était à Matam ; dans le cadre d’une tournée nationale. Sur place, il a fait part de son ambition d’offrir une qualité des services des postes et des télécommunications en construisant l’équité pour une meilleure prise en charge des zones rurales à travers un Fast- Track.

9 Dec 11:25 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533223149614.html
Tres meses de prisión a propietario de Aqua Club por supuestos vínculos con César el Abusador

El juez del juzgado de Atencion Permanente del Distrito Nacional, dicto tres meses de prision preventiva en contra del imputado Heriberto de la Cruz Perez,

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956265365918852.html
‘Nog veel onveilige fietsroutes naar school’

In een op de vijf Nederlandse gemeenten (19,4 procent) voelt het voor kinderen niet veilig om naar school te fietsen. Dat zegt de Fietsersbond op basis van reacties die zijn binnengekomen op de verkiezing Fietsstad 2020, waarvan de uitslag eind februari wordt bekendgemaakt.

9 Dec 10:09 RD.nl 6406779841121409897.html
Filmu Marriage Story šest nominacija za Zlatni globus

Film Noe Baumbaha "Marriage Story" danas je izbio na čelo sa šest nominacija za nagradu Zlatni globus, koja otvara sezonu filmskih nagrada u Holivudu.

9 Dec 17:47 Dnevni list Danas 649654642136604539.html
Governo do Estado anuncia data do pagamento do Abono Natalino

Governo do Estado anuncia data do pagamento do Abono Natalino

9 Dec 16:32 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905442467567.html
Budget 2020 und Kredite bewilligt

 Im Anschluss an den Gottesdienst mit Gospelchor begrüsste die Präsidentin Arianne Hasler 52 Stimmberechtigte der ref. Kirche Meisterschwanden – Fahrwangen zur Kirchgemeindeversammlung. Zu den wichtigsten Traktanden gehörte ein Einblick in den Stand der Strategie; dabei ging es vor allem um Familien und Generationen sowie die unterschiedlichen Formen von Gottesdiensten. Bei den Finanzen standen zwei Kreditanträge neben dem Budget 2020 im Zentrum. Beide Anträge zielten darauf hin, von Fachleuten erarbeitete Grundlagen zu erhalten, um die Sanierung des Kirchturmes sowie die weitere Nutzung des Pfarrhauses voranzubringen. Florian Stern, Ressortverantwortlicher Finanzen, erläuterte anschaulich und kompetent danach die zentralen Punkte des Budgets 2020, das bei gleichbleibendem Steuersatz mit einem kleinen Überschuss abschliesst. Ein Kirchenpfleger und eine Kirchenpflegerin hören auf Ende Jahr auf, ein neuer Kirchenpfleger, David Teichröb, wurde glanzvoll ins Gremium gewählt. Der die Versammlung abrundende Apéro wurde…

9 Dec 08:39 bz BASEL 5287163742530604438.html
Gentiloni affossa speranze ripresa Eurozona, avverte sovranisti su MES. E ‘Patto Stabilità va rivisto’

In un'intervista rilasciata alla Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Gentiloni ha chiaramente sottolineato come sia cruciale che il Patto di stabilità vada rivisto: "Dobbiamo mettere in chiaro che queste regole sono nate in un momento particolare, nel contesto di una crisi, ma ora da questa crisi siamo usciti -

9 Dec 13:13 FinanzaOnline 6528634128147730424.html
Kate Garraway shares pic as she reunites with I'm A Celebrity campmates

All one big happy family again

9 Dec 14:44 Entertainment Daily 8392972515946950111.html
Ban-affected Moscow blames ‘anti-Russian hysteria’

Action taken against dope offenders, says PM Medvedev

9 Dec 17:20 The Hindu 6679535025421200496.html
"Frozen II" lidera por tercera semana seguida la taquilla

Hasta el momento, la cinta animada de Disney acumula $919.7 millones en total

9 Dec 16:10 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311137574389.html
Wild weather in New Zealand leaves 1,000 tourists stranded

Almost 1,000 tourists were stuck in the New Zealand tourist town of Franz Josef on Monday after torrential rains closed roads.Several washouts a

9 Dec 14:00 Vanguard News 4125100339004278419.html
Marvel finally solved another big mystery from ‘Avengers: Endgame’

‘Avengers: Endgame’ brought us a massively satisfying end to the first decade of Marvel stories. And while the film solved plenty of mysteries from Infinity War, it also sparked new debates. The ti…

9 Dec 17:29 BGR 7505870286923523548.html
Silver Ball Award di ESPN a Gabigol: "È stato il mio anno migliore. Sono venuto al Flamengo per vincere"

Non finiscono le soddisfazioni stagionali per Gabriel Barbosa che dopo aver vinto Campionato brasiliano, Copa Libertadores e guidare la classifica dei marcatori della Serie A verdeoro, agguanta pure...

9 Dec 16:41 FcInterNews.it 7848284892212295603.html
Jonatan Christie Tegang Sambut Laga Debut di BWF Tour Finals 2019

Tunggal putra Indonesia, Jonatan Christie, akan menjalani laga debut di turnamen bergensi tutup tahun, BWF World Tour Finals 2019.

9 Dec 08:50 Bola.com 1695722604274184497.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe pageant

Miss South Africa, Zozobini Tunzi, won Miss Universe at the pageant held at Tyler Perry Studios Sunday night in Atlanta, Georgia.

9 Dec 14:02 ABC7 New York 7327811147632523153.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe pageant

"I want children to look at me and see my face and see theirs reflected in mine," Miss South Africa Zozobini Tunzi said before her win.

9 Dec 14:42 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010439992457105.html
Ivana Španović pokazala novog momka

Najbolja srpska atletičarka Ivana Španović postavila je na društvenim mrežama fotku sa Markom Vuletom koji je svojim izgledom odmah privukao pažnju nježnijeg pola.

9 Dec 13:01 Nezavisne novine 4209150643010958197.html
Police charge in court 14 terror suspects in 2017 Hotel Olio International blast

Police have pressed formal charges against 14 militant suspects in connection with a suicide bomb blast in a hotel in Dhaka’s Panthapath two years ago in what is said to be a foiled plot to attack National Mourning Day programmes.

9 Dec 17:58 Bdnews24 8119004129252428778.html
Rekap Medali SEA Games 2019: Perebutan Posisi Kedua Super Ketat

Indonesia hanya unggul medali perak atas Vietnam di klasemen SEA Games 2019, dan memimpin enam emas dari Thailand.

9 Dec 09:00 Bola.com 1695722604163004088.html
McIlroy: People like to kick Reed when he's down

Patrick Reed has been on the defensive after becoming embroiled in controversy at the Hero World Challenge, with Rory McIlroy on his side.

9 Dec 17:16 sportskeeda 1601194028578699403.html
Stargazing: Is it the time again for a meteoroid to hit Earth?

According to NASA’s Asteroid Fast Facts page, a lot of space material lands on Earth every year. From the NASA page: “Every day, Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles. “About once a year, an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creates an impressive fireball, and burns up before reaching the surface. Every 2,000 years or so, a meteoroid the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage to the area.” When is the next one coming? No one knows. But NASA and other organizations worldwide constantly watch out for possible impactors from space. Even so, some escape discovery until they hit.

9 Dec 10:00 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318762348606933.html
Omo-Agege, Wase’s aides groan, plan protest as NASS reduces salaries

Some aides to the deputy Senate president, Omo-Agege, and the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Wase, have accused the National Assembly of refusing to pay their salaries and entitlements.

9 Dec 17:18 Legit 3764253649922303721.html
The Mandalorian: Twitter Has Decided Amy Sedaris Holding Baby Yoda Is the Best Part of 2019

The Mandalorian introduced a new guest star that has the internet buzzing: Amy Sedaris appears in the fifth episode as Peli Motto, a mechanic who winds up

9 Dec 14:50 POPSUGAR Entertainment 1694745614812556190.html
La Chine interdit l'usage de tout matériel informatique étranger dans les administrations publiques

En réponse à l’interdiction faite par l’administration Trump aux entreprises américaines de commercer avec ses géants technologiques, la Chine dit vouloir remplacer d’ici à trois ans le parc informatique de ses administrations par du matériel 100% chinois. Une purge des équipements occidentaux qui fait monter d’un cran la guerre commerciale que se livrent les deux superpuissances... et dont l'Europe pourrait être une victime collatérale.

9 Dec 17:27 L'Usine Digitale 1522718386889559337.html
Samsung Galaxy A51, specifiche e data di lancio

Il Samsung Galaxy A51 dovrebbe avere uno schermo Super AMOLED da 6,5 pollici, 4/6 GB di RAM, fotocamera frontale in-display e quattro fotocamere posteriori.

9 Dec 10:26 Webnews 4852331586055374422.html
FC Bayern München steigt in E-Sports ein

Schalke 04 und andere Vereine haben es vorgemacht - jetzt steigt auch der FC Bayern München in den E-Sport ein. Auf dem virtuellen Rasen der Fußballsimulation "Pro Evolution Soccer" will der Verein künftig mit einem eigenen Team um Titel und Punkte kämpfen.

9 Dec 11:28 GMX 2011843076668731648.html
Vitek fiuta l’affare: pronto a entrare come nuovo socio

L'imprenditore è pronto ad acquistare i terreni di Tor di Valle mentre non sembra in programma un suo interessamento per quanto riguarda la Roma intesa come club calcistico

9 Dec 08:22 Forzaroma.info 1065617485813507150.html
¡Todos viajan! El programa Gira de Estudio de Sernatur presenta nuevas posibilidades para enero de 2020

La iniciativa dispondrá de viajes terrestres durante el primer mes del año, sumándose así a la campaña #EligeChile para reactivar el turismo interno.

9 Dec 15:55 Publimetro Chile 2498685481770378205.html
No dejes escapar estas ofertas de Amazon: empiezan los descuentos de Navidad

Las mejores ofertas del día disponibles en Amazon por Navidad. No te pierdas nuestra selección de descuentos de hoy en productos tecnológicos y geek.

9 Dec 10:39 El Output 1685150382813271167.html
Team bonding exercise: India U-19 cricketers go for 'Tiger Safari'

Cricket News: Team-bonding activities have been in vogue ever since Rahul Dravid started mentoring India's junior teams and continuing the tradition, the World Cup-

9 Dec 10:20 The Times of India 6060938663732953637.html
Russia plans to set up Arctic air defense 'dome' with S-400 missiles

Russia plans to establish an air defense "dome" across its polar region by arming all of its Northern Fleet's Arctic divisions with S-400 missile batteries, a Russian naval commander said on Monday. Russia has been stepping up its military presence in the Arctic, building new infrastructure

9 Dec 14:03 Yahoo 7097669637891492485.html
La promessa dell’Enel di uscire dal carbone si infrange in Cile - Marina Forti

L’azienda annuncia investimenti nelle energie rinnovabili in Italia, ma in una cittadina cilena gestisce un impianto accusato di far pagare un prezzo troppo alto agli abitanti. Leggi

9 Dec 09:10 Internazionale 3249842260469493573.html
Nuova Zelanda, eruzione a White Island: strage di turisti – VIDEO

Nuova Zelanda, eruzione a White Island, il bilancio è ancora provvisorio: strage di turisti, il video con le immagini dell'accaduto.

9 Dec 14:24 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928232840578.html
WhatsApp ne fonctionnera plus sur ces smartphones le 31 décembre

C'est l'application de messagerie par excellence pour des milliards de personnes dans le monde.

9 Dec 15:09 Le Site Info 5160764341328529909.html
Bring your dog to visit Santa and support the LSPCA - Talk of the Town

The Louth Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (LSPCA) are inviting you to bring your dog to visit Santa this week. The society’s annual Santa Paws event will take place this Tuesday and Wednesday in The Bargain House Christmas Shop, off the Coes Road. Santa will be on hand to meet your dogs...Read More→

9 Dec 15:54 Talk of the Town 6988606400586846738.html
Sam Ricketts: There is more to come from Shrewsbury Town

Sam Ricketts sees ‘an awful lot more to come’ thanks to Shrewsbury’s solid foundation after another resolute display earned a share of the spoils at Oxford.

9 Dec 09:26 Shropshire Star 3480199991778811884.html
HUAWEI Y9s with 48MP AI Triple camera, stunning design is now available for pre-order

HUAWEI Y9s is the latest entry-level smartphone that boasts both a modern aesthetic design and outstanding specifications is now available for pre-order starting from today December 9th – 15th.

9 Dec 08:27 Legit 3764253649493281130.html
CDMX: el color de sus patrullas NO OBEDECE a la seguridad sino a la propaganda

Un experto asegura que la variaci&oacute;n crom&aacute;tica de colores de las patrullas de las alcand&iacute;as de la CDMX, no tiene que ver con la seguridad sino con fines de propaganda.

9 Dec 10:08 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624447290609.html
Ponzio, Bertolo y Leo Franco y otros 39 acusados fueron absueltos en el juicio por el arreglo del Levante-Zaragoza

La Justicia de Valencia determinó que los 42 acusados por "corrupción deportiva" en el Juicio que buscaba probar que ese partido válido por LaLiga 2011, había sido arreglado. Sólo fueron encontrados culpables Agapito Iglesias y Javier Porquera por falsedad en documento mercantil. Ambos recibieron un año y tres meses de prisión.

9 Dec 11:57 Doble Amarilla 8680269686406754627.html
Tembus ke Final BWF 2019, Jonatan Christie Merasa Dirinya Lebih Konsisten

WE Online, Guangzhou, China - Pebulu tangkis tunggal putra Indonesia Jonatan Chrtistie, bakal tampil di ajang Final BWF perdananya tahun ini. Jonatan akan menjadi wakil Indonesia di nomor tunggal putra bersama Anthony Sinisuka Ginting. Lolosnya Jonatan ke Final BWF tidak terlepas dari penampilan konsisten yang ia tunjukkan sepanjang tahun ini.

9 Dec 14:59 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834562255642.html
Ley del Cine: Gobierno publicó decreto que promueve el cine peruano

Se dispuso la promoción del desarrollo de la actividad cinematográfica y audiovisual en el país

9 Dec 14:19 canalN.pe 1595273587517948357.html
SIPCHEM plans 10% share purchase as treasury shares

Riyadh – Mubasher: The board of Sahara International Petrochemical Company (SIPCHEM) has recommended purchasing up to 10% of the company’s ordinary shares. The purchased shares will be held by SIPCHEM as treasury shares through cash balances or …

9 Dec 11:50 english.mubasher.info 8917853139580943919.html
Finisce fuori strada con l'auto e "vola" in un canale: il dramma nella notte

Incidente a Cusago, in provincia di Milano. La vittima è un uomo di 40 anni

9 Dec 10:02 Today 178378750832780220.html
Joven en terapia intensiva tras chocar y volcar: habría escapado de la policía

El percance de tránsito ocurrió en la madrugada de ayer, cerca de las 06:00. El conductor habría huído de los efectivos luego que protagonizara una pelea. En la huida perdió el control del rodado al llegar a San Martín, habría cruzado el boulevard y terminó impactando a otro auto estacionado para terminar derribando un árbol. Según pudo conocer este medio, el joven, de unos 21 años, fue derivado al nosocomio ya que habría sufrido fractura de cráneo..

9 Dec 08:54 TiempoSur 8512931318633473567.html
Sport - Incontro Maldini-Abidal: il Milan su Todibo del Barça

L'edizione odierna di Sport apre col mercato e fra i giocatori in uscita dal Barcellona c'è Jean-Clair Todibo. Il difensore francese non si è inserito e il club catalano sta valutando la cessione a titolo definitivo. Si registra un incontro fra il direttore sportivo blaugrana Eric Abidal e quello del Milan, Paolo Maldini e delle condizioni di un trasferimento, nelle quali il Barcellona chiede il diritto di recompra. Si attende adesso l'offerta rossonera, mentre è arrivata quella del Bayer Leverkusen: 10 milioni, ma senza recompra, cosa che ha portato al no dei catalani. Da segnalare anche l'interesse del Watford. Classe 1999, per Todibo in questa stagione appena 77 minuti divisi in due apparizioni in campionato.  

9 Dec 12:34 MilanNews.it 6507305922185411339.html
Gobierno no registró eventos graves por segundo día consecutivo

El balance entregado este lunes por la Subsecretaría del Interior informó que en las últimas 24 horas no se produjeron saqueos, ataques a cuarteles policiales, ni daños a la propiedad pública o privada.

9 Dec 08:52 La Nación 6855788057022226807.html
Corrupção: Joana Marques Vidal sugerida para liderar grupo de trabalho

O presidente do Sindicato dos Magistrados do Ministério Público sugeriu hoje a ex-Procuradora-Geral da República, Joana Marques Vidal, para dirigir o grupo de trabalho que vai definir "uma estratégia nacional, global e integrada de combate à corrupção".

9 Dec 11:47 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012843263943238.html
Polizei-Einsatz in Ulm: Schlägerei in der Frauenstraße – Mann vorübergehend festgenommen

Polizeieinsatz in der Frauenstraße: Am Montagabend kam es vor der Pizzeria Mommo's zu einer gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzung. Die Beamten nahmen eine Person fest.

9 Dec 17:29 swp.de 6929179440882193721.html
I'm A Celebrity: Kate Garraway, 52, shows off her jungle weight loss in a scarlet playsuit after losing a STONE in just three weeks

She admitted to doing a double take when she saw her svelte post-jungle figure. And Kate showcased her impressive one stone weight loss as she greeted the I'm A Celeb finalists.

9 Dec 08:26 Mail Online 124328110716250989.html
Al menos cinco muertos tras la erupción del volcán neozelandés Whakaari

La erupción ocurrió a primera hora de la tarde del lunes, de manera abrupta expulsando rocas y una gran nube de ceniza en la isla de Whakaari

9 Dec 08:23 Cadena SER 8390941985595884896.html
Capello: "Non mi aspettavo calo Napoli, situazione difficile per Ancelotti..."

Intervista a 360° a Fabio Capello da parte del Corriere dello Sport con l'ex allenatore di Milan e Juventus che ha parlato della Serie A.

9 Dec 17:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079963911369.html
YES Bank may reject $1.2 billion offer from Canadian investor

At a board meeting on Tuesday, YES Bank is expected to reject an offer from Canada's Erwin Singh Braich and Hong Kong-based SPGP Holdings to contribute $1.2 billion toward the fund raising

9 Dec 12:24 Business Today 1145527431968775023.html
UPC inventor, George Laurer, dies at 94 in his North Carolina home

George J. Laurer, the man who invented the Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode and called Wendell his home died on Thursday. He was 94.

9 Dec 12:07 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010441406693724.html
UPC inventor, George Laurer, dies at 94 in his North Carolina home

George J. Laurer, the man who invented the Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode and called Wendell his home died on Thursday. He was 94.

9 Dec 12:07 ABC7 New York 7327811149046759772.html
IITs end first week of placements on a high note, beating last year's show

IIT Kharagpur gets more than 1,000 job offers in a record five days, with 144 companies visiting the campus till Dec 5

9 Dec 14:39 Business-Standard 1502508926034412187.html
ADB, Pakistan sign $1.3 billion loan agreement

Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Hammad Azhar was present on the occasion.

9 Dec 13:15 Dunya News 5863268917598287955.html
Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa wins Miss Universe 2019

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa was crowned Miss Universe 2019 with Miss Puerto Rico Madison Anderson and Miss Mexico Sofia Aragon as the runner-ups.

9 Dec 14:04 UPI 8257973864571384036.html
Pirmoji skaitmeninė moneta bus skirta Nepriklausomybės aktui

Pirmoji pasaulyje skaitmeninė kolekcinė moneta bus skirta 1918 metų vasario 16 dienos Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės aktui ir dvidešimčiai jį pasirašiusių signatarų, pranešė Lietuvos bankas.

9 Dec 15:20 budas.lt 7514915612370250509.html
Godín habla de la reacción del Metropolitano con Griezmann

El uruguayo del Inter recuerda el gol que le metió al Barcelona y que le dio la Liga al Atlético

9 Dec 14:22 La Vanguardia 8061072700027836800.html
​Case Bekaert: 'Anticiperen is vooruitzien'

In 1880 werd Bekaert opgericht in het Belgische Zwevegem. Inmiddels is het bedrijf de wereldwijde marktleider in straaldraadtransformatie en coatings.

9 Dec 12:45 DutchCowboys 8617317427359705280.html
Here is a full list of nominees for the 2020 Golden Globe Awards

It’s been a good year for British talent, which has scored a number of nominations.

9 Dec 14:24 Breaking News 4415806919548400995.html
Ue, Gentiloni avvisa: "Il patto di stabilità va adeguato"

Il commissario europeo agli Affari economici detta il programma: "Ci saranno consultazioni su questa base e nella seconda metà del 2020 potremmo presentare proposte"

9 Dec 11:17 ilGiornale.it 5019541223927855922.html
Rangers' Eros Grezda fined £400 for driving without license or insurance

The winger Eros Grezda was driving his Audi RS3 last month when he was pulled over by cops.

9 Dec 15:46 dailyrecord 552235479995094465.html
Ativista cultural destaca programação do Natal de Jesus em Campina Grande

Ativista cultural destaca programação do Natal de Jesus em Campina Grande

9 Dec 09:46 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543906225498181.html
Falleció Santiago Bal

A los 83 años Tras haber estado en coma farmacológico desde el lunes 2 de diciembre, el actor murió este lunes en la Clínica ALCLA, establecimiento en el que se encontraba internado para sobrellevar su mal estado de salud.

9 Dec 16:28 El Litoral 2624573357876117694.html
#foto #video Izbruh vulkana na Novi Zelandiji zahteval najmanj pet smrtnih žrtev

Izbruh vulkana Whakaari na Novi Zelandiji je po zadnjih podatkih zahteval najmanj pet smrtnih žrtev, je sporočila novozelandska policija. Dodali so, da se zaradi nevarnosti na otok ne morejo vrniti ter da tam najverjetneje ni preživelih.

9 Dec 09:40 Dnevnik 7671546650521950310.html
Pamela Gallant wins $200K film award for 'Monica's News' at Whistler festival

VANCOUVER - Acadian-Canadian filmmaker Pamela Gallant has won a major prize from the Women in the Director's Chair organization at the Whistler Film Festiva

9 Dec 17:08 iNFOnews.ca 6669504245925731648.html
Martin Hinteregger erneut in “kicker-Elf des Spieltags” gewählt

Hier findest du die aktuellsten Nachrichten, Stories, Pressekonferenzen, Interviews und Transfergerüchte aus der Deutschen Bundesliga sowie alle Infos über die österreichischen Legionären und Trainer in Deutschlands höchste Liga.

9 Dec 16:51 Sky Sport 6321692527522184832.html
La falta de fondos, el desafío de la ONU para seguir salvando vidas en Venezuela

La falta de fondos, ese es el mayor desafío al que se enfrentan hoy por hoy las agencias de la ONU y las ONG que tratan de ofrecer asistencia a los alrededor...

9 Dec 11:57 Europa Press 4702666148963877650.html
FBI investigará el tirotero en la base naval de Pensacola como un acto de terrorismo (video)

El FBI es la principal agencia de investigación criminal del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos investigará el ataque a la Base Naval en Pensacola

9 Dec 13:22 LaPatilla.com 9104603010968649328.html
Feyenoord-fans in onzekerheid: ‘Er is niets voor die supporters geregeld’

Voor Feyenoord staat komende donderdag de uitwedstrijd tegen FC Porto in de Europa League op het programma. Of de aanhang van de Rotterdammers welkom is bij het laatste groepsduel, is nog altijd hoogst onduidelijk. Remco Ravenhorst, voorzitter van supportersvereniging FSV De Feijenoorder, waarschuwt in gesprek met RTV Rijnmond dat er niks geregeld is voor de minimaal tweeduizend fans die hoe dan ook de reis naar Portugal zullen maken.

9 Dec 13:20 Voetbalzone 9096760911573942229.html
Joana Marques Vidal sugerida para presidir a grupo de trabalho de corrupção

Até abril, Governo quer que grupo de trabalho crie uma estratégia integrada de combate à corrupção.

9 Dec 13:02 SÁBADO 5711459690867796389.html
Lutte contre le cancer : Une bonne nouvelle en provenance de Belgique

Un laboratoire de recherche de l’Université de Gand (UGent) vient d’être primé par la Fondation belge « AstraZeneca » pour ses recherches sur un nouveau vaccin anti-cancer révolutionnaire, rapportent lundi les médias locaux.

9 Dec 16:57 Infomédiaire 1551316401664147756.html
Mavericks perdem mas  Doncic ultrapassa marca de Michael Jordan

Apesar de os Dallas Mavericks terem sido derrotados em casa pelos Sacramento Kings, por 106-110, o base esloveno Luka Doncic conseguiu bater a marca do lendário Michael Jordan, alcançado 27 pontos, sete ressaltos e oito assistências.Doncic registou, assim, o 19.º consecutivo com 20 ou mais pontos, cinco ressaltos e cinco assistências. Michael Jordan tinha feito 18 jogos consecutivos na temporada 1988-89, quando estava ao serviço dos Chicago Bulls.No entanto, o registo de Doncic não foi suficiente para evitar a derrota dos Mavericks, tendo até falhado um lançamento nos últimos segundos que poderia levar a partida para prolongamento.Em grande plano esteve ainda Anthony Davis, autor de 50 pontos (além de sete assistências e sete ressaltos) na vitória dos Lakers sobre os Minnesota Timberwolves (142-125). A formação de Los Angeles continua com o melhor registo da Liga, com 21 vitórias e apenas três derrotas.Resultados:Miami Heat - Chicago Bulls 110 - 105 a.p.Philadelphia 76ers - Toronto Raptors 110 - 104Charlotte…

9 Dec 08:51 A BOLA 2278827559527542037.html
Despedido el mánager de los Tigres: Clemente Álvarez

Con el objetivo de alcanzar mejores resultados la gerencia bengalí decidió este lunes, prescindir de los servicios del piloto, Clemente Álvarez y anunció

9 Dec 16:06 El Siglo 7954754736785850150.html
Juice Wrld dead: Tonto Dikeh reacts – See how he predicted his own death

Actress Tonto Dikeh, while reacting to US rapper Juice Wrld death, has emphasized on speaking the right words into one's life. The rapper reportedly died yesterday, just some few days after he celebrated his 21st birthday.

9 Dec 09:57 LailasNews.com 2090029849270548935.html
Ex-Governor Tries To Silence A Critic With A Bar Complaint; Gains Critic 70,000+ New Twitter Followers

The whitest boy on the beach, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, has decided to bring his beach-grabbing exploits to the attention...

9 Dec 10:44 Techdirt 1456370857125799680.html
I'm A Celebrity: Roman Kemp breaks down watching message from Mum and Dad

It was shown on Extra Camp

9 Dec 10:38 Entertainment Daily 8392972516170497212.html
CTET 2019: Gang involved in impersonating aspirants busted

Ten people have been arrested in Moradabad for being involved in impersonating aspirants of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test-2019 examination.

9 Dec 11:28 The Indian Express 2885715103767472679.html
Con "L'Artigiano in Fiera" di Milano si é conclusa la partecipazione dell'ATLdel Cuneese a fiere e saloni nazionali e internazionali per l'anno 2019

Il presidente Bernardi: "Impegno che non può che rafforzare la visibilità del nostro territorio nel panorama mondiale quale destinazione ″a misura di turista″

9 Dec 14:37 Targatocn.it 7367208848714991486.html
Reos intentan fugarse al estilo de "El Chapo" Guzmán

Los internos de la prisión guatemalteca Granja Modelo de Rehabilitación Cantel habían cavado un túnel que evadía el perímetro electrificado del penal

9 Dec 17:50 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309108488483.html
Krenule su kalkulacije: Kako Srbija može na Olimpijske igre i koliko je daleko polufinale SP?

Norveška ne sme da izgubi od Nemačke, kao ni Južna Koreja od Holandije i uz pobedu Srpkinja nad Danskom eto izabranica Ljubomira Obradovića među četiri najbolja tima na svetu

9 Dec 08:18 Вечерње новости 4219870593563789486.html
Rogério Ceni fala em 'erros grotescos' do Cruzeiro ao comentar rebaixamento do clube

Treinador dirigiu o clube por 46 dias nesta temporada

9 Dec 12:09 Superesportes 5498560374824799728.html
Weitere ÖFB-Testspiele vor der EURO fixiert

Der Testspiel-Fahrplan des österreichischen Nationalteams zur Vorbereitung auf die EURO 2020 steht. Neben den bereits ausgemachten Spielen gegen die Türkei und England sind nun auch Testmatches gegen Wales und Tschechien fixiert

9 Dec 12:17 weltfussball.at 3521376372699575579.html
Fotball-VM 2022 under formell etterforskning for korrupsjon

Tidligere UEFA-president Michel Platini risikerer tiltale for korrupsjon i forbindelse med tildelingen av fotball-VM til Qatar i 2022.

9 Dec 14:53 Dagbladet.no 3042595686286510205.html
Campello esclarece sobre a ajuda do BMG na campanha do CT

O presidente do Vasco da Gama, Alexandre Campello, respondeu a um torcedor sobre a ajuda do banco BMG para o novo CT.

9 Dec 16:22 Vasco Notícias 1167013066079979525.html
BMW e Hyundai foram alvo de ataque e tentativa de invasão

Os responsáveis foram identificados como pertencentes ao grupo vietnamita OceanLotus

9 Dec 11:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699278743540.html
Rückschläge: Thun-Captain Dennis Hediger denkt an Rücktritt

Thuns Captain Dennis Hediger hat nach seiner gravierenden Knieverletzung schon zweimal erfolglos ein Comeback versucht. Möglicherweise kehrt der 32-Jährige nie mehr auf den Platz zurück.

9 Dec 14:14 4-4-2.com 812646141257374095.html
Felipe Calderón y Peña Nieto pidieron a Sedena contratar empresas ILEGALES

Los ex presidentes de M&eacute;xico, Felipe Calder&oacute;n y Enrique Pe&ntilde;a Nieto, atentaron contra la seguridad de los mexicanos al pedir a la Sedena que contratara empresas ilegales para construir las obras.

9 Dec 13:00 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623689827630.html
Spar Prosenbauer ist neu da in Hürm

In den letzten Monaten entstand am bisherigen Standort, in der Marktstraße 5, ein neuer Spar-Supermarkt mit einem Sortiment von rund 10.000 Artikeln und 55 Parkplätzen. Eröffnet wurde der neue Spar-Supermarkt von Jürgen Prosenbauer am 4. Dezember.

9 Dec 09:23 NÖN.at 2486998932747853263.html
San Lorenzo dio el golpe en el Monumental

  River, que dispuso de dos penales y no convirtió, perdió con San Lorenzo por 1 a 0 y dejó pasar otra gran oportunidad de convertirse en puntero de la Superliga, en el partido correspondiente a la fecha 16. El delantero Adolfo Gaich marcó el gol en el Monumental, ante una multitud que festejó el […]

9 Dec 10:05 El Eco 4177735524165231849.html
Meizu is launching something on December 13 related to OMA - Gizmochina

Meizu, the Chinese smartphone brand, has been teasing its new products with puzzles since quite some time. Most of the times, netizens have been able to guess what product or feature the company is teasing. Today, the company has shared a new teaser image with words “OMA” written over the poster. It also confirms that …

9 Dec 09:12 Gizmochina 1751854815019022773.html
Vanaf nu kan iedereen leren vliegen met een F-16-vliegtuig

Wil je je graag een gevechtspiloot wanen? Vanaf nu kan dat zonder loodzware opleiding. Bij Brussels Flight Simulators kan je al een tijdje leren vliegen met een Boeing 737 en een Cessna 172, en nu komen daar ook F-16 en F-18-simulatoren bij. Brussel is daarmee de eerste stad in België waar je achter het stuur van

9 Dec 13:00 Zita 7484176339020879213.html
Risveglio amaro a Monti Tiburtini, strage di auto: "Qui è il far west"

Un buongiorno decisamente amaro per i residenti di via Monti Tiburtini che, tra le mattine di ieri e di oggi al momento di andare a riprendersi le loro macchine le hanno trovate vandalizzate. Si tratta di almeno una decina di auto. La denuncia arriva da Fabrizio Montanini, presidente del Comitato Be...

9 Dec 08:20 Il Tempo 2494990960694052768.html
Gana la lotería, se compra un terreno y encuentra un tesoro enterrado

Rathnakaran Pillai encontró una vasija que contenía 2.595 monedas de cobre que datan de finales del siglo XIX.

9 Dec 17:20 Futuro 2617238416514136920.html
Auch fremde Software muss getauscht werden: Aktion „3-5-2“ : China verbietet seinen Beamten ausländische Computer

Während Deutschland beim Aufbau seiner IT-Infrastruktur massiv auf chinesische Konzerne setzt, will Peking künftig komplett unabhängig von ausländischen Produkten sein: Innerhalb von drei Jahren sollen Behörden ausländische Computertechnologie oder Software austauschen.

9 Dec 08:45 FOCUS Online 4448121229869192480.html
Julio Borges desde Israel: Seguimos alertando sobre el peligro que representa Nicolás Maduro para el mundo

El comisionado Julio Borges se encuentra en Israel a fin de dar a conocer la actual situación terrorista que que se vive en Venezuela.

9 Dec 12:35 LaPatilla.com 9104603011078514713.html
Kalahkan Pasangan Malaysia, Preveen/Melati Sumbang Emas ke-68 untuk Indonesia di SEA Games 2019

Ganda campuran Indonesia, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti mempersembahkan satu medali emas tambahan bagi Indonesia dari cabang bulu tangkis

9 Dec 12:47 Tribunnews.com 3323534446175741813.html
Klasemen Perolehan Medali Hari ke-10 SEA Games 2019: Indonesia Menjauh dari Filipina

Berikut klasemen perolehan medali hari ke-10 SEA Games 2019 di mana Indonesia kini kian menjauh dari tuan rumah, Filipina.

9 Dec 15:52 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549718313986.html
'10 tot 20 procent autonome groei op Lelystad Airport'

Als Lelystad Airport daadwerkelijk opengaat voor vakantievluchten dan is waarschijnlijk 10 tot 20 procent van die vluchten niet afkomstig vanaf Schiphol. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek in opdracht van het ministerie dat maandag is vrijgegeven.

9 Dec 15:55 omroep flevoland 658614618175047423.html
Google dedica su Doodle a la lotería mexicana

La compañía explica con ilustraciones mexicanas el tradicional juego, además de asociarse con el popular YouTuber mexicano

9 Dec 11:04 Informe21.com 5448175405553533175.html
Weekend box office – Playmobil bombs hard as Frozen approaches $1 billion

Weekend box office report 6 – 8 December 2019: Frozen II is on the cusp of making $1 billion, as Playmobil: The Movie posted one of the worst openings in US box office history

9 Dec 12:00 Critical Hit 8797780293616343856.html
Dayimani set for Blitzboks debut in Cape Town

South Africa Sevens coach Neil Powell has added Lions star Hacjivah Dayimani to his squad for the Cape Town Sevens.

9 Dec 13:22 Sport 682566035598313573.html
Randy Rhoads’s Stolen Gear Found In North Hollywood Dumpster

The gear that Ozzy put out a $25k reward on has been recovered.

9 Dec 17:08 Kerrang! 370418008008010406.html
Gobierno de Chile anuncia reforma de Carabineros tras denuncias por la represión violenta

Así lo aseguró el ministro del Interior de ese país, Gonzalo Blumel, luego de que la Human Rights Watch lanzara críticas por violación de los derechos humanos. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 16:45 pulzo.com 8971816786067536078.html
More Than 400K Sign Petition To Remove Michael Vick As Honorary Pro Bowl Captain

(Photo by Logan Riely/AAF/Getty Images) A petition calling for the NFL to remove former Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick as…

9 Dec 14:22 Total Pro Sports 5536572205583978696.html
Demenciát is okozhat a magas koleszterinszint

Egy kutatás eredményei szerint az LDL-koleszterin (közismertebb nevén a „rossz” koleszterin) magas szintje összefüggésbe hozható a fiatalkori Alzheimer-kór kialakulásának magasabb kockázatával – adta hírül a felejtek.hu.

9 Dec 13:38 Blikk.hu 8892664057907887669.html
Mataron de un puntazo a un hombre en barrio Acosta

Según testigos, habría intentado abusar de la hermana de quien quedó detenido.

9 Dec 12:56 La Voz 6237180762218559332.html
Kota Tinggi flood victims rise, 729 people evacuated

JOHOR BARU, Dec 9 — The number of flood victims placed at temporary evacuation centres (PPS) in Kota Tinggi tonight rose sharply to 729 people compared to 39 victims this afternoon. State Local Government, Urban Well Being and Environment Committee chairman Tan Chen Choon, in a statement, said as...

9 Dec 15:48 Malaymail 302165935428538024.html
Never Trumper Rick Wilson Suggests Putting Anti-Vaxxers in “Re-Education Camps”

And taking their children.

9 Dec 12:42 Infowars 1950426314731835371.html
SAD satisfeita com João Henriques

O Santa Clara atravessa ciclo de seis jogos sem vitórias para a Liga, mas o trabalho do treinador João Henriques não está em causa.

9 Dec 11:05 A BOLA 2278827558727537230.html
Full size Commodore 64 launch imminent, shipping in Europe first

Thanks to the nostalgic wave of retro machines that has yet to crest, we learned earlier this year that the 8-bit 1980s gaming machine was getting a proper, full sized version. The C64, as it's called, was announced with a&hellip;

9 Dec 16:06 TechSpot 7732733961546909133.html
Meet Ali, 25. Boris Johnson's biggest challenger

Ali Milani didn't speak English when he came to Britain from Iran at the age of five. Twenty years later, he's the biggest individual threat to ...

9 Dec 13:02 CNA 5644198862952416591.html
Hollywood Star Anthony Hopkins Says Actors ‘Are Pretty Stupid’

In a conversation with the magazine Interview, the actor who will turn 82 at the end of December, has revealed how he prepared for the role of President Nixon and the text of the shortest prayer in the world, which features strong language.

9 Dec 15:26 Sputniknews 967333869076993623.html
Forex: cosa aspettarsi dal dollaro Usa nel 2020, l’incognita delle elezioni americane

La forza del dollaro Usa (Usd) è stata piuttosto sorprendente quest’anno. Lo si legge nella nota settimanale a cura di Giacomo Calef, Country manager di Notz Stucki, società ginevrina di …

9 Dec 15:42 FinanzaOnline 6528634127366932877.html
Tror ikke det finnes overlevende på vulkanøyen

Minst fem personer er døde etter vulkanutbruddet på New Zealand. En gruppe cruiseturister var på øyen der utbruddet skjedde.

9 Dec 08:18 Bergens Tidende 6643873500335145211.html
Contra atrasos, professores fazem greve de 1 dia e protestam na prefeitura

Educadores da rede municipal de ensino fazem greve de um dia nesta segunda-feira (9) em Dourados, a 233 km de Campo Grande. O principal motivo da paralisação é o atraso no pagamento dos salários. Conforme o Simted (Sindicato Municipal dos Trabalhadores em Educação), pelo quinto mês seguido a prefeitura escalonou o salário dos servidores, inclusive da educação, apesar de o setor ter verba garantida...

9 Dec 13:13 Campo Grande News 7902463001822333240.html
Operasi 20 Desember, Tol Layang Cikampek Mulai Berbayar 2020

Tol Layang Cikampek rencananya baru akan dikomersialkan Januari tahun depan.

9 Dec 13:42 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213007327035.html
Navidad: Miden calidad y resistencia de bicicletas y rodados

Ambos elementos son los regalos más solicitados por niños y jóvenes durante esa fecha.

9 Dec 12:23 La Cuarta 7037280507821979582.html
Dupla comete assaltos em sequência em bairro de Vila Velha

Já em posse do veículo roubado, os suspeito foram até um bar, na mesma rua, e com uma arma ameaçaram um grupo de pessoas, levando diversos pertences das vítimas

9 Dec 10:45 Folha Vitória 4941883427419105679.html
Finland: Sanna Marin to become world's youngest PM at 34

Finland's left-wing Social Democrats, who lead a five-party coalition government, have picked 34-year-old Minister of Transport and Communications Sanna Marin to become the country's youngest-ever prime minister next week, taking over after the resignation of Antti Rinne.

9 Dec 08:48 Aljazeera 6642629763741379269.html
Venezuela ganó Clásico Internacional del Caribe en hipismo

El ministro para la Juventud y Deportes, Pedro Infante, a través de la red social Twitter, informó el triunfo obtenido por el ejemplar ecuestre venezolano ensillado por Paco López de México, secundado por otro ejemplar criollo.

9 Dec 16:02 Panorama 6052790753554446776.html
Frau mit Küchenmesser getötet: Verdächtiger geständig

Mordalarm in Neudorf: Im Zuge von Streitigkeiten soll ein 53-jähriger Mann eine 48-jährige Frau erstochen haben. Beamte der Polizeiinspektion Laa wurden am Sonntagabend gegen 20 Uhr zum Tatort gerufen

9 Dec 14:17 NÖN.at 2486998933355501844.html
Man dies in queue to buy onions, TDP hits out at AP govt

Doctors confirmed that he died of a heart attack.

9 Dec 16:37 India Today 4286117813605313356.html
Doping, la Russia bandita da Tokyo 2020 e dai campionati del mondo

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – L’Agenzia mondiale antidoping (WADA) ha bandito la Russia dalla partecipazione ai principali tornei sportivi internazionali, tra cui le Olimpiadi e i Campionati del mondo, per un periodo di quattro anni. Lo riporta la Tass. Il comitato esecutivo della WADA ha preso la decisione dopo aver concluso che Mosca ha manomesso […]

9 Dec 11:06 Askanews 298649741286079703.html
Tour de force : Huawei sait désormais produire des smartphones sans le moindre composant américain

Il y a quelques mois, Donald Trump signait un décret interdisant aux entreprises de télécommunications américaines de faire affaire avec Huawei. Ainsi, le fabricant de smartphones chinois a dû trouver de nouveaux fournisseurs dans un temps record. La semaine prochaine, il lancera le Mate 30 Pro sur le marché français. Et selon les analystes, le […]

9 Dec 15:02 Daily Geek Show 8954118026235571178.html
Life is Strange 2 | Recensione | Game Division

Life is Strange 2 è un nuovo capitolo della saga narrativa creata dai ragazzi di Dontnod Entertainment che ci farà prendere i panni di Sean e Daniel Diaz.

9 Dec 14:45 Tom's Hardware 6640147069961494334.html
Internautas acusam Silvio Santos de racismo após polêmica em seu programa

Assista ao vídeo que está dando o que falar na web

9 Dec 12:58 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769427614901589.html
Norge-stjernene hyller lagvenninnen. Nå mener de hun fortjener gjev utmerkelse.

Medspillerne var samstemte. Stine Bredal Oftedal går utenpå dem alle sammen. Hun fortjener en tittel.

9 Dec 17:48 adressa.no 8417332408046917885.html
10 Highest Paid Engineering Majors in the U.S.

Engineering could be the right major for you. But which discipline should you choose if you're really keen for a high starting salary?

9 Dec 09:40 Interesting Engineering 7328942540950382187.html
Ford, McDonald's collab to make...car parts

Ford will make parts out of coffee grounds with the help of McDonald's

9 Dec 12:53 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447864421267.html
Michelle Obama on Trump impeachment push: 'It's surreal'

Former first lady Michelle Obama weighed in on the House Democrats' impeachment inquiry against President Trump Monday, calling the proceedings "surreal."

9 Dec 16:40 Fox News 7362823820637801104.html
Tutto cambia. tranne il cibo delle feste - marino niola:


9 Dec 11:45 DAGOSPIA 6533336740438356929.html
Aterrizaje en el aeropuerto de Mérida por emergencia: muere pasajera en avión

El vuelo cubría la ruta La Habana-Ciudad de México.

9 Dec 10:34 SIPSE.com 4008460418365736911.html
Cade con l'auto nel torrente Marmore, salvo

VALTOURNENCHE. Esce di strada mentre percorre un ponte e finisce con l'auto nell'acqua freddissima del torrente Marmore. L'incidente, avvenuto la scorsa notte a Cervinia, ha avuto fortunatamente un esito positivo. Protagonista della disavventura è un ragazzo ventenne residente in Lombardia che è uscito di strada ed è finito con l'automobile nel torrente alle 3 di notte. Nonostante lo choc e la paura per la situazione il giovane è riuscito a mettersi in contatto con il 112 per chiedere aiuto. Trascorsa circa un'ora i militari della compagnia di Châillon / Saint-Vincent lo hanno individuato e aiutato a mettersi in salvo. Il ragazzo è stato preso in carico dai sanitari del 118 e portato in ambulanza in ospedale per verificare il suo stato di salute. M.C.(immagine di repertorio)

9 Dec 11:39 Aostaoggi.it 8718172644597150200.html
Microsoft starts forcing Windows 10 1809 stragglers to upgrade

1809, danke

9 Dec 12:24 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887306976648384.html
Payday-utvecklare släpper nytt, svenskt fps-spel

GTFO är ett spel riktat mot riktiga hardcore-gamers. Utvecklarna på 10 Chambers Collective säger stolt att bara 1,5 procent av betatestarna har överlevt.

9 Dec 11:49 M3 6228758343716410958.html
Gabriela Firea vrea modificarea Codului Rutier: Autobuzele STB trebuie să circule pe liniile de tramvai

Primarul general al Capitalei, Gabriela Firea , a declarat, luni, că dorește modificarea Codului Rutier, astfel încât autobuzele STB din...

9 Dec 16:47 Stiri pe surse 4858045012338990485.html
Svenska kyrkan bjuder in till en jul tillsammans

På julafton öppnar Svenska kyrkan dörrarna för ett julfirande i gemenskap i Kyrkans hus.

9 Dec 15:32 Skövde Nyheter 3976647603637824655.html
Classic bike star Davies enjoys stellar 2019 on circuits and roads

A four-hour endurance race, club championship podiums and breaking the 100mph barrier at the Classic TT.

9 Dec 15:40 Express & Star 7324224459650018865.html
Rusia, expulsada de los Juegos y de todos los campeonatos del mundo

La decisión ha sido tomada por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje al considerar que Moscú manipuló pruebas y tapó positivos

9 Dec 10:33 elPeriodico 7291954035146032316.html
TREBA PRIHVATITI REALNOST Gvardiola: U ovom trenutku možda ne možemo da se takmičimo protiv najboljih

Trener fudbalera Mančester sitija Pep Gvardiola rekao je da njegova ekipa u ovom trenutku možda ne može ravnopravno da se takmiči sa najboljim evropskim klubovima i da mora da prihvati realnost.

9 Dec 10:19 kurir.rs 6515665027735824996.html
El Defensor del Pueblo catalán alerta del "sobrecoste" de pacientes de fuera de Cataluña en las listas de espera

El síndic de Greuges, el Defensor del Pueblo catalán, Rafael Ribó, ha alertado este lunes del ''sobrecoste'' causado en las listas de espera por personas de fuera de Cataluña que vienen a operarse a hospitales catalanes. Lo ha dicho en declaraciones al programa Aquí amb Josep Cuní de cadena SER Catalunya.

9 Dec 14:12 elEconomista.es 9051559958773946437.html
Can Mike Miller be full time head coach of the New York Knicks?

Mike Miller of Monmouth, IL was named the interim head coach of the New York Knicks on Saturday. In his opening game as the Knicks head coach on Saturday night at Madison Square Garden, New York, t…

9 Dec 15:50 The Sports Daily 5871911277664501893.html
Is(s)t Kunst und kann weg

Wenn der Künstler Hunger hat, muss das nicht profan sein. Vielmehr kann auch daraus große Kunst erwachsen. In Miami wurde nun aktionsartig eine Banane verspeist. Allerdings war sie zuvor als Installation teuer verkauft worden. Von E. Aretz

9 Dec 08:51 tagesschau.de 5441171424660800590.html
Incendios Forestales en Australia han acabado con la vida de alrededor del 25% de los koalas en la región

La gravedad de las llamas en Nueva Gales del Sur hizo que varios expertos teman la desaparición de los koalas, cuya población en todo el país ronda los 80.000 ejemplares.

9 Dec 11:07 Emol 3328490601445906102.html
Android ya tiene llamadas en espera para Whatsapp, tras el triunfo en iOS

Google Play Store recoge otras novedades para Android, como el desbloqueo mediante huella dactilar y ajustes en la privacidad de los grupos.

9 Dec 12:08 La Información 5328999782357934030.html
Oh denneboom-gids: tips om de perfecte kerstboom te kiezen én er lang van te genieten

Het is weer die tijd van het jaar waar mensen hun woonst onderdompelen in een gezellige kerstsfeer. Hun belangrijkste attribuut? De kerstboom. Maar een mooi én gezond exemplaar kiezen, is niet evid...

9 Dec 13:57 HLN 8967494998383862339.html
Almeida se compromete a habilitar zonas cero emisiones, siendo la Puerta del Sol la primera a partir de 2020

Almeida ha participado este lunes en el encuentro de alcaldes C40 &apos;Ambition and action for 1.5 degrees: non-party stakeholders and Paris...

9 Dec 16:55 Expansión 4197779424437408354.html
Bafana Man Firing Again!

He had a tough start to the 2019/20 season, but Bafana Bafana now have a striker in form once again after Lebo Mothiba grabbed another goal and an assist this weekend.

9 Dec 11:25 Soccer Laduma 3901337370616546143.html
Meet Taoheed Bayo, the 21-year-old student from Nigeria designing sneakers for Nike

A Nigerian native, Taoheed Bayo has joined the list of young Africans taking the world by storm after winning a Nike design challenge. An undergraduate student of the University of Minnesota pursuing a degree in actuarial science, was among several across the United States chosen to participate in the Nike BY You X Cultivator contest after being informed of...

9 Dec 08:00 Face2Face Africa 5878198129886674213.html
Resort cyfryzacji zachęca do tworzenia punktów potwierdzających profil zaufany

Gminy, powiaty, uczelnie publiczne i samorządowe przychodnie lekarskie - te podmioty otrzymały zaproszenie od Ministerstwa Cyfryzacji do konkursu, polegającego na stworzeniu punktu potwierdzającego założenie profilu zaufanego (PZ). Pula nagród to 1 mln zł a każdy z podmiotów może otrzymać maksymalnie 25 tys. zł.

9 Dec 12:50 Portal Samorządowy 740157209396835319.html
Los depósitos para proteger la Albufera llevan paralizados desde 2012

Expertos alertan de la presión de los polígonos industriales, que cercan el parque con 4,3 millones de metros cuadrados urbanizados

9 Dec 10:20 Las Provincias 5471838390408772236.html
Bernardo Larraín se suma a Briones en "desdramatizar" debate constitucional y asegura: "Chile va a salir ganando"

De todas formas el presidente de la Sofofa reconoció que durante dicho periodo existe la posibilidad de que algunas inversiones se vean frenadas.

9 Dec 14:11 Emol 3328490601087867984.html
InfoWars Host Disrupts Impeachment Hearing: ‘America’s Sick of the Treason Committed by the Democrat Party’

InfoWars host Owen Shroyer interrupted the impeachment hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Monday.

9 Dec 14:59 Breitbart 3148363491582774024.html
FTC to probe ‘slave’ contracts of Korean esports players

Amid the recent controversy over unfair contracts of young professional esports players in South Korea, the Fair Trade Commission on Monday pledged to comb through the relevant regulations and examine all contracts.Currently, the watchdog is undertaking preliminary inspections of Korea e-Sports Association’s standard contract and a full-fledged review of major esports teams will begin as soon as possible, a FTC...

9 Dec 09:22 Koreaherald 8029273603965652479.html
Bitcoin Climbs 2 Spots on China’s Latest CCID Ranking

China's Center for Information and Industry Development once again published a new list of its crypto ranking index, pushing Bitcoin 2 spots higher than

9 Dec 13:44 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937545266334.html
European Space Agency to launch space debris collector in 2025

Robotic junk collector will be first mission to remove item of debris from orbit

9 Dec 13:35 the Guardian 1491978794947961073.html
Tak Stres Jelang Timnas Indonesia U-22 vs Vietnam, Sjafri: Stres Itu Jika Tahu Kapan Sakratulmaut

WE Online, Manila - Pelatih Tim Nasional (Timnas) Indonesia U-22, Indra Sjafri, mengaku sama sekali tidak stres jelang timnya menghadapi Vietnam di final SEA Games 2019, Selasa 10 Desember malam WIB. Indra mengaku baru stres jika tahu kapan sakaratul maut akan tiba.

9 Dec 08:55 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835860406258.html
Alcune foto "spia" mostrano il restyling di Audi Q2 | MotorLabs

Audi sta procedendo a gonfie vele per il restyling del SUV Q2, il quale è stato mostrato in alcune foto spia: ecco le nuove caratteristiche del crossover.

9 Dec 09:45 Tom's Hardware 6640147070179168280.html
Socceroos lose last link to ‘golden generation’ as Milligan retires

The Socceroos have lost the final link to Australia's 'golden generation' with captain Mark Milligan announcing his international retirement. One of just The Socceroos have lost the final link to Australia's 'golden generation' with captain Mark Milligan announcing his international retirement.

9 Dec 13:52 The New Daily 5848147787022424735.html
Santi Burgoa se declara a Alba Carrillo en directo en la recta final de 'Gran Hermano VIP'

La historia de amor de la pareja se afianza tras el romántico mensaje del periodista

9 Dec 16:19 Hola.com 2035212430456294053.html
¿Calificadoras verán con otros ojos a Pemex tras descubrir nuevo Yacimiento petrolero? | Video

Enrique Galván Ochoa, analista de temas económicos, informa que este fin de semana se informó que el pozo petrolero Quesqui tiene reservas por 500 millones de barriles de petróleo crudo, lo que representa el descubrimiento más grande de la compañía en los últimos 30 años, con miras a levantar la productividad que registra caídas desde 2004. 20 asociaciones siguen en la carrera para conseguir el registro de partido político, incluyendo una organización de Elba Esther Gordillo.

9 Dec 16:23 Aristegui Noticias 7224289494867683807.html
Fake doctor who performed fatal surgeries on 15 patients jailed 54 years in Adamawa

A high court in Yola, Adamawa state capital, has sentenced Ibrahim Mustapha, a fake medical doctor, to 54 years in prison. In June, the Department of State Services (DSS) arrested

9 Dec 12:48 TheCable 7513571675929973565.html
La City de Londres teme a Corbyn, pero desconfía del Brexit de Johnson

La City de Londres afronta las elecciones británicas como un arma de doble filo. Por un lado, teme un Gobierno del laborista Jeremy Corbyn que pueda adoptar medidas ''antiempresariales'', pero al mismo tiempo recela del Brexit duro (sin acuerdo con la Unión Europea) al que puede conducir el líder conservador Boris Johnson.

9 Dec 16:28 elEconomista.es 9051559958918373594.html
Mann verprügelt Freundin und ritzt ihr zur Krönung seinen Namen in die Stirn

Jackub Jackson Hildreth soll seine Freundin so heftig verprügelt haben, dass er ihr dabei den Kiefer brach. Danach ritzte er ihr seinen Namen in die Stirn.

9 Dec 14:21 TAG24 4583887874647845880.html
El PNV centra las conversaciones con el PSOE en la actuación del próximo Gobierno en lo territorial, económico y social

El portavoz del PNV en el Congreso de los Diputados, Aitor Esteban, ha asegurado que las conversaciones con el PSOE para su apoyo a la investidura de Pedro Sánchez ''están centradas en las líneas de actuación del próximo Gobierno en el plano social, económico-industrial y territorial''. Además, ha apuntado que, después de décadas, se vuelve ''a manifestar con fuerza que hay un problema nacional en Euskadi y Cataluña'' y cree que ''es hora de abordarlo''.

9 Dec 10:58 elEconomista.es 9051559958312173861.html
Roman Kemp to see biggest Instagram fee increase since leaving I'm A Celeb, reveals data

Roman Kemp finished in third place on last night's finale of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, Andy Whyment came second and Jacqueline Jossa won.

9 Dec 09:59 Buzz.ie 7092425148253453555.html
Audrey Fleurot et Vincent Cassel se régalent lors d'un anniversaire inoubliable

Pour ses 20 ans d'existence, l'hôtel George V Four Seasons a mis les petits plats dans les grands. Le samedi 7 décembre 2019, toutes les stars se sont pressées à cette soirée où le champagne coulait à...

9 Dec 15:56 Purepeople 1712099803437401554.html
David Ortiz retornó a la República Dominicana luego del atentado en junio

El extoletero de los Medias Rojas de Boston David Ortiz hizo su primera aparición pública en su natal República Dominicana el domingo, casi seis meses después de que recibiera un disparo en lo que las autoridades llaman un caso de identificación equivocada.

9 Dec 10:10 Panorama 6052790754473354835.html
Mujinga Kambundji lässt die Indoor-Saison sausen

Mujinga Kambundji lässt im Olympiajahr 2020 die Hallensaison aus.

9 Dec 15:55 bz BASEL 5287163741526614305.html
Blitzboks keen to use that one opportunity - Sage

Blitzbok forward Dylan Sage says they are relishing the prospect of playing in front of their home fans at Cape Town Stadium.

9 Dec 11:35 Sport 682566035931328266.html
Onana kiest beste doelman: 'Neemt veel risico, spreekt me het meest aan'

Ederson Moraes is de beste doelman van dit moment. Dat vindt Andre Onana, die groot fan blijkt van de Braziliaanse nummer één van Manchester City. "Ik hou van zijn stijl", verklaart Onana in gesprek met het Algemeen Dagblad. "Hij kan geweldig meevoetballen, is sterk in de één-tegen-één, goed op de lijn en neemt veel risico. Er zijn zoveel goede keepers, maar hij spreekt mij het meest aan." Onana ontmoet 'groep jongens' in Amsterdam: "Eén jongen was boos op mij" 'Ajax in spanning: Onana en Promes onderworpen aan uitgebreide test'

9 Dec 12:46 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884922935861.html
AGCM: 10 milioni di multa a Wind Tre e Vodafone

L'AGCM ha erogato complessivamente 10 milioni di euro di multa a Wind Tre e Vodafone per pratiche commerciali scorrette.

9 Dec 13:55 Webnews 4852331585054564797.html
Rajoy presenta en Santiago su libro este lunes con la presencia de Feijóo

El expresidente del Gobierno Mariano Rajoy presentará este lunes, 9 de diciembre, en Santiago de Compostela (Auditorio Abanca, 20.00 horas) su libro 'Una...

9 Dec 08:02 Europa Press 4702666147743237338.html
Das sind die größten Risiken für die globalen Geldhäuser

Eine neue Umfrage unter Risikomanagern der Banken zeigt, dass die Herausforderungen komplexer geworden sind. Wo die größten Gefahren für die Großbanken lauern.

9 Dec 12:09 Handelsblatt 4721373938603163431.html
Del Edomex llega la alegría para las posadas

Decenas de familias se dedican a fabricar estas artesanías que llevan alegría a los hogares en las posadas

9 Dec 17:54 Excélsior 859179358390735281.html
Entregan 44 kilómetros de doble calzada en Troncal del Magdalena

En los tres tramos del trayecto, el Gobierno ha destinado $ 236.000 millones.

9 Dec 17:37 El Tiempo 1091719939162922650.html
Buscando a Casal, un filme sobre las limitaciones a la libertad artística

Jorge Luis Sánchez se mete en aguas profundas y hace reflexionar, en momentos que el régimen intenta aherrojar a los artistas con el decreto 349 (cuba)

9 Dec 16:46 Cubanet 2710294109819921897.html
Du lädst dein Handy über Nacht? Dieser eine Fehler kostet es Lebendauer

Dein Handy über Nacht zu laden, kann unangenehme Folgen haben, wenn du eine bestimmte Angewohnheit hast. Diese solltest du unbedingt ablegen.

9 Dec 16:31 futurezone.de 2257170159304101780.html
Daisy Ridley isn't scared of the Star Wars curse

Beers = Curses

9 Dec 11:05 Metro 970161747751566562.html
20-storey Bolton tower block branded a 'blot' on the landscape

It would bring 144 new apartments to the town centre

9 Dec 15:36 men 6694993429163751615.html
Minst fem döda vid vulkanutbrott i Nya Zeeland

SVT:s nyhetstjänst med nyheter från hela Sverige och världen inom kultur, sport, opinion och väder.

9 Dec 08:25 SVT Nyheter 8475792988909553379.html
MUT murder accused: 'Zolile loved me more than her parents' | Daily News

Thabani Mzolo who is facing a charge of murder of Zolile Khumalo

9 Dec 11:58 www.iol.co.za 17825112240386149.html
Mejores juegos de la década: Mark of the Ninja y el sigilo perfecto

En el año 2012, Klei Entertainment lanzó una pequeña joya llamada Mark of the Ninja, el cual fue críticamente aclamado y comenzó una línea de éxitos para...

9 Dec 11:18 MÁSGAMERS 2563978791163976443.html
Pólvora, alumbrado y una Virgen a oscuras

Cada año se nota más el control en la venta y el uso de pólvora, lejos quedaron los tiempos de las casetas que la comercializaban en sitios céntric

9 Dec 11:17 Diario del Cauca 7368601131237569358.html
Ya hay internet gratuito en distintos lugares públicos del Distrito Federal

Los habitantes de la capital ya cuentan con acceso gratuito a internet hasta por dos horas ininterrumpidas, anunció el jefe de gobierno del Distrito Federal, Miguel Ángel Mancera.

9 Dec 13:53 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725560024141843.html
Så blir gruvmaskinsbolagets dygnet runt-fabrik i Örebro

Atlas Copco-avknoppningen Epiroc bygger två fabriker i Örebro. I den ena av dem ska värmebehandling av bergborrmaskiner ske automatiserat hela dygnet.

9 Dec 11:45 Ny Teknik 4280928732338514627.html
JxCat volverá a reunirse con el PSOE, al que exige un mediador internacional para moverse del 'no'

Puigdemont y Torra se reúnen en Bruselas con diputados y otros líderes del partido soberanista catalán. Sobre la posible división entre JxCat y ERC, Borrás aseguró que ambos partidos "han votado diferente en otras ocasiones"

9 Dec 17:04 RTVE.es 8332346887936804689.html
Varios Pastores Evangélicos desconocen el movimiento de líderes que apoyó a Maduro

Buscando las referencias sobre Moisés García, el Coordinador Nacional del Movimiento Cristiano Evangélico por Venezuela MOCEV

9 Dec 09:22 El Siglo 7954754736724231855.html
Outfit ist "Horror"! Harte Worte von Guido Maria Kretschmer bei 'Shopping Queen'

Tag fünf unter dem Motto "Mädelsabend Deluxe". Als Letzte war Tanja an der Reihe, um ihre Konkurrentinnen bei 'Shopping Queen' von ihrem Outfit zu überzeugen. Doch für Guido Maria Kretschmer war das Kleid blanker "Horror".

9 Dec 14:17 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238092119936.html
Reds in danger of early exit – 5 Champions League talking points

Liverpool know defeat away to Red Bull Salzburg would likely see them eliminated.

9 Dec 15:06 Express & Star 7324224459660651446.html
Bitcoin ransomware locks 10 years’ worth of government data in Argentina

Bitcoin-hungry hackers have attacked a data center in Argentina which houses local government files.

9 Dec 11:58 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801510322672478.html
Malte: les bureaux du Premier ministre bloqués par des manifestants

Une trentaine de manifestants ont bloqué lundi, avant d’en être extraits manu militari, l’accès aux bureaux du Premier ministre maltais Joseph Muscat, réclamant sa démission en raison de son attitude dans l’enquête sur le meurtre de la journaliste Daphne Caruana Galizia. Le sit-in a bloqué une entrée latérale des bureaux de M. Muscat. Les manifestants […]

9 Dec 14:52 Journal de Brazza 8990092584712812512.html
Sutra katanac na Vučjak

BIHAĆ - Izmještanje migranata s lokaliteta Vučjak započeće sutra, potvrdio je danas predsjednik Crvenog križa USK Husein Kličić te je istakao kako je to dogovoreno na juče održanom sastanku predstavnika svih institucija zaduženih za migrantsku krizu.

9 Dec 17:15 Nezavisne novine 4209150642149905755.html
Plastic tax e voto in Emilia-Romagna. Presa male dai lavoratori. Inciderà

Plastic tax, metafora di pressappochismo e faciloneria del governo. Inciderà nelle scelte politiche in Emilia. L'intervista ad uno degli esperti

9 Dec 15:24 Affari Italiani 6123405403472322172.html
Rusia es vetado de competencias deportivas por 4 años por dopaje

Rusia fue excluido de todas las competiciones deportivas de carácter mundial durante los próximos cuatro años por manipular y/u ocultar casos de dopaje de sus atletas, declaró la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (WADA, por sus siglas en inglés).

9 Dec 17:55 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365557751493808.html
De Eredivisie-flops: Ajax-kwartet, één Feyenoorder, Matavz, Yeboah

Ajax leed afgelopen vrijdag de eerste nederlaag competitienederlaag tegen Willem ll. Het is dus niet verrassend dat de Amsterdammers een aantal spelers afleveren aan de wekelijkse floplijst van VoetbalPrimeur. Feyenoord kwam niet verder dan 0-0 bij Vitesse en Fortuna Sittard ging kansloos onderuit bij PSV. Lisandro Martínez (Ajax)Martínez scoort normaal gesproken een ruime voldoende bij Ajax, maar deed tegen Willem ll heel veel verkeerd. De Argentijn slaagde er niet in om de bal naar de juiste kleur te spelen en maakte veel verkeerde keuzes. Meerdere Ajacieden zakten vrijdagavond door het ijs, maar Martínez was degene die het verst van zijn gebruikelijke niveau verwijderd was.

9 Dec 11:00 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884762271017.html
Emotiva visita de Díaz-Canel a Parque de la Memoria de Buenos Aires

El mandatario cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, visitó hoy el emblemático Parque de la Memoria que rinde honor a las víctimas del terrorismo de Estado en Arg...

9 Dec 16:40 cubasi.cu 5416914688165047624.html
Un viaggio immersivo nel tempo della Betlemme sacra 

RECANATI - Presentato con grande successo il presepio meccatronico-olfattivo di Leandro Messi con gli speciali effetti di Màlleus. Aperto fino al 31 gennaio  

9 Dec 08:01 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195352577954.html
Alumbran árbol de navidad con energía de anguilas eléctricas

&iquest;Algunas vez te hab&iacute;as imaginado encender tu &aacute;rbol de navida con energ&iacute;a de anguilas el&eacute;ctricas? Conoce este m&eacute;todo pero no lo intentes en casa.

9 Dec 12:39 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623053568067.html
Fineco, all’estero a gonfie vele

Intervista a Milano Finanza di Paolo Di Grazia, vice dg e responsabile global business della banca che parla dei risultati raggiunti nel Regno Unito.

9 Dec 09:32 bluerating 6922469337344907480.html
Factbox: Impact of Russia ban on Olympics medal hopefuls

(Reuters) - Russia was banned from the world’s top sporting events for four years on Monday, including the next summer and winter Olympics and the 2022 soccer World Cup, for tampering with doping tests.

9 Dec 16:32 Reuters 8334514181686577298.html
Pelaku Usaha Masih Wait and See, Investasi RI Melambat di Kuartal III-2019

Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter Bank Indonesia (BI) Endy Dwi Tjahjono mengatakan, pertumbuhan investasi di Indonesia masih melambat hingga kuartal III-2019 karena pelaku usaha masih wait and see.

9 Dec 17:02 merdeka.com 1998180354272736138.html
Explosión de juegos pirotécnicos deja cinco heridos en San Juan Sacatepéquez

Un descuido habría provocado una explosión de juegos pirotécnicos en San Juan Sacatepéquez, donde se reporta cinco personas con quemaduras.

9 Dec 15:07 Prensa Libre 5433015256768087902.html
49ers tight end George Kittle says he was thrilled when a defender grabbed his face mask on the biggest play of the game, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - George Kittle didn't mind getting tossed around by his face mask as long as it meant his team was in a position to win.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:50 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756043931288.html
Dressing room opinion: What Newcastle United players are saying after the 2-1 win over Southampton

The Magpies fought from a goal down to win their second successive match in the Premier League

9 Dec 08:26 ChronicleLive 1984146900744631913.html
Stowarzyszenie Patria Nostra kontra Netflix. "Mapa wpisuje się w trend fałszowania historii"

Stowarzyszenie Patria Nostra wezwało Netflixa, by w serialu historycznym usunął błędy dotyczące lokalizacji niemieckich nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych i zagłady. Stowarzyszenie żąda, by Netflix zamieścił informację, iż wspomniane obozy zakładane były przez Niemców na terenie okupowanej Polski.

9 Dec 15:45 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100670587389380.html
EFCC secures conviction of 111 fraudsters in Southeast in 11 months

EFCC says it has obtained the conviction of 111 fraudsters in the South East between January and November, 2019, secured the final forfeiture of N1.5billion

9 Dec 11:00 Vanguard News 4125100339088295155.html
Barbanza: A Tenda de Pepa y Studio Moai, ganadores de los terceros Premios ABE a la Excelencia Empresarial

La entrega del galardón tendrá lugar el jueves en la sede de la patronal

9 Dec 12:01 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612196938255.html
Twitter user recounts how a gay man harassed him on a bike in Lagos

A Lagos resident has recounted his experience while on a bike trip in Lagos. According to the individual, he was molested by a gay co-passenger.

9 Dec 11:31 Legit 3764253649522529827.html
Es oficial: hay un nuevo Bioshock en camino y lo desarrolla un estudio recién inaugurado

Con la desaparición de Irrational Games, el estudio que nos trajo el Bioshock original y su tercera entrega, el futuro de la franquicia quedaba en el aire....

9 Dec 14:02 Vida Extra 2315661876798491983.html
Radončić: Naredne sedmice odluka o ministru bezbjednosti

SARAJEVO - Predsjednik Saveza za bolju budućnost (SBB) Fahrudin Radončić izjavio je danas da će odluka o njegovom imenovanju za ministra bezbjednosti u Savjetu ministara, vjerovatno, biti donesena iduće sedmice, odnosno u ponedjeljak, 16. decembra.

9 Dec 12:49 Nezavisne novine 4209150642923464563.html
Assembleia Legislativa publica ato que oficializa renúncia da chapa eleita para Mesa Diretora

Publicação no Diário do Poder Legislativo traz também as regras para a próxima eleição do comando da Ales para o biênio 2021/2023

9 Dec 16:37 Folha Vitória 4941883426665188121.html
Austria: Flaggen-Übeltäter vom Derby ausgeforscht

Jener Mann, der beim 330. Wiener Derby im Allianz-Stadion eine Flagge mit rechtsradikaler Symbolik gehisst hatte, wurde von Austria Wien ausgeforscht

9 Dec 13:28 weltfussball.at 3521376371542920441.html
Watch live: House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing for President Trump

House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing for President Trump begins around 9 a.m. You can watch it live, here, on Oklahoman.com.

9 Dec 13:07 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761880079116.html
Battlefield 5 - Ab heute könnt ihr private Server erstellen

DICE hat neue und detaillierte Informationen zu den privaten Servern für „Battlefield 5“ veröffentlicht. Ab heute können die Spieler ihre eigenen Spiele mit den gewünschten Einstellungen starten.

9 Dec 11:42 PlayNation 4622181944910425306.html
Noruega en el primer lugar y Niger en el último: El ranking de países según el Índice de Desarrollo Humano

Revisa el detalle de cada uno de los países medidos en el más reciente informe del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

9 Dec 11:33 Emol 3328490601661102371.html
El Club Financiero Atlántico de A Coruña entra en concurso de acreedores

La entidad toma la decisión al tener que asumir deudas a las que no puede hacer frente

9 Dec 12:10 Cadena SER 8390941985635667063.html
NIK: Prezes Banaś nie skorzysta z zaproszenia na posiedzenie senackiej komisji

Prezes NIK Marian Banaś nie skorzysta z zaproszenia na wtorkowe posiedzenie senackiej komisji samorządu terytorialnego i administracji państwowej – poinformowało biuro prasowe Izby. W poniedziałek trafiła do Senatu odpowiedź w tej sprawie.

9 Dec 14:33 fakty.interia.pl 3878966317567824429.html
Alanya ASAT'tan gece mesaisi

Alanya ASAT'tan gece mesaisi

9 Dec 09:21 CNN Türk 3669296858469446914.html
Duizenden auto's minder over de Waalbrug: 'Als het project stopt, blijf ik fietsen'

Ze pakken de fiets, de bus of trein, rijden ergens anders langs of gaan vanuit huis werken. Automobilisten die meedoen aan de campagne SLIMspitsen hebben sinds april dit jaar 75.000 auto's uit de avondspits gehaald. Een poging van de gemeente Nijmegen om de drukte in te dammen op de beperkt beschikbare Waalbrug.

9 Dec 16:00 Omroep Gelderland 9177932616043638745.html
Es ist offiziell: Aramco-Börsengang ist ein Rekord

Eine der Banken, die den Börsengang von Saudi Aramco begleiten, nennt nun eine Zahl zum Gesamtvolumen.

9 Dec 13:55 cash 8314500323840130099.html
El FBI confirma que un militar saudí es el único sospechoso del ataque en una base naval de Florida

El atacante estaba en la base en el marco de un programa de formación de la Marina estadounidense diseñado para estrechar los lazos con aliados extranjeros.

9 Dec 13:10 CiberCuba 8213836169829979055.html
NFL roundup: Chiefs down Patriots to make playoffs

The victory may be bittersweet if the third-year quarterback has to sit on the bench.

9 Dec 11:57 Sports Mole 7750663362385042868.html
iPadOS 14 release date & new features rumours

iPadOS 14 is on its way, so we take a look at when it will arrive and what new features could be included

9 Dec 11:35 Macworld UK 4405179198756943235.html
Lizzo Twerks in a Thong to Her Hit Song "Juice" Courtside at Lakers Game

Lizzo showed up to the Lakers game against the Timberwolves on Sunday (December 8) wearing a t-shirt dress that was cut out in the back to show off...

9 Dec 14:30 VLADTV 1404406306215999638.html
Ook ACV keurt sociaal plan Proximus goed: 1.300 banen sneuvelen

De christelijke vakbond ACV-Transcom heeft vandaag tijdens een bijeenkomst van het paritair comité het sociaal plan over een herstructurering bij Proximus goedgekeurd. Dat meldt vakbondsman Luc Ing...

9 Dec 12:25 HLN 8967494997141640868.html
Radom: szpital planuje zamknięcie oddziału chirurgicznego

10 grudnia w Radomskim Szpitalu Specjalistycznym ma nastąpić czasowe zamknięcie oddziału chirurgii. Zgodny na to jednak nie dają NFZ i konsultant wojewódzki.

9 Dec 10:00 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135116630084060.html
Hans Klemm, decorat de Klaus Iohannis cu Ordinul Naţional Steaua României

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 13:13 Gândul 5586965503807938095.html
Onana, duda en el Ajax ante el Valencia

El portero camerunés es duda de última hora por lesión para el decisivo partido de Liga de Campeones de este martes contra el equipo ché

9 Dec 10:12 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958444199165.html
Cinco hombres y cuatro mujeres juzgarán al presunto asesino de Ana Enjamio

Se enfrenta a penas que suman 27 años de prisión, la Fiscalía, que le atribuye la autoría de un delito de asesinato y otro de acoso.

9 Dec 15:18 La Información 5328999781049639298.html
Con emotivas palabras, Guillermo Ochoa felicita a sus compañeros por avanzar a la final

El arquero Águila es un gran motivador

9 Dec 17:32 El Diario NY 6486144432291293767.html
Amazon, Offerte di Natale: nuove promo ogni giorno fino al 22 Dicembre

Partono oggi le offerte di Natale Amazon, fino al 22 Dicembre nuove offerte ogni giorno con consegna veloce e resi fino al 31 Gennaio

9 Dec 08:20 Tariffando.it 5908277642253934387.html
Saudische mannen en vrouwen door één ingang

Saudi-Arabië stopt met de aparte ingangen in openbare gebouwen en uitgaansgelegenheden voor mannen en vrouwen. De regering heeft via sociale media bekendgemaakt dat mannen en vrouwen voortaan dezelfde in- en uitgang kunnen gebruiken. In restaurants en scholen zijn er aparte ingangen en ruimten voor mannen en vrouwen.

9 Dec 13:49 RD.nl 6406779840806251276.html
Events in Bengaluru on December 10

Religion Jnathakam Shasthram: Discourse by K.G. Subraya Sharma, Paramaaartha Vichaara Sangha Trust, Adhyaatma Mandira, V.V. Puram, 7.45 a.m.Saptha Saagaraaha: Discourse by K.G. Subraya Sharma, Vedanta

9 Dec 16:51 The Hindu 6679535025377818890.html
SEF detém nove mulheres em estabelecimentos de diversão noturna no Norte

O Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF) deteve nove mulheres em dois estabelecimentos de diversão noturna no Norte do país no âmbito da "Operação Sprint Final", por estarem em situação de permanência irregular em Portugal.

9 Dec 13:18 JN 6956494304415858565.html
Arabie saoudite: Femmes et hommes peuvent entrer par la même porte dorénavant

Aussi surprenant qu'il en est, jusqu'ici, certains cafés et restaurants en Arabie saoudite, n'étaient pas accessibles par une porte unique. Hommes et femmes devaient emprunter des portes différentes, une pour les hommes, et l'autre pour les femmes et familles.   Le ministère des Municipalités et des affaires rurales a annoncé dimanche sur Twitter la suppression de plusieurs obligations pour les restaurants, dont celle d'avoir «une entrée pour les célibataires et une entrée séparée pour les familles».   Aucune information n'a été communiquée concernant la date d'application de cette nouvelle autorisation, ni même si la levée de l'obligation concerne aussi l'intérieur des établissements, où il est fréquent d'avoir une salle pour les hommes seuls et une autre pour les familles, même si ces dernières années certains restaurateurs ont profité d'une relative libéralisation pour créer des salles mixtes.   Sous le règne actuel du prince héritier Mohammed Ben Salmane, l'Arabie saoudite s'est insérée dans une nouvelle…

9 Dec 15:40 LesEco.ma 3084334528148675477.html
Barbara d'Urso conferma il ritorno al Grande Fratello 17: le sue parole

Poche ore fa, Barbara d'Urso ha confermato il ritorno al Grande Fratello 17, annunciando anche il primo opinionista. Le sue parole.

9 Dec 09:46 Novella 2000 6951116780724754298.html
Norge-stjernene hyller lagvenninnen. Nå mener de hun fortjener gjev utmerkelse.

Medspillerne var samstemte. Stine Bredal Oftedal går utenpå dem alle sammen. Hun fortjener en tittel.

9 Dec 17:48 Aftenbladet 8753034803289093641.html
4 mila euro al mese per telefonate verso la Russia e altri Paesi dell’Est

Mifsud indagato per peculato dalla procura di Agrigento, per l'attività nel consorzio universitario. Ma la notifica è problematica: l'uomo al centro del Russiagate è scomparso

9 Dec 09:09 L'HuffPost 5315551422678210669.html
40 Prozent der Eltern unter Dauer-Stress

Haushalt, familiäre Probleme und ständige Erreichbarkeit - diese drei Faktoren stressen Eltern mit minderjährigen Kindern besonders.

9 Dec 11:12 Bild 8433249907427357538.html
"Anestesiada", el single de la sanjuanina Sophae tuvo su estreno mundial

La joven de 20 años que sorprende a todos en la escena local presentó en Spotify, Youtube y otras plataformas su última producción, que fue mezclada y masterizada en Buenos Aires. Escuchala acá.

9 Dec 16:40 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131159276596919.html
The far-Right 'weirdo' who stored bomb cache in his camper van: Machinist, 42, is caught with home-made explosives, 85 knives, an axe and three SWORDS

Simon Flint (pictured brandishing a broadsword in an image he posted online), 42, pleaded guilty at Teesside Crown Court to two charges of having an explosive substance on June 28 and 30.

9 Dec 16:49 Mail Online 124328112085395828.html
Prefectura quiso ayudarlo con un problema mecánico y encontró 66 kilos de marihuana

La droga estaba oculta en un doble fondo del vehículo. Para encontrarla intervino Sol, una perra detectora de narcóticos.

9 Dec 14:11 El Patagónico 8565457046292950011.html
Logističke usluge na dlanu: Logit Gold WMS

Današnje tržište logističkih usluga karakteriše dinamično okruženje u kojem su potrebe krajnjih potrošača sve zahtevnije. Logističke kompanije imaju sve više partnera, konkurencija je sve jača, pot…

9 Dec 08:15 PC Press 681412283014949665.html
Meet Now feature on Skype makes it easy to invite anyone to a Skype call

The latest Skype Insider build has a new feature that makes it easy to invite anyone to a Skype call, including people who don't have Skype accounts.

9 Dec 13:18 Android Central 29040143826656424.html
Sanna Marin to be PM of Finland, world's youngest head of govt at 34 years

Finland, like much of the West, has seen a rise in right-wing populists and the nationalist Finns Party did well in April election, though centrist and left-wing parties won most votes

9 Dec 17:30 Business-Standard 1502508926271078800.html
Paul Finebaum Thinks Nick Saban “Hates” Ole Miss Hiring Lane Kiffin

SEC Network's Paul Finebaum thinks Alabama head coach Nick Saban "hates" that Ole Miss hired his former assistant, Lane Kiffin.

9 Dec 16:21 The Spun 9122471848691822552.html
Golden Globes nominations 2020: It's Marriage Story v The Irishman

Noah Baumbach’s divorce drama leads pack with six nominations while Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and The Irishman trail with five apiece

9 Dec 13:37 the Guardian 1491978795089228437.html
RB Leipzig - News und Gerüchte: Emil Forsberg träumt von Wechsel nach Spanien oder Italien

Emil Forsberg hat angedeutet, dass er in der Vergangenheit bei RB Leipzig mit Abschiedsgedanken gespielt, der Verein ihm jedoch keine Freigabe erteilt habe. Sein Traum von einem Wechsel zu einem Top-Klub nach Spanien oder Italien lebe jedoch noch. Außerdem: RB hat offenbar erneut einen Vorstoß bei der AS Monaco gewagt, um Benjamin Henrichs im Winter zu verpflichten.

9 Dec 08:49 SPOX 8395423525565170735.html
Napoli-Genk, solo 20mila biglietti venduti: si rischia il San Paolo semivuoto!

NOTIZIE CALCIO NAPOLI – Napoli-Genk, per l’importanza capitale della gara, sulla carta dovrebbe essere una di quelle gare da tutto esaurito, una di quelle notti di Champions da ricordare ma con ogni probabilità non sarà così, almeno sugli spalti del San Paolo. Come riferito dai colleghi de “Il Corriere dello Sport“, domani al San Paolo […]

9 Dec 09:11 Spazio Napoli 1933866184181670233.html
Saoirse Ronan and Andrew Scott have been nominated for Golden Globes

Ricky Gervais will host the Globes for the fifth time on 5 January.

9 Dec 13:37 TheJournal.ie 6446904417723747700.html
Računalnik v vsak vrtec

Digitalna tehnologija lahko tudi najmlajšim omogoča širjenje obzorij in spoznavanje sveta. Zato je dr. Emilija Stojmenova Duh, docentka na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Lj

9 Dec 16:29 Računalniške novice 5784844855811645242.html
Junts per Catalunya no consideraría una traición el respaldo de ERC a Pedro Sánchez

Torra y Puigdemont han reunido en Bruselas a diputados, senadores y consejeros del partido

9 Dec 09:44 EL PAÍS 2207347710116816970.html
Malte: les bureaux du Premier ministre bloqués par des manifestants

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 14:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388151887840.html
Preminuo glumac Zoran Rankić

Televizijski i pozorišni glumac, književnik i aforističar Zoran Rankić preminuo je u Beogradu u 84. godini posle...

9 Dec 13:27 N1 Srbija 7797130867116690573.html
Jovem eletrocutado em cima de locomotiva com "prognóstico reservado"

O jovem de 18 anos que no domingo sofreu queimaduras graves ao ser eletrocutado quando tocou na catenária de uma linha numa estação ferroviária, em Pamela, encontra-se com prognóstico reservado.

9 Dec 12:56 JN 6956494303702882969.html
Pocito honró a Santa Bárbara con una multitudinaria muestra de fe

El gobernador Sergio Uñac participó en el cierre de las celebraciones que tuvieron lugar en honor a la patrona pocitana.

9 Dec 11:35 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157592907921.html
Obbligazioni verdi in forte crescita, in attesa del QE “green”

Il mercato dei green bond è in piena espansione.

9 Dec 09:55 Trend Online 3268043279333671267.html
Prosus erhöht Angebot im Übernahmekampf um Just Eat

Auch die Lieferando-Mutter Takeaway.com buhlt um den englischen Lieferdienst. Takeaway mit Sitz in den Niederlanden will mindestens 75 Prozent der Aktien angedient bekommen und bietet je Just-Eat-Aktie 0,09744 eigene Aktien an. Das entspricht bei einem Takeaway-Kurs von 86,50 Euro (Freitag-Schlusskurs) in Amsterdam rund 5,76 Milliarden Euro - umgerechnet in Pfund aber nur rund 4,84 Milliarden Pfund. Wie Takeaway.com am Montagmorgen mitteilte, hält es sein Angebot weiterhin für überlegen./ssc/stk/jha/ (AWP)

9 Dec 09:24 cash 8314500324170596756.html
Gio Ponti, la comunità oltre le macerie

Il grande architetto nel 1946 aveva scritto un testo per chiamare gli artisti a una responsabilità collettiva. Un testo che un gruppo di giovani ripropone al Centro culturale di Milano. «È di grande attualità. Ci dice che l’individualismo è perdente», spiega Fulvio Irace, il maggiore conoscitore del grande architetto

9 Dec 13:43 VITA 7700876771463035654.html
Boris Johnson promete bajar la inmigración  en el Reino Unido

El primer ministro anticipó que luchará “por cada voto” en las elecciones legislativas del próximo jueves

9 Dec 09:28 El Informador 103545928207774132.html
Pixel Feature Drop: así son nuevas actualizaciones para la gama Pixel y éste es el contenido de la primera

Ya sabemos que una de tener un Google Pixel frente a otros móviles Android es que reciben las actualizaciones de la plataforma antes, pero además se...

9 Dec 17:00 Xataka Android 8206963585272905785.html
Beethoven'in eserini yapay zeka tamamlıyor

2020 yılında doğumunun 250'inci yıl dönümü kutlanacak olan ünlü Alman besteci Ludwig van Beethoven'in hayattayken tamamlayamadığı 10. Senfonisi, yapay zeka tarafından bitirilecek.

9 Dec 10:43 Akşam 580099849995596452.html
Unai Emery: Former Arsenal boss approached by Everton for manager job

Former Arsenal boss Unai Emery was approached about the Everton job, Sky Sports News understands.

9 Dec 15:23 Nehanda Radio 3802011522721613559.html
La reacción de Daddy Yankee ante una balacera en uno de sus conciertos

En una de sus presentaciones se dispararon más de cien balas.

9 Dec 08:56 El Tiempo 1091719940534732584.html
Ocho presos fallecen bajo custodia del Estado español en menos de una semana

Ocho presos sociales fallecieron la semana pasada en prisiones del Estado espa&ntilde;ol. Seis murieron de posibles sobredosis y dos acabaron con sus vidas.

9 Dec 13:40 naiz: 7509038603295731675.html
Golden Globe 2020, ecco tutte le nomination

Netflix domina le candidature grazie a 'The Irishman', 'Storia di un matrimonio', 'The Crown' e 'Unbelievable'. Niente candidatura per 'Il traditore' di Bellocchio

9 Dec 16:12 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189559655735.html
Exit na vrhu liste najvećih muzičkih festivala

NOVI SAD - Enciklopedija World Atlas postavila je Exit na prvo mesto svoje nedavno objavljenje liste najvećih muzičkih festivala na svetu, saopštili su iz

9 Dec 12:09 Krstarica 4176903990031468388.html
China's Plan for 6 Aircraft Carriers Just 'Sank'

China reportedly is slowing its plan to acquire two aircraft carriers for each of its regional fleets. Instead of speeding ahead with the development of a six-carrier fleet -- two each for the

9 Dec 10:00 The National Interest 7207864703927779611.html
Wartezeiten drohen: Ansturm auf Pässe

Magistrat und Bezirkshauptmannschaft rechnen im kommenden Jahr mit deutlichen Anstieg an Anträgen.

9 Dec 17:17 NÖN.at 2486998931615662022.html
Tudi Vili Resnik bo nekomu izpolnil željo

V veselem decembru, ki je v celjskem Citycentru v znamenju Lectove ulice in prazničnih doživetij, so že enajsto leto zapored v sodelovanju s centri za socialno delo pripravili dobrodelno akcijo obd...

9 Dec 10:22 Slovenske novice 5901956561878689126.html
Inicia en Panamá Cumbre China-Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Panamá, -Cerca de dos mil empresarios y funcionarios oficiales de China, Latinoamérica y el Caribe se dan cita hoy por primera vez en Panamá como parte de la XIII Cumbre China-LAC 2019. En declaraciones previas a la prensa, el presidente del comité organizador del evento, Gabriel Barletta, resaltó el papel desempeñado por este mecanismo en … Seguir leyendo Inicia en Panamá Cumbre China-Latinoamérica y el Caribe →

9 Dec 13:24 La Demajagua 796151392542424943.html
Leonardo Silva despista sobre aposentadoria; Mancini promete definir futuro no Atlético nos próximos dias

Zagueiro e treinador têm contrato com clube alvinegro até fim deste ano

9 Dec 09:00 Superesportes 5498560374073341534.html
Xiaomi Mi Watch specs and release date - and now it's got iOS support

Xiaomi has officially revealed the Mi Watch in China – but while we wait for a global release – it looks like its first smartwatch is a serious alternative to Apple and Samsung devices. The Mi Watch becomes the first smartwatch to receive the Mi branding, following the company's popular line of Mi Band fitness…

9 Dec 12:57 Wareable 1195871720587599652.html
Las respuestas de la Señorita Colombia que generaron sensación en Miss Universo

La señorita Colombia, Gabriela Tafur, durante Miss Universo se mantuvo como una de las favoritas del certamen, logrando llegar al top 5 de finalistas  junto con México, Puerto Rico, Tailandia y Sudáfrica Las dos respuestas que dio al jurado sorprendieron a todo el país, llenándola de elogios en sus redes sociales En un primer momento, Tafur habló de la actual situación política del país, a través de en un video, en el que aseguró que se está “luchando por nuestros derechos”, refiriéndose al paro nacional que se adelantan en el país en los últimos días; la joven de 24 años además resaltó la importancia de invertir más en la educación y dejar a una lado la corrupción.  “En este momento en Colombia nos estamos uniendo por nuestros derechos, la gente salió a las calles, hace huelgas; pide mejores oportunidades, mejor educación, más igualdad, menos corrupción. Como Miss Universo llegaré a casa y trataría de unir a mi gente”, dijo Tafur.    Ya en la ronda final, Steve Harvey, le preguntó qué, ¿cuál cree que es el problema…

9 Dec 12:52 RPT Noticias 535651180207083215.html
Trick out your Versa 2 with these cool products

Get even more out of your Fitbit Versa 2 with some of these awesome accessories.

9 Dec 14:30 iMore 3803412792165233994.html
MLB Rumors: Anthony Rendon’s Agent Reportedly Wants 7-Year Deal As Rangers Still Favored To Sign Him

Despite Anthony Rendon’s previous comments about wanting to end his MLB career at the age of 35, a new report suggests that the 29-year-old third baseman, who last played for the Washington ...

9 Dec 10:17 The Inquisitr 1745625232300349433.html
Russia plans to set up Arctic air defence 'dome' with S-400 missiles

Russia plans to establish an air defence "dome" across its polar region by arming all of its Northern Fleet's Arctic divisions with S-400 missile batteries, a Russian naval commander said on Monday. Russia has been stepping up its military presence in the Arctic, building new infrastructure

9 Dec 13:57 Yahoo 7097669637093653790.html
Wallin funnet skyldig i å ha ærekrenket Virtanen

Medieprofil Cissi Wallin er funnet skyldig i å ha ærekrenket journalist Fredrik Virtanen.

9 Dec 14:34 Kampanje 8714678314959794757.html
Toyota to invest PhP 4.5 billion to build new Luzon import hub

Toyota does import over 100,000 CBU vehicles a year

9 Dec 15:36 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447050639490.html
EE.UU. repite con Afganistán las mentiras de Vietnam

Documentos confidenciales muestran cómo los diferentes Gobiernos han ocultado la realidad sobre el terreno

9 Dec 17:11 La Voz de Galicia 3932226611910131302.html
Bafana star Zungu almost loses his house – report

Bongani Zungu reportedly almost lost his house after he failed to pay the monthly instalment for 12 months.

9 Dec 09:58 The Citizen 410802300363341073.html
FCB-Stars auf der Weihnachtsfeier 2019 - Ein Kuriosum gibt zu Denken

Kurz nach der unglücklichen Pleite in Gladbach trafen sich die Akteure des FC Bayern in der Allianz Arena. Dabei sollten sich die Münchner gut überlegen, ob sie noch oft zusammen feiern.

9 Dec 11:02 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239518830508.html
Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: Piñera realizaría acto conmemorativo y reafirmará el compromiso de su Gobierno

También podría anunciar medidas para víctimas de abusos.

9 Dec 11:03 Publimetro Chile 2498685482368147887.html
Tödliche Attacken auf der Straße: Wie sollten Sie auf Straßen-Pöbeleien reagieren? Eine ehrliche Antwort

Ein Mann stirbt nach einer Auseinandersetzung in Augsburg. Er wird – offenbar nach einem Streit aus Nichtigkeiten – niedergeschlagen und überlebt die Folgen nicht. Viele Menschen fragen sich nun: Wie hätte ich in dieser Situation reagiert? Der Versuch eines Leitfadens.

9 Dec 14:20 FOCUS Online 4448121230565900528.html
3 Top Small-Cap Stocks to Buy Right Now

One way for investors to build wealth is to find great companies with growth potential while they're still small.

9 Dec 14:19 The Motley Fool 2231313659275443188.html
A bug may have revealed Modern Warfare’s battle royale mode

The bug includes a preview of the whole map

9 Dec 15:21 Polygon 3721530540201851539.html
Sanna Marin, la nueva primera ministra de Finlandia y la más joven de la historia

Los socialdemócratas de Finlandia eligieron este domingo a una exministra de Transporte de 34 años para encabezar el gobierno, convirtiéndola en la primera ministra más joven de la historia del país.

9 Dec 17:14 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067544320147373.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

La Russie a été sanctionnée par l’Agence mondiale antidopage d’une interdictio...

9 Dec 11:33 LA VDN 5307415663671387466.html
Huawei: niente HarmonyOS su smartphone nel 2020

Durante un evento stampa tenutosi a Shenzhen, il presidente della divisone consumer di Huawei, Wang Chenglu, aveva rilasciato delle dichiarazioni riguardanti il nuovo sistema operativo del colosso cinese. A causa di alcune interpretazioni del tutto errate, Huawei ha dovuto ribadire che il sistema operativo proprietario HarmonyOS non è ancora pronto per essere implementato su smartphone e tablet.

9 Dec 11:51 Androidiani.com 8834294958672738678.html
Miss South Africa crowned 2019 Miss Universe

Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe Sunday night after excelling through rounds of swimsuit and evening gown struts, questions on social issues and one final chance to explain why she was the right choice.

9 Dec 10:21 CTVNews 2422791597148584762.html
Holanđanin priveden u MUP RS zbog šverca droge

BANJALUKA - Kornelis Marinus van Velzen, rođen u Lindenu u Holandiji priveden je u prostorije Uprave za organizovani i teški kriminalitet MUP-a Republike Srpske u Banjaluci, potvrdila je Srni načelnik Odjeljenje za odnose sa javnošću MUP-a Srpske Mirna Miljanović.

9 Dec 12:34 Nezavisne novine 4209150641357610577.html
B Praak Shares His Experience On Working For ‘Suryodivo Chandrudivo’ From Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru

After wooing the audience with his latest Punjabi hit, "Filhall", singer B Praak has now recorded his first Telugu track "Suryodivo Chandrudivo", which will feature in superstar Mahesh Babu's upcoming

9 Dec 14:23 Koimoi 5184275670144616765.html
Uno x uno: quiénes son los ministros que conforman el gabinete de Raúl Jalil

Raúl Jalil y Rubén Dusso -integrantes de la fórmula ganadora para la gobernación y vicegobernación de Catamarca el pasado 27 de octubre- prestaron juramento y asumieron sus funciones oficialmente ante una amplia convocatoria de ciudadanos, militantes y autoridades que se dieron cita en el Cine Teatro Catamarca. Tras el traspaso de mando, Jalil tomó juramento en la plaza 25 de Mayo a los funcionarios que integrarán su gabinete central:

9 Dec 17:50 El Esquiú 5729181306967492762.html
Le distributeur donne le double de la somme demandée, la police obligée d'intervenir

À Marseille, des agents de police ont dû barrer l'accès à un distributeur de billets de banque, dont le dysfonctionnement lui faisait débiter le double de la somme demander.

9 Dec 15:08 RTL 5minutes 5295111945106197937.html
'A year-long ordeal': What I learned from getting my driving licence in Berlin

I thought that driving tests couldn’t get much worse than my first and last in the UK five years ago. That was before I attempted again in Berlin.

9 Dec 15:27 Thelocal.de 270941996158138803.html
Road accident kills 12 in Niger - The Nation Newspaper

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Niger says 12 people have died in an accident on Sunday at Sawmill village along Mokwa -Makera road in...

9 Dec 11:21 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901880908952.html
Week 14 NFL overreactions: The Super Bowl LIV chase is wide open; Broncos found their QB

Several teams have a legitimate shot at winning a title. The Broncos finally have their quarterback. It's time to overreact to Week 14.

9 Dec 12:05 ESPN 8538773401783510862.html
Amazon says Trump’s ‘improper pressure’ doomed Pentagon bid

Amazon says President Donald Trump’s “improper pressure” and behind-the-scenes attacks harmed its chances of winning a $10 billion Pentagon contract. The Pentagon awarded the cloud...

9 Dec 17:09 WSVN 7News 4504855329883436674.html
Lucky 13 for Milan Bergamo

For the first time in its history, Milan Bergamo Airport has hit the 13 million passenger mark, setting a new record for annual passengers for the Italian gateway. Handling just one million passengers for the first time in 1999, saw the airport celebrate the historic moment with the lucky 13-millionth passenger departing for Dheli via Rome. Endorsed by Milan Bergamo’s strengthening of existing flights, new carriers, and the expansion of route choice, the airport has welcomed extraordinary growth over the last

9 Dec 08:56 TravelDailyNews International 1304175787625071250.html
Tayang 19 Desember Nanti di Bioskop, Film Habibie Ainun 3 Dinanti oleh Masyarakat, Yuk Baca Sinopsisnya!

Film Habibie Ainun 3 akan tayang di bioskop pada 19 Desember 2019 mendatang. Film ini bercerita tentang kisah Habibie dan Ainun.

9 Dec 16:40 grid.id 586386475113183689.html
Cuba: Inspección al tren Sancti Spíritus-Habana comprueba su crítico estado técnico

Tras la publicación en el periódico Escambray de un trabajo sobre este tren, se realizó una inspección que corroboró el mal estado del tren 

9 Dec 09:12 Granma.cu 7847343385833838642.html
Dodelom nagrada završen Pančevo film festival

PANČEVO - Šesti Pančevo Film Festival, koji je počeo 4. decembra, zatvoren je sinoć projekcijom filma "To mora biti raj" palestinskog reditelja Elije

9 Dec 15:14 Krstarica 4176903988293971868.html
Jatuh Hati, PKB Mantap Dukung Gibran di Pilwalkot Solo 2020

Menurutnya, ada beberapa alasan PKB 'jatuh hati' kepada putra sulung Presiden Jokowi itu.

9 Dec 09:15 merdeka.com 1998180355964824035.html
Asesinan en un asalto a un suboficial de la Armada y un ladrón muere y otro queda herido en Merlo

Un suboficial de la Armada Argentina fue asesinado de un balazo en el abdomen frente a su novia durante un asalto y tiroteo con delincuentes, uno de los cuales murió, otro quedó herido y dos...

9 Dec 13:15 La Voz 6237180761035234094.html
Der FC Bayern ist sich selbst ein Rätsel

Nach vier souveränen bis beeindruckenden Siegen aus den ersten vier Spielen bricht beim FC Bayern ein grenzloser "Hansi"-Hype aus. Nach zwei nicht erklärbaren Niederlagen wird die Euphorie aber von Enttäuschung abgelöst. Und die Münchner suchen nach Antworten.

9 Dec 13:14 n-tv 6802689755465484834.html
IS-stämplad skola mister tillståndet

Utbildning Den tidigare vd:n har pekats ut som ett säkerhetshot mot Sverige, och personer knutna till skolan ska ha uttryckt sympatier för IS.Nu får den kritiserade friskolan Safirskolan, tidigare Vet

9 Dec 15:13 www.unt.se 8922556088580180433.html
Have you followed SC guidelines in Shadnagar ‘encounter’: HC

Government told to preserve bodies in Gandhi Hospital mortuary till Friday

9 Dec 14:09 The Hindu 6679535024997011163.html
Dialogues méditerranéens : Mohcine Jazouli plaide pour des partenariats durables au Mena

«Les diplomaties de la région doivent œuvrer pour construire des partenariats durables et tisser des relations continues». C’est à quoi a appelé Mohcine Jazouli, ministre délégué auprès du ministre de

9 Dec 09:48 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414284422677068.html
Eskom’s crisis escalates: Stage 6 load shedding will strike South Africa tonight

Eskom on Monday evening took the unprecedented step of implementing Stage 6 load shedding. The power utility blamed a "technical" problem at Medupi.

9 Dec 15:55 Memeburn 7217585438970502969.html
Davido says he was working on a song with Juice Wrld before his sudden death

Davido took to his Instastory channel to mourn the death of American rapper Juice Wrld. He also used the opportunity to disclose that he had a music project in the works with the rapper, before his untimely death.

9 Dec 14:35 Legit 3764253650635614007.html
Timeline: SA's 6 beauty queens that have taken home the crown at the two biggest pageants

From Zozibini Tunzi in 2019 to Penelope Anne Coelen in 1958, here are the beauty queens who went on to win the titles of the two biggest pageants.

9 Dec 11:43 Channel24 2038030839560171323.html
Gabriela Firea promoveaza segregarea si ii jigneste pe cetatenii de culoare: Biroul lui Orban era ca un bar de negri!

Gabriela Firea in replica pe care i-a dat-o lui Ludovic Orban, dupa ce acesta a acuzat-o ca a distrus Capitala din postura de primar general:

9 Dec 13:12 ZIUAnews.ro 2116414641131761657.html
Prediksi Chelsea vs Lille, Liga Champions 11 Desember 2019

Prediksi Chelsea vs Lille di pertandingan terakhir Grup H Liga Champions di Stamford Bridge, Rabu (11/12) dini hari WIB.,

9 Dec 09:08 Gilabola.com 481785381424377018.html
Vivendi : Canal+ (VIVENDI) en discussions avec beIN Sports en vue d'un partenariat de distribution

Le groupe Canal+ et beIN Sports ont engagé des discussions exclusives en vue de conclure un accord de distribution exclusif et de sous-licence. Selon ses termes de l’accord, la filiale de Vivendi... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 17:13 Zonebourse 7946574377029251839.html
Contra a vontade de familiares, Damares quer transferir para Brasília ossadas da Vala de Perus

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 12:38 GGN 1188436353709912812.html
Lucas Veríssimo, do Santos, aguarda futebol europeu para definir futuro

Zagueiro é principal esperança de venda no Peixe e admite sonho de ir para a Europa

9 Dec 15:28 Globoesporte 3611676019638497108.html
Mhoni Vidente acierta sobre catástrofe en "era de los volcanes"

Mhoni Vidente volvi&oacute; nuevamente a acertar en una de sus predicciones, en esta ocasi&oacute;n respecto a lo que ella catalog&oacute; como la &ldquo;era de los volcanes&rdquo;

9 Dec 15:22 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623344351860.html
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker who fought runaway inflation in the 1980s has died.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker who fought runaway inflation in the 1980s has died.

9 Dec 14:30 WFXT 6395891953687521582.html
Boris Johnson quizzed by voter on Tories’ use of attack website

The Prime Minister was challenged during a visit to a transport firm in Tyne and Wear.

9 Dec 16:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775445009517.html
Esquerra sitúa después de Navidad el posible acuerdo de investidura de Sánchez

"No se puede negociar con presos y el posible acuerdo irá a enero, porque vemos complicado avanzar en los próximos días", ha asegurado Vilalta

9 Dec 12:41 Cadena SER 8390941984292921219.html
Chispita podría ser un nuevo inquilino del Zoológico La Aurora

El mono araña Chispita que fue rescatado por los Bomberos Voluntarios podría ser inquilino del Zoológico La Aurora, por lo que debe ser evaluado.

9 Dec 12:11 Publinews 8987875304518753564.html
What is AWS Glue?

Having data in the cloud is one thing, being able to sort it into useful packets is another. Luckily, for Amazon Web Services, this is exactly what their Glue application does.

9 Dec 17:06 TechRadar 2111116916092867395.html
[Video] Abusivo maratonista le tocó la cola a una periodista durante un informe en vivo

El desvergonzado hombre pasó corriendo muy cerca de Alex Bozarjian, reportera del canal estadounidense WSAV-TV, y le zampó una palmada en sus glúteos. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 10:05 pulzo.com 8971816786479181750.html
Tottenham : José Mourinho cible Marouane Fellaini

En place depuis le 20 novembre dernier, José Mourinho a déjà posé sa patte sur l’effectif de Tottenham, et cela se voit dans les résultats. Sur les cinq matches auxquels il a participé, les Spurs sont (...)

9 Dec 15:14 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900180109746390.html
Coca-Cola's 'Star Wars'-themed bottles come with light-up lightsabers on the label

The latest coveted “Star Wars” collectible isn’t found in toy stores, but rather in the refrigerated aisles of 7-Eleven locations around Singapore.

9 Dec 15:59 Fox News 7362823820885683768.html
OE2020: Governo apresenta proposta de aumentos salariais na quarta-feira

O Governo não apresentou qualquer proposta de atualização salarial para 2020 durante o encontro com a presidente do Sindicato dos Quadros Técnicos do Estado.

9 Dec 17:09 SÁBADO 5711459692420225605.html
Kwadwo Asamoah compie oggi 31 anni, gli auguri dell'Inter

Compleanno in casa Inter, che festeggia i 31 anni del proprio difensore Kwadwo Asamoah. Nato ad Accra il 9 dicembre 1988, Asamoah, arrivato all'Inter nell'estate del 2018, celebra il suo...

9 Dec 15:30 FcInterNews.it 7848284894073904379.html
Luxemburgo indica os laterais Douglas Santos, Moisés e Sander ao Vasco

O técnico Vanderlei Luxemburgo indicou ao Vasco da Gama Douglas Santos e Moisés para reforçar a lateral-esquerda do elenco.

9 Dec 10:58 Vasco Notícias 1167013065497718529.html
Gustavo Alfaro renunció como DT de Boca Juniors

Gustavo Alfaro anunció su salida como entrenador de Boca Juniors, luego de la derrota 1-0 frente a Rosario Central en la Superliga argentina.

9 Dec 13:25 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830734358905.html
Confcoop: elettricità e rifiuti, 150mila lavoratori a rischio

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Sono 150mila i lavoratori “a rischio nei settori elettricità, gas e rifiuti”. Lo affermano le Cooperative elettriche italiane storiche aderenti a Confcooperative Consumo e Utenza, secondo cui il rischio si concretizzerà “dal primo gennaio 2021 se il governo non dovesse intervenire sulla disciplina delle concessioni contenuta nel Codice degli appalti”. […]

9 Dec 15:57 Askanews 298649740444620079.html
Greta Thunberg usa el foco mediático que genera para dar voz a jóvenes activistas: "Sus historias deben ser escuchadas"

Compañeros de Islas Filipinas, Rusia, EEEUU, Uganda, han valorado la situación climática. Ángela Valenzuela, de Fridays For Future en Chile, ha sido protagonista de uno de los testimonios más impactantes al relatar el despertar de un país.

9 Dec 12:50 www.publico.es 99190978407389428.html
Un nuevo juego de BioShock ya está en desarrollo

2K a anunciado que Cloud Chamber se está encargando de crear un nuevo juego de BioShoc, aunque todavía no hay nombre, plataformas y fecha de lanzamiento.

9 Dec 14:59 Atomix 6373322944680059983.html
Le petit Maulnes au pays des songes

Racontathon Il était une fois Vincent, un enfant que la terrible loterie génétique avait affublé d'un mal sournois qui le condamnait à (...)

9 Dec 09:26 AgoraVox 4543803185351862962.html
Roma, Toys Days: riparte oggi la quinta edizione dell’iniziativa – FOTO

Dal 9 dicembre fino al 22 potranno essere consegnati giochi nuovi o usati in buone condizioni presso gli Store ufficiali, le scuole calcio e le Academies dei giallorossi

9 Dec 15:31 Forzaroma.info 1065617486177821040.html
Corea del Norte advierte a EE.UU. que la desnuclearización ya no es negociable

El régimen norcoreano efectuó este domingo una “prueba muy importante” en su sitio de lanzamiento de cohetes de largo alcance

9 Dec 13:15 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309545270784.html
Los focos de basuras y escombros en calles que son un 'dolor de cabeza' en Cali

La presencia de basuras y desechos en varios puntos de la ciudad, durante la temporada de fin de año, ha generado preocupación por vecinos y quienes circulan por sectores de la ciudad como la Carrera 10, Carrera 1 y la Calle 25. Asimismo, moradores de los barrios Ciudad Córdoba, Comuneros y Marroquín, denunciaron una presencia inusual de basuras y escombros en zonas verdes y separadores viales. Nury Ángela Muñoz, presidenta de la Junta de Acción Comunal del barrio El Retiro, aseguró que independientemente de las alteraciones de orden público de las últimas semanas (que han generado tardanzas en la recolección de basuras en algunos barrios de la ciudad), el problema con los carros de recolección de basuras en este sector de Cali ha sido constante.Según Muñoz, debido a esta situación se presentan muchos focos de zancudos, roedores y malos olores. “Además falta cultura de algunas personas que le pagan a los habitantes de calle para que depositen algunos residuos en sitios inadecuados”, dijo.

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347647076435.html
Por permitir aumento no fundo eleitoral, Dagoberto é hostilizado em aeroporto

O deputado estadual por Mato Grosso do Sul Dagoberto Nogueira (PDT) foi hostilizado no Aeroporto Internacional de Campo Grande por ter votado a favor do aumento das verbas p&uacute;blicas destinadas &agrave;s...

9 Dec 16:08 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490309914710.html
Chato, el perrito policía de la Dinoes cautiva al ponerse su uniforme por aniversario

En Instagram, un perro llamado Chato ha conmovido a miles de usuarios al vestir uniforme de la Policía Nacional del Perú.

9 Dec 14:50 Wapa.pe 6757287088566868869.html
Taylor Swift, Sacha Baron Cohen And More React To Their Golden Globe Nominations

The 2020 Golden Globe nominations are in and we have all the reaction from this year's nominees. With the star-studded ceremony set to take place on Sunday, January 5, actors Tim Allen, Dakota Fanning and Susan Kelechi Watson were all on hand to announce the nominees bright and early from the Beverly Hilton hotel Monday…

9 Dec 09:43 ET Canada 6735490618941460630.html
British father, 36, jailed in UAE after being victim of identity theft

Atif Khalique, 36, had applied for what he thought was a job and provided all his personal details.

9 Dec 17:30 Metro 970161747255787960.html
Har ansatt Dorsin: Her er dommen over RBKs nye sportssjef

RBKs spisskjempe Gøran Sørloth og Nardo-bauta Tormod Bjerkeset gjester Rasmus&Saga.

9 Dec 12:28 Aftenbladet 8753034803579242520.html
Kovačević: Ponašanje opozicije je posljednji ples gubitnika

BANJALUKA - Program reformi BiH je dokument koji je usklađen sa rezolucijom Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske o proglašenju vojne neutralnosti, ne vodi u NATO, niti je ANP, što su direktno potvrdili i ambasador Rusije u BiH Peter Ivancov, kao i izaslanik američkog državnog sekretara Metju Palmer, izjavio je Srni porptarol SNSD-a Radovan Kovačević.

9 Dec 12:48 Nezavisne novine 4209150642930936351.html
Donald Trump kommt offenbar ans WEF 2020

US-Präsident Donald Trump plant laut einem Medienbericht die Teilnahme am Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos.

9 Dec 11:15 cash 8314500325494505295.html
Beyoncé onthult nieuwe collectie met Adidas: “Ik wil de zogenaamde moderegels overtreden”

Wie Beyoncé volgt op Instagram zal het vast niet ontgaan zijn: de met Grammy’s-geprezen zangeres liet deze ochtend maar liefst 6 nieuwe foto’s op de wereld los. Reden? Haar nieuwe collectie met spo...

9 Dec 14:47 HLN 8967494997361625914.html
12 LGUs receive DOH-Calabarzon’s Gintong DALOY award

The Department of Health (DOH)-Calabarzon recently awarded the first “Gintong DALOY” (Damayan para sa Aksyong Linis, Oportunidad at Yamang pangkalusugan) Award to 12 local government units (LGUs) in Quezon province.

9 Dec 08:28 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200134489709.html
Watch Queen Elsa Belt Out Frozen 2's Grand Wintery Number, "Into the Unknown"

As expected, Frozen 2 brought fans exciting twists and turns and an undeniably catchy soundtrack that we'll be rocking out to well into the new year. On Dec.

9 Dec 15:00 POPSUGAR Entertainment 1694745613628982110.html
Moto-taxis: ¿rodando la ilegalidad?

Si las motonetas andan a sobreprecio es porque la gente lo paga y las autoridades lo permiten. Lo hacen por impunidad. Lo han hecho —no todas ni siempre— desde hace casi un quinquenio, tal vez, cuando comenzaron a andar por las calles espirituanas las moto-taxis arrendadas y lo siguen haciendo ahora cuando las motonetas particulares también se han multiplicado por todos lados.

9 Dec 13:58 Escambray 1851904803463375317.html
Frantic search continues for dad missing in Firth of Clyde after ‘sons got into difficulty’

A FRANTIC search for a dad missing in the Firth of Clyde is continuing after his “sons got into difficulty” hunting for him. The 55-year-old boatsman, known locally as David Wilson, vanished after …

9 Dec 08:08 The Scottish Sun 6609127674440606811.html
2K confirme le chantier d'un nouveau Bioshock

Il était temps ! Après des années de rumeur, 2K Games confirme enfin officiellement le développement d'un nouveau Bioshock, mais il faudra se montrer très patient puisqu'on nous parle d'un chantier qui prendra encore quelques années, signifiant donc à coup sûr un pur produit Next Gen.

9 Dec 16:10 GAMEKYO 4211360033744737078.html
Shahid Kapoor Reveals His Reaction While Watching Nani's 'Jersey': 'I Cried Four Times'

Recently at the red carpet of Star Screen Awards, Shahid Kapoor spoke about his upcoming film Jersey. The Kabir Singh actor also said that he is nervous to begin work on the film after the success of Kabir Singh.

9 Dec 12:25 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244724752433.html
Emirates aterriza hoy en México con polémica

Inicia operaciones con la ruta Dubái-Barcelona-Ciudad de México; llegada de aerolínea es positiva, atrae pasajeros y entrada de divisas: experto

9 Dec 08:45 El Universal 4964748196036008154.html
Harga Mobil Kapal Selam James Bond Naik Nyaris 10.000 Kali Lipat

Menjadi salah satu film yang masih diproduksi hingga saat ini, James Bond sering kali memperlihatkan kendaraan mewah dengan teknologi terbaru. Salah satu kendaraan yang menarik perhatian ialah Lotus Esprit dengan desain kapal selam.

9 Dec 17:03 liputan6.com 3414318496249996982.html
Magalli se la prende con la Ferragni: "Guadagna miliardi ma non sa fare niente"

La stoccata di Giancarlo Magalli a Chiara Ferragni: il conduttore Rai non riesce proprio a comprendere come la influencer possa avere un simile successo

9 Dec 14:31 ilGiornale.it 5019541224613740274.html
Pourquoi L’Industrie Alimentaire Devrait S’Inspirer Des Pratiques De L’Industrie Viticole

L'industrie viticole a démontré qu'une production respectueuse de l'environnement peut profiter à la fois aux viticulteurs et aux consommateurs. Par Boris...

9 Dec 08:00 Forbes France 3079663227090676454.html
Il desiderio di Totti: "Avere un quarto figlio. Ma devo convincere Ilary"

Gossip - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 12:25 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205857758871.html
Salles defende diálogo e recursos de países ricos contra desmate

O ministro do Meio Ambiente participou de conferência para debater questões envolvendo o clima

9 Dec 17:10 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628698764752021.html
Fiscal Pérez continuará hoy interrogatorio a empresarios por aportes a campaña de Keiko Fujimori

Empresarios y ejecutivos de diversas empresas tendrán que rendir su declaración en el marco de las investigaciones por los aportes a la campaña presidencia de la lideresa de Fuerza Popular.

9 Dec 13:30 RPP 3819340342817806060.html
'6 Underground': Ryan Reynolds assembles team in new trailer

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Netflix is giving a new glimpse of Ryan Reynolds in 6 Underground.

9 Dec 16:40 UPI 8257973865221949363.html
11 Komentar Warganet Setelah Kevin / Marcus Berada di Grup Berat BWF World Tour Finals 2019

Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo/Marcus Fernaldi Gideon berada satu bersama tiga ganda putra unggulan lain di grup A BWF World Tour Finals 2019.

9 Dec 14:00 Bola.com 1695722603178931642.html
Brayan Angulo sería pretendido por Santos Laguna

El progreso está dejando de lado a algunas de las personas más vulnerables.

9 Dec 17:08 Ecuavisa 4017571650081407209.html
Turn Your Deceased Loved One Into Soil: First Human Compost Site to Open in 2021

Startup Recompose is providing a greener way to honor the deceased.

9 Dec 17:25 Interesting Engineering 7328942541016733402.html
Bolsonaro culpa entressafra para alta da carne e diz que preço vai diminuir

Foto: Roberta Aline/Cidadeverde.com  O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido) afirmou nesta segunda-feira (9) que a alta do preço da carne no Brasil se deve a uma entressafra e disse que isso vai ser revertido. "Tô levando pancada sobre o preço da carne. Estamos em uma entressafra, vai diminuir esse preço, pessoal está investindo cada vez mais. Mas não é fácil você ser agricultor também", disse em transmissão ao vivo pelas redes sociais. A fala foi feita durante uma apresentação do Ministério da Agricultura no Palácio do Planalto em que estavam presentes Bolsonaro e os ministros Tereza Cristina (Agricultura), Onyx Lorenzoni (Casa Civil) e Marcos Pontes (Ciência e Tecnologia).Intitulada "A sustentabilidade do agronegócio brasileiro", a fala foi conduzida por uma assessora da ministra da Agricultura, Mariane Crespolini, que é diretora do Departamento de Produção Sustentável e Irrigação da Secretaria de Inovação, Desenvolvimento Rural e Irrigação da pasta. "Alguns falam em redes sociais que tem que ter um tabelamento.…

9 Dec 17:20 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419220830142.html
Seahawks vs. Rams final score: Seattle's offense stifled in crucial loss

Sporting News tracked live scoring updates and highlights from a Week 14 NFC West

9 Dec 12:12 Sporting News 5110653853903292729.html
Netanyahu se reúne con el jefe del Consejo Regional de Samaria

El primer ministro Benjamin Netanyahu se reunió el domingo por la noche con el presidente del Consejo Regional de Samaria, Yossi Dagan.

9 Dec 11:29 Noticias de Israel 5887715890175336037.html
Helsingforspolis fick tvivelaktig valfinansiering – fallet går vidare till åtalsprövning

Helsingforspolisens kommunikationsdirektör misstänks för tagande av muta och för brott mot tjänsteplikt. Den misstänkte är invald i Helsingfors stadsfullmäktige och är tidigare riksdagsledamot.

9 Dec 15:54 HBL 7222309292956787610.html
Boris Johnson quizzed by voter on Tories’ use of attack website

The Prime Minister was challenged during a visit to a transport firm in Tyne and Wear.

9 Dec 16:06 Express & Star 7324224460909605997.html
Ftse Mib: a rischio nuovi affondi. I titoli long e short ora

Il Ftse Mib sta perdendo un po' appeal e nel breve l'ipotesi ribassista dovrebbe avere la meglio rispetto all'attesa di un recupero.

9 Dec 16:00 Trend Online 3268043278963277918.html
Bruna Marquezine faz frente e verso de biquíni, no Instagram

Bruna Marquezine decidiu renovar o bronzeado e colocou o corpão em um biquininho neste domingo (8). A atriz publicou vídeo em seu Instagram em que aparece já pronta para tomar sol, e faz frente e verso para mostrar o modelito. A atriz tem divulgado muitas fotos em que aparece de biquíni para promover uma linha...

9 Dec 10:32 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010514185438.html
VladTV Releases Their 2019 Youtube Streaming Numbers

Since everyone was posting their year-end steaming numbers, we decided to post ours as well. 2019 was a huge year for VladTV, with a 50% increase i...

9 Dec 08:25 VLADTV 1404406305611473376.html
'Standard krijgt zware klap te verwerken'

Standard sleepte zondag in extremis, en met negen man, nog een punt uit de brand bij Moeskroen. Donderdag wacht alweer een nieuwe - en vooral loodzware - opdracht.

9 Dec 10:30 Voetbal24 8097814615000659252.html
NEOS zu Asyl und Lehre: ÖVP lässt Lehrlinge und Wirtschaft im Stich

Stephanie Krisper: „Die Einigung ist besser als nichts – es wird aber weiterhin Abschiebungen von Lehrlingen geben.“

9 Dec 15:57 OTS.at 4182160710170944324.html
Barcelona e Inter, con Lautaro en la mira

Se enfrentan mañana por Champions League y en España dicen que habrá reuniones por un posible traspaso de Martínez. También se charlará sobre Rakitic, Vidal y Alexis Sánchez.

9 Dec 16:44 TyC Sports 3239944748527634627.html
Xerox verhandelt Übernahme mit HP-Inc.-Aktionären

Xerox redet offiziell mit HP-Investoren über die geplante Übernahme des Herstellers. Laut einer Präsentation, die von HP veröffentlicht wurde, sollen Cross-Selling und eine

9 Dec 15:32 Golem.de 3063982245792231196.html
Will Yash Dub For Himself In KGF: Chapter 2's Tamil Version?

Yash will be next seen in KGF: Chapter 2 and the film will be releasing in Tamil as well. Now, audiences are eager to know whether he will dub for himself in the Tamil version of the upcoming well.

9 Dec 10:56 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703245056557397.html
Reggio Emilia, gli studenti di oggi e di ieri al funerale del prof. Bertocchi. FOTO

REGGIO EMILIA – Una folla commossa ha preso parte nel primo pomeriggio ai funerali di Ferdinando Bertocchi, professore di religione, uno degli insegnanti più amati dagli studenti del Chierici dove insegnava dal 2003. Bertocchi è morto a soli 53 anni di età, ucciso da un male incurabile. Le esequie sono state celebrate nella chiesa di […]

9 Dec 16:02 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334036350528.html
Candidatura avulsa pode ser votada no 1º semestre, diz Barroso

Ministro do STF presidiu audiência pública para debater o assunto

9 Dec 13:18 Correio do Povo 8875535435461485024.html
Xiaomi se torna a quarta maior fabricante de celular do mundo; veja a lista completa

Chinesa alcançou as primeiras colocações após ampliar sua operação

9 Dec 17:17 Olhar Digital 416591715449826278.html
Idoso pede que vizinho pare de fazer piada com o Cruzeiro e é apedrejado

Suspeito é conhecido da vítima e fugiu correndo a pé logo após as agressões; torcedor do Cruzeiro, o idoso sofreu escoriações no rosto

9 Dec 09:13 O TEMPO 6069683948387648341.html
Apple ar putea lansa cinci modele iPhone anul viitor. Ce spun analiştii

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 13:49 Gândul 5586965502474588149.html
Neue Horror-Zahlen aus dem Syrien-Krieg

Diese Zahlen zeigen, warum die Innenministerkonferenz den uneingeschränkten Abschiebe-Stopp nach Syrien um sechs Monate verlängert hat.

9 Dec 15:03 Bild 8433249907579846325.html
‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ Trailer: There’s Something Strange in the Neighborhood

The first Ghostbusters: Afterlife trailer is here, and there's something strange going on in the neighborhod again, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

9 Dec 14:34 /Film 148788830477832765.html
RESULTADOS LVBP / Caracas sigue ascendiendo y a Zulia no lo para nadie

Entre los resultados más relevantes de la jornada de este domingo en la LVBP, están las victorias de Leones y Águilas.

9 Dec 09:56 El Tubazo Digital 6657891528978132231.html
Guardiola: "Quizás el City no pueda competir con los mejores clubs de Europa"

El entrenador catalán se mostró crítico y preocupado con el rendimiento de su equipo, sobre todo después de la derrota en casa ante el Manchester United que le ha dejado a 14 puntos del líder

9 Dec 11:08 elPeriodico 7291954033118934495.html
Científicos censan a las ranas con tan solo una llamada a través del FrogPhone

Con solo una llamada telefónica, los científicos pueden conocer cuántas ranas hay en un sitio y cuál es su estado de conservación. Esto se realiza a través de un dispositivo denominado 'FrogPhone',

9 Dec 16:09 El Universo 8365175796617630416.html
Hallan un feto en un contenedor en el barrio de Malasaña de Madrid

Un vecino del céntrico barrio madrileño fue quien encontró el feto, de unas 13 semanas. La Policía investiga el hallazgo.

9 Dec 11:10 www.publico.es 99190978709887695.html
Le Fonti Awards, Cambiasso premiato come miglior talent: "Parlo di calcio come ho fatto a casa per 25 anni"

L'ex centrocampista dell'Inter Esteban Cambiasso è stato il grande protagonista dell'ultimo appuntamento annuale di Le Fonti Awards, evento organizzato dal Gruppo Le Fonti che ha...

9 Dec 15:58 FcInterNews.it 7848284893598362741.html
2020 Mercedes-Benz GLA Prototype Strips 2 Days Before Official Reveal

A little over six years have passed since the original Mercedes-Benz GLA (X156) was unveiled as the smallest crossover in the Mercedes-Benz lineup and its replacement's reveal is just around the corner.

9 Dec 10:05 autoevolution 6471576453424278156.html
Wie heftig sich Kevin Kühnert und Paul Ziemiak beharkten

Klimapaket, Mindestlohn, schwarze Null – das sind die Sollbruchstellen der GroKo. Anne Will fragt sich: „Wohin rückt die Koalition?“

9 Dec 12:08 Bild 8433249907802142026.html
Haaland med sensasjonell plass på liste som toppes av Messi

Erling Braut Haaland (19) er inne på en råsterk 32. plass i en rangering over de beste fotballspillerne i europeiske klubber. Lionel Messi topper rankingen.

9 Dec 13:30 Aftenbladet 8753034804041377031.html
Comité Político Regional de PJ exige a Dirección Nacional debido proceso para Luis Parra

El Comité Político Regional de Primero Justicia del estado Yaracuy aprobó exigir a la Dirección Nacional de ese partido, se le garantice el debido proceso al Diputado Luis Parra.

9 Dec 17:50 LaPatilla.com 9104603010606371487.html
Cartaxo considera prematuro avaliação de pesquisas

O prefeito de João Pessoa, Luciano Cartaxo (PV), considerou prematuro a avaliação das pesquisas eleitorais para 2020. Pesquisa MaisPB/Instituto Opinião mostrou que o favorito para ser o candidato do gestor, o secretário Diego Tavares, aparece com 1,4% das intenções de voto .

9 Dec 17:33 MaisPB 6493365439884545.html
GOP counsel says both Ukraine, Russia interfered in 2016 U.S. elections

GOP counsel Stephen Castor on Monday said both Russia and Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections in his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. 

9 Dec 17:52 TheHill 355432919606140341.html
Zidane reserva a Ramos y Kroos y convoca a Bale para medirse al Brujas

Zidane ha facilitado ya la lista de 19 futbolistas que viajarán este martes a Brujas para medirse a los belgas. El técnico francés deja en Madrid a Sergio Ramos y Kroos, a los que da descanso, pero sí cita a Nacho y Bale, ambos novedades respecto al partido contra el Espanyol. Mariano tampoco podrá debutar esta temporada contra el Brujas.

9 Dec 16:21 MARCA 5656811533676485577.html
Díaz-Canel encabeza ofrenda floral a San Martín en Buenos Aires

El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel realizó la ofrenda floral en el monumento al libertador argentino José de San Martín, una tradición entre los mandatarios que visitan Buenos Aires

9 Dec 11:40 EL DEBATE 4396150894095508678.html
"Non ho capito la domanda", Gigi Marzullo presenta il suo libro ad Avellino

Venerdì 13 dicembre, alle ore 17.30, al Circolo della Stampa di Avellino si presenta il libro di Gigi Marzullo dal titolo “Non ho capito la domanda. 365 dubbi e novelli per tutto l’anno” edito da Rai Libri.

9 Dec 11:33 AvellinoToday 5452883947671588392.html
Governo, ultimatum del Pd a Renzi e M5S: 'Stop alle polemiche o elezioni'

Inside/ Che cosa celano i messaggi di Zingaretti e Bettini

9 Dec 12:15 Affari Italiani 6123405402237807437.html
Absuelven a jugadores en caso de amaño de partido en La Liga

Un juez español emitió el veredicto de “inocente”, al señalar que no existía la evidencia suficiente para condenar a 36 jugadores y otros implicados en el juicio, entre ellos el DT mexicano Javier Aguirre.Un juez español emitió el veredicto de “inocente”, al señalar que no existía la evidencia suficiente para condenar a 36 jugadores y otros implicados en el juicio, entre ellos el DT mexicano Javier Aguirre.Un juez español emitió el veredicto de “inocente”, al señalar que no existía la evidencia suficiente para condenar a 36 jugadores y otros implicados en el juicio, entre ellos el DT mexicano Javier Aguirre.Un juez español emitió el veredicto de “inocente”, al señalar que no existía la evidencia suficiente para condenar a 36 jugadores y otros implicados en el juicio, entre ellos el DT mexicano Javier Aguirre.Un juez español emitió el veredicto de “inocente”, al señalar que no existía la evidencia suficiente para condenar a 36 jugadores y otros implicados en el juicio, entre ellos el DT mexicano Javier Aguirre.Un…

9 Dec 17:11 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957188872875607.html
Jonatan Christie Gugup Jelang Debut di BWF Tour Finals 2019

Pebulu tangkis tunggal putra Indonesia, Jonatan Christie, akan menjalani debut di turnamen bergengsi BWF World Tour Finals 2019, Guangzhou, China.

9 Dec 10:05 Bola.net 5489959029073187433.html
2 moms adopt 3 young brothers to keep them together

A Massachusetts couple is now proud parents to three siblings under the age of 4.

9 Dec 12:35 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730203958051975.html
Revelan video donde policía asesina de balazo en la cara a hombre desarmado, en Tláhuac

Ayer por la mañana, el hombre de 25 años discutía con su pareja. En la pelea, él comenzó a actuar de forma violenta y de los gritos siguieron las agresiones, presuntamente, con un arma blanca

9 Dec 14:28 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601882492483.html
Cocaina | 71enne nascondeva un chilo di droga nel vano airbag


9 Dec 15:01 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928071383652.html
Jens Littorin: Det är idrottarna och inte manipulatörerna som straffas

Analays av Jens Littorin: Vem bestämde att Ryssland skulle fuska på nytt med sina dopningsuppgifter? Knappast de ryska idrottarna.

9 Dec 12:20 DN.SE 398730694049881156.html
Murió una mujer tras un aborto clandestino en La Plata

Tenía 34 años y era de nacionalidad paraguaya. La práctica casera le produjo una infección.

9 Dec 13:22 La Capital 7472053046680639437.html
A new video game about the 2020 election lets you fight as Donald Trump, Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Cory Booker

"Yang2020 Path to Presidency" will let players fight as Andrew Yang, President Donald Trump, and more of the 2020 presidential candidates.

9 Dec 17:03 Business Insider 6060062400044843079.html
Virgin Galactic's stock could soar 726%, Morgan Stanley says

Virgin Galactic's stock is soaring after an analyst said its space planes could one day disrupt the air travel industry, potentially raking in nearly a trillion dollars a year in sales.

9 Dec 17:53 CHANNEL3000 830332542184819192.html
Bruna Marquezine toma sol e exibe corpão em biquíni estampado

Bruna Marquezine voltou das férias no exterior e foi curtir o sol do Rio de Janeiro. Em frente a uma piscina, mostrou o corpão ao usar um biquíni estampado.

9 Dec 08:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125212028259523.html
Finnish minister, 34, to become youngest PM

Sanna Marin will become the world’s youngest sitting prime minister, according to Finland’s biggest newspaper.

9 Dec 08:08 Shropshire Star 3480199992421817308.html
Basketball: Davis scores 50 to propel Lakers over Timberwolves, Heat find a Herro

Anthony Davis scored 50 points to power the Los Angeles Lakers to a 142-125 victory over the Minnesota Timberwolves on Sunday (Dec 8) that gave ...

9 Dec 16:32 CNA 5644198864120946870.html
Crisis On Infinite Earths: Every Earth (and Guest Star) in Part One

The Arrowverse's Crisis On Infinite Earths kicked off with a bang - and with a who's who of noteworthy cameos. We break them down.

9 Dec 08:12 CBR.com 1295516962242381858.html
Voice search is changing the way we access news – here's why that matters

With broadcasters partnering with voice assistants, is voice search changing our news habits for the better?

9 Dec 13:02 TechRadar 2111116914695774896.html
Ettåring i Tromsø-tragedien utenfor livsfare

Ettåringen, som ble funnet livløs i vannet i Tromsø sammen med moren og to søstre, er utenfor livsfare.

9 Dec 14:55 Bergens Tidende 6643873498906453456.html
Badminton: After winning gold at South Asian Games, India’s Ashmita Chaliha eyes top-50 ranking

The Guwahati shuttler’s season was hampered by an injury but has acquired momentum of late.

9 Dec 15:46 Scroll.in 8669301692559268176.html
Aktien New York: Anleger halten zu Wochenbeginn die Füße still

Aktien New York: Anleger halten zu Wochenbeginn die Füße still

9 Dec 15:26 finanzen.net 2053223363753412554.html
Kate Middleton robó miradas con increíble VESTIDO de Lady Di

Con un vestido incre&iacute;ble Kate hizo homenaje a Lady Di y por su gran estilo rob&oacute; todas las miradas &iexcl;Luci&oacute; hermosa!

9 Dec 09:24 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623990276612.html
EU daje 3,2 milijarde evra za razvoj proizvodnje baterija za vozila

Ogromnu pomoć od 3,2 milijarde evra radi razvoja evropske industrije električnih vozila, Brisel je danas odobrio za uspostavljanje saradnje u proizvodnji

9 Dec 16:15 Krstarica 4176903989111973830.html
Le roi Mohammed VI inaugure le Centre national de Football de Maâmoura

Le Roi Mohammed VI a procédé, lundi à l’arrondissement Hssain à Salé, à l’inauguration du Centre national de Football de Maâmoura après sa rénovation et sa reconstruction, et a été baptisé “Complex...

9 Dec 17:57 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982019380381.html
Ni el buen juego de Iman Shumpert le asegura un puesto en los Nets

Kyrie Irving y Caris LeVert se encuentran actualmente lesionados, y Wilson Chandler está cumpliendo una sanción de 25 partidos de suspensión que pronto llegará a su fin. Dicha situación podría provocar movimientos en la plantilla de los Brooklyn Nets y, a pesar de su buen rendimiento, Iman Shumpert tiene realmente complicado continuar en la franquicia que comanda Sean Marks, informa el NY Post.

9 Dec 13:15 nbamaniacs 7542071042510633508.html
Barcelona aprovecha el viaje a Milán para sondear a Lautaro Martínez

Los catalanes enfrentarán el martes al Inter del delantero argentino y ofrecerán a Vidal como parte de la negociación.

9 Dec 13:37 DIRECTV Sports 8893643038748342878.html
Joseph mifsud e' indagato ad agrigento per peculato per le spese pazze fatte quando era...


9 Dec 12:02 DAGOSPIA 6533336738770912302.html
NCTV schaalt af – Dreigingsniveau terreur terug van 4 naar 3

'Afname aanslagen lijkt blijvend'

9 Dec 13:04 ThePostOnline 3048418757078639038.html
49ers tight end George Kittle says he was thrilled when a defender grabbed his face mask on the biggest play of the game

George Kittle didn't mind getting tossed around by his face mask as long as it meant his team was in a position to win.

9 Dec 16:50 Business Insider 6060062399812689560.html

Pevačica Anabela Bukva ne krije mnoge detalje iz svog privatnog života koji je bio pun uspona i padova. Naime, ona je rođena u mešovitom braku od oca Ahmeda Bukve i majke Jadranke Polutak. Njeni roditelji su se razveli kada je ona imala samo sedam godina. Pevačica je tada ostala da živi sa ocem koji se

9 Dec 16:00 Scandal! 7263437855515961394.html
Iceland Launches Eat to Death Challenge for £15

To be fair to Iceland, you probably wouldn't die if you consumed its entire £15 Party Food Bundle straight from the oven by yourself on Christmas Eve, but you may perhaps need to block off the calendar until December 27 or so and get a few extra toilet rolls in.

9 Dec 14:20 Gizmodo UK 8363059002176214369.html
Women's hockey talking points: 'Female coaches can break into men’s game,' says Buckingham's Zak Jones

Buckingham coach Zak Jones says the growth of female hockey coaches at the top of the domestic scene is healthy for the sport and it won&rsquo;t be long before more women are making inroads into the men&rsquo;s game.

9 Dec 14:31 The Telegraph 140598092339022618.html
How To Use Cloudflare’s New VPN Service On Android

Cloudflare just launched a new free VPN service for Android phone. Here's how you can use the new free VPN service from cloudflare.

9 Dec 14:20 Tech Viral 5805609764941847905.html
Meloni presenta risoluzione contro il Mes: "Spero che pure il M5s la voti"

Meloni: "Presentiamo risoluzione contro il Mes. Spero che anche i grillini la votino".

9 Dec 11:09 ilGiornale.it 5019541225845519767.html
UPDATE 1-Brazil cattle passing through feedlots grows 2% - DSM

(Adds other remarks by DSM execs, detail on 3-NOP launch)SAO PAULO, Dec 9 (Reuters) - The number of cows slaughtered in Brazil after spending 90 days in feedlots is estimated to have grown by 2% to about 5.3 million head in 2019, a survey of Brazil's cattle market by Dutch animal nutrition company DSM showed on Monday.The figure will continue to grow as Brazilian ranchers seek more efficient ways to raise and finish livestock, DSM executives said at a media presentation, adding that an estimate for 2020 will be released in February.

9 Dec 15:34 Successful Farming 8502642054664818588.html
Gary Lineker accuses Boris Johnson of ‘nauseating xenophobia’

Gary Lineker has accused Boris Johnson of “nauseating xenophobia” after the Prime Minister vowed to stop EU migrants from treating Britain “as if it’s part of their own country”. The former England

9 Dec 14:08 The Independent 2511519172249197266.html
El smartwatch Fossil Smartwatch FTW4012 casi a mitad de precio en Amazon

Enlace para comprar el smartwatch Fossil Smartwatch FTW4012 en la tienda online Amazon con un gran descuento. Características y opciones.

9 Dec 10:59 Topes de Gama 4747649605480453423.html
Tarifas de luz y gas: el gobierno de Alberto Fernández no las aumentará durante los primeros meses

El congelamiento de las facturas en los servicios energéticos regiría en principio durante un semestre.

9 Dec 10:12 Todo Noticias 8077539162355116008.html
El Bluetooth, la tecnología incomprendida y algunos de sus mitos

El bluetooth es una tecnolog&iacute;a impresionante que permite realizar muchas tareas sin la necesidad de cables, sin embargo siempre ha estado relegada a unas cuantas funciones y no siempre ha sido del agrado de las personas, por lo que se le han atribuido muchos aspectos negativos

9 Dec 13:11 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623071321047.html
Gazzetta: "E' sbocciato il Milan"

"E' sbocciato il Milan": titola così questa mattina La Gazzetta dello Sport all'indomani della vittoria dei rossoneri sul campo del Bologna. La squadra di Pioli ha portato a casa i tre punti grazie ad una convincente prestazione di squadra e alle reti di Piatek, Hernandez e Bonaventura.   

9 Dec 08:36 MilanNews.it 6507305921887423732.html
SDG Hackathon 2019 concludes

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Dr Sania Nishtar, the Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation, was the Chief Guest at the concluding Award Ceremony for the SDG Hackathon 2019 and the Women SDG Challenge Cup 2019, a premier tech initiative by Jazz in partnership with Code for Pakistan and OPEN Islamabad, held at the National Incubation Center in Islamabad on December 6, 7 and 8, 2019. Dr Nishtar, on behalf of the government of Pakistan, extended a hand of partnership, friendship, and collaboration, to the private sector and other stakeholders, to explore the unanswered set of questions in the framework of Ehsaas, which is the government’s new welfare program aimed at embracing innovation and helping the marginalized segments of the country. Saif Chi, CEO Huawei Pakistan was also present as a Guest of Honour, and generously provided giveaways for the winning teams. “We truly believe that Pakistan has great talent, a glimpse of which we witnessed today through the amazing ideas that…

9 Dec 12:10 Dispatch News Desk 1078940130853168273.html
Redmi K30 Shown In Real-Life Images Prior To Launch

Redmi has been releasing quite a few teasers for the Redmi K30, and the phone has just surfaced in real-life images. If you take a look at the gallery

9 Dec 09:11 Android Headlines 8385692877317714878.html
Zagrożone serce cukrzyka

Wiele osób z nieprawidłową glikemią dowiaduje się o swojej chorobie wtedy, gdy trafia do szpitala z dolegliwościami kardiologicznymi.

9 Dec 16:57 Rzeczpospolita 4735082526734287166.html
Ladrón roba congelador en Tzucacab y lo sorprenden mientras huía

Luego de una denuncia y la intervención de la policía municipal, los agentes sorprendieron a un ladrón mientras intentaba huir con su botín; un congelador.

9 Dec 13:29 Diario de Yucatán 261200018442181367.html
Online foto hot con la sua assistente, ex deputata Usa: “Ho tentato di tagliarmi le vene”

L'agghiacciante rivelazione di Katie Hill, l'ex parlamentare statunitense costretta alle dimissioni nei mesi scorsi dopo che online erano apparse foto hot che la ritraevano completamente nuda insieme a una sua giovane collaboratrice parlamentare. Milioni di persone avevano visto le fotografie in cui apparivo nuda. Improvvisamente volevo solo che tutto finisse' ha rivelato l'ex deputata.

9 Dec 17:29 fanpage.it 1517332167193628508.html
Ulefone Shares 6 Reasons Why You Should Buy The Armor 7 For Christmas

Ulefone is very proud of its Armor 7 handset. The company announced that phone a while back, and is now sharing reasons why you should consider getting

9 Dec 13:23 Android Headlines 8385692878197738033.html
Descartan encontrar más sobrevivientes tras erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Autoridades detallan que las labores se complican al caer la noche y los intentos de rescate se vuelven peligrosos; 23 personas fueron salvadas

9 Dec 14:33 El Informador 103545928117486735.html
Leading Saudi banks to maintain strong profitability – Moody’s

Riyadh – Mubasher: The three largest banks in Saudi Arabia, namely: National Commercial Bank (NCB), Al Rajhi Bank, and Saudi British Bank (SABB), are expected to maintain strong profitability and efficient cost structures, according to a report by …

9 Dec 12:38 english.mubasher.info 8917853137628296422.html
14 CBI cases against 18 serving, ex-legislators

Serving and former MLAs, MPs face probe

9 Dec 15:51 The Hindu 6679535026297342415.html
CUSB faculty recruitment: Check how to apply for 60 posts

CUSB faculty recruitment: Applications open at cusb.ac.in. The last date to submit online applications is December 18 while candidates can download fee receipt till December 23.

9 Dec 11:13 The Indian Express 2885715104610947648.html
Bobby Linn goal would have made Lionel Messi proud as Dundee’s winless run goes on

Bobby Linn almost blushed when he was told his name had just been dropped into the same sentence as that of the great Lionel Messi.

9 Dec 09:00 The Courier 4275302767238266136.html
Ocurrió durante la madrugada, cuando el escrutinio estaba todavía lejos de cerrarse: Elecciones en Boca: el tenso cruce entre Ameal y Gribaudo

Cerca de las 2 de la mañana, mientras el escrutinio llegaba lentamente al 60 por ciento de las 143 mesas totales, el candidato oficialista Christian Gribaudo se acercó a donde esperaban Jorge Ameal y cía. a estrechar algunas manos de los miembros de la...

9 Dec 13:41 PAGINA12 7077267066037208260.html
Who is Ali Milani?

Raised by a single mother, Ali Milani studied politics at Brunel University, where he was also the student union president as well as Vice-President of National Union of Students.

9 Dec 08:23 The Indian Express 2885715105142914573.html
La teoría conspirativa de una "periodista" sobre Cristina que hizo reír a Montenegro

La misma "profesional" de Clarín que acusó a la sobrina de Alperovich de "no cerrar las piernas" luego de la denuncia de abuso, ahora lanzó una teoría que hizo reír a todos los presentes.

9 Dec 12:36 Diario Registrado 7686014737298584825.html
Anderlecht-talenten vechten terug: ‘Hard blijven werken na niet-selectie’

Er wordt veel gezegd en geschreven over de jonkies van RSC Anderlecht. Jeremy Doku zorgde wel weer voor gevaar tegen Sporting Charleroi.

9 Dec 14:14 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216890623964.html
Panamá confirma que militares venezolanos abandonaron su embajada en Caracas

“Luego de agradecer a Panamá su estadía como huéspedes” los militares venezolanos “comunicaron a nuestros funcionarios su decisión de retirarse de nuestra sede diplomática (…) ya ninguno de los mencionados ciudadanos venezolanos se encuentra en la sede diplomática de Panamá en Caracas, Venezuela”, dijo la Cancillería en un comunicado oficial

9 Dec 17:27 Globovisión 5928221752836381519.html
Miss South Africa crowned 2019 Miss Universe

Miss South Africa was crowned Miss Universe Sunday night after excelling through rounds of swimsuit and evening gown struts, questions on social issues and one final chance to explain why she was the right choice.

9 Dec 10:08 Fox 4 8372747778115748719.html
Miss South Africa crowned 2019 Miss Universe

Miss South Africa was crowned Miss Universe Sunday night after excelling through rounds of swimsuit and evening gown struts, questions on social issues and one final chance to explain why she was the right choice.

9 Dec 15:08 ABC15 Arizona 911680911064941423.html
Las llamadas en espera llegan a WhatsApp, eso sí, con algunas limitaciones

Las llamadas en espera llegan a la aplicación de mensajería en su última versión, aunque cuentan con limitaciones.

9 Dec 12:01 Andro4all 8652186060242179767.html
Who Wore It Best: Lorch Vs Mokoena

One is a rising star whose goal helped guide the SA under 23 squad to Olympic qualification, while the other stole the hearts of Mzansi fans with his heroic exploits at the AFCON in Egypt. They are also both endorsed by sportswear giant PUMA, but who who

9 Dec 14:59 Soccer Laduma 3901337372027012286.html
Bologna, niente Ibrahimovic. Sabatini annuncia: "Ha fatto altre scelte"

"Ibrahimovic non verrà a Bologna: ha fatto altre scelte". L'ammissione arriva direttamente dalla bocca di Walter Sabatini, intervenuto a margine della mostra sui 110 anni del...

9 Dec 16:27 FcInterNews.it 7848284892736071823.html
'I do believe this squad can achieve good things' - Neal Ardley backs Notts County players

Magpies were frustrated by Sutton United at the weekend

9 Dec 16:20 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701649610851.html
Drei Bäume und Drahtzaun beschädigt - Zwei Verletzte

Drei Jungbäume und einen Maschendrahtzaun hat ein Autofahrer am Freitagabend nahe der B 100 umgefahren. Laut Polizei ist der Mann gegen 21.45 Uhr in Höhe Roitzsch mit seinem VW von der Straße ...

9 Dec 12:52 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109946124157.html
Miss South Africa crowned 2019 Miss Universe

Miss South Africa rules all.

9 Dec 13:40 CHANNEL3000 830332541265852572.html
'Parker Looks Up': Two-year-old Shares A Moment With Michelle Obama

A two-year-old girl, Parker looks up to a portrait of Michelle Obama in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC accompanied by her mother and her sister.

9 Dec 15:40 Republic World 1282918856901022512.html
Atlético | Enrique Cerezo analiza el affaire James Rodríguez

Que el Atlético de Madrid convirtió en una auténtica prioridad el fichaje del centrocampista colombiano James Rodríguez fue un secreto a voces durante todo el verano. Ahora desde el propio conjunto (...)

9 Dec 09:35 Fichajes 157935406104280444.html
Barcelona ‘cannot afford’ to lose Vidal in January, says Blaugrana president Bartomeu

Ernesto Valverde opened the door for Arturo Vidal to leave Barcelona, but Josep Maria Bartomeu would rather keep hold of the midfielder.

9 Dec 13:02 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907130873402.html
Cyclist, 51, brings festive cheer to the streets of London by riding a 79-mile reindeer-shaped route on his Strava fitness tracker

Anthony Hoyte, 51, of Cheltenham, cycles long distances around different UK cites using intricate routes so that they appear in the shape of animals on his Strava fitness tracker.

9 Dec 16:49 Mail Online 124328110545361222.html
Gino Rojas, el hombre que protagoniza una de las fotos más icónicas de las manifestaciones

La persona de la Frucola, apodado así por la bebida que tenía en su mano cuando fue retratado, generó interés mediático en las redes sociales.

9 Dec 15:16 Emol 3328490601821277425.html
Figc, ecco il bilancio integrato 2018: tutti i numeri dell'industria calcio

Dietro il pallone che rotola un fatturato da 4,7 miliardi di euro. Boom di tesserati, crescono le donne in attesa di Euro 2020

9 Dec 09:16 Panorama 2295580206463452316.html
Nå skal Molde-gutten dømme i eliteserien i fotball

Malmefjorden-dommeren Marius Hansen Grøtta er oppnevnt som hoveddommer i eliteserien neste sesong.

9 Dec 15:41 rbnett.no 7665098091898746899.html
Sin prosperar en FGR, 64 denuncias por desvíos; lanzan llamado contra la impunidad

Mexicanos contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad alertó por el manejo irregular de más de seis mil millones de pesos en 19 entes del gobierno durante el sexenio pa

9 Dec 17:50 Excélsior 859179359561191790.html
That GameCube style Smash Ultimate controller will be re-released in 2020

Official Switch GameCube remotes can go for upward of $80. You know the drill. Nintendo releases a limited run of something, scalpers go crazy, Nintendo drags their feet on reprints and the world continues to turn. It's been a while since w...

9 Dec 14:30 Destructoid 5545714967120270064.html
Barbara Palvin: Sie mag es natürlich

Das Model bevorzugt das eher "minimalistische" Make-up. Jedoch liebt sie das Konturieren.

9 Dec 16:00 VIP.de 2239798194489913736.html
Torino, tamponamento fra due tram: 14 feriti

E' successo nel pomeriggio nei pressi di piazza Bernini. Contusi uno degli autisti e tredici passeggeri: non sono gravi

9 Dec 15:39 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188672386180.html
37-Jährige Frau erstochen: Nachbar verhaftet

Am Sonntagnachmittag wurde eine 37 Jahre alte Frau getötet. Nun steht ihr Nachbar im Verdacht.

9 Dec 09:22 TAG24 4583887874897888159.html
Central GST falls short of budget estimate by 40pc in April-November

CGST collection during Apr-Nov stood at Rs 3.28 lakh crore against budgeted estimate of Rs 5.26 crore.

9 Dec 14:44 The Economic Times 7653256037671392297.html
Wird Niko Kovac nun Trainer von Mesut Özil?

Ein Engagement bei Hertha BSC hatte Niko Kovac ausgeschlossen. Er wolle nach seinem Abgang beim FC Bayern erstmal etwas Abstand gewinnen, hatte es geheißen. Das ist offenbar besonders schnell gelungen. Denn angeblich zieht's den Kroaten in die Premier League.

9 Dec 09:45 n-tv 6802689755360668249.html
Bigg Boss 13: Is Mudslinging Rashami Desai Arhaan Khan’s Way Of Justifying Himself?

The Salman Khan hosted Bigg Boss 13 is turning out to be one of the most entertaining yet surprising seasons. And while, we are absolutely in love with the season there are many instances where inmate

9 Dec 11:24 Koimoi 5184275669667276285.html
Samsung Galaxy S 11: Neue Bilder zeigen Kamera-Setup

Auf Twitter sind neue Bilder von Samsungs Galaxy S11 aufgetaucht, die Aufschluss über das Kamera-Setup des Smartphones geben.

9 Dec 15:43 PC Games Hardware 8254427257211993667.html
A British oil stock tanked 60% after the shock resignation of the CEO and head of exploration

Tullow Oil, a British oil company, tanked on Monday morning after the company announced the resignation of its CEO and exploration director as well as cutting its production guidance. Tullow’s board also suspended its dividend.

9 Dec 10:16 Business Insider Australia 5575934300957427846.html
Edomex envuelto en aire tóxico, piden tomar precauciones

El aire en zonas de la Edomex se han reportado como t&oacute;xicas o de mala calidad por lo que las autoridades hacen un llamado a tomar sus precauciones

9 Dec 12:50 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624089409572.html
Petition wants NFL to remove Mike Vick as honorary 2020 Pro Bowl captain

A petition wants the NFL to remove former quarterback Mike Vick as an honorary Pro Bowl captain.

9 Dec 15:24 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010439995936596.html
Bigg Boss 13: Rani Mukerji Is Upset With Salman Khan For Breaking A BIG Promise! Read To Know

Bigg Boss 13 is one of the biggest shows on television right now. Contestants like Rashami Desai, Asim Riaz, Sidharth Shukla, Paras Chhabra have been headlining the news for one thing or another every

9 Dec 14:32 Koimoi 5184275670743344288.html
Milan ainda à espera de Ibrahimovic

Frederic Massara, diretor desportivo do Milan, referiu que o clube continua à espera de uma resposta de Ibrahimovic.

9 Dec 09:50 A BOLA 2278827557923479440.html
Vladimir Villegas rechaza ejecuciones extrajudiciales y pide que se aclare muerte de Óscar Pérez

A propósito de conmemorarse el vigésimo aniversario de la instauración de la Carta Magna, ahondó en la necesidad de hacer un balance sobre las áreas en las cuales se ha vulnerado el texto jurídico

9 Dec 13:48 Globovisión 5928221751354257890.html
Kevin McCarthy torches Dems' impeachment push: Nadler is 'inept' and Schiff is a 'liar'

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Monday torched House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for allegedly lying throughout the impeachment inquiry process in order to successfully indict President Trump.

9 Dec 15:23 Fox News 7362823819954466282.html
LG re-enters the Japanese premium phone market with the dual-screen G8X ThinQ - Gizmochina

LG Electronics Inc. has announced its re-entry into Japan’s premium smartphone market after 23 months with the launch of its flagship dual-screen smartphone – LG G8X ThinQ. The G8X ThinQ was launch in partnership with Japan’s Softbank and will be sold at some 5,000 stores in major Japanese cities. This is coming barely two months after …

9 Dec 11:40 Gizmochina 1751854815231757268.html
Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries is one day away, so here’s a launch trailer

Mechwarrior 5 has been a long time coming, and you thankfully won't have to wait too much longer to play it.

9 Dec 14:14 VG247 6010161593210005186.html
Sting till Sverige i sommar

Sting gör ett stopp i Göteborg på Trädgårdsföreningen den 21 juni med turnén "Sting: My songs". Under turnén framför Sting, eller Gordon Sumner som han egentligen heter, sina största hits, både från tiden som soloartist och från tiden med bandet The Pol

9 Dec 10:06 Sydsvenskan 2976531145154008066.html
Sting till Sverige i sommar

Sting gör ett stopp i Göteborg på Trädgårdsföreningen den 21 juni med turnén "Sting: My songs". Under turnén framför Sting, eller Gordon Sumner som han egentligen heter, sina största hits, både från tiden som soloartist och från tiden med bandet The Pol

9 Dec 10:06 HD 3336945413151953922.html
Romanians, Lithuanians, heaviest EU spenders on food, and non-alcoholic beverages

In 2018, households in the European Union (EU) spent 12.1% of their total consumption expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages, with...

9 Dec 11:04 Stiri pe surse 4858045012529206366.html
Das würde Jenke von Wilmsdorff nie machen

Wovor schreckt selbst Jenke von Wilmsdorff ab und was hält die Frau des RTL-Reporters von seinen Experimenten? Wir haben bei Jenke nachgefragt.

9 Dec 15:01 Promipool 1765956130337907483.html
Katherine Schwarzenegger recalls a ‘nerve-racking’ moment with husband Chris Pratt

Katherine Schwarzenegger admitted she was nervous about introducing then-fiancé Chris Pratt to her dog Maverick.

9 Dec 17:00 Fox News 7362823820090382985.html
Cuba y Argentina ampliarán relaciones económicas y de inversión

Argentina es el cuarto socio comercial de Cuba en América Latina y el Caribe

9 Dec 15:24 Últimas Noticias 6811287210841067888.html
PSD, ironie la adresa Ambasadei Suediei de Ziua Internaţională Anticorupţie

Departamentul pentru Politică Externă al PSD marchează Ziua Internaţională Anticorupţie printr-o ironie la adresa Ambasadei Suediei la Bucureşti, &icirc;n contextul acuzaţiilor de corupţie la adresa companiei suedeze Ericsson. Ambasada Suede

9 Dec 13:02 romaniatv.net 4505369228776786717.html
Liliana Segre: "Temo che senza di me e Terracina la memoria finirà"

Alla notizia della morte di Piero Terracina ”è stato come se si sgretolasse un altro pezzo della nostra storia”. Lo scrive Liliana Segre su La Stampa

9 Dec 08:32 L'HuffPost 5315551423305587668.html
Il lavoro di Inzaghi, le intuizioni di Tare e i Fantastici Quattro: così è nata la Lazio spettacolo

La vittoria sulla Juve - settima di fila in campionato - ha certificato il ruolo di big della formazione biancoceleste. Milinkovic, Luis Alberto, Correa e

9 Dec 10:23 Repubblica.it 8208867269598724341.html
Doug Collins Shreds Schiff for No-Show: 'This Is Going Nowhere'

House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) blasted the Democrats' "focus impeachment" on Monday.

9 Dec 16:18 Breitbart 3148363492613847133.html
Jesse Klaver wil opnieuw de kar trekken

DEN HAAG (ANP) - Jesse Klaver heeft zich officieel kandidaat gesteld voor het lijsttrekkerschap van GroenLinks. Dat meldt hij op Facebook. De procedure voor het kiezen van een lijsttrekker voor de partij is maandag begonnen.

9 Dec 08:23 Nieuws.nl 2419030129355650477.html
Jesse Klaver wil opnieuw de kar trekken

Jesse Klaver heeft zich officieel kandidaat gesteld voor het lijsttrekkerschap van GroenLinks. Dat meldt hij op Facebook. De procedure voor het kiezen van een lijsttrekker voor de partij is maandag begonnen.

9 Dec 09:18 RD.nl 6406779840717967248.html
Muere tras ser atropellado en Juárez

Juárez.- Un hombre murió tras ser atropellado, cuando cruzaba el eje vial Juan Gabriel, a la altura de la calle Sanders, esta madrugada. El accidente mortal ocurrió poco antes de las 03:00 horas,...

9 Dec 14:19 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558793168372.html
Mafia relaxes laws on homosexuality as long as gay men don't 'parade it' | IOL News

The mafia have relaxed their rules on homosexuality, a top Italian prosecutor has revealed.

9 Dec 16:58 www.iol.co.za 17825112476483732.html
Partono i due mesi per evitare 452 licenziamenti alla Mahle: “Tempo in più che auspichiamo porti al ritiro della procedura”

L’accordo si era raggiunto al Mise di Roma lo scorso 28 novembre. Oggi la proroga è stata verbalizzata in Regione. Fiom: “Speriamo che la Regione si faccia parte attiva al fine di riuscire ad evitare i licenziamenti”. Prossimi...

9 Dec 17:06 Targatocn.it 7367208849238214687.html
Wall Street apre fiacca dopo il balzo di venerdì

Wall Street ha aperto la seduta odierna appena sotto la parità, dopo il balzo di venerdì in scia ai buoni dati sul mercato del lavoro Usa. In avvio l'indice Dow …

9 Dec 15:32 FinanzaOnline 6528634128768125437.html
Brazil cattle passing through feedlots grows 2% - DSM

SAO PAULO, Dec 9 (Reuters) - The number cows slaughtered in Brazil after spending 90 days in feedlots is estimated to have grown by 2% to about 5.3 million head in 2019, a survey of Brazil's cattle market by Dutch nutrition company DSM showed on Monday.The number will continue to grow as Brazilian ranchers seek more efficient ways to raise and finish livestock, DSM executives said at a media presentation, adding that an estimate for 2020 will be released in February.(Reporting by Ana Mano)

9 Dec 14:58 Successful Farming 8502642053887771097.html
Dois homens são esfaqueados em bar na Av. Comendador Alfredo Maffei

Os dois envolvidos estão hospitalizados em estado grave na Santa Casa de São Carlos.

9 Dec 11:16 ACidade ON 9132734527958028885.html
Man born without arms or legs forced to prove he can't work three times a year

Kevin Donnellon, 58, was one of the children affected in the thailidomide tragedy which saw approximately 2,000 babies born with malformed limbs as a side effect of a sedative drug

9 Dec 14:09 Wales Online 7686550517104702183.html
Convocan a empleados fiscales chilenos a nuevo paro nacional

Esta organización invita a este nuevo paro en conjunto con otros sectores sociales, pues considera que las medidas que impulsa el Ejecutivo criminalizan la movilización social, en especial los proyectos de ley sobre "antiencapuchados" y "antisaqueos"

9 Dec 12:43 Globovisión 5928221752655328063.html
Tennis. Il Ct Vela Messina vicecampione d’Italia

I peloritani perdono la finale scudetto con Selva Alta Vigevano solo dopo il doppio di spareggio

9 Dec 09:31 Tempostretto 3143171744388761735.html
Alessia Macari Instagram, selfie allo specchio in babydoll: «La più bella del reame!»

Alessia Macari su Instagram in babydoll ha ipnotizzato tutti i suoi followers. Il suo look decisamente "provocante" ha scatenato la loro immaginazione

9 Dec 11:59 UrbanPost 2450570492520216385.html
Watch: M’sian Wedding Convoy Selfishly Stops Traffic For Bride’s Car, Netizens Angered

Wedding convoys are part and parcel of the Malaysian wedding tradition. Whether you are Chinese, Malay, Indian or of other races, you're sure to want to have your family and friends tag along on the road as the groom collects his bride from her family home. As such, those convoys…

9 Dec 08:10 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116578925071084.html
Busca a su familia biológica para resolver dudas sobre su identidad

Cuando cumplió 13 años, Cintia García (29) empezó a dudar de su identidad y le preguntó, a quien la estaba criando como hija, si ella era verdaderamente su madre. Las dudas se originaron a...

9 Dec 12:10 Primera Edición 6803897641061595314.html
Lipsa gravitației, un posibil leac pentru cancer: rezultatele experimentelor sunt uimitoare

Lipsa gravitației duce la rezultate uimitoare în tratamentul cancerului, conform unor experimente recente realizate de cercetătorii australieni. În speranța găsirii unui tratament eficient pentru cea mai periculoasă boală a secolului 21, oamenii de știință au încercat soluții din ce în ce mai ciudate. Multe dintre ele nu au dus la rezultate uimitoare, dar se pare că există și excepții cu rezultate neașteptat de pozitive. Lipsa gravitației se pare că face o treabă surprinzâtor de eficientă în uciderea celulelor canceroase. Toate experimentele în acest sens au fost făcute pe Pământ, când, între 80 și 90% dintre celulele maligne au murit după o zi de expunere la gravitație zero într-un simulator de microgravitație. Este important de reținut că aceste efecte au fost obținute în lipsa oricărui alt tratament.

9 Dec 11:21 Timpul.md 1177122105410107009.html
Here is a full list of nominees for the 2020 Golden Globe Awards

It’s been a good year for British talent, which has scored a number of nominations.

9 Dec 14:30 Shropshire Star 3480199992858812490.html
Bigg Boss 13: Asim Riaz's Brother Umar Mocks Sidharth Shukla-Paras, Says One Is Sexist And One Is Violent

Bigg Boss 13’s housemate Asim Riaz’s brother Umar Riaz, has become known among social media users. The housemate’s brother, taking to his Twitter handle expressed what would happen if he is ever locked in a room with Sidharth Shukla, who is violent and Paras Chhabra, who disrespects woman? And the hypothetical solution is hilarious

9 Dec 12:19 SPOTBOYE 1547816857584071227.html
ANEF anuncia paro nacional para el próximo 10 de diciembre

Como una respuesta ante los acontecimientos de estas últimas jornadas, la Agrupación Nacional de Empleados Fiscales (ANEF) anunció un nuevo paro nacional para este martes 10 de diciembre, día en...

9 Dec 12:13 Pagina 7 4371131343371569810.html
La City de Londres, entre el miedo a Corby y el riesgo de Brexit duro de Johnson

Lo que los mercados y las empresas tienen claro es que los comicios del 12 de diciembre están llamados a marcar el inicio de una nueva etapa para la economía de Reino Unido

9 Dec 09:47 El Confidencial 6129807549835050939.html
‘You Made Ghana A Village When You Hired Helicopter So Cardi B Could See You’- Archipalago Jabs Shatta Wale

US based Ghanaian social media commentator and part time musician, Archipalago has fired some salvos at familiar foe, Shatta Wale for mocking the celebs who went to meet Cardi B in her hotel room in the supposed Meet & Greet session. Shatta Wale jabbed the Ghanaian celebs who were ‘browned’ by Cardi B after she […]

9 Dec 12:41 GhBase.com 8689748846874036905.html
Reggio Calabria, rapina al bingo, rubata un ingente somma [foto]

Reggio Calabria, questa mattina è stata fatta una rapina alla sala bingo di Archi

9 Dec 11:14 Tempostretto 3143171743758015985.html
FOMC to leave the target range unchanged – NBF

According to analysts at National Bank Financial, the highlight of the week will be the central bank’s monetary policy meeting in the US. Key Quotes “

9 Dec 10:33 FXStreet 4480975638635914397.html
Why Russia's doping ban doesn't spell good news for Scotland's Euro 2020 hopes

Some Scotland fans may have hoped that it could guarantee them a trip to the Euros but we've got some bad news.

9 Dec 10:50 dailyrecord 552235480976165442.html
Katie Price says Dane Bowers was the 'love of my life' in awkward flirting match

Katie Price told her ex boyfriend Dane Bowers exactly what she thought of him during a messy night out together which ended in an awkward flirting moment

9 Dec 14:59 mirror 675785259953271830.html
‘Joker’ Laughs His Way to Four Golden Globes Nominations, Including Best Motion Picture

The Joker is smiling wide today, as we’ve learned this morning that the Todd Phillips-directed film has been nominated for FOUR Golden Globes awards including Best Picture. In the Best Motion Picture – Drama category, Joker (which has now crossed $1 billion at the box office) will be battling 1917, The Irishman, Marriage Story and […]

9 Dec 15:25 Bloody Disgusting 5613834127655917495.html
Information La Provence - Handball : Honrubia s'engage avec le PAUC

L'ailier international de handball Samuel Honrubia s'est engagé avec le PAUC pour 1 an et demi. Le champion olympique, double champion du monde passé par Montpellier, le PSG, Tremblay et Ivry va venir apporter son expérience et son envie au sein de l'effectif provençal. ... Samy sera présent à la reprise en janvier. Toutes les infos, les déclarations à lire demain dans La Provence.

9 Dec 17:44 LaProvence 1839381421712292719.html
Zo veel geld pakt Ajax als het wint van Valencia

Ajax voetbalt niet alleen om het winnen tegen Valencia. Als de club zich dinsdag plaatst voor de achtste finales, dan pakt het 9,5 miljoen en gaan de inkomsten van de deelname aan de Champions League al richting de 70 miljoen euro. Alle deelnemers van de Champions League ontvangen een startpremie van 15,25 miljoen euro. Op…

9 Dec 15:24 Sportnieuws 3602982464741245391.html
A Rede Mabu de Hotéis e Resorts anuncia nova gerente geral para hotéis em Curitiba

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 11:18 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987933964089.html
Haaland senior nie zablokuje transferu syna do United

Alfe-Inge Haaland w ostatnim wywiadzie dla Expressen przekonuje, że nie będzie blokował ewentualnego transferu swojego syna do Manchesteru United.

9 Dec 09:38 DevilPage.pl 5381987154931242178.html
Elon Musk, absuelto en el juicio por difamación contra un buceador

Un jurado popular ha absuelto a Elon Musk de la acusación de difamación realizada por un buceador británico al que llamó "pedófilo", y que reclamaba al magnate de origen sudafricano 190 millones de

9 Dec 09:18 SoyMotor 3778996023138819143.html
TV reporter smacked on bottom during live broadcast: ‘You violated, objectified and embarrassed me’

A TV reporter said she was left “violated” and “embarrassed” after being smacked on the bottom during a live broadcast. Alex Bozarjian, of WSAV News, was reporting roadside from a 10km race in

9 Dec 12:10 The Independent 2511519171794508686.html
Estados pressionam governo para receber recursos do pré-sal

Os governadores tentam receber os valores já entre os dias 10 e 20 do mês vigente, com o intuito de usá-los para pagamento do 13º salário.

9 Dec 13:36 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713189347902.html
Sport - Vidal, incontro agente-Barça prima di Natale. Dirigenti catalani a Milano da venerdì

Il Barcellona deve lavorare per accelerare alcune uscite milionarie nel mercato invernale. Stando a quanto riferisce Sport, quotidiano catalano vicino alle vicende dei blaugrana,...

9 Dec 08:30 FcInterNews.it 7848284893654547340.html
BWF World Tour Finals 2019 - Ahsan/Hendra Matangkan Teknik Permainan

Jelang BWF World Tour Finals 2019, The Daddies terus matangkan persiapan khususnya di sisi teknik permainan.

9 Dec 14:30 BolaSport.com 4603768436132200348.html
Was er tat, tat er aus vollstem Herzen

Vom blinden Passagier zum Kapitän – so oder so ähnlich könnte man Konrad Negers Werdegang im Olchinger Schützenverein SG Gemütlichkeit beschreiben.

9 Dec 10:07 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238333815868.html
'Meest door Feyenoord-fans uitgescholden, en dan zou ik nu wat voor ze doen?'

Door een straf van de UEFA mogen Feyenoord-supporters donderdag tijdens de Europa League-wedstrijd tegen FC Porto het Estádio do Dragão niet in. 2000 fans maken toch de reis naar Portugal en iemand vraagt zelfs hulp aan Michael van Praag, maar die hanteert de botte bijl. Een Feyenoord-supporter vraagt op Twitter aan Van Praag of hij niet wat voor de fans kan doen, waardoor ze alsnog het stadion in mogen tegen Porto. Van Praag was jarenlang in dienst bij de UEFA, maar geeft aan Feyenoord niet te willen helpen. 'Ik word op Twitter het meest door Feyenoord-supporters beledigd en uitgescholden. En dan nu wat voor ze doen?', reageert hij. Rellen niet uitgesloten bij Porto-Feyenoord: 'Goed dat fans wel worden toegelaten'

9 Dec 17:03 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883236286931.html
Doom Slayers Collection: Britischer Händler listet Sammlung für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One

Laut einem Händlereintrag erscheint in wenigen Tagen die "DOOM Slayers Collection", die neben dem 2016 erschienenen "DOOM" auch die drei PC-Klassiker enthält, die vor wenigen Monaten für die Konsolen veröffentlicht wurden.

9 Dec 11:16 play3.de 8301165839214888176.html
Prohíben la venta de una marca de snacks

La disposición fue publicada este lunes en el Boletín Oficial e incluye varios productos de la marca.

9 Dec 10:51 Punto Biz 7504645526579203465.html
Russen reageren zoals verwacht: ‘Straf overdreven’

Het Russisch Olympisch Comité heeft niet laten blijken dat het iets leert van de straf van WADA. “Onbehoorlijk en zwaar overdreven”, zei Stanislav Pozdniakov, de voorzitter van de olympische instantie van Rusland. Rusland mag door de straf de komende 4 jaar niet aan Olympische Spelen en WK’s deelnemen. “We zijn zeer teleurgesteld. De maatregelen zijn…

9 Dec 17:26 Sportnieuws 3602982464825493746.html
Cezaevi firarisi yakalandı

Samsun'da cezaevi firarisi yakalandı.

9 Dec 11:23 HABER 61 8391886870011666535.html
Se enojó con periodistas que le preguntaron si enviará a alguien a Buenos Aires: Bolsonaro contra la lista de invitados de Alberto Fernández

El mandatario brasileño dijo que todavía no decidió si tendrá un representante en la asunción de Alberto Fernández y, en una transgresión a las normas elementales de la diplomacia, planteó que quiere analizar la lista de invitados a la ceremonia.

9 Dec 17:14 PAGINA12 7077267065273000148.html
El Dortmund, sin Witsel tras un accidente doméstico

El Borussia Dortmund pierde a Alex Witsel hasta finales de año a causa de un accidente doméstico que le causó una lesión en el rostro.

9 Dec 14:39 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958616269794.html
Procter & Gamble Health launches ‘Panache’ to assist doctors

Procter &amp; Gamble Health Limited (formerly known as Merck Limited) has announced the launch of Panache, a platform to support India’s Gen X doctors in their medical education journey.India has

9 Dec 08:26 BusinessLine 5283600327255991.html
Macri: Nunca hubo una transición como esta

Dijo también que quiere "ayudar a que este proceso de cambio y de mejora continúe".

9 Dec 16:38 La Voz 6237180760545961608.html
Galatasaray'da gündem Marcelo Saracchi

Fatih Terim'in talebi üzerine Nagatomo'nun yerine sol bek arayan Galatasaray, Leipzig forması giyen Marcelo Saracchi'yi transfer radarına aldı.

9 Dec 09:24 Yeni Çağ Gazetesi 8586579532451475427.html
Prodaja orožja v svetu lani narasla, ZDA ostajajo največji prodajalec

Vodilna podjetja za proizvodnjo orožja v svetu so leta 2018 prodala več orožja kot leto prej. Prodaja orožja, opreme in vojaških storitev je lani znašala skupno 420 milijard dolarjev. ZDA ostajajo največji prodajalec orožja na svetu, v danes objavljenem poročilu ugotavlja Stockholmski mednarodni raziskovalni mirovni institut (Sipri).

9 Dec 09:50 Dnevnik 7671546650533948410.html
Miss South Africa emerges winner of Miss Universe 2019 pageant

Zozibini Tunzi, a beauty pageant titleholder who doubles as Miss South Africa, has been crowned Miss Universe 2019.

9 Dec 12:04 TheCable Lifestyle 3194590662029621638.html
Geen Olympische Spelen en WK voetbal voor Rusland, máár USADA vindt straf te mild: “Dit is een klap voor zuivere atleten”

Rusland mag niet deelnemen aan de komende Olympische Spelen (2020 in Tokio), Winterspelen (2022 in Peking) én het WK voetbal (2022 in Qatar). Dat besliste het Wereldantidopingagentschap WADA. De Ru...

9 Dec 15:58 HLN 8967494998612967451.html
Sip on some holiday cheer at this Christmas pop-up bar in Echo Park

Santa Baby LA is a Christmas pop-up bar in Echo Park running now through December 31st.

9 Dec 17:13 ABC7 Los Angeles 8300010440130638666.html
Marcelo Ebrard hará anuncio sobre avances del T-MEC

La cancillería mexicana informó que Marcelo Ebrard hará el anuncio acompañado del subsecretario para Mérica del Norte, Jesús Seade.

9 Dec 14:07 Milenio 4240839408166090844.html
Regina Pats beat Red Deer Rebels at their own game

The Regina Pats defeated the Red Deer Rebels 3-2 on Saturday night at the Brandt Centre to win the season series with a 3-0-1 record.

9 Dec 13:00 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425987446017.html
El amor a la deriva

Si la deshumanización, aislamiento y soledad pasan con el sexo ya no digamos con el amor. ¿Quién puede permitirse, a día de hoy, el lujo de amar y ser amado de un modo profundo?

9 Dec 13:10 elPeriodico 7291954034058411683.html
Muere Paul Volcker, ex presidente de la Reserva Federal

El expresidente del banco central de Estados Unidos llevó las tasas de interés a máximos históricos.

9 Dec 09:57 Milenio 4240839409037581118.html
A British oil stock tanked 60% after the shock resignation of the CEO and head of exploration

Tullow Oil, a British oil company, tanked on Monday morning after the company announced the resignation of its CEO and exploration director as well as cutting its production guidance. Tullow’s board also suspended its dividend.

9 Dec 10:16 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883197896838.html
‘Property Brothers’ Star Drew Scott And Wife Linda Phan Live In A Christmas Wonderland

This Property Brothers knew exactly how to turn his property into a Christmas wonderland. Drew Scott and his wife Linda Phan took Christmas to a whole new level this year as they gave their house a complete makeover for the holiday season. On a new HGTV Canada special called "Outrageous Holiday Houses", the couple revealed…

9 Dec 13:30 ET Canada 6735490619485846915.html
Polizei erschießt 25-Jährigen in Wuppertal: Noch viele offene Fragen

Offenbar gibt es Zeugen des tödlichen Polizeieinsatzes am Samstagnachmittag in Wuppertal. Zu den Tatumständen gibt es bislang kaum Informationen.

9 Dec 15:15 TAG24 4583887875398320456.html
Škoda, i super fari sono serviti

La casa boema, proseguendo nel suo percorso di democratizzazione della sicurezza attiva, incrementa il numero dei modelli equipaggiati con questa particolare

9 Dec 10:28 Repubblica.it 8208867269422375402.html
120 Millionen Euro: Für das Wahljahr gibt es in Leoben ein Rekordbudget

15,8 Millionen Euro werden im nächsten Jahr in der Stadt Leoben für diverse Vorhaben investiert. Darunter der Congress.

9 Dec 16:23 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700686776163.html
Ineptos gobernadores regionales devolverán millones al fisco peruano el 2019

Increíble, el año está a punto de culminar y según las cifras que proyecta el MEF los gobiernos regionales y municipios del sur no pudieron gastar los Increíble, el año está a punto de culminar y según las cifras que proyecta el MEF los gobiernos regionales y municipios del sur no pudieron gas

9 Dec 14:55 Pysnnoticias 6628072004864464006.html
Bigg Boss Kannada Season 7 Day 57 Written Update – Chandana Is The New Caption Of The House

The latest episode of Bigg Boss Kannada Season 7 begins right after Raksha Somashekhar’s eviction. Chaitra Kottoor is seen sobbing after having survived the elimination. The housemates are seen consoling her. She believes that she is letting her supporters and well-wishers down.

10 Dec 11:42 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243480887350.html
Lil Nas X Covers Juice WRLD's 'Lucid Dreams' At Jingle Ball

Lil Nas X honored the late Juice WRLD by covering his biggest hit at the Jingle Ball concert in San Francisco.

9 Dec 11:25 AllHipHop 727666872978311074.html
Jaden Moodie murder: suspect accused of ‘preposterous’ claims

Ayoub Majdouline has said his clothes were stolen and worn by an attacker of the 14-year-old

9 Dec 17:34 the Guardian 1491978794367878383.html
Simon Cowell horrified by self-proclaimed 'rock star' on X Factor: The Band

Simon's worst nightmare has been realised.

9 Dec 11:04 Metro 970161748343260740.html
Earl of Yarmouth and his wife who were 'evicted' from the family's £85million estate by his aunt and parents reveals he 'regrets' the bitter row because his siblings are no longer speaking to him

The Earl and Countess of Yarmouth have defended their decision to speak out against his family, after claiming they evicted him following a fallout in the summer.

9 Dec 10:54 Mail Online 124328111956201205.html
Skidskyttestjärnan: "Det blir märkligt"

Dopning Skidskyttestjärnan Sebastian Samuelsson kritiserar Wadas beslut att stänga av ryska idrottare från mästerskap, men samtidigt låta dem få tävla vidare i andra internationella tävlingar.

9 Dec 13:05 www.unt.se 8922556088441599430.html
Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa más acciones de protesta

El Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa este 9 de diciembre más acciones de protesta, mientras las reuniones con el gobierno siguen sin lograr acuerdos.

9 Dec 09:01 Escambray 1851904803418062006.html
Young mum was 'stabbed dead while trying to break up a fight between two men'

‘She tried to get in the middle and she got stabbed.'

9 Dec 15:40 Metro 970161748601126272.html
Finanças desbloqueiam verba para bloco cirúrgico no IPO de Coimbra

Compra e montagem de equipamento para duas salas de cirurgia receberam luz verde do Governo. Renovação do edifício representa investimento superior a 28 milhões de euros.

9 Dec 11:02 SÁBADO 5711459692295307546.html
Orban, despre eliminarea pensiilor speciale: Decizia noastră e foarte clară

Premierul Ludovic Orban le-a cerut, luni, tuturor parlamentarilor să susţină proiectul de lege privind eliminarea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia pensiilor de serviciu ale militarilor, pe care Partidul Naţional Liberal l-a depus în Parlament.

9 Dec 17:13 Stirileprotv.ro 940005309820494295.html
"La calle", el nuevo videoclip de Chacal dedicado al barrio El Hueco de La Lisa

El tema llega en colaboración con Dj Unic y el reguetonero Abel Cortel.

9 Dec 11:24 CiberCuba 8213836169638638694.html
Reds in danger of early exit – 5 Champions League talking points

Liverpool know defeat away to Red Bull Salzburg would likely see them eliminated.

9 Dec 15:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774003738836.html
Undvik driftstopp i datacentret med tillfällig kraftförsörjning

Överväger du att skjuta upp uppstarten av ett datacenter medan du väntar på att det ansluts till elnätet? Tillfällig kraftförsörjning låter dig fortsätta arbetet som planerat, samtidigt som du...

9 Dec 13:32 Ny Teknik 4280928733129893969.html
12 things to know about Reinhard Bonnke - The Nation Newspaper

The demise of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke who is well known and loved by majority(especially in Africa) came so sudden that shocked...

9 Dec 17:15 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901371619650.html
KAMERA SNIMILA UŽAS: Turisti bili u krateru, nekoliko sekundi kasnije vulkan se PROBUDIO! (VIDEO)

Prema snimcima veb-kamere, najmanje deset turista bilo je u krateru vulkana na Belom ostrvu na Novom zelandu u trenutku tik pre erupcije.

9 Dec 10:15 kurir.rs 6515665027543353483.html
Lennar (NYSE:LEN) Research Coverage Started at Goldman Sachs Group

Goldman Sachs Group initiated coverage on shares of Lennar (NYSE:LEN) in a research report released on Friday morning, 24/7 WallStreet reports. The firm issued a buy rating and a $71.00 price objective on the construction company’s stock. Several other research analysts have also issued reports on the stock. JMP Securities increased their target price on […]

9 Dec 13:24 Markets Daily 6922190228303665278.html
Vince leaves Paarl Rocks to join Big Bash on eve of MSL final

James Vince has left the Paarl Rocks team to join the Sydney Sixers for the Big Bash League in Australia.

9 Dec 15:48 Sport 682566035273208199.html
You’re not a cheap celebrity – Cardi B replies Afia Schwarzenegger

Rapper Cardi B, while responding to the public outcry of Ghanaian media personality Afia Schwarzenegger, has said she is not a cheap celebrity. If you recall yesterday, some female Ghanaian celebrities had gathered to meet with

9 Dec 12:22 LailasNews.com 2090029849858742068.html
Bašele: Klimatske promene najveća pretnja od II svetskog rata

MADRID - Globalno zagravanje moglo bi da podstakne humanitarne krize kakve svet nije video od četrdesetih godina prošlog veka, izjavila je danas visoka

9 Dec 17:35 Krstarica 4176903988799361129.html
Líderes evangélicos desconocen al movimiento de pastores que respaldó a Nicolás Maduro

Líderes evangélicos desconocen al movimiento de pastores que respaldó a Nicolás Maduro

9 Dec 12:54 LaPatilla.com 9104603010305595799.html
Domović-Bulut najspektakularniji basketaš sveta

Srpski igrač basketa 3x3 Dušan Domović-Bulut je izglasan za najspektakularnijeg na Svetskom FIBA 3x3 turu.

9 Dec 15:46 Sport Klub 42251759497364932.html
Conte: If we think we won't suffer against Barca, we would be fools

Conte: If we think we won't suffer against Barca, we would be fools

9 Dec 13:34 sport 1349897971038818295.html
How to watch Santa Claus: The Movie online

Santa Claus: The Movie is a 1985 classic that explains the mysteries of Father Christmas to curious kids. Here's how to watch Santa Claus: The Movie online or on any mobile device.

9 Dec 16:39 Tech Advisor 6450858317082744578.html
"Presepe in regalo, ma la scuola dice 'no': bimbi anche di altre religioni"

#CaraUnione - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:05 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206825174508.html
How Nillan’s 3rd birthday party went down in Photos

Can you even!

9 Dec 14:19 Pulse Live 3606876834971179899.html
Google Chrome mostrerà l’anteprima delle schede su PC Windows

Un prossimo aggiornamento di Google Chrome introdurrà l'opzione Tab Strips, che mostra in anteprima il contenuto delle schede aperte.

9 Dec 14:30 tecnoandroid 2573257127981171435.html
Recoleta lanza plan piloto para que vecinos no paguen más cuentas de luz

El proyecto busca beneficiar al 50% de los hogares más vulnerables de Recoleta. Actualmente son seis las casas que tienen paneles solares.

9 Dec 14:48 Rock&Pop 4910011591106100766.html
Abusos en la Iglesia: Inician primer juicio contra ex canciller del Arzobispado de Santiago

El ex canciller del Arzobispado de Santiago Óscar Muñoz Toledo, es acusado por presunto abuso sexual reiterado y violación a menores, por lo que el Ministerio Público solicita 41 años de presidio efectivo.

9 Dec 09:08 CHV Noticias 8401001652586424852.html
Studi: Bangun Pagi Bisa Buat Kita Panjang Umur, Ini Penjelasannya!

Menurut sebuah penelitian, salah satunya adalah membuat kita panjang umur. Kira-kira apa alasannya? Ini jawabannya.

9 Dec 10:49 grid.id 586386473559691512.html
Italy proposes new plan to rescue ArcelorMittal plant; 8,000 jobs at stake

Italy considers the steel mill a strategic industrial site and faces pressure from unions, which are trying to protect the 8,000 jobs at risk

9 Dec 17:37 Business-Standard 1502508926088818390.html
Big tax cuts may be coming for middle class in next Budget; here's why

Responding to a question at an event in Delhi recently, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman also said that the government was looking at myriad suggestions and the relaxation on personal income tax was one of them before it presents the Union Budget 2020 in February next year

9 Dec 11:01 Business Today 1145527431908095010.html
Ready for more U.S. prisoner swaps: Iran

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday the Islamic republic is ready for a full prisoner exchange with the U.S.. “The ball is in the U.S.’ court”, he said in a tweet.The United St

9 Dec 17:16 The Hindu 6679535024680791183.html
James Haskell explains sweet reason he met Caitlyn Jenner on I'm a Celeb bridge

She was the only campmate not to have been hugged by emotional family members upon leaving

9 Dec 09:36 DevonLive 2469244513252487609.html
‘AICF likes to have strangle hold on chess tournaments’

The All India Chess Federation (AICF) would like to have a stranglehold on the chess tournaments held in the country and it’s evident from the show

9 Dec 13:28 The Sentinel 448185206342109245.html
Motta e Algida, cucciolone scatenate, cercano casa. VIDEO

ARCETO (Reggio Emilia) – Loro sono Motta e Algida, strepitose “gemelle Kessler”, o “le gelataie” come le chiamano le volontarie. Vederle insieme, fuori nel cortile del rifugio, è uno spettacolo: si lanciano in giochi sfrenati, allegria e un pizzico di pazzia in assoluta libertà, con corse folli e lotte simulate. Energia contagiosa da queste sorellone […]

9 Dec 14:14 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332436616217.html
Climão! Faustão pergunta a modelo Aline Riscado sobre namoro com jogador Gabigol

Os dois teriam ficado em uma festa durante a comemoração do título do flamengo

9 Dec 11:13 Folha Vitória 4941883426741807288.html
Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi Crowned Miss Universe 2019 — Landmark Victory For Black Beauty

Zozibini Tunzi came as she was, and it was good enough to win the Miss Universe 2019 title. The model became the first woman in history to win the beauty pageant title rocking her natural ...

9 Dec 09:55 The Inquisitr 1745625231684343488.html
Decembarska ponuda u Meridianu: Za najbolji sedmični tiket 500 KM bonusa

Meridian ne prestaje sa sjajnim iznenađenjima! Igrači su već navikli na brojne pogodnosti i poklone, ali sada su granice pomjerene!

9 Dec 08:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150642699924678.html
Jordi Pujol defiende que el catalán en la escuela es "irrenunciable"

El 'expresident' sale al paso de la propuesta del PSC de "flexibilizar" la aplicación de la ley de inmersión lingüística

9 Dec 10:27 elPeriodico 7291954034878249747.html
Trump Has Urged the World Bank to Stop Lending Money to China

US President Donald Trump has called on the World Bank to stop lending money to China, BTA quoted Reuters as saying. This is his second strike on Beijing at a time when the two sides are continuing negotiations on a trade deal.

9 Dec 12:25 novinite.com 4235039571035286132.html
U Parizu počeo samit o okončanju rata na istoku Ukrajine (VIDEO)

Lideri Ukrajine, Rusije, Nemačke i Francuske okupili su se danas na dugo očekivanom samitu u Parizu u pokušaju da nadju način za okončanje petogodišnjeg rata na istoku Ukrajine u kojem je poginulo 14.000 ljudi.Predsednici Ukrajine, Rusije i Francuske, Volodimir Zelenski, Vladimir Putin i Emanuel Makron, i nemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel, kroz seriju sastanaka u Jelisejskoj palati pokušavaju da ožive mirovni sporazum iz 2015. godine koji zaraćene strane ignorišu.Taj sporazum iz Minska doprineo je smanjenju intenziteta borbi, ali su ukrajinski vojnici i proruski separatisti podržani od Moskve nastavili da razmenjuju vatru na istoku Ukrajine.Nije verovatno da će lideri na samitu doći do rešenja, a demonstranti u Kijevu vrše pritisak na Zelenskog da ne bude popustljiv prema Putinu, na njihovom prvom susretu.Bez obzira na ishod, samit je do sada najveći test za Zelenskog, novajliju u politici koji je u aprilu izabran za predsednika, pošto je u kampanji izmedju ostalog obećavao okončanje rata na istoku zemlje.Neki…

9 Dec 17:55 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501080878222331.html
La despedida de Gustavo Alfaro en Boca: su última frase como entrenador xeneize

La nueva conducción, liderada por Jorge Ameal y Juan Román Riquelme, ya anunció que otro DT se hará cargo del equipo.

9 Dec 13:43 Todo Noticias 8077539161622331046.html
Embajador de México en Argentina podría ser retirado de su cargo tras ser visto robando un libro

La librería El Ateneo Grand Splendid, una de las más emblemáticas de Buenos Aires, denunció que el embajador de México en Argentina, Óscar Ricardo Valerio Recio, quiso robar un libro, algo que llevó a que el diplomático fuera retenido por los guardias de seguridad hasta que llegó la policía.Según informaron este domingo fuentes policiales, el supuesto hecho se produjo el pasado 26 de octubre, aunque se hizo público hoy.El relato policial señala que ese día, poco antes de las 2 de la tarde, se recibió una llamada en la comisaría en la que se alertaba de que se había retenido a un hombre en la librería, acusado de robar.

9 Dec 11:33 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347578560592.html
Tesla va prioritiza producția modelului de top pentru noul Cybertruck

Versiunea cu trei motoare electrice a noului pick-up Tesla Cybertruck va fi lansată în 2021. Deși inițial, aceasta era ultima în planul de producție, cererea foarte mare a schimbat priorităție constructorului american.

9 Dec 11:13 AutoExpert 8039288870352198321.html
Berliner Pandazwillinge heißen "Meng Yuan" und "Meng Xiang"

Die beiden im Berliner Zoo geborenen Pandababys heißen "Meng Xiang" und "Meng Yuan" - auf Deutsch "Ersehnter Traum" und "Erfüllter Traum". Bei den Zwillingen handelt es sich um zwei Männchen, teilte der Tierpark anlässlich der feierlichen Zeremonie zur Namensverkündung am Montag mit. Diese fand nach chinesischer Tradition am 100. Lebenstag statt.

9 Dec 10:59 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084480293909.html
Penny Lancaster gets husband Rod Stewart's age wrong and confuses him with her DAD on Loose Women

Penny Lancaster stunned husband, Sir Rod Stweart, on Loose Women today (9.12.19).

9 Dec 15:57 Entertainment Daily 8392972517482242972.html
Fuvest divulga lista de aprovados para a segunda fase do vestibular

Segundo a Fuvest, as questões da 2ª fase têm caráter discursivo e permitem ao candidato, após a identificação do problema proposto, construir sua resposta por caminhos próprios

9 Dec 16:30 Folha Vitória 4941883428025360101.html
Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa más acciones de protesta

El Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa este lunes más acciones de protesta, mientras las reuniones con el gobierno siguen sin lograr acuerdos

9 Dec 10:34 Trabajadores 1167277446687867734.html
Da li šminka postaje rasadnik virusa kad se razbolimo?

Da popričamo o virusima i bakterijama na vašim omiljenim proizvodima za šminkanje. Da li bi trebalo taj skupo plaćeni karmin da bacite, ako ste ga koristili dok ste bili bolesni?

9 Dec 12:35 Nezavisne novine 4209150641386297464.html
Så blir gruvmaskinsbolaget dygnet runt-fabrik i Örebro

Atlas Copco-avknoppningen Epiroc bygger två fabriker i Örebro. I den ena av dem ska värmebehandling av bergborrmaskiner ske automatiserat hela dygnet.

9 Dec 11:45 Ny Teknik 4280928733432709854.html
Latest Biafra News Online Update Today Monday, December 9th 2019

Good day and here is the latest Biafra news online update for today, Monday, December 9th, 2019 on the Concise News website.

9 Dec 09:30 Concise 5544636823672258963.html
Ancelotti e Meret in conferenza: la diretta testuale su TN dalle 13.45

Il Napoli con la testa alla decisiva sfida in Champions che vedrà gli azzurri contro il Genk. Oggi la conferenza stampa di Carlo Ancelotti

9 Dec 11:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081410210911.html
Candidatura avulsa pode ser votada no 1º semestre, diz ministro

Candidatura avulsa pode ser votada no 1º semestre, diz ministro

9 Dec 13:36 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543906238296640.html
Rusia queda excluida del Mundial de Qatar y de los Juegos Olímpicos

Dicha nación no podrá tener representantes en las mencionadas citas luego de que se expidiera la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje. En cambio, sí podrá actuar en la EURO 2020.

9 Dec 11:18 DIRECTV Sports 8893643039873676336.html
Sind 3.-Säule-Sparer sträflich unterinvestiert?

Ausgerechnet ein bekannter Markttechnikexperte weiss von bedenklichen Beobachtungen rund um das Anlageverhalten von 3.-Säule-Sparern zu berichten. - Und: Medacta ist selbst der Lead-Managerin nicht mehr geheuer.

9 Dec 12:30 cash 8314500325067148543.html
München Hauptbahnhof: Messer-Attacke gegen Polizisten – Klinge im Körper abgebrochen

Hinterhältige Attacke am Hauptbahnhof München. Am Montagmorgen griff ein 23-Jähriger Mann einen Polizisten von hinten an.

9 Dec 12:38 www.derwesten.de 5765995666481423903.html
Kessie: "Un’altra grande prestazione di squadra. Continuiamo così!"

Dopo il successo contro il Bologna, Franck Kessie ha pubblicato questo messaggio su Instagram: "Un’altra grande prestazione di squadra, un’altra vittoria importante in trasferta. Continuiamo così!".

9 Dec 11:36 MilanNews.it 6507305922361950717.html
JxCat sólo apoyará a Pedro Sánchez si acepta dialogar con un relator internacional

"Queremos hablar del derecho de autodeterminación, de la manera en la que la podemos ejercer, de la represión y de ciertos derechos humanos que se vulneran", señaló la portavoz de JxCat, Laura Borràs, en una rueda de prensa celebrada en Bruselas

9 Dec 15:45 Vozpópuli 2420406190823270762.html
¡A recoger agua! Este martes suspenderán el servicio en algunos barrios de Cali

La suspensión del servicio de acueducto se realizará a partir de las 8:00 a.m. hasta las 8:00 p.m. en diferentes barrios de la comuna 10 de la ciudad.

9 Dec 16:34 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826908461250.html
Drink driving limits in Ireland 2019: How soon can you drive after pints, wine and shorts at Christmas

It's the time of year for drinking but make sure not to drive while over the limit

9 Dec 11:06 Irish Mirror 2875825628080254118.html
IS-stämplad skola mister tillståndet

Utbildning Den tidigare vd:n har pekats ut som ett säkerhetshot mot Sverige, och personer knutna till skolan ska ha uttryckt sympatier för IS. Nu får den kritiserade friskolan Safirskolan, tidigare Ve

9 Dec 13:58 www.unt.se 8922556088503665462.html
Why the Golden Globes' Rules Don’t Justify Its Snubs

This years Golden Globes nominees were (unsurprisingly) lackluster in a year of wonderfully diverse cinema.

9 Dec 12:17 Paste Magazine 2077921861547995798.html
Maria Ribeiro e Davi Moraes, ex de Maria Rita e Ivete Sangalo, vivem romance

Separado desde julho da cantora  Maria Rita, com quem teve um casamento de oito anos, Davi Moraes tem uma nova companhia. O músico, que também já foi casado com Ivete Sangalo e Marisa Monte, está...

9 Dec 08:16 Extra Online 8149543649499714920.html
Feeling Alone with Parkinson’s Disease

Columnist Sherri Woodbridge knows that Parkinson's disease can leave people feeling lonely. That's why it's important to help others understand the disease.

9 Dec 15:00 Parkinson's News Today 2509734585799756280.html
Digitalisation : L’Université Hassan 1er et Huawei Maroc signent une convention de partenariat

Une convention de partenariat a été signée récemment entre l'Université Hassan 1er de Settat et Huawei Maroc pour accélérer la digitalisation et promouvoir les compétences en Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) au sein des universités et établissements supérieurs. Ce...

9 Dec 11:29 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398350938993512.html
12 killed in Niger car accident

The accident involved 103 people: 55 female, 40 male, eight children, five adults.

9 Dec 11:14 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300259000748.html
Vivo X30 real images appear with key specifications - Gizmochina

Last week, Vivo China confirmed that it will be launching the Vivo X30 series of 5G phones on Dec. 16. The X30 series is rumored to include at least two devices such as Vivo X30 and Vivo X30 Pro. Official teaser video and live shots of the Vivo X30 phone that surfaced in the recent …

9 Dec 12:25 Gizmochina 1751854816278606465.html
Gators pretenden mantener su invicto ante un rival inédito en el Orange Bowl

Hace más de 60 años se registró el único encuentro de fútbol americano entre los Cavaliers de Virginia y los Gators de Florida,

9 Dec 15:03 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535938049776.html
3dSenVR: Emulador 3D de Nintendo NES para realidad virtual

Super Mario Bros., Contra, Metroid, los juegos de Zelda… todos tienen algo en común, y es que exprimen al máximo a la consola de Nintendo. Sin embargo, hoy contamos con emuladores avanzados ejecutándose sobre recursos abundantes. ¿Qué podemos hacer para mejorar a esos títulos? Si dejamos a un lado los hacks y la aplicación de […] More

9 Dec 11:53 NeoTeo 7619663853668941192.html
Meet Ali, 25. Boris Johnson's biggest challenger

Meet Ali, 25. Boris Johnson

9 Dec 09:00 Dunya News 5863268919374813511.html
Reports: Premier League clubs on high alert as Real Madrid targets €200million-worth player sales

As per the latest reports, Real Madrid need to complete player sales worth €200million before the end of the ongoing 2019-20 season, in order to balance their books as per FIFA’s Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations.

9 Dec 15:13 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906538986782.html
‘There Were No Safety Features’: Outrage Follows New Delhi Fire

The blaze at an illegal factory in New Delhi was one of the worst in recent years. The victims were migrant laborers from poor villages.

9 Dec 12:22 NY Times 1961078288414683185.html
Jim O'Brien given all-clear to make Notts County return

But Magpies boss Neal Ardley making sure midfielder's preparations are 'right'

9 Dec 17:10 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701501389260.html
Plan climat de la Flandre: beaucoup de mesures symboliques, et peu d'impact, dénonce le secteur associatif

Le plan climat présenté lundi par le gouvernement flamand comporte beaucoup de mesures symboliques dans les domaines du transport et de la construction, qui n'engrangeront que de faibles résultats en matière de réduction de gaz à effet de serre,...

9 Dec 16:36 RTBF Info 2262420857630908055.html
WADA is keihard! Rusland voor 4(!) jaar verbannen van Olympische Spelen en WK’s

De wereldwijde antidopingorganisatie, WADA, is niet bang om de gehele sportwereld in schok te brengen. De organisatie heeft besloten Rusland te verbannen van de komende twee Olympische Spelen en het WK van 2022 in Qatar! Wat dit gaat betekenen voor ‘schone’ Russische sporters is nog onduidelijk.  Naar alle waarschijnlijkheid betekent dit dat Russische sporters niet mogen mee doen aan de komende Spelen en het WK. Dit is de uitslag van het overleg van vandaag in Lausanne naar aanleiding van het onderzoek van de WADA naar de Russische antidopingorganisatie RUSADA. Volgens de WADA hebben de Russen namelijk flink lopen sjoemelen met data waardoor de meetwaardes van sporters niet overeenkwamen met de werkelijkheid. De straf betekent dat de Zomerspelen, Winterspelen, Paralympische Spelen en de Jeugd Spelen de komende vier jaar zonder Russische vertegenwoordiging zullen worden gehouden. Of bepaalde Russische atleten – wiens reputatie erom bekend staat dat ze ‘schoon’ zijn – mogen wel meedoen, wel onder neutrale vlag…

9 Dec 12:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057319186677.html
Binotto disappointed Ferrari "still don't have the quickest car" in F1

Despite going on a three-race winning streak after the summer break and on an incredible streak of pole positions, Ferrari team principal Mattia Binotto thinks the Scuderia still didn't have the quickest car on the grid.

9 Dec 17:46 GPblog.com 9117728199251273662.html
EastEnders return, Corrie car accident and 8 more soap spoilers this week

All of soap's unmissable moments from this upcoming week.

9 Dec 08:00 Metro 970161747623347167.html
Maximiano revela o que disse Bruno de Carvalho em reunião com o plantel

Guarda-redes do Sporting esteve presente na reunião com o ex-presidente do clube na véspera do ataque à Academia.

9 Dec 12:15 O Jogo 3218673678855031417.html
Jokowi Tingkatkan Anggaran KUR di 2020 hingga Rp 190 Triliun

Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi melakukan rapat terbatas (ratas) di Istana Negara, Jakarta membahas mengenai KUR

9 Dec 15:24 liputan6.com 3414318496378418874.html
Baguio cools down to 11.8 degrees Celsius

Baguio City’s temperature dropped to its lowest this month at 11.8 degrees Celsius Monday morning.

9 Dec 14:26 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199756543366.html
Rapper Juice Wrld dies at 21 after seizure

US rapper Juice Wrld, who had a hit with the song Lucid Dreams, has died after he reportedly suffered a seizure at a Chicago airport; he was 21.

9 Dec 10:12 The New Daily 5848147787299307907.html
Russia can play in 2022 World Cup qualifiers, says WADA-linked official

An official linked to the World Anti-Doping Agency said on Monday Russia can participate in qualifying for the 2022 World Cup despite receiving...

9 Dec 14:37 Vanguard News 4125100338832402811.html
Boy oh boy! Two male pandas make public debut at Berlin Zoo

The cuteness level at Berlin Zoo doubled on Monday when a pair of twin panda cubs made their public debut, with the zoo revealing the cuddly bundles of fur were both boys.

9 Dec 11:34 Thelocal.de 270941995060751231.html
Tak Cuma Masuk 10 Besar Miss Universe 2019, 11 Fakta Frederika Cull Ini Juga Harus Diketahui

Frederika Alexis Cull tak hanya mengukir sejarah baru Indonesia di ajang Miss Universe, ini fakta-fakta yang perlu diketahui mengenai Puteri Indonesia 2019 itu.

9 Dec 14:27 Kanal 247 6444101938681645253.html
Fahrer (19) unverletzt, Totalschaden am Auto

Das sprichwörtliche Glück im Unglück hat ein junger Mann bei einem Unfall am Montagmorgen auf der Bundesstraße 242 gehabt. Nach Angaben der Polizei war der 19-Jährige mit einem E-Klasse-Mercedes von Harzgerode Richtung Königerode ...

9 Dec 14:05 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110708067366.html
Las ruedas de prensa de Valverde y Júnior Firpo, en directo

El Barcelona cierra este martes su participación en la fase de grupos de la Liga Campeones. Los azulgranas, ya clasificados como líderes para octavos, serán jueces de su grupo. Mañana juegan en el Giuseppe Meazza y hoy Ernesto Valverde y Júnior Firpo atienden a los medios de comunicación en Milán.

9 Dec 17:53 MARCA 5656811531990692608.html
A análise de Duarte Gomes ao Belenenses-FC Porto

Duarte Gomes, antigo árbitro internacional e atual colunista de A BOLA, lança a sua opinião sobre o trabalho da arbitragem no jogo entre Belenenses e FC Porto, que terminou com empate a um golo e muitas críticas por parte dos dragões.Clique aqui para ver o vídeo com a análise. 

9 Dec 12:24 A BOLA 2278827559227893561.html
SMCP: nouvelle chute, un analyste baisse son objectif

Le titre poursuit son repli aujourd'hui avec une perte de plus de 7% après une chute de -25% vendredi. Rappelons que SMCP a annoncé la révision de son - 09/12/2019 17:20

9 Dec 16:20 ABC Bourse 2538693399289273679.html
Finlandia eligió a Sanna Marin, la primera ministra más joven de su historia

Sanna Marin ganó de manera ajustada la votación en Finlandia para reemplazar al saliente primer ministro Rinne, quien renunció tras haber perdido la confianza de Partido Centrista.

9 Dec 17:35 canalN.pe 1595273588157340973.html
Take that, Elvis! Robbie equals UK album chart record

Robbie Williams equalled Elvis Presley's record for the most UK number one albums by a solo artist, with his new collection of festive songs.

9 Dec 12:19 Channel24 2038030840780347836.html
DC Universe's 'Stargirl' Gets First Teaser Trailer - Watch Here!

The first little teaser trailer for Stargirl is here!

9 Dec 12:52 Just Jared Jr. 3416194174310870897.html
Lizbeth Rodríguez rompe el silencio sobre Badabun ¡Escándalo!

Lizbeth Rodr&iacute;guez comparti&oacute; un impactante video en YouTube, tras las declaraciones que hicieron unos ex youtubers de Badabun.

9 Dec 15:15 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623505761740.html
Dieter Bohlen ätzt gegen Thomas Gottschalk: "Selbst im Sarg werde ich nicht so aussehen"

Vor ein paar Tagen schoss Thomas Gottschalk (69) einige Giftpfeile in Richtung Dieter Bohlen (65). Nun schießt dieser zurück.

9 Dec 16:48 TAG24 4583887875421163764.html
Estudantes com bolsa de estudo se esforçam mais, mostra comparativo

A oportunidade de estudar com uma bolsa de estudo em 2020 faz muitos estudantes reforçarem a aprendizagem para conseguir o benefício. Uma pesquisa realizada com apoio da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), que analisou a nota de mais de um milhão de universitários brasileiros no Exame Nacional de Desempenho...

9 Dec 13:36 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010923545592.html
U.K.’s poll campaign enters final stage

Johnson is hoping the election will hand his ruling Conservatives a majority to push Brexit with the EU

9 Dec 17:11 The Hindu 6679535025646417173.html
El listado de morosos que ha cazado el primer impago de Amazon en España

Icired, creada por el abogado granadino Kike Agaz, suma cien usuarios a la semana. Con Cesce y Everis de socios, aspira a aglutinar los 7 millones de impagos privados hasta ahora ocultos

9 Dec 13:52 El Confidencial 6129807550627529374.html
Your Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, December 10

Free daily horoscope for each star sign. Forecasts for the week ahead in life, love and career.

9 Dec 13:00 The Age 7967730562852748506.html
Quadfahrer kommt von Straße ab und fährt gegen Baum

Glimpflich ausgegangen ist ein Unfall im Holzkirchner Ortsteil Föching. Ein Quadfahrer ist gegen einen Baum gefahren.

9 Dec 17:16 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238617934798.html
Snapchat lance Cameo, voici comment transformer votre tête en GIF rigolo

Coller sa tête dans un GIF, voilà le principe même de Cameo, la nouvelle fonctionnalité de Snapchat directement inspirée de l'application chinoise ZAO.

9 Dec 11:23 PhonAndroid.com 8181142844285161321.html
WhatsApp, Milyonlarca Telefona Verdiği Desteği Kesecek

Yapılan açıklamalarda WhatsApp'ın Windows Mobile, iOS 7 ve Android 2.3.7 ve daha altındaki işletim sistemlerini desteklemeyeceği ifade edildi.

9 Dec 13:13 Webtekno 3745741391770654399.html
Archivan la causa contra María Oliver tras no acusar ni Fiscalía ni PP

La exconcejala de Podemos presentó su renuncia como asesora de Dalmau tras su procesamiento

9 Dec 15:47 Levante-EMV 7042984477532677617.html
Oswaldo Álvarez Paz: Los copeyanos y el Táchira

  El Estado Táchira tiene una significación especial para los socialcristianos de toda Venezuela. Allí nació COPEI. La generación fundadora dejó un legado de admiración […]

9 Dec 17:42 LaPatilla.com 9104603011416471126.html
Efectivo método para desbaratar una red de apostadores: policías se inscribieron en un torneo de fútbol

Para evitar levantar sospechas y que la gente notara que eran policías, un grupo de efectivos se anotó en un torneo de fútbol que se desarrollaba en un predio de González Catán, La Matanza, a fin de desbaratar una red de apuestas ilegales y de venta de drogas. Bajo el nombre de Juventud Unida, los […]

9 Dec 10:33 El Eco 4177735523756330301.html
Vercauteren hoopvol over blessure Kompany: “We hopen op de korte termijn”

Vincent Kompany viel wéér geblesseerd uit bij RSC Anderlecht. Hoofdtrainer Frank Vercauteren gaf een korte update over de blessure van de verdediger aan Het Nieuwsblad.

9 Dec 09:44 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216228436752.html
Bruno Silva processa Cruzeiro por atraso em parcelas da rescisão de contrato; saiba valores

Hoje no Internacional, volante cobra cerca de R$ 2 milhões do clube celeste

9 Dec 14:40 Superesportes 5498560375787692740.html
Robbie Williams teases he'd be up for I'm A Celebrity next year

It might cost a few quid to get him on board, though

9 Dec 15:08 Entertainment Daily 8392972516100620670.html
Rapper and Singer Juice WRLD Dead at 21 After Having Seizure at Airport

The rapper and singer Juice WRLD died on Sunday from apparent cardiac arrest. It happened after his private jet, bound from Los Angeles, landed in his

9 Dec 14:00 Atlanta Black Star 3042160498827124362.html
Simone, da dupla com Simaria, lembra quando foi ao mercado de pijama

Simone, da dupla com Simaria, relembrou o episódio em que foi ao mercado de pijama e afirmou que não se priva das coisas por ser famosa.

9 Dec 08:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125211114084490.html
Harry Dunn’s family expected to go back to US this week

Spokesman Radd Seiger said the 19-year-old’s parents were going through ‘untold mental anguish’.

9 Dec 13:43 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774149407003.html
Borse deboli, Milano in calo

Borse incerte. Anche Wall Street nel pomeriggio ha aperto all’insegna della prudenza a causa della sfida commerciale con la Cina che non accenna a placarsi. In questo quadro Milano è la peggiore con il Ftse Mib che cede circa un punto percentuale. Londra è poco sopra la parità, Francoforte cede lo 0,11% e Parigi lo 0,29%. Lo spread btp/bund oscilla intorno ai 160 punti base con il rendimento dei nostri decennali all’1 e 28%. Euro contro dollaro a 1,10 e 70. Aggiornamento ore 15.50

9 Dec 15:50 rainews 442831849146161508.html
'A name that slams you' - Francois Modesto's pride at Nottingham Forest role and looking for players

The Reds' technical director spent time getting to know the Championship by travelling around the country in his car

9 Dec 10:19 NottinghamshireLive 5149776702626571287.html
"Marriage Story" et Netflix en tête des nominations aux Golden Globes

Le film "Marriage Story" est arrivé lundi en tête des nominations aux Golden Globes avec des sélections dans six catégories au total, la plateforme Netflix...

9 Dec 16:53 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700516764412699.html
Former Fed Chief Paul Volcker dies at 92

Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chairman who tamed U.S. inflation in the 1980s and decades later inspired tough Wall Street reforms in the wake of the global financial crisis, died on Monday at the age of 92, according to his daughter Janice Zima. Volcker, who Zima said had…

9 Dec 17:41 Japan Today 8582716287002286658.html
Mr. Kenney goes to Ottawa and income inequality; In The News for Dec. 9

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Dec. 9. What we are watching in Canada ...

9 Dec 09:18 KitchenerToday.com 52741008946496767.html
Manco en el top 5 de goles arriba del arquero de la Libertadores

Reimond Manco anotó un golazo de media distancia para el Real Garcilaso en la primera ronda de la Copa Libertadores 2019.

9 Dec 14:14 Publimetro Perú 5349571042684953997.html
Torino, scontro tra due tram in Corso Tassoni: 13 passeggeri contusi, ferito l’autista

Incidente oggi a Torino in Corso Tassoni tra due tram che si sono scontrati nei pressi di piazza Bernini procedendo entrambi in direzione dell'ospedale Maria Vittoria. Il bilancio è di 13 passeggeri contusi. Ferito anche l'autista ma non sarebbe in pericolo di vita. Traffico in tilt.

9 Dec 15:12 fanpage.it 1517332167340600698.html
Rússia, expulsada quatre anys de Jocs i mundials per dopatge

Sanció històrica per a les federacions russes

9 Dec 11:45 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480511472690.html
Zwemcoach Mark Faber blij met ploeg na goed EK: ‘Medailles geven potentieel aan’

Bondscoach Mark Faber van het Nederlandse zwemteam is zeer happy met de prestaties van de zwemmers op de EK kortebaan in Glasgow. Nederland eindigde het toernooi met 10 medailles, vooral dankzij Kira Toussaint, Arno Kamminga en Femke Heemskerk. Toussaint veroverde goud op de 50 en 100 meter rugslag en brons op de 200 rug, Kamminga…

9 Dec 11:46 Sportnieuws 3602982463339426621.html
Vieri: "Responsabilità dei giocatori, ma pagherà l'allenatore perché non possono mandarne via 25"

Christian Vieri, ex attaccante ed opinionista, ha parlato nel corso della trasmissione 'Tiki Taka' su Canale 5, commentando anche il delicato momento del Napoli.

9 Dec 09:30 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079709182168.html
Allontanata da casa dai servizi sociali ora ritira le accuse: "Papà, scusami: ho sbagliato"

I servizi sociali la affidarono ad una casa famiglia dopo che la ragazzina riuscì ad accusare il padre di violenze fisiche mai avvenute. Dopo un lungo calvario il papà è stato assolto.

9 Dec 14:33 ilGiornale.it 5019541224383396130.html
Veteriner hekimlerin sorunları TBMM'de

Veteriner hekimlerin sorunları TBMM'de

9 Dec 08:11 CNN Türk 3669296858846490042.html
Abogados especialistas expondrán en sesión que revisa la acusación constitucional contra Piñera

Para las 14:00 horas de este lunes está citada la comisión que revisa la acusación constitucional en contra del Presidente Sebastián Piñera, donde se espera que expongan abogados especialistas en...

9 Dec 11:06 Pagina 7 4371131342986409545.html
Luca sacchi: il buio oltre il delitto – corrias e il viaggio nel mistero di anastasiya


9 Dec 09:45 DAGOSPIA 6533336739361504920.html
L’Incroyable Histoire Du Diamant Hope Maudit

Le diamant Hope suscite depuis des siècles à la fois crainte et fascination. Découvrez l’origine de ces légendes et partez à la rencontre de la pierre...

9 Dec 11:45 Forbes France 3079663227372816970.html
El show del hermano de Fekir y el gol de Isi disfrazado de Messi

MARCA en colaboración con Footters resume lo mejor de la jornada en la Segunda División B: clasificación, once ideal, mejores paradas, mejores goles... El show del hermano de Fekir y el gol de Isi a lo Messi destacan en este primer programa de 'Balón de Bronce'.

9 Dec 15:33 MARCA 5656811533208306101.html
Ghostbusters: Afterlife – Trailer veröffentlicht

1984 kam Ghostbusters in die Kinos. Ich selber sah ihn erst ein paar Jahre später, kaufte mir dann direkt den Soundtrack, weil mich Film ...

9 Dec 15:15 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574280236860.html
Celtic pub Queens Park Cafe ‘attacked by balaclava thugs with bottles’ after Hoops’ win over Rangers in Betfred Cup

A CELTIC pub has been attacked following their Betfred Cup Final win over Rangers this afternoon. Photos online show the windows of Queens Park Cafe, on Victoria Road, smashed in. The incident is s…

9 Dec 08:08 The Scottish Sun 6609127673206897824.html
Reds in danger of early exit – 5 Champions League talking points

Liverpool know defeat away to Red Bull Salzburg would likely see them eliminated.

9 Dec 15:06 Shropshire Star 3480199992114473910.html
5 Signs Your Lungs Are Gasping for Help

Today, fresh air is becoming a rare resource, meaning that, more than ever, we have to pay attention to our lungs and the signs they give us when something is not okay. It turns out that some of these signs are pretty easy to dismiss, but if you pay attention, they might save your life.

9 Dec 15:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263655979058678.html
Abel Caballero: "Greta Thunberg aprobaría nuestras luces de Navidad"

Hablamos con Abel Caballero sobre la tradición que ha conseguido posicionar a Vigo como una de las ciudades más turísticas y a él como el alcalde más votado de Europa.

9 Dec 11:34 euronews 2767628993995091121.html
Falleció la profesora y periodista Asalia Venegas

Venegas se desempeñó como directora de la Escuela de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, entre 1999 y 2005

9 Dec 11:45 Globovisión 5928221753018115515.html
Frau H. muss Auto fahren

Die allein erziehende Mutter macht ihre Ausbildung zur Altenpflegerin mit viel Engagement. Für ihre spätere Arbeit benötigt sie den Führerschein, damit sie die Senioren zuhause betreuen kann.

9 Dec 15:12 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146349169040245.html
Windows 10 Mobile od sutra prestaje da dobija podršku

Za Microsoft će 10. decembar predstavljati kraj jedne ere, kada svi Windows 10 Mobile uređaji budu prestali da dobijaju podršku

9 Dec 11:30 Benchmark 6730898462385627278.html
Rencontre au sommet Poutine-Zelensky à Paris sur la paix en Ukraine

Les présidents russe et ukrainien, Vladimir Poutine et Volodymyr Zelensky, sont arrivés lundi à Paris pour tenter de relancer, sous la houlette d'Emmanuel Macron et Angela Merkel, le processus de paix en Ukraine. Ces sommets au format "Normandie", en référence à la région française où les dirigeants des quatre pays s'étaient retrouvés pour la première fois en 2014, ne s'étaient plus tenus depuis 2016.

9 Dec 15:32 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139513635596.html
Capturan a alias Granada, cabecilla del ELN en el sur del Cauca 

En el casco urbano del municipio de Mercaderes, al sur del Cauca, fue capturado Francisco Javier Imbachí, alias ‘Granada’, considerado el jefe de finanzas del frente Manuel Vásquez Castaño, del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN). La noticia de esta aprehensión se conoció luego que un juez de control de garantías dictara medida de aseguramiento en centro carcelario contra este sujeto, luego que la Fiscalía le imputara una serie de delitos, como concierto para delinquir, tráfico de armas y explosivos, entre otros.El procedimiento judicial surgió luego que un grupo especial de la Policía, el Ejército y la Fuerza Aérea capturaran a alias ‘Granada’ en el casco urbano de dicho municipio, tras varias semanas de seguimiento por parte de los grupos de inteligencia policial y militar.“Ya sabíamos que este delincuente estaba en esta localidad, luego que una fuente humana lo denunciara, entonces nuestros funcionarios llegaron al casco urbano donde se hicieron pasar como comerciantes para así corroborar que era cierta…

9 Dec 09:17 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346847401087.html
Se il ritorno del Leicester (e di Vardy) tiene viva la Premier

Se la Premier League non è già pratica chiusa dal Liverpool di Jurgen Klopp, il merito è del ritrovato Leicester di Brendan Rodgers.

9 Dec 10:59 ilGiornale.it 5019541225672809346.html
„Zucker-Freiheit spielt zu Weihnachten keine Rolle“

Der schillernde Unternehmensinhaber Hermann Bühlbecker hat den Aachener Süßwarenhersteller Lambertz zu einem Weltkonzern geformt. Im Interview spricht er über die Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Deutschen, den Vorwurf, die Weihnachtszeit künstlich zu verlängern, und die Auswirkungen der US-Strafzölle auf das Geschäft. Außerdem verrät Bühlbecker, was er Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bei seiner aktuellen Reise als Gastgeschenk mitgebracht hat.

9 Dec 17:26 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569385519856.html
Emirates Airlines llega hoy a México con ruta Dubái-Barcelona-CdMx

Tras la polémica con Aeroméxico, Emirates Airlines llega al AICM al estrenar su ruta Dubái-Barcelona-México, en alianza con Interjet.

9 Dec 11:46 Milenio 4240839409611736810.html
Le Belier : Entrée en négociations exclusives des principaux actionnaires majoritaires de Le Bélier avec Wencan

Communiqué de presse Communiqué de presse La Sté Le Bélier SA a publié ce... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 08:36 Zonebourse 7946574377061824779.html
"La tía sabrosona" el video que se hizo viral en las redes sociales

Una mujer fue nombradaen redes sociales como "la t&iacute;a sabrosona" y su video se hizo viral r&aacute;pidamente en Facebook y Twitter.

9 Dec 13:42 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622620275380.html
Aldi Süd/Nord: Angebote aus dem Prospekt im Check

Aktuell gibt es bei Aldi Nord und Aldi Süd viel Elektronik zum Sparpreis! COMPUTER BILD checkt die aktuellen Prospekte des Discounters und bietet eine Angebotsvorschau.

9 Dec 15:20 Computer Bild 4944248631478868487.html
Monsenhor Gil | Crianças apresentam coral em frente a prefeitura da cidade

Atividades em prol da comemoração do aniversário de emancipação social e política do município.

9 Dec 11:56 R10 3167340814317350679.html
Walmart's Green Monday sale: the best deals on TVs, laptops, and more

We've rounded up the best deals from Walmart's Green Monday sale which includes TVs, laptops, gaming consoles, and more.

9 Dec 15:35 TechRadar 2111116916021916418.html
Have you ever played a Five Nights at Freddy's game?

Five Nights at Freddy's really falls into that

9 Dec 10:00 Destructoid 5545714966912102724.html
Al menos cinco muertos por la erupción del volcán Whakaari en Nueva Zelanda

Hay 18 heridos y alrededor de 100 turistas se encontraban en la zona en el momento de la explosión. Los servicios de emergencia no pueden llegar hasta la isla por motivos de seguridad.

9 Dec 09:12 www.publico.es 99190977965547550.html
Birmingham Royal Ballet's Swan Lake to tour the UK in 2020

Birmingham Royal Ballet’s critically acclaimed Swan Lake, first created in 1981 by Sir Peter Wright and Galina Samsova, will tour the UK next year.

9 Dec 13:02 Shropshire Star 3480199991438583644.html
Forget the smart home, it's all in the cloud now

What ever happened to that Internet of Things? We outsourced it.

9 Dec 08:29 mnn 1276819564878859461.html
La Casa di Carta 4: trailer svela debutto della serie TV Netflix | Cultura Pop

Finalmente è ufficiale la data di uscita della stagione 4 de La Casa di Carta, l'ormai famosissima serie TV spagnola di Netflix: Debutterà ad aprile 2020.

9 Dec 09:32 Tom's Hardware 6640147070162120165.html
Malia’s next music video to be filmed solely with Samsung mobile cameras

In a bid to promote some of its latest Galaxy products and ecosystem, Samsung Brazil is teaming up with Jazz singer Malia who will film her next music video using only Samsung products instead of prof

9 Dec 14:34 SamMobile 1601131850347912823.html
De los bailes de Tamara a la cena con Enrique: el fin de semana de los Iglesias Preysler

Al concierto de Enrique el pasado sábado le sucedió una cena y un fin de semana en familia en el que ha podido disfrutar de sus hermanas

9 Dec 12:52 El Confidencial 2244370862380201906.html
Florida city issues summons for 7-year-old parking violation

A Florida city mailed a summons to a vehicle owner seeking payment for a parking violation that was seven years old.

9 Dec 15:23 Fox News 7362823821282859496.html
“The Witcher” Featurettes: Get to Know the Complex Characters in the Netflix Series [Video]

It has taken me several tries to get the hang of “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”, the popular video game based on the book series that’s been adapted into a Netflix series. It’s incredibly complex and features several rich characters that inherit extremely convoluted mythology. With that, Netflix’s “The Witcher” series is a hard sell […]

9 Dec 17:26 Bloody Disgusting 5613834127195572075.html
La revelación del Chapa Fuenzalida sobre el final del torneo: "En Colo Colo estaban siendo amenazados"

El capitán de la UC y ex valor del Cacique, se refirió al abrupto final del campeonato y reveló que el plantel de los albos fue amenazado.

9 Dec 13:51 Dale Albo 4082402098385176947.html
A fight over A&W seats? Two arrested over brawl outside Jewel Changi Airport outlet (Video)

Two men have been arrested over a brawl that broke out just outside the A&W fast food outlet at Jewel Changi Airport on Sunday. 

9 Dec 09:42 Coconuts 8871564983100357861.html
Keeper Hill among 22 on course for Caspian Caviar Gold Cup

Warren Greatrex feels the Caspian Caviar Gold Cup could be the right race for Keeper Hill after the recent Haydock winner was among 22 five-day confirmations for the valuable handicap chase at Cheltenham on Saturday.

9 Dec 14:20 Sporting Life 7709795076513432058.html
Rusia no podrá participar en los Juegos Olímpicos por escándalo de dopaje

Rusia no podrá participar durante cuatro años en los Juegos Olímpicos ni en campeonatos mundiales en una serie de deportes, después de que la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) sancionó al país por manipular datos de laboratorio, dijo un portavoz del órgano.

9 Dec 08:00 Panorama 6052790754169439914.html
Desmond Tutu’s Family Hopes To Have Him Back Home This Week

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu’s family is hoping he’ll be discharged from the hospital this week. The struggle icon was hospitalised at a Cape Town hospital last week for a recurring infection.

9 Dec 08:22 iAfrica 8834711023354300796.html
Dirty Thirty! Cathy Lugner zeigt uns ihren Knack-Po

Zum 30. Geburtstag schickt Cathy heiße Küchengrüße. Getreu der Devise: « Ist der Arsch in Form, ist das Alter egal. »

9 Dec 13:26 RTL.DE 7054729452926312796.html
Lazer Genesis, il casco più leggero di sempre

Con soli 189 grammi il modello Genesis è il Lazer più leggero che sia mai stato costruito, oltre ad essere uno dei caschi più leggeri dell’intero segmento.

9 Dec 15:56 4ActionSport 8533118562620130296.html
Stadt Köthen nimmt in Wallstraße neues Gerät in Betrieb

Die Stadt Köthen hat im Gebäude der Stadtverwaltung in der Wallstraße einen Kassenautomaten eingerichtet. Links in der ersten Etage des Aufgangs 3 findet sich das neue Gerät.

9 Dec 13:18 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109685392229.html
SOFI TUKKER's New "Purple Hat" Music Video Is A Glow-In-The-Dark Rager

Taking lyrics "dancing on the people" very literally

9 Dec 17:00 NYLON 2502378729635078372.html
Epic is accused of stealing ‘Dancing Pumpkin Man’ look for a Fortnite dance

The Pump It Up emote copies Matt Geiler’s dance.

9 Dec 15:34 The Verge 1337119303298780586.html
Durante 4 años no podrá participar de competencias internacionales: Rusia fue excluida de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio por doping

La sanción la impuso la Agencia Mundial Antidoping. Los atletas rusos tampoco podrán competir en los Juegos de Olímpicos de Invierno Pekín 2022.

9 Dec 11:58 PAGINA12 7077267066245508158.html
Lo que realmente busca Europa en el espacio: la Unión quiere tener un futuro en el espacio, pero las dificultades no son menores

"Todo esto está muy bien", dice una periodista finesa a los directores de los principales programas espaciales europeos y a los representantes de la Comisión...

9 Dec 15:30 Xataka 4719855496775953570.html
Großstörung bei der Bahn in Frankfurt: Problem behoben

Starke Nerven brauchen Reisende der Deutschen Bahn (DB) in Frankfurt. Seit Tagen kommt es zu massiven Einschränkungen im Nah- und Fernverkehr. Nun ist die Störung beendet. Es kommt allerdings weiterhin zu Verspätungen.

9 Dec 12:50 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323394845373.html
Niente Messi e Piqué per il Barcellona a San Siro

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Sarà un Barcellona2 quello che l’Inter affronterà domani a San Siro nell’ultima partita della fase a gironi della Champions. Niente trasferta per Lionel Messi, a cui Ernesto Valverde dà un turno di riposo vista anche la qualificazione agli ottavi già conquistata. Anche Gerard Piqué e Arthur fuori dalla lista, inoltre […]

9 Dec 15:45 Askanews 298649741171900770.html
COD Modern Warfare: un bug ha svelato la modalità Battle Royale? | Game Division

COD Modern Warfare includerà una modalità battle royale? Attualmente non abbiamo conferme ma un bug sembra aver svelato la mappa

9 Dec 15:32 Tom's Hardware 6640147069479567167.html
Les projets de méthanisation continuent de diviser en Auvergne

Les projets de méthanisation fleurissent un peu partout en Auvergne. Un procédé dans l’air du temps… qui inquiète les riverains qui ne rejettent pas le principe… mais pas près de chez eux. Une affaire de ce type empoisonne le village d’Authezat (Puy-de-Dôme).

9 Dec 08:00 La Montagne 1201252480027584114.html
Nueva Zelanda: Cinco muertos y varios desaparecidos en erupción de volcán

Unas 50 personas visitaban White Island cuando se produjo la explosión, que lanzó gran cantidad de ceniza y piedras. 23 personas fueron rescatadas, 5 murieron y 18 resultaron heridas.    

9 Dec 14:44 canalN.pe 1595273588194120977.html
Cofece descarta prácticas monopólicas por grupo IUSA; MCCI insiste sí hay irregularidades

El pleno de la Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica (Cofece) resolvió decretar el cierre de la investigación iniciada en 2017

9 Dec 13:10 El Heraldo de México 438112696926968100.html
Leggo sul Milan: "Felicità sulla via Emilia"

Per commentare la vittoria del Milan contro il Bologna, Leggo titola così questa mattina: "Felicità sulla via Emilia". Dopo il successo di Parma, i rossoneri hanno portato a casa i tre punti anche ieri dal Dall'Ara grazie ai gol di Piatek, Hernandez e Bonaventura. Ovviamente soddisfatto Stefano Pioli, anche se nel post-partita ha dichiarato che la sua squadra avrebbe dovuto chiudere prima il match.   

9 Dec 11:00 MilanNews.it 6507305921127650696.html
Buss og trailer skrenset IKKE i autovernet på Ørskogfjellet – her er sannheten

Politiet fikk melding om buss og trailer i skrens på Ørskogfjellet. Sannheten var en annen.

9 Dec 16:32 rbnett.no 7665098090170086912.html
Barranco: Los Mirlos celebran su documental con gran concierto

La emblemática agrupación festejará el inicio de rodaje de su película biográfica. La DJ Shushupe se une a la fiesta amazónica.

9 Dec 17:48 Publimetro Perú 5349571042626429323.html
China’s advanced type PCL191 multiple rocket system in strategic proximity to Taiwan – reports

A report in the latest issue of Modern Ships praises the Chinese multiple launch rocket system called the Type PCL191 as the most cutting-edge piece of weaponry capable of firing both rockets and ballistic missiles. The modular launcher appears to be based on the AR3 system intended for the export market. Unlike other weaponry on display in Beijing during China’s National Day military parade on 1 October, the Type PCL191, dubbed by CCTV as “a self-propelled rocket launcher with precision strike capability”, traveled up and down the streets of the capital loaded on the back of heavy-duty trucks almost anonymously, the report has it. It also gives an in-depth description of the system’s capacity saying it can carry eight 370 mm (14½ inch) rockets – each with a range of 350 km (220 miles) – or two 750 mm Fire Dragon 480 tactical ballistic missiles, capable of flying up to 500 km. According to PLA Daily, an MLRS brigade was stationed with the 72nd Group Army in Huzhou, in the province of Zhejiang on China’s eastern…

9 Dec 10:25 AMN 4125648318196855787.html
Prezzi folli voli aerei e treni a Natale: perché tornare al Sud è difficile

Continuano, anzi peggiorano, i rincari dei voli e treni per chi dal Nord torna al Sud durante le feste.

9 Dec 12:40 InvestireOggi 7231367742797163468.html
La SRE decidirá sobre embajador en Argentina: López Obrador

Dice que que Ricardo Valero será citado en la Cancillería 'y ahí va dar su versión, se le va a escuchar con mucho respeto'

9 Dec 15:17 El Informador 103545928463863631.html
USA: la Cour suprême laisse en vigueur une loi restrictive du Kentucky sur l'avortement

La Cour suprême des Etats-Unis a laissé en vigueur lundi une loi du Kentucky qui oblige les médecins à décrire à toute patiente désirant avorter des images d'échographie et à leur faire entendre le coeur du foetus.

9 Dec 16:14 Challenges 1086714996925514982.html
Opec production cuts compliance could push oil price to $70

The combination of strong production cut compliance from Opec and its allies and a US-China trade deal could push the price of Brent crude to $70 in 2020.

9 Dec 16:09 City A.M. 6389894491640949197.html
Ajax speelt voor premie van 9,5 miljoen euro

Ajax voetbalt niet alleen om prestige tegen Valencia. Als de club zich dinsdagavond plaatst voor de achtste finales, dan gaan de inkomsten van de deelname aan de koningsklasse van het Europese clubvoetbal richting de 70 miljoen euro.

9 Dec 16:02 RTLZ 8052859356107478577.html
BGD Univerzitet među 10 dobitnika OIS-AIR inovacionih vaučer

BEOGRAD - Biološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu jedan je od dobitnika 10 inovacionih vaučera u okviru "OIS-AIR Proof of Concept Poziva" (OIS-AIR PoC

9 Dec 12:39 Krstarica 4176903989873272688.html
Orlić: Zakon o unapređenju izbornog procesa sledeće nedelje pred poslanicima

Ove nedelje će biti usvojene predložene izmene i dopune četiri zakona koja će regulisati kvalitet izbornog procesa, kaže poslanik SNS Vladimir Orlić.

9 Dec 17:26 REPUBLIKA 2543998405393302445.html
De sinne skynt wer foar Piet Paulusma: hy wurdt waarman by Omroep MAX

Moandei wurde de hantekeningen set troch de waarman en direkteur Jan Slagter. Paulusma jout in wiidweidige reaksje.

9 Dec 15:48 Omrop Fryslân 8239175695454052560.html
Timnas Indonesia U-22 Kontra Vientam di Final SEA Games 2019, Tiket Ludes Terjual

Pantauan Bola.com di Stadion Rizal Memorial, Manila, Senin (9/12/2019), tiket pertandingan untuk final SEA Games 2019 yang mempertemukan Timnas Indonesia U-22 dan Vietnam sudah habis terjual.

9 Dec 13:30 Bola.com 1695722603958391642.html
Els caps d'antiavalots de la Policia Nacional l'1-O tenien ordres de no fer detencions i comunicar-se per telèfon

Els inspectors en cap de cada grup de la Policia Nacional que van actuar l'1-O a Barcelona van rebre criteris concrets de com actuar als diversos col·legis electorals de la ciutat, sobretot pel que...

9 Dec 14:45 RacoCatalà 3132953075738802044.html
Hasil Undian Indonesia di BWF World Tour Finals 2019

Sebanyak tujuh wakil Indonesia akan turun di BWF World Tour Finals 2019 di Guangzhou, China, 11-15 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 12:50 Bola.net 5489959028669200112.html
Aktion „Schneeflocke“ Bescherung für zahlreiche Kinder in Bersenbrück

Die Augen von 99 Kindern waren voller Spannung auf die Geschenkpakete gerichtet, die sich auf der Bühne der Aula in der von-Ravensberg-Schule stapelten. Zum achten Mal führten die DAK-Gesundheit Bersenbrück und die Bersenbrücker Tafel, unterstützt von der Kolpingsfamilie Bersenbrück, die Aktion „Schneeflocke“ durch.

9 Dec 16:30 www.noz.de 1790140123187533829.html
Arsenal face Chris Smalling transfer battle with £13m deal 'on table' for Man Utd defender

The Gunners have been linked with a move for the on loan centre-back but look set to face stiff competition for his signature

9 Dec 15:18 mirror 675785261234488833.html
‘Discussed weather’: Ajit Pawar on first meeting with Fadnavis after fallout

On Sunday, Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar shared the stage at the marriage ceremony of independent MLA Sanjay Shinde's daughter in Solapur district and were seen engaged in a 20-minute animated chat.

9 Dec 13:43 The Indian Express 2885715103925613460.html
"Ti sei sporcato i vestiti". Madre uccide il figlio di 5 anni a botte

Una madre assassina ha confessato di aver ucciso il figlio di 5 anni perché si sarebbe sporcato i vestiti. Il corpo del piccolo è stato gettato in una buca

9 Dec 15:28 ilGiornale.it 5019541225635702496.html
Ex Ilva, il governo conferma l’ipotesi dell’ingresso dello Stato

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – L’ingresso dello Stato nel capitale dell’ex-Ilva dovrebbe avvenire attraverso il ministero dell’economia. Lo ha affermato il ministro dello sviluppo economico Stefano Patuanelli, secondo cui “lo Stato deve essere anche garante dell’attuazione del piano industriale, per questo entra. Ma su questa ipotesi di come lo Stato decida di entrare sta lavorando […]

9 Dec 17:08 Askanews 298649739791599198.html
Quemad la 'Enciclopedia Álvarez': por fin un libro fundamental libera al Cid del mito

El historiador David Porrinas ha escrito una biografía espectacular: El Cid: historia y mito de un señor de la guerra, un descomunal trabajo, resultado de veinte años de investigaciones obsesivas

9 Dec 09:42 El Confidencial 6129807548731801941.html
Si: Kina se nada što skorijem sporazumu sa EU o investiranju

PEKING - Kineski predsednik Si Đinping poručio je novom predsedniku Evropskog saveta Šarlu Mišelu da se Peking nada što skorijem postizanju sporazuma o

9 Dec 11:48 Krstarica 4176903989979743026.html
El sorteo de la Libertadores, la primera presencia de Riquelme como dirigente de Boca

Román estará en Asunción el 17 de diciembre como representante xeneize ante la Conmebol, donde se diagramarán los grupos de la edición 2020.

9 Dec 14:11 TyC Sports 3239944749295528769.html
Beyoncé: "We hebben allemaal meer macht dan we ons realiseren"


9 Dec 16:34 FunX 667513810351544238.html
Virat Kohli Loses His Cool Over 'MS Dhoni' Crowd Chants As Rishabh Pant Drops Catch

Virat Kohli had something to say when the crowd reacted to a missed catch by wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant by chanting MS Dhoni’s name. Read to know what he said

9 Dec 11:07 Republic World 1282918857336379866.html
Consumo de alcohol es uno de los mayores detonantes de riñas en Cali

No es posible separar las riñas del consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. Es bajo ese criterio que la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito, Unodc, realizó su informe sobre estos hechos de violencia en Cali, presentado a las autoridades locales en el mes de septiembre pasado.El estudio no solo publica un mapa en el que revela las comunas más golpeadas por las riñas, basándose en datos de enero del 2017, cuando se reportaron 934 casos a la Línea 123 de la Policía Metropolitana, sino que amplía el espectro a las zonas en donde hay más presencia de establecimientos dedicados al expendio de alcohol. Estas son las comunas 2, 3, 8, 9 y 19, de las cuales, según el mapa (ver gráfico), la 3 y la 9 son las zonas en donde más registraron llamados por estos hechos de intolerancia.

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347928161172.html
Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa más acciones de protesta

Bogotá, -El Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa hoy más acciones de protesta, mientras las reuniones con el gobierno siguen sin lograr acuerdos.   Diógenes Orjuela, presidente de la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), organización que forma parte del Comité, precisó que este lunes habrá un plantón en el sitio de negociación del salario mínimo … Seguir leyendo Comité de Paro en Colombia impulsa más acciones de protesta →

9 Dec 13:31 La Demajagua 796151393771844244.html
Comment la pratique du pouvoir par nos dirigeants a affaibli la France

Si la France donne le sentiment de s'affaiblir, c'est d'abord parce que les différents chefs de gouvernement qui se sont succédés ont cherché à exploiter, à leur profit, les multiples lignes de fractures de la société française — lignes qu'ils avaient souvent, eux-mêmes, créées. Sous couvert du théorique « Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité », ils ont ainsi pris pour devise « diviser pour mieux régner ».

9 Dec 13:57 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230247625902889.html
Polizist (30) von hinten mit Messer angegriffen

Ein 23-Jähriger hat am Montagmorgen mit einem Messer auf den Polizisten eingestochen. Er konnte überwältigt werden.

9 Dec 12:30 Bild 8433249909018645591.html
Davies und James dominieren mit den Lakers die NBA

Das brillante Duo Anthony Davies (50 Punkte) und LeBron James (32) führt die Los Angeles Lakers zu einem 142:125-Sieg über die Minnesota Timberwolves.

9 Dec 09:50 bz BASEL 5287163743054545127.html
Na Baredih zasegli plinsko pištolo, imitacijo samokresa in plastično pištolo

V petek popoldne je bila policija obveščena, da je na Baredih nekaj počilo. Policisti so na kraju 59-letnemu domačinu zasegli plinsko pištolo, imitacijo samokresa in plastično pištolo. Zaradi kršitev javnega reda in miru so mu izdali plačilni nalog, za orožje pa sledi hitri postopek z izdajo odločbe.

9 Dec 12:59 Primorske novice 8884558924681915406.html
La Tunisie à la traine, Moez BELKHIRIA incite le gouvernement à promouvoir la technologie hybride

Véritable révolution. La voiture hybride incarne la solution idéale pour une transition en douceur vers la voiture propre. Ce type de véhicule possède

9 Dec 16:09 ilBoursa.com 4192852318437564677.html
BJP’s thumping win will bolster BSY’s position in party

The central leadership, after Maharashtra, is not keen to risk interfering too much with the Chief Minister’s decision-making process

9 Dec 16:44 The Hindu 6679535025603537972.html
Ataques aéreos de Israel desmantelan base iraní en la frontera entre Siria e Irak

El ataque aéreo de Israel fue el cuarto esta semana en una campaña para desmantelar el centro estratégico iraní de Al Quds.

9 Dec 12:38 Noticias de Israel 5887715888798801429.html
Sportitalia - Prima l'allenatore, poi il Napoli penserà a Ibra: con Gattuso legame fortissimo

Il Bologna s'è defilato, il Milan ci spera, ma la sensazione è che sia il Napoli il club più vicino a Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

9 Dec 15:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080990451547.html
Najlepša je Zozibini

Nova miss Universe prihaja iz Južne Afrike. V finalu v ameriški Atlanti so v nedeljo zvečer po krajevnem času s tem nazivom okronali 26-letno Zozibini Tunzi.

9 Dec 13:47 Primorske novice 8884558926131306046.html
Realizan el primer torneo de bofetadas en América Latina

El ganador de este torneo organizado en Perú se llevó más de 290 doláres.

9 Dec 16:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418941985205.html
Vil at staten skal ta over

Arbeiderpartiet har fått nok og ber staten overta opertøransvaret fra Babcock. - Det som skjer i nord, er avtalebrudd, sier Ingvild Kjerkhol til Dagbladet.

9 Dec 08:55 Dagbladet.no 3042595687703167922.html
Rebut 4 Emas SEA Games 2019, Bowling Indonesia Lampaui Target

Bowling Indonesia sukses menjadi gelar juara umum SEA Games 2019, usai pertandingan bowling berakhir di Starmall EDSA Mandaluyong, Filipina, Minggu (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 12:30 Bola.net 5489959028243481021.html
Billie Eilish-Doku bei Apple TV+: 25 Millionen US-Dollar für Exklusivrechte

Billie Eilish hat dieses Jahr einen Erfolg nach dem anderen. Nachdem die 17-jährige Musikerin kürzlich bei den Apple Music Awards bereits einige Preise erhielt, kann sie sich voraussichtlich bald über den nächsten Coup freuen. Apple möchte eine zweistellige Millionensumme für einen Dokufilm über ihren Aufstieg zahlen.

9 Dec 13:22 MacTechNews.de 1297039198431801424.html
Comenzó asignación del bono Navidades Felices

Ingrese a www.patria.org.ve para recibir el beneficio

10 Dec 16:41 Últimas Noticias 6811287210153695080.html
Säugling auf einer Wiese ausgesetzt!

Ein Paar hat in Stade (Niedersachsen) ein Baby gefunden und dem Mädchen so wohl das Leben gerettet! Die beiden hörten am Freitag das Geschrei.

9 Dec 17:04 Bild 8433249907906311615.html
Şapte companii aeriene din Republica Moldova, interzise în UE. Care sunt acestea

Șapte companii aeriene din Republica Moldova nu au fost autorizate să zboare în Uniunea Europeană. Comisia Europeană a publicat luni, 9 decembrie, o listă revizuită a companiilor care nu îndeplinesc standardele internaționale de siguranță, informează un c

9 Dec 13:13 PUBLIKA 1679939814659465672.html
Un golpe letal a los negocios de HP, Dell y Microsoft

Beijing ordenó que el conjunto de sus oficinas y empresas públicas reemplacen todas sus computadoras y software de origen extranjero.

9 Dec 16:20 Merca2.0 990348492972411002.html
Cometa interestelar Borisov se aproxima do Sol e é visto da Terra

Esse é apenas o segundo do seu tipo a ser visto na nossa vizinhança cósmica

9 Dec 13:19 Olhar Digital 416591715646221272.html
PewDiePie Weighs in on Racism Scandal Over Blogger Ethan Klein Calling K-Pop Idols ‘Little Gay Fetish’

Ethan Klein, who has over two million subscribers on his YouTube channel H3 Podcast, has caused a storm on social media with his take on the K-pop phenomenon and its brightest stars, the boy band BTS. As a “cancel” campaign against him trends Twitter, his colleague from Sweden, who has a history of dealing with racism scandals, has not stayed out.

9 Dec 17:42 Sputniknews 967333868210285191.html
Østberg konkurrerer ikke i Davos

Ingvild Flugstad Østberg er ikke med i uttaket til verdenscupen i Davos.

9 Dec 11:44 TV 2 8210067770627953148.html
Vulkan na Novom Zelandu ne miruje, strahuju da nema više preživjelih

VELINGTON - Policija Novog Zelanda saopštila je da strahuje da nema više preživjelih poslije erupcije vulkana na ostrvu, u kojoj je najmanje pet osoba poginulo, a 20 povrijeđeno.

9 Dec 12:07 Nezavisne novine 4209150641192425412.html
Davis scores 50 to propel Lakers over Timberwolves, Heat find a Herro

Davis unleashed his aggression to notch the fourth 50-point game of his career and his first with the Lakers.

9 Dec 14:21 Saudi Gazette 6913978435797438894.html
2020 Golden Globes: Biggest Movie Snubs and Surprises Including 'Little Women,' Robert De Niro and More


9 Dec 15:42 Entertainment Tonight 7101181082148388968.html
Simon Sadler: Blackpool FC Community Trust's £400,000 new facility will strengthen links with the town

Simon Sadler says Blackpool FC Community Trust's new &#163;400,000 facility at Bloomfield Road is a 'great symbol' of the strengthening links between the town and the club.

9 Dec 10:25 The Gazette 1828400564245263905.html
Corea del Norte califica a Trump como un “anciano desconsiderado y astuto”

El lunes, Corea del Norte insultó de nuevo al presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, llamándolo “un anciano desconsiderado y astuto”.

9 Dec 11:23 Noticias de Israel 5887715890541774699.html
Salcido zocht heil bij McDonald's: 'PSV heeft me op de vloer van de wc gevonden'

Een bijzondere onthulling van Carlos Salcido: in zijn eerste maanden bij PSV at de Mexicaanse verdediger vooral bij de McDonald's. Dat vertelt hij in een interview met VICE Sports. PSV nam Salcido na het WK van 2006 over van Chivas Guadalajara. De eerste maanden in Eindhoven verliepen op z'n zachtst gezegd moeizaam. "Ik had moeite met de taal, met het slechte weer en wist gewoon niet wat ik moest eten want ik verstond niemand!", vertelt hij jaren na dato aan VICE Sports.

9 Dec 13:24 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884277394557.html
Salcido zocht heil bij McDonald's: 'PSV heeft me op de vloer van de wc gevonden'

Een bijzondere onthulling van Carlos Salcido: in zijn eerste maanden bij PSV at de Mexicaanse verdediger vooral bij de McDonald's. Dat vertelt hij in een interview met VICE Sports.

9 Dec 15:00 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215651109941.html
GE Stock is a Buy as CEO Larry Culp Addresses the Mess He Inherited

GE stock holders may have been disappointed with the decision to keep the dividend at a penny. But the new CEO is running a marathon, not a sprint.

9 Dec 10:01 InvestorPlace 24614510248728557.html
Realiza Partido Verde afiliación masiva en Álvaro Obregón

Jesús Sesma, líder del Partido Verde en la CDMX, acudió a la Unidad Habitacional La Pera Xochinahuac, donde se reunió con más de 4 mil personas que se afiliaron

9 Dec 09:01 Excélsior 859179359704204592.html
Wilhelmsburg Ulm: Winter auf der Burg: Wintermarkt startet am 12. Dezember

Vom 12. bis zum 15. Dezember verwandelt sich der Innenhof der Ulmer Wilhelmsburg in einen Wintermarkt.

9 Dec 09:32 swp.de 6929179439996365937.html
Man United exposed Man City's flaws. Can Guardiola fix them? Plus: Juve finally fall in Serie A

Man United deserved their derby win but there's no need for City and Guardiola to panic yet. PLUS: What Juve's defeat tells us about Serie A.

9 Dec 17:22 ESPN 8538773401261162536.html
La versión de Minecraft en PS4 por fin tendrá juego cruzado con el resto de plataformas

En Sony han anunciado la medida que entrará en juego mañana mismo, día 10 de diciembre. Ha costado mucho tiempo, demasiado, pero por fin los aficionados de Minecraft en su versión para PlayStation 4 podrán disfrutar...

9 Dec 16:50 3DJuegos 3383023119080353833.html
Los mandos imputados por el 1-O admiten que el día antes visitaron las escuelas donde actuaron

Cuatro de los inspectores jefe de la Policía Nacional investigados declaran que la víspera de la votación eligieron en qué centros...

9 Dec 17:03 La Vanguardia 8061072699257631447.html
Celebrate the Raspberry Pi’s 8th birthday at a Raspberry Jam

Next year is the Raspberry Pi computer's 8th birthday: celebrate at a community-led Raspberry Jam near you, and register your Birthday Jam so we can send you swag!

9 Dec 11:59 Raspberry Pi 2514347657012665275.html
Harry Dunn’s family expected to go back to US this week

Spokesman Radd Seiger said the 19-year-old’s parents were going through ‘untold mental anguish’.

9 Dec 13:42 Express & Star 7324224459614003483.html
China’s Cutting-Edge PCL191 Multiple Launch Rocket System in Strategic Proximity to Taiwan – Reports

The new PCL191 system is understood to be capable of destroying multiple strategic targets such as airports, command points, and supply bases. One of the locations it is reportedly stationed at now is Xiamen in Fujian Province, just a stone’s throw away from Taiwan.

9 Dec 08:59 Sputniknews 967333868276640432.html
Stürmisch mit Schnee auf den Bergen

Die Tiefdruckgebiete geben sich die Klinke in die Hand. Wiederholt mit Schauern, Wind und einstelligen Temperaturen. Kurzum: das Erkältungswetter hält Einzug.

9 Dec 11:01 wetter.de 1060100767680737016.html
‘De Perfecte Collectie’: grootste privéverzameling van whisky ter wereld gaat onder de hamer

De grootste private verzameling van whisky, die bestaat uit meer dan 3.900 flessen, wordt volgend jaar geveild in de Schotse stad Perth. De veiling zou mogelijk 8 miljoen pond (9,5 miljoen euro) ku...

9 Dec 13:19 HLN 8967494997943674106.html
"Non ci sono più segni di vita su Whakaari": l'annuncio dopo l'eruzione del vulcano dell'isola

Lo riferisce la polizia neozelandese, aggiungendo che le persone che potevano essere recuperate ancora in vita sono già state tratte in salvo

9 Dec 11:52 L'HuffPost 5315551423558295579.html
Beyoncé's Rep Denies Rumors Of A Las Vegas Residency

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter is not headed to the Vegas Strip for a 2020 residency.

9 Dec 12:55 AllHipHop 727666872222894479.html
Complete Google Cloud Mastery Bundle Is Available For A Massive Discount Offer For A Few Days – Avail Now

The Complete Google Cloud Mastery Bundle will help you start a lucrative career in one of today's most popular platforms. Avail offer now!

9 Dec 16:15 Wccftech 3677959678793383184.html
Incendio en el Procrear: un policía, un adulto y dos nenes hospitalizados

Un hombre había puesto a secar ropa en el calefactor y se desencadenó el siniestro. Sufrió quemaduras en su pierna y dos menores, al igual que un policía, inhalaron monóxido de carbono.

9 Dec 12:29 TiempoSur 8512931318338097746.html
US Agriculture Sec. Perdue: Do not believe tariffs will be implemented on December 15th

United States Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue crossed the wires in the last minutes saying that he does not believe the tariff hike will go into ef

9 Dec 14:21 FXStreet 4480975640146215221.html
La Finlande élit la plus jeune cheffe de gouvernement de son histoire

Les sociaux-démocrates finlandais ont élu dimanche le plus jeune Premier ministre de l'histoire de leur pays, Sanna Marin, une ex-ministre des Transports de 34 ans.Sanna Marin a remporté l'élection …

9 Dec 10:26 Libération.fr 4160113239833759524.html
Deutsche Bahn: Sprach-Revolution an allen Bahnhöfen - Veränderung betrifft unzählige Passagiere 

Das Bahnfahren wird sich in der Zukunft für alle Passagiere wieder angenehmer anfühlen. Die Deutsche Bahn plant eine bahnbrechende Veränderung an allen Bahnhöfen. 

9 Dec 15:09 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239251779146.html
Zobacz nowy gameplay trailer gry Galaxy in Turmoil

Fanowski remake Star Wars: Battlefront III nie odcina się od korzeni, ale powoli kształtuje własną samoświadomość.

9 Dec 16:25 Gram.pl 2394057653872551040.html
I need to calm down - 'Passionate' Luka Doncic holds his hands up after clash with officials

The best and worst of Luka Doncic was on show on Sunday, as he broke a Michael Jordan record but later fumed at officials.

9 Dec 11:56 sportskeeda 1601194028963412991.html
La figura de Riquelme fue clave para el triunfo de la oposición en Boca

Con más del 80 por ciento de las mesas escrutadas, Ameal sumaba un 53,5%, Gribaudo un 30,6% y Beraldi el 15,9%.

9 Dec 11:25 El Ancasti 5864462411897291335.html
Tre trailere står fast

Tre trailere står bom fast i Orkdal. Ett felt er åpnet for trafikk.

9 Dec 11:10 adressa.no 8417332406751230390.html
Tunberg: Posvetiti više pažnje deci koja su pogođena klimatskim promenama

Švedska tinejdžerska aktivistkinja Greta Tunberg pozvala je svetske lidere da se manje fokusiraju na njenu priču i...

9 Dec 14:40 N1 Srbija 7797130865943151578.html
Free Guy stars Ryan Reynolds as a sentient NPC

Free Guy is a film in which Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) will star as a sentient NPC in a long-running open world multiplayer game.

9 Dec 15:11 Stevivor 6108783659335638829.html
Los 'comuns' urgen a ERC a facilitar la investidura de Pedro Sánchez antes de Navidad

Joan Mena exhorta a ERC a "dejar de jugar al póquer" con Quim Torra y JxCat y a cambiar de socios para lograr alianzas entre los grupos de izquierda

9 Dec 12:17 eldiario.es 4752673445913125038.html
Vendas do Magic Leap decepcionam e novo modelo pode estar há anos de distância

Empresa estaria trabalhando em 5G e opções de cores para nova geração, mas sem previsão de lançamento

9 Dec 13:15 Mundo Conectado 6456876366146935901.html
Når selv politiet lider av mental solformørkelse

Royal Saudi Air Force 2nd Lieutenant Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani 

9 Dec 09:52 Document 5102836954024629820.html
Minecraft on PS4 is finally getting cross-platform play

Brings together players on Nintendo Switch, Windows, Xbox One, iOS, Android, and Gear VR

9 Dec 15:23 Polygon 3721530541689299472.html
I due cuccioli di panda gemelli dello zoo di Berlino hanno finalmente dei nomi

E' stato finalmente deciso il nome dei due cuccioli di panda gemelli nati lo scorso 31 agosto allo zoo di Berlino, in Germania. Ecco come si chiamano.

9 Dec 17:02 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927972263032.html
Los Lakers recuperan la mejor marca de la temporada

El equipo de Los Ángeles derrotó anoche 142-125 a los Timberwolves de Minnesota

9 Dec 10:39 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310135468920.html
Ranji Trophy: Rex Singh's 8-Wicket Haul Puts Manipur In Control Over Mizoram

Manipur finished the day with a lead of 190 runs as Mizoram were bowled out for just 65.

9 Dec 15:07 NDTVSports.com 2127367045143455791.html
Sanna Marin, il premier finlandese più giovane del mondo

A 34 anni Sanna Marin è primo ministro della Finlandia felix, il Paese delle donne

9 Dec 15:59 Panorama 2295580206521543879.html
Minecraft Bedrock Edition chega ao PS4 amanhã com cross-play entre plataformas

Nova versão será lançada oficialmente nesta terça-feira (10) e já inclui a atualização Buzzy Bees (1.14)

9 Dec 14:15 The Enemy 7430632308674139986.html
Projektorius vietoje televizoriaus: kam ir ar verta?


9 Dec 12:25 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586076530999.html
Procesan a dos empresarios sanjuaninos por estafa: uno quedará preso y el otro, libre

La resolución fue del juez Martín Heredia Zaldo, quien consideró que los imputados perpetraron un fraude por más de 5 millones de pesos.

9 Dec 15:55 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131159285235573.html
Pesquisa mostra que estudantes com bolsa de estudo se esforçam mais

Confira como conseguir bolsas de estudo em instituições brasileiras.

9 Dec 13:01 R10 3167340812992567549.html
Cissi Wallin funnet skyldig i å ha ærekrenket Fredrik Virtanen

Wallin dømmes av Stockholms tingrett for å ha ærekrenket Virtanen etter voldtekstanklager på Instagram.

9 Dec 13:01 TV 2 8210067768799343419.html
AEDC: We cannot avoid VAT from meter cost - The Nation Newspaper

Following the complaint about the surreptitious manner in which the Abuja Electricity Company (AEDC) has raised the cost of meters, the power firm's ...

9 Dec 08:18 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900767935397.html
Conte a Sky: "Pressione giusta, vogliamo andare avanti. I fischi? Ciò che ho detto per il bene dell'Inter"

Dopo la classica conferenza stampa della vigilia, Antonio Conte si sofferma ai microfoni di SkySport per un'ulteriore analisi della sfida di domani sera contro il Barcellona: "Giusto che ci...

9 Dec 14:57 FcInterNews.it 7848284893715245002.html
Bunilo mu je uža specijalnost! Haradinaj optužio Srbiju za ubistvo brata: To nisu bili Albanci

Pedsednik Alijanse za budućnost Kosova (ABK), Ramuš Haradinaj tvrdi da je njegov brat Enver tokom sukoba na Kosovu i Metohiji ubijen po scenariju koji je pripremila Srbija.

9 Dec 14:16 REPUBLIKA 2543998406587891507.html
Sterlin seçim anketlerinden destek buldu

Sterlin, İngiltere'de bu hafta gerçekleştirilecek seçime ilişkin yapılan son anketlerin Muhafazakar Parti'nin çoğunlu alacağını işaret etmesinden destek buldu

9 Dec 09:12 BloombergHT 8073513571187579069.html
Video: Hohe Schulden, Führungskrise - SPÖ-Gremien beschäftigen sich mit sich

Die SPÖ hat für Montag ihre Gremien zusammengetrommelt, um die schwierige Lage der Partei zu beraten. Nachdem die Parteiführung angekündigt hat, mehr als 20 Mitarbeiter zur Kündigung anzumelden, wird nun Präsidium und Vorstand ein Sparbudget vorgelegt, das der finanziell angeschlagenen Partei kommendes Jahr einen ausgeglichen Haushalt ermöglichen soll. Ende 2025 soll die SPÖ schuldenfrei sein.

9 Dec 08:42 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084792670266.html
Ballesteros: "Tebas ha hecho mucho daño a mucha gente"

Sergio Ballesteros ha sido el primer jugador de los involucrados en el caso del presunto amaño del Levante - Zaragoza que ha roto su silencio. Tras leerse la sentencia y a las puertas del juzgado, el ex capitán del Levante, ha mostrado su opinión sobre un proceso extenso que ha tenido consecuencias laborales y personales para él.

9 Dec 13:09 MARCA 5656811533443630729.html
Fiumicino: si scontrano scooter e auto, centauro finisce al Grassi di Ostia

Incidente stamani a Fiumicino dove un’auto ed uno scooter si sono scontrati lungo Viale di Traiano. Il sinistro è avvenuto poco dopo le 7.00 di oggi, lunedì 9 dicembre 2019. Nello scontro, in una dinamica ancora da chiarire, il centauro è rimasto ferito ed è stato trasportato in ospedale. Sul posto è intervenuta la Polizia […]

9 Dec 10:52 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338168330175.html
El refuerzo urgente que quiere Osorio en su 'nuevo' Atlético Nacional

El cuadro antioqueño busca fortalecer su nómina para pelear el título del próximo año.

9 Dec 15:08 Antena 2 310632179462010409.html
Russia banned from Tokyo Olympics and 2022 World Cup

Euro 2020 participation remains unaffected.

9 Dec 12:42 Sports Mole 7750663361865565056.html
Zurückhaltung üben die Anleger auch an der Wall Street

An der Wall Street zeichnet sich zum Wochenbeginn angesichts altbekannter Spannungen in der Wirtschaftspolitik ein eher verhaltener Start ab.

9 Dec 14:59 cash 8314500325561446599.html
Borrell urges EU to be foreign policy ‘player, not the playground’

In letter to ministers, new chief diplomat sets out his plans.

9 Dec 14:41 POLITICO 2584151345565644945.html
Weiße Weihnachten in Eisenstadt: Chance nur bei 17 Prozent

Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Schnee am 24.12. hat sich seit den 1980er-Jahren halbiert. Noch keine seriösen Prognosen für heuer möglich.

9 Dec 13:19 Kurier 208072237611797045.html
Pensioni, cosa succede dopo Quota 100

"Aver deciso di non toccare Quota 100 non ha risolto il problema di nuovi interventi sulle pensioni, che certamente entreranno nell'agenda politica. La strada migliore sarebbe progettare subito un ammorbidimento dello scalone che arriverà tra il 2021 e il 2022" dice il presidente del'Inapp. C'è l'ipotesi di una legge delega

9 Dec 11:22 Today 178378750625923858.html
Non basta Tall, l’Empoli ribalta i ragazzi di De Rossi

I giallorossi collezionano la seconda sconfitta nelle ultime tre partite e frenano in classifica rimanendo al quinto posto con 19 punti

9 Dec 08:52 Forzaroma.info 1065617486610046649.html
Three youth go on a robbing spree, arrested within 24 hours

They strike at six persons within eight hours

9 Dec 14:25 The Hindu 6679535025398144969.html
Botsing Grinzerstrjitwei soarget foar soad ferkearsoerlêst

Fjouwer auto's wienen by it ûngelok belutsen. Dat soarge foar in soad opûnthâld.

9 Dec 08:44 Omrop Fryslân 8239175696025879607.html
All eyes on Lagarde’s ECB debut this week

Christine Lagarde delivers her first monetary policy announcements as ECB president on Thursday, with observers set to scrutinize every word for hints of the bank's future direction at a time of stuttering eurozone growth.

9 Dec 16:24 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351513268443083.html
College Basketball Week 6 AP Poll Top 25 Released

College basketball's Week 6 AP Poll top 25 has been released following the full week of games, including the ACC-Big Ten Challenge.

9 Dec 17:13 The Spun 9122471848507678436.html
ERC pospone a después de Navidad un eventual acuerdo para investir a Pedro Sánchez

La portavoz y secretaria general adjunta de ERC, Marta Vilalta, ha descartado este lunes en rueda de prensa que puedan llegar a un acuerdo con el PSOE para la investidura de Pedro Sánchez antes de Navidad y ve más probable que, si hay acuerdo, se sustancie en enero: ''Vemos muy lejos que pueda ser antes de Navidad y antes de Fin de Año, básicamente por los días que quedan y porque hay cuestiones que tienen que pasar y que influyen. Nosotros no tenemos prisa''.

9 Dec 12:56 elEconomista.es 9051559958975449161.html
Poslanici NS RS o Prijedlogu Budžeta i ekonomskim reformama 16. decembra

BANJALUKA - Osma Posebna sjednica Narodne skupštine Republike Srpske biće održana u ponedjeljak, 16. decembra sa početkom u 12 sati, odlučio je danas Kolegijum parlamenta Srpske.

9 Dec 14:18 Nezavisne novine 4209150641391070233.html
¿Spotify llegará a Nintendo Switch? Esto es lo que sabemos

¿Nintendo Switch tendrá Spotify? Finalmente tenemos respuesta sobre la plataforma de streaming musical.

9 Dec 16:44 unocero 8149134708464495151.html
Klopp says he never doubted Keita’s quality

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says he has never doubted the quality of midfielder Naby Keita despite the Guinea international's limited impact since his arrival at Anfield last year.

9 Dec 10:47 The Guardian 7580308505597039671.html
Virgin Galactic leaps after Morgan Stanley says the company's stock can jump 203% over the next year

Virgin Galactic stock surged as much as 21% on Monday after Morgan Stanley initiated coverage on the company with a buy-equivalent rating The fi...

9 Dec 14:39 Business Insider 3364799147824356191.html
Qual è il regalo perfetto per Natale? Cosa vorrebbero gli italiani sotto l’albero

Natale 2019 qual è il regalo perfetto per gli italiani: un coupon e se chiedete qual è il significato di questa festività la risposta è la famiglia.

9 Dec 11:28 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926526941491.html
Une fiction pour concilier vie privée et vie professionnelle

OPINION. Nous sommes en 2030. La loi «Nous Aussi!» oblige les entreprises organisant des événements qui se terminent après 17h30 en semaine, à offrir des ateliers pour les enfants des adultes y participant. Une fiction qui pointe du doigt l’inadéquation l’exigence de flexibilité et la rigidité de l’organisation des employeurs

9 Dec 13:21 Le Temps 2634224217989795380.html
Secretária municipal ressalta importância de centro de convenções para Campina

Secretária municipal ressalta importância de centro de convenções para Campina

9 Dec 09:40 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905847293654.html
Amazon: Ofertas y descuentos de hoy lunes 9 de diciembre

El camión villano de SuperZings, 50 rollos de cinta adhesiva decorativa Buluri o el iRobot Roomba 671 a precios de escándalo durante 24...

9 Dec 10:28 La Vanguardia 8061072699653159768.html
Judi Dench: Im Dienst Ihrer Majestät

Seit den 1960er Jahren steht Dame Judi Dench vor der Kamera und auf der Bühne. Ob im Theater, im Fernsehen oder im Kino, die Britin hat für viele ihrer Performances schon Preise eingestrichen. Am 9.

9 Dec 14:37 GMX News 4492287763557732936.html
Veículo com dois homens é atingido por vários disparos na Serra; ocupantes foram internados

De acordo com testemunhas, o crime aconteceu por volta do meio dia desta segunda-feira

9 Dec 17:23 Folha Vitória 4941883427129300973.html
Gallese y su esposa confirmarían reconciliación tras volver a seguirse en redes

Pedro Gallese y Claudia Díaz sorprenden desde su cuenta de Instagram, al volver a seguirse tras infidelidad del portero de Alianza Lima.

9 Dec 12:30 Wapa.pe 6757287088950256924.html
Former India opener Wasim Jaffer becomes first player to make 150 Ranji Trophy appearances

The former India opener is also less than 1000 runs away from completing 20,000 runs in first class cricket.

9 Dec 15:19 Scroll.in 8669301692758821257.html
Lukt het bij onze noorderburen wel? Josje neemt deel aan Nederlandse versie van ‘De Slimste Mens ter Wereld’

Josje Huisman gaat haar algemene kennis nogmaals testen op televisie. De voormalig K3-zangeres is een van de deelnemers aan het vijftiende seizoen van ‘De Slimste Mens’, de Nederlandse versie van o...

9 Dec 09:38 HLN 8967494997104409329.html
Gli studenti dell’”IIS Baruffi” Ceva-Ormea presentano i cortometraggi realizzati per il progetto “Le Voci della Bellezza”

Appuntamento venerdì 13 dicembre

9 Dec 11:12 Targatocn.it 7367208848067344958.html
El fichaje del mercado: Millonarios, interesado en un ídolo de Nacional

De cara al próximo año, el conjunto 'embajador' espera reforzar cada posición de su nómina.

9 Dec 12:50 Antena 2 310632179026997243.html
Migrationsverket vann tvisten – Ocean Galas ägare skyldiga staten miljoner

Ocean Galas ägare Floating Accommodations krav på Migrationsverket ogillades av Norrköpings tingsrätt. Nu ska ägaren betala rättegångskostnaderna.

9 Dec 10:11 SVT Nyheter 8475792988887157900.html
(FOTO) "Zadovoljstvo je što je Beograd dobio domaćinstvo" - Predsednik Vučić ugostio generalnog sekretara FIBA!

Generalni sekretar FIBA Andreas Zagklis posetio je danas u pratnji predsednika Košarkaškog saveza Srbije Predraga Danilovića Predsedništvo Republike Srbije, gde ih je u svom kabinetu dočekao predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić. Zvaničnoj poseti prisustvovali su i sportski direktor FIBA Zoran Radović i generalni sekretar KSS Zlatko Bolić.

9 Dec 15:38 REPUBLIKA 2543998405786967143.html
Jury Rules You Can Call Elon Musk A Pedo Guy

It took a federal jury in Los Angeles less than an hour to throw out a $US190 ($278) million defamation case against Elon Musk. Calling someone a “pedo guy” to an audience of millions of Twitter followers isn’t an accusation, the jury decided, because words are tricky little devils that can mean a lot of things...

9 Dec 08:34 Gizmodo AU 3183561246129603654.html
Lufthansa vende parte de su filial de cáterin a la suiza Gategroup

Lufthansa informó hoy de que Gategroup entra en una colaboración a largo plazo en cáterin con el grupo alemán en los aeropuertos de Fráncfort,...

9 Dec 12:50 Expansión 4197779424911964927.html
Marian Banaś nie przyjdzie na posiedzenie senackiej komisji

Prezes Najwyższej Izby Kontroli Maria Banaś nie przyjdzie na wtorkowe posiedzenie senackiej komisji Samorządu Terytorialnego i Administracji Państwowej – dowiedzieli się reporterzy RMF FM Krzysztof Zasada i Krzysztof Berenda. Opozycyjni senatorowie chcieli go zapytać o niejasności związane z jego majątkiem.

9 Dec 12:29 RMF24 3758900157144835002.html
Google integra nuevos servicios de gestión de listas y notas en su Asistente

Google facilita la organización de las tareas por hacer con la integración de servicios como Google Keep, Any.do, AnyList o Bring! en su Asistente, lo que...

9 Dec 10:46 Europa Press 4702666149327935721.html
Develan tarja en vivienda de José Ramón Leocadio Bonachea

Durante la ceremonia de hoy Jeidy Águila Zamora, historiadora de la ciudad, recordó los principales hechos en los que paticipó Ramón Leocadio.

9 Dec 15:54 Vanguardia 5132246904160444076.html
Directorul Cancelariei prefectului de Suceava este Diana Mihaela Gășpărel. Prefectul Alexandru Moldovan: Am semnat ordinul de numire

Prefectul de Suceava, Alexandru Moldovan, a declarat pentru News Bucovina că a semnat luni seara ordinul de numire a Dianei Mihaela Gășpărel în funcția de director al Cancelariei Instituției Prefectului. „Am semnat ordinul de numire”, a declarat prefectul. El a spus că Diana Gășpărel are o experiență importantă în administrație. Prefectul a menționat că noul …

9 Dec 16:44 NewsBucovina 8694244033090511588.html
Wirbelsäulen-OP: Hinrunden-Aus für Latza

Nach einer Operation an der Wirbelsäule wird Kapitän Danny Latza dem Bundesligisten FSV Mainz 05 erst im kommenden Jahr wieder zur Verfügung stehen.

9 Dec 15:37 weltfussball.at 3521376372660377118.html
NHL 20 adds Snoop Dogg as player, commentator

NHL 20 has added Snoop Dogg to the game as both a player and commentator, EA has recently confirmed. Find out more inside.

9 Dec 08:41 Stevivor 6108783658376269523.html
Trasladan al hospital de Toledo a tres afectados por inhalación de humo en Seseña

El incendio se ha producido en una vivienda de la calle Dalias tras quemarse un colchón

9 Dec 10:44 ABC.es 6074573461937989572.html
2020 election crucial for US to catch up on climate action

A significant expansion of state, city, and business climate action could reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by up to 37 percent by 2030 over 2005 levels even without federal support, according to projections published Monday. The figures were compiled by America's Pledge, a group founded in 2017

9 Dec 15:21 Yahoo 7097669638101164388.html
Terremoto Firenze, l’esperto Ingv: “Aspettiamo altre scosse, stesso motore del sisma in Albania”

Romano Camassi, ricercatore dell'Ingv della sezione di Bologna, ha spiegato cosa sta succedendo nella zona del Mugello, dove questa notte si è registrato un sisma di magnitudo 4.5 che ha provocato danni e paura tra la popolazione: 'Sequenza che, per le sue caratteristiche, può continuare per giorni se non settimane e portarsi dietro altre decine o centinaia di terremoti. Il motore è lo stesso del sisma che si è avuto in Albania lo scorso 26 novembre'.

9 Dec 11:32 fanpage.it 1517332168637255744.html
El adiós de Macri, el primer presidente no peronista que completa su mandato

Mauricio Macri encabezó este lunes su última reunión de Gabinete después de varios días de muchos "últimos" eventos

9 Dec 16:30 EL DEBATE 4396150893936562544.html
Najlepša baka?! Majka Marine Gagić je prava bomba: Pogledajte kako izgleda! FOTO

Darko Lazić i njegova verenica Marina Gagić dobili su sina Alekseja u junu ove godine.

9 Dec 12:05 pulsonline 6050941186995245409.html
Hasil Bulu Tangkis SEA Games 2019 - Ruselli Sumbang Medali Perak

Ruselli Hartawan meraih medali perak setelah dikalahkan wakil Malaysia, Selvaduray Kisona, pada laga final tunggal putri SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 13:29 BolaSport.com 4603768435760308818.html
Data dan Fakta Liga Champions: Red Bull Salzburg vs Liverpool

Juara bertahan Liverpool akan bertandang ke markas Red Bull Salzburg pada matchday pemungkas Grup E Liga Champions 2019/20, Rabu (11/12/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Stadion Salzburg ini

9 Dec 16:02 Bola.net 5489959027666935298.html
‘This is a tragedy’: Russia anti-doping chief says no chance of winning appeal against four-year ban

Yury Ganus said that some Russian athletes were contemplating leaving Russia so that they could train elsewhere.

9 Dec 12:53 Scroll.in 8669301693635836132.html
Bartomeu: "Messi in panchina? Abbiamo Real Sociedad e Clasico. Lautaro non è l'unico ad avermi impressionato"

La Repubblica ha intervistato Josep Maria Bartomeu, presidente del Barcellona, alla vigilia della sfida contro l'Inter. Primo argomento della chiacchierata: Lionel Messi, che potrebbe finire...

9 Dec 09:30 FcInterNews.it 7848284893064652250.html
Russland-Ausschluss: So erklärt die WADA die Sperre - Bei Einspruch könnte Strafe bis Olympia 2024 drohen

Das Exekutivkomitee der WADA hat die vierjährige Sperre gegen Russland wegen Manipulation von Doping-Daten mit deutlichen Worten begründet. Auf der Pressekonferenz bezeichnete der WADA-Boss das Vorgehen Russlands als "betrügerisch".

9 Dec 16:39 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985777097543242.html
Myindep, un site de mise en relation pour freelances chevronnés

La plateforme de mise en relation Myindep propose aux entreprises ayant des projets de e-transformation d'avoir accès à des profils de consultants indépendants issus de grands cabinets de conseil et/ou avec des expériences significatives. Ses domaines d'activité sont l'IT et le digital, l'assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage (AMOA) ainsi que le management et l'organisation.

9 Dec 13:25 LeMonde Informatique 4533430147172922392.html
Sonia Gandhi turns 73, wishes pour in

Ms. Gandhi, however, is not celebrating her birthday in the wake of rape incidents in various parts of the country and concerns over women’s security.

9 Dec 09:57 The Hindu 6679535026202945763.html
ITV sets record straight on I'm A Celebrity... final viewing figures

Reports claimed it was 2.5million down on last year

9 Dec 14:17 Entertainment Daily 8392972516903344295.html
Dmitri Medvedev, despre decizia WADA de excludere a Rusiei: "Continuarea unei isterii antiruseşti"

Excluderea Rusiei pentru o perioadă de patru ani de la Jocurile Olimpice de către Agenţia Mondială Antidoping (AMA/WADA) arată o "isterie antirusească", a estimat luni premierul Dmitri

9 Dec 16:02 HotNews 6579911479997400314.html
Iohannis a promulgat Legea prin care pădurarii vor putea fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu letal

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat, luni, Legea care prevede că pădurarii cu atribuţii de pază vor putea fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu, letal sau neletal.

9 Dec 16:26 Mediafax.ro 1869610969676743625.html
Bison Trails Founder on Libra Membership & $25.5M Funding Round

Joe Lallouz speaks on the future of blockchain infrastructure and the company that he founded, Bison Trails.

9 Dec 10:47 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138265847655629.html
Chemistry: The ‘why’ and ‘what’ of academic drug discovery research at the University of Strathclyde

Prof Colin J Suckling details the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of academic drug discovery research at the University of Strathclyde, as well as his thoughts on the value of a chemistry degree

9 Dec 12:19 Open Access Government 7441385494403902004.html
4-year-old twins free selves, climb to safety after dad dies in car crash

Authorities say the girls' father was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. The accident is under investigation.

9 Dec 10:46 Hawaii News Now 8225790205384402270.html
Body & Soul pulls out of Electric Picnic after 16 years

If you've been to Electric Picnic, you'll know that the Body and Soul area the focus point of the festival for many people.

9 Dec 11:20 Buzz.ie 7092425147170516326.html
No sign of life on New Zealand volcano island – Police

Reconnaissance flights over New Zealand's White Island volcano have not identified any survivors there after Monday's eruption, police said.

9 Dec 17:22 Vanguard News 4125100339519543066.html
Mes, Meloni: “Resa incondizionata agli interessi delle banche tedesche. Di Maio alzi la testa”

'Il Mes con questa riforma diventa un meccanismo perverso, una resa incondizionata dell’Italia agli interessi della Germania, non solo perché il fondo salva-Stati, con le modifiche, diventerà sempre più un fondo salva-banche, e le banche più in difficoltà sono proprio quelle tedesche', afferma Giorgia Meloni dalla manifestazione di Fratelli d'Italia a Bruxelles. Poi attacca anche il M5S: 'Confidiamo che ci sia ancora qualche grillino di buona volontà che non voglia svendere proprio tutto e che riesca a dire “no” anche di fronte a qualche diktat del suo partito'.

9 Dec 17:24 fanpage.it 1517332167085999336.html
Saxo Bank Reports Worst Monthly FX Volumes in 4 Years

Saxo Bank posted a month-on-month drop across the board for foreign exchange, commodities, fixed income and equities trading volumes in November.

9 Dec 08:31 Finance Magnates | Financial and business news 8992138264854068580.html
Karnataka By-Election Results 2019: BJP retains majority after winning 6 seats

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing a poll meeting in Jharkhand, hailed the BJP's performance and accused the Congress of stealing the people's mandate in Karnataka through the back door, contending it has been taught a lesson in the just-concluded bypolls.

9 Dec 09:58 Oneindia 2023829371147353004.html
Papa Francisco: La corrupción degrada la dignidad de la persona y destruye los ideales buenos

Este lunes 9 de diciembre se celebra el Día Internacional contra la Corrupción, a propósito de esto el papa indicó que "la sociedad está llamada a comprometerse concretamente para combatir el cáncer de la corrupción que, con la ilusión de ganancias rápidas y fáciles, en realidad empobrece a todos"

9 Dec 09:38 Globovisión 5928221751727288120.html
Una pareja y un joven fueron rescatados del cerro Tres Marías

El grupo GERAS rescató a estos chicos que al momento de descender no sabían como hacerlo.

9 Dec 10:24 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158808184289.html
Greta Thunberg no està sola: joves activistes denuncien la crisi climàtica com l'abisme global entre rics i pobres

El magnetisme de l'adolescent sueca dona veu a problemes que transcendeixen el canvi climàtic

9 Dec 12:48 Ara.cat 6070605020425928464.html
The Magnetic Fields played 2 shows in Stephin Merritt residency at Symphony Space (night 2 pics, setlists)

This past Saturday at Symphony Space marked the third night of the four-show A Stephin Merritt / The Magnetic Fields Residency that features two nights of Magnetic Fields, and a show each for his bands The Gothic Archies and Future Bible Heroes...

9 Dec 14:41 BrooklynVegan 7574135800161315896.html
Wie Greta den PolitikernDampf machen will

Die UN-Klimakonferenz geht am Montag in die zweite und entscheidende Woche. Für die Verhandlungswoche reisen Regierungsvertreter an.

9 Dec 13:17 Bild 8433249908995851982.html
Great-grandma who's just turned 100 is 'oldest Labour Party member in country'

Bristolian Pamela Parsons has just celebrated her 100th birthday but has already sent off her postal vote for this week's election - and once again she's backing Labour

9 Dec 14:33 mirror 675785260454829713.html
Bando explode cofre dos Correios e estoura pneus de viatura da polícia

Foto: Divulgação/PM Pelo menos quatro homens assaltaram a agência dos Correios da cidade de São Gonçalo do Piauí, distante 124 Km de Teresina, na madrugada dessa segunda-feira (9). Os criminosos chegaram no local em um carro Gol branco e realizaram explosões na agência. O comandante do Grupamento da Polícia Militar, cabo Antônio P. Sousa, disse ao Cidadeverde.com que os bandidos, que estava armados com armas longas tipo escopeta, renderam um guarda noturno, arrebentaram cadeados e invadiram os Correios."Eles realizaram três explosões. Explodiram a porta que dá acesso ao cofre e cortaram uma parte com maçarico. Eles levaram uma quantia em dinheiro, mas não foi informado quanto", conta o comandante.Um policial militar presenciou a ação e acionou o GPM de São Pedro e a Força Tática de Água Branca, mas antes de chegar ao local da ocorrência, a viatura teve os pneus estourados por miguelitos [espécie de pregos] espalhados pelos criminosos.A PM isolou a agência e o caso será investigado pela Polícia Federal. Os assaltantes…

9 Dec 17:04 CidadeVerde.com 5160524418955067159.html
EFCC recovers N3.6bn, 10 houses from suspected looters in Ilorin

The Ilorin Zonal office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says it has recovered N3.6 billion and 10 houses from suspected looters.

9 Dec 14:30 The Guardian 7580308505686910358.html
Prohíben la venta de una marca de snacks

La medida es porque los productos no cumplen con la normativa vigente.

9 Dec 13:27 El Patagónico 8565457046856447855.html
Clima, Greta alla Cop25: "Non aspettiamo, le emergenze hanno già un effetto"

L'attivista svedese al vertice sul clima con i ragazzi di Fridays for future. "Ascoltate gli altri attivisti del mondo, condividiamo

9 Dec 11:59 Repubblica.it 8208867269804753819.html
PSA: Go to Pokemon Sword and Shield's Stow-on-Side marketplace every day, as early as possible

So there's a few things I've been picking up on since really getting into the Pokemon Sword and Shield endgame. 250-strong Pokedex? Ha! It's 360 now: I basically just need cross-game exclusives, which I'll get from my copy of Shie...

9 Dec 11:00 Destructoid 5545714967215209335.html
Visa Vie über das DALI-Finale, die Hype Awards, John Niven & neue Projekte

Visa Vie hat über Nacht eine Weltneuheit kundgetan, mit der die Rapszene noch am vergangenen Donnerstag nicht hätte rechnen können: Im stillen Kämmerlein hat die Kult-Moderatorin im Laufe der letzten Wochen den dritten Teil ihrer Hörbuchreihe Das allerletzte Interview aus dem Boden gestampft und jetzt – ohne jegliche Vorwarnung – auf die Spotify-Community losgelassen.

9 Dec 12:01 rap.de 2800537076571414753.html
Xiaomi Mi Mix 4: potencial design confirmado em nova patente!

Especialmente desde a apresentação surpresa do MIX Alpha, os rumores sobre o Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 têm caído na internet em grande volume. Agora, a publicação...

9 Dec 14:22 4gnews 1809086877128133581.html
Justin Bieber Works Up a Sweat at Dance Class

Justin Bieber flashes a smile as he leaves a dance studio on Monday afternoon (December 9) in Los Angeles.

9 Dec 12:31 Just Jared Jr. 3416194173191341661.html
Cumbre climática COP25 entra en semana decisiva sin señal de acciones ambiciosas

Tras varios días de negociaciones a nivel técnico, el martes arrancará la ronda de negociaciones políticas que alumbrará el acuerdo final

9 Dec 14:27 La Nación 504134874033628764.html
Speaker di MacBook Pro 16: presto il fix

In una nota consegnata ai partner, Apple ha promesso una risoluzione a breve delle problematiche di speaker dei nuovi MacBook Pro da 16 pollici.

9 Dec 12:58 Webnews 4852331586025516249.html
Beethoven'in eserini yapay zeka tamamlıyor

2020 yılında doğumunun 250'inci yıl dönümü kutlanacak olan ünlü Alman besteci Ludwig van Beethoven'in hayattayken tamamlayamadığı 10. Senfonisi, yapay zeka tarafından bitirilecek.

9 Dec 12:56 OLAY 7935247625065904101.html
Gri kategorideki terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

İçişleri Bakanlığı: "Muş kırsalındaki operasyonda etkisiz hale getirilen 5 teröristten birinin gri kategoride aranan Erdal Tekay olduğu tespit edildi"

9 Dec 10:29 Türkiye Gazetesi 2932623216579648849.html
Posta! - i peggiori nemici della sinistra sono i sedicenti intellettuali di sinistra che...


9 Dec 16:42 DAGOSPIA 6533336739772993144.html
Jelang Lawan Vietnam, Pilar Timnas U-22 Indonesia Bicara soal Tekanan

Salah satu pilar timnas U-22 Indonesia, Sani Rizki Fauzi mengatakan jelang final SEA Games 2019 kontra Vietnam, dia tak tertekan.

9 Dec 12:45 BolaSport.com 4603768435945598270.html
Xiaomi takes on Apple in Japan with Mi Note 10 featuring 108-megapixel camera

The Mi Note 10 will cost approximately $486

9 Dec 09:23 BusinessLine 5283601875139894.html
Ibarrondo, exsicólogo del Tri, imparte cursos en Chivas

El ex psicólogo del Tri acompañó a los jugadores que realizaron exámenes en las instalaciones de Verde Valle.

9 Dec 14:27 ESPN.com.mx 3914278072598553861.html
Un maxi debito schiaccerà la Cina?

La Cina crollerà sotto un maxi debito. E’ una delle ipotesi che si fa nel paese asiatico negli ultimi tempi. La montagna di debito raggiunto è del 300%

9 Dec 10:27 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260293923818.html
Ministros de 51países apresentam plano para economia baixa em carbono

Os ministros das Finanças de 51 países, agrupados numa coligação pelo clima, apresentaram hoje o Plano de Ação de Santiago, para o desenvolvimento de ...

9 Dec 12:13 dnoticias 6968432066554167177.html
Ettåring i Tromsø-tragedien utenfor livsfare

Ettåringen, som ble funnet livløs i vannet i Tromsø sammen med moren og to søstre, er utenfor livsfare. Hun får fremdeles behandling på Rikshospitalet.

9 Dec 15:01 adressa.no 8417332406792091260.html
Piden justicia a 4 meses del asesinato de Abigail

Al grito de “Las mujeres no se tocan, las mujeres no se violan, las mujeres no se matan”, la movilización fue encabezada por María e Ivana, madre y hermana de la víctima

9 Dec 09:50 El Universal 4964748196741853824.html
The Baby Yoda Funko Pop is here and you can pre-order right now

Pre-order the Baby Yoda Funko Pop from the Star Wars: The Mandalorian collection for just $8 today

9 Dec 15:01 TechRadar 2111116914490857497.html
Christmas markets, free-scoring teams & the Reds’ route to more European glory

European away days have it all, don’t they? Chris McLoughlin looks at the Reds’ trip to Salzburg with Christmas markets, barrelfuls of goals and reasons for optimism ahead of a must-not-lose-by-most-scorelines game. Salzburg Christmas Markets are said to be some of the best in Europe so it’s appropriate that supporters of the best team in Europe will be sipping their glühwein and tucking into their roasted hogs, before watching their local team being knocked out of the Champions League by the European champions on Tuesday night. Liverpool go to the Rouge Bos Taurus Arena top of Group E, needing a win to secure first position or a draw to ensure progress to the last 16. I’m reliably informed that even a 5-4 defeat would be good enough, but such a scenario seems unlikely given the Reds haven’t conceded five goals in a game for a good, err, six weeks now. Let’s not go overboard…

9 Dec 12:00 This Is Anfield 7550115577181990755.html
Junuzovic: Das steckte hinter ÖFB-Rücktritt

Zlatko Junuzovic steht mit den Bullen vor dem wohl wichtigsten Spiel der Vereinsgeschichte.

9 Dec 10:41 sport.oe24.at 8086682661204380086.html
First footage of Marvel’s The Eternals revealed with Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek

The clip was shown at Brazil Comic-Con this weekend.

9 Dec 08:42 Metro 970161748363545225.html
Santiago: El Concello incluirá en el concurso la subrogación del personal de la escuela de música si lo ampara la ley

Mantendrá la «sorprendente» decisión del gobierno de CA de autodenunciarse por considerar que la anterior licitación es dañina para los intereses de Raxoi

9 Dec 17:37 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613241474176.html
Le Fleuryssois Olivier Bragard excelle au swimrun, une alternance de course et de nage

Ce quadragénaire fleuryssois, très sportif, s’est tourné vers une discipline encore peu connue. Elle mêle course à pied et natation et le fait voyager.

9 Dec 14:30 La République du Centre 8268594751580930562.html
Volta do CQC encontra resistência dentro da Band

O CQC, que marcou época na Band, pode até voltar ao ar na mesma emissora, como vez ou outra é ventilado na imprensa. A produtora detentora da marca está tentando negociar com o canal.

9 Dec 17:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125212915122631.html
Ministrul de Externe, discuţii cu Adina Vălean, comisarul pe Transporturi, despre mobilitatea militară

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 17:11 Gândul 5586965502993451871.html
Carmelo Anthony: After Rockets exit, told Chris Paul to 'just be careful'

Carmelo Anthony said he wasn't surprised by the way Chris Paul's deal to Oklahoma City was handled by the Rockets. In fact, he told his good friend to "just be careful" in the wake of his own departure from Houston.

9 Dec 08:22 ESPN.com 7331508222279581111.html
Anthony Joshua vs Andy Ruiz: 5 life lessons to learn from rematch

Anthony Joshua finally overcame the midnight ghost of Andy Ruiz Jr, after reclaiming his WBO, WBC and IBF heavyweight titles in Saudi Arabia. The Nigerian-born British fighter is now a two-time heavyweight champion.

9 Dec 12:38 Legit 3764253649233355002.html
Mii de urşi koala au murit din cauza incendiilor din Australia

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

9 Dec 12:33 Gândul 5586965503440431250.html
EFCC recovers N3.6bn, 10 houses from suspected looters in Ilorin

The Ilorin Zonal office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission says it has recovered N3.6 billion and 10 houses from suspected looters...

9 Dec 12:59 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901632869815.html
Juan Guaidó: Pruebas de la Masacre de El Junquito fueron presentadas ante la Corte Penal Internacional

Juan Guaidó: Pruebas de la Masacre de El Junquito fueron presentadas ante la Corte Penal Internacional

9 Dec 11:51 LaPatilla.com 9104603011122458751.html
Asaduddin Owaisi tears copy of Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, warns of ‘new partition’

Owaisi also opposed the introduction of the bill, saying it violates various provisions of the Constitution, including move to grant citizenship on the basis on religion.

9 Dec 16:22 The Indian Express 2885715104362812252.html
Mann feiert 30. Geburtstag und muss dann ins Gefängnis

In Wuppertal ist es im Rahmen einer Geburtstagsfeier zu massiven Gewalttaten gegen Polizisten gekommen. Zwei Männer landeten im Gewahrsam.

9 Dec 17:12 TAG24 4583887875146883912.html
ERC pone el freno al PSOE y advierte que si hay investidura será en enero

Los republicanos reconocen que la decisión judicial sobre la inmunidad de Junqueras condicionará la negociación con los socialistas

9 Dec 13:26 La Vanguardia 8061072699106942617.html
L’annonceur des Rams demandent aux cheerleaders de quitter le terrain

Les Rams se sont imposés 28 à 12 face aux puissant Seahawks, dimanche à Los Angeles. Le quart-arrière Jared Goff a réussi 22 de ses …

9 Dec 11:50 25Stanley 9144656698568844442.html
COP25: Jalisco participa en cumbre de cambio climático

COP25: Jalisco presenta proyectos contra cambio climático en Madrid

9 Dec 08:20 Milenio 4240839409636933770.html
Sporting Life Premier League Weekly Podcast: Tom Carnduff, George Pitts and Dale Tempest joined by Paul Parker

Sporting Life's Tom Carnduff and George Pitts are joined by Sky Bet's Dale Tempest to review all the latest Premier League events.

9 Dec 15:57 Sporting Life 7709795076825028120.html
Gully Boy producer Ritesh Sidhwani: Maybe we’ll get the Oscar this time

The Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt starrer is India's official entry in the International Feature Film category at the Academy Awards.

9 Dec 09:33 The Indian Express 2885715105062811302.html
Lunes despejado y caluroso en Santa Fe

Se prevé una máxima de 35°

9 Dec 09:43 El Litoral 2624573358378545766.html
Tracks of the Week: new music from Stone Temple Pilots, Naked Six and more

Want to hear the world's best new rock tracks? Look this way, then vote for your favourite...

9 Dec 17:01 Classic Rock 2174237039781100893.html
U.S. officials 'repeatedly lied about Afghanistan war for 18 years and hid the fact it was unwinnable', according to bombshell Washington Post report dubbed 'the Pentagon Papers of today'

In a lengthy article published on Monday, the Post claims that top officials knew the military's chances were slim but that they routinely hid the grave reality.

9 Dec 13:27 Mail Online 124328112479947712.html
Eberechi Eze scores brace as QPR beat Preston 2-0 in EFL Championship

Eberechi Eze was Queens Park Rangers hero when they defeated Peston North End by 2-0 in an EFL Championship game played at Loftus Road. The midfielder for the second time in a week improved his goalscoring form.

9 Dec 09:06 Legit 3764253649742397257.html
650 kg Marihuana: Anzeige gegen Serbiens Präsident

Der serbische Präsident Aleksandar Vucic und dessen Bruder Andrej haben sich am Montag auf eigenen Wunsch anzeigen lassen, nachdem zuvor einzelne ...

9 Dec 13:17 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092994771241.html
Fiscalização autua condutores em blitz no Tabuleiro do Martins

O final de semana contou com a realiza&ccedil;&atilde;o de mais uma blitz de fiscaliza&ccedil;&atilde;o executada pelas equipes da Superintend&ecirc;ncia Municipal de Transportes e Tr&acirc;nsito (SMTT). A opera&ccedil;&atilde;o, que aconteceu no Tabuleiro do Martins, contou com o apoio da Guarda Mu...

9 Dec 17:03 TNH1 3684351753928396819.html
Strictly's Bruno Tonioli 'reshoots' line over fears he would offend the audience

He didn't want to offend anyone

9 Dec 10:45 Entertainment Daily 8392972516873700346.html
'He threw my half-naked and bound body into a bush': Victim recounts Edwards' rape

Horrific details of how the accused Claremont serial killer abducted and raped a teenager before throwing her limp, half-naked and bound body into dense shrubs at a cemetery have been revealed for the first time.

9 Dec 11:37 The Age 7967730562586835547.html
Skarp nok til å stoppe Liverpool

Salzburg-Liverpool er en fotballkamp med to overordnede og globale fokus. Tittelforsvarernes avansement, og Erling Braut Haaland (19).

9 Dec 17:29 Dagbladet.no 3042595687085812288.html
Un alto cargo norcoreano tacha a Trump de "viejo" y dice que Pyongyang no tiene "nada más que perder"

El líder norcoreano, Kim Jong Un, podría cambiar su opinión respecto al presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, si sigue haciendo comentarios "inadecuados y...

9 Dec 09:31 Europa Press 4702666147557040626.html
Boxen - Schulz: "Joshua würde gegen Wilder und gegen Fury verlieren"

Nach dem Sieg von Anthony Joshua gegen Andy Ruiz bestimmt die Frage nach dem nächsten großen Kampf im Schwergewicht die Schlagzeilen. Axel Schulz forderte im Gespräch mit SPOX einen Mega-Fight von Joshua gegen Deontay Wilder oder Tyson Fury.

9 Dec 11:22 SPOX 8395423526638849314.html
Investigan si la madrastra asesina de Aragua y el cómplice son pareja: Cicpc

La policía científica confirmó que por el ataque a puñaladas de una mujer y muerte de la bebé de esta quedó detenida, en Maracay, Sandy de Jesús Rubio Álvarez, de 30 años.La aprehensión la realizaron funcionarios del Eje de Investigaciones de Homicidios Aragua.Rubio llamó a su hijastra para que fuera a su casa. Cuando la joven llegó, le asesinó a la hijita de 9 meses y luego la atacó a puñaladas. "Presentó más de 40 heridas con una navaja", dijeron en el hospital. El dantesco suceso se registró la tarde del 27 de noviembre pasado.

9 Dec 10:50 Panorama 6052790754761719702.html
Portugal tem quatro escolas de gestão entre as melhores da Europa

Nova School of Business and Economics ultrapassa a Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics e é a líder em Portugal, segundo o ranking da Financial Times.

9 Dec 08:57 SÁBADO 5711459692316664822.html
Yuk Ikutan Bunbastis HaiBunda, Tebus Barang Cuma Rp18 Ribu Lho

Bunda, yuk ikutan Bunbastis HaiBunda dan raih peluang menebus barang yang oke puny cuma Rp18 ribu. Buruan!

9 Dec 10:00 moms-life 8028540701662573619.html
Etoile d'Or à Marrakech pour "Tantas Almas" du Belgo-Colombien Nicolas Rincon Gilles

Le film "Tantas Almas (Valley of souls)", premier long métrage du réalisateur belgo-colombien Nicolas Rincon Gilles a remporté l'Etoile d'Or (meilleur film) au Festival du Film de Marrakech, samedi soir, annonce Wallonie Images Bruxelles dans un...

9 Dec 14:26 RTBF Culture 2262420856870688185.html
A new video game about the 2020 election lets you fight as Donald Trump, Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Cory Booker, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "Yang2020 Path To Presidency" will let players fight as Andrew Yang, Donald Trump, and more of the 2020 presidential candidates.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:03 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756276084807.html
Segurança de dispositivos: como protegê-los adequadamente?

As empresas precisam estar atentas às potenciais falhas em seus sistemas de segurança. Para manter-se protegido, confira como evitar as principais ameaças

9 Dec 10:47 Canaltech 6267437388657297927.html
Brückeneinsturz Frohnleiten: Nach vier Jahren: Sieben Angeklagte stehen nun vor Gericht

Vor vier Jahren krachte die Brücke im Neubau der S 35 auf die ÖBB-Gleise. Der Sachschaden lag bei bis zu fünf Millionen Euro. Jetzt wird Planern und Projektleitern wegen fahrlässiger Gemeingefährdung der Prozess gemacht.

9 Dec 13:49 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699892909648.html
Il Roma - Ancelotti, ora il palmares conta poco: futuro appeso ad un filo

"Che nessuno ce ne voglia ma da uno come il tecnico di Reggiolo ci si aspettava molto di più"

9 Dec 12:40 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081178713322.html
Tekken 7 presenta en vídeo a sus nuevos personajes: Ganryu y un temible luchador de Muay Thai

Bandai Namco ofrece también detalles sobre otras mejoras que recibirá muy pronto su juego de peleas. Bandai Namco ha presentado en vídeo a los nuevos luchadores que se unirán próximamente a la acción de Tekken 7...

9 Dec 11:02 3DJuegos 3383023118003001222.html
Skjebnedag for Russland: – Den største sportsskandalen noensinne

LAUSANNE (NRK): For ett år siden ble Russland igjen en del av idrettsverdenen. Nå risikerer de en straff idrettsverdenen aldri har sett maken til.

9 Dec 08:03 NRK 3631390764587325433.html
Anthony Joshua says he lost first fight to Andy Ruiz because of health issues

British professional boxer Anthony Joshua has claimed that health issues contributed to his first ever defeat in boxing which came against Andy Ruiz in New York.

9 Dec 08:05 Legit 3764253649620274075.html
Amazon: ecco alcuni pensieri per Natale a meno di 10 euro

La piattaforma di e-commerce Amazon è sicuramente un luogo in cui è possibile trovare dei piccoli pensieri per Natale a meno di 10 euro

9 Dec 13:30 tecnoandroid 2573257128161448078.html
Estos problemas recibirá Alberto Fernández de la administración de Mauricio Macri

El martes Alberto Fern&aacute;ndez tomara la presidencia de Argentina y estos son los problemas que heredar&aacute; del gobierno de Mauricio Macri

9 Dec 09:46 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623188700033.html
Swiss TV company rights the wrongs of the Siri Remote

Users of Swiss telco Salt hated the Apple TV's Siri Remote so much that the company went out and designed its own.

9 Dec 16:39 iMore 3803412790638995955.html
Minerva Casero y Toto Kirzner derritieron de amor con sus postales en México

La pareja de actores disfrutan de sus vacaciones luego de finalizar las grabaciones de ATAV.

9 Dec 14:56 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451040659248.html
Sabatini su Ibra: "E' stata una bella suggestione, non è una questione di soldi"

Walter Sabatini, dirigente del Bologna, ha annunciato che il futuro di Zlatan Ibrahimovic non sarà nella squadra emiliana. Ecco le sue parole rilasciate durante una visita al Museo del Bologna FC a Villa delle Rose, nelle vicinanze dello stadio Dall’Ara: "Ibrahimovic non verrà a Bologna. Con lui abbiamo vissuto solo una bella suggestione. Ha fatto altre scelte professionali più che legittime dal suo punto di vista. Il Bologna non ha mai avuto un ruolo specifico, siamo stati alla finestra e nulla di più. Tutto è nato per il rapporto personale che lega Ibra a Mihajlovic. Ci tengo a sottolineare che non si è trattato di un fatto di soldi. Se fosse stata una questione economica il nostro proprietario Saputo si sarebbe seduto volentieri al tavolo della trattativa con animo molto competitivo".  

9 Dec 15:31 MilanNews.it 6507305922364372346.html
Rumor: KOS-MOS se confirmará como DLC para Super Smash Bros. Ultimate en los Game Awards

Nos llega un sorprendente rumor protagonizado por Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Este procede de 4chan y se relaciona con un posible personaje DLC para el juego. Esta supuesta filtración confirmaría a KOS-MOS como personaje jugable en el título de lucha de Nintendo Switch. Junto a este dato, la fuente también afirma que en 2020 recibiremos […]

9 Dec 17:06 Nintenderos 2555436002673731655.html
‘Vigilance cases being sabotaged’

Azhimathi Virudha Janakeeya Munnani plans indefinite protest

9 Dec 15:22 The Hindu 6679535024613518150.html
Flere vogntog slet på glatte veier mandag

På grunn av uvanlig mye pågang, måtte et av vogntogene vente i flere timer for å bli berget.

9 Dec 15:01 adressa.no 8417332407332041410.html
Grécia dá vantagens fiscais a ricos estrangeiros que invistam

Medida pretende trazer dinheiro para o país, mas é alvo de críticas.

9 Dec 16:25 euronews 5294993274973255240.html
Where Does Middendorp Rank Among Top Coaches In The World?

With Pitso Mosimane ranked in the top 100 coaches in the world, Soccer Laduma takes a look at where his counterpart, Ernst Middendorp is positioned.

9 Dec 09:06 Soccer Laduma 3901337370683123201.html
Katherine McNamara Shows Off The Details Of Her New Green Arrow Suit

If you watched the first part of Crisis of Infinite Earths last night, you saw that Mia Smoak has a brand new suit and Katherine McNamara is showing it off.

9 Dec 12:46 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172455022841.html
Gracyanne Barbosa abaixa parte de baixo do biquíni e quebra a web

Gracyanne Barbosa levou os seguidores à loucura no último domingo (08) ao publicar uma imagem pra lá de sensual em seu perfil no Instagram. Ousada, a musa fitness abaixou a parte de baixo do biquíni na hora de efetuar o registro e com isso acabou deixando em evidência sua marquinha de sol.

9 Dec 13:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125211342908691.html
Cardi B denies snubbing meet-and-greet in Ghana to eat kebab

She’s been on a tour of West Africa.

9 Dec 10:11 Metro 970161747458397194.html
iDreamSky in Talks to Buy Gaming Company Leyou for $1.4 Billion

iDreamSky has entered negotiations for the takeover of Leyou Technologies and has reportedly submitted a $1.4 billion bid.

9 Dec 12:40 Wccftech 3677959678241696007.html
AP: Salieron del país 16 militares que se rebelaron contra Maduro en abril

Durante siete meses, con los nervios de punta, durmieron de día en una estrecha habitación sobre el piso frío, pasando las noches rezando, levantando pesas hechas con jarrones de agua y viendo por la ventana de la misión diplomática, temerosos del espionaje oficial.

9 Dec 14:45 Panorama 6052790754160847011.html
Samsung Galaxy A51 promo video reveals color variants, design and key specs - Gizmochina

Samsung Vietnam will be holding a launch event on Dec. 12 to announce a new 2020 Galaxy A-series phone. The launch teaser had revealed that the new Galaxy A phone will be arriving with a display that features a punch-hole at the top-center position. This suggested that the company may announce the Galaxy A51 or …

9 Dec 09:46 Gizmochina 1751854814309056751.html
Lily James says she ‘kept having panic attacks’ while filming Rebecca

Lily James has said she “kept having panic attacks” during the filming of Rebecca, a new adaptation of Daphne du Maurier’s classic gothic novel. James plays newlywed Mrs de Winter in the Netflix

9 Dec 09:31 The Independent 2511519171456958888.html
Castroreale. Nominato il curatore istituzionale del “Piccolo museo della moto”

Il ruolo di coordinatore istituzionale del “Piccolo museo della moto” sarà ricoperto da Linda Caruso.

9 Dec 16:00 Tempostretto 3143171743514477212.html
Frankfurt wächst um Offenbach

Die Bevölkerung in Hessen wird bis zum Jahr 2040 wachsen. Um gerade einmal 1,3 Prozent, aber immerhin. Hier erfahren Sie, wo es künftig noch enger wird – und wo man in 20 Jahren besonders viel Platz hat.

9 Dec 12:08 hessenschau.de 6403292203776897564.html
Turn of Mind pronto a girare tutta l’Europa

Turn of Mind, il nuovo film di Patagonia con Nicholas Wolken è pronto a girare tutta l'Europa. La prossima proiezione in Italia sarà a Cortina il 20 gennaio.

9 Dec 15:48 4ActionSport 8533118561427542018.html
Sem caixa, Estados pressionam governo para receber antes recursos do pré-sal

Segundo o Ministério da Economia, se o pagamento das empresas for feito mesmo no fim do prazo, o recurso só deve ser repassado aos governadores em 31 de dezembro

9 Dec 16:10 Folha Vitória 4941883427343219842.html
Yediyurappa-led BJP govt. safe in Karnataka as party sets to win 12 out of 15 bypoll seats

While the Congress managed to win two seats, the Janata Dal (Secular) drew a complete blank

9 Dec 08:37 The Hindu 6679535024728469528.html
92 Jahre alte Frau angefahren: Lebensgefahr

Ein 91 Jahre alter Autofahrer hat in Göppingen eine 92 Jahre alte Fußgängerin angefahren und lebensgefährlich verletzt.

9 Dec 17:44 swp.de 6929179441869254078.html
En la Oficina del Sheriff de Broward opera las 24 horas el Centro de Delitos en Tiempo Real

Tres amenazas escolares en un corto período de tiempo tienen al límite a muchos estudiantes y padres en el sur de Florida. Por

9 Dec 17:11 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535830289265.html
La Commission européenne lance-t-elle l'Europe de batteries électriques trop tardivement?

La Commission européenne a validé ce lundi le projet d’intérêt européen commun sur les batteries. Pour tenter de battre en brèche le quasi-monopole asiatique.

9 Dec 16:42 Challenges 1086714997545040086.html
Patriots vs. Chiefs final score: Kansas City builds lead early, holds on for tight win

Sporting News had live scoring updates and highlights from a potential AFC playoff preview in Week 14.

9 Dec 12:14 Sporting News 5110653853394350790.html
VIDEO capta a embajador de México tratando de robar un libro en Argentina, sería cesado

El canciller Marcelo Ebrar solicitó el regreso inmediato del diplomático mexicano, podría ser destituído

9 Dec 14:53 El Diario NY 6486144434060850008.html
Venezuela : pourquoi Nicolas Maduro est sorti renforcé des tentatives de renversement

Le dirigeant vénézuélien tient bon, alors que l’économie sinistrée s’améliore légèrement, et que l’opposition, soutenue au niveau international, s’effondre

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695066152704490.html
WeWork's Fall Was a Disaster. A Full-Page Ad Isn't Going to Change That

The company's adman marketing chief wants you to know the company means business.

9 Dec 11:05 Inc.com 8604986417837981645.html
CO2-Ausstoß von Dienstwagen: Südwesten hinten

Die Dienstautos der Minister der grün-schwarzen Landesregierung schneiden in einer Emissions-Analyse der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH) nicht gut ab.

9 Dec 10:36 swp.de 6929179441995066885.html
¿Cómo alejar las enfermedades durante las vacaciones?

Es importante tener en cuenta factores como el destino, las actividades a realizar, el estado de salud de los viajeros y el tiempo de duración del viaje, entre otros. 

9 Dec 17:49 Colombia.com 1213910711660047533.html
SBI lowers MCLR based lending rates by 10 bps

Country's largest lender State Bank of India on Monday announced the reduction in its marginal cost of fund-based lending rate (MCLR) by 10 basis points across all one-year products, effective

9 Dec 12:28 Deccan Herald 2027555797615470121.html
Rusia dio desde abril la ciudadanía a 125.000 residentes en las zonas de Ucrania controladas por separatistas

El Gobierno de Rusia ha afirmado este lunes que ha dado en los últimos siete meses la ciudadanía a 125.000 personas que residen en las zonas del este de...

9 Dec 14:12 Europa Press 4702666148543642722.html
Giulia De Lellis si mostra nuda su Instagram: lo scatto hot fa impazzire i fan – VIDEO

Giulia De Lellis posta una sua foto hot sul suo profilo Instagram, l'influencer si mostra completamente nuda e manda i fan in delirio.

9 Dec 09:47 NewNotizie 1312053897570840255.html
Lyon supervise Eldor Shomurodov (Rostov)

Selon Betting Insider, l’Olympique Lyonnais a supervisé dimanche la prestation de l’attaquant ouzbek de Rostov Eldor Shomurodov.

9 Dec 16:24 mercato 365 5518791934103229939.html
Kenyan Record-Breaking Athlete Involved in Grisly Accident [PHOTOS]

The athlete was driving along on Sunday, December 8, when his car was involved in an accident where he...

9 Dec 11:08 Kenyans.co.ke 8634838154252657661.html
How much money are people willing to spend on their kids this Christmas?

Are you going to spend more or less than the UK average?

9 Dec 09:12 Wales Online 7686550515632326121.html
Conducía con el triple de alcohol permitido en sangre y atropelló a un ciclista en Rivadavia

El hombre que iba en bicicleta terminó con varias fracturas y el conductor del auto está detenido en la comisaría por orden de la Justicia.

9 Dec 11:29 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157884681974.html
Insurance, road tax for Zahid's 20 vehicles paid by Yayasan Akalbudi, court told

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — The High Court today was told that the road tax and insurance for 20 vehicles belonging to former Deputy Prime Minister Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi amounting RM107,509.55 was paid using funds from Yayasan Akalbudi Foundation fund, between January and September 2015. Allianz...

9 Dec 10:47 Malaymail 302165936355495574.html
Las regiones del país vuelven a mirar el tren

Además del Regiotram de Occidente, hay proyectos cuya inversión sumaría al menos $ 20 billones.

9 Dec 10:50 El Tiempo 1091719939739021799.html
LHC to hear Maryam Nawaz's petition for removal of name from ECL today

December 09: Xinjiang's trade with Kyrgyzstan, Australia, Pakistan, Britain, Argentina and Vietnam also showed fast growth, according to the local customs authorities. Read More

9 Dec 08:03 Arab News 8912634263973857497.html
Il videogioco che simula la vita di Gesù

I am Jesus è il nuovo attesissimo gioco di simulazione della vita di Gesù Cristo che fra poco uscirà su Steam, ecco cosa si potrà fare

9 Dec 09:37 Wired 7504010958296746478.html
"A coward, violent bully and paedophile”: Joseph McCann gets 33 life sentences after sex attacks

Serial rapist Joseph McCann has received 33 life sentences after a string of sex attacks on women and children.

9 Dec 15:39 Buzz.ie 7092425146884712672.html
How many friends are enough and do you want or need more?

9 Dec 16:26 The Irish News 993066419398291.html
Viktor Kassai pitará el trascendental Atlético de Madrid- Lokomotiv

Viktor Kassai es uno de los mejores colegiados de Europa, y será el encargado de arbitrar el importante Atlético de Madrid- Lokomotiv

9 Dec 10:53 sport 1349897970745546589.html
R.Kelly’s Manager Ex-Tour Manager To Testify In Court

R. Kelly's former tour manager, Demetrius Smith, will testify on the singer's marriage to Aaliyah in one of his federal trials but he doesn't want to see Kelly thrown in prison.

9 Dec 13:38 The Guardian 7580308505685143966.html
Serafini: "Bonaventura? Il suo ritorno è decisivo per il Milan"

Ospite negli studi di Milan TV, Luca Serafini ha parlato così di Giacomo Bonaventura: "Il ritorno di Bonaventura è certamente molto importante e decisivo per il Milan. Ovviamente da solo non può fare nulla, ma in un complesso che funziona Jack diventa fondamentale. Nelle prime partite della stagione avrebbe fatto fatica anche lui. Se la squadra gioca bene, è più facile per un singolo emergere".  

9 Dec 14:15 MilanNews.it 6507305922067705179.html
Tutti pazzi per i Nutella Biscuits. Ma sappiamo dove vengono prodotti? Ecco la sorpresa (italiana)

Dove vengono prodotti i Nutella Biscuits: ecco l'unico stabilimento Ferrero al mondo in cui si producono i famosi biscotti

9 Dec 12:50 NewNotizie 1312053897098267804.html
Un collegamento Wi-Fi fra due sensori a 700km di distanza: il record è tutto italiano

Record importante per il Politecnico di Torino, che ha realizzato un collegamento Wi-Fi dalla Sardegna alla Catalogna con un dispendio energetico irrisorio

9 Dec 17:01 Hardware Upgrade 8244528332768560688.html
Ana Bárbara y Gomita destruidas en Internet por extremas cirugías plásticas

Una foto en donde posan juntas la cantante Ana B&aacute;rbara y la conductora Gomita, desat&oacute; agresivas cr&iacute;ticas en redes sociales por su apariencia sint&eacute;tica debido a las cirug&iacute;as pl&aacute;sticas.

9 Dec 11:33 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622750833703.html
What to do if you have lost or not received your polling card for general election

You need to first check if you are registered to vote

9 Dec 11:16 BristolLive 4740742017453369858.html
Phillip Schofield's former co-star brands him a 't**t' amid 'complaints' row

Former Emmerdale and Tracy Beaker star Connor Byrne vented on Twitter: "I can categorically state cuddly Phil is a total t**t"

9 Dec 17:35 mirror 675785261053852357.html
Phillip Schofield's former co-star brands him a 't**t' amid 'complaints' row

Former Emmerdale and Tracy Beaker star Connor Byrne vented on Twitter: "I can categorically state cuddly Phil is a total t**t"

9 Dec 17:35 Irish Mirror 2875825628811442999.html
VOTD: Making of the ‘E.T. The Extra Terrestrial’ Christmas Commercial from Xfinity

Check out the making of E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Christmas commercial featurette, including a look at the impressive puppet used and more.

9 Dec 14:00 /Film 148788831205423270.html
Davis se desata en exhibición de Lakers

El ala-pívot Anthony Davis aportó 50 puntos -mejor marca de la temporada- como líder indiscutible del ataque de Los Ángeles Lakers que exhibieron ante los Timberwolves de Minnesota a los que vencieron por 142-125 y lograron el cuarto triunfo consecutivo.Junto a Davis, que también logró siete rebotes, seis asistencias, cuatro recuperaciones de balón y un tapón, el alero estrella LeBron James se convirtió en el jugador más completo de los Lakers.James acabó el partido con un doble-doble de 32 puntos, 13 asistencias y cuatro rebotes, a pesar de que tuvo problemas con las personales tras cometer cuatro en la primera mitad.El base reserva Alex Caruso llegó a los 16 puntos y acabó como el tercer máximo encestador de los Lakers (21-3), que vuelven a tener la mejor marca de la liga.Davis, que llegó por cuarta vez como profesional a los 50 puntos, anotó 20 de 29 tiros de campo y los 10 tiros libres que intentó.El partido no tuvo más historia que comprobar el dominio permanente de los Lakers, que han ganado 14 partidos…

9 Dec 15:30 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124589705564.html
Marcelo pede "medidas concretas" contra a corrupção ainda esta legislatura

O Presidente da República pede "medidas concretas" no combate à corrupção que viabilizem os "mais amplos meios de investigação criminal, instrumentos jurídicos que permitam maior eficácia na atuação, uma Justiça mais célere e, portanto, mais justa".

9 Dec 13:33 DN 8445869956129600599.html
Elles lancent leur agence de rencontre "sans internet" à Danjoutin

Caroline Bourquin et Pauline Robert ont lancé au début du mois l'agence "La Rencontre" à Danjoutin dans le Territoire de Belfort. Une agence à l'ancienne qui ne passe pas par internet, pour les célibataires rebutés par le digital.

9 Dec 11:16 France Bleu 8004048436183761000.html
Mes, Giorgia Meloni: “Blocchiamo la riforma, il M5s firmi la risoluzione del centrodestra unito”

Giorgia Meloni oggi sarà a Bruxelles 'con tutti i parlamentari di Fdi per dire che non siamo disposti a farci prendere in giro' sul Mes. In un'intervista a 'La Stampa' ha annunciato che mercoeldì FdI presentrà una risoluzione per bloccarlo, ma ha proposto ma 'ai gruppi di Lega e Fi di presentarne una comune del centrodestra per impegnare il governo a non firmare la riforma' .

9 Dec 08:27 fanpage.it 1517332167268667127.html
The Book of Mormon is coming to Nottingham - venue, dates, times and ticket prices revealed

It has sold out every one of its 2,829 performances to date in London

9 Dec 13:24 NottinghamshireLive 5149776701599206246.html
UC Berkeley Students Plead for Forgiveness, Privacy After Their Racist ‘Joke’ Video Goes Viral

A social media video allegedly showing a University of California Berkeley student hurling racial slurs and making offensive remarks against women and

9 Dec 13:43 Atlanta Black Star 3042160500265906001.html
Yves Allegro risque quatre ans de prison

Le Ministère public a annoncé vouloir requérir quatre ans de prison ferme en ouverture du procès de l’ancien tennisman valaisan Yves Allegro, accusé ...

9 Dec 10:04 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802460636648064.html
PREDSEDAVAJUĆI SAVETA MINISTARA BIH PORUČIO: EU neće uspeti da zadrži migrante u Bosni i Hercegovini!

Predsedavajući Saveta ministara BiH Zoran Tegeltija najavio je da će sa novim ministrom bezbednosti biti napravljen plan za rešavanje migrantske krize u BiH i da predstavnici EU, koliko god pokušavali da obezbede novac za njihov ostanak na prostoru BiH, neće ...

9 Dec 08:15 kurir.rs 6515665028460043449.html
Anvisa: prazo para sugestões sobre rótulos de alimentos termina nesta segunda

Para participar das consultas públicas é importante, antes, conhecer as propostas de RDC e de instrução normativa já disponibilizadas na área de consulta pública do site da Anvisa

9 Dec 12:13 Folha Vitória 4941883428409553866.html
Gelekt: Samsung Galaxy S11+ krijgt grootste batterij

Nog nooit kreeg een Samsung vlaggenschip zo'n grote batterij.

9 Dec 14:23 Apparata 308905379737536288.html
Juicio al diputado Juan Requesens podría continuar este #9Dic

Tras varias suspensiones desde el pasado 26 de noviembre, para este lunes 9 de diciembre está previsto que continúe el juicio que se le sigue al diputado

9 Dec 15:23 LaPatilla.com 9104603011934859867.html
Tras 52 días de protestas Chile alista reforma policial

El gobierno de Sebastián Piñera reaccionó así a las denuncias sobre uso excesivo de la fuerza

9 Dec 08:07 Globovisión 5928221751372484859.html
Fotografije uživo otkrivaju dizajn i specifikacije Vivo X30 telefona

Vivo X30 serija će biti ozvaničena uskoro, a sada imamo dve fotografije uživo koje potvrđuju neke detalje o telefonu

9 Dec 09:20 Benchmark 6730898461823871372.html
I'm A Celebrity's Roman Kemp 'knew' Jacqueline Jossa would win after 'wobble'

I'm A Celebrity 2019 star Roman Kemp, who finished in third place, told Jacqueline Jossa she could be the winner

9 Dec 10:17 Irish Mirror 2875825629583973972.html
La Lega, la Toscana e la Cina, visti da fuori

Un discusso articolo del New York Times ha messo in relazione l'ascesa di Salvini in Toscana e la concorrenza economica della Cina, azzeccando alcune cose e mancandone altre

9 Dec 17:04 Il Post 6291746504791950654.html
Escasez de agua se convertirá en preocupación en el Caribe

La organizacion regional Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (Caricof), con sede en Barbados, advierte de que la escasez de agua se convertira en una important

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956265257461695.html
Bouygues : dans un schéma de consolidation après les records annuels

Depuis quelques semaines, l'action du groupe Bouygues est rentrée dans une lente phase de consolidation.Au cours de cette première étape, le titre a malgré tout

9 Dec 15:40 ABC Bourse 2538693399626966399.html
Al menos cinco fallecidos dejó una triple colisión en la Región del Maule

Carabineros indaga las causas del fatal hecho que se produjo cuando un automóvil sobrepasó el eje de la calzada, impactando a otros dos vehículos que viajaban en sentido contrario.

9 Dec 08:51 La Nación 6855788056894465477.html
Crónicas de Arroyo Blanco: Rumbo al origen de una estirpe

Tras contraer matrimonio en Sancti Spíritus, José Joaquín Sánchez e Isabel María de Valdivia se asentaron en la zona de Arroyo Blanco, donde forjaron una familia que se entregó por entero a los destinos patrios

9 Dec 16:18 Escambray 1851904802218338807.html
Affaire Mission de vie : le patriarcat maronite mandate une commission d'enquête

La commission épiscopale pour les médias salue le rôle de la communauté.

9 Dec 16:29 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733140406818414.html
Por pedido de Alberto Fernández, sacan las rejas de Plaza de Mayo

Empleados del gobierno de la Ciudad desmontaron esta madrugada las rejas que dividían la Plaza de Mayo. De esa manera se cumplió un pedido que el presidente electo, Alberto Fernández, le hizo al jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

9 Dec 09:43 El Esquiú 5729181307517128396.html
Identifican mujer cuyo cadáver fue abandonado en el sur de Mérida

Es una mujer de 43 años la que presuntamente fue ultimada.

9 Dec 14:42 SIPSE.com 4008460417485749306.html
LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, long-term test: Two screens good, but beware bulk and battery life

The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen is an interesting and affordable alternative to a folding-screen handset, but it does have some significant drawbacks.

9 Dec 11:33 ZDNet 591556592691246398.html
Rodila blizance, jedno tamnoputo, drugo ima bijelu kožu

Stejsi Omirin (30) rodila je dva dečaka u razmaku od nekoliko minuta, a njihov izgled zaprepastio je i ljekare i roditelje.

9 Dec 10:23 Nezavisne novine 4209150642852930855.html
Mount Sinai Hospital emergency department is a ‘war zone,’ workers say

Mount Sinai Hospital is considered one of the best in the country — but its emergency department is a “war zone” and a danger to the very patients it is supposed to save, current and former

9 Dec 11:00 New York Post 7654946768819415293.html
I Am Jesus Christ is a “realistic” simulator game that will allow you to Feed the poor, heal the sick and banish Satan

There’s been no shortage of video games starring the Super-Messiah over the years (And a disgusting lack of games starring that other fella Brian who is not the Messiah but a very naughty boy), but…

9 Dec 09:00 Critical Hit 8797780292939403829.html
How to customize Safari privacy and security settings on iPhone and iPad

This step by step guide with images covers how to customize Safari privacy and security settings on iPhone and iPad and a short explainer on each option.

9 Dec 08:01 9to5Mac 8219339160444528749.html
WATCH: 'Wonder Woman 1984' first trailer

A new era of wonder begins

9 Dec 14:51 Rappler 1882105642455215659.html
'Dat heb je nu minder met Lang, Promes in het team is heel belangrijk'

Het meespelen van Quincy Promes bij Ajax tegen Valencia is volgens Hedwiges Maduro van groot belang. De voormalig speler van beide club geeft aan dat Promes er met zijn snelheid voor zorgt dat tegenstanders anders spelen tegen de ploeg uit Amsterdam. "Hij heeft heel veel snelheid, dus als tegenstander ga je je een beetje aanpassen", zo vertelt Maduro in Kick-Off van De Telegraaf. "Dan ga je misschien toch een metertje verder naar achteren lopen. Dat heb je nu minder met Noa Lang bijvoorbeeld, Promes in het team is echt heel belangrijk."

9 Dec 15:25 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884943017744.html
Murinjova prva januarska želja šokirala sve u Totenhemu!

Čudno, ali Sparsi nemaju ništa protiv...

9 Dec 12:47 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496609173844.html
Aguirre: "Estoy contento, siempre confié en la justicia"

Lunes feliz en la casa de los Aguirre. Tras su primera victoria con el Leganés del domingo, el técnico mexicano se despertó con la feliz noticia de su absolución en el caso Levante-Zaragoza. Puestos en contacto con 'el Vasco', el entrenador azteca quiso darle normalidad al tema y expresó esto a MARCA: "Estoy contento, sí, sobre todo por mi familia. Sólo puedo decir que siempre confié en la justicia. Gracias a todos".

9 Dec 12:56 MARCA 5656811533180376148.html
Donald Trump warns Kim Jong Un has ‘everything’ to lose through hostility

'North Korea, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, has tremendous economic potential, but it must denuclearize as promised,' Trump tweeted.

9 Dec 09:41 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363735697978.html
Mueren cinco turistas durante erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Los visitantes se encontraban en la isla cuando una nube de ceniza y vapor la invadió.

9 Dec 09:03 SIPSE.com 4008460419205671017.html
Jiménez Espriú podría renunciar a SCT por iniciativa que militariza puertos: Pérez Mendoza | Video

La periodista Ana Lilia Pérez informa que la iniciativa que plantea militarizar puertos y operaciones de marina mercante se construyó a espaldas de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), lo que podría derivar en la renuncia de su titular, Javier Jiménez Espriú. Jiménez se reunirá este lunes con el presidente López Obrador para hablar sobre el tema, en espera de que el Ejecutivo tenga toda la información sobre la iniciativa que contradice los puntos que defendieron sectores de Morena en el pasado.

9 Dec 11:30 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495987505220.html
Boris Johnson insults the 3.6m EU citizens who have made the UK their home

Letter: EU immigrants are the latest scapegoats in an election that demonises others to gloss over the Tory party’s own failure to create a prosperous and more equal society, writes Maike Bohn, co-founder of the3million

9 Dec 15:54 the Guardian 1491978795847474034.html
Klopp says he never doubted Keita’s quality

LONDON, Dec 9 — Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says he has never doubted the quality of midfielder Naby Keita despite the Guinea international’s limited impact since his arrival at Anfield last year. Keita has been confined to a bit-part role since his £52.75 million (RM289 million) move from RB...

9 Dec 11:05 Malaymail 302165936086877913.html
Sindikat fudbalera: Snimak iz svlačionice, nameštaljke, pretnje

BEOGRAD - Predsednik Sindikata profesionalnih fudbalera "Nezavisnost" Mirko Poledica, saopštio je danas da mu je prvi čovek FK Loznica Vlastimir Lukić

9 Dec 17:48 Krstarica 4176903988360389310.html
5-year-old hit by SUV in Lexington

A 5-year-old boy was taken to the hospital Monday morning after being hit by an SUV in Lexington.

9 Dec 14:52 WVLT 4089046911675207666.html
STMICROELECTRONICS : soutenu par un broker

STMicroelectronics bénéficie du soutien de Credit Suisse, qui a relevé son objectif de cours de 22,50 euros à 27,50 euros et confirmé sa recommandation Surperformance. Le bureau d'études a réalisé... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 10:42 Zonebourse 7946574377116560504.html
Tulsi Gabbard Shares “Imagine” Cover On Anniversary Of John Lennon’s Death

Move over, Mayor Pete! There's a new Democratic presidential challenger in the music game. Sunday marked 39 years since John Lennon's death. To commemorate the anniversary, Tulsi Gabbard — the 38-year-old veteran and Congressperson from Hawaii, who has been a contentious presence in the Democratic primary campaign, most famously when Hillary Clinton accused her of being a Russian asset, — posted footage of herself and husband Abraham Williams singing Lennon's signature song, "Imagine." Gabbard's version of the famous piano ballad recasts it as a ukulele lope. Musically it's nothing special, but it's still very interesting to see an American presidential candidate singing a song about abolishing all borders, to say nothing of the first practicing Hindu in Congress extolling the virtues of a religion-free secular humanist utopia. You can watch it below. Imagine. #johnlennon #imagine #beatles @johnlennon pic.twitter.com/yEoTy8vA6Q— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) December 8, 2019

9 Dec 12:04 Stereogum 5911871585153258064.html
WhatsApp: por qué no me llegan los mensajes cuando no abro la app

¿Alguna vez no recibiste ningún mensaje de WhatsApp hasta que abriste la aplicación y te llegaron todas las notificaciones? Sabes por qué sucede eso. Compañía ahora te lo dice.

9 Dec 14:18 Publimetro Perú 5349571044005178338.html
GdP: Videoüberwachung sorgt für mehr Sicherheit

Osnabrück - Videoüberwachung ist aus Sicht der Gewerkschaft der Polizei ein «Baustein für mehr Sicherheit». Der niedersächsische GdP-Landesvorsitzende

9 Dec 17:19 stern.de 4680145937701373513.html
Les Hongkongais attendent une réponse de Pékin après quinze jours sans violences

Au cours des deux dernières semaines, les Hongkongais ont lancé un appel très clair au changement, à travers les urnes mais aussi dans les rues où plus d'un habitant sur dix a manifesté pacifiquement dimanche, mais la question de savoir si Pékin les écoute reste ouverte.

9 Dec 10:01 Challenges 1086714996476021081.html
Man attacked in his home in Telford

A man was attacked in his home in Telford.

9 Dec 10:28 Shropshire Star 3480199992349114923.html
Encore du retard pour les estacades à Beauceville

Les forages qui auraient dû être réalisés pour la pose des ancrages des estacades le 9 décembre sont tombés à l’eau. Le temps presse au point où Beauceville ne devrait…

9 Dec 16:13 L'Éclaireur Progrès 1533350368452150315.html
COP25: Proteste gegen Ölpest in Brasilien

Dutzende indigene Aktivisten aus Brasilien haben im Rahmen des Weltklimagipfels COP 25 in Madrid vor dem Hauptsitz des spanischen Ölkonzerns Repsol demonstriert. Mit ihrer Aktion wollen sie die Aufmerksamkeit auf die mysteriöse Ölpest in Brasilien lenken.

9 Dec 11:32 euronews 4540914625730593417.html
Vector - Still Not Covering Dividend, Current Share Price Is A Gift To Longs, Sell

Even after a 50% dividend cut, Vector is still not covering its dividend. Don't take my word for it - the CFO just admitted it! Bond holders are getting paid over 10.5% while equity investors will be

9 Dec 15:25 Seeking Alpha 5725634557299189271.html
'Prettig om te zien dat Ajax ook kan verliezen, want dat doen ze nooit'

AZ staat aan het begin van een cruciale week. Na de Europa League-wedstrijd tegen Manchester United op Old Trafford nemen de Alkmaarders het op tegen Ajax. Arne Slot ziet kansen. Drie dagen na de krachtmeting tegen Manchester United heeft AZ opeens de kans om in punten op gelijke hoogte te komen met Ajax, dat afgelopen vrijdag verloor van Willem II. "Prettig om te zien dat Ajax ook kan verliezen. Want dat doen ze nooit in de Eredivisie", concludeert Slot in gesprek met het Algemeen Dagblad.

9 Dec 09:07 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885095717370.html
"Orlando" an der Staatsoper: Frisch in der Jugend, zäh im Alter

Uraufführung von Olga Neuwirths Novität im Haus am Ring.

9 Dec 12:21 Wiener Zeitung 3774364440453431769.html
Chelsea blip hasn’t changed Frank Lampard’s transfer plans

The Blues have won just one of their last five matches.

9 Dec 15:08 Express & Star 7324224460522082095.html
Incendio de la Casa Italia: Las hipótesis que surgen y las diligencias que alista la fiscalía

El fuego dañó casi el 80% de su patrimonial estructura, a pesar del trabajo de doce unidades del Cuerpo de Bomberos.

9 Dec 09:39 Emol 3328490602897982897.html
No te pierdas el video oficial de River por el primer aniversario del 9 de diciembre

En sus redes sociales, el club de Núñez festejó a todo trapo el cumpleaños de la histórica consagración en Madrid ante el rival de toda la vida.

9 Dec 15:06 Diario Registrado 7686014737607640945.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe crown

Zozibini Tunzi, 26, finished first ahead of the Puerto Rican and Mexican finalists in a flashy televised event, hosted by American comic turned TV personality Steve...

9 Dec 11:33 New Vision 9103146373505052411.html
India set to be among top advertisement markets in 2019: GroupM and Zenith

The overall market size is expected to reach Rs 95,000 crore

9 Dec 16:50 Business-Standard 1502508925984456822.html
Após ataque de hacker, Bike Vitória deve voltar a funcionar nesta segunda-feira

A empresa responsável por administrar o serviço adota práticas de segurança digital, porém não foi possível impedir a invasão

9 Dec 17:46 Folha Vitória 4941883426425998527.html
Pokémon Espada y Escudo causa enfado al ofrecer un singular Mew por vincular nuevas Poké Ball Plus

Nintendo anuncia la medida que provoca enorme descontento entre los aficionados en cuestión de minutos. La compañía japonesa Nintendo ha anunciado esta misma mañana una medida que no ha sentado nada bien a muchos aficionados,...

9 Dec 13:00 3DJuegos 3383023119676733471.html
Nova evakuacija zaradi uhajanja plina: tokrat v Tržiču

V naselju Za jezom v Tržiču je zaradi preseženih mejnih vrednosti pri meritvah plina zaprta lokalna cesta od Raven naprej. Zapora velja za pešce in voznike.   Zaznal vonj po plinu Omogočen je d...

9 Dec 15:21 Slovenske novice 5901956561588318786.html
Rwanda: campagne de vaccination contre Ebola

Le Rwanda a lancé ce dimanche 8 décembre une campagne de vaccination préventive contre la maladie à virus Ebola. Une campagne centrée sur la province de

9 Dec 11:44 RFI 4432404459995109102.html
In view of multiple protests, entry, exit of Delhi’s 3 metro stations closed

Entry and exit at Udyog Bhawan, Lok Kalyan Marg and Central Secretariat metro stations were closed on Monday.

9 Dec 11:31 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363806717879.html
Un bug podría haber confirmado el Battle Royale de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Hay rumores de la modalidad desde hace semanas

9 Dec 17:00 LevelUp 3760720893132708566.html
SosTariffe.it a Striscia la Notizia tra “le migliori app per risparmiare”

Chi vede in un file Excel un amico fidato, è probabilmente un maestro nella gestione delle spese mensili: c’è poi chi, invece, ha qualche difficoltà a far quadrare il bilancio familiare e per il quale i conti alla fine del mese non tornano quasi mai. Per fortuna ci pensa la tecnologia a venire in soccorso delle necessità dei risparmiatori, fornendo un valido supporto per la gestione quotidiana delle proprie spese.

9 Dec 09:00 www.sostariffe.it 4211055172092275240.html
SAT multará si las compras con tarjeta de crédito exceden tus ingresos

El Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) registrarán si haces más gastos que tus ingresos percibidos y podrían cobrar un impuesto.

9 Dec 10:59 Diario de Yucatán 261200017825507317.html
Entrevista de Marcelo Odebrecht isenta Lula, expõe erros da Lava Jato e resguarda BNDES

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 11:31 GGN 1188436353731066672.html
Fast 10 Mio. Euro: Heftige Geldstrafe gegen 1&1 wegen Datenschutzes

Das Thema Datenschutz ist heutzutage eines der wichtigsten, wenn es um Telekommunikation geht, doch selbst die ganz Großen des Geschäfts sind nicht vor Verstößen gefeit. Meint jedenfalls der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit im Fall von 1&1.

9 Dec 13:27 winfuture.de 1179223334853757933.html
Cientistas criam um 'Sapofone' capaz de rastrear populações de sapos

Dispositivo vai agilizar a pesquisa ecológica

9 Dec 17:10 Olhar Digital 416591714465796759.html
Border Closure: Nigerians now eat fresh, healthy rice — RIFAN

Following the closure of the country's land borders to curtail excesses of smugglers and other illegal activities, the Rice Farmers Association of...

9 Dec 17:16 Vanguard News 4125100340852678923.html
Policía de Turquía considera INAPROPIADA la letra de "Un violador en tu camino"

La polic&iacute;a de Turqu&iacute;a considera inapropiada la letra de la canci&oacute;n "un violador en tu camino" y dispers&oacute; a todas las mujeres que se encontraban entonando el himno.

9 Dec 08:15 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624471338549.html
Bloomberg Lists Top Cryptocurrencies of 2019: Bitcoin Comes in Second, With XRP And Stellar Lagging Behind

Bitcoin had a big 2019, with a 101% jump in price from $3,742 to $7,537 at time of publishing, according to CoinMarketCap. But despite its blockbuster performance, Bitcoin is not the number one crypto asset of the year, in terms of performance.

9 Dec 13:45 The Daily Hodl 7141394323936044452.html
Während du starbst

Oktober 1994. Worms. Eben noch pures Glück. Drei Tage jung, drei Tage Glück, unser erstes Kind. Doch du hörtest auf zu atmen. Einfach so. Januar 1994. Salzburg. Es war kalt. Salzburg schneeweiß, einfach nur schön. Wir waren verliebt. Auch in uns. Man sieht sich selten, wenn achthundert Kilometer

9 Dec 10:49 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083657987764.html
Porozumienie Chirurgów podpisało swój manifest

Nowo powstałe Porozumienie Chirurgów, którego współzałożycielem jest między innymi dr Krzysztof Hałabuz, rezydent chirurgii ogólnej i współzałożyciel Porozumienia Rezydentów OZZL, podpisało swój manifest, w którym zabiega o dostęp do stołu operacyjnego, wyższe stawki i możliwość bezpłatnych szkoleń w centrach symulacji.

9 Dec 11:30 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135116795093889.html
Buy/Drive/Burn: Japanese Two-doors for a New Century

Last time on Buy/Drive/Burn, we took a look at three two-door mid-market offerings from American brands for the 2001 model year. Most people hated such a Sophie's choice. Perhaps things will be a bit better today when we cover the same market segment with offerings from Japan.

9 Dec 14:00 The Truth About Cars 8594295342566094021.html
Petition wants NFL to remove Mike Vick as honorary 2020 Pro Bowl captain

Former NFL star and New York Jets quarterback Michael Vick is expected to be honored by the league as one of the four "legends captains" at the 2020 Pro Bowl.

9 Dec 15:44 ABC7 New York 7327811147888584059.html
La Finlandaise Sanna Marin, plus jeune chef de gouvernement de la planète

La Finlandaise Sanna Marin, qui doit devenir mardi à 34 ans le plus jeune chef de gouvernement en exercice de la planète, incarne cette génération montante de femmes politiques dans le pays nordique, pionnier de l'égalité entre les sexes.

9 Dec 17:13 Challenges 1086714996580196081.html
Aresztowano kibica City, który rasistowsko obrażał graczy United

Policja Greater Manchester aresztowała 41-letniego mężczyznę w związku z oskarżeniami o rasistowskie obelgi pod adresem piłkarzy Manchesteru United w trakcie sobotnich derbów miasta.

9 Dec 10:26 DevilPage.pl 5381987155222827195.html
"A voi la linea": l'appuntamento con il Cagliari è su Radiolina

Sport - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 10:55 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206342755470.html
Clubul Rapid este nemulțumit de anumite aspecte ale viitorului stadion din Giulești

Clubul Rapid şi-a expus din nou poziţia în legătură cu noul Stadion Giuleşti, aflat acum în construcţie, după mai multe discuţii cu...

9 Dec 16:21 Stiri pe surse 4858045013274495606.html
Der Stargast verändert die Märchen

Kleine Sparer laufen bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit durch die Glücksburger Heide. Wen sie dort gefunden und mit ihren Taschenlampen begleitet haben.

9 Dec 10:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109158358929.html
La escasez de agua potable en las casas obligará a usarla reciclada

El Canal de Isabel II estudia proponer una modificación de la normativa para que los desarrollos urbanísticos de nueva construcción añadan a la entrada de agua potable otra de agua tratada y no consumible

9 Dec 17:41 EL PAÍS 2207347709706005190.html
Ny 2K-studio utvecklar nästa Bioshock

Cloud Chamber tar upp facklan efter Ken Levine.

9 Dec 13:38 FZ.se 109758246155262898.html
Estamos na entressafra e preço vai diminuir, diz Bolsonaro sobre a carne

Presidente e a ministra da Agricultura, Tereza Cristina, participaram de uma transmissão nas redes sociais

9 Dec 15:17 Correio do Povo 8875535435646372118.html
Bayern: Fürchterliches Drama in Schwimmbad – Kleinkind tot

Drama in einem Freitzeitbad in Bayern!

9 Dec 09:49 www.derwesten.de 5765995666710014281.html
Finlandia, Sanna Marin diventa primo ministro: è la più giovane del mondo

Finlandia, Sanna Marin diventa primo ministro: è la più giovane di tutto il mondo ed è alla guida di una coalizione di cinque partiti, diretti da donne

9 Dec 11:34 ilGiornale.it 5019541225651438295.html
[Update: More countries] Google is sending out 20% Google Store discount codes to Local Guides in the UK

As a thank you, some Local Guide contributors are now receiving 20% off codes for purchases made on the Google Store right in time for the holidays.

9 Dec 13:07 9to5Google 6197440880463165764.html
Almost 600 patients waiting for beds in Irish hospitals

Limerick and Cork have two of the worst hit hospitals today.

9 Dec 11:18 Breaking News 4415806918889059409.html
El desnudo integral de una ganadora de 'GH VIP' que ha logrado evitar la censura

Aly Eckmann, la que fuera ganadora de 'GH VIP 5', ha sorprendido a sus casi 300.000 seguidores en Instagram con dos instantáneas en las que aparece completamente desnuda.

9 Dec 09:42 MARCA 5656811532068205912.html
Embaixador Sérgio Danese representará o Brasil na posse de Fernández

Cerimônia na Argentina ocorre nesta terça-feira, em Buenos Aires

9 Dec 13:26 O TEMPO 6069683947586578789.html
Überfall vor Rewe in Raunheim: Männer lauern nach Ladenschluss Mitarbeiter auf 

Kurz vor 23 Uhr verlässt ein Rewe-Mitarbeiter eine Filiale in Raunheim. Doch er ist nicht allein auf dem Parkplatz am Stadtzentrum. Jetzt ermittelt die Polizei. 

9 Dec 09:56 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323170229005.html
10 signes que votre accouchement approche

Si votre médecin vous a d’ores et déjà donné votre date présumée d’accouchement, il se peut que votre bébé décide de venir au monde un peu plus tôt (ou plus tard) que prévu. D’où l’importance de savoir reconnaître les signes qui annoncent que votre accouchement approche à grands pas !

9 Dec 11:37 Magicmaman.com 1799077917089016864.html
Quick tip: How to run Wi-Fi diagnostics on your Mac

There's nothing more frustrating than trying to connect to a Wi-Fi network and something isn't working right. However, macOS comes with tools you can use to diagnose and test your network connection, helping you to get back on the internet.

9 Dec 11:11 ZDNet 591556591864518880.html
Microsoft Math – AI aplikacija za kompleksne matematičke probleme

Jasno je da digitroni služe za računanje, ali kompleksniji zadaci podrazumevaju i poznavanje načina na koji se neki matematički problemi rešavaju. Microsoft je odlučio da reši ovaj problem, te lans…

9 Dec 12:48 PC Press 681412281587935062.html
Star Screen Awards 2019: Deepika Padukone Turns Heads In Brand New Avatar; Looks Wow On Red Carpet!

Take a look at the red carpet pictures from the Star Screen Awards 2019 that took place in Mumbai on December 8. Many Bollywood celebrities including Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Kartik Aaryan, Sara Ali Khan, Ananya Panday, Rekha, Kriti Sanon, Shahid Kapoor and Bhumi Pednekar made their presence felt at the do.

9 Dec 12:25 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244410280044.html
Milan, ora la squadra ha più fiducia in se stessa

Con l'arrivo di Pioli sulla panchina milanista, il Milan è migliorato notevolmente e ora stanno iniziando ad arrivare anche i risultati visto che era da settembre che i rossoneri non vincevano due gare di fila in campionato: come spiega La Gazzetta dello Sport in edicola questa mattina, ora il Diavolo è una squadra che ha più fiducia in se stessa.  

9 Dec 13:50 MilanNews.it 6507305922769129046.html
Harley Needs a Crew in New DC Universe Harley Quinn Episode 3 Promo

The next episode of Harley Quinn will air on DC Universe on December 13. 

9 Dec 16:42 SuperHeroHype 7705098697945919095.html
Madrid bajará impuestos de "tres en tres" y cuando sea oportuno usará el IRPF para compensar las políticas del Estado

La presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, ha asegurado que continuará bajando los impuestos ''de tres en tres'' en la región de manera progresiva y usará la reducción del tramo autonómico del IRPF para compensar las posibles políticas de un Ejecutivo de PSOE y Podemos.

9 Dec 10:23 elEconomista.es 9051559958964015052.html
Policías capturados por la presunta desaparición de dos líderes sociales en el Cauca

Miembros de la comunidad han realizado plantones en la estación de Policía, con el fin de exigir que se conozca el paradero de los dos líderes.

9 Dec 13:45 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826397178664.html
Baby: Säugling ausgesetzt! Polizei sucht nach Mutter

Schlimmer Fund in Stade (Niedersachsen). Ein Ehepaar hat am Freitagabend ein neugeborenes Baby auf einer Wiese gefunden – mutterseelenallein.

9 Dec 17:22 www.derwesten.de 5765995665739062272.html
Koalicja Obywatelska reaguje na materiał Onetu. Chcą informacji od Glińskiego i Macierewicza

- Oczekujemy rzetelnej informacji o wydatkach Polskiej Fundacji Narodowej, której może udzielić minister kultury. Żądamy informacji od Antoniego Macierewicza, jakie służbowe relacje łączą go z Edmundem Jannigerem - zapowiedział dzisiaj rzecznik PO Jan Grabiec. Żądania opozycji są reakcją na wczorajszy tekst Onetu, w którym opisaliśmy m.in. jak PFN płaciła za przeloty i hotele młodego współpracownika Macierewicza Edmunda Jannigera.

9 Dec 10:02 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535889960432.html
Haley: Killer ‘hijacked’ Confederate flag meaning for some

Haley told conservative political commentator and Blaze TV host Glenn Beck that the flag had meant “service, and sacrifice and heritage” to some.

9 Dec 16:43 WBTV 6439870258954722168.html
TASI ends Monday at three-month high

Riyadh – Mubasher: The Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) maintained its rising trend for the third consecutive session and ended Monday’s trading in gains, reaching its highest level since last August. The Tadawul All Share Index (TASI) added 0.26% …

9 Dec 17:45 english.mubasher.info 8917853138270267344.html
Confirmada las salidas de tres nombres fuertes de Deporte, ¿qué dijo Chica?

El titular de la Secretaría de Estado contó cuáles fueron las razones para que Villalobos, Roldán y Naveda no sigan a cargo de las áreas en las que estaban.

9 Dec 14:38 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158648916312.html
La realidad que le espera a un migrante venezolano en Bogotá

Alrededor de 300.000 venezolanos residen en la capital de Colombia, Bogotá, una población que es mayor o se iguala a la cantidad de migrantes en países como Chile, Ecuador y Brasil.

9 Dec 16:23 El Impulso 879547507863917169.html
Populism PNL pe tema pensiilor speciale

Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan a anunțat că PNL va anula pensiile speciale cu excepția pensiilor militare și ale magistraților și în felul acesta se va face o economie la buget de 9 miliarde de lei.

9 Dec 12:23 Cotidianul 8452212682105827362.html
DCW Chief Swati Maliwal Urges Smriti Irani to Disburse ‘Nirbhaya’ Fund to States

The Union Home Ministry on December 5 sanctioned Rs 100 crores from 'Nirbhaya' Fund for setting up women help desks at police stations across the country.

9 Dec 15:02 India.com 7150386083370953768.html
Jean-Paul Delevoye dresse le bilan de la concertation sur la réforme des retraites, sans faire d'annonces

Le haut-commissaire aux retraites, Jean-Paul Delevoye a présenté, ce lundi 9 décembre, ses conclusions des concertations avec les partenaires sociaux sur la réforme des retraites organisées depuis deux

9 Dec 17:39 Capital.fr 2641485281289902262.html
Fisco, Mattarella: "Senza l'evasione ci sarebbero più soldi per stipendi e pensioni"

Il Capo dello Stato: "Chi evade le tasse sfrutta quelle pagate dagli altri, è una cosa indecente"

9 Dec 16:08 Repubblica.it 8208867269865617178.html
Vivo X30 Punya Sensor Sidik Jari di Layar

Sejumlah vendor smartphone sedang menyiappkan smartphone baru menjelang akhir tahun ini. Salah satunya Vivo yang akan mengumumkan X30 pada 16 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 08:00 liputan6.com 3414318496126218187.html
Julia Roberts pieds nus : ses orteils ont souffert

Arrivée en escarpins, elle est repartie pieds nus. Julia Roberts, les pieds en charpie sur ses talons, est repartie des Fashions Awards de Londres ses chaussures à la main....

9 Dec 16:25 Purepeople 1712099803548806613.html
Ex-NFL GM Says Dak Prescott Will Sign Massive $400M Deal With Cowboys

(Photo by Will Newton/Getty Images) Say what, now??? The Dallas Cowboys are 13 games into the 2019 season and the…

9 Dec 16:27 Total Pro Sports 5536572205578717960.html
La fórmula Ameal-Pergolini-Riquelme se impuso en las elecciones de Boca

La agrupación “Identidad Xeneize” ganó este domingo con el 52,92 por ciento de los votos. El oficialista Gribaudo fue segundo con el 30,64 por ciento.

9 Dec 11:34 Mundo D 5646459532907437119.html
‘Someone royally forked up’: how The Good Place turned hellish

The philosophical comedy is now so complicated that watching it feels more like homework rather than a hobby

9 Dec 12:59 the Guardian 1491978796256541151.html
Meet the real-life 'hot priest': Married vicar's rugged good looks wins him 116,500 Instagram followers and comparisons with Fleabag hunk Andrew Scott

Rev Chris Lee (pictured), 36, from London, posts '60-second sermons' to his 116,500 fans. The married father of two is adamant they follow him for the power of the gospels and not due to his looks.

9 Dec 10:59 Mail Online 124328111666586659.html
Antidopingo agentūra Rusijai skyrė diskvalifikaciją

Rusijos sporto pasaulį sukrėtė dar vienas skandalas - pasaulinė antidopingo agentūra (WADA) paskelbė, kad šios šalies sportininkas skyrė ilgą...

9 Dec 13:17 krepsinis.net 8057069485098511872.html
At least 5 dead after a New Zealand volcano erupted unexpectedly, sending ash plumes 12,000 feet into the air

New Zealand Police said the site is too dangerous to attempt to rescue anybody. The volcano could erupt again.

9 Dec 09:02 Yahoo 7097669638583990208.html
Izložba o životu i delu Nikolaja Krasnova u Starom dvoru

BEOGRAD - Beograd je danas dobio spomenik ruskom arhitekti Nikolaju Krasnovu, a povodom 80. godina od njegove smrti, u Starom dvoru otvorena je izložba o

9 Dec 14:11 Krstarica 4176903989517878547.html
Convulsión en Deportivo Cali: los motivos que habrían impulsado la salida de Pusineri

Deportivo Cali tuvo varias sorpresas en materia dirigencial tras la eliminación de la Liga Águila.

9 Dec 12:32 Antena 2 310632180027898656.html
Statomas dar vienas socialinis būstas


9 Dec 16:10 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586753193751.html
Promotion immobilière : Fayat entre au capital du groupe rennais Bardon

La division bâtiment du groupe de BTP Fayat annonce sa prise de participation dans le groupe rennais Bardon, bien implanté dans le grand Ouest. Ce rapprochement initié l'an dernier vise le développement d'opérations en Vefa (vente en état futur d'achèvement) clés en main dans toute la France.

9 Dec 08:00 La Tribune 1118960602260800948.html
“Non ci aiuti, non ci tuteli col presidente": l'accusa di Mertens a Giuntoli

A rivelarlo è l'edizione odierna de 'Il Mattino', che ricostruisce nei minimi dettagli gli avvenimenti di quella serata infausta

9 Dec 10:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080860036100.html
Erica Piamonte Instagram, il seno stretto nel mini top è mozzafiato: «Sei la bonazzitudine!»

Erica Piamonte è sempre più bella e provocante. La sua ultima foto ha fatto letteralmente impazzire i suoi followers. Veramente bollente.

9 Dec 10:06 UrbanPost 2450570493813317263.html
iPhone 11, il GPS funziona da spento: Apple spiega il motivo | Hi-Tech.Leonardo.it

Apple ha spiegato che il motivo del perché il GPS degli iPhone 11 entra in funzione anche se disattiva è da ricercarsi nel funzionamento del chip U1.

9 Dec 08:00 Leonardo.it Hi-tech 2620845189079991026.html
"Tienen tanto resentimiento": La frase de Érika Olivera sobre familiares de detenidos desaparecidos que generó polémica en las redes

Esta mañana, Érika Olivera visitó "Bienvenidos" para hablar la agitación social que vive el país y la intervención del colectivo "Las Tesis"

9 Dec 15:43 Publimetro Chile 2498685481795004211.html
Total verliebt! Hier lässt er seine Freundin Karina nicht aus den Augen

Sie wirken, als würden sie alles um sich herum vergessen, wenn sie einander in die Augen blicken. Wie verliebt Entertainer Thomas Gottschalk und seine Freundin Karina Mroß sich anstrahlen, lässt das Herz eines jeden Beobachters hüpfen.

9 Dec 11:07 BUNTE.de 2017976499321388561.html
Paraisópolis tem baile esvaziado, grafites e homenagens a vítimas

Grafites foram feitos em muros trazendo mensagens de protesto contra a violência policial e pedidos de paz

9 Dec 15:00 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699838049004.html
"Está prohibido que los habitantes mueran en sus casas los sábados, domingos y días festivos": el singular decreto de alcaldesa francesa para demostrar "la absurdidad de un sistema"

Los habitantes de la localidad de 850 habitantes aproximadamente solamente pueden morir de lunes a viernes en sus hogares.

9 Dec 11:42 Publimetro Chile 2498685482110510060.html
AMA excluyó a Rusia de competiciones internacionales por cuatro años

El país no podrá tener representación en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020 ni en el Mundial de Catar 2022.

9 Dec 12:51 W Radio 7724358830534795021.html
Une Tesla Model 3 sur Autopilot provoque un accident avec une voiture de police

Aux Etats-Unis, une Tesla Model 3 dont l'Autopilot était activé depuis peu est venue percuter une voiture de police stationnée à côté d'un véhicule en panne

9 Dec 14:24 PhonAndroid.com 8181142844628195246.html
Father, 26, who lost his right hand and both of his legs to meningitis as a child will get a bionic arm just in time for Christmas to help him look after his baby

Danny Florence, from Durham, has lived without his hand and both legs since he was five. But after the birth of his son Joshua, he realised he was missing out on caring for him.

9 Dec 13:03 Mail Online 124328110711715331.html
SEA Games 2019: Kalah dari Pemain Malaysia, Ruselli Hartawan Raih Medali Perak

Tunggal putri Indonesia, Ruselli Hartawan meraih medali perak bulutangkis perorangan SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 13:26 Bola.com 1695722603884766737.html
Mediji: Madjarska šalje pojačanje na Kosovo u sastav Kfora

Madjarska će u narednom periodu povećati svoje vojno prisustvo na Kosovu, pa će u sastavu Kfora imato gotovo 500 pripadnika, prenosi danas portal Balkanska bezbednosna mreža.Taj portal podseća da je madjarski ministar inostranih poslova Peter Sijarto najavio na nedavnom sastanku šefova diplomatije članica NATO u Briselu da će njegova zemlja znatno povećati vojno prisustvo na Kosovu i u Avganistanu."Bezbednost regiona Zapadnog Balkana od ključnog je značaja za Madjarsku i Evropu", poručio je Sijarto, precizirajući da će u misiju Kfor biti upućeno još 100 a u centralnu Aziju još 70 vojnika.Portal ocenjuje da tom odlukom Budimpešta učvršćuje svoju poziciju u NATO i pokazuje da bezbednost regiona smatra jednim od prioriteta spoljne politike."Ona bi mogla da se tumači i kao poruka podrške Srbiji koja od NATO-a traži da ne smanjuju snage Kfora jer ih smatra ključnim garantom bezbednosti srpskog stanovništva", dodaje se.Balkanska bezbednosna mreža podseća da se u Kforu trenutno nalazi 385 madjarskih vojnika u sastavu…

9 Dec 10:35 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081462576031.html
Fortnite diffusera un extrait du prochain Star Wars dans son cinéma virtuel

Le jeu d'Epic Games s'associe une fois encore avec Disney, à l'occasion de la sortie de Star Wars : L'Ascension de Skywalker.

9 Dec 09:26 RTBF Tendance 2262420857255595313.html
Nick Cannon Says Eminem's Lawyers Hit Him Up Over Gay Sex Tape Claims

Update 12/09/2019 3:27pm:

9 Dec 15:32 VLADTV 1404406306603704537.html
"Provinsje set wynenerzjy op slot: lytsere ferfangende mûnen ûnrendabel"

Dat seit de foarsitter fan feriening wynturbine-eigeners. Snein foel by Jorwert in turbine om. Oarsaak noch ûnbekend.

9 Dec 13:09 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694563854384.html
The History of Uncut Gems’ Bedazzled Furby

The history of Uncut Gems’s bedazzled Furby: Here’s how the unlikely mascot of Adam Sandler’s new movie, written and directed by the Safdie Brothers, came to be.

9 Dec 14:00 VULTURE 2718750544397593987.html
Casal de repórteres da Globo relata caso de homofobia na Bahia

Os repórteres da Globo Erick Rianelli e Pedro Figueiredo usaram seus perfis no Twitter e relataram terem sido vítimas de homofobia no hotel Iberostar, na Praia do Forte, na Bahia.

9 Dec 17:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125211144431792.html
Veiklą Lietuvoje pradeda tiriamosios žurnalistikos centras

Tiriamosios žurnalistikos centras „Siena“ pirmadienį pranešė pradėjęs veiklą.

9 Dec 11:22 Kauno diena 6825691409967213034.html
Polémica en Independiente: el ultimátum de los jugadores y la molestia de la dirigencia

El plantel del Rojo reclama por el total de la deuda, que aún no fue saldada por parte de la dirigencia y afirman que si no se ponen al día no entrenarán este martes, luego de un fin de semana sin actividad.

9 Dec 17:11 Doble Amarilla 8680269686124683146.html
You have to fall in love with life, says Kevin Hart after serious car crash

The comedian suffered major back injuries in the accident.

9 Dec 11:03 Breaking News 4415806918744956678.html
Boris Johnson quizzed by voter on Tories’ use of attack website

The Prime Minister was challenged during a visit to a transport firm in Tyne and Wear.

9 Dec 16:06 Shropshire Star 3480199993363428461.html
La Stampa: "Il Milan ora corre. La cura Pioli inizia a fare effetto"

"Il Milan ora corre. La cura Pioli inizia a fare effetto": è questo il titolo scelto da La Stampa per commentare la vittoria del Milan in casa del Bologna. Il lavoro di Pioli inizia a vedersi e i rossoneri stanno uscendo dalla lunga crisi che ha caratterizzato la prima parte di stagione del Diavolo.   

9 Dec 10:46 MilanNews.it 6507305921506313688.html
René Auberjonois tot: Lungenkrebs! "Star Trek"-Legende mit 79 Jahren gestorben

Trauer bei allen Fans des "Star Trek"-Universums. Die müssen einen völlig überraschenden Todesfall verkraften. Der aus der Kultserie "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" bekannte US-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist tot. Er sei am Sonntag gestorben, hieß es auf seiner Homepage und auf seinem Twitter-Profil.

9 Dec 16:35 news.de 5126378979543011310.html
"Il vento e il fuoco": parla dell'inno allo Spirito Santo il nuovo libro di don Gianni Falco

La prefazione è a cura di Maria Pia Garavaglia, già Ministro della Sanità '88-'92: "Noi lettori dobbiamo essere grati a don Gianni, per come ci presenta i doni dello Spirito Santo, infondendoci nostalgia e desiderio di...

9 Dec 11:05 Targatocn.it 7367208848825073388.html
What is the future of Alberta's $25-a-day daycare? Operators, parents waiting for answers

Operators of some Calgary child-care centres say they’re holding their breath as they wait for news about the future of Alberta’s $25-a-day pilot program.Kate Stenson, executive directo…

9 Dec 17:59 Calgary Herald 1003909010661567604.html
La Academia Tv Azteca: Danna Paola se pelea con un concursante ¿la nueva Lolita?

Danna Paola cr&iacute;tico muy severamente a una concursante en La Academia de Tv Azteca, y est&aacute; le reclam&oacute; a la integrante del jurado, &iquest;habr&aacute; una nueva historia tipo &ldquo;Lolita-Jolette&rdquo;?

9 Dec 17:21 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623418881036.html
5G: tanti dubbi e paure sulla nuova rete, ma alcune sono fake news

Ancora dubbi sulla nuova tecnologia di Tim, Wind Tre e Vodafone e ad alimentarli sono tante fake news che circolano in rete.

9 Dec 12:05 tecnoandroid 2573257128082020200.html
Fan de Kate Middleton, Mallory fait le buzz sur Instagram en copiant ses looks

Cette avocate américaine dépense des milliers de dollars pour ressembler à sa duchesse préférée.

9 Dec 09:00 Closermag.fr 1175411577922995345.html
China: Administração Pública obrigada a substituir PCs e software estrangeiro

Até 2022, todas as entidades governamentais e instituições públicas serão obrigadas a substituir o seu hardware e software estrangeiro por soluções nacionais.

9 Dec 15:17 Pplware 5187268351871278509.html
My predictions for health trends in 2020

Quinoa will go mainstream, and flying to Peru to buy quinoa will no longer be cheaper than buying at Fabindia, predicts the writer

9 Dec 10:55 The Hindu 6679535025747202868.html
„Sesamstraße“-Darsteller Caroll Spinney gestorben

Der US-Schauspieler Caroll Spinney ist tot. Er verkörperte Bibo und Oscar aus der Mülltonne in der „Sesamstraße“. 

9 Dec 12:11 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323893301166.html
CTET 2019 answer keys to be released soon along with response sheets at ctet.nic.in

CBSE conducted the CTET December 2019 examination on December 8th in which more than 28 lakh candidates participated.

9 Dec 14:19 Scroll.in 8669301693108157634.html
Barça: Harry Kane soll Luis Suarez beerben

Der FC Barcelona befasst sich schon länger mit der Suche nach einem längerfristigen Nachfolger von Luis Suarez. Der absolute Wunschkandidat heisst offenbar Harry Kane.

9 Dec 08:31 4-4-2.com 812646141238535094.html
Russia hands out passports to 125,000 residents of rebel-held east Ukraine

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has issued passports to 125,000 residents of rebel-held eastern Ukraine, Russia’s interior minister said on Monday, deepening Moscow’s ties with the separatist region even as it begins talks with Kiev aimed at ending the conflict.

9 Dec 16:18 Reuters 8334514181815784454.html
Kvinne drept i juli - samboeren siktet

Politiet har siktet en mann for drapet på 46 år gamle Nina Bråthen. De to skal vært samboere i tre år.

9 Dec 10:28 Dagbladet.no 3042595686516545733.html
Betelgeuse Is “Fainting” But It's Not About To Explode. Probably

A ripple of excitement is passing through the community of astronomers, both amateur and professional, at reports that Betelgeuse has dimmed significantly

9 Dec 17:32 IFLScience 242791748270449717.html
Puteri Indonesia 2019, Frederika Alexis Cull Masuk 5 Besar Top Asia Afrika Pasifik Miss Universe 2019

Frederika Alexis Cull, diumumkan masuk dalam 5 besar finalis Miss Universe 2019.

9 Dec 09:09 liputan6.com 3414318496224014483.html
Florin Citu: Eugen Teodorovici stia inca din aprilie 2019 ca deficitul bugetar va ajunge la 4% din PIB

Fostul ministru al Finantelor Eugen Teodorovici a fost avertizat inca din aprilie ca deficitul bugetar va ajunge la 4% din PIB in acest an, insa nu a luat nicio masura, a anuntat, luni, actualul sef de la Finante, Florin Citu, intr-o conferinta de presa, noteaza Agerpres.

9 Dec 13:05 Wall-Street 2473040519860572115.html
Chelsea blip hasn’t changed Frank Lampard’s transfer plans

The Blues have won just one of their last five matches.

9 Dec 15:10 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773338969652.html
KNVB verlengt samenwerking met Sarina Wiegman tot en met EK van 2021

Sarina Wiegman blijft langer aan als bondscoach van de Oranje Leeuwinnen, zo maakt de KNVB maandagmiddag wereldkundig. Met het nieuwe contract is Wiegman tot en met het EK van 2021 in Engeland de eindverantwoordelijke. De oude verbintenis liep door tot de Olympische Spelen van 2020 in Tokio. Beide partijen zijn tevreden over de beslissing om de samenwerking een vervolg te geven.

9 Dec 17:37 Voetbalzone 9096760911872715100.html
Espen Egil Hansen går av som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten

Aftenposten-redaktør Espen Egil Hansen fratrer som sjefredaktør og administrerende direktør. Han går inn i en ny stilling i Schibsted.

9 Dec 08:51 Bergens Tidende 6643873500398125993.html
Vulcão White Island entrou em erupção enquanto turistas visitavam a ilha

Cerca de 50 turistas estavam na ilha desabitada de Whakaari, na Nova Zelândia, quando o vulcão entrou em erupção. Há pelo menos cinco mortos confirmados e 23 pessoas foram resgatadas.

9 Dec 16:11 JN 6956494302890804622.html
Brände verhindern: Advent, Advent, ein Zimmer brennt…

Statistisch gesehen brennt es alle 2 bis 3 Minuten in einer deutschen Wohnung. Und die Zahl der Brandschäden steigt. Besonders häufig kommt es in der Adventszeit zu Zimmerbränden. Doch, wie kann man das Brandrisiko verringern? Welche Versicherung zahlt, wenn es dann doch brennt?

9 Dec 09:20 FOCUS Online 4448121231709238508.html
¿Messi estaría planeando retirarse en Miami?

El argentino Lionel Messi y su esposa Antonella Roccuzzo compraron un lujoso apartamento en el piso 47 de la Torre Porsche Design, de Miami, lo […]

9 Dec 16:53 LaPatilla.com 9104603010984079433.html
Whatsapp: Frau schickt Eltern Urlaubsfoto – und übersieht dieses pikante Detail

Den Freunden oder der Familie schnell ein paar Zeilen schreiben oder ein Strandbild schicken... Wer liebt es nicht, Urlaubsgrüße per Whatsapp zu verschicken? Postkarten brauchen gerade aus dem Ausland viel zu lange. Auch lassen sich dabei schlecht Bilder mitschicken. Da ist Whatsapp doch viel praktischer.

9 Dec 09:58 www.derwesten.de 5765995666460883189.html
Conmoción: investigan si una mujer murió tras someterse a un aborto clandestino

Ocurrió en La Plata. El desenlace fatal fue en el Hospital San Martín. La paciente había ingresado el viernes pasado a la tarde con una infección generalizada. De 34 años, la mujer vivía en Los Hornos y era de nacionalidad paraguaya

9 Dec 12:17 Infocielo 6573250471445912934.html
Muere el actor de "Friends" Ron Leibman

Hasta el momento se reportan al menos 18 heridos de gravedad.

9 Dec 13:33 Ecuavisa 4017571649218482397.html
Las principales ciberamenazas que se esperan en 2020

2020 se perfila como un año en el que los ataques informáticos aumentarán. Se espera que los ciberdelincuentes empleen técnicas más profesionalizadas. Nuevos ataques de ransomware, phishing, vulnerabilidades en el entorno cloud o apps como fuente de estaf

9 Dec 12:20 Diariocrítico 5375131904728387885.html
DGSN: la police tire pour neutraliser un homme recherché au niveau national

Le chef de la brigade de la police judiciaire relevant du district de la sûreté de Taourirt a été contraint de faire usage de son arme de service, dimanche, pour arrêter un multirécidiviste, âgé de 23 ans, qui exposait des fonctionnaires de police à un danger sérieux et imminent à l'aide d'une arme blanche.

9 Dec 09:15 Le Site Info 5160764340173009510.html
70% de traumas por accidentes son faciales

Población entre 15 y 35 años de edad es la más afectada

9 Dec 11:03 Últimas Noticias 6811287209252018937.html
Rapper (21) enkele uren voor dood gefilmd

Juice Wrld die gisterochtend plotseling overleed zat enkele uren daarvoor nog met vrienden in een privévliegtuig. Daar is hij nog gefilmd. 

9 Dec 11:28 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049181559576.html
El Zulia cerró la semana de manera perfecta

Las Águilas vencieron este domingo 5-4 a Los Tigres de Aragua para conseguir su quinto triunfo consecutivo en la quinta semana del campeonato

9 Dec 12:31 Correo del Caroní 4452451017882486259.html
102 Arbeitskräfte betroffen: Jetzt ist das Fensterwerk Kapo in Pöllau insolvent

Der nächste Schock im Pöllauer Tal: Nach der Insolvenz der Kapo Holding GmbH sowie der Möbelwerkstätten ist nun auch das Fensterwerk zahlungsunfähig. Der Antrag wurde von der Geschäftsführung eingebracht. 102 Arbeitnehmer sind betroffen.

9 Dec 12:20 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699077450524.html
Algérie/corruption : lourdes peines requises contre d'ex-dirigeants

Le parquet algérien a requis dimanche de lourdes peines d'emprisonnement contre d'anciens hauts dirigeants politiques, dont deux ex-Premiers ministres, et des hommes d'affaires accusés de corruptio...

9 Dec 10:07 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981576263493.html
Kit Harington was the only ‘Game of Thrones’ star nominated for a Golden Globe, and Emilia Clarke fans are outraged

The nominees for the upcoming 2020 Golden Globe awards were announced Monday morning, and some were intrigued to see the final season of “Game of Thrones” land just one nomination. Kit Harington (who played Jon Snow) has been recognized for the best actor in a drama series category, and Emilia Clarke fans are expressing their disappointment.

9 Dec 16:51 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882663371129.html
Faith No More als headliner toegevoegd aan Graspop Metal Meeting

Graspop Metal Meeting kent al z’n headliners. Na Iron Maiden, Judas Priest en Aerosmith is ook Faith No More toegevoegd aan de line-up van het festival in Dessel. De band zal vrijdag optreden op he...

9 Dec 15:25 HLN 8967494996745956125.html
Bergomi: "Pioli ha trovato la formazione, il Milan mi è piaciuto"

Giuseppe Bergomi, intervenuto a Sky Sport, ha parlato del momento del Milan dopo i due successi a Parma e a Bologna: "Pioli ha trovato la formazione, continuano a giocare insieme diversi giocatori. La squadra è stata molto intensa, portava tanti giocatori vicino a Piatek. Il Milan mi è piaciuto".

9 Dec 14:27 MilanNews.it 6507305922826798555.html
La start-up française Jow lève 7 millions de dollars pour son application e-commerce alimentaire

Déjà partenaire de cinq grandes enseignes, donc Carrefour en version beta, la start-up française Jow a annoncé ce 9 décembre un tour de table de 7 millions de dollars pour poursuivre le développement de son application qui propose des recettes personnalisées couplées à des listes de courses automatiques.

9 Dec 14:06 L'Usine Digitale 1522718388405174995.html
At $1.6 trn a day, EM currency trading outpaces peers, rupee deals double

In early 2016, emerging-market currencies began a two-year rally that took MSCI Inc.'s gauge to a record as investors sought higher-yielding assets

9 Dec 09:53 Business-Standard 1502508925734174026.html
CarGo: Našeg člana na aerodromu napao taksista i polomio mu retrovizor

Predsednik Udruženja građana CarGo Aleksandar Vučić rekao je da je jednog njihovog člana na beogradskom aerodromu...

9 Dec 10:23 N1 Srbija 7797130865568752848.html
PHOTOS: Lai Mohammed, Omotola Jalade grace EbonyLife’s ‘Your Excellency’ movie premiere

'Your Excellency', a movie by Mo Abudu, held its grand premiere on Sunday at the EbonyLife place, a newly-built cinema in Victoria Island.

9 Dec 11:09 TheCable Lifestyle 3194590661989530142.html
Netweek lancia la Guida ai Ristoranti 2020

Per il 16esimo anno consecutivo Netweek ribadisce il proprio impegno a sostegno della ristorazione di qualità dando alle stampe la Guida ai Ristoranti 2020.

9 Dec 10:56 La Nuova Periferia 1387373625257231333.html
Erupción mortal en una isla de Nueva Zelanda

Erupción mortal en una isla de Nueva Zelanda. El despertar brutal del volcán Whakaari sorprendió a decenas de turistas cerca del cráter. Ya hay cinco muertos, una veintena de heridos y turistas ilocalizables

9 Dec 08:02 euronews 2767628994868295744.html
Homem usa faca de açougue para tentar matar cunhado em Mimoso do Sul 

Um homem foi preso na tarde deste domingo (8), após tentar matar o cunhado utilizando uma faca profissional usada para cortes em açougue. O crime aconteceu na Avenida Carolina Fraga, no bairro Vila Reis, em Mimoso do Sul. O suspeito e o cunhado haviam se desentendido pela manhã, mas a tarde, o homem voltou a […]

9 Dec 09:19 Aqui Notícias 8129660354634853025.html
Quevedo entregó la presidencia Pro tempore de la Conferencia Opep atribuyéndose “logros y productividad”

  El ministro de Petróleo de Venezuela y presidente de Pdvsa, Manuel Quevedo, entregó el viernes la presidencia Pro tempore de la Conferencia de la […]

9 Dec 12:37 LaPatilla.com 9104603011977744654.html
MSV Duisburg: Ex-Trainer und Kapitän Detlef Pirsig stirbt nach Krankheit

Große Trauer bei Drittligist MSV Duisburg. Der frühere Kapitän, Trainer und Sportdirektor Detlef Pirsig verstirbt nach langer und schwerer Krankheit.

9 Dec 17:59 Sport1.de 3783641329663089216.html
Le V. Boutin reprend ses bonnes habitudes

Après avoir atteint la demi-finale du tournoi de Saint-Romuald, le V. Boutin de Plessisville a repris ses bonnes habitudes dans la Ligue de hockey junior AA Chaudière-Appalaches (LHJAACA) en signant…

9 Dec 16:34 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068146708033584.html
Juice Wrld antes de MORIR fue grabado ¡Impactante video!

Minutos antes de morir la estrella de hip-hop Juice Wrld, dej&oacute; grabado un video que ha impactado a todos sus fans y al mundo entero.

9 Dec 11:03 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623567917049.html
Bill Hemmer to take over Shepard Smith's show on Fox News

Bill Hemmer will reportedly take over for Shepard Smith, who abruptly resigned from his show Shepard Smith Reporting in October. Hemmer will take over the 3 p.m. time slot, which was first reported by Mediaite.

9 Dec 17:17 Washington Examiner 4625792333354764585.html
Van de Beek zit niet te wachten op Real Madrid-vragen: 'Totaal niet mee bezig'

Donny van de Beek heeft op de persconferentie voor de Champions League-wedstrijd tegen Valencia laten weten niet bezig te zijn met een eventuele overstap naar Real Madrid. De middenvelder laat zich kort uit over de situatie, maar geeft aan met de wedstrijd bezig te zijn. "Ik ben daar totaal niet mee bezig op dit moment. Er zijn nu veel belangrijkere dingen om over te praten", aldus Van de Beek. "We weten dat Valencia hetzelfde type spel speelt als wij. Uit hebben we gewonnen en zagen we ook dat zij veel kwaliteiten hebben. We moeten vol gas voor een resultaat." Ten Hag komt met vervelend nieuws voor Ajax: Promes ontbreekt tegen Valencia

9 Dec 15:55 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883574826225.html
Matan a ingeniero durante un ritual de “limpieza espiritual”

Matan a ingeniero durante un ritual de "limpieza espiritual"

9 Dec 13:29 LaPatilla.com 9104603010370629060.html
SEA Games 2019 - Ruselli Sempat Kaget Turun pada Nomor Perorangan

Pebulu tangkis tunggal putri Indonesia, Ruselli Hartawan, menyumbang medali perak pada SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:26 BolaSport.com 4603768435749271273.html
Kanye West covers entire body in silver for new opera, 'Mary'

Kanye West debuted the new original opera Mary at the Miami Marine Stadium.

9 Dec 10:45 Channel24 2038030839258288932.html
Scopul și importanța pensulelor pentru machiaj

Un machiaj senzațional depinde foarte mult de produsele cosmetice folosite, dar și de instrumentele utilizate pentru aplicarea acestora. Există o

9 Dec 16:57 Cancan.ro 636482385082416910.html
25-jähriger Wanderer in den Sachsler Bergen tödlich verunglückt

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 15:29 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775639265210.html
£13m Arbroath active travel plan hits bump in the road over cash question

A divide over Arbroath active travel proposals to transform the town-splitting A92 dual carriageway has seen a bid to halt the multi-million pound scheme blocked.

9 Dec 08:32 The Courier 4275302768898810700.html
Jovanov: Đilas je umobolna fukara

Na društvenim mrežama bukti sukob između Milenka Jovanova i Dragana Đilasa nakon skandaloznih naslovnih strana, u kojima su objavljenje poruke koje pozivaju na ubistvo predsednika.

9 Dec 14:58 REPUBLIKA 2543998404620477198.html
Cafonal persiano: howtan re presenta la sua mostra con 14 sculture di cristo e arrivano...


9 Dec 17:32 DAGOSPIA 6533336738726777630.html
AUD/USD struggles to recover despite modest USD weakness, trades around 0.6820

The AUD/USD pair snapped its four-week losing streak last week but seems to be having a tough time pushing higher on Monday. After moving sideways bel

9 Dec 13:09 FXStreet 4480975638458040054.html
Nazar Indra Sjafri jika Timnas Indonesia U-22 Merebut Medali Emas SEA Games 2019

Pelatih Timnas Indonesia U-22, Indra Sjafri, mengungkap nazar jika berhasil mengantar tim asuhannya meraih medali emas di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 13:45 Bola.com 1695722603754892629.html
Für Josef geht der Kampf weiter

Frankfurts Planungsdezernent will jetzt eine kleinere Fläche östlich der Autobahn A5 mit Wohnungen bebauen. Initiativen und Linke halten Pläne für gescheitert.

9 Dec 17:25 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323231094297.html
Colombia: Comité de paro impulsa más acciones de protesta

9 Dic. 2019 - El Comité de paro en Colombia impulsa hoy más acciones de protesta, mientras las reuniones con el gobierno siguen sin lograr acuerdos. Diógenes Orjuela, presidente de la Central Un...

9 Dec 11:20 Aporrea 8480488500814694121.html
Real Madrid revela su nómina para el encuentro con Brujas, por la Champions

Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido ante el Brujas. Ramos, Kroos, Marcelo y James causan baja en la lista de convocados del Real Madrid para el partido…

9 Dec 10:51 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190229792469.html
Appen met de gemeente? Dat kan (even) niet meer

Een losliggende stoeptegel of kapotte straatverlichting melden via de app? In veel Nederlandse gemeenten kan dit sinds afgelopen weekend niet meer. Het probleem zit in het verdienmodel van WhatsApp.

9 Dec 16:14 RD.nl 6406779842108685446.html
Arbeidsbil av vegen på Fursetfjellet - to til legesjekk

To menn var involvert i trafikkuhellet på Roaldset mandag formiddag.

9 Dec 10:13 rbnett.no 7665098090560748934.html
2020 Tata Altroz: Variants explained

Here's what you get for all the variants of the 2020 Tata Altroz hatchback

9 Dec 11:09 OVERDRIVE 7781473804532299313.html
Neuer Interessent für Betrieb von Mainfähre – Kreis Offenbach prüft Unterlagen

Der Kreis Offenbach hat den Betrieb für die Mainfähre in Mühlheim ausgeschrieben. Ein Interessent hat nun Unterlagen eingereicht.

9 Dec 17:15 HNA 2656573664609511448.html
El topless "sin filtro" de Florencia Peña contemplando el amanecer en la playa

La actriz pasó el fin de semana en la costa argentina, desde donde compartió dos infartantes postales en su cuenta de Instagram.

9 Dec 14:17 Diario Registrado 7686014736596427355.html
Monaco verrouille Benoît Badiashile

À tout juste 18 ans, Benoît Badiashile compte déjà 32 apparitions en Ligue 1 avec l’AS Monaco, son club formateur, avec qui il a fait ses débuts professionnels la saison passée. Le grand défenseur (...)

9 Dec 15:48 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900181377782338.html
Kupcy Ofiru – niespodziewana premiera nowego dodatku do karcianki Gwint

Rozszerzenie trafiło już na komputery osobiste i urządzenia mobilne z systemem iOS.

9 Dec 16:44 Gram.pl 2394057652854120215.html
Handbollslandslaget EM-kvalar i Skövde

Mitt inne i VM, men planerna för EM-kvalet sker samtidigt. Nu står det klart att det svenska damlandslaget i handboll ska kvalspela mot Tjeckien i Arena Skövde.

9 Dec 11:27 Skövde Nyheter 3976647603526857149.html
Alexandre Guimaraes despierta del sueño entre felicitaciones del Macho Ramírez y Jorge Luis Pinto

El técnico tico se sinceró con La Nación: reveló qué lugar ocupa el título logrado en Colombia entre los principales logros de sus 25 años como 'DT’. Respuesta a respuesta, el técnico parece seguir digiriendo lo conquistado

9 Dec 16:28 La Nación 504134874579040766.html
Allison Moorer: Telling, and Singing, the Whole Story

You think you know the Allison Moorer story—the tragic murder-suicide of her parents, the dual rise of her and her sister’s careers, the stunning talent and sometimes explosive personalities, the multiple marriages. But there’s so much more you don’t know. There’s so much more, in fact, that Moorer had to simultaneously write and release a new album and a memoir to set the record straight. The chemistry experiment works, and Blood the album (the memoir shares the same title) is one of the best of Moorer’s career. She sat down with Paste recently to discuss all the stories.

9 Dec 12:35 Paste Magazine 2077921861301083550.html
Goldman Sachs sees gold soaring 9% in 2020 as Trump's trade-war and recession fears grip investors, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The investment bank pointed to a host of reasons, even Modern Monetary Theory, as factors in its forecast.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 11:41 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757216450813.html
You can get a Lego replica of your house but it doesn't come cheap

But look, so pretty.

9 Dec 16:16 Metro 970161747125799732.html
Video: 48-Jährige im Bezirk Mistelbach mit Messer getötet

Nach der tödlichen Messerattacke auf eine 48-Jährige am Sonntagabend im Bezirk Mistelbach hat sich der 53 Jahre alte Verdächtige geständig gezeigt. Die Frau war mit mehreren Stichverletzungen im Bauch in einer Wohnung gefunden worden, als Waffe soll ein Küchenmesser verwendet worden sein. Der Beschuldigte war mit dem Opfer laut Polizei in einer Beziehung, der Tat war ein Streit vorausgegangen.

9 Dec 13:54 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084146425001.html
BOOM! Cambio Moglie torna e cambia rete. Andrà in onda su Real Time

A volte ritornano. A quindici anni dall’esordio e a più di dieci dal suo congedo dal piccolo schermo, Cambio Moglie è pronto per tornare in tv, e mettere a confronto in ogni puntata due famiglie che più diverse non si potrebbe. E avrà anche una collocazione tutta nuova. Ad ospitare nel 2020 il reboot del programma sarà Real Time.

9 Dec 13:30 DavideMaggio.it 221510839470025450.html
Düsseldorf: Minderjährige vertraut sich Eltern an – jetzt wird IHM sexueller Missbrauch vorgeworfen

Die Polizei Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis (NRW) hat einen 25-Jährigen aus Düsseldorf festgenommen, der über eine App Kontakt zu Minderjährigen gesucht hat.

9 Dec 15:37 www.derwesten.de 5765995665563507200.html
Filha de Ana Malhoa tem novo projeto profissional

Índia Malhoa que é, tantas vezes, comparada a Kylie Jenner prepara-se para uma nova etapa profissional. A revelação foi feita pelo avô, José Malhoa.

9 Dec 17:15 maria 5738163822417528437.html
Guardiola: "Quizás no podemos competir con Liverpool, Barcelona y Real Madrid"

El técnico de Manchester City hizo un análisis sobre la temporada del equipo tras la derrota en el derby ante el United.

9 Dec 14:06 DIRECTV Sports 8893643040275222472.html
Portugal: Cinco cêntimos por cada garrafa de plástico devolvida

A luta contra o plástico tem já várias frente no mundo. Contudo, por cá, não nos ficamos por "banir" as palhinhas. Assim, numa medida muito mais desafiadora, os consumidores portugueses que devolverem garrafas de bebidas plásticas não reutilizáveis ​​receberão o valor estipulado pelo governo.

9 Dec 13:00 Pplware 5187268351253721978.html
NFKC Ybbs: Ein kalter Sonntag im Zeichen der Wärme

Im Winter ins kühle Nass der Donau? Genau das ist der Plan beim Charity-Paddeln des NFKC Ybbs am Sonntag, 15. Dezember!

9 Dec 12:59 NÖN.at 2486998933540876537.html
How Saturn’s Moon Got Its Stripes

Fractures on Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus known as “tiger stripes” spew water-ice into space. Now, astronomers think they understand how those stripes form.

9 Dec 16:00 Sky & Telescope 6662910495304612684.html
MDR ändert heute TV-Programm nach Tod von "Polizeiruf 110"-Star Wolfgang Winkler

Nach dem Tod von &#34;Polizeiruf 110&#34;-Kommissar Wolfgang Winkler wird dem verstorbenen 76-Jährigen ein Themenabend im MDR-Fernsehen gewidmet.

9 Dec 15:38 TAG24 4583887873723915020.html
Snart slutcampat i PUBG?

Battlegrounds testar en ny, inre blå ring.

9 Dec 12:45 FZ.se 109758246029203527.html
Messina, scoperta un’altra casa d’appuntamenti

Stavolta in via Centonze, denunciato il proprietario

9 Dec 08:47 Tempostretto 3143171743743690664.html
Ubriaco chiama la polizia: «Picchiato al bar»


9 Dec 10:31 IL GIORNALE DI VICENZA 5372985369927231742.html
Angus domestic abuser who said he’d rather go to jail than do unpaid work told sentencing ‘not a negotiation’

An Angus domestic abuser has been put on an electronic tag after being told by a sheriff that court sentencing “isn’t a negotiation”.

9 Dec 09:19 The Courier 4275302768294749920.html
Nach der Baby-Verkündung: "An Respektlosigkeit kaum zu übertreffen"

Ex-Bachelor Sebastian Pannek und Freundin Angelina Heger sind Meister des Versteckspiels. Erst hielten sie ihre Liebe geheim, dann das wachsende Glück unter Angelinas Herzen. Nach der Nachwuchs-News verkündete das Paar nun, weshalb man den Babybauch bislang nie sah – und machte auch gleich noch seinem Ärger Luft!

9 Dec 10:09 BUNTE.de 2017976499311563994.html
Los modelos multicampeones de Honda le dan el número uno en los premios Best Buy

El Civic sumó su sexta victoria seguida, mientras que modelos como Accord, CR-V, Odyssey y Clerity PHEV también cosecharon triunfos en estos premios.

9 Dec 11:05 Publimetro Chile 2498685482845925439.html
Pourquoi les acides gras trans industriels sont néfastes pour notre santé ?

Les acides gras trans entraîneraient des cascades d'inflammation et de stress cellulaire au sein de notre organisme, ce qui à trop haute dose est néfaste pour notre santé.

9 Dec 11:31 Futura 7671687980371572593.html
Barcelona no venderá a Arturo Vidal en enero

El Barcelona ya lo confirmó, Arturo Vidal se quedará en el equipo y no se irá en el siguiente mercado invernal como se venía comentando en España o en Italia.

9 Dec 16:26 Futbol Sapiens 6108039829722561924.html
Interstellarer Komet „Borisov“ kommt der Sonne nie wieder so nah

Der interstellare Komet 2I/Borisov erreicht den sonnennächsten Punkt seiner Flugbahn. Zahlreiche Teleskope in aller Welt beobachten ihn dabei.

9 Dec 12:00 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323758305500.html
Poslušati Ruse i formirati prelaznu vladu, a opozicija da izađe na lokalne izbore

Milan Stamatović, predsednik Zdrave Srbije (ZS), saopštio je da bi vlast u Srbiji trebalo da prihvati predlog Jevgenija Primakova, poslanika Jedinstvene Rusije, i da formira prelaznu vladu, a opozicija bi, zauzvrat, trebalo da učestvuje na lokalnim izborima na proleće naredne godine. 

9 Dec 17:37 Dnevni list Danas 649654640524406952.html
Monday Morning Hangover: What’s next for Alistair Overeem following KO loss at UFC DC?

What’s next for Alistiar Overeem following his bizarre knockout loss to Jairzinho Rozenstruik a UFC on ESPN in Washington D.C.?

9 Dec 14:00 MMAmania.com 5892512946415722976.html
RECENSIONE Roidmi NEX – l’aspira-lava senza fili dell’ecosistema Xiaomi

Roidmi NEX è il successore di F8 con un motore più potente, qualche piccola miglioria e soprattutto una novità assoluta: il modulo di lavaggio! ROIDMI – Unboxing Dotazione estremamente completa di accessori: oltre all’unità centrale c’è un tubo di prolunga in alluminio, la spazzola principale con un rullo per pavimenti duri ed uno per tappeti; […]

9 Dec 11:51 XIAOMI today 2748202437372341530.html
Madre desmiente la acusación de Petro al Esmad: mi hijo no estaba en ninguna marcha

El joven Camilo Mondragón apareció muerto en la vía Tenjo Punto Camellón.

9 Dec 15:58 W Radio 7724358829511937615.html
Erdogan provoca Macron: "Perché non sai fermare i gilet gialli?"

Il presidente turco accusa l'Occidente e alcuni Paesi arabi di "incoraggiare la brutalità di Israele"

9 Dec 10:54 L'HuffPost 5315551422904874770.html
Giancarlo Magalli: polemica dura con Chiara Ferragni – VIDEO

Dopo quella con Adriana Volpe, per Giancarlo Magalli una nuova polemica dura con Chiara Ferragni, che "guadagna senza fare nulla".

9 Dec 15:05 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927316155733.html
¿Tu móvil tiene poca RAM? Trucos para potenciar su rendimiento

Hoy en día se siguen vendiendo muchos móviles con menos d e3 GB de RAM. Con estos trucos podrás hacer que funcionen mucho mejor.

9 Dec 10:00 MovilZona 3711352296742369520.html
Governador contesta ação judicial e defende reforma da Previdência

O governador Wellington Dias defendeu a necessidade da aprovação da  reforma estadual  da Previdência. Ele contestou ação movida pela oposição que diz que a Assembleia Legislativa se recusou a fazer audiência pública. Wellington afirma que sem a aprovação, o déficit continuará crescendo. Com isso, haveria o risco de atraso no pagamento da folha."Respeitamos a decisão do Judiciário e na forma da legislação tanto o estado quanto a Assembleia estamos recorrendo, esclarecendo, para que se tenha as informações corretas. Posso afirmar é  que buscamos fazer tudo dentro da legalidade. É assim que queremos agir. O fato é que temos a situação de um déficit da Pr evidencia. Estamos tendo a coragem de pensar não no hoje, mas também, no futuro. Todo mundo gosta quando se tem uma tabela salarial que é cumprida. Queremos seguir assim. Para isso precisam resolver problemas como o déficit da Previdência ", declarou.Para o governador, a Assembleia age dentro da legalidade e normalidade."Sei que a urgência foi solicitada e aprovada…

9 Dec 12:50 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420016771348.html
La Maglie asfalta Vauro ​e lo zittisce in diretta

La giornalista Maria Giovanna Maglie si è schierata dalla parte di Matteo Salvini sempre nel mirino di una sinistra che ha perso lo spirito popolare.

9 Dec 16:47 ilGiornale.it 5019541224580738016.html
TNPSC group 1 service result declared: Check merit list, interview dates, salary

TNPSC group 1 service result: Candidates need to bring their original certificates along with them to the interview round. Selected candidates will be recruited at pay level 22 Rs 56,100-1,77,500, according to the official release.

9 Dec 11:59 The Indian Express 2885715105396114776.html
Ramalan Zodiak Hari Ini Senin 9 Desember 2019, Cancer Jangan Terlalu Emosi, Leo Beda dari Biasanya

Berikut adalah ramalan zodiak hari ini Senin 9 Desember 2019. Leo beda dari biasanya, Cancer disarankan agar jangan terlalu emosi.

9 Dec 08:14 Tribunnews.com 3323534445524180726.html
PP y Vox votan a favor de que ERC y Bildu tengan grupo propio en el Congreso

Este hecho ocurrió en la primera reunión de la Mesa, celebrada el pasado jueves

9 Dec 11:56 Vozpópuli 2420406189571127761.html
Feature: 6 PS4 Announcements to Expect During This Week's State of Play

Resident Evil 3! Untitled Goose Game! Ghost of Tsushima?

9 Dec 13:00 Push Square 8538862519415765137.html
Harry Dunn’s family expected to go back to US this week

Spokesman Radd Seiger said the 19-year-old’s parents were going through ‘untold mental anguish’.

9 Dec 13:42 Shropshire Star 3480199992067825947.html
5 Mantan Klub Kasta Tertinggi Sepak Bola Indonesia Berjuang di Liga 3 2019

Terdapat lima mantan klub yang pernah tampil di kasta tertinggi sepak bola Indonesia dan kini tengah berjuang di Putaran Nasional 32 Besar Liga 3 2019.

9 Dec 17:05 INDOSPORT.com 4868402550299298975.html
WWE RAW: 3 big backstage rumors that could have a major impact on tonight's show (9th December)

How will these rumours impact tonight's Monday Night RAW?

9 Dec 12:40 sportskeeda 1601194027828933813.html
Sul-africana vence o Miss Universo 2019 e manda recado para meninas negras

A sul-africana Zozibini Tunzi venceu neste domingo o Miss Universo 2019, em evento realizado em Atlanta, nos Estados Unidos. A jovem desbancou 88 candidatas e, ao receber a coroa, fez declarações contra o preconceito, o racismo e o machismo. Tunzi foi perguntada sobre qual seria o seu desejo caso vencesse: “Eu cresci em um mundo […]

9 Dec 13:13 Aqui Notícias 8129660355023557010.html
Chase Offers can get you cash back at Blue Apron, New Balance and more just for having a card — here are some of the best deals available now, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Chase Offers are cash-back deals at restaurants and retailers for Chase cardholders. Here are some of the best ones available right now.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:35 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755835199743.html
México aprueba modificaciones en regla automotriz del T-MEC

Los tres países de América del Norte están por cerrar las negociaciones del Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá 

9 Dec 12:17 MiMorelia 5599511488829988370.html
Dopage : la Russie exclue des Jeux olympiques pour quatre ans

L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a décidé aujourd'hui d'exclure la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans, ce qui inclut Tokyo-2020 et Pékin-2022, pour sanctionner la falsification des données de contrôles remises à l'agence, a déclaré un porte-parole de l'AMA à l'issue du comité exécutif réuni à Lausanne.

9 Dec 10:27 LaProvence 1839381421058444073.html
Xerox expects revenue growth of up to $1.5 billion with HP takeover

(Reuters) - Xerox Holdings Corp (XRX.N) expects its proposed acquisition of personal computer company HP Inc (HPQ.N) to result in sales growth of as much as $1.5 billion for the combined company, according to a presentation by the printer maker.

9 Dec 15:34 Reuters 8334514180566796276.html
Singapore's Noah Lim wins jiu-jitsu gold at sport's SEA Games debut

Singapore’s Noah Lim won the gold medal in the men’s jiu-jitsu (ne-waza) SEA Games match on Monday (Dec 9), as the sport made its debut in the ...

9 Dec 17:53 CNA 5644198863347920093.html
Japon: comment des cerisiers en fleurs ont bourgeonné en scandale politique

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 11:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389138967756.html
Cinco hombres y cuatro mujeres forman el jurado por el crimen de Ana Enjamio

Han sido necesarias más de cuatro horas para para confirmar el tribunal popular

9 Dec 14:05 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578576656225.html
Sklep w Niemczech wprowadził osobne kasy dla polskich przedsiębiorców

Sieć handlowa Edeka wprowadziła rozwiązanie, które nie każdemu się spodobało. W Cottbus w Niemczech sieć wprowadziła osobne kasy dla polskich przedsiębiorców. Wywołało to oburzenie klientów oraz interwencję ambasady RP. Z ofert niemieckiej sieci handlowej w Cottbus korzysta wielu polskich przedsiębiorców (głównie właścicieli restauracji i placówek gastronomicznych). Wynika to z bliskości polskiej granicy, dlatego też sklep […]

9 Dec 09:31 MamBiznes.pl 1174741773578886901.html
Bco. Macro se suma al Panel de Gob. Corporativo de BYMA

La entidad forma parte del panel diferencial que incluye acciones que cumplen con prácticas de buen gobierno y transparencia.

9 Dec 16:48 La Capital 7472053046431767305.html
Embajador de México en Argentina es acusado de robo y AMLO pide evitar "linchamiento" en su contra

Óscar Valerio fue llamado por la Cancillería para que regrese a su país mientras los hechos denunciados por una famosa librería de Buenos Aires son investigados.

9 Dec 14:21 Emol 3328490600990967837.html
Cómo convertir WhatsApp en tu propio asistente: así puedes crear recordatorios y tareas en la app

WhatsApp y la popular app de tareas y recordatorios Any.do se alían: ahora puedes crear notas desde la app de mensajería, y te explicamos cómo hacerlo.

9 Dec 10:40 Andro4all 8652186059472802229.html
Stelle di Natale e solidarietà: un successo le 3 giornate dell’AIL

Grande partecipazione alle 3 giornate dell'Associazione contro le leucemie a Piazza Duomo

9 Dec 08:50 Tempostretto 3143171744415205306.html
Huawei, HarmonyOS si diffonderà nel 2020 ma non sugli smartphone | MobileLabs

Nel 2020, HarmonyOS arriverà su numerosi dispositivi Huawei come smart speaker, dispositivi indossabili, smart TV e smartwatch ma non su smartphone, tablet e PC dove Android e Windows restano le preferenze.

9 Dec 08:53 Tom's Hardware 6640147070089603248.html
Gabriel Schurrer no sigue más en Aucas

El sismo se registró a las 04H37 tras una serie de pequeñas sacudidas.

9 Dec 15:52 Ecuavisa 4017571650821786044.html
Idoso em contramão provoca seis feridos em acidentes na A1

Seis pessoas, entre as quais duas crianças, ficaram feridas em acidentes de viação no domingo na autoestrada A1, perto de Condeixa, no distrito de Coimbra, causados por um condutor em contramão

9 Dec 08:04 DN 8445869955727687310.html
Aeroporto de Manaus transportará 27% mais passageiros durante alta temporada

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 08:07 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987140913587.html
'Old man' Trump is 'bluffing' says North Korea: KCNA

North Korea on Monday accused US President Trump of

9 Dec 10:40 Digital Journal 4566489172489171233.html
Gobierno de Michoacán, ha inhabilitado 48 ex servidores públicos por manejo indebido de recursos

La administración estatal, resarció un total de 700 millones de pesos por daño al erario público, mientras que 48 ex servidores fueron inhabilitados

9 Dec 11:50 MiMorelia 5599511489144067246.html
Jack Black improvises farting song to tune of You Give Love A Bad Name

He left co-star Karen Gillan in fits of laughter.

9 Dec 15:00 Shropshire Star 3480199992763338525.html
Cantora desabafa contra Silvio Santos em nova acusação de racismo

Silvio Santos já mostrou diversas vezes que tem atitudes machistas e pensamentos ultrapassados para a televisão, especialmente nos dias de hoje, quando a nova geração está mostrando como se faz programas de audiência com respeito ao público presente no estúdio e assistindo de casa.  No Programa Silvio Santos exibido neste domingo (8), o apresentador confirmou…

9 Dec 16:32 Hypeness 2377999436661743990.html
Zulberti volvió a la victoria

Con el tandilense Ignacio Zulberti, Parque Sur de Concepción del Uruguay retomó este lunes el camino de la victoria en la Liga Argentina de Básquet, segunda categoría del país. Como visitante, el conjunto entrerriano doblegó a Atenas de Carmen de Patagones por 81-74, en la continuidad de la fase regular. Zulberti, que comenzó el encuentro […]

9 Dec 14:43 El Eco 4177735524416402705.html
BAHNsinn, wie viele Leute die suchen

Weil viele Mitarbeiter demnächst in den Ruhestand gehen, fährt die Bahn eine Einstellungsoffensive. Züge sollen pünktlicher werden.

9 Dec 15:20 Bild 8433249908322812924.html
Juegos de mesa y martinis para Isabel II: así celebra la Navidad la familia real británica

Un programa televisivo ha desvelado algunos de los secretos de la Nochebuena y la Navidad de los Windsor. Estos son algunos de esos detalles

9 Dec 13:43 El Confidencial 2244370861983579263.html
Brasil é um dos principais destinos escolhidos pelos argentinos para o verão, aponta Booking

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 16:00 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645988272747275.html
England book Italy friendly at Wembley ahead of Euro 2020

The game is one of four warm-up matches for Gareth Southgate's men.

9 Dec 11:59 Sports Mole 7750663362123524452.html
Air France: nouveaux vols sur Monrovia au Liberia

Les clients d'Air France pourront à nouveau rejoindre Monrovia (Liberia) grâce à cinq vols par semaine dès le 20 avril 2020. Ces vols seront opérés en - 09/12/2019 10:11

9 Dec 09:11 ABC Bourse 2538693400450182192.html
Onze proches de jihadistes renvoyés en France par la Turquie

Quatre Françaises épouses de jihadistes présumés et leurs sept enfants, qui étaient détenus en Turquie après s'être échappés d'un camp en Syrie, ont été renvoyés lundi vers la France, a-t-on appris de sources concordantes. "L'expulsion des combattants terroristes étrangers se poursuit. Dans ce cadre, onze ressortissants français ont été renvoyés", a indiqué le ministère turc de l'Intérieur dans un communiqué. Une source au ministère a précisé que ces expulsions avaient eu lieu lundi matin.

9 Dec 09:13 FranceSoir 2214281690718864812.html
US-Rapper Juice Wrld (21) stirbt nach Krampfanfall

Der Rapper Juice Wrld ist nach einem Flug in einem Privatjet von Kalifornien nach Chicago auf dem Flughafen völlig überraschend gestorben. Jarad Anthony Higgins, so sein bürgerlicher Name, war wenige Tage zuvor 21 Jahre alt geworden.

9 Dec 09:51 DIE WELT 6197693428206717590.html
Hotel Hit Squad: There’s more to Wright’s Food Emporium than the food – not least self-catering cottages perfect for families

Hattie Garlick visits the restaurant at Wright’s Food Emporium, a popular deli, and reviews the homemade food, as well as the self-catering cottages.

9 Dec 11:24 The Telegraph 140598092932536078.html
Alcalde González nombró comisión para definir cambio de nombre de Ciudad Ojeda

El alcalde  de Lagunillas, Leonidas González nombró una comisión amplia para definir el cambio de nombre de la capital del citado municipio, cuya propuesta es que pase a llamarse Generalísimo Rafael Urdaneta, en lugar de Ciudad Ojeda. 

9 Dec 13:05 Panorama 6052790755027408886.html
L’AMA exclou Rússia de les competicions internacionals durant 4 anys

La decisió de l'Agència Mundial Antidoptage la deixa fora dels Jocs Olímpics de Tòquio i de Pequín

9 Dec 11:18 El Punt Avui 4496725671122562651.html
Wada exclui Rússia de Olimpíadas e Mundiais durante quatro anos

País não pode ser representado nos Jogos de Tóquio 2020 e de Inverno de Pequim 2022, além da Copa do Catar 2022, mas pode recorrer da decisão no Tribunal Arbitral do Esporte

9 Dec 10:53 Globoesporte 3611676019746488574.html
Os campeões errados

Em 2005 os governos alemão e francês resolveram apoiar a criação de um concorrente do Google. Chamava-se Quaero, ia ser um motor de busca europeu, alternativo ao gigante americano, recebeu uns milhões de euros de dinheiros públicos e morreu, sem deixar história nem saudades, oito anos depois. Quem quiser saber mais terá de pesquisar no Google.

9 Dec 11:46 DN 8445869956235775523.html
China diz que detidos em Xinjiang estão "formados" e "vivem felizes"

Um alto quadro do Governo chinês afirmou que membros de minorias étnicas chinesas de origem muçulmana mantidos em "centros de treino vocacional" no extremo oeste do país já se "formaram" e levam agora "vidas felizes".

9 Dec 08:23 DN 8445869956286165892.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe pageant

Zozibini Tunzi, Miss South Africa, has been crowned Miss Universe.

9 Dec 08:45 WFXT 6395891952950893748.html
Safilo compra Blenders per 63 milioni. Gruppo più forte negli Usa. Borsa ok

Safilo mette le mani sul 70% della californiana Blenders Eyewear, quota venduta al gruppo degli occhiali controllato dagli olandesi di Hal Investment dal...

9 Dec 13:04 Affari Italiani 6123405402315864853.html
'Worth £3m' - What is being said about striker linked to Bristol City, Nottingham Forest and Norwich City

He is in great form

9 Dec 14:58 BristolLive 4740742017796586229.html
FIFA decidirá si Rusia mantiene el Mundial de Playa

Ante la sanción por cuatro años a Rusia de parte de la Asociación Mundial de Dopaje (AMA), Beach Soccer dejó todo todo en manos de la FIFA en cuanto a la sede del Mundial de 2021.Ante la sanción por cuatro años a Rusia de parte de la Asociación Mundial de Dopaje (AMA), Beach Soccer dejó todo todo en manos de la FIFA en cuanto a la sede del Mundial de 2021.Ante la sanción por cuatro años a Rusia de parte de la Asociación Mundial de Dopaje (AMA), Beach Soccer dejó todo todo en manos de la FIFA en cuanto a la sede del Mundial de 2021.Ante la sanción por cuatro años a Rusia de parte de la Asociación Mundial de Dopaje (AMA), Beach Soccer dejó todo todo en manos de la FIFA en cuanto a la sede del Mundial de 2021.Ante la sanción por cuatro años a Rusia de parte de la Asociación Mundial de Dopaje (AMA), Beach Soccer dejó todo todo en manos de la FIFA en cuanto a la sede del Mundial de 2021.Ante la sanción por cuatro años a Rusia de parte de la Asociación Mundial de Dopaje (AMA), Beach Soccer dejó todo todo en manos de…

9 Dec 17:10 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189122536271.html
'I think he is actually developing as a player. I'm seeing improvement in most areas of his game'

Rob Baxter believes Stuart Hogg could be the missing link in Exeter Chiefs’ quest to break new ground in the European Champions Cup.

9 Dec 16:05 Rugbypass 8668874340007064510.html
Otra 'final' del Valencia con Jaume bajo los palos

Tras ser titular en la final de la Copa en mayo, el castellonense volverá a defender la portería del Valencia en Amsterdam

9 Dec 17:07 elPeriodico 7291954034522307895.html
Fallece el exbeisbolista mexicano Francisco 'Paquín' Estrada

La muerte fue dada a conocer por los Diablos Rojos de México, equipo con el que debutó. Tenía 71 años.

9 Dec 12:46 EL FINANCIERO 4014025540380349767.html
El PNV centra las conversaciones con el PSOE en la actuación del próximo Gobierno en lo territorial, económico y social

El portavoz del PNV en el Congreso de los Diputados, Aitor Esteban, ha asegurado que las conversaciones con el PSOE para su apoyo a la investidura de Pedro...

9 Dec 10:54 Europa Press 4702666147526040596.html
Zanetti: "Non guardiamo alla Juve, ma alla storia dell'Inter. Siamo all'inizio di qualcosa di importante per il club"

"Oggi l’Inter ha una proprietà straniera e io sono quello che trasmette i valori e l’identità del club. Il percorso da giocatore è stato chiuso e ne ho...

9 Dec 12:40 FcInterNews.it 7848284893952174363.html
Javier Aguirre, absuelto del caso de amaño en el Levante-Zaragoza

El Juzgado de Valencia consideró que no puede probarse que los jugadores del Levante recibieron dinero por el partido

9 Dec 13:16 RÉCORD 4614294663431429642.html
McLaren reveals track-focused 620R

High-performance machine is limited to just 350 units

9 Dec 10:45 Express & Star 7324224459975923977.html
Northern Ireland constituency profile - three

The DUP won ten of Northern Ireland's 18 seats in the 2017 Westminster Election, called by Theresa May.

9 Dec 11:02 RTE.ie 7595237277975456007.html
Biens mal acquis : le feuilleton Teodorin Obiang continue

Le fils aîné du président de Guinée équatoriale est jugé en appel pour avoir acquis des biens à partir de détournements supposés de fonds publics.

9 Dec 17:28 Le Point 1094305425002901795.html
Capturan a banda acusada de secuestrar a una familia y asesinar al padre, en Morelos

Durante seis días los mantuvieron cautivos para obligar a los adultos a cederles los derechos de varios inmuebles y vehículos

9 Dec 17:27 EL GRÁFICO 2926497601402153606.html
2-year-old pedigrees: How far will recent Derby prep winners excel?

Horse Racing news: 2-year-old pedigrees: How far will recent Derby prep winners excel?.

9 Dec 11:30 Horse Racing Nation 6225030536067012833.html
Pljačkaju nacionalnu baštinu Srbije i falsifikuju istoriju: Arheološka mafija prodaje naše dragocene novčiće kao praalbanske

Aukcijske kuće blago iz Vranja nude i za 38.000 evra po komadu

9 Dec 08:02 Вечерње новости 4219870592363042625.html
Mladoletna oseba padla čez ograjo štiri metre globoko

Idrijske policiste so v soboto zgodaj popoldne obvestili, da je mladoletna oseba v Godoviču padla z balkona stanovanjske hiše v globino približno štiri metre. Pri padcu na travnato ravno podlago se je oseba huje poškodovala. Policisti so ugotovili, da je do padca prišlo že prejšnji večer. Prijatelji so ji nudili pomoč, zaradi bolečin v hrbtu pa so jo odpeljali v Zdravstveni dom Idrija, kjer so ji nudili prvo pomoč. Poškodovano osebo so reševalci odpeljali v ljubljanski klinični center. Tuja krivda je izključena.

9 Dec 15:38 Primorske novice 8884558926368479298.html
El juez no ve probado el amaño del Levante-Zaragoza

Absuelve a los 42 acusados, 36 de ellos futbolistas, y apunta a que hay "indicios" para la acusación aunque no pruebas

9 Dec 10:51 elPeriodico 7291954033085771043.html
Silvio Santos é acusado de racismo em seu programa de televisão

Vídeo mostra quadro em que Silvio Santos não dá prêmio a uma cantora negra que havia recebido mais votos que suas concorrentes.

9 Dec 13:48 Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos! 1228046710669585233.html
L’Ajuntament de Barcelona reclamarà al Govern espanyol que retiri punts als infractors de la Zona de Baixes Emissions

Un informe del Consistori ja avança que les mesures aprovades seran insuficients per reduir les emissions com caldria i s'estudia anar més enllà i aprovar qüestions com el peatge urbà. Paral·lelament, el Govern municipal i ERC negocien una exempció de la ZBE per a les famílies amb rendes baixes.

9 Dec 12:28 www.publico.es 99190976994455231.html
Stéphane Pauwels renvoyé en correctionnelle dans le dossier des home-jackings

Le parquet fédéral a confirmé l’information.

9 Dec 17:35 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700518025457059.html
6 Momen Evan Dimas Berseragam Timnas, Bawa Indonesia ke Final SEA Games 2019

Evan Dimas menjadi bintang kemenangan Tim Merah Putih dan sukses bawa Indonesia ke Final SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 10:20 liputan6.com 2150670183845083939.html
Eurorivali - Slavia Praga, Trpišovský: "A differenza nostra, il Dortmund si gioca tutto. Witsel assenza importante"

"Tutte le partite sono impegnative, ma ogni partita è diversa a causa della diversa tipologia di avversari. Il Dortmund è molto veloce e mi aspetto una gara simile a quella di...

9 Dec 17:24 FcInterNews.it 7848284892301965958.html
Pass opp for falske nettbutikker når du skal julehandle

Norske forbrukere ender opp både blakke og med stjålet identitet når de handler julegaver. Nå advarer Virke mot falske nettsteder.

9 Dec 08:34 NRK 3631390766132479766.html
Com show de Davis e Lebron, Lakers batem Wolves e seguem como melhor time da NBA

Os dois juntos marcaram 82 pontos, sendo 50 só do ala, contratado neste ano pela equipe

9 Dec 12:20 Folha Vitória 4941883426873317025.html
Brasil asiste al resurgir de Gabigol… y en Europa no lo pierden de vista

Mientras en el Inter de Milán se plantean si fichar otro delantero, con el futuro de Lautaro Martínez en el aire, el delantero de su propiedad ha brillado en Brasil. Pese a que parece que ha (...)

9 Dec 09:01 Fichajes 157935405147137433.html
El embajador de Brasil en Buenos Aires será el representante de Bolsonaro en asunción de Fernández

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, designó a su embajador en Buenos Aires, el diplomático de carrera Sérgio Danese, como el representante del principal socio comercial de la Argentina en la...

9 Dec 14:11 La Voz 6237180761414233564.html
Coronation Street episodes will be an hour long this week!

There is a reason for the change!

9 Dec 15:42 Entertainment Daily 8392972517630190686.html
Italian Certificate Award 2019: Bnp Paribas e Banca Imi le più premiate

Il 5 dicembre è stata effettuata la cerimonia di premiazione dei migliori Certificati, Emittenti e Reti distributrici del 2019 per la tredicesima edizione dell’Italian Certificate Award. Bnp Paribas e Banca Imi sono le più premiate.

9 Dec 11:37 InvestireOggi 7231367742591232495.html
Antonio Banderas y Ana de Armas, nominados a los Globos de Oro

'Dolor y gloria', de Pedro Almodóvar, se medirá con la surcoreana 'Parásitos' en el apartado de habla no inglesa | Dos producciones de Netflix, 'Historia de un matrimoni

9 Dec 17:43 Las Provincias 5471838390585205578.html
Forensic officers scour scene of ‘unexplained’ death two days after man’s body was found in Glasgow lane

FORENSIC officers are still at the scene of an “unexplained” death two days after a man’s body was found in a Glasgow lane. Cops confirmed a 40-year-old man had passed away after they were called t…

9 Dec 14:36 The Scottish Sun 6609127673259621344.html
Concluye en Cuba período de consultas en torno al béisbol

Concluye en Cuba período de consultas en torno al béisbol

9 Dec 10:38 cubasi.cu 5416914687151118518.html
Disney becomes first studio in history to pass $10 billion at worldwide box office

Thanks to a record number of billion dollar blockbusters, Disney has become the first studio in history to surpass $10 billion at the worldwide box office. 

9 Dec 10:25 Buzz.ie 7092425148260717477.html
Espen Egil Hansen går av som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten


9 Dec 09:41 Document 5102836952427806841.html
Tumor diminui e Bruno Covas passará por mais cinco sessões de quimioterapia

O câncer do prefeito de São Paulo, Bruno Covas (PSDB), teve uma

9 Dec 15:00 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061317076935.html
Dopage: l'AMA exclut la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans 

Le drapeau russe ne flottera pas aux Jeux olympiques de Tokyo-2020 et de Pékin-2022. L’Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a décidé ce lundi d’exclure la Russie pendant quatre ans. Une des sanctions les plus lourdes de son histoire

9 Dec 10:38 Le Temps 2634224218928651101.html
Here Are the 2020 Golden Globe Nominations in Full

It's a good year for Fleabag, Big Little Lies, Killing Eve, and The Morning Show.

9 Dec 16:36 Harper's BAZAAR 9032339116584096677.html
Quinto dia de greve deixa Paris sem transporte público

Os acessos a Paris estão hoje (9) muito complicados devido ao quinto dia de greve contra a reforma das aposentadorias e que afeta, sobretudo, a rede de transportes. De acordo com as autoridades, há 620 quilômetros de filas de automóveis nos acessos a Paris, um volume que já não se registrava há cinco anos. Dezenas […]

9 Dec 14:51 MaisPB 6493364165580602.html
Fashion firm ordered to pay sales exec. €94k as case hears CEO hacked her intimate photos

A chief executive of a fashion company here hacked into a female colleague’s phone and downloaded the woman's personal intimate photos.

9 Dec 15:15 Irishexaminer 8196011179039796921.html
France: Steven Clerima steps down as Head of Delegation

Eurovision news: The French Head of Delegation at the Eurovision Song Contest, Steven Clerima will be leaving his post after working for four years with the Frech ESC

9 Dec 10:10 esctoday 1028397128807244107.html
Kein Glyphosat-Verbot mit 1. Jänner in Österreich

Das vom Nationalrat beschlossene Verbot des Unkrautvernichters Glyphosat wird nicht wie vorgesehen am 1. Jänner 2020 in Kraft treten.

9 Dec 15:48 GMX 2011843075306842405.html
49ers tight end George Kittle says he was thrilled when a defender grabbed his face mask on the biggest play of the game

The San Francisco 49ers defeated the New Orleans Saints in a 48-46 shootout on Sunday, with both teams trading heart-stopping drives late in the fourth quarter.

9 Dec 16:50 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882628361880.html
Finska z najmlajšo premierko na svetu, ki vodi koalicijo samih žensk

Na Finskem je zavel svež veter – država tisočerih jezer bo po odstopu dosedanjega premierja dobila najmlajšo premierko na svetu. 34-letna Sanna Marin bo na čelu koalicije petih strank, katerih vodstvo je povsem žensko, kar štiri od petih predsednic strank pa so mlajše od 35.

9 Dec 14:15 Dnevnik 7671546649069264060.html
Tout indique que Riley Barber et Otto Leskinen affronteront les Penguins

Les échos de l’entraînement!

9 Dec 16:09 DansLesCoulisses.com 1614084062855620977.html
"Compañeros, necesitamos que nos critiquen"

Ocurre lo impensable: el béisbol cubano perdió "el ojo del tigre" y para recuperarlo hace falta el libre juicio

9 Dec 09:04 Globovisión 5928221752775488082.html
Ghostbusters: Legacy – ecco il trailer del film sequel della saga

Ecco rivelato il trailer dedicato al nuovo lungometraggio che porterà avanti la saga dei Ghostbusters. Il regista del film è Jason Reitman.

9 Dec 15:02 Lega Nerd 8527030506912210184.html
Le projet de sécurisation de l'AOMC entre Collombey-Muraz et Monthey est suspendu

Des améliorations environnementales concernant le futur tracé doivent être apportées. Les travaux seront décalés de 2020 à 2022. ...

9 Dec 10:52 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461276597033.html
Mladi korenjaki pripravljeni na božič

Ansambel Mladi korenjaki sestavlja pet fantov. Harmonikar je Robi Novak, ki je tudi učitelj glasbe in spada v mlajšo generacijo glasbenikov. In sicer med tiste, ki premorejo veliko talenta in občut...

9 Dec 15:49 Slovenske novice 5901956562588544694.html
El prisma de la corrupción

Una mirada a través de un prisma, permite percibir una diversidad de colores producto del reflejo, la descomposición y la polarización de la luz. ¿Cuál es el orden de los

9 Dec 08:00 elVocero.com 6318248036181247153.html
COP25: el nuevo gabinete de Ambiente viaja a la cumbre de Madrid

Luego de asumir, Juan Cabandié y su equipo viajarán a la cumbre mundial sobre cambio climático. Los cinco desafíos que enfrenta el evento para frenar la crisis ambiental.

9 Dec 14:56 La Voz 6237180761209542114.html
Amalia Granata fulminó a Jorge Rial por compararla con Hitler

El conductor de Intrusos ligó una imagen de la jura de la diputada provincial por Santa Fe con el saludo nazi. Indignada, la expanelista salió al cruce y explicó el motivo del gesto.

9 Dec 11:20 Todo Noticias 8077539161245359964.html
Des pays de l'UE veulent interdire l'exportation de médicaments

Lundi, les ministres de la santé de l'UE se sont dits préoccupés par les goulets d'étranglement de l'approvisionnement en médicaments. L'interdiction sélective et limitée dans le temps de l'exportation de médicaments est envisagée.

9 Dec 17:07 www.rjb.ch 7386238341378203072.html
Cardi B reveals she's been purging, shares video as proof

Rapper Cardi B has taken to social media to share a video from the toilet to prove to her Ghanaian fans that she indeed suffered a stomach upset. This comes shortly after she failed to show up for a meet-and-greet.

9 Dec 11:00 Legit 3764253650064697892.html
Anti-apartheid activist Ben Turok dies, aged 92 | IOL News

Former anti-apartheid activist and economics professor Ben Turok had died, his family confirmed on Monday morning.

9 Dec 10:22 www.iol.co.za 17825111601258084.html
Venky Mama is a very emotional film: S Thaman

Music director S Thaman on upcoming project Venky Mama and composing retro songs. Venky Mama stars Venkatesh, Naga Chaitanya, Raashi Khanna and Payal Rajput among others.

9 Dec 09:53 The Indian Express 2885715104762526215.html
Tumor diminui e Bruno Covas passará por mais cinco sessões de quimioterapia

Covas tem um câncer metastático no sistema digestivo, e tem recebido tratamento no Hospital Sírio-Libanês, na Bela Vista, região central de São Paulo

9 Dec 17:45 Folha Vitória 4941883427020297567.html
Prawybory Konfederacji: Bosak umacnia się na pozycji lidera

Po czterech zjazdach prawyborczych Konfederacji największe szanse na zostanie kandydatem tego ugrupowania na prezydenta ma poseł Krzysztof Bosak. Wiceprezes Ruchu Narodowego zgromadził tyle głosów elektorskich, ile łącznie dwaj następni pod względem poparcia kandydaci - posłowie Grzegorz Braun i Artur Dziambor.

9 Dec 08:39 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525897311189.html
Devoteam : dans le top picks d'Oddo après l'analyse du Syntec

Le Syntec envoie un message de prudence sur les perspectives. Le Syntec anticipe en effet une poursuite du ralentissement sur 2020.Oddo souligne que pour les services IT, le ralentissement est modéré,... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 13:24 Zonebourse 7946574378082245365.html
Chi è Osvaldo Paterlini il marito Orietta Berti. Lavoro, matrimonio ed età

Orietta Berti e Osvaldo paterlini sono una delle coppie più longeve e amate del panorama musicale italiano.

9 Dec 11:34 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382461548421150.html
After WADA's four-year doping ban, Russia set to miss 2020 Olympics

A spokesperson for WADA, whose executive committee is meeting in Lausanne, said: "The full list of recommendations have been unanimously accepted

9 Dec 10:50 Business-Standard 1502508925472236249.html
Took me a while to sink in the great response for my character in Panipat: Kriti Sanon

Ashutosh Gowariker directorial historical drama Panipat stars Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon.

9 Dec 09:24 The Indian Express 2885715105439827986.html
Daily Deal: 48% off Wireless Sport Earphones

The 3.5mm headphone jack is surely being phased out, and wireless solutions are likely to increase in popularity as a result. But even if this wasn't the case, wireless headphones are a better fit for

9 Dec 15:44 SamMobile 1601131850778452243.html
Triumf przeciwników szczepionek. W tym roku padnie kolejny rekord

Lekarze obserwują ofensywę odry. Wraca również ospa. I rośnie liczba odmów szczepień. W tym roku padnie kolejny rekord: po trzech kwartałach było ich 44,5 tys. O ponad 4 tys. więcej niż na koniec 2018 r.

9 Dec 08:06 zdrowie.dziennik.pl 3243280129462277864.html
35. Dreierpack in der Liga: Lionel Messi weiter auf Rekordjagd

Lionel Messi ist weiter auf Rekordjagd und hat seinen Dauerrivalen Cristiano Ronaldo überflügelt: Beim 5:2 des FC Barcelona gegen Real Mallorca erzielte der Argentinier seinen 35. Dreierpack in La Liga - mehr hat in der Geschichte der ersten spanischen Liga kein anderer Profi auf dem Konto.

9 Dec 10:28 SPOX 8395423526610918837.html
Hiszpański dziennik ostrzega przed możliwym zamachem

Wydawany w Madrycie dziennik "La Razon" ostrzegł w poniedziałek przed możliwym atakiem terrorystycznym na jeden z licznych na terenie Hiszpanii jarmarków bożonarodzeniowych. Gazeta powołuje się na komunikaty kierowane przez jedną z organizacji dżihadystycznych.

9 Dec 16:04 fakty.interia.pl 3878966317861907181.html
Ministro de Energía anuncia el cierre adelantado de centrales de generación a carbón

Se trata de casi 700 megawatts de centrales a carbón que cesarán su funcionamiento anticipadamente.

9 Dec 12:11 Emol 3328490602117532962.html
La liste Brebières en mouvement organise une réunion publique

La liste menée par Nicolas Cicoria invite la population pour une première rencontre...

9 Dec 15:49 La Voix du Nord 5307415665075289385.html
PDH abrirá expedientes a comunas que no brindaron información pública

La Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos (PDH) llevó a cabo el Ranking Municipal de cumplimiento de la publicación de información pública, por lo que aseguró que se abrirán expedientes para las que hayan incumplido.

9 Dec 14:32 Publinews 8987875305174152072.html
O jogo da dicotomia

A argentina María Gainza volta a revisitar obras de arte, não como cenários mas como caminhos para o sentido da vida.

9 Dec 08:13 PÚBLICO 2228264897752998969.html
Labour will renationalise water and energy in first 100 days if they win

John McDonnell said 'we're setting our sights higher than any opposition party has ever done before'.

9 Dec 11:45 Metro 970161748929578524.html
Se cumplió un año del secuestro del empresario Ovidio Portillo

Cuauhtémoc.- A un año de haber sido privado de la libertad el empresario, comerciante y ganadero, Ovidio Mario Portillo Chaparro de 68 años de edad sigue sin ser localizado. Ovidio Portillo, desapareció el pasado 6 de

9 Dec 16:01 La Parada Digital 5696840778261454395.html
Chambre du Conseil de Mons: 27 personnes dont Stéphane Pauwels renvoyées devant le Tribunal Correctionnel

La chambre du conseil de Mons a renvoyé vingt-sept personnes, dont l'ancien animateur de télévision Stéphane Pauwels, devant le tribunal correctionnel du Hainaut, division de Mons, pour être jugé dans un vaste dossier de home-jackings traité par le...

9 Dec 16:16 RTBF Info 2262420857496481090.html
Jika Timnas Indonesia U-22 Meraih Medali Emas SEA Games 2019, Indra Sjafri Siap Penuhi Nazar

Pelatih Timnas Indonesia U-22 Indra Sjafri, mengungkapkan nazar jika mampu mengantar tim asuhannya meraih medali emas di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 14:50 liputan6.com 3414318497427632316.html
Reação da economia brasileira freia perda de popularidade de Bolsonaro, diz Datafolha

A lenta recuperação da atividade econômica ajudou o presidente Jair Bolsonaro a frear a acentuada perda de popularidade sofrida por seu governo ao longo do ano, indica uma nova pesquisa realizada pelo Datafolha. Segundo o instituto, a taxa de aprovação à sua administração oscilou de 29% para 30% na primeira semana de dezembro, dentro da margem de erro do levantamento, que é de dois pontos percentuais para mais ou para menos. A taxa de reprovação ao governo, que tinha crescido de 30% para 38% nos primeiros oito meses depois da posse de Bolsonaro, agora oscilou negativamente para 36%, variação que também está dentro da margem de erro do instituto. O Datafolha entrevistou 2.948 pessoas em 176 municípios do país na quinta (5) e na sexta (6). As entrevistas foram feitas pessoalmente, em locais de grande circulação. A pesquisa captou vários sinais de que parte da população voltou a observar com otimismo a situação econômica. Segundo o Datafolha, 43% acham que ela vai melhorar nos próximos meses. Em agosto, 40% pensavam…

9 Dec 11:44 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420030246570.html
Poverty blighted my childhood. I’m voting to help today’s cold and hungry kids

Boris Johnson’s government is predicted to impoverish hundreds of thousands more children, says author Kerry Hudson

9 Dec 15:52 the Guardian 1491978795619216380.html
Saga de Star Wars chega ao fim em dezembro

Uma das principais atra&ccedil;&otilde;es da CCXP 2019, o painel com elenco e diretor de Star Wars: A Ascens&atilde;o Skywalker come&ccedil;ou antes mesmo de come&ccedil;ar. Ainda no escuro do...

9 Dec 09:00 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489533523009.html
Mion é homem casado que se envolveu com Deborah Secco, diz jornal

O caso entre os dois teria acontecido em 2014 e durante 10 meses

9 Dec 09:17 R10 3167340812787332731.html
Las nieblas matinales dejarán paso a cielos claros en la mayor parte del país

El litoral será la excepción de una jornada tranquila donde existen avisos por alerta naranja por mala mar y vientos con rachas de gran fuerza.

9 Dec 08:35 La Información 5328999780891532312.html
Impurità in farmaci a base di metformina per il diabete di tipo 2, l’allarme dell’Aifa

Livelli molto bassi di un'impurezza probabilmente cancerogena sono stati riscontrati al di fuori dell'Unione Europea in un ristretto numero di medicinali a base di metformina, farmaco utilizzato nel trattamento del diabete di tipo 2. A renderlo noto è l'Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (Aifa), che ha pubblicato una comunicazione dell'Agenzia Europea per i Medicinali (Ema).

9 Dec 10:43 fanpage.it 1517332166740679766.html
Misa por la Patria: Diálogo, respeto y convivencia política entre Macri y Fernández

En el marco de la solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen, y por convocatoria del arzobispo de Mercedes-Luján, monseñor Jorge Eduardo Scheinig, el presidente de la Nación, ingeniero Mauricio Macri y el presidente electo, doctor Alberto Fernández, se dieron cita en la basílica y santuario nacional de Nuestra Señora de Luján para participar de una misa por la Patria....

9 Dec 11:07 aica.org 5568670712619671825.html
Fashion Police: What Miss Universe 2019 wore on her crowning night

South Africa’s newly crowned Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi’s conviction, grace and enchanting beauty is one of a kind ... and the universe is in agreement too.

9 Dec 13:38 CityPress 437075751057889973.html
Alleged fraud: I’ll not shield my aides from prosecution – Ortom

Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, said on Monday he would not shield any of his appointees accused of corruption from investigation and prosecution.

9 Dec 16:36 Vanguard News 4125100339348571477.html
La Casa di Carta 4: ecco quando arriverà su Netflix con Nairobi

L'annuncio de La Casa di Carta 4 è stato ufficializzato da un video trasmesso durante un evento brasiliano dal titolo “Che il caos abbia inizio”, e Nairobi sembra della partita.

9 Dec 11:05 tecnoandroid 2573257127683791245.html
Korean actress Jeon Hye-bin holds private wedding ceremony in Bali

After having announced earlier this month that she would marry her boyfriend, who remains unnamed, Jeon Hye-bin shared on Instagram that she they finally married at a private ceremony in Bali on Saturday in front of their family members and close friends. 

9 Dec 10:04 Coconuts 8871564982680858342.html
Tullow Oil sprofonda in rosso: cancellati i dividendi, l’AD si dimette

E’ arrivato a perdere quasi il 70% alla borsa di Londra il titolo di Tullow Oil. A pesare le dimissioni dell’AD Paul McDade e la notizia che il gruppo di …

9 Dec 17:08 FinanzaOnline 6528634127696607607.html
Manisa'da tarlada buldukları mozaiği 30 milyon dolara satmak isterken yakalandılar

Manisa'nın Saruhanlı ilçesindeki sit alanındaki tarlada bulunan mozaiğin, Roma dönemine ait ve 50 metrekare büyüklüğünde olduğu belirlendi. Gözaltına alınan 5 zanlıdan 3'ü tutuklandı.

9 Dec 15:16 Yeni Şafak 1729259405347173934.html
Jornada clave en el caso Déborah: declaran seis testigos

La jueza reabrió las diligencias para tratar de esclarecer la desaparición y muerte de la joven viguesa en 2002

9 Dec 15:09 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578499528166.html
- Vil vi at russerne har drapsroboter over norskegrensa?

Landets viktigste forskere på kunstig intelligens, sikkerhet og våpen vil at Norge skal gå i bresjen for et forbud mot drapsroboter.

9 Dec 11:06 Dagbladet.no 3042595686431175962.html
What Should Investors Expect From Advanced Micro Devices Stock in 2020?

Advanced Micro Devices stock more than doubled in 2019, but will its momentum carry into 2020? Here are a few things to know about AMD stock.

9 Dec 12:46 InvestorPlace 24614511042234364.html
L’entreprise du futur: consciente et intuitive

Le premier évènement aura lieu le vendredi 20 mars 2020 au SwissTech Convention Center, temple de la technologie.

9 Dec 08:53 Allnews 678771718323924772.html
Francia bloqueada por quinto día de huelga que pone a prueba al gobierno de Macron

Cientos de kilómetros de atascos y una pesadilla con el transporte público en París marcan este lunes 9 de diciembre el quinto día de la huelga en Francia contra la reforma de las pensiones impulsada por el presidente Emmanuel Macron, que enfrenta una prueba de fuego para su proyecto.

9 Dec 14:41 Prensa Libre 5433015256368719849.html
Foragido, um dos maiores assaltante de banco é preso de novo pela Brigada Militar

Criminoso foi detido pelo efetivo do BOPE no pedágio entre Santo Antônio da Patrulha e Taquara

9 Dec 13:22 Correio do Povo 8875535435081335307.html
Maia: com excludente de ilicitude, PMs de SP não seriam investigados

Rodrigo Maia defendeu as alterações promovidas pela Casa no chamado pacote anticrime

9 Dec 17:00 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628698970739867.html
Le mouvement de grève suivi massivement dans les transports français

Le mouvement de grève se poursuivait massivement lundi dans les transports publics en France, en particulier à Paris, à l'orée d'une semaine déterminante pour la réforme des retraites dont le contenu détaillé doit être présenté mercredi après une nouvelle journée de manifestations mardi.

9 Dec 15:15 euronews 7357749754668857313.html
Fortnite on Google Play: Is a 30% cut worth the security benefits?

Opinion: Google says there are no exceptions. Should Epic Games bite the bullet?

9 Dec 12:08 ZDNet 591556592455382676.html
Perfekt: DFB verlängert mit Kuntz

Stefan Kuntz bleibt über die Saison hinaus Trainer der deutschen U21-Nationalmannschaft. Für weitere vier Jahre bis 2023 bindet sich der 57-Jährige an den DFB. „Ich bedanke mich für das Vertrauen und (...)

9 Dec 09:35 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608784826689563.html
This Week in Buffalo: Scrooge, Wet Bandits and Christmas jazz

It's crazy to think about the pop culture influences that have stood the test of a time. A grumpy, tightfisted dude from London. Two unkempt

9 Dec 16:47 The Buffalo News 2088823985794106105.html
Atos: dans le top picks d'Oddo après l'analyse Syntec

Le Syntec envoie un message de prudence sur les perspectives. Le Syntec anticipe en effet une poursuite du ralentissement sur 2020.Oddo souligne que p - 09/12/2019 11:53

9 Dec 10:53 ABC Bourse 2538693399550507309.html
ÖFB fixiert EURO-Fahrplan: Testspiele gegen Wales und Tschechien

Der ÖFB hat am Montag den Fahrplan für die EURO 2020 mit zwei weiteren Testspielen fixiert. Die ÖFB-Auswahl trifft neben den Matches gegen die Türkei und England Ende März auswärts auf Wales. Zudem steigt im Juni in Prag die EM-Generalprobe gegen Tschechien.

9 Dec 11:16 SPOX 8395423524824145399.html
Apple TV+: The Morning Show für Golden Globes nominiert | iTopnews

The Morning Show ist die bisher erfolgreichste Serie auf Apple TV+..

9 Dec 17:44 www.itopnews.de 222669969992929937.html
ŠOK! OGROMAN UDARAC ZA RUSIJU: Svetska antidoping agencija izbacila Ruse iz SVIH TAKMIČENJA!

Svetska antidoping agencija (WADA) suspendovala je danas Rusiju na četiri godine sa svih velikih sportskih takmičenja zbog dopinga.

9 Dec 12:04 kurir.rs 6515665027430261241.html
I sensori per i ponti

Un video per mostrare come si possono controllare, attraverso specifici sensori e cabine, le sollecitazioni ai viadotti e ai ponti italiani più a rischio

9 Dec 09:15 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656177414707.html
Niasse rassure Macky : "Nous sommes ensemble et nous le resterons"

Niasse rassure Macky : "Nous sommes ensemble et nous le resterons" Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

9 Dec 09:12 Seneweb News 6877057603503545770.html
Luca Argentero derubato, ma qualcosa non torna: è una messa in scena?

Con un post, Luca Argentero ha svelato di essere stato derubato, ma qualcosa sembrerebbe non tornare, facendo pensare ad una messa in scena.

9 Dec 15:44 Novella 2000 6951116781158653466.html
Prestaje sa radom Sudsko veće STO zbog blokade SAD-a

ŽENEVA - Sudbina najvišeg suda Svetske trgovinske organizacije (STO) zapečaćena je danas pošto su Sjedinjene Države saopštile da neće podržati predlog

9 Dec 17:17 Krstarica 4176903988743175830.html
WTI continues to erase OPEC-inspired gains, inches closer to $58

Crude oil prices gained traction on Friday after the OPEC and its allies (OPEC+) announced decision to deepen supply curbs by 500,000 barrels per day

9 Dec 14:15 FXStreet 4480975640047475069.html
Plan de restructuration chez Proximus: l’accord social conclu

L’accord social a été conclu après que le syndicat chrétien a approuvé le plan de transformation chez Proximus.

9 Dec 13:30 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700518258447487.html
Social shopping i social commerce su pred našim vratima!

Odnos između društvenih mreža i kupovine dramatično se promenio tokom prethodnih godina, a brendovi i prodavci istražuju kako da to iskoriste na najbolji mogući način. Primetno je da društvene mrež…

9 Dec 11:08 PC Press 681412282858286860.html
O que esperar de uma franquia?

As expectativas sobre o tempo de retorno do investimento e as margens de lucros esperadas costumam ser as grandes inquietações de quem planeja investir em uma franquia. Mas, embora os franqueadores ofereçam aos potenciais franqueados uma média de retorno de outros membros da rede ou mesmo das suas lojas próprias, é preciso ficar claro que, quando se investe em uma franquia, não existem regras e pr...

9 Dec 09:58 Campo Grande News 7902463002321012237.html
Ghana considering ‘sea bus’ system to fight consistent traffic, here’s how

The Coastal Development Authority in Ghana has said that it is considering a proposal to develop a ‘sea bus’ system to promote transportation between coastal regions.

9 Dec 13:18 Pulse Live 3606876836227981216.html
Eduardo De Jesús: El cartero que quiere retar a Pierluisi

Afirmó que hace muchos meses que contemplaba lanzar su candidatura

9 Dec 08:54 Primera Hora 5092966654939932184.html
‘Universal Lego Sorter’ Uses AI to Recognize Any Lego Brick

This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use.

9 Dec 12:30 Extremetech 653399569793891628.html
The Conjuring 3: ecco il titolo del nuovo film della saga horror

Il nuovo film dedicato a The Conjuring arriverà nelle sale cinematografiche il prossimo anno. Ecco tutti i dettagli.

9 Dec 15:04 Lega Nerd 8527030505832088081.html
¡Impresionante! Explota labio de luchador de la UFC (Video)

Alistair Overeem sufrió un terrible corte abierto en su labio superior durante un combate de la UFC.

9 Dec 14:30 SIPSE.com 4008460417371215542.html
Disse skal spille EM på hjemmebane

Christian Berge offentliggjorde sin tropp til mesterskapet i januar. Landslagssjefen understreket at Bjarte Myrhol er 100 prosent klar etter at han ble akuttinnlagt på sykehus tidlig i november.

9 Dec 14:18 Dagbladet.no 3042595687043704086.html
Dopage: la Fifa veut "clarifier les conséquences" de la suspension de la Russie

La Fifa a émis lundi la volonté de "clarifier les conséquences" sur les compétitions de football de la suspension de la Russie pour quatre ans de toutes compétitions, notamment le Mondial 2022.

9 Dec 13:35 Challenges 1086714996343020610.html
Iran, Stramaccioni dice addio all’Esteghlal: la reazione dei tifosi…

Dopo la rescissione dell'allenatore, centinaia di tifosi dell'Esteghlal sono scesi in piazza per manifestare sotto la sede del ministero dello sport

9 Dec 13:45 Mediagol 1330814412619019271.html
Poing ist mehr als Häuser

Rund 150 Besucher waren zur Premiere des etwas anderen Heimatfilms „Geh mal raus!“ gekommen. Der zeigt, dass Poing viel mehr ist als nur Häuser.

9 Dec 12:00 https://www.merkur.de 6466090237911896831.html
Macaroni of stoofvlees zit vol calorieën. Zo maak je er een gezonde versie van

Niets zo lekker om je aan te verwarmen als een macaroni met kaas, stoofvlees of een dampend bord hutsepot. Helaas bevat winterkost dikwijls een hoog vetgehalte en te veel calorieën. “Maar vervang o...

9 Dec 11:59 HLN 8967494997032032799.html
Beatriz de York canceló su fiesta de compromiso por culpa de su padre

Los esc&aacute;ndalos del hijo favorito de la Reina Isabel, el Pr&iacute;ncipe Andr&eacute;s, no s&oacute;lo han afectado a la Corona, sino que a sus hijas. &iquest;Beatriz tendr&aacute; que cancelar su fiesta de compromiso?

9 Dec 14:41 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624516313855.html
Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan a prezentat proiectele de lege pentru care Executivul îşi asumă răspunderea

Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan a prezentat luni cele trei proiecte de legi pentru care Guvernul îşi va asuma marţi răspunderea în Parlament, respectiv prorogarea unor termene în Justiţie, abrogarea OUG 51/ 2019 şi Legea plafoanelor bugetare.

9 Dec 11:05 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917690160469.html
Rehberg spricht sich gegen SPD-Finanzpläne aus

Die SPD stellt die "Schwarze Null" infrage, außerdem will sie mehr Investitionen ermöglichen. Fragen dazu an CDU-Haushaltspolitiker Eckhardt Rehberg aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

9 Dec 12:15 NDR.de 5356044082142599968.html
Bloqueo a la educación

Preocupa pensar que tendremos estudiantes que, aún si acuden con interés a la escuela, no estarán adecuadamente capacitados para ingresar al mundo laboral con éxito

9 Dec 09:37 El Universal 4964748197509549676.html
182 Millionen Euro Dividende für Red-Bull-Chef Mateschitz

Jobabbau und weniger Marketing sorgten für einen Gewinnsprung bei Energydrink-Hersteller Red Bull.

9 Dec 13:28 Die Presse 6242788855166920532.html
Un padre recupera a su hija secuestrada en Polonia por su madre durante ocho años

Sobre la mujer pesaba una busca y captura por el secuestro de la menor

9 Dec 12:34 ABC.es 6074573463453873328.html
Bobby Duncan agent Saif Rubie banned and fined for his ‘conduct on Twitter’

The Saif Rubie saga seems like it happened a very long time ago, doesn’t it? But it was actually just a few months back at the end of the summer. For those who don’t remember, the agent…

9 Dec 13:35 The Empire of The Kop 4194553099886270660.html
Kontrowersje: Karny na Gwilii

Mecz we Wrocławiu obył się bez kontrowersji. Największa dotyczy faulu w polu karnym na Walerianie Gwilii, którego nie dopatrzył się arbiter.

9 Dec 14:48 Legioniści 3895148503593330448.html
Former Fed Chief Paul Volcker, Inflation Tamer, Dies at 92

In working to help the U.S. economy recover from the 2008 crisis, he proposed what became known as the Volcker rule that restricted banks from making high-risk investments

9 Dec 14:23 Haaretz 1431421788491124194.html
Christie Brinkley Glows As She Poses With Lucky Santa At Age 65

The supermodel has a long history with St. Nick. Christie Brinkley gave Santa Claus a thrill this holiday season. One week after posing for a Thanksgiving photo with her family, the 65-year-old ...

9 Dec 11:15 The Inquisitr 1745625231333130194.html
IGNOU January 2020 admissions begins, check steps to apply here

The applications are being accepted for the Masters' degree, Bachelors' degree, PG Diploma and Diploma, PG certificate and certificate programmes and Appreciation/Awareness level programmes.

9 Dec 10:34 The Indian Express 2885715103917495282.html
Kardeşi için feryat eden Hatice ailesiyle yeni evlerine kavuştu

Adana’da sokakta oyun oynarken kamyonet altına kalarak can veren kardeşi 6 yaşındaki Erol Bartan için feryat eden 13 yaşındaki Hatice, 2 kardeşi ve babaları gecekondudan kurtarıldı. Yüreğir Belediyesi tarafından yeni evlerine kavuşan Hatice Bartan, 'İlk defa böyle güzel uyudum' dedi.

9 Dec 16:57 Yeni Şafak 1729259404499791799.html
I diritti in diretta: le novità su pensioni, Inail e pubblico impiego

REGGIO EMILIA – Questa sera alle 21 torna l’appuntamento con “I diritti in diretta”, la trasmissione di Telereggio, condotta e curata da Cinzia Scagliarini in collaborazione con Cgil Reggio Emilia, che informa i telespettatori sulle novità previdenziali, assistenziali, sindacali e fiscali. Ospiti di Cinzia Scagliarini questa sera saranno Giorgio Zanellato, responsabile del settore Inail, e […]

9 Dec 11:22 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333036432869.html
Millonaria obra hecha con un plátano y expuesta en feria de arte de Miami, fue devorada por otro artista

El estadounidense David Datuna se comió la pieza creada por el italiano Maurizio Cattelan, que consistía en una fruta pegada con cinta adhesiva en una pared y que costaba unos 150.000 dólares.

9 Dec 10:04 Emol 3328490602334618388.html
Hats off to KCR, TS police, says Jagan

‘Killing of accused in the Disha case case has been widely hailed’

9 Dec 15:01 The Hindu 6679535024766595348.html
Beyonce reveals how ‘pain and loss’ of miscarriages taught her life lessons

The singer also talked about how her body has changed through her pregnancies and how she feels ‘more womanly with my curves’.

9 Dec 13:00 Breaking News 4415806920102856135.html
Beyonce reveals how ‘pain and loss’ of miscarriages taught her life lessons

The singer also talked about how her body has changed through her pregnancies and how she feels ‘more womanly with my curves’.

9 Dec 13:15 Express & Star 7324224460715569608.html
Bergomi sta con Lautaro Martinez: "Io lo metto sempre tra i migliori"

Beppe Bergomi, ospite di 'Sky Calcio Club', spende parole in difesa di Lautaro Martinez dopo la partita contro la Roma: "La critica, stranamente, è stata però tutta a favore...

9 Dec 12:26 FcInterNews.it 7848284892730550694.html
Zamieszanie po ukaraniu Rosji przez WADA. "Jest to sytuacja bez precedensu"

To byłaby sytuacja bez precedensu: jeśli piłkarze Rosji awansują na mundial w 2022 r., będą musieli grać pod neutralną flagą. Co więcej, gdyby wywalczyli medal, nie zostanie on przypisany Rosji.

9 Dec 14:54 WP SportoweFakty 8463263969255250967.html
RB Leipzig: Bleibt Stefan Ilsanker doch über den Sommer hinaus?

Die Bosse von RB Leipzig machen dem eigentlich scheidenden 30-Jährigen Hoffnung auf einen Verbleib über den Sommer 2020 hinaus.

9 Dec 14:26 TAG24 4583887874364165210.html
Kim Jong-un inaugurou spa para turistas gozarem da "alta civilização sob o socialismo"

Trata-se de "edifício perfeito" que serve os esforços do partido no poder de guiar as pessoas para a civilização moderna, afirmou o líder norte-coreano, Kim Jong-un

9 Dec 08:22 DN 8445869957281657198.html
tours announced: Silversun Pickups, Cheap Trick, Innovative Leisure Weekender, more

Plus: Soulwax, Tame Impala/Perfume Genius, Ed O'Brien (Radiohead), Pee-Wee Herman, John Prine, Richard Thompson, and more tour news.

9 Dec 17:48 BrooklynVegan 7574135798227848424.html
Es acusado de agredir sexualmente a juguete de Olaf de "Frozen"

Él permanece libre con una fianza de $ 150 dólares y admitió haber hecho "estupideces"

9 Dec 08:00 EL DEBATE 4396150894088145738.html
Sabar Pak Amien Rais, Ini Ujian!

WE Online, Jakarta - Pengamat Politik Saiful Mujani Reserch and Consulting (SMRC), Sirojudin Abbas menilai kgerak-gerik Ketua Umum PAN Zulkifli Hasan bersikukuh untuk melanjutkan memimpin partai PAN.

9 Dec 10:07 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834661198440.html
Gefährlicher "toter Winkel": BMW kracht frontal gegen Baum

Ein BMW-Fahrer in Heiligenhaus krachte bei einem Unfall frontal gegen einen Baum. Der Fahrer eines anderen Autos hatte ihn laut Polizei nicht gesehen.

9 Dec 08:59 TAG24 4583887874064467046.html
Ryanair mantendrá su base en Girona al aceptar la plantilla un cambio de contrato

Pasa a ser fija-discontinua, lo que equivale a que durante tres meses al año y de forma rotatoria quedará en situación de paro.

9 Dec 16:19 La Información 5328999782516337382.html
Coroner, RCMP ask for help identifying man whose body was found in B.C.

MOBERLY LAKE, B.C. - The coroner's service and the RCMP are asking for the public's help in identifying a man whose body was found Nov. 1 near Moberly Lake,

9 Dec 17:37 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244825291774.html
Abortos en Ciego de Ávila: la cuenta regresiva de la vida

Bajo el amparo de una visión en la que cada quien decide sobre su cuerpo, al cierre del 2018 se registraron 85 045 abortos inducidos en el país, cifra que contrasta con la baja natalidad y alta esperanza de vida de la población cubana.

9 Dec 12:40 Invasor 6887282889589149296.html
Los hinchas de River silbaron a Iúdica en la fiesta

En medio de la celebración en el Monumental, los simpatizantes repudiaron al conductor del evento y lo chiflaron cada vez que hablaba.

9 Dec 12:51 El Patagónico 8565457046758777738.html
Pornovenganza: Katie Hill, la excongresista de EE.UU. que asegura que la "filtración" de unas imágenes suyas desnuda la hizo desear estar muerta

Katie Hill se vio forzada a renunciar cuando surgieron destalles de su vida sexual y amorosa, incluidas fotografías en las que aparecía desnuda. Ahora cuenta la "pesadilla" de su vida tras esas revelaciones.

9 Dec 14:36 24Horas.cl 793283385303729276.html
Die beste Musik für die Bescherung

Das Weihnachtsfest naht – und die Experten unseres Kulturressorts präsentieren ihre Empfehlungen: In unserer Bildergalerie finden Sie 48 Tipps für die besten Musikgeschenke an Weihnachten.

9 Dec 13:10 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146350338550674.html
La desigualdad y la insatisfacción política cimbran a América Latina

Países como Ecuador, Chile y Colombia han experimentado marchas debido al modelo económico imperante en la región

9 Dec 09:04 El Informador 103545928543055275.html
Atlético | La complicada travesía de Marcos Llorente

El canterano del Real Madrid apenas está pudiendo demostrar su valía en el campo, dado que únicamente Ivan Šaponjić y Antonio Adán han jugado menos que él bajo la tutela de Diego Pablo Simeone. Marcos (...)

9 Dec 17:06 Fichajes 157935406044724107.html
Guardiola: City now 'not able to compete' with Europe's top teams

The City boss gave a glum prognosis after his side’s latest league defeat.

9 Dec 14:38 The42 5369852630895737671.html
Farbige Abfallsäcke für alle

Der Pilotversuch mit farbigen Abfallsäcken sei erfolgreich gewesen, bilanzieren die Verantwortlichen. Das System zur Abfalltrennung soll auf die ganze Stadt Bern ausgedehnt werden.

9 Dec 17:17 Berner Zeitung 1248949325961391898.html
Get A $30 Amazon Credit When You Purchase A Nintendo Switch

Amazon is running a sale on the Nintendo Switch right now. It's not really a discount in the price of the Nintendo Switch, instead, you can get a $30

9 Dec 16:58 Android Headlines 8385692876980354182.html
Hinchada azucarera convoca ‘Plantón Verde’ contra directivos del Deportivo Cali

La hinchada azucarera está enfurecida con los resultados obtenidos este año por el Deportivo Cali y exigen claridad a las directivas del equipo.

9 Dec 11:50 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827412095354.html
After nod to Recycling of Ships Bill, India eyeing 60% global share: Govt

Terming the passing of the Bill as a giant step and a historical moment in the Indian maritime arena, Mandaviya said it will have far reaching effects on the ship recycling industry.

9 Dec 16:15 Business-Standard 1502508925647886014.html
Auf die Ski und los: Hochkar startet in Wintersaison

Auf alle Freunde von Hochkar und Ötscher wartet ein spannender Skiwinter.

9 Dec 13:17 NÖN.at 2486998931917264731.html
COMPLETE Harry Potter collection is ONLY £20.99 in this MAGICAL Christmas gift deal

Get all seven Harry Potter books for crazily cheap. Just apply this magical deal code and bag the perfect Christmas gift

9 Dec 15:14 T3 267522093001910208.html
Dragon Ball Super-Fortsetzung könnte noch 2019 angekündigt werden

Gerüchte dazu, dass der Dragon Ball Super-Anime fortgesetzt werden soll, halten sich hartnäckig. Jetzt werden sie erneut angeheizt und möglicherweise erfolgt noch dieses Jahr eine Ankündigung.

9 Dec 16:47 www.gamepro.de 3610569833297433509.html
Ulises Rivera: “Sistemas fotovoltaicos, generación distribuida colectiva será legal”

La Comisión Reguladora de Energía aprueba proyecto de que hogares y negocios que generen su propia energía a través de paneles solares puedan comercializar los excedentes con sus vecinos.

9 Dec 10:22 EL FINANCIERO 4014025540864209932.html
The Batman : Peter Sarsgaard rejoint le casting du film

Peter Sarsgaard rejoint le casting de The Batman, pour un rôle encore inconnu. Et c'est le réalisateur Matt Reeves lui-même qui a annoncé la nouvelle !

9 Dec 11:00 melty 8059025069176815222.html
Abogados del caso rebelión se reúnen para buscar vías para que se cumplan medidas cautelares de la CIDH

Una vez que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) emitió medidas cautelares a favor de la prefecta de Pichincha, Paola Pabón; del secretario de la Revolución Ciudadana (RC), Virgilio

9 Dec 16:36 El Universo 8365175798730894221.html
Fake Xiaomi accessories worth over $18,000 confiscated in Indian market - Gizmochina

When you are in the business of manufacturing, one problem you have to deal with is counterfeit products. They not only hurt your sales and spoil your brand name but these products can also cause harm to the user. It has been reported that Xiaomi went on a raid with the police to an Indian …

9 Dec 16:01 Gizmochina 1751854814789333530.html
Jorge Jesus: 'Brasileirão tem que ser vendido de outra forma para fora'

Jorge Jesus está em sua primeira experiência no Brasil como treinador

9 Dec 17:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700602805056.html
Die Berliner Panda-Zwillinge haben endlich Namen - und die sind wie aus einem Märchen

Die Panda-Zwillinge aus dem Zoo Berlin haben endlich Namen - 100 Tage nach ihrer Sensations-Geburt! Die beiden Jungen heißen « Meng Xiang » und « Meng Yuan »....

9 Dec 10:14 RTL.DE 7054729453124119833.html
Monarcas, de Edison Flores, no pudo clasificar a la final

Con el mediocampista Edison Flores durante los noventa minutos, Monarcas Morelia cayó como visitante por 2-0 ante el América, que clasificó a la final del Torneo Apertura. En la ida, Monarcas Morelia había derrotado en casa por 2-0 al América. Y viajó al Estadio Azteca con el objetivo de cuidar su ventaja, sin embargo en el primer tiempo los locales emparejaron la serie con tantos de Ibarra (35') y Viñas (42').

9 Dec 14:34 Ovación 4766812596447461639.html
Asus startet Verkauf des ersten Gaming-Notebooks mit 300-Hz-Panel

Mit dem ROG Zephyrus S (GX701GXR) verkauft Asus das erste Gaming-Notebook der Welt mit 17 Zoll 300-Hz-IPS-Panel und 3 ms Reaktionszeit.

9 Dec 16:43 www.gamestar.de 809832118030692697.html
Após remover tornozeleira, suspeito é preso por furto na UFES em Alegre

Ele estava em prisão domiciliar e confessou aos militares que removeu o equipamento. Denúncias apontam que o suspeito furtou fios de alta tensão na universidade

9 Dec 15:30 Folha Vitória 4941883426992790780.html
Bianca Andreescu Wins Lou Marsh Trophy As Canada’s Athlete Of The Year

Andreescu is the first tennis player to win the award.

9 Dec 17:18 ET Canada 6735490619237368394.html
Man City : le constat alarmant de Guardiola sur le niveau des Citizens

Josep Guardiola a lâché une punchline sur le niveau de jeu de Manchester City, à l'issue de la défaite dans le derby c...

9 Dec 10:27 Top Mercato 9098635540286058181.html
Avvio di settimana cauto per le borse, bene Tokyo

Avvio di seduta contrastato per le borse europee mentre in Asia Tokyo è salita dello 0,33%. Milano +0,15%, sotto la parità Londra, Francoforte e Parigi. Lo spread parte in lieve ribasso a 162 punti base, stabile il rendimento dei Btp decennali all'1,33%. A sostenere Piazza Affari i bancari, con Unicredit che sale dello 0,86%, Intesa Sanpaolo +0,26%. Bene anche le utilities e continua a salire Moncler. In fondo al listino la Juventus che cede oltre un punto percentuale. Euro su dollaro sotto 1,11. Ore 09.15  

9 Dec 09:11 rainews 442831849141666374.html
Slowdown blues to limit rise in job creation at 7% in October-March: report

Positive hiring outlook was reported in sectors like healthcare & pharmaceuticals, information technology, e-commerce and tech start-ups, educational services, KPO, power and energy, and logistics

9 Dec 13:17 Business Today 1145527432497556529.html
Slutskiy vat laatste seizoen bij Vitesse samen in hilarische video

Vitesse pakte zondagmiddag na vijf nederlagen op rij weer eens een punt. Dat gebeurde onder interim-trainer Joseph Oosting, die het stokje overnam van Leonid Slutskiy. De Rus blikt op Instagram nu terug op zijn laatste seizoen bij de Arnhemmers.

9 Dec 12:36 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615944668314.html
Tariffe ho Mobile: fino a 70GB e tutto illimitato per i nuovi clienti

Le tariffe ho Mobile proposte dal gestore ai suoi nuovi clienti questo mese permettono di ricevere fino a 70 GB di traffico dati e sono disponibili a partire da soli 5,99 euro al mese.

9 Dec 12:10 tecnoandroid 2573257126656890296.html
El emotivo discurso de Marcelo Gallardo que emocionó a los hinchas de River

Además, el Muñeco sorprendió a los fanáticos al sumarse a un cántico contra su eterno rival Boca.

9 Dec 15:27 TKM 618830133324426437.html
Prediksi Pertandingan Liga Champions: Club Brugge vs Real Madrid, Bidik Kemenangan Perdana

Berikut prediksi pertandingan sepak bola di partai terakhir Grup A Liga Champions antara tuan rumah Club Brugge vs Real Madrid.

9 Dec 17:31 INDOSPORT.com 4868402549194506706.html
I medici le dicono che la figlia in grembo morirà, ma avviene il miracolo: la bimba continua a lottare

Ormai rassegnata a perdere la figlia dopo il parto, una madre è stata benedetta dalla forza della figlia, ancora in vita nonostante le scarse speranze.

9 Dec 17:04 NewNotizie 1312053897097829042.html
Mercedes GLB – mehr SUV braucht kein Mensch

B wie brav und bieder oder B wie bivalent und wie das Beste aus zwei Welten? Auf den GLB, den neuen Kompakt-SUV von Mercedes, lohnt sich ein Blick – und erst recht ein Zweiter.

9 Dec 08:50 20 Minuten 5741369453987173312.html
Antalya'da uyuşturucu operasyonu

Antalya'da uyuşturucu operasyonunda bir aracın bagajında 5 kilogram skunk ele geçirildi.

9 Dec 09:37 HABER 61 8391886868667569709.html
Georgiev: Izveštaj Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije o Branku Stefanoviću očekivan

Novinar BIRN-a Slobodan Georgiev izjavio je danas da je očekivan izveštaj Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije kojim je utvrđeno da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića, nije ni vlasnik niti zaposlen u GIM-u.

9 Dec 09:50 Dnevni list Danas 649654640122863375.html
12 Seats to Watch: The Results to Keep an Eye Out for On UK General Election Night

On 12 December voters in the UK will go to the polls as Prime Minister Boris Johnson seeks a decisive victory which would allow him to push ahead with his Brexit deal. Sputnik has picked a dozen of the 650 constituencies to highlight some of the trends to look out for.

9 Dec 15:20 Sputniknews 967333869229296920.html
Jennifer Lopez revive el icónico vestido "Jungle Dress" en Saturday Night Live

JLo bromeó con que se ve mejor ahora que hace veinte años con la mítica prenda

9 Dec 17:11 CiberCuba 8213836170285495701.html
Alessia Marcuzzi incinta | lei svela tutto sui social | FOTO


9 Dec 14:30 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926464137837.html
Moda nas pizzarias, chef ensina como como se faz a deliciosa borda pãozinho

O chef Leonardo Corradini abriu as portas da cozinha do Senac e mostrou como preparar uma pizza com borda pãozinho. A receita é uma opção para reunir os amigos e família em casa e encher a pança com muita massa, muçarela, calabresa e molho de tomate e todos os recheios que quiser colocar. Leonardo é professor no Senac e trabalha com gastronomia há seis anos, quando descobriu que tinha gosto pelas ...

9 Dec 10:37 Campo Grande News 7902463002950081628.html
El juicio del caso Ana Enjamio arranca hoy a punto de cumplirse tres años del asesinato

También esta mañana comparecen en Tui los testigos de la causa de la joven Déborah

9 Dec 09:39 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578497312026.html
Rúben Ferreira falha Boavista

O Marítimo regressa hoje ao trabalho tendo em vista a receção ao Boavista, no sábado. José Gomes não poderá contar com o lateral-esquerdo Rúben Ferreira, castigado.

9 Dec 10:02 A BOLA 2278827557837945781.html
Load Shedding: Here is the City of Cape Town's guide to Stage 6 and beyond | Cape Argus

Eskom implemented Stage 6 load shedding on Monday, and had everyone frustrated and scrambling to check their schedules.

9 Dec 17:45 www.iol.co.za 17825111276225613.html
'Old man' Trump is 'bluffing' says North Korea: KCNA

Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un engaged in mutual insults and threats of devastation in 2017, sending tensions soaring before a diplomatic rapprochement the following year.

9 Dec 17:34 Deccan Herald 2027555796168412029.html
China says people held in Xinjiang camps have ‘graduated’, condemns U.S. bill

People held in camps in China’s Xinjiang region have now “graduated” and new trainees will have the freedom to come and go, the regional governor said.

9 Dec 11:33 Vanguard News 4125100340531615690.html
El Síndic de Greuges minimiza el problema de las listas de espera

Ribó culpa del sobrecoste a pacientes de otras comunidades autónomas que son atendidos en Catalunya

9 Dec 10:32 elPeriodico 7291954034022744405.html
CdS - Battere il Genk vale oltre 12 mln: tutti i ricchissimi premi della Champions

La Champions è una miniera d'oro: paga  2,7 milioni di euro per la vittoria; 900 mila euro per un pareggio

9 Dec 11:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080079979646.html
Lozano sobre Bengoechea: "Perdió el control porque no es correcto tirarle barro a los árbitros"

El presidente de la Federación Peruana de Fútbol, Agustín Lozano, dijo que el técnico de Alianza Lima se equivocó al declarar de esa manera porque considera que nunca es correcto tirarle barro a los árbitros.

9 Dec 15:12 Ovación 4766812596922497153.html
Planung für Unterwöhrd Biergarten in Hall wird konkret: Stadträte stimmen Konzept für Pavillon doch zu

Erst zerpflückt, dann gelobt: Nach einer aufregenden und einer nüchternen Diskussion können die Architekten das Unterwöhrd überplanen.

9 Dec 16:01 swp.de 6929179440896530975.html
"Elodie e Mahmood coppia a sorpresa", ma in foto c'è Marracash: la gaffe sul giornale

Su Il resto del Carlino il rapper è stato scambiato per il vincitore dell'ultima edizione del Festival di Sanremo: sui social le risate dei protagonisti

9 Dec 13:41 Today 178378750781102572.html
EU approves €3.2bn research fund for battery development

The European Commission has approved a €3.2bn (£2.7bn) state aid fund from seven European Union countries for research into battery technologies.

9 Dec 11:37 City A.M. 6389894491046462597.html
YouTube Rewind reveals the top 10 most-watched music videos in Korea

YouTube Rewind has released the 10 most-watched music videos in Korea in 2019 and the results may be surprising to global fans.The top 1…

9 Dec 17:02 allkpop 3249686061728947689.html
Singapore's Tamil community over 2,000-year old: Book

The Tamil community has been present in South East Asia and Singapore for more than 2,000 years, according to a new book which explores the lesser-known aspects of Tamil history and heritage.

9 Dec 10:43 Deccan Herald 2027555797284201366.html
Chelsea blip hasn’t changed Frank Lampard’s transfer plans

The Blues have won just one of their last five matches.

9 Dec 15:09 Shropshire Star 3480199992975904559.html
Goed nieuws! We zijn nog lang niet af van Jesse Klaver: ‘Daarom stel ik me opnieuw verkiesbaar als lijsttrekker’

Stiekem zijn we wel een beetje blij dat we nog geen afscheid hoeven te nemen van het ‘grootste politieke wonder’ – zoals Klaver zichzelf graag ziet – van de Lage Landen. Het old boys network dat de klimaat chaos in stand houdt bestaat nog steeds vandaar dat er vernieuwing en verjongen nodig blijft! Klaver is namelijk niet bang om leidertje te spelen en Nee! te zeggen tegen belangen van de grote bedrijven! Het is nu of nooit. Daarvoor is nieuw leiderschap nodig. Visie voor de toekomst. Leiderschap dat niet bang om tegen de gevestigde belangen in te gaan en om nee te zeggen tegen de oude garde. Daarom stel ik me opnieuw verkiesbaar als lijsttrekker: https://t.co/gw9fltwb3b — Jesse Klaver (@jesseklaver) December 9, 2019 Op Facebook kwam het uitgebreide bericht van onze favoriet GroenLinkser, een uitgebreid essay wat nog net geen Baudetiaanse trekjes vertoont. Een hele klaagzang over van alles en nog wat en over mensen die hem inspireren in het leven om door te gaan. Want Jesse heeft uiteraard een bittere en zware…

9 Dec 08:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610057389423772.html
Ils veulent freiner l’abattage des arbres

Le Collectif pour la sauvegarde du parc Léopold a mis sur pied une manifestation pour dénoncer l’abattage d’un hêtre centenaire à proximité du casino.

9 Dec 17:36 Vivreici.be 7768530902913086758.html
India ranks 129 in UN's human development index

India climbed one spot to 129 among 189 countries in the 2019 human development index, according to a report released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Monday.

9 Dec 16:51 Deccan Herald 2027555796916943091.html
Els vaixells que arriben als ports espanyols contaminen més que els cotxes de les 30 grans ciutats

El transport marítim és l'únic sector a Europa que no està obligat per llei a reduir les emissions de CO2

9 Dec 12:03 Ara.cat 6070605020855891368.html
Chi è Margherita Rebuffoni la mamma di Nadia Toffa: età, marito e figli

Margherita Rebuffoni è la mamma di Nadia Toffa, volto storico del programma tv Le Iene venuta a mancare lo scorso agosto per una malattia.

9 Dec 11:06 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382461809939399.html
WADA: Keine russische Mannschaft bei WM 2022

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) hat nach der verhängten Vierjahressperre die Teilnahme einer russischen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft an der WM 2022 in Katar ausgeschlossen.

9 Dec 15:38 weltfussball.at 3521376372796793842.html
Assalto alla banca nella notte, il colpo sfuma (Foto)

MONTECOSARO - Ladri in azione nella filiale Unicredit di via Bologna, i carabinieri stanno analizzando le immagini delle telecamere di videosorveglianza

9 Dec 09:00 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969196026000719.html
Manchester United’s firepower enough for top four – Harry Maguire

Harry Maguire has been buoyed by the form of Manchester United’s attack as the Red Devils set their sights on the Premier League’s top four.

9 Dec 08:59 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906612764263.html
Seyir halindeki otomobil alev alev yandı

Tekirdağ'ın Süleymanpaşa ilçesinde seyir halindeki otomobil alev alev yandı. Araç sürücüsü ve yolcular son anda araçtan çıkarak canlarını kurtardı.

9 Dec 17:12 Bursada Bugün 3693130092215233226.html
Así afronta el PSOE la semana para desbloquear la investidura de Sánchez

Los socialistas tienen que asegurarse los votos favorables de los grupos pequeños aún no garantizados pero, sobre todo, atraer la abstención de ERC en una reunión este martes en Barcelona, el mismo día que comienza la ronda del rey

9 Dec 08:04 Cadena SER 8390941985328694814.html
At a pro-Israel conference, Trump told Jewish voters they'd vote for him to avoid a wealth tax

During his speech to the Israeli American Council, President Donald Trump also said some Jewish people 'don't love Israel enough.'

9 Dec 11:02 Business Insider Nederland 7680839747960354016.html
Andorre chuchuté

À l'aise sur le parcours, où il vient de se produire à deux reprises, dont une place de deuxième, ANDORRE (1) fait l'objet de bruits favorables sur l'hippodrome pour la sixième course au programme.

9 Dec 17:10 Paris Turf 1695193991456763857.html
Central GST collection falls short of budget estimate by 40% during Apr-Nov

The minister said that as many as 999 cases were registered till October in the current fiscal for GST evasion and Rs 8,134.39 crore has been recovered.

9 Dec 14:30 Business-Standard 1502508924992589923.html
Joe Biden says he would consider Elizabeth Warren as a running mate, wonders if she'd pick him

Axios' Mike Allen sat down with former Vice President Joe Biden for Sunday's Axios on HBO, and he noted that when asked about potential running mates recently, Biden mentioned several women but didn't name Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Biden said sure, he would add Warren to the list,

9 Dec 11:36 Yahoo 7097669637795394972.html
Coreia do Norte considera Donald Trump um "velho desatento e errático"

A Coreia do Norte respondeu, esta segunda-feira, ao Presidente norte-americano considerando-o um "velho desatento e errático", depois de Donald Trump ter avisar que Kim Jong-un arrisca-se a "perder tudo" se adotar uma postura de hostilidade em relação aos EUA

9 Dec 14:33 JN 6956494302786936616.html
Karnataka Bypolls: BJP Races Ahead Towards Majority; Modi Calls It A ‘Message To Those Who Violate  Mandate’ 

Imminent clean sweep for BJP in Karnataka bypolls as Congress struggles to save face. 

9 Dec 14:21 Swarajya 4977622829215505876.html
Bienvenidos: Erika Olivera compartió reflexión sobre la dictadura y recibió avalancha de críticas

Son varios los políticos que se han mantenido activos durante todo el estallido social. Una de ellas es Erika Olivera, quien hace unas semanas protagonizó una comentada polémica en el...

9 Dec 15:45 Pagina 7 4371131342770492537.html
Deltan Dallagnol move ação contra Gilmar Mendes por danos morais

A ação pede indenização no valor de R$ 59 mil

9 Dec 11:40 Correio 5185786713226561325.html
Di chi è la colpa per i bassi tassi di interesse?

Di chi è la colpa per i bassi tassi di interesse? Molti esperti accusano le banche centrali.

9 Dec 15:00 Trend Online 3268043278964948366.html
Movimento negro vai denunciar Sílvio Santos por racismo: ele age como senhor de escravos. Por Joaquim de Carvalho

O diretor da Educafro, frei David dos Santos, pretende reagir às cenas de discriminação explícita protagonizadas por Sílvio Santos em seu programa de auditório. “Marcamos para amanhã uma reunião com nossos advogados. Veremos qual o melhor a caminho para buscar justiça nesse caso de racismo”, disse ele. A Educafro é uma associação que luta para […]

9 Dec 17:41 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917268669081749.html
Wales to play Austria to kick off Euro 2020 preparations

Wales will take on Austria in March 2020

9 Dec 11:31 Wales Online 7686550516945205680.html
Singapore swimmers set new SEA Games record in 50m freestyle heats

NEW CLARK CITY, Philippines: Singapore swimmers Jonathan Tan and Teong Tzen Wei both clocked the same time (22.46) in the men's 50m freestyle ...

9 Dec 10:26 CNA 5644198863370038557.html
Slovenke svetovno prvenstvo zaključile z zmago proti povprečnim Afričankam

Slovenska ženska rokometna reprezentanca je po zmagi nad Demokratično republiko Kongo z 29:27 (14:13) osvojila končno 19. mesto na svetovnem prvenstvu na Japonskem.

9 Dec 11:29 Dnevnik 7671546649250449659.html
Ryan Reynolds escapa por pouco de um acidente na CCXP; Assista!

Em seu perfil no Twitter, uma fã que esteve presente na CCXP conseguiu gravar o exato momento em que Ryan Reynolds escapa por pouco de um grave acidente. No vídeo, Reynolds demonstra simpatia e

9 Dec 13:53 CinePOP 5162159032020082786.html
Despromoção do Cruzeiro acaba em revolta dos adeptos

Houve pelo menos 30 feridos, a polícia militar teve de intervir, o árbitro acabou o jogo da última rodada antes dos "90" e o Mineirão ficou vandalizado

9 Dec 11:59 euronews 5294993274365136906.html
AVISO: Planungen für Neubaugasse abgeschlossen – Richtungsweisende Begegnungszone und neue 13A-Route

Der Planungsprozess für die Neugestaltung der Neubaugasse zur Begegnungszone ist abgeschlossen.

9 Dec 14:02 OTS.at 4182160710825867549.html
Jagiellonia Białystok: Najlepsze momenty Ireneusza Mamrota, czyli co zapamiętamy z jego kadencji na lata [GALERIA]

Ireneusz Mamrot w niedzielę przestał być trenerem Jagiellonii Białystok. O zwolnieniu 48-latka przesądziły ostatnie gorsze wyniki uzyskiwane przez jego zespół. Szkoleniowiec z Trzebnicy 2,5–letniej pracy w stolicy Podlasia jednak absolutnie nie musi się wstydzić. Podsumowaliśmy ten czas w subiektywnym zestawieniu. Piszemy o momentach radosnych, które zapamiętamy na lata.

9 Dec 12:12 Gol24 6907548671035218701.html
Tras el pedido de Alberto, Rodríguez Larreta retiró las rejas de Plaza de Mayo

Se trata del cerco que rodeaba al histórico centro de reunión del pueblo, que este martes 10 estará inundado de gente que celebrará la llegada de Alberto Fernández (y el regreso de Cristina Kirchner) a la Casa Rosada. 

9 Dec 10:31 INFOnews 187467005194698672.html
Na COP-25, Salles defende recursos de países ricos para poder combater o desmatamento

Ministro do meio ambiente também falou sobre mercados de carbono

9 Dec 15:06 Correio do Povo 8875535436153820087.html
Tropico 6: The Llama of Wall Street-DLC bringt schwankende Marktpreise mit sich – Launch-Trailer

Die Aufbau-Simulation "Tropico 6" wurde vor kurzem mit einer neuen Erweiterung namens "The Llama of Wall Street" und dem kostenlosen "Seguridad Social"-Update ausgestattet. Somit können die Spieler einige neue Inhalte und Funktionen nutzen.

9 Dec 09:02 play3.de 8301165837696552550.html
Elon Musk spotted hitting the town -- and a sign -- in the Tesla Cybertruck

Still making a smash.

9 Dec 15:09 Fox News 7362823819639006638.html
Fast 50.000 Neueinstellungen bei der Deutschen Bahn

In den nächsten Jahren muss die Hälfte der Belegschaft bei der Bahn ersetzt werden.

9 Dec 14:47 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109635187415.html
Petrolio: broker più bullish. Da comprare ENI e Saipem dopo Opec

Il petrolio cala dopo il rialzo seguito all'annuncio dell'Opec relativo all'aumento della produzione. Goldman Sachs alza stime su Brent e Wti.

9 Dec 13:16 Trend Online 3268043279374143304.html
30 beauty gifts under $25 — including Le Labo lip balms, customizable Glossier sets, Givenchy makeup sponges, and more

Between your family, friends, partners, friends’ partners, co-workers, dog walker, and the barista who knows your coffee order, holiday gifting can add up – especially if you’re tempted to treat everyone.

9 Dec 16:37 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882508767403.html
Biden blames staff, says nobody ‘warned’ him son’s Ukraine job could raise conflict

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed in a new interview that when his son Hunter was a board member of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings while he was in office, no one informed him that it could pose a problem.

9 Dec 13:01 Fox News 7362823819564023657.html
Nueva Zelanda: al menos cinco muertos por la erupción de un volcán

El fenómeno ocurrió este lunes en una isla en la que hay turistas atrapados. Se cancelaron todas las excursiones en el lugar.

9 Dec 16:14 El Ancasti 5864462413433013897.html
7 Kisah Menarik Zulfiandi, Sosok Kunci Timnas Indonesia U-22 yang Tembus Final SEA Games 2019

Zulfiandi merupakan satu di antara pemain senior yang memperkuat Timnas Indonesia U-22 di SEA Games 2019 cabor sepak bola.

9 Dec 15:10 Bola.com 1695722603327699145.html
Ser deportista y ecologista, más cerca de lo que pensamos

La revolución se vive y se respira en las calles.

9 Dec 12:11 Informe21.com 5448175404317970713.html
Preparador de arqueros de la UC: Tuve conversaciones con Quinteros para ir a México

Jorge Martínez afirmó que le gustaría trabajar con el ex DT de los "cruzados" en Xolos de Tijuana.

9 Dec 15:33 alairelibre.cl 7508323595473216492.html
Roma Femminile, lesione al crociato per la Di Criscio: oggi l’operazione – FOTO

Le giallorosse vincono 4-1 contro l'Inter ma la nota negativa arriva dall'infortunio della giocatrice di Betty Bavagnoli

9 Dec 13:20 Forzaroma.info 1065617486369570400.html
Ex-presidente da Bolívia, Evo Morales, na lista da Interpol como terrorista

Governo interino da Bolívia classificou o ex-presidente Evo Morales como terrorista e ele agora entrou na lista da Organização Internacional de Polícia Criminal (Interpol). A notificação azul da Interpol significa que os Estados membros devem informar o paradeiro do investigado. A Organização Internacional de Polícia Criminal é uma organização internacional que ajuda na cooperação de […]

9 Dec 13:25 Conexão Política 2089540910515553203.html
Cette petite blague de Boris Johnson sur sa petite-amie

Dans une interview à la BBC, le premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson a révélé l'étonnant cadeau qu'il compte faire à sa petite amie Carrie...

9 Dec 14:19 Closermag.fr 1175411577981026327.html
Terremoto in Toscana di 4.5. Colpito il Mugello

Un terremoto di magnitudo 4.5 ha colpito questa mattina alle 4,37 la Toscana, in particolare il Mugello. Non vi sarebbero feriti.

9 Dec 08:18 ilGiornale.it 5019541225646460847.html
Hyundai, "Strategia 2025" per un nuovo piano di investimenti | MotorLabs

Hyundai ha ufficializzato il nuovo piano industriale, denominato “Strategia 2025”. La società coreana ha deciso inevitabilmente di puntare su nuovi investimenti promuovendo nuove soluzioni di mobilità tra cui Smart Mobility Device e Smart Mobility Service, che la stessa definisce come due pilastri fondamentali della propria visione.

9 Dec 15:10 Tom's Hardware 6640147070280380077.html
Discrimination, harcèlement... comment les femmes et les entreprises peuvent réagir

Discrimination, harcèlement, blagues lourdes… Pas simple d'exercer son métier quand on travaille en terrain miné, comme c'est encore le cas pour beaucoup de femmes. , «Quand j'arrivais tôt au travail

9 Dec 08:14 Capital.fr 2641485281351050175.html
More than 2,000 koalas dead after Australian bush fires

Experts said the blaze has ravaged koala habitat so rapidly that 'we will probably never find the bodies'.

9 Dec 12:40 Metro 970161747840103521.html
Factbox: Volcker quotes on U.S. banks, inflation, government

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Paul Volcker, the towering former Federal Reserve chairman who tamed U.S. inflation in the 1980s and decades later inspired tough Wall Street reforms in the wake of the global financial crisis, died on Monday at the age of 92.

9 Dec 15:44 Reuters 8334514180895373182.html
Where to watch 'Tamron Hall Show' during Trump impeachment hearings

Because of our coverage of the Trump impeachment hearings on Channel 7, our regularly scheduled programs can be seen over-the-air on channel 7.2 and on cable.

9 Dec 15:05 ABC7 New York 7327811148074207079.html
En clase turista a Madrid y a pie por Santiago: el bajo perfil del ministro de Hacienda que lo tiene como uno de los más valorados del Gobierno

Y ustedes que opinan del ministro de Hacienda.

9 Dec 09:30 Publimetro Chile 2498685482714855871.html
Homem que tentou se jogar de poste é resgatado por Bombeiros

De acordo com testemunhas, o homem gritava frases sem sentido, aparentando estar bêbado, ou com algum distúrbio mental

9 Dec 16:27 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548744225701.html
Kalinic è l’oggetto misterioso e rischia il taglio

L'ex viola, pur racimolando tre convocazioni consecutive a Istanbul, Verona e Milano, non è mai sceso in campo

9 Dec 08:07 Forzaroma.info 1065617486047645693.html
Schmeichel: Daniel James prezentuje się fantastycznie

Peter Schmeichel podkreślił rolę, jaką w wygranych przez Manchester United derbach miasta odegrał Daniel James. Walijski skrzydłowy znalazł się w podstawowym składzie Ole Gunnara Solskjaera na Etihad Stadium.

9 Dec 10:37 DevilPage.pl 5381987154090443399.html
ERC avisa al PSOE de que no habrá acuerdo hasta enero

Marta Vilalta ha pedido a Sánchez que 'haga gestos y se mueva' si quiere acelerar la investidura

9 Dec 13:45 Levante-EMV 7042984478041443051.html
Janssen vol ongeloof: zéér dubieuze gele kaart voor spits in Mexico

Vincent Janssen liep zondagavond tijdens Necaxa - Monterrey tegen zijn vierde gele kaart aan in Mexico, maar zo dubieus als deze heeft hij ze nog niet gekregen. De scheidsrechter duwt de Nederlandse spits en trekt vervolgens doodleuk een kaart. De geblesseerde Janssen werd zondag na 43 minuten gewisseld bij Monterrey. Zijn vervanger Rogelio Funes Mori maakte diep in blessuretijd de winnende treffer voor de Mexicaanse topclub.

9 Dec 09:31 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883523527798.html
When will Santa's sleigh be in Bury St Edmunds?

Santa Claus is getting ready for his annual Christmas street visits to Bury St Edmunds.

9 Dec 12:11 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151347717450.html
Dubai’s Dido concert moved to Coca-Cola Arena

The gig on Friday (December 13) has been relocated

9 Dec 12:44 Time Out Dubai 1956550810070680345.html
Die Mutter aller Klugscheißer-Spiele wird 40

Vor 40 Jahren erfanden zwei kanadische Journalisten ein Quiz-Brettspiel. Erst lag es wie Blei in den Regalen, doch dann verkaufte es sich vor allem ...

9 Dec 11:45 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093547784042.html
Projektorius vietoje televizoriaus: kam ir ar verta?

Daugelis žmonių neįsivaizduoja savo svetainės, miegamojo arba virtuvės be televizoriaus. Tačiau šiandien televizorius nėra vienintelis galimas variantas.

9 Dec 15:20 Kauno diena 6825691408674346095.html
SRE sancionará a Valero para que no haya linchamientos públicos ni políticos: AMLO | Entérate

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador dijo que Ricardo Valero, embajador en Argentina, es diplomático de carrera, tiene trayectoria limpia, es un hombre con mucha cultura, fue subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores, coordinador del PRD y muy cercano a Muñoz Ledo. Sostuvo que la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores analiza el caso para que no haya linchamientos públicos ni políticos.

9 Dec 15:03 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496401686734.html

Segue vagas do dia.

9 Dec 14:21 Manchete do Povo 2045280387268848263.html
L’allenatore dell’Udinese che non vuole allenare l’Udinese

Luca Gotti ha un incarico provvisorio e se la sta cavando bene: la dirigenza vorrebbe confermarlo, lui non ne vuole sapere

9 Dec 15:13 Il Post 6291746503726781431.html
Kolstad-helten tatt ut til EM på hjemmebane: – En solskinsshistorie

Kolstad får én representant under EM i håndball, som kastes i gang i januar.

9 Dec 14:12 adressa.no 8417332407490965187.html
Conmovedora reacción de un grupo de chicos jujeños al ver el mar por primera vez

Son alumnos de una escuela primaria muy humilde y viajaron más de 30 horas para cumplir su sueño. Al llegar a la playa, sus expresiones emocionaron a todos los que fueron testigos de ese momento.

9 Dec 12:50 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740449450563178.html
Inglaterra comenzará su preparación para la EURO ante Italia

La selección inglesa arrancará su preparación para la Eurocopa 2020 con un amistoso ante Italia en Wembley el próximo 27 de marzo.Este será el primer encuentro preparatorio para los 'Tres Leones' de cara a la Eurocopa, en la que Londres, y más en concreto Wembley, acogerá tres partidos de la fase de grupos, uno de octavos de final, las semifinales y la final.Cuatro días después, Inglaterra se medirá a Dinamarca también en Wembley, antes de viajar a Viena, al Ernst Happel (donde la selección española ganó la Euro de 2008), el 2 de junio para medirse a Austria.El cuarto partido será el 7 de junio contra Rumanía en una ciudad inglesa que aún está por designarse.El conjunto dirigido por Gareth Southgate ha quedado encuadrado en el grupo D, junto a Croacia, República Checa y el ganador del playoff entre Escocia, Israel, Noruega y Serbia.Los ingleses jugarán todos sus partidos en Wembley y debutarán contra Croacia el 14 de junio. EFE

9 Dec 11:12 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124935933345.html
North Korea calls Trump ‘erratic old man’ after tweets

The comments came after Donald Trump tweeted that North Korea’s Kim Jong Un would not want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders.

9 Dec 10:06 Express & Star 7324224460762433524.html
North Korea calls Trump ‘erratic old man’ after tweets

The comments came after Donald Trump tweeted that North Korea’s Kim Jong Un would not want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders.

9 Dec 10:07 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775297837044.html
Dejan libre por error a un violador británico y en quince días comete ocho violaciones

Hoy se conocerá la sentencia de Joseph McCann, un británico de 34 años que podría ser condenado a cadena perpetua

9 Dec 11:06 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612886025516.html
Wohin mit dem Weltraummüll?

Die ESA hat dem Schrott im All den Kampf angesagt. Wieso das nötig ist – und welche Methoden noch im Rennen sind.

9 Dec 15:45 SRF 8424707179810322194.html
En Allemagne, ce raton laveur semble ivre et attire les curieux

#NoComment | Ce raton laveur est devenu la star de la ville d'Erfurt, en Allemagne. Il errait dans la rue, paraissant ivre. Il était finalement atteint de la maladie de Carré.

9 Dec 16:18 euronews 7357749754418575299.html
Drillisch-Aktionstarife mit 7 GB und 5 GB LTE-Datenvolumen gestartet

Die Drillisch-Marken handyvertrag.de und Simply starten ab sofort mit neuen Aktionstarifen mit 7 GB bzw. 5 GB LTE-Datenvolumen.

9 Dec 10:00 mobiFlip.de 5208441547852323840.html
Gri kategorideki terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

İçişleri Bakanlığından, Muş kırsalındaki operasyonda etkisiz hale getirilen 5 teröristten birinin gri kategoride aranan Erdal Tekay olduğunun tespit edildiği bildirildi.

9 Dec 12:40 OLAY 7935247624956354150.html
Hall of Famer Stevens: 'It's time for a revolution to save our sport'

Horse Racing news: Hall of Famer Stevens: 'It's time for a revolution to save our sport'.

9 Dec 09:41 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535798494352.html
Anvisa: Termina hoje prazo para sugestões sobre rótulos de alimentos

Termina hoje (9) o prazo estabelecido pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) para o envio de comentários e sugestões a duas consultas públicas abrangendo a rotulagem nutricional de alimentos (CPs 707 e 708).

9 Dec 12:25 Diário dos Campos 7202937202515906326.html
Nächste Runde im Übernahmekampf um Just Eat

Am Morgen erhöhte die Naspers-Tochter Prosus : Das Angebot pro Aktie werde von 710 auf 740 Pence angehoben, teilte das Unternehmen am Montag in London mit. Damit ist Just Eat mit rund 5,1 Milliarden britische Pfund (6,1 Mrd Euro) bewertet. Zeitgleich mit der Erhöhung des Angebots senkte die Tochter des südafrikanischen Medienkonzerns Naspers die Annahmeschwelle von 75 auf 50 Prozent plus eine Aktie ab. Dies ist bereits die zweite Absenkung seit Anfang November. Die Angebotsfrist verlängert sich nun bis zum 27. Dezember. Dabei waren Just Eat und Takeaway doch bereits im August zu einer Einigung über eine Fusion gekommen. Takeaway mit Sitz in den Niederlanden will mindestens 75 Prozent der Aktien angedient bekommen und bietet je Just-Eat-Aktie 0,09744 eigene Aktien an. Das entspricht bei einem Takeaway-Kurs von derzeit 84,65 Euro in Amsterdam rund 5,64 Milliarden Euro - umgerechnet in Pfund aber nur rund 4,74 Milliarden Pfund. Schon im November hatte Konzernchef Jitse Groen Forderungen nach einer Aufstockung entschieden…

9 Dec 13:07 cash 8314500323853315382.html
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection: Retro-Sammlung umfasst 20 Minispiele – Neuer Trailer

Wie Capcom bekannt gab, umfasst die "Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection" nicht nur sechs ausgewählte "Mega Man"-Klassiker. Darüber hinaus sind 20 Minispiele an Bord.

9 Dec 17:14 play3.de 8301165839485869277.html
Cardenales terminó la semana con cinco derrotas en fila #8Dic

El equipo Cardenales de Lara (16-12) tuvo una semana de terror a perder los cinco compromisos que disputó. La última derrota fue el domingo contra los Leones del Caracas (12-15) 9 carreras por 4 juego llevado a cabo en el estadio Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez de Barquisimeto

9 Dec 11:24 El Impulso 879547506805023616.html
A Coruña: La UDC se coloca entre las tres mejores universidades españolas en políticas ambientales

En cuanto a transparencia, el «ránking» Dyntra la sitúa como la séptima universidad más transparente del Sistema Universitario Español

9 Dec 12:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613378088729.html
Air France-KLM : coopération renforcée avec Qantas

Air France et KLM annoncent ce lundi renforcer leur coopération avec le groupe Qantas, via un rapprochement de leurs programmes de fidélisation et un nouvel accord de partage de codes.Ainsi, à compter... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 13:21 Zonebourse 7946574377799281631.html
Dev says MakerDAO attackers could turn $20M in Ethereum into $340M almost instantly

A software developer claims to have found a way in which to make an "incredibly profitable" but "expensive" attack to steal all the Ethereum available in MakerDAO.

9 Dec 16:20 Hard Fork | The Next Web 3990801509351086212.html
'Shazam' tendrá secuela de nuevo con Zachary Levi como protagonista

Warner Bros ha confirmado que 'Shazam 2' será una realidad, aunque aún no se sabe para cuando podremos verla.

9 Dec 16:48 eCartelera 2539779480782968991.html
Fast 50.000 Neueinstellungen bei der Deutschen Bahn

In den nächsten Jahren muss die Hälfte der Belegschaft bei der Bahn ersetzt werden.

9 Dec 14:47 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568423133911.html
Monopolies don’t just threaten the future of America — they change how we watch TV

“A lot of people talk about our crisis of capitalism,” Matt Stoller announces early in the latest episode of “Pitchfork Economics,” “but what’s really going on is a crisis of monopoly.”

9 Dec 14:00 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883549360984.html
Zara Larsson klar för Brännbollsyran

Zara Larsson uppträder på Brännbollsyran nästa år, skriver festivalen i ett pressmeddelande. Festivalen, som pågår mellan den 28 och 30 maj, fyller också på artistförrådet med den franska EDM-artisten Malaa och den svenska hiphop-duon Aden x Asme. Sedan

9 Dec 09:03 HD 3336945412751469454.html
Internautas acusam Silvio Santos de racismo após ele interferir em resultado de competição

Uma nova polêmica foi associada ao nome de Silvio Santos. Na noite de ontem (8), depois de mudar o resultado de uma competição musical em seu programa, o apresentador começou a ser alvo de criticas nas redes sociais. O dono do SBT decidiu  “confiscar” a vitória da única competidora negra, Jennyfer Oliver, e em seguida  dividiu o prêmio entre todas as outras participantes.

9 Dec 13:46 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713270275295.html
Dee Snider: AC/DC Have Reunited For A New Album Featuring Music Recorded By Malcolm Young

Dee Snider says the AC/DC reunion is on and it's "as close as you can get to the original band"

9 Dec 11:14 Kerrang! 370418008134790829.html
'A little frigate fit for a king to board': Erotic guide to Victorian London's brothels and prostitutes disguised as a wallet goes on sale for £500

The copy of 'The Man of Pleasure's Illustrated Pocket-Book for 1850' provides an eye-opening insight into the the capital's red light districts during the 19th century.

9 Dec 15:37 Mail Online 124328111755858734.html
Anuna De Wever niet tevreden met klimaatplan: “Absoluut niet ambitieus”

Neen, Anuna De Wever en haar medeklimaatactivisten van Youth For Climate zijn allesbehalve tevreden met het Vlaamse klimaatplan dat vandaag werd afgeklopt. “Niet ambitieus genoeg”, klinkt het vanop...

9 Dec 13:27 HLN 8967494997356613405.html
Com crise econômica, aposentados pegam mais empréstimos consignados

O volume de empréstimo consignado no país subiu 26% nos dez primeiros meses deste ano em comparação com o mesmo período de 2018, segundo dados do Banco Central. De janeiro a outubro do ano passado, foram contratados R$ 63,390 bilhões. No mesmo período de 2019, o total foi de R$ 79,843 bilhões. Para especialistas, a crise econômica, o desemprego -cuja queda tem sido muito devagar- e o alto índice de informalidade podem explicar o aumento do valor de crédito tomado. O consignado é um empréstimo seguro para o banco ou a financeira. Ele é descontado diretamente da folha de pagamento do benefício, o que faz com que a quitação das parcelas seja em dia.Essa facilidade diminui os juros da modalidade, que estão limitados em 2,08% ao mês, no empréstimo comum, e a 3% ao mês, no cartão de crédito, o que faz com que segurados do INSS busquem esse crédito para si ou para familiares e amigos. Há ainda outras regras definidas pelo governo. Dentre elas estão o total que se pode pegar de empréstimo, que é de até 35% da aposentadoria…

9 Dec 11:20 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419815301827.html
EM-genrep mot Finland på Friends

Fotboll Sveriges fotbollsherrar laddar inför EM nästa sommar genom att möta Ryssland och Finland hemma på Friends arena. Matchen mot Ryssland spelas den 28 mars och mötet med mästerskapsdebutanten Finland den 4 juni. Dessutom tillkommer två bortamatcher i anslutning till hemmamatcherna.

9 Dec 14:14 www.unt.se 8922556089340316028.html
Francisco Silva: Quiero recuperarme bien y ganar títulos con la UC

El volante comentó su lenta recuperación tras la lesión sufrida en La Calera.

9 Dec 08:50 alairelibre.cl 7508323594756411347.html
Silvio Santos ignora candidata negra em programa e é detonado na web

O apresentador ignorou a vitória de uma candidata negra em seu programa e o público reagiu na internet

9 Dec 17:30 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699504167766.html
Métodos para evitar a menstruação: quando a mulher deve recorrer a eles?

Quando as mulheres sofrem com cólicas intensas ou dor pélvica é aconselhável que ela interrompa a ciclo menstrual com anticoncepcionais, por exemplo

9 Dec 13:40 VEJA.com 4116702196168807508.html
Phoebe Waller-Bridge: I was not hired for Bond because of my gender

Fleabag creator says she was never told 007 script role was to help with female characters

9 Dec 12:51 the Guardian 1491978796258334199.html
‘Halal Spread Due To Our Mental Slavery, It Will Result In Our Financial Slavery’: Swarajya Interviews Jhatka Certification Authority Chief  

The only way jhatka outlets will survive is if there is enough demand in the market. 

9 Dec 14:59 Swarajya 4977622829801247368.html
Martino: "Squadra è con Ancelotti, ripresa di Udine lo dimostra"

Carmine Martino, voce ufficiale delle gare del Napoli, è intervenuto ai microfoni di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli

9 Dec 14:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081447667465.html
Uber entra no mercado de patinete elétrica no Brasil

O desbloqueio do veículo custará R$ 1,50, mais R$ 0,75 por minuto de uso

9 Dec 17:12 R10 3167340812622856159.html
Indigo Paint's IPO may fetch 3.5x returns for Sequoia in partial exit

The fund-raising comes at a time when the company plans to penetrate cities and scale up investments and become a key player in the industry

9 Dec 09:03 Business-Standard 1502508925092040876.html
'The Irishman' leads film nominees for Critics' Choice awards

'The Irishman' by Martin Scorsese leads the field of films with 14 nominations for the 25th annual Critics' Choice Awards.

9 Dec 13:48 Channel24 2038030840070593156.html
Weltweite Rüstungsverkäufe steigen um 4,6 Prozent

Die größten Rüstungsproduzenten der Welt haben 2018 mehr Waffen verkauft als im Vorjahr. Besonders in den USA steigen die Zahlen stark - auch wegen einer Ankündigung von Präsident Trump.

9 Dec 08:05 ka-news.de 5595931857047083437.html
U.S. Trailer for ‘Beanpole’ Previews Kantemir Balagov’s Cannes Winner and Russia’s Oscar Entry

Russia's official selection for the 92nd Academy Awards, Beanpole is the achingly beautiful sophomore feature by the burgeoning auteur Kantemir Balagov. An o

9 Dec 14:19 The Film Stage 8918382848875871472.html
Rusi besni zbog strašne suspenzije: "Hronična antiruska histerija!"

Premijer Rusije Dmitrij Medvedev ocenio je da je današnja odluka Svetske antidoping agencije (WADA) "manifestacija hronične antiruske histerije".

9 Dec 16:57 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495105078220.html
Börsen inleder veckan svagt nedåt

Stockholmsbörsen inleder handelsveckan svagt nedåt. Efter tio minuters handel har OMXS-index backat 0,1 procent. Utvecklingen ligger i linje med hur det ser ut på ledande Europabörser. Telekomtillverkaren Ericssons aktie backar 1 procent efter helgens b

9 Dec 09:11 HD 3336945412092795756.html
Las obras de Glòries cortarán Rodalies durante las Navidades

Del 21 de diciembre al 5 de enero la R3, R4 y R12 quedarán interrumpidas entre Arc de Triomf y Sant Andreu Arenal

9 Dec 09:48 elPeriodico 7291954034826605834.html
Leen (82) stopt met goochelen, dus gaat ook zijn eigengemaakte poppentheater weg

Het theater is met de hand gemaakt en alle poppen hebben een naam. Maar na zo'n zeventig jaar stopt de 82-jarige Leen Willemsen met goochelen. Zijn eigengemaakte poppentheater gaat daarom ook weg.

9 Dec 17:25 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615579232782.html
You Can Score a Bib to the London Marathon Through Zwift

Even if your name wasn’t picked in the drawing, there’s still a chance to get into one of the world’s most popular races.

9 Dec 14:46 Runner's World 1237141769283038298.html
Los demócratas presentan su "ABC" del juicio político contra Trump

El equipo legal de los democratas en el Congreso de EE.UU. presento este lunes lo que consideran el "ABC" del juicio politico contra el president

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264947667802.html
Celtic hero Chris Sutton trolls Rangers as he tweets ‘and they are still coming’

CELTIC legend Chris Sutton has trolled Rangers as he insisted ‘they are still coming’. The Hoops claimed a TENTH successive domestic trophy yesterday as they beat the Light Blues in the…

9 Dec 08:01 The Scottish Sun 6609127673248213645.html
Aracely Arámbula asegura que sus hijos no seguirán los pasos de Luis Miguel

Aracely Arámbula descartó que Miguel y Daniel tengan interés en seguir los pasos artísticos de su padre.

9 Dec 09:51 Wapa.pe 6757287088618431968.html
New Aston Martin DBX: pricing for South Africa confirmed…

Aston Martin South Africa has confirmed its new DBX will be priced from R3,6-million when it launches locally early in 2020.

9 Dec 12:51 CARmag 8756669824193980323.html
Sense possibilitat de supervivents en l'erupció del volcà de Nova Zelanda

L'explosió ha deixat almenys cinc morts i una vintena de desapareguts

9 Dec 17:41 Ara.cat 6070605021129985179.html
Milan, l'analisi di Pioli: "Ora ci crediamo di più, ma chiedo sempre sacrificio"

Dopo la vittoria contro il Bologna, Stefano Pioli ha analizzato così il momento della sua squadra: "L’obiettivo è sempre la partita di domenica prossima, qui abbiamo raccolto sensazioni positive e dobbiamo aumentare le nostre consapevolezze. Ci crediamo di più ma dobbiamo insistere: chiedo sempre sacrificio, fare una corsa in più per il compagno, ora lo stiamo facendo e si vede. Abbiamo fatto una bella partita, la nostra qualità ci ha premiato: Suso ha fatto una grande giocata. Così ce la possiamo giocare con tante squadre" le parole del tecnico rossonero riportate questa mattina dalla Gazzetta dello Sport.   

9 Dec 11:12 MilanNews.it 6507305922713182434.html
Real Betis’ Joaquin Sanchez becomes oldest player with La Liga hattrick at 38

Veteran Real Betis winger Joaquin Sanchez needed only 20 minutes to score his first career hat trick on Sunday, becoming the oldest player with a treble in the Spanish league.

9 Dec 09:22 The Indian Express 2885715105173538434.html
Melhoria de um lado, piora de outro

A aprovação do governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro parou de cair, mas continua em patamares ruins para um primeiro ano de governo

9 Dec 08:00 O TEMPO 6069683946585640808.html
Segunda dimisión y tercer presidente para el Deportivo en un año

Habituado a la inestabilidad deportiva en los últimos años por los cambios frecuentes de titularidad en su banquillo, el Deportivo se aclimata también a la renovación de sus dirigentes

9 Dec 14:02 www.elcorreogallego.es 6564069475766087106.html
Murió Hugo Nario, un gran periodista y reconocido escritor

Se apagó la vida de Hugo Nario, maestro, periodista y reconocido escritor –en ese orden-. Desde Mar del Plata, donde pasó sus últimos años, llegó la triste noticia que enluta a la literatura y cultura tandilenses. Tal vez, partió para reencontrarse con su compañera Perla Calvo, quien se le había adelantado a mitad de este […]

9 Dec 10:14 El Eco 4177735524317020614.html
To biler og tre personer i ulykke i Averøy

Nødetatene rykker ut til Tøvika i Averøy kommune.

9 Dec 15:57 rbnett.no 7665098092069899875.html
Iberdrola sobe indemnizações de casas afetadas por barragens do Tâmega

A Iberdrola vai suportar a construção de novas habitações, em terrenos cedidos pelos municípios, e o valor do arrendamento temporário.

9 Dec 14:58 SÁBADO 5711459692621248168.html
Dschungelcamp 2020: Starttermin steht fest!

Das Dschungelcamp 2020 beginnt am 10. Januar auf RTL. Mittlerweile ist es die 14. Staffel der Reality-Show.

9 Dec 10:57 TAG24 4583887874283716008.html
Ana Boyer y Fernando Verdasco vuelven a casa con su bebé tras un puente de música y reencuentros

La pareja ha sido fotografiada en el aeropuerto cargados de maletas y con el pequeño Miguel

9 Dec 17:53 Hola.com 2035212430617226246.html
Heat find a Herro in Bulls win

Herro scored 27 points for Miami.

9 Dec 09:28 Daily Nation 7421817124365314467.html
Deze ‘bypass’ helpt de wanhopige Windows 7 liefhebber

Met een bypass kan illegaal gratis een security service voor Windows 7 verkregen worden.

9 Dec 12:45 Apparata 308905380132089452.html
PayPal’s Schulman: Why Payments’ Biggest Innovations Are Yet To Come

PayPal CEO Dan Schulman shares why he expects breakthroughs in the payments ecosystem to happen at a fast pace in the coming decade.

9 Dec 09:00 PYMNTS.com 7357138825864233168.html
Edinburgh’s Royal Commonwealth Pool hit by ‘mice invasion’ as parents left shocked

A POPULAR Edinburgh softplay area has been hit by a mice invasion. Locals described seeing the rodents at the Royal Commonwealth Pool in the city while children and tots were playing. One mum said …

9 Dec 08:55 The Scottish Sun 6609127673530153227.html
La temida facción de los Latin Kings que se transformó de una pandilla callejera a una "empresa criminal con el estilo de la mafia" en EUA

Es una de las pandillas más grandes del mundo y tiene decenas de miles de miembros en Estados Unidos. Uno de sus líderes, señalado de convertir a una de sus facciones más poderosas en una organización similar a la Cosa Nostra, fue capturadoen la "Operación Trono Caído".Es una de las pandillas más grandes del mundo y tiene decenas de miles de miembros en Estados Unidos. Uno de sus líderes, señalado de convertir a una de sus facciones más poderosas en una organización similar a la Cosa Nostra, fue capturadoen la "Operación Trono Caído".Es una de las pandillas más grandes del mundo y tiene decenas de miles de miembros en Estados Unidos. Uno de sus líderes, señalado de convertir a una de sus facciones más poderosas en una organización similar a la Cosa Nostra, fue capturadoen la "Operación Trono Caído".Es una de las pandillas más grandes del mundo y tiene decenas de miles de miembros en Estados Unidos. Uno de sus líderes, señalado de convertir a una de sus facciones más poderosas en una organización similar a la…

9 Dec 14:23 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189596095164.html
Automobile: Phitrust dénonce les modalités du projet de fusion PSA-FCA

La société de gestion activiste Phitrust a annoncé lundi avoir écrit au président du conseil de surveillance de PSA, Louis Gallois, à propos du projet de fusion entre égaux du constructeur automobile... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 15:17 Zonebourse 7946574378271391814.html
La politique domine la Une des quotidiens burkinabè

Les quotidiens burkinabè de ce lundi traitent l’actualité nationale marquée par des sujets essentiellement politiques, notamment, la célébration de la fête nationale et le congrès extraordinaire de l’ex-parti au pouvoir.Le journal privé Le Pays évoque le congrès extraordinaire du Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès (CDP, ex-parti au pouvoir), tenu samedi dernier à Ouagadougou, […]

9 Dec 12:18 Journal de Brazza 8990092586616939582.html
La China Suárez impactó con un sensual mono de cuero y su infaltable fetiche: las botas texanas

Recién separada, la modelo argentina estrena nuevo corte y revoluciona las redes con sus looks.

9 Dec 17:53 Todo Noticias 8077539162229271804.html
4 not so Popular Ski Runs in Bulgaria

The winter sports season is already in full swing and we are sure that many of you are eager to get into the snowy adventures. We decided to pick some not so popular places for you to practice winter sports.

9 Dec 13:09 novinite.com 4235039570293897421.html
It looks like Minecraft’s “Better Together” cross-platform update is finally coming to PlayStation 4

Last year, Mojang (owned by Microsoft) released the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. Based on the code from the Pocket Edition, Bedrock unified the code for the game across al platforms, even allowing…

9 Dec 08:15 Critical Hit 8797780292671061833.html
Șef nou la penitenciare: Tiberiu Ungureanu, numit interimar pentru un an

Ministrul Justiției, Cătălin Predoiu, l-a numit luni șef la Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor (ANP) pe comisarul-şef de poliţie penitenciară

9 Dec 14:14 G4Media.ro 2302108695425161655.html
Los sobornos que habría recibido la Fedefútbol por reventa de boletas

Así lo señaló la Fiscalía durante la imputación de cargos al exrepresentante legal de Ticketya. | Empresas | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 17:39 Portafolio 9142034660478716469.html
Ramalan Zodiak Cinta Senin 9 Desember 2019: Scorpio Kejutkan Pasangan, Pasangan Capricorn Berubah

Cek zodiak cinta Senin 9 Desember 2019 Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, dan Pisces.

9 Dec 08:09 Tribunnews.com 3323534445780507982.html
Casamance : Des repris de justice sèment la terreur à Sindian

Casamance : Des repris de justice sèment la terreur à Sindian Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

9 Dec 11:12 Seneweb News 6877057602527043332.html
Vote in the UK’s general election and you could win CoD: Modern Warfare and more

The UK general election is just days away, and the games industry is urging gamers to vote

9 Dec 12:12 PCGamesN 7890463383734233719.html
Annekatrin Hendel: Vom Spaß, Nische zu sein

Ein Porträt von Annekatrin Hendel, Dokumentaristin des Ostens, deren Film „Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit“ gerade herausgekommen ist.

9 Dec 14:03 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687323757313693.html
SMS di Google: la resurrezione è in arrivo con le chat senza WiFi e 4G

Gli SMS stanno per scrivere un nuovo capitolo per i dispositivi Android. Finalmente Google ha capito la situazione e si prepara alla rivoluzione delle chat.

9 Dec 11:20 tecnoandroid 2573257127593721384.html
México convoca a su embajador en Argentina para investigar si robó un libro

El diplomático es acusado de tratar de robar la biografía de Giacomo Casanova, de Guy Chaussinand-Nogaret, libro valuado en menos de 10 dólares.

9 Dec 11:04 Crónica 1134283328443343706.html
Amal dénonce une infraction israélienne dans le sud de la ZEE libanaise

Le groupe parlementaire du Changement et de la libération, principalement composé de députés du mouvement Amal, a mis en garde lundi contre les...

9 Dec 13:58 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733140112271710.html
Rivers: Gov. Wike Approves Payment For 2,673 New Retirees

Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike has approved the inclusion of 2,673 additional retirees into the monthly pension payment scheme of the state government.

9 Dec 09:12 Concise 5544636823515070412.html
No nareszcie! Zmiana w Kalendarzu Google pozwoli ci naprawić pomyłki przy planowaniu dnia

Kalendarz Google w końcu dodaje funkcję, która powinna być w nim dostępna od lat, i która ułatwi życie wielu ludziom.

9 Dec 13:22 Spider's Web 6426504856295668661.html
Stadt Freiburg darf im Advent Läden nicht länger geöffnet haben

Keine verlängerten Ladenöffnungszeiten in der Stadt Freiburg im Advent: der Oberamtmann des Saanebezirks hat eine Beschwerde der Gewerkschaft Unia gutgeheissen und die verlängerten Ladenöffnungszeiten an den Samstagen des 14. und 21. Dezembers annulliert.

9 Dec 16:15 bz BASEL 5287163742181121893.html
La sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi es la nueva Miss Universo

Las otras dos finalistas fueron Madison Anderson, de Puerto Rico y Sofía Aragón, de México.

9 Dec 13:15 Primera Edición 6803897641927347992.html
Mandos policiales admiten que el 1-O se saturó su red de comunicación

Los agentes, según esta versión, se vieron obligados a utilizar teléfonos móviles para comunicarse con el centro de coordinación

9 Dec 16:41 elPeriodico 7291954033041367062.html
Polémica de NIC Chile: los detalles detrás de esta curiosa solicitud

¿También te llegó el correo? Ya son varias las solicitudes de información respecto a los dominios .cl. Suman un total de 5. ¿Sabes qué valor tiene esta información?

9 Dec 10:00 Publimetro Chile 2498685483237405865.html
La Revolution Pro Controller 3, une manette de jeu haut de gamme Made in Hauts de France

Dans le monde du jeu vidéo, la manette Xbox est la référence. Mais les Français d...

9 Dec 16:03 La Voix du Nord 5307415665201816353.html
Srbija u poslednjoj sekundi do pobede nad Nemačkom!

Rukometašice Srbije savladale su Nemačku sa 29:28 (19:17) u drugom kolu druge faze Svetskog prvenstva u Japanu. Odlučujući gol postigla je Kristina Liščević iz sedmerca u poslednjoj sekundi!

9 Dec 08:26 Sport Klub 42251758496589879.html
Las especies de animales que se extinguieron en esta década

La gran biodiverisdad de la Tierra tuvo una importante reducción en la década que está por finalizar. Algunos animales desaparecieron víctimas del cambio climático, mientras que poblaciones de otras especies, como la vaquita marina, están al borde de la extinción por la pesca indiscriminada que hace que estos animales queden atrapados en las redes y mueran.

9 Dec 16:14 El Comercio 2865024641822313827.html
La estrategia a corto plazo del Chelsea con Nathan Aké

El neerlandés, de origen marfileño, es del agrado del actual campeón de la Europa League, por lo que podría hacer efectiva su opción de recompra para poner fin a su cesión en las filas del Bournemouth. (...)

9 Dec 15:08 Fichajes 157935405748976408.html
Al deporte argentino lo espera otro gran desafío

Qué esperar de la llegada de Inés Arrondo a la conducción de la política deportiva de la Nación. 

9 Dec 11:24 Mundo D 5646459532661935196.html
Absolución en el primer macro juicio por amaños ante la debilidad de las pruebas

Los únicos condenados, a un año y tres meses de cárcel, son los exdirectivos del Zaragoza, Agapito Iglesias y Javier Porquera

9 Dec 17:55 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959468688026.html
Beethoven'in yarım kalan eserini yapay zeka tamamlayacak

Beethoven'in yarım kalan eserini yapay zeka tamamlayacak | aydinlik.com.tr

9 Dec 10:10 Aydınlık.com.tr 6641513913099650367.html
La Repubblica - Niente prestito: se l'Inter vuole Vidal dovrà pagarlo. Il Barcellona guarda con interesse a tre nerazzurri

La partita di domani tra Inter e Barcellona varrà gli ottavi di Champions League per i nerazzurri e di conseguenza la possiiblità di agire sul mercato con...

9 Dec 10:30 FcInterNews.it 7848284894019357205.html
Wrong way driver injures six on A1

Six people, including two children, were injured in road accidents on Sunday on Portugal’s main A1 motorway, near Condeixa, in the district of Coimbra, caused by a driver going the wrong way, the country’s National Republican Guard (GNR) force source told Lusa.

9 Dec 11:00 The Portugal News Online 5173906808355908626.html
Almeida copia a Carmena las calles de sentido único para peatones después de criticar la medida por "simplista"

El Ayuntamiento de Madrid tiene previsto el sentido único en las calles de Preciados y Del Carmen cuando sea necesario"Los madrileños no somos un rebaño al que manejar al antojo de Podemos", criticaba el PP en un vídeo de 2017El alcalde ha anunciado que en 2025 todos los vehículos de la Empresa Municipal de Transportes serán "cero emisiones" y que en 2030 habrá "zonas cero emisiones"

9 Dec 16:54 eldiario.es 4752673445871863484.html
Proyecto antisaqueos: senadores eliminan articulado que llegó de la Cámara y parten de cero

Senador DC, Francisco Huenchumilla, explicó que se va a “armar el proyecto de nuevo, y eso es lo que en definitiva se aprobó, con una hoja en blanco vamos a tratar de concordar la tipificación del delito de saqueo”. Remarcó que se concordó “con el ministro del Interior que nos tomemos con un poquito

9 Dec 13:40 La Nación 6855788056993253370.html
La percepción de un amigo adeco, por @ArmandoMartini

Un buen amigo, firme militante de Acción Democrática, me envía su percepción de los insólitos y dolorosos sucesos en la Asamblea Nacional. Ha seguido con […]

9 Dec 13:34 LaPatilla.com 9104603011190078429.html
UP govt clears plan to induct 700 electric buses in 14 cities across state

Singh said Rs 250 crore will be incurred in the operation of these buses of which Rs 120 crore will be realised through sale of tickets.

9 Dec 13:55 Business-Standard 1502508926072276793.html
Russia given four-year sports ban including World Cup and Olympics

Russia are now out of next year's Olympics.

9 Dec 10:38 Metro 970161748482361527.html
One Direction bientôt de retour ? Liam Payne donne une date

One Direction serait de retour dans deux ans. 

9 Dec 14:10 melty 8059025070723402699.html
Jury sworn in for trial of man accused of murdering his 20-month-old son

Yusif Ali Abdi is charged with murdering Nathan Baraka Andrew Ali on 17 April 2001.

9 Dec 15:36 TheJournal.ie 6446904417073602375.html
Da Hollywood a piazza Chanoux, ad Aosta: la star Libro trionfa con il suo calendario

AOSTA. Su di lui si raccontano tante storie; le sue gesta e le sue battaglie - alcune vinte e altre perse con onore - rivivono nei racconti di chi ha avuto la fortuna di incontrarlo. Non è un supereroe, è qualcosa di più: lui è Libro, il gatto nero che ormai da diverso tempo è stato "adottato" dai commercianti di piazza Chanoux e dai dipendenti comunali degli uffici in cui si intrufola per godersi cibo e coccole. "Libro" è diventato a sua insaputa famoso anche sulla piazza virtuale grazie ad una pagina Facebook, "Sei di Aosta se....". Da vera star il micio ha catturato l'interesse di tanti e così è nata l'idea di un calendario "felino" che è stato realizzato e messo in vendita a scopo benefico con la collaborazione di diversi soggetti e della libreria Brivio Due, una delle tante case che il micio nero ha conquistato nella zona della piazza. I risultati di questa iniziativa sono stati pubblicati sulla pagina "Sei di Aosta se...": dalla vendita del calendario di "Libro" e 900 euro di fondi raccolti sono già stati…

9 Dec 11:48 Aostaoggi.it 8718172644356573327.html
Sesame Street Veteran Caroll Spinney Dies At 85

Sesame Street veteran Caroll Spinney – known for playing both Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird – has sadly passed away aged 85. The veteran puppeteer passed away after living with dystonia for some time, following his retirement last year at the age of 84. In a statement, Sesame Street Workshop said: “Caroll was an artistic […]

9 Dec 12:03 iAfrica 8834711023291274068.html
Here’s how Apple could squeeze bigger batteries into next year’s iPhones

The iPhone 11 series had very impressive battery life, and this could be set to get even better next year thanks to some cleverly rearranged circuitry.

9 Dec 13:53 Trusted Reviews 12694854778001967.html
Economistas: Centeno estará a perder influência e baixou expectativas

Economistas ouvidos pela Lusa afirmam que o ministro das Finanças parece estar a perder influência no Governo e o seu discurso contribuiu para baixar as expectativas em relação ao Orçamento do Estado para 2020 (OE2020).

9 Dec 09:12 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842692172757.html
Ejecutan a uno en Juárez

Juárez.- Dos hombres fueron víctimas esta noche de un ataque armado registrado en las calles General Máximo Castillo y General Luis Herrera de la colonia Revolución Mexicana. Las dos personas fueron...

9 Dec 14:20 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558762150507.html
Ministro de Energía confirma cierre de cuatro termoeléctricas: Una de ellas será Ventanas

El titular de la cartera anunció la medida en la COP25 como parte del plan de descarbonización.

9 Dec 15:06 24horas.cl 793283384595478953.html
The 6 biggest snubs from the 2020 Golden Globe nominations

The Golden Globe nominations are here to baffle everyone once again. The nominations for 2020's show announced Monday are chock-full of shocking snubs, from the biggest television event in recent memory getting almost completely shut out to an acclaimed limited series getting zero nominations. Let's run through some of the oddest snubs from this year's Golden Globe nominations. 1. Almost no Game of Thrones - Believe it or not, Game of Thrones picked up just one single nomination, with Kit Harington landing an acting nod. Other than that, the series was shockingly almost completely shut out of the show, not landing in the best drama series category at all. 2. No When They See Us - The acclaimed Ava DuVernay Netflix drama was one of the nominees for Outstanding Limited Series at the Emmys, but at the Golden Globes, it was shut out entirely. 3. No De Niro - Robert De Niro has been considered an Oscar favorite for his performance in The Irishman, yet he failed to pick up a nomination in the lead drama actor category.…

9 Dec 14:26 The Week 149215355417518742.html
El "truco" que patentó Xiaomi para ocultar la cámara frontal en la pantalla del smartphone

Ni retráctil ni giratoria. La firma china patentó una forma que podría cambiar la forma en que se ve la cámara que usamos para las selfies.

9 Dec 16:33 La Voz 6237180761654734890.html
Daddy Yankee invita al 'Choli' a Madison Anderson Berríos

El reguetonero felicitó a la reina boricua durante su cuarta presentación en el Coliseo de Puerto Rico.

9 Dec 16:47 Primera Hora 5092966654456114351.html
Anderlecht prêt à tout pour attirer l'un des attaquants en forme de notre championnat

La situation offensive d'Anderlecht est des plus compliquées. Le Sporting ne peut toujours pas compter sur Landry Dimata et n'a, en réalité, ...

9 Dec 11:17 RTL sport 5478130074331013650.html
Roma, forze dell’ordine schierate a presidio della città: oltre 10.000 persone controllate

Proseguono i servizi di controllo nelle aree interne alla Stazione Termini e nei percorsi di congiunzione con le fermate delle linee A e B della metropolitana, nonché in piazza dei Cinquecento e nelle aree di via Marsala e Giolitti ,disposti con apposita ordinanza di servizio a firma del Questore di Roma, Carmine Esposito. Ai servizi […]

9 Dec 13:16 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337951064155.html
Szelestim: Wiener MedTech wird von EU mit 2,2 Millionen Euro gefördert

Eine Therapie für chronische Schmerzpatienten mit Hilfe eines kleinen Geräts, das [...]

9 Dec 11:13 Trending Topics 3345568774752361209.html
Wendel: "Disseram que não eram jogadores para o Sporting e mandaram tirar a camisola"

O médio brasileiro relatou esta segunda-feira em tribunal que os elementos que invadiram o balneário na academia de Alcochete disseram que os atletas não eram futebolistas para o Sporting e ordenaram que despissem as camisolas.

9 Dec 16:31 DN 8445869956788226574.html

Svaki čitalac dnevnih novina Kurir danas će na poklon dobiti SAMOLEPLJIVU KUKU ZA KRPE I PEŠKIRE. Montira se jednostavno, tako što uklonite zaštitnu foliju i zalepite kuku na željeno mesto u vašem domu. Stabilna je, pa na nju možete pored krpa i peškira da ...

9 Dec 08:00 kurir.rs 6515665027199197607.html
UniCredit : UBS relève son opinion et son objectif

UBS relève sa recommandation sur UniCredit de 'neutre' à 'acheter' après la présentation par le géant bancaire italien de son plan stratégique la semaine dernière.Dans une note aux clients, le bureau... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 11:39 Zonebourse 7946574377116243463.html
A falta de sillas, embarazada se sienta en la espalda de su esposo

Las cámaras del sistema de vigilancia del un hospital, captaron el momento en el que una mujer embarazada, se tuvo que sentar en la espalda del esposo

9 Dec 12:52 Fernanda Familiar 8155233564984613711.html
Blockchain, A Four-Time Waltz: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Libra & the CBDCs – The Need for a New Balance

We have deliberately chosen to limit our presentation, for pedagogical reasons, to the four fundamental periods represented by the emergence of Bitcoin, Ethereu

9 Dec 10:00 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073746729297.html
Londyn: coraz większy problem ze smogiem

Oddychanie powietrzem w niektórych obszarach Londynu jest tak groźne jak palenie 150 papierosów rocznie - informuje "The Independent".

9 Dec 11:06 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535593636941.html
Ativistas pró-democracia apelam à greve em Hong Kong

A marcha de domingo teve lugar duas semanas após a vitória dos candidatos pró-democracia nas eleições locais de 24 de novembro

9 Dec 11:32 euronews 5294993274339335765.html
Lack of funds sees Cape Town 2020 Triathlon World Cup leg scrapped

The International Triathlon Union World Cup will not return to Cape Town in 2020 due to lack of sponsorship.

9 Dec 13:08 Sport 682566034243827515.html
Hackerangriff auf Uni Gießen | Hessen wächst weiter | AWO-Vorsitzender wirft hin

Was wichtig war, was passiert ist, was Hessen bewegt: Der Montag in der Zusammenfassung. Täglich um 17:30 Uhr.

9 Dec 16:30 hessenschau.de 6403292203975130151.html
For IT pros, adding blockchain skills can pad your paycheck – by a lot

Beefing up on skills around blockchain development, management or engineering can earn techies some big bucks above their current salary.

9 Dec 11:00 Computerworld 8450890022220747537.html
Ob začetku vrha o Ukrajini v Kijevu več sto protestnikov

Ob vrhu o Ukrajini, ki se je popoldne začel v Parizu, v Kijevu vztraja več sto protestnikov proti ruskim vplivom na vzhodu Ukrajine in za uveljavitev mirovnega načrta iz leta 2015. V Parizu so se na vrhu zbrali voditelji Francije, Nemčije, Rusije in Ukrajine.

9 Dec 17:10 Dnevnik 7671546648763039330.html
Dernière ligne droite avant les élections britanniques

Le Premier ministre, Boris Johnson, a fait le pari de convoquer des élections législatives pour mettre en œuvre la sortie de l’Union européenne

9 Dec 11:13 www.20minutes.fr 6446520675901905273.html
Projet The Iron Maiden : Un projet Hard qui met en prison les composants

"When the light begins to fade, I sometimes feel a little strange, A little anxious when it's dark". Derrière ces mots de la c..., actualité 69932

9 Dec 10:21 Cowcotland 6610786359746013910.html
Defesa Civil alerta para pancada de chuva nesta segunda

A temperatura mínima nesta segunda foi de 16ºC e a máxima estimada é de 26ºC

9 Dec 14:24 O TEMPO 6069683947401646073.html
Amor na pele! Andressa Suita tatua iniciais do marido, Gusttavo Lima, e filhos

Andressa Suita realizou uma nova tatuagem e desenho foi uma homenagem ao marido e filhos. Em vídeo publicado no Instagram, a modelo mostrou o rabisco com pegada minimalista. O desenho conta com as ini...

9 Dec 09:33 Purepeople 5674914090283121809.html
Mac Pro e Pro Display XDR dal 10 dicembre

I nuovi Mac Pro e Pro Display XDR saranno disponibili, almeno negli USA, a partire dal 10 dicembre: è quanto ha annunciato Apple in una mail.

9 Dec 10:56 Webnews 4852331585251735690.html
Elezioni regionali, Salvini a Viano: “Servono infrastrutture per le aziende”. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – La campagna elettorale in Emilia Romagna a un mese e mezzo dalle elezioni, resta al centro del dibattito politico anche nazionale. Il leader della Lega Matteo Salvini sta visitando in lungo e in largo le città, la candidata del centrodestra è Lucia Borgonzoni, e gli incontri si focalizzando sul mondo produttivo. A Viano […]

9 Dec 16:50 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333713180340.html
International competitive bid from Ethio Telecom (Tender)

Floating Date: AS of December 10,2019 RFQ No.3681940 and 3681941Closing Date: January 02,2019 1. Ethio telecom invite all interested and eligible bidding by this international Competitive Bid (ICB) for the procurement of Network Security operation and maintenance Training (Advance Lepel) and IPv6 Bearer Network Training Advance level) with RFQ No.3681940 and 3681941. Tender remains floating from December 10,2019 to January 02, 2019. Extension of Bid Opening Date Bid Ref.No ET-MANR-126947-GO-RFB

9 Dec 13:33 New Business Ethiopia 4287479610091847256.html
De eletricista a manicure, agência oferece 205 vagas nesta segunda-feira

A Funtrab (Fundação do Trabalho de Mato Grosso do Sul) oferece nesta segunda-feira (8) 205 vagas de emprego em Campo Grande. Os interessados devem se cadastrar na agência, localizada na Rua 13 de Maio, nº 2773, com RG, CPF e Carteira de Trabalho, de segunda a sexta, das 7h às 17 horas. Todas as vagas são rotativas e podem ser preenchidas a qualquer momento, sem prévio aviso. As oportunidades são p...

9 Dec 09:21 Campo Grande News 7902463001627372217.html
La selección de Futsal partió con rumbo a Tailandia

El combinado nacional tendrá un torneo de preparación en tierras tailandesas de cara a futuros certámenes internacionales.

9 Dec 15:01 Publinews 8987875304122884898.html
Pound-Euro Rate's Recovery Potential Limited Beyond 1.20: AFEX

Foreign exchange strategists with foreign exchange brokers AFEX say Pound Sterling is likely to remain relatively well supported against the Euro, and the strong rally in the exchange rate seen over recent weeks can potentially reach 1.20

9 Dec 15:38 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579506542160245.html
Claro manifiesta su interés de participar en pruebas piloto de 5G

La compañía le pidió al Gobierno que le permita participar en el proceso de pruebas de esta tecnología. | Empresas | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 16:20 Portafolio 9142034659469843220.html
La politique domine la Une des quotidiens burkinabè

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 12:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815390056014910.html
Pedro repassa auxílio moradia de novembro

O deputado federal e presidente da Comissão de Educação da Câmara, Pedro Cunha Lima (PSDB), escolheu o Instituto Voz Popular, uma ação social na comunidade São Rafael, em João Pessoa, para fazer o repasse do auxílio-moradia do mês de novembro no valor de R$ 3.083,42. Só este ano, o parlamentar já destinou mais de R$ […]

9 Dec 15:24 MaisPB 6493364281232321.html
Antec Performance P120 Crystal Case Now Available

The best source for tech and gaming news, hardware reviews and daily fix of tech. The latest reviews of motherboards, GPUs and much more!

9 Dec 10:32 eTeknix 2326702696251651557.html
Alianza vs. Binacional: Supervisor de la Conmebol considera que VAR "se aplicó bien"

"Se hizo todo como correspondía", indicó también el chileno Francisco Mondría

9 Dec 15:03 canalN.pe 1595273587157483166.html
Grujic’s midfield masterclass & Ojo’s cup final disappointment – Liverpool FC Loan Watch

Marko Grujic produced a midfield masterclass with a goal and assist at Hertha Berlin, while Sheyi Ojo suffered a painful cup final defeat at Rangers. Gametime took a downturn this week for Jurgen Klopp’s borrowed Reds, as only six loanees featured. Despite that limited match action there was no shortage of talking points, as those who played experienced severely contrasting fortunes on a dramatic weekend. There was a stunning display from Grujic and an agonizing cup final loss for Ojo, while the season came to a successful end for one Red. Here’s the full lowdown on all the action, starting with that star performance.

9 Dec 08:31 This Is Anfield 7550115576386052222.html
Galleros marcharán a la Fortaleza para pedir a la gobernadora que firme proyecto de ley 2330

La ley ya aprobada en el Capitolio autoriza la continuidad de las peleas de gallos en la Isla siempre y cuando no importen ni exporten gallos en el comercio interestatal con el propósito de ponerlos a pelear.

9 Dec 08:12 Primera Hora 5092966654141493548.html
AC Milan fan stabbed in fight over players’ shorts – reports

An AC Milan supporter was stabbed outside Bologna stadium Sunday in a fight over who had caught a players' shorts, according to media reports in Italy.

9 Dec 11:30 The Guardian 7580308504573780805.html
Bajan 30% detenciones de migrantes en frontera de EU

En noviembre, las autoridades detienen a 42 mil 649 inmigrantes y refugiados; es el sexto mes consecutivo a la baja

9 Dec 09:53 El Informador 103545929299178487.html
Danilo Barcelos fala em tom de despedida do Vasco: 'Foi uma honra absurda'

O lateral-esquerdo Danilo Barcelos publicou uma mensagem fazendo agradecimentos, que indica que não seguirá no Vasco.

9 Dec 14:47 Vasco Notícias 1167013065307099542.html
República Dominicana exigirá visas a los venezolanos desde el 16 de diciembre

La medida tomo por sorpresa al sector turismo nacional, en especial al de la industria aérea debido a la proximidad de la fecha de exigencia de la visa, en plena temporada vacacional de navidad y de fin de año. “Hay boletos vendidos desde hace tiempo y no sabemos cual sera el impacto de la medida […]

9 Dec 16:32 Descifrado 6343485652041817371.html
Memory-Lane Monday: Sometimes these things just slip our minds

Flies, honey, vinegar.

9 Dec 11:00 Computerworld 8450890022488768780.html
Lettera/Giorgio Briganti: «Serve un centravanti? Segnalo Inglese»

Il nostro lettore punta sul centravanti del Parma Roberto Inglese per il prossimo mercato di gennaio che potrebbe risolvere i problemi del Genoa in attacco

9 Dec 10:09 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982773515670587.html
UNITEDHEALTH rachète Diplomat pour 300 millions de dollars

OptumRx, filiale d’UnitedHealth Group, a annoncé le rachat de Diplomat, spécialisé dans les prescriptions pour les patients atteints de maladies complexes, pour 300 millions de dollars. Il propose 4... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 13:37 Zonebourse 7946574377697918849.html
Tripura: Two anti-CAB strikes paralyse life in state, over 1,000 detained

Examinations in government colleges had to be postponed, while train services and road transport were hit.

9 Dec 13:48 The Indian Express 2885715104111102785.html
Elsa Pataky carga pilas en Nueva Zelanda para su nueva misión: ayudante de Papá Noel

La actriz se encuentra en un relajante retiro con amigos para practicar yoga en plena naturaleza

9 Dec 14:02 Hola.com 2035212429966990791.html
Tokat'ta uyuşturucu operasyonu

Tokat'ta uyuşturucu operasyonu

9 Dec 13:11 CNN Türk 3669296859031275142.html
Startup Unicorn declara falência, não entrega as scooters e não reembolsa clientes

A empresa investiu o seu orçamento em marketing em anúncios do Facebook e Google

9 Dec 13:01 Mundo Conectado 6456876366138500835.html
Pedófilo acosaba a adolescentes a través de 'Face' y Whatsapp

Funcionarios del Eje de Investigaciones de Homicidios Valles del Tuy, estado Miranda, se encontraban realizando un conversatorio de prevención social No te enredes con las redes, cuando fueron abordados por una representante, quien manifestó que un hombre se encontraba acosando a su hija de 12 años mediante Facebook y Whatsapp.

9 Dec 12:30 Panorama 6052790753786584961.html
José Pedro Fuenzalida: El conflicto social afectará el nivel del Campeonato

El capitán cruzado aseguró que se pudo haber hecho algo más para definir el título en cancha.

9 Dec 09:39 alairelibre.cl 7508323595469048024.html
Paris Hilton confiesa que pensó en quitarse la vida tras un traumático suceso

La empresaria cuenta su sufrimiento tras la filtración de un vídeo íntimo con su expareja Rick Salomón

9 Dec 17:58 Hola.com 2035212431694117990.html
EPL: Iheanacho Reacts After Second Goal In Two Games (Photos)

Super Eagles star Kelechi Iheanacho has hailed his teammates following Leicester City's 1-4 win over Aston Villa in a Premier League tie, Sunday. 

9 Dec 11:36 Concise 5544636822741574878.html
„Harry Potter“-Star Daniel Radcliffe hat Mitleid mit Herzogin Meghan

Viele Promis haben Herzogin Meghan und Prinz Harry öffentlich verteidigt. Aktuell meldet sich „Harry Potter“-Darsteller Daniel Radcliffe zu Wort. Ihm tut Meghan leid.

9 Dec 09:30 Promipool 1765956129574043963.html
Fed Study: Electronic Devices Used In 24 Pct. Of Consumer Payments

Among the findings of the 2018 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice, produced through several of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks, electronic payments are on the rise.

9 Dec 15:20 PYMNTS.com 7357138825046996748.html
Masu garkuwa da mutane su neman N100m bayan sun sace Fastoci a Akure

Wasu Masu garkuwa da mutane su neman N100m bayan sace wasu Malaman kirista a Kudancin Najeriya a hanyarsu ta zuwa daurin aure a Garin Akure.

9 Dec 08:47 Legit 7368782177788724416.html
A história de Tomasito, o menino sepultado no Vaticano para estar perto do Papa

Na sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro, foi divulgada a história de Tomasito, um menino argentino que sofria de câncer e queria estar perto do Papa Francisco. Seu desejo foi realizado pela vontade do Santo Padre, pois, após sua morte, seus restos mortais foram depositados no Cemitério Teutônico do Vaticano.  

9 Dec 17:00 ACI Digital 1688611262076989768.html
Bitcoin Eyes Crash Towards $6K as Market’s Distress Grows

Bitcoin opened on a faint note this Monday as the market showed a lack of sense of direction owing to low volatility. The world's leading cryptocurrency

9 Dec 15:43 NewsBTC 7232133509594649027.html
UniCredit, pioggia di buy sul titolo. Ma il piano è ancora una promessa

Sebbene con il passo della tartaruga, Jean Pierre Mustier inizia a incamminarsi verso il vero obiettivo del piano industriale Team 23, ovvero far apprezzare...

9 Dec 14:38 Affari Italiani 6123405402363356821.html
Malaysia’s first polio case in 27 years is a child who wasn’t vaccinated. Here are 3 things to know about the incurable virus, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The incurable virus mainly affects young children, and invades an infected person's brain and spinal cord, which can lead to permanent disability and death in serious cases.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:36 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756023323058.html
Slovenački 24ur.com pobednik izbora za najbolji portal u JIE

BEOGRAD -Pobednik izbora za najbolji regionalni portal vesti u Jugoistočnoj Evropi je drugu godinu za redom vodeći slovenački portal 24ur.com, saopštio je

9 Dec 14:14 Krstarica 4176903989463379391.html
Legaltech: India’s Lawyered, a Legal Technology Company, has Raised $100,000 from Angel Investors

Finding a good law firm to work with can be challenging, however, Lawyered aims to make it simpler, easier and faster to get the legal services companies may ne

9 Dec 13:54 Crowdfund Insider 6834688073046548493.html
Na poročnem sejmu tudi duhovnik (FOTO)

Zadnjo nedeljo v letošnjem novembru je v Motelu Čarda v Nemčavcih pri Murski Soboti potekal odmevni in tradicionalni, že 4. poročni sejem Sanjska poroka 2019. 27 razstavlj...

9 Dec 08:45 Slovenske novice 5901956562555055925.html
Xuclà aposta per facilitar la investidura de Sánchez i dubta que JxCat pugui mantenir-se "en harmonia" en un futur

L'exdiputat del PDeCAT Jordi Xuclà ha explicat que aposta perquè Junts per Catalunya faciliti la investidura de Pedro Sánchez i creu que els diputats s'han de posicionar davant "l'únic candidat via...

9 Dec 09:45 RacoCatalà 3132953075643450341.html
Răsturnare de situaţie: Beijingul a ordonat eliminarea tuturor echipamentelor străine de software şi hardware din instituţiile publice

Beijingul a ordonat tututor birourilor guvernamentale şi instituţiilor publice să elimine orice tip de echipament străin de software şi hardware în minim trei ani, într-o potenţială lovitură dată giganţilor HP, Dell şi Microsoft, potrivit Financial Times.

9 Dec 17:37 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918477818979.html
Wendel: Agressores disseram que "não eram jogadores para o Sporting"

No Tribunal de Monsanto, o futebolista afirmou que foi agredido com estaladas na cara por um dos elementos e viu "agressões a outros companheiros" em Alcochete.

9 Dec 16:34 SÁBADO 5711459692402473157.html
The End is Nigh in Watchmen’s Season Finale Promo

Watchmen's first season heads towards its conclusion as Angela Abar desperately attempts to stop the Seventh Kalvary's insane plan.

9 Dec 13:45 SuperHeroHype 7705098698572146699.html
Borse: Casta Diva ancora in rally, titolo in asta di volatilità

Prosegue anche oggi il forte rally del titolo Casta Diva che, dopo le prime battute in apertura è stata sospesa in asta di volatilità per un eccesso di rialzo del 9,97% a 0,706 euro per azione.

9 Dec 11:55 InvestireOggi 7231367744390931302.html
Mediji: Madjarska šalje pojačanje na Kosovo u sastav Kfora

Madjarska će u narednom periodu povećati svoje vojno prisustvo na Kosovu, pa će u sastavu Kfora imato gotovo 500 pripadnika, prenosi danas portal

9 Dec 10:35 Krstarica 4176903989617421113.html
Grumpy Cat, lovelorn whale are stars of 2019's top animal stories

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A lovelorn singing whale, a world-famous feline sourpuss and ravenous goats credited with thwarting a dangerous California wildfire were among animals whose escapades across the United States made news in 2019.

9 Dec 16:37 Reuters 8334514181637373628.html
Wind Call Your Country Flash Week: arrivano le nuove Gold Limited Edition + 50 e Special Cina

Total: 2 Facebook2 WhatsApp Twitter0 TelegramIl noto brand arancione dell’operatore congiunto Wind Tre, a partire dalla giornata di oggi (9 Dicembre 2019), ha avviato la nuova promo Call Your Country Flash Week mediante la quale commercializza le nuove offerte Call Your Country Gold Limited Edition + 50 e Call Your Country Special Cina. Le due new entry della gamma Call... Leggi Tutto »

9 Dec 12:40 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461748698696119.html
Trei suceveni au fost prinși la furat fier vechi din incinta unei firme din cartierul sucevean Burdujeni

Trei suceveni au fost surprinși furând fier vechi din incinta unei societății comerciale cu punctul de lucru pe aleea Dumbrăvii din mun. Suceava. Cei trei au fost observați, duminică, de agentul de pază care a reușit să prindă una din persoanele implicate, ulterior anunțând poliția. Astfel, agentul de pază a relatat că, la ora amiezii, …

9 Dec 09:32 NewsBucovina 8694244031819737209.html
Tinelli: "El proyecto del club es con Monarriz al frente"

El candidato a presidente por el oficialismo dejó en claro que le gusta el estilo del entrenador desde cuando lo veía en Reserva. Además, expresó: Ojalá podamos construir el estadio en esta gestión, sería un sueño.

9 Dec 14:21 TyC Sports 3239944749108317279.html
Rep. Sewell’s Voting Rights Bill Passes the House 

The House of Representatives last week passed a bill, introduced by U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL), meant to restore the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that would make it more difficult for states to discriminate against voters of color. 

9 Dec 11:24 The Birmingham Times 7307868692701925791.html
Película Araña, un acercamiento al Chile de Salvador Allende

Película Araña, un acercamiento al Chile de Salvador Allende

9 Dec 16:49 cubasi.cu 5416914688236357489.html
¡Quien nos bloquea nos vende pollos!

El pollo fue uno de los alimentos más deficitarios en las tiendas cubanas durante el primer semestre de 2019, aunque hoy las neveras están bien surtidas de paquetes procedentes de Estados Unidos.

9 Dec 14:59 CiberCuba 8213836170641671399.html
Net menkiausia darbe patirta trauma gali kainuoti itin brangiai: teisininkai atsako, ką daryti susižeidus

Niekam ne paslaptis, kad lietuviai Jungtinėje Karalystėje yra žinomi, kaip darbštūs ir pareigingi darbuotojai. Norėdami pritapti ir įsitvirtinti svetimoje šalyje, mes stengiamės išpildyti darbdavių lūkesčius pasitelkdami visą savo energiją, ko pasekoje, neretai pamirštame atkreipti dėmesį į vieną, itin svarbų aspektą – saugią darbo aplinką. Deja, dėl darbdavio aplaidumo, nekokybiškų ar išvis nesuteiktų apmokymų, tinkamų įrankių stokos ar kitų kolegų neapdairumo, tūkstančiai lietuvių patiria įvairias traumas tiesiog darbo metu. Statistika byloja, kad kas 15 sekundžių pasaulyje 153 asmenys patenka į nelaimingą atsitikimą darbe, iš kurių vienas, deja, bet žūsta.

9 Dec 14:06 INFO Ekspresas 6462094269360117315.html
***ARPAL: avviso per vento forte in Liguria nella giornata di domani***

Arpal: i venti settentrionali saranno in deciso rinforzo in Liguria fino a burrasca forte con raffiche superiori ai 100 km/h

9 Dec 10:56 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982773707361643.html
#video Parkeljni v Avstriji in na Južnem Tirolskem ušli izpod nadzora

Parkeljni so sestavni del predbožične folklore, poznani so predvsem po tem, da spremljajo prvega dobrega moža – Miklavža in kaznujejo poredne otroke.

9 Dec 14:30 Dnevnik 7671546649731244481.html
ÖFB fixiert weitere Testspiele

Testspiel-Fahrplan vor EURO steht für ÖFB-Nationalteam.

9 Dec 12:16 sport.oe24.at 8086682661319141082.html
Nafissatou Dia prend la direction de la communication et de la responsabilité sociétale du groupe CFAO

Le groupe CFAO annonce la nomination, à compter du 2 décembre 2019 de Madame Nafissatou DIA, 46 ans, de nationalité sénégalaise, au poste de Directrice de la Communication et de la Responsabilité S…

9 Dec 17:47 Financial Afrik 5951482565373449234.html
El Gobierno oculta datos sobre la carga que realizará el barco saudí en Sagunto

El "Bhari Abha" llegará a primera hora de este martes en el puerto valenciano, donde se prevé que cargará ocho contenedores con "mercancías peligrosas". Diversos colectivos exigen al Ejecutivo que tome medidas al respecto.

9 Dec 15:33 www.publico.es 99190978765735490.html
Hier fliegen Drohnen bis zu 160 km/h schnell

Im Champions-League-Final des Drohnensports kommt man mit den Augen fast nicht nach.

9 Dec 12:05 20 Minuten 5741369452354537738.html
Brasileiros relatam como escaparam por pouco de vulcão que matou ao menos 5 pessoas na Nova Zelândia

Um casal de brasileiros relatou em sua página no Instagram como escapou por pouco da erupç...

9 Dec 10:52 UOL Noticias 8892198859967714161.html
Prefeitura contrata consultoria para trazer cemitérios ao século XXI

O primeiro cemitério público de Campo Grande, o Santo Antônio, foi erguido em 1914 na Avenida da Consolação, coração da cidade. Agora, esse local e mais dois cemitérios precisam entrar no século XXI. Para isso, a Prefeitura contratou uma empresa de consultoria ambiental. O objetivo é fazer as adequações necessárias para que o Santo Antônio, o São Sebastião e o Santo Amaro consigam os licenciamento...

9 Dec 13:04 Campo Grande News 7902463002187559755.html
Terremoto Mugello, allarme del sismologo: “Nulla da escludere”

Terremoto Mugello, allarme del sismologo dopo le scosse delle scorse ore, adesso si temono repliche molto forti: "Nulla da escludere".

9 Dec 17:56 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926310563795.html
Two-car crash sees one vehicle collide with tree

Two cars were involved in a crash in a Suffolk village this morning which resulted in one vehicle colliding with a tree.

9 Dec 13:44 East Anglian Daily Times 681138151960934895.html
Film Version of ‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit’ Premieres in Berlin

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit starts in Berlin, in March 1933, when nine-year-old Anna finds out one morning that her father is missing.

9 Dec 13:23 The Jewish Press 7246030799820363388.html
Il mal d’Appennino

Il sisma che stanotte ha scosso la dorsale che collega la Toscana all’Emilia è ancora una riprova che l’Appennino, il cuore della nostra Italia, è una terra fragile e insicur...

9 Dec 16:58 L'HuffPost 5315551422480351842.html
Antidopaje condena a Rusia a 4 años fuera de competiciones internacionales

La decisión del comité ejecutivo de la AMA, que deja al deporte ruso fuera de los Juegos de verano de Tokio (2020) debido a la manipulación de los datos el laboratorio de Moscú

9 Dec 09:10 Globovisión 5928221751904207734.html
Femminile: a Milano è dominio romanista

Le ragazze di Bavagnoli si impongono per 4-1 sul campo delle nerazzurre e salgono, almeno per ora, al terzo posto in classifica

9 Dec 09:17 Forzaroma.info 1065617485353193931.html
Jumanji: The Next Level Terlaris di Indonesia, Raih 1,9 Juta Penonton

Seusai prediksi, Jumanji: The Next Level menjadi film terlaris pekan ini.

9 Dec 17:00 liputan6.com 3414318497851178775.html
Bursa Malaysia ends lower on subdued sentiment

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — Bursa Malaysia finished lower today on subdued sentiments as weak export data from China, the country’s biggest trading partner, signalled weakness for the broader Asian economy. At 5pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) fell 5.73 points to 1,562.71 from Friday’s...

9 Dec 10:10 Malaymail 302165935116866482.html
Liberals move to start phasing in promised tax cuts in January 2020

The Liberal government says Canadians would begin to see the impact of a proposed tax cut on their first pay stubs of the new year - as long as the party can get enough political rivals to help them deliver on one of their major campaign promises.

9 Dec 17:39 CP24 1887544295077928146.html
Festival de Choro homenageia Luiz Gonzaga, em São Carlos

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 17:28 GGN 1188436353078661027.html
Stau auf 600 Kilometern

Die Streiks gegen die geplante Rentenreform sorgen in Frankreich weiter für Chaos: Busse und Bahnen stehen still, Autos stauten sich allein in Paris auf 600 Kilometern - und morgen dürfte es noch schlimmer werden.

9 Dec 16:26 tagesschau.de 5441171426307701599.html
Autismuszentrum in St. Pölten eröffnet im Frühjahr

In ein paar Wochen soll der Umzug erfolgen. Derzeit ist Institution auch auf Spendengelder angewiesen.

9 Dec 16:16 NÖN.at 2486998931729384858.html
Jornalista descobre traição por causa de aparelho fitness da Fitbit

Aplicativo revelou aumento de batimentos cardíacos do ex-namorado durante madrugada.

9 Dec 17:28 TechTudo 1715874006249518078.html
China’s solar PV market grows despite US tariffs - GlobalData

The global solar PV market is expected to see a 13% growth in installations

9 Dec 14:53 english.mubasher.info 8917853138531542068.html
Trabzon'da uyuşturucu operasyonu

TRABZON (AA) - Trabzon'da düzenlenen uyuşturucu operasyonunda kubar esrar ve kenevir bitkisi ele geçirildi.Alınan bilgiye göre, İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü ekipleri, Ortahisar ilçesinde bir kişinin ikametinde uyuşturucu madde bulundurduğu istihbaratı...

9 Dec 10:14 61 SAAT 7475575989237217327.html
Real Madrid : Zidane peaufine un plan redoutable contre Messi

Zinédine Zidane réfléchit déjà à la manière de freiner Lionel Messi en vue du Clasico entre le Real Madrid et le FC Barcelone le mercredi 18 décembre prochain.  Lionel Messi est déjà le Pichichi de Liga. Malgré un début de saison tronqué par les blessures, l’attaquant du FC Barcelone totalise 12 buts en championnat et […]

9 Dec 12:30 But! Football Club 8933769921610010784.html
Rodríguez Larreta juró como Jefe de Gobierno nuevamente

El jefe de Gobierno porteño, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta prestó juramento en la Legislatura de la Ciudad

9 Dec 14:34 Diario Popular 7191573468183846575.html
Fachin nega auxílio-moradia a juiz federal

Edson Fachin cassou uma decisão da Justiça Federal de Sergipe que concedeu auxílio-moradia a um juiz federal que dizia não ter residência oficial disponível em Aracaju...

9 Dec 13:50 O Antagonista 1037429655287463876.html
Ein verdientes 3:0 gegen den VBC NUC II

von Ellen Schibli

9 Dec 16:53 bz BASEL 5287163743438158334.html
Non ci posso credem! - nel confronto tra i risultati delle principali banche italiane...


9 Dec 17:47 DAGOSPIA 6533336739646970877.html
Collector unearths playable file for original, cancelled D2 - the 3DO M2 game thought lost to history

"I've been looking for it for 10 years now..."

9 Dec 16:50 Eurogamer.net 1957885127047995097.html
2021 Mercedes-Benz GLA shown in design sketches ahead of this week's debut

Mercedes-Benz released a design sketch to preview the next-generation GLA. It's scheduled to make its debut exclusively online on December 11.

9 Dec 10:38 Autoblog 4372976973691828887.html
Tarif prosumer: le ministre Philippe Henry obtient un report de 4 mois

Le gouvernement wallon attend encore l’avis du Conseil d’État sur l’avant-projet de décret qui devait ouvrir la voie à un report de 5 ans.

9 Dec 15:26 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517141651405.html
Duo Qualify For SWNL!

Janine van Wyk’s pride and joy, JVW FC, lifted the 2019 Sasol League National Championships trophy over the weekend, and have booked their spot in the SAFA Women’s National League.

9 Dec 17:35 Soccer Laduma 3901337370317282585.html
La pícara respuesta de Alberto Cormillot cuando le preguntaron por la intimidad con su esposa: ¿se viene otro heredero?

Luego de su boda con la nutricionista Estefanía Pasquini de 33 años, el doctor le respondió a quienes juzgan su amor y hasta hizo chistes en torno a la vida sexual del matrimonio. 

9 Dec 12:12 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451159316696.html
Il fait un burnout sur un camion plateau

La manœuvre immortalisée dans la vidéo qui suit a de quoi surprendre. Le clip montre en effet le propriétaire d'une Mercedes-AMG C63S faisant un burnout sur l'espace de chargement d'un camion plateau. Une séquence réalisée sans surprise en Russie.

9 Dec 16:30 Caradisiac.com 930406530390788532.html
Gabriela Firea, primarul general al Bucureştiului: Autobuzele STB trebuie să circule pe liniile de tramvai. Codul Rutier trebuie modificat

Primarul general al Capitalei, Gabriela Firea, a declarat, luni, că doreşte modificarea Codului Rutier, astfel încât autobuzele STB din Bucureşti să poată circula pe liniile de tramvai, pentru fluidizarea circulaţiei. O solicitare în acest sens va fi transmisă Parlamentului, anunţă Firea.

9 Dec 14:06 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917690311799.html
Activistas se rocían con 'petróleo' frente a la Cumbre del Clima: "Empresas criminales, fuera de la COP"

Un grupo de manifestantes ha organizado una protesta en los aledaños de Ifema para denunciar la presencia de empresas contaminantes en la Cumbre del Clima de las Naciones Unidas.

9 Dec 13:11 www.publico.es 99190977765924500.html
Elf des Spieltages: Werner & Hinteregger rücken nach Nominierungen zu Lewandowski auf

Robert Lewandowski (31; FC Bayern) ist nach Nominierungen nicht mehr der alleinige Spitzenreiter in der von den TM-Usern wöchentlich gewählten Elf des Spieltages. Der Top-Torjäger der Bundesliga stand [...]

9 Dec 14:30 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556792771324118.html
Uber offering all NHS staff free rides or Uber Eats meals this Christmas - how it works

More than 400,000 NHS staff spent Christmas Day last year caring for patients

9 Dec 17:41 BristolLive 4740742016944298389.html
"No es gracioso": Miss Colombia reaccionó a comentario de mal gusto de Steve Harvey

Este domingo, el presentador recordó cuando coronó a Ariadna Gutiérrez por error, pero agregó una frase que, para muchos, asociaba a Colombia con narcotráfico. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 14:33 pulzo.com 8971816787696380527.html
'Ik denk dat het nu bij ons crisis is, misschien is het niet meer mogelijk'

Het is crisis bij FC Groningen. Althans, dat vindt Samir Memisevic. De middenvelder van de nummer tien van de Eredivisie baalt als een stekker na twee opeenvolgende nederlagen. Groningen dolf vorige week het onderspit tegen Fortuna Sittard en zondag was ook FC Utrecht te sterk. "Het gebeurt elk team, maar ik denk dat het nu bij ons crisis is", reageert Memisevic voor de camera van Oog TV. "Als je de resultaten ziet, is het crisis. In de volgende wedstrijd moeten we een goed resultaat halen tegen ADO Den Haag." Supersub Ramselaar en uitblinkende Paes: FC Utrecht in slotfase langs FC Groningen

9 Dec 13:07 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313884663226454.html
Google adds robocall screening and more to the Pixel 4 in first ‘feature drop’

Plus, a memory management update for all Pixels.

9 Dec 15:51 The Verge 1337119304240096220.html
Maiori: al “Pantaleone Comite” Open Day tra gusto, accoglienza e tecnologia

Si rinnova anche quest’anno l’appuntamento con l’Open Day dell’Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “Pantaleone Comite” di Maiori.

9 Dec 14:51 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382461928478352.html
Voltalia : mise en service de la centrale photovoltaïque de Talagard

Voltalia annonce la mise en service de sa centrale photovoltaïque de Talagard, sur la commune de Salon-de-Provence...

9 Dec 08:25 Boursier.com 7351227821236985275.html

A l’occasion du passage du ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (Mesri), les parlementaires ont demandé à Cheikh Oumar Hanne, de procéder, sans délai, à la résiliation des contrats des entreprises en charge des chantiers universitaires tels que l’université Amadou Makhtar Mbow de Dakar, l’Université Sine Saloum de Kaolack. Pour l’université de Dakar, indique le ministre, la procédure de résiliation du contrat est en cours. Sur l’orientation des nouveaux bacheliers, il informe qu’à ce jour et de façon définitive 49.000 étudiants ont été orientés.

9 Dec 11:34 www.sudonline.sn 5847876532543397354.html
Dos mujeres en estado de ebriedad caen a vías del metro en NY

Los testigos pudieron oír “el crujir de los huesos” de las dos mujeres que cayeron a las vías del metro en la ciudad de Nueva York

9 Dec 16:15 EL DEBATE 4396150893695528664.html
La política exterior de Trump pierde el norte en América Latina

Tras 3 años de gestión del mandatario norteamericano llegó prometiendo levantar el muro con la frontera de México, hasta la fecha no ha realizado dicha petición lo que ha traído diversos enfrentamientos con sus países vecinos

9 Dec 08:27 Globovisión 5928221751734943428.html
Kärntner hielt Ex-Frau über Nacht gefangen

Die 34-jährige konnte in den Morgenstunden flüchten und die Polizei alarmieren. Die Einsatzgruppe Cobra stürmte daraufhin die Wohnung und nahm den 43-jährigen Mann fest.

9 Dec 09:50 Die Presse 6242788853804932704.html
Lo que debe y no debe hacer ante una quemadura

Aunque es muy común que las personas que sufren quemaduras pequeñas no asistan a centros de salud, es clave que sin importar el tamaño sea evaluada por un médico

9 Dec 13:39 Globovisión 5928221751698407364.html
#Showbiz: I'm still Finas CEO, says Ahmad Idham

KUALA LUMPUR: Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri refused comment on speculations that he had been asked to take leave from carrying out his duties as chief executive officer of the National Film Development Corporation (Finas).

9 Dec 14:14 NST Online 3702929170262327055.html
Quase 6 mil estrangeiros aguardam por pedido de refúgio em Santa Catarina

Dados foram atualizados pelo Ministério da Justiça. Na semana passada, ação em bloco concedeu refúgio para 21 mil venezuelanos no Brasil

9 Dec 16:19 NSC Total 4216767908452227928.html
A Coruña: El gobierno local teme que haya basura sin recoger desde el miércoles

Albada da hoy por normalizada la situación de la planta

9 Dec 09:05 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612141946905.html
"L'evasione fiscale è una cosa indecente", ha detto Mattarella

Il Presidente della Repubblica parlando agli studenti in visita al Quirinale ha stigmatizzato "l'individualismo esasperato" di chi evade

9 Dec 17:41 Agi 2115274223729730365.html
7 home trends from the 2010s that will disappear, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Trends like painted floors and millennial pink decor are probably gone for good as we head into the new decade.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:46 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756897259842.html
Sergio Mattarella: "L'evasione fiscale è indecente. Chi si sottrae al suo dovere sfrutta gli altri"

Il presidente della Repubblica: "È un problema grave perché significa ignorare che si vive insieme e che la convivenza significa contribuire tutti insieme". Salvini: "Indecente anche lo Stato che non rimborsa"

9 Dec 15:34 L'HuffPost 5315551422617105168.html
Scenarii de Brexit sau un alt referendum: Votul din 12 decembrie va fi decisiv pentru Marea Britanie

Brexit sau un nou referendum? Odată cu votul din 12 decembrie &icirc;n cadrul alegerilor anticipate britanicii vor decide din nou viitorul relaţiei lor cu Uniunea Europeană. Agenţia France Presse prezintă luni diferitele scenarii posibile.

9 Dec 10:44 romaniatv.net 4505369227866779960.html
Countdown to 2020 with Silent Disco at Empress Lawn

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the endless list of NYE countdown parties, but Silent Disco Asia at the Marina Bay Countdown 2020 might be the perfect one for the discerning party people Expect a madly fun night of genre-bending music, dancing,...

9 Dec 09:50 Coconuts 8871564983512843335.html
El romántico mensaje de Elena Tablada a Javier Ungría en su primer aniversario de boda

La pareja contrajo matrimonio en Cuba y doce meses después esperan su primer hijo en común

9 Dec 09:24 Hola.com 2035212431594022210.html
A Natale arrivano i "Passi Sospesi"

Il progetto consentirà a chiunque di regalare una parte di un viaggio a piedi a chi non può permetterselo per intero. «Il caffè e la lettura non sono beni di prima necessità, si può vivere anche senza, ma arricchiscono la vita e la giornata di una persona», spiega Luca Gianotti, coordinatore della Compagnia dei Cammini, «così si può anche vivere senza il cammino, ma chi può farlo ha la vita cambiata»

9 Dec 09:45 VITA 7700876770301457307.html
2 millones de copias vendidas de Halo: The Master Chief Collection en Steam

2 millones de copias vendidas de Halo: The Master Chief Collection en Steam en tan solo 5 días. La llegada de Halo: Reach a Steam, además de a Xbox One y Windows 10, ha revolucionado a los fans de la saga y ya ha saltado a lo más alto en ventas. En apenas pocas horas, Halo: Reach superó las 100.000 jugadores en una hora y subió a lo más visto en Mixer, por encima de juegos como Fortnite o Apex Legends. Hace apenas unas horas os comentamos que Halo: The Master Chief Collection había superado el millón de copias vendidas. Sin embargo, ya son 2 millones de copias vendidas de Halo: The Master Chief Collection en Steam en tan solo 5 días.

9 Dec 11:09 SomosXbox 4635940035356098440.html
¿Pulsera importada? Cambia el idioma por defecto de tu Xiaomi Mi Band 4

Si has comprado una Xiaomi Mi Band 4 de importación no te preocupes, puedes cambiar el idioma de la pulsera de la forma más sencilla.

9 Dec 12:30 MovilZona 3711352297084596173.html
Tata Motors to add another 100 sales outlets for PVs

Auto major Tata Motors plans to add 100 sales outlets for passenger vehicles by the end of the current fiscal as it aims to enhance its reach in the country, a senior company official said.

9 Dec 16:59 Deccan Herald 2027555797125919683.html
EU-Kommission will Klimaneutralität bis 2050

Bis 2050 soll die EU klimaneutral werden - dieses Ziel will die EU-Kommission laut einem Medienbericht in ihrem ersten Klimagesetz festhalten. Ein Milliardenfonds soll dabei vom Strukturwandel betroffene Regionen unterstützen.

9 Dec 10:31 tagesschau.de 5441171425635416110.html
L'ONU premia l'entitat Hàbitat3 amb el premi a la millor iniciativa d'habitatge

És el primer cop que es reconeix un projecte espanyol en 35 anys

9 Dec 15:10 Ara.cat 6070605020895216724.html
Miriam, morta a 25 anni dopo le dimissioni: “Diagnosi in ritardo, aveva una malattia ereditaria”

La morte di Miriam De Giovanni, 25enne di Venezia, deceduta lo scorso 29 ottobre per una embolia polmonare massiva, è ancora avvolta nel mistero. Tuttavia, secondo il medico legale incaricato dai legali della sua famiglia, la ragazza sarebbe stata vittima di una diagnosi arrivata in ritardo perché i medici non avevano letto i suoi sintomi alla luce di una malattia ereditaria e congenita da cui era affetta la paziente: 'Forse si sarebbe potuta salvare'.

9 Dec 09:19 fanpage.it 1517332166910850734.html
Ronaldo priznao? Juventus greška, pretpostavljate zbog čega?

Da li je ovo klasična teorija zavere? Ili možda Portugalac ima pravo?

9 Dec 10:29 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495207017577.html
Fortnite to host an “exclusive premiere” of a scene from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Much like this year’s Marshmello concert, players will be able to gather at Risky Reels drive-in to watch the scene in a moment of collective peace.

9 Dec 11:30 Critical Hit 8797780293436448029.html
Judo - Wasquehal mise sur les jeunes

Le tournoi au label excellence qu’organise le judo club de Wasquehal est un moment ...

9 Dec 15:46 La Voix du Nord 5307415663573307952.html
Više povrijeđenih u sudaru autobusa i dva auta u Banjaluci

BANJALUKA - Tri osobe su povrijeđene u saobraćajnoj nezgodi koja se dogodila u banjalučkom naselju Tunjice, potvrđeno je „Nezavisnim“ u Policijskoj upravi Banjaluka.

9 Dec 08:30 Nezavisne novine 4209150642512860748.html
LHC to hear Maryam Nawaz's petition for removal of name from ECL today

December 09: Pakistan and Qatar formalize a preferential trade agreement (PTA) and Free trade agreement (FTA) to improve bilateral trade and ties between two nations. Read More

9 Dec 08:02 Arab News 8912634264342434295.html
Carlos Bruce tras críticas por foto besándose con otro hombre: "Un homofóbico es un homosexual reprimido"

Carlos Bruce levantó una vez más su voz de protesta ante la homofobia.

9 Dec 09:12 Wapa.pe 6757287089702270009.html
Michelle Obama tells Jenna Bush Hager that Trump's impeachment is 'surreal' but says the country will 'come back from it', Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - "We've seen tough times in this country ... and we've always come out stronger," she said in an interview with former first daughter Jenna Bush Hager.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:00 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756647460162.html
Leonteq: phoenix memory airbag su basket azionario, con premi fino al 9% annuo

Phoenix Memory Airbag CH0506332730 targato Leonteq; negoziato su Euro TLX, prevede cedole mensili condizionate (con effetto memoria), trigger autocall decrescente, protezione condizionata del capitale a scadenza ed effetto Airbag che attenua le perdite.

9 Dec 09:49 InvestireOggi 7231367743179879336.html
We did it! Malaysia wins Best National Costume at Miss Universe 2019

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has won the Best National Costume title at the 68th Miss Universe 2019 pageant for the first time ever.

9 Dec 13:20 NST Online 3702929170786177603.html
BLOCAJ în dosarul lui Radu Mazăre privind cartierul de locuințe sociale - Răspunsul AMBIGUU al Madagascar legat de acordul pentru judecarea acestuia

Dosarul lui Radu Mazăre în care un complet de cinci judecători tranșează apelul procurorilor DNA împotriva unei decizii de amendare a fostului...

9 Dec 11:55 Stiri pe surse 4858045011906548645.html
Data dan Fakta Liga Champions: Chelsea vs Lille

Chelsea akan menjamu Lille pada matchday pemungkas Grup H Liga Champions 2019/20, Rabu (11/12/2019). Berikut beberapa data dan fakta yang melatarbelakangi pertandingan di Stamford Bridge ini

9 Dec 16:06 Bola.net 5489959029176479541.html
Irish skincare company Integumen raising £1.4m from share placing

Company to use funds to help boost revenues as it looks to double size of its laboratory

9 Dec 08:35 The Irish Times 8204772967362307978.html
Como um lusodescendente se tornou no DJ das estrelas em Hollywood. "É de doidos"

Filho de pais açorianos, Derek Monteiro tornou-se conhecido por tocar em festas privadas de celebridades, eventos de marcas conhecidas e nas after parties de cerimónias como os Óscares da Academia e os Globos de Ouro.

9 Dec 10:47 DN 8445869957596180304.html
Los 4 pasos que debes seguir si te para la Guardia Civil en la carretera

Circulas por la carretera, miras por el espejo retrovisor y ves que un coche de la Guardia Civil circula detrás de ti y enciende las luces. Te está pidiendo que te pares y tú asustado, no... #top

9 Dec 17:00 TICbeat 5328802414575199547.html
Cancelados hasta el 20% de los vuelos en Francia por la huelga de controladores

Nueva jornada de paros este martes en el marco de la movilización prevista contra el plan de reforma de pensiones del Gobierno.

9 Dec 17:54 La Información 5328999782569930767.html
Bayern Munich : nouveau contrat pour Manuel Neuer

Certainement l’un des gardiens voir celui le plus marquant de la dernière décennie, Manuel Neuer (33 ans) reste toujours aussi déterminant pour le Bayern Munich et réalise notamment un très bon début (...)

9 Dec 08:50 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900180347882673.html
RNC, DNC bank on Duo authentication ahead 2020 election

The Republican National Committee is relying on authentication tools and careful social media behavior in order to avoid a devastating data breach like the kind that derailed its Democratic counterparts in 2016. The RNC, which develops and promotes the party’s platform and currently supports President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, is banking on Duo Security, which specializes in multi-factor authentication, to keep state-sponsored hackers out of party accounts, according to recent Federal Election Commission filings. Even if a user’s password credentials are stolen, an extra layer of authentication can ensure that only the legitimate account holder could access his or her communications. Since March of this year, the RNC has paid just over $1,000 per month to Duo, according to FEC filings. The RNC started using Duo in 2016, just days before the election. And it’s not just email account access the RNC is trying to protect — the RNC uses multiple layers of authentication to protect other […]

9 Dec 17:56 CyberScoop 4040234470473241820.html
“Vecht het uit in een duel”: ex-man en nieuwe liefde voegen dodelijke daad bij het woord

Een duel op leven en dood om te beslechten wiens geliefde je wordt. Het lijkt wel het scenario van een Game of Thrones-aflevering, maar is de aanleiding van een dodelijke steekpartij in Stratford, ...

9 Dec 11:53 HLN 8967494997985063881.html
ABB (NYSE:ABB) Receives New Coverage from Analysts at Barclays

Research analysts at Barclays assumed coverage on shares of ABB (NYSE:ABB) in a research report issued on Monday, BenzingaRatingsTable reports. The firm set an “overweight” rating on the industrial products company’s stock. ABB has been the subject of a number of other reports. JPMorgan Chase & Co. reiterated a “sell” rating on shares of ABB […]

9 Dec 17:16 Markets Daily 6922190228910745836.html
Millie Bobby Brown, Billie Eilish Honoured At PETA’s 14th Annual Libby Awards

Millie Bobby Brown, Billie Eilish and Juan Pablo Di Pace are PETA's top honourees following their 14th annual Libby Awards. The Libbys, which is short for "liberation" as in "animal liberation,” celebrates stars and their fight for animal rights. Eilish took home Best Voice for her online activism, especially her use of Instagram to spread…

9 Dec 13:31 ET Canada 6735490618809893571.html
The Cambridges and Sussexes will need to 'raise their game’ and ‘put in a lot more work’ to support the Queen after Prince Andrew's sacking, royal commentators claim

Royal commentators have suggested that Prince William, 37, and Kate Middleton, 37, as well as Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 38, will have to 'put in a lot more work' next year.

9 Dec 17:55 Mail Online 124328110932814275.html
Hallado un feto en un contenedor de basura en el barrio de Malasaña de Madrid

El feto, de unas 13 semanas, tenía un tamaño de entre 5 y 7 centímetros y apareció cerca de un contenedor en una bolsa de plástico

9 Dec 11:36 El Confidencial 6129807548594953905.html
Financial Times: Cina abolirà computer e software esteri entro 2022

È la risposta al sabotaggio Usa verso la tecnologia di Huawei

9 Dec 10:35 rainews 442831848376441959.html
EM-genrep mot Finland på Friends

Sveriges fotbollsherrar laddar inför EM nästa sommar genom att möta Ryssland och Finland hemma på Friends arena. Matchen mot Ryssland spelas den 28 mars och mötet med mästerskapsdebutanten Finland den 4 juni. Dessutom tillkommer två bortamatcher i anslu

9 Dec 15:14 HD 3336945412635453775.html
Tullow’s shares go down by 50 percent as CEO resigns over poor performance in Ghana

The shares of Tullow Oil Plc on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) dropped by over 50% as its CEO, Paul McDade resigned due to the poor performance in its Ghana operations.

9 Dec 17:37 Pulse Live 3606876834915594404.html
Man 'booted the s**t' out of car causing thousands of pounds worth of damage

Alison Brown said that the drivers side handle had been ripped off and all of the panels of the car had been kicked in as well

9 Dec 16:10 Wales Online 7686550516575533682.html
5 Fakta Nuca Indonesian Idol 2019, Ternyata Jebolan The Voice Kids Indonesia

Inilah 5 fakta Nuca, kontestan Indonesian Idol 2019 yang lolos babak 4 Spektakuler Show hingga pernah pukau Agnez Mo.

9 Dec 12:54 Tribunnews.com 3323534446081605866.html
My top five shortcuts to use with Apple TV

Here's a collection of shortcuts and automations that I like to use with my Apple TV.

9 Dec 14:00 iMore 3803412791512003858.html
Clima 9 de diciembre: bajas temperaturas en México por tormenta invernal

El fr&iacute;o estar&aacute; presente en M&eacute;xico sobre todo en Sierras de Baja California, Sonora y Chihuahua esto debido a la presencia de la tercera tormenta invernal

9 Dec 08:23 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622972882924.html
111 East Grand and St. Kilda Surf & Turf / Neumann Monson Architects

Completed in 2019 in Des Moines, United States. Images by Mike Sinclair, Cameron Campbell Integrated Studio. 111 East Grand is the first multi-story office building in North America to employ dowel laminated timber (DLT), a mass timber system relying on a...

9 Dec 10:00 ArchDaily 6219750955837579480.html
111 East Grand and St. Kilda Surf & Turf / Neumann Monson Architects

Completed in 2019 in Des Moines, United States. Images by Mike Sinclair, Cameron Campbell Integrated Studio. 111 East Grand is the first multi-story office building in North America to employ dowel laminated timber (DLT), a mass timber system relying on a...

9 Dec 10:00 ArchDaily 6219750955218586437.html
Tecnologias e mudanças climáticas aceleram desigualdades do mundo, conclui novo relatório da ONU

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 15:51 GGN 1188436353956764952.html
Number of people arrested since protests began breaks 6,000 mark

Police today announced that more than 6,000 people have been arrested since anti-government protests began six months ago Speaking to reporters at their regular 4pm press briefing this afternoon, Senior Superintendent Kong Wing-cheung of the...

9 Dec 10:00 Coconuts 8871564984182136315.html
India to witness 7.12% rise in job creation in October-March: Report

India Business News: India is expected to witness a marginal 7% rise in job creation in the October-March period, as subdued economic conditions have dampened employment o

9 Dec 11:45 The Times of India 6060938664792987676.html
What crabs can tell us about brain ‘building blocks’

"Until we can understand each component, we can't expect to take the brain apart and put it back together again in order to figure out how it works."

9 Dec 08:27 Futurity 5051862825930121292.html
Vasco pode usar Werley, Ribamar e Bruno César como moedas de troca

Werley, Ribamar e Bruno César podem ser usados pelo Vasco da Gama como moedas de troca na montagem do novo elenco.

9 Dec 17:28 Vasco Notícias 1167013065710329813.html
El Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya diu que el sector continua la seva expansió

Patrici Tixis explica que el sector ha crescut un 2% durant aquest any

9 Dec 17:17 El Punt Avui 4496725670712527584.html
Bárbara de Regil acude al festival del taco, la critican por incoherente

MÉXICO.— El fin de semana, la actriz Bárbara de Regil acudió al festival de tacos Metate, organizado en el Parque Bicentenario. Ella fue quien estuvo compartiendo su día en dicho festival a través de sus redes sociales. Ese paseo desató las críticas y burla. WTF !!! ¿Qué hace Bárbara del Regil en un festival de […] More

9 Dec 16:29 Diario de Yucatán 261200017762562656.html
New Zealand’s Glaciers Turned Red (PHOTO)

Photographer Liz Carlson has shot coloured glaciers at Mount Aspiring National Park on New Zealand's South Island, Science Alert reported. “Our glaciers don’t need any more battles as they are already truly endangered,” Carlson wrote on her blog.

9 Dec 15:20 novinite.com 4235039570140208248.html
Nuovi disciplinari del prosciutto di Parma e di San Daniele: “un salto nel buio” per la qualità

La proposta di portare fino a 210 kg di peso, dopo 9 mesi i maiali destinati a diventare prosciutto

9 Dec 14:48 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737330655180792.html
Amazon Prime Video anuncia produções nacionais

Um reality, um documentário sobre futebol e um drama policial são algumas das apostas do serviço para ganhar público perante concorrentes como a Netflix

9 Dec 14:49 Olhar Digital 416591715981873935.html
Ue, Gentiloni: "Patto di stabilità va riformato"

Il Commissario Ue agli Affari economici: "Non vediamo ripresa Eurozona nel 2020/21", sottolineando però che non si tratta di recessione, ma di rallentamento

9 Dec 11:15 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189442795058.html
'Citizenship bill not even .001 per cent against minorities,' says Amit Shah

The Citizenship Bill 2019 seeks to grant Indian citizenship to non-Muslim refugees from Pak, B'desh, and Afghanistan.

9 Dec 10:41 Deccan Chronicle 7881006362473905385.html
Nick Cannon Calls Out Kim, Hailie & Alaina On Suge Knight-Led Eminem Diss Track 'The Invitation'

The Hitmaka-produced diss also features contributions from Hitman Holla, Charlie Clips, and Prince Eazy.

9 Dec 10:03 HipHopDX 6054351962683401379.html
Gala Navidad: Aplausos para cuatro grandes de la música

Aplausos y flores para ellos. Jose Antonio Molina, Johnny Ventura, Nathalie Peña Comas y Manny Cruz dieron lo mejor de sus talentos para dejar en total e

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264069840523.html
Na Corda Bamba: Alice faz de tudo para separar Simone e Edu

Não perca o episódio de hoje de Na Corda Bamba, TVI.

9 Dec 12:55 maria 5738163823447286642.html
Fans claim that Juice WRLD predicted his own death with eerie lyrics

The lyrics were written in tribute to other rappers who died young.

9 Dec 11:49 GOSS.ie 8755536024991471801.html
El Síndic achaca las largas listas de espera en Sanidad a los pacientes del resto de España

Rafael Ribó ha asegurado que "uno de los déficits de la Sanidad en Cataluña es que tiene un sobrecoste por la gente que viene de fuera a operarse"

9 Dec 11:03 Vozpópuli 2420406190751317031.html
Ovih 12 namirnica nikada ne biste smeli da jedete sirove

Mogu ozbiljno da vam ugroze zdravlje

9 Dec 14:10 Krstarica 4176903988959034714.html
Les actions reculent avec le retour des inquiétudes pour la Chine

par Patrick Vignal

9 Dec 08:52 Challenges 1086714996147014635.html
How to keep it all together, given tomorrow is 'Break-up Day'

Far from the silver screen, more relationships are ending this month than at any other time of year.

9 Dec 13:01 The Age 7967730562936273329.html
Man is arrested after scrawling 'Epstein didn't kill himself' in red lipstick on empty wall where $120,000 duct-taped banana exhibit was displayed at Miami's Art Basel

Roderick Webber, 46, from Massachusetts, wrote on the same wall where a performance artist grabbed and ate a $120,000 banana at Miami's Art Basel: 'Epstien (sic) didn't kill himself.'

9 Dec 13:04 Mail Online 124328111731304490.html
Rigopiano, il superstite: "Sfiorato dalla valanga, non era la mia ora. Vogliamo la verità"

Giampiero Parete è uno degli 11 superstiti. Lui è scampato per miracolo alla distruzione dell'albergo di Farindola (Pescara) causato da una valanga e con lui si sono salvati anche la moglie e i due figli: "Vogliamo giustizia, non soldi"

9 Dec 13:22 Today 178378751357319175.html
100-jähriges Industriegebäude wird abgerissen

Der Oberbau des Stauwehrs in Winznau wird abgerissen. Ein Rundgang durch ein Gebäude, das dem Ende geweiht ist.

9 Dec 14:02 SRF 8424707180614426238.html
Jangan Gunakan Charger Kaleng-Kaleng!! Dampaknya Buruk Banget, Kayak Gini . . . .

WE Online, Surakarta - Satu hal yang selalu disepakati oleh para produsen ponsel pintar ialah: penggunaan aksesori resmi dan berlisensi, seperti pengisi daya. Sebab, aksesori kaleng-kaleng atau tidak resmi berisiko membahayakan penggunanya dan ini bukan bualan belaka.

9 Dec 12:44 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164833939684072.html
Unimc, il lavoro è già oggi: a colloquio con i mediatori linguistici

MACERATA - Serie di incontri con laureati triennale e magistrale dei corsi di Mediazione: il primo appuntamento che si terrà domani pomeriggio dalle 17 a palazzo Ugolini

9 Dec 13:19 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195460049397.html
Conte: "Essere qui ci deve dare orgoglio. Barça con tanti assenti? Hanno 20 titolari, pensiamo a noi"

Ultima partita nel Gruppo F di Champions League, ultima chiamata per raggiungere gli ottavi di finale della competizione. Con le solite, numerose assenze l'Inter domani sera affronterà...

9 Dec 13:05 FcInterNews.it 7848284892281026186.html
Chi è Pamela Barretta Uomini e Donne trono Over. Età, lavoro e fidanzato Enzo

Pamela Barretta si è fatta conoscere dal grande pubblico per la sua partecipazione al trono over di Uomini e Donne.

9 Dec 14:42 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382462158832620.html
Vijf duo’s in nieuwe NPO-talkshow Op1

De publieke omroep komt vanaf 6 januari met de nieuwe talkshow Op1 op NPO 1. De presentatie hiervan is in handen van vijf duo's, die ieder een dag van de week voor hun rekening nemen. Op dit moment is duidelijk dat in elk geval Erik Dijkstra en Willemijn Veenhoven, Carrie ten Napel en Charles Groenhuijsen en Sophie Hilbrand en Hugo Logtenberg een presentatiekoppel vormen. De combinatie Giovanca Ostiana en Tijs van den Brink is bijna rond, zei NPO-baas Frans Klein.

9 Dec 13:29 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629043225327.html

Le département de Guédiawaye a abrité la marche des jeunes filles pour dénoncer les violences dont elles souffrent. Une procession de 4 Km de centaines de filles dans les rues de Guédiawaye pour rallier la préfecture afin de remettre un mémorandum à l’autorité administrative. L’initiative est de Plan International Sénégal, en collaboration avec la société civile

9 Dec 10:52 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533732366205.html
Popularidade de Moro e Damares reafirma a indigência nacional. Por Moisés Mendes

A pesquisa do DataFolha que informa hoje sobre a alta popularidade de Sergio Moro, com avaliação de 53% de ótimo e bom, reafirma a indigência nacional. Porque logo atrás vem Damares Alves. A segunda colocada no governo é ela, com 43%. É como se o Flamengo fosse o Moro da direita, na liderança absoluta do […]

9 Dec 11:08 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917268950117514.html
Trump busca una nueva vía en el caso Venezuela

A pocos días de terminar el año, no se ha cumplido uno de los objetivos de Donald Trump y su administración en relación a Latinoamérica.

9 Dec 14:00 Informe21.com 5448175404900487459.html
Bethesda arrête les développements pour The Elder Scroll Legends

Bethesda file un mauvais coton. Accusé par nombre de joueurs de prendre un (mauvais) virage de type Activision/EA, le créateur de la franchise Elder Scrolls vient...

9 Dec 11:47 iPhoneAddict 4414760226055083114.html
Adam Sandler says he was 'nervous' after reading 'Uncut Gems' script

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Adam Sandler appeared on Good Morning America to discuss his latest film Uncut Gems and his role as a New York jeweler who is addicted to gambling.

9 Dec 17:06 UPI 8257973864539008065.html
Mum "destroyed" by death of "lovely, funny" son

A murder investigation was launched after the Birkenhead-born dad-of-three was found dead in his flat

9 Dec 09:32 Liverpool Echo 7727211174305800551.html
Árvore de seis metros quebra muro e atinge quarto durante a chuva

A chuvarada que caiu durante a noite e madrugada em Campo Grande derrubou, no Bairro José Abrão, sibipiruna com tronco bifurcado de 6 metros na Rua Carlos Leão na madrugada desta segunda-feira (9). Metade do tronco atingiu o muro de uma residência e abriu a parede um dos quartos. A casa pertence ao estudante Juglimar Pereira, 40, que vive na casa junto com a mãe de 60 anos. Além do muro e da pared...

9 Dec 13:40 Campo Grande News 7902463002386087359.html
This Nintendo Switch Best Buy deal includes a free $30 gift card — enough for your first game, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The Nintendo Switch is one of the more popular consoles produced by Nintendo. Right now, you can get a $30 gift card from Best Buy with your purchase.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:46 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757087654047.html
Police launch hunt for missing 14-year-old girl in Nottinghamshire

Officers are concerned for her safety

9 Dec 15:33 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703062133100.html
Unbekannter stiehlt 1000 Euro mit geklauter EC-Karte

Das Polizeirevier Halle sucht einen Mann nach einem Computerbetrug. Wie die Polizei schildert, hob der Betrüger am 21. Februar 2019, gegen 13:28 Uhr, in einer Bankfiliale in der Bernburger Straße in Halle, mit einer zuvor gestohlenen Geldkarte 1000 Euro an einem Geldautomat ab. Kurze Zeit später versuchte der Unbekannte weitere 500 Euro vom Konto seines Opfers ...

9 Dec 11:46 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110101476901.html
HBO’s New Mel Brooks Documentary Looks Pretty Great

HBO will air a new documentary this Friday titled “Mel Brooks: Unwrapped,” which features “candid conversations and mock interviews” between Brooks and former creative director for the BBC Alan Yentob going back to 1981.

9 Dec 15:20 VULTURE 2718750544867907020.html
Sara Ali Khan Is All Praises For Ranveer Singh And Rohit Shetty, Here's Why

Sara Ali Khan was last seen in 'Simmba' which was directed by Rohit Shetty & co-starred Ranveer. After winning an award, Sara was full of gratitude for the two

9 Dec 14:00 Republic World 1282918857173886596.html
Partizan bez Veličkovića i Jaramaza u Krasnodaru

U devetom kolu Evrokupa Partizan gostuje Lokomotivi Kubanj, a na tom meču crno-beli će biti bez kapitena Novice Veličkovića i Ognjena Jaramaza.

9 Dec 11:55 Sport Klub 42251758307463910.html
Mann will erst ungeschützten Sex mit Prostituierter, dann schlägt er heftig zu

Mann dreht in Stuttgarter Puff völlig durch: schlägt und tritt auf eine Prostituierte ein, dann wird er festgenommen.

9 Dec 15:12 TAG24 4583887874380222653.html
Bijna 50 miljoen kinderen op de vlucht

Bijna 50 miljoen kinderen zijn op de vlucht. Ongeveer 8,5 miljoen van hen zijn in het Midden-Oosten op de vlucht, onder wie 2,5 miljoen Syriërs. Dit heeft het internationale VN-fonds voor noodhulp aan kinderen, Unicef, gemeld. Volgens de organisatie gaat het om het hoogste aantal minderjarige vluchtelingen ooit.

9 Dec 11:33 RD.nl 6406779840592927634.html
Refugiados enjaulados são a família sagrada no presépio de igreja metodista

Uma igreja metodista da Califórnia fez este ano um presépio representado Jesus, Maria e José como refugiados em gaiolas. O que está a gerar um debate nos Estados Unidos sobre as políticas do governo Trump na fronteira sul do país.

9 Dec 17:04 DN 8445869956583617774.html
Utilizatorii Apple se pregătesc pentru o toamnă piperată: Apple ar putea lansa cinci modele iPhone anul viitor

Apple va lansa cinci modele iPhone anul viitor, printre care şi un telefon cu dimeniuni mai mici, potrivit unor analişti reputaţi.

9 Dec 13:53 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917457771493.html
Persona 5 Royal Is Coming To ... The Chrono Trigger Writer's Mobile JRPG

There's still no Persona 5 on the Switch, and God only knows when Atlus are porting Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal to PC, but at least Joker and co are making an appearance in another Japanese RPG....

9 Dec 10:56 Kotaku Australia 2018810247400090053.html
Ella es Sanna Marin, la primera ministra más joven del mundo

En una disputada elección de 32 votos a favor y 29 en contra, Marin se impuso en Finlandia.

9 Dec 14:18 El Tiempo 1091719940263927700.html
Sky TV and Netflix get a new rival: new streaming service revealed and it’s FREE to watch

Plex has launched a new video on-demand service that lets you stream movies from any device. Unlike Amazon Prime, Sky Go, Netflix and a host of other movie services, there is one very stark difference with the Plex rival… it’s completely free.

9 Dec 16:21 Nehanda Radio 3802011524409058639.html
A geek-themed bakery is about to open on Queen West

The Grand Order of Divine Sweets (aka The GOoDS) will start serving up chocolate Xenomorph eggs and TARDIS treats this week

9 Dec 17:02 NOW 7434691885518991209.html
La Russie exclue des JO pour quatre ans

L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a décidé lundi 9 décembre 2019, d’exclure la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans "pour avoir falsifié des données de contrôles remises à l’agence". « La liste complète des recommandations (de sanctions du Comité de révision de la conformité) a été...

9 Dec 13:03 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398352375540961.html
Juan Román Riquelme será vicepresidente de Boca Juniors

El idolo apoyó y ganó con la lista opositora del club más popular de Argentina contra los deseos de Macri y Maradona

9 Dec 15:50 elPeriodico 7291954033012348763.html
Le funambule Freddy Nock serait accusé de tentative de meurtre

Le célèbre funambule suisse Freddy Nock serait actuellement jugé pour tentative de meurtre sur son épouse, mise en danger de la vie d’autrui et tentat ...

9 Dec 17:49 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802459968330657.html
Le funambule Freddy Nock serait accusé de tentative de meurtre

Le célèbre funambule suisse Freddy Nock serait actuellement jugé pour tentative de meurtre sur son épouse, mise en danger de la vie d’autrui et tentat ...

9 Dec 17:49 Arcinfo 560090596268366753.html
Robert Charlebois: sans rides!

Il incarne toujours plus que tout autre chanteur le rock en français auquel il a transmis son génie propre et sa folie contagieuse.

9 Dec 10:00 Le Journal de Montréal 7948189830557626521.html
Gobierno responde a Nabila Rifo: Acusa que el Estado olvidó su caso

La mujer, cuyo caso remeció al país en 2016 tras quedar sin ojos producto de un ataque de su ex pareja, grabó un video en donde solicita ayuda y asegura que no ha recibido respuesta a su solicitud de aumento de pensión. El SernamEG asegura que desde un comienzo le ofrecen "constante apoyo", y que su requerimiento se encuentra "en última instancia de tramitación".

9 Dec 08:36 24Horas.cl 793283386572318279.html
¿Le saboteó Trump multimillonario contrato a Amazon con el Pentágono?

La tienda ‘online’ acusa al presidente de EE. UU. de presionar para que le dieran a Microsoft contrato de almacenamiento de datos por US$ 10.000 millones. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 14:54 pulzo.com 8971816787745907241.html
Unesco estudia inclusión en julio de iglesia de Estación Atlántida en Lista del Patrimonio Mundial

Ese templo católico integra un conjunto de más de 150 edificios construidos por la empresa fundada en 1954 por el ingeniero Dieste y su colega Eugenio Montañez, con sede en Montevideo

9 Dec 14:50 LARED21 5602862990399033048.html
Benue: ICPC Arraigns Ortom’s Aide Over Alleged N4.7b Contract Scam

Stephen Amase, the principal private secretary to Benue State Governor Samuel Ortom, and a former Commissioner for Works, Manger T Emmanuel, have been arraigned by the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related Offences Commission (ICPC) over alleged N4.7billion fraud.

9 Dec 08:17 Concise 5544636821632219434.html
Il Milan si è rialzato, ora può iniziare un nuovo campionato

Secondo successo di fila per il Milan che dopo aver battuto il Parma è riuscito a ottenere anche tre punti a Bologna. Un bel Milan, concreto e pratico, ben messo in campo da Stefano Pioli e consapevole di ciò che deve fare durante il match. Una squadra diversa rispetto al passato, che pian piano sta cercando di migliorare e risalire la classifica. Un Milan che è in striscia positiva da tre gare (Napoli, Parma e Bologna) e dopo questi 7 punti può convincersi di cominciare un nuovo campionato. Per puntare all’Europa serve ancora tanto ma se dovesse proseguire su questa strada, potrebbe seriamente riproporsi. “E’ stata un'ottima partita tra due squadre che lottano per fare gol. Dobbiamo essere ancora più consapevoli delle nostre qualità. Col Sassuolo sarà altrettanto difficile, dobbiamo prepararla nel migliore dei modi", ha confessato Pioli. Su Piatek, finalmente in gol dopo 6 partite a digiuno, ha sottolineato: “E' stato un punto di riferimento molto importante. Ha vinto tanti duelli, ha tenuto tante palloni, anche…

9 Dec 08:00 MilanNews.it 6507305922774878857.html
BookBeat: Gutschein für sechs Wochen gratis Hörbücher

COMPUTER BILD-Leser können die Hörbuch-Flatrate per exklusivem BookBeat-Gutschein jetzt sechs Wochen lang kostenlos per Smartphone und Tablet (Android oder iOS) nutzen.

9 Dec 16:28 Computer Bild 4944248631378739567.html
The Cyber speaks: What will actually happen in 2020

There are a lot of 2020 cybersecurity predictions. We had a bot do it for us.

9 Dec 13:00 CyberScoop 4040234470779787349.html
Protecting Uganda’s Future – Its Children

Today is Human Rights Day and the final day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.  It’s a day to remind us that everyone must play a vital role in championing human rights and protecting those in need. Children are the most vulnerable among us, completely dependent on others for their needs and protection. This makes children the most likely to suffer violence and human rights abuses, often at the hands of those on whom they depend on the most. Uganda has an appallingly high incidence rate of violence against children.  The Uganda Violence Against Children Survey (UVAC 2015) found that 75 per cent of Ugandan children experience some form of violence during childhood. Research shows that the bulk of this violence is occurring in places that should be safe and committed by people like parents/relatives, teachers, friends, and trusted community leaders who those children should be able to trust most.

9 Dec 09:57 EABW Digital 2826306000081674303.html
Tata Motors' Jaguar Land Rover retail sales fall 3% in November

Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) posted fifth straight month of double-digit sales growth of 29 per cent in China. North America sales also grew by 4.9 per cent during the month under review, achieving best ever November sales levels

9 Dec 14:57 Business Today 1145527431796501632.html
Se entregó otro carro repleto de mercadería

Se efectuó la entrega de otro carro repleto de mercadería, premio correspondiente a uno de los entretenimientos semanales que realiza El Eco Multimedios junto a un grupo de importantes empresas locales. El ganador semanal resultó ser Diosnel Galeano, oriundo de Formosa, quien reside en Tandil hace 10 años. Galeano, muy agradecido, expresó: “Este es un […]

9 Dec 10:46 El Eco 4177735524158193098.html
Puigdemont es reuneix demà amb la direcció de la Crida en ple debat intern sobre com ordenar JxCat

S'hi troba abans que el PDECat voti la seva proposta d'encaix dissabte al consell nacional

9 Dec 11:52 Ara.cat 6070605020312787445.html
Shah Rukh Khan Congratulates Indonesian Actor Who Dedicated His Award To King Khan; SRK Says ‘Will Meet Soon’

An Indonesian actor Muhammad Khan dedicated his award to Shah Rukh Khan and gave a speech in which he mentioned that SRK is the reason why he became an actor and that he hopes to meet him. The video reached King Khan and he congratulated him, saying that he would meet soon

9 Dec 12:51 SPOTBOYE 1547816857963657529.html
3 Negara yang Masuk Menjadi Finalis di Miss Universe 2019

Tiga negara yang berhasil masuk ke putaran tiga besar Miss Universe 2019 adalah Puerto Riko, Afrika Selatan, dan Meksiko.

9 Dec 09:49 liputan6.com 3414318497741876780.html
Jorge Jesus vence prémio "Bola de Prata" para melhor treinador do Brasileirão

Jesus chegou ao Flamengo em meados de julho, estreando-se na 10.ª jornada do Brasileirão, com a equipa carioca com oito pontos de desvantagem para o Palmeiras.

9 Dec 17:05 SÁBADO 5711459690809886228.html
Intel veut produire un tiers des puces fabriquées dans le monde d'ici quatre ans

Le géant de Santa Clara devrait revoir et élargir progressivement sa stratégie globale pour être encore plus présent et performant sur ses marchés-cibles. C'est en tout cas ce que pense son nouveau CEO, Bob Swan.

9 Dec 15:04 01net 1000433501371653806.html
Asesinaron a indígena frente a su esposa e hijo en Cauca

Este asesinato se suma a los más de 70 que se han reportado durante este 2019 en este departamento del suroccidente del país.

9 Dec 16:24 Colombia.com 1213910711769184456.html
Sigue el caliente cruce entre Zambrano y Pasto: irá hasta Dimayor y tendría consecuencias

El timonel asegura que han afectado sus derechos humanos y que irá al comité de ética de la Dimayor.

9 Dec 15:33 Antena 2 310632179820613440.html
Histórico: Cruzeiro descendió a Segunda División en Brasil en medio de violentos incidentes

Cruzeiro, uno de los grandes del fútbol brasileño, descendió este domingo a la Serie B por primera vez en su historia, consumando un segundo semestre desastroso en el que se...

9 Dec 13:44 Pagina 7 4371131344152491896.html
Strateško partnerstvo dveju zemalja: Vučić od sutra u dvodnevnoj zvaničnoj poseti Grčkoj

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić boraviće sutra i u četvrtak u zvaničnoj poseti Grčkoj, tokom koje će se sastati sa predsednikom te zemlje Prokopisom Pavlopulosom, kao i premijerom Kirjakosom Micotakisom.

9 Dec 13:16 REPUBLIKA 2543998404682606189.html
BioShock 4 - 2K gründet neues Studio, entwickelt BioShock-Nachfolger

Der Branchengigant 2K Interactive hat heute in einer Pressemeldung bestätigt, dass sie ein neues Entwicklerstudio gegründet haben. Das neue Studio wurde mit der BioShock-Marke betraut, die an einem neuen Eintrag in dem Franchise arbeiten. 

9 Dec 15:12 PlayNation 4622181943991831500.html
Grüne: „Umfangreiche Anfrage inklusive Schamane“

Private Einkäufe, Schulgeld, Nachhilfestunden, Kosten für die Wartung des Pools und jetzt offenbar auch noch die Rechnungen für einen Schamanen: Die ...

9 Dec 12:09 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093611357693.html
Bluttat in Niederösterreich: 48-jährige Frau erstochen: Verdächtiger geständig

Am Sonntagabend ist es in im Bezirk Mistelbach zu einer Bluttat gekommen. Ein 53-jähriger Verdächtiger zeigte sich geständig.

9 Dec 14:15 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699321721187.html
Carolina Stramare, Miss Italia, scrive alla mamma scomparsa: "Questo Natale faticoso senza te"

Proprio a lei aveva dedicato la vittoria la concorso di bellezza: "Non era solo una madre, ma un'amica"

9 Dec 13:29 Today 178378749450637480.html
Microsoft Outlook sur Android et iOS lit désormais vos mails à haute voix

Microsoft a effectué une refonte du design de Outlook, Office, Excel ou encore OneDrive. Désormais un robot peut lire vos mails pour vous.

9 Dec 17:43 PhonAndroid.com 8181142843466832906.html
Está abierta la inscripción en la Facultad de Derecho

La Facultad de Derecho de Azul informó que continúa  abierta la inscripción, hasta el 31 de enero de 2020, para el ingreso a las carreras de Abogacía y Tecnicatura en Gestión Pública para comenzar en 2020. Aquellos interesados deberán acercarse al Centro de Investigación y Posgrado (CIP) de la facultad, sito en calle Bolívar 481, […]

9 Dec 15:38 El Eco 4177735525197683664.html
Salzburg sieht gegen Liverpool “magische Möglichkeit”

Mit dem “Wunder von Wals-Siezenheim” will sich Salzburg am Dienstag (18.55 Uhr, live DAZN und Sky/Konferenz) ins Achtelfinale der Fußball-Champions-League katapultieren. Nur ein Heimsieg gegen Titelverteidiger Liverpool bringt den Aufstieg in Gruppe E, am Selbstvertrauen der “Bullen” soll es nicht mangeln. “Wir sind bereit für einen großartigen Moment”, betonte Trainer Jesse Marsch. Klar ist: Salzburg, […]

9 Dec 14:23 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170988652961.html
Crnogorci presrećni, ako Rusima odbiju žalbu igraće kvalifikacije za OI!

Reprezentacija Crne Gore će, kako sada stoje stvari, igrati kvalifikacije za Olimpijske igre.

9 Dec 14:27 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496588391829.html
Michael Winiarski: Sverige kan inte se ut att vika ner sig, men inte heller trappa upp konflikten med Kina

Åtalet mot ambassadör Anna Lindstedt för ”egenmäktighet vid förhandling med främmande makt” är som åklagaren påpekar unikt för Sveriges del.

9 Dec 16:09 DN.SE 398730693851961463.html
Actie: Gratis Montage bij Veranda Makers Wijchen!

Profiteer nog t/m 21 december van deze superactie van Veranda Makers Wijchen: gratis montage op veranda’s en glaswanden van het Duitse topmerk Gardendreams met maar liefst 10 jaar garantie! Meer info op www.verandamakers.nl, 06-41389554.   VerandaMakers levert de beste producten tegen de scherpste prijzen!  

9 Dec 10:38 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807535427231227.html
VIDEO Kovesi: Parchetul European va fi o structură de investigare a fraudei financiare, în special a fraudei împotriva fondurilor europene

Parchetul European va fi o structură de investigare a fraudei financiare, în special a fraudei împotriva fondurilor europene, a declarat procurorul-şef al

9 Dec 12:28 G4Media.ro 2302108694219945912.html
'I thought I was on the golf course' - Ex-Aberdeen and Celtic star Gary Mackay-Steven opens up on River Kelvin drama

Former Celtic and Aberdeen winger Gary Mackay-Steven has revealed he had no idea where he was when he woke up in hospital after plunging into the River Kelvin two years ago.

9 Dec 10:46 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851489308077779.html
Representante de Sudáfrica se corona como Miss Universo 2019

La sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi fue proclamada hoy ganadora de Miss Universo 2019 en la gala que se esta celebrando en Atlanta (EE.UU.). Al hablar de lo q

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264328378379.html
GOP leader Kevin McCarthy falsely insists a president has 'never' been impeached in their 1st term

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) doesn't quite have his impeachment facts straight."In modern history, we've never gone after impeaching a president in the first term," McCarthy said in a Monday appearance on Fox News ahead of the House Judiciary Committee's second

9 Dec 14:18 Yahoo 7097669637821606537.html
Playa del Carmen, reporte de seguridad hoy 09 de diciembre

La sentencia a un violador de una menor de edad, as&iacute; como un sorpresivo cateo al antro &lsquo;La Vaquita&rsquo; con decomiso de droga, fueron parte de la jornada policiaca en Playa del Carmen.

9 Dec 16:19 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623006442078.html
Diletta Leotta y sus mejores fotos en traje de baño

La italiana Diletta Leotta prueba una vez m&aacute;s en esta galer&iacute;a posando en traje de ba&ntilde;os que la belleza no est&aacute; peleado con la inteligencia.

9 Dec 14:19 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624548843149.html
Real Madrid podría poner a la venta a James

Según el diario Sport, el club español podría venderlo el próximo año a quien pague 50 millones de euros.

9 Dec 17:12 ESPN.com.mx 3914278074321270168.html
Miriana Trevisan: chi è Giulio Cavalli, ex compagno della showgirl

Miriana Trevisan: chi è lo scrittore, attore e regista teatrale Giulio Cavalli, ex compagno della showgirl, cosa fa nella vita e curiosità.

9 Dec 13:50 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927807810669.html
7.500 Pelari Pertamina Eco Run 2019 Turut Lestarikan Satwa Langka

Pertamina Eco Run yang dihelat di Q-Big, BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, pada Minggu (8/12), sukses diikuti sekitar 7.500 pelari. Ajang tahunan ini sebagai rangkaian peringatan HUT ke-62 Pertamina pada 10 Desember ini dihadiri para pelari profesional dan komunitas lari.

9 Dec 17:27 merdeka.com 1998180355169372843.html
Over 10 lakh cr loans sanctioned under Mudra Yojana

The PMMY is a scheme launched by the prime minister on April 8, 2015, for providing loans up to Rs 10 lakh to non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises.

9 Dec 17:29 Deccan Herald 2027555796009057755.html
Espen Egil Hansen går av som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten

Aftenposten-redaktør Espen Egil Hansen fratrer som sjefredaktør og administrerende direktør. Han går inn i ny stilling i Schibsted.

9 Dec 09:19 rbnett.no 7665098090455183115.html
Camilo Sesto: hijo del cantante recayó en graves adicciones (VIDEO)

El hijo del fallecido cantante Camilo Sesto recay&oacute; en graves adicciones por la depresi&oacute;n que le dej&oacute; la muerte de su padre.

9 Dec 09:16 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623687639962.html
Mion é homem casado que se envolveu com Deborah Secco, diz jornal

O caso entre os dois teria acontecido em 2014 e durante 10 meses

9 Dec 11:40 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699199741728.html
Here's everything we know about the Resident Evil 3 remake

Capcom is following up its ambitious remake of Resident Evil 2 by revisiting another entry in the survival-horror franchise. Here's what we know so far about the Resident Evil 3 remake.

9 Dec 15:01 Windows Central 7807657680466770142.html
Deltan Dallagnol move ação contra Gilmar Mendes por danos morais

O procurador da República aponta entrevistas e manifestações de Gilmar Mendes em que ele teria o ofendido

9 Dec 11:30 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699375146493.html
Deltan Dallagnol move ação contra Gilmar Mendes por danos morais

Na ação movida na última semana, o procurador da República aponta entrevistas e manifestações de Gilmar Mendes em que ele teria o ofendido

9 Dec 11:25 Folha Vitória 4941883427739726771.html
"Sei timido, triste o solo?" A Vittorio Veneto organizzano il Capodanno dei timidi

VITTORIO VENETO - Una manifestazione mirata per tutti coloro che non sanno come e con chi festeggiare l’ultimo giorno del 2019.

9 Dec 16:02 Oggi Treviso 2529403853525627466.html
ams-Übernahme: Osram-Aktie zieht an

Titel des Münchner Lichttechnikkonzern 12,5 Prozent fester.

9 Dec 09:21 www.oe24.at 1513709912932439058.html
Coreia do Norte considera Trump um "velho desatento e errático"

A Coreia do Norte respondeu ao Presidente norte-americano considerando-o um "velho desatento e errático", depois de Donald Trump ter avisar que Kim Jong-un arrisca-se a "perder tudo" se adotar uma postura de hostilidade em relação aos EUA.

9 Dec 14:51 DN 8445869956882556755.html
Rebelde Way ya está en Netflix y así reaccionaron en Twitter

Una serie que marcó a toda una generación está de regreso y sus fanáticos han expresado su emoción en Twitter.

9 Dec 14:06 Publimetro Perú 5349571042269521887.html
Audiência pública discute dragagem do Rio Itajaí-Mirim nesta segunda-feira

Uma audiência pública, na Câmara de Vereadores de Itajaí, vai discutir nesta segunda-feira (9) a dragagem do Rio Itajaí-Mirim, considerada fundamental para conter cheias na região. A reunião foi proposta pelo deputado Onir Mocellin, membro da Comissão de Proteção Civil da Assembleia Legislativa. Começa às 19h.

9 Dec 13:52 NSC Total 4216767908853929759.html
Le funambule Freddy Nock serait accusé de tentative de meurtre

Le célèbre funambule suisse Freddy Nock serait actuellement jugé pour tentative de meurtre sur son épouse, mise en danger de la vie d’autrui et tentat ...

9 Dec 17:49 La Côte 469155177855507361.html
Niente iPhone SE 2, Apple punta dritto su iPhone 9

iPhone 9 o SE 2? Dubbi sul nome del prossimo melafonino. E anche sul prezzo.

9 Dec 10:38 InvestireOggi 7231367743642083732.html
¡Otra vez! El error de Steve Harvey en plena transmisión de Miss Universo

El presentador del concurso recordó su incidente en 2015.

9 Dec 14:10 AR13 5510785231344915181.html
WhatsApp stops working on millions of old phones this month - see if yours is on the list

WhatsApp is ending support for numerous iPhone, Android and Windows phones. Check to see if your smartphone is impacted by the latest update.

9 Dec 12:48 Buzz.ie 7092425148798706985.html
Por qué nos gusta una canción: incertidumbre y sorpresa

Un estudio publicado en la revista Cell ha llegado a la conclusión de que determinados giros inesperados en la música producen sensaciones placenteras...

9 Dec 13:57 cubasi.cu 5416914687705076794.html
Review: Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard is the sequel to the greatest video game ever to feature a frog, who is also a detective, in the history of the human race. Until now, that is. As of December 9, 2019, there’s a new c...

9 Dec 17:00 Destructoid 5545714967355295516.html
Sabadell se sube al carro de Grifols en Bolsa de la mano de AMBAR

Grifols gana adeptos entre los analistas. Banco Sabadell ha elevado radicalmente su recomendación sobre la compañía catalana desde vender a...

9 Dec 10:44 Expansión 4197779423971025183.html
Zacks: CNS Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:CNSP) Receives Average Rating of “Strong Buy” from Brokerages

Shares of CNS Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:CNSP) have been given an average broker rating score of 1.00 (Strong Buy) from the one brokers that provide coverage for the company, Zacks Investment Research reports. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a strong buy rating. Zacks has also assigned CNS Pharmaceuticals an industry rank of […]

9 Dec 16:46 The Cerbat Gem 3142837111010144623.html
Bayonetta & Vanquish 4K Remaster Bundle Officially Announced for Xbox One and PS4

Existence of the remasters leaked last week, but Sega has made it official – the Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle drops next year!

9 Dec 17:35 Wccftech 3677959677449059562.html
L'analisi tecnica sui principali listini europei

Il Ftse Mib ha chiuso la seduta di ieri in ribasso dello 0,3%, fallendo il tentativo di superamento dei 23.000 punti.

9 Dec 08:04 Trend Online 3268043280405153681.html
Este interesante documental nos habla de «la mentira» que dio origen a Nintendo en Europa

Siempre se puede conocer más de tu compañía favorita, y para muestra, lo que os traemos en esta ocasión. Así, hoy IGN ha subido un documental de lo más interesante en el que se habla de «la mentira» que causó, cual efecto mariposa, que Nintendo tuviera presencia en Europa y se desarrollara de cara al […]

9 Dec 14:03 Nintenderos 2555436002941424781.html
Pontevedra: ¿Quién convierte la entrada de Pontevedra en un vertedero?

Electrodomésticos viejos, cintas de vídeo, restos de obra, bidés, váteres y decenas de plásticos se acumulan en la entrada de Pontevedra

9 Dec 10:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612037320132.html
Un titolo azionario che potrebbe salire del 50% in poco tempo

Facendo uno screening sul valore, grafici in tendenza rialzista e raccomandazioni degli analisti, abbiamo trovato un titolo azionario che potrebbe salire

9 Dec 11:14 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261209006624.html
It Looks Like a B-2 Bomber: Here Comes Russia's Okhotnik Stealth Drone

Take a look.

9 Dec 09:30 The National Interest 7207864703675591198.html
Pintan con aerosol a oso polar en Rusia (Video)

Esta imagen a causado mucha indignación entre los expertos que creen que la vida de este oso está en peligro.

9 Dec 10:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418935704000.html
Independiente recuperó la sonrisa con una apretada victoria ante Pueblo Nuevo

  Por Fernando Izquierdo, de esta Redacción fernandoizquierdo@hotmail.com     Independiente consiguió anoche una trabajosa y necesaria victoria en el polideportivo Duggan Martignoni, donde por la duodécima fecha de la zona Sur derrotó a Pueblo Nuevo de Olavarría por 87-81. El triunfo les permitió a los rojinegros ponerle fin a una racha de tres derrotas […]

9 Dec 10:05 El Eco 4177735525642112183.html
Familienbad: Janni Hönscheid und Peer Kusmagk mit Kids in der Wanne

Wie gut, dass die Badewanne im Hause Kusmagk im XL-Format ist, denn da passt die ganze Familie auf einmal rein. Das spart nicht nur Wasser, sondern tut auch gut

9 Dec 17:36 RTL.DE 7054729452600571572.html
Miss South Africa crowned 2019 Miss Universe

Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe Sunday night after excelling through rounds of swimsuit and evening gown struts, questions on social issues and one final chance to explain why she was the right choice.

9 Dec 11:59 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202024049291.html
Minecraft : un trailer pour réunir les joueurs PlayStation 4, Xbox One et Nintendo Switch

L'annonce fut leaké mais un beau trailer « Rouge/Bleu/Vert » offre toujours satisfaction pour annoncer que désormais, « vraiment » tout le monde peut se réunir dans le monde de Minecraft, Sony ayant approuvé auprès de Microsoft la version Bedrock sous forme de MAJ désormais disponible pour tous les possesseurs du jeu.

9 Dec 16:02 GAMEKYO 4211360033673721492.html
Passerà per l'Irpinia il fantastico treno delle luci di Natale

“It’s Christmas – II edizione” presenta il "Treno delle Luci di Natale", dedicato a quel rito particolarmente caro alla tradizione irpina dell’accensione delle “luminarie” natalizie. La giornata dedicata ai bambini e agli adulti, con dolci tipici e canti natalizi, si chiuderà con il passaggio del treno sul Ponte Principe illuminato e con lo spettacolo dei maestri pirotecnici. Per i viaggiatori in partenza da Benevento: il treno partirà dalla Stazione di Benevento con fermata a Tufo. 10:00 Raduno Stazione Avellino e check-in partecipanti. 10:30 Partenza per LAPIO 11:20 Arrivo alla stazione di LAPIO. Trasferimento in bus al borgo Accoglienza con dolci di Natale e cioccolata calda. Visita ai Presepi storici. 13.15 Pranzo libero. Possibilità di prenotazione in uno dei 4 ristoranti del Borgo. Officina del gusto: T. 3386908358 Templa Mentis: T. 333 287 3633 Fattoria Maria Petrillo: T. 339 475 3881 Agriturismo Anila: T.393 637 0160 Aperifiano: T.320 692 1024 15.00 Strenna di Natale al Palazzo Filangieri: Letterine a…

9 Dec 16:48 AvellinoToday 5452883947358273297.html
Al menos cinco muertos por erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Además de las víctimas mortales, se reporta una veintena de heridos; en la zona estaban presentes muchos turistas

9 Dec 08:52 El Informador 103545928143395990.html
Bikini Model Sierra Skye Sizzles In Metallic Pink Lingerie: ‘Lemme Try’

Sierra Skye’s most recent social media share has her fans wanting more. As those who follow the model on her wildly popular Instagram page know, Skye is never shy when it comes to showing off ...

9 Dec 14:09 The Inquisitr 1745625231486681448.html
How to watch Jingle All The Way

Jingle All The Way is a classic Arnie film that's ideal for a family film time in the run-up to Christmas. Here's how to watch Jingle All The Way online or on any mobile device

9 Dec 16:43 Tech Advisor 6450858317840143084.html
"Kad počnemo poštivati zakone biće to prava borba protiv korupcije"

SARAJEVO - Ambasador Velike Britanije u BiH Metju Fild, poslao je poruku povodom Međunarodnog dana protiv korupcije na zvaničnom Twitter nalogu.

9 Dec 13:23 Nezavisne novine 4209150642604615593.html
Águilas cerró de manera perfecta la quinta semana

“No hay quinto malo”, reza un adagio muy utilizado en el fútbol, para referirse a la quinta anotación de alguno de los equipos en cuestión. Sin embargo, esta vez, el mencionado proverbio caló perfecto en las Águilas del Zulia, que, al vencer 5-4 a los Tigres de Aragua en el Estadio José Pérez Colmenares de Maracay, alcanzaron su quinta victoria al hilo y, además, cerraron la quinta semana con cinco triunfos en igual número de juegos.

9 Dec 08:19 Panorama 6052790753676623362.html
Chiedeva alle alunne dettagli sul loro seno: il prof licenziato non ci sta e fa ricorso


9 Dec 11:06 DAGOSPIA 6533336738840449283.html
Instabilidade é a marca dos cargos de confiança do governo federal

Instabilidade é a marca dos cargos de confiança do governo federal

9 Dec 13:52 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543906112119871.html
Países Bajos rebaja el nivel de amenaza terrorista por primera vez desde 2013

El Servicio Nacional Antiterrorista de Países Bajos (NCTV) ha rebajado este lunes el nivel de amenaza terrorista en el país por primera vez desde 2013,...

9 Dec 15:22 Europa Press 4702666148764682357.html
La pieza que le falta a Conte: El joven, talentoso y aguerrido mediocampo que llegaría a reforzar Arturo Vidal en el Inter

La pieza que le falta a Conte: El joven, talentoso y aguerrido mediocampo que llegaría a reforzar Arturo Vidal en el Inter

9 Dec 17:42 Publimetro Chile 2498685483390523693.html
Minnesota man died after Vikings 'allowed 17 unanswered points,' obituary jokes

A Minnesota man's obituary says he died last week because of the Vikings' dreadful loss in a Monday Night Football game.

9 Dec 16:25 Fox News 7362823820348419535.html
Un Trump frustrado contempla campaña de 'máxima presión' contra Maduro

Noticias Venezuela | Los principales asesores del presidente de Estados Unidos ahora consideran estrategias nuevas y más agresivas | Conflicto Venezuela hoy | | Internacional | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 16:26 Portafolio 9142034659985986120.html
Un Trump frustrado contempla campaña de 'máxima presión' contra Maduro

Los principales asesores del presidente de Estados Unidos ahora consideran estrategias nuevas y más agresivas. | Internacional | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 16:26 Portafolio 9142034661060348253.html
U.S.-Israel tech firm WalkMe raises $90 million

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S.-Israeli tech firm WalkMe said on Monday it raised $90 million in a funding round led by investment group Vitruvian Partners.

9 Dec 16:39 Reuters 8334514180348190788.html
"Blocchiamo il Mes. Il centrodestra unito può convincere i 5S", dice Meloni

La leader di Fratelli d'Italia osserva che i pentastellati "nel loro programma elettorale del 2018 sostenevano il superamento del fondo salva-Stati, quello originario"

9 Dec 11:34 Agi 2115274225554863672.html
England's 'Unluckiest XV' of the last decade

Unluckiest XV: This has been a mixed decade for the England rugby team, filled with some great highs and all-time nadirs.

9 Dec 15:39 Rugbypass 8668874339009389276.html
Sparkasse: Störung! Mit heftigen Konsequenzen für die Kunden

Keine Kohle auf dem Konto? Vor diesem Problem stehen derzeit viele Kunden der Sparkasse.

9 Dec 16:01 www.derwesten.de 5765995666306513750.html
Realizarán conferencia sobre el pensamiento de Simón Bolívar

Este viernes 13 de noviembre, a partir de las 9:00 am, se efectuará una conferencia sobre el “Pensamiento antiimperialista de Simón Bolívar”.

9 Dec 09:45 El Tubazo Digital 6657891530790820517.html
Tigres de Aragua despidió a Clemente Álvarez del puesto de mánager

Con el objetivo de alcanzar mejores resultado, la gerencia de los Tigres de Aragua despidió este lunes 9 de diciembre al exmánager de la divisa del centro de Venezuela, Clemente Álvarez. En su lugar Carlos Colmenares asumirá el cargo por el resto de la campaña regular y una probable postemporada.

9 Dec 15:22 Panorama 6052790754948488502.html
Kraków: komunikacyjny chaos - utrapienie szpitala im. Dietla

Szpital Specjalistyczny im. J. Dietla w Krakowie ma zastrzeżonych sześć miejsc parkingowych za które musi płacić tysiąc złotych miesięcznie, a i tak nie jest w stanie z nich w pełni korzystać z powodu zakorkowanego dojazdu. Władze szpitala twierdzą też, że nie stać je już na takie opłaty - placówka jest zadłużona.

9 Dec 09:45 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135117131305548.html
"Während Kraetschmer den Verein ruiniert...": Rapid-Fans machen sich über Austria lustig

Rapid und Austria Wien haben sich im Sonntag-Schlager der Bundesliga mit einem unterhaltsamen 2:2 (1:2) getrennt. Während die Grünweißen durch das Remis im großen Wiener Derby bis auf einen Zähler an den Tabellendritten WAC heranrückten, liegen die Violetten als Siebenter nun sieben Zähler hinter einem Platz in der Meistergruppe zurück.

9 Dec 08:22 SPOX 8395423526020085233.html
Elfeta Veseli pravosnažno osuđena na 13 godina zatvora

SARAJEVO - Apelaciono vijeće Suda BiH izreklo je drugostepenu presudu za svirepo ubistvo dvanaestogodišnjeg dječaka Slobodana Stojanovića 1992. godine kod Zvornika i optuženu Elfetu Veseli osudilo na 13 godina zatvora, čime je pooštrena prvostepena presuda od deset godina zatvora koju je Sud BiH izrekao 8. maja ove godine.

9 Dec 10:04 Nezavisne novine 4209150643139379422.html
Media Vietnam Soroti 2 Pilar Timnas U-22 Indonesia Jelang Final SEA Games 2019

Media Vietnam menyoroti dua pilar timnas U-22 Indonesia menjelang laga final cabang olahraga sepak bola SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 17:40 BolaSport.com 4603768435364379745.html
Comité de Paro en Colombia promueve nuevas acciones populares contra gestión de Iván Duque

El presidente de la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Diógenes Orjuela, informó que este lunes habrá un plantón en el sitio de negociación del salario mínimo y demandan un reajuste salarial que cubra las necesidades básicas

9 Dec 10:30 Globovisión 5928221752863649928.html
32 borregos murieron tras un ataque de perros ferales en Latacunga

Los cabildos de Maca Grande y de la Junta Parroquial de Poaló, en la ciudad andina de Latacunga, confirmaron que la muerte de 32 borregos en sus páramos estaba asociada a un ataque de perros ferales. El hecho ocurrió la noche del sábado 7 de diciembre del 2019.

9 Dec 16:35 El Comercio 2865024641944582484.html
Benfica critica "pressão sobre as equipas de arbitragem"

As águias visaram o F. C. Porto pelas acusações dos dragões nos últimos dias e que subiram de tom após o empate com o Belenenses.

9 Dec 16:12 JN 6956494303204353384.html
OUG privind transportul de persoane, respinsă în Comisia de transporturi a Camerei Deputaţilor

Comisia de Transporturi a Camerei Deputaţilor a adoptat, marţi, un raport de respingere pentru proiectul de aprobare a OUG privind transportul de persoane, care elimină transportul rutier judeţean de călători...

9 Dec 14:46 Mediafax.ro 1869610968240049593.html
Lkw kommt von A2 ab und stürzt den Abhang hinunter

Der 46-jähriger Fahrer eines Lkws kam am Montagmorgen von der Fahrbahn der A2 ab und landete im Abhang.

9 Dec 14:13 TAG24 4583887873979766082.html
Più libri chiude con record, oltre 100mila presenze

Editori soddisfatti. Franceschini, va sostenuta la filiera del libro (ANSA)

9 Dec 08:50 ANSA.it 1300837446970338900.html
Sánchez se reúne este martes con Al Gore, el presidente de Naciones Unidas y otros dirigentes

El presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, se reunirá este martes en la Cumbre del Clima (COP25) con diferentes dirigentes y autoridades que...

9 Dec 16:09 Europa Press 4702666149014808657.html
Kristersson: Nonsens att V inte har något inflytande

Att Vänsterpartiet inte skulle haft något inflytande över januaripartiernas nya bud om Arbetsförmedlingen kallar M-ledaren Ulf Kristersson för ”nonsens”.

9 Dec 14:11 DN.SE 398730693551211093.html
Una de las salas de conciertos más famosas de Madrid, "engañada" por grupos de extrema derecha

La popular sala Caracol ha pedido disculpas por haber llevado a cabo un concierto de extrema derecha el pasado sábado y procederá a tomar medidas legales contra el organizador del evento

9 Dec 10:09 Cadena SER 8390941984504229802.html
A frente parlamentar contra o aumento do fundão

Líder do Podemos na Câmara, o deputado José Nelto disse que está articulando com outros líderes partidários a criação da frente parlamentar contra o aumento do fundão...

9 Dec 13:16 O Antagonista 1037429654774214877.html
Ryanair salva Gerona tras pactar mandar al paro a la tripulación tres meses al año

Ryanair frena el cierre de la base de Gerona tras llegar a un acuerdo in extremis con la plantilla adscrita a ese aeropuerto. Según informar fuentes del sindicato USO, la mayor parte de los tripulantes de cabina (TCP) han aceptado ir tres meses al año al paro a cambio de que la base se mantenga abierta, aunque su continuidad no está blindada en el medio plazo debido a los problemas con los Boeing 737 MAX, cuyas entregas se siguen retrasando.

9 Dec 14:02 elEconomista.es 9051559958567238620.html
El uso de divisas ha afectado la ejecución de obras municipales, según el Alcalde de Baruta

Alcalde de Baruta explicó que los presupuestos de los gobiernos locales son calculados en bolívares que día a día se deprecian ante el dólar...

9 Dec 14:23 LaPatilla.com 9104603011388285585.html
Stamatović (ZS): Odlaganje poslaničkih izbora u Srbiji jedino rešenje, na proleće samo lokalni

Predsednik Zdrave Srbije (ZS) Milan Stamatović je danas ocenio u saopštenju da je jedino prihvatljivo rešenje za stanje u Srbiji da se formira prelazna vlada i da se odlože parlamentarni izbori, te da na proleće budu samo lokalni izbori."Zdrava Srbija već dugo upozorava da je jedini kompromis prihvatljiv i za vlast i za opoziciju da se zajedničkim dogovorom pomeri datum parlamentarnih izbora i formira prelazna vlada koja će pripremiti sve uslove za njihovo normalno održavanje", piše u saopštenju ZS.Stamatović navodi da bi "u znak dobre volje" sve opozicione stranke učestvovale na redovnim lokalnim izborima, na proleće.Po njegovim rečima, parlamentrani izbori bi bili raspisani tek kada se ispune svi preduslovi za to.Stamatović je ocenio da je to "rešenje u interesu gradjana Srbije" što potvrdjuje i stav poslanika Jedinstvene Rusije Jevgenija Primakova koji je "predložio vlasti u Srbiji da sa predstavnicima Saveza za Srbiju (SzS) i dela opozicije, formira prelaznu tehničku vladu".

9 Dec 12:35 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081357468747.html
Explozie puternică la rezervorul unei foste benzinării din Galați: Patru mașini au fost avariate, trei persoane au suferit atacuri de panică

O explozie puternică care a avariat patru mașini a avut loc, luni, la o fostă stație de carburanți din Galați, trei persoane suferind atacuri de panică după incident, potrivit Monitorului de Galați.

9 Dec 14:48 HotNews 5099222562674710386.html
Promosi Makanan & Minuman Paling 'Best' Sempena 12.12 Yang Anda Wajib Serbu. Murah Betul!

Jom serbu Baskin Robbins, Manhattan Fish Market, Secret Recipe dan banyak lagi!

9 Dec 10:44 SAYS 6412808304984496100.html
Obaid Bin Humaid Al Tayer nommé membre du Conseil de Surveillance de Maroc Telecom

Le Conseil de Surveillance de Maroc Telecom, réuni le vendredi 6 décembre 2019, a coopté M. Obaid Bin Humaid Al Tayer, en qualité de Vice-Président du Conseil, en remplacement de M. Eissa Mohamed Ghanem Al Suwaidi.

9 Dec 16:45 fr.le360.ma 5827163117620635392.html
Amazon offering $30 gift card with purchase of new Switch, besting Black Friday deal

Good things come to those who wait

9 Dec 17:56 Polygon 3721530541256305509.html
Martínez: “Basiskamp voor EK zal in Tubeke zijn, met tussendoor een minikamp in Kopenhagen”

Roberto Martínez heeft bij Sporza gezegd dat het basiskamp van de Rode Duivels voor het komende EK gewoon in Tubeke zal liggen. De bondscoach wil op het trainingskamp in maart in Qatar ook tegen Po...

9 Dec 12:54 HLN 8967494997288954551.html
Ratinho mostra a ignorância do povo brasileiro

Em um vídeo que tem circulado nas redes sociais, Ratinho consegue demonstrar o nível da ignorância do povo. Em um quadro de perguntas e respostas de seu programa no SBT, uma moça respondeu que a laranjada se faz com banana, outra disse que o abacateiro produz abacaxi.

9 Dec 14:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125212488239699.html
Last PlayStation State of Play for 2019 to air Wednesday AEDT

The last PlayStation State of Play livestream for 2019 will air early Wednesday morning in Australia, PlayStation has confirmed.

9 Dec 08:36 Stevivor 6108783659136474411.html
Brujas, el último partido tranquilo del Madrid este año

El Real Madrid viaja mañana a Bélgica para enfrentarse al Brujas sin nada deportivamente en juego. Es el último encuentro tranquilo de los...

9 Dec 17:35 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958837859752.html
iOS 13.3 – Veröffentlichung vorraussichtlich diese Woche

iOS 13.3 ist letzte Woche in der vierten Beta für Entwickler erschienen, es kann also theoretisch nicht mehr allzu lange dauern, bis wir ...

9 Dec 10:30 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574956465606.html
Kinas forfulgte uigur-minoritet:Slik kjemper de mot Kinas brutale forfølgelse – i Norge

Hver søndag samler uigurene i Norge seg på søndagsskolene der uigurske barn og ungdommer lærer språk, historie, kultur og religion. - Det er en måte å bekjempe assimileringspolitikken i Kina, sier Den norske Uigurkomitéen.

9 Dec 15:16 TV 2 8210067768805158125.html
Erdogan: Novih 500 stanova u Albaniji za godinu dana

ANKARA - Predsednik Turske Republike Redžep Tajip Erdogan rekao je da će njegova zemlja izgraditi 500 novih stanova u područjima pogođenim zemljotresom u

9 Dec 14:15 Krstarica 4176903988863597769.html
Presidente cubano rinde tributo a las víctimas de la dictadura en Argentina (+Fotos)

El Presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, rindió tributo este lunes a las víctimas de la dictadura militar y del terrorismo de Estado en Argentina, como parte de su visita oficial a esa nación sudamericana iniciada este domingo

9 Dec 16:04 Trabajadores 1167277446114656937.html
Recuerdan a Cristina Siekavizza en su cumpleaños número 42

Siekavizza se encuentra desaparecida desde julio de 2011.

9 Dec 12:23 Publinews 8987875305127735132.html
Bolsonaro desembarca em Salvador para inauguração de obras do aeroporto

O evento acontecerá na Praça Gago Coutinho, no bairro de São Cristóvão, na quarta-feira (11).

9 Dec 17:06 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713621731066.html
Ftse Mib: la dinamica ribassista riprenderà il sopravvento ora?

Il Ftse Mib non è riuscito a dare un seguito al recupero dai minimi della scorsa ottava, esponendosi al rischio di nuove vendite.

9 Dec 17:35 Trend Online 3268043278575275998.html
MAM Bricolaj a deschis cel de-al doilea magazin din Bucuresti si planuieste alte 2 locatii in 2020

MAM Bricolaj a deschis al doilea magazin in Bucuresti, situat in zona Morarilor, cu o investitie de 250.000 de euro. Deschiderea noului punct de lucru face parte din strategia pe termen lung a companiei de extindere care vizeaza a doua noi magazine si listarea la bursa.

9 Dec 13:35 Wall-Street 2473040520449557488.html
¿Concienciado con el clima? Estos son los coches a la venta que menos contaminan

Si está pensando en comprar un vehículo y proteger el medio ambiente le contamos cuáles son los más ecológicos del mercado.

9 Dec 17:00 La Información 5328999782796136869.html
Piden una multa de 1,5 millones a los traficantes de cocaína 'admiradores' de Pablo Escobar detenidos en pueblo de Granada

Los acusados transportaban 25 fardos de coca con una pureza del 81%

9 Dec 11:50 Granada Hoy 1381639729017770139.html
Áñez arremete contra Kirchner: "No tengo afinidad con quien no respeta la democracia"

9 Dic. 2019 - La presidenta de facto de Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, criticó duramente a la vicepresidenta electa de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, luego de no ser invitada a la ceremonia...

9 Dec 11:09 Aporrea 8480488501658453993.html
NEC MultiSync CB serija – kakovostni interaktivni zasloni po dostopni ceni

NEC-ova serija interaktivnih zaslonov CB omogoča, da tako poslovne kot izobraževalne seje začnete takoj. Pri tem vam je v pomoč brezžična povezava med zasloni. Orodje za vdelavo op

9 Dec 12:00 Računalniške novice 5784844856926001822.html
9 of the worst viruses on Earth

You've heard of Ebola and likely Zika, but there are many dangerous viruses that have yet to make horrific headlines.

9 Dec 08:36 mnn 1276819565043571647.html
Zara Larsson klar för Brännbollsyran

Musik Zara Larsson uppträder på Brännbollsyran nästa år, skriver festivalen i ett pressmeddelande.

9 Dec 08:03 www.unt.se 8922556088731913548.html
Juanita Viale desmintió su embarazo y se mostró furiosa: "Hay menores de edad que se ven afectados"

La actriz negó estar esperando un quinto hijo y, además, criticó duramente a quienes difundieron la noticia. 

9 Dec 17:50 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451476405629.html
Talhados para jogar fora de casa

Ao vencer em Famalicão, por 3-2, no  sábado, o Tondela elevou para quatro as vitórias conquistadas na condição de visitante. A equipa de Natxo González mostra-se talhada para jogar fora de casa, já que 14 dos 18 pontos averbados foram alcançados como forasteiros.

9 Dec 10:13 A BOLA 2278827558761811309.html
'Koning Jay' brengt nieuwe energie in elftal VVV: 'We voetballen met het hart'

Evert Linthorst ziet dat Jay Driessen nieuwe energie brengt bij VVV-Venlo na het ontslag van Robert Maaskant. 'Koning Jay' pakte afgelopen weekend drie punten met zijn ploeg, door met 2-0 te winnen van FC Emmen. De negentienjarige Linthorst, geboren en getogen in Venlo, zat als kind al op de tribunes bij de club. Hij geeft aan te weten wat de fans van VVV graag zien tijdens een wedstrijd. "De supporters willen een elftal zien dat de mouwen opstroopt", vertelt hij in gesprek met het Algemeen Dagblad. "Ik zeg niet dat dit onder Robert Maaskant niet gebeurde. Het is wel zo dat er onder Jay een andere energie is. Een energie van 'gaon', zoals we hier zeggen."

9 Dec 15:02 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885237924936.html
Pumas hace oficial la incorporación de Sebastián Saucedo

Pumas hizo oficial su primer fichaje: Sebastián Saucedo se incorporó a las filas del cuadro felino procedente del..

9 Dec 14:40 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830619874730.html
La historia detrás de la banda y bastón de mando que recibirá el gobernador Schiaretti

El bastón es obra del orfebre Ezequiel Gabrielli, en tanto qeu la banda fue confeccionada por Sastrería Militar del Ejército Argentino.

9 Dec 16:09 La Voz 6237180762351888109.html
Las trampas más sonadas del deporte

Muchos son los deportistas que ingenian cualquier trampa para resultar vencedores. La famosa Mano de Dios de Maradona, la saltadora de altura...

9 Dec 11:46 AS.com 113474317732076954.html
Luís Filipe Vieira expressa profunda tristeza pelo falecimento de Rogério

O presidente do Benfica, Luís Filipe Vieira, expressou, em nome do clube, sócios e adeptos, «profunda tristeza e pesar» pelo falecimento de «um dos maiores símbolos» dos encarnados.«Uma das glórias que ficarão para sempre na nossa história e na memória de quem, durante as décadas de 1940 e 1950, teve o privilégio de assistir às exibições de sonho daquele que é um dos nossos maiores goleadores de sempre», escreveu Vieira, em nota publicada no site.O líder dos encarnados salientou ainda que Rogério Pipi «ficará imortalizado na história e no coração de todos os benfiquistas». 

9 Dec 09:00 A BOLA 2278827557628936094.html
El estado del tiempo en Venezuela este lunes #9Dic, según el Inameh

El Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidología (Inameh) prevé este lunes que gran parte del territorio nacional se mantendrá con poca nubosidad y escasas

9 Dec 11:18 LaPatilla.com 9104603011826567684.html
A la cárcel hombre responsable de la muerte de un ciudadano en Bogotá

Según las autoridades, el hombre se habría refugiado en la capital vallecaucana, donde se desempeñaba como ayudante de construcción.

9 Dec 13:07 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826755515721.html
Jadwal Final Bulu Tangkis SEA Games 2019: 9 Desember

Tiga pebulu tangkis Indonesia bakal tampil di final nomor perorangan SEA Games 2019 di Muntinlupa Sport Center, Filipina, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 08:10 Bola.net 5489959029455024400.html
Kauno gatvėse ir toliau laksto girti vairuotojai

Gruodžio 2 – 8 dienomis Kauno pareigūnai tikrino, kaip transporto priemonių vairuotojai bei pėstieji eismo dalyviai laikosi Kelių eismo taisyklių (KET).

9 Dec 16:38 Kauno diena 6825691410247383277.html
5 muertos y decenas de atrapados por erupción del volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Al menos cinco personas han muerto a causa de la erupción este lunes del volcán Whakaari, en una isla deshabitada al noreste de Nueva Zelanda donde se encontraban medio centenar de turistas

9 Dec 11:13 El Carabobeño 125457438673331897.html
Loi anti-gaspillage : quelles ambitions ?

L'exécutif français a rétropédalé sur l'une des mesures-phares du texte : la mise en place de consignes pour les bouteilles plastique.

9 Dec 16:03 euronews 7357749754817220919.html
Randeep Hooda On #BoycottPanipat Row: “To Glorify One Community, One Doesn’t Need To Show Others Down”

Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon starrer period drama Panipat released last Friday. The controversies that had surrounded the film pre-release just intensified post-release and we saw a certain section ge

9 Dec 08:48 Koimoi 5184275671020011902.html
Emirates llega hoy a México

La aerolínea inicia operaciones en el país con el vuelo de Dubai a Ciudad de México

9 Dec 08:30 El Informador 103545929237032628.html
Incidente Milano, Sala: "Se ci sono responsabilità ce le prendiamo"

Il sindaco dopo lo scontro tra i mezzi Atm e Amsa in cui ha perso la vita una donna di 49 anni: "Il compagno chiede giustizia e verità, è quello per cui lavoreremo"

9 Dec 11:20 Adnkronos 2840063644546894696.html
Boris Johnson ‘broke his word’ over Brexit union pledge, says Arlene Foster

DUP says deal will put a border down the Irish sea and threaten the union with Britain

9 Dec 09:51 The Irish Times 8204772967986647889.html
Gaz hilarant : vers une loi qui interdit la vente aux mineurs

C'est la nouvelle mode chez beaucoup de jeunes mineurs : respirer du protoxyde d'azote encore appelé gaz hilarant. Comme son nom l'indique, ce gaz a pour effet de faire rire et de modifier la voix de celui qui...

9 Dec 08:25 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766070845731452.html
Une subvention pour sauver l’Amalgame

L’association G.A.M.E, qui gère la salle de concert, recevra à titre exceptionnel un montant d’une valeur de 50'000 francs pendant 2 ans. La Ville d’Yverdon-les-Bains et le canton de Vaud sont à l’origine de cette aide financière d'urgence.

9 Dec 11:58 RTN 7627697627630127175.html
Maddie McCann: Polizist sollte die Vermisste finden – nun kommt raus, dass er...

Maddie McCann: Polizist Paulo Pereira Cristovão suchte nach der vermissten Maddie McCann. Jetzt kommen pikante Details über ihn raus.

9 Dec 16:43 Thüringen24 7206317295545004728.html
“Aan de man die mij op het achterwerk sloeg terwijl ik live verslag aan het uitbrengen was... Je hebt me geschoffeerd”

Geen fijn moment voor Alex Bozarjian: de tv-reporter was live verslag aan het uitbrengen van een loopwedstrijd in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia toen een van de passerende deelnemers haar plots op he...

9 Dec 17:11 HLN 8967494996735072865.html
Kang Daniel fans donate 12.1 million won to terminally ill children to celebrate his 23rd birthday

Fans are celebrating Kang Daniel's 23rd birthday by making a big donation to terminally ill children.According to one of idols' fan-made Da…

9 Dec 12:25 allkpop 3249686061675946854.html
Les peaux-arts de Katinka Bock

La sculptrice allemande a parsemé la Lafayette Anticipations de ses formes agiles et poreuses.

9 Dec 17:06 Libération.fr 2169660205157470905.html
Would you leave your baby alone to go to the gym? This Canadian dad did

The man identifies just as a divorced dad with a nine-month-old baby

9 Dec 17:15 Bashaw Star 2864261459590612650.html
Would you leave your baby alone to go to the gym? This Canadian dad did

The man identifies just as a divorced dad with a nine-month-old baby

9 Dec 17:15 North Delta Reporter 5327740411496466090.html
No me quedo en el pasado, me renuevo: Abraham Oceransky

El dramaturgo afirma que es responsabilidad del artista cambiar; en entrevista con La Razón adelanta que tras el cierre del teatro La Libertad abrirá otro recinto en Xalapa, Veracruz;”estamos generando un nuevo espacio donde era una alberca, tratamos de echarlo a andar”, comparte

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060636951421913.html
Gatito travieso se emociona con árbol navideño y su reacción conmueve a miles

En Facebook, el video de un gato se volvió viral, donde se ve a la mascota celebrando la Navidad 2019 a su estilo ha generado miles de reacciones.

9 Dec 11:30 Wapa.pe 6757287089731144796.html
Un sanjuanino fue campeón en Honduras y con Troglio como DT

Se trata de Matías Garrido, ex Sportivo Desamparados y Peñarol. En el último consagratorio marcó un gol y lo festejó en familia. Fotos.

9 Dec 10:36 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158225595648.html
Rekap Medali SEA Games 2019: Ketat! Vietnam Samai Perolehan Emas Indonesia

Vietnam berhasil menyamai perolehan medali emas kontingen Indonesia di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 15:54 Bola.com 1695722603491050324.html
Axel Witsel out voor rest van het jaar na val thuis over traphekje: “Hij lag op de intensieve”

Axel Witsel (30) heeft bij een ongeval bij hem thuis een kwetsuur in het gezicht opgelopen. Ondertussen ging de middenvelder onder al onder het mes, zo maa...

9 Dec 12:19 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192228964110.html
Axel Witsel out voor rest van het jaar na val thuis over traphekje: “Hij lag op de intensieve”

Axel Witsel (30) heeft bij een ongeval bij hem thuis een kwetsuur in het gezicht opgelopen. Ondertussen ging de middenvelder onder al onder het mes, zo maa...

9 Dec 11:19 Gazet van Antwerpen 7356764476351795466.html
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris Skewers a May 2020 Release Date in the West

Spring's looking sharp

9 Dec 15:00 Push Square 8538862519327100017.html
Aumentan a al menos 5 los fallecidos tras erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Las autoridades aseguran que como mínimo una decena de víctimas permanecen atrapadas en el lugar.

9 Dec 10:30 24Horas.cl 793283384707955777.html
Schüler musizieren für den guten Zweck

Fünf Schulen schicken ihre Chöre und Ensembles zum Benefizkonzert für die Spendenaktion der Stuttgarter Zeitung „Hilfe für den Nachbarn“. Das Adventskonzert der Schulen gastiert dieses Mal am 15. Dezember erstmals in der Domkirche St. Eberhard.

9 Dec 15:35 stuttgarter-zeitung.de 4786146350597115256.html
È ufficiale: smartphone e tablet Huawei non abbandoneranno Android, almeno per il 2020

La complicata faccenda tra Huawei ed il governo statunitense ha condizionato molte delle scelte e delle sicurezze che il produttore...

9 Dec 10:58 AndroidWorld 1488441781503714271.html
'Japanese Messi' On Being Booed By Barca Fans

A player who has been dubbed the "Japanese Lionel Messi" by many went up against his former club FC Barcelona on the weekend, and was greeted with boos from sections of the Camp Nou. The star, who is loan from Real Madrid, has since discussed the jeers he

9 Dec 12:35 Soccer Laduma 3901337370628769626.html
"El Klasiko" vrijedan više od dvije milijarde evra

Vrijednost fudbalera Barselone i Real Madrida, koji će se 18. decembra sastati u prvom ovosezonskom "El Klasiku", procjenjuje se na više od dvije milijarde evra.

9 Dec 13:52 Nezavisne novine 4209150642515221929.html
Noel Álvarez: Camarada en fuga

“Camaradas, el único plan de producción que se está cumpliendo es el plan de asesinatos, arrestos, persecuciones, saqueos y tierra arrasada”. Esta es una trágica […]

9 Dec 10:18 LaPatilla.com 9104603010398697913.html
North Korea calls Trump ‘erratic old man’ after tweets

The comments came after Donald Trump tweeted that North Korea’s Kim Jong Un would not want to abandon a special relationship between the two leaders.

9 Dec 10:06 Shropshire Star 3480199993216255988.html
Bonpland inauguró su nuevo Centro Cívico

Este fin de semana, con la presencia del gobernador Hugo Passalacqua y el intendente de la localidad anfitriona, José Bautista Schiro, se inauguró el Centro Cívico de esta ciudad que se construyó a través...

9 Dec 11:59 Primera Edición 6803897641518347463.html
Elba Esther Gordillo regresa a la política de México y con nuevo partido

La pol&eacute;mica ex presidenta del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educaci&oacute;n durante 23 a&ntilde;os, Elba EstherGordillo, regresa a la pol&iacute;tica de M&eacute;xico.

9 Dec 15:46 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623269485471.html
I soldi, i corpi e la scrittura

Da King Kong Theory alla Trilogia di Parigi, viaggio nel bestiario urbano di Virginie Despentes.

9 Dec 08:36 il Tascabile 3543344907314882482.html
Walmart retira suéter donde aparece Santa Claus con cocaína

Además de este artículo, también se dejaron de vender otros en donde aparecía Santa Claus en posiciones comprometedoras

9 Dec 12:00 La Opinión 952941032960782990.html
Infartante: la foto en bikini de Florencia Peña

Florencia Peña ya ha demostrado que, con solo postear una imagen al natural en Instagram, en cuestión de minutos su red social aumenta en popularidad. Esto mismo sucedió hace unas horas, cuando subió una foto desde la costa donde, como ella misma cuenta en el posteo, está pasando unos días "de relax".

9 Dec 15:15 El Esquiú 5729181305808991620.html
Galatasaray Cyriel Dessers'i transfer etmek istiyor!

Süper Lig ve Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde beklenen performansın uzağında kalan Galatasaray'da devre arası transfer çalışmaları başladı. Sarı kırmızılılar Falcao ve Andone'nin yokluğunda yaşadığı forvet sıkıntısına bir daha düşmemek için gözünü Heracles forması giyen 25 yaşındaki futbolcu Cyriel Dessers'e çevirdi.

9 Dec 09:46 A Haber 6599891595145407803.html
iN VIDEO: 'Marriage Story' tops Golden Globe Award nominations with 6

NEW YORK - Noah Baumbach's divorce portrait &ldquo;Marriage Story&rdquo; leads the 77th Golden Globes with six nominations including best picture, drama

9 Dec 16:30 iNFOnews.ca 6669504244574067443.html
Receita exonera José de Assis Ferraz Neto do cargo de subsecretário-geral

A Receita Federal exonerou José de Assis Ferraz Neto do cargo de subsecretário-geral. A exoneração está publicada no Diário Oficial da União desta segunda-feira, 9. Para seu lugar, foi nomeado Décio Rui Pialarissi, em ato também publicado nesta data. Ferraz Neto é auditor fiscal, tinha sido nomeado para o cargo de subsecretário-geral em substituição a […]

9 Dec 13:08 ISTOÉ Independente 1206356494619928148.html
Una nuova casa per le marionette di Nino Pozzo. E due spettacoli per la città

I 250 burattini di Nino Pozzo, uno dei più d’Italia e d’Europa, hanno trovato una nuova casa, con il trasloco dall’Arsenale alla Biblioteca Civica. Qui, infatti, le 250 marionette firmate Pozzo saranno conservate in alcune stanze riservate insieme ag

9 Dec 16:22 L'Arena 5479295677782355150.html
Mieszkaniec Lublina zniszczył betonowego grilla nad Bystrzycą

Mieszkaniec Lublina odpowie za zniszczenie betonowego grilla znajdującego się nad brzegiem Bystrzycy. Mężczyzna opowie także za kradzież z włamaniem.

9 Dec 10:22 lublin112.pl 6583157891868101297.html
Conselho ligado à Igreja Católica culpa governo Bolsonaro por mortes indígenas

Para o Cimi, os atentados são fruto de ação do governo federal de instrumentalização da política indigenista, em favor dos ruralistas

9 Dec 13:49 CartaCapital 2483507007317914454.html
Ex-Saskatchewan Roughrider R-Kal Truluck dies at age 45

R-Kal Truluck, whose professional football career included three years with the Saskatchewan Roughriders, died Nov. 29 at age 45.

9 Dec 14:56 Regina Leader-Post 1297111425667676641.html
Jovem electrocutado em catenária com "prognóstico reservado"

O jovem de 18 anos que no domingo sofreu queimaduras graves ao ser eletrocutado quando tocou na catenária de uma linha numa estação ferroviária, em Pamela, encontra-se com prognóstico reservado

9 Dec 12:41 DN 8445869956362934847.html
Spider-Man (Iron Spider Armor) di Hot Toys | Cultura Pop

Direttamente dal videogioco per PS4 Marvel's Spider-Man, Hot Toys annuncia la sua nuovissima action figure in scala 1/6

9 Dec 13:12 Tom's Hardware 6640147069268909387.html
Vatrogasci na nogama, stanari besni! Gore garaže u Vojvode Vlahovića

U garažama u Ulici Mate Miloševića, u naselju Vojvode Vlahovića, danas je izbio požar koji su brzom intervencijom ugasili pripadnici Vatrogasno-spasilačke brigade Beograd.

9 Dec 14:07 REPUBLIKA 2543998404938482715.html
Jorge Masvidal just set his retirement date, isn’t leaving without UFC belt

Jorge Masvidal just set his retirement date and refuses to leave UFC without winning the welterweight title, but also wants the biggest paydays possible.

9 Dec 15:48 MMAmania.com 5892512948079398179.html
TSV Ilshofen Oberliga: Mehr als nur drei Punkte für gegen den 1. FC Rielasingen-Arlen

Das 2:0 des TSV Ilshofen gegen den 1. FC Rielasingen-Arlen bringt die Hohenloher wieder in Sichtweite zu den Nichtabstiegsplätzen.

9 Dec 09:13 swp.de 6929179441045761371.html
Driver strikes mom and kid in East Harlem, killing 3-year-old boy

Bertin DeJesus was in his stroller when a Ford F-150 driven by a 59-year-old man struck him and his mom near First Avenue and 116th Street about 9:35 a.m.

9 Dec 16:48 New York Post 7654946769141612054.html
Greta Thunberg: "Mucha gente ya está sufriendo y muriendo por la emergencia climática"

La activista ha cedido la palabra a otros jóvenes en su primera intervención en la Cumbre del Clima de Madrid: "Sus historias deben ser escuchadas".

9 Dec 15:56 RTVE.es 8332346889790105886.html
La película 'Marriage Story' parte como favorita a los Globos de Oro con seis nominaciones

'Marriage Story', la cinta de Noah Baumbach protagonizada por Adam Driver y Scarlett Johansson, parte como la gran favorita en la 77 edición de los Globos de Oro con seis nominaciones, por delante de 'The Irishman' y 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood', con cinco cada una.

9 Dec 09:51 El Comercio 2865024640693364376.html
Beautiful, anticipazioni puntata di martedì 10 dicembre: l’ultimo saluto a Beth

Appuntamento del martedì della soap opera statunitense di Canale 5 Ben ritrovati con un nuovo spazio dedicato agli spoiler sulla serie statunitense di Canale 5 Beautiful. Ricordiamo che la soap opera che è ambientata a Los Angeles ed è stata ideata dai fratelli Bell. Il primo appuntamento in assoluto è stato trasmesso sull’emittente CBS dal […]

9 Dec 13:00 KontroKultura 2573504972622780910.html
Inquérito de Cunha no STF traz ex-ministro de volta aos holofotes

Neri Geller foi ministro da Agricultura durante o governo Dilma

9 Dec 12:18 VEJA.com 4116702195978574791.html
"La collection parfaite" de whiskys rares mise aux enchères

Plus de 3.900 bouteilles de whiskys rares acquises par un amateur américain vont être mises aux enchères par la maison écossaise Whisky Auctioneer, selon laquelle il s'agit de la plus importante collection privée jamais mise en vente.

9 Dec 12:41 Challenges 1086714997739760013.html
Golden Globe, Marriage Story in testa con 6 nomination

Nominati anche The Irishman, Joker e I due papi (ANSA)

9 Dec 15:28 ANSA.it 1300837448475256492.html
Google’s first “Pixel feature drop” includes post-snap Portrait Mode, auto Call Screen, and more

Today, Google announced another change to how Pixel devices will receive updates with the first-ever "Pixel feature drop."

9 Dec 10:53 XDA Developers 7805159869458282625.html
Novo algoritmo do Google entenderá melhor nossos padrões de fala

Inteligência artificial que está sendo implementada compreende melhor as frases e o contexto das pesquisas, principalmente no caso de sinônimos ou gírias.

9 Dec 14:50 Canaltech 6267437388337455371.html
Des experts en conclave à Abidjan pour évaluer le continuum Éducation-Formation-Travail en Afrique

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 14:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388643799145.html
Einde van een tijdperk – Jeroen Pauw stopt met Pauw

'Ik ga in 2020 andere dingen doen'

9 Dec 12:46 ThePostOnline 3048418756261000041.html
Google Task Desktop: ora organizzarsi è più facile

Google permette da oggi di non farvi dimenticare più di nulla. Con l'interfaccia Task Desktop oggi il vostro frigorifero è esser felice di liberarsi di tutti quei post-it che non vi rendono chiaro il calendario della giornata.

9 Dec 13:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126675961728.html
Gri kategorideki terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

İçişleri Bakanlığından, Muş kırsalındaki operasyonda etkisiz hale getirilen 5 teröristten birinin gri kategoride aranan Erdal Tekay olduğunun tespit edildiği bildirildi.

9 Dec 11:14 Akşam 580099848951820525.html
Acerinox toca máximos anuales con la recomendación de "comprar" de Jefferies

El grupo siderúrgico español lleva tiempo sufriendo en Bolsa las consecuencias de los tira y afloja de la guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos y...

9 Dec 10:05 Expansión 4197779423951940888.html
Herten: Buche begräbt Klein-SUV, Ehepaar überlebt

Eine 30 Meter hohe Buche ist in Herten auf ein fahrendes Auto gestürzt. Die Insassen hatten großes Glück. Das Unglück betrifft auch Straßen.NRW.

9 Dec 08:20 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220414493408.html
Wanda Nara se agarra la cola en la cama

La hermosa rubia argentina se agarra su cola en la cama con unas botas que te infartara

9 Dec 11:47 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623163237712.html
El hijo de Camilo Sesto reaparece tras los últimos rumores

Camilo Blanes ha desmentido las palabras de su madre en ‘Viva la vida’ asegurando que “está bien”.

9 Dec 13:32 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958898182982.html
Vídeo: assista ao gol de Pikachu filmado das arquibancadas do Maracanã

Confira agora o gol do lateral-direito do Vasco da Gama, Yago Pikachu, contra a Chapecoense, pelo ângulo das arquibancadas.

9 Dec 16:29 Vasco Notícias 1167013066695770780.html
Min mening: Åstorpsalliansens modiga sätt att skylla ifrån sig

Sverigedemokraterna i Åstorp svarar på Åstorpsalliansens insändare om budgeten.

9 Dec 11:40 HD 3336945411685707239.html
Redmi K30 yang Ditenagai Snapdragon 765G Nongkrong di AnTuTu

Smartphone Redmi berikutnya yang ditunggu-tunggu adalah Redmi K30. Ya! Smartphone yang bakal ditenagai Snapdragon 765G ini sudah muncul di situs benchmarking AnTuTu. Bagaimana dengan skor pengujiannya?

9 Dec 14:00 DroidLime 2345565947267345255.html
Bercy constate une fraude massive à la TVA sur Amazon et Cdiscount

Selon un rapport de l'inspection générale des finances, de nombreux vendeurs ne factureraient pas la TVA aux clients. , Une "fraude massive à la TVA". C'est ce que suspecte le fisc français.

9 Dec 08:16 Capital.fr 2641485281461801919.html
Oeiras | Programa de Saúde do Trabalhador realiza imunização de servidores

O objetivo é prevenir agravos decorrentes do exercício laboral, promover hábitos de vida saudáveis.

9 Dec 09:12 R10 3167340814130036401.html
Gully Boy Grabs 11 Awards At Star Screen Awards, Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt & Zoya Akhtar’s Time Aa Gaya

It's a bumper week for the film Gully Boy as the film has received 11 awards at the recent Star Screen Awards. Marking the last week special the film has also won at the Asian Academy Creative award f

9 Dec 11:27 Koimoi 5184275670321782623.html
Prisioneira: Vítor perde a paciência e dispara contra Murilo

Veja tudo o que vai acontecer no episódio desta noite da novela da TVI Prisioneira

9 Dec 16:35 maria 5738163821918563337.html
The US raked in a record $7.2 billion in tariffs in October, new data shows

While the White House has asserted that foreign exporters pay tariffs, there's evidence those costs largely fall on domestic business and consumers.

9 Dec 15:31 Yahoo 7097669637925997327.html
Campeão mundial no boxe, Patrick Teixeira é homenageado em sua cidade natal em SC

Patrick Teixeira soma 30 vitórias, sendo 22 por nocaute, e apenas uma derrota na carreira profissional

9 Dec 13:50 Folha Vitória 4941883426436834733.html
Diletta Leotta, altra bordata. Paola Ferrari non molla: frecciata su Sanremo

“Pronta per Sanremo…” e due faccine sorridenti. Così Paola Ferrari punge (di nuovo dopo aver detto che non è orgogliosa che la rappresenti sul palco dell'Ariston, nda) Diletta Leotta per la gaffe al termine di Lazio-Juventus, vinta dai biancocelesti 3-1. La Leotta, i...

9 Dec 12:21 Il Tempo 2494990961237164522.html
Telecommunications: The bright spot in a fragile economy

The positive momentum in Nigeria’s telecommunications sector continued into the month of October

9 Dec 12:27 Nairametrics.com 4741528845711754958.html
You Can Order Apple's Mac Pro and Its Killer Display This Week

Apple’s much-anticipated beast of a machine, the Mac Pro, and its corresponding badass new display, the Pro Display XDR, will be available to order on 10 December, per a promo the company emailed to customers.

9 Dec 11:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059001545417205.html
Silent Hill: Hideo Kojima und Konami bereiten neues Spiel vor – Gerücht

Sind Konami und Hideo Kojima wieder vereint? Einem aktuellen Gerücht zufolge machen die beiden Parteien für ein neues "Silent Hill" gemeinsame Sache.

9 Dec 16:29 play3.de 8301165838075376286.html
Hong Kong protest arrests surges past 6,000, say police

Police said they have also fired 10,000 rubber baton rounds during the six months of protests and that 493 officers have been injured.

9 Dec 11:22 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773630741401.html
5 Haar-Fehler, die dich älter aussehen lassen

Wie du deine Haare trägst, kann deinen Gesamtlook ganz schön beeinflussen. Denn die falsche Frisur kann dich älter wirken lassen, als du bist.

9 Dec 11:31 miss 1375730019810535427.html
Sky - ADL ha bloccato Gattuso: contratto da 18 mesi, cambio allenatore solo in un caso

Le indiscrezioni che vedrebbero già pronto un avvicendamento sulla panchina del Napoli trovano conferma anche da Sky Sport.

9 Dec 16:49 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081507200811.html
„Financial Times“ mit neuen Vorwürfen: Wirecard mit schnellen Verlusten nach weiterem kritischen 'FT'-Bericht

Die Auseinandersetzung zwischen der „Financial Times“ und Wirecard geht in die nächste Runde: Die Wirtschaftszeitung hat erneute Anschuldigungen gegen Wirecard erhoben, deren Aktie am Montagmorgen mit Verlusten reagierte.

9 Dec 09:38 FOCUS Online 4448121231901213081.html
Sondaggi politici, crolla la fiducia nel governo Conte: giudizio negativo dal 70% degli italiani

Crolla la fiducia nel governo Conte: il sondaggio realizzato da Tecnè per l'agenzia Dire evidenzia come il 68,3% degli elettori non riponga fiducia nell'esecutivo guidato da Giuseppe Conte. E, forse anche per questo motivo, più di un italiano su due ritiene che la maggioranza avrà vita breve e non riuscirà ad andare oltre la data del giugno 2020.

9 Dec 15:19 fanpage.it 1517332167200821556.html
Unicorn: la startup que mostró que el modelo de Uber y WeWork está condenado al fracaso

Más de una startup contemporánea tiene un mismo modelo de negocio que, aunque aparentemente de éxito, en realidad es un gran peligro para la industria

9 Dec 14:00 Merca2.0 990348494106623035.html

Saobraćajna nezgoda u kojoj je došlo do prevrtanja automobila dogodila se oko 17 sati na auto-putu kod Štark arene, zbog čega je došlo do većih gužvi.

9 Dec 17:40 REPUBLIKA 2543998404747217794.html
Más declaraciones insólitas: "Era necesario que me quedara sin trabajo"

Muchísimos videos son virales en las redes sociales luego de la despedida de Macri que juntó a los macristas en Plaza de Mayo. Esta es alguna de esas declaraciones increíbles.

9 Dec 12:21 Diario Registrado 7686014735721429226.html
India Ends Disappointing Year in Crypto, Will 2020 Be Better?

Regardless of crypto market price action, some countries have had a better 2019 than others. India has been on the back foot for most of it ...

9 Dec 09:30 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936215009282.html
Uccide la moglie e si toglie la vita: davanti alla badante, che è sotto choc

Cronaca - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:22 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206342647788.html
Bose’s Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 get their first big discount

Finally, a deal on the latest Bose headphones.

9 Dec 14:44 The Verge 1337119303569550066.html
Sanofi s'offre une biotech américaine pour plus de 2 milliards d'euros

Le groupe pharmaceutique français Sanofi a annoncé lundi l'acquisition de la biotech américaine Synthorx pour 2,5 milliards de dollars (2,26 milliards d'euros) en numéraire, une opération lui permettant de se conforter dans l'immuno-oncologie. Mardi, les dirigeants organiseront une journée investisseurs très attendues.

9 Dec 10:02 Le Revenu 10581997651735388.html
NESTRPLJIVI STARČE, NEMAMO ŠTA DA IZGUBIMO! Severna Koreja odgovorila Trampu na opasku koju je uputio Kimu (VIDEO)

Severna Koreja nema šta da izgubi, poručeno je danas iz Pjogjanga nakon što je američki predsednik Donald Tramp upozorio da bi lider Kim Džong Un mogao da izgubi sve ako nastavi sa svojim neprijateljskim aktivnostima.

9 Dec 12:16 kurir.rs 6515665027399416841.html
Jovem é assassinado na zona Norte de Natal

Um rapaz de 25 anos foi morto na noite desse domingo (8) no bairro Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, na zona Norte de Natal. Cidrak Gomes da Silva foi

9 Dec 08:05 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060081960452.html
Samsung GQ32Q50R: Der kleinste QLED-Fernseher der Welt

Gut muss nicht riesig sein. Samsung bringt mit dem 80 Zentimeter großen Q50R ein 32-Zoll-TV mit QLED-Technik. COMPUTER BILD weiß, was er kann.

9 Dec 15:54 Computer Bild 4944248631266519690.html
Afrique du Sud : South African Airways en pleine descente aux enfers

Jadis objet de fierté de toute la nation Arc-en-ciel et modèle à suivre pour le continent, la compagnie publique joue aujourd’hui sa survie. Explications.

9 Dec 12:58 JeuneAfrique.com 5117442294517356971.html
Timnas U-23 Vs Vietnam, Duel Osvaldo Haay dan Ha Duc Chinh

Penyerang Timnas U-23 Indonesia, Osvaldo Haay, bersama pemain Vietnam mengoleksi 8 gol di SEA Games 2019

9 Dec 09:29 Tempo 6731898377904023447.html
Bruselas destinará 3.200 millones para acelerar el desarrollo de baterías

La Comisión Europea ha aprobado este lunes el proyecto con el que Bélgica, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Polonia y Suecia quieren destinar 3.200 millones de euros en dinero público para apoyar la investigación y la innovación el desarrollo de baterías de iones de litio, según ha informado en un comunicado.

9 Dec 11:29 elEconomista.es 9051559958030143722.html
Ranji Trophy round-up: Rahane and Shaw shine for Mumbai, Padikkal shows grit, Vihari stands apart

The young Karnataka left-hander frustrated the Tamil Nadu bowlers on day one at Dindigul.

9 Dec 12:27 Scroll.in 8669301694204468858.html
Czechy: Miejsce na wymarzone, zimowe wakacje

Z roku na rok Czesi mają coraz więcej do zaoferowania turystom, którzy tuż za południową granicą Polski szukają zimowych atrakcji na wysokim poziomie. Który z regionów wybrać i gdzie znaleźć dokładnie to, czego szukamy? Odpowiedź znajdziecie w poniższym artykule!

9 Dec 14:38 kobieta.interia.pl 4699927333378415923.html
Javier Aguirre queda absuelto de cargos de posible amaño

Javier Aguirre, entrenador de Leganés, quedó absuelto de cualquier cargo de posible amaño tras el dictamen el Juzgado de lo Penal número 7 de Valencia, en España.  Se determinó que no tuvo ninguna participación en el posible amaño del partido Levante-Zaragoza de la última jornada de LaLiga de la campaña 2010-11

9 Dec 10:17 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830414030163.html
Prvo su se zgražavali, a onda raznežili: Srpska blogerka bacala novac po lokalu za rođendan, a potom je OVO rasplakalo javnost!


9 Dec 17:53 REPUBLIKA 2543998404732001950.html
Incidente Vibo Valentia: Giancarlo non ce l’ha fatta, morto a 40 anni dopo un mese di agonia

Giancarlo Chiarello, 40 anni, era rimasto gravemente ferito nell’incidente stradale costato la vita al suo amico Michele Gullone. Posto in coma farmacologico a Catanzaro, è deceduto questa mattina a distanza di circa un mese dallo schianto lungo la strada provinciale 77 tra Francica e San Costantino, in provincia di Vibo Valentia.

9 Dec 15:31 fanpage.it 1517332167149901823.html
Laury Thilleman mariage imminent avec Juan Arbelaez ? Une photo qui en dit long

Ce n'est pas la première fois que des indices laissent à penser que Laury Thilleman et Juan Arbelaez sont fiancés. Le dernier en date, publié par l'ancienne Miss France, est plus que parlant....

9 Dec 12:08 Purepeople 1712099803976456660.html
Italijan na centru u Pireju, Zvezdaši ga pamte po dobru!

Duel pirejskih i beogradskih crveno-belih sudiće italijanski sudija.

9 Dec 11:19 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496515927899.html
Polymega Slips Into Early 2020, But It's Bringing Some Cool Stuff With It

Intelligent patches! New screen filters! Impressive compatibility!

9 Dec 09:00 Nintendo Life 5246707018074319843.html
Modelo da África ganha Miss Universo e discursa contra racismo: 'Somos bonitas'

A Miss Universo 2019 é da África do Sul! Zozibini Tunzi levou a coroa com discurso sobre representatividade e contra o preconceito. 'Eu cresci em um mundo onde mulheres como eu, com a minha pele e o m...

9 Dec 11:33 Purepeople 5674914088963584770.html
Seth Rogen töpfert Aschenbecher für Joints

Manch einer holt sich seinen Ausgleich im Fitnessstudio oder beim Yoga. Der kanadische Schauspieler hat die Töpferei für sich entdeckt.

9 Dec 09:12 DIE WELT 6197693429451112649.html
This Dividend-Paying Chip Stock Could Switch Up a Gear in 2020

Secular end-market growth should be a catalyst for chipmaker Analog Devices in the new year.

9 Dec 16:44 The Motley Fool 2231313658621322936.html
Prancūzijoje streikas toliau paralyžiuoja transporto sistemą

Sumaištis Prancūzijos transporto sistemoje pirmadienį dar labiau padidėjo, profesinėms sąjungoms penktą dieną tęsiant streiką prieš prezidentą Emmanuelį Macroną (Emanuelį Makroną) ir jo pensijų reformos planus, kuriuos vyriausybė turėtų paskelbti vėliau šią savaitę.

9 Dec 15:30 budas.lt 7514915613355624885.html
Rede gaúcha de lojas de roupa chega a Joinville

A rede gaúcha de moda Lojas Pompéia chega a Santa Catarina, inaugurando duas lojas em Florianópolis, foi no dia 6 e Joinville, a inauguração acontece nesta segunda-feira, dia 9.

9 Dec 11:03 NSC Total 4216767908950847895.html
4 Arti Spesial Medali Emas SEA Games 2019 bagi Greysia / Apriyani

Medali emas SEA Games 2019 tersebut sangat penting bukan hanya bagi Indonesia, tapi juga Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu secara pribadi.

9 Dec 15:55 Bola.com 1695722602696342112.html
Watch: Manipur’s Rex Singh grabs eight wickets on opening day of Ranji Trophy’s new season

Batting first, Mizoram were bundled out for just 65 in just under an hour with Rex Singh being the wrecker-in-chief.

9 Dec 11:59 Scroll.in 8669301692620924206.html
Cian Cowley vs. Sam Patterson booked for Brave CF 33

Cian Cowley will look to bounce back into the win column at Brave CF 33.

9 Dec 13:30 MMA FIGHTING 2898528044032255929.html
Destituyen a funcionarios que agredieron a indígenas en el Zócalo de CDMX (VIDEO)

Luego de que se diera a conocer la indignante noticia en la que funcionarios p&uacute;blicos retiraron y agredieron a ind&iacute;genas en el Z&oacute;calo de CDMX, se notific&oacute; que fueron destituidos.

9 Dec 08:43 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624693616355.html
Rumo do Hospital Espanhol será decidido durante audiência na Câmara de Salvador

O hospital é alvo de cobranças de dívidas trabalhistas por parte dos ex-funcionários, que chegam a R$ 135 milhões.

9 Dec 10:52 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713321862392.html
Top 3 Tekno: Spesifikasi Galaxy A51 Muncul di Internet Jelang Peluncuran

Bocoran informasi tentang spesifikasi Galaxy A51 pun marak muncul di internet dan mencuri perhatian pembaca kanal Tekno Liputan6.com, Minggu (8/12/2019).

9 Dec 11:30 liputan6.com 3414318497026543282.html
Hiszpański dziennik ostrzega: ISIS zachęca do zamachu terrorystycznego na jarmark bożonarodzeniowy

​Wydawany w Madrycie dziennik "La Razon" ostrzega przed możliwym atakiem terrorystycznym. Celem ataku miałby być jeden z licznych jarmarków bożonarodzeniowych, jakie odbywają się na terenie Hiszpanii. Gazeta powołuje się na komunikaty kierowane przez jedną z organizacji dżihadystycznych.

9 Dec 16:30 RMF24 3758900158877349454.html
Tolosa Paz explicó cómo comenzará a trabajar el programa contra el hambre desde este martes

La titular del Consejo Federal de políticas sociales anunció la creación de una tarjeta alimentaria, así como también del impulso para que se sancione la ley de góndolas, que buscará generar mayor oferta de alimentos. “Tenemos la responsabilidad de escuchar y sentar a todos los sectores que están involucrados en la producción de alimentos, en la comercialización, las universidades, iglesias”, dijo al respecto.

9 Dec 14:30 Infocielo 6573250472722920838.html
McLaren reveals track-focused 620R

High-performance machine is limited to just 350 units

9 Dec 10:45 Shropshire Star 3480199992429746441.html
Grbić ljut zbog suspendovanja Rusije: To su dvostruki aršini, pouzdano se zna da Amerikanci ne idu na doping kontrolu!

Za američke sportiste

9 Dec 16:05 Вечерње новости 4219870591736620900.html
Dopo Bagnolo, si presenta anche a Paesana il progetto della “Porta di Valle”

Sorgerà nei locali dell’ex Convitto alpino. L’incontro, in programma mercoledì sera alle 18, è aperto a tutti, ma rivolto in particolar modo ai potenziali interessati alla gestione della struttura

9 Dec 13:15 Targatocn.it 7367208848512507542.html
Atlético de San Luis se pone fecha límite para conseguir técnico

El conjunto potosino reportó a pretemporada para el Clausura 2020 todavía sin entrenador definido.

9 Dec 16:29 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073158335392.html
Aplicaţia de food delivery EuCeMananc se lansează la Cluj-Napoca

Platforma online de food delivery EuCeMananc se lansează, luni, în Cluj-Napoca, iar clujenii vor putea comanda mâncarea preferată din aplicaţie, de unde pot alege dintre cele peste 50 de restaurante existente.

9 Dec 12:15 News.ro 1785173097286382923.html
Modlitwa za ofiary wybuchu gazu

W intencji ofiar niedawnej katastrofy, ich bliskich, a także wszystkich, którzy nieśli i wciąż niosą pomoc modlono się 8 grudnia św. w kościele parafialnym w Szczyrku. Wielu uczestników Mszy św. wspom

9 Dec 13:27 eKAI 4704869673005258566.html
Amazon Offerte di Natale 2019: sconti hi-tech

Amazon lancia la promozione Offerte di Natale; sino al 22 dicembre migliaia di sconti su tantissimi prodotti.

9 Dec 09:03 Webnews 4852331585165605897.html
Prakiraan Cuaca Ambon dan Sekitarnya Besok Selasa 10 Desember: 1 Daerah Hujan Siang Hari

Prakiraan cuaca Ambon dan sekitarnya besok Selasa 10 Desember 2019: Masohi hujan siang hari

9 Dec 13:06 Tribunnews.com 3323534445351164635.html
Jenni Rivera revela en audio inédito amenazas de muerte de narcos

Este 9 de diciembre se cumplen ocho años de la muerte de la cantante Jenni Rivera, quien falleció en un accidente en una aeronave. El audio de entrevista

9 Dec 15:58 Diario de Yucatán 261200017410499981.html
Químicos en tintes para el pelo asociados a riesgo de cáncer de mama

Un amplio estudio cuestiona la seguridad de los tintes para el cabello permanentes y los alisadores químicos. El riesgo varía entre 7% entre mujeres blancas y 45% en afroamericanas. Especialistas dicen que el riesgo no es mayor que el de obesidad o sedentarismo.

9 Dec 16:27 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543113769203.html
MLB Winter Meetings 2019 dates, trade rumors, top free agents available

Hopefully, the 2019 Winter Meetings will prove more exciting than the 2018 installment. Here's all you need to know about this year's event in San Diego, including updated trade rumors and free agent news.

9 Dec 14:55 Sporting News 5110653852856252689.html
Listeye bir çizik daha: Muş'ta gri kategoride aranan terörist etkisiz hale getirildi

İçişleri Bakanlığı, Muş kırsalındaki operasyonda etkisiz hale getirilen 5 teröristten birinin gri kategoride aranan Erdal Tekay olduğunun tespit edildiğini açıkladı.

9 Dec 13:28 Yeni Şafak 1729259405339323912.html
‘Make public draft law on Sabarimala’

All India Sabarimala Action Council threatens to approach Centre

9 Dec 16:17 The Hindu 6679535024577278566.html
Brutal pelea en Soledad dejó un muerto a machete, un herido y tres capturados

El hecho se dio en el barrio Los Almendros III de ese municipio de Atlántico.

9 Dec 12:29 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586354179035.html
Sidney uit ‘Temptation Island’ heeft een nieuwe vriendin

Sidney Bout, die samen met zijn ex-vriendin Demi deelnam aan de meest recente editie van ‘Temptation Island’, heeft een nieuwe vriendin. Ze luistert naar de naam Rowan Bakkum. Hoewel Sidney en Demi het ‘Temptation Island’-avontuur nipt overleefden, raakte enkele maanden geleden bekend dat de twee alsnog uit elkaar zijn gegaan. Demi betrapte hem immers met

9 Dec 13:08 Zita 7484176339461734609.html
Investigan a embajador de México en Argentina por robar en librería de Buenos Aires

Obrador pide evitar 'linchamiento' contra embajador en Argentina tras supuesto robo de libro.

9 Dec 11:23 Diario La Prensa 7797091974745801858.html
La finlandesa Sanna Marin, la primera ministra más joven del mundo

La socialdemócrata, de 34 años, sustituye a Antti Rinne, que perdió la confianza de los socios de coalición

9 Dec 08:24 elPeriodico 7291954035025896196.html
Vocalista de Doctor Krápula extrañó el apoyo de Juanes, Carlos Vives o Silvestre en concierto del paro

El cantante recordó la participación de sus colegas en el concierto de la Frontera en apoyo de Venezuela, pero señaló la ausencia que han tenido en su propio país.

9 Dec 14:58 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586050322486.html
El Ford Mustang Mach 1 regresará como muscle car, para sustituir al Bullitt

Información y fotos del probable regreso del Ford Mustang Mach 1

9 Dec 17:00 Motorpasión México 7792827235155840125.html
Galatasaray Cyriel Dessers'i transfer etmek istiyor!

Süper Lig ve Şampiyonlar Ligi'nde beklenen performansın uzağında kalan Galatasaray'da devre arası transfer çalışmaları başladı. Sarı kırmızılılar Falcao ve Andone'nin yokluğunda yaşadığı forvet sıkıntısına bir daha düşmemek için gözünü Heracles forması giyen 25 yaşındaki futbolcu Cyriel Dessers'e çevirdi. Geçtiğimiz sezonu şampiyon olarak tamamlayan ancak bu sezon bekleneni veremeyen Galatasaray'da transfer çalışmaları başladı.

9 Dec 12:11 Aspor 2128725310192778527.html
El jutge arxiva la causa contra l'exregidora de València en Comú María Oliver pel conveni del mapa escolar

El jutge ha arxivat la causa després que cap de les acusacions –la Fiscalia i el PP– haja presentat escrit de qualificació contra ella en relació amb el conveni subscrit entre l'administració local i la Universitat de València per a estudiar el sistema educatiu

9 Dec 09:29 Diari La Veu 8769648853458272240.html
Tacha leads while others follow - Uche Maduagwu says after she hit 1m IG followers

Actor Uche Maduagwu has shown his support for former Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate, Tacha, on social media. The actor shared a post on his Instagram page heaping praises on the reality star.

9 Dec 09:00 Legit 3764253649955942465.html
Zozibini Tunzi aus Südafrika ist die neue "Miss Universe"

Es gibt eine neue "Miss Universe": Die Titelträgerin heißt 2019 Zozibini Tunzi und kommt aus Südafrika. Sie bekam die Krone in Atlanta von Vorjahressiegerin ...

9 Dec 08:26 VIP.de 2239798193718073034.html
Hushållen tror fortsatt på stigande bopriser

Hushållens förväntningar på bostadspriserna ligger still på samma nivå som under förra månaden, enligt SEB:s månatliga boprisindikator. Indexet steg med en enhet till 43. 60 procent av hushållen tror på stigande priser det kommande året, tre procentenhe

9 Dec 08:43 HD 3336945412856464433.html
WHO refutes Prakash Javadekar, says, ‘we wish air pollution didn’t kill people, but it does’

The environment minister had earlier claimed in Parliament that there was no established link between air pollution and a shorter life span.

9 Dec 08:07 Scroll.in 8669301692323013888.html
Crítica a Juanes, Silvestre y otros artistas por cantar por Venezuela y no por Colombia

Mario Muñoz, de Dr. Krápula, cuestionó que sus colegas alzaran la voz en un concierto por la crisis del país vecino, y no en el evento por el paro colombiano. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 12:07 pulzo.com 8971816786298755346.html
Gestão municipal implanta serviço de enfermagem obstetra no Hospital de União

Mais uma conquista para a Saúde de União. A Prefeitura Municipal está implantando o serviço de enfermagem obstetra no Hospital Municipal de União (HMU). Com isso, o parto humanizado é um dos serviços que passará a ser ofertado a partir do dia 1º de janeiro de 2020.Uma reunião com os profissionais que atuarão na equipe foi realizada na manhã da última sexta-feira (06) e na ocasião, o prefeito, Dr. Paulo Henrique, o secretário de saúde Narcizo Chagas e a diretora do HMU, Thayrine Pimentel, conversaram e já acertaram os detalhes com os enfermeiros obstetras.“É mais uma avanço importante para a nossa Saúde, especialmente para as futuras mamães da nossa cidade. Seguimos os trabalhos para melhorar, ofertar mais serviços e em breve inaugurarmos o novo Centro Cirúrgico”, disse o gestor.Da Redaçãoredacao@cidadeverde.com

9 Dec 10:21 CidadeVerde.com 5160524418714040048.html
‘Motherland: Fort Salem’ Exclusive Teaser: Young Witches Take An Oath & Answer The Call

HollywoodLife is exclusively debuting an exclusive teaser of 'Motherland: Fort Salem.'

9 Dec 16:00 Hollywood Life 1852895047117268904.html
Propuesta: tocamiento en el transporte daría hasta seis años de cárcel

La medida busca condenar este tipo de contactos de los que a diario se reciben denuncias.

9 Dec 17:17 El Tiempo 1091719939331580553.html
Udinese, Larsen: "Col Napoli un punto con fiducia, con la Juve sarà più dura"

Il giocatore dell’Udinese Stryger Larsen ha parlato ai microfoni di Udinese TV dopo il pareggio contro il Napoli

9 Dec 16:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081615749091.html
Stephen Strasburg agrees to seven-year, $245M contract with Nationals

SAN DIEGO — Stephen Strasburg is returning to Washington with a record contract, and fellow free agent pitcher Gerrit Cole could be in line for an even larger payday.

9 Dec 14:51 Sportsnet.ca 4293652945943529228.html
Sanna Marin e le altre, in Finlandia il potere è donna

Sanna, 34 anni, sarà il nuovo premier: "Io giovane? Mai pensato all’età". Con lei nella coalizione di governo anche Li e Katri

9 Dec 10:26 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735189402328416.html
La Russia è stata esclusa dalle Olimpiadi e dai Mondiali di calcio fino al 2022

L'esclusione è stata votata all'unanimità dalla WADA dopo l’ennesima prova della mancata collaborazione del sistema antidoping russo

9 Dec 15:50 Il Post 6291746504054169411.html
Briones presenta Plan de Acción de Santiago en COP25: El compromiso de 51 ministros de Hacienda por la crisis climática

La medida liderada por Chile, en conjunto con Finlandia, busca incentivar a los países a acelerar las medidas hacia una transición a economías resilientes al calentamiento global.

9 Dec 14:30 Emol 3328490602279045332.html
Controlli su una Mercedes, veronese con droga e 11 cellulari: arrestato

ROVIGO - I carabinieri del nucleo operativo hanno arrestato per  spaccio  e porto di armi il 38enne Andrea Antole, veronese con precedenti  penali: i militari  controllavano...

9 Dec 15:08 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447226414574.html
TV-Star reitet auf einem Elefanten und wird mit Tierquälerei-Vorwürfen überhäuft

Die britische Schauspielerin Karren Brady wurde auf Twitter mit bösen Vorwürfen konfrontiert. Wegen einem Elefantenritt bekam sie Tierquälerei-Kommentare.

9 Dec 10:15 TAG24 4583887874275410661.html
10 coisas que as mulheres estão acostumadas a procurar nos homens

Meu Rubi reuniu as qualidades que as mulheres buscam em seus parceiros masculinos.

9 Dec 15:06 R10 3167340813919270634.html
Capturan a dos hombres de confianza de 'Pablito', jefe del Eln

"El 'Gordo Murillo' sería el articulador de la línea estratégica ordenada por 'Pablito'.

9 Dec 15:36 El Tiempo 1091719939594023872.html
Prominente schenken aus: Ein Punschstand für "Steirer helfen Steirern" in Graz

Heute Nachmittag und Abend werden am Eisernen Tor beim Punschstand der Kleinen Zeitung Getränke für den guten Zweck ausgeschenkt. Mit dabei sind unter anderen auch Kabarettist Gernot Haas, Sportler des TSV Hartberg und der Graz 99ers sowie Kleine-Chefredakteur Hubert Patterer.

9 Dec 13:01 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699004507889.html
Bruselas da un empujón político a un proyecto paneuropeo de baterías

La Comisión Europea autoriza 3.200 millones en ayudas públicas para el desarrollo de un sector que considera "estratégico"

9 Dec 17:21 elPeriodico 7291954034430335503.html
Compañía de ahorro acató la medida cautelar dictada por el juez Casals

Con el objetivo de frenar los aumentos en las cuotas, que de la mano de las devaluaciones y la suba del dólar se incrementaron exponencialmente, los tenedores de planes de ahorros decidieron recurrir a...

9 Dec 17:00 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724236376503.html
La presunta violación a Carlota Prado en 'Gran Hermano' salta nuestras fronteras

El caso llega a la prensa internacional haciéndose eco grandes medios como la BBC, 'The New York Times' y la CNN

9 Dec 11:16 elPeriodico 7291954034211437263.html
Lubelskie kupuje nowe pociągi. Umowa podpisana

W poniedziałek (9 grudnia) województwo lubelskie podpisało umowę z firmą Newag<br />na dostawę ośmiu fabrycznie nowych elektrycznych zespołów trakcyjnych (EZT). Wartość umowy wynosi 150 mln zł i ma zostać zrealizowana w ciągu 24 miesięcy.<br /><br />

9 Dec 16:35 Portal Samorządowy 740157209220207864.html
Filip Joos: “Anderlecht wil zo iemand binnenhalen in januari”

RSC Anderlecht staat voor enkele belangrijke weken. Niet alleen op het veld, maar ook ernaast. In januari moet paars-wit immers enkele inkomende transfers doen.

9 Dec 10:00 Voetbal24 8097814615614928183.html
Sutter Rock Capital Corp. (NASDAQ:SSSS) Receives Consensus Recommendation of “Strong Buy” from Analysts

Shares of Sutter Rock Capital Corp. (NASDAQ:SSSS) have been given an average broker rating score of 1.00 (Strong Buy) from the two brokers that provide coverage for the stock, Zacks Investment Research reports. Two equities research analysts have rated the stock with a strong buy recommendation. Analysts have set a one year consensus price target […]

9 Dec 17:39 Markets Daily 6922190227290421875.html
Minister urges shoppers to boycott ‘un-Australian’ Coles

Senior Nationals minister David Littleproud has called for shoppers to boycott Coles until it puts a 20-cent levy on all dairy products to help farmers.

9 Dec 12:21 The New Daily 5848147785289038717.html
México le ordena al embajador en Argentina "que regrese a casa" para investigar si robó un libro

Ricardo Valero fue sorprendido cuando se llevaba sin pagar un ejemplar de la biografía de Giacomo Casanova de la famosa librería El Ateneo.

9 Dec 14:31 Todo Noticias 8077539163138327991.html
EuroLeague All-Decade Nominee: Gustavo Ayon

Mexican center Gustavo Ayon added to the list of bids for the All-Decade Team.

9 Dec 10:11 Eurohoops 1716826101658875598.html
Sanna Marin: 34-year-old female becomes Finland's youngest prime minister

Finland picked its youngest citizen as prime minister on Sunday, December 8, after former transport minister, Sanna Marin, won an election.

9 Dec 08:38 Legit 3764253650351999170.html
Just Eat takeover battle hots up with fresh $6.5 billion Prosus bid

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Prosus (PRX.AS) raised its unsolicited cash offer for British food delivery service Just Eat (JE.L) to $6.5 billion on Monday, ratcheting up the pressure on rival bidder Takeaway (TKWY.AS) in their bitter takeover battle.

9 Dec 17:04 Reuters 8334514181746283736.html
Menino acordado pro mundo, no vasto seringal do Acre…

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 09:48 GGN 1188436354371113275.html
Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell 'plans to defend her friend Prince Andrew in a tell-all interview on US TV'

The British socialite (pictured with Epstein) accused of procuring young girls for the paedophile financier, wants to defend the Duke of York after his disastrous Newsnight interview.

9 Dec 08:08 Mail Online 124328112070536696.html
Ecto-1 is the barn find of a lifetime in 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife'

Following the women-led "Ghostbusters" reboot in 2016, a completely new chapter in the franchise will be born in 2020. "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" will featur

9 Dec 15:05 Autoblog 4372976971754794782.html
Defiende AMLO entrega de puertos a la Marina: “cuando se habla de militarizar se exagera” | Entérate

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador aseguró que es suya la iniciativa de dar a la Marina las operaciones de puertos y aduanas, porque la importancia estratégica que tienen las instalaciones y la confianza que hay en Semar; por lo cual, dijo que le parece exagerada la crítica de que se van a militarizar las operaciones mercantes.

9 Dec 17:08 Aristegui Noticias 7224289495347378284.html
Macri ratificó su compromiso con una "oposición constructiva"

El presidente Mauricio Macri, en su último día de mandato, se despidió hoy de los periodistas acreditados en la Casa Rosada, donde reiteró su vocación de hacer una "oposición constructiva" desde Juntos por el Cambio.    El mandatario, tras encabezar su última reunión de gabinete, se dirigió a la Sala de periodistas para despedirse de los acreditados, donde reiteró que a partir de mañana, tras entregar los atributos del mando presidencial al presidente electo Alberto Fernández, seguirá trabajando "por la república y el respeto a la ley".    Además, expresó su deseo que a partir de este martes "tengamos una oposición constructiva", tras sostener que esa es la "vocación de Juntos por el Cambio", espacio que seguirá "defendiendo las libertades, la república, el respeto a la ley".    "Queremos ayudar que el proceso de mejora y cambio continúe", añadió el Presidente, quien llegó a Sala acompañado por su jefe de Gabinete, Marcos Peña, el secretario general de Presidencia, Fernando De Andreis, el secretario de Medios…

9 Dec 13:40 El Esquiú 5729181307447981818.html
Tuttosport: "Milan, finalmente il salto di qualità"

L'edizione odierna di Tuttosport titola così questa mattina: "Milan, finalmente il salto di qualità". Prosegue la rinascita dei rossoneri che, dopo la vittoria di Parma, ieri sera hanno portato a casa i tre punti anche da Bologna. Tra le notizie più positive per Pioli c'è certamente la prestazione di Piatek.   

9 Dec 09:47 MilanNews.it 6507305922348771442.html
Mahfuz: 59,689 cabbies, e-hailing drivers have signed up with Socso since October

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 9 — About 59,689 taxi and e-hailing drivers have registered under the Social Security Organisation (Socso) since October this year, said Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Mahfuz Omar. He said various initiatives were undertaken by the government, to attract the public...

9 Dec 15:08 Malaymail 302165934799602449.html
Cómo probar el modo oscuro de WhatsApp en tu móvil, pasos necesarios y trucos

Puede que el modo oscuro haya llegado a una enorme cantidad de aplicaciones, pero aún hay algunas que, pese a la expectación creada, siguen sin ofrecerlo de...

9 Dec 16:17 Xataka Android 8206963585312548842.html
BTS rinde TRIBUTO al rapero Juice Wrld ¡Conmovedor! (VIDEO)

Los chicos de BTS han lamentado mucho la muerte del rapero Juice Wrld, por lo que le han dedicado un conmovedor tributo.

9 Dec 13:00 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622859028559.html
Lotto chiefs announce that €6.8million jackpot ticket was sold in Mooncoin, Co Kilkenny

National Lottery chiefs also revealed that the lucky winner has already been in touch

9 Dec 15:12 Irish Mirror 2875825629218705681.html
Caso Fenapi, riparte il processo a De Luca con un’accusa in più

Riprende il 16 dicembre il processo al sindaco De Luca e gli ex collaboratori nel patronato Fenapi, dopo la riunione in un unico fascicolo di due processi diversi

9 Dec 09:16 Tempostretto 3143171743398479067.html
ERC enfría la investidura de Sánchez y aleja el acuerdo con el PSOE

Mientras hay quienes urgen a los socialistas a cerrar la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, hay quienes prefieren tomarse con calma las negociaciones. Es el caso de ERC, que ha postergado a enero la llegada del posible acuerdo con Ferraz para desbloquear la in

9 Dec 13:43 Diariocrítico 5375131906020835521.html
Bigg Boss 13 POLL RESULTS: Just Like Rashami Desai, Fans Too Are SHOCKED To Find Out Arhaan Khan’s Secrets

Rashami Desai was extremely shocked to find out Arhaan Khan’s secrets during Bigg Boss 13 Weekend Ka Vaar with Salman Khan. Not just her, as per the poll results on SpotboyE, fans of the show too were shocked to know that he is already married and has a kid

9 Dec 11:34 SPOTBOYE 1547816858366963035.html
AMLO pide a Pelosi que se decida sobre el T-MEC y lo aprueben prontamente | Entérate

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador dijo que los tiempos ya están muy encima para aprobar el nuevo tratado de comercio con Estados Unidos y Canadá, por lo que pidió a Nancy Pelosi, líder de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos, que se decida sobre este tema y lo aprueben. Sostuvo que México ha cumplido cabalmente lo que le corresponde y consideró que es un buen acuerdo para la economía.

9 Dec 16:01 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496134798899.html
Solo la discusión del quinto lugar queda para Granma en el balonmano masculino

Otro traspié de Granma, esta vez frente a Holguín 43 goles por 36, le llevó a optar por el quinto puesto del Campeonato nacional de Balonmano masculino, que se juega en la sala Amistad de Santa Clara. Vencer a los anfitriones de Villa Clara sería el único consuelo de los granmenses; porque las victorias de … Seguir leyendo Solo la discusión del quinto lugar queda para Granma en el balonmano masculino →

9 Dec 09:11 La Demajagua 796151391943904348.html
Gibt es eine Chance auf weiße Weihnachten?

Dauergrau, regnerisch und reichlich windig - der Dezember präsentiert sich aktuell von seiner ungemütlichen Seite. In den nächsten Tagen fällt mancherorts Schnee. Das wirft die Frage aller Fragen auf: Gibt es weiße Weihnachten?

9 Dec 11:01 hessenschau.de 6403292202585843599.html
Colombie: manifestation bruyante et colorée contre le président

Des dizaines milliers de manifestants ont défilé, chanté et fait résonner des casseroles à Bogota dans une manifestation colorée par des artistes, pour protester une fois de plus contre la politique du président de droite colombien Ivan Duque. Les manifestants s’étaient réunis à l’appel de dizaines d’artistes et musiciens locaux, pour un concert itinérant qui […]

9 Dec 10:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092586482997176.html
Stocks, gold gain as trade war spurs both hopes, concerns

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Global equity markets advanced on Monday as stocks on Wall Street held near record highs on hopes U.S.-Sino talks delay a U.S. tariff deadline this coming Sunday, while gold rose as investors hedged against a possible escalation in the trade war.

9 Dec 16:48 Reuters 8334514180211209758.html
Acabaram as borlas? Tesla vai passar a cobrar pelo acesso à Internet nos seus carros

O cenário de ofertas poderá estar prestes a mudar, com uma nova decisão da empresa de Elon Musk. A Tesla em breve vai começar a cobrar pelo aceso à Internet nos seus carros, para assim dar acesso aos seus serviços.

9 Dec 08:00 Pplware 5187268351557534159.html
Los Cazafantasmas vuelven y ya hay adelanto de su película

El tráiler, que no muestra muchos detalles sobre el film, solo es uno de los tantos que vendrán.

9 Dec 17:38 NTN24 8482749625123379416.html
„Höchst fragwürdige Praxis“ in Berlin: Heftige Kritik an Angela Merkel 

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel sieht sich aktuell scharfer Kritik ausgesetzt: Sie soll Parteimitgliedern, wie AKK, auch ohne Regierungsamt Zugang zu Regierungstreffen ermöglicht haben.

9 Dec 11:05 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238030914383.html
Carmelo Anthony y las advertencias a Chris Paul sobre cómo se hacen las cosas en Houston

El paso de Carmelo Anthony por Houston, aparte de ser fugaz y poco remarcable desde un punto de vista deportivo, ha dejado un pequeño rastro de consecuencias sobre las que ha merecido la pena irse parando para analizarlas. Una de ellas, la última que hemos conocido para ser precisos, habla de la desconfianza que generó en el veterano jugador los modos en los que los Rockets decidieron que no querían seguir contando con sus servicios.

9 Dec 09:09 nbamaniacs 7542071041399358759.html
US-Rapper stirbt im Alter von 21 Jahren

Jarad Anthony Higgins wurde nur 21 Jahre alt. Er erlitt einen Krampfanfall am Flughafen von Chicago.

9 Dec 08:44 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568472597159.html
Rise in crime due to economic crisis in Tripura: CPI (M)

Taking potshots at Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, who said in September this year that crimes against women have ‘drastically’ come down, the CPI (M) leader said National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) has put Tripura among the top states in India in terms of rapes and murders.

9 Dec 16:09 The Indian Express 2885715104496493446.html
Renato Ibarra se lesionó al anotar gol y causa baja sensible en el América

El atacante ecuatoriano Renato Ibarra se lesionó luego de haber convertido el primer gol del América en el partido de vuelta contra Morelia.

9 Dec 09:06 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830152581092.html
NCT's Haechan sings of last goodbyes in video teaser for 'STATION X' holiday single 'Coming Home'

NCT is only a few days away from the release of their special holiday single for SMTOWN's 'STATION X'!On December 9 KST, a day after Doyoung's …

9 Dec 10:14 allkpop 3249686059997535704.html
KOD SINA ČLANA SURČINSKOG KLANA PRONAĐENA POLICIJSKA ZNAČKA: Gvozdenov otac je Stakleni, a brat mu je trostruki ubica

Kod Gvozdena Jovanovića, sina surčinskog kriminalca Ljubomira Jovanovića Staklenog, policija je na Novom Beogradu u kontroli vozila pronašla značku jednog od policijskih sindikata.Kontrola, u kojoj je značka pronađena, dogodila se u subotu uveče, i bila je ...

9 Dec 10:31 kurir.rs 6515665028094285074.html
Woman rushed to hospital with ‘serious injuries’ after Newton Mearns ‘disturbance’ as man arrested

A WOMAN was left with “serious injuries” as a man was arrested after a “disturbance” in Newton Mearns. Cops confirmed they were called to a property on Castle Road in the to…

9 Dec 12:13 The Scottish Sun 6609127672655642808.html
First Polio Case in Malaysia in 27 Years

Malaysia registered the first case of polio in 27 years, the France Press reported, citing the Malaysian Ministry of Health. A three-month-old baby, originally from the city of Tuaran in Malaysia's Sabah state on Borneo island, was admitted to a hospital with symptoms of fever and muscle weakness on Friday, the ministry said.

9 Dec 10:52 novinite.com 4235039570374813289.html
Executions ahead? Buxar jail told to make 10 ropes

Buxar Central jail has been supplying ropes to different jails throughout the country since 1930.

9 Dec 08:19 The New Indian Express 4718288653132995956.html
Vođu barskog klana ubio čovek blizak Bojovićevim ljudima: Pucao je iz heklera, od ranije poznat i srpskoj policiji!

Baranin Stefan Đukić (29), osumnjičen je da je 1. novembra u Baru ubio sugrađanina Jovana Klisića i teško ranio Velizara Gardaševića i on se trenutno nalazi u bekstvu.

9 Dec 09:03 REPUBLIKA 2543998406137851243.html
CDQ Reveals Why Mo’Cheddah  Isn’t Sexiest Female Artiste

CDQ Olowo has dropped a bombshell as he reveals that singer, Mo'Cheddah would have been the sexiest female artiste if she was not sleeping around.

9 Dec 11:06 Concise 5544636822652714906.html
El 90 por ciento de morbilidad achacable al cambio climático afecta a niños

El 90 por ciento de la morbilidad achacable al cambio climatico corresponde a niños y, en concreto, a menores de 5 años, segun datos del Fondo de Naciones

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264512056296.html
The US raked in a record $7.2 billion in tariffs in October, new data shows

The US government collected a record amount in tariffs in October as a trade dispute between the Trump administration and China escalated. Reven...

9 Dec 10:30 Business Insider 3364799146960309691.html
Niña que amenazó vía Snapchat con tirotear una escuela es arrestada

La comisaría del condado de Broward indicó que la amenaza incluía una “lista de muertos”, con nombres de estudiantes de la secundaria Falcon Cove Middle School.

9 Dec 17:55 Publinews 8987875304391957171.html
Axel Witsel maakt lelijke val in huis en is na operatie klaar in 2019

Borussia Dortmund kan dit kalenderjaar niet meer beschikken over Axel Witsel. De Belgische middenvelder is geblesseerd geraakt in zijn eigen huis. De dertigjarige international is gevallen, waarbij hij een kwetsuur in zijn gezicht heeft opgelopen. Witsel is inmiddels geopereerd en kan pas in 2020 weer in actie komen, zo laat de Duitse topclub maandag weten via de officiële kanalen.

9 Dec 13:02 Voetbalzone 9096760911876653784.html
Vivendi / Mediaset : pas d'annonce de la Justice italienne avant fin janvier?

Le projet de réorganisation de Mediaset resterait au moins bloqué jusqu'au 21 janvier...

9 Dec 17:05 Boursier.com 7351227821083964629.html
Pietro Lombardi in großer Trauer: "Er war immer wie ein eigener Papa"

Sänger Pietro Lombardi trauert um den Vater eines sehr guten Freundes. Der Tod nimmt ihn schwer mit.

9 Dec 10:46 TAG24 4583887874342019964.html
La última ocurrencia de los mellizos de Alice Campello: ¡ahora ayudan a limpiar la casa!

Alessandro y Leonardo, los mellizos de Alice Campello y Álvaro Morata, siempre están aprendiendo algo nuevo. Este puente les hemos visto dar sus primeros pasos en el mundo del arte, y pintar un lienzo a cuatro manos, ante la atenta mirada de su madre. Después de ponerlo todo perdido, ahora ha llegado el momento de ponerse a limpiar. Alessandro y Leonardo no han dudado en coger la bayeta y dejarlo todo bien reluciente. Alice Campello se ha encargado de difundir un vídeo en el que se ve cómo los mellizos se ponen manos a la obra mientras sus padres los contemplan entre orgullosos y divertidos. ¿Quieres ver cómo ha sido ese momento? Dale al play y no te lo pierdas.

9 Dec 16:34 Hola.com 2035212430289357400.html
Johnson et Corbyn redoublent d'efforts pour séduire les électeurs

Le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson et son adversaire travailliste Jeremy Corbyn ont redoublé d'efforts lundi pour convaincre les électeurs, à trois jours d'un scrutin décisif pour le Brexit et l'avenir du Royaume-Uni.

9 Dec 16:04 lintern@ute 4548664964274513283.html
Meglio il gol di Son o quello di Suarez?

Due gol bellissimi e molto diversi.

9 Dec 11:43 L'Ultimo Uomo 1667880053722185213.html
Ministerio de Defensa destaca el compromiso del Ejército con el desarrollo del país

El Ministerio de Defensa (Mindef) destacó el compromiso del Ejército del Perú con el desarrollo del país y su trabajo por la defensa nacional, en un saludo por el Día del Ejército que se difundió en redes sociales acompañado con la frase #SiemprePorElPerú.

9 Dec 09:00 andina.pe 9054036850047490612.html
Nati-Direktor Tami: “Petkovic ist unsere erste Option”

Noch ist die Trainerfrage bei der Schweizer Nati nicht beantwortet. Bis spätestens nächsten März soll laut Nationalmannschafts-Direktor Pierluigi Tami Klarheit herrschen.

9 Dec 16:28 4-4-2.com 812646141582723094.html
Un poste de telefonía a punto de caerse sobre una capilla en barrio El Arenal

En el suroeste Vecinos reclaman hace más de una semana a la empresa de teléfono para que repare la columna. En esta cuadra también funciona un el jardín Santa Lucía. Queda en el Pasaje Remedios de Escalada al 4600.

9 Dec 13:35 El Litoral 2624573358944067039.html
HomeKit für Ikea-Rollos: Kunden müssen länger warten

Der von Ikea für Herbst 2019 angekündigte HomeKit-Support zweier Rollo-Modelle wird verschoben. Wie das Unternehmen mitteilte, müssen sich Kunden bis nächstes Jahr gedulden.

9 Dec 14:25 MacTechNews.de 1297039196960292072.html
La Policía Municipal investiga la aparición de 20 ruedas pinchadas en una calle de Iruñea

La Polic&iacute;a Municipal de Iru&ntilde;ea est&aacute; investigando la aparici&oacute;n de veinte ruedas pinchadas en la calle Azella de la capital navarra...

9 Dec 09:23 naiz: 5941112989127725896.html
Fulvio abbate in difesa di checco zalone:nel suo video c’


9 Dec 10:20 DAGOSPIA 6533336738971972882.html
Dem Rep. Jayapal: Trump Himself Is the 'Smoking Gun' in Impeachment Case | Breitbart

Monday on CNN's "New Day," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) charged President Donald Trump with being the "smoking gun" in the impeachment case against him | Clips

9 Dec 14:39 Breitbart 3148363491658188762.html
Segern gav Stenson rejält hopp i rankningen

Golf Henrik Stensons seger på Bahamas i helgen gjorde ett rejält avtryck på golfens världsrankning. Svensken hoppar upp från 40:e till 26:e plats – och är därmed tillbaka på samma position som han var på i början av året.

9 Dec 08:24 www.unt.se 8922556089329131246.html
'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe says he feels 'really terrible' for Meghan Markle because of the scrutiny she faces, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Radcliffe said the media attention he faced while filming "Harry Potter" is just a fraction of what Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are going through.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 12:21 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755515058645.html
'Marriage Story' tops Golden Globe Award nominations with 6

NEW YORK — Noah Baumbach's divorce portrait “Marriage Story” leads the 77th Golden Globes with six nominations including best motion picture, drama.

9 Dec 13:48 KitchenerToday.com 52741010455747573.html
Pinedo: Macri no está para tener un cargo y podría apoyar otra candidatura presidencial

"Los cordobeses, al igual que los ciudadanos de cualquier provincia, son más importantes que cualquier partido político", señaló.

9 Dec 12:20 La Voz 6237180760485954556.html
DANAS SLAVIMO SVETOG ALIMPIJA: Spasao je narod od kuge, a evo šta nikako ne smete da jedete na ovaj praznik

Srpska pravoslavna crkva i njeni vernici na današnji dan proslavljaju praznik posvećen prepodobnom mučeniku Alimpiju Stolpniku.Iako u kalendaru nije označen crnim slovom, ovaj svetac je veoma poštovan u srpskom narodu.Rođen je oko 522. godine u Andrijanopolju ...

9 Dec 09:25 kurir.rs 6515665027870341530.html
En Californie, AutoX demande l'autorisation de tester des véhicules autonomes sans chauffeur de sécurité

AutoX, une start-up chinoise soutenue par le géant de l'e-commerce Alibaba, a demandé l'autorisation à l'Etat de Californie de tester ses véhicules autonomes sans chauffeur de sécurité à leur bord.

9 Dec 14:05 L'Usine Digitale 1522718386648479494.html
Romeo Elvis : Michel Drucker se moque gentiment de ses prises de substances illicites

VIDÉO. Reçu sur le plateau de Vivement Dimanche ce weekend, le chanteur Roméo Elvis a été gentiment moqué par Michel Drucker. Le présentateur a...

9 Dec 11:59 Closermag.fr 1175411577250005292.html
Hauptrolle für "Haraduckschi": Die Missverstandenen drehen bei Hannover 96 auf

Genki Haraguchi und Marvin Ducksch hatten beide keine einfache Zeit bei Hannover 96. Am Samstag drehte das Duo gegen Erzgebeirge Aue auf - und zahlte für das Vertrauen von Trainer Kenan Kocak zurück. Manager Jan Schlaudraff zeigt Verständnis für Ducksch' Anlaufschwierigkeiten.

9 Dec 08:03 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775903451176.html
Evo sugiere a Pary, Choquehuanca, Arce y Andrónico como candidatos del MAS

“Cada uno tiene su propia cualidad”, aseguró el exmandatario que dijo además que los nombres de los postulantes del MAS a la Presidencia y Vicepresidencia, se darán a conocer una  vez se conozca al candidato más fuerte del actual oficialismo.   9 de diciembre (Urgente.bo).- Antes de su viaje de Cuba, el expresidente de Bolivia,

9 Dec 16:06 eju.tv 4688901770564323674.html
Pound a Solid "Contrarian" Bet Against the Dollar for Early 2020: BofA

Foreign exchange strategists at Bank of America Global Research have confirmed they remains positioned for a further recovery in the Pound against the U.S. Dollar, describing the stance as one of their "best contrarian G10 FX trades" for the foreseeable future

9 Dec 15:43 The Pound Sterling Live 6614579507989558638.html
Se hacía pasar por cicpc y pedía dinero para "ofrecer seguridad"

Un hombre fue detenido en el sector Las Peonías, al oeste de Maracaibo, por hacerse pasar por un funcionario del Cicpc.

9 Dec 11:35 Panorama 6052790754055368217.html
Stadt kauft 500 Taschenalarme für Frauen an

Die Stadt Wiener Neustadt kauft 500 Taschenalarme an. Diese können von Frauen, die sich um ihre Sicherheit sorgen, zu vergünstigten Konditionen erworben werden.

9 Dec 12:00 NÖN.at 2486998932472100636.html
"Salvini parla con tutti. Con Di Maio e perfino con Renzi..."

Tensioni nel governo, voto in Emilia Romagna, M5S-Di Maio, competizione Salvini-Meloni... Intervista di Affaritaliani.it a Guido Crosetto

9 Dec 15:58 Affari Italiani 6123405401929600712.html
‘I rejoice’: Finland forms government of five parties all led by women, with youngest prime minister in world

Finland’s coalition government will be composed of five parties all led by women for the first time after the female transport minister won a vote to be the next leader. Sanna Marin has been chosen

9 Dec 13:22 The Independent 2511519172199595801.html
Pactul ecologic european, dezbătut în Parlamentul European

Eurodeputaţii vor dezbate miercuri, la Bruxelles, Pactul ecologic european, în urma căruia UE ar urma să devină primul continent neutru din punct de vedere climatic. După ce Comisia Europeană (CE) va prezenta...

9 Dec 12:51 B1 TV 3840305876819119060.html
Abusos sexuales: Licencia médica del imputado aplazó juicio contra excanciller del Arzobispado

En la audiencia de este lunes se informó que Óscar Muñoz Toledo presentó el documento hace dos días, mientras que el Ministerio Público indicó que desde la próxima semana no contaba con la disponibilidad de los testigos en el caso.

9 Dec 09:20 La Nación 6855788057882701015.html
Prezidentka sa bude demisiou Kalavskej zaoberať po zotavení z choroby

Ministerka zdravotníctva Kalavská sa rozhodla podať demisiu. Kancelária ministerky bude v tejto veci v utorok (10. 12.) kontaktovať prezidentský palác.

9 Dec 16:36 TERAZ.sk 1226704224584311709.html
Berger believes there is room for Vettel and Leclerc at Ferrari

Charles Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel went toe to toe in 2019, and on a few occasions collided. Gerhard Berger believes there is room for both of them at Ferrari and it can help get the best out of the car. 

9 Dec 11:20 GPblog.com 9117728199678611897.html
La paz es una precondición para el desarrollo: PNUD

El administrador del PNUD, Achim Steiner, explica por qué Colombia, a pesar de tener un conflicto de medio siglo, tiene un alto índice de desarrollo y hace un llamado a los gobernantes para que analicen el desarrollo más allá de las cifras tradicionales de crecimiento económico.

9 Dec 12:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543972706125.html
Legea prin care pădurarii vor putea fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu letal, promulgată de Iohannis

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 14:21 Gândul 5586965504527243173.html
Ponta a răbufnit: "M-am săturat de populism ieftin. Singura soluţie echitabilă este impozitarea suplimentară a tuturor pensiilor"

Fostul premier Victor Ponta a dat cărţile pe faţă &icirc;n legătură cu pensiile speciale din Rom&acirc;nia şi propunerea guvernului liberal. Concluzia liderului PRO Romania este impozitarea suplimentara a tuturor pensiilor si salariilor peste

9 Dec 14:59 romaniatv.net 4505369229024500132.html
Un chauffeur de poids lourd meurt dans un accident au CRT de Lesquin

Un tragique accident s’est déroulé ce lundi matin dans les locaux d’une entrepr...

9 Dec 10:05 LA VDN 5307415664027153602.html
Presidential aide Garba Shehu presents 2019 Man of the Year award to Melaye

The former senator representing Kogi West at the National Assembly, Dino Melaye, has won the ‘Man of the Year’ award just days after losing a return to the legislative chamber.

9 Dec 10:51 Legit 3764253649416657536.html
Prediksi Inter Milan vs Barcelona 11 Desember 2019

Prediksi skor Inter Milan vs Barcelona, Liga Champions, UEFA Champions League, UCL, Inter Milan vs Barcelona, Prediksi Bola 11 Desember 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

9 Dec 16:03 Bola.net 5489959029031463354.html
Communiqué de presse: Les programmes de coopération transfrontalière sous la loupe de la Cour des comptes européenne

FR Communiqué de presse Luxembourg, le 9 décembre 2019 Les programmes de...

9 Dec 10:41 Zonebourse 7946574378622629394.html
How Buhari encouraged Egyptian revolutionary protest in 2011 ― Falana

Mr. Femi Falana, SAN, has revealed that President Muhammadu Buhari had 2011 urged Nigerians to emulate and be prepared for a revolution

9 Dec 09:32 Vanguard News 4125100338971854109.html
Opinie Adrian Teampău, Director Taxe Indirecte, Deloitte România: Ce firme vor fi afectate de interzicerea articolelor din plastic?

Nu mai puţin de cinci grame de plastic ajung săptămânal în organismul fiecărui locuitor al planetei prin aer, apă sau hrană. Acesta este principalul motiv pentru care Consiliul Uniunii Europene a decis să interzică o parte din produsele de plastic utilizate zilnic, începând din iulie 2021. Actorii economici precum restaurantele, lanţurile de magazine, cafenelele, barurile sunt forţaţi să identifice alternative biodegradabile pentru produsele care vor fi restricţionate.

9 Dec 09:44 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917668708419.html
WADA a suspendat Rusia de la olimpiade şi campionatele sportive mondiale

Rusia are interdicţie de a participa cu reprezentativele naționale la olimpiade şi campionate mondiale pentru o perioadă de patru ani, dar şi să găzduiască asemenea evenimente sportive majore. Măsura a fost impusă de către Agenţia Mondială Anti-Doping. WA

9 Dec 09:46 PUBLIKA 1679939814332841248.html
“Tinte e liscianti per capelli aumentano rischio tumore”. In Europa è diverso

I dati sono frutto di un ampio studio statunitense e riguardano prodotti non presenti sul mercato dell’Unione Europea.

9 Dec 13:13 DiLei 6707305201446641652.html
Seth Rogen: Schauspieler töpfert selbst Aschenbecher - für seine Joints

Seth Rogen töpfert in seiner Freizeit gerne Aschenbecher. Doch die sind nicht für normale Zigaretten, wie der Schauspieler jetzt verraten hat.

9 Dec 10:22 swp.de 6929179441312343334.html
Baffert will 'back off' High Velocity; return in San Vicente possible

Horse Racing news: Baffert will 'back off' High Velocity; return in San Vicente possible.

9 Dec 17:22 Horse Racing Nation 6225030534357740698.html
SériesBioshock : La suite de la licence culte officiellement lancée

L'éditeur 2K vient d'annoncer la suite de Bioshock et a même créé un studio entièrement dédié à sa production, Cloud Chamber. La team américaine travaillera sur le jeu "pendant les prochaines années".

9 Dec 13:49 melty 8059025069024286839.html
Gosia Andrzejewicz o motywacji do odchudzania

Gosia Andrzejewicz przyznała, że jej motywacja do zrzucenia nadwagi była naprawdę duża. Pod koniec lipca zaczęła intensywnie trenować i stosować dietę, dzięki czemu schudła 14 kilogramów.

9 Dec 14:29 kobieta.interia.pl 4699927334664910311.html
Samantha Akkineni On The Family Man Season 2: Can't Wait For A New Set Of Audience To See My Work

Samantha Akkineni will soon be playing a key role in Bollywood star Manoj Bajpayees web series The Family Man Season 2, and this has piqued the curiosity. During a recent event, the actress spoke about being a part of the show and said that she is excited about adding a new dimension to her career.

9 Dec 12:12 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243587773276.html
South Asian Games: Bangladesh secure gold in men’s cricket

Bangladesh men’s cricket team under-23 won a gold medal in the 13th South Asian Games in Nepal, beating Sri Lanka by seven wickets.

9 Dec 15:01 Bdnews24 8119004129321150508.html
Akhirnya Pangsa Aset Bank Syariah Keluar dari 'Kutukan 5%'

Market share aset perbankan syariah meningkat menjadi 6,01% dibandingkan bulan Sepetmber 2019, yang mencapai 5,94%

9 Dec 11:35 CNBC Indonesia 4806483214243696089.html
Vali Doğan Şehit Aileleri Konfederasyonu'nu kabul etti

Vali Doğan Şehit Aileleri Konfederasyonu'nu kabul...

9 Dec 11:01 CNN Türk 3669296858061701432.html
"Più libri più liberi" chiude con record, oltre 100mila presenze alla fiera con gli Editori Veneti

Affluenza record per "Più libri più liberi". La fiera della piccola e media editoria organizzata dall'Associazione Italiana Editori (Aie) e ospitata per il terzo...

9 Dec 09:57 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447869745578.html
Bella Hadid Arrives at the Airport in St. Barts

Bella Hadid is getting ready to say goodbye to St. Barts!

9 Dec 12:25 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172834007038.html
Misli da će sakriti masakriranje Srba! Veselji sutra na saslušanju u sudu za teroriste OVK

Predsednik Demokratske partije Kosova (DPK), Kadri Veseli, trebalo bi sutra da bude saslušan u Specijalnom sudu u Hagu, formiranom 2015. da utvrdi i procesuira bivše pripadnika tzv. OVK za zločine počinjene nad Srbima, grugim nealbancima i lojalnim Albancima.

9 Dec 11:53 REPUBLIKA 2543998405205590737.html
49-Jähriger geht mit Holzlatte auf seinen Vater los und verletzt ihn schwer

Am Samstag eskalierte offenbar ein Streit zwischen einem Vater und seinem Sohn in Calw.

9 Dec 13:38 TAG24 4583887875099833770.html
I'm A Celeb campmates 'banned Brexit and voting talk' and we're insanely jealous

Can you imagine not hearing about Brexit for a month?!

9 Dec 09:24 Metro 970161747235302465.html
Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania - lowest flu vaccination rate among the elderly

The lowest influenza vaccination coverage rates among the elderly - more than 65 years old - in the European Union were recorded in Estonia,...

9 Dec 13:41 Stiri pe surse 4858045013014659398.html
Un acusado de violar a once niños y mujeres es puesto en libertad por error

La portavoz policial de Labour asegura que los recortes a la policía, la libertad condicional y los sistemas de judiciales llevaron a su liberación.

9 Dec 12:21 La Información 5328999782789220559.html
Krivična prijava zbog grafita na Grobnici narodnih heroja na Beogradskoj tvrđavi

Javno preduzeće "Beogradska tvrđava" podnelo je krivičnu prijavu zbog ispisivanja grafita na Grobnici narodnih...

9 Dec 15:37 N1 Srbija 7797130866725989441.html
El Defensor del Pueblo catalán culpa a los pacientes del resto de España de los sobrecostes de la sanidad en Cataluña

Lo ha dicho en declaraciones al programa &apos;Aquí amb Josep Cuní&apos; en la cadena SER Catalunya, recogidas por Europa Press, "Cataluña...

9 Dec 16:21 Expansión 4197779424090959741.html
Governo sugere juízos especiais para julgar corrupção e acordos em julgamento

A criação de juízos especiais para julgar corrupção e crimes conexos, a possibilidade de os arguidos fazerem acordos em julgamento e melhorar a lei sobre o direito premial são algumas das intenções do Governo para a área da justiça.

9 Dec 08:30 JN 6956494304487694192.html
Aramco: la plus grosse introduction en Bourse de l'histoire bouclée

Le géant pétrolier saoudien Aramco est parvenu à lever 25,6 milliards de dollar pour ce qui va devenir la plus grosse introduction en Bourse de l'histoire, ont indiqué jeudi à l'AFP deux sources proches du dossier.

9 Dec 14:33 fr.le360.ma 5827163116667690617.html
La Chaux-du-Milieu: Renan Luce, Raul Midon et Sanseverino au Corbak Festival

Lassé de la course aux têtes d’affiche, le Corbak festival, dont la prochaine édition se déroulera du 27 au 30 mai à La Chaux-du-Milieu, diversifie ...

9 Dec 17:00 Arcinfo 560090596285822829.html
Confirmado: nuevo estudio de 2K ya trabaja en el próximo BioShock

El proyecto de Cloud Chamber tardará algunos años en debutar

9 Dec 14:29 LevelUp 3760720893965269153.html
AZ Pesta Gol dan Tempel Ketat Ajax yang Akhirnya Kalah di Liga Belanda

Ajax bermain di markas mereka, Johan Cruijff Arena dan menelan kekalahan 0-2 dari tamunya, Willem II.

9 Dec 10:00 BolaSport.com 4603768435997575366.html
Governo argentino é alvo de roubo de 10 anos de arquivos administrativos

País recebeu ataque de ransonware, o que resultou em sequestro de 7.700 GB de documentos. Equipe resgatou 90%, mas pode ter perdido parte dos dados de 2019.

9 Dec 17:15 Canaltech 6267437388873905436.html
Productos navideños dicen presente en los bodegones de país

A pesa de la crisis económica, en los bodegones que proliferan en la ciudad tienen cavica algunos de los productos típicos de la temootemp decembrina: panetones, turrones, bolas de queso amarillo, jamón ahumado, licores de diversos tipos y golosinas varias, siento las más populares los chocolates. Lo En este tipo de establecimientos se puede encontrar desde […]

9 Dec 09:17 Descifrado 6343485652412147774.html
Il toro mata la fiorentina, furia commisso: massima fiducia per montella? insomma, massima. vediamo


9 Dec 09:55 DAGOSPIA 6533336738791822534.html
A guide to postal votes and proxy votes for the 2019 general election

The 2019 general election campaign is in full swing, and polling day is drawing closer.

9 Dec 10:59 The Telegraph 140598092523652396.html
Rosalía se corona en Barcelona

El concierto de Rosalía celebrado el sábado en Barcelona reunió a 15.000 personas ávidas de presenciar su poderío. Con los móviles en alto corearon todas y cada una de l

9 Dec 08:17 Las Provincias 5471838390564978913.html
Clarissa Marchese nome figlia: «Non è molto comune ma a noi piace, anche per il significato»

Clarissa Marchese incinta al sesto mese: tanta la curiosità dei followers nel conoscere il nome della figlia in arrivo. Ecco finalmente qualche rivelazione.

9 Dec 10:36 UrbanPost 2450570492413236871.html
Riot vai lançar mais jogos dentro do universo de League of Legends

Se conhece a Riot Games, é porque provavelmente jogou ou joga o seu super popular MOBA League of Legends! No entanto, caso não tenha estado atento

9 Dec 10:01 Leak 8782954486432932773.html
Arnaque au compteur kilométrique : attention danger !

L'arnaque au compteur kilométrique trafiqué et qui touche les ventes de véhicules d'occasion serait en net croissance en France. Un site officiel existe pour ne pas se faire avoir. Enfin, en partie...

9 Dec 08:05 Autonews 9106142495440456883.html
I’m A Celebrity final CATCH UP as Queen of the Jungle Jacqueline Jossa is reunited with hubby Dan Osborne

JACQUELINE Jossa has been named the winner of I’m A Celebrity 2019. A staggering 11 million Brits made the biggest decision of the week… to crown the former EastEnders star Queen of the…

9 Dec 08:16 The Sun 7379604592648131873.html
Gemas! Rezky Aditya Tak Henti 'Nyosor' ke Citra Kirana

Telah resmi menjadi suami istri, aksi gemas Rezky Aditya ini menjadi sorotan. Soalnya, dalam momen resepsi pernikahannya di Jakarta, Rezky tak henti 'nyosor' ke Citra Kirana.

9 Dec 17:24 merdeka.com 1998180355531333101.html
Segern gav Stenson rejält hopp i rankningen

Henrik Stensons seger på Bahamas i helgen gjorde ett rejält avtryck på golfens världsrankning. Svensken hoppar upp från 40:e till 26:e plats – och är därmed tillbaka på samma position som han var på i början av året. Segern innebar i praktiken också ett

9 Dec 09:24 HD 3336945412426031604.html
25 propostas vencem Orçamento Participativo da Madeira

As 25 propostas vencedoras das 81 que foram aprovadas para serem votadas no Orçamento Participativo da Região Autónoma da Madeira (OPRAM) foram aprese...

9 Dec 09:48 dnoticias 6968432067329710293.html
Sanción histórica de Antidopaje a Rusia: sin JJOO ni mundiales durante cuatro años

La Agencia Mundial de Antidopaje expulsa al deporte ruso durante cuatro años de las competiciones internacionales por manipular la base de datos deportivos del Laboratorio de Moscú

9 Dec 11:29 www.publico.es 99190977018716874.html
Legea prin care personalul silvic cu atribuţii de pază va fi dotat cu armament de serviciu a fost promulgată de președinte

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat, luni, Legea de modificare şi completare a OUG 59/2000 privind Statutul personalului silvic, care prevede, printre

9 Dec 12:56 G4Media.ro 2302108694780280772.html
Bangladeshis bag all 10 gold medals in archery events of SA games

Archers Suma Biswas, Sohel Rana, Eti Khatun and Roman Sana won gold medals at separate events in archery at the South Asian Games in Nepal on Monday.

9 Dec 08:42 Bdnews24 8119004129382784698.html
Juan Guaidó: Seguiremos luchando para hacer justicia por nuestros mártires #9Dic

Óscar Pérez y sus compañeros fueron ejecutados por la dictadura, ratificó este lunes el presidente del Parlamento venezolano, y presidente encargado de la República, Juan Guaidó, al informar a través de su cuenta oficial en Twitter, que “las pruebas fueron presentadas ante la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)”.

9 Dec 15:52 El Impulso 879547508239669918.html
Alberto Kozicki asumió como ministro de Agua, Energía y Medio Ambiente

En la mañana de hoy, en la Plaza 25 de Mayo, el  Ing. Alberto Kozicki juró y asumió como Ministro de Agua, Energía y Medio Ambiente, junto al resto de los jefes de las carteras ministeriales que acompañarán al flamante Gobernador Raúl Jalil en su gestión Provincial.

9 Dec 14:51 El Esquiú 5729181306973654975.html
Se anuncia Doom Slayers Collection y tendrá todos los Doom clásicos

Si quieres tener el acceso a todos los juegos de Doom importantes en una sola caja, Doom Slayers Collection será una opción llamativa, ya que cuenta con...

9 Dec 10:44 MÁSGAMERS 2563978790313573017.html
Geoff Keighley sube la cifra de juegos nuevos a anunciar en los The Game Awards 2019

Hace unos días el máximo promotor de la ceremonia más relevante de galardones de la industria del videojuego hablaba de hasta 10 juegos a anunciar durante los The Game Awards 2019. Geoff Keighley lleva semanas caldeando el ambiente, no solo por la presentación de los candidatos a cada uno de los galardones, también en torno a los posibles anuncios que se realizarán durante el evento. Y es que, desde hace años, los The Game Awards se han convertido en otro de esos escenarios sin igual para presentar proyectos y juegos que llegarán a las consolas y PC en el futuro. Pese a que originalmente se confirmaron hasta 10 juegos para ser presentados, Geoff Keighley sube la cifra de juegos nuevos a anunciar en los The Game Awards 2019 a una cifra “en torno a 15”.

9 Dec 15:41 SomosXbox 4635940033859998936.html
Ricardo Salles se reúne pela primeira vez com ambientalistas na COP-25

Uma tentativa in&eacute;dita de di&aacute;logo entre o ministro do Meio Ambiente, Ricardo Salles, e as ONGs ambientalistas brasileiras aconteceu na manh&atilde; desta segunda-feira (9) em Madri, durante a COP-25, confer&ecirc;ncia de clima da ONU. Uma aglomera&ccedil;&atilde;o de brasileiros se form...

9 Dec 13:45 TNH1 3684351754227522183.html
Skupaj so trgali, strigli, prepletali …

Brestanica - Na gradu Rajhenburg je v soboto potekala še zadnja obrazstavna delavnica za otroke v letošnjem programskem letu. Ves pedagoški program navezujejo na stalne in občasne razstave, od tega je del delavnic rezultat lastne produkcije, del pa jih, kot so sporočili iz Kulturnega doma Krško, katere enota je grad, izvedejo v sodelovanju z avtorji razstav.

9 Dec 16:10 Dolenjski list 119924279723603310.html
Luka Doncic supera un récord histórico de Michael Jordan

El base esloveno es el primer jugador que encadena 19 partidos con 20 o más puntos, cinco rebotes y cinco asistencias

9 Dec 10:35 La Vanguardia 8061072699941752791.html
Mojčin dedek Mraz bo letos gasilec

Novo mesto - No, ne bo gasilec dedek Mraz, ta bo v svoji sivi kučmi in z belo brado tak, kot so ga otroci na Dolenjskem vajeni že pol stoletja. A njegovo letošnje darilo bo obeležilo 150-letnico gasilstva na Slovenskem in temu primerno se bo v spremljevalnem programu obdaritve čarovnik Toni letos prelevil v gasilca Tonija.

9 Dec 11:15 Dolenjski list 119924280348656459.html
Vulcão mata pelo menos cinco pessoas na Nova Zelândia; brasileiros escaparam

A última erupção ocorreu em 2016

9 Dec 11:05 Correio 5185786712889562075.html
Kuća Petronijević na Vračaru proglašena za spomenik kulture

BEOGRAD - Kuća porodice Petronijević u Beogradu proglašena je za spomenik kulture, odlučila je Vlada Srbije. Kuća koja se nalazi se na teritoriji opštine

9 Dec 10:43 Krstarica 4176903988030839160.html
Espen Egil Hansen går av som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten

Espen Egil Hansen (54) slutter som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten, melder avisen selv.

9 Dec 08:49 NRK 3631390764530132443.html
Behrami: «Ich habe noch grosse Lust zu spielen»

Gross war die Erwartungshaltung an Valon Behrami, als er Anfang dieser Saison einen Zweijahresvertrag beim FC Sion unterschrieb. Fast still und leise war dann sein Abgang: Nach nur vier Partien und drei Monaten war das Abenteuer im Wallis beendet, der Vertrag im gegenseitigen Einverständnis aufgelöst.

9 Dec 11:00 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667609258248540.html
Odgođeno premještanje migranata iz Vučjaka

SARAJEVO - Premještanje migranata iz kampa Vučjak kod Bihaća koje je bilo planirano za danas je odgođeno, potvrđeno je iz Međunarodne organizacije za migracije (IOM).

9 Dec 08:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150642397394344.html
Chiara Ferragni: “Guadagna miliardi senza saper fare niente”

Giancarlo Magalli durissimo nei confronti dell’influencer Chiara Ferragni Più che una frecciatina, un missile terra-aria. Giancarlo Magalli è notoriamente schietto, dice apertamente quello che pensa senza mai nascondersi dietro all’ipocrisia. E così fa su Chiara Ferragni e, più in generale, la schiera delle influencer, benché la figlia Michela rientri nella categoria. Ospite nel programma Tv […]

9 Dec 12:40 KontroKultura 2573504973604598685.html
‘Follow your passion’: PM Imran tells success mantra to youth

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday urged the youth to follow their passion in order to succeed while addressing an event at the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST).

9 Dec 09:38 Pakistan Today 6621510369894637498.html
Emocionado encuentro entre un padre y su hija tras 8 años separados: "Cuando Olivia entró en la sala nos quedamos mudos"

Alberto Encinas agradece a la Guardia Civil el trabajo realizado para recuperar a su hija secuestrada por su madre en Polonia

9 Dec 13:34 Cadena SER 8390941985763588364.html
Le moteur de recherche de Google comprend désormais les subtilités de la langue française

Des réseaux neuronaux d’un nouveau type permettent au géant informatique de mieux saisir le contexte des mots et les complexités de langage. Ils permettraient d’améliorer entre 10 et 15 % des recherches effectuées.

9 Dec 15:38 01net 1000433501411165993.html
Tacha leads while others follow - Uche Maduagwu says after she hit 1m IG followers

Actor Uche Maduagwu has shown his support for former Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate, Tacha, on social media. The actor shared a post on his Instagram page heaping praises on the reality star.

9 Dec 09:00 Legit 3764253650595109644.html
Riquelme maneja dos opciones para DT y Battaglia suena como ayudante

Miguel Ángel Russo pica en punta y José Pekerman es otra alternativa de la nueva dirigencia de Boca, que asumirá el próximo viernes. Eduardo Domínguez, descartado.

9 Dec 10:31 TyC Sports 3239944747701818569.html
La compagnie Assurances Maghrebia lancera son introduction en Bourse début 2020

Après plus de 45 ans d'activité dans le secteur des assurances en Tunisie, la compagnie Assurances Maghrebia affiche la maturité suffisante pour s'in

9 Dec 09:18 ilBoursa.com 4192852319255173395.html
Consuelo Ordóñez arremete contra Álvarez de Toledo por sus palabras sobre ETA

¿Dónde estabas tú cuando ETA nos mataba?, pregunta Ordóñez después de que la popular dijera que el actual momento político es más difícil que cuando ETA mataba

9 Dec 17:54 El Confidencial 6129807548600429066.html
92-Jähriger reist aus Israel an, um gegen früheren KZ-Wachmann auszusagen

Bruno D. soll während des zweiten Weltkrieges in 5.230 Fällen Beihilfe zum Mord geleistet haben. Nun hat ein ehemaliger Insasse über die Zeit im KZ gesprochen.

9 Dec 17:23 RTL.DE 7054729452287090613.html
Ministra Iris Varela: “En Venezuela existe el mejor sistema penitenciario del mundo”

Iris Varela calificó de formidable el trabajo que ha hecho el gobierno socialista. “Nicolás Maduro ha logrado consolidad el nuevo régimen penitenciario”, agregó.

9 Dec 15:16 NTN24 8482749624803593972.html
Klaus Iohannis a semnat decretele. Deciziile merg la Monitorul Oficial

Patru magistrați, eliberați din funcție de Klaus Iohannis prin decrete prezidenţiale

9 Dec 13:16 romaniatv.net 4505369227234784676.html
San Siro, notte da UCL: contro il Barcellona circa 72mila spettatori, incasso superiore a 7,8 milioni lordi

San Siro si prepara per la notte da dentro o fuori: l'Inter sfida il Barcellona con l'obiettivo di strappare il biglietto per gli ottavi di Champions League e il pubblico nerazzurro risponde...

9 Dec 17:12 FcInterNews.it 7848284894187230522.html
Fiscalía cita a imputación y medida a Diego Cadena, abogado de Uribe

Fuentes del ente acusador le confirmaron a EL HERALDO que la audiencia se cumplirá el próximo 18 de febrero, en medio del caso de supuestos pagos a testigos....

9 Dec 14:54 El Heraldo 8273144987347413208.html
Pechino alla guerra dei byte: entro il 2022 computer e software esteri dovranno sparire

La mossa del governo cinese è una risposta al sabotaggio Usa verso Huawei. Tutti gli enti pubblici dovranno adottare tecnologie made in China

9 Dec 09:05 L'HuffPost 5315551424219687997.html
Peut-on vraiment tout privatiser et serait-ce souhaitable ?

En novembre, l'introduction en Bourse de la Française des Jeux a relancé le mouvement de désengagement de l'État après plus de trente ans marqués par de nombreuses privatisations. Mais peut-on vraiment

9 Dec 14:16 Capital.fr 2641485281629723896.html
Erupcja wulkanu White. "Nie stwierdzono oznak życia", los wielu zaginionych nieznany

W poniedziałek w Nowej Zelandii doszło do erupcji wyspy-wulkanu White. Wiele osób uznaje się za zaginione, wiele zostało rannych. Policja poinformowała o pięciu ofiarach śmiertelnych, wskazując jed...

9 Dec 12:54 TVN24 1473549321714388262.html
El actor estaba internado por una neumonía: Murió Santiago Bal

El comediante Santiago Bal (83) falleció este lunes producto de una neumonía. Llevaba màs de una semana internado en el Instituto Médico de Alta Complejidad (IMAC), de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. La noticia fue confirmada por la actriz Car...

9 Dec 16:44 PAGINA12 7077267066114914595.html
Er stieß eine 34-jährige Frau vor Zug: Bahnsteig-Mord von Voerde: Täter wird nicht angeklagt und kommt nicht ins Gefängnis

FOCUS Online exklusiv: Der Mann, der im Juli 2019 in Voerde (NRW) eine 34 Jahre alte Mutter vor einen einfahrenden Zug gestoßen haben soll, wird nicht wegen Mordes angeklagt, obwohl die Staatsanwaltschaft Mordmerkmale bejaht. Stattdessen soll der Beschuldigte dauerhaft in der Psychiatrie untergebracht werden. Laut Gutachten war er zur Tatzeit nur eingeschränkt schuldfähig.

9 Dec 11:40 FOCUS Online 4448121230994986220.html
It's the end of the road for Google Glass Explorer Edition

Out to Glassture

9 Dec 12:57 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887308212727553.html
Fundamentalismo evangélico se expande a toda potência e desafia o governo de Cuba

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 08:37 GGN 1188436354806904381.html
Desaparece avión militar chileno con 38 personas a bordo

Un bus interprovincial se volcó.

9 Dec 13:09 Ecuavisa 4017571649227430104.html
I'm A Celebrity's James Haskell shows off 'jungle wife' Caitlyn Jenner

James matched his tie colour with Caitlyn's dress.

9 Dec 17:21 Metro 970161747639732757.html
Reação da economia freia perda de popularidade de Bolsonaro, diz Datafolha

A lenta recupera&ccedil;&atilde;o da atividade econ&ocirc;mica ajudou o presidente Jair Bolsonaro a frear a acentuada perda de popularidade sofrida por seu governo ao longo do ano, indica uma nova pesquisa realizada pelo Datafolha. Segundo o instituto, a taxa de aprova&ccedil;&atilde;o &agrave; sua ...

9 Dec 13:41 TNH1 3684351752617837928.html
Bruce Willis and Demi Moore’s 3 Daughters Grew Up to Become the Spitting Images of Their Parents

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were 2 of the world’s brightest Hollywood actors in the 1980s and 1990s. Willis, a role model of masculinity, and Moore, sex symbol of several generations, were once a beautiful couple, today they are still good friends who are raising 3 beautiful daughters together — Rumer, Scout, and Tallulah. And they all look exactly like Demi and Bruce combined!

9 Dec 13:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263656223821739.html
Best of Prime 2019: Diese Amazon-Produkte sind besonders beliebt

Zum Jahresende grassiert im Internet wieder der „Listenwahn“. Auch Versandhändler Amazon kürt die beliebtesten Produkte seiner Abo-Angebote. Das Motto der Charts: „Best of Prime 2019“!

9 Dec 10:50 Computer Bild 4944248631599033121.html
Canceriana raiz, Marina Ruy Barbosa se acha intensa por signo: 'Sofro muito'

Marina Ruy Barbosa comentou sobre planos na carreira, virada do ano com amigos e apontou a sensibilidade como a principal característica do signo de câncer em bate-papo com os fãs, nesta segunda-feira...

9 Dec 16:03 Purepeople 5674914089827939226.html
Forex: analisi tecnica della giornata

La nostra valutazione: Posizioni corte sotto 1,1065 con target a 1,1045 e 1,1035 in estensione.

9 Dec 08:26 Trend Online 3268043280297601835.html
'We don't want you here' - What Joey Barton told Alan Pardew on his first day at Newcastle United

Former Newcastle United boss Alan Pardew has opened up about his time at the club and how Joey Barton reacted to his appointment

9 Dec 15:00 ChronicleLive 1984146901981849751.html
Jesus volta a fazer história: o primeiro estrangeiro a receber este prémio no Brasil

Recebeu esta segunda-feira o prémio Bola de Prata da ESPN Brasil para melhor treinador

9 Dec 16:51 O Jogo 3218673677339651865.html
Someone Spent 24 Hours In VR The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

YouTuber SwankyBox is a huge fan of The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, the classic N64 RPG. As a kid he would play it for hours and hours and hours, exploring every inch of the world and also just chilling out and watching the sunset. So he recently decided to experience Ocarina Of Time in a brand new way, using...

9 Dec 16:30 Kotaku Australia 2018810246099363466.html
No, los narcos no serán designados como terroristas, pero…

La bala pasó cerca, pero pudimos esquivarla: el viernes pasado, por medio de una serie de tuits, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, anunció que se detendría por ahora la designación de grupos criminales mexicanos como organizaciones terroristas extranjeras.

9 Dec 10:46 El Universal 4964748197601859913.html
Sprawa zabójstwa Zofii W. Dlaczego prokuratura ukrywa dowody? [KOMENTARZ]

Czy za jedno z najbardziej makabrycznych morderstw w historii Krakowa skazano niewinnego człowieka? Na to pytanie postawione przeze mnie w reportażu opublikowanym w lipcu tego roku do tej pory nie ma odpowiedzi. Gorzej, że zachowanie prokuratury wskazuje na to, iż wcale na to pytanie nie chce odpowiedzieć. Widocznie ukrywanie błędów i zaniechań okazuje się ważniejsze niż życie człowieka.

9 Dec 16:07 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535243286461.html
BioShock regresará: un nuevo juego ya está en desarrollo

El estudio de creación y desarrollo de videojuegos 2K Games anuncia que BioShock volverá y lo hará de la mano de otro estudio ...

9 Dec 16:15 El Grupo Informático 4271569543748810477.html
Greta Thunberg «engaña» a los medios para pasar desapercibida

Una de las personas que ha tomado la palabra ha sido la estadounidense Rose Whipple quien ha declarado que «las instituciones coloniales siguen favoreciendo su propio beneficio sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas»

9 Dec 11:05 ABC.es 6074573462379584090.html
Boris Johnson snatched away a reporter’s phone when he tried to show him a photo of a 4-year-old boy forced to lie on a hospital floor

LONDON – Boris Johnson snatched away a reporter’s phone after he challenged the prime minister to look at a picture of a 4-year-old boy who was forced to sleep on a hospital floor,

9 Dec 13:41 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882433434814.html
Siti se sprema za život posle Pepa? Ovo su imena, Gvardiolina izjava iznenadila sve!

Sve su češće priče da je Pep blizu odluke da godinu dana pre isteka napusti klub. U Engleskoj mu je potrebno čudo da odbrani titulu, skeptičan kada je Liga šampiona u pitanju.

9 Dec 12:50 SPORTSKE NET 1397374494679821784.html
Rapperul Juice WRLD, mort pe aeroportul din Chicago

Rapperul Juice WRLD, în vârstă de 21 de ani, care a lansat în ultimul an şi jumătate trei materiale de studio ce au ajuns în top 10 al Billboard 200, a murit duminică pe un aeroport din Chicago în urma unei crize, scrie Variety.

9 Dec 08:03 News.ro 1785173096992776327.html
Roba un autobús y destroza los vehículos durante dos kilómetros en Benidorm

Varias motos y coches, entre ellos uno de la Policía, fueron envestidos a lo largo del periplo del ladrón

9 Dec 11:31 Levante-EMV 7042984478986083453.html
Pequim diz que detidos de minorias étnicas estão "formados" e "vivem felizes"

Um alto quadro do regime chinês afirmou que membros de minorias étnicas chinesas de origem muçulmana mantidos em "centros de treino vocacional" no extremo oeste do país já se "formaram" e levam agora "vidas felizes".

9 Dec 11:26 JN 6956494303508484107.html
Se registran protestas en Ciudad Bolívar por falta de combustible

Vecinos y transportistas de la avenida Perimetral de Ciudad Bolívar salieron a las calles en protesta para manifestar su descontento por la escasez de combustible en las estaciones de servicio de la región. Lea además:  La inflación en noviembre se situó en 35,8% Así amaneció la Av. Perimetral #CiudadBolivar #9Dic vecinos y transportistas protestan por crisis […]

9 Dec 17:19 Descifrado 6343485650996169591.html
Binotto says Ferrari "do not understand" loss of pace after pre-season testing!

Ferrari team boss Mattia Binotto says that he does not understand what happened to his team's pace between pre-season testing and the first race in Melbourne in 2019. The Italian giants left Barcelona after the eight days of testing in a positive mood, having looked the quickest of everyone.

9 Dec 15:28 GPblog.com 9117728198517147333.html
Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat o nouă lege prin care pădurarii vor putea fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu letal

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat, luni, Legea care prevede că pădurarii cu atribuţii de pază vor putea fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu, letal sau neletal.

9 Dec 14:40 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917890544427.html
Santa Teresa 1796 suma nuevo premio en Alemania

El súper premium de Santa Teresa participó en una novedosa competencia organizada en la ciudad de Núremberg

9 Dec 13:20 Globovisión 5928221752544808400.html
Na piscina, Lívia Andrade renova bronzeado e exibe boa forma

A apresentadora do "Fofocalizando" impressionou os fãs

9 Dec 14:50 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428574873592.html
Barcelona, Lautaro Martinez transferi için harekete geçti

Barcelona, Lautaro Martinez'i ocak ayında transfer etmek için ısrarcı...

9 Dec 17:22 Akşam 580099848856711417.html
Nove anos de prisão para mulher que tentou matar companheiro em Porto de Mós

O Tribunal de Leiria condenou esta segunda-feira uma mulher a nove anos de prisão pelo crime de homicídio na forma tentada e posse de arma proibida, após ter disparado três tiros sobre o companheiro, em Porto de Mós.

9 Dec 17:30 JN 6956494303831433463.html
Raluca Turcan: Guvernul include din nou transportul şcolar în sfera serviciilor publice

Guvernul va include din nou transportul şcolar în sfera serviciilor de interes public, prin asumarea răspunderii pentru abrogarea Ordonanţei 51/2019, a afirmat, luni, vicepremierul Raluca Turcan. "Va mai fi abrogarea Ordonanţei 51 (prin asumarea răspunderii - n.r.), cea legată de scoaterea transportului şcolar din sfera serviciilor de interes public, în felul acesta Guvernul rezolvând prima parte din transportul gratuit al elevilor şi anume includerea transportului şcolar ca serviciu public. Vom prelungi licenţele pentru operatorii de transport şi, în acelaşi timp, vom solicita ca şi condiţie de acordare şi de menţinere a licenţei realizarea transportului şcolar al elevilor", a precizat Turcan, la finalul unei şedinţe a conducerii PNL.

9 Dec 10:03 www.antena3.ro 6332542758227788449.html
Jenna Ortega Shares Brand New 'You' Promo On Instagram - Meet Her Character, Ellie!

Jenna Ortega scrolls through her phone in this brand new promo for You.

9 Dec 12:51 Just Jared Jr. 3416194174395362830.html
Milivoj Dukić jedrio do zlata u Španiji

Na Kanarima je od od 4. do 8. decembra održan 21. Canarian Olympic Sailing Week za olimpijske klase.

9 Dec 10:57 Sport Klub 42251757977963841.html
Desea Carlos Joaquín un Quintana Roo en paz

Env&iacute;a mensaje navide&ntilde;o a los quintanarroenses, a quienes exhorta a vivir en familia y alcanzar la paz que tanto se desea

9 Dec 15:44 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624518271354.html
Hay una razón por la que te cuesta tanto dejar de comer chocolate

Varios expertos nos explican por qué este y otros alimentos son tan difíciles de evitar cuando queremos perder peso

9 Dec 09:04 Hola.com 2035212431806474310.html
Dernière ligne droite avant des élections britanniques décisives pour le Brexit

Le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson et son adversaire travailliste Jeremy Corbyn entrent lundi dans la dernière ligne droite avant les élections anticipées de jeudi, dont l’issue décisive pour le […]

9 Dec 08:41 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981581359758.html
Se roban dos ponis y siete ovejas de una finca en Coamo

Alguien logró acceso al interior de lugar y también se apropió de múltiples herramientas

9 Dec 12:47 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310555046559.html
Cotacachi se convirtió en el primer Pueblo Mágico del norte del Ecuador

Cotacachi fue declarado como Pueblo Mágico el pasado 29 de noviembre del 2019. De esta manera se convirtió en el primero del norte del Ecuador y el cuarto a escala nacional, junto a Patate, Alausí y Zaruma.

9 Dec 10:41 El Comercio 2865024641185106036.html
CHUWI UBook will be more cost-effective than Surface Go - Gizchina.com

In early 2019, CHUWI launched a 2-in-1 tablet UBook through Kickstarter campaign, but now they are relaunching it with upgraded specs.

9 Dec 15:30 Gizchina 5392375275542249982.html
Jo Swinson admits revoking Article 50 'doesn't look likely' as Lib Dems unveil second ref plan

Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has admitted the best chance of stopping Brexit is through a second referendum rather than pursuing the party's divisive policy of revoking Article 50.

9 Dec 09:06 City A.M. 6389894490241805015.html
Lutte contre Ebola : la RDC et le Rwanda mènent une campagne de vaccination conjointe

Le deuxième vaccin expérimental contre la maladie à virus Ebola, Jonson & Jonson, a été lancé à Gisenyi (Rwanda) dimanche 8 décembre par les autorités congolaises et rwandaises.

9 Dec 17:25 Radio Okapi 4444713482683692638.html
‘Has been outstanding’ – BBC pundit singles out Liverpool stalwart for praise after latest win

Another vital shift from Reds ace...

9 Dec 09:30 CaughtOffside 8169236756635324289.html
Agenția Mondială Antidoping a suspendat Rusia din toate competițiile majore

Cutremur în sport – Agenția Mondială Antidoping a suspendat Rusia din toate competițiile majore, pentru o perioadă de 4 ani.

9 Dec 10:49 Europa FM 545007291511538181.html
El Rey inicia mañana las consultas con la incógnita de si habrá investidura en diciembre

Será la tercera vez que Felipe VI recibirá este año a los dirigentes de los partidos para sondear sus posiciones ante la investidura después de...

9 Dec 11:24 Expansión 4197779424981399012.html
SRE decidirá caso de embajador de México en Argentina

Es ‘una persona con trayectoria limpia en política exterior… un diplomático de carrera’, dice el Presidente.

9 Dec 11:25 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563682988455.html
What is VPN Good For And The Top 5 Best VPN Services

Security | What is VPN Good For And The Top 5 Best VPN Services

9 Dec 15:00 Technobezz 300833013392032619.html
How to Unlock Bootloader of Realme X2 Pro - Gizmochina

Oppo’s sub-brand – Realme recently unveiled Realme X2 Pro featuring Snapdragon 855 Plus chipset and a high-end Super AMOLED display. Realme made an entry into an affordable premium smartphone market with the Realme X2 Pro. It is set to compete against the OnePlus 7T Pro and Redmi K20 Pro. Apart from the hardware specs, the …

9 Dec 10:23 Gizmochina 1751854815269536345.html
Gui Minhai-åklagare riktar udd mot Kina

Brott Den före detta Pekingambassadören Anna Lindstedt åtalas för att ha låtit sig vara ombud för Kina.Ett hemligt möte om den fängslade Gui Minhai var att gå för långt, enligt åklagaren. Han är också

9 Dec 14:10 www.unt.se 8922556089363620950.html
Burna Boy confidently says he is going to win his Grammy nomination (video)

Burna Boy has allayed the fears of his well-wishers, who are fervently hoping that he would become the first Nigerian to move past the nomination level, and actually bring the award home.

9 Dec 08:37 Legit 3764253651105005618.html
Nicolás Castillo protagonizará la final del fútbol mexicano ante su víctima preferida del semestre

Nicolás Castillo protagonizará la final del fútbol mexicano ante su víctima preferida del semestre, marcado por las lesiones.

9 Dec 17:16 Publimetro Chile 2498685482020156074.html
La relación homosexual que causó el primer muerto en la ruta de Magallanes

Pese a estar penado, el llamado en aquellos años pecado nefando era tan común en los buques, que jalona procesos judiciales durante siglos

9 Dec 17:13 EL PAÍS 2207347711720749072.html
SPD fordert „Datenteilungspflicht“ für IT-Konzerne

Die SPD will große Digitalkonzerne dazu zwingen, ihre Datenschätze anderen zugänglich zu machen. Dazu soll per Gesetz eine „Datenteilungspflicht“ ...

9 Dec 08:17 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094279355870.html
Borussia Dortmund: Limitiertes Trikot sorgt für Riesen-Ärger  - Es hagelt Beschwerden

Das schwarze BVB-Trikot beim Spiel gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf war ein echter Hingucker. Wenige Stunden später sorgte das Trikot nicht nur für technisch Probleme, sondern auch für Ärger bei den Fans

9 Dec 11:47 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239347700043.html
Audible: Kindgerechte Hörbücher neu auf Kindle Kids Edition | iTopnews

Audible-Hörbücher stehen jetzt auch auf einem neuen Amazon-Produkt zur Verfügung.

9 Dec 13:02 www.itopnews.de 222669969276769220.html
Romário beija morena em praia do Rio

Depois de vencer uma partida de futevôlei com os amigos, na Praia da Barra, na Zona Oeste do Rio, Romário correu para os braços de sua nova companhia. O ex-jogador e hoje senador foi fotografado ao...

9 Dec 08:52 Extra Online 8149543649117518828.html
Waze agora conta com voz de Lula para guiar condutores

Recurso permite colocar a voz de Lula como opção de direcionamento no app. Versão não é a oficial do Waze e trata-se de uma imitação do ex-presidente

9 Dec 14:12 Canaltech 6267437389503752387.html
Apple TV Plus gets first award nomination – and 14 go to a single Netflix movie

The Morning Show's Billy Crudup has been nominated for Best Supporting Actor by the Critics' Choice Association.

9 Dec 10:34 TechRadar 2111116915479030814.html
HC asks RBI to reply to Kochhar’s plea

Court hearing arguments on termination of services of ex-ICICI Bank MD & CEO

9 Dec 16:12 The Hindu 6679535025140886865.html
Benfica sobre FC Porto: "Habituaram-se a premiar com viagens e fruta os fiéis servidores"

Águias dizem "que nunca, como nesta jornada, foi tão evidente a pressão exercida sobre as equipas de arbitragem".

9 Dec 13:30 SÁBADO 5711459691261474363.html
Conselho fragmentado e sem lideranças firmadas torna futuro político do Cruzeiro obscuro após rebaixamento para Série B

Clube tem eleição presidencial prevista para o fim do ano

9 Dec 12:00 Superesportes 5498560375908294909.html
CEAC – How to stop destructive loss of ocean oxygen?

Consider; The shock of an alarming release of the report at the Climate Change conference in Madrid COPs 25 yesterday on the discovery loss of widespread ocean oxygen is another watershed moment that must be recognised as dire for our future survival.

9 Dec 09:03 SCOOP 5315658999325325593.html
Respekt-Schild: Feldmann wünscht sich „viele öffentliche Stellen“, die Inhalt teilen

Piraten, Freie Wähler und Die Partei stellen einen Antrag auf ein größeres und beleuchtetes Antirassismuszeichen am Römer. Jetzt äußert sich OB Feldmann erneut. 

9 Dec 09:21 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322965204180.html
Video y escándalo: escracharon al embajador de México robando en una librería

El embajador mexicano en Buenos Aires fue literalmente escrachado in fraganti cuando robaba un libro de una conocida librería porteña: un verdadero escándalo diplomático. ¡Mirá las imágenes!

9 Dec 13:19 Diario Registrado 7686014737371223463.html
Wilmès: 'Teksten van Magnette zijn nog te links'

Op de vraag of de MR in de huidige stand van zaken tot de nieuwe federale regering zou toetreden, is het antwoord volgens Wilmès 'neen'.

9 Dec 09:36 Site-Knack-NL 6755692569866244276.html
Hasil dan Klasemen Serie A: AC Milan Tembus 10 Besar

AC Milan melanjutkan rangkaian hasil positif pada laga Serie A musim 2019/2020. Pada pekan 15 Serie A, AC Milan menang atas Bologna dan kini berada di 10 besar klasemen

9 Dec 08:25 Bola.net 5489959028932132633.html
OnePlus 8 Lite leak hints at a return to the mid-range

The OnePlus X could be getting a sequel

9 Dec 08:58 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887306882569883.html
Dvanajst gledališč pristopilo k pobudi Gledališki tolmač

Predsednik republike Borut Pahor je danes priredil sprejem ob podpisu zaveze o sodelovanju v pobudi Gledališki tolmač, ki gluhim in naglušnim omogoča ogled stalnih predstav na odrih največjih slovenskih gledališč. Kot je poudaril, današnji podpis razume kot primer dobre prakse, kot navdih, za razmišljanja, kako reševati težave v prihodnje.

9 Dec 12:38 STA.si 4977224363537242005.html
Valeurs au plus haut et plus bas depuis 5 ans

Lors de la séance du lundi 9 décembre 2019 les actions, devises ou indices suivants ont atteint leur plus haut niveau de valorisation sur une période - 09/12/2019 18:27

9 Dec 17:27 ABC Bourse 2538693398770478336.html
Une photo de Aziz Rabbah avec une femme fait le buzz

Depuis quelques heures, une photo de Aziz Rabbah en compagnie d’une femme étrangère circule sur les réseaux sociaux. Plusieurs rumeurs sont apparues par la suite, selon lesquelles elle serait la seconde épouse du ministre de l’Energie et des mines.

9 Dec 15:44 Le Site Info 5160764341779961945.html
Galaxy S10 Android 10 update rollout halted in Israel

It seemed too good to be true when Samsung started rolling out the Android 10 update for the Galaxy S10 series a couple of weeks back, a full month before the year ends. We have been using Android 10

9 Dec 08:29 SamMobile 1601131849891639812.html
Der 7-Tage-Wettertrend: Windig statt weiß

Die neue Woche wird wettermäßig nicht langweilig. Bei den Temperaturen gibt es ein Auf und Ab. Nach dem milden und wechselhaften Montag bringt der Dienstag...

9 Dec 16:48 RTL.DE 7054729453596269100.html
Enel X a instalat cel mai mare sistem de stocare a energiei din New York

Enel X, divizia de servicii energetice avansate a Grupului Enel şi Related Companies, o firmă imobiliară globală, au anunţat luni lansarea celui mai mare sistem de stocare a energiei din New York, iar bateria de 4,8 MW / 16,4 MWh amplasată în Brooklyn va sprijini reţeaua locală cu rezerva sa de energie în perioadele cu vârfuri de consum, îmbunătăţind fiabilitatea reţelei şi contribuind la planurile oraşului New York de a ajunge la o capacitate de 3 GW de stocare a energiei până în 2030.

9 Dec 17:30 News.ro 1785173098227797865.html
Sombres perspectives pour les banques africaines en 2020 (rapport)

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 15:18 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389808860812.html
Dois jovens madeirenses inspiram alunos com o projecto ‘#youcandoit’

‘#youcandoit’ é o nome do projecto de dois jovens madeirenses, conhecidos por Skilo e Liam Campos, que passou por algumas escolas da Região, nomeadame...

9 Dec 09:43 dnoticias 6968432066045360505.html
Legea prin care pădurarii vor fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu, promulgată de Iohannis

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat, luni, Legea de modificare şi completare a OUG 59/2000 privind Statutul personalului silvic, a cărei principală prevedere este dotarea cu armament de serviciu a personalului silvic care are atribuţii de pază şi protecţie.

9 Dec 15:47 adevarul.ro 4510521624356368109.html
BibisBeautyPalace: Bianca Claßen kauft Passanten Dinge um 100-fachen Wert ab

Bianca Claßen ist mal wieder großzügig unterwegs. In ihrem neuesten Video kauft sie Passanten in Köln Alltagsgegenstände um das 100-fache ab.

9 Dec 08:05 miss 1375730020549120855.html
Las populares cestas navideñas dicen presente en los bodegones de país

A pesa de la crisis económica, en los bodegones que proliferan en la ciudad tienen cavica algunos de los productos típicos de la temootemp decembrina: panetones, turrones, bolas de queso amarillo, jamón ahumado, licores de diversos tipos y golosinas varias, siento las más populares los chocolates. De interés: En noviembre la inflación se situó en  35,8% […]

9 Dec 09:17 Descifrado 6343485650608352737.html
Chahatt Khanna: A divorcee with two children is still a ‘liability’

"This stigma will always be there, stemming from the mindset of 80 per cent of our population. That is a truth of life, whether you like to admit it or not," said Chahatt Khanna.

9 Dec 12:38 The Indian Express 2885715104577098463.html
La caduta del Muro di Berlino ha “deoccidentalizzato” il mondo

Per Il Figaro il crollo del simbolo della divisione dell’Europa non ha aperto alla “fine della storia”, ma ha dato forza ai regimi illiberali 

9 Dec 08:19 IL FOGLIO 7601335406061598908.html
I’m A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa and ‘cheating’ Dan Osborne in tense talks by the pool after showdown with her mum

I’M A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa has been pictured having tense talks with her cheating husband Dan Osborne by the pool in Australia. The Queen of the Jungle was without her wedding ring a…

9 Dec 13:03 The Scottish Sun 6609127674547605945.html
Mr Mitch drops second techno dancehall mix, TECHNO DANCEHALL 2

Originally aired on the producer's Rinse FM show.

9 Dec 12:28 FACT Magazine 7458605276574016691.html
Coquimbo: volcamiento de vehículo dejó 3 personas muertas

El accidente de tránsito se produjo en Cruz de la Caña, sector de Pan de Azúcar, y las víctimas fatales son dos hombres y una mujer que estaría embarazada.

9 Dec 13:33 La Nación 6855788058279694593.html
Kiernan Shipka and Yara Shahidi Discuss the Anxiety and Hope That Come From Turning 20 in 2020

The Gen Z wunderkinds talk with National Youth Poet Laureate Kara Jackson about what it means to come of age in the first year of the new decade.

9 Dec 13:08 Harper's BAZAAR 9032339117297020276.html
Italy heading for Wembley as England get ready for Euro 2020

The game is one of four warm-up matches for Gareth Southgate’s men.

9 Dec 10:46 Jersey Evening Post 6141642774020205139.html
Conto corrente FinecoBank, canone più caro: restare o cambiare?

Il conto corrente di Fineco Bank più caro da febbraio 2020, ma di quanto? I bonus Fineco Bank da 1 euro per azzerare i costi. E quelli da 3,95 euro.

9 Dec 10:11 Trend Online 3268043280364273089.html
Bayernliga-Torjäger Abiama: „Profiklubs scheinen an mir Interesse zu haben“

Dickson Abiama (Foto) traf in der laufenden Saison für den SC Eltersdorf bereits 17 mal in 21 Spielen. Der Nigerianer kam vor gut drei Jahren nach Deutschland und spielt seit einem halben Jahr für den [...]

9 Dec 09:10 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793584708938.html
Zbog štrajka saobraćaj u Parizu paralisan

PARIZ - Petog dana štrajka protiv reforme penzionog sistema u Francuskoj saobraćaj u Parizu je paralisan, pošto su obustavljene neke linije metroa, a

9 Dec 11:34 Krstarica 4176903988861054728.html
Homem morre afogado na Lagoa Azul, em Campo Magro

Foto: divulgação/BPOMA O corpo de um homem que se afogou foi encontrado neste domingo, pelo Grupo de Operações de Socorro Tático (Gost), na Lagoa Azul, em Campo Magro, na região Metropolitana de Cu…

9 Dec 14:19 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257310229308.html
Fotos indican que Corea del Norte probó motor de misiles en un nuevo desafío a Estados Unidos 

Fotos por satélite apuntaron este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 a que el misterioso test que realizó Corea del Norte el fin de semana consistió en probar un motor para misiles, subrayando la actitud cada vez más desafiante que Pionyang está adoptando ante Washington.

9 Dec 08:55 El Comercio 2865024641855538245.html
Verónica Ojeda contó el trastorno que padece Dieguito Fernando Maradona

Por primera vez, la ex del Diez dio detalles de la salud de su hijo y contó cómo influye la relación con el padre en su estado anímico.

9 Dec 11:42 Todo Noticias 8077539161317847470.html
Encontraron el taxi robado en barrio Jose Fuchs en Km. 5

En inmediaciones de las calles Nazca y Caldas de la zona de Kilómetro 5, encontraron el taxi Toyota Etios dominio AD 697 VE, que había sido sustraído entre la madrugada y la mañana de hoy en barrio José Fuchs.

9 Dec 16:09 Crónica 1134283327677511379.html
Zeman sta con Insigne: "Resta il più talentuoso d'Italia, vive difficoltà come tutti i compagni"

Ai microfoni del Corriere dello Sport Zdenek Zeman ha parlato di Lorenzo Insigne, suo ex giocatore ai tempi del Pescara

9 Dec 14:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080268302907.html
Beyoncé Is Teasing New Ivy Park Merch, So Save Your Pennies

Beyoncé teased brand-new items from her Adidas and Ivy Park collaboration, out on January 18, 2020.

9 Dec 13:20 VULTURE 2718750544124566384.html
Después de su captura por la PNC Marco Ciani envía un mensaje en redes

A pesar de los momentos difíciles en los que se ha visto envuelto, Ciani dice no haber perdido la fe.

9 Dec 17:39 Publinews 8987875305356602573.html
Neuberger Berman lance un fonds sur les marchés de devises du G10

Le produit géré par Ugo Lancioni vise un rendement positif brut de 5 à 6% par an au-dessus du cash.

9 Dec 13:20 Allnews 678771719822296145.html
Matan a una adolescente de 17 años en Nagua; presumen que fue su pareja

Una adolescente de 17 años fue ultimada esta madrugada en su cama, presumiblemente por su pareja sentimental, en El Yayal, del municipio de Nagua, provinci

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263314337829.html
Traficantes de pele de tigre Sumatra são presos na Indonésia

Jacarta, 9 dez 2019 (AFP) - A pele de um tigre de Sumatra, espécie em risco crítico de ext...

9 Dec 12:53 UOL Noticias 8892198861476244996.html
Listos los horarios para final de la Liga MX entre América y Monterrey

Quedaron definidos los horarios de la final del Torneo Apertura 2019 de la Liga MX entre los equipos América y Monterrey, que […]

9 Dec 16:19 Notisistema 1929539243492549789.html
Telltale signs that your eggs have gone bad and you shouldn’t eat them

Expired eggs can cause salmonella infection

9 Dec 08:23 Pulse Live 3606876836156187318.html
What makes wine dry? It’s easy to taste, but much harder to measure

Researchers would like to find a way to relate the human perception of dryness to the chemical and physical properties of the wine.

9 Dec 13:43 The Conversation 6012421226831786640.html
Whisky galore! Largest ever collection could fetch up to US$10m

LONDON, Dec 9 — Scottish auctioneers hope to sell off 3,900 bottles of rare whisky for up to £8 million (RM42.8 million) next year in what they said would be the largest private collection of the tipple ever to go up for auction. Colorado businessman Richard Gooding, who died in 2014 aged 67,...

9 Dec 14:55 Malaymail 302165936209914915.html
Casi una quinta parte de los israelíes sufren de inseguridad alimenticia – Informe

2.3 millones de israelíes, entre ellos un millón de niños, viven debajo del umbral de pobreza y hay más personas con inseguridad alimenticia.

9 Dec 11:09 Noticias de Israel 5887715890744828243.html
Beethoven'in işini makine bitirecek

2020 yılında doğumunun 250'inci yıl dönümü kutlanacak olan ünlü Alman besteci Ludwig van Beethoven'in hayattayken tamamlayamadığı 10. Senfonisi, yapay zeka tarafından bitirilecek.

9 Dec 08:56 OdaTV 3336151104772402215.html
Over 500 Scottish homes ravaged by fire during 2018 Christmas period as SFRS warns of danger of cooking while drunk

MORE than 500 Scottish homes were ravaged and four people killed by fire during the festive season last year. The worrying statistics were released today by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service as …

9 Dec 11:33 The Scottish Sun 6609127674682658384.html
Deltan Dallagnol move ação contra Gilmar Mendes por danos morais

Foto: Reprodução /  Instagram oficial de Dallagnol O coordenador da força-tarefa da Operação Lava Jato em Curitiba, Deltan Dallagnol, entrou com ação indenizatória de danos morais contra o ministro Gilmar Mendes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), por reiteradas ofensas contra ele. A ação pede indenização no valor de R$ 59 mil.Na ação movida na última semana, o procurador da República aponta entrevistas e manifestações de Gilmar Mendes em que ele teria o ofendido. Uma entrevista citada na ação foi concedida à Rádio Gaúcha em 7 de agosto de 2019 pelo ministro. Nela, ele afirmou que a força-tarefa coordenada por Deltan Dallagnol seria uma organização criminosa, formada por "gente muito baixa, muito desqualificada", insinuando que os procuradores praticariam crimes.Cita ainda manifestação de Gilmar Mendes na sessão de julgamento de agravo regimental 4435-DF, em 14 de março de 2019, na qual ele chamou os integrantes da força-tarefa de "cretinos", "gentalhada", "desqualificada", "despreparada", "covardes", "gângster"…

9 Dec 08:28 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419478596842.html
16 militares venezolanos, refugiados en la embajada de Panamá, lograron evadirse

Dichos militares se resguardaron en la sede diplomática tras sublevarse al régimen de Nicolás Maduro el pasado 30 de abril y apoyar a Juan Guaidó

9 Dec 12:11 NTN24 8482749624748774274.html
Prefeitura entrega USF em Cruz das Armas nesta segunda-feira

O prefeito de João Pessoa, Luciano Cartaxo, entrega nesta segunda-feira (9), mais uma Unidade de Saúde da Família (USF), e amplia o atendimento na atenção primária da Capital. Com a entrega da USF Cruz das Armas II, o prefeito chega à marca de 31 unidades de saúde construídas, reformadas ou ampliadas pela gestão. A nova […]

9 Dec 12:59 MaisPB 6493364702684519.html
Trimestriels : Salesforce consolide Tableau dans ses résultats

Dans les résultats de son troisième trimestre fiscal, plus que saints et en croissance, Salesforce a consolidé l'acquisition de Tableau. Ce qui a eu pour effet de faire passer les revenus de la plateforme Salesforce en première position des activités porteuses, derrière les Sales et Service cloud, habituellement premiers. Le groupe note un chiffre d'affaires de 4,5 Md$ sur la période, en croissance de 33%.

9 Dec 08:42 LeMonde Informatique 4533430146958984043.html
En minivestido negro, Lele Pons luce un escote que le llega hasta la cintura

La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram

9 Dec 17:00 El Diario NY 6486144432887978423.html
Ireland ranks as EU’s largest importer of planes

Figures show 53% of bloc’s plane imports last year went to Ireland

9 Dec 11:55 The Irish Times 8204772968920936256.html
Xiaomi è adesso il quarto produttore di smartphone al mondo

Secondo i datti appena svelati da Xiaomi, il brand cinese è adesso il quarto produttore di smartphone al mondo. Subito dopo Samsung, Huawei..

9 Dec 14:11 XIAOMI today 2748202435986642059.html
"Em Portugal só existem megaprocessos porque existe megacorrupção"

O presidente da Transparência e Integridade, João Paulo Batalha, defendeu que o Governo deve "fugir à tentação de fazer reformas que depois não se traduzem no terreno" e que "em Portugal só existem megaprocessos porque existe megacorrupção".

9 Dec 13:34 JN 6956494303632703000.html
More than 100 Middletown-based soldiers to be sent off to year-long deployment

ST. CLAIR TWP., Butler County — More than 100 soldiers with the 324th Military Police Co. with the Ohio National Guard based in Middletown will soon deploy for a year to support the U.S. Southern Command operations, according to the Ohio Adjutant General’s Department.

9 Dec 15:08 Whio 8204027954347606872.html
Ministra de la Mujer: "Chile no es un macho violador"

La titular de la cartera de la Mujer y equidad de Género se refirió a las manifestaciones y específicamente a la canción "un violador en tu camino" de LasTesis que ha dado la vuelta al mundo.

9 Dec 13:44 24Horas.cl 793283386223794291.html
Ultimátum de los jugadores a la dirigencia: si no cobran, no se entrenan

Los jugadores de Independiente avisaron que iniciarán una huelga si el club no cancela parte de la deuda en las próximas horas.

9 Dec 12:57 TyC Sports 3239944749009137706.html
Erfurt: Experte verrät, warum der Waschbär vom Weihnachtsmarkt erschossen werden MUSSTE – „Genau richtig gehandelt“

Ein erschossener Waschbär, der über den Weihnachtsmarkt in Erfurt torkelte, wurde kurzerhand von einem Jäger erschossen. Warum diese Aktion richtig war, erklärt ein Experte hier.

9 Dec 16:21 Thüringen24 7206317295385144426.html
“La storia del Rock in Italia” il nuovo libro del biellese Stefano Gilardino

Sarà presentato da Cigna Dischi sabato 14 dicembre

9 Dec 08:59 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318909928069.html
Pedro Sánchez y Arrimadas se reunirán esta semana

El encuentro se celebrará “una vez que el presidente pueda cumplir con los compromisos nacionales e internacionales de estos días”

9 Dec 13:07 La Vanguardia 8061072700207580672.html
KRC Genk maakt geen indruk: "Het is nog altijd wachten op het Wolf-effect"

KRC Genk won dan wel op het veld van Cercle Brugge met 1-2, indrukwekkend was het niet. Dat vindt Peter Vandenbempt alvast. Die mist nog het effect van nieuwe trainer Hannes Wolf.

9 Dec 12:45 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216544644859.html
Suzy Cortez JUGUETEA con el bastón de Santa Claus ¡Candente Navidad! (VIDEO)

La modelo Suzy Cortez se ha dejado ver con una pose bastante navide&ntilde;a, jugueteando con el bast&oacute;n de Santa Claus.

9 Dec 16:23 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623581454164.html
I Am Jesus Christ è il nuovo videogioco in cui si interpreta Gesù Cristo

I Am Jesus Christ è un gioco di simulazione ispirato dal Nuovo Testamento della Bibbia in cui il giocatore veste i panni di Gesù Cristo e, in un ambiente molto realistico, esegue miracoli e cura le persone

9 Dec 09:01 Hardware Upgrade 6666758056148301326.html
Ministério da Educação estabelece diretrizes para Ensino Médio em tempo integral

Portaria está publicada no Diário Oficial da União

9 Dec 14:23 Correio do Povo 8875535436674612521.html
Ministério da Educação estabelece diretrizes para Ensino Médio em tempo integral

O EMTI terá duração de 10 anos, a partir da adesão, considerando implantação, acompanhamento e mensuração de resultados alcançados

9 Dec 17:05 Folha Vitória 4941883428078192512.html
Novak i Jelena pozivaju: Koliko donirate vi, doniraćemo i mi za otvaranje novih vrtića u Srbiji

Za nepunih nedelju dana trajanja donatorske kampanje „Sezona darivanja“ Fondacija Novak Đoković sakupila je skoro 2 miliona dinara, ali to nisu jedine dobre vesti.

9 Dec 15:06 REPUBLIKA 2543998405287651694.html
Emirates inaugura su vuelo Dubái-Ciudad de México

La aerolínea pone en marcha su servicio diario con escala en Barcelona

9 Dec 17:00 El Informador 103545929553547494.html
Nick Cannon Drops Eminem Diss Track “The Invitation” Featuring Suge Knight: Listen

Listen here.

9 Dec 16:58 XXL Mag 2522554273713674348.html
Fragman yayında

Ebru Şahin ve İsmail Hacıoğlu'nun başrolünü paylaştığı ‘Şuursuz Aşk' filminin ilk fragmanı yayınlandı.

9 Dec 14:15 OLAY 7935247626686961501.html
Gasoductos hacen posible que la CFE baje TARIFAS de luz a penínsulas de México

Manuel Barlett, Director de la CFE, indic&oacute; que las negociaciones de gasoductos fueron un &eacute;xito, y que, con ello podr&aacute; disminuirse el costo de la luz para Yucat&aacute;n y Baja California.

9 Dec 13:32 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624197134513.html
Equity flows in MFs dip sharply, assets rise to a record in Nov.

With stock indices rising, investors opt for profit booking; gold ETFs see inflows

9 Dec 16:49 The Hindu 6679535025473550909.html
Förslag om ny databas mot penningtvätt

Ekonomi En ny databas hos finanspolisen dit alla banker skickar avvikande transaktioner automatiskt föreslås i en rapport beställd av Bankföreningen.Systemet kan byggas upp på tre år för 200–400 miljo

9 Dec 10:01 www.unt.se 8922556089934697723.html
Juice WRLD died before attending 21st birthday party, after rapping about not living past that age

Rapper Juice WRLD was reportedly going to attend his 21st birthday celebration in his hometown of Chicago the night he died after previously singing about how he didn’t plan to live past that age.

9 Dec 16:19 Fox News 7362823819743875415.html
There’s No Scare In NSO’s Consumption Data; It’s All About Falling Costs Of Food And Health Services

Falling costs of food and healthcare seem to have contributed to the fall in rural household expenditure.

9 Dec 12:11 Swarajya 4977622828431537302.html
Torquati (PD): “Discarica Cesano, ridicola confusione Raggi”

"Prima la decisione di un impianto di compostaggio per il trattamento dei rifiuti organici in un'area sbagliata che ha ricevuto il parere negativo degli

9 Dec 16:21 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342618293942970.html
Rasheeda Frost Impresses Her Fans With A Pink Money Set At Pressed Boutique – See The Video

Rasheeda Frost's fans always love the fact that she's wearing and promoting her own clothes from Pressed Boutique. She also works there together with

9 Dec 14:08 Celebrity Insider 265863476379207459.html
Snapchat lance Caméo pour créer des vidéos humoristiques avec votre selfie

La nouvelle fonctionnalité de Snapchat consiste à insérer votre visage dans une vidéo courte et marrante, comme un GIF personnalisé.

9 Dec 11:10 BDM 5688995703115972220.html
Trump no enviará a sus abogados a lectura de cargos en la Cámara de Representantes: Esquivel | Video

El periodista Jesús Esquivel dijo que Donald Trump no enviará a los abogados de la Casa Blanca a la Cámara de Representantes en el proceso de juicio político en su contra. El 20 de diciembre se acaban las sesiones legislativas, por lo que cada vez es vuelve más complicado que agenden la aprobación del nuevo tratado de comercio con México y Canadá.

9 Dec 16:36 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496489056990.html
YES Bank likely to reject $1.2 billion offer from Canada’s Braich

The offer from Braich and SPGP made up 60 per cent of the planned capital raising.

9 Dec 09:04 The Economic Times 7653256037892115948.html
Propostas que tratam de alterações na Previdência do Estado voltam a ser discutidas na Assembleia

Além da PEC da Previdência, aprovada na quarta-feira (06), mais duas propostas que tratam de alterações no sistema previdenciário do Estado voltam a ser discutidas na Assembleia Legislativa. Elas f…

9 Dec 14:41 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257529576530.html
Conveniência autônoma

Tecnologias que usam inteligência artificial, computer vision, câmeras e sensores para modernizar a experiência de compra são a base da Ame Go, modelo autônomo de minimercado de conveniência alimentar das Lojas Americanas, sem caixas nem atendentes. Um app libera o acesso do cliente e o valor das compras é debitado em sua conta. A primeira […]

9 Dec 12:30 ISTOÉ Dinheiro 4352259917969841903.html
Mulher diz ter sido chamada de 'piranha e vagabunda' por PM no Mineirão

Ela acompanhava o duelo entre Cruzeiro e Palmeiras, que culminou no rebaixamento da Raposa para a Série B, quando foi atacada pelo policial

9 Dec 16:36 O TEMPO 6069683948104747511.html
From Beemer To GTI: How Gamaldien’s Rides Evolved Through The Years

He changes his teams as often as he changes his cars and his latest journey sees him turn out for GladAfrica Championship side Steenberg United. We Check out Ruzaigh Gamilidien’s car evolution through the years.

9 Dec 16:30 Soccer Laduma 3901337371988750248.html
34-year-old Finnish female minister to become world’s youngest PM

Sanna Marin, Finland's transport minister, is set to become the world's youngest prime minister.

9 Dec 14:16 TheCable 7513571674379313380.html
'Buscamos fazer tudo dentro da legalidade', diz W. Dias sobre reforma

Dias afirmou que vai recorrer da decisão que suspendeu a tramitação de urgência da reforma.

9 Dec 15:25 R10 3167340813142967565.html
Roma, l’era Friedkin alle porte. Dal mercato allo stadio: ecco cosa cambierà

Pallotta pronto a cedere la maggioranza della società. Il magnate texano porterà un vento nuovo e un progetto finanziario rinnovato. Ecco quello che ci aspetta

9 Dec 14:29 Forzaroma.info 1065617487345209926.html
Bestnoten für Haraguchi und Weydandt: So habt ihr die 96-Profis gegen Aue bewertet

Durch den 3:2-Heimsieg gegen Erzgebirge Aue hat sich Hannover 96 von der Abstiegsregion abgesetzt. Marvin Bakalorz, Hendrik Weydandt und Genki Haraguchi erzielten die Tore. Wir wollten von euch wissen, wie ihr die Leistung der 96-Profis bewertet. Hier ist das Ergebnis. 

9 Dec 14:05 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985776038088074.html
Lata Mangeshkar’s Hospital Pictures Go Viral; Dilip Kumar Is Happy That His ‘Choti Behen’ Is Better

Lata Mangeshkar was discharged from the Breach Candy Hospital on Sunday, after she spent 28 days there because of pneumonia. Pictures from Lata’s hospital visit are now going viral on the internet, and it has her looking frail. Veteran actor Dilip Kumar posted a touching note rejoicing the news of Lata’s recovery.

10 Dec 11:54 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244755692032.html
dove sono finiti gli attaccanti? sconcerti: alla juve manca ronaldo, alla roma dzeko. e l'inter...


9 Dec 12:40 DAGOSPIA 6533336738843108375.html
Arsenal: Everyone loves a dark horse, and that’s Niko Kovac

Arsenal need to find a new manager, and fast. But nabbing Niko Kovac wouldn't be a desperation move. It's another investment in the long-run. Arsenal fans ...

9 Dec 08:00 Pain in the Arsenal 5415845312523596845.html
BI Beri Sinyal Kembali Turunkan Bunga Acuan di 2020

"Dengan kondisi ekonomi melambat sudah pasti negara-negara berkembang akan menyesuaikan kebijakannya kepada kebijakan yang sifatnya akomodatif.

9 Dec 14:30 detikfinance 4442190000607860672.html
CTT vão distribuir cartões Revolut

A operadora postal portuguesa assinou um acordo com a 'fintech' britânica criada em 2015 para a distribuição dos cartões Revolut.

9 Dec 13:32 SÁBADO 5711459691975078639.html
Streaming-Plattform Joyn startet Online-Sender “Primetime” mit us-amerikanischen Filmen und Serien

Die Streaming-Plattform Joyn erweitert ihr Angebot mit dem eigenen Sender "Primetime" rund um amerikanische Filme und Serien. "Primetime" steht allen Joyn-Nutzern über die Live-TV-Funktion zur Verfügung, sowohl im kostenlosen Bereich der App als auch im Joyn Plus+ Abonnement.

9 Dec 11:43 MEEDIA 2574484878155119491.html
El ariete de Messi y Conte

Lautaro Martínez se ha convertido en el protegido del capitán azulgrana y en el símbolo del Inter

9 Dec 15:13 EL PAÍS 2207347711049940255.html
Bologna, Poli: "C'è rammarico, poco aggressivi nel primo tempo"

Al termine della sconfitta interna (2-3) contro il Milan, il centrocampista Andrea Poli del Bologna ha parlato ai microfoni dei media presenti, tra cui noi di TuttoMercatoWeb.com, dalla zona mista del Dall'Ara: "Tutta la squadra è coinvolta negli errori, si attacca e si difende in undici, e questo va sottolineato. Non c'è nessuno che non sbaglia mai".

9 Dec 10:40 MilanNews.it 6507305921966857289.html
Saobraćajna policija vrši pojačanu kontrolu vožnje u alkoholisanom stanju

Pripadnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova, Uprave saobraćajne policije će od 9. do 15. decembra sprovesti pojačanu...

9 Dec 09:31 N1 Srbija 7797130866783974138.html
How long is X Factor The Band on for? New talent show kicks off on ITV

X Factor The Band makes its debut on ITV this week and Simon Cowell searches for the next One Direction or Little Mix

9 Dec 17:00 ChronicleLive 1984146902207074811.html
El tierno gesto de Lourdes Sánchez con Fede Bal tras la muerte de Santiago

La panelista le dedicó unas tiernas palabras a su compañero del Súper Bailando.

9 Dec 14:22 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740449780505396.html
Häktningsförhandlingar i Uddevalla i dag

En 22-årig man sitter sedan tidigare häktad misstänkt för mordet på den 17-åriga flickan. I dag hålls häktningsförhandlingar i Uddevalla mot två personer som misstänks ha hjälpt honom efteråt. Det handlar enligt handlingar från tingsrätten om en man och

9 Dec 09:45 HD 3336945411653124459.html
Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones wish Kirk Douglas a happy 103rd birthday

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are celebrating Kirk Douglas' 103rd birthday.

9 Dec 14:48 UPI 8257973865258028769.html
Como fazer um detox (sem recorrer a sucos verdes ou dietas loucas)

Basta adotar algumas medidas simples - e extremamente eficazes

9 Dec 17:40 R10 3167340814112616317.html
UFC Star Alistair Overeem’s Lip Bust Open By Brutal Punch

Since Connor McGregor stormed the world of UFC, brutal fights have become the norm; something that was seen over the weekend

9 Dec 16:34 UNILAD 6373328986148569164.html
Moldovagaz: Contractul de aprovizionare cu gaze în flux revers va fi semnat până la finele anului

Moldovagaz anunţă, contractul de aprovizionare cu gaze în flux revers va fi semnat până la finele anului. Totodată, potrivit unui comunicat de presă al instituţiei, toate documentele necesare pentru aprovizionarea Moldovei cu gaze naturale în revers urmea

9 Dec 13:38 PUBLIKA 1679939813249549353.html
Deutsche Bahn stellt 50.000 neue Mitarbeiter ein

Die Konjunktur schwächelt, die Industrie streicht Stellen - doch die Bahn heuert neue Mitarbeiter in Massen an. Dabei ist das Staatsunternehmen quasi zum Erfolg verurteilt.

9 Dec 16:53 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426738961161.html
Las fichas en las tres cajas a lo Fernan y un desmenuzador del aforismo

Este acertijo matemático nos llega desde el alto Oriente cubano, de un acertijando que ha venido destacándose en el presente año; y lo acompaño de un caramelito matemático y de un desmenuce del a

9 Dec 17:30 Cubadebate 7978633341900080205.html
Netflix i framkant inför Golden Globe

Film Tre Netflix-filmer har chans att kamma hem en Golden Globe i den prestigefyllda kategorin bästa film.Nominerad är även Stellan Skarsgård för sin skådespelarinsats i HBO-serien "Chernobyl&quo

9 Dec 17:56 www.unt.se 8922556089006599408.html
Rene Auberjonois death: Star Trek family pays tribute as Deep Space Nine actor dies, aged 79

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine actor Rene Auberjonois has died, aged 79. The prolific character actor, who also starred in sitcom Benson and Robert Altman film MASH (1970), died of metastatic lung cancer

9 Dec 10:17 The Independent 2511519170677875039.html
Com show de Davis e Lebron, Lakers seguem como melhor time da NBA

Ala contratado nesta temporada marcou 50 pontos na vitória sobre o Minnesota Timberwolves

9 Dec 14:46 VEJA.com 4116702197840672800.html
Bottroper Juwelier: Teuerste Armbanduhr kostete 55.000 Euro

Die Goldschmiede- und Uhrmachermeister Triffterer zeigen Kostbarkeiten ihres Sortiments. Edler Schmuck ist Luxus für mehrere Generationen.

9 Dec 08:23 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941221498934955.html
GOG Galaxy 2.0, la plataforma que reúne todos nuestros juegos en un solo lugar, ya está disponible para todos con su beta abierta

Tras haber permanecido desde hace tiempo de manera privada para ciertos usuarios, ahora todo el mundo puede probar y disfrutar de las ventajas de GOG Galaxy...

9 Dec 17:28 Vida Extra 2315661876476973938.html
Sube Digital: cómo funcionará el nuevo sistema para pagar el transporte desde el celular

Especialistas ya trabajan en una prueba piloto para simplificar la tarea de abonar el pasaje en trenes, colectivos y subtes. En un primer tramo, sólo podrán acceder los usuarios de Android con tecnología NFC.

9 Dec 15:00 Infocielo 6573250472434062843.html
Mughini-Alba Parietti, lite da Caterina Balivo. La showgirl chiama in diretta: «Un comizietto....»

Alba Parietti ha telefonato in diretta a Vieni da me ed ha attaccatto Giampiero Mughini, ospite nel salotto di Caterina Balivo. «Io faccio molta fatica a mantenere la calma». A scatenare...

9 Dec 17:02 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447980112965.html
Asian shares rise after buying mood on Wall Street ends week

TOKYO — Asian shares were mostly higher Monday cheered by a buying mood on Wall Street that came at the end of last week.

9 Dec 11:40 Manila Bulletin Business 8374351515053860754.html
Los "no anuncios" de Almeida en la Cumbre del Clima

El Alcalde asegura que dentro de cinco años sólo habrá autobuses "cero emisiones" circulando por las calles de Madrid. Desde su equipo aclaran que el compromiso del Ayuntamiento es que a partir de 2025 sólo se comprarán autobuses "cero emisiones"

9 Dec 15:16 Cadena SER 8390941985758160103.html
Kerman Lejarraga aspirante oficial al cinturón super wélter de la UE

La EBU ha designado aspirante oficial para el cintur&oacute;n vacante de la UE en la categor&iacute;a de super w&eacute;lter a Kerman Lejarraga. El otro aspi...

9 Dec 12:03 naiz: 117472234831571014.html
Elecciones en Boca: el efecto Riquelme y la "paliza" de los 22 puntos de diferencia

Los resultados finales marcaron un triunfo contundente de Identidad Xeneize encabezada por Jorge Amor Ameal, y con Román como bandera.

9 Dec 12:00 Todo Noticias 8077539161485171311.html
Final SEA Games 2019: Klimaks yang Diharapkan dari Timnas U-23

Vietnam tampil lebih dominan di semifinal SEA Games 2019. Tapi, Timnas U-23 bisa menghasilkan penampilan klimaks yang diharapkan di pertarungan besok.

9 Dec 12:47 Tempo 6731898377950729118.html
Los jugadores de Minecraft en Nintendo Switch podrán jugar con los de PS4 a partir del 10 de diciembre

Nos llegan buenas noticias para los jugadores de Minecraft en Nintendo Switch. Al parecer, ya hay fecha para poder disfrutar del juego cruzado entre esta consola y PlayStation 4. De acuerdo con lo compartido, la edición Bedrock de Minecraft se lanzará en PlayStation 4 mañana mismo y de esta manera los jugadores de la consola […]

9 Dec 15:26 Nintenderos 2555436002831177125.html
Six Online Deals You Need To Know About In Australia Today

G'day! Here are some cracking online bargains for Lifehacker readers, including: 50% off 4K-friendly HDMI cables, half-price SIM-only plans, 15% off tech at eBay and more!...

9 Dec 10:27 Lifehacker Australia 3742423169589550008.html
Dieta del brodo della Dott.ssa Kellyann: pancia piatta in 21 giorni

Elaborata da una celebre naturopata americana, questa dieta permette di perdere peso, di combattere le infiammazioni e di sgonfiare la pancia.

9 Dec 11:07 DiLei 6707305202560774549.html
En minivestido negro, Lele Pons luce un escote que le llega hasta la cintura

La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.La rubia presume su escultural figura en Instagram.

9 Dec 11:00 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957188968287351.html
Pela segunda vez, uma mulher negra sobe ao pódio da Miss Universo

A modelo sul-africana Zozibini Tunzi, de 26 anos, defende que as meninas devem aprender sobre liderança.

9 Dec 17:46 PÚBLICO 2228264897191645600.html
Carnes podem continuar subindo até fevereiro, diz FGV

A avaliação é do coordenador do Índice de Preços ao Consumidor (IPC) do Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas (Ibre/FGV), André Braz

9 Dec 17:45 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628700306834844.html
Huawei Band 4 Pro: schermo AMOLED, GPS e NFC

Il nuovo Huawei Band 4 Pro ha uno schermo AMOLED da 0,95 pollici, cinturino in silicone, cardiofrequenzimetro, GPS, NFC e modulo Bluetooth 4.2.

9 Dec 15:42 Webnews 4852331586402769920.html
Educación le da el visto bueno a tres nuevos grados

La nueva universidad privada de Galicia, un trámite más cerca de su aprobación

9 Dec 14:26 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613409021700.html
Mattarella contro l’evasione: “Senza aumenterebbero le pensioni”. Sarebbe Bengodi?

Parlando ad una platea di studenti ospiti del Quirinale, Sergio Mattarella spiega come bisogna abbattere la cultura dell'evasione per una società più equa.

9 Dec 16:31 NewNotizie 1312053896380501665.html
‘RHOC’ Star Tamra Judge Enjoys A Drama-Free Night Out With Vicki Gunvalson, Shares Instagram Photo

Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson are staying close after the ‘RHOC’ reunion. Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson may have wrapped filming on the 14th season of The Real Housewives of Orange ...

9 Dec 13:50 The Inquisitr 1745625232498113012.html
El jefe de gobierno porteño juró ante los legisladores: Horacio Rodríguez Larreta comenzó su segundo mandato

Con un discurso leído al pie de la letra, incluidas las pausas a la espera de tibios aplausos, el jefe de gobierno porteño, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, inauguró su segundo mandato al frente de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, en el que no contará con e...

9 Dec 14:35 PAGINA12 7077267066323554659.html
10 things you need to know before the opening bell

Here is what you need to know.

9 Dec 12:26 Business Insider Australia 5575934301324165798.html
A truckload giant just filed for bankruptcy, and it leaves nearly 3,000 truck drivers jobless, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Celadon declared bankruptcy on Dec. 9, and that collapse is worrying truck drivers that they may be stranded.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:58 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756905006447.html
Los comuns piden a ERC "dejar de jugar al póquer" y que participe en clave programática

El portavoz de los comuns, Joan Mena, ha pedido este lunes a ERC que ''deje de jugar al póquer'' y ha apostado por que los republicanos participen en un acuerdo en clave programática del gobierno que buscan el PSOE y Unidas Podemos, y no solo limitado a la investidura.

9 Dec 13:16 elEconomista.es 9051559958267577441.html
Giù le mani dal dominio .org, le ong chiedono di fermare la vendita

Appello delle organizzazioni non governative alla Internet Society per interrompere la vendita del dominio .org alla società di private equity Ethos Capital.

9 Dec 10:52 Wired 7504010957283651961.html
Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing BBC licence fee

The Prime Minister said whilst his party are currently “not planning to get rid of all TV licence fees”, he is “certainly looking at it”.

9 Dec 15:22 Express & Star 7324224460405680681.html
Ericsson accepte de payer une amende de 1 milliard pour malversation

Le groupe de matériels de télécommunications suédois Ericsson a accepté de payer 1 milliard de dollars dans le cadre d'un accord à l'amiable conclu avec le ministère américain de la Justice, qui l'accuse d'avoir versé des pots-de-vin dans cinq pays.

9 Dec 09:26 La Tribune 6570267672513407755.html
Surco: graban a mujer lanzando insultos racistas a trabajador

La mujer, quien aún no ha sido identificada, enfrentó a conserje de un edificio.

9 Dec 16:53 Publimetro Perú 5349571043789958137.html
Ranieri: "Ce l'ho con Thiago Motta. Moratti non voleva partisse, via lui la mia Inter si spense"

Sabato saranno avversari, ma nel loro passato c'è anche un'esperienza in comune, seppur breve, all'Inter, quando Claudio Ranieri allenava i nerazzurri e Thiago Motta disputava la...

9 Dec 10:45 FcInterNews.it 7848284892688124068.html
Empleados de Comercio van por paritarias en enero y suba del 22%

La cúpula sindical había acordado con empresarios y Alberto Fernández postergar negociaciones.

9 Dec 11:43 Punto Biz 7504645526765190279.html
Dopage : la Russie exclue des Jeux Olympiques pendant quatre ans et privée du Mondial de football

L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a annoncé ce lundi 9 décembre l'exclusion de la Russie pour les Jeux Olympiques pendant les quatre prochaines années. Plus globalement, le pays va donc manquer les deux prochains...

9 Dec 11:05 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766071120116562.html
Legea prin care pădurarii vor fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu, promulgată de Klaus Iohannis

"În exercitarea atribuţiilor de serviciu, personalul silvic cu atribuţii de paza fondului forestier naţional, a fondului cinegetic naţional, a fondului piscicol şi a ariilor naturale protejate are statut special, este dotat cu armament de serviciu letal sau neletal, după caz, şi poate face uz de armă, în condiţiile reglementărilor privind regimul armelor şi muniţiilor. Statutul special este conferit de portul de armă, de îndatoririle specifice în îndeplinirea atribuţiilor de serviciu şi de riscurile meseriei, care îi pot afecta integritatea fizică şi viaţa", este una dintre modificările aduse legii. Un alt amendament adoptat menţionează că personalul silvic pensionat la vârsta standard beneficiază de o gratificaţie egală cu minimum cinci salarii brute pe ultima lună de activitate, suportată de angajator, scrie Agerpres.ro.  

9 Dec 14:56 www.antena3.ro 6332542757048506122.html
Najpomembnejše volitve v več kot sto letih

Vladajoči konservativci tudi zadnje dni volilne kampanje za četrtkove volitve Britance prepričujejo z ogroženostjo brexita, opozicijski laburisti pa z ogroženostjo državnega zdravstva (NHS). Vodja laburistov Jeremy Corbyn je v članku za tednik Observer volitve opisal kot “boj za preživetje našega NHS kot brezplačne javne storitve”.

9 Dec 08:00 Dnevnik 7671546650342660978.html
Ayuso bajará impuestos de "tres en tres" y usará el IRPF para compensar las políticas del Estado

En una entrevista concedida a Europa Press, la dirigente regional ha desvelado que espera "el momento oportuno", que será cuando el...

9 Dec 09:54 Expansión 4197779423519154902.html
Munas Dabbur: "Rückkehr? Salzburg ist ein Klub für junge Spieler"

Nach drei Jahren, drei Meistertiteln, zwei Cup-Trophäen, zwei Torjägerkronen und 72 Treffern wechselte Munas Dabbur im vergangenen Sommer für 17 Millionen Euro zum FC Sevilla. Den Wechsel machte der Israeli bereits im Jänner zuvor offiziell.

9 Dec 15:36 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699336613553.html
Affaire de la sextape: la Cour de cassation valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

La Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi le pourvoi du footballeur Karim Benzema, qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête dans l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015. La Cour a estimé que les méthodes d'enquête employées dans ce...

9 Dec 13:30 RTBF Sport 2262420857580405073.html
‘Wissels Erik ten Hag leveren bijzonder weinig op voor Ajax’

Dit seizoen klonk er geregeld kritiek op de werkwijze van Erik ten Hag vanuit De Telegraaf, dus het is bijna logisch dat dit na de verloren wedstrijd tegen Willem II ook het geval was. Dit keer moest het wisselbeleid van de trainer eraan geloven. Sportnieuws.nl keek of dat terecht is. Volgens de krant is er…

9 Dec 10:04 Sportnieuws 3602982464078186540.html
The Fed's liquidity problem hasn't yet gone away — and an abrupt shock may be looming in 2020, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Even with hundreds of billions of dollars in new liquidity created out of thin air, it's too soon for the Fed to signal a clear coast for repo markets.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 12:45 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756144020568.html
Onkel Toms Hütte

The 1852 novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" lends its name to a subway station, a street, and several shops on the edge of Berlin.

9 Dec 16:00 Atlas Obscura 58081917409212818.html
Sampaoli se reúne com presidente do Santos, sai pessimista e adia decisão

A reunião entre Jorge Sampaoli e José Carlos Peres nesta segunda-feira (9) terminou sem uma decisão. Os dois estiveram no CT do Santos, e o treinador deixou o local sem falar com a imprensa. O encontro durou mais de duas horas e teve momentos de tensão. Segundo apurou a reportagem, a "novela" ainda não teve seu capítulo final, mas ficou claro que é grande a diferença entre os pedidos do treinador e a capacidade de investimento da equipe da Vila Belmiro. Há uma estimativa que os pedidos de reforços do comandante chegam a R$ 100 milhões.Em coletiva de imprensa no domingo (8), após a goleada por 4 a 1 sobre o Flamengo, Sampaoli afirmou que gostaria de um projeto desportivo com capacidade para brigar pelo título da Libertadores em 2020. Uma das pedidas do treinador é ter dois jogadores no mesmo nível por posição.Nesta segunda, Sampaoli evitou repórteres, mas falou brevemente com alguns dos garotos que ganharam projeção após serem flagrados acompanhando treinos do Santos de cima de uma árvore à beira do CT e que já…

9 Dec 17:07 CidadeVerde.com 5160524418920415612.html
Karlsson får startnekt - oppfyller ikke helsekrav

Frida Karlsson får ikke konkurrere og tvinges til å trene mindre. - Hun må nå ta et steg tilbake for å komme i balanse igjen, opplyser Sveriges landslagslege Magnus Oscarsson.

9 Dec 16:25 Dagbladet.no 3042595686627664035.html
TEST du Razer Kraken Ultimate : un casque pour gamers confortable avec un son THX

Le constructeur propose une nouvelle version de son Kraken, qui brille grâce à Synapse 3.

9 Dec 14:25 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042609765770010.html
Boca Juniors : Jorge Ameal nouveau président, Juan Roman Riquelme directeur sportif

Les élections présidentielles ont rendu leur verdict, Boca Juniors a un nouveau président. Son nom : Jorge Ameal. Ce dernier a obtenu près de 53% d’un suffrage qui a vu 38 363 socios s’exprimer. (...)

9 Dec 14:01 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900180418343151.html
Anticipazioni I Medici 3, terza puntata: Lorenzo alle prese con l’elezione del nuovo Papa

Le anticipazioni della terza puntata de "I Medici 3".

9 Dec 11:01 NewNotizie 1312053895636536878.html
El mundo necesita a los CEO: Prepárate para ser uno de ellos

En momentos como los que vivimos, en donde imperan los cambios sociales y económicos, el rol del principal oficial ejecutivo es crucial para impulsar las transformaciones necesarias

9 Dec 12:00 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311187381503.html
(S)Visti da Lontano – Genoa senza attacco al derby, dovrà buttarla sul cuore e sulla lotta

Thiago Motta con 3 punti in 4 trasferte ha migliorato il rendimento esterno: ma dovrà risolvere la difficoltà a vincere in casa del Genoa

9 Dec 15:23 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982772351965073.html
Última y decisiva semana para la COP25: Comienza la fase de "alto nivel" en negociaciones climáticas

Durante las próximas jornadas de la cumbre medioambiental se llevarán a cabo negociaciones clave para llegar a acuerdos. Además, se presentarán los ministros de Hacienda y Energía de Chile.

9 Dec 10:00 Emol 3328490601049552636.html
Italija: Zemljotres uplašio stanovnike, oštećena crkva

RIM - Zemljotres koji je danas pogodio oblast Toskane, severno od Firence, uplašio je stanovnike koji su usred noći istrčali na ulice, ali povređenih nije

9 Dec 14:51 Krstarica 4176903989225732486.html
CEO hacked employee’s phone and downloaded ‘intimate’ images

WRC awards ex-worker with fashion firm €94,000 for sexual harassment and unfair dismissal

9 Dec 15:33 The Irish Times 8204772969060577925.html
Finland’s Sanna Marin set to become world’s youngest prime minister at 34

She will lead an alliance of five parties that are all headed by women.

9 Dec 08:37 Scroll.in 8669301694057540879.html
NZ Police Confirm 5 Dead In Volcanic Eruption With “At Least A Double Digit” Still Missing

New Zealand Police have confirmed at least five casualties as a result of the devastating volcano eruption on Monday afternoon.

9 Dec 09:25 Pedestrian TV 5961900145398804742.html
Redmi 8A review: Going top class on a budget

If you are in the market looking for a cost-effective budget phone, go for the Redmi 8A.

9 Dec 16:11 Deccan Herald 2027555797949159077.html
Reports say Juventus offer Erling Haaland €3m per season

Juventus have reportedly made an initial offer to red-hot Salzburg forward Erling Haaland.

9 Dec 08:05 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906585044694.html
Just Eat takeover battle hots up with fresh $6.5bn Prosus bid

Offer is about 5% ahead of all-share bid from favoured suitor Takeaway

9 Dec 15:33 The Irish Times 8204772969311305217.html
Bullrich pidió a Majul un segundo mandato y la gente no tardó en reaccionar

La ministra de Seguridad más complicada con los Derechos Humanos desde la vuelta de la Democracia pidió un segundo mandato y las redes explotaron. Claramente.

9 Dec 12:55 Diario Registrado 7686014735644162742.html
Bau von „NordLink“ auf der Zielgeraden

Die Stromleitung „NordLink“ verbindet die Kapazitäten der Wasserkraftwerke in Norwegen mit der Windenergie aus Deutschland. Sie soll die Versorgungssicherheit in den Stromnetzen beider Länder erhöhen.

9 Dec 16:35 DIE WELT 6197693429118883486.html
Sconcerti: "Serie A, mancano gli attaccanti dal gol facile. Il primato dell’Inter è riassunto in Lukaku-Martinez"

"Non è ancora un campionato reale. Non stanno vincendo i giocatori migliori, si vince di forza, un po' a caso. E la lotta tra realtà e pensiero è sempre poco...

9 Dec 11:14 FcInterNews.it 7848284893970803281.html
Borse Ue e Piazza affari virano in negativo, Ftse Mib la peggiore

Le borse mostrano quindi un clima attendista all'inizio di un ottava dove, a far da faro, vi saranno le comunicazioni della Fed e della BCE, nonché le elezioni nel Regno Unito; senza dimenticare poi il verdetto dell'amministrazione Trump sugli ulteriori dazi su importazioni cinesi.

9 Dec 12:49 InvestireOggi 7231367743824212104.html
Coinjer Scam is Making the Rounds, Here’s What You Need to Know

The Coinjer scam is one of the latest cons to hit crypto-related social media recently. The scam primarily operates across Telegram channels and tricks

9 Dec 17:47 Bitcoinist.com 1696346936904789043.html
Ahora en acción: descubren a la Tesla Cybertruck de noche en una autopista

Es la "chata" 100% eléctrica. Llama la atención por su diseño.

9 Dec 10:44 Todo Noticias 8077539162564195578.html
Ordino Arcalís recibe cerca de 6.000 esquiadores durante el Puente de la Inmaculada

Los visitantes han valorado muy positivamente las magníficas condiciones de nieve polvo

9 Dec 14:19 sport 1349897969657894215.html
Iohannis anunță înghețarea salariilor demnitarilor

Președintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat luni că i-a încurajat pe premierul Ludovic Orban și pe ministrul Finanțelor, Eugen Cîțu, la discuțiile...

9 Dec 16:08 Stiri pe surse 4858045012580624763.html
Svetska anti-doping agencija suspendovala RUS sa svih takmičenja na 4 god.

MONTREAL - Izvršni komitet Svetske anti-doping agencije (WADA) zabranio je učešće sportistima Rusije na svim međunarodnim takmičenjima u naredne četiri godine.

9 Dec 12:27 tanjug.rs 2690210341267734933.html
Piden investigar a funcionario de operador del MÍO que "celebró" asesinato de una agente de tránsito

El presidente del Concejo, Fernando Tamayo, manifestó este lunes que solicitará a la Policía que investigue las afirmaciones hechas a través de las redes sociales por el empleado de uno de los operadores de Metrocali en las que se "alegra" de la muerte de la guarda de tránsito, Lizeth González, asesinada la semana pasada en el oriente de la ciudad."Estoy indignado, no como concejal ni como caleño siquiera, sino como ser humano. No puedo concebir una sociedad o personas que hacen parte de una sociedad, que ponderan la muerte de otro ser humano, que ponderan la muerte de una guarda, una mujer, una madre, se jactan y además incitan a la violencia diciendo que "quizás sea el principio de una oleada de limpieza social". Me aterra más aún que las personas vinculadas a esa cuenta de Facebook apoyan ese tipo de comportamientos y la muerte como alternativa", afirmó Tamayo.

9 Dec 09:48 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346932782924.html
A new video game about the 2020 election lets you fight as Donald Trump, Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Cory Booker

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is the star of an upcoming video game featuring the frontrunners of the 2020 election – “Yang2020: Path To Presidency.” The game will let the 2020 candidates fight for the presidency, with a fictional story mode charting Yang’s path to office.

9 Dec 17:03 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882860515399.html
Highly-rated Haaland staying focused on ‘biggest game of career so far’

The Norway international has been linked with a host of clubs following a prolific start to the season with Red Bull Salzburg.

9 Dec 15:37 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773839560721.html
Campinas sedia 2º Congresso Sul-Americano de Circo

O evento contará com a presença de Dedé Santana, que iniciou sua carreira em circo

9 Dec 17:00 ACidade ON 9132734527793491051.html
"¡No te puedes casar!": Mujer llega al matrimonio de su expareja y hace lo que sea por impedir su boda

Cuando los novios estaban a punto de dar el sí, acepto, esta joven llegó gritando e incluso intentó golpear a la novia

9 Dec 15:54 ATV.pe 8560155076115276480.html
“Susurradores de gatos”: el poder de pocas personas para entender los gestos de los felinos

Los gatitos mandan señales por medio de ronroneos, maullidos y expresiones faciales, pero son complicadas de descifrar por los humanos.

9 Dec 10:45 Wapa.pe 6757287089307011595.html
Blackout: BVB’s All Black Kit Causes Social Media Frenzy

Borussia Dortmund sent shockwaves through the footballing fraternity when they debuted their 110th anniversary ‘Blackout kit’

9 Dec 14:30 Soccer Laduma 3901337371634857353.html
Para la asunción de Alberto Fernández, sacaron las rejas de Plaza de Mayo

La medida fue llevada adelante durante la madrugada del lunes. Fue por pedido del presidente electo hacia Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

9 Dec 09:22 Diagonales 4932342256364729315.html
VP's Elftal van de Week: één Willem II'er per linie, beste rechtsback van Serie B

Het geraamte van het Elftal van de Week was vrijdagavond vlak na 22.00 uur al gevormd. Stuntploeg Willem II verbijsterde Ajax in eigen huis en levert een bijdrage aan alle vier de linies van het sterrenteam. Timon Wellenreuther (Willem II)Soms heb je als keeper van die avonden waarop je eenvoudigweg niet te passeren bent, wat de tegenstander ook probeert. De publiekslieveling uit Karlsruhe was vrijdagavond in bloedvorm in de Johan Cruijff Arena. Nog niet zo lang geleden werd hij onder de lat verdrongen door Mattijs Branderhorst, maar Wellenreuther heeft zich ijzersterk herpakt.

9 Dec 10:00 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313883833918977.html
Rusia queda fuera de los JJ. OO. durante cuatro años por violación del control antidoping

La instancia olímpica prometió apoyar las sanciones "contra todos los responsables de esta manipulación"

9 Dec 15:25 NTN24 8482749625399258804.html
'Game of Thrones' Star Kit Harington Reacts to Golden Globe Nom: "I'm the Loner Throner"

The Hollywood Reporter speaks with the erstwhile Jon Snow about representing the HBO drama: "This feels full circle."

9 Dec 10:46 The Hollywood Reporter 121801343358180757.html
Golden Globe 2020, le nomination: tra The Crown e Chernobyl spunta The Morning Show

Netflix ed Hbo la fanno da padrone

9 Dec 15:57 Tvblog 378101971906010419.html
Elodie e Marracash a La Scala, il web boccia il loro look: "Inadeguati"

Il look scelto da Elodie e Marracash alla prima de La Scala di Milano è stato aspramente criticato dal web, qualcuno li ha ritenuti davvero "inadeguati"

9 Dec 10:27 ilGiornale.it 5019541225440914267.html
Casamance: Des individus braquent un véhicule et agressent les passagers..

XALIMANEWS: La scène était digne d’un film hollywoodien. Selon le quotidien L’Observateur, qui donne l’information, deux assaillants à bord d’une moto « Jakarta », poursuivait sur plus de 10km, une voiture de transport commun intimant un chauffeur de se garer. Le chauffeur se rendant compte qu’ils étaient armés, a refusé de s’exécuter. La course poursuite prendra fin […]

9 Dec 10:00 Xalima.com 5303455893677946236.html
Finlândia: primeira-ministra mais jovem do mundo forma coalizão com outras 4 mulheres

A finlandesa Sanna Marin, 34, será a mais jovem primeira-ministra do mundo, à frente de um...

9 Dec 09:57 UOL Noticias 8892198860075189747.html
Qué dijo Marcela Tinayre sobre los rumores de embarazo de Juanita Viale

La conductora de Las Rubias reveló la charla que tuvo con su hija. ¿Va a ser abuela?

9 Dec 16:22 Todo Noticias 8077539162517229727.html
Las Águilas se escapan en la primera plaza y Leones se enrrachó para meterse en la clasificación

Los capitalinos siguen sin perder, luego que Víctor Garate asumiera las labores de manager del equipo

9 Dec 13:36 NTN24 8482749625664109725.html
La Pgs Luce batte di misura Montalbano. 5-4 il finale

Una pazza Pgs Luce vince in rimonta negli ultimi secondi della partita, contro il fanalino di coda Montalbano.

9 Dec 15:00 Tempostretto 3143171742884271271.html
Alto Minho recomenda ao Governo manutenção de financiamento à Bienal de Cerveira

A assembleia intermunicipal da Comunidade Intermunicipal (CIM) do Alto Minho, aprovou, por unanimidade, uma recomendação ao Governo a solicitar o financiamento plurianual da bienal de arte de Vila Nova de Cerveira, informou hoje a fundação que organiza o evento. Em comunicado hoje enviado à imprensa, a Fundação Bienal de Arte de Cerveira (FBAC) adianta que “a proposta de recomendação da assembleia intermunicipal da CIM Alto Minho vai ser remetida à Presidência da República, primeiro-ministro, ministra da Cultura, Direção-Geral das Artes, presidente da Assembleia da República e a todos os grupos parlamentares da Assembleia da República”. A proposta foi aprovada na sexta-feira, em reunião daquele órgão, “por todas as bancadas representadas na Assembleia Intermunicipal da CIM Alto Minho”. “É mais uma entidade regional a manifestar publicamente o seu apoio à FBAC, após a candidatura denominada “Fundação Bienal de Arte de Cerveira: a Arte Contemporânea integrada na sociedade e no mundo” ter sido considerada elegível…

9 Dec 17:47 O Minho 154418196258071295.html
Les phrases les plus WTF des gens qui parlent en dormant

Dormir dans les bras de l'être aimé, c'est si doux... Jusqu'à ce qu'il ou elle parle dans son sommeil et dise des trucs vraiment flippants.

9 Dec 08:42 madmoiZelle 3070687818448819589.html
"La collection parfaite" de whiskies rares mise aux enchères

Plus de 3 900 bouteilles de whiskies rares acquises par un amateur américain vont être mises aux enchères par la maison écossaise Whisky Auctioneer, selon laquelle il s'agit de la plus importante collection privée jamais mise en vente. Whisky Auctioneer a annoncé, aujourd'hui, sur son site internet la mise aux enchères l'année prochaine de ce qu'elle qualifie de "collection parfaite", comprenant des bouteilles écossaises mais aussi irlandaises, américaines, japonaises, valant pour certaines plus d'un million de livres sterling l'unité.

9 Dec 12:43 LaProvence 1839381420351819250.html
VIDEO. Journaliste krijgt live op tv klets op poep van passant: “Je hebt me vernederd”

Een Amerikaanse verslaggeefster heeft op Twitter uitgehaald naar een man die tijdens een live nieuwsuitzending op haar poep kletste. “Geen enkele vrouw zou hiermee te maken mogen krijgen”, klinkt het. Alex Bozarjian bracht afgelopen zaterdag verslag uit over een loopwedstrijd in Savannah, in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia. Op een bepaald moment kletst een van de

9 Dec 10:00 Zita 7484176339805376190.html
Highly-rated Haaland staying focused on ‘biggest game of career so far’

The Norway international has been linked with a host of clubs following a prolific start to the season with Red Bull Salzburg.

9 Dec 15:36 Express & Star 7324224460150030342.html
Thrifty father-of-three reveals how he saves £2,000 a year and even gets money off his utility bills - just by scanning his supermarket receipts

EXCLUSIVE: Peter Chatfield, 39, from Deal in Kent, funded a family holiday to Disneyland Florida, after saving £2,000 through cashback on supermarket shopping apps and special offers.

9 Dec 10:29 Mail Online 124328110634706325.html
Sommet de l’ACP : Félix Tshisekedi recommande la mutualisation des énergies pour améliorer les conditions de vie des populations

Le Président Félix Tshisekedi a appelé lundi 9 décembre à Nairobi (Kenya) les pays membres du Groupe des Etats d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP) à mettre ensemble leurs énergies pour mener des actions concertées, afin d’améliorer l’efficacité de la coopération dans le domaine qui apporte des solutions aux conditions de vie de leurs populations respectives.

9 Dec 17:51 Radio Okapi 4444713483781529815.html
La passione e la caparbietà: Rosetta Buldorini festeggia 25 anni di attività VIDEO

ANNIVERSARIO - La festa della presidente provinciale estetiste di Confartigianato con i circensi e tanti ospiti al Punto Donna di Recanati

9 Dec 08:54 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195691431949.html
Golden Globe 2020, le nomination: Marriage Story contro Joker

Il dramma di Noah Baumbach si prende la rivincita - almeno per ora - sul Leone d'oro di Venezia

9 Dec 15:58 Panorama 2295580207634137401.html
Nach Misstönen : Neues Rektorat an Kunstuni Graz komplett

Nach langwierigen Auseinandersetzungen rund um die Wahl hat Rektor Georg Schulz sein Team mit drei Vizerektorinnen und einem Vizerektor. Schulz wird ab 1. März 2020 den Bereich Kunst übernehmen.

9 Dec 15:27 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699506255795.html
Riquelme maneja tres opciones para DT y Battaglia suena como ayudante

Miguel Ángel Russo, Eduardo Domínguez y José Pekerman son las alternativas de la nueva dirigencia de Boca, que asumirá el próximo viernes.

9 Dec 13:30 TyC Sports 3239944748652687973.html
Jamil Name a um passo de conseguir prisão domiciliar?

Meio caminho - No placar feito pelo Jogo Aberto com advogados criminalistas, o palpite vencedor, de lavada, é de que a defesa de Jamil Name está perto de conseguir a prisão domiciliar para ele. A leitura considera como fundamental aliada a decisão do juiz Walter Nunes da Silva Junior, do Rio Grande do Norte, rejeitando a manutenção de Name no presídio federal de segurança máxima de Mossoró (RN). A...

9 Dec 09:00 Campo Grande News 7902463002429547189.html
Cuerpo de una mujer es hallado en las líneas del Metro de Valparaíso

La data de muerte de la fallecida es de 24 a 48 horas desde su hallazgo. El Servicio Médico Legal trabaja para identificar la identidad de esta persona, así como los motivos de su deceso.

9 Dec 10:43 24Horas.cl 793283386405552219.html
Südafrika läuft die Zeit davon

Die Republik am Kap, einst Vorbild Schwarzafrikas, ist heruntergewirtschaftet. Ein Desaster à la Simbabwe ist nicht auszuschliessen. Ein Kommentar von Wolfgang Drechsler.

9 Dec 14:15 Finanz und Wirtschaft 7155203936591915454.html
En Andalousie, la salinité accrue des eaux souterraines inquiète les agriculteurs

Reportage en Andalousie où le sel s'infiltre dans l'aquifère et menace les cultures.

9 Dec 10:00 euronews 7357749755741294565.html
Ministrul iranian de Externe, Mohammad Javad Zarif: 'Iranul este dispus să discute despre un eventual schimb de prizonieri de amploare cu SUA'

Ministrul iranian de Externe, Mohammad Javad Zarif, a declarat luni că Teheranul este deschis la negocieri cu Statele Unite în legătură cu un...

9 Dec 16:35 Stiri pe surse 4858045011991231290.html
Axel Witsel komt rest van het jaar niet meer in actie na zware val: “Hij lag op de intensieve”

Axel Witsel (30) heeft bij een ongeval bij hem thuis een kwetsuur in het gezicht opgelopen, waarvoor hij intussen al onder het mes is gegaan, zo maakte zij...

9 Dec 12:19 De Standaard 2288913868925609742.html
La AMA excluye a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos durante cuatro años

La decisión de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje se da debido a la falsificación de datos de controles entregados a la entidad

9 Dec 17:14 El Informador 103545929261641300.html
Cristina Ferreira e Cláudio Ramos choram em direto com sofrimento de idosos expulsos de casa

Os casos dos habitantes da aldeia de Ribeira de Baixo, que desaparecerá por cauda da barragem de Daivões, comoveu Cristina Ferreira e Cláudio Ramos.

9 Dec 13:55 maria 5738163822962394937.html
Una investigación mantiene en vilo a la Fundación Leo Messi

Causas en Argentina y España Con causas abiertas, la principal especulación teórica que se va formulando es que los Messi crearon dos fundaciones: una en el país europeo y otra en Rosario, y así hacer firmar a diversos sponsors contratos sin saber con la entidad de qué país se está acordando o, en otros casos, sin conocer el destino real de los patrocinios. Esto posibilitaría gambetear controles en ambos continentes. Para los investigadores, recién se conoce la punta del iceberg.

9 Dec 10:24 El Litoral 2624573356925792253.html
Cascade grad starring as KOMO 4 News’ weekend sports anchor

Femi Abebefe, 29, is one of the Seattle market’s youngest broadcasters.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408193034398.html
Förre centralbankschefen Paul Volcker har dött

Paul Volcker, som ledde den amerikanska centralbanken mellan 1979 och 1987, har dött.

9 Dec 14:21 DN.SE 398730695226127973.html
Adunni Ade meets Cardi B, says 'I'll rather appreciate a real person than a liar'

Popular Nigerian actress and model Adunni Ade has praised International rapper Cardi B on social media. The actress shared a lengthy post on her Instagram page, talking about the rapper's character.

9 Dec 11:43 Legit 3764253650248916128.html
'Oude' Liemers Museum opent nog één keer deuren voor publiek

Het Liemers Museum in Zevenaar is officieel al sinds 1 oktober gesloten, maar opent zaterdag nog één keer de deuren voor het publiek. Bezoekers krijgen dan ook een sneak preview van het nieuwe Liemers Museum.

9 Dec 13:20 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615545410231.html
Gianni Morandi, le più belle canzoni

Le più belle canzoni di Gianni Morandi, tra i cantautori più famosi e importanti della storia della musica italiana.

9 Dec 10:31 Sky TG24 1131381333132368205.html
Francia: Hombre que violó y asesinó a una mujer intentó envenenarse antes de ser sentenciado

El hombre de 45 años ingirió una pastilla luego de ser condenado a 30 años de prisión por secuestrar, violar y matar a una joven.

9 Dec 13:49 RPP 3819340341719724328.html
EEUU, Canadá y México anunciarán avances en el tratado de libre comercio este martes

El canciller de México, Marcelo Ebrard, dijo que este martes se reunirán los negociadores de los tres países para dar a conocer los avances en el T-MEC.

9 Dec 14:00 Telemundo 1787883394354124101.html
A new video game about the 2020 election lets you fight as Donald Trump, Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Cory Booker

The Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is the star of an upcoming video game featuring the front-runners of the 2020 election – “Yang2020 Path to Presidency.” The game will let the 2020 candidates fight for the presidency, with a fictional story mode charting Yang’s path to office.

9 Dec 17:03 Business Insider Australia 5575934300620046407.html
Calciomercato Milan – Maldini beffa Marotta e Paratici: 20 milioni e colpo a effetto! – News Milan

Calciomercato Milan - Il dt rossonero pronto a sfidare le due rivali per un grande obiettivo: l'affare si può chiudere con 20 milioni - News Milan

9 Dec 16:09 IlMilanista.it 3960926760029918202.html
Leonel Pernía y otra carrera para olvidar

Como se recordará, luego de haber logrado el ansiado título de campeón en la temporada anterior, Leonel Pernía, que había ganado la penúltima carrera de este calendario y se disponía a pelear mano a mano con Urcera para revalidar la corona, fue desclasificado por problemas técnicos. Ya sin chance de campeonar, llegó a San Nicolás […]

9 Dec 10:07 El Eco 4177735525633921978.html
California: 'Bomb' Cyclone Triggers 75 Ft Wave Off Cape Mendocino

A gigantic 75 feet wave was triggered by a 'bomb' cyclone having wind speeds of 100 miles per hour in Cape Mendocino in the northern part of California.

9 Dec 17:45 Republic World 1282918856565475041.html
Park-Inkasso stößt Pendlern sauer auf

Großer politischer Bahnhof am Montag für das neue Parkdeck am Bahnhof Telfs-Pfaffenhofen. Die Pendler-Freude hält sich aber in Grenzen, denn das ...

9 Dec 11:30 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093913385133.html
Brutaler Raubüberfall auf 51-Jährige in Mönchengladbach

Um an ihr Bargeld zu gelangen, gingen die Männer mit nicht unerheblicher Gewalt vor.

9 Dec 13:29 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258567783875778.html
Zoológico de Berlín presenta los nombres de sus pandas gemelos #9Dic

Los tiernos gemelos panda del Zoológico de Berlín, fueron presentados con sus nombres: Meng Xiang y Meng Yuan, sueño deseado y sueño cumplido

9 Dec 13:11 El Impulso 879547506539155306.html
Sheff G Goes For It All in New Freestyle

BK to the fullest.

9 Dec 16:41 XXL Mag 2522554273348335347.html
2020 Watch: Buttigieg on the defensive, Biden's strategy

NEW YORK (AP) - Presidential politics move fast. What we're watching heading into a new week on the 2020 campaign:

9 Dec 10:36 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638283695699.html
Cybertruck na ulicach Los Angeles

Tesla Cybertruck jeszcze nie wszedł do masowej produkcji, a już wywołuje ogromne emocje i gorące dyskusje w świecie motoryzacyjnym i technologicznym.I choć od pierwszej oficjalnej prezentacji prototypu minęło zaledwie kilka dni, to uważnym obserwatorom nie umknęła przejażdżka, jaką Elon Musk urządził Cybetruck'iem po ulicach Los Angeles.

9 Dec 16:00 Polskie Radio 2539990556647853539.html
Policía neozelandesa descarta hallar algún sobreviviente tras la erupción del volcán White Island

Unas imágenes retransmitidas en directo del volcán mostraban a más de media decena de personas caminando por el borde del cráter antes de la erupción

9 Dec 12:27 NTN24 8482749624841395826.html
Les mythes renouvelés de Jean-Michel Jaquet

Plus discret ces dernières années dans la région dont il est natif, le peintre et dessinateur expose un éventail de ses créations à l’Hôtel particu ...

9 Dec 17:30 Arcinfo 560090597857186058.html
China ordena substituição de PCs e softwares estrangeiros usados no país

Medida afeta PCs e softwares estrangeiros usados em escritórios governamentais e instituições públicas

9 Dec 14:36 Mundo Conectado 6456876365750567231.html
Celtic transfer news: Neil Lennon to urge board to sign £90k-a-week Forster from Southampton permanently

NEIL LENNON will urge the Celtic board to splash the cash to sign Fraser Forster from Southampton. The England keeper is on loan at Parkhead until the end of the season. But after Forster’s heroics…

9 Dec 10:28 The Scottish Sun 6609127673777169701.html
„Friends“-Star tot: Er hinterlässt Ehefrau und Tochter - Spekulationen zu Todesursache

Ein bekannter Schauspieler ist am Freitag (6. Dezember) gestorben. Er war bekannt aus „Die Sopranos“ und „Friends“ mit Jennifer Aniston. Aber auch am Theater feierte er Erfolge.

9 Dec 09:05 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239668841106.html
La venta de autos usados tuvo un leve repunte durante noviembre

Consumo A un mes de que termine el año, el sector estima que cerrarán con los mismos volúmenes de venta que en 2018 pese al contexto de crisis.

9 Dec 12:35 El Litoral 2624573358379752644.html
Jornalista descobre traição após registro do namorado em app fitness

A jornalista americana Jane Slater compartilhou no Twitter como descobriu a trai&ccedil;&atilde;o do seu ex-namorado. Segundo ela, o casal usava um rel&oacute;gio que registrava as atividades f&iacute;sicas que praticavam e compartilhavam os dados em um aplicativo. Assim, um incentivava o outro...

9 Dec 17:32 TNH1 3684351754649250489.html
Linde väntar på kinesiska besked

Politik Sverige räknar med fortsatt stöd från EU i kampen för Gui Minhai.Hur det blir med stöd i frågan om eventuella handelssanktioner återstår att se – i väntan på besked om vad Kina egentligen tänk

9 Dec 15:46 www.unt.se 8922556088527653791.html
Linde väntar på kinesiska besked

Politik Sverige räknar med fortsatt stöd från EU i kampen för Gui Minhai.Hur det blir med stöd i frågan om eventuella handelssanktioner återstår att se – i väntan på besked om vad Kina egentligen tänk

9 Dec 15:46 www.unt.se 8922556089328430267.html
Tighter climate rules seen erasing US$2.3 trln in firms’ value

Tighter government climate regulations by 2025 could wipe up to US$2.3 trillion off the value of companies in industries ranging from fossil fuel producers to agriculture and car makers, an investor group warned, Reuters reports. Any abrupt policy shifts risk severely disrupting current investment strategies, Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI), a group representing investors with…

9 Dec 08:26 EJ Insight 7853952858169797558.html
NFL star Khalil Mack pays off 300 holiday layaway accounts at a Walmart in his hometown

(CNN) — Chicago Bears star linebacker Khalil Mack is spreading Christmas joy by paying off all the holiday layaway accounts at a Walmart in Florida. The store...

9 Dec 11:22 WSVN 7News 4504855331140751093.html
MMA SQUARED: Alistair Overeem’s response to his gruesome injury is a gift to MMA

Nothing can stop the Reem. Not even the most gruesome cut in UFC history.

9 Dec 14:00 Bloody Elbow 2261336759888615228.html
Estudiantes y docentes destacados en 2019 fueron reconocidos por el Consejo de Educación Secundaria

El Consejo de Educación Secundaria (CES) entregó los premios “Inspira” que por quinto año consecutivo reconoce las actividades de estudiantes destacados a nivel nacional e internacional. Fueron premiados veinticinco proyectos de todo el país.

9 Dec 14:54 LARED21 5602862989906210169.html
L’Aquila, maestra trovata morta in casa: s’indaga sulle cause, disposta l’autopsia

Lutto nel mondo della scuola per la scomparsa della maestra Stefania Donati, una sessantenne trovata morta sabato pomeriggio nella sua abitazione a L’Aquila. In corso indagini sulle cause della morte della donna, che viveva sola in un appartamento in città. Sul cadavere verrà effettuata l’autopsia.

9 Dec 12:43 fanpage.it 1517332166991122726.html
Tidligere Premier League-dommer skal dømme i norsk 2. divisjon

Bobby Madley har dømt 91 Premier League-kamper. Neste sesong skal han dømme kamper på nivå tre.

9 Dec 14:54 Aftenbladet 8753034802871984568.html
I titoli azionari che esploderanno al rialzo nel 2020

Le migliori scommesse di investimento per il prossimo anno saranno sicuramente titoli azionari che esploderanno al rialzo nel 2020. Le migliori scommesse

9 Dec 17:50 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261461363667.html
Tinder-loving gran who used it for casual sex has quit the app to find love

'If you have one man, you always have a dick in bed with you.'

9 Dec 12:50 Metro 970161747113688321.html
Zapeljal na nasprotni pas in povzročil nesrečo štirih avtomobilov

Včeraj zvečer je na glavni cesti Koper - Dragonja v prometni nesreči umrl 89-letni sopotnik. Še tri osebe so bile huje poškodovane, medtem ko tri lažje.

9 Dec 11:35 Dnevnik 7671546649808454460.html
Lily Allen apporte son soutien à Meghan Markle

Très critiquée par la presse tabloïd britannique, Meghan Markle et le prince Harry ont décidé de prendre un peu de recul et de s'envoler pour les ...

9 Dec 14:53 RTL People 5478130074384529401.html
Polícia localiza corpo de idoso em Itaiacoca

A Polícia Militar localizou, na tarde do último sábado (7), o corpo de um idoso de 62 anos. A vítima estava caída já sem vida na rua José Pavelik, região do distrito rural de Itaiacoca. Equipes do Samu constataram o óbito e a Criminalística esteve no local para coletar informações que vão ajudar no processo de investigação. O corpo foi encaminhado ao Instituto Médico Legal (IML) de Ponta Grossa. As causas da morte ainda serão esclarecidas.

9 Dec 12:36 Diário dos Campos 7202937202528018481.html
L'activisme veïnal fa un salt endavant i aposta pel"decreixement turístic" després l'evolució "decebedora" de l'Ajuntament

L'Assemblea de Barris per un Turisme Sostenible muta en l'Associació de Barris pel Decreixement Turístic. Assenyala que el consistori ha passat de fer "polítiques valentes" a "mesures pal·liatives" i denuncia que actualment aposta per un model més propi del PSC.

9 Dec 10:43 www.publico.es 99190978006336687.html
B.C. coroner asking for help identifying man found dead in Peace region

Mounties have deemed the man’s death not suspicious and believe he died earlier this year

9 Dec 16:45 North Delta Reporter 5327740412069004956.html
Todas las fotos de la peregrinaron hacia la virgen de Güer Aike

Desde muy temprano en la madrugada de ayer los feligreses iniciaron su participación en la 39° Peregrinación por el Día de la Inmaculada Concepción de María. Una vez en Güer Aike participaron de las distintas ceremonias organizadas por la Diócesis de Río Gallegos. A pesar del clima las familias disfrutaron de una jornada de fe.

9 Dec 08:17 TiempoSur 8512931318796425177.html
Fleabag creator ‘totally obsessed’ by new film project

Phoebe Waller-Bridge has written the screen adaptation of Killing Eve, Fleabag and the forthcoming Bond movie.

9 Dec 10:15 Express & Star 7324224460486765240.html
La meitat d'empresaris de l'Estat assenyalen la corrupció com un entrebanc per fer negoci

El 10% dels enquestats confessen que almenys una vegada els han demanat alguna mena de favor a canvi de determinats serveis o permisos, segons un informe de la CE

9 Dec 17:23 Ara.cat 6070605020535277272.html
Dårlige nyheter for Sveriges langrennskomet: – Veldig lei meg

Det svenske langrennstalentet Frida Karlsson (20) har fått beskjed om å minske belastningen og vil derfor trappe ned på antall treninger og konkurranser.

9 Dec 17:00 Aftenbladet 8753034803892811556.html
La ganadora de 'GH VIP 5' azota la censura de Instagram y se desnuda

La que fuese presentadora de Hable con ellas en Telecinco ha lanzado una sensual reflexión acerca del autoestima, y de paso, ha desafiado a las normas de la red fotográfica

9 Dec 16:55 El Confidencial 6129807550388078970.html
Marvin Miller y Ted Simmons ingresaron al Salón de la Fama de las Grandes Ligas

Marvin Miller, el líder sindical que revolucionó al béisbol al darle poder a los peloteros para negociar contratos multimillonarios y jugar con el equipo de su elección, fue seleccionado el domingo al Salón de la Fama del béisbol junto con el exreceptor de los Cardenales de San Luis Ted Simmons.

9 Dec 09:34 Panorama 6052790753947154677.html
Centrafrique : Henri-Marie Dondra, inamovible ministre des Finances de Faustin-Archange Touadéra

Ministre des Finances de Faustin-Archange Touadéra depuis que ce dernier a été élu à la présidence, il y a près de quatre ans, Henri-Marie Dondra fait figure de rescapé des remaniements successifs. Mais s’il peut se prévaloir de la confiance du chef de l'État, il est aussi, paradoxalement, fortement critiqué dans les cercles proches de ce dernier.

9 Dec 17:19 JeuneAfrique.com 5117442294449224335.html
Bolsonaro elogia Sarney e presidentes militares por ações na Amazônia

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido) elogiou o ex-presidente José Sarney (MDB) e ex-p...

9 Dec 17:02 UOL Noticias 8892198861378635584.html
The Air Jordan 11 "Bred" Headlines This Week's Best Footwear Drops

Alongside a YEEZY BOOST 380 "Alien" restock, more Post Malone x Crocs, and plenty of other compelling kicks.

9 Dec 17:05 HYPEBEAST 3806037268793677251.html
Keller von Nürnberg-Engagement überzeugt

Jens Keller ist nach wie vor von seinem Engagement beim 1. FC Nürnberg überzeugt. „Der Verein ist ja trotzdem klasse, der Kader und die Bedingungen ebenso. Wir müssen jetzt halt nur die Mannschaft (...)

9 Dec 14:32 Fussball Transfers: Aktuelle News und Gerüchte vom Transfermarkt 7188608785180813844.html
La clandestinidad sigue matando: Murió una mujer de 34 años por un aborto clandestino

Una mujer de 34 años murió luego de sufrir “serias complicaciones” tras someterse a un aborto clandestino. Había ingresado a la terapia intensiva del hospital San Martín de La Plata el viernes por la tarde. Según la información confirmada, la mu...

9 Dec 13:11 PAGINA12 7077267065519370943.html
Dopage : la Russie exclue des Jeux Olympiques pendant quatre ans

L’Agence mondiale antidopage a tranché : la Russie ne pourra pas participer aux jeux olympiques de Tokyo en 2020 et de Pékin en 2022 Le drapeau russe ne flottera pas aux Jeux olympiques de Tokyo

9 Dec 10:35 Sud Ouest 3952805754436860987.html
Ayuso bajará impuestos de "tres en tres" y cuando sea "oportuno" usará el IRPF para compensar las políticas del Estado

La presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, ha asegurado que continuará bajando los impuestos "de tres en tres" en la región de manera...

9 Dec 09:44 Europa Press 4702666149310170926.html
BCE : une première sans bouleversement pour Christine Lagarde ?

Les observateurs n'attendent pas de grand bouleversement de la part de la Banque centrale européenne pour la première réunion de Christine Lagarde à...

9 Dec 14:22 Boursier.com 7351227820298794173.html
Corea del Norte reanuda sus insultos a Trump y lo describe como “viejo errático”

Imágenes satelitales indicaron el lunes que Corea del Norte probó un motor de proyectil, mientras que un alto funcionario de Pyongyang llamó a Donald Trump un “viejo errático e imprudente”, reanudando los insultos al presidente de Estados Unidos que habían disminuido recientemente.

9 Dec 09:14 Panorama 6052790753963681514.html
From Super Bowl to 5-7: Personnel decisions at root of Eagles' swoon

There are plenty of areas to point to when dissecting what has gone wrong for Philly, but most glaring is the roster and how it was built.

9 Dec 11:00 ESPN.com 7331508221991641846.html
Mozilla DeepSpeech 0.6 : de vastes gains de performances

DeepSpeech est un ensemble de moteurs de type speech-to-text et text-to-speech, permettant donc la reconnaissance ou la synthèse vocale. La nouvelle mouture, sortie en fin de semaine dernière, apporte des gains très significatifs de performances.

9 Dec 10:05 Next INpact 808704268046748011.html
Los bancos que cobran más comisiones en remesas de EEUU

El Gobierno de México comenzó este lunes a publicar la lista mensual de instituciones financieras que más cobran en las remesas que mandan los mexicanos que viven en Estados Unidos a sus familiares, con el fin de que los bancos reduzcan las comisiones.

9 Dec 10:39 EL DEBATE 4396150894511785033.html
Jennifer Beals on Returning to The L Word and Why Bette Declares “Death Is Coming”

Jennifer Beals spoke with us about the iconic Showtime series, its revival, and bringing "visibility to a community under attack."

9 Dec 16:25 Paste Magazine 2077921860681878478.html
Preet Bharara to House GOP Lawyer: Calling Trump a Clown Isn’t Election Interference, It’s a ‘Correct Consensus Opinion’

Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) Preet Bharara mocked the GOP’s lead counsel for his defense of President Donald Trump during impeachment hearings on Monday.

9 Dec 13:45 Law & Crime 7990899038433094515.html
El futuro de la economía en manos de la estadística

Los gobernantes del mundo sostienen diálogos constantemente en torno a las innovaciones digitales.

9 Dec 09:41 Informe21.com 5448175405716874102.html
Maurice Mounsdon: Battle Of Britain Hero Dies Aged 101

It leaves only three remaining members of 'The Few' pilots who defended the country in the Battle of Britain during the Second World War.

9 Dec 09:47 Forces Network 3883413827438471269.html
Klopp stärkt Ex-RB-Star und Bankdrücker Keita

Teammanager Jürgen Klopp von Champions-League-Sieger FC Liverpool ist von den Qualitäten des Ex-Leipzigers Naby Keita überzeugt, nachdem der Mittelfeldspieler in dieser Saison verletzungsbedingt einen schweren Stand beim Klub von der Anfield Road hatte.

9 Dec 12:06 weltfussball.at 3521376371711435296.html
Arabie: fin des entrées séparées pour les femmes dans les restaurants

Les restaurants et cafés en Arabie saoudite n'ont plus l'obligation de disposer d'entrées séparées pour les femmes, ont indiqué les autorités du royaume ultraconservateur, qui s'est lancé dans un programme de réformes économiques et sociales.

9 Dec 10:35 Challenges 1086714996292961021.html
2023: APC Chieftain Speaks On Igbo Producing Buhari’s Replacement

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Osita Okechukwu has called on the ruling party to zone the presidential seat to the South-East. 

9 Dec 11:56 Concise 5544636822143154158.html
Pensioner, 81, uncovered a Napoleonic sword in the same spot where he buried it as an 11-year-old because he was too afraid to take it back to his care home after discovering it in the woods

Peter Pike, 81, who grew up in a care home in Newton Abbot, first came across the mystery weapon in a scabbard while playing with friends in the woods.

9 Dec 11:44 Mail Online 124328112101852602.html
El cubano asesinado en Uruguay que no pudo acariciar a su bebé en Cuba

¿Cómo un cubano, padre de dos niños, nacido hace 35 años en Santiago de Cuba, acaba muerto de dos disparos en la puerta de la Pensión Lema en Montevideo?

9 Dec 12:54 Cubanet 2710294110237357030.html
10 things you need to know before the opening bell

Here is what you need to know.

9 Dec 12:26 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883564634790.html
Una deuda pendiente : Urtubey se va sin designar a integrantes del Comité contra la Tortura 

Durante todo este año el gobierno de Salta tramitó los concursos para la selección de integrantes del mecanismo de prevención de la tortura y tratos crueles. Pero la designación quedará en manos del nuevo gobernador. 

9 Dec 11:26 PAGINA12 7077267066627541075.html
Nuevos proyectos de la CFE reducirán tarifas en el Sureste, afirma Bartlett

Con los nuevos proyectos de la CFE disminuirá el costo de las tarifas para las penínsulas de Baja California y Yucatán, informó su titular, Manuel Bartlett.

9 Dec 11:24 Diario de Yucatán 261200017693146073.html
Diablos Rojos del Toluca con doble sesión desde Cancún

Los Diablos Rojos del Toluca iniciaron muy temprano el trabajo programado para este lunes en Cancún. Tendrán una sesión doble

9 Dec 16:21 Diario de Yucatán 261200018549952102.html
14-jarige kleindochter van Eddy Merckx moet twee jaar chemotherapie ondergaan: “Dit zou geen kind moeten meemaken”

Athina Merckx, de 14-jarige kleindochter van ex-wielrenner Eddy en dochter van Axel, moet twee jaar lang chemotherapie ondergaan. Dat schrijft haar moeder ...

9 Dec 14:01 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359192365840437.html
Škoro o odnosima sa Srbijom: Nemam problem da pregovaram ni sa crnim đavolom

Kandidat za predsednika Hrvatske Miroslav Škoro u razgovoru za N1 govorio je, između ostalog i o odnosima sa...

9 Dec 08:56 N1 Srbija 7797130867133781464.html
Napoli, Ancelotti ammette: “Valigia pronta”, Gattuso in pole position

Crisi Napoli, Carlo Ancelotti ammette: "La valigia per un allenatore deve essere sempre pronta, quindi anche la mia", Gattuso in pole position.

9 Dec 16:09 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927268838326.html
Zoff contro la squadra: "A Napoli hanno fatto cose che mai si dovrebbero fare"

Parola di Dino Zoff che ai microfoni di Radio anch'io sport parla del clima infuocato in casa Napoli

9 Dec 12:50 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571080687178109.html
Mercato - Real Madrid : Nouvelle tensions entre le Real Madrid et Gareth Bale ?

Gareth Bale se montrerait intransigeant avec le Real Madrid et aurait posé ses exigences concernant un possible départ en janvier.

9 Dec 16:30 Le 10 Sport 6431763077806075264.html
La fiscalía pide cuatro años por la desaparición de siete millones de euros de Aidico

Los fondos europeos para construir una sede se destinaron a pagar préstamos y proveedores, a un proyecto en Rumanía y a una guardería en Paterna

9 Dec 08:30 Las Provincias 5471838388729372024.html
STAR Screen Awards 2019: Did Yami Gautam Give A Royal Ignore To Sanam Re Co-Star Urvashi Rautela?- EXCLUSIVE

Yami Gautam certainly hasn’t forgotten the past as last night during the STAR Screen Awards, when she came face-to-face with Urvashi Rautela, she gave her a Nelson’s eye

9 Dec 13:06 SPOTBOYE 1547816857364513656.html
Ladri in casa di Luca Argentero: "Perché mi avete rubato il Telegatto?"

Rubato il Telegatto a Luca Argentero: l'attore è stato vittima di un furto in casa e lo ha raccontato su Twitter, ma qualche utente della rete lo ha preso in giro

9 Dec 09:20 ilGiornale.it 5019541225280659809.html
Stem! Welke 11 moeten de klus voor Ajax klaren tegen Valencia?

Erik ten Hag mag weer gaan puzzelen voor de Champions League-pot tegen Valencia. De trainer heeft wat vraagtekens rondlopen in de selectie, dus kan het handig zijn om hem te helpen! Wie zou jij in de basis van Ajax neerzetten? Stemmen kan hieronder: Let op: sommige spelers staan bij verschillende linies. Je kan natuurlijk niet…

9 Dec 14:20 Sportnieuws 3602982463582702156.html
DSGVO-Verstoß: 1&1 muss knapp 10 Millionen Euro Strafe zahlen

Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte Ulrich Kelber hat gegen die Telekommunikationsfirma 1&1 ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 9,55 Millionen Euro verhängt.

9 Dec 13:27 heise online 1766193382454736327.html
Hemofarmovih 10 savjeta za sprečavanje prehlade

Prehlada je najčešća virusna infekcija u svijetu i vodeći je uzrok posjeta ljekaru, kao i propuštenih dana iz škole i bolovanja.

9 Dec 08:31 Nezavisne novine 4209150642717681914.html
📷 | Bahrain McLaren gaat in de kleuren van McLaren fietsen

Wielerploeg Bahrain heeft een nieuwe co-sponsor: Formule 1-team McLaren. Het rood-zwart van het team wordt daarom komend seizoen ingewisseld voor vooral veel oranje van de renstal. Onder andere Wout Poels en Mark Cavendish doen de tenues in 2020 aan. Merida krijgt op het nieuwe pak nog maar 1 mouw en betaalt waarschijnlijk minder dan McLaren.…

9 Dec 14:20 Sportnieuws 3602982464629273136.html
Absueltos los 36 futbolistas acusados del amaño del Levante - Zaragoza

El juez condena a un año y tres meses al ex presidente Agapito Iglesias y a dos directivos por falsedad documental pero exime a las plantillas del supuesto fraude

9 Dec 10:07 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612106346273.html
Trzęsienie ziemi we Florencji. Niewielkie uszkodzenia budynków

O poranku ziemia zatrzęsła się na północ od Florencji we Włoszech. W regionie wstrzymano ruch pociągów.

9 Dec 08:54 RMF24 3758900157415418147.html
Caracas FC se corona campeón del Torneo Clausura

El Caracas se sacudió el dominio del local con el correr de los minutos y consiguió descontar, gracias a un penalti lanzado por Saggiomo, a los 29 minutos

9 Dec 10:15 Globovisión 5928221752652105526.html
Bailarines de la Ópera de París cuelgan sus zapatillas para sumarse a protestas en Francia

Bailarines de la Ópera de París cuelgan sus zapatillas para sumarse a protestas en Francia

9 Dec 15:33 cubasi.cu 5416914686823803479.html
Carlos Sanchez torce por permanência de Jorge Sampaoli e elogia 2019 do Santos

O uruguaio também elogiou o trabalho do Santos no Campeonato Brasileiro

9 Dec 11:10 Folha Vitória 4941883427570851299.html
How to keep your car on the road in the wet

Following a few simple guidelines for wet road conditions is important to avoid becoming involved in an accident

9 Dec 12:34 Lowvelder 3143322320216607273.html
STT: SFP vill fortsätta regera – byter inga ministrar

Svenska folkpartiet vill fortsätta regeringssamarbetet med samma ministrar som tidigare: Anna-Maja Henriksson och Thomas Blomqvist, rapporterar STT.

9 Dec 08:42 HBL 7222309293298475650.html
Moldes toppklubber på ville veier?

28. november kunne vi lese i Romsdals Budstikke at Molde FK (MFK) og Aker akademiet vil samle regionens beste 13 åringer i klubben. MFK mener at det vil gi de aktuelle spillerne bedre matching og oppfølging enn de får i egen klubb. Helt naturlig fører dette til stor misnøye blant bygdeklubbene, blant annet fordi flere klubber ikke kan stille lag i neste års serie. Dette vil igjen skape en negativ effekt for de klubbene som kan stille lag, men ikke har noe å spille mot. Dagen etter, 29. november, leste vi i samme avis, at Nordmøre og Romsdal fotballkrets har mottatt negative reaksjoner på denne fremgangsmåten. Fotballkretsen ønsker ikke å involvere seg i MFK sine foreslåtte spiller-overganger.

9 Dec 10:17 rbnett.no 7665098091779552132.html
Wada-toppen: "Inget straff som svider"

Dopning Internationella antidopningsorganisationen Wada stänger av Ryssland från OS och andra mästerskap i fyra år på grund av dopning.Men Wadas vice ordförande Linda Hofstad Helleland hade velat gå ä

9 Dec 14:39 www.unt.se 8922556088320396602.html
Corea del Norte RESPONDE a Donald Trump; dice que no tiene "nada más que perder"

Corea del Norte dio respuesta a Trump en voz de Kim Yong-chol, quien contest&oacute;: "Hay tantas cosas que Trump no sabe de Corea. Nosotros no tenemos nada m&aacute;s que perder".

9 Dec 15:30 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622882520464.html
Overwatch : Un nouveau trailer pour la version switch diffusé

On se rapproche tout doucement du réveillon de Noël, et Nintendo souhaite vous rappeler qu'Overwatch est sorti il y a quelques mois sur la console Switch. Et c'est aussi l'occasion de vous énumérer toutes ses fonctionnalités.

9 Dec 17:21 melty 8059025069759557236.html
Apple CEO Tim Cook's pressing the flesh in Japan

Apple CEO Tim Cook is in Japan, and he's taking to Twitter to share his time there as me meets developers and Apple Store teams.

9 Dec 13:47 iMore 3803412790335528653.html
Asesinan a un joven indígena en Caloto, Cauca

La víctima es Jimmy Alberto Pacue de 24 años, quien fue atacado con disparos delante de su esposa y su bebé de dos meses en la vía que conduce a Santander de Quilichao.

9 Dec 11:12 W Radio 7724358829783054052.html
Embaixador do México na Argentina é acusado de furtar livro

O embaixador do México na Argentina, Ricardo Valero, foi flagrado pelas câmeras de segurança da livraria Ateneo, a mais famosa de Buenos Aires, aparentemente furtando um livro..

9 Dec 16:32 O Antagonista 1037429654352195702.html
Met Office say freezing temperatures, gales, heavy rain and huge waves on the way after Storm Atiyah

Hour-by-hour guide as more storms set to pummel region

9 Dec 12:12 DevonLive 2469244513409501789.html
Happy bellies: 2020 to be a year of Turkish cuisine

Local cuisine is a significant element of a country's essence that influences many aspects of its culture, lifestyle and people. Turkish cuisine is one...

9 Dec 11:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944809069186880.html
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 : De nouveaux concept-arts montrés

C'est une nouvelle de taille qui vient de tomber à propos d'une possible  suite pour The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild 2. 

9 Dec 11:00 melty 8059025070819335906.html
M’sian Man Is Looking For Kind Stranger Who Hid His Keys In His Helmet To Keep Them Safe

I'm sure we all have made blunders before, whether it was forgetting to off the lights or sometimes, forgetting to take out the frozen chicken from the fridge for your mother! However, this man in Penang made a very big mistake that would cost him a lot if not for…

9 Dec 11:36 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116580444273552.html
Prvi trijumf Aerodroma u Zlatnoj ligi

BEOGRAD - Fudbalska ekipa Belgrade Airport zabeležila je prvi trijumf tek u 4. kolu Fair Play Zlatne lige, pošto je bila bolja od Pinka 6:1 (1:0).

9 Dec 12:23 Krstarica 4176903988874395472.html
Il nuovo primo ministro della Finlandia è una donna di 34 anni

E guida una coalizione di partiti con leader donne, quasi tutte della sua fascia d'età. Sanna Marin ha infranto ogni record di un paese già noto per la sua partecipazione femminile ai posti di potere

9 Dec 10:45 Wired 7504010958083796745.html
Poolse man (18) doodt ouders en 7-jarig broertje met hakbijl

Een 18-jarige Poolse man is aangehouden op verdenking van het doden van zijn ouders en een broer met een hakbijl, meldt het Poolse persbureau PAP.

9 Dec 10:02 HLN 8967494997442392605.html
The trolling of Rishabh Pant is what it is but can he find a way to rise above it all?

The 22-year-old has been targetted by crowds at grounds and on social media as well.

9 Dec 08:52 Scroll.in 8669301692930624489.html
Lil Reese Is Back With "Kids In The Ghetto"

Lil Reese reflects on simpler times on his new single,+ Lil Reese is relying a lot on previously recorded singles after suffering a gunshot to the neck. The rapper's continued to drop new music as he hopes for his voice to return. The rapper came through with 'Kids In The Ghetto' earlier today. The ...

9 Dec 15:10 hnhh 366195973748542791.html
AMA excluye a Rusia de Juegos Olímpicos y Mundiales por 4 años: falsificaron pruebas de dopaje

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) decidió excluir a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos durante cuatro años, por lo que no estará en Tokio 2020 y en la edición de invierno...

9 Dec 12:25 Pagina 7 4371131342937418701.html
Atlético provoca o Cruzeiro nas redes sociais: 'Tenham uma ótima segunda'

Galo comemora a queda do maior rival para a Série B

9 Dec 13:11 Superesportes 5498560374204160209.html
Erupción deja al menos 5 muertos en Nueva Zelanda

El volcán White Island erupciona cuando decenas de turistas lo visitaban, dejando al menos 5 muertos y 18 heridos.

9 Dec 08:19 Tabasco Hoy 2099176563583855087.html
Rencontre au sommet Poutine-Zelensky à Paris sur la paix en Ukraine

Les présidents russe et ukrainien, Vladimir Poutine et Volodymyr Zelensky, sont arrivés lundi à Paris. Ils vont tenter de relancer, sous la houlette d'Emmanuel Macron et Angela Merkel, le processus de paix en Ukraine.

9 Dec 16:32 www.rjb.ch 7386238342501387762.html
Holiday gift guide 2019: iPhones, cases and peripherals

With the holidays just around the corner from Thanksgiving this year, people are already in full swing of trying to figure out what gifts to get their favorite people. If you’re buying for an Apple fan, or someone that enjoys using their iPhone, then this guide will breakdown quite a few great gift options that we think any iPhone user will love to unwrap this holiday season.

9 Dec 17:00 Shacknews 6978087406325330328.html
Johnny Herrera se reúne con gerente técnico de Everton e imagen se convierte en viral

El ex meta azul fue fotografiado junto a Gustavo Dalsasso, quien aseguró que "sabíamos que si no seguía en la 'U' iba a querer jugar acá".

9 Dec 12:55 24Horas.cl 793283385473582410.html
AMA excluyó a Rusia de competencias internacionales por cuatro años

El país no podrá tener representación en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020 ni en el Mundial de Qatar 2022.

9 Dec 12:51 W Radio 7724358829653454524.html
Bachelet pide que los jóvenes participen en las decisiones: "Han estado a la vanguardia de esta lucha pacífica"

La Alta Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet, ha defendido que los jóvenes "tienen el derecho" de...

9 Dec 14:18 Europa Press 4702666148395033003.html
Die Esa lässt den Weltraum säubern

Es ist voll in der Erdumlaufbahn: Immer mehr Satelliten kreisen im Orbit, und auch immer mehr Weltraumschrott. Die einzige Möglichkeit, des Problems Herr zu werden, ist laut Esa,

9 Dec 17:55 Golem.de 3063982244044111743.html
El posible Gobierno de coalición constituye la gran amenaza electoral para Núñez Feijóo

El ejecutivo de Sánchez e Iglesias cohesionaría a la oposición en Galicia a menos de un año de las autonómicas, en una operación en la que...

9 Dec 13:14 La Vanguardia 8061072699921996126.html
¿Ausencia de períodos menstruales?

Si piensas que la ausencia de tus per&iacute;odos es solo por embarazo, aqu&iacute; te mostramos la otra realidad.

9 Dec 13:24 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622917430448.html
Incidente a Bagnara di Romagna, Andrea Pasini morto a 22 anni. La scoperta choc fatta dalla mamma

Si è schiantato a pochi metri da casa sua, dove stava rientrando nella notte tra sabato e domenica. È morto così, a 22 anni, il giovanissimo Andrea Pasini, vittima di un grave...

9 Dec 14:23 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143446873294897.html
Lágrimas e ira en el primer descenso del Cruzeiro en su historia

El conjunto de Belo Horizonte perdió en su casa, el Estadio Mineirao, contra Palmeiras certificando su caída a la Serie B. descenso de Cruzeiro

9 Dec 10:26 AS.com 113474316919402096.html
Desvincular el poder político del económico para reducir la desigualdad

Es una de las recomendaciones del más reciente informe del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD). Colombia quedó en el puesto 79 de las naciones con mayor puntaje del Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH), avanzando 11 posiciones (estaba en el puesto 90 en la anterior medición).

9 Dec 14:09 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542260428563.html
Wasim Jaffer Becomes First Indian Cricketer to Play 150 Ranji Matches

The Maharashtra-born right-hander has also smashed 40 centuries in the domestic circuit, which is also a record.

9 Dec 16:06 India.com 7150386084338095191.html
Doping: suspenden a Rusia durante cuatro años y no podrá participar de los Juegos Olímpicos

Doping: suspenden a Rusia durante cuatro años y no podrá participar de los Juegos Olímpicos - LA NACION

9 Dec 08:09 La Nacion 5563451505877869444.html
Doncic bate la marca de Jordan en derrota de los 'Mavs'

El base esloveno Luka Doncic consiguió batir la marca de Michael Jordan al conseguir en 19 partidos consecutivos 20 o más tantos, 5 rebotes y 5 asistencias a pesar de que los Mavericks de Dallas perdieron en su casa por 106-110 ante los Kings de Sacramento.Doncic terminó con 27 puntos, incluidos 17 en la segunda mitad después de que Sacramento consiguiera una ventaja parcial de 46-66, llegó a los siete rebotes -todos defensivos-, y repartió ocho asistencias.El exjugador del Real Madrid superó al legendario Michael Jordan que tuvo 18 en la temporada de 1988-89 cuando estaba con los Bulls de Chicago y el único que lo había logrado desde la 1976-77 cuando se fusionaron las ligas de la NBA y la ABA.Luka Doncic no pudo ser también el salvador de los Mavericks al fallar el intento de tiro a canasta que en los últimos segundos hubiese podido forzar la prórroga cuando el equipo de Dallas hizo un ataque en tromba y los Kings encontraron la manera evitar la derrota.El ala-pívot Richaun Holmes capturó el rebote de lo que…

9 Dec 11:28 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125545990750.html
Klaipėdoje paminėta Tarptautinė antikorupcijos diena


9 Dec 15:42 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586206852329.html
Absuelven a Javier Aguirre por amaños en España

El Juzgado de lo Penal N° 7 de Valencia no considera que estuviese arreglado el partido entre Levante y Zaragoza.

9 Dec 13:10 ESPN.com.mx 3914278074055921923.html
Nissan Qashqai: nueva generación con dos motores híbridos

La nueva generación del Nissan Qashqai, cuyo lanzamiento se efectuará el próximo año, tendrá dos versiones híbridas, una de ellas autorrecargable y la otra enchufable.

9 Dec 10:11 SoyMotor 3778996023279394714.html
Audiência no STF começa com discussões sobre crise partidária e papel das siglas

A primeira parte da audiência pública realizada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) sobre a possibilidade de candidaturas avulsas realizada nesta segunda-feira, 9, colocou em discussão a suposta crise partidária e o papel das legendas no sistema político brasileiro.

9 Dec 16:35 DCI 3412821463648478355.html
Ann Hodges, la única persona que ha sido golpeada por un meteorito

"Tienes más chances de ser golpeado por un tornado, un rayo y un huracán, todo al mismo tiempo, que de ser impactado por un meteorito". Eso anticipó el astrónomo Michael Reynolds cuando fue

9 Dec 17:20 El Universo 8365175797416424641.html
Bhumi Pednekar Says ‘Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare’ Is The Best Script She Has Read In A While

Bhumi Pednekar’s film choices have always been about pushing the envelope. With her next project, ‘Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare’, Bhumi is set out to do the same. Bhumi says that she is proud to be part of a women-led film such as this, and is one of the best scripts she has read in a while.

9 Dec 13:51 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243431143873.html
'Watchmen' Actor on Why Dr. Manhattan Came Back

Sunday's penultimate "Watchmen" showed viewers the ill-fated romance between Regina King's Angela Abar and the man formerly known as Jon Osterman.

9 Dec 11:07 TheWrap 2361432282660311537.html
Les Hongkongais attendent une réponse de Pékin après quinze jours sans violences

Au cours des deux dernières semaines, les Hongkongais ont lancé un appel très clair au changement, à travers les urnes mais aussi dans les rues où plus d’un habitant sur dix a manifesté pacifiquement dimanche, mais la question de savoir si Pékin les écoute reste ouverte. Lundi, le territoire semi-autonome est entré dans son sixième […]

9 Dec 10:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092586188205445.html
David Pujadas raconte dans un documentaire la ­bataille pour sauver Notre-Dame de Paris

David Pujadas a produit un documentaire qui raconte de l'intérieur la bataille pour sauver Notre-Dame de Paris, vidéos inédites à l'appui.

9 Dec 12:00 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636494700297022.html
hdgö-Evaluation hält Neubau am Heldenplatz für beste Lösung

Einen "Neubau am Heldenplatz" hält das von der vorigen Bundesregierung mit der Evaluation des Hauses der Geschichte (hdgö) betraute Expertenteam für die beste Lösung. Eine vom damaligen Kulturminister Gernot Blümel und Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka (beide ÖVP) angestrebte Namensänderung unterstützt das Gremium nicht. Eine Anbindung an den Nationalrat hält man dagegen für "gut geeignet".

9 Dec 08:12 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700478315944.html
Spec Comparo: Tata Altroz vs Hyundai Elite i20 vs Volkswagen Polo vs Honda Jazz vs Maruti Suzuki Baleno

Here we compare the new hatchback to its rivals and for starters, we shall consider their petrol guise for fewer complications.

9 Dec 15:27 OVERDRIVE 7781473802978597134.html
Strictly Come Dancing: Anton Du Beke 'tipped to retire' after this year's series final

Anton Du Beke reached the final of Strictly Come Dancing for only the second time in 17 years this weekend (8.12.19).

9 Dec 17:31 Entertainment Daily 8392972516602669600.html
Commerzbank: Update für Apple Pay

Die Commerzbank wird in Deutschland in Kürze mit Apple Pay starten. Darüber hatten wir euch bereits informiert.

9 Dec 10:00 mobiFlip.de 5208441549216223103.html
Mark Timlin re-signs with Finn Harps for 2020 League of Ireland season

The Buncrana man has been with the Donegal outfit since initially joining in the summer of 2017 on loan from Derry City

9 Dec 15:38 Irish Mirror 2875825630015529172.html
Cliente tenta invadir bar com carro na zona Sul de Ribeirão

Estabelecimento disse que homem estaria agressivo com outros frequentadores e teria pedido para que ele se retirasse; apesar do tumulto, ninguém se feriu

9 Dec 10:03 ACidade ON 9132734526431931229.html
Turisti ob Cerkniškem jezeru nimajo kje spati (FOTO) 

Cerkniško jezero kljub nizkim temperaturam doživlja preporod. Za izboljšanje tamkajšnje infrastrukture se trudi Notranjski regijski park, kjer se lahko pohvalijo, da so nekaj že uredili, nekaj pa...

9 Dec 15:44 Slovenske novice 5901956562154476035.html
Quatre épouses de jihadistes et leurs enfants renvoyés en France par la Turquie

Quatre épouses de jihadistes présumés et leurs sept enfants ont été renvoyés en France lundi par la Turquie où elles étaient détenues après s'être échappées de camps en Syrie. "L'expulsion des combattants terroristes étrangers se poursuit. Dans ce cadre, onze ressortissants français ont été renvoyés", a annoncé le ministère turc de l'Intérieur dans un communiqué.

9 Dec 12:05 FranceSoir 2214281690980443429.html
Last Week's 10 Biggest Posts

You wanted: Everything coming to Netflix Australia in December, tricks to speeding up Android phones, how much money you need to save by the time you're 35. Kick off your Monday by checking out the ten most popular posts from last week....

9 Dec 09:50 Lifehacker Australia 3742423167941152556.html
El papel de la mujer científica se debate en Lugo

El CorBi Summit abordará este miércoles cómo motivar vocaciones científicas y retener talento

9 Dec 10:42 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613265299722.html
Las pruebas que destapó la Fiscalía contra la familia Ambuila Chará

Compra de divisas e inmuebles, sin tener capacidad económica para ello, hace parte del expediente.

9 Dec 12:12 El Tiempo 1091719939043820948.html
Nueva Zelanda| Al menos 5 muertos y varios desaparecidos por erupción del volcán

Según las autoridades una cincuentena de personas visitaban White Island cuando se produjo la explosión, que lanzó una gran cantidad de ceniza y piedras al aire

9 Dec 10:49 Globovisión 5928221752271937863.html
Fransk vänsterledare döms för polisknuffar

Frankrike Den franske vänsterledaren Jean-Luc Mélenchon fälls för att ha trakasserat poliser och utredare som genomförde husrannsakan i hans bostad och ett partihögkvarter.

9 Dec 14:32 www.unt.se 8922556088981495290.html
Apple innfører strengere foreldrekontroll i iOS 13.3 denne uken - ITavisen

Denne uken kan du regne med å få iOS 13.3-oppdateringen som blant annet introduserer smartere foreldrekontroll.

9 Dec 08:38 ITavisen 7865444160373839725.html
€80,000 funding approved for seven Mayo Social Enterprises

THE Minister for Rural and Community Development, has announced the allocation of €81,590 through his department’s Dormant Accounts Fund to support seven social enterprise projects in Mayo.

9 Dec 11:23 Connaught Telegraph 8840491534962426203.html
Tun Samy Vellu Has Alzheimer’s, Dementia; Son Says He Can’t Make His Own Decisions Anymore

Politics is a tricky business but having family in politics is even trickier. What happens in your family is no longer a personal affair but instead becomes a heavily publicised one. This former minister who has been missing from the limelight has resurfaced again but unfortunately, it's not good news.…

9 Dec 09:51 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116580460996238.html
Netflix lidera con 17 nominaciones en los Globos de Oro

Los Globos de Oro fueron un momento de coronación para Netflix, y no sólo por su serie sobre la reina Isabel II. El servicio de streaming, que dominó la lista de nominados en general, superó el lunes a HBO con el mayor número de candidaturas a la TV. Netflix obtuvo 17 nominaciones para sus producciones televisivas, y otras 17 en las categorí­as de cine. HBO le siguió de cerca con 15. Dos programas de Netflix recibieron cuatro menciones cada uno: The Crown, ahora con Olivia Colman en el papel de la monarca británica, en la categorí­a de drama, y "Unbelievable" en la categorí­a de series limitadas, empatando con "Chernobyl" de HBO. En el apartado de cine, la plataforma logró que el filme de Noah Baumbach "Marriage Story", haya sido el más nominado, con seis candidaturas -mejor drama, actriz (Scarlett Johansson), actor (Adam Driver), actriz secundaria (Laura Dern), guion y banda sonora. Foto AFP Seguida de cerca de la épica historia de la mafia de Martin Scorsese, "The Irishman", que

9 Dec 16:26 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772943275273242.html
Sonakshi Sinha On Playing Female Dabangg: “There Aren’t Enough Producers To Take Such Risk”

Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha is gearing up for the release of Dabangg 3 alongside superstar Salman Khan. While she is busy promoting the film, she answered the biggest questio, to whether there wi

9 Dec 10:47 Koimoi 5184275670429028726.html
Kiara Advani: Feel lucky to be a part of Good Newwz

Kiara Advani is excited about her next release, Good Newwz co-starring Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Diljit Dosanjh.

9 Dec 09:12 The Indian Express 2885715105069270193.html
We’ll fight corruption with full powers of law – ICPC

The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission on Monday said it would fight corruption according to the full

9 Dec 17:21 The Eagle Online 1463511649084480572.html
La banca online de ING vuelve poco a poco a la normalidad tras una caída del servicio

El banco ING España ha informado este lunes de que ha sufrido una caída generalizada del servicio tanto en su página web como en su aplicación para dispositivos móviles. La indisposición de servicio comenzó en torno a las 9 horas y este va restaurándose poco a poco, aunque pasadas las 11 de la noche (hora peninsular española) aún no se había restablecido la normalidad por completo.

9 Dec 12:58 elEconomista.es 9051559959425869475.html
Kartoniada CWKS, eLka z rac, Przerwa techniczna

Aż 3421 kibiców Legii stawiło się w niedzielny wieczór we Wrocławiu, by wspierać swoją drużynę w ligowym meczu ze Śląskiem. Fani ze stolicy zaprezentowali aż trzy efektowne oprawy. Na wyjście piłkarzy na boisko w sektorze z kartonów został utworzony napis "CWKS", następnie odpalone race ułożyły się w kształt "eLki\' w kółeczku, a ostatnim akcentem była sektorówka z napisem "Przerwa techniczna", spod której odpalone zostały świece dymne i pirotechnika. Poniżej możecie obejrzeć filmy ze wszystkimi oprawami i dopingiem.

9 Dec 08:13 Legioniści 3895148504026679252.html
Bigg Boss 13: Madhurima Tuli-Vishal Singh Have A Massive Fight; 'Tumhare Baap Ka Show Hai?', Asks Lady

Exes Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh are a part of Bigg Boss 13 and it is given that there will be clashes between the two. Today, we shall see them dragging their past and throwing some nasty accusations at each other

9 Dec 10:05 SPOTBOYE 1547816857620907119.html
Caída de Parque Sur, con Zulberti

Parque Sur de Concepción del Uruguay, con el tandilense Ignacio Zulberti, cayó este domingo por 98-89 en su visita a Deportivo Viedma, en juego correspondiente a la fase regular de la Liga Argentina de Básquet, segunda categoría nacional. Zulberti, interno formado en Independiente, llegó desde el banco de suplentes y en casi quince minutos anotó […]

9 Dec 15:42 El Eco 4177735524182222022.html
NBA. Fantastyczny sezon Luki Doncicia. Pobił rekord Michaela Jordana

Młody Słoweniec dokonuje cudów w NBA. Luka Doncić zdołał przebić 30-letni rekord Michaela Jordana, rozgrywając 19 meczów z rzędu w NBA z co najmniej 20 punktami, pięcioma zbiórkami i pięcioma asystami.

9 Dec 17:00 WP SportoweFakty 8463263969692286795.html
Einschaltquoten: Frau Holle schlägt Polizeiruf-Krimi

Das ZDF hat mit einem vom Märchen Frau Holle inspirierten Film am Sonntagabend zur besten Sendezeit das Quotenrennen gegen den „Polizeiruf 110“ im Ersten ...

9 Dec 09:19 swp.de 6929179440653329397.html
Il Mattino: "Milan, colpo a Bologna"

Il Mattino oggi in edicola dedica spazio al Milan, titolando: "Colpo a Bologna". Bologna in festa per Mihajlovic: l'allenatore serbo torna in panchina dopo quasi due mesi (l'ultima volta sul campo della Juventus) ma questa volta a casa sua. Ma a far festa è il Milan che prende i tre punti (3-2) con le reti di Piatek su rigore ed Hernandez, ai rossoblù riesce soltanto di dimezzare lo svantaggio grazie a un'autorete dello stesso difensore francese e al gol nel finale su rigore di Sansone.

9 Dec 09:58 MilanNews.it 6507305921753097862.html
Best Microsoft Surface Deals for Christmas 2019

Whether Pro, Laptop, Studio or otherwise, grab one of these top Surface deals while you can.

9 Dec 11:04 Tech Advisor 6450858317208703637.html
2020 Watch: Buttigieg on the defensive, Biden's strategy

NEW YORK (AP) — Presidential politics move fast. What we're watching heading into a new week on the 2020 campaign:___Days to Iowa caucuses: 56Days to general election: 330___THE NARRATIVEThe Republican president is likely to be impeached, but Democrats are further away from rallying behind one nominee (or two) than they've ever been, even after California Sen. Kamala Harris' sudden departure. The top tier still features four — former Vice President Joe Biden; South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg; Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders; and Massachusetts Sen.

9 Dec 09:36 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318760959778965.html
Camille Froment absente des Marseillais aux Caraïbes, elle fait une grosse mise au point (PHOTO)

Camille Froment vient de faire de nouvelles révélations sur son absence des Marseillais aux Caraïbes. Tu peux le découvrir dans cet article.

9 Dec 16:30 melty 8059025070341551027.html
Resident Evil 3 Remake: Händler bringt möglichen Releasezeitraum ins Gespräch

In den vergangenen Wochen verdichteten sich die Hinweise auf die baldige Enthüllung des "Resident Evil 3 Remakes". Im Zuge einer Produktbeschreibung brachte ein Händler nun einen möglichen Releasezeitraum ins Gespräch.

9 Dec 15:19 play3.de 8301165838486479915.html
Se sacó una selfie y sus amigos la alertaron por un detalle aterrador

Compartió la imagen mientras chateaba con sus contactos y no se dio cuenta de la escalofriante figura que estaba detrás de ella.

9 Dec 12:21 Todo Noticias 8077539162109902975.html
ANSP: Un bărbat din Ialoveni a fost diagnosticat cu TULAREMIE

Un bărbat în vârstă de 56 de ani din Ialoveni a fost diagnosticat cu tularemie după ce s-a molipsit accidental prin rana palmei, în timpul jupuirii unui iepure de câmp.

9 Dec 13:08 Jurnal.md 3315832232892058456.html
Rusia, expulsada de los Juegos Olímpicos y de los Mundiales de fútbol por dopaje

La decisión del comité ejecutivo de la AMA ha sido unánime debido a la manipulación de los datos del Laboratorio de Moscú.

9 Dec 11:04 La Información 5328999781194932563.html
Neal Maupay: 'Scoring twice in a week is a good feeling'

The former Brentford frontman now has six goals for the season.

9 Dec 12:38 Sports Mole 7750663360810134715.html
Media Release 7 – Heavy Rain Event West Coast

Media Release 7 –Heavy Rain Event West Coast9 December 20191300 hours

9 Dec 13:36 SCOOP 5315658998392020385.html
Berliner Pandas sind 100 Tage alt und: Es sind zwei Jungs!

Die Pandas aus dem Berliner Tiergarten sind männlich. Das hat der Zoo an diesem Montag bekannt gegeben.

9 Dec 11:29 euronews 4540914626194096238.html
Los trabajos más demandados para un grado medio o superior en FP en España

Los estudios de FP disfrutan de cada vez mayor empleabilidad; de hecho, ya representan el 42,4% de todas las ofertas en toda España.

9 Dec 11:17 La Información 5328999780898561131.html
Los trabajos más demandados para un grado medio o superior en FP en España

Los estudios de FP disfrutan de cada vez mayor empleabilidad; de hecho, ya representan el 42,4% de todas las ofertas en toda España.

9 Dec 11:17 La Información 5328999781288179532.html
Corinthians é superado pelo Fluminense no último jogo da temporada

No domingo (08), o Corinthians fez sua última partida na temporada 2019. Na Arena Corinthians, o Alvinegro acabou superado pelo Fluminense por 2 a 1. Gustavo marcou o único gol corinthiano no jogo. Com 56 pontos, o Timão encerrou o Brasileirão na oitava colocação, classificado para a disputa da Pré-Libertadores.

9 Dec 11:15 Diário dos Campos 7202937203349306706.html
Save $100 with this Apple HomePod deal just in time for the holidays

This Apple HomePod deal can save you $100 - grab your new smart speaker for just $199

9 Dec 13:01 TechRadar 2111116915493399079.html
Php 61 million gets you this special Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign

What kind of Nissan GT-R do you get for Php 61 million? Well wonder no more

9 Dec 15:36 AutoIndustriya.com 2007465447782644019.html
I got diarrhea after eating something in Ghana – Cardi B (Video)

Rapper Cardi B has alleged she got diarrhea after eating something she couldn't describe in Ghana. Taking to Live Instagram, she mentioned that that was one of the reasons why she couldn't come down to meet

9 Dec 08:20 LailasNews.com 2090029850517638455.html
Affaire des activités illicites dans les casinos : Blanchiment d’argent et autres malversations

Salons privés, décors chics et sobres aux lumières tamisées, jeux, que cachent réellement les casinos ? De nombreuses techniques de criminalité (...)

9 Dec 08:09 AgoraVox 4543803184180145524.html
Gobierno presentará un Reforma Tributaria Verde en 2020

La periodista Paola Herrera explicó que esta reforma busca mitigar los efectos del cambio climático.

9 Dec 17:44 W Radio 7724358830589369333.html
‘The pandemic clock is ticking’: A race against time for a universal flu vaccine

For many people, including the elderly and others in high risk groups, getting a flu jab is a winter ritual.

9 Dec 17:00 The Telegraph 140598091186684579.html
Salzburg vs Liverpool Match Preview and Betting Tips - Champions League 2019/20

Salzburg vs Liverpool Match Preview and Betting Tips - Champions League 2019/20

9 Dec 12:57 sportskeeda 1601194029429155948.html
Novedad en Google Maps: ¿mostrará las calles mejor iluminadas?

La posible nueva opción en el servicio de mapas se sumaría a las mejoras ideadas para peatones. ¿Cómo funcionaría y cuándo se implementaría?

9 Dec 14:47 Todo Noticias 8077539161635559187.html
The LBC Economy & Business Debate with Iain Dale

Cross Question with Iain Dale is live at 8pm and you can watch it here.

9 Dec 14:18 LBC 8547475185549525360.html
Grève SNCF : le point détaillé sur les perturbations demain en Provence

Dans un communiqué, la SNCF communique sur les prévisions de circulation demain dans la région alors qu'une nouvelle journée de grève est attendue.

9 Dec 16:36 LaProvence 1839381421162801360.html
22-Jähriger soll Geld und Handy hergeben

Drei bislang Unbekannte sollen am Sonntag gegen 22 Uhr einen 22-Jährigen aus Gernrode gegen im Bereich des Wellbachwegs aufgefordert haben, ihnen die Geldbörse und das Handy auszuhändigen. Dabei hätten sie gegen ihr Opfer auch Pfefferspray eingesetzt. Anschließend sollen die drei Tatverdächtigen ohne Beute in unbekannte Richtung geflüchtet ...

9 Dec 13:54 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109356039382.html
Počelo probijanje tunela "Zenica", projekat vrijedan 59,5 miliona evra

ZENICA - U mjestu Ponirak kod Vranduka počela je izgradnja tunela Zenica dužine blizu 2,5 kilometara, a vrijednost projekta je 59,5 miliona evra.

9 Dec 12:05 Nezavisne novine 4209150641813329142.html
Dolarización de insumos médicos pone en riesgo la vida de pacientes de diálisis

Entre 150 y 200 dólares es el costo de algunos insumos necesarios para los tratamientos de enfermos que requieren ser dializados.

9 Dec 16:15 El Impulso 879547508005702611.html
Get Stunning Discount on Smartphones: Featuring OnePlus 7T, Asus ROG Phone 2, More

Get the best discount on smartphones, coming at an extremely low price: list includes the OnePlus 7T, Asus ROG Phone 2 and many more.

9 Dec 14:35 Wccftech 3677959679452819978.html
Shrewsbury woman, 21, charged over Co-op robbery

A 21-year-old Shrewsbury woman has been charged with robbing a Co-op store and possessing a fake gun.

9 Dec 11:04 Shropshire Star 3480199991526126452.html
Sling TV deal: get a free Google Nest Hub when you prepay 3 months of Sling TV

Sling TV is offering a free Google Nest Hub when you prepay three months of Sling TV.

9 Dec 14:45 TechRadar 2111116914684899079.html
Scottish football news LIVE: Celtic player 'being monitored by a string of English clubs', Alan Brazil brands Rangers star a 'cheat', latest Betfred Cup Final reaction

The Old Firm met in a bruising encounter on Sunday, with Rangers furious that Celtic's goal wasn't ruled out for offside.

9 Dec 09:51 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490275503403.html
Ekstremno varčen milijonar: za kaj denarja ne zapravlja?

29-letni Američan je pred tremi leti zaslužil svoj prvi milijon. A kljub temu da si lahko s približno 200 tisoč evri mesečnega prihodka privošči drage stvari in mu ni treba gledati na vsak evro, pa mladi milijonar počne prav to. Na svojo ekstremno varčnost je zelo ponosen, med drugim pa varčuje na kavi in oblačilih.

9 Dec 08:52 Cekin.si 4756503464279083339.html
Russland-Ausschluss bei Olympia und WM: Das bedeutet die WADA-Sperre für die EM 2020

Russland wird für vier Jahre von Olympischen Spielen und Weltmeisterschaften ausgeschlossen. Das entschied die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur am Montag. Der SPORTBUZZER klärt auf, welchen Einfluss dieser Ausschluss auf die EM 2020 hat, bei der Russland auch eine der Ausrichter-Nationen ist.

9 Dec 14:26 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775137488213.html
FOTO - Hamsik scrive ai tifosi: "Ci vediamo domani al San Paolo"

"A domani". Marek Hamsik posta una storia su Instagram con la foto del San Paolo ed il messaggio 'A domani', confermando dunque la sua presenza allo stadio San Paolo per la sfida al Genk. L'ex capitano farà un giro di campo e verrà salutato dai tifosi.

9 Dec 13:10 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571079756868916.html
Davido joins shatta wale to mock Bullet over Cardi B ‘meet and greet’ snub

Most popular personalities otherwise known as celebrities in Ghana have become subject of mockery following Cardi B ‘meet and greet’ snub. Remember that Cardi B, the Grammy-winning American female rapper, was billed to headline Livespot X Festival in Accra, Ghana on Sunday, December 8th. Ahead of the concert, the organizers arranged for a meet and […]

9 Dec 16:06 GhBase.com 8689748846718381014.html
Globos de Oro sobre la polémica porque no hay directoras nominadas: No votamos por género

Este año nuevamente la Asociación de Prensa Extranjera de Hollywood no nominó a ninguna directora  para los Globos de Oro 2020 a pesar

9 Dec 16:50 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536002801496.html
Verona Pooth sorgt mit ihrem Kleid bei „Ein Herz für Kinder“-Spendengala für Hingucker des Abends

Verona Pooth hat sich auf der „Ein Herz für Kinder“-Spendengala ganz schön offenherzig gezeigt - auch in puncto Styling.

9 Dec 15:02 VIP.de 2239798194723042338.html
Patrick Bruel soutenu par Amanda Sthers et leurs fils à son concert parisien

Dans le cadre de sa grande tournée Ce soir on sort..., Patrick Bruel a assuré deux concerts à Paris La Défense Arena les 6 et 7 décembre 2019. Le chanteur a pu compter sur la présence et le soutien de...

9 Dec 16:10 Purepeople 1712099803080043497.html
Luis Fonsi, Ozuna, Anuel AA y Wisin y Yandel, brillaron junto a Daddy Yankee

El "Big Boss" arrancó con ciclo de 10 presentaciones en Puerto Rico con grandes figuras sobre el escenario.

9 Dec 16:03 Todo Noticias 8077539163103593859.html
Godin: "Non mi aspetto un Barça rilassato. Lautaro è esploso, felici di averlo qui all'Inter"

Al fianco di Antonio Conte, oggi nella conferenza stampa pre-Champions c'è un calciatore che conosce benissimo il Barcellona, per averlo affrontato moltissime volte sia in Europa sia in...

9 Dec 13:00 FcInterNews.it 7848284893229370070.html
Trump a 'heedless and erratic old man,' North Korea says, after tweets about Kim Jong Un

North Korea took aim at President Trump on Monday, dubbing him a "heedless and erratic old man" after he tweeted leader Kim Jong Un wouldn't want to "void his special relationship" with him or the U.S. by interfering in the 2020 election by acting "in a hostile way."

9 Dec 12:27 Fox News 7362823821061175697.html
Atos : dans le top picks d'Oddo après l'analyse Syntec

Le Syntec envoie un message de prudence sur les perspectives. Le Syntec anticipe en effet une poursuite du ralentissement sur 2020.Oddo souligne que pour les services IT, le ralentissement est modéré,... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 10:58 Zonebourse 7946574378337912988.html
Adrián Vairo fue reelecto como presidente de Brown de Adrogué

Con el 79% de los votos se impuso en unas elecciones donde participaron 333 votantes.

9 Dec 12:18 Doble Amarilla 8680269687586774430.html
Primera versión de Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix, ¿el próximo sabor oficial de Ubuntu?

Después de bastante tiempo en marcha, el proyecto Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix ha lanzado su primera versión pública.

9 Dec 17:54 MuyLinux 1111066894337959072.html
Sabine Seidler zur Präsidentin der uniko gewählt

Rektor Oliver Vitouch ist Stellvertreter der Präsidentin

9 Dec 10:04 OTS.at 4182160711086426091.html
''Klima-Ängstlichkeit'': Wie der Klimawandel auf die Psyche schlägt

Der Klimawandel und die Angst seiner Folgen auf das ganz persönliche Leben belasten immer mehr Menschen.

9 Dec 09:28 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700285943956.html
Sting revient au Luxembourg le 2 juillet

Après le succès de son concert en plein air en juin 2018, Sting sera en concert à la Rockal cet été.

9 Dec 12:25 RTL 5minutes 5295111944088088857.html
Echanges notables du jour: Catana Group, Maisons du Monde

Au cours de cette séance boursière du lundi 9 décembre 2019, des volumes d'échanges anormaux ont été détectés sur le marché français.Aujourd'hui, c'es - 09/12/2019 17:40

9 Dec 16:40 ABC Bourse 2538693399840253605.html
Marvin Miller y Tedd Simmons tendrán placas en el Hall de la Fama

El fundador de la Asociación de Peloteros y un gran catcher, elegidos por el Comité de Veteranos.

9 Dec 12:46 CiberCuba 8213836169961025906.html
Los "grandes" equipos de Sudamérica que nunca han descendido en su historia

Con el descenso del Cruzeiro, cada vez son menos los equipos que se salvan del denominado "Fantasma de la B".

9 Dec 08:29 24Horas.cl 793283385540107032.html
Amy Jackson Shares A Picture Of Her ‘Chubby Chops’ Son Andreas And It Is All Things Cute

Today, Amy Jackson took to her social media to share an endearing picture of her ‘Chubby Chops’. The 2.0 actress shared a picture of son Andreas lying down which is surely adorbs

9 Dec 13:26 SPOTBOYE 1547816857423344581.html
France's Sanofi to buy Synthorx for US$2.5 billion

France's Sanofi said on Monday it had agreed to buy Synthorx in a cash deal worth around US$2.5 billion as it seeks to beef up its ...

9 Dec 14:40 CNA 5644198863412355930.html
Burke: Three of Aesop’s fables, fractured by Trumpian lore

Written thousands of years ago, Aesop’s morals still hold true when applied to the Trump presidency.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408854629890.html
Revealed: The most popular tourist attractions for Uber passengers in 2019 - and it's the Empire State Building that tops the list, with Buckingham Palace 9th

The cab-hailing app has been keeping track of the most-visited attractions by its drivers in 2019. In second place is the Freedom Tower in New York while in third is Toronto's CN Tower.

9 Dec 15:51 Mail Online 124328111308621837.html
Finalmente, Gimnasia presentó las listas para las elecciones del próximo sábado

Mucha agua corrió bajo el puente y, finalmente, todo volvió a foja cero: Gabriel Pellegrino, Mariano Cowen y Salvador Robustelli pelearán para ser el Presidente del club platense por el próximo trienio.

9 Dec 11:35 Doble Amarilla 8680269686263481743.html
5 paranormalnih stvari koje psi mogu da osete, a ljudi ne

Pored svih dobrih stvari, psi imaju svoju čudnu stranu. Ponekad deluje kao da imaju njuh za čudne paranormalne pojave za koje ljudi nemaju. Da li ste ikada bili sami u kući sa svojim psom i odjednom ga ugledate nakostrešenog i zagledanog u nešto što zapravo nije tu?

9 Dec 08:08 REPUBLIKA 2543998405406249375.html
Iberdrola sobe indemnizações de casas afetadas por sistema de barragens do Tâmega

Os moradores das 52 casas que vão ficar submersas por causa da construção das barragens de Daivões, Alto Tâmega e Gouvães vão ver aumentadas as indemnizações.

9 Dec 15:00 JN 6956494302608191295.html
Champions, Dimarco carica l'Inter: "Pronti per una notte da sogno!"

Vigilia di Champions League per l'Inter di Antonio Conte, in campo oggi ad Appiano Gentile per limare gli ultimi dettagli in vista della sfida da dentro o fuori con il Barcellona in programma...

9 Dec 17:53 FcInterNews.it 7848284893720630163.html
Enquête ouverte concernant des menaces à la Basilique de Koekelberg

Une enquête est menée à la suite de menaces verbales proférées le 30 novembre dernier à la Basilique de Koekelberg lors d’un moment de prière. Une information rapportée par nos confrères de la Dernière Heure, et confirmée à notre micro par le...

9 Dec 14:22 RTBF Info 2262420856604801030.html
‘He Did NOT Commit Suicide” – More Details Emerge On Zim Man Who Brutally Murdered Wife In Pretoria & Wrapped Body In Plastic

Three weeks ago, the country was rocked by the news of a Zimbabwean man, who brutally murdered his wife Netsai Makore, in Pretoria, South Africa.

9 Dec 08:42 iHarare News 2755902706604329203.html
Proiectul liberalului Florin Roman privind reducerea cotei TVA, introdus pe ordinea de zi a plenului Camerei / Alegerea primarilor în două tururi și reducerea numărului de parlamentari, amânate

Conducerea Camerei Deputaţilor a decis, luni, introducerea pe ordinea de zi a unei propuneri legislative a liderului deputaţilor liberali, Florin Roman, referitoare la reducerea nivelului cotei

9 Dec 15:22 HotNews 5099222561034308492.html
A dicembre niente palestra: i motivi (e le scuse) che mettono in pausa lo sport

Una rassegna delle motivazioni più gettonate per saltare le sessioni di allenamento alla vigilia delle feste natalizie

9 Dec 13:48 Today 178378750832406655.html
Sorelle morte in incidente a Verona, il dolore della mamma: “Non le ho abbracciate la mattina”

Dolore immenso per i familiari e gli amici delle sorelle Chiara e Francesca Mercurio e di Luca Verdolin, i tre giovani di Ronco all'Adige morti sabato in un terribile incidente a a Bonavigo, nella bassa veronese. Le sue sorelle avevano 15 e 20 anni, il giovane alla guida dell’auto ne aveva 23.

9 Dec 11:41 fanpage.it 1517332168311308015.html
ERC demana a PSOE que faci gestos i es mogui si vol accelerar la investidura

Vilalta assegura que ara mateix "les posicions encara estan allunyades" i que a la propera reunió volen concretar la mesa de negociació Considera que el més probable és que les votacions no es produeixin fins al gener

9 Dec 12:54 El Punt Avui 4496725670648431020.html
Paul Volcker, former Fed chairman, dies at 92

Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve known for his battles against inflation in the late 1970s and early 1980s, has died. He was 92.

9 Dec 16:04 CHANNEL3000 830332542595705865.html
Johnson ‘looking at’ abolishing BBC licence fee

The Prime Minister said whilst his party are currently “not planning to get rid of all TV licence fees”, he is “certainly looking at it”.

9 Dec 15:22 Shropshire Star 3480199992859503145.html
Alongamento antes do treino: por que é importante?

A falta de uma sequência de exercícios de alongamento pode comprometer seu treino

9 Dec 10:39 Folha Vitória 4941883426628167182.html
Izraelski polityk: Corbyn? Rasista. Pamiętajcie przed wyborami

Jair Lapid, kandydat koalicji Niebiesko-Biali na szefa dyplomacji nazwał lidera brytyjskiej opozycji, Jeremy'ego Corbyna "rasistą i antysemitą" i zaapelował do wyborców, aby "mieli to na uwadze" przed udaniem się do urn, 12 grudnia - informuje "Times of Israel".

9 Dec 10:49 Rzeczpospolita 4735082524879847448.html
L’Avis di Loro Piceno a tavola con i suoi donatori

VOLONTARIATO - Il consueto appuntamento di fine anno, organizzato dal presidente Ciabocco e dal direttivo, si è svolto sabato al ristorante Da Luana

9 Dec 14:51 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195184909947.html
7 Low-Risk Mutual Funds to Buy Now

An array of low-risk mutual funds spanning multiple asset classes are currently available to investors. Here are seven worth a look.

9 Dec 13:11 InvestorPlace 24614509129806755.html
Rússia é banida de eventos esportivos mundiais por quatro anos

Punição por doping deixará o país de fora dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2020 e da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2022

9 Dec 14:27 CartaCapital 2483507008235626857.html
La sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi es elegida Miss Universo 2019

La sudafricana se impuso ante la puertorriqueño Madison Anderson y la mexicana Sofía Aragón.

9 Dec 11:22 CiberCuba 8213836169072906020.html
"The World's Big Sleep Out": Will Smith setzt sich für Obdachlose ein

Beim "Big Sleep Out" setzten sich weltweit Menschen für Obdachlose ein. Auch die Hollywood-Stars Will Smith und Helen Mirren machten mit.

9 Dec 13:36 VIP.de 2239798193368933443.html
'He will probably play with two up front' - Coventry boss expects to face a different looking Ipswich side in final part of the trilogy

Coventry City manager Mark Robins expects Ipswich Town to play with two up front in tomorrow night's FA Cup second round replay at Portman Road.

9 Dec 16:53 East Anglian Daily Times 681138150586054380.html
Itt a Pirelli okosgumija, ami az internetre csatlakozik

Ha már sütőből, hűtőgépből, párnából és akár zokniból is kaphatunk "smart" változatot, miért ne létezhetne okosgumi?

9 Dec 12:21 HVG.hu 2696544699472393786.html
Zara Larsson klar för Brännbollsyran

Zara Larsson uppträder på Brännbollsyran nästa år, skriver festivalen i ett pressmeddelande. Festivalen, som pågår mellan den 28 och 30 maj, fyller också på artistförrådet med den franska EDM-artisten Malaa och den svenska hiphop-duon Aden x Asme. Sedan

9 Dec 09:03 Sydsvenskan 2976531144753523598.html
Steam Weekly Top Sellers December 9th 2019

Gosh, we're two weeks out for Christmas already, let's see what is hot at Steam. Here are the ten top-selling titles on Steam for the week as reported by Valve: Halo: The Master Chief CollectionVal...

9 Dec 08:26 Guru3D.com 7287651562993286431.html
Messi, entre los descartados para el partido en Milán

El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por decisión técnica, será la principal ausencia del partido Inter - Barcelona, que este martes se jugará en Milán.El argentino Lionel Messi, por…

9 Dec 09:41 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190661082707.html
Scomparsa di Samira, il marito trova in un fossato le scarpe della donna: “Sono sue”

Le scarpe di Samira El Attar sono stata ritrovate dal marito in fondo a un fossato a pochi chilometri da casa, sulla Statale 16, in provincia di Padova. A fare la scoperta proprio il marito della donna scomparsa da Stanghella il 21 ottobre scorso, lasciando la figlioletta di 4 anni. Sul posto sono intervenute le forze dell'ordine che indagano per sequestro di persona.

9 Dec 11:41 fanpage.it 1517332167486158710.html
"Veselji u Hag pozvan kao osumnjičeni"

PRIŠTINA - Iako predsjednik DPK, Kadri Veselji, koji je u ponedjeljak otputovao za Hag, gdje će u Specijalnom sudu biti saslušan u okiru istraga o zločinima tzv. OVK nad Srbima, nije rekao u kom svojstvu je pozvan, bivši agent SHIK, Naim Miftari, kaže da je predsjednik parlamenta pozvan kao osumnjičeni.

9 Dec 16:10 Nezavisne novine 4209150641213324718.html
Italianos de Santa Catarina querem corrigir erro histórico

Com o lema “Non si può negare la storia, la vera storia!” (Não se pode negar a história, a verdadeira história), o movimento “SC Requer a Correção do Erro Histórico” teve seu início em 12 de janeiro de 2018, data em que o Diário Oficial da União (DOU) publicou a lei federal nº. 13.617/2018, sancionada pelo então presidente Michel Temer no dia anterior.

9 Dec 12:24 NSC Total 4216767908691479577.html
La partita dei dazi tra Cina e Usa si giocherà il 15 dicembre

La data è decisiva per il negoziato tra Usa e Cina: in mancanza di un'intesa tra le due parti scatteranno nuove tariffe

9 Dec 16:17 Agi 2115274224324679171.html
Hier werden die Gäste zum Verweilen „angestiftet“

Weder durch die Rathaus-Baustelle noch durch das nasskalte Nieselwetter zur Eröffnung lassen sich die Echinger ihren Christkindlmarkt auf dem Bürgerplatz vermiesen.

9 Dec 17:09 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239499750644.html
Höhere Arbeitslosenquote auch in den beiden Basel

Die Arbeitslosenquote ist im November auch in den beiden Basel angestiegen - in Basel-Stadt von 2,7 auf 2,9 Prozent, in Baselland von 1,7 auf 1.8 Prozent. Landesweit legte die Quote von 2,2 auf 2,3 Prozent zu.

9 Dec 09:47 bz BASEL 5287163742352995082.html
La Hacienda de Nafarroa cambia su dirección de correo al modificar su denominación

La Hacienda de Nafarroa ha cambiado su direcci&oacute;n de correo electr&oacute;nico debido a la nueva denominaci&oacute;n del organismo aut&oacute;nomo. El ...

9 Dec 12:51 naiz: 7509038604361916031.html
Galaxy A51 Updates nur quartalsweise – behandelt Samsung das A50 besser?

Vielleicht wird es dieses Jahr noch vorgestellt: das Galaxy A51. Es kommen immer mehr Infos ans Licht, doch eine bestimmte irritiert.

9 Dec 12:56 CURVED 5947652462260516488.html
RIP Four-speed Ultradrive, Soon to Be Dead at 32

The Pentastar-stamped unit — seemingly older than Kirk Douglas' dad — meets its maker after a lengthy career managing power in a dizzying array of models.

9 Dec 16:03 The Truth About Cars 8594295341982742701.html
KITOTO: My wife is a serial cheater but says I don’t trust her

The foundation one lays is key to the performance of any relationship.

9 Dec 09:00 Daily Nation 7421817125008568753.html
India find T20 pulse with Shivam Dube's promotion to No.3

The allrounder backed up his swagger with performance, and his elevation also showed India were ready to step out of their comfort zone | ESPNcricinfo.com

9 Dec 13:15 ESPNcricinfo 4926159651892507282.html
Les pires tue-l'amour lors d'une relation sexuelle quand on est parents

Faire l'amour quand on a un enfant est parfois mission impossible, entre la fatigue, les enfants qui débarquent à tout moment... Alors quand vous êtes lancés, il n'y a rien de pire que les situations suivantes !

9 Dec 09:55 Magicmaman.com 1799077916596785449.html
Universal Credit changes coming into force in 2020 for 12million people

The end of the five year freeze will bring relief to the 10million benefit claimants - 2.5million of whom are on Universal Credit - who've struggled at the hands of inflation for years

9 Dec 14:49 mirror 675785261385331788.html
Profi Rom Food a lansat un nou concept de magazin in Bucuresti, fiiGo

Retailerul alimentar Profi Rom Food a lansat un nou concept de magazine, fiiGo, prezent in Bucuresti cu trei locatii, in Piata Victoriei si in zona Perla-Stefan Cel Mare.

9 Dec 08:29 Wall-Street 2473040520937978942.html
Hallan un feto en un contenedor en el barrio de Malasaña de Madrid

Un hombre que iba a tirar la basura encontró el cuerpo dentro de una bolsa de plástico

9 Dec 10:47 Las Provincias 5471838388898303806.html
Weimar: Frau geht in den Keller – plötzlich stockt ihr der Atem

Was für eine erschreckende Überraschung! Als eine Frau in Weimar in ihren Keller ging, stockte ihr der Atem. Erfahre hier warum.

9 Dec 17:10 Thüringen24 7206317295081157119.html
Eurorivali - Burki: "La speranza di passare il turno è grande, ma purtroppo non dipende solo da noi"

È il portiere Roman Bürki a presentarsi in conferenza stampa alla vigilia di Borussia Dortmund-Slavia Praga, ultima gara valida per i gironi di Champions League, gara...

9 Dec 16:56 FcInterNews.it 7848284893306962606.html
Al Barça se le atragantan las visitas al Giusseppe Meazza

El FC Barcelona visitará una vez más el Giusseppe Meazza, el feudo que comparten los dos equipos italianos tanto el Inter como el AC Milan....

9 Dec 14:05 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959625843007.html
Nicole Neumann cumplió su sueño de tener una granja con animales rescatados

De perros y gatos a caballos, gansos y tortugas, la modelo cuida a los animales que encuentra abandonados y les da un hogar.

9 Dec 16:50 Todo Noticias 8077539162397181296.html
Lampard: Nije kraj sveta, ali nisu blesavi ako su mladi

Menadžer Čelsija Frank Lampard kaže da njegovi igrači moraju da se suoče sa nekim neprijatnim istinama posle nešto slabijih igara.

9 Dec 09:35 Sport Klub 42251758618322105.html
In Witten: 13-jährige Alina M. seit Samstag vermisst - Polizei bittet um Mithilfe

Seit dem 7. Dezember (Samstag) wird die 13-jährige Alina M. aus Witten (NRW) vermisst. Zuletzt wurde sie gegen 13 Uhr am Busbahnhof in Recklinghausen gesehen. Seitdem fehlt jede Spur von dem Mädchen.

9 Dec 15:18 FOCUS Online 4448121231879344883.html
Italy heading for Wembley as England get ready for Euro 2020

The game is one of four warm-up matches for Gareth Southgate’s men.

9 Dec 10:46 Express & Star 7324224459935208507.html
El macrismo pierde Boca Juniors y Riquelme se convierte en el “hombre fuerte” del club

Mauricio Macri no tendrá influencia política en el equipo argentino por primera vez en casi 25 años

9 Dec 15:57 EL PAÍS 2207347710300870804.html
Huawei confirma que o HarmonyOS estará disponível em smartphones em 2020

Sistema operacional será oferecido oficialmente com código aberto a partir de agosto do próximo ano

9 Dec 08:14 Mundo Conectado 6456876366405227593.html
Suđenje Nenadu Suziću zatvoreno za javnost

BANJALUKA - Suđenje Nenadu Suziću (69), bivšem ministru prosvjete i kulture koji je optužen za obljubu djeteta mlađeg od 15 godina, jutros je zbog zaštite žrtve, nastavljeno iza zatvorenih vrata.

9 Dec 10:53 Nezavisne novine 4209150642348837036.html
UGT e CGTP insatisfeitas com rumo das conversações, CIP mais otimista

A UGT e a CGTP terminaram a reunião de Concertação Social insatisfeitas com o rumo das conversações com o Governo para o Orçamento do Estado de 2020, mas a CIP considera que o caminho está "a ser sinalizado"

9 Dec 14:43 JN 6956494302580169784.html
Pirma Lietuvoje donoro kraujagyslės implantacija išsaugojo pacientui koją

Kauno klinikose praėjusią savaitę atlikta pirmoji kraujagyslės implantacija – ji padėjo pacientui išsaugoti koją.

9 Dec 15:25 budas.lt 7514915614004105573.html
New Images Go Behind-The-Scenes Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild 2's Trailer

Concept art, motion capture and more

9 Dec 11:00 Nintendo Life 5246707018838878456.html
When are the College Football Playoff semifinals 2019? Date, schedule, location for Peach, Fiesta bowls

LSU, Ohio State, Clemson and Oklahoma make up this year's College Football Playoff. Find out when and where these teams will face off in the CFP semifinals.

9 Dec 12:36 Sporting News 5110653854743048067.html
Badminton: Singapore's Loh Kean Yew settles for silver after losing SEA Games final

NEW CLARK CITY, Philippines: Singapore’s wait for a gold medal in the badminton men’s singles continues after Loh Kean Yew lost 18-21, 18-21 to ...

9 Dec 15:40 CNA 5644198863699537230.html
Maroc: encore des jets de pierre sur un autobus

Des jets de pierre, dont les auteurs sont des adolescents ont visé un autobus de Meknès, samedi dernier.

9 Dec 15:17 Le Site Info 5160764340136929446.html
Mulher ferida em Lamego por homem que se suicidou de seguida está "consciente"

A mulher ferida na cabeça no sábado em Lamego, Viseu, por um homem que se suicidou de seguida, está "consciente" e "estável".

9 Dec 17:18 JN 6956494302400194673.html
Réforme des retraites : cette nouvelle piste pour rassurer les agents des régimes spéciaux et les fonctionnaires

Pour limiter les pertes du passage entre le régime actuel et universel, des compensations pourraient être mises en place pendant la période de transition. Une proposition visant principalement les fonctionnaires

9 Dec 13:58 Capital.fr 2641485280895412667.html
Una mujer murió tras someterse a un aborto clandestino en La Plata

La mujer se descompensó en su domicilio y luego de permanecer dos días internada, murió en la noche del domingo.

9 Dec 12:54 El Patagónico 8565457045770591906.html
La rivoluzione si fa dal basso: Napoli c'è

I cambiamenti climatici si possono e si debbono contrastare anche dalle città. È più difficile, ma bisogna agire. È necessario puntare sulle politiche dei beni comuni, con...

9 Dec 10:32 L'HuffPost 5315551424296899725.html
Großes Interesse für 8. VKI-Energiekosten-Stop-Aktion

Größer als bei der letzten "Energiekosten-Stop"-Aktion des Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI) ist diesmal das Interesse. Bisher haben sich über 40.000 Haushalte für die achte Aktion angemeldet, die Frist läuft bis 14. Jänner. Das letzte Mal, heuer im Frühjahr, hatten 25.000 Haushalte teilgenommen, wer auf die Strom/Gas-Gemeinschaftstarife wechselte, konnte im Schnitt 340 Euro im Jahr sparen.

9 Dec 10:21 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084467124635.html
Dopage : l'AMA exclut la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans

L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a décidé lundi d'exclure la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant quatre ans, ce qui inclut Tokyo-2020 et...

9 Dec 10:41 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733140233558721.html
eFootball PES 2020 - Kostenlose Lite-Version ab sofort erhältlich

Konami hat die abgespeckte Lite-Version des Fußballspiels PES 2020 veröffentlicht. Diese neben myClub noch weitere Modi, außerdem sind einige Teams der Vollversion enthalten.

9 Dec 13:07 www.gamepro.de 3610569833314623330.html
Aitor Esteban: "Hay un problema nacional tanto en Cataluña como en Euskadi y es hora de abordarlo"

Se trata, ha dicho el portavoz del PNV en Los Desayunos de TVE, de "un reto que hay que afrontar y que la Constitución Española debería recoger".

9 Dec 11:43 RTVE.es 8332346889081810673.html
The Samsung Galaxy S11 Plus will have a huge battery, apparently

The upcoming Samsung Galaxy S11 Plus will have a massive 5000mAh battery, according to a new leak. Here are the details of the leak...

9 Dec 11:28 Trusted Reviews 12694854717547735.html
Miss South Africa wins 2019 Miss Universe pageant

Zozibini Tunzi, Miss South Africa, has been crowned Miss Universe.

9 Dec 09:56 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541638237966531.html
Blame it on the juice: Lizzo shares nude pics online


9 Dec 11:59 Topics 7441651000017630557.html
Maroc : quand Mike Pompeo rencontre Abdellatif Hammouchi

En visite officielle au Maroc, Mike Pompeo, le secrétaire d’État américain, s’est rendu le 5 décembre au siège de la Direction générale de la surveillance du territoire (DGST), à Témara, où l’a reçu Abdellatif Hammouchi, son directeur.

9 Dec 10:22 JeuneAfrique.com 5117442295060454119.html
Industrie agroalimentaire Intégration renforcée de l’amont productif et l’aval de transformation agricole

Le marché de l’alimentation du Maroc se développe à grands pas. Le Royaume, de par ses politiques ambitieuses, a réussi à tisser un écosystème performant qui séduit les investisseurs du monde entier.

9 Dec 14:30 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414284507890052.html
Brasil faltará a la toma de posesión de Alberto Fernández en Argetina

El gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro descartó enviar un delegado a la toma de posesión de Alberto Fernández como presidente de Argentina.Osmar Terra, ministro de Ciudadanía de la administración brasileña, sería el representante de Bolsonaro en la ceremonia protocolaria argentina, pero el presidente se echó para atrás, de acuerdo con información del diario argentino Clarín.

9 Dec 08:10 Cubadebate 7978633340166977985.html
600 Kilometer Stau – alleine im Grossraum Paris

Die anhaltenden Streiks gegen die Rentenreform haben im Pariser Grossraum für ein Verkehrschaos gesorgt.

9 Dec 09:06 SRF 8424707179817269707.html
República Dominicana solicitará visa a venezolanos a partir del 16-D

El gobierno de República Dominicana informó este lunes, que a partir del próximo 16 de diciembre de 2019, a los ciudadanos venezolanos que deseen ingresar a esta nación les será requerida una visa expedida, a través de las misiones consulares correspondientes.

9 Dec 15:55 Panorama 6052790754499057679.html
Lemos: Detenido en Monforte con 30 gramos de éxtasis

Agentes de la Policía Nacional registraron su coche porque sospecharon de él cuando lo vieron aparcado junto al edificio multiusos

9 Dec 11:20 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612412442503.html
Von Gleis 9 starten Züge bald wohl auch bis Wien

Von Gleis 9 starten Züge bald wohl auch bis Wien. Warum der Verkehr auf dem Hauptbahnhof derzeit richtig brummt und Reinigungskräfte gut zu Fuß sein müssen.

9 Dec 15:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106108981039785.html
Risk att TV4-kanalerna släcks vid midnatt

Tele2 har varnat för att TV4 och C more kan släckas för en tredjedel av svenska hushåll vid midnatt, om de inte kommer överens med Telia. Hur det blir med kanalerna är ännu oklart. – Det stämmer inte alls att vi inte förhandlar. Det är direkt felaktigt,

9 Dec 12:21 HD 3336945412353693363.html
Homem é preso depois de tentar assaltar delegado em Maringá

Um homem foi preso ao tentar assaltar um delegado em Maringá, no norte do Estado, neste domingo. O delegado passeava de carro quando viu um homem supostamente sendo roubado por três pessoas. Ele pa…

9 Dec 14:24 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257086197582.html
Tim Mälzer: Drama um TV-Koch - Star-Koch mit gemeinem Spruch gegenüber Zuschauerin

Das TV-Koch Tim Mälzer nicht auf den Mund gefallen ist, ist nichts Neues. Mit einem gemeinem Spruch gegen eine Zuschauerin in seiner Show „Ready to Beef“ schoss er jedoch übers Ziel hinaus. 

9 Dec 12:23 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238767389770.html
Derby couple who were shipwrecked for 117 days to be featured in new film

“Their story reminded me of Life of Pi"

9 Dec 12:48 Derbyshire Live 9061707931884415911.html
U.P. to set up 218 fast track courts for speedy disposal of cases of sexual crimes against women, children

State has 42,389 pending cases of sexual offences against children and 25,749 cases of rape and sexual crimes against women

9 Dec 08:08 The Hindu 6679535025859710528.html
Nissan GT-R Edisi 50 Tahun Dibanderol Rp18 Miliaran

Nissan Skyline GT-R resmi berusia 50 tahun pada tahun ini. Merayakan hal tersebut, Nissan akan menghadirkan GT-R 50th Anniversary Edition.

9 Dec 11:00 liputan6.com 3414318496083923125.html
Rebensburgovi superveleslalom v Lake Louisu, Štuhčeva 20.

Nemka Viktoria Rebensburg je zmagovalka superveleslaloma za svetovni pokal alpskih smučark v Lake Louisu v Kanadi. Na drugo mesto se je presenetljivo zavihtela Italijanka Nicole Delago (+0,35), tretje mesto je pripadlo Švicarki Corinne Suter (+0,42). Edina slovenska smučarka na tekmi Ilka Štuhec je končala na 20. mestu (+1,87).

9 Dec 08:10 Primorske novice 8884558926211521875.html
Kamera 200MP hingga Internet 5G Bakal ada di Smartphone Premium 2020

Flagships smartphone 2020 yang nantinya menggunakan Snapdragon 865 bakal hadir dengan tingkat keamanan biometrik yang lebih kuat, kamera hingga 200MP, dan internet 5G berkecepatan hingga 7,5Gbps.

9 Dec 17:00 liputan6.com 3414318496476837335.html
Zozibini Tunzi's reaction to winning Miss Universe: 'Tonight a door was opened, and I could not be more grateful to have been the one to have walked through it'

The Miss Universe winner has reacted to her win and said something very special.

9 Dec 09:26 Channel24 2038030840043595872.html
Watch Green Day Play A Secret Show In A Tiny Californian Bar

Green Day hit the Tiki Bar in Costa Mesa for an impromptu set in front of a small bunch of very lucky fans.

9 Dec 17:58 Kerrang! 370418008225097759.html
NFZ: od 1 stycznia zlecenia na wyroby medyczne na nowych zasadach

Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia wprowadza nowy sposób realizacji zlecenia na zaopatrzenie w wyroby medyczne. Pacjent nie będzie musiał już odwiedzać oddziału NFZ w celu potwierdzenia zlecenia. Rocznie NFZ potwierdza ok. 3,5 mln takich zleceń.

9 Dec 11:00 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135115527948880.html
I had a little dilemma in Ghana; but still had fun – Cardi B

Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar known to many as Cardi B name would be on the lips of Ghanaian entertainment lovers for long after the little

9 Dec 09:50 GHANA PAGE 8986860743982447324.html
Tage von Bus-Chaos an Komödienstraße sind gezählt

Die Köln-Besucher sollen ab dem 2. Januar an der Gereonstraße aus den Bussen aussteigen. Bis dahin herrscht am Dom jedoch noch Ausnahmezustand.

9 Dec 13:50 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258569499350229.html
A sus 82 años, Don Felipe está por concluir su carrera universitaria

Don Felipe cursa la Ingeniería en Procesos y Gestión Industrial y actualmente presta sus servicios en en Agua de Puebla para Todos

9 Dec 16:28 EL DEBATE 4396150893344365634.html
Le recours de Vivendi contre Mediaset sera étudié par la justice italienne fin janvier - sources

Le tribunal de Milan examinera le 21 janvier 2020 le recours déposé par le groupe de médias et de divertissement Vivendi contre le projet de réorganisation du géant italien de l'audiovisuel Mediaset,... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 12:21 Zonebourse 7946574378808775075.html
Guillermina Valdés levantó cien kilos en el gym, pero en las redes no le perdonaron un detalle del outfit

La pareja de Marcelo Tinelli compartió un video haciendo sentadillas con su peso "máximo". Qué les contestó a los haters.

9 Dec 12:16 Todo Noticias 8077539161657258552.html
Joker filmini evinin konforunda izlemek isteyenlere müjde

Gişede 1 milyar dolar barajını aşarak en başarılı filmler arasına adını yazdıran Joker filminin dijitale ne zaman geleceği belli oldu.

9 Dec 08:00 LOG 4635804206685456133.html
Chełm: powstała rada wsparcia budowy hospicjum w Nowinach

Hospicjum w Nowinach (wieś w powiecie chełmskim) ma być kompleksem składającym się z Domu Hospicyjnego, Domu Opieki Długoterminowej oraz Domu Opieki Wyręczającej. Inwestycja będzie usytuowana na 2,5-hektarowej działce, którą hospicjum bezpłatnie otrzymało od Starostwa Powiatowego w Chełmie.

9 Dec 09:10 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135117015014686.html
RB Leipzigs Forsberg in Topform: „Jetzt spiele ich befreiter“

Er trifft, er bereitet vor, er lenkt: Emil Forsberg präsentiert sich bei RB Leipzig so stark wie lange nicht. Das hat nicht nur sportliche Gründe, wie er jetzt gegenüber dem "Kicker" verraten hat.

9 Dec 09:55 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775235115980.html
Diretor nega atraso de repasses para a FAP e destaca defasagem do SUS em Campina

Diretor nega atraso de repasses para a FAP e destaca defasagem do SUS em Campina

9 Dec 10:04 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543904568203287.html
The Matrix 4 Adds Frozen 2's Jonathan Groff

Jonathan Groff, who plays the voice of Kristoff in Disney's Frozen 2, has been cast in The Matrix 4 in a mystery role.

9 Dec 15:12 CBR.com 1295516962803938204.html
Macri acepta la renuncia de sus ministros en la última reunión de Gabinete

El presidente saliente, Mauricio Macri, aceptó este lunes la dimisión de los ministros de su Gobierno, en el marco de la última reunión de gabinete antes de que el mandatario electo, Alberto...

9 Dec 15:21 La Voz 6237180762382133745.html
'Dolor y Gloria', Antonio Banderas y Ana de Armas, nominados a unos Globos de Oro que lidera 'Historia de un matrimonio'

La cinta de Pedro Almodóvar opta al galardón de Mejor Película Extranjera y su protagonista a Mejor Actor Dramático. Historia de un matrimonio logra seis nominaciones, seguida por El irlandés, y Érase una vez en...Hollywood, con cinco cada una

9 Dec 15:34 RTVE.es 8332346888918526104.html
Faustão pergunta à Aline Riscado sobre Gabigol e ela dispara: Parou! Estou solteírissima

Porém, no último domingo, dia 8, a polêmica voltou a ser citada depois que Fausto Silva questionou ao vivo durante o Domingão do Faustão se Aline estava namorando Gabigol

9 Dec 15:15 Folha Vitória 4941883426385930856.html
Tunden a Jesusa Rodríguez por compartir 'extraño' video, donde critica la Navidad

En las imágenes se puede ver a la funcionaria, colocando esferas en un gancho que se utiliza como herramienta para matar ganado

9 Dec 14:00 EL GRÁFICO 2926497600848806948.html
BJP wins 10 seats, retains majority in K'taka Assembly

The ruling BJP on Monday retained a majority in the Karnataka Assembly when it bagged six seats in the byelections in which it was also leading in an equal number in other segments where counting is underway.

9 Dec 14:26 Deccan Herald 2027555796499901739.html
Adobe rachète l'application de sculpture en réalité virtuelle Oculus Medium pour renforcer son offre 3D

Adobe s'attaque sérieusement au marché de la création 3D. Après le rachat du Français Allegorithmic en début d'année, à l'origine de l'application Substance Painter, c'est Oculus Medium que s'offre le géant des arts graphiques. Une acquisition un peu particulière car cette application de sculpture en réalité virtuelle a été créée en interne au sein de Facebook.

9 Dec 17:27 L'Usine Digitale 1522718386498457327.html
UĐITE U NOVU GODINU PUNI POZITIVNE ENERGIJE I BLAGOSTANJA: Poboljšajte kvalitet svog života uz ovu jednostavnu stvar!

Drago kamenje, kao i kristali, imaju svoje unikatno značenje i smisao. Služe za poboljšanje mnogih aspekata života štite nas od loše energije, čiste nam auru, pomažu nam da dođemo do emotivne stabilnosti, da privučemo sreću, jednom rečju mogu značajno poboljšati ...

9 Dec 16:00 kurir.rs 6515665028629255611.html
Cardi B knows no one in Ghana, including myself – Shatta Wale

Dancehall artiste Shatta Wale has blasted Ghanaian celebrities over their antics yesterday when Cardi B failed to meet with them, saying Ghana is a village and the rapper knows no one in the country. Yesterday a

9 Dec 11:04 LailasNews.com 2090029849864046963.html
Municipales à Bordeaux : Hurmic engrange des soutiens à gauche, Rouveyre quitte la politique

Le candidat des écologistes à la mairie de Bordeaux, Pierre Hurmic, vient de conclure un accord avec plusieurs partis de la gauche dont le Parti socialiste. En revanche, le désaccord est acté avec Bordeaux Maintenant, le mouvement de l'ex socialiste Matthieu Rouveyre, qui annonce quitter la vie politique.

9 Dec 09:35 La Tribune 1118960602540360195.html
Bailarines de la Ópera de París cuelgan zapatillas para ir a protestas en Francia

Fue un espectáculo inédito. Entre los cientos de miles de manifestantes que salieron a la calle el jueves 5-D en Francia, contra la reforma de las pensiones, figuraban bailarines de la Ópera de París, uno de los ballets más prestigiosos del mundo.

9 Dec 17:10 Panorama 6052790754467322881.html
TO SU BILI IDIOTI! Rankić nikad nije igrao Tita: Nisam dobio nijednu nagradu jer nisam hteo da glumim NAKAZE!

Zoran Rankić je igrao jednog og omiljenih likova iz serije Srećnih ljudi, gospodina Poparu, i tako je ostao upaćen po replikama kao što su Gospođice, gospođo i Mmmmm, bebo!. Zoran je preminu u 84. godini nakon teške bolesti u staračkom domu.Zoran Rankić četrdeset ...

9 Dec 14:08 kurir.rs 6515665027036442675.html
Pumari afirma que el audio fue grabado sin su «consentimiento»

Ayer, un ciudadano "anónimo" hizo conocer el audio de una presunta conversación entre Pumari y Camacho, en la que hablan de sus planes de cara a las elecciones de 2020. Nacional lunes, 09 de diciembre de 2019 · 12:09 Fuente: paginasiete.bo Siga las noticias de eju.tv por Telegram y/o Facebook Página Siete Digital / La

9 Dec 16:51 eju.tv 4688901769953018364.html
Roma prelomila, Hrvat se vraća u Madrid, umesto njega stiže fudbaler Intera?

Talentovani napadač na meti "vučice".

9 Dec 17:41 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495074786336.html
Google BERT est activé en France

Il s’agit de la mise à jour la plus importante des algorithmes du moteur de recherche depuis 5 ans.

9 Dec 17:42 BDM 5688995703664384999.html
PosteMobile proroga Creami WeBack e Style fino al 18 dicembre 2019

L'operatore virtuale PosteMobile ha deciso di prorogare le proprie offerte Creami WeBack e Style fino al prossimo 18 dicembre 2019

9 Dec 12:40 tecnoandroid 2573257127251874339.html
Doncic bate un récord de Jordan con derrota de los Mavericks

El base esloveno sumó su 19º partido consecutivo con al menos 20 puntos, 5 rebotes y 5 asistencias y acabó con la marca de ‘Air Jordan’,...

9 Dec 09:25 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959503016992.html
UŽASNE SCENE U PRIMERI: Fudbaler Osasaune posle sudara ostao NEPOMIČNO da leži na terenu! Hitno prevezen u bolnicu

Fudbaleri Osasune i Sevilje su odigrali nerešeno (1:1) u 16. kolu La Lige, a meč je obeležio jeziv sudar dvojice igrača posle kojeg je prvotimac domaćih ostao da leži nepomično na travi.

9 Dec 10:08 kurir.rs 6515665028526236430.html
Peab tar order på brandstationer i Finland

Peab har fått en order i Finland värd 21 miljoner euro, motsvarande 221 miljoner kronor. Ordern avser uppdraget att bygga två brandstationer för fastighetsinvesteringsföretaget Hemsö i Uleåborg i Finland. Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande.

9 Dec 10:22 Dagens industri 3921815211822084425.html
'India took only five years to move from USD 2 to USD 3 trillion economy'

"It took us nearly 60 years after independence to achieve USD 1 trillion mark. It took 12 years to achieve our second trillion (dollar economy). And it has taken only five years, 2014 to 2019, to achieve the third trillion economy," Indian Ambassador to the US, Harsh Vardhan Shringla, said in his address to the Indian-American community.

9 Dec 09:21 The Economic Times 7653256038000709106.html
Nachtschwärmer ließen ihre Fäuste fliegen

Zuviel Alkohol tut selten wohl. Aggressive Nachtschwärmer beschäftigten am Wochenende im Mühlviertel die Polizei.

9 Dec 09:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094320853462.html
South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi Wins 2019 Miss Universe, Joins Group of Top Black Beauty Queens In Historic Feat

Congratulations are in order for Zozibini Tunzi, the South African beauty queen crowned Miss Universe 2019 at the annual pageant Sunday night. Before a

9 Dec 11:30 Atlanta Black Star 3042160499556981190.html
Encontraron ahorcado frente a su casa al chico de Magdalena que buscaban hace 11 días

Las primeras investigaciones indicaron que Jonathan Colares se habría quitado la vida porque era víctima de maltrato familiar.

9 Dec 17:42 TKM 618830134304423442.html
Bruselas aprueba el plan de siete países de la UE para destinar 3.200 millones al desarrollo de baterías

La Comisión Europea ha aprobado este lunes el proyecto con el que Bélgica, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Polonia y Suecia quieren destinar 3.200...

9 Dec 11:29 Europa Press 4702666148505236970.html
Oda a 'Acoso', el intento de thriller erótico convertido en guilty pleasure

Recordamos 'Acoso', el thriller de 1994 basado en la novela de Michael Crichton protagonizado por Demi Moore y Michael Douglas.

9 Dec 10:31 eCartelera 2539779479764730378.html
Deinove : et l'ESPCI Paris obtiennent un financement de l'ANR pour développer la technologie Deinodrop

DEINOVE et l’ESPCI Paris obtiennent un financement de l’ANR pour développer la technologie Deinodrop   La technologie Deinodrop sera codéveloppée par... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 17:30 Zonebourse 7946574378521334715.html
Bucchioni su Ibra: "Porterebbe carisma e capacità di vincere, è da esempio per tutti"

Enzo Bucchioni, intervenuto a Radio Sportiva, ha parlato così Ibrahimovic: "Il Milan deve fare il salto immediato. Ibrahimovic porterebbe carisma e capacità di vincere, trascina il gruppo ed è un perfezionista, un malato del calcio. Questo è da esempio per tutti".  

9 Dec 17:48 MilanNews.it 6507305922744267611.html
2020 Lincoln Aviator Grand Touring plug-in hybrid range, fuel economy revealed

2020 Lincoln Aviator Grand Touring plug-in hybrid luxury three-row crossover fuel economy revealed. It has a solid electric range, but average fuel economy

9 Dec 11:54 Autoblog 4372976973439380205.html
Do sada su bili suzdržani: Dalila i Dejan se po prvi put prepustili strastima u "Zadruzi"!

Bračni par Dejan i Dalila Dragojević izjavili su da neće biti intimni pred kamerama rijaliti programa "Zadruga" i zaista sve do sad gledaoci nisu imali priku da vide nijednju njihovu akciju!

9 Dec 13:40 pulsonline 6050941187646642092.html
Hallan un feto en un contenedor en el barrio de Malasaña de Madrid

El hallazgo se produjo en la confluencia de la Costanilla de San Vicente con la calle Palma, donde se personaron la comisión judicial y la Policía.

9 Dec 10:07 La Información 5328999781982181683.html
Ribamar participará de jogo beneficente nesta terça-feira em Nova Iguaçu

O atacante do Vasco da Gama, Ribamar, participará de um jogo beneficente nesta terça-feira,

9 Dec 17:24 Vasco Notícias 1167013065365942021.html
2021 Volvo S90 and V90 Facelift Wear Useless Camouflage Winter Testing

Arguably, every single Volvo model unveiled after Geely purchased the Swedish company has been a massive improvement from its predecessor, but the S90/V90 lineup is probably the best example.

9 Dec 16:54 autoevolution 6471576453077392763.html
Cathy Lugner pfeift auf ihren 30.

So alt wie ihr Ex-Mann ist Cathy Lugner zwar noch lange nicht, aber die magische Schallmauer der 30 hat nun auch sie am Wochenende geknackt. Das scheint ihr jedoch regelrecht am Allerwertesten vorbei zu gehen. "30 and dirty" lautet stattdessen ihr Motto.

9 Dec 13:35 n-tv 6802689755585883296.html
Museu de Arte Sacra do Funchal homenageia José Tolentino Mendonça

Assinalando a época natalícia, o Museu de Arte Sacra do Funchal (MASF) disponibiliza, a partir do dia 8 de Dezembro e até ao final de Janeiro, uma pro...

9 Dec 08:30 dnoticias 6968432065748769514.html
Sanofi compra el estadounidense Synthorx por 2.500 millones de dólares

El gigante farmacéutico francés Sanofi anunció este lunes la compra de la compañía estadounidense Synthorx, especializada en medicamentos contra el cáncer y contra enfermedades auto inmunes, por unos 2.500 millones de dólares.

9 Dec 08:27 elEconomista.es 9051559957729936600.html
Amazon: Die Favoriten der Prime-Kunden 2019

Amazon verrät, welches im Jahr 2019 die Produkt-Highlights der deutschen und österreichischen Prime-Kunden waren. Was haben sie bestellt, gehört und gelesen?

9 Dec 14:37 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535188869749444.html
Wonder Woman 1984, ecco il trailer ufficiale del sequel con Gal Gadot

"Wonder Woman 1984" si prepara a conquistare il pubblico di tutto il mondo. Poco fa Warner Bros. ha distribuito il trailer ufficiale della pellicola che vede protagonista Gal Gadot.

9 Dec 09:41 Sky TG24 1131381334391765195.html
Pedullà: "Gattuso, solo Napoli! Nuovi contatti. E la Fiorentina si defila"

Rino Gattuso aspetta il Napoli, con possibilità concrete (molto concrete) di arrivare a un accordo. Quando? Dopo la gara contro il Genk di domani, non lo escludiamo, oppure dopo Napoli-Parma del prossimo turno di campionato - riporta Alfredopedullà.com -. Vi abbiamo svelato i contatti tra De Laurentiis e Jorge Mendes dei giorni scorsi, il pareggio di sabato scorso a Udine ha acuito le tensioni, i malcontenti, le polemiche. Ancelotti sa di non avere la squadra in pugno, sa che la polemica sul ritiro e l’ammutinamento con relative multe hanno lasciato irrimediabilmente il segno. Quasi impossibile andare avanti, non ci risulta che De Laurentiis abbia deciso di resistere fino a maggio per tutelare il contratto. La situazione è difficile, molto. Si aspetta il Genk per la qualificazione agli ottavi di Champions, al massimo il Parma. Difficilmente si andrà oltre. Non ci sono altri traghettatori previsti, anche perché Gattuso non è un traghettatore e ha chiesto 18 mesi di contratto. La Fiorentina aveva pensato a Gattuso…

9 Dec 14:44 MilanNews.it 6507305922574310328.html
Alexander Ugaz: El bono de inclusión, ¿por qué debemos capitalizar la diversidad en la empresa?

México cuenta con una fuerza laboral general compuesta por 61 por ciento hombres y 39 por ciento mujeres de acuerdo con la edición 2019 de la Encuesta de Remuneración Total de Mercer(TRS).

9 Dec 09:41 EL FINANCIERO 4014025540826933803.html
Agent of ex-Liverpool forward Bobby Duncan banned and fined £10,000 for social media posts

Agent Saif Rubie made the headlines earlier this year with comments made on social media and the FA has now suspended him for six weeks.

9 Dec 14:25 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905606591444.html
Procurador da Assembleia entra com recurso para garantir tramitação da PEC da Previdência

Foto: Roberta Aline/Cidadeverde.com  O procurador da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado, Marcos Patrício, protocolocou recurso da  Casa contra decisão do desembargador Raimunto Nonato da Costa Alencar, que barra a tramitação da proposta da reforma estadual da Previdência. A Assembleia alega que os trâmites da proposta respeitaram o regimento interno  da Casa.Na ação movida pela oposição, que resultou na decisão  do desembargador, eles alegam que a Casa se recusou em fazer audiência pública. O procurador afirma que esse argumento  não procede."Foi gravada pela TV Assembleia, a sessão  em que Themistocles Filho fala que a audiência iria ocorrer na CCJ. Isso mostra que a Casa iria, sim, fazer a audiência. Mas a oposição fez a sua missão e entrou  com uma ação. Vamos esperar a decisão  da desembargadora Eulália", disse o procurador.Caso a decisão seja contrária aos interesses da Alepi, a Casa recorrerá em Brasília.Nota à imprensa:A Assembleia Legislativa do Piauí, esclarece que recorreu contra a decisão liminar que…

9 Dec 10:52 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419831431080.html
Would you leave your baby alone to go to the gym? This Canadian dad did

The man identifies just as a divorced dad with a nine-month-old baby

9 Dec 17:15 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367210849962.html
Wetter in Thüringen: Gewitter, Sturm und Glätte! Wetterdienst warnt für diese Städte

Das Wetter in Thüringen startet alles andere als gemültich in die Woche. Der Deutsche Wetterdienst warnt am Montag vor stürmischen Böen - und Gewitter!

9 Dec 08:24 Thüringen24 7206317294441069150.html
Prezidentas siūlo keisti Korupcijos prevencijos įstatymą

Prezidentas Gintanas Nausėda siūlo keisti Korupcijos prevencijos įstatymą daugiau atsakomybės numatant ministrams, institucijų ir įstaigų vadovams.

9 Dec 17:55 Kauno diena 6825691409943504208.html
Cristiano Ronaldo is the 25th best player in world football right now, according to a computer algorithm

Cristiano Ronaldo is the 25th best player in world football right now, according to a computer algorithm.

9 Dec 15:30 Business Insider Australia 5575934301933593471.html
Lorenzo Sonego sulla Davis: “il nuovo formato non ci entusiasma”

Nel corso di un’intervista a SuperTennis TV, Lorenzo Sonego ha parlato della Davis e di altri argomenti. “Sono onorato di essere stato lì, anche se il nuovo formato non ci entusiasma. Spero di essere capace, in futuro, di far nuovamente parte del team e di dare così il mio contributo”. “Non mi sarei mai aspettato […]

9 Dec 09:59 Live Tennis 3913669897045256259.html
Intel's 6-year-old Haswell Pentium processor is making a comeback - but why now?

Seemingly this is a move to help deal with the well-documented production issues which have plagued Intel.

9 Dec 10:31 TechRadar 2111116914774978332.html
Bandera neutra: la opción que tienen los deportistas rusos para asistir a Tokio 2020

Este lunes se conoció la sanción de la AMA que impedirá que Rusia participe en Juegos Olímpicos durante cuatro años.

9 Dec 10:10 T13 7836926439228825740.html
AMSS: Magla smanjuje vidljivost, kamioni na Batrovcima čekaju do 10 sati

Svi putni pravci u zemlji su prohodni, vanrednih zastoja i prekida nema, a zbog početka radne nedelje očekuje se...

9 Dec 08:11 N1 Srbija 7797130867116678960.html
Läsartext: Skippa åldersrelaterad klassindelning och inför istället kunskapsrelaterad

Vi måste rätta klasserna efter elevernas kunskaper och förutsättningar.

9 Dec 08:00 HD 3336945411564320800.html
Nati-Direktor Tami: «Vlado ist unsere erste Option»

Nationaltrainer Vladimir Petkovic zieht eine positive Bilanz des Jahres 2019. Ob er über die EM 2020 Trainer der Schweizer Nationalmannschaft bleib...

9 Dec 15:56 www.Bluewin.ch 3582667608391313957.html
NRW: Schon wieder Falschgeld entdeckt! Wenn mit DIESEN Blüten zahlst, machst du dich strafbar

Schon wieder Blüten-Alarm in NRW!

9 Dec 13:13 www.derwesten.de 5765995666436963272.html
Boris Johnson, el político que se juega su carrera a la carta del brexit

Boris Johnson, el político que se juega su carrera a la carta del brexit

9 Dec 12:21 LaPatilla.com 9104603011340919911.html
Greta Thunberg na COP25: Najbardziej cierpią ludy tubylcze

Młoda szwedzka aktywistka Greta Thunberg zaapelowała w poniedziałek na szczycie klimatycznym COP25 w Madrycie o "konkretne decyzje na rzecz klimatu". Wskazała na potrzebę "uśmierzania cierpień" ludów tubylczych, żyjących w bezpośrednim kontakcie z naturą.

9 Dec 14:07 fakty.interia.pl 3878966317681590715.html
¿Qué pasa con la banca sanjuanina que deja libre Daniela Castro en el Congreso?

La diputada nacional fue designada en el gabinete de Rossi en Defensa de la Nación. La sucesión.

9 Dec 08:41 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157954349384.html
Polícia investiga morte de idoso no Bom Fim, em Porto Alegre

Policiais tenta estabelecer dinâmica de crime ocorrido na rua General João Telles

9 Dec 12:14 Correio do Povo 8875535435648074834.html
Cinco muertos y sin esperanzas de más sobrevivientes en erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

El volcán se encuentra en White Island, una turística isla al norte de Nueva Zelanda. Los viajeros aficionados al turismo de aventuras suelen visitarla, ataviados con cascos de seguridad y mascarillas de gas.

9 Dec 15:10 RPP 3819340342312811354.html
Russland utestengt fra OL og VM i fire år


9 Dec 11:39 Document 5102836953711918747.html
Espen Egil Hansen går av som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten

Espen Egil Hansen (54) slutter som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten fra nyttår.

9 Dec 08:48 TV 2 8210067770140999613.html
Irã e Estados Unidos trocam prisioneiros após meses de tensão

Neste sábado (7), o Irã e os EUA fizeram uma troca de prisioneiros, em um avanço diplomático raro entre os dois países. A troca ocorreu em Zurique, na Suíça, e envolveu um investigador sino-americano detido por Teerã e um cientista iraniano detido pelos EUA. O movimento diplomático ocorre no momento em que o Irã enfrenta […]

9 Dec 15:47 Conexão Política 2089540910801673486.html
Il monito di Mattarella: ​"L'evasione fiscale è indecente"

Il Capo dello Stato, Sergio Mattarella, mette nel mirino gli evasori fiscali: "Senza l'evasione avremmo più soldi per stipendi e pensioni"

9 Dec 16:43 ilGiornale.it 5019541224846568355.html
Trei medici de renume mondial au devenit consilieri onorifici ai ministrului Sănătății, Victor Costache

Trei medici de renume mondial au devenit, de luni, consilieri onorifici ai ministrului Sănătăţii, Victor Costache, pentru programe noi de sănătate și proiecte de cercetare. Este vorba despre Kak Khee Yeun...

9 Dec 10:06 B1 TV 3840305878175450794.html
C. G. op ’t Hof bevestigd als lerend ouderling oggiNbv Sint Philipsland

C. G. op ’t Hof uit Hardinxveld-Giessendam is zaterdagmorgen bevestigd tot lerend ouderling van de oud gereformeerde gemeente in Nederland (buiten verband) te Sint Philipsland.

9 Dec 08:38 RD.nl 6406779842072363570.html
Eurorivali - BVB, Favre: "Slavia ottima squadra, con l'Inter poteva anche essere avanti 2-1"

Con un orecchio ben teso a quanto avviene a Milano è il Borussia Dortmund, che domani ospita lo Slavia Praga nello spareggio a distanza con l'Inter per la qualificazione agli ottavi di...

9 Dec 14:18 FcInterNews.it 7848284894046798744.html
Pokojowa Nagroda Nobla z wyjątkowego kruszcu

Już 10 grudnia odbędzie się uroczystość wręczenia Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla. W tym roku otrzyma ją Premier Etiopii Abiy Ahmed. Medal, który trafi w jego ręce, będzie wyjątkowy. Wykonano go ze złota Fairmined Gold, czyli takiego, które wydobywane jest rzemieślniczych kopalni w najbiedniejszych rejonach świata.

9 Dec 09:27 Wprost 814121436473023434.html
Église Saint-Pierre de Shawinigan: un promoteur cherche du soutien

Shawinigan — Bien qu’il se dise accommodant et qu’il enfile les idées à un rythme soutenu, le nouveau propriétaire de l’église Saint-Pierre de Shawinigan reconnaît que ça ne se bouscule pas aux portes pour trouver une nouvelle vocation à cette majestueuse structure qui domine le centre-ville depuis 90 ans. Jorge Gonçalves assure qu’un chauffage minimal sera assuré pendant l’hiver pour que l’orgue Casavant qui trône toujours au jubé conserve ses vertus, en souhaitant qu’un partenaire se manifeste au cours des prochains mois pour vraiment entreprendre l’écriture d’un nouveau chapitre pour cet endroit en 2020.

9 Dec 09:00 leNouvelliste 2761106013271123252.html
Semana deve ser de temperaturas amenas e chuva forte em São Carlos

Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC) alerta para descargas elétricas e ocasionais rajadas de vento nesta segunda-feira (9)

9 Dec 14:50 ACidade ON 9132734526790787820.html
Ineos contrató a Rohan Dennis, la estrella con la que todos los equipos del World Tour soñaban

El equipo británico, del que el colombiano Egan Bernal es uno de los líderes, anunció el fichaje del australiano, actual campeón mundial de contrarreloj

9 Dec 14:39 Noticias Caracol 4063533507550257651.html
Trots dopningsstraffet – Ryssland kan delta i fotbolls-VM

Wada har stängt av Ryssland från OS och VM i fyra år, men landet kan troligen delta i fotbolls-VM 2022 under neutral flagg.

9 Dec 13:38 DN.SE 398730694797652585.html
Paul Rudd And Finn Wolfhard Star In First Trailer For ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’

Who you gonna call, because the first trailer for the next chapter in the much-loved "Ghostbusters" franchise is officially here. Directed by Jason Reitman, the son of the director of the first two films, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" takes place in the same universe as the original and its 1989 sequel. [caption id="attachment_555151" align="alignnone" width="670"] SONY PICTURES[/caption]…

9 Dec 10:02 ET Canada 6735490620195338347.html
This Isn't How I Wanted Street Trucks To Come Back

Think there are too many kinds of milk these days? Relate to the protagonists of Bon Jovi ballads with no sense of irony? Saddle up steel cowboy, and climb into this bitchin’ pickup truck with 770 HP and an interior to match your ill-fitting pleather jacket....

9 Dec 16:00 Gizmodo AU 3183561247809853105.html
Condutor de veículo foge depois de bater e danificar fachada de pet shop

Proprietária de pet shop tenta identificar motorista que bateu veículo contra a fachada do estabelecimento e fugiu. O acidente ocorreu na madrugada neste domingo, no pet shop localizado na Rua Rio de Janeiro, na esquina com a Rua Santo Ângelo, no Bairro Coronel Antonino, em Campo Grande. O problema é que nas imagens das câmeras de segurança não é possível ler o número da placa do veículo Onix. Con...

9 Dec 17:54 Campo Grande News 7902463002036552691.html
How to watch It's A Wonderful Life for free

Christmas can be a sad, lonely time for many people, but life is not always what you think. It's A Wonderful Life is a Christmas movie that gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Here's how to watch It's A Wonderful Life online or on any device.

9 Dec 16:48 Tech Advisor 6450858317705085264.html
Francia cumple quinto día en huelga y estos han sido los hechos más importantes

El presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, presentará este miércoles la polémica reforma pensional que desató las protestas en todo el país. Por eso, antes del martes se espera que las manifestaciones continúen. Los sindicatos están dispuestos a mantener el pulzo.

9 Dec 13:11 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543308123844.html
Playing Sweden, Thailand will help us know our level: India U-17 women’s football coach Dennerby

Indian U-17 women’s football team, Thomas Dennerby said the upcoming three-nations tournament was a good platform to judge where his team stands at the moment.

9 Dec 17:05 Scroll.in 8669301693250957552.html
Assicurazioni: reclami in calo, solo il 28% si conclude a favore del consumatore

Quasi 50mila reclami verso le compagnie di assicurazione. Secondo i dati diffusi oggi dall'Ivass, nei primi sei mesi del 2019 le compagnie che operano in Italia hanno ricevuto complessivamente 49.657 …

9 Dec 16:34 FinanzaOnline 6528634129162935169.html
Klaus Iohannis, mișcare de ULTIM MOMENT - a semnat patru decrete

Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, a semnat luni, 9 decembrie, următoarele decrete: Decret privind eliberarea din funcția de judecător...

9 Dec 14:30 Stiri pe surse 4858045012239671771.html
A huge new theme park set to be the UK's answer to Disneyland is costing $4.6 billion to build, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Called The London Resort, it will be located in Kent which is just a 17 minute train ride from St Pancras, London. The site will cover 535 acres.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 13:13 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756823363409.html
Estrenan tráiler de la segunda película de la 'Mujer Maravilla'

Una de las mayores sorpresas del filme es la reaparición de Steve Trevor, el primer amor de Diana.

9 Dec 10:16 El Tiempo 1091719939068605675.html
Rondo Food to close Co Wicklow plant with loss of 135 jobs

Pet food maker plans to move facility to Germany early next year

9 Dec 15:39 The Irish Times 8204772969084632319.html
To Be or Not to Be: That is the VR Question

Whenever I talk to innovative educators about VR, the excitement and buzz are deliciously palpable. That’s not the usually the case for school leaders, however. Nor is it true for educators of the slow-to-adopt-new-things variety. As evidence, let me mention two recent requests from the leadership at educational conferences, both asking me to highlight in my presentations not only when it makes great sense to employ virtual reality in learning, but also

9 Dec 17:00 Display Daily 6798724954694529965.html
Yucatán hace obligatoria la enseñanza del maya en primaria y secundaria

¡Ya es ley! Yucatán tendrá como asignatura obligatoria la enseñanza del maya.

9 Dec 12:57 México Desconocido 8760938269842831543.html
Jorge Ameal: el nacido en Berazategui que va en contra de las Sociedades Anónimas y le deja la pelota a Riquelme

Ayer se llevaron a cabo las elecciones en Boca y la lista de Ameal, secundado por Mario Pergolini y Román Riquelme, terminó de sacar al macrismo del club. Lo que pase en la cancha será responsabilidad de Román.

9 Dec 16:00 Infocielo 6573250472336114423.html
Rusia fue suspendido por cuatro años por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje

La sanción impide a Rusia a que dispute los Juegos Olímpicos de 2020, los Juegos de Invierno  Pekín 2022 y la Copa del Mundo de Catar 2022.

9 Dec 10:09 LARED21 5602862990659704256.html
Russia's involvement in Rugby World Cup 2023 in serious doubt

On Monday morning, the World Anti-Doping Agency voted unanimously to ban Russia from international sport for four years for doping offences.

9 Dec 15:03 Rugbypass 8668874339327004211.html
Commissions parlementaires. Les députés en mode soldats de l’ombre

Le travail parlementaire ne se résume pas aux séances plénières, celui des commissions permanentes reflète une réalité méconnue des Marocains. Du coup, l’action parlementaire doit dépasser les clivages politiques pour un meilleur contrôle de l’action gouvernementale.

9 Dec 08:25 LesEco.ma 3084334528115401521.html
Milica Dugalić napustila rijaliti Zadruga 3! Isplivale tajne... (VIDEO)

Isplivale tajne iz izolacije... Milica Dugalić je napustila rijaliti program Zadruga 3, obzirom na to da je imala manji broj SMS glasova od Ermine Pašović. Nakon što se pozdravila, sa sada već bivšim cimerima iz Bele kuće, Milicu je u studiju dočekala ćerka Maša.

9 Dec 08:26 Svet Plus 7075174653239320867.html
Maldini na novom zadatku, kako će proći pregovori sa Barsom?

Milan bi mogao da dobije prvo januarsko pojačanje.

9 Dec 13:22 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495971080306.html
Prim-vicepreşedintele PNL: Susţinem anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor ale militarilor şi magistraţilor

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 11:03 Gândul 5586965503589620853.html
Agente Swat se quitó el chaleco para negociar con hombre que se atrincheró en casa de familiares en Los Rosales

"El Swat se quito el chaleco y el casco para entrar a hablar con el de forma tranquila, y cuando el se percato que era un policia le disparo", es

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264147057741.html
STUDIU: Femeile cu un nivel scăzut de activitate fizică au un risc mai mare de deces asociat bolilor cardiovasculare

Femeile care nu sunt în formă au un risc de aproximativ patru ori mai mare de deces în urma afecţiunilor cardiovasculare sau din alte cauze în comparaţie cu cele care prezintă o capacitate ''bună'' de efort fizic, conform unui studiu efectuat în Spania şi

9 Dec 11:35 PUBLIKA 1679939815257398493.html
Sonic "May Make An Appearance" At The Game Awards 2019, Says Geoff Keighley

"There could be something fun"

9 Dec 12:00 Nintendo Life 5246707017870450355.html
Häktningsförhandlingar i Uddevalla i dag

Brott En 22-årig man sitter sedan tidigare häktad misstänkt för mordet på den 17-åriga flickan. I dag hålls häktningsförhandlingar i Uddevalla mot två personer som misstänks ha hjälpt honom efteråt.

9 Dec 08:51 www.unt.se 8922556089951143049.html
Koppel bouwt eigen huis: "Zwaar, maar het resultaat maakt alles goed”

In 2017 gingen Jessica en Joeri op zoek naar hun droomwoning. Toen ze die niet meteen vonden, kochten ze een bouwgrond en gingen ze met de hulp van familie zelf aan de slag. Vandaag is hun halfopen...

9 Dec 10:00 HLN 8967494998566103452.html
Pertama Kali, Erafone Samsung Fun Run Diikuti 1.000 Peserta di Bali

Pertama Kali, Erafone Samsung Fun Run Diikuti 1.000 Peserta di Bali

9 Dec 08:16 merdeka.com 1998180355068198465.html
My working week: 'A pupil is worried her mum will turn up at school drunk'

I work in a school with the most vulnerable children. It can be rewarding and impossibly frustrating

9 Dec 09:59 the Guardian 1491978794610574149.html
NBA wrap: Anthony Davis scores 50 as Lakers continue superb form, Herro the hero for Heat

Davis unleashed his aggression to notch the fourth 50-point game of his career and his first with the Lakers.

9 Dec 11:26 Scroll.in 8669301692996025511.html
BoB to sell 10.4 mn shares in proposed UTI AMC initial public offering

Last week, the country's largest lender State Bank of India had approved diluting up to 8.25% stake in UTI AMC

9 Dec 14:45 Business-Standard 1502508924773954068.html
Michelle Hunziker 'presenta' le figlie Celeste e Sole: tali e quali a mamma e papà (FOTO)

Su Instagram alcuni scatti del weekend in famiglia della conduttrice insieme al marito Tomaso Trussardi

9 Dec 13:06 Today 178378750523673953.html
Las inquietantes "obras de arte" creadas por los fans de la película "The Grudge"

Durante un mes, Sony Pictures realizó un concurso mundial para que los aficionados a esta película de terror sobrenatural, denominada en Latinoamérica como "La maldición renace", enviaran sus propuestas. Aquí algunas de ellas.Durante un mes, Sony Pictures realizó un concurso mundial para que los aficionados a esta película de terror sobrenatural, denominada en Latinoamérica como "La maldición renace", enviaran sus propuestas. Aquí algunas de ellas.Durante un mes, Sony Pictures realizó un concurso mundial para que los aficionados a esta película de terror sobrenatural, denominada en Latinoamérica como "La maldición renace", enviaran sus propuestas. Aquí algunas de ellas.Durante un mes, Sony Pictures realizó un concurso mundial para que los aficionados a esta película de terror sobrenatural, denominada en Latinoamérica como "La maldición renace", enviaran sus propuestas. Aquí algunas de ellas.Durante un mes, Sony Pictures realizó un concurso mundial para que los aficionados a esta película de terror sobrenatural…

9 Dec 15:24 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190017181119.html
The Man City youngsters with the highest potential according to Football Manager

We used Football Manager 2020 to take a look at Man City's most exciting youngsters right now.

9 Dec 12:48 men 6694993427850129239.html
Montagnes blanches: vaut mieux ne pas atteindre le sommet que de s'y perdre

SHERBROOKE - « Toutes les montagnes ont un potentiel de dangerosité et les montagnes Blanches ne font pas exception », témoigne Michel Caron, un randonneur qui parcourt souvent les Montagnes blanches avec sa conjointe. Pour lui, il ne faut pas avoir honte d'amorcer la descente sans avoir vu le sommet.

9 Dec 14:11 leSoleil 6002915703660816774.html
Ohio State jumps to No. 3 behind Louisville, Kansas in poll

Ohio State jumped to No. 3, trailing only Louisville and Kansas, in what has been a volatile Top 25 poll this season.

9 Dec 17:21 ESPN.com 7331508222484643915.html
Hong Kong: 800,000 Take to Streets Against China in Peaceful Protest

Nearly a million Hong Kong residents flooded the streets, demanding safeguards for their democracy against the Communist Party of China.

9 Dec 15:15 Breitbart 3148363492109029217.html
Week 15 Fantasy PPR Rankings: Tight end

David Njoku appears to be an obvious start based on our Week 15 fantasy TE PPR rankings, but it's worth looking at Jack Doyle and Vance McDonald as cautionary tales.

9 Dec 16:21 Sporting News 5110653853456569434.html
Pestata dal fidanzato, posta foto choc su FB: lui era stato dichiarato “socialmente pericoloso”

'Così mi ha ridotto divertendosi'. Poche parole che fanno didascalia ad una sequenza di immagini che raccontano di un volto massacrato dalle botte. Ora emergono nuovi particolari sull'aggressore della 22enne umbra. 24 mesi prima l'uomo, a piede libero dal 5 dicembre, era stato definito “affetto da un grave disturbo border line della personalità”.

9 Dec 11:02 fanpage.it 1517332166674928079.html
Wasim Jaffer becomes first Indian to play 150 Ranji matches

The former India opener is now just 853 runs away from completing 20,000 runs in first class cricket.

9 Dec 13:31 The Hindu 6679535024288803553.html
Commuter hell: ‘My daily commute is affecting my mental health’

Commuter-belt living is fruitful for some, but the majority are dismayed by transport links

9 Dec 17:57 The Irish Times 8204772968793835669.html
Aviones en Ciudad Bolívar pasan demasiado cerca de las viviendas al momento de aterrizar (video)

Un usuario en las redes sociales captó el momento en que un avión de una aerolínea privada realiza el aterrizaje, la cercanía del aeropuerto ...

9 Dec 17:30 LaPatilla.com 9104603011269088091.html
Le HCFM et Uni-Neuchâtel inversent leurs duels en coupe et championnat

Les deux clubs s’affronteront samedi 14 décembre en 1re ligue à Saignelégier puis le mardi 17 décembre en qualification pour le tour final de la Coupe de Suisse.

9 Dec 09:37 RTN 7627697628367475018.html
Awaran ‘abducted women’ return home: Mengal

BNP-M chief had threat­ened to break away from PTI-led coalit­ion if four women weren’t releas­ed

9 Dec 13:27 The Express Tribune 1105816787733999444.html
Meta do PSDB é continuar como partido recordista em prefeitos, diz Azambuja

Com a filiação do prefeito de Caracol, Manoel Viais, na manhã desta segunda-feira (9), o PSDB alcança o número de 45 chefes do executivo em Mato Grosso do Sul. Para a eleição de 2020, a expectativa da legenda é aumentar este número e continuar sendo o partido com maior número de prefeitos no Estado. “O PSDB está com a meta de discutir os principais temas do país, esse foi um dos objetivos do Congr...

9 Dec 16:29 Campo Grande News 7902463001394349991.html
Cicop espera que el nuevo gobierno revierta la “gestión altamente deficitaria” de Macri y Vidal

El gremio que agrupa a médicos y profesionales de la salud bonaerenses realizaron críticas a Cambiemos.

9 Dec 10:30 Infocielo 6573250471596344547.html
'Mi marca es un lujo asequible': Paris Hilton

La celebridad visitó Colombia para presentar nueva colección de zapatos. Esto le dijo a El TIEMPO.

9 Dec 09:44 El Tiempo 1091719939100517746.html
Traian Băsescu a anunțat contracandidatul Gabrielei Firea pentru Primăria Capitalei

Traian Băsescu a dezvăluit la un post național de televiziune candidaţii PMP pentru alegerile locale pentru Bucureşti. "Văd că partidele s-au apucat să își facă liste și astăzi, la partid, Tomac a luat o decizie cu privire la candidați. Din partea PMP, care are peste 10% în București o să fie Theodor Paleologu la Primăria Capitalei, Eugen Tomac la Sector 1, Mihail Neamțu la Sectorul 2, Ioana Constantin la Sectorul 3, Ștefănel Marian la Sectorul 4, Lucian Iliescu la Sectorul 5 și Ștefan Florescu la Sectorul 6. Sunt oameni care au crescut și sunt convins că vor face performanță", a spus Traian Băsescu România TV.

9 Dec 10:37 Timpul.md 1177122103649499650.html
Prof Ajoy Roy, father of slain writer Avijit, dies at 83

Prominent Professor Ajoy Roy, the father of slain writer-blogger Avijit, has died in a Dhaka hospital at the age of 83.

9 Dec 12:19 Bdnews24 8119004129476976083.html
Una colaboradora de TV3 pide masturbarse en catalán «para que no nos invada el castellano»

El mensaje fue transmitido el pasado jueves en el programa «Tot es Mou»

9 Dec 08:21 ABC.es 6074573462849547068.html
Rencontre au sommet Poutine-Zelensky à Paris sur la paix en Ukraine

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 11:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388987584181.html
Miguel Moreno Tripp: "Que coman pasteles"

Esa fue la frase que utilizó la reina de Francia María Antonieta de Austria, cuando los campesinos no tenían que comer.

9 Dec 08:51 EL FINANCIERO 4014025540710634261.html
Iglesia Metodista en California presentó polémica versión del pesebre para mostrar la situación de los inmigrantes en EE.UU.

La religiosa a cargo del santuario publicó en sus redes sociales la imagen de Jesús, María y José separados y encerrados en pequeñas celdas, lo que causó opiniones divididas entre los feligreses.

9 Dec 16:25 Emol 3328490602178236875.html
Kentucky Derby 2020 Radar: Baffert uncorks Azul Coast

Horse Racing news: Kentucky Derby 2020 Radar: Baffert uncorks Azul Coast.

9 Dec 13:57 Horse Racing Nation 6225030534269328646.html
Dmitrij Miedwiediew: Wykluczenie to kontynuacja histerii antyrosyjskiej, która przybrała już formę chroniczną

Według premiera Dmitrija Miedwiediewa organizacje rosyjskie powinny odwołać się od decyzji Światowej Agencji Antydopingowej (WADA), która w związku z aferą dopingową wykluczyła Rosję m.in. z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio w 2020 i zimowych w Pekinie w 2022 roku.

9 Dec 15:34 sport.dziennik.pl 2589674919638781394.html
Trabzon'da uyuşturucu operasyonu!

Trabzon'da düzenlenen operasyonda kubar esrar ve kenevir bitkisi ele geçirildi.

9 Dec 13:00 HABER 61 8391886868276096385.html
Bolsonaro quebra tradição e não envia representante para posse na Argentina

Essa é a primeira vez em 16 anos que a posse de um presidente argentino não terá a presença de um representante do alto escalão brasileiro

9 Dec 17:00 CartaCapital 2483507007570179673.html
La AMA excluye a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos durante cuatro años

Las sanciones son la consecuencia de la falsificación de los datos de los controles antidopaje entregados por Rusia a la AMA a principios del presente año....

9 Dec 11:14 El Heraldo 8273144986280211185.html
Vem är karriärdiplomaten Anna Lindstedt?

Den nu åtalade ambassadören Anna Lindstedt har en lång karriär som toppdiplomat bakom sig. Efter många ansvarsfulla uppdrag under nästan 30 år har hon fråntagits sina arbetsuppgifter. Nu är hon misstänkt för att självsvåldigt ha förhandlat med främmande makt, ett brott som kan ge två års fängelse.

9 Dec 09:38 SVT Nyheter 8475792989173721109.html
Breve storia politica di Hong Kong dal 1997 ad oggi

Sono passati sei mesi esatti da quando, a Hong Kong, centinaia di migliaia di persone hanno dato il via alla nuova ondata di proteste contro il controverso disegno di legge sull'estradizione in Cina. Un occasione per ripercorrere la breve ma travagliata storia politica dell'ex colonia.

9 Dec 14:53 euronews 7379718588738572915.html
Sitio del día: Una app ideal para la cultura Friki en la CDMX

Esta plataforma quiere convertirse en una herramienta indispensable para todas las marcas y usuarios involucrados en la extensa cultura friki de la capital

9 Dec 12:45 Merca2.0 990348494092170876.html
La Casa di Carta 4: ecco la data di uscita della serie Netflix

Netflix ha svelato la data di uscita sulla piattaforma streaming della nuova stagione della serie televisiva spagnola acclamata da pubblico e critica.

9 Dec 09:21 Lega Nerd 8527030505961790815.html
Dalla MotoGP alla Superbike, titoli 2019 nel segno di Brembo

Stagione da incorniciare per Brembo, che vanta titoli in un gran numero di competizioni a due ruote. Ottimale anche l'esordio nel nuovo campionato MotoE.

9 Dec 13:25 Corsedimoto 8217505415146322618.html
Britain’s Worst Ever Serial Rapist, a 'Classic Psychopath', Told by Judge He Will One Day Be Free

In the early hours of 6 May 2019 Joseph McCann was arrested while hiding up a tree near Congleton, outside Manchester. His capture brought to an end to the serial rapist’s two-week reign of terror across England.

9 Dec 16:04 Sputniknews 967333868547159191.html
Procreate 5 już oficjalnie na iPadzie. To najlepsza aplikacja do rysowania

Po wielu zapowiedziach i testach wersji beta, Procreate 5 nareszcie zadebiutowało w oficjalnej wersji. To zdecydowanie najlepsza aplikacja do rysowania na iPadzie.

9 Dec 08:53 Spider's Web 6426504857767885406.html
Soit le Cybertruck de Tesla est trop grand, soit Elon Musk le conduit mal

Le Tesla Cybertruck est-il trop grand ? Pas plus qu'un pickup classique. Mais encore faut-il pouvoir faire ses contrôles avant de tourner. Complexe, sans rétroviseur.

9 Dec 15:56 Numerama 6854655183219089130.html
Tuttosport in prima pagina: "Questo è Milan! Ritmo da Europa"

"Questo è Milan! Ritmo da Europa": taglio laterale della prima pagina di Tuttosport dedicato al Milan che nel posticipo di ieri sera si è imposto per 3 a 2 sul Bologna e sembra aver fatto il salto di qualità richiesto da mister Pioli. Sette punti nelle ultime tre gare, con due vittorie consecutive. E sembra tornato il vero Piatek davanti. Contento mister Pioli: "Questa la via. Ora continuiamo così".

9 Dec 08:48 MilanNews.it 6507305922289222738.html
Australien söker sommar-OS

32 år efter OS i Sydney vill Australien arrangera sommar-OS igen. Den här gången, 2032, i Queensland med städer som Brisbane och Gold Coast som huvudorter. "Det här handlar om så mycket mer än några veckor med sport. Att arrangera OS och Paralympics 203

9 Dec 08:46 HD 3336945411782106639.html
Affaire de la sextape: la justice valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

L’éventualité d’un procès se rapproche pour Karim Benzema: la Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi son pourvoi dans l’affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena, dans laquelle l’attaquant du Real Madrid est mis en examen depuis 2015.

9 Dec 16:09 Challenges 1086714996116935173.html
Laura Marafioti chi è la moglie di Edoardo Leo: ex “selleretta” nel programma di Paolo Bonolis

L’attore Edoardo Leo a Verissimo parla del suo nuovo film ma non della moglie Laura Marafioti, scopriamo chi è Ospite a Verissimo, Edoardo Leo parla all’inizio dell’intervista condotta dalla Toffanin del suo nuovo film, La Dea Fortuna, in cui recita accanto a Stefano Accorsi. Nel film si parla di tradimento ma anche di amore, di […]

9 Dec 13:40 KontroKultura 2573504972089519170.html
Seka Aleksić pred praznike dobila DIRLJIVU PORUKU: Pevačicu je ovo dirnulo pravo u srce!

Pevačica Seka Aleksić poznata je kao neko ko je izuzetno posvećen porodici.

9 Dec 12:52 pulsonline 6050941187644391055.html
Operação do MP Eleitoral apura doação irregular de terrenos pela Prefeitura de Jucurutu

O Ministério Público Eleitoral do Rio Grande do Norte deflagrou nesta segunda-feira (9) a operação Cabresto, que apura a doação irregular de ter

9 Dec 08:47 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060763456551.html
Bigg Boss 13: Rashami Desai’s Family FINALLY Reacts To Arhaan Khan’s Truth About His Previous Marriage & Loans

Last week Salman Khan made some big revelations about Arhaan Khan at Bigg Boss 13 which his girlfriend and housemate Rashami Desai didn’t know about. He revealed that Arhaan has a kid from a previou

9 Dec 14:19 Koimoi 5184275670881581827.html
Cong, JD(S) 'disqualified' in people's court: BJP after K'taka by-poll results

Kateel was happy that the party made its presence felt for the first time in Mandya district.

9 Dec 12:48 Deccan Chronicle 7881006363315214786.html
Les vents violents déracinent un arbre dans le quartier Alphonse-Daudet au Portel

Ce lundi matin, les agents municipaux du Portel se sont activés pour évacuer un arb...

9 Dec 17:45 La Voix du Nord 5307415665197465201.html
52-Jähriger stirbt nach Unfall in Lützenkirchen

Der 52-Jährige ist an den Folgen seiner schweren Kopfverletzungen gestorben.

9 Dec 15:54 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568582462322.html
López Obrador llama a Pelosi a aprobar T-MEC

El presidente de México aseguró que el acuerdo beneficiará a los tres países; resaltó que se han resuelto todos los temas en donde exista un conflicto

9 Dec 16:33 La Razón 7608060638194632381.html
96-Meinung: Erlösung nach dem Heimsieg gegen Aue - aber keine Entspannung 

Am 16. Spieltag war es endlich so weit: Hannover 96 hat den ersten Dreier im heimischen Stadion eingefahren. Die Roten zeigten Mentalität und drehten das Spiel kurz vor Schluss. Die Mannschaft scheint sich unter Trainer Kenan Kocak zu stabilisieren, wirklich entspannt hat sich die Lage aber noch nicht, findet SPORTBUZZER-Redakteur Andreas Willeke.

9 Dec 12:37 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775532961493.html
Sardine, Santori: "Partito? Mai". Ex ideologo Fini: "Piacciono anche a destra"

Il leader delle Sardine: “Non faremo mai un partito. Da noi comunisti e centristi". L'ex ideologo di Gianfranco Fini: "Piacciono anche a destra"

9 Dec 10:00 Affari Italiani 6123405401958708636.html
Wallin funnet skyldig i å ha ærekrenket Virtanen


9 Dec 14:27 Document 5102836953746654359.html
Najib hadiahkan Rosmah jam tangan RM466,330

MAHKAMAH Tinggi Kuala Lumpur, hari ini, diberitahu bahawa Datuk Seri Najib Razak membeli jam tangan untuk hari ulang tahun isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor berharga AS130,625 (RM466,330.11) di butik Chanel, Honolulu, Hawaii.

9 Dec 14:44 HM Online 9212632685976770572.html
If 1998 Impeachment Backfired on Republicans, Expect a Bloodbath For Dems In 2020

Remember when Democrats admitted that a partisan impeachment would be a disaster for the country?

9 Dec 15:00 Townhall 6083908947919971209.html
End of a decade’s wait: Sri Lanka return to Pakistan for first Test series since 2009 terror attacks

Sri Lanka will play two Tests under heavy security, ending a decade-long absence for the five-day format since the attack on their team bus in 2009.

9 Dec 09:12 Scroll.in 8669301693280421390.html
La AMA excluye a Rusia de las competiciones durante 4 años

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) excluyó hoy a Rusia de las competiciones internacionales, incluido los Juegos Olímpicos, durante un plazo de cuatro años debido a la manipulación de los datos del Laboratorio de Moscú.La decisión del comité ejecutivo de la AMA, que deja al deporte ruso fuera de los Juegos de verano de Tokio (2020) y los de invierno de Pekín (2022), fue unánime, según informó desde Lausana la Agencia Antidopaje Rusa (RUSADA) a medios rusos.Aunque también prohíbe a Rusia organizar eventos deportivos internacionales, deja abierta la posibilidad a que los deportistas rusos que demuestren que están limpios compitan bajo bandera neutral. EFE

9 Dec 11:19 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852124153317095.html
Les processeurs Intel Pentium Haswell en 22 nm sont de retour vers le futur

Il semblerait, alors même qu'ils avaient été déclarés en fin de vie, que les Pentium Haswell 22 nm soient de retour du passé d..., actualité 69931

9 Dec 10:07 Cowcotland 6610786359290216364.html
Y llegó el primer triunfo del Arsenal de Ljungberg

Y llegó el primer triunfo del Arsenal de Ljungberg

9 Dec 16:46 Futbol Sapiens 6108039831187042938.html
Aktion“ FIT für’s Parlament“ – Die Norgine Darmkrebsinitiative kommt ins Parlament

Initiative zur Förderung der Darmkrebsvorsorge in Österreich

9 Dec 12:07 Kurier 208072239386135406.html
WYWIAD. Szef MEN o zmianie mechanizmu finansowania wynagrodzeń dla nauczycieli: Jestem otwarty na rozmowy

"Decyzja na pewno nie będzie tylko i wyłącznie w rękach MEN, bo to już zahacza o całe finanse państwa" - mówił w rozmowie z PAP minister Dariusz Piontkowski, odnosząc się do zmian w finansowaniu wynagrodzeń.

9 Dec 08:27 wPolityce.pl 7847312537553290058.html
Peritos da Ordem admitem práticas ilícitas na venda de produtos no BES e Banif

No caso BES, há 1264 pedidos de reclamação de créditos de lesados pelas práticas comerciais do banco liderado durante anos por Ricardo Salgado. No caso Banif, esse número chega a 2330.

9 Dec 15:40 PÚBLICO 2228264897105461980.html
China's pig herd expands by 2% in November vs October - ministry

BEIJING — China’s pig herd increased by 2% in November compared with the prior month, the Agriculture Ministry said on Monday.

9 Dec 10:15 Financial Post 2379081493463252803.html
U Vranju obeleženo 19 godina razvojne saradnje Nemačke i Srbije

U Vranju je danas svečano obeleženo 19 godina Nemačko-srpske razvojne saradnje, u okviru koje je Nemačka podržala Srbiju sa više od dve milijarde evra,

9 Dec 16:40 Krstarica 4176903989201028607.html
Autobuso ir troleibuso avarija paralyžiavo eismą miesto centre

Ankstų pirmadienio rytą skubantiems į darbus teko apsišarvuoti kantrybe. Dėl eismo nelaimės Nemuno gatvėje susiformavo didžiulės spūstys aplinkinėse gatvėse.

9 Dec 08:26 Kauno diena 6825691410079201997.html
Abencia Meza: este martes deciden si anulan sentencia de 30 años de prisión

La Sala Penal Transitoria de la Corte Suprema programó para este martes 10 la vista de causa del recurso de nulidad interpuesto por la defensa legal de la cantante Abencia Meza Luna, sentenciada como instigadora del delito de homicidio calificado en agravio de Alicia Delgado Hilario.

9 Dec 16:52 andina.pe 9054036849058912455.html
España se queda al margen del primer gran proyecto europeo de baterías eléctricas

El plan contará con 3.200 millones de euros en ayudas, al que se unirá un nuevo proyecto con 11 países, en el que sí estará España

9 Dec 17:44 EL PAÍS 2207347711305778617.html
Mener tingrett i Trøndelag har gjort feil - opphever dom

Etter å ha blitt dømt for trusler mot ansatte i barnevernet, anket kvinnen saken til Frostating lagmannsrett. De mente at dommen burde oppheves.

9 Dec 13:39 adressa.no 8417332406667336889.html
Zendaya didn’t receive a Golden Globes nod for ‘Euphoria,’ and fans have already begun to riot online

The 2020 Golden Globes nominations were announced Monday morning, and fans of HBO’s “Euphoria” have plenty to be upset about.

9 Dec 14:31 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882607204741.html
Michele Andrade lança música com participação de Solange Almeida

A cantora Michele Andrade vem conquistando espaço no meio forrozeiro

9 Dec 17:05 R10 3167340812638298445.html
VIDEO: Tiburón ballena les saca tremendo susto a turistas en una playa de Cancún

Un tibur&oacute;n despistado apareci&oacute; muy cerca de una playa en Canc&uacute;n, consiguiendo asustar a muchos visitantes.

9 Dec 08:08 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623422809964.html
Flamengo faz nova consulta ao atacante Pedro, ex-Flu, hoje na Fiorentina

A diretoria do Flamengo começa a planejar a temporada 2020 prospectando o mercado. E um dos nomes avaliados é do atacante Pedro, que chegou a receber proposta no começo do ano quando estava no...

9 Dec 17:01 Extra Online 8149543647800930566.html
Flamengo faz nova consulta ao atacante Pedro, ex-Flu, hoje na Fiorentina

A diretoria do Flamengo começa a planejar a temporada 2020 prospectando o mercado. E um dos nomes avaliados é do atacante Pedro, que chegou a receber proposta no começo do ano quando estava no...

9 Dec 17:01 Extra Online 8149543649513473933.html
Wijnaldum back, Keita or Ox keep place? – Predicting Liverpool’s lineup vs. Salzburg

More rotation is expected from Jurgen Klopp on Tuesday night, as Liverpool visit Salzburg in a make-or-break Champions League clash. The Reds enjoyed a drama-free victory on Saturday, easing to a 3-0 win away to an ineffective Bournemouth side. Klopp’s men are two matches into a relentless December that could see them play nine times across four different competitions. Next up is Tuesday’s trip to Salzburg, with Liverpool knowing that avoiding defeat will see them reach the Champions League knockout stage. Rotation has been the order of the day of late and that should be no different at the Red Bull Arena.

9 Dec 14:00 This Is Anfield 7550115575856223514.html
René Auberjonois ist tot: Lungenkrebs! "Star Trek"-Star stirbt mit 79 Jahren

Trauer bei allen Fans des "Star Trek"-Universums. Die müssen einen völlig überraschenden Todesfall verkraften. Der aus der Kultserie "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" bekannte US-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist tot. Er sei am Sonntag gestorben, hieß es auf seiner Homepage und auf seinem Twitter-Profil.

9 Dec 08:43 news.de 5126378978020328456.html
Los engañan para afiliarlos a supuesto partido por 100 pesos

Hidalgo del Parral.- Engañan a personas por medio de redes sociales, con la invitación a formar a una empresa, ofreciéndoles la cantidad de 100 pesos, sin embargo al llegar a la cita en el salón

9 Dec 15:14 La Parada Digital 5696840778867037458.html
Promocja dla klientów Plusa. Operator rozdaje bilety na mecze siatkówki

Plus wystartował z nową promocją dla swoich klientów. Abonenci sieci mogą odebrać od operatora bilety na mecze siatkówki.

9 Dec 16:36 Spider's Web 6426504857666291056.html
7 Steps to Take When You’re Feeling Stuck in Life

"I'm stuck!" We've all encountered seasons in our life when we feel stuck. The difference is how we respond once we find ourselves in that place.

9 Dec 15:00 Lifehack 1334879823409225861.html
Phoebe Waller-Bridge is making a new film, and other things we learned from her talk at the Southbank Centre

‘Fleabag’ is pretty hot right now, and the hottest ticket in town last night was Phoebe Waller-Bridge discussing the series at the Southbank Centre. In conversa

9 Dec 14:31 Time Out London 8727501711897498504.html
Detenido sujeto con un facsímil en La Villa

Efectivos militares adscritos a la Tercera Compañía del Destacamento 42 de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana, con sede en Villa de Cura, municipio Ezequiel

9 Dec 12:48 El Siglo 7954754735275335122.html
Governo do ES publica edital das obras do Portal do Príncipe nesta segunda-feira

De acordo com o Governo do Estado, a obra beneficiará tanto quem chega à capital via Segunda Ponte, quanto a comunidade que mora ou frequenta a região

9 Dec 09:11 Folha Vitória 4941883427200786510.html
Rencontre au sommet Poutine-Zelensky à Paris sur la paix en Ukraine

Le président français Emmanuel Macron et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel réunissent pour la première fois leurs homologues russe Vladimir Poutine et ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky lundi à Paris pour tenter […]

9 Dec 09:02 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981580354556.html
Elecciones en Boca: ganó la lista de Ameal y Riquelme

Con más del 80 por ciento de las mesas escrutadas, Ameal sumaba un 53,5%, Gribaudo un 30,6% y Beraldi el 15,9%. Votaron casi 40.000 socios, una cifra histórica para el fútbol argentino.

9 Dec 11:25 Crónica 1134283328405991408.html
Detenido por agredir sexualmente a su compañera de piso en Oion, Álava

En la localidad alavesa de Oion, un hombre de 43 años ha sido detenido por una presunta agresión sexual a su compañera de piso. El Departamento...

9 Dec 16:37 telecinco 3240952632364222510.html
Anna falchi: aspetto la finale di supercoppa. spero di poter fare la...superpoppa- sulle sardine


9 Dec 17:05 DAGOSPIA 6533336738567610527.html
Zelensky-Poutine, dialogue russo-ukrainien à Paris après trois ans de gel des négociations

Pour la première fois depuis trois ans, un sommet se tient ce lundi pour trouver une issue au conflit qui oppose l'Ukraine à des rebelles pro-russes dans l'est du pays depuis cinq ans.

9 Dec 10:58 euronews 7357749753983728407.html
Il secondo mandato di Trump sarà ancora di più all’insegna dell’isolazionismo

Niall Ferguson spiega sul Sunday Times che, se venisse rieletto, il presidente americano seguirebbe sempre i propri istinti in politica estera

9 Dec 08:07 IL FOGLIO 7601335405264271087.html
EGUNA – Big wednesday in Guethary

Un mercoledì da leoni a Guethary con Bruno Degert e il suo gun: online EGUNA, il video girato nel sud-ovest della Francia lo scorso 20 novembre 2019

9 Dec 11:04 4ActionSport 8533118562375492082.html
Galaxy S11 specs, release date and price: In-the-wild images show chunky camera hump

108MP lens gets spied in the flesh

9 Dec 10:18 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887308165602623.html
Dancing On Ice 2020 kicks off as Love Island's Maura Higgins glitters in gold

Who will be crowned this year's champion?

9 Dec 15:25 Metro 970161747737000905.html
Gal Gadot Kembali dari PD I di Trailer Wonder Woman 1984

Gal Gadot beraksi sebagai Wonder Woman yang kembali dari era Perang Dunia I ke medio 1980-an dalam trailer perdana 'Wonder Woman 1984'.

9 Dec 09:35 hiburan 6599523172571224657.html
Moberg Pharmas vd: Orättvist att aktien slaktas

Moberg Pharmas vd Anna Ljung beskriver utfallet från bolagets fas 3-studie med MOB-015 som överraskande. Men att kursen faller med 50 procent på morgonen anser hon vara orättvist.

9 Dec 09:41 Dagens industri 3921815212402503452.html
Cronología del escándalo de dopaje ruso

El canal de televisión alemán ARD destapó las acusaciones de dopaje sistemático de estado a finales de 2014 y desde entonces las...

9 Dec 14:32 Mundo Deportivo 6646996957588495917.html
Big Bertha: A 25,000 HP Mechanical Worm Designed in Japan for American Drilling

It’s a known fact that engineers, in their constant pursuit for innovations, have learned a good amount from nature itself, as it provides one of the best sources of inspiration.

9 Dec 15:35 autoevolution 6471576453988419628.html
Cop lets the cat out of the (ramen) bag

A deputy saves a cat stuck in a ramen noodle bag, then asks social media for clever captions.

9 Dec 13:57 CHANNEL3000 830332543130920518.html
Colombia: Activista qué divulgó fotografía de Guaidó con Los Rastrojos es reconocido como personaje del año

9 de diciembre de 2019.- Wilfredo Cañizares, el activista colombiano que denunció el vínculo del presidente de la Asamblea Nacional (AN) en desacato, Juan Guaidó, con la banda narco paramilitar...

9 Dec 14:20 Aporrea 8480488501091918495.html
Unbekannter schlug auf Taxifahrer (42) ein

Ein Unbekannter soll am in der Nacht auf Sonntag sein Taxi in Wals nicht bezahlt haben. Er schlug dem Fahrer (42) mit der Faust auf den Hinterkopf.

9 Dec 17:51 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093951089771.html
El líder izquierdista francés Mélenchon, condenado a una pena suspendida de tres meses de cárcel

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, líder del partido izquierdista La Francia Insumisa, ha sido condenado este lunes por un tribunal francés a una pena suspendida de tres...

9 Dec 10:14 Europa Press 4702666147600956903.html
This Pictures Proves 1 Fact: It's Really Hard to Sink a U.S. Navy Submarine

And thank god for that. 

9 Dec 13:05 The National Interest 7207864702365994746.html
Grávida: Navidad solidaria para cuidar las dos vidas

Grávida presentó la campaña “Navidad en pañales”, con el objetivo de “despertar el corazón y el compromiso de cada uno y de cada comunidad con el cuidado de las dos vidas”. Voluntarias recolectarán la ofrenda de amor en pañales recibida y la harán llegar a “las mamás, a sus niños que esperan nacer y a aquellos niños nacidos que lo necesitan”....

9 Dec 08:38 aica.org 5568670713362193314.html
Kärntner hielt Ex-Frau über Nacht gefangen

Ein 43-jähriger Kärntner hat in der Nacht auf Montag in Ebenthal bei Klagenfurt seine 34-jährige Ex-Frau mit Gewalt bedroht und am Verlassen ihrer Wohnung gehindert.

9 Dec 10:06 NÖN.at 2486998933592532774.html
Building Mental Resilience While Building a Business

Anxiety shows up in all kinds of business situations — especially when you’re starting your own company.

9 Dec 14:21 Harvard Business Review 4845392231795036700.html
Szef Komisji Weneckiej wybrany na następną kadencję

Przewodniczący Komisji Weneckiej 75-letni Gianni Buquicchio został wybrany na kolejną dwuletnią kadencję - poinformowano w Strasburgu po weekendowych obradach tego organu doradczego Rady Europy ds. prawa konstytucyjnego.

9 Dec 15:33 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100668552636414.html
CoD: Modern Warfare-Fan beweist, dass die .357-Magnum verbuggt ist

Auf Reddit ist ein Video eines Spielers aufgetaucht, das einen Bug bei der .357 Magnum mit dem Snake Shot-Magazin zeigt.

9 Dec 17:30 www.gamepro.de 3610569832911002268.html
Sem reforma, governador terá que escolher quem pagar no futuro, diz superintendente

O governo do Piauí fez uma espécie de alerta nesta segunda-feira (9) sobre a proposta de reforma da Previdência. Se a matéria, por ventura, não passar na Assembleia Legislativa do Piauí (Alepi), o aumento constante do déficit, que já passa de R$ 1 bilhão, complicará no futuro o pagamento de todos os servidores e não só inativos. Se aprovada ainda este ano, o governo prevê uma economia de R$ 150 milhões em 2020.“Vamos continuar com esse déficit aumentando cada vez mais para um bi e duzentos, um bi e trezentos, de tal forma que vai chegar o dia que, se não o governador, mas o próximo, terá que optar: hoje eu pago quem? O inativo, pensionista ou o ativo? A gente pode chegar a esse termo. Estamos trabalhando para que isso não aconteça”, afirmou o superintendente de Gestão de Previdência Complementar, Marcos Steiner.Steiner ressaltou que os recursos que entrarem nos cofres do estado por conta da reforma, poderão ser usados em outras áreas, como saúde e educação.“São recursos para saúde, educação, infraestrutura, inclusive…

9 Dec 15:10 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419179702103.html
Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte po raz pierwszy w historii spadł z ekstraklasy

Piłkarze Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte po raz pierwszy spadli do drugiej ligi brazylijskiej (Serie B). Przesądziła o tym porażka u siebie z Palmeiras 0-2 w ostatniej kolejce ekstraklasy. Po meczu doszło do rozruchów, w wyniku których około 30 osób zostało rannych.

9 Dec 09:47 sport.interia.pl 8911821371399406.html
'Star Trek' actor Rene Auberjonois dead at age 79

Los Angeles - Actor Rene Auberjonois, known for his television roles on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and the US sitcom "Benson," died Sunday in Los Angeles after a battle with cancer. He was 79.

9 Dec 10:16 The Peninsula 1202843882437632184.html
Swelling U.S. IPO backlog points to crowded 2020 field

(Reuters) - More and more companies are putting plans for U.S. initial public offerings (IPO) on ice this year because of investor pushback against their valuations, creating a backlog that could make stock market debuts more challenging in 2020.

9 Dec 10:03 Reuters 8334514180257198466.html
Agente secreto "canalizador" foi peça-chave do esquema de doping da Rússia

A Rússia foi banida dos Jogos Olímpicos 2020 e do Mundial 2022 de futebol. Em causa está um escândalo de doping apoiado pelo Estado. Em 2016, a Agência Mundial de Antidopagem (AMA) lançou um comunicado a explicar o esquema dos russos, que se baseou, nos Jogos Olímpico de Inverno, em Sochi, na atuação de um suposto canalizador durante a noite.

9 Dec 15:41 JN 6956494303029821360.html
Jovem alagoano é um dos selecionados para o programa Jovens Líderes do PSDB

O jovem Anísio Lima, de 26 anos, foi selecionado para o programa Jovens Líderes, do PSDB. Único alagoano entre os 30 escolhidos, ele venceu uma grande concorrência entre os novos filiados e vai receber cursos de formação política, capacitação, treinamento e suporte na comunicação digital, além de auxílio financeiro do partido para participar do processo...

9 Dec 09:22 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011536047997.html
UFC 245: Inside the moment Amanda Nunes knew she would be champion

Amanda Nunes and other top female MMA fighters reflect on an event that helped many realize their dreams.

9 Dec 15:30 ESPN 8538773402959010009.html
Veja os jogadores que retornam de empréstimo ao Vasco

O Vasco da Gama contará agora em dezembro com os retornos de 5 jogadores que estavam emprestados a outros clubes.

9 Dec 15:09 Vasco Notícias 1167013066642998815.html
25 Vital Festive Road Safety Tips

According to the Road Traffic Management Corporation, over 10 000 people have lost their lives on South African roads during the festive season in the past six years.  With many motorists taking to the roads again this month, Dialdirect implores motorists to be vigilant. “The true tragedy here is that the bulk of these deaths […]

9 Dec 10:28 iAfrica 8834711024412047745.html
Messi, Piqué e Sergi Roberto poupados na última jornada da Champions

Com a qualificação já garantida na Liga dos Campeões Ernesto Valverde vai fazer poupanças para a última jornada, no terreno do Inter deixando em Barcelona Messi, Piqué e Sergi Roberto. 

9 Dec 13:46 A BOLA 2278827558252100808.html
WWE News: Full list of 52 names that creative pitched for The New Day

Do you like any of these alternative names for The New Day? #WWE #SmackDown

9 Dec 11:16 sportskeeda 1601194028046792764.html
Quatre jihadistes françaises et leurs sept enfants renvoyés en France par la Turquie

Selon les informations de franceinfo, il s'agit de quatre femmes radicalisées (qui font l'objet d'un mandat d'arrêt international) et de leurs sept enfants.

9 Dec 08:12 Franceinfo 1060532880405252885.html
A-5: detenido el conductor que circulaba en sentido contrario y causó un muerto

El joven, de 23 años, pasará a lo largo de este lunes a disposición judicial. Al hombre se le acusa de homicidio doloso y conducción temeraria.

9 Dec 10:43 La Información 5328999782825132873.html
El militante macrista que se volvió viral por creer "necesario" que lo echaran de su trabajo

"Un país no es sólo la economía, un país es la libertad", explica uno de los que dieron testimonio a Lautaro Maislin en C5N. Es ingeniero en Alimentos y hace seis meses que no tiene empleo.Mirá el video.

9 Dec 14:38 El Patagónico 8565457045172877833.html
Primeiro museu de maquiagem do mundo tem lista de espera antes de inauguração

Conhecida por sua efervecência cultural, a cidade de Nova York acaba de ganhar um novo museu - e não é um museu qualquer! Trata-se do primeiro museu do mundo dedicado à maquiagem - o Makeup Museum. Com inauguração prevista para maio de 2020, a sua primeira exposição contará a história da beleza e seu impacto…

9 Dec 13:41 Hypeness 2377999435626769127.html
The fascinating story of Jamaican screen goddess and ‘Queen & Slim’ star, Jodie Turner-Smith

British-born Jamaican model-turned-actress Jodie Turner-Smith has worked her way into national spotlight with her lead role in Queen & Slim – a love story that challenges racism and violence. Raised in a family of Jamaican immigrants, Turner-Smith is another proof that black people are capable of making it in their field wherever they find themselves...

9 Dec 12:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198130426116186.html
Black Widow 2 : Scarlett Johansson apparaîtra-t-elle finalement dans la suite ?

Les studios Marvel ne sont pas prêts de dire au revoir à Black Widow puisque Scarlett Johansson pourrait être de retour dans une suite ! 

9 Dec 15:00 melty 8059025070426448168.html
El curioso motivo por el que Mariah Carey está muy agradecida a la ciudad de Málaga esta Navidad

Mariah Carey está inmersa en una gira por Estados Unidos para promocionar su nuevo disco de villancicos, en el que está incluido el famoso All I Want for Christmas is You. En medio de esa vorágine de conciertos, que le han llevado a actuar en ciudades como Nueva York y Boston, Mariah ha visto un vídeo de la ciudad de Málaga que le ha dejado muy impresionada. La cantante no ha dudado en escribir un emotivo mensaje destinado a la ciudad y sus habitantes. Mariah ya estuvo las pasadas navidades en España, para ofrecer un concierto en Madrid, pero ahora su corazón se ha unido a la capital de la Costa del Sol. ¿Quieres saber por qué Mariah está tan agradecida a Málaga esta Navidad? Dale al play y no te lo pierdas.

9 Dec 15:14 Hola.com 2035212430832090316.html
Mueren cerca de 20 policías y militares en dos atentados en el sur de Afganistán

Los talibán han reclamado la autoría del ataque, según la cadena de televisión afgana Tolo TV

9 Dec 10:55 ABC.es 6074573461807735819.html
Moldovagaz: În cazul lipsei tranzitului gazului rusesc prin Ucraina, RM va fi aprovizionată prin România și Bulgaria

În cazul lipsei tranzitului gazelor naturale rusești pe teritoriul Ucrainei se pregătește aprovizionarea Republicii Moldova în flux revers de gaze naturale prin culoarul transbalcanic, anunță Moldovagaz.Potrivit companiei, în conformitate cu Suplimentul de prelungire a termenului Contractului de furnizare a gazelor naturale în Republica Moldova pentru perioada 2020 - 2022, în perioada 16 - 20 decembrie vor fi contractate capacitățile disponibile de transport gaze din Bulgaria și România.

9 Dec 14:55 Jurnal.md 3315832233315012810.html
Unfall in Wannweil: Fußgängerin in der Dunkelheit übersehen - Autofahrer erfasst 61-Jährige

Eine 61-jährige Fußgängerin wurde bei einem Verkehrsunfall auf der Robert-Bosch-Straße in Wannweil von einem Auto erfasst und verletzt.

9 Dec 11:37 swp.de 6929179441855876869.html
México convocó a su embajador en Argentina tras ser captado robando un libro en librería de Buenos Aires

El incidente ocurrió el pasado mes de octubre en la librería más famosa de Buenos Aires, pero recién salió a la luz tras hacerse público un video de las cámaras del establecimiento.

9 Dec 16:48 canalN.pe 1595273588378872139.html
(VIDEO) Bjelica posle rekorda karijere: Moj najbolji meč u Sakramentu, trener mi je dao zeleno svetlo

Srpski krilni centar Nemanja Bjelica odigrao je svoj najbolji meč u NBA karijeri pošto je u pobedi Sakramenta nad Dalasom imao 30 poena.

9 Dec 10:23 REPUBLIKA 2543998405163502334.html
Polícia Militar prende suspeito de homicídio

Em menos de cinco horas, a Polícia Militar localizou e prendeu um dos suspeitos de um homicídio ocorrido na manhã desse domingo (8), na cidade de Santa Rita, região metropolitana de João Pessoa. A prisão aconteceu por volta das 13h20 no bairro Alto das Populares, mesma localidade do crime. Desde o momento do homicídio, que […]

9 Dec 15:06 MaisPB 6493364964858254.html
Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Elton John, J. Lo up for Globes

The Golden Globes are looking more like the Grammy Awards: Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Elton John are competing for best original song at the ceremony.

9 Dec 15:37 CTVNews 2422791598017833816.html
Massacro del circeo, la sorella di rosaria lopez: se angelo izzo esce di nuovo di galera, faccio un


9 Dec 08:15 DAGOSPIA 6533336739518561903.html
Scottish football news LIVE: Celtic winning goal 'proven' to be offside, Alan Brazil brands Rangers star a 'cheat', latest Betfred Cup Final reaction

The Old Firm met in a bruising encounter on Sunday, with Rangers furious that Celtic's goal wasn't ruled out for offside.

9 Dec 09:51 THE SCOTSMAN 4778851490234259038.html
Noć kada je Belo Horizonte plakao: Kruzeiro prvi put ispao iz lige

Kruzeiro je porazom od Palmeirasa (2:0) i definitivno eliminisan iz elitnog ranga brazilskog fudbala, prvi put u klupskoj istoriji

9 Dec 08:55 Вечерње новости 4219870593313696302.html
Conte e Di Maio: “Ok verifica a gennaio”. Zingaretti detta la linea al governo

Il premier: "Cronoprogramma fino al 2023"

9 Dec 15:22 Affari Italiani 6123405403203803665.html
With 'Joker,' composer Hildur Guðnadóttir could make history

NEW YORK (AP) - This is no laughing matter: "Joker" composer Hildur Guðnadóttir could be the first woman in 19 years to win the Golden Globe for best original score.

9 Dec 16:37 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636241164597.html
Saoirse Ronan & 'Little Women' Cast Step Out in NYC After Golden Globes Nominations!

Saoirse Ronan has scored another nomination!

9 Dec 12:32 Just Jared Jr. 3416194174478783699.html
Mit 187 km/h betrunken eine Zivilstreife überholt

Betrunken überholte ein Innviertler mit 187 km/h in Taiskirchen eine Zivilstreife. Der Führerschein ist weg. In Bad Schallerbach wurde in Lenker im ...

9 Dec 12:30 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092985851593.html
Javier Aguirre: "Siempre confié en la justicia"

El director técnico mexicano expresó su tranquilidad tras conocerse la resolución por el caso de amaño de partidos.

9 Dec 13:59 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073451894636.html
Ghanaians react to celebrities’ failed ‘Meet and Greet’ with Cardi B

American rapper, Cardi B’s arrival in the nation’s capital has really left most celebrities and Ghanaians alike in pains as some of them were snubbed in a supposed ‘meet and greet’ with her at the Kempinski hotel. Self-acclaimed Ghanaian celebrities like Afia Schwarzenegger, Akuapem poloo, Hajia4real, and others who could not meet the international star […]

9 Dec 10:07 GhBase.com 8689748846724984023.html
Golden Globes 2020: Meryl Streep bricht Rekord bei Golden Globes

Meryl Streep ist zum 34. Mal für einen Golden Globe nominiert. Damit knackt die Schauspielerin ihren eigenen Rekord.

9 Dec 16:31 stern.de 4680145938289850463.html
Teismas tėvams uždraudė protestuoti prieš LGBT ideologijai palankias pamokas

Jungtinės Karalystės Aukščiausiasis Teismas priėmė vieną represiškiausių sprendimų pastaraisiais laikais – uždraudė bet kokias demonstracijas prieš LGBT ideologiją palaikančias pamokas prie vienos iš Birmingamo mokyklų. Tokį sprendimą teisėjas pagrindė teigdamas, kad protestai turėjo neigiamą poveikį moksleiviams, gyventojams ir mokyklos personalui ir rėmėsi tuo, kad dvidešimt vienas mokytojas buvo gydomas nuo „streso“.

9 Dec 15:36 alkas.lt 9102356072654073984.html
Minst 2000 koalaer mistet livet i skogbrannene

Skogbrannene som har herjet i Australia, har ødelagt mange koalaers naturlige habitat.

9 Dec 08:54 Dagbladet.no 3042595686531891115.html

Novo 867. izdanje zabavno-eduaktivne TV emisije Draška Aćimovića „Pod sjajem zvezda“, startuje u utorak oko 23,30 na kultnom TV Studiu B. (repriza subotom od 24,00). Emisiju emituje svake nedelje još 62 regionalnih i lokalnih TV Srbije, regiona i dijaspore. Vesna Stanojević, koordinatorka Sigurne kuće dovela je dve štićenice, koje su pričale o svom ružnom iskustvu

9 Dec 08:00 Scandal! 7263437855533323861.html
Six médailles pour le CPA Plessisville

Quinze patineuses du CPA Plessisville ont participé à la compétition invitation Cendrillon qui se déroulait du 6 au 8 décembre à Trois-Rivières. Grâce à leur travail et à leur persévérance,…

9 Dec 15:20 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068145063740989.html
Hengere blåste over ende

Store trafikkproblemer i vest.

9 Dec 08:09 Dagbladet.no 3042595688219085909.html
Une enquête américaine conclut que Cambridge Analytica a bien trompé les utilisateurs de Facebook

Les autorités américaines ont déclaré mercredi que la firme britannique Cambridge Analytica, connue pour le scandale de détournement massif de données d’utilisateurs de Facebook, a trompé les utilisateurs du réseau […]

9 Dec 15:08 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558980819257173.html
Highly-rated Haaland staying focused on ‘biggest game of career so far’

The Norway international has been linked with a host of clubs following a prolific start to the season with Red Bull Salzburg.

9 Dec 15:36 Shropshire Star 3480199992603852806.html
Konzert im franz.K in Reutlingen: Árstíðir – wunderbar weihnachtlicher Crossover aus Island

„A Special Holiday Event“: Die isländischen Árstíðir vermengen im Reutlinger franz.K auf umwerfende Weise Pop, Folk, Klassik, Besinnliches und Tanzbares.

9 Dec 15:14 swp.de 6929179441210337988.html
La erupción de un volcán en Nueva Zelanda: las impactantes fotos desde todos los ángulos

Las autoridades confirmaron al menos cinco muertos. Cancelaron todas las excursiones turísticas por la zona.

9 Dec 16:41 Todo Noticias 8077539162144516255.html
2,000 people from more than 100 countries to be conferred with Irish citizenship today

The ceremonies take place at the Gleneagle Hotel Convention Centre which is now the venue for the foreseeable future for the conferring ceremonies.

9 Dec 09:57 Breaking News 4415806918814308927.html
I Never Liked New Year's Eve . . . Until My Family Started Celebrating With a Memory Jar

I'd never been a huge fan of New Year's Eve. The expectations were always too great, and I'd always end up feeling disappointed. It wasn't until I was married

9 Dec 15:45 POPSUGAR Family 1694745614691886466.html
Diş eti bakterisi 'Porphyromonas gingivalis'e dikkat!

ABD merkezli Cortexyme şirketinin uzmanları, ağızdaki yıkıcı süreçlerden sorumlu Porphyromonas gingivalis bakterilerinin hayati önemini ortaya koyan sonuçlara ulaştılar. Uzmanlar, kanser, diyabet ve bunamanın şaşırtıcı ve korkutucu sebeplerinden biri olarak diş eti bakterisine dikkat çekti.

9 Dec 12:47 Akşam 580099849947089697.html
Dünya Pekin olimpiyatlarını boykot etmeli

ÇinUygurlardan aldığı kan örnekleri ile DNA haritaları oluşturarakyeni bir “ava” çıkmaya hazırlanıyor. DNA fenotipi tanımlamasıadı verilen uygulama ile toplama kamplarında tutulan Uygurlardanzorla alınan kan örnekleri ile DNA bilgileri ele geçiriliyor. Elegeçirilen bilgilerle birlikte, tutuklu Uygurların “henüzyakalanmamış” yakınlarının da peşlerine düşülüyor. Çin’inbu sistemi gözetim teknolojileriyle entegre ederek Uygurlar üzerindenefes aldırmayacak bir denetim kuracağı belirtiliyor. Çin’inyeni baskı politikasını yenisafak.com’a değerlendiren Uyguraktivist ve gazeteci Tahir İmin, Uygur kültürü ve kimliğinin tamamen yok edilmeye çalışıldığını söylüyor. İmin’indünyaya çağrısı ise Pekin olimpiyatlarının boykot edilmesi...

9 Dec 09:19 Yeni Şafak 1729259403788292755.html
Von Südtirol bis in die Schweiz: Wellness auf dem Gipfel: Fünf traumhaft schöne Spa-Hotels in den Bergen

Von oben betrachtet ist die Welt einfach schöner. Das weiß Wellnesshotel-Testerin Andrea Labonte aus eigener Erfahrung. Für FOCUS Online stellt sie fünf traumhafte Spa-Resorts vor, die eins gemeinsam haben: Sie liegen mitten in den Bergen und bieten Ausblicke, die Glücksgefühle auslösen. 

9 Dec 15:43 FOCUS Online 4448121231035661469.html
Boca y River sufrieron sendas derrotas en la última jornada del año

Los dos equipos más grandes de Argentina cayeron en la última jornada del año.

9 Dec 11:43 Antena 2 310632179260863252.html
Renato Sanches toujours dans le viseur du PSG selon le Correio da Manhã

Logntemps dans les petits papiers du PSG, Renato Sanches pourrait voir le club de la capitale revenir à la charge au prochain mercato.

9 Dec 13:35 Canal Supporters 3482366735048266005.html
Un problema inédito para Pep

El técnico del Manchester City nunca había estado a 14 puntos del líder en su carrera a estas alturas de temporada, y en Inglaterra les descartan de la lucha por la Premier

9 Dec 16:37 sport 1349897970431702425.html
0-2: El Cruzeiro desciende por primera vez en su historia

El Cruzeiro, uno de los más tradicionales de Brasil y dos veces campeón de la Libertadores, descendió a la Segunda División por primera vez...

9 Dec 13:41 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958029664814.html
Juice WRLD, il grido dei nostri figli che cade nel silenzio

Il trapper americano è morto nel weekend a 21 anni per un attacco epilettico, probabilmente causato dall’abuso di sostanze. È solo l’ultimo di una lunga lista. Ma quello che viene definito “mondo adulto” sembra non curarsi dell’ecatombe di una generazione

9 Dec 10:22 VITA 7700876770164989654.html
Estos son los 5 mejores mazos de la Temporada 6 de Clash Royale

Conoce los 5 mejores mazos de Clash Royale para la Temporada 6. Gana en todas las partidas de Clashvidad y aprovecha todas las recompensas.

9 Dec 17:00 Androidphoria 3647729877585086490.html
Bethesda lâche son jeu de cartes The Elder Scrolls: Legends

Bethesda a annoncé le gel du développement de son jeu de cartes The Elder Scrolls: Legends.

9 Dec 11:02 Numerama 6854655183326828578.html
7 Dinge, die beim Sex mega eklig sind

Lasst uns doch mal über unappetitlichen Dinge reden. Mag vielleicht nicht so romantisch sein, muss aber auch gesagt werden. Nicht alles ist sexy, beim Sex.

9 Dec 12:50 miss 1375730021343016451.html
Bigg Boss 13: Ankita Lokhande Supports Rashami Desai After The Arhaan Khan Mess; Asks Her To Decide ‘Wisely’

After Devoleena Bhattacharjee and Kamya Panjabi, Ankita Lokhande comes out in support of Bigg Boss 13’s Rashami Desai post-Arhaan Khan’s big reveal

9 Dec 08:14 SPOTBOYE 1547816857171881201.html
Una donna alla guida della Finlandia: è Sanna Marin, 34 anni

FotoGallery - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 13:35 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440206260847754.html
Biblioteka UWM znów zaskakuje. Kolejna nietypowa choinka już stoi w budynku

Uniwersyteccy bibliotekarze zdążyli nas już przyzwyczaić do tego, że ich pomysły są nietuzinkowe. Mikołajki to dla nich okazja, żeby pokazać światu kolejną odsłonę niezwykłej choinki. Tym razem pracownicy Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej UWM w Olsztynie do stworzenia świątecznej ozdoby użyli... starych płyt.

9 Dec 11:56 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040253807640866.html
Mais de dois mil coalas mortos devido a incêndios florestais na Austrália

Desde o início de novembro, incêndios florestais que deflagram no leste do país já mataram cerca de 25% dos mais de oito mil coalas da região.

9 Dec 08:03 SÁBADO 5711459692055960136.html
Giuseppe Conte lancia la sfida a Salvini. Selfie a raffica, mai così social

Il premier Giuseppe Conte re dei selfie. Appena uscito dal Tempio di Adriano a Roma, dove ha preso parte alla presentazione del World Energy Outlook organizzato dall’Eni, il professore è stato sommerso da una folla armata di telefonini. Giusto il tempo di prendere un caffè e poi ...

9 Dec 13:09 Il Tempo 2494990961423979727.html
Pese a triunfo del América, autoridades entregaron balance ‘positivo’ en materia de seguridad

De acuerdo con el reporte, al menos 366 riñas y 12 personas fallecidas se registraron durante el día de 'Las Velitas' en Cali.

9 Dec 10:57 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827854871614.html
Incendio en un local de pollos deja daños materiales

Embedded video for Incendio en un local de pollos deja daños materiales Santa Cruz.- La noche del domingo, se registró un incendió en un local de venta de pollos en la avenida Viedma, de la ciudad de Santa Cruz. Los bomberos de la policía llegaron al lugar para sofocar las llamas. Se registraron daños materiales

9 Dec 13:13 eju.tv 4688901770103856946.html
Rusia recibe la peor sanción en la historia del deporte

Deportistas rusos no podrán participar en competencias internacionales durante los próximos 4 años.

9 Dec 10:15 Publinews 8987875303753152139.html
Gruma, la mexicana con mejor reputación en el mundo

Gruma es modelo en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.

9 Dec 14:03 Milenio 4240839408713917149.html
Ozzy Osbourne offers $25,000 reward for the return of stolen Randy Rhoads gear

The late guitar legend's first guitar was amongst items stolen from the Musonia School of Music in North Hollywood

9 Dec 13:26 MusicRadar 4787726360161918922.html
Ortiz: Dios me usa para poder ayudar al prójimo

David Ortiz esta de regreso a su tierra y lo hizo como el gran Big Papi que es: Rodeado de varios de los niños a quienes su fundacion les ha hecho salvar v

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264221612973.html
Samsung Pay launched in just one new market in 2019

Among all the first-party Samsung apps and services, Samsung Pay, the company’s mobile payment service, is by far the most useful and popular. It is one of those few offerings where the Korean tech

9 Dec 16:11 SamMobile 1601131850429850817.html
Eruption d'un volcan en Nouvelle-Zélande: pas d'espoir de retrouver des survivants

Il n'y a pas d'espoir de retrouver des survivants de l'éruption d'un volcan lundi sur une île touristique de Nouvelle-Zélande, a annoncé la police néo-zélandaise, laissant entendre que plus d'une vingtaine de personnes seraient mortes.

9 Dec 14:07 lintern@ute 4548664962782854282.html
Un muerto y dos heridos en el Divino Niño

La madrugada del domingo, 8 de diciembre, fue asesinado José Daniel Arzuza Anaya, de 22 años de edad, mientras caminaba con su pareja sentimental, Milagro del Socorro Aragón Medina y un amigo, Oscar Daniel Palomino Turizo, quienes resultaron heridos en el ataque sucedido en el barrio Divino Niño, de Valledupar El hecho se registró a las 12:00 de la madrugada del domingo en la carrera 33 con calle 9B, cuando un hombre sin medir palabra les disparó Comunidad del sector auxilió a los heridos y los trasladó a un centro asistencial José Arzuza fue llevado al Hospital Eduardo Arredondo Daza del barrio La Nevada donde murió Los demás heridos fueron trasladados a la Clínica Laura Daniela La Policía Nacional capturó en flagrancia al presunto homicida identificado como Álvaro Eliécer Aguilar Flórez, de 42 años, quien es un pensionado del Ejército Nacional, quien asegura que estas tres personas intentaron robarlo Se conoció que Milagro del Socorro Aragón será capturada por una orden judicial emitida en su contra por los…

9 Dec 14:26 RPT Noticias 535651180068186588.html
Bil kjørte ned i hull der to personer arbeidet

To personer har fått mindre skader etter et arbeidsuhell på Karmøy.

9 Dec 10:58 TV 2 8210067770410978191.html
L’acqua, il nuovo petrolio

Di seguito il commento di di Aanand Venkatramanan (nella foto), head of EtfInvestment Strategies, Index Funds di LGIM   La sempre maggiore domanda, insieme alla sua disponibilità irregolare e incostante, fa dell’acqua una delle risorse più preziose del pianeta. Aziende innovative che stanno sviluppando soluzioni per rispondere a questa sfida. Quando il tema viene trattato sui

9 Dec 12:39 bluerating 6922469336667874331.html
Advierten que la última película de Star Wars podría causar ataques epilépticos

“Tiene secuencias con imágenes que tienen luces parpadeantes que puede afectar a aquellos susceptibles a la epilepsia por fotosensibilidad”, señaló Disney.

9 Dec 17:14 Futuro 2617238417768431466.html
Senado pode votar proibição de prisão administrativa a PMs e bombeiros

O Senado pode votar esta semana um Projeto de Lei (PL) que extingue a pris&atilde;o administrativa de policiais militares e bombeiros como puni&ccedil;&atilde;o para transgress&otilde;es disciplinares. O projeto est&aacute; na pauta de vota&ccedil;&otilde;es do plen&aacute;rio para a pr&oacute;xima ...

9 Dec 14:29 TNH1 3684351754179612636.html
Nu kliver programledarna in i glasburen

”Man är lite nervös inför det tekniska. Det är ju som att styra ett rymdskepp.”

9 Dec 16:34 HD 3336945412784047679.html
Étudiants dans le domaine du cannabis recherchés

Un an après la légalisation, des programmes d’études en cannabis dans les cégeps et les universités peinent à remplir leurs salles de classe, et parfois même à débuter les cours, faute d’inscriptions suffisantes.  

9 Dec 12:26 TVA Nouvelles 5024407711027469018.html
Nurkovic – The Stylish, Goal-Getting Serbian

Kaizer Chiefs striker Samir Nurkovic is one of the most in-form players in the PSL currently, with his recent hat-trick testimony to that. Off the field, the Serbian is shining as well, and we took a peek at some of his best looks. Check it out!

9 Dec 12:11 Soccer Laduma 3901337371085912544.html
Edito : La chance de choisir

La réflexion sur un modèle de développement est un chantier majeur, voire historique, dont les résultats sont non seulement très attendus mais façonneront le Maroc dans les prochaines décennies. Mais

9 Dec 09:16 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414285837836241.html
Kate Middleton has an 'easy relationship’ with Queen Elizabeth after ‘putting the family first': royal expert

Kate Middleton’s relationship with Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is better than ever, one royal expert is claiming.

9 Dec 17:41 Fox News 7362823819848594977.html
Varning för nätfiskeattack mot Elder Scrolls Online-spelare

Konto som utger sig för att vara Elder Scrolls Online-utvecklare försöker lura till sig användaruppgifter från spelare.

9 Dec 16:11 M3 6228758344388396294.html
Prediksi Red Bull Salzburg vs Liverpool 11 Desember 2019

Prediksi skor Red Bull Salzburg vs Liverpool, Liga Champions, UEFA Champions League, UCL, Red Bull Salzburg vs Liverpool, Prediksi Bola 11 Desember 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

9 Dec 16:01 Bola.net 5489959028096915239.html
Fotbollsfans hånade homosexuella – greps

Fotboll Två fotbollssupportrar i 40-årsåldern greps av polis för att ha förolämpat homosexuella när Brighton mötte Wolverhampton i söndags. Det meddelar de båda klubbarna.

9 Dec 15:55 www.unt.se 8922556088594446351.html
Complete list of the Golden Globe nominations

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Nominations for the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards:Best motion picture, drama: “The Irishman”; “Marriage Story”; “1917”; “Joker”; “The Two Popes.”Best motion picture, musical or comedy: “Dolemite Is My Name”; “Jojo Rabbit”; “Knives Out”; “Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood”; “Rocketman.”Best foreign language film: “The Farewell”; “Les Misérables”; “Pain and Glory”; “Parasite.”Best animated motion picture: “Frozen 2”; “How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World”; “The Lion King”; “Missing Link”; “Toy Story 4.

9 Dec 14:05 THE OKLAHOMAN 7193318761632018046.html
Retraites : Jean-Paul Delevoye, atout ou faiblesse pour le gouvernement?

Avec Agnès Buzyn, Jean-Paul Delevoye reçoit lundi les partenaires sociaux afin de "tirer les conclusions" de la concertation sur les retraites relancée en septembre. Mais le haut-commissaire, vanté pour ses qualités d'écoute, a-t-il vraiment été un atout pour le gouvernement?

9 Dec 12:24 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636494883755018.html
Wyniki szczytu klimatycznego w Madrycie mogą okazać się niebezpieczne dla polskiego węgla

W Madrycie trwa coroczna konferencja klimatyczna ONZ i choć głównym tematem są pozornie mało interesujące zasady zakupu uprawnień do emisji dwutlenku węgla, to rezultat tych debat może okazać się dla Polski bardzo kosztowny. Uprawnienia te kupuje się, żeby móc wypuszczać do atmosfery dym ze spalania węgla i im drożej będą kosztować – a na to się zanosi – tym droższe będą w Polsce ceny energii elektrycznej, piszą Zack Colman i Kalina Oroschakoff z POLITICO.

9 Dec 17:37 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536483111562.html
Kolumna Lare Paukovič: Človek kot blagovna znamka

V decembrski številki revije Elle je objavljen članek o vzponu modnih influencerjev – a ne tistih s spletnih platform, kakršne poznamo danes in ki na youtubu ali instagramu navdušeno razkazujejo...

9 Dec 15:04 Slovenske novice 5901956561670661736.html
I Want That On A T-Shirt

Artists on Twitter say that their work is regularly stolen by armies of bots that generate t-shirts from popular designs—and they’ve got the receipts to prove it....

9 Dec 08:46 Gizmodo AU 3183561247994666686.html
La palpatina arriva di corsa – guai per un maratoneta americano che, durante una corsa in georgia...


9 Dec 16:17 DAGOSPIA 6533336739273301693.html
En lo que va del año suman 273 accidentes en los que han participado unidades del transporte público en la ZMG

La Secretaría del Transporte contabiliza 273 accidentes en los que han participado unidades del transporte público en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara. […]

9 Dec 09:31 Notisistema 1929539244425855957.html
Portugal opens 300 supermarkets in 2 years

Almost 300 supermarkets opened their doors to the public in the space of just two years.

9 Dec 10:53 The Portugal News Online 5173906807068549572.html
Kashmir: 87% fewer tourists visited Valley in August-November this year, says report

Just about 32,000 domestic tourists and 3,413 foreigners visited the Valley between August and November.

9 Dec 14:03 Scroll.in 8669301694195752221.html
El corredor de la calle Doctor Juaristi de Sanduzelai, para el primer semestre de 2020

El corredor sostenible de la calle Doctor Juaristi del barrio iruindarra de Sanduzelai estar&aacute; terminado previsiblemente para mediados del pr&oacute;xi...

9 Dec 12:34 naiz: 5941112988576866867.html
Italia: Las imágenes de una joven de la paliza que le da su pareja

El hombre tiene antecedentes y problemas de drogadicción

9 Dec 11:32 La Vanguardia 8061072700354978525.html
Seyir halindeki kamyona tutunarak paten sürdüler

Isparta'da patenli 3 gencin seyir halindeki bir kamyona tutunarak yaptığı tehlikeli yolculuk cep telefonu kameralarına yansıdı.

9 Dec 16:01 Bursada Bugün 3693130092303821811.html
Nobel de Física comenta el parecido de "The Big Bang Theory" con la ciencia real y proyecta el futuro de la cosmología

El canadiense James Peebles, laureado este año por sus estudios de la evolución del universo, habló con la agencia EFE sobre la popular serie de televisión que llegó a su fin y deslizó qué temas le gustaría abordar desde su expertise.

9 Dec 11:10 Emol 3328490602107147524.html
Chefin von 007, "Shakespeare in Love" und mehr: Die besten Rollen von Judi Dench

Seit den 1960er Jahren steht Dame Judi Dench vor der Kamera und auf der Bühne. Ob im Theater, im Fernsehen oder im Kino, die Britin hat für viele ihrer Performances schon Preise eingestrichen. Am 9.

9 Dec 14:37 GMX 2011843076652356168.html
Kemer Belediyesi'nden evde bakım hizmeti

Kemer Belediyesi'nden evde bakım hizmeti

9 Dec 10:11 CNN Türk 3669296857242367244.html
¿Hay camilla para tanta gente? Listo decreto para afiliar miles de venezolanos al Sisbén

En total serán 750.000 ciudadanos de Venezuela que serán afiliados al régimen de salud colombiano. La mayoría irán al subsidiado y otros al contributivo. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 10:38 pulzo.com 8971816787497408272.html
Tina-Turner-Show im CCU: Plötzlich springt der Funke über

Die Hauptdarstellerin der „Tina Turner Story“ geht zwar nicht als das Original durch, aber Stimme, Band und Tanz machen den Abend im CCU zum Ereignis.

9 Dec 17:28 swp.de 6929179439977784873.html
Pour lutter contre la prochaine récession, la politique monétaire ne pourra se passer de la politique budgétaire

Les outils post-crise de la Fed auront moins d’effets si les rendements obligataires à long terme sont déjà bas

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695067476827293.html
Save Up To 40% On Anker Charging Accessories In This One-Day Amazon Sale

Today only, Amazon is discounting a number of Anker's most popular charging accessories, as part of its Deal of the Day. Allowing you to save big on

9 Dec 13:39 Android Headlines 8385692878653998755.html
Renfe prepara la venganza: quiere poner el AVE español en Francia e Italia

La compañía pública encarga dos estudios de viabilidad para poder competir con SNCF y Trenitalia, sus rivales en España

9 Dec 12:14 EL PAÍS 2207347710240748605.html
Pecquencourt: la collection personnelle d’ouvrages historiques de Serge Lange prend place à la médiathèque

Mercredi soir, Nicole Lange, est venue à la médiathèque effectuer un don d’ouvra...

9 Dec 11:48 La Voix du Nord 5307415664184157458.html
Violaciones por las que condenaron a 33 cadenas perpetuas a preso

Lo habían liberado por error. Sus víctimas: mujeres y niños. La mayor de 71 años, el menor de 11.

9 Dec 14:30 El Tiempo 1091719940530704036.html
A 34 ans, Sanna Marin devient la plus jeune Première ministre finlandaise

Sanna Marin, 34 ans, a été élue Première ministre par les sociaux-démocrates dimanche. Elle devient la plus jeune dirigeante de l'histoire de la Finlande et l'un des plus jeunes chefs de gouvernement de la planète. Elle succède à Antti Rinne, seulement six mois après sa prise de fonction.

9 Dec 11:19 euronews 7357749755673784775.html
Not Misbah’s fault

It’s probably in ours stars Pakistan has suffered yet another clean sweep Down Under. This was the first overseas tour under Misbah-ul-Haq. In all fairness, considering past tours o

9 Dec 16:44 Pakistan Today 6621510369496489450.html
Samsung Galaxy S11, fotocamera da 108 Megapixel e zoom ottico 5x | MobileLabs

Secondo quanto riportato da Bloomberg, il prossimo Galaxy S11 dovrebbe essere dotato di una fotocamera principale da 108 MP, teleobiettivo ultrawide e uno zoom ottico 5x.

9 Dec 08:13 Tom's Hardware 6640147068945778131.html
Kim Kardashian threatens to fire sister from their show for ‘hiding private life’

Kim Kardashian has threatened to fire Kourtney, her sister, from the 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' (KUWTK) for hiding part of her private life.

9 Dec 15:17 TheCable Lifestyle 3194590663836744318.html
S-a aflat! - Atacatorul de la baza militară din SUA postase mesaje anti-Israel

Tânărul saudit care a comis atacul armat de la baza militară din Pensacola, Florida, a postat mesaje antiamericane și anti-Israel pe Twitter...

9 Dec 08:11 Stiri pe surse 4858045012379099932.html
Google Maps va indica străzile iluminate pentru navigarea pedestră

Șirul ce pare interminabil de facilități pe care Google le adaugă în aplicația sa principală de navigare va continua cu o funcție ce va ajuta persoanele care merg pe jos să aleagă străzile luminate mai bine.

9 Dec 08:43 Profit.ro 5615893767160490524.html
Kan 11 Poll: Blue&White, Likud, Gain a Seat Each, Habayit Hayehudi Disappears

In response to the question whom they would prefer as the next prime minister, 41% of respondents preferred Benjamin Netanyahu, with Benny Gantz trailing with 38%, within the margin of error.

9 Dec 10:44 The Jewish Press 7246030801093478382.html
Carlos Sanchez torce por permanência de Jorge Sampaoli e elogia 2019 do Santos

O meio-campista uruguaio Carlos Sanchez disse torcer pela permanência do técnico argentino Jorge Sampaoli no Santos para a próxima temporada. O treinador terá uma reunião com o presidente José Carlos Peres nesta segunda-feira para analisar o projeto do clube para 2020. “É difícil pensar no futuro. Fizemos um grande trabalho com ele e ele vai […]

9 Dec 11:00 ISTOÉ Independente 1206356494386963866.html
Malaysia’s first polio case in 27 years is a child who wasn’t vaccinated. Here are 3 things to know about the incurable virus

Malaysia has reported its first polio case nearly three decades after the last occurence in 1992.

9 Dec 15:40 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882607753650.html
Giardino delle Luci a piazza Cairoli, biglietto ancora ridotto. 2 euro e gratis per i bimbi sotto i 10 anni

Verificate anche le concessioni sulle attività in corso

9 Dec 16:54 Tempostretto 3143171743572906923.html
Labour's first post-election Budget would give 330,000 North East workers a pay rise

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell sets out his priorities for his first Budget, if Labour wins the election

9 Dec 13:33 ChronicleLive 1984146902037842783.html
Rederij Wagenborg skrast oantal boaten fan en nei Skiermûntseach

Fanwegen de hege wetterstân past Wagenborg de ôffearten oan.

9 Dec 09:35 Omrop Fryslân 8239175693970679531.html
Boston paseó a los Cavaliers

Mejoraron a 10-0 en el TD Garden al vencer a Cleveland 110-88.

9 Dec 15:32 Primera Hora 5092966654920977469.html
Erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda deja docenas de muertos

La policía de Nueva Zelanda dijo que no se esperaba que más sobrevivientes fueran rescatados después de que un volcán entrara en erupción.

9 Dec 14:20 Noticias de Israel 5887715890715137275.html
"Prefiro não qualificar o depoimento do senhor Wendel e a postura dele"

Miguel Fonseca, advogado de Bruno de Carvalho, falou após a sessão do julgamento do ataque à Academia, realizada esta segunda-feira.

9 Dec 17:29 O Jogo 3218673677476068178.html
Here’s Lizzo Twerking In A G-String At An NBA Game After Professing Her Love For A Player

'Truth Hurts' singer Lizzo caused a stir on the internet after twerking in a g-string at Sunday night's Lakers game in Los Angeles.

9 Dec 11:11 Pedestrian TV 5961900146073018359.html
Betreiber müssen im «Land Fleesensee» investieren

Göhren-Lebbin (dpa/mv) - Fast 20 Jahre nach der Eröffnung stehen im «Hotel- & Sportresort Fleesensee» Göhren-Lebbin (Mecklenburgische Seenplatte) umfangreiche Veränderungen an. Wie die Eigentümer - die 12.18. Investment Management GmbH (Düsseldorf) und die Berliner Zahnärztekammer - am Montag mitteilten, sollen bis zu 30 Millionen Euro in ein neues Sporthotel, weitere Sanierungen im Schlosshotel bis 2021 sowie neue Konzepte für Thermalbad und Dorfhotel fließen. Für die vor allem bei Familien beliebte Dorfhotel-Anlage laufe der Vertrag mit der TUI-Gruppe als Betreiber aus. Im Thermalbad sind seit Monaten größere Teile - wie Rutsche und Kinderbecken - aus baulichen Gründen gesperrt. Einigen Mitarbeitern wurde gekündigt.

9 Dec 14:40 DIE WELT 6197693430010490039.html
Hasil Undian 7 Wakil Indonesia di BWF World Tour Finals 2019, Kevin / Marcus Dapat Grup Berat

Berikut ini hasil undian lengkap BWF World Tour Finals 2019 yang akan digelar di Guangzhou, China, 11-15 Desember 2019.

9 Dec 11:20 Bola.com 1695722603600294288.html
[Video] Chacales salvan a un tejón melero del brutal ataque de una serpiente pitón

El suceso que evidencia la crueldad del reino animal ocurrió el mes pasado y fue capturado por Roselyne Kerjosse, de 60 años de edad, en Chobe Park, Botsuana. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 17:42 pulzo.com 8971816787828101963.html
Encuentran un cadáver en descomposición en Puerto de Sóller

La Guardia Civil de Mallorca ha informado de la aparición de un cadáver en avanzado estado de descomposición en aguas del Puerto de Sóller. Por el...

9 Dec 17:01 telecinco 3240952630669016363.html
'We know that 23 people have been rescued,' says local journalist

More fatalities are likely according to authorities.

9 Dec 10:38 euronews 7318238122512331988.html
Kerman Lejarraga e Isaac Real, nombrados coaspirantes al título de la UE

El vizcaíno y el catalán han sido nombrados por la Unión Europea de Boxeo (EBU) aspirantes oficiales al título vacante del peso superwelter

9 Dec 14:14 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958602057089.html
At $1.6 trillion a day, EM FX trading outpaces major peers

Currency trading grew at a faster pace in emerging markets than developed nations.

9 Dec 09:57 The Economic Times 7653256036643767988.html
De gröna och Vänsterförbundet vill fortsätta med samma ministrar i den nya regeringen

De gröna har utsett Maria Ohisalo, Pekka Haavisto och Krista Mikkonen till ministerkandidater för den nya regeringen. Vänsterförbundet utsåg tidigare Li Andersson och Aino-Kaisa Pekonen till sina ministerkandidater.

9 Dec 17:28 HBL 7222309291903687632.html
Herrera acquitté dans l'affaire du match truqué Levante/Saragosse

Le verdict du procès concernant le match truqué entre Levante et Saragosse en 2011 vient de tomber et le milieu du PSG Ander Herrera a été acquitté, comme tous les joueurs qui étaient accusés. Deux dirigeants ont en revanche été condamnés.

9 Dec 13:12 CulturePSG 4652604847136565228.html
Yacht-Charterurlaub voll im Trend: Freiheit unter Segeln: „Die Reise ist das Ziel“

Immer mehr Urlauber buchen eine Segelyacht und genießen mit der Familie oder Freunden die Freiheit auf dem Meer – auch ohne Segelschein. Und das entgegen aller Vorurteile zu bezahlbaren Preisen.

9 Dec 09:16 FOCUS Online 4448121231871825478.html
​Netflix reserveert $ 420 miljoen om de strijd met Disney aan te gaan in India

Volgens Reed Hastings, CEO van Netflix, gaat het bedrijf in totaal $ 420,5 miljoen besteden aan het produceren en acquireren van content in India.

9 Dec 13:30 DutchCowboys 8617317427821764667.html
The 10 biggest takeaways from NFL week 14: 49ers steal instant classic and Rams discover their horns

We&rsquo;re in the endgame now, folks.

9 Dec 10:26 The Telegraph 140598092483750111.html
Andressa non si ferma più: Inter travolta e terzo posto

Le giallorosse hanno rifilato quattro gol alle nerazzurre davanti ai circa 500 spettatori presenti

9 Dec 10:18 Forzaroma.info 1065617485804632809.html
Gde Sunce ne zalazi, zalazi flaša! Deda (73) iz Rume završio u hitnoj zbog neprijatne situacije

Penzioner Milan (73) iz Rume gurnu je flašu punu vode tamo gde Sunce ne sija, a zbog neprijatne situacije u kojoj se našao morali su i lekari da intervenišu.

9 Dec 15:06 REPUBLIKA 2543998405596971403.html
Finland's Sanna Marin set to become the world’s youngest Prime Minister at 34 - but who has slipped down the list?

A 34-year-old transport minister is set to become Finland’s youngest prime minister ever and its third female government leader. Finland’s ruling Social Democratic Party council voted 32-29 to name Sanna Marin over rival Antti Lindtman to take over the government’s top post from incumbent Antti Rinne. Having emerged as Finland’s largest party in the April election, the Social Democrats can appoint one of their own to the post of prime minister in the Nordic nation of 5.5 million.

9 Dec 10:18 ITV News 2184971258322339840.html
Silvio Santos é acusado de racismo após tirar prêmio de candidata negra

Jennyfer Oliver, que era a única negra das quatro participantes, recebeu 84 votos da plateia contra oito da segunda colocada

9 Dec 15:40 Folha Vitória 4941883427118433588.html
Jelang Final SEA Games 2019, Indra Sjafri Dapat Jabatan di AFC

Pelatih Timnas Indonesia U-22, Indra Sjafri, mendapatkan jabatan di AFC.

9 Dec 14:45 Bola.com 1695722602740143612.html
'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Star Daisy Ridley Says 'Every Sane Person' Has an Issue with Trump

English actress and "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker star Daisy Ridley" said in an interview that "everyone has an issue with Trump – every sane person anyway.”

9 Dec 16:54 Breitbart 3148363492468515134.html
Ameal es el nuevo presidente de Boca y pone fin a la hegemonía macrista

Apuntalado por Juan Román Riquelme, el candidato opositor se impuso al del oficialismo y el club tendrá nuevas autoridades hasta el 2023.

9 Dec 08:04 El Esquiú 5729181307752494031.html
Zvezdi "Granda" su predviđali blistavu karijeru, ona se povukla sa scene, udala i rodila sina: Danas izgleda bolje nego ikad! FOTO

Zvezdi "Granda" Naidi Bešlagić mnogi su predviđali blistavu karijeru, međutim, pevačica se povukla sa javne scene na neko vreme, udala se i rodila sina koji ima godinu dana.

9 Dec 10:39 pulsonline 6050941186265234982.html
FEEL GOOD | Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi to her parents: 'I am because you are, thank you'

The new Miss Universe showed her parents incredible gratitude to just hours before she won the pageant.

9 Dec 08:35 Channel24 2038030840437118617.html
Messi, Piqué i Sergi Roberto es queden fora de la llista de convocats del Barça per visitar l'Inter

Amb el Barça ja classificat com a primer de grup a la Champions, Ernesto Valverde comença les rotacions a la llista de convocats i es deixa diversos pesos pesants a Barcelona

9 Dec 12:33 CCMA 3983269928157994368.html
Affaire de la sextape: la justice valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

L’éventualité d’un procès se rapproche pour Karim Benzema: la Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi son pourvoi dans l’affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena, dans laquelle l’attaquant du Real Madrid est mis en examen depuis 2015. La star madrilène contestait les méthodes d'enquête employées dans ce dossier qui a brisé sa carrière internationale, les jugeant déloyales: lundi, la plus haute juridiction judiciaire lui a donné tort.

9 Dec 16:09 FranceSoir 2214281691101625532.html
21 Tips to Make Google Docs, Sheets and Slides Work for You

Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides have evolved to become very component online productivity tools, enabling you to churn out documents, spreadsheets and presentations from any computer (with other collaborators, if necessary). But are you taking full advantage of everything these web apps have to offer? These 21 tips will save you time, improve your work, and help you do more with these apps.

9 Dec 13:47 Gizmodo 461714590764345013.html
Denuncian que Clara María González creó estrategia para negar información pública

Camilo Enciso narra que el 13 de septiembre pidió a 37 entidades del Gobierno información sobre citas, viajes, viáticos y regalos, y que la respuesta que recibió fue 'sorpresiva'.

9 Dec 13:01 W Radio 7724358830902684589.html
Policía dice que reforzó la seguridad en el centro y otros sectores de Ambato, tras el asalto a una joyería

La Fiscalía y la Policía Nacional buscan identificar a los tres hombres que asaltaron una joyería en el centro de la ciudad de Ambato, en la provincia de Tungurahua. El caso se registró a las 19:10 del jueves 5 de diciembre del 2019.

9 Dec 16:39 El Comercio 2865024641381534029.html
360 junge Bäume sollen dem Klimawandel trotzen

Vor allem Fichten sind auch dem Borkenkäferbefall zum Opfer gefallen.

9 Dec 08:30 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568053970450.html
Geschenktipp von Gwyneth Paltrow gefällig? Wie wäre es mit einem Vibrator?!

Schauspielerin Gwyneth Paltrow (47) zeigt uns mit einem besonderen Geschenk, wer bei ihrem Weihnachtsfest in diesem Jahr die absolute Nummer eins ist.

9 Dec 10:53 VIP.de 2239798195245905838.html
Vontobel adapte son modèle d’affaires et remanie sa direction

La banque se concentrera désormais sur les personnes très fortunées, soit des personnes qui disposent d’un montant à investir supérieur à 30 millions de dollars.

9 Dec 13:26 Allnews 678771720028777308.html
Queensland to bid to bring Games back to Australia in 2032

SYDNEY: Queensland will launch a bid to bring the Summer Olympics to Australia for the third time in 2032 if it can get financial support from ...

9 Dec 14:25 CNA 5644198863226287241.html
Chinese authorities plan to ditch all foreign-made tech by 2023

See how you don't get to like them Apples

9 Dec 13:52 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887307792620281.html
Pronostic Salzbourg Liverpool : Analyse, prono et cotes doublées sur le match de Ligue des champions

Liverpool se sort du piège Salzbourg ! Dans ce groupe E de Ligue des Champions, tout est encore possible. Salzbourg, troisième, affronte le champion d’Europe, Liverpool, premier. Les Autrichiens ont toujours la possibilité de se qualifier en s’imposant face aux Reds. . Salzbourg a montré de bonnes choses lors de ces qualifications, et notamment à l’aller où, menés de 3 buts, les Autrichiens avaient su revenir au score avant de s’incliner. Mais encore une fois, Liverpool avait su s'en sortir. Offensivement, les Autrichiens sont impressionnants dans le sillage de leur jeune buteur norvégien Haaland, 8 réalisations. Poussé par son public, Salzbourg aimerait réussir l’incroyable exploit de renverser le champion d’Europe.

9 Dec 11:31 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251489587985.html
Za mu cigaba da biyan Orji Uzor Kalu albashi da alawus a Kurkuku - Majalisar dattawa

Mai magana da yawun majalisar dattawar Najeriya, Godiya Akwashiki, ya bayyana cewa har yanzu Sanata Orji Kalu zai samu albashi duk da cewa an jefashi kurkuku

9 Dec 09:18 Legit 7368782176766065142.html
Twitter prohíbe el contenido para ADULTOS, te decimos a partir de cuándo

Al igual que Facebook e Instagram, Twitter sigue los pasos en su prohibici&oacute;n de contenido de car&aacute;cter sexual, amenaza con cerrar cuentas.

9 Dec 13:39 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622882655505.html
Veja quem deve chegar e quem deve ir embora do Vasco

O Vasco da Gama já iniciou o planejamento para 2020 e terá dispensas, contratações e renovações para manter um time forte.

9 Dec 17:04 Vasco Notícias 1167013066628474359.html
Vanquish and Bayonetta remasters will run at 4K 60FPS on Xbox One X

UPDATE: First footage released.

9 Dec 15:58 Eurogamer.net 1957885127682781117.html
South Africa's Zozibini Tunzi crowned Miss Universe 2019

South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019 on Sunday night.

9 Dec 08:07 Fox News 7362823820535141838.html
Netflix: ufficiali i nuovi show e serie TV in arrivo nel 2020

La piattaforma di contenuti in streaming Netflix ha in serbo moltissime novità per tutti i propri utenti, a partire dai primi giorni del 2020

9 Dec 10:35 tecnoandroid 2573257128273593214.html
Adres sorma bahanesiyle taciz!

ATAŞEHİR'de otomobilinin içerisindeyken yoldan geçen eski basketbolcu D.Ç. adlı kadına adres sorma bahanesiyle yaklaşıp, cinsel organını gösterdiği iddia edilen şüpheli adliyeye sevk edildi.

9 Dec 14:59 Gerçek Gündem 8370126851392016785.html
Fünf Kölner von OB Reker für ihr Engagement geehrt

Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker übergab die Auszeichnung im Rathaus an fünf Kölner.

9 Dec 17:12 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568603041332.html
Escándalo: denuncian que el embajador de México en Argentina intentó robar un libro

El canciller mexicano, Marcelo Ebrard, ordenó este domingo 8-D al embajador de México en Argentina, Óscar Ricardo Valero Recio Becerra, que regrese a territorio mexicano para que se investigue si es verdad que robó un libro de una famosa librería argentina.

9 Dec 09:23 Panorama 6052790753639984930.html
Asumieron los ministros que acompañarán a Jalil

Tras asumir como gobernador, Raúl Jalil les tomó el juramento a los funcionarios que los acompañarán en su gestión.

9 Dec 15:18 El Ancasti 5864462413074224447.html
Assustador! Mulher morre de ataque cardíaco após acordar no próprio funeral

Tudo começou quando ela foi declarada morta e começou a ser preparada para o enterro

9 Dec 17:45 R10 3167340812715449854.html
Kocur na tropie - recenzja Blacksad: Under the Skin

Niech was nie zwiodą zwierzaki w ludzkiej skórze. Blacksad: Under the Skin to mroczny kryminał, gdzie morderstwo, seks i rasizm są na porządku dziennym.

9 Dec 17:00 Gram.pl 2394057653595435045.html
Santos goleia Flamengo na Vila Belmiro e é vice-campeão brasileiro

O Santos recebeu a equipe do Flamengo na tarde deste domingo (8), na Vila Belmiro, em partida válida pela 38ª e última rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro, e goleou pelo placar de 4 a 0.

9 Dec 11:20 Diário dos Campos 7202937203263806423.html
PGR defende mais mecanismos de recuperação de rendimentos ilícitos

O combate à corrupção precisa de um reforço dos mecanismos que permitam recuperar rendimentos ilícitos e de uma resposta mais qualificada e célere ao nível das perícias contabilístico-financeiras, defende a procuradora-geral da República.

9 Dec 13:48 JN 6956494303041256114.html
Jacqueline de Ribes, la femme française

PORTRAIT. Plus qu'une femme du monde, la comtesse de Ribes est une icône française qui disperse chez Sotheby's ses collections d'art : retour sur un destin. 

9 Dec 11:50 Le Point 1094305424984240330.html
Carlos Valero: Reelección de Guaidó como presidente de la AN fortalecerá la Unidad y el cambio político

Carlos Valero: Reelección de Guaidó como presidente de la AN fortalecerá la Unidad y el cambio político

9 Dec 15:23 LaPatilla.com 9104603010171287337.html
Ashley Banjo reveals 'surprise' baby on the way 10 months after wife gave birth

Baby Banjo number two is on the way.

9 Dec 17:39 Metro 970161748770113388.html
Rafael Lacava hizo un comunicado a través de sus redes sociales (+Twit)

Lacava explicó que la causa del retraso, se debe al mar de fondo, que no ha permitido que se descargue el solvente en la refinería El Palito.

9 Dec 09:37 El Siglo 7954754735720418758.html
"Es ist wild, was abgeht" - So versuchte sich Bill Gates 1995 an einer Internet-Definition

Bill Gates versuchte schon damals, eine Internet-Definition zu finden, die auch heute noch brandaktuell ist.

9 Dec 10:44 futurezone.de 2257170160768554658.html
Rosja wykluczona z igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i Pekinie

Światowa Agencja Antydopingowa (WADA) wykluczyła Rosję z igrzysk olimpijskich na cztery lata. To pokłosie afery dopingowej w rosyjskim sporcie.

9 Dec 12:54 Do Rzeczy 474976675975023481.html
Megműtik Jaroslaw Kaczynskit

Korábban úgy tűnt, a lengyel kormánypárt elnöke elhalasztja az operációt, hogy Duda mellett kampányolhasson.

9 Dec 10:23 HVG.hu 2696544700375337092.html
Chris Wallace Schools Ken Starr: Trump Impeachment ‘Much Bigger’ Than Clinton’s Sex Lies Were

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace on Monday dressed down Kenneth Starr, the Clinton impeachment-era independent counsel, objecting to Starr’s insistence that the current allegations against President Donald Trump are “narrow” and “slanted.”During a break in Monday’s House impeachment hearing, Wallace addressed

9 Dec 17:37 Yahoo 7097669637128527133.html
Giorgia Rossi Instagram blusa in seta e gonna attillata, accavallamento “da applausi”: «Clamorosa!»

Chioma bionda, sorriso splendente e tanta classe, le qualità di Giorgia Rossi non si riducono solo all’aspetto fisico: la giornalista buca video e Instagram

9 Dec 12:44 UrbanPost 2450570493229515112.html
Boy, 8, finds world's biggest Hula Hoop when mum gives him after-school snack

Stunned Tom McGrath has told of his delight after finding the super-sized three and a half inch snack

9 Dec 17:54 birminghammail 8288260685721211551.html
The Irishman Netflix'te ne kadar seyredildi?

Martin Scorsese’nin yönetmenliğini üstlendiği; Robert De Niro, Al Pacino ve Joe Pesci’yi bir araya getiren film The Irishman, ikinci sırada kaldı! 2019’un en çok konuşulan filmlerinden olan The Irishman, Netflix'te yayınlandığı ilk beş günde 13,2 milyon seyirci tarafından tercih edildi.

9 Dec 11:24 Mynet Trend 3212732938973423817.html
Bajas, lesionados y sancionados de la jornada 17 de LaLiga

Once jugadores sancionados y varios lesionados se pierden la jornada 17, que arranca el viernes en Mendizorroza con el Alavés - Leganés y se cierra el domingo en Mestalla con un Valencia - Real Madrid. En este enlace podéis consultar el estado de todos los futbolistas que están en duda antes de cerrar vuestro once definitivo.

9 Dec 16:03 MARCA 5656811532986511142.html
Nieves Álvarez se atreve con el color 'prohibido' que faltaba en su colección de trajes

La modelo ha apostado por el marrón en su versión más elegante: con raya diplomática

9 Dec 16:10 Hola.com 2035212430764345015.html
Un supporter de l'AC Milan en poignarde un autre pour emporter le short d'un joueur

Un supporter de l'AC Milan a été poignardé après un match aux abords du stade de Bologne dimanche au cours d'une dispute pour savoir qui ...

9 Dec 09:25 RTL sport 5478130073463719156.html
Justice : nouveau couac pour Benzema dans l'affaire de la sextape

La Cour de cassation a rendu sa décision et vient de trancher sur la loyauté des méthodes d'enquête dans l'affaire du ...

9 Dec 17:05 Top Mercato 9098635541058287751.html
Gesù, Giuseppe e Maria divisi e in gabbia

La chiesa metodista in California reinterpreta il presepe per denunciare le condizioni dei migranti al confine tra gli Stati Uniti e il Messico

9 Dec 12:05 VITA 7700876770541684585.html
Cozy up in Converse's Shearling-Lined Suede Color-Split Chuck 70 Hi

With hits of "Navy Blue," "Baby Pink" and brown all around.

9 Dec 10:18 HYPEBEAST 3806037270602253714.html
Eon sänker elnätspris

Sänkningen sker för alla kunder, men blir störst i södra Sverige.

9 Dec 10:07 HD 3336945412583845603.html
Soberanía indígena para salvar las cuencas "sagradas" de la Amazonía

Colectivos indígenas de Ecuador y Perú reclaman en la Cumbre del Clima que se les dote de soberanía y se ponga fin a la extracción de recursos naturales.

9 Dec 17:52 www.publico.es 99190977851760074.html
Sanción histórica de la agencia antidopaje a Rusia

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) impone a Rusia la mayor sanción de la historia del deporte.El organismo ha prohibido al país participar en...

9 Dec 11:24 Expansión 4197779423771047863.html
Naci Ünüvar: Star einer neuen goldenen Ajax-Generation zwischen zwei Nationen

Ajax Amsterdam genießt derzeit die Ergebnisse, die eine der besten Generationen seit Jahren für den Verein erbracht hat. Im vergangenen Jahr haben Frenkie de Jong, Donny van de Beek und Matthijs de Li [...]

9 Dec 11:08 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556792962706427.html
ho. Tanti Amici: fino a 150 euro di ricarica gratis con la nuova iniziativa Porta Un Amico

L'operatore semivirtuale ho. mobile lancerà un'iniziativa "Porta un Amico", che ai clienti di invitare amici tramite un link ottenendo ricariche omaggio.

9 Dec 17:45 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461748564715715.html
Solliciteert hij voor de rol in ‘The Wizard of Oz’? Kanye West schminkt zijn gezicht zilver

We zijn al wel wat gewoon van Kanye West, maar toch slaagt de 42-jarige artiest er opnieuw in om ons versteld te doen staan. Voor zijn nieuwe optreden schminkte Kanye zijn gezicht helemaal zilver.

9 Dec 15:03 HLN 8967494997627529057.html
NZD/USD consolidates last week's gains, trades above mid-0.65s

The NZD/USD pair registered one of its largest weekly percentage gains last week as it added more than 140 pips to close at 0.6563. However, with inve

9 Dec 10:30 FXStreet 4480975639904226271.html
Champions League 2019/20 in TV oder Live-Stream: Olympique Lyon vs. RB Leipzig am Dienstag live sehen

Die Gruppenphase der Champions-League-Saison 2019/20 geht in die Rückrunde. RB Leipzig hofft am 6. Spieltag der Königsklasse gegen Olympique Lyon zu gewinnen. Wie Sie die Spiele der Champions-League-Rückrunde live sehen können, erfahren Sie hier.

9 Dec 17:37 news.de 5126378978715892534.html
Volton: Bjelica ima veštinu, mora da bude agresivniji

Trener Sakramento Kingsa Luk Volton bio je zadovoljan posle pobede svog tima nad Dalasom 110:106.

9 Dec 11:55 REPUBLIKA 2543998405870479400.html
Milan Zlatan Ibrahimoviç'e teklifini sundu

Amerika kariyerinin ardından Milan ile pazarlık halinde olduğu iddia edilen Zlatan Ibrahimovic'in en az 18 aylık kontrat istediği ve kırmızı siyahlı ekibin bu süre için 9 milyon euro önerdiği iddia edildi.

9 Dec 14:25 Mynet Spor 3212732940209823800.html
Citadele Karaliaus Mindaugo taurės finalo ketvertas vyks Klaipėdoje


9 Dec 08:08 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887585781434193.html
Klopp explains tactical reasons Naby Keita hasn’t been in the side

Naby Keita was exceptional on Saturday afternoon. The Guinean scored a goal, registered an assist and put in one of his best ever Liverpool performances since arriving at the club in the summer of …

9 Dec 08:57 The Empire of The Kop 4194553100001704064.html
Kleber Mendonça Filho on ‘Bacurau’ and How the Brazilian Government is Destroying Culture

With three features to date, Brazilian filmmaker Kleber Mendonça Filho has distinguished himself as one of the most eclectic voices in world cinema. We caught

9 Dec 17:15 The Film Stage 8918382850724970337.html
Três pessoas ficam feridas em Parque de Diversões de Paranaguá

Foto: Rafael Pinheiro/Prefeitura de Paranaguá. Três pessoas ficaram feridas depois que um brinquedo de Parque de Diversões se soltou, em Paranaguá, litoral do Paraná. Uma “mini montanha russa” acab…

9 Dec 13:39 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257356296434.html
Alexandru Boiciuc a marcat primul său gol pentru Karpatî Lvov

Internaţionalul moldovean Alexandru Boiciuc a marcat primul său gol pentru Karpatî Lvov. Atacantul de 22 de ani a înscris cu o execuţie spectaculoasă în meciul de pe teren propriu cu Desna Cernihiv, din etapa a 17-a a Campionatului Ucrainei.Karpatî a pier

9 Dec 08:21 PUBLIKA 1679939814041576747.html
Danas se slavi Sveti Alimpije! Narodna verovanja o hrani! (VIDEO)

Danas se slavi Sveti Alimpije! Ljudi su mu se smejali kad bi ga videli, bilo mu je i vruće i hladno, ali nijedno iskušenje nije moglo da natera Svetog Alimpija da ode sa svog stolpa. Narodna verovanja o hrani! 

9 Dec 08:46 Svet Plus 7075174652213011547.html
Las veces que Gabriel Soto derritió en Tik tok bailando con sus hijas

A pesar de las críticas, Gabriel Soto no deja de ser un papá "moderno" y así lo demuestra al lado de sus hijas en Tik Tok.

9 Dec 08:37 Wapa.pe 6757287088628039525.html
How China Mobile Sustains A 5% Dividend Yield, In 5 Charts

China Mobile is the largest mobile phone operator in the world, again trading at a 5% dividend yield backed by steady free cash flows.Compared with both domestic and US telecom counterparts, China Mob

9 Dec 09:35 Seeking Alpha 5725634556196035136.html
Bautizan pandas recién nacidos en el zoológico de Berlín

Los gemelos recibieron su nombre el lunes cumpliendo con la tradición china, a los 100 días de su nacimiento en la capital alemana.

9 Dec 12:27 Primera Hora 5092966654148925195.html
Un barbat de 87 de ani a condus 24 km pe contrasens pe o autostrada

Un barbat in varsta de 87 de ani aflat la volanului unei masini a condus, duminica, timp de o jumatate de ora pe sensul gresit al unei autostrazi din Bavaria, in sudul Germaniei.

9 Dec 10:45 Ziare.com 1922730287174902689.html
Pam Bondi: Trump Wants Schiff, Hunter Biden, ‘Whistleblower’ to Testify

Pam Bondi said that President Trump expects a fair Senate trial and expects Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, and the “whistleblower” to testify.

9 Dec 17:30 Breitbart 3148363490827108124.html
Have you seen Nikita? Appeal for 31-year-old woman missing from Dublin since Saturday

Nikita Mooney is missing from the Kilmore West area of Dublin 5.

9 Dec 11:03 TheJournal.ie 6446904417807396656.html
Jury finds in favour of Elon Musk in 'pedo guy' Twitter case

Apparently if you own a spaceship, you can accuse people of child abuse

9 Dec 09:52 http://www.theinquirer.net 2181887308212967888.html
Symposium : La stabilité financière face au développement du digital

Le Wali de Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), Abdellatif Jouahri, a mis en exergue, lundi à Rabat, les implications et effets « disruptifs » de la transformation digitale et des innovations technologiques sur la […]

9 Dec 14:59 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981354265609.html
Maruti Suzuki among top gainers on Sensex as output rises for the first time in 10 months

The car company produced a total of 1,41,834 units last month – 4.3% higher than the same month in 2018.

9 Dec 11:43 Scroll.in 8669301694046981315.html
Paul Volcker, inflation tamer who set bank risk rule, dies at 92

Volcker was called on to devise a successor to the gold standard, a cure for runaway inflation and a response to the housing-market collapse.

9 Dec 14:37 Moneyweb 1092550946238755918.html
PSD, ironie de Ziua Internaţională Anticorupţie: Am apelat telefonic Ambasada Suediei la București. A sunat ocupat

Ambasada Suedeză a avut în ultimii ani poziţii explicite anti-PSD, în special pe Facebook.

9 Dec 12:50 www.antena3.ro 6332542758333501432.html
Las mareas negras de Brasil llegan a la COP25 de Madrid

Indígenas brasileños protestan en Madrid contra los vertidos de petróleo que afectan a sus costas, con motivo de la COP25.

9 Dec 08:31 euronews 2767628994941275611.html
Governadores pressionam para receber recursos do megaleilão do pré-sal

O Fórum Nacional de Governadores pediu a Jair Bolsonaro o repasse, de forma antecipada, dos R$ 5,3 bilhões destinados aos estados pelo megaleilão do pré-sal...

9 Dec 14:53 O Antagonista 1037429655666894981.html
“Temos um governo que valoriza a família, honra os militares, respeita o povo e adora a Deus”, diz Bolsonaro em formatura de oficiais da defesa do Brasil

Na pequena orla da Ilha de Villegagnon no Rio de Janeiro, o Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro, acompanhado pelo Ministro da Defesa, Fernando Azevedo e Silva e do Comandante da Marinha Ilques Barbosa Junior, presidiu a cerimônia de formatura da Turma Almirante Protógenes, composta por 205 militares, sendo 135 do Corpo da Armada, 36 do […]

9 Dec 14:48 Conexão Política 2089540910740288983.html
Tonto Dikeh shares wish to be with child, says 'it's time to get pregnant'

Popular Nigerian actress Tonto Dikeh has taken to social media to talk about her desire to have a child again. The actress shared her desire to have a child on a post on her Instagram page.

9 Dec 15:26 Legit 3764253650003277566.html
Tim Cook in Giappone tra sviluppatori di tutte le età e DJ

Frenetico viaggio di Tim Cook in Giappone, dove ha incontrato sviluppatori ultre ottantenni, ragazzi delle scuole elementari e non solo.

9 Dec 17:01 iPhone Italia 4721978890829096353.html
Kalkulacije - Tri opcije vode Srbiju u polufinale!

Postoji mogućnost da Srbija prođe u polufinale, čak i pobeda nije obavezna.

9 Dec 13:59 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495067796426.html
Qué es la adicción al ejercicio y cómo las aplicaciones deportivas pueden aumentar esta obsesión

Corriendo entre los árboles, las hojas caídas crujiendo bajo sus pies, Valerie Stephan se concentra en su trote matutino y en paz.

9 Dec 13:40 Prensa Libre 5433015255884743068.html
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade - 8K-Version des Intros

Mittlerweile steht ein weiteres Video vom Online-Rollenspiel World of Warcraft in einer 8K-Version für euch bereit.

9 Dec 12:25 PC GAMES 4564788043068446115.html
Kirk Douglas compie 103 anni: cena in famiglia con i bambini

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 09:14 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440205859834027.html
Galaxy’s Edge props will pop up in all kinds of new Star Wars media

The lightsabers are just the beginning

9 Dec 15:50 Polygon 3721530541295172726.html
Sowore’s rearrest in court, national tragedy – Gani Adams

Gani Adams, has expressed his disappointment in the actions of operatives of the DSS, following the rearrest of Omoyele Sowore...

9 Dec 15:39 The ICIR 2244788520354251563.html
Ce qui va changer sur les autoroutes du Maroc

Il va y avoir des améliorations sur les autoroutes du Maroc, notamment au niveau des péages.

9 Dec 10:48 Le Site Info 5160764340560451806.html
Surface Pro 7 VS Surface Pro 6: quale ha senso acquistare? | MobileLabs

Confronto tra il Surface Pro 7 e il Surface Pro 6, entrambi nella versione con processore i5 e 8 Gigabyte di RAM. Tutti e due sono presenti nel catalogo italiano di Microsoft.

9 Dec 15:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147070658755544.html
El tiempo: Tarde ligeramente cálida

Estará parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte de oriente, nublándose en el norte de Guantánamo con aislados chubascos en la madrugada y la mañana. En el resto del archipiélago amanecerá

9 Dec 10:01 Cubadebate 7978633341655705560.html
Sorpresa, irregularidad, frustración e ilusión, en un semestre bravo del fútbol cordobés

De la frustración de Belgrano, a la sorpresa de Estudiantes, pasando por la renovada esperanza de Instituto y el intenso año de Talleres. 

9 Dec 11:24 Mundo D 5646459531236745333.html
José Pedro Fuenzalida: "En Colo Colo estaban siendo amenazados"

El capitán de Universidad Católica reveló la situación que pasaban los jugadores albos durante el término anticipado del campeonato. Además confesó el motivo por el que rechazó jugar por la U de Chile.

9 Dec 14:45 24Horas.cl 793283385554600212.html
Mulher ferida em Lamego por homem que a tentou matar está "consciente"

A mulher ferida na cabeça no sábado em Lamego, Viseu, por um homem que se suicidou de seguida, está "consciente" e "estável", disse à Lusa fonte oficial do Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto.

9 Dec 16:54 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842671316836.html
Larry’s Letters: Israel “is built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everyone else.”

So if you have to compare Judaism and Islam to see which ideology is truly supremacist, Islam would win hands down.

9 Dec 15:45 The Jewish Press 7246030799650328551.html
Arriva la neve sopra i 1000 metri. Vento, pioggia e temporali su tutta l'Italia (tranne al Nord)

Vento, pioggia, temporali, neve, nubifragi e mareggiate colpiranno l’Italia da Nord a Sud

9 Dec 10:05 L'HuffPost 5315551422775076114.html
Zvanično, bez Rusa na OI i Svetskom prvenstvu u fudbalu!

Zvanična odluka Svetske antidoping agencije.

9 Dec 12:07 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496602597598.html
Thiago Motta: "Il Triplete l'impresa più grande, un anno storico per l'Inter e per noi"

Nel corso di un'intervista doppia rilasciata con il suo dirimpettaio blucerchiato Claudio Ranieri in vista del derby della Lanterna di sabato ai microfoni di Dazn, Thiago Motta, tecnico del Genoa,...

9 Dec 11:28 FcInterNews.it 7848284894127251727.html
VIDEO: CJNG y Grupo Élite entran a Guerrero para pelear la plaza a La Nueva Familia Michoacana

En las escenas se aprecian varios sicarios fuertemente armado y las trocas en las que viajaban

9 Dec 12:02 La Opinión 952941033285139822.html
VIDEO: CJNG y Grupo Élite entran a Guerrero para pelear la plaza a La Nueva Familia Michoacana

En las escenas se aprecian varios sicarios fuertemente armado y las trocas en las que viajaban

9 Dec 12:02 El Diario NY 6486144432899538286.html
Monotributo: se viene la recategorización y te explicamos qué hacer 

Los pequeños productores deben enfrentarse al trámite por el cuál definen cuánto pagarán el próximo año, ya que se varía la categoría sólo una vez al año. 

9 Dec 09:52 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158540577025.html
La mujer que buscaron durante dos días y su pareja fueron imputados y serán indagados la próxima semana

Se trata de Sandra Sepúlveda y Mauricio Martínez. La investigación determinó que ella no estaba gestando un bebé y que todo habría sido un intento de estafa al Hospital. No los detuvieron. El delito es excarcelable

9 Dec 11:22 Infocielo 6573250471691515661.html
Bolsonaro: “Estou analisando a lista de convidados”

Jair Bolsonaro disse que está "analisando a lista de convidados" do poste argentino, Alberto Fernández, antes de enviar alguém para a posse...

9 Dec 09:30 O Antagonista 1037429654286168111.html
Correção: Bolsonaro está 'analisando lista de convidados' para posse na Argentina

A nota enviada anteriormente traz uma incorreção no terceiro parágrafo. O correto é que o Brasil não deixa de enviar um representante do primeiro escalão à posse na Argentina desde 2003, e não que não envia, como constou. Segue a versão corrigida:

9 Dec 14:02 DCI 3412821463872773360.html
Primarul Bucureştiului, Gabriela Firea solicită încă o dată Centura Capitalei de la Ministerul Transporturilor: Este o Fata Morgana

Primarul general al Capitalei, Gabriela Firea, a declarat, luni, că la următoarea şedinţă a CGMB va solicita Guvernului, respectiv Ministerului Transporturilor, trecerea Centurii Capitalei la Primăria Capitalei. Până acum, Municipalitatea a mai făcut solicitări în acest sens.

9 Dec 14:27 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917322050918.html
Schimbare de plan în programul Oxigen

Primarul Gabriela Firea a anunțat că programul Oxigen privind vinietele nu va mai intra în vigoare din ianuarie 2020, ci din luna martie a anului viitor, iar acest interval să fie dedicat „informării și conștientizării”.

9 Dec 14:00 Cotidianul 8452212682740945871.html
La Sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi obtiene el premio Miss Universo 2019: "Es un honor representar a la diversidad"

La mujer aprovechó su título para hablar sobre el racismo en la industria y las desigualdades que aún existen en el mundo en torno a los hombres y mujeres.

9 Dec 09:30 Emol 3328490602040755023.html
Prepara su regreso a las canchas: Alexis dedicó publicación a Inter de Milán

El chileno subió una imagen en su cuenta de Instagram.

9 Dec 13:49 alairelibre.cl 7508323593711514147.html
Ten Things We Learned from the Packers 20-15 Win Over Washington

The Green Bay Packers won their second straight game over an NFC East opponent with a 20-15 victory over the Washington Redskins at Lambeau Field. The Packers now have a 10-3 record on the season a…

9 Dec 12:22 The Sports Daily 5871911278017421597.html
Ewakuacja w siedzibie PSL. Wezwano pirotechników

Ewakuacja w siedzibie PSL. W środku trwa sprawdzenie pirotechniczne – przekazała warszawska policja.

9 Dec 14:50 Do Rzeczy 474976676463203463.html
Les travailleurs de la SDE suspendent leur mot d'ordre de grève

Après que le chef de l'Etat Macky Sall, ait instruit son gouvernement de réquisitionner tous les travailleurs de SDE, vendredi dernier, l’intersyndicale suspend son mot d’ordre de grève, à l’issu...

9 Dec 13:33 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368918967418.html
O outono vermelho e azul em Urabandai no Japão

A euronews visitou Urabandai, em Fukushima, no Japão onde o outono se veste de vermelho e azul.

9 Dec 15:30 euronews 5294993274863574130.html
Somizi says he ‘predicted’ Zozibini Tunzi’s Miss Universe win

'I joked about it into existence and the Universe literally responded,' said Mhlongo.

9 Dec 11:44 The Citizen 410802301015986134.html
Cult Beauty has 20% off all Drunk Elephant skincare - but the discount ends soon

Thanks to the latest discount from Cult Beauty, skincare fans can currently save20% on all Drunk Elephant products - but not for long

9 Dec 15:11 mirror 675785261067146120.html
Los clientes de Aguasvira en Granada podrán elegir el día del mes para pagar la factura del agua

La medida afecta a 74.000 ciudadanos La empresa que gestiona el agua de 22 municipios renueva la atención al cliente

9 Dec 11:33 Granada Hoy 1381639727803790799.html
Viralizou: queda do Cruzeiro, festa do Fortaleza e provocação de Gabigol agitam a internet

Caneta maravilhosa de Edenílson e brincadeira de jogadores do Vasco também repercutem no encerramento do Campeonato Brasileiro

9 Dec 10:00 Globoesporte 3611676018569127342.html
IQOS inaugura Smoke Free Lounge no Aeroporto de Lisboa que também é uma loja

Quem quiser consumir tabaco aquecido, e estiver no Aeroporto de Lisboa, já pode visitar a Smoke Free Lounge da IQOS, que também é uma loja.

9 Dec 14:51 Trendy 1049662571126042821.html
"Zum ersten Mal mit so viel Liebe" - Seitenhieb von Laura gegen Ex Claudia?

Sticheleien zum Fest der Liebe! Vor wenigen Tagen teilte Claudia Norberg gegen die Freundin von ihrem Ex Michael Wendler aus. Jetzt scheint Laura Müller mit einem Seitenhieb zu kontern.

9 Dec 17:06 BUNTE.de 2017976500059550497.html
100,000 thalassemia & 10 million Hepatitis C patients exist in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Estimatedly 100,000 thalassemia patients exit in Pakistan while 10 million people are suffering from Hepatitis C at present, the Minister for National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination told the National Assembly. Responding to a question by Nusrat Wahid of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the minister apprised the House in written that the exact number of thalassemia patients in Pakistan is not known as no national baseline survey has ever been conducted but it is estimated that 100,000 thalassemia major patients exist in the Country. No Thalassemia Prevention Programme at Federal Level The minister told that the federal government does not have a Thalassemia Prevention Programme but in Punjab an effective Thalassemia Prevention Programme is functioning which includes genetic counseling services, extended family screening and prenatal testing and screening. Also Read: Cost of liver transplant in Pakistan

9 Dec 14:01 Dispatch News Desk 1078940132242890886.html
Sciopero Alitalia del 13 dicembre, 24 ore di stop assoluto

Venerdì 13 dicembre i lavoratori dell'Alitalia incroceranno le braccia per 24 ore.

9 Dec 08:50 InvestireOggi 7231367744630496574.html
Gardoqui: “El arteterapia puede cambiar el paradigma médico”

Así lo expresó a TiempoSur la facilitadora en esta disciplina Nazarena Gardoqui. La joven riogalleguense destacó que esta rama de psicoterapia tiene beneficios que otros ejercicios de los ámbitos educativos y de la salud no brindan y tras cerrar un año positivo en la práctica considera que “se tiene que implementar como ir al médico o al psicólogo”.

9 Dec 10:37 TiempoSur 8512931319329479215.html
Italia altro test con big,27/3 a Wembley con Inghilterra

(ANSA) - ROMA, 09 DIC - Altro test contro una grande d'Europa per l'Italia di Roberto Mancini, in vista di Euro 2020: gli azzurri affronteranno l'Inghilterra a Wembley il 27 marzo, quattro giorni prima della sfida a Norimberga contro la Germania. Lo annuncia la Federcalcio, confermando la linea di fornire al ct test probanti dopo la qualificazione a punteggio pieno ad Euro 2020. Contro l'Inghilterra si giocherà a Wembley, sede della finale del torneo continentale il prossimo 12 luglio. Poi il 4 giugno, a otto giorni dall'esordio a Euro 2020 contro la Turchia, un altro test, contro la Repubblica Ceca. Questa ultima amichevole si giochera' in Italia, in una sede ancora da stabilire (ANSA).

9 Dec 17:24 MilanNews.it 6507305922864074996.html
Sindicato dos Registos marca três dias de greve a seguir ao Natal

O Sindicato Nacional dos Registos (SNR) apresentou um pré-aviso de greve para os dias 26, 27 e 28 de dezembro, em defesa de reivindicações que considera justas e devidas, incluindo pelo “fim das assimetrias salariais”. Em comunicado, o SNR alerta que falta menos de um mês para que produza efeitos um diploma que “incorpora e cristaliza” as “assimetrias salariais”, verificando-se uma “falta de esclarecimento/clarificação” do que está em causa e “qual o verdadeiro salário a auferir por cada um dos trabalhadores”. Exigindo ao Governo “diálogo e franca negociação”, o SNR reivindica, entre outros pontos, o “fim dos salários ilegais, superiores ao Presidente da República”, a “reconhecida promoção/compensação imediata de todos os escriturários a escriturários superiores” e a “contabilização/compensação dos pontos acumulados, para progressão, de todos aqueles que se encontram no último escalão indiciário”. Na lista de reivindicações estão ainda o cumprimento da negociação coletiva, os subsídios de insularidade e de interioridade…

9 Dec 12:52 O Minho 154418196364974119.html
Russian Malware Kingpin Named as Head of “Evil Corp” by NCA, FBI

Evil Corp's malware kingpin drives a Lamborghini with the number plate "Thief" – working from the basements of Moscow cafes to fleece victims globally.

9 Dec 08:52 Computer Business Review 8072376451658748792.html
Nintendo Switch - Indie Direct für 10. Dezember angekündigt

Die Indie World-Veranstaltung ist zurück. Am 10. Dezember will Nintendo wieder jede Menge Indie-Projekte vorstellen, die für die Switch in Arbeit sind.

9 Dec 15:28 www.gamepro.de 3610569833353689833.html
Pirma Lietuvoje donoro kraujagyslės implantacija išsaugojo pacientui koją

Kauno klinikose praėjusią savaitę atlikta pirmoji kraujagyslės implantacija – ji padėjo pacientui išsaugoti koją.

9 Dec 14:36 Kauno diena 6825691409953688823.html
Greta Thunberg calla para dar voz a los jóvenes del mundo: «Necesitan contaros su historia»

La emergencia climática no «es un problema futuro, es algo que nos está afectando ya», aseguró la joven activista sueca en su primera intervención en la Cumbre del Cambio Climático

9 Dec 09:55 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612882298281.html

Le droit à la réquisition est une prérogative reconnue à l’administration de procéder, en cas de besoin, à la réquisition de travailleurs d’entreprises privées ainsi que d’établissements publics assurant des missions indispensables à la continuité et au maintien de l’ordre public, à la sécurité des biens et des personnes ainsi qu’à la satisfaction des besoins d’intérêt public.

9 Dec 10:38 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533895044901.html
Linda Ronstadt Shuts Down Pompeo After He Wonders ‘When Will I Be Loved’

Tough love, indeed. Singer Linda Ronstadt didn&#8217;t hesitate to rip into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a State Department...

9 Dec 15:52 Talking Points Memo 4598529366488287683.html
Verktyg stals från bil i Örkelljunga

Sågar, slagborr och skruvdragare var några av de 12 verktyg som stals.

9 Dec 13:00 HD 3336945412427524904.html
Fransk vänsterledare fälld i domstol

Frankrike Den franske vänsterledaren Jean-Luc Mélenchon fälls för att ha trakasserat brottsutredare. Straffet blir motsvarande cirka 80 000 kronor i böter samt tre månader villkorligt fängelse, meddelar domstolen i en Parisförort.

9 Dec 10:24 www.unt.se 8922556088787557893.html
Humberto Prado conmemora el Día de los Derechos Humanos este #9Dic (video)

El Comisionado Presidencial para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos y Atención a las Víctimas, Humberto Prado, envió un mensaje al país ...

9 Dec 13:08 LaPatilla.com 9104603011335299011.html
Le dan ‘cristalazo’ dentro de estacionamiento en Parque Delta

Dos mujeres denunciaron que tras 20 minutos en la plaza comercial se percataron que el cristal posterior estaba fracturado

9 Dec 09:27 Excélsior 859179359741441127.html
UK votes on Thursday: What you should know in 500 words

Britons will head to the polls on Thursday, December 12 for a snap general election, which is hoped to end the country's Brexit impasse.

9 Dec 09:18 Aljazeera 6642629762548909663.html
Asesinan a un indígena en el Cauca frente a su esposa e hijo

Así lo denunció Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (CRIC), que señaló en un comunicado que Jimmy Alberto Pacue, de 24 años, fue asesinado en la carretera que comunica a Caloto y Santander de Quilichao.

9 Dec 17:21 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543755579960.html
Trio tenta furtar imobiliária, mas escorrega em cacos de vidro e foge sem nada

Três ladrões quebraram a porta de vidro de uma imobiliária para roubar uma TV de 75 polegadas, danificaram o aparelho, mas escorregaram diversas vezes nos cacos de vidro e fugiram do local sem levar nada na madrugada deste domingo (8), em Ribeirão Preto (SP). A ação foi registrada pelas câmeras de segurança do estabelecimento. Ninguém...

9 Dec 17:08 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011074406922.html
Drillisch-Schnäppchen: 5 GB-Tarife stark reduziert oder mit mehr Daten

Drillisch bietet ab sofort zwei neue Angebote für Allnet-Flats mit mindes­tens 5 GB Datenvolumen an. Das erste startet bei handyvertrag.de, wo der Preis für den 5 GB-Tarif auf 8,99 Euro sinkt. Das zweite bietet Simply, bei denen 7 statt 5 GB LTE für monatlich 12,99 Euro bereitstehen.

9 Dec 10:01 winfuture.de 1179223335516174739.html
Paura in Toscana, serie di scosse di terremoto nella notte: la più forte di 4.5 gradi

Verifiche dei vigili del fuoco per controllare le strutture nella zona del sisma. Danni ad edifici a Scarperia San Piero e a Barberino. Scuole chiuse in tutto il Mugello. Prefetto Firenze: in Mugello non ci sono danni a persone. Mibact: unità di crisi al lavoro. Protezione civile: 70 scosse dalle 20:38 di ieri. Nardella: 70 fuori da casa, c'è paura ma situazione sotto controllo. Il governatore Rossi: campo tende per 100 persone a Barberino.  Concluse ispezioni dei tecnici di Rete Ferroviaria Italiana: ripristinata la circolazione

9 Dec 13:24 rainews 442831847868449216.html
Larga vittoria dell'Under 15 contro il Brescia

BRESCIA-UDINESE 1-5 Marcatori: 5'pt, 21'pt Russo, 28'pt Dario, 30'pt Amasio; 17'st Dario, 27'st Tomaselli BRESCIA Pelanda, Muca (22'st Pandini), Corsini (14'st Lorini), Contessi, Bodini, Gussago (28'st Alberti), Dossi (14'st Grossi), Bassini (22'st Tomaselli), Belotti, Orlandi, Kasa (14'st Rizza). A disp. Cortese, Asta, Faccio. All. Massolini UDINESE Di Bartolo, Di Lazzaro (28'st Lazzaro), Nuredini, De Crescenzo, Nwachukwu, Borda, Russo (22'st Razza), Han, Dario (22'st Donato), Amasio (19'st Medeot), De Bernardi (22'st Nigro). A disp. Catania, All. Zompicchiatti Arbitro Cotti Cottini Assistenti Sottile, Danuta Ammoniti Gussago, Dario, Han, Di Bartolo A Montichiari, la formazione bianconera dei Giovanissimi Nazionali U15 vince 5-1 sul Brescia rafforzando la 5^ posizione in classifica con 20 punti, tre più di Venezia, Hellas Verona e dello stesso Brescia. Match caratterizzato dalle doppiette di Russo e Dario e dalla rete di Amasio che piegano così la resistenza dei padroni di casa. Il campionato riprenderà il 12…

9 Dec 13:09 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668194225193811.html
FC Bayern München: Kovac-Hammer! Ex-Trainer will ausgerechnet DIESEN Klub übernehmen

Fünf Wochen nach der Trennung vom FC Bayern München scheint das Feuer in Niko Kovac schon wieder zu brennen.

9 Dec 16:46 www.derwesten.de 5765995665819638204.html
La Guardia Civil rescata a un hombre de 84 años que estuvo perdido cinco horas en una partida rural de Altea

El desaparecido pudo ser localizado en un bancal desorientado y muy nervioso

9 Dec 13:54 Diarioinformacion 8979296175430734651.html
Estos han sido los 10 juegos más vendidos en Reino Unido durante la semana pasada, con FIFA 20 renacido

Call of Duty Modern Warfare y el veteranísimo pero incansable GTA 5 también gozan de estupendos números. Hoy, como cada lunes, contamos con los datos de ventas en Reino Unido para los videojuegos en formato físico durante...

9 Dec 10:05 3DJuegos 3383023119028059332.html
Marcelo Barradas participa de encontro de líderes políticos em Campo Maior

Evento aconteceu na Chácara Eugênio e foi promovido pelo empresário Dr. Helder Eugênio

9 Dec 14:37 R10 3167340814296273193.html
OPM gives 28,000 kgs of rice to elderly women, persons living with HIV/AIDs in Gulu

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | A total of 1,400 elderly women and Persons Living with HIV/AIDs in Gulu municipality have received 28,000 kilograms of rice from the office of the prime minister. Denis Owachgiu Nono, the Community Services Secretary Gulu Municipal council, says each of the four divisions has 350 beneficiaries. Nono, who is …

9 Dec 11:06 The Independent Uganda: 5099025989396322707.html
Anthony Kavanagh lancera une première chanson

Anthony Kavanagh parle depuis quelques mois de son envie de tenter l’expérience de la chanson. Son ambition est sur le point de se matérialiser : l’humoriste et désormais chanteur lancera un premier extrait en février prochain.

9 Dec 13:51 TVA Nouvelles 5024407710655248497.html
Cédric Dingens

Cédric Dingens a rejoint Notz Stucki en 2002 et dirige le département «Investment Solutions & Institutional Clients». Il supervise également l'activité d’investissements alternatifs et est membre de

9 Dec 09:27 Allnews 678771719867926339.html
EU and African banks sign $120 million climate action facility

The EIB and the TDB have signed a deal to fund sustainable energy projects over the next 15 years.

9 Dec 16:38 ESI-Africa.com 2679729877851141135.html
Million Day 9 dicembre 2019: numeri estrazione combinazione vincente

Nuova estrazione del Million Day: a partire dalle ore 19.00 diretta live con la combinazione vincente di oggi 9 dicembre 2019.

9 Dec 17:26 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926659641733.html
Asesinan a un hombre detrás de un negocio en Santurce

El hombre fue localizado herido de bala en la parte posterior del club nocturno Frenchy’s

9 Dec 13:50 El Nuevo Dia 2512554311062717031.html
I never doubted Keita’s quality, says Klopp

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp says he has never doubted the quality of midfielder Naby Keita despite the Guinea international

9 Dec 12:46 Punch Newspapers 3524240995102951853.html
Comerciantes alistan perfomance "El golpeador eres tú" en el Zócalo

La líder de comerciantes, Diana Sánchez Barrios, dijo que protestarán por las acciones “represivas” del Gobierno capitalino; amaga con instalar puestos en la plancha del Zócalo

9 Dec 17:44 El Universal 4964748196992497109.html
Laxe y Touriño arropan a Caballero, que lanza su «laboratorio de ideas» para las autonómicas

Los dirigentes socialistas compartirán debates con referentes de la sociedad civil por toda Galicia

9 Dec 16:08 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613362419428.html
View: Saudi Aramco's $2 trillion dream isn't really about oil

Saudi officials have taken to the oil sectors investor relations style with aplomb.

9 Dec 15:50 The Economic Times 7653256037103910803.html
Esta es la canción que grabó la agrupación Camila con el migrante venezolano Alexander Beja

Alexander es proveniente de una humilde familia venezolana y tuvo que emigrar a Colombia en búsqueda de oportunidades. Cantó en las calles de Bogotá y en buses para poder costearse sus alimentos y alojamiento

9 Dec 12:10 Globovisión 5928221751768149630.html
‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’ Trailer: Finn Wolfhard Is Related To An OG Ghostbuster

The 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife' trailer reveals Egon Spengler's grandchildren.

9 Dec 15:01 Hollywood Life 1852895045966625214.html
Nova skupštinska većina u Ljubinju

LJUBINJE - Na današnjem zasjedanju Skupštine opštine Ljubinje ponovo je došlo do promjene skupštinske većine, jer je odbornik Rada Popović napustila DNS i najavila nezavisno djelovanje, a onda je prešla na stranu sa pet odbornika SDS-a i dva odbornika Socijalističke partije i tako promijenila odnos snaga u ovom parlamentu.

9 Dec 16:03 Nezavisne novine 4209150642127900847.html
Llamado de AMLO a Pelosi para aprobar T-MEC antes de elección

AMLO a Pelosi: "La política también es tiempo": Antes de que se desaten las pasiones electorales aprobar tratado comercial México, Canadá, EU 

9 Dec 16:10 Regeneración 4314126175812498963.html
Azpiazu saluda un acuerdo presupuestario «magnífico y positivo» para Lakua

El consejero Pedro Azpiazu ha puesto en valor el acuerdo presupuestario alcanzado con Podemos y Equo. Un pacto &laquo;magn&iacute;fico&raquo; para el Gobiern...

9 Dec 13:00 naiz: 7509038602782710343.html
El Barcelona FC tomó una decisión sobre el futuro de Arturo Vidal ante las ofertas por el jugador

El King ya advirtió que si no se siente importante en el conjunto catalán buscará una salida del club español.

9 Dec 11:44 T13 7836926440727411800.html
NHL: Grabner siegt mit Arizona in Chicago

Hier findest du alle Nachrichten aus der Eishockeywelt: Berichte, Spielpläne, Ergebnisse, Tabellen, Live Ticker zu Erste Bank Eishockey Liga ✓ NHL ✓ DEL ✓ Österreichische Nationalmannschaft ✓ und vieles mehr!

9 Dec 08:49 Sky Sport 6321692527087412049.html
Protest against 'Panipat' in Jaipur, Deepika flaunts her new look, Disha looks stunning in a bikini, Sara flashes her sweet smile, Vaani's workout video

Protest against 'Panipat' in Jaipur, Deepika flaunts her new look, Disha looks stunning in a bikini, Sara flashes her sweet smile, Vaani's workout vid

9 Dec 16:21 The Times of India 6060938664880205039.html
Il paradiso delle signore 4 anticipazioni e trama 9 e 10 dicembre

Il paradiso delle signore 4 anticipazioni e trama 9 e 10 dicembre. Clelia torna al Paradiso come capocommessa e scatena le gelosie di Silvia.

9 Dec 10:37 Novella 2000 6951116781761130470.html
Skrikande man leddes ut från riksrättsutfrågning

På måndagen presenterade båda sidorna sina bästa bevis när det gäller riksrättsutredningen mot USA:s president Donald Trump.

9 Dec 14:34 DN.SE 398730695129281450.html
Lady Antebellum headlines lineup for 2020 Taste of Country

Grammy Award-winning trio Lady Antebellum will headline WYRK's Toyota Taste of Country concert in 2020, the Buffalo country radio station...

9 Dec 17:16 The Buffalo News 2088823987530398858.html
“Alleen hij kan zoiets doen, ik kan niet stoppen met lachen”: Monaco-speler vergist zich bij vervanging

Grappig moment zaterdagavond tijdens het Ligue 1-duel tussen AS Monaco en Amiens (3-0). Bij de thuisploeg haalde Leonardo Jardim flankaanvaller Keita Baldé Diao (met rugnummer 14) naar de kant, maa...

9 Dec 08:43 HLN 8967494998453058091.html
You can still grab this Echo Dot Philips Hue deal bundle for just $35

Grab this fantastic Echo Dot Philips Hue deal for just $34.99 at Amazon while stocks last

9 Dec 15:21 TechRadar 2111116915503362425.html
Rukometašice Srbije srušile Njemačku

Rukometašice Srbije pogotkom Kristine Lišćević u poslednjim sekundama utakmice srušile su selekciju Njemačke rezultatom 29:28. Srpkinje su odigrale veoma hrabro i na kraju potpuno zasluženo došle do trijumfa nad favorizovanim protivnikom.

9 Dec 08:01 Nezavisne novine 4209150643084779228.html
Natal Iluminado: SEMAS lança calendário de visitas ao Papai Noel em Oeiras

A ação faz parte da programação do Natal Iluminado, aberto no último dia 1° com grande espetáculo.

9 Dec 09:16 R10 3167340813805325798.html
Waze sur Android signale en temps réel la neige sur la route

A l'approche des vacances de Noël et des premières chutes de neige, Waze intègre dans son interface une nouvelle alerte pour signaler les routes enneigées.

9 Dec 12:11 PhonAndroid.com 8181142843927604377.html
Germania: bilancia commerciale migliora a ottobre, export +1,2%

La bilancia commerciale della Germania ha evidenziato a ottobre un surplus di 20,6 miliardi di euro, in aumento rispetto ai 19,2 miliardi del mese precedente e oltre le attese degli …

9 Dec 08:35 FinanzaOnline 6528634128080628161.html
Test Pirelli: Russell completa 218 giri a Yas Marina

Si chiude ad Abu Dhabi il primo ciclo di test sulle nuove gomme da 18 pollici. Dopo McLaren e Renault, è toccata alla Mercedes coadiuvare il lavoro del fornitore italiano

9 Dec 15:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656203575745.html
Anthony Joshua criticises Andy Ruiz over weight gain and lack of preparation: ‘That’s not the way of a champion’

Anthony Joshua criticised rival Andy Ruiz’s ill-thought preparation for their heavyweight title fight on Saturday night by claiming his ‘three months of partying’ was “not the way of a champion”.

9 Dec 09:33 The Independent 2511519170937156412.html
La Finlandaise Sanna Marin, plus jeune chef de gouvernement de la planète

La Finlandaise Sanna Marin, qui doit devenir mardi à 34 ans le plus jeune chef de gouvernement en exercice de la planète, incarne cette génération montante de femmes politiques dans le pays nordique, pionnier de l’égalité entre les sexes. D’un an plus jeune que le Premier ministre ukrainien Oleksiï Gontcharouk, cette femme politique aux valeurs […]

9 Dec 17:51 Journal de Brazza 8990092586769249830.html
La versión para PS4 de Minecraft habilitará esta semana el cross-play con el resto de plataformas

Minecraft es uno de esos videojuegos que si se juega en compañía la experiencia gana muchos más puntos. A partir de mañana los usuarios de PS4 no se sentirán...

9 Dec 16:15 Vida Extra 2315661876577946076.html
ERC rebaja las expectativas de Sánchez y descarta una investidura para 2019

Marta Vilalta ha querido rebajar las expectativas del socialista al afirmar que las posiciones con el PSOE todavía son distantes y que el acuerdo, si llega, será en enero

9 Dec 16:41 El Confidencial 6129807549890077151.html
Des chercheurs impressionnés par la mémoire des tortues géantes, ces centenaires solitaires

Une étude nous montre que les tortues géantes terrestres ont une bonne mémoire et, accessoirement, qu'elles sont capables d'être entraînées. On ne sait pas grand-chose sur les tortues géantes terrestres, la plupart des études s'étant concentrées

9 Dec 10:36 Sciencepost 6380497999429269386.html
Napoli-Genk, Ancelotti ai saluti? Intesa di massima De Laurentiis-Gattuso, anche in caso di vittoria…

Il tecnico dei partenopei potrebbe decidere di rassegnare le dimissioni al termine della sfida di Champions League contro la compagine belga

9 Dec 17:51 Mediagol 1330814413550839288.html
Kauza manipulovania zápasov vyvrcholila: Medzi svedkami aj známe hviezdy!

MADRID - Tridsaťšesť futbalistov podozrivých z manipulovania výsledkov zápasov v španielskych súťažiach zbavili obvinení. Podľa sudcu neexistuje dostatok dôkazov na to, aby ich mohli usvedčiť z ...

9 Dec 15:30 Športky.sk 2706041354488492402.html
Brahmastra: This Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt Film DELAYED Yet AGAIN, To Now Release In Winter 2020; Know Why

It looks like all the Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt fans will have to wait for a little longer as reports suggest that Brahmastra has been once again postponed to winter 2020

9 Dec 10:17 SPOTBOYE 1547816856811910003.html
Wada exclui Rússia de Olimpíadas e Mundiais durante quatro anos

O anúncio foi feito por um porta-voz da agência depois de uma reunião do comitê executivo nesta segunda-feira

9 Dec 14:52 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713680672824.html
WhatsApp for Android finally receives a ‘call waiting’ feature

WhatsApp for Android now includes a "call waiting" feature that will show users incoming calls while they're on another call.

9 Dec 12:00 Memeburn 7217585439220943881.html
Game Awards 2019: Das User-Voting wurde gestartet

Die Vergabe der Game Awards 2019 steht bevor. Und falls ihr eure Stimme einfließen lassen und eurem Spiel der Wahl mehr Chancen einräumen möchtet, dann könnt ihr euch ab sofort am User-Voting beteiligen.

9 Dec 09:02 play3.de 8301165837996234355.html
Allemagne: l’excédent commercial embellit par surprise en octobre

Sur un mois, les exportations ont progressé de 1,2% à 119,5 milliards d’euros, tandis que les importations ont stagné à 98,0 milliards d’euros.

9 Dec 08:04 Allnews 678771718208122585.html
Ranji Trophy Roundup: Ajinkya Rahane, Prithvi Shaw shine, Robin Uthappa hits ton for Kerala

While Ajinkya Rahane and Prithvi Shaw struck gritty fifties to take Mumbai to 362/8 against Baroda, Kerala's Robin Uthappa scored 102 off 221 balls with seven fours and three sixes against Delhi.

9 Dec 13:21 The Indian Express 2885715105382124725.html
Celebraron la Navidad con Billo’s

Adolfo López Chollet llevó la batuta de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela

9 Dec 12:52 Últimas Noticias 6811287210056933095.html
The Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headphones have been reduced to their lowest price yet

Already low in price, use the eBay 10% off discount code on the Sony WH-1000XM3 noise cancellation wireless headphones and buy for their cheapest price yet.

9 Dec 15:49 Trusted Reviews 12694855192078470.html
Affaire de la sextape: la justice valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

L’éventualité d’un procès se rapproche pour Karim Benzema: la Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi son pourvoi dans l’affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena, dans laquelle l’attaquant du Real Madrid est mis en examen depuis 2015. La star madrilène contestait les méthodes d'enquête employées dans ce dossier qui a brisé sa carrière internationale, les jugeant déloyales: lundi, la plus haute juridiction judiciaire lui a donné tort.

9 Dec 15:57 FranceSoir 2214281691318457697.html
Falscher Masseur bestiehlt 100-Jährige aus Mainz

Ein Mann hat einer 100-jährigen Frau in Mainz die Einkäufe in ihre Wohnung im vierten Stock getragen. Dann massierte er ihr die Hände. Danach fehlten Goldschmuck und Bargeld.

9 Dec 14:48 T-Online 5460876211565879243.html
Mathieu: "Naquele dia liguei logo para a minha mulher"

Defesa francês garante que nunca esquecerá o medo que sentiu no dia do ataque à Academia.

9 Dec 16:18 O Jogo 3218673679305670253.html
Comienza proceso contra abogado de Uribe: lo citan a imputación de cargos y pedirán cárcel

El 18 de enero, Diego Cadena deberá presentarse en una audiencia donde la Fiscalía lo acusará formalmente ante un juez y pedirá medida de asuguramiento. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 08:52 pulzo.com 8971816787853357404.html
Two Turkish firms in world's top arms makers see their turnover surge in 2018

Arms sales of two Turkish firms listed in the sector’s largest 100 companies increased in 2018 as they managed to maintain their rankings in the list, a...

9 Dec 14:09 DAILY SABAH 8383944808762181352.html
Menjelang Final SEA Games 2019, Timnas U-23 Latihan Strategi

Sehari menjelang laga final SEA Games 2019 melawan Vietnam, Timnas U-23 latihan taktik dan strategi di Stadion Rizal Memorial.

9 Dec 11:08 Tempo 6731898376484542688.html
'M P Lodha, India's richest real estate entrepreneur'

Lodha Developers' M P Lodha and family has been named India's richest real estate entrepreneur with a wealth of Rs 31,960 crore followed by DLF's Rajiv Singh and Embassy group founder Jitendra

9 Dec 13:27 Deccan Herald 2027555797834504711.html
I'm A Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa is 'fine' as she 'cancels live TV interviews

I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! runner up Andy Whyment said Jacqueline is keeping her head up.

9 Dec 13:03 Metro 970161748826767027.html
Mariza dedica novo disco a Amália Rodrigues

A cantora Mariza anunciou que o seu novo disco, a editar no próximo ano, é uma homenagem a Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999), e será, inteiramente, preenchido por reportório amaliano.

9 Dec 10:21 JN 6956494302995269512.html
Leonardo DiCaprio hatalmasat bulizott Kendall Jennerrel és Bella Hadiddal

Vajon mit szól ehhez a barátnője?

9 Dec 17:12 Cosmopolitan.hu 1784326972221872852.html
Clasifica Jerzy Jesús para la semifinal nacional

El camajuanense acumuló ocho unidades, al igual que su similar camagüeyano Jorge Roberto Elías (2379) –el otro clasificado-, pero se adueñó del primer lugar al imponerse en la partida entre ambos.

9 Dec 16:52 Vanguardia 5132246905815631621.html
Exhiben a Felipe Calderón por robar celulares en reunión oficial en EU

Gerardo Fernandez Noro&ntilde;a acusa a Felipe Calder&oacute;n, ex presidente de M&eacute;xico, de robar celulares en una reuni&oacute;n oficial en Estados Unidos.

9 Dec 17:33 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623726582340.html
Francuz ukarany. Złamał chińskie przepisy patriotyczne

Francuski koszykarz Guerschon Yabusele, obecnie zawodnik chińskiego Nanjing Tongxi Monkey Kings, został ukarany finansowo za to, że podczas odgrywania hymnu nie patrzył na flagę narodową.

9 Dec 17:21 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525125077477.html
Joker Lands Four 2020 Golden Globes Nominations

The nominations for the 77th Golden Globe Awards were announced this morning, and Todd Phillips' Joker nabbed four of them.

9 Dec 17:49 SuperHeroHype 7705098698798806300.html
Fem greps i Köpenhamn vid razzia mot gängkriminella

Fem personer, mellan 19 och 22 år, greps på måndagen på olika platser i Köpenhamn i en aktion mot gängkriminaliteten.

9 Dec 15:05 SVT Nyheter 8475792988975942251.html
Gli aerei contribuiscono al 2,1% delle emissioni di co2. per salvare la terra dovreste piuttosto...


9 Dec 15:01 DAGOSPIA 6533336739763176124.html
Taormina. Il commissario dell’ Asm: “Sgombero immediato del piazzale “Porta Catania”

Fiumefreddo ha inviato un documento agli amministratori, alla Polizia ed ai carabinieri per un intervento immediato al piano superiore del parcheggio gestito dall'Azienda

9 Dec 16:38 Tempostretto 3143171744894931439.html
La Cour française de cassation déboute Benzema

    La Cour de cassation a rejeté, ce lundi, le pourvoi du footballeur Karim Benzema, qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête dans l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015.   Mis en examen dans l’affaire de la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena pour avoir tenté de mettre en lien le maître chanteur et son coéquipier de l’équipe de France, Karim Benzema avait saisi la Cour de cassation pour contester la loyauté de l’enquête.   Cependant, la Cour a estimé que les méthodes d'enquête employées dans ce dossier étaient conformes, ouvrant la voie à un éventuel procès en correctionnelle pour l'attaquant du Real Madrid et cinq autres personnes mises en examen. La Cour de cassation a rejeté le pourvoi du footballeur Karim Benzema, qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête dans l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015 #AFP pic.twitter.com/RkS0WYfj3C — Agence France-Presse December 9, 2019

9 Dec 14:48 LesEco.ma 3084334528106155813.html
¿Sin dinero para el Apple Watch? Xiaomi tiene un reloj inteligente alternativo que cuesta 120€

Este increíble smartwatch de Xiaomi cuesta mucho menos que un Apple Watch y tiene la mayoría de sus funciones, es compatible con Android ¡y ahora de oferta!

9 Dec 11:00 ComputerHoy 3644302763389658239.html
Po symulowanym ataku terrorystów w Barczewie olsztyńska policja publikuje oświadczenie, a prokuratura sprawdza, czy doszło do przestępstwa [AKTUALIZACJA]

Po ćwiczeniach dotyczących reakcji na atak terrorystyczny wystraszeni uczniowie z Barczewa trafili pod opiekę psychologów, a dyrektorka szkoły straciła posadę. Do mediów na początku trafiła informacja, że policja nie wiedziała o planowanej akcji. Teraz, po wyjaśnieniach odwołanej pani dyrektor, rzecznik KMP w Olsztynie przygotował oświadczenie, w którym przyznaje, że funkcjonariusze z Barczewa zostali poinformowani o ćwiczeniach, ale nie poproszono ich o udział w działaniach. Tymczasem prokuratura otrzymała zawiadomienie o możliwości popełnienia przestępstwa.

9 Dec 14:29 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040252895000316.html
Monday’s Vital Data: Bank of America, Apple and JPMorgan Chase

Options trading was buzzing in Bank of America, Apple and JPMorgan Chase stock. Here are the metrics that matter moving forward.

9 Dec 14:25 InvestorPlace 24614510089777581.html
Reforma energética, un rotundo fracaso: López Obrador

Fue, cuando menos, una 'política mentirosa' y 'de engaño para medrar y destruir' a Pemex y la CFE; asegura 

9 Dec 17:10 El Informador 103545929611745182.html
Dorin Compan, șeful interimar al PCCOCS, revine în calitate de procuror la Procuratura Anticorupție

Șefului interimar al Procuraturii pentru Combarea Criminalității Organizate și Cauze Speciale, Dorin Compan, revine în calitate de procuror la Procuratura Anticorupție.

9 Dec 10:37 Jurnal.md 3315832234161954218.html
Perspektiven am Morgen: Europäische Aktien haben 2019 deutlich zugelegt - 2020 kleineres Plus erwartet

Mit den ´Perspektiven am Morgen´ stimmt Ulrich Stephan, Chef-Anlagestratege der Deutschen Bank, Anleger mit Ausblicken, Kurzanalysen und Neuigkeiten auf den Tag ein. Heute: Europäische Aktien, Pfund-Stärke, und der US-Arbeitsmarktbericht.

9 Dec 11:27 FOCUS Online 4448121231898584947.html
Repara municipio 3 mil 500 baches en una semana

Chihuahua.- De acuerdo a datos proporcionados por el ayuntamiento, del dos al siete de diciembre, se repararon o taparon alrededor de 3 mil 500 baches en la ciudad. Mario Vázquez Robles, coordinador...

9 Dec 16:22 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558289410931.html
Turcan: PNL susţine anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor ale militarilor şi magistraţilor / Ciolacu: Eliminarea pensiilor speciale, un discurs electoral. PSD propune impozitarea progresivă

Raluca Turcan a anunţat că PNL a decis, în şedinţa BEX de luni, ca partidul să susţină anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor militarilor şi magistraţilor. Vicepremierul a precizat că în paralel...

9 Dec 14:28 Mediafax.ro 1869610969559114078.html
Kumasi: Teachers snub “useless“strike; say it is for leaders’ selfish agenda

Teachers in schools in the Kumasi Metropolis and its adjoining municipalities and districts in the Ashanti region have snubbed the nationwide strike declared by three teacher unions, describing it as “useless”, MyNewsGh.com reports. Kumasi-based Angel FM’s reporters who toured dozens of schools this morning on day one that the strike took effect reported that teachers were in classrooms and going about their normal duties, this portal monitored on Monday. The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana (CCT-GH) however insist that their nationwide strike is in full force. The three teacher unions say their industrial action is in connection with the failure of the government to pay some “legacy arrears” owed some of its members as far back as 2012 to 2016. “In line of this development, we, the Ghana National Association of Teachers, National Association of Graduated Teachers, Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana…

9 Dec 14:32 mynewsgh.com 2909200111088938955.html
Irak: Baza w Bagdadzie ostrzelana z Katiuszy

Cztery rakiety z wyrzutni Katiusza spadły na bazę wojskową znajdującą się w pobliżu lotniska międzynarodowego w Bagdadzie. Rannych zostało "sześciu bojowników" - głosi oświadczenie irackiej armii.

9 Dec 08:19 Rzeczpospolita 4735082526519887883.html
Ü100: Diese Stars haben die Altersgrenze geknackt

Am 9. Dezember feiert Hollywood-Ikone Kirk Douglas seinen 103. Geburtstag – und ist damit in bester Gesellschaft. Denn auch diese Stars haben die magische Altersgrenze überschritten.

9 Dec 14:01 GMX News 4492287762127711583.html
Así escoge Facebook a las "personas que quizá conozcas"

&iquest;Alguna vez te hab&iacute;as preguntado c&oacute;mo Facebook escoge a las "personas que quiz&aacute; conozcas"? Aqu&iacute; te decimos.

9 Dec 11:24 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624639163314.html
Alejandro Speitzer con dieta estricta por la serie “Alguien tiene que morir”

Alejandro Speitzer se encuentra en los últimos días de rodaje para la miniserie "Alguien tiene que morir" bajo la dirección de Manolo Caro

9 Dec 16:13 Diario de Yucatán 261200016757129574.html
Terremoto nel Mugello: alcuni geologi lo avevano previsto, ecco perchè

Terremoto nel Mugello: "Tra i sismologi c'è chi se lo aspettava". Lo racconta Vittorio Doriano, vice presidente del Consiglio Nazionale dei geologi.

9 Dec 14:51 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927003151284.html
E Politano si accoda: "Tutto in una notte, di corsa verso Inter-Barça"

Al claim lanciato dall'Inter in vista della partita contro il Barcellona si accoda Matteo Politano, che sul proprio profilo Instagram posta una foto che lo vede impegnato in allenamento, mentre va...

9 Dec 12:11 FcInterNews.it 7848284893620705229.html
The 17 best movies of 2019 so far that you absolutely need to see, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - From "Us" to smaller indies you may have missed like A24's "The Farewell," these are Insider's best movies of 2019.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:24 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757023877710.html
Fußgänger angefahren: Pkw-Lenker geflüchtet

Ein 38-Jähriger ist in der Nacht auf Sonntag in Villach beim Überqueren einer Straße auf einem Schutzweg von einem Auto angefahren und schwer ...

9 Dec 13:26 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093453296965.html
Leicester and Arsenal ‘interested’ in Nigeria international – Player ‘highly favoured’ to make PL switch in January

Prior to this season’s Champions League campaign started, few around Europe will have been aware of Emmanuel Dennis. However, a double for Club Brugge against Real Madrid at the Santiago Bernabéu on October 1st shoved the 22-year-old into the spotlight, and caught the attention of many with his pace and direct style of play. Those

9 Dec 14:33 Sport Witness 200001551761820649.html
Jaunimo festivalyje „Vibelift“ – labiausiai socialiniuose tinkluose sekamas lietuvis Dominykas Zeglaitis

Vilniaus „Siemens“ arenoje triukšmingai pristatyta kitų metų jaunimo festivalio „Vibelift“ programa – atskleista didžioji dalis pranešėjų ir atlikėjų. Populiariausių šalies nuomonės formuotojų ir „youtuberių“ apsuptyje festivalio vadovas Dovydas Laukys pažadėjo, kad 2020 m. balandžio 30 d. jaunimo festivalyje „Vibelift“ vyks pribloškiantis ryškiausių žvaigždžių, scenos efektų ir pozityvios energijos šou.

9 Dec 11:57 Žmonės 2740718164056079301.html
U zemljotresu u Firenci nema povređenih, manja oštećenja

RIM - U zemljotresu, koji je jutros pogodio područje severno od Firence nema povređenih, osim što je uplašio stanovnike i prouzrokovao manja oštećenja na

9 Dec 09:35 Krstarica 4176903988240855940.html
Für die Werkself ist nach dem Sieg über Schalke alles möglich

Mitten in der Bundesliga-Aufholjagd freuen sich alle auf Juventus Turin

9 Dec 08:00 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568343180637.html
Odo aus Star Trek DS9: René Auberjonois mit 79 Jahren gestorben

Der US-amerikanische Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist gestorben. René Auberjonois spielte Odo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

9 Dec 17:23 PC Games Hardware 8254427256991635421.html
Ue, Lega verso Ecr? Più vicina a Ppe e Trump. Meloni: "Non metterei il veto"

Il possibile approdo della Lega al gruppo dei Conservatori e Riformisti allontanerebbe però il Carroccio a Mosca

9 Dec 16:28 Affari Italiani 6123405403323322738.html
Tokarczuk zwolniona z podatku od Nobla? Rozporządzenia brak

Tuż po ogłoszeniu informacji o literackiej nagrodzie Nobla dla Olgi Tokarczuk ówczesny minister finansów Jerzy Kwieciński obiecywał, że pisarka ostanie zwolniona z podatku od nagrody. Rozporządzenie w tej sprawie do dziś nie powstało.

9 Dec 15:28 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525595552440.html
Dallagnol processa União para ser indenizado por Gilmar Mendes

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 09:45 GGN 1188436354734545116.html
HOROSCOP rune 10 decembrie. Gemenii au oportunități excelente pentru a deveni mai buni, Vărsătorii trebuie să aibă încredere în destin

HOROSCOP. Iata mesajele pe zodii in etalarea runelor pentru MARTI 10 decembrie 2019.  

9 Dec 17:59 www.antena3.ro 6332542756928006197.html
SIPA pretresa pet lokacija na području Brčkog i Odžaka

BRČKO - Policijski službenici Državne agencije za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA) jutros su započeli operativnu akciju kodnog naziva "Madagaskar", a u toku su pretresi na pet lokacija na području Brčkog i Odžaka.

9 Dec 10:57 Nezavisne novine 4209150641147875055.html
Pese a haber recibido algunas críticas, desde la Cámara aseguraron que el Black Friday superó las expectativas

La tercera edición del Black Friday Tandil, la iniciativa que impulsó la Cámara Empresaria los días 5, 6 y 7 de diciembre para reactivar las ventas durante el último mes del año, fue todo un éxito y superó las expectativas, según informaron desde la organización. Con una inscripción récord, que superó las 450 firmas adheridas […]

9 Dec 09:34 El Eco 4177735524452112336.html
Dårlige nyheter for Sveriges langrennskomet: – Veldig lei meg

Det svenske langrennstalentet Frida Karlsson (20) har fått beskjed om å minske belastningen og vil derfor trappe ned på antall treninger og konkurranser.

9 Dec 17:00 Bergens Tidende 6643873499320055732.html
Good Newwz Song ‘Maana Dil’ Will Tug At Your Heartstrings! Watch Video

Having already released two chartbuster tracks, ‘Chandigarh Mein’, and ‘Sauda Khara Khara’, the makers of Good Newwz dropped its third track, ‘Maana Dil’ today. We must say, it will touch your hearts! Good Newwz stars Kareena Kapoor, Akshay Kumar, Kiara Advani, and Diljit Dosanjh.

10 Dec 12:14 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703243635267657.html
Silvio Santos é acusado de racismo após tirar prêmio de candidata negra

Apresentador disse que daria vitória a outra concorrente 'que canta bem e é bonita'; internautas reagiram e a cantora Jennyfer Oliver se posicionou

9 Dec 17:58 Correio 5185786712598929616.html
Retour en France de plusieurs familles de jihadistes renvoyées de Turquie

Quatre Françaises épouses de jihadistes présumés qui étaient détenues en Turquie après s'être échappées d'un camp en Syrie, ont été renvoyées ce lundi 9 décembre vers la France. Elles sont accompagnées de leurs sept enfants.

9 Dec 12:16 RFI 4432404458934701526.html
Réforme des retraites : Macron recevra la majorité demain soir et non pas aujourd'hui

Emmanuel Macron et Edouard Philippe recevront finalement demain soir, et non pas aujourd'hui pour un déjeuner, les ministres les plus concernés par la réforme des retraites ainsi que des dirigeants de la majorité, a indiqué lundi Gilles Le Gendre, patron des députés LREM.

9 Dec 08:13 LaProvence 1839381420809364801.html
Música de grupo chileno vira hino antiestupro;ouça

Ao ritmo de uma marcha rápida, marcado por tambores, batidas de pés, música eletrônica e às vezes até apitos, um grupo de mulheres denuncia a violência de gênero cantando. "O patriarcado é um juiz / Que nos julga por nascer / E nosso castigo / É a violência que não vês." A letra é acompanhada por uma coreografia repetida por manifestantes vendadas com um tecido preto. "E a culpa não era minha / Nem onde estava / Nem o que vestia."Com um momento emblemático em que as mulheres apontam para a frente e cantam "O estuprador é você", a intervenção virou hino de protestos contra o feminicídio e a violência contra a mulher ao redor do mundo.Criada pelo coletivo chileno Las Tesis, a performance começou em Valparaíso, em 20 de novembro. O intuito era estrear no Dia Internacional do Combate à Violência Contra a Mulher, em 25 de novembro, mas elas adiantaram a apresentação devido a denúncias de abusos durante os protestos que tomam as ruas do Chile desde 18 de outubro.Ao menos 23 pessoas já foram mortas nas manifestações…

9 Dec 17:33 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419191460283.html
Suge Knight Calls Eminem a "B**ch" on Nick Cannon's "The Invitation" Diss Track

Suge Knight hopped on Nick Cannon's official Eminem diss track, "The Invitation," which he dropped today (December 9). The Hitmaka-produced track a...

9 Dec 13:11 VLADTV 1404406306835939519.html
Christmas 2019: Best festive movies to watch at home

From the best of the crop to plenty of festive cheesiness

9 Dec 13:00 Time Out Dubai 1956550808575780614.html
Gomita revela la lista de todas las cirugías plásticas que se ha hecho

Gomita finalmente acabó con los rumores y reveló los detalles de todas las cirugías plásticas que tiene para lucir tan bella como ahora.

9 Dec 15:28 Publinews 8987875304991367528.html
Diesen Blick kennen wir doch!

Seine Schönheit bewahrte diesen Bubi später vor einem Leben voller Gang-Gewalt. Denn so brav wie auf dem Foto war er nicht immer.

9 Dec 13:46 Bild 8433249908913867700.html
La Anenii Noi solul fertil se fură cu camioanele

În raionul Anenii Noi, solul fertil se fură cu camioanele. Potrivit inspectoratului pentru protecţia mediului, în timpul unor razii în satele Botnărești și Chirca, raionul Anenii Noi, inspectorii de mediu au depistat un camion cu circa petru tone de sol f

9 Dec 12:54 PUBLIKA 1679939813403586279.html
Aplicatia WhatsApp nu va mai functiona pe milioane de telefoane din 2020

WhatsApp a anuntat ca nu va mai functiona pentru milioane de modele vechi de smartphone, scrie metro.co.uk.

9 Dec 12:12 Wall-Street 2473040520004479034.html
Gamers: ¿Por qué Google impide que Fortnite ingrese a la Play Store?

Fortnite no tiene permitido estar en la Play Store, ya que Epic Games ha intentado una estrategia que a Google no aprueba, por sentir injusta frente a los dem&aacute;s desarrolladores

9 Dec 11:58 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623990049271.html
Venerdì 13 dicembre ci sarà uno sciopero aereo

Riguarderà i dipendenti di Alitalia AirItaly e EasyJet e il personale degli aeroporti di Malpensa e Fiumicino

9 Dec 09:31 Il Post 6291746503152260955.html
Award-Hoffnungen für „The Morning Show“: Nominierungen für Golden Globes und Critics Choice

Die Apple-Serie „The Morning Show“ wurde für mehrere Preise nominiert. Die Hauptdarstellerinnen Jennifer Aniston und Reese Witherspoon können sich ebenso Hoffnungen auf eine Auszeichnung für ihre jeweilige Rolle machen wie Nebendarsteller Billy Crudrup.

9 Dec 15:41 MacTechNews.de 1297039198506837620.html
Le migliori offerte gas di dicembre 2019

Per risparmiare sulla bolletta del gas, in particolare durante i mesi invernali in cui il consumo per chi ha un sistema di riscaldamento autonomo può aumentare notevolmente, è prioritario scegliere con attenzione una tariffa particolarmente conveniente. Per il mese di dicembre 2019 sono disponibili un gran numero di offerte gas in grado di garantire un netto taglio delle bollette con un considerevole risparmio annuale senza dover ridurre i consumi di energia.

9 Dec 11:00 www.sostariffe.it 4211055172765166641.html
Oak Bay police looking for missing 39-year-old man

Oak Bay police are concerned about Nicholas Hasanen, 39, who has not been seen for a couple of weeks. He frequently sleeps in a tent in parks or on beaches. Hasanen is described as six feet . . .

9 Dec 11:09 Times Colonist 7617512061440508542.html
Tulu Shivalli Brahmins’ meet in Udupi from Dec. 13

Vidyadheesha Tirtha Swami of Paryaya Palimar Mutt said on Monday that a Tulu Shivalli Brahmins’ First World Conference would be held at Rajangana here from December 13 to 15. Addressing presspersons h

9 Dec 12:15 The Hindu 6679535026099414380.html
7 easy things everyone can do to stay safer over the holidays

Enjoy your holiday while staying safe.

9 Dec 08:59 South Coast Sun 4417269127555146174.html
STF: candidatura avulsa pode ser votada no 1º semestre, diz Barroso

O ministro Lu&iacute;s Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), disse hoje (9) que vai liberar no primeiro semestre de 2020, para vota&ccedil;&atilde;o no plen&aacute;rio da Corte, o...

9 Dec 17:48 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489007114602.html
A Policy to Quash the Women’s Wave. From Democrats.

The D.C.C.C.’s blacklist against people working to oust incumbents has caused untold damage.

9 Dec 11:00 NY Times 1961078288179341765.html
LKW kommt von Straße ab und fährt auf Feld: Fahrer stirbt noch am Unfallort

Am Montagmorgen ist der Fahrer eines Mercedes-LKW bei Leisnig verstorben. Er war offenbar aus gesundheitlichen Gründen von der Straße abgekommen.

9 Dec 13:07 TAG24 4583887873869908175.html
This All-In-One Tent Can Transform Into a Sleeping Bag, Air Mattress, Hammock, and More

The Modus, by Crua Outdoors, is a tent, sleeping bag, air mattress, bug mesh, flysheet, picnic blanket, and more, rolled into one lightweight pack.

9 Dec 16:00 Mentalfloss 5757864790750511216.html
High Ponytails: Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid & 16 Stars Rocking The Sleek Holiday Hairstyle – Pics

See the best photos of celebrities in high ponytails.

9 Dec 17:12 Hollywood Life 1852895045962441112.html
Mucize Doktor dizisine dahil olan 'Doktor Ela', sosyal medyada gündem oldu

Yasemin Özilhan, 'Doktor Ela' karakteriyle Mucize Doktor'un kadrosuna dahil oldu. Yasemin Özilhan'ın diziye katılması ile izleyiciler büyük bir sürpriz yaşarken, sosyal medyada da 'Doktor Ela' etiketi gündem oldu.

9 Dec 16:53 Haberler.com 5407785902140423977.html
Windows 10 Mobile: Microsoft kündigt Ende der Office-Apps an

Anfang des Jahres gab Microsoft bekannt, dass der Support für Windows 10 Mobile am 10. Dezember 2019 (also morgen) enden wird. Nun hat man auch noch bekannt gegeben, dass der Support für die Office-Apps ebenfalls endet.

9 Dec 12:20 mobiFlip.de 5208441549364719791.html
FIFA 20 Team of the Week (TOTW) 13 predictions with Liverpool midfielder and Kylian Mbappe

Here are our predictions for the FIFA 20 Ultimate Team TOTW 13 lineup including players from Liverpool, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona and PSG.

9 Dec 17:19 Liverpool Echo 7727211173493375018.html
Im Südwesten stürmt es und im Schwarzwald fällt teils Schnee

Der Beginn der neuen Woche wird ungemütlich. Im Südwesten wird es vor allem in den Höhenlagen in den nächsten Tagen stürmisch. Zudem fällt im Schwarzwald etwas Schnee.

9 Dec 10:55 www.badische-zeitung.de 7137567426820601648.html
'Dolor y gloria', Banderas y Ana de Armas, nominados en los Globos de Oro de Netflix

El filme de Pedro Almodóvar luchará con 'Parásitos', 'Retrato de una mujer en llamas', 'Los miserables' y 'The farewell'

9 Dec 13:09 elPeriodico 7291954035014938903.html
Justin Timberlake forcé de s'excuser publiquement par Jessica Biel ? Une animatrice balance et clashe le couple !

Pour une célèbre animatrice américaine, les excuses de Justin Timberlake ont en réalité été soufflées par Jessica Biel.

9 Dec 13:00 melty 8059025069540300254.html
Fünf Tipps für die richtige Gepäck-Sicherung im Auto

Ski gehören in die Dachbox, Skischuhe in den Kofferraum und lose Gegenstände mit Zurrgurten gesichert.

9 Dec 09:38 NÖN.at 2486998933226064389.html
Cambio climático.- Los niños, los más afectados por las consecuencias de la crisis climática, denuncia UNICEF

Las consecuencias de la crisis climática golpean sobre todo a los niños y amenazan con revertir los avances logrados en las últimas décadas en la...

9 Dec 08:26 Europa Press 4702666147846041778.html
Chi è l'artista che ha mangiato la banana di Cattelan e perché l'ha fatto

Il frutto, attaccato al muro con il nastro adesivo, era stato venduto per 120 mila dollari. Un performer l'ha divorato

9 Dec 15:53 Agi 2115274224087833987.html
Trump inunda o Judiciário com conservadores, inclusive sem qualificação técnica

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 12:19 GGN 1188436353670220325.html
Fritzler, Esparza, Aliendro y Da Luz: out para el jueves

Bonaveri sin Lértora por 5 amarillas También el “Pulga” Rodríguez tiene una molestia pero se cree que llegará al último juego del año ante Arsenal. Los dirigentes buscan al reemplazante de Lavallén.

9 Dec 15:36 El Litoral 2624573357216889329.html
Erdbeben der Stärke 4.5 nahe Florenz

Laut dem Zivilschutz gab es Schäden, aber keine Verletzten. Die Bahn-Hochgeschwindigkeitslinie Bologna-Florenz wurde vorübergehend geschlossen, um Kontrollen zu ermöglichen.

9 Dec 08:53 Die Presse 6242788854744996582.html
Fitness-horloge verraadde ex-vriend van reporter: ‘Hij ging vreemd, kan er nu om lachen’

De Amerikaanse sportverslaggeefster Jane Slater kwam er op wel heel ‘sportieve’ wijze achter dat haar ex-vriend vreemdging. Een fitness-horloge, dat zowel zij als hij hadden ingesteld en aan elkaars apparaat hadden gesynchroniseerd, verraadde haar overspelige ex. Haar werkte zich een keer om 4 uur ‘s nachts in het zweet. Dat vond Slater vreemd, en terecht.…

9 Dec 08:14 Sportnieuws 3602982465337480127.html
Esto es lo que debes saber de la aerolínea Emirates por su llegada a México

La aerol&iacute;nea Emirates empieza a operar formalmente este lunes con una ruta de Dubai-Ciudad de M&eacute;xico, con escala en Barcelona.

9 Dec 10:02 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622791434515.html
Štrigova Razkrižju - prireditev v izvedbi Kulturno umetniškega društva Sveti Jeronim Štrigova

V tem predprazničnem času so v nedeljo 8. decembra, v Domu kulture Razkrižje, člani KUD-a Sv. Jeronim Štrigova pripravili kulturno-umetniški, zabavni program, ki je imel dobrodelno noto in sporočilo o dobrem sodelovanju ljudi ob slovensko-hrvaški meji. Ves izkupiček od prostovoljnih prispevkov so namenili Šolskemu ...

9 Dec 16:26 Prlekija on net 5500439796026435898.html
Tesla Cybertruck looks like an alien spaceship on L.A.'s 405

The Tesla Cybertruck made an unexpected appearance in Los Angeles traffic. It was allegedly driven by Elon Musk.

9 Dec 08:08 Autoblog 4372976972331051992.html
Verena Kerths PR-Manager tödlich verunglückt

Bei einem Crash auf der A99 sind nach BILD-Informationen Verena Kerths PR-Manager Pedro da Silva und dessen Mann tödlich verunglückt.

9 Dec 09:24 Bild 8433249907786555078.html
Traitement des ordures : Le groupe français Suez Environnement précise ses projets au Gabon

La semaine dernière, à l’occasion d’une rencontre avec le premier ministre Julien Nkoghe Bekalé, le directeur chargé du développement de Suez, Éric Ghebali, a fait part de la volonté de la multinationale française spécialisée dans les services à l’environnement de gérer et créer un site d’enfouissement des déchets ménagers dans la capitale gabonaise. Suez pourrait […]

9 Dec 12:01 La Libreville 8861693330622585867.html
Oroscopo Paolo Fox di oggi 9 dicembre 2019: lo Scorpione si prepara a vivere un mercoledì ispirato

La nostra finestra quotidiana su "Latte e Stelle", la rubrica dell'oroscopo di Paolo Fox in onda, ogni giorno, sulle frequenze radio di LatteMiele

9 Dec 08:46 NewNotizie 1312053895663390736.html
Gabriela Tafur habló sobre las protestas del país en Miss Universo

La señorita Colombia sorprendió con sus declaraciones en medio del certamen.

9 Dec 15:53 Colombia.com 1213910710237622144.html
Age of the rental: SOC as a service, IaaS, DaaS, HaaS

Challenging economic forecasts and complex local and global political outlooks has companies focused on sustainability, says Patrick Reeves, managing executive at Axiz.

9 Dec 09:12 ITWeb 642894138809537121.html
'The Morning Show' is up for multiple Golden Globe awards

Apple TV+ hit "The Morning Show" is up for multiple Golden Globe awards, including best TV series drama.

9 Dec 15:38 iMore 3803412791603709132.html
Un jurado popular juzga en Valencia a una mujer que mató a su novio porque quería dejar la relación

La víctima llegó a grabar el sonido de la agresión que estaba sufriendo con su teléfono móvil

9 Dec 11:28 ABC.es 6074573463621423540.html
Una mujer murió tras someterse a un aborto clandestino en La Plata

Se descompensó en su domicilio y tras permanecer dos días internadas en el hospital San Martín, falleció en la noche del domingo

9 Dec 13:27 Diario Popular 7191573466753490096.html
Caso Yara, Massimo Bossetti: “Quel DNA non è mio. La procura mi impedisce di difendermi”

'Quel DNA non è mio. È scandaloso che non mi permettano di difendermi indagando sui reperti'. Così in una lettera al direttore di Libero, Vittorio Feltri, Massimo Bossetti. Il muratore di Mapello condannato all'ergastolo per l'omicidio di Yara Gambirasio ha gridato la sua rabbia per il no della Procura di Bergamo a esami condotti dalla difesa sui campioni biologici dai quali è stato estratto il DNA che si è attribuito a Bossetti. 'I miei figli - ha concluso - hanno bisogno di un padre'.

9 Dec 09:07 fanpage.it 1517332168788726909.html
Cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,8 grade produs luni în Florenţa

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 08:33 Gândul 5586965502831290968.html
Desmond Tutu de retour chez lui après six jours d’hospitalisation

L’ex-archevêque sud-africain et prix Nobel de la paix Desmond Tutu a regagné lundi son domicile après six jours d’hospitalisation au Cap (sud-ouest) pour une infection, a indiqué lundi la fondation qui porte son nom. Le héros de la lutte contre l’apartheid « a pu quitter l’hôpital (…) et rentrer chez lui avec pour consigne de se […]

9 Dec 16:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092585925785655.html
Jeux olympiques: La Russie exclue pendant 4 ans

L'Agence mondiale antidopage exclut la Russie des Jeux olympiques pendant 4 ans. La Russie se sent pourtant prête à assister sous drapeau neutre. La Russie n'a que 21 jours pour contester cette décision devant le Tribunal arbitral du sport. cette sanction inclut également les jeux d'été à Tokyo en 2020 et les jeux d'hiver à Pékin en 2022, après la remise de la liste complète des recommandations relatives aux sanctions du comité de révision de la conformité. En effet, ce comité a également recommandé l'exclusion définitive du drapeau russe des Jeux olympiques et de tous les Championnats du monde pendant 4 ans. La participation des Russes est annulée, jusqu'à ce qu'ils arrivent à démontrer qu'ils ne sont pas impliqués dans les opérations de dopage. La Russie peut contester dans un délai de 21 jours devant le tribunal responsable. Les fédérations russes sont prêtes à aller aux Jeux olympiques. «Bien sûr qu'on préfère que nos sportifs participent sous le drapeau russe et entendent l'hymne de leur pays. Mais les circonstances…

9 Dec 14:50 LesEco.ma 3084334527230677356.html
RSE: Tužilaštvo u Beogradu ne vodi postupak za špijunsku aferu

Aktivnosti ruskog diplomate Georgija Klebana koji je prikupljao obaveštajne podatke u Srbiji nisu predmet istrage Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Beogradu, javio je Radio Slobodna Evropa."U Višem javnom tužilaštvu u Beogradu ne postoji predmet koji se odnosi na dogadjaj koji je predmet vašeg interesovanja, niti nam je povodom istog podneta krivična prijava", navodi se u odgovoru tužilaštva dostavljenom RSE.Na društvenoj mreži Jutjub 17. novembra objavljen video koji prikazuje ruskog diplomatu Georgija Klebana koji, kako je kasnije utvrdjeno, daje novac penzionisanom pripadniku Vojske Srbije potpukovniku Z.K. u Beogradu.Istragu o ovom slučaju otvorio je predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić koji je tim povodom zakazao hitnu sednicu Saveta za nacionalnu bezbednost 21. novembra, a istog dana se sastao i sa ambasadorom Rusije u Srbiji Aleksandrom Bocan-Harčenkom.Vučić je na konferenciji za novinare, nakon sednice, potvrdio da je video snimak autentičan, kao i da snimak nije načinila srpska obaveštajna služba, ali da je Srbija…

9 Dec 17:50 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501080868430863.html
Comores : les grands projets du président Azali Assoumani

Pour remplir leur carnet de projets en vue d'une future émergence, les Comores se sont présentées à Paris devant les bailleurs de fonds publics et privés.

9 Dec 09:45 Le Point 1094305424456424714.html
Kicillof sumará a Alak y Berni, y creará un Ministerio de la Mujer y Diversidades

El exministro de Justicia nacional Julio Alak y el exviceministro de Seguridad Sergio Berni serán los ministros de Justicia y Seguridad, respectivamente, del próximo gabinete del gobernador bonaerense Axel Kicillof, que también contará con un “Ministerio de las Mujeres, políticas de género y diversidad sexual”. El jueves jurarán los 13 ministros de Kicillof en la […]

9 Dec 11:10 El Eco 4177735525774590405.html
Crianças pobres e que vivem junto de restaurantes "fast food" têm maior risco de obesidade

Matosinhos e Valongo têm mais crianças gordas do que o Porto, diz também o novo estudo do Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto.

9 Dec 14:01 JN 6956494302569369999.html
Luno Planning To Add Ripple To Its List By Early 2020

Luno, the cryptocurrency exchange, seems to be making waves of late. Less than a month after it officially announced its comeback in Malaysia and plans to expand its cryptocurrency list, the company recently announced that

9 Dec 10:49 Lowyat.NET 6894342419384402802.html
Reclusos acederam ao sistema informático da cadeia e gastaram 3492 euros em duas semanas

Dois reclusos do Estabelecimento Prisional de Izeda, em Bragança, estão acusados de um crime de burla informática e 144 crimes de falsidade informática por terem acedido ao sistema informático do bar e da cantina da cadeia para fazer compras. Em duas semanas gastaram 3492 euros em produtos alimentares e de higiene e em tabaco.

9 Dec 13:12 JN 6956494303628299675.html
EIZO lança dois novos monitores

A EIZO apresentou recentemente dois novos monitores da gama FlexScan que foram desenhados para os utilizadores profissionais.

9 Dec 14:00 PCGuia 8345134072194352023.html

Impulser une dynamique prônant une parfaite inclusion financière des femmes africaines. C’est ce que l’on peut retenir des activités organisées dans le cadre de la 5e édition  d’AllAfrica Women’s Agenda (AWA) tenue à Conakry. 

9 Dec 11:51 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533369289614.html
Macri felicitó a Ameal y Pergolini por su victoria en las elecciones en Boca

El presidente saliente del país utilizó su cuenta de Twitter para salutar a las nuevas autoridades del club del que es hincha. "Boca como institución tiene que estar por encima de todos". En el día de ayer, no concurrió a votar.

9 Dec 15:55 Doble Amarilla 8680269686063577684.html
Maisa analisa carreira e diz treinar para ter bumbum maior: 'Uma mulher pode sonhar'

Às vésperas de 2020, Maisa Silva usou seu Twitter para analisar com seus fãs sua carreira. Nas publicações, a apresentadora comentou que lida com críticas desde a infância e que "é chato sentir que...

9 Dec 17:13 Extra Online 8149543649449600462.html
Desde la Cepit aseguraron que cerraron un buen año y esperan poder expandir las exportaciones en el 2020

Maximiliano Cortés y Mauricio Salvatierra, presidente y vicepresidente, respectivamente, de la Cámara de Empresas del Polo Informático de Tandil (Cepit), participaron del ciclo televisivo La Ciudad, que se emite por Eco TV y Tandil FM, y realizaron un balance de lo que fue este 2019, además de exponer algunos proyectos que llevarán adelante el año […]

9 Dec 10:16 El Eco 4177735525340543639.html
Deutsche to cut €100m from domestic retail banking unit

Lender plans to scrap legal entity that runs the operation and merge it into group

9 Dec 17:42 Financial Times 707176889848880506.html
Carteiras recomendadas têm ganho abaixo do Ibovespa em 12 meses

O custo de reproduzir essas carteiras pode pesar para o investidor. Quem fez todas as mudanças junto com os analistas, teve de desembolsar até R$ 2.714,60 com taxas de corretagem

9 Dec 10:40 Folha Vitória 4941883427460663024.html
EFCC receives 580 petitions, convicts 27 - Premium Times Nigeria

The Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), Kaduna Zonal Office, has received over 580 petitions and convicted 27 from January to date.

9 Dec 16:34 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300796216770.html
Almanya Cumhurbaşkanı Steinmeier, fareye liyakat nişanı verdi

Almanya Cumhurbaşkanı Frank-Walter Steinmeier, ülkenin en sevilen çizgi karakterlerinden biri olan fareye Liyakat Nişanı verdi. Steinmeier yaptığı açıklamada, “Fare bir ödülü hak ediyor. Çünkü uzun yıllardır çocuk ve ergenlerin sorularını yanıtlıyor” ifadesini kullandı.

9 Dec 11:09 Yeni Şafak 1729259404179201827.html
Galatasaray'da Mariano depremi!

Galatasaray'da Mariano depremi!

9 Dec 16:13 Milli Gazete 9062198365394116889.html
Izseljenski dolarji za cerkev (FOTO) 

RADENCI – V cerkvi svetega Cirila in Metoda v Radencih, kjer je ob odprtju obnovljene zunanjosti, strehe in sten sveto mašo ob somaševanju nekdanjega in zdajšnjega radenskega župnika Cirila Slap...

9 Dec 14:23 Slovenske novice 5901956562484874783.html
Sicario del Cártel del Noreste termina en un ataúd; presumía armas de grueso calibre

Compa&ntilde;eros del presunto sicario rindieron homenaje recordando que era buen elemento en el C&aacute;rtel del Noreste en el municipio de Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

9 Dec 11:18 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624104744633.html
Obra navideña inició temporada con homenaje a Misi, fallecido ícono del teatro musical

El pasado 23 de noviembre inició la temporada de 'Simplemente Navidad', espectáculo que honra la memoria de María Isabel Murillo, un año después de su muerte. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 08:35 pulzo.com 8971816787140364151.html
Ela: quem manda e continuará mandando é Cristina Kirchner

Gestos de independência e de conciliação do presidente que assume amanhã não aliviam a realidade sobre quem é a dona do poder na Argentina

9 Dec 12:03 VEJA.com 4116702196605104148.html
Anthony Davis scores 50, Lakers beat Timberwolves

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- Los Angeles Lakers star Anthony Davis posted a season-high 50 points to lead his team to a 142-125 win over the Minnesota Timberwolves.

9 Dec 14:28 UPI 8257973864742201929.html
La tercer elección en Israel se realizará el dos de marzo

El partido Likud y Azul y Blanco se tomaron un descanso de su lucha en curso sobre quién tiene la culpa de una posible tercera elección Israel

9 Dec 13:21 Noticias de Israel 5887715888929080194.html
Steirer helfen Steirern: Hartberg Kicker und 99ers servieren am Eisernen Tor Punsch und Glühwein

Bereits zum dritten Mal lädt der Punschstand der Kleinen Zeitung am Eisernen Tor dazu ein, für den guten Zweck Glühwein zu schlürfen. Prominenz aus Sport, Kultur und die Geschäftsführung der Kleinen Zeitung packen dafür heute mit an.

9 Dec 16:32 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699242770714.html
Huawei P40 's First Alleged Render Surfaces Online - Gizchina.com

While the Huawei P40 series is expected to come in March of next year, the new smartphone lineup could actually see the light of day earlier. Today a new..

9 Dec 12:31 Gizchina 5392375276690702423.html
Boxe : Anthony Joshua interpelle Tyson Fury et Deontay Wilder !

Ayant tout juste récupéré ses ceintures de champion du monde des poids lourds, Anthony Joshua voit grand pour 2020 et des combats avec Tyso Fury ou Deontay Wilder.

9 Dec 12:35 Le 10 Sport 6431763077285904660.html
Nu börjar Tesla ta betalt för uppkoppling i bilen

Nu börjar musikstreaming och livekartor kosta. Den som vill ha alla Teslas uppkopplade funktioner kommer att få betala runt 100 kronor i månaden.

9 Dec 09:00 Ny Teknik 4280928732621872496.html
Volvo S90, V90, And V90 Cross Country Spied Testing Upcoming Refresh

The changes include tweaks to the front fascia, tiny tweaks at the rear, and new taillights. Inside, there are probably infotainment upgrades.

9 Dec 14:45 Motor1.com 1648269240774946417.html
Pourquoi SNCF Réseau a choisi Bègles pour implanter un grand campus de formation

SNCF Réseau, qui a totalement revu son système de formation, s’appuiera sur trois campus à Nanterre, Saint-Priest (69) mais aussi à Bègles (33) dans la métropole bordelaise. Le site girondin qui entrera en service fin 2021, a été choisi pour sa facilité d’accès, son plateau technique et sa disponibilité foncière, mais aussi pour son dynamisme en matière de startups.

9 Dec 08:00 La Tribune 1118960601651317296.html
‘RHOBH’ Star Lisa Rinna’s Daughter Delilah Prepares To Move In With Boyfriend Eyal Booker

Delilah Belle Hamlin is moving in with boyfriend Eyal Booker. Lisa Rinna‘s oldest daughter, 21-year-old Delilah Belle Hamlin, is preparing to take a major step with her boyfriend, Eyal ...

9 Dec 17:23 The Inquisitr 1745625231327550221.html
Un símbolo del cambio de gobierno: Alberto Fernández asume sin rejas en Plaza de Mayo

La remoción de la estructura que había montado el macrismo concluyó esta mañana, en medio de muestras de satisfacción de quienes caminan cotidianamente por el lugar. En una plaza sin barreras para la gente ya está armado el escenario para la fiesta de ...

9 Dec 16:26 PAGINA12 7077267064968397686.html
Sanofi va acquérir la biotech Synthorx pour 2,5 milliards de dollars

PARIS (Reuters) - Le groupe pharmaceutique Sanofi a annoncé lundi l'acquisition de l'entreprise californienne de biotechnologie Synthorx pour 2,5 milliards de dollars (2,26 milliards d'euros), renforçant sa présence dans le domaine porteur des traitements contre le cancer.

9 Dec 11:58 Boursier.com 7351227821299133061.html
Menace d'attentat sur la Basilique de Koekelberg

Une enquête est ouverte au parquet de Bruxelles pour identifier les auteurs des menaces

9 Dec 13:48 La Libre 2304109935133521027.html
20 jenter i slagsmål i skolekantine

Rundt 20 personer var involvert i et slagsmål i kantinen på Strømmen Videregående skole.

9 Dec 12:02 TV 2 8210067770096169132.html
En raison des violences, avez-vous peur d'aller manifester?

Depuis plusieurs mois, les manifestations sont émaillées de violence et font des blessés

9 Dec 13:52 www.20minutes.fr 6446520675536075990.html
Alliance Oneworld : La RAM franchit le 1er cap

Comme déjà annoncé par Infomédiaire Maroc, Royal Air Maroc (RAM) va s’allier prochainement à un réseau de 13 compagnies aériennes de renom et rejoindre l’alliance Oneworld. Et à cet effet, on apprend que la compagnie a franchi un premier cap, le 26 novembre dernier, suite à la migration de sa structure de classe qui est déjà conforme au standard de classe Oneworld.

9 Dec 09:50 Infomédiaire 1551316401849125957.html
Snow köper nya städverktyg för hybridmolnet

Svenska Snow Software vässar sitt erbjudande genom att köpa kanadensiska Embotics, vars mjukvara används för att hantera verksamheters hybridmoln.

9 Dec 09:50 Computer Sweden 1843616594799066119.html
Two men rushed to hospital after Rutherglen murder bid as forensic cops seal off pub

TWO men were rushed to hospital after a Rutherglen murder bid – as forensic cops seal off a local pub. Police confirmed that two men, aged 27 and 51, were badly hurt on East Kilbride Road las…

9 Dec 13:05 The Scottish Sun 6609127672963399882.html
Sánchez Ruíz: "Queremos una transición ordenada y dentro de un marco legal"

La candidata a directora titular de la Caja Forense de Catamarca por la lista 2 “Unidad y Compromiso”, expresó que: “todos los asociados estamos de acuerdo en que no se deben efectuar más retenciones a los honorarios profesionales por la institución, y que debemos velar por la consecución de un sistema jubilatorio, pero tenemos que transitar este camino de forma ordenada y dentro de la legalidad”. “Apoyamos la creación de la Caja Interprofesional, y si bien el proyecto fue enviado a la legislatura provincial, este proceso puede tardar un tiempo considerable, en virtud de ello no se puede plantear la disolución del organismo de manera inmediata, debemos recorrer un camino en el que no se ponga en riesgo las fuentes laborales de los empleados de la Caja, ni la posesión del Predio”, subrayó Sánchez Ruíz. La candidata señaló que “nuestra propuesta tiene que ver con seguir manteniendo la independencia de la Caja Forense del Colegio de Abogados bregando de esta manera por principios básicos que deben informarnos como…

9 Dec 13:54 El Esquiú 5729181307759611485.html
Singer and dad of 3, Davido, seen feeding his newborn baby Ifeanyi (video)

In the video, the singer was seen bottle-feeding his son while also trying to type on his phone. Davido, who was filmed by a friend, started to smile immediately he realised that he was being filmed.

9 Dec 13:40 Legit 3764253650826158689.html
El Presidente de la Asamblea, César Litardo, dice que se archivará proyecto de Ley de Registro de Violadores

La Asamblea Nacional acatará la resolución de la Corte Constitucional (CC) sobre el proyecto de Ley Orgánica de Registro de Violadores, Abusadores y Agresores Sexuales (Ley Revaas).

9 Dec 12:36 El Comercio 2865024641222890677.html
Poll: Likud, Blue & White up - Yisrael Beytenu down

New poll shows Left and Right nearly tied, with Jewish Home failing to enter next Knesset as Likud and Blue & White gain strength.

9 Dec 10:41 Israel National News 5374683669842977212.html
Babiš vztraja, da bo kljub preiskavi ostal na položaju

Češki premier Andrej Babiš je danes zatrdil, da se ne bo predčasno poslovil s položaja, čeprav je bila proti njemu obnovljena preiskava zaradi domnevne zlorabe evropskih sredstev.

9 Dec 16:00 Dnevnik 7671546649184000372.html
'I'm disturbed by nightmares and pain': One of Joseph McCann's 11 victims tells how 'psycho' robbed her of life as a 'thriving' 25-year-old professional woman who dreamt of a family - as he's jailed for 30 years for rape rampage

The woman, who was snatched off the street at knifepoint in north London after getting off the Tube, was raped repeatedly by McCann during his two week long drug and alcohol fuelled rampage.

9 Dec 12:58 Mail Online 124328111645087628.html
My favorite cases for the iPhone 11 Pro

In this piece, I discuss my five favorite iPhone 11 Pro cases that I turn to depending on the adventure life takes me on.

9 Dec 13:00 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716265631399.html
Suspenden a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos y del Mundial de Fútbol de Qatar

Debido a la falsificación de los datos de los controles entregados a la AMA, declaró un portavoz tras un comité ejecutivo celebrado en Lausana (Rusia)

9 Dec 13:59 Cubanet 2710294111525175614.html
Pourquoi Lille ne doit pas balancer son dernier match européen

Le club nordiste se déplace pour du beurre ce mardi (21h) à Londres pour son dernier match de Ligue des champions pour défier Chelsea

9 Dec 15:43 www.20minutes.fr 6446520676431838575.html
Nordmenn bruker mest penger på TV og strømming i Norden

Norske husholdninger bruker i snitt 510 kroner i måneden på TV-abonnement.

9 Dec 16:42 Kampanje 8714678315666064143.html
Smart TV Samsung 4K e Redmi AirDots são os eletrônicos mais buscados de novembro

Recém lançados no Brasil, celular e fone da Xiaomi aparecem nas três primeiras posições

9 Dec 10:01 TechTudo 1715874005199687585.html
El sanjuanino Alberto Hensel asumirá en la secretaria de Minería de la Nación

A días de la asunción del presidente electo, ya confirmaron a quiénes ocuparán los principales puestos en las diferentes áreas nacionales. Según trascendió, el Ministerio de Energía y Minería se dividiría y se crearía la Secretaría de Minería que estará a cargo del sanjuanino Alberto Hensel.

9 Dec 08:45 El Esquiú 5729181307189112580.html
Fuerte sismo provoca pánico en región italiana de Toscana

Algunas personas salieron de sus casas, bajo la lluvia, y se reunieron en la calle, o se refugiaron en sus vehículos a la espera de los servicios de rescate.

9 Dec 15:26 Publinews 8987875303560676041.html
Rusia no estará en Tokio 2020: fue expulsada por manipular la base de datos deportivos

La delegación de ese país no podrá competir durante cuatro años en eventos internacionales.

9 Dec 13:22 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898584577169937.html
Doble boda en Sonora: se casan la senadora Lilly Tellez y la diputada Irma Terán

La senadora por Morena, Lilly Tellez, se unió con el financiero Jesús Tueme y la diputada federal priísta, Irma Terán, contrajo nupcias con el legislador del PES, Jorge Arturo Argüelles

9 Dec 17:11 El Universal 4964748196147320761.html
Los empleados de comercio piden un aumento del 22%

Retroactivo al 1 de diciembre La Federación Argentina de Empleados de Comercio y Servicios reclamó reabrir las negociaciones paritarias para acordar un incremento salarial del 22% con retroactividad al 1 de diciembre.

9 Dec 11:42 El Litoral 2624573358076324541.html
Manchester United legend admits Virgil van Dijk ‘maybe even better’ than he was

Former Dutch international and treble winning Manchester United defender Jaap Stam has lauded Liverpool’s no.4 Virgil van Dijk, labelling his countryman as ‘maybe even better’ tha…

9 Dec 12:40 The Empire of The Kop 4194553100024264703.html
CHP'den Kenan Evren talimatı: Silinecek

CHP, Kenan Evren'in adı geçen bulvar, cadde, sokak, park vb. alanlardan silinmesine ilişkin bir talimat verdi.

9 Dec 15:55 Gerçek Gündem 8370126851753670483.html
Reps to proffer “lasting solutions” to NAF crashes

The House of Representatives has said it is set to proffer “lasting solutions” to the incessant air crashes experienced by the Nigerian Air Force

9 Dec 17:46 Vanguard News 4125100340003411165.html
Muere Paul Volcker, expresidente de la Fed y gran enemigo de la inflación

Volcker fue presidente del banco central estadounidense entre 1979 y 1987 bajo el gobierno de dos presidentes: el demócrata Jimmy Carter y el republicano Ronald Reagan

9 Dec 15:06 El Confidencial 6129807549055978784.html
Bruno Valdez afirma que nunca tuvo duda de que América avanzaría a la final

“La verdad lo hablé con mi familia, no lo dije por soberbio, sino por la confianza en los muchachos”, dice el defensa paraguayo

9 Dec 15:48 El Informador 103545928529688507.html
Noctua NH-D15 Chromax.black Review en Español (Análisis completo)

Noctua NH-D15 Chromax.black Review en español de este mítico disipador de doble bloque. Analizamos su diseño, ventilador y rendimiento térmico

9 Dec 17:00 Profesional Review 7952487448012382898.html
Da sabato 14 a giovedì 26 dicembre parcheggi blu gratis a Biella

Una delle tante iniziative concrete per il sostegno del commercio nel centro cittadino

9 Dec 16:45 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318212857073.html
Dutch reduce terror threat level for first time since 2013

The Dutch national anti-terrorism agency (NCTV) reduced on Monday the threat of a terror attack in the Netherlands for the first time since 2013, Reuters writes. "We still see jihadist attacks in the West every now and then", the NCTV said. "But the situa...

9 Dec 16:39 EUobserver 625925299142480342.html
Marca lança coletor menstrual para usar durante o sexo

O Lovin pode ser adquirido pelo site da Inciclo, pelo valor de R$99.

9 Dec 17:15 R10 3167340812988645524.html
Renzi, grazie sì. Piaccia o no è il solo leader predestinato

La sensazione, nostra, è che al fondatore di Repubblica non piace l’ex premier fiorentino perché gli ricorda molto Bettino Craxi. Nell’editoriale sul suo giornale, Scalfari s...

9 Dec 09:25 L'HuffPost 5315551423475607164.html
L'OM place ses pions sur le continent africain

Magic OM. Dimanche, en marge de son match de Ligue 1 contre Bordeaux (3-1), l'Olympique de Marseille a largement communiqué autour de la création d' « OM Africa » , un label visant à renforcer les liens entre le club et le continent. Badge spécial sur le maillot, présence de légendes africaines passées par le club au stade, conférence de presse d'inauguration : l'OM a mis les petits plats dans les grands pour cet événement.

9 Dec 15:04 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251155389994.html
Arqule-Aktie +100%: Merck & Co. kauft Krebsspezialisten Arqule

Die Merck & Co. Inc baut ihre Kompetenz im Bereich der Krebserkrankungen aus.

9 Dec 13:45 finanzen.net 2053223363942035645.html
Foi roubado ou perdeu a carteira? O que fazer online e quanto custa!

Há dias em que tudo muda e nas piores circunstâncias possíveis. Veja o que fazer online quando fica sem a carteira para recuperar rapidamente.

9 Dec 09:40 Leak 8782954487238918955.html
Kolda : Un marabout engrosse sa fille

Kolda : Un marabout engrosse sa fille Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

9 Dec 11:12 Seneweb News 6877057603600775628.html
Casi todo contará a la hora de computar

¡Buen día! Durante casi toda nuestra vida laboral cobramos nuestros ingresos y notamos cómo ese dinero va desapareciendo -en un abrir y cerrar de ojos- mientras pagamos las cuentas y

9 Dec 08:00 elVocero.com 6318248037613658068.html
We’ll fight corruption with full powers of law – ICPC

The Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) said it would fight corruption according to the full dictates of the law.

9 Dec 16:10 Vanguard News 4125100339969111375.html
Why Enceladus’ Unique “Tiger Stripes” Make It A Prime Target In The Search For Life

The Cassini Space probe revealed Saturn's moon Enceladus as one of the most promising places in the Solar System to find life beyond Earth. Among the many

9 Dec 16:00 IFLScience 242791750149034022.html
Real Betis legend makes La Liga history at 38

Joaquin has become the oldest player to score a hat-trick in the Spanish top flight.

9 Dec 17:48 The42 5369852629387860605.html
Apple’s Safari privacy features are driving down prices for advertisers at the cost of accuracy

In the two years since Apple released Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention feature that keeps websites from tracking users around the web, it looks to have almost totally eliminated the ability for advertisers to market to specific demographics. A new report from The Information dives into how Apple’s offensive against ads has made things more difficult for […]

9 Dec 17:56 9to5Mac 8219339161733064385.html
Here’s How the US-China Trade War is Helping JD.com Stock Bulls, Bears

Don’t attempt to trade volatile and varied headlines, invest your trust in a powerful trade war pattern setting up on the price chart of JD.com.

9 Dec 11:31 InvestorPlace 24614511180082166.html
Arrest made after $13,000 in purses stolen from Pecanland Mall

A Shreveport man has been arrested in connection with two shoplifting cases in Monroe in which more than $13,000 in purses were stolen.

9 Dec 12:52 KNOE 8 News 9048639191821750701.html
Chi è Luca Lotti: età, carriera e vita privata del politico italiano

Conosciamo da vicino la storia di Luca Lotti: ecco tutte le curiosità sulla carriera e vita privata dell'ex Ministro dello Sport

9 Dec 16:53 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926869257093.html
Une ONG belge compense les émissions de carbone par la reforestation dans les pays en voie de développement

Les négociations en cours à la COP25 à Madrid tentent d’inscrire des règles au marché de la compensation jugé trop inefficace par certains experts.

9 Dec 10:10 Vivreici.be 7768530902422167822.html
Mann siktet for drap på en kvinne i Drammen i juli

En mann i slutten av 40-årene er siktet for drap på en 46 år gammel kvinne i Drammen i juli. Det opplyser politiet i en pressemelding.

9 Dec 10:10 TV 2 8210067768946028661.html
Grutte doarpskrystbeam yn Haskerhoarne knapt by de grûn ôf

De wille fan de grutte beam yn Haskerhoarne duorre mar koart. Want hy foel om, dwers oer de Jousterwei.

9 Dec 17:07 Omrop Fryslân 8239175695694683153.html
Rompiendo estereotipos: Sudáfrica se corona como Miss Universo 2019

Zozibini Tunzi venció a más de 90 concursantes de todo el mundo en la 68ª entrega de Miss Universo, que se celebró en los Estudios Tyler Perry de Atlanta.

9 Dec 11:56 NTN24 8482749626062713232.html
Niña de 12 años fue arrestada por amenazar con matar a varios compañeros de clase en Florida

Increíble pero cierto, en una secundaria de Weston, Florida, una niña de tan solo 12 años de edad fue arrestada por amenazar con

9 Dec 12:23 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536149423744.html
Onze jihadistes français renvoyés de Turquie

La Turquie poursuit les expulsions de combattants terroristes. Onze présumés jihadistes, pour la plupart des femmes, ont été renvoyés en France.

9 Dec 09:13 L'essentiel 554828747486816534.html
Tortura em Londrina: Criança agredida pelos pais adotivos está sedada na UTI

(Foto: reprodução/Facebook) A Polícia Civil investiga um suposto caso de tortura envolvendo uma criança de oito anos. O menino está sedado, em estado grave, na UTI do Hospital Evangélico de Londrin…

9 Dec 17:27 Band News FM Curitiba 996218257734361290.html
[Foto] Walmart ofrece disculpas y deja de vender saco navideño con referencia a cocaína

La cadena, también inmiscuida en la polémica por venta de armas, tuvo que sacar de su inventario esa prenda al recibir cientos de críticas en redes sociales. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 12:20 pulzo.com 8971816787215230212.html
Virtus.pro blisko zakontraktowania AVANGAR?

Jakiś czas temu w sieci pojawiło się plotki o planach włodarzy Virtus.pro, którzy rozglądali się za nową drużyną Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Według Jareka"Dekaya" Lewisa już niedługo rosyjską organizację zasilą zawodnicy AVANGAR.

9 Dec 17:39 IzakTV 2347159217036904920.html
Galaxy S11+: Mit diesem Akku knackt Samsung einen Rekord

Das Samsung Galaxy S11+ soll einen Monster-Akku bekommen. Und dennoch könnte sich die Akkulaufzeit nur wenig signifikant verändern.

9 Dec 10:47 CURVED 5947652462739238325.html
Miss Universo: Señorita Colombia no contestó en inglés porque le cambiaron traductor

Eso aseguró Gabriela Tafur en una entrevista que dio a Noticias RCN después de su participación en el reinado, donde quedó entre las cinco más bellas. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 09:09 pulzo.com 8971816786827649869.html
Zimbabweans in The Diaspora to pay USD318 for emergency Passports

Zimbabweans in The Diaspora to pay USD318 for emergency Passports in a bid by the government to clear the passport backlog that has balloned to 300k

9 Dec 15:17 iHarare News 2755902708037682456.html
Luego de viaje en Transmicable, 59 parejas se casaron al mismo tiempo en Ciudad Bolívar

El masivo matrimonio se llevó a cabo este sábado en el barrio Juan Pablo II, en el sur de Bogotá. Un tuitero compartió imágenes de esta boda colectiva. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 14:58 pulzo.com 8971816787824214659.html
Nordkorea über Trump: „Leichtsinniger alter Mann“

Nordkoreas Führung trotzt den Warnungen von US-Präsident Donald Trump im Streit um ihr Atomwaffenprogramm und attackiert Trump erneut verbal. Es gebe ...

9 Dec 16:44 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094328508775.html
AMLO: Que me refuten, hay bandera blanca en corrupción

AMLO dijo que se están regularizando la entrega de apoyos, porque no existían mecanismos para dar de manera directa a los beneficiarios

9 Dec 16:55 Regeneración 4314126176386643718.html
Arcelor Mittal, Patuanelli: “Il governo è pronto a intervenire”

Ex Ilva, dentro Cassa depositi e prestiti, Snam, il gruppo Arvedi di Cremona e Trieste e ArcelorMittal

9 Dec 09:14 Affari Italiani 6123405402790766583.html
Dlaczego nie aresztowano Durczoka? Jest zaskakujące uzasadnienie sądu: Powaga czynu bezdyskusyjna, ale prokurator nie wykazał obawy matactwa

"Prokurator przytoczył jedynie treść przepisów wskazujących na zaistnienie takich przesłanek, ale lakonicznie podał, że musi wykonać dalsze czynności procesowe z osobowych źródeł dowodowych"

9 Dec 16:19 wPolityce.pl 7847312538349037083.html
La Lotería, el popular juego de cartas mexicano que celebra el doodle de Google

El motor de búsqueda celebra los 250 años de la llegada del juego a México y que se ha convertido en uno de los más populares con una experiencia interactiva en la que participaron cinco ilustradores mexicanos.

9 Dec 15:55 T13 7836926440695802450.html
VISIATIV : nouveau plan stratégique début janvier et nomination d'un DG en charge des Opérations

Alors que l’exercice 2019 devrait conclure, avec un an d’avance, les objectifs du plan Next100, Visiativ présentera ses nouvelles ambitions et son plan stratégique Catalyst 2023, le 8 janvier 2020 à... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 17:16 Zonebourse 7946574378574426974.html
Presidente pede "medidas concretas" contra a corrupção

O presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, defendeu um "claro consenso nacional" no combate à corrupção e espera que "se traduza em medidas concretas" ainda nesta legislatura.

9 Dec 13:42 JN 6956494303382259466.html
eFootball PES 2020: Konami hat die kostenlose Lite-Version für Xbox One und PC veröffentlicht – PS4-Version erscheint in wenigen Tagen

Die Fußballsimulation "eFootball PES 2020" erscheint in einer kostenlosen Lite-Version für die Konsolen und den PC. Während die Free to Play-Fassung bereits für Xbox One und PC erhältlich ist, soll die PlayStation 4 am Mittwoch folgen.

9 Dec 12:36 play3.de 8301165838633580194.html
Babcock-sjef går over i en ny stilling

Hans Skog-Andersen skal over i en ny lederstilling i Babcock Aviation. Asgeir Nyseth tar over for Skog-Andersen som sjef for flyoperasjoner, skriver Babcock i en pressemelding.

9 Dec 14:37 NRK 3631390765542716153.html
Unidad Social llama a seguir movilizados ante la “sordera de las autoridades” e instala el “Campamento por la Dignidad de Chile”

Iniciaron la "ocupación indefinida" de la plaza que está frente al ex Congreso y los tribunales.

9 Dec 17:30 Publimetro Chile 2498685482664661254.html
Pinacoteca recebe exposição com obras inéditas de OSGemeos

É preciso apenas bater os olhos em uma das artes d’OSGemeos nos muros do Brasil ou do mundo, para identificar o traço da dupla de artistas brasileiros, que são sempre muito prestigiadas. Agora você vai ter a chance de ver algumas dessas obras de pertinho, em uma megaexposição com os coloridos e icônicos personagens da…

9 Dec 15:14 Hypeness 2377999435205309445.html
Sin DT, Atlético de San Luis regresó a los entrenamientos

Atlético de San Luis regresó a los entrenamientos tras su pausa vacacional sin la presencia de un nuevo entrenador. 

9 Dec 17:57 planodeportivo.com 1337713461659364890.html
Bruna Griphao posa de maiô cavadíssimo e impressiona

A atriz arrancou suspiros de seus seguidores

9 Dec 11:00 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428477253301.html
Mehr als 2000 Koalas in Australien verbrannt

Bei den Buschbränden in Australien sind laut Schätzungen von Experten seit Oktober mittlerweile mehr als 2000 Koalas verbrannt.

9 Dec 10:45 miss 1375730020267831592.html
Un simple organisme unicellulaire est capable de prendre des décisions... et de changer d'avis

Les organismes unicellulaires sont associés à des modes de fonctionnement « primitifs ». Mais une étude vient confirmer une découverte plus ancienne : certains de ces organismes peuvent s'avérer bien plus sophistiqués que cela.

9 Dec 13:59 Numerama 6854655182041429415.html
La Hulpe: deux individus armés braquent un magasin dans le centre

Un braquage a été perpétré dimanche en fin de soirée dans un magasin d'alimentation du centre de La Hulpe, a-t-on appris lundi auprès du parquet ...

9 Dec 17:41 RTL Info 5478130074175402505.html
Operação Faroeste: Corregedoria Nacional de Justiça se instala no TJ-BA

A inspeção da Corregedoria Nacional de Justiça, órgão do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, foi determinada no Tribunal da Bahia através da Portaria nº 34, de 2 de setembro; dois meses antes do estouro da Faroeste.

9 Dec 17:52 BAHIA NO AR 8652507714145228907.html
Silvio Orlando: “Paolo Sorrentino ha il film in testa, tu puoi solo rovinarlo"

L'attore napoletano si racconta: “Ho perso mamma a 9 anni. Al funerale papà mi faceva le facce buffe. La comicità mi ha salvato"

9 Dec 11:26 L'HuffPost 5315551424072971893.html
Netflix maakt releasedatum van vierde seizoen ‘La casa de papel’ bekend

De fans van ‘La casa de papel’ kunnen weer beginnen aftellen, want Netflix heeft de releasedatum bekendgemaakt van zijn populaire Spaanse serie. Het vierde...

9 Dec 08:53 Het Nieuwsblad 1952359191113319357.html
Child Poverty Monitor: Big, bold, permanent change needed

Big, bold, permanent change needed to reduce child poverty

9 Dec 16:34 SCOOP 5315658998855454358.html
Art Basel Miami Beach 2019: Thom Browne Makes His Artist Debut

Thom Browne talks painting and his fine art exploration during Art Basel Miami Beach 2019.

9 Dec 11:30 WWD 5490910668928080881.html
Il diritto di essere un hater - feltri: non esiste il reato di odio per cui ciascuno di noi puo'...


9 Dec 15:49 DAGOSPIA 6533336739264079982.html
Testspiel-Fahrplan für ÖFB-Nationalteam steht

Der Fahrplan für die Österreichs Fußball-Nationalteam der Herren vor der EURO 2020 ist nun mit zwei Auswärtsspielen in Wales (27. März) und Tschechien (7. Juni) komplett. Bereits zuvor waren Heimspiele am 30. März gegen die Türkei und am 2. Juni gegen England jeweils im Wiener Ernst-Happel-Stadion fixiert worden. Die ÖFB-Equipe eröffnet den Testspiel-Reigen in Wales […]

9 Dec 11:45 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170584516182.html
Fotballradioen: «Dette blir bare vondt»

Jesper Mathisen og Marius Johnsen om skjebnekampen, Tom Nordlie og Starts sjanser på Åråsen onsdag.

9 Dec 13:52 Aftenbladet 8753034803294129089.html
Funcionaria de la Alcaldía cruceña es investigada por la venta de ítems

Santa Cruz.- La Secretaría municipal de la Alcaldía cruceña, está investigando a una funcionaria bajo la sospecha de haber estafado a cinco personas, a quienes les habría vendido ítems de la Alcaldía por dos mil dolares. Los ítems serían cuatro de salud y una la Defensoría. La funcionaria denunciada trabajaría en el Secretaría de Empresas

9 Dec 15:48 eju.tv 4688901769664093560.html
2,000 people from over 100 countries will become Irish citizens today

Such ceremonies were put on hold after a High Court ruling in July.

9 Dec 08:55 TheJournal.ie 6446904417110637933.html
El día 10 de diciembre habrá un Nintendo Direct con novedades de juegos indie para Nintendo Switch

Tendrá una duración de cerca de 20 minutos y contará con la presencia de novedades indie jugables para la plataforma. Nintendo ha anunciado este mismo mediodía que mañana día 10 de diciembre habrá un Indie World en el que presentarán...

9 Dec 16:12 3DJuegos 3383023118641462068.html
Nieuwe liefde voor ‘Temptation’ Sidney

Midden september raakte bekend dat het Nederlandse ‘Temptation Island’-koppel Demi Rutting en Sidney Bout niet langer samen was. Al heeft Sidney daar niet bepaald lang om getreurd, want ondertussen...

9 Dec 10:30 HLN 8967494996676322323.html
The 100 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now

With so much dropping and popping up on the service—sometimes with little notice, rhyme or reason—let us help you find the best movies on Netflix right now.

9 Dec 17:30 Paste Magazine 2077921860061659114.html
Arriva Vitek e la Raggi si decide: lo Stadio della Roma si farà

Il ceco è pronto ad acquistare i terreni di Tor di Valle ed il progetto dell'impianto

9 Dec 10:12 Forzaroma.info 1065617486282492635.html
A 34 ans, Sanna Marin devient la plus jeune Première ministre de Finlande

Sanna Marin est devenue dimanche, à 34 ans, la plus jeune Première ministre de Finlande.

9 Dec 13:43 Challenges 1086714997977658541.html
Prince William bientôt nommé Roi ? Voici ce qu'il se passerait si le prince Charles décidait d'abdiquer en sa faveur

Alors que le prince William est second sur la liste des héritiers au trône, que se passerait-il si le prince Charles décidait d'abdiquer en sa faveur ?

9 Dec 14:00 melty 8059025069654633787.html
Como enviar um texto do PC para o celular com o Chrome

Novo recurso do Chrome permite enviar um texto visto no PC para o seu celular com o Android. Saiba como usá-lo!

9 Dec 13:42 Olhar Digital 416591716272471589.html
Como enviar um texto do PC para o celular com o Chrome

Novo recurso do Chrome permite enviar um texto visto no PC para o seu celular com o Android. Saiba como usá-lo!

9 Dec 13:42 Olhar Digital 416591715795033039.html
Júlia Pinheiro

Júlia Pinheiro recorda momento marcante que viveu em cima do palco em texto emotivo.

9 Dec 08:00 Revista VIP 3507812779783806098.html
Mps, Morgan Stanley: due scenari per cedere 11 mld di npe

Il secondo va scartato: una cessione ai prezzi di mercato implicherebbe un deficit di 1,5-2,5 mld di euro, eroderebbe il Cet1 di 160-300 pb e farebbe...

9 Dec 12:45 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743514039442.html
Andy Whyment reveals I’m A Celebrity Brexit ban

There was one topic that was not up for discussion in the jungle camp.

9 Dec 09:48 Breaking News 4415806918973138640.html
Bioshock is back, says 2K Games

Yes, the rumors are true: 2K Games is working on yet another entry in the BioShock series. Come on, you knew 2K Games wasn’t about to let one of its most acclaimed franchises stagnate forever. Today, 2K announced the founding of Cloud Chamber, its newest development studio. This team of storytellers has begun work on the next […]

9 Dec 17:37 The Next Web 3990801509968232478.html
Cinco muertos por erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Cinco muertos por erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

9 Dec 09:51 LaPatilla.com 9104603010678152604.html
Cotton Reboot delayed again, pushed back to summer 2020

Japanese developer Beep has announced that its old-school shmup Cotton! Reboot has slipped from its spring 2020 release window, and is now expected to launch in the summer.Cotton Reboot was originally announced back in May, and is a modern-...

9 Dec 15:30 Destructoid 5545714966391066079.html
Cazado ebrio un chófer de autocar de una línea regular de Tarragona

Los Mossos interceptaron el vehículo tras observar que estaba haciendo eses y ocupaba el carril contrario

9 Dec 13:20 elPeriodico 7291954034652211144.html
Miss Zuid-Afrika wint Miss Universe 2019


9 Dec 11:43 FunX 667513811976157733.html
La CEPAC lance une nouvelle carte bancaire en partenariat avec... l'OM

Les Marseillais sont de véritables passionnés comme peut en témoigner l’importance accordée aux résultats de leur équipe préférée. Jacques-Henri Eyraud, le président de l’Olympique de Marseille, aime ainsi à rappeler que "le club, qui occupe une place toute particulière, a une responsabilité sociale. Quand l’OM gagne, c’est toute une ville qui est à l’unisson", affirme-t-il régulièrement. De très nombreux supporters marseillais apprécient ainsi avoir des objets divers et variés aux couleurs olympiennes.

9 Dec 13:09 LaProvence 1839381421481331025.html
SEA Games 2019: Badminton medal tally and standings

The Badminton tournament wrapped up on Day 9 of the 2019 SEA Games, with Indonesia and Malaysia dominating proceedings. While their gold medals failed to threaten the Philippines at the top, they may eventually have an effect on the mid-table standings. Here’s what the mini-Badminton tally shapes up like. 

9 Dec 09:18 FOX Sports Asia 3082304906472786164.html
Artistas del Cauca se unieron al “Canto por Colombia”

En el Parque Francisco José de Caldas se realizó un concierto en el que participaron agrupaciones y solistas de diferentes municipios del departamento.

9 Dec 12:17 W Radio 7724358829442437339.html
Amazon is opening a new office in New York City. Here are 11 mind-blowing facts that show just how wealthy CEO Jeff Bezos really is., Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Worth an estimated $109 billion, Bezos is so rich that an average American spending $1 is comparable to the Amazon CEO spending $1.2 million.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:24 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757264746693.html
Se revela la colección SWSH2 Rebellion Crash del JCC de Pokémon

Nos llegan buenas noticias para los coleccionista y/o jugadores del Juego de cartas Coleccionables de Pokémon (JCC). El segundo set principal del JCC de Pokémon Espada y Escudo, SWSH2, ha sido revelado y estos son todos los detalles que se han compartido: El nombre de la expansión es Rebellion Crash. Este set está formado por […]

9 Dec 11:45 Nintenderos 2555436002909834498.html
Dica: Como bloquear a escrita em qualquer pen USB no Windows 10

Estes pequenos gadgets ajudam qualquer utilizador no momento de partilhar ficheiros ou simplesmente de os levar para outro computador. Mesmo com toda esta simplicidade, muitos podem querer limitar a sua utilização. Veja como deve agir quando quiser bloquear uma pen USB contra a escrita no Windows 10.

9 Dec 10:00 Pplware 5187268351744580447.html
Dopage: les sanctions de l'AMA témoignent d'une "hystérie antirusse", estime le Premier ministre russe

L'exclusion de la Russie pour quatre ans des Jeux olympiques par l'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) relève d'une "hystérie antirusse", a jugé lundi son Premier ministre tout en reconnaissant des "problèmes sérieux" de dopage dans le sport russe.

9 Dec 13:12 Challenges 1086714998022871688.html
Alitalia fecha novembro com crescimento de 5% na receita de passageiros

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 13:08 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645986922276294.html
Pemain Timnas U-22 Ini Siap Cetak Sejarah...

Gelandang Timnas U-22 Sani Rizki Fauzi menyatakan siap mencetak sejarah untuk timnas sepak bola pada SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 17:22 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164834647309289.html
Market watch: Index ends in red amid lack of triggers

Benchm­ark index decrea­ses 289.44 points to settle at 40,442.81

9 Dec 14:04 The Express Tribune 1105816787241406110.html
El Zoo de Berlín revela el sexo y nombres de sus dos osos pandas nacidos cautividad (Fotos)

El Zoo de Berlín revela el sexo y nombres de sus dos osos pandas nacidos cautividad (Fotos)

9 Dec 11:06 LaPatilla.com 9104603009931368741.html
A court terme, Renault semble en avoir plus sous le capot en Bourse que PSA - DJ Plus

Retrouvez les actualités des grands financiers : Warren Buffett, Richard Branson, Vincent Bolloré, Bernard Arnault, Albert Frère, François Pinault et bien d'autres. : 'A court terme, Renault semble en avoir plus sous le capot en Bourse que PSA - DJ Plus'.

9 Dec 11:32 Zonebourse 7946574377124573635.html
Ukraine : Poutine et Zelensky dialoguent, sans se mettre d'accord

Les présidents russe et ukrainien, réunis à l'Élysée par Emmanuel Macron, ont acté leurs divergences et ont promis de se revoir dans quatre mois.

9 Dec 16:38 Le Point 1094305424476526650.html
Sturz mit E-Scooter: 28-Jähriger schwer verletzt

Die Kontrolle über seinen E-Scooter verloren hat am Sonntag Abend ein Ungar (28) in Innsbruck. Er stürzte, war kurzfristig bewusstlos und wurde in ...

9 Dec 09:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093485915601.html
Carmen Yulín Cruz viaja a Miami para reunirse con las compañías de cruceros

La alcaldesa de San Juan intenta evitar que los barcos cancelen sus visitas a la capital

9 Dec 17:34 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309999469649.html
Vivemos uma ‘psicopatia difusa’ na política brasileira, diz Contardo Calligaris

PUBLICADO NO UNISINOS Dor de amor, dor de rejeição, dor de desânimo. Queixas semelhantes podem ser trazidas por diversas pessoas, mas cada vivência será diferente. Décadas de prática no consultório não fizeram que o psicanalista, ensaísta e escritor Contardo Calligaris deixasse de se surpreender com as falas dos pacientes. Sua escuta é fundamentada no imprevisível e singular […]

9 Dec 15:39 Diário do Centro do Mundo 8972917268869305277.html
"Libra" zum Schweizer Finanzwort des Jahres 2019 gekürt

Die von Facebook lancierte Kryptowährung "Libra" ist zum Schweizer Finanzwort des Jahres 2019 gekürt worden. Eine Jury hat das für 2020 geplante Zahlungsmittel unter mehr als 250 Einsendungen zum Sieger erkoren.

9 Dec 09:05 bz BASEL 5287163743402372231.html
Microsueños han dejado 13 muertos en accidentes de tránsito en el Valle

Un microsueño habría sido la causa del trágico accidente ocurrido este fin de semana en el centro del Valle, que involucró a un bus que transportaba hinchas del América de Cali y dejó dos personas fallecidas y 13 más heridas (ver nota secundaria). Y es que según informaron las autoridades, este sería el segundo siniestro que se produce en las vías del departamento en menos de una semana por esa misma razón. El anterior se produjo en la vía que comunica a Andalucía con El Cerrito, cuando una camioneta chocó fuertemente con un árbol de gran magnitud. En los hechos, tres personas fallecieron y un menor de edad resultó herido.El teniente coronel Hernán Carvajal, jefe de la seccional de Tránsito y Transporte de la Policía en el Valle del Cauca, señaló que en lo que va corrido del año se han presentando en las vías del departamento 22 accidentes por este factor, que han dejado como saldo 13 muertos y 41 lesionados. “Los microsueños se producen porque, generalmente, los conductores no han descansado lo suficiente en…

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347284742627.html
Flughafen Frankfurt: Helikopter muss notlanden – und ausgerechnet ER ist an Bord

Ein Helikopter mit Bundesinnenminister Horst Seehofer (70, CSU) an Bord hat am Sonntag am Flughafen Frankfurt notlanden müssen.

9 Dec 17:13 www.derwesten.de 5765995667001291020.html
Israël: Prochaines élections le 2 mars en l'absence de gouvernement

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Les deux principaux partis politiques israéliens, le Likoud de Benjamin Netanyahu et le parti Bleu et Blanc de Benny Gantz, sont convenus lundi d'organiser les prochaines élections législatives en Israël le 2 mars 2020, à moins d'un accord de dernière minute pour gouverner conjointement.

9 Dec 14:28 Challenges 1086714996520718116.html
Disquete com a assinatura de Steve Jobs vendida por mais de 75 mil euros

A RR Auction levou a leilão um produto extremamente raro e de grande interesse para os fãs do fundador da Apple. Em causa está uma disquete com a...

9 Dec 15:37 4gnews 1809086878590058826.html
PNV cree "terrible" que Álvarez de Toledo afirme que el momento político es "peor que cuando ETA mataba"

El portavoz del PNV en el Congreso de los Diputados, Aitor Esteban, ha calificado de "terribles" y con "cierto tinte de fanatismo" las declaraciones de la...

9 Dec 17:53 Europa Press 4702666148456220980.html
Gala dos Campeões no Olga Cadaval

O evento tem como propósito, reconhecer os sucessos alcançados pelos atletas residentes no concelho de Sintra, a nível individual, coletivo, clubes ou outras entidades desportivas.

9 Dec 13:13 Sintra Notícias 7807008823877487759.html
Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019: What does it do, why is it seen as a problem

The Bill,seeks to amend the definition of illegal immigrant for Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christian immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who have lived in India without documentation.

9 Dec 08:02 The Economic Times 7653256037427001691.html
Viúva de Chris Cornell está processando o Soundgarden na justiça

Vicky Cornell, viúva de Chris Cornell, está processando o Soundgarden por conta de músicas inéditas, royalties e vocais deixados pelo músico.

9 Dec 16:27 Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos! 1228046711658614726.html
Novo BioShock já estava em desenvolvimento há quatro anos, afirma site

O quarto título da franquia teve sua produção iniciada em 2015, mas ela foi reiniciada em 2017

9 Dec 16:54 The Enemy 7430632308158374728.html
Encuentran el cadáver de un feto de 13 semanas en el centro de Madrid

Un hombre encontró el cuerpo el pasado sábado cuando bajó a tirar la basura y avisó a la Policía

9 Dec 08:18 Cadena SER 8390941985103096212.html
Catalunya recupera 50 empresas que trasladaron su sede por la situación política

Fepime detalla que 440 empresas han trasladado su sede social fuera de Catalunya durante el primer semestre de 2019 frente a las 324 que se...

9 Dec 15:06 La Vanguardia 8061072698908220336.html
Hasil Shopee Liga 1: Persebaya Surabaya Bantai Bhayangkara FC 4-0

Persebaya Surabaya meraih kemenangan besar pada laga pekan ke-31 Liga 1 2019. Menghadapi Bhayangkara FC di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo, Minggu (8/12), Persebaya Surabaya meraih kemenangan telak 4-0.

9 Dec 09:47 merdeka.com 1998180354984134662.html
Dakar u Arabiji: Nema svinjetine, parovi da se uzdrže

Prvi put će Dakar reli biti održan u Saudijskoj Arabiji koja se vodi strogim islamskim zakonima. Zato će i vozači Dakar relija morati da poštuju pravila koja važe u toj totalitarističkoj zemlji.

9 Dec 15:05 Sport Klub 42251758142405115.html
Ce que les constructeurs automobile ont oublié dans la course aux véhicules électriques: le manque de clients

Le secteur est en train de réduire ses effectifs alors qu’il se prépare à la période où les voitures électriques vont dominer les rues. Mais qu’est-ce qui arriverait si les consommateurs n’étaient pas encore prêts ?

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695066878037561.html
How to create a classic old-school Reese bass sound

Designing an old-school Reese bass

9 Dec 13:10 MusicRadar 4787726359944808403.html
Ondo sacks 51 ghost workers in its workforce ― HoS

Fifty-one ghost workers have been discovered by the Ondo state government during the last verification exercise carried out to ascertain the workforce.

9 Dec 15:49 Vanguard News 4125100338759700282.html
Dubai airline Emirates to serve 500,000 Christmas meals

Enjoy festive turkey dinners and Christmas movie classics in the air this December

9 Dec 13:26 Time Out Dubai 1956550809819086010.html
Vendo Roma per farci un b&b. La prossima generazione vivrà in periferia

Ecco come Roma si è trasformata in un gigantesco bed and breakfast. Fenomeno "turistificazione": i residenti scappano dal Centro storico

9 Dec 13:56 Affari Italiani 6123405402355900283.html
Jual Narkoba Lewat PS 4, Kok Bisa Sih??

WE Online, Surakarta - Kemudahan dan keringkasan yang muncul bersamaan dengan perkembangan teknologi rawan disalahgunakan oleh penggunanya. Contohnya, baru-baru ini pengguna gim daring memakai konsol gim PlayStation (PS) untuk menjajakan narkoba. Duh, ada-ada saja!

9 Dec 12:19 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835351049956.html
Zderzenie audi z autobusem komunikacji miejskiej. Przez jednego z kierowców zablokowane było skrzyżowanie (zdjęcia)

Pomimo, że w zdarzeniu nikt nie ucierpiał, kierowca jednego z aut nie pozwolił na usunięcie pojazdów ze skrzyżowania. Co więcej, dzwonił na policję, że drugi uczestnik chce uciec.

9 Dec 12:16 lublin112.pl 6583157891814971346.html
Desmond Tutu de retour chez lui après six jours d’hospitalisation

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 16:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389364860983.html
Meghan Markle, foto imbarazzante affiora dal passato: «L’ho fatto per guadagnarmi da vivere»

Oggi Meghan Markle è duchessa di Sussex, fa parte della famiglia reale inglese. Un tempo però sognava di diventare attrice...

9 Dec 12:44 UrbanPost 2450570493285667692.html
La Clermontoise Florence Beynel se prépare pour le Marathon des sables en avril prochain

Florence Beynel, infirmière à l’hôpital Sainte-Marie de Clermont-Ferrand, réalise ses rêves à travers sa passion pour le trail. Qui pourrait la mener au Maroc en avril prochain...

9 Dec 13:59 La Montagne 1201252481301670493.html
Le Bélier : négociation pour un transfert de bloc majoritaire

Le Bélier annonce que ses actionnaires majoritaires sont entrés en négociation exclusive pour une possible cession de leur participation majoritaire de près de 62% du capital au groupe chinois Wencan,... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 13:37 Zonebourse 7946574377424063871.html
Arabie saoudite: fin des entrées séparées pour les femmes dans les restaurants

Jusqu’à maintenant, les restaurants saoudiens devaient prévoir deux entrées, une...

9 Dec 13:01 LA VDN 5307415663219375887.html
IFJ: Ove godine ubijeno daleko manje novinara nego 2018.

BRISEL - Međunarodna federacija novinara (IFJ) saopštila je danas da je ove godine ubijeno daleko manje novinara u poređenju sa prošlom godinom, ali i

9 Dec 16:14 Krstarica 4176903989209971346.html
Juventus Turin : Cristiano Ronaldo regrette le Real Madrid à cause de Lionel Messi

Cristiano Ronaldo, la star portugaise de la Juventus Turin, a décidé de quitter le Real Madrid il y a un an et demi maintenant.

9 Dec 17:30 But! Football Club 8933769921561247352.html
Mağlup olabiliriz ama asla yenilmeyiz

Bursaspor Teknik Direktörü Yalçın Koşukavak, Giresunspor mağlubiyetini değerlendirip taraftardan özür diledi.

9 Dec 09:24 OLAY 7935247625823098163.html
Cuáles serán las primeras medidas económicas de Alberto Fernández

El futuro presidente y su equipo delinean un paquete de medidas que apuntan a reactivar el consumo.

9 Dec 17:32 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204481448724680.html
Meghan Markle: Geheimes Foto aufgetaucht – es beweist, Meghan war eine...

Meghan Markle: Dieses Foto war bislang unter Beschluss. Es zeigt, dass Meghan Markle eine...

9 Dec 10:23 Thüringen24 7206317295563323508.html
18 yo Pregnant M’sian Teen Mercilessly Beaten By BF’s Gang As He Refused To Take Responsibility

Even though she was five months pregnant, the victim was completely trashed and left by the road dripping with blood. Reported in Harian Metro, the 18-year-old teen was tortured by her own boyfriend, also 18, along with his two friends in the alley behind Vocational College Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. The…

9 Dec 08:43 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116578890703383.html
'La Casa de Papel' ya tiene fecha de regreso

Netflix anuncia el día de la vuelta de la popular serie

9 Dec 12:23 Las Provincias 5471838389085938940.html
‘Terminator’-Inspired NES Game “Journey to Silius” Being Added to Switch Online!

After a few months hiatus, Switch Online is being updated this Thursday, December 12th with six classic Nintendo and Super NES games. However, the highlight is Journey to Silius, in which you play Jay, who is on a run and gun mission to take down the mechanical army responsible for his father’s death. In the […]

9 Dec 15:34 Bloody Disgusting 5613834127161288099.html
In deze winterbar eet je je buik rond met kaas

Raclette, fondue, een kaasplankje… loopt het water al in de mond bij het horen van deze Heilige Drievuldigheid? Rep je dan snel naar Antwerpen, waar je bij WINTAR allerlei kaasgerechten kan bestellen. Geef toe, er gaat niks boven (gesmolten) kaas na een stevige winterwandeling. WINTAR, een culinaire pop-upwinterbar in de voormalige opslagplaats van de Stadsbrouwerij,

9 Dec 11:00 Zita 7484176338637338243.html
Kenya spent Sh437m in Amina's lobby for AU job

Kenya spent Sh437.7 million in its failed bid to capture the African Union Commission chairmanship.

9 Dec 09:00 Daily Nation 7421817125412070705.html
Barcellona, Valverde lascia a casa Piqué e Messi: i 20 convocati per Milano

Lionel Messi non prende il volo per Milano, e come lui anche Gerard Piqué. Ernesto Valverde lascia a casa l'asso argentino per l'ultimo match di Champions League in programma...

9 Dec 13:22 FcInterNews.it 7848284893271320095.html
Trailer Perdana Wonder Woman 1984: Konflik Perang Dingin dan Pertemuan ‘Kawan' Lama

WE Online, Jakarta - Yang ditunggu-tunggu datang juga! Wonder Woman 1984 baru saja merilis trailer perdananya dalam gelaran Comic Con Experience (CCXP) 2019. Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) sang Wonder Woman beraksi pada era Perang Dingin tahun 1980-an.

9 Dec 10:17 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835093028279.html
Cenizas de muertos de las que nacerán los árboles

En el marco del primer aniversario del Club de Emprendedores de esta ciudad, se desarrolló el tercer concurso de ideas innovadoras “Inn-Oberá”. Luego de la selección de ocho finalistas, el jurado otorgó el primer...

9 Dec 11:06 Primera Edición 6803897642414565975.html
Ni el tiro del final: Riquelme terminó con el macrismo en Boca

Se terminó una etapa que comenzó con Macri hace 24 años. La lista de Jorge Amor Ameal se impuso por amplio margen sobre la que apoyaba Daniel Angelici.

9 Dec 09:49 INFOnews 187467003638081297.html
- De dysser ned en nasjonal krise

SV krever at Erna Solberg umiddelbart orienterer Stortinget om krisa i nord. Men statsministeren peker på Bent Høie.

9 Dec 14:47 Dagbladet.no 3042595687909090588.html
Bharat Bond ETF to open this week: check date, investment, return, other details

The Bharat Bond ETF will have a base size of Rs 7,000 crore, with a green shoe option of additional Rs 8,000 crore. Retail investors can invest with the minimum investment amount of Rs 1,000 and in multiples of Rs 1,000 thereafter

9 Dec 16:25 Business Today 1145527430842865748.html
Wales to begin Euro 2020 build-up with Austria friendly

The Dragons line-up against Italy, Switzerland and Turkey in Group A this summer.

9 Dec 12:44 Express & Star 7324224459104245797.html
Guvernul Orban a decis soarta pensiilor speciale. Anunț de ultim moment

PNL a decis, luni, să susţină desfiinţarea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor ale militarilor şi magistraţilor, a anunţat vicepremierul Raluca Turcan, la finalul şedinţei Biroului Executiv al partidului. "Am luat decizia ca PNL să susţină anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia pensiilor militarilor şi magistraţilor care deja au o decizie a CCR. În felul acesta se elimină o inechitate crasă în sistem, sunt aproape 9 miliarde de euro pe an care sunt cheltuite de statul român cu pensiile speciale şi dorim ca, în paralel cu anularea unor privilegii care sunt date pe criterii discriminatorii, să venim cu o lege a pensiilor care să elimine inechităţile din sistem prin stabilirea ca punct de plecare în calcularea pensiilor a principiului contributivităţii", a precizat Turcan.

9 Dec 09:58 www.antena3.ro 6332542758783755557.html
„Wir sehen das Land gut gewappnet“

Im Kampf gegen die Afrikanische Schweinepest steht in NRW nun vorsorglich eine Einheit bereit. Der Virus ist insbesondere für Tiere gefährlich – Präventionsmaßnahmen sollen den Ausbruch der Krankheit verhindern.

9 Dec 12:52 DIE WELT 6197693427961252203.html
Vercauteren verliest het geloof niet in Play-Off 1: “Mathematisch nog mogelijk”

RSC Anderlecht speelde 0-0 gelijk tegen Sporting Charleroi. Na afloop reageerde Frank Vercauteren tegenover Het Laatste Nieuws over de zoutloze puntendeling.

9 Dec 08:26 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216070401030.html
"Hohe Hürde": KPÖ tritt im Burgenland nicht an

Im östlichsten Bundesland müssen, um überall antreten zu können, fast doppelt so viele Unterstützungserklärungen gesammelt werden wie bei einer Nationalratswahl.

9 Dec 09:40 Die Presse 6242788854789470621.html
Pati Patni Aur Woh & Panipat Box Office Day 4 Advance Booking: Both Experience A Huge Drop On Monday

Pati Patni Aur Woh & Panipat released at the Box Office the previous Friday. While PPAW starring Kartik Aaryan, Ananya Panday & Bhumi Pednekar opened well and continued on Saturday and Sunday

9 Dec 13:11 Koimoi 5184275670099682587.html
Tamil Nadu: At this store, buy a smartphone, get 1 kg onion free

Saravana Kumar (35), who runs the shop in Thalaiyari Street in Pattukotai, said the strategy had paid off and earned him lots of customers in the past few days. “Generally mobile shops tend to give charger or earphones as an offer during the festive season. I tried something out of the box and it worked," he said.

9 Dec 15:16 The Indian Express 2885715104718132187.html
Danas slavimo Svetog Alimpija: Živeo je na groblju i ljudi su mu dolazili po utehu, evo šta danas NIKAKO ne smete da radite

SRPSKA pravoslavna crkva 9. decembra po novom kalendaru obeležava praznik posvećen Prepodobnom Alimpiju Stolpniku.

9 Dec 08:39 REPUBLIKA 2543998406705217755.html
‘Modern Family’ Photos: The Cast Gets Decked Out In Onesies For Final Christmas Episode

HollywoodLife is exclusively debuting new photos from 'Modern Family's final Christmas episode.

9 Dec 17:00 Hollywood Life 1852895045892045712.html
‘Modern Family’ Photos: The Cast Gets Decked Out In Onesies For Final Christmas Episode

HollywoodLife is exclusively debuting new photos from 'Modern Family's final Christmas episode.

9 Dec 17:00 Hollywood Life 1852895046456562094.html
Ranji Trophy: A day of intense drama and action

Karnataka makes the most of a horrendous fielding display by Tamil Nadu

9 Dec 17:24 The Hindu 6679535026336034016.html
"Operación Milán": En España revelan que Barcelona e Inter se reunieron para afinar el trueque Vidal-Lautaro

El Rey Arturo es el protagonista de la portada del diario Sport, que asegura que ambos clubes se reunieron el viernes para llevar a cabo la operación.

9 Dec 12:09 Publimetro Chile 2498685483107909506.html
Festival de Cine de Macao: una cita antes de las votaciones del Óscar

El evento también celebra una fecha muy especial: el 20 Aniversario desde que Portugal cedió al territorio de Macao a China, así como Gran Bretaña lo había hecho con Hong Kong.

9 Dec 15:43 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543867106902.html
Silvio Santos contesta vitória de mulher negra e é acusado de racismo

Apresentador mudou a regra do quadro, tirou o prêmio que seria de uma cantora negra e elegeu quem achou mais bonita: uma mulher branca

9 Dec 17:19 CartaCapital 2483507008951088584.html
Netflix domina las nominaciones de los Globos de Oro 2020

Esta mañana se dieron a conocer las nominaciones de la 77 edición de los Globos de Oro, que se llevarán a cabo en enero del próximo año.

9 Dec 17:21 Prensa Libre 5433015257779573784.html
Ministerio de Educación premió a los mejores estudiantes del país

El reconocimiento se entregó a los ganadores de las pruebas Supérate con el Saber 2019.

9 Dec 11:53 El Tiempo 1091719939393313337.html
¿Fiorella Rodríguez ya vive junto a su novio?

Fiorella Rodríguez encontró nuevamente el amor con Jean Pierre Diaz.

9 Dec 16:46 Wapa.pe 6757287089059451677.html
“Polemiche incomprensibili, non fanno bene” (Conte)

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – “La riduzione dello spread è importante perché comporta un ingente recupero di risorse grazie alla minore spesa per gli interessi. Questo può contribuire a favorire gli investimenti riducendo il costo del credito. E’ chiaro che le polemiche e il dibattito pubblico particolarmente vivo e incentrato su aspetti che appaiono incomprensibili […]

9 Dec 11:19 Askanews 298649741268809075.html
Look dramático e cabelo frisado: o estilo de Paolla Oliveira em baile de gala

Paolla Oliveira escolheu um vestido dramático com mangas estruturadas e cabelo frisado para prestigiar o evento de gala Natalia Beauty, no Palácio Tangará, em São Paulo, na noite deste domingo (08). A...

9 Dec 12:25 Purepeople 5674914090277636735.html
Paul Volcker dies at 92

Paul Volcker, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve under Presidents Carter and Reagan who later played a role in the Obama administration's response to the financial crisis of 2009, has died at

9 Dec 14:06 TheHill 355432919286238854.html
4 tendências do street style gringo que ainda prometem chegar para o verão

A maioria das trends de moda vêm do exterior. Além das passarelas, o street style das fashion weeks também mostra quais peças, sapatos, acessórios, cores e estampas prometem bombar na próxima temporad...

9 Dec 12:06 Purepeople 5674914089666777219.html
Pretres u lovačkom udruženju u Kotor Varošu, oduzete dozvole za lov

BANJALUKA – Banjalučka policija izvršila je u petak pretres poslovnih prostorija lovačkog udruženja koje se nalazi u Кotor Varošu, te su izuzeli dozvole za lov.

9 Dec 09:40 Nezavisne novine 4209150642871752689.html
BHEL recruitment through interview: Salary up to Rs 66,000; diploma holders can apply too

BHEL recruitment: Candidates will be hired for a two-year contract. Interested can apply at the official website, careers.bhel.in by December 21, 8 pm. The last date to submit the application form by post is December 31.

9 Dec 15:13 The Indian Express 2885715104952950053.html
Marriage Story lidera corrida aos Globos de Ouro com seis nomeações

A Apple Inc também conseguiu as suas primeiras nomeações, com The Morning Show, que conseguiu nomeações de Jennifer Aniston e de Reese Witherspoon.  - Lifestyle , Flash.

9 Dec 14:28 FLASH! 6162141176465977550.html
Hündin Sofi wird vermisst

Tiersuche in Marchegg im Bezirk Gänserndorf: Hündin Sofi ist seit 11. Oktober abgängig! 

9 Dec 11:14 NÖN.at 2486998932067329923.html
Ivre, il fracture une voiture devant le commissariat de Riom

Dans la nuit du samedi 7 au dimanche 8 décembre, un Puydômois en état d'ébriété a tenté de subtiliser une roue dans un véhicule stationné devant le commissariat de Riom. Il a été interpellé par une patrouille de police.

9 Dec 17:51 La République du Centre 8268594752075296185.html
USD/CAD Technical Analysis: Bulls gearing up for a move towards reclaiming 1.3300 handle

The USD/CAD pair extended its sideways consolidative price action through the mid-European session on Monday and remains confined in a narrow trading

9 Dec 11:49 FXStreet 4480975639043310054.html
Ljudsko telo ne stari u kontinuitetu, već u fazama

Biološko starenje tela događa se tri puta u toku života, i to u 34, 60 i 78.godini života, pokazuje novo...

9 Dec 16:50 N1 Srbija 7797130866501214376.html
Empleados de comercio piden reabrir paritarias y un aumento del 22%

La Federación Argentina de Empleados de Comercio y Servicios reclamó la reapertura de las negociaciones paritarias para acordar

9 Dec 13:02 Primera Edición 6803897642060343037.html
Fifa divulga bola oficial que Flamengo e Liverpool vão usar no Mundial de Clubes

A Fifa divulgou as imagens da bola oficial que será utilizada no Mundial de Clubes, que será disputada no Qatar entre 11 e 21 de dezembro. O objeto permanece em branco, mas com detalhes em preto,...

9 Dec 13:24 Extra Online 8149543649921380046.html
Voici les sanctions requises par le Parquet à l'encontre de Paul-José Mpoku et Mehdi Carcela

Le Parquet de l'Union belge a présenté ce lundi ses propositions de sanctions à l'encontre des deux joueurs du Standard exclus lors du match ...

9 Dec 13:22 RTL sport 5478130075419986223.html
Ameal: "Militamos durante años y siempre me opuse a las Sociedades Anónimas"

Quién es y qué proyectos tiene el nuevo presidente xeneize.

9 Dec 12:51 El Ancasti 5864462412261472431.html
Massacro del Circeo/ Sorella Rosaria Lopez: “Izzo? Se esce di galera, faccio casino”

Massacro del Circeo, la sorella di Rosaria Lopez torna sul dramma del 1976 e su Angelo Izzo: "Non accetterò che uno degli assassini torni libero".

9 Dec 13:27 IlSussidiario 495412294012407863.html
Lozano respondió a Bengoechea por críticar VAR en Juliaca

El presidente de la Federación Peruana de Fútbol fue categórico en referencia a lo dicho por el director técnico de Alianza Lima. “No es correcto tirarle barro a los árbitros, mucho más que venga de alguien que no es peruano”, dijo

9 Dec 13:53 Publimetro Perú 5349571042766954887.html
Žalil in pretepel partnerko ter grozil, da bo zažgal stanovanje

Črnomaljske policiste so ponoči poklicali na pomoč iz okolice Črnomlja, kjer naj bi moški izvajal nasilje nad partnerko. Ugotovili so, da se je...

9 Dec 14:00 Dolenjski list 119924280756794514.html
Ex-VP Wamalwa’s son dies in Kitale

Family suspects Makali died of diabetes complications.

9 Dec 08:08 Daily Nation 7421817124957409173.html
Ozzy Osbourne Knighthood Petition Reaches 19,000 Signatures

Sign the petition for Ozzy Osbourne to receive a knighthood

9 Dec 14:34 Kerrang! 370418008447043779.html
La cuarta temporada de La Casa de Papel ya tiene fecha

Ayer de anunció la esperada fecha de estreno de la cuarta temporada de La Casa de Papel. Tras el suspense con el que terminaba la anterior entrega, Netflix ha anunciado durante la Comic Con de Brasil el día en el que veremos la continuación del atraco al Banco de España. La cuarta temporada de La Casa de Papel estará disponible en todo el mundo el próximo 3 de abril sólo en Netflix.

9 Dec 11:17 SomosXbox 4635940034933556554.html
La 4T busca nuevos destinos comerciales en el mundo: Luz María de la Mora

Negocia extender lazos con Argentina, Brasil, UE y el Pacífico; prevé ampliar intercambio en caso de no aprobarse el T-MEC

9 Dec 08:47 El Universal 4964748197343480841.html
Peritos encontram indícios de práticas ilícitas na vendas de produtos no BES e Banif

Os peritos da Ordem dos Advogados que analisaram as reclamações de lesados do BES e do Banif disseram, esta segunda-feira, aos jornalistas que encontraram indícios de práticas ilícitas na venda de produtos financeiros por aqueles bancos

9 Dec 15:23 JN 6956494304095662662.html
Samsung bleibt im TV-Bereich auch im dritten Quartal 2019 der Marktführer

Samsung ist im TV-Segment auch im dritten Quartal 2019 der Marktführer - zumindest wenn man auf die Auslieferungsmengen blickt. Allerdings ...

9 Dec 12:15 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777575125526634.html
Boom Fineco Bank: in crescita la raccolta netta dell’87%

Fineco Bank: è boom di capitali investiti e di nuovi clienti che aprono il Conto Fineco. Ecco i dettagli.

9 Dec 13:30 Trend Online 3268043280441936919.html
Wind: la promozione riserva l’accesso ad oltre 100 giga di traffico

Wind, la promozione che riserva agli utenti 100 giga di traffico dati può davvero essere una piacevole sorpresa da attivare subito.

9 Dec 10:00 tecnoandroid 2573257126937477971.html
Suzi Ruffell review – smear tests, domestic bliss and ‘lesbian accoutrements’

A cool crowd warms to the standup’s animated stories, daft moves and disarming candour in Dance Like Everyone’s Watching

9 Dec 09:59 the Guardian 1491978795630057222.html
Affaire du trafic de faux billets : Les complices parlent et enfoncent Boughazelli…

XALIMANEWS : L’affaire du trafic de faux billets dont le député de la mouvance présidentielle Seydina Fall dit Boughazelli a été cité comme le cerveau du « gang », continue son chemin et toutes les déclarations enfoncent des complices encore l’ex parlementaire. .Les déclarations de O. Dione dit « Nguess », M. Diagne, M. Diop […]

9 Dec 08:35 Xalima.com 5303455892556645423.html
El Black Friday nos deja números de récord para los juegos de móviles y a 10 grandes triunfadores

Marvel Batalla de Superhéroes, Coin Master y Candy Crush Saga son los grandes triunfadores del período. El portal Sensor Tower, especializado en el mercado de los videojuegos para móviles, ha anunciado unos interesantes datos sobre el...

9 Dec 11:00 3DJuegos 3383023118291505393.html
GRAINS-Soybeans at 2-week high as China tariff waivers add to trade hopes

* Soybeans up for 5th session on hopes of U.S.-China deal * China to exempt some U.S. soybeans, pork from tariffs * Wheat eases, corn little changed ahead of USDA data (Updates with European trading, changes byline/dateline) By Gus Trompiz and Naveen Thukral PARIS/SINGAPORE, Dec 9 (Reuters) - Chicago soybean futures rose for a fifth straight session on Monday to their highest in almost two weeks, after China's announcement last week about tariff waivers for U.S. soybean and pork encouraged hopes of a trade agreement.

9 Dec 12:58 Successful Farming 8502642053806783724.html
Skechers' 'cool' value gives it room to run like Nike: Barron's

Shoemaker Skechers USA is expected to post earnings growth on pace with Nike over the next three years, giving its relatively low valuation a ...

9 Dec 10:05 CNA 5644198863798565097.html
Netflix confirmó la fecha de estreno de La Casa de Papel 4

La cuarta temporada de La casa de papel se estrenará en Netflix, que anunció en un inesperado video la fecha exacta en la que se podrán ver los nuevos capítulos: el 3 de abril de 2020.

9 Dec 11:30 Punto Biz 7504645526669262899.html
L’Essor Du Compostage Face Aux Limites De La Gestion Des Déchets Plastiques

La Fédération des entreprises du recyclage (Federec) vient de présenter les résultats de son observatoire statistique pour le marché du compostage et du...

9 Dec 16:00 Forbes France 3079663227086796277.html
Otan en emporte le vent mauvais

Méditation chancelante d’un pacifiste à l’heure où l’Alliance atlantique part en quenouille et où l’armée retrouve des galons, par ces sales temps où l’émotion gagne.

9 Dec 17:06 Libération.fr 4160113239295576356.html
Vietnam ministry may cut some tariffs on U.S. agriculture

Under pressure from the U.S., Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance is proposing to reduce tariffs on some American agriculture products, from chicken to apples.

9 Dec 17:45 Nhịp Cầu Đầu Tư 7727671809763115446.html
Como construir y edificar para el mundo que nos deparará el cambio climático en unos años

Ni un antifaz más negro que el armario de un gótico, ni unos auriculares sintonizando el sonido ambiente de un tablao flamenco. Pero es que ni si quiera...

9 Dec 12:00 Xataka 4719855497006863739.html
TIM: il servizio clienti di rete fissa al 187 risponde solo dall’Italia

Da oggi, 9 Dicembre 2019, tutti i call center del servizio clienti fisso di TIM al numero 187 risponderanno esclusivamente dall'Italia.

9 Dec 14:56 MondoMobileWeb.it | Telefonia | Offerte | Risparmio 5832461748999604529.html
Regjeringa må skjerpe seg - klimavennlige ferger må belønnes

Det er urimelig at fergetrafikantene skal betale for overgangen til klimavennlige ferger.

9 Dec 15:26 rbnett.no 7665098090735938640.html
Ministra Plá: "Chile no es un macho violador. Es un país que tempranamente, respecto al resto de Latinoamérica, ha puesto este tema sobre la mesa"

La ministra de la Mujer valoró además el colectivo Las Tesis, indicando que "ellas ponen un punto sobre la mesa que es clave entenderlo, porque si lo entendemos vamos a cambiar la cultura".

9 Dec 14:21 Publimetro Chile 2498685483125828830.html
Para la Libertadores: Junior, cerca de fichar a figura del Medellín

El cuadro 'tiburón' espera poder fortalecer su plantilla para hacer una buena campaña a nivel internacional.

9 Dec 13:21 Antena 2 310632178760510591.html
EXCLUSIVE: Tito Ortiz on 90% of UFC Fighters Not Making Money, 2 Losses to Chuck Lidell

Tito Ortiz opened up to VladTV about UFC fighters doing events several times a year, which he explained has changed since he started out with only ...

9 Dec 14:42 VLADTV 1404406305306072788.html
He vivido el futuro de Android: no uso cables en mi móvil desde hace meses

Ahora que Apple se plantea lanzar un iPhone sin conectores ni cables, algunos se empiezan a asustar. Esta es mi experiencia usando un móvil sin cables.

9 Dec 13:32 El Androide Libre 196740460846415793.html
2k anuncia Cloud Chamber, su nuevo estudio de desarrollo que trabajará en un título de BioShock

2K ha anunciado la creación de Cloud Chamber, un nuevo estudio que trabajará entre sus sedes en Estados Unidos y Canadá y que se encargará del desarrollo del...

9 Dec 13:25 Europa Press 4702666148174693205.html
DFB verlängert mit U21-Coach Kuntz

Stefan Kuntz hat seinen Vertrag als Trainer der deutschen U21-Nationalmannschaft vorzeitig verlängert. Das bestätigte der Deutsche Fußball-Bund (DFB) auf SID-Anfrage.

9 Dec 11:07 weltfussball.at 3521376371295988941.html
In Finlandia la premier più giovane del mondo: Sanna Marin, 34 anni

Sanna Marin, esponente dell'ala sinistra del partito socialdemocratico, è stata nominata primo ministro della Finlandia per prendere il posto del dimissionario Antti Rinne. Marin, attualmente ministro dei trasporti, sarà anche la più giovane premier finlandese di sempre. Guiderà una coalizione di governo composta da altri partiti guidati da donne.

9 Dec 09:58 fanpage.it 1517332168156698989.html
Butembo : début de la campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole

La campagne de vaccination contre la rougeole a été lancée officiellement à Butembo au Nord-Kivu lundi 9 décembre. Elle couvre dix-sept zones de santé de la région de Beni-Lubero, pour une durée de cinq jours. 

9 Dec 16:40 Radio Okapi 4444713483169400743.html
Commerce-Pékin espère un accord "le plus vite possible" avec Washington

Pékin espère conclure le plus vite possible un accord commercial avec Washington, a déclaré le vice-ministre chinois du Commerce lundi, à quelques jours de la possible entrée en vigueur de nouveaux...

9 Dec 08:19 Zonebourse 7946574376937218131.html
El Gobierno prorrogará los peajes eléctricos para 2020 hasta que esté aprobada la nueva normativa de la CNMC

La propuesta de circular de la CNMC prevé una rebaja de los peajes del 5,6% de media, en torno a un 2% en el recibo de la luz

9 Dec 16:41 www.publico.es 99190977673407393.html
Presidente da agência antidopagem russa diz que recurso é impossível de ganhar

O responsável da agência russa considerou ainda que a exclusão hoje conhecida é uma "tragédia" para os desportistas honestos.

9 Dec 13:07 SÁBADO 5711459692872316982.html
Myles Stephenson Reveals What He Said To Jacqueline In The Jungle & Admits He's 'Not Scared' Of Dan

I'm A Celeb's Myles Stephenson opens up about what was said between himself and Jacqueline Jossa in the jungle.

9 Dec 10:01 SPIN South West 8165439734608168012.html
My favorite cases for the iPhone 11 Pro

The iPhone 11 Pro demands a good quality case to protect, and in some cases, enhance it. Here's a roundup of Anthony's favorite iPhone 11 Pro cases.

9 Dec 13:00 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243714616673995.html
5 Fakta di Balik Film Jumanji: The Next Level, Rilis Desember 2019

Film Jumanji: The Next Level mengusung genre action, komedi dan petualangan. Selain bintang utama, film ini pun juga kedatangan pemain baru, yaitu Awkwafina.

9 Dec 12:00 merdeka.com 1998180356314307349.html
“Estamos comprando tiempo”: bananeros de Urabá sobre hongo Fusarium

Desde el hallazgo del organismo en el departamento de La Guajira el pasado agosto, el gremio implementa estrictas medidas de bioseguridad para bloquearle la entrada a otras regiones del país. Todavía no existe un tratamiento efectivo para combatirlo.

9 Dec 12:28 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543612787153.html
"Alguien tiene que morir": Carlos Cuevas y Ester Expósito remecen Netflix

En la nueva miniserie de Netflix aparecerán Carla de ‘Élite’, Pol Rubio de ‘Merlí’ y Paulina de la Mora de ‘La Casa de las Flores’.

9 Dec 16:01 Wapa.pe 6757287088236629589.html
‘The Young And The Restless’ Comings And Goings: Paul Returns

The Young and the Restless comings and goings for the week of December 9 and beyond brings families together for the holidays in Genoa City. Plus, Paul returns, and it may be about the law as well as ...

9 Dec 14:11 The Inquisitr 1745625232041368416.html
Joven madre se quita la vida tras una discusión marital, en Kinchil

Laura Nallely T. D., de 24 años, decidió acabar con su vida a causa de problemas sentimentales con su esposo, con quien discutió al calor de las copas.

9 Dec 17:34 Diario de Yucatán 261200017575754862.html
Microsoft is killing off the Office apps for Windows 10 Mobile in 2021

In a support document published on Friday, Microsoft announced that it will be ending support for the Office apps on Windows 10 Mobile, but not until 2021, over a year after OS support ends.

9 Dec 17:42 Neowin 8633418616340866900.html
El juez de Milan aplaza su decisión sobre la fusión de Mediaset hasta el 21 de enero

El tribunal espera a que se celebre la junta extraordinaria del grupo italiano para aprobar varias modificaciones a su proyecto paneuropeo, que cuestiona la francesa Vivendi.

9 Dec 10:29 www.publico.es 99190978153726034.html
El líder izquierdista francés Mélenchon, condenado a una pena suspendida de tres meses de cárcel

El político empujó a un magistrado en 2018 durante el registro de la sede de su partido. También ha sido multado con 8.000 euros

9 Dec 10:26 ABC.es 6074573463159445957.html
Luxemburgo exalta torcida e diz: 'Vasco não pode perder esse momento de avançar'

O técnico Vanderlei Luxemburgo exaltou a torcida e afirmou que o Vasco da Gama precisa aproveitar o momento para avançar.

9 Dec 10:27 Vasco Notícias 1167013065287122348.html
Hijo de Jenni Rivera publica última foto de su madre antes de su muerte

La fotografía de su hijo Johnny, conmovió hasta las lágrimas a los seguidores de la cantante Jenni Rivera, pues así la cantante del género regional mexicano, muestra el amor de una madre hacia sus hijos

9 Dec 11:12 EL DEBATE 4396150893477697323.html
Fast 1 Million Hartz IV-Empfänger kassieren seit 10 Jahren

Fast jeder Fünfte der rund 5,5 Millionen Hartz-IV-Empfänger ist bereits seit zehn Jahren auf staatliche Unterstützung angewiesen.

9 Dec 08:42 Bild 8433249908289277038.html
A Mariña: La dirección de Muebles Hermida comunicó a la plantilla que irá a concurso de acreedores

Los dueños de la fábrica laurentina informaron a los trabajadores este lunes en una asamblea

9 Dec 14:49 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612044984205.html
IIT-Madras placements phase-I concludes with 848 offers, most from core domain

Most offers, in the phase I, were made by Micron Technolgy India operations with 31 offers followed by Intel and Microsoft with 20 and 19 offers, respectively.

9 Dec 10:06 The Indian Express 2885715105626824041.html
Geschäftsmann schildert 10-Mio.-Deal um FPÖ-Mandat

Ein niederösterreichischer Geschäftsmann, der seinen Aussagen zufolge den Kauf eines FPÖ-Mandats durch ukrainische Oligarchen vermittelt haben will, ...

9 Dec 14:18 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093057583088.html
Mattia santori appare per la 50^ volta in radio per dire ''mi sono esposto troppo''


9 Dec 15:48 DAGOSPIA 6533336739719811444.html
¿Es mi iPhone resistente al agua? Descubre el grado de protección de tu iPhone frente al agua

Analizamos los diferentes grados de protección de todos los iPhone del mercado para que sepas si es o no resistente a salpicaduras e inmersiones.

9 Dec 11:15 MovilZona 3711352297825391964.html
SSDs & RAM: Speicherpreise sollen 2020 wieder stark steigen

DRAM- und Flash-Chips könnten 2020 bis zu 30 Prozent teurer werden, womit aktuell ein guter Zeitpunkt zum Kaufen wäre.

9 Dec 15:42 heise online 1766193383233772341.html
La Finlandaise Sanna Marin, plus jeune chef de gouvernement de la planète

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 17:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815390208325158.html
ERC avisa el PSOE que no hi haurà acord possible fins al gener

Els republicans alerten que l'entesa és encara "lluny" i que la decisió del TJUE sobre la immunitat de Junqueras pot ser un punt d'inflexió en la negociació

9 Dec 12:57 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479711561161.html
NOTA votes highest in K.R. Puram

Six years after it was introduced, the ‘none of the above’ or NOTA option is beginning to increasingly matter in elections in the country.Although NOTA votes did not have an impact on the fortunes of

9 Dec 15:47 The Hindu 6679535025105367430.html
WWE wirft Schwulen-Hasseraus der Halle

Unschöne Szenen am Sonntagabend bei einer WWE-Show in Daytona Beach (Florida)! Ein Fan störte die Show mit homophoben Sprüchen.

9 Dec 13:42 Bild 8433249907787481710.html
FC Barcelona | El tridente comienza a dar sus frutos

Antoine Griezmann, Lionel Messi y Luis Suárez vieron portería en la goleada de los culés en el Camp Nou frente al Real Mallorca. Por ahora, son 25 dianas las que suman entre los 3 en el campeonato (...)

9 Dec 14:09 Fichajes 157935406855365545.html
TURISTI SU PLOVILI BRODOM OKO OSTRVA KADA JE VULKAN ERUPTIRAO: Tek što su posetili krater, za dlaku izbegli nesreću!

Vulkan na Belom ostrvu na Novom Zelandu eriptirao je danas, a najmanje petoro ljudi je poginulo. Prema novijim informacijama oko 23 ljudi je evakuisano, a za više od 20 je nestalo. Na društvenim mrežama se mogu naći brojni snimci ove nesreće.

9 Dec 10:18 kurir.rs 6515665027855639451.html
Bundesliga. "Lewandowski nie strzela i zaczynają się problemy Bayernu". Effenberg krytykuje mistrza Niemiec

"No Lewy, no party" - pisze monachijski Abendzeitung. Robert Lewandowski w trzech ostatnich meczach nie strzelił gola, a Bayern Monachium dwukrotnie musiał uznać wyższość rywali. Mistrza Niemiec krytykuje Stefan Effenberg.

9 Dec 08:47 WP SportoweFakty 8463263969367358171.html
Erdoan obećao 500 stanova u Albaniji za godinu dana

ANKARA - Predsjednik Turske Republike Redžep Tajip Erdoan rekao je da će njegova zemlja izgraditi 500 novih stanova u područjima pogođenim zemljotresom u Albaniji, u roku od godinu dana.

9 Dec 14:25 Nezavisne novine 4209150643049263670.html
Istvan Kovacs a fost delegat în Liga Campionilor

Arbitrul Istvan Kovacs va conduce partida de la Paris, dintre PSG şi Galatasaray, din etapa a VI-a, ultima a Grupei A a Ligii Campionilor, care va avea loc miercuri, de la ora 22:00, informează frf.ro.

9 Dec 11:03 News.ro 1785173098216799360.html
Voetbal: meiden Woezik MO17-2 ongeslagen kampioen 

  Afgelopen zaterdag 7 december hebben de talentvolle meiden van Woezik MO17-2 het kampioenschap in de 1e klasse behaald. Dit team bestaat uit veelal 14- en 15-jarige meiden uit Wijchen en omstreken en staat onder leiding van Cynthia Hartendorf, tevens speelster van Woezik Vrouwen 1. Onder haar bezielende coaching hebben deze gedreven meiden alle wedstrijden [&hellip

9 Dec 12:46 WijchensNieuws.nl 7593807536016312457.html
Why Canopy Growth Stock Just Popped 11%

Canopy just crowned a new king of cannabis.

9 Dec 16:19 The Motley Fool 2231313658223428499.html
Adriana Lucía demandará a uribista que la habría calumniado en Twitter

La cantante hizo público lo sucedido en su cuenta personal. 

9 Dec 17:41 Colombia.com 1213910711246223408.html
‘Public will punish those who go against popular mandate’ PM on Kart’ka bypoll results

‘The people of Karnataka have ensured that the Congress or  the JD(S) will not be able to betray them.’ The words of Prime Minister Narendra Modi after BJP whisked of 12 seats of the 15 in the by poll elections   in Karnataka.

9 Dec 09:51 Reporter 1467643668587540876.html
‘State will produce Nobel laureates in next 20 years’

Ilaiah urges teachers’ unions to drop opposition to English medium

9 Dec 15:32 The Hindu 6679535026008209587.html
Le Luxembourg veut débattre avec l'UE de la reconnaissance de la Palestine

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Jean Asselborn a pris l'initiative d'appeler à un débat sur la Palestine.

9 Dec 15:26 RTL 5minutes 5295111944495454241.html
Jenni Rivera aparece en misterioso mensaje a días de su muerte

Mira el misterioso mensaje de Jenni Rivera que apareció a días de conmemorar siete años de su trágica muerte en un accidente aéreo.

9 Dec 17:29 Mundo Hispanico 2601846019367863221.html
Tommaso paradiso:lo scioglimento dei thegiornalisti? il problema e’ nato quando tra di noi si sono..


9 Dec 17:41 DAGOSPIA 6533336739729190109.html
Basket: Roanne se sépare de son ailier Carter, coupable d'avoir frappé des adversaires

Le club de Roanne, actuel 16e du championnat de France de basket, a annoncé lundi s'être séparé de son ailier américain Justin Carter, coupable d'avoir frappé deux adversaires.

9 Dec 17:42 Challenges 1086714996242933163.html
Here is why Jumia has closed shop in Rwanda – Techjaja

Starting from today, Jumia Rwanda will no longer be able to accept cash on delivery and can only process pre-paid orders.

9 Dec 11:59 Techjaja 8656724907372689220.html
Italy heading for Wembley as England get ready for Euro 2020

The game is one of four warm-up matches for Gareth Southgate’s men.

9 Dec 10:46 Shropshire Star 3480199992389030971.html
Trae Young alcanza los 30 puntos por duodécima vez en la temporada

Trae Young sigue dando muestras de que ha llegado a la NBA para vivir entre los mejores. El base de segundo año, quien promedia en estos momentos 28,8 puntos por noche, lideró la victoria de Atlanta Hawks en cancha de Charlotte Hornets con 30 puntos, una marca que ha alcanzado por duodécima vez en lo que llevamos de temporada tras disputar únicamente 22 partidos; es decir, llega a la treintena de puntos una vez cada dos partidos.

9 Dec 08:58 nbamaniacs 7542071041671582678.html
Sanna Marin, la primera ministra "más joven del mundo" y las otras mujeres menores de 35 años que se encargarán del nuevo gobierno de Finlandia

Finlandia encontró este domingo una "receta de género" para salir de la crisis política que la ha sacudido en los últimos meses: seguir apostando por mujeres jóvenes para que lleven adelante las riendas del país.

9 Dec 10:16 24Horas.cl 793283386167733292.html
Mann varetektsfengslet for drap på kvinne i Drammen

46-år gamle Nina Bråthen ble funnet død i sin leilighet på Fjell i Drammen i juli. Nå er en mann varetektsfengslet i fire uker, siktet for drap.

9 Dec 10:12 NRK 3631390764367414317.html
Rusia no podrá participar de competencias deportivas por 4 años

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje decidió excluir a los atletas rusos de las competiciones de los próximos cuatro años por falsificar datos en los informes entregados a la entidad.

9 Dec 12:32 El Patagónico 8565457045983161377.html
Única vía: Coalición Militar internacional, por @pabloaure

La esperanza está en cada uno de nosotros. No debemos dejar que nos venzan en la mente. Es menester entender que la casta política que […]

9 Dec 13:27 LaPatilla.com 9104603011812538589.html
M. Pokora couronné de succès avec le Pyramide Tour, il prolonge sa tournée et annonce une nouvelle date parisienne

Le Pyramide Tour se prolonge pour M. Pokora qui annonce une nouvelle date dans la capitale française !

9 Dec 12:00 melty 8059025069506334093.html
Große Trauer! "Star Trek"-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist tot

Große Trauer im "Star Trek"-Universum! Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist tot. Bekannt war er vor allem für seine Rolle des Odo in der Kultreihe. Der US-Star ...

9 Dec 09:42 VIP.de 2239798194359366197.html
Balance últimas 24 horas: Por segundo día consecutivo no se registraron eventos graves

Desde la Subsecretaría del Interior informaron que el reporte de las policías se entregará desde hoy semanalmente, es decir, los lunes.

9 Dec 08:41 Emol 3328490602764183831.html
Buschbrände in Australien: Mehr als 2.000 Koalas umgekommen

"Wir haben schon einige Brände hinter uns, aber so etwas gab es noch nie“, so die Direktorin einer Koala-Klinik.

9 Dec 08:58 Die Presse 6242788855759295927.html
Don’t let unwise December spending result in ‘Januworry’

Legodi cautioned against the services of loan sharks in January

9 Dec 09:40 Lowvelder 3143322320893400961.html
We Beat Sleep Apnea. It Should Be Easier for You to Do It, Too.

The consequences of ignoring the condition can be severe, but the health system puts up barriers to treatment.

9 Dec 10:00 NY Times 1961078287934092080.html
Orba, un nuevo instrumento musical que «lo tiene todo»

Cuando hablamos de instrumentos musicales parece que las fronteras de la imaginación desaparecen. Hemos visto tocar con un melón, con sandalias, con la cuerda de un arco... la música está en todas

9 Dec 15:00 WWWhat's new 8390364462856124078.html
Timnas U-22 Indonesia vs Vietnam, Pemain Ini Ungkap Suasana Garuda Muda

Timnas U-22 Indonesia bersaua Vietnam untuk sepak bola pria SEA Games 2019 dan Sani Rizki Fauzi siap kerja keras.

9 Dec 13:00 BolaSport.com 4603768435601665975.html
Belgrade Wedding Show: Praznični duh, svečana atmosfera i najlepše emocije!

Belgrade Wedding Show! Estetika na najvišem nivou, koju ova manifestacija neguje od svog početka, i ovoga puta bila je imperativ za pedesetak najekskluzivnijih i najeminentnijih izlagača koji su prikazali najbolje iz svoje ponude za predstojeću „wedding“ sezonu. Praznični duh, svečana atmosfera i najlepše emocije!

9 Dec 09:47 Svet Plus 7075174651652161441.html
Proximus : 1341 travailleurs vont perdre leur emploi, sur fond de tensions entre syndicats

Une nouvelle commission paritaire avait lieu ce matin chez Proximus. Les syndicats devaient voter pour ou contre le plan social renégocié la semaine dernière. Le syndicat libéral avait déjà dit oui, la CGSP, le syndicat socialiste avait dit non. On...

9 Dec 12:47 RTBF Info 2262420855801120425.html
Embajador de México en Argentina, obligado a dejar el país tras ser captado robando en una librería

El embajador de México en Argentina, fue captado por las cámaras de seguridad, robando un libro valorado en 640 pesos mexicanos en una librería argentina

9 Dec 10:16 Fernanda Familiar 8155233565060287390.html
Futebol catarinense: e agora, o que fazer?

Não há mais como demorar. A segunda-feira é de reuniões em todos os clubes, alguns até muito atrasados. Uma revisão precisa ser feita nos nossos times de futebol. Todos foram perdedores em 2019, em nível nacional.

9 Dec 11:57 NSC Total 4216767908828170655.html
PGR defende mais mecanismos de recuperação de rendimentos ilícitos

O combate à corrupção precisa de um reforço dos mecanismos que permitam recuperar rendimentos ilícitos e de uma resposta mais qualificada e célere ao nível das perícias contabilístico-financeiras, defende a procuradora-geral da República.

9 Dec 12:45 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842995807331.html
Pati Patni Aur Woh Box-Office Collection Day 3: Kartik Aaryan-Bhumi-Ananya Panday Starrer Has A Solid Weekend

After having a phenomenal Saturday by collecting Rs 12.33 crores on Day 2, Pati Patni Aur Woh starring Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pednekar and Ananya Panday has had a solid weekend overall. The film manages to mint a total of Rs 35.94 crore making it Kartik’s biggest 3-day opener by far

9 Dec 10:09 SPOTBOYE 1547816857435485694.html
Policija ima osumnjičenog za brutalno ubistvo psa u Prokuplju, smeši mu se 3 GODINE robije

Policija u Prokuplju osumnjičila je jednog mladića za brutalno ubistvo psa koji je ubijen i bačen u reku. Životinju su izvukli aktivisti pokreta Levijatan i Tanja Videgar iz Zavoda Pit.

9 Dec 10:22 REPUBLIKA 2543998404894940860.html
Esta es la condena que podría pagar "Epa Colombia" por reaparecer en redes

En las últimas horas la joven publicó un video criticando a los medios de comunicación.

9 Dec 15:11 W Radio 7724358829389047564.html
Prolećni ponedeljak, temperature do 15 stepeni

U Srbiji će ujutru u većini krajeva a u nižim predelima i pre podne biti maglovito, a tokom dana pretežno sunčano i malo toplije sa slabim južnim i jugoistočnim vetrom.

9 Dec 08:12 REPUBLIKA 2543998405215483018.html
Los bajistas pasan a la acción en Ence tras el rebote en Bolsa

Ence es uno de los valores destacados del mes de diciembre en el mercado continuo. La acción subió un 10% en las cuatro últimas sesiones de la...

9 Dec 08:25 Expansión 4197779423729498789.html
Soluciones contra el cambio climático (4): vivir con una energía intermitente

Otras soluciones contra el cambio climático: ► Poner precio a la contaminación ► Dar oportunidades a niñas y mujeres ► Reciclar bien los refrigeradores

9 Dec 17:47 elPeriodico 7291954034882233683.html
Verbündeter Baron abgewählt: Weg frei für Strache?

Entscheidung mit möglicherweise weitreichenden Folgen in der Wiener FPÖ: Gemeinderat Karl Baron ist am Montagabend als Präsident der Freiheitlichen ...

9 Dec 14:36 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093750296652.html
Liam Payne piensa que One Direction podría reunirse en dos años

La agrupación entró en un receso indefinido desde 2015.

9 Dec 14:12 LifeBoxset 2388468994491227516.html
Brasileiros relatam como escaparam por pouco de vulcão que matou ao menos 5 pessoas na Nova Zelândia

Um casal de brasileiros relatou em sua página no Instagram como escapou por pouco da erupç...

9 Dec 10:34 UOL Noticias 8892198861795535231.html
Greta Thunberg cede el protagonismo a "los otros jóvenes" de la COP25

No hay tiempo que perder... En su primera intervención programada en la COP25, Greta Thunberg, que arrastra a una legión de periodistas allá donde va, se ha sentado junto a un grupo de activistas de otros continentes, muchos de ellos indígenas y les ha cedido el protagonismo...

9 Dec 17:28 euronews 2767628994047169610.html
Nächste Niederlage für Brady und Co.

Die New England Patriots verlieren in der NFL gegen die Kansas Chiefs mit 16:23, bleiben aber an der Spitze der AFC East.

9 Dec 10:32 Wiener Zeitung 3774364442007913343.html
Sparkravet: Lägg ned Ullebergsgården

Arbetsmarknads- och socialförvaltningen i Karlstad har länge dragits med stora underskott och måste spara pengar. Förvaltningen presenterar nu ett sparförslag på över 64 miljoner kronor som nämnden ska ta ställning till på onsdag.

9 Dec 13:24 SVT Nyheter 8475792989032851207.html
La creació d'empreses puja a Catalunya mentre cau al conjunt d'Espanya

Unes 50 companyies que havien traslladat la seva seu social fora del Principat hi han tornat

9 Dec 13:28 Ara.cat 6070605020173099868.html
Bra, pensieri e canzoni con Pino Milenr, Sonia de Castelli e Cocò

Appuntamento domenica 15 dicembre, dalle 20.45, presso la “Casa del Commiato Luce di Speranza”

9 Dec 08:00 Targatocn.it 7367208849508932591.html
Immense foule à Hong Kong pour les six mois de la contestation

Une immense foule de militants pro-démocratie a défilé dimanche dans les rues de Hong Kong, pour marquer l’anniversaire de six mois de contestation face au régime de Pékin, lors du […]

9 Dec 08:54 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558982246344198.html
Asilo político no impide a Evo Morales salir del país: Encinas

El subsecretario de Derechos Humanos de la Secretaría de Gobernación, Alejandro Encinas, aseguró que Morales Ayma no solicitó refugió en nuestro país.

9 Dec 16:30 Milenio 4240839408998436181.html
How to create a slap-up family Christmas dinner for less than £50

It includes Bucks Fizz and Christmas cake

9 Dec 13:33 NottinghamshireLive 5149776703093128910.html
«Mourinho teria vendido Martial»

Gary Neville acredita que Anthony Martial já não seria jogador do Manchester United se José Mourinho tivesse permanecido no comando técnico da equipa.

9 Dec 17:34 A BOLA 2278827557893018258.html
Ministra Isabel Plá se refirió a performance del colectivo LasTesis: "Chile no es un macho violador"

La ministra de la Mujer y la Equidad de Género, Isabel Plá Jarufe, abordó durante este lunes las críticas que ha recibido en las últimas semanas por su rol a...

9 Dec 15:01 Pagina 7 4371131344352448853.html
A l'Open VLD, une direction et des militants partagés sur l'aventure arc-en-ciel

Le bureau politique de l'Open VLD est l'un des lieux scrutés ce lundi. Sa présidente Gwendolyn Rutten réunit ses troupes à un moment crucial. Cet après-midi, l'informateur royal Paul Magnette doit se rendre au palais pour remettre au Roi son troisième...

9 Dec 10:45 RTBF Info 2262420856506868034.html
Movistar+ estrena el comiat definitiu de 'Will & Grace'

La comèdia va tornar a la televisió el 2017, onze anys després del seu final original

9 Dec 16:37 Ara.cat 6070605019415983430.html
Juros oscilam perto da estabilidade com mercado em compasso de espera

As taxas de juros negociadas no mercado futuro oscilam próximas da estabilidade na manhã desta segunda-feira, 9, com leve viés de alta na ponta curta, em meio ao compasso de espera dos investidores pelas reuniões de política monetária dos bancos centrais do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos, que na quarta-feira decidem sobre as taxas básicas […]

9 Dec 13:02 ISTOÉ Independente 1206356494890444366.html
Gabriela Calderón de Burgos: Nuevos retos de la educación

Esta semana se publicó el informe PISA (Programa Internacional para la Evaluación de Estudiantes) acerca de las pruebas en las que participaron 79 países y economías de […]

9 Dec 13:43 LaPatilla.com 9104603011118822217.html
Jürgen Klinsmann über möglichen Hertha-Verbleib von DFB-Trainer Andreas Köpke: "Probieren alles"

Jürgen Klinsmann würde Bundestorwattrainer Andreas Köpke gern mittelfristig bei Hertha BSC halten. Das ist allerdings unwahrscheinlich, denn der Europameister wird beim DFB ab 1. Januar dringend gebraucht.

9 Dec 17:02 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775580434465.html
Premierul Ungariei, Viktor Orban, va participa la evenimentele dedicate Revoluţiei Române de la Timişoara

Premierul Ungariei, Viktor Orban va fi prezent, la Timişoara, în data de 14 decembrie, unde va participa la evenimentele dedicate Revoluţiei Române, organizate de Consiliul Naţional al Maghiarilor din Transilvania.

9 Dec 16:12 News.ro 1785173097386919966.html
Silent Hill: Gerüchte um den Verkauf der offiziellen Domain – Das Ende der Reihe?

Aktuellen Berichten zufolge steht die offizielle Domain der "Silent Hill"-Reihe zum Verkauf. Das endgültige Aus der Reihe? Ganz so einfach ist es in dem Fall allerdings nicht.

9 Dec 09:20 play3.de 8301165838848145159.html
New to Mac? 15 tips and tricks for macOS beginners

If you’re new to Mac but used to the basics you need, you might be ready to move on. Here’s a helpful list of Mac tips and tricks for beginners.

9 Dec 12:00 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243714788741882.html
New to Mac? 15 tips and tricks for macOS beginners

If you’re new to Mac but used to the basics you need, you might be ready to move on. Here’s a helpful list of Mac tips and tricks for beginners.

9 Dec 12:00 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243715483965308.html
Trois responsables d’un braquage recherchés

La police de Saguenay recherche toujours les responsables d'un braquage à domicile survenu samedi matin à Saguenay.

9 Dec 14:40 Le Journal de Québec 6825713739863605342.html
Apple mostra a supremacia no que toca à venda de smartphones topo de gama

Neste momento a Apple é a terceira empresa que mais vende smartphones em todo o mundo. Contudo, vale a pena perceber que a empresa de Cupertino não tem o...

9 Dec 12:05 4gnews 1809086878975093836.html
Torino, Pm10 oltre i limiti da cinque giorni da domani stop al traffico per i diesel Euro4

Il blocco in città e in 22 comuni della cintura, oltre ad Asti, Alessandria e Vercelli 

9 Dec 12:52 Repubblica.it 3303666996301762924.html
Tuesday’s ‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Spoilers: Shauna Presses For More From Ridge

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, December 10 reveal that Shauna Fulton (Denise Richards) will make a stunning admission. The former Vegas showgirl will open her heart to Ridge ...

9 Dec 12:45 The Inquisitr 1745625231105129146.html
Bespravna seča šume uz administrativnu liniju Srbiju košta 2,5 milijarde dinara

Bespravna seča šume uz administrativnu liniju Srbije i Kosova nanela je Srbiji štetu veću od 2,5 milijarde dinara,...

9 Dec 11:20 N1 Srbija 7797130866230934685.html
'Jiivi' actor Vetri’s next to star KGF villain

The latest actor to join the cast of the yet-to-be-titled film is Ramachandra Raju, who played the villain in last year’s hit film KGF.

9 Dec 09:38 The New Indian Express 4718288654985237992.html
A.Mittal: ok dei pm a proroga uso Afo2

Parere favorevole dei pm di Taranto alla richiesta di proroga presentata dai commissari dell'Ilva in As sull'uso dell'Altoforno 2, sequestrato e dissequestrato più volte nell'inchiesta sulla morte dell'operaio Alessandro Morricella. (ANSA)

9 Dec 17:09 ANSA.it 1300837448516618711.html
Paul Volcker: The inflation tamer who set bank risk rule, dies at 92

In a career that spanned more than half a century, Volcker became a one-man economic cleanup crew

9 Dec 14:15 Business-Standard 1502508925983443064.html
Un tiburón blanco murió desangrado en una jaula de turistas

El momento quedó registrado en un video que rápidamente se volvió viral. Un activista denunció que el animal estuvo 25 minutos atrapado y nadie hizo nada.

9 Dec 08:12 TiempoSur 8512931318440140221.html
RSE: Tužilaštvo u Beogradu ne vodi postupak za špijunsku aferu

Aktivnosti ruskog diplomate Georgija Klebana koji je prikupljao obaveštajne podatke u Srbiji nisu predmet istrage Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Beogradu,

9 Dec 17:50 Krstarica 4176903988050830078.html
Børsen: En av Norges spillere leverte en nesten prikkfri kamp

Her er børskarakterene etter Norges 36–25-seier mot Sør-Korea.

9 Dec 13:44 Bergens Tidende 6643873499986938785.html
Lyn May calienta las redes al exhibir la retaguardia de su novio ¡Qué candente! (VIDEO)

La vedette Lyn May, caus&oacute; revuelo en las redes sociales al compartir un er&oacute;tico video agarr&aacute;ndole los gl&uacute;teos a su prometido; aquel candente momento fue criticado por los internautas.

9 Dec 10:15 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622819993548.html
Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu Reveals ‘Real Reason’ For Sowore’s Ordeal With DSS

Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has said that Omoyele Sowore, the convener of #RevolutionNow Movement is being maltreated by the Department of State Services (DSS) because of the meeting he had with him.

9 Dec 08:01 Concise 5544636821751424127.html
Bitcoin miatt bombafenyegetés Oroszországban

Bombafenyegetést kapott e-mailen számos közintézmény Oroszország-szerte, a fenyegetett objektumok között van a szentpétervári Ermitázs és a pulkovói repülőtér is - jelentette az MTI tudósítója.

9 Dec 10:18 Napi.hu 2201654863899682941.html
Ružić: Uslovi za izbore biće pravedniji, neće biti funkcionerske kampanje

Ministar državne uprave i lokalne samouprave Branko Ružić rekao je u Skupštini da je Vlada predložila set od četiri zakona kojima bi trebalo obezbediti pravednije uslove za izbore i unaprediti izborni proces predložen uz uvažavanje preporuka Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju (OEBS) i Kancelarijom za demokratiju i ljudska prava (ODIHR).

9 Dec 15:26 Dnevni list Danas 649654641323096245.html
Top headlines: SBI's MCLR rate cut, Lodha India's richest realtor and more

This is the eighth cut in MCLR in this financial year and follows a 5 bps reduction last month

9 Dec 10:15 Business-Standard 1502508924893783596.html
CCXP foi marcada por vazamento de conteúdos exclusivos da Warner e Amazon Prime

Todo ano, a CCXP traz diversos conteúdos exclusivos para o público do evento, como trailers, cartazes, entrevistas, e bate-papos com atores e diretores. No entanto, pela primeira vez na história da

9 Dec 16:23 CinePOP 5162159032652416070.html
Monos es la tercer mejor película independiente del año, según IndieWire

La película colombiana ‘Monos’ se ha convertido, sin duda, en el acontecimiento cinematográfico más importante de los últimos años dentro del panorama del séptimo arte colombiano. La semana pasada se conoció la noticia de que había sido escogida , junto a producciones de Argentina, Chile y Costa Rica, como nominada al Premio Goya del cine español a la mejor película iberoamericana y con muy fuertes posibilidades de ser la primera película colombiana en llevarse ese galardón. Esta semana, por otro lado, el medio internacional especializado en cine independiente IndieWire, uno de los más importantes de Estados Unidos, ubicó a la película dirigida por Alejandro Landes, como la tercera mejor película del 2019. IndieWire entrega cada año el listado de las mejores películas del circuito independiente de todo el mundo, y este año listó a ‘Monos’ como la tercera mejor película, detrás de la más reciente creación de Martin Scorsese, ‘El irlandés’, y de la más reciente película de Pedro Almodóvar, ‘Dolor y gloria’.

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346407253245.html
Estrenan en La Habana película sobre el poeta cubano Julián del Casal

“Buscando a Casal”, es el título de esta película dirigida por Jorge Luis Sánchez.

9 Dec 15:54 CiberCuba 8213836170426887396.html
Dženifer se pojavila u prevelikom odelu, a onda je usledio spektakl (video, foto)

Što je starija, to je zgodnija (foto, video)

9 Dec 15:19 Krstarica 4176903989016481934.html
Julien Tanti en tournage au Mexique, il partage un adorable moment avec Tiago (VIDÉO)

Julien Tanti vient de partager un adorable moment avec son fils, Tiago, et tu vas pouvoir le découvrir dans cet article.

9 Dec 10:30 melty 8059025070577374787.html
SPOTY 2019: What time does it start tonight, what TV channel is it on and who are the contenders?

What is it?

9 Dec 09:44 The Telegraph 140598092101011496.html
Governo apresenta amanhã linhas gerais do Orçamento aos partidos

As reuniões começam às 9h00. LIVRE será recebido mais tarde por impedimento do próprio partido. PS não está na agenda divulgada.

9 Dec 16:12 Dinheiro Vivo 7498191775011114862.html
Odkrili spominsko ploščo ob 75-letnici padca ameriškega bombnika

V nižinskemu gozdu nedaleč od Makoš pri Ribnici je v soboto pod častnim pokroviteljstvom predsednika države Boruta Pahorja potekala spominska svečanost...

9 Dec 08:35 Dolenjski list 119924278828158490.html
"Libra" zum Schweizer Finanzwort des Jahres 2019 gekürt

Falls sich die von Facebook lancierte Kryptowährung durchsetzt, hat sie der Jury zufolge, das Potenzial, die Finanzwelt umzukrempeln und sich als globale Währung zu etablieren.

9 Dec 12:00 Die Presse 6242788855811984931.html
Paytm Payments Bank says it issued 600,000 FASTags in November

PPB said it sold 6 lakh tags in the month of November, and claimed that it has equipped over 1.85 million vehicles with FASTags

9 Dec 15:10 Business-Standard 1502508925553078506.html
Papa Francisco nomeia novo Prefeito de Evangelização dos Povos

No dia em que a Igreja celebrou a Solenidade da Imaculada Conceição, o Papa Francisco nomeou o Cardeal Luis Antonio Tagle como o novo Prefeito da Congregação para a Evangelização dos Povos; e o Cardeal Fernando Filoni, que servia neste cargo, como o novo Grão-Mestre da Ordem Equestre do Santo Sepulcro de Jerusalém.  

9 Dec 15:00 ACI Digital 1688611262597792933.html
Epic Games håpet på Fortnite-særbehandling av Google, fikk istedet blankt nei - ITavisen

Epic Games og Google er i en krangel om Fortnite og Play Store – Epic mener at Google krever altfor mye av inntektene.

9 Dec 10:12 ITavisen 7865444160439853325.html
Moustapha Niasse à Macky: "Nous sommes ensemble et nous le resterons"

Le patron de l'Alliance des forces de progrès (Afp), Moustapha Niasse, par ailleurs, président de l'Assemblée nationale a réitéré son compagnonnage avec le président Macky Sall. A l'en croire...

9 Dec 11:12 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601369126936406.html
Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen: Dwie trzecie chorych na cukrzycę mieszka w miastach

Aż dwie trzecie chorych na cukrzycę mieszka w miastach – mówi Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen, prezes firmy farmaceutycznej Novo Nordisk.

9 Dec 16:55 Rzeczpospolita 4735082524895277172.html
Ladrão invade casa e mata idoso a pauladas no quintal

Miguel Gonçalves, 85 anos, foi morto na noite de ontem (8) durante roubo no bairro São Bernardo II, em Ponta Porã, cidade distante a 323 quilômetros de Campo Grande. Por volta das 19h, a vítima estava sentada em uma cadeira no quintal da residência, quando o local foi invadido por um bandido. O idoso foi agredido com vários golpes de madeira na cabeça e morreu no local. Após matar a vítima, o ladr...

9 Dec 10:44 Campo Grande News 7902463001220337500.html
Apples Stellungnahme zu den Störgeräuschen des MacBook Pro 16" (Aktualisierung: Rückmeldungen zu 10.15.2)

Rund zwei Wochen nach Aufkommen von Berichten über Störgeräusche beim neuen MacBook Pro 16" gibt es von Apple nun eine Stellungnahme. Apple äußert sich zwar nicht zum Auslöser, wohl aber zum weiteren Vorgehen.

9 Dec 08:16 MacTechNews.de 1297039197180030124.html

Nakon mnogih turbulencija, izgleda su se pevačici i nekadašnjoj učesnici rijalitija “Zadruga”, sve kockice napokon složile. Ona uživa u svojim trudničkim danima, sa dečkom Tomislavom Panićem, s kojim je očigledno izmirila sve nesuglasice. Pevačica je nedavno zapevala na jednom slavlju, a tom prilikom pokazala i zavidnu figuru. Biljićeva je uvek bila veoma zgodna, a takav

9 Dec 14:30 Scandal! 7263437855840229481.html
Cina, effetti della trade war: cala l'export a novembre, su l'import

Le esportazioni della Cina hanno accusato in novembre un calo dell'1,1% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno scorso

9 Dec 10:57 Affari Italiani 6123405402153147691.html
Marcos Braz fala sobre futuro de Gabigol e Jorge Jesus no Flamengo: 'Bom problema para resolver'

Os maiores dilemas do Flamengo para a próxima janela de transferências têm nomes específicos: Gabigol e Jorge Jesus. A dupla não tem permanência garantida no clube para 2020, mas o vice-presidente de...

9 Dec 15:41 Extra Online 8149543647828630283.html
Rusia recibe sanción de la AMA y no podrá participar en el Mundial ni los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio

Así lo dispuso la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) a consecuencia de la falsificación de los datos de los controles antidopaje entregados por Rusia a la AMA a principios del presente año. 

9 Dec 11:05 RPP 3819340341576635918.html
Al menos cinco muertos por la erupción repentina de un volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Cinco personas han muerto por la erupción repentina del volcán de White Island, en Nueva Zelanda, según han reportado las autoridades de la...

9 Dec 11:44 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959404941283.html
Johnson ‘broke his word’ over Brexit union pledge, says Foster

DUP says deal will put a border down the Irish sea and threaten the union with Britain

9 Dec 09:51 The Irish Times 8204772967862206036.html
Vivo V17 with 48MP quad camera, punch-hole display launched: Price, specifications

Vivo V17 with a 48MP quad-camera and a 32MP selfie punch-hole camera has just been announced for the Indian market. Vivo V17 is a more affordable take of its Pro variant that launched earlier.

9 Dec 09:23 The Indian Express 2885715105517681626.html
Skyddsombud på AF larmar till Arbetsmiljöverket

Arbetsförmedlingens skyddsombud larmar Arbetsmiljöverket om ohållbar arbetsbelastning efter varslet och massuppsägningarna.

9 Dec 12:29 DN.SE 398730693996455008.html
Zarco y el Reale Avintia confirman su alianza para 2020

El francés tendrá contrato directo con Ducati y con su fichaje se completa la parrilla 2020 de MotoGP

9 Dec 17:58 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959682963231.html
Liga Studenţilor din Iaşi se opune candidaturii lui Tudorel Toader pentru un alt mandat de rector

Liga Studenţilor din Iaşi se opune candidaturii lui Tudorel Toader pentru un an doilea mandat la conducerea Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”. Studenţii îl acuză că a adus prejudicii şcolii, are o...

9 Dec 12:29 Mediafax.ro 1869610968357938291.html
Liga de Campeones | La hora de la verdad para Valencia y Atlético de Madrid

El cuadro che y el plantel rojiblanco se jugarán su pase a los octavos de final en la jornada decisiva de la fase de grupos. ¿Podrán conseguirlo? La Liga de Campeones es considerada como la mejor (...)

9 Dec 12:06 Fichajes 157935406290404514.html
Thief caught trying to steal champagne worth £1,800

A thief was caught trying to steal a trolley full of champagne worth more than £1,800.

9 Dec 15:18 Express & Star 7324224460348591802.html
Roger Martínez se marcharía a la MLS

El Inter Miami está ajustando todo para lo que será su debut en la Major League Soccer y es por eso que desean contar con los servicios...

9 Dec 17:40 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830904175130.html
Media dotarły do informacji o stanie zdrowia Kaczyńskiego. Konieczna jest kolejna operacja

Jarosław Kaczyński niedawno miał operowaną nogę. Jak się okazuje, niezbędny jest kolejny zabieg.

9 Dec 10:14 Pikio 8360016136487639625.html
Rusland deelt paspoorten uit aan 125.000 inwoners van Oost-Oekraïne

125.000 inwoners van Oost-Oekraïne, dat momenteel in handen is van pro-Russische rebellen, krijgen een Russisch paspoort. Dat deelt de Russische minister van Binnenlandse Zaken vandaag mee. Rusland...

9 Dec 17:30 HLN 8967494996548061528.html
Niculae Havrileț, numit secretar de stat în Ministerului Economiei

Niculae Havrileț, fost șef ANRE, a fost numit secretar de stat în Ministerului Economiei, Energiei și Mediului de Afaceri, potrivit unei decizii a prim-ministrului Ludovic Orban, publicată vineri în Monitorul...

9 Dec 09:28 B1 TV 3840305877069141295.html
Med podiranjem drevesa je na moškega padla večja veja

V petek okrog 13. ure se je v gozdu nad Drežnico, v kraju, imenovanem Pod planjo, pri gozdnih delih poškodoval domačin.

9 Dec 15:57 Primorske novice 8884558926027159113.html
Trente-six produits contenant du glyphosate désormais interdits à la vente

Trente-six produits à base de glyphosate vont être retirés de la vente en France, annonce lundi l'Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (Anses).

9 Dec 13:21 Midi Libre 3150507209535510418.html
A college basketball coach bought $1,000 worth of beer for fans at a local bar to celebrate a rivalry win, and he had his 6-year-old son pay the tab with a wad of cash, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Xavier Musketeers head coach Travis Steele celebrated his team's Crosstown Shootout victory with a gift for loyal fans.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:08 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755668923894.html
El día que Joaquín pudo dejar el Betis en juveniles con una oferta de 12 millones de pesetas por temporada

Fran Ronquillo repasó en el último tramo de Carrusel una de las historias más desconocidas de la carrera del que ahora es estrella del Real Betis Balompié.

9 Dec 10:48 Cadena SER 8390941985679239467.html
Florian Lang (30) nach Disco-Besuch vermisst - er rief noch seine Frau an

Der 30-jährige Florian Lang ist am Sonntag nach dem Besuch auf einem Disco-Schiff in Würzburg verschwunden. Der Ehemann hatte noch seine Frau angerufen.

9 Dec 08:18 RTL.DE 7054729453463798738.html
Yeni hedef olimpiyat madalyası

Büyükşehir Belediyespor'un Olimpiyat sporcusu Hatice Kübra İlgün, havaalanında coşkuyla karşılandı

9 Dec 13:46 OLAY 7935247626683741425.html
Stalker (28) uit Westervoort belt 60 keer naar werk ex-vriendin

Een man van 28 uit Westervoort wordt verdacht van het stalken van zijn ex-vriendin uit Lathum. De man is zondagavond door de marechaussee aangehouden op de A12.

9 Dec 10:43 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615519151042.html
Dax, Osram, Asiens Börsen und Wirecard: Was die Märkte heute bewegt

Am heutigen Montag dürften vor allem diese fünf Faktoren die Kurse an den Aktienmärkten bewegen.

9 Dec 09:04 FOCUS Online 4448121229994136856.html
Here's the Complete List of 2020 Golden Globes Nominees

'Joker' lands four nominations including Best Picture.

9 Dec 14:56 HYPEBEAST 3806037269010147660.html
Junajted postaje novi Arsenal? Navijači se nadaju da se to neće desiti!

Podaci su zaprepašćujući, ali brojevi ne lažu. Ovakvim putem neće daleko stići...

9 Dec 10:05 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495402641326.html
India rises one rank to 129 in human development index

Schemes such as Ayushman Bharat, PMJDY crucial for development, says UNDP official

9 Dec 09:55 BusinessLine 5283601969923000.html
Unicredit resta sotto lente analisti dopo piano: Ubs dice ora buy, Goldman Sachs la vede a 17,5 euro

Seduta incolore per Unicredit a Piazza Affari, dove mostra un moderato rialzo dello 0,05% a 12,76 euro in una giornata caratterizzata da una certa debolezza per il Ftse Mib. Il …

9 Dec 11:27 FinanzaOnline 6528634127150789566.html
Le Souverain inaugure le Complexe Mohammed VI de Football à Salé

Le Roi Mohammed VI a procédé, lundi 9 décembre 2019, à l’arrondissement Hssain à Salé, à l’inauguration du Centre national de Football de Maâmoura après sa rénovation et sa reconstruction et l'a baptiser le "Complexe Mohammed VI de Football". Structure intégrée dédiée à la performance et au...

9 Dec 16:54 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398352871396189.html
'Dolor y gloria' y Antonio Banderas, nominados a los Globos de Oro

Estos premios, organizados por la Asociación de la Prensa Extranjera de Hollywood, están considerados como la antesala de los famosos Oscar....

9 Dec 14:04 Expansión 4197779424370849031.html
Review: ‘Knives Out’ keeps the mystery alive with a classic whodunit 

‘Knives Out’ is a murder mystery with an all-star cast of suspects who all had reason to kill their family’s patriarch… but did he have reason to kill himself?

9 Dec 16:02 Digital Journal 4566489171963485631.html
En el Día contra la Corrupción, MP destaca avances en el combate a este flagelo

La Fiscalía contra la Corrupción ha judicializado 169 casos en lo que va del año.

9 Dec 11:15 Publinews 8987875304261450137.html
Roteiro de ‘Vingadores: Ultimato’ confirma a morte de personagens essenciais para o futuro do MCU

Como parte da campanha rumo ao Oscar 2020, a Disney divulgou online o roteiro completo de 'Vingadores: Ultimato' para ser analisado pela Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas. Ao tot

9 Dec 17:31 CinePOP 5162159031777036183.html
Cop25: è l'ora dei nonni che manifestano per il clima

A Bruxelles manifestano i nonni dell'associazione "Nonni per il clima". Loro dicono che ci hanno sempre creduto e hanno preso sul serio la protesta dei giovani fin dall'inizio

9 Dec 08:32 euronews 7379718588865801919.html
10ª sinfonia de Beethoven será finalizada por inteligência artificial

Projeto encabeçado por gigante das telecomunicações quer finalizar a última obra do músico alemão, que fora deixada inacabada antes de sua morte.

9 Dec 16:25 Canaltech 6267437389072520417.html
Toke Makinwa replies Yomi Black, leaks DM he sent 2017

After being called out on allegations of living a fake lifestyle, Toke Makinwa has replied Yomi Black. Recall that the drama started after Toke Makinwa made a controversial statement about Cardi B which Nigerians didn't take

9 Dec 14:59 LailasNews.com 2090029851117789271.html
Un faux incendie pour un vrai exercice de secours au commissariat de Brive

Un exercice incendie, ce lundi 9 décembre au matin, au commissariat de Brive a permis de vérifier l'efficacité de la procédure prévue avec les secours.

9 Dec 10:38 La Montagne 1201252481107376625.html
Muere Paul Volcker, expresidente de la Fed y gran enemigo de la inflación

Volcker fue presidente del banco central estadounidense entre 1979 y 1987 bajo el gobierno de dos presidentes: el demócrata Jimmy Carter y...

9 Dec 16:03 La Vanguardia 8061072700072624835.html
Embajador de México fue sorprendido hurtando un libro en una emblemática librería de Buenos Aires

El hecho sucedió el 26 de octubre pasado, en vísperas de las elecciones presidenciales en la Argentina, pero el caso no trascendió hasta ahora. El hombre del círculo de confianza de López Obrador, fue filmado por las cámaras de seguridad en la librería El Ateneo

9 Dec 15:27 Globovisión 5928221752104128456.html
Aporva Baxi: “Brand and UX must not be forgotten in the streaming wars”

Dixon Baxi co-founder and executive creative director Aporva Baxi warns streaming services that prioritising content over brand and a well designed experience could be "catastrophic".  

9 Dec 15:14 Design Week 9211635614593536028.html
La Escuela de Robótica de Misiones cerró un gran año en compañía de los estudiantes y sus familias

Las galas de presentación de proyectos de los estudiantes de la escuela de robótica desde que abrió sus puertas en el 2017, ya se han convertido en un clásico. Este año la gala de presentación...

9 Dec 09:14 El Territorio Misiones 4290701723525020501.html
Aftenpostens sjefredaktør går av fra nyttår

Espen Egil Hansen (54) slutter som sjefredaktør i Aftenposten. – Det er vemodig, men tidspunktet for meg er riktig. Vi satser journalistisk og ansetter folk, sier han.

9 Dec 08:49 Aftenbladet 8753034803853831760.html
El embajador de México en Argentina, obligado a dejar el país tras ser sorprendido robando en una librería

Ocultó un libro de menos de 28 euros entre las páginas de un diario, pero la alarma lo delató cuando trataba de salir del establecimiento

9 Dec 15:38 La Vanguardia 8061072700015154936.html
WhatsApp ESTRENA función: Las llamadas en espera, vienen con la nueva actualización

WhatsApp tendr&aacute; las llamadas en espera incluidas en la nueva actualizaci&oacute;n de esta app de servicio de mensajer&iacute;a, ya disponible para iOS y Android.

9 Dec 15:52 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623358804482.html
Vietnam Punya Dua Misi Saat Bertemu Timnas U-22 Indonesia di Final SEA Games 2019

Vietnam memiliki dua misi saat bertemu timnas u-22 Indonesia di final SEA Games 2019 cabor sepak bola putra, Selasa (10/12/2019) di Rizal Memorial

9 Dec 09:38 BolaSport.com 4603768435976515079.html
Japonya Tahran ve Washington arasında ara buluculuk yapmak istiyor

Japonya Başbakanı Abe Şinzo, iki ülke arasındaki nükleer çıkmazın çözüme ulaşmasında ve Orta Doğu'daki tansiyonun düşürülmesinde büyük rol oynamak istediklerini söyledi.

9 Dec 16:14 Bursada Bugün 3693130091369308291.html
Skomplikowana droga do pokoju w Donbasie

To gorące tygodnie na Ukrainie. W ostatnich dniach prorosyjscy separatyści kilkadziesiąt razy otwierali ogień, zginęło trzech ukraińskich żołnierzy. To w zasadzie niezmienny obraz wydarzeń w Donbasie, tydzień w tydzień, miesiąc w miesiąc, przez lata. Teraz jednak ma to się zmienić, trwa intensywna rozgrywka o przyszłość wschodniej Ukrainy a nowy ukraiński rząd postawił na bardziej ugodową wobec „separów” politykę. W tle wybrzmiewają ostrzeżenia oligarchy Ihora Kołomojskiego, że Kijów powinien porzucić Zachód i przebrzmiała kłótnia prezydenta Wołodymyra Zełenskiego z oddziałem żołnierzy na froncie. Co dalej z Donbasem?

9 Dec 12:51 Do Rzeczy 474976675210535236.html
Cutremur PUTERNIC în Florența - Mersul trenurilor este afectat

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,8 grade s-a produs luni dimineață în Florența, afectând mersul trenurilor, mai multe călătorii fiind amânate...

9 Dec 13:35 Stiri pe surse 4858045013489054462.html
Offerte di Natale: gioielli marcati Elli con sconti oltre il 40%

Grazie alle offerte di Natale di Amazon, dal 9 al 22 Dicembre puoi trovare anelli, collane, orecchini e cavigliere con sconti a partire dal 40%: scoprili subito!

9 Dec 14:05 Today 178378750863523730.html
Sampaoli se reúne com o presidente do Santos, faz exigências e se distancia do clube

Técnico pede investimento em reforços e fim dos jogos em São Paulo; diretoria analisa

9 Dec 16:23 Globoesporte 3611676018777568242.html
La russia bandita dalle competizioni sportive per 4 anni: niente tokyo 2020 n


9 Dec 11:39 DAGOSPIA 6533336739757269565.html
Prefeitos de municípios de MS que podem ser extintos pedem fim de PEC

Prefeitos foram at&eacute; Bras&iacute;lia pedir para que Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (PEC) que prev&ecirc; a jun&ccedil;&atilde;o de munic&iacute;pios pequenos considerados de baixa...

9 Dec 14:06 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489542406707.html
Posizioni nette corte: UBI Banca è ancora il più shortato di Piazza Affari, esce Tenaris

Dall’aggiornamento di oggi di Consob sulle posizioni nette corte (PNC) si apprende che il titolo più shortato a Piazza Affari è UBI Banca con 7 posizioni short aperte per una …

9 Dec 16:11 FinanzaOnline 6528634128099321112.html
Rezultatele slabe la testele PISA aduc noi cerințe! Se vrea reintroducerea geografiei la examenul de Bacalaureat și la Evaluare Națională

Societatea de Geografie din România solicită, în urma rezultatelor testelor PISA, reintroducerea geografiei ca disciplină la examenul de...

9 Dec 09:45 Stiri pe surse 4858045012681194789.html
Arriva da Israele il vincitore del premio “Laceno d’oro” come Miglior Film della 44esima edizione

Per la sezione doc vince “Non è sogno” di Giovanni Cioni, miglior cortometraggio è “L’azzurro del cielo” di Enea Zucchetti

9 Dec 11:22 AvellinoToday 5452883947896090965.html
KSI is brutal as he delivers knock out blow to Tommy Fury

He's giving it the big talk...

9 Dec 13:50 Metro 970161748845556875.html
Le champion Anouar Boukharsa a fait de graves révélations

Le champion marocain de Taekwondo, Anouar Boukharsa, qui avait quitté le Maroc pour rejoindre clandestinement l’Espagne, a fait des révélations gravissimes.

9 Dec 17:57 Le Site Info 5160764340800027920.html
This Pictures Proves 1 Fact: It's Really Hard to Sink a U.S. Navy Submarine

And thank god for that.

9 Dec 08:05 Yahoo 7097669637867140153.html
Gabriela Firea, măsuri pentru deblocarea traficului în Bucureşti: autobuzele să circule pe linia de tramvai

Gabriela Firea a anunţat măsuri de fluidizare a traficului &icirc;n Capitală care urmează să fie discutate la următoarea şedinţă a CGMB. &Icirc;n acest sens, Firea a anunţat că va cere din nou transferul centurii ocolitoare a Capitale

9 Dec 13:32 romaniatv.net 4505369227623643782.html
SEA Games 2019: Menangi Duel Ketat Kontra Malaysia, Praveen / Melati Rebut Medali Emas

Ganda campuran Indonesia, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti merebut mesali emas nomor perorangan SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 12:09 Bola.com 1695722604630052894.html
Irake raketos smogė kariniam kompleksui, kuriame bazuojasi JAV pajėgos

Į vieną netoli Bagdado tarptautinio oro uosto esantį Irako karinį kompleksą, kuriame bazuojasi JAV pajėgos, pirmadienį pataikė kelios raketos, sužeidusios šešis irakiečių kariškius, pranešė ginkluotosios pajėgos.

9 Dec 11:57 Kauno diena 6825691409450953357.html
La increíble caída de Diego Maradona cuando Gimnasia erró un gol

Antes de que su equipo consiguiera la victoria,el DT sufrió en el banco de suplentes.

9 Dec 11:34 La Capital 7472053047173935444.html
Watch Ehd e Wafa Episode 12 online by Hum TV

Watch Ehd e Wafa Episode 12 online Another addition to the hit dramas of the year 2019 is Ehd-e-Wafa which is not a romance-tale but covers the remarkable journey of four friends. The drama is ISPR sponsored production and its theme is about how the four fellows strive to make their lives. The main characters of the drama include Ahad Raza Mir, Osman Khalid Butt, Wahaj Ali and Ahmed Ali Akbar. Ehd-e-Wafa has been written by Mustafa Afridi and directed by Saife Hassan. This serial is being on-aired on Hum TV every Sunday at 08:00 pm. You can also watch it on PTV Home and YouTube.

9 Dec 10:38 Dispatch News Desk 1078940131508287583.html
Estados Unidos: cómo será el nuevo barrio donde los vecinos no podrán tener auto

No habrá estacionamientos. Solo podrán ingresar vehículos de emergencia o visitas.

9 Dec 10:01 Todo Noticias 8077539162135065974.html
Landshypotek Bank fortsätter sticka ut med konkurrenskraftiga snitträntor för bolån

I många jämförelser under året har Landshypotek Bank stuckit ut genom att erbjuda Sveriges lägsta snitträntor på flera bindningstider. För november ligger utmanaren på svensk bolånemarknad stabilt kvar på 1,24 % i ränta för lån med tre månaders bindningstid. För ettåringen har månadens snitt sänkts ytterligare med tre punkter till 1,21 %. Bankens lägsta snittränta för november var dock treåringen med 1,10 %.

9 Dec 11:55 Dagens industri 3921815213275883087.html
Mutual Funds' asset base crosses Rs 27 lakh crore in November

Mutual fund houses witnessed an overall inflow of Rs 54,419 crore last month as compared to Rs 1.33 lakh crore in October

9 Dec 16:42 Business Today 1145527432543225441.html
„Schneebrunzer“: Klage vom Tisch, Prozess geplatzt

Die Frage, ob Ex-FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache auf Ibiza „Österreich“-Herausgeber Wolfgang Fellner als „Schneebrunzer“ bezeichnet hat, bleibt ...

9 Dec 15:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093905118269.html
Michelle Bachelet en COP25 sobre el papel de los jóvenes: "Son una fuerza de esperanza"

La Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos participó en un acto organizado por la UNICEF, durante la jornada también participó la activista sueca Greta Thunberg.

9 Dec 11:10 Emol 3328490601844832180.html
Sangamo : Jefferies reste à l'achat

L'analyste Jefferies confirme ce jour sa recommandation 'achat' sur le titre Sangamo, après des nouvelles positives concernant la thérapie génique SB-525.'Nous estimons que nous avons besoin de voir... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 13:37 Zonebourse 7946574377230483174.html
Embajador de México en Argentina es obligado a dejar el país tras ser captado robando en una librería

El canciller mexicano, Marcelo Ebrard, ordenó al embajador Óscar Valero Recio que regrese a territorio mexicano para que se investigue si es verdad que robó un libro de esta famosa librería argentina.

9 Dec 17:58 RPP 3819340343349341812.html
Chen toma el mando del Espanyol en la peor crisis de su etapa perica

El dirigente chino presidirá este martes la junta de accionistas con el equipo cerrando la Liga masculina y femenina

9 Dec 17:07 elPeriodico 7291954034487393442.html
Locura rusa, nivel: siete vehículos anfibios reales dignos de un archienemigo de 007

Los ingenios militares condicionan en gran medida parte de los avances que finalmente disfrutamos todos, más aún si vives en Rusia, donde hasta hace bien poco...

9 Dec 15:00 Motorpasion 3731799124107809553.html
Lenny Bruce From ‘Marvelous Mrs Maisel’ Was a Real Comedian, and His Life Was as Drama-Filled as the Show Depicts

Those arrests? They actually happened.

9 Dec 10:55 Cosmopolitan 7158263393837123032.html
The 9 youngest leaders in the world

Finland's Sanna Marin, 34, will be the world's youngest prime minister in office when she is sworn in tomorrow. Here are the nine youngest leaders serving in the world today:

9 Dec 17:14 RTE.ie 7595237277625853376.html
Berlin Döner Antalyaspor deplasmanda kazandı

Berlin Döner Antalyaspor deplasmanda kazandı

9 Dec 09:21 CNN Türk 3669296858360436757.html
El nuevo BioShock ya está en marcha en manos de 2K Games y su nuevo estudio, Cloud Chamber

El nuevo BioShock ya está en marcha en manos de 2K Games y su nuevo estudio, Cloud Chamber. La compañía acaba de confirmarlo a través de un comunicado oficial, donde ha dado más detalles al respecto. Cloud Chamber es el nuevo estudio fundado por 2K Games, que contará con dos oficinas principales: la primera, en San Francisco y la segunda en Montreal, convirtiéndose en el primer estudio canadiense de 2K Games. Y Cloud Chamber debutará por todo lo alto, porque 2K Games ha confirmado que ya ha empezado a trabajar en un nuevo BioShock y que su desarrollo se alargará para los próximos años.

9 Dec 13:17 SomosXbox 4635940034833571400.html
Jean-Paul Delevoye, haut-commissaire aux Retraites, "oublie" de mentionner son lien avec les assureurs dans sa déclaration d'intérêts

Le site de la Haute autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique a publié samedi la déclaration du haut-commissaire aux Retraites, Jean-Paul Delevoye. Une déclaration dans laquelle on retrouve plusieurs fonctions de celui qui est entré au gouvernement le 3 septembre dernier. Mais qui omet également de mentionner ses liens avec le monde de l'assurance, comme le révèle Le Parisien.

9 Dec 08:45 LaProvence 1839381420846667020.html
Rührend: Gehörloses Baby hört zum ersten Mal Stimme seiner Mama

Ein ganz besonderer Tweet lässt derzeit die Herzen der Netz-Gemeinde höherschlagen.

9 Dec 13:01 Kurier 208072239234938334.html
Primul model non-feminin pe coperta Cosmopolitan Marea Britanie, din ultimii 35 de ani. FOTO

Revista Cosmopolitan din Marea Britanie pune pe copertă prima vedetă non-feminină din ultimii 35 de ani, în persoana lui Jonathan Van Ness, îndrăgitul expert în îngrijire corporală din serialul "Queer...

9 Dec 13:56 Mediafax.ro 1869610969560846447.html
Esta es la lista completa de los nominados a los Golden Globes Awards 2020

'Joker', 'The Irishman', 'Marriage Story' entre lo más destacado de las nominaciones.

9 Dec 15:04 Cultura Colectiva 3289322472602909638.html
Sirkeci Tren Garı’nda korkutan yangın: Ambulans istasyonunda maddi çaplı hasar meydana geldi

Tarihi Sirkeci Tren Garı’nda bulunan 112 istasyonunda yangın meydana geldi. Yangın sonrasında ambulans merkezinde maddi hasar meydana geldi.

9 Dec 15:40 Yeni Şafak 1729259404966084104.html
El Caracas F.C se coronó campeón del torneo Clausura

Caracas se proclamó campeón del torneo Clausura tras igualar con Táchira (2-2) en la vuelta de esta gran final y dejar un marcador global de (3-3). Ahora

9 Dec 16:15 El Siglo 7954754735855029682.html
Amaño Levante-Zaragoza: ¿Por qué absuelven a los jugadores?

Las claves del primer juicio en España sobre la corrupción en el fútbol que ya tiene su sentencia

9 Dec 14:52 Levante-EMV 7042984477926965759.html
Aardbeving van 2,8 ten westen van Texel

In de bodem onder de Noordzee is een aardbeving geweest. Die had een kracht van 2,8. Het epicentrum lag ongeveer 40 kilometer ten westen van Den Helder en Texel. De beving wordt veroorzaakt door gas- of zoutwinning, meldt het KNMI.

9 Dec 12:16 RD.nl 6406779841994623796.html
Reclaman en la COP25 la protección de los bosques acuáticos

La entidad Oceana pidió un plan de acción internacional para proteger los 'bosques azules'.

9 Dec 08:12 El Tiempo 1091719940616664160.html
Von der Leyens Öko-Deal

Die EU gilt als vorbildlich bei der Reduzierung des CO2-Ausstoßes. Aber das reicht der Kommissionspräsidentin nicht: Bis 2030 soll es noch weniger werden.

9 Dec 16:48 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322518528281.html
Golden Globes Movies Snubs: ‘Little Women’ and Robert De Niro

The surprises included nods for the director of “Joker” and Annette Bening (“The Report”).

9 Dec 14:57 NY Times 1961078288196638828.html
Niculae Havrileț a fost numit secretar de stat în Ministerul Economiei

Niculae Havrileț, fost șef al Autorității Naționale de Reglementare în Domeniul Energiei (ANRE), este unul dintre noii secretari de stat ai Ministerului Economiei, Energiei și Mediului de

9 Dec 11:10 HotNews 6169202161127615867.html
Toldo: "Conte ha dato una forza che mancava. E a gennaio l'Inter comprerà"

Francesco Toldo è intervenuto questa mattina ai microfoni di Radio Anch'io Lo Sport. L'ex portiere nerazzurro ha avuto modo di salutare il commissario tecnico della Nazionale...

9 Dec 10:15 FcInterNews.it 7848284893510238815.html
BCS Camaçari finaliza curso de barbeiro com competição

Evento foi realizado na última sexta-feira, 06, em parceria com a Câmara dos Dirigentes e Lojistas (CDL).

9 Dec 12:51 BAHIA NO AR 8652507712987021404.html
Netanyahu le confirmó a Borges los vínculos entre Hezbollah y el régimen de Maduro (VIDEO)

El canciller de Venezuela, Julio Borges, participó en un encuentro con el primer ministro de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, en el que destalló

9 Dec 15:45 LaPatilla.com 9104603009906094025.html
Cristiano Ronaldo não vai passar o Natal com Dolores

A matriarca da família Dolores Aveiro revelou que Cristiano Ronaldo não vai passar o Natal na ilha da Madeira com os familiares.

9 Dec 14:00 N-TV 4368043452203907220.html
Under $3, Plug Power Stock Is a Good Speculative Buy

Plug Power and PLUG stock lost all momentum Dec. 2 when it announced it would sell up to 40 million shares in a secondary offering.

9 Dec 17:46 InvestorPlace 24614509526217970.html
Jessica Thivenin disparaît des réseaux sociaux : les fans inquiets

La star de télé-réalité et son mari Thibaut Garcia ont disparu depuis plusieurs jours des réseaux sociaux. Eux qui ont pour habitude de tout partager sur la Toile inquiètent leurs fans....

9 Dec 08:13 Purepeople 1712099803033628354.html
PNV y Podemos pactan el presupuesto vasco para 2020 a falta de la consulta a sus bases

El acuerdo moviliza unos 200 millones de los más de 11.000 que contemplan las cuentas para el próximo año

9 Dec 12:29 EL PAÍS 2207347710087757591.html
'Channel 4 want a younger presentation team, so I had to go': Peter Purves, 80, tells GMB he was 'stunned' to lose Crufts presenting role after 41 years as Piers Morgan launches a campaign to keep him on the dog show coverage

Peter Purves (pictured today), 80, found out this week he is to be axed from the nearly 70-year-old British TV show which he has nurtured for more than half its life.

9 Dec 09:09 Mail Online 124328111822456312.html
Ao vosso reino, nada!

Há de se perguntar aonde essa relação do Brasil com os EUA vai chegar. A indagação procede. Ainda mais no momento em que o presidente americano, Donald Trump, lança novo tiro de abate contra o colega, digamos chapa de ideias, Jair Bolsonaro. O aliado brasileiro não poupou esforços em rapapés e bajulações ao líder do […]

9 Dec 12:30 ISTOÉ Dinheiro 4352259919168598455.html
Apesar de mil palpites sobre o corpo, gêmeos são parceiros no fisiculturismo

Os dois são atletas desde criança e sempre gostaram de competir. Do Kumon aos campeonatos de handebol, Alexandre e Rodrigo Lacerda, de 31 anos, são gêmeos que sempre estiveram juntos. Hoje, numa atividade que ainda não fascina tanto quanto outros esportes, eles formam uma dupla “pesada” do fisiculturismo. Levam em parceria uma vida regrada, mas saudável, eles dizem, e exercitam como nunca a paciên...

9 Dec 10:38 Campo Grande News 7902463002207936912.html
Décoder l'ADN africain pourrait aider à lutter contre les maladies

​Les Africains noirs sont désavantagés lorsqu'il s'agit de traitements médicamenteux parce qu'ils ne représentent que 2% des échantillons génétiques utilisés pour la recherche pharmaceutique, mai...

9 Dec 08:44 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368549749584.html
"Lo sodomizaron, lo empalaron y le cortaron en tres la oreja": Las víctimas de tortura atrapadas en una de las guerras más largas del mundo

Turquía asegura que la seguridad y la estabilidad están de vuelta en la región que controla en el norte de Siria y cita a la ciudad de Afrin como un ejemplo de mejoría. La BBC habló con gente que todavía está allí que cuenta lo contrario.

9 Dec 12:01 24Horas.cl 793283386452297173.html
Oddział Młodzieżowo-Dziecięcy w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym w Gdańsku uratowany. Lekarze wycofują wypowiedzenia

Oddział Dziecięco-Młodzieżowy w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym w Gdańsku nie zostanie zamknięty. Po trwających prawie trzy tygodnie negocjacjach lekarze na nim pracujący wycofali wypowiedzenia. To efekt negocjacji prowadzonych z załogą przez Zarząd Województwa Pomorskiego i dyrekcję Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Psychiatrycznego w Gdańsku.

9 Dec 15:21 RMF24 3758900157191891307.html
Bußgeld für 1&1: Kundendaten nicht ausreichend geschützt

1&1 muss 9,6 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen. Ein zum Konzern gehörendes Unternehmen habe Kundendaten nicht ausreichend geschützt.

9 Dec 15:50 www.onlinekosten.de 8658535189533560792.html
Droht Ärger bei der Eintracht? Topscorer "Hinti" schießt gegen Flauten-Stürmer

Mit dem Treffer zum zwischenzeitlichen 1:2 gegen Hertha BSC erzielte Martin Hinteregger bereits sein 5. Saisontor. Seiner Ansicht nach Fluch und Segen zugleich.

9 Dec 11:02 TAG24 4583887874967188499.html
2020 Ford Escape hybrid fuel economy announced

2020 Ford Escape hybrid small crossover fuel economy revealed. Combined fuel economy equals or surpasses RAV4 Hybrid depending on drive wheels.

9 Dec 16:20 Autoblog 4372976973689844313.html
Cutremur puternic în Florența. Mersul trenurilor a fost afectat

 Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 4,8 s-a produs luni dimineaţă în nordul Florenţei şi a condus la perturbări ale circulaţiei feroviare în întreaga Italie, fiind afectate inclusiv trenurile de mare viteză, relatează Reuters. Seismul s-a produs în Munţii Apenini la ora 03:30 (02:30 GMT), având magnitudinea 4,8, potrivit Institutului american de geofizică (USGS). Nu există informaţii privind eventuale victime, a anunţat serviciul de pompieri. "Traficul este suspendat, ca măsură de precauţie, pentru a permite verificarea stării infrastructurii", a anunţat într-un comunicat Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, care gestionează reţeaua naţională feroviară. Compania trebuie să efectueze verificări pe linia feroviară în zona în care s-a produs un cutremur cu o magnitudine de peste 4.

9 Dec 10:45 www.antena3.ro 6332542757674286355.html
New Zealand police say number of missing people on tourist island hit by volcano in double digits

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - New Zealand police say number of missing people on tourist island hit by volcano in double digits.

9 Dec 08:19 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541637456220041.html
Marvel Studios : Le multivers au centre des futures phases du MCU ?

Kevin Feige a annoncé quelle sera la prochaine étape pour le MCU, lors du CCXP 2019. 

9 Dec 16:30 melty 8059025070301901458.html
Kilas Balik SEA Games 1991: Ledakan Pemain Muda Tim Garuda Bakal Terulang 2019 Ini?

Timnas Indonesia meraih medali emas SEA Games 1991 dari sepak bola. Tim Garuda Muda kini berpeluang mengulangi sejarah 28 tahun silam di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 10:15 Bola.com 1695722603736905006.html
‘To the man who smacked my butt on live TV’: Woman reporter calls out runner

A reporter from WSAV was speaking to the camera at the Savannah Bridge Run when a male participant groped her on live television.

9 Dec 14:20 The Indian Express 2885715105831309721.html
Ils ont fait naître deux hybrides porcs-singes

Une équipe de chercheurs chinois a récemment fait naître deux hybrides porcs-singes. Les petits n'ont malheureusement vécu qu'une semaine. Chaque année, des dizaines de milliers de patients meurent de défaillance d'organes, faute de donneurs. Pour pallier

9 Dec 10:16 Sciencepost 6380497999704210913.html
League of Legends presenta su colección de ropa de Louis Vuitton con precios de hasta casi 2.000 dólares

Los precios de las prendas son tan prohibitivos como cabía esperar cuando se anunció el acuerdo entre ambas marcas. Hace ya cierto tiempo que se anunció un acuerdo entre el videojuego League of Legends y la marca de ropa...

9 Dec 15:18 3DJuegos 3383023118462952061.html
Trier, réutiliser,  recycler : quelles sont les principales mesures contre le gaspillage ?

Le gouvernement veut inscrire dans la loi l'objectif de 100% de plastique recyclé d'ici au 1er janvier 2025 et réduire le gaspillage alimentaire de 50% par rapport à son niveau de 2015.

9 Dec 15:48 La Montagne 1201252481489285311.html
Jelang Tampil di Final BWF 2019, Jojo Akui Cukup Tegang

WE Online, Guangzhou, China - Pebulu tangkis tunggal putra Indonesia, Jonatan Christie, memberikan komentar jelang tampil di ajang BWF World Tour Finals 2019. Jojo –panggilan akrab Jonatan– mengaku cukup antusias apalagi ini merupakan Final BWF pertama bagi atlet jebolan PB Tangkas ini.

9 Dec 08:30 Warta Ekonomi.co.id 5027164835022132489.html
Desaparece avión militar chileno con 38 personas a bordo

Leibman tenía una larga carrera en cine, teatro y televisión.

9 Dec 14:19 Ecuavisa 4017571649901382943.html
250 Jobs wackeln : Secop: Warnstreik abgesagt, Verhandlungen mit Nidec laufen

Im Fürstenfelder Secop-Werk stehen Streiks im Raum. Heute, Montag, wurden sie abgesagt, auch am Freitag dürfte normal gearbeitet werden. Verantwortlich dafür: ein Treffen zwischen Secop und Nidec in Zürich.

9 Dec 16:19 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700385266785.html
Guardiola szerint a Manchester City jelenleg nem versenyképes a legjobb európai klubokkal

Josep Guardiola szerint csapata, az angol labdarúgó Premier League-ben címvédő Manchester City jelenleg nem versenyképes a legjobb európai klubokkal.

9 Dec 11:43 hirado.hu 6466806020701916694.html
Menristek Sebut Dana Riset 2020 Sekitar Rp 30 Triliun

Menristek menjelaskan bahwa BRIN akan mengendalikan dana riset tersebut.

9 Dec 17:01 Tempo 8962756051356720497.html
Scene-stealer: Tristram Kenton's best stage shots of 2019 – in pictures

From ballet to panto via reanimated corpses, here are some of our arts photographer’s finest photos of the past 12 months

9 Dec 08:00 the Guardian 1491978794527544034.html
“The Morning Show” is the first Apple TV+ show to gain prestigious award nominations

Apple's drama series about an early morning TV news show has managed to earn three Golden Globe nominations for the Apple TV+ video service.

9 Dec 16:09 iDownloadBlog.com 3326243716083074746.html
Conozca los mejores vehículos anfibios rusos (video)

Rusia destaca por sus avances en los que su ingenio militar los ha llevado a crear siete vehículos anfibios que parecen sacados de

9 Dec 14:38 MiamiDiario.com 1001112535752184585.html
Representantes da sociedade temem retrocesso no combate à corrupção

Agência Brasil Seminário analisará em Brasília meios de prevenir esse tipo de crime A Câmara de Combate à Corrupção do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) realiza em Brasília, nesta segunda-feira (9/12), seminário sobre estratégias de combate à corrupção e uso da colaboração premiada, regras e polí

9 Dec 09:00 Terça Livre TV 3346245884280791049.html
Rencontre au sommet Poutine-Zelensky à Paris sur la paix en Ukraine

La guerre entre Kiev et les séparatistes prorusses a fait plus de 13.000 morts dans le Donbass, bastion industriel de l’Est ukrainien, depuis 2014

9 Dec 09:53 www.20minutes.fr 6446520676250810615.html
Niko Kovac válthatja fel az ideiglenesen kinevezett Ljunberget

A tervezettnél korábban visszatérhet a kispadra a Bayern München korábbi vezetőedzője.

9 Dec 09:11 SZOLJON 6605114197792767177.html
Robbie Williams, Ultimo e Lous and The Yakuza ospiti della finale di X Factor 2019

Robbie Williams, Ultimo e Lous and The Yakuza saranno gli ospiti della finale di X Factor 2019.

9 Dec 17:04 Sky TG24 1131381334259892850.html
Sanofi va s'offrir la biotech Synthorx pour 2,5 milliards de dollars

L’annonce de l’acquisition intervient à la veille d’une journée investisseurs au cours de laquelle le nouveau directeur général Paul Hudson présentera les premiers éléments du réexamen en cours de la stratégie du groupe pharmaceutique

9 Dec 11:45 l'Opinion 7618695067382947466.html
Seyir halindeki otomobil alev alev yandı

Tekirdağ’ın Süleymanpaşa ilçesinde seyir halindeki otomobil alev alev yandı. Araç sürücüsü ve yolcular son anda araçtan çıkarak canlarını kurtardı.

9 Dec 17:05 61 SAAT 7475575990121211489.html
Jutarnji: Ekstremisti išarali plakate, vlast i Crkva ćute

ZAGREB - Ćirilični džambo plakati sa sloganima tri predsednička kandidata, Kolinde Grabar Kitarović, Zorana Milanovića i Miroslava Škora, koje je

9 Dec 16:55 Krstarica 4176903989955367785.html
Roberto Martinez le confirme: la Belgique devrait affronter deux ténors, dont un champion d'Europe, au mois de mars

Les Diables Rouges devraient bien prendre part à une mini-tournée au Qatar au mois de mars. C'est ce qu'a précisé Roberto Martinez, le ...

9 Dec 14:09 RTL sport 5478130074090161553.html
Greta Thunberg: la emergencia climática "no es un problema futuro, nos está afectando ya"

En un debate dedicado a los jóvenes y junto a varios activistas de diferentes zonas del mundo, la joven sueca dijo que "la gente está...

9 Dec 09:59 Expansión 4197779425005620616.html
BCE : Christine Lagarde plonge dans le grand bain monétaire

"Accordez-moi un peu de patience, ne surinterprétez pas. J'aurai ma propre manière de traiter certaines questions clés", a demandé Christine Lagarde, première dirigeante de la BCE sans expérience directe des banques centrales, en amont de la première réunion de politique monétaire qui se tiendra ce jeudi.

9 Dec 09:59 La Tribune 6570267672704421000.html
Conductor de Televisa le hace una insinuación ¿sexual? a Galilea Montijo

Las cosas se han puesto candentes en el foro de Televisa donde se realiza el Programa Hoy, pues sin pudor alguno, un conductor del matutino le hecho los perros a Galilea Montijo.

9 Dec 17:58 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624498074174.html
Baahubali 2’s Hindi version is the biggest Bollywood film of the decade

In the last ten years, Salman Khan emerges as the biggest male star, Katrina Kaif, is best female star and ‘Tum Hi Ho’ is the most popular song

9 Dec 16:14 The Hindu 6679535024969895368.html
Be Wary of Ford’s High Dividend Yield

Be wary of the high Ford stock dividend yield. Ford still can't afford the dividend since its adjusted FCF is too low and not growing.

9 Dec 16:58 InvestorPlace 24614511230109956.html
Benzema no elude un juicio que le puede condenar a cinco años de cárcel

El Tribunal Supremo francés rechaza el recurso del futbolista por su implicación en el presunto chantaje sexual a su compañero de selección Valbuena

9 Dec 13:31 EL PAÍS 2207347709919820376.html
Paul A. Volcker, Fed Chairman Who Waged War on Inflation, Is Dead at 92

Mr. Volcker helped shape American economic policy for decades, notably by leading the Federal Reserve’s brute-force campaign to subdue inflation in the 1970s and ’80s.

9 Dec 13:51 NY Times 1961078289037147806.html
OFICIR JNA ODBIO DA BUDE ZLOČINAC: Neki zli Srbi spalili su mu celu porodicu, a onda je Amir spasao celo srpsko selo!

Po definiciji, reč heroj znači izuzetno hrabar čovek, koji spašava druge ljude i brani ih od zla. Amir Reko je sinonim pomenute reči. Ovaj bivši oficir JNA, izdigao se iznad lične tragedije, odoleo je mržnji, nacionalizmu, besu, želji za osvetom i ostao čovek.1992. ...

9 Dec 09:31 kurir.rs 6515665028470018096.html
Special report: We need more than GDP growth (part 1)

Why measuring GDP is not enough.

9 Dec 08:00 Moneyweb 1092550946101164341.html
De Canio: "Napoli squadra involuta, ha perso certezze. ADL? E' in attesa di capire..."

L'allenatore Gigi De Canio ha parlato ai microfoni di Radio24, durante la trasmissione 'Tutti convocati', per commentare il momento del Napoli.

9 Dec 10:00 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081481909701.html
Watch: Dubai’s Greatest Hellmann’s Burgers Episode 7

Atlantis The Palm’s brand-new burger shack stars in our penultimate episode

9 Dec 14:56 Time Out Dubai 1956550810130384019.html
MASNA I SLATKA HRANA NARUŠAVA RASPOLOŽENJE I KONCENTRACIJU: Dovoljno je da je jedete 4 dana i osetićete LOŠE posledice!

Nova otkrića Američke akademije za neurologiju pokazuju da ishrana koja je bogata masnoćama i šećerom može dovesti i do problema sa pamćenjem i smanjene koncentracije.Eksperiment sproveden na Univerzitetu u Oksfordu objavljen je u časopisu The American Journal ...

9 Dec 16:17 kurir.rs 6515665027151025312.html
La piena del Po: danni per 20 milioni di euro agli argini dei canali

REGGIO EMILIA – Nei primi tre giorni della piena del Po, a partire dalla notte fra il 16 e il 17 novembre, gli impianti idrovori del Consorzio di bonifica dell’Emilia centrale hanno smaltito circa 100 milioni di metri cubi d’acqua. Questa enorme quantità di acqua che si è riversata nei canali ha determinato danni molto […]

9 Dec 17:07 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334038296881.html
Le jeu Black Mesa, remake d'Half Life est désormais intégralement disponible en Beta

Le jeu Black Mesa, remake d'Half Life est désormais intégralement disponible en Beta. Nos confrères d'IGN viennent de dévoile..., actualité 69929

9 Dec 09:28 Cowcotland 6610786359088687090.html
Mondovì: al via la distribuzione dei sacchetti per la raccolta differenziata 2020

Dal 12 al 26 dicembre nella Sala delle Conferenze “Luigi Scimè” oppure dal 3 dicembre presso l’Ecosportello

9 Dec 16:02 Targatocn.it 7367208849827464459.html
How Chiefs Got The Edge Over Celtic  

Bloemfontein Celtic coach Lehlohonolo Seema has explained how Kaizer Chiefs got the edge over his side during their eight-goal thriller at the weekend.

9 Dec 10:21 Soccer Laduma 3901337372043624634.html
Cita Inter-Barça por Vidal y Lautaro

La expedición oficial del FC Barcelona viajará hoy a Milán con los deberes hechos en la Champions. Tras vencer al Borussia Dortmund, el...

9 Dec 14:04 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958180215354.html
No, Mr Bond, I expect you to buy! Paradise Jamaican villa on 007 author Ian Fleming’s GoldenEye estate goes on sale for £3.6million

The villa, called Strangeways, is located on the 15 acres of land the author bought in 1946 on Jamaica's north shore. It sits on top of a cliff and has views of the Caribbean Sea.

9 Dec 16:28 Mail Online 124328111267843702.html
Ramaphosa roasted after ‘tone-deaf’ Eskom letter

The president visited Medupi for the first time, calling it a 'fitting symbol of the importance of our state-owned enterprises'.

9 Dec 10:13 The Citizen 410802300715443594.html
Estaires: discriminations, préjugés et insultes au programme du lycée professionnel Saint-Roch

Le lycée Saint-Roch d’Estaires a reçu des membres de l’association l’Afocal p...

9 Dec 10:04 La Voix du Nord 5307415664745314709.html
DW: Gradski prevoz – besplatan ili kvalitetan?

BON - Više nemačkih gradova nudi besplatne karte za gradski prevoz u određenim danima, a cilj ovog eksperimenta je da ubedi građane da smanje upotrebu

9 Dec 10:26 Krstarica 4176903989368756111.html
Mayoría salvadoreña en el once ideal de Liga B de Naciones

Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza, FAS y El Vencedor están incluidos en la nómina del mejor once de la Liga B de Naciones de CONCACAF.Seleccionados de Alianza…

9 Dec 12:37 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190444467342.html
Box internet fibre et ADSL : dernière ligne droite pour une promotion colossale

Capital prolonge une dernière fois sa promotion spectaculaire sur son abonnement box fibre et ADSL. Elle est finalement valable jusqu’au 15 décembre inclus., Débutée à la fin du mois d’octobre, la vente

9 Dec 10:38 Capital.fr 2641485280688998386.html
Quería llevar a sus hijos al colegio en Cancún y ladrones se roban su camioneta

En Canc&uacute;n un padre de familia se vio sorprendido cuando se percat&oacute; que su camioneta hab&iacute;a sido robada en su casa mientras dorm&iacute;a.

9 Dec 15:36 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623673160643.html
Firea a convocat comandament pentru fluidizarea traficului în perioada sărbătorilor de iarnă

Primarul general Gabriela Firea a convocat, luni, la ora 15:00, un comandament pentru a adopta soluții de fluidizare a traficului din Capitală...

9 Dec 12:50 Stiri pe surse 4858045013413047962.html
Brendan Rodgers begins his Title-Race mind-games with Klopp…

Brendan Rodgers has predictably painted his Leicester City side as the underdogs in this year’s title race, which in fairness, they are! The Foxes have won eight on the bounce and are eight p…

9 Dec 09:25 The Empire of The Kop 4194553100892670252.html
Spun to Run gets post-Cigar Mile break; 'he'll come back stronger'

Horse Racing news: Spun to Run gets post-Cigar Mile break; 'he'll come back stronger'.

9 Dec 09:00 Horse Racing Nation 6225030534096037248.html
Drake On Juice Wrld’s Death: 'I Would Like To See All The Younger Talent Live Longer'

The Chi-Town native had just celebrated his 21st birthday on December 2.

9 Dec 11:41 HipHopDX 6054351962104403735.html
Sat 1: TV-Star Harry Schulz ist tot – tragische Details

Sat 1: Fans trauern um beliebten TV-Star. Er starb im Alter von 59 Jahren überraschend.

9 Dec 14:02 Thüringen24 7206317296005165470.html
"Die alten Männer werden es nie blicken"

Finnlands neue Mächtige: Frauen unter 40. Am Dienstag wird die Staatschefin vereidigt - mit 34 Jahren. Ihre vier Koalitionsparteien - allesamt von Frauen geführt. Wie machen die das? Die Politologin Elena Penttinen lehrt an der Universität Helsinki und glaubt: Die haben vor allem gekämpft.

9 Dec 17:48 n-tv 6802689755389932436.html
¿Te han hackeado el iPhone? descúbrelo con esta app

¿Tienes dudas de si tu iPhone ha sido hackeado? Esta app analiza el comportaiento del teléfono para descubrir un posible ataque externo.

9 Dec 15:30 MovilZona 3711352298504203412.html
Andy Ruiz Jr. vs. Anthony Joshua 2 purse, salaries: How much money will they make in the rematch?

The highly-anticipated rematch between Andy Ruiz Jr. and Anthony Joshua will mark a career-high payday for each fighter, and why shouldn't it?

9 Dec 12:48 Sporting News 5110653854025275298.html
Leafs’ Sandin still unclear on WJC status, but knows he can help Sweden

TORONTO — Rasmus Sandin likes Sweden’s odds at this year’s world junior championship, but he’d like them even more if the Toronto Maple Leafs allow him to don “The Three Crowns” once again.

9 Dec 09:25 Sportsnet.ca 4293652946005480990.html
Vatican Bishop: ‘China Trusts Pope Francis’

A top Vatican bishop has confirmed Pope Francis’ wish to visit Beijing and establish formal diplomatic ties with the country.

9 Dec 12:56 Breitbart 3148363491971335128.html
Cesano, Mocci (FI): “Raggi smentisca ipotesi discarica”

“Rimaniamo sbalorditi dalle indiscrezioni emerse sull’ipotesi presente nel nuovo progetto anti-crisi di Ama che verrà presentato nei prossimi giorni, di

9 Dec 13:32 VignaClaraBlog.it 1391342617805934409.html
Lo Stato entrerà in Ilva. Il ministro Patuanelli: "Ingresso con il Mef"

L'annuncio del titolare del Mise: "Gualtieri sta lavorando a una serie di ipotesi"

9 Dec 12:22 L'HuffPost 5315551423072436456.html
Sanofi compra Synthorx por 2.260 millones

En concreto, el acuerdo contempla que Sanofi se haga con todas las acciones de Synthorx por 68 dólares por acción, que se abonarán en efectivo....

9 Dec 09:34 Expansión 4197779423454999730.html
VIDEO - Brutto tonfo per Inter Women, ma che gol di Tarenzi

Non è bastato all'Inter femminile il gol segnato da Stefania Tarenzi nel primo tempo di Inter-Roma per evitare una dura sconfitta casalinga contro le giallorosse,...

9 Dec 14:04 FcInterNews.it 7848284894031949550.html
Anuel AA cumple un sueño gracias a Daddy Yankee: "Ya puedo morir tranquilo"

Anuel AA ha vuelto a cantar en Puerto Rico después de cuatro años.

9 Dec 12:20 CiberCuba 8213836168611389000.html
Karen, el América y nosotros

Las noticias más relevantes de Jalisco, México, Deportes, Entretenimiento & Tecnología

9 Dec 09:26 El Informador 103545928226763200.html
Recuerda AMLO confusión por no pagar un libro en Gandhi

El Presidente pidió tratar el asunto de Valero Recio Becerra en su justa dimensión y no afectar ni destruir su dignidad

9 Dec 15:03 El Universal 4964748197252600981.html
Announcement of the nominees for 2020 Golden Globes begins

NEW YORK — “Fleabag," “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" and “ Chornobyl ” are among the first nominees announced for the the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards have begun.

9 Dec 13:16 KitchenerToday.com 52741009269342908.html
Valstybinė darbo inspekcija išaiškino nelegaliai dirbusius asmenis: skirtos baudos

Valstybinė darbo inspekcija (VDI) atliko 546 patikrinimus visoje Lietuvoje spalio 23 d. – lapkričio 6 d.  Buvo nustatyti 299 nelegalų ir nedeklaruotą darbą dirbę, neregistruotą savarankišką veiklą vykdę asmenys.

9 Dec 16:36 Kauno diena 6825691409079352930.html
BREAKING: Russia banned from 2022 FIFA World Cup, 2020 Olympics

Russia have been banned from the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games in Tokyo and other international sports. Global anti-doping leaders agreed unanimously on Monday to banish Russia from parti...

9 Dec 11:51 Punch Newspapers 3524240994061272777.html
Liam Payne dans la tourmente avec son titre Both Ways, il est accusé de stéréotyper les personnes bisexuelles

Après avoir dévoilé son tout premier album LP1 le 6 décembre, Liam Payne est déjà au coeur d'une polémique

9 Dec 10:10 melty 8059025069578955463.html
Multan y envían al depósito a vehículos informales que operaban en av. Javier Prado

Alrededor de 30 vehículos que prestaban servicio de transporte informal en la avenida Javier Prado fueron llevados al depósito en un operativo de fiscalización desarrollado por personal de la Autoridad de Transporte Urbano (ATU) y la Policía Nacional.

9 Dec 11:42 andina.pe 9054036848537514858.html
Nueva Zelanda: 5 muertos y varios desaparecidos tras erupción de volcán

Cinco personas murieron y muchas más estaban desaparecidas después de que un volcán neozelandés hiciera erupción este lunes 9 de diciembre, provocando una enorme nube de ceniza y vapor cuando docenas de turistas exploraban sus laderas.

9 Dec 13:45 El Impulso 879547506617941219.html
"Doble moral", la nueva canción de Amaranta Hank

La periodista y ex actriz porno realizó una versión de su 'Roast yourself challenge'.

9 Dec 15:50 W Radio 7724358831070366681.html
Caio Henrique estaria nos planos do Grêmio para o próximo ano

Lateral esquerdo tem 22 anos e pertence ao Atlético de Madrid

9 Dec 09:38 Correio do Povo 8875535435107746571.html
Giovanni Porcella – Ora pro nobis

Porcella: «Quello che è arriva è sicuramente un derby della serie “si salvi chi può”». E ipotizza in attacco la strana coppia Pinamonti-Favilli

9 Dec 16:46 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982774351595847.html
Marte: como será viver na gravidade do Planeta Vermelho?

Com missão espacial prevista até 2030, conheça as consequências de viver com a gravidade diferente do nosso planeta-irmão

9 Dec 17:00 MegaCurioso - As curiosidades mais interessantes estão aqui 8201156210972104581.html
Club Where Dimebag Was Killed on Sale for $1.3 Million

The Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio, site of the murder of Dimebag Darrell Abbott, was for sale in December 2019.

9 Dec 15:26 Ultimate Classic Rock 8821989686896714341.html
Miss Sudafrica vince Miss Universo 2019

Miss Sudafrica, Zozibini Tunzi, è stata incoronata Miss Universo 2019. Lo riportano media locali. Miss Puerto Rico, Madison Anderson, e Miss Mexico, Sofia Aragón, si sono classificate al secondo posto. (ANSA)

9 Dec 16:16 ANSA.it 1300837447869042772.html
Endgültiges Aus für Kreativschule - Kein Nachfolger

Felix Gravogel will sich nur mehr selbst der Kunst widmen. Gebäudenutzung unklar.

9 Dec 14:36 NÖN.at 2486998932798354676.html
Mercato - PSG : Leonardo recevrait un coup de pouce pour cette piste chaude !

Ne se sentant plus chez lui à la Juventus, Emre Can prévoirait de quitter le club bianconeri le plus rapidement possible. De quoi faire les affaires de Leonardo, le directeur sportif du PSG étant…

9 Dec 11:15 Le 10 Sport 6431763078253665693.html
Se anuncia la lotería Ichiban Kuji para Animal Crossing: New Horizons en Japón

Para los que aún no estén familiarizados con el tema, Ichiban Kuji es un sorteo especial que suele realizarse sobre series y videojuegos concretos con una gran cantidad de artículos de merchandise. La mecánica es sencilla, pues basta con comprar uno de estos boletos de lotería y obtienes un premio seguro. Pues bien, los fans […]

9 Dec 09:23 Nintenderos 2555436001755128281.html
20 Biggest Celebrity News Stories of the 2010s: Beyonce, Lindsay Lohan, Sandra Bullock and More

As the 2010s come to an end, ET is looking back on some of the biggest stories that captured the world’s attention.

9 Dec 13:55 Entertainment Tonight 7101181083739415716.html
PSD, mesaj ironic de Ziua Internațională Anticorupție: Am apelat Ambasada Suediei, dar a sunat ocupat. E posibil ca echipamentele Ericsson să fie de vină

Departamentul pentru Politică Externă din PSD a distribuit, pe Facebook, o știre privind faptul că Ericsson va plăti un miliard de dolari în SUA pentru închiderea unei anchete de corupție,

9 Dec 16:27 HotNews 5099222561003569534.html
Beyonce’s Rep Confirms She Is Not Doing A Las Vegas Residency

Beyonce will not be hitting the Las Vegas strip any time soon. In a statement to Variety, the singer's rep has confirmed that she will not be doing a residency in Sin City. It's "absolutely not true," the rep said. On Saturday, rumours that Queen Bey would be getting her own Las Vegas residency began flying…

9 Dec 12:20 ET Canada 6735490618705096061.html
La Mosca Film Collection, l'intera saga in un cofanetto super! | Cultura Pop

Koch Media Italia ha annunciato che ben presto sarà distribuito La Mosca Film Collection. Si tratta di una confezione che racchiude tutti i film della saga.

9 Dec 15:30 Tom's Hardware 6640147070891523081.html
Magic Leap solo habría vendido 6000 unidades de sus gafas de realidad mixta en seis meses

Las ventas de las gafas de realidad aumentada Magic Leap podrían ser bastante por debajo de lo esperado, si los últimos informes que han salido a la luz son ciertos.

9 Dec 11:30 ComputerHoy 3644302765150075069.html
Wonder Woman 1984: ecco il trailer ufficiale di Warner Bros | Cultura Pop

Finalmente, è stato rilasciato il trailer ufficiale di Wonder Woman 1984, nuova pellicola che uscirà nelle sale cinematografiche nel mese di giugno 2020.

9 Dec 08:10 Tom's Hardware 6640147069555869605.html
L'autodromo di Monza è il primo in Europa ad avere una rete 5G, quella di TIM

TIM ha completato l'installazione della sua rete 5G nell'autodromo di Monza, cogliendo l'occasione del Monza Rally Show 2019 per mostrare a tutti il potenziale della sua rete mobile di nuova generazione

9 Dec 16:41 Hardware Upgrade 8028272602546065571.html
Tsubasa, a bola inspirada em anime com a qual Flamengo buscará bi mundial

Fifa apresentou a bola do Mundial de Clubes, que terá uma homenagem ao protagonista do desenho animado japonês “Super Campeões"

9 Dec 13:23 VEJA.com 4116702196388651849.html
Here is Miss Universe 2019’s answer when asked the important thing young girls should be taught today

South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019 on Sunday (December 8, 2019).

9 Dec 14:11 Pulse Live 3606876836311936730.html
Vulcão mata pelo menos cinco pessoas na Nova Zelândia

Pelo cinco pessoas morreram e v&aacute;rias ficaram feridas quando o vulc&atilde;o White Island entrou em erup&ccedil;&atilde;o esta madrugada na Nova Zel&acirc;ndia. O vulc&atilde;o fica a 50 quil&ocirc;metros da costa leste da Ilha Norte. A pol&iacute;cia n&atilde;o tem confirmado o n&uacute;mero ...

9 Dec 11:24 TNH1 3684351754696280237.html
Aumenta el interés por arreglar los aparatos móviles en lugar de

No queda otra, la economía manda y, si antes, al mínimo fallo del móvil ya se estaba adquiriendo uno nuevo, en estos momentos la búsqueda va en otro sentido.

9 Dec 09:47 Informe21.com 5448175405133230016.html
UPDATE: NB I-75 reopened in Dayton after earlier multi-vehicle crash

DAYTON — UPDATE @ 7:50 a.m.: 

9 Dec 15:08 Whio 8204027953785759657.html
Problem mit GPS Tracking beim iPhone 11 Pro? Strava gibt Apple Schuld | iTopnews

Einige User berichten von Problemen mit dem iPhone 11 Pro beim GPS-Tracking.

9 Dec 15:30 www.itopnews.de 222669968865717902.html
Abogado de Álvaro Uribe, Diego Cadena, llamado a imputación de cargos

El próximo 18 de febrero, en los juzgados de Paloquemao, la Fiscalía le puso cita al litigante tulueño, quien es investigado por, supuestamente, sobornar al exparamilitar Carlos Enrique Vélez, alias ‘Víctor’, en medio del proceso judicial que se adelanta contra el expresidente en la Corte Suprema.

9 Dec 14:08 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542501023410.html
Sporting pisó fuerte en casa

El primer partido entre los dos campeones del año finalmente quedó en manos de Sporting de Santo Pipó, que en su casa se hizo fuerte ante Atlético Posadas y se impuso por 1 a...

9 Dec 12:48 Primera Edición 6803897640960500473.html
Pumas: Técnicos canteranos son quienes dan la cara por el conjunto de la UNAM

Alejandro Pérez, Álex Diego y Torres Servín, entre otros, brillaron este año y podrían ser opciones a futuro para los auriazules

9 Dec 15:19 RÉCORD 4614294662537756220.html
Onlarca doktor laparoskopi ve histereskopi canlı cerrahi operasyonuna katıldı

Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi'nde 12 üniversiteden onlarca doktorun katılımıyla canlı olarak laparoskopi ve histereskopi cerrahi operasyonu yapıldı.

9 Dec 09:49 HABER 61 8391886869319455054.html
Fecha de lanzamiento de Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle y detalles de la edición física

Ya se ha confirmado la fecha de lanzamiento de Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle y conocemos los detalles de su edición física. Los dos juegos de acción, que salieron inicialmente para Xbox 360 y PlayStation 3, llegarán en un nuevo pack para Xbox One y PS4, con soporte para resolución 4K y 60 fps. Y esto no es todo, porque ya sabemos la fecha de lanzamiento de Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle, cuya ficha encontramos en Microsoft Store. El pack contará además con una edición física, que se ha confirmado para las dos plataformas. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha no hay noticias de la llegada de Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle a Nintendo Switch.

9 Dec 16:12 SomosXbox 4635940035635284692.html
Portillo: "Continuaré trabajando por el Hércules"

El Hércules destituye al técnico Jesús Muñoz y el director deportivo oficializa su marcha afirmando que su compromiso 'sigue intacto' hasta lograr 'devolver a este gran club donde se merece su afición'

9 Dec 11:17 Diarioinformacion 8979296175847318160.html
Pedro Ruminot sobre quiebre en amistad con Rodrigo Salinas: "Debí haberle pegado"

El comediante Pedro Ruminot se refirió al quiebre en el equipo de "El Club de la Comedia" y reveló detalles de su distanciamiento con Rodrigo Salinas

9 Dec 16:46 Publimetro Chile 2498685483781882218.html
Rodrigo Chaves: “Los riesgos de que Costa Rica se endeude en dólares son manejables y razonables”

El Ministro reconoce que los costos de endeudarse en dólares son el mayor riesgo cambiario y una apreciación del colón, pero considera que son mayores los beneficios de cambiar deuda cara por barata y dedicar el ahorro al desarrollo del país

9 Dec 13:30 La Nación 504134873436250705.html
Raúl Cascini tomó una decisión con su futuro en Fox Sports tras la victoria de Riquelme

El exfutbolista fue compañero de Román y es uno de los panelistas estrella de 90 minutos de Fútbol

9 Dec 15:05 Todo Noticias 8077539162514142624.html
Avión aterriza de emergencia en Mérida y una extranjera muere tras haberse sentido mal

Un avi&oacute;n que cubr&iacute;a la ruta La Habana-Ciudad de M&eacute;xico, aterriz&oacute; de emergencia en M&eacute;rida debido a que una pasajera extranjera se sent&iacute;a mal; lamentablemente la mujer perdi&oacute; la vida en Yucat&aacute;n.

9 Dec 10:44 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622908698938.html
ES pagarinās Krievijai noteiktās sankcijas

Eiropas Savienības (ES) līderi, tiekoties samitā šonedēļ, pagarinās Krievijai noteikto sankciju termiņu, pirmdien pavēstīja Vācijas ārlietu ministrs Heiko Māss.

9 Dec 13:31 Jauns.lv 5842171970718582041.html
Edoardo Nesi, chi è: carriera e curiosità sullo scrittore italiano

Chi è Edoardo Nesi, premio Strega nel 2011: carriera e curiosità sullo scrittore italiano, tra i più apprezzati narratori del nostro Paese.

9 Dec 13:31 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928270636979.html
Changement climatique : Le Maroc préside une réunion de la CEA-ONU

Les Ambassadeurs Représentants Permanents auprès de la Commission Économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA-ONU), tiennent, lundi et mardi aux Seychelles, leur réunion annuelle consacrée au changement climatique, sous la présidence du Maroc.

9 Dec 11:07 Infomédiaire 1551316400515587444.html
El chileno detrás de la gaseosa y la policía antimotines: historia de una foto

Gino Rojas se viste de traje y corbata para protestar en las calles del centro de Santiago desde hace 50 días, pero su apariencia templada de actor de cine antiguo había pasado desapercibida entre encapuchados y gases lacrimógenos hasta que un fotógrafo de Reuters lo capturó con su cámara. 

9 Dec 14:00 Panorama 6052790755127183781.html
Tras una campaña histórica en Santos, Jorge Sampaoli define su futuro: ¿Racing o Palmeiras?

El entrenador se reunirá con los dirigentes del exclub de Pelé para diagramar sus próximos pasos.

9 Dec 14:50 Todo Noticias 8077539162402020732.html
Wonder Woman 1984 brings one of comics’ most iconic, least plausible looks to life

You’ll believe an Amazon can fly

9 Dec 16:48 Polygon 3721530541626391105.html
Mundial de Clubes: Fan Zone confirmada pela Fifa terá venda de bebida alcoólica

Área especial terá shows até o dia da final e será inaugurada nesta segunda, com uma cerveja saindo por cerca de R$ 28, preço "promocional" perto do que é cobrado em hotéis

9 Dec 13:26 Globoesporte 3611676019453268050.html
Fallas en la distribución de gasolina genera colas en Monagas y Guárico

La crisis de combustible continúa en el país a pesar de que estamos en la temporada decembrina. De interés: Las populares cestas navideñas dicen presente en los bodegones de país Este lunes, usuarios de la red social Twitter denunciaron que en Monagas y Guarico hay fallas en la distribución de gasolina y ello ha generado largas […]

9 Dec 09:37 Descifrado 6343485651372405269.html
#Showbiz: 'Forgive Mama and Abah sayang' - Abby Abadi

KUALA LUMPUR: After 70 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Sungai Buloh Hospital, the premature baby of actress and singer Abby Abadi, Muhammad Danial Firman, drew his last breath last Saturday night.

9 Dec 13:55 NST Online 3702929171015527695.html
'Ghostbusters: Mais Além' ganha primeiro trailer, no estilo 'Stranger Things'

Filme chega aos cinemas em julho de 2020

9 Dec 16:35 Olhar Digital 416591714659598533.html
El Banco Central dejaría unos US$13 mil millones de reservas de libre disponibilidad

Un estudio privado sostuvo que cuando Mauricio Macri asumió en diciembre de 2015 las reservas disponibles tendían a cero.

9 Dec 11:01 Crónica 1134283327499965736.html
¿Quién es el mayor responsable de la crisis del Deportivo?

Con el equipo en la última plaza de Segunda División, tras 18 jornadas sin ganar, ¿a quíen otorgas la mayor culpa de los resultados?

9 Dec 09:49 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612797366133.html
Nadler: If Trump Is Not Removed From Office, He “Will Do Everything He Can To Make It Not A Fair Election”

Yes, this is actually happening

9 Dec 11:39 Infowars 1950426313786314577.html
‘Clown Fear’ Trailer Checks into the Clown Inn [Exclusive]

Bloody Disgusting has the official art and trailer debut for Clown Fear, checking in to the Clown Inn on DVD, Digital, and On Demand February 18 from Lionsgate. In Minh Collins‘ horror tale that looks slightly inspired by Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses, a runaway bride and her friends are stranded in a forgotten […]

9 Dec 17:00 Bloody Disgusting 5613834126676039299.html
"La casa de papel" ya tiene fecha de estreno para su cuarta temporada

Será el 3 de abril cuando la plataforma digital Netflix sume a su catálogo la nueva entrega de la exitosa serie española de Alex Pina. Esta vez, el conflicto de los integrantes de la banda también será personal

9 Dec 10:16 Globovisión 5928221751745820400.html
Moutier: un comité électoral indépendant pourrait superviser la prochaine votation

Le Gouvernement bernois va étudier s’il y a lieu de créer un comité électoral indépendant pour organiser le second vote de Moutier sur son appartenan ...

9 Dec 16:03 Arcinfo 560090597643448862.html
GH VIP 7: recta final del 'reality' en Guadalix de la Sierra

Adara, Alba, Mila y Noemí comienzan a perfilar sus estrategias para hacerse con la victoria

9 Dec 08:20 Hola.com 2035212430465534557.html
Canada: Firm housing starts data for November – RBC

Josh Nye, senior economist at the Royal Bank of Canada, notes that the Canadian housing starts were little changed at 201,000 in November with six-mon

9 Dec 14:04 FXStreet 4480975639805965292.html
Koliko ste zbunjeni u životu od 0 do Tijemuje Bakajoko?

Novi "biser" francuskog fudbalera nasmejao mnoge.

9 Dec 14:37 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495072829684.html
Inauguração de um presépio de escadinha no Solar do Ribeirinho, em Machico

Esta tarde, foi inaugurado um presépio tradicional, mais conhecido por ‘Lapinha’, nos jardins do Solar do Ribeirinho, em Machico. Este evento acontece...

9 Dec 08:21 dnoticias 6968432066185761237.html
Kirk Douglas' 103rd birthday celebrated in sweet post by Catherine Zeta-Jones

Douglas' daughter-in-law said she loved the veteran actor 'with all my heart'.

9 Dec 15:18 Metro 970161747497959164.html
Jean-Luc Reichmann : Atteinte d'un cancer incurable, une candidate le bouleverse

Le présentateur a été très touché par une candidate des 12 Coups de midi présente dimanche 8 décembre 2019, sur TF1. Camille a raconté son histoire bouleversante à Jean-Luc Reichmann....

9 Dec 14:20 Purepeople 1712099802487323993.html
Letters to the editor Dec. 9

Letters to the editor — Bridger, Leis

9 Dec 12:00 Saskatoon StarPhoenix 8202104419585113830.html
NBA Rumors: Knicks Should Sign Brandon Ingram To Max Contract In 2020 Offseason, ‘Bleacher Report’ Suggests

Although the New Orleans Pelicans are reportedly determined to retain Brandon Ingram as he continues to post career-best numbers with the team, the fact remains that he will become eligible for ...

9 Dec 11:04 The Inquisitr 1745625232351107211.html
Niño de primaria violó a su compañero ahora los padres protestan

Un ni&ntilde;o estudiante de primaria ha causado controversia en Tabasco despu&eacute;s que violara a un compa&ntilde;ero y que la directora no hiciera nada al respecto

9 Dec 12:08 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624409841693.html
Silvio Santos é massacrado e chamado de racista após atitude

Silvio Santos voltou a entrar em polêmica. Desta vez, o apresentador está sendo detonado e chamado de racista após atitude em quadro do seu programa, no SBT, que foi ao ar neste domingo (8).

9 Dec 09:50 RD1 – Terra 4501125211474897351.html
Sul-africana é coroada Miss Universo: 'finalmente mulheres como eu podem saber que são bonitas'

Ao receber a coroa, ela falou sobre preconceito, racismo e machismo

9 Dec 12:10 Correio 5185786712968702988.html
Foot/Affaire de la sextape: la Cour de cassation valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

La Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi le pourvoi de Karim Benzema qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête sur l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015, dans laquelle l'attaquant du Real Madrid est mis en examen. La Cour a estimé que les méthodes d'enquête employées dans ce dossier étaient conformes, ouvrant la voie à un éventuel procès en correctionnelle pour Karim Benzema et cinq autres personnes mises en examen.

9 Dec 13:05 FranceSoir 2214281690224333471.html
Papa: educar as novas gerações a uma cidadania ativa e participativa

O Papa Francisco recebeu em audiência, nesta segunda-feira, 9, no Vaticano, os membros da fundação “Uma chance na vida” (A Chance in Life)

9 Dec 11:29 NOTÍCIAS 8308687240241691655.html
Google rinde homenaje a la lotería mexicana con un doodle interactivo

Hoy el juego de la lotería cumple 106 de ser oficialmente mexicano y Google lo celebra con un doodle interactivo. ¿Ya lo jugaste?

9 Dec 13:39 México Desconocido 8760938269513032202.html
Serie A : Mario Balotelli veut sauver Brescia

Victorieux de la SPAL (1-0), Brescia peut remercier Mario Balotelli. Buteur décisif pour son équipe, l’attaquant italien a inscrit son troisième but de la saison. Un succès précieux qui permet à (...)

9 Dec 09:42 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900180800585534.html
Poljska: Otpuštena direktorka zbog terorističke vežbe

VARŠAVA - Vlasti na severoistoku Poljske saopštile su da je direktorka osnovne škole otpuštena jer je organizovala vežbu na kojoj je simuliran

9 Dec 17:36 Krstarica 4176903988526691458.html
"Un violador en tu camino": Por qué Turquía reprimió una representación del himno feminista chileno que le ha dado la vuelta al mundo

La policía turca dispersó violentamente a cientos de mujeres que se habían congregado en Estambul para representar "Un violador en tu camino". La razón: para las autoridades de Ankara entonar la letra del himno feminista chileno es cometer un delito.

9 Dec 13:08 24Horas.cl 793283384852815103.html
Salariu mediu net a crescut in octombrie cu 34 de lei - la cat a ajuns

Castigul salarial mediu nominal net a fost in luna octombrie de 3.116 lei, in urcare fata de luna precedenta cu 34 lei (+1,1%), arata datele transmise luni de Institutul National de Statistica (INS).

9 Dec 12:32 Ziare.com 1922730286692684444.html
CIMON : le ballon d'IA revient pour trois ans dans l'ISS avec plus d'empathie

Pour aider l'équipage de la Station spatiale internationale, le deuxième prototype CIMON promet de faire preuve d'empathie en analysant les émotions et pour réagir en fonction.

9 Dec 16:40 GNT 654660094824022414.html
PSD, ironii la adresa Ambasadei Suediei cu ocazia Zilei Internaţíonale a Luptei Împotriva Corupţiei

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 13:49 Gândul 5586965503870221005.html
Hate Speech Bill: There’s no need to multiply our laws, I smell a rat — Catholic Bishop

The Bishop of Bomadi Diocese of the Catholic Church, Most Rev Hycianth Egbebo, MSP,  has said that Nigerians do not need additional laws

9 Dec 13:40 Vanguard News 4125100339456169427.html
Sale a subasta vestido que princesa Diana usó en baile con John Travolta

Un vestido de terciopelo azul medianoche que la princesa Diana usó cuando bailó con John Travolta en una cena de la Casa Blanca en 1985 será subastado el lunes, con un precio estimado de 250.000 libras a 300.000 libras (320.750 dólares a 384.900 dólares).

9 Dec 10:40 Panorama 6052790753873290287.html
Millie Bobby Brown (Stranger Things) méconnaissable, elle se fait attaquer sur Instagram (PHOTOS)

Après avoir changé de look, Millie Bobby Brown, la star de Stranger Things, s'est retrouvée vivement critiquée par les internautes sur Instagram. 

9 Dec 15:00 melty 8059025069236370608.html
How Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Got Its Freaky ‘Tiger Stripes’

Since 2005, scientists have puzzled over a series of long fissures seen in the southern regions of Saturn’s frozen moon Enceladus. New research explains how these so-called tiger stripes formed and why Enceladus is the only place in the solar system where these features could have emerged.

9 Dec 16:04 Gizmodo 461714589995857712.html
Will Somebody Please Break Charlie Puth’s Heart?

The singer-producer Charlie Puth writes perfect pop songs about love. But he worries his fans are more emotionally mature than he is.

9 Dec 13:00 VULTURE 2718750544074093337.html
ERC avisa Colau que no acceptarà la unió dels tramvies si no es renegocien les concessions

Els comuns defensen que l'acord polític assolit busca que el servei enllaçat sigui "100% públic"

9 Dec 13:01 Ara.cat 6070605021258325191.html
Llevo 17 años jugando al 'Warcraft III' y esta ha sido mi experiencia jugando al remake

'Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos' no tuvo una edición especial de lanzamiento en España, pero allí donde lo compré -una modesta tienda de la ya desaparecida...

9 Dec 17:00 Xataka 4719855497087392762.html
Alemania eleva sus exportaciones un 1,2% sus exportaciones en octubre

Alemania exportó en octubre bienes y servicios por valor de 119.500 millones de euros, un 1,9% menos en términos interanuales, pero un 1,2% más respecto a septiembre, según los datos provisionales difundidos este lunes por la Oficina Federal de Estadística (Destatis).

9 Dec 10:54 elEconomista.es 9051559958653944633.html
Vulcão mata pelo menos cinco pessoas na Nova Zelândia

A primeira-ministra da Nova Zelândia, Jacinda Ardern, 100 turistas se encontravam no vulcão ou junto a ele no momento da erupção.

9 Dec 12:25 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713981867575.html
Don’t Let China Win the Green Race

America should be leading the way on clean energy, not falling behind.

9 Dec 13:57 NY Times 1961078289459347560.html
El PSC afirma que si el acuerdo con ERC "no es posible hasta enero, será en enero"

El secretario de Organización del PSC defiende su voluntad de que haya lo antes posible un gobierno "progresista" después de que ERC haya frenado las expectativas

9 Dec 13:59 eldiario.es 4752673445593727656.html
Atención a la explosión final de Vegeta en Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, es una cinemática a la altura del anime

El videojuego de lucha de Bandai Namco previsto para 2020 en PC, PS4 y Xbox One sigue asombrando con su aspecto. El esperado Dragon Ball Z Kakarot es uno de los grandes acontecimientos para los fans de los videojuegos de lucha,...

9 Dec 12:00 3DJuegos 3383023118026277219.html
Afrique du Sud : ultime plan de sauvetage pour South African Airways

Le gouvernement et le conseil d'administration de SAA lancent un nouveau plan de restructuration. Objectif : sauver la compagnie nationale au bord de la faillite. 

9 Dec 09:20 Le Point 1094305423773066520.html
Detido suspeito de ameaça com faca e fogo posto para cobrar dívida em Felgueiras

A Polícia Judiciária deteve em Felgueiras, no distrito do Porto, o suspeito de ameaçar com faca uma pessoa que lhe devia dinheiro e de atear fogo em materiais no interior da habitação da vítima, indicou hoje fonte policial. Em comunicado, a Polícia Judiciária de Braga, que fez a detenção na madrugada de sábado, horas depois dos crimes, refere que o suspeito “irrompeu pelo interior da residência da vítima, ameaçando-a com uma faca de cozinha caso não procedesse de imediato à liquidação da dívida”. Em causa estava um “valor diminuto”, segundo a polícia, sem detalhar o montante exato. Face à ameaça, “o ofendido fugiu do local e o arguido terá colocado fogo, através de chama direta, a vários materiais ali existentes que resultou em avultados danos na habitação, não tendo atingido outras proporções devido à pronta intervenção da GNR e dos Bombeiros”, refere o comunicado. O detido é um homem de 32 anos que vai aguardar o desenvolvimento do processo sujeito a permanência obrigatória na sua habitação, determinou um juiz…

9 Dec 12:49 O Minho 154418196871415567.html
Bachelet: Los jóvenes son una fuerza de esperanza, nos están ayudando

La chilena se expresó de esta forma en un evento organizado por UNICEF en el marco de la Cumbre del Clima de Naciones Unidas que tiene lugar en la capital de España (COP25), en el que participaron var

9 Dec 11:44 Informe21.com 5448175405326613078.html
Affaire de la sextape de Valbuena : le pourvoi de Benzema rejeté

Nouvel épisode de l'affaire de la sextape opposant Karim Benzema et Mathieu Valbuena : le pourvoi en cassation de l'attaquant du Real Madrid a été rejeté ce lundi. 

9 Dec 13:27 Midi Libre 3150507208610690022.html
Poutine et Zelensky: deux présidents si différents

L'un est un vétéran des manigances diplomatiques, l'autre est un néophyte, star télévisée et des réseaux sociaux. Le premier face-à-face entre les ...

9 Dec 08:25 RTL Info 5478130074053030707.html
Más pesa el tema social en subsidios para 2019, en la proforma presupuestaria en Ecuador

Los subsidios del Gobierno sumarán $5455 millones en el 2020, menos que lo previsto en el 2019 ($6955 millones). Las programaciones cuatrianuales indican que en años anteriores los combustibles

9 Dec 16:31 El Universo 8365175796734169278.html
¡Pillados! Colombia, segundo país de la región con asesores comerciales más mentirosos

Eso estableció un estudio que la multinacional DNA hizo en cinco países de Latinoamérica, donde consultó a 3.780 ejecutivos que trabajan en esa área. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 09:22 pulzo.com 8971816786962684275.html
Airbnb invests as Zeus corporate housing raises $55M at $205M

As Airbnb absorbs more and more of the demand for housing, it’s exploring how to monetize opportunities beyond vacation rentals. A marketplace for longer-term corporate housing could be a huge business, but rather than build that itself, Airbnb is making a strategic investment in one of the market leaders called Zeus Living, which will list […]

9 Dec 08:35 TechCrunch 3713145562838183956.html
Indian boxers punch their way to six gold medals

Inches closer to achieving the 300-medals mark and top the table once again

9 Dec 17:08 The Hindu 6679535024252249067.html
Cláudio Ramos

Cláudio Ramos assistiu à emissão especial do programa de Crisrina Ferreira, onde a apresentadora esteve à conversa com Ângelo Rodrigues, este sábado, 7 de dezembro. O «vizinho« opinou sobre o assunto

9 Dec 10:51 Revista VIP 3507812780361376977.html
Wales to begin Euro 2020 build-up with Austria friendly

The Dragons line-up against Italy, Switzerland and Turkey in Group A this summer.

9 Dec 12:46 Jersey Evening Post 6141642773602850269.html
Ryska dopningsskandalen – detta har hänt

Dopning Det började med visselblåsare i friidrott. McLaren-rapporten satte sedan rysk idrott rejält i gungning efter avslöjandena i OS i Sotji 2014.Nu har Ryssland stängts av på nytt efter nya misstan

9 Dec 11:08 www.unt.se 8922556089047345473.html
Cambiasso: "Con la Roma non è andata nel senso al quale ci ha abituati l'Inter. L'ambiente pensava già al Barcellona"

Esteban Cambiasso, presente al Sky Calcio Club, ha commentato il risultato di Inter-Roma dello scorso venerdì: "La partita non è andata nel senso al quale ci ha abituati...

9 Dec 09:15 FcInterNews.it 7848284892275299113.html
Maxi Gómez y Cillessen, bajas para la 'final' ante el Ajax

El delantero uruguayo se cae por problemas físicos en el gemelo del partido de Amsterdam

9 Dec 14:08 Levante-EMV 7042984478431532065.html
Automobile : Bruxelles donne son feu vert pour "L'Airbus des batteries"

Sept États membres, dont l'Allemagne et la France, ont été autorisés par la Commission européenne à apporter une aide publique de 3,2 milliards d'euros pour développer le secteur des batteries électriques au niveau de l'UE.

9 Dec 12:11 La Tribune 6570267673839777448.html
Cruzeiro descendió y un 'hincha' quemó todas las camisetas del club brasilero

"Eso se merecen... No voy a hinchar nunca más por ustedes", sostuvo indignado el protagonista de las imágenes que se volvieron virales.

9 Dec 12:54 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158716508426.html
Sorry in Advance, but: Study Finds That "Superbugs" Are in 9 Out of 10 Makeup Products

In news that would make literally anybody but your makeup-hating cousin who only ever uses lip balm cringe: nine out of 10 beauty products (and tools) you use

9 Dec 17:10 POPSUGAR Beauty 1694745613440257190.html
Patriarhul Daniel a sfinţit biserica din incinta Ministerului Apărării Naționale (GALERIE FOTO)

Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Daniel, a oficiat, luni, slujba de sfinţire a bisericii militare Sfântul Mare Mucenic Gheorghe din incinta Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, transmite Agerpres.SECRETUL LUI...

9 Dec 13:28 B1 TV 3840305877370886092.html
NBA roundup: Anthony Davis drops 50, Lakers beat Wolves

Anthony Davis scored a season-high 50 points, sparking the Los Angeles Lakers to a 142-125 victory over the visiting Minnesota Timberwolves on Sunday night.

9 Dec 09:51 The Indian Express 2885715105710961789.html
Rashid Latif urges PCB not to make a joke of itself

Former Pakistan skipper and wicketkeeper Rashid Latif has slammed the country's national cricket board over the players' age fudging controversy.

9 Dec 13:34 The Sentinel 448185206699495626.html
Se reunirá Morón con autoridades federales para atender seguridad en Morelia

Morelia en lo general es “muy tranquila y serena (…), estamos trabajando para diluir el asunto de la inseguridad y los picos que se han tenido”, afirmó el

9 Dec 14:19 MiMorelia 5599511489202994033.html
Top US officials knew the Afghanistan war was unwinnable and 'lied' — costing $1 trillion and 2,351 American lives

Thousands of pages of notes from hundreds of interviews reveal true US assessments of the war in Afghanistan, and it's not a pretty picture.

9 Dec 14:57 Yahoo 7097669637821524960.html
Corte do bolo de aniversário de Monsenhor Gil reuniu grande população

O prefeito cortou todos os bolos, que logo em seguida foram distribuídos para toda a população.

9 Dec 11:41 R10 3167340812327295220.html
RLB-OÖ-Chef: Kampf gegen die Wissenslücken

Was wissen die Oberösterreicher über Wirtschaft? „Zu wenig“, sagen viele. Auch Heinrich Schaller beschäftigen die in der Bevölkerung vorherrschenden ...

9 Dec 15:30 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093093305675.html
The Rap-Up: Santa Klaw is coming to town

The Raptors have three games this week, but you can excuse most fans if their attention is on one, in particular. Welcome back, Kawhi Leonard!

9 Dec 16:30 Raptors HQ 1825824262892884157.html
Teresa García será la ministra de Gobierno de Kicillof, pero antes encarnará la transición

Desde el Ministerio de Gobierno, la jefa del bloque de senadores de UC-FPV tendrá un rol clave, como lo tuvo en el Senado. Antes, será Gobernadora por un día.

9 Dec 17:41 Infocielo 6573250471800318212.html
En Irak, la mobilisation ne faiblit pas après l'assassinat d'une figure de la contestation

Les ambassadeurs de France, de Grande-Bretagne et d'Allemagne ont "encouragé le gouvernement à s'assurer que (...) le Hachd al-Chaabi reste à...

9 Dec 16:12 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139436384989.html
25 wacky and wonderful tech stocking stuffers under $25

In 2019, we can't recommend a Red Ryder BB Gun (even if we did find one for less than $25 on Amazon). That said, we do have a listing of 25 products sure to be as beloved by your recipients as that Red Ryder was to little Ralphie Parker.

9 Dec 15:02 ZDNet 591556592247101866.html
(Video) Noel Gallagher’s smarmy pre-season prediction of ‘irrelevant’ Liverpool has not aged well

Manchester City fan Noel Gallagher didn’t think Liverpool would be anywhere near his team this season… The former Oasis star claimed on Sky Sports in the summer that we were ‘irre…

9 Dec 11:49 The Empire of The Kop 4194553099924470135.html
"Everton" susidomėjo U. Emery paslaugomis

Lapkričio pabaigoje be darbo likęs buvęs "Arsenal" strategas Unai'us Emery sulaukė kito "Premier" lygos klubo dėmesio.

9 Dec 16:00 EURO FOOTBALL 925125274866100959.html
Beyoncé said motherhood and age has made her feel ‘more womanly and secure’ with her curves

It may be hard to believe, but even superstar Beyoncé isn’t always secure in her appearance.

9 Dec 16:39 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883534272458.html
Mary Winston leads Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. and its 60,000 associates as interim CEO

Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. an American chain of domestic merchandise retail stores operating in Puerto Rico, Canada, and Mexico has settled on Mary Winston as its interim Chief Executive. Founded in 1971, Bed Bath & Beyond – part of the S&P 500 and Global 1200 Indices – is hopeful Ms. Winston will lead them...

9 Dec 17:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198129590289135.html
A truckload giant just filed for bankruptcy, and it leaves nearly 3,000 truck drivers jobless

The trucking “bloodbath” of 2019 is ending on a remarkably sour note.

9 Dec 17:58 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883489437039.html
Beroe tirou notas em Olhão

A boa campanha do Olhanense - lidera a Série D do Campeonato de Portugal - já despertou a atenção de alguns emblemas europeus. O mais recente interessado chega da Bulgária.

9 Dec 12:14 A BOLA 2278827559235141300.html
Sarri, rivoluzione a metà: messaggi di Chiellini e Bonucci, la squadra è con lui?

Una rivoluzione che c'è e non c'è. Che l'avventura di Sarri alla Juve non sarebbe stata semplice si sapeva fin dall'inizio. I bianconeri, infatti, arrivano da quasi un decennio

9 Dec 12:00 il BiancoNero 8980755940276860939.html
Les chiffres des Diables : Thorgan roi belge en Allemagne, Vertonghen de retour après 6 ans, une première pour Praet

Ce week-end, de nombreux Diables Rouges étaient concernés par les rencontres à l’étranger. Retrouvez ci-dessous le bilan chiffré de leurs prestations.

9 Dec 14:35 RTBF Sport 2262420856823220414.html
Le offerte per internet casa di Vodafone, Wind e Tim di dicembre 2019 a confronto

Vodafone, Wind e TIM sono tre dei principali operatori del settore di telefonia fissa e possono contare su diverse offerte Internet casa. Per il mese di dicembre 2019, questi tre provider propongono tariffe complete che, a meno di 30 Euro al mese “tutto compreso” (ovvero considerando anche i costi d’attivazione ed il contributo per il modem Wi-Fi), propongono una lunga serie di vantaggi come la possibilità di sfruttare una linea telefonica fissa con chiamate gratis ed una connessione ad Internet sino a 1000 Mega (per i clienti raggiunti dalla fibra FTTH).

9 Dec 08:30 www.sostariffe.it 4211055172186074997.html
Ancelotti vive momentos difíceis no Nápoles e fala da mala

Equipa italiana tenta contornar o má época até ao momento na Liga dos Campeões.

9 Dec 16:27 O Jogo 3218673678602159463.html
Livraison : LivingPackets séduit Cdiscount avec son colis connecté réutilisable

Les grandes plates-formes d'e-commerce s'intéressent aux start-up pour tester de nouveaux services. Cela donne par exemple l' accord entre Cdiscount et LivingPackets . Lauréate du prix de...

9 Dec 13:00 Les Echos Executives 1488039035554468265.html
If there’s such a thing as gaming phone, the Asus ROG Phone II Ultimate is it

Whether Stadia will support it is another question.

9 Dec 17:31 PC Gamer 9149753396009784335.html
Minecraft : Le crossplay devrait bientôt arriver sur PS4

Une édition physique de Minecraft est officiellement prévue pour une sortie le 10 décembre. Promesses de la jaquette : enfin du crossplay illimité et la possibilité de tâter le jeu à quatre sur un même écran. 

9 Dec 15:22 melty 8059025069196860894.html
Alonso 'vuela' en las dunas de Abu Dhabi

Su amigo Jesús Calleja difunde un espectacular vídeo del asturiano al volante del Toyota en el desierto de Abu Dhabi

9 Dec 08:23 sport 1349897970269460213.html
Pudo ser una tragedia: un camión circuló en contramano por un puente de la Circunvalación

Iba por calle General Acha hacia el Sur y a pesar de las señales del resto de los conductores estaba por continuar manejando en infracción. Un funcionario que pasaba de casualidad lo frenó y llamó al 911.

9 Dec 10:48 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157451679556.html
Bankrupt PG&E to take $4.9 billion more charge on wildfire victim claims

(Reuters) - PG&E Corp said www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/75488/000095015719001393/form8-k.htm on Monday it would take a pretax charge of $4.9 billion in the current quarter related to the settlement of claims from victims of some of most devastating wildfires in California's modern history.

9 Dec 14:29 Reuters 8334514181303823770.html
Hasil SEA Games 2019 - Lewat Laga Sengit, Praveen/Melati Raih Emas

Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti meraih medali emas setelah dipaksa bermain tiga gim pada final SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 12:23 BolaSport.com 4603768435316969886.html
Adriana Lucía sobre protestas en Colombia: música hace parte de la solución

"La protesta no es vandalismo, no es anarquía, es un derecho constitucional que no es un asunto de partidos políticos sino de la dignidad y de la humanidad de los ciudadanos", afirmó la artista al referirse a los insultos que ha recibido.

9 Dec 09:12 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826360964299.html
Top 5: Frozen II es la favorita de la cartelera nacional

El público venezolano se dejó atrapar por la aventura de Elsa y Ana, Reina y Princesa de Arendelle, quienes emprenden un viaje hacia lo desconocido y, sin darse cuenta, descubren la historia que está detrás de su familia

9 Dec 13:48 Globovisión 5928221751036285624.html
From moving to New York to starting a new job - 4 ways Zozibini's life will change now that she's Miss Universe

The beauty queen's life is forever changed, and the next year especially will be a whirl-wind experience as she moves to a new city and takes on all the duties that come with the crown.

9 Dec 08:32 Channel24 2038030840510085659.html
Cássio lembra porres e reconhece erros após auge no Corinthians

Cássio lembra porres e reconhece erros após auge no Corinthians

9 Dec 09:15 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699467512417.html
Stjeler donert mat i matbutikkene: – Jeg blir eitrende forbanna

Hjelpeorganisasjonen HjelpeRingen har innsamlingsvogner plassert i flere matbutikker i Larvik. Den siste tiden har flere av vognene blitt stjålet fra.

9 Dec 16:32 TV 2 8210067768974185493.html
Yeet, hayek, bruh! U begrijpt wat we bedoelen

De VRT heeft de shortlist bekendgemaakt voor het kinder- en tienerwoord van het jaar.

9 Dec 17:06 De Standaard 2288913869014814946.html
HR: Ponovo suđenje generalu JNA za miniranje brane Peruća

SPLIT, 9. decembra (Tanjug - Na splitskome Županijskom sudu ponovno će se za ratni zločin protiv civilnog stanovništva suditi generalu JNA Borislavu

9 Dec 10:27 Krstarica 4176903989822381111.html
Les actions reculent avec le retour des inquiétudes pour la Chine

Les principales Bourses européennes reculent légèrement lundi en début de séance, le retour des inquiétudes pour l'économie chinoise sur fond de...

9 Dec 08:52 Zonebourse 7946574377697583674.html
Se hizo un aborto clandestino y murió en un hospital de La Plata

La mujer, de 34 años, ingresó por guardia con una infección generalizada y estuvo dos días en terapia intensiva.

9 Dec 13:44 Todo Noticias 8077539162047604332.html
Johnson Says He May Find a Way to ‘Lie in Front of Bulldozers’ to Oppose Heathrow's 3rd Runway

Campaigners oppose Heathrow's expansion because of its contribution to air pollution and global warming. There are also concerns over the possible demolition of homes as well as the overall cost to the public purse.

9 Dec 16:52 Sputniknews 967333869090862468.html
Millionaire travel tycoon, 70, who had to use his local library and internet cafe to get online because his brand new £2.95m apartment didn't have broadband sues the luxury block's owners for £100,000

Millionaire travel boss Stephen Shalson, 70, moved into his 30th floor deluxe flat in The Heron, Barbican, in February 2014 expecting a top quality modern set-up, he says.

9 Dec 09:08 Mail Online 124328111013221469.html
Las primeras 10 medidas que tomaría Alberto Fernández

En las últimas horas comenzaron a circular una serie de medidas que serían las primeras que Alberto Fernández tome al hacerse cargo de la presidencia. Esas medidas apuntan, principalmente, a reactivar la economía mejorando...

9 Dec 16:21 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724633124881.html
Les ultras russes unis contre la répression policière

Union russe sacrément solide. Ce week-end, à la 30e minute de chaque match de championnat, les kops russes se sont vidés. À l'origine de cette rare action collective selon l'AFP : un appel de Fratria, le principal groupe de supporters du Spartak Moscou, pour protester contre la répression des supporters par les autorités. Problème récurrent en Russie, cette répression a encore pris de l'ampleur le 1er décembre dernier en marge du choc entre le Zénith et le Spartak, où entre 150 et 200 supporters moscovites avaient été interpellés. « Des arrestations arbitraires, sans explications » , avait estimé Fratria dans un communiqué.

9 Dec 09:11 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251080887883.html
Golden Globes Noms: 'Joker' Dominates, Only Male Directors; 'Cats,' 'Watchmen' Snubbed

Some Golden Globes nominations seemed like locks: Joaquin Phoenix, Tom Hanks, Adam Driver and Eddie Murphy. But others were happy shocks, like Awkwafina nabbing a best actress nomination for musical or comedy.

9 Dec 15:21 Breitbart 3148363490722021224.html
Costa Rica Marriott incorpora “Farm to Table” a su propuesta gastronómica

Los visitantes del hotel Costa Rica Marriott Hacienda Belén podrán disfrutar ahora de un menú con ingredientes más frescos, esto gracias a la incorporación del concepto “Farm to Table” o “De la huerta a la mesa”.

9 Dec 12:47 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997874856685967.html
"Vittorio Veneto è piena di alberi da abbattere. Negli anni non è stata fatta la manutenzione necessaria"

VITTORIO VENETO - Fortunatamente, però, la politica dell’amministrazione - in materia di alberi - mira ad una sorta di compensazione: “Quelli che vengono tagliati o rimossi vengono sostituiti con alberi giovani”, conclude Fasan.

9 Dec 17:46 Oggi Treviso 2529403852775982198.html
2 soldiers killed, 7 injured in PKK bombing in Turkey's Şırnak

At least two soldiers were killed and seven more injured in a PKK bomb explosion in southeastern Turkey on Monday. According to the governorate, an...

9 Dec 10:59 DAILY SABAH 8383944808557855866.html
Szwedzka bohaterka ruchu #MeToo skazana za pomówienie

Bohaterka ruchu #MeToo Cissi Wallin została skazana w poniedziałek przez sąd w Sztokholmie na karę grzywny za pomówienie znanego dziennikarza "Aftonbladet". Feministka publicznie oskarżyła Fredrika Virtanena o gwałt, po czym stracił on pracę.

9 Dec 16:34 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100670297187733.html
RPO chce wyjaśnień od rzecznika dyscyplinarnego i prezesa sądu. Sprawa sędziego Juszczyszyna

O wyjaśnienia w sprawie działań podjętych wobec sędziego Pawła Juszczyszyna Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich poprosił sędziowskiego rzecznika dyscyplinarnego Piotra Schaba oraz prezesa olsztyńskiego sądu rejonowego Macieja Nawackiego - podało w poniedziałek Biuro RPO.

9 Dec 14:29 Polsat News 9031932296363695342.html
Izraelski mediji: Kneset se raspušta, izbori 2. marta

TEL AVIV - Izbori u Izraelu mogli bi da budu održani 2. marta ukoliko do srijede bude raspušten parlament, objavio je danas izraelski "Harec".

9 Dec 13:07 Nezavisne novine 4209150642763364483.html
Motorradfahrer (22) prallte mit Kopf gegen Baum

Die Straße war teilweise eisig, das Motorrad nicht zum Verkehr zugelassen, der Lenker hat keinen Führerschein: Am Sonntagachmittag stürzte ein ...

9 Dec 09:24 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093077017119.html
Stone Sour Release Live Video For Whiplash Pants

Watch Stone Sour's new live video for Whiplash Pants, taken from ​Hello, You Bastards: Live In Reno

9 Dec 16:00 Kerrang! 370418008778458975.html
Mann viftet med palestinsk flagg og kjøkkenkniv, erklært syk


9 Dec 09:18 Document 5102836953570970177.html
Pledis Entertainment to restrict NU'EST and Seventeen fan-received gifts to handwritten letters only

Pledis Entertainment released a statement regarding the types of gifts fans give their representing groups NU'EST and Seventeen.According to the state…

9 Dec 09:56 allkpop 3249686061897859117.html
Tracking deals: Fireside leads ₹20 cr round in SARVA

 SARVA, a leading yoga studio chain, has raised ₹20 crore in its first institutional round led by Fireside Ventures with participation from angel investors. It will use the money to double the retail

9 Dec 15:23 BusinessLine 5283600697080509.html
Asume Alberto Fernández en Argentina: ¿qué rol tendrá Cristina Fernández de Kirchner en el gobierno?

La exmandataria y flamante vicepresidenta se ha convertido en la figura que más miradas acapara durante el traspaso de mando y muchos se preguntan cuánto poder tendrá, cuál será su futuro judicial y cómo será su dinámica con el nuevo presidente.

9 Dec 08:33 T13 7836926440340961449.html
U.K.: The Page Has Turned

Elections are providing outlet for Brexit uncertainty.GDP forecasted to grow and stabilise.UK has fiscal space for mitigating negative Brexit outcomes.

9 Dec 15:50 Seeking Alpha 5725634556456019531.html
Lizzo Takes a Page From Beyoncé's Book in "Good As Hell" Marching Band Video

Lizzo eats Cheetos on the school bus.

9 Dec 16:02 Paste Magazine 2077921861433482437.html
Toyota Raize Punya 8 Varian, Berikut Daftar Harganya

Resmi dijual di Jepang, Toyota Raize berhasil mencatatkan angka pesanan sekitar 32.000 unit hanya dalam waktu satu bulan. Angka tersebut jauh melebihi target awal, yakni 4.100 unit.

9 Dec 14:00 liputan6.com 3414318497783377078.html
PUBG's New 'Inner Blue Zone' Could Mean the End of Campers

Who goes camping in December, anyway?

9 Dec 13:13 Kotaku UK 2577526044810763277.html
No terror da cadeia sobrevive o mais equilibrado, mas sem perder fama de durão

O mundo atrás das grades é um filme de terror misturado ao drama e da pena de quem se desviou do caminho. É preciso ter pulso firme para aguentar a rotina atrás das grades, dentro de uma cela de 6 m² com 20 criminosos de todas as espécies. Gilberto Avelino Mendes, que já assistiu um assassinato e teve de lidar com o sangue, afirma que somente os mais equilibrados sobrevivem à loucura da cadeia. “É...

9 Dec 10:12 Campo Grande News 7902463002212857562.html
Lemos: Al Miño por el Camino de Invierno

La ruta de los Codos de Belesar destaca en la Ribeira Sacra por su singular interés histórico y paisajístico

9 Dec 08:28 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612567412317.html
El buque 'Blue Star' se mueve, pero no se desencalla

El cuarto intento por sacarlo de la rocas fracasa', pero consiguen desplazar la popa unos ocho metros a babor

9 Dec 15:44 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577341168401.html
Chi è Cristian Bertol: età, carriera e vita privata dello chef stellato

Conosciamo meglio la storia di Cristian Bertol: ecco tutte le curiosità sulla carriera e vita privata dello chef della Prova del Cuoco

9 Dec 12:55 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927149449791.html
B.C. coroner asking for help identifying man found dead in Peace region

Mounties have deemed the man’s death not suspicious and believe he died earlier this year

9 Dec 16:45 Barriere Star Journal 4297514367783388828.html
Podcast: Party Discipline, a Walkaway story (Part 2)

In my latest podcast (MP3), I continue my serial reading of my novella Party Discipline, which I wrote while on a 35-city, 45-day tour for my novel Walkaway in 2017; Party Discipline is a story set…

9 Dec 14:50 Boing Boing 4601305170328351638.html
Une source gouvernementale dément "la proposition" de l'ex-MAE australienne au poste d'émissaire pour le Sahara

Une folle rumeur court depuis samedi soir dernier au sujet d'une supposée proposition de l'ex-Cheffe de la diplomatie australienne, Julie Bishop, en tant que nouvel émissaire du SG de l'ONU pour le Sahara. Une source gouvernementale contactée par le360 dément catégoriquement cette rumeur. Détails.

9 Dec 10:49 fr.le360.ma 5827163117705756003.html
"O Figo é melhor do que tu." Quando Ronaldo era gozado no Manchester United

O brasileiro Kleberson foi anunciado em 2003 no Manchester United no mesmo dia do avançado português. E diz em tom de brincadeira que foi a primeira e única vez que CR7 ficou em segundo plano numa apresentação.

9 Dec 15:53 DN 8445869957121576792.html
At TEDxNapierBridgeWomen 2019, six women spoke in line with the theme, ‘Bold + Brilliant’

From discussions on gender bias to videos of animal communication, TEDxNapierBridge Women’s latest edition brought forth the female perspective

9 Dec 11:56 The Hindu 6679535025462159034.html
I Watched Generation Q With a Bar Full of Brooklyn’s Biggest L Word Fans

At a bar in Bushwick, hundreds of queer folks have come out to see what the new iteration of the infamous Showtime series The L Word will bring. Here’s what I learned from watching The L Word: Generation Q with a crowd of superfans.

9 Dec 16:02 VULTURE 2718750544516820416.html
Homem acusado de arrombar veículos é preso no Village 2

Agentes da Operação Policial Integrada Litorânea (Oplit) prenderam neste domingo (8) um homem acusado de arrombar veículos. Darlan da Silva Oliveira foi detido em sua residência, localizada na rua Jardim João Paulo VI, quadra B, n° 46, no bairro do Village 2, no Tabuleiro dos Martins. Imagens do circuito de segurança mostraram um automóvel Gol,...

9 Dec 12:03 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011448928182.html
Huawei to Enter the Windows 10 on ARM Ecosystem? - Gizchina.com

Chinese tech giant Huawei appears to be interested in creating SoCs for the Windows 10 on ARM Ecosystem. The company would be advantaged by their maturity

9 Dec 16:17 Gizchina 5392375274950064918.html
2019's Hollywood Movies That Did Exceedingly Well At The Indian Box-office

2019 Hollywood movies that were loved by the Indian audience. Here is a list of top Hollywood movies that earned a lot on the Indian box office. Find out.

9 Dec 17:47 Republic World 1282918856008507555.html
Revolt RV400 deliveries begin in Pune

Bookings for the RV400 began in June and the bikes will be delivered as per the booking sequence. Head here for the full story.

9 Dec 12:06 Autocar India 1039296990994626122.html
Gry na PS4 i Xbox One w promocji w sklepach Biedronka

Zgodnie z zapowiedziami, dziś w sklepach sieci Biedronka wystartowała kolejna promocja na gry. Tym razem w atrakcyjnych cenach można zakupić konsolowe wersje takich produkcji, jak Resident Evil 2, Darksiders 3 oraz LEGO Marvel’s Avengers.

9 Dec 09:12 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309807520709.html
GBP/USD eases from 8-month tops, still comfortable above mid-1.3100s

The GBP/USD pair spiked to fresh eight-month tops during the early part of Monday's trading session, albeit quickly retreated around 20 pips thereafte

9 Dec 09:43 FXStreet 4480975639909463149.html
"Energía Popular": La nueva iniciativa de Recoleta que busca reducir a $0 las cuentas de la luz

Según explicó el alcalde, esta semana comienza a operar el piloto en seis hogares. Se instalaron paneles en los techos de las casas, con los que se pretende ir construyendo la red de energía.

9 Dec 13:49 24Horas.cl 793283385093091971.html
Spendenaktion zu Weihnachten: „Wie soll das nur alles enden?“

Weihnachtsaktion „Die gute Tat“: Eine Frau berichtet von ihrem behinderten Sohn, dessen Studium und dem Ärger mit den Behörden.

9 Dec 16:37 swp.de 6929179440718403640.html
È morta la 44enne che era stata investita insieme al figlio di 6 anni a Bergamo

La donna era in coma a causa di un trauma cranico. Le condizioni del bambino non sono gravi

9 Dec 14:03 L'HuffPost 5315551423571852799.html
Valeurs au plus haut et plus bas depuis 1 an

Lors de la séance du lundi 9 décembre 2019 les actions, devises ou indices suivants ont atteint leur plus haut niveau de valorisation sur une période - 09/12/2019 18:27

9 Dec 17:27 ABC Bourse 2538693399717745314.html
Premierul Dmitri Medvedev, după decizia WADA: Este continuarea unei isterii antiruseşti devenită cronică

Premierul rus Dmitri Medvedev a declarat, luni, după decizia WADA, privind suspendarea Rusiei pentru patru ani, că aceasta este continuarea unei "isterii antiruseşti devenită cronică", informează lefigaro.fr.

9 Dec 16:42 News.ro 1785173098125078950.html
Seis feridos em acidentes na A1 por causa de idoso em contramão

Há duas crianças entre os feridos. O condutor de 79 anos faz parte dos seis feridos, nenhum deles em estado grave.

9 Dec 08:19 PÚBLICO 2228264897251680073.html
Este oficial. Pădurarii vor fi dotaţi cu arme letale

Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a promulgat, luni, Legea care prevede că pădurarii cu atribuţii de pază vor putea fi dotaţi cu armament de serviciu, letal sau neletal. De asemenea, pădurarii vor primi cinci salarii compensatorii la ieșirea la pen

9 Dec 16:09 romaniatv.net 4505369227024150272.html
Sushmita Sen Announces Her Comeback To The Silver Screen After 10 Years; Calls It Her ‘Second Innings’

Sushmita Sen, who was last seen in the 2010 film No Problem, starring Sanjay Dutt, Anil Kapoor, Kangana Ranaut, and others has now announced her comeback to the silver screen after 10 long years. She took to social media sharing that she has returned just for her fans

9 Dec 12:04 SPOTBOYE 1547816857523611063.html
Funcionarios recibirán el título de Magíster en Educación

La Asociación Civil Universidad Comunitaria del Sur de Valencia(UCSV) en Convenio con la Secretaría de la Seguridad del Estado Carabobo y la Universidad

9 Dec 15:39 El Siglo 7954754735788650494.html
Catherine Zeta-Jones pays tribute to Kirk Douglas as he turns 103

The actress and wife of Michael Douglas took to Instagram to celebrate the landmark birthday.

9 Dec 11:00 Express & Star 7324224460133044422.html
Quatre épouses de jihadistes et leurs enfants expulsés en France par la Turquie

Le ministère turc de l'Intérieur a indiqué que quatre épouses de jihadistes et leurs sept enfants ont été renvoyés en France lundi par la Turquie.   

9 Dec 08:49 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766072150109846.html
Olguţa Vasilescu: Ce se ascunde sub proiectul îngheţării salariilor demnitarilor

Astfel, Vasilescu a comentat ironic pe pagina sa de Facebook anunţul făcut de către Klaus Iohannis.

9 Dec 14:10 www.antena3.ro 6332542758785368245.html
‘I’m desperate’: Mother posts her daughter’s rape case online after year-long investigation

A mother in Jeneponto regency, South Sulawesi, has posted about her child’s rape case on social media as the police have not yet brought the alleged perpetrator to justice after a year of investigation.

9 Dec 14:45 The Jakarta Post 7678601102496613779.html
Bollo auto e rincari dal 2020, ma questa volta saranno di altro tipo

Con il Dl fiscale 2020 è stato stabilito che a partire da gennaio il pagamento della tassa di circolazione verrà effettuato tramite sistema PagoPa. Vediamo quali saranno le conseguenze.

9 Dec 11:16 InvestireOggi 7231367743812304433.html
Los crímenes que le cerraron la puerta a "Marquitos Figueroa" en la JEP

El presunto líder de una red delincuencial que operó en la costa Caribe fracasó en su intento de ingresar a la Justicia Especial para la Paz. Estos son los crímenes por los que el supuesto capo está siendo investigado por la Fiscalía.

9 Dec 11:00 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543032102935.html
Crveni tepih i počasna garda: Vučić doputovao u Atinu, u utorak sa predsednikom Grčke

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić doputovao je danas posle podne u Atinu, gde će sutra i u sredu boraviti u zvaničnoj poseti

9 Dec 16:21 Вечерње новости 4219870592604742008.html
Patrocínio da Havan: reunião entre Campello e Luciano Hang é antecipada

A reunião entre o presidente do Vasco, Alexandre Campello, e Luciano Hang, dono da Havan, foi antecipada para esta semana.

9 Dec 11:39 Vasco Notícias 1167013065226398010.html
Job creation to jump 7.12% in Oct-Mar: TeamLease report

According to TeamLease's bi-annual Employment Outlook Report for HY2 2019, economic reforms lifted the spirits for seven of the 19 sectors surveyed, while nine sectors reported a decrease in their outlook for October-March period of this fiscal.

9 Dec 17:31 Deccan Herald 2027555797379441864.html
Sangamo : en hausse, un broker en soutien

Le titre Sangamo avance ce lundi de +1,5%, porté par l'analyste Jefferies qui confirme sa recommandation 'achat', après des nouvelles positives concernant la thérapie génique SB-525.'Nous estimons que... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 15:27 Zonebourse 7946574376920349931.html
Le commerce chinois freine l'appétit pour le risque

PARIS (Reuters) - Les Bourses européennes ont terminé en baisse lundi, l'incertitude sur le commerce USA-Chine à l'approche de l'échéance clé du 15 décembre et l'imminence des réunions de la Réserve fédérale américaine puis de la Banque centrale européenne (BCE) décourageant la prise de risque.

9 Dec 17:59 Challenges 1086714996343669748.html
'La Casa de Papel' muestra un primer adelanto de la Parte 4

La exitosa serie española va preparando a los fans ante su próximo estreno en abril de 2020.

9 Dec 12:54 eCartelera 2539779480826979173.html
WiFi Gratis in Italia: addio al 4G di Tim, Wind, Tre, Vodafone e Iliad

Una nuova linea WiFi è in fase di espansione su tutto il territorio italiano: essa potrà essere utilizzata gratuitamente da tutta la popolazione, ecco svelato come

9 Dec 11:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127729708656.html
NativeConnect, l’app qui remplace App Store Connect, est finalisée

NativeConnect est une app macOS dédiée aux développeurs dans l’écosystème d’Apple. Elle reprend le maximum de fonctions d’App Store Connect, le portail d’Apple qui leur permet de publier leurs apps

9 Dec 10:45 MacGeneration 2779661375536311711.html
'Save me!', a Roma il Cristo 'contemporaneo' di Howtan Re

di Ilaria Floris"Il mio Cristo è un Profeta contemporaneo, un mistico con i piedi nel qui e ora. E' attuale, soffre, ama e lotta. Ha bisogno di me, ha bisogno di tutti noi per difendere i diritti fondamentali". Così l'artista persiano Howtan Re descrive all'Adnkronos la sua nuova personale, dal titolo 'Save me!', in mostra all' Howtan Space di Roma (via dell'Arco de' Ginnasi) da mercoledì 11 dicembre al prossimo 14 febbraio.

9 Dec 16:33 Adnkronos 2840063643578420766.html
Sukienki na sylwestra. Powitaj Nowy Rok w przepięknej kreacji. Modele w świetnej cenie

Sylwestrowe sukienki idealne dla każdej z was! Przepiękne modele, w których zachwycicie! Sprawdźcie przygotowane przez nas kreację na powitanie Nowego Roku!

9 Dec 12:00 Plotek 6127766693892608185.html
VIDEO: Embajador de México en Argentina hurtó un libro a emblemática librería de Buenos Aires

Sucedió el 26 de octubre pasado, en vísperas de las elecciones presidenciales en la Argentina, pero el caso no trascendió hasta ahora.

9 Dec 13:06 LaPatilla.com 9104603011716905333.html
Salzburg vs Liverpool - Predicted Lineups and Betting Tips - Champions League 2019/20

Salzburg vs Liverpool - Predicted Lineups and Betting Tips - Champions League 2019/20

9 Dec 13:00 sportskeeda 1601194027826740147.html
En Kentucky, antes de abortar, mujeres deben oír el latido de su bebé

Luego de ver y escuchar al feto, deben firmar una autorización para realizar la práctica.

9 Dec 17:12 SIPSE.com 4008460417571878771.html
Los hombres con barba son los más atractivos pero los más infieles

Conoce el estudio científico que comprueba que los hombres con barba son más atractivos que los que no tienen barba. Aquí te mostramos todos los detalles, luego no digas que no te dijimos.

9 Dec 13:00 Radio Corazón 5615254963202303609.html
Hat Amine Harit beim S04 bereits verlängert? Das ist der Stand der Dinge

Bleibt Amine Harit dem FC Schalke 04 noch länger erhalten? Der S04-Star hat etwas angekündigt. Es wäre das perfekte Weihnachtsgeschenk.

9 Dec 11:03 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238137912419.html
EU odobrila 3,2 mlrd € subvencija za razvoj indust. baterija

BRISEL - Evropska unija odobrila je plan sedam zemalja članica da subvencionišu razvoj industrije električnih baterija sa 3,2 milijarde evra u nastojanju

9 Dec 15:03 Krstarica 4176903989816223949.html
Wall Street 30 : Wall Street toujours attiré vers les sommets

Les indices américains, et notamment le Dow Jones, restent dans une tendance haussière assez marquée. Bien que particulièrement nerveuses, les corrections sont

9 Dec 15:08 ABC Bourse 2538693398514311756.html
Kirk Douglas, el superviviente del Hollywood dorado, cumple hoy 103 años

El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la mítica "Gone with the wind" Olivia de Havilland (103 años), el más longevo de toda la historia de Hollywood.El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la mítica "Gone with the wind" Olivia de Havilland (103 años), el más longevo de toda la historia de Hollywood.El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la mítica "Gone with the wind" Olivia de Havilland (103 años), el más longevo de toda la historia de Hollywood.El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la mítica "Gone with the wind" Olivia de Havilland (103 años), el más longevo de toda la historia de Hollywood.El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la mítica "Gone with the wind" Olivia de Havilland (103 años), el más longevo de toda la historia de Hollywood.El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la mítica "Gone with the wind" Olivia de Havilland (103 años), el más longevo de toda la historia de Hollywood.El legendario actor es, junto con la intérprete de la…

9 Dec 09:59 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189186703142.html
El Caracas F.C. se coronó en el Torneo Clausura ante su mayor rival de Venezuela

Un cabezazo de Villanueva en un tiro de esquina, cuando se cumplía el minuto 90, dio al Caracas FC el título frente a su mayor rival en el estadio Pueblo Nuevo

9 Dec 12:29 NTN24 8482749625334544613.html
Divulgan fotos inéditas que prueban que a Óscar Pérez lo ejecutaron con tiros de gracia

Las crudas imágenes fueron publicadas este lunes por el diario español El Mundo, el cual también dijo que las entregó a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI). - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 14:39 pulzo.com 8971816787924710712.html
Nostalgia navideña ¿Aliada o enemiga?

Es más fácil escribirlo que aplicarlo pero a veces es necesario para tener paz.

9 Dec 11:20 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969828202127544.html
La pedania de Saix on es va rodar 'L'Alqueria Blanca' es ven a Wallapop

El poble es troba semiabandonat i va ser l'escenari que va triar Canal 9 com a plató exterior per a gravar la sèrie 'L'Alqueria Blanca'.

9 Dec 09:53 Diari La Veu 8769648853019942107.html
Polizze Vita, rendimenti (lordi) sopra il 3%

Milano Finanza pubblica alcune anticipazioni sui risultati messi a segno quest’anno dai contratti assicurativi del Ramo I

9 Dec 09:37 bluerating 6922469337250096650.html
Marcelo quer "medidas concretas" no combate à corrupção nesta legislatura

O Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, defendeu hoje um "claro consenso nacional" no combate à corrupção e espera que "se traduza em medidas concretas" ainda nesta legislatura.

9 Dec 12:55 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012841867526069.html
La risalita dei rendimenti in due mesi ci costerà già 5 miliardi e mezzo

La fine del rally del BTp ha già provocato 5 miliardi e mezzo di euro di minori risparmi sul debito pubblico italiano. Pur restando bassissimi, i rendimenti sovrani stanno risalendo dai minimi di settembre.

9 Dec 09:49 InvestireOggi 7231367742867894448.html
Hyderabad: Congress leader’s son held for possessing drugs, cops say ‘had them delivered by speed post’

The accused was identified as Kathi Chanakya, son of Congress leader Kathi Venkataswamy, who is the party's national coordinator of OBC department and in-charge of the OBC cell in North East India. Venkataswamy said the arrest was a 'conspiracy to malign his image'.

9 Dec 15:46 The Indian Express 2885715105045149976.html
44 milhões de usuários da Microsoft utilizam senhas que foram vazadas

Estudo feito pela empresa mostra que milhões de usuários continuam utilizando senhas já vazadas em diversos serviços

9 Dec 14:05 Olhar Digital 416591714494589337.html
Poszukiwania Polaka w Tajlandii. Jego kajak został zniesiony na otwarte morze

Tajlandzkie służby ratunkowe poszukują Polaka i towarzyszącej mu mieszkanki Tajlandii. Kajak, którym para płynęła niedaleko brzegu wyspy Phuket, został zniesiony na otwarte morze - informuje w poniedziałek agencja AP.

9 Dec 12:13 Polsat News 9031932296606302541.html
Agenţia Mondială Antidoping a exclus Rusia de la Jocurile Olimpice timp de patru ani

Agenţia Mondială Antidoping (AMA/WADA) a decis luni să excludă Rusia de la Jocurile Olimpice timp de patru ani, pentru a sancţiona astfel falsificarea datelor controalelor efectuate de laboratorul de la Moscova, a declarat un purtător de cuvânt al agenţiei la finalul şedinţei Comitetului Executiv, desfăşurată la Lausanne, informează AFP și Agerpres.

9 Dec 11:52 Jurnal.md 3315832233453670756.html
Rússia excluída de Jogos Olímpicos e Mundiais por quatro anos

Em causa estão as questões de doping levadas a cabo com o apoio estatal tornadas públicas há cerca de seis anos.

9 Dec 10:45 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842194660347.html
Draško Aćimović kandidat DNS-a za ministra u Savjetu ministara BiH

BANJALUKA - Draško Aćimović, dugogodišnji diplomata, predložen je od strane Predsjedništva DNS-a za ministra za ljudska prava i izbjeglice u Savjetu ministara BiH kao nestranačka ličnost, potvrđeno je "Nezavisnim".

9 Dec 13:29 Nezavisne novine 4209150642622184560.html
Central también aprovechó el flojo momento de Boca

Rosario Central venció anoche como local a Boca Juniors por 1 a 0 en un partido por la 16ta. fecha de la Superliga del fútbol argentino, y bajó de la punta al equipo “xeneize”, en lo que fue la despedida del entrenador Gustavo Alfaro, tras las elecciones en el club de la Ribera. El gol […]

9 Dec 10:05 El Eco 4177735525718985250.html
Murió Santiago Bal

El capocómico falleció en el IMAC, donde permanecía internado con respirador artificial y en coma inducido.

9 Dec 17:00 El Patagónico 8565457046040594629.html
Linde i Kina-samtal med ny EU-bas

Utrikesminister Ann Linde har tagit upp Sveriges kärvande relation med Kina i samtal med EU:s nye utrikeschef Josep Borrell. Några nya bud om Kinas handelshot finns ännu inte. Linde passade på att träffa den nytillträde Borrell i Bryssel på måndagsmorgo

9 Dec 10:26 HD 3336945412705708598.html
STF: candidatura avulsa pode ser votada no 1º semestre, diz Barroso

Agência Brasil Audiência pública debate o tema durante o dia de hoje O ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), disse hoje (9/12) que vai liberar no primeiro semestre de 2020, para votação no plenário da Corte, o processo que pode resultar na liberação da candidatura avu

9 Dec 17:35 Terça Livre TV 3346245885153722926.html
Un sanjuanino asumirá en Minería

Alberto Hensel será el próximo secretario de Minería, según confirmaron fuentes del gobierno de Alberto Fernández. Hensel se venía desempeñando hasta ahora como ministro de Minería de la provincia de San Juan.

9 Dec 12:02 El Ancasti 5864462413721675212.html
Romarinho acerta com o Joinville para 2020

O atacante Romarinho, que vinha treinando com o elenco do Vasco da Gama, acertou com o Joinville para a próxima temporada.

9 Dec 15:58 Vasco Notícias 1167013064966538553.html
Pak a firm believer of regional coop: PM

December 09: A two-judge bench of the Lahore High Court (LHC), headed by Justice Ali Baqar Najafi, will hear a petition filed by PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz seeking the removal of her name from the Exit Control List (ECL) today. Read More

9 Dec 08:06 Arab News 8912634262892629131.html
Google kończy z Google Glass, ale poszerzona rzeczywistość wcale nie odchodzi do lamusa

Są jeszcze firmy, które wierzą, że poszerzona rzeczywistość wejdzie do mainstreamu. Nie należą do nich jednak Alphabet, który zamknął projekt Google Glass.

9 Dec 16:05 Spider's Web 6426504857216697936.html
Ryanair no tancarà la base de Girona

Els treballadors accepten passar a ser fixos discontinus Els empleats hauran d'anar tres mesos l'any a l'atur

9 Dec 13:17 El Punt Avui 4496725671242475871.html
BREAKING: Guvernul sesizează marți Parlamentul pentru asumarea răspunderii pe justiție, OUG 51 privind transportul elevilor și Legea privind plafoanele bugetare

Guvernul sesizează marți Parlamentul pentru asumarea răspunderii pe justiție, OUG 51 privind transportul elevilor și Legea privind plafoanele bugetare, a

9 Dec 08:17 G4Media.ro 2302108695119060257.html
Amazon Christmas deal cuts £72 off Fitbit Versa – cheapest price ever

Amazon launched its Last Minute Christmas Deals sale with £72 off the original Fitbit Versa – the cheapest price around.

9 Dec 11:41 Tech Advisor 6450858316919152187.html
LNFS Las mejores jugadas de la jornada 12

En este vídeo puedes ver las mejores jugadas de la jornada 12 de la Liga Nacional de Fútbol Sala

9 Dec 14:53 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958869316348.html
ÖSV-Damen als "ÖSV-Lokomotive" im Weltcup

Österreichs Speed-Damen haben den Schwung aus dem Vorjahr mitgenommen und sind in Lake Louise stark in den Ski-Weltcup gestartet. Dank Nicole Schmidhofer und Co. sind die ÖSV-Ladies derzeit sogar die "ÖSV-Lokomotive". Ihnen ist vor allem zu verdanken, dass Österreich nach der Nordamerika-Tournee die Nationenwertung anführt. Wie bei den Herren ist auch bei den Damen der Riesentorlauf die Baustelle.

9 Dec 11:25 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325083282804110.html
La Tosca è da record: mai tanto pubblico per un'opera in tv

Spettacoli - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it

9 Dec 08:37 L'Unione Sarda.it 161440207112069077.html
Baleias cantoras e a morte da Grumpy Cat: os animais mais marcantes de 2019

Desde a baleia que canta canções de amor, à morte de um meme de Internet, estas são algumas das histórias de animais mais inesquecíveis de 2019.

9 Dec 17:33 SÁBADO 5711459692059998102.html
Kuntz bleibt U21-Chef

Stefan Kuntz hat bei der deutschen U21 sein Glück gefunden, sogar als Löw-Nachfolger wurde er gehandelt. Nun macht er bis 2023 weiter.

9 Dec 11:40 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322892847733.html
Scandalo Maria De Filippi: ha un profilo social nascosto: ‘Ecco chi vuole spiare…’

Maria De Filippi è su Instagram Nell’era dei social in molti si sono chiesti come mai Maria De Filippi non sia presente su Instagram o Facebook. A quanto pare non è vero, sembra infatti che la regina della televisione italiana è su IG anche se il suo nickname è segreto. Sarà davvero così? A rendere […]

9 Dec 10:00 KontroKultura 2573504972873967981.html
Motivul real pentru care Ianis Hagi a ajuns rezervă de lux la Genk. Fostul antrenor l-a dat de gol pe fiul lui Gică Hagi

Ianis Hagi, transferat pentru 3,8 milioane de euro de la Viitorul, a ajuns rezervă de lux la Genk. Desi a marcat la debut, fiul lui Gică Hagi a fost uitat pe banca de rezerve at&acirc;t de fostul antrenor, Felice Mazzu, c&acirc;t şi de actualul te

9 Dec 13:47 romaniatv.net 4505369228324078502.html
Južnoafrikanka izabrana za Mis Univerzuma za 2019. godinu

Južnoafrikanka Zozibini Tunzi krunisana je za Mis Univerzuma za 2019. godinu, na ceremoniji u Atlanti u SAD.

9 Dec 10:16 N1 Srbija 7797130866037253019.html
Chipotle CEO: If employees call in sick, a nurse might make sure they're not faking it

According to Chipotle Mexican Grill CEO Brian Niccol, when their restaurant workers call in sick, they might have to talk to a nurse to make sure they’re not fibbing. “We have nurses on…

9 Dec 13:08 Boing Boing 4601305169356588147.html
Der Bachelor 2020: Kandidatinnen: Diese Damen buhlen um Sebastian Preuss

Auch 2020 werden auf RTL wieder Rosen verteilt. Der nächste Bachelor ist Sebastian Preuss - und das sind die 22 Kandidatinnen, die in Mexiko sein Herz erobern wollen.

9 Dec 13:19 swp.de 6929179441673574274.html
Bosch: "No tenemos la responsabilidad de hacer presidente a Sánchez, pero sí acabar con la represión"

El conseller de Acción Exterior de la Generalitat, Alfred Bosch, ha asegurado este lunes que en las negociaciones entre ERC y PSOE no renunciarán pedir la...

9 Dec 08:27 Europa Press 4702666148407073560.html
La izquierda ‘abertzale’ mantiene la charla de un exetarra pese a la oposición de víctimas y partidos

La red de apoyo a presos de ETA, ofrece este martes en el campus de Álava de la UPV una charla de José Ramón López de Abetxuko

9 Dec 16:18 EL PAÍS 2207347711631385291.html
Pendant la grève, la cohue-bohu dans les trams parisiens

Entre pleurs, abandons et résignation, les Franciliens ont eu ce lundi matin un voyage mouvementé sur les lignes 3a et 3b, situées sur les boulevards maréchaux de la capitale.

9 Dec 14:59 Libération.fr 4160113239629304499.html
Putin e Zelensky reúnem-se para negociar conflito na Ucrânia

Reunião do Quarteto da Normandia coloca pela primeira vez os presidentes russo e ucraniano frente-a-frente, com a França e a Alemanha a mediar uma solução para o conflito ucraniano.

9 Dec 08:19 DN 8445869956831703499.html
Revelam qual poderá ser a primeira grande contratação de Mourinho

Jogador trabalhou com o português no Manchester United.

9 Dec 16:54 O Jogo 3218673678406291818.html
Talls a Rodalies al Nadal per les obres de Glòries

La circulació de trens a les línies R3, R4 i R12 quedarà interrompuda entre Arc de Triomf i Sant Andreu entre el 21 de desembre i el 5 de gener

9 Dec 10:54 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479044579413.html
Pela 1ª vez, concurso de Miss Universo tem candidata assumidamente lésbica

Htet também desabafou sobre preconceito: "a dificuldade é que lá (Mianmar) as pessoas não são aceitas. Elas são alvo de preconceitos de outras e são discriminadas".

9 Dec 13:05 Folha Vitória 4941883426935981904.html
Binotto: „Haben Titel schon im Winter verloren“

In der Saison 2020 soll das springende Pferd endlich wieder mit einem Titel dekoriert werden. Zumindest wenn es nach der Scuderia Ferrari geht. Damit die...

9 Dec 09:16 RTL.DE 7054729453547818209.html
Jackpot von 23,5 Millionen Euro geknackt

Am letzten Freitag (6. Dezember) war Nikolaustag. Für einen finnischen Eurojackpot-Spielteilnehmer gab es eine besonders große Überraschung: Mit den Gewinnzahlen 8, 14, 23, 30 und 45 sowie den beiden Eurozahlen 1 und 9 geht der aktuelle Jackpot nach Finnland. Die genaue Gewinnsumme des Neu-Millionärs liegt bei 23.515.066,30 Euro.

9 Dec 12:24 www.derwesten.de 5765995666743546057.html
¡La fan número uno! Isabel Preysler asegura que ha perdido dos kilos bailando en el concierto de su hijo Enrique

Isabel Preysler acudió, en compañía de Mario Vargas Llosa, al concierto de su hijo Enrique Iglesias celebrado este sábado en el WiZink Center de Madrid. Tras ver el espéctaculo, Isabel salió del recinto con una amplia sonrisa y aseguró que todos estaban "muy contentos" por el resultado. "No hemos parado (de bailar), hemos perdido dos kilos", comentó en tono divertido. Ana Boyer también habló de lo "muchísimo" que habían disfrutado, ella y su marido Fernando Verdasco, del espectáculo ofrecido por su hermano Enrique. Por último, las gemelas Iglesias, Victoria y Cristina, salieron muy sonrientes y tambén comentaron lo mucho que habían bailado en el concierto. Un acontecimiento único en el que Enrique estuvo arropado por su madre y cuatro de sus hermanas. Dale al play y no te lo pierdas.

9 Dec 11:28 Hola.com 2035212429887362256.html
Fé e caridade: programa vai mostrar relíquias de Santa Dulce dos Pobres

O Natal Cidade Verde 2019 vai contar a história da primeira santa brasileira, Santa Dulce dos Pobres. Com acesso a objetos pessoais, o programa "Fé e caridade" vai exibir no dia 18 de dezembro imagens exclusivas do memorial da santa contemporânea.Comandado pela jornalista e apresentadora Nadja Rodrigues, o programa especial viajou até Salvador (BA) para mostrar o legado de Dulce e entrevistar pessoas que conviveram com a freira que se tornou referência de fé e caridade.É onde Dulce começou o seu trabalho que hoje está localizado o maior hospital público do Brasil, com milhões de atendimentos por ano via Sistema Único de Saúde. No complexo também há núcleos sociais incluindo centro de qualificação e escolas de tempo integral.Foto: Yasmin Cunha/Cidadeverde.comO antigo convento deu lugar ao Memorial de Santa Dulce que abriga relíquias como as vestimentas, cartas e até mechas de cabelo da santa registradas e exibidas com exclusividade pela TV Cidade Verde.“A gente vai trazer até a próxima semana alguns detalhes do…

9 Dec 14:53 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420726162526.html
PHOTOS - Guigui et Oumou Sow enflamment le plateau de Salam Diallo

Oumou Sow et Guigui étaient les invitées de Salam Diallo dans l’émission «Keur Salam». Les deux (2) artistes ont enflammé le plateau avec leur nouveau single «Happy». «Bombal» avait fait fureur sur les médias. Tant bien que mal, ce duo entre Oumou Sow et Guigui avaient créé le buzz. Déterminées,...

9 Dec 14:02 Leral.net 5178746016796309611.html
Jahresabschluss 2018: Red Bull: Weniger Jobs, mehr Gewinn

Der Energydrink-Hersteller Red Bull konnte seinen Gewinn um ein Drittel auf rund 741 Millionen Euro steigern. Firmenchef Mateschitz bekommt davon rund 182 Millionen Euro.

9 Dec 14:52 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700124771571.html
Huawei Band 4 Pro è ora ufficiale: GPS, NFC, nuovi colori e un software aggiornato | MobileLabs

Huawei Band 4 Pro è ora ufficiale: il meglio della versione precedente, nuove colorazioni e alcuni miglioramenti del software.

9 Dec 08:12 Tom's Hardware 6640147069404755516.html
Corpo de mulher é encontrado com sinais de agressão na orla de Itaparica

De acordo com a Polícia Civil, a vítima ainda não foi identificada, mas possui uma tatuagem escrita ‘Amanda’ em um dos braços

9 Dec 14:59 Folha Vitória 4941883426469678691.html
Update: Juice Wrld Took Pills Before Seizure, 70 Lbs of Weed Found on Jet

Update 12/09/2019 10:42am:

9 Dec 11:09 VLADTV 1404406305891789996.html
Cooperative Horror FPS ‘GTFO’ Launches Today on Steam Early Access

GTFO, the horror themed first-person shooter with an emphasis on cooperative action, debuts today on PC (Steam Early Access).

9 Dec 13:30 Wccftech 3677959679353637035.html
Kubica still has desire to race again

2019 may not have panned out how Robert Kubica would have liked but even he hasn't lost his desire for racing. The Pole has insisted it would be a shame to throw away all the energy he has put into his return.

9 Dec 08:50 GPblog.com 9117728199740823251.html
Pelea a puñal entre pareja de venezolanos dejó una mujer muerta en Soledad, Atlántico

Al parecer, la riña se presentó a raíz de la terminación de la relación sentimental.

9 Dec 13:45 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898584381952354.html
Reprezentacja Rosji nie zagra na mundialu 2022. Ale jest furtka

Rosyjscy piłkarze - jeśli wywalczą awans na mistrzostwa świata, które rozegrane zostaną w 2022 roku w Katarze - będą mogli starać się o udział w nich pod neutralną flagą - przekazał przedstawiciel Światowej Agencji Antydopingowej (WADA) Jonathan Taylor. Szczegółów tego rozwiązania nie podał.

9 Dec 17:57 RMF24 3758900159159409980.html
Il punto sulla Serie D - Cjarlins Muzane e Chions tornano a correre. Tamai e San Luigi, così salvarsi è dura

Nella 17esima giornata del campionato di Serie D, Chions e Cjarlins Muzane ritrovano la vittoria. La formazione di Zanuttig ha battuto di misura 1-0 l'Adriese: un vero e proprio colpaccio quello firmato da Del Compare, che ha messo al tappeto con la sua rete quella che fino a ieri era la terza della classe. Il Cjarlins di Max Moras, invece, ha battuto 3-2 in rimonta l'Este: sotto di due reti, la squadra friulana è riuscita nell'impresa di ribaltare il risultato, andando in rete con Fabbro, Kabine e Migliorini. Chions attualmente 14esimo a più uno sul Montebelluna sestultimo, mentre il Cjarlins, dall'alto dei suoi 28 punti, è a solamente una lunghezza dalla zona play-off. 

9 Dec 10:01 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193681505940.html
Justiça suspende regime de urgência da Reforma da Previdência na Alepi

Decisão monocrática foi proferida pelo desembargador Raimundo Nonato Alencar Costa.

9 Dec 11:08 R10 3167340813796051402.html
Agitada agenda de Mauricio Macri en su último día de su gobierno

Reuniones y despedidas, el Presidente cumple con sus últimos compromisos.

9 Dec 15:56 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204481718430294.html
VIDEO - Ranieri: "Ce l'ho con Motta. Moratti non voleva partisse, via lui la mia Inter si spense"

Sabato saranno avversari, ma nel loro passato c'è anche un'esperienza in comune, seppur breve, all'Inter, quando Claudio Ranieri allenava i nerazzurri e Thiago Motta disputava la...

9 Dec 10:45 FcInterNews.it 7848284892771080336.html
Gasly: Nem volt fair lefokozni

Az évet a Red Bull Racingnél kezdő, a nyári szünet után a Toro Rossóhoz visszaküldött, Brazíliában a kiscsapat autójával dobogós eredményt szerző Pierre Gasly maga sem hiszi, milyen éve volt.

9 Dec 11:43 Vezess 2044718936976876802.html
ĆERKU Ane Nikolić mnogi nazivaju trendseterkom, a sad je pevačica otišla i korak dalje!

Ana Nikolić brižljivo vodi računa o stilu svoje dvogodišnje ćerkice Tare, pa tako njeni pratioci oduševljeno reaguju na svaku novu fotografiju njene naslednice.

9 Dec 17:30 pulsonline 6050941187813028848.html
Sąd ws. Durczoka: Powaga czynu bezdyskusyjna, ale prokurator nie wykazał obawy matactwa

"Powaga czynu zarzucanego Kamilowi Durczokowi jest bezdyskusyjna, jednak prokuratura nie wykazała, że podejrzany mógłby utrudniać śledztwo i tylko aresztowanie jest w stanie zabezpieczyć prawidłowy tok postępowania" - tak katowicki sąd uzasadnił odmowę aresztowania dziennikarza. Durczok w ubiegłym tygodniu zatrzymany pod zarzutem oszustwa i podrobienia weksla.

9 Dec 16:03 RMF24 3758900157083041989.html
Bat for Lashes shares stripped-down piano version of “Desert Man”

Stripped back almost entirely to just Natasha Khan and her piano, this alternate version of Desert Man may be be all the more powerful for it.

9 Dec 16:56 BrooklynVegan 7574135799033060341.html
Casal é rendido por populares e preso pela polícia após roubo de carro

Carro havia sido roubado em Timon (MA) e a polícia investiga o caso

9 Dec 08:40 R10 3167340812559789556.html
Christina Aguilera y sus transformaciones a través de los años [VIDEO]

Christina Aguilera llegó a la escena musical en 1998, tenía solo 15 años y desde entonces hemos presenciado todos los cambios de belleza que la cantante a probado.

9 Dec 09:03 Wapa.pe 6757287089706173760.html
Why Should You Wear “Church” Clothes To Meet A Stripper? Ghanaian Celebs Are Too Parasitic – Shatta Wale Mocks GH Celebs(+Video)

Multiple  Award- winning Dancehall artiste Shatta Wale has subtle shaded popular TV and radio personalities who swamped Kempinski Hotel on Sunday afternoon to meet Cardi B for a meet and greet session. The likes of  Hajia4Real, Afia Schwarzenegger, Moesha Boduong, Efia Odo, Wendy Shay, Nikki Samonas, Ameyaw Debrah, Becca amongst others were invited by the […]

9 Dec 12:00 GhBase.com 8689748847253304449.html
Tandilia 2019: Los ganadores del premio Markal ya pueden retirar su dinero

Como un incentivo extra para los más de dos mil atletas que corrieron la 47° edición de la Tandilia, la firma Markal Hormigonera S.A decidió premiar a los corredores con una importante suma de dinero para quienes pasaran primeros por el kilómetro seis. La recompensa que se ofrecía era de tres mil pesos en efectivo […]

9 Dec 08:41 El Eco 4177735524142901388.html
Finlande: Sanna Marin, la plus jeune Première ministre de l'histoire du pays

Les sociaux-démocrates finlandais ont élu dimanche le plus jeune Premier ministre de l’histoire de leur pays. La jeune cheffe du gouvernement a occupé le poste de ministre des Transports du gouvernement sortant. Sanna Marin a remporté l’élection de justesse face au dirigeant sortant Antti Rinne, qui avait démissionné mardi à cause de sa gestion d’une grève postale. «Nous avons beaucoup de travail à faire pour rétablir la confiance», a déclaré Sanna Marin à la presse dimanche soir, en éludant des questions liées à son âge: «Je n’ai jamais pensé à mon âge ou à mon genre, je pense aux raisons pour lesquelles je me suis engagée en politique et ces choses grâce auxquelles nous avons gagné la confiance de l’électorat». A 34 ans, elle est aussi l’une des plus jeunes chefs de gouvernement de la planète, devant le Premier ministre ukrainien Oleksiï Gontcharouk, âgé de 35 ans. L’ancien Premier ministre Antti Rinne dirigeait la coalition de centre-gauche, formée de cinq partis, depuis le mois de juin. La nomination de Sanna…

9 Dec 10:43 LesEco.ma 3084334528061763384.html
Beyonce Stuns In Plunging Bodysuit & Waist-Length Braids For Flawless ‘Elle’ Cover – Pics

Beyonce looks gorgeous on the January 2020 cover of 'Elle' magazine!

9 Dec 14:49 Hollywood Life 1852895046323849200.html
Vatrogasci u Australiji pale pašnjake kako bi sprečili širenje požara

Hiljade vatrogasaca palile su pašnjake u istočnoj Australiji u ponedeljak kako bi sprečili širenje...

9 Dec 09:42 N1 Srbija 7797130866922073436.html
Windows 10 Tip: New Manage notifications button at the top of the Action Center

Editor’s note: We’re back with the latest weekly Windows 10 tips posts, which highlight some of the many helpful features that come with the Windows 10 November 2019 Update. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make your daily life easier with a streamlined update process, as well as clean and simple experiences for your desktop.  Did you know you can now go to the “Notifications & actions” […]

9 Dec 09:00 Windows Experience Blog 1423407254079122286.html
VÍDEO | Augusto Carrara ensina como usar o 'ciclo da realidade' para se tornar um vendedor de sucesso

Nos vídeos, que estão disponíveis no canal do Folha Vitória no Youtube, o leitor/espectador acompanha estratégias de vendas e ferramentas desenvolvidas por Carrara

9 Dec 13:51 Folha Vitória 4941883428320159379.html
Monday Apple Rumors: 2020 iPhone May Sport Larger Battery

Monday's Apple Rumors include one of its TV+ shows getting Golden Globe nominations, FCC approval for the Mac Pro and more.

9 Dec 17:39 InvestorPlace 24614510626118447.html
Perritos PUG las mejores nanas de un tierno bebé (VIDEO VIRAL)

Una joven dej&oacute; a sus perros &lsquo;pug&rsquo; cuidando a su tierno beb&eacute; y al regresar encontr&oacute; una tierna escena que grab&oacute; en video y se hizo viral.

9 Dec 08:29 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622938266436.html
München: Braut wird von Polizei aufgehalten – dann wird es unangenehm

In München wurde eine Braut aufgehalten. Sie saß im Brautwagen. Einige Gäste hatten sich daneben benommen. Hier mehr.

9 Dec 10:08 Thüringen24 7206317295006947470.html
"Se busca empleada del hogar sexy y con buenos senos, absténganse cardos" en Vigo

Así rezaba una publicación en el portal milanuncios.com - 'Si hubiera sexo, se abonaría la diferencia'

9 Dec 15:01 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578852236863.html
RTL lässt die Bombe platzen! ER wird Moderator beim Privatsender

Der Privatsender RTL hat die Bombe platzen lassen: ER wird Moderator. Hier alle Infos.

9 Dec 12:12 Thüringen24 7206317296385319594.html
Cissi Wallin döms efter inlägg om Virtanen

Brott Debattören Cissi Wallin döms till villkorlig dom och dagsböter för grovt förtal efter att ha pekat ut journalisten Fredrik Virtanen som våldtäktsman.Hon ska även betala skadestånd till Virtanen

9 Dec 14:55 www.unt.se 8922556089391441219.html
Some said my career is over, says ‘Pratiroju Pandage’ actor Sai Dharam Tej

The actor's latest is about the last phase in the life of a grandfather, and how he bonds with his grandson

9 Dec 09:41 The Hindu 6679535025880958827.html
¿Cuánto dinero recibiría Melania si se divorciara de Donald Trump?

El dinero que recibiría probablemente no le alcanzaría para mantener su actual estilo de vida

9 Dec 16:59 El Diario NY 6486144434034800978.html
¿Cuánto dinero recibiría Melania si se divorciara de Donald Trump?

El dinero que recibiría probablemente no le alcanzaría para mantener su actual estilo de vida

9 Dec 16:59 La Opinión 952941034420402514.html
Manto’s pulp fiction ‘Shikari Auratein’ translated into English

Titled “Women of Prey” and published by Speaking Tiger, the new book contains about half a dozen raunchy, hilarious short stories and two sketches - all of them bringing forth the lesser-known side of the legendary Urdu writer.

9 Dec 09:03 The Indian Express 2885715104183492471.html
RedmiBook de 13 polegadas. Design revelado antes do lançamento

A Redmi tem um evento agendado para esta terça-feira, 10 de dezembro. Nele será revelado o seu novo smartphone, O Redmi K30, e outros produtos, como um...

9 Dec 12:53 4gnews 1809086878873881566.html
Eight Rings receives new Kentucky Derby 2020 trail target

Horse Racing news: Eight Rings receives new Kentucky Derby 2020 trail target.

9 Dec 15:13 Horse Racing Nation 6225030535826582307.html
Guarda civil morre ao fazer trilha de cachoeira; mãe está desaparecida

Foto: Reprodução / youtube  Um guarda civil municipal de Itaquaquecetuba, cidade da Grande São Paulo, foi encontrado morto em uma cachoeira depois de fazer uma trilha em Mogi das Cruzes, cidade vizinha, no fim de semana. O agente estava acompanhado da mãe, que está desaparecida.De acordo com o Corpo de Bombeiros, mãe e filho saíram de casa na tarde do sábado, 7, para fazer uma trilha na Pedra do Elefante e na Cachoeira Véu da Noiva, mas se perderam. Familiares estranharam que os dois não retornaram e acionar a corporação às 12h10 deste domingo, 8. Ao menos três viaturas e o helicóptero Águia 10 foram enviados ao local.O corpo do GCM, que não teve o nome divulgado, foi encontrado e retirado da cachoeira pela aeronave, na altura do km 81 da Rodovia Mogi-Bertioga. A perícia foi acionada para determinar a causa da morte. A mãe continuava desaparecida na manhã desta segunda-feira, 9.Fonte: Estadão Conteúdo

9 Dec 08:12 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419868409460.html
’Sparende mkb’er verdient juist compliment’

Het is goed dat ondernemers in het midden- en kleinbedrijf (mkb) hun eigen vermogen hebben versterkt. Dat stelt MKB-Nederland in een reactie op een rapport van De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) die het spaaroverschot als ‘probleem’ neerzette en financiële prikkels wil aanpakken. Die conclusie roept verbazing op bij de ondernemersorganisatie.

9 Dec 13:03 RD.nl 6406779840764662373.html
Hiperinflación en Venezuela continúa desacelerándose en noviembre

Hiperinflación en Venezuela continúa desacelerándose en noviembre

9 Dec 15:49 LaPatilla.com 9104603010920472771.html
Los pensionistas de Bilbao suman su 'lunes' número 100 de protesta

El Movimiento de Pensionistas de Bizkaia llevan desde el 2017 concentrandose una vez a la semana por "unas pensiones dignas"

9 Dec 16:33 elPeriodico 7291954034901913317.html
En la pelota | Carta de George

Lea aquí el artículo En la pelota de Juan Vené

9 Dec 12:30 Últimas Noticias 6811287209647897686.html
Sin Cara fuera de la WWE, lo hizo oficial en Twitter

Sin cara lo hizo oficial a trav&eacute;s de su Twitter, que ya no pertenece a la WWE

9 Dec 10:59 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622576602702.html
Rødt svarer kommentator Harry Tiller: Han forsøker å tegne et bilde av oss som uansvarlige og useriøse

9 Dec 14:46 adressa.no 8417332407668322675.html
Por pedido de Alberto Fernández, quitaron las rejas de Plaza de Mayo

Lo pidió en una reunión que ambos mantuvieron en Puerto Madero con Horacio Rodríguez Larreta

9 Dec 13:16 Diario Popular 7191573466986693501.html
Top 7: Menores infractores en la Ciudad de México

Se reportaron varios casos de asaltos y asesinatos en los que los delincuentes son menores de edad y por ello cumplen condenas muy cortas o son liberados en poc

9 Dec 17:00 Excélsior 859179359080869759.html
Un ave se estrella contra un tendido eléctrico y genera descarga que hirió a siete personas

La descarga eléctrica dejó también daños del cableado interno en diez viviendas, quemó un transformador y varios electrodomésticos

9 Dec 13:43 NTN24 8482749625041821263.html
Play as Snoop Dogg in NHL 20 on PS4 with Latest Free Update

Items, commentary, and more

9 Dec 09:45 Push Square 8538862517452919891.html
As mentiras do programa Casados à Primeira Vista. Afinal há cenas manipuladas

Quem não gosta de uma boa novela? É exatamente isso que é Casados à Primeira Vista, no qual os participantes seguem um guião que lhes comanda a vida.

9 Dec 08:55 maria 5738163822770670260.html
La grúa y el depósito de vehículos municipal se trasladan a Punta Zorrotza

El Ayuntamiento de Bilbo pondr&aacute; en servicio este martes las nuevas instalaciones de la gr&uacute;a y el dep&oacute;sito municipal de veh&iacute;culos ...

9 Dec 11:27 naiz: 117472234685312477.html
Rusia recibirá Eurocopa y Final de Champions pese a sanción

Viacheslav Koloskov, presidente honorífico de la unión de futbol del país, señaló que los eventos seguirán adelante.

9 Dec 12:48 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073239114336.html
Miss Universe 2019: Steve Harvey named right costume contest winner, pageant says of apparent flub

Steve Harvey can’t catch a break when it comes to Miss Universe.

9 Dec 12:59 NEWS wpxi.com 7786541636984906007.html
‘6 Underground’ Trailer: Michael Bay’s Netflix Movie Has Parkour, Explosions, and Ryan Reynolds

Watch Netflix's final 6 Underground trailer, promoting director Michael Bay's return to original filmmaking and his first pairing with actor Ryan Reynolds.

9 Dec 16:30 /Film 148788830571937086.html
Carla Moreau toujours en tournage, elle s'exprime sur sa nouvelle vie de maman (VIDÉO)

Depuis qu'elle est maman, la vie de Carla Moreau a complètement changé, y compris en tournage !

9 Dec 14:30 melty 8059025070823544818.html
G. Nausėda: Lietuvai nepriimtinas Suomijos pasiūlymas

Europos Sąjungai pirmininkaujančios Suomijos pasiūlymas dėl naujos daugiametės finansinės programos Lietuvai yra nepriimtinas, pakartojo prezidentas Gitanas Nausėda.

9 Dec 13:19 Kauno diena 6825691409295636613.html
Turkey Intercepts Almost 3,250 EU-Bound Migrants Over Past Week – Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The bulk of the apprehensions were made in regions adjacent to Turkey’s land border with Greece and Bulgaria, as well as Turkey’s western coast, which is a common departure point for migrants seeking to reach the Greek Aegean Islands.

9 Dec 14:51 Sputniknews 967333868984217832.html
Mutual Funds' asset base hits Rs 27 trn, bank, PSU funds top allocation

Mutual fund houses witnessed an overall inflow of Rs 54,419 crore last month as compared to Rs 1.33 lakh crore in October

9 Dec 11:50 Business-Standard 1502508925344277048.html
Inaugurada 23ª Delegacia da Mulher no Estado

Delegacia Especializada passa atender em São Leopoldo

9 Dec 13:52 Correio do Povo 8875535436385111186.html
Directorii din Marea Britanie, cel mai bine plătiţi din Europa

Cel mai bine plătiţi directori din Europa sunt cei din Marea Britanie, care primesc 2,7 milioane de lire sterline pe an, datorită planurilor generoase de stimulente care sunt din ce în ce mai criticate de acţionari, informează publicaţia britanică Financi

9 Dec 10:16 PUBLIKA 1679939814147199734.html
Status symbols for a new decade! Tatler reveals the all-new badges of honour that prove you're upper class - including owning several passports and a £1,425 BBQ loved by Meghan Markle

Some people just can't help wanting to keep up with the Joneses, and if you're eager to take stock of your social standing, Tatler has produced a list of the new must-have status symbols.

9 Dec 16:52 Mail Online 124328112225866402.html
Kenya: 10 i morti in crollo Nairobi

Sale a 10 il bilancio delle vittime dopo il crollo del palazzo di sei piani avvenuto nella capitale del Kenya, Nairobi, lo scorso venerdì. Lo riporta Bbc News Africa, aggiungendo che ieri sono stati recuperati altri tre corpi. (ANSA)

9 Dec 16:34 ANSA.it 1300837447169572266.html
Antes de que asuma Kicillof, Teresa García será gobernadora por un día

En un caso similar al de Federico Pinedo en 2015, la Legisladora ocupará el cargo hasta la asunción del sucesor de Vidal, postergada por un día respecto de Nación

9 Dec 12:08 Diagonales 4932342255351450836.html
Primer ministro de Japón se reunirá con el presidente de Irán

El primer ministro de Japón, Shinzo Abe, dijo el lunes que su país está organizando una visita del presidente de Irán, Hassan Rouhani

9 Dec 15:07 Noticias de Israel 5887715890706354147.html
She's decked the halls AGAIN! Christmas-mad grandmother, 77, kits out home with £30,000 festive decorations for 10th year running (after promising real-life Scrooge husband a year off)

Betty-Ann Jones, 77, of Pontadawe, near Swansea, pledged that last year would be the final time she took out her £30,000 collection of baubles, trees, Santas and reindeer.

9 Dec 13:36 Mail Online 124328110805652934.html
Vilmorin: dividende approuvé en AGM

Vilmorin annonce que son assemblée générale mixte annuelle des actionnaires, réunie le 6 décembre, a fixé le montant du dividende net à 1,35 euro par - 09/12/2019 09:07

9 Dec 08:07 ABC Bourse 2538693398507843440.html
Elizabeth Hurley, 54, Wears A Bed Sheet While Celebrating 1.4 Million Instagram Followers — Pic

Elizabeth Hurley looked incredibly sultry in a new photo she posted to Instagram, featuring the celeb in only a red bed sheet.

9 Dec 16:57 Hollywood Life 1852895046824713852.html
England to host Italy in first Euro 2020 warm-up friendly

Italy will play England at Wembley on March 27, as the Azzurri and the Three Lions begin their preparations for Euro 2020.

9 Dec 11:36 sportskeeda 1601194027836332357.html
Tata Motors plans to add 100 new passenger vehicle outlets by FY 20 end

Tata Motors is looking to increase its penetration in the domestic passenger vehicle segment with entry into the premium hatchback segment.

9 Dec 10:25 Business-Standard 1502508925400238014.html
webPR: Niels Broos & Jamie Peet-Underground olandez în Control

În această seară, de la ora 20:00 în Control Club, Niels Broos & Jamie Peet vor aduce pe scenă undeground-ul olandez al momentului, în primul lor concert în România,

9 Dec 10:04 HotNews 8390929541822788391.html
BIO JE UNUK VOJVODE BOJOVIĆA, DRUŽIO SE SA ARČIBALDOM RAJSOM: Umro Slobodan Boba Bojović, posledni beogradski gospodin

Pre nekoliko dana u Čikagu je dušu ispustio legendarni Slobodan Boba Bojović (95), Beograđanin svetskih manira, čovek enciklopedija, svedok poslednjeg veka srpske istorije, koju je gledao izbliza ili u njoj direktno učestvovao.Rođen nadomak Topčidera davne ...

9 Dec 16:15 kurir.rs 6515665028565369474.html
Caribana: Lomepal et quatre autres artistes viennent grossir l’affiche

La semaine dernière, le festival de Crans-près-Céligny dévoilait les noms de sept artistes de sa prochaine édition. Cinq de plus ont été annoncés ce ...

9 Dec 11:21 La Côte 469155179763098174.html
Trei medici de renume mondial au devenit consilierii ministrului Sănătății

Trei medici de renume mondial au fost cooptați, începând de luni, în echipa ministrului Sănătății, Victor Costache.

9 Dec 10:15 Stirileprotv.ro 940005309636739566.html
Les Olivier: hommage émouvant pour Jean Lapointe

«C’est trop émouvant». Jean Lapointe refoulait ses larmes et avait la voix tremblante au sortir de la remise de prix hors d’ondes du Gala les Olivier, où on lui a rendu hommage, dimanche.

9 Dec 10:00 TVA Nouvelles 5024407710206249338.html
‘Star Wars’ actor, Torin Pocock, makes Nollywood debut

Torin Pocock, an English actor who featured in Hollywood’s ‘Star Wars’ has made his debut in a Nollywood film titled ‘Kpali’.

9 Dec 17:55 Premium Times Nigeria 5456729300625728808.html
How This African Woman Beat Global Odds To Become The 2019 Hero Of The Year

It may come across as absurd and preposterous but to this day, there is a stigma around adolescent females in the rural parts of one of the two African countries that were never colonised — Ethiopia. (Liberia is the other one.) In the rural parts of Ethiopia, young girls suffer because they are denied opportunities. And they are denied these opportunities just for being “human”. Yes, in some Ethiopian communities, young girls suffer ignominy and often drop out of school altogether just because of something as natural as menstruation. Yes, as many as half the girls in rural parts of Ethiopia miss school for reasons related to their periods — and that often hampers their education, and by extension, the rest of their lives. What an anomaly! Freweini Mebrahtu — an Ethiopian who has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the US — has dedicated her life fixing that anomaly. And for her efforts, she has been named the 2019 Hero of the Year by CNN.

9 Dec 11:17 WeeTracker 6939661660487054758.html
Na co idą pieniądze Warszawiaków? Sebastian Kaleta ujawnił przygniatający raport: wygrywają projekty wspierające LGBT

Sebastian Kaleta, zgodnie z zapowiedzią ujawnił raport o działalności niektórych organizacji korzystających z dotacji m.st. Warszawy. - Przykładowo tylko w jednym konkursie na kwotę 3600000 przeznaczono 95 % na organizacje, które otwarcie wspierają LGBT na rzecz tych organizacji przeznaczono łącznie 3420000 zł - czytamy w raporcie. - Opracowanie jest wyłącznie drobnym wycinkiem funkcjonowania organizacji, które w ramach swojej działalności promują środowiska LGBT - wskazuje poseł w 127-stronicowym raporcie.

9 Dec 09:24 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696136690067292.html
Brighton 2 Wolves 2 - Player ratings

Rosie Swarbrick rates the players as Wolves drew 2-2 at Brighton.

9 Dec 09:28 Express & Star 7324224460498975265.html
¿Llegará alguno de los lesionados de Racing a la final con Tigre?

Lisandro López, Nery Domínguez, Marcelo Díaz y Leonardo Sigali, las principales dudas de Coudet de cara a la definición en Mar del Plata.

9 Dec 17:56 TyC Sports 3239944748817531153.html
ZVEZDA ZOVE NA PROSLAVU: Delije, dođite da zajedno slavimo jesenju titulu

Fudbalski klub Crvena zvezda pozvao je danas navijače da u što većem broju dođu na meč protiv Čukaričkog i uveličaju osvajanje jesenje titule.

9 Dec 17:25 kurir.rs 6515665028142335344.html
El Sondeo Megamedia: ¿Ahorrarás parte de tu aguinaldo?

El aguinaldo, una ayuda familiar y tema de sondeo More

9 Dec 09:00 Diario de Yucatán 261200018299929163.html
FC Schalke 04 - News und Gerüchte: Amine Harit hat Vertrag bei S04 offenbar vorzeitig verlängert

Amine Harit hat seinen Vertrag beim FC Schalke 04 offenbar in aller Stille vorzeitig verlängert. Eine Bestätigung seitens des Vereins steht jedoch noch aus. Hier gibt es News und Gerüchte rund um den FC Schalke 04.

9 Dec 08:00 SPOX 8395423526454688604.html
Carnes podem continuar subindo até fim de janeiro ou início de fevereiro

Segundo o coordenador da FGV, a alta demanda chinesa por causa da peste suína não deve se manter por muito tempo

9 Dec 14:46 O TEMPO 6069683946337468934.html
Comisia Europeană a aprobat ajutor de stat de 3,2 miliarde de euro în șapte state membre pentru un proiect paneuropean de cercetare și inovare în domeniul bateriilor

Comisia Europeană a aprobat, în conformitate cu normele UE privind ajutoarele de stat, un proiect important de interes european comun (IPCEI) notificat în

9 Dec 10:43 G4Media.ro 2302108694902135008.html
Ongemakkelijke en gênante momenten in Café Hendriks & Genee

In Café Hendriks & Genee was gisteravond Carlo Boszhard (50) te gast. Het vuur werd hem flink aan de schenen gelegd, maar of dat nou helemaal terecht was… Hélène Hendriks (39) stelde namelijk een vraag aan haar gast en die leek niet helemaal te kloppen.

9 Dec 12:04 RTL Boulevard 1500115272552441635.html
Gabriel Schurrer no sigue más en Aucas

Las autoridades no han difundido detalles sobre las causas de su muerte.

9 Dec 13:44 Ecuavisa 4017571650723286547.html
POTRESNO! ČUO SAM POKOJNOG ZETA KAKO DOZIVA SVOG SINA: Porodica gurala pokvareni auto, pokosio ih pijani vozač

- Dok sam sa unukom gurao pokvareni auto, iznenada sam video jako svetlo. Usledio je snažan udarac. Odleteo sam u šanac pored puta. Jedno vreme sam bio ošamućen i nisam znao šta se dešava. Samo sam, kao kroz maglu, čuo mog pokojnog zeta Ekrema, koji je bio ...

9 Dec 11:25 kurir.rs 6515665027304450751.html
Eric Judor, antipathiquement drôle dans "Platane"

Éric Judor retrouve son rôle de comédien insupportable dans la troisième saison de sa série autoparodique "Platane".

9 Dec 09:00 Le Journal du Dimanche 5787636494496452431.html
Maxi Gómez y Cillessen, bajas para el partido frente al Ajax

El Valencia CF se juega la clasificación a la Champions frente al Ajax en casa del conjunto holandés. Las bajas más destacadas del conjunto ché en la convocatoria de Albert Celades son Cillessen por lesión y Maxi Gómez.

9 Dec 13:16 MARCA 5656811532664711836.html
Don Vicente Fernández quiere «cachetar» a Daniel Bisognio

"Charro de Huentitán" está que no lo calienta no el sol, pues está con ganas de "partirle la mandarina en gajos" al conductor de TV, Daniel Bisognio

9 Dec 17:23 Fernanda Familiar 8155233566536315956.html
Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt Poised To Reunite At 2020 Golden Globes After Both Get Nominated

Will Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston reunite at the Golden Globes? Both are nominated for some major awards.

9 Dec 17:04 Hollywood Life 1852895047224047945.html
Poverenik Marinović: Do sada, za četiri meseca, nisam trpeo pritiske

Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti Milan Marinović izjavio je da do sada za četiri meseca svoga rada, nije trpeo pritiske.

9 Dec 09:11 Dnevni list Danas 649654641886709112.html
Jantar com governador ameaça liberdade de vereadores réus por corrupção

A participação em um jantar com o governador Reinaldo Azambuja no dia 20 do mês passado em Dourados, a 233 km de Campo Grande, ameaça a liberdade de três vereadores réus por corrupção no âmbito da Operação Cifra Negra. Pedro Pepa (DEM), Cirilo Ramão (MDB) e Idenor Machado (PSDB) foram reconduzidos aos cargos em novembro, mas ao conceder o habeas corpus, o Tribunal de Justiça de Mato Grosso do Sul ...

9 Dec 16:23 Campo Grande News 7902463002117632476.html
Prestigieuze prijs voor Franck-box Ben van Oosten

Ben van Oosten heeft zaterdag 7 december in het Orgelpark in Amsterdam de Opus Klassik 2019 in ontvangst genomen.

9 Dec 11:32 RD.nl 6406779841491236353.html
Policja wiedziała o planach symulacji ataku terrorystycznego w szkole. Wydano oświadczenie

"Dyrektor szkoły o zaplanowanym przedsięwzięciu pisemnie poinformowała Komendanta Komisariatu Policji w Barczewie" - stwierdzili funkcjonariusze w oświadczeniu opublikowanym na stronie Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Olsztynie. 14 listopada, bez wiedzy uczniów i nauczycieli, zamaskowani mężczyźni dokonali symulowanego ataku na szkołę.

9 Dec 15:21 Onet Wiadomości 6244723534637086471.html
Delhi Blaze: Police Nabs Factory Owner After Delhi’s Deadliest Fire In 25 Years Killing 43 People 

Labourers who died in Delhi fire were mostly from Bihar between the ages of 14 and 20

9 Dec 12:02 Swarajya 4977622829785205390.html
Campaña de Navidad en la arquidiócesis de Buenos Aires

“Es Navidad: Jesús nos reúne”, es el lema de la Campaña Navideña 2019, una iniciativa de difusión y solidaridad de la arquidiócesis de Buenos Aires, cuyo objetivo es rescatar el sentido religioso y cristiano de las fiestas por la Natividad del Señor. Consiste en distribuir miles de afiches en negocios y hogares, colocar carteleras en espacios de la vía pública....

9 Dec 08:37 aica.org 5568670711978661042.html
Barca ohne Messi & Co. - BVB hofft noch auf Schützenhilfe

Die größte Zauberei hilft Borussia Dortmund gegen Slavia Prag nicht, wenn sich parallel der FC Barcelona hängen lässt. Doch genau dies deutet sich an.

9 Dec 14:54 weltfussball.at 3521376371873236864.html
Raptado filho de mais um empresário em Moçambique

Bilal Chacha tem 39 anos. Foi levado junto à porta de um restaurante, "na companhia do seu pai", detalha polícia.

9 Dec 12:54 SÁBADO 5711459692682950319.html
Messer-Angriff in München: Mann (23) sticht Polizist (30) am Hauptbahnhof nieder

Ein Polizist (30) ist am Münchner Hauptbahnhof mit einem Messer angegriffen und schwer verletzt worden. Ein 23-Jähriger habe den Beamten bei einer Personenkontrolle unerwartet von hinten attackiert, teilte die Polizei am Montag mit. Der Angreifer sei nicht die Person gewesen, die kontrolliert worden sei. Zeugen hätten den Tatverdächtigen überwältigt. Der Mann sei festgenommen worden. Der "schwerwiegend" verletzte Beamte sei in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden. Er wird in einer Klinik notoperiert.

9 Dec 16:18 news.de 5126378977956467489.html
Milunović pred Pirej: Zaslužujemo ostanak u Evropi

Fudbaler Crvene zvezde Nemanja Milunović izjavio je uoči utakmice sa Olimpijakosom u poslednjem kolu Lige šampiona da crveno-beli zaslužuju evropsko proleće na osnovu prikazanog u eliti.

9 Dec 17:23 Sport Klub 42251759183256473.html
Soprano affiche son soutien aux Gilets Jaunes : "On en a marre de toutes ces divisions"

Lors de son concert à Toulouse, Soprano a défendu et soutenu les Gilets Jaunes et l'actuelle grève qui paralyse la France. Le chanteur a salué le courage des "gens qui descendent avec leurs gilets jaunes ou avec autre chose" pour manifester "par dignité". Regardez !

9 Dec 12:45 Purebreak Charts 1991752239875490942.html
Corpo é achado em carro carbonizado de PM que está desaparecido no RJ

Um corpo foi encontrado dentro de um carro carbonizado no município de Maricá, no Rio de J...

9 Dec 17:37 UOL Noticias 8892198861296279677.html
Des hommes verts à Trump: cinq choses sur le conflit en Ukraine

Pour la première fois depuis trois ans, un sommet se tient lundi pour trouver une issue au conflit qui oppose l’Ukraine à des rebelles pro-russes dans l’est du pays depuis cinq ans. Cinq choses à savoir sur cette guerre. . « Petits hommes verts » Fin février 2014, quelques jours après la fuite en Russie du président […]

9 Dec 12:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092584748507739.html
Greta Thunberg a Cop 25: svegliatevi, l'emergenza climatica è già una realtà

L'attivista svedese parla a Madrid, una conferenza "tecnica" da dove non verranno nuovi impegni per la riduzione dei gas serra

9 Dec 13:18 QUOTIDIANO.NET 1864735188672072094.html
Macará renueva a su cuerpo técnico

Los hijos únicos tienen mala fama.

9 Dec 14:00 Ecuavisa 4017571649643428521.html
Este jueves jurarán los reemplazos de los diputados que irán al gabinete de Fernández

Varios legisladores serán ministros u ocuparán otros cargos de relevancia. Otros asumirán como intendentes.

9 Dec 11:16 Crónica 1134283327449023481.html
Luis Ernesto Gómez será el nuevo secretario de Gobierno de Bogotá

La alcaldesa electa Claudia López está conformando el que será su gabinete a partir del 1 de enero.

9 Dec 12:26 W Radio 7724358829339245907.html
I'm A Celebrity 2019 result is one of the biggest upsets in betting history

‘We never really thought she had a chance.'

9 Dec 12:33 Metro 970161747261569367.html
Microsoft’un Matematik Uygulaması: Math Solver

Microsoft, mobil işletim sistemi çalışmalarından vazgeçti. Ama teknoloji devi, mobil cihazlara çok tercih edilen uygulamalar üretmeye devam ediyor.

9 Dec 14:29 Webtekno 3745741392334076499.html
SKN: Saftige Strafe für Luan

So lange wird der St. Pöltener nach seinem Ausschluss gesperrt.

9 Dec 17:52 www.laola1.at 837519019161325756.html
Caça-Fantasmas – assista ao novo trailer de Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Assista ao trailer de "Ghostbusters: Afterlife", o terceiro filme da icônica franquia "Caça-Fantasmas", que estreia em 2020.

9 Dec 15:13 Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos! 1228046711817882521.html
La justice refuse la troisième demande de mise en liberté de Patrick Balkany

La cour d'appel de Paris a rejeté lundi la troisième demande de mise en liberté du maire LR de Levallois-Perret Patrick Balkany, incarcéré depuis près de trois mois après ses condamnations successives pour fraude fiscale et blanchiment. La cour a jugé sa demande "recevable" mais "non fondée". L'élu de 71 ans comparaîtra donc détenu à son procès en appel pour fraude fiscale, qui débute mercredi à Paris.

9 Dec 12:53 LaProvence 1839381422022163931.html
La banca española reducirá la huella de carbono en sus balances en línea con París

Con ocasión de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP25), que se celebra en Madrid, los principales bancos españoles,...

9 Dec 12:35 Expansión 4197779423162622283.html
Samsung Galaxy S10: Everything you need to know!

The Galaxy S10 is one of Android's best flagships. From reviews, specs, comparisons, and more, here's everything you need to know about the phone!

9 Dec 17:37 Android Central 29040143878082871.html
Wolff: “Mercedes di oggi molto simile alla Ferrari di Todt”

Il team principal del team di Brackley ha analizzato la stagione che ha portato la Stella d'Argento ad ottenere il suo sesto mondiale costruttori

9 Dec 10:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654274333689.html
Dopage: l’AMA exclut la Russie pour quatre ans des Jeux olympiques

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 11:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388350788774.html
Tabletki antykoncepcyjne mają fatalny wpływ na mózg kobiety. Nieodwracalne zmiany, najnowsze wyniki badań bardzo niepokoją

Tabletki antykoncepcyjne mogą mieć bezpośredni wpływ na zmiany w mózgu kobiety. Konsekwencje ich stosowania są niejasne, przeprowadzono nowe badania, które ujawniły niepokojące fakty.

9 Dec 16:05 Pikio 8360016137517229116.html
Chi è Cosimo Ferri: età, carriera e vita privata del magistrato

Conosciamo meglio la storia di Cosimo Ferri: tutte le curiosità sulla carriera e vita privata del politico italiano. Ecco il suo profilo

9 Dec 16:52 ViaggiNews.com 6731780926375392138.html
ŠOK OTKRIĆE! Vladimir Tomović je GLAVNA ULOGA u najpopularnijem SRPSKOM FILMU

Već je svima poznato da Vladimir Tomović u Zadruzi osim agresivnog ponašanja ima samo jedan zadatak – da zavede sve žene! Vladimir u Zadruzi pokazao je izuzetnu sposobnost da postane najveći zavodnik. Možda jeste visok i rečit, ali nije baš da je Bred Pit, ali ako ocenjujemo po razmišljanju devojaka iz rijalitija, on je ne

9 Dec 15:00 Scandal! 7263437856155841025.html
Bulgaria Ranks 52nd out of 189 Countries in the Human Development Index

Bulgaria is among the countries with a very high level of human development. Bulgaria ranks 52nd with a score of 0.

9 Dec 15:16 novinite.com 4235039572063555895.html
Eclairage A-RGB, nouveau top et caloducs de 8mm, Thermalright change tout avec son Forst Spirit 140

Il semblerait que Thermalright soit sur le point de basculer du côté coloré de la Force, en atteste les photos du Frost Spirit..., actualité 69924

9 Dec 08:42 Cowcotland 6610786360192928642.html
‘Laugh at what is hurting you’: Lebanon cartoonists stir debate

On the edges of a protest in Lebanon’s capital, 24-year-old cartoonist Mohamad Nohad Alameddine bites through sticky tape and plasters one of his political sketches to a side wall. “I haven’t been able to work with newspapers, so instead I come down and stick them up in the street,” says the unemployed artist, who graduated this year with a master’s degree in press cartoons.

9 Dec 15:23 The Phnom Penh Post 4150766116217936316.html
Puppeteer Caroll Spinney (Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch), RIP

Legendary puppeteer Carroll Spinney, who brought Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch to life on Sesame Street, died today. He was 85. Here’s the New York Times obituary. And from the Sesame Worksho…

9 Dec 08:02 Boing Boing 4601305169321355473.html
‘Bachelorette’s Ashley Hebert & JP Rosenbaum Reveal He Has Guillain-Barré Syndrome

'Bachelorette' star JP Rosenbaum announced that he has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder called Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

9 Dec 14:34 Hollywood Life 1852895045384315971.html
It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it, Liverpool fans?

The Fiver: featuring Brendan Rodgers, unhappy Tykes and more sleeping footballers

9 Dec 16:51 the Guardian 1491978795137078480.html
Ojciec w białych szatach

13 grudnia obchodzimy 50-lecie kapłaństwa Franciszka. Przed oczyma staje postać Ojca w białych szatach, który z miłością przygarnia świat cały – a przede wszystkim ludzi poszukujących, cierpiących i z

9 Dec 09:31 eKAI 4704869672271788159.html
Top US officials knew the Afghanistan war was unwinnable and 'lied' — even as costs rose to $1 trillion and 2,351 American troop's lives

Thousands of pages of notes from hundreds of interviews reveal true US assessments of the war in Afghanistan, and it's not a pretty picture.

9 Dec 14:57 Yahoo 7097669638679718115.html
Napoli, Ancelotti: "Ibra? Oggi non l’ho sentito, ci siamo sentiti ieri sera"

Alla vigilia del match contro il Genk, Carlo Ancelotti, tecnico del Napoli, è intervenuto in conferenza stampa e su Zlatan Ibrahimovic ha dichiarato: "Ibrahimovic oggi non l’ho sentito, ci siamo sentiti ieri sera. Mi ha detto che è a Los Angeles e che sta molto bene" riporta tuttomercatoweb.com.   

9 Dec 14:37 MilanNews.it 6507305921509531547.html
Gad Elmaleh raconte ses retrouvailles (inattendues) avec une personne qui a marqué son enfance

C'est un autre Gad Elmaleh que les téléspectateurs vont découvrir prochainement, dans l'émission Une ambition intime sur M6. Dans les colonnes de...

9 Dec 11:53 Closermag.fr 1175411577562950526.html
Irak: plusieurs assassinats de militants de la contestation non élucidés

En Irak, la contestation continue contre le pouvoir. Les manifestations réprimées dans la violence ont fait 450 morts et 20 000 blessés en deux mois. Dimanche, un militant actif au sein des manifestations a été assassiné à Kerbala par des hommes armés...

9 Dec 14:16 RFI 4432404459774925614.html
Fin de semana de velitas dejó 5 lesionados por manipulación de pólvora en el Magdalena

Las autoridades de salud en el departamento reportaron que hubo una disminución de 5 casos con referencia a la misma fecha en 2018.

9 Dec 11:28 W Radio 7724358830251503169.html
Matan a un diseñador gráfico tras salir a celebrar su cumpleaños en San Pedro Sula

Fue encontrado sin vida esta mañana debajo del puente Bermejo, en el bulevar del norte.

9 Dec 10:13 Diario La Prensa 7797091975041163767.html
Acosaron a Thelma Fardin en la calle: 'Parece que no se pueden contener'

La actriz publicó un video en sus redes sociales en el que contó que le gritaron desde una camioneta.

9 Dec 15:30 El Esquiú 5729181306947044064.html
140 Igel unter einem Dach: Rentnerin opfert für die Tiere alles

Mehr als 140 Igel tummeln sich in einer privaten Auffangstation in Niederbayern. Sie sind krank, verletzt oder zu mager, um den Winter ohne Hilfe zu überstehen.

9 Dec 09:17 TAG24 4583887875420553199.html
Samsun'da uyuşturucu ticaretine tutuklama

Samsun'da uyuşturucu ticaretinden 4 kişi gözaltına alınmıştı. Mahkeme karşısına çıkarılan 3 kişi adli kontrol şartıyla serbest bırakılırken 1 kişi tutuklanarak cezaevine gönderildi.

9 Dec 09:29 Samsun Haber | Samsun Son Dakika Haberleri | Samsunspor 5973479960306474938.html
Popiežius seminaristams: kur klerikalizmas – ten gedimas

Popiežius seminaristams iš Bolonijos nurodė tris gyvenimo kunigų seminarijoje aspektus. Kunigų formacijai skirtą erdvę – seminariją ir joje praleistą laiką popiežius pavadino maldos, mokslo ir bendrystės namais. Popiežiškosios Regioninės Flaminio seminarijos klierikus Šventojo Tėvo audiencijoje lydėjo Bolonijos arkivyskupas kardinolas Matteo Zuppi.

9 Dec 15:22 budas.lt 7514915612669806101.html
[Update: Pre-download now] The Black Desert Mobile combat game by Pearl Abyss launches on the Play Store on December 11

After a soft-launch in seven countries and more than three million pre-registrations, Pearl Abyss has announced that its Black Desert Pearl free-to-play game will officially launch on December 11. …

9 Dec 17:59 TalkAndroid 1612121027217758599.html
Mejores deportistas del año en Cuba: El mérito y la calidad en primer orden

El 2019 ve caer su telón deportivo y la distinción de mejores del año recayó en el luchador grecorromano Ismael Borrero (67 kg), y la discóbola Yaimé...

9 Dec 13:09 cubasi.cu 5416914687361166134.html
Métropole lilloise: les centres sociaux se connectent contre la fracture numérique

Le numérique gagne du terrain. Demain, il faudra sans doute actualiser son dossier d...

9 Dec 16:28 La Voix du Nord 5307415665325605918.html
Attractivité des IDE: le modèle marocain exposé par Benchaaboun à Istanbul

Le ministre de l’Economie et des Finances, Mohammed Benchaaboun, participe, à la tête d'une importante délégation marocaine, à la conférence de haut niveau de l'OCI sur l'investissement dans les secteurs public et privé, les 8 et 9 décembre à Istanbul, en Turquie.

9 Dec 13:47 fr.le360.ma 5827163116803634708.html
Florin Cîţu, despre proiectul de lege care vizează modificarea Codului Fiscal: Eliminarea supra-accizei şi impozitării contractelor part-time au un impact de 4 mld. lei

Eliminarea supra-accizei la carburanţi şi a supra-impozitării contractelor de muncă part-time au un impact bugetar de 4 miliarde de lei, a anunţat, luni, ministrul Finanţelor Florin Cîţu, într-o conferinţă de presă.

9 Dec 14:31 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917871578463.html
Spotkanie czwórki normandzkiej: Paryska próba Zełenskiego

Los tlącej się od ponad pięciu lat wojny na wschodzie Ukrainy jest w rękach Putina, Zełenskiego, Macrona i Merkel.

9 Dec 17:47 Rzeczpospolita 4735082526693633487.html
Test: Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab – Ovanligt fokuserad surfplatta

Den här surfplattan fokuserar på passiv underhållning.

9 Dec 17:29 Mobil 5402186367342109695.html
Google BERT : comprendre ce qui va changer sur le moteur de recherche en 5 questions

Avec la mise à jour BERT, Google entend mieux comprendre les requêtes des internautes, en saisissant le sens des mots utilisés et le contexte dans lequel ils sont employés. Déjà déployée pour la langue anglaise, BERT s'ouvre désormais au français.

9 Dec 12:52 Numerama 6854655183201335120.html
Franța, blocată pentru a cincea zi consecutiv din cauza grevelor masive împotriva reformei pensiilor dorit de Macron

Franța continuă să fie blocată luni pentru a cincia zi consecutiv, din cauza grevelor masive organizate împotriva reformei pensiilor. Străzile pariziene sunt cuprinse de haos, în condițiile în care...

9 Dec 12:26 B1 TV 3840305876314210952.html
Antyszczepiokonwców w Polsce coraz więcej

Lekarze obserwują ofensywę odry. Wraca również ospa. I rośnie liczba odmów szczepień. W tym roku padnie kolejny rekord: po trzech kwartałach było ich 44,5 tys., o ponad cztery tys. więcej niż na koniec 2018 r. - informuje 'Dziennik Gazeta Prawna'.

9 Dec 10:24 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696136536872526.html
Detienen a 2 con fusil y porciones de droga en Cuauhtémoc

Cuauhtémoc.-Agentes de la Policía Municipal detuvieron a dos hombres a quienes les aseguraron un fusil de asalto AR15 y porciones de droga, al parecer cristal y marihuana. Los apresados fueron identificados...

9 Dec 15:38 La Opción de Chihuahua 4504365558013807951.html
Rising US rap artist Juice WRLD dies at 21

Chicago-born rapper Juice WRLD, one of a wave of young artists who earned attention on streaming platforms before breaking out as chart-toppers and social media celebrities, died Sunday at the age of 21, according to local authorities.

9 Dec 14:27 Nehanda Radio 3802011524711548064.html
Macri felicitó a Ameal, Pergolini y Riquelme y dijo que a "Boca hay que cuidarlo"

El presidente Mauricio Macri le deseó hoy "lo mejor" al nuevo titular de Boca, Jorge Ameal, y a quienes lo secundan, Mario Pergolini y Juan Román Riquelme, después de ganar ayer la elección interna en el club, y advirtió que "lo más importante es Boca y hay que cuidarlo".

9 Dec 16:35 El Esquiú 5729181307673448622.html
Trino Márquez asegura que flujo de divisas ha polarizado aún más a la sociedad

Aseguró que "ha ocurrido un proceso de perversión de la economía, esto ha segmentado la sociedad entre quienes tienen dólares y los que no"

9 Dec 14:55 Globovisión 5928221752118340972.html
Jamie Vardy: Leicester Sekarang Utamakan Penguasaan Bola Ketimbang Tim Juara 2015-2016

Penyerang Leicester, Jamie Vardy mengungkapkan perbedaan siginfikan antara skuat Leicester saat ini dengan skuat juara L

9 Dec 08:16 BolaSport.com 4603768436720313190.html
Todo vendido para el Inter-Barça, con récord incluido

El Barça no se juega más que el prestigio ante el Inter y la nada despreciable cifra de los 2,7 millones de euros que la UEFA paga por...

9 Dec 17:52 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959010245922.html
(AUDIO) El Nacional publicó fake news sobre conspiración contra Guaidó

* Escuche aquí el audio 8 Dic. 2019 - El Nacional, en su edición digital, habría publicado una noticia en la que vinculaba a Humberto Calderón Berti (exembajador de fantasía), con el president...

9 Dec 12:15 Aporrea 8480488500836646389.html
Tronchetti Provera: "Inter, il sogno è il campionato. Domani conterà il nostro tifo"

Intervenuto nel corso della trasmissione 'La Politica nel Pallone' di Gr Parlamento, il vicepresidente di Pirelli Marco Tronchetti Provera ha parlato del campionato di Serie A contraddistinto...

9 Dec 15:15 FcInterNews.it 7848284893459932471.html
Şapte companii aeriene din Republica Moldova nu sunt autorizate să zboare în UE

Comisia Europeană a dat luni publicităţii o listă revizuită a companiilor aeriene care nu îndeplinesc standardele internaţionale de siguranţă şi, în consecinţă, sunt supuse unor interdicţii de a opera în Uniunea Europeană, informează un comunicat al executivului comunitar.

9 Dec 16:25 Jurnal.md 3315832233663927614.html
Muguruza: Potrzebuję nowego, ale sprawdzonego punktu widzenia!

Była mistrzyni Wimbledonu i Roland Garros Garbine Muguruza zacznie sezon z nowym trenerem. A właściwie trenerką. Hiszpanka będzie współpracować ze swoją rodaczką Conchitą Martinez.

9 Dec 17:27 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515103608539284.html
VÍDEO | Câmera registra momento em que agricultora é abordada por assassinos em Vargem Alta

Na última quinta-feira (05), duas mulheres, mãe e filha, foram presas, suspeitas de envolvimento no assassinato de Thamiris

9 Dec 16:04 Folha Vitória 4941883428162647704.html
Josep Borrell: Actualmente la situación es más crítica en Bolivia, Chile y Venezuela

El nuevo alto representante de la Unión Europea (UE) para la Política Exterior, Josep Borrell, afirmó este lunes que es necesario abordar la actualidad de América Latina porque su situación es "más crítica"

9 Dec 10:22 El Carabobeño 125457439543839575.html
Acusada de matar a su pareja cuando le iba a dejar: “Puede que se clavara el cuchillo accidentalmente”

Durante el juicio que se celebra en la Audiencia de Valencia, la joven, acusada de matar a su pareja cuando le iba a dejar, ha declarado que cogió...

9 Dec 15:32 telecinco 3240952631628934027.html
Mamma perde la figlia che aveva in grembo: “Sto vivendo un incubo”

Le strazianti parole di una mamma illustrano il dolore provato quando ha scoperto che la figlia appena partorita non respirava. Per una madre non esiste dolore più grande di perdere un figlio. Lo ha scoperto a sue spese Katie Wormall, di Grantham (Lincolnshire). La donna, 34 anni, era rimasta incinta 9 mesi fa del suo …

9 Dec 10:02 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927095962914.html
Autoridades entregan balance positivo tras celebración del Día de las Velitas y título del América en Cali

Pese al registro de riñas, accidentes y lesionados por pólvora, las autoridades entregaron un balance positivo tras la celebración del Día de las Velitas en Cali, que coincidió con el triunfo del América en la final del fútbol colombiano.El coronel Dídier Estrada, subcomandante (e) de la Policía Metropolitana de Cali, resaltó la civilidad de los caleños y manifestó que durante el encuentro deportivo no se presentaron riñas, ni se tuvo alteración de la tranquilidad, puesto que los hinchas celebraron con mesura.“Posterior a la terminación del partido tuvimos un total de 50 caravanas, las cuales fueron atendidas casi en su totalidad por personal policial, asimismo atendimos 366 riñas en diferentes sitios de la ciudad. Tuvimos un total de 1500 hombres a lo largo del estadio y en los alrededores, los cuales apoyaron el servicio en la Calle 5, la Avenida Sexta, la Avenida Roosevelt, que fue donde se presentaron mayores concentraciones, igual se realizó el desplazamiento con la caravana del equipo ganador y no tuvimos…

9 Dec 11:25 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346991690887.html
Nomination : Driss Ajbali nouveau Médiateur de l’Agence MAP

Le Conseil d’administration (CA) de l’Agence Maghreb Arabe Presse (MAP), tenu ce lundi à Rabat sous la présidence du ministre de la Culture, de la Jeunesse et des sports, porte-parole du gouvernement El Hassan Abyaba, a approuvé la nomination de Driss Ajbali en qualité de Médiateur de l’Agence.

9 Dec 16:55 Infomédiaire 1551316401763009544.html
Vivo V17 launched in India; check out price, specifications, features

The new Vivo V17 comes with Snapdragon 675 AIE chipset paired with 8 GB RAM and 128 GB storage. The device features a 4500mAh battery with the 9V/2A fast charge support

9 Dec 11:08 Business Today 1145527432082877580.html
Organización "Actúa" insistirá en eliminar el CPCCS

Los pandas gemelos recibieron su nombre a los 100 días de su nacimiento.

9 Dec 15:39 Ecuavisa 4017571649255349492.html
La UEFA decidirá el 12-D sobre los incidentes racistas del Rumanía-Suecia

Considerando el precedente que persigue a Rumanía, podrían ser multados con hasta 50.000 euros

9 Dec 17:50 sport 1349897970700643583.html
Game Of Thrones snubbed from Golden Globes 2020 again with only one nomination


9 Dec 13:51 Metro 970161748246333749.html
Liguilla: Así se definirá el segundo ascenso a Primera División

Deportes La Serena enfrentará en un partido único al ganador de la liguilla, la cual disputarán otros ocho equipos.

9 Dec 10:55 24Horas.cl 793283385321198412.html
Brucia il tetto della villetta: 4 famiglie evacuate in via Moliere. FOTO & VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – I vigili del fuoco sono intervenuti all’1.15 e sono ancora al lavoro in via Molière, al civico 22, tra Canali e Rivalta, in comune di Reggio. Un incendio si è sviluppato nella notte ha parzialmente divorato il tetto in legno di una villetta a schiera. La famiglia che vi abita è stata fatta […]

9 Dec 10:15 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540333303152212.html
Jawbox’s J Robbins played Saint Vitus w/ LAPeCHE & Ageist (pics, setlist)

J and his band played solo material, songs from his bands Burning Airlines, Office of Future Plans, and Channels, and a John Cale cover...

9 Dec 12:00 BrooklynVegan 7574135799962680024.html
Atención: Papá Noel tuvo su primer accidente al estrellar el trineo ¡en pleno vuelo!

Un hombre disfrazado de Santa Claus chocó contra una pared mientras volaba, a unos 10 metros de altura y con ayuda de cuerdas, sobre Apizaco (México). - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 11:10 pulzo.com 8971816787454867309.html
Diciembre, época en la que aumenta la generación de basura

Este mes se recojen al día 320 toneladas o más de desechos sólidos en Mérida

9 Dec 12:10 SIPSE.com 4008460418935341789.html
Émilie Bierre serait-elle en couple avec le fils de deux vedettes?

Le coeur d'Émilie Bierre semble bien avoir trouvé preneur! La comédienne a en effet publié trois photos d'elle en compagnie du fils de Véronique Cloutier et Louis Morissette, Justin. Eh oui!

9 Dec 15:51 Hollywoodpq.com 2655059000972753903.html
Irmãos paraguaios são mortos a tiros na fronteira

Mais um caso de assassinato que exemplifica a viol&ecirc;ncia na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai aconteceu na madrugada de hoje (9). Os irm&atilde;os Nestor e Ign&aacute;cio Gadea, de 37 e 36 anos respectivamente,...

9 Dec 14:36 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490710020285.html
César Pérez Vivas: Los fusiles del terror

El pasado viernes 30 de noviembre de 2019, Nicolás Maduro expresó, en un acto político sobre el tema ferroviario, lo siguiente: “Cada fábrica, un cuartel. […]

9 Dec 09:58 LaPatilla.com 9104603011031863230.html
Google Chrome terá uma nova forma de partilhar páginas entre o PC e o smartphone

O Google Chrome é o browser mais utilizado no mundo por boas razões. Para além de rápido, tem funcionalidades vantajosas para utilizadores que o utilizam...

9 Dec 12:45 4gnews 1809086877925186519.html
Villa Clara a un paso de la final

El Expreso del Centro le propinó una goleada de 6-0 a Mayabeque para afianzar su paso

9 Dec 16:12 Granma.cu 7847343385793530440.html
Nissan GT-R50'nin Hayallerinize Dokunacak Yeni Konsepti

Nissan, GT-R için henüz değişim adımları atmasa da, tasarımcılar otomobilin geleceğini çizmeye başladılar. İşte son etkileyici Nissan GT-R tasarımı.

9 Dec 15:33 Webtekno 3745741392176895184.html
Nicholas Fang to moderate ‘In Conversation with President Barack Obama’ on December 16  

Nicholas Fang to moderate ‘In Conversation with President Barack Obama’ on December 16  

9 Dec 09:10 The Independent 5308065343294054574.html
Witten: Polizei sucht vermisste 13-jährige Alina M.

Die 13-Jährige wollte eine Freundin in Recklinghausen besuchen, kam dort aber nie an. Sie wurde zuletzt in Begleitung mehrerer Jungen gesehen.

9 Dec 14:03 Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 5480941220132543754.html
Eskişehir'de, AKUT ekiplerine navigasyon eğitimi

Eskişehir'de, AKUT ekiplerine navigasyon eğitimi

9 Dec 10:12 CNN Türk 3669296857836198097.html
Di SMK 57 Jakarta, Jokowi Ajak Pelajar Cegah Korupsi Sejak Dini

Jokowi juga mengingatkan pelajar untuk mulai disiplin waktu. Menjunjung tinggi kejujuran dalam menyelesaikan semua persoalan.

9 Dec 09:54 merdeka.com 1998180354185910958.html
Darío Poveda se rompe el cruzado

A la preocupante sequía goleadora del Atlético y a la traumática ausencia de Diego Costa hasta el mes de febrero se une ahora la lesión de Darío Poveda, al que Simeone había reclutado desde el filial tras la intervención quirúrgica a la que fue sometido el hispanobrasileño en noviembre.

9 Dec 13:22 MARCA 5656811533828099024.html
Top US officials knew the Afghanistan war was unwinnable and 'lied' — even as costs rose to $1 trillion and 2,351 American troop's lives

Thousands of pages of notes from hundreds of interviews reveal true US assessments of the war in Afghanistan, and it's not a pretty picture.

9 Dec 14:57 Business Insider 6060062401094910567.html
ERC, a Pedro Sánchez: «No creemos que la investidura puede ser antes de Navidad»

El partido de Oriol Junqueras exige al Gobierno gestos que abandonen la vía judicial y de la «represión» al secesionismo

9 Dec 12:41 ABC.es 6074573462463917649.html
'Science teacher, 32, sexted nude photos and videos to two 14 year-old boys'

Married mother-of-three Ashley Beasley reportedly targeted the youngsters while she was their teacher

9 Dec 16:35 Metro 970161747145905412.html
Led by ‘Marriage Story,’ Netflix dominates Golden Globe noms

The press association again fielded an all-male directing category.

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135409000051515.html
Muere Paul Volcker, el expresidente de la Fed que venció a la inflación

El economista, fallecido a los 92 años, dirigió la autoridad monetaria de Estados Unidos durante los gobiernos de Jimmy Carter y Ronald Reagan

9 Dec 14:15 EL PAÍS 2207347710244640478.html
Spremembe v seksu, ki vas čakajo po štiridesetem

Z leti se telo spreminja, spreminja se tudi spolno življenje. Potem ko na torti ugasne 40 svečk, se vanj prikradejo spremembe, na katere je dobro biti pripravljen. Katere so najočitnejše? Manjša ...

9 Dec 10:47 Slovenske novice 5901956563274666616.html
Politiet advarer: – Denne pillen kan være livsfarlig

Tolletaten har tatt beslag i et større parti med MDMA/ecstasy-piller på vei inn i Norge, og nå advarer de mot den potensielt livsfarlige pillen.

9 Dec 08:32 TV 2 8210067769418428103.html
Morre René Auberjonois, o Odo de Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Ator tinha 79 anos e foi vítima de um câncer pulmonar

9 Dec 12:58 Olhar Digital 416591715042342730.html
U Velikoj Britaniji glasanje četvrtkom, 500 funti polog

Na britanskim parlamentarnim izborima u četvrtak, 12. decembra, pravo glasa ima oko 30 miliona stanovnika, a 3.322 kandidata u trci su za poslanička mjesta.

9 Dec 14:48 Nezavisne novine 4209150642374211628.html
SEA Games 2019: Jalan Cepat Sumbang Satu Medali Emas

Kontingen Indonesia memulai SEA Games 2019 dengan apik

9 Dec 09:24 liputan6.com 3414318496571793963.html
Concluyen trabajos de ampliación y modernización de la vía Mérida-Chetumal

La SCT en Yucatán, continuó con los trabajos de ampliación de la carretera Mérida-Chetumal, en el tramo comprendido del kilómetro 81 al kilómetro 90

9 Dec 13:34 Diario de Yucatán 261200017935753812.html
Karnataka Bypolls: BJP Registers Thumping Victory by Winning 12 Out of 15 Seats, Congress Bags 2

The BJP government led by B. S. Yediyurappa is set to retain power, after winning 12 of the 15 seats, and complete three-and-a-half-years of his term.

9 Dec 11:01 India.com 7150386083114279098.html
I didn’t believe the hype around the Philips air fryer until I tried it myself — here’s why I’m a convert, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - The Philips air fryer can make a number of delicious dishes without heating your house. Its spacious interior can hold up to 3 pounds or 4 quarts of food.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 14:00 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408757308653110.html
Superior dos jesuítas se retrata sobre existência do diabo

Pe. Arturo Sosa, superior geral da Companhia de Jesus, corrigiu suas declarações anteriores nas quais dizia que o diabo é "uma realidade simbólica", para afirmar agora que "naturalmente existe ainda como uma força que tenta destruir nossos esforços”.  

9 Dec 17:00 ACI Digital 1688611262569083824.html
Há 10 anos morria Alborghetti, o criador dos programas policiais

Há exatos 10 anos morria o inesquecível Alborghetti, nome artístico de Luiz Carlos Alborghetti, jornalista, radialista e político.

9 Dec 13:30 RD1 – Terra 4501125211353320069.html
(VIDEO) Dan kada je Megrejdi za 33 sekunde izmenio istoriju NBA lige!

Na današnji dan pre tačno 15 godina, košarkaš Hjuston Rokitsa Trejsi Mekgrejdi napravio je jedan od najvećih preokreta u istoriji NBA ubacivši neverovatnih 13 poena za svega 33 sekunde.

9 Dec 17:28 REPUBLIKA 2543998405138262480.html
Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien playing North American shows

Radiohead guitarist Ed O'Brien is preparing to release a solo album as EOB early in 2020, and he's just announced his first North American tour dates supporting it.

9 Dec 12:16 BrooklynVegan 7574135798492904856.html
Vandalizam u istočnom Jerusalimu, isečene gume, grafiti…

JERUSALIM - Vandali su isekli gume na više od 160 vozila i sprejom ispisali slogane u palestinskim naseljima u istočnom delu Jerusalima, saopštila je

9 Dec 15:31 Krstarica 4176903988056355755.html
CCXP 19: Epic first footage for Marvel’s The Eternals shown to crowds

Lucky fans in attendance at Comic Con Experience in Brazil this weekend past got to be the first to see footage of Marvel’s The Eternals. We have the epic sounding description and some more d…

9 Dec 09:45 Critical Hit 8797780293318540038.html
¿Aún no compra regalos o no decide si lo va a hacer? Presentan mapa de ferias navideñas con pymes que ofrecen sus productos

Además, este sábado se realizará en Santiago una que reunirá a más de 500 emprendedores en el sector de barrio Lastarria.

9 Dec 17:43 Publimetro Chile 2498685483113313999.html
Motiv für Brandserie bei Pforzheim noch unklar

Auch nach der Verhaftung eines Verdächtigen führt die Polizei Ermittlungen zu einer Brandserie in Pforzheim und im Umland fort. Nach Angaben von Staatsanwaltschaft und Polizei sitzt ein 24 Jahre alter Mann seit Samstag in U-Haft. «Bisher verweigert er die Aussage», sagte ein Sprecher der Polizei am Montag. Innerhalb einer Woche hatten 15 Fahrzeuge in Pforzheim und in drei Orten im Enzkreis gebrannt. Dabei wurde ein Haus beschädigt. Der Gesamtschaden liegt laut Polizei bei mehreren hunderttauschend Euro.

9 Dec 15:25 ka-news.de 5595931858372922306.html
Em 1 ano, Moro se firma acima de Bolsonaro e como ministro mais popular, diz Datafolha

O ex-juiz da Lava Jato Sergio Moro, que hoje comanda o Ministério da Justiça, se consolidou como o ministro mais bem avaliado no primeiro ano do governo Jair Bolsonaro, com apoio popular maior do que o do próprio presidente.

9 Dec 12:37 Jornal do Brasil 5999783740846083305.html
RUSADA: - En tragedie for rene utøvere

Sjefen for Russlands antidopingbyrå, Jurij Ganus, sier enkelte utøvere vurderer å forlate Russland for å få konkurrere etter WADAs utestengelse.

9 Dec 12:29 Dagbladet.no 3042595687605806287.html
Henry Fonda, lei e ordem

E ia, sozinho, perder-se nas florestas do Jura. Ter&aacute; sido esta frase, lida no Lib&eacute;ration, que empurrou Emmanuel Carr&egrave;re para o caso Romand, que sacudiu a Fran&ccedil;a nos anos 90: Jean-Claude Romand fingiu durante 18 anos que e

9 Dec 10:04 PÚBLICO 2228264897242939617.html
Persamaan Timnas U-23 dengan Timnas SEA Games 1991, Ini Kata Aji

Aji Santoso mengatakan keberhasilan tim Indonesis meraih medali emas sepak bola SEA Games 1991 berkat persiapan yang bagus selama dua tahun.

9 Dec 13:06 Tempo 6731898377028665671.html
Nu patchar Microsoft Windows Mobile för sista gången

Inga fler säkerhetsuppdateringar för operativsystemet.

9 Dec 16:49 PC för Alla 2857345067656489707.html
La rinascita di Armida: entrata in manicomio a 12 anni ne è uscita dopo 30 anni

Armida è nata nel 1956 ed ha trascorso 30 anni della sua vita nel manicomio di Maggiano a Lucca. Oggi è felice, ha trovato finalmente una famiglia dopo una vita trascorsa rinchiusa tra quattro mura, nonostante non avesse una precisa diagnosi da giustificare l'internamento.

9 Dec 10:39 fanpage.it 1517332168516795678.html
Android 10 stable update for the Galaxy Note 10 is coming soon

Android 10 stable update for the Galaxy Note 10 is coming soon, The community manager at Samsung’s official forum in South Korea has confirmed it.

9 Dec 16:45 Gizchina 5392375276162546966.html
Most te is belehallgathatsz a Netflix-féle The Witcher-sorozat zenéibe

Lassan teljesen összeáll a kép a Netflix által berendelt The Witcher-sorozat kapcsán, ezáltal most végre arról is megbizonyosodhatunk a...

9 Dec 10:31 Game Channel 1134422201582530267.html
57 funcionarios policiales recibirán el título de Magíster en Educación

La Asociación Civil Universidad Comunitaria del Sur de Valencia(UCSV) en Convenio con la Secretaría de la Seguridad del Estado Carabobo y la Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua , realizará un acto especial para entregar el título de Magister en Educación Mención Planificación Educativa, a 57 funcionarios policiales.

9 Dec 15:04 El Carabobeño 125457438331148468.html
'Yan bindiga sun yi wa filin kwallo zobe, sun halaka 'yan kallo 4 a Kaduna

An ruwaito cewa, wasu 'yan bindiga dadi sun zagaye filin kwallo inda suka kashe mutane hudu tare da raunata wasu hudu a kauyen Zunuruk na karamar hukumar Kaura da ke jihar Kaduna. Kamar yadda rahoton da jaridar Daily Trust ta ruwa

9 Dec 17:57 Legit 7368782176869242204.html
COP25.- Greta Thunberg calla para dar voz a los jóvenes del mundo: "Necesitan contaros su historia"

La joven activista Greta Thumberg ha acudido este lunes 9 de diciembre a la XXV Conferencia de las Partes de Cambio Climático de la ONU (COP25) para ofrecer...

9 Dec 09:57 Europa Press 4702666148269676414.html
Youths stop Rep’s speech at PDP woman leader’s burial

Leke Baiyewu, Abuja A member of the House of Representatives from Kogi State, Mr Zacharias Idris, has decried his rejection at the burial of the Peoples Democratic Party’s woman leader, Salome Abu...

9 Dec 08:17 Punch Newspapers 3524240994626866464.html
La naissance des oreilles expliquée grâce aux fossiles

Nos ancêtres reptiles utilisaient leur mâchoire pour mâcher mais aussi entendre. Dater l’origine de la transition vers le système auditif des mammifères actuels posait quelques soucis aux...

9 Dec 10:35 Futura 7671687979293186104.html
Nissan "rompe el chanchito" y hace fuerte inversión en tecnología

La marca japonesa anunció que destinará una millonaria cifra para una nueva generación de autos eléctricos e inteligentes.

9 Dec 11:05 Publimetro Chile 2498685482139555549.html
PGN: Jargas Bikin RI Hemat Subsidi LPG Rp 1,19 T Setahun

PGN tekankan efektifnya jargas dalam tekan subsidi LPG, tapi terhambat di pendanaan infrastruktur 

9 Dec 14:01 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213954695107.html
We inherited N100b debts not N30b, says AbdulRazaq

Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq on Monday said that his administration inherited a sum of N100 billion debts from the former government of...

9 Dec 12:45 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900648041443.html
Zollstreit bremst US-Börsen aus – ArQule-Aktie gewinnt mehr als 100 Prozent

Drohende US-Strafzölle auf chinesische Güter belasten am Montag die Wall Street. Für Gesprächsstoff sorgte eine Milliarden-Übernahme im Pharmabereich.

9 Dec 15:38 Handelsblatt 4721373939042574071.html
La policía investiga el hallazgo de un feto de 13 semanas al lado de un contenedor en el centro de Madrid

Un vecino del barrio de Malasaña encontró el cuerpo dentro de un plástico el pasado sábado

9 Dec 11:00 EL PAÍS 2207347710402920716.html
Recorte de personal en Japdeva será de 400 personas en diciembre

Con el objetivo de continuar con el proceso de transformación, Japdeva despediría a unas 400 personas en este mes.

9 Dec 11:25 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997874563398150.html
Amazon, Cdiscount et d’autres sites fraudent massivement la TVA selon Bercy

Amazon, Cdiscount et d'autres plateformes en ligne qui opèrent en France fraudent massivement à la TVA selon un rapport de Bercy.

9 Dec 16:41 PhonAndroid.com 8181142845135143046.html
The Family Man 2: Samantha Akkineni Can’t Wait To Portray Her Work To The New Set Of Audience

Telugu star Samantha Akkineni, who makes her digital debut with Manoj Bajpayee's much-awaited web-series 'The Family Man 2', has said that she can't wait for a new set of audience to see her work thro

9 Dec 08:44 Koimoi 5184275670950004073.html
¿Cómo se sienten los colombianos frente al futuro del mercado laboral?

Estudio pregunto sobre la situación actual del país y el optimismo en los próximos meses. | Empleo | Portafolio.co

9 Dec 15:13 Portafolio 9142034661257859974.html
¡No se los bancan! El enojo de los vecinos de Luisana Lopilato y Michael Bublé: "Su casa desentona con el barrio"

Una mujer que tiene un comercio en la zona los criticó duramente.

9 Dec 13:13 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451336184825.html
Liam Payne Signs Copies of 'LP1' for Manchester Fans

Liam Payne‘s fans in Manchester got a special treat when he stopped by the HMV store for a CD signing on Monday (December 9) in Manchester, England.

9 Dec 12:39 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172767644006.html
MEEDIA-Jahrbuch 2019: “Sitzen Sie mit den Medien in einem Boot, was die digitale Disruption betrifft, Herr Haller?”

Serviceplan gilt als die größte inhabergeführte Werbeagentur Europas. Im kommenden Jahr feiert die Gruppe ihr 50. Jubiläum. Für das MEEDIA-Jahrbuch 2019 führten wir ein langes Gespräch mit Agenturchef Florian Haller, der die Führung 2002 von seinem Vater Peter Haller übernommen hat. In dieser gekürzten Fassung geht es um das Jubiläum, Disruption und ein berühmtes Zitat.

9 Dec 10:13 MEEDIA 2574484877252512836.html
Mercato - Atlético Madrid : Cavani beaucoup trop gourmand ?

A en croire les informations du Daily Mail et du Mundo Deportivo, l'Atlético Madrid étudie depuis plus...

9 Dec 17:53 Top Mercato 9098635540647670116.html
Déjà la fin des panneaux solaires gratuits à Bruxelles? Les installateurs s'adaptent aux changements à venir

Les entreprises spécialisées dans le photovoltaïque proposeront-elles toujours la pose gratuite des panneaux solaires pour les ménages bruxellois ? La semaine dernière, Brussels Energy, l’un des trois principaux acteurs présents sur le marché régional a cessé temporairement sa campagne de recrutement de clients.

9 Dec 11:35 Vivreici.be 7768530901513549428.html
La collection Nike x Mbappé x Bondy officiellement lancée

A quelques jours du 21e anniversaire de Kylian Mbappé (20 décembre), Nike a dévoilé officiellement la première collection du buteur français du PSG. Une collection intitulée "Bondy Dreams" en référence évidemment à la ville où a grandi le "génie français".

9 Dec 09:49 CulturePSG 4652604846192064346.html
‘World’s Sexiest Nurse’ Lauren Drain Puts Cleavage On Display In Lacey Pink Dress

Lauren Drain’s most recent Instagram post is proving to fans why she was named “The World’s Sexiest Nurse.” As those who follow her on social media know, Drain is never shy ...

9 Dec 14:44 The Inquisitr 1745625230523897442.html
Sąd tłumaczy brak aresztu dla Kamila Durczoka

Powaga czynu zarzucanego Kamilowi Durczokowi jest bezdyskusyjna, jednak prokuratura nie wykazała, że podejrzany mógłby utrudniać śledztwo i tylko aresztowanie jest w stanie zabezpieczyć prawidłowy tok postępowania - tak katowicki sąd uzasadnił odmowę aresztowania dziennikarza.

9 Dec 15:30 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535986509497.html
En Inde, le vieux fléau des exécutions extrajudiciaires policières

La mort aux mains de la police de quatre suspects d'un viol en réunion remet en lumière le fléau des exécutions extrajudiciaires en Inde, un recours expéditif dénoncé de longue date par les défenseurs des droits humains.

9 Dec 09:38 Challenges 1086714997972251722.html
Ground Report From Unnao: Victim’s Father Says Shoot The ‘Killers’; Accused’s Families Claim Conspiracy, Want Fair Probe

A 23-year-old woman in UP’s Unnao was allegedly gangraped and then set afire by the accused. 

9 Dec 14:32 Swarajya 4977622828462160424.html
​​​​​​​Dari Kongkalikong Perusahaan dan Serikat Pekerja, Hingga Pembatasan Pasien BPJS

​​​​​​​Soal fee advokat berasal dari pencucian uang sampai penjatuhan pidana denda bagi koruptor juga diulas dalam Klinik Hukumonline.

9 Dec 14:13 hukumonline.com 2042817838854361674.html
L'Allemand Tobias Stieler arbitre de Club de Bruges - Real Madrid

L'Allemand Tobias Stieler sera l'arbitre du match de Ligue des Champions entre le Club de Bruges et le Real Madrid mercredi au stade Jan Breydel lors de la 6e et dernière journée de la phase de poules (groupe A). Tobias Stieler, 38 ans, a dirigé deux...

9 Dec 13:15 RTBF Sport 2262420856039626918.html
Scandalos! Protectorul pedofilului de la Ploieşti si-a luat concediu medical pentru a nu fi demis

Primarul municipiului Ploieşti, liberalul Adrian Dobre, a făcut o dezvăluire incredibilă: directorul Clubului Sportiv Municipal din...

9 Dec 15:05 Stiri pe surse 4858045012368512869.html
Tame Impala Announce North American Tour Dates With Perfume Genius

The tour kicks off in March and concludes in August.

9 Dec 13:42 Paste Magazine 2077921860804034579.html
Polícia investiga morte após discussão por causa de um copo de cerveja

A 3&ordf; Delegacia de Pol&iacute;cia de Homic&iacute;dios e do Departamento de Homic&iacute;dio e Prote&ccedil;&atilde;o &agrave; Pessoa est&aacute; investigando a morte de Eduardo Sebasti&atilde;o, 48 anos, que morreu ap&oacute;s se envolver em uma discuss&atilde;o por causa de um copo de ce...

9 Dec 17:51 TNH1 3684351754562643422.html
Former Man City player Roy Cheetham dies, aged 79

The ex-treasurer of the Manchester City Former Players' Association passes away in his sleep a day after attending the Manchester derby

9 Dec 15:57 men 6694993428535159435.html
La emotiva aparición de Francesc Orella en 'Merlí: Sapere Aude'

Vuelve a encontrarse con Carlos Cuevas, que protagoniza el 'spin-off' como Pol Rubio

9 Dec 11:49 Hola.com 2035212430130542276.html
‘Outspoken and committed’: SA mourns ANC veteran Ben Turok

ANC veteran Ben Turok’s career has been anything but dull.

9 Dec 15:34 CityPress 437075750553099799.html
Lista de Juan Román Riquelme vence a Macri y a Maradona en las elecciones de Boca Juniors

Una lista opositora que llevó entre los candidatos al ídolo y exfutbolista Juan Román Riquelme se impuso en la elección de la presidencia del club argentino Boca Juniors, venciendo a las listas apoyadas por el presidente argentino Mauricio Macri y las leyendas Diego Armando Maradona y Gabriel Omar Batistuta.

9 Dec 15:32 El Comercio 2865024639964568305.html
PDC-Darts-Weltmeisterschaft 2020: Wann beginnt die WM?

In wenigen Tagen startet das Highlight der diesjährigen Darts-Saison - die PDC Weltmeisterschaft 2019/20. Wann das Event startet, wo Ihr es live sehen könnt und was es sonst Wissenswertes gibt, erfahrt Ihr hier bei SPOX .

9 Dec 11:31 SPOX 8395423526049894943.html
Mauricio y Sánchez, del Alianza, continúan sus pruebas con el Lanús argentino

Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen entrenando con el nivel sub-20 de Lanús, en Argentina.Los delanteros de la reserva aliancista, Juan Sánchez y Émerson Mauricio, siguen…

9 Dec 10:51 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189587744386.html
Robaron un taxi y lo abandonaron en el barrio José Fuchs

Personal de la Seccional Tercera recepcionó la denuncia y concretó el posterior secuestro de la unidad. Aparentemente sin daños.

9 Dec 17:11 El Patagónico 8565457045781242708.html
WandaVision : Kevin Feige confirme que Wanda deviendra la sorcière rouge dans la série

D'après les déclarations de Kevin Feige lors du CCXP de São Paulo, Wanda deviendra la sorcière rouge dans WandaVision. Cela signifie quoi ?

9 Dec 13:00 melty 8059025069646788154.html
Déjà la fin des panneaux solaires gratuits à Bruxelles? Les installateurs s'adaptent aux changements à venir

Les entreprises spécialisées dans le photovoltaïque proposeront-elles toujours la pose gratuite des panneaux solaires pour les ménages bruxellois ? La semaine dernière, Brussels Energy, l’un des trois principaux acteurs présents sur le marché...

9 Dec 11:21 RTBF Info 2262420856760763601.html
Keep the celebrations going - 3 pageant themed shows to watch tonight

In honour of Miss South Africa Zozibini Tunzi being crowned Miss Universe we have rounded up some pageant theme shows to tune in to tonight.

9 Dec 17:00 Channel24 2038030838986798606.html
Rechaza México propuesta de EU para el T-Mec

“Líneas rojas”, uso de acero y verificación laboral: Ebrard; respalda Senado postura de SRE en negociación de tratado

9 Dec 09:45 El Universal 4964748196777230404.html
23-Jährige wird von Pkw gerammt

Nach Angaben der Unfallbeteiligten befuhr ein 57-jähriger Skoda-Fahrer am Montagmorgen um 7.25 Uhr die L 113 aus Richtung Kolonie kommend in Richtung Großnaundorf. Auf Grund eines entgegenkommenden, blendenden Pkw bemerkte er eine vor ihm fahrende 23-jährige Radfahrerin, welche ohne eingeschaltete Beleuchtung fuhr, zu spät und touchierte diese trotz Ausweichen noch mit seinem rechten ...

9 Dec 13:45 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106110044652146.html
Christmas TV guide: What to watch, from Gavin & Stacey to Dracula

After gorging ourselves on mince pies, drinking too much, pretending to be delighted at rubbish gifts and fighting about Brexit – a lot of us just like to curl up on the sofa and watch television at

9 Dec 12:26 The Independent 2511519171633073462.html
Vasco teve fim de semana de bons resultados na base

As equipes de base do Vasco da Gama obtiveram bons resultados nas partidas que disputaram neste final de semana.

9 Dec 17:29 Vasco Notícias 1167013065291577981.html
Em dois anos abriram quase 300 supermercados em Portugal

Os grupos de retalho alimentar continuam a expandir a sua presença no país a um ritmo acelerado e essa tendência é para manter.

9 Dec 09:07 JN 6956494302568140399.html
Greta quis dar o palco a Rose, Hilda ou Arshak, mas todos os olhos estavam presos nela

Presença da jovem activista sueca provoca filas e o caos no acesso a uma das maiores salas de conferência de imprensa da COP25.

9 Dec 12:06 PÚBLICO 2228264896391960739.html
FMS convoca 53 aprovados em processo seletivo; confira lista

Foto: Ascom FMS A Fundação Municipal de Saúde (FMS) convoca mais 53 candidatos aprovados no último processo seletivo.  Eles devem se apresentar a partir de quarta-feira (11) na sede da instituição. As convocações são para os cargos de auxiliar de saúde bucal, técnico em enfermagem 30h e 40h, técnico em patologia, médico clínico geral, neurocirurgião plantonista, obstetra plantonista, oftalmologista, médico, psiquiatra, anestesiologista, pediatra plantonista, enfermeiro 30h, plantonista, farmacêutico/bioquímico, auxiliar de administração e fisioterapeuta. Até o momento 387 candidatos referentes ao edital 1/2019 já foram convocados.  Eles devem se dirigir ao Núcleo de Planejamento, Recrutamento e Seleção na sede da FMS, que fica na Rua Governador Artur de Vasconcelos, 3015, bairro Aeroporto, de segunda a quinta-feira, das 8h às 12h30. O prazo para que os aprovados comparecerem à FMS é de 30 dias.“Nós estamos neste instante chamando profissionais para que todos os nossos postos estejam ocupados e que não haja a…

9 Dec 16:02 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420650547554.html
PES 2020: la Juventus parteciperà al Campionato eSport di Konami | Game Division

Konami ha svelato quali sono i dieci team che parteciperanno alla eFootball League di PES 2020 per la stagone 2019 / 2020: anche la Juventus è inclusa.

9 Dec 09:15 Tom's Hardware 6640147069002980913.html
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order z ponad milionem nabywców na Steam

Nowa gra studia Respawn Entertainment - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - znalazła przeszło milion odbiorców na Steamie. Warto przypomnieć, że tytuł jest dostępny także w ramach subskrypcji Origin Access Premier oraz na konsolach PlayStation 4 i Xbox One.

9 Dec 08:53 GRY-Online.pl 5357342309197274754.html
‘Bombshell’ review: Megyn Kelly movie lacks power

Is this the longest “Saturday Night Live” cold open ever? No, it’s “Bombshell,” a hammy new film based on the ouster of Fox News head honcho Roger Ailes for sexual harassment. The

9 Dec 14:35 New York Post 7654946767508097687.html
La Chine prône le grand remplacement dans son IT d'Etat

Selon la presse britannique, le gouvernement chinois a ordonné la suppression du matériel et des logiciels étrangers au sein de l'administration. La cible vise prioritairement les sociétés américaines.

9 Dec 13:02 LeMonde Informatique 4533430148176701588.html
Ataa Educational profits down 5%

Riyadh – Mubasher: Ataa Educational Company reported a 5% year-on-year (YoY) decline in profits during the three-month period ending 31 October 2019. Net profits after Zakat and tax amounted to SAR 16.25 million between August and October 2019, …

9 Dec 11:19 english.mubasher.info 8917853137823055058.html
En otrok zbit na prehodu za pešce, eden pa pritekel pred vozilo

Danes zjutraj je voznica z osebnim avtomobilom v Škofji Loki še pri temnem delu dneva na prehodu za pešce trčila v peško. Po prvih podatkih je peška lažje poškodovana. »To je četrta decembr...

9 Dec 10:00 Slovenske novice 5901956562086925758.html
Abogado del Presidente Piñera no irá a la comisión que revisa la acusación constitucional

Este miércoles se votará el informe, mientras que el jueves se verá la "cuestión previa", donde sí estará presente.

9 Dec 09:13 24Horas.cl 793283386297652100.html
Epic Games vai tentar trazer o Fortnite para a Google Play Store. Mas não vai ter sorte!

Apesar de não ter conseguido tornar-se tão popular nos smartphones como o PUBG Mobile, o Fortnite continua a ser uma dos mais populares jogos da atualidade....

9 Dec 12:23 4gnews 1809086878204335532.html
‘Boris ko humein jitaana hai’: This Hindi song is asking British Indians to vote for Boris Johnson

‘Britain ke PM banenge Boris Johnson Boris Johnson.’

9 Dec 09:31 Scroll.in 8669301693830950718.html
Kolege se opraštaju od legendarnog Popare: "Umeo je da se postavi kao otac prema mlađim koleginicama"!

Glumac i književnik Zoran Rankić preminuo je danas u 84. godini u staračkom domu nakon duge i teške bolseti. Njega većina pamti po ulozi legendarnog Popare u "Srećnim ljudima", a njegove kolege iz serije prisetile su se najsjanijih momenata iz njegovog života!

9 Dec 15:18 pulsonline 6050941185983879817.html
5 dead and dozens injured as NZ’s most active volcano erupts on White Island (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Despite being the country’s most active volcano, prone to sudden eruptions, White Island has remained a popular tourist attraction, attracting crowds of eager visitors every day on boat and walking tours

9 Dec 12:05 Infowars 1950426314644008459.html
Erica Mena Cannot Wait To Give Birth To Her Baby Girl – Check Out Her Recent Post

Erica Mena seems to be losing her patience, and the gorgeous woman cannot wait to have her baby girl. She keeps posting various pregnancy-related

9 Dec 17:36 Celebrity Insider 265863475317885239.html
Cancelan la edición 2019 del evento navideño Paris Parade

Desde la multitienda responsable de la actividad, agradecieron las muestras de apoyo del público e invitaron a los niños y niñas "a pensar que es posible hacer de Chile y el mundo, un lugar mejor".

9 Dec 12:29 24Horas.cl 793283385562369892.html
Fernando Diniz comemora permanência de Raí no comando do futebol do São Paulo

Segundo Fernando Diniz, trata-se de uma ótima notícia para o clube e também para ele, que tem um ótimo relacionamento com o ídolo são-paulino

9 Dec 10:00 Folha Vitória 4941883427566594015.html
Porque participam tão pouco os cidadãos nas Assembleias de Freguesia deste país?

A falta de escuta activa e de responsividade ao nível autárquico é uma das razões para o enfraquecimento da nossa democracia e para a ascensão dos populismos radicais de Esquerda e de Direita que espreitam o regime no virar da esquina.

9 Dec 11:45 PÚBLICO 2228264896691510506.html
Jovem consumiu ‘bloom’ no Funchal e foi levado para o hospital

Um jovem foi esta tarde transportado para o Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça numa ambulância dos Bombeiros Sapadores do Funchal, alegadamente sob o efeito ...

9 Dec 10:04 dnoticias 6968432065957307931.html
FC-Sevilla-Stürmer Munas Dabbur im SPOX-Interview: Rückkehr? "Salzburg ist ein Klub für junge Spieler"

Nach drei Jahren, drei Meistertiteln, zwei Cup-Trophäen, zwei Torjägerkronen und 72 Treffern wechselte Munas Dabbur im vergangenen Sommer für 17 Millionen Euro zum FC Sevilla. Den Wechsel machte der Israeli bereits im Jänner zuvor offiziell.

9 Dec 08:06 SPOX 8395423524945366858.html
La receta del Banco de España para la jubilación

La entidad reclama mejorar los incentivos para retrasar voluntariamente la edad de retiro

9 Dec 13:44 Las Provincias 5471838390355721654.html
Leffrinckoucke: un marché fermier et artisanal «made in Flandre»

Samedi après-midi, la ferme du Duneleet, à Leffrinckoucke Village, ouvre ses portes...

9 Dec 16:21 La Voix du Nord 5307415663743093020.html
"Il traditore" è fuori dalla cinquina dei film stranieri candidati ai Golden Globe

“Marriage Story” (Storia di un matrimonio) guida la lista delle nomination, con sei candidature

9 Dec 14:25 L'HuffPost 5315551422739374038.html
Video: Thor Silva, son of Wanderlei, wins amateur Muay Thai debut in 30 seconds

MMA legend Wanderlei Silva watched his son make a successful Muay Thai debut over the weekend.

9 Dec 17:00 MMA FIGHTING 2898528044062713895.html
Fortnite exhibirá un adelanto de “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” dentro del juego

Los fans de la saga galáctica que jueguen el battle royale podrán disfrutar del anticipo el sábado 14 de diciembre. El propio J. J. Abrams, director de la película, participará de la movida.

9 Dec 14:02 Todo Noticias 8077539162414204141.html
Ikke fått nok av Crash Bandicoot? Da har vi (sannsynligvis) gode nyheter til deg - ITavisen

Annonseringen av et nytt Crash Bandicoot-spill kan skje ganske snart: enten på The Game Awards eller State of Play.

9 Dec 13:12 ITavisen 7865444159347128734.html
Cardi B’s concert in Ghana: Angry fans throw bottles at stage (video)

Cardbi B's concert in Ghana appeared to have had some few glitches. A video making the rounds online shows the moment some angry fans were throwing bottles at the stage.

9 Dec 13:26 Legit 3764253650932737017.html
Le dirigeant de la gauche ira en prison

Le dirigeant de la gauche radicale en France Jean-Luc Mélenchon a été condamné à trois mois de prison avec sursis.

9 Dec 16:40 Le Journal de Québec 6825713738998492384.html
Kirk Douglas, el sobreviviente del Hollywood dorado, cumple 103 años

Esta vez no quiere grandes festejos, prefiere estar solo con su familia.

9 Dec 14:38 Todo Noticias 8077539162910633679.html
La ONU alerta de una nueva generación de "profundas desigualdades" en el mundo

Las nuevas desigualdades surgen "bajo la sombra de la crisis climática y el profundo cambio tecnológico", según el informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2019 en el que Noruega encabeza la lista de países y España ocupa el puesto 25.

9 Dec 12:03 RTVE.es 8332346889642146472.html
Senatul a adoptat proiectul privind achiziţia a cinci avioane F16

Senatul a aprobat, luni, proiectul de lege care prevede achiziţia a cinci avioane F16 în cadrul programului "Avion multirol al Forţelor Aeriene".

9 Dec 15:55 Stirileprotv.ro 940005308710186199.html
'Amici Miei' a la barcelonesa

Joan y Josep se conocieron con los 90 años ya cumplidos y se han convertido en amigos íntimos e inseparables

9 Dec 09:02 elPeriodico 7291954034545876280.html
Ruska suspenzija šansa za košarkaše Crne Gore

Crnogorska košarkaška reprezentacija sve je bliža kvalifikacionom turniru za Olimpijske igre, Svetska antidoping federacija (WADA) donela je odluku suspenduje ruske sportiste i ne dozvoli im nastup u Tokiju.

9 Dec 14:05 Sport Klub 42251759105799318.html
Diagnostic Medical Systems : l'érection en appel à projets

DMS Biotech, division de Diagnostic Medical Systems Group consacrée aux biotechnologies, constituée d'Hybrigenics et de ses filiales, vient de...

9 Dec 10:27 Boursier.com 7351227821550254613.html
 Vídeo: Partidazo entre San Francisco y Nueva Orleans en la NFL

Juego de infarto en la NFL, los 49ers le ganan a los Santos

9 Dec 09:04 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624016935177.html
Roma Women, il profilo Twitter è il nono più attivo tra le squadre femminili – FOTO

L'account delle giallorosse tra i migliori di novembre. Primo Arsenal. Sul podio anche Chelsea e Liverpool

9 Dec 13:45 Forzaroma.info 1065617485859178762.html
Guvernul Orban a decis soarta pensiilor speciale. Anunț de ultim moment

PNL a decis, luni, să susţină desfiinţarea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor ale militarilor şi magistraţilor, a anunţat vicepremierul Raluca Turcan,

9 Dec 12:43 Cancan.ro 636482383627577905.html
Samsung Galaxy A51. Vídeo promocional revela segredos antes do lançamento

A Samsung prepara-se para apresentar o Galaxy A51 no Vietname esta quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro. Embora as suas especificações e design ainda não sejam...

9 Dec 11:55 4gnews 1809086878326876119.html
Brytyjczycy potwierdzają: chcemy Kubicę u siebie

Team Formuły 1 Racing Point potwierdził oficjalnie, że chce zatrudnić Roberta Kubicę. - On mógłby nam pomóc - wyjawił szef zespołu Otmar Szafnauer.

9 Dec 11:00 TVN24 8936112739977685819.html
Des hommes verts à Trump: cinq choses sur le conflit en Ukraine

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 12:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388187583067.html
Mega Millions jackpot rises to $314 million for Tuesday's drawing

The Mega Millions lottery game has seen its jackpot exceed $300 million for the 3rd time this year.

9 Dec 09:51 Fox 4 8372747778563008111.html
Christer Holmlund slutar som ordförande för FSL

Christer Holmlund kommer att tillträda som generalsekreterare för den nordiska organisationen senast den 15 april 2020, skriver Holmlund själv i branschtidningen Läraren.

9 Dec 09:49 HBL 7222309291623730511.html
Jordi González da la cara por la productora de 'GH VIP' con un emotivo alegato: "Son familia"

El presentador mostró su agradecimiento con Zeppelin TV durante el inicio del debate de este domingo

9 Dec 09:54 elPeriodico 7291954035111535315.html
Cinq morts dans une éruption volcanique en Nouvelle-Zélande

Cinq personnes sont décédées et de nombreuses autres ont été blessées lors de l'éruption lundi du touristique volcan de White Island, dans le nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande, a annoncé la police.

9 Dec 09:51 RTL 5minutes 5295111943506299415.html
Movistar y Fundación Plaza’s benefician a 250 niños del Hospital Pediátrico San Juan de Dios con una comida solidaria

Fundación Telefónica Movistar realizó por tercer año consecutivo en Venezuela la actividad Comida Solidaria, una iniciativa global del Grupo Telefónica que en esta oportunidad benefició a un grupo de 250 niños del Hospital San Juan de Dios en Caracas. “Esta labor tiene un fin solidario que reúne anualmente, y por Navidad, a cientos de Voluntarios […]

9 Dec 12:52 Descifrado 6343485651824477859.html
Konte: Daćemo sve i nadati se da je to dovoljno

Trener Intera Antonio Konte izjavio je uoči utakmice poslednjeg kola Lige šampiona protiv Barselone da će njegov tim dati sve od sebe da izbori plasman u osminu finala, iako je svestan koliko će to biti težak zadatak.

9 Dec 17:55 Sport Klub 42251759234236100.html
Eğitim almayan taksici havalimanlarında çalışamayacak

Turizm Bakanlığı desteğiyle hayata geçirilen ‘Turist Dostu Taksici’ projesiyle eğitim almayan taksici havalimanlarında çalışamayacak. İstanbul İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü, 23- Eylül-4 Ekim tarihlerinde İstanbul Havalimanı’nda 'Taksi Şoförlerine Turizm Eğitimi' düzenledi. Bu kapsamda, İstanbul Havalimanı Taksi Kooperatifi’nde görev yapan 1700 taksiciye eğitim verildi.

9 Dec 13:28 Yeni Şafak 1729259404527114348.html
Živković: Odluka Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije je farsa

Lider Nove stranke Zoran Živković ocenio je u Beogradu da je farsa odluka Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije da nema uslova za pokretanje postupka protiv

9 Dec 12:45 Krstarica 4176903988240902003.html
La condanna di Mattarella: “Evasori indecenti, senza evasione stipendi e pensioni più alte”

Il presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, condanna chi evade le tasse, rispondendo a una domanda degli studenti incontrati al Quirinale: 'È una cosa, a rifletterci, davvero indecente. Se scomparisse l'evasione, le possibilità di aumentare pensioni, di aumentare stipendi, di abbassare le tasse per chi le paga sarebbero di molto aumentate'.

9 Dec 16:01 fanpage.it 1517332166720559093.html
Pronostic Benfica Zenit : Analyse, prono et cotes du match de Ligue des champions

Des buts de chaque côté entre le Benfica et le Zenit.

9 Dec 13:15 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252485242021.html
Cómo ahorrar en la próxima declaración de la renta: diez claves que hay que seguir

Expertos del Consejo General de Economistas, Gestha y Aedaf le ayudan a intentar rebajar la factura de la declaración del IRPF de 2019.

9 Dec 10:05 La Información 5328999782575228959.html
Whakaari/White Island eruption – Update #1

Whakaari/White Island erupted today, in a short-lived event that generated an ash plume around 12,000 feet above the vent, GNS Science says.

9 Dec 17:31 SCOOP 5315658998921581935.html
Ministerka zdravotníctva Kalavská podá demisiu

Ministerka zdravotníctva Andrea Kalavská (nominantka Smeru-SD) podá demisiu.

9 Dec 16:00 dobrenoviny.sk 8288006010939474124.html
Ministrul Afacerilor Externe s-a întâlnit cu comisarul european pentru Transporturi: Bogdan Aurescu și Adina Vălean au trecut în revistă prioritățile României

Bogdan Aurescu, ministrul Afacerilor Externe, s-a întâlnit luni cu Adina Vălean, comisarul european pentru Transporturi, cu care a trecut în revistă „o serie de aspecte cu relevanță deosebită pentru România î...

9 Dec 16:15 B1 TV 3840305877041456087.html
Mi Note 10 Series Launched In Japan: Xiaomi Enters This Market

The Xiaomi Mi Note 10 is the first smartphone series of Xiaomi entering the Japanese market. It's the most popular smartphone of this brand nowadasy.

9 Dec 12:12 Gizchina 5392375275054089845.html
Les objets inutiles dans la maison vous coûtent cher

Notre société nous pousse à accumuler des objets, mais elle ne nous pousse pas à nous en débarrasser, ce qui peut encombrer votre espace de vie et finir par coûter cher.

9 Dec 15:23 TVA Nouvelles 5024407710395851147.html
Christian Krüger renunció como director de Migración Colombia

Krüger se destacó por dirigir a Colombia durante un tema tan polémico y convulso como lo es la llegada masiva de venezolanos al país durante los últimos años.

9 Dec 11:44 Colombia.com 1213910712130910029.html
TIHI ODLAZAK LEGENDE JUGOSLOVENSKOG BOKSA: Zvonimir Vujin preminuo u 76. godini života

Legenda srpskog boksa, olimpijac, reprezentativac nekadašnje Jugoslavije i najbolji bokser grada Zrenjanina i celog Banata Zvonimir Vujin preminuo je u 76. godini života.

9 Dec 13:57 kurir.rs 6515665027099115274.html
Enfin, la version PS4 de Minecraft accueille le cross-play

Mojang est fier d'annoncer l'arrivée de la version Bedrock de Minecraft sur PS4, signifiant l'introduction du cross-play.

9 Dec 17:07 Numerama 6854655182017130352.html
Swiss cable company offering alternative remote to control Apple TV, like Apple’s own IR remote

A Swiss broadband provider, Salt, uses the Apple TV as a faux-cable box for its home fibre broadband customers, similar to deals Apple has struck with other cable companies around the world. Apparently, some of Salt’s customer base aren’t too happy with the normal Apple TV input method and the company is now offering an […]

9 Dec 15:58 9to5Mac 8219339161392192011.html
Russische Pässe angeblich an 125.000 Ukrainer verteilt

Provokation vor dem Ukrainegipfel: Seit dem Frühjahr vergibt Russland in der Ostukraine russische Reisepässe. Nun meldet Moskau, 125.000 Ukrainer hätten bereits das Dokument mit dem zweiköpfigen Adler erhalten.

9 Dec 13:08 SPIEGEL ONLINE 4409199270205765976.html
Britney Spears estuvo en Miami no creerás lo que captaron los paparazzi (Fotos)

La polémica Britney Spears siempre da  de que hablar, en esta oportunidad la princesa del pop se escapó con su pareja, Sam Asghari,

9 Dec 13:19 MiamiDiario.com 1001112536926951843.html
Por magistrado que habló de más, suspenden caso de reclutamiento de niños en la JEP

Este lunes se abriría el caso 007, relacionado con ese tema, con la versión de 14 exguerrilleros. No obstante, excombatientes recusaron al togado relator. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 11:42 pulzo.com 8971816786822711308.html
Nos pênaltis,Itamaraju vence o Itapetinga e garante título do Intermunicipal 2019

É o segundo título seguido do time itamarajuense

9 Dec 08:11 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713659419586.html
Retraites : Macron recevra la majorité mardi soir et non pas lundi

Ce rendez-vous devra permettre de caler les derniers arbitrages et de "se coordonner" avant les annonces du Premier ministre mercredi.

9 Dec 08:14 La Tribune 6570267672324276610.html
Hidroelectrica a demarat procedurile privind achiziția grupurilor CEZ România și Enel România

Hidroelectrica a demarat procedurile de achiziție a grupurilor CEZ România și Enel România și solicită aprobarea acționarilor pentru a angaja servicii de consultanță în acest sens, potrivit convocatorului ședinței Adunării Generale Extraordinare a Acționarilor (AGEA), care va avea loc pe 12 decembrie.

9 Dec 09:47 Profit.ro 5615893766751060521.html
México rechaza supervisión laboral de EU; no aceptará cambios al T-MEC

El Senado y el Ejecutivo hicieron oficial la postura del gobierno ante la propuesta para que haya inspectores en centros de trabajo; se opondrán también al alum

9 Dec 17:10 Excélsior 859179358814398880.html
Bitcoin Road to $100K: Peter Brandt Explains the When and How

Bitcoin is heading towards the $100,000 mark, according to veteran commodity trader Peter Brandt, who shared his analysis in a new video clip. However,

9 Dec 15:00 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937089590777.html
Mariza dedica novo disco a Amália Rodrigues

A cantora Mariza anunciou que o seu novo disco, a editar no próximo ano, é uma homenagem a Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999), e será, inteiramente, preenchido por reportório amaliano.

9 Dec 12:41 DN 8445869957307817676.html
La NASA enverra bientôt deux mannequins autour de la Lune

Dans quelques mois, la NASA va placer deux mannequins en orbite autour de la Lune. Le but : étudier les effets du rayonnement spatial sur les astronautes. Si l'on met de côté les défis techniques inhérents

9 Dec 10:37 Sciencepost 6380497999981191080.html
La pasta di sera fa ingrassare? No, ma il mito è duro a morire. L’articolo del sito anti-bufala dell’Ordine dei medici

“Non bisogna mangiare carboidrati la sera!”, “Niente pasta a cena, fa ingrassare!”: sono frasi che t

9 Dec 11:34 Il Fatto Alimentare 4656737331492130485.html
Essig und Öl fließen wieder in der Innenstadt

Das Ehepaar Scholler bietet jetzt im Geschäft „Vom Fass“ Lebensmittel und Spirituosen in nachhaltiger Verpackung.

9 Dec 17:29 NÖN.at 2486998932067568220.html
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) Given Consensus Recommendation of “Buy” by Brokerages

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (NYSE:BMY) has been given a consensus recommendation of “Buy” by the nineteen research firms that are covering the company, Marketbeat.com reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, five have issued a hold recommendation and eleven have given a buy recommendation to the company. The average 12-month target price […]

9 Dec 13:32 The Cerbat Gem 3142837109818685836.html
Pranciškus: uždavinys naujoms kartoms

Pirmadienio audiencijoje popiežius Pranciškus priėmė Italijoje 1956 metais įsteigtos karitatyvinės asociacijos vaikams narius. Ją įsteigė airių kunigas Johnas Patrickas Carroll-Abbing, kuris 1930 metais į Romą atvyko studijoms, čia buvo įšventintas kunigu ir liko tarnauti Romos kurijoje bei Šventojo Sosto diplomatinėje tarnyboje.

9 Dec 15:26 budas.lt 7514915613500231786.html
Hallan a oso polar con extraña pinta en su cuerpo, alarma a científicos

Un oso polar con un extraño mensaje en su cuerpo a alarmado a los investigadores y científicos, y es que el hecho puedo poner en riesgo su vida. Hace poco se hizo viral un video

9 Dec 17:23 MiMorelia 5599511490259309396.html
Santos goleia e põe fim à invencibilidade do Flamengo

Campeão da Libertadores, o Flamengo encara ainda a disputa do Mundial de Clubes.

9 Dec 09:22 R10 3167340813993619688.html
Google umożliwi śledzenie paczek w wyszukiwarce

Już niedługo śledzenie paczek będzie dostępne bezpośrednio w wynikach wyszukiwania. Google kolejny raz ułatwi nam życie i oszczędzi klikania. Już niedługo bezpośrednio w wynikach wyszukiwania będziemy mogli sprawdzić status przesyłek, które nadaliśmy, a także tych, na które oczekujemy. Google planuje kolejny raz ułatwić nam życie. Google na swoim blogu poinformowało , że do zestawu możliwości wyszukiwarki, dodaje nową. Będzie nią śledzenie paczek bez konieczności przechodzenia na strony firm kurierskich, czy też poczty. Koncern motywuje decyzję faktem, że ludzie bardzo często wpisują w wyszukiwarkę “[x] śledzenie paczek”, gdzie x to nazwa przedsiębiorstwa, które ma przesyłkę dostarczyć. Jeśli pod uwagę weźmiemy wyniki wyszukiwania w Polsce, to okazuje się, że to rzeczywiście popularne zapytania. Każdego miesiąca ponad 2 mln razy poszukujemy stron najbardziej popularnych firm. I dotyczy to tylko zapytań zawierających słowo „śledzenie”. Gdyby dodać do tego „szukanie”, lub po prostu zestaw „[x] paczki”, to może…

9 Dec 15:59 CHIP 4252840419675181592.html
Qué ambientación debería tener el nuevo BioShock

La confirmación de un nuevo BioShock ha sido una de las grandes noticias del año en materia de videojuegos, y eso que se ha hecho de rogar hasta los últimos días del 2019. Tal y como ha anunciado 2K Games, el estudio de nueva creación Cloud Chamber es el encargado de iniciar el proyecto del nuevo BioShock, al que le quedan «varios años» de desarrollo. Aunque el título aún esté en fase embrionaria, a nosotros ya nos ha despertado la curiosidad y nos ha generado gran expectación, de modo que hoy nos preguntamos sobre qué ambientación debería tener esta nueva entrega de la saga.

9 Dec 17:09 SomosXbox 4635940034591066314.html
MATT projesine hibe desteği

MATT projesine hibe desteği

9 Dec 08:10 CNN Türk 3669296858986937572.html
Niemieckie obozy na obecnej mapie Polski. Przedsądowe wezwanie do Netflixa, który obiecywał, a nie zrobił nic!

Stowarzyszenie Patria Nostra wezwało Netflixa, aby w serialu historycznym usunął błędy dotyczące lokalizacji niemieckich nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych i zagłady. Stowarzyszenie żąda, by Netflix zamieścił informację, iż wspomniane obozy zakładane były przez Niemców na terenie okupowanej Polski.

9 Dec 17:31 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696135652989742.html
Buy Ollie's Ahead Of The Q3 Report

Ollie's is due to report Q3 earnings next week.With shares languishing, I think they represent compelling value.The key risk for Q3 is margin performance, but I see a lot of bad news priced in already

9 Dec 14:41 Seeking Alpha 5725634557327933040.html
PNUD sitúa a República Dominicana entre los países Desarrollo Humano Alto

El mundo esta ante una nueva generacion de profundas desigualdades en desarrollo humano, al tiempo que se avanza en reducir las brechas no resueltas del si

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264747722921.html
AUD/USD slides to 0.6820 horizontal support

The AUD/USD pair refreshed daily lows during the early European session on Monday and is currently placed near the 0.6820 horizontal support. The pair

9 Dec 08:59 FXStreet 4480975638824660388.html
Oroscopo Paolo Fox 10 dicembre 2019: ecco i segni favoriti dalle stelle

Oroscopo Paolo Fox 10 dicembre 2019. E' ricomincia un’altra settimana e ci stiamo addentrando sempre più nel periodo delle festività...

9 Dec 09:03 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338581003360.html
Idag får Battlefield 5 custom-servrar

Lås in dig med 63 kompisar och spela "Community Games".

9 Dec 09:09 FZ.se 109758246334821525.html
Grifols sube en bolsa tras los avances de Ámbar, su revolución contra el Alzhéimer

La farmacéutica ha confirmado los avances en el desarrollo de este terapia eficaz para mitigar los efectos de la enfermedad neurodegenerativa.

9 Dec 09:00 La Información 5328999782948794561.html
Deputatul PSD Florin Tripa spune că are calitatea de suspect

Deputatul PSD Florin Tripa a spus, la ieşirea de la audieri din sediul DNA Timişoara, că are calitatea de suspect în dosarul pentru fapte de corupție întocmit după perchezițiile care vizează posibile acte de corupție de la punctul de lucru al DRDP Timişoara.

9 Dec 09:32 Europa FM 545007290013199731.html
El tema físico del plantel, en el centro del debate en Belgrano

Caruso dijo que el equipo estaba mal en ese aspecto, pero el equipo tuvo un rendimiento muy superior en los segundos tiempos y Villella se lo marcó.

9 Dec 11:16 Mundo D 5646459532630105628.html
Murió Santiago Bal

El autor, actor y director tenía 83 años y desde el 23 de noviembre, permanecía internado. Su estado de salud era muy delicado y en los últimos días, había entrado en coma farmacológico.

9 Dec 13:35 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451182315160.html
Olympic swim champ Schooling vows to ‘fix’ physique after SEA Games flop

CLARK, Dec 9 — Olympic champion Joseph Schooling vowed to “fix” his physique after winning only one individual gold medal at the South-east Asian Games, less than eight months before his title defence at Tokyo 2020. The 24-year-old Singaporean famously beat his idol, US legend Michael...

9 Dec 09:51 Malaymail 302165936428060300.html
Months after hype, Mahathir says Malaysia shouldn’t have called its big drone a ‘flying car’

Malaysia should not have called its latest drone project a flying car, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad admitted on Sunday (Dec 8).

9 Dec 14:35 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046883814086500.html
Dal 'vaffa' di Ronaldo allo 'stai calmo' di Bonucci: sarà mai la Juve di Sarri?

Juve, c'è qualcosa che non va. La prima sconfitta stagionale o il secondo posto in classifica, rappresentano solo una punta dell'iceberg, una punta nemmeno troppo affilata perché

9 Dec 14:00 il BiancoNero 8980755941876022441.html
Victoire judiciaire pour Elon Musk, acquitté de diffamation

Le fantasque patron de Tesla, Elon Musk, a enregistré vendredi une victoire judiciaire à Los Angeles, où il a été acquitté de diffamation pour un tweet dans lequel, à l’été […]

9 Dec 15:06 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558980562634927.html
Proiect de modernizare a Gării de Nord Bucureşti: CFR împreună cu Consis Proiect au semnat un contract de 11,3 milioane de lei pentru prima etapa de modernizare a gării

Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate CFR SA şi firma Consis Proiect au semnat un contract de 11,3 milioane lei, fără TVA, pentru elaborarea studiului de fezabilitate, prima etapă a modernizării Gării de Nord Bucureşti, potrivit unui comunicat remis luni, MEDIAFAX.

9 Dec 14:19 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918380319373.html
Campeão mundial participa de baba solidário no interior baiano

Por editoria de Esporte

9 Dec 08:00 Correio 5185786713980163426.html
Procedura de impeachment. Donald Trump, acuzat de abuz de putere şi obstrucţionarea Congresului / Reacţia liderului de la Casa Albă

Democraţii din Camera Reprezentanţilor a Statelor Unite ale Americii au făcut publice cele două articole pentru care Donald Trump va fi pus sub acuzare în procedura de destituire (n.r. impeachment): abuz de...

9 Dec 16:41 Mediafax.ro 1869610968809619834.html
2 men in court for allegedly stealing car worth N2.5 million

Two men, Godwin Amuzie and Godspower Imafidon, who allegedly stole a Honda Accord car valued at N2.5 million on Monday appeared before a court...

9 Dec 11:30 Vanguard News 4125100339477920806.html
Huawei’s ARM-based chips may arrive for desktop PCs soon enough - Gizmochina

Huawei recently introduced the Kunpeng D920S10 desktop motherboard. What this does is allow Huawei’s Kunpeng 920 processor to power PCs.

9 Dec 09:01 Gizmochina 1751854815920254936.html
Indra Sjafri Dinobatkan sebagai Anggota Komite Teknik AFC untuk Periode 2019-2023

Pelatih timnas U-22 Indonesia, Indra Sjafri dinobatkan menjadi salah satu anggota komite teknik AFC untuk periode 2019-2023.

9 Dec 12:10 BolaSport.com 4603768436910386504.html
Nueve de cada diez empresas en España ve la corrupción "totalmente extendida"

El 80% de las firmas españolas cree que las personas y los negocios condenados por corrupción no reciben un castigo apropiado.

9 Dec 16:51 La Información 5328999781485716504.html
El final inesperado del vídeo de Joaquín tras su triple al Athletic

El capitán bético, de 38 años, se convirtió el domingo en el goleador más veterano que marca tres tantos en un partido y superó la marca de Di Stéfano

9 Dec 08:15 elPeriodico 7291954033589191774.html
Médicos de saúde pública sem receber suplemento de autoridade

O presidente da Associação Nacional dos Médicos de Saúde Pública (ANMSP), Ricardo Mexia, disse esta segunda-feira que "há um suplemento de autoridade de saúde que é devido e não está a ser pago".

9 Dec 16:46 JN 6956494302476474975.html
ROADTEST: I tried 7 size 14 black swimmers from Aussie retailers. This is what I found.

Just one woman's quest for black swimmers.

9 Dec 15:39 Mamamia 1081827191120429001.html
'Expediente Warren: Obligado por el Demonio' es el título oficial de la tercera entrega de la saga

Ya ha sido anunciado en la Comic-Con de Brasil el título oficial de la tercera entrega de los Warren: 'Expediente Warren: Obligado por el Demonio', además se ha confirmado la trama oficial.

9 Dec 12:31 eCartelera 2539779481806610320.html
Vermiste man (65) in Dieren terecht

In Dieren zocht de politie maandagmorgen naar een blanke man van 65. In een Burgernetbericht waarschuwde de politie de man niet zelf te benaderen.

9 Dec 09:33 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615660330495.html
Døden lurer i alle ting

UTSTILLING: En vrimmel av ting, en overflod av gjenstander. Så dette er menneskenes verden?

9 Dec 16:06 Aftenbladet 8753034804227141134.html
At SeaGL 2019, free software was in fine feather

9 Dec 12:25 www.fsf.org 2931063762175046758.html
Sutra gledamo finale pre finala Lige šampiona, da li se slažete?

U Milano stiže Barselona.

9 Dec 17:15 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495213606141.html
SpaceX publie de somptueux clichés du vol de ravitaillement de l’ISS

Comme à son habitude, SpaceX vient de dévoiler de nouvelles photographies très réussies d'une mission de ravitaillement de l’ISS. Des photos toujours publiées sous licence libre, mais avec désormais une restriction.

9 Dec 15:19 Numerama 6854655182077748398.html
RUSI UŠLI U RAKU: Prvi put kročili u nekadašnju prestonicu džihadista (VIDEO)

Ruske snage ušle su u Raku, nekadašnji de fakto glavni grad Islamske države, posle povlačenja američkih snaga iz severnog dela Sirije.

9 Dec 12:27 kurir.rs 6515665027875183208.html
”Ge oss fossilfria alternativ till rimligt pris”

DEBATT. Alltför stort fokus på höga bränsleskatter riskerar att drabba småföretagen eftersom fungerande fossilfria alternativ är dyrare eller saknas helt på många håll, skriver Rickard Gegö...

9 Dec 13:58 Ny Teknik 4280928731871998625.html
Estos son los peces más amenazados por la falta de oxígeno en los océanos

Provocada por el cambio climático y la contaminación por nutrientes, es una amenaza creciente para la pesca.

9 Dec 16:39 www.publico.es 99190976938217634.html
Irish pig prices remain stagnant at below €2/kg mark

It has been outlined that there has been no rise given in quotes from Irish pig factories for a fourth week in succession.

9 Dec 15:13 AgriLand 974043785377606737.html
Blocco del traffico, fermi gli Euro 4

Blocco del traffico, fermi gli Euro 4 a Torino dalle 8 alle 19 ogni giorni da domani, martedì 10 a giovedì 12 dicembre 2019.

9 Dec 16:36 La Nuova Periferia 1387373626276235599.html
Sąd ws. Durczoka: powaga czynu bezdyskusyjna, ale prokurator nie wykazał obawy matactwa

Powaga czynu zarzucanego Kamilowi Durczokowi jest bezdyskusyjna, jednak prokuratura nie wykazała, że podejrzany mógłby utrudniać śledztwo i tylko aresztowanie jest w stanie zabezpieczyć prawidłowy tok postępowania - tak katowicki sąd uzasadnił odmowę aresztowania dziennikarza.

9 Dec 15:12 Polsat News 9031932297364681413.html
Dopage: La Russie au ban du monde sportif pour quatre ans

Des sanctions historiques: l’Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a exclu lundi la Russie des Jeux olympiques pour quatre ans et de la Coupe du monde 2022 de football au Qatar, pour […]

9 Dec 15:13 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981106066704.html
Dieudonné convoqué par la justice genevoise en janvier

L'humoriste controversé Dieudonné a été convoqué par la justice genevoise pour une "audition" en janvier, suite aux plaintes déposées par une association d...

9 Dec 12:35 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517872605961.html
Ada Satu Kartu Merah, Klub Italia Milik Orang Kaya Indonesia Tumbang

Klub Italia milik kelompok usaha asal Indonesia, Grup Djarum ini kalah dari tuan rumah Robur Siena dengan skor 0-1.

9 Dec 09:40 BolaSport.com 4603768437228165103.html
Oeiras | Prefeito entrega obra de requalificação de dois ambientes públicos

Zé Raimundo entrega revitalização da Praça Mafrense e inaugura Academia da Saúde em Oeiras Nova.

9 Dec 09:24 R10 3167340814182677610.html
Russia banned from 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup over doping scandal

Russia will not be allowed to compete at the 2020 Olympics or the World Cup two years later after being handed a four-year doping ban.

9 Dec 14:57 Buzz.ie 7092425148158819206.html
Raptors’ Kyle Lowry to appear as cannon doll in ‘The Nutcracker’

Six months ago, the 2019 NBA season culminated in the first championship of Kyle Lowry‘s career as the Toronto Raptors captured the Larry O’Brien Trophy.

9 Dec 16:44 Sportsnet.ca 4293652947713523681.html
Warner Bros. anunció oficialmente la secuela de "Shazam!"

La Comic Con Experience de Brasil fue el lugar escogido para anunciar que Zachary Levi volverá a ponerse el traje de héroe para una nueva película.

9 Dec 13:36 Futuro 2617238417700495039.html
Wonder Woman 1984's First Trailer Is Here To Bring Justice To The Reagan Era

Diana’s back, this time in the glitz, glamor, and the glut of corruption of the 1980s. Greed is good, baby, though I imagine Wonder Woman might not agree....

9 Dec 09:20 Gizmodo AU 3183561247328450340.html
Alcool : un adolescent sur dix admet en faire une consommation régulière

Pas suffisamment protégés du marketing des fabricants de boissons alcoolisées, en particulier sur internet, les adolescents de 17 ans ont pour 90% d’entre eux déjà bu de l'alcool. Un sur dix en boit au moins dix fois...

9 Dec 16:24 Midi Libre 3150507208640488087.html
Numeri di bilancio da capogiro per Portobello: strong buy ma…

 Portobello Group è una giovane realtà nata nel 2016, quotata su AIM Italia, che gestisce una catena retail e opera soprattutto nel baratto pubblicitario

9 Dec 12:32 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856260319823240.html
Raudondvario dvare pagerbti pakaunės žemdirbiai

Tradiciškai, kai jau derlius surinktas ir pargabentas iš laukų, Raudondvario dvare pagerbti pakaunės ūkininkai, padėkota sėkmingiausiai besiplėtusios bendrovėms ir paskelbti apžiūros-konkurso „Gražiausia sodyba 2019 m.“ nugalėtojai.

9 Dec 17:13 Kauno diena 6825691409661999362.html
Jadwal Final SEA Games 2019: Timnas Indonesia U-22 vs Vietnam

Medali emas sepak bola yang dirindukan sudah di depan mata. Timnas Indonesia U-22 akan menghadapi Vietnam di partai final SEA Games 2019

9 Dec 17:35 Bola.net 5489959028059317886.html
Sare recuerda que «nadie tiene derecho a coartar» la libertad de expresión de López de Abetxuko

Ante la campa&ntilde;a pol&iacute;tica y medi&aacute;tica desatada en los &uacute;ltimos d&iacute;as para impedir la charla que el expreso Jos&eacute; Ram&oa...

9 Dec 14:17 naiz: 7509038604182354828.html
La fédération générale de l’enseignement secondaire appelle les enseignants à boycotter la publication des notes sur la plateforme électronique

La fédération générale de l’enseignement secondaire, relevant de l’Union Générale Tunisienne du Travail (UGTT), a appelé, lundi, les enseignants à boycotter l’insertion

9 Dec 17:27 African Manager 933752094192892590.html
'Dolor y gloria' de Pedro Almodóvar y Antonio Banderas, entre los nominados a los Globos de Oro

'Dolor y gloria' de Pedro Almodóvar es uno de los filmes nominados a la mejor película en habla no inglesa en la 77.ª edición de los Globos de oro. Su...

9 Dec 13:31 Europa Press 4702666148390694503.html
Szczecin: Prezydent idzie do sądu, kurator odpowiada

Po tym jak prezydent Szczecina Piotr Krzystek skierował do sądu prywatny pozew przeciwko zachodniopomorskiej kurator oświaty, Magdalena Zarębska-Kulesza twierdzi, że jest spokojna o przebieg procesu. Poszło o słowa, że prezydent „kłamie”, wypowiedziane na jednej z konferencji prasowych.

9 Dec 15:46 fakty.interia.pl 3878966316854518072.html
Borse Ue e Piazza Affari poco mosse in apertura; attese Fed, Bce ed elezioni Uk

Mercoledì è infatti attesa la Fed (gli operatori propendono per stabilità dei tassi), giovedì la BCE assieme al voto negli UK mentre domenica si dovrebbero avere ulteriori informazioni sulla guerra commerciale USA-Cina.

9 Dec 08:10 InvestireOggi 7231367743467357076.html
L'AMA exclut officiellement la Russie des JO pendant quatre ans

La Russie est sanctionné pour avoir falsifié des données de contrôles remises à l’agence antidopage

9 Dec 10:39 www.20minutes.fr 6446520675556249622.html
Sueño deseado y Sueño cumplido: Los pandas del Zoo de Berlín ya tienen nombre

Los cachorros de panda gigante del Zoo de Berlín por fin tienen nombres: Meng Xiang y Meng Yuan, Sueño deseado y Sueño cumplido.

9 Dec 10:27 Panorama 6052790753768309029.html
“Estamos luchando por nuestros derechos”: Gabriela Tafur habló del paro nacional en Miss Universo

La Señorita Colombia, quien quedó entre las cinco finalistas, dijo que la gente está en las calles pidiendo menos corrupción y mejor educación

9 Dec 13:28 Noticias Caracol 4063533508569353367.html
RPO chce wyjaśnień w sprawie sędziego Juszczyszyna

O wyjaśnienia w sprawie działań podjętych wobec sędziego Pawła Juszczyszyna Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich poprosił sędziowskiego rzecznika dyscyplinarnego Piotra Schaba oraz prezesa olsztyńskiego sądu rejonowego Macieja Nawackiego - podało w poniedziałek Biuro RPO.

9 Dec 17:31 RMF24 3758900159180606979.html
Miss Universo 2019: Los poderosos mensajes de Miss México durante la competencia

Sofía Aragón, representante de México en Miss Universo 2019, destacó en el certamen por sus respuestas sobre las protestas en Latinoamérica y los estereotipos de belleza en las redes sociales.

9 Dec 15:15 RPP 3819340342704092118.html
Organizadores cancelan el desfile navideño Paris Parade 2019 debido a la "situación que vive el país"

El evento, que se iba a realizar el 15 de diciembre, consiste en un espectáculo de personajes inflables gigantes que se desplazan por la Alameda.

9 Dec 10:33 Emol 3328490602515488494.html
Telex : Le Sénat encadre le Fisc sur les réseaux sociaux, IBM certifié HDS en France, Microsoft force la réinitialisation de mots de passe

Business : - Le Sénat encadre le Fisc pour surveiller les réseaux sociaux. Ce lundi, les sénateurs ont adopté l'article 57 du...

9 Dec 16:57 LeMonde Informatique 4533430147213373621.html
Macri reúne por última vez al gabinete en la Casa Rosada

El presidente Mauricio Macri y su gabinete se reúnen esta mañana por última vez en sus habituales encuentros en la Casa Rosada, antes de dejar el poder mañana, cuando asuma el mandatario electo Alberto Fernández.

9 Dec 12:40 El Patagónico 8565457046906865379.html
Inflation, climat, communication: les chantiers de Lagarde à la BCE

La nouvelle présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Lagarde, a annoncé début décembre une vaste revue de la stratégie de politique monétaire, inchangée depuis 2003. Pourquoi ce chantier et quels points vont être discutés ? – Dernier toilettage: 2003 – Chargée par son mandat de garantir « la stabilité des prix » en zone euro, la […]

9 Dec 12:51 Journal de Brazza 8990092584971208474.html
Tutti gli scioperi dei trasporti a dicembre: date e orari città per città

Settimana di passione per i pendolari italiani: da lunedì 9 dicembre fino a lunedì 16 sono in programma una serie di scioperi che riguardano il trasporto pubblico locale e i treni in numerose città italiane, e gli aerei. La giornata più nera sarà venerdì 13 dicembre, quando si fermerà il trasporto aereo: ecco il calendario delle mobilitazioni.

9 Dec 12:43 fanpage.it 1517332168608281436.html
“A Treviso si elimina un bosco e ora dovremmo aspettare 20 anni per averne uno simile"

TREVISO - Nel quartiere di San Giuseppe crescerà un nuovo bosco di 1.500 alberi. Ma gli alberelli piantati sabato scorso in via Paludetti prima di diventare un vero e proprio bosco impiegheranno anni.

9 Dec 17:16 Oggi Treviso 2529403853844403010.html
SEA Games 2019 Day 9 roundup: Singapore swimmer sets meet record as Philippines make history in terms of overall medal haul

Welcome to FOX Sports Asia’s Daily Roundup of the SEA Games 2019, where will be highlighting the key events of each day at the 30th edition of the South-East Asian Games hosted by the Philippines.

9 Dec 16:00 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905981566227.html
Alguns aparelhos Android não serão mais compatíveis com WhatsApp

A partir de 01/02 não será possível usar o app (de nenhuma maneira) no Android 2.3.7 ou versões anteriores

9 Dec 13:33 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549461570055.html
Trenerzy Jagiellonii Białystok w ekstraklasie (zdjęcia)

Przedstawiamy wszystkich trenerów Jagiellonii Białystok w ekstraklasie. Kto będzie następny po Ireneuszu Mamrocie?

9 Dec 13:08 Gol24 6907548670742891122.html
Buen Fin no logró su meta de ventas

Pegan promociones anticipadas, indica CEESP; debilidad y falta de aguinaldos, otros factores

9 Dec 08:47 El Universal 4964748196599602935.html
Paz na PF

"Três meses após a crise gerada pela tentativa do presidente Jair Bolsonaro de interferir na PF, a relação entre a cúpula da corporação e o governo está pacificada"...

9 Dec 08:12 O Antagonista 1037429655002086718.html
Más de 50 disparos impactan coliseo donde ofrecieron concierto Daddy Yankee, Anuel AA y Ozuna

Anuel AA [1] volvió a presentarse en Puerto Rico [2] y horas más tarde dispararon contra coliseo. [1] https://www.elpopular.pe/anuel-aa [2] https://www.elpopular.pe/puerto-rico

9 Dec 14:00 El Popular 1251135763269975892.html
‘Birds of Prey’ Director Cathy Yan on Her Cinematic Influences and Building an All-Female Superhero Team [Set Visit Interview]

While visiting the set, we were part of a Birds of Prey director interview with Cathy Yan, who spoke about building the first all-female DC superhero team.

9 Dec 17:00 /Film 148788830407620057.html
Vai o Tesla Cybertruck caber na tua garagem? Esta aplicação mostra-te o carro em tamanho real

Com quase 6 metros de comprimento, podemos dizer que o Tesla Cybertruck não é um carro qualquer. O seu design invulgar fez com que o automóvel fosse falado...

9 Dec 17:20 4gnews 1809086878644690106.html
Ronaldinho is tapsolt a teqball-vb magyar aranyérmeseinek

Kettős magyar győzelemmel született a budapesti teqball vb-n. Az egyéniben Blázsovics Ádám, párosban a Blázsovics, Bányik Csaba duó nyert. A torna sztárvendégei - Ronaldinho, Puyol, Nuno Gomes, Simao Sabrosa és William Gallas - az új Teqball asztalt is népszerűsítették.

9 Dec 14:22 lokál 6752174584009156080.html
Jose Mourinho Merih'in peşinde

İngiliz basını, Tottenham Teknik Direktörü Mourinho'nun milli futbolcu Merih Demiral'ın transfer edilmesini istediğini yazdı.

9 Dec 09:39 Yeni Şafak 1729259405719008217.html
Llega el Huracà Econòmic, la plataforma que quiere sabotear la economía española

La primera guía que editará será para cambiar de banco. Trasladando el tema político al plano económico, es simple: lo que les gustaría a los extremistas es un Banco de la República

9 Dec 13:52 El Confidencial 6129807548617911181.html
Charlie Parker: ‘We can attract good people’

IT is a ‘bit of a myth’ that the government finds it difficult to attract ‘good people’ to fill front-line roles – the real problem is inadequate support once they arrive, the government’s chief executive has said.

9 Dec 11:27 Jersey Evening Post 6141642775106574928.html
Barcelona met club last week, asked about 2 players – Plan to have ‘preferential option’ on one

‘Operation Milan’ is splashed on the front page of Sport after Barcelona technical secretary Eric Abidal and his assistant Ramon Planes met Inter Milan officials on Friday. The Nerazzurri want to strengthen midfield in January and their top targets are Ivan Rakitić and Arturo Vidal. Both their contracts expire in 2021 and the La Liga

9 Dec 09:35 Sport Witness 200001552603753993.html
Surquillo: desfile navideño y campaña médica gratis para perros y gatos

Si tienes perros o gatos y vives en Surquillo, mira todas las actividades gratuitas que puedes realizar al lado de tu mascota. ¡Echa un vistazo!

9 Dec 17:00 Wapa.pe 6757287089806807728.html
Istat: gli stipendi più bassi vengono percepiti al Sud

Stando alla fotografia dell'Istat le donne percepiscono una retribuzione oraria inferiore del 7,4% rispetto a quella degli uomini, mentre in generale i salari orari più bassi si registrano per i rapporti di lavoro di imprese localizzate al sud, con un differenziale retributivo rispetto al nord-ovest del 16,2%.

9 Dec 12:09 InvestireOggi 7231367743869563312.html
Climate Change Is the Ultimate “OK, Boomer” Issue

The genesis of a generational conflict

9 Dec 11:00 The New Republic 7071196523766020056.html
Und die Lady mit Bart ist . . . Cecilia Bartoli

Sie ist nicht leicht zu benennen, diese Kunstfigur. Darf man zu ihr "Dragqueen" sagen? Eher nicht. Dafür hätte sich ja ein Mann als Frau verkleiden müssen...

9 Dec 15:56 Wiener Zeitung 3774364441267326342.html
PSG : une relation "moins fluide" entre Tuchel et son vestiaire ?

L'entraîneur allemand du PSG semblerait en difficulté cette saison pour mettre sa patte technique sur son équipe et gérer des stars du vestiaires comme Mbappé.

9 Dec 08:00 Onze Mondial 1310109998462742396.html
El retraso en los pagos entre empresas se estanca en Catalunya en los 88 días

Un informe de ATA constata que el periodo medio de pago a proveedores se dispara entre las medianas empresas

9 Dec 12:45 elPeriodico 7291954034772617059.html
Grozljive podrobnosti verižnega trčenja, kriv je hrvaški državljan

Včeraj ob 18.39 so bili policisti obveščeni o hujši prometni nesreči na cesti Dragonja–Šmarje, v kateri so bila udeležena štiri vozila. Ugotovili so, da je povzročil prometno nesrečo 62-le...

9 Dec 10:30 Slovenske novice 5901956562473832680.html
Black Christmas : Une bande-annonce angoissante pour ce film d'horreur de Noël

Noël ne rime pas toujours avec féérie. La preuve avec la bande-annonce angoissante du film Black Christmas (Blumhouse), dont la sortie est prévue ce 11 décembre 2019.

9 Dec 14:30 melty 8059025070090503349.html
Hansell Riojas respalda a Anthony Rosell tras expulsión: "Debe ser una de las personas más buenas de la tierra"

Hansell Riojas, defensor de Alianza Lima, salió en defensa de su compañero Anthony Rosell luego de la tarjeta roja que recibió en la derrota ante Binacional.

9 Dec 13:50 RPP 3819340342849224311.html

L’Association nationale de la presse sportive sénégalaise a honoré au cours de son  15e gala organisé au  Musée de civilisations noires,  ses meilleurs sportifs  2019. Le judoka Mbagnick Ndiaye qui a remporté la palme du meilleur sportif de l’année a reçu   le trophée majeur El Hadji Amadou Dia Ba et les différents récipiendaires de cette distinction annuelle se sont succédé sur le présidium  pour recevoir leur distinction. Cette cérémonie qui avait comme parrain Amadou Gallo Fall, vice président de la Nba, a été  placée sous le signe de l’intégration sous régionale avec la présence de délégations gambiennes et maliennes.

9 Dec 10:22 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533416874448.html
Nije N381 krijt as earste provinsjale dyk 'sirkulêre' asfaltlaach

Mar leafst 5600 ton oan âld freesasfalt wurdt op 'e nij ferwurke yn it asfaslt op de nije dyk.

9 Dec 11:13 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694510435255.html
PGR pede rescisão de acordo de delator que não prestou serviço comunitário

A PGR pediu ao STF que rescinda o acordo de delação premiada do lobista Leandro Meirelles, um dos primeiros presos da Lava Jato...

9 Dec 12:58 O Antagonista 1037429654141480118.html
12 Money Tips to Help You Track Your Expenses and Save Enough for Your Dream

We have all heard about tracking our income and expenses, making shopping lists, and putting money away for a rainy day, but none of these things has ever made us any richer. Most of us still continue to waste our money as soon as we earn it.

9 Dec 17:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263655654454892.html
Ministro de Energía anunció el cierre adelantado de centrales de generación a carbón

En medio de la COP25, el titular de la cartera, Juan Carlos Jobet, señaló que cuatro de estas centrales serán reemplazadas por energías renovables, más baratas y limpias.

9 Dec 14:24 CHV Noticias 8401001652268016399.html
Sciame sismico al Mugello: scosse di terremoto fino a 4.5 di magnitudo – VIDEO

Scosse di terremoto nella notte al Mugello, la scossa di intensità maggiore è stata registrata alle 4.37 di questa mattina con magnitudo 4.5.

9 Dec 09:30 NewNotizie 1312053895528655872.html
Patenteux et les tuyaux gelés

Par Johannie Dufour et Sarah Beauregard Cette nuit, il a fait très froid au pôle Nord. Au petit matin, le renne Rudolpha, l’éducatrice de la garderie

9 Dec 16:35 Info Dimanche 5127992004596075824.html
Ova 4 načina razmišljanja dovode do anksioznosti

Na izazivanje i održavanje anksioznosti najvećim delom utiče naš način razmišljanja.

9 Dec 17:38 Krstarica 4176903988678258593.html
River perdió con San Lorenzo y no pudo llegar a la punta

Superliga Argentina

9 Dec 09:51 El Litoral 2624573357548558524.html
Suivie par un homme, une candidate LREM aux municipales se réfugie dans sa permanence

La campagne pour les municipales de Violette Spillebout prend une tournure inquiétante. Samedi 7 décembre, à Lille, la candidate LREM à la mairie de Lille a été suivie dans la rue par un homme qui l’aurait déjà harcelée et menacée de mort.

9 Dec 09:07 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230247659984923.html
2020 Jaguar I-Pace Update Offers 234 Miles of Range Thanks to eTrophy Know-How

The redesigned F-Type may be the most important Jaguar of the moment, but the I-Pace hasn’t been forgotten either. In production since 2018 at the Magna Steyr plant in Austria, the electric SUV gains 12 more miles of range for 2020 thanks to a software update.

9 Dec 16:41 autoevolution 6471576454294719976.html
Satélite europeu que vai estudar planetas fora do Sistema Solar será lançado no dia 17

O satélite europeu CHEOPS, que vai estudar planetas fora do Sistema Solar já conhecidos e que tem portugueses envolvidos na missão, será lançado em 17...

9 Dec 15:05 dnoticias 6968432067142838568.html
I Goonies: l’origine del film tra curiosità e leggenda

Se c’è un film che possiamo considerare universalmente amato e che rappresenta una bandiera del nerdismo anni ‘80, questo è i Goonies. Un film unico, un

9 Dec 09:49 Lega Nerd 8527030506117790914.html
I Goonies: l’origine del film tra curiosità e leggenda

Se c’è un film che possiamo considerare universalmente amato e che rappresenta una bandiera del nerdismo anni ‘80, questo è i Goonies. Un film unico, un

9 Dec 09:49 Lega Nerd 8527030505737201990.html
[VIDEO] Cinco personas fallecidas dejó erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Además, el incidente tiene atrapadas a varias personas en White Island, lugar en el que ocurrieron los hechos.

9 Dec 13:31 Colombia.com 1213910710983211040.html
Schmuddel-Wetter für Köln und Umgebung!

Das Wetter in Köln wird laut Prognose in den kommenden Tagen eher schmuddelig. Regen, Niesel, Nebel: Die Sonne hält sich zurück.

9 Dec 09:15 TAG24 4583887875194952807.html
LAŽNA VEST O GORANU BREGOVIĆU SE PROŠIRILA BRZINOM SVETLOSTI! Izmišljeni intervju napravio lom na društvenim mrežama!

Društvenim mrežama velikom brzinom proširila se vest o izmišljenom intervju sa Goranom Bregovićem, u kojem muzičar hvali virtualnu valutu bitkoin. Ovo je, inače, drugi put u samo nekoliko meseci da je portal Vijesti postao žrtva zloupotrebe vizuelnog identiteta.NE ...

9 Dec 16:25 kurir.rs 6515665028556315427.html
Por esta razón los próximos huracanes serán más destructivos

A través de la contabilidad económica, especialistas daneses advierten sobre el daño que causarán los siguientes ciclones.

9 Dec 13:56 SIPSE.com 4008460417702946868.html
'He's Only 21, Give Him Time to Mature': Former Greats Defend Under-Fire Rishabh Pant

Former England captain added that former players and experts criticise Pant because they want him to learn from his mistakes.

9 Dec 13:52 India.com 7150386083404426059.html
Adventskalender "24x Gutes tun": Suratsch kam mit fünf Jahren ins Heim – so gab er seinem Leben eine Wende

In Deutschland gibt es laut einer Erhebung von 2017 mehr als 80.000 Pflegekinder. Knapp 100.000 weitere Kinder und Jugendliche leben in Heimerziehung. Die Pflege- und Heimkinder stehen häufig vor sehr komplexen und individuellen Herausforderungen. Eines dieser Kinder war auch der heute 20-Jährige Suratsch.

9 Dec 12:02 FOCUS Online 4448121231670643663.html
SEA Games 2019: Philippines athlete returns from 4-year academic break to win Karate gold

Philippines athlete Jamie Lim won the gold medal in Karate at the SEA Games 2019, held at the World Trade Center in Manila, the Philippines on Monday.

9 Dec 08:49 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905583526129.html
Vous pouvez vous payer une réplique en LEGO de votre maison !

Qui a dit que les LEGO n'&eacute;taient faits que pour les enfants ? La preuve avec Shari Austrian, une designer qui s'est sp&eacute;cialis&eacute;e dans la r&eacute;plique en…

9 Dec 15:05 HITEK.fr 8540387692449018271.html
Sono venti, nel 1999 il "Miracolo di Leverkusen"

Sono passati ben vent'anni da quella fredda serata teutonica in quel di Leverkusen in cui l’Udinese andò a giocarsi una qualificazione europea in cui nessuno, forse nemmeno i più ottimisti, credeva veramente. Bayer - Udinese da semplice formalità vista l’affermazione tedesca dell’andata, divenne storia di un miracolo mai annunciato da nessun profeta, divenne teatro dell’impresa personale di un ragazzo, Massimo Margiotta, che da semplice rincalzo divenne eroe per una sera guidando i suoi compagni in quella che è probabilmente la più grande impresa europea della storia dell’Udinese. I friulani si presentarono all’appuntamento della BayArena con il pesante handicap dell’andata dove fu sconfitta 0-1 e con una situazione in campionato fin lì non proprio esaltante, con un anonimo decimo posto ben lontano dai fasti degli anni precedenti. A ciò si aggiungeva un avversario come la Werkself, che in quella stagione nonostante la prematura eliminazione dalla Champions League, contese fino all’ultimo il titolo di Germania…

9 Dec 16:51 TuttoUdinese.it 5853668193739897299.html
‘Perplexe’ Marco Kroon in hoger beroep

Militair Marco Kroon staat perplex dat hij is veroordeeld door de militaire rechtbank. Hij is het absoluut niet eens met de uitspraak dat hij bewust een kopstoot gaf aan een politieagent en op een kwetsende manier zijn geslachtsdeel toonde aan een agente. Hij gaat dan ook in hoger beroep, zei Kroon direct na de veroordeling tot 100 uur taakstraf. Zijn advocaat Geert-Jan Knoops sprak van „een verbijsterende uitspraak” die geen recht doet aan de feiten en „ver buiten de realiteit staat”.

9 Dec 14:18 RD.nl 6406779840679528168.html
En unidad, Latinoamérica podrán defender su autonomía: Hirepan Maya

Para poder garantizar la autonomía de los pueblos latinoamericanos es indispensable la unión de estos, aseveró el diputado federal Hirepan Maya Martínez

9 Dec 16:50 MiMorelia 5599511489625265808.html
Klasemen Liga Italia - AC Milan Akhirnya Masuk Top 10 Lagi!

AC Milan untuk kali ketiga masuk ke jajaran top 10 Liga Italia musim ini usai sukses memenangi laga kontra Bologna dini hari tadi

9 Dec 08:17 Tribunnews.com 3323534446314217377.html
Euro 2020: Switzerland to host Germany in warm-up match

Germany will play a friendly in Switzerland next May as part of their build-up to the Euro 2020 finals, the German Football Association confirmed Monday.

9 Dec 17:21 Vanguard News 4125100340425407191.html
Tecnologia que permitirá coleta de amostras de Marte está em construção

Fruto de uma parceria entre Estados Unidos e Europa, o projeto é multibilionário e exige mais de um tipo de robô

9 Dec 11:30 VEJA.com 4116702196052284390.html
"Sé que mi nombre está en una lista para llegar al Deportivo Cali": Pedro Troglio

Tras la salida del técnico Lucas Pusineri del banquillo del Deportivo Cali, el reto más importante de los dirigentes verdiblancos será la consecución del nuevo timonel que tendrá la compleja misión de reconstruir el proyecto deportivo de cara a la temporada 2020.

9 Dec 09:07 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346456441716.html
Elias Abrão desmente colunista e fala sobre futuro de Sonia Abrão na RedeTV!

Após ser noticiado pela coluna de Fábia Oliveira, do jornal O Dia, que Sonia Abrão estaria conversando com duas emissoras e poderia sair da RedeTV!, Elias Abrão resolveu se manifestar no Twitter e negar o que foi dito pela colunista.

9 Dec 09:10 RD1 – Terra 4501125212709647692.html
Homem é morto a tiros dentro de carro no Nova Mercedes

De acordo com a PM, a vítima estava discutindo com outro homem que ainda não foi identificado

9 Dec 12:07 ACidade ON 9132734527235075833.html
Trump Says Americans Have to Flush Toilet '10-15 Times, As Opposed to Once'

Trump recently made an appearance at a small business event at the White House this past Friday and revealed that he ordered a federal review of wa...

9 Dec 14:29 VLADTV 1404406306870454991.html
Foot: Canal+ va conserver la L1, via un accord surprise avec BeIN Sports

Canal+ entend bien rester incontournable pour les fans de foot: après avoir récupéré une partie de la Ligue des Champions, le groupe de télévision payante va finalement rester le diffuseur de la Ligue 1, grâce à un accord négocié avec son rival BeIN Sports pour près de 330 millions d'euros.

9 Dec 17:18 Challenges 1086714996095368322.html
Con otra remontada, ahora sobre Morelia, América se cuela a la final de la Liga

El conjunto de Coapa iguala en el marcador global ante Morelia, pero por su mejor lugar en la tabla accede al duelo por el título; enfrenta a Rayados el 26 y 29 de diciembre

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060637369141230.html
Opel CEO says brand has ‘reinvented’ itself and returned to profit...

Opel’s CEO says the German firm has “reinvented” itself under the PSA Group and is on track to achieve its target profit margin years ahead of schedule.

9 Dec 12:23 CARmag 8756669823567741696.html
Justiça nega suspensão de Proedi em municípios

A Justiça do Rio Grande do Norte negou provimento ao recurso de oito municípios contra o Programa de Estímulo ao Desenvolvimento Industrial do Rio

9 Dec 12:35 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061316196512.html
A college basketball coach bought $1,000 worth of beer for fans at a local bar to celebrate a rivalry win, and he had his 6-year-old son pay the tab with a wad of cash

Xavier Musketeers head coach Travis Steele celebrated his team's Crosstown Shootout victory with a gift for loyal fans.

9 Dec 17:08 Business Insider 6060062399437682166.html
Ant pirmosios skaitmeninės kolekcinės monetos – Lietuvos Nepriklausomybės signatarai

Lietuvos banko blokų grandinės technologijos (angl. blockchain) pagrindu kuriama pirmoji pasaulyje skaitmeninė kolekcinė moneta skirta 1918 m. vasario 16 d. Nepriklausomybės aktui ir dvidešimčiai jį pasirašiusių signatarų. Šią monetą planuojama išleisti 2020 m. pavasarį, pranešė bankas.

9 Dec 13:41 Kauno diena 6825691409729810247.html
Il rapper Juice Wrld muore a 21 anni, la polizia indaga

Aveva piazzato due hit al secondo posto della Billboard Hot 100 (ANSA)

9 Dec 13:14 ANSA.it 1300837446969448537.html
Pericol de moarte în parcare

O explozie subterană, urmată de un incendiu, s-a produs în parcarea unui hotel din Galați, din cauza unei acumulări de gaze. Din fericire, nu au fost victime, dar patru mașini au fost avariate.

9 Dec 13:11 Cotidianul 8452212682887099017.html
Gaz hilarant : Huit sénateurs du Nord veulent interdire la vente aux mineurs

Meilleur allié des chantilly aériennes, le protoxyde d’azote, gaz utilisé dans l...

9 Dec 08:31 LA VDN 5307415663965337051.html
Pobeda Sakramenta uz 30 poena Bjelice, dobra partija Jokića u porazu Denvera

Košarkaši Sakramenta pobedili su noćas na gostujućem terenu Dalas sa 110:106, predvođeni srpskim igračem Nemanjom Bjelicom koji je postigao 30 poena.

9 Dec 08:52 Dnevni list Danas 649654641444539189.html
Ganó la fórmula de Riquelme y en San Juan la interna de Boca se prende fuego

La fórmula opositora de Boca comanda por Ameal, Pergolini y Riquelme aplastó en las elecciones del pasado domingo. Y en las peñas de San Juan se embarró la cancha.

9 Dec 11:39 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158477636375.html
Un violador quedó libre por error y comete 8 agresiones

Es culpable de 37 cargos y podría enfrentarse a una cadena perpetua

9 Dec 08:40 La Vanguardia 8061072700104223611.html
Asasinarea jurnalistei Daphne Caruana Galizia: Un grup de activişti cere demisia imediată a premierului Muscat

Un grup de activişti pentru drepturile omului au reuşit să pătrundă, luni, în clădirea care găzduieşte biroul premierului Maltei, Joseph...

9 Dec 11:12 Stiri pe surse 4858045012267551810.html
La justice refuse la troisième demande de mise en liberté de Patrick Balkany

La justice a annoncé qu'elle refusait la troisième demande de mise en liberté de Patrick Balkany.

9 Dec 12:57 Challenges 1086714997404395023.html
Por el ruido, ocho de cada 10 reportes ciudadanos en ZMG

Cuatro de cada 10 visitas al médico son por problemas relacionados con sonidos altos; alertan daño en jóvenes por el uso constante de audífonos a volumen alto  

9 Dec 10:45 El Informador 103545929241018692.html
Saprissa evitó otro golpe más de Jafet Soto

Gloriana Villalobos fue tentada por Moravia-Herediano, pero firmó con las moradas

9 Dec 17:57 La Nación 504134873981961216.html
Amalfi: l’attività commerciale “Lauro” cerca addetto alle vendite. Ecco come candidarsi

Il negozio di articoli da regalo e souvenir Lauro di Amalfi, ubicato nel centro storico del paese, cerca una figura commerciale da inserire sin da subito nel suo organico.

9 Dec 15:18 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382461320286104.html
FN: Ny ojämlikhet hotar framgångsrik kamp mot fattigdom

En ny ojämlikhet växer fram i världen, menar FN i en ny rapport.

9 Dec 14:23 DN.SE 398730693621572895.html
TM-Tipprunde: Bayer-Verteidiger Tah holt 52 Punkte – Erster im Experten-Ranking

Jonathan Tah (Foto) hat am 14. Bundesliga-Spieltag starke 52 Punkte in der TM-Tipprunde geholt. Der 23-jährige Innenverteidiger von Bayer 04 Leverkusen sagte viermal das exakt richtige Ergebnis voraus [...]

9 Dec 08:27 www.transfermarkt.de 5066556793348243312.html
Ford Dealer Selling Baja 1000 Super Duty With Four-Digit Torque

The Ford F-250 Baja 1000 boasts an upgraded engine that pushes the torque figure beyond 1,000 pound-feet of torque.

9 Dec 16:07 Motor1.com 1648269241150065689.html
Sabe qual o filme que Ryan Reynolds mais gostou de fazer?

Ryan Reynolds revelou que o filme que mais gostou de fazer como ator foi "Free Guy", que chega aos cinemas no próximo ano.

9 Dec 15:00 N-TV 4368043451336180869.html
‘Never say never again’ says Ruth Davidson on return to politics after stepping down in 2021

Former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said she would take a “never say never again” position on re-entering politics once she steps down in May 2021.

9 Dec 10:54 The Courier 4275302767860182619.html
Pronostic Dortmund Slavia Prague : Analyse, prono et cotes doublées sur le match de Ligue des champions

Dortmund la victoire de l’espoir face au Slavia Prague !

9 Dec 11:54 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251910816138.html
New battery circuitry could give 2020 iPhones more space for actual battery

Apple's 2020 iPhone might get larger batteries if a claimed change in circuitry can open up additional space inside.

9 Dec 12:45 iMore 3803412790523236753.html
Update: R. Kelly's Ex-Tour Manager Will Testify To Buying Aaliyah Fake ID

Update 12/09/2019 12:33pm:

9 Dec 13:03 VLADTV 1404406306848841791.html
Knowit byter styrelseordförande vid årsstämman

Knowits styrelseordförande Mats Olsson kommer att lämna sitt uppdrag som ledamot och ordförande vid årsstämman i april 2020

9 Dec 14:00 Dagens industri 3921815212656142798.html
Pontevedra: Apro, el perro más veterano del centro de acogida de la Diputación

Releva en el puesto a Bertín, que después de seis años en el CAAN encontró un hogar

9 Dec 12:32 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613014208926.html
Kaki: Superfrucht für die Kälte

Wie der ursprünglich aus Asien stammende Kakibaum auch bei uns prächtig gedeiht.

9 Dec 13:15 Kurier 208072237811562813.html
Pozzallo, Santo aggredito perché gay: “Mi hanno rotto il naso e lasciato a terra come un animale”

Santo, un ragazzo di 28 anni di Pozzallo, ha raccontato a Fanpage.it l'aggressione subita lo scorso 17 novembre in un bar della città siciliana. Un gruppo di minorenni, che da mesi l'aveva preso di mira, l'ha prima insultato e poi picchiato al volto causandogli una frattura del setto nasale e abbandonandolo a terra svenuto.

9 Dec 09:10 fanpage.it 1517332167529513393.html
Za jezom v Tržiču evakuirali 10 oseb zaradi uhajanja plina

V naselju Za jezom v občini Tržič je občan poklical na pomoč zaradi vonja po plinu. Ker so meritve pokazale preveliko vrednost plina, so policisti evakuirali 10 ljudi. Zaprta je lokalna cesta od Raven naprej. Po prvih podatkih nevarnosti za eksplozijo ni, prepovedana pa je uporaba odprtega ognja.

9 Dec 16:36 Dnevnik 7671546650291964036.html
Cadence ferroviaire renforcée entre Saignelégier et La Chaux-de-Fonds

L’horaire 2020 des transports publics jurassien réservait une bonne nouvelle pour les habitants des Franches-Montagnes. La ligne de train reliant Saignel ...

9 Dec 11:26 Arcinfo 560090597371321739.html
Du kartus Eurolygoje triumfavęs centras pretenduoja patekti į dešimtmečio rinktinę

Eurolyga artėja link pabaigos sudarydama 50 pretendentų į dešimtmečio rinktinę sąrašą.

9 Dec 11:23 krepsinis.net 8057069485296371466.html
Rusya'da füzelerin komuta merkezi test edildi

Rusya'da füzelerin komuta merkezlerinin kapıları 30, 100 ve 200 kilogramlık dinamitlerle gerçekleştirilen patlamalarda hiçbir zarar görmeyerek testi başarıyla tamamladı.

9 Dec 10:58 Milli Gazete 9062198364241227116.html
Acusado de mandar matar sócios em CG contesta denúncia. Veja trecho

Acusado de mandar matar sócios em CG contesta denúncia. Veja trecho

9 Dec 16:17 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905800966747.html
“La Casa de Papel” confirma fecha de estreno de su 4ta temporada con sorprendente avance

Los fanáticos no tendrán que esperar mucho para conocer qué pasará con ‘la banda’.  

9 Dec 13:14 Colombia.com 1213910710902390246.html
Aeroporto de Vitória deve receber quase 200 mil viajantes durante as festas de fim de ano

Somente em 2018, o Aeroporto de Vitória contabilizou mais de 3 milhões entre embarques e desembarques

9 Dec 14:07 Folha Vitória 4941883428016055351.html
’Herencias suburbanas’, por Jorge Sánchez Herrera

Últimas noticias, fotos, y videos de Perú y el mundo en Publimetro Perú.

9 Dec 13:50 Publimetro Perú 5349571042201666334.html
Anzio si illumina per Natale: ecco il programma e tutte le foto più belle del “Natale sul mare”

Il Natale è ufficialmente iniziato ad Anzio e offrirà per tutto l’arco delle festività tantissime novità che coinvolgeranno turisti e cittadini. Nella festa dell’Immacolata sono state tantissime le persone che hanno affollato le vie del centro per prendere parte ai festeggiamenti del «Natale sul Mare» che durerà fino al 6 gennaio. Un lungo calendario di […]

9 Dec 12:45 Il Corriere della Città 1420617338001939718.html
Toy Industry 2019: Hot Toys and Competition

The calendar gives 2019 a shorter holiday season than usual, but the hottest toys are still flying off the shelves.

9 Dec 16:39 The Motley Fool 2231313657834423987.html
India U-17 women to host Sweden, Thailand in Mumbai

India is all set to host the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup next year and the preparations and build-up are in full swing.The Mumbai Football  arena will play

9 Dec 13:26 The Sentinel 448185208142904402.html
Kleine Spender mitgroßem Herz

Sie sind klein und haben schon ein großes Herz. Diese Kinderspender gaben ihr Erspartes für Gleichaltrige, denen es nicht so gut geht.

9 Dec 08:28 Bild 8433249908071357531.html
WTA: Craig Tyzzer, desemnat antrenorul anului - A avut un 2019 fantastic alături de Ashleigh Barty

WTA a anunțat numele antrenorului anului 2019, iar premiul a fost câștigat de Craig Tyzzer, cel care a avut un sezon incredibil alături de Ashleigh Barty.

9 Dec 17:41 HotNews 6579911481198488990.html
UK election: PM Johnson's Conservatives' lead over Labour drops to 6 points

Support for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Conservative Party stayed unchanged at 42% while support for the Labour Party increased by 1 point

9 Dec 15:14 FXStreet 4480975639806553279.html
L'aposta per la música al carrer, tret destacat del festival Veus d'Olot

La Primera Nadala de l’Any ha estat l’actuació amb més assistència del certamen que, en aquesta última edició, ha tornat a destacar per la qualitat de les propostes

9 Dec 09:39 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480017889297.html
The Mac Pro is finally coming on December 10 — Apple's super-powerful computer that starts at a whopping $6,000

Apple's new Mac Pro will be available starting December 10, according to an email sent to customers. The computer was supposed to launch in the fall.

9 Dec 14:49 Business Insider 6060062400967322395.html
Russia banned from 2020 Olympics, 2022 World Cup over doping scandal

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has unanimously agreed to ban Russia from major international sporting competitions -- notably the Olympics and the World Cup -- for four years over doping non-compliance.

9 Dec 12:02 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202748731640.html
Juan Román Riquelme va devenir vice-président de Boca

Il gagnait ses matchs, il gagne aussi ses élections.

9 Dec 14:25 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251338525917.html
Jacqui Bracamontes da cátedra de cómo robarse las miradas en Miss Universo (sin ser una de las candidatas a la corona)

La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana tumbó quijadas con el sexy modelito que usó para la transmisión especial de Telemundo del concurso de belleza más importante del año.La mexicana…

9 Dec 09:27 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190629791060.html
Bigg Boss 13: Kamya Panjabi ‘Shocked’ On Wikipedia Knowing About Arhaan Khan’s Kid But Not Rashami Desai

Latest news of Rashami Desai and Arhaan Khan’s bitter-sweet relationship has been making headlines. Now, Kamya Panjabi, who has also been a part of Bigg Boss Season 7, took a jibe on Rashami Desai stating even Wikipedia is aware of Arhaan Khan’s personal life but how come she isn’t aware?

9 Dec 12:31 SPOTBOYE 1547816856801614838.html
DBJ to on-lend $5 billion to MSMEs

The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) will be on-lending $5 billion to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) over the next 12 months. This was announced by Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr Nigel Clarke, at the launch of...

9 Dec 14:52 The Gleaner 1215260530310923799.html
ZORICA MARKOVIĆ PIŠE AUTOBIOGRAFIJU: Pojedine kolege su zaslužile da iznesem STVARI koje bi im POREMETILE ŽIVOT!

Pevačica narodne muzike, Zorica Marković, poslednjih nekoliko godina pretežno se bavi učešćem u rijaliti formatima, te je tako stekla još veći broj fanova nego pre, a sada je rešila da publiku obraduje ne samo pesmom, nego i knjigom u vidu autobiografije. – Imam preozbiljnu pesmu koja je gradski hit, gradski narodnjak. Razmišljam da li to

9 Dec 13:35 Scandal! 7263437855538577275.html
Jenifer : cette enquête sur la mafia corse qui pourrait lui faire du tort

La chanteuse Jenifer est au coeur d'une enquête sur la mafia corse. Cette dernière, réalisée par le journal Marie-Claire, pourrait bien lui...

9 Dec 11:58 Closermag.fr 1175411576956196644.html
Huawei promete HarmonyOS em smartphones já em 2020! Mas não substitui o Android

Durante uma conferência de imprensa, o Presidente da Huawei — Wang Chenglu — confirmou que a fabricante vai começar a apostar no HarmonyOS para alguns...

9 Dec 10:22 4gnews 1809086878628102690.html
Ce drone ambulance conçu pour la livraison de matériel médical pourrait sauver de nombreuses vies

Les drones ont beaucoup évolué au cours de ces dernières années. Majoritairement utilisés dans les domaines de la photographie et de la livraison, les petits appareils volants sont aujourd’hui introduits au secteur médical. Le drone Avy a notamment été spécialement conçu pour livrer du matériel médical en urgence dans les régions isolées et difficiles d’accès. […]

9 Dec 14:58 Daily Geek Show 8954118026281821204.html
Quatro paróquias de São Carlos devem receber novos padres até janeiro

Outras seis comunidades terão novos vigários. Nomeações e transferências foram anunciadas nesta segunda-feira

9 Dec 13:14 ACidade ON 9132734527572116372.html
#video Edmonton poražen po podaljšku, Arizona boljša po kazenskih strelih

Hokejisti Edmonton Oilers so v ligi NHL na svojem ledu po podaljšku izgubili z Buffalo Sabres z 2:3, a ostali na čelu pacifiške skupine. Drugouvrščena ekipa Arizona Coyotes pa ima prav tako 40 točk kot Edmonton, saj je v Chicagu moštvo Blackhawks po kazenskih strelih ugnala s 4:3.

9 Dec 08:50 Dnevnik 7671546649802855086.html
How To Watch Super Bowl Live Stream 2020 Online

Millions are waiting to watch NFL Super Bowl live stream 54 on 2nd February 2020. This article gives you a massive list of channels to watch the biggest American Football event. For Football Fans, …

9 Dec 15:20 The Sports Daily 5871911278274426679.html
Adán Amezcua comparte unas palabras ante la partida de 'Paquín' Estrada

Un legendario de la casaca guinda, Adán Amezcua platicó para EL DEBATE su sentir ante la triste partida de uno de sus maestros en el béisbol.

9 Dec 08:47 EL DEBATE 4396150892977533183.html
Riksrättsutredning går in på upploppet

Representanthusets justitieutskott ska nu höra vad som kan liknas vid ”slutpläderingar”.

9 Dec 12:42 HD 3336945411737582902.html
Cancelan edición 2019 del Paris Parade debido al estallido social

Eso sí, prometieron volver el 2020 para celebrar los diez años.

9 Dec 12:34 Publimetro Chile 2498685481837887877.html
Antes e depois de pessoas que doaram cabelo a pessoas com câncer é apenas maravilhoso

Diversas instituições ao redor do mundo recebem doações de cabelo para fazer perucas para pacientes com câncer. Um artigo publicado pelo site Bored Panda reuniu algumas fotografias de pessoas que encararam o desafio e doaram suas madeixas para aqueles que perderam os fios durante a quimioterapia. Em cada imagem é possível ver o sorriso no…

9 Dec 08:16 Hypeness 2377999436576790684.html
Șeful MAI: Domnul Arafat nu e centrul Universului. Aștept rezultatele auditului

Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, Marcel Vela, a declarat, luni, că există un audit la nivelul tuturor structurilor MAI, inclusiv la Departamentul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă, şi a spus că "această evaluare este la baza unor decizii care pot să-l implice" şi pe Raed Arafat, şeful acestui departament.

9 Dec 16:10 Stirileprotv.ro 940005310337273676.html
«El violador ets tu»: el revolucionari himne contra la violència masclista ja es canta en català

Barcelona, Vic, València o Palma entonen la cançó de protesta que va néixer a Xile i que ja ha donat la volta al món

9 Dec 14:30 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479150591261.html
Affaire de la sextape : la cour de cassation ouvre la voie à un procès de grande ampleur

Et c'est reparti pour un tour. Cette fois-ci, plus rien ne semble s'opposer à l'ouverture d'un procès sur l'affaire de la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena. Karim Benzema, Karim Zenati et Youness Houass - trois des six mis en examen dans cette affaire qui date de 2015 - avaient saisi la Cour de cassation pour contester la manière dont un policier avait mené ses investigations et ainsi tenter d'empêcher la tenue d'un procès.

9 Dec 14:12 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252385528617.html
IPMA passa a emitir aviso meteorológico de neve em todo o país em tempo real

O Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera tem em vigor, desde hoje, um sistema de aviso meteorolópgico de neve para o Continente, Madeira e Açores, ...

9 Dec 13:04 dnoticias 6968432066746219946.html
Con los hombres del mármol

“Cuando comencé, la fábrica acababa de iniciarse, todo era nuevo, y yo también era joven, tenía 28 años y ahora 61”, –me dice entre risas Paulino Ferrero, procesador en el área de línea de losas de la Unidad Empresarial de Base Mármoles Isla, ubicada a tres kilómetros al Oeste de Nueva Gerona.

9 Dec 12:10 VICTORIA 8502773549013076717.html
Jeremić: Ako istrajemo u bojkotu lažnih, pobedićemo na pravim izborima

Predsednik Narodne stranke i predsedavajući Saveza za Srbiju Vuk Jeremić izjavio je da će 2020. godina biti presudna i da će, ako opozicija istraje u bojkotu, sledeće godine izbori verovatno biti održani dva puta "lažni na proleće i pravi na zimu, kada će vlast biti poražena"."U narednih nekoliko nedelja uslediće veliki pritisci da promenimo našu odluku o bojkotu lažnih izbora na proleće. Ako se ne pokolebamo i ostanemo čvrsti, nastaće nove okolnosti i postaće jasno da režim više nema legitimitet. Spoljna i unutrašnja situacija će biti takva da neće biti alternative održavanju pravih izbora", rekao je Jeremić u Novom Sadu, gde je obeleženo godinu dana od osnivanja Gradskog odbora Narodne stranke Novi Sad.Jeremić, koji je i bivši ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije, naveo je da će uskoro biti objavljeno da je ispunjen značajan broj uslova za fer i poštene izbore, jer će biti usvojeni neki zakoni i možda promenjen poneki član REM-a, a opozicioni lideri počeće da dobijaju pozive za gostovanja na televizijama sa nacionalnim…

9 Dec 09:05 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501080778338529.html
Aduriz reaparece en Lezama un mes después de la lesión

Un mes despu&eacute;s de caer lesionado en la previa ante el Levante, Aduriz ha comenzado a entrenar en solitario en Lezama. Por otro lado, Susaeta ha termin...

9 Dec 13:31 naiz: 117472234669425801.html
Le Luxembourg demande à l'UE de débattre de la reconnaissance de la Palestine

Le chef de la diplomatie du Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, a demandé lundi à ses homologues de l'Union européenne un débat sur la reconnaissance de la Palestine pour aider selon lui à sauver la solutio...

9 Dec 16:32 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981336540215.html
Silvana Curcio: chi è la nuova fidanzata di Biagio D’Anelli

Silvana Curcio: chi è la nuova - vera o presunta - fidanzata di Biagio D'Anelli, l'ex gieffino al centro del gossip e personaggio televisivo.

9 Dec 16:59 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927227228701.html
Bádminton peruano logró dos medallas de oro en El Salvador

Las bádmintonistas peruanas Daniela Macías y Dánica Nishimura conquistaron dos medallas de oro en el II Internacional de El Salvador 2019, certamen que se celebró en dicho país. Nuestras seleccionadas se consagraron en dobles y singles femenino. El dúo peruano debutó en el torneo venciendo a las locales Daniela Hernández y Daniela Matamoros por un contundente 2 a 0 (21-6; 21-10).  Cabe resaltar que la dupla nacional accedió de forma directa a los cuartos de final debido a su buena ubicación en el ranking mundial (puesto 56).

9 Dec 14:41 Ovación 4766812597065453437.html
Aeroporto de João Pessoa espera receber 120 mil passageiros durante a alta temporada

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 09:34 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645987796542017.html
iPhone 12 soll Gerüchten zufolge deutlich größeren Akku nutzen

Das iPhone 12, das 2020 erscheinen dürfte, wird wahrscheinlich einen gegenüber den Vorgängermodellen größeren Akku mit einer verlängerten Laufzeit besitzen.

9 Dec 16:40 PC Games Hardware 8254427257882040806.html
Capturan a presunto jefe del Eln que delinquía en Cauca y Nariño

Se trata de alias Granada o Chimboro, cabecilla de finanzas del frente Manuel Vásquez Castaño señalado de múltiples acciones violentas en el suroccidente del País.

9 Dec 17:29 W Radio 7724358829184110228.html
He is suffering from memory lapses – Raila on Mudavadi’s new book

The book accuses Raila of playing tricks on NASA co-principals

9 Dec 08:27 Pulse Live 3606876835199014327.html
El vermut, el mejor aperitivo en cualquier época del año

El aperitivo por excelencia revive el glamour de los años 50, conquistando a un público fresco en barras de nuevo cuño.

9 Dec 09:36 La Información 5328999782961856437.html
Belgische uitsupporter geprezen: ‘Als enige mee, met spandoek, hij is een echte!’

Je hebt fans en je hebt die hard supporters. Zij die in de laatste categorie behoren, volgen hun club waar het maar kan en wanneer het maar kan. Zo ook deze superfan van het Belgische Virton. Die club speelt op het 2e niveau en moest afgelopen weekend tegen Beerschot voetballen. De wedstrijd was er 1…

9 Dec 08:01 Sportnieuws 3602982463477271628.html
Il club dei 21 - muore per un attacco epilettico in aeroporto il rapper juice wrld


9 Dec 11:19 DAGOSPIA 6533336740307779126.html
Kommt 2020 das Comeback der China-Aktien?

Zuletzt lief es an Chinas Börsen eher schlecht. Für das „Jahr der Ratte“ rechnen die Experten des Vermögensverwalters Rothschild mit einer Wende zum Besseren.

9 Dec 10:28 Handelsblatt 4721373939966445885.html
‘Terrorist’ Binnenhof nu pas naar PBC

De 39-jarige Ramon A. uit Sneek die ervan wordt verdacht dat hij op 8 februari een terroristische aanslag wilde plegen op het Binnenhof, wordt pas deze week opgenomen in het Pieter Baan Centrum. Tot irritatie van zijn advocate Michelle Hoogerduyn zit hij nog steeds in voorarrest en duurt het allemaal te lang. „Hij deed niets strafbaars”, zei ze maandag na een inleidende zitting bij de rechtbank in Den Haag.

9 Dec 12:09 RD.nl 6406779841213354383.html
‘Terrorist’ Binnenhof nu pas naar PBC

DEN HAAG (ANP) - De 39-jarige Ramon A. uit Sneek die ervan wordt verdacht dat hij op 8 februari een terroristische aanslag wilde plegen op het Binnenhof, wordt pas deze week opgenomen in het Pieter Baan Centrum. Tot irritatie van zijn advocate Michelle Hoogerduyn zit hij nog steeds in voorarrest en duurt het allemaal te lang. "Hij deed niets strafbaars", zei ze maandag na een inleidende zitting bij de rechtbank in Den Haag.

9 Dec 11:52 Nieuws.nl 2419030130094833640.html
Alex Ruoff hängt bei der BG Göttingen in der Warteschleife

Am Tag danach gibt es noch einige offene Fragen: Wie hat Basketball-Bundesligist BG Göttingen die unglückliche Buzzer-Beater-Niederlage beim Liga-Dominator FC Bayern München verkraftet, was ist mit Darius Carter los und vor allem: Kehrt Alex Ruoff zurück? Das Zeitfenster für eine Ruoff-Verpflichtung ist wohl noch bis Ende der Woche auf.

9 Dec 15:45 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775849068825.html
Ferrugem posa em frente à sua mansão e internautas ficam admirados

Ferrugem mostrou sua mansão luxuosa numa foto que compartilhou no Instagram. Famosos e fãs do cantor se impressionaram, deixando suas mensagens.

9 Dec 08:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125211305464211.html
Insécurité: doublement des personnes en besoin d'aide alimentaire

Le nombre de personnes nécessitant une aide alimentaire dans 16 pays du Sahel a plus que doublé fin 2019 avec la montée de l'insécurité et des violences. Il s'élève désormais à 9,4 millions de personnes, selon une réunion d'experts et de gouvernements lundi à Paris.

9 Dec 10:49 www.rjb.ch 7386238342197500295.html
Kim Kardashians Töchter Chicago und North West im süßen Partner-Look

Wie niedlich ist das denn? Kim Kardashians Töchter Chicago und North West posieren im Partner-Look für die Kamera.

9 Dec 10:30 VIP.de 2239798195292906160.html
Em BH, agente de Thiago Neves assiste ao rebaixamento do Cruzeiro e se reunirá com diretoria por futuro do meia

Leandro Lima se encontrará com Zezé Perrella, gestor de futebol da Raposa

9 Dec 15:36 Superesportes 5498560375573111638.html
Staffettona dell’Avis Macerata, la festa dell’atletica all’Helvia Recina

IN PISTA anche il sindaco Carancini e l'assessore Canesin per la 30esima edizione della 100x400, la più veloce degli ultimi dieci anni. LE FOTO dei partecipanti

9 Dec 10:40 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969194993287673.html
A prisión el kamikaze que provocó el accidente mortal de la autovía A-5

El arrestado tiene 23 años y chocó en dirección contrario contra un vehículo cuyo conductor ha fallecido

9 Dec 17:26 Cadena SER 8390941984491913901.html
Chuwi HiPen H6 lanciata: ecco la penna da 4096 livelli di pressione (anche) per i Surface

La nuova penna progettata per UBook Pro costa un quinto della Surface Pen e può essere usata con tutti i modelli di device Surface con touch-screen

9 Dec 14:21 Hardware Upgrade 8244528333448415874.html
Canal Plus et beIn Sports négocient un accord pour les droits TV de la Ligue 1

Il y aura de la Ligue 1 la saison prochaine sur Canal Plus. Grand perdant des droits TV sur la période 2020/2024 au profit de Mediapro...

9 Dec 17:43 Canal Supporters 3482366734903717931.html
Confira dicas para evitar inflamação na gengiva

Inchaço e vermelhidão na gengiva é mais frequente do que se imagina e atinge um a cada dois adultos

9 Dec 14:20 Folha Vitória 4941883427385689743.html
Apple investiga un problema en MacBook Pro de 16'' relacionado con el audio

Apple lanzó al mercado el nuevo ordenador portátil MacBook Pro de 16 pulgadas a mediados de noviembre y poco después los foros oficiales...

9 Dec 09:34 Europa Press 4702666149587726952.html
Menschen, 10. Dezember

Geburten, Geburtstage, Ehrung und Todesfälle rund um den heutigen Tag.

9 Dec 15:35 Salzburger Nachrichten 3910325084030218900.html
Tatiana Mountbatten : après le prince Andrew, un nouveau scandale à Buckingham

Lady Tatiana Mountbatten, qui n'est autre qu'une descendante de la reine Elizabeth, a commis un impair : quelques jours après le scandale autour...

9 Dec 08:43 Closermag.fr 1175411578319358722.html
Villa Potenza, si accendono le luci «Così cresce il senso di comunità»

MACERATA - Un brindisi con la proloco, l'associazione commercianti, la parrocchia e l'amministrazione per l'avvio delle festività

9 Dec 10:00 Cronache Maceratesi 2251969195625600016.html
„Systemsprenger“: Interview mit Kinderpsychiater: „Was der Film zeigt, ist Alltag“

Systemsprenger ist ein preisgekrönter Film. Ist er realistisch? Ein Gespräch mit dem Kinderpsychiater Pickel-Glasauer.

9 Dec 16:51 swp.de 6929179441336941046.html
Zlatan Ibile excited as he hugs rapper Cardi B (photos)

Sensational rapper Zlatan Ibile flooded his official Instagram page with photos he took with the international rapper, Cardi B, during her time at a popular nightclub in Lagos.

9 Dec 09:57 Legit 3764253649833777007.html
Tension à Bruxelles-Propreté: une rencontre est prévue avec la direction

Les tensions ne semblent pas apaisées entre la direction et le personnel de Bruxelles-Propreté.

9 Dec 10:45 Vivreici.be 7768530902345045422.html
Affaire Kulik : le pronostic vital de Willy Bardon n'est plus engagé

Willy Bardon, condamné à 30 de prison vendredi soir par la Cour d'Assises de la Somme pour l'enlèvement et la séquestration suivis de mort d'Elodie Kulik s'est réveillé au CHU d'Amiens après sa tentative de suicide. Son pronostic vital n'est plus engagé, indique ce lundi le procureur d'Amiens.

9 Dec 08:21 France Bleu 8004048436056305901.html
Asgari Ücret Tespit Komisyonunun ikinci toplantısının gündemi ülke ekonomisi

İşçi, işveren ve hükümet temsilcilerinden oluşan Asgari Ücret Tespit Komisyonu, 2020'de geçerli olacak asgari ücreti belirleme çalışmaları kapsamında yarın ikinci toplantısını yapacak. Komisyonda işçi tarafını temsil eden Türk-İş'in ev sahipliğinde yapılacak toplantıda, Hazine ve Maliye ile Ticaret bakanlıklarının temsilcilerinin yıl içerisindeki ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmelere dair sunum yapması ve 2020 hedeflerinin paylaşılması bekleniyor.

9 Dec 12:02 Yeni Şafak 1729259405354716839.html
Julia Louis-Dreyfus: “Saturday Night Live Had Sexist Work Environment”

Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus says the environment on "Saturday Night Live" (SNL) was very sexist during her tenure.Although there were plenty of "incredibly funny" people on the show, the "Veep" star

9 Dec 12:50 Koimoi 5184275671224039765.html
Yoko Ono Pleads For Change In Gun Laws In The US On John Lennon’s 39th Death Anniversary

John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono has marked the 39th anniversary of the Beatles legend death by revealing she still feels "hollow" and misses him daily.Lennon was shot outside the couple's Dakota Buildin

9 Dec 10:31 Koimoi 5184275670329818543.html
«Natürlich hätte ein Ja einen Knall wie beim Brexit zur Folge»

Was würde die Begrenzungsinitiative für die Schweiz bedeuten? Der Ständerat hat darüber debattiert – die Fronten sind nun geklärt.

9 Dec 17:25 Berner Zeitung 1248949325834434351.html
Le 395e point de Jonathan Huberdeau

Les Panthers accueillaient les Sharks dimanche. La formation floridienne a pris les devants 2-0 dans les neuf premières minutes de la rencontre, pour finalement l’emporter …

9 Dec 11:05 25Stanley 9144656698790377261.html
Ceza evi firarisi yakalandı

Samsun'da Cezaevi firarisi yakalandı.

9 Dec 09:58 HABER 61 8391886869898124728.html
(VIDEO) Fenomenalni Bjelica uništio Porzingisa sa rekordom karijere!

Nemanja Bjelica imao je najbolje veče u svojoj NBA karijeri pošto je u pobedi Sakramenta nad Dalasom 110:106 uspeo da ubaci 30 poena.

9 Dec 09:59 REPUBLIKA 2543998406206967546.html
White Island eruption – Expert Reaction

Tourists were present on Whakaari/White Island when its volcano erupted at 2.11pm today.

9 Dec 17:27 SCOOP 5315659000035423127.html
Sega confirma el remaster de Vanquish y Bayonetta, ambos disponibles el 18 de febrero de 2020 en PS4 y Xbox One

Sega confirma que se encuentra trabajando en una versión remasterizada de Vanquish y Bayonetta para PS4 y Xbox One

9 Dec 16:06 ElOtroLado.net 609764231050435302.html
Tennis de table (Ligue des Champions) : le CP Lys ne devra faire aucun cadeau

Les filles du CP Lys disputent ce mardi leur dernier match de poule face aux Espagnol...

9 Dec 15:32 La Voix du Nord 5307415663353525718.html
Diperkuat Pemain 52 Tahun, Klub Jepang Ini Promosi ke Kasta Teratas

Kazuyoshi Miura yang berusia 52 tahun jadi bagian Yokohama FC yang promosi ke kasta teratas Liga Jepang 1 2020.

9 Dec 08:20 BolaSport.com 4603768437061108262.html
Sowore: CISLAC tackles Presidency over comment on 100, 000 Nigerians

The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has tackled the Special Adviser to the President On Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, over...

9 Dec 13:21 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900282914562.html
Herren 1, 1. Liga – Erkämpfte zwei Punkte in Kriens führen zum Gruppensieg

Mit dem Sieg gegen Altdorf erspielte sich der HV Olten letztes Wochenende die optimale Ausgangslage als Gruppenerster in die letzten zwei Hauptrundenspiele zu starten. Obwohl man mit nur einer Niederlage und zwei Unentschieden sehr wenig Punkte hergab, ist es auch zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch rechnerisch möglich auf den dritten Platz herunterzurutschen und somit einen Finalrundenplatz zu verpassen. Dementsprechend war man in der Trainingswoche bemüht die Spannung aufrechtzuhalten, auch wenn es an diesem Wochenende gegen den auf Papier einfachen Gegner HC Kriens ging. Aus Erfahrung der letzten Jahre weiss die Mannschaft, dass es eben diese Spiele sind, bei denen man am meisten Mühe hatte. Auch der Gegner war in der Vergangenheit immer wieder in der Lage den Oltnern wertvolle Punkte zu stehlen. Nichtsdestotrotz wollte sich die Mannschaft nun vorzeitig für die Finalrunde qualifizieren und reiste motiviert nach Luzern.

9 Dec 11:17 bz BASEL 5287163743311815329.html
FIFA 20: di nuovo in testa alla classifica delle vendite di novembre 2019 | Game Division

FIFA 20 continua a rimanere saldamente in testa alla classifica delle vendeite videoludiche italiane anche nel mese di novembre 2019.

9 Dec 09:57 Tom's Hardware 6640147069657629898.html
Thomas Dollt menesztette az APOEL

Hiába az Európa-liga továbbjutás, és a Szuperkupa-győzelem, a ciprusi csapat elküldte a Fradi korábbi edzőjét.

9 Dec 14:09 Origo 829116753717242698.html
Un jachallero perdió la mano en la escuela y ahora le exige al Estado $7.6 millones

El accidente fue en 2015, cuando manipulaba una trituradora de tomate en un taller y metió su mano izquierda hasta las cuchillas, lo que le causó heridas gravísimas y luego una amputación.

9 Dec 08:07 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158469272589.html
JxCat contempla que Puigdemont torni a presidir la Generalitat: “És el nostre candidat permanent”

El futur polític de l’expresident dependrà del que dictamini el dia 19 el Tribunal de Justícia de la Unió Europea sobre la immunitat d’Oriol Junqueras en la seva condició d’eurodiputat. La decisió, de retruc, també afectarà Puigdemont que “si obté la immunitat serà total”, segons Albert Batet. Laura Borràs reclama al PSOE una proposta per “resoldre el conflicte polític”

9 Dec 13:51 www.publico.es 99190977383365800.html
Affaire Balkany : le maire de Levallois-Perret restera détenu durant son procès

Patrick Balkany dormira en prison ce lundi soir et pendant toute la durée de son premier procès en appel, a minima. Ce lundi, la justice a refusé une remise en liberté du maire de Levallois-Perret condamné à quatre et...

9 Dec 15:20 Midi Libre 3150507209367898936.html
Un bâtiment durable certifié rapporte plus, à plus de monde et plus longtemps

OPINION. Face à l'urgence climatique, le secteur du bâtiment doit accélérer sa mue énergétique. La réglementation joue un rôle important mais ne peut pas impulser seule un véritable « virage vert » du secteur. La mobilisation des acteurs financiers pourrait provoquer cet effet de levier. Chacun doit être sensibilisé sur la chaîne de valeur partagée créée par l'amélioration des performances environnementales et sociétales d'un bâtiment. Les retours d'expérience sur les bâtiments certifiés montrent que les parties prenantes du bâtiment certifié durable[1] - de l'investisseur à l'usager final et jusqu'aux pouvoirs publics - se retrouvent dans un cercle vertueux, où la certification joue le rôle de tiers de confiance.Par Patrick Nossent, président de Certivéa.

9 Dec 10:30 La Tribune 6570267672822263008.html
Présidence Revaas : Les ouvriers montent au créneau

Présidence Revaas : Les ouvriers montent au créneau Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

9 Dec 15:12 Seneweb News 6877057602438560074.html
Présidence Revaas : Les ouvriers montent au créneau

Présidence Revaas : Les ouvriers montent au créneau Premier site d'informations de l'Afrique de l'ouest | seneweb.com

9 Dec 15:12 Seneweb News 6877057603763097628.html
Ladrões burlam alarme, destroem farmácia e levam até câmeras

Ladrões conseguiram burlar o sistema de alarme e câmeras de segurança para invadir farmácia na Rua Zulmira Borba, no Bairro Nova Lima, em Campo Grande. Do local, eles levaram R$ 5 mil dos caixas, um cofre e o equipamento onde ficam armazenadas as imagens do circuito interno de filmagens. Para passar pelo alarme, segundo o gerente da farmácia, que abriu as portas há oito meses, os criminosos teriam...

9 Dec 14:17 Campo Grande News 7902463001814367150.html
Súbita erupción de volcán Whakaari en Nueva Zelanda

Nueva Zelanda, el volcán Whakaari entró súbitamente en erupción, al menos cinco personas fallecidas y 18 heridos. Arrojó gran cantidad de cenizas y piedras

9 Dec 16:46 Regeneración 4314126175436085364.html
La Wada squalifica la Russia per quattro anni: niente Olimpiadi e Mondiali, salterà Qatar 2022

La Russia è stata squalificata dall'Esecutivo Wada per i prossimi quattro anni, l'accusa è quella di aver falsificato i controlli anti-doping. Non potrà quindi partecipare...

9 Dec 11:00 FcInterNews.it 7848284892399801649.html
Wie rijdt daar zo laat – een meditatie op een goed, heilig man

'In deze mythische ruimte kan het verhaal gaan, kan het tremendum et fascinans worden'

9 Dec 16:15 ThePostOnline 3048418756923046537.html
La ilusión de Victoria Federica y la escapada romántica de Lara Álvarez y Velencoso

Las fotos de la presentadora y el modelo que oficializan su romance y los paseos madrileños de la hija de la infanta Elena con el dj Jorge Bárcenas, protagonizan las revistas de este lunes

9 Dec 10:00 El Confidencial 2244370862176865576.html
Wonder Woman'dan ilk fragman geldi

Yönetmenliğini Patty Jenkins’in oturduğu ve başrolünde Gal Gadot’un yer aldığı Wonder Woman 1984’dan ilk fragman yayınlandı

9 Dec 08:15 T24 4795998608597445750.html
O que se mexe a parar

Se quisermos ser capazes de continuar a compreender o constante movimento do fenómeno droga, temos de seguir os passos àquilo que Carlos Amaral Dias fazia tão bem.

9 Dec 14:30 PÚBLICO 2228264897244557613.html
Evasione fiscale: Mattarella, “enorme e indecente”

L'evasione fiscale "è un problema serio in molti Paesi. Lo è nel nostro. Vi sono Paesi in cui è molto più grave, vi sono Paesi in cui invece il senso …

9 Dec 16:17 FinanzaOnline 6528634128287315237.html
Guarda civil morre ao fazer trilha em SP; mãe está desaparecida

Mãe e filho tentaram fazer uma trilha na Pedra do Elefante e na Cachoeira Véu da Noiva

9 Dec 12:00 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699983085208.html
Los migrantes del Corredor Seco: el éxodo climático que se avecina en Guatemala

En el Corredor Seco de Guatemala, más de medio millón de personas necesita asistencia alimentaria, según organizaciones internacionales. La desnutrición crónica, que alcanza niveles de Burundi (África) tiene efectos irreversibles a partir de los cinco años y erradicarla llevará más de un siglo. Al menos 1,4 millones de centroamericanos serán "migrantes o refugiados climáticos" para 2050.

9 Dec 11:17 RTVE.es 8332346889802278191.html
“L’Odio non ha futuro”, anche sindaci biellesi manifesteranno in piazza a Milano

Domani la manifestazione dei Primi Cittadini da tutta Italia

9 Dec 09:21 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271320182356457.html
Only 19 Senators Are A “Firm No” Against Impeachment – And There Are Whispers Some Republicans May Turn On Trump

Anything could still happen in the weeks ahead

9 Dec 11:43 Infowars 1950426314710308962.html
LOPTA JE U AMERIČKOM DVORIŠTU! Zarif: Iran spreman za potpunu razmenu zarobljenika sa SAD (FOTO)

Ministar spoljnih poslova Mohamed Džavad Zarif izjavio je danas da je Iran spreman za potpunu razmenu zarobljenika sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, a na svom je Tviter nalogu napisao: Lopta je u američkom dvorištu.

9 Dec 17:28 kurir.rs 6515665028431163986.html
CONTEST: Enter for a chance to win a $500 thrift shop holiday shopping spree!

If you’re tired of gifting the same items every year, chances are you probably need to change your shopping habits. That’s probably for the best, particularly if you seem to find yourself in shopping malls over the holiday season… While your intentions are surely good, mass-produced products rarely capture that awesome feeling you get when […]

9 Dec 09:00 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497453447483.html
„Der Dominostein eint die Republik“

Der schillernde Unternehmensinhaber Hermann Bühlbecker hat den Aachener Süßwarenhersteller Lambertz zu einem Weltkonzern geformt. Im Interview spricht er über die Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Deutschen, den Vorwurf, die Weihnachtszeit künstlich zu verlängern, und die Auswirkungen der US-Strafzölle auf das Geschäft. Außerdem verrät Bühlbecker, was er Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin bei seiner aktuellen Reise als Gastgeschenk mitgebracht hat.

9 Dec 17:26 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568145323181.html
Réforme des retraites: Emmanuel Macron recevra la majorité mardi soir et non pas lundi

Emmanuel Macron et Edouard Philippe recevront finalement pour dîner mardi soir, et n...

9 Dec 13:13 LA VDN 5307415664049812294.html
Mark Timlin the third player to re-sign with Finn Harps for 2020

Finn Harps have confirmed that Mark Timlin has re-signed with the club ahead of the 2020 season....

9 Dec 15:54 Newstalk 7635722258706039181.html
Au Maroc, Richbond rejoint le capital de Cash Plus et vise l’Afrique francophone

La feuille de route ambitieuse de ce spécialiste du transfert d’argent, qui se prépare à se lancer à l’international, a su attirer un investisseur de poids, alors même que de chaque côté on se projette vers les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne.

9 Dec 09:20 JeuneAfrique.com 5117442294542010419.html
Galaxy S11+ could use a custom 108MP sensor for superior image quality

The Galaxy S11+ could come with a custom 1/1.3-inch 108MP sensor that will offer superior image quality when compared to the 108MP Bright HMX sensor Samsung developed in collaboration with Xiaomi.

9 Dec 08:56 Neowin 8633418616506854203.html
Los juguetes Pokémon Terrarium Collection Four Seasons y Pokémon Nap Basket llegarán en marzo de 2020 a Japón

Re-Ment ha anunciado la fecha de lanzamiento y el precio de sus dos próximas coleciones de juguetes de Pokémon con caramelos, llamados de Pokémon Candy Toy, en Japón. Estos son los detalles que han compartido: La serie Pokémon Nap Basket se lanzará el 9 de marzo de 2020 en Japón por 600 yenes + 10% […]

9 Dec 09:11 Nintenderos 2555436001398730058.html
Dieudonné est convoqué par la justice genevoise en janvier

L'humoriste controversé Dieudonné doit être entendu par la justice genevoise en janvier. Cette convocation fait suite aux plaintes déposées par la Cicad, qui l'accuse d'avoir tenu des propos négationnistes lors de spectacles à Genève et à Nyon.

9 Dec 13:49 www.rjb.ch 7386238341175334913.html
Grimentz entre en force dans l’immobilier de luxe alpin

La station valaisanne pointe à la 7e place du classement Naef Prestige Knight Frank. Gstaad se distingue en étant la station la plus chère au mètre carré.

9 Dec 17:24 Allnews 678771718400928030.html
Rosja wykluczona z letnich igrzysk olimpijskich w Tokio i zimowych w Pekinie. Powód jest wstrząsający

Rosja może się już pożegnać z letnimi igrzyskami olimpijskimi, które odbędą się za rok w Tokio oraz z zimowymi w Pekinie w 2022. Kara jest bardzo poważna.

9 Dec 11:39 Pikio 8360016137620121918.html
Olympic swim champ Schooling vows to ‘fix’ physique after SEA Games flop

Olympic champion Joseph Schooling vowed to “fix” his physique after winning only one individual gold medal at the Southeast Asian Games, less than eight months before his title defence at Tokyo 2020. The 24-year-old Singaporean famously beat his idol, US legend Michael Phelps, at the Rio 2016 Olympics in the 100m butterfly final, but finds …

9 Dec 13:22 The Online Citizen 1644049752576323844.html
Un león mata a una persona en los alrededores de Parque Nacional de Nairobi en Kenia

Una persona de nacionalidad keniana murió tras ser atacada por un león en la periferia del Parque Nacional de Nairobi, según informó este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 el Servicio de Conservación de Flora y Fauna Salvaje de Kenia (KWS).

9 Dec 12:40 El Comercio 2865024640107153155.html
Giampiero Mughini a “Vieni da me” attacca Alba Parietti: lei inviperita telefona in diretta

Ospite della puntata di oggi, lunedì 9 dicembre 2019, di "Vieni da me", è stato oggi l'opinionista tv Giampiero Mughini. Scontro con Alba Parietti.

9 Dec 14:57 UrbanPost 2450570492781095819.html
Examen a las principales cadenas de alimentación de Galicia: ¿cuál es más sostenible?

La conciencia verde escala posiciones en la sociedad y los hipermercados lo saben. Comprobamos qué cadenas permiten al consumidor comprometerse con el medio ambiente de manera más sencilla y económica

9 Dec 10:23 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612190715796.html
WhatsApp ganha ligação em espera e controle de grupos

As novidades já estão disponíveis para Android e iOS na versão 2.19.352 ou superior.

9 Dec 17:05 R10 3167340813869197579.html
Riksrättsutredning går in på upploppet

USA Finns det tillräckliga bevis för att ställa president Donald Trump inför riksrätt? Representanthusets justitieutskott ska nu höra vad som kan liknas vid "slutpläderingar" från både repub

9 Dec 11:42 www.unt.se 8922556088270467192.html
2019 Child Poverty Monitor: There's more to be done

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) welcomes the 2019 Child Poverty Monitor report, and says more can be done to help families who have need of welfare assistance.

9 Dec 16:02 SCOOP 5315658999478271669.html
Sky – A gennaio il Napoli vuole Ibrahimovic e un vice Allan: intensificati i contatti con l’agente dello svedese

Il noto collega di Sky Sport Massimo Ugolini, in un suo servizio televisivo, ha delineato l’idea di mercato del Napoli per l’ormai imminente sessione di riparazione a gennaio. Ecco quanto evidenziato dalla redazione di SpazioNapoli: “Prima di approfondire il discorso ‘mercato’, bisognerà approfondire quello sulla permanenza di Carlo Ancelotti sulla panchina azzurra: Napoli-Genk sarà determinante. […]

9 Dec 11:42 Spazio Napoli 1933866182484273853.html
Cerveja engorda? Pelo contrário, novo estudo diz que não

Para quem está tentando perder peso, exagerar na dose pode prejudicar dieta.

9 Dec 09:05 R10 3167340813921763641.html
Magic Leap One developer slams the product – “An absolute nightmare.”

The Magic Leap One is not selling well, and now we know why. A Magic Leap developer has slated the product as unstable and "an absolute nightmare"

9 Dec 08:07 MSPoweruser 1651641549652138570.html
PlayStation 5 Pro could launch in 2023, Sony executive hints

A new report by LetsGoDigital suggests that Sony is already working on the PlayStation 5 Pro, and that it could launch three years after the PlayStation 5

9 Dec 09:38 mirror 675785261686938273.html
Pautas del Sorteo CONMEBOL Libertadores 2020

La Direccción de Competiciones de Clubes de la CONMEBOL, nota mediante a los Secretarios Generales de las Asociaciones Miembro, comunicó las Pautas del Sorteo de la Fase Preliminar y Fase de Grupos de la CONMEBOL Libertadores 2020 que se llevará a cabo en el próximo dia 17 de diciembre, a las 20:30 hs. en el Centro de Convenciones de la CONMEBOL, en Luque, Paraguay.

9 Dec 17:33 CONMEBOL 223659172354730862.html
El macrismo perdió hasta en Boca: asumen Ameal, Pergolini y Riquelme

La brecha se ensanchó con el "voto castigo" de las mujeres a la anterior dirigencia.

9 Dec 14:10 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204482251608276.html
Erupção na Nova Zelândia faz cinco mortos e dezenas de desaparecidos

Erupção do vulcão na Ilha Branca, na Nova Zelândia, fez pelo menos cinco mortos e mais de 20 de feridos. Mais de duas dezenas de pessoas estão desaparecidas. As autoridades neozelandesas não acreditam que haja sobreviventes na pequena ilha a 50 quilómetros da costa este da ilha Norte.

9 Dec 17:08 euronews 5294993275001245099.html
Jorge Amor Ameal es el nuevo presidente de Boca

Junto a Mario Pergolini y Juan Román Riquelme se impusieron en los comicios del Xeneize, superando ampliamente a la lista del oficialismo.

9 Dec 10:01 TiempoSur 8512931318099108278.html
Jean-Paul Delevoye aurait "oublié" ses liens avec le monde de l'assurance

VU DANS LA PRESSE - Dans sa déclaration d'intérêts publiée samedi 7 décembre, le haut-commissaire aux Retraites a "oublié" de mentionner sa fonction d'administrateur au sein d'un institut de formation de l'assurance. Il a décidé de démissionner...

9 Dec 09:18 RTL.fr 432875264357466027.html
Há quatro escolas de gestão portuguesas entre as melhores da Europa

A Nova SBE é a escola de gestão portuguesa mais bem posicionada no ranking do Financial Times. Estão também incluídas a Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, o ISCTE Business School e a Porto Business School.

9 Dec 08:00 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012843441253705.html
Amazon: Last-Minute-Angebote zu Weihnachten gestartet – hier die besten!

Stress beim Geschenkekauf? Muss nicht sein: Ab dem 9. Dezember 2019 schafft Amazon mit besonderen Last-Minute-Angeboten Abhilfe. COMPUTER BILD liefert die besten Amazon-Deals im Überblick!

9 Dec 10:43 Computer Bild 4944248632126046599.html
Container ship caught in storm, at least 12 containers lost, Celtic sea

Container ship ELBCARRIER lost containers overboard in Celtic sea in the afternoon Dec 8, while en route from Rotterdam to Dublin Ireland, being caught in rough weather. 12 drifting containers were…

9 Dec 16:51 Maritime Bulletin 5669213276728395925.html
Sexy! Welcher Promi feiert so seinen 30. Geburtstag?

Diese Kehrseite kennen wir doch. Anlässlich des 30. Geburtstages ließ sich dieser Promi zu einem Popo-Foto hinreißen.

9 Dec 13:42 TAG24 4583887873462132642.html
The Mac Pro is finally coming on December 10 — Apple's super-powerful computer that starts at a whopping $6,000

Apple’s $US6,000 professional-grade Mac Pro desktop will be available to order starting December 10. That’s according to a notification sent to customers, which YouTube personality and tech reviewer Marques Brownlee spotted.

9 Dec 14:49 Business Insider Australia 5575934301542525723.html
Une première collaboration entre Saâd Lamjarrad et Le libanais Jean-Marie Riachi

Le producteur libanais Jean-Marie Riachi confirme sa collaboration avec le chanteur marocain Saâd Lamjarred. Une première chanson "Oum Ali", fruit de cette collaboration, verra le jour en janvier 2020.

9 Dec 12:52 fr.le360.ma 5827163117759763519.html
Tomović urlao iz sve snage od besa: Zadrugarali terali Vladimira da prizna da je gej!

Tomovićeva seksualnost ponovo na udaru.

9 Dec 16:33 REPUBLIKA 2543998406502995687.html
Cambiasso: "Subire un gol al 40' poteva essere terribile ma il Milan è ripartito forte"

Esteban Cambiasso, intervenuto a Sky Sport 24, ha espresso le sue considerazioni in merito alla gara del Milan al Dall'Ara: "Subire un gol al 40' per una squadra in difficoltà può essere terribile, ma il Milan è ripartito forte, sono dettagli che possono segnare la partita e il periodo".

9 Dec 14:51 MilanNews.it 6507305921320934917.html
Barcelona cobrarà per primer cop una taxa de recollida selectiva d'entre 2 i 4 euros al mes

L'Ajuntament vol penalitzar més a qui menys recicli i començarà creant taxes diferenciades per districtes i barris

9 Dec 12:21 Ara.cat 6070605021218138464.html
Ramos y Kroos no viajarán a Bélgica para enfrentar a Brujas

Real Madrid ya está clasificado a los octavos de la Champions como segundo del Grupo A y Zidane aprovecha para darle descanso a algunos jugadores.

9 Dec 17:06 DIRECTV Sports 8893643038182913161.html
Sandra milo cambia sesso:niente di chirurgico,mi sto preparando a-i debiti? ho pensato al suicidio


9 Dec 13:46 DAGOSPIA 6533336739476891445.html
Interrupção do abastecimento de água em algumas ruas de Casal de Cambra

SMAS de Sintra, vão suspender abastecimento de água, esta quarta-feira, em Casal de Cambra para a substituição de uma válvula de seccionamento na rede de abastecimento .

9 Dec 15:01 Sintra Notícias 7807008822399848147.html
Rebensburg zaskoczyła rywalki i pewnie wygrała supergigant w Lake Louise

Niemiecka alpejka Viktoria Rebensburg wygrała w kanadyjskim Lake Louise supergigant zaliczany do Pucharu Świata. Pokonała Nicol Delago z Włoch i Szwajcarkę Corinne Suter. Z niezłej strony pokazała ...

9 Dec 09:19 TVN24 8936112740569096554.html
Liernu: les hélices des éoliennes remplaceront-elles bientôt celles des ULM ?

On savait qu'un projet de six mâts existait à proximité de la piste d'ULM à Liernu, dans la commune d'Eghezée.

9 Dec 09:50 Vivreici.be 7768530901755854026.html
Palydėkite metus nemokamuose koncertuose ir susitikimuose su įdomiais žmonėmis

Gruodžio mėnesį Vilniaus apskrities Adomo Mickevičiaus bibliotekoje gausu renginių – knygų pristatymų, koncertų ir susitikimų su įdomiais žmonėmis. Visi renginiai nemokami. Gruodžio 10 dieną 18 val. kviečiame į renginį „Adventinis knygų vainikas. Jo metu bus pristatomos naujos Lietuvos Reformacijos istorijos ir kultūros draugijos narių knygos. Dalyvauja ir savo 2017-2019 metais išleistas...

9 Dec 12:52 Made in vilnius 1649469113574564264.html
Ciolacu, despre interzicerea cumulului pensiei cu salariul de la stat: Este o măsură corectă, dar trebue introduse norme pentru cazurile excepţionale

Mai multe detalii pe Gândul.info

9 Dec 12:13 Gândul 5586965504278150232.html
'Peloton wife' at it again

By now you’ve seen the cringey Peloton exercise bike commercial and read all about how it has outraged the people of the internet.

9 Dec 17:12 Castanet 616068603097858732.html
Andrés Sanchez nega negociação com presidente do Grêmio sobre meia Luan

"O Corinthians tem interesse em grandes jogadores e o Luan é um deles. Não falei nada de Pedro, de João, de Luan, de nada"

9 Dec 14:00 Folha Vitória 4941883427879088845.html
El juvenil B del Real Madrid gana la International Cup Bali 2019

El juvenil B del Real Madrid ha ganado el torneo International Cup Bali 2019, una competición que acaba de nacer y que en su primera edición enfrentó a equipos de las canteras de Arsenal, Inter de Milán y el propio conjunto blanco, además de un seleccionado sub 20 de Indonesia.

9 Dec 08:22 ABC.es 6074573462141189313.html
Russie-Ukraine : rencontre au sommet pour la paix entre Poutine et Zelensky à Paris

Le président français Emmanuel Macron et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel réunissent pour la première fois leurs homologues russe et ukrainien ce lundi. Le sommet qui se déroule à Paris,

9 Dec 12:33 Sud Ouest 3952805754247761747.html
Why Is An F-35 Sitting On The Deck Of HMS Queen Elizabeth?

The F-35 aircraft will remain on HMS Queen Elizabeth until repair and maintenance work is complete.

9 Dec 13:07 Forces Network 3883413827866293307.html
Jorge Jesus é eleito o melhor treinador do ano no Brasil e faz história

Treinador do Flamengo é o primeiro europeu de sempre a receber o prémio entregue pela ESPN.

9 Dec 16:21 Notícias ao Minuto 8831012842464842360.html
– De som reiser til syden oftere enn de reiser med ferje skjønner ikke dette

De som er mest opptatt av om det er svele å få, skjønner ikke hvilken betydning ferjene har, mener Bernhard Riksfjord.

9 Dec 15:30 rbnett.no 7665098090782259985.html
Estes são os três aspectos que devem caracterizar o seminário, segundo o Papa Francisco

O Papa Francisco assinalou três aspectos que caracterizam o seminário como um local de formação do futuro sacerdote: "É uma casa de oração, uma casa de estudo, uma casa de comunhão".  

9 Dec 14:00 ACI Digital 1688611262961354641.html
Globo de Ouro divulga lista de indicados para 2020

O Globo de Ouro, importante premiação de Hollywood que reconhece os melhores do cinema e da televisão, divulgou nesta segunda-feira, 9, a lista completa dos indicados ao prêmio. Na liderança está o filme História de Um Casamento, da Netflix, que concorre em seis categorias. A cerimônia está marcada para o dia 5 de janeiro de 2020 e irá contar com a apresentação de Ricky Gervais. Ao todo, serão apresentadas 25 categorias, 14 apenas para o cinema e outras 11 para a televisão. Entre os indicados se destacam O Irlandês, de Martin Scorsese, Coringa, de Todd Phillips e Dois Papas, do brasileiro Fernando Meirelles. Todos concorrem na categoria de Melhor Filme de Drama Já Era Uma Vez em Hollywood, de Quentin Tarantino e Meu Nome é Dolemite, com Eddie Murphy estão entre os melhores de comédia.O longa de Karim Aïnouz, A Vida Invisível, grande aposta como representante do cinema brasileiro na categoria de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro, ficou de fora da lista. Nas duas categorias de Melhor Série (drama e comédia), estão The Crown…

9 Dec 13:15 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419137195997.html
Godín: "No espero a un Barcelona relajado"

"El hecho de que el Barcelona ya sea primero no nos da tranquilidad. Es un equipo muy bueno, uno de los mejores del mundo", dijo el defensor uruguayo.

9 Dec 14:20 ESPN 7718891766255644636.html
Godín: "No espero a un Barcelona relajado"

"El hecho de que el Barcelona ya sea primero no nos da tranquilidad. Es un equipo muy bueno, uno de los mejores del mundo", dijo el defensor uruguayo.

9 Dec 14:20 ESPN.com.mx 3914278073236385756.html
ANDRIJA MILOŠEVIĆ U ULOZI ANDRIJE MILOŠEVIĆA! Zavirite u njegov urnebesan život na Superstar TV! Valjaćete se od smeha

Večeras u 21 čas na Superstar TV kanalu počinje emitovanje nove humorističke serije Slatke muke o izmišljenom liku Andriji Miloševiću koga tumači upravo Andrija Milošević! Naš popularni glumac i komičar tumači istoimenog, ali izmišljenog glavnog protagonistu ...

9 Dec 12:10 kurir.rs 6515665027023636642.html
Un fan poignardé lors d’une dispute entre supporters du Milan

Joie entachée pour le Milan. Tout ne s'est pas passé comme prévu pour les supporters milanais ce dimanche soir après la victoire de leur équipe à Bologne (2-3). La Gazzetta dello Sport indique en effet que l'un d'eux a terminé à l'hôpital après avoir reçu un coup de couteau et qu'il se trouve actuellement dans un état grave. À l'origine du litige selon le journal : la distribution de maillots et de shorts par les joueurs milanais pour remercier leurs supporters à l'issue du match : deux supporters auraient tenté d'attraper le même short lancé depuis le terrain, initiant un différend se poursuivant, dans des proportions folles donc, à l'extérieur du stade.

9 Dec 08:28 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251754829825.html
Número de jornalistas mortos desceu para 49 este ano

A Federação Internacional de Jornalistas disse que o número de jornalistas mortos em 2019 desceu para 49, face a 95 em 2018, mas alertou que esta redu...

9 Dec 15:30 dnoticias 6968432066308598067.html
Rafael Mcquhae: La política monetaria ha hecho que no tengamos billetes de bolívares y la gente optó por dólares

El economista y decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Metropolitana, Rafael Mcquhae, cuestionó el discurso oficial que alega un bloqueo a la economía por la gran cantidad de productos importados presentes en el mercado. “El discurso oficial sigue legitimando las políticas públicas y económicas con una narrativa con mucho invento: guerra […]

9 Dec 08:34 Descifrado 6343485652070841424.html
"Zenu" dos Santos e ex-governador do BNA começam a ser julgados

José Filomeno dos Santos, antigo presidente do Fundo Soberano de Angola e filho do ex-presidente angolano, está acusado de peculato e branqueamento de capitais.

9 Dec 10:23 SÁBADO 5711459692319418366.html
New 1.0 turbo-petrol engine to power Renault Triber, upcoming HBC SUV

Renault-Nissan will roll out its new 1.0-litre turbo-petrol engine in India in 2020. Click to know engine details and more.

9 Dec 13:10 Autocar India 1039296990264017213.html
Prevén nuevo descenso de temperatura por frente frío 21

Chihuahua.- Este lunes el frente frío No. 21 se extenderá sobre el norte y noreste del territorio mexicano, será impulsado por una masa de aire ártico, e interaccionará con inestabilidad en la atmósfera superior y

9 Dec 16:48 La Parada Digital 5696840778814643973.html
Así detuvieron yipeta trasladaba a cónsul haitiana con placa de implicado a César “El Abusador”

Representantes de organismos de seguridad del Estado apostados en la frontera de Dajabon, confirmaron al Listin Diario que desde el miercoles esperaban una

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263922946335.html
Xiaomi, Devrimsel Bir Teknolojinin Patentini Aldı

Çinli teknoloji devi Xiaomi, yakında çıkacak Mi Mix 4 akıllı telefon için olduğuna inanılan yeni bir patent başvurusunda bulundu.

9 Dec 10:10 Webtekno 3745741392755119551.html
Du Nobel au tribunal, la chute d'Aung San Suu Kyi

Ancienne championne de la démocratie, Aung San Suu Kyi est désormais en première ligne face aux accusations de génocide contre les Rohingyas.

9 Dec 09:44 L'essentiel 554828746993334631.html
Rory McIlroy: People like to kick Patrick Reed when he’s down

Patrick Reed has been on the defensive after becoming embroiled in controversy at the Hero World Challenge, with Rory McIlroy on his side

9 Dec 17:24 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905450861886.html
L'UE autorise une aide de 3,2 milliards d'euros pour un "Airbus des batteries"

La Commission européenne a autorisé lundi sept Etats membres, dont l'Allemagne et la France, à apporter une aide publique de 3,2 milliards d'euros pour développer dans l'UE... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 11:25 Zonebourse 7946574377663683374.html
Fiscalía pedirá cárcel para Diego Cadena, abogado del senador Álvaro Uribe

Está citado a audiencia de formulación de imputación y solicitud de medida de aseguramiento, el próximo 18 de febrero. Es investigado por manipular testigos a favor del expresidente.

9 Dec 16:15 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898586029066522.html
ROUNDUP/Aktien Frankfurt Schluss: Schwächelnder Dax bleibt über 13 100 Punkten

ROUNDUP/Aktien Frankfurt Schluss: Schwächelnder Dax bleibt über 13 100 Punkten

9 Dec 17:20 finanzen.net 2053223364370739826.html
Con la sanción de la Ley de Cupo Trans estiman que deberían ingresar al Municipio 30 empleados

A días de dejar su cargo, la gobernadora María Eugenia Vidal reglamentó en la provincia de Buenos Aires la Ley de Cupo Trans, que establece que el Estado provincial deberá reservar un cupo del 1 % de la totalidad de los puestos para personas trans. Gustavo Pernicone, responsable de Convivencia en Diversidad Tandil, brindó detalles […]

9 Dec 15:25 El Eco 4177735525039426841.html
Creepy Guy Texts M’sian Girl After Sitting Next to Her on Train, But She Didn’t Share Her Number

Is it really a safe world for women out there? We read news and hear stories almost daily from all the women out there about the harassment that happens to them just when they step outside. The worst part? It's just creepy how some perverted men stalk and prey on…

9 Dec 09:36 WORLD OF BUZZ 7535116579838475047.html
Går ut med åtvaring mot livsfarlege piller

Politiet fleire stader i landet går no ut med ei kraftig åtvaring både til seljarar og kjøparar av ein bestemt type ecstasy-pille som har ført til fleire dødsfall i Storbritannia.

9 Dec 15:29 NRK 3631390765675383942.html
Previsão aponta mais chuva em Teresina nesta segunda

A temperatura mínima na capital piauiense é de 24ºC e a máxima é de 34ºC.

9 Dec 12:40 R10 3167340813124762636.html
Lecce-Genoa, Marelli: «Pandev rischia una squalifica di più giornate»

La moviola di Lecce-Genoa eseguita dall'ex arbitro di Serie A Luca Marelli. Goran Pandev rischia una squalifica di più giornate

9 Dec 12:42 PianetaGenoa1893 6700982772479300037.html
Pemex planea cerrar con 1.7 millones de barriles de crudo diarios

Octavio Romero Oropeza, director de Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), informó que la empresa paraestatal recuperó la producción de petróleo, de ahí que para fin de año, se estima cerrar con 1.7 millones de barriles diarios.

9 Dec 16:58 Diario de Yucatán 261200016731836866.html
"Star Wars": Baby Yoda sorgt im Netz für Furore - Grund ist perfide

"Er ist so süüüüüß": In der neuen "Star Wars"-Produktion "The Mandalorian" tretet eine neue Figur auf, die wegen ihres Aussehens Fans weltweit in Verzücken versetzt.

9 Dec 12:35 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238802390697.html
Jenni Rivera: estas fueron sus últimas señales de vida

La ic&oacute;nica cantante mexicana Jenni Rivera dej&oacute; este mundo a causa de un asesinato despu&eacute;s de hacer lo que m&aacute;s le apasionaba en la vida: cantar.

9 Dec 14:11 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624267879311.html
Hrvaškim ribičem več kot milijon evrov slovenskih kazni

V manj kot dveh letih je približno 20 hrvaških ribičev z območja Savudrije zaradi nedovoljenega prestopanja slovenske meje v Piranskem zalivu dobilo več kot 2000 kazni v skupnem znesku več kot milijon evrov, danes poroča Glas Istre. Največ prekrškov sta zbrala zakonca Makovac; Slovenija zgolj za lani od njiju zahteva 200.000 evrov kazni.

9 Dec 10:51 Dnevnik 7671546648806056250.html
Hong Kong fez mais de seis mil detenções em meio ano de protestos

A polícia também indicou que 493 agentes ficaram feridos durante confrontos com manifestantes

9 Dec 14:15 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699107375185.html
Zoológico de Berlín presenta en sociedad a dos bebés pandas gemelos

El parque zoológico de Berlín presentó este lunes a sus dos nuevas estrellas, los dos primeros pandas gemelos nacidos en Alemania, a finales de agosto, y que serán llamados Meng Yuan y Meng Xiang.

9 Dec 13:36 El Universo 8365175797320856529.html
Char y 'Fico' Gutiérrez se mantienen como los alcaldes más populares

Además, según la encuesta Invamer, Enrique Peñalosa tiene el 62 por ciento de desaprobación.

9 Dec 10:20 El Tiempo 1091719940679539279.html
Moro autoriza envio da Força Nacional para terra indígena no Maranhão

Foto: Marcos Correa/PR O ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública, Sergio Moro, autorizou nesta segunda-feira, 9, o uso da Força Nacional de Segurança Pública para atuar na Terra Indígena Cana Brava Guajajara, no Maranhão, onde dois índios foram assassinados no último fim de semana após ataques a tiros.O texto informa que o objetivo é apoiar o trabalho da Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai) nas ações de segurança pública por 90 dias, a partir de 10 de dezembro. O prazo pode ser prorrogado caso seja necessário.O ministério ainda vai definir o número de servidores enviados para a operação.No domingo, 8, o secretário de Estado dos Direitos Humanos e Participação Popular em exercício no Maranhão, Jonata Galvão, afirmou que o governo federal deveria adotar medidas efetivas para proteger os territórios indígenas do Estado, e não agir apenas após os ataques acontecerem. "São só respostas reativas às barbaridades que têm acontecido. Queremos saber se o governo federal vai ficar reativo aos atentados ou se vai estruturar…

9 Dec 17:41 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419754662750.html
Claudia López anuncia que Luis Ernesto Gómez será su secretario de Gobierno

El economista, de 38 años, fue candidato a la Alcaldía de Bogotá, pero en medio de la campaña se unió al equipo de la ahora mandataria electa

9 Dec 13:25 Noticias Caracol 4063533507271106405.html
Henry Cavill juega Overwatch y ha revelado cual es su ‘Main’

La linea divisoria entre la industria del cine y de los videojuegos es cada vez más angosta, lo hemos visto en innumerables producciones y juegos que

9 Dec 16:20 CDB 7387411224965029563.html
Giovani, donne, stranieri e intermittenti: tutte le "diversità" che si pagano in busta paga

Nel 2017 i lavoratori dipendenti del privato guadagnavano in media 11,25 euro l'ora, ma più di sei su cento erano sotto la soglia dei 7,5 euro. Tra uomini e donne un gap del 7,4%, forbice ancora più ampia per gli stranieri. Tra Sud e Nord-Ovest divario del 16,2%

9 Dec 11:13 Repubblica.it 8208867269991879638.html
El inmigrante héroe que se jugó la vida en Denia para salvar del fuego a un vecino

Un inmigrante se ha convertido en todo un héroe en Denia al salvar del fuego a un vecino. Lo ha hecho como los verdaderos héroes. Sin aspavientos...

9 Dec 09:16 telecinco 3240952630780123662.html
Bayer Leverkusen conmemora 10 años del título de Charles Aránguiz con Colo-Colo

La publicación del club alemán se llenó de comentarios de hinchas albos y de la Universidad de Chile, quienes discutieron por el paso del “Principe” en ambos clubes.

9 Dec 15:53 T13 7836926440013065080.html
Emirates servirá 500 mil refeições natalinas durante dezembro

Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

9 Dec 09:03 www.mercadoeeventos.com.br 6161645988380858857.html
Chantage à la sextape : la Cour de cassation valide l'enquête contestée par Karim Benzema, possible procès

La Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi le pourvoi du footballeur Karim Benzema, qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête dans l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015. Cela ouvre la voie à un éventuel procès en correctionnelle.

9 Dec 13:39 France Bleu 8004048436959267030.html
EUR/USD Technical Analysis: Flirting with daily tops, around 1.1075 region

The EUR/USD pair built on its intraday positive move and is currently placed near the top end of its daily trading range, around the 1.1075 region. Th

9 Dec 12:30 FXStreet 4480975639364573852.html
College football updated polls: AP Top 25, Coaches Poll rankings after Week 15

Check out the updated college football rankings from the AP Top 25 and Coaches Poll after the Week 11 slate of games.

9 Dec 12:37 Sporting News 5110653854190778136.html
SPDR MFS Systematic Core Equity ETF (NYSEARCA:SYE) Stock Price Up 0%

SPDR MFS Systematic Core Equity ETF (NYSEARCA:SYE) shares rose 0% on Monday . The stock traded as high as $88.11 and last traded at $88.11, approximately 16 shares traded hands during trading. A decline of 100% from the average daily volume of 4,722 shares. The stock had previously closed at $88.09. The firm’s 50 day […]

9 Dec 16:48 The Cerbat Gem 3142837110244449459.html
La OCDE advierte: el ritmo de crecimiento de la economía española se ralentiza

La mayoría de los países pertenecientes al 'club de países desarrollados' ha registrado un crecimiento "por debajo de la tendencia".

9 Dec 14:28 La Información 5328999782596577911.html
Desaparecen tres jóvenes en Veracruz: Astrid, David y Cristián

Los tres jóvenes desaparecieron el pasado viernes, fue la última vez que se tuvo contacto con alguno de ellos en Veracruz

9 Dec 10:00 EL DEBATE 4396150894043469906.html
Jugement Marshall: vingt ans de progrès pour les communautés autochtones

GESGAPEGIAG — Quand la Cour suprême du Canada a rendu, le 17 septembre 1999, une décision légalisant la pêche commerciale autochtone dans l’est du Canada, Québec maritime inclus, Lina Condo est guide de pêche au saumon sur la rivière Grande-Cascapédia. Elle ignore que le «jugement Marshall» révolutionnera sa vie.

9 Dec 09:00 leSoleil 6002915704884831624.html
Floppy Disk With Steve Jobs Signature Just Sold for a Whopping $84,000 at an Auction

The disk was in "fine condition, with slight brushing to the ink."

9 Dec 11:55 Interesting Engineering 7328942541725781195.html
Riksrättsutredning går in på upploppet

Representanthusets justitieutskott ska nu höra vad som kan liknas vid ”slutpläderingar”.

9 Dec 12:42 Sydsvenskan 2976531143739637046.html
Oi Frog and Friends! review – a wild time for fans of rhyme

Jumpy new student Frog overcomes his starting-school nerves in this exuberant musical adaptation of Kes Gray and Jim Field’s picture books

9 Dec 11:05 the Guardian 1491978795649065008.html
Artículo 189: El punto de la propuesta de la mesa técnica cuestionado por la oposición y que dificulta acuerdo

En la revisión del proyecto, los líderes de la centroizquierda detectaron una frase que implicaría un redistritaje en la elección de la convención constituyente. Acusan al oficialismo de no querer abrir diálogo al respecto.

9 Dec 16:16 Emol 3328490602095567093.html
CHP'den Kenan Evren talimatı: Silinecek

Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, Kenan Evren'in adı geçen tüm cadde, bulvar, sokak vb. yerlerin isimlerinin değiştirilmesi için talimat verdi.

9 Dec 16:23 Haber3 1479170705426729623.html
Cerca de 43 muertos en un incendio de una fábrica en Nueva Delhi

Al menos 43 personas murieron el domingo de madrugada en el incendio de una fábrica en Nueva Delhi, en la que dormían algunos de sus empleados. El incendio se produjo a primera hora de la mañana en un barrio antiguo y sobrepoblado de la capital.

9 Dec 14:33 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543171326114.html
Michelle Wolf Doesn’t Want to Be Your Folk Hero

After a notorious set at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and a canceled Netflix show, this stand-up is intent on challenging your expectations and telling you about her abortion.

9 Dec 10:00 NY Times 1961078289045484811.html
Roboty drogowe pokonały ojca Rydzyka. Nie dotarł na urodziny Radia Maryja

Ojciec Tadeusz Rydzyk nie dotarł na niedzielne 28. urodziny Radia Maryja w Bydgoszczy. Tłumaczył, że przez brak należytego oznakowania razem ze współpracownikami nie mógł dojechać do katedry w Bydgoszczy - informuje Onet.

9 Dec 14:10 auto.dziennik.pl 7078545419229504745.html
Preminuo legendarni Popara iz serije "Srećni ljudi": Glumac je u mladosti želeo da bude operski pevač, a ovo o njemu malo ko zna!

Danas je u osamdeset četvrtoj godini nakon duge i teške bolesti preminuo glumac i književnik Zoran Rankić koji je svima poznat po ulozi legendarnog Popare u seriji "Srećni ljudi".

9 Dec 13:29 pulsonline 6050941187812550639.html
Some users report iPhone 11 GPS tracking problems, Strava says Apple issue

There are scattered reports of iPhone 11 GPS tracking problems, some users reporting the issue affecting the exercise tracking app Strava, while others say is it also impacting other apps, like Waze… A Strava user who started a thread on Reddit says that the developer behind the app describes it as an issue with the iPhone […]

9 Dec 14:12 9to5Mac 8219339161624206446.html
Raúl Jalil: "Aquí encontrarán un gobernador que llevará respuestas a cada ciudadano"

Durante su primer discurso como jefe de Gobierno provincial, Raúl Jalil  expresó que inicia un nuevo desafío, "que es sin duda es la mayor responsabilidad de toda mi carrera”, a la vez que elogió la gestión de Lucía Corpacci por dejar una provincia ordenada, lo que le permitirá a las nuevas autoridades realizar una "planificación más específica y eficiente".

9 Dec 10:46 El Esquiú 5729181307668012053.html
''Europäischer Green Deal'': EU-Kommission will verbindliche Klimaneutralität ab 2050

Der Ausstieg aus der Kohlewirtschaft sei Voraussetzung für die angestrebte Klimaneutralität Europas ab dem Jahr 2050.

9 Dec 08:01 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699572284424.html
Ach du ... UFC-Fighter kassiert Mega-Schlag, dann reißt seine Lippe!

Der UFC-Kämpfer Alistair Overeem hat am Wochenende beim Kampf gegen Jairzinho Ronzenstruik einen Schlag bekommen, bei dem seine Lippe aufgerissen ist!

9 Dec 10:14 TAG24 4583887874862815421.html
El día que Francisco 'Paquín' Estrada fue secuestrado

Francisco 'Paquín' Estrada vivió un momento que marcó un nuevo comienzo, el día que fue "secuestrado" pues en realidad lo extorsionaron y eso lo mantuvo algunos días retirado del mundo exterior. 

9 Dec 09:53 EL DEBATE 4396150894923224530.html
Cégep de Shawinigan en spectacle

À Shawinigan, la finale locale de Cégep en spectacle a été présentée le vendredi 22 novembre. La compétition a couronné Shawn Lampron, étudiant en soins préhospitaliers d’urgence, pour son numéro d’auteur, compositeur et interprète. Au deuxième rang, on retrouve le duo musique et chanson composé de Grace-Léonie Abomo Onana et Déreck Pichette alors que Shamy Thibodeau-Béland a terminé troisième. Le Prix coup de cœur du public a été octroyé à Félix Dubé, de l’école secondaire des Chutes alors que le Prix découverte artistique a été décerné à Tristan Beaupré, de l’école secondaire Paul-Le Jeune.

9 Dec 09:00 leNouvelliste 2761106013946058692.html
Yes, Ukraine Meddled in Our 2016 Election. That's Not a Baseless 'Conspiracy.'


9 Dec 15:25 Townhall 6083908947025152855.html
Athletico empata sem gols com o Avaí em ritmo de férias em Floripa

Já era de conhecimento público que o Athletico Paranaense concedeu férias para 16 atletas após a 37ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro. Com uma equipe totalmente modificada, o Furacão se despediu do Brasileirão com um empate sem gols contra o Avaí, em Florianópolis (SC), no domingo (8).

9 Dec 11:41 Diário dos Campos 7202937203176194890.html
Exponer el ano al sol, una tendencia que se viraliza, pero podría ser dañina

Como detalló Men's Health, hay varios 'influenciadores' en temas de salud que han están promoviendo esta práctica que ya tiene varios adeptos en redes sociales. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 16:41 pulzo.com 8971816786728444778.html
Raúl Jalil juró como gobernador de la provincia

Raúl Jalil asumió, poco después de las 10 de la mañana, como nuevo gobernador de Catamarca  tras ocho años de gestión de Lucía Corpacci, quien le entregó la banda y el bastón de mando.

9 Dec 13:23 El Ancasti 5864462412331284423.html
Vulcano Nuova Zelanda: eruzione White Island, 5 morti/ Polizia: “No segni di vita”

Nuova Zelanda, eruzione vulcano White Island sorprende gruppo di turisti: 5 morti e oltre 20 dispersi. Danni ingenti: le ultime notizie.

9 Dec 14:09 IlSussidiario 495412293599164269.html
END. Clothing Reworks New Balance's 997 Made in USA With "Persian Rug" Inspiration

Indebted with premium materials and details.

9 Dec 12:36 HYPEBEAST 3806037269294740713.html
Polymega, un nuevo sistema modular para jugar en HD a los cartuchos de NES, SNES y más plataformas, se lanzará a principios de 2020

Ya existen diversas plataformas que nos permiten jugar a los cartuchos de nuestras consolas antiguas. Pero Polymega parece querer incluir una compatibilidad casi ilimitada para poder disfrutar de juegos de hace décadas, prometiendo una calidad 1080p HD con el mínimo lag. Esta compatibilidad se debe a que es un sistema modular, al que se le […]

9 Dec 10:31 Nintenderos 2555436002856601651.html
TSMC počinje sa proizvodnjom u 5nm procesu od druge polovine 2020. godine

SMC će u masovnu proizvodnju čipova u 5nm procesu krenuti tokom druge polovine 2020. godine

9 Dec 10:30 Benchmark 6730898461900947901.html
Jonathan Azevedo se destaca e Regiane Alves é eliminada da Dança dos Famosos

Jonathan Azevedo foi um dos destaques da semifinal da Dança dos Famosos, que aconteceu neste domingo (8). Com a apresentação, ele conseguiu garantir vaga na final, ao lado de Dandara Mariana (primeiro lugar) e Kaysar (terceiro lugar).

9 Dec 15:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125212609825822.html
Atak nożownika w szpitalu na Mazowszu. Były policjant z pomocą pacjenta szybko obezwładnili napastnika

Jedna osoba ranna w szpitalu na oddziale wewnętrznym w Kozienicach. Napastnik został szybko obezwładniony i trafił do szpitala psychiatrycznego.

9 Dec 13:56 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696135331378405.html
Airbus Logs $18B Mega Orders

Big orders from Emirates and Air Arabia announced at Dubai Airshow have been logged.Delivery profile not fully satisfactory.Airbus book-to-bill ratio approaches 1.

9 Dec 11:30 Seeking Alpha 5725634557435388595.html
EM-Fahrplan komplett: ÖFB fixiert zwei Auswärtstests

Hier geht's zu den aktuellsten News über das ÖFB-Team: Stories ✓ Spielberichte ✓ Videos ✓ Kaderbekanntgaben ✓ Pressekonferenzen ✓ Verletzungsupdates ✓ und vieles mehr!

9 Dec 11:22 Sky Sport 6321692528653551171.html
Rivalité entre Sonko et Idrissa Seck : PASTEF dément

Dans sa parution du jour, le Quotidien "Vox Polu", avait révélé qu'entre Idrissa Seck et Ousmane Sonko, "La guerre souterraine se poursuit". La direction de Pastef les Patriotes a sorti un communiqué pour démentir ces allégations. "Contrairement à ce qui est paru dans un quotidien, Pastef...

9 Dec 15:28 Leral.net 5178746016503202718.html
Aldea al pie del Volcán Santiaguito produce abono orgánico con base en la pulpa de café

El abono orgánico de pulpa de café producido por lombrices rojas fertiliza los cultivos en la aldea Loma Linda al pie del Volcán Santiaguito en El Palmar, Quetzaltenango.

9 Dec 16:00 Prensa Libre 5433015256248484458.html
Aldea al pie del Volcán Santiaguito produce abono orgánico con base en la pulpa de café

El abono orgánico de pulpa de café producido por lombrices rojas fertiliza los cultivos en la aldea Loma Linda al pie del Volcán Santiaguito en El Palmar, Quetzaltenango.

9 Dec 16:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257900212739.html
Botafogo e Ceará terminam Brasileirão com empate no Engenhão

Jogando no estádio Nilton Santos, no Rio de Janeiro, o Ceará empatou com o Botafogo e se garantiu na primeira divisão do Brasileirão para a temporada 2020. Em uma partida muito equilibrada, Marcos Vinícius marcou para os donos da casa e Thiago Galhardo fez em cobrança de pênalti, finalizando o placar em 1x1.Com o gol marcado diante do time carioca, Galhardo se tornou o maior artilheiro do Ceará em uma edição da Série A, com 12 gols.

9 Dec 11:32 Diário dos Campos 7202937203598269342.html
Your farm, your business: 5 ways to save time and money!

Multi-faceted Stettler company provides mobile electronics solutions, office supply help and more

9 Dec 14:00 The Stettler Independent 1209901973213667099.html
Il video più odiato del 2019 su YouTube rischia di essere un video fatto proprio da YouTube

Il filmato riassuntivo dell'anno, Rewind, ha cambiato stile dopo il flop dello scorso anno ma sembra che non convinca gli utenti

9 Dec 14:12 Wired 7504010957807065571.html
Cultura do “cancelamento” na esquerda prejudica disputa pelo público desesperado por diálogo

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 13:22 GGN 1188436354800756827.html
'Un regalo, una sonrisa'

La meta es poner una sonrisa en los rostros de tres mil niños caleños en esta Navidad.La forma de conseguirlo es llevarles un regalo para que disfruten del espíritu alegre y solidario que representa esta época del año.Ese es el propósito de la campaña ‘Un regalo, una sonrisa’, que desde hace 19 años realiza el diario El País junto a la Cruz Roja del Valle, el noticiero 90 Minutos y Blu Radio, con el acompañamiento de Almacenes La 14.Al igual que en años anteriores, se escogerán algunas fundaciones y organizaciones de la ciudad dedicadas a atender menores de entre 0 y 14 años de edad que se encuentran en estado de vulnerabilidad.Ya fueron seleccionadas las comunidades de los corregimientos de La Paz y La Elvira, a las cuales se les quiere reconocer su apoyo a la multiculturalidad y por fortalecer valores importantes como el respeto, la fraternidad y la responsabilidad.Entre las fundaciones que se han postulado para recibir los presentes para sus niños se escogerán en los próximos días las demás que saldrán beneficiadas.Para…

9 Dec 14:55 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346947575710.html
Har Grinchen slagit till i Bjuv?

Ett ovälkommet besök i ett förråd resulterade i stöld och skadegörelse.

9 Dec 12:00 HD 3336945413534378303.html
Urgência de Cirurgia está assegurada nos hospitais de Faro e Portimão

A administração garantiu que "a resposta em urgência na especialidade de Cirurgia Geral está assegurada" através de uma solução conjunta "entre cirurgiões do quadro e de outros regimes de contrato".

9 Dec 17:55 SÁBADO 5711459690909896943.html
«Wie sage ich ihm nett, dass er beim Sex etwas anders machen soll?»

Liebe Nicole, beim Lesen deiner Zeilen habe ich zum einen sehr gelacht, zum anderen war ich sehr mit dir, hab das alles auch schon mehrfach erlebt und war oft …

9 Dec 09:07 watson.ch 2253754995261279831.html
Steve Jobs' Autogramm – so reich macht es dich

Steve Jobs hat Fans viel bedeutet. Wie sehr, zeigt eine Unterschrift des Apple-Gründers, deren Wert bei einer Auktion überraschend stark unterschätzt wurde.

9 Dec 08:26 futurezone.de 2257170161286282490.html
Men gud! I am Jesus Christ är en realistisk Jesus-simulator

Pastor Hannes har förbokat.

9 Dec 10:28 FZ.se 109758247255714504.html
[Video] En Noche de Velitas, se 'encendieron' con cuchillos, palos y botellas

La batalla campal, en la que habrían participado cerca de 10 venezolanos, tuvo lugar en el barrio Las Acacias, de Ciudad Bolívar, en el sur de la capital. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 16:11 pulzo.com 8971816786206497230.html
Patty Pravo: età, altezza, marito, carriera, brani e Instagram

Tutte le curiosità sull'immensa Patty Pravo: l'età, l'altezza, il marito, la carriera, i brani di successo e dove seguirla su Instagram.

9 Dec 14:25 Novella 2000 6951116780310846222.html
Riesenerfolg an der NSEW 2019

 Riesenerfolg der Blockflötenklasse von Isaac Makhdoomi

9 Dec 10:26 bz BASEL 5287163742701546924.html
El Pájaro Gutiérrez volaría de Palestino y ya piensa en su futuro: "Uno se pone a evaluar propuestas, equipos que puedan tener copas internacionales"

El Pájaro Gutiérrez volaría de Palestino y ya piensa en su futuro: "Uno se pone a evaluar propuestas, equipos que puedan tener copas internacionales"

9 Dec 16:11 Publimetro Chile 2498685482394503880.html
„Aktenzeichen XY“ widmet sich Fall Claudia Ruf

Die Polizei hat zu Massen-DNA-Tests aufgerufen, um den Fall nach 23 Jahren zu klären.

9 Dec 14:19 Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger 7160258568260762068.html
En Charente-Maritime, une piscine gonflable retrouvée dans la cellule d'un détenu

Surprise pour les agents pénitentiaires de la maison d'arrêt de Saintes (Charente-Maritime). Le 1er décembre dernier, alors qu'ils procédaient à la fouille de plusieurs cellules, ces derniers ont retrouvé plusieurs...

9 Dec 13:27 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766072000814339.html
Die Großstädte wachsen weiter

Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Offenbach legen an Einwohnern zu, der ländliche Raum schrumpft. Das statistische Landesamt sagt eine sehr unterschiedliche Bevölkerungsentwicklung für Hessen voraus.

9 Dec 17:32 Frankfurter Rundschau 5648687322932399571.html
Juntos los papás de la tiraera

DJ Playero, DJ Eric y DJ Negro traerán la producción “Puesta pal perrero”

9 Dec 15:45 Primera Hora 5092966654208598444.html
La Juve si fa avanti, ecco l'offerta per Haaland. Ma il Lipsia...

La Juve ora tenta l’affondo per Erling Braut Haaland. Il centravanti norvegese piace a mezza Europa, ma i bianconeri possono vantare un ottimo rapporto sia con il Salisburgo che con Mino Raiola,

9 Dec 16:00 il BiancoNero 8980755940764391900.html
Ida e Riccardo, arriva la condanna di Ursula Bennardo: “Un disastro!”

Ida e Riccardo di Uomini e Donne: l’ex dama Ursula Bennardo definisce un disastro i recenti sviluppi Ursula Bennardo stronca Ida e Riccardo. In coppia con Sossio Aruta, l’ex dama ha spesso rubato la scena a Trono Over di Uomini e Donne e Temptation Island Vip. La donna ha lottato con le unghie e con […]

9 Dec 16:20 KontroKultura 2573504971825631836.html
BMW Group România are un nou director

Josef Reiter a preluat funcţia de director general al BMW Group România de la începutul lunii decembrie. Acesta vine cu o experienţă internaţională şi o carieră de peste 25 de ani la BMW Group.

9 Dec 08:13 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917384020740.html
MEF aprueba endeudamiento con el BID por US$ 40 millones

El Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) aprobó una operación de endeudamiento externo entre la República del Perú y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) por un total de 40 millones de dólares para financiar la mejora de servicios de prevención del delito.

9 Dec 08:18 andina.pe 9054036848697738721.html
«Hier muss man zuerst streiken, bevor es Gespräche gibt»

Je grösser der Druck von der Strasse, umso eher gibt es Zugeständnisse, weiss der Frankreich-Kenner Nino Galetti.

9 Dec 09:07 SRF 8424707180258327913.html
Doliu la Dacia. A MURIT părintele proiectului LOGAN

Gerard Detourbet, omul care a stat la baza conceptului low-cost &icirc;n cadrul grupului francez Renault, a murit la v&acirc;rsta de 73 de ani.

9 Dec 14:58 romaniatv.net 4505369227054942166.html
Sztokholmski ratusz: Noblowski bankiet czas zacząć

Ratusz w Sztokholmie to ostatni przystanek laureatów nagrody Nobla. Odbywający się tu bankiet wydawany na ich cześć jest ukoronowaniem ceremonii wręczenia nagród. Błękitna sala jest tak duża, że z łatwością pomieści 1300 gości.

9 Dec 14:04 RMF24 3758900157494655665.html
Börsen inleder veckan svagt nedåt

Stockholmsbörsen inleder handelsveckan svagt nedåt. Efter tio minuters handel har OMXS-index backat 0,1 procent. Utvecklingen ligger i linje med hur det ser ut på ledande Europabörser. Telekomtillverkaren Ericssons aktie backar 1 procent efter helgens b

9 Dec 09:11 Sydsvenskan 2976531144094849900.html
Mercato - PSG : Une nouveau bras de fer entre Leonardo et Bartomeu en perspective ?

Leonardo et Josep Maria Bartomeu étant tous deux ouverts à l’idée de recruter Emre Can cet hiver, le PSG et le FC Barcelone devraient se livrer une belle bataille dans la course à la signature du…

9 Dec 12:15 Le 10 Sport 6431763077176944755.html
La Finlandia delle donne. Sanna Marin, 34 anni, sarà la premier più giovane del mondo

Figlia di due madri, la nuova leader dei socialdemocratici finlandesi è a capo di una coalizione di cinque partiti, tutti guidati da donne

9 Dec 09:30 L'HuffPost 5315551424299832877.html
Estos son los países más afectados por eventos climáticos extremos

El instituto Germanwatch presentó durante la cumbre del clima de Madrid los resultados del Índice de Riesgo Climático Global 2020. Japón, Filipinas y Alemania fueron los países más afectados en el año 2018.

9 Dec 12:19 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543602257525.html
Bruno Henrique deixa torcida do Flamengo tranquila após sair com dores: "Vou estar 100% no Mundial"

Titular na derrota para o Santos, atacante saiu no intervalo e pôs bolsa de gelo na perna

9 Dec 17:40 Globoesporte 3611676020097428826.html
Hrvaškim ribičem več kot milijon evrov slovenskih kazni

V manj kot dveh letih je približno 20 hrvaških ribičev z območja Savudrije zaradi nedovoljenega prestopanja slovenske meje v Piranskem zalivu dobilo več kot 2000 kazni v skupnem znesku več kot milijon evrov, danes poroča Glas Istre. Največ prekrškov sta zbrala zakonca Makovac; Slovenija zgolj za lani od njiju zahteva 200.000 evrov kazni.

9 Dec 10:46 Primorske novice 8884558925418759197.html
Man Loses House After Failing To Pay $8.41 In Property Taxes

An 83-year-old man has sued the government after losing his house over an outstanding debt of just $8.41 in property taxes

9 Dec 12:12 UNILAD 6373328986590113401.html
Se incendió un colectivo en la ruta provincial 17

Un colectivo de la empresa ETCE de Eldorado se incendió en la ruta 17 cerca de la localidad de Nueve de Julio. El hecho ocurrió siendo las 11:40, cuando personal de la comisaría de Nueve...

9 Dec 12:52 El Territorio Misiones 4290701724778278342.html
La Unesco crea You-can, una nueva red de acción climática juvenil

Bajo el lema Cambiar las mentalidades, no el clima, la Unesco lanza la red de acción Youth Unesco Climate Action Network (You-can), una forma de "hacer a los jóvenes aún más poderosos en el futuro y crear lazos entre todas las instituciones dedicadas a la educación y la acción climática juvenil".

9 Dec 14:08 El Comercio 2865024640640150979.html
Prezes Izby Dyscyplinarnej Sądu Najwyższego: „Wyrok nie ma konsekwencji prawnych dla funkcjonowania naszej izby”

Czwartkowy wyrok Izby Pracy Sądu Najwyższego nie ma żadnych konsekwencji prawnych dla dalszego funkcjonowania Izby Dyscyplinarnej – oświadczył prezes Izby Dyscyplinarnej SN Tomasz Przesławski. Jego zdaniem, skutki tego orzeczenia dotyczą wyłącznie jednostkowej sprawy, w której został wydany.

9 Dec 08:30 Najwyższy Czas! 1611902980144938309.html
Monsieur Guirassy, réformer ne veut pas dire supprimer. (Par Amadou Sow)

Dans une déclaration largement relayée par la presse, faite lors du vote du budget duMinistère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, MonsieurMoutapha Guirassy, député à l’Assemblée nationale et promoteur d’école privéed’enseignement supérieur, propose la suppression du baccalauréat.Monsieur Guirassy a choisi un moment où nos universités sont confrontées à des sureffectifs,pour faire une […]

9 Dec 08:53 Xalima.com 5303455892945584595.html
Matías Fernández deja Junior de Barranquilla e iría al fútbol chileno

Tras no poder alcanzar la estrella #10 en el fútbol colombiano, Junior de Barranquilla comenzó una 'limpieza' en su plantel de jugadores.

9 Dec 16:40 Colombia.com 1213910710266226834.html
‘Never say never again’ says Ruth Davidon on return to politics after stepping down in 2021

Former Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said she would take a “never say never again” position on re-entering politics once she steps down in May 2021.

9 Dec 10:54 The Courier 4275302768274700883.html
Fonds fiduciaire et de dotation des ACP : La Papouasie Nouvell...

La Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée a dégainé plus vite que les autres Etats. Alors que le Fonds fiduciaire et de dotation est juste validé par la 110e session du Conseil des ministres en attendant le...

9 Dec 12:34 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601369560592762.html
Show-ul "Roata Norocului" de la PRIME a devenit milionar în vizitatori

La mai puţin de o lună de la lansare, show-ul

9 Dec 17:33 PUBLIKA 1679939814727332176.html
Agriculture: la RDC pourrait nourrir le quart de l’humanité

Par Christian Kazumba, Congo-Invest Consulting* Nourrir plus du quart de l’humanité ! Telle est la performance impressionnante que pourrait réaliser, à elle seule, la RD Congo si son secteur agrico…

9 Dec 11:50 Financial Afrik 5951482564650470988.html
Condor : routes canadiennes et nouveau look

La compagnie aérienne Condor lancera l'été prochain deux nouvelles liaisons entre l'Allemagne le Canada, reliant Francfort à Edmonton et Munich à Halifax. Elle a réintroduit son ancien logo

9 Dec 11:00 Air Journal 8905078461785021225.html
Portugalia przyznaje paszporty Żydom. W tle - inkwizycja

Jak dotąd 44 tysięcy Żydów, których przodkowie zostali wygnani z Królestwa Portugalii na mocy edyktu króla Manuela I Szczęśliwego wydanego w 1496 roku, w czasach panowania inkwizycji na Półwyspie Iberyjskim, złożyło wnioski o przyznanie im portugalskiego obywatelstwa.

9 Dec 12:58 Rzeczpospolita 4735082525851198447.html
Carro das vítimas de acidente que deixou 5 mortos tinha latas de cerveja no Rio

O sol já raiava, mas a animação de um grupo de oito jovens que saía de uma boate na Barra da Tijuca ainda era grande. Dentro do estacionamento, após uma discussão, todos decidiram entrar num único...

9 Dec 08:00 Extra Online 8149543649474964540.html
PSA Groupe / Saft : feu vert de la Commission européenne au projet européen sur les batteries

La France s'est engagée à investir 700 millions d'euros sur un budget global de 3,2 milliards d'euros

9 Dec 17:22 Boursier.com 7351227821353050971.html
Non, vos plantes ne dépolluent pas vraiment votre intérieur

Pourtant, on aurait bien voulu. Les articles ventant les mérites des plantes d’intérieur pour dépolluer et assainir l’air de votre maison foisonnent. Et on aurait bien voulu vous établir un top 10 des…

9 Dec 14:31 parismatch.be 5691194218324236279.html
Finlândia vai ter a primeira-ministra mais nova do mundo com 34 anos

A Finlândia vai ter um novo Governo liderado por cinco mulheres de partidos diferentes. A nova primeira-ministra, Sanna Marin, tem 34 anos e será a líder de Governo mais nova da atualidade.

9 Dec 08:33 SÁBADO 5711459691081567625.html
Fake news, uma ova, Marinho

Rogério Marinho correu para o Twitter para dizer que este site publicou "fake news" sobre fato de o governo estar preparando a volta do imposto sindical...

9 Dec 15:10 O Antagonista 1037429654436337472.html
Le Marocain Mohsin Attaf décroche la médaille d'or du championnat international de judo de Bornéo en Malaisie

Le champion marocain, Mohsin Attaf, a décroché samedi la médaille d'or (moins de 100 kg) au "Borneo open judo championship", organisé à Sandakan, une ville de l'État de Sabah, en Malaisie. Le judok...

9 Dec 09:56 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982611928655.html
Hace ERUPCIÓN el volcán más activo de Nueva Zelanda mata a cinco personas (VIDEO)

A trav&eacute;s de redes sociales circula un video en el que se ve el momento en el que el volc&aacute;n m&aacute;s activo de Nueva Zelanda hace erupci&oacute;n; hasta el momento hay cinco personas muertas.

9 Dec 09:50 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623175086436.html
Weekend Roundup: Racism mars United’s derby win; Son, Suarez’s hit wonder goals

While a man was arrested for racist abuse directed at Manchester United players, Son Heung-min and Luis Suarez scored worldies, and Juventus suffered their first league defeat this season.

9 Dec 10:41 The Indian Express 2885715103825621324.html
Corea del Norte respondió a Donald Trump y dice que no tiene "nada más que perder"

Un alto funcionario del régimen de Corea del Norte respondió hoy a las últimas advertencias lanzadas por el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump.

9 Dec 15:45 canalN.pe 1595273587484271017.html
Nacional Under 15 de americano a la vista en Mérida

Este martes iniciará el Campeonato Nacional Under 15 de Fútbol Americano en el emparrillado del Complejo Deportivo La Inalámbrica

9 Dec 13:07 Diario de Yucatán 261200017889636386.html
Therese Svanström ny TCO-bas

Therese Svanström heter TCO:s nya ordförande. Nu har hon formellt svurits in på tjänstemannaorganisationens extra kongress.

9 Dec 14:11 Dagens industri 3921815211958370412.html
Drømmedag for håndballjentene

Tysk og nederlandsk tap, samt norsk seier mot Sør-Korea, gjør at Norge bare trenger ett poeng på onsdag for å sikre semifinaleplassen i VM.

9 Dec 12:51 Dagbladet.no 3042595687350499860.html
ERC reconoce que "el acuerdo con el PSOE aún está lejos" y lo descartan para antes de Navidad

El partido republicano pide a los socialistas que hagan gestos y se muevan si quieren acelerar la formación del nuevo gobierno

9 Dec 12:50 Vozpópuli 2420406189891247518.html
25-jähriger Wanderer in den Sachsler Bergen tödlich verunglückt

Rettungskräfte haben in der Nacht auf Montag einen vermissten Wanderer in unwegsamem Gelände in den Sachsler Bergen tot aufgefunden. Der 25-Jährige war am Sonntag nach einer Bergwanderung im Gebiet Arnigrat nicht nach Hause gekommen.

9 Dec 14:30 bz BASEL 5287163741526106810.html
Vulcão mata pelo menos cinco pessoas na Nova Zelândia

A polícia não tem confirmado o número exato de pessoas que estavam na ilha, mas devido aos riscos, as equipas de emergência não podem ainda chegar ao local

9 Dec 10:54 Folha Vitória 4941883427555320001.html
Deontay Wilder vs Tyson Fury 2: What date is the fight, what TV channel is it on and what is our prediction?

What is it?

9 Dec 09:19 The Telegraph 140598091336162421.html
Ceren Özdemir'in katili cezaevinde intihar girişiminde bulundu

Ceren Özdemir'i bıçaklayarak, öldüren Özgür Arduç (35), Van'da tutuklu bulunduğu yüksek güvenlikli cezaevinde bileklerini kesip, intihar girişiminde bulundu. Arduç'un, bileklerini, lavaboda kırdığı fayans parçalarıyla kestiği öğrenildi.

9 Dec 09:46 Gerçek Gündem 8370126850739784556.html
Zaradi premalo pečenega mesa je skoraj umrl – kriva je bila trakulja v možganih

Življenje 46-letnega Kitajca, ki je nedavno jedel premalo pečeno svinjsko meso, ki je bilo na njegovo nesrečo okuženo z jajčeci trakulje, je bilo resno ogroženo. Epileptični napadi, hud glavobol in omotica so simptomi, ki so bili posledica ličink zajedavca v možganih.

9 Dec 12:00 Dnevnik 7671546648936666324.html
‘I hope it’s not a live volcano': Americans caught in deadly New Zealand eruption

An unexpected volcanic eruption in New Zealand has trapped dozens of tourists, including several Americans.

9 Dec 14:22 Washington Examiner 4625792333437093262.html
Bijeljina spremna za doček, koncerti u dvije novogodišnje noći

BIJELJINA - Bijeljina će ove zime organizovati dočeke međunarodne i pravoslavne Nove godine na gradskom Trgu, a glavni događaji će biti koncerti Marinka Rokvića i Leksington benda, najavili su gradonačelnik Mićo Mićić i predsjednik Skupštine Slaviša Marković.

9 Dec 09:27 Nezavisne novine 4209150642265393367.html
Ion Iliescu acuză distorsionarea interviului original dat agenţiei TASS. Fostul preşedinte dă vina pe traducere

Ion Iliescu a contestat, marţi, părţi din interviul acordat agenţiei ruseşti de presă TASS, la o zi după publicarea lui, întrucât a constatat că i-au fost denaturate afirmaţiile. Pe blogul său personal,...

9 Dec 14:26 Mediafax.ro 1869610969514091863.html
Se le acabó la cobertura del seguro y su vida corre riesgo por cáncer

La vida de mi madre, ni la de nadie, vale un millon de pesos, con esas palabras define el joven Miguel Alejandro Martinez la impotencia que siente al enfr

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956264179270795.html
Signalisation routière : De grands changements à venir

Introduction de nouveaux signaux, changement de couleur des panneaux... Le Maroc chamboule son dispositif de signalisation routière. De grands changements auront lieu dans l’objectif d’améliorer la sé

9 Dec 15:00 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414284126435385.html
La Cour des comptes critique sévèrement le fonctionnement de l'Ordre des médecins

La Cour des comptes étrille l'Ordre des médecins dans un rapport publié ce lundi. Elle dénonce notamment des comptes incomplets et incinsères, des agressions sexuelles sanctionnées beaucoup trop tard ou encore des recrutements favorisant les liens familiaux.

9 Dec 11:43 France Bleu 8004048435930245822.html
India moves from 130 to 129 in human development index: UNDP report

In India, 27.1 crore people were lifted out of poverty from 2005-06 to 2015-16, UNDP India resident representative Shoko Noda said.

9 Dec 15:17 The New Indian Express 4718288653811159793.html
Nasce con problemi agli arti, uomo costretto a dichiarare tre volte l’anno di non poter lavorare

Nasce con problemi da talidomide agli arti: la vicenda del 58enne Kevin Donnellon, costretto a compilare moduli sulla sua situazione

9 Dec 11:53 NewNotizie 1312053896324119297.html
Seat sigue batiendo récord de ventas a nivel mundial

La marca del grupo Volkswagen comercializa 542.800 coches en once meses, un 10,3% más que en 2018

9 Dec 12:15 elPeriodico 7291954033531505917.html
Rohan Dennis podpisał kontrakt z grupą Ineos

Dwukrotny mistrz świata w jeździe indywidualnej na czas Australijczyk Rohan Dennis podpisał dwuletni kontrakt z grupą Ineos. W barwach tej brytyjskiej ekipy ścigają się polscy kolarze Michał Kwiatkowski i Michał Gołaś.

9 Dec 15:11 sport.interia.pl 8911822176177398.html
Municipalidad de Huechuraba responde por qué gastaron $9 millones en una porotada para 150 personas

Vecinos de la comuna cuestionaron el costo de una olla común que se realizó para celebrar los 50 años de La Pincoya: se gastaron $9.282.000 en la actividad, lo que despertó varias críticas.

9 Dec 08:03 CHV Noticias 8401001654252603574.html
Cybersécurité. Abdellatif Jouahri: «le Maroc prépare un diagnostic de la maturité des établissements financiers»

L’annonce en a été faite par le wali de Bank Al-Maghrib lors de la troisième édition du Symposium régional de haut niveau sur la stabilité financière, ce lundi 9 décembre à Rabat.

9 Dec 11:59 fr.le360.ma 5827163117469060238.html
Kastamonu'nun saklı cenneti: Horma Kanyonu

Kastamonu'daki Pınarbaşı ilçesinde yer alan Horma Kanyonu'nun daha çok ziyaretçiye ev sahipliği yapabilmesi için yeni yatırımlar yapılmaya devam ediyor. İşte vidalarla kayalara çivilenen ahşap platformla dikkatleri üzerine çeken Horma Kanyonu...

9 Dec 13:56 Mynet Trend 3212732939745574056.html
Sube a 9 número de víctimas por accidente de pipa de amoniaco en Michoacán

El secretario de Seguridad Pública michoacano detalló que ya son más de 50 personas que resultaron intoxicadas en este incidente.

9 Dec 12:58 EL FINANCIERO 4014025541155599190.html
Bandidos arrombam agência dos Correios em São Gonçalo-PI

O bandidos tiveram acesso à sala onde fica o cofre.

9 Dec 09:44 R10 3167340814092718295.html
Jornada 'negra' con derrotas de Marc Gasol e Ibaka y Juancho y Willy Hernangómez en la NBA

Los vigentes campeones, Marc Gasol y Serge Ibaka, y los hermanos Juancho y Willy Hernagómez cayeron derrotados en sus respectivos partidos de la NBA contra...

9 Dec 09:39 Europa Press 4702666148592561904.html
"Kompletnie żenujący, klasistowski, obraźliwy". Wicerzecznik PiS oburzony

Wicerzecznik Prawa i Sprawiedliwości Radosław Fogiel w mocnych słowach skomentował dzisiejszą publikację "Rzeczpospolitej" na temat asystenta wicepremiera Piotra Glińskiego.

9 Dec 10:30 Do Rzeczy 474976676801471796.html
2019 Winter Meetings Live Blog: Bids on Cole expected to exceed $300M

Follow along here for the latest news and rumours from the MLB Winter Meetings, including updates from Shi Davidi and Ben Nicholson-Smith of Sportsnet.ca, who are reporting on the scene at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego…

9 Dec 12:30 Sportsnet.ca 4293652945954587269.html
iPhone 2020 Leak: So soll Apple die Laufzeit verlängern

Einem iPhone 2020 Leak zufolge soll die nächste iPhone-Generation dank eines geschrumpften Bauteils mit einem größeren Akku ausgestattet sein.

9 Dec 15:45 CURVED 5947652462717720984.html
Mulher morre e filha sofre traumatismo craniano em colisão na AL-101

Uma colis&atilde;o entre um carro e uma motocicleta &ldquo;cinquentinha&rdquo; na AL-101 deixou uma mulher morta e outra ferida na noite de domingo (08). De acordo com informa&ccedil;&otilde;es do Batalh&atilde;o de Pol&iacute;cia Rodovi&aacute;ria (BPRv), o acidente ocorreu perto do povoado Laranja...

9 Dec 12:25 TNH1 3684351753003867746.html
Roma, fugge con i figli in Egitto: condannato e tolta la patria potestà

Lofty Hassan, un uomo egiziano di 43 anni, era riuscito a portare via i figli avuti con una donna italiana, nella sua terra d’origine, l’Egitto. “Se il telefonino non prende è perché ho la batteria scarica, stai tranquilla“: e così l’uomo, era riuscito a scappare e a strappare i figli alla madre. I due si […]

9 Dec 11:23 Il Corriere della Città 1420617337523956654.html
VIDEO Franța blocată, proba de foc pentru guvernul lui Emmanuel Macron

Transporturile publice franceze erau în continuare blocate în mare parte luni, pentru a cincia zi consecutiv, în condițiile în care greva împotriva reformei pensiilor

9 Dec 13:50 HotNews 5099222562546093824.html
COP25: Perú acelerará reducción de gases de efecto invernadero

“El Perú reafirma su voluntad de adoptar acciones concretas que permitan luchar contra el cambio climático y asegurar el bienestar de la población, por ello apostamos a reducir nuestras emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en 35 por ciento al 2030, sumando al sector privado”.

9 Dec 09:59 andina.pe 9054036849879320534.html
Affaire de faux billets: quand chacun des quatre complices d...

Rebondissement dans l'affaire de faux billets de banque dans laquelle l'ex-député de la mouvance présidentielle, Seydina Fall alias Bougazelli est impliqué. Quatre de ses complices se sont donnés u...

9 Dec 08:17 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368212903281.html
¡Atentos! Michael Bublé confirmó un nuevo concierto en Chile

Si eres fanático de Michael Bublé debes estar atento, porque el 18 de diciembre parte la preventa de entradas para ver al canadiense en Chile.

9 Dec 16:24 Rock&Pop 4910011591858023323.html
Chiefs win AFC West, end Patriots' 21-game home win streak

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The Kansas City Chiefs held off a late rally Sunday to snap the New England Patriots' 21-game home win streak and clinch the AFC West.

9 Dec 12:36 UPI 8257973864224785490.html
‘La casa di carta’, arriva la quarta stagione: la data e il video diffuso da Netflix

Lo streaming della serie spagnola sarà disponibile contemporaneamente in tutti i paesi in cui è disponibile il servizio

9 Dec 10:18 Today 178378751070266858.html
Canal 13 cancelaría el programa que iba a unir a Tonka Tomicic, Raquel Argandoña y Fran García-Huidobro

El estelar que llevaría por nombre "Atrevidas" y que inicialmente había suspendido su estreno debido a la contingencia, no formará parte de la programación del canal.

9 Dec 13:52 Emol 3328490600977131421.html
Nord-Kivu : arrestation de 36 personnes impliquées dans incendié de la mairie de Beni et la base de la MONUSCO

L'auditorat militaire près la cour militaire opérationnelle du Nord-Kivu a arrêté trente-six personnes à Beni au Nord-Kivu, depuis le début des enquêtes initiées le 2 décembre dernier. Selon des sources judiciaires, elles sont accusées de l'incendie du bâtiment de la mairie et de l'une des bases de la MONUSCO au quartier Boikene.

9 Dec 10:43 Radio Okapi 4444713482707283634.html
La CE aprueba 3.200 millones de euros de ayudas para baterías eléctricas europeas

"La producción de baterías en Europa es de interés estratégico para nuestra economía y sociedad por su potencial en términos de movilidad y...

9 Dec 12:39 Expansión 4197779425016601489.html
Mauricio Macri ratificó que encabezará "una oposición constructiva" y habló de las elecciones en Boca

A un día de dejar el poder, hizo una balance de su gestión ante los periodistas acreditados en Casa Rosada. Qué dijo sobre la transición.

9 Dec 16:31 Todo Noticias 8077539162570360558.html
6 Fakta Unik yang Mengiringi Timnas Indonesia U-22 Jelang Final SEA Games 2019

Apa saja fakta-fakta unik yang mengiringi laju Timnas Indonesia U-22 ke final SEA Games 2019? Berikut enam di antaranya.

9 Dec 08:55 Bola.com 1695722604406007204.html
Turcan a prezentat proiectele de lege pentru care Guvernul Orban își asumă răspunderea

Guvernul Orban sesizează mâine Parlamentul pentru asumarea răspunderii pe Justiție, abrogarea ordonanței de urgență 51 privind transportul elevilor și legea privind plafoanele bugetare.

9 Dec 11:31 Europa FM 545007290033214152.html
V prometni nesreči huje poškodovan 4-letni otrok

V nedeljo, malo pred pol eno uro popoldan, se je na območju PP Lenart zgodila prometna nesreča v kateri se je huje poškodoval 4-letni otrok. Ta je z dvorišča domače stanovanjske hiše nenadoma pritekel na vozišče, po katerem je z osebnim avtomobilom pravilno pripeljal 42-letni voznik. Voznik je s prednjim bočnim ...

9 Dec 10:04 Prlekija on net 5500439796160932193.html
Más de 200 personas evacuadas tras incendio de un edificio en Envigado

Dentro de las personas afectadas cinco presentan heridas de gravedad, incluido un menor de 14 años. Se espera que la urbanización residencial permanezca evacuada hasta el próximo miércoles 11 de diciembre.

9 Dec 12:20 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543951882001.html
Red Dead Redemption 2 : Un mod vous laisse voyager en montgolfière

Envie d'une petite ballade dans les airs ? Un nouveau mod de Red Dead Redemption II va vous permettre de quitter votre cheval pour voyager en montgolfière. L'occasion de savourer les magnifiques paysages du jeu.

9 Dec 15:18 melty 8059025070299779633.html
Batterie elettriche, dall’UE 570 milioni

L'Italia, così come altri sei Paesi membri, ha ricevuto l'autorizzazione dalla Commissione europea a procedere con gli investimenti

9 Dec 16:30 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654429420531.html
Råkjørte med bil i skileikanlegget mens barn akte

HOLMESTRAND (NRK): Nok en gang har biler spola opp preparerte skiløyper og akebakker i Botnemarka.

9 Dec 13:26 NRK 3631390765468285465.html
RSE: Tužilaštvo u Beogradu ne vodi postupak za špijunsku aferu

Aktivnosti ruskog diplomate Georgija Klebana koji je prikupljao obaveštajne podatke u Srbiji nisu predmet istrage Višeg javnog tužilaštva u Beogradu, javio je Radio Slobodna Evropa.

9 Dec 17:57 Dnevni list Danas 649654640124197270.html
Vučić stigao u Atinu! Grci dočekali predsednika Srbije uz državne počasti

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić doputovao je danas posle podne u Atinu, gde će sutra i u sredu boraviti u zvaničnoj poseti, tokom koje će se sastati sa predsednikom Grčke Prokopisom Pavlopulosom i premijerom Kirjakosom Micotakisom, sa kojima će razgovarati o političkim i ekonomskim temama.

9 Dec 17:14 REPUBLIKA 2543998406726197985.html
Iohannis vrea regionalizare și descentralizare: Trebuie să reluăm discuțiile după parlamentare

Președintele Klaus Iohannis a declarat luni, întrebat dacă mai susține regionalizarea și descentralizarea, că este nevoie de o discuție pe...

9 Dec 16:21 Stiri pe surse 4858045012555738384.html
‘Een held hoeft geen heilige te zijn’

„Een held wordt geëerd om zijn heldendaden, maar een held hoeft geen heilige te zijn”, zei Henk Morsink, Kanselier van de Nederlandse Orden, maandag in Arnhem, vlak voor de uitspraak in de zaak van militair Marco Kroon. Bij de andere koninklijke onderscheidingen wordt bij de toekenning wel gekeken naar het gedrag van betrokkenen.

9 Dec 16:36 RD.nl 6406779840648035383.html
Cerveja engorda? Pelo contrário, novo estudo diz que não

Para quem está tentando perder peso — ou apenas mantê-lo –, exagerar na dose pode prejudicar os benefícios da dieta e da prática de exercício físico, certo? Talvez não

9 Dec 11:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628698849367840.html
Mother, 25, who was stabbed to death near her home 'while trying to break up a road rage fight' as police quiz man, 27, on suspicion of murder

The victim, named locally as Levi Davis, pictured, who is thought to be a mother-of-two, was knifed in Wellingborough Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, at around 8.30pm.

9 Dec 11:58 Mail Online 124328112261948272.html
Otomobil şarampole yuvarlandı

Bursa’nın Büyükorhan ilçesinde buzlanma ve sisten dolayı kontrolden çıkan araç şarampole yuvarlandı.

9 Dec 12:43 OLAY 7935247625024208255.html
Vlada uputila apel radnicima "Pošte" da prihvate ponudu - 10 posto povećanje mase zarade

Vlada Srbije apelovala je na zaposlene u JP

9 Dec 17:08 Вечерње новости 4219870591752347926.html
St-Imier : une voiture dans la vitrine de la BCBE

Une voiture a terminé sa course dans la vitrine de la banque cantonale bernoise à St-Imier, le conducteur a été transporté à l’hôpital.

9 Dec 15:49 www.rjb.ch 7386238342200189154.html
Important jeu de chaises musicales dans la grille-horaire du FM93

La direction du FM93 a annoncé lundi matin un important jeu de chaises musicales dans sa grille-horaire.

9 Dec 13:27 leSoleil 6002915703598992243.html
Szorong a neve miatt Stohl Luca


9 Dec 08:00 www.borsonline.hu 4361346210087774603.html
Protest topless la Paris. Activistele Femen au scandat: "Stop războiului putinist!" (VIDEO)

În ajunul întrevederii summitului în formatul Normandia, la Paris, a celor patru lideri mondiali, activistele Femen au desfăşurat o acţiune de protest, informează UNIANI. Două femei topless, au ieşit în faţa Palatului Elysee din Paris, unde urma să înceap

9 Dec 14:51 PUBLIKA 1679939814219017587.html
Rusia și dopajul - Istoria unei povești controversate

Cotidianul Marca a publicat, luni, o cronologie a scandalului de dopaj care afectează Rusia de peste cinci ani, după Jocurile Olimpice de la Soci, din 2014, stat care a primit o nouă sancţiune, mai

9 Dec 15:54 HotNews 6579911481801771634.html
Nudist överklagar nybygge – stör jacuzzibad

Samhälle En nudist i Kävlinge i Skåne har fått bekymmer med planerade nybyggen i kommunen, skriver Sydsvenskan.

9 Dec 14:52 www.unt.se 8922556089359927891.html
#OPINIÓN Sainete en cápsulas: Seguimos en la sala de espera #9Dic

Hay un aire confuso. Se extiende a naciones y a personajes que viven el incidente en pleno combate. Hay esquirlas y cicatrices por el bombardeo emocional que cayó como una granizada turbulenta. Día tras día se vive un episodio nuevo y corren las versiones con un ahínco demoledor. Quienquiera obviar la realidad, resulta sorprendido en […]

9 Dec 13:07 El Impulso 879547508177490279.html
Konkursansökan mot Nordex: Har obetalda fakturor på 85 miljoner

Det är obetalda fakturor på totalt 84,4 miljoner kronor som gjort att entreprenörbolaget Active Works begärt Hästkullens vindkraftparks totalentreprenör Nordex i konkurs, som vi kunde berätta i förra veckan. Samtidigt finns Active Works i sin tur hos Kronofogden – för miljonskulder till underentreprenörer.

9 Dec 11:26 SVT Nyheter 8475792989378413428.html
Dura sanción para Rusia: no podrá participar del Mundial ni los JJ.OO.

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) tomó la decisión de sacar a los rusos de todas las competencias por cuatro años debido a la manipulación de datos en los laboratorios de Moscú.

9 Dec 15:31 El Ancasti 5864462412042167386.html
I Am Jesus Christ, arriva su PC il simulatore della vita di Gesù

I Am Jesus Christ è il nuovo simulatore di vita che ha come protagonista Gesù. Rivivi i momenti più importanti della sua vita e lotta contro il Diavolo in questo nuovo titolo open world per PC.

9 Dec 16:00 tecnoandroid 2573257126540833805.html
Greta Thunberg no hablará el lunes en la Cumbre del Clima para "dar voz a otros"

Para aprovechar "el tirón mediático" que la joven activista ha generado desde su llegada a Madrid el pasado viernes.

9 Dec 09:51 La Información 5328999781656194937.html
Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Investment (TSE:FAP) Trading 0.3% Higher

Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Investment (TSE:FAP)’s stock price traded up 0.3% during trading on Monday . The stock traded as high as C$3.55 and last traded at C$3.55, 35,313 shares were traded during trading. A decline of 36% from the average session volume of 54,849 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$3.54. The stock has […]

9 Dec 17:20 The Cerbat Gem 3142837109210246560.html
Attiva Evolution cresce e spinge forte verso il 2020 | B2BLabs

Si chiude un anno ricco di nuovi accordi per il distributore, che guarda al futuro accelerando su convergenza, sicurezza, infrastruttura e cablaggio

9 Dec 10:35 Tom's Hardware 6640147069185062161.html
Il Giornale: "L'Emilia porta bene: 6 punti. E il Diavolo adesso sorride"

"L'Emilia porta bene: 6 punti. E il Diavolo adesso sorride": titola così questa mattina Il Giornale che spiega che, dopo la vittoria di Parma, il Milan ha espugnato ieri sera anche Bologna. Al Dall'Ara si è finalmente rivisto il vero Piatek, mentre Theo Hernandez ha fatto (gol) e disfatto (autogol e rigore provocato).   

9 Dec 09:23 MilanNews.it 6507305922373957175.html
Moscovo diz que há "histeria antirrussa" na decisão da AMA

O primeiro-ministro da Rússia classificou esta segunda-feira como uma "histeria antirrussa" a exclusão do país das maiores competições desportivas mundiais durante quatro anos, devido um sistema organizado de doping que contava com apoio estatal.

9 Dec 15:14 JN 6956494302433707200.html
Preminuo književnik i glumac Zoran Rankić

BEOGRAD - Danas je u Beogradu u osamdeset četvrtoj godini, posle duže i teške bolesti preminuo poznati srpski glumac i književnik Zoran Rankić, saopštili

9 Dec 11:50 Krstarica 4176903988875892912.html
Schoofs ziet KV Mechelen verder wegzakken: “De schwung is eruit”

KV Mechelen blijft op de sukkel. Na een sterk competitiebegin zakt Malinwa verder weg. Vooral de thuisreputatie is een probleem.

9 Dec 08:16 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330215597926667.html
“The Morning Show” nominata ai Golden Globe

I Golden Globes stanno annunciando le loro nomination e si scopre che la serie tv di Apple TV+, The Morning Show, è stata nominata per numerosi premi.

9 Dec 15:57 iPhone Italia 4721978889272737115.html
Real Betis | El secreto de la eterna juventud de Joaquín

El mítico futbolista verdiblanco ha logrado el primer ‘hat-trick’ de su carrera en la victoria contra el Athletic Club, siendo el más veterano en conseguirlo en la historia de LaLiga al haber (...)

9 Dec 16:07 Fichajes 157935405690932180.html
La mamma di Chiara e Francesca, morte a 15 e 20 anni nello schianto in auto: "Non le ho abbracciate per l'ultima volta"

Le parole della madre di Chiara e Francesca, sorelle morte sabato in un tragico incidente nella bassa veronese. A perdere la vita anche il fidanzato della maggiore

9 Dec 09:43 L'HuffPost 5315551422779859694.html
Ameal, nuevo presidente de Boca: "Es un triunfo inmenso de los socios"

La fórmula que incluyó a Pergolini y Riquelme se quedó con las elecciones y gobernará el club entre 2019 y 2023. Acá hay un equipo que trabajará para devolverle la transparencia a las actividades, aseguró.

9 Dec 10:26 TyC Sports 3239944748690355276.html
Bayern Munich : Joshua Kimmich tire la sonnette d’alarme

Battu ce samedi par le Borussia Mönchengladbach (2-1), le Bayern Munich se retrouve relégué à sept longueurs des Fohlen qui sont en tête. Actuellement septième, le Rekordmeister est aussi devancé par (...)

9 Dec 13:00 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900180931947338.html
Rama pozvao građane da ne prave namerne štete na objektima

TIRANA, 9. decembra (Tajug) - Premijer Albanije, Edi Rama, podneo je danas prvi izveštaj o preliminarnoj šeti od zemljotresa, koji je 26. novembra pogodio

9 Dec 16:26 Krstarica 4176903989014567253.html
Comer abacaxi promove benefícios para a saúde e ajuda a emagrecer

Foto: Arquivo CV Fruta tropical e cítrica, o abacaxi tem muita vitamina C, além de oxidantes e nutrientes bons para a saúde. Consumida fresca, desidratada ou até mesmo em conservas, a fruta pode ser misturada a sucos e sobremesas.O abacaxi atua como anti-inflamatório e ajuda a prevenir o câncer e doenças cardíacas. Também reduz as chances de desenvolver trombose, alivia dores nas articulações e ajuda a perder peso, por conta da grande quantidade de água e das fibras. Além disso, a fruta melhora até o aspecto da pele e dos cabelos.Faça você mesmoPara aproveitar os benefícios, basta acrescentar o abacaxi ao cardápio. Aqui está uma dica de um delicioso prato: use um peito de frango cozido, abacaxi, maçã e alface. Também separe azeite, duas nozes, salsão, sementes de mostarda, suco de um limão e pimenta.Corte alface, maçã e abacaxi em cubinhos e pedaços pequenos. Na sequência, adicione salsão, suco do limão, nozes, pimenta e mostarda. Deixe descansar um pouco. Depois, corte o frango já cozido e adicione o recipiente…

9 Dec 08:16 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420082786937.html
Bologna-Milan 2-3, Piatek: "Grande vittoria di squadra!"

"Grande vittoria di squadra!": è questo il messaggio che Kris Piatek, autore del primo gol rossonero su rigore, ha pubblicato su Instagram dopo la vittoria del Milan per 3-2 sul campo del Bologna.

9 Dec 12:49 MilanNews.it 6507305921876734080.html
How we met: 'We married in secret five weeks after meeting'

Laura and Jay Anderson were 18 and 20 when they met as students in the early 90s. They now live in Minnesota with their two children and three dogs

9 Dec 14:00 the Guardian 1491978794757721850.html
¿Cuáles son las causas por las que deberá responder Mauricio Macri?

El presidente saliente Mauricio Macri sumó 144 denuncias judiciales durante los 4 años de su mandato, aunque solo un puñado ha avanzado hasta el momento.

9 Dec 17:11 El Patagónico 8565457046568679786.html
Incendiu la un mall din Capitală. Explicaţia centrului comercial după ce mai multe persoane au fost evacuate

Un incendiu s-a produs, marţi dimineaţa, la un mall din Bucureşti, acesta manifestându-se la tubulatura exterioară a clădirii, au declarat, pentru MEDIAFAX, reprezentanţii Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de...

9 Dec 11:08 Mediafax.ro 1869610969642842427.html
Filmo apie Kauno tarpukario architektūrą konkursas bus skelbiamas iš naujo

Organizacija „Kaunas – Europos kultūros sostinė 2022” dar kartą skelbs filmo apie Kauno tarpukario architektūrą sukūrimo konkursą. Šiuo projektu siekiame supažindinti tarptautinę auditoriją su miesto tarpukario architektūros fenomenu. Būsimojo filmo premjera planuojama 2022 m., kai Kaunas taps Europos kultūros sostine.

9 Dec 14:33 Kauno diena 6825691409876730416.html
El valor de las 'gracias y bromas' de Joaquín fuera de las redes sociales

Joaquín ha firmado este domingo el triplete del futbolista más longevo en la Liga. Con 38 años y 140 días, sus tres dianas ante el Athletic Club le hacen ostentar un récord difícil de lograr

9 Dec 09:54 El Confidencial 6129807549337055167.html
Norge vil ha Tyskland-revansj etter storseier: – Det er det eneste som teller

KUMAMOTO (NRK): Norge leverte en maktdemonstrasjon da de knuste Sør-Korea, nå øyner de hevn mot Tyskland.

9 Dec 12:52 NRK 3631390765964575461.html
O futuro da delação de Joesley e o processo de um certo procurador

STF vai julgar em 2020 se o acordo do empresário deve ser rescindido

9 Dec 10:27 VEJA.com 4116702198027955846.html
Pon a luchar a tu ropa interior en Brief Battles, disponible el 21 de febrero de 2020 en Nintendo Switch

Brief Battles ha sido anunciado para Nintendo Switch esta misma tarde. Se trata de un título multijugador que recibiremos el próximo año en la consola híbrida. De acuerdo con lo compartido, Brief Battles se lanzará el 21 de febrero de 2020 en la eShop de Nintendo Switch. El juego consiste en pisotear al resto de […]

9 Dec 14:45 Nintenderos 2555436001633366893.html
3 Hal yang Perlu Diperbaiki Timnas Indonesia U-22 jika Ingin Dapat Emas SEA Games 2019

Timnas Indonesia U-22 selangkah lagi mendulang medali emas SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 08:15 Bola.com 1695722603482958256.html
Se burló de los rostros de Ninel Conde y Alejandra Guzmán: ahora recibe amenazas

José Luis Reséndez está en el ojo del huracán

9 Dec 17:17 El Diario NY 6486144433413288282.html
Fotbollsfans hånade homosexuella – greps

Två fotbollssupportrar i 40-årsåldern greps av polis för att ha förolämpat homosexuella när Brighton mötte Wolverhampton i söndags. Det meddelar de båda klubbarna. Före och under matchen uppmärksammade Premier League-klubbarna en pågående regnbågskampan

9 Dec 16:55 HD 3336945413254310065.html
Chris Wilder: 'Fans are sick of VAR'

The technology was brought into question again during Sheffield United's 2-1 win at Norwich on Sunday.

9 Dec 16:44 Sports Mole 7750663362404473325.html
Debt profile: MAN raises concerns over Nigeria’s rising figures

Manufacturers in Nigeria have disclosed that President Buhari's request for more loan to fund the 2020 budget is a serious source of concern.

9 Dec 14:50 Nairametrics.com 4741528846910694058.html
Eruption d'un volcan en Nouvelle-Zélande: cinq morts

Cinq personnes sont décédées et de nombreuses autres ont été blessées lors de l'éruption lundi du touristique volcan de White Island, dans le nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande, a annoncé la police. Outr...

9 Dec 10:01 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981297429953.html
Tom Brady, New England Patriots, booed off field by their own fans during Chiefs game

The New England Patriots were booed off their home field Sunday as they headed off for halftime down 13 to the Kansas City Chiefs, reports said.

9 Dec 12:07 Fox News 7362823819972770147.html
Qualcomm Prediksi Indonesia Terapkan 5G pada 2021-2022

Vice President Qualcomm untuk Taiwan dan Asia Tenggara ST Liew mengatakan, ia optimistis Indonesia tetap bakal menerapkan 5G meskipun ada keterlambatan dibandingkan negara-negara lainnya.

9 Dec 14:00 liputan6.com 3414318496035480081.html
Consigli regali di Natale 2019 per lei e per lui: un biglietto areo senza date

Come regalare un biglietto aereo open, senza date per Natale 2019: consigli e idee regalo da trovare sotto l'albero per questo 25 dicembre.

9 Dec 13:06 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928143806695.html
Smog, stop ai diesel Euro 4 a Bologna e Torino

Scattata l'allerta sia in Emilia Romagna che nel capoluogo piemontese, con l'entrata in vigore delle misure emergenziali: stop veicoli diesel Euro 4

9 Dec 15:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510656270969178.html
La mujer que mintió con el embarazo y su marido fueron acusados por la denuncia falsa

El hombre en condición de autor y la mujer como partícipe necesaria.

9 Dec 16:02 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451051279528.html
eFootball PES 2020 LITE veröffentlicht

Der eine spielt lieber FIFA von EA, der andere setzt auf PES. Und da hat Konami heute die Free-to-Play-Variante der Fußballsimulation für ...

9 Dec 14:30 stadt-bremerhaven.de 3693777574113603060.html
"Espero que seas feliz": el sentido mensaje de Diana Bolocco a su hijo Pedro tras importante logro

Por estos días, la animadora de Mucho Gusto y Quién quiere ser millonario, Diana Bolocco está más feliz que nunca luego que uno de sus hijos cumpliera una importante meta....

9 Dec 14:18 Pagina 7 4371131343466563570.html
Bella Thorne Instagram, in intimo senza trucco è sempre bollente: «Sei una bomba!»

Bella Thorne è sempre più bella e provocante. La sua ultima foto ha fatto letteralmente impazzire i suoi followers. Veramente bollente.

9 Dec 10:30 UrbanPost 2450570493324958826.html
El ejército de EEUU prepara su mayor ejercicio militar en Europa en 25 años

El ejercicio militar denominado Defender-Europe 20 reunirá a 37.000 tropas aliadas en mayo y junio en 10 países europeos.

9 Dec 17:41 T13 7836926440370668532.html
Estadio Luis Aparicio "El Grande" recibió el visto bueno de MLB, el de la UCV no

El estadio Luis Aparicio "El Grande" de Maracaibo pasó la primera y única inspección que tuvo este año por las Grandes Ligas, reportó una fuente del equipo rapaz a PANORAMA. El estadio de la Ciudad de Universitaria, donde juegan los Leones del Caracas, no tuvo la misma suerte que el nido aguilucho, según el comentarista de DirectvSports, Héctor Cordido.

9 Dec 10:34 Panorama 6052790753924512788.html
Cinco muertos y 18 heridos deja erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Según la policía, unas cincuenta personas visitaban White Island cuando se produjo la explosión, que lanzó una gran cantidad de ceniza y piedras al aire

9 Dec 12:37 El Universal 4964748195928395599.html
MV Agusta non proseguirà nel BSB: ecco perché

Il team Bike Devil passa da MV Agusta a Ducati per il BSB 2020: la F4 verso la scadenza dell'omologazione, da qui il passaggio alla V4 R.

9 Dec 11:20 Corsedimoto 8217505415393897768.html
Galaxy S10 und Note 10 Lite: So viel kosten die Budget-Flaggschiffe

Samsung stellt bald wohl das Galaxy S10 Lite und Note 10 Lite vor. Was die beiden günstigen Versionen der Top-Smartphones kosten, verrät ein Händler.

9 Dec 14:50 CURVED 5947652463482206095.html
Cassano su Insigne: "E' un mio amico, ma fare il capitano a Napoli è dura..."

Antonio Cassano, ex attaccante ed opinionista, ha parlato ai microfoni della trasmissione 'Tiki Taka' su Canale 5, commentando il momento del Napoli.

9 Dec 11:20 TUTTONAPOLI.net 3367571081046559944.html
Els tres fons de pensions que es fan d'or amb el tramvia

Globalvia, el principal accionista de les dues empreses que gestionen el transport a Barcelona, està controlat per tres fons de pensions del Canadà, el Regne Unit i els Països Baixos. Els altres accionistes significatius del tramvia són la catalana Moventia i la multinacional francesa Alstom. Segons ha publicat ei diari 'Ara', els accionistes del Tram es repartiran uns dividends de 90 milions.

9 Dec 16:23 www.publico.es 99190977308236466.html
Prix BD Fnac - France Inter

Le site de référence de la bande dessinée - Logiciel de gestion de collection BD, Forum, Chroniques, Preview, News, Dossiers, Jeux, Concours, Festivals.

9 Dec 15:11 BD GEST' 777150514446751580.html
Úrsula Corberó: la fotografía en Instagram que ha dejado confundidos a sus fans

¿Es ella o no? La fama de Úrsula Corberó se ha internacionalizado gracias a su participación en la aclamada serie de Netflix ‘La casa de papel’.

9 Dec 13:00 Publimetro Perú 5349571042130614007.html
AVISO: Parlament unterstützt Ö3-Wundertüte

Fototermin mit Nationalratspräsident Wolfgang Sobotka und VertreterInnen von Caritas, Ö3 und ORF, Mittwoch, 11. Dezember, 12.00 Uhr

9 Dec 15:58 OTS.at 4182160710166648633.html
Ita : Gattuso pour remplacer Ancelotti, Naples sur un volcan !

Le club de Naples jouera mardi son avenir européen. Mais pour plusieurs médias italiens, la messe est dite pour Carlo Ancelotti qui pourrait laisser son poste à Gennaro Gattuso dès cette semaine. Les rumeurs d’un limogeage imminent de Carlo Ancelotti…

9 Dec 14:20 FOOT01.com 4457376263579631999.html
50 jeunes professionnels rejoignent le réseau des « Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders »

Une nouvelle cohorte de 50 jeunes Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL), issus de 4 Continents et de 27 nationalités, va prendre part, du 9 au 11 décembre, à des ateliers […]

9 Dec 15:23 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981881953182.html
Hero MotoCorp bikes set to get costlier by Rs 2,000 from January 1

Auto manufactures have increased prices owing to the transition cost for migrating to the BS-VI platform

9 Dec 17:35 Business-Standard 1502508925072211432.html
Imagens do quinto dia de greve em Paris, sem transportes e com trânsito caótico

Os acessos a Paris voltaram a estar muito complicados, esta segunda-feira, devido ao quinto dia de greve contra a reforma das pensões e que afeta sobretudo a rede de transportes na capital francesa.

9 Dec 15:28 JN 6956494303015481063.html
Inusables, les marionnettes de "Sesame Street" fêtent leur demi-siècle

Des générations entières d'enfants à travers le monde ont été élevées par ses marionnettes attachantes, connues en France sous le titre "1, rue Sésame"

9 Dec 08:49 RTL 5minutes 5295111943422588091.html
Fórmula para calcular el peso del bebé en el embarazo

La estimación del peso fetal es muy importante pues permite al médico evaluar el tamaño del bebé, su crecimiento dentro del útero y si pudiera existir algún...

9 Dec 17:00 Bebesymas 5193070611826391192.html
U utorak počinje izmještanje migranata iz Vučjaka

SARAJEVO - Premijer Unsko-sanskog kantona, Mustafa Ružnić, najavio je da će izmeštanje migranata iz kampa Vučjak, u Unsko-sanskom kantonu, početi u sutra

9 Dec 13:45 Krstarica 4176903988433450632.html
Bekuk Malaysia, Praveen/Melati Rebut Emas SEA Games 2019

Pasangan ganda campuran Indonesia, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti sukses menyabet medali emas nomor perorangan bulu tangkis SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 12:40 Bola.net 5489959027486136426.html
Prazo para pré-matrícula nas escolas estaduais termina na próxima sexta-feira

De acordo com a Sedu, são mais de 250 mil vagas para os Ensinos Fundamental e Médio Regular, nas 448 escolas estaduais

9 Dec 16:41 Folha Vitória 4941883427540903972.html
Skogsföretag fälls för Västmanlandsbranden

Samhälle Fem år sedan glöden efter branden i Västmanland falnat har frågan om vem som ska ses som ansvarig för den fått ett svar. I en viktig dom för skogsbranschen fälls en underentreprenör, som får

9 Dec 13:56 www.unt.se 8922556089851321509.html
Šarec in Pivčeva se bosta srečala po koncu njene bolniške odsotnosti

Premier Marjan Šarec je ob robu obiska slovenskih vojakov v BiH napovedal, da se bosta z ministrico za kmetijstvo Aleksandro Pivec o njeni nadaljnji usodi zaradi sodelovanja pri projektu SRIPT pogovorila, ko se Pivčeva vrne z bolniške. Kot je dejal, ni nujno, da bo srečanje že ta teden, saj ima tudi sam v prihodnjih dneh precej obveznosti v tujini.

9 Dec 14:39 Primorske novice 8884558925811845635.html
Sainte-Marie-Kerque: la première adjointe se lance dans les municipales

L’actuelle première adjointe Franciane Applincourt a décidé de monter sa propre ...

9 Dec 12:30 La Voix du Nord 5307415663551696420.html
EUA relembram os 78 anos do ataque japonês a Pearl Harbor

O ataque japonês a base americana de Pearl Harbor completou 78 anos no sábado (7). Durante a 2° Guerra Mundial a antiga Marinha Imperial do Japão atacou a base militar americana, com o intuito de afundar navios importantes da frota americana. O ataque serviu de pretexto para os EUA entrarem oficialmente na guerra. No dia 7 do horário local, cerca de 2000 pessoas, entre ex-soldados americanos e familiares das vitimas dos ataques, reuniram-se em um parque localizado em Pearl Harbor para prestar condolências as vitimas dos ataques. Às 7h55, horário oficial do ataque japonês, foi feito um minuto de silêncio para as quase 2,4 mil vítimas dos ataques. Soldados da Marinha dos EUA lembraram dos acontecimentos de 78 anos atrás. O ataque é considerado um evento trágico na história dos EUA e o único ataque sofrido pelo país por um exército estrangeiro em toda a sua história. Os ex-soldados do exército americano, lembraram, no entanto, que o Japão, outrora inimigo na guerra, é agora um aliado e um importante parceiro dos…

9 Dec 15:30 ipc.digital 5639997093248009838.html
Destaca Quintana Roo en nacional de tenis en Cancún

Ximena Sentíes se corona en la categoría 14 años y menores femenil.

9 Dec 08:00 SIPSE.com 4008460419296709165.html
Niemieckie media piszą o "polskim obozie"

Niemiecki magazyn "TV Direckt" użył sformułowania "polski obóz" w stosunku do niemieckiego obozu zagłady, gdzie zabijano ludzi z wykorzystaniem "Cyklonu B". Interwencję w tej sprawie podjął polski ambasador.

9 Dec 12:22 fakty.interia.pl 3878966316121262372.html
Lawan: Power generation may fall below 4,000MW if urgent action isn’t taken

Senate President Ahmad Lawan says if nothing is done to address the challenges in the power sector, the 4,000 megawatts the country currently enjoys may become a challenge.

9 Dec 17:19 TheCable 7513571674411047205.html
'Dolor y gloria', Banderas y Ana de Armas, nominados a los Globos de Oro

El filme de Pedro Almodóvar optará al premio de mejor película extranjera

9 Dec 14:10 Levante-Emv 6489695319614727165.html
Nova análise mostra que praias de Linhares estão livres de fragmentos de óleo

No domingo (8), o efetivo de nove militares realizou o monitoramento e coleta de óleo na praia de Degredo, onde foram recolhidos 300 gramas de material oleado

9 Dec 11:34 Folha Vitória 4941883427023612009.html
Ônibus é destruído por grupo de torcedores do Cruzeiro após rebaixamento

A empresa responsável pela linha 507, que liga o bairro Ouro Preto ao Shopping Del Rey, ainda não contabilizou o prejuízo sofrido

9 Dec 08:31 O TEMPO 6069683948034802951.html
Espen Egil Hansen slutter: - Hodet sier dette er riktig, også for Aftenposten

- Jeg har ikke lyst å bli den sjefsredaktøren som sitter litt for lenge, da er det bedre å gå et kvarter for tidlig, sier Espen Egil Hansen.

9 Dec 09:48 Kampanje 8714678315710510544.html
Mađarska šalje dodatnih 100 vojnika u sastav Kfora

LONDON - Mađarska namerava da sa dodatnih 100 vojnika poveća vojno prisustvo na Kosovu, tako da će u sastavu Kfora brojati skoro 500 pripadnika. Povećanje

9 Dec 11:43 Krstarica 4176903988203534550.html
Megérkezett a Ghostbusters: Afterlife előzetese

Jövő nyáron kerül mozikba az új Szellemirtók-kaland.

9 Dec 15:36 PlayDome 1903445917929403012.html
Wie letztes Jahr: Michael Müller fährt erneut die größte Drecksschleuder

Während Bremens Bürgermeister mit dem umweltfreundlichsten Dienstwagen unterwegs ist, ging der letzte Platz wieder an Berlins Bürgermeister Michael Müller.

9 Dec 11:40 TAG24 4583887875005020298.html
Las promesas de Ameal que dan pistas sobre el espíritu de su gobierno

El nuevo Presidente del club plantea un Boca más social: promete soluciones para adherentes y hasta al creación de una escuela de "Artes y Oficios". Además, le apunta a mejorar el vínculo con CONMEBOL y a auditar las cuentas y las transferencias de la gestión saliente. El proyecto "Bombonera 360" es uno de sus mascarones de proa.

9 Dec 14:54 Doble Amarilla 8680269686325174938.html
Meppen vs. Münster im Livestream und TV: SC Preußen Münster gastiert heute bei SV Meppen

SV Meppen tritt in der 3. Liga am 18. Spieltag gegen SC Preußen Münster an. Mit 6 Siegen, 6 mal Unentschieden und 5 Niederlagen in 17 Spielen stehen die Gastgeber von Trainer Christian Neidhart momentan mit 24 Punkten auf Tabellenplatz 9. Die Spieler von SC Preußen Münster um Coach Arne Barez hingegen haben mit 2 Siegen, 7 mal Remis und 8 Niederlagen bislang 13 Punkte erzielt und finden sich auf Platz 19 der Tabelle wieder. Bei dieser Platzierung muss Münster Acht geben, dass sie nicht in den Abstiegskampf geraten.

9 Dec 14:31 news.de 5126378979158491543.html
The 16-Inch MacBook Pro’s Very Quiet Arrival

The 16-Inch MacBook Pro arrived with relatively very little fanfare, and it is worth asking why that is the case.

9 Dec 16:08 The Mac Observer 5087532648447116743.html
Volcán hace erupción cerca de turistas y deja cinco muertos en Nueva Zelanda: impactantes registros

Además, varias personas resultaron heridas y otras tantas se encuentran desaparecida tras lo ocurrido en la Isla Blanca, en Nueva Zelanda.

9 Dec 12:26 La Cuarta 7037280507543850041.html
WhatsApp arriva su iPad ma c’è anche una novità per gli utenti

WhatsApp fa il suo esordio sugli iPad. C'è però una buona notizia anche per tutti i possessori di tablet con sistema operativo Android

9 Dec 11:10 tecnoandroid 2573257127026429929.html
O nouă victorie pentru drepturile femeilor din Arabia Saudită. Ce schimbări se vor face

Restaurantele şi cafenelele din Arabia Saudită nu mai au obligaţia de a dispune de intrări separate pentru femei, au anunţat autorităţile acestei ţări ultraconservatoare, care a demarat un program de reforme economice şi sociale, relatează AFP.

9 Dec 13:19 Stirileprotv.ro 940005310195505975.html
Buhari’s appointee Okechukwu wants APC, PDP to adopt Igbo presidency in 2023

One of the only ways to save Nigeria's democracy from threats is for the APC and the PDP to adopt presidential candidates from the south east zone, Osita Okechukwu, an appointee of Muhammadu Buhari, has said.

9 Dec 13:19 Legit 3764253651086796032.html
Chi è Vladimir Luxuria? Nome vero, età, altezza, fidanzato e Instagram

Conosciamo meglio insieme chi è Vladimir Luxuria: il nome vero, età, altezza e fidanzato, fino a dove poterla seguire su Instagram.

9 Dec 14:33 Novella 2000 6951116780649226988.html
Estos han sido los juegos más populares en Youtube durante el 2019

Como cada año, YouTube realiza un YouTube Rewind, un video recopilación de lo más destacado del año en el que suelen aparecer los creadores de contenido más relevantes al rededor de todo el mundo. La popularidad de estos videos cayó en picado en el 2018 tras convertirse en el video con más dislikes de la historia de la misma plataforma, por lo que este año YouTube ha optado por un formado distinto y que, de nuevo, no ha gustado. En este Rewind se recoge varios TOPs en diversos tipos de videos, entre ellos videojuegos.

9 Dec 08:08 SomosXbox 4635940034083506818.html
„Ich konnte mich nicht mehr verabschieden“

Der „Polizeiruf 110“ machte sie zu Freunden. In BILD erinnert sich Jaecki Schwarz an seinen verstorbenen Freund Wolfgang Winkler.

9 Dec 08:16 Bild 8433249907613017221.html
Así escribe Margaret Atwood, la gran invitada al Hay Festival 2020

Candidata al Nobel de Literatura, la autora canadiense estará en Cartagena en enero próximo.

9 Dec 17:20 El Tiempo 1091719939878697744.html
¡Escándalo! Kendall Jenner ¿Confirma ROMANCE con Bella Hadid? (FOTOS)

Las bellas modelos Kendall Jenner y Bella Hadid fueron captadas en una situaci&oacute;n comprometedora que muchos rumoran que existe un romance secreto.

9 Dec 12:04 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623080883366.html
La mayor sanción en la historia: Rusia, cuatro años KO de JJOO y Mundiales por dopaje

La decisión del comité ejecutivo de la AMA, que deja al deporte ruso fuera de los Juegos de verano de Tokio (2020) y los de invierno de Pekín (2022), fue unánime, según informó la RUSADA

9 Dec 11:16 El Confidencial 6129807548702164362.html
Milan Zlatan Ibrahimoviç'e teklifini sundu

Amerika kariyerinin ardından Milan ile pazarlık halinde olduğu iddia edilen Zlatan Ibrahimovic'in en az 18 aylık kontrat istediği ve kırmızı siyahlı ekibin bu süre için 9 milyon euro önerdiği iddia edildi.

9 Dec 16:26 Bursada Bugün 3693130091048360269.html
Morreu Paul Volcker, ex-presidente da Fed e grande inimigo da inflação

O ex-presidente da Reserva Federal dos Estados Unidos, Paul Volcker, que levou a cabo uma forte subida das taxas de juro para controlar a inflação na década de 1980, morreu aos 92 anos, informou esta segunda-feira a sua família.

9 Dec 15:55 DN 8445869957370576374.html
Cardi B Declares 'I Feel Like People Are Just So Tired Of Me Winning'

Her sophomore album is due out in 2020.

9 Dec 16:16 HipHopDX 6054351961568392055.html
3 Pemain Timnas Indonesia U-22 yang Paling Dominan di SEA Games 2019

Timnas Indonesia U-22 sudah memastikan diri ke partai final cabang olahraga sepak bola putra di SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 10:06 Bola.net 5489959028236906244.html
Definen ruta crítica para elección del PRD

Agustín Silva Vidal reveló que se llevará a cabo el día 5 de abril de 2020 y serán organizadas por el INE.

9 Dec 12:43 Tabasco Hoy 2099176562177520806.html
Maskinentreprenör döms för skogsbrand - Stora Enso frias

En maskinentreprenör döms till företagsböter för att ha orsakat den stora skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014. Även skogskoncernen Stora Enso stod åtalad men frias av tingsrätten.

9 Dec 11:31 Affärsvärlden 3373930977825570699.html
Mariages des enfants : L'appel à mobilisation de l'UNICEF

  Les agences des Nations Unies UNFPA Maroc, UNICEF Maroc et ONU Femmes Maghreb ont organisé ce lundi une table ronde sous le thème " Mariage des enfants" et  #Hit_Ana_Rajel,  en présence notamment de représentants de la société civile .  En collaboration avec l'ambassade de Belgique et en présence du ministre de l'Education nationale Said Amzazi, cette réunion avait pour objectif de discuter des nouvelles stratégies à mettre en oeuvre pour lutter contre le mariage des enfants au Maroc.  « Le mariage des enfants est une violation des droits, L’UNICEF travaille avec ses partenaires et la société civile pour éliminer cette forme de violence contre les filles .@bdnoub ,Représentant adjoint de @UNICEFMaroc #16jours #Hit_Ana_Rajel #OrangezLeMonde #ODD5 @ONUMaroc pic.twitter.com/upVSQQ4eKI — UNICEF Maroc December 7, 2019 La représentante de l'UNFPA au Maroc, Luis Mort, a souligné lors de cette rencontre que «Le mariage des enfants est une préoccupation majeure pour nos 3 agences et un axe prioritaire de notre intervention.…

9 Dec 12:50 LesEco.ma 3084334527274404265.html
Fall Claudia Ruf erneut bei «Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst»

Bonn (dpa/lnw) - Die ZDF-Sendung «Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst» widmet sich erneut dem Mord an der Schülerin Claudia Ruf. Am kommenden Mittwoch soll der Fall noch einmal bundesweit vorgestellt werden. Bereits 1997 hatte die Sendung über den Fall berichtet, sagte ein Polizeisprecher am Montag in Bonn. Nachdem Profiler neue Ansätze bei dem ungeklärten Fall entdeckt hatten, waren die Ermittlungen wieder aufgenommen worden.

9 Dec 14:50 DIE WELT 6197693429571838917.html
Kad se sve sabere i oduzme, da li Zvezda zaslužuje evropsko proleće?

Fudbaler Crvene zvezde Nemanja Milunović rekao je danas da je njegova ekipa, po svemu prikazanom u ovoj polusezoni, zalužila "evropsko proleće".

9 Dec 15:31 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495098304890.html
Australien söker sommar-OS

32 år efter OS i Sydney vill Australien arrangera sommar-OS igen. Den här gången, 2032, i Queensland med städer som Brisbane och Gold Coast som huvudorter.

9 Dec 09:10 DN.SE 398730695519688212.html
Autolenker lief nach „Salto“ davon

Mitten in der Nacht auf Sonntag wurden Feuerwehrleute im Bezirk Neunkirchen aus ihren Betten geholt. Ein Auto hatte sich in Feistritz überschlagen. ...

9 Dec 08:20 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094066380827.html
Machismo, talón de aquiles de los latinos; la mortandad aumenta a partir de los 15 años

La valentía, las lesiones por accidentes viales y la cirrosis hepática por consumo de alcohol ocasionan una sobremortalidad masculina, alerta la ops

9 Dec 17:36 Excélsior 859179359800207435.html
Engelli vatandaşlara uyuşturucu ile mücadele eğitimi

Engelli vatandaşlara uyuşturucu ile mücadele...

9 Dec 10:11 CNN Türk 3669296857501918908.html
12 Comics That Will Ring a Bell With Anyone Who’s Ever Fallen in Love

Not everyone in the world is lucky enough to find their true love. That’s why its value is really immeasurable. If you have someone who you adore and you can’t imagine your life without them, you should know: you’re an incredibly lucky person. Just like illustrator Luong Thuy, who shows love in her touching and funny comics.

9 Dec 09:30 BrightSide — Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder. 5767263656236430490.html
Bispo brasileiro: Netflix dá bofetão na cara dos cristãos com programa blasfemo

O Bispo de Palmares (PE), Dom Henrique Soares da Costa, rechaçou o filme de Natal lançado por Netflix, “debochado e desrespeitoso ao extremo” com a fé cristã, e exortou os fiéis a cancelaram sua assinatura da plataforma de streaming, “como um presente a Nosso Senhor”.  

9 Dec 11:40 ACI Digital 1688611262379672769.html
V släpper kravet på misstroendeförklaring

Regeringen, Centern och Liberalerna är överens om att skjuta fram reformeringen av Arbetsförmedlingen i ett år. Vänsterpartiet meddelar att de då släpper kravet på misstroende.

9 Dec 13:11 Lag & Avtal 576972091420653658.html
PSD, ironii la adresa Ambasadei Suediei cu ocazia Zilei Internaţíonale a Luptei Împotriva Corupţiei

PSD a postat, luni, cu ocazia Zilei Internaţionale a Luptei Împotriva Corupţiei, un mesaj ironic la adresa Ambasadei Suediei, după ce Departamentul de Justiţie al SUA a informat că Ericsson va plăti peste un...

9 Dec 15:57 Mediafax.ro 1869610969059997473.html
Audio y diseño: sonidos que se ven muy bien

Relevamos la oferta de equipos de audio hogareños con la intención de identificar aquellos que, según nuestro criterio, se destacan por su diseño, ya sea porque aportan a la ambientación del...

9 Dec 13:18 La Voz 6237180760282553021.html
Mercato : Ibrahimovic toujours plus proche du Milan AC ?

Alors que Zlatan Ibrahimovic s’apprête à boucler son retour en Europe, le Milan AC aurait toujours une longueur d’avance sur ses concurrents pour le buteur suédois.

9 Dec 09:42 Le 10 Sport 6431763078730219153.html
Ce se întâmplă cu pensiile speciale? Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan: PNL susţine anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor ale militarilor şi magistraţilor

Raluca Turcan a anunţat că PNL a decis, în şedinţa BEX de luni, ca partidul să susţină anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor militarilor şi magistraţilor. Vicepremierul a precizat că în paralel Guvernul vrea să vină cu o Lege a pensiilor care să elimine inechităţile în calcularea pensiilor.

9 Dec 11:01 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917623296129.html
Rodríguez: "Para mí, Rosell y yo debimos recibir tarjeta amarilla"

El delantero de Deportivo Binacional, Aldair Rodríguez, conversó con el programa 'Toque y Taco' de Radio Ovación y analizó la goleada que propinó el 'Poderoso del Sur' a Alianza Lima en el Guillermo Briceño de Juliaca, por la primera final de la Liga 1.

9 Dec 16:02 Ovación 4766812598190736662.html
Jeu de chaises musicales dans la grille-horaire du FM93

Arrivée de Stephan Dupont à la barre de l’émission du matin, déménagement de Sylvain Bouchard en après-midi et d’Éric Duhaime le midi. La station FM93 a procédé lundi à un remaniement de sa grille-horaire en vue de la rentrée d’hiver, dans une volonté manifeste d’adopter un ton différent pour se mettre au diapason d’un public en mutation.

9 Dec 13:27 leSoleil 6002915704552065213.html
Flixbus: Aktuelle Angebote ab 5 Euro, aber Aus für E-Bus | iTopnews

Flixbus hat seine E-Bus-Verbindung zwischen Frankfurt und Mannheim wieder eingestellt.

9 Dec 10:05 www.itopnews.de 222669968530119446.html
CFR SA a semnat contractul pentru studiul de fezabilitate privind modernizarea Gării de Nord, de 11,3 milioane lei, fără TVA

Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate CFR şi Consis Proiect au semnat contractul pentru elaborarea studiului de fezabilitate, prima etapă a programului de modernizare a Gării de Nord Bucureşti, contractul fiind în valoare de 11,3 milioane lei, fără TVA.

9 Dec 16:02 News.ro 1785173098170005619.html
Dossier Hakimi/Pauwels: 27 suspects renvoyés en correctionnel

C’est ce lundi 9 décembre que la justice montoise se penchait de nouveau sur le vaste dossier des home-jackings violents Hakimi/Pauwels. Inculpés et parties civiles se sont retrouvés au palais de justice, rue de Nimy à Mons.

9 Dec 13:19 sudinfo.be 344139276978182013.html
Pijan žalil partnerico, policisti našli tudi avtomatsko puško (FOTO)

Policisti PP Rače so v torek, 3. 12., odvzeli prostost in pridržali 59-letnega osumljenca, doma iz občine Hoče - Slivnica, ki ga utemeljeno sumijo nedovoljene proizvodnje in prometa orožja ali...

9 Dec 11:30 Slovenske novice 5901956562177858800.html
Handke: Volio bih da opet dođem u Banjaluku

Austrijskom piscu Peteru Handkeu u utorak bi u Stokholmu švedski kralj Karl Gustav trebalo da uruči Nobelovu nagradu za književnost za ovu godinu.

9 Dec 16:35 Nezavisne novine 4209150642580999695.html
Calviño cree que la transición ecológica precisará un gran volumen de inversión

Ha recordado que, a nivel nacional, el ICO ha abierto camino con la emisión de bonos verdes para financiar inversión pública.

9 Dec 16:38 La Información 5328999781044263059.html
Ngong Ping 360 di Ujung Langit Hong Kong, Apa Itu?

Hong Kong jadi salah satu destinasi favorit bagi wisatawan. Salah satu tempat yang harus dikunjungi adalah Ngong Ping 360.

9 Dec 15:01 detikTravel 7712517352851114969.html
Bartomeu, sobre Messi: "Me gustaría hacerle un contrato de anualidad"

El presidente de Barcelona se refirió a su máxima figura y también tocó el tema del mercado de transferencias como así también de Pep Guardiola.

9 Dec 11:29 DIRECTV Sports 8893643040073125013.html
Alba Flores revoluciona a los fans de 'La casa de papel' con sus declaraciones: 'Quien ama a Nairobi, sufrirá'

Parte del elenco se reunió en la 'Comic Con' celebrada en Brasil para anunciar la llegada en abril de 2020 de la cuarta temporada de la serie

9 Dec 16:52 Hola.com 2035212430157024490.html
Saras: possibile una nuova correzione verso 1,435 euro

La dinamica delle ultime sedute ha confermato l’inversione negativa della tendenza di Saras, che ha ceduto la trendline rialzista di medio passante...

9 Dec 10:30 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336743452226636.html
Bad news for Trump — 60% of Americans say the surging stock market doesn't affect them, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Only 40% of respondents in the Financial Times poll said that the stock market had gone up this year. The S&P 500 has soared about 26% in 2019.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 16:19 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408755535440174.html
Bernerin übergibt 140'000 Franken an falsche Polizisten

Eine Bernerin wurde Opfer von Telefonbetrügern. Sie übergab 140'000 Franken an falsche Polizisten. So schützen Sie sich vor den Betrügern.

9 Dec 17:56 Berner Zeitung 1248949325720724863.html
Światowy Kongres Żydów: Zachować Auschwitz jako przypomnienie o najohydniejszej zbrodni w historii

Przewodniczący Światowego Kongresu Żydów (WJC) Ronald Lauder pisze w poniedziałkowym "Die Welt", że dawny niemiecki obóz zagłady Auschwitz uświadamia ludziom istnienie zła, które w każdej chwili może powrócić. Apeluje też o zachowanie tego miejsca pamięci na zawsze.

9 Dec 13:07 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100668649501080.html
Vivo X30 davetiyeleri teleskop ile geldi! Kayaktan sonra teleskop

19 Aralık tarihinde tanıtılacak olan yeni nesil amiral gemisi Vivo X30 ile ilgili davetiyeler ilginç bir şekilde yollanmaya başladı. İşte detaylar..

9 Dec 14:00 TeknoBurada 2194822971130183201.html
Sivert (26) fra Fana skal dømme Eliteserien neste sesong

Dommertalentet representerer Fana Fotball.

9 Dec 14:54 Bergens Tidende 6643873499086122265.html
Premiê chama de "histeria antirrussa" decisão de privar país das Olimpíadas

Dmitry Medevedv defendeu que governo apele da medida

9 Dec 13:10 Correio do Povo 8875535436325997962.html
Nueva Zelanda: al menos 5 muertos y varios desaparecidos tras explosión de un volcán

Durante la mañana del lunes (hora de Nueva Zelanda) entró en erupción un volcán en la isla White Island. Al menos 5 personas fallecieron y varias continúan desaparecidas.

9 Dec 11:17 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557629875835875.html
Pela 1ª vez, concurso de Miss Universo tem candidata assumidamente lésbica

Foto: Reprodução Instagram / @swe_zin_htet Swe Zin Htet, candidata por Mianmar ao Miss Universo 2019, foi a primeira concorrente na história do concurso a assumir a homossexualidade. A declaração foi dada dias antes da final para a revista People. "Quando eu digo que sou lésbica, terei um grande impacto na comunidade LGBTQI+ no meu país", disse.Htet também desabafou sobre preconceito: "a dificuldade é que lá (Mianmar) as pessoas não são aceitas. Elas são alvo de preconceitos de outras e são discriminadas".Quem venceu o concurso de Miss Universo 2019 neste domingo, 8, foi a candidata pela África do Sul, Zozibini Tunzi. Swe Htet tem 21 anos e disse que a decisão de tornar pública a orientação sexual também é um divisor de águas em sua história. "É como se eu tivesse iniciando um novo capítulo da minha vida", afirmou.A candidata por Mianmar disse que descobriu seu interesse por mulheres ainda na adolescência, aproximadamente com 15 anos de idade. "No começo foi difícil, mas depois de um período eu soube que era…

9 Dec 10:05 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419410937322.html
Policía de Nueva Zelandia afirma que no habría más sobrevivientes tras erupción de volcán

De acuerdo con las autoridades, unas 23 personas fueron rescatadas, de las cuales cinco murieron y las restantes 18 están siendo atendidas por heridas de diversa consideración.

9 Dec 11:45 Emol 3328490602635851143.html
RDC: l’UE maintient ses sanctions sauf pour deux officiels

L’Union européenne a décidé lundi de maintenir pour un an des « mesures restrictives » visant 12 cadres du régime de l’ex-président Joseph Kabila, et de les lever pour deux d’entre eux, dont l’ex-ministre de la Communication. Le Conseil européen a pris cette décision « sur la base d’une évaluation de la situation en RDC », a indiqué l’UE […]

9 Dec 17:51 Journal de Brazza 8990092585832052333.html
Lanzan el primer tráiler de la nueva versión de "Ghostbusters"

Sony Pictures adelantó las primeras imágenes de esta nueva secuela que se estrenará en 2020

9 Dec 17:09 El Nuevo Dia 2512554310595835127.html
Alcolumbre muda horário de sessão do Congresso

Davi Alcolumbre mudou o horário da sessão do Congresso desta terça-feira de 11h para 13h...

9 Dec 13:38 O Antagonista 1037429653726832731.html
WhatsApp agora tem recurso de ligações em espera no Android

App não somente envia um sinal sonoro para indicar que uma pessoa está tentando falar com você, mas também mostra nome e telefone para você aceitar ou recusar.

9 Dec 12:53 Canaltech 6267437388745382558.html
Road accident claims 12 lives in Niger —FRSC

The Federal Road Safety Corps in Niger State has said that 12 people have died in an accident on Sunday at Sawmill Village along Mokwa-Makera road in Mokwa Local Government Area of the state. Th...

9 Dec 11:35 Punch Newspapers 3524240995645998123.html
Finora nel 2019 la polizia ha sequestrato a Reggio Emilia 479 chili di droga

REGGIO EMILIA – Nel corso dei servizi antidroga svolti dalla polizia in zona stazione storica, sono stati arrestati due ragazzi trovati in possesso di marijuana. Le manette sono scattate domenica mattina, nell’ambito di distinte operazioni. Nella prima è finto nei guai un 23enne, bloccato dagli agenti dopo che era sceso da un treno proveniente da […]

9 Dec 11:46 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334201586608.html
Assistentes de acusação pedem a prisão de Allana Brittes após fotos em redes sociais

(Foto: reprodução/Instagram) Os assistentes de acusação no processo que apura o assassinato do jogador de futebol Daniel Correa Freitas pedem a prisão de Allana Brites, de 18 anos, que está entre o…

9 Dec 12:47 Band News FM Curitiba 996218258866398722.html
Carlos Muñoz: Siempre estarán las ganas de volver a Wanderers

El delantero quedó libre y espera ofertas del cuadro "caturro".

9 Dec 10:41 alairelibre.cl 7508323594108016257.html
¿Tu amigo secreto te pidió una agenda cómo regalo? 8 opciones para elegir

Si estás buscando diferentes opciones de agendas 2020 para regalarle a tu amiga secreta, aquí te dejamos un listado de últimos en tendencia.

9 Dec 15:32 Wapa.pe 6757287088283953406.html
Jovem é assassinado após briga com policial no Piauí

A vítima morreu ainda no local. O caso será investigado pela Polícia Civil de Amarante.

9 Dec 16:15 R10 3167340812697478208.html
Maisa Silva explica motivo de intensificar malhação: 'Quero ter um bumbum top'

Maisa Silva contou que está focada na alimentação e treinos para definir o corpo: 'Eu quero ter uma bundona top e já estou malhando e me alimentando pra isso, né? Deus deu muito peito e pouca bunda, m...

9 Dec 17:59 Purepeople 5674914089415756408.html
Golpe letal: Agencia Mundial Antidopaje suspende a Rusia por cuatro años y queda fuera de Tokio 2020

El castigo se produce después de que las autoridades rusas manipularan la base de datos de un laboratorio para ocultar cientos de posibles casos de dopaje.

9 Dec 12:32 Publimetro Chile 2498685482353795450.html
Federación Deportiva de Cañar está intervenida por emergencia en los escenarios deportivos

La Federación Deportiva de Cañar (FDC), que la presidía Francisco León, está intervenida por la Secretaría del Deporte. El motivo, según se detalla, es por emergencia en los escenarios deportivos de la provincia.

9 Dec 13:32 El Comercio 2865024641131863233.html
El líder izquierdista francés Mélenchon, condenado a tres meses de prisión

Tras conocerse el fallo, el líder del partido La Francia Insumisa asegura que se trata de «un culebrón judicial» en su contra detrás del que estaría el presidente Macron

9 Dec 09:25 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612707206467.html
Mehr als 2000 Koalas bei Buschbränden umgekommen

Bei den schweren Buschbränden in Australien sind Schätzung von Experten zufolge seit Oktober bereits mehr als 2000 Koalas verbrannt. Bei einer ...

9 Dec 09:28 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092592769692.html
Uespi divulga edital de proficiência para Inglês e Espanhol

O exame constará de prova escrita, de caráter eliminatório, em uma única etapa.

9 Dec 15:40 R10 3167340813049172187.html
Historia de Terror: "La sombra en la cocina"

Una terrorifica historia de terror se hizo viral en internet debido a lo impactante de los hechos. Si estas buscando un relato que te haga temblar sigue leyendo aqu&iacute; abajo.

9 Dec 17:42 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623181738886.html
Zimska citrus voćna salata s makom i narom

Grejpfrut je zvezda ove voćne salate, savršene kao deo laganog doručka.

9 Dec 08:00 N1 Srbija 7797130866528932862.html
Surprise pour Eden Hazard: une statuette du Diable Rouge en train de déféquer vendue en Catalogne (photo)

Eden Hazard a aujourd'hui son propre Caganer ! Ce santon traditionnel catalan est à placer sous votre sapin, dans une crèche. Sa particularité: l'homme représenté est en train de déféquer.

9 Dec 12:28 RTL sport 5478130075048012275.html
Panic Rock Festival: Mirá las imágenes del evento que reunió a los mayores exponentes del rock pesado

El sábado 7 de diciembre desde las 14hs en el Campo “Mi Rincón”, de la localidad de General Rodríguez, se llevó a cabo el último gran festival del año. Con dos escenarios, el Panic Rock Festival tuvo un cierre soñado con Chizzo y Tete de La Renga, en una zapada con amigos. Mirá las imágenes en esta nota.

9 Dec 17:57 Infocielo 6573250472412101789.html
Miss Universo 2019 è la sudafricana Zozibini Tunzi

La 26enne modella e attivista è stata incoronata ad Atlanta, in Georgia: sui social la sua dedica per tutte le giovani donne affinché credano sempre in se stesse

9 Dec 12:29 Today 178378749345072252.html
A siete años de su muerte, vigentes el nombre y legado de Jenni Rivera

Pese a su ausencia, familiares han lanzados varios productos en torno a la cantante durante todos estos años

9 Dec 15:01 El Informador 103545928192407424.html
Municipales à Marseille : candidat à la mairie mais non investi par son parti, Bruno Gilles quitte Les Républicains

Candidat à la mairie de Marseille, sénateur et président de la fédération Les Républicains des Bouches-du-Rhône, Bruno Gilles vient d’annoncer qu’il quittait le parti de droite. "J’ai fait le choix de quitter LR et de démissionner de mon poste de président de la fédération", vient-il de déclarer lors d’une conférence de presse. Fin novembre, la commission nationale d’investiture de LR lui avait préféré Martine Vassal, également candidate à la mairie de Marseille. Plus d’informations à suivre demain dans La Provence (édition Marseille).

9 Dec 10:00 LaProvence 1839381421027978199.html
Globos de Oro 2019: todas las nominaciones

Estos son todos los nominados para los Globos de Oro 2020 en todas las categorías.

9 Dec 14:51 Hipertextual 4371181173709752176.html
Les composants des lanceurs imprimés en 3D sont validés par des simulations

Ariane 6, comme d’autres lanceurs, utilise des pièces construites par fabrication additive. Quel que soit le mode de fabrication, les éléments réalisés en impression 3D doivent répondre aux mêmes...

9 Dec 08:31 Futura 7671687978779535130.html
Dean Unglert Just Said Marriage Is “Never Going to Happen” With Caelynn Miller-Keyes

Caelynn, honey...WYD!

9 Dec 08:35 Cosmopolitan 7158263393510533562.html
Arriesgan hasta dos años de cárcel: acusan por "ofensas al Estado" a siete mujeres por cantar "un violador en tu camino" en Turquía

La canción de "Las Tesis" llegó hasta Estambul, donde cerca de 300 mujeres la entonaron pese a ser reprimidas por la policía.

9 Dec 17:00 Publimetro Chile 2498685482617972088.html
Watch the trailer for "Wonder Woman 1984"

It’s not the The New Adventures of Wonder Woman that I grew up with but it does have that Stranger Things/mallwave appeal, and a New Order song. It also has Steve Trevor who most certainly di…

9 Dec 08:08 Boing Boing 4601305168984892997.html
Pronostic Lyon Leipzig : Analyse, prono et cotes du match de Ligue des champions

Lyon doit prendre des risques face à Leipzig. L’Olympique Lyonnais et Rudi Garcia jouent gros ce mardi face à Leipzig. Le club rhodanien doit s’imposer pour être sûr de participer aux huitièmes de finale de la Ligue des Champions. Les protégés de Rudi Garcia se sont repris ce week-end à Nîmes avec une belle victoire (4-0) face à une équipe évoluant en infériorité numérique. Malgré la reprise en main de l’équipe par Rudi Garcia, l’OL continue d'être très irrégulier, enchaînant victoires et défaites. Face à Leipzig, les Lyonnais jouent leur avenir dans la compétition. A l’aller, l’OL avait réussi à s’imposer en profitant des erreurs défensives allemandes (0-2).

9 Dec 12:33 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252839305477.html
Meghan Markle : Son régime vegan pour perdre ses kilos de grossesse

Pour perdre ses kilos de grossesse, Meghan Markle n'a pas fait appel à un coach sportif traditionnel. Pour elle, ce qui marche, c'est l'acupuncture. Et elle a bu des bouillons et des boissons gazeuses...

9 Dec 09:11 Purepeople 1712099803004581610.html
Reggio Emilia, l’aria è troppo inquinata: stop anche ai diesel Euro 4

REGGIO EMILIA – I valori e gli sforamenti degli inquinamenti dell’aria, in particolare le Pm10, hanno fatto scattare nuove misure emergenziali in città.  Da domani, martedì 10 a giovedì 12 dicembre 2019 compreso, ulteriori limitazioni al traffico e più stringenti modalità di riscaldamento domestico rispetto a quanto già previsto dalla fase “base” del Piano aria […]

9 Dec 17:55 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540334261148484.html
En Aragua más del 60% de las estaciones de servicio no tienen gasolina

Este domingo, las estaciones de servicio de la entidad aragüeña permanecieron cerradas casi en su totalidad. No hubo combustible en más del 60% de

9 Dec 09:51 LaPatilla.com 9104603010066092474.html
Prefeito de Luzilândia recebe apoio de Ciro Nogueira para 2020

Ronaldo Gomes pretende concorrer à reeleição

9 Dec 16:03 R10 3167340813523716291.html
Großes kommunales Netz startet mit 500 MBit/s für alle

Im Landkreis Börde hat das Großprojekt Glasfaserausbau von ARGE Breitband und DNS:NET ein erstes Teilgebiet fertiggestellt. Die Datenraten sind sehr hoch.

9 Dec 17:21 Golem.de 3063982245145638222.html
Ann, la mujer golpeada por un meteorito hace 65 años y quien sobrevivió para contarlo

Ann Hodges es la única persona en la historia que ha sido golpeada por un meteorito. Además, sobrevivió para contarlo. Todo ocurrió el 30 de noviembre de 1954 cuando ella tomaba una siesta en su casa, situada en Sylacauga, un pueblito rural de Alabama, Estados Unidos. Hace 65 años, esta mujer tuvo un despertar abrupto cuando sintió un fuerte golpe en la cadera, abrió los ojos y notó que su casa estaba llena de humo y escombros. Al momento, ella y su madre descubrieron un gran agujero en el techo de la casa y el aparato de radio destrozado. Después se percataron que el daño del techo y el aparato había sido causado por una roca negra del tamaño de un melón que entró por el techo, rebotó sobre la radio y luego golpeó a Ann. La policía y los bomberos atendieron a Ann, pero finalmente fue un geólogo que trabajaba en una excavación cercana quien identificó la roca y aseguró que era una lesión causada por un meteorito. Finalmente las autoridades decidieron entregárselo a la Fuerza Aérea para

9 Dec 16:34 Noticias de El Salvador - elsalvador.com 7318772944207657896.html
Sword Art Online A.L. se posera en mai

Sword Art Online continue sa carrière aux cotés de Bandai Namco avec comme prochain chapitre Alicization Lycoris qui viendra se poser le 22 mai 2020 en occident sur PC, PlayStation 4 et Xbox One.

9 Dec 08:17 GAMEKYO 4211360034489850835.html
Falecida em maio, Lady Francisco aparece em série de humor inédita

Lady Francisco, Joana Fomm e Monique Lafond são as protagonistas da segunda temporada da série de humor “República do Peru”, que estreia de amanhã para quarta,...

9 Dec 08:00 Extra Online 8149543649812890846.html
Tame Impala Announce North American Summer Arena Tour With Perfume Genius

Early next year, Aussie psych superstars Tame Impala will return with the new album The Slow Rush, their first in five years. Kevin Parker and his co-conspirators have already shared a handful of early songs, the most recent of which is the sprawling "Posthumous Forgiveness." And now they've unveiled the dates for a summer tour of North America. Tame Impala had already announced a few dates in California and Mexico, with openers like Clairo and MGMT. But the main part of the tour kicks off next May in Chicago. Tame Impala will spend the entire summer crossing North America, hitting many of our finest hockey arenas. Perfume Genius will open those dates, which means Tame Impala are putting themselves in serious danger of getting blown off the stage every night. Check out the dates below. TOUR DATES: 03/09 – San Diego, CA @ Pechanga Arena San Diego * 03/10-11 – Los Angeles, CA @ The Forum * 03/13 – San Francisco, CA @ Chase Center * 03/19 – Mexico City, Mexico @ Foro Sol ^ 03/21 –

9 Dec 11:18 Stereogum 5911871584628721918.html
Pilule contraceptive à prendre une seule fois par mois? C'est possible !

Le taux d’efficacité de cette pilule contraceptive est proche de 100%... mais le cachet n’a, pour le moment, été testé que sur des truies. L'équipe de scientifiques prépare déjà des essais sur des femmes volontaires qui prouveront, l’efficacité, ou non, de cette pilule contraceptive mensuelle. C'est une nouvelle qui va en réjouir plus d'une! Des scientifiques américains ont affirmé avoir développé une nouvele pilule contraceptive avec un petit détail en plus qui facilitera la vie de milliers de femmes: celle-ci devra être ingérée seulement une seule fois par mois. Une solution contre l'oubli, qui permettra de réduire le nombre de grossesses non-désirées.  Cette invention ingénieuse est le fruit d'un travail de chercheurs du Massachusetts Institute of Technology qui ont dévoilé  les résultats de leur étude dans la revue Science of Translational Medicine. Cette équipe de scientifiques américains a développé une pilule contraceptive à prendre une fois, pour une efficacité d’un mois. Le secret de cette avancée ?…

9 Dec 16:45 LesEco.ma 3084334527874225815.html
Pilule contraceptive à prendre une seule fois par mois? C'est possible !

Le taux d’efficacité de cette pilule contraceptive est proche de 100%... mais le cachet n’a, pour le moment, été testé que sur des truies. L'équipe de scientifiques prépare déjà des essais sur des femmes volontaires qui prouveront, l’efficacité, ou non, de cette pilule contraceptive mensuelle. C'est une nouvelle qui va en réjouir plus d'une! Des scientifiques américains ont affirmé avoir développé une nouvele pilule contraceptive avec un petit détail en plus qui facilitera la vie de milliers de femmes: celle-ci devra être ingérée seulement une seule fois par mois. Une solution contre l'oubli, qui permettra de réduire le nombre de grossesses non-désirées.  Cette invention ingénieuse est le fruit d'un travail de chercheurs du Massachusetts Institute of Technology qui ont dévoilé  les résultats de leur étude dans la revue Science of Translational Medicine. Cette équipe de scientifiques américains a développé une pilule contraceptive à prendre une fois, pour une efficacité d’un mois. Le secret de cette avancée ?…

9 Dec 16:45 LesEco.ma 3084334527347905588.html
Marcel Ciolacu a anunţat data la care va avea loc Congresul PSD

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 11:23 Gândul 5586965502683603015.html
Crowded House reunion tour 2020: tickets, presale details and date for the Manchester concert

For the first time in over a decade, iconic Aussie rockers Crowded House will be touring Europe with a reunion show in 2020.

9 Dec 13:30 Lancashire Post 6469275854801669308.html
Miss Languedoc-Roussillon : que sont-elles devenues ?

A quelques jours de l'élection de Miss France, Midi Libre a retrouvé d'anciennes miss Languedoc-Roussillon. 

9 Dec 08:59 Midi Libre 3150507208370786757.html
L'aventurier Mike Horn sauvé des glaces de l'Arctique

L'explorateur et animateur de télévision Mike Horn et son acolyte Boerge Ousland sont parvenus à rejoindre leur bateau, synonyme d'une fin de leur aventure au Pôle Nord.

9 Dec 16:21 RTL 5minutes 5295111944005815681.html
Georgiev: Izveštaj Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije o Branku Stefanoviću očekivan. Ćulibrk: Saopštenje Agencije cinizam, ponavljaju reči Vućića

Novinar BIRN-a Slobodan Georgiev izjavio je danas da je očekivan izveštaj Agencije za borbu protiv korupcije kojim je utvrdjeno da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića, nije ni vlasnik niti zaposlen u GIM-u.On je za Betu rekao da agencija nije utvrdila da je Branko Stefanović bio u formalno pravnom odnosu sa GIM-om, da iz toga sledi da ministar i njegov otac nemaju veze za tim što radi GIM, te je onda takav izveštaj očekivan."Oni su utvrdjivali da li postoji sukob interesa u slučaju Nebojše Stefanovića i rekli su da nema jer Branko Stefanović nije bio sa tom firmom u nekom formalno pravnom odnosu. Nije imao funkciju koja je nama poznata, nema nikakav ugovor, to im je poslužilo da tako kažu", rekao je Georgiev.On je rekao i da čeka da vidi celo rešenje agencije o tom slučaju.Agencija za borbu protiv korupcije saopštila je ranije danas da Branko Stefanović, otac ministra unutrašnjih poslova Nebojše Stefanovića, nije ni vlasnik ni zakonski zastupnik, niti zaposlen po bilo kom…

9 Dec 09:40 Novinska agencija Beta 3886501081183552191.html
Yediyurappa sustains power ; BJP won 12 out of 15 seats in by election

Chief Minister Yediyurappa can sustain power as BJP sweep out 12 of the 15 seats in by-election In Karnataka.  BJP required six more seats to cross the magic line to form government in the 277 seat state assembly. The party won 12 seats, a whopping majority to form government.

9 Dec 08:03 Reporter 1467643668772527491.html
Un trafic d'un nouveau genre: l'anguille plus précieuse que le caviar ou l'ivoire en Asie

Si le caviar vaut entre 1400 et 2200 euros le kilo selon la qualité, le kilo d’anguille se monnaie aujourd’hui jusqu’à 6000 euros en Chine ! Les Asiatiques apprécient tout particulièrement ce poisson si particulier au point qu’il a pratiquement...

9 Dec 11:13 RTBF Info 2262420857261114694.html
Vasco busca lateral-esquerdo de nível, e Luxemburgo indica Douglas Santos e Moisés

Posição é considerada primordial para o próximo ano. Campeão olímpico é a primeira opção, e lateral do Bahia é alternativa

9 Dec 13:51 Globoesporte 3611676018656827257.html
Guvernul lui Viktor Orban a înaintat un proiect de lege care sporeşte controlul asupra teatrelor / Actorii și publicul protestează

Guvernul ungar a înaintat luni în parlament un plan pentru întărirea controlului asupra teatrelor, o decizie care a declanşat proteste din partea

9 Dec 13:57 G4Media.ro 2302108694338829145.html
Marília Mendonça reage após Silvio Santos ignorar vitória de cantora em programa

Silvio Santos se envolveu em mais uma polêmica: o apresentador ignorou a votação popular do auditório, que escolheu a candidata Jennyfer Oliver, única mulher negra no grupo de quatro calouras. Nesta s...

9 Dec 14:12 Purepeople 5674914090709422334.html
Petrol price hits Rs 75 per litre mark, diesel price crosses Rs 66

The increase pushed price of petrol to Rs 75 per litre in the national capital and that of diesel to Rs 66.04 per litre

9 Dec 11:29 Business-Standard 1502508926215369037.html
'Solicitamos al Gobierno una mesa de negociación': comité de paro

Diógenes Orjuela, presidente de la CUT, dice que las movilizaciones se reanudarían en el 2020.

9 Dec 15:47 El Tiempo 1091719940509317778.html
El embajador que avergonzó a la 4T

Bajo Reserva Read in English

9 Dec 09:41 El Universal 4964748196515266800.html
Romania wins five more medals at EWF Under-15 & Youth Weightlifting Championships in Israel

Romania won five more medals on Sunday, the second day of the European Weightlifting Federation Under-15 &Youth Weightlifting...

9 Dec 08:38 Stiri pe surse 4858045012154838352.html
No Brasil, o povo sempre será vencido

Parais&oacute;polis enterrou seus mortos. Muito jovens, como quase sempre. Pretos e pobres, como quase sempre. O que se viu foi um massacre, uma execu&ccedil;&atilde;o, mas n&atilde;o houve como&ccedil;&atilde;o generalizada. O pa&iacute;s permaneceu adormecido, let&aacute;rgico, incapaz de reagir a...

9 Dec 08:00 Correio 5185786711998655121.html
Fait Marquant : Une Africaine couronnée cette année

La Sud-africaine Zozibini Tunzi a été couronnée, dimanche à Atlanta, Miss Univers 2019.

9 Dec 17:27 Infomédiaire 1551316401614726804.html
Canciller europeo fija como "prioridad" cumbre entre la UE y América Latina

Sobre la crisis política en Venezuela, Borrel llamó a las partes a "seguir mostrando moderación y a completar el proceso de transición y reconciliación a través de la celebración de elecciones"

9 Dec 17:04 NTN24 8482749625755402629.html
Uppdatering ska ge Jaguar I-Pace längre räckvidd

Jaguar har lärt sig mer om energieffektivitet i elbilar. Ägare av en I-Pace kan lagom till jul få 8 procents längre räckvidd genom en uppdatering av programvaran.

9 Dec 16:55 Ny Teknik 4280928731989884505.html
DSGVO-Verstoß: 1&1 soll knapp 10 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen

Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) hat ein Bußgeld in Höhe von 9,55 Millionen Euro gegen den den Telekommunikationsdienstleister 1&1 Telecom verhängt. Grund sind nach Ansicht der Behörde ungenügende technisch-organisatorische Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Kundendaten. Bilder: 1&1 Konkret straft der oberste Datenschützer die Tatsache ab, dass Anrufer bei der Kundenbetreuung des Unternehmens […]

9 Dec 14:04 ifun.de 6678736054582615883.html
Vovô Sidney Magal: cantor baba pela primeira netinha, Madalena: 'Sopro de amor'

Aos 69 anos, Sidney Magal vive a experiência de ser avô pela primeira vez. Sua filha Nathália deu à luz Madalena no fim de novembro.  E o cantor apresentou a menina, batizada em homenagem a um dos...

9 Dec 08:39 Extra Online 8149543649362213788.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje sanciona a Rusia por 4 años #9Dic

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje vetó el lunes la bandera y el himno nacional de Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos y otros eventos deportivos importantes durante cuatro años

9 Dec 12:27 El Impulso 879547507246974495.html
Tétouan : Amendis lance un système de formation en alternance au profit des jeunes

C’était également l’occasion pour célébrer l’accréditation du Centre de formation et des compétences par l’Académie de Paris Proposer une offre de formation en adéquation avec les besoins et les spéci

9 Dec 16:00 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414284000070124.html
6G: ecco la connessione che supera il 5G di TIM, Vodafone, Wind e Tre

Con il 6G le persone saranno in grado di scoprire un nuovo mondo grazie alla connessione che di certo non avrà eguali tra le precedenti viste, ecco i dettagli

9 Dec 10:15 tecnoandroid 2573257127045194178.html
Los tres meses de fiesta de Andy Ruiz: "Fue un exceso de celebración. Era un desmadre"

Andy Ruiz ha sido sincero al reconocer que no preparó bien la revancha frente a Anthony Joshua y eso que tanto su padre como su entrenador le advirtieron del erróneo camino elegido

9 Dec 16:57 El Confidencial 6129807549257189749.html
Para ministro do STF, juiz pode decretar prisão em segunda instância

Fux foi um dos cinco ministros do STF que votaram pela possibilidade de um réu começar a cumprir pena mesmo não havendo esgotado as possibilidades de reverter sua condenação.

9 Dec 17:11 Folha Vitória 4941883426290865608.html
Gabon : Une figure de l’opposition radicale félicite Noureddin Bongo Valentin

Actuellement incarcéré à la prison centrale de Libreville pour de graves infractions commises en 2017, Roland Désiré Aba’a Minko, ex-candidat de l’opposition à l’élection présidentielle, a félicité le fils du président Ali Bongo Ondimba pour sa nomination au poste de coordinateur des affaires présidentielles. Dans un courrier adressé dimanche 8 décembre et signé de son porte-parole, […]

9 Dec 15:33 La Libreville 8861693330747966616.html
Presidente da agência antidopagem russa diz que é «impossível ganhar recurso»

O presidente da Agência russa antidopagem (RUSADA), Iouri Ganous, considerou que a Rússia não tem hipóteses de ganhar um eventual recurso a propópsito da exclusão por quatro anos de todas as competições mundiais, incluindo os próximos Jogos Olímpicos, definida esta segunda-feira pela Agência Mundial Antidopagem (AMA).

9 Dec 12:48 A BOLA 2278827557964124118.html
L'Inspection générale des finances suspecte une fraude massive à la TVA dans l'e-commerce

La très grande majorité des vendeurs sur les marketplaces ne sont pas immatriculés à la TVA en France. Cette situation provoque une distorsion de concurrence par rapport aux sociétés légalement établies et un gros manque à gagner pour l'Etat difficile à calculer précisément. A partir de 2021, les choses devraient changer.  

9 Dec 13:57 L'Usine Digitale 1522718387641758572.html
Anna Mucha rozstała się z partnerem? Zaskakujące doniesienia tygodnika

Fotoreporterzy przyłapali partnera Anny Muchy (39 l.) w towarzystwie innej kobiety. Co na to aktorka?

9 Dec 10:30 Pomponik.pl 8117583847523107002.html
Troian Bellisario Shares Epic 'Pretty Little Liars' Reunion Pic - See It Now!

We love a good Pretty Little Liars reunion, and this one was REALLY, really good!

9 Dec 12:31 Just Jared Jr. 3416194174201418809.html
Anuncian los nominados a los Globos de Oro 2020

'Marriage Story' y Netflix dominan las nominaciones a los Globos de Oro

9 Dec 14:18 El Informador 103545929289650837.html
ARP: Réunion des présidents des groupes parlementaires

La réunion des présidents des groupes parlementaires tenue lundi au palais du Bardo a été consacrée au suivi des activités de l’Assemblée

9 Dec 14:58 African Manager 933752093837687075.html
El nacionalismo pasa del 'España nos roba' a los españoles nos colapsan los quirófanos

El Defensor del Pueblo catalán culpa a los pacientes de otras autonomías el déficit de la sanidad pública catalana

9 Dec 11:19 Las Provincias 5471838390550459268.html
Denne uken øker politiet kontrollene på veiene

Politiet har allerede nå tatt like mange ruspåvirkede sjåfører som de hadde forventet for hele året.

9 Dec 16:41 Bergens Tidende 6643873500130558115.html
Fotografado com "mudança", Borja espera próximo técnico do Palmeiras para definir futuro

Atacante não participou do jogo contra o Cruzeiro e está na Colômbia desde sábado

9 Dec 08:01 Globoesporte 3611676019506030309.html
Porno-Dateien von Mädchen verlangt: Mann (25) in Haft

Bereits am Freitag hat die Polizei einen Mann aus Düsseldorf wegen des Verdachts auf sexuellen Missbrauchs von Kindern festgenommen.

9 Dec 14:49 TAG24 4583887873764391401.html
Lisa Plancq, une championne à Saint-Nicolas

Lisa Plancq affine sa préparation pour les championnats de France de musculation....

9 Dec 15:15 La Voix du Nord 5307415665108174920.html
Papa Noel estrelló su trineo contra edificio

El hecho, que fue captado en video por testigos del percance, ocurrió en México

9 Dec 08:21 ATV.pe 8560155075795455871.html
Louis Robitaille retire du positif, malgré les défaites

Pour leur avant-dernière semaine d’activités avant la pause des Fêtes, les Tigres de Victoriaville ne l’ont pas eu facile, essuyant trois revers, dont deux consécutifs en prolongation. Se frottant tout…

9 Dec 16:15 La Nouvelle Union et L'Avenir de l'Érable 2111068145914095042.html
Pomorscy samorządowcy o fuzji Orlenu i Energi: to zamach na lokalną gospodarkę

Prezydent Gdańska Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, europoseł Janusz Lewandowski, poseł KO Tadeusz Aziewicz oraz marszałek woj. pomorskiego Mieczysław Struk są przeciwni przejęciu Energi przez PKN Orlen. To zamach na lokalną gospodarkę - oświadczyli na konferencji przed siedzibą Energi w Gdańsku.

9 Dec 16:28 Portal Samorządowy 740157209253428569.html
Huracán se quedó con el primer torneo de fútbol femenino

El "Globo" derrotó a Ciudadela este domingo por 2 a 1 y de esta forma se consagró campeón del primer torneo femenino oficial de fútbol en Comodoro Rivadavia.

9 Dec 12:41 El Patagónico 8565457046815762055.html
Financial Times: "Fernández tendrá que limpiar el desastre de Macri"

Lo señaló un ejecutivo del FMI, quien agregó que Macri "deja el cargo con Argentina esposado a un gigantesco programa de préstamos".

9 Dec 11:34 El Ancasti 5864462412254964397.html
Vivo V17 arrives India with Snapdragon 675 and L-shaped Quad-Camera

Vivo took the wraps off Vivo V17 in India. It boasts Snapdragon 675 chipset with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of Storage. Retails for INR22,990 (~$325/€290)

9 Dec 12:03 Gizchina 5392375275906606077.html
Subscription Services Top Santa’s 2020 Gift List

Recurly discusses the newer trend, reflected in Cyber Monday data, among consumers to give the gift of subscription services during the holiday season.

9 Dec 09:01 PYMNTS.com 7357138824961177112.html
Governo só vai contratar empresas de "clipping" que tenham licença

A Secretaria-Geral da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros (SG/PCM) só admite fazer novos contratos com empresas de "clipping" que estejam licenciadas pela Visapress, a cooperativa que gere os direitos de autor das empresas proprietárias de jornais e revistas.

9 Dec 09:44 JN 6956494303988037277.html
Odbijen zahtjev za izuzeće postupajućeg tužoca u predmetu SPO 15. maj

TUZLA - Kolegij tužilaca Kantonalnog tužilaštva Tuzlanskog kantona odbio je zahtjev za izuzeće postupajućeg tužioca u predmetu SPO 15. maj Čazima Serhatlića.

9 Dec 11:24 Nezavisne novine 4209150642736090714.html
Muere Paul Volcker, el guerrero de la Fed que venció a la inflación

Paul Volcker, quien fuera presidente de la Reserva Federal bajo la administración de Jimmy Carter y Ronald Reagan, murió el domingo a los 92 años de edad. Como capitán del banco central estadounidense, Volcker pasará a la historia como el presidente que plantó cara a la inflación, llegando a llevar los tipos de interés hasta el 22% para enfrentar un alza desbocada en los precios.

9 Dec 14:23 elEconomista.es 9051559957724861157.html
Får fortsatt ikke gå verdenscuprenn

Ingvild Flugstad Østberg er ikke med i uttaket til helgens konkurranser i Davos.

9 Dec 14:04 Dagbladet.no 3042595687819777942.html
L’interminable cascade de blessures qui s’abat sur le PSG

À Montpellier (1-3, 17e journée de Ligue 1), le Paris SG a perdu deux nouveaux joueurs sur blessure : Idrissa Gueye et Presnel Kimpembe. Deux nouveaux forfaits qui posent question. Thomas Tuchel (...)

9 Dec 08:00 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900179700094832.html
Inflation, climat, communication: les chantiers de Lagarde à la BCE

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 12:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388410283802.html
Pronostic Inter Barcelone : Analyse, prono et cotes du match de Ligue des champions

Des buts de chaque côté entre l’Inter et la Barca !

9 Dec 12:52 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251036460956.html
Kaytranada Releasing New Album 'Bubba' With Tinashe, Masego, Goldlink & More This Friday!

The star-studded album from Kaytranada will arrive this Friday.

9 Dec 17:53 Magnetic Magazine 5123414664706503078.html
Varonis Systems Inc (NASDAQ:VRNS) Given Average Recommendation of “Buy” by Brokerages

Varonis Systems Inc (NASDAQ:VRNS) has been given a consensus recommendation of “Buy” by the seventeen ratings firms that are currently covering the firm, MarketBeat.com reports. Four equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and twelve have issued a buy recommendation on the company. The average twelve-month target price among analysts that […]

9 Dec 11:54 The Cerbat Gem 3142837109692257624.html
5 eklige Dinge, die Frauen heimlich auf der Couch machen

Auf unserer Couch fühlen wir uns so richtig wohl - zu wohl? Denn was wir dort manchmal so machen, verschweigen wir im Normalfall.

9 Dec 12:45 miss 1375730019965777883.html
¿Puedes encontrar al perro escondido? Sólo los más inteligentes lo logran

Date unos minutos para despejar tu mente mientras resuelves este divertido acertijo&hellip; &iexcl;s&oacute;lo los m&aacute;s inteligentes lo logran! &iquest;Puedes encontrar al perro escondido entre los osos polares?

9 Dec 14:01 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622653607234.html
Consumer Watch: What Consumer Act says about sales of ‘old’ cars | IOL News

It seems dealerships can pretty much do as they please, flouting the Consumer Protection Act (CPA).

9 Dec 08:51 www.iol.co.za 17825110969836235.html
Motorhead ex Phil Campbell and more confirmed for Ramblin’ Man Fair 2020

Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons, Massive Wagons, Samantha Fish are more will play the UK festival next summer

9 Dec 11:28 Classic Rock 2174237040057307174.html
Giulia De Lellis furente con Iannone: “Non ho parole”

Giulia De Lellis arrabbiata con il fidanzato Andrea Iannone: la promessa ‘tradita’ Si è chiusa una porta e si è aperto un portone per Giulia De Lellis. Come ormai noto, la giovane di origini romane, dopo la turbolenta relazione con Andrea Damante, ha un nuovo partner, il centauro di MotoGP Andrea Iannone. A ben prima […]

9 Dec 17:30 KontroKultura 2573504973683530565.html
Emprendimientos con nuevas tendencias tecnológicas crecerían más en 2020

Emprendimientos que faciliten la vida a las personas, desarrollo de estrategias de entregas y servicio a domicilio y aprovechamiento de las nuevas tendencias en comercio electrónico serían los negocios con más oportunidad de crecer en el 2020.

9 Dec 09:30 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997874353047332.html
Od jula do septembra u Srbiji poslato 1,5 mlrd. SMS poruka

BEOGRAD - Oko 8,6 miliona korisnika mobilnih telefona u Srbiji obavili su tokom trećeg kvartala ove godine oko 4,4 milijardi minuta razgovora u domaćem i

9 Dec 11:51 Krstarica 4176903988369645667.html
Au fost anunțate nominalizările pentru Globurile de Aur

„The Irishman”, „Joker” și „Once upon a time în Hollywood” se numără printre filmele favorite la marile categorii.

9 Dec 14:30 Europa FM 545007291395771395.html
Ce se întâmplă cu pensiile speciale? Vicepremierul Raluca Turcan: Turcan: PNL susţine anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor ale militarilor şi magistraţilor

Raluca Turcan a anunţat că PNL a decis, în şedinţa BEX de luni, ca partidul să susţină anularea pensiilor speciale, cu excepţia celor militarilor şi magistraţilor. Vicepremierul a precizat că în paralel Guvernul vrea să vină cu o Lege a pensiilor care să elimine inechităţile în calcularea pensiilor.

9 Dec 11:01 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918768746206.html
Sensex falls 70 pts in early trade; banking stocks drag

Equity benchmark BSE Sensex on Monday fell over 70 points in early trade, dragged mainly by losses in financial and banking stocks amid persistent foreign fund outflows. The 30-share index was

9 Dec 10:04 Deccan Herald 2027555796247688158.html
NEDA UKRADEN PUSTILA TIZER ZA SPOT Novi zvuk i jedna sasvim drugačija Neda!

Nešto potpuno novo, jedan savim novi zvuk, produkcija, interpreracija i naravno nova Neda! Transformacija i new look koji jako podseća na izdanje ove pop dive iz 70tih – crna ravna kosa na razdeljak. – Pesmu su uradili mladi, talentovani ljudi, tandem pod imenom CANERAS, jako popularni izvođači u tom novom muzičkom izrazu, sa milionskim pregledima

9 Dec 16:30 Scandal! 7263437856207342172.html
Lista completă a nominalizărilor la premiile Globul de Aur 2020: Evenimentul va avea loc pe 5 ianuarie, la Beverly Hilton Hotel din Los Angeles

Prezentăm mai jos lista completă a nominalizărilor la cea de-a 77-a ediție a galei Globurilor de Aur, care va avea loc pe 5 ianuarie 2020, la...

9 Dec 16:30 Stiri pe surse 4858045013887799518.html
9 décembre 2019 Retour sur le Startup Day à Station F : une journée pour accélérer la collaboration entre les jeunes entreprises de La Maison des Startups LVMH et les Maison du Groupe

Le 2 décembre dernier, LVMH a organisé le Startup Day à Station F, à Paris. Cette journée placée sous le signe de l'innovation a... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 14:51 Zonebourse 7946574378508815355.html
"Ou ganham no domingo ou vão ver": O relato de Maximiano do ataque à Academia

Guarda-redes do Sporting foi o primeiro jogador do Sporting a ser ouvido pelo Ministério Público como testemunha do ataque à Academia de Alcochete.

9 Dec 11:34 SÁBADO 5711459691656018669.html
Engie regroupe ses filiales et propose une nouvelle offre « As a service »

Le groupe Engie réunit l’ensemble de ses filiales au sein de la nouvelle entité « ENGIE Services Maroc». Cette résolution a pour objectif de répondre aux enjeux cruciaux du modèle […]

9 Dec 10:41 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558980443170537.html
Dans quel ordre doit-on regarder Star Wars ?

En décembre, Star Wars est de retour. C'est le moment de se refaire tous les films avant de savourer le nouvel opus. Faut-il suivre l'ordre de sortie au cinéma ou la chronologie de l'histoire ? Peut-être aucun des deux : découvrez l'ordre Machete et notre analyse pour y inclure tous les autres films Star Wars, de la nouvelle trilogie à Rogue One.

9 Dec 13:48 Numerama 6854655182126370306.html
Denunciante de caso de doping na Rússia congratula-se com decisão da AMA

O antigo chefe do laboratório antidopagem de Moscovo Grigory Rodchenkov, denunciante do 'escândalo' em torno da Rússia, esta segunda-feira excluída de Jogos Olímpicos e Mundiais por quatro anos, congratulou-se com a decisão da Agência Mundial Antidopagem (AMA).

9 Dec 17:40 JN 6956494303878707292.html
'Cheating', 'men against boys' and 'a really tough place to go' – How Bristol Rovers' rivals rate Graham Coughlan's side

What League One managers have had to say about Graham Coughlan's side

9 Dec 16:13 BristolLive 4740742017858203876.html
Un caisson de grave actif très compact à 2 subwoofers chez Hifonics

Hifonics est une marque américaine de haut-parleurs et d’amplis. Elle a marqué les années 90 avec ses amplis Vulcan pour les passionnés de hi-fi, mais aussi les passionnés de SPL avec ses produits Colossus. Pour ceux qui recherchent un système de grave puissant, sans envahir le coffre, Hifonics dévoile un nouveau caisson de grave actif extraplat : le ZRX220A.

9 Dec 09:01 Autonews 9106142495063359360.html
Katja Krasavice leidet: "Ich bin sexsüchtig!"

80 Prozent des Tages denkt Skandal-Nudel Katja Krasavice an Sex und diagnostiziert sich deshalb auf Instagram als süchtig.

9 Dec 09:04 TAG24 4583887874031146186.html
Przewoził 18-tonowe urządzenie bez zabezpieczenia

Ważące ponad 18 ton urządzenie do budowy dróg, które nie było w żaden sposób zabezpieczone przed zmianą położenia zatrzymał patrol dolnośląskiej Inspekcji Transportu Drogowego i policji.

9 Dec 16:45 motoryzacja.interia.pl 8991699714437552398.html
Michelle Bachelet fue encarada en COP25 por crisis social en Chile: ella respondió

Durante la jornada de este lunes, Michelle Bachelet, la Alta Comisionada para los Derechos Humanos, participó en el evento

9 Dec 17:53 Pagina 7 4371131343968721426.html
Harcèlement en ligne : les signes qui doivent alerter les parents

De plus en plus d'enfants ou adolescents sont victimes de harcèlement en ligne. Ceux-ci ayant souvent du mal à en parler, les parents doivent apprendre à repérer les signes qui doivent les alerter.

9 Dec 11:04 Magicmaman.com 1799077915540338330.html
Wonder Woman 1984's First Trailer Is Here to Bring Justice to the Reagan Era

Diana’s back, this time in the glitz, glamour, and the glut of corruption of the 1980s. Greed is good, baby, though I imagine Wonder Woman might not agree.

9 Dec 09:09 Gizmodo UK 8363059001415866797.html
VÍDEO La inesperada reacció de Rosalía quan un seguidor intenta robar-li l'anell

La cantant va sorprendre els seus fans que van respondre aclamant encara més l'artista

9 Dec 08:49 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478905221026.html
Nova etapa do Bônus Eficiente tem geladeira, freezer e ar-condicionado com 50% de desconto

Programa da Celesc busca troca por produtos para reduzir consumo de energia elétrica 

9 Dec 09:34 NSC Total 4216767908928076988.html
Naspers spin-off Prosus ups Just Eat offer to £5.1-billion

Naspers spin-off Prosus has raised its bid for UK food delivery firm Just Eat as it tries to win over investors and beat out an offer from rival Takeaway.com.

9 Dec 08:43 TechCentral 724913818797377821.html
¿Por qué seguimos sin pacto educativo?

Como demuestra nuestra trayectoria en PISA, nadie gana cuando la educación se usa como herramienta para dividirnos

9 Dec 16:19 EL PAÍS 2207347709725199862.html
Videogioco su Gesù, anche i preti lo vogliono: non è sacrilego

Tutti pazzi per il videogioco sulla vita di Gesù "I am Jesus Christ", "Io sono Gesù". Anche i sacerdoti lo vedono di buon occhio. E qualcuno di loro si dichiara già pronto a comprarlo. "Vedo un lato molto positivo in questo nuovo videogioco che pu&ograve...

9 Dec 16:42 Il Tempo 2494990959767732355.html
‘Tisoy’ retired as name of tropical cyclone

Destructive typhoon “Tisoy” (international name: Kammuri) will soon be retired by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) from its list of tropical cyclone names due to the cyclone's massive damage to infrastructure and agriculture.

9 Dec 14:33 Manila Bulletin News 7849457199410568916.html
Erupción del volcán en Nueva Zelanda dejo al menos 5 muertos y varios desaparecidos

El volcán White Island de Nueva Zelanda, entró en erupción este lunes y dejó al menos 5 muertos y un número aún no determinado de desaparecidos, según

9 Dec 09:07 El Siglo 7954754735476023459.html
Man who hasn't cut his floor-length hair in 20 years to chop it off for charity

Andrew hopes to raise thousands with his epic haircut.

9 Dec 08:29 Metro 970161748958909373.html
Gobernadora electa, Clara Luz Roldán, reveló dos nombres más de su gabinete

Dos nuevos nombres del Gabinete que acompañará a la nueva Gobernadora del Valle, Clara Luz Roldán, fueron dados a conocer este lunes por la Mandataria electa, quien se posesionará en el cargo el próximo 1 de enero de 2020.Se trata de Elsa Yolima Bolaños y María Leonor Cabal, dos profesionales con gran experiencia que ocuparán los cargos, respectivamente, de jefe de comunicaciones y secretaria General de la Gobernación del Valle del Cauca.De Bolaños, periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios, Roldán destacó que es "una periodista talentosa y una profesional con experiencia en lo público".

9 Dec 15:46 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347287227573.html
Qué son “las reservas de emergencia” y cómo pueden ayudarte a conseguir tus objetivos

Han pasado algunas semanas desde que usé la aplicación de aprendizaje de idiomas Duolingo. En un momento estaba haciéndolo bastante bien. Hasta que un día estuve demasiado ocupado y se me olvidó practicar, y luego al día siguiente volví a hacer lo mismo.

9 Dec 13:00 Prensa Libre 5433015257689601011.html
Plus besoin d'enfiler le vêtement : voici les cabines d'essayage virtuelles (vidéo)

Des cabines composées de panneaux lumineux, de caméras et de rétroprojecteurs, c'est la prochaine révolution dans le monde de la mode. Les ...

9 Dec 10:17 RTL Info 5478130074349396371.html
How importation is killing SMEs – FG 

FG has decried the rate at which metal products are imported into the country, saying it is killing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs).

9 Dec 17:35 Nairametrics.com 4741528847635062375.html
Clienți sub acoperire, în magazinele pentru copii

Studiu - potențialul client este ignorat în 2 din 3 magazine și nu este abordat de un consilier de vânzări după intrarea sa în magazin.

9 Dec 14:21 Cotidianul 8452212683642208271.html
NASA Pamer Keindahan Bumi Bulat di Tahun 1972

NASA mengenang keindahan Bumi saat dilihat dari luar angkasa sekitar 40 tahun yang lalu. Momen tersebut dibagikan mereka di akun Instagram miliknya.

9 Dec 16:53 detikinet 7802439222773094150.html
John Travolta revela un error histórico en la última película de Quentin Tarantino

John Travolta revela un error histórico en la última película de Quentin Tarantino

9 Dec 10:26 cubasi.cu 5416914687964154833.html
Nilde Iotti, “Libero” nella bufera per gli insulti sessisti: l’esposto delle donne emiliane

Il pezzo scritto su "Libero" per ricordare Nilde Iotti, a cui la Rai ha reso omaggio con una fiction, ha suscitato parecchio clamore. Gravi conseguenze...

9 Dec 11:31 UrbanPost 2450570492436214030.html
Cinco muertos y casi 20 heridos en erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Cinco personas murieron, 18 resultaron heridas y varias quedaron bloqueadas tras la inesperada erupción de un volcán este lunes en una turística isla de Nueva Zelanda. Según la policía, una

9 Dec 11:44 El Universo 8365175796701085261.html
¿Quién es Zozibini Tunzi la nueva Miss Universe?

La joven de raza negra, originaria de la ciudad sudafricana de Tsolo, también dijo que deseaba ganar para mostrarle a los niños de aspecto similar al de ella que también son bellos.

9 Dec 14:13 Primera Hora 5092966654912406295.html
Dänemark will bis 2050 klimaneutral werden

Wie andere skandinavischen Länder auch, sieht sich Dänemark in Klima-Thematiken an vorderster Stelle. Und ein neues Gesetz soll genau das beweisen.

9 Dec 09:46 miss 1375730021522836537.html
Saldo Imu e Tasi: tutto quello che c'è da sapere

Entro il 16 dicembre i proprietari di immobili e fabbricati devono regolarizzare la propria posizione fiscale

9 Dec 13:22 Panorama 2295580208436861161.html
Festival de Viña del Mar confirma actuación de Maroon 5

La banda de "Sugar" pondrá al público del festival en pie por primera vez el jueves 27 de febrero, siendo el único grupo norteamericano confirmado hasta la fecha  

9 Dec 11:55 EL DEBATE 4396150893358253092.html
An gano gawar mutane 3 cikin 21 da Boko Haram ta sace a Kamaru

A kasar Kamaru an gano gawarwakin mutane uku da ‘yan Boko Haram suka sace tun ranar Alhamis din da ta gabata a wani gari mai suna Tokomari da ke cikin gundumawar Kolafata kusa da iyakar kasar da Najeriya.

9 Dec 09:22 RFI 6057628069670090209.html
England to host Italy in first Euro 2020 warm-up friendly

Italy will play England at Wembley on March 27, as the Azzurri and the Three Lions begin their preparations for Euro 2020.

9 Dec 11:41 FOX Sports Asia 3082304905847175098.html
A Barge una serata con il CAI, alla scoperta della Via Franchigena”

L’appuntamento è per il 13 dicembre, alle ore 21, nella sala della biblioteca intitolata a “Ludovico Geymonat”

9 Dec 17:00 Targatocn.it 7367208848230259947.html
Carlos reencontra Inês e namoro com Mabel estremece em 'Éramos seis'

Inês (Carol Macedo) está confusa. Afinal, foi justamente uma carta recente que Carlos (Danilo Mesquita) lhe enviou que a levou de volta a São Paulo. Ao chegar, contudo, descobre que ele está...

9 Dec 16:57 Extra Online 8149543648540766029.html
The Daily Mail's annual wine awards: Thousands of bottles, whittled down by our expert panel to the 60 best-value wines on the high street right now

British drinks expert Matthew Jukes revealed the winners of this year's Daily Mail Wine Awards as selected across 20 distinct categories.

9 Dec 12:51 Mail Online 124328112471776468.html
Skogsföretag fälls för Västmanlandsbranden

En maskinentreprenör döms till företagsböter för att ha orsakat den stora skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014.

9 Dec 10:10 DN.SE 398730694163643232.html
Nintendo : un nouvel Indie World demain soir

Demain sera une bonne journée d'actualité car en plus du « State of Play » de Sony à 15h00, voilà que Nintendo nous annonce la tenue d'un « Indie World » à 19h00, ce qui n'est peut-être pas aussi percutant qu'un vrai Direct mais toujours bon à prendre pour se rassasier.

9 Dec 15:56 GAMEKYO 4211360032640678876.html
Chantage à la sextape: la Cour de cassation rejette le pourvoi de Karim Benzema

L’enquête dans le cadre de l’affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena a été déclarée conforme par la Cour de cassation, qui a rejeté le pourvoi...

9 Dec 14:34 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517069451478.html
Le Togo et l’Afrique du sud signent un accord-cadre de coopération

Les présidents togolais Faure Gnassingbé et sud-africain Cyrille Ramaphosa ont scellé le 6 décembre 2019, au terme d’une visite de travail et d’amitié du second à Lomé, un accord-cadre quinquennal …

9 Dec 10:37 Financial Afrik 5951482565650051288.html
Banda La Fúria inicia seu projeto de Verão com show no Jardim dos Namorados

Os ensaios do Oi, Segunda começam nesta segunda (9), a partir das 21h

9 Dec 08:50 Correio 5185786713513398437.html
Statul francez se opune reînnoirii mandatului lui Isabelle Kocher în funcţia de director general al Engie

Directorul general al Engie, Isabelle Kocher, nu va obţine sprijinul statului francez pentru un nou mandat în fruntea companiei, a anunţat...

9 Dec 15:04 Stiri pe surse 4858045013374460435.html
La megaobra que se podría hacer en Bogotá con la plata que se roban los colados de TM

María Consuelo Araújo, gerente del sistema, dijo que la empresa pierde 223.000 millones de pesos, suficientes para hacer el cable de San Cristóbal. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 16:57 pulzo.com 8971816787799402069.html
Foreign capital inflows into telecoms rise by $659.03m

The country’s desire to deepen broadband penetration nationwide is hinged on capital investment into the telecom sector. IFE OGUNFUWA examines how the sector has fared in investment in the past two...

9 Dec 08:07 Punch Newspapers 3524240995240067947.html
Tränenreicher Ausbruch live im ZDF: "Jetzt müssen wir loslassen"

Es war ein tränenreicher Abend bei der ZDF-Spendengala "Ein Herz für Kinder". Besonders Schlagersängerin Andrea Berg konnte ihre Gefühle nicht zurückhalten und weinte nach ihrem Auftritt hemmungslos.

9 Dec 16:16 BUNTE.de 2017976499086256985.html
Presidente de Cuba rinde honores a José Martí en Argentina (+ Fotos)

El mandatario cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel, y la delegación que lo acompaña, rindieron este lunes en Buenos Aires homenaje al Héroe Nacional José Martí, ante el monumento que yace en el Jardín de los Poetas, del capitalino Parque Rosedal

9 Dec 12:55 Trabajadores 1167277447348265367.html
Se reanuda la búsqueda “lenta y minuciosa” del cuerpo de la joven Marta Calvo

La Guardia Civil interrumpió las tareas de localización para estudiar nuevas pistas y porque las lluvias de los últimos días hacían impracticable el terreno

9 Dec 10:18 EL PAÍS 2207347710047590809.html
Homem é assassinado ao chegar em casa; mulher e filho de 1 ano presenciaram o crime

O crime aconteceu na madrugada desta segunda-feira (09), no bairro Maria Ortiz, em Vitória

9 Dec 16:41 Folha Vitória 4941883428363758904.html
Reforma da Previdência de MS diverge da Constituição Federal

Se os deputados aprovarem a maioria das emendas que eles mesmos apresentaram ao texto da reforma da Previd&ecirc;ncia, a Constitui&ccedil;&atilde;o de Mato Grosso do Sul poder&aacute; divergir da...

9 Dec 13:20 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934489989131186.html
„Finale dahoam“: Salzburg steht Kopf - Fliegen Liverpool und Klopp aus der CL?

Am Dienstag steht Titelverteidiger FC Liverpool in der Champions League ein heißer Tanz bevor: Die auswärts oft nicht überzeugenden Briten kämpfen bei Red Bull Salzburg um das Weiterkommen.

9 Dec 11:55 https://www.merkur.de 6466090238679582252.html
TEST: Dette er årets beste lyd-julegave - ITavisen

Vi har videoanmeldt Sennheiser Momentum 3 som er en av årets aller beste julegaver du kan gi til venner og familie (om du har råd).

9 Dec 11:39 ITavisen 7865444159162342966.html
Majecki, Niezgoda i Karbownik warci ponad 17 milionów euro

Zbliża się okienko transferowe, piłkarze Legii złapali formę, w klubie brakuje gotówki, więc już rozpoczyna się medialne sprzedawanie. Na łamach Super Expressu Piotr Koźmiński informuje, że klub liczy na co najmniej 7 milionów euro za sprzedaż Radosława Majeckiego - kwota ma być rekordowa jeśli chodzi o Legię i Ekstraklasę.

9 Dec 09:00 Legioniści 3895148504588370686.html
Destitution de Trump: Démocrates et Républicains s'écharpent en ouverture d'une semaine décisive

Dans une ambiance tendue, entre échanges d'accusations acrimonieuses, démocrates et républicains ont commencé à présenter lundi au Congrès...

9 Dec 17:28 La Libre 2304109936014183951.html
Trânsito na orla de Pajuçara será modificado nesta alta temporada

Com a chegada da alta temporada, a quantidade de turistas em Macei&oacute; aumenta e, consequentemente, o fluxo de ve&iacute;culos circulando pelas vias da capital fica mais intenso. Com o intuito de reduzir os congestionamentos na orla mar&iacute;tima da cidade no hor&aacute;rio de pico da manh&ati...

9 Dec 15:33 TNH1 3684351753832102010.html
La revolución de Pablo Guede en el Morelia: "Juega igual de local y de visita, ayudará a refrescar las formas de algunos equipos"

La revolución de Pablo Guede en el Morelia: "Juega igual de local y de visita, ayudará a refrescar las formas de algunos equipos"

9 Dec 10:00 Publimetro Chile 2498685482261505954.html
Liverpool’s Jurgen Klopp insists he has never doubted quality of £52.7m man Naby Keita

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp insists he has never doubted the quality of £52.7million midfielder Naby Keita. Keita, who arrived at Anfield to much fanfare in the summer of 2018, has been reduced to a

9 Dec 10:10 The Independent 2511519171694586852.html
NIK ostro krytykuje sztandarowy program Patryka Jakiego "Praca dla więźniów"

Programu "Praca dla więźniów" ma dotyczyć raport Najwyższej Izby Kontroli, którego wyniki ogłosi jutro Izba - dowiedzieli się nieoficjalnie reporterzy RMF FM. Ten program - rozpoczęty w 2016 roku - to jeden ze sztandarowych pomysłów byłego wiceministra sprawiedliwości Patryka Jakiego.

9 Dec 09:56 RMF24 3758900157172045648.html
Digicook d'Intermarché : le robot cuiseur arrive cette semaine en magasin

Digicook d'Intermarché – Dans la lancée du robot de Lidl, c'est au tour d'Intermarché d'annoncer l'arrivée de son robot cuiseur Digicook dès cette semaine en magasin, à un petit prix. Voici ce qu'il faut savoir sur ce nouveau robot d'Intermarché.

9 Dec 08:01 lintern@ute 4548664963599482565.html
Twórcy Fortnite chcą od Google taryfy ulgowej

Fortnite od studia epic miało szansę zadebiutować w sklepie Google i stać się jeszcze bardziej dostępne. Niestety znów poszło o pieniądze.

9 Dec 12:20 DailyWeb 789756976859390381.html
Nuevo ‘show’ de Maradona: casi se parte la cabeza y rompe a llorar en el mismo partido

Diego Armando Maradona es un hombre feliz este lunes después de que Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata consiguiera la primera victoria como local...

9 Dec 13:41 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958649495405.html
3 Alasan Manchester United Bisa Finis 4 Besar Premier League 2019-2020

Beberapa alasan mengapa Manchester United bisa finish empat besar Premier League 2019-2020.

9 Dec 11:50 Bola.com 1695722602849183703.html
Charente-Maritime : le détenu avait une piscine gonflable dans sa cellule

Un modem, une console et un portable ont aussi été retrouvés dans cette cellule de la maison d’arrêt de Saintes, particulièrement touchée par les projections de colis clandestins. Une fouille

9 Dec 08:30 Sud Ouest 3952805755372926390.html
Choque entre furgón y bus deja varios heridos en la vía a Naranjal

Varias personas resultaron heridas esta madrugada en un accidente de tránsito reportado en la vía a naranjal, a la altura de Churute. El choque entre un furgón, que quedó encunetado a un costado de

9 Dec 13:37 El Universo 8365175797017889658.html
Pep: Ne možemo sa najboljima, to je realnost

Menadžer Mančester Sitija Pep Gvardiola kaže da njegov tim možda nije u stanju da se nadmeće sa najboljim evropskim timovima.

9 Dec 11:19 Sport Klub 42251758389691461.html
Muere un menor de cuatro años tras el choque frontal de dos coches en Toledo

En el siniestro también resultaron heridos un hombre de 46 años y una mujer de 42 años, que fueron trasladados al Hospital Virgen de la Salud

9 Dec 08:20 La Información 5328999781534775230.html
Michael Rangel, el artillero que rompió la hegemonía del argentino Germán Cano

Rangel venía de tener una discreta primera parte del año, en la que hizo parte del Junior, club con el que solo anotó tres goles.

9 Dec 08:29 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969826415400646.html
Policyjna akcja "Alkohol i narkotyki". Kierowców kontroluje pięć tysięcy funkcjonariuszy

Dziś policja prowadzi ogólnopolskie działania pn. „ALKOHOL i NARKOTYKI”. Będą ukierunkowane na przeprowadzenie kontroli jak największej liczby kierujących pojazdami i eliminowanie z ruchu drogowego osób będących po spożyciu alkoholu lub po użyciu środków działających podobnie do alkoholu. Policjanci będą również zwracać uwagę na każde zachowanie niezgodne z prawem.

9 Dec 12:45 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696135334735218.html
Policyjna akcja "Alkohol i narkotyki". Kierowców kontroluje pięć tysięcy funkcjonariuszy

Dziś policja prowadzi ogólnopolskie działania pn. „ALKOHOL i NARKOTYKI”. Będą ukierunkowane na przeprowadzenie kontroli jak największej liczby kierujących pojazdami i eliminowanie z ruchu drogowego osób będących po spożyciu alkoholu lub po użyciu środków działających podobnie do alkoholu. Policjanci będą również zwracać uwagę na każde zachowanie niezgodne z prawem.

9 Dec 12:45 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696136536722593.html
Vivos nos corações e na internet: como artistas que já morreram seguem 'postando' nas redes sociais

Entre as piadas postadas em um perfil de "memes" no Instagram, uma traz a mensagem: "Se gaia [chifre] fosse dinheiro, Recife era Dubai", em referência a um possível alto número de casos de traição na capital pernambucana.

9 Dec 08:36 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514214674112682.html
Cs exige a Sánchez que rectifique y explore la "vía Arrimadas"

La portavoz de Cs, Lorena Roldán ha avanzado que este lunes el PSOE ha llamado por teléfono a la dirigente de Cs, Inés Arrimadas después de que esta enviara una carta a Pedro Sánchez para negociar la investidura. Los 'naranjas' intentan recuperar el centr

9 Dec 12:39 Diariocrítico 5375131905412810097.html
Itapuã: polícia suspeita que segurança tenha matado mulher e cometido suicídio

Caso aconteceu na localidade Vila dos Ex-Combatentes

9 Dec 16:04 Correio 5185786713714647553.html
2019 Best Places to Work: Meet all of this year's finalists

The Phoenix Business Journal is gearing up for its biggest event of the year — think of the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve all rolled into one party.

9 Dec 15:15 ABC15 Arizona 911680911739087044.html
Everton : Unai Emery contacté pour remplacer Marco Silva ?

D’après Sky Sports, l’ancien coach des Gunners a été approché par les dirigeants des Toffees, une réunion informelle s’est tenue à Londres.

9 Dec 15:00 Onze Mondial 1310109997987917919.html
Günther Jauch über seinen Sohn: "Da ist ja alles schiefgelaufen"

Comedian Oliver Pocher ist für seine fiesen Sprüche bekannt. Aber wer austeilt, der muss auch einstecken können. Kein Problem für Oliver Pocher, der beim RTL-Jahresrückblick Humor bewies. Denn Günther Jauch konnte es sich nicht nehmen, den Vierfachvater ein wenig aufzuziehen.

9 Dec 13:29 BUNTE.de 2017976499427023184.html
Microsoft to kill Wunderlist apps on May 6th, 2020

Microsoft today announced that it will shut down Wunderlist on May 6th, 2020. For the past few years, Microsoft has been working on a brand-new task management app called To Do. Microsoft To Do will be the successor to Wunderlist app and you can import your lists from Wunderlist to To Do in few steps. …

9 Dec 17:26 MSPoweruser 1651641549347844917.html
Vlad Plahotniuc vrea să cumpere Prima TV. Oligarhul e căutat în Republica Moldova pentru spălare de bani

Vladimir Plahotniuc, fost vicepremier al Republicii Moldova şi cel mai important proprietar de presă din această ţară este interesat de postul rom&acirc;nesc de televiziune Prima TV.

9 Dec 11:41 romaniatv.net 4505369228047121149.html
Line of Duty's Martin Compston: 'I haven't played a nice guy in a while'

Plucked from obscurity by Ken Loach, the Scottish actor has gone from working-class kid to star of the UK’s favourite drama. Now, he’s in a new thriller – and, for once, without an English accent

9 Dec 15:43 the Guardian 1491978794579935889.html
Ojciec dzieci Anny Muchy sfotografowany przez paparazzi z inną kobietą. I to w bardzo intymnej sytuacji

Anna Mucha ma problemy w związku? Ojciec jej dzieci coraz częściej widywany z młodszą kobietą.

9 Dec 14:13 Pikio 8360016137573637202.html
Barça / PSG : Bartomeu revient sur le feuilleton Neymar

Le président blaugrana s'est confié sur le dossier Neymar, expliquant les coulisses de son départ vers le PSG en 2017 mais aussi sa volonté de le récupérer cet été.

9 Dec 13:20 Onze Mondial 1310109998868555758.html
Chelsea FC want to re-sign 24-year-old defender – report

Chelsea FC are interested in a deal to re-sign Bournemouth defender Nathan Ake, according to a report in England. The Daily Telegraph is reporting that

9 Dec 08:45 The Sport Review 4306357846195851722.html
Shaleen Surtie-Richards on her new role in Arendsvlei: 'It is the beginning of Janice's new hell on earth'

Shaleen Surtie-Richards needs no introduction. On Wednesday the veteran actress made her debut on 'Arendsvlei' with a bang.

9 Dec 14:41 Channel24 2038030839504588655.html
Présidence du sommet des ACP : Kenyatta prend le relais

Le 9e sommet des chefs d’Etats et de gouvernements des pays ACP marque un tournant décisif de l’organisation. En effet, La Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée passe le témoin au Kenya. Le président Uhur...

9 Dec 12:06 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601369559074155.html
L'oncle de Bachar Al Assad jugé en France : il devra justifier son incroyable fortune

Rifaat Al Assad est jugé à partir de ce lundi 9 novembre pour blanchiment à Paris. L'oncle de l'actuel président syrien devra justifier la provenance de sa fortune estimé à 700 millions d'euros.  

9 Dec 12:38 Midi Libre 3150507208759701301.html
Un hack permet de contourner la fin de support de Windows 7

Les utilisateurs du forum Digital Life ont trouvé un moyen pour récupérer gratuitement les mises à jour du support Extended Security Updates. Ce service payant, réservé aux entreprises, permet de protéger les systèmes Windows 7 jusqu’en 2023.

9 Dec 09:58 01net 1000433502851591383.html
Confidentialité : un livre pour les développeurs iOS et macOS

Apress publie un livre de Manuel Carrasco Molina, que vous connaissez peut-être sous son pseudo StuFF mc, Karma-based API on Apple Platforms. Dans cet ouvrage, le podcasteur devenu développeur vous apprendra comment concevoir des applications iOS et macOS plus respectueuses des données des utilisateurs.

9 Dec 08:45 iGeneration 6685218358679729751.html
Casta Diva inarrestabile, boom di +54% in 4 sedute

Casta Diva Group anche oggi tra i migliori titoli dell'intero listino di Piazza Affari con un +10% a 0,7 euro. E' la quarta seduta consecutiva in forte rialzo per Casta …

9 Dec 10:27 FinanzaOnline 6528634129168815262.html
Bogotá abrirá sus puertas a la cuarta edición del Colombia Poker Tour

Del 10 al 15 de diciembre se podrá disfrutar de este evento en el hotel Wydham.

9 Dec 15:06 El Tiempo 1091719940333053820.html
Box office adolf - hitler invade i cinema: dalla commedia nera ''jojo rabbit'' a ''skin''


9 Dec 17:13 DAGOSPIA 6533336739253506187.html
Fallece el mítico Francisco "Paquín" Estrada

El ex beisbolista murió debido a padecimientos del corazón que lo mantuvieron internado en una clínica de Sonora

9 Dec 16:27 El Informador 103545929083539313.html
Bal (Cs) pide a Sánchez que deje de negociar con ERC y "mire al centro" para sellar un acuerdo de legislatura

El portavoz adjunto de Cs en el Congreso, Edmundo Bal, ha pedido este lunes al presidente del Gobierno en funciones, Pedro Sánchez, que deje de negociar...

9 Dec 11:56 Europa Press 4702666148527485257.html
Bayonetta and Vanquish bundle launches in February 2020 (update)

Last night, we reported that a remastered version of Vanquish was spotted on the Microsoft Store. Well, this was just part of the story. We now know that the elusive Bayonetta and Vanquish bundle exists.

9 Dec 15:56 Windows Central 7807657680705596820.html
Holandski bjegunac dolijao u Odžaku, pronašli 18 kg droge

ODŽAK - Holanđanin Cornelis Marinus Van Velzen uhapšen je u ponedjeljak u Odžaku u okviru akcije "Madagaskar" zbog sumnje da je u Holandiji učestvovao u pripremi proizvodnje sintetičkih droga, potvrdili su izvori "Nezavisnih".

9 Dec 17:15 Nezavisne novine 4209150642578439914.html
Olandezul care a abuzat sexual doi copii din Cahul, eliberat din arest: Ce spun procurorii

Un bărbat de 60 de ani, originar din Olanda, reținut pentru că a abuzat sexual doi copii din Cahul, a fost eliberat din arest în urma ședinței de ieri, în care Judecătoria Cahul a respins recursul procurorilor de prelungire a arestului preventiv pe numele acestuia.

9 Dec 10:50 Jurnal.md 3315832234616103190.html
Novedades para móviles en Fire Emblem Heroes, Dragalia Lost, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp y Dr. Mario World

Nuevamente os traemos un recopilatorio con todas las novedades del día de hoy en las populares aplicaciones de Nintendo para dispositivos móviles con sistemas iOS y Android. Fire Emblem Heroes Evento de preferencia: Nuevo poder Ya ha comenzado un nuevo evento de preferencia en el juego: Nuevo poder. Viene protagonizado por Mia, Mathilda y Arthur, […]

9 Dec 10:54 Nintenderos 2555436001943305363.html
Aumenti benzina, RC auto, autostrade, aerei: stangata nel 2021?

Che cosa potrebbe cambiare nel 2021 per assicurazione auto, pedaggi, carburante e bollette?

9 Dec 16:12 InvestireOggi 7231367743151453054.html
Grande Fratello Vip: nel cast due ex naufraghi de L’Isola dei famosi? – VIDEO

Antonio Zequila e Aristide Malnati parteciperanno alla nuova edizione del Grande Fratello Vip? I due in passato hanno partecipato all'Isola dei famosi.

9 Dec 16:49 NewNotizie 1312053897319964280.html
Los hijos de Messi emocionados con su ‘superpapi’

Thiago, Mateo y Ciro salieron al campo portando el Balón de Oro para que su padre, Leo Messi, lo ofreciera a la afición del Barça, en el...

9 Dec 15:59 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958755589494.html
Link Live Streaming Final DotA 2 SEA Games 2019 Hari Ini

Babak final esports nomor DotA 2 menampilkan Filipina kontra Thailand. Sahabat Bola.com bisa menikmati dengan link di bawah ini.

9 Dec 17:38 Bola.com 1695722602873456433.html
Alpinist stürzt beim Holzholen 120 Meter in Tod

Dramatische Szenen ereigneten sich am Samstagabend in Nesselwängle (Bezirk Reutte in Tirol)! Ein Deutscher (27) und seine 25-jährige Begleiterin ...

9 Dec 10:22 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094472571262.html
Garanti'den ilk evini alana 300 TL bonus

Garanti BBVA, ilk evini almak amacıyla konut kredisi kullanan müşterilerine ev hediyesi olarak 300 TL bonus veriyor.

9 Dec 14:40 Yeni Şafak 1729259403984960947.html
Embajador de México hurta libro de $10 en una importante librería de Buenos Aires y el robo le cuesta su cargo

El embajador de México en Argentina, Oscar Ricardo Valero, enfrenta una acusación de "hurto" por el presunto robo de un libro en una conocida librería de Buenos Aires. Un video muestra al diplomático saliendo del establecimiento sin pagar.El embajador de México en Argentina, Oscar Ricardo Valero, enfrenta una acusación de "hurto" por el presunto robo de un libro en una conocida librería de Buenos Aires. Un video muestra al diplomático saliendo del establecimiento sin pagar.El embajador de México en Argentina, Oscar Ricardo Valero, enfrenta una acusación de "hurto" por el presunto robo de un libro en una conocida librería de Buenos Aires. Un video muestra al diplomático saliendo del establecimiento sin pagar.El embajador de México en Argentina, Oscar Ricardo Valero, enfrenta una acusación de "hurto" por el presunto robo de un libro en una conocida librería de Buenos Aires. Un video muestra al diplomático saliendo del establecimiento sin pagar.El embajador de México en Argentina, Oscar Ricardo Valero, enfrenta…

9 Dec 14:52 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957188681459304.html
Catana améliore fortement ses résultats annuels

Exercice très solide pour Catana...

9 Dec 08:20 Boursier.com 7351227820263507667.html
Auszeichnung für „Strassl-Schaider“

Peter Schaider betreibt erfolgreich eine Friseurkette und Einkaufszentren. Nun erhielt er das „Große Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um das Bundesland Niederösterreich“. Auch sein 60. Geburtstag und das 35-Jährige Firmenjubiläum von „Strassl-Schaider“ wurden gefeiert.

9 Dec 14:41 NÖN.at 2486998932588434402.html
Miuncheno geležinkelio stotyje peiliu sužeistas policininkas

Pirmadienį Miuncheno geležinkelio stotyje per užpuolimą peiliu buvo sužeistas policininkas. Tai pranešė Vokietijos policijos atstovai.

9 Dec 10:27 Kauno diena 6825691408756962145.html
Bio je otac troje dece i poznati lovac: Ovo je Selimir koga je prijatelj ubio u hajci na divlje svinje

Posle tragedije kod Bijelog Polja, meštani u neverici

9 Dec 17:43 Вечерње новости 4219870593625793672.html
Les bouteilles de vin contenaient en fait de la MDMA: une Belge condamnée pour trafic de drogue en Australie

Une Belge de 32 ans a été condamnée à 2 ans et 3 mois de prison pour avoir fait importer en Australie de la MDMA (ecstasy) dans des bouteilles de vin.

9 Dec 09:07 RTL Info 5478130073533645043.html
Thirteen hotshots to watch in the 2019/20 Premiership U18 League

A look at 13 of the top talents in the 2019/20 Premiership U18 League, many of whom could go on to star at the senior level for club and country alike.

9 Dec 09:19 Rugbypass 8668874339523321036.html
Marian Banaś nie stawi się na posiedzeniu senackiej komisji

Prezes NIK Marian Banaś nie skorzysta z zaproszenia na wtorkowe posiedzenie senackiej komisji samorządu terytorialnego i administracji państwowej - poinformowało biuro prasowe Izby. W poniedziałek trafiła do Senatu odpowiedź w tej sprawie.

9 Dec 12:30 Polsat News 9031932298305778887.html
Réforme des retraites : Deux ans de couacs au sein du gouvernement

Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est que c’est plutôt ballot en plein débat sur la réforme des retraites et Jean-Paul Delevoye n’avait pas vraiment besoin de cela, surtout en ce moment. Selon Le Parisien, le Haut-commissaire aux retraites a oublié de déclarer à la Haute autorité pour la transparence de la vie politique ses fonctions d’administrateur au sein de l’Institut de formation de la profession de l’assurance (IFPASS). Le problème, c’est que pour beaucoup, les assureurs pourraient bien tirer leurs marrons du feu avec cette réforme.

9 Dec 15:18 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230248754229256.html
Traque aux fraudeurs du Fisc. Le MF introduit le principe du «paiement conditionné» des marchés publics

Le week-end dernier n’aura certainement pas été de tout repos pour le ministre des finances du gouvernement partant, Ridha Chalghoum. Avec son

9 Dec 17:12 African Manager 933752094017241980.html
Samsung Galaxy S11+ To Use An "Exclusive" 108MP ISOCELL Sensor

It seems like Samsung is developing an exclusive, custom 108MP ISOCELL camera sensor for the Galaxy S11+ flagship. At least according to the latest rumor.

9 Dec 11:59 Android Headlines 8385692877514393067.html
Nintendo muestra algunas imágenes "detrás de las cámaras" del tráiler de Zelda Breath of the Wild 2

La compañía japonesa sigue buscando personal para reclutar de cara al desarrollo de este esperado videojuego de Nintendo Switch. En Nintendo tienen muchos proyectos realmente esperados en el horizonte para el catálogo de Nintendo Switch, sin embargo uno de...

9 Dec 12:30 3DJuegos 3383023117888166638.html
Inps | il presidente sta con le orfane |”Anche mia sorella uccisa come la loro madre”

Pasquale Tridico, presidente dell’Inps, fa sapere che le due minorenni rimaste orfane dopo un omicidio-suicidio non pagheranno i 124mila euro richiesti. La vicenda del sollecito dell’Inps di 124mila euro alle due minorenni orfane dei loro genitori ha fatto molto discutere. Riguarda i coniugi Marco Loiola e Cristina Biagi, della provincia di Massa Carrara. Quest’ultima venne …

9 Dec 11:04 ViaggiNews.com 6731780927536109205.html
Premijer USK-a: U utorak kreće izmještanje migranata iz Vučjaka

BIHAĆ - Premijer Unsko-sanskog kantona Mustafa Ružnić najavio je da će izmještanje migranata iz kampa Vučjak u Unsko-sanskom kantonu biti podijeljeno u tri faze, odnosna da će faza izmještanja migranata biti posebna faza planirana za utorak.

9 Dec 12:22 Nezavisne novine 4209150641998118604.html
La déclaration d'amour de Michèle Bernard-Requin

En soins palliatifs, la magistrate honoraire nous adresse son « ultime texte ». Un hymne au corps médical et un avertissement à chacun d'entre nous. 

9 Dec 13:09 Le Point 1094305423040296352.html
Renzi avvisa il governo: “Se ci sono liti continue è meglio tornare al voto. Noi siamo pronti”

Secondo un retroscena riportato dal 'Corriere della Sera' Matteo Renzi avrebbe messo ancora in guardia il governo: 'Se si tratta di stare insieme per litigare da mane a sera, allora meglio il voto. Io non lo voglio, però quello che dovevo fare l'ho fatto. Ho bloccato l'aumento dell'Iva e i microbalzelli, perciò se ci costringono siamo pronti'.

9 Dec 08:52 fanpage.it 1517332167245907329.html
México define temas "no negociables" en el T-MEC

No se aceptará la inspección laboral de EU, acuerdan el Senado y Relaciones Exteriores   

9 Dec 08:39 El Informador 103545928876868019.html
Obrońcy SB-eków Obywatele RP blokują wjazd do Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości!

Dziś po południu, antypolska organizacja, zrzeszająca byłych UB-eków i SB-eków, broniąca przywilejów dla komuchów, postanowiła zablokować wjazd na dziedziniec Obywatele RP zorganizowali Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości przy al. Ujazdowskich 11. Mają transparent, na którym domagają się ...

9 Dec 15:04 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696136169352116.html
Tesco leads FTSE 100 risers as it weighs up Asia sale

Shares in Tesco rose more than five per cent in early trading as investors welcomed reports that the company is exploring a sale of its Asian businesses.

9 Dec 08:53 City A.M. 6389894491399976629.html
La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje excluyó a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos durante 4 años

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje excluyó a Rusia de los Juegos Olímpicos durante 4 años

9 Dec 10:47 LaPatilla.com 9104603010737754786.html
La confianza de los inversores de la zona euro sigue al alza y se sitúa en máximos desde mayo, según Sentix

La confianza de los inversores de la zona euro ha registrado en diciembre su segundo incremento consecutivo y su mejor nivel desde mayo de este año ante la mejora de las perspectivas a nivel global, según refleja el índice elaborado por la agencia alemana Sentix, que se ha situado en los 0,7 puntos básicos, desde los -4,5 enteros de noviembre.

9 Dec 10:02 elEconomista.es 9051559958846568975.html
Une nouvelle journée très compliquée dans les transports mardi

PARIS (Reuters) - Le trafic des trains et métros restera extrêmement perturbé en France mardi, deuxième journée de mobilisation interprofessionnelle contre la réforme des retraites, et le secteur aérien sera aussi affecté avec l'annulation de 25% des vols intérieurs d'Air France.

9 Dec 17:55 Challenges 1086714997133018490.html
Diego Tavares aposta em diálogo com aliados para 2020

O secretário de Desenvolvimento Social de João Pessoa, Diego Tavares, aposta que os aliados do prefeito Luciano Cartaxo irão convergir no momento certo em torno de uma única candidatura para 2020.

9 Dec 17:24 MaisPB 6493363692341813.html
Delevoye : on vous explique la polémique autour du M. retraites de Macron

Le haut commissaire à la réforme des retraites a "oublié" de signaler ses activités professionnelles d'administrateur de l'Ifpass, l'Institut de formation de la profession de l'assurance. Jean-Paul Delevoye a démissionné de ce poste d'administrateur ce lundi.

9 Dec 11:23 lintern@ute 4548664962903592628.html
Le Sénat adopte la surveillance fiscale des réseaux sociaux

Le Sénat vient d’adopter l’article du projet de loi de finances organisant la collecte généralisée de données publiques sur les réseaux sociaux et les...

9 Dec 13:34 Next INpact 808704267326172171.html
Süße Engelslöckchen! Dieses Foto von Sohn Mads ist zum Dahinschmelzen

Süße Schneckerllocken, dicke Pausbacken, tief versunken ins Spiel: Der weihnachtliche Schnappschuss von Mads Carpendale, dem Sohn von Moderatoren-Paar Annemarie und Wayne Carpendale, ist wirklich süßer als jedes Weihnachtsplätzchen!

9 Dec 16:07 BUNTE.de 2017976499957949000.html
El filtro de TikTok que genera la reacción más graciosa en los gatos [VIDEO]

En TikTok, la cara de los gatos al ver a sus dueños con el filtro felino se ha vuelto viral en redes sociales.

9 Dec 12:45 Wapa.pe 6757287088678681274.html
"Wolfenstein 3" bestätigt: So geht es für das Vater-Töchter-Trio weiter

"Wolfenstein 3" ist bestätigt und könnte eine ganze Ladung neuer Gegner zutage fördern. Allerdings mit mehr Handlung, als sie "Youngblood" zu bieten hatte.

9 Dec 14:34 futurezone.de 2257170161198800371.html
L’association Faumont et son patrimoine n’est plus

L’annonce va forcément émouvoir dans la commune et le Douaisis: faute de trouver ...

9 Dec 15:05 La Voix du Nord 5307415665012303304.html

Pentru o pedichiura conform asteptarilor, alege un tehnician care are in mod evident standarde ridicate de igiena. De asemenea, fii atenta la lampa folosita in salon: lampa led polimerizeaza rapid, indiferent de tehnica, pe cand lampa UV clasica va u

9 Dec 09:07 romaniatv.net 4505369228258308423.html
Destitution de Trump : démocrates et républicains s'écharpent en ouverture d'une semaine décisive

Dans une ambiance tendue, entre échanges d'accusations acrimonieuses, démocrates et républicains ont commencé à présenter lundi au Congrès américain leurs conclusions diamétralement opposées d...

9 Dec 17:30 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982621891361.html
Define ararken jandarmaya yakalandı

Konya’nın Bozkır ilçesinde kaçak kazı yapan bir kişi jandarma ekiplerince suçüstü yakalandı.

9 Dec 16:01 Türkiye Gazetesi 2932623218099143962.html
Fastweb Mobile lancia l’offerta di Natale: minuti e giga a meno di 10€

Oltre al procedimento online, i clienti possono richiedere con il contatto con un consulente telefonico tramite il servizio 'Ti ricontattiamo noi'.

9 Dec 12:20 tecnoandroid 2573257128139337016.html
La CONFAVC critica que l’ATM perjudiqui els usuaris del transport públic freqüents però no diaris

La Confederació d'Associacions Veïnals de Catalunya també lamenta que la nova T-Casual sigui unipersonal

9 Dec 12:23 El Punt Avui 4496725670434771349.html
La CONFAVC critica que l’ATM perjudiqui els usuaris del transport públic freqüents però no diaris

La Confederació d'Associacions Veïnals de Catalunya també lamenta que la nova T-Casual sigui unipersonal

9 Dec 12:23 El Punt Avui 4496725670092825473.html
ALnavío: El canciller de México explica por qué López Obrador no repudia a Maduro y ofrece asilo a Evo Morales

ALnavío: El canciller de México explica por qué López Obrador no repudia a Maduro y ofrece asilo a Evo Morales

9 Dec 13:55 LaPatilla.com 9104603011131040114.html
Andy Whyment confirms Jaqueline Jossa had a ‘tough time’ in the I’m A Celeb camp

It comes after claims her husband had an affair with Love Islands star Gabby Allen

9 Dec 10:56 GOSS.ie 8755536024243329510.html
De leukste truien voor kerst rechtstreeks van de catwalk

Haal inspiratie uit modehuizen van Chanel tot Isabel Marant

9 Dec 16:10 Glamour 7276994002290621249.html
Quand bien manger fait partie de la guérison

L’arrivée du chef auréolé Daniel Tobien au centre hospitalier de Rivière-du-Loup avait suscité la curiosité en 2014. Admettons que ce n’est pas tous les

9 Dec 11:55 Info Dimanche 5127992004519476927.html
Caner ve Gökhan doludizgin gidiyor

Beşiktaş’ın iki tecrübeli ismi Caner Erkin ve Gökhan Gönül, bu sezon hücuma verdiği katkıyla dikkat çekiyor. 2 futbolcu, siyah-beyazlıların ligde attığı 11 gole direkt etki etti.

9 Dec 09:28 FotoMaç 4200829374628617068.html
Le gouvernement autrichien renonce à interdire le glyphosate en 2020

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 12:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389683809570.html
Nabilla et Thomas Vergara accusés de mentir sur leur dernier placement de produit, ce détail qui ne trompe pas (PHOTOS)

Le couple a récemment fait un nouveau placement de produit, mais ce détail n'a pas du tout plu aux internautes !

9 Dec 13:30 melty 8059025069958779113.html
Sasha Dog: Las bromas más virales del perro de Instagram [VIDEO]

En Instagram, ¿tú también le has hecho a tu madre o a alguien cercano la broma del perro que está arrasando en las redes? No te pierdas algunas reacciones y ríe a más no poder.

9 Dec 15:29 Wapa.pe 6757287088488518524.html
Réunion de soutien au Liban : Aoun et Kubis affinent les préparatifs

La diplomatie française confirme la tenue, le 11 décembre, de la réunion du GIS.

9 Dec 15:17 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139464567951.html
EU odobrila pomoć od 3,2 milijarde evra za razvoj električnih baterija

Evropska komisija odlučila je da sedam zemalja članica, uključujući Nemačku i Francusku, mogu da daju javnu pomoć od...

9 Dec 14:57 N1 Srbija 7797130865395623424.html
Trigoria, Roma di nuovo al lavoro: in gruppo Pau Lopez e Fazio. Out Santon – FOTO

I giallorossi sono tornati ad allenarsi questa mattina in vista del match d'Europa League

9 Dec 14:08 Forzaroma.info 1065617486875044039.html
We don’t want another Boko Haram, IPOB - The Nation Newspaper

The Department of State Services (DSS) is doing its job, the Presidency said on Sunday in its reaction to the agency’s action in the Sowore saga.

9 Dec 08:19 The Nation Newspaper 2658445901523036233.html
Na podium Bosak, Dziambor i Braun ex aequo oraz Berkowicz! Pierwsze zjazdy prawyborcze Konfederacji [VIDEO]

W ten weekend odbyły się pierwsze cztery wojewódzkie zjazdy prawyborcze Konfederacji Wolność i Niepodległość. Zdecydowanym liderem w dotychczasowych głosowaniach został Krzysztof Bosak. Jako jeden z dziewięciorga kandydatów, zebrał prawie połowę głosów elektorskich.

9 Dec 10:03 Najwyższy Czas! 1611902978795251810.html
Retraites : le gouvernement parachève son projet tandis que la grève se durcit

L'exécutif reste ferme sur le principe d'un système universel par points, que refusent la CGT et FO, fers de lance de la contestation, mais il se dit néanmoins prêt à des aménagements sur les modalités de transition vers le régime unique.

9 Dec 16:54 La Tribune 6570267672019561552.html
Su-35 de Rusia intentaron interceptar cazas de Israel en Siria – Informes

Los medios de comunicación iraníes y rusos informaron que los Su-35 de Rusia fueron enviados desde la base aérea de Khmeimi

9 Dec 11:12 Noticias de Israel 5887715890002998161.html
Snam in rosso, sarà coinvolta nel salvataggio dell’ex Ilva?

Come riportano La Repubblica ed Il Sole 24 Ore, fra i papabili candidati nel salvataggio dell'Ex Ilva spuntano  Cdp, Snam e Arvedi.

9 Dec 14:32 InvestireOggi 7231367743818559522.html
What would you like to see revealed during The Game Awards 2019?

This week sees the annual return of industry ceremony/advertising bonanza The Game Awards, as Geoff Keighley takes to the stage once again to hand out gongs for some of 2019's greatest games, in between developer chats and performances by a...

9 Dec 12:30 Destructoid 5545714966265395165.html
Precio del dólar inicia a la baja este lunes

De acuerdo a lo registrado por la Bolsa Electrónica, en lo que va de este lunes, la divisa estadounidense ha bajado siete pesos.

9 Dec 14:08 24Horas.cl 793283384752230683.html
Pijany szop pracz na bożonarodzeniowym jarmarku. Zwierzę zastrzelono

Szopa pracza, który ledwie trzymał się na nogach, można było spotkać na świątecznym jarmarku w Erfurcie. Niemieckie media spekulują, że być może zwierzę wypiło za dużo grzanego wina. Rzecznik miejscowej policji powiedział, że rzeczywiście szop na jarmarku pojawił się "pod wpływem alkoholu".

9 Dec 17:30 Polsat News 9031932296562811168.html
Bigg Boss 13: Sidharth Shukla's Friend Natasha Singh Resurfaces: 'Shehnaaz Gill And Paras Chhabra Are Instigating Sidharth, Hence His Game Is Going Haywire'- EXCLUSIVE

You can't forget Natasha Singh who surfaced to speak in favour of her close friend Sidharth Shukla few days back on this very platform, here she is yet again to point out that Sidharth's game in Bigg Boss 13 isn't as good as it was- and why. Blame it on Shehnaaz and Paras, she says

9 Dec 14:41 SPOTBOYE 1547816857680195431.html
Félix-Antoine Banville toujours recherché

Trois-Rivières — Toujours aucune trace de Félix-Antoine Banville. Le jeune homme de 25 ans, qui souffre de schizophrénie, est recherché pour avoir agressé son père, dimanche matin, dans une résidence, située à l’intersections des rues Saint-Jude et La Jonquière, dans le quartier Sainte-Marguerite, à Trois-Rivières.

9 Dec 16:55 leNouvelliste 2761106013195762968.html
Let Us Gather to Discuss Taylor Swift and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s T.S. Eliot–Inspired Cats Song

Vulture staffers debate the new song from Cats, “Beautiful Ghosts” written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Taylor Swift.

9 Dec 14:00 VULTURE 2718750545426023672.html
Ekstraklasa: Jagiellonia szuka trenera. Były selekcjoner odmówił

Jagiellonia Białystok po rozstaniu z Ireneuszem Mamrotem szuka jego następcy. Podlaski klub chciał zatrudnić Adama Nawałkę, byłego selekcjonera reprezentacji Polski. Według informacji portalu sportowefakty.pl, Nawałka nie był zainteresowany posadą.

9 Dec 09:51 Polskie Radio 2539990556849225108.html
Conheça cinco robôs que estão sendo usados por RHs das empresas

Paula, IVI, Gaia ou Witson? CORREIO apresenta cyber 'coleguinhas' que estão sendo utilizados no ambiente de trabalho

9 Dec 09:00 Correio 5185786713025913604.html
Duas casas são atingidas após parte de construção desabar em Alegre

A Defesa Civil do município está realizando o atendimento e avaliando o risco do imóvel atingido. Seis pessoas moram na casa, mas não estavam no local no momento do desabamento

9 Dec 14:30 Folha Vitória 4941883427547153968.html
Solskjaer: Dobrze widzieć Lingarda wracającego do formy

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer chwali Jessego Lingarda po derbowym pojedynku z Manchesterem City (2:1) na Etihad Stadium.

9 Dec 10:45 DevilPage.pl 5381987154834615901.html
Oligarhul Vladimir Plahotniuc, interesat să cumpere Prima TV - Paginademedia.ro

Oligarhul Vladimir Plahotniuc a făcut o ofertă de preluare a postului românesc de televiziune Prima TV, potrivit Paginademedia.ro. Omul de afaceri care, cel puțin până în vară, a

9 Dec 13:13 HotNews 6169202161215200308.html
Zacks: Embotelladora Andina SA ADR Series B (NYSE:AKO.B) Receives Average Recommendation of “Strong Sell” from Brokerages

Embotelladora Andina SA ADR Series B (NYSE:AKO.B) has been given a consensus broker rating score of 5.00 (Strong Sell) from the one brokers that cover the stock, Zacks Investment Research reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a strong sell rating. Brokerages have set a 1-year consensus price target of $16.00 for the company, […]

9 Dec 17:53 Markets Daily 6922190228724577993.html
RER, Métro, Transilien... Quelles lignes circuleront mardi?

Les transports seront encore très perturbés ce mardi

9 Dec 16:33 www.20minutes.fr 6446520675415175359.html
Macri terminó la última reunión de gabinete en la Casa Rosada

El presidente Mauricio Macri y su equipo de ministros celebraron hoy en la Casa Rosada la última reunión de gabinete de su gestión, antes de dejar el poder mañana, cuando asuma el mandatario electo Alberto Fernández. Pasadas las 9.30 había comenzado la última reunión de gabinete con todos los integrantes del Gobierno, en una rutina […]

9 Dec 15:25 El Eco 4177735525565722580.html
Ancelotti sugli infortunati: “Milik e Allan dovrebbero esserci, Maksimovic no”

Oggi, in conferenza stampa prima della partita di domani sera alle 18:55 tra Napoli e Genk, sono intervenuti l’allenatore Carlo Ancelotti e il portiere Alex Meret. Il tecnico azzurro ha puntualizzato ai microfoni dei giornalisti anche la condizione fisica dei calciatori acciaccati del Napoli e lo ha fatto così: “Milik sta bene: si è allenato […]

9 Dec 13:02 Spazio Napoli 1933866183196468630.html
Russia doping ban: What we know, what we don’t know and how will it impact Olympics, World Cup and Euro 2020?

Russia has been banned from hosting and competing in major sporting events by the World Anti-Doping Agency [Wada] for the next four years, but what does that mean for Russian athletes?

9 Dec 17:31 The Independent 2511519171955633967.html
Orietta Berti e il salame della pace a Ornella Vanoni: "Ora siamo amiche ma a Sanremo..."

"Ornella Vanoni non voleva farsi fotografare con me, ora siamo amiche. Le porto i salami!" ha dichiarato l’usignolo italiano Orietta Berti a “Storie Italiane”, la trasmissione del mattino di Rai1 condotta da Eleonora Daniele. La Berti festeggia i 55 anni di carriera, &egr...

9 Dec 12:32 Il Tempo 2494990960928665120.html
Deborah Secco mostra boa forma em foto e leva seguidores à loucura

Atriz posou bem à vontade para a câmera

9 Dec 14:49 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428422799457.html
‘Simply the best’: Martin Keown raves about 22-year-old Man United star

Martin Keown has hailed Manchester United summer signing Aaron Wan-Bissaka as the best one-on-one defender in the Premier League. The England

9 Dec 08:30 The Sport Review 4306357847029469139.html
Največji dopinški škandal v zgodovini športa: Rusije ne bo na OI niti na nogometnem SP

Svetovna protidopinška agencija Wada je na zasedanju v švicarski Lozani Rusiji prepovedala nastope na velikih mednarodnih tekmovanjih za naslednja štiri leta. Prepoved med drugim zajema olimpijske igre v Tokiu (2020) in svetovno nogometno prvenstvo v Katarju (2022).

9 Dec 12:00 Dnevnik 7671546650471610330.html
Incendio in fabbrica, è strage: almeno 43 morti

A New Delhi, in India. L'edificio non aveva le autorizzazioni anti-incendio e di sito produttivo. Molti dipendenti dormivano nella struttura prima di iniziare il turno, non hanno avuto scampo

9 Dec 09:08 Today 178378750315312279.html
Decizie istorică: Rusia a fost exclusă patru ani din toate competiţiile sportive majore, din cauza problemelor de dopaj

WADA a decis excluderea Rusiei din toate competiţiile majore de sport pentru patru ani, din cauza problemelor de dopaj. Astfel, ce se preconiza iniţial, faptul că nu va participa la Jocurile Olimpice din 2020 şi 2022 şi Cupa Mondială de Fotbal din 2022, s-a adeverit.

9 Dec 10:52 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917951859825.html
Fibre : la forte hausse des importations chinoises inquiète la filière française

Les livraisons de câbles en fibre optique des industriels français ont brutalement baissé au troisième trimestre. En parallèle, les importations de produits chinois, elles, grimpent en flèche.

9 Dec 16:11 La Tribune 6570267672691086157.html
Por onde anda o elenco de O Clone? Novela estreia no Canal Viva

A novela O Clone, de Gloria Perez, chega nesta segunda-feira (9) ao Canal Viva; descubra por onde anda o elenco, encabeçado por Giovanna Antonelli e Murilo Benício

9 Dec 17:30 RD1 – Terra 4501125210998502080.html
A cancer-drug developer's stock just surged more than 100% after Merck agreed to a multi-billion-dollar takeover

Cancer-drug developer ArQule skyrocketed as much as 102% in early Monday trading after Merck agreed to acquire the company in a $2.7 billion tak...

9 Dec 08:51 Business Insider 3364799148430876312.html
Kim Kardashian tiene un secreto para aumentar sus labios, ¡y solo cuesta 4 dólares!

En Instagram, Kim muestra la mascarilla de colágeno que utiliza para que sus labios luzcan totalmente espectaculares.

9 Dec 11:23 Wapa.pe 6757287089317065428.html
Beyoncé desabafa sobre rumores de gravidez "Deixem os meus ovários em paz!"

A musa também contou que sua confiança com seu corpo está mais alta do que nunca.

9 Dec 16:15 Folha Vitória 4941883426975174081.html
VIDEO - Accident pe şantierul Podului Ciurel: O automacara s-a răsturnat

O macara s-a răsturnat luni pe şantierul Podului Ciurel din Capitală. Potrivit informaţiilor disponibile la acest moment, incidentul nu s-a...

9 Dec 14:28 Stiri pe surse 4858045012971008839.html
El blooper de Maradona que se volvió viral

El técnico de Gimnasia se lamentó tanto por una ocasión malograda que terminó en el piso. Se cayó al suelo y fue ayudado inmediatamente por sus ayudantes. Un susto para Diego antes de la enorme alegría del primer triunfo en La Plata.

9 Dec 13:30 El Patagónico 8565457045785714593.html
MacBook Pro Diary: A glitch with the restore, but an informative one at least

My MacBook Pro problems had one more episode in store for me: after getting the repaired machine back from Apple, there was a glitch after restoring it from a clone. I cloned the original SSD to an external drive using Carbon Copy Cloner. When I got the repaired machine back, it was effectively a brand […]

9 Dec 14:56 9to5Mac 8219339160594954568.html
Komičan život Andrije Miloševića na Superstar TV

Večeras u 21 čas na Superstar TV kanalu počinje emitovanje nove humorističke serije „Slatke muke“ o izmišljenom liku Andriji Miloševiću koga tumači upravo – Andrija Milošević! Naš popularni glumac i komičar tumači istoimenog, ali izmišljenog glavnog protagonistu što ovaj sitkom o porodičnom čoveku čini još komičnijim.

9 Dec 16:50 REPUBLIKA 2543998404981825735.html
Ghostbusters 2020 : La bande-annonce dévoilée, Finn Wolfhard et McKenna Grace deviennent des chasseurs de fantômes

Les fantômes sont de retour pour un troisième opus, avec Paul Rudd et loin de l'effervescence de New-York. 

9 Dec 17:30 melty 8059025070592430475.html
'Israel is history in the making and we want to be a part of it'

What brings a Texas pastor to Israel? Larry Huch, board member of Israel Allies Foundation, explains his connection to the Jewish state

9 Dec 15:20 Israel National News 5374683669183242396.html
Klaipėdoje rasto negyvo kūdikio motinos versija: paliko, kai jis neatsigavo po maitinimo

Klaipėdoje sekmadienį rasto negyvo kūdikio motina tvirtina dviejų su puse mėnesių vaiką palikusi, kai šis neatsigavo po maitinimo, per spaudos konferenciją pirmadienį žurnalistams sakė Klaipėdos policijos viršininkas Alfonsas Motuzas.

9 Dec 15:29 budas.lt 7514915612565323926.html
I Fell In Love With James Gardiner Because Of His “Sexy Big Eyes” But He Has Too Many Women – Edwina Mensah

Known for his great looks and excellent acting, James Gardiner has won the hearts of many Ladies in Ghana. Another one of his admirers is budding actress Edwina Mensah. Speaking in a recent interview on DGN TV,  Edwina Mensah alleged that although she is smitten with James, she can’t have a relationship with him because […]

9 Dec 14:52 GhBase.com 8689748846715225023.html
Sedmorica Srba optuženi za ratne zločine nad Bošnjacima na području Zvornika

Sedmorica Srba optužena su za ubistvo najmanje 48 osoba i progon stanovništva bošnjačke nacionalnosti iz mesta...

9 Dec 17:23 N1 Srbija 7797130865221383009.html
Estos son los países más afectados por los fenómenos climáticos extremos

El instituto Germanwatch presenta en la cumbre del clima de Madrid los resultados del Índice de Riesgo Climático Global.

9 Dec 16:31 www.publico.es 99190978047479912.html
Dopage : la Russie exclue 4 ans des JO et des championnats du monde

L'Agence Mondiale Antidopage exclut la Russie des Jeux olympiques pour les quatre prochaines années

9 Dec 11:37 euronews 7357749755379016253.html
Dos heridos, uno de ellos grave, en una virulenta colisión, en Vilagarcía

Se han cerrado los dos carriles parte de esta mañana, aunque ya se ha restablecido el tráfico por completo

9 Dec 10:47 www.farodevigo.es 8038449577236084110.html
Emilia Wahlund visar upp resultatet efter läppförstoringen: "Anka"

Det är på sin Instagram som Emilia Wahlund visar upp hur det såg ut när hon tidigare i år bestämde sig för att göra en läppförstoring.

9 Dec 15:45 Nyheter24 5513950689516958904.html
Nomes Zeca Afonso e José Mário Branco atribuídos a duas espécies de minhocas-fantasma

Biólogo português descreveu oito minhocas-fantasma nas costas do Norte da Europa, da Rússia e da América do Norte. Além de Zeca Afonso e José Mário Branco, entre os nomes científicos que deu às espécies homenageou ainda Bernie Sanders.

9 Dec 08:10 PÚBLICO 2228264897448025974.html
Unfall auf der A2: Unfallopfer in künstlichen Tiefschlaf versetzt

Ein Lkw und Kleintransporter waren bei dem Auffahrunfall bei Sinabelkirchen beteiligt. Rettungshubschrauber musste auf Autobahn landen, um einen schwer Verletzten zu bergen.

9 Dec 16:17 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700568630778.html
YouTube: De meest bekeken en top trending video's van 2019

YouTube onthuld de meest bekeken en top trending video's van dit jaar en laat een nieuw soort #YouTubeRewind zien.

9 Dec 14:15 DutchCowboys 8617317428209428821.html
La justice refuse à nouveau la remise en liberté de Patrick Balkany

La cour d'appel de Paris a rejeté lundi la troisième demande de mise en liberté du maire LR de Levallois-Perret Patrick Balkany, incarcéré depuis près de trois mois après ses condamnations successives pour fraude fiscale et blanchiment.

9 Dec 12:45 Challenges 1086714997777707235.html
Mulher é morta a tiros pelo companheiro em Salvador: homem se matou após o crime

Crime ocorreu no bairro de Itapuã. A polícia foi acionada por vizinhos, que ouviram os tiros na residência do casal.

9 Dec 16:11 BAHIA NO AR 8652507713160356053.html
I Simple Minds tornano in Arena per celebrare i 40 anni di carriera

Quattro date italiane

9 Dec 13:46 L'Arena 5479295677937959723.html
Neues Foto mit Celeste und Sole – und die sieht aus wie ihre Mama

Michelle Hunziker hat eine echte Bilderbuchfamilie. Neben der 23-jährigen Tochter Aurora hat sie auch noch die beiden jüngeren Töchterchen Celeste und Sole – und die sehen aus wie Mama und Papa. Echte Mini-Doppelgängerinnen, die beiden Trussardi-Hunziker-Mädels.

9 Dec 15:27 BUNTE.de 2017976499669524580.html
Los incendios forestales mataron a más de 2 000 koalas en Australia

La destrucción ha sido tan amplia que "probablemente nunca encontraremos los cuerpos", ha explicado uno de los ecologistas de Nueva Gales del Sur sobre la población y el hábitat de los koalas.

9 Dec 14:20 RPP 3819340343410820424.html
Hurun’s list: Mukesh Ambani may soon break into top 5

Riding the digital wave, Mukesh Ambani, the first Indian to break into the global top 10 rich list, would emerge as one of the five richest people in the world in the next two or three years. The Chai

9 Dec 16:22 BusinessLine 5283600598705085.html
Pivot, mon ami

Bernard Pivot est un monument de l’histoire culturelle de la France qui aura marqué les trois dernières décennies du XXe siècle et le début du XXIe. Il a fait lire des millions de gens en France et hors de France. A l’approche de ses quatre-vingt-cinq ans, il se retire de l’Académie Goncourt.

9 Dec 09:59 fr.le360.ma 5827163116111073121.html
Investimento de mais de 250 mil euros para alargar rede de esgotos em Ponte de Lima

A Câmara de Ponte de Lima informou hoje que vai assinar, na quarta-feira, pelas 15:00, o auto de consignação da empreitada de alargamento da atual rede de esgotos – Cabaços/Freixo, num investimento estimado de 254.870 mil euros. Em nota hoje enviada à imprensa, a autarquia liderada por Victor Mendes (CDS/PP), revelou que a empreitada terá início no primeiro trimestre de 2020. A intervenção “visa a instalação de um coletor de saneamento na Estrada Nacional (EN)306, entre as freguesias de Cabaços e Fojo Lobal, e a freguesia de Freixo”. A extensão da conduta e ramais, prolonga-se por 4.200 metros, e está integrada num projeto global, que pretende resolver os problemas de saneamento de várias freguesias da margem sul do rio Lima.

9 Dec 12:46 O Minho 154418197049348378.html
2K Games Announces Existence of New ‘BioShock’ Game

While we’re waiting on news of you-know-what, another long-awaited sequel has been announced: BioShock. Yes, those rumours from a few years back have been given a dose of reality, courtesy of IGN. IGN has been in contact with Kelley Gilmore, who has worked at 2K’s Firaxis Games for nearly two decades. According to Gilmore, he […]

9 Dec 14:12 Bloody Disgusting 5613834126406569906.html
Wolff si aspetta una McLaren in lotta nel 2020

Il team principal della Mercedes crede che la scuderia di Woking possa migliorarsi ancora rispetto al 2019 e inserirsi nella battaglia con Ferrari e Red Bull

9 Dec 16:15 FormulaPassion.it 8211510654956093752.html
El enojo de Thelma Fardín tras haber sufrido acoso callejero: "Parece que no pueden contenerse"

La actriz contó el mal momento que vivió con un hombre que comenzó a gritarle guarangadas desde una camioneta.

9 Dec 11:16 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450431582340.html
Doping-Beben: Russland will „für Sportler kämpfen“

Russland will gegen die neuen Strafen der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) wegen der Manipulation von Moskauer Labordaten Einspruch einlegen. Russland ...

9 Dec 12:44 Kronen Zeitung 8289778094236121863.html
„Swedbank“ gyventojams siūlys nemokamai prekiauti akcijomis

Siekdamas paskatinti Baltijos šalių gyventojus aktyviau investuoti į čia veikiančias bendroves ir fondus, „Swedbank“ planuoja nuo 2020 m. vasario 1 d. privatiems klientams pasiūlyti nemokamą prekybą Baltijos šalių biržose. Tai gyventojams suteiks galimybę be jokių papildomų išlaidų investuoti į vertybinius popierius bei saugoti iki 30 tūkst. eurų vertės siekiantį investicinį...

9 Dec 10:00 Made in vilnius 1649469111987754607.html
PICTURES: Over 100 SADA tricycles burnt in WA

Over 100 tricycles belonging to the defunct Savannah Accelerated Authority (SADA) now  Northern Development Authority (NDA) have been burnt in Wa, the Upper West Regional capital. The tricycles that have been abandoned in the open at the controller fuel station, were reported to have been burnt on Monday morning according to MyNewsGh.com sources. It is believed to have been caused by wild fire in view of the impending dry season accompanied by the harmattan winds and took fire fighters several hours to bring the inferno under control but most of them were burnt beyond repairs. Sale of tricycles The Northern Development Authority started the sale of tricycles that were purchased under the defunct Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA).

9 Dec 16:25 mynewsgh.com 2909200109601607886.html
ČESTO MISLIM NA NJEGA KAO NEKOG ZAISTA POSEBNOG U SVEMU! Ovako se Milica Milša opostila od čuvenog Žarka Popare

Glumeći Žarka Poparu u seriji Srećni ljudi devedesetih godina Zoran Rankić se na malim ekranima sreo sa Milicom Milšom Isaković kojoj je pripala uloga Lare Simonović.Lara i Popara se nisu slagali u Srećnim ljudima, ali je iza kamera bila potpuno drugačija ...

9 Dec 15:10 kurir.rs 6515665027837079989.html
Vivo U20 launch date, specs, price, review

These top ⭐VIVO U20⭐features will convince you that, indeed, the phone is worth its price. With an average performance, excellent battery life and fairly positive reviews since its release, the device is worth investing in.

9 Dec 13:13 Legit 3764253650563060844.html
Video / Un venezolano, campeón de torneo de bofetadas en Perú

Son muy populares en Rusia, donde incluso el año pasado se coronó un campeón mundial de la especialidad. Se trata del campeonato de bofetadas que se celebró recientemente en Perú y donde un venezolano, Jerry Smith, se tituló como el mejor.

9 Dec 08:43 Panorama 6052790753897371349.html
În ultimele trei zile, 88 de moldoveni au suferit accidente vasculare cerebrale

În perioada 6-8 decembrie curent au fost înregistrate 88 accidente vasculare cerebrale. În acelaşi timp, peste 1400 de persoane 1427 persoane cu urgențe cardiovasculare au beneficiat de asistență medicală urgentă, inclusiv 19 pacienți cu sindrom coronaria

9 Dec 14:26 PUBLIKA 1679939813207500900.html
Über 2000 Koalas sind bereits verbrannt

Experten schätzen die Zahl der durch die schweren Buschbrände getöteten Tiere auf über 2000 und sind besorgt, dass noch viele weitere sterben werden.

9 Dec 11:19 20 Minuten 5741369452241463666.html
Arabia esplosiva – spaventosa deflagrazione in un serbatoio di una stazione di servizio...


9 Dec 16:55 DAGOSPIA 6533336739058133826.html
Cycling's power couple claims 2019 Desert Dash

-Cycling's Power couple Konny Looser and Vera Adrian has claimed the top spots in the 2019 Nedbank Desert Dash

9 Dec 09:38 nbc - Namibian Broadcasting Corporation 4504921727681446160.html
Crowded House komt naar TW Classic 2020

Nadat eerder The Killers en headliner Paul McCartney bevestigd werden voor het dagfestival dat op zondag 21 juni plaatsvindt in het Festivalpark in Werchter, kondigt vandaag ook Crowded House aan n...

9 Dec 09:04 HLN 8967494996803916273.html
Pace of housing starts edges up in November on strength in B.C., Alberta

OTTAWA — Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the annual pace of housing starts edged higher last month compared with October, although there were declines in five provinces.

9 Dec 15:15 KitchenerToday.com 52741010203033995.html
Vrouw ontdekt vreemdgaan via fitbit: “Hij was wel heel actief om 4 uur ‘s nachts”

Tip voor vreemdgangers: pas op met het synchroniseren van je fitbit. Een Amerikaanse verslaggeefster kwam er namelijk op die manier achter dat haar vriend...

9 Dec 09:33 Welingelichte Kringen 6693575629366442195.html
Walmart se disculpa por suéter navideño 'con referencia a drogas'

"No representa nuestros valores. Hemos eliminado este producto de nuestro mercado" difundió la tienda.

9 Dec 13:59 viveUSA 1300580454765987044.html
Lutte contre l’Etat islamique: Koen Geens annonce deux nouvelles catégories dans la banque de données des «combattants terroristes»

La banque de données recensant les « combattants terroristes » ayant rejoint les rangs d’organisations djihadistes a été étendue pour inclure deux nouvelles catégories, les « extrémistes potentiellement dangereux » et les « condamnés pour terrorisme », a annoncé lundi le ministre de la Justice, Koen Geens.

9 Dec 10:52 sudinfo.be 344139277547632771.html
Pace of housing starts edges up in November on strength in B.C., Alberta

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the annual pace of housing starts edged higher last month compared with October, although there were declines in five provinces.

9 Dec 15:26 CP24 1887544295827025134.html
Mom embarks on weight loss journey, drops nearly 60 pounds to 'be the legs' for disabled son

A British mom whose son will likely never talk or walk due to a rare condition affecting his brain lost nearly 60 pounds in a bid to “be the legs” for her child. 

9 Dec 16:43 Fox News 7362823820763632499.html
Après six mois de manifestations, impasse politique et dégradation économique à Hong Kong

Malgré une nouvelle manifestation de quelque 800 000 personnes dimanche, les autorités hongkongaises ne semblent pas disposées à répondre aux revendications pro-démocratie

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695066458832906.html
Jeanine Áñez acusa a México de PERMITIR que Evo Morales incite a la violencia

Jeanine &Aacute;&ntilde;ez, mandataria boliviana, acusa a M&eacute;xico de darle libertad a Evo Morales, para ordenar actos vand&aacute;licos e incitar a la violencia en Bolivia.

9 Dec 14:01 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622988015539.html
La construction de la fusée pour la Lune en bonne voie

Le directeur de la Nasa a annoncé que le premier étage de la prochaine fusée pour la Lune est fini, avec un premier vol d'essai prévu pour 2021.

9 Dec 16:19 L'essentiel 554828747202854722.html
Romulo Estrela fala sobre viver terceiro mulherengo na TV e se distancia dessa fama: 'Sou tímido'

O Marcos de “Bom sucesso” não é o único pegador que Romulo Estrela já viveu na TV. Em “Além do tempo” (2015), ele foi o bon-vivant Roberto, que usava do charme para conquistar o que queria. Em “Novo...

9 Dec 08:00 Extra Online 8149543648633053432.html
Torcedores protestam contra saída de técnico italiano no Irã

ROMA, 09 DEZ (ANSA) - Manifestantes saíram às ruas de Teerã, capital do Irã, nesta segunda...

9 Dec 15:46 UOL Noticias 8892198861226104136.html
Tarlada buldular! Satmak isterken yakalandılar

Manisa'da kendilerine ait tarlada buldukları M.Ö. 200’lü yıllara ait olduğu düşünülen mozaik parçasını 30 milyon dolar karşılığında satmak isteyen şahıslar yakalandı.

9 Dec 11:34 HABER 61 8391886870194241753.html
Rusia, expulsada de Tokio 2020, Qatar 2022 y otras competencias internacionales

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje decidió vetar a los deportistas rusos por casos de dopaje entre 2012 y 2015

9 Dec 13:38 RÉCORD 4614294663333527546.html
Irak: la mobilisation ne faiblit pas après l’assassinat d’une figure de la contestation

L’assassinat d’une figure de la contestation dimanche soir en Irak n’a en rien entamé la mobilisation populaire sans précédent contre le pouvoir et son parrain iranien, déjà marquée par la mort de plus de 450 personnes depuis le 1er octobre. Dans ce contexte d’extrême tension, des roquettes ont blessé six militaires irakiens lundi sur une […]

9 Dec 12:51 Journal de Brazza 8990092584731934133.html
Toluca 2000 pide inspección a parque Nicknelia

La Asociación de Propietarios del Parque Industrial Toluca 2000 demandó a las autoridades una inspección al desarrollo del parque Nicknelia.

9 Dec 13:10 Milenio 4240839408542605915.html
Top US officials knew the Afghanistan war was unwinnable and 'lied' — even as costs rose to $1 trillion and 2,351 American troop's lives

US officials have been lying to the American people about US failures in Afghanistan, where the US military has been fighting its longest armed conflict in history, a collection of confidential documents obtained by The Washington Post reveals.

9 Dec 14:57 Business Insider Australia 5575934301670113895.html
COP25 : "crise climatique sans doute la plus grande menace depuis la 2e Guerre mondiale"

(Belga) Le réchauffement climatique pourrait déclencher des crises menaçant les droits de l'Homme comme le monde n'en n'a plus connues depuis la ...

9 Dec 14:27 RTL Info 5478130075367505914.html
The 50 best FPS games ever

What are the best FPS games? With so much choice, it's hard to pick the right game that will give you enough bang for your buck. Let us help.

9 Dec 11:59 VG247 6010161594368269390.html
Caroll Spinney ist tot: Trauer um Bibo! "Sesamstraße"-Star mit 85 Jahren gestorben 

US-Puppenspieler Caroll Spinney (1933-2019) ist gestorben. Das gab der "Sesame Workshop" am Sonntag bekannt: "Caroll Spinney, der legendäre Puppenspieler hinter den geliebten Sesamstraßenfiguren Big Bird und Oscar the Grouch, starb heute, am 8. Dezember 2019, im Alter von 85 Jahren in seinem Haus in Connecticut, nachdem er einige Zeit mit Dystonie gelebt hatte."

9 Dec 10:05 news.de 5126378979600613873.html
Confira os destaques do Jornal 100.3 desta segunda-feira

O Jornal da 100.3 traz as principais notícias do dia

9 Dec 14:52 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103549636054163.html
Samorządowcy i obywatele apelują do ministra środowiska! "Skandaliczne zniszczenie Puszczy przez pseudoekologów"

"Czy nie skandalem jest (...) wstrzymanie odnowienia drzewostanu i zachowania ciągłości gatunków".

9 Dec 14:35 wPolityce.pl 7847312537724323846.html
Watch: Wits Come Up Short In Mali

Bidvest Wits had an unhappy trip to Mali this weekend, but were very unlucky not to come home with at least a point from Djoliba AC in Bamako.

9 Dec 13:12 Soccer Laduma 3901337370257028105.html
Asesinan a 6 mujeres en una semana; raptan a niña

La primer semana de diciembre se reportaron seis mujeres asesinadas y la sustracción de una menor, en Guerrero

9 Dec 08:46 El Universal 4964748197011794008.html
Mercato - Juventus : la direction a fait une offre salariale à Haland

Auteur d'une saison 2019-2020 exceptionnelle, Erling Haland suscite l'intérêt de plusieurs cadors européens. ...

9 Dec 09:23 Top Mercato 9098635541160074198.html
"Es un lunes muy especial", dijo el mandatario saliente : Ultimo día de Macri en la Rosada

Llegó a Casa de Gobierno temprano y encabezó la última reunión de gabinete. En un breve contacto con la prensa, contó que tras el recambio presidencial se tomará unos días para descansar. "Es bueno no abusar", explicó.

9 Dec 14:31 PAGINA12 7077267066855263937.html
Los incendios forestales han matado a más de 2.000 koalas en Australia

Los devastadores incendios y la destrucción de su hábitat por el uso extensivo de tierras para a agricultura y el desarrollo humano hace creer a los expertos que existe un riesgo de extinción de la especie.

9 Dec 16:32 www.publico.es 99190978013846447.html
Milan Zlatan Ibrahimoviç'e teklifini sundu

Amerika kariyerinin ardından Milan ile pazarlık halinde olduğu iddia edilen Zlatan Ibrahimovic'in en az 18 aylık kontrat istediği ve kırmızı siyahlı ekibin bu süre için 9 milyon euro önerdiği iddia edildi.

9 Dec 14:25 Haber3 1479170705433854774.html
Panettone Natale 2019, quali sono i migliori in commercio? Un test di Altroconsumo lo svela

Come accade ogni anno, il noto sito Altroconsumo ha pubblicato i risultati di un test sui migliori panettoni in commercio per il Natale 2019. Ecco quali sono.

9 Dec 10:09 InvestireOggi 7231367744354097966.html
L'altra batalla de les ràdios

Els hàbits de consum estan canviant i les emissores ara també competeixen pel lideratge digital, on la lluita entre Catalunya Ràdio i RAC1 està més igualada que mai

9 Dec 16:50 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878480736328965.html
Murió el actor Santiago Bal

El capocómico, de 83 años, se encontraba internado desde hacía varios días en terapia intensiva, en compañía de su ex esposa y sus hijos

9 Dec 16:29 Diario Popular 7191573467148971703.html
Sverige kan slippa världens bästa spelare

Hur bra är Rumänien utan Cristina Neagu?

9 Dec 08:11 Sydsvenskan 2976531144970624182.html
Northwest 2A football all-conference teams

The 2019 All-Northwest 2A football teams as selected by the conferences’ coaches:

9 Dec 09:30 HeraldNet 3867135408050275265.html
Tych linii lotniczych podróżni powinni się wystrzegać. Oto czarna lista UE

Komisja Europejska zaktualizowała w poniedziałek unijną listę bezpieczeństwa lotniczego czyli listę towarzystw lotniczych, które nie przestrzegają międzynarodowych standardów bezpieczeństwa i dlatego są objęte pełnym lub częściowym zakazem lotów do UE.

9 Dec 16:25 podroze.dziennik.pl 3689469611287999147.html
A três dias das eleições, conservadores de Boris ganham força nas sondagens

Eleitores britânicos vão às urnas na quinta-feira e os líderes dos principais partidos estão na reta final da campanha. Boris Johnson debaixo de fogo por fotografia de criança de quatro anos a dormir no chão num hospital por falta de camas.

9 Dec 15:36 DN 8445869957403535181.html
WhatsApp block: Chat app will BAN these phones in a matter of weeks

WHATSAPP has been warning users for some time that they will face a block in 2019... and the all-important date when things come to an end is almost upon us. Here are the phone models that will be ditched by the hugely-successful chat app in a few weeks.

9 Dec 16:06 Nehanda Radio 3802011523540489468.html
Ovo bi bilo brzo, Anćelotiju otkaz i novi posao?!

Traje natezanje u Napulju, iskusnom treneru ne pada na pamet da se odrekne novca, ali jedan poziv menja sve...

9 Dec 09:05 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496114566569.html
Fabio Rovazzi e Karen Kokeshi in vacanza a New York, gli hater: “Ti svuota il conto”

La fidanzata di Fabio Rovazzi travolta dalle critiche: gli hater la accusano di voler prosciugare il conto dell'artista.

9 Dec 13:34 ilGiornale.it 5019541224263609956.html
Als Nachbar ausgegeben: Betrüger bestiehlt 100-Jährige!

Wie die Polizei Mainz am Montag bekannt gab, wurde eine 100-Jährige am Samstag von einem vermeintlichen Nachbarn und Masseur bestohlen.

9 Dec 16:50 TAG24 4583887874869485694.html
Intendente de la RM y caída de hechos violentos desde el 18-O: "Hemos tenido un poco más de tranquilidad"

Felipe Guevara destacó la realización de actividades como la CicloRecreoVía y la peregrinación al santuario de Lo Vásquez.

9 Dec 14:55 Emol 3328490602569272232.html
„Wir haben uns in falscher Sicherheit gewiegt“ – Ceconomy-Spitze räumt Versäumnisse ein

Ceconomy-Interims-CEO Düttmann und Media-Saturn-Chef Reverter rechnen mit der alten Führung ab. Im Interview erklären sie, was sich in den Läden ändern muss.

9 Dec 13:20 Handelsblatt 4721373938739102826.html
Zozibini Tunzi, Miss Universo 2019: "Es un honor representar a la diversidad"

La sudafricana se impuso en la gala celebrada en Atlanta a la puertorriqueña Madison Anderson, que fue nombrada primera dama de honor

9 Dec 09:19 La Información 5328999782906375211.html
Ranji Trophy 2019-20: Murali Vijay fined 10% of match fee for dissent, calls grow louder for use of technology

The day 1 of TN-Karnataka Ranji contest witnessed quite a few dramatic appeals & Vijay was fined 10% of his match fee for showing dissent!

9 Dec 12:41 sportskeeda 1601194028667483197.html
El país avanza 11 puestos en el mundo en desarrollo humano

Hoy, en Bogotá, Programa de Naciones Unidas hace lanzamiento global del nuevo informe.

9 Dec 08:20 El Tiempo 1091719940689953124.html
Mariah Carey en Twitter: ¡Gracias Málaga!

La cantante comparte agradecida este vídeo sobre el encendido navideño en la ciudad andaluza a ritmo de All I Want for Christmas is you

9 Dec 10:17 LOS40 2217396492107627473.html
Fly round-trip Abbotsford to Las Vegas with 4 nights in a hotel for only $178 CAD

While the low-cost carrier offers a plethora of destinations to choose from, its Las Vegas packages offer some of the cheapest deals on the market. 

9 Dec 16:38 Vancouver Is Awesome 4620958497487464319.html
Over 360K sign petition to keep Michael Vick from being honored at Pro Bowl

— A petition started at Change.org is seeking to keep former NFL quarterback Michael Vick from being honored at the 2020 NFL Pro Bowl.

9 Dec 15:10 Whio 8204027954765890959.html
Samsung’s Galaxy S11+ Could Come With a Custom 108MP Camera for Enhanced Image Quality

According to the latest, Samsung Galaxy S11+ camera could boast a massive 108MP sensor which will allow for enhanced image quality and mroe.

9 Dec 13:06 Wccftech 3677959678060820837.html
LHC to hear Maryam Nawaz's petition for removal of name from ECL today

December 09: Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is likely to fly to US on Dec 16 for medical treatment of his ailment there, family sources say. Read More

9 Dec 08:04 Arab News 8912634263704092120.html
Fiscalía busca al ex alcalde Hilario Ramírez, "Layín"; tiene orden de aprehensión

El exalcalde de San Blas, Nayarit, está siendo investigado por ejercicio indebido de funciones

9 Dec 10:09 El Informador 103545928284850836.html
Karlsson må stå over flere skirenn

Det svenske langrennstalentet Frida Karlsson (20) har fått beskjed om å minske belastningen og vil derfor trappe ned på antall treninger og konkurranser.

9 Dec 17:00 adressa.no 8417332406562328652.html
The Body Shop's Cleansing Butter Has Nearly 300 5-Star Reviews and Costs Less Than $10

When you find a product good enough to repurchase three times and counting, there's only one thing to do: rave about it, which is exactly what I'm going to do

9 Dec 17:55 POPSUGAR Beauty 1694745614044930539.html
Doping. Rússia banida por quatro anos de todas as competições mundiais

A decisão unânime tomada esta segunda-feira pela Agência Mundial Antidopagem, se for confirmada, excluirá a Rússia dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2020 e dos Jogos de Inverno e do Campeonato do Mundo de futebol em 2022.

9 Dec 10:48 DN 8445869955877937546.html
En Maracay muere maestra por ingerir cocuy de penca “aliñado”

Una maestra perdió la vida luego de ingerir una mezcla de ron con cocuy de penca. La víctima tenía por nombre Erika Granadillo (37). Cuarta fallecida.

9 Dec 10:05 LaPatilla.com 9104603011452788924.html
Jurado dá nota baixa, se desculpa e faz promessa ao vivo no Popstar

O cantor Eduardo Dussek causou uma confusão ao avaliar Robson Nunes, no Popstar, da Globo, deste domingo (8). O jurado estava avaliando a performance do ator, mas, sem querer, encostou no botão errado.

9 Dec 12:20 RD1 – Terra 4501125212711753486.html
ŠANSE POSTOJE I TO VELIKE, ALI NE ZAVISI SVE OD NAS: Evo kako srpske rukometašice mogu do polufinala SP i OI u Tokiju

Ženska rukometna reprezentacija Srbije u svojim rukama drži plasman na kvalifikacioni turnir za OI u Tokiju sledeće godine, a slučaju povoljnog raspleta u poslednjem kolu, naše devojke bi mogle da se domognu polufinala i borbe za medalje na SP u Japanu.

9 Dec 14:49 kurir.rs 6515665027789454669.html
Jesse Sekidika, Galatasaray transfer gündeminde

Haberin detayları için tıklayınız

9 Dec 10:00 Fotospor 1506108824679972623.html
Risk att TV4-kanalerna släcks vid midnatt

Ekonomi Tele2 har varnat för att TV4 och C more kan släckas för en tredjedel av svenska hushåll vid midnatt, om de inte kommer överens med Telia. Hur det blir med kanalerna är ännu oklart.Det stämmer

9 Dec 11:21 www.unt.se 8922556088816447435.html
Microsoft to finally shut down to-do list app Wunderlist on May 6, 2020

Microsoft has for years promised it would eventually shut down to-do list app Wunderlist, which it acquired in 2015, in favor of its own app, To Do — after it felt the latter was able to offer a competitive experience that included Wunderlist’s best features. Today, Microsoft is finally announcing a shut-down date for Wunderlist […]

9 Dec 09:05 TechCrunch 3713145561390836122.html
Le PSG garde un oeil sur Renato Sanches

Renato Sanches (22 ans), arrivé à l’été 2019 pour 25 M€ en provenance du Bayern Munich, commence à trouver la bonne carburation du côté de Lille après un début de saison mitigé. « Renato est bien (...)

9 Dec 12:30 Foot Mercato : Info Transferts Football - Actu Foot Transfert 8487900181164610183.html
Everton "prišao" Emeriju, Španac razmišlja

Kako saznaje Skaj sports, doskorašnji menadžer Arsenala Unai Emeri u pregovorima je sa Evertonom.

9 Dec 12:58 Sport Klub 42251758384000034.html
DARKO IZ KLADOVA JE SVETSKA ZVEZDA! Glumi u popularnoj seriji u kojoj peva SVILEN KONAC! Sve je počelo SLUČAJNO (VIDEO)

Glumac Darko Perić iz Kladova je postao jedna od najvećih glumačkih zvezda u Španiji! Srbin je oduševio i publiku i kritičare ulogom u jednoj od najgledanijih serija na svetu Kuća od papira, koju je do sada gledalo 44 miliona ljudi!foto: ProfimediaI psovke ...

9 Dec 11:21 kurir.rs 6515665027419344929.html
Alisson confessa que trabalha mais para «não haver golo de Gabigol»

Prestes a disputar o Mundial de Clubes com o Liverpool, a partir do dia 17 de dezembro, o guarda-redes brasileiro Alisson está em posição privilegiada, pois conhece vário dos jogadores do Flamengo - uma final entre os dois clubes tem vindo a ser antecipada, mas antes ainda será preciso disputar as meias finais.

9 Dec 08:25 A BOLA 2278827558908745302.html
Best Ethernet switches, Hubs & Splitters 2019

Run out of ports on your router? An Ethernet hub is an inexpensive way to add more, and here are the models to buy.

9 Dec 11:30 Tech Advisor 6450858318754719541.html
Xiaomi trabaja en una solución de cámara bajo la pantalla

Xiaomi ha diseñado un solución basada en el control de un grupo de píxeles para integrar la cámara bajo la pantalla del teléfono móvil de forma eficaz, que...

9 Dec 14:49 Europa Press 4702666148640747228.html
La poderosa foto de la nueva Miss Universo 2019 sin maquillaje

La naturalidad de Zozibini Tunzi le valió ganar el Miss Universo 2019, días antes de la gala final publicó una foto con su rostro desnudo.

9 Dec 15:00 Metro 5130125483756489201.html
Félix-Antoine Banville toujours recherché

Trois-Rivières — Toujours aucune trace de Félix-Antoine Banville. Le jeune homme de 25 ans, qui souffre de schizophrénie, est recherché pour avoir agressé son père, dimanche matin, dans une résidence, située à l’intersection des rues Saint-Jude et La Jonquière, dans le quartier Sainte-Marguerite, à Trois-Rivières.

9 Dec 16:56 leSoleil 6002915703384908677.html
Irak: la mobilisation ne faiblit pas après l’assassinat d’une figure de la contestation

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 12:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388171009461.html
Inflation, climat, communication: les chantiers de Lagarde à la BCE

La nouvelle présidente de la Banque centrale européenne, Christine Lagarde, a annoncé début décembre une vaste revue de la stratégie de politique monétaire, inchangée depuis 2003. Pourquoi ce chantier et […]

9 Dec 14:59 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558980598433562.html
Today is another chance to save on the new iPad, PS4 Pro, Fitbit Versa 2, and more

Green Monday is a thing, apparently.

9 Dec 16:49 The Verge 1337119304307758583.html
Transfery. Może paść transferowy rekord Ekstraklasy. Legia chce fortuny za Radosława Majeckiego

Legia Warszawa na sprzedaży trzech swoich piłkarzy może zarobić blisko 20 mln euro. Najwięcej wicemistrzowie Polski mają otrzymać za bramkarza Radosława Majeckiego.

9 Dec 09:41 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968331367674.html
Hermana de Fernanda Maciel envió mensaje a imputado Felipe Rojas: "Es un maldito, le deseo lo peor"

El pasado viernes, se llevó a cabo una marcha pacífica convocada por la madre de Fernanda Maciel, cuyo propósito era pedir justicia para su hija y su nieta Josefa.

9 Dec 12:47 Pagina 7 4371131343805079368.html
Rusia acogerá Eurocopa y final de Champions pese a sanción

Rusia acogerá los partidos de la Eurocopa 2020 y la final de la Liga de Campeones en 2021, pese a la sanción de cuatro años contra el deporte ruso por dopaje, según informó hoy Viacheslav Koloskov, presidente honorífico de la Unión de Fútbol de Rusia. «Esa decisión no afecta de ninguna manera a la celebración de los

9 Dec 13:39 eju.tv 4688901770977617501.html
ET Is Live on the Red Carpet at the 2019 Streamy Awards

ET will be with YouTube's hottest superstars ahead of this year's big show.

9 Dec 17:33 Entertainment Tonight 7101181083651242097.html
Une mission d’experts britanniques s’est rendue au HCP

Dans le cadre de son projet de coopération statistique avec le Royaume-Uni, en partenariat avec l’Ambassade du Royaume-Uni à Rabat, le Haut Commissariat au

9 Dec 11:17 EcoActu 4324246079680805201.html
Municipales: ce dirigeant de France Télévisions dont la candidature à Paris fait grincer des dents

La situation d’Arnaud Ngatcha, l’actuel directeur des opérations spéciales de France Télévisions, également candidat sur la liste d’Anne Hidalgo, pose des problèmes en interne

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695067675989105.html
Por el crimen de la circunvalación juzgan a "Pacotillo" y "Miguelito"

Le tiraron una banda de tiros , dijo uno de los hermanos de la víctima Dos hombres están siendo juzgados por el homicidio de Carlos Alberto Farías (30), ocurrido el 15 de noviembre de 2016, entre el relleno sanitario y la casabomba N° 5. Los testigos presenciales aseguran que los agresores vaciaron dos cargadores de 9mm.

9 Dec 17:41 El Litoral 2624573358382838783.html
Trendyol, Inditex'in Türkiye'deki online partneri oldu

- Trendyol Group Üst Yöneticisi Demet Mutlu: -

9 Dec 10:28 61 SAAT 7475575989855754277.html
Bollo auto, dal 2020 si salda con PagoPa (che non vuol dire solo online)

In legge di bilancio il progetto di associare a Pagopa il pagamento del bollo auto. Numerosi i canali che i contribuenti potranno adoperare. Ecco come funziona

9 Dec 10:29 Wired 7504010958099713331.html
Três condutores são presos pela PRF por imprudência e risco de morte

A Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) prendeu três condutores durante fiscalizações realizadas no fim de semana nas BRs de Alagoas. Dois deles dirigiam sob efeito de álcool, enquanto outro realizava manobras perigosas na pista, colocando a própria vida e dos usuários da via em risco. Os flagrantes ocorreram entre sexta (06) e domingo (08). A primeira...

9 Dec 11:11 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089010687070560.html
Série de terremotos atinge Toscana, na Itália

Cúpula da Catedral de Florença está sendo monitorada

9 Dec 08:22 Jornal do Brasil 5999783740709542570.html
Honor recruiting Honor 9X and Honor 9X Pro users to beta test Android 10-based EMUI - Gizmochina

In the pursuit to update their devices, Honor are currently looking for Honor 9X Pro and Honor 9X users to beta test EMUI 10 based on Android 10.

9 Dec 08:05 Gizmochina 1751854815188111291.html
Grandmother, 60, is jailed for more than two years for blackmailing man in his 60s out of £30,000 over brief 'sexual encounter' that cost him his marriage

Lorraine Cox (pictured), 60, was jailed for two and a half years at Newcastle Crown Court following the cruel blackmail.

9 Dec 15:59 Mail Online 124328110672502777.html
Red Cross trains 40 professionals on “health care in danger’’

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Nigeria delegation says 40 healthcare professionals benefitted from its two-day training of trainer...

9 Dec 17:33 Vanguard News 4125100340470592243.html
Catalunya: Pujol rescata la Transición para señalar el catalán

El expresident rememora que se equiparó la cuestión cultural y de la lengua en Catalunya al concierto económico en Euskadi

9 Dec 11:48 La Vanguardia 8061072700376758381.html
Mutual Funds’ asset base hit all time high of Rs 27 lakh crore on inflow in debt schemes

Mutual fund houses witnessed an overall inflow of Rs 54,419 crore last month as compared to Rs 1.33 lakh crore in October.

9 Dec 12:06 The Indian Express 2885715104746421172.html
Els caps d’antiavalots de la Policia Nacional l’1-O tenien ordres de no fer detencions i comunicar-se per telèfon

Quatre inspectors que comandaven grups declaren al jutjat com a investigats Admeten que les càmeres es podien apagar

9 Dec 13:08 El Punt Avui 4496725670518204093.html
Pep Guardiola: “Können nicht mit Topklubs mithalten”

Manchester Citys Trainer Pep Guardiola malt nach der Niederlage im Manchester-Derby ein düsteres Bild des Zustands seiner Mannschaft.

9 Dec 12:21 4-4-2.com 812646142019526225.html
Le commerce chinois freine l'appétit pour le risque

Les Bourses européennes ont terminé en baisse lundi, l'incertitude sur le commerce USA-Chine à l'approche de l'échéance clé du 15 décembre et...

9 Dec 17:59 Zonebourse 7946574377495053564.html
"Siamo diventati come i tifosi: alla fine la colpa è sempre dell’arbitro", dice Cottarelli

L'ex Commissario alla spesa pubblica: "Il dibattito sul Fondo salva-stati? Assurdo: non si pensa all’Italia ma a liberarsi dalle responsabilità"

9 Dec 11:43 Agi 2115274224605767500.html
A Jenni Rivera le habrían dicho: si te subes a cantar, te matan

Chisme No Like  da a conocer partes inéditas de la charla en la que Jenni Rivera confirmaría que recibió advertencias para salvaguardar su vida

9 Dec 15:04 EL DEBATE 4396150894042133934.html
La lista Gaceta: los 20 mejores libros publicados en Colombia en 2019

Gaceta consultó a un grupo de críticos, lectores y personalidades del mundo editorial, para construir un listado con los 20 mejores libros publicados en Colombia en el año que termina. Entre los consultados se cuenta al director de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Cali, Juan Camilo Sierra; el escritor, editor y director de la Biblioteca del Centenario, Juan Merino; la directora de la Maestría en Escrituras Creativas de la Universidad Javierana de Cali, Catalina Villa; los docentes, críticos y escritores, Carlos Patiño y Darío Henao, así como lectores y lectoras del mundo editorial, y lectores y lectoras espontáneos calificados por su conocimiento de la literatura contemporánea en Colombia y el mundo. Dos salvedades, sin embargo, se le hacen al lector respecto a la lista que aquí encuentra. La primera es que, aunque predominan los libros de autores colombianos, no se trata exclusivamente de literatura colombiana sino de libros publicados en Colombia durante el 2019, entre ellos, clásicos de la literatura universal…

9 Dec 09:28 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347857756517.html
Charlie Danger parle de rivalité féminine dans un TED Talk incroyable

Pourquoi les femmes ont-elles tendance à se comparer entre elles ? Découvre le formidable TED Talk de Charlie Danger, dans lequel elle parle de rivalité féminine.

9 Dec 11:34 madmoiZelle 3070687818594541938.html
Manijak koji je držao decu za taoce u Velikoj Plani poslat na psihijatrijsko veštačenje

Goran Todorović (46) iz Donje Livadice, koji je naoružan i sa torbom punom municije i eksploziva, upao u Ekonomsko-ugostiteljsku školu u Velikoj Plani, preteći da će uzeti srednjoškolce za taoce, upućen je na psihijatrijsko veštačenje u Specijalnu zatvorsku bolnicu u Beogradu.

9 Dec 11:46 REPUBLIKA 2543998405904792248.html
Perquisition houleuse à LFI : décision attendue pour Mélenchon et ses proches

"La République c'est moi !": les images de la perquisition agitée au siège de la France insoumise en octobre 2018 avaient été diffusées en boucle. Jean-Luc Mélenchon et cinq de ses proches...

9 Dec 09:36 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982282979893.html
Carlo Verdone, foto commovente sui social: «Le madri non dovrebbero morire mai…»

Non è la prima volta che Carlo Verdone, amato regista e attore romano, si lascia andare a pubblicare scatti del suo privato.

9 Dec 11:00 UrbanPost 2450570493111475250.html
Incendiu devastator în India. proprietarul fabricii în care au murit peste 40 de oameni a fost arestat

Poliţia din New Delhi i-a arestat pe proprietarul şi pe managerul fabricii &icirc;n care duminică au murit 43 de persoane, &icirc;n cel mai grav incendiu produs &icirc;n capitala Indiei &icirc;n ultimele două decenii, a anunţat luni un purtător

9 Dec 14:01 romaniatv.net 4505369226988732427.html
Går til realitykrig

Nå blir det dobbelt opp med både «Paradise Hotel» og «Ex on the Beach».

9 Dec 17:24 Dagbladet.no 3042595686641058640.html
Banderas se hace con la nominación al Globo de Oro al mejor actor dramático

El actor malagueño, en referencia al papel que le ha valido el reconocimiento internacional, asegura que "Almodóvar es un milagro que me sucedió".

9 Dec 13:34 La Información 5328999781962503709.html
"Ghostbusters: Afterlife" estrenó su PRIMER TRÁILER ¡Estupendo! (VIDEO)

El nuevo remake de la pel&iacute;cula Cazafantasmas ha sorprendido con la publicaci&oacute;n de su primer tr&aacute;iler y est&aacute; fascinando a muchos.

9 Dec 14:44 La Verdad Noticias 9214464624494077554.html
Apple May Be Revisiting the iPhone 9 Next Year With the SE 2

The iPhone SE 2 series has been rumoured for a while, but it looks like it may usurp the title of iPhone 9.

9 Dec 15:40 Gizmodo UK 8363059002617557448.html
Corea del Norte responde a Trump: "No tenemos nada qué perder"

El domingo, norcorea

9 Dec 14:09 Correo del Caroní 4452451017532733120.html
WADA dyskwalifikuje Rosję. Łasickiene: Nie zmienię obywatelstwa

- To co się dzisiaj stało, jest wstydem – powiedziała rosyjska skoczkini wzwyż Marija Łasickiene, komentując decyzję Światowej Agencji Antydopingowej nakładającej na jej kraj czteroletni zakaz udziału w najważniejszych zawodach sportowych.

9 Dec 14:08 sport.interia.pl 8911822754474583.html
NHL 20: Snoop Dogg mit einem Update hinzugefügt

EA Sports hat für "NHL 20" ein neues Update veröffentlicht, das Snoop Dogg als Kommentator und spielbaren Charakter in das Eishockeyspiel bringt. Der Musiker zeigt sich in einem Trailer.

9 Dec 09:37 play3.de 8301165838082899296.html
The Age of the ‘Dead Parrot’ Supreme Court Case

Conservative activists keep asking the Court to hear cases that are already irrelevant—and, worryingly, the Court keeps saying yes.

9 Dec 11:00 The Atlantic 100708438096150713.html
Imagini incredibile în Cluj: Camion militar suspendat pe marginea unui pod

Un accident provocat de un camion militar, care traca un tun, a avut loc, luni, în judeţul Cluj.

9 Dec 08:06 www.antena3.ro 6332542756978263213.html
O que esperar da guerra de Bolsonaro contra o jornalismo em 2020?, por Rogério Christofoletti

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 15:07 GGN 1188436354017941209.html
Johnny Rep: «El Ajax no debe infravalorar al Valencia»

El carismático exjugador holandés advierte al rival del conjunto blanquinegro en Champions

9 Dec 11:27 Las Provincias 5471838390253510104.html
Alegerile legislative anticipate britanice, decisive în privinţa Brexitului, în ultima linie dreaptă

Premierul conservator în exerciţiu Boris Johnson şi adversarul său laburist Jeremy Corbyn intră luni în ultima linie dreaptă înaintea alegerilor anticipate de joi, al căror rezultat - decisiv pentru Brexit - va trasa drumul Regatului Unit în deceniile următoare, relatează AFP.

9 Dec 13:25 News.ro 1785173098194419761.html
ŠOKANTNA ISPOVEST IVANE PETERS: Nikad nisam volela Gocu Tržan! A kad je otkrila razlog, SVI SU ZANEMELI

Pevačic Ivana Peters, pored poslovnih obaveza, trudi se da bude i najbolja majka ćerki Sari, a o porodičnim temama, ljubavnom životu, ali i kolegama..Da li je kao i prošli put vaša ćerka Sara oduševljena vašim imitacijama? - Sara ničim nije oduševljena jer ...

9 Dec 09:04 kurir.rs 6515665027375775651.html
Australia: Muren más de 2.000 koalas tras los incendios forestales

El gobierno australiano -que defiende el uso del carbón- elude el debate sobre la crisis climática y su relación con el aumento de los...

9 Dec 10:45 La Vanguardia 8061072700077120037.html
É necessário saber receber críticas, diz psicólogo em entrevista

O Quem é Quem recebeu o psicólogo, Wagner Costa para falar sobre como lidar com as críticas e os elogios.

9 Dec 15:50 Folha de Boa Vista 6048103548650132482.html
RDC: l’UE maintient ses sanctions sauf pour deux officiels

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 17:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815389271127661.html
Frey : finalisation de la cession de 30% de l'ensemble commercial au Portugal

L'OPCI BNP Paribas Diversipierre est l'acquéreur

9 Dec 17:50 Boursier.com 7351227821605864847.html
Google’s first ‘Pixel Feature Drop’ brings improvements to Photos and Duo, Call Screen, and memory tweaks

The December security patch began rolling out last week to a smattering of handsets including most of the Pixels, as well as, surprisingly, the Galaxy Note 9 and Note 10. Pixel 4 owners were left w…

9 Dec 17:30 TalkAndroid 1612121026469318253.html
OM : Payet au sommet de son art, une statistique le confirme

Le milieu de terrain de l'OM, Dimitri Payet, a une fois encore réalisé un match plein, hier soir, lors de la victoire face aux Girondins de Bordeaux.

9 Dec 08:03 But! Football Club 8933769922943790353.html
‘Parties that support CAB a threat to unity’

The Aligarh Muslim Students’ Union has said that political parties that support the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019 are a threat to the unity and the integrity of the country. It called upon the Pre

9 Dec 17:41 The Hindu 6679535026348563460.html
Rayados ya llegó a Qatar para Mundial de Clubes

El plantel de Monterrey arribó este lunes al país asiático donde disputará el certamen internacional

9 Dec 17:15 RÉCORD 4614294662106945685.html
Esther Acebo: 'Si sientes la necesidad de hacer locuras, hay que hacerlas'

La actriz saborea cada peripecia de su personaje Mónica Gaztambide/Estocolmo en ‘La casa de papel’, que compagina con ‘Antes de perder’

9 Dec 15:37 La Vanguardia 8061072699018241835.html
El video del impresionante trasero de Mia Khalifa que generó 4 millones de “likes” instantáneos

Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.Una toma que no dejó nada a la imaginación.

9 Dec 10:36 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957189254629691.html
Gagal Juara, Persipura Bidik Posisi Dua Liga 1 2019

Mutiara Hitam -julukan Persipura- menegaskan masih memiliki target untuk dikejar.

9 Dec 17:31 Bola.net 5489959029343554127.html
Iceland launches Christmas party food bundle with over 250 pieces for just £15

Anyone else feeling peckish?

9 Dec 16:07 Entertainment Daily 8392972517518247700.html
In Delfzijl groeit 1 op de 7 kinderen op in armoede

Het gaat goed met de economie, toch is het aantal arme gezinnen in de provincie Groningen vorig jaar gestegen. In Delfzijl groeit 1 op de 7 kinderen op in armoede.

9 Dec 13:28 RTV Noord 3728677367417404132.html
Messi, Ziyech et Mbappé, meilleurs joueurs d’Europe

L’observatoire du football CIES vient de dévoiler son dernier rapport hebdomadaire. Le CIES, qui se base sur les données sportives de la société InsTat, a classé Hakim Ziyech dans le top 10 des meilleurs joueurs d’Europe depuis le début de la saison.

9 Dec 13:46 Le Site Info 5160764340612440705.html
Studentul care a ameninţat o jurnalistă a fost condamnat la un an de închisoare cu suspendare

Tribunalul Bucureşti l-a condamnat, în primă instanţă pe Bărbulescu Adrian, studentul care a ameninţat-o pe Emilia Şercan, la un an de închisoare cu amânarea executării. Decizia a fost dată în baza unui acord de recunoaştere a vinovăţiei şi poate fi contestată cu apel la Curtea de Apel Bucureşti.

9 Dec 13:53 adevarul.ro 4510521624450999916.html
Juan De la Puente: Entramos a una transición que será larga

El politólogo cree que en Perú se vive un "efecto frío" de lo que ocurre en América Latina

9 Dec 14:29 canalN.pe 1595273586747253033.html
À Hong Kong, la contestation retrouve un nouveau souffle dans la rue

Des centaines de personnes sont de nouveau descendues dans les rues ce dimanche 8 décembre. Une manifestation qui a témoigné de la vigueur persistante du mouvement de contestation contre l'exécutif soutenu par la Chine.

9 Dec 11:27 RFI 4432404458695684624.html
DC - Wonder Woman 1984: Erster Trailer mit Gal Gadot enthüllt ihr unsichtbares Flugzeug

Nach dem ersten Kinohit „Wonder Woman“ kehrt die beliebte Superheldin aus den DC Comics zurück auf die große Leinwand. Im ersten Trailer gibt es ein überraschendes Wiedersehen mit Chris Pine als Steve Trevor.

9 Dec 13:08 PlayNation 4622181945174263573.html
Rasmussen: soha nem adom fel

A magyar női kézilabda-válogatott szövetségi kapitánya nem mond le posztjáról.

9 Dec 17:30 BAMA 8460880351249430520.html
Horarios de los partidos de la semana

La visita al Palau de un Tyrese Rice en racha con el Panathinaikos centra la atención de las competiciones estos siete días

9 Dec 17:58 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958207877933.html
¿Rivalidad de Marbelle y presentadora de RCN tras chisme sobre embarazo de la cantante?

Luego de que en ‘La movida’ dijeran que la artista se ausentó unos días de ‘Lo sé todo’ porque estaba en la “dulce espera”, ambas famosas se echaron pullas. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 15:17 pulzo.com 8971816787133669911.html
#video Jegulja Miguel Wattson sama napaja božično drevo in pošilja tvite

December je čas božičnega okraševanja. Medtem ko se večina ljudi odloča za povsem običajno okraševanje svojega doma, pa nekateri posamezniki pri tem vidijo pravi izziv in iščejo svojo pozornost. Letos so jo morda največ deležni v Tenneseju, saj so v tamkajšnjem akvariju električne šoke jegulje izkoristili za naravno napajanje božičnega dreveščka in pošiljanje sporočil na twitterju.

9 Dec 12:31 Dnevnik 7671546650346130975.html
Multicampeões 'mancham' carreira com rebaixamento inédito no Cruzeiro; veja quem do elenco já havia caído

Jogadores consagrados como Fábio, Dedé, Leo, Henrique, Thiago Neves e Fred sentem 'gosto amargo' do descenso pela primeira vez em suas vitoriosas carreiras

9 Dec 09:30 Superesportes 5498560374224717786.html
Why Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ remake is nominated in the animation category for Golden Globes — even though it probably shouldn’t be

The 2020 Golden Globes nominations were announced Monday morning in Los Angeles. Among the most surprising nods is that Disney’s “The Lion King” remake is nominated in the best animated film category.

9 Dec 17:06 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882684640159.html
'iPhones hebben in 2020 ruimte voor grotere accu's'

Een aanpassing in het ontwerp van de iPhone 12 zorgt ervoor dat Apple grotere accu's kan gebruiken.

9 Dec 08:01 RTLZ 8052859356208601684.html
Beyonce: Having Miscarriages Before Blue Ivy Helped Her Find A ‘Deeper Meaning’ In Life

Beyonce revealed in a new interview that miscarriages before daughter Blue Ivy made her seek a 'deeper meaning to life.'

9 Dec 17:00 Hollywood Life 1852895046195193041.html
iDNES.cz Ticket

KATAPULT - NOSTALGIA TOUR 2020Neuvěřitelný reprezentační program provede posluchače celou dlouhou kariérou skupiny /est.1975/ od nostalgických vzpomínek na mládí (a nejen fanoušků) až do žhavé současnosti. Během jediného večera a samotného koncertu tak spolu auditorium a kapela prožijí prostřednictvím stále živých písniček, a i kvůli emocionálnímu náboji, celý život.Podpora: nové album Nostalgia (Warner Music czech).

9 Dec 10:31 iDNES.cz 6862691483699540191.html
Les finalistes du prix LEAP sont dévoilés

Le jury a sélectionné Suzan Noesen, Nina Tomàs, le duo Baltzer-Bisagno et Hisae Ikenaga pour ce prix d'encouragement doté de 12.500 euros.

9 Dec 09:10 RTL 5minutes 5295111943764068360.html
Se vivió una noche mágica en las sierras

Uno de los acontecimientos del año en Tandil. La ceremonia final en conmemoración del 80 aniversario del TAC fue inolvidable, con particulares sentimientos y emociones. Se distinguieron a los actores prominentes de distintas épocas de la clásica competencia teceista,  pilotos locales que intervinieron en los circuitos de Tandil, dirigentes  y periodistas. Una noche mágica en […]

9 Dec 10:05 El Eco 4177735525407986961.html
En Finlande, Sanna Marin devient Première ministre à seulement 34 ans

À 34 ans, Sanna Marin devient la plus jeune cheffe de gouvernement de l'histoire de la Finlande.

9 Dec 16:57 RFI 4432404460549234828.html
Governo da Paraíba avalia Som nas Pedras e projeta circuito para 2020

Governo da Paraíba avalia Som nas Pedras e projeta circuito para 2020

9 Dec 10:30 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905341814420.html
KRC Genk gaat voor de winst tegen Napoli: “Dat geeft een ander gevoel”

KRC Genk kan niets meer winnen of verliezen in de Champions League. Toch wil Technisch Directeur Dimitri De Condé dat zijn ploeg vol voor de winst gaat tegen Napoli.

9 Dec 14:44 VP VoetbalPrimeur.be 8759330216082618606.html
Sanna Marin é aos 34 anos a primeira-ministra mais jovem do Mundo

A nova chefe de governo da Finlândia, a terceira mulher do país nórdico a chegar ao cargo, deve tomar posse esta semana à frente de um executivo de coligação formado por cinco partidos, todos liderados por mulheres.

9 Dec 09:42 DN 8445869956706600055.html
"Ich bin dann mal weg"-Autor Hape Kerkeling feiert den 55.!

Bestseller-Autor, Kolumnist, Kabarettist: Hape Kerkeling wird 55 und ist schon lange nicht mehr nur witzig. Er schuf die Figuren Königin Beatrix, Horst Schlämmer und das Hannilein. Zu seinem Ehrentag

9 Dec 09:19 GMX News 4492287763213329234.html
Deputatul PNL Dumitru Mihalescul vrea ca ministrul Justiției, Cătălin Predoiu, să asigure fondurile necesare pentru finalizarea sediului Judecătoriei Rădăuți

Deputatul PNL de Suceava Dumitru Mihalescul a solicitat, luni, ministrului Justiției, Cătălin Predoiu, informații privind asigurarea finanțării pentru noul sediu al Judecătoriei Rădăuți. Mihalescul îi transmite ministrului că, din păcate, în ultimii ani, deși guvernele s-au angajat să asigure o finanțare adecvată realizării investițiilor de modernizare a instanțelor, acest lucru a fost onorat prin creditele …

9 Dec 15:11 NewsBucovina 8694244033316061358.html
Le CAC 40 perd du terrain en attendant des nouvelles sur le commerce

La Bourse de Paris évoluait dans le rouge (-0,52%) lundi à 15h, faute de nouveau rebondissement sur la guerre commerciale, le sujet qui obnubile les investisseurs depuis des mois, et en attendant les élections britanniques de jeudi.

9 Dec 14:01 Le Revenu 10581997555102323.html
São Paulo termina temporada com ataque em baixa e defesa em alta

Tricolor fechou o ano com um dos piores ataques do país, porém ficou com a defesa menos vazada do Brasileirão e com uma das menores médias de gols sofridos na temporada LANCE Nada melhor do que definir o São Paulo de 2019 como um time que viveu de altos e baixos, embora os “baixos” acabem […]

9 Dec 08:59 SPNet 4856363014181201493.html
Lidl widzi odwrót od jedzenia mięsa. Oto specjalna strefa dla wegan i wegetarian

Sieci handlowe prześcigają się w pomysłach na byciu „eko”. Lidl pokazał kolejny ze swoich planów na bycie bardziej przyjaznym środowisku.

9 Dec 11:01 Spider's Web 6426504855920002854.html
Gabriel Soto celebrará Año Nuevo con sus hijas e Irina Baeva

A pesar de que Geraldine Bazán ha manifestado su descontento luego de enterarse que sus hijas ya conviven con Irina Baeva, actual pareja de Gabriel Soto, ahora el actor confirma que las niñas celebrarán Año Nuevo con él y su novia. En entrevista para la revista TVyNovelas, el histrión aseguró: “sí, me toca pasar el […]

9 Dec 10:32 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490037787574726.html
Roldán apel·la a la unitat del constitucionalisme: "Hem de pensar més en l'interès dels espanyols i no en el de partit"

La líder de Ciutadans a Catalunya, Lorena Roldán, ha apel·lat a la unitat del constitucionalisme per "frenar d'una vegada per totes qui vol tombar la Constitució", en referència a l'independentisme...

9 Dec 09:45 RacoCatalà 3132953077072373586.html
La asunción de Alberto Fernández: el Papa envía a su embajador en Uruguay

La Nunciatura en Argentina se encuentra vacante. Martín Krebs será el enviado de Francisco.

9 Dec 13:50 Todo Noticias 8077539161766855934.html
Ouverture d'un compte en devises : Nouvelle mesure au profit des Tunisiens à l'étranger

Une nouvelle mesure permettra désormais aux Tunisiens partis travailler à l'étranger, et n'ayant pas encore accompli la période de deux ans nécessair

9 Dec 14:50 ilBoursa.com 4192852319441918893.html
Mercedes Aráoz: Espero que el Perú no caiga en la tentación del populismo extremo

Aráoz se pronunció sobre la actual situación política que atraviesa el Perú y otros países de América Latina

9 Dec 17:01 canalN.pe 1595273588820712581.html
Skoki narciarskie: Loteryjny początek sezonu. "Warunki strasznie mieszają"

Za nami trzy weekendy z Pucharem Świata w skokach narciarskich. Żaden nie okazał się w pełni obiektywny. W Wiśle, Kuusamo i Niżnym Tagile ogromne znaczenie miał wiejący wiatr i warunki atmosferyczne. Konkursy w Rosji pokazały dobitnie, że przeliczniki za wiatr – choć gwarantują ciągłość zawodów to nie zawsze dają rzetelne rezultaty.

9 Dec 12:30 RMF24 3758900157922369439.html
Dans l'affaire Valbuena, la justice valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

Un procès de grande ampleur devrait donc bien avoir lieu

9 Dec 13:57 www.20minutes.fr 6446520675205902750.html
El aguilucho Jairo Pérez fue el mejor de la quinta semana del béisbol venezolano

Jairo Pérez que se perdió casi un mes de la temporada debido a un tirón en el costado izquierdo, pero desde que fue insertado en el roster activo de las Águilas del Zulia su bate ha sido uno de los más calientes de la liga y este lunes fue electo Jugador de la Semana, en el período comprendido del 4 al 8 de diciembre de la temporada 2019-2020.

9 Dec 15:09 Panorama 6052790753623426611.html
Milunović: Zaslužili smo da izborimo proleće u Evropi

BEOGRAD - Fudbaler Crvene zvezde Nemanja Milunović, pred meč poslednjeg kola Lige šampiona protiv Olimpijakosa, veruje da će crveno-beli polusezonu

9 Dec 13:28 Krstarica 4176903988155686791.html
Wiemy, kiedy odbędzie się apelacja ws. śmierci Igora Stachowiaka

29 stycznia 2020 r. przed Sądem Okręgowym we Wrocławiu odbędzie się rozprawa apelacyjna ws. śmierci Igora Stachowiaka. W pierwszej instancji czterej byli policjanci, za znęcanie się i przekroczenie uprawnień, zostali skazani na kary od dwóch do 2,5 roku bezwzględnego więzienia.

9 Dec 15:51 Onet Wiadomości 6244723536352232691.html
Dieci titoli su cui scommettere nel 2020 grazie ai Pir

Da Tim a Leonardo, da Ima a Cairo a Fincantieri, l'effetto Pir si farà vedere a Piazza Affari, a detta di Banca Akros, che stima un impatto di 1,7 mld...

9 Dec 13:45 www.milanofinanza.it 9196336744354741014.html
Piazza Affari termina in rosso di quasi l’1%, Stm tra i pochi segni più

Chiusura di seduta da dimenticare per Piazza Affari. L’indice Ftse Mib archivia le contrattazioni in calo dello -0,97% a 22.956,9 punti, azzerando tutti i guadagni di venerdì scorso. Gli investitori …

9 Dec 17:39 FinanzaOnline 6528634127387161101.html
Izraelski mediji: Kneset se raspušta, izbori 2. marta

TEL AVIV - Izbori u Izraelu mogli bi da budu održani 2. marta ukoliko do srede bude raspušten parlament, objavio je danas izraelski "Harec". To će biti

9 Dec 12:57 Krstarica 4176903988802152198.html
Recursos de segurança da Samsung: conheça e aprenda a usar

Existem vários recursos de segurança da Samsung que muitos usuários não conhecem e não usam, como o Buscar Meu Telefone, Modo Infantil e Pasta Segura.

9 Dec 17:05 Meio Bit 5155017580112852706.html
Domowa kuracja przeciw wypadaniu włosów

Zimą wypada więcej włosów. Warto je wzmocnić miesięczną kuracją – maseczkami, wcierkami i okładami stosowanymi naprzemiennie. Zabiegi stosujemy przy każdym myciu głowy – maseczkę i wcierkę robimy przed nim, a okład po.

9 Dec 14:56 kobieta.interia.pl 4699927334609274813.html
Football : Ce mardi à Libreville, le patron de la FIFA, Gianni Infantino, s’entretiendra avec le président Ali Bongo

En tournée en Afrique depuis la fin du mois de novembre, le patron du football mondial, Gianni Infantino posera ses valises ce mardi 10 décembre au Gabon.  Le président de la Fédération internationale de football (FIFA) arrivera demain à Libreville. Au menu de sa visite, figure un entretien au Palais du Bord de mer avec […]

9 Dec 16:49 La Libreville 8861693330712476804.html
Kalavská sa rozhodla. Po fiasku svojej reformy podáva demisiu

Ministerka zdravotníctva Andrea Kalavská sa po niekoľkodňovom zvažovaní rozhodla podať demisiu. Informovala tak po tom, ako po stiahnutí jej reformy vládou...

9 Dec 16:48 TA3.com 2588868692560483317.html
Manuel Luís Goucha revoltado após cenário do programa ser danificado

Manuel Luís Goucha ficou revoltado após ver a decoração de Natal do programa "Você na  TV!" (TVI) danificada por uma equipa de montagem.

9 Dec 13:30 N-TV 4368043451280850000.html
Østberg får fortsatt ikke gå verdenscuprenn

Ingvild Flugstad Østberg nektes fortsatt å starte verdenscuprenn i langrenn. Hun er dermed ikke med i uttaket til helgens konkurranser i Davos.

9 Dec 14:17 adressa.no 8417332408147744303.html
Traian Băsescu, despre scandalul dintre Gigi Becali și MApN. "FCSB e continuatoarea echipei care a câştigat Cupa Campionilor Europeni"

Traian Băsescu a vorbit la Look Sport despre celebrul scandal dintre Gigi Becali și reprezentanții Clubului Sportiv al Armatei pentru marca Steaua, dar a abordat şi alte probleme din fotbalul rom&acirc;nesc.

9 Dec 09:12 romaniatv.net 4505369227707612615.html
Cae el narco 'Kiko, el fuerte', uno de los más importantes del Estrecho

La ‘operación Fortín’ de la Guardia Civil se ha prolongado durante casi un año y en ella se ha detenido a 17 traficantes

9 Dec 17:18 La Vanguardia 8061072700469440582.html
El 'síndic de greuges' alerta del "sobrecoste" de los pacientes de fuera de Cataluña

Lo que puedo garantizar es que uno de los déficits que tiene la sanidad publica en Cataluña es que tiene un sobrecoste con la gente que viene de fuera de Cataluña a intervenirse, dice Ribó

9 Dec 17:00 El Confidencial 6129807549194527155.html
O capitalismo e a felicidade, por Romulo Moreira

O Jornal De Todos os Brasis - O Jornalista Luís Nassif lidera equipe Do Jornal GGN. Com opiniões e conteúdo de qualidade o portal sempre traz as últimas noticias do cenário político nacional

9 Dec 08:02 GGN 1188436354587705920.html
Seth Rogen: Töpfere in meiner Freizeit Aschenbecher für Joints

Der kanadische Schauspieler Seth Rogen ("The Disaster Artist") berichtet davon, dass er in seiner Freizeit gerne Aschenbecher für seine Joints töpfere.

9 Dec 08:05 bz BASEL 5287163741482317558.html
LFF valde uzklausa darba prioritātes pirms ārkārtas kongresa

Latvijas Futbola federācijas (LFF) valde pirmdien kārtējā sēdē uzklausīja pašlaik aktuālās federācijas ikdienas darba prioritātes, gatavojoties 12. decembrī

9 Dec 15:46 Sportazinas.com 3611085069462038922.html
La CNE exige un passage au statut employé au 1er janvier pour les aides familiales

Le syndicat chrétien mènera mercredi une action au SPF Emploi pour dénoncer le report au 1er avril du passage sous statut employé des aides familiales et gardes à domicile décidé par le gouvernement wallon.

9 Dec 13:14 sudinfo.be 344139276299134425.html
La libra reconquista máximos de 2017 y descuenta un 'Brexit blando'

La libra sigue recuperando terreno y ya se sitúa en niveles no vistos desde mayo de 2017 en su cruce con el euro. Máximos no presenciados desde que Theresa May ganara las elecciones de Reino Unido sin mayoría para su partido, lo que acabó condenándole a dimitir tras no lograr un acuerdo con la Unión Europea (UE) para el Brexit.

9 Dec 15:39 elEconomista.es 9051559959288799965.html
Nintendo emitirá mañana un nuevo Indie World dedicado a los próximos indies que llegarán a Nintendo Switch

Sony nos emplazó a mañana a no perdernos su nuevo State of Play y Nintendo no ha querido ser menos. En este caso nos invita a presenciar una nueva emisión de...

9 Dec 15:29 Vida Extra 2315661876267285547.html
Imtiaz-Istitmar Croissance : Maroc PME retient 19 projets d’investissement

19 projets d’investissement portés par des TPME ont été retenus par l’Agence Maroc PME, dans le cadre de la troisième édition du Comité public-Privé (CPP)

9 Dec 15:14 EcoActu 4324246079676988522.html
Jordan: Solskjaerowi wciąż brakuje wystarczającej klasy

Były właściciel Crystal Palace, Simon Jordan, jest przekonany, że pomimo zwycięstw nad Tottenhamem i Manchesterem City, Manchester United powinien zdecydować się na zmianę na stanowisku menadżera.

9 Dec 11:01 DevilPage.pl 5381987154212984833.html
Hydro-Québec confirme un gel tarifaire et une remise pour ses clients

MONTRÉAL - Hydro-Québec confirme lundi que ses clients bénéficieront d’un gel tarifaire à compter du 1er avril prochain et que des remises totalisant environ 500 millions $ seront effectuées.

9 Dec 12:41 leNouvelliste 2761106013273542051.html
Hydro-Québec confirme un gel tarifaire et une remise pour ses clients

MONTRÉAL - Hydro-Québec confirme lundi que ses clients bénéficieront d’un gel tarifaire à compter du 1er avril prochain et que des remises totalisant environ 500 millions $ seront effectuées.

9 Dec 12:41 leSoleil 6002915705092650484.html
Nuova Zelanda, violenta esplosione del vulcano di White Island: ci sono 5 vittime. Si teme per i dispersi

Violentissima esplosione vulcanica in Nuova Zelanda: il vulcano White Island è esploso, causando la morte di 5 persone. Si cercano i dispersi

9 Dec 10:56 NewNotizie 1312053895904822313.html
Revelan la fecha de estreno de la cuarta temporada de "La Casa de Papel"

Netflix dio a conocer la noticia mediante un vídeo publicado en Instagram

9 Dec 14:32 El Nuevo Dia 2512554309164230220.html
Boninho surpreende ao anunciar mais uma novidade para o BBB 2020

Boninho, diretor do Big Brother Brasil, causou alvoroço na web no último domingo (08). O motivo? Uma novidade trazida à tona por ele nas redes sociais.

9 Dec 16:40 RD1 – Terra 4501125212744698384.html
Barcellona, Valverde lascia a casa Messi e Piqué: i 20 convocati per Milano

Lionel Messi non prende il volo per Milano, e come lui anche Gerard Piqué. Ernesto Valverde lascia a casa l'asso argentino per l'ultimo match di Champions League in programma...

9 Dec 13:22 FcInterNews.it 7848284892724407971.html
Sony Xperia 3 com parte das especificações reveladas em teste de benchmark

A plataforma Geekbench é paragem habitual de novos smartphones que se aprontam para chegar ao mercado. Um dos mais recentes casos disso é o Sony Xperia 3, o...

9 Dec 16:37 4gnews 1809086878316307416.html
Here Are All the 2020 Golden Globe Nominees!

Award season is just kicking into high gear, and what better way to celebrate our favorites than with the Golden Globe nominations? On the morning of Dec. 9,

9 Dec 13:45 POPSUGAR Entertainment 1694745614198620887.html
Famosos se manifestam sobre caso Sílvio Santos após acusações de racismo

Dono da emissora ignorou a votação do público, que elegeu a cantora negra.

9 Dec 17:28 R10 3167340813217818739.html
Governo, Conte: "Verifica a gennaio". E a Zingaretti ricorda: "Fino al 2023"

P. Chigi: "Orizzonte temporale ampio non certo in pochi mesi"

9 Dec 15:22 Affari Italiani 6123405403229929568.html
"Der Bachelor" 2020: Das sind die Kandidatinnen

Auch 2020 buhlen wieder 22 Singledamen um die Gunst des Bachelors. Wir stellen die alleinstehenden Schönheiten vor.

9 Dec 16:08 GMX 2011843074776766309.html
"Der Bachelor" 2020: Das sind die Kandidatinnen

Auch 2020 buhlen wieder 22 Singledamen um die Gunst des Bachelors. Wir stellen die alleinstehenden Schönheiten vor.

9 Dec 16:08 GMX News 4492287761682143077.html
Modern Warfare - Playlist-Liebling Shoot House 24/7 ist zurück

Viele CoD-Fans spielten die Shoot House 24/7-Playlist besonders gerne. Infinity Ward ersetzte sie trotzdem durch eine andere. Und kündigt bereits die Rückkehr an.

9 Dec 09:00 www.gamepro.de 3610569832567629274.html
Sandler O’Neill Downgrades FB Financial (NYSE:FBK) to Hold

FB Financial (NYSE:FBK) was downgraded by investment analysts at Sandler O’Neill from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Monday, The Fly reports. Several other analysts also recently weighed in on FBK. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of FB Financial from a “sell” rating to […]

9 Dec 13:42 Markets Daily 6922190227458466311.html
Pioli: Emotivno, želio sam da zagrlim Mihajlovića

Trener Milana Stefano Pioli kaže da su ga preplavile emocije kada je vidio Sinišu Mihajlovića ponovo na klupi Bolonje.

9 Dec 08:37 Nezavisne novine 4209150642197718006.html
Caen dos con cristal, marihuana y fusil de asalto AR-15

Cuauhtémoc.- La Dirección de Seguridad y Vialidad Pública municipal, logró la detención de Jesús C. P. de 56 años y Luis Daniel L. M. de 30 años de edad, los cuales están siendo señalados por

9 Dec 15:59 La Parada Digital 5696840779319230013.html
4 Mobil Murah yang Paling Menderita Sepanjang 2019

Mobil murah biasanya menjadi mobil yang diincar oleh konsumen, terutama konsumen yang menginginkan mobil berstatus baru. Meski demikian, hal itu tidak menjadi jaminan.

9 Dec 09:00 liputan6.com 3414318497274725103.html
If You Haven’t Ditched NBEV Stock Yet, Now Is the Time

NBEV stock is an irredeemable loser. The CEO is selling shares and the company is in debt and losing money.

9 Dec 13:40 InvestorPlace 24614509859191671.html
UNamur : des solutions innovantes contre le réchauffement climatique grâce aux données "open data"

Grande messe ce lundi à l’Université de Namur à la Faculté d’informatique.

9 Dec 13:55 Vivreici.be 7768530903400589763.html
A college basketball coach bought $1,000 worth of beer for fans at a local bar to celebrate a rivalry win, and he had his 6-year-old son pay the tab with a wad of cash

Victory over an archrival tastes pretty sweet, but celebrating with a free post-win beer tastes much, much sweeter.

9 Dec 17:08 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882253354486.html
Álvarez de Toledo considera que el momento político actual es "más difícil" que "cuando ETA mataba"

La portavoz del PP advierte de que "en Madrid no se tiene conciencia de la profundidad y gravedad del movimiento separatista vasco".

9 Dec 08:43 www.publico.es 99190977767792724.html
Piñera prepara ceremonia por Día Internacional de los DDHH: Anunciaría medidas de reparación

El mandatario realizaría el acto durante este martes, antes de viajar a Buenos Aires, y buscaría reiterar el compromiso del gobierno en esta materia. Desde el Ejecutivo buscan que esté presente el INDH, integrantes del Poder Judicial, la Defensoría de la Niñez, entre otros.

9 Dec 08:00 CHV Noticias 8401001652901012549.html
Zbog klizišta na Novom Zelandu odsječeno 1.000 turista

VELINGTON - Skoro hiljadu turista u malom mjestu Franc Jozef na Novom Zelandu ostalo je odsječeno od saobraćajnica poslije olujnog nevremena, koje je tokom vikenda izazvalo klizišta i poplave duž glavnog autoputa.

9 Dec 08:41 Nezavisne novine 4209150642647989763.html
OBNAVLJA SE VOJVOĐANSKI FORUM V-21: Poručuju da je Srbija pitanje, a ne Vojvodina

Grupa vojvođanskih intelektualaca, civilnih aktivista i eksperata pokrenula je ovih dana proces reosnivanja nevladine organizacije Forum V-21, koja je u Vojvodini delovala početkom dvehiljaditih godina zalažući se za uspostavljanje pune pokrajinske autonomije, ...

9 Dec 16:32 kurir.rs 6515665028430693317.html
Tottenham Hotspur's £65,000-a-week football star Davinson Sanchez Mina must pay £276 after being caught speeding in his Land Rover

The Colombian defender (pictured), 23, was clocked on a speed camera driving his three-litre diesel Land Rover over the speed limit in London on February 2.

9 Dec 12:57 Mail Online 124328112376438749.html
Red Dead Redemption 2 - Führt die nächste Erweiterung nach Mexiko?

„Red Dead Redemption 2“ entführt PS4-, Xbox One-, PC- und Google Stadia-Spieler in den Wilden Westen. Ein Data Miner möchte nun aber herausgefunden haben, dass die nächste Einzelspieler-Erweiterung demnächst in Mexiko stattfinden könnte.

9 Dec 10:29 PlayNation 4622181944721797927.html
Der „Star-Trek“-Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist gestorben

Der Schauspieler René Auberjonois ist gestorben. Er war durch seine Rolle als Odo in der „Star-Trek“-Serie bekannt.

9 Dec 12:00 Kurier 208072238080612584.html
Colombia firmará el Acuerdo de Escazú, confirmó el presidente Iván Duque 

El presidente de la República, Iván Duque, anunció que esta semana Colombia firmará el Acuerdo regional sobre el acceso a la información, la participación pública y el acceso a la justicia en asuntos ambientales en América Latina y el Caribe, conocido como el tratado de Escazú.Según el mandatario, este acuerdo, considerado uno de los más importantes de la región, ayudará a Colombia a dar un paso cualitativo en el acceso a la información y a la protección del medioambiente.El presidente destacó que esta decisión se tomó en el marco de lo que el Gobierno ha llamado la Gran Conversación Nacional, donde académicos, científicos, empresarios y líderes sociales le pidieron al mandatario tomar acciones para la salvaguardia del medioambiente.El anuncio lo hizo el presidente en el marco de la presentación del informe del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (Pnud), sobre el Índice de Desarrollo Humano, donde destacó que la firma de este tratado demuestra que hay una confluencia en lo que quiere el Gobierno…

9 Dec 08:44 www.elpais.com.co 2266963348103750090.html
Peugeot, con 2008 via all’offensiva crossover

La casa francese spinge l'offensiva nel segmento grazie al nuovo crossover, che si aggiunge alla compatta 208 tra i nuovi modelli

9 Dec 08:30 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655084444569.html
Fortnite: l'update 11.30 è in arrivo secondo un noto insider | Game Division

Secondo un noto insider Epic Games è sul punto di pubblicare il nuovo update di Fortnite, ovvero l'aggiornamento 11.30. Ecco i dettagli.

9 Dec 09:52 Tom's Hardware 6640147069613781807.html
Huawei zapowiada nową wersję Always on Display dla ośmiu modeli smartfonów

Nowe Always On Display w pierwszej kolejności zostanie udostępnione dla ośmiu obecnych już na rynku smartfonów Huawei z ekranami OLED.

9 Dec 10:15 Tabletowo.pl 3941365663437359542.html
Aviso: PK Wissenschaftsball 2020

Bürgermeister Michael Ludwig und Wissenschaftsstadträtin Veronica Kaup-Hasler erklären Wien zum Zentrum für „Digitalen Humanismus“

9 Dec 14:16 OTS.at 4182160710886869165.html
"Il patto di stabilità è nato durante la crisi, ora va adeguato"

Il commissario europeo Gentiloni in un’intervista alla Sueddeutsche Zeitung

9 Dec 09:31 L'HuffPost 5315551424274489041.html
France: L'enquête sur le Mondial au Qatar passe aux mains d'un juge

PARIS (Reuters) - L'enquête sur l'attribution de la Coupe du monde de football 2022 au Qatar a changé de dimension avec l'ouverture d'une information judiciaire par le parquet national financier (PNF), a-t-on appris lundi de source judiciaire.

9 Dec 16:19 Boursier.com 7351227822202978684.html
En till gripen för mordet i Markaryd

Brott En 47-årig ukrainsk man har gripits misstänkt för mordet på en 70-årig man i småländska Markaryd. Mannen greps i Polen i förra veckan efter att ha varit internationellt efterlyst i flera månader.

9 Dec 13:31 www.unt.se 8922556088648797019.html
Mérida se llenará de teatro durante nueve días

El Primer Festival Nacional de Teatro se llevará a cabo desde el 12 al 21 de diciembre

9 Dec 13:01 Últimas Noticias 6811287211087269388.html
Pronostic Chelsea Lille : Analyse, prono et cotes doublées sur le match de Ligue des champions

Chelsea fait le job face à Lille ! Les Blues. de Chelsea sont dans une période difficile et n’ont remporté qu’une de leurs 5 dernières rencontres. Le week-end dernier, les hommes de Lampard se sont lourdement inclinés face à Everton (3-1). En Ligue des Champions, Chelsea doit s’imposer face à Lille pour être assuré de se qualifier. Vainqueur de la Ligue Europa la saison passée, Chelsea veut retrouver les phases finales de la plus prestigieuse des coupes européennes. Lampard a vu son équipe perdre des points lors des deux premières réceptions en Ligue des Champions, défaite face à Valence (1-0) et nul face à l’Ajax (4-4). Les Blues affrontent cependant une équipe lilloise dépassée en C1, et sans réelle motivation.

9 Dec 10:21 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252697624080.html
Best Roborock Vacuums in 2019

We've tested and compared several Roborock robot vacuums to see which ones are the best. See which ones fit your needs.

9 Dec 13:00 Android Central 29040142901488917.html
Owner of £3m apartment sues Heron Tower for £100,000 after enduring two years without broadband

A millionaire is suing for &pound;100,000 after going two years without broadband at his &pound;3 million apartment and being forced to log on at his local library.

9 Dec 14:23 The Telegraph 140598091069490039.html
Malou von Sivers om kritiserad hiphopintervju: ”Blev obalans”

Malou von Sivers har fått motta kritik efter en intervju med rapparen Greekazo, där samtalet kom att handla om droger och våld snarare än om 18-åringens

9 Dec 09:25 DN.SE 398730694545691679.html
Taxista de Cozumel choca contra puesto de artesanías, 100 mil pesos de pérdida

Iba a exceso de velocidad, perdi&oacute; la visibilidad y se estrella contra un puesto de artesan&iacute;as en la isla de Cozumel.

9 Dec 11:49 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623076554775.html
Indicados ao Globo de Ouro 2020 são anunciados

'História de um Casamento' é o filme com mais indicações, seguido por 'Era uma Vez em... Hollywood', de Quentin Tarantino, e 'O Irlandês', de Martin Scorsese, com cinco. 'Coringa' recebeu quatro indicações. Já entre as séries de TV, o destaque é 'Chernobyl', da HBO.

9 Dec 15:17 CBN 5357962654234206152.html
Fossesholm ville være for seg selv etter debuten: – Det er klart jeg blir forbannet

LILLEHAMMER (NRK): Stortalentet Helene Marie Fossesholm var ordentlig irritert og enda litt til på seg selv, etter det som kan ha vært hennes første og siste sjanser i verdenscupen denne sesongen.

9 Dec 09:00 NRK 3631390765473908847.html
Grande Fratello Vip 2020: chi sono i concorrenti?

Chi sono i due concorrenti misteriosi del Grande Fratello Vip? E’ questa la domanda che si stanno ponendo da qualche ora diversi internauti. La pagina ufficiale del reality show ha infatti rilasciato le immagini “celate” di due celebrità che hanno deciso di varcare la porta rossa della casa di Cinecittà nel tentativo di innescare la curiosità generale. Quali vip sarà riuscito ad ingaggiare il neoconduttore Alfonso Signorini?

9 Dec 15:20 DavideMaggio.it 221510838740757730.html
Neurologia dziecięca już dostępna w ALLMEDICA w Mszanie Dolnej!

(Ogłoszenie płatne) Neurologia dziecięca jest jednym z działów neurologii ogólnej. Odgrywa szczególną rolę, gdyż jej pacjentami są osoby w wieku do 18 lat. Neurologia dziecięca obejmuje choroby wynikające z wad rozwojowych uwarunkowanych genetycznie czy będących następstwem patologicznej ciąży, zaburzeń okołoporodowych czy powikłanego porodu.

9 Dec 10:22 Limanowa.in 8428733917988467013.html
Bei REWE: 15% Bonus auf iTunes- und App-Store-Guthaben

Wenn ihr diese Woche euer iTunes- bzw. App-Store-Guthaben aufstocken wollt, stattet ihr am besten einer lokalen REWE-Filiale einen Besuch ab. Dort könnt ihr aktuell 15 Prozent Zusatzguthaben mitnehmen. Das Angebot ist von heute an bis zum 14. Dezember bundesweit gültig. Beim Kauf einer iTunes-Karte im Wert von 25 Euro gibt es 3,75 Euro dazu, zur […]

9 Dec 08:57 ifun.de 6678736053889679569.html
Basílica de Guadalupe espera a más de 10 millones de peregrinos

El gobierno de la Ciudad de México puso en marcha el Operativo Basílica 2019 con un despliegue de más de 17 mil servidores públicos y tres mil policías para atender y cuidar los más de 10 millones de peregrinos que arribarán al recinto mariano. En conferencia de prensa, encabezada por la jefa de Gobierno, Claudia […]

9 Dec 17:16 Q QUÉ MEXICO 150490036474939721.html
Ghost planning a new 2020 song for mystery project

Ghost leader Tobias Forge says he’ll be entering the studio in January to work on a new song ahead of album sessions

9 Dec 14:18 Metal Hammer 2174237039093000695.html
Cancel·lat el festival de cap d’any Biocap pel baix ritme de venda d’entrades

L'organització al·lega la manca de finançament degut a "no haver rebut el recolzament esperat" La Pegatina i Oques Grasses eren els caps de cartell

9 Dec 09:21 El Punt Avui 4496725670735740171.html
Ü100: Diese Stars können auf eine lange Karriere zurückblicken

Am 9. Dezember feiert Hollywood-Ikone Kirk Douglas seinen 103. Geburtstag – und ist damit in bester Gesellschaft. Denn auch diese Stars haben die magische Altersgrenze überschritten.

9 Dec 14:01 GMX 2011843075222334815.html
New Apple products predictions 2020

We explore the rumours and discuss which new Apple products might appear next, including new iPhones, iPads and Macs and their release dates. Find out what Apple is coming out with in 2020.

9 Dec 12:00 Macworld UK 4405179198081660440.html
Wheeler, Phillies finalize five-year, $118M contract

The Philadelphia Phillies and right-hander Zack Wheeler finalized their $118 million, five-year contract Monday. Wheeler agreed to the deal last Thursday subject to a successful physical.

9 Dec 17:15 TSN 865919180181265867.html
Norsk Hydro y las grandes compañías mineras, optimistas por el compromiso de China con el crecimiento en 2020

Fue el viernes pasado cuando se reunió el máximo organismo de decisión colectiva de China, el politburó que preside Xi Jinping, y en el que sus 25 miembros se comprometieron a ''evitar los riesgos financieros sistémicos'' en 2020 y a mantener el crecimiento en un ''rango razonable'', según informó la agencia estatal de noticias Xinhua. | Todo sobre el fondo asesorado por elEconomista, Tressis Cartera Eco30.

9 Dec 17:29 elEconomista.es 9051559958673934294.html
iPath Series B Bloomberg Cotton Subindex Total Return ETN (NYSEARCA:BAL) Stock Price Down 1%

iPath Series B Bloomberg Cotton Subindex Total Return ETN (NYSEARCA:BAL) was down 1% during mid-day trading on Monday . The company traded as low as $38.71 and last traded at $38.71, approximately 130 shares changed hands during mid-day trading. A decline of 97% from the average daily volume of 4,426 shares. The stock had previously […]

9 Dec 16:48 The Cerbat Gem 3142837110894397857.html
Rada Miasta Białystok przyjęła stanowisko ws. sytuacji w sądownictwie

Trójpodział władzy i niezawisłość sędziowska to niezbędny element funkcjonowania europejskiego, demokratycznego państwa prawa - głosi stanowisko Rady Miasta Białystok przyjęte na poniedziałkowej sesji, z inicjatywy i głosami większościowego klubu Koalicji Obywatelskiej.

9 Dec 15:19 Portal Samorządowy 740157208997811801.html
Proyecto energético de la 4T y pañuelos blancos en la mañanera de AMLO

Conferencia de prensa de AMLO del 9 de diciembre de 2019.

9 Dec 12:49 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557630599432772.html
Fines levied by the FCA rocket more than 500 per cent

The value of fines issued by City watchdog the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) this year has soared to £391.8m. Research [...]

9 Dec 16:27 City A.M. 6389894492200050125.html
Manon Marsault (Les Marseillais aux Caraïbes) très complice avec Julien Tanti, elle lui fait une jolie déclaration (VIDÉO)

Entre Manon Marsault et Julien Tanti, c'est toujours l'amour fou !

9 Dec 15:00 melty 8059025070221587771.html
The Irishman : les premiers chiffres d'audience sur Netflix sont tombés pour le gros calibre de Scorsese

The Irishman: The Irishman est un des poids lourds de Netflix en cette fin d’année. Mais le magnum opus de Martin Scorsese a-t-il su attirer les foules ? La plateforme pionnière de SVoD compte bien

9 Dec 09:40 Ecran large 8324370985101805263.html
£260 Price Crunch on the iPhone X in time for Christmas for today only

In this one day only deal pick up the Apple iPhone X SIM-free at a massively discounted rate in Amazon's last minute Christmas deals promotion.

9 Dec 11:21 Trusted Reviews 12694855312012649.html
Attribution du Mondial 2022 au Qatar : une information judiciaire ouverte pour "corruption"

Un déjeuner réunissant Nicolas Sarkozy, Claude Guéant et deux dirigeants qataris, juste avant le vote de la Fifa, est notamment au centre des investigations.

9 Dec 14:02 Franceinfo 1060532880820196977.html
Meciul FC Voluntari -FCSB a fost reprogramat pentru 6 februarie

Partida dintre FC Voluntari şi FCSB, contând pentru etapa a 18-a în CASA Liga 1, a fost reprogramată în data de 6 februarie 2020.

9 Dec 17:27 News.ro 1785173097303802567.html
El izquierdista francés Jean-Luc Mélenchon, condenado a tres meses de cárcel por rebelión contra la policía

Se enfrentó a la policía cuando llevaban a cabo un registro en la sede de su partido, la Francia Insumisa, en 2018. El Tribunal Correccional de París ha impuesto también el pago de 8.000 euros a Mélenchon

9 Dec 12:40 RTVE.es 8332346889354650294.html
Tapeceiro diz que matou sogro após ouvir ''ordem'' para ser atropelado

Preso na madrugada do último sábado (7) após matar o sogro, Airton Pacheco, 56 anos, com uma facada no pescoço, o tapeceiro Adriano Aparecido Mendes Flores, 23 anos, disse à polícia que cometeu o crime após ouvir a sogra dizer para o marido atropela-lo. O caso ocorreu no Residencial Dallas, na saída para São Paulo, em Campo Grande. Conforme o registro policial, Adriano confirmou na delegacia que b...

9 Dec 12:31 Campo Grande News 7902463001273835623.html
¿Por qué 'un violador en tu camino' no ha funcionado en Venezuela?

Las diferencias entre activistas 'chavistas' e 'independientes' atomizaron las convocatorias.

9 Dec 14:30 El Tiempo 1091719940223427704.html
A este cantante le ofrecieron la Gobernación de Guárico

Un reconocido cantante muy cercano al presidente Nicolás Maduro confesó durante una entrevista que, en una ocasión, le ofrecieron la Gobernación de Guárico.......

9 Dec 13:41 El Tubazo Digital 6657891529292935762.html
A este cantante le ofrecieron la Gobernación de Guárico

Un reconocido cantante muy cercano al presidente Nicolás Maduro confesó durante una entrevista que, en una ocasión, le ofrecieron la Gobernación de Guárico.......

9 Dec 13:41 El Tubazo Digital 6657891530595322777.html
Wendel e o trauma da Academia: «Tive muito medo que voltassem a fazer aquilo»

O médio brasileiro Wendel foi o segundo jogador do Sporting ouvido na 10.ª sessão do julgamento do processo do ataque à Academia.«Estava no ginásio. Vi uma multidão a correr e fui para o balneário avisar», começou por recordar, num testemunho feito através de videoconferência.«Disseram-nos que não éramos jogadores para o Sporting, para tirarmos as camisolas e começaram a agredir-nos. Um bateu-me na cara», prosseguiu o médio, assumindo: «Tive muito medo que voltassem a fazer aquilo.»Wendel, contudo, por diversas vezes disse que não se lembrava de algumas situações, levando a juíza Sílvia Pires a apontar: «Espero que futuramente não tenha problemas de memória.»

9 Dec 16:02 A BOLA 2278827559438012068.html
Is It A Breakout, Or Is Your Skin "Purging"? 3 Signs To Look For

Purging, for skin, is a good thing.

9 Dec 14:40 mindbodygreen 5822886643785140770.html
Formule 1 : Sainz satisfait d'évoluer chez McLaren

Brillant 6ème au classement final des pilotes, Carlos Sainz Jr a expliqué sa satisfaction quant à son choix d'avoir rejoint McLaren en 2019.

9 Dec 08:40 Autonews 9106142494507177825.html
Black Adam : Le directeur de photographie indique que le film sera différent des bandes dessinées

Alors que le tournage de Black Adam devrait débuter en juin 2020, Lawrence Sher, le directeur de la photographie, annonce que le film sera différent des bandes dessinées.

9 Dec 17:30 melty 8059025070114993617.html
Retraites: des économistes proches de Macron appellent à davantage de "clarté"

Des économistes ayant participé à la campagne présidentielle d'Emmanuel Macron déplorent les considérations budgétaires qui obscurcissent la réforme d - 09/12/2019 18:04

9 Dec 17:04 ABC Bourse 2538693399933322058.html
"Marriage Story" a la cabeza de los Globos de Oro con seis nominaciones

La película protagonizada por Scarlett Johansson se alza como la favorita.

9 Dec 16:40 AR13 5510785231500924983.html
Mercato - Barcelone : Bartomeu annonce la couleur pour Arturo Vidal !

Alors qu’il peine à emmagasiner du temps de jeu, Arturo Vidal pourrait partir cet hiver. Josep Bartomeu, le président du Barça, a exclu totalement un départ de son milieu de terrain chilien.

9 Dec 13:30 Le 10 Sport 6431763077447248465.html
Corea del Norte probó un motor de misiles en nuevo desafío a EE. UU.

EE. UU. pidió a la ONU una reunión para abordar el riesgo de una "escalada en las provocaciones".

9 Dec 15:55 El Tiempo 1091719939518946164.html
Apple revela las mejores aplicaciones y juegos del 2019

Apple destacó que las mejores aplicaciones y juegos de este año "dejaron su huella al reflejar el espíritu de nuestra sociedad, y al ubicarse como un puente entre la cultura digital y pop".

9 Dec 10:52 andina.pe 9054036849244546723.html
Modista da mãe de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa gostava de voltar a ver o Presidente

Pelos vidros do portão da garagem entra uma claridade que ajuda a aquecer o espaço, numa curta tarde deste mês de dezembro. Em Seixo de Ansiães, Carrazeda, Irene Canelhas, 86 anos, está sentada a uma máquina de costura.

9 Dec 13:20 JN 6956494303565607642.html
La Cour de cassation valide l’enquête contestée par Karim Benzema

La Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi le pourvoi de Karim Benzema qui contestait la loyauté de l’enquête sur l’affaire du chantage

9 Dec 14:29 African Manager 933752093976991414.html
Sardine, Santori: "Un partito? Mai. Da noi c'è il comunista e il centrista"

Il leader delle Sardine: “In televisione mi danno tutti del tu. A me non dà fastidio. A mia madre sì. Mica sei un dodicenne, dice”

9 Dec 08:35 Affari Italiani 6123405403384282494.html
Don't ask Beyonce is she's pregnant: 'Get off my ovaries'

Beyonce is already mum to Blue, Rumi and Sir.

9 Dec 14:35 Metro 970161747029692430.html
Uhapšen zbog sumnje da je nožem povrijedio muškarca

ZVORNIK - U Šekovićima je uhapšen Č.P. iz ovog mjesta zbog sumnje da je nožem povrijedio jednu osobu, rekao je Srni portparol Policijske uprave Zvornik Miljan Bobar.

9 Dec 16:43 Nezavisne novine 4209150641914693716.html
WA families urged to be ‘sunsmart’ this summer

A SORRENTO mother-of-three who found a melanoma on her leg is urging families to be ‘sunsmart’ this summer.

9 Dec 08:14 Community News Group 6769726047630638431.html
Réforme des retraites en France: des vols supprimés au départ et à destination de Brussels airport ce mardi

La Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGAC) française a annoncé lundi avoir demandé aux compagnies aériennes de réduire de 20% leur programme de vols mardi, date de la deuxième journée d'appel à une grève interprofessionnelle contre la...

9 Dec 16:29 RTBF Info 2262420855693865838.html
NERSA to hold Eskom RCA public hearings in Feb 2020

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has announced the timelines to process Eskom’s RCA application for the 2018/19 financial year.

9 Dec 09:17 ESI-Africa.com 2679729878218287200.html
An American trucking giant is expected to declare bankruptcy — and it may leave more than 3,200 truck drivers stranded and jobless

Celadon is said to be declaring bankruptcy this week, and that collapse may leave thousands of truck drivers jobless and away from home.

9 Dec 15:22 Business Insider Nederland 7680839748010399087.html
Zijn dit de eerste foto’s van de Samsung Galaxy S11?

Hopelijk zijn ze niet met een tweede exemplaar geschoten.

9 Dec 08:26 Apparata 308905379420044846.html
Ces choses qui nous agacent dans les films de Noël

Y'a quand même deux, trois trucs qui ne passent pas. 

9 Dec 17:00 melty 8059025069314674888.html
Nouvelle-Zélande : éruption meurtrière du volcan de l'île Blanche

Au moins cinq personnes ont été tuées et 18 blessées lors de cette éruption. Une dizaine de personnes sont toujours piégées sur l'île.

9 Dec 14:59 euronews 7357749755165160309.html
Bartomeu categórico: «Não podemos perder jogadores»

O presidente do Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, afirmou que o clube não pode «perder jogadores», referindo-se ao recente interesse demonstrado por Arturo Vidal em integrar a equipa do Inter de Milão, que irá defrontar na terça-feira.

9 Dec 16:17 A BOLA 2278827558278684892.html
Critici dure din USR, la adresa lui Dacian Cioloș

Reacţia lui Ghica vine în contextul în care liderul PLUS s-a arătat nemulţumit că USR a decis să susţină candidatura lui Nicuşor Dan la Primăria Capitalei. Reacţia acestuia vine după ce sâmbătă liderul PLUS Dacian Cioloş şi-a reafirmat susţinerea pentru Vlad Voiculescu pentru primăria Capitalei şi s-a arătat sceptiv privind decizia USR de a-l susţine pe independentul Nicuşor Dan. Acesta a amintit că înţelegerea dintre cele două partide prevede susţinerea unui candidat al alianţei, nu un independent.

9 Dec 13:48 www.antena3.ro 6332542758749882720.html
Ministerul Finanțelor continuă împrumuturile la dobânzi mari

La licitaţie au participat şapte dealeri primari.

9 Dec 14:15 www.antena3.ro 6332542758116927005.html
Ministerka Kalavská sa rozhodla podať demisiu

Jej kancelária bude v utorok kontaktovať Prezidentský palác.

9 Dec 15:45 tvnoviny.sk 3706975545034001260.html
Bebê nasce em avião durante voo entre Rio de Janeiro e Santiago

Companhia aérea precisou fazer pouso de emergência em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

9 Dec 11:34 O TEMPO 6069683947100881260.html
Konkretnie o Tokarczuk: Nagroda za krytykę Polski!

W III RP są nagradzani głównie ci pisarze i artyści, którzy wypowiadają się źle o Polsce i są „proeuropejscy”. Nie można im odmówić talentu ani weny – tworzą bardzo dobre dzieła, czasami wręcz wybitne, tyle że ich poglądy są wymierzone we własną ojczyznę - pisze Dorota Kania w dzisiejszym numerze 'Gazety Polskiej Codziennie'.

9 Dec 14:43 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696135224696700.html
Preminuo Popara iz "Srećnih ljudi"

BEOGRAD - Danas je u Beogradu u osamdeset četvrtoj godini, posle duže i teške bolesti preminuo poznati srpski glumac i književnik Zoran Rankić, saopštili su iz Udruženja književnika Srbije.

9 Dec 11:57 Nezavisne novine 4209150641585538468.html
SUV driver fined Rs 9,500 for damaging a tree in Telangana town

Since September 2018, Siddipet horticulture officers have collected over Rs 1.2 lakh as penalties on damages to trees planted under the 'Haritha Haram' afforestation programme.

9 Dec 11:56 The Indian Express 2885715105236922576.html
Enorm interesse: - Den største kampen i karrieren

Erling Braut Haaland fikk pressekorpset til å koke da han for første gang stilte opp på en offisiell Champions League-pressekonferanse i forkant av tirsdagens skjebnemøte med Liverpool.

9 Dec 12:42 Dagbladet.no 3042595687382940703.html
Trabzonsporlu futbolcular cenazeye akın etti...

1974 – 75 ve 1975 – 76 sezonlarında Trabzonspor forması giyen, ilk şampiyonluğun kadrosunda yer alan, Kıbrıs Barış Kupası finalinde kupayı getiren tek golü atan Trabzonspor’un efsane futbolcusu Tuncay Mesçi hayatını kaybetti.

9 Dec 13:00 61 SAAT 7475575989695286730.html
Emir Kusturica otišao u Stokholm da podrži svog velikog prijatelja: Reditelj za "Novosti" otkriva šta je to što spaja Handkea i Andrića

Razgovor o dobitniku prestižne nagrade za književnost, o politici, umetnosti, lažima Zapada, dvojici nobelovaca...

9 Dec 09:00 Вечерње новости 4219870592476021592.html
CGST falls short of budget estimate by 40% in April-November

In 2018-19, the actual CGST collection stood at Rs 4,57,534 crore as against the provisional estimate of Rs 6,03,900 crore for the year

9 Dec 16:41 Business Today 1145527430972315598.html
Huawei P40 comincia a far parlare di sé: tutto ciò che sappiamo | MobileLabs

Tra novità in ambito fotografico e interrogativi sulla presenza di Android, Huawei P40 potrebbe diventare uno degli smartphone più interessanti del 2020. Ecco ciò che sappiamo sul futuro top di gamma Huawei.

9 Dec 14:28 Tom's Hardware 6640147070443546671.html
"Al próximo DT lo va a elegir Francisco Ferraro"

Es una decisión tomada por la CD en Colón Por lo que pudo averiguar El Litoral, “el único descartado es Ricardo Zielinski”. Siguen todos en carrera y asoma una cumbre Vignatti-Bragarnik por el tema de los refuerzos. ¿Pekerman es posible?.

9 Dec 15:40 El Litoral 2624573358371495023.html
Las urgencias de Medina... y de Fassi en el Talleres que viene

El DT remarcó que deben llegar dos o tres refuerzos, más la base. El presidente dijo que antes debe vender.

9 Dec 11:20 Mundo D 5646459533068788141.html
Der kynologische Verein Säli Olten ist 100-jährig

Rund 40 Hündeler trafen sich kürzlich im Pavillon des Altersheims Ruttigen zum Abschlussabend, der diesmal von einer Jahrhundertfeier geprägt war. Nach einem ausgezeichneten und reichhaltigen Buffet erzählte Präsidentin Agnes Ochsner von ihrer Spurensuche nach dem Gründer des Vereins. Es war Fridolin Leimgruber, Lehrer in Aarburg, der den kynologischen Verein 1919 aus der Taufe hob. Bei ihren Nachforschungen stiess Agnes Ochsner auf spannende Tatsachen: Fridolin Leimgruber war ein begnadeter Zeichner und Maler! So gut er sich mit Hunden verstand, so vertraut war ihm der Umgang mit Pinsel und Farbe. Erst kürzlich führten Recherchen zurück an die Landesausstellung 1914 in Bern, wo zirka 70 Darstellungen Leimgrubers von Schweizer Rassehunden ausgestellt waren. Als Antiquität ist ebenfalls ein Taschenbuch „Unsere Hunde“ vorhanden. Auch im Clubhaus hängen zwei Hundebilder des Gründers, von deren Schöpfer bis jetzt niemand wusste. Fridolin Leimgruber stand dem Verein bis 1952 als Präsident vor. 1929 wurde mit der Bürgergemeinde…

9 Dec 08:29 bz BASEL 5287163742318712796.html
Pyongyang se moque du «vieillard» Trump

La Corée du Nord s'en est prise lundi au «bluff» diplomatique du président américain Donald Trump, «un vieillard dépourvu de patience», augmentant la pression sur Washington à propos des négociations sur le nucléaire. 

9 Dec 16:15 TVA Nouvelles 5024407711221494765.html
Bishop Aude says Lebanon is being ruled by ‘one person and an armed group’

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) – The Metropolitan bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch for the Archdiocese of Beirut, Elias ‘Aude, said Lebanon was being ruled by “one person and an armed group” during his sermon on Sunday. Bishop ‘Aude made the comment during the mass marking the 14th anniversary of Gebran Tueni’s assassination. “This country is being ruled today by one person we all know, and no one speaks and by a group that is ruling us by arms,” the bishop said. The ‘person’ the bishop is referencing Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

9 Dec 08:23 AMN 4125648318221968404.html
Epic Games Store down? Here’s how to fix it

Epic Games have fans have been frustrated and confused, following a bug that prevented players from accessing their store. 

9 Dec 16:12 Trusted Reviews 12694855894818093.html
Reader’s Voice: I Feel Like We Might Lose Nurkovic

Kaizer Chiefs fans are relishing in the rich goal-scoring form of Serbian hitman Samir Nurkovic. The striker’s lethal form is one of the many reasons why Amakhosi sit pretty atop the Absa Premiership standings. However, some fans fear that the lanky strik

9 Dec 17:49 Soccer Laduma 3901337371377187194.html
Valdés: "Ojalá se institucionalice en Argentina el puente que comenzó a construirse ayer"

Tras la misa de este domingo en Luján, el diputado habló de la relación entre oficialismo y oposición y cargó contra el Poder Judicial.

9 Dec 13:16 INFOnews 187467004845782831.html
Lesados de BES e Banif querem compensação pelo menos igual à do papel comercial

As associações dos lesados das sucursais exteriores dos grupos BES e Banif disseram hoje que a solução que for encontrada para os compensar tem de ser...

9 Dec 11:06 dnoticias 6968432065765012787.html
'Dolor y Gloria', Banderas y Ana de Armas, nominados a los Globos de Oro

La Asociación de Prensa Extranjera de Hollywood (HFPA) ha anunciado los nominados para la 77 edición de los Globos de Oro, que se entregarán el próximo 5 de enero en Beverly Hills, California. La cinta de Pedro Almodóvar, 'Dolor y Gloria' ha conseguido un

9 Dec 17:13 Diariocrítico 5375131905362582044.html
„Wir legen viel Wert auf Eigenkreationen.“

Das könne er sich als Bäcker gar nicht vorstellen, sagt Jens Schiering. Er hat gerade Brötchen und Einback zu einer Theaterprobe geliefert. In dem Stück, das da einstudiert werde, wird Weihnachten abgeschafft. Für den Lauchstädter, der das Geschäft in der Naumburger Straße bereits in vierter Generation betreibt, wäre das ein herber ökonomischer ...

9 Dec 17:00 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109044380841.html
Dominique Aegerter: “Il Ranch di Valentino Rossi è davvero speciale”

Dominique Aegerter, che dal 2020 correrà in MotoE dopo un decennio in Moto2, racconta la sua esperienza al Ranch di Valentino Rossi.

9 Dec 13:20 Corsedimoto 8217505415809836093.html
Agenția Mondială Antidoping suspendă Rusia din toate competițiile majore din următorii patru ani

Rusia a primit o interdicție de patru ani de la toate evenimentele sportive majore de către Agenția Mondială Antidoping (Wada), anunță BBC.

9 Dec 09:33 www.antena3.ro 6332542758301195421.html
Fondi di investimento, il migliore e il peggiore del 9/12/2019

La migliore e la peggiore performance giornaliera nella categoria dei fondi di investimento comuni aperti retail disponibili in Italia.

9 Dec 09:12 bluerating 6922469336100621935.html
Mercedes-Benz se prepara para lançar seu primeiro sedã elétrico

Mercedes EQS vai lutar pela preferência dos clientes com o Tesla Model 3

9 Dec 12:25 Olhar Digital 416591715036421740.html
Sin acuerdo: ¿a qué edad deberían los chicos tener su primer celular?

¿Alcanza con que el chico exprese "¡Es que todos mis amigos lo tienen!"?

9 Dec 14:23 La Voz 6237180762136525716.html
Clemente Álvarez deja de ser el mánager de Tigres

Redacción Meridiano

9 Dec 15:09 MERIDIANO.com.ve 3139852125839704821.html
La Turquie expulse onze proches de présumés djihadistes français vers la France

Ces quatre Françaises épouses de djihadistes présumés et leurs sept enfants étaient détenus en Turquie après s'être échappés d'un camp en Syrie.

9 Dec 13:32 euronews 7357749755339895916.html
Moro é mais popular do que Bolsonaro, diz pesquisa

A pesquisa encomendada pelo jornal Folha de S. Paulo ouviu 2.948 pessoas

9 Dec 11:56 R10 3167340812667977741.html
Skipresidenten om Wada-avgjørelsen: - Den eneste måten å komme videre på

Russland utestenges fra store internasjonale mesterskap i fire år. Skipresident Erik Røste er godt fornøyd.

9 Dec 13:24 adressa.no 8417332407559757283.html
Au Conseil des Etats, la force de la tradition orale, parole de nouvelle arrivée

OPINION. La Chambre haute du parlement fédéral est particulière, avec des règles particulières. Figurant pour la plupart dans aucun règlement, elles se transmettent de représentant en représentant pour perpétuer une culture politique. Découverte

9 Dec 14:27 Le Temps 2634224218282756835.html
El sueño cumplido de Cortissoz: comunicar el país con navegación aérea

Hilda Strauss recuerda a Ernesto Cortissoz, empresario que fundó la compañía conocida como Avianca.

9 Dec 11:44 El Tiempo 1091719940465712010.html
Dopage : la Russie, exclue des JO, n'a "aucune chance" en appel

La Russie, exclue aujourd'hui pour quatre ans des Jeux olympiques par l'agence mondiale antidopage, n'a "aucune chance" de gagner en cas d'appel, a dit à l'AFP le patron de l'agence antidopage Rusada.

9 Dec 12:17 LaProvence 1839381422007267840.html
Mercato - PSG : Zidane et Guardiola dans la danse pour le successeur de Thiago Silva ?

Leonardo devrait batailler ferme pour Milan Skriniar. En plus du Barça, le Real Madrid et Manchester City seraient prêts à concurrencer le directeur sportif du PSG pour le défenseur slovaque.

9 Dec 16:15 Le 10 Sport 6431763078914496677.html
Reisetrends 2020: Japan, Senegal und Israel gehören zu den großen Favoriten (FOTO)

Europas größtes Online-Reiseunternehmen eDreams ODIGEO hat auch in diesem Jahr den europäischen Reisemarkt unter die Lupe genommen und gibt in der vierten Auflage des European Traveller Insights Reports* …

9 Dec 15:00 OTS.at 4182160710697161144.html
Enquêtes anti-corruption : Ericsson reconnaît ses torts et va payer un milliard de dollars

L’annonce a été faite par le département de la Justice américaine vendredi dernier. Ericsson paiera à ce dernier 540 millions de dollars et 520 millions de plus au gendarme de la bourse (SEC).

9 Dec 10:05 Next INpact 808704268552309129.html
Polisten fuhuş operasyonu

Denizli Emniyet Müdürlüğü Asayiş ve Ahlak Bürosu ekipleri tarafından eğlence mekanlarına yönelik denetimler gerçekleştirildi. Denetimlerde fuhuş yaptığı belirlenen 5 kadına para cezası uygulandı.

9 Dec 16:09 Denizli Haber 159628044004126561.html
Kingdom Hearts : Un DLC et des persos de Final Fantasy dès janvier

Le cross over ultime du jeu vidéo estampillé Disney va bientôt s'enrichir du DLC ReMIND pour rallonger un peu plus l'aventure de Sora et ses potes. Une maj prévue pour le tout début de l'année prochaine.

9 Dec 10:46 melty 8059025070238715020.html
Oltre 1.500 onlus a portata di click su ilMioDono.it

Undicesima edizione di “1 voto, 200.000 aiuti concreti – Donare mi dà più gioia che ricevere!” campagna realizzata grazie ai Fondi UniCredit Carta E. Unicredit mette a disposizione 200mila euro, a titolo di donazione da distribuire tra le organizzazioni non profit che aderiscono al portale. Si può votare fino al 20 gennaio prossimo

9 Dec 16:05 VITA 7700876771657002941.html
Ofițerul care i-a trimis jurnalistei Emilia Șercan mesaje de amenințare, condamnat la un an de închisoare cu suspendare

Magistrații Tribunalului București l-au condamnat la un an de închisoare cu amânarea executării pedepsei pe Adrian Bărbulescu, cel care i-a trimis mesaje de amenințare jurnalistei Emilia Șercan. Ofițerul și-a recunoscut vina. Decizia nu este definitivă.

9 Dec 11:12 www.antena3.ro 6332542757777081056.html
Homem de 35 anos detido na zona velha do Funchal por tráfico de droga

A Polícia de Segurança Pública deteve um homem de 35 anos, na zona velha do Funchal, pelo crime de tráfico de estupefacientes. “A detenção ocorreu na ...

9 Dec 09:40 dnoticias 6968432067336859875.html
El IPC avanza desde su nivel más bajo en tres meses

El IPC(S&P/BMV IPC), índice de referencia de la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) subía en sus primeras operaciones del lunes en un entorno de compras de oportunidad tras caer a finales de la semana pasada a su nivel más bajo de tres meses.

9 Dec 15:54 www.economiahoy.mx 5599725559166060110.html
Trump este acuzat de antisemitism după ce i-a numit „criminali brutali” pe unii dezvoltatori imobiliari evrei

Asociaţii evreieşti americane îl acuză pe Donald Trump de antisemitism, după ce acesta i-a catalogat pe unii alegători evrei din sectorul imobiliar drept ”criminali brutali” care vor vota cu el pentru a evita să le fie impozitată averea.

9 Dec 14:02 Stirileprotv.ro 940005309528653649.html
Przemyśl: planowe przyjęcia w szpitalu wstrzymane do końca roku

Wojewódzki Szpital w Przemyślu poinformował o czasowym wstrzymaniu przyjęć planowych do oddziałów szpitalnych do końca 2019 roku.

9 Dec 15:23 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135115403625244.html
Precio del dólar inicia la semana con tendencia a la baja

La jornada inició con un precio de apertura por dólar de $3.420 y, hacia las 11:00 a.m., mantiene una negociación promedio de $3.420,48, con una caída de $9,83 frente a la Tasa Representativa del Mercado, TRM, que para este lunes estará en $3.430,31.La moneda alcanzó un precio mínimo de $3.408 y uno máximo de $3.427,50, ambos por debajo de la TRM. Hasta el momento se han negociado US$506 millones, a través de 1.023 transacciones.Al respecto, el analista senior de mercado en América Latina de Oanda, Alfonso Esparza, señaló que gracias al desarrollo pacífico del paro nacional, que comenzó el pasado 21 de noviembre, el mercado redujo su tensión e incertidumbre por la estabilidad política en el país.

9 Dec 10:19 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346737161484.html
Ivete Sangalo e Ludmilla dão indícios de parceria: “Aguardem”

As duas apareceram juntas no Instagram Stories

9 Dec 11:36 Metropolitana 98.5 FM 3761769428107605430.html
Sonia Abrão negocia com 2 emissoras e pode deixar a RedeTV!, diz jornal

A RedeTV! pode não contar com a presença de Sonia Abrão em 2020. O motivo? Segundo a coluna de Fábia Oliveira, do jornal O Dia, a apresentadora estaria negociando com duas emissoras e poderia deixar a atual casa.

9 Dec 09:00 RD1 – Terra 4501125211436777355.html
Overwatch : une petite publicité pour la version Switch diffusée

Le titre de Blizzard a droit à une courte bande-annonce, faisant le point sur les fonctionnalités.

9 Dec 13:35 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042610144817867.html
Juice Wrld ist tot: US-Rapper (†21) stirbt am Flughafen - Video zeigt ihn kurz vor seinem Tod

Die Rap-Szene trauert um den Künstler Juice Wrld. Der US-Rapper, der unter anderem schon mit Travis Scott (28), Ellie Goulding (32) und Nicki Minaj (37) zusammengearbeitet hat, ist am Sonntag im Alter von nur 21 Jahren gestorben.

9 Dec 10:06 news.de 5126378978639099815.html
Pronostic Naples Genk : Analyse, prono et cotes doublées sur le match de Ligue des champions

Naples assure la qualif’ face à Genk ! Dauphin de la Juve la saison dernière, le Napoli connaît plus de difficultés cette saison, et occupe la 7e place de Serie A. En C1 cependant, l'équipe napolitaine a néanmoins sa destinée en main, un nul lui assurant de participer aux huitièmes de finale de Ligue des Champions. Le Napoli est en tête dans les confrontations directes avec Liverpool et Salzbourg, les 2 autres prétendants à la qualification. Les partenaires d’Insigne ont d'ailleurs ramené un très bon nul d’Anfield (1-1), lors de leur dernière sortie européenne face au champion d’Europe en titre.

9 Dec 09:40 SO FOOT.COM 2592111251385178745.html
¿Se acabará el reality? Por esta razón una de las Kardashian no quiere seguir grabando

Desde que el programa arrancó en el año 2007, las hermanas Kardashian y su madre, Kris Jenner, han compartido cada día de su vida con millones

9 Dec 17:58 LaPatilla.com 9104603011115223204.html
Après les "cafés suspendus", voici les "médicaments suspendus": l'idée solidaire d'un pharmacien du Hainaut

Des médicaments "suspendus", c’est que propose un pharmacien de Gouy-lez-Piéton dans le Hainaut. La loi interdit de distribuer gratuitement des médicaments. Or, il constate que de plus en plus de personnes doivent choisir entre plusieurs médicaments,...

9 Dec 16:53 RTBF Info 2262420857248164130.html
MYO öğrencilerinden çocuklara ziyaret

MYO öğrencilerinden çocuklara ziyaret

9 Dec 09:01 CNN Türk 3669296857807266042.html
Installation de Famara Ibrahima Sagna : Le deadline fixé au 26 décembre

XALIMANEWS- Une rencontre de mise en route entre le Président Macky et celui qu’il a nommé il y a un peu plus de six mois Président du Comité de pilotage du Dialogue national, Famara Ibrahima Sagna, a eu lieu jeudi 5 décembre dernier, selon le journal L’Observateur. A l’issue de cette rencontre, toujours selon notre […]

9 Dec 13:22 Xalima.com 5303455893886162706.html
Petrol price hits Rs 75 per litre mark, diesel crosses Rs 66

The increase pushed price of petrol to Rs 75 per litre in the national capital and that of diesel to Rs 66.04 per litre.

9 Dec 16:30 The New Indian Express 4718288653769002153.html
A volta completa: do analógico ao tecnológico

Muitas empresas atraem os consumidores mais por sua experiência; é o caso do Nubank, que tem como diferencial a proximidade com seus clientes

9 Dec 11:22 Canaltech 6267437389422917942.html
Itt az alkalmazás, amellyel a bonyolultabb matekfeladatok is megoldhatók

A Microsoft áll a Math Solver nevű új app mögött, amely a mesterséges intelligencia segítségével oldja meg a bonyolult matekegyenleteket. Az app el is magyarázza, mit és hogyan kell csinálni.

9 Dec 15:03 HVG.hu 2696544700574660932.html
Vincent De Wolf désigné président de l’intergroupe parlementaire MR

Vincent De Wolf, figure du MR bruxellois et bourgmestre de la commune d’Etterbeek depuis 1992, a été désigné lundi président de l’intergroupe parlementaire des libéraux francophones.

9 Dec 14:36 Vivreici.be 7768530901664822384.html
Thiago Neves diz que aceitaria redução de salário para jogar Série B pelo Cruzeiro e dispara contra Perrella: 'Prefiro nem conversar'

Camisa 10 está afastado das atividades na Toca da Raposa desde o último dia 2

9 Dec 17:23 Superesportes 5498560375648871453.html
Pedro Nikken: “Venezuela clama por una esperanza”

Si hay algo que anotar, sería lo siguiente: Lo que ocurre nos los buscamos nosotros mismos. La anomia, la violencia desenfrenada, la desinstitucionalización, el vaciamiento de la república. Esta hora oscura que lo ensombrece todo

9 Dec 15:53 Globovisión 5928221751959444689.html
UEFA Champions League 2019-20: Bayern Munich vs Tottenham Hotspur - Combined XI

Bayern Munich face Tottenham Hotspur this week in the Champions League, but who would make a Combined XI between the two sides?

9 Dec 11:33 sportskeeda 1601194028818495881.html
Loire-Atlantique : un homme mis en examen pour homicide après avoir percuté sa conjointe en voiture

Un homme de 28 ans a été mis en examen pour "homicide volontaire par conjoint" après avoir percuté en voiture sa conjointe de 34 ans qui a été retrouvée morte le 4 décembre à Corsept (Loire-Atlantique), a-t-on appris ludi auprès du parquet de Nantes. Cette mise en examen "a été faite par le juge d'instruction de Nantes», a précisé le procureur de la Républiques de Nantes, Pierre Sennès. Le dossier avait été traité au départ par le parquet de Saint-Nazaire avant d'être transféré au pôle criminel de Nantes.

9 Dec 14:58 LaProvence 1839381421061740873.html
Niña de 12 años es arrestada por amenazar en Snapchat con tiroteo

Con este proyecto se espera recaudar 620 millones de dólares.

9 Dec 14:53 Ecuavisa 4017571650781125657.html
Z-Towers projekts grimst korupcijas purvā

Uzceltās, bet ekspluatācijā nenodotās augstceltnes Z-Towers saimnieki pagājušajā piektdienā publiski apgalvoja, ka Rīgas Būvvalde mēģinot no viņiem izspiest kukuli par ēkas pieņemšanu ekspluatācijā.

9 Dec 12:00 nra.lv 402892143604065286.html
Is League of Legends’ next champion Sett? Here’s everything we know

A juggernaut named Sett may be League of Legends' next champion

9 Dec 13:19 PCGamesN 7890463382470833755.html
Alvino con rabbia su KKN: “Inconcepibile pensare prima di Napoli-Genk all’esonero di Ancelotti!”

Al termine della trasmissione radiofonica Radio Goal, in onda sulle frequenze di Radio Kiss Kiss Napoli, è intervenuto insieme al collega e conduttore Valter De Maggio il noto giornalista Carlo Alvino. I due giornalisti si sono dimostrati attoniti per le voci di addio di Ancelotti dopo Napoli-Genk, arrivate ancor prima di giocare la partita (CLICCA […]

9 Dec 14:14 Spazio Napoli 1933866182623553392.html
Slam Dunk: nel 2020 arriva il nuovo libro di illustrazioni

Nel 2020 Slam Dunk, manga scritto e disegnato da Takehiko Inoue, torna con 130 illustrazioni raccolte nel libro Plus/Slam Sunk Illustration 2. I disegni

9 Dec 15:04 Lega Nerd 8527030506050291510.html
‘The Ferrante Effect’: In Italy, Women Writers Are Ascendant

“My Brilliant Friend” and Elena Ferrante’s other best-selling books are inspiring female novelists and shaking up the country’s male-dominated literary establishment.

9 Dec 10:00 NY Times 1961078288437214858.html
AMLO narra que lo detuvieron en una librería por llevar un libro no pagado | Entérate

El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador narró que cuando fue jefe de gobierno electo del DF acudió a una cita en una librería Gandhi. Fue abordado por un hombre que le regaló un libro, pero fue detenido al intentar salir de la tienda con él, toda vez que no llevaba la nota de pago, por lo que tuvo que regresar el libro. Dijo que una semana después el dueño de la librería le pidió disculpas y le regaló 10 tomos.

9 Dec 15:02 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496786399111.html
Tecnologias da Indústria 4.0 aumentam em 41% produtividade de empresas do RN

O uso das tecnologias digitais da Indústria 4.0 aumentaram em 41%, em média, a produtividade de duas indústrias do Rio Grande do Norte. Elas partic

9 Dec 15:41 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061459738904.html
ISL 2019, Jamshedpur FC vs Chennaiyin FC Live Score Streaming: When and where to watch

Jamshedpur FC vs Chennaiyin FC Live Score Streaming, ISL 2019 Football Live Score Streaming Online: Chennaiyin will have new manager Owen Coyle in the dugout for the first time.

9 Dec 12:16 The Indian Express 2885715105803027333.html
Un titolo azionario da evitare al momento ma da tenere d’occhio per il 2020

Tempi di resoconti ed outlook sul 2020. Analizziamo oggi un titolo azionario che al momento converrebbe evitare nel breve periodo ma che andrebbe

9 Dec 16:03 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261411111397.html
2023: Don’t Expect Us To Hand Over To You, Arewa Youths Tell Southwest

The Arewa Youths Consultative Forum (AYCF) has said the South-West should not expect the North to hand over power to the region. 

9 Dec 12:55 Concise 5544636821869827446.html
Wanderer (25) tödlich verunglückt

Ein 25-jähriger Mann ist nach einer Wanderung in den Sachsler Bergen nicht mehr zurückgekehrt. Später konnte er nur noch tot geborgen werden.

9 Dec 15:16 20 Minuten 5741369454249886631.html
Pakistan set for first real ‘home’ Test in a decade

With PCB giving assurances that Pakistan was safe to travel, Sri Lanka returned to play several limited-overs matches earlier this year, though 10 key players opted out citing security concerns.

9 Dec 10:26 The Indian Express 2885715105788357970.html
La especial promoción de Luka Doncic y los elogios de sus rivales: "Va a dar miedo"

Entrenadores y jugadores alaban la gran temporada que está realizando el esloveno de los Dallas Mavericks, que este domingo batió un récord de Michael Jordan

9 Dec 17:06 El Confidencial 6129807550055317230.html
Inteligencia y corazón frente al aula (+ Fotos)

Menuda, de envidiable memoria y respuestas rápidas  a sus 79 años, Victoria Gutiérrez Martínez acude cada día a su aula de cuarto grado con la sabiduría de una larga experiencia y llena de amor, para recibir sentimientos hermosos y dar todo su corazón a los niños, ávidos de conocimientos.

9 Dec 11:04 VICTORIA 8502773548485100079.html
Achille Lauro in concerto: info e biglietti sull'evento "30 anni di Roma"

Achille Lauro annuncia “30 anni di Roma” per il 30 ottobre 2020 al Palazzo dello Sport di Roma.

9 Dec 09:25 Sky TG24 1131381333171898986.html
Testspiel-Fahrplan für ÖFB-Nationalteam steht

Der Fahrplan für die Österreichs Fußball-Nationalteam der Herren vor der EURO 2020 ist nun mit zwei Auswärtsspielen in Wales (27. März) und Tschechien (7. Juni) komplett. Bereits zuvor waren Heimspiele am 30. März gegen die Türkei und am 2. Juni gegen England jeweils im Wiener Ernst-Happel-Stadion fixiert worden.

9 Dec 12:44 NÖN.at 2486998931977150065.html
Representante de Sudáfrica se coronó como Miss Universo 2019: entregó mensaje de autoaceptación

La noche del pasado domingo, se llevó a cabo el tradicional concurso de bella, Miss Universo 2019, en Atlanta, Estados Unidos. En esta instancia, la representante de Sudáfrica, Zozibini Tunzi,...

9 Dec 11:32 Pagina 7 4371131344447975805.html
TEST de Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, la Force est grande en Respawn !

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order : Des mondes colorés et du challenge... Voici un jeu qui ne laisse pas indifférent.

9 Dec 09:09 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042609134237934.html
El gigante farmacéutico Sanofi compra Synthorx por 2.500 millones de dólares

La compañía estadounidense adquirida por la francesa está especializada en medicamentos contra el cáncer y contra enfermedades auto inmunes.

9 Dec 09:23 La Información 5328999781532861415.html
Chapa com Riquelme como vice-presidente vence eleição e comandará o Boca Juniors

O pleito eleitoral do Boca Juniors bateu recorde de presença, com 38.363 votantes - o clube tem um total de 80 mil sócios

9 Dec 15:55 Folha Vitória 4941883426791168030.html
Fredsprisvinneren tar ikke med seg gjester: – Han liker ikke å bli hyllet

Årets fredsprisvinner Abiy Ahmed stiller bare opp på det nødvendigste for å hedre tradisjonene som er knyttet til utdelingen av Nobels fredspris.

9 Dec 08:43 NRK 3631390766045994461.html
Bitter für den BVB: FC Barcelona lässt Lionel Messi plus fünf zu Hause!

Der spanische Fußball-Meister FC Barcelona verzichtet beim letzten Champions-League-Gruppenspiel gegen Inter Mailand unter anderem auf Lionel Messi.

9 Dec 15:08 TAG24 4583887874824569864.html
Lizzo Twerks In A Thong At Lakers Game, & Gushes Over Karl-Anthony Towns — Watch

Lizzo twerked it out while wearing a black thong at a recent basketball game while gushing over player Karl Anthony Towns.

9 Dec 16:19 Hollywood Life 1852895047268155936.html
Pep Guardiola nagy beismerést tett

Meglepő nyilatkozatra ragadtatta magát Pep Guardiola, a Manchester City menedzsere a városi derbi elveszítése után. Azt mondta: „Lehet, hogy a City nem versenyezhet a topcsapatokkal.”

9 Dec 09:24 infostart 4257143134270571212.html
Asesinan a indígena que estaba en compañía de su esposa y su pequeño hijo en Cauca

A través de un comunicado, el Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (CRIC), indicó que sujetos armados le robaron la moto a la víctima.

9 Dec 15:55 SEGUIMIENTO.CO 2461898584329831233.html
Umowy na projekty S6 Koszalin-Słupsk

Firma Mosty Gdańsk zaprojektuje dwa odcinki S6; Koszalin-Sławno i Sławno-Słupsk - poinformowała w poniedziałek szczecińska GDDKiA. Według Dyrekcji, od 2021 r. dwa odcinki będą przygotowane do realizacji.

9 Dec 16:51 Portal Samorządowy 740157209002519181.html
Pole Position y victoria de Óscar Tunjo en las 6 Horas de Bogotá

El automovilista Óscar Tunjo consiguió la pole position y la victoria en la edición número 33 de las 6 Horas de Bogotá dominando de principio a fin con el prototipo West No 45 del Sesana Racing Team. La tripulación de pilotos conformada por Óscar Tunjo, Jaime Guerrero, Jhon Estupiñan y Juan Manuel González partió desde la pole position en la carrera de 6 Horas donde participaron 54 autos con más de 150 pilotos de México, España, Venezuela, Ecuador y Colombia. Tunjo consigue el bicampeonato de las 6 Horas de Bogotá luego de la victoria del 2018. Óscar, poseedor del récord de pista del autódromo de Tocancipá fue la sensación descontando vuelta perdida que tenían sobre los autos Radical Ecuatorianos y entregando el West con 3 vueltas de ventaja sobre el segundo lugar al piloto Jaime Guerrero para que finalizará la última hora de competencia. “Estoy muy feliz de conseguir la victoria frente a mi gente en Colombia, para mi las 6 Horas son una carrera muy especial porque puedo compartir en mi país frente a mi público.…

9 Dec 08:15 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346759148424.html
Jorge Rial insinuó que Amalia Granata seguía la línea de Hitler y ella lo liquidó: 'chimentero devaluado y nefasto'

La diputada provincial de Santa Fe descargó munición pesada en contra del periodista luego que este ironizara sobre su posición anti abortista. 

9 Dec 09:10 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740451066071041.html
Podemos y Equo acuerdan con Lakua partidas dotadas con 88,9 millones de euros para 2020

Podemos y Equo han acordado con Lakua partidas presupuestarias dotadas con 88,9 millones para 2020, y cr&eacute;ditos de compromiso valorados en 112,6 millon...

9 Dec 11:36 naiz: 7509038604374722455.html
Biserica militară din incinta MApN a fost sfinţită de Patriarhul Daniel

Mai multe detalii pe gândul.info

9 Dec 13:10 Gândul 5586965503917695073.html
Gilets jaunes, réforme des retraites : ce que nous dit la France qui grogne

Les manifestations du 5 décembre sont le témoignage d’un pays inquiet. Elles ne disent pas la vérité, mais à tout le moins une vérité. Comme l’éruption des gilets jaunes exprimait aussi une part de la réalité socio-politique du pays. Le mouvement qui s’infiltre au cœur de l’hiver, par-delà l’épineux dossier des retraites, illustre d’abord la crise sociale de l’Etat français. Ce sont les gros bataillons de la fonction publique qui ont défilé le 5 décembre.

9 Dec 08:20 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230248599051877.html
‘Pay Back The Money’: ANC Calls For Charges Against DA & Former MMC

TSHWANE – The African National Congress (ANC) in Tshwane on Monday said former Roads and Transport MMC Sheila Senkubuge should be charged with electoral fraud and pay back the money she earned while working. The ANC released documents in which former Democratic Alliance (DA) officials claimed Senkubuge was not a South African citizen in 2015 […]

9 Dec 17:48 iAfrica 8834711023433989829.html
Luca Argentero, ladri entrano in casa e rubano il Telegatto: lo sfogo social dell’attore – VIDEO

Luca Argento si è sfogato sul suo profilo Twitter, i ladri sono entrati a casa sua e gli hanno rubato il Telegatto. Ecco cosa ha detto l'attore.

9 Dec 11:26 NewNotizie 1312053896998191072.html
How the De-Aging Process Behind ‘The Irishman’ Worked

Filmed by Martin Scorsese, The Irishman tells the story of Mafia hitman Frank Sheeran and the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.

9 Dec 14:08 The Mac Observer 5087532648130324647.html
Milunović: Zaslužili smo da izborimo proleće u Evropi

Fudbaler Crvene zvezde Nemanja Milunović, pred meč poslednjeg kola Lige šampiona protiv Olimpijakosa, veruje da će crveno-beli polusezonu krunisati evropskim prolećem.

9 Dec 14:50 REPUBLIKA 2543998406241007289.html
Bologna, Sabatini: “Ibrahimovic non giocherà con noi”

L'ex diesse della Roma:

9 Dec 15:54 Forzaroma.info 1065617485697589782.html
Crash "desorbitado" de Tullow (-71%) al cancelar dividendo y recortar producción

La firma británica, especializada en petróleo africano, pierde más del 50% en la Bolsa de Londres  tras el nuevo recorte a su producción en Ghana.

9 Dec 12:47 La Información 5328999782417895477.html
Nova Star Trek usará a Frota Estelar para crítica social, dizem atores na CCXP

Novo programa estreia no Brasil em 24 de janeiro na Amazon Prime Video

9 Dec 15:02 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514212848852034.html
GTFO preview – don’t let the dumb name put you off, this is a clever, hardcore co-op experience

It’s dark. Suddenly you’re trapped in a Matrix-esque pod, deeply disturbing but uncannily organic. You’re thrust forward. Three other encasings like yours meet in the centre of a labyrinthine facility, and, all at once, you’re plummeted into the darkest recesses of The Complex — the Warden has a task for you. GTFO is a survival […]

9 Dec 09:05 VG247 6010161594443955777.html
Sidi Bouzid: les habitants d’El Mkarem en sit-in

Plusieurs habitants des localités “El Mkarem” et “El Mkarem- Est” relevant de la délégation de Sidi Bouzid-Est ont observé, lundi, un sit-in

9 Dec 17:32 African Manager 933752095565440595.html
Luca Argentero, ladri in casa: “Derubato del Telegatto”. Ma Cristina tace

Luca Argentero si sfoga su Twitter affermando di essere stato derubato dai ladri, ma qualcosa non torna.

9 Dec 08:15 DiLei 6707305201791072781.html
Ainda usas Windows 10 Mobile? Em breve vais ter de mudar para Android ou iOS

Se ainda és daqueles que resiste ao Windows 10 Mobile, deves ter em conta que o seu fim de suporte está muito próximo. É já esta terça-feira, 10 de...

9 Dec 14:25 4gnews 1809086879137474445.html
Upala na svadbu u vjenčanici i vikala: "Trebalo je da to budem ja"

Stejsi Oven (29) iz Aberdarea u Velikoj Britaniji uživala je u najljepšem danu u životu, svom vjenčanja, kada je u sekundu pretrnula.

9 Dec 11:39 Nezavisne novine 4209150641309659825.html
Iparraguirre: “Hay mucha voluntad de los argentinos de salir adelante”

El concejal del Frente de Todos, Rogelio Iparraguirre, dialogó con “Tandil Despierta” por la 104.1 Tandil FM y ECO TV y brindó un panorama sobre el tiempo que se inicia en la ciudad, la Provincia y la Nación, a partir de este martes 10 de diciembre con el recambio de autoridades.

9 Dec 13:57 El Eco 4177735525800047841.html
Antje Schippmann ist Managing Editor bei “Welt am Sonntag”

Antje Schippmann, 32, ist ab sofort Managing Editor bei der "Welt am Sonntag". In dieser von Chefredakteur Johannes Boie, 36, neu geschaffenen Funktion wird sie ihn insbesondere bei übergreifenden redaktionellen Themen sowie bei der Blattentwicklung unterstützen.

9 Dec 11:15 MEEDIA 2574484877405515203.html
Morrisons is giving away 125,000 free bags of wonky carrots for Rudolph

Santa's reindeers' traditional Christmas Eve treat

9 Dec 17:16 Entertainment Daily 8392972516686833959.html
'Polisimle tiyatroda buluşuyoruz' projesi kapsamında bir araya geldiler

Mersin Üniversitesi (MEÜ) Tiyatro Topluluğu ile Mersin İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü Toplum Destekli Polislik Şube Müdürlüğü tarafından ortaklaşa gerçekleştirilen 'Polisimle Tiyatroda Buluşuyoruz' isimli proje kapsamında lise son sınıf öğrencilerine yönelik olarak üniversite sınavı öncesi, üniversite ortamını tanıtmak, moral ve motivasyonu arttırmak amacı ile tiyatro gösterimi düzenlendi.

9 Dec 15:56 Bursada Bugün 3693130090988206807.html
Inter-Barça, una historia cruzada

Inter-Barça, Barça-Inter. Es un Clásico del fútbol, más por una historia cruzada de mitos y leyendas que por lo que se ha visto cuando se...

9 Dec 17:27 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958902702499.html
Reciben en el AILA a la pasajera número 4 millones de este año

La empresa Aeropuerto Internacional de Las Americas, Jose Francisco Peña Gomez (AILA-JFPG) recibio este lunes su pasajero numero cuatro millones, estableci

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263367977756.html
Przegląd prasy: Fajerwerki na trybunach i na boisku

Piłkarze Legii zdemontowali zespół Śląska, gospodarze byli bezradni i zasłużenie przegrali 0:3. Oto kilka wybranych tytułów prasowych: Przegląd Sportowy - Zdobyli twierdzę, lekcja pokory dla Śląska; Polska the Times - Fajerwerki na trybunach i boisku; Fakt - Legia rozwaliła twierdzę Wrocław; Gazeta Polska Codziennie - Sylwester we Wrocławiu; Super Express - Legia popsuła święto we Wrocławiu.

9 Dec 09:15 Legia.Net 5687299336271237204.html
16ª edição do Festival ChorandoSemParar homenageia Luiz Gonzaga

Evento começa nesta segunda-feira (9) e segue até domingo (15), em vários locais da cidade. Confira a programação

9 Dec 14:17 ACidade ON 9132734527039523988.html
LOL! Jesse Klaver (al 4 jaar GroenLinks-leider) eist “nieuw leiderschap”… en gaat daarom nog even door als GL-leider

Het is weer eens hilarische PR-speak bij Jesse Klaver. Hij wil verandering en nieuw leiderschap, zegt de GroenLinks-partijleider. En daarom maakt hij geen plaats voor een ander en blijft hij zitten waar hij zit. Ja, dat vinden wij ook grappig. Jesse Klaver kondigt vandaag aan dat hij nog niet klaar is met het zijn van… Jesse Klaver, de Nederlandse Justin Trudeau die met z’n GroenLinks eens even de hele boel gaat opschudden. Jesse Klaver als de belofte van de Nederlandse politiek, die ook altijd wel een belofte zou blijven. Maar zeg dat laatste maar niet te hard, want dan gaan de tienermeisjes die een poster van Der Jesse boven hun bed hebben hangen zachtjes huilen. En dat moeten we nu ook weer niet willen met z’n allen. Hoe dan ook, Jesse wil wél dat er wat verandert. Het leiderschap moet heel nodig nieuw worden. En anders… dan vliegt hij voor straf samen met Rob Jetten de hele wereld rond om nog wat extra CO2 uit te stoten: dát zal ons leren. Dit was namelijk wat Klaver of Facebook plaatste, waar hij aankondigde…

9 Dec 15:00 De Dagelijkse Standaard 6401610058305751499.html
Kanye West debuta ópera pintado de la cabeza a los pies en pintura metálica

El artista presentó su más reciente obra como parte de la clausura del Art Basel en Miami.

9 Dec 14:10 LifeBoxset 2388468994813898114.html
Mujeres arrestadas por cantar 'El violador eres tú' podrían pagar hasta 2 años de cárcel

Este domingo, la policía de Estambul, Turquía, reprimió un grupo de 300 feministas que vitoreaban ese coro que se volvió un himno contra la violencia de género. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 15:46 pulzo.com 8971816786401627104.html
Calviño: "La transición ecológica requerirá de un gran volumen de inversiones"

Antes de partricipar en un evento de la Coalición de Ministros de Finanzas para la Acción Climática, formada por representantes de 51 países con...

9 Dec 15:42 Expansión 4197779423335635999.html
Anunţul lui Kovesi care provoacă fiori în rândul celor care au fraudat fonduri UE: Vom investiga în special frauda împotriva fondurilor

Laura Codruţa Kovesi a anunţat că Parchetul European va fi o structură de investigare a fraudei financiare, &icirc;n special a fraudei &icirc;mpotriva fondurilor europene.

9 Dec 14:09 romaniatv.net 4505369227292846197.html

Pour sa première sortie de la saison en championnat, dans son antre du Stade Aline Diatta, le Casa sport a chuté devant les Rufisquois du TFC sur le score d’un but à zéro.

9 Dec 12:07 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533136228869.html
Directorii din Marea Britanie, cel mai bine plătiți din Europa

Cel mai bine plătiți directori din Europa sunt cei din Marea Britanie, care primesc 2,7 milioane de lire sterline pe an, datorită planurilor generoase de stimulente care sunt din ce în ce mai criticate de acționari, informează publicația britanică Financial Times (FT).

9 Dec 15:00 Profit.ro 5615893766682396020.html
Divion : Jimmy et Clélia se sont unis


9 Dec 11:55 La Voix du Nord 5307415663894039731.html
El Bosc de Can Deu de Sabadell, cinc anys després de les ventades que el van devastar

El temporal de 2014 va provocar dues morts a Terrassa

9 Dec 15:04 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479507095063.html
El PNV azuza a Sánchez: "Cuanto más se alargue esta situación, más se va a complicar la investidura"

El PNV es uno de los partidos que previsiblemente respaldará la investidura de Pedro Sánchez, siempre y cuando logre compromisos del futuro Gobierno en 'el plano social, económico-industrial y territorial'. Así lo ha avanzado el portavoz jeltzale, Aitor E

9 Dec 12:01 Diariocrítico 5375131905825221052.html
Fan amenaza a una árbitro con violarla en la cancha

Una jueza de l&iacute;nea fue amenazada con violarla y golpearla por un aficionado en Espa&ntilde;a

9 Dec 13:39 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623177232004.html
Jury would convict Trump ‘in 3 minutes flat,’ says key lawmaker

The chairman of the US House Judiciary Committee said Sunday that if the impeachment case against President Donald Trump were put to a jury, there "would be a guilty verdict in three minutes flat."

9 Dec 14:03 Nehanda Radio 3802011522679575817.html
Pusha T Reveals He & His Wife Are Expecting 1st Child

He's not hiding this one.

9 Dec 12:00 HipHopDX 6054351961996942676.html
OE2020: Centeno apresenta linhas gerais aos partidos na terça-feira

A proposta de Orçamento do Estado para 2020 vai ser entregue na Assembleia da República na próxima segunda-feira, começando a ser debatida em plenário nos dias 09 e 10 de janeiro.

9 Dec 16:34 SÁBADO 5711459691513896189.html
Czwarty sezon "Domu z papieru" już w kwietniu

Premiera czwartego sezonu "Domu z papieru" odbędzie się w piątek 3 kwietnia 2020 tylko na Netflix.

9 Dec 09:20 Filmweb 809087860836945057.html
Importansya ng DDR pinaramdam ni ‘Tisoy’

NAPAPANAHON na para itatag ang panukalang Department of Disaster Resilience (DDR).

9 Dec 12:45 Abante News Online 7257070571036095586.html
A decade of Physics World breakthroughs: 2014 – landing a spacecraft on a comet

Margaret Harris relives the nerve-wracking moment when the Philae lander touched down on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Physics World's Breakthrough of the Year in 2014

9 Dec 13:16 Physics World 8721234136622931461.html
Cina abolirà computer e software esteri entro il 2022

E' la risposta al sabotaggio Usa verso la tecnologia di Huawei (ANSA)

9 Dec 14:38 ANSA.it 1300837446695213452.html
Jika Ingin Dapat Emas SEA Games 2019, Ini 3 Hal yang Perlu Diperbaiki Timnas Indonesia U-22

Timnas Indonesia U-22 akan menghadapi Vietnam pada partai final sepak bola SEA Games 2019 di Rizal Memorial Stadium, Manila, Selasa malam (10/12/2019).

9 Dec 10:18 Bola.net 5489959029368455993.html
Integrante de facção preso na fronteira é identificado e entregue à PF no Brasil

A Polícia Federal identificou o integrante de facção criminosa preso na quinta-feira (5), em Pedro Juan Caballero, durante ação conjunta da PF em Ponta Porã e da Polícia Nacional do Paraguai. Edson Maradona Maia atuava como “soldado” do PCC e usava documentos falsos em nome do médico douradense Sérgio Ferreira Piccini quando foi localizado. Edson Maradona Maia é apontado como responsável por diver...

9 Dec 16:46 Campo Grande News 7902463002296402498.html
Parceria entre a UFSC e a Nissan testa bateria de carros elétricos para iluminação pública

A iluminação sobre no pátio do Centro de Pesquisa e Capacitação em Energia Solar da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), no Sapiens Park, em Florianópolis, vem de postes que usam baterias usadas do carro elétrico Nissan Leaf. Uma parceria entre a marca e a UFSC está testando uma “segunda vida” para as baterias, que já não servem para os veículos depois de 5 anos de uso.

9 Dec 16:24 NSC Total 4216767907544122475.html
L’Observatori del Món Rural constata una desacceleració del despoblament rural

L'estudi avisa que la població segueix envellint

9 Dec 11:15 El Punt Avui 4496725671556304414.html
Knight-K1 de Pado, un boitier qui peut quand même recevoir du watercooling

Il y a quelques jours, nous parlions du boitier darkFlash Knight, un modèle ATX qui envoie du lourd niveau design. Et si le bo..., actualité 69928

9 Dec 09:20 Cowcotland 6610786360160845863.html
Sanna Marin é a primeira-ministra mais jovem da história da Finlândia

Tem 34 anos e vai encabeçar uma coligação de centro-esquerda composta por cinco partidos, todos liderados por mulheres - duas chefes de partido são ainda mais jovens que Marin.

9 Dec 16:14 euronews 5294993273746409804.html
Top 7: Termina su ausencia en el escenario

Hace unos años decidieron decir adiós a todos sus fans, pero como nunca dijeron “hasta nunca”

9 Dec 15:43 Excélsior 859179359733337193.html
ASSA ABLOY AB/S (OTCMKTS:ASAZY) Receives Average Recommendation of “Hold” from Brokerages

ASSA ABLOY AB/S (OTCMKTS:ASAZY) has received an average rating of “Hold” from the seven analysts that are presently covering the stock, MarketBeat reports. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, five have assigned a hold rating and one has issued a buy rating on the company. The average 1 year target […]

9 Dec 09:49 The Cerbat Gem 3142837109479146276.html
El sínodo de la amazonía, documento final

El clamor de muchos pueblos por la agonía de la Amazonia impulsó un Sínodo para responder a una tragedia planetaria.

9 Dec 11:18 MiMorelia 5599511489813947322.html
Destaca Pemex aumento de producción y generación de reservas

Octavio Romero Oropeza, director general de Petróleos Mexicanos, resaltó que el día de hoy se detuvo la caída los niveles de producción; al 31 de diciembre se prevé llegar al millón 778 mil barriles

9 Dec 15:07 La Razón 7608060636805497870.html
Zoff: "E' sempre la Juve la favorita per il titolo, ma l'Inter ha fatto un grande passo con Conte"

"La Juventus ha vinto con Allegri e con Conte. Nello sport l'importante è la vittoria e la Juve ha tutte le carte in regola per arrivarci perché ha una rosa stratosferica....

9 Dec 17:38 FcInterNews.it 7848284892077896705.html
Marko explains why Red Bull didn't reach target of five wins in 2019

After initially targeting five wins for the 2019 F1 season for his team Aston Martin Red Bull Racing, advisor Dr Helmut Marko explained why the side hasn't reached this objective, as Max Verstappen took three victories for the Bulls.

9 Dec 16:07 GPblog.com 9117728199205009038.html
Planta care ar putea vindeca orice boală, mai puțin moartea. Este menționată chiar și în Biblie

Aceasta planta este mentionata atat in Biblie, cat si un Coran. Se spune ca ar ajuta la vindecarea oricarei boali, mai putin moartea.

9 Dec 10:22 www.antena3.ro 6332542758357297667.html
Dos adultos y un menor, los primeros quemados con pólvora en Boyacá

Los casos se registraron en Paipa y Busbanzá en Boyacá.

9 Dec 15:11 W Radio 7724358829573490331.html
Bakanlık duyurdu: Gri kategoride aranan Erdal Tekay etkisiz hale getirildi

Son dakika haberi...İçişleri Bakanlığı, "Muş kırsalındaki operasyonda etkisiz hale getirilen 5 teröristten birinin gri kategoride aranan Erdal Tekay olduğu tespit edildi." açıklamasını yaptı.

9 Dec 10:35 A Haber 6599891596614451152.html
Prison pour l'arnaque du SDF au grand cœur

Devenue virale en novembre 2017, l'histoire d'une jeune femme et d'un SDF au grand cœur était en fait un piège pour pousser les internautes à faire des dons.

9 Dec 12:37 L'essentiel 554828746212618158.html
Windows 10 v1909: Would Microsoft Deliver More Easy-to-Install Updates Like the November 2019 Update?

Windows 10 Version 1909: Would Microsoft Deliver More Easy-to-Install Service Pack-Like Updates Like the November 2019 Update?

9 Dec 16:14 Wccftech 3677959677683049868.html
Milanović in Škoro vse bližje Grabar-Kitarovićevi

Hrvaška predsednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović je v javnomnenjskih raziskavah na prvem mestu med enajstimi kandidati na skorajšnjih predsedniških volitvah, a je ostala brez prepričljive prednosti pred prvima zasledovalcema, kaže redna mesečna raziskava. Za vrat ji dihata bivši hrvaški premier Zoran Milanović ter podjetnik in pevec Miroslav Škoro.

9 Dec 11:45 Dnevnik 7671546648656996368.html
Let 2020 be the year you get the operation you need

Explore the three routes of care available through Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre

9 Dec 09:09 DevonLive 2469244512018937577.html
Las abuelas orcas viven más para ayudar a los nietos, según estudio

Las "ballenas asesinas", u orcas, comparten con los humanos la supervivencia de las abuelas mucho tiempo después de la menopausia, una característica de pocos mamíferos que mejora las perspectivas de los nietos, según un estudio que publica este lunes 9 de diciembre del 2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

9 Dec 16:53 El Comercio 2865024640466468313.html
Los Prisioneros ‘se unieron al baile’ y mandaron un mensaje a manifestantes del paro nacional

A ritmo de ‘El baile de los que sobran’, mostraron su respaldo a quienes protestan y aplaudieron expresiones como Un canto por Colombia

9 Dec 15:12 Noticias Caracol 4063533508932970482.html
A look at why Martha’s Vineyard is a popular vacation spot for blacks after the Obamas spent $11.75M on a house

It seems the Obamas can’t get enough of Martha’s Vineyard and have decided to become permanent residents of the plush and historic Massachusetts island. According to the Vineyard Gazette, the former president of the United States and his wife purchased an almost 30-acre vacation home in the Edgartown neighborhood on December 4. They had to...

9 Dec 13:30 Face2Face Africa 5878198129533478957.html
La Russie, empêtrée dans des scandales de dopage, exclue des JO

MOSCOU (Reuters) - La Russie a été exclue lundi des Jeux olympiques et des championnats du monde dans plusieurs disciplines pour une durée de quatre ans, une peine sanctionnant les pratiques frauduleuses constatées dans ses laboratoires d'analyse, a annoncé un porte-parole de l'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA).

9 Dec 12:58 Boursier.com 7351227821958432437.html
Frau spendet 20 Liter Muttermilch – weil Baby-Tochter nicht trinken wollte

Eigentlich wollte Gina Mitchell ihre Baby-Tochter daran gewöhnen, ihre Muttermilch auch aus der Flasche zu trinken. Doch das kleine Mädchen wollte partout nicht aus dem Gefäß trinken. Da spendete Gina ihre eingefrorene Muttermilch für fremde Babys.

9 Dec 16:12 BUNTE.de 2017976499386701673.html
La future Playstation 5 de SONY aura un cycle de vie plus court que la PS4

Normalement, une console de jeux propose un cycle de vie de 7 à 10 ans. Mais voilà, il semble que le marché du jeu-vidéo soit ..., actualité 69923

9 Dec 08:19 Cowcotland 6610786360173983891.html
Morreu Paul Volcker, ex-presidente da Fed e grande inimigo da inflação

O ex-presidente da Reserva Federal dos Estados Unidos, Paul Volcker, que levou a cabo uma forte subida das taxas de juro para controlar a inflação na década de 1980, morreu aos 92 anos, informou esta segunda-feira a família.

9 Dec 15:57 JN 6956494304312743394.html
Martyno Mažvydo premija paskirta Živilei Nedzinskaitei ir Dariui Antanavičiui


9 Dec 16:19 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887587857601893.html
OVAJ ČOVEK JE "IZDAO" RUSIJU: Učestvovao u dopingovanju sportista, a onda zbrisao u Ameriku i promenio lični opis VIDEO

Rus koji je prebegao u Ameriku Grigori Rodčenkov glavni je krivac za suspenziju, koju je WADA izrekla svim sportistima iz njegove zemlje.

9 Dec 16:41 kurir.rs 6515665027519074838.html
Cum își pot pierde credibilitatea jurnaliștii de la Bruxelles

Nu este oare legitim să ne întrebăm dacă nu cumva articolele favorabile instituțiilor UE sunt un mod al ziaristului de a-și asigura o viitoare carieră bine plătită de birocrat la Bruxelles?

9 Dec 14:11 Cotidianul 8452212682482924510.html
flowkey, la mejor aplicación para tocar el piano, ahora está en español

A la hora de tocar instrumentos, nuestro smartphone puede ser un gran aliado, bien para ver los acordes que tenemos que tocar a continuación, o bien para a

9 Dec 09:13 Andro4all 8652186059694640078.html
Certificati, da Banca Imi 22 nuovi “Cash Collect Protetto”

Banca IMI introduce una novità tra i certificati di investimento grazie a 22 nuovi Cash Collect Protetto che saranno quotati su Borsa Italiana.

9 Dec 15:03 bluerating 6922469336410447818.html
La AMA castigó al deporte ruso con 4 años fuera de competencias

La Agencia Mundial Antidopaje determinó la medida por manipular la base de datos deportivos del Laboratorio de Moscú. No podrán participar de Tokio 2020 y Qatar 2022.

9 Dec 13:17 Publimetro Perú 5349571043234343697.html
Aplican multa de $ 9.176 a padre y abuela paterna por impedir el contacto de dos niñas con la madre

El tribunal de Arroyito pidió a las partes que entiendan que las únicas “víctimas o perjudicadas” por la posición en que se encuentran son las niñas.

9 Dec 14:19 La Voz 6237180761294956620.html
Em 21 dias, quase 100 mil passageiros devem passar pelo Aeroporto da Capital

Neste período de alta temporada, entre os dias 16 de dezembro e 5 de janeiro de 2020, cerca de 99,4 mil passageiros devem passar pelo Aeroporto Internacional de Campo Grande. Este número representa um aumento de 0,5% em relação ao mesmo período do ano passado, quando 98, 9 mil passaram pelo terminal. Segundo informações divulgadas pela assessoria de imprensa do Aeroporto, neste mesmo período serão...

9 Dec 17:38 Campo Grande News 7902463002589242954.html
BREAKING - Rusia a fost EXCLUSĂ de la Jocurile Olimpice și Campionatul Mondial de Fotbal

Agenția Mondială Anti-Doping (WADA) a decis suspendarea tututor sportivilor din Rusia pentru o perioadă de 4 ani, ca urmare a scandalului...

9 Dec 13:00 Stiri pe surse 4858045012745628527.html
Windows 10 Mobile, dal 10 dicembre cala il sipario. La fine di un’epoca in Microsoft

Da domani (martedì 10 dicembre) Windows 10 Mobile smetterà di essere supportato. Finisce così un’era di investimenti, speranze e cocenti delusioni in Microsoft. Il futuro si chiama Android e Surface Duo

9 Dec 10:50 DDay.it 3262344772424601543.html
One Of The Last Battle Of Britain Pilots Dies Aged 101

Following the passing of Flt Lt Maurice ­Mounsdon, the number of heroes left who fought in the historic air battles is just three

9 Dec 08:38 UNILAD 6373328987380471522.html
Liberan a una niña que estuvo secuestrada 8 años en Polonia por su propia madre

Ocultó a su hija con constantes cambios de domicilio y la tenía sin escolarizar. El padre de la menor afirma desde Mallorca: «Estamos muy felices».

9 Dec 15:03 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613330345186.html
Aviation sans CO2 : oublions l'avion électrique, la solution est ailleurs, dit Safran

Pour le groupe aéronautique, l'objectif de baisse des émissions de 50% en 2050 par rapport à 2005 (malgré la hausse du trafic) est atteignable. Mais sa réalisation ne passera pas par des avions 100% électriques, mais par la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs : l'entrée en service vers 2035 de nouveaux avions ultra-efficaces à moteurs thermiques, la généralisation des carburants alternatifs associant des biocarburants et des carburants synthétiques, et l'amélioration de la gestion des opérations. Pour autant, les obstacles sont nombreux.

9 Dec 08:51 La Tribune 6570267673169130802.html
Scontro tra due tram, sale a 14 il bilancio dei feriti

Scontro tra due tram pochi minuti fa, lunedì 9 dicembre 2019 a Torino. L'incidente è accaduto all'angolo tra corso Tassoni e piazza Bernini.

9 Dec 15:08 La Nuova Periferia 1387373625917174341.html
50 Davis-Punkte bei Lakers-Sieg

Mit einer persönlichen Saisonbestleistung von 50 Punkten hat Anthony Davies seine LA Lakers am Sonntag in der National Basketball Association (NBA) zu einem 142:125-Sieg über die Minnesota Timberwolves geführt. LeBron James steuerte weitere 32 Zähler bei, es war der 21. Erfolg im 24. Saisonspiel der Lakers, die die Liga mit einer Siegquote von 87,5 Prozent anführen.

9 Dec 10:11 NÖN.at 2486998931836010633.html
Novia de Keanu Reeves explica el por qué se niega a teñir su cabello

Alexandra Grant llama la atención porque lleva su cabello cano, sin una gota de tinte. La novia de Kenau Reeves luce una cabellera platinada, con [...]

9 Dec 17:16 LaBotana 7949038499702011553.html
Maddie McCann: Polizist sollte die Vermisste finden – nun kommt raus, dass er...

Der Polizist Paulo Pereira Cristovão (51) sollte die vermisste Maddie McCann finden.

9 Dec 16:43 www.derwesten.de 5765995665975364190.html
Bus uždaryta Polocko gatvė: keisis eismo organizavimas

SĮ „Susisiekimo paslaugos“ informuoja, kad gruodžio 10–11 d. dėl šilumos tinklų renovacijos darbų Polocko g. 26 bus draudžiamas transporto eismas Polocko gatvėje. Darbų zoną apvažiuoti bus galima Maironio, Subačiaus, Drujos ir Olandų gatvėmis. Dėl šių ribojimų taip pat keisis 11 autobusų maršruto trasa. Autobusai kursuodami link Užupio iki stotelės Dailės...

9 Dec 12:19 Made in vilnius 1649469113885486710.html
Índia Malhoa prepara regresso ao mundo da música

A jovem Índia Malhoa prepara-se para voltar ao mundo da música com novo tema. A novidade foi revelada pelo avô e cantor José Malhoa.

9 Dec 13:00 N-TV 4368043450791070518.html
Kaia Gerber’s Hair Makeover: Model Chops Off Locks Into Her Shortest Bob Yet – Before & After Pics

Kaia Gerber chopped her hair even shorter when she debuted a new bob haircut on Dec. 8.

9 Dec 15:45 Hollywood Life 1852895047188966367.html
Lasocki złoży zawiadomienie do prokuratury na Trzaskowskiego! Chodzi o poświadczenia nieprawdy ws. wydatków na LGBT

"Złożę zawiadomienie do prokuratury o poświadczeniu nieprawdy przez prezydenta Rafała Trzaskowskiego. Choć odpowiedź na interpelację przygotowują urzędnicy, to jednak prezydent to firmuje" - zapowiedział radny Lasocki.

9 Dec 14:00 wPolityce.pl 7847312539027187006.html
Suudiler'den petrolde şaşırtan hamle

OPEC ve OPEC dışı ülkeler toplantısında Suudi Arabistan şaşırttı. Suudi Arabistan liderliğindeki 14 OPEC üyesi ve Rusya önderliğindeki 10 OPEC dışı petrol üreticisi ülke toplam ham petrol üretimlerini günlük 500 bin varil daha azaltma kararı aldı. Toplantıdan en karlı çıkan ülke ise Rusya oldu. Rusya'nın ürettiği kondensat türü petrol artık ham petrol üretim kotasında sayılmayacak.

9 Dec 13:28 Yeni Şafak 1729259405782091271.html
"6 Underground" z Ryanem Reynoldsem już w ten piątek. Zobacz zwiastun filmu Netflixa

Zobacz najnowszy zwiastun filmu Michaela Baya, który już 13 grudnia zadebiutuje na Netflixie.

9 Dec 15:33 film.dziennik.pl 2806905255234653530.html
iDNES.cz Ticket

Srdečně Vás zveme na jedinečné koncerty oblíbené slovenské kapely Kollárovci!Hudebně zábavná show, v níž vynikající zpěvy a nádherná muzika nenechají nikoho sedět na židli. Přijďte i vy zažít fantastickou atmosféru s kapelou Kollárovci!https://kollarovci.sk/

9 Dec 11:31 iDNES.cz 6862691483849719638.html
Veja dicas para montar a decoração natalina com segurança

Foto: Carolina Hezza/DivulgaçãoEquatorialPiauí Com a proximidade do período natalino muitas famílias se preparam para dar aquele toque especial nas residências e festas de confraternização. As ruas e avenidas também ganham enfeites luminosos e adereços para celebrar a época mais esperada do ano. Para que esses momentos sejam plenos de alegria e segurança, a Equatorial Piauí orienta sobre os cuidados necessários na hora de montar a decoração de Natal ou de réveillon utilizando energia elétrica, como pisca-piscas, além de outros acessórios.A atenção deve iniciar na hora da compra dos materiais que irão compor a decoração e deve continuar até a instalação para evitar acidentes. É essencial que os produtos luminosos sejam de qualidade e tenham o selo de certificação do Inmetro (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia) e adquiridos no comércio especializado de materiais elétricos.“É muito importante que esses materiais sejam de qualidade, pensando principalmente na segurança, e lembrar que a maioria…

9 Dec 14:13 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420711861736.html
ING sufre una caída de servicio generalizada en su aplicación y en la web

Tal y como asegura la entidad, los pagos con tarjetas sí que funcionan correctamente

9 Dec 15:27 La Voz de Galicia 3932226613740257503.html
7,3 milliards USD d’échanges commerciaux entre le Ghana et la Chine

Les échanges commerciaux entre le Ghana et la Chine, le géant économique asiatique, ont atteint 7,3 milliards de dollars, faisant du Ghana le 7ème plus grand partenaire commercial de la Chine en Afrique en 2018.L’ambassadeur de Chine au Ghana, Shi Ting Wang, a fait cette annonce, lundi à Accra, lors du lancement des nouveaux véhicules […]

9 Dec 16:18 Journal de Brazza 8990092585894739313.html
3 Italia: attivate l’offerta da 100 giga prima che sia troppo tardi

3 italia, l'offerta All-In 100 Super è sicuramente una delle migliori occasioni per gli utenti per risparmiare e godere di un bundle quasi infinito.

9 Dec 11:30 tecnoandroid 2573257126294877051.html
Ovo će obradovati navijače Intera, najbolje moguće vesti iz Barselone!

Ovo dođe kao Božićni poklon za Kontea i njegov tim...

9 Dec 09:29 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496247829924.html
ULTIMA ORĂ /// Șeful Procuraturii Anticorupție, Viorel Morari a fost SUSPENDAT din funcție

Șeful Procuraturii Anticorupție, Viorel Morari, a fost suspendat din funcție în legătură cu efectuarea unui control special, efectuat prin dispoziția procurorului general, Alexandr...

9 Dec 11:04 Timpul.md 1177122105285586826.html
Prezydent: konkurs dla startupów zwiększy możliwości ich otwarcia na rynki zagraniczne

- Ten konkurs ma dać młodym firmom większe możliwości otwarcia na rynki zagraniczne i rozwój - powiedział prezydent Andrzej Duda podczas wręczenia wyróżnień polskim firmom technologicznym w ramach konkursu "Startupy w Pałacu_Ekspansja".

9 Dec 15:08 Polskie Radio 2539990555941346637.html
Aivali: A Story of Greeks and Turks in 1922 by Soloup review – a moving graphic novel

The traumas of the Turks and Greeks forced to flee their homes a century ago are drawn with moving simplicity and speak clearly to today’s refugee crisis

9 Dec 12:14 the Guardian 1491978796166665339.html
'Dolor y gloria', de Pedro Almodóvar, y Antonio Banderas, nominados a los Globos de Oro

Lista completa de candidatos a los premios de la 77ª edición, que tendrá lugar en la madrugada del 5 al 6 de enero y vivirá el regreso de Ricky Gervais como presentador

9 Dec 15:55 Hola.com 2035212431763566450.html
«L’ultima occasione di Carrie Lam»

Domenica a Hong Kong c'è stata la più grande protesta degli ultimi mesi, presentata come un ultimatum al governo

9 Dec 08:58 Il Post 6291746505139970443.html
The Neal Morse Band to release The Great Adventour: Live in Brno 2019

The Neal Morse Band re-sign with InsideOut Music to release their new album The The Great Adventour: Live in Brno 2019

9 Dec 14:00 Prog 2174237038628272796.html
Benefit claimants hit out at 'patronising' £10 Christmas bonus that hasn't gone up for 40 years

Those on benefits who qualify for the annual bonus launch savage attack on scheme and say they'd rather be left in peace than have the stress of a DWP envelope dropping through the letterbox

9 Dec 10:30 birminghammail 8288260685817293203.html
Abren camino para que juez sentencie a ex líder del cártel de Juárez

Un tribunal colegiado rechazó otorgar un amparo al líder del cártel de Juárez, Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, “El Viceroy”, quien impugnó la decisión […]

9 Dec 15:48 Notisistema 1929539243634513694.html
Šestoro se iživljavalo na migrantima: Radile palice i noževi pre nego što su ih opljačkali i pobegli!

Šest osoba u okolini Bujanovca napalo je juče oko 15 sati noževima i drvenim palicama devet migranata iz Avganistana.

9 Dec 10:04 REPUBLIKA 2543998404641823777.html
Just less than 100, 000 Nigerians are sympathetic to Sowore—Adesina

FEMI Adesina, Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the President, Monday says less than 100, 000 Nigerians are actually concerned about continuous detention of Omoyele Sowore, Publisher of Sahara Reporters, contrary to popular believe that Nigerians are dissatisfied with actions of the Federal Government and the Department of State Security (DSS).

9 Dec 13:34 The ICIR 2244788521642315431.html
Cutremur în Florenţa. Ce magnitudine a avut seismul

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea de 4,8 grade s-a produs luni dimineaţă în Florenţa, afectând mersul trenurilor, mai multe călătorii fiind amânate sau în întârziere în mai multe părţi din Italia, relatează site-ul agenţiei Reuters, transmite digi24.ro.Seismul

9 Dec 11:20 PUBLIKA 1679939813561686524.html
La Izquierda Diario supera las 4.000.000 de visitas desde el inicio de la rebelión en Chile

Crece la voz de las y los trabajadores, mujeres, estudiantes y juventud desde que “Chile despertó” el pasado 18 de octubre. Mientras los grandes medios empresariales mienten y ocultan la verdadera realidad de millones, somos cientos los que seguimos construyendo un diario al servicio de las luchas sociales y de las grandes mayorías. Un diario que se proponga levantar un partido de las y los trabajadores, que no le deba nada a este régimen heredado de la dictadura y esté con todo junto al pueblo trabajador y sus urgentes necesidades.

9 Dec 11:00 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557629957303776.html
TV guide: 18 of the best shows to watch this week

Up close with Ireland's street artists, plus playing with Gadafy, Trump’s mum, the Irish Rich List, and the uplifting life of an Irish undertaker

9 Dec 08:27 The Irish Times 8204772968422696061.html
Esta es la razón por la que no te caes de la cama al dormir

Los niños suelen caerse de la cama, pero los adultos no. He aquí una explicación

9 Dec 12:20 ATV.pe 8560155075680920501.html
SNCF, RATP, Air France... Très fortes perturbations dans les transports mardi

Mardi 10 décembre s'annonce comme une journée noire dans les transports en France et à Paris, où les services de trains, métros et avions seront fortement pertu

9 Dec 16:47 Challenges 1086714997769124087.html
Van de Beek, sobre su fichaje por el Real Madrid: "Hay cosas más importantes"

El jugador del Ajax evitó preguntas sobre el conjunto blanco en la previa de la Champions ante el Valencia

9 Dec 16:03 Cadena SER 8390941984808485647.html
ATV rider plummets 150 feet

UPDATE 6 p.m. The Penticton Fire Department has successfully rescued the rider from the bottom of the embankment.

9 Dec 17:58 Castanet 616068601858792109.html
Presidente Piñera sube tres puntos y llega a un 13% de aprobación en encuesta Cadem

La desaprobación, en tanto, llegó a un 77% bajando cuatro puntos porcentuales en comparación con la medición anterior.

9 Dec 09:35 24Horas.cl 793283385544776739.html
Kelowna's most wanted - Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is asking the public’s assistance in locating the following female who is wanted on a province-wide warrant in effect as of December 9, 2019.

9 Dec 10:00 Castanet 616068601439929091.html
El primer tráiler de Ghostbusters: Afterlife ya está aquí

Sony Pictures ha liberado el primer tráiler de Ghostbuster: Afterlife, cinta que se desarrolla 30 años después que Ghostbuster II.

9 Dec 14:30 Atomix 6373322943544508640.html
Marsch-Plan: So wollen „Bullen“ Liverpool schlagen

Die Ausgangslage ist klar: Bei einem Sieg gegen Liverpool am Dienstag ist Red Bull Salzburg im Achtelfinale der Champions League, bei einem Remis ...

9 Dec 15:36 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093270289239.html
Casi un año y medio después, Fortnite llegará por fin a Google Play Store

Fortnite para Android se podrá descargar pronto en Google Play: fuentes cercanas a la compañía aseguran que Epic Games planea dar marcha atrás.

9 Dec 16:45 Andro4all 8652186060109684333.html
¿Resident Evil 3 Remake o Resident Evil 8? Esto fue lo que opinasteis

¿Resident Evil 3 Remake o Resident Evil 8? Hace unas semanas os hicimos esta encuesta y ya sabemos lo que opinasteis. Los dos juegos son de lo más deseado por los fans de la saga, aunque solo uno ha conseguido conquistar a la mayoría de vosotros. Por un lado, el lanzamiento de Resident Evil 3 Remake parece inminente. Todo apunta a que el nuevo remake que prepara Capcom estará en el próximo episodio de State of Play, previsto para mañana. Pero, por otro lado, los fans de la saga siguen queriendo saber cómo continúa; especialmente después del final de Resident Evil 7 y de saber qué le ocurrió a la Familia Baker.

9 Dec 12:55 SomosXbox 4635940034135970398.html
Silvio Santos não aceita vitória de mulher negra em competição e internet o acusa de racismo

Na noite deste domingo (8), Silvio Santos protagonizou mais uma polêmica ao mudar o resultado de uma competição musical em seu programa, impedindo uma mulher negra de vencê-lo. Mesmo com o placar apontando vitória a Jennyfer Oliver, Silvio não gostou do resultado e optou por outra competidora branca. No quadro, diversas candidatas se apresentaram com...

9 Dec 17:58 Alagoas 24 Horas 6090089011505430119.html
Makes para o Réveillon: 15 ideias com as trends do momento para usar na virada

Já pensou na maquiagem de Réveillon? Que tal conferir algumas inspirações direto do backstage das semanas de moda e do street style das fashion weeks? Nós reunimos 15 ideias de makes iluminadas, color...

9 Dec 09:27 Purepeople 5674914089619244953.html
(Leak) Acabou de chegar a primeira imagem real do Samsung Galaxy S11

Estamos em Dezembro, ou seja... Já cheira a um novo smartphone topo de gama Samsung Galaxy S! Que claro está, deverá ser lançado no próximo mês de

9 Dec 17:58 Leak 8782954486408434656.html
Justiça mantém prisão preventiva de Edson Brittes

Foto: Reprodução/Facebook A justiça negou o pedido de revogação da prisão preventiva do empresário que confessou ter matado o jogador Daniel, em outubro do ano passado, na Grande Curitiba. A juíza …

9 Dec 12:28 Band News FM Curitiba 996218258292329849.html
Za sada deluje kao da nam se zima "pokvarila": Meteorolozi otkrivaju da li će biti snega za NOVU GODINU

U Srbiji ni do kraja meseca, osim na planinama, neće biti snega, kažu meteorolozi. Prema njihovim rečima, danas će temperature u pojedinim delovima zemlje dostizati čak 17 stepeni, dok se od srede očekuje blago zahlađenje, sa temperaturama do sedam stepeni

9 Dec 11:33 REPUBLIKA 2543998406221481329.html
Petrol price hits Rs 75 per litre-mark, diesel crosses Rs 66

India Business News: Petrol price on Monday hit Rs 75 a litre mark for the first time in more than a year & diesel price crossed Rs 66 a litre mark in the national capital

9 Dec 11:03 The Times of India 6060938663524478672.html
Señalan a hombre de matar de una puñalada en el corazón a su expareja, en Soledad

El caso se registró en el barrio Nuevo Milenio. El hombre registra dos heridas en abdomen y tórax. Su estado de salud es delicado. Ambos son venezolanos....

9 Dec 12:30 El Heraldo 8273144985476398542.html
Moro é aprovado por 53% dos brasileiros, aponta pesquisa Datafolha

Pesquisa Datafolha divulgada nesta segunda-feira, 9, indica que o ministro da Justiça, Sérgio Moro é conhecido por 93% dos brasileiros e aprovado p

9 Dec 11:34 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060724241002.html
Bitcoin Price Shows ‘Uncanny Resemblance’ to 2018 Breakout Pattern

BTC has hovered between bullish and bearish attitudes. But one chart analyst sees a possible scenario, as the bitcoin price action in the past months

9 Dec 12:51 Bitcoinist.com 1696346937114576236.html
#VIDEO Iris Varela: Jamás le he dado ni le daré beligerancia a grupos criminales

La ministra del Poder Popular para el Servicio Penitenciario designada por el régimen chavista desde el año 2011, Iris Varela, aseguró a través de una entrevista para Globovisión que ella jamás ha dado beligerancia a prisioneros.

9 Dec 15:47 El Impulso 879547506761350396.html
Vier Spiele: Testspiel-Fahrplan vor EURO steht für ÖFB-Nationalteam fest

Gegen Wales (27. März), Türkei (30. März), England (2.Juni) und Tschechien (7. Juni) bereitet sich das ÖFB-Nationalteam auf die Europameisterschaft 2020 vor.

9 Dec 12:22 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150700307502725.html
Filistinli Hristiyanlar Noel kutlamalarına başladılar

Phantina Sholi Noel kutlamaları Aralık ayının gelişiyle beraber başta Ramallah ve Hz. İsa'nın doğum yeri olan Beytüllahim olmak üzere tüm Filistin’de başladı. 30 Kasım gecesi dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen Hristiyanlar Doğuş Meydanı’nda toplanıp No

9 Dec 14:45 ŞARKUL AVSAT 7659933533646634.html
Cronología de Rusia y el dopaje: un escándalo que dura cinco años

Hace cinco años y seis días comenzaron las acusaciones hacia el laboratorio de Moscú y la manipulación de muestras de análisis de deportistas rusos en ese centro, en el que también habría colaborado el Servicio Federal de Seguridad ruso, el antiguo KGB tanto en el centro de la capital como en el Laboratorio de Sochi, donde se celebraron los Juegos de Invierno de 2014.

9 Dec 11:09 MARCA 5656811533360412125.html
Biophytis : analyse préliminaire de l'étude SARAOBS

Biophytis annonce le dépôt d'une demande d'Investigational New Drug (IND) auprès de la US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), qui si elle était...

9 Dec 08:57 Boursier.com 7351227821922110507.html
Define ararken jandarmaya yakalandı

Konya'nın Bozkır ilçesinde kaçak kazı yapan bir kişi jandarma ekiplerince suçüstü yakalandı.

9 Dec 17:00 Bursada Bugün 3693130092310661390.html
Polícia descarta mais sobreviventes de erupção na Nova Zelândia

De acordo com balanço, não há informações sobre pelo menos 20 turistas

9 Dec 10:22 Correio do Povo 8875535434950751581.html
'Historia de un matrimonio' i Netflix dominen les nominacions dels Globus d'Or

'Dolor y gloria' nominada com a millor pel·lícula estrangera i Antonio Banderas com a millor actor

9 Dec 13:49 Ara.cat 6070605019908734418.html
eFootball PES 2020 Data Pack 3.0 is now available for download

Konami has released a brand new Data Pack for eFootball PES 2020 that adds new stadium updates, new National kits, player faces and other in-game content.

9 Dec 11:50 DSOGaming 1253419763596279177.html
Cadeiras, televisões, vidros, banheiros: a destruição do Mineirão no jogo que selou a queda do Cruzeiro

Minas Arena abriu as portas do estádio para a imprensa observar os danos

9 Dec 14:08 Superesportes 5498560373800244152.html
'Star Wars': Kathleen Kennedy explica por qué Colin Trevorrow no hizo 'El ascenso de Skywalker'

La presidenta, Kathleen Kennedy, explica la razón por la que el director fue desvinculado del proyecto y sustituido por J.J. Abrams.

9 Dec 16:55 eCartelera 2539779479839124857.html
Greenpeace y cierre de centrales a carbón: Medida garantiza “envenenamientos por otros 20 años”

“Creemos que la pregunta que debe hacerse, dado el tamaño de la emergencia climática que vive el país, es si es que acaso éste es el anuncio de verdadera ambición medioambiental con el que el gobierno responde a la tragedia que miles de chilenos sufren hoy en las zonas de sacrificio”, dijo desde Mad

9 Dec 16:31 La Nación 6855788057571766497.html
Teatro sotto l’Albero, agevolazioni sugli spettacoli da regalare a Natale

Il Teatro Vittorio Emanuele intende promuove diversi spettacoli durante il periodo natalizio con il pacchetto "Il Teatro sotto l'Albero"

9 Dec 12:52 Tempostretto 3143171744809624204.html
SEA Games 2019: Emilia Nova Sumbang Medali Emas ke-70 bagi Indonesia

Emilia Nova mempersembahkan medali emas nomor lari gawang 100 meter SEA Games 2019.

9 Dec 17:52 Bola.com 1695722603603421073.html
Finlandia: la primera ministra, Sanna Marin es “La más joven del mundo” se encargara del nuevo gobierno

Finlandia encontró este domingo mujeres menores de 35 años que se encargarán del nuevo gobierno  para salir de la crisis política que la ha sacudido en

9 Dec 08:34 El Siglo 7954754735550695145.html
La OCDE prevé signos de empeoramiento económico en España

La organización avanza una ralentización del crecimiento económico a medio plazo, con unos nueve meses de antelación

9 Dec 11:44 elPeriodico 7291954033056177438.html
É cliente Vodafone? Aproveitem a oferta de Natal de 10GB de Internet

Com o aproximar do Natal, são várias as empresas que têm vindo a lançar campanhas. E sendo o Natal sinónimo de presentes, a Vodafone tem já pronto o "miminho" deste ano.

9 Dec 17:00 Pplware 5187268353027843959.html
Požar u Beogradu lokalizovan, nema povređenih

BEOGRAD - U naselju Voždovac u Beogradu oko 13.10 sati izbio je požar koji je lokalizovan, rečeno je Tanjugu u MUP-u Srbije. Interevnecija je još u toku,

9 Dec 14:36 Krstarica 4176903988604766480.html
El CGPJ cumple un año con su renovación bloqueada por la parálisis de la política

El clima parlamentario augura complicadas negociaciones, aunque PSOE y PP suman casi los tres quintos exigidos para elegir nuevos vocales.

9 Dec 09:39 La Información 5328999782502130884.html
Reforç al metro i bus llançadora, les alternatives als talls a Rodalies al Nadal per les obres de Glòries

La circulació de trens a les línies R3, R4 i R12 quedarà interrompuda entre Arc de Triomf i Sant Andreu entre el 21 de desembre i el 5 de gener

9 Dec 10:54 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878478840420720.html
La estrella de los robots aspirador iRobot Roomba 671 ahora cuesta 160€ menos

Olvídate de limpiar tu suelo todos los días con esta iRobot Roomba 671 que puedes programar o controlar desde tu móvil ahora en una increíble oferta en Amazon.

9 Dec 13:00 ComputerHoy 3644302763700005773.html
‘Akali-gangster link’: CM says guilty won’t be spared

‘Evidence was serious and required a full-fledged probe; Governor apprised’

9 Dec 17:43 The Hindu 6679535025032908698.html
Canonical bascule son noyau Linux pour AWS en « rolling kernel »

Les utilisateurs d’Ubuntu 18.04 dans les Amazon Web Services doivent se préparer pour un changement important sur le noyau du système.

9 Dec 10:05 Next INpact 808704268722170435.html
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy will perform 2 shows at Tampa’s Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in 2020

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy will be performing two standup shows at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa in 2020.

9 Dec 14:30 ABC Action News - WFTS - Tampa Bay 5911730202916793283.html
Finlândia terá a primeira-ministra mais jovem do mundo

TALLINN, 9 DEZ (ANSA) - Com apenas 34 anos, a finlandesa Sanna Marin se tornará a mais jov...

9 Dec 17:36 UOL Noticias 8892198861056689409.html
Principingas WADA sprendimas: Rusijai – ketverių metų diskvalifikacija


9 Dec 13:14 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887585989534287.html
Uccide la moglie e si toglie la vita. Dramma a La Spezia

Ha ucciso la moglie e poi si è tolto la vita. E' successo in centro a La Spezia. L'uomo, circa 75 anni, a quanto si apprende avrebbe sparato alla moglie, sua coetanea. Sul posto la Polizia. 

9 Dec 15:11 Agi 2115274223988507715.html
How much do workers in Switzerland earn - and which jobs are the best paid?

Wages are high in Switzerland - which is just as well due to the sometimes prohibitive cost of living. But how much on average do Swiss people actually earn - and which jobs are the best paid?

9 Dec 13:45 THE LOCAL ch 713313324344417909.html
LOONA surprises fans with mysterious image teaser for '365'

LOONA has dropped a big hit to their fans.At midnight on December 10 KST, the group's agency Blockberry Creative released an unannounced image teas…

9 Dec 15:09 allkpop 3249686061306254226.html
Nadia Toffa, la mamma si commuove a Storie Italiane: «Mi diceva di non soffrire perché la vita è bella»

A Storie Italiane la mamma di Nadia Toffa ricorda la conduttrice de le Iene scomparsa e ascolta la testimonianza di un'altra madre che come lei ha perso...

9 Dec 12:22 www.ilgazzettino.it 3821143447395208806.html
CRJI: Procurorul general Bogdan Licu, acuzat de un nou plagiat

Procurorul general interimar, Bogdan Licu, este acuzat de un nou plagiat. Acesta ar fi &bdquo;copiat mare parte dintr-un capitol pe care l-a scris &icirc;ntr-o carte apărută &icirc;n 2005&rdquo;, potrivitsite-ul linx.crji.org.

9 Dec 16:40 romaniatv.net 4505369228345617860.html
'Vejo um cartel no sistema partidário', diz Janaína em audiência no STF

Ao se posicionar de maneira favorável às candidaturas individuais durante audiência pública no Supremo Tribunal Federal, a deputada estadual Janai

9 Dec 16:14 Tribuna do Norte 6004552060319264836.html
El zodíaco cierra el año con sorpresas: mirá cual tiene para vos

Quedan pocos días para que el 2019 llegue a su fin. Sin embargo, todavía no está todo dicho. Mirá qué pronostica sobre tu futuro.

9 Dec 08:40 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158846807274.html
Sextape de Valbuena : la Cour de cassation confirme l'enquête contestée par Benzema

L'attaquant du Real Madrid mis en examen contestait la loyauté de l'enquête sur l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de son ancien coéquipier en équipe de France.

9 Dec 15:27 Le Point 1094305423064476098.html
Northland – Environmentalists’ ‘No’ to Auckland port shift

Northland environmentalists are speaking out against the proposed $10 billion Auckland port shift to Marsden Point in what one labels a ‘think big’ project - about 650 metres from a marine reserve.

9 Dec 11:48 SCOOP 5315658999540720925.html
The BMW 6 Series Gran Coupe is the Best Used Bimmer you can buy

If you're in the market for a used BMW, take a good, long look at the BMW 6 Series Gran Coupe, as it's currently the best used BMW deal.

9 Dec 16:07 BMW BLOG 8947460770589087934.html
En Inde, le vieux fléau des exécutions extrajudiciaires policières

La mort aux mains de la police de quatre suspects d’un viol en réunion remet en lumière le fléau des exécutions extrajudiciaires en Inde, un recours expéditif dénoncé de longue date par les défenseurs des droits humains. La police du Telangana (sud de l’Inde) avait arrêté quatre hommes soupçonnés d’avoir, il y a près de […]

9 Dec 09:50 Journal de Brazza 8990092585100238055.html
Chiquis cuenta cómo ha sido su vida sin su mamá Jenni Rivera

Este lunes 9 de diciembre su cumplen siete años de la trágica muerte de la cantante Jenni Rivera

9 Dec 12:35 EL DEBATE 4396150894512056322.html
Zabrinjavajuća statistika: 1.506 roditelja u Srbiji nosi nanogicu, a razlog za to je sraman!

Biljana M. iz beogradskog naselja Resnik pre pet godina je stavila tačku na svoj brak. Za sve to vreme, njen bivši suprug nije previše brinuo o izdržavanju njihovog dvanaestogodišnjeg sina. Najčešće bi "zaboravio" da uplati mesečno 10.000 dinara, koliko je iznosila alimentacija koju je sud odredio. Ali kada Biljana više nije mogla da se sa prosečnom srpskom platom izbori da podmiri redovne troškove života i uobičajene zahteve jednog tinejdžera, odlučila je da bivšeg supruga tuži Centru za socijalni rad zbog izbegavanja plaćanja alimentacije.

9 Dec 15:51 REPUBLIKA 2543998405521785742.html
La Huayacán de Cancún tendrá cinco plazas comerciales más

Además se ha anunciado la ampliación de La Isla, en la Zona Hotelera y de Urban Center, en el centro.

9 Dec 14:34 SIPSE.com 4008460417318046855.html
Top 10 dos filmes descarregados entre 2 e 9 de Dezembro

Ad Astra entra directamente para a primeira posição do top dos filmes mais descarregados. Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood desce para o segundo posto e Rambo: Last Blood cai para o terceiro lugar.

9 Dec 14:22 PCGuia 8345134071405969174.html
Coutiches: le projet de boucle pédestre dans la commune se précise

La municipalité a présenté le parcours de la boucle pédestre qu’elle vise à me...

9 Dec 14:56 La Voix du Nord 5307415663406375980.html
De Condé voor slotmatch tegen Napoli: “Die eerste zege in de Champions League blijft het doel”

Dimitri De Condé, de Technisch Directeur van Racing Genk, stapte vanochtend met zijn spelers op het vliegtuig naar Napels. Daar spelen de Genkenaars morgen hun laatste Champions League-duel tegen h...

9 Dec 09:40 HLN 8967494997635949109.html
Forget Half Life Alyx: Twin Peaks VR is here and it’s as weird as you’d expect

The official trailer for the Twin Peaks Virtual Reality game is here and as you would expect it is very, very strange.   Following its announcement last ye | Trusted Reviews

9 Dec 12:16 Trusted Reviews 12694854119424564.html
KIRK DAGLAS NAPUNIO 103 GODINE! Preživeo moždani udar i helikoptersku nesreću! Kaže da je OVO tajna njegove DUGOVEČNOSTI

Holivudski glumac Kirk Daglas puni danas 103 godine. Rođen je kao Isur Danijelovič Demski, sin je nepismenih ruskih imigranata, a odigrao je neke od najslavnijih uloga u istoriji kinematografije, od Spartaka i Vinsenta van Goga do Doka Holideja.Glumačka ikona ...

9 Dec 09:20 kurir.rs 6515665027035677297.html
Paul Pierce Loses $100,000 Lawsuit Over "Racist" Altercation at UFC Fight

In the past, Paul Pierce accused a security guard of being racist during UFC 229 in October 2018, and the whole encounter was captured on video. Si...

9 Dec 15:17 VLADTV 1404406307071886785.html
Câmara do Rio terá CPI para investigar contrato de concessão do zoológico

O contrato assinado pela Prefeitura do Rio com a Riozoo, do grupo Cataratas, para a gestão do zoológico municipal será investigado por uma CPI da Câmara de...

9 Dec 14:02 Extra Online 8149543648567945488.html
ABD'de uçakta yolcuyu akrep soktu

ABD’nin San Francisco kentinden Atlanta kentine sefer yapan, Amerikan havayolu şirketi United Havayolları’na ait yolcu uçağındaki bir yolcuyu akrep soktu. Akrebin uçağa nasıl girdiği ise henüz belirlenemedi.

9 Dec 13:43 Akşam 580099849648149247.html
89-Jährige fährt mit Mercedes gegen Baum

Auf der Kochstedter Kreisstraße ist es am Sonntag kurz vor 11 Uhr zu einem schweren Verkehrsunfall gekommen. Den bisherigen Erkenntnissen nach, hatte die 89-jährige Fahrerin eines Mercedes die Landstraße 134 aus Richtung Kochstedt in Richtung Dessau befahren und war aus noch ungeklärter Ursache nach links von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und dort mit einem Baum ...

9 Dec 11:14 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109183357144.html
“Serve apenas para sustentar um Estado ineficiente e, muitas vezes, corrupto”

&ldquo;Serve apenas para sustentar um Estado ineficiente e, muitas vezes, corrupto&rdquo; Vice-presidente Hamilton Mour&atilde;o sobre a &lsquo;carga brutal de impostos&rsquo; no Brasil Maia tem 229...

9 Dec 08:00 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934490102895087.html
De ce aleg pacienții români tot mai des serviciile medicale private

Cu toate că sistemul de sănătate din România oferă acces gratuit la servicii medicale de stat, piața serviciilor private a “explodat” în...

9 Dec 15:53 Stiri pe surse 4858045012694680343.html
Emilio Fede: “Ho visto la morte. Silvio Berlusconi? Egoista”

Emilio Fede: brutto incidente per l’ex direttore di Rete 4 Emilio Fede, storico direttore di Rete 4 e conduttore del Tg4, è rimasto coinvolto in una rovinosa caduta verso fine novembre, finendo ricoverato in ospedale per qualche giorno. In esclusiva al settimanale Oggi ricostruisce l’accaduto e parla del rischio miracolosamente scampato, sicché si sarebbero potute verificare […]

9 Dec 11:40 KontroKultura 2573504971891526749.html
Sky: Neue Angebote – und kostenloser Sky Q Deal für Kunden | iTopnews

Sky hat einigen Kunden ein kostenloses Upgrade spendiert.

9 Dec 17:04 www.itopnews.de 222669968447941676.html
Díaz-Canel rinde homenaje a independentista argentino José de San Martín (+fotos)

El presidente cubano rindió tributo esta mañana a las víctimas del terrorismo de Estado en el Parque de la Memoria, Argentina. Durante el homenaje, Cuba recordó a los jóvenes diplomáticos Crescencio Galañena y Jesús Cejas, secuestrados y asesinados el 9 agosto de 1976.

9 Dec 14:15 Escambray 1851904802760645961.html
Dobre wieści z UWM w Olsztynie. Nasi profesorowie są doceniani w Polsce i świecie

Ostatnie tygodnie przyniosły kilka prestiżowych nominacji i wyróżnień dla pracowników Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Profesor Ryszard Górecki, rektor UWM, został członkiem rzeczywistym Polskiej Akademii Nauk, a na jej członka korespondenta nominowano z kolei profesora Jana Jankowskiego. Powód do dumy ma także profesor Wiesław Pływaczewski, który został laureatem Nagrody Naukowej Oddziału PAN w Olsztynie i w Białymstoku w kategorii nauki humanistyczne i społeczne. Dobre wieści płyną także z Wydziału Nauk Społecznych. Dziekan dr hab. Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, prof. UWM, została wybrana do Zarządu Głównego ESREA, międzynarodowego towarzystwa naukowego.

9 Dec 14:15 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040254601454702.html
Pridržali 59-letnika, ki je pijan žalil partnerko in posedoval orožje

Policisti Policijske postaje Rače so v torek, 3. decembra, odvzeli prostost in pridržali 59-letnega osumljenca, doma iz občine Hoče - Slivnica, ki ga utemeljeno sumijo storitve kaznivega dejanja Nedovoljene proizvodnje in prometa orožja ali eksploziva.Tisti dan so mu namreč med intervencijo na njegovem domu, kjer ...

9 Dec 10:30 Prlekija on net 5500439796547324763.html
Vlad Voiculescu propune un candidat unic pentru Primăria Capitalei. Vrea o competiţie cu Nicuşor Dan şi candidatul PNL

Campania pentru alegerile locale din vara viitoare au debutat &icirc;ncă din acest an. Primarul General, Gabriela Firea, şi-a anunţat deja intenţia de a candida pentru un nou mandat, iar opoziţia &icirc;ncă nu a stabilit dacă vor merge pe idee

9 Dec 15:35 romaniatv.net 4505369228673369566.html
Olimpia se consagró tetracampeón en Paraguay

El conjunto de Daniel Garnero empató 2-2 con Guaraní y consolidó el título número 44 luego de sacarle cuatro puntos de ventaja a su escolta Libertad.

9 Dec 11:43 Doble Amarilla 8680269686792844480.html
Matt Willey: “A lot of rules about how a magazine looks and behaves are up for grabs”

The British graphic designer talks about becoming a Pentagram partner, creating Killing Eve’s credits and magazines’ “very difficult” few years.

9 Dec 14:54 Design Week 9211635614100118441.html
Manifestantes interditam pista na BR 101 na Serra

De acordo com os manifestantes, o ato é realizado contra o pedido de posse dos terrenos onde eles moram

9 Dec 08:48 Folha Vitória 4941883427715067782.html
Memorándum con Irán: Zannini pidió que declare el ex jefe de Interpol

El ex secretario Legal y Técnico solicitó que la citación sea antes incluso del juicio oral y público que aún no tiene fecha

9 Dec 13:45 Diario Popular 7191573466939000498.html
Ook Stompé ziet Barney falen op WK: ‘Zie geen toekomstig kampioen’

De lezers van Sportnieuws.nl hadden afgelopen weekend weinig vertrouwen in de kunsten van Barney op het WK darts en dat lijkt niet uit de lucht gegrepen. Oud-darter Co Stompé deed in het programma Goedemorgen Nederland enkele uitspraken over de winstkansen van de Nederlandse dartlegende op het toernooi. Ook die waren niet mals. “Als je hem…

9 Dec 09:01 Sportnieuws 3602982463865878092.html
La Ville de Wavre annonce une hausse des centimes additionnels au précompte immobilier et à l’IPP

Actuellement, Wavre a également un des taux d’endettement les moins élevés parmi les communes wallonnes.

9 Dec 15:43 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517769411783.html
Terminal Sur del MÍO, ¿otro elefante blanco en la ciudad?

Incierto. Esa es la palabra que mejor puede definir el futuro de la Terminal Sur del MÍO, que completó un año y medio de estar suspendida por orden del Consejo de Estado. El sitio en el Valle del Lili, donde se proyectaba construir la obra, es hoy un terreno desolado, con polisombras rotas y maleza que alcanza los dos metros de altura y que se ha expandido hasta algunas vías aledañas al proyecto de infraestructura. “Esta situación ha conllevado a que la zona se haya vuelto un foco de inseguridad, donde hay atracos, consumo de estupefacientes y microtráfico”, denunció Rocío Selene Ruiz, presidenta de la JAC Urbanización Valle de Lili. Por su parte, Alberto Ramos Gárbiras, exprocurador ambiental y apoderado de la comunidad de Valle del Lili, hizo hincapié en que la Alcaldía debe reubicar esta obra, debido al impacto ambiental negativo que esta va a producir en el humedal El Cortijo y el bosque seco tropical.

9 Dec 11:07 www.elpais.com.co 2266963347229353231.html
'El Mijis' hace trolleo épico a Tumbaburross y hasta lo reta a debate

El político aseguró que a la oposición le duele que un expandillero les de lecciones con 280 letras

9 Dec 10:22 Nación321 6372481147903477500.html
Oficial: Zarco con Ducati y Reale Avintia en 2020

Como toda la historia ha sido rocambolesca, es desenlace no podía ser de otra manera, pero lo importante es que Johann Zarco correrá con el Reale Avintia Ducati y una GP19 en MotoGP la próxima temporada.

9 Dec 17:01 MARCA 5656811533974442866.html
NewB a atteint son objectif… et rembourse certains candidats coopérateurs : voici pourquoi

NewB, c’est le nouveau projet de banque coopérative qui a séduit quelque 70.000 Belges en cette fin d’année 2019. Les porteurs du projet l’avaient annoncé : il était possible de participer à la campagne de capitalisation jusqu’au 4 décembre...

9 Dec 12:08 RTBF Info 2262420856844274020.html
Youngeti unleashes new song ‘low waist’

Youngeti has wrapped up the year with the release of a new song he titled Low Waist. The song is a blend of afrobeat and hip-hop and talks about a lady...

9 Dec 15:14 Vanguard News 4125100340730601397.html
Après Hillary Clinton et Naomi Campbell, au tour de Daniel Radcliffe de voler au secours de Meghan Markle

Dans une interview télévisée diffusée le 6 décembre dernier, l’interprète d’Harry Potter s’est confié sur la situation que vit actuellement la duchesse de Sussex, qui lui rappelle sa propre expérience…

9 Dec 10:16 parismatch.be 5691194219810754862.html
Filtrado un posible OnePlus 8 Lite, próximo gama media de la marca

OnePlus es una de las marcas actuales que menor catálogo posee en el mercado; sin que por ello tenga problemas a la hora de cubrir gran parte de las...

9 Dec 08:36 Xataka Android 8206963587240918424.html
Zoo de Berlín revela sexo y nombres de sus 2 osos pandas nacidos

Los cachorros nacieron el 31 de agosto de este mismo año, y el zoo informó entonces de que se encontraban en buen estado, pesaban 186 y 136 gramos, pero su sexo y sus nombres no habían sido revelados hasta ahora

9 Dec 08:28 Globovisión 5928221751391641089.html
Nobel i skandale… z nagrodami

Najbardziej prestiżowe nagrody świata, mimo przepychu i iście królewskich okoliczności ich wręczania, nie pozostały odporne na skandale. Już sam ich twórca od początku wywoływał kontrowersje swoją działalnością naukową jako wynalazca dynamitu i innych materiałów wybuchowych. Do tego stopnia, że kiedy umarł jego brat francuska gazeta pomyliła go z Alfredem i użyła nagłówka "Kupiec śmierci nie żyje". A następnie dodawała, że Nobel "wzbogacił się, znajdując sposoby na zabicie większej liczby ludzi szybciej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej". I ten przedwczesny nekrolog był prawdopodobnie tym, co zmotywowało Nobla do stworzenia nagród, które poprawiłyby wizerunek handlarza ludzkim życiem…

9 Dec 15:39 RMF24 3758900157474741852.html
Apple to launch iPhone 9? I can't wait

The rumored new iPhone SE 2 is rumored to enjoy the name iPhone 9. What could be more perfect?

9 Dec 14:58 ZDNet 591556592082951985.html
Buerger'de uzuv kurtaran yeni tedavi: Hibrit yöntemler

Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Yusuf Kalko, konuyla ilgili açıklamalarda bulundu

9 Dec 11:38 HABER 61 8391886869949858257.html
Zvezda shvatila grešku, vraća bivšeg kapitena?!

Ovo bi odjeknulo u srpskom fudbalu.

9 Dec 12:33 SPORTSKE NET 1397374496521845557.html
Diputado José Brito presentará pruebas sobre hechos de corrupción ante la AN

A través de la red social Twitter, el parlamentario indicó: “Ya estoy en Caracas para comparecer ante la AN, donde consignaré pruebas fehacientes de los verdaderos responsables de hechos de corrupción, que espero sean citados e interpelados. ¡Voy de frente y doy la cara!”

9 Dec 17:00 Globovisión 5928221751372639285.html
Les barrières de la patinoire de la place Dalton tombent à cause des vents forts

Dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi, les barrières de la patinoire installée place Da...

9 Dec 11:28 La Voix du Nord 5307415663733097400.html
Los alicientes del Barça en su visita al Inter de Milán

El pasado 27 de noviembre, con su triunfo frente al Dortmund (3-1), en el primer encuentro europeo que marcaba el nuevo tridente, el Barça...

9 Dec 16:13 Mundo Deportivo 6646996959709821240.html
Meizu PRO 6 Plus Received Flyme 8.0 Stable - Gizchina.com

On December 8th (yesterday), the Meizu PRO 6 Plus finally received the Flyme 8.0 stable version system update. With the update, Meizu's PRO 6 Plus gets..

9 Dec 15:08 Gizchina 5392375276355215673.html
Carla Moreau très complice avec Ruby, elle partage un adorable moment (VIDÉO)

Quand il s'agit de partager un moment avec sa fille Ruby, Carla Moreau ne dit jamais non !

9 Dec 12:00 melty 8059025069237771748.html
Macará renueva a su cuerpo técnico

Ann Hodges sufrió un tremendo susto -y un tremendo golpe- por el meteorito.

9 Dec 13:49 Ecuavisa 4017571649830224532.html
Wie reagieren Spitäler auf „Google“-Kritik?

Wie findet man das richtige Spital - wenn man nicht eh als Notfall „zwangs“-eingeliefert wird? Die offizielle Website kliniksuche.at hat, wie ...

9 Dec 14:00 Kronen Zeitung 8289778092813567300.html
En La Marín, centro de Quito, se instalaron 13 cámaras de seguridad con sistema de identificación facial

En 49 puntos estratégicos del Centro Histórico de Quito se instalaron 78 cámaras que forman parte del Sistema de video vigilancia con reconocimiento facial. Los lugares fueron escogidos por la Policía Nacional, la Secretaría de Seguridad y Gobernabilidad del Municipio, el ECU 911 y otras entidades.

9 Dec 13:52 El Comercio 2865024640066238413.html
Głos czytelników: Robert Lewandowski wybrany polskim piłkarzem stulecia

Według czytelników Wirtualnej Polski Robert Lewandowski został najlepszym piłkarzem w historii polskiej piłki. Ankietę zorganizowaliśmy z okazji 100-lecia PZPN.

9 Dec 11:35 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968553391008.html
Neuer Rekord: Altes "Mega Man"-Spiel wird für 75.000 Dollar versteigert

Alte Dinge in ursprünglichem Zustand können eine Menge Geld wert sein - das gilt natürlich auch für Spiele. In den USA wurde bei einer Auktion jetzt ein neuer Rekord erzielt. Mit 75.000 Dollar ist ein originalverpacktes Mega Man von 1987 der neue Spitzenreiter bei Retro-Spielen.

9 Dec 14:14 winfuture.de 1179223336339162914.html
La Russie, empêtrée dans des scandales de dopage, exclue des JO

La Russie a été exclue lundi des Jeux olympiques et des championnats du monde dans plusieurs disciplines pour une durée de quatre ans, une peine sanctionnant les pratiques frauduleuses constatées dans... | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 11:43 Zonebourse 7946574377920049277.html
Klaipėdoje statomas dar vienas sunkiai besiverčiantiems žmonėms skirtas daugiabutis

Klaipėdoje statomas dar vienas sunkiai besiverčiantiems žmonėms skirtas daugiabutis, pirmadienį pranešė uostamiesčio savivaldybė.

9 Dec 15:21 budas.lt 7514915614180380709.html
Una consultora estima que el Banco Central dejará unos US$ 13.000 millones de reservas de libre disponilidad

Un estudio privado sostuvo que cuando Mauricio Macri asumió en diciembre de 2015 las reservas disponibles tendían a cero.

9 Dec 10:10 Infocielo 6573250472738622608.html
​Welke Kia Ceed past bij jou?

Sinds 2007 is de Kia cee’d in ons land verkrijgbaar. 12 jaar later is de Ceed-familie flink uitgebreid. Welke Kia Ceed past bij jou?

9 Dec 08:15 DutchCowboys 8617317427726238689.html
Homem é morto a pauladas e jogado na esquina da própria casa na Paraíba

Homem é morto a pauladas e jogado na esquina da própria casa na Paraíba

9 Dec 08:09 paraibaonline.com.br 6832543905376195284.html
Le cinéma soudanais fait sa révolution

Avec « Talking about Trees », en salle le 18 décembre, le réalisateur soudanais Suhaib Gasmelbari prouve qu'une nouvelle page s'écrit pour le cinéma local.

9 Dec 10:01 Le Point 1094305424779594575.html
Antidopingo agentūra Rusijai skyrė ketverių metų diskvalifikaciją

Rusijos sporto pasaulį krečia eilinis dopingo skandalas. Pasaulinė antidopingo agentūra (WADA) pirmadienį paskelbė skyrusi ketverių metų diskvalifikaciją visų sporto šakų Rusijos sportininkams. Šios šalies atstovai po Rusijos vėliava negalės varžytis didžiausiuose sporto renginiuose: kitų metų Tokijo olimpinėse žaidynėse ir 2022 metų pasaulio čempionate. WADA vykdomasis komitetas tokį sprendimą priėmė priėjęs prie išvados, jog Maskvoje buvo klastojami ...

9 Dec 12:44 basketnews.lt 7916867136165013811.html
Messi, Piqué y Sergi Roberto, descartados para Milán

Quedan fuera de la convocatoria por lesión Nelson Semedo, Arthur, Ousmane Dembélé y Jordi Alba, Por decisión técnica, no viajan Piqué, Messi y Sergi Roberto.

9 Dec 14:16 ESPN 7718891767028895869.html
Messi, Piqué y Sergi Roberto, descartados para Milán

Quedan fuera de la convocatoria por lesión Nelson Semedo, Arthur, Ousmane Dembélé y Jordi Alba, Por decisión técnica, no viajan Piqué, Messi y Sergi Roberto.

9 Dec 14:16 ESPN.com.mx 3914278074009636989.html
„E.T.“-Star wollte nach Festnahme Cops austricksen

Wäre E.T. dabei gewesen, hätte dieser sein Auto Wegfliegen lassen können. Doch ohne seinen Außerirdischen musste es Henry Thomas alias Elliott mit ...

9 Dec 08:07 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093242179121.html
Štiriletnik stekel na cesto, avto pa ga je zbil

V nedeljo okoli 12.30 se je na območju PP Lenart zgodila prometna nesreča, v kateri se je huje poškodoval štiriletnik. Ta je z dvorišča domače stanovanjske hiše nenadoma pritekel na vozišč...

9 Dec 16:34 Slovenske novice 5901956563236433049.html
Ion Iliescu, interviu pentru Tass: PSD a devenit un instrument pentru deţinerea puterii, trebuie să revină la ideologie

Partidul Social-Democrat a ajuns să funcţioneze doar ca "instrument" pentru deţinerea puterii, afirmă Ion Iliescu, fost preşedinte al României şi preşedinte de onoare al PSD,

9 Dec 17:51 HotNews 5099222561257997815.html
Cancelan versión 2019 del desfile navideño Paris Parade

El evento familiar que se realiza en Santiago desde hace 10 años no se realizará este año debido a la crisis social que se vive en Chile.

9 Dec 09:37 CHV Noticias 8401001654102767968.html
Mondial 2022 de football au Qatar : information judiciaire ouverte pour "corruption"

Le Parquet National Financier (PNF) a ouvert ce lundi une information judiciaire pour "corruption" sur l'attribution par la FIFA de l'organisation de la Coupe du Monde de football 2022 au Qatar. Un juge d'instruction est saisi de l'affaire.

9 Dec 16:33 France Bleu 8004048436324028701.html
Jacques Chirac était "assez cynique avec ses proches"

Dans ses mémoires, Catherine Nay, journaliste politique, revient sur une période où la politique était plus légère, en égratignant Giscard et...

9 Dec 16:21 Closermag.fr 1175411577298865875.html
Convention signée entre Pully et les héritiers de Ramuz

Une convention a été signée vendredi entre la Ville de Pully et les héritiers de Ramuz. Les travaux de rénovation de La Muette et de l’espace muséal devraient commencer dans les prochaines semaines, le permis de construire étant exécutoire depuis le printemps 2019.

9 Dec 14:53 www.rjb.ch 7386238340703824965.html
WSA: Rada miasta nie może wydawać poleceń prezydentowi

Rada miejska w Krakowie podjęła uchwałę, w której ustaliła "kierunki działania prezydenta miasta" polegające na podjęciu działań mających na celu "wyjaśnienie stanu środowiska" w dzielnicy Nowa Huta. Uchwałę najpierw podważyły służby nadzorcze wojewody małopolskiego. W grudniu 2019 r. ich decyzję podtrzymał Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny.

9 Dec 09:50 Portal Samorządowy 740157208122687512.html
Bra, all’Uni-Tre si parla di medicina e delle avventure di Overland

Doppio appuntamento mercoledì 11 e venerdì 13 dicembre presso l’aula magna del Liceo “Giolitti-Gandino”

9 Dec 10:10 Targatocn.it 7367208849590150924.html
AMLO conferencia 9 de diciembre: Temas de la mañanera que no te puedes perder

El presidente de M&eacute;xico, Andr&eacute;s Manuel L&oacute;pez Obrador (AMLO), ofreci&oacute; su conferencia de prensa matutina desde Palacio Nacional en Ciudad de M&eacute;xico (CDMX).

9 Dec 09:14 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623250274164.html
AdC recomenda renovar fidelização só com novos equipamentos ou serviços

Autoridade da Concorrência analisou práticas das operadoras de telecomunicações e identificou “vulnerabilidades” que fragilizam direitos dos clientes e a própria lei.

9 Dec 11:54 PÚBLICO 2228264897767670440.html
Death Come True : Le créateur de Danganronpa annonce un jeu d'aventure en Full Motion Video

Les amateurs d'ours aussi mal léchés que délicieusement sadiques commenceraient presque à se languir de la longue absence du scénariste Kazutaka Kodaka, qui nous a par le passé offert la fantasque trilogie de visuals novels Danganronpa.

9 Dec 10:38 Gameblog 66712928376011500.html
¿Por qué no recibo notificaciones de WhatsApp en el Redmi Note 8 Pro? ¿Tiene arreglo?

El Redmi Note 8 Pro, como casi todos los móviles de Xiaomi, presenta problemas con las notificaciones. Así puedes arreglarlo.

9 Dec 13:45 MovilZona 3711352298285695252.html
A Strasbourg, le dernier vidéoclub d'Alsace résiste encore et toujours à l'envahisseur numérique en ligne

A Strasbourg, il faut chercher dans le quartier de la Krutenau pour trouver le dernier magasin de location de DVD d'Alsace. A l'heure de la VOD et de la dématérialisation, il devient un refuge convivial où se retrouvent cinéphiles et amateurs exigeants.

9 Dec 15:01 Franceinfo 1060532879908878029.html
Guardiola: “Quizás no estamos para competir contra los mejores”

Pep Guardiola, entrenador del Manchester City, afirmó que su equipo no está para competir con los mejores de Europa y que tienen que...

9 Dec 13:01 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958161765578.html
BHP Group : La chef de la technologie retourne aux États-Unis

Diane Jurgens, chef de la technologie du groupe BHP, quittera l'entreprise au début de l'année 2020 pour des raisons familiales. | 9 décembre 2019

9 Dec 10:43 Zonebourse 7946574378699898897.html
Goldman Sachs aumenta a US$63 su proyección del precio del crudo

De acuerdo con la firma en el primer semestre de 2020 habrá un ajuste en el mercado por cuenta de los recortes de la OPEP y sus aliados.

9 Dec 16:53 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542413465305.html
Avete mai visto dove vive Lisa Fusco? La casa dell’opinionista di Barbara D’Urso è tutta d’oro [FOTO]

Un’abitazione tutta dorata quella di Lisa Fusco Qualche settimana fa a Pomeriggio Cinque, Barbara D’Urso ha mostrato ai suoi telespettatori la casa di Lisa Fusco. In poche parole si tratta di un’abitazione d’altri tempi tra tende enormi.mobili a stile barocco e soprattutto la presenza predominante del colore oro. I pavimenti e le pareti bianche fanno […]

9 Dec 12:00 KontroKultura 2573504972394368363.html
Sushmita Sen Returns to Bollywood After 10 Years; Calls It Second Innings

Sushmita Sen took to Instagram on Monday to reveal about her second innings to Bollywood. She is all set to return to the screen after a long break of almost 10 years.

9 Dec 09:59 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244379466583.html
WhatsApp: ¿Qué significa el emoji del árbol de Navidad?

Estamos a poco m&aacute;s de dos semanas de que sea Navidad y seguramente en esta &eacute;poca empieza a aumentar el uso de los emoticonos navide&ntilde;os. Veremos el significado del &aacute;rbol de Navidad.

9 Dec 13:27 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622872491003.html
Barça : Bartomeu revient sur le dossier Neymar

Dans la presse italienne, le président du FC Barcelone, Josep Maria Bartomeu, est revenu sur le feuilleton Neymar du dernier mercato estival. L'occas ...

9 Dec 13:37 maxifoot.fr 1829534466025413960.html
Ozzy Osbourne Puts $25,000 Reward For Informing About Stolen Randy Rhoads’ ‘Irreplaceable’ Guitar

Grammy-winning singer and songwriter Ozzy Osbourne has offered a $25,000 reward for the return of his late friend Randy Rhoads' stolen guitars.The 71-year-old rocker took to social media to offer th

9 Dec 10:28 Koimoi 5184275671449631409.html
Moro é aprovado por 53% dos brasileiros, aponta pesquisa Datafolha

Depois do ministro da Justiça, o ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, é o mais conhecido na Esplanada dos Ministérios

9 Dec 09:51 O TEMPO 6069683947397731920.html
Arabia Saudită renunță la restaurantele cu intrări separate pentru burlaci

Guvernul din Arabia Saudită nu va mai solicita ca restaurantele să aibă intrări separate pentru familii și femei, respectiv pentru bărbați singuri.

9 Dec 15:01 Europa FM 545007289978602145.html
Pelo menos 20 turistas poderão ter morrido devido a vulcão na Nova Zelândia

Vinte e três pessoas conseguiram deixar a ilha, cinco das quais morreram depois de fugir.

9 Dec 15:16 SÁBADO 5711459691532566417.html
WATCH: the first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 has arrived

The brand new trailer sees the superhero, played by Gal Gadot, embracing Chris Pine's pilot as he tells her "the world needs you".

9 Dec 12:08 Buzz.ie 7092425148297446892.html
Bundesliga: Droht das totale Abo-Chaos? DFL-Boss spricht über neue Rechte-Verteilung

Im Frühjahr 2020 werden die TV-Rechte für die Bundesliga neu ausgeschrieben. Vier Übertragungs-Pakete könnten dann an bis zu vier verschiedene Bewerber vergeben werden. Neben Sky und DAZN noch zwei weitere Anbieter? Der Bundesliga würde das totale Abo-Chaos drohen.

9 Dec 12:11 www.derwesten.de 5765995666647340158.html
Saint-Rémy-du-Nord: fin de mandat en plein chantier pour Lucien Serpillon

Candidat aux prochaines élections municipales de 2020, Lucien Serpillon achève un t...

9 Dec 11:09 La Voix du Nord 5307415663501343309.html
The Mac Pro will be available to order tomorrow

An email reportedly sent out to interested customers states that both the new Mac Pro and the Pro Display XDR will be available to order from December 10.

9 Dec 09:04 Trusted Reviews 12694854214057015.html
Obradović: Spektakl, dosta toga je u igri

Selektor reprezentacije Srbije Ljubomir Obradović bio je ponosan na svoj tim posle pobede nad Nemačkom 29:28 u drugom kolu druge faze Svetskog prvenstva u Japanu.

9 Dec 09:57 Sport Klub 42251759154113690.html
Proiectul privind eliminarea pensiilor speciale, amânat până în februarie

Comisia pentru muncă a Camerei Deputaţilor a decis, marţi, să amâne votul pentru proiectul privind pensiile speciale, până în luna februarie, sub pretextul că Guvernul trebuie să se pronunţe pe toate...

9 Dec 15:28 Mediafax.ro 1869610969393721686.html
WATCH: Valtteri Bottas' rallying on-board!

Recently we brought you the story that Valtteri Bottas had won a rally at Paul Ricard, but we didn't have any footage! But don't fear, we've found you some on-board video of Bottas' skills behind the wheel of his Citroen DS3 as he stormed to victory.

9 Dec 14:13 GPblog.com 9117728198888205820.html
Vídeo: irmão caminhoneiro?

Acompanhe no vídeo 9 das principais medidas do governo Bolsonaro em favor dos caminhoneiros:

9 Dec 16:46 O Antagonista 1037429654193818717.html
'Timsahlar'ın derin sularda nefes kesen eğitimi

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin "Timsah" olarak isimlendirilen gücü amfibi deniz piyadelerinin derin sulardaki zorlu eğitimleri adeta nefes kesiyor.

9 Dec 09:00 Türkiye Gazetesi 2932623216565314724.html
Žoc: NBA je mafija, evropski treneri mogu tamo da rade

U intervjuu za Sportando Željko Obradović je govorio o tome zašto nije radio u NBA ligi, a takođe je pričao o Šarunasu Jasikevičiusu i ulozi plejmejkera.

9 Dec 12:51 Sport Klub 42251759661948320.html
Transferi olay oldu! Mascherano ve ihanet...

Arjantin futbolunun önemli isimlerinden olan Javier Mascherano, 15 yıl aradan sonra ülkesine döndü. River Plate altyapısından yetişen Javier Mascherano'un Estudiantes'e transfer olması taraftarları ikiye böldü. Arjantinli oyuncu, bir kısım taraftarca ihanetle suçlanıyor.

9 Dec 09:46 FotoMaç 4200829375907051013.html
Redmi K30 supports Hi-Res Audio - Gizmochina

The Redmi K30 and Redmi K30 5G will launch tomorrow. The phones pack some pretty impressive features such as 30W fast charging that allows you to recharge the battery in just 1 hour. Redmi has also revealed that the Redmi K30 has a Hi-Res Audio Certification. What this means is that sound output on the …

9 Dec 14:52 Gizmochina 1751854814486405947.html
Hamilton: "I grew up like everyone else thinking dairy and meat was good for you"

Lewis Hamilton has given an insight into what it is like being a vegan and admitted when he used to eat meat he would wake up feeling groggy.

9 Dec 10:04 GPblog.com 9117728198545507964.html
VUČIĆ O OPOZICIJI I DIVLJAŠTVU OBRADOVIĆA: Ne vidim nikakvu strategiju! Samo da ne pucaju, bolje da oni kucaju

Ne vidim nikakvu strategiju opozicije i ne mislim da je za promociju nasilja u politici i agresivnu formu protesta kriv samo Boško Obradović, izjavio je predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, povodom pokušaja upada dela opozicije u Skupštinu Srbije.On je sinoć ...

9 Dec 08:14 kurir.rs 6515665027315174431.html
"Ho lasciato il posto fisso per fare la mamma a tempo pieno. Non c'ero mai, ora mi godo i figli"

La storia di Francesca, 34enne milanese: "Lavorare è meno faticoso che stare a casa"

9 Dec 09:35 L'HuffPost 5315551422450659824.html
ONU: Mulheres estudam mais, mas ganham menos que homens

País caiu uma posição no IDH e foi para 79º lugar no ranking.

9 Dec 09:30 R10 3167340813013313711.html
Apple Price Target Set At $342 As Analyst Speculates On Apple Glasses In 2020

Cupertino tech giant Apple continues to witness optimism from investors as China's Renaissance Bank sets record price target for stock.

9 Dec 15:30 Wccftech 3677959678905231636.html
Rusya tüm spor organizasyonlarından men edildi

Dünya Anti Doping Komitesi (WADA), Rusya'yı 4 yıl süreyle turnuvalardan men etti. Rusya, 2020 Tokyo Olimpiyatları ve 2022 Dünya Kupası'nda yer alamayacak.

9 Dec 10:42 FotoMaç 4200829374013982537.html
'Buyer's Price' program to continue until June 2020

Programming offering subsidized homes for first-time buyers will continue through first half of 2020, Finance Ministry says.

9 Dec 11:39 Israel National News 5374683670062435218.html
Deviatich Srbov vyhostili zo Slovenska pre nelegálny pobyt alebo prácu

9.12.2019 (Webnoviny.sk) – Trest administratívneho vyhostenia z územia SR a schengenského priestoru uložili slovenské orgány deviatim občanom Srbska.

9 Dec 09:35 Denník politika 2032760206517675884.html
Stefano Accorsi e Bianca Vitali: “All’inizio era un problema”

Stefano Accorsi confessa cosa lo abbia fatto innamorare di Bianca Vitali, la sua attuale compagna Galeotto fu il set della serie tv 1992. Tra Stefano Accorsi e Bianca Vitali, figlia di Aldo (il direttore di Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, il settimanale più venduto in Italia), la scintilla è scoccata al lavoro. Proprio durante le riprese, […]

9 Dec 10:45 KontroKultura 2573504971967453582.html
Włoska dominacja z polskimi akcentami. Wołosz i Bieniek Klubowymi Mistrzami Świata

Kapitalna niedziela dla polskiej siatkówki. Joanna Wołosz w barwach Imoco Volley Conegliano oraz Mateusz Bieniek z Cucine Lube Civitanova zdobyli Klubowe Mistrzostwa Świata. Dla obu włoskich drużyn...

9 Dec 08:03 TVN24 8936112741350643268.html
Ministrul Marcel Vela îl atacă pe Raed Arafat: Nu este centrul universului

"Nu este vorba de o persoană în sine, că văd că se polarizează, se fac discuţii, estimări, pronosticuri, cu privire la a fi sau a nu fi Arafat în continuare în fruntea Departamentului (Departamentul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă - n.r.). Noi evaluăm întreaga activitate, întregul departament, întregul Inspectorat General şi această evaluare este la baza unor decizii care pot să-l implice, evident, şi pe domnul Arafat. Dar nu este domnul Arafat centrul universului şi pe dânsul noi acum avem o analiză personală. Întreaga activitate a Departamentului este importantă pentru România, salvarea nu o face domnul Arafat când se întâmplă ceva, o fac profesioniştii din Departament şi eu nu cred că România şi Departamentul stau într-o persoană, la fel cum Ministerul nu stă într-un politician care vine şi pleacă din acest minister", a spus Vela, la sediul MAI.

9 Dec 15:02 www.antena3.ro 6332542757685280920.html
Box Office – Jumanji: The Next Level Scores Biggest December Opening of All Time in Malaysia

Remember when Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle made so much money in Malaysia that Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson actually thanked us on Instagram for it? Well, it looks like Rocky might be whipping his phone out again

9 Dec 11:15 Lowyat.NET 6894342419743350795.html
Dopage: la Russie exclue quatre ans de la scène mondiale

LAUSANNE — La Russie a reçu une gifle lorsque l’Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) l’a exclue des Jeux olympiques et des principaux rendez-vous sportifs mondiaux pour les quatre prochaines années. Cette sanction s’inscrit dans la foulée d’un scandale de dopage de longue date qui obligera les athlètes russes à prouver qu’ils sont sans reproche pour être autorisés à concourir.

9 Dec 14:50 leSoleil 6002915703440199161.html
JADWAL Final Bola SEA Games 2019, Siaran Langsung Timnas U-22 Indonesia vs Vietnam, Ini Peluang Emas

JADWAL Final Bola SEA Games 2019, Siaran Langsung Timnas U-22 Indonesia vs Vietnam, Ini Peluang Emas

9 Dec 13:11 Tribunnews.com 3323534445085767753.html
'Dolor y Gloria', Antonio Banderas y Ana de Armas, nominados a los Globos de Oro

Antonio Banderas y Ana de Armas reciben la nominación a mejor actor dramático y a mejor actriz de comedia o musical.

9 Dec 13:08 www.publico.es 99190978026761694.html
Preminuo književnik i glumac Zoran Rankić

BEOGRAD - Danas je u Beogradu u osamdeset četvrtoj godini, posle duže i teške bolesti preminuo poznati srpski glumac i književnik Zoran Rankić, saopštili su iz Udruženja književnika Srbije.

9 Dec 12:54 tanjug.rs 2690210340802732270.html
Claire Keim : Tendre déclaration en chanson à Bixente pour son anniversaire

Lundi 9 décembre 2019, Bixente Lizarazu fête ses 50 ans. Claire Keim, sa compagne depuis près de treize ans, a tenu à lui adresser un joli message en chanson pour son anniversaire. Au piano avec une p...

9 Dec 17:09 Purepeople 1712099802480549803.html
Motor: Vento Rocketman 250, lo vintage sigue vigente

Vento continúa con su apuesta por el mercado de las motos con estilo Vintage y es que tiene ya 4 modelos que buscan consagrarse con el gusto de los motociclistas, porque hay para todos los gustos

9 Dec 15:40 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623899685990.html
Dejan Najdanović za "Nezavisne": Malo je nas koji sami sebi određujemo pravila

Ovo je veliki uspeh, ova petogodišnjica, i meni je posebno drago što sam deo toga. Saradnja sa "Simfonijom" laka je zato što su momci profesionalni i unapred su znali šta ćemo da radimo, jer na kraju krajeva iz tih pesama se i učila prava istorija rokenrola, kazao je Dejan Najdanović Najda, legendarni pjevač benda "Smak", nakon koncerta sa orkestrom "Rock simfonija" održanog u Banskom dvoru u Banjaluci.

9 Dec 09:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150643134004963.html
Capital Cell mobilitza 11,6 milions

La plataforma d'inversió en biotecnològiques fa créixer la inversió en un 301%

9 Dec 08:49 El Punt Avui 4496725671482362217.html
Cine a ciegas: que el público vea lo que quiera

Inspirado en las bandas sonoras, el compositor sanjuanino Lorenzo Gómez Oviedo llevará adelante una experiencia en donde el espectador construye su propia narrativa personal. ¿De qué se trata esta novedosa experiencia?

9 Dec 17:23 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131159088538233.html
Simona Halep se pregăteşte intens pentru noul sezon. Sportiva s-a antrenat alături de Kristina Mladenovic

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

9 Dec 11:29 Gândul 5586965502671657606.html
Ho.Mobile si affida alle 2 offerte da 5€ e 8€ per convincere i nuovi clienti

Le offerte sono ho. 5.99 e ho. 8.99, entrambi attivabili sia nei negozi fisici che tramite il sito ufficiale dell'operatore telefonico.

9 Dec 13:00 tecnoandroid 2573257128424269615.html
Juiz nega transferir investigação da Lama Asfáltica para a Polícia Civil

A Justiça Federal barrou a transferência de investigação da Lama Asfáltica sobre corrupção passiva e lavagem de dinheiro da PF (Polícia Federal) para a Polícia Civil. O trancamento da investigação ou envio para a polícia de âmbito estadual foi pedido pela defesa de André Luiz Cance. Ex-secretário adjunto da Sefaz (Secretaria Estadual de Fazenda), ele é apontado como gerenciador do esquema de cobra...

9 Dec 12:16 Campo Grande News 7902463002038041923.html
Ministrul Justiției a numit un nou șef la Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor

Ministrul Justiţiei, Cătălin Predoiu, l-a împuternicit, luni, pe comisarul-şef Tiberiu Ungureanu în funcţia de director general al Administraţiei Naţionale a Penitenciarelor pe o perioadă de un an.

9 Dec 17:30 Stirileprotv.ro 940005308633113247.html
Presidente electo uruguayo acompañará a Vázquez a la asunción de Fernández

El ministro de Defensa, José Bayardi, señaló que la Casa Militar pidió una aeronave uruguaya para el traslado de Tabaré Vázquez y Luis Lacalle Pou hasta Buenos Aires

9 Dec 16:05 EL DEBATE 4396150894611647458.html
Glücksspirale vom 07.12.2019: DAS sind die Gewinnzahlen und Quoten der aktuellen Ziehung

Die richtige Gewinnzahl in der Glücksspirale kann jeden Samstag einen Sofortgewinn von bis zu 2,1 Millionen Euro einbringen. Wahlweise kann man sich auch eine befristete Sofortrente in Höhe von 10.000 Euro monatlich auszahlen lassen. Die "Lotto-Rente" ist aber auf 20 Jahre befristet. Die Gewinnquoten zur aktuellen Ziehung am Samstag, den 07.12.2019, erfahren Sie ab Montag in unserer Übersichtstabelle.

9 Dec 08:35 news.de 5126378978263452985.html
The best Christmas tree skirts - from stylish wicker to faux fur

Those with a good taste will know that your Christmas tree will never be complete if you haven't invested in a lovely tree skirt &ndash; and, no, having beautiful baubles doesn't excuse you from this.

9 Dec 13:42 The Telegraph 140598091188014803.html
Diciembre teatral: alegría, diversión y celebración

Espectáculos que fusionan música, danza, teatro, títeres y hasta mapping, dirigido a los más pequeños hacen parte de la oferta cultural que han preparado las salas de teatro para esta temporada.

9 Dec 15:19 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067543310838198.html
Boris Johnson casts fresh doubt on '£100billion' HS2 rail project saying it will cost 'an awful lot of money'

Boris Johnson hinted at a rethink on the massive scheme - which would affect his own Uxbridge constituency - saying the government would review whether funding could be 'better spent'.

9 Dec 13:19 Mail Online 124328112299914438.html
Meghan Markle: Geheimes Foto aufgetaucht – es beweist, Meghan war eine...

Meghan Markle und Prinz Harry werden Weihnachten nicht mit den restlichen Royals in Sandringham in der Grafschaft Norfolk verbringen. Das hat der Palast bereits offiziell bestätigt.

9 Dec 10:23 www.derwesten.de 5765995665681974398.html
Foot - Affaire de la sextape : la Cour de cassation valide l'enquête contestée par Benzema

La Cour de cassation a rejeté lundi le pourvoi du footballeur Karim Benzema, qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête dans l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015. La Cour a estimé que les méthodes d'enquête employées dans ce dossier étaient conformes, ouvrant la voie à un éventuel procès en correctionnelle pour l'attaquant du Real Madrid et cinq autres personnes mises en examen.

9 Dec 13:21 LaProvence 1839381420423253310.html
Orban: Astăzi demarăm procedura angajării răspunderii Guvernului pe cele trei proiecte

Premierul Ludovic Orban a anunţat, luni, că Guvernul demarează procedura de asumare a răspunderii pe trei proiecte, respectiv pentru modificarea legilor justiţiei şi a OUG 51 privind transportul judeţean şi...

9 Dec 15:48 Mediafax.ro 1869610967771337581.html
Oppo Reno 3 specifications confirmed – could it make 5G affordable?

Oppo has announced several specifications of its upcoming Reno 3, and we like what we've seen so far – including that it could be one of the first actually | Trusted Reviews

9 Dec 12:21 Trusted Reviews 12694855905881530.html
"Operación Milán": La portada que protagoniza Arturo Vidal en España

Según la prensa española, Barcelona e Inter de Milán ya habrían iniciado conversaciones para el fichaje del volante nacional. "El chileno sería ahora prioridad para los italianos", aseguró.

9 Dec 10:29 24Horas.cl 793283384501906920.html
¿Qué destacan hoy los diarios internacionales? #Titulares 06/12/19 | Video

Esto es lo que destacan las portadas de los diarios de la prensa internacional.

9 Dec 16:10 Aristegui Noticias 7224289496433693558.html
Będzie przełom w leczeniu nowotworu trzustki? Obiecujące badania na myszach

Komórki nowotworu trzustki, jednego z najtrudniejszych w leczeniu, poddane działaniu cząsteczki PJ34 umierają w trakcie mitozy - ogłosili izraelscy naukowcy. Na razie terapii poddano myszy, którym przeszczepiono komórki z ludzkiego guza trzustki.

9 Dec 13:30 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135117220666030.html
Mathieu Baron jouera dans la suite de «Fugueuse»

L’acteur, qu’on a récemment vu dans «Alerte Amber», «Cerebrum» et «District 31», et qui est de la distribution du «422», nouvelle série jeunesse de Télé-Québec, incarnera un personnage qui gravitera dans l’univers de Natacha (Kimberly Laferrière), a précisé TVA à l’Agence QMI, lundi matin.

9 Dec 17:00 TVA Nouvelles 5024407711045931078.html
Uccide una donna e rapisce la figlia di un anno. E’ caccia all’uomo

La polizia sta cercando disperatamente la piccola Vanessa, una bambina di un anno sparita in seguito all'omicidio di sua madre: rapita dall'assassino?

9 Dec 13:56 NewNotizie 1312053896749077535.html
Twin Peaks VR : une bande-annonce en attendant le lancement imminent du jeu

Le titre basé sur la série TV de David Lynch promet une ambiance pleine de mystères.

9 Dec 14:35 GAMERGEN.COM 3184042610130504612.html
BI: NPI Tahun ini Surplus US$ 1,5 Miliar

Demikian dikatakan Direktur Eksekutif Departemen Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter BI Endy Dwi Tjahjono dalam acara pelatihan wartawan di NTT, Senin (9/12/2019).

9 Dec 08:06 CNBC Indonesia 4806483213725451561.html
Mise en garde contre le risque de routes glissantes et de plaques de glace cette nuit et demain à l’aube

L’Institut royal météorologique (IRM) avertit contre le risque de routes glissantes cette nuit et ce mardi à l’aube.

9 Dec 14:06 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517392889087.html
Directorii din Marea Britanie sunt cel mai bine plătiţi din Europa

Cel mai bine plătiţi directori din Europa sunt cei din Marea Britanie, care primesc 2,7 milioane de lire sterline pe an, datorită planurilor...

9 Dec 11:26 Stiri pe surse 4858045011979259776.html
France: Un oncle Assad jugé pour des soupçons de détournements colossaux

par Simon Carraud

9 Dec 08:59 Challenges 1086714997201119955.html
France: Un oncle Assad jugé pour des soupçons de détournements colossaux

par Simon Carraud

9 Dec 09:59 Boursier.com 7351227822107316763.html
Una noche de recreo en Milán

Ya clasificado y sin su capitán, el Barça se mide a un ambicioso Inter

9 Dec 15:21 EL PAÍS 2207347710245224420.html
Fiesta Frigüey pone ritmo a la convivencia y la integración (+VIDEO)

La agrupación nacional Fiesta Frigüey a través de su música sigue apoyando la cultura y el deporte. Esta vez junto con Fundación Forever, lanzan la canción “Yo ya integro”.La agrupación nacional Fiesta Frigüey a través de su música sigue apoyando la cultura y el deporte. Esta vez junto con Fundación Forever, lanzan la canción “Yo ya integro”.La agrupación nacional Fiesta Frigüey a través de su música sigue apoyando la cultura y el deporte. Esta vez junto con Fundación Forever, lanzan la canción “Yo ya integro”.La agrupación nacional Fiesta Frigüey a través de su música sigue apoyando la cultura y el deporte. Esta vez junto con Fundación Forever, lanzan la canción “Yo ya integro”.La agrupación nacional Fiesta Frigüey a través de su música sigue apoyando la cultura y el deporte. Esta vez junto con Fundación Forever, lanzan la canción “Yo ya integro”.La agrupación nacional Fiesta Frigüey a través de su música sigue apoyando la cultura y el deporte. Esta vez junto con Fundación Forever, lanzan la canción “Yo ya integro”.La…

9 Dec 15:42 La Prensa Gráfica 8177957190073783391.html
Viorel Tănase, fost director în Compania Națională Aeroporturi București, luat în calcul pentru postul de director general. Informații publice care indică fapte apreciate ca nereguli, în atenția DNA

Viorel Tănase, fost director al Departamentului Management Facilități al Companiei Naționale Aeroporturi București, este luat în calcul pentru postul de director general al companiei, în mandatul noului guvern, afirmă surse politice.

9 Dec 16:35 Profit.ro 5615893766913396312.html
A quién sirven

Las listas de espera de la sanidad pública se eternizan. El Tribunal Constitucional avaló el despido por bajas médicas frecuentes, aunque sean justificadas. Unimos las dos informaciones y tenemos la imagen de la época que vivimos: una red de bienestar poblada de descosidos.

9 Dec 16:38 elPeriodico 7291954033594931134.html
Długa wojna Banasia z PiS. Szef NIK szykuje publikacje kłopotliwych raportów

Szef NIK zdecydował, kto w razie potrzeby będzie go zastępował na czele Izby. Szykuje też publikację dwóch raportów, które mogą wygenerować nowe kłopoty dla PiS.

9 Dec 08:23 wiadomosci.dziennik.pl 7071100670526627215.html
Z izjemo ene dobiček za vse družbe Javnega holdinga Ljubljana

Družbe v skupini Javnega holdinga Ljubljana bodo leto 2019 končale z dobičkom, izjema je Energetika Ljubljana, katere izguba bo po oceni znašala skoraj dva milijona evrov. V letu 2020 vse družbe v skupini javnega holdinga načrtujejo pozitivno poslovanje.

9 Dec 14:45 Dnevnik 7671546649540163814.html
¿Cómo podrán competir atletas rusos, tras la sanción por dopaje?

AMA suspendió al país de toca competición durante cuatro años.

9 Dec 08:41 El Tiempo 1091719940547662606.html
OnePlus pourrait dévoiler une déclinaison milieu de gamme du OnePlus 8

Si la marque a augmenté ses prix ces dernières années, elle ne semble pas pour autant oublier ses origines modestes, comme l'annonce OnLeaks.

9 Dec 11:45 RTBF Tendance 2262420857510535641.html
Anna Lindstedt åtalas för egenmäktighet vid förhandling med främmande makt

Sveriges tidigare ambassadör i Kina, Anna Lindstedt, åtalas för egenmäktighet vid förhandling med främmande makt.

9 Dec 09:26 DN.SE 398730694553868959.html
Banaś nie odpuszcza. NIK zmiażdży sztandarowy program Patryka Jakiego

We wtorek Najwyższa Izba Kontroli ma ogłosić miażdżący raport dotyczący sztandarowego programu byłego wiceministra sprawiedliwości Patryka Jakiego – informuje radio RMF FM. W dokumencie zawarte mają być także zawiadomienia do prokuratury.

9 Dec 11:11 Do Rzeczy 474976675363626503.html
Usta oyuncu Rene Auberjonois yaşamını yitirdi

Televizyon dizileri Boston Legal, Benson ve Star Trek: Deep Space ile 1970'de vizyona giren M*A*S*H* filmindeki rolleriyle tanınan aktör René Auberjonois, 79 yaşında hayatını kaybetti.

9 Dec 09:25 OLAY 7935247625072931744.html
EBL: Zmiany w koszykarskiej Legii. Dwóch odchodzi, jeden przyjdzie?

Michael Finke i Drew Brandon opuszczą koszykarski zespół Legii Warszawa. Nie zagrają już w najbliższym meczu w Gliwicach.

9 Dec 11:20 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515102582097697.html
Tesla schimba datele de productie pentru Cybertruck: versiunea de top va sosi cu un an mai devreme, in 2021

Tesla a anuntat ca versiunea de top a pick-up-ului electric Cybertruck va fi disponibila cu un an mai devreme decat planurile anterioare, la sfarsitul lui 2021, ca urmare a cererilor foarte mari, scrie Automarket.ro.

9 Dec 14:45 Wall-Street 2473040520005097943.html
Laureaţi la Nobel, mesaj DRAMATIC înainte de decernare - Ce avertisment DUR au lansat cei doi

Scriitorul austriac Peter Handke, laureat cu Premiul Nobel pentru Literatură pe 2019, şi poloneza Olga Tokarczuk, laureata pe 2018, au...

9 Dec 14:41 Stiri pe surse 4858045012050607006.html
Šiškove vardiste ustavila policija: Sramota bi bila toliko večja (FOTO)

Policisti so ustavili in pregledali člana štajerske varde, ki se je z avtomobilom vozil po predpisih. Vprašal jih je, kakšen prekršek je storil, oni pa naj bi mu odgovorili, da so zaznali cestno ...

9 Dec 10:45 Slovenske novice 5901956562854168010.html
Külföldiekkel lesznek tele a budapesti hotelek

Teltház lesz karácsonykor a szállodákban, a forgalom a tavalyinál 8-10 százalékkal magasabb lehet - mondta Flesch Tamás, a Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetségének elnöke az MTI-nek.

9 Dec 12:57 Napi.hu 2201654863676961614.html
"Rote Rosen", "Unter uns", AWZ: Das passiert heute, 9. Dezember, in den Soaps

Viel Herz, viel Schmerz und jede Menge Intrigen: Tag für Tag ziehen Daily Soaps wie "Sturm der Liebe", "Unter uns" oder "Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten" die TV-Zuschauer in ihren Bann. Das sind die Highlights am 9. Dezember.

9 Dec 10:09 GMX 2011843076506834385.html
Las bandas que tocarán en la asunción de Alberto Fernández

Después de jurar en la Asamblea Legislativa al mediodía y de dar el primer discurso presidencial, Alberto Fernández irá a la Casa Rosada.

9 Dec 16:51 El Esquiú 5729181305718013948.html
Norges EM-tropp er klar: – Et vanvittig vanskelig uttak

Håndballherrenes landslagssjef Christian Berge tar med seg to debutanter og vraket Aalborg-spiller Sebastian Barthold til EM i januar.

9 Dec 15:30 Aftenbladet 8753034804506248888.html
Descubre las obras más contrastantes y emblemáticas de Miami Art Week 2019

En Miami Art Week se dieron cita artistas de diversas tendencias, incluso asistieron casas de moda desde Diesel hasta Dior, hubo obras para complacer los gustos más variados. Comentó forbes.com  que se observó muestras […]

9 Dec 16:34 LaPatilla.com 9104603010595482025.html
Premier wręczył stypendia z Funduszu Stypendialnego im. Marii i Lecha Kaczyńskich. "Wykształcenie to nasz skarb narodowy"

Polska stoi przed ogromną szansą, bo ma wspaniałą polską młodzież, która chce się uczyć, a wykształcenie to nasz skarb narodowy - mówił w poniedziałek premier Mateusz Morawiecki podczas wręczenia stypendiów z Funduszu Stypendialnego im. Marii i Lecha Kaczyńskich w Janowie Lubelskim.

9 Dec 15:32 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696136685800425.html
Premier wręczył stypendia z Funduszu Stypendialnego im. Marii i Lecha Kaczyńskich. "Wykształcenie to nasz skarb narodowy"

Polska stoi przed ogromną szansą, bo ma wspaniałą polską młodzież, która chce się uczyć, a wykształcenie to nasz skarb narodowy - mówił w poniedziałek premier Mateusz Morawiecki podczas wręczenia stypendiów z Funduszu Stypendialnego im. Marii i Lecha Kaczyńskich w Janowie Lubelskim.

9 Dec 15:32 telewizjarepublika.pl 3338696136073933364.html
Sucuri gigante é filmada em momento inusitado por turistas

O réptil foi registrado nas águas cristalinas na cidade de Bonito, no Mato Grosso

9 Dec 10:38 R10 3167340813853996955.html
Polacy w Metropolitan Opera. Byliśmy tam od początku

- Już podczas drugiego wieczoru inaugurującego działalność opery nowojorskiej w 1883 roku, gwiazdą była Marcelina Sembrich-Kochańska. Specjalnie dla niej wystawiono "Łucję z Lammermooru" - opowiadał w Dwójce krytyk Jacek Marczyński

9 Dec 15:52 Polskie Radio 2539990556822519568.html
iPhone XS captures rocket blastoff, proving there's life in the old dog yet

Apple may have moved on to iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro, but last year's iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max are still very capable camera phones. And this photo of a rocket proves it.

9 Dec 13:14 iMore 3803412791919663014.html
Sociedade Protetora dos Animais do Porto suspende adoções até ao ano novo

É uma medida tomada pela associação "há vários anos" depois de os elementos terem percebido que os "animais eram adotados nos dias 23 e 24 de dezembro e regressavam passados poucos dias".

9 Dec 17:52 SÁBADO 5711459691233503184.html
€6.8m Lotto win 'the talk of the village' as winner gets in contact with National Lottery

Excitement has reached fever pitch today in a Kilkenny village today after news that a shop there sold the winning ticket for Saturday night’s €6,834,410 Lotto jackpot.

9 Dec 17:45 Breaking News 4415806919160765822.html
Se realizará una campaña de esterilización masiva y gratuita el sábado

Durante todo el año, el Municipio a través de la Dirección General de Veterinaria pone a disposición el servicio gratuito de esterilización de perros y gatos a través del quirófano móvil, el cual recorre cada semana distintos barrios de zona sur y norte. En ese marco, el próximo sábado, a partir de las 9 horas, se concretará una jornada en calle Pedro Pablo Ortega y Dalle Mura del barrio Industrial, para seguir fortaleciendo las acciones de promoción de tenencia responsable.

9 Dec 15:16 Crónica 1134283327599630038.html
It’s hard being champion – Anthony Joshua knows he will always need to prove himself

Anthony Joshua has said being heavyweight champion gave him “f****** headaches” prior to his initial defeat to Andy Ruiz Jr.

9 Dec 09:54 FOX Sports Asia 3082304907142392042.html
OSSTET 2020: Check how to apply, passing marks, exam pattern

OSSTET 2020: According to the notification released on the website, the last date to fill the application form and submit fee is December 16, 2019.

9 Dec 10:38 The Indian Express 2885715104952384154.html
Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur sperrt Russland für Sport-Events: Was heißt das für die EM 2020?

Die Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur (WADA) schließt den russischen Verband für vier Jahre von großen Sport-Ereignissen aus. Zur EM 2020 darf das Land trotzdem.

9 Dec 11:00 RTL.DE 7054729452632871348.html
Assad-Rai, Foa: "Salini ci spiegherà cosa è successo"

Lo ha detto il presidente della Rai all'Adnkronos a proposito del caso relativo all'intervista

9 Dec 10:19 Adnkronos 2840063643761911866.html
Wanderers recibió la copa de campeón de Primera B y celebró a puertas cerradas

En esta jornada, el Decano celebró en el estadio Elías Figueroa de Valparaíso, aunque sin público, su regreso a la máxima categoría del balompié criollo.

9 Dec 08:58 24Horas.cl 793283384804589955.html
Fue en una zona turística y hay varios heridos: Un volcán entró en erupción en Nueva Zelanda y provocó la muerte de cinco personas

Cinco personas murieron y al menos 18 resultaron heridas luego de una inesperada erupción de un volcán ubicado en una zona turística de Nueva Zelanda. Además varias personas quedaron bloqueadas, a la espera del rescate. Según el parte de...

9 Dec 12:15 PAGINA12 7077267065041904303.html
Mais uma vez, Silvio Santos desrespeitou o público e seu próprio legado

Atitude do apresentador neste domingo (8) pode até ser suspeita de racismo

9 Dec 14:00 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514213802828364.html
Summit la Paris în formatul Normandia: prima întîlnire dintre Vladimir Putin şi Volodimir Zelenski.

La Paris are loc luni 9 decembrie o nouă întîlnire în aşa-numitul „format Normandia”, altfel spus cu participarea, la cel mai înalt nivel, a Franţei, Germaniei, Rusiei şi Ucrainei. Parisul şi Berlinul fac noi eforturi pentru a relansa negocierile de pace dintre Rusia şi Ucraina, aflate în conflict deschis în sud-estul teritoriului ucrainean.

9 Dec 10:28 Timpul.md 1177122105442650454.html
Zapeljal čez škarpo, ujetih pet oseb

V nedeljo ob 17.43 je na Partizanski cesti v Gornji Radgoni osebno vozilo zapeljalo čez škarpo in se prevrnilo na streho. V osebnem vozilu je ostalo ujetih pet poškodovanih oseb. Gasilci PGD Gorn...

9 Dec 14:41 Slovenske novice 5901956562735663001.html
Fight of the Day: Abdulrashid Sadulaev vs. Kyle Snyder

  Date: August 26, 2017 Card: 2017 UWW World Wrestling Championships Championship(s): 97kg Gold Medal Venue: AccorHotels Arena Location: Paris, France  

9 Dec 15:35 The Sports Daily 5871911277845936521.html
Embraer vai parar fábricas e dar férias a funcionários

A decisão, além de parar as atividades da empresa no Estado de São Paulo, também vai afetar unidades em Belo Horizonte

9 Dec 15:28 Olhar Digital 416591714674565778.html
D'un investissement de 630 millions de dirhams: le roi inaugure le Complexe Mohammed VI de Football à Salé

Le roi Mohammed VI a procédé, lundi à l’arrondissement Hssain à Salé, à l’inauguration du Centre national de Football de Maâmoura après sa rénovation et sa reconstruction et a bien voulu le baptiser de son nom: "Complexe Mohammed VI de Football".

9 Dec 15:55 fr.le360.ma 5827163117689302875.html
Importation d'essence : la société libanaise ZR Energy remporte l'appel d'offres

"Le plus important est qu'il n'y aura plus de crise de l'essence", a déclaré la ministre sortante de l'Energie et de l’Eau, Nada...

9 Dec 09:08 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139218969830.html
Local activist helps raise $20,000 to support LGBTQ+ youth

Within 10 hours, a local activist helped raise $10,000 to support transgender youth. In less than a week, the amount raised has doubled.Mike Morrison felt compelled to kickstart a fundraising campa…

9 Dec 13:40 Calgary Herald 1003909012092408588.html
Retraites: 5e jour de grèves en France, le gouvernement parachève son projet

PARIS (Reuters) - Les transports restaient fortement perturbés lundi en France, au cinquième jour de la mobilisation contre la réforme des retraites qui ne fléchit pas dans les rangs des syndicats, déterminés à faire plier le gouvernement.

9 Dec 11:56 Boursier.com 7351227821457996183.html
600 kilómetros de atascos en París por la huelga en protesta por las pensiones

La reforma del sistema de pensiones fue una promesa electoral de Emmanuel Macron

9 Dec 08:54 Cadena SER 8390941985741158926.html
If There Will be New Elections, They Will be Held on March 2, 2020

Elections would have automatically been set for March 10, but that falls out on the Jewish holiday of Purim.

9 Dec 15:46 The Jewish Press 7246030800096335650.html
Ateou fogo e ameaçou com faca para cobrar dívida em Felgueiras

A Polícia Judiciária deteve em Felgueiras, no distrito do Porto, o suspeito de ameaçar com faca uma pessoa que lhe devia dinheiro e de atear fogo em materiais no interior da habitação da vítima.

9 Dec 12:38 JN 6956494304486294345.html
Yohan Boli, une piste pour janvier

L’attaquant de St-Trond est suivi de près par Anderlecht, qui souhaiterait le transférer cet hiver pour renforcer une attaque qui a du mal à faire la diffé...

9 Dec 12:00 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517866655861.html
Francesco Totti, la dichiarazione a Ilary: "Per me è tutto, mi ha fatto crescere"

Sposati dal 2005, hanno tre figli e il calciatore desidera allargare ancora la famiglia

9 Dec 11:31 Today 178378751294212925.html
Dole dukannin Malaman Jami’o’i su shiga tsarin IPPIS – Shugaba Buhari

Za ku ji cewa Shugaban kasa Muhammadu Buhari ya rantse a kan shiga IPPIS wanda ya sa aka ja daga tsakanin Jami’o’in Gwamnati da Shugaban kasar.

9 Dec 10:21 Legit 7368782176842161289.html
Østberg får fortsatt ikke gå verdenscuprenn

Ingvild Flugstad Østberg nektes fortsatt å starte verdenscuprenn i langrenn. Hun er dermed ikke med i uttaket til helgens konkurranser i Davos.

9 Dec 14:17 Aftenbladet 8753034804339280224.html
Antes de reformulação, Prefeitura pede concessão de benefícios para 9 empresas

Antes de reformular e atualizar a lei do Prodes (Programa de Incentivo de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social), a Prefeitura de Campo Grande enviou para a Câmara Municipal um pacote pedindo a concessão de benefícios para nove empresas. O pacote prevê a redução de 50% a 30% no IPTU (Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano) para as nove empresas. O benefício vale de três a oito anos, de acordo com cada ...

9 Dec 13:56 Campo Grande News 7902463001530294919.html
Monsenhor Gil | Prefeito faz distribuição de brinquedos para as crianças

Logo após o show do palhaço Teleleco, foi distribuído de presentes para as crianças do município.

9 Dec 11:33 R10 3167340812810831643.html
Contrabandă cu miere de albine: Directorul, administratorul și juristul unei interprinderii, trimiși în judecată

Procuratura pentru Combaterea Criminalității Organizate și Cauze Speciale anunță trimiterea în judecată a unui dosar penal privind exportul prin contrabandă a 105.425 de kg de miere de albine, în sumă totală de 4.644.735 de lei, faptă comisă în perioada de timp 2016-2018.Astfel, pe banca acuzaților au fost trimiși directorul comercial al întreprinderii, administratorul și însăși persoana juridică.

9 Dec 08:03 Jurnal.md 3315832232773242473.html
CNA acusa a Jesús Mejía de crear 18 planillas fantasmas en la Enee

El Consejo Nacional Anticorrupción reveló que los empleados nunca desempeñaron su labor y recibían salarios promedios de 28 mil lempiras.

9 Dec 16:58 Diario La Prensa 7797091974399372707.html
Bivši agent SHIK-a: Veselji pozvan kao osumnjičeni u HAG

PRIŠTINA - Iako predsednik DPK, Kadri Veselji, koji je danas otputovao za Hag, gde će u Specijalnom sudu biti saslušan u okiru istraga o zlocinima tzv. OVK nad Srbima, nije rekao u kom svojstvu je pozvan, bivši agent SHIK, Naim Miftari, kaže da će predsednik parlamenta pozvan kao osumnjičeni.

9 Dec 16:52 tanjug.rs 2690210340379390118.html
Esplosione al rialzo nel 2020 per Moncler oppure l’offerta di Kering non ci sarà?

Nel 2020 potremmo assistere a un' esplosione al rialzo delle quotazioni di Moncler qualora l'offerta di Kering si dovesse concretizzare. Dell'impatto di

9 Dec 10:36 Proiezioni di Borsa 1371856261134355973.html
"WandaVision" - nowy serial o losach bohaterów Marvela niebawem na Disney+

Premiera serialu WandaVision będzie miała na miejsce na Disney+ w 2021 roku i będzie stanowiła wprowadzenie do czwartej części MCU

9 Dec 10:23 DailyWeb 789756977849966559.html
Ofiţerul care i-a trimis jurnalistei Emilia Şercan mesaje de ameninţare, condamnat la închisoare cu amânarea executării. Decizia Tribunalului Bucureşti

Magistraţii Tribunalului Bucureşti l-au condamnat la 1 an de închisoare cu amânarea executării pedepsei pe Adrian Bărbulescu, cel care i-a trimis mesaje de ameninţare jurnalistei Emilia Şercan. Ofiţerul şi-a...

9 Dec 13:47 Mediafax.ro 1869610969188008265.html
Grevă interminabilă. Transportatorii francezi protestează pentru a cincea zi

Greva transportatorilor din Franţa continuă pentru a cincea zi consecutiv. În această dimineaţă, la Paris, un tren din trei a fost pus în circulaţie. În staţii s-a format un adevărat furnicar, iar în momentul când oamenii au trebuit să urce, s-au format a

9 Dec 13:12 PUBLIKA 1679939814658773243.html
Top 5 cele mai titrate echipe din cele mai puternice campionate ale lumii

Real Madrid, Manchester United, Liverpool, Bayern sau FC Barcelona sunt echipele la care se raporteaza toata lumea cand vine vorba despre campionatele cele mai puternice ale lumii.

9 Dec 11:10 Jurnal.md 3315832233716719484.html
Video: ¿De qué trata el escándalo que resquebraja a la oposición venezolana?

El video muestra la manera en que ha disminuido el apoyo de Guaidó tras los diferentes casos de corrupción; que va desde mensajes a través de Tweets y también las llamadas movilizaciones recurrentes que son convocadas por el mismo

9 Dec 09:36 Globovisión 5928221752717798112.html
Yao López se une a los Leones

La organización del BSN anunció ayer la firma de uno de los agentes libres más cotizados.

9 Dec 12:27 Primera Hora 5092966654351152990.html
Breaking Down the 2020 Golden Globe Nominations

Netflix got plenty of attention for films with old-fashioned marquee appeal, while female directors and actors of color were largely overlooked.

9 Dec 17:10 The Atlantic 100708437763989689.html
Municipales à Marseille : Samia Ghali se présente en femme "libre"

Samia Ghali est officiellement candidate pour les municipales à Marseille. La sénatrice des Bouches-du-Rhône se lance dans la course mais seule, sans aucune étiquette avec le soutien des adhérents qui ont rejoint son mouvement "Marseille avant tout".

9 Dec 09:43 France Bleu 8004048435679602204.html
Millie Boby Brown comparte fotografías en las que aparenta más edad

La actriz de Stranger Things compartió una fotografía en Instagram en la que se le ve un look con el que sorprendió a sus seguidores, pues aparenta más edad de la que tiene.

9 Dec 17:31 LOS40 7249086299681955165.html
Macri y Fernández compartieron una histórica misa en la Basílica de Luján

    Aplausos, insultos, mensajes de apoyo y abucheos se mezclaron ayer en la multitudinaria misa de Luján que concitó al presidente, Mauricio Macri, y al mandatario electo, Alberto Fernández, a un día del cambio de gobierno. Aunque llegaron por separado, los dirigentes caminaron juntos hacia la primera fila montada de cara al escenario en […]

9 Dec 10:07 El Eco 4177735525248198903.html
Südafrikanerin ist die neue „Miss Universe“

Die neue “Miss Universe” kommt aus Südafrika. Zozibini Tunzi wurde am Sonntagabend im Finale in Atlanta zur neuen Titelträgerin gekrönt. Die 26-jährige Gewinnerin engagiere sich im Kampf gegen geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt und sei eine “stolze Verfechterin natürlicher Schönheit”, heißt es auf der Internetseite des Wettbewerbs. “Ich bin in einer Welt aufgewachsen, in der eine Frau, die […]

9 Dec 14:17 Oberösterreichisches Volksblatt 5076973170234263920.html
Autos eléctricos: la estrategia para librarse de las baterías de China, Corea y Japón

No hay proyecto de auto eléctrico posible sin baterías, y Europa lo sabe. Por eso lanzó un fondo multimillonario para el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías.

9 Dec 16:57 Merca2.0 990348493538138692.html
“No utilizar pólvora y renunciar a toda tradición que implique su uso”: directora del ICBF

Desde el ICBF se hizo un llamado a los padres de familia para celebrar en época decembrina sin pólvora.

9 Dec 13:41 Noticiero 90 Minutos 2779969827450966208.html
¡7 años de la muerte de Jenni Rivera! Así revelan escalofriante testimonio a sus hijos

La Diva de la Banda quiso dejar testimonio y de que había recibido amenazas que atentaban contra su vida. [VIDEO]

9 Dec 16:32 Diario del Cauca 7368601132287277495.html
Balvanera: un nene se cayó de una terraza de un edificio de tres pisos

El incidente se produjo cuando un nene se cayó de la terraza de una edificio.

9 Dec 15:19 Diario Popular 7191573466319412502.html
La UPV no impedirá la charla de Gasteiz pero pide a Sare que actúe con «sensibilidad»

Ante las presiones para suspender la charla organizada este martes por Sare sobre la situaci&oacute;n de los presos enfermos en el campus de Gasteiz, la...

9 Dec 15:40 naiz: 7509038604344107924.html
Convention signée entre Pully et les héritiers de Ramuz

Une convention a été officiellement été signée vendredi entre la Ville de Pully et les héritiers de Ramuz. Les travaux de rénovation de La Muette et ...

9 Dec 15:43 La Côte 469155178607295898.html
El enésimo intento de tren supersónico es español y también lo paga Juan Roig

La valenciana Zeleros ultima una ronda de 5 millones de euros para las pruebas del transporte en Sagunto. El fundador de Mercadona, a través de su fondo, ha apostado por subir la participación

9 Dec 10:17 El Confidencial 6129807550351254524.html
La trampa de las ‘Elecciones del Brexit’

Las generales del 12 de diciembre en Reino Unido fueron acuñadas como las 'Elecciones del Brexit' antes incluso de ser oficialmente convocadas, pero tras...

9 Dec 10:40 Europa Press 4702666147895478395.html
Best printer for Mac in 2020: top printers for your Apple device

Looking for a great printer for your Mac? These are our top picks.

9 Dec 16:22 TechRadar 2111116914384987049.html
Greenpeace reclama que el Gobierno fije en 2025 el tope para el cierre de las térmicas de carbón

La organización denuncia que en las explotaciones de mineral de las que España importa el carbón se violan de forma sistemática los derechos humanos

9 Dec 10:28 Las Provincias 5471838388816052390.html
Over Rs 10 trn worth of loans disbursed under Mudra Yojana till Nov 1: Govt

The PMMY is a scheme launched by the prime minister on April 8, 2015, for providing loans up to Rs 10 lakh to non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises.

9 Dec 11:35 Business-Standard 1502508925961046566.html
Czy elektryczny ID.3 jest bezpieczny? Volkswagen opracował nowatorską poduszkę powietrzną

Volkswagen ID.3 niebawem trafi na polskie drogi. Inżynierowie niemieckiej marki na pokładzie swojego elektrycznego dzieła zastosowali szereg nowatorskich rozwiązań. A najbardziej dumni są ze środkowej poduszki powietrznej.

9 Dec 10:33 auto.dziennik.pl 7078545419662881240.html
Klaipėda pradeda dar vieno socialinio daugiabučio statybas


9 Dec 14:10 Vakaru ekspresas VE 5352887586235989698.html
Jennifer Aniston gets first Golden Globes nomination for a TV show since ‘Friends’ 16 years ago

The 2020 Golden Globes nominations were just revealed, and Jennifer Aniston earned a nod for her role on Apple TV Plus’ “The Morning Show.”

9 Dec 16:46 Business Insider Malaysia 8325046882965786724.html
'Joke! Joke, joke, joke' - Diamond post-match gag might land him in hot water with EPCR

Sale Sharks Direcotr of Rugby Steve Diamond could have landed himself in hot water after referring to Mathieu Raynal and his assistants as 'bastards'.

9 Dec 09:32 Rugbypass 8668874339769570718.html
Les danseurs de l'Opéra de Paris sont aussi dans la rue pour défendre leur retraite

Plus confidentiel que celui de la RATP ou de la SNCF, le régime spécial de l'Opéra a été mis en place sous Louis XIV.

9 Dec 14:20 Franceinfo 1060532880300198181.html
Le trompettiste Terence Blanchard entre dans l'histoire de l'opéra

Trompettiste et compositeur de nombreuses bandes originales du cinéaste Spike Lee, Terence Blanchard entre dans l’histoire comme étant le premier compositeur noir à voir un de ses opéras mis en scène par le prestigieux Metropolitan Opera de New...

9 Dec 09:38 Musiq3 2262420856617206136.html
Jeffrey Epstein y Harvey Weinstein acudieron al 18º cumpleaños de Beatriz, la hija del príncipe Andrés

Unas imágenes muestran a los magnates acusados de abuso en la fiesta que se celebró en 2006 en el castillo de Windsor, mientras posan junto a Ghislaine Maxwell, la socia y amiga íntima del financiero

9 Dec 10:21 EL PAÍS 2207347709791939953.html
Le Conseil d'Etat rappelle que le droit au déréférencement n'est pas un droit absolu

La possibilité pour un internaute de demander à un moteur de recherche le déréférencement des informations le concernant n'est pas absolu. En réaffirmant ce principe, le Conseil d'Etat donne ses lignes directrices aux exploitants de moteur de recherche et à la Cnil pour leurs futurs litiges. 

9 Dec 11:25 L'Usine Digitale 1522718387253412093.html
Ação contra PSL tenta levar verba para Aliança de Bolsonaro

O novo partido do presidente quer garantir que um grupo de cerca de 20 deputados migrem do PSL para a Aliança pelo Brasil mantendo os mandatos

9 Dec 12:20 Notícias ao Minuto 7025628699955025695.html
"Spavali smo svaku noć kao brat i sestra": Iva ortkrila istinu o Karićevoj i njenoj vezi!

Iva Grgurić komentarisala je sinić kod voditelja Ognjena Amidžića svoj odnos sa bivšim dečkom Stefanom Karićem!

9 Dec 10:08 pulsonline 6050941186045557225.html

La grogne contre la hausse du prix de l’électricité, l’affaire des faux billets impliquant un parlementaire, la crise de l’eau tout comme la mort de migrants sénégalais dans l’océan, sans oublier l’insécurité alimentaire, sont autant de signaux qui renseignent de la décomposition politique du système. C’est l’analyse du fondateur d’Afrikajom Center, Alioune Tine qui, invité à l’émission Objection de la radio Sud Fm d’hier, dimanche 8 décembre, a tiré la sonnette d’alarme, non sans inviter le régime à réagir et à apaiser.

9 Dec 11:16 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533013190136.html
En Inde, le vieux fléau des exécutions extrajudiciaires policières

Cameroun, actualités Cameroun, info Cameroun, news Cameroun

9 Dec 09:50 Journal du Cameroun 2709815388539313383.html
Sur le plus grand Colruyt «basse énergie» de Bruxelles, une toiture-potager expérimentale

Une toiture-potager va pousser sur le toit du Colruyt rénové de la rue Gray, à Etterbeek. L’immeuble mixte accueille aussi 37 appartements et 2 étages de p...

9 Dec 14:25 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700516859791755.html
Robert Lewandowski i Rafał Gikiewicz. Polacy rządzą w Bundeslidze

Najlepszym snajperem w Bundeslidze jest dziś Polak. Najlepszym bramkarzem też jest Polak! To, że Robert Lewandowski jest gwiazdą niemieckiej ligi, wiadomo od dawna. Ale Rafał Gikiewicz stał się tegorocznym objawieniem.

9 Dec 13:44 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968689307611.html
Esta es la lista de nominados de los "Golden Globes" 2020

Falta muy poco para esta premiación y esta mañana se dieron a conocer los nominados a los Golden Globes.

9 Dec 11:30 SIPSE.com 4008460418581573288.html
Corneliu Popovici: Manualele de Istorie a Românilor sunt infectate de un „etnocentrism” perimat

Autorul de manuale de istorie integrată în variantă comunistă, Corneliu Popovici (foto), imediat după instalarea în fotoliul de ministru, a vorbit la Sputnik despre intenția de a schimba denumirea cursului „Istoria Universală și a Românilor”. După spusele oficialului, conținuturile actualelor manuale au multe „deficiențe”, sunt infectate de un „etnocentrism” perimat. Cu alte cuvinte, evenimentele istorice sunt tratate în aceste instrumente didactice din punctul de vedere al poporului român. Corneliu Popovici și-a argumentat decizia prin faptul că nici în România disciplina aceasta nu se mai numește „Istoria Românilor”, ci doar „Istorie”.

9 Dec 14:09 Timpul.md 1177122104590763411.html
Terra Brava: Rosete é presa e é obrigada a fechar o Carrossel

Não perca o episódio de hoje de Terra Brava, SIC. Rosete é presa e é obrigada a fechar o Carrossel

9 Dec 13:25 maria 5738163822292330600.html
La lluvia no corrió al público que disfrutó de la gaita

Seis agrupaciones se dieron cita en la cuarta jornada musical

9 Dec 12:49 Últimas Noticias 6811287211147462790.html
L'OMC est entrée dans une crise institutionnelle à Genève

L'OMC est entrée dans une crise institutionnelle à Genève. Sans surprise, une dernière réunion lundi n'a pas permis de trouver un consensus sur les juges du tribunal d'appel de l'institution en raison du blocage américain. Celui-ci sera dysfonctionnel mercredi.

9 Dec 16:35 www.rjb.ch 7386238341384788236.html
Joel Schumacher's Dark Knight Rises as a (Nipple-less) Batman & Robin Pop!

To celebrate 80 years of Batman, Funko is releasing a Pop! Heroes vinyl figure based on George Clooney's Batman from Batman & Robin.

9 Dec 13:12 CBR.com 1295516962712672470.html
La France bloquée, l'épreuve du feu pour le gouvernement

Le mouvement de grève se poursuivait massivement, lundi pour un cinquième jour consécutif, dans les transports publics en France, représentant une véritable épreuve du feu pour le gouvernement...

9 Dec 10:01 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960981414340396.html
¿Flavia Laos y Patricio Parodi están distanciados? Esto le confesó a Peluchín

Flavia Laos decidió responderle a Rodrigo González si separó de Patricio Parodi.

9 Dec 11:13 Wapa.pe 6757287089469034383.html
Une soirée de quatre points pour Rafaël Harvey-Pinard

Les Saguenéens rendaient visite aux Cataractes dimanche. Après avoir pris les devants 4-2 lors des deux premières périodes, Shawinigan a vu l’adversaire inscrire quatre buts …

9 Dec 10:28 25Stanley 9144656698633310856.html
RDC : l’Union européenne lève les sanctions contre deux personnalités


9 Dec 16:49 Radio Okapi 4444713482787194813.html
Bułgarzy zatrzymani za handel nielegalną odzieżą i perfumami

Funkcjonariusze Krajowej Administracji Skarbowej zatrzymali odzież i perfumy oznaczone znakami towarowymi znanych światowych marek.

9 Dec 10:00 Gazeta Olsztyńska 6432040254425065044.html
Banaś odrzuca zaproszenie Senatu. Nie będzie zeznawał

Prezes NIK Marian Banaś nie stawi się na jutrzejsze przesłuchanie w senackiej komisji samorządu terytorialnego i administracji państwowej. Miało dotyczyć wątpliwości związanych z oświadczeniami majątkowymi Banasia.

9 Dec 14:22 Rzeczpospolita 4735082524894150240.html
Un analista político, un periodista, un informático y más de 100 exfuncionarios públicos, entre los postulantes al TSE

Muchos ocuparon cargos en la función pública. La comisión reinició la revisión de la documentación y se espera que en las próximas horas sea difundida la lista de los habilitados   La comisión revisa la documentación de los aspirantes I Foto: Senado. La comisión Mixta de Constitución reinstaló la mañana de este lunes su sesión

9 Dec 15:50 eju.tv 4688901770511192775.html
Affaire de la sextape: La Cour de cassation valide l'enquête contestée par Karim Benzema et ouvre ainsi la voie à un procès

La Cour de cassation a rejeté le pourvoi de Karim Benzema qui contestait la loyauté de l'enquête sur l'affaire du chantage à la sextape de Mathieu Valbuena en 2015, dans laquelle l'attaquant du Real Madrid est mis en examen. Selon la Cour, les méthodes

9 Dec 14:19 JEANMARCMORANDINI.COM 1796801687844889489.html
Menperin Minta Anggaran 2021 Naik Jadi Rp 6 T

Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita meminta anggaran Kementerian Perindustrian untuk tahun 2021 bisa naik menjadi Rp 6 triliun.

9 Dec 10:19 detikfinance 4442190001841697665.html
Your letters for Dec. 9

“The monarchy costs each Canadians pennies and as head of state, the monarch has no influence on what parliament passes.”

9 Dec 12:00 Calgary Herald 1003909012215839468.html
EEUU: El militar en prácticas de Arabia Saudí que mató a tres marineros

“Me enfureció el por qué diría eso frente a la clase”, escribió el aprendiz saudí en su queja

9 Dec 09:59 La Vanguardia 8061072699564056325.html
Governo sugere criação de juízos especiais para corrupção e acordos em julgamento

A criação de juízos especiais para julgar corrupção e crimes conexos, a possibilidade de os arguidos fazerem acordos em julgamento e melhorar a lei sobre o direito premial são algumas das intenções do Governo para a área da justiça. Fonte oficial disse à agência Lusa que estas e outras sugestões serão analisadas a partir de janeiro pelo grupo de trabalho da justiça, anunciado na quinta-feira, e que vai apresentar o seu relatório com propostas concretas em finais de abril. No dia em que se assinala o Dia Internacional de Combate à Corrupção é convicção do Governo que é necessário encontrar formas de investigar e julgar em menos tempo os processos de corrupção e evitar a construção de megaprocessos. Para isso, sugere uma fonte do Ministério da Justiça, é preciso fazer uma intervenção no Código Processo Penal (CPP) para o tornar uma ferramenta mais clara e ágil. Segundo a mesma fonte, é urgente alterar o método de “montar” os processos por forma a evitar os “casos gigantes”, já que isso impede a eficácia e a compreensão…

9 Dec 09:51 O Minho 154418197600801142.html
Miss France 2020 : les photos sexy de Miss Champagne-Ardenne sur Instagram

S’il y en a une, parmi les trente candidates au titre de Miss France, qui fait sensation sur Instagram, c’est bien Miss Champagne-Ardenne. A dix-huit ans, Lucille Moine n’hésite pas à dévoiler ses courbes de rêve.

9 Dec 09:49 Non Stop People 2400073497367402466.html
Inmigración en España: Cerca de 400 inmigrantes arriban a las costas españolas

Los puertos de Andalucía oriental y Canarias eran los principales puntos de destino

9 Dec 09:09 La Vanguardia 8061072699592679331.html
En su día, la Inmaculada Concepción recorrió las calles de la ciudad y guió a cientos de fieles

Así como cada 8 de diciembre se celebró ayer, el día de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María y bajo un cielo celeste, como su manto, las calles oyeron cantos y reflexiones. Con este motivo, cientos de feligreses de distintas instituciones, comunidades religiosas, colectividades, escuelas y ciudadanos en general se unieron frente a […]

9 Dec 10:17 El Eco 4177735523962323301.html
FG to sign MoU on Ajaokuta Steel in January 2020 — Minister

The Minister of Mines and Steel Development, Mr Olamilekan Adegbite has said that the Federal Government will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)...

9 Dec 12:05 Vanguard News 4125100338751825521.html
El Real Madrid alcanza la velocidad de crucero dos años después

Con la victoria a medio a gas ante el Espanyol (2-0), el Real Madrid enlazó una racha de nueve partidos sin conocer la derrota. Desde...

9 Dec 09:25 Mundo Deportivo 6646996958631343245.html
Berbagi Hal yang Paling Disyukuri di 2019 & Dapat Uang, Bunda Mau?

Berbagi soal hal yang paling disyukuri di 2019 dan dapatkan kesempatan mendapat uang tunai yuk, Bun.

9 Dec 09:20 cerita-bunda 8028540702915724662.html
Climate Is the Ultimate “OK, Boomer” Issue

The genesis of a generational conflict

9 Dec 11:00 The New Republic 7071196524307610612.html
Mercato - Everton : Leonardo Jardim parmi les cibles des Toffees

Si Duncan Ferguson a pris les commandes d'Everton à la suite du

9 Dec 09:40 Top Mercato 9098635541084544701.html
Ghostbusters : l'héritage dévoile une affiche et quelques images avant sa bande-annonce

S.O.S. Fantômes : L'Héritage: Si la mode du soft-reboot gangrène de plus en plus nos souvenirs d'enfance, on a toujours le secret espoir que cela soit fait dans la lignée et le respect des ancêtres.

9 Dec 13:00 Ecran large 8324370983417876618.html
Singer, Ric Hassani hits over 8m streams on Spotify in 2019

Nigerian alternative Afropop singer, Ric Hassani has garnered more than eight million streams for his music on Spotify in 2019.News...

9 Dec 13:34 The Nation Newspaper 2658445900077143601.html
Pace of housing starts edges up on strength in B.C., Alberta

The national housing agency says the seasonally adjusted annual rate for November was 201,318 units, up 0.3 per cent from 200,674 units.

9 Dec 15:13 BNN 3833521688098442082.html
Afaceri de la zero. Cum au transformat trei tineri din Timişoara pasiunea pentru petreceri şi festivaluri într-o afacere

Andrei Lupşan, Sebastian Maul şi Vasile Nicolae Lupşa, trei antreprenori din Timişoara, testează apetitul de distracţie al tinerilor – dar nu numai – pentru a dezvolta, pornind de la organizarea de petreceri, un business cu numele Spot Events. Au gestionat deja câteva evenimente, pentru a se încălzi pentru ceea ce urmează, iar acum adaugă pe harta ţării noi ocazii de a petrece.

9 Dec 15:25 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918890150793.html
"Napoli" prezidentas svarsto apie G. Gattuso kandidatūrą

Gennaro Gattuso artimiausiu metu gali grįžti į Italijos "Serie A" pirmenybes.

9 Dec 14:42 EURO FOOTBALL 925125275888346479.html
Berger sí confía en Ferrari: "Creo que dos pilotos alfa pueden convivir"

Gerhard Berger sabe de sobra lo que es compartir 'box' con una gran estrella del automovilismo. Lo hizo con Ayrton Senna en McLaren, también con Mansell y Alesi. El que fuera piloto de Ferrari durante tres temporadas ha hablado sobre la relación que tienen Charles Leclerc y Sébastian Vettel, y lo que esto supone para la Scuderia.

9 Dec 10:32 MARCA 5656811533710690159.html
El invierno tardío y la zafra ayudaron a tener más energía renovable a partir de noviembre

Luego de la baja generación de energía con las hidroeléctricas debido al invierno poco lluvioso durante el 2019 el aporte con renovables mejoró durante noviembre impulsado por la zafra y porque se llenó el l embalse de Chixoy.

9 Dec 11:00 Prensa Libre 5433015256418101418.html
Un chargeur de smartphone explose et provoque l’incendie de 3 maisons

Un chargeur de smartphone non officiel a explosé en Malaisie. L'appareil en flammes a bien failli réduire en cendres trois maisons.

9 Dec 11:39 PhonAndroid.com 8181142843402060327.html
‘Who’s going to make the first move?’: Canada not alone in the Huawei dilemma

Nations around the world seek direction on whether to allow the Chinese company’s equipment into 5G networks

9 Dec 13:53 Financial Post 2379081491872778010.html
Roblox’s 10 biggest games of all time — each with more than a billion plays

Roblox, the virtual gaming world for teens and kids, is revealing its top 10 games, and each one of them has been played more than a billion times.

9 Dec 15:15 VentureBeat 6273363636827419971.html
'My daughter's 16 and might be around alcohol. So I'm looking at my own behaviour.'

What you do at home matters.

9 Dec 12:06 Mamamia 1081827191861574784.html
Bombă în sport, Rusia a fost exclusă din toate competiţiile pentru următorii patru ani. Interdicţia vizează inclusiv CM de Fotbal

Agenţia Mondială Anti-Doping (WADA) a decis luni excluderea Rusiei din toate competiţiile sportive, inclusiv Campionate Mondiale sau Jocuri Olimpice.

9 Dec 10:05 romaniatv.net 4505369228599900836.html
El juego de puzles «The House of Da Vinci 2», ya disponible en la App Store

Y tenemos disponible en la App Store "The House of Da Vinci 2", la secuela de uno de los juegos de puzles más jugados de la historia en iOS.

9 Dec 09:25 APPerlas 8419559905507489673.html
Yanet García la sexy "Chica del clima" ¿Tenía guardado un juguete íntimo?

La conductora Yanet Garc&iacute;a, sigue sorprendiendo a sus fieles admiradores por la sensualidad con la que acude al programa matutino &ldquo;Hoy&rdquo;, aunque la famosa fue sorprendida con un objeto extra&ntilde;o.

9 Dec 15:51 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623517494061.html
Bleibt Andreas Köpke doch länger bei Hertha?

Eigentlich soll Torwarttrainer Andreas Köpke am Jahresende wieder zum DFB zurückkehren. Doch Jürgen Klinsmann will um einen längeren Verbleib kämpfen.

9 Dec 09:02 TAG24 4583887873956728258.html
Morocco’s Bank Profits Exceeded $1.1 Bn by End of September

The profits of eight main Moroccan banks reached $1.1 billion at the end of September, a 0.96 percent increase compared to the same period last year, while the total net banking income increased 6.6 percent to reach $5.62 billion, according to financ

9 Dec 11:45 Asharq AL-awsat 7659933396707166.html
Proximus : le syndicat chrétien approuve le plan de restructuration

Le syndicat chrétien a approuvé lundi le plan de transformation annoncé chez Proximus. Une majorité des deux tiers a dès lors pu être atteinte au sein de la commission paritaire et l’accord social conclu. Le conseil d’administration de Proximus a décidé fin novembre de lancer un plan de transformation qui prévoit finalement la suppression de … lire plus

9 Dec 12:20 BX1 6836258507488665690.html
Granada e Oziel são campeões no Campeonato Amador

O Estádio Moisés Lucarelli, em Campinas, foi palco das finais Campeonato de Futebol Amador da cidade

9 Dec 13:49 ACidade ON 9132734526773207117.html
Jennifer Lopez habló del Super Bowl con Shakira, ¿tendrán invitados?

La cantante, que se presentará en el medio tiempo del evento deportivo al lado de la colombiana , dio algunos detalles en el ‘show’ de Jimmy Fallon. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 11:37 pulzo.com 8971816785967842997.html
Syria: Rosjanie wchodzą do byłej stolicy samozwańczego kalifatu

Rosyjscy żołnierze wkroczyli do Ar-Rakki, byłej stolicy samozwańczego kalifatu tzw. Państwa Islamskiego, która została wyzwolona w październiku 2017 roku przez tworzone głównie przez kurdyjskie milicje (YPG - Powszechne Jednostki Ochrony) Syryjskie Siły Demokratyczne (SDF). SDF zostały wyparte z tych terenów przez Turków w ramach ofensywy "Żródło pokoju" rozpoczętej po wycofaniu się z północy Syrii amerykańskich żołnierzy.

9 Dec 10:01 Rzeczpospolita 4735082524790402821.html
Krajowe świętowanie Nobla Tokarczuk: transmisje gali, wieczór noblowski, czytanie książek

Transmisje noblowskiej gali, wieczór noblowski, czytanie książek Olgi Tokarczuk - to niektóre wydarzenia zaplanowane m.in. w Toruniu, Krakowie i Wrocławiu z okazji wtorkowej ceremonii wręczenia literackiego Nobla Oldze Tokarczuk.

9 Dec 17:22 RMF24 3758900158689763648.html
EXCLU - Mercato : Nantes discute pour Yohan Boli (St-Trond)

En quête d’un finisseur pour le mercato hivernal, le FC Nantes se penche actuellement sur le cas de l’attaquant de Saint-Trond, Yohan Boli.

9 Dec 13:45 Le 10 Sport 6431763078161762836.html
La Commission européenne autorise une aide publique de 3,2 milliards d'euros pour «l'Airbus des batteries»

Ce projet paneuropéen dans le secteur des batteries électriques, porté par la France et l’Allemagne, va enfin pouvoir démarrer. Il vise à concurrencer le duopole Chine-Etats-Unis

9 Dec 16:45 l'Opinion 7618695066739460588.html
Eddie Cross: It cannot be Business as Usual in 2020

By Eddie Cross If there is one thing our leadership has to understand as we approach Christmas this year, it is that in 2020, we cannot continue to do things the way they have been done in the past decade. We go out of 2019 with so many areas of failure in terms of policy and activity that it is difficult to pick them out and deal with them one by one. So this weekly letter is going to cover my personal wish list for my country in 2020.

9 Dec 11:00 Nehanda Radio 3802011523651131409.html
Linhas gerais da proposta do OE2020 apresentadas na terça-feira

O ministro de Estado e das Finanças, Mário Centeno, apresenta as linhas gerais da proposta do Governo de Orçamento do Estado para 2020 na terça-feira, na Assembleia da República.

9 Dec 16:27 JN 6956494303419909466.html
Decididos a no extinguirse: Zoológico de Berlín revela el nacimiento de un par de pandas gemelos

Los dos primeros pandas gemelos nacidos en Alemania serán llamados Meng Yuan y Meng Xiang

9 Dec 13:08 NTN24 8482749625241197993.html
ŽKK Mladi Krajišnik zbog dugova izbačen iz Premijer lige

Višestruki prvak BiH i RS ŽKK Mladi Krajišnik izbačen je iz Premijer lige BiH zbog duga prema Košarkaškom savezu BiH (KS BiH). Brane Čovičković, generalni menadžer "malenih", istakao je da je ovo iživljavanje nad banjalučkim klubom.

9 Dec 16:00 Nezavisne novine 4209150641417467456.html
Al menos cinco muertos y casi 20 heridos deja erupción de volcán en Nueva Zelanda

Según la policía local, unas cincuentena de personas visitaban White Island, una turística isla en Nueva Zelanda, cuando se produjo la explosión, que lanzó una gran cantidad de ceniza y piedras al aire. El número de víctimas todavía podría aumentar. 

9 Dec 11:59 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542396713217.html
Ingyenes Netflix rivális érkezik

De azért van egy-két kis trükk a dologban, amitől rögtön nem olyan vonzó a Plex szolgáltatása.

9 Dec 09:18 PROHARDVER! 9180524328512746529.html
Fanúšikovia seriálu Priatelia smútia. Herec prehral boj s chorobou

V legendárnom seriáli stvárnil nezabudnuteľnú postavu.

9 Dec 12:04 tvnoviny.sk 3706975544928006862.html
Fanúšikovia seriálu Priatelia smútia. Herec prehral boj s chorobou

V legendárnom seriáli stvárnil nezabudnuteľnú postavu.

9 Dec 11:45 markíza 4409835921989165681.html
Fanúšikovia seriálu Priatelia smútia. Herec prehral boj s chorobou

V legendárnom seriáli stvárnil nezabudnuteľnú postavu.

9 Dec 11:45 markíza 5778083001899292598.html
Pace of housing starts edges up in November on strength in B.C., Alberta

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the annual pace of housing starts edged higher last month compared with October, although there were declines in five provinces.

9 Dec 14:48 CTVNews 2422791597779780643.html
Pronostic Ajax Valence : Analyse, prono et cotes doublées sur le match de Ligue des champions

L’Ajax finit le travail face à Valence ! Demi-finaliste de C1 la saison passée, l’Ajax a pour le moment parfaitement négocié son parcours dans ce groupe. Les hommes d’Erik Ten Hag sont en ballottage très favorable pusiqu'ils ont seulement besoin d’un nul pour se qualifier. Les Néerlandais ont vu De Ligt et De Jong quitter le club à l’intersaison. Ces deux départs importants auraient pu être préjudiciables pour le club mais comme souvent, l’Ajax a prouvé toutes ses ressources et a su trouver des éléments capables de compenser ces absences. Ce week-end, les partenaires de Tadic ont cependant connu un coup d’arrêt en s’inclinant à domicile face à Willem II (2-0). Ce revers permet à Alkmaar de revenir à 3 points en Eredivisie. Au match aller, l’Ajax avait réalisé une démonstration à Mestalla (3-0) avec une excellente prestation de Ziyech.

9 Dec 11:12 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252507984252.html
Le Cool FM renoue avec la victoire face aux Pétroliers du Nord

Après une séquence de sept défaites consécutives, le Cool FM de Saint-Georges a gagné 7-6 en fusillade le 8 décembre, contre les Pétroliers du Nord à Laval.   Le Cool…

9 Dec 13:49 L'Éclaireur Progrès 1533350368478027151.html
Adrian Năstase bagă băţul prin gard: 'Lecţiile de dirigenţie' ale preşedintelui subminează autoritatea premierului

Adrian Năstase îl critică pe preşedintele Iohannis pentru că se comportă ca un şef al Guvernului, convocând aproape zilnic premierul la...

9 Dec 09:56 Stiri pe surse 4858045012268444154.html
Jak odzyskać usunięte lub zablokowane konto na Instagramie?

Usunięte konto na insta - jak przywrócić i odzyskać usunięte konto na Instagramie? Jak przywrócić zablokowane konto? Sprawdzamy skuteczne sposoby na rozwiązanie problemu.

9 Dec 16:47 Jak odzyskać usunięte lub zablokowane konto na Instagramie? 1118436465727593333.html
Kilencvenéves whiskeyket árvereznek el

Elárverezik a világ legnagyobbjának tartott, magánkézben lévő skótwhisky-gyűjteményét, a több mint 3900 üvegért 7-8 millió fontot (2,7 - 3,1 milliárd forint) várnak - adta hírül az MTI.

9 Dec 14:52 Napi.hu 2201654863780156976.html
Care sunt companiile aeriene care nu pot opera în UE: Comisia Europeană a publicat lista celor 115 operatori aerieni care nu respectă standardele internaţionale de siguranţă

115 companii aeriene nu pot opera în Uniunea Europeană, după Comisia Europeană a actualizat, luni, lista UE a companiilor aeriene care nu respectă standardele internaţionale de siguranţă, anunţă instituţia. 

9 Dec 15:50 Ziarul Financiar 1602913917829017578.html
Kirk Douglas, el superviviente del Hollywood dorado, cumple hoy 103 años

Kirk Douglas, el último superviviente de los iconos masculinos de la edad de oro de Hollywood, cumple hoy 103 años con la intención de celebrar la señalada fecha rodeado de sus seres queridos en una reunión íntima alejada de los festejos que han ocupado sus aniversarios anteriores.

9 Dec 14:23 ELESPECTADOR.COM 6398067542565762199.html
La voz 'rota' de Bryan Adams llega a España

El rockero canadiense cerrará su gira en Madrid, Bilbao y Barcelona

9 Dec 10:50 Cadena SER 8390941984260732776.html
‘War crime’: Gov’t slams use of child soldiers after clash kills 16-year-old rebel

Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar on Monday denounced rebels of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) for recruiting child soldiers in their armed struggle, saying such an act is a war crime and

9 Dec 16:27 Manila Bulletin News 7849457200369567456.html
Una ciudad prohíbe a sus vecinos morir los fines de semana y días festivos

Se firmó un decreto municipal. 

9 Dec 15:39 PRONTO.com.ar 8226740450323404219.html
Igor Gomes relata experiência de ser capitão pelo São Paulo

Com um elenco recheado de jovens, o São Paulo teve Igor Gomes como capitão na tarde deste domingo, na vitória sobre o CSA. Destaque na reta final de

9 Dec 16:00 Gazeta Esportiva 1562118771891300161.html
Davis anota 50 puntos en triunfo de los Lakers

Anthony Davis anotó 50 puntos, su cifra más alta esta temporada, y los Lakers de Los Ángeles mejoraron su registro a 21-3, el mejor de la liga.

9 Dec 10:37 Metro 5130125482657470282.html
Le catalogue des morceaux en solo du rappeur Jay-Z a fait son retour sur Spotify, qui les en avait retirés à sa demande il y a deux ans et demi

Le catalogue des morceaux en solo du célèbre rappeur Jay-Z a fait son retour sur la plateforme de musique en ligne Spotify, qui les en avait retirés à la demande de l'artiste new-yorkais il y a deux ans et demi. "Joyeux anniversaire, Hov, bon retour sur Spotify", a

9 Dec 12:31 JEANMARCMORANDINI.COM 1796801687239356051.html
PROSLAVIO GA JE KONTROVERZNI BIZNISMEN IZ SREĆNIH LJUDI! Evo zašto je pokojni glumac ŽALIO Poparu kojeg je igrao

Poznati srpski glumac i književnik Zoran Rankić preminuo je u Beogradu, u 84. godini, posle duže i teške bolesti u staračkom domu.Bio je najpoznatiji po ulogama Nikole Kalabića u mini TV-seriji Poslednji čin i Žarka Popare u TV-seriji Srećni ljudi, emitovanim ...

9 Dec 13:09 kurir.rs 6515665027330244999.html
Apple TV Plus får sin första prisnominering

När nomineringarna till Critic's Choice Awards presenterades under söndagskvällen fick Apples tv-satsning sin första nominering, för bästa manliga biroll.

9 Dec 09:53 MacWorld 602100810627476496.html
Así cayeron los hombres ‘cisterna’ que iban a inundar de trago el Pascual en la final

Los capturó la policía con cerca de 50 medias de aguardiente adheridas al cuerpo de cada uno, en las inmediaciones del estadio donde jugaban América y Junior. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 12:34 pulzo.com 8971816786883981546.html
Az Intel feltámasztja a Haswell platformot

Konkrétan a Pentium G3420 kihantolásáról és harcba küldéséről van szó.

9 Dec 13:29 PROHARDVER! 9180524327613621163.html
Öğrencilerden hasta çocuklara moral

Öğrencilerden hasta çocuklara moral

9 Dec 13:50 CNN Türk 3669296858068893905.html
Pour Facebook, l’intelligence artificielle sera économe en données ou ne sera pas

Copier l'intelligence humaine ne sera pas une mince affaire si l'on ne fait confiance qu'à l'apprentissage profond reposant sur de grands jeux de données.

9 Dec 09:37 Numerama 6854655182900487936.html
Diario Sport te invita a probar la Silence S01

Conoce de primera mano la revolución eléctrica Made in Barcelona

9 Dec 14:36 sport 1349897969229756059.html
Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Elton John, J. Lo up for Globes

NEW YORK (AP) - The Golden Globes are looking more like the Grammy Awards: Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and Elton John are competing for best original song at the ceremony.

9 Dec 16:53 WFXT 6395891953162889105.html
La Juventus fait une proposition de salaire à Erling Braut Haaland (Red Bull Salzbourg)

D’après Sportitalia, la Juventus a d’ores et déjà formulé une proposition salariale à Erling Braut Haaland, l’attaquant du Red Bull Salzbourg.

9 Dec 14:55 mercato 365 5518791934846879726.html
Luces "infinitas": una personalización muy jugada para un auto de culto, ¿lo bancás?

Cuando el vehículo está detenido se manejan desde un joystick. Lo vas a amar u odiar.

9 Dec 15:47 Todo Noticias 8077539162231985489.html
Rune Dahmke håller sig till Kiel

En gång Kiel, alltid Kiel stämmer fortfarande för Rune Dahmke. 26-åringen på vänsterkanten stannar kvar i stjärnlaget till sommaren 2022, meddelar klubben på sin hemsida. Som född i den nordtyska staden och med stora kvaliteter i bruk av den klistriga bollen var det bara en tidsfråga. Dahmke klev in i THW Kiels organisation 2008 och […]

9 Dec 11:14 Handbollskanalen 1208046729072149803.html
Joven mujer de Yucatán se ahorca después de haber discutido con su marido

Una mujer decidi&oacute; suicidarse en su casa luego de que discuti&oacute; con su marido; bastaron unos segundos para que la joven mujer decidiera terminar con su vida al poniente de Yucat&aacute;n.

9 Dec 15:05 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623151387781.html
Diyarbakır'da PKK'ya ait cephanelik bulundu: Sığınaktan çıkanlar saymakla bitmiyor

Diyarbakır'da güvenlik güçlerince yapılan istihbari çalışmayla terör örgütü PKK/KCK'ya yönelik düzenlenen operasyonda, boş arazinin altında inşa edilen sığınakta 100 kilo plastik patlayıcı ile aralarında roketatar, roket, uzun namlulu tüfek, el bombası da bulunan yüklü miktarda silah, mühimmat ve malzeme ele geçirildi, 20 şüpheli gözaltına alındı. Güvenlik güçleri ele geçirilen cephaneliğin, terör örgütü PKK'ya yönelik hendek ve barikat operasyonlarının yapıldığı Sur ilçesinde Ocak 2016'daki operasyondan sonra miktar olarak en fazla yakalanan silah ve mühimmat olduğunu kaydetti.

9 Dec 08:12 Yeni Şafak 1729259404761268192.html
Fue filmado llevándose un ejemplar de 590 pesos: México retira a su embajador acusado de robar un libro

Por 590 pesos, el costo de un libro sobre la biografía del polifacético historiador italiano Giacomo Casanova, el embajador mexicano en la Argentina, Óscar Valerio Recio, recibió la orden de regresar a México. El diplomático fue filmado por las cáma...

9 Dec 13:49 PAGINA12 7077267066086572645.html
Un día como hoy hace diez años, Esteban Paredes gritó campeón por primera vez en Colo Colo

El 9 de diciembre del 2009, el Cacique goleó por 4 a 2 a Universidad Católica y levantó su estrella 29. Esteban Paredes fue el héroe de la jornada con dos goles, uno fue de antología.

9 Dec 17:01 Dale Albo 4082402098076918449.html
Un exdirector del FMI calificó como "calamitosa" a la gestión de Macri

Se trata de Héctor Torres, quien firmó un fuerte artículo contra la gestión de Cambiemos en materia económica.

9 Dec 08:11 INFOnews 187467005094414288.html
Rapper Juice Wrld dies aged 21 after a ‘medical emergency’ at a US airport

Rapper Juice Wrld has died following a ‘medical emergency’ at a US airport, just days after completing a sold out Australian tour.

9 Dec 08:38 PerthNow 6839538507709794765.html
Boss Audio Systems culminó con éxito su Black Friday 2019

Más de un centenar de personas se dieron cita el pasado 29 de noviembre, para disfrutar de las promociones que en el marco del “Black Friday”, o viernes negro, activó la tienda Boss Audio Systems ubicada en el Centro Comercial Los Aviadores de Maracay, donde se vivió una verdadera fiesta de ofertas y descuentos.

9 Dec 10:14 Globovisión 5928221752870566765.html
Sismo de magnitud 4,5 en Toscana provoca pánico

Un sismo de magnitud 4,5 magnitud sacudió este lunes en la región de Mugello en el centro de Italia, provocando escenas de pánico en la gente pero sin causar heridos y con mínimos daños materiales.

9 Dec 11:50 El Carabobeño 125457438699236632.html
Minha mãe matou meu pai, mas 10 anos depois vamos ter um Natal feliz novamente

"É difícil expressar em palavras como é o Natal juntos como uma família. Estamos separados há tanto tempo. Acho que é apenas ser feliz. Por muito tempo, não fomos felizes e podemos ser felizes novamente."

9 Dec 10:22 Folha de S.Paulo 4090514213126290798.html
France: retrait de la moitié des produits à base de glyphosate

L'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire (Anses) a annoncé lundi le retrait de 36 produits à base de glyphosate, un herbicide que la France a décidé d'interdire à partir de 2021, une initiative saluée par des défenseurs de l'environnement. Le gouvernement a pour objectif de sortir de l'essentiel des usages du glyphosate au 1er janvier 2021, et de tous les usages au 1er janvier 2023.

9 Dec 15:09 FranceSoir 2214281689650146066.html
PGIMER MD/MS Result 2020: Scores to be Out Soon on Official Website at pgimer.edu.in

Candidates who are shortlisted in the written test will have to appear for the counselling session that is scheduled to begin in the last week of December.

9 Dec 12:25 India.com 7150386084562652988.html
11 bonnes raisons de manger des pistaches (surtout quand on est sport…

Vous ne le saviez peut-être pas, mais les pistaches et le sport font bon ménage. Ce fruit à coque est plébiscité par les sportifs pour tous ses apports énergétiques et ses bienfait…

9 Dec 15:34 Gentside. 4794589077742535239.html
Sconcerti sul Milan: "Ora c’è qualità. È la migliore delle squadre senza obiettivi"

Sulle colonne del Corriere della Sera, Mario Sconcerti ha parlato così del Milan: "Il Milan sta diventando una buona squadra. Fondamentalmente lo è sempre stata, una squadra gentile, di qualità, senza cattiveria. Ora la qualità è cresciuta e gli avversari sono di quelli che la subiscono. La differenza del periodo sta facendola Bonaventura che è un altro sulla misura di Calhanoglu, di Suso, di Bennacer, Conti, Kessie. Il Bologna era un avversario quasi inutile nelle caratteristiche. Non ha un attaccante, ha centrocampisti più rocciosi che utili. A questi livelli il Milan è da scudetto, è nettamente la migliore squadra fra quelle che non hanno un obiettivo. Però è molto migliorato. Bonaventura rispetto a Paquetà, è sostanza pura nel gioco e nelle conclusioni. Non tocco-suola ma tocco-gol. Bonaventura è un giocatore di una generazione passata, conosce la fatica, la salita per restare titolari, non è nel gruppo dei milioni facili. Il Milan è lontano ancora da una classifica nobile, può sperare adesso nel settimo…

9 Dec 12:13 MilanNews.it 6507305921488727074.html
Le gouvernement flamand a prévu de limiter la vitesse maximale sur le ring de Bruxelles

Sur les 350 mesures contenues dans le plan Energie-Climat du gouvernement flamand, seule une petite partie a déjà été dévoilée. Il est notamment prévu de l...

9 Dec 11:28 Communes, régions, Belgique, monde, sports – Toute l'actu 24h/24 sur Lavenir.net 8429700517036542289.html
Suri Cruise : la fille de Katie Holmes stylée pour une balade en ville

Suri Cruise, la fille de Katie Holmes et de Tom Cruise s'est baladée ce samedi 7 décembre dans les rues de New York. La jeune adolescente en a...

9 Dec 17:52 Closermag.fr 1175411577935395616.html
Ruud wint Eén tegen 100 en Miljoenenjacht

Nooit eerder won iemand beide Postcodeloterij programma’s. Maar het is Ruud Hessing gelukt. De oud-raadslid uit Oegstgeest en voormalig wethouder in Leiden, was in korte tijd te vinden in ‘Miljoenenjacht’ en ‘Eén tegen 100’. ‘Puur geluk’ Volgens Hessing is het puur geluk: ,,Ik ben lid van de Postcodeloterij. Die nodigen mensen op basis van hun […]

9 Dec 15:55 Ditjes & Datjes 2883654049400977995.html

Le ministre de l’Urbanisme, du Logement et de l’Hygiène publique, Abdou Karim Fofana, était à l’Assemblée nationale avant-hier, samedi 7 décembre 2019, pour le vote du projet de budget 2020 de  son département arrêté à 75.633.732.151 F CFA et 429.957.427.817 F CFA en autorisation d'engagement. Répondant aux interpellations des députés sur la cherté du loyer, la ministre a reconnu les difficultés pour le gouvernement de faire appliquer la loi de 2014 portant baisse des prix du loyer à Dakar, tout en annonçant la création prochaine d’un «observatoire de l’immobilier» pour y remédier.

9 Dec 11:47 www.sudonline.sn 5847876533369063262.html
¿Es la centrifugadora de uranio avanzada de Irán un cambio de juego? – Análisis

Irán afirmó el sábado que "el 9 de abril se darán a conocer 50 nuevos logros, incluyendo nuevos sistemas de centrifugación",

9 Dec 11:38 Noticias de Israel 5887715888896952420.html
Helen Jenkins: Two-time world champion targets racing return in 2020

Two-time world triathlon champion Helen Jenkins announces a return to racing after more than three years.

9 Dec 12:56 BBC Sport 3883826127992863419.html
Uppgifter: Fler kameror och större batteri i Galaxy S11

Det har blivit allt svårare för Samsung att hålla kommande telefoner hemliga. Senast ut i floran av rykten är uppgifter om kamerorna och batteriet.

9 Dec 15:31 Mobil 5402186367332882181.html
Narwhal “the unicorn dog” finds a home

He will become a spokesdog for diversity

9 Dec 11:14 Wales Online 7686550517329203244.html
Petrol Price Reaches Rs 75 Per Litre, Diesel Crosses Rs 66 Mark, First Time in One Year

Though the diesel rate has been moderate, the price of petrol has been on the rise since November 9.

9 Dec 13:16 India.com 7150386083201510292.html
Los hallazgos de la Comisión de la Verdad en su primer año de operación

Que se cumpla con la implementación de los Acuerdos de Paz, se frene la estigmatización y se llegue a la verdad de los asesinatos de sus colegas, fueron algunas de las peticiones que los líderes sociales de Colombia pusieron en la mesa durante los ‘Diálogos para la No Repetición’, realizados por la Comisión de la Verdad en su primer año de trabajo.En total, fueron seis los encuentros que esta organización ejecutó en Arauca, Montería, Barrancabermeja, Quibdó y Bogotá (en dos ocasiones), siendo esta última ciudad el lugar de cierre donde fueron presentados, por el presidente de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, el padre Francisco De Roux, los principales hallazgos y posibles causas de los asesinatos de hombres y mujeres, líderes y lideresas sociales en el país. De Roux explicó que hace un año la Comisión se propuso dialogar públicamente los grandes asuntos “que tenemos que encarar como sociedad y como Estado para que no continúe y no se repita el conflicto armado interno”, por lo que este primer…

9 Dec 14:45 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346393731743.html
25. Gezici Festival Kastamonu'da sinemaseverlerle buluştu

KASTAMONU (AA) - Ankara Sinema Derneğince, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının katkısıyla düzenlenen 25. Gezici Film Festivali'nin Kastamonu bölümü başladı.Kastamonu Üniversitesi Ahmet Yesevi Konferans Salonu'nda, üniversitenin Medya ve...

9 Dec 16:49 61 SAAT 7475575989199973789.html
Eugenio Campagna: "Ho detto 'sono stanco', ma la verità è che a X Factor ho rivissuto l'ansia da attacchi di panico"

Il concorrente del talent si racconta a Vanity Fair: "Tutti dicono che c’hanno l’ansia, ma l’ansia non è solo una battuta, ma proprio una piaga della nostra generazione"

9 Dec 10:28 L'HuffPost 5315551422425346448.html
Os 10 filmes mais pirateados da semana

Saiba quais foram os filmes mais buscados por usuários de sites de torrent

9 Dec 13:30 Olhar Digital 416591715479566283.html
Proiectul privind pensionarea anticipată a magistraţilor, raport favorabil în Comisia juridică

Comisia juridică a Senatului a dat raport favorabil pentru proiectul privind OUG nr.92/2018 ce aduce modificări în domeniul Justiţiei. Comisia a hotărât prorogarea, până în 2021, a prevederilor privind...

9 Dec 15:10 Mediafax.ro 1869610968895940653.html
Algérie : Lourdes peines requises contre d’ex-dirigeants pour corruption

Le parquet algérien a requis hier, dimanche 8 décembre 2019, 20 ans de prison ferme contre deux anciens Premiers ministres de l'ex-président déchu Abdelaziz Bouteflika: Ahmed Ouyahia et Abdelmalek Sellal. C'est la première fois depuis l'indépendance de l'Algérie en 1962 que sont jugés d'anciens...

9 Dec 09:00 L'Observateur du Maroc & d'Afrique 6994398352181310377.html
Final 10 In The Running For RTÉ Sportsperson Of The Year Revealed

RTÉ have revealed the final 10 names on the shortlist of the 2019 Sportsperson of the Year award. Shane Lowry looks like the early favourite.

9 Dec 10:11 PUNDIT ARENA 505417274924326768.html
América quiere hacer historia buscando el título y acabar con la maldición del sexto lugar

La Liga MX está llena de curiosidades y "maldiciones", y una de ellas es la que América quiere dejar en el pasado y escribir una nueva historia.

9 Dec 16:09 EL DEBATE 4396150894563250151.html
Boeing : amende en vue et certification du MAX

La FAA compte imposer à Boeing une amende de plus de 3,9 millions de dollars pour avoir installé des pièces défectueuses dans environ 133 737NG , et a publié le premier signal officiel que la re

9 Dec 09:00 Air Journal 8905078461642322776.html
General Election 2019: when do polling stations open and close in the North West – and how to find your nearest place to vote

This Thursday, the UK will head to the polls for the first December general election since 1923.

9 Dec 16:09 Lancashire Post 6469275854586127192.html
PJD: El Othmani se venge de ses frères et vire son directeur de campagne à Mohammedia

Kiosque360. Le parti de la Justice et du développement (PJD) est en zones de turbulences dans la cité des fleurs, circonscription électorale de Saâd-Eddine El Othmani. Le siège de la présidence est en ballotage et le parti traduit ses dissidents en justice. Les détails.

9 Dec 17:10 fr.le360.ma 5827163116278397282.html
When is Wonder Woman 1984 released and who is in the cast?

Gal Gadot returns with a cast of famous faces.

9 Dec 09:50 Metro 970161748096772841.html
Ana de Armas se queda "sin palabras" por su nominación a los Globos de Oro

La actriz ha logrado esta primera nominación con su primer papel cómico desde que aterrizó en Hollywood, tras triunfar en la televisión española.

9 Dec 17:02 La Información 5328999782432982033.html
Stramaccioni: "L'Inter prima mi dà grandissima felicità. Col Barça San Siro darà una marcia in più"

Tornato in Italia dopo la fine amara dell'esperienza con l'Esteghlal, Andrea Stramaccioni parla ai microfoni di Sky Sport rivivendo positivamente l'avventura in Iran, dove ormai era...

9 Dec 13:49 FcInterNews.it 7848284892417069792.html
Almarai to distribute SAR 0.85/shr

Riyadh – Mubasher: Almarai Company’s Board of Directors has recommended distributing cash dividends to shareholders for 2019 at SAR 0.85 per share, equivalent to 8.5% of the share’s par value. The dividends will have a total amount of SAR 850 …

9 Dec 11:26 english.mubasher.info 8917853138982876646.html
Beyoncé asegura que sufrir abortos espontáneos cambió su idea de éxito

La cantante, que protagoniza la portada de enero de Elle , responde a sus fans “Me enseñó que el dolor y la pérdida eran un regalo. Tuve que aprender a cuidar de mí misma para poder ser madre”

9 Dec 16:01 EL PAÍS 2207347709961019572.html
Ministerka zdravotníctva SR Andrea Kalavská podala demisiu

 Ministerka zdravotníctva SR Andrea Kalavská sa rozhodla podať demisiu. Agentúru SITA o tom informovala hovorkyňa Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR Zuzana Eliášová. „Kancelária ministerky zdravotníctva SR bude v utorok 10. decembra kontaktovať prezidentský palác,“ dodala Eliášová. Ministerka ešte v pondelok po rokovaní Hospodárskej a sociálnej rady SR uviedla, že strana Smer-SD sa...

9 Dec 16:20 HLAVNÝ DENNÍK 739452420459443265.html
Bienvenue au 31 rue Cambon, l'adresse mythique de Mademoiselle Chanel.

Le défilé des métiers d'art de Chanel s'est tenu sous la grandiose verrière du Grand Palais où était reconstitué l'appartement de Coco Chanel.

9 Dec 17:00 Le Point 1094305424085728291.html
Rubén y Daniel, dos atletas tandilenses con mucho recorrido

Rubén Rodríguez y Daniel Mazza, dos atletas tandilenses, compartieron sus historias de vida en el ciclo “La Picada” por la 104.1 Tandil FM y ECO TV.

9 Dec 14:30 El Eco 4177735523891495868.html
Fernando Alonso kündigt Formel-1-Rückkehr an

Seit seinem Rücktritt 2018 wurde immer wieder über ein Comeback des Ex-Weltmeisters spekuliert. Nun hat sich der Spanier zu den Gerüchten geäußert – und hofft auf die Regeländerungen ab der Saison 2021.

9 Dec 11:54 T-Online 5460876212019845911.html
Ouganda : la Banque Centrale maintient inchangée son taux clé pour soutenir la croissance

Après  avoir baissé son taux directeur de 100 points de base à 9,0% pour relancer l’activité économique du pays,  en octobre dernier, la Banque Centrale Ougandaise (BOU)  a décidé de…

9 Dec 13:18 Financial Afrik 5951482564394550182.html
Caterina Balivo Instagram, nuovo scatto bollente: «A Natale siete tutte più… B(u)one!»

L'ultimo post a "tema natalizio" su Instagram di Caterina Balivo, la mora conduttrice partenopea di "Vieni da me", ha conquistato i follower...

9 Dec 15:43 UrbanPost 2450570492700215186.html
It’s 2071, and We Have Bioengineered Our Own Extinction

The micro- and macro-organisms that saved humanity from our climate crisis are now changing us — and might destroy us.

9 Dec 16:15 NY Times 1961078289384826691.html
It’s 2071, and We Have Bioengineered Our Own Extinction

The micro- and macro-organisms that saved humanity from our climate crisis are now changing us — and might destroy us.

9 Dec 16:15 NY Times 1961078288575589148.html
Carnes podem continuar subindo até fim de janeiro ou início de fevereiro, diz FGV

A infla&ccedil;&atilde;o das carnes dever&aacute; seguir pressionando o or&ccedil;amento das fam&iacute;lias at&eacute; a virada de janeiro para fevereiro, mas o movimento &eacute; pontual e...

9 Dec 16:42 CORREIO DO ESTADO 3069934488807436191.html
ERC avisa el PSOE que l'acord està "lluny" i que és "impossible" de tancar abans de Nadal

La portaveu d'ERC, Marta Vilalta, ha assegurat aquest dilluns que l'acord amb el PSOE per a la investidura de Pedro Sánchez està "lluny" i que ara per ara és "impossible" tancar-lo abans de Nadal o...

9 Dec 14:45 RacoCatalà 3132953075991052371.html
¿Embajador robó en librería más conocida de Argentina?

Aunque los vídeos muestran que intentó llevarse un libro en medio de un periódico, los hechos están en investigación

9 Dec 16:16 W Radio 7724358829920627673.html
Čovek je fenomen - finta, pa trojka Vinsa Kartera uz sezonski rekord!

Legendarni košarkaš i dalje oduševljava.

9 Dec 15:14 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495064526420.html
Obra da Sanasa deixa 45 bairros sem água nesta terça-feira

Entre os bairros afetados, então o Jardim Florence, Residencial Sirius, Satélite Íris e Cosmos, entre outros. Confira a lista completa

9 Dec 09:10 ACidade ON 9132734526251483003.html
Ananya Panday: “I Would Rather Sit At Home & Do Nothing Than Do Something That I Don’t Believe In”

Though Ananya Panday may be just one film old, her second release, Pati Patni Aur Woh has been winning her accolades ever since the film hits the theatres. The film features Kartik Aaryan, Bhumi Pedne

9 Dec 14:23 Koimoi 5184275670270876695.html
France: retrait de la moitié des produits à base de glyphosate

L'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire (Anses) a annoncé lundi le retrait de 36 produits à base de glyphosate, un herbicide que la France a décidé d'interdire à partir de 2021, ce qui représente l...

9 Dec 16:28 Atlasinfo.fr 7871960982584438610.html
Radio France: quinzième jour de grève, la participation faiblit

La grève à Radio France est entrée lundi dans son quinzième jour, avec une faible participation mais toujours quelques perturbations sur les antennes. Le taux de grévistes sur l'ensemble de la journée a atteint 2,28% des effectifs prévus, d'après un décompte communiqué à l'AFP par la direction du groupe, après un peu moins de 4% des effectifs prévus en fin de semaine. Les matinales sur le réseau France Bleu, le 7-9 de France Inter et quelques tranches de Franceinfo ont notamment été affectés.

9 Dec 14:51 FranceSoir 2214281690137316347.html
Like a giant’s robe on a dwarfish thief, the 2019 Coach of the Year coat hangs loose on Antipas

Highlanders’ Flying Dutchman, Hendrik Pieter de Jongh, turned 49 yesterday and, amid a shower of love he received from the Bosso family, there was also an underlying sense of regret.

9 Dec 13:12 Nehanda Radio 3802011523277710401.html
La justicia española descarta amaño en el Levante-Zaragoza de 2011

La justicia española rechazó este lunes que se hubiera amañado un partido de la Liga española de fútbol de 2011 entre el Levante y el Zaragoza, informó el tribunal tras el primer gran proceso en el país por esta problemática.

9 Dec 10:57 Panorama 6052790754200336532.html
Javier Aguirre tras su absolución: 'Siempre confié en la justicia'

El técnico mexicano expresó su tranquilidad luego de que librara la acusación de amaño en el Levante vs Zaragoza

9 Dec 15:00 RÉCORD 4614294661873263011.html
Freiheit Vinothek: „Bares für Rares“-Experte Albert Maier kommt nach Ulm

Der Ellwanger Antiquitätenhändler Albert Maier, bekannt aus der Trödelshow „Bares für Rares“, ist am Dienstag in der Ulmer „Freiheit Vinothek“ zu Gast.

9 Dec 13:01 swp.de 6929179440244114509.html
Sismo de magnitud 4,5 en Toscana provoca pánico

Sismo de magnitud 4,5 en Toscana provoca pánico

9 Dec 10:51 LaPatilla.com 9104603011381480953.html
The race for the AFC 2-seed is alive: Barnwell on what's next in the 2019 NFL playoffs, who's involved

The Patriots have lost two straight. The Chiefs have won three in a row. The Titans are rolling. These last three weeks could get wild.

9 Dec 14:20 ESPN 8538773403259097536.html
Mercato - PSG : Coup de tonnerre pour Carlo Ancelotti !

L'avenir de Carlo Ancelotti devrait connaitre un rebondissement retentissant au cours des prochains jours.

9 Dec 17:45 Le 10 Sport 6431763076956439105.html
Árbol navideño de 28 metros de altura ilumina a Machala

La ceremonia del encendido del árbol navideño de Machala se realizó la noche del domingo en el parque Zoila Ugarte de Landívar con la asistencia de miles de personas, un show de coros de niños y

9 Dec 15:51 El Universo 8365175798082962308.html
Ekstremisti u Hrvatskoj išarali ćirlične plakate, vlast i Crkva ćute

ZAGREB - Ćirilični džambo plakati sa sloganima tri predsjednička kandidata, Kolinde Grabar Kitarović, Zorana Milanovića i Miroslava Škora, koje je plasiralo Srpsko narodno veće, u okviru kampanje "Da se bolje razumemo", nije postigla cilj, jer su ih ekstremisti išarali, a vlast, Crkva i ostali ćute, piše danas Jutarnji list.

9 Dec 17:38 Nezavisne novine 4209150642236930151.html
Pervy Glasgow maths teacher told schoolgirl, 16, he’d pay £20 to look up her skirt and pretended to spank another

A SHAMED teacher has admitted offering a schoolgirl £20 to look up her skirt, pretending to spank another girl, and pinning another against a wall. Married maths teacher Nat McMullen’s victim…

9 Dec 17:24 The Scottish Sun 6609127674207451005.html
Wiedersehen mit Häfner: Recken müssen im Final-Four gegen MT Melsungen ran

Zum dritten Mal in Folge hat es die TSV Hannover-Burgdorf ins Final-Four des DHB-Pokals geschafft. Am Montag wurde der Gegner der Recken ausgelost: Am 4. April geht es für das Team von Carlos Ortega gegen die MT Melsungen.

9 Dec 11:45 Sportbuzzer.de 7458985775918482994.html
India close in to 300-medal mark on penultimate day, set to top South Asian Games tally for 13th time on trot

More sports News: India clinched 42 medals, including 27 gold, on the penultimate day of competitions to inch closer to 300-mark as the country is poised to finish on t

9 Dec 16:48 The Times of India 6060938664205849490.html
Les deux pandas du zoo de Berlin baptisés Meng Yuan et Meng Xiang

Meng Yuan et Meng Xiang: le zoo de Berlin a décidé lundi de donner des noms traditionnels chinois aux deux premiers jumeaux pandas nés en Allemagne fin août dans son enceinte.

9 Dec 17:00 lintern@ute 4548664964160784557.html
Asteroid 2000 CH59 aktuell: Weltuntergang an Weihnachten? 620-Meter-Koloss im Anflug

Horror-Szenario ausgerechnet an Weihnachten 2019: Ein gewaltiger Asteroid kommt unserem Planet gefährlich nah. Müssen wir am Jahresende mit einer Katastrophe rechnen? Die gute Nachricht vorab: Der Menschheit droht kein Weltuntergang. Die Nasa gibt Entwarnung.

9 Dec 12:14 news.de 5126378978072852364.html
Solo 45 'beat and raped me until I wanted to die', woman tells court

Andy Anokye, otherwise known as Solo 45, is on trial at Bristol Crown Court

9 Dec 15:50 BristolLive 4740742018065992000.html
Explained: Who is Sanna Marin, only 34, and set to be the world’s youngest Prime Minister?

All five parties in Finland's ruling coalition are led by women, and four of them are in their early thirties. The ruling coalition is Centre-Left in political orientation.

9 Dec 09:03 The Indian Express 2885715104405033919.html
Russia banned by WADA from 2022 World Cup, 2020 Olympics over doping

Lausanne: The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on Monday banned Russia for four years from major global sporting events including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, over manipulated doping data.

9 Dec 16:16 The Peninsula 1202843880922406167.html
Giancarlo Magalli attacca Chiara Ferragni: “Guadagna miliardi e non sa fare niente” – VIDEO

Giancarlo Magalli si è scagliato contro Chiara Ferragni, il conduttore pensa che l'amata influencer non sappia fare nulla.

9 Dec 13:21 NewNotizie 1312053896206979094.html
“Club de viejos sesentones, rosca de burgueses”: Paola Ochoa, a líderes sindicales

En esos términos se refirió la columnista de El Tiempo a los presidentes de las centrales obreras, de quienes dijo, además, que no representan a nadie. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 09:46 pulzo.com 8971816786503156694.html
Aramco a finalement levé 29,4 milliards de dollars avec son IPO

RYAD (Reuters) - Les fonds levés par Saudi Aramco avec son introduction en Bourse record s'élèvent désormais à 29,4 milliards de dollars (26,5 milliards d'euros), la compagnie pétrolière saoudienne ayant exercé une option de surallocation représentant 15% du capital concerné par l'offre initiale, a déclaré lundi un responsable d'une banque coordonnant cette opération à la chaîne de télévision Al Arabiya.

9 Dec 13:08 Challenges 1086714997213026687.html
Aramco a finalement levé 29,4 milliards de dollars avec son IPO

RYAD (Reuters) - Les fonds levés par Saudi Aramco avec son introduction en Bourse record s'élèvent désormais à 29,4 milliards de dollars (26,5 milliards d'euros), la compagnie pétrolière saoudienne ayant exercé une option de surallocation représentant 15% du capital concerné par l'offre initiale, a déclaré lundi un responsable d'une banque coordonnant cette opération à la chaîne de télévision Al Arabiya.

9 Dec 14:08 Boursier.com 7351227822213221877.html
4 Peluang Timnas U-23 Indonesia Gilas Vietnam di Final SEA Games 2019 Besok, Rekam Jejak Keduanya

Jelang laga penentu kemenangan cabang olahraga sepak bola SEA Games 2019, Indonesia memiliki catatan yang menjadi peluang kemenangan babak Final

9 Dec 13:04 Tribunnews.com 3323534445006499043.html
Pete Frates, el impulsor del "Ice Bucket Challenge", muere a los 34 años producto de ELA

El excapitán del equipo de béisbol de BC falleció en su casa en Beverly, Massachusetts. Le habían diagnosticado la enfermedad neurodegenerativa, también conocida como enfermedad de Lou Gehrig, en 2012, cuando tenía 27 años.

9 Dec 08:52 24Horas.cl 793283385375104431.html
Societatea de Geografie cere ca disciplina să fie reintrodusă la examenele de Bacalaureat şi Evaluare Naţională

Societatea de Geografie din România solicită, în urma rezultatelor testelor PISA, reintroducerea geografiei ca disciplină la examenul de Evaluare Naţională şi ca probă obligatorie la examenul de Bacalaureat la...

9 Dec 09:03 Mediafax.ro 1869610968374442961.html
USD/CAD consolidates in a range, around mid-1.3200s

The USD/CAD pair extended its sideways consolidative price action through the early European session on Monday and remained confined in a narrow tradi

9 Dec 08:18 FXStreet 4480975639537826980.html
‘Time to toughen up our laws’ - Motorists call for drink-drive limit to be cut across UK

Four out of five Scottish drivers believe the rest of the UK should bring its drink-drive limit in line with that north of the border.

9 Dec 12:27 Lancashire Post 6469275854598524671.html
Els dos grans reptes de Sergi Mingote L'alpinista català aposta per la inclusivitat a mig camí del 14x1000 Project Catalonia

Sergi Mingote és a l'equador del 14x1000 Project Catalonia i aprofita l'ocasió per promocionar un cop més la pràctica de l'esport inclusiu

9 Dec 09:18 Fosbury 8023381118178108621.html
Blanca Lewin y la insólita manera en que la conquistó Daniel Matamala: "Me hizo un pan con palta"

La actriz Blanca Lewin se refirió a su romance con el periodista Daniel Matamala, con quien lleva seis años de relación

9 Dec 15:32 Publimetro Chile 2498685483194482227.html
Renaud dans le jardin de l’enfance

Le chanteur énervant conjure sa nostalgie dans «Les Mômes et les enfants d’abord», un disque dédié aux gosses de tous âges. Sa voix est foutue, mais son cœur toujours là et Zep l’accompagne aux pinceaux

9 Dec 12:53 Le Temps 2634224217810986630.html
A expressão facial dos cães e como ela nos conquista

Estudos apontam que os cães encontraram uma forma mais rápida para tocar nossos corações.

9 Dec 12:10 R10 3167340812695576505.html
Gal Gadot, Chris Pine Star in Action Packed 'Wonder Woman 1984' Trailer

The trailer for the highly anticipated "Wonder Woman 1984" dropped on Sunday and sees star Gal Gadot batting away a bullet and swinging from a bolt of lightning.

9 Dec 17:25 Breitbart 3148363490836089632.html
ING sufre una caída del servicio generalizada en su 'app' y su web

"Debido a una incidencia técnica en este momento no se puede acceder a nuestra web/app. Estamos trabajando para solucionarla lo antes posible....

9 Dec 13:46 Expansión 4197779424598184212.html
Trente jeunes de l'Allier s'essaient à la Marine nationale pendant un an

Ils s’appellent Louis, Bethsaïda, Luis, Linda, Thomas, Célia, Hugo, Alicia… Ont entre 16 et 17 ans. Leur point commun : ces adolescents de l’Allier sont engagés dans la préparation militaire marine (PMM) du département. Soit un « avant-goût de sel ». Certains choisiront ensuite de s’engager dans la Marine nationale.

9 Dec 16:33 La Montagne 1201252480746000210.html
Dues setmanes de tall ferroviari a Glòries per les obres del futur túnel de trànsit

Els treballs es faran del 21 de desembre al 5 de gener i afectaran 60.000 usuaris de Rodalies

9 Dec 10:38 Ara.cat 6070605020655847192.html
Magistrații Tribunalului București au amânat pronunțarea în dosarul Colectiv pentru 16 decembrie

Magistrații Tribunalului București au amânat, pentru luni, 16 decembrie, pronunțarea în dosarul Colectiv, informează Mediafax.

9 Dec 09:02 Europa FM 545007289584604188.html
Detalji hapšenja Srpkinje iz Sidneja: Policija upala u stan, ali brdo droge nije bilo jedino što su tamo našli!

Srpkinja Aleksija Vračar (24) uhapšena je u četvrtak u Sidneju zbog sumnje da je umešana u krijumčarenje narkotika, čija vrednost dostiže trista miliona dolara!

9 Dec 12:47 REPUBLIKA 2543998404915649632.html
Joaquín, el niño que pedaleó desde su ciudad para ver a la Virgen

Conocé su historia, y mirá los registros en fotos y videos!

9 Dec 13:21 El Ancasti 5864462411813496346.html
9 astuces malines à utiliser tous les jours (ou presque)

Nous aimons toutes et tous trouver et essayer de nouvelles astuces (ou LifeHacks) pratiques au quotidien. C’est pour cette raison qu’aujourd’hui, nous vous invitons à en découvrir quelques-unes. La première astuce par exemple vous permet de conserver vos fruits plus longtemps, et cela marche particulièrement bien avec les bananes. Il y a aussi des astuces […]

9 Dec 12:52 Trust My Science 2725330382764936539.html
La Bourse de Paris démarre dans le rouge une semaine clé pour le commerce Chine-USA

La Bourse de Paris évoluait dans le rouge lundi matin (-0,24%), les investisseurs abordant avec prudence une semaine potentiellement cruciale sur le dossier commercial sino-américain, avec la possible imposition de nouvelles taxes douanières.

9 Dec 09:30 Le Revenu 10581997602953576.html
“La crisis climática es una crisis de derechos de infancia”

Paloma Escudero, jefa de la delegación de Unicef en la COP25, destaca la importancia de incluir a los adolescentes en las mesas de negociación y en los acuerdos para luchar contra el cambio climático

9 Dec 16:22 EL PAÍS 2207347709725737720.html
NeNe Leakes’s Fans Support Her After She Shares A Few Words About Cynthia Bailey – Watch The Video

NeNe Leaks is having a great time singing in front of the camera. But she also has a few words to address Cynthia Bailey, and you can check out her

9 Dec 16:38 Celebrity Insider 265863475096292114.html
Meurtre d’Abdou Elinkine Diatta du Mfdc : Les assaillants identifiés…

XALIMANEWS : Selon le quotidien Les Echos dans sa publication du jour, Les présumés assassins d’Abdou Elinkine Diatta chef autoproclamé du Mouvement du Mfdc ont été identifiés. Il s’agit, de deux personnes qui s’étaient évaporées dans la nature qui se sont cachées dans les coins reculés de Ziguinchor. Une zone difficile d’accès pour les gendarmes. […]

9 Dec 08:20 Xalima.com 5303455892609457562.html
A pura nostalgia, los fanáticos de Rebelde Way celebran la llegada de la serie a Netflix

Decenas de usuarios festejaron la incorporación de la ficción a la plataforma de streaming y la convirtieron en tendencia. La tira juvenil creada por Cris Morena se emitió en 2002 y 2003 por Canal 9 y marcó a toda una generación.

9 Dec 14:20 Infocielo 6573250471269503946.html
Epidemia odry na Samoa, Nowa Zelandia wysyła trumny dla dzieci

Ochotnicy z nowozelandzkiego miasta Rotorua przygotowują ok. 20 białych trumien dla dzieci, które zostaną wysłane na Samoa. Samoa boryka się obecnie z epidemią odry, w wyniku której zmarło już 70 osób - w większości dzieci poniżej czwartego roku życia.

9 Dec 11:10 www.rynekzdrowia.pl 7083135117421598542.html
A Conferência de Alterações Climáticas pode ter um efeito contrário ao pretendido

Como cidadãos, devíamos estar a liderar a mudança e não a acreditar cegamente nos nossos políticos para resolver os problemas ambientais por nós.

9 Dec 17:30 SÁBADO 5711459692248520640.html
Todo por decidir a dos jornadas del final de la I Liga MPG de SPORT

La I Liga de Periodistas de SPORT en MPG tendrá emoción hasta el final después de que el duelo estrella entre Numantis -líder- y La Seu, su ya único perseguidor, acabara en tablas (2-2)

9 Dec 16:39 sport 1349897969282255482.html
Police guard new $120,000 duct-taped banana after 'hungry artist' eats it

The move was bananas... or maybe the work was just too appealing. Police now stand guard around a replacement banana artwork valued at tens of thousands of dollars after the original was eaten off the wall at an art gallery in Miami, Florida, reported local media.

9 Dec 11:39 DAILY SABAH 8383944808544241263.html
La justice refuse à nouveau la remise en liberté de Patrick Balkany

La cour d'appel de Paris a rejeté lundi la troisième demande de mise en liberté du maire LR de Levallois-Perret Patrick Balkany, incarcéré depuis près de trois mois après ses condamnations successives pour fraude fiscale et blanchiment. La cour a jugé sa demande "recevable" mais "non fondée". L'élu de 71 ans comparaîtra donc détenu à son procès en appel pour fraude fiscale, qui débute mercredi à Paris.

9 Dec 12:45 FranceSoir 2214281691509252098.html
Pour Noël, illuminez votre intérieur à petit prix avec les ampoules et éclairages Philips Hue

Besoin ou envie de vous équipez d'ampoules et autres éléments connectés ? Une vente flash Amazon permet justement d'en obtenir pour pas cher. Il y a par

9 Dec 16:03 PhonAndroid.com 8181142843823714943.html
Morto a 21 anni il rapper Juice Wrld

Roma, 9 dic. (askanews) – Una morte improvvisa ha sconvolto il mondo dell’hip hop americano. Il rapper Juice Wrld è morto all’aeroporto di Chicago dopo aver avuto un attacco epilettico appena sceso dall’aereo. Jarad Anthony Higgins, questo il suo vero nome, aveva solo 21 anni. Oggi l’autopsia. Juice Wrld era nato a Chicago e aveva […]

9 Dec 08:13 Askanews 298649740321017554.html
Bruselas da 'luz verde' a la inversión de 3.200 millones para desarrollar baterías

El proyecto, desarrollado Bélgica, Finlandia, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Polonia y Suecia busca apoyar la investigación y la innovación en este área

9 Dec 12:56 La Información 5328999781519331966.html

Tokom “Paklene zadrugovizije” došlo je do žestokog verbalnog okršaja između članice žirija Lune Đogani i aktuelne zadrugarke Ermine Pašović. Naime, Luna nije mogla da ostane imuna na to što je Ermina već nekoliko puta napadala i optuživala njenog oca Gagija Đoganija, pa je ovu priliku iskoristila da joj u lice kaže sve što misli o

9 Dec 15:30 Scandal! 7263437856239788636.html
PS4-eiere kan endelig bli med på Minecraft-festen – se hva som har dukket opp i butikkene! - ITavisen

Minecraft ser ut til å være på vei til PS4 i ny versjon – nå med støtte for kryssplattform.

9 Dec 10:02 ITavisen 7865444159157270124.html
Aún sin saberse fecha para extraditar a “El Abusador”

Exactamente al cumplirse una semana del arresto de Cesar Emilio Peralta El Abusador, aun se desconoce la fecha precisa de su extradicion a los Estados Unid

9 Dec 16:00 Listín Diario 4884956263336923245.html
Más privacidad en Netflix: ahora podrás eliminar series de la sección “Seguir viendo”

Si compartes una cuenta de Netflix podr&aacute;s ocultar las series que a&uacute;n no terminas y que no quieres que los dem&aacute;s conozcan gracias a una nueva funcionalidad que se encuentra en pruebas dentro de la aplicaci&oacute;n de Android.

9 Dec 16:26 La Verdad Noticias 9214464623983790983.html
Jantar com governador ameaça liberdade de réus por corrupção

A participação em um jantar com o governador Reinaldo Azambuja no dia 20 do mês passado em Dourados, a 233 km de Campo Grande, ameaça a liberdade de três vereadores réus por corrupção no âmbito da Operação Cifra Negra. Pedro Pepa (DEM), Cirilo Ramão (MDB) e Idenor Machado (PSDB) foram reconduzidos aos cargos em novembro, mas ao conceder o habeas corpus, o Tribunal de Justiça de Mato Grosso do Sul ...

9 Dec 16:23 Campo Grande News 7902463002921301021.html
Wybuch gazu w Szczyrku. Rodzina ofiar wydała oświadczenie

Katarzyna Kaim, która mieszkała w domu w Szczyrku, w którym doszło do wybuchu gazu, wydała oświadczenie. W katastrofie zginął jej 10-letni syn. Kobieta w chwili tragedii była w pracy w domu dziecka.

9 Dec 09:39 Onet Wiadomości 6244723535698803608.html
Emirates se 'estrena' en el país con vuelos CDMX-Barcelona hasta 63% más baratos que Aeroméxico

Para un vuelo entre el 23 y el 30 de diciembre, Emirates ofrece una tarifa de 16 mil 254 pesos para un trayecto redondo, mientras que Aeroméxico, lo ofrece en 26 mil 512 pesos con escala en París o Madrid.

9 Dec 17:43 EL FINANCIERO 4014025541138058647.html
Les iPhone pourraient bénéficier d'une plus grande batterie en 2020

Une réduction de la taille du circuit de protection de la batterie permet d'envisager une plus grande capacité pour le futur iPhone 12.

9 Dec 08:40 01net 1000433503189476135.html
En Caucete: un joven volvía a su casa de comprar cervezas, se desvaneció y falleció

Los familiares, dolidos por la pérdida, explicaron que el muchacho de 27 años no tenía problemas de salud y tampoco consumía algún tipo de medicamento.

9 Dec 11:56 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131157577307309.html
R. Karbauskis: konservatorius apėmė desperacija

Konservatorių sprendimas nepalaikyti kitų metų biudžeto – desperacija iš nevilties, teigia „valstiečių“ lyderis Ramūnas Karbauskis. Pasak jo, konservatoriai niekuomet nepalaikė valdančiųjų iniciatyvų, todėl ir šiemet toks jų sprendimą R. Karbauskio nenustebino. Politikas tikina, kad kaip ir praėjusiais metais, taip ir šiemet biudžeto projektas bus priimtas.

9 Dec 10:19 Kauno diena 6825691409009954908.html
América vuela a la Final

Las Águilas lograron la remontada con goles de Ibarra y Viñas, y avanzan por mejor posición en la tabla

9 Dec 08:19 El Informador 103545929716397765.html
Erupção vulcânica em local turístico na Nova Zelândia deixa mortos, feridos e desaparecidos

Pelo menos cinco pessoas morreram em uma erupção vulcânica em White Island (Ilha Branca) na Nova Zelândia. De acordo com a polícia local, é possível que haja mais mortos. Foram retiradas da ilha 23 pessoas, incluindo as cinco vítimas; 18 ficaram feridas. Não se sabe quantas pessoas ainda estão desaparecidas. O número total de pessoas […]

9 Dec 12:15 Conexão Política 2089540910601220806.html
El Dortmund pierde a Witsel por lo que queda del año por una lesión en la cara

Witsel a sufrido una lesión en la cara, ya se ha sometido a una operación que le mantendrá de baja lo que queda de año e inicia su proceso de recuperación

9 Dec 13:10 sport 1349897969606637772.html
EFCC recovers N300m, convicts 60 persons in A-Ibom

THE Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC,  zonal Office in Akwa Ibom State said it has so far recovered N300 million this year and convicted...

9 Dec 14:54 Vanguard News 4125100339908960770.html
«Trabalho para fazer mais golos»

Luiz Phellype saltou do banco aos 64’ para marcar o golo da vitória sobre o Moreirense aos 70’ e assim o Sporting já não é a única equipa que, na Liga, não tinha golos marcados por suplentes.

9 Dec 09:32 A BOLA 2278827557592814818.html
Klasemen Shopee Liga 1 2019: Persebaya Tempati 5 Besar, Persija Turun

Persebaya Surabaya berhasil membungkam tamunya Bhayangkara FC.

9 Dec 08:10 Bola.net 5489959029025645784.html
Ils développent une pilule contraceptive à ne prendre qu’une seule fois par mois

Une équipe de chercheurs du MIT développe actuellement une pilule contraceptive à ne prendre qu'une seule fois par mois. Des essais cliniques pourraient bientôt être programmés. En France, la pilule contraceptive constitue la première méthode contraceptive.

9 Dec 10:42 Sciencepost 6380498000373784220.html
5 tipuri de scaune de bar - Mic îndrumar pentru alegerea scaunului perfect

Datorită numeroaselor elemente de design din bucătăriile moderne, acestea se aseamănă din ce în ce mai mult cu estetica unui bar.

9 Dec 13:22 Observator 6676289464059605995.html
Mondial 2022 : une information judiciaire ouverte pour "corruption"

Les soubresauts autour de l'attribution de la Coupe du monde 2022 au Qatar se poursuivent.

9 Dec 15:31 Top Mercato 9098635540398503240.html
La represión también es económica en Catalunya

La inversión pública, por parte del Estado español, en Catalunya continúa cayendo. La represión contra el pueblo catalán no solo es policial y judicial.

9 Dec 17:57 La Izquierda Diario - Red internacional 3379557630265518424.html
MamaMancini's Holdings, Inc.'s (MMMB) CEO Carl Wolf on Q3 2020 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

MamaMancini's Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB:MMMB) Q3 2020 Results Earnings Conference Call December 09, 2019, 08:30 AM ET Company Participants Greg Falesnik - IR, MZ North America Carl Wolf - Chairman, Chief

9 Dec 16:19 Seeking Alpha 5725634556596119003.html
Monica Anisie aşteaptă propuneri şi sugestii pentru manualele de clasa a VIII-a

Ministrul Educaţiei şi Cercetării, Monica Anisie, aşteaptă, pe pagina de Facebook, propuneri şi sugestii pentru manualele de clasa a VIII-a...

9 Dec 11:43 Stiri pe surse 4858045012942886063.html
La France bloquée, l'épreuve du feu pour le gouvernement

La grève qui met la France au ralenti n'a pas faibli lundi et s'annonçait également massive mardi, nouvelle journée de manifestations à la veille...

9 Dec 17:35 L'Orient-Le Jour 9191733139648801172.html
Festival de Viña del Mar confirma a los seis comediantes para el certamen 2020

Durante la jornada de este lunes, la organización del Festival de Viña del Mar confirmó a la banda estadounidense Maroon 5 para el certamen 2020.

9 Dec 15:48 LIMALIMÓN 8855094355090791640.html
Primera etapa del próximo cohete que irá a la Luna está terminada

Después de gastar miles de millones de dólares, la primera etapa del primer ejemplar del cohete de lanzamiento SLS de la Nasa quedó completada, informó el lunes el jefe de la agencia espacial, quien aseguró que el programa de retorno lunar se mantendrá para 2024.

9 Dec 17:46 Panorama 6052790754117252987.html
Apple TV+ gets its first award nomination via 'The Morning Show'

Apple had been hoping that Apple TV+ would rake in some awards, and it's taken just two months to get its first nomination. But it isn't a huge one.

9 Dec 14:25 iMore 3803412790699560819.html
Grundrente auch für Ausländer

Die Grundrente könnte viel teurer werden, als bisher kalkuliert. Grund: Die geplante Aufstockung muss auch an Ausländer gezahlt werden.

9 Dec 08:15 Bild 8433249907545589081.html
Kaytranada Shares "10%" With Kali Uchis, Announces New Album Out Friday

His sophomore album, 'BUBBA', arrives this Friday! Montreal producer, Kaytranada, has one of the most distinct sounds in music: rubber-thick basslines, sun-soaked synths and perfectly-placed percussion. The attempts of countless people to mimic his blueprint sent him down paths of reinvention, provi...

9 Dec 12:50 hnhh 366195973051293102.html
"Fiktionen har mist läsarnas förtroende"

Läs litteraturpristagaren Olga Tokarczuks Nobelföreläsning i sin helhet.

9 Dec 15:13 HD 3336945412899176296.html

Hashima atrai um grande público de turistas interessados pelo jeito pós-apocalíptico

9 Dec 13:40 Auto Esporte 6461698427849241429.html
Hayley Kiyoko Shares Great Advice For Fans: 'Don't Let Anyone Tell You It's Not Cool To Be You'

Hayley Kiyoko has a newfound appreciation for her heritage after a visit to Japan.

9 Dec 12:40 Just Jared Jr. 3416194172391751868.html
Obywatel Ukrainy zatrzymany do sprawy zabójstwa dwóch mężczyzn

Policjanci zatrzymali obywatela Ukrainy do sprawy zabójstwa dwóch mężczyzn. Dzisiaj z 36-latkiem będą prowadzone dalsze czynności procesowe.

9 Dec 13:29 lublin112.pl 6583157892971915202.html
FACIAS solicită instituțiilor statului o analiză profundă și măsuri concrete pentru a evita situații similare, după cazul polițistului craiovean arestat pentru pedofilie

Fundația pentru Apărarea Cetățenilor Împotriva Abuzurilor Statului (FACIAS) a intervenit în cazul polițistului craiovean arestat pentru pornografie infantilă și acte sexuale cu un minor, solicitând instituțiilor abilitate să intervină și să identifice problemele, pentru a preîntâmpina apariția unor situații similare. Situația trebuie tratată cu maximă seriozitate, având în vedere că nu este primul incident de acest gen.   FACIAS consideră că este nevoie de o analiză profundă a cauzelor care au dus la această situație, identificarea acestora și măsuri concrete pentru ca astfel de cazuri să nu se mai repete.             În acest sens, FACIAS a solicitat Inspectoratului Județean de Poliție Dolj rezultatul ultimei testări psihologice a polițistului craiovean. Solicitarea vine după ce în presă au apărut informații potrivit cărora testarea psihologică specifică s-a făcut ultima dată în primăvara anului 2019.   Legat de modul în care această testare psihologică este făcută, tot în mass-media au apărut informații care…

9 Dec 13:37 www.antena3.ro 6332542758636885547.html
Dan Osborne hails his ‘jungle queen’ as wife Jacqueline Jossa wins I’m A Celeb

She defeated Andy Whyment and Roman Kemp.

9 Dec 08:45 Shropshire Star 3480199992780406801.html
Land Rover prepara un nuevo modelo de acceso para 2021

Land Rover se encuentra en plena fase de desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de acceso cuya llegada se espera para el año 2021 con un precio de salida de unos 30.000 euros.

9 Dec 11:41 SoyMotor 3778996022405161389.html
Muore 40enne nel milanese, era finito con l’auto in un canale

Milano, 9 dic. (askanews) – Un uomo di 40 anni è morto all’alba di questa mattina all’ospedale Policlinico di Milano, dove era stato trasportato dal 118 in condizioni disperate dopo essere finito con la sua auto in un canale a Cusago, nell’hinterland del capoluogo lombardo. I sanitari, insieme con i vigili del fuoco e i […]

9 Dec 09:17 Askanews 298649739828517957.html
Mourinho quiere a un ‘viejo conocido’ para reforzar a los Spurs

Mourinho ya piensa como mejorar al Tottenham y habría pedido el fichaje del belga Fellaini, que juega en la liga china y ya fue dirigido por el portugués

9 Dec 14:04 Futbol Sapiens 6108039831290147082.html
Passa a Kena Mobile da Tim, Vodafone, Iliad, Wind e Tre: le offerte di dicembre 2019

Kena Mobile per questo Natale scende “in guerra” nei confronti degli altri operatori di telefonia mobile. Non a caso nel suo nuovo spot compare il combattente polinesiano da cui prende il nome. Il provider low cost di Tim, nato dalle ceneri di Noverca, parte alla conquista di nuovi clienti con le sue tariffe dal costo esiguo ma ricche di servizi. Di seguito sono presentate nel dettaglio le migliori tariffe di Kena e i vantaggi di effettuare la portabilità del numero per chi arriva da Tim, Vodafone, Iliad, Wind e Tre:

9 Dec 12:00 www.sostariffe.it 4211055172051012284.html
Riapre la piscina “Rivetti”

Stanno per concludersi i lavori di ristrutturazione

9 Dec 10:09 LaProvinciaDiBiella.it 9104271318627532702.html
La cariñosa felicitación de Catherine Zeta Jones y Michael Douglas a 'Papi Kirk' por su 103 cumpleaños

El veterano actor ha celebrado su aniversario rodeado de su familia y con una tarta de 'Espartaco'

9 Dec 17:37 Hola.com 2035212430970031098.html
Ander Herrera blanchi dans l'affaire du Levante-Saragosse de 2011

Ouf de soulagement. Huit ans après, l'affaire du Levante-Saragosse de 2011 a trouvé son épilogue. Un tribunal de Valence a blanchi ce lundi, faute de preuves suffisantes, 41 personnes soupçonnées de corruption autour de ce match de la 38e journée de la saison 2010-2011 de Liga et qui s'était soldé par la victoire (et le maintien) de Saragosse grâce à un doublé du capitaine de l'époque, Gabi. Parmi les 36 joueurs présents sur la feuille de match et donc soupçonnés, l'actuel milieu du PSG Ander Herrera, qui disputait alors sa dernière saison à Saragosse.

9 Dec 16:25 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252666599604.html
Miss Universo 2019: "Es un honor representar la diversidad"

La sudarfricana Zozibini Tunzi, de 26 años trabaja en campañas de la ONU por la igualdad y la integración

9 Dec 12:34 elPeriodico 7291954033824689310.html
Maternage proximal : et si vous suiviez votre instinct de maman ?

Laisser Bébé pleurer ? Jamais ! Les « maternantes » (ou les adeptes du maternage proximal) ne se fient qu'à leur instinct ! Cododo, allaitement tardif, portage... les mams n'ont jamais été aussi proches de leur bébé.

9 Dec 10:43 Magicmaman.com 1799077916517985680.html
Paul Volcker er død

USAs tidligere sentralbanksjef Paul Volker, som var sentral i utforming av landets økonomiske politikk i over seks tiår, er død, 92 år gammel.

9 Dec 14:26 TV 2 8210067769060821116.html
La cervesa dels àpats de Nadal

Torna la Cervesa de Nadal de Damm, amb molt caràcter i d'edició limitada

9 Dec 15:02 www.naciodigital.cat 4436878479761960236.html
Tragična sudbina legendarnog Popare: Bolovao je od raka, a nedavno doživeo moždani udar!


9 Dec 17:24 REPUBLIKA 2543998405420061693.html
Trump en Florida: «Soy el mejor amigo que Israel pueda tener en la Casa Blanca»

Al intervenir en la conferencia anual del Consejo Americano –israelí, el presidente norteamericano Donald Trump reiteró la «increíble asociación» forjada entre los dos

9 Dec 10:42 MiamiDiario.com 1001112537516886239.html
Pareigūnai Rukloje aptiko 24 butelius su, kaip įtariama, stipriais alkoholiniais gėrimais

Šeštadienį, gruodžio 7-ąją, pareigūnai Rukloje aptiko daugybę butelių, kuriuose, kaip įtariama, buvo stiprūs, nelegaliai laikomi alkoholiniai gėrimai ar naminukė. Kauno apskr. VPK Jonavos r. policijos komisariatas informavo,

9 Dec 09:58 JONAVOS ŽINIOS 3861072126773327455.html
Cristiano Ronaldo afastado da família no dia de Natal

Tal como aconteceu em 2018, Cristiano Ronaldo vai passar o Natal deste ano longe da mãe e das irmãs. Compromissos profissionais afastam-no da Madeira.

9 Dec 12:15 maria 5738163821882126077.html
Denis Lalanne : mort d’une légende du journalisme sportif

Il n'en revient pas. Denis Lalanne est de passage à Paris où il vient de remettre le prix qui porte son nom au journaliste suisse Laurent Favre, qui a écrit le meilleur article du tournoi de tennis de Roland-Garros. Il vient d'apprendre par hasard qu'un de ses jeunes confrères avait dû passer par un agent pour décrocher une interview avec un joueur de rugby de l'équipe de France. Un agent ! On lui aurait annoncé que les joueurs buvaient désormais de la limonade à la troisième mi-temps, il n'aurait pas été plus stupéfait.

9 Dec 13:12 Valeurs Actuelles 1127230248357247983.html
TCU arquiva denúncia e libera construção de navios da Marinha que vai gerar 2 mil vagas em SC

Prevista para ocorrer este mês, a assinatura do contrato entre a Marinha do Brasil e o consórcio Águas Azuis, para a construção de quatro navios militares em Itajaí, será formalizada após a virada de ano. Foi adiada devido ao trabalhoso processo para conclusão dos documentos que embasam a contratação.

9 Dec 09:18 NSC Total 4216767907370437118.html
Alcaldía de CDMX manejará sus PROPIOS BILLETES (FOTO)

Una alcald&iacute;a de la Ciudad de M&eacute;xico (CDMX), busca implementar un programa en el que manejar&aacute;n sus propios billetes para intercambiarlos entre comerciantes.

9 Dec 10:30 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622679281854.html
El violador eres tú

El performance está haciendo más por las jóvenes de Ecatepec que los miles de discursos carentes de sinceridad “¡Alerta machista, que todo el país se vuelva feminista!” Así comenzaron este sábado su performance “un violador en tu camino” un grupo de jóvenes mujeres de Ecatepec pertenecientes a la preparatoria general Francisco Villa. Vestidas con trajes de Cenicienta simularon el vals inocente que habrán bailado cuando cumplieron quince años.

9 Dec 09:39 El Universal 4964748196651031488.html
Natale 2019 ad Assisi per ricordare la Tempesta di Vaia: “Prendiamoci cura della Madre Terra”

Albero di Natale e Presepe ad Assisi: arriva tutto dalle zone copite dalla Tempesta di Vaia: cosa sapere e il messaggio per questa festività.

9 Dec 11:50 ViaggiNews.com 6731780928318605473.html
Marcel Vela îl ATACĂ VIRULENT pe Raed Arafat: 'Nu este domnul Arafat centrul universului'

Ministrul Afacerilor Interne, Marcel Vela, a declarat, luni, că există un audit la nivelul tuturor structurilor MAI, inclusiv la Departamentul...

9 Dec 14:35 Stiri pe surse 4858045013922009699.html
Loans worth over ₹10 lakh sanctioned under MUDRA Yojana

The PMMY is a scheme launched by the prime minister on April 8, 2015, for providing loans up to ₹10 lakh to non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises.

9 Dec 11:51 The Hindu 6679535025985244348.html
Przekuwanie kości - rozgrywka analogowa zupełnie na nowo

Grywacie w planszówki? Ja tak. Przyznaję, że najwięcej czasu spędzam w cyfrowych światach, jednak wciąż dużym uczuciem darzę analogową rozrywkę. Gry planszowe często wyróżniają się designem, mają ciekawy pomysł na interakcje między graczami a poszczególnymi elementami. Nie ma tutaj klawiatury, myszki lub kontrolera z konsoli. Są za to karty, pionki, fragmenty planszy oraz kości. Właśnie, kości. Ostatnio w moje ręce wpadała gra, która ciekawie interpretuje ten aspekt zabawy. Mnie zawsze kości będą kojarzyły się z sesjami „Dungeons & Dragons”. W […]

9 Dec 09:13 DailyWeb 789756976168139171.html
¡Ya podemos disfrutar de el primer trailer de ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’

Ta ta ta ta taran. Ta ta ta ta taran.

9 Dec 17:27 LifeBoxset 2388468995169298006.html
9 Aralık deprem listesi! Kandilli ve AFAD verilerinden dakika dakika depremler

Türkiye’nin deprem kuşağında yer alması, vatandaşların en sonra nerede deprem oldu sorusunun daha sık sorulmasına neden oluyor. Türkiye’deki ve dünyadaki depremler ise Kandilli Rasathanesi ve AFAD tarafından anlık olarak yayınlanıyor. İşte 9 Aralık deprem listesi… Kandilli Rasathanesi ve AFAD verilerinden dakika dakika depremler…

9 Dec 08:57 Gazete Vatan 5685581285715962081.html
125 emprendedores presentan sus productos en San José

Alrededor de 125 emprendedores muestran sus productos al público en el Parque Central de San José como parte de la Feria Nacional Empresarial.

9 Dec 11:46 LAREPUBLICA.net 5395997875027956241.html
The Game Awards 2019: Hype-Trailer heizt Spekulationen an – Elden Ring und Diablo 4 mit Enthüllungen?

Welche Enthüllungen erwarten uns Ende der Woche auf den Game Awards? Laut jüngsten Spekulationen könnten auch Titel wie "Elden Ring" und "Diablo 4" auftauchen.

9 Dec 12:00 play3.de 8301165839129950971.html
«Libra» zum Schweizer Finanzwort des Jahres 2019 gekürt

Hier gehts zum Artikel.

9 Dec 10:02 www.suedostschweiz.ch 2855000775637779298.html
Réforme des retraites en France: record d’embouteillages; transports en commun très perturbés

Le transports publics étaient encore largement paralysés en France lundi, pour un cinquième jour consécutif, la grève contre la réforme des retraites ne faiblissant pas: une véritable épreuve du feu pour le gouvernement, affairé à finaliser son projet dont il doit dévoiler mercredi «l’intégralité».

9 Dec 09:05 sudinfo.be 344139275819178362.html

Muita atenção: bom princípio, só para os legítimos

9 Dec 16:40 ACidade ON 9132734527588351686.html
Balvanera: un nene se cayó de una terraza de un edificio de tres piso

El incidente se produjo cuando un nene se cayó de la terraza de una edificio.

9 Dec 15:19 Diario Popular 7191573468052526484.html
Bientôt une pilule contraceptive à prendre une seule fois par mois ?

Des chercheurs travaillent sur une pilule contraceptive qui pourrait être prise une seule fois par mois. Si la première phase de test est réussie, il faudra attendre encore plusieurs années avant de la voir arriver sur le marché.

9 Dec 10:12 Magicmaman.com 1799077916368309500.html
Valencia: Pogba potrzebuje przede wszystkim miłości

Antonio Valencia jest zdania, że Manchester United musi szczególnie zadbać o Paula Pogbę, by pomocnik reprezentacji Francji mógł pokazać optymalną dyspozycję w koszulce Czerwonych Diabłów.

9 Dec 12:06 DevilPage.pl 5381987154439235392.html
Kevin Guedj sur le tournage des Marseillais aux Caraïbes et absent des réseaux sociaux pendant les jours off, il s'explique et balance (VIDÉO)

Kevin Guedj vient d'expliquer pourquoi il était inactif sur les réseaux sociaux lors des jours off du tournage des Marseillais aux Caraïbes. Tous les détail ci-dessous.

9 Dec 09:30 melty 8059025069782874336.html
Mohsin Attaf décroche la médaille d'or du "Borneo open judo championship"

  Le champion marocain, Mohsin Attaf, a décroché samedi la médaille d'or au "Borneo open judo championship", organisé à Sandakan, une ville de l'État de Sabah, en Malaisie. Le judoka marocain avait signé trois victoires par "ippon" face à deux adversaires de nationalité chinoise et un troisième de Brunéi. "Je dédie cette victoire au roi Mohammed VI, à ma petite famille, plus précisément mon père ainsi qu'à tous les Marocains que je veille à représenter comme il se doit lors de mes différents combats", a relevé, dans une déclaration à la MAP, le judoka marocain installé à Kuala Lumpur. Il a de, même, exprimé sa fierté d'appartenir à la communauté sportive marocaine qui a su se distinguer dans diverses disciplines et manifestations sportives internationales. Dimanche, Mohsin Attaf a réussi à décrocher une médaille de bronze au "Borneo BJJ open championship" , et ce malgré une douleur tenace au poignet droit. "La deuxième journée a été plus difficile. Malgré l'effort physique intense fournis lors de mes combats…

9 Dec 10:06 LesEco.ma 3084334526877695736.html
2020 McLaren GT pricing and specs

More than a 570S, less than a 570GT – the new GT is going for the Goldilocks zone in the McLaren line-up.

9 Dec 13:01 CarAdvise 772235095777621064.html
“Take advantage of opportunities in God’s house”- Bishop

news, story, article

9 Dec 14:36 ghananewsagency.org 5074937611034441267.html
Quelles aides pour une embauche en contrat de professionnalisation ?

L'employeur qui engage un salarié en contrat de professionnalisation peut se voir octroyer deux aides versées par Pôle emploi : - l'aide forfaitaire à l'employeur attribuée pour l'embauche...

9 Dec 09:00 Les Echos Executives 1488039034925590342.html
Amazon - Gaming-Produkte von Razer stark reduziert!

Derzeit gibt es bei Amazon ein paar Aktionsangebote von Razer. Gaming-Produkte sind hier aktuell sehr stark reduziert. 

9 Dec 12:28 PlayNation 4622181944875452271.html
Mercato - PSG : Carlo Ancelotti aurait pris une grande décision pour son avenir !

Annoncé dans le viseur du PSG qui envisagerait de le faire revenir la saison prochaine, Carlo Ancelotti n’aurait absolument l’intention de quitter Naples.

9 Dec 08:45 Le 10 Sport 6431763077772758875.html
Nemice su mogle do polufinala preko Srbije, ali su naišle na tvrd orah! Sad je na redu - botanička bašta!

Ljuba Obradović će pokušati na najbolji mogući način da pripremi reprezentaciju Srbije za odlučujući meč na takmičenju.

9 Dec 10:30 SPORTSKE NET 1397374495784101951.html
Você pode estar viciado em notificações; entenda

Notificações podem causar a mesma dependência que algumas drogas, afirmam cientistas

9 Dec 16:27 Olhar Digital 416591714984573180.html
La semana de los controles en las carreteras de Galicia: hasta 25.000 pruebas diarias

Tráfico activa una campaña especial de consumo de alcohol y drogas que abarcará hasta zonas urbanas

9 Dec 08:01 www.farodevigo.es 8038449578186887571.html
Halep se antrenează intens pentru noul sezon. Partener surpriză pentru Simona

Simona Halep (locul 4 WTA) se pregăteşte intens pentru noul sezon. Sportiva noastră se află la Dubai, unde a dat peste o adversară redutabilă din circuit, Kristina Mladenovic (Franţa; locul 38 WTA). Cele două...

9 Dec 13:35 Mediafax.ro 1869610968794360958.html
The new Mac Pro gets FCC approval ahead of launch [update: rack mounted model too]

Update: The new Mac Pro model aimed at rack mounting also passed FCC clearance today, ahead of the computer going on sale tomorrow. Apple previously announced that a ‘optimised version for rack deployment’ would be released in the fall. The Mac Pro has appeared today on the FCC registry site, with its regulatory testing information […]

9 Dec 15:27 9to5Mac 8219339161106959097.html
‘Who Did this?’ India-Style Boris Johnson’s ‘Election Campaign’ Video has Netizens in Splits

New Delhi (Sputnik): Ahead of a fast-approaching UK General Election set for 12 December, a traditional Indian style election campaign video is grabbing all the attention on social media.

9 Dec 12:25 Sputniknews 967333869588943239.html
The Critical Hit Best of the Year Awards 2019 – Best Indie Game

Once again, the year that was 2019 was a showcase for the scene that rolled out hit after hit with nary a break to catch your breath between each release. Here’s a look at the best indie games of 2…

9 Dec 13:00 Critical Hit 8797780293016383856.html
[Review] Issue #1 of Joe Hill’s ‘Dying is Easy’ Introduces a Marvelously Dark and Very Funny Noir Tale

“There was this one guy, we got him sitting in front of the TV with his mother’s head in his lap. We asked him what happened. He said she did it to herself! Cut her own head off, man. We asked him how she did that. He said, ‘Quickly’.” In addition to writing a number […]

9 Dec 17:08 Bloody Disgusting 5613834127209686347.html
Il cile in fiamme da 51 giorni: incendiata casa italia-‘rubati i testi di neruda’


9 Dec 16:26 DAGOSPIA 6533336739027872838.html
Prediksi Pertandingan Liga 1 2019 Borneo FC vs Persib Bandung: Incar Zona Asia

Berikut prediksi pertandingan Shopee Liga 1 2019 antara Borneo FC vs Persib Bandung di Stadion Segiri, Kalimantan Timur

9 Dec 12:29 INDOSPORT.com 4868402548798053627.html
Das Recht auf Würde gilt für alle

Artikel 1 des Grundgesetzes ist simpel: Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Doch scheint die se Würde nicht universell zu gelten. Denn, was hat es mit Würde zu tun, seit Jahren ohne Perspektive leben zu müssen, nicht arbeiten und kein anerkannter Part der Gesellschaft werden zu dürfen, wegen seiner Hautfarbe diskriminiert und dafür sanktioniert zu werden, dass man nicht hinreichend daran mitarbeitet – oder es vielleicht gar nicht kann – in ein Land zu deponiert zu werden, in dem man nicht leben will? Nichts. Die staatlichen Stellen müssen aufhören, die Menschen als ein zu beseitigendes Verwaltungsproblem zu sehen und anerkennen, dass sie schon längst Teil des Saalekreises sind. Es braucht Lösungen, ihnen legale Perspektiven zu geben – notfalls per Härtefallregel. Denn nur dann ist ihnen ein Leben in Würde ...

9 Dec 16:02 Mitteldeutsche Zeitung 8692106109929584047.html
Dinosaur Jr. está trabajando en un nuevo álbum de estudio

El próximo trabajo discográfico sucederá a "Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not", estrenado en 2016.

9 Dec 16:30 Futuro 2617238416046557723.html
What we played in December: 'Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order' and 'FIFA 18'

This month, Engadget's editors dove into Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, FIFA 18 and Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

9 Dec 10:00 Engadget 96641516065072693.html
What we played in December: 'Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order' and 'FIFA 18'

This month, Engadget's editors dove into Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, FIFA 18 and Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

9 Dec 10:00 Engadget 96641515534206052.html
Nigeria: les réactions se multiplient suite à l'arrestation d'Omoyel...

L'arrestation de l'opposant Omoyele Sowore par les services secrets suscite dans certains milieux un vif émoi. Les images de cette arrestation sont l'objet de débat dans les médias et sur internet a...

9 Dec 08:35 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601369654496928.html
Hermes: Angst um Weihnachtspost – darum musst du jetzt zittern

Einige Hermes-Kunden aus Thüringen dürften vor Weihnachten in die Röhre gucken. Mehr dazu liest du hier...

9 Dec 12:24 Thüringen24 7206317295076166712.html
Natal no Parque Moscoso já atraiu mais de 23 mil pessoas

Para garantir a alegria dos visitantes, durante o Natal no Parque Moscoso, o espaço vai funcionar em horário especial: das 6 horas até meia-noite

9 Dec 17:33 Folha Vitória 4941883427552306533.html
Mor forteller: Slik er det å leve som fattig blant de rikeste

Det er dager jeg føler at jeg drukner, skriver bergenskvinnen.

9 Dec 10:44 Bergens Tidende 6643873500015652624.html
Grupo Barbatuques lança novo disco no Sesc Ribeirão

O show é gratuito para crianças de até 12 anos; Letras trazem crônicas divertidas, centradas nas relações entre filhos e familiares

9 Dec 14:46 ACidade ON 9132734528012358426.html
Redmi K30 Pro : Les premières infos sur le smartphone Xiaomi fuitent

Le futur smartphone haut de gamme de Xiaomi, le Redmi K30 Pro, commence à nous être révélé grâce à un leak.

9 Dec 17:00 melty 8059025070727489972.html
Dólar cae de los $ 770 y el peso chileno es la moneda de mejor rendimiento en el mundo

El tipo de cambio avanza rumbo a su séptima jornada consecutiva de bajas, mientras que el panorama internacional favorece al peso chileno.

9 Dec 09:36 T13 7836926439729262482.html
Trabzonspor'da teknik heyetin beğenisini topladı

Trabzonspor’da son dönemdeki başarılı performansıyla dikkat çeken Yusuf Sarı, Antalyaspor karşısında da etkili bir oyun ortaya koymayı başardı.

9 Dec 16:18 61 SAAT 7475575988851700858.html
Bahn sucht 50.000 neue Mitarbeiter

Die Deutsche Bahn steht vor einer großen Herausforderung: In den kommenden Jahren geht rund die Hälfte der Belegschaft in Rente. Um zu wachsen, braucht das Unternehmen aber noch mehr Mitarbeiter. Eine Personaloffensive soll Abhilfe schaffen.

9 Dec 16:55 n-tv 6802689755442566421.html
Teófilo Cunha recebeu direcção da COOPESCA

O secretário regional do Mar e das Pescas recebeu, hoje, a direcção da COOPESCA, a entidade que representa os armadores e pescadores da Região. Teófil...

9 Dec 10:58 dnoticias 6968432066508281871.html
Nie utworzyli "korytarza życia" na A2. Policja ustala kierowców

Jechali do wypadku, ale dojechać nie mogli. Bo co chwilę drogę blokowali im kierowcy. Nagranie pokazujące kierowców, którzy nie utworzyli korytarza życia na autostradzie A2 opublikowali strażacy z ...

9 Dec 14:48 TVN24 1473549323225731059.html
Nach Unwetterschäden: Murtalbahn: 10 Schienen am Tag

Bis Weihnachten soll die durch Unwetter zerstörte Strecke der Murtalbahn wieder durchgehend von Unzmarkt bis Tamsweg befahrbar sein. Folgeschäden dürften die Bahnbetreiber aber sogar noch zwei Jahre beschäftigen.

9 Dec 14:02 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699586281739.html
EU öppnar för Magnitskij-lag

EU Efter många om och men öppnas vägen för allmänna sanktioner i EU mot personer som brutit mot mänskliga rättigheter, oavsett var de ägt rum.Utpekade ska kunna drabbas av inreseförbud och frysta till

9 Dec 16:54 www.unt.se 8922556089476689031.html
COP 25 : Le Maroc actualise sa Contribution déterminée au niveau national

 Le Maroc enregistre des avancées dans l’actualisation de sa Contribution déterminée au niveau national (CDN), qui prévoit une réduction totale de 42% des émissions des gaz à effet de serre […]

9 Dec 10:05 La Nouvelle Tribune 7043558981058953707.html
Cinco canciones para recordar a Jairo Varela quien hoy cumpliría 70 años

El maestro Jairo Varela, fundador del Grupo Niche, estaría cumpliendo hoy, 9 de diciembre, 70 años. Por lo que desde el museo que lleva el mismo nombre se prepara un evento para este lunes en la tarde. La actividad, tipo homenaje, se desarrollará desde las 6:00 p.m. El País, en honor al maestro, recopila cinco de sus más icónicas canciones que inmortalizó a través de su Grupo Niche. 

9 Dec 09:38 www.elpais.com.co 2266963346720506687.html
Mercato - Barcelone : Vers un retour fracassant de Pep Guardiola ?

Défait par Manchester United samedi, Pep Guardiola pourrait d’ores et déjà avoir dit adieu au titre de champion d’Angleterre et un départ de Manchester City ne serait clairement plus à exclure…

9 Dec 09:30 Le 10 Sport 6431763078580943918.html
Where Are we With The 5G Rollout?

5G is on the way, including a compatible iPhone, so it is worth knowing exactly where we are with the rollout of the superfast network

9 Dec 16:19 The Mac Observer 5087532648382269848.html
[Trailer] Egon’s Grandchildren Fire Up the Ecto-1 and Continue the Legacy in ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’!

“There hasn’t been a ghost sighting in thirty years…” The official trailer for Jason Reitman‘s Ghostbusters: Afterlife has been unleashed this morning, confirming the storyline of this 35-years-later sequel to the original classic. Carrie Coon is playing the daughter of the late Egon Spengler, with Finn Wolfhard and Mckenna Grace as the grandchildren who will […]

9 Dec 14:26 Bloody Disgusting 5613834128238526875.html
Robo del embajador de México en Argentina, pudo ser un error: AMLO

López Obrador pidió esperar a que se conozca lo que realmente pasó, “para que se trate el asunto en su dimensión”, y que no se afecte la dignidad del embajador mexicano.

9 Dec 15:33 La Razón 7608060637104587607.html
Macri, tras la última reunión de gabinete: "Hoy es un lunes muy especial"

Previo al cambio de gobierno

9 Dec 14:25 El Litoral 2624573358892166245.html
Leen (82) neemt afscheid van zijn poppentheater: 'Het houdt een keer op'

Het theater is met de hand gemaakt en alle poppen hebben een naam. Maar na zo'n zeventig jaar stopt de 82-jarige Leen Willemsen met goochelen. Zijn eigengemaakte poppentheater gaat daarom ook weg.

9 Dec 17:25 Omroep Gelderland 9177932615328909295.html
La Profeco presenta quién es quién en envío de remesas

El Gobierno federal informará cada mes, cuales son las instituciones bancarias o de envío de dinero que cobran más comisiones

9 Dec 14:51 El Informador 103545929122213480.html
Larreta asumió su segundo mandato: “Necesito de todos ustedes”

En la jura que se realizó en la Legislatura, el jefe de Gobierno también dijo: "Si a Alberto le va a bien, nos va bien a todos los argentinos"

9 Dec 15:09 www.noticiasurbanas.com.ar 4006204483486189513.html
Retraites : une semaine décisive pour le gouvernement

Édouard Philippe doit présenter mercredi le contenu détaillé de la réforme des retraites alors qu'une nouvelle journée de manifestations est prévue mardi.

9 Dec 14:38 Le Point 1094305423268140706.html
Munições são localizadas por pedestre na Zona Nordeste

Ainda não se sabe quem seria dono da caixa com 40 projéteis de calibre 7.62

9 Dec 17:57 Tribuna de Minas 7521696933421173484.html
Užas u Beogradu: Prolaznici zatekli telo u lokvi krvi

Okolnosti tragedije u Ulici Džordža Vašingtona još uvek nisu poznate

9 Dec 08:49 Вечерње новости 4219870593370051628.html
The Morning Show gets the first Apple TV+ award nomination, but not a big one

It's taken just two months from launch to the first Apple TV+ award nomination. The Critics Choice Association made the announcement, but Apple may not ...

9 Dec 12:44 9to5Mac 8219339160910530783.html
El Hyundai Sonata N-Line tendrá al menos 290 hp y deseamos que llegue a México

El sedán mediano de Hyundai inyectará más poder para una versión de tintes deportivos con al menos 290 hp

9 Dec 16:00 Motorpasión México 7792827236694078874.html
Twin Peaks VR wkrótce na Steam

Jeszcze w grudniu studio Collider Games wyda "Twin Peaks VR". Studio współpracowało z Davidem Lynchem. W grze znajdą się dźwięki z serialu. Zapowiedziana rok temu gra, jeszcze w tym miesiącu zadebiutuje na Steamie . „Twin Peaks VR” to nie lada gratka dla fanów serialu. Głównym atutem pozycji będzie eksploracja kultowych lokacji: biura szeryfa, surrealistycznego Czerwonego Pokoju czy Glastonbury Grove. Rozgrywce towarzyszyć będą kwestie i dźwięki pochodzące z oryginału. Przy produkcji współpracował sam David Lynch. Jeżeli chodzi o główną oś zabawy, to „Twin Peaks VR” raczej stawia na samo doświadczenie, niż bardziej skomplikowaną mechanikę. Stąd przyjdzie nam tu głównie przeszukiwać pomieszczenia w celu odnalezienia Easter Eggów i rozwiązywać od czasu do czasu zagadki, a nie brać udział w pełnoprawnym śledztwie. 1 +1 +3

9 Dec 12:26 CHIP 4252840420170848208.html
Mes, Meloni protesta al Consiglio Ue/ “Blocchiamo il Salva Stati, M5s firmi con Cdx”

Giorgia Meloni in piazza a Bruxelles contro il Mes durante Consiglio Ue "stop alla riforma, M5s voti col Centrodestra contro la risoluzione sul Salva-Stati"

9 Dec 11:15 IlSussidiario 495412293403549616.html
Bundesliga. Witsel przeszedł operację twarzy po wypadku w domu

Pomocnik Borussii Dortmund, Axel Witsel, nie zagra do końca roku. To efekt tajemniczego wypadku, któremu uległ w domu. Trafił na intensywną terapię i przeszedł operację twarzy.

9 Dec 15:58 sport.interia.pl 8911822801075690.html
Chivas: JJ Macías regresaría al Rebaño siendo el mejor goleador mexicano del lustro

El artillero de la Selección Mexicana convirtió 19 tantos con León durante el 2019

9 Dec 14:02 RÉCORD 4614294663179673830.html
Verheyen zwaar onder de indruk: "Op alle gebied is híj de beste in België"

Het reguliere seizoen in de Jupiler Pro League is ondertussen al over halfweg. Analist Gert Verheyen zag de voorbije alle ploegen in actie en hij is er ondertussen zeker van: "Dieumerci Mbokani is de beste spits in België."

9 Dec 14:30 Voetbal24 8097814615459728826.html
OHL: Marco Rossi glänzt mit Tor und zwei Assists

Feldkircher ist in Kanadas Nachwuchsliga OHL weiter "Spieler der Stunde".

9 Dec 08:13 www.laola1.at 837519019897022952.html
Kralj gobanov, aromatičen in cenjen (FOTO) 

Poletje se je poslovilo, če lahko letošnjemu poletju sploh tako rečemo, saj so ga krojile prav zanimive temperature in vremenske razmere. Prišla je jesen in nam naklonila nekaj tipičnih vrst jese...

9 Dec 14:59 Slovenske novice 5901956562044022707.html
Diésel pega a venta de vehículos pesados

La ANPACT informó que las ventas al mayoreo y menudeo en noviembre registraron una caída de 45.7 y 19.5 por ciento; algunos compradores detienen su adquisición de unidades con nuevas tecnologías, ya que aún no hay disponibilidad de diésel ultra bajo azufre en el país

9 Dec 08:00 La Razón 7608060638143649555.html
«Refaire le diagnostic, une urgence pour les élites». La chronique de Hakim El Karoui

« La Grande Dissociation entre les élites et le peuple s’est incarnée en France par l’alliance de ceux qui vont bien (avec Macron) contre ceux qui vont mal (divisés entre Le Pen et Mélenchon). Pour l’instant, ceux qui vont bien sont plus nombreux à voter que ceux qui vont mal. Mais, pour combien de temps ? »

9 Dec 11:45 l'Opinion 7618695067025640421.html
Carrefour international de l’industrie alimentaire : SIEMA Food Expo relève le pari de la 4ème édition

«Le Maroc a une économie en pleine croissance qui attire les grands investisseurs internationaux. SIEMA Expo contribue à cette dynamique en invitant les grandes signatures du marché à y participer et

9 Dec 14:00 Aujourd'hui le Maroc 3780414284712990040.html
Marta Vilalta: "El acuerdo con el PSOE, si llega, será en enero"

Subraya que las posiciones con los socialistas todavía son distantes

9 Dec 12:11 elPeriodico 7291954033662306883.html
Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien Announces First Live Shows As EOB

After launching his solo project EOB with the ambient instrumental "Santa Teresa" this past fall, Radiohead's Ed O'Brien kicked off his album rollout last week with the nine-minute epic "Brasil." The EOB album — which O'Brien has been talking about since 2016, and which features the likes of Laura Marling, Wilco drummer Glenn Kotche, and O'Brien's Radiohead bandmate Colin Greenwood among many other contributors, and which was produced by Flood and mixed by Alan Moulder — is supposedly coming early next year. And now he's announced his first live shows promoting it. So far O'Brien is just playing four shows, his first under the EOB moniker. They'll be club shows in major North American cities: Toronto, Chicago, New York, and LA. They're happening in February, so maybe the album will be out by then? He's teased one more single and then an early 2020 release, so it could happen. Then again, these gigs are billed as a prelude to a full-scale tour later in the year. EOB's live band will

9 Dec 12:48 Stereogum 5911871585681727355.html
RDC: l’Union européenne lève ses sanctions contre deux officiels congolais

Les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l’Union européenne sont réunis depuis ce lundi matin 9 décembre à Bruxelles. Parmi les sujets abordés, les

9 Dec 14:39 RFI 4432404458717109939.html
Já há nova Miss Universo: "Cresci num mundo onde uma mulher como eu nunca foi considerada bonita"

Zozibini Tunzi, da África do Sul, venceu no domingo a competição Miss Universo 2019, este domingo à noite, tornando-se a primeira mulher negra a vencer desde 2011, quando Leila Lopes, de Angola, arrecadou o título. Considera que a liderança é a característica mais importante que as mulheres devem ter.

9 Dec 11:26 DN 8445869957634223147.html
Etanol é competitivo com gasolina em Minas Gerais e mais três Estados

Em Minas Gerais, o hidratado é vendido, em média, por 65,22% do preço da gasolina

9 Dec 13:58 O TEMPO 6069683947074565270.html
I've been sleeping on these $20 AmazonBasics sheets that have more than 20,000 online reviews — here's how they feel, Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - It's hard to come by a better bedding deal than this $20 sheet set. It's perfect for kids' bedrooms, dorms and college apartments, and guest rooms.. Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 15:00 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756959051499.html
Revelan video que probaría que embajador en Argentina se robó libro de 10 dólares

Óscar Ricardo Valero, diplomático mexicano en ese país, habría intentado llevarse sin pagar una biografía de Casanova de la librería El Ateneo Grand Splendid. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 16:29 pulzo.com 8971816787912949708.html
Festa al Centro Commerciale Tremestieri: “Il Natale è per tutti” VIDEO

Dalla Casa degli elfi ai laboratori artistici, dallo zucchero filato al giro in slitta sono tante le iniziative gratuite in programma

9 Dec 10:11 Tempostretto 3143171743129481547.html
Nouvelle-Zélande : le volcan de White Island entre en éruption, au moins cinq personnes sont mortes

Le volcan de White Island en Nouvelle-Zélande est entré en éruption dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi (14h11 heure locale). Selon la police locale, au moins cinq personnes sont mortes et plusieurs dizaines sont...

9 Dec 09:31 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766072103360107.html
Gunnar Jonsson: Brexits pris blir ett ”förenat” kungarike utan skottar och nordirländare

Det brittiska valet kan leda till att landet verkligen lämnar EU. Men det är inte säkert att skottar och nordirländare följer med.

9 Dec 17:41 DN.SE 398730695141231512.html
Klačar: Rovovi između vlasti i opozicije duboki, nema teme oko koje se slažu

Izvršni direktor CESID-a Bojan Klačar kaže da ne očekuje da će se posle treće runde međustranačkog dijaloga uz...

9 Dec 09:34 N1 Srbija 7797130865211897286.html
Et s'il fallait croire en Leicester ?

Seule équipe capable de tenir le rythme infernal imposé par Liverpool, le Leicester de Brendan Rodgers est toujours deuxième de Premier League. Mieux : dimanche, les Foxes ont établi la meilleure série de victoires de l’histoire du club en première division. Mais où s’arrêteront-ils ?

9 Dec 13:00 SO FOOT.COM 2592111252466437431.html
AMLO pide evitar “linchamiento” contra embajador en Argentina

El mandatario de México alabó las virtudes de su todavía embajador en Argentina y agregó que nadie está libre de cometer errores, luego de difundirse un video en el que se aprecia al diplomático robando un libro

9 Dec 16:58 Publimetro Perú 5349571042122704825.html
Gabriela Firea vrea modificarea Codului Rutier. „Autobuzele să poată circula pe linia de tramvai”

Gabriela Firea a anunţat, luni, că doreşte modificarea Codului Rutier, astfel încât autobuzele STB din Bucureşti să poată circula pe liniile de tramvai.

9 Dec 15:12 adevarul.ro 4510521624597562452.html
Téléphonie mobile. Un risque sur la puissance sexuelle ?

Les résultats de la première recherche au Maroc sur l’impact du téléphone portable sur les performances sexuelles chez les hommes et les femmes seront dévoilés le jeudi 12 décembre. Le questionnaire a touché 600 femmes et hommes de différentes catégories d’âge et de secteurs d’activité sur l’impact de la dépendance aux téléphones mobiles sur les performances et les capacités sexuelles. Ces résultats seront présentés par le professeur RABII Redouane, chef du département de santé sexuelle et d’urologie de l’Hôpital Universitaire International Cheikh Khalifa de Casablanca, au siège du CHU.

9 Dec 14:02 LesEco.ma 3084334528072452830.html
Drogue, alcool, sexe ? Olivier Rousteing se confie sur ses démons

Dans une interview accordée à Marie-Claire, Olivier Rousteing, directeur artistique de la maison Balmain, se confie sur les quelques démons qui...

9 Dec 12:44 Closermag.fr 1175411577907853633.html
Miss Universe 2019: Growing up in Tsolo didn’t stop her from dreaming big

Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe 2019 on Sunday night. Ntombizodwa Makhoba chatted to her just after she was crowned Miss South Africa in August. This is the interview with her that appeared in City Press on August 11 2019:

9 Dec 08:33 CityPress 437075750921564446.html
‘Sanremo 2020’, Stefano De Martino smentisce la conduzione del Dopo Festival: “Neanche per tutto l’oro del mondo!”. E sulle proposte indecenti rivela che…

Abbiamo conosciuto Stefano De Martino come concorrente della nona edizione del talent show di Canale 5, Amici condotto da Maria De Filippi. Il suo talento e la sua professionalità lo hanno aiutato ad avviare oggi la sua carriera da conduttore televisivo di Stasera tutto è possibile, il comedy show in onda su Rai 2 (come vi abbiamo raccontato QUI).

9 Dec 16:00 Isa e Chia 8427750812166980440.html
Se deschide un nou capitol în relațiile cu Moscova? Vladimir Putin și Vladimir Zelenski relansează negocierile de pace

Preşedintele francez Emmanuel Macron şi cancelarul german Angela Merkel se întâlnesc pentru prima oară cu omologii lor rus Vladimir Putin şi...

9 Dec 13:59 Stiri pe surse 4858045013933952478.html
¿Adiós Android? Huawei revela cuándo comenzará a usar Harmony OS en sus teléfonos

Harmony OS llegará más pronto de lo que esperábamos a los teléfonos de Huawei.

9 Dec 16:12 unocero 8149134707852121977.html
O companie IT fondată de antreprenori români atrage o finanţare uriaşă de la fondul de investiţii care a descoperit UiPath

Compania FintechOS, fondată în 2017 de Teodor Blidăruş şi Sergiu Neguţ, anunţă primirea unei investiţii Series A în valoare de 14 milioane USD, condusă de Digital East Fund din partea Earlybird Venture...

9 Dec 11:21 Mediafax.ro 1869610967970227729.html
El trabuco que está armando Chivas para el Clausura 2020

Chivas ya está ajustando detalles para iniciar su pretemporada de cara a la temporada 2020 y es por eso que ha ..

9 Dec 15:31 Futbol Sapiens 6108039830718930283.html
Amazon is opening an office in NYC's Hudson Yards. Here's a look inside the $25 billion development that that was financed with money meant for 'distressed' urban areas., Business Insider - Business Insider Singapore

Business Insider - Hudson Yards, the $25 billion NYC neighborhood that will be home to a new Amazon office, was financed with money meant for "distressed urban areas.". Read more at businessinsider.sg

9 Dec 17:32 www.businessinsider.sg 5090408756265875397.html
Bosch creu que les negociacions ERC-PSOE han d’incloure la situació dels presos polítics

El conseller d'Exteriors demana tranquil·litat a Sánchez perquè un acord "no serà ràpid"

9 Dec 08:52 El Punt Avui 4496725670656373029.html
Wojewoda zamknie stadion Śląska? Jest wniosek policji

Wojewoda poinformował Śląsk Wrocław o wszczęciu postępowania w sprawie meczu z Legią. Zrobił to na wniosek policji, która domaga się zamknięcia stadionu. Jeśli wojewoda się do niego przychyli, spotkanie z Lechem (sobota, godz. 17.30) odbędzie się bez publiczności.

9 Dec 17:41 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515102950332922.html
Obituario 2019: Karl Lagerfeld, reinventor del clásico

Diseñador alemán, 1933 - 19 de febrero 2019

9 Dec 16:35 La Nación 504134874875114651.html
El padre de la niña secuestrada por su madre ocho años: "Estamos muy felices"

Ha acudido a la comandancia de la Guardia Civil en Palma para dar las gracias a los investigadores que le han permitido recuperar a su hija.

9 Dec 14:36 La Información 5328999781001572958.html
Jorge Jesus vence prémio ‘Bola de Prata’ para melhor treinador do Brasileirão

O técnico português Jorge Jesus, que se sagrou campeão da liga brasileira de futebol ao serviço do Flamengo, venceu hoje o prémio ‘Bola de Prata’ da E...

9 Dec 08:50 dnoticias 6968432065599782630.html
Prediksi Chelsea vs Lille 11 Desember 2019

Prediksi skor Chelsea vs Lille, Liga Champions, UEFA Champions League, UCL, Chelsea vs Lille, Prediksi Bola 11 Desember 2019, Preview Pertandingan, Perkiraan Susunan Pemain, Head-to-Head, Statistik.

9 Dec 16:05 Bola.net 5489959029152034217.html
Francesco Guccini: “Sono troppo vecchio per esserlo…”

Francesco Guccini parla delle sardine e delle simpatie politiche Francesco Guccini è troppo vecchio per essere una sardina. A dirlo è proprio il Maestrone, intervistato da Diego Bianchi per Propaganda Live. Il cantautore emiliano spazia dal movimento nascente che si sta diffondendo in Italia passando per Matteo Renzi, i due ‘Mattei’ (Salvini e Renzi) e […]

9 Dec 17:15 KontroKultura 2573504972750013675.html
Zomrela hviezda Star Treku, americký herec René Auberjonois

Vo veku 79 rokov zomrel americký herec René Auberjonois, známy najmä ako Odo zo sci-fi série Star Trek: Stanica Deep Space Nine. Rodák z New Yorku skonal v...

9 Dec 10:02 TA3.com 2588868692884153011.html
Prazo para pagamento incentivado de dívidas com a Prefeitura termina nesta terça (10)

O PPI contempla dívidas de ISS, ITIV, TFF e outras taxas; programa oferece descontos de até 100% nas multas

9 Dec 17:29 Correio 5185786713702342331.html
Onze djihadistes français présumés renvoyés en France par la Turquie

Onze présumés djihadistes français qui étaient détenus en Turquie ont été renvoyés lundi vers leur pays, a annoncé le ministère turc de l'Intérieur.

9 Dec 08:26 LaProvence 1839381421338813678.html
Notizie Calcio – Doping, la Russia saluta Qatar 2022

La notizia clamorosa è stata rilasciata dal Comitato Esecutivo WADA: lo scandalo doping coinvolge anche la nazionale di calcio e quindi niente Mondiali 2022

9 Dec 16:12 IlMilanista.it 3960926761324921333.html
Poids lourd de l’activité pharmaceutique en Auvergne, les laboratoires Théa rayonnent bien au-delà de Clermont-Ferrand

Les laboratoires Théa, spécialisés dans l’ophtalmologie et poids lourd de l’activité pharmaceutique en Auvergne, ont commandé une étude indépendante mesurant leur impact économique réel, direct et indirect, en France, depuis leur base de Clermont-Ferrand. Pour mieux apprécier leur influence et faire passer un message.

9 Dec 10:30 La Montagne 1201252481347533778.html
John Travolta descubre un error que nadie había percibido en 'Érase una vez en... Hollywood'

El protagonista del icónico baile junto a Uma Thurman en 'Pulp Fiction' descubrió este fallo histórico que puede haber pasado desapercibido a ojos del público.

9 Dec 17:05 eCartelera 2539779481585472149.html
Clădirea Circului din Chişinău va fi reparată pe bani europeni

Experții au evaluat starea tehnică a clădirii Circului, acoperișul, subsolurile, pereții exteriori etc. În baza rezultatelor expertizei tehnice, va fi organizat la începutul anului 2020,  un concurs pentru realizarea lucrărilor de proiectare a lucrărilor

9 Dec 16:30 PUBLIKA 1679939815275796357.html
Biroul Francez Suceava invită francofonii și francofilii suceveni la Târgul de Crăciun organizat în scop caritabil. În cadrul evenimentului vor fi recitaluri de colinde în limba franceză și o expoziție de obiecte confecționate manual de elevii suceveni

Biroul Francez și Centrul de Reușită Universitară (CRU) din cadrul Universității „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava continuă cursul de limbă franceză „Le français, c’est facile!”, programat pentru miercuri, 11 decembrie, ora 17.00. Un comunicat de presă al Biroului Francez menționează că elevii cu vârste cuprinse între șapte și zece ani își vor continua aventura pe …

9 Dec 14:03 NewsBucovina 8694244032139708307.html
$120,000 banana eaten by art gallery visitor, wall vandalized

Dec. 9 (UPI) -- The $120,000 banana duct taped to the wall of a Florida art gallery was taken off the wall and eaten by a visitor -- and another visitor then replaced it with graffiti about Jeffrey Epstein.

9 Dec 17:40 UPI 8257973864787054605.html
Uczysz się programowania? Nauka Pythona na wesoło

Jak zainteresować kogoś programowaniem? Może kiedyś stanęliście przed tym wyzwaniem, a może dopiero na Was czeka. Z moich obserwacji wynika, że pokazywanie książek lub materiałów na YouTubie nie daje specjalnie dobrych rezultatów. Szczególnie gdy ktoś obok, ze stoickim spokojem stwierdza, że to proste rzeczy. Nie tędy droga. Uważam, że ciekawą alternatywą są różnego rodzaju gry, w których należy rozwiązywać zagadki. Jednak ważne jest, aby korzystały one z rozpoznawalnego języka programowania, a nie tworzyły własny, skryptowy, na potrzeby wirtualnego świata. Ostatnio, […]

9 Dec 08:10 DailyWeb 789756976665173423.html
Kvinne drept i juli - kjæresten siktet

Politiet har siktet en mann for drapet på 46 år gamle Nina Bråthen. De to skal ha hatt en kjæresterelasjon, ifølge politiet.

9 Dec 10:28 Dagbladet.no 3042595686882695645.html
Armentières : Dominique Bianchi lance sa campagne dans son nouveau QG

C’est rue de Lille, là où il y avait anciennement la boutique Phildar, que Domini...

9 Dec 16:09 La Voix du Nord 5307415665277161903.html
Godín não espera um 'Barcelona relaxado' em jogo decisivo para a Inter de Milão

A Inter de Milão faz nesta terça-feira um jogo decisivo contra o Barcelona, no estádio Giuseppe Meazza, em Milão, na luta pela classificação às oitavas de final da Liga dos Campeões da Europa.  Com sete pontos, o clube italiano está empatado na segunda colocação do Grupo F com o Borussia Dortmund, que enfrenta o Slavia Praga, na Alemanha. Como leva vantagem nos critérios de desempate, uma vitória basta contra os espanhóis para avançar.Com 11 pontos, o Barcelona já conseguiu antecipadamente a vaga nas oitavas de final e a liderança da chave, o que dá vantagem de mando de campo na próxima fase.Mesmo sem alguns de seus principais jogadores - casos de Messi, Piqué e Sergi Roberto, poupados pelo técnico Ernesto Valverde -, o zagueiro uruguaio Diego Godín não crê em relaxamento do rival em campo nesta terça-feira."O feito do Barcelona de já ser o primeiro colocado não nos dá tranquilidade. É uma equipe muito boa, uma das melhores do mundo Um time que ganhar tudo. Não espero um Barcelona relaxado, esperamos o melhor…

9 Dec 13:31 CidadeVerde.com 5160524419729148732.html
Sierre: Yves Allegro saura mardi s’il ira en prison

Le Ministère public a requis lundi quatre ans de prison ferme contre l’ancien tennisman Yves Allegro, accusé de viol et de contrainte sexuelle sur une A ...

9 Dec 17:34 www.lenouvelliste.ch 778802461598190406.html
Accident violent în capitală cu implicarea unui microbuz de pe ruta 103: Trei femei, transportate la spital

Trei persoane au ajuns la spital în această dimineață după ce un microbuz de pe ruta 103 și un camion s-au tamponat violent.

9 Dec 10:28 Jurnal.md 3315832234190501745.html
'Epstein didn't kill himself': $120,000 duct-taped banana art vandalized

A $120,000 banana taped to a wall was vandalized a second time, after a New York performance artist initially ate it.

9 Dec 17:30 Washington Examiner 4625792332553865371.html
Formule 1 : Mercedes en remet une couche sur un possible départ d’Hamilton

Champion du monde pour la sixième fois en Formule 1, Lewis Hamilton entretiendrait des contacts avec Ferrari. Une information qui n’a pas surpris Toto Wolff…

9 Dec 17:35 Le 10 Sport 6431763077918063716.html
Ryan Reynolds es un NPC en el primer tráiler de Free Guy

Se ha liberado el primer tráiler de Free Guy, el cual pone a Ryan Reynolds en el papel de un NPC en un juego estilo GTA.

9 Dec 15:45 Atomix 6373322944696061175.html
Com placar apertado, JF Imperadores bate o Galo FA e é campeão da Copa Ouro

Partida que selou o título terminou em 20 a 19 para os juiz-foranos após três prorrogações e coroou campanha com 100% de aproveitamento

9 Dec 16:24 Tribuna de Minas 7521696932664645053.html
PM registra dois homicídios em menos de três horas em Ceará-Mirim

Duas pessoas foram assassinadas na noite desse domingo (8) em Ceará-Mirim, na Grande Natal. João Paulo Santos da Silva, de 28 anos, foi morto a tiro

9 Dec 10:01 Tribuna do Norte 6004552061093196752.html
Trei medici de renume la nivel mondial sunt consilierii onorifici ai ministrului Sănătății: 'Să deschidem sistemul sanitar către lume'

Trei medici de renume la nivel internațional sunt, începând de luni, consilierii onorifici ai ministrului Sănătății, Victor Costache, cu care...

9 Dec 11:50 Stiri pe surse 4858045012004369679.html
Opérations de maintien de la paix: la contribution du Maroc expliquée par le Général de corps d'armée, El Farouk Belkhir

Le Royaume du Maroc, depuis 1960, a toujours pris part aux opérations de la paix dans des pays d’Afrique, d’Europe, d’Amérique latine et d’Asie, a affirmé, lundi à Agadir, le Général de Corps d'Armée, Commandant de la Zone Sud, El Farouk Belkhir.

9 Dec 13:27 fr.le360.ma 5827163117145004356.html
huelga París: Más de 600 kilómetros de retenciones en las vías de acceso a la capital francesa

Más de 600 kilómetros de retenciones en las vías de acceso a la capital francesa

9 Dec 09:24 La Vanguardia 8061072700135061968.html
-$0.31 Earnings Per Share Expected for Arlo Technologies Inc (NYSE:ARLO) This Quarter

Wall Street brokerages expect Arlo Technologies Inc (NYSE:ARLO) to post earnings of ($0.31) per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks Investment Research. Three analysts have provided estimates for Arlo Technologies’ earnings, with the lowest EPS estimate coming in at ($0.32) and the highest estimate coming in at ($0.29). Arlo Technologies posted earnings per […]

9 Dec 13:09 Markets Daily 6922190228463210166.html
Prodaja oružja u svetu povećana za gotovo pet odsto

Prodaja oružja u svetu porasla je za gotovo pet odsto u 2018. godini a tržištem su dominirale SAD, pokazao je...

9 Dec 14:13 N1 Srbija 7797130866176756098.html
Mañana conoceremos más sobre los indies en camino a Switch

Descubre donde y cuando ver el próximo Indie World Showcase

9 Dec 15:30 LevelUp 3760720893358134332.html
OTC clasificó al Súper Cuatro por primera vez en su historia

Un triunfazo sobre Villa San Martín de Resistencia. Pero también sobre los números y las especulaciones previas. Aunque parecía lejano, Oberá Tenis Club no perdió la fe, derrotó a los chaqueños por 96-82 y se...

9 Dec 13:36 Primera Edición 6803897641091658758.html
Golden Globes 2020 nominations full list: The Crown gets 4 nods, Marriage Story leads with 6

The nominations of the Golden Globes 2020 are here. Marriage Story, The Irishman, The Crown, Chernobyl and Unbelievable have received maximum nominations.

9 Dec 15:08 India Today 4286117814304307791.html
Gibt es 2019 weiße Weihnachten? Die Schnee-Statistik für Dezember ist eindeutig

Gibt es im Winter 2019 Schnee? Wie groß sind in diesem Jahr die Chancen auf weiße Weihnachten? Die Statistik spricht eine klare Sprache.  

9 Dec 17:12 https://www.merkur.de 6466090239678429169.html
Vetenskapsskolan mister tillståndet – 450 elever blir av med skolplats

Skolinspektionen återkallar tillståndet för den hårt kritiserade Safirskolan – tidigare Vetenskapsskolan – i Göteborg.

9 Dec 12:19 DN.SE 398730693559894254.html
Dicas para o cardápio durante a maternidade; veja o que não consumir

Foto: Pixabay/ imagens gratis Principalmente para as mães de primeira viagem, o período da maternidade é repleto de dúvidas. E a alimentação faz parte dos questionamentos. Tem sempre alguém falando sobre o que pode ou não comer, principalmente as mães de outras gerações, que vão repassando os ensinamentos.O ideal é sempre retirar as dúvidas com um médico, contando também com a ajuda de um nutricionista. Dessa forma, é possível acabar com alguns mitos, além de confirmar o que realmente deve ser retirado do cardápio.O café, por exemplo, é uma das bebidas que devem ser evitadas já que pode interferir no sono do bebê. Os chás mate, preto, branco, assim como refrigerantes e achocolatados também não são indicados.ÁlcoolSe no dia a dia comum já é bom evitar, na gravidez mais ainda. Além de atrapalhar o apetite do bebê, ele pode ser passado através do leite materno, reduzindo ainda a capacidade de absorção dos nutrientes no intestino.Se suspeitar que tem intolerância à lactose, pare de tomar leite imediatamente, assim…

9 Dec 08:22 CidadeVerde.com 5160524420636942393.html
Szwecja zagra przed Euro 2020 z tymi samymi rywalami co Polska

Piłkarze Szwecji, przeciwnicy grupowi Polaków w przyszłorocznych mistrzostwach Europy, zagrają towarzysko przed turniejem z tymi samymi rywalami co biało-czerwoni - z Rosją i Finlandią

9 Dec 16:46 sport.dziennik.pl 2589674918221664144.html
Les banques chypriotes assurent avoir nettoyé les écuries d’Augias

Les établissements de l’île, en grande difficulté en 2008, expliquent détenir moins de crédits douteux et se montrer plus regardantes sur la clientèle

9 Dec 11:45 l'Opinion 7618695066130040477.html
'Je moest eens weten hoeveel lijstjes ik al gezien heb. Wat doe ík daartussen?'

AZ-doelman Marco Bizot heeft zaterdagavond nog maar eens een clean sheet toegevoegd aan zijn toch al indrukwekkende statistieken. De 28-jarige sluitpost uit Hoorn hoefde tegen PEC Zwolle voor de 21ste keer in dit kalenderjaar geen doelpunten te incasseren. De laatste Eredivisie-doelman die dat voor elkaar kreeg, was Ed de Goey in 1991. Recordhouder Heinz Stuy is niet meer in te halen voor Bizot, die Piet Schrijvers nog wél kan passeren als hij de nul houdt tegen Ajax en Sparta. De reservedoelman van Oranje kent zijn klassiekers. "Je moest eens weten hoeveel lijstjes ik onder mijn neus geschoven kreeg. Met namen erop dat ik denk: wat doe ík daartussen?", liet hij na de 0-3 zege op PEC weten aan De Telegraaf. AZ gaat voor resultaat ondanks topper tegen Ajax: 'Niet voor sier naar Manchester' 'Lekker dat Ajax had verloren, maar het voelt heel dubbel om dat mooi te vinden'

9 Dec 08:13 VoetbalPrimeur.nl 3330313885026622819.html
La jeunesse algérienne rêve de mettre les "dinosaures" au pouvoir dans un musée

"Ce n'est pas un fossé qui s'est creusé entre les fossiles du pouvoir et les jeunes, c'est un cratère", lance Lyes, 22 ans, enveloppé dans le drapeau algérien lors d'une marche des étudiants.

9 Dec 09:32 Challenges 1086714996426430906.html
Bugetul Senatului pe 2020 ar putea fi mai mare decât anul acesta. Proiectul, introdus luni la plen

Mai multe detalii pe gandul.info

9 Dec 13:22 Gândul 5586965503311367564.html
El río Quindío, nuevo sujeto de derechos

El Tribunal Administrativo del Quindío decidió declarar este cuerpo de agua como sujeto derechos a la protección, conservación, mantenimiento y restauración, desde su nacimiento hasta su desembocadura, debido a su estado de contaminación por vertimientos sucios.

9 Dec 10:32 El río Quindio ahora es sujeto de derechos 830980553558766904.html
Patrick Balkany : la justice rejette sa troisième demande de remise en liberté

Patrick Balkany va devoir rester en prison. Pour la troisième fois, la cour d'appel de Paris a rejeté sa demande remise en liberté. Le maire de Levallois-Perret est incarcéré depuis près de trois mois pour fraude fiscale et blanchiment.

9 Dec 13:07 France Bleu 8004048437251356960.html
Sleazy Scots teacher told 16-year-old 'I would pay 20 quid to look up your skirt'

Nat McMullen pretended to spank another girl and pinned a third girl against a wall.

9 Dec 16:43 dailyrecord 552235480524079603.html
Ljouwerter bern hawwe yn Fryslân grutste kâns op earmoed

Smellingerlân, Harns, Noardeast-Fryslân, Achtkarspelen en Weststellingwerf sitte sawat op it lanlik trochsneedsifer.

9 Dec 09:18 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694933340985.html
Preview: Magic’s win streak gets put to the test against Giannis Antetokounmpo, Bucks

The Orlando Magic gear up to take on Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Eastern Conference first-place Milwaukee Bucks Monday.

9 Dec 15:00 FOX Sports 4135141642436969129.html
Robbie Williams is up for I'm A Celebrity 2020 - but wants a record breaking fee

The singer teased that he hopes to bag a record appearance fee worth of millions to sign up as he chatted to jungle hosts Ant and Dec

9 Dec 10:20 ChronicleLive 1984146902406447432.html
Japón revisa al alza el crecimiento de su PIB al 1,8% para el tercer trimestre

La economía de Japón creció entre julio y septiembre un 1,8% interanual, según los datos revisados publicados este lunes por el Gobierno nipón, que muestran una expansión muy superior a lo esperado gracias al auge del gasto de hogares y empresas.

9 Dec 09:15 elEconomista.es 9051559959613968804.html
South Asian Games: India extend lead on medals table, set to cross 300-mark on final day

India is all set to finish on top spot for the 13th time on the trot at the event.

9 Dec 17:04 Scroll.in 8669301692169364789.html
Gröna ministergruppen fortsätter som förut – "Vi har fullt förtroende för Haavisto som utrikesminister"

De gröna fortsätter i den nya regeringen precis som förr, och med samma ministrar. Partiordförande Maria Ohisalo upprepar att partiet har förtroende för utrikesminister Pekka Haavisto, som varit i blåsväder den senaste tiden.

9 Dec 17:39 HBL 7222309292724010907.html
'iPhones hebben in 2020 ruimte voor grotere accu's'

Een aanpassing in het ontwerp van de iPhone 12 zorgt ervoor dat Apple grotere accu's kan gebruiken.

9 Dec 08:01 Bright.nl 6602863322684899440.html
Fußgängerin (53) von Auto gestreift und verletzt

Schier unglaubliche Szenen spielten sich am Sonntagabend in Baumkirchen im Tiroler Bezirk Innsbruck-Land ab. Eine 53-jährige Fußgängerin wurde vom ...

9 Dec 14:40 Kronen Zeitung 8289778093714557003.html
La Lotería: El Doodle de Google que tienes que JUGAR ¡YA!

El nuevo Doodle de Google est&aacute; causando sensaci&oacute;n entre los internautas. Sin duda alguna es uno de los mejores doodles interactivos que se han convertido en tendencia.

9 Dec 11:55 La Verdad Noticias 9214464622988040972.html
No let up in Lahore’s crime rate

LAHORE: The Punjab police have failed to control crime in the provincial capital as proven by figures of 2019 in comparison with those of 2018, Pakistan Today learnt reliably on Monday.A well-plac

9 Dec 17:39 Pakistan Today 6621510370040737970.html
Consuelo Ordóñez carga contra Álvarez de Toledo

La portavoz del PP defendía que el momento político actual “es más difícil” que “cuando ETA mataba”

9 Dec 11:55 La Vanguardia 8061072699127571838.html
Turquía acusa a las feministas detenidas por cantar 'El violador eres tú' de "ofensas al Estado"

Las siete mujeres detenidas en la manifestación de este domingo podrían enfrentarse a penas de hasta dos años de cárcel

9 Dec 16:11 elPeriodico 7291954034209330832.html
Izgorela garaža, vatra zahvatila i stan: Požar u Beogradu lokalizovan

Zapalila se garaža u Ulici Vojvode Vlahovića koja služi kao magacin, nakon čega se požar preneo na stan iznad

9 Dec 15:53 Вечерње новости 4219870593573127203.html
Cosmin Preda, liderul senatorilor PSD: Moţiunea împotriva lui Florin Cîţu va trece. Avem voturile necesare

Cosmin Preda, liderul senatorilor PSD, a declarat, luni, că moţiunea simplă împotriva ministrului Finanţelor, Florin Cîţu, va fi adoptată de Senat. El a spus că sunt senatori care au votat pentru învestirea Guvernului Orban, dar care acum nu sunt mulţumiţi de deciziile economice ale Executivului.

9 Dec 14:58 Ziarul Financiar 1602913918152832985.html
Banda MS va por más fechas para la Arena de la Ciudad de México

La banda demostró el gran talento de sus integrantes con los solos que ejecutaron Alberto Lizárraga, Elías Nordahl, Jairo Osuna y David Osuna. Pusieron a bailar y a cantar al público

9 Dec 14:07 EL DEBATE 4396150893478117149.html
Nedavno su dobili ćerkicu: Nikolina i Saša Kapor okitili svoj luksuzni dom, magični detalji oduševili sve! VIDEO

Zvezde "Granda" Saša Kapor i Nikolina Kovač postali su roditelji po drugi put krejem novembra. Pevačica je na svet donela ćerkicu Nikoletu kojoj se naročito obradovao brat Nikolaj!

9 Dec 14:44 pulsonline 6050941187799859247.html
'Survivor SA' renewed for season 8 - entries now open!

If you think you can outwit, outlast and outplay now is your chance to put yourself to the test.

9 Dec 11:49 Channel24 2038030839221623745.html
The Game Awards 2019: ci sarà un annuncio a sorpresa a tema Star Wars? | Game Division

Geoff Keighly fa intendere tramite un suo tweet che durante i The Game Awards 2019 potrebbe essere una sorpresa a tema Star Wars.

9 Dec 09:00 Tom's Hardware 6640147069614075977.html
Reggio Emilia, nel 2019 la polizia ha sequestrato 479 chili di droga. VIDEO

REGGIO EMILIA – Nel corso dei servizi antidroga svolti dalla polizia in zona stazione storica, sono stati arrestati due ragazzi trovati in possesso di marijuana. Le manette sono scattate domenica mattina, nell’ambito di distinte operazioni. Nella prima è finto nei guai un 23enne, bloccato dagli agenti dopo che era sceso da un treno proveniente da […]

9 Dec 17:00 Reggionline - Quotidianionline - Telereggio - Trc - TRM 7498540332759523997.html
Dopage : l'exclusion de la Russie des Jeux olympiques est "un coup d'arrêt à sa diplomatie sportive"

Selon Carole Gomez, spécialiste du sport dans les relations internationales, la décision de l'Agence mondiale antidopage d'exclure la Fédération de Russie des Jeux olympiques pourrait remettre en question l'importance de la Russie sur la scène sportive internationale.

9 Dec 16:41 Franceinfo 1060532880027973342.html
’A big blow to the city.’ Iconic NoDa restaurant owner shot, killed

One of the owners of Charlotte-staple Brooks’ Sandwich House was shot and killed while opening up the restaurant early Monday morning, police say.

9 Dec 11:19 WBTV 6439870257862332157.html
Kinas myndigheter ska kasta ut all utländsk it

Inom tre år ska all utländsk hård- och mjukvara på kinesiska myndigheter ha ersatts med kinesisk. Det har den kinesiska regeringen bestämt.

9 Dec 09:32 Computer Sweden 1843616593826426347.html
Miss Univers : Swe Zin Htet fait son coming out, c'est la 1re miss homosexuelle

Quelques jours avant le couronnement tant attendu de Miss Univers, Swe Zin Htet, Miss Myanmar, a fait son coming out. Une première dans l'histoire du concours où personne n'avait encore proclamé ouver...

9 Dec 16:55 Purepeople 1712099803805630125.html
Collecte de sang à Trois-Pistoles

Les pompiers des casernes 51 de Trois-Pistoles, 50 de Saint-Jean-de-Dieu et 52 de Saint-Simon vous invitent à la collecte de sang qui se tiendra le mardi 17 décembre, entre 13 h 30 et 20 h, à École secondaire de Trois-Pistoles située au 455, rue Jenkin. L’objectif de cet évènement est d’accueillir 125 donneurs.

9 Dec 11:02 Info Dimanche 5127992005697219140.html
El Oceanogràfic de Valencia supera en noviembre el récord de 1,5 millones de visitantes

Avanqua registra un incremento de público durante tres años consecutivos

9 Dec 11:40 ABC.es 6074573463319704304.html
Dan Osborne hails his ‘jungle queen’ as wife Jacqueline Jossa wins I’m A Celeb

She defeated Andy Whyment and Roman Kemp.

9 Dec 09:02 Breaking News 4415806918394338004.html
Pierwszy zwiastun filmu Free Guy, czyli jak Ryan Reynolds odkrył, że jest NPC-em uwięzionym w wieloosobowym sandboksie

W sieci pojawił się pierwszy zwiastun komediowego filmu akcji Free Guy z Ryanem Reynoldsem w roli głównej, który (jako Guy właśnie) odkrywa coś dziwnego.

9 Dec 17:30 Gram.pl 2394057653515838744.html
Halucinant! Cum au reacționat anchetatorii după ce prietena Luizei Melencu a spus cuvinte acide la adresa lui Gheorghe Dincă

Astăzi, una dintre prietenele Luizei Melencu a fost audiată, iar după ce a răspuns seriei de întrebări, ea a făcut declarații în fața jurnaliștilor.

9 Dec 14:25 Cancan.ro 636482384477283991.html
Juice Wrld voulait «devenir connu et simuler sa mort»

Le rappeur américain, dont la carrière était en pleine ascension, est décédé dimanche à Chicago à l'âge de 21 ans, ont annoncé les autorités locales. Un vieux tweet refait surface.

9 Dec 08:14 L'essentiel 554828747540615627.html
Nokia 2.3: un nuovo smartphone low cost con autonomia fino a 2 giorni

Da Nokia arriva un nuovo cellulare dotato di un ampio schermo da 6 pollici e prezzo di 129 euro

9 Dec 10:00 Today 178378749836619725.html
Eat For 10 Hours. Fast For 14. This Daily Habit Prompts Weight Loss, Study Finds

There's a lot of enthusiasm for intermittent fasting -- a term that can encompass everything from skipping a meal each day to fasting a few days a week. Or, how about this approach: Simply limit your daily eating window to 10 hours. This means that if you take your first bite of food at 8 a.m., you'...

9 Dec 12:23 science.slashdot.org 3975130316441474952.html
Légende de la finance, Paul Volcker est mort

L'ancien président de la Fed est décédé dimanche à l'âge de 92 ans, selon la presse américaine.

9 Dec 14:28 L'essentiel 554828746458601411.html
Brânwacht befrijt frou dy't mei holle klem sit yn stoel

Dêrnei is se oerdroegen oan personiel fan de ambulânse.

9 Dec 10:16 Omrop Fryslân 8239175694094114270.html
Un volleyeur du centre de formation des Spacer's Toulouse a-t-il été victime de cris racistes en plein match ?

Le joueur du centre de formation des Spacer's, le club de volley de Toulouse, Abdel-Aziz Doumbia, aurait été la cible de cris racistes venus du public lors d'une rencontre. Les faits remontent au 24 novembre dernier...

9 Dec 13:29 LADEPECHE.fr 6678766071268809425.html
2020, libera scelta di gomme per chi parte dai box

È stata modificata la norma che era costata uno stop&go a Kimi Raikkonen nell'ultimo Gran Premio d'Italia. Ridefinito anche l'accesso per i giovani piloti alle prove libere del venerdì

9 Dec 17:00 FormulaPassion.it 8211510655734035349.html
Bart De Wever: "Paul Magnette a le goût de sa bouillie arc-en-ciel, il faudra beaucoup de dentifrice flamand"

Il est l'un des hommes du jour vers lesquels se tournent les regards. Bart De Wever pourrait-il se voir confier une mission royale ? Le président de la N-VA ne l'exclut pas mais il prévient déjà que ce ne sera pas pour faire de la...

9 Dec 14:12 RTBF Info 2262420857143462775.html
South Africa’s Zozibini Tunzi Wins Miss Universe 2019 (+Photos)

The 68th edition of the Miss Universe competition, was held on December 8, 2019 at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, the United States. Catriona Gray of the Philippines crowned her successor Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa by the end of the event. Zozibini Tunzi was crowned Miss Universe Sunday night after excelling through rounds […]

9 Dec 13:45 GhBase.com 8689748846932341442.html
Ourense: DO y PP presentan sus primeros presupuestos para Ourense: 103,1 millones de gastos y 4,7 de inversión real

Gonzalo Jácome destaca que se «ve la luz para salir del hoyo» tras estar cinco años con las cuentas prorrogadas

9 Dec 09:38 La Voz de Galicia 3932226612631325694.html
Copom realiza última reunião do ano com expectativa de queda da Selic

O Comitê de Política Monetária (Copom) do Banco Central (BC) realiza amanhã (10) e quarta-feira (11) a última reunião deste ano para definir a taxa básica de juros da economia (Selic), atualmente em 5% ao ano. A expectativa é de uma nova redução da Selic em 0,5 ponto percentual para 4,5% ao ano.

9 Dec 12:19 Diário dos Campos 7202937204388830177.html
Publication d'images choquantes: Le CORED rappelle à l'ordre le...

La publication des images choquantes des talibés enchainés dans l’affaire Ndiagne, ainsi que celles des candidats à l’émigration morts noyés sur les côtes mauritaniens, faite par les média...

9 Dec 14:44 PRESSAFRIK.COM , L'info dans toute sa diversité (Liberté - Professionnalisme - Crédibilité) 4111601368695073815.html
Miss Universe 2019 komt uit Zuid-Afrika

De nieuwe Miss Universe komt uit Zuid-Afrika. Het gaat om de 26-jarige Zozibini Tunzi, die iedereen overtuigde met haar pleidooi om jonge vrouwen meer te leren over leiderschap. De tweede en derde plaats waren voor Miss Puerto Rico en Miss Mexico. “Een van de belangrijkste zaken die we jonge meisjes vandaag moeten bijbrengen, is leiderschap”,

9 Dec 15:03 Zita 7484176338389415676.html
My stepmother told me she wasn’t required to file my father’s will — then she left his house and investments to her kids

‘Her adult children gave me a box of my father’s old family photographs they found in storage.’

9 Dec 15:29 MarketWatch 8975941548387447301.html
Máxima indignación por un titular de Matías Prats y Mónica Carrillo en 'Antena 3 Noticias'

La edición nocturna de las noticias de Matías Prats y Mónica Carrillo han recibido un aluvión de críticas por la forma de contar una noticia

9 Dec 12:34 El Confidencial 6129807548576812157.html
“Motochorros” asesinaron a un suboficial de la Armada

Ocurrió el domingo último en el conubarno bonaerense. La víctima, identificada como Ariel Montoya, de 37 años, estaba en la zona visitando a familiares.

9 Dec 13:39 Primera Edición 6803897641419083153.html
Warum sieht Steve nach 70 Jahren so jung aus?

Der erste Trailer zum «Wonder Woman»-Sequel zeigt: Chris Pines Steve Trevor hat nicht nur überlebt – er sieht im Jahr 1984 auch noch so frisch aus wie damals 1918.

9 Dec 10:51 20 Minuten 5741369452848567699.html
L’ETT dénonce le brouillage de la transmission en direct de la plénière de dimanche sur Al Wataniya 2

L’établissement de la télévision tunisienne (ETT) a dénoncé le brouillage de la transmission en direct de la plénière de dimanche 8 décembre

9 Dec 13:05 African Manager 933752095579510773.html
Un nou contingent al Armatei Naţionale pleacă în Kosovo

Operaţiunea KFOR, desfășurată în conformitate cu rezoluția 1244 a Consiliului de Securitate ONU, reprezintă dorinţa noastră de a ne alătura ţărilor care contribuie la securitatea regională şi internaţională şi de a demonstra că dispunem de ofiţeri şi sub

9 Dec 10:36 PUBLIKA 1679939813802785721.html
OPPO Reno3 Pro akan Punya Layar OLED 90 Hz dan RAM 12 GB

OPPO sudah memberikan isyarat bahwa mereka akan merilis OPPO Reno3 Pro pada akhir bulan ini. Nah! Bocoran terbaru dikatakan bahwa OPPO Reno3 Pro punya layar dengan refresh rate 90 Hz dan RAM sebesar 12 GB.

9 Dec 09:30 DroidLime 2345565947320997074.html
Great deal: Get a pair of Microsoft Surface USB-C-to-USB adapters for just $9.98

Unlike most of the Surface devices, the new Surface Pro X and Surface Go only come with an USB-C port, so your existing USB-A based accessories cannot be connected directly. To solve this problem, Microsoft last year released Surface USB-C-to-USB Adapter which adds standard USB functionality to your USB-C port to connect flash drives, keyboards, …

9 Dec 14:50 MSPoweruser 1651641551402957048.html
Patentli akademisyenler işadamlarıyla buluşuyor

Sanayiyle iç içe bir Uludağ Üniversitesi hedefleyen BUÜ Rektör Prof. Dr. Saim Kılavuz, üniversite bünyesindeki patent sahibi hocalar ile sanayicileri buluşturmaya başladıklarını, bu patentlerin ticarileşmesi için ortak fikir ve projeler geliştirileceğini

9 Dec 15:02 OLAY 7935247626373744770.html
Grip veya nezleyseniz, bu besinlerin tüketimine ara verin!

Dyt. Aslıhan Altuntaş, üst solumun yolu enfeksiyonlarında uzak durulması gereken besinler hakkında bilgi verdi

9 Dec 10:42 HABER 61 8391886868458621290.html
Tabu’s Picture With Mira Nair During Lucknow Shoot Of ‘A Suitable Boy’ Goes Viral

Mira Nair took to Twitter to share a picture with Tabu, taken on the last day of Lucknow schedule of A Suitable Boy. Mira Nair and Tabu are seen sitting on a cart, having a good laugh together along with two more members from the movie crew.

10 Dec 12:19 https://www.filmibeat.com 7601703244149774366.html
Inarcassa, Santoro: “Previdenza è pensare al futuro già nel presente”

"È indispensabile costruirsi un percorso previdenziale sin dai primi anni di attività professionale"

9 Dec 17:14 AvellinoToday 5452883947354196978.html
Ministro de Energía anunció en COP25 el cierre adelantado de 4 centrales de generación a carbón

El Ministro de Energía, Juan Carlos Jobet, anunció el cierre adelantado de algunas de las centrales de generación a carbón. La noticia la dio a conocer el secretario de Estado...

9 Dec 17:36 Pagina 7 4371131343465897991.html
Scotland at Euro 2020 – what Russia doping ban means for Steve Clarke’s side

RUSSIA have been handed a four-year ban from all major sporting events – but will still deny Scotland an automatic place at Euro 2020. We told you last month how the world’s largest nat…

9 Dec 11:53 The Scottish Sun 6609127674358795426.html
Mercato - Barcelone : Abidal serait enfin fixé pour cet ancien de Ligue 1 !

Surveillé par le FC Barcelone, Amine Harit aurait finalement pris la décision de prolonger son contrat avec son club de Schalke 04.

9 Dec 12:00 Le 10 Sport 6431763077013206226.html
Krzysztof Piątek nie boi się transferu Zlatana Ibrahimovicia

– Możemy grać razem – tak Krzysztof Piątek skomentował plotki o transferze Zlatana Ibrahimovicia do AC Milan. Słynny Szwed jest obecnie bez klubu.

9 Dec 14:43 Przegląd Sportowy 6762515103075193639.html
Zginął na własnym wieczorze kawalerskim. Podejrzany odpowie za zabójstwo? Jest opinia

To miały być ostatnie chwile życia kawalerskiego. Okazały się ostatnimi w całym życiu przyszłego pana młodego. Zginął raniony w serce. Biegli z zakresu psychiatrii orzekli, że podejrzany o zabójstw...

9 Dec 17:55 TVN24 1473549322655597926.html
Mladoženja se zaledio u sekundi: Žena uletela na venčanje i viknula: "Trebalo je ja da budem mlada!"

Mladenci i gosti zbunjeno su gledali u ženu koja je u venčanici uletela na svadbu i prekinula prvi ples

9 Dec 16:03 Вечерње новости 4219870593138328567.html
El porqué de que Piketty no cuente en el PSC

«Cuanto más nivel de renta y más nivel de estudios, más favorable es el catalán a la autodeterminación»

9 Dec 09:10 ABC.es 6074573462244092367.html
Liga Mistrzów. Napoli - Genk. Carlo Ancelotti: Arkadiusz Milik wyzdrowiał

Trener Napoli Carlo Ancelotti jest optymistą przed wtorkowym meczem LM 2019/20 z Genkiem. - Milik? Ma się dobrze. Będzie do dyspozycji - zapowiada.

9 Dec 15:34 WP SportoweFakty 8463263968945144975.html
Güzelleşmek isteyenlerin tercihi Türkiye oluyor

Türk Dermatoloji Derneği Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Prof. Dr. Recep Dursun, Türkiye'nin güzellik alanında çok geliştiğini belirterek, "Dünyaya önderlik yapacak düzeye geldik. Özellikle Avrupa'dan çok sayıda hasta, güzellik için Türkiye'ye geliyor" dedi.

9 Dec 09:03 Mynet Kadın 3212732940053610717.html
Rosenblatt Securities: Apple al lavoro su sei modelli di “iPhone 12”

Rosenblatt Securities ha delineato le sue aspettative per i modelli di iPhone che si aspetta di vedere nel 2020, con ben sei modelli di iPhone 12.

9 Dec 15:35 iPhone Italia 4721978889951708222.html
Laurita Fernández y Nicolás Cabré, a los besos en Playa del Carmen

El actor y la bailarina se fotografiaron mimándose en la playa. Están relajándose antes de darle inicio a la temporada teatral en Mar del Plata.

9 Dec 10:49 Todo Noticias 8077539162212777557.html
El equipo de Ghersetti perdió por la mínima

Mantova Stings, con Mario Ghersetti, sufrió este domingo una ajustada derrota en juego válido por la fase regular de la Serie A2, segunda categoría del básquetbol italiano. Como local, cayó por 75-74 ante Basket Ravenna. Ghersetti, exIndependiente y Unión y Progreso, fue parte del quinteto inicial de su equipo y aportó 11 puntos y 3 […]

9 Dec 15:37 El Eco 4177735524526789644.html
Deputados do PSL vão ao TSE para pedir desfiliação

Os advogados da Aliança pelo Brasil estão elaborando um pedido formal ao TSE de desfiliação por "justa causa" dos 18 deputados punidos pelo PSL na semana passada...

9 Dec 12:24 O Antagonista 1037429653908609005.html
El trol de Bad Religion: "Abrazaría a Greg y le pediría disculpas sinceras"

Aaron Romera, el joven que llamó "gordo", "calvo" y "vendido" al cantante del grupo punk en el Doctor Music Festival de 1996, rememora el legendario episodio

9 Dec 17:35 elPeriodico 7291954033774553212.html
CROW admits 5,000th patient of 2019, a hawk showing effects of poisoning

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) says they're taken in their 5,000th animal rescue of the year, an 11% increase in total patients over last year.

9 Dec 14:04 Fox 4 8372747777925890803.html
Madrugada movida: un sismo de 4.8 despertó a los sanjuaninos

A las 2:04 los que tienen el sueño más liviano y otros que no tanto vieron la noche de sueño interrumpida por el "show de la placas". ¿Lo sentiste?

9 Dec 09:00 Tiempo de San Juan 3032131158409496951.html
VIDEO Liderul PSD Arad, ridicat de anchetatori din sediul partidului, în dosarul privind fapte de corupție la Vama Nădlac în care sunt vizați trei parlamentari

Și președintele PSD Arad, deputatul Dorel Căprar, a fost ridicat de procurori și ofițeri din sediul PSD Arad și dus la audieri, în dosarul vizând acte de corupție la punctul de lucru al

9 Dec 14:33 HotNews 5099222562346408417.html
No Android 10/One UI 2.0 beta program coming for the Galaxy Fold

In the least surprising news of the day, Samsung has confirmed that there will be no One UI 2.0 beta program for the Galaxy Fold, its company's costliest mobile device in the market right now. The con

9 Dec 15:46 SamMobile 1601131850624934709.html
PlayStation 5 Pro está nos planos da Sony

A declaração do vice-presidente de hardware da empresa deixa claro que um ciclo de lançamento de um console não é suficiente para acompanhar os avanços tecnológicos da indústria

9 Dec 14:46 Olhar Digital 416591714621356065.html
SEA Games 2019 - Video Aksi Tengil Randu, Pevoli Indonesia yang Sukses Bikin Panas Publik Filipina

Nama I Putu Randu Wahyu Pradana menjadi sorotan dalam aksinya memperkuat Tim Voli Putra Indonesia di ajang SEA Games 2019 di Filipina

9 Dec 09:49 BolaSport.com 4603768436511188535.html
Pferd: Mann bindet sein Tier ans Auto – dann gibt er Vollgas

Ein Pferd wird mit einem Seil an ein Pickup gebunden. Der Fahrer gibt Vollgas. Das hat Folgen. Hier erfährst du mehr.

9 Dec 10:57 Thüringen24 7206317296182361858.html
Will Smith pasó la noche en medio del frío para crear conciencia sobre los ‘homeless’

El actor, además, dio un discurso en el Times Square, de Nueva York (EE. UU.) donde pidió a todos sus compatriotas tener empatía con los más necesitados. - Pulzo.com

9 Dec 11:16 pulzo.com 8971816787249453013.html
Miriana Trevisan: chi è, età, carriera, Mike Bongiorno e curiosità

Miriana Trevisan è una delle showgirl più belle, conosciute e apprezzate della televisione italiana.

9 Dec 14:55 AmalfiNotizie.it 717382460450937365.html
Tesla va facturer l’option premium connectivity à 9,99 dollars par mois

Proposé gratuitement jusqu'à présent, ce service (utilisant les données mobiles) sera payant à partir du 1er janvier 2020. Le pack standard connectivity avec la navigation seulement restera gratuit.

9 Dec 10:05 Next INpact 808704268598808358.html
Bugetul Senatului pe 2020 ar putea fi mai mare decât anul acesta: Proiectul a fost introdus luni la plen

Teodor Meleșcanu a anunțat, luni, că pe ordinea de zi a Biroului permanent a fost introdus punctul privitor la proiectul de hotărâre care...

9 Dec 16:15 Stiri pe surse 4858045013859738010.html
'Acillik durumunuz yok' denilerek ambulansa alınmayan hasta, ölümden döndü

Trabzon'un Yomra ilçesinde, şiddetli göğüs ağrısıyla fenalaşan Cihani Rıza Üzülmez (46), çağrılan sağlık ekiplerince 'acillik durumunuz yok, polikliniğine başvurun' denilerek ambulanstan indirildi. Aradan geçen 3 dakika sonra yeniden fenalaşan Üzülmez, bu sefer aynı sağlık ekibi tarafından hastaneye kaldırıldı. Akciğerindeki zarda yırtılma olduğu tespit edilen Üzülmez’in şikayeti üzerine sağlık görevlileri hakkında idari soruşturma başlatıldı.

9 Dec 12:46 Yeni Şafak 1729259404074477079.html
Javier Mascherano regresa al fútbol argentino 14 años después

El exjugador del Barça es presentado como jugador de Estudiantes de La Plata ante 15.000 hinchas

9 Dec 11:03 La Vanguardia 8061072699260446463.html
El Oceanogràfic supera en noviembre su récord anual de 1,5 millones de visitas

Casi la mitad de los visitantes (49%) son extranjeros, por un 31% de nacionales y un 20% de locales

9 Dec 12:24 Levante-EMV 7042984478247546496.html
Investissement immobilier : le dispositif Pinel reconduit en 2020

Les réductions d’impôts pour les particuliers investissant, sous conditions, dans un logement neuf destiné à location sont reconduites en 2020. La loi Pinel fera également l’objet d’une expérimentation en Bretagne. Nos conseils.  

9 Dec 08:40 FranceSoir 2214281690606936223.html
Deal: Save up to $300 on Bose Headphones, Speakers, and Home Audio

Bose always makes high quality premium audio products and it is hard to find huge discounts on them. Amazon US today has a sale on Bose products and you can save up to $300 on Bose Headphones, Speakers, and Home Audio. This sale includes new Bose products like Bose Noise Cancelling Wireless Bluetooth Headphones 700, …

9 Dec 17:56 MSPoweruser 1651641550801877433.html
'Rocket Man' and 'The Dotard,' redux

Kim Jong Un is maintaining a balance of terror with the North Korean people, who have no means to escape.

9 Dec 14:00 TheHill 355432919575656797.html
Spaziergänge mit der Hundedame Paula: Jetzt führt Paula via Buch durch die Straßen von Graz

Neuerscheinung. Die erfolgreiche Serie der Kleinen Zeitung liegt nun als Buch vor. Die besten Grazer Spaziergänge von Christian Weniger, Karl Kubinzky und der Cockerspanieldame Paula in einem Band.

9 Dec 16:07 www.kleinezeitung.at 5939150699025596285.html
Vele di Scampia: povertà a cielo aperto/ Napoli, diritto alla casa e ‘Quinto Stato’

Vele di Scampia: cosa sono? Il degrado "a cielo aperto" nella periferia Napoli. "Gomorra", diritto alla casa e il "Quinto Stato": l'inchiesta di Iannacone

9 Dec 16:58 IlSussidiario 495412293304330949.html
Reign Disick, 4, Asks Santa For A Puppy For Christmas In Sweetest Video Ever — Watch

Reign Disick was captured passing along his Christmas wish, asking for a puppy for the upcoming holiday.

9 Dec 14:28 Hollywood Life 1852895046907320830.html
Cardi B Talks Motherhood And Getting Back With Offset After Cheating Scandal: ‘A Lot Of People Were So Mad At Me’

This month, Vogue is celebrating powerful women who are not only creatives forces in Hollywood but are also mothers -- and one of those fearless women is Cardi B. RELATED: Billie Eilish, Green Day, Cardi B And More Read ‘Mean Tweets’ On ‘Kimmel’ Looking stunning on the January 2020 cover with her daughter Kulture, the…

9 Dec 12:33 ET Canada 6735490619260506272.html
Les pilotes Hyundai ont assuré le show à Monza

Ce dimanche à Monza, les quatre pilotes Hyundai engagés s'en sont donné à coeur joie pour divertir le public parsemé du circuit italien.

9 Dec 11:32 Rallye Sport 7166311327947040800.html